The Morning Record, February 25, 1900

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The Morning Record, February 25, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Third Year-No. 877

BellOT^oreed Seek hf Tw-

rU« nffbctof^
4m B«U SMm
.MIM AIM VcmM 10 , Botm
AAw M AMO* o( OolMbOiy »«
•oeanoftUM fl( Atport of iUUoT of
Ua^ith 0* iotiMte of UM«ni am$«
r«A 14. » DMootokM ff«M
*0 fmt to SmU AMm tookht ro.
fort 0M*y ^llof oo4 rroot Ioh toy
%0lh«M«. A4Mpot*t»>*BDMBMd
f-trtotod P«V •• uotM thot
«0MT0l Bsllar pHhod « Urn Yore* of
BrttMh oaiOM Uu T»nU Uetadtof «0
O^OMO WM «Bt hf • hMV fOTM of
Bom ood o torrllc bottle MiOed. Tbe
Brt*li were ftnoU? repaid
kooep lot*. Bollw WM oot dybeortU'
•d bot Utw oa mode onother ottempt
witb.dwperou eBorfy bet woe ofolo
toreed to retreot. Tbe dlipolcb etotee
that tho Um M the Boer eUe
freob At the Use the meou«* woe
OMt olrht oMbBloseae wen buoy
fotherUf op the deed oed wonnded
BrttUh eoldiero Tbe nee foafht folUoUy oad with d«perotloB.
The BrlUob tone la LoByeielih opeaed ap oa the Beer foroee derlaf thU
oocanaeeat oad « eevere bonberd•eat eaeoed. The Bom rwpoaded
with their loaf Tom- Barther deUlU
oroUekiBf. bvl it le laferrbd that
whUethe BrlMeh wen npaUed the
oaewy eagered very heoTUy had the
Brltleb eoloaa wot witbdnoa oaly
Aoatber diepateb wot reeeind from
BrolerU. doted reb. It. etatlnf-thot a
Aeree bottle woe teu(bt at COlaoborg.
9ho BrtUeh attached the Boer potlUoo
aader Oommoodaat OerUrly with hea­
vy Briar. *"d tbe Boert replied with
vtror. a Beroe nDBoaodfar folloerlaf.
Later la tbr evealnr ‘the Ho«re were
Ottoekedot Neeveo Poort by Me Brit
Mh oad tbeir poeluoa readered'uBteaoble. TbeBoMrolUedoadtbqBriUeb
WM repalaed wUb beayy loee.’
A dUpoUb from Dorboa eoye that
Me ramor reiae eredeaoe Mat Lady
•mlM hoe beea relieved. It la aleo
taported that (.ieBeral Orooje hoeear' nadend men oad that Ueaeral
KilMeaer hoe beea elicbUy woonded
t« tbe left arm. Crowde Mroey the
•Iraau Tartar oad obeeriac Imoee of



■apart Brower at Beatea Sarbor M


For Dress

Swopt Oror th* But* Laat

BealM Harbor. Mtab., rebnury »4Oeern B. Tatmaa, om of Me eapart
paaeb frowM of Baabee Harbor, aaye
■eilread VnSDSarlowly Zmpadod by
that the paaeb wMa la Mat vtaUlty
are U aaaalUat aeadHIea aad Me aroaSaavy OrlfM-TraU fkom Patoeke
poaM lor a Uifa arop an vary flatiar>
M Para Kantaatta Haa Ban
laf. Tbe weather Mb moaM baa bami
4iU W. m. Taaurday Oali^ Viaa
aold aad baa keep the paaeb bade baok.
Tbtmaa laya that Me traaa are U aaeh
Bo«*-TBa Om Daa at 6:1S trOB
eMdlbaa Mat Mar have aotblar to
•oaM Btallad HaarlpTbiM Boon at
faar from Me moaM of Harab. aad Ma
Mlyanmy whlM May will have to!
aeataadwlM baari Uaf. ebeaU Ma
Tbaotorm, whbb bae baaa rarlap
omaM of Jaa» bappaa «o
aUae early yaatarday. hat |p
wet. HolUad MarrlU. head paaeb maa.
loar odde Ma vront bliutrd of Ma
of Barriaa aeeaty. aaya If apraylar b
aoaaoa. and oovm aU Ma aerMara half
ukta ap ImmadUUly aad workod parof the tUU. At far aoaM aa Bi. Joaepb
abtmUy, tbe earl loaf eaa bo wlpod
It b lateataly aold. aad
oat- B«r paaeb fame Mere have asMa aatifa oorMara half oE Ma atate
abaafod awaanblp dariac Ma paat
nllroad tratte hat beea aarioualy iafoa mootba at »M0 to par aen/
larfered wlM, aad la aome eaae
lOit eaUnly atopped.
Than waa aome laeoaveBiaaoa ban
early la Me day, Ma moraiap tnio on
H. A N. B and the early aftaraooa
WUI Oo Uto Ghlaa Waten to Boforeo
tialoontbeU. B. A I. baUp-dalayod
Broteetiea toMiaeloaaomewhat
There waa ao lappiap
traU U Ma afterooa on Ma M. A N.
B. on aoeouBt of Me delay of Me mornLoadoa. Peb. rt-The BerlU oorraa- lap paeeeapar from Maabtee.
poadaat of Ma diaadard aaye:
AU Ma iraiae due hen la Me atter‘■no Waited dutae forvrameat parBooa and evanlnp wan delayed, aome
poaat to oaod aoma wanblpa lato Chlaof Mem very mueb. The T;t0,O. B. A
watan abprUy, aa tbe TeaayU.L-traia arrived about » o'clock. Me
aea doae aot bead Me eolleotlve
e:4S traU oa tba M. A X. B. did not
ooteaaai by Ma UalUd Bum MUbtar
arrive till about 8 o'clock, and It
aad Ma oMkr powaro MUbtM a foriafter mldnlpbt wbao Me 0:10 Pen
alffbtan. la wbkb
Man4aatta raacbed|tba city, havlnp
t bo takoa to laaan the bean atuek ia.Ma dritb near Wallin
Genaaay deover two bonra Tbe praatnt delay
alpaa to aaad ahlpa for Ma tame r«
waaof.tbe Pon'Aferquette train due
from tbenoiM at 4:1S p. m. It waa
1:U Mb moraiap when itfloally puhad into Me aUUon. nine boure Ute.
■attoaa Bay But Bat lAtoldae Beoe. The trala waa fairly oovarad wiM enow
and loe, aud had eaoouaterad heavy
or the Ncw-Batl Bond WUI Hot
drifU almost Me entire dbienee from
Toaab that ▼tlUgat* Me evaniap train on the H.
lo deBolia daelaioa waa rcaobtd
Me Buttoaa
Bay ooaaell at AN. B. waspuUlDp la, joit before
linp Me eUUoo the eapiae jump­
ttaalr maatlBC Friday evaalac, U
Ma track, aad Ma paaaaapan were
^ard to Me TtaverM City A Loalaaau
railroad, and Me matter wae poeipoaed oompaUad to walk to Ma autloa. '
At BL Joaeph. Ma flahbrmaa had
eatll Me meeUap Tveeday eveBinp.
UeaBwhile the proJectaraoE Meroadare planaadtoopen theaeaaon yeatarday.
earrylap <io Ma aarvey aorth of Prove- Tbe harbor waa clear and May ware all
>t, aad U b <ialte likely Mat ibe ready to put out wbau the etorm came.
road wtU follow Mat route onleee Bot- Now Me harbor b packed with Iceland
Bay peb «ato line very eooo. the flahinp eoaion has been poatponad
Then b a rich BohemUn aettlemeat IndeBoltely.
A telapbone maaaape from Grand
aorM of Provemoar. aad it b thonpht
ly that It woald be evee better iUplda at midalpbt aUlod that Me
if Me road lapped Mat eeetloa Maa M alarm wae severe in Mat portion of Me
aad Me weather iateaaely oold
Biake the expeaalve raa aoroaa to ButUp to 4 o'clock Mb moralop Iter.'
Oae of Ma heavy Uad ownan aear waa llttU UdioaUon of abatemaat.





Patiit Uatkn Shoaa
I $5.00 Shoa far $3.50.

We bad a fine trade yesterday. People are
delij^bted with our beautiful new pat­

Far Maa

Calf Shoes


The Old Reliable City Book Store
Hobut, Boeoher dt Thompson, Proprietors.

lace and Dattoa.
$5 valea, $3.50 a pair.

Alfred V.

The moment you put it on yon slip sway into dreamland—they
ore M coxy and kind to tender skin—long enough to wrap
around yonr feet if you curl up a bit.

Value $1.26--price 86c.


Oao. W. Labdiu.
Ma Bacoaa Uat avealap aa Me aequal
to Ma oOBtroveray betwaaa Oaorpe W.
Urdu and Ma eommbeioa bonae ol
Loweastarn.Braa of Pitbbnrp. HaAboal a moDtb apo Aldamian Lardb
iht two oar loads of potatoaa to Ma
Arm maatiooad. to ba e<dd by Mem on
mbalon. ^ey refuaad to make
proper ravnrdl to him. vrritinp that
praetleally aU of Me potatoaa vnn
troat bUtaa. They aocordlnply sent
him aboot gSO. whan Me real value of
Me poUhiea was about pioo.
Hr. Lardie went to PitUburp over a
eek apo. and pattlnp no satbfac-tioo
from Me eommlMioo bouse.bronpbtauU
•palaat Mem on a eharpe of oonaplracy.
namiBp in Me oaee David Lowaaatern,
Edward Lowenstern. Frank Bauman
and oaie Waten.'
The deleadaab fnrnbbed bail fo* a
. which
Friday, aad they wan pat uodar >3.eoo
b tor Malr appaaiaaoa at Me trial
ofthacoae. la default of Ma baU May


terdoB waa eealor vice commaadar. AU
dbablon In eoaaeeUoa wlM Mo dop
old aoldtara. whatbar memban of Maj imm OUlaapia MU Aye Kb Wito
llitr— act. paeaed by tbe last. lepblapoet or BoU an Uvlted to attaad aad
Mra Jamaa Brandos bad pMltioaad
May ba Vader Ape bat WUI
participate U Me funeral servieea. The
compel i. K Bueklay. Me
•at Older.
at Meir baU at 1 o'clock
4oc wardea of Me towaablp. to baua a | ^
to attead the nrvlee.
Swforab dop. Bueklay ratueml.
yaatarday from Caatral Imka wbara ba
Mat Ma Uw dtdiBot po
ket. wUl not be opened at tbe *Brab. baa baen at work. Ha bad a talk witk
latoaBaai unUl May 1.
Tbe body wUl lb U state at tba boma the oouaiy Clark, aad asked klm to
Jadpa AtkiMon decided tkat tb^
oa Waablaptoa etnat Taaadav from 10 write to Mr. Laavltt, latbar of tba piri
)•« waa U forae aad that !^ackUy
m. until X o'eloek aad Ma friends whom GUlctolc Bbrried. aad inform
^^oBldtmuatheilaaaea. Forapariy tbe
aad bh wUa bad
aad eomradea who wiab to eaa vbw
ma waa apnad ra Ma k>waahlp
pane to Good Harbor aad woald ba
nU. but BOW Ti par eeat poaa into the
OomradcB LorU Bobarta, Oae- W. Mara at nay time tlmt Mr. Laavltt
towaablp UBseury.
Baff. Levi BoaU. O. P. Oarvar, L. H. eared to eaU. Ba daabd bavlap aay
Gtofa, B. L. Laapwertby. an raqaaat- elbar wlto Uvtap. tba womaa -tbatbb
ftanliMOMar Am
latbar-la-bw tbeapht waa kb wtfa ba-.
cd to aet aa pall baarara.
, M Band as tbe Ultra, the BMtatyUah
lap Manly hb honaakaapar.
wtttUffBboasBaAa ThtoAaot
ItbaaldtkatqaiMfbMAlA daebrAXffvtUhl
tk* hb wita waa oadar apo, hat
Blaak waUat abawi^ taffy atftaa
lUUUaa'a Try It.
tn-tf thMahawoaMpnw.

&c CO,



121 Front Street
Fnshionable Clothicrc
Frmliionable Hatters
•AM aooaaoooooi

Hen's Bandom



Hen's $1.0u:Pants

Grand valuM


A lot Of SI .uu and Wc paata. one.
two and Mrae pulra of a kind.
While May iati at

WorM about half apuiu m mueb.

By taking mlvantage of tbe ,

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpel and Clolhlae House
Oo all linae of Winter Merebandise at

Ladies' Jackets

All Mia aeaaoB't parmenU.
Svrielly dealruble In every
way. ai jnal


Half Price.


All Wool
Infrraln Carpet


Bepular 30c poeda.
while It laau al

33c yard.

\ W. W. Miller's Cash Store $

220 Front Htrnnt.

69c pair.

' Save Money.eo.

K<- r
9 bars Jaxon aoap...... 2-V
6 par odnt. off on all

One and two of a kind. valuM
Sl.soHog!00. daeMtw.

Hen's Top Coats

I Keep Up
' With The Band.


20c each.
$6 76. $6.60, $8.76.
$10, $18.

Miller’s Cash Store.

i St..vm worth $2.2.') sell

U...T weWhl.
SSe and STiicvulnea.

One Lot ol
Children's Suits



Plttobuip. Pa., ffeh. 34—Hava land­
ed Lowaaaurn Bna. U jaU U daUall

in one of our iiii-e warm


TboB Raya Fuck in “j
»T NiKlit’s
T’here Were no
htikeepeart«’Bday,or be would I
i-ali^-d tb&t iwo-tbirdH of ao 1
iu A loop time.
Wliat wocM tbe Barxl •••f A
say if he were lo reviait tlk- ei
and behold the wonders of the
I'ominc Twentieth Century, th<v
most marveloog of:
which is the
With tbeta
you can talk and rt
I ceixv an answer i
Aldemaa Lardb Bbowa IPUbbnrp
Pt)BTV 8»osi»s!
Marehanb KleUpaB'e


You Can’t Keep Awake


I.e»ier in Fine Shot«.


BoM have been killed or wmadod.
TM Utter. It le reported, laeledlat
•eoeralOroeJoButloaa Bay holda oat tor a pood MUp
There boo eoeBrmaUooof Meeero- la Ma way of a paymoat for the ripht
man bore and they an rlveallttle ere- of way. aad If ha panbb aad Man b
deoee. It U eUtrd that a report bee
It from othara
beea reoolved that a lorn body of n- Uahat vllUpa, May aaay have to po to
laloroomeaU b berrylaf to jOroaie'e
to aoa.Mo tralaa po by.
b hoped by Me mon i .
Oa aU eldea woader b eapreeeed Mat of Buttaw Bay. bowwr. Mat Me peoMo foUeat yat rbaatly batUe at Poor- pie will get a husUe oa. and not Ut
dbbarv Drift bee aot #ti eaded ,la wbat tbb obaaee pe by.
bo Mo
WIM fifty paaa baariap apon Ma de­
voted band wlMla tba terribly abort '
taa«a of • ooo yarda, earraadar or attar
aaBlbUaUoa eaa ba Ma oaly raault. na- V.'C. Obaitefdoo TlcUm of ffaralytle
loaa all nporb of Me atraapM of Me
•trokfr-ffuDOral Will be Held
Boar ralBfanamMb are wropp. Tbe
^ Tneoday.
witbi niBTam every aatoward eoaNelson : 0. Cbatterdon. who
tlnpaaoy that eaa afaei Field |M»nbal
Bobarta. aad aae aoMUp Mat aaa aava : airieken with paralyeb a weak apo yeaOcu. Crouj# from tbe larrlbU vba U lanUy while drtvUp with hb wife
wbleb be bae beea eanpbt. Kven aa eouM of Me elty. dUd ymterday at 11
aaMPMtedly euoap atlaek oa Lord o'eloek of heart taltan nenitlap from
BobarU' lines of eommaaicatloe eoald Me paralytb. It waa known for some
•sanely. aoeorUUf to Meee axperb. time baton hb doaM that then
no hope for bU raeovery, alMouph^
materially alter Me nauU.
Tba ecvare loaaea Incurrad ^ Qen. Mere bad seemed to be a ebanoe ehoriKaUy-K.aay Bnaday have i^aaad ly after he was atrleken.
Mr. Cbatterdon was 83 yaara old. Ue
_ aome edveree erltlcbm. but It i» point
~ ^<mt Mat foupbt leealfurioae- came to Mb city'la I8?n. and haa
' ly be would have plvea the Been Me boon ongagod In Me haraeoi boaUeaa
•pportaalty to entrcneta Mtmaelves for Ma paat le yean. Be worked few
and perhaps effect further nipbitoa J T. BeadU aalU about four yaara apo
mon advaaupaoas poaltioa.
whoa he want Into bueincae for him
•alf. Baaidaa hb wife he-Wv« a
daupbler, aad a abler who lives U
ManMeetw. Mieh.
Padpa AiklBsoa Bo OaeUna at to Sap I The funeral wUl be held Taeeday
kfteraooci la Me Baptbt ehunhat
Alkie o’clock under Me auepUee of HePher-

‘two CBNT3

Ton will find • fine line of



School of Music

None rcoarvad,
all eo now at

Half Price.
Hen's and Boys'
At 39c, dSc-68c.
«ue. T&e. Si.oo.

Best Shoe
the Money


SUmpud Linens, all sizes of Sofa
Pillows, Down Pillows, Cnehion
C<»ds, Bdttenbnrp materiaU of all
kinds. A full line Beldlng Broa.
Embroidery lecaons given free.
887 Front StMA.

Hisses' Jackets,
Child's Jackets

s shoe maife by
Tboa Emerwm'sSoiis.
Shoes made on
laat/'i« (aame as cat)


Flit like a|t{love, ami are as comfortable as an old
« aboe-OWe have them in black and tan, at $4.01)

Up-to-date Footwear.



cMsawinu m

Kosanta aacoap



rrfjrrt n soe/err.


John Banaalli Vat Vitk

TOO. 710—Quarter sAwpd goldi F en oak — nicelv embossed-rr
beaded spiudtes — 3 stretchers—
cane seat —a fine chair 0 A CII


Death bp a 4^ amp Prom a Traia.
MteMarcaaTOUrkaatartiOMA aaa
«U Su Vltk » VlMbMt*
auraiuTira e»EiiJ>.
her hoaM oa Buu attaat. Tha ^d*tr Taaaar Friday afThe rUa Uka Moaitar «rUta Ua
eajojrad tka aftomoon wltk famm tmi'ym. The tnia npoa whieb b*
*■* ’• »*—
>UowtBf atory wUek
ba of
•. «. SAnm. WHor
waa flramaa was roanlar at a spaed of
■ aad patoeaa of tha
Tbaradap waa toe tarudap of Bella aboat IS mllaa u boar, whan it eoltratol^ atoal rufa aalaaaaa:
aad Mamie-Dana, to# ti^ karlai Udad with a load of lor* that was bainr
••OiMof Uta atoal raafa fasr
toe track. Boaa.Uiasw
kavabaan eparatlac in thia alelaiQ baea bora
toafa collision waa eertaia, aad leapwaa atoppiaf wttti O. U Giddlnca tka la honor of tka
lor from toe earlae. simek aponkis
tni of tha waak. and kad paraaadad triaada
akall was traetarad. ~
kla to ba; a HaiM Oatolort Baar*. aad a JoU; time araa i^lrad la.
dtod wkcd too traia eraw pldkad
Hk aoa Mark aada a aarieaa prouat, aatira partp alao had a plaaaaat rWa
him ap. The aarlaeer aupad la too
bat Mr. (Hddlaffa iaalatod aad (a«a kia
earlae and waa ankart. Tba drirer of
««toaad fartaaahforthoatoTa.lnaU
Iha Foreatwaam anaarlac for a
toa team and toa konea alao eaeapad
, M tranrwCHT
rary aojoyakie parly aad
lajorp. The aarlne was eomplatalp
"Mark lhoa*ht tka toattar o»ar^ meat for l(fadBmdapa«aninr. Feb. t&lh
diaablad b; toe aooidaot.
aaladadtofatlkanoU bank a«^ AU Poreatora aad Ooi
Sx-Oowi. Marsni baa«
IS peara dd aad aafr^-t tka bow bat tka airaat toalr tamiUm are laritod. Baddu tka
I «t UaaaU. »ad _a
bald'em. Mark tkea want to tka axeaUeat prorram, Ear- A. A. Wall
afar a aoaaui to ifMra
Btood OeatoOff
andata»adoatdo«aaaderad at tka
Friday afteraon aboettft Uttla folka
E. & Mopda;. a lawyer of Beariatta.
raikerad at toe boma of Laator Simp* te. oBca fooled a r<^vc-di(rer. Be
IB tka baropard. It did sot taka tha
was var; low with
oo Baal Wasklartoo atraat, to aaakantooftrra
' rial fevar aad Jaaadtoe. I parfakir h»r *0 oomprabaort matun
Bitt him la oalabratlnr kk lltk Mrtosd blm to tnBaetrte Bittaia. aap
ttia aoaatrjr and Groat Britain k braak- kebaatil; moaatod the «bael mala aad da; aanlreiaary. Vartoo* rataaa, aa- be wasaooB maak bettor. bntqonUaDad
flew down tka road. Merkaaatoi
lecOoa* from toa rramapbooa and toelr aae aaill ba waa wholly eared.
two *koU attar blm aad tkea mi
tka ttanta that
daiot; rafraakmaato helped to make I am aare Bleetrie Bitwra saved kk
itfe.'* Thk remedy expel* malaria,
tka barn aad moantad a korae and c»«e toe (T«pt a very plaaaaat oa*.
kllk disease (arm* aod poriflee the
>tUl nsaUa.
romaUa. and k ohaaa. Be kept np a ranine fira
oaMtoMaarmat atUl
blood, aid* dlrcatloa. raruUte* ii«er.'
____Bacaslnawaawpttadaadb; that
kidoepB aad bowels, cares ooBsUpatlon {
aaa ad aarioaa import Bat It k bard
dptpeptla. aervoBS discsses. kidne;;
la ndaratond *bj, H Maeram’a Um toe acaat rat a (alt oa tka mala
'roableo. female eomplainU: (ive* per-;
akaffa U tma. ha did net toake an offeet health. OalvtOeatJu. O. John-,
"Ilia afcat wld afiarward* that
Mal rapert to tka atau drpartmrat
Oe'abration at ThomptoavUle'.
» at tka Uaa of tka offanM or aooa erar;tima toe (an cracked be tooarht
It kaa been deflalulp daddad that a
attar, toataad of «atUng>araral waeka. he waa a r»« bad the balleU anar
Urre oamber of the local Maccabees
A Saw TMag
aad aalf noilfpiaf tka dapartsait oomforttbl; eloae.
'Tka mattar wa* flnaU; aetiled aod will attead toe blr Maooabee ratkei
BlscK walBBt ebewiar uff; at Geo.
attar kk ratnra to thk ooantrp, and
laraad initiation at ‘nompsoavill
MeLrUan’s, Tr; It.
ao arreat followed. Wa oadan
•Ctar tka Ineldant aad kkiaaempa
Toesdap even lor AdaMofaboat 40
tbat Marka k not to be foaad.
htf kaeoinrtkeasbjMii of aaaaal
will be intUated. and toe derree team
•awBp^ar eontroranj. if the Btitklf
.trornTTaveraeCitp realNoSTl of this
aaMor at Dorban opanad hU ofBelal arant aa;wa;-"
'city wUI asdsl la the oeremoop.
aerraapoadanea, aa ka ekarvoi. it U
A (rand street parade will faaskoaa of
aartoaa mnttar and one vkick tha auto
tbe featarM of the ealcbrsUon.
eapartmoat akonld InreaUfato thware invited to ro. whether membet
ai>.l bMi pr»t>a>atl*s
•Ofkip and damand a fall anplnnatlon brnnrkt to tka ell; poatorda; to aarre the order or not. A eoelal dsace wUl be *
for chapped boadi. tlpa. (
tl«m Ornat Britain, la tka maantlme a ton dapa'aaBtaaoe for
provided for tb'oae who are not Mi
roue* sklo—Mot Mlckjt in- grr»mf
mdap a partp of poaar pabple drore
Mnmnm.baaaaaniad tka aotortetp be
-Kid tilovMf-M be
bees. Tbe delsraticm will leave this 1
Utoir ofb-r u*lBs-N>« oed pica*.
•rfdaatlp aoacht, aad r<*«k m axkfbi' to toe kerne of Lea aad Ella 9<
cU; at 4:1S and tbs trda will leave for f
tof theeltp. aadapent a de.
aod odor Oolr ISc a bottle.
^oftollrandof iraonm of tka
theretara at aboat midn^bi. Bon. f
datlaa rtqalrad of aa Amartran aoaaal. llrbttal arsalar.
Perr; F. Powers of Oadlllae. will five
Tha writ of raplarln aaenrod bp tbe leadlnr addrvaa of toe eveninr oo
BtoftkaMilerttpoftka PatoklaACkotoar forMra LlarU wu ‘-Maoeabeakm and Fratoraitp”. The
aad toe lala of tamio of Ue Unitad 8uta« a
(are for toa ronod te(p will be SO eeaU.
armaa of Ooraall ool- Itara for laxaa OB TrararM Beaeh raUdT. Gen. Wood will kaae an ordm
-Iwa la kk lata apaaekln Pkioaito. whan aort was stopped. The sal*
ha eaParad tkat tka iaatlaist of axpaa hare twearrad at 10 o'eloek. bat Under* that paraoaa, Cabans bp birtb. who reMskktka baak of etrlUuttoa. Ex- sheriff Martin Brovra aarrad toa writ Bonoeed tbelr aatioaallp dnrlaf
Spanlth rerlme la order to become
pa^oo la rafaraa«a to eat peaaaatoaof and toa aala waa aupad.
A marriaca Uoeasa was rraatad paa- Aiaerleaa clUseas. who are now ready
Iko PblUpplBaa k a auttar apoa pbkb
PmldaBt Bebarama'a qptatoaa
tardsp to Darid J. Dokep of Elk Bapida tolnlfllthe nqairad eoodUioas. map
BOW at tbe enminr elecuoas.
aad Mary B. Bilk of ibis dtp.
vorthp ot oaoaidarabU kabrht.
•tori «M«t’IUa Vun««bf »2>«^


Aim for..................... S9,3U

I hut wet 35 dittereit styles ol
Di»i»g Clitirs, Ifow U75 per s«l »>.

• »


A lot of odd ebain, broken sets,
erne, two aod 3 of mstyl^Will pre ;oo
1 off on them.
I bare two atplea of cobbler leather
seat, 6 of one sod IS of the other—the one style
is worth 118.50 for 6^the other ir worth fl2.75
for 6-410.00 will take yoar choice.

Slater’s House Furnistung Store
3.20 B'arorL-t Stix-oot.

Shoe Chances
for the Ladies
Everybody who knows
an;thlar abont
gar shoe f--— knows
perfeeil; well
in tbe ;aar finds onr
that ever;
- • of #t;le
_____________ ,-ier* low.
Oceationall;, tkoagb. we are able to
outdo oorMlves-to rlTrr a bargain or
two that provM a rroord breaker, even
for na Thk k oae ot tbe timee. and
kera are the chaaeev;

t Edelweiss
; Cream^*:^'


raaaat laraatltattoM apon tka klaada
Hi bU kaowladfa of tha polio; of
/raatiant McKlala; ragardia* oar dal;
toward* tha klaada rlva him a fund of
pUormatloa which proraa that the
•oarae of tha admlaktratton la tha
aal; ooa lor a* to adopt aad oaa which
aoaiaMnd* lualf to tha taaaoaefthe

Moae* Flckariar baa ooma to toe dtp
Pa., and baa ukaa
position la tbe store of J. W. Slator.
Oapt Fred Whitaap of Maske(0«
waa alaotod maior la tka Saooad rarlmaat at the apaeial eloetloa Friday.
Ba la toa aoe of C. U Wkltaep. atow.
ard of toe aaplam la tok eltp.
B. J. Morraa arrirad from Ohicato
paatardap with so floe bocaea to ba sold
from kk livarp sUbla.
Frank AUor ha* jast aold torea
onaat in Oak Beirku addition for troo
BMh. Be k preparinf to kalld six
lofaboot toe aame aisa and has
jast Ukaa eontraeu for Are otbars.

Dcauto the paat law d
ftem Boath Afriea hare aoma throopb
■Bflkh ohaaaaia and from Bofltoh
hndqaartcrn. Thk momliif, how
•ror. toe Boar* *aem to be uklaf a
tend at oabllnr aad tbe toae of toe
ff^aubes are far from eaoonrarlar
|e toa Britlah.aUeaal actor aa Ladyjmito aad Ooleaborf ar« ooneeraad.
Gaaara} Oroaje, however, eeeon to be
B. B. Van Fleet aad kk bride ari-lred
to a bad poaltiOB. bat the Boara have
from Jackson lut nlrbt.
•ot pat raportad npoa that ritaatloa.
9 L. lies retnmed tokmomtar from
Tn arrameat that tha Amarican Aidea.
Dr. B. B.
toriff tatba mofbar of traato will aearoa
dap from OaUrio, where ba was oallad
Ip apply to toe orranUsUaa of a wall
to attand tb* faaaral of bk tarotoar-ln*
paper trast io free trade Borland,
which baa reeentlp been formed with a law.
Mra. B. MonUrne. Mrs. & J. Mot*
aapUal of f.' fiat tou laraa and Mka Grace Morfan raaekad
atanaa will probsbtp not ba cited la
9anto Fa paatardap oa their wap to
Domecfatic oampalra spe^ea.
Oallforaia. They will apead a abort
time airbt seelnr and rest at that
place sad reach Loc Anrelea Tnaada;.
8. Ooflsr, who repreaaaU tbe AmerimUofCaae AOroUsrMpw Kinrslap caa Bread aad Pastr; Board Oo. of
Cambrid*e,0., kin the city oo baslWant Vp la Smoke Teatardap


Norwa; Anc
Norwa; Herring
Labrador Herring
linglkh Cromorl;
Smoked Sinrgeoa
Boilaod Herring
DomrsUe Herring
Bstrian Sardine*
Finnaa Haddte*
OordoD Flak Cakes

-Loae Abont $44>00.

Tka uw mill of Oaae A OroUar. alu•tod aboBt'flva mUcs west of Klarolep.
IMS barned to toe (roand Uto Friday
flight. Tbe blast was dkeorered from
gk» boardinr hoase near \>y at 11
iFalato, bat betora toe haada eonid
aaasb it toa aatira itraetara was in
lUs was oa* of toa tbrae mills own•d aad oparatod bp Cssa A Orotsar.
Tha lose waa oomplato apd amoaatad
to aboat flt.dOO vrtth ak iaaaraaee.
Thar* was ao loae apoa lambsr, aa tbs
tomber waa Ukaa tma Uw mill a* fast
•aaasrad. Tb* orirla of the flra k a

MlB* Koenir wUl taaVe tom
Detroit and aerelaad to pnrebaae her
aprinr atoek of mUllaerp.
W. U Umlor waa la Klafslep paatordap.
Mra. WiUlam D^Kay left yestorda)
to epand today ia Oraad Bapida.
Mr. and Mra. B. D. Oampball are via
Itiar Mr. sad Mr*. Eobart A Oampball
of Hortoport. *
Dsve OampbaU wa* la the ritp pea*
tmdto. laavlap thk flaorsiac fer
.Orawaoe toe train dae kera at 4:10
Mim Miaai* Oarpastor r4«mad
moraiar to bar aekool at Orawm.

TraaarM Bsp Via* Vkortaa.

Aa Bditer's
Saved by Chamber
UtabOontb Bemadp.

Tomorrow avonlar at . to* rcffalar
PoriawofTraTaraaBip Ur* Mo
tost* will b* SB Intortotinff prreram
(•i rafratommta wlU be torred. Brer;
■••bar U raqaeetad to be praaaai, aaf
aajep a aoclat boor, alao to fled oat
wbiok aide of toe aoataai bar asm* k

appaamd in aa iaeiptost atsto.

I waa

Colambk Bivar Sal-

AJacob Furtsch,
Unioi St.

Both PhOMs, 34



wertsrhkM«amtibl*m4a. Plaa,
•art aopwlaJtr.
Maw oabe. MarMum BtoA

palaosMl. „
bacame alarmed s
local doctor a trie'
idp aad to*
Ctambcriaiak Ooarh B
raaalt was immSiab
T« Cm U SfifW" 24 S«vi. lanfa ware raatorad to tkelr Aesltbp
KoremadTcqoal* WaKifER-s Wum atau.—B.
Bdwards.^ PaMkkm of apriag.
VfiKS OP Tam SrmfP for tok terrl- Tbe Brview, Wpaov UI.. Far aala by
Free Storage All Winter.
btowad foul disease. If taken thor- 8. B. Wait and r. C. Tbompaen, dr odrklp and will cure a c
My work can aotbebaaiaad prices
boars, aod to> tbe cuwb that
tkalowaat WUl call, fer p« wheel.
l0»a La Grippe it nercr titiis to r
afi jn diBAd At thi XdttlA ^T*
wUbL Prion, go and flOoMcrtoara ‘pboee
trat, _________________

jUn ^oa dlAsd ftt th* Llttli Iat*


fkravMUitMnu* OatettV*aitte

H. E. EIBIS, Prop.
Hams SMiaf omiiamia ■***!.

au r


will be well spent If you think otherwise we'll

Table Linens



A, S. f BYMAN, The Practical Shoe Man.

gladly return the money. Wo'are giving you the
kind of prices that will sway thepmylng.


Lodi*..' nor kid rii*a*loi
tSal *old fur S3

Spent Here

Whooping Cough. Aathma.

11\« douuii Kfnai'

T%ey will

last a life tin*.

Jost a few items
tempt you.
■VI inch Loom Damadk, per yard.................. 25r
5S inch extra quality Damask, per "yard... .35c
70 inch All Linen Damask, perjard..........-VOc
72 inch All Linen extra fine, per yard........75c
72 inch AH Linen Bleached, per yard........ -VOt72 inch All Linen Bleached, extra grade. ..76c

Table Covers
A-gplendid line Io select from, all the
very best qualities and newest deaignA u> 4-4,
(i-4 and H.4 sell from 76c up.

. This department is always full of,the
best goods.
Ladies Kigbt Robes, Tuck Yoke, Cambric
ruffles, best material from 50t- to 92 00.
Ladies Drawer*, all sizee. different styles of
raffles and embroidery, from 25c up.
Corset Covers, endless variety, from ‘2.5c up

A Suit
of Clothes
For little mpney when tbe quality is
considered, that’s onr gray *^ashingtoii Clay”
at 9H.00. AnoUier ons folly warranted all wool,
fast oedor is tbe Janesvill Meiton at 912.00.
Nothing better on the Market. Made well, fits
well and best of all, will wear well.

A most complete line *to select from.
Tbe 22x22 size matches onr 72 inch Bleached
Damask, sells at 92.25 the dozen.
We have the 5-sf all linen bleached from
•VUc and 75c up.

The greatest bargain

is the 15x30

bleached towel at 6c.
Tbe loxlfwall linenMinck tow,d lOc. *
Don't overlcwk our great line uf towelings
at 22c.

Bed Spreads
We start onrjtle^ with the celebrsted
Bates whiU- hemmed, qnilfuW, 72xHO. for an
even dollar, becAnse we afe convinced it is tbe
beet artidie for tbe money on tbe market. We
ask the honsewivea to look-over tbe rest of our
line—They’ll fiud just wbst they want.

An UlsterP
Have some splendid bargains for just
the ri^t person—to dt, scwie in want to close
out. Stt^ in and see if yon’rs the one.
Then our line of 910,00 overcoats—There’s
where yon get your money's worth.
. Always glsd to show our goo^ whether
yon buy or ftot.

TheHannali & Lay Mercantile Co.







• r«v tw mMB
■ Wbi^ Sarafal Oawtftara Won |
,____ •! ikr !!••«> «f C«iuirrw. j
A Wwililuyion
rrpart* 8«oa>' Oae of tl» Wg wt*ll boiwM of N<*»
Praia of Dovbtfsl
JlU*LJi( jtijtl iti Jit JK A Jtutt
tar »kln« of Wwt Vu^lnla as
• T«*
* n'r. ui o»Iv«nl*-iiM-at
that Ix'
VO0I4 ! Motrd tUt it i-oultl ni}' tliai rvpr slo«
Ammot «o«ridmbl
% Tassdsr- bi pawMl SI iltr pn-«^t
•.41 mmIoo of Ibr uptvtat: of ibf N«« York *ior« lU
Tbe Detroit Free Praaa glraa tba folf-itM lu inisHtfai. u
iM euoait
Wyut, iatba :
lowing reanlta of a OMtaat of an inuvoAd bjr bulk, luiil bn!ii cuoiolsUro. cottag ebameter:
ibe «iui«4K-ui we#j^oo-4rwtyr<^’o
' can ahit>iilnic. bat U vlUlag to taka
■Tba Indlfidnal who drew tiskel IS.dkgtc wouib
ouMiib ba.
baa ev,
i^uu-u a
s MirarcUo____ T~l^ b-itt iD plaiv of a dlaCTiffllMiln. duty, dbgtc
n -Bowu
ia lha Pythian prise cooteat. antliWNM (M «rm von tn w»
ortBloal ••bob-x. rathrr tbaB go j ftadr in c..iiiju.rlw»B alib a corrwpooo.
W —lapaoiia sotnpuy >a orow
i..*hilailon- tb-n.ntor Klhln* i in* fin > l.ioi. n-itirrt." ’It;!* 1» a »oiu«^ ling tba boldar to tba big Wonderland
■krtif tii viral. Tba eaao vaa reramd
br m<1 uut b.«nl of aiijt. vbac vuiiiilug noi. nu*nt «mU wc do- iiun. did nottam apyaatarday to claim
hftkt aapma aeon on tba gnmoi
«f thr Itapubll.-an laadc^i to jx»t- Ucc iliai (be New York liouib bai been bto pet or (qalealent. »$00 la east),
Ikal to atrtar wlraa and oaoot polaaipooe a<-<u>u uo t(>r »hlMduc blU. lu-aa- caiablitlwd only ibrt’c y<-art. Then It pcomlaadby klan>g«r Jamaa B. Moore
alM«tbabifhvajaearriaa vttb Itlbaitor lUuabniusb of N»rUi nakota. wlw do(w uui le^tn i«i n-niarkable.
of tbeW<»darlaad.8oaaoftbe winaen
Tbr Btun- uae «pcu<^ In IKM. Just of iv'aea are a little dnblona about
rl^ to trim tma, tmeh rtgWL how-. ha. !«*•□ dlM»-rtl to lnii»t bjwo aoma
oMT to ba axareiaod ia a 'nMOoatito iai|»rtaDt sm«>ai|uifoia a a« aiwj tcno- after tb<- n-tHUllatloa of tlrover Cievc tbalrlaek. Cbarlaa F. Broekea of l««
'taut of am laiwtlon to a»«an.J<* tbar land au.1 bU free tni<le
Fruu that tiaic on wo tiara been o|lmb- HBDOBbaeeana. aron »»M bnHalrobr
MarUa C. Ooaaao. oao of IbabaM
Wa.blnrton o«m-»jiou.l. tica of lac u|i bUI. Tba csperlfoca of tbit flrtn glean by Uadertaker Pattaiaon. Be
lam frooan ia Oraod E^Ua. was! Tbr Amrriran Brononil.t Imibaica la only an axamplr of baa been doaa net know wketbar to take it or
' a to laU Friday for aafa keo^f, Hmx tbm ii no «lim of c-mmU<iu of I goloi oo tbreugbuui Ibv ountry. It la not. as tba aiyla may ebanga by tbe
ID »o|.pon
aad ^pUeatlea baa beea laada te hla sarBettneaaI In
tai.pon of
< the b!U on ; a typlral raae and It an Indication of lime be needa IL Tbe wlaaar of the
wbai ••
It hat meant to the bualnest In- flboeaahatbaanotclaiiaadtbebax. bet
I to tba Ealamaaoo aarlaia. ! the nan of tboae K(VUl»a-au
I bare ibe ayonng .woman, wboatked to bare
puabUi* It- Thla d.- |tep«ia of tbc conntry
Bahaab wTac^ atraa^ tor aa»-'w*»
of tba
Dioatlua to prw for adniuatr uia-' sound, economic prlncli
anl mootba, Ma taaaU takiar a raUtb^'' i<*tlon 1 American ayatem of prott^on appUad bar soma anppreaaad', wlU atom tbe
tombatone that abe woo nnta it ia
ftooa tnra.
of tbr Fifu-Hitib cunyrcH* ti iu ao-ord jin tba adnilaiairation of national afneeded to dacomto a cemetery lot.
Mn Joba Dutlofl of Vaanar. la a «u'b tbr "eenUment 'of tbr onniry. talrs.
“An appmntlee In tbe ottoa of Dr. R.
wotoaa with naraa. Foraotaa Una aba Tbera la a autuii; seacn) demaml fur
fi Cnnnlngbam. ebairmao of tbe camlbaa baea tronUad with one of bar toca, action looking to a n-rival of.AniertM tLjt^ntaUy tank, ace* ta ral oommluee. won a set of false taeita
aad it roi ao bad that aba triad to geia dan Indmiry In ibe lOiVi.ranbi and for Vila, tl,*
to 14m an '>i|un no>o><lon." ha gl«rn by a Gratiot aresne dentlat.
pbyalelaBtoentUcfr. Tboa^appMied
reapp.n«n.» «h jU.y--------of •tbe
- PbiUOHi.hU
• dlelatt oMi.-ioaoxa* 1UI te » oStitt1 an aba gShamiBad Aoerltan flag flying from the iieaka *•" I Ibt tuonal ot pnilMtiaa.—>'fv T<.rt
••Ben. Walaon. tbe Postal Telegraph
ta w w
Atacrit-an ahlpa tarrying AimUcan :
Oo.operator woo fonr boraeaboe. and U
JL^a bat!^.
ThU demand «-ar voiced 1 |f Prcldeni McKinley did In tntb now looking for tbe bom to go with
fast aba kept tba otfaadlng -meiaber
of trade, tbr bury protection at the I*UIladrlplila Bxthem. Aid Wildaan won a rear's anbMOoaodUteenaUlitwaafros«b.wben
„.,,rc«;nlatlvc and Influcutlal of , port ^siwrlilon. lH-Intemd tbe biggest
ak# ml It ofl with a bmtobarknilo. bbe American coiuiuen Ul bodies, at iU tr- ; corpse that wa« ever laid In tbe
" .**'’* ,®T"
kM anffarad no Inoonraalmea ainee tba egnt annual uirciiug In WarUlngti.n In ; gmund; slw tlu- llrrllcsi con»c. But *mt Oonrler, and baa
beroie anigieal operation.
tbe Klut|M- of a luciuorlal reciting tbe ) 11 Is a triiipcmnumial peculiarity of be wlU not diacloae. A bottle of whiaArdan tImaUar a ronng mal of 1* detlluc in c ximrt shipments madu oa ' free traders wnl to be able to dlstln- i key fell to tne lot of a ebnreh worker
nl-.! .11iiiu
. Amerimn vcss,.l« and urging congreaa gulsl. comnly between tliat tvhlcb la !«,d a half-barrel of beer went to a
yoara. wbobMllredallbla
UUlo farm In Agnew. Ottawa| eannty. J^HauM.^yne Wll. It was r.'prc-! ample, they don't km.w that Cobden-j
left Ua borne mJanaarytt and went ^„ted lUt thr fn-lglit .■arried by I lam ia dead In this country and iluii bermgt* iorr*»r» A lany orew *3 ao
worth of abarna. for which. ahe will
to Oaniral -Imka. Two days later ba United fltatca Yosm-Ik has dix-llnod ; proirctlon was ne'er »o much ayg£.as
give ber-btuband a proxy.
Ian that town with Iba laleotion of from K |mt cent In IKK n> t>cr cent'
-Only about half tba prix* wlnnen
walking borne. Be bad only a few la mm; that Amcri'-an ahlppcra now
tad ('■rrrtslstr.
torn pmaantad ibalr ehaeka'’
oaala 00 bla psmon. Bothinc baa bean t»y f"r>'lin» hhl|»wner» nearly *20®.How and for the llrltish cslicn tniat
, OOU,UOI> anmially for oc««n uarrying when'ta old enough to know that
baard efbimalaaa. Hla pamnta arc '
trade: that this decline was diir to tba
greatly alacmed, as tba boy bad nerar lower wnges |nld abroad and -subal- Fiisland bas oo protective »rlS; It
Will new know wbo its pnrrata wml rratldentHaa tacoMd two Promin­
boan away from boas baiora and they
-•New York rrcaa.
fear ba baa mat arltb fpnl plajlor some by ^eiuio of subsidies the protactlre
ent Hen.
•Miona aoeident.
. 1
prlni l|)le may In- exlcnthsl
Washington. Feb. *3—The president
At Pauakay tranafei* of proparty in lo the ron igu inxla: that 1
Drumnscr "Tonimr" Rowe, wboae bM decided npoa the appointment of
u 4 fL
in. Is said to br tbe Henry C. Ide of Vermont and Gee.
tba aielalty of Uia Qtwnd Baptda *
In.Tcasr of foreign c muicr.,v U
pn'dnctlra •horicsi man in the Rriiish army.
t that Luke E. Wrigbt of Tennemee as mem.
ms- Mg
brra of the Philippine oommlMlon Be
. hcr.M's of Diany iiieu who irtlierwiae also tammoned Prof. Bemhadt Moecs
torulgfat.aeaaralBinall boldlnga baa,b..
„r trade
tog alungad bands apparenGy aeaeral necessary also as ansilUtry to thr oatwl woiibl be nx-lcss to ihcir country.
of OalHornla to Washington for a capAnna
etranaplraa that IhaG force In time of war. All the ends
feranee oa tbe PblllpplBe altaaUon.
X. A L baa ae^nirad nearly a bloek oi dealrcci rail be attained, ••ontends the U Imliau chli-f. Is pr>-|Hiriug hcrw-lf as
a pliysirlau ui a I'lilLideliibia medical
A Vi^t Of Tarror. '
Iba moat arailabla bnalBasi prpparty In commltos-. hy tbe eiia<-iim-iit Into law vvllcgc to Is.- of Hcn h-c lu her |s>ople.
of •
a bill g™n‘“* g< urrous suiwwics.
••Awful anxieV was felt tor tbr
• Mty. moat of It oorerad with goodI «
It is said thill guevo VUioria will
vldnw of the brave Oeoeral Barabam
aida^aDdwUlooae build a new
aiM-u piirliauiinii in fs-rwon on Feb. 14. rfHachiaSb
Me., wbeatbe doetorsaald
It will Im- the tirsi iliiic she has done
^Ight bonae. tbalr |
so sla(*<‘ Ib'ki. when she <4m>ixs1 the .he wonld die from Paenmonia before
eCrttlvc in the direction iudlrs<
perllriuieni to whlehiJlailsiouc {•n-sent- pOTBing" writm Mra B B. Uneoln.
ber that fcarfnl nigbt,
The demand of the hour is for the Cd his home rule bill.
■bntsbr begged tor Dr King'*Ne«Di*
Mra Cbarlaa Fcrd near Bartlord,
igr h> ctmgress at this scsslou of
One of Ibe ecceurriciilos of i<ir John giverv, wbieh bad more than oaee »a*
under lousldrrailon
laihlxs-k. who W-.1S r.,-^‘ntly rulsisl
met with a terrible fate Fr!d4y after- the bill
id ber life, and cored ber of Oouvninpa by being botiud nearly io death only practiralile r possible means of | the |ss-iage. Is his fondness
Jon. After takiog.'.ahe slept all nigbt
Farther Dse entirely cured ber." Tbit
S b«U« -Ub to .!, totortb,
.v„...rt™« m.n b.mervelotu medicine In gnarantecd to
■fie pUaed a pao of wato'r on the sto .-c
____ ____ _____
laud ilie IlisicVrtn-iv so loud of hlu
« all Throat, Cheat and Long Dis­
In wbieh was plaead gaaoUna Being I
A Meest Meeal Questlws.
I that il would lie alill in bis luind to
cs. Only 90e and $1.00. Trial botThe rrisirt of Ihc -\. w York sUtC hesiiokcd
oalled out of the room, abe was bon 1110c at Jas G. Johnson and 8. E.
I rcflira
•od 00 bm rstnrn to and tbe igaMtlineu prison
si>ai>a HwmQr.
on are. On attempt
mpt ng to throw the «‘«7 '
The shades of fmnuir .lud Bnifiis
the Isiudliig. Where I'hiiruD
pto.1 «.»~°
.... ...... .............................................. .............



Colored Shirts, Cuffs To Match
A look into our window gives yon


a slight idea of varietj of our pat­
terns—New designs—We leave it
to jonr judgment as to whether
the price is not nnusnallT tow for
.each values.

Colored Shirts
Cuffs and Collars toi Match
These are a better grade than the


fifty-cent goods, and you get two
collars with each shirt—A large
assortment new patterns.

Unlaundered White Shirts
The best white shirt sold at
the price is what we claim for it


-»An examination well snbstanti>
ates our claim—We. have exclusive
sale of these-"Give you long or
short b08om -;Any length sleeve.

New Neckwear
New Spring Shape Hats
You will oblige us by asking to see

It is always a pleasure to

show goods that please.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Special Sale

to Ito dra
"■> ^ L .11 ih.. |,rl«.u. of tl,,. .1,1,. I... Mil. ;
bod, .MKbvll7bbnbd>bbtbb.«lll ™
I..1 f..ur 7.,™ troll. 12..
„y'" Hniius." said t'liysar.
lining ..vcr': '
,601 to lu.So'i, a decrcnsc In iiunii>or of | ....*• I U Shaki' you to see who goes
Tbe aeeretary of iba treasury F.-i- |more iliuu lA |>er <vut. Duriug thla !
4ayreoel*ada latt^ poatmaikad Ben pcriml the |Ni|>ulailuo. a<s-<mlliig to a
•WVU's ihait one livm--.m me." >«ld
ton Harbor, oontainlag $100. TharC .tofc esHiuate, has lm-r.-e««1 by nt least
BOlhlng to show* to wham the'600.000. AsTtn-laws Imve Iks u In no ,'
j win." ' «hscrv.-d Brutus.
mime* abanld be erMiiM.ana
eradlted and uwna
U was
during this iliuc the n-al

___ -a greai
g to tbe eonaoiasee fund.
lirris-io. .»s we Imve said liefore und j
-li s iwl.v you've iK-en stuck.*'
Ika aar farry Ann Arbor No. 1 and Da all elosi- observers of hmuau naj"1 roilier oiilm- li KiU Vni U.tti.olv
tba lea oraabar Algomah arahotb db- tura will agns-. iheiv Is t.o greuier pn-| s.-rveil I'lmrou as be unslitpisd hit
aWodngftfaailD thetoetenadlleafrom venilvc of .•rime tlian tin- having of
gl„.p.t-----4Dga AroUe and plenty of work to da Duriug the last ‘
Baaeflt for Sl^ and Siwbled.
to.bMlbbbMMO.MUl..l(,mpUlo".n- .""7
'"'"'''rV' A new ihy-taw bat bean adopted by
raUaM taem. im add atw • .
men-for.-. by Im-mts- iTrarerte City I'enl No. 8T1. K O. T.
mahbaaiaat her wneai. x-naannarhel|<» to dds-reasc erinie. I*it>m
bar No. ! la oomlng to amlat In the re- Uiis it aiiiHwi^bihni the ijaesiioti of oiir
national Urill policy Is not only ,
latovof tbe boata.
• iillestloil. but I Diwat
Or. B. B. B.Or df Hidblfd. bu C~',
bto. to.-l~ pr~ld...ot«»
MW being held ia ‘
l»isgle> taw Prespeells
11.. Ywb.
- ri...i...r. J,..., lr)
. 'lrm,d..|.r ~ld
Tbeorlglaal Indehtodneaw ©fdhe Y recently iliai
hb jwirous bad lieen
M. C. A. of Grand Baptda haa been re- --Tleanctl oaf during the holWays and

«. ^
Mk after tbe first
I___ .
i *o*k dlav^bility or
A period eo‘ to exceed six weeica
la aov rear. TbtB la for tbe benefit of
ibwa. and dom not do away
-------with the _______
preaent___by-law by' which
^ ^ u, „,mb~. ..d

H,lr Mmllto .bo », lb.~d. T .
,„to effect

•aere^ atotm
the ai^latira
, h lnliy sii-m lo find tlmlr j to tbe popularity of the lodge.
•owhaa over $19,000 la eeenrlUee to
^-----pay off the balance of $16,900.
. ^jDay of them Uve < their -torea '
A Card.
At Uoldwator, Biles Staflofidl bonai- during sii>efc taking In onliT to expe-] W«. tba nadcralgned. do hereby
k~p~to>btb~ KoMtofdtJ Cltol~ dl.r tl... ,..rk.D.l s.. lb..,,.I... '» i ^

told-d 7Hd„_. to lo
^.toiD—Bto cl* Sr*

„,r M, Pl....totoiai


kit aadAacd$IOOaad emta. tes IS. the sale of Jcwi-iry during tbe hnlhlay ad<a- pan
MtoamallaUtof thalaw^pndartheaaw aim Just imsi.

~Blto>~. citob;lb. bbt


niaie WItbawt Pswleettei
I- whu has studieil our history
tenpanuliy ran fail to |»eni-ive that '
strides we haVe nuole would
Mtlarivaly tevotad to doga. to be
hare Us-n inipiwsllde wlllioui (he aid :
ImMd at BatUt Ck«ok aegt montb.
originally aRunlnl l»y pmtei tton That
AmUmt dog magarina, the l>og Fan^
■ by economy of
iinr. baabtaP priatad thara far tbe produ.-iioa ami nUllaihm »f waste. .
' paat toa year*, aad tba two an tha u„(
„ ,5 a.lvantage over «tb•alyaamaalvdy dog papom ppMlahed er« uotwiUiMaudlng the tarifls eoai-tiPthsCoitad Mataa. Aaethar Ifi ihelr tab>H-. American prudnets
ptoa paWihadthwa lor tha pant Bftaaa «*■ niuiug hradw-oy ereerwittyw. and
DM- u 4ta fwam Faarlm' JovmL
***> **"P^
fwvHgn rivals hare

—.Bto tosto. 7—1

IWmOn ffedneeday evening Febraary s«.
bloek. All Foreeteta and their fan
ilien sad Oompantoi Forestera and
tbeir bnabasds asd viaUlsg Forester*
A. A. Wall will deliver an address,
af-er which there wUl be a mitaieal
enterUlnmeat aad pleasant time for
all The wotertalnmpB* wt
c- s p n F. O. Ncrtn. R E- I
_____ ___

-toibto 5.„.„ai7^rtth.iita,T.s

Ing bi-riev Brtlelra at lowerrosL Aad '
eo far lion Late made little progrres
la that dinsii.i;. Troy Times.
,Thi Taft ot tha ttwa
A Frightfnl Blonder
i thrfamoas Clttm ahom for wemm
WlU often oanee a horrible Barn.'
•said Out
AH of thr i-.w.Tfnl fiw arrm ‘ •**"• ThcBoatooStorv-•eald.
Out or
or Bralaa
Bralam BneklSB'i
Baeklvs'x AmiAraloaSaiv*willeoratbapatonadprompt- to be Iom in oblivion, ravcml In,tbe
.................. "----- -—T’>
vre-kagr tlu-y wrought. MllU.. WlU— —and Juhniun nrr no loiigor rrrt-rml
FOa car* on earth. Only SS eta. a bo
Oara gaarantaed. Sold by Jaa. 1
JckMM and S. E. Waifs drag aton

T* Omw • OoM Ib Om Day.


Half soied
m so bubb* wm. y™

; geseraUun will tbr urlS be an lasoa.- wait—Prioes 40 and 6O0.

’X.S.Firmai, l35Frnt Stmi


Our special sales are becomiDg very popular, and are eager­
ly looked for by the buying public Our sales are always genu­
ine and our offers are always carried out to* the letter. That ac­
counts for tbeir popularity.

For Tomorrow Only We Will Sell;
All of our black ORnred Bilks,
to 7.5c vsU
oes,. St........................................... :....C»S7'
Choice of any of our silk waists, only a few
left, for.....................................................12.00
AH reuinaots of drees goods asd drew paL
terns at........................ 2-i per cent, diacount ot new ginBlinms........................... .»!
SewToited. Norf..t.........................
White Mnll, worth 18c lor........................ lOo
White Bood^ worth 15c lor ........................ lOo
HnckTowei............................. 10, i2. 1.5, 18, 2oc
Turkish Towsl................................. .5,10. 19, 23c
Linen Toweling............................................... oc
QUss Toweling................................................. 2Jc

Steven. Cn»h Toweling...6. 7. 8. 9.10.12c
RedT.bleD.„.sk................ .,^.5. 26. 3.5c np
White Tsbl, Dsn.«,k............ <!.::2.5. 30. :l.\ 18,
Good Se.mlees Sheet........... ......................... 4Sc
Cto.......................................... 10. 15. 19c
2.5 per cent diKonnt on all Wiw’ end chUd.
ren’s winter nnderwMr.
Odd Inf of ledto »d childrnh-e underwear to close at.......... 10, 1.?, IH. 25, .IS, 48c
Cocoaunt Oil Soap.-.
Pure Caatiie and wash ng......

Pare Castile..................................


These prices are for Monday only.

Our Overcoats and Ulsters still going.below cost.
Ladies’ Jackets, $8, $10, $12. $14, going at $5.00.
See them ia our window.
Yonr money savers,




THB morning R^RD. SUHDAY. rEBRDARY 25, 1900

k tRoiae BOsnESS ,


H tcnffnewnu
w «re*r mna ^
IMM> >»«. M P»W1» •■MHWt ttet l(f» K™»».
M«tKnnr.t.««7tnCrtM, l.p*W
*»i tehMlIk y fttao Uifftirad hf •MX'mtr t<r
hV UMTOM MM »X> C" ■*«»*IcMm far tMr em«i7. aM <rf wMm
wwUlM M DOTtepMTt.
TMTt^oHMUa.—rwwMi tWi>
tafv* RMriu armUM ta. Mrtwd M
__A.. A4aM OT tha fltntia of Ortnm*.
whlAoQWMaW tba
thi A»W» Mi. Tba BHtkb third
«|M ar«yM lywoaa m4 tha Brit*
M cwboM BfhUx hart proooadad
A Atapatah item Balrmt. Hpria, aaya
(M MaaaafM of Baida, orJMoo.
BboatM alUafraM Uat|pUaa. hara
wooBdad tha aaa of 8UVH Abala. tha
BrfMk riM aaMBl. aad aarroaadad tha
MMalita. Traefaharahaaa aantaad
thaBriUahaoaaal caMral fa haataalaf
hM daaidad taa*
d -------------------t'Bitad BtaWa
taUM a
uU roau fron Cook laUt to Oapa
VoM. AlaakaBar. Dr. Talaara bat raeararad aa
•too aoliiatra dla»»d fro« a |WatllaAtoB aaatr pUa. wbtra lt?oM btddea
Ualtad Mata* Ooatal W>)daaai at
Boar KoBf. baa toforwaUod that thiaa
BraibaiaefibanUpUwJuta. Labaa.
>MM asd Afoaablo, .brothar of ttaa
aaror. UH neni^f for iapaa to naat
Tha ooa Yaqat priaooaia raawUy
Ukaa fnHB tha Ya<|al eoaatrx to Waoaaalito, Kaaioo, hart laft' Collou for
OaadaUJara. tbay art foardad hr

ri bp tbe Beopeettwe Ob»b«

CBtraea orcBWn.
Id Aau or small bouses, wbera spaaa BcT.i.aResm.Paauw.Berrieea bald In Ora^ate ball.^ ^ b scarce and a pooilip amount of room
a. m. Tbeme-.*Tba Oa*
Pas to be pirea ap to p^ts of all Wts
-ddialra. loonprs. ctity coruera, aad ao changaablc ChrM.”
Bundap eriioo) at» a.
birtb-n ia often adclsable to osc com­
dUldItloaai Boom aad Added ffael- bined furaUpre and to tora to pto&t^tm^t'^'p. at. Sabjaet—Tbe
tMe accouat the aaptes wlitcii arc peuUUoa-OalpaTaarOid Bat Boabad mallp mete waste space.. Ererpbotlp
micTuacb opoa rwm s|«ce tbe famOp
Tba Iroa foaadrp of Blebard Boaad Peak fraqneotlp has to do dutp for all
A Boo baa bOOToataUybod oslp aboat the Btembars of ^ borne circle.
Moralag nerriee iOtlo a. m.
apear, bat witbia that tlaea tho Arm
Tbe Aeicfa aappesu a wrltinp comer
BDbteete-‘-Pooalar Oplnioo.*'
baa baQt paqaita aa crtutea baatama that eaa be easily carried out and that
Baadap Sebool U m.
wbieh baa taaraaaad ia each pfwporMaM will be fonad rery couvealeni in maop
B. Y. P. U., 5:4».
that moM room y aaadad aad additlew homes where. o«-lnp to Insnfllcleiit
BveetngaeiTteeTtOO. ^ _
al teaUhlas fliMaiilri to baadte tba
taaMlag Tbaredap aiilf.
tbe fatal
Tba alaat y loeatad baak of
tba aoaitbOMaoa Opart ateoat. la tba
eordlal tavitaMoa aatMdld te all.
bp tbaA trianpuyr piece of wood aboat
: Op. aad baa couple of ioobet thick, tbc front belop
W. Walt :
_.idto tara oat afterwBid curved. This Is Bned Into
PrmeblBg at lO.W a. m.
tba ^ bMt aaottapa la iroa aad braaa tbe eomer of tbe wall at a coovenient
Bnadap Sebool at it m.
Blaeaita aatabUthmant tbo Arm baa baipbt aod is supported by and nailed
taraodoBtaooaaUpordanaadUi aer____________ joetetpofObryUtn Ba^
eral loaaUttea aa wall aa M Trararaa wall.
at 4 p. m.
'll Is a pood idBD to have. atwvTtbe d*avor
P. a C. B. at r,;46 p. m.
atptboysrark abowa that tty oaoof
ttble. a IJrtlc cortior cupboard for a re­
■e will be
7 o'clock there
a gmuwimi
tho thririnp ladatlrias of tb^ eltp, both lap of sutioDerp an4 Ink aod also to
miaaioBarv program oo Japan, ooadootaa to qaalltp aad rolamo of Uo work add a aeries of pipi-oiitiulcs for I<.t1era cd by the geauemea- Measre. BamU*
taraad oat.
and Dotebouks and bills tbst mu be too. Mitliken.WeltoB. Bora. Bpderaad
Cochlio win have charge of the pro­
Blebard Bonad. tba aoalor mombor
gram. A cordial loviutlon te extended
of tba Arm y aa old foaadrpmaB of
o all lo be preaeni at this aervloe.
loop axpatioaeo aad oriptaal idaaa aad for Uiese Ibltiits siid s sbrif take tbs
The members of tbe chorus choir a
rrquested to meet lo tbc elody a few
.k.u ordlowp
.uuttu... | articles us a w iiH mlcodar iiuil ^i
ilnutes before 7 o'clock.
SODS of Mrs tbaa
Imporuooe. wbUe tbs promptosss wltb |
I'llKIxTUS W'lkNt-X.
wrltlup coruiT. tbc „table It*
wbieb orders art eseeuied aad tbe es , aclf I.
«od «Idili sumnent
U...VU... eerviooe will be
of the prodsete of the foaadrp j«« i.oU tbc bloiiltip pud. ink. |n-ii tray, leld at 4111
ilii Sooth Uoloo
aod WedSunday morning w. 10:30
have plvea
ea It a rapatetloa of rallatillt; acahw aud wclpb'ts sod siKtiuoery cabnradsy
at 7:!S0. All arc oor*
and raaponalbUUp.
Mr. Boand baa latelp dariaed aa Idaa for tbr Aflkc of mure "clltow room.''
take up UiHr idaccs on the slielf above.
As cuniers arc usually dark pliiccs. Ker.t^a* T Nioul. |t>ru<r
Comer Washington etroel aad Boardman avenoB.
peoded laiii|> with a roM. or amber
Bolv Conmunloa at ll-io a. m.
obade sbniild be flicl lo ibe wall ooMoml$ aerrioe aad oermoo at 10:»0
leos a door Uu>]i liapiwns to Iw alliMled
aday School at 12 m.
dose by.
All are cordtelly Invited to these
If Krecii jininl would acctpnl with aurroundlnp fltnu-ois. tbc table, comer
A special mnsical program will be
glvea la the.evenlM. Mortaogh's or-

boo rouadTF ot ^ W.Boond
* Boo to b« BaUrBML

i'uS?' “

ru^ pfinftnr oa a' HAlBtad atraot
aarlaOaleafO waro ahoakad bj alao^
triattf Taaadaj ai^t. tha iMalatlaa of
a»iraeoBBaeUd«rith the baaUar apparataa hariaf faUaa off. aUoarlac the
aoppar wira to eoota la eoataM wltb
taa aratar aoakad door
Owiao Maaaia. a dOMatta OMplo/ed
atfhatoaa hoaaa la Wlpdaor. Oatbaa baaoM Uuaaa. It fa allatod, orar
a raleatiaa wbM aba raealrod throuf h
thoM^I. Thara waa a cat of a aaoa*
bar oa tha talaaOna, aad aba ooa *
Mcaaad broodlaf oVar it ntll bar lalad
biaawr affactad.
Cahaco bora atoaad tha L'aloa Jack
dhplapad lro« a window of the raaldaaoi of Brftteb Oonanl ff jradhan.
aiPRABu « . aopao.
A Mao. batwaab M aad M jean old.
t new eaaola for Aeltiap melal.
aaoaoaod to ba Joka Urtraa of Mt.
Caraal. Pa .Jainaad fros tbaUiMtk- which be ypuUlnp into praeUeal ate.
Uad bnd«a lato tba oppM rapids of aad Id blaailap it affords preater faellBiacara. Tbaradaj. aad want orar tha llp and a material eavlap lo me<al. at
: A wjuriNo onusKii
ame UoM prodoe np a far better
Awriaaa falla.
eatdnci atnl sbcif may U- stained dark
Tba Doar^ar Baprav of Chlaa baa snalltpof work tbaa y usaallp tbr malscbitr uris-o. au<t Uic little silk curaffarod a fowart tar tba capUm daad
ar aUra. af the rafersM Kaar Ya Wa<.
•bobaaalaoordwad UBadfCbaaf to U.I.U.1W.IU. I«.dr, I. «». U.
lm;roved toafford batter faellUtee, hmee in every sliiluc rM.iin of bsviap
daaaerata tha tosba of tho raforsarb
forteralBpoattbe loaraaalop ordera '

SKOUXD mn-HODisT Ciii-acii.
Kcf. Buxh K*»»»Cy.P*stOT.
Prca^lng at 10:30 a. m. and at 7M)
8. Bendarson. ^ Cadillac.
limroDarp for ihs i 8. Ualon.
State Mia........
morning and
«dl preach both
las» meeting at U:45 a. m.
.nndsy school at I1:4f. a. re.
.worth League at s:«a
5j45 p. m.
Ttinrsdsy-tJeneral Prayer meeilnF

"^-riday-Cla«« for study of "The Life
vf Christ." at 7:30 at the church
A cordial invlution y extended U,11.
KHir.Nim t'HracB.
tr,. Barclay Jouc. m*'"''Church. Cor. Oak and Fifth streete.
Sunday school at tt:4S.
Public worship 11 :Ooa. m.
". B. prsyer meeiiog led by Marj
Monlgrmerp. ■^:4'- P rePtiOIre eorsliip. 7:011 p. mSubV-ct for the sermon ia tbe mom
nry "Salvation and bow to obuin it'
^enlog, "Besnhot refreablog salva­
tion "
The pnblle am oordlally iavltod to
all tbeae eervlce*.
r aad tha pattern room wUl' dve o<x-asloual whilus (abb- l« (u Ox a
s moved ao aa to plve forty feat more I W‘K*l»-n shrif- •‘"Ut lb lncb..s hms and #i a. Balsbrry. Pastor.
Cbnrcb on comer of Ninth aad Wadswidth to tba foandrp part, and aaothar t 13 Inches wide, to a luiekllic of «uod
; of equal Icurib and some 13 imbet arortb atmeta.
ebaape will ba mads te allow tweatp <
I;' blpU. THIS tuickinp t«ii Im- accun-d to
Bnadap services are as tallows:
drpth. Tbia Improve- ^
Preachlag at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday school at ll:SU.
saatwill plva a baiter opportanltp j pi,i« and nails and tl.e •table 'bo fur*
for the baadliep of larpe work aod ^ Uit-r eu|)|s>ned by a bmekn U-Dcmb.
other improvamaate will ba mada lo Tlu.- auodcu l■ack'ruu Isr dr-corated
tbe iatartor.
with band fialiiilnp m- wltb a calendar.
Apoodmsav lanre Jobs have beeni«“«iH framed plotiiiv, etc. TUls bpektoraao ont dariap Ue past paar whleb'i •'«
h». hMBVWV MSOlltuM. rw .
alloxclbcr. but It Is cir.H tlvc.
have bean vary e^lteWe for a new
<*ul.,rlnu sbould U- i-is-fer*
baslaese but tbe fl-m baa oa haad al.^v la .n-nu-'or mabohltc xrcr-n. but
r e»t Bomber of exteoalve ordera.
,be w.ssi could, of course, U stained
Not long
aa iron kael for J. A. msliupiiiy or uuk. A lllilc wrlllng taiOBUgna'a new paebt was made. It ble of ibis sort Is asrful fur a ball.
waa agood pleoaof work andlu weight
Tbr R«a rwehlwll.
about t.aoo Douode. A similar
_ yacht
TIm- f-gk’ cocktail l» nil aiiftcllxcr
keel y being made Bbw for a new
J wbicli Us lately s|w.inx lulu pmnil(or H. B Origge. |



rtadtbataMlipbcaad paltpwfarar'anaopraralaatU tha fair
aoMt AUm tM trartfan arp la daactr
af batacsoMMUacd. It U aald that
•rar *.ooo caaaa of iMllpos baaa baca
raaertad la Haw Orlaaas. aad that tba
dtoaaaa h rapertad at Map placet la


t (Pai bank aaalaprd
N to atop a raaaat ma
walla aararal baa
drad dapoaitora wara la llaa to with
draw Ibalr aeatp tbrea barrala of ail
ear dollars ware aaloadad la froat of
tba balldtaf and earriad la bp tbc
baakotfal. Thsairbtof baiaff
daaptd lato tba taaak ia ahte wbotaaalaBaaacr bad a raaaaariac eSoel.
aad tba roe oaaoad.
Mrs. KUUa Clark, who died at bar
boM la Modawap coaatp. iMIsaoarl, a
few daps apo. aped as. aftar barlap
baaa aa laralid nora tbaa ibraa paara.
aspirad oa tba asset date srbicb maap
tioMa dariap bar loop IUdom aha bad
pradleted woald ba the «n>
dentea. 8be had beta a raaidaot of
- 'Mteaoari laora Ibst half a mlarp.
aolld pold lomaUoa to Adslral
Daw^ to risit JacWsonrlUp. 111.,
praaaated Prtoap. Tba iprittUae la
aaprarod oo a aollii pold: p&te. Ass
iaritaa. aad eoatalns 9*oa worth of
The aasoa of Admiral aad Mn.
% gold.
art la raiaad sertp, aad abora
# Dawop
Dte aa aaaaplad adaslral-a
Aap. tba foor alara r^rMeated bp aoll«rp dtamoada. Us oaa tide of the
Plata y a tlraad Armp badpa. aad
tba otbv a stack of iora. as tba
omblam of tba eora bs^t of lUlaote.
Tbaaaaraoaaaelod ia ^Ipra and are
in ralJaf work._________ __


Mid whs


pcasr-naa* ta m-atra tm ladfts

.w.. r.;s

»;OOa.aL.Bandap sebooL
tthOO a. m., Preaeblng servioe.
Bervleea will be held today, aod are
B^rinaing on tbe 9tb of Marab tha
AM ever other Saadap.
Bent Stock On., with the weU kaowa
Frank Tneker ms tbs leading epMt.
will appear Ur a wtokb engagement
iatbeatpOpe^Haaee. Tbeeompaap
at 7 p. m.
has a reperidre of good atttaetlaM
aad It y eald that tbe cast te a
good oae. Tbe aggragatioa has kcM
Baadap aeboel at tbe alow of aiom- in Manistee daring tba past waek aad
the paper* of that place epeak bigblp
Bpwortb Leanm at 9:49 p. m.
el tbeir pertaRnaaew.
•The pmmbte of
Fiaak Tacker wae oaoe a popalar
MM-waak praper meottag. Tkondap vteitor in this dtp and a great maag
at 7;M a. m.
wiU be glad to greet him agale- Bo
A uecSlat laritatkm to tbe pabUe to bae met with a a
haadtaapped him la bte |
Ttaa M a peeallar eaet kaowa aa
Zloateto la Oatario, Caaada. Tbe ear.
dlaal doetetaa of tbeir creed M that vietim of a botal Are a few peaie ago,
boge are gBiitiiii br devUa. and aad la eaeaplag from a window here*
sboald. thcretasa. be killed.
Tbe eeived aerioas isjnrtei.
Zlontet farmaia.
have jolscd Mcotbor, driven all their
We offer one hundred doUare reward
boge lato one plane aad there kUled
for any ease of catarrh that cannot ba
them. In no instaaee allowing aap bf cored by Bairs Oatarrb Core. F. J. .
tbc meat to be aaad as food.
Obenep A Oo.. Props.. Toledo. O.
We. tbe onderalgned, bare known F.
The will nf George Blackman, who J. Cheney for the Iset U penr*. and
was a oenteaarlan of Derby. Conn, te believe 9n perfectly honorable In aU
transaetione. sod finandaUp
bp relatires
able to earrp ont any obligation mada
by tbeir Arm.
Shnmwaj In a former easi
West A Truax. tVholemle Dmot^to.
SOD over 90 peart of age wsa n
Toledo. O.. Waldlng. Kionaa
tally capable of meklng a will.
vio. Wholesale Droggyu,
U. Tole
Toledo. U.
ken lot
Working Might and Day
ly noon Ithe blood and
The busiest and mlRhtlesl llil'e mnenos
_ .._____snrfaces
________of thespstem. Price,
Sold bp all drnggtets.
ling that ever was
1^'' k°^tle eh
New Life PllU. Tbiwe
weskaeM into strength,>. llRtleaneoa into 1 Ball's Family Pills
are tbe bmt.
energy, brain fag into mental power I
-----They’re wouderful In building np the i Ban'i Asetbir
n candy.

George McLellan.

IaAIm. pracu -juaptBlt traapleer Dr. W. J. Eiggisi OacratiTi SmtlrtTf

It. bntlt will come np smlltng every
-==------ J—--------time.” Caimans Blastle Floor Varateh
aatmsB's 'ZBtarlV iaaris
tbs SMl
8 B. Walt <
4mble vamlab made'^

Left from the sale that are
exceptionally good bargains

Special Reduction Price.
About One Half Real Value.
If yoQ want to AaTO'from $i00to
$126 on yonr purofaMO, call now.
old goodi takon in pari payment
Eaiy tormA.

W. W. Kimball Co.
129]Front Street.

V. E. 0TBOVO, Manager

Removal Sale of Footwear

aoB Orooarp Oo. Tbc
.rt wju oe one
«no huir ^.f « ........ ..
of theSoesiontbe lakes and y being
balll at Petoskep.
- „ur-hslf ieas|««ufid
The eastings for IS basket makiog' radisU. unc-bulf t<-a>|s»urul i-f l••ulasblnes are being doished for Wit lo cstcbuii. mUliii; tiwcibcraiiduddlng
Item Jsekiofl. who y maklag the ma- *>m- Ik-sicu eg-.:. It alimilil Is- x-rved lo
ehlocB for tbe Wells-HIgman basket • *«n da-. « iib a Ions liaudliHi spoon,
. ,-T.ldc Talk.
Tbe iroa
> aod other iron]
e-aabtea-s ttebavw.
work for Prank yrtadrieh's new build ! Dainty UadkiTclilcfs In iislr colora
log oo Prent street are also being cast
ibisihliTed wltli wiilic arc pretty
bp tbe Arm and they *IU be well auda . mfl,,, u tlcli arc excocdlnaly vffetUve
Besldet tbeee the colomasfor tbe frontl if ilwy mnu-b tli« ■■rctallliis color In
of John T. Beadle's store, wbieb y to'the costume.
be Improved, are belag tamed onk
The newest nndcniklni. arc. made of
Daring the past pear the fouadrp has
rolon-d J'lvorh Dsiini-I
. I..X.
ID.b.r ol om.9'
* .
-*^ .Ilk Iw.iinit B-llli c.lvM ..r la... Irlln-

of the better grade Of eastings. Tbeyl tUc really new Ptvnrh -U-cm- Is Inbave Mdere tar tbvM aeis of gps' tiocvui of any ckim falwic at the lop.
engines for K*lcksoo lirjs of|Charla* Tho drop shoulder i-IT.-ci.-a|H«-ar ui>t
stea for the voix.
only on dressy nfliTOouu ami evenliis
Thesbrveare aaip a few of the or* dn-sw-s, b“« HkewU- ..u many of tU
pad asaetaai aarm mass >» a istotim der* on haad aod raoaaUp Zeomaloted recentlv Impornsl Irl.lal gown-, bolero
with molhtrs aad amall dbUdraa. It Tbe Irirm-smnnts te be mada will aa-!
waiaklp aaraa tbolr ooapba aad aoldt. ablatbe Arm to tara out mnsb largar
provaatlw pooamttala or olkar aorlana work asd they at
ooaacqaoaeaa. U alto earsa eroap
several good jobs.
mneh worn as while.
-• baa booa aaed ia teat of tbooMBd
eaam wltboat a tlapU faPora to
Tbeae am aa indleatioa of a healtbp i
,,^0* tics' with fringed ends
aa wa baaa ban able to laara. It
sd prosperoea eoodlUon of one of tba nrp siieii |n plaid, striped aod pUIn silk
oalp aaraa «oe^ bat wbaa pl*ea im
muwbtehy aambsrad as one of tbe and satin,
ooea aa tba aroapp ooaph a|mam wUl
. prapaattbabnaek.laeaaaaofwhoppiu thriving aad grewlBg e9aesraaofuy| Kusslan lace In bMvp qtMlliy and
doe Venetian laces are very mu^ emaoppbitmaliaa tba toapb maaw mak
ployed fof trimming I
gowns In tbe pastel coloca.
• MO<M<UaI. u»t WMtoWM •! Tap Br
Tbe coracre of men's caffs are now
baatODOgbieaNdyoaeortb. cnresacobl cat
rot squrc
aqurc or wltb abarply renoded
kicmcdsyiftsbmilBtime. SaadMett. priau^

Ladies' Russia
$3.60 Taos.

Hen’s Box Calf and
Enamel Shoes
Fingree & Smith Hake

Ladies’ Box Calf

Now $2.63

1-4 off.

Now $1.88

Ladies' High Out
$2 60 Skating
and Bicycle

800 Fairs of our
Fingree & Smith
Ladies’ Fine Shoes,
New Toes.
New Lasts, at

Now $1.88

Cut Prices.
Hen’s Felt Boots
with High Cut .

Boys’ Shoes,
20 Styles,
Every Pair at

Now $1.69

Cut Prices.
Felt and Beaver
Lumbermen’s Sox

The Old


Bubbers to Close Out
Ladies’s Sizes......... 26c
Men’s Sizes...............60o
Hisses’ Sizes........... 20c
Better Orades if Ton
Want Them.

Ladies’ Kids
Lace and
$1.60 kind.


Now $1.18
The Old


ii I Biiiiiiii iiiiii

I III iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi III III III I mil I



THE mwaHnra^BEOOBD, dtrin>AT, fbbbvabt as. i9oo.-pabt two
A DiBTnrotnsHEii sniOEoa dt


soitth atkica.

*MBcr Md
iIM ooe of Ute
I to «alM
• ovtoo. It boa
too loot

•orld'a ooro ua»m ,a ii
tors knovn IoUb oiwt Koat India w*i* a»«ll«l toiiMolu boor boa b«4 «Mc»a < ivm (to foWnau or Ht. paCorabniT
imolayoB urrlUrtV aod would and laiBdnn.
y«( today (to) ar« mor*
Mfeo to pefee an advratoTal iioo dowBimnuii

M vbcfl 1*0 aaw Oilrat »
la an tinaxparta^y a
with ito tooth Alkifan

f«c>una.<l at .VoN»io( urn n.-W
laiica .'oi'lia.

»i. imj.y--.-f (li.1. »hila to ou* cOto
,h.H. r..4.t.5) J(to all but
..t lu- nr'n^b u,^ .-.h- i.i-.r-.-ft
art.,-t.v.- ,»urc..rlnc »f tM
lb- Iiii ►
.. Hc -t-J
.1; OK .... tba lutomecr ambto
, .





^>n.- of ito iut-»i‘Mn- adjuiiila ..f .-vn> mlUlHr)which connta ear*
airy Hiii'ing lea ca la a otv" «*T furrlrrw. H.inwah.K-Ing at the front. hOW«
i> nm (M-i-fi.imM ai> II la
well si<Kk>-.| bUckatnItb abop. The oato
loi^e r>H]uirliui a ahuv b> at-lsaO
two or Ih.^ Kildtera. promptly diUBto
•r im lie alilv ami. whili- K la hi-IO down by a numla-r of Tommica, tbd
H|B» huj-aali.a-i K.~a lo work and liar lb.- rharam ahixl bTfore he could a*t
of oata. A amall iH.Habl.- tolli.u* ami fork.- cnabira Ihe facrier to traTil
atmui Ito liBca and do hl» wori; Vh.i-t.-r waiii.d The arvompanylnv Uluto




Mm had puatied her alrairfln rallwaya
la tto north of Itxila nearer and nearer
tto land of her dMir*.
Kaala. In her own terrtt«ryj hae been
varklBd Juet a* bard. The ca«r haa fnr
a land time hoea anslouf <n chneolidaie
MB oWm In tto eaai. and. Iwltta tbla
B buletl)' (naMlna
1 fronlleio In Aala.

bca. rrallarM (bai If
•e It le the |>r.-aent.
o«r of Ruealan ad*
vanree In the enM and vague re|M>r(»
I Downing atreel put Ita thinking cap that Tibet and AfghaniMati are tadog
gravity of the
Juet how (t will come out. It le im*
I Indian altuation. A Britlah force waa
and. ihouah^i one time auppoaad
poaalbir I., tell. If Kngland retalne her i
belons I.) tbr latter, are now oo
full Innueme and all the termor}' ehe
Ing to to rainfly looked upon na <
now cUlme and- holde aa her Indian .-m*
and out HrIlMh terrltor}'. .The ameer
A mllllary road wae opened up
Afghanlalan honever, In alao under i
thumb of the raar of Ruaala.
The from Peabawar and m aubaldy waa net*
I lied OB tto mnhur. thw making
■ luwiy.

rwe uci.u f veeew M ..e- -«<

y dowa to ‘the rmf of' Indian empire.


■ Tfra CKOHWfCl.t. BTATl'P..
There baa been a audden and m>*a*
terloua revival
nee of Napotoinlc literature. Al the
me time Lord Hoaehery haa been
Bucreafal In hli long atruggle to have
the Kngllah houae of parliament


torN" or the topey curvy b«r^. The eiuigrMion t.r thia unique houae of myatai> Aral eame fmm a Kuaeian engineer named Kotin, and a general Idea of It
will b>- obtained from the acoom|.an>iiig llluMmUen. Tbla exi
lag will rcttraaeiil a feudal manaion turned uiaide down, the r^ |«r«lootonn>
•tve'tnia The tWlor will atep In up through
» aeveral iiRi*a. w ill a-ume down to the cellar,
J t{p aa a tool gwrd* n. There w ill e\en be a terraced garden

both ehefand
water upMde town, and tto Hrawlng
tto laleal tua«a of the PoUea Bargara aJae upalde doww. Thia lltmtoa of tto
jDtarlor U ptwduced by an Inganleaa arrangetuent or mlrrora. Thta hogai topay
wrry dftdf <*»»
t*P<*>tlgh win to rapradwead--------------------------It Cbloagd BMOaMyUhai
.wd tto Bhffale agpoafUM.

mamorat* In acme beAtUng way tba
deada of tto great protector. A Mparb
auttia of Cromwelt by Hamo Tborayerogt. tto Engllah aealpior. baa at laat
baan araeted In lAmdon. facing Waal*
mlBiter* haU. On the occasloB of IM
Lord RoBaberr gave an alo*

rattle for food. Tbe Ihier doea
. .
He then
T anu and pula a bullet through lu brain with i
goto out after game, to to evea more aklHful In bringing down food for hto
larder. He ean pick oR with tbe ntmoat unroneent a deer at a thouaand
yarda and while going full gallop on bortobark. Although the younger ganerattw of Boara are not. perhaps, aiwfa agperl marttimen aa their faitora. tto
preaewt war In South Africa hat ahowo that thrit Mooting la by no aaaM U

It May aasUy be mym tmdar tto toala,
tto mattod «C waarlag tto ahtaM.



. T"’ "


•to iMMl hMn « tin.
Br% m ito cwnn « .«• faiin .(MML
, Cm* ->• f~* MMw ntilT mi* tte timm
l•w•nMa> li-». «.

illMt II. imdm *l>k mnru*

•to Hb .M hn> «Hk f««9 *>»«>• Win.
- M i C <• Ckanfam’ Jam

Tfie Town
A nmttmmi mm* —li Ml—
War •* Urlac ttava

Tba dar Uxdo. McKatchi rame hack
to towe art.T a leno of 6 repra aad 4
toonihi .ill tbc iienuraiiarr—be ibad b—a
■ toed time aiau—a aonber ok ritiaraa
le It a popinl to te at tto- ataltoo. Tbej
aed to a— bow to wobid ^‘brate it
Be awwDt off tto ptotforw Mneat bafare tto tram atoppad aad lirttfl fai< bat
ftaaklr bot aaamniBtly t« rre«rbud; ba

0-» » tli«*_y. iiw* |


Meaiilime tbr maa of whom fhr.r
nlkitiK lirnkly
lirnkly ui- llic
taiklar wa. wnlkitic
•trirel of hU rillaae
•Him s»-'
whom be kiwa Ur pn<AMil'il>r leak
lii-ea oarti*(i>.| offl<e>r
•ad wb«* hr hail Iwiray*^ the inui -n pcmttJ la him. aqd hr ha*l
iif at iti


"llr'i col nrrre all ricbt ee-ush.*
•tr^ hh lowaspeople, uaoldeiln de.-id»
Vhdbcr to madrma »r to adadn' thU
hardniMd of deniraaor. “If Tbad bern
be. you would B<

“Glad to wrh-ome yon hfrk. UeKnlcbt." raid lliey. "If we na be
•to oerriee. call oo ii»."
Tbe thaoki were made wllb ia Mraa«e
•toetaew n-hirta dUcoacerted ibnae wbo
.. d Ibrm..
«brm.. ■;They
. felt
In wM
«wy which they could aot n
Ml of ("

juewB periilbir anil (•orbap. t'
It war l.roodinc ' it
aalraiD place of in. owa aad fut t
todac il wn. (iDaiiproarbablr.
Mary I.e«ter. t r arbonhearbrr. bad a
aluMII It. "It la ant «- ea.y to
liberate the a. h I. the ^>dy." <be
fJd. "I .uppoM' hia tKiul
not yet.
fM «mt of Ita 1^1*011 atripea." !
‘icMri warn to lie'apythiaf
r man.* olad-rved ibe

a talkiiic to I

"Why ahoiild ibere heT' «he laqulred.
• what rv.lltwtlon be ..........................................



b Dot tlto oUnt toon ia Travers at^. jret K hag
Uagfat BoaB ol the old ones
boslBBM OMlhod»—We opeoed op a oew «ad higher atudard ia
rlotbiog, bats esd fatniebuigB eelling. We had tn
prove ottraelvi
D—We did—Aad dow the beet dreeeed
men of oor city, w e rote, mm idothed bp ns. We
pretend to
give goods Bwejr, yet, oomperuoD, frequently ead utdligMitlT toade,
ia justiboatioo
the statement tbat do hooee Id tbe
wUe reelly
dependBble elothlBg toy cheaper then we do.
Very iatereetiog veloes in men’s etnls at tiO. $li. $14. $16.
Splendid ahowing of men’e oveicoats and nlsters at from $5 to $18.
Ail the nobby lines of meo'e pants at $l.oO, $2. $3. $4, $5.
Suits for yonng m*en, age 14 to 3U, at from $:iiO to $1A


Oiertoaawbo ketf koely ylfU to
daaUab af(ht in Unto oto of tba war raUwty
It bad ool broknii<«^ow •tatbBt totod Urea wbleh at» aUrtUiic
toit auriable. Tbe nanai boon an (rum
T». m. util ?»■ m.. aad bow (bow It
woatyUcmrii dras only a maa haelxif
ta tbe •
Ob nMto railroada « ai«b( maa to
ftaoptotot IBM tbe way <rf aakbw Me-, way atatimm moat report to tbodiaKaitbt out. and. to ibelr anrpriae. be ac- pabtoer’a offloe by wire a» often aa cnee
eepied. Ue wore hb rbeap aad aaeoa- an boor ia cader tbat tbe diapateber
eintioDal •anueet. with a. morb ftaee any know tbat a)^ baa uot oecreoma
a. he bad hi. elefant attire ia tbe old tlieaena—af tbe lonely "tnrL” Now
daya. Ui* .-oarerutiuw. a. of old. wti tburery netweeaiy thlas-ndoi-p—to tbe |
aa broad and tetu-ral to Ha rbararter. moat hlttw enemy tbe "owl" baa to
aad.' to cap the cliiua*. after be bad ae- oimlesd with, bot tbe uaauer iu whioh
eepted tbe boqdtallly of a aumber Of
penoB. be bade ib«n all to hi. .bop. be iudalgtai it to
where they »nl oa chain, ine e*-ronr|« wy Ibe leant.
of oaotriTannea to aerre aa
had carted and ale oo a fmdilj »cn ’ ’
aa “eye opener'' are ccniceiTed by tbe
deal table.
When afl feb coeal. were waled
tolgbta of tbe key. bat tbe iugeniooafortahly before tbe
iMH of a «»■" wbo a tew yean aiio
Kaicbt apread - ■
"bekl down” a night Matiun oe tba
aaid In a cob.
tbe climax.
wrrtott n»y
my term in tba
“When 1 t
.Fxom tbe lime of bit Uni taking tbe
____ _ .I work.
. jed nrit a
euce’t. prlroa.
“ ,
lbe« be told a tale poaittae be waa tbe aoatoe of more aatbe dtope
dtopateber beoaueof
____ aherontaxhomor and patboa held , W^BBOe toto tbe
e other optbe Uatener. to threll. He went <m wKh [ bto little "napi” than

”^E>l.fct oiIM oalu
Mws* and nt ■■ ai ir

One hundred dotp
i shirts for men, $1 to $1.50.
These shirts are spring patterns, nobby stuff tbat the other fellows will
show much later—if ever. And surely it'll be some time b^ore you
6nd‘ the new I'tdka Pot Fonr-ln-Heitd in any .other sUire—They're
hot sellers at 30c.

A F'ew Specials For Monday:

•ooli of tbr mra who bad biwe foead I ••tiuoled uvw tbe cuala" Inunintwable
out were told Urv. aad the lalker die- ■
fmmilae that tbe next
cereced ta IBC lUienen inany a tbiof of ; qw,.o« nteont
Mr “Owl" be-

“No «oT*i4 tiaaiwa tbera."
“No.“ aald aaMber. “aor rH Mar dra#|tat vf ibr Vfi r.xrt.
DooMi’t wm to
Wra aar of tbr .itiia that you trad about
tf which a coatii-l caay hr drtrH.^l-''
Tboar wrrro'1 thr r»cniiu<t>T idofiir*
j ritbrr." added lb.- «rM man
I bare made Ibe raito of j.n
•ttor .all."

brought a
aeror could gire to one who had I to «» ‘*t«r mil of tbe track ia front to
. . an olfeiirlrr aminrt hlmwlf aad tbe bto window, be ran It throng a bole
law. Hr warned to gire tbe key to tbe ; Into tbe cdBoe. Tbeo percbiug bimwlf |
towB reprubaie-a plarldliy Tbe ! apuoatabto be tied tbe cord aroand bto .
leerned a greet deal that alght. and tbey
cloaodhtoey‘««»da1eptoti “with-1
Tartly emertained a* wdl.
out a care for the morrow."

' think be wa. enilearnring to eijdala
coufided Mary lA—Cer n Piurba
Ktatiou, the oowcali her to
"It wa. mote ahuurbiug m me than any
play I ever aaw." .aid Mim rtillingbam. tached to tbe riil. and Mr. "Owl” rad“Tbc maa ba. a moat atrikiag (•eraonali- deiily found blmaelf lying on tbe floor
ty. He ba. alwaya been ibe uinat iw wide dwake.
markaUc peranii h
By tbi. method be waa alwaya on
Mim Uilllngbam «h<> made a baud o report tbe arriTal and d
^upiMirion In the ex-courict.
"1 hare wtoie innuer I want to tareet."
laid .be. “anb I'd like le inrext It la r . ' .
that would bring an inter-j
•» prompt—T.
eat tot ' my life. What do you uy
aetttog up a factory fur handmade,
ttolic litira from nrigliial deeigni. tba
BtV to be Iiaiiugham 4: McKoigbl?“
"I ihink 1 atwnid be doing an iajuatke
to you." Mid UcKnight. and it waa tbe
The art of ^^eriog wtifleial aid to
flrel word of aelf deprettatwn tbat any
the memory by a»ociatii
one bad heard him apeak.
"You are laUuken." aaU Mias Uillior tblnga
ham firmly- ''V<>u will only andst me In Which are emy to leeanuoliou to aaid to
arldiDg to my reimtatioD fur eceentridly. bare crigiuatett with tbe Egyptiana
Beaidetk. It will glee you BHiney whicb Tbe find ptowai to rednoe it to a eyatem
you need for—for lealilutiuii aud rebatoOiwro, tbe -puet tiibUitailon."
"Neeer mind about tbe rebaUlilattoa.’’ tuouldta, who hr«d 500 B. C.
Ian ilit known at tim topical or locality
•aid he. "Itui if you <WQ make the rca- plan
titn!k.n poM-ible I idMlI far at your aerr- plau I td waa in nnbetauev oa foUowi:
a large liuaMi, with a utuuberto
ke. nu mailer wbat yoo a.k. (ill tbe day
diOtTently fnrni.licd apaniucuta in it
of my death. lire year, later, tbat reatitution InipTMW niam tbe mind i-arefnlly all
waa «uu|.ln..J. the firm of Dilllugbam & ,
„wic«a|.|e iu tbe boaaa. ao that I
McKfiUbt w«7 rrtchrated and proaper | the BiitHi oui r.wdily
j|^ go „v..r
over the
the tmrta.
I rviuitaiion owing lu I
Tbeo place a aerini u( idem, iu tbe bocuie
■lory DO Icaa than to the di
—ibe flrat in tis' ball, tbc uest Iu tbe
rautiful f-harai-MT «
d l>saut
■itting nmu, au.l m> uu with tbe rent.
"No* what .hall I do)"’ aaked tbe Til­ Now. xrtieL ouctvtohix> to Tvcall
lage rvprolwtc hutuoruuriy Ibe day be i<]«M iu tbeir pro|i<.v aarofrunon. ciuirctnnied from the pu.Mm-ut - tail laat mviire going thrungli the buase. iiud tbe
cent of ci'UiM-lcocr money.
, lilca placed lu each departnuat will be
"You might
. ... 111.
Tou,fonu€i to r^«l!jy wrt'ur to tlw wiuJ iu

want 1o Ibe iiruilriiliary al alll Hr ha.
Iweo puui.bed a. he ilewrveii 1 .up|toae he rva*oiia that that bHii> to wipe
Mt tbe acui'. .\n<T a rbitd iu my
toboel ba.
bta diwert. 1 notoce bilu
•bd prlvIleevH. .\ uioral

■ever have itune Imh k In IliU
l.urlu. kliKuiiiht
. .Lor
I know abc U.TC1'
Wee where tbe wor.| I.
WB W hi
tblpk be ha. eirrilral rournfd- > w>*b
"I win put w taiere*i« la tny life mtc
be wnold rail ou oh- I’d mak^ him w.-lyottra."
I* a foot Loeina. W’eMI tol be
Bnl be .alb.d .« no oar. He iulwd, “IWt
, ..
OB. Btid wr Tc bad aorrow
-K ... ... 11...
lary. .xlid let toe lu•caaillTviHwa awl aufircrtol aaf the oulf I
Mf he gave.
1 godmother to j i>.
Tbe neroiia tminiiug after tu* reiors
,tS Bis! Willow l.ufiua McKiiigbl rriitid ! “ "
beiw lo rotnuiand. he
• Hub., old. OUIM-.r?' umeio,^
wnictuiT lo.
<ui ttnin
Mnin Ij *»■•.'aiuiT be
•ireit. which had lieea b fiT-ver from
tbr eariy day., au.l
-rub It
«»"'-«> • l‘~»«»-1
•at anil to po|"'iV»d lulini H with bto " ‘ "
Tbe pel.
who bad lb.
of falm



- — P-

waa flt*t suggivted to tbe V«t by a
•lo occoro-uiv. ilaviiig been e
from a bauqnel joat befote tbs roof of
toe faomnbomw (Vll
fell ami ernabed all tbe rvat
of tbe ooiupauy, he fonnd on reinruiiig
tbat tbe bodioa were ao nioiilaied tli.U
Boimlirtilnal could In. wcogi.iwxl, but
imt by
tuemto-riug the placva wblcb ih.y
sc>-erallyocvtipii«i alllie table he
able to lil«s>tity ibcni. He wai thua led
iKilicv llial tbe
Ibe order of places
to iKilW
*by awociation
■ ■■
uuggi' - tbe <

pred white ebirts. the beat 50e shirt in town. Boy's ki ' panto worth $1.00
reduced to 6^—til uses are here. Oenoine Imported Sv^otch Gloves. Rlwayt sell at Toe. now 48c.
Union Made Coidnroy Knee Pants. $3.00 worth of wear for $1 00.
Here are some excellent linee
of Underwear, with jnst eit*
ough cotton to shrink the
price and prevent shriuking of the gooda—
lar a garment


c ^ o:::r=



<ae^l...i h<i|. ID

Oak •baitero la Wlat Tlmro.

klx>.^>i»M.rt> av.-iiniv front Dorchea-'
^ ,o tire hanl. tlelddf Concord, Ibruugh 1

Ol Ih'ir AtH wl*«s I,, high.*

L"T™v,2'wtr:.-rs.rr.7 rrn^iTTi.ri.Tr.rf ^7-ntslH'd BadgeL
pul up lbc.abjtteni. if they had

than tu
to tty
tiy to '
'Tbe <iM-luy
.-nemy knew Ix-tler
xhnui-r* ..r xbix.i•I ibroiigh
nMOVe'a lucuu. Tbe buna relusea lue ,
n'hi-u rl~I
beialook (bnl tbc goat eats with |
. d.. it. n-hi-u
P« up the xbutti-r* iu *orb aa
tbe other baud,
■"•••*-- ibi-y l.x-k.-d tin. d.x.r aud tbd to gnu rtonaea^ some plantx that are eUto)
Tbe tobacco plant ia
by tbe
« • abuep.

was over ...j,...
t'eUat* «
from to.Tbawki^ aad'huiwh^^^^
avoided by Ml save tbe goat. uiu> m*
,bey an-ra*u itH..>

oak shatter ta Saw bat only rolUiTely so; being .WtafoL to




Fashionable Outtittere




i hate a
largetnomlier of

Wbkb Can be Kcnmdied by theUse to

Dr. Chase's Kjdney-Uver Pills
uiing of life—after tbc
Ilea a .: foagbl-wby sbooldo’t tbc
... folk, enjoy
njor in comiort tbeir well-


earacd rest ?

It ia nsnally the kidneys which first
get oat of order, aud cansr backacbei.
bcadacbca and uriuan- troublea.
Afilters of tbe blobd tbe kidaeya work
hard to maoee from tbe body the laat
trace ol poiaonons aric: acid, bat tbev
do get tired aad caoae pain in Ibt
back, and aalcaa aiteuded to will toare
foal poiaooa iu the ■' ’
canae the moat piio

Ju«t received from iDdiane and among
^bem are aome of tbe' fineat animals ever
broagfat to tbia region. Pricea are low and
etook tbe beat. Call and look them over
before|baying elaewb^re.


••found’*for team»,at LevoTiog Mich. "



We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
Ami none are poor stock,
ab you know b bt-iter after
I. Fverybody wlio nii^ei soap know .tbe stoiidard makse
i ben they see the name on tbe wrappers. Wo will giv^yoo good vajue« for 3c, 10c, U-V. 33c and -*i0c per cak.-.


For Sale



Tbe mayor'K wifi- waa Ibe i It tn nlTer
v«rk I.. ihi- •
tbe fa«hi.>n
d..n i w
tbe alwiKv to flying
oraaiuaMs,i«- any
BBi nIJ lim.linn- xhiiti.T.
«biiiiiT> efi tbe mid
. - duaf. More
sen ki'l'l hiui i-auiiig chair*^
tiat hr bad win.l..** to tbe rtunw tn im.v ii.wu, aa pululaof hifliudc iutenwt arc iutiew in
Undertaking Parlors j
e to SO inilra than
..I,..,..I r.1;lane
1st. Clara
(hat bi.•...-MiiMa *.*.* ...
........ tot mty similar tnaoKiuM roan tn tbe
WlUlama. aa espntea^ ambtoairr t* smolittle later a .-uniplrted chair Mix.! ia bto f*”to*kb«>''d •bnit.v* were all Ibe oontitry, not exce^ing tR. Oeorge’a av-SalthtaliB. KropaeltnU]
♦ lud..*, 1? ear not an (WdLary ebair. Prto«'e1b«> 'be buxiuro. m.*i had nira.nrt euuc, rlie aute-Ht-ruIntiobaxy iniUtary

iiul it* fiMlabiuc It rtn.»i an H*""*' ““d
beantirnl eautuid.-i.r wurkuiBildiir
l>B.I teakkllaa i'birlx Dilliiicliam.
.~.-w.xd ami
sroral an.1 o~.-w.xd
an.i Jafisu.-~- inlaytag In her tie* h.>it*e ai
I wb,^ .be Ml* It. in
A.IP (. (a«a..R«S as ■
*sM th.. I.>wn reprobateidMMnll^
Dilliagljau.. .itl^
from a |dan of my ..un ot after any de•ton J MU tu^ can-1.. ridttuit." j
"V.i: tvmemU. ibuw mnitrattiwa of
aniHjiii-fartointie I bave^ad I o lotgc. Mr.


Are Usually Due to Some Ow
rangcroent of tbc


* «Mri. aUh-g.

Worth more money.

S. BENDA^ 5, CO.


If yon enn find s fknlt
^ here,
- tell the proprietor.

' Sot as old as we will be, but healthy and bare come to sUy.


hesri'* yox.-t-bii-av-.. Trilume.

hers, tell others.

$7 60. $10.00.
and $11.60.

If yuu don’t think yon get vonr money's worth— get' yoor money bark.


written It. th.. di-tiurt band wbu-h the


If 70U esn’t find s fsolt

Hare hatl an enormous sale.
A few ‘iPrii Ke-Ons” left.

Remember we aell inaide wearaldca that beluug with our Huperior outside
clothes, all at inaide prices.

Dr. Cbatc'a Klduej-Urer Pills strike
iroofale by ntakiag tbr
tbe root
.. ...
- ,4
kidaeya strong, bealtbr
They care Brigbt'a dlaeaae.
diabetes and all ditcaaea of tbc kidneys,
liver aad bladder, aa well aa cbrouic
eoastipatioa. Tbey batv won tbc admiratloD of old people in particaiar, be­
cause tbey make U possible for them to
enjoy in oW «e the comfort and real
ibcT have so well earned.
Mr. J. D. Brigblmau, Ledrard, N. V.,
a pliuiip little body uu wntm: ”1 am a bUckainUfa. aad have
tlmviw utily iu ^lio bad kidney dtaeaae ia ita Worst form.
At times 1 could aot strsigbtea up. and
i. I.— .......... . , .u.n.T to troptm. New \ork'i. .inpplynf c
five years 1 was never tree from back­
if big dinner* bv.k.xl agliart.'^lier,'. up.
lu ekin- c.iu.w frimi P.-ru uti.l V..|iceucla for
ache ana temble pains. Ur. Alexaadct
peered lo be m. -dt e<«*rl..u«Sc.* ato.ut ,
iaT|«~-iiWe to rrirb-Te «ome eblidly. The JItile l«o.t».liavo to Us Thomas recommended Dr. A. W. Cbaac's
Tbi-re » • iH.lbiuc :B|<|.ruat'hrilijei-ie.1 the one «bc lirt.-aed.
' kilhrt willi the utinad precantiou not lu Kidocy-Liver Pilla so highly that I tried
lag 1.1'aTn.lo ii. Ii
•*-— —■* —----- entirely free

Ue grav. ly did v
iii*ii.i.d Mi» itilliugbam "But nearly aa teiidef and i-uft a.s a Web to
Dr. A. W. Cbaae'a
XbvIC *-■:
silk. They aiv iii« vummutiaAtiunto u..r
r when
- bniie a sign
' sbnudout iu tbeir Suntb Am. ricmi
Lufred by bimf..|r tn-forc
............eo that a pcrl.x-t cbinobillu akin -]
_“Cane Ibuioimd 1,-bilM ! W.-wted
Jl^If^lVradr^ iried Mto. Dll i whi-u it arTiviii. cuatoma paid, iu lim
port o
of Now York, .-.vily fetebro $10 or !'
$13 for its liaud'a bTiisdtb
.sdt'b u.
of -u*.
that keep iu t^tod
condition Ibe delicate pelt
:m.w. Ire ,uil tbe inakingupto....................
amall biia
^ woui.! have oITmi^ui. n jul.T “T]‘ “
rourage Thai ^
abajxxi.mnflb aud circa- I

Be ba.l BO pr..t.---li.n Mve baiiking. and , * |'.l
"\l\ "“iiniiJUk........J-i. .
««Pe Collars worn ibis noaoon easily ]
Ibal ia.Hwd t.. bill. f..reTvi^li. bad tio
.h* »:dce a cbincbiHn wrap miwv <wtly i
^t>v •’S.T’i.t ill.- 11.- hsb ttxvLily Hrtcncr.
„ ,
^ But alie did not att.-mpt te OX- thau enuiiie or aable. A perfi-ct aliu. |
p^rtHd. I thmU th. mau hs. Mn*c ,
' md lariP^
Iargi:r than a small prtk.
picket Imndk.-r- J
the rtatkie clm-f. ton TTvelatinu in for growth. Tbe’
«"uidc sud wsTfd them leztnrc to . very hair u finer than fl.iM i
silk, tbeleiigth of il nearly au Inch I





Best to be had in
tbe city is at

■amplafi in window.

A New
Carload of Horses
arrived Saturday noon, All in need of
horses for logging will call on me and get
a square deaL
Some of all kinds.



new WAT tt watca niAsciej
A MV MUtod «f cwMlM tiar bu
•ne iMo efffcl la aU depania^ oC
tkp goTcnuDettt of Ftman. alxl lb*
kiT MV oSb-iallr rcckoDftl U
tlat MMoirj fruBi 1 lu :i4.
«U •»tou> of AirMInf dajra lat«
tw» portod* of 13 boon cacli ba« bm
•Mtabfd. Md uerfaftw aU iorms
■nt «muDOBt« vUi be dated iceort-

lac to ttv



sd atMrmao
tbe rMUnc card are tecnlned by cbv
>touk tbe iDfrincenent of vbicb ataaDpa
Joneaa beyond tbe•urial (lale. Mya-Taa
Ladten* Home JoanMl. frooi whkb tbe
> folwwlBc iteoM Til “sood form" are
A lady'a HalHor raid ia of tnidlau
etoe. mcmred la anipt or Botaaa tattera thevddreaa In ibe rt»bt band ««>•
arr. tbe recepfhia «iay la (be left. A
naa’a card la bmaUer. tiarlnx tbe aaiae
tvtaied iu fall, wliboat IniUala. vHb
Ibe predi ‘'Hr-*' *nd bearlM tbe ad
Ofbla bome or dak

ebaafe «as dm atade tbi
l^Mattee eoactiv
^ tbe burran of
aarlag ItMtf of tbe anppon of tbe alB'
latiT. It recciead tbe aaecUos jof tb«
cararaBeBt becaiwe It in bHlered It
will nake tbe reekoDtaf of tioie raon
a|agda aad vW mn nanr i
to tbe poUk that aroae oni of tltedoaMe pwlod arateiB.
• VDder tbe old melbod It waa oeceoaaiT to dMlifT an boar with' anteBMfldlao or po«( meridian, aa the

and pb.reklaaa Kueb cards
voold nsd. -Vaptaia John Lei^.
vitb nanie of reduetil or corpe,
«d Hutea army or nary. In left
cottier, or “Ur. John Leater,*' wltb
rank aad retlueai uadcr tbe aaine;
“Mr. Jnattce Bcakwao,*' "Iler. John
Stonn. D. tL." “Dr. KeaneHi Kellogg.*'
“Mra- Colonel Doe" aad “lira. Dr.
Doa" are iiotb lucorreci.
A young womaa entering anriely baa
bef name below her motber'a oe tbe
aanie card, bat abe may use tier own
aa wHI. tlie prt4x "UIm" abould aP
waya areunipaay tbe ‘name of an uaftaqMaU) prored rery eoelly. Tender married woman.
tbe BMT ayelen It la only aecoeeary 18
A widow reulaa her huabaod'a
erder to make a deflatte Idea of Ume Cbriatiaa uauio or aoP aa abe phvoea.
it Boineiliuea oecaalona emlmmiaahearlng hl« fatber**
name la married. By reaaoa of aeniortty a widow's caid may then nvd,
“UroL lUauk." Thin precedence la nuw
d by i
r of a I

-M. .nd

tva.vTY**tK;B Bova but. i
•a cire the day aad boar. Antcn^eHdlaa
and iioet nKYldluii ere uot uiTernary
farlbra iu m-koiilna liiue beiauae
there l* an Miwr u UIvIhIoR of (lie itay
arenrdInK to that atancUrd.
Under ibe new ayetem a day ieirina
at tatdnlirtil. tt'liat hi I o'clock fa tlv
afiarDooa umh-r Ihe-old uM-thod| la 18
•’dock ondcr tlie new.
Rraace la prolMhly Hie Aral Mceraaval to adopt Ihlx ayateoi of cirantlai
ttane. Inil It liaa Ihvii Id voiruo
rallroada of t.'aiiaila for aeveral fit
Tbe tiareilny puUir of the UtliTloi
try baa fonnd the eontlDuuua | hour
■ avtlud boib («n^l<*at and aldtvnptafeoiw. Then- liia Uim e»m<> talk
atnone rniinad men of iulrmluclny Ibe
Welitii III thia .-..uiiiry. hiiMlie i?a<Ti>*akiii haa uoi n.iinired aiiltlHoni 1|nt»rtanee in hrliii: niHini ouy dodalte e>
preaeloD of opluloa.
RCeel «r Altitnde.
ivrliapa III II . «iati iu ihp t'nl
^Iniaii- Ml> mn.
mix h i<> do vlth thee el am
ter of the
UK III ('•donide.
lie. la (1
ronteiithiu of n iiTlIPr ID .Mnalm-'ii
aya In imh: • •in Into rnjinndo. Hlmi.
•1 eilMTCi'

a Biilr fnrthi’r
•riiollara of E^ld a
•adrille BMl a, do:
...... ii will lAkej yo„
luibliik tvhai ekaliaihni ih^re ia
tn dtrelllRC Iberi' alwflya. n-li:il aiaylnc
pow«^ Ibe'|■l•>ll■a'l> nniel luive'had.
Wall a day «r m.. iiqiiI the venbr^. haa
paeaed away. n»d ihe ethtlahiilon
^ Mimea to you thill alua.ra ■•..iiii-k when
yon liave •■lliiilied a inouiiia.iii] and
Mood upon itK top and inval
a wkle wnrhl that (•k|«nda l<elowiynn.
Th)-a you will lH>irla to f*ad
trie. Hull nervoiia aurHiarfe.
doiiiliahle. iindlMemiraeiabhtowjviac aplrll of ideviiiiuu and! atlll
farther elevation tliai niaki^ <'o(i|
almoal lh<- llveliiMl. the mi
pnwKlhh.. III.. i„oAi .let,.riiiln.Hl

In Hie .tiiUTl<.nu laaly. mu'lal

Tbe wlwt- tbrrwiwtiih- rulue of gargUog any. a m.-Ukvl auibority. do- on wbetbet the iluUi naod n>acJ»H>xia uiewbretMuiewbratM- of tbe phar*
ea tbe luacixia
yai aad loualla
loualla or dm.
vbo bare lieen leMiog lif matter dadare that1 a IPjuid canabi reach tba
latik of tbe tli^t beevoae
tbe air es|ielh-tl by tbe IMtpa in tbe
effort of gargltug. <ia well aa (be obape
imiM by the vkUui. throwa Ibe
IPintd away fruai tbe reiy puts It la
anppOM.<d to reacU.
Tbe eX|H-riDi4-Dta wbk-L have deowoptnted Hw inuHllly of gargling were
made by -Dr. Kauger of Mnalcb and
bare aioce been confirmed by many




Tbe lonallK of a ^Ik-Ut ww
painted with meibyleoe Idne. a very
Bolable whk-b glr.-a aa Inteaae
color. Tbe patient waa Un-a giren a
glass of itfalB dIaiHled water sod was
h> gargle with IL


r^foMKl to accept the reward, saying:
"\v,. did not know II waa roar dog.
or we o.-ver would hare lakM lu end
it will uev^r be aiolee from you br us
•8»‘o ”


a of the |i
ed over with wbivi flour, wblcb Is rieb
tn starch. an<l he was ibi*n given
weak nolntlon of Iodine
ne to gargle.
ThIa prcKi>durc
tbe llqnid Wliieb tbe patient was nsing
as a gargle t.iuehed tlie wheat flonr It
wrnoM imoiMii.ioir nJor It bloe. When

and tbe folded br Mimed down cai-d,
bloe reaetl.m of the lo-llne. ihowlag
algiiirying a personsl rail. I. obaulete.
that tbe flour had l.-eo rvachi-d hy tbe
After re>.elvlng invitations (be eti­
liquid, hnt on the touRlIa the flour bad
quette of calls aud cards varies tn dlfneither been eolorwt nor washed away.
(eri-ut countries and cities. In Loadun
and 1‘aris the giiestA afiiv a dinner or
ball, hflsiuii to leave Hieir ennia ujiob
their hoatess Ha- next day. nfler which
me liimois Horthey nuiy coll at their eoav.-olcnc tl^l.ur.1 MK-I«y U H. ('aHoway-aid:
With ns ,-ounesy demand. H«t a IH-^ t
•'•'’I"**'"''- atreagUieulng.
soual mil Ik- made afiei a dianer or
«»o«r1shlai. 1
luuebioD iBvitailon and within a week
«^‘H-iiee to the kind made by
after the fuiirilon. A ngrel lmi«sca
Hie same ohilgntiou.
aufferinB from rhenmniUin. uervoui
. After a weildliig one mils tiiN.u those
"Wl uerrons dysp.-|wla sliould
la whoM' Mines the iuvitailuus
;«» «-lcry rad mriilisi. Onions are allaauedainl u|k>d Ihe ymiug couple with»“•*» uerrlue known and wlU
la Hie .tear A bride calls u|»n hei- 'Tub-kly n-lieve and tom- up a womout
friend. -Mil.v lifter they have |oiid herlV*"“*
'-»ellelal In .-asi-s of
that atieiiiiuii.
icoughs. isihls. luUiu uu. scurvy and
The prisKiH* of guests At a rt-eep
lomplalnis. 1.1-uue.. .-au-n hy
Hon Is ntsounUKl a visit. They leave
r Ifoui Insouiuhi Is lientheir mnU ninl thos.- of Ihe alwejil ;«^«''lal. Irf-t ihosi- who n.-ed Inni fora
.. ..... ..
of their families in The bad i
«*' •‘i'luac h, nod h i Hie drug
iK-fore eiiieriug tbe drawing 6r recep
•■<'"«>«« sufferiugr from
tiMi ixNim.
iffravel should i-at onions aud s|ilnach.
1-hoso unable Ml aeeepi welding
should^U- inlen hy Hk-.- who
«-.t,.pilou ihvliatious send tards i„. • bate aathma. U-t ho uikkUuciosAKl lu euvelo|K-s on the day of th- '^Huscd |H-rs|ilr*«5^B to relieve oter^
fuuviUiu. by lunid or pi»i. and call olt
kidneys and longs <ai iisparai-rtvanL .tfu-r any oiht-r form ol eu .»*'»- fmiils irh-s ar-' (.nqs-r ill.-t for
tcnalnnieut .-arils muy be wm. imt. : »>*ose snlT.-rliig from erysliH-l:is, They
when |s»Mll>le. a .-all aliuiihl In- made ’Obonld also Is-applleil esteily. I..i-m111 |M-rMHi.
t*”'” satisfy and tl«- ib|nii in fever.
A lady's ms ial vlsiiliig Is : Blaeklsri-les nr- a louh-. BlaeklK-rr.r
hy as t.y a csP-. Th. re uinirt |«'wc'll«l Is «h.- [woiht r.-n«s|y for dlarlieniall fur a cntlund a curd foraeanl rhea. I'.tkous who aiv lilllnu-.. w ho
.\I the lirsl ivill of the si^asoii a mar- Inive liidlE.-Kiion nlul ilyaiie|n.ia. .siodlrlisl woman h-ntes. wiib her two ,tio«» for which .■ahmiel Is usually pro­
of her huslwml s .anU tbe lady
"b.mld let the <-alomeI aloue
aud iiiBsi>-r ..f Hie housi- nnd three of
fr.-.-l'’ of ripe loiuatiM*. l^t
h.'-r sou's If ib.-s Ik- ynnug ladles in fbose who have rh.iiiiiuilsni iiud oikhI
the fuiuily. If her fri.ii.l Iw at hi.......
*P««icni cot pU jdniii. Tlie a|ipUr.
abe idunv Hieii. .hi tbe hnil lahh-. aend- eMy-IlIng oih.-r fruits iu phosphoric
lUE her ..»II .aid by the Oervaut. At
*■ ■“ ex.-ell.-m l.rutn f.sid. It I.
aubwi|U.-iil -nils sbe uee.1 not liwveaiul dlillvllc and In-li.v oiivl
b. r hiislmnd's .anl iiulciu he has re- *•*<■«' Indlges-.l.m nii.I dys|K-j.sla and os(vivitl an III.Iiniloii. and she DiB.r 8l
k.ldn.-y s-H-rt-iloii nud preveuis
low her ............. .. .laiishl.-rs lo assume
th.-ir own uldlgatlous.

MHaae'* For Llfitaa.
.1 i-hiinEi'
of reahleoee
BKvtro iiiugu.-is arc iKssmilng wqre
-...I eart.. inthe -.stsoi, by seuJhig
r,,r llfiiug puriKm-s.
<wr.Mo all «m-s a«jualniBiiecs. wiib,wnshhig.oi, Slur, and ai«
Ho- new u.!dr.-» au.l r.s-e|.ifoi. .lay.
,p, ,iie w.irk r..rim-rlv ne.nmir a ha. » »rs.iiU..n day. her jpihdH-d by menu- of a . t.alu >md hook,
fih-iids KhotiUI iry to .all nt Hint Hm.- |VvlK-re hoi Iron
|uiv.- Io U- imoKli. I..HSI not isHvlv.- ihrmc- ............ on
„ie,2T.illiy ..f th.- .-lei-im
any ..ilH-t .la.. :Ki„.rouht lo ver be sure L.„,^.uet m.-iloKl i. i.MK.t pr..u.mmK-.l.
of on hour nt home. Tbe i* , Urge Kuglish Mimdry a uuiuIkt
servoia ..bould I- previously msEm-u
lEiu-is eapn
capable .if eare-1 lobgl..- Ihe some iiiessaEe to ail ‘rvlUE It I.M.I of
IMiunds an- uk<hI.
coiners. "Mrs. lloun-r is euEag.-<l tislay xIk
oiagm-is foiiMiiu.BHIIK-I-.S
ami Is *.irr> mu to Ik- able to m-c oiij iof •■iinvul ni a i.r.-sMirr «.f 11.r rolls
on.-,*' at w liii-h nolle .-ouhl tube uffi-us- '.Vt lh<- VV.KdWh-h am-uni Ihe grenler
» I’apalar U
Is done by .-h-i-tro niaBiieis. Many laige
Line a .-harloiii- imdd .. lih lady Ap
Works iiu this eouutry mu- Ih.-m fur
gi-rs. eiilliug iheiu off . v.Ktiy al
«P f\,„|
hi-ii.y w.-lghts. iivnstK>rtiiiE
and h-aviug n small s|mv betwn-n
ilieio rapidly from .me |m>Iih to an
Hleni. I'hlil auU whip Ihreiother b.v .-hs-lrle motors. Uiigm-ls of
thin cn-uni .one eu|i ihick .-ream uud
Cioin one to five horse|s>wir .-irv the
two rti|M rich mllb iiui.t Im- iisi-di. drain UHiul Sixes IIW-.I.
ami chill ngiilu
Kofum due labha|Hsiiiful -of g.-lntlu In on.-foiirth .up of .-..hi bla.-k .-..ffee. Scald
. ..............
,.-i. .
H.n- rotirtl....rn .-oiM.rii.ilfcoi-.n«ni
‘ Ij ,,
| *f

« ..



Is oft^ a (%af; eBpeC'
iallj when the dgac

Havana Sfnoiier
It's a winner.

DRS. B. S. & CO.

Ptaillpplna Hoe sabs A good thing
la eaady. Ooorga MeLollaa. sTl-tf

leriy of Sow Vsak. an

' StTf ^OQ dlStd At tllfl Xittll T>T.


CoBsultalioi agd EumiHtiM Fm iil Sirietlf CoifieiiM.

I Ban's AMtbar



^5c Pig Tail



Tjected from bia inoutb wan exaiulaed.
Balm." writes Mr. W. H. SUaletoa.
s fonnd to Iw a^lmely colorlens. i “

•‘I.bara been tfflietod
A glance at tbe patio's luoslls abow- j with rbeoaiatlsm to sevs^ years sj^
ed that they were aa bine as ever. ' b^vo triad niaadica wltboat'nambar.
Then aoother andmore wiact expert- ‘ but P*la Balm Is tbs boat madJeiBa I
B»ent waa de. hted niion.
|hsre ffol hold of." Oos applieaUoa
When starch ia loncbed hy iodine. It ' eelisras tbs aaln. For sals by 8. B.
- dmfffflau

< •re.rho, ■

Mean ledictl and Snrgioil institnte of Mnskcgoi, lieL


Alfboaiih ii ha. IM..0 |in.v..t that the
gitvter uuiiil.-r of Hie iiCHlareip .if
patrefaition koonn n. ix-iuiaiu.'aj are
DM polaoDoua M-hni... hn. noi iawn
St>b‘ tu dlnOaKHiKh |ir.'i.'iiil.<.|,» latwrea the deadl.r. and the hnrinkeua.
Acinllny lo-a writer In Hi.. tlaltlinnn>
Amerleati. It la rarely, eriei in .tiw.*
of .h«Ui fmtu
that (lie elualvie pii.nialne hat iHvnldla- ..M I...II •
..r M»ar. u™. IM
eerered In uncwllus eianiiiuiijuuv
flwmlriil Bcriii* are dlM'i.ri-riHl known
to iadhaie the pr<-*>n<a- of pionuiliH*.
bat tbe .kllh.t .'heinUi iu>. fnitnA at
Ibe Md of huiE aii.r .«rer>il aaa|.i >’«
that aaaiehow ib)- pimvfa.ilie aikuMd ba* d>..ini|H»e<|. •■va|«>nite<j ..r
Wn rteatroye.1 by a nwpeat lie tlied.
Tbe fuel Hull the fudMiit i. of pi|ire
.uriKs .MsKumr ar«ar,
fadive oriain ylveu WflEhi to it||:|piv.
rsnlhfU that fi.xl to lie haiint. i^ Ipnat yelks of two ,-Evs; add one fourth of
be al^iiMy fts»h an<l pr<iain.d Vlib .tip ..r suaai and .siuk In the but milk
: add
tbe.>i'teale>t miv. and in ihia ...ijalal until ihv --UKtaid c
■ofi-siumU tuM^Ihle aci^uat
Ml.mall..,, Wla-n the mixture lo­
gins 10 ail(r<-o. fold In the whip from
■.PV.irvM —j
the creaw aud tnni Into the lined mold.
Tbe Uitmablp of lluBUianhy. a IriP When riioPotiEhlv Met and chilled, .lip
-lar- between i(.-ariuiroaab and lirid- tbe iutd.1 In ni-M water aud iotett ov.»
IbWliM. la Eaybiiiil. will Iu rninnj lie a oervhiE dish. I'anioa Cooking ^hool
nchleil with .H.M'tmhl aaa. Eh.tMid liagaiiue.
•aa la andyleiie. oilii Hu- adnilztnre
•r hieri mailer and a pn>|H>ril<Vu ..finxTk* ('are af Ibr t baUag [Hah.
TWa. it* maniifaHun- U ahnpte. |n.l
The .-bating diah iiei-ds a garni deal of
;tbe fsa <88 lie dellven-d IhrouEh kny cate if II la to lx- k.-(rt k»kiuE bright
•tdlaary ca* .main pliu-a at tlw oMi- and nice enough to Uble nae. aaya
•aiy- preaaore. It .un In- in.wanred; by The Itoslgoer. Tlx- pans onghl out to
iBMUta of ESa iiletera and ehanred 'for U> put In wutar U-Ing waalied.
Id Ibe aanie way oa la the enaiiom bnl loslead «4fF water abocl.l *k- |.m II
wbm- ordlliar) mal caa la uacd^^ U Ui.-ni. tin- ult-kli-d Murfaee nflerwant
being carefaily vlpe^ and ptdisbod
vlUi a »lw« of cbaiDola.


, Tbe death <d Lady Margaret FttxaX9ww«nff ■mdUA
tiin Howard, the yooMteat aiater of tbe
Duke of N'Mfolk. doaea a .vreer of ,reFr«d»alila Ttar
' ma^Me detuiluo to the aerrlee of snaOtty:
nelglilmr at tbe compar«ma
I^dy Mar­
garet waa one on band of ladPw who
bat e done aad are doing a great work
It m'
In tbe (Mat Rad of Loodon affioBg tba
oet End
'i going la luma from tbelr Woet
buoiea to lireaniong Ibe |iu»r jofr WhlleibaiieL etc_ amt ahowlng ayuipntby
■ e hani lives of their tolllug alatero, wbh-b ie ao tunch more effectuol
than merely giving money to cbnrttable aaao.-lation«. bowerer worthy. An
| Inrideot In ih<- Urea of Ibeec ladles
k*!!!, abow hew tfaetr w.nk la appreflrtrd. One of them had a ravoriie
k-blel. ^ aioleo la the Eaet


aot»X -W>ittrlTig;, ^rxs-v-ezw Oitar,


] vatu-.-aetiairv. vicii.



March 1, 1900.

OOce aeim from 9 a. m. ta • p. a



TWRaSLI-UoSMl!bold InmllBr*.
pusc ol aU ■/
aalSK preoaraiorx i"
Olsoo,4r«iaw Ml

me If


*^ooi>-a.,lari, wood lor s


->ltk tmoil. Pn-(«r shes. dova suir* InqDlFM«ri.adKSM.IUssarl>enrld'> dmAiaVlur
parks..tll.lME rnim street.
riS D
T OTS roa HALE ritoK.dSaadM. Ha»laai|->

at'XD—a WvB
r^VB Milk tpU. Owarr cse rr~
-latUr Tarera.-- an Froai
Zjvya aaLi-TwrD.r
PalchiS!*^ ** ™" "
BmiMr lurolMilBEBlot*. -Tram*e Cllx. Mirb.
I?) Ftmii «lnr..
« II
^tOB aALX-Bsled itrav. a. ]■ Moyy.






Ida t'mtor. an-ti
vr TOCWaMTlBSBra-oretanyklBdla ersi
A rlMMreMpsnlesorto bar skoaar. lot nr
Mrs esll Ob g it. Allyo rooa. t asd s
MsreaatUr Cr> DIoeK. TrsrrrseCup.


Srs/.V£S5 CARDS.

«sssao*a»*aeiac. ttirroatM
•p-lj. PkcMaJSsUWiVonh-

•r-XWBMUri bloak, X

Of l^aWaff PoaaIbU to Obtaia.
The MMt Vldrlj asd (areraUr feweva apseUlln la Ibr t
ioaa asparisaav
—----------------aaatabM his v
apae ibr latoai setamUa priaalpies, aad ratltlM
hlM to tbe fail
hill eeiiadcBre
eenadcare of iV
ib* aAiried'ore^bere.
aSined •

S'.SSL, DE. OTTMAN SS.-ruS'TKif.f-----------palarTA. DtsaaM of UeJ^. br. Mqoe^Tkr^

T\B W gaw a HOOB aaBeralprartlcealeo
D i.pactaUMum.rar.fKHH^'^olto cn-

. OVers. Olty Opera
■nk. A. a. boludat. r
iiJ lielrarslty. oaerleBai
•a. oBor iOt. restdeaee IM.
"D c. niLBgST.Attareay. apaeiaJatx
IT. w> TrebaM praeUea. Baass 9 a
a«reaatlir Oc. g' '

WMbare bera rcolarad Io pcrfoel baaitb bad iae«
‘^••rnaaoslB Ibr baad.of*»perta.
1K»0*»A»T TO UO)I»*.-DAOTTI(a»t. after jrarsof
lie 1* rflMWd to


. ouoatoaou

- far tba avfBl oBacu of rarlT elee aad tbe ap-!

doBU^o^botb Biad aa




tarr babiu aad rieas t rt rriaad b»7J&
raabla Wwk- aad bod^^^^Ulag U > >ar MBdy. nasqr
' ibldlaordarstbairaoiJt Im pntbfbl teh
or tba aiaaiaof vatoia yaan.

^2fas^a".ds^.ls' ftSSFt;»,sssr%f;!

weak pane
aad^l kldacy airi *^dv laaaa^
catabbboptsb hosb.
^wagmablaa.oaamd fraacan
catarrh, paouiraly
AI can SO gx_w cf aU caac s


PUCHAiaina BaAB —n* v araiy aoaa

'Wilson. 4 y.-nrs okl. at the home of his TVA-Ak. PbOOD. OScr la nrv TMBCltcr mrataboald
lian-ins. iTil lb-e.-liw.MMl sidk-i, Maya D»ork.»cradjm,.aU, day er l^i.whu
Bight Nortbara-pbaac.a: BrU.aU.
, awyaabb.
;lhe |•hllalh•ltd■U Hulh-lla. TIiIm waa Hi.-.s.r.mer's inquest. The
;.-oroiM-r expInlHed iq Hie jury liiai Ihe
;iva.- was the seti-uHi ..f « niiuiUr
rtianitlcr In a abort Hm.-. All the
ileatha w.-re dlrectl.v n-ap<iUMlbh- to the
doMCMV aatobto to the latrai aad aaoM aaIgnomace of thooe wlHi attenipt to extingiiiah lamiM hy hlowiug «lown The
gloU'. and Hn- eunmer Inlimaied (hat
(he.Wilson .-um- .mgbl to h- a wamloi

D* Vi.SfE.’'-ss:;5-22r;i .v,

lamia aa.1 wim an- fiMlIisnly and reck*
(eaa la Ibe iiihIhsU .•m|>h>v.-d to egUatnhdi them.


■aererta la Hallaiaaea.
Aeeordfitg i.i l*rofeaa..r Marri»
aadlao ballsiomv have two onknosm
VeUoe to Taxpayera,
spei-lea of inh-ro urgaaiams t>< which
qanUOad that thaw
he baaapidh-d the ame.. reM-K-tirely. JSITtii'Sf’t.trlLv
am. Caeiatr-ta.^
Ilf ?la.-teriimi Aiivn gmndinic and Mn- . ncrtrtd la tw>, la tbecrrsral varOc Cdtberi.y

.1.- II.. .1... iiM|S£S;u5:tfSs;-S.'£iri.-.S-;
IntesHoitoi-K. bin. i1is.-orer-

In hallMtoneM varions fluon-aclng
iM.fteria. which leads him to rapport
Ihe ilmory of Biiiald that itaUsbmes
f.PMl.u-o.1 fmin anrfaee wa(«-r
which Is carried np by momiM and then
fraaea.-Popular, HHraee.

m 9 t * IHI PdlflTf tn ipn BnrrfBim B1IHI_

• dsyofUlc -oath traM k a-rlark ta II
ck a. B. aad from I o-eloek to < o-atoek |s


OSeeianaaB-t.Bsrald BaiMlag. IO Bast




kldewBlk Lumber Is eU elM.

MOTB t* Ttatw— Olty Lumber Od









, M7 bj t>r. UlM at tbr trape of Good
j llopr of Ibe exUiriK-e of oayiiea la


I cerulB oiani.

Tbr iiuportance of tbe

dlMCvvco la) la tbe fact ifeat dowa M'
that tiuie all aitrtopti to find tbia dO'
nteSI IB aor of tbr rdratlal bodlaa bad

firyi forfe'a irp
ISdwud Crokw, ■<>piir« of tbr T^iBoiaBr boM.


1Ws.~Tto asnaatb si MauUD. -LuLc ««ij.


*rbe Chriattan Rmleaow prayer meet-

Ir. of l^alaae «
Jawrtrd tfeadrs
maa. tUaaies
Uaaaica aad
•Ma For Gamas.
iHe IAcfeto>aaal'-.^ow ta Mabs
Tbeas CIrarl) Ksalataed.

lac topics for tbe cttrrvni year provhla
tor tbr ttudy of ibe {aiAiblei of Christ.
Asu Kranelaw) bay U to hare a mod- Tbe
am tide gange that

£»rft Angers enable ibdr forttuiate
Kruraaor lo Impan to any of bar


{Mraide pieacmed

for our

will lie of (rent srody la tbU familiar oar in pra)-er, U-

asslatance lo all who atv luiereated la iustratlng Ibe w.nkncas uf pride and
Ibe shipping of tbe riiy.

Tb>- United tbe sUanflb of bmulUiy.

Tbe scene of

reaultrd In fallare.
feu lavMMl tfer UirM AtIct. • **U(tit
Anutber etemeai. nlifocen. wbieb haa
Tbr Dr« nufijM' « tU not b« bHbertu baapi aoagbi .In rain Is the
d dlrrrtly i brip (HK ot)
000 and tbe aiaro. bu recentlj bees
t of fbr
dlororend br Herr BdopoUkr at tbe

teudlwork a dalniluesa and freshness Autfs iHMsi and grudeih- >iirti-y oSk*. tj,,. liable Is Ibv lempk- dbr vbataenrtilcb carry a aprrUI ebann.
Oom- ^y. ..o X..U
I' U.
.ud . i.uUU.«., -Two
. 0l.roB <0. «oil«Th|. „„

bUted with taste and tnrebtlrenesa,


Omn. N'or «riU «t Ur (>•<■«) at »U Is
tfer daniior.
Hot Ui tb* idabiUiB*
tl will b>- iBraluMr u> t|ir arrtnm.
wtU ba*r • blab pmron' holkr aod a

theymake It easy for her to branUfy' W ..r «oon« inood ,r..r .00 CT0.O. u..„oc.Plo.H«...odU.oo.Oor.,niO....
her anirDDadingtr and atamp upim tbem It U In a poattloD whore it i-nii Iw read..............................
Uran.” both idod prayed.
Both men
tbe cnrlable and aupurcliaMUe cached
of ladlrldoailty. It la to tbe

John F. On & Co.


Pulkowa olArrTainr) in ooe of tbe
ranablr stars la tbr eonsiHtatioa of
tbr itwao-l'. CrfBt, a star of tbr Aftb
uiacnlindr. drtetal pbotograpbs of a
portluo of tbr apwiroB of UUs ottr

cofftBr. Ukr alt utbrr Art

along the entire water front from Fort

wrrr obtained

lanrsd of ilii4«-ind a rrrat
beam a losg diaUBre ii will radiate


T... .Bdk...r .. . Unn
U.I »ID.«I wb... .Bd fBC... .b. lowwr

Iaidi> abaile will pniva u easy as It la


fllaramatbai arer a wtdr ar*«:

Mark and U dark. T werr aMTibrd to
Bltrocra. There wrms to br little room
for doDbl of Ibe correrineas of tbe

Tb* erdlnarr aean-bllMi baa a tetm
made of twra of gUm njunltig atraljrtit

Identiacalbrn of tbe Uuea, so that tiltroK<«. may now aafely br aililrd to tbe

ap BBd >lowu. TbU m^'-roiraira the
fall tfln-ngib of tlip llffbi b> a Milld

feng list «f irmwirlal rlnnmts toun<i

• ^'' the dark Uu<k ar«

Itidli-air gluwlug

nliU-h are

two cbaraciorlstba of Ibis prayer that
arc prominont: 1. lie prayed with Dm-


11 makes urn- uf tbe Anest
aerred - plciiinni.
l<4ider and


n»rto. k. or wild mnatanl. la another luino of the farmer,
lie doesn't know that as a |Mit herb it
ran gira a delightful flavor. Tbe duckwenU—bow annoying ibe a linie famlly-are!
Yet tbe broad liaf variety
and the enriy leaf are iiso.1 all <
lie vegeubb's.
Buni|>e I

Ilf (In-ni ail.
It taki

Fniuix- It In


and pra.toil thus with bluiM-lf."
standard of (iiin)iuiisuu uns

' IsKly in


Ttte intraduellon of (be "llglit i
Cine" will mean Ui.- ellii Imiilou of o
uf the gttwuotl soims» jof .1sng<‘r for
tbe lire tiglilera. NotlipAt K ao |inMluc- ,
tlvr of ai-eldi'Uls at uiglil tirrs «
Ilarkuese. lo Un- ilaytiiie and In light;


lini.-s a

noMb . and

t see what use It U. In KiniUud.
I'oland and Germany it*uder young
II. Itle bwves atw Us.s| a* twits. Tlie
ana Ik>II Ibm with other vegeinl.liH. to give tbiw a t'biniim Aavnr.

Piirslniie bi aooilHpr wish! ihni ean tw
ilrd the Millie tvATMost |ieop]e
think Iiitlkweisl |M>|sonons. It Is s lue™
{otnlde. with a dellglilful
baa satuo away Us- |>n|je. of Hour orl)I
r of It* own. The ynimg Itwres,
roof. If Iw .•so only mJ Hi- Oremsr’■I lltey are Just In the rlalii enndipraetleiil eye ean in-oeni|ly >ll»
e a emas lielw.wii a|jina.-li and
plaiT* m.-M are aeldonr .uiigbl
Irsp. when a
•.moihensi Ore”

.b. p.nB-ul.r ,.1... .to. I- I.

nrt.1 ........r.....oi

them- Indntiiloits smi mnst Ulm y ,
take ehiim-es.
.. iruaUng lo|ln. k and agll •



a ready sab' for isilads in b<- ••seen with
immi- and for Aiivoriug hertia. for berba

ty for Ills ew-api trln-u Ibe irap manlftwta iiM-lf by tbe tivaiblliig that al­

they are and not weeds.

ways pnastirs the eavivf in of a roof

«r Aoof.



Inlesibr (wta Istasleaies.
Till- qsoal resiilis of riimsiin- to ex-

Kvea If be nolkws U4 tn-mbllfeg la
time ur If a burst of Ostiie sbuuUug out
•f tbe smudge reviwU li'lo him W fre-

:’Fire Insurance.

2. HU


"I thank Tbe<- that I a
moil." TbU falM- stamiaril W
I..11 to exalt bliUM lf. Ho ilimiglit ttmt

iliouios llinti other m.'U ho wax duiog
all Hint Gixl uUUod him li>i do; l.itl.
a!n*>; ho r:illv.l to uudoirialtd iluit tme

rniimlallon of wWtv uot. n'uil every
(blue di-;u-udA on ibo oarofiil M lortion
of iliosi- iWads. for It IK not every kind
Ibmiigb wbl.-li Ibo light will siilne
a-lili j.-«ei oir.-.-i.

n-ltitiou U Within iiii.l nut
I.riiMi- wn- .o.-.,! and
r.wh-.M.-s. It
r tin- dial la l"-‘l-- •"">
.1. t..:t was
tvnx fl
l-. ;,M Idaek d>-—i-.I to Ged.'-.;t


W1..-I1 oimnsiug the

uiiliom. Hi*
g:ou.idid In
................ ..
... If .-..nriijt.

II.I hair fe..t, uhli.'iy addr.-p
1!.- <-M
iai. X are
tb. lefi-.v G...1 hui.dd

iMadH. they xhcilW Iw liohl uoTore the
Csii.o of u ljiu'i> CO juilgo phi-lhor they

l-.iigiT' .1
-t f.iiui•'f Jir:d.' Is ..m- that:
Iwr-.-l l.y ti’.-'ir.n lli
•j.ow'lves ,
ixT;...M h) the rise SO.I lull of the luiii.-.olar n<s,t to guni
It Is so i-asy to .-.UMfuie oiireWWjw uloilg 11 e Itim-r .sfye-of
dint nnd imlUato • lie- iiiinitsT of •“'•‘•■s with oib.-ni and to e,.u. lti.l.- that

win reiBlu ....................... or not.
Two or more dioiin.-i ouloi-s limy be
o(ln-r Hliould 1h- uvoktul.
The beads
used for tbo slisde IIIiu>trato<l

Ik-1o« the plant- *'■

'-ct'-vr tlmu other nu ti.

1-et ua

a rich ruby llni
The design of French
bows a uB catTle.1 out r-nitrely In these,

of m.-ftii low wnier lo wl.ii h ~.undings b.-«»re
U-t ti- i.s-p our eyes on tJod
oiiihetovernm.,-,-d. rather Hiiin t^n.
If we do time we
Tbe miou* sign, sitowu m-ur the left will be In no danger of being puffed np

the fringe Iwlug of the same. IntersporHcl with s.'mlopa.iuo mby drops

edge of the ludhiitor. indleutes the
mmlwrof feetU-lowibeplam-ofrof-.

Slid BMiolriH.

Tlio maicrIaU reitulrod

2- Tb- intbll. on s prayi-r. "And the
publli-au. situding nfar off. would not

ire a phtv of very sliff white buckAn srmw
srrow lu-s.i
biwtl m
pUei-d In ibi- .-enter of I'ft “P “
ram. another of white bnis»els net of ; .
made tn is>lni i|i while Ibe *’tiamoie upon bit bn-nst, saying,
medlnm texmr^. .bin white cblh.
while II la
^ merciful unto me. a sinner.’
r p..ugee silk and a Oebe mcblng of
,\ gisoee aithe..........
-woi-il Is written through and
rwlll One
:bite or folore.1 ribbi.n.
,i„, navlgntor to tell tb,- height Uirongh that prayer, the woitl bunill•ing decided on tbe alxe of your
or Iwlow »y. Thj^ man saw himself not througb
sluidi-. eiit It out In the but-Vraiu ID mean low water and » It lwria- :«tl,era. but th.-ougb God.
He bad a
Ibe circular furiu abowo In the second In.. ,.w falling.
{vision of God. and that vIkIod made
rl- >*'•’> N-e how sinful and how uuworl
Agutv. Tpac- the diwlgn ii|h.d It eb-ar- :
,,,.1 o.smI eiirreui


W III show when j



is- mniiitig at

The Ihb- lilbles. Ie,l.ll

Hie sliuJ.-.-la .s.mpleted.
.^fu-r «»•!.’^|ve the title--uml
etiver tb" ifftl-lde with tbe silk, lurking f„r ,.fl-h diiy I'
He-s- I
down everywli-rf with largi-. Ilrm
noslllh-d T..


and brings u>

i*' f u'lies «iii pride
.......................... . t




.... the Mbnrgr |<assee
^iwlb folbiws.

............... .

y these



I. ..

lb .

.,..,1 »obB I

bu.. t.«.B.I *.,,b.. ...1,1
nth-full) as a «ai<-li. fi>r ib<- Ureiuen l,I..XI.-S1.SI

y af^stni by
iH.ut-as if Inlliey

.erv uiwb atia.-bejl lo It.
it is {giddiness
and lndlsiin.iim>s o
- of lealbiT.
Il ixivers
Ibe bCad' |,nnd snnk griuluslly into a ■
ib-tel). ami Its
Us bss|iwsi- I.S.IS
n-sls im
on tbe.
-tu,-,r. from Whl.-l, I.
miouklen.. when, il 1. belli drmi) In
fMher iopiwIitoM b) mesus of sUi- ibni run
tiader Ibe srmpit. It l.Jinieii.bsl to Iw

Il iit.inrliml r

! „'n,.es ibat raiiuoi Is- for.-o'
lluld the sluicle lip In the Itsbt nud j
,.|..,|,i-iiH in 'tin
eut flwny the silk from the ..|«-n de- I ^ ,i„.
.... p'roillrtlous taken
sign so Htai llie net .rornis it trnu-jfr,^, mnv not, tbetlle B.i'iinl rondlilon of
IMretiey. leaving snitleleiil silk for | fore. r.-|>n->.
tidal Indreuior. bowTurn II down with Hie p.>lni :
letnal smie ..f the tide
of the netille Wild lirill It fln«:ly to lbe|^^.,
net nil rniiud Hu- bows, but do not ww { ,, .................
---------------------------------II lo Ibl- tiiii-krnm. -ss this will not
D. We tJrow Ota Wfelle taleepf
hold llw stlirh«-s at the oiU-.-.
It Is Iiol while we tt.irk niul w..fty
out the ln.-klligs from Hie silk, wbl.-b
most have Ikh-d k-ft w-ltli.a wide mar­ over tbe aftitlii. of llfi' Hisi tve grow
old. It Is wblh- w.- sl>s-p. a.-roriling lo
gin for turning down along Ibe top
Fl.tnn, tbe rol. brme.1 Rnglisb pbysloloand Inllom of the shade.
Bead the tiatleni l.f sewing tbt gist. •
Mr. Fl.vnii l.nds up to Hits .i.n.-luIv-ndM. sit at a lime, round In rows,
flos.- togeilHtr. showing no s|uiei-s i.e- aluu Ihroucli bis ni^v.K-iiiy of Ibe midnigbt .Huii.-r plan.

to In- exnll


ii-s the old truth

I-vt «“ e„liivale n.on- aud
more the spirit of hnn.illly. and to do
•« eff.s-tlvely l.-i «. Judge ooiwlve. l.y
-God's siBOdanls ratbi-r than by man *;
let ns look wliliiii and not wllboiit. Ao
tblukelb lO bis beari SO 11
psAvra ncgriso.
Apimlni some oue lo ex|>lain aud ap>

panible. aud then hovrau open

DK-etlng. In whi.-b eaeb uienilwr shall
take iwrt a» be blmarif elects,





Tlie ,-ag,- Isjnls.
long and t«» and a Imlf
win* sUb— and a curved Is


t-,flu-. tl eliald.-. tbetn

ueot of orthu.lux.r. but by our atniggia
for goodm-as. To him wbo bclievea'in

I lu.-st

The leeili. Im- iifflniis. fall e


s •(■..n...

I* *
■le. with

of beav.t UM-ial
It Is o
ahmr a Binmg ladiW........................


t*i'“ l■»^ll^•'lln^ time
II,„j, niino-lves to a

Join the shade round, m-wiiig (be shies '
together sud felling tlie lining down

tbey ri-- in the mortilug ' I btv«

> fall out iiiiiurNlly at a ivrialn
Is imsy-ver. an emuMsbus atuuinie
'■'he liPsI iillIlKgIM.-s on Ilenii
i-rv i-laiio ilial' with |m,|s-r eare
aihtirion tb.- nsinral i,sLb will

|>uNry at ItM- top of tiJ ladder sud Is
amkw Ifar runtrul of a Breman whoaa

as as their owner, and exiterlabmrsi suf|s»rta Ibl- ligliD.—lH>piilsr A.-h-nec.

•taikm Is OB tlie trink. Afier ibi- lad4er has lieeii rsi,*n1 it It swung armind


against ibi- froni of tb^ building, and
<bea the ~csge“ it ready] An-

Aertsl aieamev.
Tim airship of «'oiini 7A-p(n-lln. a Hena«ws- Bilk ft^r iBafetaa.
^^i.ensiii generui lu ilw (k.rmiio army.
A move! i»-ll|1.Ki |ia> Jiisl Iki-B
"H'llV.w nn trial iH-shle the Roib-nsse In
•Ittad 10 (h.- Fr.-nrh ebawlar uf
' iini<«il«>rc. 1. n veriiaM.- aerial
Btkw fey a woman ir.idi-ui In Iby


1-t -fotig I

r milk I

. (.m, U B»..r..bB,™

,, .. I. well : » .w»nor .o r.». «llk ... -7


|„ rt,


ling a


irifles-ilie m.-re provlnelallstu of Iguoninro an.1 pride. Every bigot In exti-l projairUou to his froblsuess and Ifnorntui- rex.-U lu the exs.vrliatiuu of

____ _____




yob are well iionrlKbed )s-f<>r>- (i-Urlng.
Th<- iKxd) ag.-s faster from lump-r than

differenct-H. but just In pru|M>rthm as a
mho loves Gcfi aud Is like G>al b«


emerge Into no upjicr aif. where (be


The Pen luiiHtte SiUmi
oooro aocTB.

JgS XI n. i

t- MtAlilt


>blp 11

uukuowu in the far
al-M- pror>-».»luiis


mnsi .-SIT) UI

aex.-tnl buu.lred yt-urs.
Tin- modem
nail arrow |•■•lnls and
Indians tnak.
Hubugf kin.l found lu ex.ndlm bili
Tailons. The w..rk undoifbtcliy proves
Ibal these
•lent peu|di- and ib.ise

iiild.-it' aud vAtr.-m.-ly eirct-llve.

Ibis rvguiu werv j»rac-.-Si-h-nii-.

1 now il

For tb.- -priiig wiisou Idaek vbevlot


Fh-m-li niuier. Itair aud silky Ruglish 1
sxTge wlH Ik- in imirk.-d favor f.,r util- ‘
liy ex-Humes. au.i with hot fev. of lliroe f

tu bill, -al lung as be K rieb. Hut tbs
i-sM-nibil tjualiiy of fTh-ml-hlp la eoosiam-.v. and tbst Is not to u- found

III the far country.
'I'bey dcseri tbe
.i>ui|«uivu whose sulwtnnee they bare
ci,n-iinie.I in riot....... living and leave
bim (Cl make wJih Hie swine.—
Wllbam T. Ellis.

apeeum mt Ha« niars.
Norman las-kycr dew-rihes
•'^r «f apiKwramv of metals In t^

^ ^e awakened to a clear

When (ml W Eton or iKiivro
style, they will Im- Ibe smallest, trim-

•!«•> '« -f b-t aiars- H.-Umu a|»pearl*y‘lrogen. then i^-

convlillou of doty

meat, aattlesl S..M «,t jnekeis, with not
Inch of aoperdofllus mau-rlal about
etMUac tn little tabs


t proper m.xtivs In giving lo the I.ord’s
and sllh-on. r<dk>we.l by copper
lo-forc It will show a truly aplr'b.- prx,iomeiallk- form. - ’

edge but a very few

ea tbe front.


rvr«-rs do tbelr
drey effwt

cause the IIm

.10 other ouulde wrap ___ ^
save a Mr MCk scarf, for '

mM about giving or tbe law uodrt
’■•‘■Icb tbey give. Id Penteeosul days
; there was Do pressing the Uw of Htbea
of lowest
wetgnt -.. . w
^ any oUtev
___ _
outer law.
ti ow tbe people
• •W>cti-«ti.. *e moat j
peed, tbey responded wUboqt



, ...............w
‘ xsl

ilH- best pUpned
roatwes are now an ,
" j,to'etiaklef
>ned roatnmes
? and
* . esiriam
'•.f’T" : atonulng
to conaWef the'
tbe peoporlioo tbt
writ dtttd with ton lUaimi «• tet. V
; Uw reqolrtd of tbetn. TUat U wbat
tbat tbey m
which distocUied at;
^ atUL-CbriatUa
toa la cold .
Irmperstursa Into atoms
laaaUer n

L’Art 4t U Meda.

uiBia in ntmraui l i.

ameiig tbe linr|d.-« who f.-e.l un sin's
".t friend lovvib at all
liuien. ' and then- are no sm-b friends

MUtM w UI very kmg vuils or jii.-keta ap-



It I" .i-:i:iiii. jiKlgiug ft

S' .vuntry‘

vol. iiloUg Ibl- iilge.
Clionx of ehiffmi. eueir liavUig a jewel

InelH-s below ibc waUt line.


Heau of Cut

tliiwv l«iiig alsxi M-l jn iiiris

, tesu and

'■•SSSAr am Bax.__

snu.l from iiUro lo

emliellisbed with Ixh>i« of Iwbe riblKin.

Tlie hex. SartsB Lswas.



The .ir.-lmid.«hul n-mnius ur.- found

i Bt.......o ... lli.l.. .B.
t-an Ik- asslgunl (e the s|s. im •

add thin ebam^ linings

fcwsvsr.- UmAon Cfeta^.

lug ear Obh^ts OrasS Bsptds sad tkabA

petty point of ritual or docirlau are as

beard d.wi-us ..f friends say Hiey limk

the warn
Sew a full ru.-lu- of silk or '®''' i'''''*'"
rising ibau when
ehllToti roun.l Hm- top and lower (dge n-llrlng. u.l II I* true. If you wbuld
uoi gr«>w old while «.,u sle.-p. be sure

In the .-cuter Wlirii (he niebc U sew<<d on. make all n.-n( by bcmmUig dowa
the silk llnlug at tup and Udiom U>
Ib4- atiu-liro. nnd voiii- will

of a Hio.llass
slo.llass ai
a^soik.iig on a
Utfonii rajii' III ilie
rerolving iiUtfom
front eml
ilH- iMHik sad la,blio- trai-k
that <-arri.w Il
It is aiia.-lN-.l to a
’ atmt wire labbabb- wW.b |bns-.s m.T a

Espids.'^4*sta!^Bc*s^*^ ro^ arsSt

Add a white silk, lining In the Mmc am.-n.U person.•'
Christ aud In Hi. rigliteou-uesa aud in
way y.m arratip.-d Hie silk on Hie out- t
J^r. Flynn r«lnls out the fa.-l Ibat a God of light sud love dlff.irenee and
aide i.-avlng wide edges to bom down.|M-rs>»us Irok inih- and fagg.-d agii.-m.-ui on this |wuy polut or that

,10 the llghi amt «amlx xalh-ys and
, blllshh-s.
'Ml.- wind is x-uiiilnuaUy



I’rot. vl. IGli; xe. 35:

fur brain-gvili, 13: xxl. 4: xxii. 1-4: Ulc. vl. H;
"It luiiulrs yj.m,. »vlll, 1-4; Mork U..S3>17: x. aO-43:

of a aet-t or Hu- fugk-mau of a i>arty.
He eailmates us not by vur acUleve-


inil to a

-alas si Trsssiss

be exnlled."

This iiarnbh- llh

•Jiirn Hk- silk down over Uie edges of la long night fff fast is lM-y..n.l .-ab-ulathe sbmb- at 'th<- i«>p and and I •*">(• The stoma. li should Im- w.-II All-

!.^'sin^|«,n^ur'!I^»^^br^^^^^ use

I. the III'it. Il HsUd. U'

firui tipUi t indlini Rj.

that G.mI Iiai.-S the proud hm b
I mind.

xxxlv. 2: t-l.

work.-rs.•• said Mr. Flyim

lahiriliig this dry


Ttsvstss Cttr Hlsk

may be
mly ewill we be

d.,wii lb.- shies nnd M-w a strong silk ^ •’>1 »'<lh nourishing f.HsI t.> .imuieraet
covered wire Blirng..........,. i H"’ »'..s.
I bis Is esp<i ially true of " nllt-M Z'Z ;',o....enM--uld.
ly aitoft.^l l.y tW Ne^ lork lire de-'

John K. Santo,
Genral lasnrancii.
rarsfeast atosx

oeedle agnlu Ibroiigb it. so as lo draw
Uie next group H|i ebMie to it
Sew a itbe noiUBl isiwen. ami liii.-rru|ds (be Luke lx. 4tMl»; xlv. l-ll; Bpb. Iv, i-3;
foU 111.
13; I'bll. IL l-UL
largi- Ji-wel In Hk- ceuier of eaeb U.w. .train ..f tbougUi."
Then Mr, Flynn |iroi-«ils u. a.lToeate
-- --------------------------------llaxlug llnlslR-d tbe iHaillug,

,^...„ In wideb iH-rwuns
.„.j dl.H ibroiigb a

Altb..nglj llw life

lotnanBlMt. -piiMitn.

.Ml. lb

f .......Miles «■'-•>"
I- gnat- k-pi hundile. I

’It Is
-wiife B:
bt-be nirlilng •kwely airr..iTnd the de-ia M-fore g.dng u. ImiI m.-al.
sign, bldlug Hie Blllel..-s which fastenar.x ... «.-|>».r cm- wun.- im,. goes
por wi looas oo .» 'Vltb latter otbed (he net and tbe silk lo Uio b.K-kiam. ion at niglil.' be said, ••'nie waste of «r .-y.-a tbsu ours. He 4s n..l the Icadsr

Huniei her.- In Mtosi

Frompt. car- 'oi and eoxirU-'u- Httea>0-1
The Strongest sno oUest Are in□rsi:e? .-ompmnles in tbe world ropmjutca in mv agency

e n peri*'***'*"1. He reallz.ll tliai be liiid no just < lalma
es whelll. ujKiu God. ninl nil b<- loiild do. thererl.ti.s
or /allfallwas'b. .-ly out for im-ri-y. “God
IS or
III.-' dlrei'tlnn lo
Inen-lflil iiiilo me. a slnuer.

roof bss sunk iinOer bit
I iBlabi aiill sa

limsHled by others
algbi Hie tlremsii gniiing belle ^1,,^, r.m..,ntde tbns.- of Intoxlesilon
in the tisrk.
rei) eulirdy
rondlllou uf
seusi- of tu|e-b lo i ml
, ^,.ry low ternBUiuke helinel. tboii
..ugh nut
Ilf an
•oveL Is SB exisssll
ling^ UM-fllt I
iilty of ox.ig.
It is ail awfwnr.1 bwking
I lb,- n<T<
nous Isystein.
affair. aliHil two f»s-i b^gti aint sutAe-jj,
the rinr.-at of
• W, .... .br« r.,..
iw till those

For Fire InsurancD

Vhe um.w h.-ad hi

.mail stiiclies at tb.- Aop oud b..itotn
and all round Hie edges of the dodgn. ] *
lake Ctm- tbiil the sllU-lu-s are set eloso I
tbe Mge. or lbe>


has I

,r the M.WS
Sow rover the sh.ide
wllli 0.-I. fueking down Go- latter with

Iwwii. After fast.-nUig down tbe last
Iwsd lo'earb gn>u|> of six put the

but at
na bis

L. L A. BoUdln,.


■111 away the biu-krura from the Inside

trenie eubl are loss , of energy. Isitb
physhwl and uimiaL
«BenU> Aads bluiM-lf nnabie lo esi-aiw. drowsiness and dlslurilnsil.m to move.
IX.....B .b.
b.,T,„„„p,., ,„.„|,b,...
in>b1 and
o... bb... .bb l, ... ... (0.
while the
aafel). Often even after ibi“ — .selFsl with an Irnwlsllhk- di-sIre

coMtd only ms-.
*Vatca’’there Is

tK . ;ui!«- bo was umro puttoUlioiw In ibd
pb rfonuon.-o of r. ligionK rfioe tind tvre-

Iv in p.-n.-ll nnd with a .harp penknife

iVbX.i’.x' i; pi-p.~iB. .Bdb.p
-------------.»™mb. If SOU), Kveiyk,„t-


aeir. Ostensibly ibe I’barlsov w.-ut to
tbe temple to pray to God. but tie lost
aigbl of GtMl in hlius.lf.
Ho "siood

uortl. but tbe iniTglllg >if one Into anTslao «r Wees..
Tbe dandidlnn Un'i tlio only treed
eaie;i by p«xi|do who know a bac's good
to eat. says Tbo Industrial Jnuaaal.
Take wild cbloory. the plague of tbe


Irmrie Citr Unbar Cl
Trarerse Citj, •

we must rtuily ibutwo prayers.
I. The phaiie.-.- s jirayer. There are

Au<iili»r |wlu( Intiught out on thiwe
•loiibOtiMS rlgnmc-sul of

sbified toHnril ili« vloli-t rnrt'
)■ b>ely to
i spr-ptrum. Intib-atlng tin
, wl.on.- light tliey jowr
origin la
lie «>naid u«. Jb'iUgli ilii- trriglit

„[ ____

iaec tbr rauM- of tbeae dlSereni results

ban arejiiDTsi
Right Unm are markttl as of
knis frame.' unknown origin.

il»- <'aiiw of the alar's vamblili)' If onl.x It <-viil'1 l>r iDUTjiroK'.l-U
nlitli- iii>' briglil Hum <|>)' ibeir

But bow r

dow. .. bl. bou.
,p„ ,p, „|P„...

abu> ID tbr (vlridlal IwiSIrs. Tbr other
lo this star are bydnigi'n (two llarsi and IkIIuid1 (three

beam that •wirtr* any«il».Tr from SOO
fort to flrr miter, io tljr llRbt dreln
ed by rbW

rayed la tbe temple.


geml that tbe acbeme of a jewelad

aprrt.drrapb at- dellglitfully original.
Tbe jewels are repreamted by color
tarbrd to tbe 30 IBC^ ivfrtctor <rf tbe
aw. aad a powrrfal ■r>t«-hlt|rtat. TbU ■iboerTaiory. and out uf a total of 23 ed beads sewed os a iransparwrt
ararcfalicbi will br dllffmii from all
on tbr pUlra.

^WftD>«. b«i la pUor of a pump and
pIpM It will havr a btajrb^nic dfoa*





Aa Importaoi mwaorrr mode at tfea.
Palfeowa tHMrmlart.
A rbort iluic agti tin- I’bltadelphla
Uecurd gatr ao uiTuuut of Ibe dlacor-



— Ar

1i I-®
iil' 1




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