The Morning Record, August 07, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 07, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



8eo»ad T««r—ITo SM

To Oar Poooo Term* Hot Tot


ty wkleh U to fo to Ovba to look aftor
tk« kick man In the Miekl«aa r«rlBMBia. Tkc por^ aa eompletod ooakina of Dr. J. O. Cobb of the Marine
koapltal. Detroit: Dr. W. B. Loo. De­
troit; Dr. W. Q. Young. Grand Baplda;
Or. O. W. SUykeaeoa. Port Harok; Dr.
A M. Slmpaoa. Detroit. AU the ev
geoBk arc laioDaok.



the Oonditlene
Bnt tb« OUbm K^ttae to tb« 0«bM >«bt B«tM« a aaMttoa—Tk«
Baplj Will Oo to Froaeb AmtaaMdor Womday or TaaadayAt WaaUnftOB ia a 8UU of BaatBp*«lal u> Tbb Mouia* Bareas.

Madrid. Aar«t

It U <

tkat U« rayly of tke Syasiak ro*mmeat to the peace torma ef the L'aUod
eutw wlU be forwarded to Ue rreaeh
ambaosAor oa Monday or TnoadayThe cabinet haa framed Its reply to
the Doited SUtoa goremmeat and acbmlttod It to the qaeea regent for hw
appreral. The qaeen U aald te have
agreed to the eoadltlona aaeapt aa to
the elaaee Ahieh ralatea to the Cahaa
debv I'poe that pelet there Is a qoaailea raised.

TaaerabU Maoonb Ooaatr lAwyor
Aoonaod of BinbanUag rnnda
Of An Batata.
ae«elkl le Tu Mokanra Rteoak.
MV Clesenk. ABgoktO—A legal ac
tleo eoBklng aa lamoaaa Maaatloa la
political eirelea In the itate »ak the
UkBanee of a warrant ihU afternoon
tar the arreat of the Tcaerable Thomaa
M. Crocker, former eoUeelor of cnai
ef the Port Boron dlatriciand the oldeat practitioner la Maoomb oooaty. j
Mr- Crocker Is charged with cmbeullag ;
{uog. of Couor A Tate. Be was for-1


the Ouoo Bank Tbnroday moraing. Ne
arrcata hare yet been ofteetod.

We hare made arraosemenU for a special bicycle delirery of
A rroaoh Liner Which Waa Oap- magazinee at your oSoe or home imnedialoly on tbelr arriral, tree of
charge. Thirty minutea after the train baa broaght the new megoefav.
turod by aa Amerteaa Warahip.
Victory of Hainee* Biifcode
jroo can bei reeding thei
then. Poaitively no diaappoinUnent if yoBT
•pMlai wTai Koana* kaeean
...o the
.he U«t." Teitp.iuw
Telephone ,,
yoor order ana watch oa boe^
ia Porto Bloo.
Waaklngton. Angnat 6.—The eo*«mWhat will yon read SoodayP
maat haa ordarod the ralaaaa of the
Manooadla of the Oompagaie Oeacral
Trane-AUaatiqaa af Fraaoe. captared
W 290 Front Street
HoUey A OoBBBhiS
Three Amerioone Wounded by aa Aserlcaa warmkip la Wcat
Indian waton and broaght to Charleaand a Spaniard Killed.
A dodaloa haa aot yet been
reached aa to tbc Boderlgnrc, another
Caitod Stateo 1
Oapo Saa Juaa With XJtUe Oppo- ProBch eteamar optnred under ilaUar
■lUon—Beported That BagaM Baa
o and held i
Orderod Bpaniardk Hot To Boolat
We have some Fine Pictures of '‘The Birth of the
Too etrongly In Ordor to tore UnBooooaary Looa of Llta.



ifsoasd to Hnviag Burand tbs D«ad
Baby of Her 8btsa- to a Crisp
Waahtngtoa. Angnat 6.-LaU today
WIU Kertionan OIL
dlapaleh came to the m
Bpeclkl lo*!*! Houiv* Bsrakn
Oeaatal MUea It
Detroit August G —Mm. Jamas Stomb
merly a
ir of this a
erautod u sensstloa here today by eoowas removed eoinc time ago by the pre- Angnat 6.—General Brooke reports
fsesing that she poured kerossae ovur
bau coorv The appliesUoa for the war- that Balnea' Brigade. Foorih Ohio and
her sbtoris dead baby aad bnruad it to
mat was made by PanlJ. L'lrleh, hiseae- j
a crisp Wedaesdsy Dr. Cos. a promteeeaar as adrnlaistmtor. who has boon j torday. afur a slight skirmish with
aeat phyulriaa. b held U oaaaeeUoa
eoadacUag aa laveatigatioa Into ths
WlU ths cask.
ooadlUon at tha property latmated to eaemy'e etmagth U catlmated at
hli earn aad Mr. Crocker'e eoaneeUeo It U aot aseertaiaod if aay of them are
therewith. HU frieade eapreea oonflOrder Xustoriag Out Xlehtgaa HavaJ
deaoe la his ability to prove that ha strung. Private John Oordner, wound­
ed below the knee: C. W. Billee.
has aot beaa guilty of wieag doing.
epMlkl la TUI Moans* Rbcmb.
wonndod ia boU loga below tha thighs;
Washington, August A—Seerelary
T. W. WeleoU. right fMt Injured. Long Into today made aa order permaSoue aertonsly wouoded. All are ef aeat maelndLag Ue order mastariag
tbc Fourth Ohio. Oue Spaniard '
the Miehlgau reserves out of eurvloeumed. twe wounded, ea fur aa know
Sueretarr Alger has hMrd noUlag
from Ueuaral Duflleld todsy.
Cavalry and ArUUory Started
Uluks he msy have started home.
Spmiai toTb.
Newport Newa. August 6.—The
Lloyds today that thepaaseaguratoam4 The Oregon la Place
er reported from 8v Johns oa Thare- tmaeport MaalUba wiU Ue Peousyl- WUIC
ef Oapula OUrk Who b 8iek.
duy US kaviag prebably been lout with vuala camlry aad arUllery and Catted
Srwis; IS Tas Moans* Kicoiis.
all haada, U the vicinity of Belle lale.
Wusblugua. August R —CupUla
was Ue Allea Ltae staamer Mnnldleu. The remaiader of Oeaeml Gruai'a ex­
Slgsbee's friend* feel very sore that
Capuln McNiehola which sailed from pedition la still waiting for tranaportaSligsbe* w«n not made captolu of the
Moatreal. Augoat 3, for Ue latter port
New York. Anguat C -The Hemld a Oregon to wbieta Cbptsla Barker was
Madrid oerreepoBdeat aaya Uat Ue today appoiotod



Hoenso Bb»bd.

Wasblagl<«. August » -The aniwer
Of Spula to the Ameriean terms on
which peaoe may be reelored waa expoctad at almost aay moment Ui oficlal
... fc.e< Pr»"
patehee from Madrid etaUag that the


Ue wnaioB over what haa beca lookad
spoB as a ealmlaatioa of aegotlatloBaDuriag Us day Ue eute deparlmeai TKBBB MAT BB WAB BBTWBBH
had ool received any direct UformaUoa aa to Spala-a answer nor war
Freparing to XobiUae Her Havy—
tboreauy iaUmutloa wbua It would
Troubla Feared Over DUTereaces
la Ue Far Basv
The same waa true as to Ua Freaeh
Loadea, Anguat e.—That aa extreme
ejgbassy. The ambsseador had made
dlplomaUe taneiea exteu between Bv
ao armarameats for a call at Ue Petoreburg and Loaden la gvnemlly
White Hoaae or eUU dvparimoat and admitted today. Uongb offieUla depreIt la' hoped
■«.. of Ue ofBesrs of tbc embaaay claU alarm at reports.
that Ua ftrmer auad adopted by Us
had ooafsrred wlU ofBclaU here claoe
Marqais of SaUabnry dtrtug Ue laat
Ue dUcumlOB last Wodaeuday ovan- few days, which aeeaa to have already
created some mlegiviug la 8V Pater*
Everything was la a ooadlUon of «• burg, will have Ue effect of arrastiag
pocUncy. eecretary Day went to At*
laaUe City ihu oveniag to joU Mrs.
Day. The report was current during
the day Uat Ue embaeey had reoelvad
a oommnnlcailea Ule merulag; Ue iaterenoe being that IV was Spalnt re­

American Flag’, that yon will admire, and when yon tee

one yon will want it.

Mnch Is Said
About Ice GreaiD and Soda Fountain Drinb,.
Therefore we will say that yon will find onr Ic$
Cream delicioos, onr Soda Water true to flavor, onr vari­
ous Pfaoflohates refreshing. New drinks ut added to oar
list from time to time*.
Fountain open week days only.

Jas. G. Johnson.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with the Tnvsrw City Lomber Oompsny.
We hare tor gals Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood,

goTerameut haa glvea orders that Ue
A large attoDdanee oBj-ived a plrantalalsler of war aheuld not force reela- aat progmm aad refmbm-uM at the
meeliog of Ue Good Templsri Last
taooe la Porto Bloc to Ue ntOMel.
Dlgbt. after the aork aad instaUstlea
This u at Ue iaaUgation of Premier of Ue leoestlv «W*ed nffirrm.
Sagusta. who depluree Ue naaeceaeary
leas ef life, kaowiag that PorU Bi

will aaevltably fall laU the haade of
Ue AmerieuBa.
Chpi. Oeu. Machlaa
haa been laatmctod to obtain terms
like Uoae ebUiaed by Gea. Toml.
bettor, so aa to save Spaalah hoaor as
much as possible
nte Berald'a Porto Bieo advioes aay
Uat aaeUar aoeomtfol laodlng ea Ua
Ulaad of Porto Bice baa beau made by
the Americana uad Ue aura uad
itripei aew wave over Cupe Saa Juaa
The Pnritaa. Ue Ampbitrlte aad Ue
It U felt here and on Ua oontij
that the eotceme of Ua dispoU regard-1 Meatgomery. which have been emlalng
lug Ue aew Chwaag milraad ezUeaiea | .bout Ue NorUeaeUm esaat ef Ue
b Ue eriUeal point of Ue cbcomb or , UUnd ewalUug Uv arrival of Ue
failure ef Great Britaln i policy of j traaaperU, apprtmched Cape Saa Jana
ienrlv lathe
ruing and a aatall party,
Aa an evidence ef Ue fact that Great!
:a from each of

plym«l.U.U.r™.l.r Cl u.
ThU la BOl correct, for up te four •iuatioa. Ue admlmliy U preparing | Amencan veeeela waa aeui aU<
o'clock 8paio had given no ofBetal la- ter all emergencies and wUl soon be daybreak
UmaUon ef her uaawar to any quarUr ready to mabm;
The lauding party waa la ehargn of
The war aea^'U cpreadlng beyeud
In WaahlagtoBUauL Com! James B Selfridge ef Ue
political clrclee and Ue ateck market
U aerlooaly depressed, cooeeie being j
Included is Ue deelina
Alurmist re-j and Lieut At wuur ef the Meatgei
parts of Bussiaa prepamtiane are comThey took ooeeeceien of the light­
Dnlted SUUs Tmaspert Gate Olty ing from several quartorB. wlU luUmabouM and mined ths American flag.
Left Baatlage TeSUrday WlU
tlonj that Bumb la dellbemUly toreNe oppaaiUoe to Ue laadiag ef Ue
tag a erUb in the far East
Lead of Oaralrymun
Diplomacy U eztmordlaarily active American party waa offered.
BpMi&t u Ik* Uoan>* Haeaae.
Santiago, August 6—The United aad Ue wlree oetween London aao St Dreaael ef Ua PariUa. wiU Dr. HaaBnelga Bierer wei
bialea tmaspert Gate City aalls Uls Peteraburg bare been monopolised far ! 05,^^


aI.orBoeB for Long Ulasd loaded wlU
cavalrymeD aad Ue traaaporta Miami
Boplying to n qacetloa in Us houne
aud Maiueaa will leave here tomor­ of eemmona as to Ue desire of oae of
row. Each vetae) will sail individually Ue great pewen to aequlm. by lease
oUerwine. a posliiau nu Ue Peretaa
soon aa loaded.
gulf. Mr Curron. under foreign nnereOVT BOTE LE08 OFF.
tary. said that nmon had ruaehnd Un
government to that effect CeaelderTriBbtful Aecldeai to a Boy
'' ing the mngaltnde of iu reepoaalbiliDetroit.
Bee. he aald. Ue poveramoat ibOk spec­
ial iateraet la Uoee watom.
Uetrtrit, Angadt <1.—Jeseph ParUew-1
--------------------------rak. a lf*yeai^ld boy. led under a^ Shredded Wheat tflaenit b whole


The Birth of
the American Flag!

naeea'a i
aeaetal w Tas Haans* Mooea^
New York. AngM* « —Madrid
apeelal to the New York Jonraal toys:
■•The qaeea regent baa approved the Boportod That U Waa aa Alloa Lias
reply of the Spaalah gwameat to the
•Mamar Which Oelllded With
Aa laoberg.
Daiwd Sutea. aeoeptlag the eondtUena
laid dOiTB by tha latter, aader which Special to r>s Uoanao Eaooan.
peace will be oonelnded.-'
Loadoa. August 1,—It U rumored at'
HothUg Offloial at Waahingtoa.

Two Onto.

spfQm DEuyEHr qf.,

Boportod Thot She Approveo

’•Sr 1,516

took as prises Ue ecbooaar Brcaraaele
and Ue sloop Onorm FloraAll of the email towan la Ue oasmra
part of Ue bland are axtrumely anxloas
to surrender peaeefully.
Winaam at Wlndaot.
SpcetolwTn Kuanae anceuB.
Detrwlt August

Detroit -What

next" -Trinaa," ••Ferny" aad "ExoarsisB." all (avorltea. wen Ue dlffurest
. b Bierelv Uredded aad evaata at Ue Windsor tmek todny.
•e eat off. Be will die
^ <moked to make it easily digested sad
lelllized It eoatalaiaUUe elements
j with which uaturaendowed it to build
lap Md mulBUla Ueoomplete bumaa
structure In u uartnaL symmetrical
nee Who Aia Xm
HeariF $80,000 Beearad by Bobbec*
perfoeUy bulauoed state.
Cuba Brom XlMilffaa.
Yon ure lavitod to Ue exhibit to
Of HiebUsd
Detroit Angnat
Flvn saigaoaa ......................................saOle Oeb. aad
apvetsi to Tns Mcona* Escasn.
ua-u, Monday. Tnosday
ham. buna asloctad to make ap the parBbblaad. Mlrb., August 6.—U b new
d Wednmday,. August 8. • aad 10.

Bhsk<»pearo's luvt
Sbskmpear*'i ievoeaUen. "Msy good
digvetion wait oo appetite." oeed not
ksve been had proper food, preperir
eeoked. beea oa the table TmrerseCtly
bousekeeper* can gel leformttiou bv
sttoudlngUe Sbreded Wheat Biseatl
demoBstm'i'in at Ue Hercautlle Ce.-e
and St J J Bmins'* Monday. Tuesday
aad Wedaeaday. Aug. e, 9 and 10

Mill Msebioery of aU detcriptions, inclBiUng Two Enf^st,
Set Works, Garrisgee and Saw*. A complete Saw Mill Plut
for sale.


Dr W J H'ggintwUlbeawayfrom
his dental office for six dare, commeuelug Thursday noon of August 4tb uatll
Wedaevdsy dood August loth
A re­
quest b(X tended to patrons and friends.
denul offices tad Isbmterles ia Detroit
aad Buffalo and sslo visit Ue I'^Us.
Office will be open for Uoee wishing
make appeintmeat mss as usual,

Hastings’ Real Estate Agency.

foraishlag store.

U loot b». usil tienur. Ss* Incstlss. MS Kr*«t. eae to bnmgai tor Wa
H loin loi, rood desUlas, Persnod. *■ 6an sad 110 far woslb aei'J peid (or.
*4s«te*lSrMBillr«MMUscd vest tros ito ettr LesS pood. wsD esisrsd. jnaiig eW
rssrd m* U s berrslE for oslr «l.fU
0H SOTS* 1 wll* *ssi. aU topror^e. siU to sidd Is eas pises or dirts** 10 rail. Look mis
op Otkrr piMM ]s*t •• dMlroblr or a*rv *e.
JokaMie Bioek. Pkeaofk.

Thterse Git; Sebooi 'of Insic!
fiWBi 10 ud 11, BadJt Bitt.
psvforC. n
arl P Wlili
M Wllbc

Bicycle Riders.

. SUrr T «
ai*e lowfl

FOR $5.00. OF


Bemember Uat I do all kinds of re­
pairing aad enameling, aad Uat I cac
aad do give von U« best work of aay
one Is Ue city for Ue utoory. Doo't
be decolved by what oU -rs toU you to
>tmry, but come aad pm for
.ronmelfI guamatoe all my work to be right,
aad If It doea not prove so 1 make It
Stop in tai 8 o'clock every oveolng
exceyt Sunday, In Ue Ckldwell A Lc*
dou building, at north end of Oakic


Who bw added e foU

Ovw MeKsans'* Sho* Swa


Autklo^. tee oiutotioa af loKh sriU
stloe rst nato tor

line of



Price^of Tea Has Gone Up



To hla ondertaking eetabllBh*
ment. The fornitore will ooenpy the front of the boildlng
BXid the undertbklag baeineea I We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of alL
the rear.
• It will pay you^ try onr 13c bulk coffee—a good
I wholeaomejbeverage^t a small price.


•48 Front atJMt

384 UnlOB 8trwt.


•009 Txn AT oniA.



YerUa Themae DcMrfbee The

I. S. Basw An 3. W. BAnBi-






The aew aalterMt far the Oreaeaat
baad arrlaaJ Toeiarday.

Thera wlU be a yraat denaaatratloa

QarantlBO BUtliM.


Koya. Fla.. Aofaat i. 1898.



Cempaay M doee not


at Omeaa Taaaday. with a ■

display of ftreworka and bhe hand U



reach yoa mere

prepariar to na aa cxcnralea to the
reeort oa that eTealay.

word from TraToree Cixj

BaaUea the


the eempany thla latter may

lanre erowda from the city and aar-

eome intereet to


he ef

The eoaxpaoy

haa Bot. to my knowledge,

eBtertalamest which wiU attract

rooadlaf reaerta.

recelred a

The maaacomeat of Omena Ina ax-

particle ef newa In the way of lattera

Uada Trareiea City people a oordial

OpleJaly l«th, which la the laat

iLTiiatloB to he preeeat

time I eaw the eempaay. with hat twe



aU wera tka picture

Watch This Column For Bargains!

dreworka there wUl be other faatarea

haa reehed or rather haa not reached


My work is first clue nod prican that nre ia reach of all. I am
prep*rad at all timee to take care of the trade. I make a apedalty io
Binmg. Valcaaizing and Enameling. A fine line of wbeelaforMle
and to rent.
J. 0 EliLIS, 311 Front etreet, east

trlMMiaca. aad artU make a baadanMo

0. 8.

they an ef

dark fraea, with attraeUTa ailw braid


aam't rtyhaeie aad TeUa of Saapital
A W. BAknn. Editor ud IUmc»


Me OrietoaUM ToMtey KfAt aad

TSxmrr.revxxB Toi.v»Taim*
•m&VBuxorrr. . uicKiaAJi

American Steam Laundry
aad delivered.



The taaboraed aad hoarded | rrash Keada aad feha Oraad WUl

faoee rlraa them aU the appearance ef 1
teaeoaed and tried reteraaa of war.

to j



Bide Wor $100 e Bide,
Tbaraday moralac at alx o’clock one

fact tho whole Thirty-foarth refiMcet ^


Ask Us For Prices,


ipncMwin be right,

Hfl Yon
WIU a Fright-;;lfW IWU

WUUam Immbeft

fol Aoeident Teaterday.

^raateet erente In the hUtory of

Wfillt I
OiUil •


S. FBYMAN. BBOBS. us FroatMreet.


1 e*nbelld a good one cheap, alto repair at abort
Call ind soe what >on
yon can ^a.

i FBTTERL7. 818 Moaroo street. West Bide.

le aa cxeepUoa to theai all la the way
of health, for what reaeoa I ahall aot

Tmb set iaporUUoM of r>ld dorisr

Itebeol TOOT eloolttf Jobo



naood thoM of »07 procMdlBf toot la
«W MBtry't Uatary. tka »>■— boi>C

attempt U eay. bet certain it U that McadiofJ G. Johaaon’i drag sb re . Keystone s cripple (er life. While at-1
there U Im aiekeme and fewer deaths eayi he eao beat .Joha Grand Ue lum­ tempUag. wtU s gas. to kill a bawk.' i
aaoDf the Thlrty-foanh oa aecooat of ber iaspeetor. la a half-mile bicycle Ue breech'pla o( tbe gap fiew out and j
Bieknsee than any other reciment on race, aad backs Uts asserUen wlU one Ue gun exploded, blowtar off Ue palm ,

; 5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents

the island of Cnha.

laelodlBf oaln boUlea

•B^Taaralnoa 189S.



iMTslar tMt la iho oehoal



ed to Uy epoa Ue yreand Ureayb the



beat ef the day la the hnrnla|r




•MB oonothlnf aad that tho oxeooo of
yerto of BOhebaadloe are hat the Urlaf
of «hat wao proalaed h^ the

oartT aaBarore la iS0«.

1 have oveat-

All the ei

easss of

be Made qoiu a profluble attach'
•eat to the loctnrlBf aad pabllahlag

death U a yraater exoepUoa than a reeovary.

Aay who May hava had ata-

larlal er yellow fever;

are helaf seat

to the natet; where. I do not koow.
probably to tome bMpItal.
ver. eaoeed by toe much werk amoor

lAo bead leaao of 9»ea, imdv the paUeete.
dho BapablieaD








AU the aarvee wera com-

palled U do too maeh work




S. Biaehan died

Sfiy mea.

ImaglBatioa hare may help yoa bet­
ter to anderetand a great maay of the

hatea the balleta are oooated.

reiin that eome to the hospital.
agine yourself to lie in the eon

The re­

mains will be tanea to Wesley.


The fnaeral


take place



to drink; imagiae then that

two daughten aod twe sons to moarn
bar death.

The fancnl will uke plaee

from Ue family reeldeoce at 8 o’clock
temorrow afternooo


Wiley K

Wright will officiate.

EaU hereof ibeeeeaoa. aad throe gamce
Vithtke Detroit AtUctle Clnh team.




Aoald be largely patroaiied.
tCMB bee



Aa the







gBMCS after this serisa. theagh if Ueae
•n weU patrenlud amagamento will
to made for tatnm dates next wesk.
Tbs D. A. Cs are coming here with
MeooBBcloaxnesB that the Bnetlen art
•hs fastest IndspeadcBi sggregation in
ataU aod they are coming leaded
with the best maurial their aesoclatiea
eon furnish.

The team bae won two

oot of three faiuee la every seriet they
iMve played this eeseoa and when they
Oeoe here the beat bail ef the aommer
day be expected.

A glance at the lia^

«p of ths team will oonvince tba most
Aeptleal that the visitors will

team te go agalnit.

plane Bob

be a

la the first

Lediey. who managed the

Petrolt NaUoaal

League team

that team won the peeaaat.


Ledley ia



Be le a eateher with a long record for


aatehars with






Twomsy. a





Who etandi high la

U lie ee Ue groaad or perhaps e rub­
ber blaaket uader you and eomeUmee
a woolen one over yon.


ao ladefi-

nau lengU of time. eemoUmee as long

two er three dsya

Aad yet with all this, bat

eoBsldcrlag Ue

few hare



sick aad Ue treatmeat Uey received
at Bret darlag Uoee bosy days jntt Yollewlng Ue eapiare of Ue hill in troel
of Santiago.






tale horrible

ensngb U satisfy

far SBfih talas.
A transport ef



sent to Fertreas Monroe and twe have
oeme here: see has sent Ue paUeaU

The others wUl

This place hss bot peceiUy been propered for diacharged and sick soldiers,



Barry can go







In the game.

Ac Brit boseman ti




base. Oelney. third. CLefToe;
Tbe fieldera are

Xaleoy. Dingwall and Eaed.

So«e of

Meae playors have been bera before
•od are weU known.

Tbe maeq,aitoM

here have a





Bumcrons aad vary familiar, bet we

All of them


has bean one ef the equinox


us here, a very

heavy wind aad heavy fall ef


At the end of Ue lea days tbe Bret

or of as here will go U Tampa aad wUl

Twe ef

left-haaded aed


BcU, abort stop

•mfertablshoUU sleep ia at night.

are protecud from Uem at night by

gaaai is one of thea.and in ease be is ast


the beat In the state aad the

Elmrr will attend

Rarry Cent will, after

Holley and Ooeeablee’ War Bulletin
Board waa ordered off Ue walk Satorday by dlrectioo of one of tke aldermee. oa the gvoeods Uat the cenairae*
lion of the lower part made It a bicycle rack.
Mr. Coaoable nailed op Ue nek so
tbet no biercles ean be stored in It:
still Ue anUeritiee iaalsted npoa iu
A peiitioe U ths eoeacil (or a special
permit to keep Ue board In lU praaeat
position (or war bslletiss waa signed
by over 600 mea. all voters, whs called
at the store (or the perpose.


Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.

fednesda; Higbt, Angnst 10.


nished na
Since abeat3i20o'eloca last evening


•chool this fall.

prebably be

compelled te wait notil we leeve here.



Lstereat ef the latter aed will eoatinne
Ue boaioeu alone.

Gaixer was called to Travene

Grand Rapids, who was ran over by a

He was riding wiU Us driver

aad (ell off.

Ue wheels passing over

bis abdomen.

The iEjnrr was not eer-


E. A

Stows is Ue proprietor of

li occopjing meir summer eotlage

eoeial at Ue home ef Mn. J. U.
soB. Monday evasing.

KiUod at ThompnoaTllln.
Oa Tburaday night a Cbicagn A W«t
Michigan freight traia iaataatly kOlcA

is exteoded to all.

John Johnaoa oorU of ThompapnvUlc.
Johasoa was a foremaa tm Nels Bye at

In Honor of MAm BtimMa.

WalliB. to which plaeo be was oa tho

Last evrniag Mtee Grace Eldrod en-

way whoa kUled.

or of her guest.

worn lonad noar him.

Him L^a Stimsea.

■....... '■...''jsri.'a'vir-r.irirr-j


aenoont tMk

Geo. R. Winnie,

, home Mondey.

Up-to-date Paieni
and Paper Haaget.
Shop OppodtB BaEle OffloB.

:ipoe ara eentainod in
Tn»»r»» Cltj. Hirb . 4u#., 5U.
cook book gives away will
bLisevLns Md'osni-s.
of Biscuit
L' a a So'iMr ~<:eetlre,s —I .un ut ibsBk
joa lor TC-ur t-r<»ptse»> sad fair dcalior is
ih* MnlrBVoi ol mr rixlm let lelsrr rvrvirvS j caatilc Co'l. a



who will leave for her

Promptness and Fair Dealing!

Dwir n Mauarvra. T-aTvnr Cur.
- Joboaoo Block
'-&,uii,lr 4«TQU Wasted

geld watrh and

; who has been spending eome Ume In

Tbe ladies ef tbs Aid doclety of Ue
Shredded Wheat Bisenit tor Ue flnt
CengregaiJonal church wil give a lain time gives tbe people what they have
I bccB leaking for. a whole wheat food
y Ukea the place of sUreh I

d juor________ __
, aod 1 tak* plraai
mar (o all ihe bco
i I »«p*«-ial!j rv■ paaj lor lb» r»aa
■ aftvr porwm^r.
I douW «-Ul kar, a
Ibr lal
r> ol dolor InjalDsaa.
IT onoDMirB. a> a. Pr,

A hotUe of whisky,

terUined s company ef frioode ia hon­

Ue city aad

Aid Society Lawn BociaJ.


A pleasant time

is aatidpated aod a oordUl Invftntin

•^Bban Boati
the latcat perf


»::#ilTheWay They Settle!
Msnistoc, MIeb.. Aug. 1, 1898.
Home Protective Aaa’B..Oayl
Aaa’n., Gaylord, Mk
Dear dire:—I reoeived
ooeived today
iiricl mansgvr. W. E. Hardy.
I eaecK of B*0 00. in fall eoUlomont of
ny accident claim.
Thaakiag you for the fair and prompt
nanaer in which you have eettlod wiU
rved at Heo-' me. 1 remala a member of your am^
891-tf : elation
Geobox Bxanxm.
1801 Vine street.
Manistoe. Mich.

elaa" aad|sU
t Walt’s Drag


most faetldioai who may have a taste

Ue large "moaqaivo bar squares" fur­


Where W. B. FLETCHER eerves ftrat
ffiaas ragalar mealt lor ISe and Beat
Open all night.

U exaggerau in Ue least to make Ue



kinds of Vegeublee. Tiy-oar 75c Vea. TBCRTELL A UAHB. Ptolaoo Bakrny.
a and 7U itroeU.

8 to JnJy 87 and therefore do aot need




I waa ia Ue fever hoepitai from July


$s for pUehvra. there are any aoraber



not re­

be ooMpelled




Modieal treatmeat for perhaps


Lnad.eftke UichlgaB


Ray Brown has parchaaed the

earning la at Ue



Point yeeierday afteraoOB to

the tea-year-old sea of E. A. Btowe of


ia Ue pestoffiee boildlag bas

next wees, Uke a poeltloa et Ue News

same Ume.


SI Ue reserv

aad Uen. owing to Ue great aamber

1 kliehoB and
^yers- 3 Then there la Chris

^bo formerly played with the DetrolU.



that yon ara left to Ukc

The Palace Batory S.tLUSSiSS.S.i'LrK

'lColumbian Restaurant

Ue Hiehlgan TVadrsman and hU fam­

City Hewa Stand Change


eight or ton beora.

Jnoe *J




Tbe fl*g'

Lenebes la the world for 15c.

Mrs. Barah Bohblas. aged ec yean,

you are overcome by beat and have a

nally. la Ue cool of ereoing, straggle

PUyaia «e Oe


1898. "

Bob Over by a Wagen.


care of yonraelf as best yon may.

This week wUl wltacM the beet baM

cS Furniture Bargains
Dagra* Team. No. 871. K. 0. T- M^ by_
Great CampJaaeSl.

Uit afternoon al t;30 o’clock.


,Ae$h A 0*0 WUl eome Bare With to Ue road and ride te Ue hospital



ALLAH, eersor FrM»

silk banner ___________________________________________

is ornameaied wlU gold leti____ ________
^ foe
ssd cord. TbU is U. prim offered

For some time past Ue City


is a handsome


gj[j^ Clioide


heme at Grawa at the early age of two

the umperatnre ie aa high ae lou and
llral Dewey endoiaed the Chicago ;


Friday of eon-

died at her heme on West NiaU street

TSa 2iew York Demecrata are roiag fleet. 1 WiU oaly eay that It is hat IIV
da try to make a oampaiga oa staw tie woader that half of them are aot
Baaea. The ehaaeea are that a law al- dead.
iMtoae to aatloaal aflalia wUl creep la

! Soaps-12 Bars for 25c

». .7.,

enmnUon at his homs at Maple City.

eoaaty. lor intenneal.

which has I


FHse U toe Frond of
1 aXEAM COOK, star Greeery, 845 Front Straw.
prire waa by Ue degree team ;----------------------------


ol -----teat.

Deceased was 75 yean ef age


Uat tbe accident oocarred.

U. T. M .bas been reoeived by

be interred al Qrawp.

I ahaU not taU all the prlTaUoas of yeaterday afteraooo at 3 to o'clock, of
the patleeu. their expeaere and ae- Jambage. Dereaeed leaves a bosband.

jaar te thirty 7«ara-



^ ^

It waa at lbs latter's place j tu Front etrUt.

Be was aa old

for aboat

Ualtad a woek. heviag la take care of forty or



he Aimhau?

U tweaty-Uree yean of age. flaW YOO TtltA The Kifllball?

Perry Btarbaek died ef cbelcra at hU

I had a alight touch of malarial fe*
Ir PrMideatColTelaad had a<


yellow fever la Cabo amonr the aoldl. of age. Tbefaaeral will be held to­
ere ae moat would hava othara bsMeva. day St Maple City. The remaims will

so far hai taken e very mild form and
It baa

iMaa daaoonratad that the poaitua

•rod the taxpB^en


aay eerioas daager as the yellow fevar


fr^aatlal oemlmatloa la 1000.


Friday St his boms.

ploaeer of Uit seeUon aod was 09 yean

There are aet as maay


« ef Dr. Garaer. tbe I

hand waa
aa arapntated at Ue wrist. ’The '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Beet Five Ceat cigar Made.

r^^SSJ'^r'Guard Chsins

and a broUer-ln-law of Fred Eggli of ^
Tbs DoaU Baeord.

eaily taraed iato a hlad of malarial fo-

Aad thoee who do have it ara eel ia

iTlfDotUlcelythatitwiii he »

mn *«


ririay e preat many iBaairoke aad fa*

^Old Imporu aad tho rodaetloa of lavUmmm

of Ue left head and shattering it bar-' i

with Ue

iMlUat tk« latforta of aMrekaadlae


his donbt by Ue tame oamber of dol­
tho beye from expoeare to the ean dur- lars. Fraak Trade is Ue slake holder
ls( the batUe whoa they were compell­ aod tbe raoe promisee to be a very la-

«ntiMi with tkU uoM* of rolil !■


Oraod doobts Mead’s abUlty aad backs

tar aMms to herb been hreorht upon

ywr waa IM tkao 1100.000.000. ud U


hnndrad round silver

The primary caose ef the ferer that

IkokickoBt for BB7 yioe»«'

IVtkowBopariod ar«

Jewelry etorv. U7 Froal r

go borne on a alx moaUa

This letter bat reached


larger dimensions Uaa I at fini inleaded, ao fearing that to oonUoue it
loager^would oaly tire you.

will cloec

for this Urns.
TuBtiOi Tbouxs,
Actiag HospUnI Steward, Third Di­
vision ilospltal Oerpe,.

Is Win FamooB Comady






w— Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
w- of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock
9~- of Men’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at thts season'of
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking. Bicy- ^
ole Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ;:5
and the

jQBt aa preBentod with nreat
euceeae at Hoyt's Theatre,
New York,


advertised arc enre to be etroag

As it U getUag noar Ue end


Ae eeasoB ths HasUen should be wall

Tbe games wUl

be eallod

..iratal embroideries. Ue wonderful
work of Ue women ef Ue far Bast. He
mot XlMio at BaU Prico. also also carries nnmerout attraetlons in
y nlooa of Uo latest popular mnslc. Ue way of bocklea, pins, etc., of eastWrnmbaU Oo.. »U Front street, ora fllagree work.
Hoadqaartera at
588 Btnta street.

at >:»0 U Ue aftentoon.

Special Prices, S6, M, 60 cts.
Seats OD Mle Monday morning at
the Box Offioe.



' 'L.I <\mm

alark ta Ua recMar ot daada’ ofioa at
Ofa*d Baalda. attaBfrtad to eoult
nlelda by lahiac earbolla aeid. Ska
ckxzjf . haa haM warkiay hard and waa o« the
earye oi aamea prnatratlM A weak
ayo aha eoMaltad a yhyaielaa aad ha
laeMaatally iaqnlred 11 any ol ha- aaMvoio Act 0*puWm.Bot
eaaton had haaa iaaaaa or If laaaadty
Bm MatMirm u« Buy Vii«rtto
waa la the fattUy. ThU eaoaad bar
ta tnrMM City.
aoehdlatreaaaadit k aappoaad that
Tb« Mr wlU SmlB bu demowtrat- broodiay evor poaaibla laaaalty eaaaad
•d tha fact that wa hara had manr na- bar atteiapl at aoleida '
Ealybta Teaplar to the aosbar a(
kaows haroaa ia Iba Dnltad btaMa who
Lane lake.
oalya^ad an apaartoelty \o abow i aaarl;
their pewara, hot ail br»*e mao are aot | aear KcBtoh. iioat af thaai belaay to
ftrhtlar oa fdniyn toil, aa the (allow- j the Flint eoBmaadery.
iax laUar ah«V ^U1 Kobltaaoa. the j The hodj ol an oskaewn inao. afad
karo •( the advanUre U a brother of laheat a. thooeht to ba (roa Sasth
Mia. dohn Brelthanat of NorriaTilla, | Bead, lad., • a foaod on the beach at
aad baa many (riendi and aeqoaio- Bt. Joaapb Friday tnoralaf. An earaltaaaea la Traeerae City
ope Barked polaoo lay by bU aide. A
BoSalo. Joly ST. ISOS.
aealp wooed oa the riyhl aide of the
*DrroB Bacoan;—The people in yoor
U, Ike balief that he met
TlelaJty will be interaated In an adreB- ! ^uh fool play.
tare whieh bappeaad oa Siacara rtw , jbe election of CapUlo Jamea Dandreaterday. la which ay friasd and old
aa preaideat of tba Lamberman-a
ahlp-BaU. Will Bobloaoo. of Mllwaa-' gute Baak at Bay City. Vioa 8 O.
kaa. naked hia Ufa ia tba foe=loy yuher. roalyned. haaetreaytheDad pabwatara to aara twa aoola fram oartala i
eoofldeace la tba laatUntlon. Na
My friead aad Byaelf -era I „„ „ the haak baa oocarrad. aa tba
waltiay at the ferry doeka ia the little .„blie knew that ample prorlaloa hU
city of Black Bock flea mllaa fram Baf-1 b*ea made to meat aa amaryaney.
falo, for a paaacayar fairy ta the elty
.. ^
f Pawari of Ckdillac. U Intarwhan a email
.h. ou... .Id. ol .b. H... win ..O;

--------- 1, a lady aad Hula child. ••• Plaaaani Democrat, telllay bim to tend
weat wall aatll the tiny craft yalaed him tbe bill. Cadillac and Mt. Ploaathe Bid ebaeaal —bare at that point ant were rimlt for the leeatlon af the
the waur U like white foam from the Ceatral Normal aehool dnrlay the laylaapaad of tba enrrent that iweepa dews latlre teealea of IstfS Mt. Pleaaaat
to tba falla. Boblaaon bad jnat tarnad won oak Millar aani Powara tba falto ma aad explained that the boat lowing bllU "Dabiar. to one naUoa,
wonld anrely oapeite. belay ao care- SI SO. Credit, by ana normal aebaol.
laaaly baadlad. when we law that It
I There ii plenty left on tbe credit tide,
bad become nGmanayaable.
of tbe ledger. Seed more notloeo."
feat from na. The lady dropped her

8ATSD ▲ «otns ijrs
wmcM W1A9AML mim.

oart aad canyht sp the child la bar
aroa, aad ia doing ao tba beat tiled
with water. Tba poor mother cried
far help aad aakad the crowd for IM'a
aake to aaea bar baby; hai
Pleaaaat Branta To ?
rent waa urrlbly awift aad It^iLemwi
eseiaeu i?
it ^
Be Pollowad By
Ilka certain death W atumpt It.
My!' 7'
friend Will waa tae only eolanteer to!^
rtak bii life te aara them. With a face
aa whiu aa marbcl ba appealed to tba
BeeryUlag bat been an tba go at
crowd to help bim. thaa u>m aS bia
coat and reai aei with a good bye to Omcoa of late, aad there U more to falme dlaappaarad la the water of the low. All the amnaaBaaU aad }ol)y
near. Aa ba roae. aad looked back for UmeeaecB to eeam aroaad tbe laa
aa iaataat bla face waa eorarod with UU aommer. aad goaau aad oottayara.
blood where be bad ran ayalnat aome hoU yonay aad old. are baelay the
Obataela- The boat bad paaaed blm. beat of tlmaa.
Lett Monday ereaing will aot ba
bat be yaiaad oa it, the crowd followlay him dawn the abora. Catchlay one aoen loryotten by Omaanitaa. or anyone
and of tbe boat aad aalay bU faet tor a lirtag aaywbare aa the bay la alybt af
rodder he tamed it. aa it waa broadA bnge floatlag bon-bre. Mt off with
•ida to the enrreat aad liable te ya
over aay Bomeat, but bla itraagth waa a bright diapiay of fireworka. together
DOt anfBeient to yet tbe boat to abora. with natnra't lunar beaooa yaea the raaad ao inraiay her back to bit face and aorten a ipeetacle net afteo wlinaaaed.
Tneaday afternoon a brilUani lawa
aaenriay a anra bald of tbe eallaa of
_ _ bit
feU. gieen at the Page eottaya by Mn.
her waiat with bla taetb, leariny
ewim with i ^slyle. afforded a pleaMot dlrereion to
baada free, be tuned
the Bothar aad child to abore. know­ the foetteltiea and netted a teng little
ing that her hold on the baby wonld aom for the Omena eburen.
Wodnaaday eranlng a bop waa pre­
be bU only hope, aa otbarwiaa the
wonld Involantarlly gnap blm. After ceded by a vary Interaatlag program
eoaalaUngof mnalc by Mlaa WhiiBaa
a deaparate itrngyle be
Chicago, aod Prufeaaor Comer of
yalBlBf aballow water where wllllag,
baada were ready to help him toabotr.
Mr. Boblaaon baa before tbla demon* bonuag trip ihrongh the
Eeeryladea of Fianda.
Fienda. by Ueaan. Wlllatratad hU brarery wr.™
t*,.m oane. at
.. Eeargladea
n than
ana tlaia aaTlny a lltila rlrl from a lama aad Alexander ef Chicago.
Amarahmallow roMt on Thnraday.
taiTlUa death. Ba la a aklllfnl pilot
aad ia tkla yaar aalling In the ataamar. ytren by Mra. Whitman and Mra. Conk­
lin kapt the bail rolling and (uraiabed
Belaaa. of Milwanhae.
a pleaaaat eeeninr for both aid aod
Carr. B. T. 8LaPC.
yoBog. A aerlea of gboat atoriaa. aat
quite ao yboeily. made a fitting end to
jeMtMLMLJALjKMiJiLMLMiMLMnJMn the eeenlag
Bot the ereeing la not lha only time
Ual the reaorura enjoy theaiaelree, m
the rowboau. Capula Petaraen a yacht
MI Mattaia ol Inuraai Froin AU |l
Vlkiny. the baUiny aaada. wooded
Pana of Michlyan.
patha and tbe excellent wfaaaliag all
N Wr W Mt W Wt sp-Wr Ml MS N add their ahare af enuruinaaal. Coa•idarahle flaking ia dene alao at dlffarDr Henry Rom. of Craad Raecn aeenaed of mantlanghter. na» been ac- aat polnu on the bay, aad trout
qnlUedIntfae Clr.:ull court
He wap, atraama aear. and Friday a party ef
-lU. pobo.l..j J.b«
fiablng cxcuraion to Fonnuin
tbal of Zeeland while both were ioual- '
eated. The Jury waa out hut a abort Point, on Carp lake, relnralng home
, well laden witk black and rt>ek baaa




BantaaM Hnatlan Oomtag.
The nan which 1a w ha facaud by
T. J. Beat will ba onrapiad by a aual
R BaadaA Co
BOW eloalag ont their aatira atock af
flee alathiag. fnialahiaga. kata (the
Bawlaad.) etc., at BL Igaaec. where
they haea far the peat three yaarm anceoMafnlly eoadnetad what waa kaowa
to all aobby dreaaan aa the metropolltaa eoncam tbla aide af Bay City.
Tbnir buyer baa left far tbe eaat U
parebaae aa aatira new tuck of marebaadiae aaeb an la naoaUy carried by
first clam ap-ta-daw mea't aad boya'
eotfliUra. Tbera la na danht that the
poblic wUl praflt by the addiUan at
thU eaterpriaa. Tbe new aura will ba
open an or abaot August 18th. For tbs
apaning "ad" wawb this paper. The'
motu of Beads A Co. la. "bnrpaaead !
by BOBS—equalled by few."

aad make tbiaga U*eir~ aranad
eamp tor awhile.


The adeaace sale of aeata
"Other People's Money" wiU begta
the bex oflee ef BtaiahergM Oraad tnmorrow auraiag.
B*t j. C. CMrmaa reuraed from
Northport yeaterday aad wUl oseapy
the pulpit la the Baptist ehareb at
both BuraUf aad erealag aerrieee Mday.
Mist CelU Orlatk cashier at Wllbalm
Braa. Isaajayiaga two weeka raestion.
Mra. Walter Thnrull will eateruln
tbe South Side bhakespearclub Umorraw afumoon. They will mad "Baary
C 0. Whiuey of Sagiaaw is ia the
efyTlalUBchlaparaBU.Hr. aad Mrs.
C. L- Wbltaey.
Bct. F. A. Eldrad baa gone U Cryiial
Springe u aaalat In a camp maeUng.
Miiaaa Bertha and LouIm Sector will
go to Peiaakey today for a tiait among

Baaort Hotaa.
A party eempoaad of Jellea Campbell
and wife, aod Mrs. Campbell'e father.
Mr. Ihocky of Utaad Bapida. Mr. aad
Mrs. George E- Hoyt. P J. Bandaraoa
aad wife, and MUaea Lain Campbell |
and Della Smith anjoyad a plcasaat | MUaaa Mlesla and Bone Wood will
day's oetlng Friday at Carp Uxe. A I ^
Grand Bapida on the exeoraloa
large quantity of bam aad parch -•«'„d from there ga W Claealaad
afur a stock of (all mUllnery.
J. A. Bradta of Fonnuin PMnl waa
Mr. and Mra. C. E. Bradley ef BatUe
in tbe elty yMtardayCrmk, are thegneauof their eon. W.
Tba Mlaaea Carr and Webb of Naab- B. Bradley, oa Senth Union airwk
Isaac Snyder aad family of AUeae.
atawaau took dinner ta the city yaeare the gneau of Dr. J A. Snyder.
Mra. Blley Sweerm aad daBghtcr arA parly eonalaUng of P. A. Watklae,
C. A. Watkins and Mrs. M. A. Watkins rlred yesurday from Flint, whom they
af Cbicago paaaed through tba elty yea- hara been rlalting for Mroral wooka.
Mim Nellie Lardie of Bast Ninth
Urday morning on ibair way U Omcstroot U enurulolag Mlaa Lottie Neleon of Norttapork
Mm. A F Roacbe arrlmd yuUrday
Mr and Mra. Wn. Campbell and
from Cioclanatl aod took the boat (or child ef Osbkoah, Wls.. are Tialting Mr.
Campbell's brother. Jnllas Campbell of
Jamaa A . Bna t of Grand Bapida paaaed tbe Senlb Sideihroagb the city last eTaaiag on bis
D. F- Bessie of Nortbport. traneaetway u Neahuwaau.
ed bnslaui la tbe city yesurday.
Mim Louie Jameeon left last erening
Mr. and Mrs. J M. Small of Grand
for Peuekey. 8be will spend'tire
Bapida are at o'.d Mission.
Mr and Mu. Bobert Pierce of Ban- weeka at the reaork
O Nell went to Ealkatka
aaa City, who are raaortlng at Trareru
Beacb. west U Carp lake yeaUrday on last erening for a rUlt with friasda.
Charles Bolliday. window trimmer at
afiahlag azpedlUon. They returned
last aTaalng with Ua pounds ef fine the Boston Store, will learc the first of
the week for a tw^weski’ raealloa trip
tbroagb tba soutben part of the sUU.
A party oenalatiBg af Mn Sale.three
Fred Driscal aad sister. Mtu Lain,
children aad aorae, aad Mra. C. Krowei
arrired last erening from Grand Bap
twa cblldrea aad nnrae arrlTad last
erening from Sk Louis. Mo . and will ids.
Ben Rral bu returaed to bis borne
tpead aeeeral weeka at Trarerae Reach
in Cbioago afu. a risU with fneods In
the city.
L. O T M. Ficalc.
Mrs E. H. Pope and daugfaur Ethel
Tba Lady Maecabeu of Amaada
UWe are iBTlted to atund a picnic at will lear* this morning on the suamar
East Bay aextTveaday.
Ladles with Petoskey for a trip around the lake.
wbeeu will meet at Hn. Johaucs They will ‘a gone sereral days.
Lake B bmitb of Grand Bapida. mand those without waeels will meet at
coarey presenting the Tradesman Pabliablog
Co ,1s 10 tbe city.
Jai Guoton is enterUiniog bis son
and daugburUr. aad Mra. McDonald
Another Paper for Oadtllac
J. M Terwilllger. formerly publisher of Chicago
ef tbe Fife Lake Mnoltor. Is preparing
to start a new weekly paper in Cadll-<
lac. It w'li be an slgnt-page quarto 1
aod the Ural issue will appear on Sep '
"By Jore. old man. I'm gtml to am
yon. " exclaimwl be of tbe tweed salt aa
Umber first. Cadillac already bu
other's hand. "Bay.
good newspapers aod il
1 yoo'rv 'looking
a beep betur thm
will eTideotiy ka*e to basil*
I yon wen- fire yeors
ago. But yon were
that aoooQDUidfor
your down at the brel appraranor. Got
Them will be a regular meeting Mon­ orcr that, didu l yon:- Musi hare, eh?"
day night of DutebsM Camp. No. T34S.
"Yea got orer tk old man," answer­
ed tbr other
Modem Woodmen of America.
"Hard, sras ttr'
Tbe ananal nicnic of the Congrega
"Nope, -aiiy "
tloaal Senday school -ill uke place
"Well. L iw's thitr'
next Wedaeaday. on Bast Bay sbore.
"Uamtd the girl."—Detroit Fna
Tba rector of Grace cbercta deairu to
aanonneo to hia congregation that tns
'a. oestuomsil
holy eommonios will be at b'«o a. m.
Era went to s ptnny reading, and
today lasuad of after tbe moraing ur- when tbe rvtnrtHd she was not pJ*-*aed.
rice as Is Qsual on the first Snndsy in "i think that new rurau Is not a genthe month. The change is made on Uciuau, ma Be xsiu:. 'The last row of
account of tbs bishop's risilatlon on annioiar left blooming slooa ' Think
of mytug -bloomingr
Idck Me Up
Augnst Utb.

Tbe eontb side bbakespearc club will
meet with Mrs. W Tbartall. East
Dollr-lFhai was that b« you marts
Ninth streak on Monday afumooa, j ,,,0, Gharlu when he wont to the tront?
to read Heary V.
Madge—That I d go through mom
Tbe hot fight between Xewavgo and i
A boa carpet wu laid yotUrdar af- I «gag«nenu thG sumiaer than ba
MaeeaU eonatlea for the nominee for
^ • ‘’“•F •»*
Umooa by Wilhelm Bros, ia the Eran- ,
^ ork Joomai
the rework The^ t
Oirenit judge to fill the r
gallcal church.
dlatrlck haa reaolted In the noBiaeUnii o'»"a>og for a big enUrUli
of L U. Palmar of Big Bapida by one Tue«d.y ereolag
At that time the
Elmer McCoy returned yeaUrday,
"Am I the firm man yon «r«r lomd.
from Omnd Bapida with B J Mergaa's Mate l’’
j-JorUj o... F. B. U—rd. ol Ft.- i
I the greaicai pyroUchalc diaplay ever (aat maro. Bicycle Girl, which nartici-,
" Wea yon'm tbe Cm mas I*re «*«
Twa man. who are anppoead U be
Arrangemeau hare paudin lha races at Grand Bapida. j kwoda^ the wai began.'•—DetroU
mamhenofthe gang who blaw opei been made with a large firm to preride Sbe will be kept here and tmlned for I
--------------------------tbaMfa la tbe baaK at Blebland. bald llrewerks for tbe o-caaion, aod other tba fall mesea. Six fine drirlng bomea {
The Ben Bomedy for Flux
np Fraaeii A. 6uaroa ef Mealck. Mich., laureelisg featoree tbstcannot bearir- fer Mr. Morgan came from OreeorUle 1
between Battle Creak aod Anyoata. en OBt at preaesk The ladies ef tbs oa the earn
Mr. John Mathias, a well knowa
BUama ladrlelng throayb tka eonatry.
Bar. L.W.8pr«gne arrired from Grand I stock dealer ef Puiaakl. Ky.. aaya^
yiriag exhibllloat at the aekool bonaea the program of the erasing, the pro- EUpIda last araalBg. Be will hold "Afur anfferlng for orer a week with
Ba waa corarad with raroleera. bat aa oeeds from wbick will go towards fin- L'aturian aarrtcca In Ue City Opera flux, aad my physlrtan hartag (ailed to
tkaahow builaaM haa peea doll tbe
Henae this morning aad eraoing
Cbatabcrlio'e Oelie. Cholera aad Diar
bold highwaymen got ao money from arc coming from all tbe neighboring
A large nnmbar will Isart Ula morn­
pelnU on tbe bay. and it is hoped an ing on Us C A W. M. two-deUar ex­ rkoee Rem,ledr. and bare Ueploasuruof 1
hUalUtiag Uat half of one bottle enrod;
me. " For ule br H. E. Walk
Aatan Jacka. a (oor-year-old Poltab ascnraloB from Trarerae City win af­ cursion U Grand Bapida.
ebild of Marqueiu. bad the clotbea ford a ebanee (or a large number u en­
The t^d Fellows held a special mertjoy
I off bim and
Whore tbe Koaoy Ooei.
Tbe Indian camp meetlag begins be ing last nigbt to arrange t> attend the
body waa badly burned from the thighs
Tbe eating of Impart aad nnat
fuaeral of Ue late boporriaor hwaaia«p, M a roonlt of bis garmenu catch- tween OoMaa and Nortbport Augasi
foods has made peaaible aad prot
un. wbieb 11 to be held fram Ue tnreslmeat of fi&.OOO.OOO.OOO in Ui
lag fire. ftladonbifui if be can lire and wUl exund U tbe l»tb.
MethodUt cburch la Klagaliy, this prlfty modlclaa baaiBeea la
' Some other boys were striking matches
afuraoan at two o'clock.
and bolding thorn to sm how u
The Monomleal bonaewife who li
it what ba sees frequaatly. '
A large number of boraea were sold anxlons to expend her money to Ue
would bum. In some way the child's: Tbs
ty of practical help (or
*■' " of prt
Araaa canght fire. Tbe big beys were mothers on the aubject
proper foods. at public auction yesurday afternoon butlnureiuof Ue boneebold laUer
by J. 0. JeuBOB.
than adranoe Ue aliredy exUaalre
leee. rrjll gain
Two naw ootugea are being erected ralnable infermaUon on Uesnbjeet by
, ubla, may accennt for the pleaoed aarF. J. Boaaman. of Ua npboUUring prlu axpreased by Ue many who tasu between Webeur and ElgbU street by attending Ue exhibit erf Shredded
Wheat. _____
u be held at
•m Of Bradly ± Bomman of Owoaso. "le dainty dUbaaproparadwlUShred- W. L. Brown.
maUle Co'a. aad at J. J^Brexlna'a
toatlog^ to bare oollocud fitoo and dad Wheat Biscuit at Ue exhibit lobe
Bny Brown of Ua elty Nosra Stand
. Tneaday
held at Ue Hercaatlle Go's aad at J.
fiogarud for makaown paru- Be loaeu J. Brexlna'a. Monday. Tneaday and aad Claad Owen will spend a few days
bto partaor ia a rery eabaiaaalag po- Wadneaday. Angoat 8, Q. aad 10.
Ue first of UM week enjoying oaap
MttM With all of Uo firm*! bUla to aotBaria Oroem—Tbe pure atofl. Ma nt Carp Laka Tomonvw anoralag
tfo' rtteratlona. U cmU a ponad Clareaee Sinter. Will Oaaa aad Oees«n
Mm Dora M- Moim, (or Mroral years
Ash will Join the boya. aad srlU try

You Reach

The best w&y to do .o is to 1 '
employ the

MostEffective Means


........ OF .......

The MnrningRecnril
For three months, ending
August 1, was

These figures Speak Volumes to the Progressive Mierliset

Reaches the masses. That is
the reason its

If you want to buy anything or want to

sell anything

Try. the Record Want Department.


isit Kuurura uoobo, busdat, ahovbt 7 ism


tl) BhB
ni and «A« «rr'
pital. 8b«
Utt*r# to
which alfiiMl drovB him c
r hu tnUitmeni oa accowt of
I nntbrr’B BuScrtBCB. He wai uoat i» KPt IpovB of ■hoet)c«. ood BO tried
dcaert While BtlrmpCIos to me Uw
IIBM he waa iDstaatlr killed by a btb.
try. 1
U B pitiable ease. Poor Kuu
deserter, with a atlrma upon
died I
Vrider ordlhary rtreumBtajireB he would Save been a bra re
Boldler. and michl have (une Ibrouab

Beyt of th* ThirtyThird Mieh(*
4VI at Santiago...


la a Clerkship.
WaBhlnrtoa. Auf «.-The soldier* and
Kcllah-speakinc cltlteo* In


are now bale to read the dally pew* be­
Ulchtcac soldier*



Uahed a dally Dewspaper there


people of Ranilaro talk Spanish, sod
. tbeir



PpsBIsh IsniruBCe.




Conaequently. our

'ler* wer« unable to set the news In






( .-1. .. ...u ibey were usually s week
•Id or more
The beyi of Company F. Thlrty-tblrd
Mtehikan vulurleere.were too ehterpnaIH( to endure thl» condlUon

Th«r en-

terpnse resulted In the eslabliehmenl
of a paper called the "Company F En­
terprise "




named, and


Tbs |w4«s wwU. UIoralnaMd by
BWaB.l* whits amid the dark erase shrubbar. ths picbt air with a saver of damposw stirs the olustan of while fiowars. aad
the sbcTwrr uf star dmpsd btoaoms t»liM
aUanUy Uks parfumed snow.
Aonriydark bowl peep* ow tbs top of
the lolda. and s vuloe that wtsbw to be
Ann bstrwys a slicbt tnrioor. bssltatlna
befssu the lyllahia:


your love In uider to sWoggle
v.t i,' humdrum Hi ....
itfr- A maas of blockbtwds. of
war rnilrrly out of th,
'*5* scuuiidrvU. of Idhiul But we will irt
r prvs* has not nvgl«i.
: umph om everything If you wlU only"—

tlun Ilsl liecame 10.000 on the second day
The b..>-s had not paper

and other material, lo enable them to
supply the entire demand. The rltltens

who rare* to read of anything else
betne organlted at
d.«rt; when our nelghlors.
our brotber* are volunieei
ranks whose lol! It glory
reeompenss 1* victory ." when our fleets
are destroying the ileet* of th- enemy:
when the srmlee of Spain are surren­
dering to our troops, and the flag of
our I'n'on Is being planted on the fort*
and palaces of Spain s Insular dominlun* on both side* of the world r

sleepy old town.
■aaavsary Al«er CHiIrlasd.
Now that the Spanlsir prisoner* sre
bein* moved from Ssrtlaao. Il Is not
tnopportune t.. state that Beceetdry of
M'sr Altrer has been severely rrlllclsed
le administration circles, and In the
•astern city papers, on account of the
contrBot* which were made by Colonel
H- Her of Detroit, lo whom this mai­

blew* UWe Thssgki.

ler was left by the war department
Everr man in public life Is aubjacled
to criuclsm. and Ulrhican's cabinet et-

There hsT# been the usual number of
great annual gatherings of the people
during tht past three moniba and the
press has neglected none of ib-m. but
tbe reading masses give them compara­
tively little thought The chuechiw have
held their annual, biennial, trlenmal.
or Quadrennial conventions in th- un­
usual nun-.:-rre this euinmer. and have
discussed matters which, but for Ibe
eclipsing f.iree ..f war exritemenl. would
have Interested the general pulcl [ rofeundly
Ae It was. h.iwever ..nly here

floer has not been excepted
Olonel Hecker has unduubledly renderad rood service, his employmrot has
drawn forth the charge of favoritism
Moreover, there was considerable de­
lay in rettlnf ihe tranii>uris ready
Meanwhile our soldiers were slckentn« with fever* and dyinx near Santis-


indeed held their
gresl rA.‘ll*s—grvsirr than ev.f befi-.r.In number* and larking n .thllfg In seal

th..ught» of Ih- i«-ui>i.. w-r.' with thiv'r* In the Ir-ncb-F *t Rsnilsgo
rdursttonal wnrk and news this sesAon
he# been cnnsplcunusly prolific
univ-Tsltl-s. coi:cg.-s and ie,hnl Al snd
|.r..f-»stun«l i‘ih'«.ii' have grs.lualej
t*»gr rltsse*. snd ih- r-r«on* of inci­
dent* connected with these Institutinna

W b-re before I

ftr»I M.indsy of tk-cemlmr
But thS
Michigan s.-nsinrs will b< here sooner.
Beaslwn Will Meet.
Th, iT-BliI-nt win tw obliged to call
sn •x:iu
f th. eenst. In order
I.' hav Ih- l-nc tr-Aly cmsldered and
Th.-r.-fi.r.-, t»-n*t..r Burrows

calm. *ol«r da>s of |•ea.'e th
thing* thal* uf pr.a.1 at-HM
Bui .her have
ed this ysar. If th.- presa i
-n longer they W'-ul.l hnv,
ns would nni hnve l4-.-n
More MaeSeS In Poll.
B polltk* Ihe chance friti

auvne and (althfol.
'. luy pouUy
But I nui.

Be my mtua

me play
preisMd for merythlng. Wbat did be say’ 1 aai supalor
to the*' tnflm. Tell nu-'"
' ThM you sre s nuughty boy, tbst ytnj
do bsticr to be at your lessons sod

With s soft Uttls
"Are yoo weeping, wessoret
svei^^nr issrs one by one! '

Hopper. foUowlag his


Y«ap*r seiriea at c:i& p. m.

mousy, and me aaoaey sn good as other

All are eordiaUy invltol to three ser-'

people's.” has designs npon a

“thers'a nothlag so good

eae and will draw a

lag serviee.






Tbs sweet. mosMJ littis roles U Isel Is
s summer of sobs "Your father U s hsrbsrlso. s tyrant like mine, but oo mstta.
Love la light. Is powo-; It wusbm obmselm. loreii dlfflooltim—Lo s lew ymn yoo
win be nilDO."
" Yea. but If you do not psm tbe ezaulMUon”
- I sbsll psm It’ A tblngof bosaeoant'.
Tbe teacher hs* ■ dislike to me~lmsgloe
wbat s bnsn 1 Maris, t have brought yoo
1 have klSMl II so much.
lAromlm, darling, that you wUl keep It
always yoo know, even when it sbail be
Take IL No. your bands—oo.
your sproo '
tsbo bold* forth, sproad. her ample child­
ish aprou. and bs U.ruws down, llgbt s* a
' ‘
Utrg,' velvety |em«7. with thick.
tU, d.AUd with gold, whie
like Dm- srdmit eyw of a living |wr»
Sbr lake* It Into h,T trviiiljLlne
t upon her lips with
St you w
nu-." iDBlst* tbv 1.TV la I.
" Uy Uw n
tiiiilae nw tbst j
1 not he anotbShr weeps a little more loudly.
Poor niaiunje:
"If ah,, ime III), from heaven '
"Bbv will not bo pleased with tnel
"Indeed 1 em doing wrong!
"How dark II lal
"And If |stpn sbuuld enspeett
■■Aad If your"—
"Whet idins. Marie' They are soimd
At Ui,<r age uTW docs not know
anything of love any longtir—do ynu undentAtid) Tbcy don't rciiieuiber what It

is a wi«-*i..n -I ih.
whi. h give* th.' i-'W-r uf
t.' the r.-ngrem and the c

The ladder eiwiks. tn-n.blm. shakm
With a grad push from tovtslblv haodA
"Ah' You rami!
"I vv caught you al last!
"Idler, riiadoap. good for notMbgl
"Buy liAidly out of tbe nursery!
"Ml uacb yon."
Thump! Thump!
The wind mttlm the beanrhea with dry
lltOs invulllng laughs, while frum the
othw side of tbe wall nanunds a desperate
cry. and tbe grtmi white fare ol the moon



J IP oieeueso uie \vn»h-



Kgrs. perdosen..................................
Potatoes, per ba.................................
Shredded Wheat Bisealt say taka
ibc place of Oteat far II eoattiaa all tbs
ileneau of BotrlUoaCall at
kfereaatUe Compaay's aad at J. J. Braliea's aad jadgs for you
-----------U of skredded wbsat.

■aid Jabbi at be

iluiUi S-iool



"Itiss fine ooe." admitted



T»u -u-Uu KkK UpUce of lbs regalar Snaday erealag

Kc>. S. Sal-bsry. Faster
CbsrcnoaUe eoraer of MlnU and
Sfedaworth streets
dundsy serviess as fellows


Pr^chlng St 10:J0 s. m.
T. P. A. aie:Jo p. m.
Preaching at 7:iup. m.

Midweek prayer neetlDg at


AU are welec
isck. Faslor
. Class meeting

lo;3u a.


at rbb point two deteetiees cane
One of tfaesn took a good look al
wbeeL went by. made a tmnd
turn and retu:
1 tbe Biunber with a
in his Dotehook, called ht*
and the two led tbe "daisy” off becww

irm.. Sunday school.


A a'iSfe?£SSWjSJiSr W-tS
ipo lANT-Va nn^tt^iyn MOA atgl
qsltvefo^froeks er at J. ranseh-s

oot a writ of replerin. but be tbcmght
better of it. and is now bunting the fel-

7:40 p. m-. Bermea

^ with.—OMwtt

All an weloome te these servlcos.

, Fiae Prem.______________________
Wl*d Woa. ae Ceual. Is ■pate.

_ Bouse,
bnaday-At tbe City Opera
Leslie W dprague of Graad Btpwill bald I'altartsB sarrlen

will dslivsr s sermaa oa "Bstiar Nsws
OB the Ezpaadad Gospel' In the mornbe "Prayer Wllkoot Words.”

E*v Mr

Spragus Ik of the L eltarian and


peadsBt cbarcbes.
Bat. 3 C Csrmac. Faster
Prsaebing la the moroLag sad evantng by tke pastor.
Suadsy school t\ I* 00 m.
B. Y. P. L'. St 6:15 p. m.
All arc oordlAily iaviud


Lbeae services.
MTackAK SUVICkI Paste'

There was great Itftdlee aod there
w«Hd hare been feasting In Madrid
hod proviMotu been cbeapa.
"tiboot. strmtiga. about I" urged tbe
hlgbbortibidalga "Ad Amerion tows
was ooiDpletcly detroyed !*'
"Ab. by Ckmara’s ajDAdlfiBr' isqsirul tbe strauger.
"Well, the informstlao from Anmtlcss tooroee «ys It w*s destFoyed by a
cTckne. Wbsi that may be nigie <ff oa
fcsow. bat it surely mesas some faxm cd
Spsiusb power
Al aoy rate it was n
gresl viotory. ’—New York World.

tflreel school bouse.

Ssqate* of r. A Bari.

sale by 8. E. '

Norwagtaa. Baadsy sveaiai

vUlt tbe shredded




isi'k? ssTr-sr-ss;

EagUkb. Soadsy aorsiag. !

▼ OffT-Bsrp ahspsS IsdMJte. a
J_l os Dv»t sirovv Flader wlfieosl
by Issnag s> IS* BacosanT

The Bev W B
_ CosU.
..jUey. of Bloekbridge. Us., while stuadlag to his
paxtotiAl dotlet at Ellenweed. tkst
state, was attsekad by ebaiora morbus
I He says. "By ebaaoe I bappeaad to gat
I bold of a bottle of ChAmbOTlla's Celle.
' Cholera aad Dtarrboaa Bemedy. aad 1

held la tbe Bast 6uu

•or* te tiM

) irraga-inas BM

. them te tbe uacioD bousa Jabbs swan
oopioasly and made a bold start to get

6:30 p.m., Epwortk League.
Plsber leader


L ’'VTri

low was golnj tbroogb here on a taer.
He went lame in <me teg and fUld at
tbe hotel, thinking that be would erfwws
all right egaln. tie didn’t'beosme dlsoouraged. ran short of euah. and finally
offered me tbe wheel If I’d buy him a
ticket borne. Jove, but she’s a oorkerl
Too (elluws betttt let me boy your
wheels for yon.''

dnodsy school at 11.3u a. m

10:00 a.


00« Oil
"Tbat's HgbL If tbere's a tergala
lying round louse aoywbae, yon oao
bet I’ll And U. Nice looking young fel­

Everybody welcome.

•Phtoes ISS. lOt. US_______________________ _____


ooeopy tbs polpli La tbe kierfling et ti»* wowd. "Murt tau M yofi baok a
10 30
good deal (or IL "

Wheat i

Uvm B WaoA

g • Hercaatlle Coapaay'i sad

aALBThat are Worth flomsthlBg. *70B
r o< Bows,
wish in iblspahlic oaaaer to Ihaak
.tea Beaevi
the L'hiited Staiea
'lest Boeloty
of Sagti
lelr Dliiriei ^XML^B SID^A^JU-AISB-Fav

proBotasesand sallsfaetory
D tbe setUemeal
of my
man have reesatly located
•e opened s braaob offle*
IB bioek for this aoet exora tbst I rooommeac
id them to the pabhe. Tbe ecBpaoy Is a
' "ive carried proUetb
ysar*. M
Is eometbing tbst each
cvsry maa should earry. Tbe cost
Is bat one dollar per Booth aad la ease
of siekaeat or sc^eat you are looked
ly by these yooag geatle-

•dora. apply te^v
A. city LuabsTCo. B» tf


shlag M aU Isher ssd astertsU far Ibe


W«*y Wstklu—Wlth all pour gah yon
^ to admit that religion bw Its good

tor refereaee
gave relief we sent for a pbysiclaa aad
____________________ C. !Hbi
It was under bis care (er a week.
this time the chUd bad been tick for
KvarroBS has board of Lowbof*#
sboal ten day* and was having about
;,.flve operauon. of the
every twelve bemru, aad we were con-1
vineed that nnlsa* It oooB obUtlnod ro-1
-----------------------------------hef It vveuld act live
fbaBberlaln’s I
WlUlam'a PoUMkor Orsam. pm
Celle. Cholera and Diarrhoea Bwedy [ fruit joiesa, cold aparkllBg soda water,
wasraeommeadod, and I daddod loicleaa spoons aad glaasoa.
This mixtry tv. I toon aoGeed a change for the. ture oonsUwtas oar Ice ereaa soda at
----------------------Walt's eoda fountain.

Hungtr Eigglns-U'etL that tbere Urn
of DO work oo Sunday U good as fur as tt
goat.—iBdisn^tU Joantsl.

B. E. Walt, druggMt.

Bm Its Ovted posts.

Oata. No. 1. oer bo. 4new).—.
Com, per bo.................................. ^ ■

I Bigkt. bat Dase Is

I Kotody bes a Letu.r wbe-.l and U flt*
I me josl ss tbongh II waa made to DMM


goKle An. sURlDg thsm oecaMonMly with
They aro oaten wlUioul sanOB of
any kind and see mid u> rosoublc augand
eroam orsweMalmubd pastes TbeElndoo*
peelw Owsai made Inb. iSca
PHod waiQa
sre a Oblnme deUoacy. and tbs Colestlal*
also Ilcolan that the chrysalis of tbe silkworui U dallclous. as U tbe oQterplllar of

or TEATnas cn


, ty! Ail Ibe Isfesi uajsoverj. ntt -v
^ .^uig wltbooi being bmrj.

DU Stewed ill Irnttw
II- |iaru <il Africa and
: two'dlstlDCtlve flavor
1 f“ing from the abd.i—
boldl noted use as food In S-mth
I Amertta sod slated that some trllsa prs■ feiTwl tber. su-wed In rosin
In hwsdon
distilled with rye snd used for
jflsTorUig iwandy. Tetniltew. or white snU.
ucufmed by Hottentots, who
! Utteti theinaelm, upon Holcnuoii'i modal*

tsvurod spidero.—London gtandard.

s unj.r..
many s month to strsIgMen
roll* of the tenvled vbela of la
al law and bring <

*w Wb.#i e


Wheal, old, per

J . Block.

J, „ ,
All are cordially Invitod-

Tu’ k""' '
Th, comM tumhod of prop
t-.-jUiK have aratloo Is to |xtn^ them lo poU ovw s

: the com-r and -r..*-- ruals




oogOkMATiogAiisv. P CeckUa. samer.


Who looks
1, Vis'l.le'

Lard per ft...............................................
Botter per ft Daiir..........................
Creamery Bnttsr.fc..........................
CbeMC per ft ........................................
OaM per bo (old).................................
Com per bo., old.................................
Poutoea. per bu.................................


lag. shd la tbsevealag bis ssbjaei win
ow* of foJIcIly. with tbst InbiXlraUuli' —
ThU phran-. rvsJ In s rvcIiMir nmol,
sixth eongm> sn l innn> Oal.spprau* onwllllng i<> Is- rwAll.x] with rxOrdinsfil) th-re s.-u.d be grest i«lmBctttudv
And i»Thaps II I* on thlseccal exrilemert snd the prixroding* of euont tbstihr l■|.•o^hldo■ behind tbccnlar
convenlU.n* w..uld U- dev.>un-d with of L>«anon. fTlngod with *llv«g. Its broad­
If ws had no armies In the ly •lulling lac...
field, n-. fieeie far chsncet to
' Alfnxlu. It la late—in me go. "
hit the en.-my, the .-smiwlcn* in New
r cau you Ihink of
York. Pennuylvsnla snd Illln.
place SS sluo|>r It I*
i anything a
excite a .deep nsiiuna: inter.
. -s delicious
sin wide awake full
of daring. There Is n wllilnro* In iny blood
which lashw It onward 1 l.wl niywlf oapablv uf great, heroic enlerprlsea What's

•hilled, wound-

who arx always agalnet each
ether, and against ,.verv e-'klleT who ,
Srhl-'Vv* yr-'mln.-nc.. Ir stiy Hn- "f duty. !
TtleSf Itvuv w helps ar, gearlustvs i.f ,
Ihe West H"lnl Milllarr srademy, snd i
they try to "down" ev,-ry soldi,-r who;
has risen, from the ranks
They call;
such suceeaaful soldli-is s* Miles and |
Sbsfter "rankers" Iweause they r,«e !
from the rank* They sne-r si all which
Is not buresurrallc In rollltary affairs. .
Thsy would make our government mon- ;
srrhlol If they could, pmvid.d «Ach one
cf Ihrm could iK- s prince, have a mi,. I
and a fortune. They are upstsris The |
lame of Shsfter will live tr. history I
when they art rotting lo
unmarked I
PMtb of Augtsst Kana

aad Ee-

’ealed tblagm,” aad la tbs evsBlag.

4 M
1 M

lal doctrlass of tbs CbrisUan Esllg- )n»>po<l tiom hU bicycle at the cataer
ton,where baU a duxes of bit (rtendi wow
watcblsg tbe prtxesglon of wbeetmeo.
Tbnikday—Prayer meetlag at MO
Tbeee's adsisT for rtm—regrl&rbsao-

la Ue absence of tbe pastor. Profsowill

Olsar Pork per bU. MW...............
Clear Pork pm ft.,..........................
abort Oat Pork.....................................
abort Cut Pork pm ft.....................
Floor, H L- A Co. Imat................
Bye Floor, H.L.AOo.Befil..Mewl. H. L. A Co. Boat.................
Fe«d. a. 1. A Co. Boot.................

fiseo at dtelabarr* Orand.

sor Gnmey of Hillsdale OoUega wlU

lag prloM of yfiatarday tor
Jargons and terafraflnota la Mg'


Saaday sdboel and Bible eUss at 1«.

I Blspls Bole (or tmUag tbe (eodassn

Hls vt»lro. arisen by
tetbe deelded liitoostloBs Of n
maiib.sxl. Is loat lO
an rxclaiiiat.ini
childish ler-

s»d hIs aaotlMr worrlsd and grieved sn-


Ueeee kiauelf to be aare thaa a matek
ter aU aemera.

MornlBg subjset:
■ora^ I

uf Santlaro were perfertly amased
when they learned that an Amertens
newspaper had been established In their

I Ik- llkvl)' I


'Beard of Tnds aaa.” a saa who baI at lOJ

Sonday sebool at cleae of tbe morn- aezt Wedoesdsy slckt wbea It will

world Id brief form, and Its subsertp-

All of the
r delay were charged to
Colonel Hecker and to Wcretsry Alger,
snd some of the newspai>er crHIctsma
were exce-edlngl> severe, some of there
bloilng SI corruption In the contracts.
After The* rWrkShlp.
Captain Dlnsmore of Jackson snC hi*
friends In Washington sre again mak­
ing a dead set for the K.OOO clerkhelp
which he lost under the Cleveland ad­
ministration. and which It held by a
Democrat named Harry
Dlnsmore was a soldier In IhgWvIl war,
and hence is eligible for r.-appolntment
Under ordinary circumstance*, he probsbly would have t>een relnslstrd
there Is a civil war going on. and It
abeorb# the time and the attention ot
public men lo such an extent that
■mailer matters are overl.ioked. snd
righi thing* to be done, under ordtre
clreumsiances. sre uvi-Icwiked
Hsrn- King is such a Jolly g-rf fel­
low. If he It B Democrat, and be tell*
a ttory */• well, while he set* 'em op so
freely that really some of the strongest
Republlemnt here would not like to see
him fired ronaeQuently, Captain Dlns­
more of Jackson sisndt or the ouUlds
and arils hit teelh si the Injustic* of
Ihe thing

Momiar scrrlee aad sera

' Brio* tea IM fifth# hater

eMBlarplK, U wUeh Ibe eonealt Is

Holy Oottmuakra B:*0 a. a


well reanaaed. It prints the news ol lb*

of Its issue

Xmaom QttF
Mr. Heanwy LarayU, ta“Other Paa^s Money,” latredaeea qalu a elew

wblek, as bs Imaglaea belongs to s
Denjamln Hamsoc of Detrc
young girl. Be angngae la what be
been rranied a patent for *t<
milk cans and dairy utensils
I It '
"I am bos. Bat. for bra*ai‘s Mfcs,
jlaaglnaea desperate flirtation.
claimed that Hsrrlsan'* proce
-ess will , (jaak low There U still a U«bt n papa’s
; girl aUosrt the floaeelal giant to think
absolutely keep si: bacteria cut‘ < "'IJ- room. Ob. thwrme. I'm so fplcli eoolt 1
that as s resliUsM lady-klUrr be
thus IntreasIBB Ihe value of Ih
Paruaie help yeorchlldrea with tks nmklag great program until In s ladl***“** *“ "'F volns!”
eieam. cheewe, and butler
Thli i"' ir
B aad come
wlU Lksla
te Soi crous cllma*. she ooatrtvse for bis a
ta«l»en thU «-«7
Don’t be
ceeatesi Invention of Ihe aire o?dsim !
tbe sbedow of the eebool.
men, and It was invenled by ■ llychap 'nftu'd' Cun**
. btWDcbes; so—no. fartha this wayr
loo. Michigan It now r.oe o
Morning serricc. 11 a. m.
can play At tba asms game, and tbst
She Sdvanred with llrtle.
Inc dairy states of this ruunt
Jnalor meeting at t:0u p. i
Ads "otbor peo^s'a monay” Is sometimes s
short suipa Her slender wblUi flfrurc. still
product* sre constantly inn
almwt that of a child. QUa along tbe Montgomery, soperiaUadeDL
, dAsroroos stake to play (or. Tbe wife
fravcl uf tbe paib. She eruiicfaw nem“Whst would the neeapapers do
I of BntebUaoa Hopper Is aastbar laterC. E. meeting at c
Ulna St the foul of the low wall, among
news this summer wlihout war- - Topic leeeen from tbe life of Elijah. eeUag ebaraeter, oot of which a elow
Question freciucntly heard by per*..nt ;
up lowi
Leader—E«t. Joelah Petihlartea.
< aetreea Is snablod to soeurc aay aemrncaced In loumallsm. II appears to j
through tbe leevoa
Bveolnr *«r»lee at T;»0 p. m.
I her of "Uegbs" by her witty dlalorue.
be tbe crnrrai Imprrssloi
"Ob. Alfndol A»d tf yoo taU and hurt
from war excitement, these are dole­
A hearty welcome u> all.
Come ex- One of Mra Bepper'i (aeorlu sayiag*
fully dull limes, and that If peace had
sersIs ibal -'the older s maa Is tbs birger
"The Idea! My pour little dove! You
not l>een Interrupted the dally paper*
are all like that, you women' I. Instnsd leea.
. foal bs Is; tbs yoo&rer be U the Isas
—dlffleoltkw anlmsu- me I Tbcy spur me
piagT MxrrHODiBT.
|aoBBshebsA” Bealdastbsaberaman> Ih* ali-pcr
onward; Ihcr electrify fuel For yon
kev.J. A. Brvs4y. pssiot
^ iloBcd there AT* some aovsn or elfb!
would la- nspsbli. uf much moca
doDday—FTeaehlnff at 10:10 a. m. aad other charactara. all of which are Imdu you oaiv fur tu. *"Ya
)<peak low. 1 bear a ereakliic." 7:}Op. ra.
portaniones. Tbe oompaoy prooept"It U tbe wind
Do you oare for ise?
Clasa BteeUar at V:j0 every babbatb laf-OLhar Peoples Moary''Is a tlroag





I strsvtk. tor A PvwrirL

•on. VAMTMD.

f. W. OAffHlL»»'A




* -A


^ - -i. i
i.A ^
Wh. "»■

^ -aSSi;


£ K a


g; 2 sfe

Our Naval Fighters Have Learnea Much of the
Vline of Certain Types of Vassets During
the Present Unpleasantness.
The Torpedo Boat Has Woefully
Failed to Demonstrate Its
Supposedly Great De­
structive Power.
Jiufb b«* iHren wmi»R oBoarnln* ilupmt>abl« mult or n
b<‘tv>'«vn mwdem irmorod w»rsbip«. Kith thv hcuvy
proiortiv*alunx ihMr (id<r« a>-Ar
the K-Bler line and over the decic* ooveflng the •pai'e in nhlch the maeailm-*
ABd the intricate and fo«erfuI machfiier)- are pu<-ed of the pipwrr ••f de.

e the haltleshipa.
Istere of the navies
aniiPTed. protected and auz llary cnila.
era. minlioats. mnnll"ra. torpedo boats

have made giK>d records, especially
those In the hatlleshlp and cruiser
classes The much talked of and dread*
Ions ranfe mounted on these veeseia ed torpedo boats have yet to distinguish
Btui'h U knoKB, for befi>re iM'ina placed themselves and prove their ability to
on iBe ahipe they an' thomuKhly tested destroy or cope with the larger vessels.
In the recent opersUons along the
A* to (trenffth and the distance they
can throw shelM with telllnr eOecL coast of Cuba, and more especially the
With the ahipe It was dlRrrenl. for, rtghl off Batitlago. some '>f the typ“S
While they wer- coMtructed on the most have been proved successful, though it
arientinc plana, their ability to with- . has also been demonstrated that certain
staad sheila thrown from the fruha o( | changes and modlflcsiloha i
an enemy waa an unkoom n quantity
I great Improvement
Tbe high power guns In the forts.
aro between the SpanUB Oeet Id com- ^
Band of Admiral Cerveea and the :
Commodore :
Bchley that the real wirrth and power ,
to destroy an enemy and witbatand tbs
Impas’t of heavy pro)ectll-w were clearly
bruufht out
More Interest was takes
in this sea ftrht than In any sincv the
days of the Monitor and Ueirlmar
fle-ia were composed
aels of the reepccuve navies and were
constructed on the m.«t wlentlflc pnnclples
The tiattle of lSnntla«<p will c. down
In history as the rrr-utest am flrht In
modern times
an.l it will
■|•r>- It will l>» equaled
il eaperti
. The barking of iht- guns a*d the

the woodwork uaed
both in the ofAcera’ quarters aad aa
backing for and support to the armor
plates along the vltala uf the ships. The
wood on some waa subjected to a cbem.
k-al bath, making It supposedly flrepror-f
Yet when the ships were called
int.-i action fire hose was run out. and
nearly every plec- of wo.»j that could
lie removed was thrown overboard. The
firwe on l«ard (he 8|ianlsh vessels were
startl'd hy the bursting rharges of (he
shells ciinlng In cmsct with and
the woodwork
deemed adfisal.le some time ag- to re.
duce this to the minimum. The Cer.
man naval sutborltles stopped the use

e rhangew needed i

rvtbg war to smaller craft with a
greater number of smaller guns, greater
speed and larger coal carrying capacity.
Ry a comparison recently made between
the larger vessels and ibecoming smallw'ould have the advantage of dlerhargIng more pounds of metal In a given
Urns, would l>e better protected and
have ihe advantage of ptvfwnllng s
smaller surface i.i the enemy
tlM'V would necessarily be stronger and
sutfrr than ihe larger ships and more
easily handl-d. while the mat of cmBlrucIloD would he materially lessened,
and a smaller numl-er of oihcers and
men could man an-1 flght them
new type lialilrshlp and cruls.
II has been argued, should show
greater speed.
Ii was not until early In the sizUea
that metal was used to any eitent In
the construction of vessels TTie old "tin
plat-s' which did servlve during the

r wsre among the flnt metal

^ - Mi

i tw rl E

Bpeed Is Jan as necessary for the
modem fighting machine as are the aiizfllary cruiser 9t. Paul asd ths dPs
guns and armor The day of the 15 knot siroyer Terror faUed to show the puwsu
haltleshlp and the l« knot cruiser Is of the Rpsnlsb vasssis. which weis edSe
rapidly fading. Those vessels Dow con. Sldered Ideal reprsMOtaUvea of tbiir
sldered slow will he prwctIraJty useless class.
The needs of a navy ta order to M
for other than purposes of harbor de­
fense with the advent of the inerltable put on a first dsM war (aMliic at*
new type The speed of tbe vrsaels will many The HMpaoo-AJncrtoaB war Mi'
to light what tXMSs are uC
be increased, giving (he battlesblps not
less than IS and the cTUlsera from XI to what kinds of ships are bast adapted t*
Q knots. This wfll be necessary to cupe cope successfully with an aeasny. Coa«
with foreign nations and the rapid addIUoe of fast transatlantic llneea to lbs
e battleship We have h«l
sukillary list of the "sea powers" of the
World. Tyiese suzlllary vessels have al­ tew of (his type, though we have pf
ready demonstrated their value to our vided for Ihe following, which will pcdb*
government and have mad- priud iw- ably be when oompleted Uie most fog*
nrds ns nemtnghtlng ma hines
Murh mldAble ftgttlng machlnea In (he woiidl
Alabama. Kentucky. IHlv
depended on the speed of the auzlllary Kearaarge
vessels lo aid them either to chase an nnlB. Maine. Mlaaourl., WlaconalD sad
equal or l-«s-r sirengih or
to get away from the strmger ones
The United Slatsa. allbough It oat/ •
As the coast line of the United States few years ago atartad to conrlAict •
Is ahn-irmally long and many of (he Davy on modern plana Is rapidly gal»v
(owns and cities along Its shore are so Ing IB the list of sea powers and fmn •
situated that It would be practically lua- plaiv has gradually lisen until Ii
lm|N>sslhlr In protect them on the land can be safely said that with (hs fleet «•
side with forilflcatlons of sufflcleni present employed OUT rank U alXWt
strength, coast defense vsasela have be­ third, and even without ths aoklUarr
comes necessity. Those that have been fleel we would bold that number m
used foe that purpose tre small cnft. flgtadim strength. Lem than a gsaei^
not .'t>ly unfit for the work, but unable tion a*o tbe navy oonststsd of a mnSs
to coi>e with the smaller cruisers of s ber of wooden ships. They were Of ••
first visas naval :>o<vsr
Many of our obsolete type, and many of tbstn war*
coaet low ni and even aom» of our larger going to plerea When we did start t*
cities might have been b.imharded and build a fleet. It was with a determloa*
the war might have been brought to our Alon to have the best afloat, and. WhO*
borders with telling effect had we been It Is not as large aa those of some eCbsr
engaged with a flrst claas naval power.
counirtea It U aa effective, ship fa*
The type of vessel now suggested tor ship, as any lo the world. Besides, th*
coaai defense Is of the low frseboard United States has the proud dIsUiicOMi
monitor type, similar in construction to of having vessels of a type not to M .
the Puritan. Terror and Monterey. Sine* found In any of the other narlsa Thaw '
the war commenced none of these craft are the ram ifwishAin and Utc drasatt*
has had adequate oppoiiunlly to prove gunboats Vesuvius and Buffalo. Mo op>
Its capabllltiet. for. while the armor and portunlty has been offered to show th*
armamentareof modem pattern, theen- Oghting strength of the ram, who**
gln*a the all Important feature of any only power of defending berneU or SS«
steam vessel, are of otisokte design and Ucklng an enemy Is the powerful nUB .
Incapable of performing Che duties ez- 00 ber bow. but she U lookad UpOD M
being a moat dsngefous sneray SAd OM* let loos* aaoaf a flset of veaseja we^

While sotM «r

are ral
own weal-.ns'
; With the exception cf the heroic work
I uf tbs Winslow whu-h, hy the way. war
not tbe kind of w.-rk the vessel wai
' use These, with armor an'l armament r ship* t" tie constructed for naval pur- bolll to du n-iihlng has been scorn,
I well distributed tu meet sn> aUagklhal I pose# Then came the UaMIe lo Hamp- pushed hy these alleged death deslmr
Uk- the fighting lop* o(
may lo- made, xxiii i» largely taken Into i ion xxhii h dc-ided the fate of the little crgfl.
'consideration In the plans adopted fi-r w-nelen vesrels. Since that time and the batile*blpB and cruisers, they have
: future vessels Tu construct the ship# s ith the In. r-sse In p-.wer In the navies yet to pruv their worth, and II is p.«slyh* s-archllght.
•OB the sc-cepied plans uf naval e*i>ert» "f the world improvements hax-e com* l.l* ihsi they mu
jWlIl caus# cun*ldenrble sai-nflee of spaee quickly, and iBr nieth.elj of i-unatrur- known as "(he rye of the bsIUrshlp."
occupled now by ..fflea-r* and en-w quar- , Hun have txeen changed. With Ihla and th.- wnsll rapid Br» guns have In s
ter* and siorecom*
TTie armor and ‘ hange new and sinmger msierlal has greal m.-ssure l>een Instrumental In
' armanieni of the more modem balile. ' been used until now the fighting ms- ■ keeping Mih lorpedo l»«t# sod drsiroy: ships must b>- inrroused rather than | chine* are built of metals found deep ' erw In the background
Th-lr frail eon.
dlmlhlsbed and the works atxve the i Ui the earth Inslewd uf lumber taiceo BtrunloD wHI nut i-nnit .f their at­
water line better protected. To sacri- ff'-.m ihe fx.rests.
tacking large ships In daylight
flee Ihe strength of fighting ship* in I
What i* the most needful type of ship work I* to be done quickly and under
order to inrrvase thsir speed has b-en ' fora naiiun’i service? it s question that 1 oovee of darkness
cne *>ll directed
tried, and while ths Increase of speed i has Iw-n asked and argued
by the' dash, with the placing of # torpedo
was successfully made the ships In oth- ' greslctt naval ezjieri*. Their opinions (Which since Ihe c-bery' gear was fitted
er reapect* proved failures
' have differed, each hax ing hi# own Ideas lo the steering apparatus has Increased
TTtls x«Hjx s.. In Ihe ciLs.' of the com- 1 "f whsi style of v-s»-l culd do tbe I Its deslrurtive power* and caused It to
I Bierce de*tr.i>ers Columbia and Minne- moat serv ice and be used in any rapan. be looked with anxiety hy the
japr.iiB. Thx-*c vessel*, ths nr»t and flnest ty TTiers had Ixeeh no practical demon- commanders uf warship#!. Would soon
I of their kind to t-e constructed for any atrallun of the real power* of modern ' destroy the most powerful ship *r«A
'nailoQ, are alm"*t worthless as fighting armored ships. The battle of ths Taiu ' send her ofllcers and crew into elemlty.
machlmw ngnlnst hnavily armored foes was the most recent engagement
The sesrvhllghts. however, have Irwncn!aad wiih their armament ran do imi* which modem ships look part, but
ed the opportunities for these vessels
In fiu-l. many experts think result showed comparatively little.
to show their prowess, ahd imUI some
^( agalDst the auxiliary cnAsen St. was said It was an usrqual match i
better showing Is made lb* consirucuoa
IfcuU and 9t- Paul as at present equip- the Chinese shir* were poorly handled, j of other type# of wanUp* U coosldered
ped three vessel* would *
, be com- This battle, tbsrefom. laaght
the better psUcy, The fight between
pclled to give up.
.constructor little, as It did nol
the epaalsh torpedo boat destroyers
As baa been show n by one of the Bag- | Mrai* the power of the ahlpa.
Poror and Ploton ai^ tte coaswtsd'

maneuvering of those powerful engines
of war opened the eyas of tfce maritime
powers and Hi- naval sharps. What
they had i~-n anii 'Usly looking for
since the adv-ni ..f at.-cl armored ships
Inlo the vun.iuj. navies had actually
happened, and that a as a battle between
modem lighting nm.hinae
these great -ncn-e .f drstiuctiun. built
mostly on lh.-.r> xw-r- looked upon as
unknown quant uim so far ^ their
flgbitng capabilities were coocemed.
With the conilusl.'i, r.f ip.. i.auie of
ftmiUago and fhe clearing a»ay of ths
smoke a lesson not uni) <.a p- me wxji-th
and power of the x but In Ihe
handling of them, th.- iralnlhg -.f men
In gunnx-ry. the n-.p- .>r cnatruriiun
end thv best type of v.wsel tv.ib fur of.
lenslve and defensive purposes, hse l.evfi
I'Brned. although at the cm
Itxer and millions lyf property. With Hie
result* of this battle will com.- ilijuxr.-s
In Ihe construction of naval shipe. and
some of the non familiar lyt-.-» x«ill'
gralualiy Ixise their places ii. "more '
modern" vessels of greater fighting abll. :
Ity .arryiijg more fuel and wwh id-i
creased armament and speed.

(old their Siory -ffevtlvely and i
straled .-learlx that more inan
tight I um|uiriiTx-iile an- n-eded (
x'essels frx>m sinking and that w>n
tertal now used in the .ixxnstru* 1

The baltlrshlpe of lodaj are as n<
ly perfbci and ratable of huldmg tl
own K ith forts or opp.wing . ra/i as
rapid changes that arv dev>-io[M.d i
put Into uae a lU parraH. With iihe In­
creased volocUy given lo shells, vthleh
are coBstanlly being Improx-ed in com­
position uhd made capable of piercing
the toughened armor on the side* of
Oghting vessels, change* In th* methoda
of placing protective plates will h.- nec­
The 'flush'' Hded Ships will
N *urreed.-d by those of ihq "tumble
home" lyiw now used Uigely by the
Kr. n.'h government- Rome of the "float­
ing fortrx-a«**" no*' being constructed
f'T the I'nlixii State* government arv
of this pau.-m. while the battleahlp
Brooklyn, both of
made goc'
ilerg, wet* built
The material that will be abaBdOB«d

naval . Xpert* say tbai the ran Ii
capable of dothg ssrt^ ,
..US harm, d.-#[.lie (be fact (bat oee tt
yingisnd's finest battlesblps waa ran*
m.-i hy another and sank so raptdlT
that nearly every one on board wag
dr.iw B-d. It has treeo Clearly sboxTB tbg<
f..rmldsble weapon. as4* keep their ships clear at thoa.
While ih.- fleet was Off the New Bng*
land coast Issi summer the steMiog ap*
psrslus ..f the nutlssblr Masaacha*
wits hrr>ke dowm. and there was a sbaxV
scsmperiDg of the other vessels to CM
I nut of the way of her ram prow,
The dynamite gunboat Vesbvlu* WM
' looked upon as a failure wbeo she wag'
1 nm put Into commlssloa. Few ezperlI ments were made, but Ibeos dsaflF '
showed that tbe ship was of Uamensg
; value for Just aucb work as she did at
Santiago s few weeks ago. The Vew'
Vius and Buffalo are (be oaly rewela of
th.lrvtyp* afloat, and tbe work of tbs
am bamed opened the eyes of (be for*
elgneru to such an extent that ezpSfl- -meuts with this kind <
flghting haee already been begus b*
At at the EJurepean natlona Amsrti
ha* sjwtya led In InventloBi. Every
ir she has had has brought aosoh
fsarfnl monster to the front to
help h
to victory. At first’th*> has*
been looked
upon with little eoBcen.
before the end they proved tbsir
worth many times
The needs of the navy
type of ship* that have
their value during the present
■seat Strug:
These are well armored, high
spsid baXIghspacdfe
Ueshlps: cmlseTS equal
U tf>
IP If hot SB*
pertor la speed andeoal cai
tg to the fastest oesaa UcJ
of ooas defense vsosrts
fi _____________
ths moM*
Ufa. and Mps ed (he yg ivlan type.


flUHSrr ON THt FAim.


Dan feitol^ (to aim hiD *• nd m
toski |e net
AH (be rarld to iwy. ead ! ca wmrj toe.
Tto partrM(« eeefet Me ooein, end (he redbud

ksowUie «Kn( work pw<H»-


Aad t ea eoatoc (lea tto Mda deer ban.

y MroOMMlftH'lM
be abto to ftoe the toeeoM li
be atnboHtT OB tbe >•? oir Uw
uDoo ttorttb tbeelo.


SoBto. (rtws (be dayUcbl to wutBC,
B«e. vb«B ay lolUec to dna.
Ab. dove by ibe eate. evcri. wetcbtae

OtM« War«n ■« (to 0(m4 Ltoc*
BUT—r«. you m*7 be »ll UxMOd yet ool
be es Odd Pdlow
Are you dolog anyTbM to tbettoL —

twTiac bMB bora
is Ona ■
to leu
to on* o( (be (BO
emlDont Htooi
In tb«
Id Une for the offloe of fuand taaeter.
Re to pMt
toaeter of Central
City lodire and
paet oomiuaader
of C«DU«1
. Mr.
Ide to alio (nod
Iteneraltelmo of
the (traod commandery of New
tn ohlrf of

flhs thirty-third and last degree

Per <bea Inrka U

Fbe fioelM Ris look, lacbwerd aod
akj (o fold.
Tbm l<to<to (ba aaalto of Ibr Olybl

tUeeJ. Otto Hamphrey

aeoctottoo bt Boeton bext Seplem


Be to an

a. end derfc

flesM. when the day Iteht to waalBc,
H.aor abea ttj i-ilia* u doaa.
Ab. down by toe »»ie. awart. watefaur
ry~ wait
My ee«Dia« at wttiae U mai

of H lodjito and aa
bm laet year
The KentDcky O
hea accured a Une property
at a oon of I
ikiHoa hljth
Is rooui
ground* ere eitoDstre.
eitooetre. n
nittohle tor farm- ,
Ine and a Une herd of (rtwlitored Joraoy i
caale wm lnctQd«d^D
ID lb<
Ibe tote.
There are IM lod«ree of Odd Fellowa In |
Ontario, with a total membcndilpaf 8.U06. I

.b S':.:

»k up
LI rflewtlve defense of U
P*“* °f bonianltr bv entering the aerrloe

“Ynu'rv going toinorrowf’ tbe young Mkld
"I ban to see my people before I )otn
my niiiment.' the yomig nian antwarod
"MXat a good time I ve ha>l here'"
•'Yon Werr about." »br otwrved, "to
ray f-nirthlng about the >'rn l.'roea."
"Th.. -toutbern Cnswf Why *tumld 1‘"
■‘Sun-lT." *hc said. ' you wan t throw
your opjsirtunltKeC
Aren t you
Ing to gar* on the Sontbera Croes In s
few «
weeks and Lbliik of nj«;"
••Very hk ,
he an.wered quietly.
‘■That* right." *he piiratad
young man of let'll
t'ltng. s Itbln sighing dli
taneo of the Mn
sbuuld nr«<
lert itI. on the esher hand. sl.aJI luuk
U the Groat bear and think
' Hivt you tovn U. any theairr* lauOy*"
'.\a' shi' said, "but you must bara
rIsiKd a.n... really' it.el.dramae "
•I .inly meant that II • twen a ratb«
warm Joly. and an- yn lend of bicycling'
If* not a bad Br..r tonight
"An'n'i yiiu ;ii*i a liiile ungnuefuB '
" 1 wank'd''—

lodgtt depends largri;


Grand Secretary
anoual repot
The grand chapter. Order of the Eastern
. Lyman'•
Alar allowed tslltoge to daloracea but : (hows that Ohio haa Tfl lodges, with
of 61.8 JS. being --- ------------SM per diem,
Mra E. " " '' '
----------------*..* --------------------------------------meniberablpfor tbe last yesrof 8« Total
gysnd worthy matron.
amount paid for ratluf. IS06.&44 W
LaCayetto. ‘the obamplon of WaahlcgThera are orer SOO Rebekab lodgns la
Sen." was a prominent Mason, bolding
Ito thirty-third degree.
[ Mtoaoon
New mem ben arc only obtetinable from
Kraty oooKltoa3l lodge of tbe grand
tboee who do not now b^ong to tbe order.
nil dues at the reoent usidoa.
U haa always been tbe glory and Sonar
Frwmaaonry that It had no oooaslon to
a lodgrof Odd Fellow#
moJ abTOtol
abroad Into tbe byways
and lanes of [ ,
not the proper kind of
__ ____ men to enek

D entrance and .
Bfa. begging
■outage such a liberal
■e In Its todgea urging men to aoUclt f^'*™"**”*
But Uwra are lodges In Cuba,
admladon to its prlTllege* In order that Institution................
of (bem aftor pesos
HMy might acquire a right to Ke bemflia


inra OH DIDO waooeieo awi^ asais to
(be ruore Inai^^iDiaie {»«ibllltl<*. (‘boaU
hr a*ay to the arrvl.v >.r ootf On tba
whole, be thonabt hi' would fta- awhile,
tmi be woohl bo loelUwd to esohaaee Into ,
a eeealry reslinent.
A few race bortoet
He had juat lanrun to onntoniplsle
bliuirlf liwolpy Id (be t>ertiy wlno« when
be a«»Ln rrturnol lo the y<iuug
-Yia." be aald V> hiniKlf. "of counw
that • the boat lan <if It
fatt. U wto not at all the l*wt part of U.
WarrtaBe In a way tr .»in» the end of
|o«l t-Dlcr:voutb. and the youne
W'>na new world wbleh he UaU never
ktaown before
It to Impotolble to be wt-



Uy ruaons st wttint of roai
—AmerirsB Asneoltanea

Grand Master W L. Brown of Radhs,

Oeaual Joseph Warren, the grand tnss- ,
................................ pHta, fell at Bunker Hill, i
* l“M(r may rwli
. and enforn'' Ibe
the bylaw* upon
Inolud*ns toallng w
Ing a brother
ir who to reeeinog beneflte at
Me to the c

Tbe Matoos of New Jert^ dedleatod
Jnhn-> day, and '
r home oh SL John's
flbls day bereafter will be raguiarly ob- '
SVrnd In honor of tbe borne

wHb tbe afur boaran <d esocee.
'■Yol " bo tnatoud to bttnadf. "I ahaU I
manyKli^. laot mtabtotor of bains poiB !




We will close oat • few broken lots of Shoes, at sa
especially low figrnre. They are all solid leather and
eo<xl wearers. We earr7 a large stock in sll styles
and sll prices end can please you. For s good wearirig shoe get ibem of

>aasaassaaaaa*asa*a»***«a ••••••••••••••••••••MW


caiur trooping t«■^lra
_ ___________________________ _
not dumiwtlc.
To to' mlstbs roij Iitlit rrooi vet (be'wew- ! qustely d«a«llc you must la a llttU- Urod
rrn isy.
of otbto UtlogB—not Donanrlly rlrk>us
jui 1 *ni eoinm* froto the firlds. itoar btort, thinga but you ii:u«t know the sunshine
1.. ti'.n.r snrt yo», to e|qitwlat«'the sbado.
Half against liU
B-Iie * h. n Ihe CsjUsht I* wsaltia
' will the dltnm pl-yune told him thU He


My for the «ato of New York and to |
•OffltBSnder tn chief of the council of deSberatlon for the dlitilct of New York.

Beaameuu no* « '
■cat to bKotod that rooraia«. be
ciad penxto *ko pren tdtd (be di
dito) {Bonded a pale ptok aka



»«.^.,1, „»
out aBy ci<ig
Tliusr thing* were hidden as yet from
anything but the young msn • subcon-

and li-Hl the young simian «f hi* liappliHss. The thought ought to haw ■iiggi-*tcd a irtumi-luil prnmaalon. Inii culy prearmed Ita-lf at a logical and obvlou* proewdlng. also. If hi* fenJmg* had been
whnt Iw Intagin-d ttomi to tos h<- would
have ImMilwl out bU p««1 Pn-tune to tbe
other tote at lirwiktast
}!.• beIleved that It was romantic to rtmTve tbe
n^* for (be young woman, but Us- Iwllrf
bcas artlUrial
He found Ibe young w
] sitting li
tbe imi.ibinc on iV town,
log, um. pr<i«i*teTOUsly healthy aud hap,
py, ronddi-ring tbe rlrroustnnnrs
was ahle ux'xplaJn quite tnudllglbly what
had happened, and the young woman tlsvened and watched him quietly
way* be wa* a very transparvntt yoqng
man. and tbe as* a young
nnw.' he euncluded. "of eoorro we
can Iw married Just as tuon as ever we
like. "
‘MairledT You want to marrT mrf”
cirroii.llv. a* though he hoc! «ug.
»j,lcb a* a matter of
f»ct wb* tl.-e**.'

'Why. what stbc matter, Rittyr Am
you gtodr" hr aek.d
hsthca. " he answen-d
You nwdn'iho
''l i„ verr glad that you'll he rich. ' < 1 shall bntl-er yno. Only I should an»«md with a snillr.
"Wbst are y
like K. thank y..u for having given ti.e ilw ,p,lng i<> do?"

m/ii m


to yoar pocketbook, see

Closini) Dot Prices
We're makiog on many linee of goods. All are
of thlB »eaaon’i mannfaotare.

Greater Refiictions
in prices on

Shirt Waists. Suits, S3.90..

a First ngliDant of Rantucky TolunW%, to have lbs power lo perform lbs
■ riess of the order
V tbe
body of any
Tbe Rvb

tn.v life and to Wish
"uh bsTc a good ttms generally I"
tbo ImertMs of tbe i
' she mid softly, "rather a
"A good Unv
( rnerally gentrally,"
real niajonty of tbe hS.lloO
V gel
ebe repeated slowly
inst not and ibonkl not to* yeopanUaud
''nitiM. day. ' he answered. "I trun that
-What Is Uiv marior, Kitty’' be
minority, nor does It
I *b.ill to-a nasty man
A nice
qulred in a putilod way. " 1 don t underbrllrveihat romroon boowdy would perpensatlon The new lodge U to be . mil •neb a crime against tbe majority ! thing that U eupprmd m-ltber ton
as Rrawcky Army lodge. .Vo. 1. ' sithoui tbelr oonsrm
If the war clause
"I m nn« sure that I do yet. " she mid.
' Jo. k. " she mid. putting tow
. ws* suspended, thi-n.' would be large and
'■Surely after last night"— beburstont
• «rin. "witlHiiit 1 r>' tr.llCf. a* I
'■Last night ' .to- mid. "I refusad yon
flrat oniirorlded lor I.mws. and there trnuld be
RIeberd Caswell.
■r> .siy. would you n.lnd 1.^ II
brrau*F you wvrr inor. and Ust nigfal
« a* year* ago to you '
Estra aaseesmenu would first
• I. It quit.- lni|M*«slt'lrf' tofc a*ked.
"You cnrelv don't think I'm eueb a rad
"W.'ll. 1*11 l If d..' nlisw.
as to let that mak.' anv difference. Of
MTloes, was M the'ume grand tuasicrol the middle aged, then Oiially, staggrHng
w.' *h"iild )iavi- to wait." be
lbs smts.
. under tbe welgbt of year* and tbe Qnancoiir— I know you wrrv right la*t nfehi."
N.I 1 kiMiw you're ttol a rad. Jack.
-----------------------------------I claJ kad. Ibe old men would get out of tbe
Veil l-.anx-ti to hr a gentleman
; ranka
The subjon should be connderod
I'Uasedcm 't think lue horrid and mer
.bw thing* »u. »hi.- mld.. -■- —
' In oalmiHsa and dlscmsec tn coolness by
TBIas s< s CertlAmt* ef rrmteraal Pro- . the member* of the urtlcT
Th.y (hauld renary " >hi- mid. "It l*n t nlPwi-tli.e
"1 doll 1 iii.rtei*tand iit all." be fold.
But don't ynu know what s long
•Y'ou fv vi-n x,-rT young. Jerk," she
an*' It • Ui.'UmgLWt thing aa*w.-r.,l
That tor which a ocrUflcsie of frstsraal - enoe and
morriii'g In hi* ni-w aepivv cif a (Aaslbis
■rntsetlOD naodsUnotaouethlngintangl' < moot
rbey should dual ------- -- —
■r- you I«y ■
be and Indefinlto. not w.mcthing depend- j irra'-* and vital Imponanoe and not as * .
'Mh for n thing Uu.l >
teg upon an obscure chance, not lorue- Uy to be ptoytd with
I “* tr.urh a* It •
"I II' IM. eoceger than I last night."
worn out ts-foTv voi; reallv got It
he uiv>d
telng Of an obscure. onocrtalDahle vnlua !
a flue Pythian hall was rsrantly dsdi■- urgwl.
■H I mid ye*
*to <
teB a disttoet, definite and most valuable : cated at Uaoob
It cost (SO OuO
should hax- viiough I l!«H on qul-tly ■■
"ll you •eld ji»f lion
I. I. .a
Th, ITO.4 .hdih, o, MU-,an will oM
You d to'to iMtiteniI If you did," *
<tli;' ' l.r aet.-d
\ St Ranms City on Ook U
eald. "am! ouroaMlv In Spnlu would tiei
"Wall a ii.oii..-nl " »hv ati»wervd.
Wret K. r
Tbe onlform rank has furnished six
Id T<-«. We *li-'u
*l)-'uld he r amivl
MBPS Of bU family.—Golden Chain.
II Mirry, hut Uwuuldn i
brigadier* and more than Sn colonela Ur- i wouldn’t d
“Hm total ntunbar of new members addo
tini. unexcICng I
tebuid and fuspeoded memben rmdmltenougb." bemlil hltted to tbe order for ]8»7*ras 46.684. which
kiaed by
to a deerram of S.»«0 from (be raeard of
a iil.v large pop r marriage
■ Thrn do <
■u don't care for
tbe mpreroe keeper of rveorvU and sod. K.
L. C. White, making the Uenulson baud with real gi>l<lvt> wedding l••ll• ami the
^be tartOBs Jnrtgdktlon* were rapnsent- tbe headquarter* of tbe supreme lodge full approval <rf tbi- family ■olirluir '
for TOC. " *be«ald dr' Ihm't, Jack, don't," *to- answered. Iltoratel
a4 at tbe snprome lodge wslon by 186
wBirie*! hi* eye# for
during the ODorenlloo of tbal body to be
"Can 1 you wv that it takes two to
"Ihe light mat m-x-r wa» on wa and
held in lodlanapolis. aommeaclng Aog
aniuddlv Ilk,'ihi*’ lion t
'• spoil U
ler:d, •' I ut It bmi dl.-d aa ny *lm» tbe
88. 1M8.
imic tllov (W* lefl ns
night l•'fure
"And I'll toll
ink all
part friend* '
nglment, Nebranks national guard.
Iswl night I Was a great
kmgba bad tbe prlrili^ oif wearing uni
have been’be'pn-fts^t U,Ing In
H*s years, aad bv went with bl* company fonus ootudsang of belme
■| plume.
supiK*'■ rntithlng 1 cuid *ay would "-k*’ -life
go tbe front, resigning his ufflos os snthat X
1 (Word. baWrid gaonUets-ln
^nme lecturer to do so.
only a xrri vvn aii'nll |isn of your life.
Tluxl xvnuldn I «;.n*fy inc "
Tbe total numher uf deaths lo the order
May I a
■Sop-ly you don V mean what you my?
flsr 18»T hat been 8.T84. s ducream of 88
otbiT dances nnlghfhe plrailiel.
toom Last year
Kslghts of Bocor.
■ Oh. yea. 1 do. " she mid with a ItltU
The iuspenslans and withdrawals for
Tbe law was amendud by tbe supreme
laugh "I shculdn I I*- adequato. and you
tee last ytAT were more than those of tbe
Wouldn't to' ackiiijue
It wimldr.'l do
-Ive. in.menwly forth,'n»t .If fb-ll.-ve tiN-, Jack. It wouldn t
A* sgajust U)t ls»er ot Sl.vio, a Del Inu™-h oow*k
enlng. although they ln.agliie.1
other, hul we don'I Inxr rach other
pendon exoixed* 16 day*
Swb oortlflcato tlH' -xer
mmii for 18VT of I.6SP over IthW
Th-young man Don't let'* be fooli.h onv more
toy the
niunliean aUldavU, and In addition the |
Tbe iupreme racoidrr • rxqairt shine*
•ral lhlo^ which to- con.ld.'p.d drail jumU l.ury it* (lend.
You xe a lot of
■nded uiemto-r iiiu*t
mmo iDcnnso of 161 loclgx.'* and a. 486 nii'D
fp_ I tvnllx- (7-nlosl. and Ihx- yning woman wal
lodge raquirae It liafora be>
fema. exolu*lve uf tbe jumallcuun of Oi
lowi-d in a-aiM'uf Iiuxnxnl. m. The* said b,.„pr g., iway and play cow witouul
terlo. which ha* lic«'n ••ntirvlj vllinlnsts .
UKwh uf tbI*. "
o kl-w tor
te^malicalculatiimein theabiiuaJ raporia
I hr klmlbry
"I tK-v-r tto.ughthr buret nut
_______ .... second tonn to xvblcb be _
Txlixi a* a kind of -a-r.iii-nt.
j^lnk you vx-rr did."
eloc'ind doe* not lioraroe (hereby entitled ,

To Do



60c waists.
Ttc and OOc •raists•! toiand 81
tl 36 and 11 60 walata.

Silk Waists.
Just a few
81 ?S. worth
H 41 worth

left—go at tbese

Dress Skirts.
VI skirts
-> .kiru
cm Ikiru



Finer Suits

At $4.TS. $5 SO ind fl6t6—
worth 86 Dots 88.50.
L‘rbt eastlmeras cholee rty
Ira and patteriia, nicely mads
and ullored.

Olay SuitS"

83 !6.

Prices on Fine

Ugbt oslnn. rood ntjlsa.
mads woH. rernlsr rains te.M.


$6 anil S8.5Q
Two uf the greatest ralncs
ever sees in cUt salts. Trim­
ming*. liniBga. ate. of tbs best,
and tbe qaaillira of day moeb
bsttcr than tbs prices
Tbe 86
tine is worth 8T-6<J—tbs S6.60
line Is worth 811 60.

New Idea Patterns


tesaera pertaining to the wellarw ot the
duliig ito’ groatcBi good
ginttost nuuiUcr, (Ubordlnatlng yourself
•0 tbe gsheraJ weltaro

ST5JX b?,


uf ro .urn,here iTlra. when he deeni*7S ,

women Si mcuibcra

*hr anixl. "or yiiii 'd agnv with mr ]
JUKIInr the
' young •
x-ucly re.
by. Jack
Bun sway and play
ratbrr you'd gx.
Kitty'" twsiolalmMl
"Goudby. Jack." the yoong a
the wto-Ir


(ur thl* uni'iias1«*l »cl
The yotihg tiu«n i...k
it and Krodraway
pn.totblv that be hod
For wv-rol xlax> to- >ald wll



InoUglbla to ‘ of ihv ..Id gx-ntli'iiiaii * ton.i»-r. wa# tn ad
Tuntngtx.ond alunlhalthr InttorcoltlVBl.*!
ind.-HHwib hi* nirr
martial B*,n* undvrtHwtb
Tbe qnostton ot the extra basartlotii
rj,utile *nul. .a-.-n tn tto- -»tont uf bring at
Mska of moulM* uf the unler whn hava
Tbeareraguageuf doranardmembab In n«-i:n.r a captain of Tuiuntorr*. and reto (be Rlondlku I*
. .ix-cuml
ulngaaerlMichigan daring the past ta-rm wai about gortlivl the young with favor, a* FaM* <Nto Already Uin-v ujetnto-r» who have
' log tbe only mlUtaiyapcclmeii of the (am
le to that tvglon have *acrtIlxMd their

w lly.
Therefore whm the yoong man
Kliigan )‘A* added 1B.VI4
from hi* liThd slrt-pon th.- following n
n who DbIIuts Id life ti
teonid be cDtulstonl and oa. to It that Uatlr
F K Hand, fomeriy In charge of tbe Ing to- found a •nllribir * letter Infornilng
*----------■rtraaseeurs acertlficuto in *.jui» guxxl [ra
good- ------------fewtuDu. At find .u.
ebr ina-ork ID Mottnv ho# aaautued charge of the
(..nuuilon apprarol ton good to be true.
Imal exKiety
Nunc are boner than tbe B'lwk In New Jersey In plara ut L. W
Beyal Neigbbcaa
Inn ihv additional Intormallxih that be
hqulvr. maigncd
wa* at mwrty Ui draw on the firm for ary
.Volhing ao much lenda to create a feel­
ing ul brotbuly reterir among nicmbars rraaoiiabir amount put tbe truth taryand
* FruMiiian of Ala
of the Manralw* than (or the tent to eot qucwtlun. The faet that be wo* rich, {xorteutously rich, at fir*( fillod him with an
8«B tornMnd hti nalguatloD aa great rep- ailxlr auitw aftoruu»n fur a picnlcjor iseta
Inian.- il.-*tre to eboui. A* a silent relief
riiniiillva to tbe great cvuncll nf the bx-r. and th.-ir laujillcs
Dnltsd Btatea. and l‘a#i Grx-al sSacbetn : eboiUd toThomas H WalU waa rlvetod to fill hu
thady *pot and all gut n«l well
flsee (or the uucxpuvd term
n stroltoned
There remain* Imt a few more week*
Hri'uiy Great Commandw Kelo^ uf In­
had ronugb
tt tbe golden JnUloD year, tbe tltiHi o( re- diana u nieoiiug with great euuoiwa In pocket money at acbuol or a milufactoiy
iMtetlng membera untlxf the ptvoeni plan
gvltiog new members
allowance since. Now he felt that he poaTba Uiue rxidras
single desire which be .tmld imA
C. F Unviuualor of Colojoboa. O.. hm
Virions Xif Itiflnlte pomlbllltlca
1 a]>putn4doelat>el of the First rrgi■nie Homo Forum u .1
rase before him.
Re even looked at bu
rank of tbe erdor
- of tba*
{ripe with oDOIempt
"And BOW." be
r laid

to hlmwir tritunptaantly. "1 ibaJI be able to marry Kitty ■■
Rohbiat of OoaOddly enough, the yoong woman had
Stood In the forefront of the poastblllI Oea
He notlosd the fact with Bamwixtiig
na I'TxwkrtL knotty tnaxcnal abould
I orcrluokcd at all Uuim



, things
igs tn hiniai-lf Bla>ut
alaiut th- young woman
„nd dt«ldi<l
decldi<l that #be
(be wa* n.-t
n--! xx,.nhcarlng
1Soon altorw anl h* d.* Idnl that hr
rv-ver jjod ran*] for toir
AfUw afix.lE're
InlerrdJ Iw rainv to lb.- cuorlaaton
' that Kbc wna an onu*nallv nice girl and
ih„t ..line day perbaiw. If he
might try hi*
lurk again
\Vbrn tbe young
woman niarrlrd another man. to- felt *.>117
for tor and the other man, bring under
_______ that be held a permaDcmi
her affections, which
T .
^ tnlatake.
toratiro the only mark
: which he left or ihv yung woman’• mind
waa a capmiltv (or appreciating the other
um (be whole thing wae a pity. It
'QiBh, lure hrer such an exorllrnt little
pui*. of romanre In two people* Urpa.

Reliable Dn Goods, Carpet ud QoUdsl B«se.




ctM o« the Arab* Loag Ago.
An erndlte Cgypiian a'ntea in Tbs
R-vue de* Kevuia <jf the dic-t of (be ancl-ijt Anilat !>.« meat. 11 appi'sra, wax
one of their favorite disbna, and young
d<g2* wi7X'a*iu-<'>‘'tu‘'“'‘1timesaffioag
the Arete a* *i'nng chicken* are anicmg
tbe peoffle of They were aiao
fond of cat meat. Tbe flesh of a black
cat bad (hr virtues uf i-nnng ibem of
(he rffrt-u uf a hoodoo and tbe evil eya graaaboppnrs and wnrpioBS also
fomra) a r-ry x-boirc dish. Tbe natoralist, A1 Ujalu-y. who lixed tn the tenth
oenlurr. spistk* nf fall visit to tbe Arabuin iribra xjf baa-*ireh aud of bis fnrpn*c on diacvxvenng that they did not
eat grewhopper*. " Nerenbelesa. " ayi
be. -'there is uolbiug men.-delldooa "
He alao *aya that wbtm be wait to sea
bi* friend, the- poet

Rnobah, be fuond

past of roast
fnud liaarda.

could moi* tbudoetor that dune Ul—Chi- I
.raguKewa_____________________ _
Chariey—1 cant t
d why ytra

quite a tong Mop was maoe. stoat of Chs
male paearaigen got off tbe train and
walked op and down the ptetfonn. U
was mlifv dark, and tbe many Ugtatt cd
PDrtsh.ootbw«fi,UinlyTi«ibla I stood
nAing aca
aa'rei tbe nrer at (he city.

That a fine {

bmking w|
waa when a fellow p
train rame aloogside of me aad raid,
-Can yon udl me what plaoa that is
acruas (be hverf Of course 1 oould tell
bits, and I threw crat my cheat ood with
oouadcraUe {ride aaid: 'That U Porte'
mouth. O.
Have yon ot«t bees tbeceF
My fellcjw onreler In a very weary
roice. replied: ‘Tea. I bare bses tberst
I spout about two weeks these one af»ernuoc. ’
1 bad Intonded telling that
mau abnm what a charming plaos
PurtsDoath la. but after bia radeaera 1
etmcloded nut tn.OinclBnatf Es*
DMan Waal li^.
Here Is an adTeftiaemeoi tron an old
oopy of an EDgliab pro

NotwitbitaodloR tbe alncM rsllgioos
warship which the Arete {mfraa for tbs
horsb. they ate burseflssb, bat oely tbs
flean uf draft bonea. oevcir that of rad­
dle borsoa They ate all Kgts of molInsks and Insucta The Arabs were also
very fund of black «rx«k*w aad (hey
h(uital than at the tuns when (he repalea wcTV sboD( to change tbeir skint,
(he fleah in that *»««*«wx being sxxxemely

^ >lm. Peck- Yea. 1 wa* tongue tied wbeo
T *■as a child and bad to undergo ao opohtk,>n Id order to be cured,
dr. Peek i*«tto Tore)—Gea, I wish I


bold prayer, look after the borraa and
trad a chapter of tbe Bible.
He must.
God willing, arise at 7 o'oloek in the
martiing and obey bis master and ™i«in aU lawful cunmands; If be eas
drera hair, sing psatms and
erfbbage tbe mote s
16 gslueas B year. "

Wky B* Didal rtalsh.
Fred Boainrk was ben at Porte- * Tbe ecmfldeam-wbicb tbe oonntry fate
iDonth. O.. aad lived there iwtU be was in PreMdeDi HcHinley grows dally
a young mail.
Fred natcimliy tbit, km
Portemontb la oae of tbe niewt pUeee
in tbe state of Obia Fredraid; ■‘Erecy- nee. tbs rrtenimeol would bs robbed of
body evideutly doen't think as weU of mnob ralaablv experience, which H derires from McKinley.
Tbe prvMdett’g
PartstBoatb as 1 do.
■■No(loci«aeoIwent ortetbsOtee■Brake aad Ohio r

molOBte. reeerre fane and iffllgmng
reooBGfle men of all pnHttal favess to

is aaura UteriTvtram mynatira ntece.

bUleadendrip in the pnHUoWA—ftouklysTliaM

TH» vosvnro KBOOED, BUVDAT. AV0X7BT 7. 189B.
•7 Sayi



tbt aprew frtst «Seot to erteunint to '
«IU tbe omraot thing.
IMk* taVMOdf M Otd COtotlUl b

Oh—tom «ltb toxralttor flotmees «<
toee or edging ua ^nttr.

«w • bmtr of tfw

A pieU} way of inakliig tda^ ibtot
waists Is 10 cram mck them.

oMootonUldorL Upon tareotulB..peniT
PMrbx. *b« looked witli leror, esd tbetr
ttoth wm pUfbted lo tbeoek paodMl room
topU7K ImpoTteot •
pan la ibelr lore 007.
Wbaa the eonne of tbetr U*M weened

Lace Qnnnm finubrd with bsadlng
and ribUn make a nice trimming for a
chemise <ir wiu.i.

boats the tli«slso*guards rvctigniuvl the
tramp of thv i>.li]k-rs fnr up the rv>ad and

med with many rows of

"Oh. Dolly'Dnlly Speak again, dearr
"llcrelmii. Harry!''she called, knuckta)g on the w .ll.
In the panel eloaet "
Frentic w b jny imd gmc revulsion of
tsellug. be s;.ra}ig
Uie U.sjr. touched Che
bidden sprliig.,Biiil th.-n- stood Dilly, safe
and radiant s« ih< neirning
le caugl
bertohls hroast
1 a slgb uf rou
tent her bead
r nisjD bis throbbing
"Parle good Lewdswl:.', Mm Dolly,
••wbar yo" ooiue fr'iu*
1 m h- I’unip't
haDdabookwltfatcrrurUllibe wluivlssses
tlDkled on tbe tray.
"FatiMrput mein ben.-with the other
valuablaa. Uncle Pomp and w.- *re nil
MtO ami sound. Wb^ nre talhuv and
Bomp fought da deblill



Dsmscrots ATrsld W Hllwr ssd ,
msllr Is s Bad ntebt.
Waabingtou in a jubilant siatvof mimi.
Tbe Democratic osign.ssDu-c have gone
MeKistejt Bplsedld

. They are lu doubt
of the ootmng campaign. Manv of’isran

TwenO -aix atacasvill atot go*eni>

look Uks tfaot o



imve .0

one month will be '
ataisolutely free—tnedicinea,
m. aurgiCJ
iiiODt. and the benefit
t of
e ‘ all on

- ss*;


,^g erm„


a>«m«-lTea to abuiit.* the Repoblicaa.
and playing tbe [wn of mlnatc. (lettl-

t gate
of. 8,
dalft- Theee nalea ST»
L Arkasaaa, California ColurpAo, Cunnarticut,
Ueorgu. Idaba Kanaaa. Xaine. Michi­
gan. Masaaebneetta MinoiwtCa. Nebraeka. Nevada. New llampabtre. Npw JerN'ew York. North Dakota. Penn-



fnmiv Rog.-rs

Thefirr impnlae uf roust of the Dboiocrstlc cnogrtwroeQ i» to make free silTUT Ole gnat iaime. They have at their
toognoa' eoda aU the false datciiueiti
and BOpliistriea thev made usi.’
IhM. It
- -be easy

t would
for them p' tv-

'"• •"''•er is But

. .
»go Tb*
voe«iv who were wise enuogb to rvj-ct
it then, are beiux aware than ever be­
fore uf its tiBDdcili'iit nacuri-.
Auiericana, witUMOug tbe slump-f thesilvej-

whoae terms expire this year
vear or
nr early
earlv 1
next year 18 ar.- K.'pohlicana » Demo­
crats and 4 Pupolists or silver fnsian-

bruthc-rs on

as joint sian ui a farro to
for them


bo wiittea

•‘Ulii Fel" Lt-mard Otot»t baa taken
tbe Piixlf lh.ater lu Kr<s>>.Iyn and wiD
oondurt it fur a atmsuc un stock comfBuy llbea

John B

Bof-rv is somnug Amenea
uf ihe ru-:.; kind of a stm.

"Agitole-ve-divil " Jennie Satterlee,
the best Irish curiedieuue in .-.merica.
l» ‘hv '‘''Jv of K-.bert
“"F* * -McK.a- staff,

congninilate thmUM-Ivcs that tho currencT nf thii oonutry was cm the gold
standard basis wbi'U v> nr brcike nni aud
that thni staudard htu-. l.-c-ii nuiutajU'd.
u pligb
couotry wimld have )w
lu had
rvt’cy hr»m clebared wh>-

Alice Fizlsy, sister nf tbe lamcDted
Aame Piii.-y of "M'lls* " fame, has
s4.-u«l lu ; Uiy in the New Urlaans
Orud Opi-re House n.ick.

m^iten. the boudbclili-r. iiKluib-d. : ▼
paring them in rotlen luuner.

D the war with Spam
Tbow txuida
bicdi are gtmig largely luto the habdy
the poopla
ucoula are beiug paid for b»
.( the
them in guW vaioe lucney
The frre

ArtBOf of


Adelaide Ki.i- n. whu Is now 78
yt-are ui.l, I.
ajejs^r iii nev.-ral of her
meet (aiunns r..i.-s. lucluding t^oa-n


Haning*. 2 nv.

.aid to bar,

. “J
chtv k


C lame.
Hulnuger. New Haven, drew a
fur |1.4(X> fur bis
Hartford July ‘


A ta«
fast gr*wn
gr*wn 00
horse byfJold Leaf, dam
has Liesm given Uie
IcrnUiry ta la- taken piaaessiun of
^ ^ Paiullca. i id.
liy >1- h-> Ih'"' o-iigrt-asDieti
o-npreismeti d., not
D WilTiaro Feun is (reined ihta ofwknow what to ilu. while ibeir Kepnblio*
u. It w ill be late id tbe tall
He has
on colbagu.-s are ser>'iii'lv ipdiffereni a*
eo priced to a Luropeau buyer
Co what they da Tin- Uepnhiicans are
Dnritig the secuud heat <ff Ihe8:18

‘-’"v»t-y t,iher issue the lifter
canulnde tuumder —LhicagpTnb-

peer »i St J.w|di. iln . Jo.-CWtra. by
Alcantara. f.-Il luid t-roke Ins ii«.-k



rvady I*«i foniidie.! t.y the elei-tluns la
Lighten the burden

Ml I

Vermtil‘00. I) . one fare for round
Sell August lat. good to return
Bednevd ratea to other polnta. Phone

un building ma-

Tmerse Bij Line ofSteuners.




Doing north dally except Sunday.
Leave Travers* City.
Ooena ..
. .

Hsy View
Harbor Point
Ar. Harbor Spring*

The late kkiglub

left on retau- valued si 1176.000. uf
which |14i,iXK) IS (s-rnaual propurty.


7" ’’ ““n..'"!
“"T*; |I ,b.


ot d..j

.d d.ip. loWw u.

roreeJmut manne in the forei^j^^^,
favw of free ship* U
tredo*. Tbii oountry has added to it* |
ignureuoe of this fact, and
ptvengf by the daring and IrillUDl tfans czeiteb 1
naval achieverorau in the pnaent war,
and with the batUeahtpa and otbw naOammercial Advertiser.



cake care at whatever shipping we may
pUoe in tbe foreign trad*.—AtnagicMi

Fcctonitoaly for tbe oountry MoIRb.
ley's b«ul U M eagUy fwonaxL—tny

asBlme«cip«MlagM:M p. s
...l.JO •'


R«ea«B Oltr'."

Lake Asa.................

olng soDlh dally except Snnday.
e Northport
.6:10 a. u
Bnuons bay
•• Trevera* City

Bau-a * Cresslag
tVwvefw* Kissf*. ..
trwvvTw* Olix

. Are

oouro aotn«.

Dorth dally except Sunday.

' ■»**■• Cn




TraYarM Oity.

0>4ar Kaa............
I Lokt Aaa --------From • Stiersaa's lUIL..
riiefs avtioh. ...
Uwrleehsa.......... ..

steamer Crewienl reUtrelng to Traveree City at I0;4f. a. m. ThU will give
a pleasant nde of 84 mils* on the
The trocbla <rf her nelghbcn tronbla
and can be made every morning.
If you wish a longer ride Ibe boat will
i woDian more than her own.
land yon at Omena or Northport where
Men boy rod paint by tbe bottta. bot
von will conneet with ateainar return­
rtxnm) pnrehaae it by tbe box.
ing to Treearee City at 4«0 p. m.
It is easier to make a record for lailAftornooa aenrmlou from Traveru
than it is to make a good liYiag.
O^ta^ the atuiiMw Craaent ev*^




OBOkom* Jet
Cklet Lake


Tbe Mcoem of many greet mcaa it dae
•otbair ue cf oebw mta’a hralaa—

Me. *

rap M Dvpat
KevlM*............... Oowrl........................

Tbe tronbles of her n
, waman mure than bvr own

The lucceea of many great men ia
dM to their uw of other mea '• tacalBK

those that have recently been aanodcamd
by ooogroa we will be well ixepand to

■tssplng so* *tnl^

(■kteagw ana Orsn« .
cor osC bwarl CSV 0* Ihl* I____
TrsJas srrir, trvm RielUBoe«. Fen WsrsOi
one 0^4 KaptS*. T Ap p■ m Forte
n*0«« tar tnm Dvlroli oa lAls in
LOCKWOOD O. P. * T A.. Oroo* KoMA*.


jockey, (i. BaireU,

iinle i*ei. xi f.v unticislng | tmai. relieve exaction, and rumovs
Monroe Balisbory u n'purted as meet­
cviorse uf the a.lniiiiisiretion. while I corapnwaion, where powible. and w» ing with great snecem in th.- Klundlka.
Mr. Bryan, with
talk against [ ohall be able to build aud scud ah:
hipi Ue la engaged iD Ibe treigbuug btuincuo.
iporialiau'' and
Iturinl espaa
aiiroud aa we are now able to make aod
Effie Powers. 2 ItiV,. nuw ha* 84
1." don* B unit'
export steel mils lixviroofivo* and hst- •muriard beautober cro-diL Sheapeoed
- setKiment. and Mr Altg. Id
Uoships.—Bostcdi Tnioscnptbw iMifign by winning at Leipiuc. O.
lied^ tacitly
, ,
induct of I
Xhie is tin- unfailing mark of the
Cripple Creek. Uolu., is to h*va a
idem ilckluley and m,*t ^^ihe
who is for free ships and doa
nu» track.
Tbe locotiou Is snll In
war nets of tbe pn**not kii.Tw why.
There is no burden un
varlooi aunflictmg lulluenciv render it Kfaipbuilding material whatever, and doubt, owing tu the billy country torroan ding.
bard Co forecast the outvuroe uf the ap­ never wa*.
Thun- can be- do "Imrdra"
proaching cd«v:tiona. at least in eluoe on niatenal forvesscls forlbe ruostwioe
Equity, by Hoir al-law. took a mark
■taUw. bet they fun«hadow a camisigu trade, U'cuD.-i' (bat trade i* re-wawed by !
the third beat of the 8:10
of UDurual interest and energy.—Ntw luw .aelu,1vely for home built oDd
trot •'
at Hartfi
Hartford—tla- first race la which
York Conuuercial AdverUaer.
be ever startod.—Ucraeman.
IstiTed vesM'ls.
Thore is do burden on

: "• *


rraiss *v<j‘.w Iron ■i^^*!*, LerUvU^ 1»u4 Rapie*e«*- B.


Going »oalh daily except Snoday
Harbor P
Bay Visw
North port



crats find

maional fnr ooeau going siupo. beeauie
wm Co^rsoB Oo t>?
tbe aliipbnildere enjoy frt« tredo inracb
Tbe Doited State* baa liMrired all ita , matenah
natonaL The
The Uw
law cran
grants to ahipinilld-



Hour}' D<-vvreox, who drovi-N»
Ue ID th<- wugijo revs- at Hartford, was
the uoly omal.-ur drivt-r in that clasa


mpballUen Ba|sr Prss Trad* For I

Bbcde Island au.l iirognD. tvim Demo. |

ledianapflia one fare for roued tHp

Sell July S6ih t
Augtis- IMh.
Saratoga, one fsire for rou
Sell August 1st. good to retnin


ready to rowi the Oein.icrets uu ih*- trro


C £«8B88
Baduoad B*tM on O B- * I


threw ont a
Han* MrOregor. *11
his raoe with Turoujy BrmoD


ssBs»« S6SS tea
aas as assess ssssss
f I IE ill

Cinclnoatl. one cent per mile. 8eU
September »d, good to return October


Tbe name of Victor Wjlk”*. * ;1AI».
(x«n changfd
chaagMi to
ti VicDotumeer.!. has been




ihtmi are luclu
national cxpansinu the


a. UH.



be repaid lu lw» than half value muBtfv
Ux'in «■*»*> Bryanism
rw.or.wuie congreamiuo do nof
Tbe Democnii


■ ffiff

Harry Oilfcrtl made a Datable peraaoal
ruccvws lu Loudon id
A Slraugur In
New York. ' U is mid that a unmbtf
of L>aidc;U tnaDiig. rv bnve eudimrarod


lar among ibeir omsiiiDenu. a

DR. spiHiin

IV EtMlea. la e*wt

EliraK-lb. at the Turin eUiiWllon.

silver • demand" that Ibese sobsenbm


Remember, we give a written nar.
antee to cure every case of PILESaod
RUPTURE. Also, we Mve a lying-in
hospital department l> ov BaaitarInm. Bead for Jouraa'.

Grud Riiiidi t IidUu 1.1

biytie ui .tar in LusiUud in '’My Broth-

enrrenev of h|etn to *U buili-a value
and the «nbarta».-nirat it ba, catusvi.

• uf U>.- di-mandBuf the fr*-.- fllv-r-

in Che bpckgrocod.
In Ki
other wvKteni .lalta cliere an
affecCiOg tailnkids luid other o-rpurabuna Alt Ibis prcxiiiva to make it difKjuilge from Ibe returns next fall
exactly how public 'ipiijlon stands on



affairs by the admiListratiofi

oiolo, ..a wi.™.™ 01 tb.

Uttk Ethel—Tbli la a portzaltor n
ma before abs was mafrted.
TWMt—Ah, ladeedT

TraYane City XArkat.
Below U a list of the buvlttg and neU>
for gti


».ll b.. .1,. mo.,., ol .
Harrv threw himself 00 bit koevs at her
tost and klswd berdrews OcMof Fairfax ■
tftoen. knocked at the door.
"Heh.hMeoiiio.alr."-New York THb-


formitiea treated.
Stale has had each ertrnded expe-''
rience In the treatment of CATARRH,
DlSBASeS aa the doctor. Be gradt
ated 87 years ago from Cievelaof i Short Cut P

ef electi
ilysia. Loss of Power,
Rheumatism, and all diaeaMS of the
Kate ktlcbelpna IS slated to rtar in
Go early, as my
always crowded.
<ssoers. Tawors. BMod and «Ma
esredbrseeweyetes. Piles cared la
m (lAvs vttaoal tbs fealU. raasaM
“J- P " 1» the namdiassws of all for
aiarred next Wssfelly. wHsarasilesuiasteassotSstrsstad
• IS taste
Luodun bil.
a SonM css be cared si eer SsBliar1aw.wai«a
A ia ebann of tbe beet of wediml SkllL sadcr
Tbe D« Angells furcee will take tfaod lb* deetor*t direcilos. Terse for board sed
irvvtBesi Ibe lowest of say saaltsrisa V bo»
pital Is tbs Uelted Auscs.


“tVhat do you mmnV' demanded Fairfat sharply. "Did not Mlaa Dolly go with
her fatbur?"
qu<-sliouB which divided the oirautry
nebevT t'ought
•No. no. Uoiiaa Hartr^ I
till ilia mluDlt. Haami an old mlmy
particularly oust of (
gone aloDoidedebbilahev carried off Him
keen ^^clal
fndnstncnisly striviug
O Lowd’ '

1 like a
yeeelvrd bis clmthhln
local issues, thev will proliobly
himself, Ih- shuui.d his urde
t v re-enforo., ..x. , •utxxukt in a mcasnre. This will not
bocks at any |;niv< Quick, for the love of ' opera'te to theadvan'iageof fbonbUiaia
.OodI" Thun be so.ggcnd Ujwatd Urn lnctmgn»alaDal cnicrta It willutnd
■•Dem, dere. Massa Har
jiue ..a suu ,cfiuos. .jui
s4sa,u*uascs< iui
her all right. Co...... inin
the bouac of repreaentatlvus and leave
Uncle Poni|i will giro yu' ■Jiiie
put life Into .VO' "
Soothing and eomforllng
the strong bodv mav U' .m troancinJ lt«ULllon nnman os n mulhcr wuul.l a child. IUrU't.snre .. W..A,.,
Pomp IrO him Into the lam-hsl r.mi and it. Tbe hup.- is (bnt
hurried away te Pd<I s-m..- fine old win.- hr rival of trade and iudastry ouder
bad hidden from the
Idlers H.-nry Fairgnlil FUiudord and iu the
ir face
ffee af war may
tax alml duud In the roan, so dosr to
i^wbo roiglit
him and Dnriilhy. now the o.ofusivl wvne have Kibured Dv-nn
«f a siildt.Ts rev,-J.
In the gr>-at aiiguu-h
of bU gri.d strlrkctnaoul be callud oluud
thedrer. lov.xl luimr
iJn III- ..Iber hend, nf conrw. the sue••liorotbyl Uorothyl Whoa are yon. oessful iruBucuii .11 of the war with
my beJovidf'
spaiu I
a I am, dear Har
Let me
Fairfax surted Rrwas Ukeatnadman.
Vas he dnsnulugl Had bis scoim left
hlujf Coul.l D.lly be ihxid. killed by tbs and was bar spirit answering

John R. Santo,
Geaeral lasaraica.



hangi from tbe abonldera to the waiat
line, with cape sleeve effect and trim­

Ina. Bh>-<io Ulaisd and ( have al­
ready elected gurerntn. both Bopub*
army was umr-hlng dinrn upon Ihriu.
Tbe oowaidly men fuared being caught In
Those state elections are destined to
tbe house likt rals In a trap and fled to
tbe boats.
A< ih.- Inn iiinn tau denvn the exert cuiinderable influence nfun erslawn Benrv i nlrfox and Iato-Ib SlncLair. gn-niinnal electkms ly dlverttng attmiwith a fi-w iiflio'i-s and men. catii<- cl«wu
frum (he imiiorttujce uf nadunal
tbe road. Ilirlo dreaming tluil an rnmiy I Ismes.
In Peunsylvauia there is n for­
was InjiocsrwBloi. of the homestead. Hut I
midable Ri-publican boll agsiust the
e Poro;i;i gave
tho wont 1
machine, and state qnwtioua octhey gall
center of i!:-i pulitiial stage.
•bower of
ol bullets after I hu flueli
bi New Vurk. wbi-re a foil oonjplo_ . . Ponip
Poni| tuld the Ktuty uf Uie CevuQiful
day to Coluiiel KiuKsL
tnent <if state uriclals aud a new n-uaw
"Butwhercare Ibe folksl" be Inquired as well aa ssM-iubly urv l<> be cbivam, it
will be ini;BHsible lu kwp •

Pomp's voice broke Into a boarae whisper
^^^^ysped. "Wbar, oh. whar b Mias

O- P. CABYTR. Ag«^«

Rlbbona. flowers and laee are fonnd
on all bata. and no
is complete
wUhont a joweJ'd uruauieut
Ohio; was IS years in general
..... prac
K.— !«“»'''Pork
H L A Co beat................
bbirred and imffcd siiwviei are the or- tice; after that lectured as Professor i
0 L. A Co, Beet...
der of the dsy. aud modistes are doing of Anatomy and Physiology In ELlruit '
(heir otmoet to make them (ashirmable. Homeopathic Medical College for *-«••>• R L A Co Boat.................
rear. Superintendent of , '****• Byears; was 8 years
®- L
^ * Co. F
Shirt waieu are now mneh more elab­ Alma
aod Vpailanti Ssnrtariuma.
orate than they wi-rt- in ihv past
Tbe This
is experience,
combined with many ; ^fi»h p^ tt>..
bloDse serais to be liii- m'jsl popular of years’ study in the best hospitals ia 1 i;*rd per Ib ...,
the eonntry. and examining and treat, j K^ter per P- n
alljhe dosigua
log thousands of chronic eases, has I Croaire— H.,,.,.
Roogh ftnw tailor bau with narrow
trtmj aud wide Une or black nbhon
hands are already mnr-h worn. Bauds
yoo discouraged 7 1 Oarn ;
of two shades of ribbon are used iw
will tel! yoo whether ?«■»««•. per h
we can cure yoo or not. If we cannot 1 Salt per bbl ...
An accordion plaited wrap which cure yon. we wiU tai you what relief Bran par If'

b.. u... ,b.„ „u. u.. cb,„

fact Um
Then ibero oame s sound like tbe
<g a whirlwind, sharp sh»u rung li
air. ahrlU crl« wcr.- b.-ord, nnd Doi
resltxrd a littlu nf the horrors uf


oowUag to your town, where I«
remain lor oaa day only to give
sick an opportunity to conault him
that cannot sec him at bU SaBtiarliun.
Cloth walking gowns are bring np- Tbs doctor baa so much faith in lb
pUqnrd with nbboo lu bowknot effeeta. experience be baa bad in treatioj
chronic diasaaea that he will give one
Cloth gowns trimmed with ftraps of aonth'a treatment and medicine free.
the aame maleriai are still styllab ami I
AiAO rxjtx actcicat^nojta to
All that he aaka in 'ctnrn is that
Beading with rihtims roo through it
every patient srill state to their friends
coakes a otcr trimming for gowns at
wash material.


of their alucplng apartiucnu and tald
•Oh. ilaam Gr-MTCf! Ob. eld ml-y
Ob. bflM Itollyl Ih' redranu 1. a^ounilol
De ha; l« chock full o' dem ’ Oh. git right
tipl Yo’ ain't no tltnefer dn'pln!'’
In a fpw Du>eTH<nt« tho little family
.ally for anion. Uuct of 1
■laves fietl III fright and bid Ibemscl
about the Urni. I
few hou... a
belored 11

"Unrcblldls safa" answered her hnaband.
•Not If they should fire the bourn- "
'•They will not do that
They nerd It
Conw! Come! We must mrt
wash.' a matuent's Ome. Tb.-rv must be
quick artlou to mve our darling and our
They drove rapidly away through the
gloomy night.
••Fall In! Marob to the tmul '



Long mhiii with lace edging are to
be worn in all colon with white gowoe.

toobartMT. A»0wo'
Beair Fairfax >olt>ed the ReroIntloDlni
Md loati me to a poeltlon of hl«ch rank.
At Ian. after a night of onuxuallr fitful
dntnbcr, ther wree etArtlod cnrlr ooe
Boralng br the criea of their Uarea on
the lawa boDcwth their wloduwi.
Pomp, a gray brndod negro who had glr-

George .
OUtnge was tborvmghly aroused Bidding
Uncle Pomp to harruss np. be and his
wife left tbe place under Uii 'vx'er of dark­
ness to obtain help ttvm neighbors living
•ome mllw distant

U wyoe kaow

IniertUios are mach need on iklrV
parciaularly where thin goods are need,

eOWtod eolonr rwilMd ti.eir cmn. The
omfcxed people rero]te& and ibe tee
putp which 4m deeUoed to bring e new
D upon tobjwnh took place In Boa-

flag In do house.
Taking rnci* Pomp's adn<*, the tflwware. irwi-U acd IIih' hon.cspun linen
w«fT oollocred logitbi r with many other
aitlelra of honsohnld wAlih.
Whnr yo gwlne to hide dew. Mama
Oeorgel •
"In the panel rlowt. fnclr P.itnp.”
The Bria.h raipi.dfi. thinking be had
abtained eveTTlhlng. .irdered bis tuee In
for the night; but OnUlng they oordnl
tbs magter's sleeping room, they turned
Urn and bis wife out of the h.iuw-, uailng

Eycf Barncd Ovtf

New Departure)




To parties «t Ive ex mat* a rate of
.onefanfer the rand trip wfll ta




q la


kama JaaeUem take ikls teats aoA
. aiiaBsttsaMllat.tawFautrtalata

•• •.tammoBAJtjAga^l^^



Bow It Works Hanlsblp to the
Poor Wage Earner.

its (xiiiiajte sysieni promptly and fully I mercial year in our hmory
rertal (be fooudariuu cluiius of tbe ad-1
AccordiiiK to tbr n-port of tbe burrao
▼(KsUw <d tree oolDa(.-e in tbe United | of statistics just intued. the value of j (#

Of *•

i*w«ce in the practical cipuheoo’ of with last month n
MtaJoo, nor would they liud existtmee | tl.S10.#T(.015.

Ola. •* the WhlM


staffs and proviKioas conveys snnte idea
of the prosperity that baa oome to tbe
Amencac farmer throuKh tbe tailuia of

more infloonoe and ontmccCioo than with
Uexioo to plenae! oar pnaent system, and that writb tbe

and inta«t tbe tourist and trareier and | free ooioa«e erf

silTer would oome to

the usual

etbMwiU reward and itratify the
rodent and lover of hisPiry.





ry supply.

liy >aily a nar-


i\.;.a.i imsifuniry terri-

1 imi Uue*. .let SO unlike the
— -------- ---------------------- "'j 'C'" 1 Japan. British Australis, BraxlL I>neUims«tl«
tn Mexico, and they
-- w, diracUrraUud toI the
'ho oninafie
coinage ;
Gnat Bntam. Germany. B
would m-Canada. Japan Cbtna. Italy and Mex­
ooropauy tbe frv-o coinage of silver wherico.
evM It may be adopted. MetlLO 1« at
In Asia, however, we bought mrre
the present time and lias beui donug
than twice as tnueb as we sold, alrecent years in extremu tH«d of mage
tbongb our as lee (hurt- show an incraase
capital for tbe develxinueut
nf nor
h<9 gnat
over th«e of tlKi pr««l.

clvUiiation and so varied its povemmental earuor that with all ita progreas
and development of recent years the
Mexico of today is more foreign to the
tfnited Ststra. sn far as relates to (he
customa and peculiarities of its people.
tbiin is any conntry of Europe.
Tb** » m preeiiit practical operalien in Mexico a mom-tary policy the

□arorai riaouri-

adoption of which is U-imt vig-irvusly ^ nwd

more rhso eevT oaovinced that (he in­
terests of ^ coontiT demanded the
adoption in the United States of such a

The free coinage of rilnv In Mexico has
no effect In determining or sustaining
tbe value of sUrer. and tbe experience


«a. tbe tree <
Mlver at tbe ratio of 16 U> 1. This visit
of Mr. Bryan Co Mcaboo for tbe evident
porpoae erf learning by actual obaervatlcD what coodltitma aocompany or
were oooxisiiait with tbe tree and on-

erf this eoan&y will be repeated wher­
ever stmb a system tsadopt^ All lines
of leguimate trade and boaineM transactioos aiv hindered and ambarraiaed

feeling baa ta-en aronaed. and In tbe
world of trade this will m«an incre

limited coinage of silver at practically
tbe Mine ratio favored and demanded

by the flnctUBtiiiK value of the curren­
cy, but this floctiiatian and oooertainty
have added largely to tbe profita of qweolatlaa and even to tbe dividends of tbe

tbe party orf which he is the
<1 P»»
value to a candid review of tbe policy
and cooditiana here, tbe obaervatitai <if
Which seems to have added P> Mr. Bry­

banks of Mexfou, which always make
their interest chargee incindi- all risks
as to floctaaticais in tbe oncertain value


se they have never before
or to increaae the number

pretty certain that tbe grip oMained
npoQ tbe PbUippinea by Admiral Ctewey
will not be InciKned.
With direct uaOotial Interests In Asiatic waters tbe Ir-

money in eirculKitxi here for each in-1 repremdble Yankee may be dep«
habitant as In tbe United States, sod. | «pQo (o moke mocb of tbeopportui

Mexico ooaditioos which it neither cre­
ated nor could reniow, hut to coofine
Dyaclf to outiditions as 1 have otiKrv«<l

lowing, as





lu part of I
ere have b»
u p-cn.
persisu-ntly advanced, civtain ctaasea u>
whom tb-y have oonataiitly appealed,
and certain intmwts which they have
»• favurably
confidently waerwd wc«ld J»and •'ih-T interests which wcnld he tmfaviiruhly iiffeiP>d by the udnpti.m -if
their Is'lnyr TIii-mj claims and aas ril- i;»

Be" be ened •uirmily.
"Why, wbi <ni earth's tbe mattar,
admiral?" eiclainivd bis American e»

occidesit. has been annesed. and

I deaira, however, to have it wfJl unAeratood that it is not my purpoae to
ebazge against tbe currency system of

ooTt. pained and surprhad at

act ui eeoapa


aud ui-c»»««ry that

■o far a* p>>»i|i|e We ku1o<x ( lluw
rlaims t-> «ieb li-*tB "f exia-n.iio-and
illtutratiou BE Exiu in Mexico ur liLae
wbi-re be *i-ran*L

mit .if Kui-h ortuponwj
r ]ENa«
ptucti--.U aii.l pne-'Ui v
m Ux. I
i Hj miu].-. I will

ilept- of oWrving lilt Mexican tniuera
at work in the depiiis uf th>- .arlh.
Pnim the miuub I have gone l» the smel­
ter and fruni the smehir to tbe mint. I
have sungbt to aEcerutis a* to the proaeoi output of silver in Mexini ita oust
ofprodneOan aud its pcasibilinc* for
Uio future, and everywher>- my iu.|tiima
and investigatiiau have U««i lunrUxim-ly mwived and kindly aaaisuxl.


have visited woaluu aud cuttou factoria
for tbe purpuae of aocertainlug as to thewag«a paid and outpal aocured: have
Intcrvipwud Anicricaii workmen and
Am^can busunaa men here wboruver
found; have ohstrved and inve*tigat.ri
as to Uieoptntiuub of tbe mooetary sys­
tem of Mcmcoso far aa it affects capital
aud labur. the cmjiloyiT and the cmpluyixL corpuratiuiu, manupolic* and
other intuTMts rvlahvt to thuM- which U
is aasuTted will he affected by (be adoptioo of free ailver in tbe United Statoa.
It is not my purpoee to review ocaidltiaua oad relatiuiu in Mexico for tbe
mere parpoee orf rriticiriiig or cwdignBfaig tbfein. but to eoewe bun tbe per■latont and aeoeiMiT effects Orf tbetzw



rtghtA and Uiu ibould rraolt Ina larger '




refiectico OS Oolv ooc eacb of the above left.


First come first served-

;i*llVKlU!il aud cun.rnite llilenwta Min.i
owTxm of Mexii^i tiiid markirta for mimu


u. to., ito..

r-iioutriea. uf d-. ih- ail«T produ.virx of

* t>M.r.ed rnbat. U. tbe Coara* «( Praaid<«i KeKislav'

w.mM,, E-Ktoi.....

an.l exrbang.-d b. tweuu nu.'h .•.•nmin.-a
at It* marktrt value, m. attention wlmt- ,

, ...........

therein He« tbe mvnt of tbe

ever being paill to the miuag.-swumje ,

two .oraHinns al leant the pn-nl-

ti.rtiHgf tbe-wo.-raj nlver mnugcrtin
tniw. TlK- market value .rf nili.-r ih not

rt.-tit has U.m called uiKrti So ex.m«.
fimiotwa. and b- liw. not benlalM

d. m MeXio, or in China, u.v
would It !.• m the I nilMi $Ui(oa if the

He la a man ‘<1 piwiw. vet be la an able
He lung, f.rt- the end. yK be

latter crautry alxiuM adopt the free
oolnagv ..f HilTiv
Eugland and Oerand Krauiv an.l the utblir n.
triee of Enr-.i*,- tuive iiuirv to do with

o„t pr.Ta**- b',i,h the Sjaini.-di
Spuni.-di Bg.-ntK.
ag-nta. Ih-imcods

Ibi! .if Mlvtv than have lb.Oiiunirii* which arv d. partidivil upon it
for ctiiuage purpie-w. and tb.-y will pavthnaigh any attonijrt t..


A furtbiT BBFumpn.jn

that a btahb-

fnl and beJj'ful d.«r>w uf pr«*«Vi.
uflunUxl thriiugb tb«- fix* coinage uf ailtuid* ou exi»i. uii-in fart ber-in
It is u.ixciary
to pay roare

picaacum the w ar tiauiam-ly and vig<
When the 1-od come*—and may
oome oras^It will bt‘ wl down tn the


uf tlie

L'mild StaUw. and it

add* the mni<-ikrtilil. jiriiv (» tbe fuel
and macbimn. uiwh mudud aud not
in Mexiorx as tu (he few artitrtnsti'Bi wbi.-b muspcti- with
*- pnxlactluu. It is a a. iwllirtl aysof proturtiau which ateiuingly finds
t favxv with tbta.- wbo have alwa|^
oppomd the bonu- favning pruot^iva
syMtau of tho Uuitod Btatea. Ita effect
has been to place all tbt- pnifitahlr in
dontrita. of Mfxini lu tbe hand* nf f.ireigu capitalisu aud fovlgn oorpuratkna. Tbe oxtiemf powty erf tbe maw
ea and tbo inability to buy anywbeta,
ratlier than sUmnlative erf home tmying.
have kieeu the riaalt of the tree coinage
irf fiTv ailvw in Muxioa
1 nixigiiine tbe fact that tbeae bskt(ifltis a(v gtmenl and pertutps inclurivu
iin- than (be acoompanying details
may seem tu wmrtaot. but lbi-y will hu
followed by a wrlea of pretsmtatiQQ*
relative to the past aud pitvaoit effocta
erf frue aud unlimiUid otnnagv in Mux
loo, wbctu it favm and wdiign it in
June, which 1 tadierc will li«vu little
to bednonxt in tbe line orf lUustraana
Mid detail.
Peut F. Pvwna.
City of Mexictx




pri‘ian< au-to an




kiegin* fruikly, "Well 1


Si', Siu-iSSiT

dial auawen

y.rtiiig cinipjaer


The Little Puck H-hich takes a picture 2 1-2 by 2 1-2

lias just writtaa

inches for

who will sing it

ft-i: rni

Wait’s Drug Store.

Disadvanlati. of Buldg IVetty '' MoM . • •
girla are g-->d uasured aud willing to



-taliMiml tudurw- | Captain Evans stamt tbe duatmetion cl -

1 the |ii-M-i.t adiianistratinn. | AdmiraJ Cerven't Oeet?"
Dinghy taut? ha* now been inj
It was ao

intcreetingetory, j . l.-r lliv br*t l.'U mnoths erf the
M.-Kij.:.y lanff. f312,u62,iOA. Tbe re-

and iu cakulsti na like its jinonisea.
am be lariMi u|wn-—Oluca^ Inter

A War OaS .4 tk





bou«;—I know I won’t have to go to ,
Mra Trouble—Why won’t you?
Tiwnble—Hecauw a man would never
die examinetiou afux,

helping hia wife to clean bouB.—Up to

amazed tnur tl at r«-.irti. «•«< only 12
moo tbs ago it wh* ta-ing nrgi-d that tbe
auctmatit of tfai- Diugley tariff would
rain the fneign trade of the United
Btatea by oloring tbe werid's market!
againn our produrta.—DsMoiiMaBegiMer.


"The interrlewer didn't p

be able to paa

The official Matistica pruve that tbe
value uf the experts frum tbe United
States during ihr jirvjrtit fiscal ytar
win averag,. about $;i.6iK>,CKfo f.-r t-viry

Celebrated Chicago Caodies. [


kolu undir Uir Diiigluy tariff were subBUiitially lo- prtrtii. tid by Mr. Diogley
in hia
in imirport nf tbe bill io
it* final furm.
Tbe B.'poblican party
dooa nut ludulgi- tu nad. in gu(W«* oc
matters kUHtvpIibta of citxw estimate,


E B<‘8(ile Baildiug.

u|s-niii-4i u-ii ii.omhs.
Tbe rercipu of j wasn't It?"
(ta- iri;.*ur\ for that tin-r. rxcluaive at i
"Interesting tsiough. but I bare my
Pacih. .uI.h, w.-re |,6fi»,- doubu about Its hanag been autbeuTbt- rt-.-. ijii* fur (be first
moutliH < f iht V. iImil tariff were $i!84.-


Thu beat ibing going-an unweloom*
A lady kias Writtro ao msay ou "Tbe

A Malblicwl I
' Cuts.
Tbe total ri-.-e:|ils of lh<- in-usury for
the finw.-ii r ■ Mil* of U» ilifw unff*
w« r* «« dm*.
Ilf thl* d«»de
po alisbivl and j
"Did you n«d that interview with I



Photake. holding 6ve plates two inches square.
Again '• It ha* kwre «> much time fof
«a»t.d- Tbe woman can t ta found
Also a variety of higher priced cameras, from $5.00 to

rork 111 the ruom above him - t 'urrikf

a p-.wi rlul

We have a few latest model five dollLT
Pocket Kodaks which makes a picture
by 2 iaches that we are selling for


up witli disadiautagea
jin'TSi^'i.—aud tbso goes bum*
credit .< William McKinl.y that
wntidrnUB how be managrd kj make
ptrf.>mi«l bis diiiiiw faithfully and
a f'Hil <if bimwH ov.t It
with a uiam-lous display of rraa.u and .
Cb.-L-sn milkman adviTtlacd firs
sound judguMuL
Hi- an* qiii.rtly und
boy wbo nixltirsl.ud the milk bus I Dess,
with dl'tumilllStloll. H* Ih u I;1UII of hu
and when ask.vl what *xj*irirncu tx
mane iiiHtiucta. an.l tx- 1* aiiziEius to bad had coieof tbe applmuiu rvptisd
hniig atmut the desin-d nvmJt at tho
that be had pumped in<- ewgan in
possible If** <rf life
ih-has bci-fi
^ill tb.- ngbl bmu for Iht.
^ g..oily ovr me stealing. " os
__ Wilminguni N-wa
mail rvinarkiul wh- L.-anl a burglar

nrv 1* tiio much vaunttil prirtw-n-ni said (.- t*- affurdtxl ty fiva'
ll apjilj'i- U. thu tta uf fpw ailChina iww.ll a* t.> the cual and

W. J. HOBBS, Hardware.



btntivi iH in wuue de»(nv repiwnUil ._
Mexici. at tb.'
tb.. pr»e
priw-nf iiiiiu an.l injn ly , ihni. d.mble j.riov m ib.- pun-bai.. of
any articl.' iuip>ir(.<l trum utbor coon
olua-ra-ation uf ikiy by day Mi
' tbe little comparative
pmeiKu. whnt.'Viv zuny be He limitatii.i'H h» U> eii|>li<a(ii'H tdn-wberu. is v-nlu.- uf the < urrvncy of Mexiao, aud

Doriug my sohMin in Muxitx. I hare
vhdu^ Mioie of lu must mipirtiani mm
and iiilvex minafr and have h^l the jiriv-

few laspUnr qoautlaM far tbaM ■'tacrU

Inctwe in that line, so that the flag of .

raecuf —
uxivvd from odnsidiratico irf tbe needs ^ja nation may he mv-ii nu v««aeis of
"bay. what are yon Biking about.
uf the potple or inUncDot- by them than pt-acirful nilW'ii id every barlor of
i* tbi-fnvouinngi'of sihvr as prUL-tlcal I globe.
The gnat iooxiaa- lu ex|>-.n*
"W'batam 1 talking about? W'by. ,
ly illartrauid Ix-n- lu Mexico
It is In-1 proagin surb a retmli.
It !>• h'Uii.l uwlndowa , —
troll grating
d>-p>-odiiut uf birth tbe gm-enmamt aud ; c«|,je Iti tltii'-. oulil America will Ii-ixl
tbe pnrplu. the nilviT mime of Mexico ' o,., arivld in fonigu as in ■domwuo
That's rimfc-liilbe Umii-d Sftat.-v living Urg. ly ; ounmi.-ra.x—Pi.ina Jorvn-1
ply a CijrrugaUd iK'itiug to kio-poct tn«
•r»-utd and aaitriilbd by fuanguera. !
-----------------------xu-to-juitoea. my diar adniinL"—Ne«
who ivmtnd and di>y»iwi c< tbcix not
Yixk J-iurual.
jmta as will U« wrv.- u> advance their

give firtiticiua valtx- to hiIv.t UiJliiai or
rilviT oiui and pnifit, tom at tb.- axj.w uf theo)i«ntry making aacb on at-

w.inb Ui.gv thau i.r>mjia.-» baaxl <in tnutradiclory uxiin.i- ur dw.-laraaiin* lairn
of ja-nouaJ inten-et ur partuan frvnxy.

Bwa ara a

lyeteai of annagi- omld la- fortber re-

aisuxitly pmlit

will (u*.iia m b«-*i dc-iiTiiiuu«iiiiii .>f
itiijsirtiuit iK>uu->ut Ktak.
AIiiiie.1 iwury
int.'iiKt which It haa lavn urg-.l would
W fai.vably r uufuvonbly afln i.1l by
tile Ir." e. .in.ipii (if sjlviv


We eaa help yo« ta live waU.

tlie tarn-

Is It not eo?"

j r™
j JSU «

an- 111 gn-at part fuauded opoii theory .itbiV ojunmoa. Imi furthiV than that suit.-* hue dlaplavwi r.iDSUmn'ate g,..!
uo opp.irvunity
and lue-muptiun. The expcnmitit tht-y | M>ixio>
. .
indgiueut and finiiU'-«a
iinve made has uuver Iveti sat
vantage n.rt fully rJian«] by all k"ld : Spain.
He ha» lu no v
isfait-irily or encciwsfnily luadi' in tlx
najghird .»«uitri.e lu rrwliug with Inxi ^ „„orfi-ivd with tbe met
r field. I
fnn..*, ..xteni,
hifl'iry of the civilui'd world, and it is nlvtfruaUOJiK. Silv. i ih bmight and odd ^
tbi-ivfora inip.irtant


qtiMe valaca that make cutasan far

"Why, certainly, admiral, otfiainly.

that ha* been too little takun ad-!

Er„ ,h«. h.11 1» Inro,, ..ta. 1. th. I
.J i„ Ita
h,„,a. U«. Ubo™
m,Ul p~lo I to, rf
»m .»!« V,

Hiaare dealiag-We bare earaad IL

"Tbm what meani II that I find ber*

it must, tbe day hy^y ex- 1 tDi>rce in Asia and tbe furroandlnB la-

pcneuce of the aiivCT maitct ha* IcM I

We have tbe repnUUo* far fair aad

per fit.
‘I have been pai
paroled, tt la tbe ncred
word of honor 1 nave glroi that 1 try ,

nutwitbstanding ita iiatilcted ciiculs- I Miqs in esc tiled
tiou. tbe silver ctOTeacy of Mexico, ful-'
There is an Itnmaute field for

and iwoflt* to that disurttona extent.


baltiriggaua be bad worn when made a
"It la the grand manlt you put upon




Crimaoo with paaaioo Admiral Ccrven threw off tbe clothing loohed him
by bia captort and aloud again In Um

start has alrtady been tnada.

orf tree coinage cnmocy.

them, which the fm- coinage system
does onqueetitmably effect, to tbe a-veral Indostrial indicationa. to which Mr
Bryan hinualf atlndee, and Pi tbe tbeorrtic rlaims made by tbe adivxst«« uf tbe



tinsiTarr Flat! For Csaimnw
AsU ao4 lu Istaada

There is uo doubt but a new natiooal

an's dedre for their adopciaa in hia own

Then- U not one-third tbe amount of

128-132 E^x-03X^ Sti?©Ok.




■I W, Slater’s House Furnishing Store I

is evident that Asia oflira
prrdncets tbe greatest field for future
—Chicago Timea-

and tbe govormnont and the oumuiott
people alike ore impuumt and pow«-rlwa
relatli-v to all lliat affa'ta the comaicT
of tbe country, its volume and its valoo.

upoo hia rertmximnouiKvd tbut be was

h one ot the most seductive things on earth, and I offer you
a chance to make your home attractive for less money than
you will be able to again in a longtime. This large and
well assorted stock must be moved by September 1st, and I
intend the public will move it f«r me if extremely low prices
will do it. Come early and avoid tbe rush.
Bissell Caipet Sweepers $1.50.
foil can make your own price on Hammocks, Laaa Chairs and Rockers.

During »‘»lstiP.e.rf|,^^^ NotwithriMidlngthefa^t
of Mi-xiivi tiaw been
the balance of trade in our favor n-acJiei
the eiiormons sum of $(>00,000,000. it


! Uuih'd BtaU-a. and tbe ! silver sod Che mints of the republic
have been open to freu coinagu, but tbe
candidate of this party at tbe last praal
dential electitm visited Mexico, and circnlation ^ money has not increased,



supply In Europe

which it dots not at pruaent poaotsa rela- :
tive to its cniieDcy system and raon«a-1


TirdsliOK its nortbem booDdary


toorces of


pnodpal Itons i W

in any aniutry
anmiry wbrev
wbrav tbe free and uo-1
which po to make up this atunemtearei: 0
limited odnage of tUviT prevailed. Tbe ! BmuistuSa S8S4.'06.060;cottou.|88B.clainis referred (o Bsumc that such a ! MT.40T ; mineral oila A'iS. I'l.Mi:
system wuold fonush an almudant sup­ proTisitma Slfi4.lS4.074. Tbe exports
for (tie year are twice tb<- vmltte of oar
ply of money, that it would create
imports for tbe same period.
The eDonnmii expartation of breadtrfaicb tbe r»mnvw> people wouh

nus awka of leCtws b the remit .if ■ per•oSMl TMt *D Kexiro inadr bj tbe writer
mrlj ta m M s spwisl rwprtmatatlTr o» tbi

* *
IThor is mneb In


The «tim^ erenu of (be war iboatd
lar policy in tbt- United btatea
...... d«tTw of aoittalntaaoe
___________ _____
and fa- , wx be allowed to dirot public atlrnmiliarity wiib (jennwl ooodUinu b«a ' tion frtna the Rnpendotu flanrea which W
in Mi'xico as Bfficb.d and infloraioed by : measure tbe ree-ull* uf the gr«el«at coui-. ^



Mid nnlinJiBd eoiaain ot fUiv ben
«kcO itbae u mej- be fairly fontted M fo
what wnald be (be fltat and moat imjortant effect! of (be adoptioD of a Oml>

"Have you tutod the new soda Wats
named 'Dewey?' "
■'ifa What Is it flavoad srithr'
"Oingw. "—New York World.


My Line
of Silverware

Is the finest in Northern Hlchigran. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Cold

“What i! that large Itani yon t
— —I.



F. A. EARL, Jepler,



Bow It Works Hanlsblp to the
Poor Wage Earner.

its (xiiiiajte sysieni promptly and fully I mercial year in our hmory
rertal (be fooudariuu cluiius of tbe ad-1
AccordiiiK to tbr n-port of tbe burrao
▼(KsUw <d tree oolDa(.-e in tbe United | of statistics just intued. the value of j (#

Of *•

i*w«ce in the practical cipuheoo’ of with last month n
MtaJoo, nor would they liud existtmee | tl.S10.#T(.015.

Ola. •* the WhlM


staffs and proviKioas conveys snnte idea
of the prosperity that baa oome to tbe
Amencac farmer throuKh tbe tailuia of

more infloonoe and ontmccCioo than with
Uexioo to plenae! oar pnaent system, and that writb tbe

and inta«t tbe tourist and trareier and | free ooioa«e erf

silTer would oome to

the usual

etbMwiU reward and itratify the
rodent and lover of hisPiry.





ry supply.

liy >aily a nar-


i\.;.a.i imsifuniry terri-

1 imi Uue*. .let SO unlike the
— -------- ---------------------- "'j 'C'" 1 Japan. British Australis, BraxlL I>neUims«tl«
tn Mexico, and they
-- w, diracUrraUud toI the
'ho oninafie
coinage ;
Gnat Bntam. Germany. B
would m-Canada. Japan Cbtna. Italy and Mex­
ooropauy tbe frv-o coinage of silver wherico.
evM It may be adopted. MetlLO 1« at
In Asia, however, we bought mrre
the present time and lias beui donug
than twice as tnueb as we sold, alrecent years in extremu tH«d of mage
tbongb our as lee (hurt- show an incraase
capital for tbe develxinueut
nf nor
h<9 gnat
over th«e of tlKi pr««l.

clvUiiation and so varied its povemmental earuor that with all ita progreas
and development of recent years the
Mexico of today is more foreign to the
tfnited Ststra. sn far as relates to (he
customa and peculiarities of its people.
tbiin is any conntry of Europe.
Tb** » m preeiiit practical operalien in Mexico a mom-tary policy the

□arorai riaouri-

adoption of which is U-imt vig-irvusly ^ nwd

more rhso eevT oaovinced that (he in­
terests of ^ coontiT demanded the
adoption in the United States of such a

The free coinage of rilnv In Mexico has
no effect In determining or sustaining
tbe value of sUrer. and tbe experience


«a. tbe tree <
Mlver at tbe ratio of 16 U> 1. This visit
of Mr. Bryan Co Mcaboo for tbe evident
porpoae erf learning by actual obaervatlcD what coodltitma aocompany or
were oooxisiiait with tbe tree and on-

erf this eoan&y will be repeated wher­
ever stmb a system tsadopt^ All lines
of leguimate trade and boaineM transactioos aiv hindered and ambarraiaed

feeling baa ta-en aronaed. and In tbe
world of trade this will m«an incre

limited coinage of silver at practically
tbe Mine ratio favored and demanded

by the flnctUBtiiiK value of the curren­
cy, but this floctiiatian and oooertainty
have added largely to tbe profita of qweolatlaa and even to tbe dividends of tbe

tbe party orf which he is the
<1 P»»
value to a candid review of tbe policy
and cooditiana here, tbe obaervatitai <if
Which seems to have added P> Mr. Bry­

banks of Mexfou, which always make
their interest chargee incindi- all risks
as to floctaaticais in tbe oncertain value


se they have never before
or to increaae the number

pretty certain that tbe grip oMained
npoQ tbe PbUippinea by Admiral Ctewey
will not be InciKned.
With direct uaOotial Interests In Asiatic waters tbe Ir-

money in eirculKitxi here for each in-1 repremdble Yankee may be dep«
habitant as In tbe United States, sod. | «pQo (o moke mocb of tbeopportui

Mexico ooaditioos which it neither cre­
ated nor could reniow, hut to coofine
Dyaclf to outiditions as 1 have otiKrv«<l

lowing, as





lu part of I
ere have b»
u p-cn.
persisu-ntly advanced, civtain ctaasea u>
whom tb-y have oonataiitly appealed,
and certain intmwts which they have
»• favurably
confidently waerwd wc«ld J»and •'ih-T interests which wcnld he tmfaviiruhly iiffeiP>d by the udnpti.m -if
their Is'lnyr TIii-mj claims and aas ril- i;»

Be" be ened •uirmily.
"Why, wbi <ni earth's tbe mattar,
admiral?" eiclainivd bis American e»

occidesit. has been annesed. and

I deaira, however, to have it wfJl unAeratood that it is not my purpoae to
ebazge against tbe currency system of

ooTt. pained and surprhad at

act ui eeoapa


aud ui-c»»««ry that

■o far a* p>>»i|i|e We ku1o<x ( lluw
rlaims t-> «ieb li-*tB "f exia-n.iio-and
illtutratiou BE Exiu in Mexico ur liLae
wbi-re be *i-ran*L

mit .if Kui-h ortuponwj
r ]ENa«
ptucti--.U aii.l pne-'Ui v
m Ux. I
i Hj miu].-. I will

ilept- of oWrving lilt Mexican tniuera
at work in the depiiis uf th>- .arlh.
Pnim the miuub I have gone l» the smel­
ter and fruni the smehir to tbe mint. I
have sungbt to aEcerutis a* to the proaeoi output of silver in Mexini ita oust
ofprodneOan aud its pcasibilinc* for
Uio future, and everywher>- my iu.|tiima
and investigatiiau have U««i lunrUxim-ly mwived and kindly aaaisuxl.


have visited woaluu aud cuttou factoria
for tbe purpuae of aocertainlug as to thewag«a paid and outpal aocured: have
Intcrvipwud Anicricaii workmen and
Am^can busunaa men here wboruver
found; have ohstrved and inve*tigat.ri
as to Uieoptntiuub of tbe mooetary sys­
tem of Mcmcoso far aa it affects capital
aud labur. the cmjiloyiT and the cmpluyixL corpuratiuiu, manupolic* and
other intuTMts rvlahvt to thuM- which U
is aasuTted will he affected by (be adoptioo of free ailver in tbe United Statoa.
It is not my purpoee to review ocaidltiaua oad relatiuiu in Mexico for tbe
mere parpoee orf rriticiriiig or cwdignBfaig tbfein. but to eoewe bun tbe per■latont and aeoeiMiT effects Orf tbetzw



rtghtA and Uiu ibould rraolt Ina larger '




refiectico OS Oolv ooc eacb of the above left.


First come first served-

;i*llVKlU!il aud cun.rnite llilenwta Min.i
owTxm of Mexii^i tiiid markirta for mimu


u. to., ito..

r-iioutriea. uf d-. ih- ail«T produ.virx of

* t>M.r.ed rnbat. U. tbe Coara* «( Praaid<«i KeKislav'

w.mM,, E-Ktoi.....

an.l exrbang.-d b. tweuu nu.'h .•.•nmin.-a
at It* marktrt value, m. attention wlmt- ,

, ...........

therein He« tbe mvnt of tbe

ever being paill to the miuag.-swumje ,

two .oraHinns al leant the pn-nl-

ti.rtiHgf tbe-wo.-raj nlver mnugcrtin
tniw. TlK- market value .rf nili.-r ih not

rt.-tit has U.m called uiKrti So ex.m«.
fimiotwa. and b- liw. not benlalM

d. m MeXio, or in China, u.v
would It !.• m the I nilMi $Ui(oa if the

He la a man ‘<1 piwiw. vet be la an able
He lung, f.rt- the end. yK be

latter crautry alxiuM adopt the free
oolnagv ..f HilTiv
Eugland and Oerand Krauiv an.l the utblir n.
triee of Enr-.i*,- tuive iiuirv to do with

o„t pr.Ta**- b',i,h the Sjaini.-di
Spuni.-di Bg.-ntK.
ag-nta. Ih-imcods

Ibi! .if Mlvtv than have lb.Oiiunirii* which arv d. partidivil upon it
for ctiiuage purpie-w. and tb.-y will pavthnaigh any attonijrt t..


A furtbiT BBFumpn.jn

that a btahb-

fnl and beJj'ful d.«r>w uf pr«*«Vi.
uflunUxl thriiugb tb«- fix* coinage uf ailtuid* ou exi»i. uii-in fart ber-in
It is u.ixciary
to pay roare

picaacum the w ar tiauiam-ly and vig<
When the 1-od come*—and may
oome oras^It will bt‘ wl down tn the


uf tlie

L'mild StaUw. and it

add* the mni<-ikrtilil. jiriiv (» tbe fuel
and macbimn. uiwh mudud aud not
in Mexiorx as tu (he few artitrtnsti'Bi wbi.-b muspcti- with
*- pnxlactluu. It is a a. iwllirtl aysof proturtiau which ateiuingly finds
t favxv with tbta.- wbo have alwa|^
oppomd the bonu- favning pruot^iva
syMtau of tho Uuitod Btatea. Ita effect
has been to place all tbt- pnifitahlr in
dontrita. of Mfxini lu tbe hand* nf f.ireigu capitalisu aud fovlgn oorpuratkna. Tbe oxtiemf powty erf tbe maw
ea and tbo inability to buy anywbeta,
ratlier than sUmnlative erf home tmying.
have kieeu the riaalt of the tree coinage
irf fiTv ailvw in Muxioa
1 nixigiiine tbe fact that tbeae bskt(ifltis a(v gtmenl and pertutps inclurivu
iin- than (be acoompanying details
may seem tu wmrtaot. but lbi-y will hu
followed by a wrlea of pretsmtatiQQ*
relative to the past aud pitvaoit effocta
erf frue aud unlimiUid otnnagv in Mux
loo, wbctu it favm and wdiign it in
June, which 1 tadierc will li«vu little
to bednonxt in tbe line orf lUustraana
Mid detail.
Peut F. Pvwna.
City of Mexictx




pri‘ian< au-to an




kiegin* fruikly, "Well 1


Si', Siu-iSSiT

dial auawen

y.rtiiig cinipjaer


The Little Puck H-hich takes a picture 2 1-2 by 2 1-2

lias just writtaa

inches for

who will sing it

ft-i: rni

Wait’s Drug Store.

Disadvanlati. of Buldg IVetty '' MoM . • •
girla are g-->d uasured aud willing to



-taliMiml tudurw- | Captain Evans stamt tbe duatmetion cl -

1 the |ii-M-i.t adiianistratinn. | AdmiraJ Cerven't Oeet?"
Dinghy taut? ha* now been inj
It was ao

intcreetingetory, j . l.-r lliv br*t l.'U mnoths erf the
M.-Kij.:.y lanff. f312,u62,iOA. Tbe re-

and iu cakulsti na like its jinonisea.
am be lariMi u|wn-—Oluca^ Inter

A War OaS .4 tk





bou«;—I know I won’t have to go to ,
Mra Trouble—Why won’t you?
Tiwnble—Hecauw a man would never
die examinetiou afux,

helping hia wife to clean bouB.—Up to

amazed tnur tl at r«-.irti. «•«< only 12
moo tbs ago it wh* ta-ing nrgi-d that tbe
auctmatit of tfai- Diugley tariff would
rain the fneign trade of the United
Btatea by oloring tbe werid's market!
againn our produrta.—DsMoiiMaBegiMer.


"The interrlewer didn't p

be able to paa

The official Matistica pruve that tbe
value uf the experts frum tbe United
States during ihr jirvjrtit fiscal ytar
win averag,. about $;i.6iK>,CKfo f.-r t-viry

Celebrated Chicago Caodies. [


kolu undir Uir Diiigluy tariff were subBUiitially lo- prtrtii. tid by Mr. Diogley
in hia
in imirport nf tbe bill io
it* final furm.
Tbe B.'poblican party
dooa nut ludulgi- tu nad. in gu(W«* oc
matters kUHtvpIibta of citxw estimate,


E B<‘8(ile Baildiug.

u|s-niii-4i u-ii ii.omhs.
Tbe rercipu of j wasn't It?"
(ta- iri;.*ur\ for that tin-r. rxcluaive at i
"Interesting tsiough. but I bare my
Pacih. .uI.h, w.-re |,6fi»,- doubu about Its hanag been autbeuTbt- rt-.-. ijii* fur (be first
moutliH < f iht V. iImil tariff were $i!84.-


Thu beat ibing going-an unweloom*
A lady kias Writtro ao msay ou "Tbe

A Malblicwl I
' Cuts.
Tbe total ri-.-e:|ils of lh<- in-usury for
the finw.-ii r ■ Mil* of U» ilifw unff*
w« r* «« dm*.
Ilf thl* d«»de
po alisbivl and j
"Did you n«d that interview with I



Photake. holding 6ve plates two inches square.
Again '• It ha* kwre «> much time fof
«a»t.d- Tbe woman can t ta found
Also a variety of higher priced cameras, from $5.00 to

rork 111 the ruom above him - t 'urrikf

a p-.wi rlul

We have a few latest model five dollLT
Pocket Kodaks which makes a picture
by 2 iaches that we are selling for


up witli disadiautagea
jin'TSi^'i.—aud tbso goes bum*
credit .< William McKinl.y that
wntidrnUB how be managrd kj make
ptrf.>mi«l bis diiiiiw faithfully and
a f'Hil <if bimwH ov.t It
with a uiam-lous display of rraa.u and .
Cb.-L-sn milkman adviTtlacd firs
sound judguMuL
Hi- an* qiii.rtly und
boy wbo nixltirsl.ud the milk bus I Dess,
with dl'tumilllStloll. H* Ih u I;1UII of hu
and when ask.vl what *xj*irirncu tx
mane iiiHtiucta. an.l tx- 1* aiiziEius to bad had coieof tbe applmuiu rvptisd
hniig atmut the desin-d nvmJt at tho
that be had pumped in<- ewgan in
possible If** <rf life
ih-has bci-fi
^ill tb.- ngbl bmu for Iht.
^ g..oily ovr me stealing. " os
__ Wilminguni N-wa
mail rvinarkiul wh- L.-anl a burglar

nrv 1* tiio much vaunttil prirtw-n-ni said (.- t*- affurdtxl ty fiva'
ll apjilj'i- U. thu tta uf fpw ailChina iww.ll a* t.> the cual and

W. J. HOBBS, Hardware.



btntivi iH in wuue de»(nv repiwnUil ._
Mexici. at tb.'
tb.. pr»e
priw-nf iiiiiu an.l injn ly , ihni. d.mble j.riov m ib.- pun-bai.. of
any articl.' iuip>ir(.<l trum utbor coon
olua-ra-ation uf ikiy by day Mi
' tbe little comparative
pmeiKu. whnt.'Viv zuny be He limitatii.i'H h» U> eii|>li<a(ii'H tdn-wberu. is v-nlu.- uf the < urrvncy of Mexiao, aud

Doriug my sohMin in Muxitx. I hare
vhdu^ Mioie of lu must mipirtiani mm
and iiilvex minafr and have h^l the jiriv-

few laspUnr qoautlaM far tbaM ■'tacrU

Inctwe in that line, so that the flag of .

raecuf —
uxivvd from odnsidiratico irf tbe needs ^ja nation may he mv-ii nu v««aeis of
"bay. what are yon Biking about.
uf the potple or inUncDot- by them than pt-acirful nilW'ii id every barlor of
i* tbi-fnvouinngi'of sihvr as prUL-tlcal I globe.
The gnat iooxiaa- lu ex|>-.n*
"W'batam 1 talking about? W'by. ,
ly illartrauid Ix-n- lu Mexico
It is In-1 proagin surb a retmli.
It !>• h'Uii.l uwlndowa , —
troll grating
d>-p>-odiiut uf birth tbe gm-enmamt aud ; c«|,je Iti tltii'-. oulil America will Ii-ixl
tbe pnrplu. the nilviT mime of Mexico ' o,., arivld in fonigu as in ■domwuo
That's rimfc-liilbe Umii-d Sftat.-v living Urg. ly ; ounmi.-ra.x—Pi.ina Jorvn-1
ply a CijrrugaUd iK'itiug to kio-poct tn«
•r»-utd and aaitriilbd by fuanguera. !
-----------------------xu-to-juitoea. my diar adniinL"—Ne«
who ivmtnd and di>y»iwi c< tbcix not
Yixk J-iurual.
jmta as will U« wrv.- u> advance their

give firtiticiua valtx- to hiIv.t UiJliiai or
rilviT oiui and pnifit, tom at tb.- axj.w uf theo)i«ntry making aacb on at-

w.inb Ui.gv thau i.r>mjia.-» baaxl <in tnutradiclory uxiin.i- ur dw.-laraaiin* lairn
of ja-nouaJ inten-et ur partuan frvnxy.

Bwa ara a

lyeteai of annagi- omld la- fortber re-

aisuxitly pmlit

will (u*.iia m b«-*i dc-iiTiiiuu«iiiiii .>f
itiijsirtiuit iK>uu->ut Ktak.
AIiiiie.1 iwury
int.'iiKt which It haa lavn urg-.l would
W fai.vably r uufuvonbly afln i.1l by
tile Ir." e. .in.ipii (if sjlviv


We eaa help yo« ta live waU.

tlie tarn-

Is It not eo?"

j r™
j JSU «

an- 111 gn-at part fuauded opoii theory .itbiV ojunmoa. Imi furthiV than that suit.-* hue dlaplavwi r.iDSUmn'ate g,..!
uo opp.irvunity
and lue-muptiun. The expcnmitit tht-y | M>ixio>
. .
indgiueut and finiiU'-«a
iinve made has uuver Iveti sat
vantage n.rt fully rJian«] by all k"ld : Spain.
He ha» lu no v
isfait-irily or encciwsfnily luadi' in tlx
najghird .»«uitri.e lu rrwliug with Inxi ^ „„orfi-ivd with tbe met
r field. I
fnn..*, ..xteni,
hifl'iry of the civilui'd world, and it is nlvtfruaUOJiK. Silv. i ih bmight and odd ^
tbi-ivfora inip.irtant


qtiMe valaca that make cutasan far

"Why, certainly, admiral, otfiainly.

that ha* been too little takun ad-!

Er„ ,h«. h.11 1» Inro,, ..ta. 1. th. I
.J i„ Ita
h,„,a. U«. Ubo™
m,Ul p~lo I to, rf
»m .»!« V,

Hiaare dealiag-We bare earaad IL

"Tbm what meani II that I find ber*

it must, tbe day hy^y ex- 1 tDi>rce in Asia and tbe furroandlnB la-

pcneuce of the aiivCT maitct ha* IcM I

We have tbe repnUUo* far fair aad

per fit.
‘I have been pai
paroled, tt la tbe ncred
word of honor 1 nave glroi that 1 try ,

nutwitbstanding ita iiatilcted ciiculs- I Miqs in esc tiled
tiou. tbe silver ctOTeacy of Mexico, ful-'
There is an Itnmaute field for

and iwoflt* to that disurttona extent.


baltiriggaua be bad worn when made a
"It la the grand manlt you put upon




Crimaoo with paaaioo Admiral Ccrven threw off tbe clothing loohed him
by bia captort and aloud again In Um

start has alrtady been tnada.

orf tree coinage cnmocy.

them, which the fm- coinage system
does onqueetitmably effect, to tbe a-veral Indostrial indicationa. to which Mr
Bryan hinualf atlndee, and Pi tbe tbeorrtic rlaims made by tbe adivxst«« uf tbe



tinsiTarr Flat! For Csaimnw
AsU ao4 lu Istaada

There is uo doubt but a new natiooal

an's dedre for their adopciaa in hia own

Then- U not one-third tbe amount of

128-132 E^x-03X^ Sti?©Ok.




■I W, Slater’s House Furnishing Store I

is evident that Asia oflira
prrdncets tbe greatest field for future
—Chicago Timea-

and tbe govormnont and the oumuiott
people alike ore impuumt and pow«-rlwa
relatli-v to all lliat affa'ta the comaicT
of tbe country, its volume and its valoo.

upoo hia rertmximnouiKvd tbut be was

h one ot the most seductive things on earth, and I offer you
a chance to make your home attractive for less money than
you will be able to again in a longtime. This large and
well assorted stock must be moved by September 1st, and I
intend the public will move it f«r me if extremely low prices
will do it. Come early and avoid tbe rush.
Bissell Caipet Sweepers $1.50.
foil can make your own price on Hammocks, Laaa Chairs and Rockers.

During »‘»lstiP.e.rf|,^^^ NotwithriMidlngthefa^t
of Mi-xiivi tiaw been
the balance of trade in our favor n-acJiei
the eiiormons sum of $(>00,000,000. it


! Uuih'd BtaU-a. and tbe ! silver sod Che mints of the republic
have been open to freu coinagu, but tbe
candidate of this party at tbe last praal
dential electitm visited Mexico, and circnlation ^ money has not increased,



supply In Europe

which it dots not at pruaent poaotsa rela- :
tive to its cniieDcy system and raon«a-1


TirdsliOK its nortbem booDdary


toorces of


pnodpal Itons i W

in any aniutry
anmiry wbrev
wbrav tbe free and uo-1
which po to make up this atunemtearei: 0
limited odnage of tUviT prevailed. Tbe ! BmuistuSa S8S4.'06.060;cottou.|88B.clainis referred (o Bsumc that such a ! MT.40T ; mineral oila A'iS. I'l.Mi:
system wuold fonush an almudant sup­ proTisitma Slfi4.lS4.074. Tbe exports
for (tie year are twice tb<- vmltte of oar
ply of money, that it would create
imports for tbe same period.
The eDonnmii expartation of breadtrfaicb tbe r»mnvw> people wouh

nus awka of leCtws b the remit .if ■ per•oSMl TMt *D Kexiro inadr bj tbe writer
mrlj ta m M s spwisl rwprtmatatlTr o» tbi

* *
IThor is mneb In


The «tim^ erenu of (be war iboatd
lar policy in tbt- United btatea
...... d«tTw of aoittalntaaoe
___________ _____
and fa- , wx be allowed to dirot public atlrnmiliarity wiib (jennwl ooodUinu b«a ' tion frtna the Rnpendotu flanrea which W
in Mi'xico as Bfficb.d and infloraioed by : measure tbe ree-ull* uf the gr«el«at coui-. ^



Mid nnlinJiBd eoiaain ot fUiv ben
«kcO itbae u mej- be fairly fontted M fo
what wnald be (be fltat and moat imjortant effect! of (be adoptioD of a Oml>

"Have you tutod the new soda Wats
named 'Dewey?' "
■'ifa What Is it flavoad srithr'
"Oingw. "—New York World.


My Line
of Silverware

Is the finest in Northern Hlchigran. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Cold

“What i! that large Itani yon t
— —I.



F. A. EARL, Jepler,

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