The Morning Record, December 02, 1900

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The Morning Record, December 02, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



! dTT, laca^ BxfKDA.T, DadsMBME a, laoo

• Up T* 3 <yC)Bcfc B




BarinriUe, Tana.. Dan. 1—HOa aft< British Hav» Work Ah<
Will Not PrOM Oomands For
mum fnar rrlamairt rf tbr rH TteiSouth Africa
TeoSovare Heasuras
tetfcaate Um brnwr 4tom» wall*
«BrRNsd d»oU teitiMdca.
|Ub7 ottert ware tniuted. Forty
•oaTteto wert >
mw»rtbtoU pK
Jlis Visit In Gur
Aaauranoas From Oraat BHt- •adeUMiaa the




ain. Ruaala and Frmnoa
Tba MplB Mivaata of Um> vail bad
bM maorad bat immhm dnaaad tbat
Uw BBiriva Kraetan voald tootle.

I aa< Capa Celaar, bat

It at mto tram Baroi»
ImdapBUtab to boUm that thm
viu IW.BO deUr la tha
■—by the povan for a aattlancat trith
' White at Bnlla

Bi* dtepateh ladleatco that OonM«7
will BM pMi bar dMaaodi for too
mrran umntta aad will prolabir
i^aa-to a mdidoattoa <d the det the apfBirral at the
otfaw povM*. One fmtare of the deMBds to Which Oermaar etood iobtaitted vae that the demade ahooid
be final aad la the aatare of aa altit
The Onited Btateo g&remneat oppoaad thU heoaaae In oTent of
Chlaa'i refaml to eompir oa ffmnde
that the
powen woald beO
: of the .

modlfiad. aad werecal dayi apo leOf«al Brltala, Bneaia and Pnaee.
It U beUered Oerwaar will aleo
teteM to the mpoeed ohaage.
Umdcn. Dm. I-Slowlf bat eorej;
the attitadeof Ban
paaa gnewawwit* and peoplea toward
China U ihafring luelf upon liaea of
the dteorioaa policy, OenaaBy, perhapa. it aa esoeptloe and the kalaer
will probably ooatliiMtb iaeln apoa
apeolal ooatpeBMtioa of the Boat

deabttlBt the kaieer BtiU hopaa tble
wtU faniih aa oppoctaaily ftv him;
to laalin a long oheridiod anbltioa
toaoqaire aa India in China. Bm-,
parar WiUlain nay. deelaree the;
Bpeolator. antieitwte he bad a right
to Jariiee, that the tneane adopted by
the eoQOert of Ennpe for aeoartng

From Orinking Boer Contslning Arsonic Poison

Loadoa, Dec. 1 —The Tiotlme of
araealo poleoa in beer aow namhen
acore than m dead aad more than 1,OOD 111 The ana aSaoud it eoafiaed
bat the panie-aamf beer iftlnken hae
apread alanR daoathoat the whole
ooaatr;. It hae
MblUied that the oaaee wae anenic
la the aalpharie acid need in the man
afaetare of glaooee or angar. which
the BagUA brewer* emplo.r in maklag cheap beer, laetead of taalt and
hope The poieon hae tliai far be«D
traced to oalr one eetabliahinrat
vhioh eapplied eager for eevetal brewia the mldlande and the north
Ae the reanlt of the warning b; the
• of
anthoritieL hundred* bf tl
gallon* of beer bare been ponred into
•ewer* of Lirerpool and Man*
cheater by brewera end reteilere.
The aeare hae canted a tCmog rerlral of the agitation in favor of compnlaory nee of malt end hope ioftead of
jnt anbatitntea. Totalabelineaee
adTocBtea, of oonne, hare not miteed
Illy to deolarc that the
real poieon te aloohbl in the beer.

tional Association Meeting.
B U rUcage Where
if XVa* Dretdad (
John F. Ott. the Trere

deaaad* will eoraetime be •
With. The kaieer wonld break no
pledge by anch aotion, and It 1* ex­
tremely ImiPobeble that any power
wonld go to war with Oenumay for
taking that proTiaee.
The Ohlneae imbroglio.ii wearying
the gOTenunenta ae well ae the jnibl
laBnnpe. EngUnd eepMlally ehotfe
coaplete Bjathy.
a thoaaaad fold greater intonet. On
the other hand. Baliabuy that far baA
riiown blmaelf only lete^impcaetiRable
than the kaieer. bat be diillkee differ­
ing froai Ameriea and it anwHliag
to ooBtflbate to a teaUxatioa of Oerlay -B ambltloB.
IlUafaolthat the lo oalled eoaoen of the powere 1* rapidly dieintegtaling. aad the demand, ae finally
fpeei^ home, will pbcotaably be eneh
ae China can gnat with alacrity. It
ii eTetywheie taken for gnnted that
Rneaia will*get Manehcria. Indeed,
ahe pnerteially poaaeaae* that terri
to»T already. The qneatioa la. wbetli
or Mongolia will not come to her
pa the eTantnal prooeede of the aitn

KnwOT^nil wt Tktrr Fram BmU.

where be attended the eonventlon of Uie Kational llAwood Lamh«g Aeeociaticm. atone of a oommil-

la thii city. In addlHon to Mr.
OM tht* BtMciatimi wae reprereoted
by Jamee Cameron of Central lake,
H. B. Lewie of Elk Rapide, V. H.
White of Boyne City. William Rath
of Lndington. W. L Cntrer. re{«eaentlng J. B. Stenrn* of Lodlngton;
Mr. Whitman of the South Arm Lum­
ber Oa and W. K Keller of the Kel­
ley Shingle Oo. Lnmber Inupector)
of Boyne City and Lnmber Inepector Chat Chrietiaaeon of
WoBletee were aleo prMenL There
more than one hundred delegate*
tnt from the chief inrobering
•tate* of the ooantry. The reanlt of
the oonrention will be beneficial to the
hardwood Intereeta The chief point of interest for the
the matter
of intpMtioa mlea. which the Mirlii
men desired to maintain a* at
■at is force. This deaue was
ohored by other reiweMntatires aad
the national aaeociatioa decided to lot
the mlea etead aa they sag *1 present.
After-^e coBTenUoaUie delegate*
were enterteioed at a roynT benqnet
fniniabed by the Ch

•pmiel to Tte Konme B*MrA
Lesdea, Dee. i — Enger’a tonr
faniriie* a oteiUnc illnitntioB of
r’a reeaat diatom tlmt the
Baropeaa war of the fatan wlU be
dna to the *
of the people
(o the athema* of the
Kroger ha* gained
pcraoaal aaocnaa and the
Btroag eympatby^ felt for the two reibllce baa beta oanflmed by paraoaooaiaot with thair chief. HI* whole
hearted oeaoaattaUon in hi* mi**i<
hae added dignity to hi* etrong perBanality, which it waa feared might
be too BBeoBth to retain popnlar ad­
miration after hie flrat
htetead. hU wilhogneea to make any
pemonaj effort that might

Fouvra TXiLB-Ka 1|IB


WDl be ............. to tetese Woseea
parte t>iM a^MOaiaster
Spates to ItoSwtemBmwd-

aad tha oaoretaiy of te
ivy haveananged to oend aa Annicaa war veonl to Moroceo to collect
te claim of the CaHed Statea agatet
Morocco for te mnrdn of Maena B.
Zagai, a mtaallaad cdtiaea of thU
iOT- The Vldcabaig wUl prwaed
to Tangier and teaoe to Maaagap,
te neareet ee^Mri to Morooeo City,
coavvylng Onmmere, eoaaal geowal
If «oa viab to be so, the Te!eof te United Btame at Tangier, who pbose u indiepennbie.
wilt go to Mocoeoo City.
Ko one oaa be op to the work,
ia thie age. without Ihia twentieth
eeotary adjutet.
Nov u the time to get into coamnaicstioD.
Tan Thousand PedlKTsed Ani­
Not in two bonia—Not tomoriw, but Immediateiy.
mals 8hodrn irt Chicago
The other fellow often geUthd
order yon might have had, beoanae
VelaeerCMUe. H
be baa a Telephone in hie place
of bnaineaa.
tote St.000000 lad PHei*
the local managera.
AggVteato STBJWO.

Jftt V

Op t0 CAr



ato iwaatfiaddar teafi-

UtBuS teTwr Srii Cli»

now ifeadf for Inspection '
Our ma.gni6ceot assortment of Christmas
and New Years presents. The dalottett and prettiest
productions of art in bodcfi. pictures, ^endars, tmlet I
sets, biUes, albums, toys and games, and thousands I
of pretty novelties. The

Op/ Bwk Sten
The great Holiday Store of Northpra Micht^.
HOBART-BEECHER CO., Proprietor*.


(Aimgo. Dm. 1-Tanthoomad ped­ WIcHatM Celtphfiit C«.
igreed animala. Mle, boree*. ihrep
and ewte, te beet evw ptodaoed in
thU or any other eoantry, and all
valaed eoaaarrativelyat N.OOO.fDO.are I
at te intareatioiial live]
vbi^ was opened i
In the Dexter Parii Amphiteatre. on- j
ioo stock yards today,•- The c
the stock of the breeden has been |
tent in. and as the priaee which will |
lecpmae when any eall taringe him be awarded amondt to aomething like'
to bow hie greet
r the most part, dlfdagpened the imiveml feelii
oontineat that he le a moM worthy ferem eMtloD* (fftbe United States
are oompetiag forawanlayet animala
Bad of a brnre people.
MeoBwfaile Honth Afrioa hae Kttled have been emt ' from Canada, and
down into a black and hopele** deao- evmi ae tar away a* England. Scot­
lalion. The Boen attack and fight land. Ireland, Mrxino,' and Sooth
Bi they BCTer did during their Americas are laskiugan effort to have
showing in the exThey have] been aggretaive in the'Free State in eo-opere- hlbition. The management expects
Out PisBiis sp«sk for ibemtion with the oommandoe* in *triking the crowd* during the week will
there is no betler
selTdA, and thdr superiority
Cape Colony. Tlteir ex
indication of this than the fact that
atretegio aim they iwotaably do
is eTerTwbereacknowledckd^.
the ontsidere arc writing that lliey
know chemaeire*. Bat it ie t
Bgainet raoe<'now. aad if they oon cannot get hotel accommnodarioDs
0«t a good insmment while your
{lenetmte any dlatanoe down into the and aak if other anaagements can be tildren are'young, and they will
made for them.
colony they may
>oc show a fpu<iness and an a^tude
for music. We have a large display
recrnlta. The problem of arming
of th
the best instrnmeuU. and will be
teas bat been rimpUfled by the ease
gUd > show them to you.
with which Oewet surprised the garriecos and etripped them oi; their big
gnna and rifles.
Democrats to Offer Substitute
TbiM embittered death strnggle 1*
Army Reorganization Bill
I 20 Front Streat.
of the gei
buniag bffanaa. Militery antboriadmit that the number of
•lUoe to Cxtead Voiaatrer I*rov|.
bnrned farms belonged to men wl^
have been pritoner* einoe Mareb «
m for One. Two or Three Year*
Jnae. They my that if they were,
to Meet Iteqairetoeats.
bnrned wrongly the enfferen will be aprelsl t<-lbe Moroln* Bword.
but it is impoeelble that
Wariiingion. D.-c 1—A call lias been
Boer for
caacni of Democretic
tl>e loa* of bi* bomeetesd.
members of hoote
The London nnionUi pre«* has be­
gan too late to deiwirate farm bninfor the pnrpoee of determiniing e
Ing. The Spectator geoerelites that
coarse of action toward the army re­
greet severity with tiie white men
bill. The principle prop­
whom yon have to govern aftervrard osition *0 far advanced by the leader*
never encoeeda What will happen
) extend for one. two or three
that Kitchener haa aammed the year* the preMnt provision for s vol•ole command depend* on the Dntoh
er army, which may be offered
colony, bat there i* now a sign that as a sobetiinte for the reorgauisatlon
the Boer repobllos will be the
billna.of death and devaetaHon for
It stand* alone, it tower* ebove.
There's's nature's wouder,
rming ponlcloe to the heart of
____tind. Such is Rocky Mountain
Tea tec. Ask your druggist.
'TTSssaoct Arab CoMbi Fire « des aad


1 lET Ba«U BE YOUR sum CUBS.''


Dorinp the next three weeks we will preaent every lady making
a pnrefaeae in onr Cent’s Furnishing Depart­
ment with a bandaome Art Oalmdsr for 1901.
Ti>eae Cklendara are genuine works of Art

I Ladies

Bear in mi
Her. glove
•e*. mittens, sweater, bath robeTboote^,
________ , night gown,
a box of handkerehiefa
Mdlara. ■a. enfiri. tecy vest.
veei, etc., bearing the name BENDA know* that it* the 1____
and best make. Why run chance* in baying eh —wheaALL

IBi-n. S.,BENDA &


Speak for tbemsefves



SIhii natid Cm
Flu Skill liMiadt
Larti Hnelt; Hlmui
10 kinds at Pli Cuklais
Faac) Slliir TkifiMitin
BiaitIM Skill na Tnp
Van: Fill Rillif Blittira
PnilT Orisaid Dilli
Skill Pi|ii WiltUi, ate.

Ssakin SiU
Slliir Plitid Pia Tnr
tkill Mitek tedin
Fiici Skei nuBMitei
Smiq Sat aid Pli Cakia j
FHplM Isikalai Skill Ito I

Fiic) Cilndart, ltd.



Cbursday, Dec. 6


yiCMiirr to JMtiMMi

I Ro«i

SpreUl to Tbr Montlae Bererd.
Manila, Deal —The transport Arab,
carrying rapplie* aoolh b
exp^enoe while at sea. Fire teoke
oat and ehe had to }etti*oa her oaqp.
lieports from C^yan are
effect titat the gairisoo at Cagayan
detterted* their po*te wh«i they ex­ >
pected an attack.
Report* from other points in the
l«Und* are to the effMt that every­
thing I* qaiet.

_§pi«-UIloTb.- temlac Brcerd.
Mr. on state* that the ontlook for
PaW. Dee. I —Dr. Von Hamel. imbering intemts this tall
Rninr* ottoial Intenweter, if qaoted brighter than for aome time.
■ed >t the delay in gi,^ (
that hi* ehief will go
the world the pope's promised >noycafter he laaraa Beriia. At
lieal letter oo Chrisrian demooraey
capital be will edailnne
and raoMn are oarrmat that the de­
for peace and may relay U doe to a sadden avereion to
there naril hU death.
work on the part of the pope acoomMtotraMe KxMmre tterisg
panied by mental detriar^oa. Tear
corrcapmideot U enabled to atete that
the delay i* deUberate. The pope
» nre* oa Um. Sore*** foarer.
Lcndaa.Dee. I—Oecar Wilde'* death worka. if anything- harder than nsnal
ra* really eaaaed by mmidiia and }net now and he Is mentally as oonnd
btaady. He hae been living a nOaere- and alert ae be hae ever been.
TbeMoyelleal iMar .ae a matter
sgtotel to
KwBlae BtoWd.
iathe Imtin qaartarof late, in looe- oftet, wae 01
Darbsn. Natal. Dec. t Qeateal ly dinipation
Bayee hae retnreed to Raninlth, of origiaal briUiaaey.
te aosneat oppiwtane. He
Ocaage River Colony, from Vrede aad
la it as one of bia atari imporla attacked
tMtaBona.aad U mnxtee it teU
golBg aad oomiag. Bom filing on the
a favorable eirMB from nail kopa. The Brittah
MSB a racnlaO
Imd aix killed aad aeveial woaaded.
Bene at the fli^itiBg bai|^ aotaalftoi—.1—• nhia. TY- 1 s s-ito.
the RaUkhoBe Siily Tlelted tarma, set the mtlvei to
ploaghing sad
rode away. The
PythteahaU MoatayovMte at 7:30
DegiaS. exidoded today, kiUlng
o’clock and a fnU atteadoaoe U debgUah ny the Been are aow dagmiBarley Btath.. Upton L Moore, aad
antlBg into beebootero.

Lit Btilia Be Yeir SaRti Xltw




R.liabl. Dry Goods. Carpet and Clothing House.



NotUta Imitation. Wehava
a fine lot of Ebony eeta. plecas and novelties eultable

genuine Oerstandorr Ebony
—beet !n the market. Seme
dvanoe mle opens at iho liox nltlce
with sterling ellver mounttomorrow morning. Dvc. l. Tele
Ings. some plain.
llneof cheaperebo- g: i r*M»e II*. Prices Sic, 60c,’ T.V.
ny and ebonold good*, v j Box oeatt fil.Oa

I Wall’s Drug Sim.

sV-- --w on -i... bo, os.^.


::::: ^

The Old ReliablaShoe Man.
rHte Ntew •ktertcl.'

Just Put in tlie Shelves
The third
Large Shipment
Received this fall of


W« DOW have all riz«a and
width! in aver)r>tyle.
Full Dram Patant Lmthar.
Light Dram Kid Sboea.
Uadinm weight Kid Shoe*
with hand aeved Klee for
all aronnd aerrte.
Heavy box oaU Boogfa Bider fc>r atreet wear.

kS',. $3.50

Bonn are the best WOman^ shoee made regard,
leee of price.

Jllfred U- Fiiedricb

Popular Shoe House.

The Old Stand

^rortk •Rr-Mte*



Win WtolL F-towl Wall
and YATaar Wall.

Sell at
$3-50 per pair.^
Front Street.

McNatpara 8k>^


VUt IkaikM nteamo,



JOHN J.HAMDV - Cftr CtnwUtOr

. V nrn.uKifCK n cunfA.
tlMn alBni Cd be « teadacicr «pas
tbetxmtitoteUiBto lim
Witt AMriow hMmUow nfudiox
the iSMm of the taBMdi to Ik a»de
«poa OUsft. both M to the poAidi
«Mt of Uwten of the Bcm ootafret
Mdtte noBBt of iodenmtlx. Gerj U • pt^IbU exoepdGO. owJnif
to WmbttloBfarliH BdttoTttori•I pciMwloit. Mid BCRnmied br the
tntol MTdM of Bwoo VoBKettoler,
uMlklctit t
for too ovtrm limit of ponidi]
■ad iBdoult;r- Oemmij has.
1w^ greoltir toMoo for extimTocost
dosMBdi bMooe of the •Uocbter of
hir oOetol mfnoeatotiTe, bat imonU^ toe powen lew to the optoioa
of too Uolted StotM la • ^
Wbloh toMOtceo • wttlemoDt which
WlU mot olooe toe Oriat to tbe <
-toow tnde of toe aotioae oad
which will ^reot revenoefal
dtoOM Bpoa too port of Chlao, tool
woold load to pcolotMted war. ThU
•tatoMt ia toe litootiaD ii oaotoer la>
otooeeof toe good jodgmeat of toe
dmMiiwn oCBeUli ood ompbaelaei
too toot toot toU ootloo li looked opoe Of a teodlag epirit ia odjoatiag inildlqmUoirUoh laeolre tbe


taootlwoBo boseo wore plooed
is o Urge nombor of toe bnaiaefs
ploeoe ef toe oltp b7 MiOi Ooro Loinpl«C of St. Joooph, for offeriagt for
toe KiohigOB Ohlldiea e Home aooletr
wfaoee wfik 1« toe prorlding of home*
for Meadlem children. The csoae
ieo wcothf one, ond oontrlbotionf
horo boos mode up to toe' flret of De>.
gtoS.08. dliUibatttoeTorioas busineos
M fellows
PUk Pbn BoP,l. K.B8, CrU
Oa.*I.W:A W. JahiauAN.01:
liam lOelook,
Travene City
State Bank. fll.M; First Notional
Soak, $1.48: S’biting Hotel. $1.48
Jamas O. Johnson. $M8; P. Kyselka.
$11.6; Wilhelm. Barmk A Oo .$1.0(1
Frank Friodrieh, 88 oenU; Hotel
Columbia, 74 cents; F. C. Thompaon.
n omito: J. J. Btetlim, 59 cents; J.
A Konlagae, 4f daoU; B. Anderuon,
« otota.; O. P. Oaiyor. 87 cenU;
X. Wait, 81 eenta Total $».03^
OoaaideMble rlyalry exUto b tween
acme of the depositories and be reaalt wlU be laozeaaod oontriMMmu.

wood Ohapal, inaf
aad 9. Rer. Siir. Goffea of Ibnta
WiU hare charge.
WUI Belld Nen Yes
Dr. Roaoatoal-Thompooa. has pur*
ehaaed of J. T. B<mdle the fei
to atreot Joining bis property
toe east, aad W. A Drew, the arebi*
toot, ia drawing plans for a $4,000 resIdeaoe >o ba erected tn tlie tqsiag.


Ttol ‘ThroUrtag IlMdaeha.
Would qaltoly leare/’yoa. If ros
aaod Dr. King’s NeW Life PilU
Thoamiida of euffema hare prored
toelr matohleee meiritTST'Sklk ano
Xortroaa Bsadaohea. They
oarad. Sold by Jaa G. Jtoaaon and
S. K Wall. Draggtato
Tlie ooly Detroiter on toe Vosemite
ao far as known, was LooU Rnlke. -Ji
ysais old. He was a gradnate of 8i.
Joeoph'a ooHege. and before
in toe navy last Oeoember, was
ployed at toe Crown knittihg milU.of
Which hUfetheris miaietor: His
talatiTea are very anxloaa.fearing that
he may hoTO bean one of toe fire who
wswt doom with toe i«n»^rh
Katwe'e ran«t giftm
' oamss lo aU who uar
Too. 85a Ask you
Mia Jeto TanTtoe waa paasiag a
oomr os^ihoard at bw home in Flint
Whan a oeator table feU from tbe lop
of too oapboatd and atraok her oo the
haad. eawlag eoBoomion of toe aptoal
ooiamn, mys toe Free Press. Mm.
TanTina wiU

Urn I^lUpfdae notlTse res peU-msU
M toe aoand of oor Tankee ysU.
Bat^ what a gait toey'U hare.
A^taUng Booky Monaala Tto.
Ato you draggiek.

CewetfcrBee. AtoBeyto.
C.~tw dii7 «t (VW--Me I. 14t
e prologoe of
itoade ne of toe opwtng
GcMsla. to whM toe irioflMi of
wofM le dewstoed. It la ttttog
appropriate toal it abotdd be ea. The
Mrfh of toe Sortoor mor weB be lotmdared to tbe aaaie laagBge oe tbe bw
gtnaliig of toe errotiofi. Tbe pndegne
beglee wttb a refemee to the eternal
ealeunce of toe Cnoter: It cede wttb
a refemice to Hie glo(T~~Aad tbe
Word wu BMde Oeoh aad dwelt
H (oad we brbeM file glorT. toe glory
to of tbe oolr be»>ttni of toe Podwr)
of grace aad tmto." TblaglcrTof
Cbrtat. maalfeated oo ot^ollr ot Hie
feeiDB a worth}’
tnaptotom oad atadp at
thto Chrtotmoi meedag.

1. Tto dorr of Chrlot woi o peco
glory. -We bebeU Bio glory.' begetteo Boa «f Ood would
la OJiaarlf gtoot gtory. oad
glory waa act ooly partimlaiiy maalfeoted at toe ttme of Uto Mrth bat oil
tteomt nu Ufe ~gk>T otMoe arooarr
la m* worda. to Hla work* aad to Hlo
Ufe aad rbaractrr. It was toe glory of
Cbrlet the Boa. that wa* aeee to toe
Old Teeumeot dlepeaeetloB. Ood. tor
Father. If'tortonite to man to thU life.
**n>ere ibell ao mea.'' aaya Ood. -eee
He and Urr.” . It waa therefore the
glory of the Boo which arpeared at the
bomlag tmeh. la toe plUar of Sre. «■
Mooat iUael aad at tbe dedlcaUcn ot
the Ubemacle aad the temple. S>
pair here, hot in bearen. Chrlet baa
peroneal glory, a* Joha caw la hla rlalon on the lalaad of Patmoa. To him
sad wiU be aaerfbed. -Bteesliig
and bMwr aad glory aad power." And
to Cbrlet. tbe Koa. abonld we aacrlhe gloiT and honor by onr words
and to our Urea.
2. Tbe giury of Chrtot waa also the
glory of Ibe Falber. Cbrlet has a glory
rereal Ibe Vatber. In Christ
“Cod wma roanifem In the flesh." "He
that hub seen Ue bath eeea the Fa*
tber.- He came aa "the brightness ot
tbe Father’s glory mad express Image
of nu perooV' and therefore maalfeg}................... tbe glery of Ood tbe FhB relied glory, to be sure.

Him (ace
face aad to behold Uls glory from the
Tlewpolat of His tbrooe In bearep.
Not only Christ, but aatnre. tvreali toe
glory of Ood. The besrens declare
the glory of Ood. and the flnnament
sbowetb Hla handiwork." Aa a paH
. we alsp
abouia lo oar words and Hoes aet forth
the glory of God.
8. Tbe glory of Cbrtat was a rUbta
glory. "We iKbeld Hla glory." Jobji
beheld It. looked latently and earaeatly
upon it, and none had better opporttt*
nttlea than John to do eo. He saw tbe
glory of HU words and works, ills glo­
ry on the Mount of Tran '
and bad tbe great prlrllege of a rialon
of His glory as It appears around the
throne ot Ood. But we also may be­
hold the floiy of Ubriat. In tbe goe*
' we may sec Ills glory as manireet*
ed upon
>pou tbe earth, by too eye of faith
■ Ills I
glory, and If we arc falthfol and
to lllm la this life wo may abide lo the
preeoDcc of Him^nd HU glory forcrer.
Let us glorify Christ here In order tost
we may behold His glory Id tbe life to
\ TKt raavn hettixo.
The prayer mpcUSg should arrange n
qMclal Chrisituas service. A Christ­
mas aong Borvlce expressing tbe dory
of (TbrlM would be Tory appropriate.
BIBIA aEAbixos.
In. XI. 1-5: Mato. IL 1-12; zrll. l-O;
xxl. Ml; Luke II. I »: John U. Ml;
XL 3S-4S; XXL Ml: Ueb. 1.1-3: U Pet
•L 17: Ber. r. 1-14; XV.8. A
■iselsn Ike
There ia mofrovrr. a mark which
rastly transcends these petty bylaws
ami "do's" and "don'ts" of men. though
It may include some of them, asd that
U the law of Hlaaltlc bollncas, the pare
prescription of the abaolntely righteous
ronunandment of Jeborsb. Wbou
tt U man's little mark tbst U mUsed.
we call lf“liad form" or a "giast mUULc" or perbtpa a mlsd.
U the word of the sUIl
wbeu It U God's great ii irk af b
that Is tuUsed there Is nlo-ierm
but that lltUe, aa-fol
Sin." compset with lufloile I
fraught with e>
aliii'h lathe word of the Bible,
brings In tbe tdra of a wrong committe<t ngniiisl ISod. of an offeusr which Is
not a contempt of court In tbe earth
seuso. but which strikes at heaven,
crime against tbe Creator, a failure to
attain ihc goal of that perfectio
wbkdi God rigfatfidly
lly 1.1iislBta.-Ob

oMditlai tiOm
rtrer wntm. srhlto. owing tothodopodto of Uma ftom toe oagar feet

Bar. M. A. Kriasy. patosa.
Ocaaor od Fifth Md Oak MoMb
8aBday«taoI»MAa. m.
Mpatlag te wottolp. ll n. m.
Janfer Mmsw, $ » m.
T. P. & a
Maetfag for vsatoip. 7 p. ».

IS that Dm yonag man waa dttfeg
tmatwitoaaaingaone wnatUng
when toe foot «f one awong Wnond
andoMigfat him In toe aide. B^waa
carried to hla toon and toenoe to tbe
bo^dtaL as tbe injury grew
The oolportecs employed by tbe
Serento Day Adrentiats repc
oanal degree of intoest in i
torooghout too country. Daring Oetobar they sold $14,S»,0B worto o'
books, pempUeta. eta Amcmg their
saieelwere 7.487 eopit* of books. Thia
is tbe report made to beadqoarters la
Battle Creek.
Tbe defeote In, and
. resent
law. nye toe PstoakeT
Reootd, were aerer made more clear
toMiln toedeeraeBBOBjnatcloeiiig. Aa
of tawse bare been
killed this fell Serenl thoosand
cam nee hare been shj0Kd o«t of the
state. More thonnhde hare been
killed by Ohio and Indiana hnalers.
and the reniaon aold to Detroit.
Grand Rapids and otoet mcM dealers
to pay toe hunter's expensea A large
number ot toeae foreign banters hare
not paid fflg a hunter's Uoense, an^ a
good many of them hare oaU toe
Miohlgnn fee tnatead of toe $U required of aU not dtlaeaB of this state.
The Bomber of deer allosred to each
gun tooald be ent down from Are to
two and toe nle of reniaon intoibitL
There an now 650 inmates of toe
Induatrial Sohool for Boys at IabsIng. Superintendent 8L. John ex­
pects tout toe Bomber wlU reach
700 by spring. At Thsakwirlng
dinner 648 of toe bi^ were able
tfe itoble and do toelr fnU
share toward dlspoalng of tbe 61
poands of tartey that were oonsam1,
Har7 Claypoole, aged 15. was armtedentfae charge of stealing $1.000 from a StOTensao farmer named
Shrader olaims be had $I.000 barled on his farm and that the
boy stole it after disoorering its
I of Detroit' who
Instraments to the University of Mich­
igan, has sent word from Eukope
whore be now is. that he has purchas­
ed an more InstramenU to be added
to the eotleetice. Amcmg these is a
three-key board harpsichord, built in
i70S by Ohrislofero, the inveutorof
toe pianoforte. ThU barpaiebord was
built for toe Medici family and cost
them a sam equiraleneiio $1,000 of
our canency.
At Manistee John Maeaintki.a team­
ster for MoKilUp & Hopper, met with
a serious accident. He drove to Haw­
ley's watering troogb on Main street
to water hU horses. Tlie water
been shot oflT and when it was toraed
on it oome with sndi force that it
frightened the horsea who ma away
at top speed, Jerking Maeainskl
the toegae and then to"tbe groand,
both horses and wagon pasting
him. He bad both legs broken below
toe knee and toe right arm twice
above toe elbow.
St. Joaeph baoineos men are ambit
iooa They claim that nest Mason,
after projected electric lines are complated, their town wiU be toe"OcDey
Island" of toe wtM. Tbe town has
already enjoved eome notcrietr aa
toe Chicago Gretna Green, aad if in
additimi to toU it can hare toe
whole repenolre of Aim Asm sad eaoAdeaoe games, which bold fmth at
Gooey Island, toereU no TMaon why
the hopee of toe citiaens shoald not
be realised.

, YoMg Peopte’a meeriag at 5-4A
BrsBlag aarriae. 7:00. Sttojaot,
“AOrsnt Oonton”
TanfeWalker will stag a
nln at toe ersaing anrioa.
Ptnym meati^ Tlmoday eraniBg
AU eofdiaUy lariled to toe aarTiOSS.
Rev. C. T. Stoat, reetor.
Ooram BoMdmaa Ava and
First Son^ in.Advant.
Motnlng asrrioe and amnos
Holy enwiiimninn at. II AO.
Sunday sehool at 18.
Eveni^ serrloe at 7.
AU are oordlally invited t

Biarnttfal OtOdi


Woidd make ^Mr wife


What Are
You Pusloil Over

At Ladles’LlboryHin
tha Llneoln
In toU Lecture is set forth tlie prin­
ciples that in the kingdom of every
Ufe are to be found the - things that
make man h^ipy-" To keep one’s Mtf
in toe attitude and

Wc just want to lay this to you—
who is in aoy kind of a difficulty, tlut we
are selling good, reliable footwear. We
are in touch with some of the best shoe
manufacturers io the laod, whose repu­
tation is well known and who will straightea things out w<^derfully for you if you will ooly state jour daim.
What we wish to emphasize is this:

Bqf MT C. H. HNtoNi Nid ScbNlllim Sfeni, SI.S0, $1,25, $1.50
WM Bm. $M Sfcm............. $1.25. $1
75c i pilr

Rev. Bngfa' Kennedy, pastor.
Preaching at 10 JO a. m., aad 7 p Admission 25 and 35 cts.
Trade Mark —“A
Rev. A. J. Eldred-WlU oooapy the
palpi C in the evening.
135 Front Street.
At toe evening aarrioe Rev. A. P.
Moots ot Greenville will preach.
Clam Meeting at 9:45.
Sanday eebool at IS JO.
If yon have n dwelling, stoek.stcre.
Epworth League at 6 :IS.
bain, or anv other property insnrThursday—Prayer meeting at 7:80 abU. kindly remamW I want to
write tbe Ititntnnce
« for you.
you, and 1wlU
rive yon prompt and carefni ati




m kMs 9l

Blende HtpaMag

all thsM servioea

Only toe most i

HtobU itook‘ toauri


When you need a soothiag and heal­
ing antiseptic application far anv iiurpose, use the original DeWitl's Witch
Haxel Salve, a well known cure for
It heaU
The foUowlng new t
been oonneoted with the local ex­
change of the Michigan Telephone
Co. :
14S-B. ThUlby. resiilenM. 186 lake
23T-P. W. Kane, dmg store, 329
Union street.
844—Dr. L. Swanton. ofllce. Beadle
888—ESknotin, reiideooe. 686 Webs­
ter street.
>. 1055 Wash­
ington street.
860-W. J. Hobbs, residence, 286
Cam street.
.855—E. P. Elton, residenoe.611 West
Eleventh stieei.
869—A. W. Rickerd. residence, 836
West Seventh street.
890—E. M. Dailey, mlooD.n7 Union
871—B. O. Strong.
West Tenth street.
878—P. Sandlemas
Bast Front street.
ST8-E. M. Dailey, residence, 388
Weet Ninth street.
374-H. M. Gale. re«idenoe,401 Bast
Eighth BtreeL
875— Dr. L. Swanhm, residence. 618
Washington streeL
876— Hagadcra A Soirayer, olBoe
Bay street.

Traveree City


■•Will fill the bill"
when if) search of a hand­
some Christmas present,
and it won't take a very
large 'bill either to pur­
chase some of them.
Have a nice one that only
costs $6.75. You ought
to see the style we're sell­
ing at $8.75. A splendid
couch and its equal can't
be found for
An enormous line from
$I3X)0 to $20JX).

Always make a nice
Chsistmas present, and
especially the line we're
showing. Boston Rock­
ers $2.10 to $4.75: Arm
Rocker cane seat $2,50 to
S3.7S: Upholstered Rock­
ers from $3.00 to $10x0;
Solid Oak from $6.75 to
$$.50; oak with leather
trimmings $16 to $30;
full leather $26.50 to $37.

Let Benda Be Yoer $esta Ciais


crvwi $Mi
wark. fin




Our store will be kept open every evening until eight o'clock. Saturday
night until nine o’clock, to enable' al! buyers to have ample time to do
all shopping. At no time in our history have we had such
a splendid stock of beautiful and attractive Christmas gifts. Come early
and come often. This is the Christmas headquarters.

These make the
finest Christmas presentA splendid assortmeat,bll
the new od(l sizes, and
prices to suit all, from $2
to $12.' Nothing like our
great display,


m Unhn St.


‘ CominenGing .Monday Night

Parlor Tables

hSL w. J. moGiNSs


d- Jl- Cedtrle,


I The Hannah & Lay Mercanlilt Company j

Let Benda Be Your Senti Clies

lASH PAID for good enatoff elotoAmarims Ofenning Heooe. 4M
Ssat TMnt stn rt.
1114 -6t

Bicfde Sundries
Prim mH-

Wm. Inafman, parior.
Morning servioe 10 JO.
Morning subject: ’Howto Keep
Good." , '
Telephone 73
Sunday school. IS m.
Epwo^ League at 6:45 p. m.
Evening service at 7.
Evening subject: ’’"Us Lore That
Makes the World go RouDd."




December 6,1900



or Ann Arbor
Will Dalivar HU Laotura.


moat have a rest, hot we can’t Ure
without food. Kodol Dyqmpria Care
"dlgeam what yon eat’’ao that you
can mt all the good foe
widle it U rerimW toe'
not afiuid to be geaerooa. The ptopans to health. It is the
of Dr. Kill’s New IKai^aiy
and doldA
have given away ov
trial botUM and have__
of knowing it has cured to______ ___
bopelsM eoaea. Asthma. Brcachltis.
Ia Grippe and all Throat. Cheat
at Bentcn Harbor Friday aftanocn, and Long dleeaaea are auely cun '
tle was tbe greafest misalaoary b»-i and tlw attendance is the latgeot to by iL ChU on Jaa. G. Johnaon ai
cause He fnmisbed the source, tbe ob­ away ysara Tbe dab«ataa daelded
to petition toe Inoomlng UgUlatare to
ject and the inspiration of aU mla
ary worfc.-C E. UamiaL
natrict and {X^blt toe Snafey rail­
road axoortiatu so prevalmit toe post.
_ .
_________ ____ te, OVMeoat or ulster at 8. Benda A Oo'a.
There are many people la tbe sroetd
DeWitt'a Little Sorlr RUers are
ntoty Utt^^ but tbmr nsvar fell
pewwr caster could know what It reaV
» toe systaDL
ly was. It wvsU always be snecatng hs
. _______ _________ Yaur
bead 00.-30110 Uttoiw.
ftollM d<y double daty bars. 8.
Mn. L«cy HoImm of UttoAeld
DMaMesaBoldvioUnwhitobaa toe
^ 1711. Tb* rioUn to aa old boirtOM and baa toa foUcwi£g laaolpt-

Kow.Utoe time wbm oronp and

noF. W. a I


ta mack mm pi^Mra
in eookisg over Aiee
•ted nago tkan a oom.
moo cook Move — aad
there 18 ^ maefa diffierepoeiatke price tbe
way I am aall^ them.
A fine Sqaare fiMage
for $S6.00—a little down sad a little at a time ^jrmeata,
aad FOOT wife will bare a Obriatoae preeecffthat abe will
eojoj a life time.

“Nuggets Of Gold”

Bey. & Sabbery, paster.'
Omrehonoonaroftto and Wads­
worth atreets.
Sunday serrioM are aa follows:
Preaching at 10 JO a. m.
Sonday school at 11 JO.
Preaching at 7 p m.
Revival meetings wiU cootin oe
every evening thU week. AU are invit­
ed to attend. An invitation U eztoaded to.aU sUter ohnnhsa of the
^ ■

Christ was tbe greatest mUtlona^
bMOBse Ho did not wait for tbe grsist
sions, but nude such use of tbe
Utile opportunltica as to make i
He was tbe greatest ml»sk>muy betauac Ue gave Ulmarif most tomplets-




taUad mt Md aomsthtag will bs
Aoordlkl farrltatiaB aada haarty
■n ag oneo to akntt thii --‘rT~r
John Mdeor, a Oalamot A Baela ralsami |o aU tfaeae aarriosa.
mhatmnn. waa amoiod to Mary
W. T. Woodboaae. paatar.
Meirsr ogly tea woeka wfami be dto10-ja SahJoet
appsnad. taking awgy aU his heUmgFIm-otoas iBMxanee Oompantoa.
The wife fan diad tan a tnk "FfetMcs of M«i.*MA<ritfeism o( Booto 6. H.—tlt^ A MtlHV—
XBWptNMMtoa ofansehaa ly a ttaTsUagmna.)

REMEMBER toat big mle of cloth
tooot. OoU Mid laaiB ahoat it

canr. loat. s<nnu», bedotaali A iSWi

Just the mere men­
tion of these wonderful
starts the
youngsters dreaming of
Christmas and Santa
Claus. In our toy de­
partment will be found a
mammoth stock of the
finest, cutest, nicest
games, blocks and toys
you have ever seen. Card
games from 5c up: build­
ing blocks 5c toll; me­
chanical toys of every de­
scription from 25c to $2.
The 50 game carom
board, the greatest set of
games ever invented, sells
at $3.25. Wooden ani­
mals that do anything but
talk, sell from 5c to $iAnd dolls of every kind,
and style and color, those
dressed and those not,
from ic -to $3. Some­
thing for every child-bf

In endless variety.
The most elaborate stock
we have ever carried.
Beautiful pieces of Wedgewood from 75c to $3.50;
Louwcisa from $1.50 to
$10: Tiffany art glass
from 50c to $1.50; Moriagi from $1.25 to $4.50.. '

A most elaborate
display of tbe finest cut­
tings. Berry dishei, spoon
trays, celery dishes, sug­
ars and creamers, salad
dishes, bon bon trays, wa­
ter bottles, tumblers, vas­
es. Prices on these beau­
tiful goods from $1.00 to

Cups and
The ladies go wild
over these dainty goods.
Nothing like them ever
shown. Prices are from
»S9^« $S-oo-


BP hf atatutr teV to hnp
Asm (now hew ywi eterf And e« V
eeaiee. if te bww. ttat wetad mate S.

I «M« inr.4«UMT TO A WOMAIl

V tae peer yenc thiac wea emstpInc ter hwrt ow! It we* a* if aS the
«rtot ate anxiety <C the day* to tte cne


^ will W efcim it Mb

and wanmnUtocevnctetawnpUtoa
hte towet tteto fanmds ate mma



.“ImerioiM take ie« klodlrtaSiidtpU]»<d tbtAnuTMam tte Et«liH
do.*' taSd CksMtada» Titer«< 4b(
SelratloD iA7- G^XAin'Viter to ■
ADd h» bras watettol
taoecuTtoMzs. Mead BalUacicn Booth
tee Kn. B<wU> flrrt came to Atavtee.
••JuMt YTfaat doM 'diedpliBe o( tbo

*T wasted yea te knaw." cte axrtlcd
ettto nkv na en. ter kite yea ten
ten-what a awaArt k ka> ten le me!
■\ yee eee bM mte torn ttied te
n? Ate he tem*tV«
moeh: not ever! Toe-teve rhwnd •>
at> tea. It hat teen ee.mnacv all thto
P>cmey-eT«f7 <Uy takiw m (anber
away total teme. ate tte nytac le vtete
down the ■
• •
briAr off alMn. with weUtede ate Itan
tetocb brreye*.
Tbnv'we* )a>t time for Bereb
Bank ta
to uk*
tar little browe hae^ la ten ate


erithoot qtuMitib. trbicb to the duty o<
/, OTery enklur lu.cbeMintoeof the world
; Tisk diaciidiBe to a wcndcrtal tniniiiff.
I Bi cxM‘ mime wmtrhinR iu effect opm
Balvatioaisu. Of ecsiae otedtonee to a


mt*e by eimtoiag
at Americaiu we find alwaye DOdt dtopoaitiCB to sttetoMCL TIkt alwayi want
|o koinr why bdore they do ae they are
I told.
'aaciD* raj folly to tbm. while

Sarah Prtetoa'* lip* were tishtly emprneed. aed there we* a aed look fa ter
vyee, The da*t wa* Uottinc cm from
ter Ttow more thaa cte Aowrr dotted
landarcpc. It aeemed to dha aB iimtm
teener of tte lon( day* of pertect weath­
er when tte prairie arenmd aa Etea
•ad «trn>cth and hope pre* larpe with

: to like it:

1 tliiiik tJ

. Unto wctaea. ere yoe Butt
mdrr te etld. ptntoc her •hoelder.
"ToB're ted a ftae M. AaveaT ytar
ceaated taatply aa te woke, bet

amihd ap at hte bcfahtly taat te
mlcht set knew hte math awae R rarfcte
ber Chen thaa hto.
V CM ta year btaoM. little

Seme oae came to with
we«T etep ate *tapi>td

h* Mid;
lid: Tt'a
Tt'e tl
dmr we were
_t. .I doe’l
-oo’t kooa hiw we-iv
te tbaek
0 ami year wife. Ur. OilbrM.
(or *0
yoo-ee data tar aa. bat we fed ft. tor; we

bi* lofl mnehesed
tend on ber it
-ilTmt'i tte
Ttere wu a ■Dothaced


j penuty uf all my coontiy people to m
neaeltoaof "Wltat Hs]>peMd to

ptorrUx 1
drew a IR

•way totaih
ytbtoc.” .he aald. “rroywir did e^r ever eon
vrMctedM a* thtor
•teriias aetcr, Alden fiaaa, who en-' raiioo fur and faith in Hn. Booth, and
Be did dm anempt aoMber cue
Deoeabera, all take* phue in one
Joys the dtottactian of bains one of aa I wa* entirely anderberdinciian the I except wlib hto ««Ti«e
«i,d ter
•TtatlBS in ttke bonie' of Bbei
of lnfloe»» rf ter pnaonaUty wbjtrted i (eev w«t tamed away too** thea^ hldthe aeoeptadand aaeoemffnl
Goodly, a profeeior of aoatoay In an
J f-I‘ihe mimt alwayi |
the inaeeat Ibeatrltal en, tosetlmrl
Bbe wogid hare called
aftor bim and
•oaten aniTtaalty. The proteaaer'e
with the mdootion of Sol
’tb« eonM
!dus< te bim ir’tbc
hare eeell the
fhtaUy eooelMe of faU irife,
look OB Bii
hi. lace
face Ba
aa fa
be west out-aO tte
Baemll’afamoiuplar, “A
dansbun. bto ward, hi* wife’* maid
pailriirv ai>d weenum o( it.
latlon,” ihonid be gntifyinc new* to ^
m atoter. and a Bwedtoh aeiTaDt ftirl.
om- I
Jort a few mioMe* te waa teck at
the play lorins pnbUc of thto city.
wder* mut be t
ter *Me.
The family 1* expeetlns the airlral of
■^arah.' te said rather SBxioatoy.
Ber. Anthony Goodly, D. D.. Btohop
play* that will lire foe yrar*. te- ; to tcU to |to oot and call War Cty*. f« ! “what would yoa *ay to tottinc two peoofBaUarat. who hat not
•«« hi*
there 1* oothinK ml(isr. erode ' teatanee. That to what 1 have to do thir^ come Is (or a little re»tj They’ve
htother for SO year*, and who baa
" OtaWteH.

. Bttafal faree,

which eoniee to Bteia-


" bets’* Oraad aeit Tbnnday erealnf,


eniwiwtatato <ff

that, jg,


The character of the

« dented for the tJ

lime that day.
bat tte Ihoochl broochi »• aeewl lo ber
(wvbeed now. Tte little trerder ploned
>ck hat and caned to bold
....................................... iret
**rhaak yoa ecato." abe eald. and then,
to • whtoprr; -I'ulondo to ■ wooderfel
place, bo'i It? llareB'i yod heard abont
the way people ci-t curd ttere—people
jtiat u bad off at Geurfv or worae?
Yue fed *are kil do him pood. doeT
Hte anrehed Bamh't faee u if to
md ber faU tberv. It waa bacd te
meet tte CirUtb eye*.
-T're never been farther veto than thto
myaetf.” ate ui^. “but evrry one aaya
tt'a a wonderful rlimatr to Ctoarado for i
.pei^le wiib troaUc with their iBax*- I'm I
to ctod yoo're cuinx tberr. and when te'i
Crown wcJI aud siroa* yoeTI be cumtof
beck Oil* way lo *ee u*r
Tbe deltobt of ibat poulblr faiurt waa
la Ihr youns wKe'i eye*. “If te cmly
doe*r abe Mid. “If be only doe*r
There were Ueerty band ctaape ex- ]
chanced a few mioatrs later. Tbee tte '
prairie acbouner, with Iu frricht of fanlove Slid aaxietle*. rolled eiowly i
•way. Tbe (wo toft behled In tbe little |
tod bogae atuod *t Ibe
wacDB w*i teen, a dark blot, aborr tbe
j *b*n< borlaon. iViib ■ quirk, impulalre
[ motenitput. Banb'i band Mole Into ber

bad been
tt him. be * *o tblo and tockdo yon My to brlBc-

Mthop ie

•hem by two book* be wrote, "The
Mlatakecof Darwin: or
ed the

frxan life—in which the character* are |
"The alum w«k.’’aniliDtiedOiptain
human and natnnl.and ^hen eonpled,
Vickery, ••uoorfnvat
••tooorfnvat amewoow
awawbold ana
“l VM-kery.
with faalUem preeeDtatlon by M> cap­■ aafeinmnl. It krepe na down to the level
. I Vhcre we fnel then to muM ncedtodo
able a company of

the l^Uity

Theory of BTolntioo,” and




from hto


a few

mins »imply to *ee bto brol
yean of acpaiatio&.bot really bit vtoIt la

for a


.nie profeaaor,



“Oh. Jofao. bow wa w*. when
it'e aa
o if*
hard to keep up aa ic to? Uot ce ata
Ibem la.
If we cea make It e llllto

nmfcea it a pUy tlmt everybody •hooW , God> wort Mr*. Bomh eaya the sreat ea.i. rjor them.
• dangtr in thto roontry for the Army ■»«“ «*“«
---------------I iSio ita UmdetKT^wmk npward
Praf. W. D.
I Of Ann,,ni<mK«tehiBber
Arbor will deliver hto splendid leci-1 tu lh« hat toiei^ To nach them the '
nn, • K-«tet*of Qold” In Ladtea’, method* often eondemwto end Bcoerally


bit letter*. Ima no


Forages 4 to 8 going at $t.60
for your choice. Sold this seaspn at $3.00 and $3.60. Splen­
did coats.

ed iu maddeatoc eoap oetaSde,
Ir wu dear pteto f>te Iu bar-

^le meataet ndtnl* {

never met any memben of hto hote'

ULSTERS That «.ld at S4,

$4.60 and $5.00!
going tak
at $2.76
and $3.00 for your choice.

wtUi etoopiac ■hoeUeri ead
the data on etther cteHi went ap riiwr la

tte tovih. teWinx ah.

-. Bamfar te

Here's a Chance


laed Jofan.

w«n"mveMtehv».**'diM*nr to”hto

Men’s Overcoats
We are having such a paie on,
are be^ bargains in the city. AU
medium grades put into lots to
close at

$6.75 $5.75 $13.00

LlhtarrHall Thar«d*y evenluK. De-1
! Umee on hi* .boBlder.
AMnWU onder the ananioe* of the '
In anppurtvrf tbeeo mrlbod* Caputa
They were vety near Ibe Invelen sow.
^terp.nnder the eniplMa of the
and IU«Bto- Tbe lirvd^ wi.b d.-le«ed down
«hon^ a anuffer to her. bai i^e Lincoln Idlenty Society. Of thto
j\.r Pirld Offlrrr*, ’the handboc.k • b*i:t toad*, were aoeukloc *h*t
wbat UuUUii)._ the
„ provid.-d fur
ihey roold. In Ibe
ibe eovc-ftd
eovcvtd w*i.-.pii
bold to write to ber, the leanlt be- lectBn the FeCototey Keconl my»;
4<it nil Riklvnti.vilet* iu
inf after eerml yean of ooire*p(Mi•Thehwtun deUvend by ProL W. 1^ rBi,{,u,rC'4";irftohTii.'iulMa"
In Aran.
‘J’''";;' I‘’“m”.''________ a the many.virtne* of Ua




denee he la






a drnmmer fta- hymn



D. HeuderMia. •«
Shore,, rVidarLaixl It to a rotb^emderoo* volniue. 1
T““h‘t''«n“l‘tlmpped I •‘'b iuuly.
wi.ll.'. I bar?^u whil
mifht. waa one of the moat inlen*l- ; bound jd MWriet. Tbeonot.-nu nre care- i
r.ur*. eor.v and *cm awirl. of UuM I do I care aU.ul otber tbiuc.7" •
inir and inatnctlve to which oxr ppo-' fnlly indexnL and tberoMvm to te in- . ey„ ,t,e iwo areu],.at* *nd (Ueir wauty
I'ar ..S iu flu. In*. wa*<i
wacoo ■ liilto
wiih.brr roomi i-bi-ek pfvM.-d _______
ple have ever been pcivileswl to li,poenbla
* aliabby rna't al(* vr, and tbi- cry of ber
heart waa like lhai of Barab. ~Wbai
an- other tblue*," abr.wa* wbtoperiBC,
bccaoae they eeem {mrt of hi* own '
| noUer look. *
“abile I bare you. dearr'—Pacta.


who •ell* pUyins card* a* a eide line,
••cape* from amid on a
.take* refttse in

|niu< flsht.


'Hotac. dan* clerieal gnrb and
the btohop.


Ihc fane ha* two very
nl>-plota mmlns


"Befrirmllywilhthem. Uakethem
people ebeerfciUy followed tbe apeak-; {ml that yuo care for them. Make every

it Jonea knowa nothing of Ao*traUa and leaa of erolntloo, aboat which

- adire of hortimltarc.

He falls in love

with Olmy, the ward, and i« claimed
11 further oomplicatc
him. the ml bithop

mature for


The effort* of

<m the

Jonty to keep

the btohop ont of eijtht of the family
lead* to come extremely novel and

Dr. J. W.




tram Dr. B. D.
of the atale



thto city

of 'examiner*



highly tte exonordiiiaiy exaxnlDi
held at Untlng
that he

aoma Ume


to now a fully qualified .

Btolan cuider the atata law in Ibl* atai
This examination

Utererr Amevtaa.

.. -nsr lip to thr bou»o (or a little rtet
•a be nnfoldod Irnlhi uider the ; meetini:, a* far a may te, intenwtins
«'“« I, uij
uid to
to have dinner with uk
“KiniKrt* of Wtbcni.
Ixa the lovciw pciple, who your
A pleued
aniile Creakicf over (te
Thto theme y a lunde em-'
go etoewhere for , youmr aife’a tan- an-im-d alm-wt to Jade
blematic of the rich kreatniv*. Intel°
...... tbe link- tiotrled line to-lweeii tbe
•h.wennc steam alole
N-- BI ber •ide. l>ui lb<-y
potMMMw. Life wsa made reel with
,nme kind w.vd from yoB. .................

Tbej crtildn’t
ita *tnigsle*, dntiea
mind if they,
‘ peopla I
, '
OUUe. It Would
From flm to laat it w«* a lecture ITn. Samnrilan womnn at tbe well waa i
that iirovofced thonght Kv»tt yonng ' a very doubtful kind of i-hararttv. I am : -v;
............................ .............aU.i.cV Mid Jobs.
Amoriain ought tu hntr Jnvt Koch afraid tunny of (lur field ofBcen would wjifa kindly auiborii.v
e w-ani forI.
a talk, for it to the kind llial make*
h- a whaw.-.l lo U- K-. U apcakiug to doi. i moke iiiv l-u,
■Bhnnd "
to her m
but liiuhim-tCT wa* no* lake ibe bore-a .............. l-"ru. 1-el '. tu
above LOlieiug her."
, try ni) t.-ed_ an d a cood bucket of my
Tbe p.wMl.iliiy of violence *t the
hand* of tbe mn^elenieul i* noted in
Tbe two im o weut off locetber, Sarah
B. B. retarned from Ftnnkfcrt “^"Ji *^
“ i m.d ibe hi.le wife taw.iuc ibeir *««r
j bark lo tbe Mwl boUK-. A iuo’
‘ '
--BoI what »f they lall yoo?"
I and c«inf..n wemed u. te to
The toaobeiB of theolty achoolawho
“Well, you moat die. Too have often n .iu now .
'iluw *..*1 it
Micliignn xong and aaid that y<» would—now <o nvi Iu a bou*e.“ >ald ibe liiiic wife,
h a bappi wtob.
Oikdillac. hire'* a chance. Mate np your mind to
sHOCialiati a
a that would
I tte w.rKt:
have retained and report
loee hi* life idutll aave iL
celleat time.
Uaptam Viokcty ia a
Dr. Ralph Jetton
yoci.ig w’oman. with big
lectin* klQdliueM bad apron*
■pending tte dny with friend* in the '
ovr«. a lovely amile and low,
-Uing Wai
War Cry* appetitoc eje*.
I voice ' Aa ihe apuko of ecUlng
••You mu.l I

Mlamn li anziou to interrosate him.

ii very etrang aiid

There were about 8.000 qnea-





tlaai wfaloh kept the applicant* writ­ friend* at Walton.

“ ‘I*
amociata ter with tte picture on

end uncomfortai e!

; cire
1 ibr proplu-ry of Itcwiider
r or lalrr tbe l.leiary
Ibe Kueli-b
laiicuase i* to .
| te trsoatrrred from Bnslaud
' cutinlry.
If *urb a triu.f- r .to ainrait
unpn-cvdeuled Is iileron lil-t-ry. (te
•rbolar can limi a rk*.- |4ni
; caae of Alexandria. -whU-b teraOM- tbe
capital of Ur.ik i-uliuro. Iu *u artl-to
' In The l!,..kinan ProfewiMr MjhIi. w.;
any-: "Wluw iliv bulk of e-iii, iii|.,fary ^
tiucitob lileraiuie
i,.,n amle.r* iiud'wbe’i'rile ll'itbh ibene
*olve, ba.e a.,v|d.*l tbe ,lluarl„n and .v
•«“*•’* them- l.e, ii Ic.i to ibe de|«rtiiro of the literary .uj,r,ma.7 of l»odon. tbe.. ,be weicbl ..f AmeriT-au
IU pq-c
rrwdi-ra irf .kmertca*
te led Iu couturm to .Vuaerlran
and Amrrii-au lerina wil| u„t
uutlaudtob |i
a> tbrae word* and
wb<-o cumpaiativer<-ad is
; OOV.IIOB. W.I1 te v.-ry few. (,
ratirt- Inalincl to la
err In tbe United Suu* (bau It .a to
Great nrtlala. due perhapt partly lu tbe
mun- wid.-«pn-*d iMipntor cduntiun berc.

Tbere'a c.

,0k. ^
ing aniwen four day*.
TbcD yon muM reM nulil dii
ttopleaaani Iboocbt* were far away a*
There will be a meeting of tbe For- water, whrne be will appear a* attor^
narrow atieei iu
eaten tomorrow night at which elec- ney in a caae in the circuit coon durk-m«. with tte bundle of papma ; Sarah prepared tbe lilinple dinner, tryin*
ake It *1 artrenire aa pomible. Sb*
tios of oflieer* will take place.
All thcPf. He will also truaset legal which tet<ien ter (mod.
- requMled In te preaenl. boalne** in Grand Rapid*.
Kvery hue of tte alcndcr figure and u’by not? J.-bn would enjoy a bricfai
Mr*. R. Evan* to entertaining h.T.delicui.-fm.i-oi|r,tatalheLruvecoa.«anio tbe day tor the alraucer*. Hbe
Tte notalar meeting of theWoi
neiJieW Tbomaa German of Ih-tlevue *7"^
B-'hiiid ber. with r».-B i-ivi .d a buikh of aatTiUcui. mah- bnt tbrre way be place* wber.- be •bvuU
V ft
hand* rxlen.l.-d in and fall**- lux a ceaierpUi-e of tbe white, furry wear a l-lack jarkrt aud pi*.-.- -ir nMr*. W. G. Lawrence haa ntarned
^ ^
, ^-...-5,. A m-Hs of wild *er*oium wu*'
1b whirk he

from Hopkls* Station where *he wu*
e el(x.m
a Uifve miebt L pUire* where
' tatheg
fall aiiendanre to de«ired.
culled by the iUnena of In-r eiatcr.
__ _______________
plain Vickery__________
explain^ that tte i
around lb*
r as ape-u.
White tie*
The HaamOi« Lay Mereantile C<>.
J. R. Santo did bnainv* in Honor original of thi« wa* dgoe
meeived yeetenley fall carload* each yeBientoy.
j wbiic i.y n u<il known maguxmu itln*Tte caui.1 .tranrer Mt a little more ' «r of paper, a> ten. rulen
Ooorge F. Roxburg haa retuTne.1 lo trator, Mia* O. A. Davia. who praarmt•r blackamith-a coal and .Kiohigan

Officer* for Ibe

year are to be eleoTed

and a


Tte art atore of Siro. J. iA _Wngle


opened at

the earner

Union and State atreota.

witli hto teotlror, W. T. Roxburg.


Imtge quan-

titlee of teantifnl thing* for the holi

A {'It the eaat- - Tte

picinro w
yr» on thcTllinci* o
; Duuiu
Booth ■* oflW
to te rcKtreed to ita place
laat ^ and *hook hand* with many
her dn* it wa. atoki. off the ex-

day* an exhiinti-d.

Traveree City trienda while here.
■ pram wacoo, A tvward i* now ufi'erod
Mr. and Mr*. D. McClury and childif* nwtorsti.m. and fbealum vtoitom
•«" have mtanicd to tteir home in are in*tn»cta,i m eeu; h the pawndioiw.
-------1.----------- i,jj g.juj ji, gjij iiy,.
"I *ui coiiviiKvd that our nngel will
r or vwo yeura au enoria to cure Oedaraftcra
rame lark tow with a
Captain Tiekrtv. " Even a atolen angel
of Sryncuae.
Kan., "then 1 .wax'
iB«r ror in^KWM.
: may save eonto."—Sew YoA
wholly cured by Bucklcn'e Arnica.
rld'a bewt for
Hievem»«i'a pity waa a tvay yraAed
Hive." It'* tiie world'a
(kin di-‘■ quality, uud It riteoded to Uvg*»,
finptioo*. Sore* and aU -v‘•eaaea Onlv 8&c alJaa O. Johnton'a wlu.-h
"Imial." tej
whi.-- \c. 1 think, lopri.v-i far. Hie
•Bd 8. E. Wait's
Umiriii, b-tavvrr, aufftc-d a rudeatoxk argumeuiatively.
"Idta't. " reaponded Ihe gioca

Ssst- JrtMrH.”'"'Jr’,'!-'-

ofvaniav iSVrjftaVs

«»««- >'>
• toatemt ttoggar. rixively.
I wbtan 1 tejuwd to «d. temia, h.mover,
Somebowtte cmjrciualionlmigulital
wev.wd and finally Imndivl him *i*- aftar that—Albany Argtia

j SMfinrrr.“^Iikri^ili‘roltoV

.KVr^V'Iu'Si^.^ I
bi,maD kiudneM a> well aa the '

Miue »Bj mad.- II eewer lo nmruiter in *b.»e torser prot,^.nc ^
tb.y ».-rv and would MIU te wfaet. rollu,*
..Ter Ih.- browu prairie. Bit l.f bu itetf
Miry oanie mir. Tbe man i.ild tew be
ted be. o a rorpenler and builder la low*,
wtel • happy lillto borne it bad been. Md
why itey
flyiu* now u. tte nolri.-d
Otorodo. ibai Mere, for eoB- .
yonna • Ife avoided tbe dread wted.
They aaid InMewi “P*r.pto wlih any
of lanr iTOulito.*’
Aa Itey weni baA to tbe (ittlnc r



_____ _... j.^eta If U____
to boy. Bui atlU It w,«lj te guile
, waller lo hire
eeh m

I gg, hitnaelr. b«


y, tnataew^ juM a. It
pg^bto for any oih. r tnaa
, ^
„„ ^f a toll he wai
ranted t
' any >oeUl •
•.-New Y k Baa.

Jebu.aod Barab talked eheerUy of uw ,

Kn. Julia Ward Bowo tcUa two new
. „of tbe- - abyiHta
- - - - - ui- -huraiy
- - e -men

pro-pe.iire twiinr ill t'.jlofudo ted brvucbl , —<* itawUwrae. ta whom rech
nut a >>«k of vtowaof the wonderful aceo- , ecoMce are omamm. and the otter «f
e wUe ' Irving. Irving, ate eayu attmpted t
etyu witb k«-a interevt. *li make a MMch
^w«ch at a dinner
dinotr giviai
givn t
triil Iw
te a crvel nmvr fur ua.
ua." be Hid. “Ii , Charles OickiwM. bat after maaibhng
: tow wtadi iadiMlBclly b« remarkat. "I

for round trip OB Dcoemter 18. U. IS
mad lA tooni all staiicaa in Mlobigan. i
•xwpt iLoee etat of South LromWixofmCraeawelL Yale and Memphia .
Retan limit Jannarv 6th, IMl.
Aak Agcpta for full partienlaiu

n. F. Moeller, O. P. A.

Telleri" - "Sun Set
>ld Bometoeud"—"Well
he eubjeota. AU

taktafrom famous

tot Bwdi B< Yeur S»tl Cliu

but fixing 1
hto eye on me eaxl in • load voice.
"Andwhat u the otter little gi-ntlcmim
going to eve me?" "In future.''aaid
l,ouir a* we krade eoldlv-an "1 abaU
b* tbe otter ‘litik mtittoman.”'—
.. w
Edmund Owati. m Centn^.
For children when

troubled with

_________.-lain'e-U.^.. ■ __________
a. Watta. of Ray. Ohio.
Aar* it
LDOt to tent, and that hiaWM... nw It with tbe be«t rraulta. Thto
remedv coetaim no ofdnm or otber
hai^ldng*. It to for mle.byF.

a'a call eale.
hloek, while amndlag m natal to
genctal pBootlM, will give «eelal

BenH'a^reetor eale.

tot Bw(> B< Yw Santa CItu

_________ _
She—H the ewnt areleOtaeeeMiam.............. wr .larted. ‘^We won't (orgrt your _.,u. ‘
. •j gUmtwe
, while oOlmg with
with ber
ber bceband
bteband <oi Miu
« • memllumce?
i yp,i-mb tell you."
Be—Decidedly. Th* girl haa only a ]
-Ob. p.bawr mW Jobe, and “Doe’i .BawioorueiaOmconl Wbiletheyqnaitar of a milli-m. and the cook -peek of ii." uM Barab to • breath. -ICe In the- p«rlta they mw • ull. atom man
owm three (imea a« tandi a* ihakw i beea *o ptoeHat (or ua to have you?"
jomue <l->m the auiir*. and Mru Hawtomdta Tit Bits.
>«»•* •"•-"T “"■k« op tte
, ibrnne called out: •'Hwband. huabandl
•gala. TtetwemcB went eat to thr kof* Of- Bnwe and Miu Howe are ten."
.Bawtborae faulted i
The holidav* will awm te hme, and
"n^eyce of .ta* Unto wife «outat oat thruugfatbe doeg
fcocting jntlore. Children wW^^A
SarefaV “Tea bare twrs an cDod.“ abe ; tae ley. «■_
more oan^and twiwta than 1....
■aid. *lnm.i In ■ wbtoper. “wi good ta|^

for them.' and older people c*
thenmelve* with mneh mom food ff
hart- rniuded taem eo ] * ‘ Rveiyone
Rveryane who fas* Med
Wed ChamberCfaaml
tbey«a dlgtat. Aa a leeuU there faeat-l wouldu'i
bad : lain'e Oo^ Remedy naaka well of
to certain to te ease* of indigeMioa morh for myi
P. Miller, of
and biliou* eoUe. aoeompMiied with
tau always (rlgbtnw me.............. ..........
beet AteottaviUe. Pu. People who <mee
daya that we bave been on tte way I
tie of Cfaambeiiainto OoL^-------tofled oriti^2?^Smr. Ttera ia nothand DiaMoea Reme^ now
I ronlda't wait, wfaea tag Uke It to altar a cough or to
_ „ hmk np a oold. It to pleamt to
cmev f«r •
fala. ate R ba* teen to hard, ee alcemt take, too. For talc ^ F. C TbmnpehyV-CL
_______________keep cbrerfnl before him!
That to alvars vwy haid-Aan'i you


‘ > li------ 11tklMta

Store Tull of Useful Xmas Goods.

A Suiter Overcoat, even at

Relief Conw will be held tomorrew
•ventng •( T o'clock..



50 c On The Dollar
until you see what we are dolnr In

Our Clothing Departniont
Men’s Suits and Overcoats
Suits nice enough for any man, made
dark and medium colored fabup of da......
rics—all good winter weights—made
up-•as well as any Sg and Siosuit—
The overcoats you must see lo ap-


Men’s Suits and Overcoats
The kind that compare favorably
with tbe uilor made suiu—made up
of scf
• •

;rge, c^mere,
etc. We bought tbem^'to sell at
$0 aod1 $15-00.
$isx)0. 1..................
The overcoats
are the nobby kind—Nothing newer
on the market—You will buy one if you sec them.



tataMi Dq GmR, Cite te CMkiq kmi.
Store Tull or Useful Xmas Goods.



TH Ml m TM ETB «in imZBSr
m m ss HE USSR rvs K cunt

■■lauM/WAT Kimna BtRE


■ UWUBHITHEUffi. • « • •




The old and reliable Chicago manufacturers of fine custom made clothing, after a long and
prosperious period, have grown old in the business and have decid^ to retire. Their stock
was too immense to dispose of in the ordinary way. and wishing to realize spot cash on the
entire stock, they decided to auction off their entire production to the highest bidder. We
participated In this sale on Thursday. Nov. 22, at their headquarters in Chicago. We have been wide-awake to grasp every good opportunity, bidding ju­
diciously and on the right kind of merchandise—The result is a grand success. This is the first opportunity in the history of our bargain giving that enables
us to offer you good, honest, fresh, up-to-date clothiug at much less than the whol^ale cost.




We know of BO stmiltr event when goods of such high ebsrseter have
been pieced onder the hemmer.
Every suit, overcoat and ulster is fully warreirted—No metter what MEN'S OVERCOATS
In blua and black Beaver and Oxford Grays, valConsisting of cassimeres in dark patterns, all good ftO OQ price is placed on It. Your money beck If you ate not entirely satisfied.
ued at $6.00 and $5i». auction said price $3.08 and
winter weights, value $5.00, auction sale price ....
(All are wool union suits, no shoddy.)


Conristiog of fancy worsteds, cassimeres and some
blue Hannels, value $7.50. auction sale price..........



Genuine High Quality

Consisting of all wool fancy cassimeres, unhnisbe'd
worsteds and black clays, in frocks, sacks and dou*
ble breasted, vailue
value $Q.oo,
$9.00. auction sale price............

Ciit Glassware


at Popular Prices.

130 MEN'S
insisting of all wool heavy serg^.
serga. valure finished
isipieres, kerseys and double and twisted suitings, Cfi QQ
lu^ at $10.00, auction sale pi
price- ...........................

125 Men's Fine Tailored Suits
Of high quality all wool cassimeres and wool
worsteds, line ail wool fancy and plain blaick clays,
in frocks, sacks and double breasted, valued at
$13/30, auction sale price..........................

TiielSpecial Sale In Our Cleak Department

In all wool Kerseys, blues and blacks; also 20 Ox.
ford gray twills, warranted, value $10.06, auction ^0 ^3
Men’s Fine all wool Kersey Overcoats
Warranted in every particular, valued at $1300.
auction sale price...........................
Men’s Fine Imported English Kerseys
In blacks and blues, fancy worsted lined, warranted
satin sleeve lining, some half satin lined. French
faced and silk piped. Also Irish frieze and Oxford
French Meltons, every one guaranteed in every 1
particular, worth $15.00, auction sale price............ X\/»vw




95 Men's Fine Custom made Suits


Consisting of fine all wool fancy worsted^ in checks
and stripes, extra quality serges in single and dou­
ble breasted, fine unfinished worsteds in dress
suits, high art tailoring, warranted, value $15.00. 0Q QQ
auction sale price.............................. ..............................

We were never before so well prepar­
ed -to give great bargains
as now.

The Boston Store

Fancy lined, full length, high storm collars, worth 6O QQ
$5.00. auction sale price-..... .
Men's Heavy Chinchilla Ulsters
Good length, high storm collars, fancy lined, value ^A QQ
$7.50, auction sale price................................................
Men’s Warranted Imported Irish Frieze Ulsters
Fancy worsted lined, $13.00 values,
Auction sale price.


a.C. MeMM».i7.lfcf-WlK»ow»


ItpT. mt Abb Alter lim

Mm or (-milUr. nm


s-; ■ 1

VK\T» IN [iOl lETY

A''very ploatent aooial dance waa
Ftar given in the Academy lait evening


ui«Crr..M.m 1 i.-p- were a great many
small t> tie* h’fi->viT. mid thai t..di»-i

A. Kelsey lias, n-tnraed 'siB—*1 atarrata. a e-aAlncrai
have cliarge . 1
■>C ia-a-lt.-v H I). (-am4.a*IM
; of the tervioe* in ihe Friend* chnrch,
....................... ..................
................... .
Rev. M.

p.B.‘..f then. ilie"bu'k-ry"*^d was | from Chicago and will

• Xaaof an ASva
>T Farrow & Barnard. Steffen*' orTIar TkB^^ltlBB Uag.
clteama fentiahed the mnaic.
<>B Thauk«iriiis Dbt tiie Travi-mThe owl car wa* U.» ling nierxilv
Ui attendBaoe at Uip
Mrs. O. V. L. Oady entertained a ward CarcDdeh’l at au iwrl.T lurur
f.ior«i-l> After tlH. api.wr noth-:
Th« aewt of the d<«tb
atb op/. C I iTnirpraitr of Mtclilwin. held a maion number of yoong ladies laat evening otner uioniing. A party uf ts lnii-d eiiiMoBumt: of {OaAillM. wm
waa ioaivdd ,1.,
rrmombm..t br in bonor of ber friend, Miaa WightDing yam* wlitch wtjnhl have nade the ' pr-wre-. except cold wi-attii-r, which. |
Wiai •DROW in thia
wl(orr hr ; them. The boxr* of Rood ihinc* fi^ man, who is visiting ber. A most
irttiii.'lr itrriviug. will cantc them ;
VM wril known and extremelV poi<-; |,ome nrrived ihi-ie Tharaday aftcr- dellgbtfnl time waa enjOTed by all. of envy. A |airtlyinau
wek It,.- |iH«« of Ibu mud at Ilia '
idnr. Thia •antiment waa enteitoined |
and in the evening all the good:
ill.' ri—
-------•*------ -------------With mbimii.l face ha.) ja.t liui'h.^ idl­
tor Mr. MoBomey all over Mieftigan. ■ ,1.1,1^,
w,gr, on the tablea
Laat evening Mr. and Mr*. F. D. ing a thrilling story .if an»
Heaoldgoodafor J.OomweU&Son*,
,he Traverae City bova bad a McAvoy entertained the employes srith alligaiuni in llin
m Il.-'l
.U ,,,W ,M
wbotomle grooan and be vialted thU:-,in,e- that laaJed till the wee ama' in the aaylwn kitchen^ with their
'n..- .^timate cf which .
- eityat fieqaeBt.intarrala. He waaihonn.
friend*, in a most delightful manner
has b.-«-u miidef..r the iAlawan-. U very ;
S9 yean of age and ianvea a wife and
Tlioae who larticipated in the n-nn- at their pleasant home on
Tbe gmop. and after ap.dugir.tiig fnr tlie mod.ruie, ill jn.-w of the fwt tliat more i
The foneral will
take ion were: Harry
Kyaelka. Edwin Eighth street. A large nnmber of
than 10,000 ,diBd hav.. been uken >
Intmsiua reuiark.d lluit he hit.1 had
pUea Monday in Cadillac.
ITiirlby. Walter"’Thiriby. Tom Wil­
in one bsnl of the seine in the waters cf '
helm. Frank Kovotny. Will SnoaliaU, was passed in gaacA music and pleas­
that river. Tlie third nm i. .mail, like '
Stephen Utfdie. Amil Kerlingar.Oeo. ant socialoanrertetlon. Delielons re- the little ooli-rie. and U-fug (it.m.'.I
llie firvl. and tli-.ogli tb.- fish are fine in '
qoulily It ree.'iv.'B lltlleatteotun. It U I
Ohaie. Oharle* Corbeii. Fred Mtinaon freahments were served, oonslatlng attatysfroV.-d hii. whi.kcr* lh..nghlful*
probably runi]>jM-d of stragglers from
assorted cake, ly f<r a niuiii.-iit ami then b.-guii
•iBefcllaSaalXewRerovdorlBert Montagoe. Oaoar Friedrich and of charlotte ra«ae,



niMil !■ Tninra* t'ity.


fruit and

iCharleaF. Watkina

was a

Bpaelal te Ste Horalac BcMd.


Dm. 1-Staodaid Oili

tto6k made another

aenaationBl Iwp!

npward in prioe today, titf tele being «r »ke




• UtBrarr MaeMr Ute






Mrs. H.


■'In the mmimor ..f ISm. I wa. fishing
with a party of fri. iid. .at the TaUabamoo riwr. iu the D.stlierti pan of
Florida. All ruoniiog we mnip.-.! op
and down the bank, in a rain alUrupt
toestlke the illunive bfau-k bam frum

Grand Rapids are the gnesta of Blr.

Mda to earb a aitell amount of nock

and Mrt. A. T. Peck



ha. been very heavy

bot those »iio ,--

■ mdy I
ions can get them
them by applying a
OUv News S
v^•ill Vanderlip was arrested on the
Weft Side last night .
draokand disorderly and Chief j
being d
answer before Judge
tomorrow morning,
John F. Oti nnd sod Wnrren
cnmed yesterday from a u-n d

wit. tel


tte M«rte Cteter.

The great bkis and tbs UL LawnsM
the main body who an. aom.-what tardy , —n,. i„ve tu.«- storm* wr anoom
UP..,*, .1 ___ I .
. ,V
in their arrival.—Uppincute'a
any cith.T poni.ia. .n tills coqntry.
j This is
ii doe K. Uie fact ifial sUirm. orig(log west of tbu diaRocI move di-

th. .ijmVmrf.
««■ -b‘.«
agTte to refund the money on a 60. ] tarUwr sooth mov* to the northeast,
oent bottle of Gtoene't Warranted 8v- j

Intestinal infection.appendicitiiand
half fa-nber down stream to a p.tict
oold. We
bowels liver, and
re also guarantee
g^raittee a
* ;j all affeetions
affection* of the
where I tbonghl Halting wocldlv better.,
I aelected a favinble .i».t imd.stepjied'
001 open what I took to ic a l.>g which 8**E'Vait.
floated neer the bank. Fur two mortal Jas. O. Johnsoo,
boots I stood npen that snppwed log
President—Charles Rranle.
itwte in Oadillac.
and never gM as much
' as a nibble,
I- o. O. T. Ol'EX MEETlJtO
A'ioe president—Roy Schofield.
W. A. Hawker and family of Grand Along aboot^ ^clock
lock 1 gave
| •e It np
, in,, |
Recording secretarr—Arthur Zim-: Rapid* are in the city to spend 8nn- disgust, parkedI n
op my
. tarkU- and start- {
day with the family of Dr. Degaan. ed for the shore. Jnn a* I » a* stepping
Flnnaeial eecretary—Herrey Tripp. Mr*. Hawker will remal^orer to
for a log moved under me. and. gentle­
Beeretarr-AlmoB R. ' bter the Meesiah.
iMt enwing the Good Templars
men. wbat do yoQ think 1 had been
Sheriff-elect Martin Brown of l«e' bold an
meeting In Mcmtegne | Bnller.
atanding oo for more than two haws?"
Treasurer—George DeiU.
' lanan eonnty waa In
city yeaterItell, which wn*
d by nble speaker*. The misParUamentnrian-LoftUBirdtell.
AUey Thomaa 1* in the dty from rabiomd face
"An alligatcr." re•lanry work of the lodge, in estend-

new laoord, rejweocnted

laClm' tallur ta

of Polh

The regnlar election trf olfioers^f



the lAneoin Literary^Soclety ocenned I

Panl Jonson of Cadillac was In the
IS pointa eODpared with the .opening last evening, after the pivwentation of | city yesterday rlaiting Frank Friedirioe. Oloaiog quotation! were VTm an ^loeUmt program. The following | ri^ and looking op the matter of pnrbid, BTT8 being .naked.
were the officers chosen:
lehasing a stock of slsigb* for hi* bna-



Dec. 28

Ing ili bofdan into new Belds wu the
sabdeet at the meeting.


Cedar to spend Sunday.

WonhsD te' Blftelte Will be


B. F. Bongbey of Oedar is in


city to spend Sunday.

Ibe Mlowing eseellnt prognas

Seoatd M. B. Choir.

Mike Oberlin, looking thin and
regaining hU
I in TteTer* City yeater-

A large nnmber of p
day for the first time in two t
willgofrom thUcityro attend thel,j^,
illnesa Be q»t ser
dedioatiosi of the Methodiat church at;
—ting fiietids in town.
_____ . .
Blmley. whltsh oeente thU musing:
---------------------------------tt Tbeohnldlat lOtaOo'eloek Two bna* load* wiU i
be beat"
i-Rer. H. Kennedy.
_____________________ g. " Abr
private riga
The dedicatory i
' WiU beta;rlle.'
obaige of
t Ber.
A. P. Moore of,am the beat aellingbl^I have
Greenrille, *rbo WiU maeh Um ded- handled la *0 year*. Tcm taww wh^


mot) thia morning.

BldnT OartoU *rill pnneb thia
nlfH with mneh
______ _ _ Aantstelt ttiere I* evening. Eev. Hugh ; Kenaody, pa*.
totecateatd iadlgaaft» and, ter of the «Anrch,wiU al«» be preaeni


dve tbam Bcckj
I TNrtll nmova any i

|iathateaUy. Aafc



echoed the three___ „_______ ______
-'No. gntlemcii." said the little mai
M benuideforthedocr. "Itwasalog.'
He vanished in the darknem. and (b*


The dtad begin to^ipear in the rivma
ahoni Marcli 16. and they catUnne to
arrive ontil the middle of Jont-. It is a
nmsrkable fart that each colony is invariably divided into Uute grand diriMona, which arrive at dlSeroit
that making three anceeadre ahnah, or.
Tbe flnt ran it both amaU U nambra*
and especially pocr in quality, nnd it la
inteieating to obaerve that this it tn*

ran dawn maa or


On these two days the publlsheJs will accept sub­
scriptions to TH E DAI LY H ERALO for the .

Bememfaer thia mie it for two daya only. Mail order*, to leadt tbe efihie
bearing poetmark later than Dee.
Tbt HafnU amy avnU tbemmlve* of thia off«.
bat they mnat first pay np tbalr
to /annaqr lat. iflOi.

Do Not Forget the Dates;
of wltet are known ■* "hlokory
tad they differ from tbe other* in amh
marked degrae at to form a diatinetvte
rialy. 1b* MtarwHa in tb* Chmepaake
bty^en aa-Momin l»pd tkgfi at



27 and 28.


Orand Rapids Hlarald,
Orand fkapids, MIeh. ■^ss.



S, 190a



9BILZ (b> «HMt (m-wpIcb Id ,
D.4ortor of
by rainbrMt* «ot>
\A/ Mn** M
M b* «b* wMir. H* M »*Il <«tiu*4. too. t» ib*
Jr 1
Omd Diric* pt L«»«nt™»fc UlDllD'^bw. beHW oD* of ib« vwr few
wfeD fltt*bfSI*4 Ue etclil}^ , cn>mM4 hMds (hat aiao wmr (be bare.
dUrd WrtMDT OD the Mlh «f Iwt Joty. 1 fot hi* literary vorka iDcIvije a ren<»rr.
- • •

email. , lac of "Kauat" lotn ftwe.Ilah and a »-alr D
tnllee ' «abl* mettiolr of Klac Charlaa XU.
arts B* eolr m Mtmr*
o»er wlwni hr waa plai-ed, KInr Oacar.
Ibeyreat ralera.
'the klttC*
«a «od
aod k
_ .. I on the ronttarr. U maater of eevrral
fke oMeel of''
. _
wnark. 1 lacvura hratdea Nonrerlaa and ,e>red>
a( Svof*
le Cbrlailaa> IX of Deemark.
I-bora April i. tm.
a»d «buae .. tob.^ai»d when an bta laai vutl to Kn*leyal repatin- ©ueew l.oolaa. la eeve* land eerttveraed with Dearly everybody
MstiM hla Mter. Beib are older than . preaented tv him of whatever natkmalVlr^oNa. «Mn ^ OMt UflUIn
lUIn end lly. Trarellu lnn«nlto aa the Count
IrelDDd. who met ■»*
w the Ilyht Uay Zi.
fat. bat who. batinc been rn.eord In
107, had already telantCa yram whea
bar VMMTaled fiienda rame to th'

come of saarly >r qoiW »«H.M
tha crand old apenouint
I a ehracle
Heocary U aaM to be
atau of iret»verlabmmt. .Be la
bale and hearty at ;• yearn of age. deeplte the terrible family aftlctJana ha
baa oadergone In the tragic dmib of
hla only aun and the aaaaaalnatlon of
bla rooaort two yeaia ago. A eompllcaiton liaa arlaen hi the Imperial auc>
ceaakm. aJnce hla nephew, mtu Ferdi­
nand. upon whom It naturally devolved,
hai henoonced It In favor Of hla brother
i>IIo. hlmeelf having contracted
I ganatl' marrUc* with the Counteaa


It U now ponalbia to go gOtogwEit
IBort Into detaa rcgnrtftog iba plggtto
gpd color wort apon tba vgrtoan MMtoga of tbe rnn-Ao>trlcaa BKpogItlom
The B
thnt to be devoted t
«gir apob tbe exterior of thto odlln ig
DOW omrif kU In pUc*. nad tba gnat
■tracttiro la to tbe bmnda of tba enter
Tbongb a TM7 Urg* buOdtog. 8» by
aOO tecu tba fopr faeadea am an tooben by arcUtocinnl feawran that
there la noililng of a
Every one who bni tbe good farCBoe to rlalt tbe grounda dnrtog thte
advanecd aiage of d

al aUlaaem; throggh arfeieh ft la mimated that the king aad hie deaceodaau ralgn ovar more ttea HatM.tM
people. The caar of Itaaala. klag of
Ormee. the Prince nt Wnitn aad nuallr are InUmauly’^cd with'the
____________ _____________
the_ flrat
rrandaoD, the Moood hie non
nd the laat hla aan-ln-law.
KMg Chrlattan la a fatherly eld aiM
nd la ao affable and pollle to nil that
of Europe." Ulte the king
aad Norway, he la happleot
can atroll about Incognltu and
' hla aubjacta wUhoot
the world \nowa of t^ pvvvHy nrin
rn family that ocotpM (ha royal palace
Copenhagen during the early yeara
Ruaala u
o trim bar own b
PrlDccaa Aleiandra tof Walra)
clear aiarrbad bar own linen, while the
boya were aent Into (be
Is fact, the roygl Danet
have never got on vary well
world, except by marrTlng. and the lateat niraor* are fhat they have Rtat
over to (be I'nltcd SUieo to ne«o>
tuta a llUla loan of aoma
They am handicapped by (belr colonial
gtonp. Iceland and
Greenland. In the arctic
other, Bl. Thotnaa. Bt. John and Banu
Cnii. In the tropica. They would fain
■ell the laat pamed to the United Htatea.
bnt If they do Uncle Bam'a beat offer
will net be’ever H.OW.OOa for the lot.
Tbelr Danlah mairatlea celebrated
their golden wed^iw to Itaz. and per^

acfibe tbe cuultkd work with which tba
nttertor of tbe bulldtog la uraaAtotad.
By luraiw of tbe very togenteoa prndncilou known aa auff, wbicb la nnda
out of Wbilf plaaU-r. Into whicb Uboral
qUBoUtlea tif inaolla Ober haro bean
.mixed to onJer u make It wugb nnd
durable, tbv Expo
» of Bolldlty aad
maaalveoeaa m «rU u tba bunoty of
rtcbly curved etdoA
But. itoco M ^
tnatcrlal la not atone, tbe Idan nt nddIng color to tbe work baa bnea anggaatcd. Uow to apply tbe ■enter ao that K
would bcIgbivD tbe bMut/of tbawort
haa taxed die Ingenuity of tba aoat
Camoua mural pnlotor of tba wnrtd.
Mr. Cbarieu Y.-Tunier of New Tor*.

In liclicatc dealgsa oScrad a moat farbidding taak. All four of tbe brand
faeadea of tbe building have as trend­
ed vBret. Every window to n daaply
rcccaaed arch. wKb wide aoBta gad
cnaliign Every entrance la compeoad of
one or more blgb arcbea, witb ranaalva
plllara at tbe alden, and every plUar
and pUaater
ater to
I* of very eUbornto dtuU.
:very window to grUted nnd Batebed
nth fideUty to tbe moat nrtiatte V
of arcbliecu of ibe Bpnnlab i


lerttiral n^m
If all .the noer rodiraandrra had nude aa hard a Hxlit an. . raiateotly
............. . a . .
At tbe four cornera of tbn g
■ aa Oener
fered ao Mny ohaiavlra lo ihe llrlllah advan.v In Boudi Africa
Chrlatlan Dr Wei. the famvua guerrilla h a.l’ i. them would m>w be nu talk of ■building arc four towert, with <
tlona. CO feel above tbe giw
bringing hiime the crack reglmmia and Ivai Ing only a orporal'a guai
la wearing
a pair
ly ihere. The porirali which 1a pmaent.-d here ah'.wa him aa
le which had been
of hreerhea appnjprlalrd at Khennairr river amt holding
a Injured
prevloualy taken from Ihe Roera and then nn-aptured. The
and the barrel benl—ln fact, ihe arm waa thrown away a
akllled Ihier armorer repaired and refllte.! It. and It haa alnre
good repnna for llaelf In iKe handa of I>e Wet.
li la aofe to nay that, nolwithatandinx the long puraolla he haa led tba
Rritlah tr.N>|H> and the aharp and lerHhle nxhta h- haa occaalonally gti-en
Ih'-m. there la no more popular commander on Ihe iloer aide than General Da
Wrt. ond If he were token hla rveepHon Would be for different from lhat of.

It la nvi xenerally known that gold In
ooanllti-e exlate In the llrlllah laUa.
bul, oc'vrdlng in

I'Jil T: '

fount Von ttuh’W. who haa ao fveent.
ly at.-i.|»-d into the diplomotk- ohneo
worit liv mighty, tllamarek. la only

n Jubilee of Uu>>«
I nmieh throne came to t
It’ll. Ae may le* aal,l of the Uanlah
throne of Denmark. Next In order of
•enlorily U Alberl. king of Boxuny.
born In Itzx ond crowned In IxiS. He
nnd hla queen are chUill.-m. but tbcT
.nre Hrb In ihU wurld'a good*, having a
royal caallr. villa and town huuer. ila-lr
realdrnre In Dmaden being the aborteW

; family i-»tend all owr Kunij». even
IhrouKhoui the world of royalij. and ai
I to dearendama. ahe enn twiaat a far
greater number, aa the llrlllah taxpayer
la well aware. The fcatlvlili’a attendant
'upon the

.- ............r Oerinan cmplAt
hna an area of only» aquare mPeil
with a tnpuUlion of acanl X.U0.6M. Inrame t«(.OOa.O(M and nulgo about the
anma. they are rarely beard of aa train.
Uurnmong high and mighty folk of roy-

I proo-aalona lo Weatmlnaler abbey were
' OI )eoai four of the auvrrelgna mentioned above. She hod then reigned na long
aa her grandfather, George 111. and
: waa vajily more a credit to her nan that aeml-lbaane monarch,

Then there 1a Oarar H. king of Swe­
ll aacend
the IhRme until IST: Hr la a penu-naKe
of knightly quallilro ami kingly otiribulea. grandiHm of ni> le*« a celchiiiy
(bon BeniartoUr. Nopoleon'a generol. a
one time marwhol of Kinnce. who innrFled the beautiful Dealree dory. Jowfll
Bonaiwrie'a* olairr-ln-tow.
Ilia a.m.
ngoln. monied o dnurhter of IVlnte
Eugene Bewuhnnoto. ann of.Emprrao
Jooephinc. Ihr Aral wife of Nopolcpn.
and ao the pteoent king of Sweden, effapring of thto alllancv. to doubTy con­
nected with the great famlWI (bat Innirted ao much aoffcrlng and ahed auch
luaicr upon France.
Uke hU father, tiarar I. Ihe king of
Sweden and Norway U an enlightened,
oduented man. baa wrlitrn aeveiui
boteu and only



von Bngn. yet hla tall form—( feel 7 'fhoick und token noth Ihoi their cblltnehea— tnode him rtmapicuoua. and the i drvn ahaU l>e ineligible to the throne.
Scaodlnavlans In London greeted him >
Leopold II. king of the Delglana. mar
jrherrvrr he went. Aa ttih r over the be cmUled to be called .vem
issi but
dual kingdom of Sweden and Norway hto years, having been born
t>a>«r II haa hod many dlfllculllcw
from all accoiutta be does not support
incei. hut hia arven mllllona
klngiy dignities na he should. Hto
Sc.iDdliiovlnn Buhjccia, whether Norwe.: Utile klnsdom of aoihe 11.000 square
Swedvr, all lo\c and n-ai-eel ; mile* to one of the moat denitcly popuIhurouxhlr. aa waa shown durine- lated rounirlc* of the world, bul Its on.
the tllneas Irom which he boa hut re- , nual revp-nm * o( rs.OOO.OOO or ao hardly

lonxer reign than any other ooverv
of modern iltnra
ft to needleaa to narrate the Mn
ond queenly quoUtlea of Britain's a
en-lgn. aa ahe haa been the central
eotral flgun' In lie hlatory
yeara of thto
-nlneieenlh tenlury.
haa bad. a
cording 1
: drewa at t

and Norway, though second only to uie.voo.
Victoria In length of reign—U y.-ar*. ;
In rcfroohlng contraat to the Belgian
having succeeded to the. Auaiiian ' king aland* out the highly moral court
throne Ih IXM7-U FrancU Joseph, ruler of lienmark. prualded over by the ven-

{oua advance in tbe frontlera of the r
I plre '
' Since that speech was made still
; further advsnee h

rloa Ihr bucketa to kept In conatant mo.
Hun by water pow*er. and different
buckeu ore hooked on. one after n

i, • I
V* i
ri-wt.f the iwrtln
plomwl hi

ihwnecreiBHe haa n it
for toteraabut * It to

Bate Hit bMMM. tbn ImbM anb tel Ito warM. tevtoff t» fast B


(he edst ttid west aldea aro mtaulet
itooM-B. Two eery toll to>ccrt rtoa sboru
Ikiih tba Dortb and aootb cotymacM
gtnl belp to complete two wobdcrfol
arcblifctural cvoipoaltloba.
If you can. tbe dellrate and baaournl
ctiaracter of ibli uolqoa work.
ose bto anld It reminded tba obn^cr
ncblevetDeniB in a fancy wedding <nka
many tlmca exiggrrated. Tbe coapartaon to Dot luapproprtou perbapn, for
Ibe Rxpoalllon celebnUa n cteaer Obteu of Ibe several Amertens. nnd to tba
onglual while Ibe Wondcrfnl campoaiiioaa of aiaS wbkb crown tbnne uw-

.".""r-.'i'ts::.':.:: 1 - e—«^

lese cnnrveloiM ountlOM of

tbe cuuferi loner.
Uot color bns been «8ded. nod tbe'
white baa disappeared,,'. Tbe llkeoaee
la no loogrr (here. Tbn.frnilltDt colotn
oora loved 10 gtendfnsUy
boudreda of yenn ago to Grnbnde nod
Abdaluato have been revived, bettor
orlBlttoU Tbe mafeAk «*ina and fancy pllton look like cnfTIvory.
Tbe artbesqiw have a

green nod otbar
auadea Tbe roofs are all of red Ute.
Tbe broad etrea are upheld by aMw ‘
etanUal brackeu tbat reeeobto mewood carved to Intricate dealgn. Tbe
(owera preeeot a rndtenca of
redi aod gold.
UedaBteM of
Enenon aod oibcr farnotw MR wbe
.have glren (be World woRdertn) ■»ebloery ate gnrrosnded wlto a gtew of


One of tbe UtM addllkms to the public works «( Prance U tbe bemUful
bridge thrown acroM tbe Hrer Abaiinnt. wblch waa roni’Xcd only last
month. It u a tnagniacent vladurl. consUttoc of a central arch of nearly W
laet. xriileh apcMa audaclenaly acroa the river, and with minor arcbm on earb
. Thm Is a roadway amaa It U feet broad, on each aids of whMb
atdewalka. or 'Trottoira'’ protected by Iron ralltoga
In this ouaaecttea might be recalled a notable a
Rtearha tba vtodM tmr WaabUtown km>wn aa Otbto Jtton \


uacMtxmnr ontTUxasogTATtos buiLDam

tickling a aleeplag aeUier-a
of peace
leuce or vtctnry offerlRg
~ '
a defunct warrior
the laurels be haa woo. Jnat
Li good
It wlU do £he defanet aoUler kI not stated, bat tbe InaertpUea on
tbe oiber
side explaM that (be medal to •To tbe ineiDorr of thane who gars
r Uvea for queeW and country." This,
This, too, la rather obfoaeaUag. stnee neltber the queen Lr ijrr eoBatry has beu to actual peril during tbe
ore ahe has aat aa the Uuooe.
If it only read. 7m the memnry <d those who gave tbelr Uvea trying to aab
■ae more cauntry tor the queen,*' h night be move In aceordanea with taela
I thuy qan he rwwtted white tba btelagy of eveuu In Both Afrieu te fmab te

thto Invigorating exerrlse. and
way may b* seeo ayret
have been the Marquis Roecuglovin
cent partldpaata b
flaconnl de Modrooe, Marquis Calabrinl. Baruu Morporavk tbe Prince of Ronnlno. Prince of Fraano. Duke de Belglost^. e<r„ princea and mMabrra of (ha
la a trn acre to*. They rarely klU Ibe fox. bowt
aearre to (be Campagna aod haa lo he eheriitoad whh e
to fast. -Bre-r
FUg" to now aa wM tmlaad thut bs Mtara toto tte ««
rtth aa uhaad«


DlOenlt or Impoateble as It may aaem
to tbe reader to employ brHIlaot colore
no freely upon a great bonding noeb aa
(bte witboot demroylifg lu graadaor
and cbenpenlng lu aiMaraoea. tba
tiroblem has been mag^Decotiy weekand tbe effect Is aot B«a|y
ffaasing and barmooloaa but tbe week
b'an artistic triumph tbat ertry pat sou
from far and near will deHgbt tn aaa
1-be wobderful harmony
ay of tba many
aaton that bare been «md te at euea
edtoerved. and there Is no one fancm
ar Che Bxpoaltloa that has araond
more popoUr iBtereat than tba graU
ontor scheme.
With tbe » or toara
ether big itolUlnga. all aglow wItb eal<w and adorned with richly 1
work. Ibe effect wBI ba n gM
taupd surTtrtm to Chase wbo hava vtetto.
r Kapoatttona

Wateto had tMS tta«eaMB*r


rr. moB, (umu-Vi nscakaai t, it6i,

nta mumum


on tm 'OlWHO CAR.
Tm kw




. 5n«rs?i^iir«r»^i^*iS


TiMiMiig iff ilii iiMMiiaaiiw itf
«y to tte tiMo G< FOMptoi'ateMr*
ma teiteit m all todM Ite «l
taawfca aebMof Area trAai dm
d^ffto$.aad MM* of toewan aeri
MtoffiMte to their ciMditkM Mcm
atorwy. Hate la tte tiaiatottiM «< i




eoeta wOl be eae of th*fmb«t ttCMa.
(Md braid U tAiquitoiii and toe aoticcaHo to te aisMl—(Kl with a mcr*
muatk. it form* brita aad sstf*"fw

^nit. "wTuiir

doth draaaca, aad tbe gold buttoa
keep* it coopany. wbll* tba getd bDc
kte gUateas to aimay a tteefc taaL

tette b(xwu«(< >,000 or 8.000
aad it 1* a MBOertff reesad that at iMM
1.000 wwe trigagedot ooeOmeiatte
life or death eosnbaU which MiMeted
0TCT a
fMtiral. Tbei
mntvteOBi sports were
AatoBiacr aad Africa.
U tte Naplea BMMUa it a tatoaM ecdlar whUi was won about tte Back of a
man wboM ■hetere was fonad in a
PcMpriiaBbOBscoallar: re tte collar
iisa^BTed, ia Latin. Ibree words: "I
amaAve. bmouseI am rua-

vu *0 «fe*Ma> ia IW «rBor
«kw Butpet* hand It.
Md • bMck «t tvaiUrwaad. • notf

> for a crevict's ditoa
that it WM poMible that tte poor wretch
wbo were it may bare been one of tte
deaoredanta of tte bloed baited Bril-

SrT Wn

Bartpol* aald it waa at lean three boa4ted aad tbirtp odd peere old and want
late a Httk blaterp.
a<ao Bedded Ut bead. “I ksow.- te
that Beitpola did ooc pap anp alteniloo
telt. “U U rrrp fine," aald Ctafo. “Pot
bow Boafa vrill poo *rU it to mar' Natamllp Uartpoia oolp Utipbad. bat tte
Apete* wat la aameat BarntbeleM
*Ve.“ te iBstead. iooklim him abarptp la
tte face, ■te. da Tan*. I with to bop ft
“Waa I tee't with to aatl.” aatwared
“I beet $800.’ aald tba tedian.
m bed a tbonaead. poo maid aal

bim br bsil J.-rnd brsvp frst .
rtnttliuDs for eninp moatbt snd. addins
Ibesa to Ibe sJd be had rxrbansad for
UaxK-sii diilian mllartod (mn nianr
nidt. br took bimwlf down to tba rSi
tba soWirni lo oblalo falrlp
purrbnsf that vrbirh srts his varp own.
Dot fairnasa sad the otTnr» of purahasc
Cufo io-Aod the White Epe oflirar orer
from bis wsl|i to bis tmt aad ap aealB
and then with &<• sound save jurt oe*'
Smal want out from tba quartars aad
from tba post.
lianpolo told of It at the moss that
nisbt and forsnt all almiii It after ibaL
But CioBo did oo(. as llanpole ouebi to
heir toi


paaBtaJI LSKb axsissmwvro-s CMT.

onlp that tb
Clovrloc ai .
hii and that ba waa
ad il. Thr visor ■raa ap. and be eoe:
are tba alillar of tba ooa pood ape. E
bad wen a aharpahoolar's madal la b
time, aad be pet bis sklU lo Baa not
Tberv vraa a puff of amoha from abor*
bla bowlder, and tba abialas Asuie threw
up its arnu and Manned: tbaa it frO
forward, doire froos tba plnaaHr of rodi.
rUtirrins and rraablns amoot (ba Iom
and stonaa.
Thap foo*
tbal llarlpola'a ballat bad
tbasoodapaandt... .
vatp iratfa now and qoh* denA—

Snr tb* Aolbar Tra*»ai n P*bUah*r Who

etorpof ibateruentrjcBvaiioa. Cooiu Leo
Tobnoi. is rommaBicstted to our Odam

Aflari-oRipletiuK r
VcrkslbeociDDt treat in«n»n± of a
fobUsbetr/ He nppearad ooe fureoooa ia
e pahliabini oAeo of B 1
>arr be was p<
•loir aareaa tba saudp parade prroend
waadrtaaril bllertbe manner of a better
wban tba nuoo waa undrr the riouda of a
Class maaibik. aad the chief of tbe eacomins storm and alippad os allanilp as
probablp gim Co Judging
Boor but a savtsr raa under the raniada
of Ilarlp<4a's quartrra and tbanr* ihcoush from appearaocaa. vras not orer polite
tba o|>ru door. Tbr ludian bad auaaed jBtioit in lisuaingto the owmt'arenothiuc wlirn br bad b>-rn ia that uae qatst lo have bis aketeb pabliihe
amall roogi a monib brfori'. Ilr knew Ibe same lime taking the masos
wbrrr ararpthlns
from bis prrkM.
ebrono lo a l•l■la fi
"Oh." said (be pnbliaber. "1 really
hot in tba ron
i«beboibned. Uia nonMmpJo^'
plaar. Hr bid
I poor akMcb. We bare fanadseds
rartaiurd oS the
wait- Of 'amdi (bings in band aad baen nally
80 time to deal with voma, ewm tb
apoaitian tognarenta
tbiaapfa a brrel in tbr rinuds, and b*
rouU lar tba fipura on tbr rot ■•maalb oost, which I vcTT
Terr mach
much donbt"
Ibe BOMioitn aal- Wbrn (hr coom waa .
folstoi slowlp rolled up bU tnkBtldark asate ba slid oot. and liw- blailr of i script, BUd TiBjilaainy i( in bU pOClXt Cbthe Vaifr la bis band Wrai straisfat •errid:
Ibtmsfa tba heart of tbr man aalrap.
"1 mmet be Uboring nnder aoim misTbm br look tbc nillius anoor from Its
^te^densioD. 1 bare bees told thM tte
nalb and wrapped it In tba aallro rorlaitt and fled tbroupb thr nisbt aa anmlp pebliv likre to rete what 1 write."
"Tbe pnhlie likes to read what yon
and aw iftip as oelp an Apaefae can.
Non. il happrnad that llartpolr had writer axrlaimod tbepobUaber.elMely
nr lu aDutbar post a sod msop tolira Rnniniclng bin. "Wboain yrnf Vbat
(Latest that terp dap. and ba bad ia yonr name?”
Irfl bla atriker lo atep In bia quanara
"Hr name is Lro Toktoi.
keep sward orrr bi* Ibinsa 8o il
Ibe BMoDidrad and abasbadpobUdier
Into tbr Inrkleas auldtrr'a bran that
was iostantlr on Use other aide of tbe
thr knife waa driren. and the next dap a
laWeram apprised llarti-tlr tbal Ua atrik- bimniur. azproiwing tbe moM pnfoae
rr w as mardrrrd and bis ault of mil waa apulogioa and aoitrratiDg tbecoant to do
him tba diatingaisbid booor of permitfonr.
dap aflrr tbal all tba drpanmrat ting bim to publish tbe sketch. .Tolstoi
that (ba Copotrrut werr oo the qniMly bottooed np hu coot vrkb tbe
lb and. bavins rut thr raaerrattoe. maooBTipt ia bis htram pocket, saying:
killiDE riehi and left. Tbrp ware " Ytm hare no time, yon say. haring ao
lad l-p a madirina man railed Ciasn. and
manr bmidmU of ibeoe things ia hand
tbr aroala rationed that ba waa diraard
Imnat find a pabUataer wbo has time,
in a sarmrni of while iroa wUah ou
IVhita Evr-a bullal rould pierra. Tbrp aad (SC who vrill oot require a guana'
•lao rrporird (bat tbr ('hirirwbuas and tee. OBSVidaora!" Aadtbecaoatwalk'
tbr I'ab Uira and the Kirrra Blan..w* ed off iu bu usual aixicbalaat raaimM.
-Loodoo News.
ware Joinins him. Il promisrd (•> ba ee
Intrrrstios lima for lU- trn-iiorin.
llanpole brsanto have a'dim idea of
bp iba madirina man bad wanted Ua
Bpaniab mil now. Ua was ordered ote
■ roursa. M-isi od Iba drpanmanl vraa.
nobla of thr aon tbal>Bls*d to
"la this tbe place wbcce they an
Iw vhi-ckrd at once if
ijaestiCBia?" aakad tbe rough looking
It arif aerioua alrradp. Bui
But Ibarr
was man aa ba mured tte Uttle back rocn
one tbini la favor of tbr inwpw wbirb
ia a newspaper offlea
that tba hostllre abowad no dadrd te
"There's a maa on tte itaff wbo
CM swap. Tbair fanatical faith In tbair
nirdiclar maa Ird tbrm to aark tattle atakn a bluff at doiag it." Mid tte
ratbar tbaa lo afaun It. .\nd ivrica, bar- ■Dortiugfditor. "balteisa'ttereaow."
"Oh. well mayte yoo'U do," said
ins dona ao. tbrp brat off tba troops h*rauar tbrrr wrre. aa nanak too frw. Bot
tba third tinw tbrp ware caaefet la a
■ ■ We don -t aaawer trerbal qBaMlMs.
..............................WoUona. and tbrrr vrera
inUesud tte sportiag editor.
: troops asaioat tbrm. yonr questioQS out aad eead tten i
"Il im't macta of a qaaMka, a
"Oh. 1 d(m‘t kaow wten tte refer(ba open at first, tbaa from brbiod akritrf.
books are." iaiempted tteaevntbre at last tbrp rotrraird m a atellbw
^^Thn^ooldn ‘t te yon any grid teyway." eaid ite anaager. "Tbia iM'ta
briA qmtdioai: it's an up to date. a»odam car. Ii'a timely, you uadenuad."
"Wall. tbm. teeateed. Imaykaow
"It 's aboat tte IS

Bright red or Uoa clotb Mrlped wltb
gold braU inakf* waUtroau lo aotn*
dack l>road(aIl. wbll*
ilatcoot etriped with
tba inarlublc xuld braid la oren la on*
of tba new srslskln cuats.
Bolero Jackau are short aooocb to
abow a cooiraalldi vaot. aud many are
eUlwretrip brahh-d. Ite dasIcDlDg mlDrling with fur and gold thread. Black,
white and itild roiuhluad bate a softenlni; t-ffro-l on many of tba bright
tuiuiial aud w liitifr culura.

ttedaod. with all


^KA ItoOT'A.


too 900

Mil MtoMOtoM MrvOofhlorM.
IntATior t*l«phonaa for for houg*. factory or gtore.

OAR wlito mnyuang from a call ball to a whola city.

OAMP»BMei-U Bi«0«re

Jl do/idd^ J^emtnder
CeTit’s Fur Lined Cloves and MiUens.
Cent's Fur Lined Coats.
Cent's Dress Suit Cases.
Cent's Fur Driving Cloves.
Ladies'and'Cent's Trunks.
Fur, Plush and Wool Robes.
Sleiffh Bells.
Baby Cab Robes.

to Jdi5w C. BeadkA

Although tte Fmicb oonrta ate omdaeied with more camnrey than our
ttey ate oocaaireaUy

• viir

Saul anythlug b
Hck. and Uh-t almolutuly demabd tbal
Ihelr puesosaor should alsu {losteas a
folly furolsln-d fox Ikm. or (ba coac
muat put in a poterty sirtckcii appear
aoce about tbr stmuldara. even tbougti
Ibe collar be velvet and (be appllcaUoa tbereon of gold. Three cornete<l !
hau ID blJH’patme. tffti wltb goto

Maitre (JastSKrure,
are. a fs
famous adecMate
<ff Toultme.
of whiidi bu V IS raiy fend. Oae day be
rentured to lake
tke Ibis dog, which waa
imaU. aad named
tad Aaur. into court with
him- He watod Axur at >e ended tte
bench assiRDol to (tee
Maitre (tecneuTe had n bit^ pitAed
Toiev. and as he wnime
plea bo raised it to n lisid tree.
(viuld stand il no liugw.
Ho stood op
re tiK> Lrecb aad bowbvl—wuw ! wow I
Mnitro CaseneuTemodreated his eoiee
and cuffrd the dug "aside, ”
Aaor sutafiilud into Blcne. Tbe b«Tur
arguod re, and by and by. fvgvUiag
bimsolf is bU aertMaUMM, rated bis
Toteuaee more to a bigb pitch aad
"Wow! wow! wow!" bovrkd tte
little dog once moro.
This time tte Uvrrrr otopped abort,
tanod to tte dug and eyed bimorrerely.
"SCO berc, Aaor." te aUd aloud,
"tbii ain't go re
If you ore arguing
thU cfiic. you'd batterdo it aluoa. but if
I am tbre you've got to keep attlll"
After that Aaor bold bia perea
Youth's Cumpanire
Ml Jsiui Mlllsis.
It is said of bir d-iiu hlilbua, tte
onUi. that, g(T«-u a short bner*wood
pipa. a (vuifunalila • l.air, aud a {Ewkuf
cams Wltb wbuli t» piny "ln(i«>i.v.''
b« IS M’rvnaly saliKtiad with (-xistror*
foi the lini.-l.xiK. Millais is oot-of Uiv
rate jiruliKii-s «bo attaund diKtinctire
iu laicr bla. Bu wuu a madal fo draw •
ing whim rely V. and at 11 li.' «■ a
atodaut tf tbe Koyal At-ailc tny of Alta.
Is tba fulbu-.-a if bis foiiia lie is • mas
<-r surprisiUK ly simple lasi. s sod babiU.

In Ite y.-ar I :
I otncail an, '(.'olliy Cil
i that feels not biissrlf tua psisire te


|.rv~ bumV <m Cirtro. U b-s l-md lots.
kiuA> .* lomW lyrrob'.

Pur auukl&c sod broliii* puoassr

Horses From Indiana!
Just received a car load of splendid horses
from Fort Way*>®. which contains some of the
finest stock ever brought to this region. See
these horses before buying elsewhere.

Sales Barns. State Street.

Onr fee retaraed if we foil

Anj epe aodiog iketA aad dcao^doa «f

say iorentioD will pmmptlr rero-ivc rior opinioa free oooMrningtlie ptooelIn *64 the cola at Oimtantmople
BO severe tlist liie Btek ore wps troiao
• 50 toilat from shag.

uresT Bi-asux coat.
b*aid and adurtiad with oairlcb faatb•ra. bare a’ cerialo cbic of tbelr own
and will be worn by (be Mma people
vrbo will ismt lo Iba otrulgbt back
Any DOT.

Id skins la Imparted
skilled cubnlng of the
cutler Uiau by auy panicular atyla.
There la a laadrncy toward gvret Btnplltod* at lb* feet, and a certain
amoant of fullna** U oceesary lii tbe
crater of tba back, bot otberwlae a
plain, good at U enrutlai lo tba frout
aad bipbrredibs.

ability of some.

*‘H»w to ..btoiii a potnit’’ aenl npoo raquoL


aecurisf througb na ftdvmiM .l fur sole ml our expense.
I’otenU token out tlirou;.'!i u. receive ^iaJ notiu, without ehoife, in
Tux Pa-mrr Rxcou>, on illustnoed and vridely cifttolHad jonntdl. aa—h>d

Eczema for
Forty Years.

by Uonufacuiren and Invou**.


Eraam BuHdhig.

ODqreUM ttauman at a WaO

Kaowu Attency, bt. Iguaea, Mich,
Some U tbe cura made by Di. A. W.
Chase's Oinlani oi nubbora aad loiq coo-

Send for tunple copy FREE.


(.Patent Attorneys,)



In making Ycuf Stkettons


for toikt Soaps

toll Oiotwot a a

Bear id miod tbe fact that we caa fit yoo oo*. with tbe beat
(juaUiy of aeletried ooapa at prii»a from Sc to 3oc per cake.
We boy in quantitieo, and make the price right AU the
goods in tbia line are from'weil Imowo mskera.

' woodarrarhMBito
Pineapple rbipa are not oaiy a' toothall kiadf of lUa
MSI* dalDty. but as belpfui a ffnlab to
troobl*. Atteney
a dinnrr as candled ginger root, aad
^ laa. J. Brora, at.
ibay are mada. acrarding to as exFhanga. as follows: l*>ra aad cut tte
O1.A.W. Cteai
fruit HMo very tbin allcae: allow oee
H«d. Co. Boffaki.
ponad of poo-dared sugar for avary
f N. Y.—Grets-1
peemd ef fruit.
*rer aanbeDoaro ptolea.
of allca* and more augar. osd ntand tte ItereiZbM^t rbase'sOiMiBCM. Fm
plates Id Ite bot sun er In a drying
ed wnb a tola diaoM
cioopt. Turn tte fruit mornlug and
creolng tmtil dry. tbra put to • bot [
> effea acm, sad A
tau mtotoao. and when cold pock ’
BtMBi mi 1 c« ntef.
ft to tto hoars wltb paraA psprr bo. a. and lUa teM b
tweeo reah two loyaca

Jus. 6. Jofnson, Druggist.
In differwt looalities f(w'Mto*re*«S^

tax daiK^Mcrted ti ■wlgace.

K. BMoMAIurdCiinp-

OOee la Haailtre A Mfllikca Block.

re* 1 vaot ID
sad 1
A ID Mr k. ThM


Haripeb *ww* lUa tinr maan. Bpaabbaatte. ’No.’be aaid. “pea coat ter*


It. ttatoatr

ssnu? ■


I fwwvcr. but tte I
HDuity aad
■k Times.

collar and cuff* in gold boillon braid,
are certalolp smart, but ooa tea to liabefore
tlrriy subinlillnE to tbelr ebarma.
wearer luusi ba tall, ’srclta" and of
iwrfart corriaga If throe

Iwiu 'daBiaaptUBit

time, a siremlnc Iiare. Bortne damailp
amoes tba tarre aad nfidsvbreib. aad tw
aU that it vranl re alowtp and was a*
brlgbl B* ballat oaamvd rvr* te hit It.
Bma tbaaifa Ciepo wat anlp a ^itp Eran tba wUtr maa batan to rnailiii It i
ladba. tba White Bp* abooU tete re- vrithavr*.
AI aODsat of tbr saroe* <sap. wbae tba
■mdbmil that ba protabip had faatiaii
rrooi tba care ted all tel aaored
wUte eDold be hart. It la vr*a bowerec.
for teM* wte bat* tb* dlivclioB of <b!l- aad Iba lodlans vrilbio k ware witbooi
diea ted Menite b tbair baads to rammbte ttet tbeee rimb fetk bare tom0mm ■■aiM for tte lUac* tbep do a>d top of a Uth rack, wteopin* and yriliac.
aaUlnc tba mnasBl of fts foUowm oa.
It stood ao for a BMoeBt. (be rod are
thteof i tba (tea breateoa
sa tte dauad Mcei I weird atcht ia tte
•CTtlll <Jte MMt



mthitapaUof Uva

la tte OteiiiMb Bsuaeom. Oairo. use
may Irek upon tte black aad afarirekd
face flf that Bamesn whom we kaow m
tte PhareUi of tte Opfraekb.: Upamka tt «hcr Egyptian kdagt. jrieA
and petqile are cutumre msou^
primeral maa. wbo far antedaCi
peil aad Boinr. stand aadreoyed ia oar
But Pcanpeii prremtatte pio-


“t ter* a tbeemnd.’
aava hich up on a hiaaidr. and tbarr vraa
Bartpola laufbed aiala. a littl* Impw
no fttinc tlum <nSt. A-asmutain bowitnlsht hare door it. bat tbre* waa
4* BM beUae* m. Look hare.with tbd rmamand. All dap Ibe
Oaae drear a beakskia bac from tba fold*
.* Crad vnllaps into ao macb of tba
at bb Mte. It was full of aoM. ‘Tbate
mooth of Itw r*ve as showed brtvrrre lb*
b IBOO ban. Ia thlec dapi I ana briof
jdnr trunks and tbr walk of rock. Tbrp
knew that Ilia alanshiar within bbM
’aartpebr^md tew ba bad t«aw bp
bare bran prottp arrrra. but tbarr ware
b, aad bb tcanpar roae. “That 1* MoIm
amaar" te aaU aanap. "Pot it ^
Too 040*1 bare tba arvBor. Ckate**r
vrea daed. Tbrp eariatol*- would anlO
-Tea bt m bare b," tente Omb. ^
•bb it



of a (treat wbll* Ali f
rlad OB* of Ibalr woman aad bad mJad
orte tbam and wbo bad wore a nit of
tblalai Iron
And tbair tredItioB na
rhat wbowx'MT .boold bail and wear that
carataBt acain nuold br imporrioat to
tb* builMt of tba While Kpa. wuold beroma tba irretaat of naadicipc owd aad
rel* iKit i-nlp oarr hit o«o ixvipla. bot
over all tba Aparbe Iribrt aad ttao*a of
Ibf pltiat of (b<- nnnb. Aed (ba reap
foiTBdar of that familp lo whUb Ow>
Ivlonped was rapulad In bare bern tb*
while rbtrf ia the ro*l uf-iian.
Ibe Copotr
three Ihl
d no did lb< DiadiasB* t ID.' So •


l-to «».


n*t* trai -*o 'caUad baaaiua ba was
WlDd la *B* ap*. Ua aaata la aader tb*
ramda and atood ao riotr to bim that
Bartpat* moved a Uttia. The jCofotrn'*
<*Mt oC traifem and
head band war*
net daan.
Orge ipoka airallaat Rpaniab. aid. as
Hartptd* did. too. ba had no tnrabla
aboat tnaklni blamalf nndemood. H*
expUlMd tbal ba would Ilka to tea tb*
aalt ef liee riotba* wbkb ba bad bean
toM that tb* liantaeaBl poaieeml. The
teatmaat was to plaatad to think that K
ted been spoken of area in tba fattaastat
of tba Siam Blaora and of tba Toate
baafai that ba forpot how dlnp Ciapo vraa
and sMlcfatWJip roea and Invited him
Into lb« ena room.
Tb* mdiriBr ma stood lookiai at tb*
aimer with ao iatrrtet aad aridaat appteaiatloB tbal loacbad llartpola v*9
mate After tba maanar of bit kind, te
Mid no word, bot premntp ha want Bear
at kBd felt of tba platet and efaaint witfa
Ut teaar Upa and pot hU r>od ape rluta
aad leekfd intida. Tbaa ba lamed to
Bartpole. “Wbar* did pon find Itr b*

Ototo SHm^m
•to tonto OlMtoM.

to tte time of Nmo, Ite ere <d Omm
Aagretns, aad Ma paba«f gtodtatow.
paid IqrOwaBai ImrMioa. Ite mb of
iiaellth, imam
Md Ite owAiagi will te ^Md.
Vrittre by Cter-EBiiliM Clee, writar <d to■aipekaa; vnvM Ibis by morelighL"


— rjsr..‘&rsr*-

ad mil and tba I
them, aad h/rr«
ao*‘far aV!
write te tba SatltbaoBiaa inatlutMe.
tba tM of barliid a 'coTanuDaet cood
ale* aaat eat at oner to aeisc bi> traus
pad la tba laterral of two leailba irb
atapaad bafara ba recrired a repirtha laBmd waa oelp to Kaaaaa Is tb
darr-ba eat aboet cMolad tba ani .
' blmrid aad wkb bis ora haada jelotor
Be waa as eeeapM. what with that
aad (be hlatoriaa and tba atbar book*
fetfot te baredJBa botten aalaria aad bad BO tima to rorrr aboot tba
* Bet. Tbrau wbas tba wteal wai es«e
■ate brifbt at tba aattra ablHd of ArhOke
aad be bad prored to bit owe and to eratr aae’t atUefacUoa that It nstt oaae
bar* pntectad tb* bodr.of oc* of Coroaadab BOB and mmt data from tba mid­
dle of lb* aittarolh tanarj or tbarr
abOBt. ba boof It op b> bli ooa ruaw
Bdeba qturtrrt. aloac wllb tba iBdiaa
Ciapblaa that rerr at Doibiac bow and
tb* bottled raptilaa of mar •orta. tod
tb* ftai* of It spread tbmarb thr laodr
Aa BafUsh lord la a pllh balmat sM
crap liaan. who wsj coIsk aboat db*
eeaatrr- MeeUd atlla* oat of hit wapao
loafc apoD It aad a Mlaeil6c parip frob
Baataa dU tba aanka. , Haripola was bir
■iaalad to b* rarp prbod wban on* dap
ba ted a rlallor of asolbar bled.
a h* bad aeaa
baaalBr amsd tb* aeroaT and tba pon—
a amll Utba fallow, pm Oopotaro Apatea. part Ufxlcaa. poaaifalp a -rarp >maU
part wUta, wba bad aoma rrpnutlon at
a mdklBa ma wltb tba tribri. bat boI
maA at aaptbinc alaa.
Baripel* waa aUtlm; andar bis ramda
aa a late aemaMr aftatnoon. tradlns a
teak wteM anrrr* rurtrd up with tb*
teat wtea aoBHblBS eama batwaaa blm
aad Ua Hite and. kroklmc np. ba mw tb*
■tdlriai ma paerlai la tb* opanlns. H*
•B'l •dded. "Wb«i


•Twreny patetd giadiatoM..|ted by


aad aaad be Mr
md tb* nabMnad m>i____
tW Mt. TVen b* had tb*
» la a Mtar UM aad i I npee
r rfaleta tbe adami bk
d BM bare baited at i
1 Uad «f I
............ ..............................................Ada
of India
B« tbwf '
aw7 «ar. «Bd tba dadta* of a fttU aalt
ft turn triad »drr a •aaqolte b«A
Mr Mil «aa rare.
Ovtalatr Hartpoh ' '
ad aa^ a Mag. and.
_______ -.jt dbII vaa__________
tbe eatr
______ d « tba Nav Maxko plaiaa. but
bte lava as tba anblaet vat ael probn
Whm be pot hack te’bia two ««a(_
faal «■ tba baaka of .tba OOa. ba foasd
tba tetatM la Ufa. wblah had baaa Urkla« Cdt bte ap lb tl


Abbnlltoiwii. Pto
"^l^yaB Me. Fm •

«« <»-

"Aad I WBM to kBMT if tte UOUMM

gW wiUgMaetteatoteokwtod Ute
•u tteMtt« teter Mttirawk
bd^ baadi aa Mi tatlatotaB CteMte
liiibliMVteotteMk^twd Mm fte


I tfMaaiTtffariMBTM


tog lik* U to altoy a oo«gb\w to
brwk opa ooU. U to
ttfca.tao. r«r mto by T. a TOm


John R. Santo


> a orpteM Ate •
arcr IM m» ka«v rm aaiad lar
tbawbt r— Borar aaai tbom.**
'Aad 17kia»kt 7M WTOto xboa ta aan
■0*^7 hacaaaa I ateaod u ba at ba^
tbovfet roB ma a poet aad that t
-aa aa lacMcat^ tkai fmt «Mdd ba«a
tttt™ ao to aar aaa ar p«hapa did
.^Bfca tka. raa aaad »a ta tmUffiacasd cxtdbtt at tho Pn

aad kv in hia Uashttr.
' **I ooTor wTot* BB7 rooaoa at all at
la raa.- ha aaid. 1 araar waa a
aseopt vboa I iboaghi aC 70a. tc waa
aaljr mr lo^o for roa that aada mt aiac."
Bbo looked at bin anUfaifly.
“Ur part artof aocBod worth whOr
BO neopt wbOB I art jocr wwrda
■male.*' abr laid.
Tbo BBB klippod OOCT tbo bortaea. '
loB(. ruldoB afioTMa waa dasa.Loaia Star.
A BaalLO. T«oa Kcpa aad a
A ladr la Durbani oo
00 tettlaa
tottlBf vp
ap tea
Borahir board a Boat
M( pocullar
pocollar aoiar ta
tbe paattr- She It aatoabhod to ted
bead aad part of Iti
. Ibroocb Ibe baadlo of a cUaa UtBdb iddea of tbo aaakr—ibal ta. tbo portioa os - each tide df tbo baadlo—wort
balciac ooL Tboa d>o dtaconiad wbat
bad btppeaad. Soow oni bad bora IrtaTfOB the <*«U. and tbo nuho. aftoo
hiTlac twahowod oao. had ^wlod partIT Ibroub tbo bandio of Ibo Jnc-tbat ta.
aa Car atabe awallowoO nca taoaU allow—
la order to ert at aaotbcr. which it had
Bbo awabowid. NatBiallr oaoocb. It
coald But ities ro oiibor forward or fcarlward tbrouh Ibo handle. Tbe ladp «
joat doinc 10 call bor baabaad a '
roptn* aaoo a deapoiato winle
dolaa ao foil <a tbe floor wttb_____ _
baatllo aad all. But tbo faU btokt both
Ibo t«a« la Ita laoidrti. and. taUac adoantaro of ii. rrioaao fi^ tbo baadlo. It
waa out ia tbo caidoe before poo eonU
Btp “U-41

M. nta • witer. UM.


TWV^. 4r««>M
rm/Tif ?>■«. • InjBbmw

UMt «l»

' «bN> ilM MM' tfMk

-Ullk U. TVMM Ik

■ litoreo.aBd Mae

OBMotteaB te MIB.
Whoa Radi llrtbrria<l"n «a> pnnof
aad addlrtrd to the wrilin« of' pnrtrp. It
thiared (hat bo kaew a glri-ber name
waa EiuUa llirp. If pen wBBI to kaow—
and bo addrea*o.l aU of hta poom* to her.
IIo wrote about Ibo dawn and told bor
nhe waa like that to him. and bo wroio
•hteC derm and mIdaiA and aald threr
tbiasa wore like hta droarp heart- Ho
(olohralrtl bor opra. and berguMoo hair,
aad brr lliite foot, and tbo moulow
Ibrooxh wblcb abr walkid. and ber tdIiio
ftnriax In .-birrrb. Ur hxikod and teuxod
for aomr orkDowl.drmeot of three roraom
wfabh aorfnrtTlo him qnllr tbe nuwt.ain-

<n«rr MB rra<Ita> hr wuoU ITTB Bh,
h««d Urk and moar for a tiiar. BBd la/
ibr tocnardrU mofocsu br cunfiwd half
BB«miarh/nil7 to blmarlf tbaC tbr ivaaoD
bo did Bot roarrr waa boraoko a» «irt bad
rttr aonard ao awoK to him aa EMu
Ort. to abom bo eaod to write Ibe bal­
lad*. Ibo Irrlr*. Ibo l*ra and mundoUra.
When bo rotneaiborod ber. be waa toBpto-d to lake to Mflac asaln. b« ho laarbrd at Ibo idea of a Dorehaai in wboleaala
hardware d>-lac aanblac >o laeonaiatrat
and endeavnrod to rrrall bla tboucbla to

a aad n^UrttaA bal ahetaiBy

baatta aad Mhar-th^bp
fantea at ifea Pab

prqpertp ta tbe rtetaltp oT ifep ITtpiB
dte graaada la Mahed c« aad pflb erapprd te tar rlaailp retard effaeta
carM bp tl«M lidirart^ Ita vataa Thte. br a rent. gaM ttaaae wB he
far f atpaaai la taaantUa wttb tbo ils rattod with wbllr eblCeta or «hlaa hro-

prcBriTO laamtideea
and tedMtrlAl pruiitaiftp nf tb« Sowtt
iUDortaM repubOe. TW
«< Otte
«00 baa be« «(vn«rtated bp tha At*
inn BDTenuteBt far tWt pteVoaa.

wlth qualat doll tWmii and traaevni
«r («d lare. b oar of thr ettelre cob
«a of tbo Btaaes Ud •dorahle on the

Exfx^tlaiL ExblUia abawlag the taaaarrea af all Ibe prtaeipal eoanirtaa
ef Ocatral aad leatb ABMrlea are aaw
Is eonfee of prepareftea. UoniaiaaH
tbe f*blllpplae lataada. Peru Btaa.
Cate aad tbo BawaUaa graaiL. Aboat
Tbo Bon. Oa«Bd DtebL «ay«r at U ante bare btaa wt apart for tbr
Boiraln. tbe borne of tbe Paa-AMlcan EzpoalUoa. baa great fattb Is tbe
•occaea of Ibo eatarprtae and ta SMta
*h«B pltaaed wttb tbe progtaw that ta
faring made on tbe wort of eoaatraeUNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT.
tkwL Boaapa; “I treqaeatlp-drlTaoat
ibeiw and hwk oocr tbe baOdtiiga. It ................ .. Par a taarhor Ott*. aW
ta pbeeenwBal tbe npMlcp arltb
IB tbrno ttmea. wboa tbliablo partlaa
wblcb tbe work la canted foraratd.
Tbe n>ea wbo are diiecflng Ae Expoat- are ao ofion tbr Boeaa of oeiertathUoQ aff§lra are atarawd
IDA. It brbooTot tbr boalew u lacor•owlag oortlag aona, Uilng wblcb arm
ber rtalten taaldere
becocnlng eatbaataaUe arer (
^ ,«,bUab rtHtUal rotaUana
It. Tbohteoda of people who did hot
Cnomlog euoiraU of rartens aatorea
go U tbe Wortd-p fair at Chicago wfO
coma U tbo Pas-Amerkaa. Let ererp- alwapa prore loleroetliig. eflte mirth
bodp prepare to nedra them and glra
Ibofi a good tlmo“

I announce that Ibop are to dlaeovor wbo
I tbe pleturo* reprraellt and to writs
! the venir* boloogtng id rech. Thep
I map Kan at anp point, taking <wro
: to maintain a atrict njeroapondeneo
be(wi*-n eharacior aad numteT
Wlieo aufflcleat lime Ima been glees.
rolle.t lapere and appoint judge*.
Nn*llcwork ren now to-gln and map
continue until lU- lunch 1* anuouix-rd.
which la uauAlIp aervrd at amail tahire.

bad walked to achnol wore b
. howeviT. be wa*
euBTincid that ibU wa* tbe mae. He
a latgrr and dlnterji-tlr. and Klolal worn i could Bol tell whp It wo^ lint tbe aonl of
awap to the far oaai aad later to Barope tbo girl wbn bid never aeemed to love
to alndp made.
blm and wbo bad pm hipi aside with
Now. Ibooch ao nae bad tbonsbt norh glrlinb limlditp and baatriir appi-ared to
I flenatalti*. cauol* and take-*, wblcb wlU
x prvU} u.oml:.g gown la out
■bout II 1a tbe old town. It wa* a fart he *|ioaklng to him now and to U- dodar' bo bordered wllb plant* and auwer* of jg |,^|,.
q,„, gunnel, bolero sud
tbit abr bad an onnioal tnualral talent. Ing ber llmoroua lore. He forgirt Ibo
aU kind* and deaerlptlonn tVblle tborr rtoove* edged with blaek illk fanep
It waa rrratWe and orifiaaL It aooio- woman tireidr^ him, forz'.l the lli.rong
' will lie charming nvnerp of tbi* ebarUmoa aremrtl to ber a* if abr tbohxbt about blm. lie aan tbe uieadowi Iwpiind
telp of lunrir. and orrrp aonnd abr hoaid the Wrotrra .towm aaw il«- ..U ..bool-,
•“ •“ PoHloo* of «he groniidA aa
nwnired lioelf Into a part of a haiiaoap- -booai-. 1
embelIbe nlildlilK
(ling of an rngiao, (be .1 ,u,
lUb the aoullieni portlnn. adjolnluf
' rtram. tbe
Ibe I.
lieat of bnofa on '
I. w.
paveoieiit. Ibe roar of (ho
u. ,.u„. ,„i. 1 ->■ ."11of a akin tbnmph Ibo water,
loot of B vorp largo
part iif raliir.'** «pmpbnap. Rbo wbo I
oil- grown almoat U-poad bi. roeol-1 log. The. arena wtal rontaln a quarter
aremed to bere.-lf ao almiile and rtilldia
lo.nioB. He fmmd a rvlativeof bl. old ; Inllc track and ample room for (he ,,ra- Bridge at tbla point will be two artllltlhi riino asu heeamr complex. I
tborr, bikI be learned ber where- ■ rioo* pagr*nti and oxhlldtlona
, llclal iKKjl* called tbe Mirror Ukea.
wtedend at ber owo impnlroo. and
al-iyit.^ ^
, I atock. Botoniobilca. farm and road ‘
grain* nilbin ber dominated ber and
I ~nn«Oog with tbe Grand CanU
I- writo. or ahoald be aeok I cfaion-p, erhlclc*. e
bor to work when abo would fain b*.e: [,„
_ ,,___ , . which oneirelea the groundn
boon Idle. It eteipelled her to rellnqntab |opteatnrea for tbr aake of ber leak. Kbe [ n-rl,!,
lemrle^into dilllanre.
that abo |oved him beeanre *bd.drt hlal
-----------------------i eot In tbe mldat of abmbborp and Urea
r free life «*> a thing <1
rting. to Iwaml.ul odrie i oc^btodlp j
, |a aurb a w ap a* moat to onbanc* the
T and to euulrol ber Ufe. Her |
epo* were opene.1 to an appteriation ..r ,
i.uaie- Ki
,h* irea.Amerlooa.
pUnU. Inrioaing
tbo aebleveoiciiu of Ibe maalrra. All
ibll waa diinipsllr In ber abe would bare
d wa* dead .ir diwmant. 8he bred ■ ,V,rtod for a E.irojwaa



towuapeoplo eooAmerieaa ladp. Tbep knew
■t teuating eter-!
le place where abe
tew woiaeq euiu-, lodged, ii„.
lint abe 1
, . broodiBK apteedew
I her to the ahnre «
•- tbip a
>f the nu


I grodginc Cte bodra wfaici

trying done all tbta. abe
tag and vronclervd
If it
TWIaw* ol tertnoop. 1
oxbtool from (he
could dierover tbom; anp uoo
poeuliar arveagi'niontB uf mnsiral nole*.
4ovf*o BOW (bemra. perreive that audio
mteteal idea* alood for one art of rimr
llutw. ••thir* for other omotloo*. .And
aflor (t wa* all door wbrro wa* the j<v
of Iti Bbo uvni to a dretmiBg. Im
Bomorttl liltte town oo tbo Uoditerraneas and moped, ant eariw mueh for
bovorlr. tblsklBg mlgbtp littte of famo.
Blteuatod from tbo life of ber girlhood
and foetlnx moai Uttrrtp aloao.
At tbo aamo Hum a ponag mrtiAtel Id
hstdarare beck in. a dlitp aad botelofte*
town WB* p-florting that Ufe waa abaunt.
To toU fnr (bo Bate of

wa. almoat .unaei whrt. be ram,'
ber Io a gui. t place. Bbo .at lock- i
Iff aadlp .1 the aea^-banRHl. indrtd.


oaitp io hi* In ert Jn petwh him
cord enp ronanliTattao In
(BBcp. U, B. It op to bor and brid out
bia band*.
" bo aald. "I bare eoi
^auTa o*^ ^««*>t pou out
•Whp. Baril hotfaertortoB'
loBr abAgav
“! tbungbl pou had foigofteB me

a bad
f diSndi at Uf begitmlfig.
e ted Bot boos at oh

1 wondered whp bo could Dot got
aak aap of tbe -v
kB ktew to monp bUn.
Somotamii a* be mt


" nrp merit v Cor tWr

rtlng me of tbr womaa'i
port. y«o are making mo drelare mpaoif. It ta t wbo abould Uaton.’'
TVs pou Aid lovo tbr magal H «ai
a bapptaeaa to pou to ong item oa it
waa to imte write IbemT Tea know J
terodpo*. ZmiomatabecateMIteM




i. ::::::

r Ibe Wriliiw dteki'otabloi nr fur a ebanew tugaad <me uf tba
Bowapapera wkiefa are kept on flke.
Anourduig to tbo otBWBtlte*
bolel BM9 tbe ouantip. Ibe
temnor'lto-creu tbe muta Important
thobot/l readingnaan; Ibe larger Iba
-Town tbe teat iiu|unanc the botol roodtilg nxxn. Il ia afiiurteiUp in emuUun
tin tJ tbla rate that tbe riaidim nun*
of mtet Now Yiirk bucalo. ibouiai fatBtabodtn ottrtetireatpte aad well <wlcutaled t.i aeno Ibe ranTteioieB d
gunal*. oro nangRp dinertrd. ur If not
dcoerted are itemiirel cfairtip bip porane nut g»wu d ibe boioL in other
wreda. on-n not otupping at tbe hotel,
bsl uMtingfrtetMte lii itamalaeucridur.
Ulhae Ibo mTooteiwea of the rreding
Run. Added to Uute are a few
tnuuiirtii giwwu. wbo few Ibe nwat part
ecBue to New Y<wk n Uiaiwei orpteoeuro from great dirtaia**. and eopnciallp
trren jnlentir towna. Bcwbxi men, Pbilade1}>bla mm. Baltimuro men a
boteU. but
tranrirm gneeia fn«n tb* axnall town*
of the Tcmntrp ate. And w.nie.g Ibotn, .11
few temra at a time nainiug (be hin-k
nnuitawa of newHpopma <JT writi^niueiianlcallp and then oerv-iualy &iuMTlog Irtlen to frimda-eud retaliuna '
Tlie pnred.aieal thing abmt bolel
reading P>eua In Nrov Y-irk u that
Uwogfa tetrtxthlp luaiuUinHl for the
* ruOYenieun
tbe betel gnniU
they are at tlm arrrice Ib rnwrlp evurp
of ptewBa wbo are mil uulp nut
guteU of tiw IhAoI. bul wbo, rnnbrrmc*o.arefeaiitent.NewY’.wkrea. Nearlp
emp bolel in tbe clip haa a l»se num­
ber d palnmawbo are known oa "regnaUp fur
for aevure
aerurel mioitb* at a
lara.” wbo> atap
time, and wbo are man varp little ta
tlie tame] rtirridin <w in tbe nading
r»itn. Orwaicaiallp a patnm of a Now
Ycrk bulel, pi-rbapa cine d it* olcbot
gureta. will find it niTi—rp to write a
tetter iw to rtunilt a newaptper file,
and wiM-n be dore be u tmuaUp oumpolted
Co wait niilcl an .lutnde prewm not a
gtxwt la readvtotaka bta departure.—


■uotw «<
ablrt waist maa 1 - Bln next
vevp uigu cjeveroi—ov—* —
•— —^
yu luputeuwa of people WbC rlalt I _■
rilmato of California" Tbe Callfor-;
gnmoda where tbe building* of to* i ‘^■^"**'7
Blant imrpaae to make a T*r/Jai*a I Paa-Amerirsu Expoahtao are rtatag 1
<Wlcsied to tte use of
aad offertlre dtaptap.
I like a city ensied by magic sea many 11 The matartip of aWrta »oiu mn
One of Ibo moat cunafdctiosi fteturea ;
ladieato tbai tbe ralno I •»*.
«««»d ««
of too Maiura Fall* landacape now to 1 ^ tbo vareot tots aurrouodlng tbo Ex-.; ‘i>‘*
algo bandoomrlp lettered 1 portiioo groonda for mouop omktag !
oOicbod flat tor twortWi^ od
too*: -ron-amorican ExporiHon. Buf­
falo. N. Y«
Tbm are arveral
•ImUar algnboarda ptoeod where toon•and* of people pasaiag and repoaalng fceepkbterdlngbomel Uaayosrwa
y tbo tavsftt*
Kpon toe grtet railroad* map lu tola hmeb oowterl If ao. bora ta yosr
vsy tev. toWr Atteiittan called to to* «bsM to mate tbo mote mteay." AnMfliitat SD*•*» XM? *Meh ■» »*• stttat sAeortMn -SMS-tSUttr

----- =:—£== aieas:—




a _
a aa

aameresjp will aurelp deetrap the
aofkte trf cmeU aad oompietolp 4mm
Uie.wbote apetem wheS tetawiaclt
ihrougb tb.- maeoua terlaoaa.
" doe oboold never be aaod OBoM
clan*. A* ^
Um fold to tbe g
derive from> them.
tbi_ Hall-a
-------- -------------OUsirl
Onn. manutAMured bp T. J. Cbewep
A Oa. Toledo. U.. eoamin* no Meurp. and....................................
u token ialonmllp.
dtt- -tip upoa tbe blood and noosa
ocin;^. of the apatom. In buptW

i s. ■ saiisa EF*'
Bold bp draggUta, price 7t«. par


o. 'fcbwrifau^i^jssSg'^iESrv'tiw

' rove* bp ao Bib.
A cnri.m. atorp of adrostare e
fpini Uoilon* VVliite a freight 1
wito l.vii-g ovi-r at a rmali r
tion lb- etiginm-r burrowed aabiAga
and atarK-d out for o bunt. He vaa

made aruab
hia apted. Bui the cow wa* a ijotler
new. and in a few miuutee coagfat him
hp 111* chAhtiig. aplitiing blaoiiat from
waist to collar and ('waiug blm into tbe
air. (htl'ing in bi* feet a* qob-kip aa
ptmiible. he dcidgrd behiod a trre. and
thte to hi* diamnp fuund that tbe gun
bom I w-aa hnil ro aa to bo uaehaw.
Tbe- next ton mliislre were vetp llvoIp OCKW Pile row • iinaeii Ibe ougineer
Rrtnd and r«>d Hie tree, aod when be
gcAaebaure to bit licT with tbe gun
barrel it caily ae-iued lo curage ber Ibe
qonctiiai d time
. »a *iO
when he wcjuld ancmuib |.> faligw
adiviTM-v) <iivnn<vl ibat miv>*1 hi* life.
An aut-ip .uurt WB. bewrd. and a big
elk a|q>-mred npun tbe Ncme, iired down
ant^iro-iiunei a figbi. ThecuwwBi
so mad lev thi* time that alv wa. rewdv
grouoda aod In Ibe apodal bnlldlng
for BD.vtliiug. and m auuiber u-aimioi
to be dicroted to .borticnitnre are com­
Iheluu aiiiiiiala da*hed at eorii ertber.
ing from BortiU all over tbo cooatrp.
The Migiitoer w airW the (Mmhat for a
I of flower,aod
planUtotobebereprepi,m -m. ________ i.fl n-wi- vaton of
that iw «buulil mal» B retreat while )ie
Itetaware Dark. Ooffalo, reaeoted flower,
at the Pan-Amorican Inaure*
euold. Ke ri-gaiued tbe (rnio In aafrtp
a port of wblcb ta to be uaed for tbe an extonaire exbibltloo of theae beauand U>-V<p knew tlie ugteuUM) of tbe hett'an-AmorlcaB btapoalUon Id 1001.
Ite.,| 1. that (iia elk
We bare oalp admtratk>a fur tbo timi prodoct* of DBtorerarcs n_ivmconrage. enterprtae. Ilborelltp and on•tltcbiog: vo*t. e-,.ltar and Inner olrovoa waa tbe victor.—Kxc'iiaiigc.
orgp'dtaptapod bp tbe dtp at tbo foot of
of whllo. wllb narrow black and wbllr
tbo lake In preparing for tbo great Ex>■ Ereeled hr Onltad rtlilaiii* laid on.
The atreol car wu* crowd-rt. and at It
poaltioB wblcb ta to be behl next j-ear.
A targe lilar-k how BOd onda are piBCod inro'ri a e>m--r .liarpU- a man wbo
If erer aocccia waa earned. Uoffalo |
aUuiUng ill H*- ni.b- iiioilc a grab at a
Work WB* roeemlp begun on ib. ' » “**
atrmp. but iaire«l
;rtni tb^lfe of! CoR'd
I'ff “«»« • iHoa npoS .
etubraced a oterp faoed yoong woxuan
ron-Atnerlren Expoaltlol, and to |
! >•»«
gluvea. a prvtt, fa.hloD
rtap a rich barvort of booor. glorp and
that I. returning, are drawn up H>o
BUboUattal galni-ClovoUnd Loader. ; / ^^l.wfre rlre to tST ^ ihl W** to mret tbe elbow riootow
aoorwu of our rtato half woogh." aap*___
Tbo Time* Democrat of New orieona
The life aavlDg .larioB wUl bo fully
artlcte. npoo too
___ _illoa.
........ ... ade-, oqulptibd wllb apporttua and tooo And : Mon are wearing tbo three button
la wblcb
wblcb „
It urge*
u^ aa
aa ade^ ^
aiiroetlvo aa well aa esUwap coal ogtlo. afur a period of
repreaoutotioo of too reooarcM ;
„blhit. Ufo saving oxblbRIoot; compAraUv* arictert.
of IgiolalanA Tbo oaipe map be mid |
given every day during tbo | Ctatbs for^mos^t fancy wstaicteta
of other aUtea. and too (
Tbo appa-i enme in dark grres. Woo. brown or
offered by Buffalo ta of oicepUoo-;
n*e bv
tbe govoromonc for I btaefc. wttb «mtn tllk flgnm la bri^L
ol raloe.
ra<«» lu1 uiw

bo Bbown and a crew ; eontraatlag eolorw. Id tbo frlondly inTl- nlb-d—> .M u.t«« ai-pur; S';
wlll be omplopod la 1 ten-binge of mop'* ami women'* faab«d Up tbe peoWe of oootbofB Califorsta ; <“

proporetloo of their great dta- glvliif tbe oxbIbIHosA Tbe atatloD I* \ Iona nuw going os throe Ubrie* ara


botol—the newamairf. (ba Bp^pat^^iST
tetagnph aOaa. tbe MlepboDe oOee Bottte
aad tbe nllited aad taaambeai tirkrt
. . Kiebigsa Slareb Oo. vUI pgp
oOee. In a eonntrp bolel tbe iaadu«
rotan ta tbo arol (d grrnt acUTitp, aad for potatoaa. aU atook. 10 oteta.
ProTAiUng prior for pouiote ranIt maat to bo tbe fajondte dutp of the
rdap—» to » oenu a btialwL
tranueol mate paterma of the buteU aa
well aa tbe rtwotar mate twfaa. to bo

4 gVAm. M. u..

bV ".trisf'.ss“ 5-TSi."s-

f4uck.pBi*ie No. lH;->watem*


Dyspepsia Cui«
Digestt^hMt yo« Mt*
atrocUbf ttoPflibiSiifilii^jfl dfl>

"No. madnin." rejoined tba penitent
offMider.-'1 am DuL laraanewap^wr
■‘Yus ore. hey?" was tbe CtetmuptsOB* R>>inder. " ynu do abost
a newifwpre ufBce. I'lt lika to knovT'
Tbe abarp fared youagwointe tnmod
| a mite redder, bul tbe didn't my anyIbtag mare.-Chioago TWbwm.

totatata Ir c. e. BaVTT Mta. CMHBta


•TA^a* h Drreaae pea^prfard mf mmatT^

per Ib.

por be (oldi..
Vbeni ^ bn (nr
Onto Ko. 1 par ba
^ perba<^)

Ip wwd* a* tl
. Waa H
ample for all clclacna to cootem^ta.
uo^ eoaual aoteettaur*
’•AVa* it toevrip evitkol ipprovalT*


■“"™“ J". "S'i.'S

and atrong. Aud^bJidM^tlrepj^ who ted 1


Paad. a U AOs. Baa*........

Btan per 100...............................
Baeifvheai PIdar p« bW

falo at tbo ekac of tbe ritecb fata.


£, r-ErS.;." ‘.7'EVE.-'

r Peak yar hW. aav.......
---- 1 Oat Peek Btelk...........


An Aro'erteaa cwmo In
AOaltb a wife and
OB aad tl4
la hi* pnrkrt. barUk
. . b
furtana is
aoolber roontrpr ‘bp apirculaclua. Tbta mas
>1 Plmrel Kshiblla.
He ktartod ii. duiac cdl
Tbr Pan-.kmertean Expteltioa at Bsf- tejopablo. II I* a ’'Uuibor fiooae rami-plnc down in tbo bot
rceUbleo on a amall Iran of falo next rsmiMr will poaaeaa nBaaaa! We:”
Vournuta aio aitopip Isrliod to “a
hired, graduallp acquired tons ebann for korore of flowen and of
nplaad eonnirp where errfpbodp etar atid boBotlfnl landacapo eSecta. Porhapa tblmbl^rom 3 to <L'
coSrt- could not be «rown aad made mure In recogatUoa of tbli tbo nembera «f
No latlmatloii of Ibe game maat be
aueeem of bit idaotallon. Me added more tbe Sodetp of Amrrlcan Plortau bare
iaad'ai llmo weal on and aow takoi la decided to bold tbelr annoal coarao- glroa. aa ibai would bik>U tbe fns eano.ouo a pear poM from bia <dd place, Uoo Id Boffalo In IML Cblcago waa tlrelp.
Prerlooa to tbelr eomlcig purebaae
It rbancrd oao alrfal that, hariu aoth- lie la 8U euw aad aapa that, were ba anxlouB to wlo tbe ooDrraUoa. bat In
M olar to d<>. bo look a eortala baad- acain to low bla pcopertp. ba baa tbo elep of tbe apcclal attnetloai for Ita two ooplea of lUnatrelod "Uolber
’<>Siu( ladj. to cnoerrt 1^1 1^ bepia life orar apala.-UoxlcAB
^ and tieiHp poSn
Oooar.“ Cot from one eo|ip tbe boat
er wai t.i omplnp
pl'-ture*. aa "LKIIr Totni
ber talent for Hiarilp. Il waa a faiblaala.
"l.liite Jack
t poar la tbe Paa-Amerlran ] Turhor. ■- ••III.!,
abb affair. TIh- Iwti-k of tlie creal i*inI clip;' Tbo gatborlDc will bring to Baf- { Peep." -l.itib- Hop Blue.'' -Jark and
con l.sll bad be. D Uoiphl at fanej pHce.1.

Hpret and ilta Wlfo."
The u)Bcni6<'<iit ball «aa filled. Ilaan
. .—
lleibi-rlartan lri>*l In f<-il Crallfiei! at IbaA
famllln from' all parta of Ibe Cnited . "Tom. Tom." rle.. and aomo nl
of «liM
tbo I—
: beaulp
of Ibe womilST Dortag tbe Bxt>oallioD of 1901 at SuloB. Tbo floral ftetorva of tbo Pas- I faiulllar oor«. aa "Hab. Kab. Black
i wllb blm,
BalTala tbo grraivat athletic opurtlbg American KipoaUlon and Ita landacape ; Klieeii." “A HlUtr. a Dollar." "Tbo
I blm.
eff.Mla «iii
will *ur)Hiaa
>urpaaa aiipiuiiix
anptblng rier arm Womaa
eanilval that
erer toon
look piBCW
place in
In aiuit
Amer-- euoe-ia
' ** Bill tk.' eonreraatlon I elwMO tbm ' '^rjiieai
tnai eeer
>1 om* Wte IJved 00 VutnIa abd
i draxeed^nd b.'w*« rlad e-ln-n tbo aiar ' kw Will b* bold. For the panwae of i before bp il.ltor* tc. expoaltlona bold Drink
' Inx Waa. thcMiirh he fouail that uninier- I till* graiid rarnlval.ttic Urgert aporttng : '•> ‘be Fnlle.1 Statoa. Tbe Japing oot : Fr.*- tboao piciuro* from all (ext and
oalinx loo. Then the famon. prim* don- i
ever orocted in America 1a to be i *■'
«* done with tbe etew mount them alnglp ou uolfom ^
- hefor.- tbe audieniT. Kbe waa to ' .
• of providine for aucL attncUooA and , eardUaird. ualug about 23. Number
oniii. IV la 10 or anoan aa tor oia-,
Indkmto tboao numbm la
f. hp a worn
ompoMT wbna.. aame Ilelbi
rinrh b
pour ooeund. iiodloturbod eupp of !
• but wtaciMi made be bao arr-Uothrf tlooao."
He Mt btrt a IbdcumI iutorrat
After pour guorta haro arrierd and ]
la anlte of tbo toader and f^
before (bolr llllte workitaga are
beautp of (be alngpr*a rnieo. but
brought oDt haag Iboae picuirea In
ahit bad banllp e.«;|ilrtM tbo firm atara
I rarioua porta of one or two rooma and
rt, llati-Q^ regorip.
j giro ooeb a targe eord. coutalalag tbo
1 wunta. onnacli-Ulod wire. doUc»to

. .
rong that i> too awcet to
rtid. lUsll Ilrtbcringtcei. iHstcd wllb
faeantpaucb aa bo bad Bcverlnciwn. * >ai


IIOTll. HCADtNe M00M8.

tboar of BtMMB Apn

be bad writtea tbom. and a* :
and Ibe aung anlt ronliuued. awelllug in j
lU erearondu of paaaioa. be knew bo bad !
written Iboae word*; that iheae were (be 1
aous* bo bad ai-nt poara ago to E^iaa I
tteop. Be bail heard, too. Hull ah'- had {

BaMvM a

______ vr potato
•low mnric St tba end of toe play. H'a
•w* to b* a got—New Yok Baosld.

La Qripph

e*ly.-1b**e'a4B* total toM
I don’t likb.

Ite. lately—Wtet'a total
Ufa. Newly—Iba yoAta* w* «> *i^
talbd. My btaband tteptfoi tote* **'
«7 BlcM.tad 1 mvte htes a bittf

J30 «• •• —(w-iroui*

u* a joaaao*. i


; imL»' ■UMOAT* T>T!»I|||BE 1^ ]

rmm nomrors noosp,

EXPOsmoH lusiNe.
« or tbc Pas-ABMt.

took aaacter gafi at tbe flask at Tae-

“Bh« It taht aa- task aa Betea
arbetrtUlyam It s bate aa my mlad
make tta beta depaUt for many a day.
bBt I'M had M Ataea. A> I'm a goat
aom BOW, belag aerack by a Mar. aa
make tbe meat aa what i mya.
'I coeaa from down the taUnd. an aboat
theae yaan age 1 waaan *v may ta Sag
Hnrher ta ship abelard tbe Oaiiath. a
wbatar. gUa ter a tbna yaaes* eraiam K*
It vbee I paaid la tbe Uae hy
an. beta ttaad-aot. garobad aa
a teace ta rot a ait.
“1 was loeUs ag at tba big mO. wbea
an OB a aoddeu tbe
roua'with a terrible cmlM. aa U saemad
ta me they waa tbe aunad of rotaa Bas­
ed with It. 1 didat me ao U^t ta tbe
wladen. aa 1 walked orer tbor weaderta
why t^ was varhla wltboat oay light.
Twaa wbi
trbat yea call
a wUu aigfat.
Ton caald as* aa plala at day. an na I
gee Btatar tbm was aaA a aesaechla an


j crwiwtil ptB-

I tb«r» u I
•oTri. m oUk* vtot tbm voM bu
leuMd t» np^ u tb^ WKb Om
gMw ObOplM of the EX!<o«IOoe
btiMw*h an «s« geolia U> lack bMfe
apam with tcad r»iu««b**w ud
alfaltoe, the world tea whBderM >f an
that hee beea promM (or the Puw

o( eteiiMB to


BrtUo dvriar (he expMKtoo MMoa.
which boKlw OD the let of lUT next.
wlU evffcr do
nm Paa-Aamteaa ExpoofUco wID
MMhiM Me diedafaiehed predecce« to naar panktiM*. Oftbeaetha

letly why.
at tbe arinder-glee me same more of
IbtL Tbe mill stopped as tbe notae. too.
an. O Lord, tbnt derU of a boat's enpUta
was pullta sway tram tba
' '

roort aatdsjte ate of flm lj
U ette that then n&r be atmadant
nem for the riaborate dceoratJrc t€tteta, n MM are alone derated to
Thhi ana k two and a halt
«M tM ana of tho coorta at the


tado ct aihlbUe fKm all put* af tho
wM— worM an to he dlenUrad.
Jlm a aacood iBtwtatit featon mar
ba —BaaId the ornate archJtaefbn.
the Me of plaetk enaaa«itatlo& of

The hrautirul young queen of tbe NHI
lUte of tbe emmon)' bee not yet iMwo.dednl
(bat It will be act (or aome time early lu Jen

Tbarar tnya bo. •<:*» you. yoaH
meal ao moro corn, nor twaotbeorts aelber." He oome {raepto out tbe door, aa I
bid la tbe beAtm For an hour bt waa
dlggla a bole down tba bill, amt tbe
swamp, aader tba fagked willow. Toa
kta find H.
“I dasa't mom. Protty
into the mUI OB cuoie 00b dragglB tbe
body. He dfM It down an Aeekcd It la
(be bole, aa while be srat fiUln H in I fell
orer an eraeked a dty fanneb. Be come
boaadta np tbe bfil sritb a cocked pistol,
but 1 got away sritboul him serin ane.
“1 patted

•O MOR8P •

f orer t’ tbe
•There-, eometbio
mUl." ebe iMuled <D
"My Alp had am
Ip aa was rsady
qoefy. "lUm enyieidy eero Gidroo'
ta pel to tea aa a
M I got aboard,
fheeo eettlo up all oigfal wairbln (or bln. Bight tbouA it t
a tlmr bad been
He elartnl ool Isa Blabt wlita ibe meal
bog. an I hari-u'i aero bim ■dare!"
-Wbat'a tbe cniner at tbe mllir*
ad to tell
Tbey’a-ibey-.--ahe rioletiMl at Ibe . “We bad good hick an were oeartn
<»Tr enr rhrt^
Cad Iky
door (arlog-'-bhiod ninalu out (rom oa- beste again wbeo tbe aqaall straefc os
der (be mill door, as wbeo I looked lo tbe that droee oa «o to Skull ree(.“
mee hfM ■
wlodow Ibe bopper wai all aplasbed with
OTW t>tvi«
It, ao"- And abe awoeoed upoo tbe
Domiag. at tbe mbta «
azpeattJoak The anprop
iablng like Amts before tbe approaching
r at7^ bhi alreadr been
There were aloe daya of wunder and dawn. Malt Hominy walked pnsl bis Bill
appBcd to thle craat freop of brllUast• <TT ■Mtklac; IM e w
fpemlatkni and lotesTicatioB.
Uomloy for tbs last lime, with Irons opon ta
Ir ootond boUdlBce, and loren of oolor
was at a rlambake. be managed to prose,
wtn Sod the exQOIalte baraoar of
and koew DMbing. aod Uary Iteaib stiU
watebfd and waited Id her bosel (or
Bata that hae here been pra^noed a
aidt-.o. who came not luit Id bU place
Beat delKhtfiil aobject for coatenplaFriend-Wbat ta hope?
tbe wolf. ••
B« and ttodr.
Poet-Il'a something Aat wakea you
Wfrp Botbiiw; eelr by
The slltage beauty, ebe might base been
> at 4 o'clock la tbe montiag wbeo ibe
Am a bnrth point of enperioritp map
UrsL lUtuloy.
Tbe dore might bare p^man doen'i a
he aaned
the brdnpUc and
a fonni
•bared (be gnehtwk'a aeel and bees mlo- •yriwoaa Herald.
featnrea. In all tbe eoaru are broad
tresa or rhe milk but abe married ibe
a caMadee
man of ber bean, tbe penollea aoo of a
' and foaatalaa. Tbeoe will add t
noOF pruapen>oe farmer. 1 basdaome
"oF-er do well," aod their path bad prorrugged than that of lore U onir 'be Doe acnlploree
ally said to be.

Want lUred• tl■
wOl fona a part «r tbe«e cbannlnp
tier: hunger ■■eirbed rnllnn
foontalM. A bnad and etateir ceoal.
tbe riiwr.
a BUe and a bait lo kneth. banked
nig 1-akani.n.
One night Gideon tlnrted np. bit eye*
with gnui and lined wlifa a donble row
Tbe toptcol reference ta tbe bcatrtk
loodabot with drink and despair, and,
of roing treea. ei
fal and paAetic parable of tbe An
n croep of bnlMloiB.
•taggeredI lortn
forth luio lae nignt.
In Ibe preceding chapter
The bortleoltonl eobelllebment o(
ooe of tboM white nlghu ehap Cbriot has been apoaklng of HI* see­
tha gWBde coosUtntee a Sftb point of
A reiael bid gooe upon tbe rocLa of atterislie of Lome lalaad, ao mood or
the d,
exceOcMa Ornamental tmn. ahrnbe, Skoll reef and was (aai breaking op. they stars, but more like deep twilight.
paraWr icarbea the im-1
Mary stood kmg ai the gate, waiting
lawM and Bowen of^brllUant bne will Mid. A plank waabed asborr bore tbe
tor ber hnahacd. Suddenly there was ponfii
name Uulialb. recueniaed by tome at a
night wind the ereaktng Hla c
whaler wblcb bad sailed from Sag Uar- «< tbe <
all times and lUnstratea Ae aod
Ibe old-aMT at tl tamed
bor alraut three year! ago. Ulgb up oa
oot Its mighty grist. Bnt neeer bad it ctmscquencea. If not watching and if
tbe aummit of a Mod <jiDe. ber wet hair cMked ao bxid. KooDd and ruond went not being prepared. A tbe doom of Ae
Syiog Mraigbt out behind ber. strirint to tbe gn-al Mibi in tbe gloom', and acreeeh fire fooltah virgins
In tbe parable
abut out tbe flying aanil and spray and to after orreecb pierced tbe tiigfal. and tbm AD rirglna go A meet the bridegroom,
folluw with ber eyes tbe boat at It mao Oil was tiilL
a rosAm A conoectlnn wlA orlenial
As abe craned ber neck In otartlad it- marriages.
and fell, stood Mad Mary Ueatb.
Hre took oil for their
She wai alaara duwu there, rottslng teclioc tbe figure of n man. n sailor by lamps and five dU not. and wbeo Ae
about tbe kdiuIs. gathering sheila or bis garli. passed qoitkly op tbe iaoe.
bridegroom came tbe foultali virgins
erouehlng ui>ou the dune* gating teaFor ooe inatant be tomed a white fare
wen- unable, becatue unprepared, to
wanl. Tunlgbt abe aremed the geniiia of upon ber and pointed to tbe mill aa be
tbe storm, bending,
idlng. awayilig aod
wiring | ran. epeeefaleu with fear. That fare was go Ida the marriage frost. They had
neglected 10 preimre Aemsclvi-s with
beekuuing to the tea, grareo upon her memory.
ber anus aloft at If berkuuing
Mary tunIgbtT Tbe
"ItTitt ails
lo an agony of fear ebe barred (be door oA wblcbJbev could have done. They
storm see tun lu a
affect her terribly. Sba aad stared .from tbe window all night tried to correct Arir ueglect. but "
■ Sweys long, and wbeo tbe dawa reddened tbe was 100 late. Tbe door was shut, and
Tarbootw^ who stood among Ibe groop mat abe art out for town.
to their appeabi Ae bridesroom aalA
af wBtagera gathered upon tbe beach. ,
"I never knew you.'TWaiOt si tW gsdt fiiatwlowly.
Tbe anoorafnl sound of tbe bell ba<9 oa
TB* iitTEaparraTlox.
But (be; gHM <neeedlw amUthe reef came fitfully upon tbe wind, and
The bridegroom is tbe Lord Jeans
■non. when ■ rift In tbe eloudt lighted
Borreyor Yarbonme mnrmund (base Christ. TIm- coming of tbe bridegroom
palely Ibe writhing ebius below, (be tblp
might be p<-reeiTed on ber beam end*
aymbcdises tbe secood coming
the ere eret7vbere. Soakea penading tbe reef, sad preneatly the wa* deepening twilight to obtain aa ensemble Christ.
The wise vlrglas
garden! aad formal bedc of Sowere .Been no more. Tbcn all at once, from out of tbe old null, whose gannt artoa spread tbooe wbo are sratebing and waltAg
wtU aarnand founuine and pooU and tbe hell of wairra, was flung bigb up tbs speeierlike serosa the saffron aky.
A rroillness (or Christ at Hit second
bordar upon tbe walki throoBboot the
das repr<
lifeboat, with Itt arrilblog. wricgHog
Seated lieaUe bis "t>onny.“ ridiac slow­ coming- Tbe foedlab vlrglas
only leti while and weak than tba ly ap Ibe lane, was Mall Uomlay, ibeez- Aoae wbo bare Ailed » keep t
niill keeper, for alDce ihe tragic occuP Brivro A irodlneM for (belr lords
still figure they liroughi in.

rang hand* dotrbed and dragged tba I rence of three years liefore, tiill eneeP coming.
Tbe oil repreoents MvAg
1 pictnre of onHnlcd beant? will-:
aad Ibe falling men tar up out of ! oped in mystery, bit mill stood there tbao- falA A Chrlri aod all lu ncceaaary
bo tM deetricBl Ulunilnadon.
Onl;, reach of the baffled ae#
.doned, like a thing aecnroed. the e'rd
. which I
when a great relnme of power U arallprepared to meet Cbrtat at Uls
ahlo. raeb ae nuSalo pooM>*«ei in die
lag wbeoerer He may corue.
out oeer the roar of Ihe tempest. : Varboome's rislon.
Wkt bis dmwlng
newlg baracooed NUeara. cj.oU clocMad Mary, who bad b.>Tered abodt wrong, or bad the arms uf Ibe mill mueedT parable teacbea ooe grrot leaoon-tbe
a be undertaVeo
edgi- of the erowd. flllted away orer
Ibe crest
gnnd a ocnlo. TVltb Dollaiied power ^ diineo. shriekiag. “My dream, my against the fast fading sky betseea (be
to dnw npoa. tbe electrlcl^v'-tro» had
rows nf surrowfully trailing billows that lari He may t
no reatninlng eondltlone in bli work.
With ■ long nnleering nigh the pallid stood lamenting uree tbe salt marsh (be
figure lying upon tbe old tarpanlia at gtent wlagt nf the aentned mill were nccesMry A be prepared at roll tlmea
length opened Its eyes.
Matt Romloy •lowly l■egiualag to more, and from Ita
rich and elaborntr deelcQ. will form
bceauoe we know oalAvr tbe day nor
centerpkee of the ekctrieal brlUiancr. stood orer him watching -for any alga of Doused bioges came creaking* M of a tbe hour when tbe Hon of Man coraeA.
while MtMTj building. fooDUln and ar- life ami a Itb a commanding giwtnre keep­ tbibg in pain.
“Watch, tberefora. foe ye know neither
ing (be (bruac bark. The cyew In whi*
« and eren the broad
------------------------ 1-_.. ..------------ .
day nor tbe hour wherein Ae Boa
siowiy aswuru, wnauereu louder
_______ ________ _ ______
earmeea of (he artlSdal lake* and from point
point and at length reoud rase to a ahriek-a chattering, broke*. of Man coakA."
poota. with SoaUng Ugbte. wilt glow opon tbe o
Bsrfnl aonad. which auddealy ceaard at
Ttr* arrucsTiog.
with electrlMl radiance and Ineter. Tbe tbe life aa-.-... —- .
This ptrnhie wlA patbetlc foroe Uof oniorpaiacd lore- ; growing gradually rooi
aeane wBI be i
Tarbour*e had rtara to bit
luttraiea Ae loportance of "apendlng
and unlikely horror crept Into ibem.
srat gaaiog fixedly, scarce beliertng hit
time and taking pains for Cbrist'a
........... ................ .1
-Irt. •
ryes, when a toiDcthiaf teemed to taaue
from tbe nilU aad sidle tad gyrate adowa aoke.“ Tbe wise rirglna did Ala They
tbe bill. Oa it came, past tbe salt tan. apaot Arir time and labor A preparing
iny away with frenaled ceatorr.
asder tbe billown aaon meltlag la tba for tbeir lord-a coming, and when be
e fare «.f Ihe tatter bad naaomed aa
come (bey wero waAfalng and roody
>r, am
and. with a barsh,
“Pohawr- said Tarhonr*e. “It’s only and went Into Ae frori. Tbe foollnb
BnaUwM and the KapMiUwn.
broken laugh, b
Trier’s red calf. U
oit bare got through rirglBs failed to properly use AeA
na PaB-Amerku ExpukHiuo *t Baf••Glee falm a
ra orer (hat keg. men. •Vgap. Ob.myQo<Uaokr
. God.
ttnw and energtro and
(»!• Bnt year la aaanreO of a rwpre- an git Ibe salt
irr oot of him."
I yards from Urn. borering limply
properly, and they tnre excluded. la
fellow. atrnggliBg to bta (set.
rotd. was a dark red fignro. with
MBtktlra cxbtbit from tbe Imponaot
in like me w led alraigbt toward tbe aea. fiaonting rags and for a moment n Ate paraUe we bare no-eneouraga.
prartBM of Manitoba. Bpecfail
and .a
Hr was soon cangbl and. relapMng Inia glimpae to bis bnrstlng ryta of what
It to follow Ae example of tbe srlaai
carried to tbe cta- might bare been a face.
gronpa la the ererlor decontlooa of
hwlldlata, aamaeco aod.arehiteetttnl
tntan^ Ko kn than 123 ortirloal
acalptand Kroapa. loedeled br aoiiio ao
ar aw* dMacokbed Aatetlcan acolptan. arm te aecd la thk featon of the
dHocaBre wwfc.
Tha BM of an elabonte color eebeme


l^BESS A5I) FA8HI0x\;

laHdfMaBy be wigtliait ll
beea skittb^ tbe aM ■■■
agkattaa tUt ibBattW ksBama agM*b—M aM paamd hM ta baekat laA^
Taba a Big at that, aad fart
tml better.
ta talk Bhaot Aa 1
“Bemiar vtapaead tM mam "Aad
asta the drrfl bnra. I rerhea." - And.



As it warered Tarfaonne beard a gnrand. tnralag. be be- pie and Ale of (be fooltab rirglna
Tirbonnie had bees 1 ailnt and
Mk^^milleroa bta taM wUtWtbaa How are we apendlng our time—for
Buaaled chaerrer nf all this. The
aaoM. wtab both arma atnricfaed not ba­ aeU. for Ae world or for Jeous only?
bad apparently drirep the
tata bim.
Lrt «s Mend all for Jeoaa Ant wbe*
“U< me ahmer be actaamtd. “I «M*t
Ha eonas for so, wbetbee at tnor* or
I rhcMUr Toted ta
Tbe raaenrd man toaaed for a week ar go along.
Ok. kwk! Where an ta
two ta delirioB uBder tbp raflera of tbe aitatr AadbetelltndklMtatbaraad. at Didiilcfat. ire aboU be ready and
Old salt boa bnt.
Tarbonroe beat orer bla aad abeek nbotl enter Ato etanal joys srlA Him.
Aotand of hiring It «rid «nto na, ■*Xsa
lo the small bourn ama night Oeedy him. He aat UP with a gbaagM amOe.
Garik, who waa hired to
n watch at bta
“U-t nathia. Ur. Tarbegm a M«h ai MA. too Uta; ye ennant enter now."
Bndoaabytba tba JlDiama. tbaCa all. That Sag Barm nann awartaa.
bar wbtaky always doea It."
Ban Ota poinble expAlBafi. iaA fol­
“O God. ibecroei •UUtowwr h* ctad.
Ib tba <k» (ff a MidticM bimbb
low tta wtA • vnAatgrr dtaettata
.r^Mr are griudiag out Uood; L«U
ry. ••fioyaBowalXMl”
on tbe topk.
i^r and be wunU bare thrown blM
“TWi 1 o«BB IMM." nplitA Ite
90«r M fci loQkBd «P tan Ua i«p«.
Pa. xc. 12; EccL lllrl-B; rW.
> ts'Io.e the Iowa of Beat
10: Math. X. 42; xxr. fil-46: Jete I:
■t n>nse>l /nuu lit ktbafgr
Acta ir. 2S. 2^ ^>b. v. U-Xl: OeiTlr*
p bapienlngs. which esB"VbMs, ‘Mft yoB bib mlitakM
■konl IhB vbffM.*’ diavlid tbe boy. trnated w Miarplr with Us dreamy Ufa aa
"Tev b«B took B ekaM dov* tb* a chaam opeolug la a eunUl ptaln.
On* atoniag when me gray east waa
tawt abMt fiee Mtaib effo, nd (bate
srM red Mary
ry Heath atrude lata
tabil ^ (d ttai tbm
Ml t»
•rotad. It ta Ar hotter than to bmm
.town. W«4 eyed apd dtem-bed trllb dav,
Bad rapptd taedly at Jaatka Lany OaM Ajk Ac* A fiRB fight aad iMi l«p|y

. acss-jasTtr-.

s oC tha a
wBi that •( ClyMM. wha tarUM htamtf srUh bnmW that hadd Wm M la­
the amat srhOa ta hemt cBRlsfi Un
IMaABg bf the triBpttBg.sti*taB. Tha
Aber was tlmt of the
e*rrt*d QrpbeM with1 tbcfB iB tMr
boat Bad who arm i_ ________________
UatalBg to ta monk that thay aaear
haant tbe tmoDda from the fatal aMre.
They boro thraagb Ufr ao
did. The maa who can keep ta nAd
aad body ae oecuglad wltb tbe batter
tUaga that tae hM ae time (ar
gnatM pesrar (ar good ta the
LAM'S sol-rice. B«t If tbs fight moat
-be feoght. the* let him Arow hlomaU
agalam the toa wHb Ml tha att«agth
that legteM of oagria ena

am H mak
sOsor •

mdap «
ffk ms..

The beat dreoted paopta
rhot ta pktureaque A coatumM. tak­
ing far Arir wmMs old sreeta of art.
Tbe euly dongef ta that they may raa
Into eztreusea and ignoro tbe trimBom
whMi ta eoarptAl to good drcaoAg. It
ta dlflkutt to predict wbether empira
ar dtroetolro atyks wID prorall A tbs
eomlag aeoaeu's raablaaa. tuft oua may
Mfriy asauine that our artottr teOrto
wn be a taOzniro of Aa two epochs A
droaa EreBlng gosroa arffl lean towaid

Dtw Stedc...
Cattst P^ltits

Tbe Ilttla abort holeroa. wltb a wattown plait at Ae-boek. ora tba newMt
fiubleu. and rery smart they leak,


lOske yiNTf « m
Stltdi0MS liptp

SBDdoy Bcbool teaching srtU be made
amacUre la tta way. It ta abem all
the majority of Anrcbca eu do to pay
tbe {motor and tbe aeztoa. OccaaloaoDy they are Ak to bare a paid choir.
e Sooday acbool t
jTtby of earthly rwararda.


Bdmum & €ari.
Munbom SkOM.

aoclaUM would beconw ao aunetDim
that roliglons life would ladMd ba a
etr*sgle.-Ttka Prraa.

Pbomt St.

Grand Traverse
Land Co.

HU ow* timidity It the laat thlag
ttaald HUB erer fear*. And yet tlBidlty
has lost tnanr a cause whkb could hare
beeo won wlibont raAnras or es
U4daeM Tbe man who ta afraid
larnt bis mooey looea as income. Just
as truly aa Ae ouu> wbo baa ao m
A mreoL
A policy that coDtlatially
atnddles o&d l^gea la order to arold
tbe poaribiUty of error 1a Itself on
So great arbolar. auieoman
rofonner la nenromaiitiai. It baa be«B
well Bald that be wbo serer makes
mistake nerrr mskea aaytbing.—Boaday School Times.

BOt^ rfer aole A


porta of


FABiST^a’a^ Hat ct daaliBbA
farms and other Ando
Imprured and unimpro
hare tiMta

Grand Traverse Land Co.
. g.nartA C.A.Bsa>»oaa
New Pboaa t8
H. A K. BAel



A diamoud dealer noeotly Interriow-

came Ida my auro and dealrod A


U>e window for them 1 oboerred A tba
mlmw 00 ooe ride of tbe window bow
Ae etroBgcr alii^ away
caehworA 9160. I did not
locked it. H 1 hod turaed'oround. tba
Alof would hare tlirnwn pepper and
■and in my eyiw and ran awa.e
booty. A policeman waa aooo A the
place. The Aief had tbo pepper and
sand ready for use A hie hand.
-‘Another time a Aicf dropped two
rings Into hit nmltrell*. and at onoibcr
lime oooAcr slipped one Aa ■ bole A

wAch a
to get
or m<«e itxo his month. Others study
A2 rings lying A tbetbowwAdow
bare me made exactly A patterngood. but Ae jewel
acribed. Thegold
is pasta They then oome A twilight
Ato tbenoreand on-k loexcbo^ Acta
imitatiun for Ao gonuAe. "
licbt IHrsoM P
d by I»y.
Mr- L Tot Boa b writes from Eocbelk Park. K. J.. to Gardim and Fortat, saying:
"Wbencrer I sroa tree A Aeembt
of a poisuo ivy. I take' my knife and
Ac rine. On tbe grounds of a few
tnends and on my own 1 bare cot rines
fixan IS toSS AcImw thick, sometimea
at Ae rout and sdmetimn os (or np os I
could reach, and then tearing down the
stetni hare tfprooted them sriA my
hands I hare dosie Ibis at oil srosmii
and when my bauds w ere torn by blockbciTy thms. but I nerer bad ■ trace of
poisoning. A friend lo whom I
nooed my Immauity said. -Uf c
you ore not poisoned, bccunse you ore
n 1' bare
been Ainking
dork. - Since tlicn
that in Aeou

tut be im'prared by Ae boggy effect
A cost ami skirt wblcb represent a
very chic style arc A dove gray doth.
fostenAf double breasted and heavily
aUtebed and strappeil. Tbe rtlrt ta
■loo Irimmed with strappAg. A double
collar and i-nirs of black Peralau lamb
coupiMe the gomlture jjf (he Boat,
while b narrow Aod of the oa
aervea as a foot border fur the skirt
l:i -.belr sray
--WFI weather"
The Blngle hn-asli-d. fnU
ulster 1s accounted rery
amtrt tod prearDU os firm 4 front
wind aod weather as did ibe roalodoriincklmosti of former days, bell

.'banning ralnprisif
capes niso, wltb silk llued hoods, soft,
light and rosily carried.
coarenlem .English Asfalon.
In msntles a great frolure ta the
cr length. A relret
satin or cloth applique, or elA wltb
cloA applique, and tba jackets. wbeAer A btack or fawn, ate muotly threequarters, with oack oraemifltting hacks.
Gold bntto'na. goM braid, gold galloon.
all epiMwr to listen tbe brovlneM of
^Ae dark cAtb dresu, gold braid looklog
;trenicly wc-U wbeo stri|«ed with lAro
of fur or wbefi allowed to onAne
bUck l>ell on ■ black drroa and sleerca
which lor* baA below tbe elbo'
roreal an ondersleevo are to be aee
many of tbe new modeta A cloA coiA

"Bow did haffirayauto
-Baktakad m daws Am flUhto c<





ll i-kpi i
ll B-row. I






Pebe Marquette

am Wfisnia amxx.


tbe tuned Ack cuffs of these-boAg.
for tbe moai part, broad and straigbL,
CAe may wear skirts as l>rot aulU
(Ita fancy.
The latest sbapes bavt
gilbert or tmall ptaKs at Ihe back and
■re plnA A the froot. Othera. a^lo.
have shaped fiouDce* on Ae bem.
as often as not tbe choice will fall upon
(be plain, (Ight AIri outsp:
s firat popuAe bem. wblrh oMalned Us
terlty s coople of srosoni




Oerrsa With Moats.



fiiiiilH I Rorthnitiri R. R.
Broiled fiwA
•tewed gooaebbrr

A report*, A <
fl( B maa nomad JorfciM, mid. "Tha
Wodenr srae aridcBtly A oaesi erf
■•■ey. but loeMly Mr. Jmfciaa M dapoffltod all hia (ubA A Aa bask Aa
^befere. so that ba lattnoAiag W
Kta Ufa ■'-.Leaim TlvBfto
Koto erf oar ml

pcotto ta sura to AotariyrapmaaM
Aan. Tha hBmBCmintatuM'ahAtat. ThatraAtacartaAltywrittatttaM-

(tali at room 1 and 2, HemiltoD
A MiUiken Block.

Wslma. Timtosritvlacat I JOp-B taAslr

Boost lamb—mint sauce.
Vantaon er wIM duek-tack conaM

didn’t dMtan M h
wotdo, but ha gaA ma to

pianos, bonea or any kind of otock,
or good eecored ootoe.


jelly•peiA kioder than words. A
ttOtay lender, wbo bad for k
collected on e;
a debtor, oral bta cotlerior to tba
aa ttauab ooe day. Tbe eolioMcr re____
cd and reporoed to his employar that be
could not eolloea tbe tKaiey.
“Oo you mron
•eon to say that tbe bom
«AbI ba wouldn’t pay Aa

Id loU Iron) $6 to $1,000 <w
chiltel oecaritj. jewelry, fornitore,

1 ‘

bairud. A younger broAerof
mine, wbo Is very loir, hat been se­
verely jnismicd.' ’

nca. and place
wbkh Is fS.StU.UOO mote Aan Ae oggregatod popnlatioi
population uf NorA and SouA
Enrope and AlricB oombined
bareapopnlatifloof 631,S3f,000.Aougb
Aeir area is not greater than that of all
America. Tbe Dew wcrld has plenty c4
room fur many times Its {resent popula­
tion of UM.718.000. Tbe German a«imate of AepopuUllau of AewerAnow
ta 1.480.000.006, and <me erf tba bato
BoAorittaiof Ae- ........................ '


ui4.1a lb.-viirid. H
aiju (• Miijos



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