The Morning Record, June 10, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 10, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Mfhtfol 1>mU> of Two, Mooa InJorlM to thro* Xoro.
AUMd Oolo^ Body xatorally
Torn to PlooM.
■M*m« tetth Mad iB &M thu T»e
Mtmm tnm TarrlbU XajaflaB-:p)aat
W C.W. BakA. MV lUa Xtaks. OovplaMj OM^Iahad b7 BaU«

fBailti Oaek*a

lajvtoa an

Sarta^Bd Priaa aad Vnak OMata

UaMWBOttba tarribU dlaaatv that
eamhwt U Um avly wsraliw
Plfa Lake.
dar Boralar^t T e’aleek, aad naattad
In (be taaUnt death ol Alfred Oale. the
death within two honre of MeielUa
dmlth and the earlOM and perbapc the
-fatal Injury of ChvlM Cook. The
boilar In the eaw nil! of C. F. Read,
eltaatad flee mllea went of Fife Lake,
exploded half an bonr after the mill
etarted Is the morninr, demollihlnf;
the Bill, bltfwinr the boKer to bite and
Ipjvlnfl more or lean eeriooely flee
The BlU had haen eUrted In the
Bornlof. and had been ran for half an
honr, when enrlnear John Hawthorne
atapped from the bnlldlnr tor a time,
oaUlac Albert Oola. the flier aad fen
oral aapariateadant of tba foree. to
eara lor tha aafllae. man waa V that
tleae ahent 00 ponada of ataaai on and
tha boliv at leaat two-thirds loll of
Within a Caw Blantea, jaat as Haw
thaena WM retanalaff to the alU. he
heard tha ataamaaci ping tbroa«htbe
aafety nalea. aad jaat than a tarrtbla
ntfiaieo oeenmd. which completaly
wfodmd tha wheU atrnetan. The
CnflMta of the btaidlng wan blown
high la the air, and faU orer the adU
jnrd. haylac enrythlnr in dabrU.
Tha week of raaeae waa barnn at
OMa by tha wvkan in the yard and
theaa who bad aaeapad from the mill
without aarknu injnry. Bmlth, 'the
adyv. waa taken from tha wreak In an
anaonaelou condittaa, and waa found
to be terribly eraahad and man|tled.All
of tha riba on bin left aide wen brok
an, aad he wae otberwiaa torn and
eraahad He waa taken to hU home,
whan bla wife aad babe wen waiting,
and eared for as beat eould be done.
He aanr ngidnad eonarionaneea. and
died la lam than two hove.
Ohvlm Cook, the eetwr on the
ringa, waa fonnd with hla body ernahed
^nndv tba falling dabrle of the rained
Jkni. and hte head hanging from what
bean-an npatalra window. Tha
blood waa pouring from hie month in
a^raatatraam.bnthaniBiiagnd to any
^t-inAhe halpan who won tiytag to re: ' lanao him: "1 as an good v doad. boyu.
^ B^aomeof tha othv fallowa.
^ ww nlaaaad from the Isprla
timbmu. nhd tba work Of taking othaea
from the «7**k prnrtma mpidly.
MM of them being eery nartonal:
jnrad. tbon^ thaie arare few who aa­
eapad wlthont aome hvL
for eome time the reaeneru did not
loentathebadyofOala.wbobad baen
la eharge of tba aagUn PlaaUy. la
tha wreak of tha angina room, they
loaad one of hla feat, wUeh had bean
torn off between the knee and ankle.
Than tha body waa men lying about
leo foot from tho plaoe wham Cola bad
baaa atanding. There wu' not a reetige of clothing loft npon'.bto body
with the axoepUon of htoahoaa and
aoeks. The left leg and hip had bean
tore aomplataly from Mm body, and
ware lying about ton feel away.- The
oheet wee ernahed In. the ribe were
brakan aad pretradad from the body,
and erery hair etobd atralgbt on and.
Tba eym were dUatad with horror, and
tha h^ waa a horribla alght. Obia
baa a wife llriag at Pita LAka,to which
plaaa the body waa taken.
,Ab anon aa tha explonion had oeeurfid. man burrlad to FUa Lake aad
Klngriay fv phynlelana. Dr. Br
con of Cngriey. aad Dr. Walien of
Fife Lnha, enme at onoe. Newe of tho
ntoaali- ruaehed thto elty, and Dr. W.
B. Moon aad C. F. Bead, the owner of
ttte T-ni, atnrted at ooee to the eeane
of tho tragedy. Dole and Smith were
dMd. but there wna atm bopaofaariag
the Ute of Cook, aad Dr. Moon ga?e
him prompt attantton draariag hu
woudaaad making him aeeamfertahUMptMiUa. Daring thtooparatloa
Cook dl^layod the anma narrethatbe
bad ahowa whan tha tuMoan ftrat
Teamed him.
Juatlaa SpvUag of Klngaloy. waa on
the aeana before tha arrieal of Om
Moon,aad he ampnnalnd tba foUowlng
jury: J. Brownaon. W. H. Jarman, J.
B. Monree. sBalph Oaae, Daeki Wya
koop. Wariay SpvUag.
Aftvwttnamtng thepeeae. riewiag
(Ooattnaad on third page.)

Xa >M OhaM AtMr • Vtcra rtw4 who
MueandaTowe Vaita Hh th«
nnd BalMi ts Sto OoOa.
Hew Orleane. inn «—Tha popnlatlen
of Wvt Baton Bogae to andv arse
aaareUagCeranagrosnrdanr named
Hoah Pritchard, who mnfdand a
young whtu man, Balyh Mvlv. at
Darall Thandaj, ^laruntly wlthont
eaaae. Loat nh^t bo ntnraad to
DneaUaaa rialtlng the howa when
tha body of Marlor was laid oat aad
oyomad fln on tha eerpaa. putting oeroral bnlleto Into tha noCfln.
There were no mad ab^t and the
women alttlng up with the eorpee, fled.
When aereral man eaoM up la reply to
tha aereama of the woman. Pritchard
opened Are on them and fled to the eaat
of Baton Boguc. Apome atvted attar
him but after be had ahot a deputy
aherifl and cent ballete through the
eoaia of eeTcral otheiu he eneoaeded in
hiding In the wooda nev /.aeharia. He
la enrroanded by a number of armed
•men and there la little ebanee of hla
eecaping. As a conaequence of the
Pritcbard'.affalr eonalderab'.e raee fric­
tion preTcIla in Weat Baton B^e and
rwultad today in the killing of a negro
ateed Maaon on the Bota plantation.

NO Mium CALL !£T
Police Force Buffleient to Cope
With Bt. Louis Strlkera.
I OoTernw Stevcaa
OecUaed to Ordw Oot tb*e Troopa—
•aretml Attempu to Wrack Street
Oars Froeeolhd by
Were Fired bnl Bone Injured,
St. Lonto. Jone 6-John Powete. a
Philadelphia FrWlw to take-tha place
of a atrikw. to at the heapltal hopalaaaly laame. One day’s work on a Tran'
ait oospuy av Bhattarad hla narrea.
St Loato,JBBs »—Attar aoafarriag
withbnataaaa mas. tba pollea board,
memhennf the pome comltatm aad
othnn aU iMt night and today. Oor
to the atata
cartel tonight witbmt baring Isaued
a call ordering out the mUlUa. The
Aresee last alght wu held fv the
pnrpoM of dleeorming reaaona which
wonld fortify tha governor in hla detarmlnatlon not ta order
YeaUrday Chief of Police Campbell
aUted that the situation wu mare
aarlou than at any time elnee the in­
auguration of the strike, tha police depvtmut waa nnabla to oope with It
and eonld not prevent dlaordar. Soma
great praaanra hu hroaght to bev
npon the ehlaf fv today aad It wu
aUtod Uat the poUee foree aad p
eamilaina wu atroag aaoagh to protack the TrunaU care aad prevent an
OBthraak. Ihu forUfted the goveraw
decllaad to call out the rnmtla. Qari
weru run ow thru man Uau (oeight.
Marital. LaeMaaadOliea otrautwlth
UUla latartarama.
At Mlath and
Mvkat etruto eara ware ataaad oa the
outbound trip, bat a huvy detail
fromAho barraeka dtoperead thaert
Aa attempt wu made to wreck a
Santbera elaotrie cv at Broadway


A pair of baby’a aboee madA
FBEE for ererr baby bora


Uga aa to Ov <
Taman Protaata Agataat Xmrga Fw

Asariena Xarinau OrttoradOat.
•pselaltetbe Mcfetef Usenid.
Sbaa^iri. Jnaa»-ThuagLl Yamaa
bu wotmtad to tha fwrign dlplosata
agalnat the praaanee of laige foreign
foroca- Be aaya it cannot be only fv
I of the lagaUona; they
are really the MUbUabsent of a garriam in the capital of an :
friendly aUte. The Amvlean mlaalon
at Pel Tang Cboo waa deairoyed Jnne.
8. The miaaionarias eaeapad. Panting
Fu ia now burning The Tipn Tain
railway hu finally ceased operutioka
Tien Tain, June U—Tung Chow Vi**
tlon, near Pekin. U reported burning as
the reeult of tba Boxer raid. A rescue
party is going from Pekin and United
Sutes Miulstcr Conger has ordered a
detaebment of American marines to
march to thu scene. It la feared the
Tung Chow uhristlans will be massa­
cred. The imperial edict issued today
dcecrlbes the Boxaru as honest hut
slightly mlagolded paUloU.
The Chinese troopa dUpaebad against
theboxnraara ratnrnlog to Ln Tai.
The Chlnaae general Mleh'a tro^ va
m tha rarga of mntiny.
BagVabaad Baropaaa opinion to rapidiy
aryatnlleingintaTOrof forcibly dep£stng ttic dowager Bmpraaa of China aad
the raatoraUoa of tha amperarbytbe
of the powara v tha
only aolntlea of tha Chlaau vials.
Tha mut algnlfieant tontelS of this
policy to that It jmv^fv a edmpleu'
tut of Bnaala'a alnoMty. Drava
plekwa are dlrutoA. agalut BuaaUA
•eorat moUvu aad b^ ralatlou with
the Internal trouhlu in Chiu wonld
ba awapt awayif aba would remain reaerredly with the othv natlou la the
ItU solely owiag to the futthat no
goveramant exupt tha United Stetu
approaehu the Chineu problem dis­
tinct from a bru
uUon, that action hu been paaalyted
until only an axtentlva demonstration
of force wlU now be adequate.
Wuhingtu, June 0—All B
powers are loohiag to Washington fv
a algo u to the pvt this
la willing to play in Chlnalo the poaaiblUtyotaaltnaUonuatupendou l£t
Itthnproaldentbuamwt'-delluto and difficult
doty before him In ao dlrecUag Minis'
tv Oongv aad ow naval offieera ia
Ohiaau wataru that they vriU take
mut cffutlve meant of proteeUng
American Intcrula ia Chiaa wlthont
iavolvlag the govarninoBt la uta
liagaUlaaeu with othv powers,
ha plaeod In a poalttoa of nnauiMlag
to any net of aggrauloa toward the

BeototiBS He did. aot Oaptnre
More Biff Quns.

diaparuiag the men aftv uvaral ahota
Bugllffa People Belieea Ba Should
ware fired into the crowd. So fv
report none wwe hit.
Have Wore Bffaetually Stripped
Boara of Means fv Fnrthv Bulai

At the baaaar doputment of tha

Patent •
Kid Oxford


la a Tory beantital ahoo—It
ia deUgbtfolly euy—fita |>erfoctly—doesn’t gapo at nde*
nor Blip At tbg heel-ItisAl.
so QnnsoAny eerricoAble.

100pl«»,«t............................... SOMOh
Oome and see them.

ShoM $3.00.

Queen Quality'



light and


Of full and winter clothing for meu. boye and children will be
open in Frank Friedrich’a old store, Xa llJ' Front street.

Queen Quality shoes can be
bought in Travoree City
only of

June 12th and 13th.


Yon are ibost welcome to inspect this.line, which is bandied
by all leading clolbiers of the largest citiea.

Shonld not misa to attend, as the aaaortment in the way of cata
little Suits, lop Coats, Beefers, Storm Oosu is aimply
Here yon can order exclosire styles.

At the (fid stand.
Tnveru City's



auMn Qaality

Leading Shu

The IMO "Zvo" Ulateiu vrUl be uhown.

ToemUy and Wndaeadaf*

Minute Rates Other Stores May Try
o but they Can’t Equal

.Ispheminff, Iron Monntain
end other

Our great values in Men's ^u|ts at $4.98, $7.98,
$9.98. These are all worth about 50 per ceot. more—
The lots consist of one and two of a kind, broken sizes in
each lot, but all sizes in the entire assortment. Come to*
morrow and see these.


Upper Peninsula
New Line,

We Don’t Let Them
Undersell Us

Low Sotoo

is Reducing Prices
on Shoes.
I Will Eo Them Ote Bener, ami .
make 30 per cent. Reductioc oc |
the Best Shoes in The market. |


Speelal leTbr WoniiBC RMonl.
London, Jane 9Tr43rut dtoappolntment to caused ia minUtvla] qavtera
at what to regained as the inoompleteaeuofBoberto' victory In Pretoria
There la adtepoaltloB to blame tba
vletorlona field maiuhal. Few people
doubted that the capture of Pretoria
aad Johaaauburg would be followed
by wholesale aarrendara of Boers and
the uptnre of big gnus that would
have emphaalted the Britlab victory. to oomplained that the Bov
army to atiU la the field and aeareely
a gna worthy of the aaau hu been
Tha trat^la, Bov atrategy hu aput
Hattoaal Leagnara to Organlu to Scpriittoal calh^tloB. Jnly may «
eve Just Bh^ta From Magutaa.
with the war atiU idragglag along,
UpwlaKencMorumc Bwwd.
and will. It wOl be neeuaary to roHaw Yvk, Jane »- BaU pUyan af eoBridv tha dtomdvlBg of pvliamaat.
tha national Laagu wOl tomorrow
forma uaiea to net la aonjanetton
with the Amarleas FUdaratioa of Imbor.
A aaerot maattM wm ba haU hi thto FAtally Xnjorefl a 1
city tomniTow moniag sadv the
Spwlsl wTbeHetaiaeBuort.
Biehmond, lad.. Jane »-Wm. Canof tha tademUon.
Baeh aaUoaal
league aluh hu aalutod dalagatca. way. a pro^eat hvnaman. had aa
Hewmaa, hla
Preaident Oomperu will merely laatraet
tha playaiu bow to orgaoiw a aaion. hind man. Hewmaa atrnek him with
a hoe, loflletlng fatal Injoiy.
Tha usioBdoueotlBtaadtoi
aatlmal leaguea. It to to be organUed
to protect tha righto of.playari aad to WtttM
Good girl fv gcaaral heuawerk.
aaeure just tnatmant from the
Apply Ao Ohvlu Boaanthal at the
magnetos u ladlvldnala.
Butem Store.

Full Sets

in 1900.

Only Kmu bow BoUovod to
bo AdoqoBto 1b OhisB.

Party ‘Xvlodlng

Foarth Year—No. 967


Zadiaaa Woman Took Bv Owa Xdf#
Baeanu Bar Child wu Taken
From Bar.
BaMlal u Tui lioanse Rscoan.
Hew Albany, lad.. Jane D — Mrs.
Stella Aldridge of JetferunriUe. si
yaareold,oommittedanleidethls morn­
ing beeauM hv father had given bar
six mon^' old eon Into the eutody of
hv bub^d from whom aha reoenHy
uparated. She left a note atatlng that
ahe dU aot daalre to live if she eonld
ut ba wlU hv ehild.


314 Front Strut f

Have You..
For buying a 10 cent
cigar when yon can get


If ws know It. Oompsrs qosUtjr snd yon will bs con▼Inosd thst oor prioss srs os low ss ths so-esllsd spsoIsl sals or 1-4 off prices mads is this city. Onr motto
is—’’Hot How Ohssp, bntfHowiaood.’*
Oor shoes are made by makers oi Belisbls Footwear only.
Yon take no chances whan you buy of oe. We
have sold shoes the past 16 years in this city, and. stiU
lead and let others follow. Make no mistaka

The Old ReUable Shoe Kan.
Onr new store is now at S46 Front Street
H. B.—Babies bom In 1900 we shoe &ee—Others do
also. We lead/o^ere follow. SEE!

«««*»««««»«»»«««« (HB «•»»«»«

I The Shoe

i... ..

I Don’t Make The Man
But Jay B. Reynolds is the man that
makes men’s shoes. We handle a cow.
plete line of “Reynolds” shoes. We have
several styles, in black and tan—Almost
any price yon want, from the satin calf at
$1.50 to the Vici Calf at $3.50.


McNamara Block



'cuvnn OITT^' '

AMMKnTFM «n cxrr
M Fiuny PaMd Dpoa tf tkt Bmt«


I far
ItelwM M
rloMwdaofthaeltj. w.
<1 Batm a» i. W. BijnmnaarwAXD.



ytoaal. itTa^ns
on He John F. Ott A On. PrapsrtF.
total. 91.H0.rn.
Where Eight efWajbee^SeBKOSDVABD.
aarad—The Bridge wUl CktM Btraea
Baal, 9tM,«iO: >iiaw>al. 9ie».H0i teU*. 9HS.4M.
Bear the Lcf Boom.
The FrepoBltios of the G. B. A L'
Baal, 9474.»n; yawecal. 9044.M1; to­ t^wag eempaap to ran a Mde track
aleng the river haak aad asreai
to give the Use aaeedsdrzteaReal. SWt.Ml; peiaoeal.SlH.otO; to­ Men. aad afford a proapaeUre ontlc
Aelananooaatp llae
rt« Ik* fwnBM •* «
Wek..Mmioaa ■■■■
r phaea aad the ^pesl*
rtriB WABD.
tion to the projeei vrill be
Beal. 9M4.0U; peranail. St,9»i total, was ezpeetea that the*^track would
wont Ue river it Chas:etreat aad Dr.
KaMlaad aad oihete r^tarad an
Beal. St.414.0bKi peradaal, 91.t44.0M; ^attfrobjeetlon, whlen took the form
ofa nameroaslp elgned protest to be
4tow tbat tba awaat af aatl matur total. 9>.»»t.009.
the rate of Uaatloa for the el^ wUl presented to the board of enperriaotr.
«CaU eUaaaalB tbaUaitad Statas, la
How, however, tbe peUtioa wUl be of
I9H, waivbad l.l«t.0M.»0a peanda prohahlp be Icee thao 2 twr eeat.
value, as the ompanp will t
Atowaaaaoach to U180.UI eara with
ask to eroas the river at 0am ctraet
Mfht. Thla raeord waa the latfatl
aap ether poiat east of thatstreoL
la tba htetorr of the ooantrp, aad
BUvar Broe. Olve First Perfamaaea of B. Hairap baa aaeored from John F.
Baa to the ranarkahU proapari^ aad
Their Big Show Taeodap.
Ott A Co. toe rigbt of wsp from their
aapraeadaatad haaiaaai aeUvltp
itrlp line on^the north side of tbe
Silver Broe. Greet Noveltp Shew aad
Traloed Aoimsl BsblblUoa wUl opea s^ar, ezlendlng to a
the aeaiBer aeaMXi at Elk Bapide Teat- O. Johnsonb block, naar the iog-Aootp,'
where Uie track will er^ the
dsp. The attraction ic the heal ever
000,000, I
I thaaoae third of pnt on the road bp the Silvers and It is Biream dlagonallp.etrikingtbe Baanah
A Lap Co.'s propertj and thence ex­
that of the aatlra eoantrp. TheMare sere to make a Rraat hit. The
Btm whleh ipaair more eloqaeatlp panp wOl tonr northern lfiebi(aa end tending along the river bank as prelatha narrew aoathara poiSUdana relnrn in time to appear here on the riooalp
This arrangement will seve the raUaaeatdhaU ao Uberallp to the Cos third and fourth cf Jnlp.
road eompsnp considerable
eatabllshing aad building a dock line,
Bsenraiott to Northport Tnaedap.
bad tbe
The steamer Oolambla will plve an
plan to eroesat Cassatreet been decided
7ad(e Xapoa wOl Have a Llfht Oalea • CBcarelon to Northport Tneedap, leav- upon. Tbe proposlUon wlU also re­
lae the dock at t:S0 a. m. The ronnd
ear for this SeaalOD.
trip wUl be ss eenu and three hoars
Oreolt eoart wiU eoaveoe tonorroiv wUl be allowed at the reaort. Manp of- those who signed tbe protect clrcu
with a verp Ufht ealeadar. Ihere^are attraetlva improvemente . have been lated a few dape ago.
The G B A 1. eoapanp will go be­
hat two erlnlaaieaafa, both of which made about Northport this pear aad
ware eeatlaatd from the April term. this will (Ive a pood opportnnltp for a fore the board of enpervlaora at their
meeting Uondap with a petition toalThe foUowiajr la the offlehtl ealaadar:
pleaeant tvip.
Odd FeUow'eXxoarelon.
People va ClaptOB Hart, vlolaticmaf
Ad Odd FellowB and Bebekahs are
ISqaorlaw.ft eaeea). Pred H. Pratt
teriee of Bzperience Boclals.
raqneated to meet at the Odd Fellows'
IH the people.
The experience eoelala wbleb will be
hall at 7 o'clock Tneodap momlnR to given bp the members of St. Francis
learsa or racr.
(o to BIk ftaplds on the special train ehureb throngbont the snmt^ months
the J. B. OrdUeh Co. n Poreet B.
hlek leavee the Fere MsTqaeUe de- will bo sUrted bp Mrs. E. B. tellsbarp
Walker, aeeampelt. Maolp C. Dod^e
potat 0 o'clock a., m. Bverp bodp la who will give s IsWn psrtp on the aft­
ierplalnUff. Patchla A Croteer for de- Invited to Uke advaatafc of the
ernoons and evenio^-of Jnne loth aod
rate. Bound ulp 00 eenu. The Hope' SOtb. at and in the grove opposite her
BUca L. Adami ve The Heott'leh Dnloa
BandwlUbeoa this train.
residence, comer Wspne apd MsdUoo
d Netioul lateraaoe Co..
All the dslntlee of the sessoo
Oeorge O Oevell and George B. Cross
A Life sad Oenth Fipht
win be served on Ubtes enluble tosli
far plaintiff, W. B. Foeter for defendUr. W. A. ^Inss of Manchester, 1^. Iprge or small The grove will
wriUnf of his slmcs*. miracnl...
lions esBearp >l oeJler vi Henrp Brener. Fred espe from death.saps: "Eipoinre afwr be Well lighted aod good mnslc will be'
Warsbnrg. John Bennie and Edward msaalea Induced serious Innf trouble, In attendance.
There will aleo be a babp show. All
XMtPcr. uespaw on the ease. J7ader- which ended la eonsnmpUon.' 1 had
frranent hemorrhagee and eougl
wood A Dmlor for plalaUff. P. C. GU- night aod dap. AUmp doctors aald I bring ponr bablee and try for tbe prize,
hart tor defendant.
mnst toon ale. Then 1 began to ui a handsome go-sart which, through
eonrtesp of Ur. Taylor, will be ex­
Olarenee C Texbnrp va Barvep Uorme. Hundreds have used It o hibited at tbe news stand. There U s
rteea. trover. Underwood A Umlor for eared
Bp advice and all cap It never fails t
Flalatlff, M M. Larmontb for defend­ cnreTbroat, ChNtand Langtronblee. chance for all, and the bsbp getting
Begnlar size 50e snd 81.00. Trial bo' the highest number of votes, will be
Lao Solomon vs William L Banc- ties lOe at s. E. Walt and Jar. O. Johz the luekp one. BOB'S drug storea.
Mtnp other smuemenU will be fur­
dlac. aecumpait appeal.
Manly C.
nished aad v^ll ia'eregt all
I at ftoe on the dollar during tbia Job
Jeanld^ F. Olaoa vs Osrl Olson, dl-{ Lat sale at ths.New
Barer. Manlp C. Dodge for plaintiff
BpeeUl for Twe Walks
cHAKOtUT rpo ooirtneo
Beglnnlag Jnne nth we wUl i___
Aaaah Welch and Roaanna Welch vs
oat arUstie work la oar drees making
Soderiek Morgan aad BHn Ann Mor­
pM-lora at SS.OO, 9S.OO aad tT.H, pro^di^ all the materials are parebes'
gan. bill to«et aside Ilfs lease. PaUhla
A OtoUer for plainllffk Pratt A Davto
for defendaou.
■aiab J. Wauoa n Fieldlag Wateon,
n Bswklaa rs Bilan Aaer. bUl to
The aisnmpsfl ease of Bllsa L. Adams
rs the Beottlah Union and NaUonal
tasnranee Oc., has been withdrawn
and WiU not come to trial. This ii
tree alsoof tbe trover esse of Clarence
O. Tnkberp vs Hervep M >rris^.
Bapi* Band w.ll go to Besort this
There will b> an czenrston to N»-ak*0a-wnaU thia afternoon under tbr
apices of the Bops' Bead. .Tbr
'steamer Cclcmbls will leave tbe drch
at 8:00 o'clock. A ooneert will be given
at the mort
A Koasur Dcril Fish
Dsatroping 1U viatlra. te a tppe cf
Onaatipailoa. Tbe power of
>f itiu
itils mela^^jreltoo ornnA
orvuD*. Derves.
nerves. Auaclre
t Dr King's New Life


la ibea- ____ _
peps and Bowels. ___
X. Walt and Jw. O.

tba Job lot eale at The New York
Biers, baginnlag Frtdap. Jnae s.iooo.
MS fklmlp'i SaaUo


We. the noaerrigned. dq berebp
free to refond the monep on a SO
•nt bottle of Greene's Warranted (Svip of Tsr If it falls to cure pour cough
' cold. We also goarsntee a :s cent
nile to prove sstisfaetorp or money
inoded. S. B Walt. Bugbee A Bosburg. Jamas Q. Johnson. F. 0. Tbomp-

Tbe Boston Store.


1.3 ojfOiLidlM' Iickrti.

A Combination—Groceries that Msure and pro*
mote health, and prices and quality that mean
economy and satisfaction.

Our every day prices are always as low as the
special sale figures of others. Convince yourself
by calling; We are hereto please >’ou.and all we
-want is an opportunity.

Up*To>Date (irocer.

Are You a Maccabee?

sed thU HodCrrp had bMa in e
poor health for same time. Dr. IHc
con. who wne treating him, Mid thM
he could not have lived long. He was
“wing with liver trenUe whleh had
aaaaed dropsy, aad thla la Um had
allMlodhto heart.
TbevcMletof theecroaer^ Jnrpww
death from heart faUnre eawed bp liver



On all desks, book cases, combination writing desks and
book cases» and library ubies. I have too large a stock.
21 different styles of combioation cases—7 different
styles library ubies from.$4-25 uP to $19.75. and in
order to mbve them off (quick I will give you 2 c per
cent, from our present low prices, uatil lune 15. Cash
or payments.
There is nothing that furnishes a room as well or
IS M convenient as a nice combination book case and
wntmg desk, aad until June 15 you can get one for
what you would pay regularly for a cheap one.

Aeddeat at Olan Arixw Varrowlp
Averted Friday.
Glen Arbor. Jnae »-A serions' aeeideat WM anrtowlp averted Frldey at
FtabaFa milL
When tba engineer
•* *" tbe boilers In the morning
to tbe
e day's
run tbe pumps
refused to work. Upon
. Invealigatton
______ „
It was found that the water had
let out of the bbiler during the night.
If the pumps bad worked there would |
doubtleu have been a terrible exploc-1
ion. No eauee is assigned for the deed
but It is rumored tbat U might bare
bean the work of two emplores'wl
d the previous ^y.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store


We Don’t Ask Yon
to Pay For Onr Time

A Cure for Constipation.
1 iisre born tronhipd with cooMIpelInn tor
man. 11 wm rulnlur my beenb, my rumtort and mr romplexlOD,eDd lam clad to
uy Umtoirry KIccbsareBMtvdeirtbrvr,
BDd Ibis sAer try) be many olhar tunllHnai
were of no t-^oewhsUver.*IwWd like to
lolleveryaultorlnewoinan wlistt>ler>’KlTi(

To kbbw you our relisble line of foMwenr—nil
we ufik from you is to inspect tbe sbMlutely
latest styles in 'men's and /women’s shoes tbst
we sell. They are jnst wtiat you want. Moat
everybody knows the present like condition in
onr bnsiiiess. The unexcelled valuf* we have
been giving to onr customers is liest told in the laive and increasing
isinees coostantiy
constantly coming to i:us. It is to onr interest
to please
iblic which we endeavor to do by giving tlr"
the *......
best- value -in shoe
ither that experience anil skill can produce.
It has paid us to
_____ _________
and sell,_e
prices would permit and we feel
cnxnfident tbat if you see onr shoes you will be pleased snd if you will
buy them you will wear no other.


186 Front Street

iitractlcKl Shoe Man

Many People Wonder
Where to gO'tor the best goods. Don't go -come. We
carry no “just as goodV—Ours are always the best—the right
kind at the right prices, and that makes a customer every time.
Once made we keep them

The Collar Hit .
of the Season..
We are the only furnishers that are
showing this collar. It s the latest shape
of the high band fold. The inside facing
of the band is made of very fine chambray
specially woven for this purpose in the
new shade of blue and ox-blood, to har­
monize with the shirt. A full line' of sizes
and sells for 20c.

You Like
Ice Cream ?

You wouldn't be human if you
didn’t. Ever try to make it? If you
mvned one of our “Wonder Ice Cream
F'reezers. you’d have ice cream three
tiroes a day.' Of course there rj just so
much preliminary work in making ice
cream with any freezer, but when it com­
es to th« '‘crank work" with these it’s
easy. One good turn deserves a few
more, and in live minutes by the clock
Just the kind you want. It makes the cr^m is ready to serve. Testimon­
the home look as though .you enjoyed ials by the dozen vouch for this statement
living. The Lawn Chair with an adjust­ —Make your own ice cream. Sherbetsable frame with a canvass seat for One or Ices for aftcjsooon lunches or evening
. Dollar. Two other styles at S2.25 and entertainmentl. We have these freezers
S2.55. Lawn Rockers with wo\en splint from 2 quarts to to 15, and they sell from
seat and spindle back; from $1.25 to $2.50, S1.85 to $12.00. Always ask for the
Lawn Settees strong and durable, made “Wonder.’'
in different sizes, prices from $1.2510
S5-75- ■

Lawn Furniture

Percale laondried shirt waists forSSc
at the New York store.

Phone 149.,


Danlal Oodfrap.'
The taqalrp Into the eaase of death
,ot Daniel Oadtrep wee held paeterdap.

Along tbe Vorth Beak of tba Hirer

A W. Hiro. Mllor wi lUMfir.


▼acBlM of Oeronarb Jury in Oaaff of

Vbw Piu for Sida TtmA wm
Svmdo the Oppoeltlott.



Than yon ahonld have a Meooabee Oap (tf yon bavan’t one
already). Beat quality made, all Bisei, 76o,at this etore

aTEIIiTBElI2,0-’S 1

Beautiful Gifts

A Good Lawn
For the above furniture means a
good mower to keep it in shape. The
“Grass King" is one of the best cheap
mowers on the market—sells for S^xn.
The “High Wheel" is an easy, rapid ma-,
chine, .and sells for S5XX). The “Ball
Bearing High Wheel is the favorite, at
S7.50. But the "Pastime" is the best of
all—the removable front wheels enable
you to cut close to the sidewalk or fence.
•This sells at $

Of daintily. decorated Haviland
China, from 50c to $4.50. Wedgewood
ware, from 7«5C to- $3.50. Handsome
tamps, from a decorated one at 85c to the
beautiful ones at $6.50. $7.50 and $9,00.
Cut glass in an endless variety. Olist
dishes in different sizes, from $3.50 up.
Berry dishes from S7.00 to $i 2.00. Celery
dishes from S6.50 up. Silver ware—al­
most anything a person asks lor. Pie
Knives. $1.50; meat forks! $1.00; orange
spooiH. 50c: cake disha, $3.50 to $5«>:
bon bon dishes from $1.25 up.

Store open Tuesdays and Saturdays until 8 p.m.

The HaoDah & Lay Mercantile Co.






BlUasg»va m laMSMly InUrwUsf
and eteoag portrayal of BaiAo. de*
coastdmahto ability
eork. 0be U olever. ear
aa^taafiara to ttaa part
graoethat U faneteattag.
Mitel Ir iatarpretottee gf tbe character
tbara is tlttto faalt to be foaad with It.
Bat thVB are grave dlCtoenoea of
opiatoaaeto the marita of Alpboaae
DandatU Uteraattng vaattea from a

O M wc te««
^thvadfiBM ov tadt frswOT ud
town. w«p>et*tocwy offnU
imlUtrUimHf- App)«s»«i<i U»b«
«B1 fftw ft teed jidM, wkite than ^
ka rrakftblr ft ikM of ft Ml eroe
White thorn te maebla Ueplcetto
it, aad a penl Iseeoa
Bee.0. M. VvrThM aedoftaaeaed
taswlri. than la aalaadarlylag aaatideMMaftofttOOfar eoaUavlat tka DMia It wUabte rovolting to the
■.Fant BetftBkftl Vttla«aU» at tba
The story deals
OMaanlV ef MiaUfftft.
srllba woaaaa oltbe world, wbpaa paat
sreaU aottbear alone toepeetloa. but
oeaMdtotha pabUe UH weak «riU»a
1 to lorn
fan Uat of vaaklr parladtaftla ae the
a tbe attaebtaeat.
tftUaa for paraaftl. TUa prcjaat baa bat whose mind U poteoaed by reports
baae eadw waj for aona Usa, tbe of the womaab proriona hUtory.
mmm for aarrTtat it ee bataf dorsiabto aeora bar in lima aad the ia~
ad «t ft fao of MidlftBd*a aatarprfalsi eriteUe rasalt oeeara. Uahappiaeas,
mteary home by both. Ha Icavaa her.
AX Martaaua loeasta wUeh
bat retnns to find bar aboat to join a
fforkMMlr oaknowa there -are
former lorer.
tMrftpOMJftBeaftftd aradjlat ftbont peaslhla and >be departs to aeoept In
marriage tbe band of the lorer of her
At CbarlolW Gaarge l>aekftrE s Tean earlier years. ThU U the etnry. la a
aid. troB Oiirat, dlad la ft ba<^ Prldftj word. Iihas ite tandeifpaaaagcs, iu
aorftlftfwblU wftiUat f*ft train to ^Ufol side, bat Ite sacfcalioos grate
ha tftkea to Apn Arbor to enderto an harshly npon ihejafiBaLu*i» of tboee
whoaeekabigber moral eleseUoalntbe
opantlon for apoaadleiUa.
reefH^Mft Maplaa of BapalOaka^airad dramatic art. Aaldefromtli
tjoaa tbe aetloa of the pUy was intercetlogand tbe totoUaea demonstrat­
ed in an eathaalatac manner ite apA Ooloa «aa. Dr. SIdaa. la a earioaltr
la ft Badieal wap. For tbe paat two preeUtion> of tbe good work of the
■yoftta biepftlae baa baaa aboat ts.whiia company.
the ftOfBftl te aoBOtbiar Ilka three
liaaa that aapibar of beau per mlanu.
-M. Llioey airlrad teat night Dub 8l
The doctor la Myaara old. and the only
way ba aaa aeeoaat for the alow
teg borsaa.
iatef btabmrtSa that It is the raanlt
Dr. Oaantlett fwi
of hard boraebaek and earriafe rldlxia
: bntlRapida Friday on
darlat Ua flfty yeara’ praeUee.
tala variety of Aah In the lakca of Oaea
aed Vaa Berea oonnttea. Tbe rarietiea
aEeeted are blorgilla, and wa«raa loada
of tboB bare been hanled away from
thaabacoaof the Ukea.
At Ditroll while walkiar from the
fMlowerafi Clnb to her earrlape Mra.
Otway loct a atar peodaat act with
aizty dlf«mda and rained
It was picked npOomtha goMtrbya
UMla eolorad boy. The lad showed tbe
Jewel to aome byetandera add in tbia
way tbe detectlrea. when they
■etlAad of tbe Iom. traced tbe ratnabli

PMfuptipnat lac i«K ipr K


Ibe Altman Dramatic Company open
thair two night engagemi nt tomorrow
oranittg at Steinberg's (irand. with
Edward Wehtel'a rery fnnny -faree
oeotedy Id three acts. "My Frined
tool" ThU Ua bright,bracr-y pUy,
tall of I
from beginning to
and. Beeldra half a doeen or more of
aparial faatnraa. thare are muMeal and
aisgiag special tUa galore.
OaTneedayeraaiagwUlbe preaeated ••Flood Tide" which U in four acu
aad Are acenee. Act drat abowa the
_ starter of Oap'a. Daa'l. Imaa’a oottaga
'BTtbe abore of Fawn lalaad. off the
aoaat of Maina Act aaoond U the loyarter of Zcke Blyb ahaaiy. and the
eendiULB of thinga abowa pla'nly that
poor Zeka tt a widower. Beraoeearaa
aoval aaena In aoticipaUoo of the re­
ft of hU brother, who has been oat
It idaking bU fortnne. Zeke attempta
a gargeons dinner, eat lames hie back
hp^ittlag beary welghti. not being
aaed to wortf', and the entire neighbor■ to bU easUtenoe In prei
reparlag tbe feeet- Beekj Lane'e 'hoin ont’
eeenc aad her pitching of Zeke'e hoascbold goods bnt of the window u a rcprodnetion of an actnal oaenrrenea wit
naaaed by tbe anthor aome yeara ago.
Tbe &nt scene of act three ebowt
Ckp'n Lanc'i eltUng room and here
takes place one of the elrongest scenes
of tbe play. Scene second changes
tbg Cliffs at nigbt daring a terrific
olorm. Act fonr la the lAme as act
IrsL .All tbe accncry naed in tbe play
ie earried by tbe company and an elab­
orate prodnetion U ataared.

.Mra. O. M. D. Clement of Maple City,
waa in the city yesterday.
Mra. O. Batter has gone for a taw
daya u rUit with Irlanda at Mancalona
and Gaylord.
Bar. C. T. Stoat ratamed yeeterday
tbe BpUoopal ebnrcb
aonrentloo at Mnikagon.,
MUaaa Ida Post aad NatUe Lamoaon
drove to Elk
and will epend today with frteads
Mra. O. E. Bemnaand children went
to iCalkaeka yesterday morning to see
her father who U very sick.
Mrs. George Higbee and dangbter
March are vUitlag .Mr. and Mrs. Welter
DeWitt of Femwood.
John C. Kaapr. advance agent for
111 Henry's Big'Mlniuets, Is in t|)e
city making arrangemeota for that
eompaoy'a appearance.
MUa M arloD Pratt left yetterdey -for
her b>me te 'enton. She sraa ae-,
by MUi Ethel Thomae. who
srlU be her gnest for some time.
MUe Van Dorn, who baa been away
tr tome Ume. has
Bapids Monday for a^vUit will
dangbter. Sba will be there to cejoy
tbe big Dewey Day and Maeeabee pa­
Mrs Cheater Gore and dangbter Hasel have retnened tram a week'e vUlt at
Fife Uke and Elngaley.
Mr. and Mrs Chaa Jeffrtaa have goao
on a vUlt to CUrmel aad Westfield, led.
MUe Snean Oorfee of Chicago, arriv.
ed te tbe rity yesterday to apend the
eommer with her brother, F. G. Dar8. B. Saylor passed torongb tbe city
yeeterday on hU
la to bU home in Bates. Be brangbt
wlthhimhUeon-R-ynold|. whj la 111
from overwwk.
8. L. ilea went to Ri^d Oty yeeter­
Georg* Miller west to Aarlevoiz
Henry Thaeker of WUliamsbnrg. U
in tbe etty.
Ir*. Kewton
R. Franklm
has retnn
om atteodteg
ttteodteg tbe W.C. T. I
»nticw at Petoakey.

a first page.)
,1m of cole aad Smitb aad
lialanlag to Uia taattmoay of witaaeeea.
they retnmad a rerdlet of aoeideatal
daath from a
Frank Qaante, tba aawy«r, waa lonad
to be aomowbai analdcd, bat net ao
aararaly, it U theagbt, as to aadaagar
htelifa. Ed Price had a aealp wonnd
aad aome brataae, and ba
Mayfield, where Dr. W, 8. Moon atmdad him.
Cooksraa teonght tothU city laat
night, aad taken to the home of Hr.
Band, owner of the mill. wbareaU that
caa do Is being done for him. Hte
brother Baraeet who was In tbe mill at
the time of the axpleeten. U with him,
aad Dr. Hoonte etUl attenilaghlm.
lidnigbt he was resUng eaty, aad
it U thought that he bos an evan
ehanoa for hU life. It grit will pull
him throngb. ha will aaraly reeovar.
C. C. Knowlton of ibU city was ap­
proaching tbe mill at the Ume of tbe
ecploelOD and bad a
ty to see the accident. He waa within
leas then a hnadred yards of tbe mill
when be beard a short, sharp whUtle.
then tbe esplosloD ocenired and the air
sras fell of flying debris. The smokeBteck waa blown into the air. and
fragments of tbe boiler flew in all dlrccllona Tbe back end of the boI\W
waa blown to a distance of i?& yar^
from the place where it had stood.
.M'. Knowlton baetened to tie hU
borm and assUt in tbe removal of tbe
tejoreo from tbe wreck. Thera was
not a pUee of the boUer left to ebow
wberelt bad been. No part of tbe mill
waa left standing. Tbe two wbeeU
were blown from tbe eawdatt cart, bnt
tbe borne was not Injured, aoa be wai
seen walking around the yard foreomi
time dragging tbe
Mr. Head is all broken np as a reealt
of the eccident. WbUe It U a qevere
fioaccUl lots to bim. be di
t3 think of that faev bnt to remember
only tbe men who were lejored or lost
their lives te the dUaster. In an
Isterrlew last nigbt he spoke wUb
moeb feeling of tbe bravery and faithfalneas of tbe nSE»rtao were killed and
of Cook, who is now at Mr. Bead's
The mill was pnrcl
last Jannary. Tbe
pet In tbe mill aboat m'
ago. and bad been naed l^onc of tbe
Qreillek Bros.'tnge prior to that time.
It had been run at a preeeore - of
poonde while is ase on tbe boaU
Oirlog to tbe wrecked eondiUon
which tbe miU U left by tbe exploeloD,
It Is very bard to estlmdte the loss, and
Mr. Bead makes no attempt at preaent
to do so. Mnch of tbe lo-s will be due
te part to the fact that laere
oral bandied tboosao^ feet of logs
already cat io that section, which can­
not be ased nntll the mill U rebnllt.
which wlU pMbably be done aoon.
It Is thought that tbe csploeion may
have bees eaased 6y tbe stopping of
tbe engine too soddeoly tor tbe weak­
ened boiler. The belt bad ran off the
mete pnlley. and '*heo Cole went to
etop tbe engine, tbeeteam raised fester
than tbe boiler eonld stand.
Both Cook and Cole had made appli­
cation for accident inesrasee the day
er oeenrred. and the
ptflieUe wwe to have taken effect
yeeterdey noon.
Teaterday'e Base Ball Gamrs.
epmal to The HoraUf BecorO.

2 mat
Chicago........ ...........................
C 10
LewU and Clark. GriSth aad Chance
ew York..............
6 11
, Weighing

Bernard and McFarland.
Newton and Pe:tz


Glorioas News
Comet from Dr D. B. Oargile of
MeGinnhy and.Farroll, Tannehill
1. T.
aa eared >
scrof- aad Z mmer.

feringjor yeara Terrible sores sronld
break oat oa her heed and face, and ibr
beet doctor* eonld give no help; bnt
DOW her health U eseellent " Bleetrle
Bitten U tbe beat blood porifier known
Its tbe ennreme remedy for eczeme
tetter, salt -rbenm, nleen, boils and
rnnning eorw. It stimalatce llvei
. ..----------..
------------- 1kidneys and ..----------boweU,
espels poUont.
helps digmUoB, bnilds ap tbe strength.
Only toe. Sold by S. E. Walt and Jaa.
Q. Johnson, draggUL Goaranteed.

Bi Henry seems to be aboat the fint
of amnsement manager* to
bareeleei wagon son it will be
pdnde with faU minstmls band ^^0
ptocaa aad hU eompsny of so performanat aoon on -Utarday. Jane 1«.
» Tha boraelme wagon need by Mr.
Bevy U known aa tbe “L
Free Theatres for 1900-1.
•adU raplily becoming tbe popular
Tbe "InternaUonal Drama." a lead­
qniek acting ran-aronnd of tbe day. j ing theatrical paper dealres to arrange
Hi Bearya' MteetreU ei^ ortginallty srlth aome lady or gentleman in every
1. and they seem to give town in tbe United States to send it a
briar weekly report of the bappenlnge
oernypramueof thU fulfill
of tbe theetree in tbelr town tor tbe
See their graed street parade at season of l»00-l. For tbU serviee they
MaBaatarday.Jnaelfi. and take te Ueae to the eeereepondeat their “Oritthahocaetomsfagma Thmi see tbMr
•Bfi^ffopartormaBaeataightas It U
atle papers (two paaaM for each play.
M ad too Wg
at ^
It U not a hard task nor doe* it reqain
topmast have a reepoD*:b1e ]
noffiapbote the City srho ariU not abase toe pririltg
•WUe’e Cradei...................
Opera Hoaae teet nigkL ^ eeaieity of
It to see all plays that are
tedlesbeteg aoiteable, bat thoae
paeUeolars eddreae.
praaatad by a talsatod aempapy at
Iben wara ealy a
law of them, bat tl
«« toe vactoaa iikaiaiUma wora ra-j daring the Job Lot tola at SOa aa the
MMHa and mafittabU MUa BalUa
dollif Saw York Stara. *^'”***

iSS’.:::::::::::::::::: J I
I .i ;

VowXlekigaB relapt
tSi Fifth,
aia-S.8laalur.MaldeBee.aa Weal
ato-McDoMld A Grand. BamUtoa
A MUllkmi Ueek. ^
sil—Jaeaaa Avmy, raalAaaoa 4M
Sorth Spraea atraat.
m-A. J. Mayurd. ratldeaea fill
Bust Eighth Bteaet. .
Pethariek. rraidsaae
619 Bast BIghtk etrset.
* nt—B. M. Scbofteld, rmUmm.
ns Welltegwa etraet.
Ito-M. Lavalley. rmldaaaa, Ml Bast
Front BtraeL
196-Mrs. Dell EnaigB. t
Front street.



SI8-E Lange, bUyele ehop. Ul
SonUi Union etraet.
at9-Iae AtoUn, residaaee, 637 Web­
ster atreeb
IID-L. D. OnrUa, neidenea. 410
Sonth Union ateeet.
131-D. Tompkte
itns A 8aa. bicycle
___ ...________
S14 Sooth Union
331—J. CUmpbeU. raaidenee, Ifl Lake
8. Benda R Co. Will do Sometblsg
DUTarent from tbe Common.
8. Benda A Co- have rented tbe Wnrzburg store, formerly oecnpled by Frank
Friedrieb, for two days only, Tnesday
and Wednesday t.
of tbU week.
srlll show daring those two days, the
line of fall and winter
next aeaaon ever seen In tbit section.
Everybody is invited to call and see
what tbe fall and winter siyleearcto
»-date c oth-

Llttlr or no
le oonMrnMlo
ways lu nusris iniiil rwenUy. hut at
the present time ilie i-onstructlon of
new lines U going uu In all {>ans of the
empire, aud ooDcetKions linve been



Bey's suit for ages 2 to 14, con­
sisting of shirt and pants-the
most comfortable and popular
outfit ever devised for little fel­
lows—Price brings it within
tbe reach oi all.

o_c;VoHie«tl truUev.
Seek not to steal the other fellow’s
Bather pat on steam and make yonr
. own.
Do whatever yon do with all yonr
By tsktef Rocky Monataln Tra at
Aak yonr drnggUt.
Mande—Is S and 30 Uo old tc hope
for Improvement'.’ I sbonld ety
Ooc ]usl begins to live Take I
feir at CO.

Ask your drnggUt.


Don’t Fail To See It.

50c per Suit

■ -i

Sold exclusively by us.

Hamilton ClothingCo.


Beginning on Monday Morning and Ending Wednesday Evening,
jrtyxvaa aattx to zaux, xwoo.


on all

One special lot of Drawers and Corset Covers, now selling
at 36c, at


15 Per Gent Discount on all Lawns
Nainsooks, Dimities, Laces and Embroideries
For three days we will put out a lot of checked Nainsooks, now
selling at 7c, 8c and 9c yd. at............. ................................ .


Deczar and Sagdea, Severe aad 8ur.

Hastten aad FUber. Hoitear and

‘I 15 !
Carney aad ^Hlsoa. Kerns and CrUham.
A Wealth efBeaaiy
U often bidden by nneigbtly Plmplce
Ictemft, Tetter. B'yaipels'.SaURbeam
te. BoekltoU Arnica 8*1ve will glnr- ee%y earing
_ all
8kln “
Bropttena, ftUo> Od|eCAM- BrnUaa,
BrnUaa. Baraa, Btlls.
Felona, Oleers and worst form* nf
- le*. Only
Onlj Sto a box. Core goaranteed. Sold I7 8 E Wait aad J*a G.

DON'T Be Fooledi


Table Damask, Napkins and Towels

1 piece Table Damaak, good width and quality, worth
at.................... 23c
1 piece Table Damask, good width, pretty pitterii. 40c tjuality.................29c
1 piece Table Damask, very good value at .‘>0c..................................................... 39©

During these three days we will satisfy all bargain seekers.
Come aad be conTinced.




A <Mtv« of • nllriMd WTMk »l Me
Qmijrlw. O., la wUeb tn of the tnla
«r«w ware klUad. «aa the aeattarlac
—oagtfaeeorpeagfa aDoalffamaat of
Theae ware mead by tba
naeaeniaaofartartba b»dl« eftha
ThavaatboaBdai. Leata aad-8aa
McaaMaeo gMaifw testa, ftoa
baste eras wiaakU Thafadaj two
■sltaBe*^«(Oaw^Kaa.,bTa ertod
slum, ns SBtfia testa wsa tw
laaaaCradithasMfiaasad lifted froB
dtestesdh Tero anwaae ssn fallof
Crstt ertes thfoera M fate aad drops ad
■fa>7 Bans, a Otaokaa teUdaa, adaacttead te a Maw Tack pap^ for a
**attgrpaaarteaa*' to wanp tear aad
tears lor hw 910,000 satete. Harladtaa
laaar, Jomo Oolbarfp. road tbs ad sad
•hot apd klllad bar aad hlaaalt


Pr^wsaaattag on Wadaaaday at

' AlTue tarlted te attead.
8uday wlU be CbUdran'a Day and
eaaa lawaoM’si.) cbcbcs.
their apaMal program wlU taha tha
ptemofiba ragatar mornlag ehureh Srr. Chu. T- SMukEaeur.
santu aad Buttday aehooL The anrOoraarWaabtagtonatraat aad Boardein« will begin promptly at tOdO a. m.
aad an u follow*:
Holy Ogumnaten at^:M a. m.|
Martelng song by htadergarton and
ItadngMrrteaaBd aanraat 10:M
Sunday School at 11:00 m.
i^i^aerrteaaadaarmmtat 7;^
Aaordteltaritattea axteadad toall.
CBUBoa or«caaisr.
9oa«. “Sabbath Montag”—Mtea Bar- a«T.i.aaeam.FaMr.
SarrteM bald ta Or^ halL
lumte elate
Pratea amrtoaby kiadatgartaa and
Bartnaa 10:M a. m- Tbama. “Pra^.
SoSay aebeol at If m.
SSttaa Bodwror e:is p. m.
aSt. “Wbara te Baarm** (Marti)Hm. Bent.
Baaitetlcn. “Oall to tba Toogaat"gatlem


^wteiMm. "What it te te Votaateai ,
—Paart WUhalm. Bean Oerter. Med

Chrtettaa Sdmtu aarrteu wUl ba
Baa/tay Mntag at I0:M aad Wadaaadmy araatag at 7:10. AU are earBadteUea. “UtUs Soldim*’—Baaalo dially Inrited to tbau oarricaa.
a* Apptatoa. ma., broaght bow a it
Steor^fflrihahad adepMd,
B«T. W. T. WocSSooM. Puter.
ta, Latla Bata, Mora
tear ta aaala apparal, aad eatei
AU serrlcee ta Ladtei’ Lthraiy haU,
So wark ta bis briek yard with bxb
Front atraat.
«ad baja. Bar aai
Morning urrlce 10:U a. m.
Elodargaitan and oriman 1 .. .
Sunday School if m.
Badtatioa, “When I Hare Time"—
Yoang PaopU'a Meattag 7:tB p. m.
The largaat wbaat Cold ta Oklaboaa can Parmalee.
lAUdran's Day exardau 7:10 p. m.
^tetloa-^ywd B»l*^
Das jaat waat «f White Bagla, sod
Thuraday night prayar meeUng at
Oataa 0,000 aeraa. Thir^-lwo aelf800#^'inward Chrte^n^ldiere"
The pnhlle era Inrlted to aU these
btadara wOl he amplopad to ent It. aad Oougregation.
throe Uiraahtag oatfiU to threah it.
BeeluUcs. “My MalUN Kitty"— serrieu. __________________
Jeaeph Sehtatsll, pnhtio axaenUoaei
BrelUtioD. “A Sunahlne Smile"tef Autrla for SO paara. now To jrean
mily Reawlck.
Work bubeeabegnnsad ttaefonnda
wld. la a ravlog maniac at his farm
Beeltation. “UtUe Chatterboa"for the addition to the
oey Dckmond.
maar Wiehlta. Ku. Bia famUy say be
home of William Beitner on WuhlogTrio. ••We'll be Hie Lli
waa tronbled with draama in which hla
-Bnsie Hannen. Lucy Kelly. Floasle ton street.
vast daeda came «pon him. Be could MrMlehael.
Charles Bdalnson hu sold his farm
•aa all the people he had killed and ^^eelion. wiU reoltauon by Carrie
on the Penlnauls and hu purchased a
' their agonltlng sereamt from
Offertory, with rlolta aolo V house and lot on tbe west dde.'
aaoralag to night. He bad beheaded
There will be a regular meeting of
Blaocbe Bamnm.
«rar 1,000 people, and had to resign
Autbem, “God^ot larael’' <Uelle) Duebeu Camp. Mg. S343, Modem WoodMas yaare'ago bacanee hie nerrea were
night In
tea shattered he eoatd not do the work.
Montague halL A fuU attandanee is
He reeaivad a pension from
tesstriaa goremaeaat.
an Eaet
A terrifte wind. baU aad alaetrle Kxeictee, “Wtehee^'-OUbart Bhllaon. Side team ycattoday to tha tune of 17
•tora rteited the rietaitp of Osthrle, O. Bertha MeM|ebael. Graoe Wrtaht, to 0. The batiwtea ware Somen and
a Bbner, Dorris Howard, fi
T„ Friday. Thoeaaads of seres of art Loudon, Raymond Chau.
NotoI», Oaridm ~and Langworthy.
wheat were mtasd. aeaeb com and eotBobtaM Song—Elndargarten nnd ywiTha roreat Lodge imort on tbe shore
laty c'------s riddled and
of Long Lake hu been opened to the
teCallfmlt. Thedamage wUl aggreSong. “Hark. Ten TbouandToaguaa public. The foUowtag gnesta bare al­
CSta many thosaands of didlatp.
and Vdow"-Oongr«gation.
ready arrirad: Mr. and Mrs. Gsorge
Mathias (tehwaatak of Haniatae. bad
M. Rogers and
Tnere wlU be no Snnday aebeol or MUlsRogars, Mrs.
teaoked paaaaga for Germany on the
renter mtetlng, the latter baring bun maid and Mrs. L. A. Hi
tetoawhip Barbadeaa of the Bramaa Uaeonttaaed for the anmmer.
Pater Petaraon wu run away with
Ifau. bat waa aseldaslally orareoBs \ty
aoelatyotOhrteUanBn- by tbe term of Peter Olsen on Second
Haata ate room at tha Oeatlnantal
■tract yteterday. and the ybung aon of
e:isp. I
T. P. &
teatel How York Mty. Hebakaa. and,
BraalngaorrlesTtM p. m. Bubjaet, Mr. Olaan eame rary near loalng bis
teaaaaqaantly did not embark. Tba “Tba Famine ta India." A''eollaetloa Ufa. He wu thrown ont and rery
Hnbreftberoemwasforoad open aad wUl be taken for tba famine aaflarar*. badly bmteed.
■shwasiek wat foand In a stepaad All are Inrlted te be proaaak
The steamer Oolnmbla will go oa Ue
Prayer maattag Tbnraday T:so.
oasdittea. Be was raasorad to Ht.
regnlar bay run a
■ rasT mnoDisT.
making the.
Xaryb hoeMtol la an ambslanea. Be
Brv.l. A. BnaAf, panw.
shore alter
tesUhahad bean Tlawtag tha town
Sunday-ChUdrea'B Day wUl be ob- erary day.
matU tats aad most hare blown ent tha
arrred u asnal. In the morning the
sttbjaet will be, “Cbrtsula Bdueatlon."
wev, Mjuaj
i.av v vivea a,
MIm Mddrad Daniels, a pretty seboel In the erening the following program Montague ball to attend Memorial
■erriees to be held at Suinberg*a Grand
ma'am ialKaawt. hu hit on a noral win be preeutad:
Organ VolnnUry.
Opera House at S o'clock sharp.
visa to keep her pspUa. for the most
“Keep Step ta the March”—Prin
Or. W. J. Htggina left yesterday afl—goelslsed boys from playing department.
■noon for aontbere Mieblgan- Ba
^-^ksy." Foreaeh week's tnU atPlano aolo. “Nearer My God.
win attend the meeting ot the Michi­
•sadaaaeabe beetowa on tha dUlgent
gan State Dental Amredatioa. which
will be held in Kalamesoo next week
■ahelar a kiaa.
Beaponsire Beading.
Be will read a paper at one of tba amChartas W. Bsbsrts.ot Noble Cssnty,
The ApoaUe'a Ckaad and Prayer.
Anthem, by tha ehdr.
agsd II. te bellarad to be the yonogast
Baadtag, “What the QiUdran of the
Hare I not bidden ye beware of
termer (a Oklahoma. Be owns a good M. M Oku^Bare Dona." ^
aometbing aald to be tba asms aa
team aad baa SO aeraa ot wheat and IS
Roeky Mountain Tea. made by tea
metM of eom and oats.
^M^SS^aad AppaaL Madteon Madletaa Co? If ye are tmly
*-*•■—the choir.
wtea. head this warning, am.
daold Jarasyblaelaw wat rarlred
“The Sword of the SplrAsk your drbgttet.
»% Flalaftald whaa a lad aonrietsd ot


palV lareeay waa aaateneed to a
wtelp^ to bs admlntetered by hla
.QteaOlann, ofarbaaa. 0., died tha
tetbar day. after haring made a raoord
Cor aeeastie rows. BaeanMhIs father
teaaght what he thought wet a better
■nit for hla hrotbar than for him. be
wowed that he would not wear a east
terM yearn- Aaethar Urns he took
^sHosee at aooM liifling thing and
wwwad be would not laara hla house
ter >0 yean, aad for SO years he was a

LsdiM' Vloi Kid ShOBS
_______________ Benadlettaa.
All of the children of tha Snnday
I ba prosant at
arantag i
Caildran may be presented in
tor ChrltUan baptism,
AUare moat eordlally inrlted t
wd the I
Church will be appropriataty deeorated.
eaoosn wxtbodut cncacE.
Be*. Bast Keaaedr.PeMor. m
Sunday aarriew. Preaehi&at 10:10


Cbildrra's Day exercises at 7:30 p. m
Pretty Dear Fish.
Claaa meeting at 0:43 a.m.
Mark Oraw, deputy game warden,
Sunday aehool at 11 :«3 a. m.
momUned business with pleatnra while
Mid-week prayer meeting Thureday
«tt his trip up the Boardaian. At the craning 7;30.
BafineM meeting of Epwortb Uagne
terimhenabbeda man who,did not
tellers in putting back the Uttle trout. Mooday erening. ElecUon of offleaze.
Following U the program of ChildBat be bellerea ta it now. fw he had ran'a Day exareiaes:
She (vportunlty to oome before Justiea
Organ rolnnUry—Floaale Walton.
Brown aad pay a flne and eoett to tba
Serlptnra reading a
■mount of
Ocmgregatlonal singtag.
9100 Baward, 9100.
Wrleome-Ftemls Walhm.
Tte resdere of thte paper will be
Badtatten—Arthnr Marrln.
Vleeeed to learn that there te at least
Song. “Four Little Suabeami."
•me dread dteaaae that oeienca hu been
Reeitetien-Oarrie Walton.
mbla to ears ta all its etagM and that te
Beeitattea—George Sbarmaa.
Oatarrb. HaUb Oata^ Cara te tha
Hong, ‘'Walkiag In the Light.*'
mniy p^tira onra now known to tba
Berttatioa-Rty Roup.
frataralty. Qateirh being a
Dlalofua—Clam 3.
Badtetten—Wtaitrad FoUm.
8^-Oarttnde aad Calrln Seott.
ty apoa the blond aad mneou aarfaeu
Dlalagu. “For ians' Sake." '
.jpg tba ayateao. thereby daatroytag tba
-tteada&w of the dlaaaaa. ai^ gtrtag
^ pattaat atraagth by buildtag np
Addrauby Puter.
rteam^tatten aad autetiagutara
;«e dfltag ilB work. Tte propciateia
Bara ao maeh faith ta its earatlra
rmuma cBcaca.
murara, that they offer Ou Bnndrad
DoUara for any eau that it falls to BeT.Barclsr Joaes, paswr.
cue. Bead for list of teaUmomtata.
Church. Oor. Oak and Filth atrute.
Addreu F. i. Cheaay AOo..Tblado.O.
Sunday aehool at 0:43.
BoU by dniggteta. TSe.
Public woeship 11:00 a. m.
■Mlb Family Pills, are the bast.
C. B. prayar meeting at 9:13 lad by

.Mew Discorery for Blocklyotaowing.

wo^p 7:80 o’clock.
Mld-waak praym- aaaaUag U 7:M p.

for 170 at tha Naw Yorir Store.

Steinbej'g’s Grand
Opera House.

Saturday, June 16th

OrsAter ImproTsd


Positi^?^ tb0 Most Orlginml,
Hovsl and Host BxpenalFe
of its OlAM.

60 —All White Stars— 60
40—$10,000 Band—40
26—Concert Orchestra-26
16—Fine Singers—16
14-m T«k City Yuinflki-14
9~Star Comedians—9
2- v«n5?f5^^C«a -2

Unique Battleship

First Part,

Graad Locomobile Porado.
Kota tbe Data.

' DB. C. D. WARNER’S OOMPOUND *A11 arc inrited to tb»e maattaga.
OF 8BVBN COBBS, ths Srmt Oanear
Mevar before theee low priceeremedy, and lor aU dtemsaa of tha eku m^aasisawT.yumr,
35.50,76c. Seate on nle at Box
from Conteet and Seeondary
Church on eomar o^Ntath and Wade- Office Tueadey morning.


Our big sale of last week has left us with a
great many odd lots and broken lines on our
hands. In such cases, and where our stock is
still too heavy we have again slashed the prices.
This is not a continuation of last week’s sale
but a selection of all our broken lines and rem­
nants all over the house, which we price exceed­
ingly low to interest the bargain seekers
If you visited us last week you well know
that what you see in our advertisements you
also see in our store, and in making these offer­
ings we mean that every article enumerated will
go at true

Dress Goods and Silks.
All our Black Fancies will remain at the
same price as during our unloading
sale, for one more week.
1 IQ
The S1.25 ones
Our S2.25 GoU Goods
The Si.75 ones


Elegant line of allwool Suitings, Vene­
tians, Coverts and Home- AQq
spuns—all good colors......... ^VV/
50 pieces Jamestowns, Auburn Mills and
other fancies, formerly sold OTP/»
at 50c, still go at..................^ f Lr

Ladies’ Fancy Neckwear
Ladies’ Pulley Collars, all colors,
were $1.-5 to S1.50, now---- fW
Plain and Figured Fbur-In-Hands and
Fringed Scarfs, regular $i.oo
Big line Band Bow Ties, were 25 “I
to 35c. now...........................
6 dozen Pique Puffs and Summer String
Ties, formerly sold at 25b— OQp

In the Millinery Dept.
We have decided to make a clean sweep
on our Pattern Hats and offer them
at the same 25 per cent, reductions
for this week. Special reductions on
shapes and flowers.
Young Bros, double brim fine QQgh
Sailors, regular $2.50 hat, for

Gents Clothing

We still have a large line of Men's Suits
at S3.98. $4.98. S5.98 and $6.50. At
these prices they are extraordinary
Our $7.50, $10.00, $12.00 and $15 lines ai«
b^uties—good enough for anybody,
and wilt be sold at the above prices
while they 4ast. These suits are
strictly tailor made, in Worsteds,
Cassimepes and \^icunas. Big assort­
ment sdll on hand.
The big sale of last week has broken the
sizes in many of our lines, and these
we have placed on a special table,
and at prices still lower than ever.
Prices slashed aM to pieces on Spring
50 Children's Suits with sailor collars,
sizes from 5 to 8 years, good mater­
ials, regular $^.00 and $4.00 O OR
suits, at................ ............
Lig line of Children's Suits, with coat
collar, double breasted, ages 5 to 8
years, regular $2.50 to S3.00
The style of some of these are a little off,
but if you are lobking for a first-class
article for wear, come in and see

Men’s Regular S2.50 and $3.00 Brown .
Stiff Hats for 98 cents.
China Mattings for 10c; Klondike Brussels Carpet at 26c;
AU Wool Ingrain Carpet at 89c; Velvet Brussels at 69c.
Nearly 60 per cent off on Ladies' Tailor Suits.
Bemember the grand clean-up of broken lots.




• SAJon oeNCRiU. wesl£y uf,rlin RITT. wito ia to ii» retlr«4 from
* '' Aeltra •nny IW* on tbr IStta of ilila
ntontta. U m llrlDf llltwtratioo of wh«t
CAB br ATcoinplUhfrt b> oDp poWMtd
«f srit utf ambltton.
Born la a aodrat bonar at f: Nortb
Moore atTfot. New York. Jane J«. JO«.
ud kroucht ap on a fam In Illlnola
ba vaa cariy Inatrtictad In the ocboel of

all hre\-eta for br-- >-err- J ost before the dlvlalon bf the aouthwtwt and aubae* I ai.ldUra two weeks later won
battle of Celtyat'ura MeniU vaa made queoily uf the suit- Afterward. In Ibe 'vUlory of Au*. IJ. IWS. by which
one of that quartet of **boy brlndteni" west, be became known aa an nure|>ld Manila tell before ibe unaJausbl of
which included Slackenxle. Upton and Indian flebter and led several exp^I* Ainerb-an arms. The Inaursent chief
Cuater. He la the only aurtivor.
Ilona latn hostile .country, the moat fa­ had requeued an Intei^ltw for that
Graduated from Weat Point at the mous of which was a forced rnarch to dar. but Oeneral Merritt declined It on
rUht time to take part la the muat relieve a band of aoldlrra hemmed In by Ihe plea of a preMou# encasement. - - *
ailrrinc aeenea of the c^ril war and al* Ules In 1IT». The ntlaklnr had caushi he never aaw Asulnaldo.
moat alwaya In the aat^Ie. he eecaped itae w hite men In a trap, had killed half . The vlctorloua seneral did not wall
bla nnmeroita battlea without a dU- their nnmber. had kilted or wounded ta earner the fruits of hla Ubor. but

. II h«|i-d th iUhv
i-i-scoi-.-al th-i’ar.s .-xiKK-ili..n
ifni^h -I 111 tlin- to ol..,no liu- i.-o-nt ecllpe-,- of ih- euii, f-.r the .x|H-rltnenta
ma.l- in solar ol.s rvations
highly mi.t.^iuI.
TIi- •.lam- proluber«r.,-.s" »Gib-h have lulh.rlo le-.n ol..-,.-^..l
l.h.- awa.rjnt -dge of ibg
sun. wery UHble oil the disk ItM If. .U.-as.mlng lU.-or,-tieaUy. thI. giitaiilie instium-.iit. th.- laniesi aUe:i.oi.-il In its line u|i to the nres-.-m. the aa*
•juirent dlst:
the earth, .t me- . .f Ihe I'reii.-h
Urvlieh wjis'havi
wits'have prx-dl
qu-en of night M>
M. eIu.H.'
el,«.. th'.
th-..l we shall have
-e to d<
d.ajge h.
-h an ihstrumewt.
-n quiie
guile so insh as
a «. invent su>-h
latgest shown al tbe ColumbloR
whith greatl> ixceds 1
This tctescoi'.-,
exposition at Chicago In IKM. Is ihe Int.-sl and boldest attempt to solve ifie as-

every officer and then had sat down
like a band of coyotes, to await their
death by starvation or surrender. A
single soldier escaped through Ihe liv­
ing cordon and look thr news m Merhour, hr set his comm{
and arrived just In tli
Indians and effect a r
The following year Merrill was sent
3 command at Fort Laramie, and In
1»8J. owing to his superior knowledge
head of the Ullllary academy at West
Point, where he remained Bve years.
In IBSt he was promoted to (he rank of
brigadier general In tbe regular army,
and In April. lf»5. was made a major
general, ranking second to Oeneral
Miles. In 1867 he was appointed to Ihe
department of the cast, with headguartera at Governors Island. Nea Vork.
whence. In May. I»W. he was ordered to
Among hla numerous Manila in command of the mtlllary ex­
•deersiiy. Com was 16 cenu a buahri ablins wound.
when ynttne Merritt took hla father'a narrow escapes from death perhaps the pedition for reducing the Phlllpplnea
produce to markrt: luxuries were scarce most notable was a( the flght <>f Bev­ and aa rnimar)' governor.
Oeneral Merritt left Ban Prancitoo
and dear.
Havtns a bankerlns for erly Ford In lass, when he sot » saber
•omethins better than the farm alTord- .oat over the head In a hand (o hand en­ June W. im. and on July S6 be was wel­
comed by (he cuna of Dewey’s fleet In
•d. ^ worked awhile on a newspaper. counter with a Confederate olHter.
Cominc out of Ihe war. the youas Cavite bay.
«ad at 1< became a cadet at Weal Point
academy. This determined hla career
military operatkMia. in co-operation
nd of the mlliurr with Admiral Detsey. he and hla brave


The Bnsllah hove been au busy lately
--------..Ja aendlnc reorulla to Africa that they
^M*rly_ overlooked the fact that with
them was a youns chief of
taat tribe on a _
Situ of observatJen.
to Loadon af­
forded him ftie
Cltiltsed BocirtF.
except for the
bHef slimpoe lie
cot of It .In the
British colonies
on bla way dow n
to Cape Team.


sailed away fruig Manila u8 the SOtb i-f
August, after but Utlh more thi
month In the Pblllpplnes. to meei
Rpanlah-Am’-rtcon peace commlssii
1 Paris.
The real motive, however, which
n impulse to his hasty departure
pcms to have again b^ a "previous
engagement." for In London on the 21th
of October he was married to Miss
l.aura Williams, a beautiful young lady
of Chicago i;4 yt-ars his junior.
York In December,
uf the gi'lxxled hero of many
In seven months, between June and De­
cember, girdled the globe, condurled a
military expedition to the Phlllppin
guided our soldl-rs lo vlrtory, acted
adviser to an august assemblage of
notables and carried a bride bark
native land. Is considered without a
That Major General Merrill ha# been
one of the fortunate ones all mu
mit. but that he has deserved well
country nobody can deny, and
doubtless the universal wUh that he
may live lung to enjoy the hard earned
honors uf a noble life and In dlgnlfled
retirement reap the rewards that a
grateful nation beitowa upoa its t«l-


As there Is but one president of the
ITnlted States and commander In chief
of (he army, so there la only one
lander of the
miral and suprem
And, while Ihe chief magistrate has
his headquarters In the While House,
whlrb Is offlrially known as the "ex­
ecutive mansion." the admiral baa es­
tablished his



1747 Rhode ISLAND Avenue ■


While the Boer arrangements for caring for their wounded have not becsE
complete as tboae of the Brittah and tbclr transportation and ambulanca •'
Ire has not been so well equipped.
It !a univeroalty
ally CO
conceded that tbey t
the beat
they could with the fscimies at their dIspotaL After (hat
Ing had reaaed and tbe ground waa, covered
coven-d with wounded and
slain. OD 9.
occasion they at once hastened to the rescue of the poor fellowr rtrelched b
k-ss on the field, exposed to the terrible heal of the sun or chilled by tb« 6
and damps of night.

Their sufferings hove been mor» awful than m»re Words can tell, and K
Instances ju
In the
going An the wounded have been left toT W.^
SUIUV meiuiive*
.»•*- war now a—.....
hour* unattended. Without
ithnut waiting
for ■■■
the arrival of
* *•thrir morffeompletaOl
---------organised bunds of "hel|H-rs,"
"hel|>ers." the sturdy Iloer farmers have lmprorl|a#
chers and ambulances
came to hand, and th* illustraUM
amhiilances from whatever

rrpreaents one such relief party plodding bapk to enmp with
its load
»d Ofof



These two show places of Washington
arc nut far apart. l>ut there Is a vast
dlfrerrnee In their api>caran<-v. for while
the on • Is ambitious in Its architecture
attractive In the setting of lla
what bewildered
beautiful grounds, the other Is modest,
the slshls
unpreteni lolls and situated, as It ts, on
he witnessed,
the lesser nvonues of (he Capital
especially the electric HsbtA which be
Imagined to be Bsbinlnr chained la City, would never be noticed at all were
II not the "ofnre of the admiral."
Slaaa cagts.
Uow-n In Africa, he
or a Ilghtnles bus was nil they needed
to guide them ntmlsM IhrnURh Ihe fori; hut, then, they nrter had anythlnc
there to equal the real '
If thay did. they .were
Stay In their huts while

be the nn-atis of .i.lding much I

Ing humanity.

letter heads bear the Imprint of which
the following Is a facsimile:


lline nrd Is expected t'

When the Eiffel lower at Parit
being (iinsiHjcie<x s|M-culation waa ntti
HS to the possibility of Ihe worka«'
performing their labors at the dUSR
height to which It w as Intended to cariT
that nuw. famous structure. H.
had demonstrated his ability to perforlfe

There can be but Uttb- doubt that the
coming method of propelling vessels is
by steam turbines. The days of orJl-oallng and the coat of white paint with which It Js
joiy dust
__jt and
and grime,
grime, almost
almost g
. member of (he great
I, Is. awniir sgunurou, we Uncle
w-uvi Sam s fleet of war Vt-ssele has been calk-d.
thing of grace and 'beauty.
n surpass Ihe
y those great water giants, shining silrectlveness of the
s refleetluns In the water. They api
r white, w Ith their duplici

n a painted ocean" than <-reatlonss of substantial
e of falrjitke staloctiies depending from Ihe arch­
ie dark cavern.
a lung time thought that pbotogruphH by moonlight were an im
• <hcniii:i)
e belief being general that there was no "artlntc'

nary marine engines, such as are at
present utiUxed. are without doubt
numbered- The first veal success was
the now hlslorical Turblnla. which as­
tonished (he shipbuilding world a fenyears ago. and with the newly launch­
d capa- I
ed torpedo destroyer VJper proved
ble of steaming 41 miles a
iiur th<-1
general adoption of the sysl
■come prnctically eertatii- ItuI even h*re j
the rate of locomotion is not calculated
stop. We may .-re Kmg < y|K>ct to race

demonstrating what flh<


One uf the muaical curloaitlea of Ihe
ycar la a siganttc e..ntra bawaoon. the keys
of w hic h are as '4^c
nary reaulla
re predlc
c UBcd f<
the find time at a con­
cert to lie slvcn In Lon­
don to members of the
British arlaloerury, and
It may be recallcHl that
It fa now nearly 1M yeatw
since the first ImilrumenI
of this class was Intro­
duced Into txmdun by no
leas a persohage IhaB
great Handel.
Little thought the
ventor of the primitive
this sort when be evolved
bla "rasolln." with Its
plaintive tones, in ltS>,
nearly 609 years
later It would devrlop Into a musleal
MOAStroalty like this

OPA carmca mpt latipr.
By the last cenaua there were ».«I2,MC communlcanu la all the churches of
the United Hutea.
Of these (.OT.fTl
were CstboUra. tAOAM Methodlsta.
J,n2.««S RaptUU, 1.ZTASS2 Prethyteri1 Lutherans and *40490 Epia-

It has been aaid that (he prwat cainpAlgn In South Africa la tbe Brtt war
in winch the mUiury balloan has been made use of with any degree of sneceat.
This seema to have been a mistake, for from an old print found
not long ago It hat been discovered that Napoleon bad a company of seronauia
atuched to hu army at the battle of Fleunis. which was fought on the 2«th
of Jane. ITW. The aevompanring iUustratton Is a. reproduction of this InierIng old print, and from It may be oMainM a very good Idea of just bow this
iloon corps of a cent
century a^ caryled on Its operail^na
TBlI^na Aa is Ihe rase today,
the balloon seems
been considered valuable chiefly for tbe sake of uecoring informatiot
the stmgtb of tbe «Qamy and the
and dlsposmen of tbe oppogiac troopg.

One of tbe most completrly equlpiwd of
Sonth-Africa was by a curious freak locati-d at Deiii
tcol" called It, Ihc Devil's Fuuotaiu. It was the lieglnnlng of a smnll but rapMly rising setilemeni. oompooed mainly of nurses. Burgeons, medic al siudenu.
clerks and orderlies to the number uf about 200. Large aurptles uf stum and
building materials were already on the g'fonnd whrn they nnivcd. but eight
amall tents and one brick building w-irc th« unly stmcturc-« avtllsb'e for use.
The force went right to work, however, and lieiore nightfall mure than 20 addltloaal t.-nls had been pitched and a pvrmaoent building of wood and corru­
gated Iran erected, whlrb latter Is shown tn tbe illustratloB.
At first this
building was used for storage, but aa'tb>- poor fellows came to wounded from
tbe front it was quickly iransformigl into a hospital. A was originally intendc-d.
I^Yien the BriilMi made this place the site «f their hospital. Drilfootrin
consisted solely of a railroad sutlon. a skirng aa.i a pumping engine, but later
on It had many atructurea like tbe one sbown. with accommodations for 4M
beds, a aewspaper called Tbe
Feunlaln and a floating popuIaUon of IM

gigantic enginverlnx works In tbe wax
of bridges and viaducts, but this nalP
attempt of his wag th* first of Us
to rise so far toward the clouds. ,It Ig,
us i-vetybody knows, nearly a tbougaRd
feet high or twice the height ot tb*
great pyramid of Egypt and.nlnMflt
twice, as high us tbe WasblngtoS MOR*
Tbe oaemt to tbe top Is easy enoogh,
for one has only io step into an
\ator, consigned to the care of tbe an* '
glneer, and In a few minutes tbe deed ..
la done. But tbe daring men who baTS
engaged to repaint this gigantic strap*
turv hsve a prot>oaltlon of a dlf*
ferent sort.
They roolly work away,
unmindful of tbelr peril, while hundred
of feet below them flows the river Seine,
doited with its various craft, redneed
by distance to diminutive toys.


Wplnos SxpMt Indapend«ao* Through Bryan.
AOMMOitr Borate tte rUUppteia
Write of totenatlar XMteata ud
Baigwnaa Sxpvtoaon te Uaflc
8w*a BarviOf.

•M -Oty bora aarrter te tba United
•tetMwmrtetba PhUlpoteaa Thar

parieaoa for mt bat tbara are tbeaa- advteotr beard eoaatettor of AaurteaM
aoda of am who aaa it every week.
aad BaUvea te cqaal aembare. Tba
Calaaa te a aa»U pnabioea tbaaoriba te repeated te eaeb of tea telaada.
waat aide of the telaad. abeat 120 mQaa Thte te. 1 baUave, tba aacrc«tl<» of tba
b7 water (roea IloUa
It has navar Maman eMnmteatea. I think it wiU
carrteoaed before.
Troopa be cradnallr aeoaptad—I hope eo.
(aooate) ware tbroacb here oaee. Tbara
It te jut a year afro today ateoa
te ao harbor and no racalar boatt. Wa left Da\rait and a year yesterday ateee
■ada tba water part of oar trip ea a I reanllated. 1 hare joit two years
aalira acboooar or •■lorebs.” The na- sore and am vary likely to aerva It all
tivanaay opaaly tbay am 1
rlcht here te tba Phillppteca.
bat they ateo rialm ib«r are tired of
As erer,
F. O H.
war and Zwteb they aoald qalt, bat
Lo Lombay OoDveni, Lo Lombay, i
tiHraseama tebaaoortof faarofAcLatm Island. April 21. IWO. (
atealdo. Another tbtec m teolteh na
The RKioau aed Deas
It may aaam. I bare baard it before, Ebiesds:—We are well, happy and
bat tbaae pa^la aetaallr tbtek if Bry­ tented. Jay B. Frasv naa cone to ttie
an te elected they wUl cate tbalr teda- Btaiaa. Ho left Manila harbor April
pandaaaa, 1 baard tham any thte myealf ted. Now It la Goorce M sOaytny, Lafy
aad It te an abaolate faet Baa that aad 1. te Cr. A. from Trartras (hty.
elrealated any (aneh atory. or was Ooerce te onr oompany clerk.
It started here? fZha aoldleia wonld
Wa bars been at thte place oteeo wa
like to haac the atau that tereated
off onr latt "hlko" last Daeombor.
sack a tela. There araacroat many It te alone the railroad aad aot ao very
Mlohicaa man te tba lotb.
Yon re- mash doty. Oo. A has one brldce to
ibar they wara ateUoned te Detroit Caardat .Msrelaae a Paeblo, Ifl mlUa
and the doo befo' de wah. 1 mat Wal- from oor quarters at Lo Lombay OoB'
11a Pony te fteUo. Be waa on hte way reet, and the other brloce te at Boeava
te Manila or the aUte-. I don’t know aPnablo, 2k mllas aorth
of onr eonwhich, fia has a rnpure. I also mat Tont. There are is soldiers at eaeb
Maaaa MeOatea In Mralia. Be te a brides for eiRbt days atatime.thaa
private te tba 20th Bep. Inf.
another batch gott oot The real of
P. O. Baxeke.
left at the eenteat drill in the ' bay­
Colsse, Paaay, P. I.
onet exvretee” so mlnntas eaeb aftef-



Yon shonld be on hand and get aome of the fol.
OteMO. Pauf. P. I.. April S, 1»M.
lowing bonanzas. All new and deairablemerchanDu« Will:—Om raaiaa wbp I bad
due and worth more.
aot wrlttaa Oatera la. baeaaaa batef loaated te a bri«ada bnaplte} te a cairiMeo’fi BultA, $6.00, $7.00, $0.00,
aaMd tows Uka Hello tbara waa eotb*
$10, $12, $16.00.
teff to write that 70a ooalA’t cot lose
Meii’a Top Oofits, $5, $6.60, $8, $10,
befara mj latter raaebad pea. I eoaid
$13 60.
haaa^Betblac to 007 aaw, set bartef
aaaa^aaptbtec mpaalf.
Of aeatae wa
Men’s Panu—8p«clal YAlue, $1.60,
wara kapt bvfj, and at tlmaa czelu$2 60.
BMOt ran blrb aeoarb, irilb ramora of
Kolaal. Panay. P. I.. April 11.1*00.
«*«pt Sainrdaya and Snodaya.
Boy’s Suita, age 3 to 16-$1, $1.60.
an eatbraak te tba town Uaalf or an atDeae Wiix:-Tbe last time 1 wrote 1,I* •‘‘"'‘f • • •oiUtr't hoHdey. II
$2 60. $300.
teak froa tba oatalda.
was aoeortain as lo the oorrect way lo
Boy’s Suita, long panU-$4, $6, $6
amad. b>werar. anlU Rorcfflbar.whaa spell •■KoteaL” I bad It from different •
eonvent Is a very iarce bulldtec.
• Arat real btew ateoa the
Men's, bop's and girls straw hata
“Oolasl.” "Cnlaae," and nmnar. < *lth many queer rooms, some almost
of tbte telaod ras atroek by onr troopa. ont other ways,; nnUl at test 1 ran:
dnafoons. We nse one of these
26c-others at 60, 76c, $1.00.
and of eonroe rooaUad dteutroosly for aeraae a native policeman, and tbe^^^
We have two
We gire you the biitgeet aaBortment of new goods
tha aaUvaa It waa followed op by the band of b^ aombrero was Inscribed, I
Lsdrones are becteninfr to
ever shown iu this city.
oaptere of town after town, and the oc- ‘■I’ollete de Kntesl," ao 1 will let It co' *"‘**®'’“
“‘® bridffre oow. They
eapaUoa of tba m»a Important of!
I ^*® ^®^ ^‘®®
taken care of and
them. B« far as was poaalble, with the
Well, we have bad It quiet so far. tont I
teeopa at oor dtepoaal. There te oot a on one or two oceaalcos we have bad ‘*‘®
‘®*‘® "P®* “‘»®‘®‘'
town on the teUnd tbntbnsn'l, at aomi rumors of a nicht attack. A chain
« we yo cut at niebt to inspect
tim. bean bald by American troopa ^ardofnearlyhalftheeommandiiwo!‘‘*®'~®>‘' T^®
All'tba more Important aupert towns companies) was established around the fired fivesbou at the “—
Mn bald and tbalr porta ^«a tor boti entire town, with the flanks restlnc on |

the beach. We bad toeeo ordered to
I left Hollo on March 22 for tbte aloop in onr clothoaland to cet out at
‘««rceni uniform, and
TraveiM Oily Ma-ket
plaea aad stopped at a plnae cnllad San the flrat flrinc. The first nicht there'*f“®
*» •<* wwks more
dean, ce mUaa from there. Thera
was one ahot fired,, and'll happily•®“=>“ «Urte. also the tesnr
only one company there then.
Wa turned out to be one of onr own men
provKoni and farm produ.u t.
■toyed there a oonpla of daya aad
ombarked for oor aextatopat Bncoaon.
The ’•Proeldente" of the town te an | which I wrote to you fiBSuiteTfDe
U miles forlhar aorth. Bare we found teteUlcent. ednented man, and a full ‘ camber. Alao a small /photo of ibe
t-B j
•M wh^le battalion of the IVth Inf. blood Pillplno. Nearlj all Urn officers Sner canal, taken from (ibe stern end
Alul none sro poor stock. ,Soap ss yon know is better after
and B Co.. Uth. We ramaiaad tbara a Of the tesorr^to. in thte^nce are
Kveryliody wiio uses soap know the stsiidsnl mskes
Any or two more and I had a chance to relatives of bis. Be has been worklnc No. 1 te 3rd U. S. I. btepitel attetK 4 L-i I
8^ tk‘‘ name on the wrspiiers. Wc will give yon.good «j.
•aa aoma of the coonlry. aa I waa order-- to have the natives come te and sur-: ance in camp wiib Cos A. B and C at
• 101 UP* for -’ic, 10c, 2->c, 3T»c and -X)c per cake. •d eat on a reeoaaoitarteC eEpadltlon render. He te tboronchly in sympathy
®' P«
‘ko scrap at
aritb B Oo.. leth. The aatlrea are split
«p late small bands aad oor troops sal-* thefutilityof further, resistanec. A1-, as soldiers call it. to Bsllnar from ttie
Aem CO ooi wltboat betec barrassad by thonch be did not succeed u aeeom- monntalor. No. 3. the 3rd L*
l help
tbam. After a hot day's march tbronch pllahlnc arraared for a meet- ^ ^®^
ibo hllte we retorned wltbont bovine ter betweea onr commandaate (Llent T
"P of .Mac*>
wHiMDoanse iLdeui. £>e Poers. No. s.a cempany
trod a shot. Tbte sraa my drsl azparlShaw) and Oeaeral Follaao and Coloner eabebee scaate under commaod ,of
■MO at real eampalcntec on time is'.- Salazar of the iasurcent foroca te this Llent. BaulU doior fine work with 3rd

S. IBend-a Sc Oo.

Fashionable Outfitters

124 Front Street'

^:,We Have Ninety-Five
... Kinds of Soap



W« rMted ap a day aad on Fri
day marelnc. na be«r before dayllchi
wa atertad on onr u mUe "hlko" tor
tbtetewpa Wo had with ais Co.a C aad
Bet tMiate loL, wboare new here
aa corrtesa. aod Ca. A, lUtb. aad B
lath, at an escort. Well, we marched
•lane tB* kiae of tba faoikUte aad
aoma of the time on the beach nntll betovaantaad 0 o'etcek, when from the
■onteln alia and ont of slcbt cama a
^ mStedtef volley of Bemtectons and
tba bntlau whistled te nioatuncomfortabla proximity tooor headt. Onr men.
wHh the acUll; nod inetinct cxloed by
■tparliBoa. acocl the first ooTeran<f
toa Kraca b^ apeak. A platoon
«t Oo. B, IStb, atortad oat in the face
•fa fierce fire aad aneoaedod te Oaok*
Inc tke enemy and drivlactham from
' tbalr tetroaehmonta. We than started
'tor a towa .leas than a mUe away
wboro wo bad onr dteaer. We reached
tbore all richt and took op oor qoartore behind tba ehoreh, rlcht at the
fioot of atetaopliUL

...«0. bu


They acreed at thte confer-

■ M|


They saved m a lot of bard flank-


by the way. Lieut. Shaw went alone I., were qnartered. So c, a deuch Bockt^eal Flour oer bbl
Bunxe nATEtKirtiiAVEnsv cirr
American aoldter _______
aa later- mentof Cr. M. 3rd r. 8.
s. I.I. oniside
— OBc
preter, and the Prmldeate) to have a 2 ontpoat. unde:
' Miller. No. T,
' aland at Ualinar, wi
as the tobe^ leaders bad time to later-, boys hold ou». Them are all I hav? at

iiiFine Wood

Sidewalk Lumber in all Biaea.


aronad here abont IM rifles and 3»o

j.b.«.b.„a .bjb„ loob a,b„b..




<'?!Surc«aBnrB tc Trfiverae City Lumber Co.

fortbem totnrreirfer. Our two com- a raocth and we thank you all very
ggs. prrdoiec.......................
Mlchlgao Stare!) Cc.. cull potatoes :o
panics nreentoff from nil eommnnles- ■'’och for rrmemberlcs ** so kindly
- Field ron, 14 to 16.
tlon with any other iroope osoept by '
tetrnsied with all Jay B Prsier’i cents.


o, JT,„ Z.J.


and email salltef craft. Nooeeonld eeived a letter from ' '
reach us In lest tbnn throe days at 8tetes.
■^e armUtiee allow, the troop, of
either elde to go at will over and
through the Iteee of the oaomy. if noami. I upect
b'iljplbo. .nil
„f th. ..i.ii
roe of the privilege to a great.
OEtent. Onr men are not allowed ootslda onr ontpoetn, and I doubt If they
wonld go far if they could. We baveo’t
atutned thorough oonfideece in Filip­
ino honor yet.
This Col. la a nephew of the

SteUs. so bU parenu and frieod. will
know what hU addrcM is before we do
“*®y lhs» ks for the Itlndoeasj,,,* shown
rn ns. we leave yon
for a short lii
lord, black, nealtby
lAiii.r- Hm-cf; b'cnorisi.u.
tv. A. 3rd U K loft.
Mtoila, R I.

Herild Century Cook Book.

Woodbine Cottage

” AH are cordially invited to visit hte audio and test hl« ability as ao np to
le photegrspber.

^^'Steinberg’s Grand

318 t iiion
Street___ _


Opera House


Two Nights

;jDoe it and 12

White Front

The Waukazoo House!;
vet foiiroiabel
r» this

and best kert


Tbe Ungbio>' farce is 3 acts,

Tiini>r|,| DirFCtat

R. A. Campbell;

■‘My Friend Tom.”
A laogb from start to

Di. ciomEn



S2J Steu Street.

L, 1) t^-RTIS





cniiiiFtttl}' bkilled nod accompliehiHl Hitiat. A wonderful and
tiioroughly «|Ualifivd photogrnphvr.

The king of pholoirraphera in poilng, light!.inr. draplrc acd arraeglng hte
Bohjec:. for the practicing of his truly wooderful • ri, phn'ngrapby. .Mr.
A..- C>tnmbiaon
r-... —
Seperbss secured the Photo hnilding opposite the Hole'
street and hat remodeled it aod put it in order for striqiiy up to date photo-

Pleasant Rooms, ShaDif lawn.

Ladlss Ten eta jump et It traapis Ch! ■voTTtklng was all o. K. and starud
•„d i.. „„„
„ni, =.
svlto my partner (doUlvan by'name) yaara old. Be appareotly bae more Ic- s
MTOM the pUzs for water, when alzz— rtnence amoog the natives than the
--------------------------» bnJet wnlctied betweeo na as effleeru of higher rank.
^ Great PiacoYery for Cancer
wa walked end stnek a tree bock
since eommeneteg tbte I learn that
•, nrr-vzv uaicr.
Dr. C. IV Wsrovr.. b«r Slr:-i hare
ol BO. sritb a load •’apat."
We eae another Insurrccto general has enteredJ
entod a move that te aot d'own in this province with a force of r.Df) mec used Tonr Giro-oano of 8<>veo Cures,
■ thpirrcBi rani-rr <-urr spd blood purl
the toetice, but it te enfliciont to know aod this Is the first town on his road.. fi-r, wi-h - xv-llrnt rtsulu. 1 do not
that U te dooe abont ten beau faster
r hrslUto TO 'rc'^mmrnd it for tbr purpo«-» for'hVh 1- Is used. IU effecu
than double time. Another strnck tbe.
grenad near ns before we reached cov- end to end. The nimiut vlgilanee te srvlrsvh-r* ;ro-M> msnifist‘.hat it
• csnnm fail Ioei».•th^ prvsim sstioar.. Some eharpahoo ten had preceded
- faction.
Jak < I'MMi.veB
■a aad atatioaed themaelvea te the blU* cd and made w party to the present
^ ■ fialasn's Iswrlcr 8psr te tbs auri
to roeolve us. Another flanking party., agreement, we are apt to have a
. ‘..rsl. .................................
sraeoont ontand chased them away, and 1 venture to say that Uongb we
killlag one. Than we got oor water.
riab.ll Pat'1.1 WAV. pvsse.
*.te tf, p^aTALSru,.: rs .no
looce a:lf
«M hnrt. although Lieot. Crimmins ,inoe. where be is at home, fate trlB »th. bad hte halrateged byn balTnmphai march effectually cheeked,
, IPOR SALE -Miw-rv, cboirr IsoQ uvsr rltj.
aad two men wore hU te the dothteg I Give our bzys aoy kind of a sbow te
f M) lonnz trull tn-v«. or will trsdr tor dtj
. proprrtf. J . TV.r.lrhln.
aai one iu hte havonaek. Daylight on | tbe open aod they will, aa *hey have so
«bi aast day (fiatarday. II i found ns e; often done before, prove themaelvea to
1 TJ*Q8 SALE- ft room fauuuo. l#r«» lol. oo
f^^>rD)h«lr«»r.rl>rsp ln-,Blrw
aitoa «a our way. The niggers also ^ be the brat of soldiers. 1 will te my
Op»o »l. mifiii
' tvi*phoDvN« I.
fiaaad w abont the earns time and I nest tell yon of tbe outoomeT OBT-Oold nos M-i »Htt Isrrv smrltaZBi snd
apMod ap oa as from a bluff at Iras! Tbe house of tbe Prasldento te eppoAJ saasndismoDd.oD rroDOlrwiowsra K.
Eonhsoi', bMiw. riodrr Irs'f x IliU
ttu too yards raage. Thslr fint.vol j site our hoapiul and I very often go
togkOladeaa man. (hedled onalliur |over there In the evening and try to
QiTLOIEUK ATTKEnOE - If yoo tarawd
baisrolOa m)aad woanded another .praetioe my bpaniab. Thane pcode are
JuDrC. I'CI.J «mps>- zciu t: pvr oerv Cur
aaa twice. I was callod/for and when ! very hospitable and polite—tbe tetter
bAlson-of>our rUi«. Addm. () A. Brl«<>r.‘ KWIS* HaMV.
liBB. OrswB. ur sdrlss PrwU * OsrlA.IVotsvM
1 arrived ‘I had to m over a bondred clam. There te a piano aod some of
yaffie ntoag an axposod road, and Id! I our boysgothera to pUy nnd ateg. and
tna) the woanded man said. "I am all It breaks the moaotony of tba strict
right, look to tbs other man." Isswi-. rontioe of gannine toldierteg. The
EEOX SiLB—Snu« ud lol oonh-wfwi corasr
wasaoase. A « baU had eate ei hte aativei. as a rale, speak nothing hot
X Itlh sod BoboelA Btfwet. Jobs Vvrjz. Its
ted over the terft eye aad lodged lo their native Vasyan, and U te very dlfrmt strvvv
the skaU.
I draasad the other mma’s feraat from tbe Tbgak* of Lnzon.
A BABaAm-ie M foot lots o« PTesi sod
A Stow tiTMs lor cssfe or Mar terms Also
■—a* »kw» he eat and aevw rv^ . By the sray. the torms offered the
ston balMIsr torm'a OsU st (O: Eost Ft, at
toafi w ware aadegfira naUl an ofllaer aattves to sarronder are Sis te gold
Bsapeadeald. " for each rlfie aad at the end of thereOLAT TO BXET-At aS. eWMr Caioo M<
f SsTvetfc RTvqts. lsqu)i« ap stelr*. T
»m eovar." Mo mare eaanlitlre fanlUea n goverament ~Ttr~nt of
nrapartedoaeareldo.batthomo8 eqaalBambora of Ammieaneaad FUtefitohnvoaiUadtoaraadwMBd- if^os. there belwt an Amorteaa ae
Bfisaatoal Kbakteh. TUiteaMwos- governor for the entira gtoap, witk an See sfimptfis in window.
Hsrcssitjo i A blesk. TrsvsiM Clip.

Best to be had in
the city is at



A limited number for sale a: 2&4:i ni»
eaeb. Will b<- tnaiird p-'-iagrf paid
on receipt of the prloe. Address,
Herald. Traverse City, Mich.

Or w. J. Btegte. CtoTstiv. ikatirtry:f,.,„^“‘’‘,::;;;Kr.SV:sr;7\Jt‘S2S


For Cooking or Furnace Purposes




O________ JAS.G. JOHNSON. Draggjst.

Tbe CoD^of-Msioe Draas,


A play that touches the heart. It
baa tbe metit aud similarity that
made “Shore Aersa” famous, find
gave it length of days.
MpeoUl Sommer Prfo6B-.ia
30 and 30c. Sexto now uo mIs^
at tbe box office. *kp|K>phflMf 11$



a Ooaaty C<»T«uon-




Mi l -lccu4 >nu» H


laa to tue atm aud all im* time tounor-' wa» »i-.NietiNJ h> tbr I'ox wltb:

9tmw*» V^LMI*
vruch Tkrr Mar
Sa ••»»»«« «r Ealirrir «n»**»e4.
n.>l4 D. to «««r4
«n*ir r«Bi»s.

It Ua oval* I MM »tat tWya

S^metboda Ibat bate no aubatltate.

a wr*


a bw vbp Bvall b*

^rtakka arc tbe liandwriUng of liiuc



■a la<«to to toer Uto (eto e*. aa
Ik Mt. lOi* wltfe a toery •to lei

aetcr. a* well aa indiTlSoaUty, to It I*





t0odM« tbe Miadva of a |.lctn« ai»d
wipm tbfia out of
aenbUiK-e to the HuJlrUIual

to toll* Us h*-d toM«


to tte oti« whlfli grow* brlBl.l and t
onn*. faU of life. Ui ibe luentlow
tbe Tumrt.
tVrInkJr* an- U«lalf« of


Ufe'a rnrount. nu Tb.-y arconjiiUi
Srtef and in i-.rrow; tla-y ln<-naia:
(TOW ugly wiK’D lb<- will luwn lu Krlj>
oe tbf thoufJiW and ibo m-n<»
rtoL Earli ran aw-Mialn the oaoiw of
Uw wr1ukl« an.1 liiU-r|tf.t the en.otlow wlik-li Uavf made llwtt apd rnu.%
Uma oi-ti bt« or ber own faro by ah-,
tiave i«i<dii<-<-d Ujfm.
Tbe iitliK^|«al wrinkle* iliat mark tbe




and unDeca-rnry. tbe rrault of a |H‘rniclou* liuUt of overuae of uarve


couridoroS an

lb pmiiug aivny garments bi that they
sbomd W abtolutdy fnw from larva.oy eg* or uo atiiouiit of tnalodorous
pretiaratluo can save tlieiiu

tToibli.g that I* Nluiply bong i
mttst In- looke.1 after fre>luotltl.v dl
tbe Numim-r. und It U b-*s iroub

Irt iro.
BM Ba to}* M'U neotci
ircto hi.
til* uainnsab}
ttoinoM IU
fi. !•,

from aequlrlDR tbe liabli. The line*
Utltude are !<•»■ noble tban ibuM- of



’ motloued Reynard.
ae»^ •■ simply «y
Btoiui *nu «•«- A—"
-- unrnrer
--------Hares, nnd T wilV run them down. Too
nc-d uui . v. n slight.’
The «>wl rtill doubted, but at length
agrcid t.i the loirtnemhip. and it was
tint bma iM foie her sharp ey.-s espied a
Ilai-i' III her form, and -dn' ■ alUd to the
[•os' It was but a short . base ere the


." said tbe
nnU-* later
..ibiiia but

bold tbat tbe nay to a man’s vote oUj
buslneaa questions Is through Idi
ct. On business questions where nc
question of Imsineto morality Is Involv

Bepnbliean Ward Oattcnsea.
AEU ao. 1.

cd the test Is. "llo.-s it juiyy "lloi-s II

wean n profit or a b.ssr' Tbe question
of tbe tariff Is a iiuestlun of busiuoM. b« h*!d
111 >,• rltotod to mllrud
Wbieli uffoets every |M-rMitt ill tbe i-oun-' g"” *, :t>ii>rrfssleB*l. asesu



g^^sii'^:;*: •

Tlie «)Uestl<iii then Is. "Iio*-* it scBiall;

prollt for the jH-ople of tin
iIossV There A-aulK-nodonW
alMiut t be answer. The Idogley law
Hit uKirv doUar* iu tbe i*K-ket of

a. Uiuvifs.

every lalioting
country.' It ba
The private
worklnsiiian ii

be t*idl.-d
o Iw n dl■ ■ ■
id.-, ami I bav.- taken'lh^ we
oil itie fur and »«rti.«.-’'
••Hut I eali't eat fur and*:"
".MeM-.- ii.It. bill Mb., said anylblug

.h,.,. ..I ,.v,.n
betlilf Uoo d*lr*sIrK will be elect*} lu sllrod lbs

[doyer or eii
in his f:
of flevelutid


have r

around tbe wlgc so us to seal
pU-iely. wclDg ibut there art-


the "crow'i

Ws5Vu.^'.‘sd'l!‘wb'M *[

en of deiKinmcitt nnd g.Nsl looks warn­
ed tbelr pupils ugniiisi UTiuklIng ili*

j. a aoKBoi.

A EepabUrsB emueos o>
Word ho. I. wlU b*
al-------rnday STcnUg. ilMBr

feH." are pleahaut Uw-a iind'niiue fruni
wrtMkllug the skin In siiillliig or lu
langbier. in the oldco time tbe teaeh-

(ace lu tbe


don't caiv to cximmlt ourwlvea In *efcpect to this projwsHlou. but we do'________________ ZZZl--------------------------------------

lldek me yii some tuauui f

iSet the large paMolxiard
**...i4o.... a..............................
lilors IISC.
line, pU
place tbe
boxes MleU BS t.lllors

SB *ii>n U

abould by |M-ralaU-nee prvveut a ebild


-ril eat toy half ai
F..X a. lie fell In. an
ibe flti ! deK-endiat t


ee» have r.^ulted lo a furtber advance __________
M-ewiTe euotr«to» ^ to be
of tbe puddHng rate ot luany western
• tootoiy. cart at
work*, ao that now Mag..* are nearly, d,toto>«
GO |ier rent higher tlutu a ago and ;

-Bui h..« do 1 know that

P"1 II
n,«l.. ramK.1 Piivc
tosctoa UU U V4* a Mnan (rr^-uacT oa tba aceesR to it.
Kor Ibis llie clcflliiiig

luuKilK-ali«.lut.-ly tiioruugb. and tiu-n
Jto eui* “• bU a rt*ry Uto I ba« U«
follotvilic lU.-lb.Kl Is told to be very

1y foruietl early in life, nuil |«reDbi

tin- iingl.s.


,1 re. ton plainly I.
ragea. but the
I place was the one
that tbe coni^leu
where some grease lodged M'bicb ------Hkto bar •‘paalB Wa Simiifrd bHuce th* pdf- not removed before piltll
garinifry reed*T
- I* "O*!
ll"-' Cfl«lc“<«

keen pcrecptlon* In the form of tbedlsUrr. butoa WOSUI.-1 driBk le dA
a* flg,,r|uj
Tlie all Imiwnant point

tJid he'd .lionlr Ity to bupa U sU WM hit tba

force, an exag^'ratluu of eurm' In
tbongbt and upewli and ae«.Mii«Ml.Hl
toy aelf ronwlouwea*. Tliey im- u*ual-

tbat are at


btoto a Btgb to aty WII tiy to b



Tbe next set of wrlnkh-s li
lance are tbuse altont Uh- eyes.


_______ orldeoee of tbe lunate depravity of even et
t r.
B»tb. tbat they Mdi-ct tbe moM con- Itr
ganuent for their


ibat aidear «m il»e fon-

biad. stn-trlilug Atom from oii<- temple
tu duutbrr. fniiti tu'u to live ]aimllrl
line* or from one to ilm>.- iii)i1sld
• one*.

to^a -to4 Ut I

J1“'L s ^ to .wan will. u-«ic a* NibruT
grtii joiicui boBor tbti W Wn amicmO

auiulnc tb- umanilar <-ontraciloi» that

fare are

licli «MUw

Bil^ k..]


bu>m ?"
my i-arlle.i infancy
I hara
, for thl* lunk-ular clans of M'ork areai.Btoir
been f. I that
f^l o^llfc
highest point reoebnl in iM years,
meom U sreaily Ui.-rraaed. and so tb;
the Oirl_a. ^_bwkrd down npoB ^
K,Cta like thiae mean voU>s for Me- , _
U la
ii OI
- ....
of lue
tbe Bt^niLwi
greatcul imp

ing the •‘ounce of prevention" which.
• dear Wrd. Saeh
will rtie many ‘iwund. of enre."
ialk"rome* from tbe fart that my ear* come, around once more. It bas been-L^toto-.l
All grenw »i>ol. *boiiM be carefully
„„ „„
bia*. A* I *aW. we wlD often aald - --------------------- to u man's WMtoU.........
bean Is through bis stouiaeb.
taken out before putting away clotb- bant togHhi-r and make a dWI

«r htr tArul «c*iiy‘U b'tot bi» fiua i.ti ii.oM.
As Ibm
mink ir* uk UU tea. witk Mct

tbe aaine a* tbe SA«d
Sower In tlie Iwtanlat'a bfrtarlnni

Wllbtn Ibr |«*l few week*, UJHXitd___________
II n
Ittg to Mrail.trecf., the autew of 35.000 *?. iwu. wuira" »iU

oiupLjon, ..J

DOtha are nylue around tbe danger of
tbelr i-sta being arpoNlti-d In tbe gar-

. raios *T ir»»« ’
thrlr gra^M.


BW^ they Eire «xi>r>-MJuti aud «Uar-

_ _^0l Oraad inrSm will be h«M to —

cmploy«a in tbe Iron and *te«-l l*blo^
aokoiwteiba Kiiwaiii Dto
try bare been furiber udvatired. Agree- i (rwi OoBgreMl.aat mowbUbo. wwek ^


Ttol. cleanlOB and r«HUtis away abootd
but fli^ t «f foot. whUe
alway* l>e dont n» early In tbe ataaoo
.j^-hted. I.ut »l-\. of winjra.
IKtokible. for If left until after tbe fb,j,|K.te we bunt togethi r and diride tbe

m U* Ofbl to a


,f tor TvMitoC Owl M«

;bf c»ri‘ of woolcnA fUto. *t«.. In
Oo» crntUi* ai lU'- -Owf »»» uticriof
ou and
prrpariug Hieiii fur iiLtilnp »way. beat- •
aaJ pluming
j.lumlug Lm
ii4 espo^ pamtory to rnstllac abuot for
lag. Lmsliitig

It tM trml .Ua4 «
wM bia Wtv u> MttL i> (W> vfBiowa «M



BkvUI*. ^
Vka lto»r«TltT a( the «
rrlat*!^ lak.


I a-'.",M ^

' deiBgBto* toBtletU Ibf RepubtlcBB mnt} *oB-

of btlarions eui»

ri^ntjou llel^lBto* w““ bl'’*lXH^*Ui «tIesd*^«M
RrpabUesn Bi»i*. ft
Slid Krpr*>*ut«ilTr .-i
. ,

long lines and llte wrinkling of tiw deb
ioatc tissue* under the eyes are greater
tolltak-s ibau any other of i-xhauMloc
Of Tiul ftins-* atiti tbe r«vnp« of time.

W- Labs

Bat hardest of all to deal with art
wrinkles about the UM.uib.
Few are L-unK-fous of the luirt played
la tbe battle «-f life by the mUSE-les of
tbe oioutb. They, and iioi-llu»e aiwut
the eyes, an- eulbsl into aeilou by ev­
ery paaslug lliougbl aud eiiiothm of I*ir Uiougbta are pUatoUt. they tvlax: If muurtiful, tlu-re la
draop: If eiiergrth-. they barOen: If tieterBilmsl. ibej wimpn-sa tbe lips; If
angry, they euntnu-t bUII imirv: if linmorouB. Uiey relux and tlie uionib
widens tlie greater the uierrlmeut tbe
Wider tbe uhkiUi and the cb.vks iwrttcIjMite In tbe pUsisuralile euuHKib*.
and the pa rentbe*.-*, the two lung; semicircular Mrlnkb-s ibi lostng the Hp«. «P
pCaratul tUv]wu nllb age.
Tbe skin. ivsiM.nUlug lo tin- muscular
action uiidcnnsitli, iwvt.mes .weaatsi
and wrlnklctl In floe «.r coarser Hues,
acconling to the dlsiiUiy of mus- ulur
TIh- wrtuLb-s wlib-b more
auraly than any others tell of tbi


not expressive of vuiotlo
made by tb.- Is-ndlng of tlw tn-ad
tbe U(-.'V- Tin- wrlnkW-s of the el
are not Dumisvms. und lb<'.v r*H|ulnalroug ageu.-les. such a* ak-kuest. jrrief
and agi-. to l.rlng them out. Some of
tbrse Wfjnkle* are uia.b- by taking Imd
iwsltions dm
cheek iiiHiii the pillow.


Tlw sti


own bouse.
"Rut y..H

Is (iMsIii-tl apMarH.

■ dwp creases iithb-r tb*- •->*•«. at
»ers and on the t.-iiiple*.
To remote wHnkles. lb.^
anti know tbelr nje. Uaiilsii
In the first Itla.
against a flabby aDd-relaxed •
can Im- done by dashing u|sui
either v«Tj- Imt
the skin V
fingers-\I.-o1mjI <.r .-ologto- tturgli.-i.*
tbe skill and k<v|M It smnoib.
It can
Im- os.nI witli ivni.-r. .s|.ial imrt*. It Is

i ^rtid n cbnln of
w.--n: till the'top will. I .lou-

selddbi lb.' ............... .. III.- fijee I* I.m.
dry. f..r the oily glands nr.- .-sis-eially

acllvei Itiit. Ill .-B*.- It Is. US.- Instecd <f
alcli-O a ...Id rivaiii ..r au nngm-ut
mad.- of .-Hill puts of M-blte \am-llne.

bwa* I

I t In stll.'b of .-buln. toys Tbe
Ilouto-liolil. wiiU't. llliislrato tb.-se .-as>

teastekaeto aod llew.lo Avoid II.
tine of the .|iierle# tlial tin- umalettr
ib-maiHl- to have au-M. n-d by

almou.i ..!! ii-itl liiuollu. to tvbb-b ina(
be ailU.-l r f.-tv dr.d>s of vbd.-t cxiraeC
Bl.aniiiig III.- fare, uinssagitig Jt and

rl.-«Mv.l voyag.-r tf "Hom sb.-tll
tliai bi.bous slckni-ss of tbe
<0 one knows..iilas; There Is

tb*- u~- Ilf .-|i--tilcliy an- all good t.'
remove nniiWIei..
Tb.- .ml alun'd'wt.
by lb<- .■Iiii.loynieui of all tb.-se Ui.-aus
la to gite .-lastb-ity nml

tbe borixonial

dy. >i;ib-ss It Ik- ibis: IL-it reg:ij beulililly forn nc-k iK-ror.-

ilniim-ss to

tbe aklu. Mbl.-b cuiibh- It to n-slst tbe
action of tin- lllidcilying wiiw-l.-s.
If d.-*H. wrinkb-s ba..- .-mie. »u. b ns
wrinkl.-* ,.f the f.-r.-

Ba* I^Aorr A'«r a Baac.
PatieiK-i- AV..o t }o0 usk 1u-rTo
for D«? Y'ou know sii.-'il never d»
tUog that 1 B-k b<-r.
,N-. 1....W . w ..V

bead, they can In- removed by tu.--liunleal means. After luilBliug tbeiii wltb

’ *

ihe forehead.
Siome ih tmu* have a
facial skhi wbi.-b rciniud* .me of a

Mr- Rrewi
Mr. Jones-H.iln'
Ibe iit=-f -Til Hits

rusawt ajipb- nbicb ba* Is-s-u ke|.i a
WTtakles are geu.-rally tbe result of a

Dares Xat tfe.
"Sbi- » a girl of v.-rjr li
Ihink. I aellce tbat sbe ne
qaerakHia sad dlsMtiaaeo ai^MisiiKin. at the nwst pathetic
After aU. tbe l»« cosmetic aad the
"No; h.-r nwiplaai
mmi «*c»eBt preveattve of ibeae grav-------- Chicago row.—
«B lines of lime Is a buoyant and bap-1
py dUpMllion. a determination to atake
the best of Ilfe.-Uarper's Baur.

IMMIM a# Dtod.
MUUcent-Aren't hlejib- lamps annoy
„ V..I

rte Dwwiee.
of ladies yon have
u at yonr receptlM,

iTtboae from whom 1


«ta«a.-^tttta Record.


.llliouix»'Slble. with a onreful preparaorgan

In exi-elleni

bcallb. and


thPi forgi-ulng Iliat there Is any Ilk.-Ii-

an aoiriugent. su.-b as tannai* of
gylcerlu- put Ibem .01 a stivieb by
means of pla*l.T. Vvlik-b m HI al-o Im- a
locant ..f tvwludlng one iioi to wriukle

d irv not to Im- too iln-tl wbeu
abroad. Tbe main iHilnt Is to
10 fare tbe sea In the best cun-

hood of iH-lug illHowever. even after most rarefol
dietary prepanRion one .b.c-s suffer
from a (iiieorm-«* ot the stomach, and
my iK-st a.lvle.- is lo Stay lo y.rar berth,
toys a writer In Tbe Hoiisebuld.

Some .>r the daiuilesi .lesscni are
evolved from a gelatin foondatlon. For
ooe of tbe tort the first step It to make
costard of half a piut if milk. half, they all quit,
enpful of sugar

ind till

yolks of two

pot tbe gelatin, abont one-fonrth

-’-did any

MO of cold water and atir vigorbatly.

ford to otter more than *30 once tried

ratetd HloMT.

navor with vanilla or.any chosen fla-

R."—Chicago Tlmes-H.-rald.

«»'I W .WbO, t. fcu. I»--CM™o

K «» «>f»custard.
^.„t„aininj the mixture Into a

-j,^,or" sbe asked

I v-v«- «I«e «es
uat eevery lime I niB Into aaybody.-JtcRiu.


• Into a noM
- aad
Ptnally ponr It

oat it oa tbe Ice to hudMt.

corporation ever try to bribe your
-Xo.- b.- replied. *Tmt s despicable,
DHwsiy little compiny ibst couldn't af-

Rot the Seal ewiaa.
«What b home wlibent a motberr
*T svppMe It's temethiaf like s ftaL”*
Omtaad Plata Dealer.




PhoM n.

JohMW Black

40 wtot St highsB* gaaaite cn



PESTRucrni: folly.





hristian endeavor
roach* «ho Tclpcrayh I
__ .
To creature* Uh-apaWe of underoun*
tho «oek Bewiawlac jaao !«» tbelr nae the
■eal hr *ev. a. H. Dorio.
jwere ttanuall.r misleading.
Tbe lateet cluraaertstln of halrT»«c.-U?«s Uat ML-Lak. lia, as. sa.
• tlieae useful unk-!<*a were Introdoced
dretslny are tbe aofiiMM. ibe ineyuW
I Into Norway, ib. y bad a dlsquletlay I have bought the celebrated P»r.
natural looklny wave* and a decMtd 1%e Beol la Chlas la Worth Mof«
Thla topic 1* nittstraii'd 1 the par- j rffect on the Ixxin..
tendency to dlaard tbe rlyld, very
cberoQ StalHoa,
▼hoa lu Welabt la Cola, oa4 ta able of the leaven and tbe meal. It la
Tbe bean beard tbe moaning of tba
friiiy effect eo onmlatakabli- ibe re­
Korea li U Draib lo Ksport U
floXl BMAvA •( DmIU
by the evanyelists with ttmt; »Ind In tbe wUvs and |wxx-ecd«l to pnt
mit of bol Irona In other worUa, of
WIthoot luperui rermlaaloou
of the mustard fc-ed-tbo one lepreaeut-1
and iwtj.
{■ariklon autboiity. “tbe more UreaseIt U not a well known fact that a
hAf'l.een bo:
for wlf normsmeot
the colffnre the more dlstlnyoe."
•0 Ur Ml It ezlitK. BKMiM tbMt tbc poo■e are pompadonra witbont end, large |>ercenuye of the shlpmeuU bf Chriat s . b j-x b and Ibe other the Inier- aaaoclaied lu tbc minds of the bcara
p\t Mre botb «rmiii« Mod Mblr lo forn hut the one wbleb ic atrictly correct lo yUmeuy (Aratta yinsongi which yu
nal growth of t'hristbn princlpla and with a sweet niorseL The polea must formerly owned, by Peter WoryChina
com-rt end Jtui oploloiu on qupstiow •tyle I* Bofi and careleu witbont the
their uulreraal exicuaion. After the he gtgantk- biro*. 6o tbe beara aet to
*»ertln* tbe pabUc wrirarp. ufi tb« Immense roll Intlde to .dUflyurc tbe foreau of nortbem Ohio. .Veverthelea* parable of tbc inu.suml aeviL deaua work to root tte pole* out of ^ bo^ Bsd after thia date said hone
»««■ York- lyibDOv. A iwxJ uiaiu- rot bead and flattened not a IliUe dlwcUy It 1* true. l.^rye tUatrtets thero wera aald: “Wbcieuuio shall 1 Ukeu tbe
vill be fooBd at my bar&i 239
«n. all. know, arr sot fit fur aell gor — top. A atylUb mode rery becomlhy and aUll are comparatively well atot^ed
d to^
klnydoiu of tJod? It I* like IcavMi bumming aud cooclndeid that Innumer­ Btate ytreet.
with the herti. ami many
munpfli. but ibu numbor U moeb
aome women show* tbe bair dU-ided
which a w. man took and bid In three able Insect a were conceale.1 In thoae
i by _
amaUrr Iban moM |>moiu Imarlae. Into three parts with an Inrlaible part­
Said bone srili be here Thoneriny tbe root* iu years yonc b}- Tbe menaurcM of lucal till tbe whole was tall iwlca. Therefore the* slUo
Bren tbe npl«ter*d and ■T>Ialn i*«iple.
ing on either side, tbe center portion
work to And tbe treasure, bortng bole* days, Fridays and Satnidaja.
In Ur. UncolB'a pbraao. bare been carried lu a deep wave acroa* the foro- Aral Biyn of apriay cafta tbe ylnaeug leavened."
to extract the luseeta. '
JndClojt betwera tbe conOKtlnK repre* bead, and tbe aide* puffed out very dlygera from their homes, and many of
Mondays at Snttons fiay. and
Tbe klngtloni
Id time birds and animals became
MDUtlona of Uie two ereat iwitlec for full in a large wave. 1‘anlng the hair
wlaer. and the telegraph iwle and wlA on Tuesdays and Wedne^ys at
SO reara. and tbe remit .pnrrea that la the center, cumblny It down In a ably the moat precloua pUnt that church wUlcb la to *|>read ..............
fb«j hare Jndsed on the wbole wlib a>- aoft ware at either aide, and pufflny yrotvA. A apade and bay over kla i world as tbc Icavcu throughout tbe are uard by more than one bird as safe
Monroe Center.
IMislablnc cormtnwa. Their uak thla It out full below U another pretty aliouidiT Identify tbe man who aeeka | meat Tbc Icovcn tvi>rcseuts the word places for th«-lr ta-st*. There U a ■m.n
yqe* to ^ of Gud^ or the new living prlncl^
>*■“«•> « l>icb used to build It*
year in Jodylac between Democratic mode. Tbe knot U worn hlyh on tbe yinaeog from oilier men.
fbriat I *«'>''* »liai>ed newt In tba branches of
•nd Bepnbilcan pn^msaD recanUny bead except In rare lasuncea. when It Hch woodland* aud then sloyles o«tt - brought'
Iroea. but as imwii a* the tckgroph
traaTf and monopoUoa ,and Indnuulal Is seen low la tbc neck, and tbc lateat
locaaud wbl.........................................
. wires were art up it ebange.1
eombiaatloni will not be. on tbe wliolo. arrangement 1* one DiU bigb loop herb Is most commonly fauna
roots oi
of me
the iiuini.
iibini, aomeuma* i en
Aoe rooiN
im lirta or raise* th.tb.-meal.
meiil. There Is
la no ‘
"» hniiw-Lroplng aud built on
standlug blgb OD tUe crown of the flcah.v iiilicr* the ala.- of a foieflnyer. I algnlfli-au.wln tbc fuct tliat ibcn.t were
wires. «o that anakc* could not mo­
bead and croaacd liHuw as If It were a air of that ahaiie and enAll.v go lo make ihrot- uiraKun-a ofruical «r tliat It waa the
lest Ha ireasur.-*.
Tbey were not fooled by the ymmliaek bowknot wltboui the eeooad loop.
The new (lositloo was found so *ecrate In tbe year. IWBtTO. Tliyy we re Three smaller loops arc also very pret­ up a iMUD.I «f tbr matter dealrea}* woman who bid lb.
enre that the bird added a seeon.I iloor
^.fooled by the irtcki of ftw traden ty and iiioro lM<coniiug when mote
Ibelr alae. tbe ' the work was aacb A a usnal- to tiie n.-st. wbleb Imd bitherto |>o>In ISM. or 188S nor by tbe outcry for width Is requirafl. Tbe esa.-Dtlal ele- a IK.iii
M-ssed only n small w|iculng on the »dde
ETeeallve; lu Itfittl Tbe uiUiakes they mentM of n successful cnlffurv arc a older IIiihl Larger the lilglicr tliwiirieef ly iNTforuiAf.-mbest from tbc overhatiglitg branch.
iiiUAi t-t
hare maife Lave bet« sumeleiiily .-witly aenv- of proiMirtion nnd becomlay ef­ -Mthougli gai • ring the roots Is h iirofliiiaiii. , that of seUIng direct i . This jarobi.- verj
to help them lu Judeiui: l>etw<va tlie fect. rcinenilierliig tbni tbe Myle which
« berea
lirilus lortv ol
iiiy lipna
auiu one li<-ad may be ulmosi dlsflyur- nbli-. In t'lilna It is sold by the ounce the
Four n*B«red t>»aada of CotdL
ih,-b»es «f meu 1
Ahli year ibi y v-lli tie askoi t<> |im out log to ancthi-r.
.min..-s brings as blgb ns r.\a> au Uf.ius iu„.
j "riie up ..f our
of power ihow tvlioiu- couibtct <if kovU'he vnrii iy in l.nir ornaments for
I said a geinh i.i ui with mines
.. H at w. Iglii ill all .-ases bringing raeis lu rvf, rcm.- li
emiueul baK tv5ltlte(l iu the Iil^rheet etenlnc wear Is piuilcr tliau ever Itertssidenwb—same ati latl year.
I on lb.. gii.-n, n.. rlror. JJrlilsIi Oolimitliiiii the lKiim.l III.-Ainerlj 4jv.-v Uiat I'v.
pro*iwrltx over taown hh.I i<. put lo f»n-. SoiHc ef the daintiest liuvoltiea
Have largequauiiryoD hacd,
ubi.iit iHOPuis ..f md.l.
lark-’t. Will.tli.-rclestluUmaa Htm be lift..!. All :•
tbo»e whose mauaimaent n-Mill>sl lii j,^. luadu of jilgr.ts *J,ap,sl In the
make a specialty of iv^lou.
' j t< lii. b is s.|.. lilt..
I'rlre. aii'l itis#ii js-rfisi sp.s'ir.ieus ns
........... .
tbe worst prostraijon for lialf a i-en- . tor.n of a (•hurt, stiff iiuitl nud lyiau' ill as SI.r. >'iiiis luN.n lavish • "’iih a j,a.
'iiw outrllver. Tliph tb.iv atv all
■l:i It Is KtipposiH] to l«ss,-.i..
y. Jt Buth'Phon?s. No “
tiuu «i
. In particular they will is? to ^
"Jf\ n-ct lioivs of law. volvel.
iiral i>ov,..i- to stn-ngiti-ii au.l ii
t lb ; Utrtp
amasb up sU luduMrlvr aud bin
aatln rihboii nnd ttdie cmil.iu.-d with
i. k of c il forajs* poi>:;iK ..f
,lc til,, wi-iikming lissiii's, so that
because certalb nlnnse!
.• that ti.b
algrew and odunsl spauglta. and the
Jh> bum down the imu
pn-tll'st -Vlsailuu
.Vlsailau cffirta
effwta as wtIL .Vn.l not ouly Is ih<
r tbiis a
I'ul!. ..r umtiTlol;.il.'.I ti> ..tkiuln
f o’.hers (
rid of tbc rots. TKnl Is csscnti.illy tite Whit. laco iu.scnlun wltl. waved cilgct
;• HiU.I -.fitioi
but it m.-a!i« a 1-t. f..r itiviiui.v.
nature of all Ib-aiocrntlc projxntaIs.,rv makes u dainty imic Alsatian In>w. «n1. but to til.- jKKir iii.-tilally It IroiKina i.^.l rii.’ blViiri^T

-,}-ay Mtva!. iii iIk. i..,ii.. runs 2Ti
apoctluR iLduKtrinl fyubliiatlonR. I'or The lace la about two Inches wide. knowlivlge .nul. aln-v.. all. pr-iiar.**
I .rimva
the ollv.- ey.-d prim-.- for n longi and K,veu Uuil adjoiuiu;
II* to the oiibi.wiH. il iiH-aus
all know ikii^ tbc eouMilidaiion of ' «(,i, two loop*
t iiM-ir.
luxurious sol.HirB on eanli.
t giM.iksi rut.'.- ynriN .if gnivel. 4is*
Mny works aud currK.ratlon* luisj:i,tie flap
«,v..r«j wire t
iniD of otir g.'.iii u-iriT »',.nh iilHint
1. r..-., .1...
..... I. ,i»,ou
L. L. A. BuUding
so far and bruicbi Mbout so pn-at a place
wi.-r,J t. 11... rbln«.,i... or .W uppor
cut by our
vyori.l I
ebanye In the cuuditiuus of lunuufac- ; Ver- stvHsh lone tra
g liydratiM.-s o got It. As flic i«y
ol.«. .0.1 ... l.™tll ... on..'. rrloo.l
»ure and Irrte that a nweepluB altaeli brown boilai
-.Mk U lib
- ' .mage lUtfleult of appreciation pfi^i
iiliiMhlrd of tho wliiilc
«pon all the cumblaallona.
good and
by the
quiimiiy 111 I.- lilaKiiHl .and wafdn-d. li
fewd alike, would
ould amaab
amasb up bualneaa
=■ .-I. - Uin. liri inn., .on t- in a<-tual
In the woods, ■mo on.Iro cn.n,l, oI
.................... woiiM give the cnonimu* was* of
nftertbe fashlonof 18IKI. Onebaaonly
the herb is protilo.'.o,Uu^t iwv..™. ,
l.Jui.iam , tible yanl* of .-artli aud rock
trith care at tbe d.rlaratlons of
in the Thin
to In- luinilleil. Till* littik weighs near­
4aa^ng Democrats, at the laws enacted
inftor. -r-.
h-avcu.-d, So. ly IcVlCMss* tons, ooil all ihl* for a hit Wnrxbuiff Bloek
time the emperor
In Democratic atates and at projioaals
onriir.-s Id some way.
yellow metal that Amid lx- taivere.1
|by Democrats In congress to n^e that
prlneiiile of now life wlii. h w,
by a 1** k tuea.sore. If w.- had to .ant
^y cotlrrly lack diarrlmlnntlon bcU- ImpbDKsl lu the hearu
ll away in the same kind <.f six horae
Itween corporation* that bleaa the eoun;tag.-s that We send Ih.- g.ild out In. It
Jtry and those
tbose that ejiroc
curac It. one
One pro- ^
vuuld lake TTsi.tUO of them, with aa
- - - by the
- . DemoenUe
Democratic le
leader in the -n'y
drive them and 4.
thooae would1 entirely stop
*to|> the moee_ _ ! ly-V.:;,■ •IS
ro liaul them."- New Y'ork Sun.
,b,p „»„i,i,,i.
„„„ ,„.J
It from any atate Into any othhr of
dhe products of any concern rcallalny
^S999 :8«S6flSBBBB8S*
T*a Red aBaBBer.
nore than a bare Inieriat on money
iiarjloaaed. Tbc plalneat of plain people
The American crop doe* not compare * Chri*^^IDufiIi^?f'™He*'u* the^life’^Th^ ticuUrly de*lA-d by timid i>eopU- who
ican *00 that tbouaands of .workmen
fear tbc Iwnes. There are no small
88RE||S8«SSB« = 88 i«SS88
at all favorably with that of Koroa. J^ven L Sy nut ho much he
j»nold hare to be discharged and mtlbone* lu a re.1 anapi>er. The flesh la
ItaiB of capttn] wlthdrawa tor lending
LATEsT Goirrnaa
coarse gralue.1. but of eXA-llent flavor.
nf,* thi
■I other countries K any law of aneb nhop*. They are tucked like the sklrta practicable to mIm it In yardena. and m ,j,e
riirlst In
yl.l.o ending
y,n,(ln_ at
.« the
,1.. knee
■___ _ —A
Impossible to produce good Un. ^-orld I* llftlug the whole worlA o>i|H-<lally wlicn pre|>arcd by liaking.
9un>ort abonld be esacted.
tbe stitching
and “CTO U
0 doing. It Is a crime pun­
pun- I'brisi
e-hri«f lived
tiv.-t aud
ni,d died
dl. that He might Tticy weigh from 4U down to 4
That Is extrarayant folly, it may be ,
from the abouldcr*. which arc cov- roots by bo
IBtanled. hnt no Democrat offer* any- ' «rcd by a yoke flnUbed on tbe edyea ishable by death for a Korean to acll raise meu from tbe loweai depths of >r 8 pouuds each. They feed upon
Itblay but extrarayaot folly or fraudu- * trltb stitched bands and covered with ylDseny outside of bis
Bln aud mlnepy to tbc highest heights mialler fisbCH and In doing eo follow
TbM of glory aud faaiipine**. But He not the shalluw places In the gulf known
•est erosion. The Democrat who spends * wWa collar of embroidered cent babanks. I'tie most aUA-cnsfal capISO much time In denouncing monopolle* tlste wbleb poInU down at cither ^de
Uin* nay they flab on the bottom, but
«hd tnuta oeser autn what preclae to front where It 1* caught together
ao avaricious Is a hungry red snapper
^ilny he would attack. If It is moDop- with a TersUin allk acarf. These are
isly OP complete and arbitrary ecmtrol *n elegant edition of what uacd to be
IhPi .UT l« UtieJ pp. I1.1.PM that be Hie* at almost any object and
has been known to snap at a piAe of
ft pric««,-«b80lately not one exists. If called dust cloaks and arc made of taf- Mpdi™ o» Ite p.n ot tb, Cblpa. u
red flannel with such avidity that h*
Bt is the advance of prices by agree- feta allk a* well
Unded on the hook.
of producer*, exactly as farmer*
Silk and lisle thread boslery In lace5' ,k"
“• b.-bb..l«- .bo« -bo -re dniWB.
They arc thus easily caught If found
”b.b,T It ».* „j ,]„j
,b, p„„,
lo yet better price* for cotton or Wk* openwork designs arc tbc daintlin
acbooU. but It Is not infrequeui that
and workingmen to yet better Mt novelties In this department They
oobbpbb.oUlb,. iu5c o. l«ob IK,.
jtrayea for
tb._.blp- .d
cbrtu’ Ar. »e llBlnt oib.o u vessels return with but small catches
labor, no law <au alrlke come In a variety of colors as well as I tlth» but » rerlr ..
rcault of rough weoilier or tbe mi­
Mown on
black and lead .he line lor wnart ef- i "17“*" ““*o“bl«I 'o nearly JIOO.OOO la mmone and not the other. If It I. au ...................................................
grations of the flsU. Then, again, some
advance foct* with the tow cut patent leather j ° xhero'^seem*
excellent rargoca are rought. the lar­ Ra^s!
1, no '■‘“W*. There are strlix-d' atocklngs ya’- I
**T ^
Have a biographical meeUng. Argest exvr having been brought to Gal­
cou- lore aud evE-ry kind aud color «ix>tt^ !
range a apeclal pWumme. with five
.aa*. 1B tralakaa parlsr earae Or*^
veston by one veaael being sl>out 42,000 Bapiasa*a
.ltei-1 wUb white imlkn dots, but the lacelike •
'» minute papers or sddressea on the pound*
Tlic lianka from which the Eag^mCSI
•ad-Vlre company show how swiftly .deslyns takeihe jialtii.
1‘"•“'d as a quletua.
alMper Ola
tSalvestnn supply is -securcl extend eleiiauuforM
4be clreumstanc, A may HO cliange. oven , Drro* slippers of both black and‘,,..
“'“"’“‘‘i'««i it nineh aa apicuousforthelrllftlngpowers-l’efrom almut 30 miles off«1ioro to Cara- log ear raieago »o OnaA RaslA* aad cki
^Whlleakgal authority furactlon
J. BviuHi is
IB uelie- white
e tiiie U-ather
u-uiuvr arc
Bfv wade
mane with
W luj the
loe J
, ..
---- ter.
ivr. twui.
l*aul. .naimatiaa,
.Barnalma. I.U10CI
Luther. Wesley.
uy Bought: as to alt.T prln-s
and ,dbd|.
oondl- b^d
broad CP.„„II
Cromwell «-p,
flaps ,l.,by
rising In t
le., „.l
^TL’^bir"' j
}F«a> fgr-moretban any Ijw could have
ho>) the whole fronts of the
RapMsIo PsMskrr.
A trul.v ork-nial and luxurious i
•heted them. Any legal interrerenoe .Ar* iulaid with calxichun Jewt-ls. Black
Math. V. 4ff-4K; John ill. !4-lGt xU.
C L. LOCEWOOnTcf P^“' ‘oSm‘’e*bIAs
tier <if ndmlnisicring the fiowdered root
fwoufd force the closing of woiks cm- , »*Un slii>iH.‘rs with gilt heels i
, otjialns among the higher classes, By 32; UaL vl. 1-10; rhll. m. 1“.U; Col.
aireU’s ir«B ettr.
artoylng many tbouaaDj hands for ao ‘other fancy.
til. \-V.; I Tim. Iv. 12-lC; 11 Tim. Iv. 1-8;
Oue of tho busiest plaix-a In tbe AaaSome of (lie neiv- bV-im. eee '
hichi-Ht tbe tn-atnieul Is UktladefluUe lime until the question aiuH
Heb. xlL 1. 2; Jaa. v. lb. 20; 1 IVl. trw-Huiigarlaii i-mpliv .* a little town
brought to trial, and th.-.t would on- ' *rlth a silk drop skirt, which has a ruf­ ' ci. during • ,x-rl«d of todays once lu n. 20-21.
two year*. The iiatk-nt la
In Styria-Wsenevx. Wsenev* la. aa
fle of the material like tbe gown. This I
the name lts«-If says (elscnevs meant
.ting off the living of multliudc*.
Is made just long enough to clear the
ai^e «
Iron ore), immensely rich In Iron ore.
water sparehuA-h
, Let any man look with care
the '
imunJ... It
11 I.
I* .
a *nnle
™ lo
to bold
and Its mountain* have Iwn worked
fonuttin and uanal^ .h mctho.U fur ralslgg i
flruposiU made by any leading IH-mo- i up the outside skIrL Tho foregoing/
for A-niurle*. Tlw dej>osUt are aald to
-|erat or any .vavcniUiu of that |>arty In *ro ninong fashiuu'a frills, oa noted by
O'...... IT
l "o
eropect to the induslrial combinations. ,**»<? New York Sun.
told nothing of the outside world and clal o,H-ra”..!^ bbx-mu« S “n-1
jMd be will find that they prostrate
Floor Coverlags.
ThnahK-as and Industries it* the Brat

BtlP|),-cven by fear of intcrf.-ronee. hc-rally
The ‘
fur the pruprli-tli-a of lire uu the r .

. ffore a thing could K- dune to frame a
rouuwm-d .nd :L»«Uaro • ;«»•"» .
vl that
that the
the curoiK-rqual-i'^'.r."''.**'''
r to enfoive on.-. He will IHjInt'to be uotAl
■imud' and' rro,K-Et fur the Master I
Europ*-. tor tbu (a, orc Eapi^.i »($ e aiAit
*,•'» • and His bouse on tbc other. Nothing '
fflnd auch vagueness of statement, ituch Itlcs-do
***<» <>■> not
no* wear
’'«»r well Denli. which '
t be done to lo«-..r IV.h-r It I..7 ob 1
» «» unrJval.-d. t» OM aaplA. I SI? t»
ID all manner of pretty designs '
of Ll* rest from
lo ...rn- Ibo IWI«»
•’f ' St.vrlau HU-,-11*
lu AuHtria- atTSS:;®'5 S??
a very g<^ auhstltutc.




Oeat CtealuNdErw Hosleer. Kta.

Oenerai Custer



First Freeze

Clear loe, from Botrilinti Like.

$1.00 a Month


J- -A- Jackson


Fire Insurance.
John R. Santo.
Giiiril lisirain.

x'^rzT v



Cnit llipldi t miut Bj

iraS'robTcTral^ rrrgartl/'’^^


r «>->.• a~--Ub.pbub.oUlo.b5i

^^ - -

JlK Fere lirqiette RiUnid



ieotporailoD would be threatened
^periled not less than tin- moBt graH>lUlg and hamfuL It will then Iw iu or}der to reflect that the same party
;vhieh has promoted and guarded the
la quite a



«"«• «
way It Is soundc-d abroad tliat it was
carpet Bning i ' old nesrspapefa,' tbc gia
e bim
I*BBbloa*a Echo**.
A loosely woven nun'a-velUni
what reccmbling that

wt-k by any policy It maj
the advancement of prosperity and cool.
The aunbonnet U to be an esUbUahIm and all tbc time instead of a bUnd,
and vindictive warfare ed Biyle of tbe summer and appear* In
rt all corporations, good and bad. lawns, piqnea. ginghams and wash
Some very sttuinlng coatumes are
Tho Trwat Qnoatloa.
• The settlement of the trust question made In white mohair.
Knife plaited aklrta are popular in
Bs not a political one, but It call* for the
ieoDcerted action and beet judgment of ^ silks and cantaaes.
Handkerchief walsU are In high fa­
an leglalators. Wbenever a trust tends
^ Impair the rtghbi and privileges of vor. Jaunty little lacc bolero* give the
Utlaens. It alms neliber at Uepablleana. seeded touch of style to plain salts.
petticoats are trimmed with ac­
raemoenta nor ri^mllsts. but at all
cordion plaited flounces.
The empire acarf ot allk. mull or chif­
fon promlaef to be a' fad of tbe nunBicr.
The yoke back, ao popnUr last aeaBon. U hardly seen on the new shirt
>'* efaeep census altowa a gain ot waists.
Gnlpnre blouse* will be much worn.
9^ p^r
F cent In the number of sheep
alaec the free trade in wool In black over w bite, with a colored satb Oregon
Mme of 18D6 and an Increase of 131
«Bd bDUoai-ImltaUng
precloos stone, |
meg ctat in the avwage value of ea^ I

2 SIS?. I

Lt Bs aaptAs..!
It 1* a Blugular fact tliat the name good (
ElA-novt amounts to over a.UOO.000 Ar TrarencOy j
given tbe plant by the ('hlnosc and tbe tlunnble a
qulatals, or Sou.uou ton*, a year.
North American Indian Is atixmgly The I-ord
I* deplt
slmllai^ Botb names suggest the fan- tiers filled only lu L-glii
Rls PoaHiBau
A meeting of a negro • Illerary aocie'■'l^of.™., to.b.fom and tacomln,
becoming »-.,'.-Tbo
waya—Tbe IT^bjic.
ty" was in progress."and tbe bnalncas
Of the human'Cbdy. the tuU-rlK-lng oft-' ---^
times split Intu two divialuns rcacmpart of the programme was under conbliug the limb* of a man. On account
Faitk Ib (kc Bible,
of this aluillarlty to a man'-# form tbe '
Su“d*y school# are turned Into
Some one bad proposed that thv- regu­
, sujieniaiural iHXvi-rs were aaesibed to ' Bil>lc schooU. where the very words of lar time of meeting l>e changed from
II. and there Is much evidx-mx- to ahow ; Holy
studied and bel|is and Monday to Wednesday night, and tbe
«iat It waa in bigli ftivor with the In- «a«bods less .le|x-nded un. those who
dlans on the same alco(lnt^-nTtsburg '
who are taught will
Finally the president of the society
I derive tliat Illamlnatluu which ever
I appealed to for his optaiuD. and be
romes.rrom the eairance of the truth
ABtlsBltr «f “A Bagwlar Shlaa7.>
of God. If tbe whole Church of Christ I
«ciety. pasThe antiquity of many familiar
were to present a nnlled front of such
DOW. pnamnalty. 1 don't caF
terms la aurprlslng when It I* known, f, -i...-.:,... i„., ..j /
of halting wUch night de s'ciety meets, but fo’
ly r«,nle.~b«.b',n,
,b-,-,T,'b., i;„^'“"'""
my*lf I prefers Moa<Uy."—Yonth’a
but fewer Btlll wUl
l« projiarvil "•
to bear
' and would be made upon the worM.
(bat the phraw “A regular shindy" U
Even were H Impossible to Induce tbe
Olrilak Ame-itlea.
found lo an author's note to a poem
visible churvh to unite In taking such
Fay—1 accepted Mr. Koxley last
raUed -The Poj»!sh Kingdom." pub­
a suna those who do it would at least night.
lished in 1570. A writer in Tbe Athebe faiibfol wllneasra for tbe truth, and
iiay-Oood gracious: Weren't you
nsnm" quotes this note, which refen
tbe result could not be forctold.-Epi»- nervous aixmt HI
celebration of Maundy Tbur«- copal Becorder.
-Ko. Whyr
aay: 'SMldL'chi service* ate held In
-Ob. I would hare been! I should
church, the lights are put out and a
think the suspenae would be awful
regular shindy followa. men being
while yon were watting for bis anbeaten and woandea"-London Globa.
know thy work aod do IL-Cariyla.
*wer.'--Phlladelplila Pre*a.

unsm m mnEunu is



wnirt am



'«o«k •v«rr»ormlac.


HEiiup enwowi
GtetaiaOfiMof A

OwBtftnj, BoMia, Boland
'•Bd Franoa. Xnoraasa Foreaa.


Babj's First Pair af Shoes

OfBiitish O^tored by Boere
end Many KiUed.


aamel leTac Morslae BMord.
8b Pant. JOM 11—Tsro aiaa held ap
Ci^ Zomi of “n-T- mA IbtlnM the office of the Anbauaer Boach Brew, •aeaaOfiearn aM Sightr-Seraa Kaa
PaU TteUBa—SitoatlM in Praa
■■BMtefctSMMOfCUBMa Tm- tag Oo. la thie ei^ thk noea. Thar
held tbe ofBoe foraa qaiat with lerelad
SUta More Sartona Than bappoaed—
rerolreci aad rifled the aafe. The sea
Qaaaral Kathnaa FotaaA to Pi^t
Mnm to a*»d Ken Hm to KoapS attempted to aacapa bat were folio
hj a anmbar of the brewer? amplogea
la Sflfart to BoUara OolvOla—Boars
and after, a deaparato flgiit with poUeeKaUag BxtaaKra Praparatteae for
■K ^—»• 4.000 6e>dieei at TUa
TMa-OeUook la awtona




Full Sets


Ladies’ Bicycle Shoea —

Beautiftil goods at low prices and folly
100 pieces at..............................10c each
100 pieces at............................. 8c each
Come end see them.

Black and chocolate—sev­
eral styles, al $1.M>.
Men’s Bicycle Shoes—Extra quality


loather stayi-rl,

elk boIps,

at $100.

Boy’s Bicycle Shoes —
chocilate color, easy, U>ibt



serviceable, at SI

and $1.00.

Traverse City's Leading Shoe

ClothiDg Exhibit Opens ThisMorning!
Come To Benda For The Best!
200 dOz«n "Uaiou Mad*-" < 'veralb, blat-k blue,or white.
with or without bib....................................................... ’.....
66 dozen “UuiDU Made” Working IShirta, black, blue,
cliiK'ktKl or 6lrip<‘d....................................................................
81 dozen -Coion Made” Working Panto, lined or unlined, double sewed..........................................................
210 dozen ’'Ciiion Made" Hato—all the latest shapes,
alS3.00. S2.00 and...................................... ..........................$1.00
10 dozen "I'nioti Made” Carpenter Aprons — jnst the
kind that’s right.........................................................................
“Union Made"^ Barber -and Bar Coato, Vest* and Aprons, at
bottom prices. It pays to trade with

s. jBEisriDjeL. & oo.

Minute Rates Other Stores May Try
but they Can1 Equal

pbemlag. Iron Mountain
and othor

Upper Fenlnenla
New I.inee

Low Bateo

is Reducing Prices
on Shoes.
I Will Go Them One Benei, and
make 30 per cent. Reduction on
the Best Shoes In the market.
Sit Front Street

Have You..
For buying a 10 cent
cigar when yon can get


Our great values in Men’s Suits at $4.98, $7.98,
$9.98. These are all worth about 50 per cent, more—
The Iota conaUt of one and two of a kind, broken sizes in
each lot, bnt all sizes in the entire assortment. Csme to*
morrow and see these.


We Ddiil Let Them
Undersell Us

If ws know it. Oompan quality and yon will be oon>
Tlnoed that oar prioso are aa low as the ao^oaUed Bpeo«
ialaaleor l-doffprioesmada in thlsoity. Onrmotto
is—“Hot How Cheap, batlHov^Good.”
Our ahoet are made by makers ol Beliable Foot­
wear only.
Ton take no chance/when you buy of us. We
have sold shoes the pastflS years in thia city, and stUl
lead and let othera follow. Make no mistake.

The Old BeUable Shoe Man.
Oar new store ie now at 242 Front Street
H. B.—Babies bom in 1900 we shoe free—Others do
also. We lead, others follow. 8BB!

ifyodbuy a pair of Minor’s Monogram
Shoes. Every lady who has worn a pair of
these shoes has been fully satisfied with
the-st>’le, fit, durability and price. The
price is $3.50. You can buy them at


Mat «u afford."


Fpnrtli Year—No. 968

at the bazanrdepartmeot oftbe



SMk not to ateol the other ieUow'a
We would Ilka to have yon oall and
CM the grand exhibit of Men*’, Boy*' Batberpntoa ateem end make yonr
aad ChUdres’* FaU and WUter cloth­
lataad U too old te hope ing, today and Wedaaaday. Thoaaanda Do whatever yon do with aU yoor
MBIT I aboBld Bay not of baantlfol and exelealve a^Ua to
chooee from. Ul Front atrMt, U By taking Boeky MeaataU Tm at
Frank FrUdrieh’a old etM*. 8. Benda



We will give every baby bora
io 1900. A pair of shoes nb•olntely free.'

Dwparata Wealatanee

SptclalmUie Morelaa Beeenl.
teTH. llonitaaBaeert.
LemdoB, Jane 1»-Ieta diapatehee
TIM IWb, Jua 11—The third traia
point to
aMrtad for Pakin laat nifht bcariac
»M OarBM, 80 BrlUah sad TO Franch Project to Extend Line West lathe northern Free State thaa haa
beea aappoaad to azisb Lord Boberta'
' Mm Jaekatf aod mariaaa.
eommunloations bare been InUrmpUd
ShaarW. Jiuw it—Pour tbowasd
alnae Wedneada? and on Thoraday a
troopa and U ru>8 hare been
landed at Paal 'Taihoand aremarehl&c. Tbenoe Aeroaa Hamwa to flnttona whole batUUon; of mUltary eneai;^
at Booderal, waa captured by Boei*
toPaUa. ^aaprcaahaa fled to the
Bay—PoMlbly Oonaeet Sood Barbor
afteraflgbtin which the Britiah loet
Bowlan lc«aUM.
and Binpiro—narge PaTllion
eeren officer* and 8T men killed and
8b Petarabarg. Jnae 11—Aa the reBnllt at Foaeh and AttracUre wonoded.
anlt of >a sadaretaafliaff between BuTo ihc eastward of Eoodeeal. abcot
ala and tbe other power*, a dftpaUb
Qrounda Laid Out.
ten miles aoulb of Heilbron, General
baa been a^t to Port Arthur ordering
There la a atrong tnasibility thkt
Meibuen U reported to hare been
S.OOO of the Bneaian garriaon bold In
Friday,, apparently In an efreadineae to go to Tien Tain when tbe Uanistee
Company may Boon
anon eateod their line I fort to reach CoMlle.
Cotyille. who wm suppoeBnaelaa mlolaver aak* lor aasUiaccc.
Waahlogton. Jane 11—«»n receipt of Into Leelanau conniy. Thu officlale of led to be at the laat named place and
dlepatchea tbiaatteraoOD from Admiral the company hare had the czienslon In eeemlngly in acedof snppliee. a^ Kellyand last woelc they ! Kenny telegraphed Snnday
Kemplf, Seeretar; Long sent tbe fo!
lowlngdlipateh to Rear Admiral Ecmi-y i
here conaideriog lao matter more Blocmlonleln that Methuen when iear
»t Manila; "Send by the Solace imme- In deUii. The resall la. that Chief • '....................................
- •
dlately with all dispatch to Kempff, ioo
marinea, arranging if practicable that Hanlatee yesterday and immediately ville.
after landing the Solace aball cootinne atartod Into ueelanau county to look, Tbe Inference to be drawn Irem tbeee
ee her homeward royage M prerionsly the gronod orer. The proposition haa reports ie that the Boer* were in for^.
Kelly-Kenny appear* to have bellered
their number* ex*ggeratec, and u two
The dUpateh from Admiral Kempff
STMMfoIlowa: -'Tongko, Jane II— tbe erect aide of Chrp lAe throngb Cen day* had paeaed when be aent tbe dieForoea landed by different naUons are terrllle townablp, eroaeiog the sarrowa patch without freeeiring new* of tbe
Sntroenlu. it looks sa if they had not
o^ing commanioatlon with Pekin.
Bay. While little la glrea ont. been favorable to tbpTl7iil*B>' Boiler
Amertoane Joined."
it ie eappoeed that tbe new line will ie reported to hav/pnehed hit way
Signed "Kempff."
rna nary department got wdrdtbU ran orer to Good Barbor and make a throng Drakensberg moontains and to
nnslng that the gunboat Monoeaey connection with Empire. The Hoe be at tbe Jnnetioa ol^Uan* Vlei and
had left Shanghai tor Taku, in aeeor- rnna within a abort dletaaee of T. Klip river in the Free SUte. 2S mUei
daoM with ordare to-proceed thereto WilceACo/slegglagroad now and a northeaat of Vredc. There are a num­
nlBio(«e Baar Admiral Kempff. Her connection eonld be eMlly made there. ber of poaiUona aUll between him and'
Wwmeiiiltr wm anthorlsed to draw on Tbia would open np a. good 'eouatiy Lainga Hek where, if the Boer* rcsoive
the Oi^on. Oaatlne aad Yorktowa for and afford a moeb needed mc^eof to make a itand, he may have tronble.
tianalt to the polnta mentioned.
A onriona item of newt from Boar'
mwtaM. aU ttuae Bblpa being at Shang­
Baffiaem Bnbbdl baa iMtraetlona to mreas la that tba BrlUah eolnmn la
hai, aad it It aappoMd ahe baa atleMt
loM no time la looking omr tbe rente. moving toward tbe Tranavaal through
n of them OB board for abmaarrlen
'lib tbe view of getting to srork to SwnaUand. Tbla reqaima oonflrmnUon,
•» Tin Thin OT Pakin.
lay tnek as ^oa m poadbla Be haa M tbsr* WM a taelt nndartlaading b*The fmremant approraa the action
bMaorar the'territory boforo nad la iwaaa tba baUlgsranm at tba bcglael Kempff U tending an
diapoaad to tbink fnrorably of tbe pro- nlng of tba war that naUva twrltory,
Iniga form of aanmea and
aoeb M SMUtnland aad Bwaallaad,
PMdn. althengh no oflelnl eenflrmnThia la not the only
wonldnotbs made tba aeeaeofba*ttnot the prMB dlepatohm to that
d by the M. A H. B. For tillUaa.
dNot haa bean fMaivad.
timeaprojeet to ImproreFoneb
Of evanta In the Tranavaal tbsrsbM
Mlaiatn Ooagtr aad Admiral Kempff has been in mind. It la now prop
beea no Information whatsvar forMvhambenglreBamrytrM rein m to
to lay eat atteMtlra groonda on tba •raldaya,bntU.UlndireeUy learned
the partiKpattoe of Amerlimii foreea In
abme of Carp Imks at that point and that tbe Boer* are making Urge pnr^eteeOag Amarioaa and ether foreign
erect a large parlllon elsM to the lake ehMW of eaad bag matsrlal at Lorsnso
latmmtt nad la srhatemr aettoa ^t
ahore, eraating a pleaaant day xmort Marquee far tortifieatlou at unknown
may be aeommiy to bring abont
for the bansflt of TrararM City people
~ MlhfantnTT eomdttlen.
Joel bow and otbera alrag tbe line of the road points. MeanUms tbs pdUUeal aitnaUon U Caps Colony i^psara to bs
•Mj OalMd Statea mariam nad aeaIn both dliMtleoa. Beth these imMB are aahora la aot known here, bnt
wonU bs desirable and
)«|giag treat thn pram dlapatehae and greatly appredatsd. Plana bare al­
ready been drawn for tbe pavilion, bst
HPpanathareaiaatleMt»WBOw on
are not yet eomplets. It ie probable BMclved With Bnthnaiaam and Ten
OhiameaMl Boeratary
that both onlsrprteas wU! develop
dnred BoUntbM of Sympathy
adonUof thareporta that MoArtbor
shortly. __________________
boon aaked to Inform tbe gomm
SpeeM WTfct MwelartWii-wilMai bow maay troope now la tbe
PhOlaaiBH be will be abU to fnmlab
OolQmboa. Jane U-A. D. Fiaeber
te amwlm In CUaa. Ho each laqnry
aad a H. Weaaal*, the Boer peace
bM been made. Secretary Bay My*. Loeoh LaIm Indiuis are tJgljr envoy*, arrived in Oolnmbna tonight
and were ecoorted to the city hall by
and Tronble ImminMt.
It aad MeArthor
Urge anmber of elUaani who gave
w Otmoa the subject of aeadiag troops
GrowUg Out of the Onim of Gswny them a roMpUon and beard their plead­
to China.
ing*. Ex-Mayor Black prealdad and
Toy Oonea Ihnt Bo ia tba KaoBUb- Bayor Swart* gave tbe addrM of
Ciuiigar was asard from
agaia today to tbs sSset that tbe Pao
Wbila aetaera ora Sooklag Safety U welcome. BeaolnUona were adopted
Ting Fo mliMewrtw were eate up to
extending the eympatbiee of
eltUena of OolnmbM to the people of
tba prmsDt; that tbs ChlaoM gon
Sontb Africa la their prtaent atmggle*
. Mat hu aent troope there and bad Bptcial W Tbt Momiaa BecorC.
promlaed ample proteeUon
Minneapolia. Jnna 11—From reporto with tbe BriUah.
Tbe envoye leave to­
. mlaeion:
from Leach Lake it ia evident that an
tbooght that thle protection will other IndUn npriaing la threatened morrow morning for BalUmore. Pbilalosnre permanent aafety. According and eerloo* ereaolu may follow anteaa delpbU, and New Vork. whence they
to Mr. Conger, it U impomibte at the active and immediate atep* are taken mil for France Jnna lt>.
moment to aaad any foreign foroea to qaeil tbe dlatarbanoe imminent
from Pekin to Pao Ting Fa.
ksottg^em. The Indiana have been
Mr. Conger'e doabt m to the perma­ raatleaalor comeUmaand wbea-aaaonence of ChtncM ability to pro'tbnt mis- eUteddlTMtlywitb tbewhitoa bnve Admliml Dewey and Bu Wife Becalved
Monalaln Una with bla prerh
ebown a enllen dUpoaltian.
a Boat XatbulaaUc Welcome
praaaloBBot opinion. Indicating the be­
TbU Utaat tronble wm atartad by
lief In bit mind that the law ChlncM Oaway Tay Oonee, who appeared at
GrandBapld*. Jttnell—Tbe Idol of
gnarale who are diepoaed to protect the agency aad announced to the
America U U tbla city and bM received
tbe ferelgnere are to be orereonu hj braree that be wia tbe MemUb. The
aneh a reception a* Grand Eaplda never
tbe sleeaent at tbe Chlneee coart which fellow won the good will of many of
gave to any one before. Tbe hero of
u farorable to tbe Bomi*.
tba Indiana, who *ith foU confidence ManUa haa beea tnvaliag through a
How York. Jane 11—The loUowlng la hlm.left the agency Joo atrong and
aea of admirer* ever sUoe his apeeial
oablo from Pekin was reeelred today encamped on SqMW poUL CaptaU
tram polled Into tbe city.
bytMMatbodiat EpMoopal beard of Mwoer. the Indian agent, aoentod
Tbe admiral and hia wife were greet­
tronble and had Oaway Tay Oonee ed, M tbe traU palled U, with as ad­
"PAl^ Jaa* >-Maeeacre of natlr* placed ondor anwet. The balance of
miral'* aalnta of 1? gnna. They w^
Tbe eitnation of forsignei*
the npriaen were left on the poUt and aaeorted, through a parfeet Jam of
MerlMeaL PTMaWashington.''
Tbte mme dirMt from tbe m!
areeaidto be growing ugly and dla- ebaering peopU, to their carriage, aad
eoatentod. They threaten dimeter to driven to tbe Morton BoMa, where e
tbe inhabltaata. and aa there are no atm
troopaautbe ageady tbaaitoaU
They took e private drive abont tbe
eoaeldered aUmUg.
eltytUa aftatnoon. and are reatlng
Maay aettlen are Imviag their h
for aafety U the city.

sntn an


McNamara Block



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