The Morning Record, February 07, 1899

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The Morning Record, February 07, 1899


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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r-T'’ ■"



«isr 997


ftMOod Te«-Ko 549


MMh. vnaodMi ia bMd. »iU pro\*Vy


•deoselop tbeir oklrstobm* at FMO
Mid PoadoeoB...
Ttej ceaTd
epooded In ike dorkl
The VXBb Bnillocy ftamlly -Imoted
the BBUee bBUery Bsd BUesoed it tB
•hort order. Tbo Third artillery elao
VOM BMalto of the LoUOt s«rr«MlOr<»B B>M;shr>tia the bcMl. Treaty of Peace Won Out by oprord fire ob the left There wee an-,
To Omsk AcBiBoide’o FotoM.
i .
Close Vote.
other faaUade at
Viotorr At Manila.
W»U>le»toe. Fob. 6-—laotroetSoBo!
------------Tbe eraher Cbarleatao and rasboat
Ooeeord bad qeleUy b»ea ptaead by
Dewey loti poaitloo where they oobadaliBl Dew«r. by tbe i
meeded tb* loMryeet treeebce aad
IBM tfac ofleoateo
Votee Sdonred defeseeB Tbe doable tarreled bibI
Otto and l>aw67 Orderad to
do'a foreca They;
tor Meoidaoek waa In a paaiiioB to
At the Iiost Moment.
Crash Affolnaldo'a Forooa.
•hell tbe laeorireBW Ueee at Melate.
a* day dawned tba
tba waTBblt*
. 'jOBeoerneTaJB. MelBery »»d
J^epeaedflreaadaiateriaUy aaUatedthe
XaBteet meporta Show 40 AmnletM ’
otl*' baada. bat arreaez▼BO OoBe Otbt Fk
Ktliod and 160 WeoBled—Foorbt'
brlnrtoy aboat tbe de.
T«aU PaaB*T>«*Bl»—ab«B Cooper.
I abdooiee peMtr.ted: Bdword OoMaoU.
SoB» pei>elro»<l.
TetrthJj lejared.


MEBIMIIS HOW R66RESSITE. ta..w..»bw ..

oothplettly Demoral sad.


! lo »h-marner ibat eo Binch atartled

i, 1,
UaabiDKton. Feb. 8--Tbe peaoa ,pj„,
treaty waa ratified by a rote of
17,.. u.. iu>
tbi. .im™— ; «..b» ..a

•rdayerulor waa o^atloued yeatcr^j U
day in B determlBed or deanUofy ] ^
awDBer. aa tbe drenoatapMa node'
ItBeeeenry. The Fillplooe were at•wTy.ioBled with fearfol alanybur.
Prom the beet IntonpaUoo obUtaable this rrmlBC the Flllplooe' loee la
4,000. which eaUmate la aot bellered to


220 Front Bt.i

a«.« th. rmpino. ..ii


r..l.pp..,. uopld b. -ivb 0.1

the Filiptnoa r«»ntly aecomd arm. and
miltlon. It U hinted tbia may lu-

; —b.

Tb. K..». ...



«. i ,„ui.nB offered a Kana.a. Thirteenth Minuewrta. Firalji
| M-mtaea. F.r« .Nrbraaka. Fir.t North | J,..—,rUl. .oi l-u»a.d


Um S Lawla.
Foorteenth Jufaoiry-Uenl. Jamea
mtcbelliCorpiralaOuy Sndmi. Henry wUlonl further aaaUtanw. It
Tbompaoo. Prieatea Jeaae Hale. Hanr- told, however. Abat the abipment <»*; .^d Corptral Or-eiy fired, killing one
aeeCoogan. ld» Jam** Khlgbt. Cbaa ragnlaralo tba Folllppinea will eon-|^,f n,e nativea and aoundlng another
Cbaa.' lloue wlUi at mneh promptneaa aa pna-1 An intargent alarm gun waa fired from
Donglaa, Finnk
l.lbMlnordrelbat the «,l,otoer, now , «1ockhouae Seven, and tb. FlHpto^
•elu. A'faoao Bonner. Potter Stormer.
< be ran a eoeeentrated attack oa tba
In tbe laUada can be rvlteved and aent:
SlKlb artillery—Private Ooodmaa.
Neb-*»ka iroitpa. Tbe entire loeurgvnt
F.rat Idaho-Majvf R. MoCoovUlO!
line from Calvocan toISMto Mean then
opened fir*
Oorperal Frank OaldwtU; Private*
Tbe Nebranka, MonUna and Korth
Jamea Frax«r. itoorge Hall.
Dokou onUKWta bravely Mid tbe'r
Firvt C*lifornU-Prlvatoa J. Dover.
gnmed unUl relnforoomenta moved up,
Tom Bryan. Joaepb Mnber.
Waahlngioo. D. >1. Feb. 8-AgonFirat Waabingtoo-Coeporal George
^e Uoiirtl State.;Cal
nand Sanu Muaa. •
MeOowae: Privatae, Ealph Wmonde,
Mootreai. Canada, north and eartof Manila.
Oeorga Eriehari. Frank Smhb.Matblts ^ttaougb aimr of bia aawwintca aav be | The American firing line o
Cberry. Shermtn Harding. Edward baa inly Irfi Waahingwa for CaUl.' ibe TBird regular artlllrry. the Utah
^,,,, wj.*rUanaon Amoa Holckcl mo™.
^ piall.vrir koewp here, battery. Sixth artillery. Fonrtb caralry
Pm„, Walter Ua^. Amo.
wnoaporta., Fourtoentb Infantry and the following
Hop to Canada Friday night, ahirity 1 volonteer Infantry regim-nu: Kaeena.
i William C after be bad filed at ibe elate depart-1 Monuna, Htnnraota.
< Blent a meaaage exeeedlngiy aancy la | Nebravka. Idaho. WaablngtoP, Oalifor•mitb.
riratMoBtana-Oorporel Hayev.Prob­ litatoae. bearing on F.iloino maiiera. j nla and North Dakota. Tba
AgooelUo left Waahtogton Sttarday ' braced in Ibe'aeaae of t^
ably dead. FUat Colorado, prli-ata. C
evening, hut wbetbar he bad aome ad. I waa a aemi aIrcU fnOy aev
WbHei pttrbably drowned.
vaaee intormaUon about the boaiile,In length,
■otur et 1 o'clock,
BartoM*y Veuaded.
attitude of kU eoantrym*

rinl UtMtein-Private inks Bw-



I tbe nnptooe training two eelga gnnaj

118 Onion Street.

The Finest^StockilFuneraLGoods

Where will you find better dgars than

Diamond J-lOc
Traverse Belle-5c
Sold by all deale

Made hy

1 A. W. JAHRAUS.TonneiierBIPCt

,1G Men’s Scotch
Wool Cheviot Suits
Assorted sizes. Stein-Bloch Co’s. make.
New, very choice suits on our front

a...h D...»

to make Amartcan citlt*na of tbe in-{ Tennrwaee. F.rat Watbingtoo and Fliat, ^
Waablnrioo. Feb c-Admi-ml Dr­
babiunu oftbe Pbilippinec nor to an- j Wyoming._________________
ey eabled the pary department today
oex tbe IslanA permanently
Box Car Sco.-obrd.
aa follow.; • Tbe In.nrgenta hare ataldnight laat nlrbt a fire
taeued MaoUa. Tb* Boatoo 1ea*ea to­ bold them nntll tbe lalaoda are prepar-^
lalarm trlrphonea to Ihr Caaa atrerl
day foelUillo t-ireliere the Billlmir*. edforarlf-gOTernnent.
Scpatora Mcbannn and McEn> ry'engine honae railed tl.e depmrl
which will retnm lo Manila. Two
t to tbe M. A N. E rarda.
yeaterday aboard |
ref-lgeratnr car
bal ctughl^
lhenee«a.ary twc-thlrda There r
Sre Irvm a »to»e in.ldr and th* fiame. ^ .
the M' aerloualy"
making headwa* fa»t when'
Army oOoera belleeu that tbe die ^
t the nw of «he f
gmtch la a belated cablegram, hot na- afterward,
c'temical tbe h’ate waa aoon extln-l^
▼al rfflmra belleee j tat tbe oppcile.
iFBUbt-d The fl tor p. arte all bnrrrd f
They »ay It refer* to a aecood engagetoot. There was nothing in the car ex f
at-tee and a few boarda for .
m*nt wbleb la now In prngrew.
• n^irt pnrp^.
The war department baa madeB* Aaart-aea Fought io the Dark
Bravely Mel tba AMaulia of the
----- »--------------;—
more toward aen<tlng farther r*inloBurgcot Foic-a.
Tie firmdaxpli*Herald
foreeraenu to tJeorral y la Two
Manila. F*b. fi.—The battle begra' la now t. mg ha-tnl,d b» C. B. Tac­
____^ , .
Stand, being no lone | a
-ablpa will attrt aoou fnst^San Pmo- it 8:45 Satn-day reening. Throe Fildelirered with the M'lHXIhO Rtc i'
claeo and one i« en route from New ripoa boldly attemptid to pa«a toa
S*n-< oH*ra u> City Ne*» Stand I f
Tork, nid ^ ia a*.erted that tbe de-■ plekeu of the Firat Nrbraaka »olooBBU n week.
They were cballengod and dnotat of the ability
« P*"»
ofOei raiotiato handle tbe altoatlcfi ^ tired. Aga n lb»y


“City Bbokstoro."

lo.doabaol. were won orer.
| tj,, x^wraaka eclnnteera captored a ___________
USarb amcDdDcnt that wbateeer, bowltzer.areeral priioarra and a etroay ;
roremmeDt waa eatabliahed In the ' poalUon at the reaereoirof the water-

... •>. meou beat back the enemy’a rlfht ?
of tbo inbabitaou. wae Ubied. 45 to 34. ,
UoarofferodaaameneLiBeBtof aalBsn-^^^
Tbe Americai
Aa»eri»na eapinred the j f
____ Tbe
»Ued.40to*. ,iiifcg„of San JoBodel Monte, SlOtB ‘
iai character, whteta
ebcd today
Bblure the aeataM eooeeaed
loda tbe ! Aca. Sac Pedm, Macli. Santa
and Lr'mlo Tbe fire alackeaed yeaterleadera oa both aldet of the peace
day Doon. the paJea troopt beiny com- .
■d greet naxie- i'
pletely demoraliteil.
be eBCeealta. ,
All aretoed mneb in doubt of the
A number of atiempla were made In f
The naUree wera oonadently acprea- j
final reaulta. ml.tteallon or rejection Manila to ateBaainate A-urtieen t-filcera f
alee and wholly oopreparad for the ter- j
aermias to depend upon eeTwral doobt- bat the effrcUTe police a.tatem preeent- j t
rible poBlabmenl wbleb the AmrrlcaBB
seJai ootbreBk I/rot. Charlra j •
fal wotee. It waa aaid baiorday that!
Bueao and.SeiTrewBt W.H wereaeriona-; J,
toflieled npoB tbe« from the *ery out- j
the treety conld mnalcr but flfiy-eiSht
by oatirea lo the atre. t
act. They bad eeldeaUy been fellloy.j
lb). OaB. E. 8. OUa.
▼otea. Whether aay other men would
k!U«i by a ratlee '
nady for tbe attack for aome time,
come over, liflaenecd by the battle of, ^tuMler who waa wiibin the Amrriean
* alrocUooa to Oeo. milrr. ThU aetioe. ManUa. remained unknown to thoae 1 llnea. AealoaMo'a aecreury baa been ,
of takloR the Ametleane off their Uketi tonijrbt a* a rewult of tbfi ratifi•bo were nt-tagiPS tbe treety.bnt the 1
“^‘^Ytroopa ereatrons-y en-'
foardi bat »lyofooa wrork completely eatioD of the peace Waaty. Ipdientea
nope wae expreaaed that •‘‘‘‘lUonal ^
dMoralUed and pat tben bopeleaaly departore from the pilley of the preelbad been obulned. The leadera
,, Manila 21,619 Americin
dent Id delaylny. The Flllplnoa,
re atnndlns aa firm ; troopa.
The forcea of Asuinaldo
TlM oaaaaltiee. heweyer. were pot
lotty to eab- aa ever and nrsln* aU who might wa-' amount to abnwt 3u.ouO mrn
1 kiaee been irleeo
. . J i.k .k-m
lareonthewaytolhePhllippinee rein▼er to eland wUb toern.
foreemrntt for Q joerai Otla to the nnm
b« o« blll«l ~,a
i „„
tootonrtroopaaoffrred morethanwaaj
peb o,_U U aald althe
doubUnl lUt lined up eoon after the
„„b better .hap* than the natier*.
ftt ttr*t reported, upwardaipf forty
that no frrah
aeaaloB opened. Koach of Korlh De-I Tbe folloaing troopt at% lb the
Ins been killed and ooe
■ di.pBicbea baee been leoefred from kote-Eawlioga of I’lab and Turner of Am-riean command: Company A. e .
fifty wounded, acoordlnfi to the Uteat j
o-.U.e«repl the enanalUea fi
gineer.; aix uoop» F. unb
Hnoila. u U brilrTed tbe figBUoir la
Tha nnmber of American troopa en- propreaal^ Vnl owins to the fFeat dla- haanoi changed their Tlewa. and ‘*'*7 , yblrd artU'ery: two comoaniiw S xih
abould vote agaloat Ue treaty. It waa
hattcrlea California
fBfedwna 13 000, while the FUlp'mo UnceitU imptewlb’e to got Informlotca eembeied
LMt of Xtlled aad Wonnded.
Where Did loaurgrntt OH Atmn
mf.ntrt; E phterntb.' ♦
WaablortoB. Feb. 6—Tba oBclal
______ ^ ^ Feb. 8 —The authorl- f«et that the troopa from their auwe
Held *'*" *“
Froebt fight, but they aaid
and i’wnnlT-third to'arlrr; 1 f
Hatof tberwaltlraal Jlanlla dnilog
lo make
Kir.t Colorado. Firal 1 ^
♦he fisbOoS Balurday elsUt^ and Sen- ln*r.tlgaiiooofthe m.nnrr in wblth
p,f,y.fl„t low*. Twrn lethid

day waa cabled to the deoarimant aa
Flr-t C •lorad^-PriFalet. All
Doran, Cbarlei CarlMi.
Flral South Dakota—PHvatee Uaar.
I. MeCrBCkeo, Fred B. Ureen. Will


Xdot-Xad ofBB E*cia»«..-Oo»uot

ttlieo peaoebly .f Ihe IstarpenU will i • aiOpefpJjrApproTad.

____I—It l«l»
'MaoUa. Feb. 8 -The eoeee prreeoi«.,
la V a earlroiN of tbe el'y o! MaoCa ai .
tbeaPB went dowa Soadsy eeealoc
waaoaeof tarrible dearUUon.
SyhUac which beyaa at 8:40 p. m. Sat-

“Mimma, woa't pa baj me somefaprT'
"Pap, woa't roa papr my roomr
l^o'd better take beed pod people.
That's tbe ctj yao'll bear pretty sooa.
Take the first span momeat yoa bare I
had look oat new stock o'er aod o'er.
Toe'll make tbo little ooes happy
led year home will be pleasaat oece mote.


"-“'iBTtlUUORinaF OmrTHREE




table,‘regular Sli-.OO suits, will clean
out Uic lot fori.................................................'

Just thj! suit for^a business man.

13 Suits
Black and wliite silk mis, very neat
smooth finish goods, a good dress up
suit f<ir anylhody. sold this year for
fliOO. We have too many lines of
this class of gdods. Present price..;..

10 Suits
Both double and single breasted, faqey
worsted, nice colorings, regular flO.OO
suits, now.................................................... ..




We Have 35
Choice Beaver Overcoats

Ten Tear Coeiiacts

Plain and fancy lined, have been selling
from $9.00 to ^12.00, will close, at from

Made by Michigan Telephone Oo.
for any claaa of aervlee dMlred.

Subscrilieis May Cancel
at end of alx montka or change
to aoy ciaai of eervtoe at wllL
Telephone tbe managar to e»U
and exp'ain uaw raua udoptod by
the eomoany.


S7.00 to S8.G0.

i Hamilton Clothing Co,

»*ni «(OBVXVO
m XJ»«UfO &BOO&D.
tmAT*rn»E onr. . i

rmmSmj. WtAmm*»r ^ Tk


Tha aska mfaal MrrteM
awlai wtft a jabOae ■aatlin la
tlM OwmcattoMl ^arck. A taira
MrwanlaftUaadaaaaaailt «aa
a irraad apiritaai laatlaf
Tha ■■rriaw warn ta «Aa>ra of ■««.

I. T M*am *» i. W. I


TtrB*PAT. yifranABT 7. lew

KiimiSTnGf ciosfo



B««. W. C.Wrir>>«*f^


pM»t katUa at Maalla ketwaaa tka laPBfgaBt faraea aad tka AaerlcM amy
m* aaval Aaat at tba PbiUpplBS. Tka
MlliBoa of tka Inaarfiiita aad Ualtad
ilataaaotdiara la to ba daplorad aad
lha liatrlffii paopU aad tka pimidaat
Iwpad tkat ■ataaia ooald kaaa
•MOad arltkoat Uoadakad. Tka cUah
mmt. kowaaar. aad brara A«aricaaa
Bad tetfaaty kaao raUSad
araaptly aad wUkoat volaaaaa ef aadlkaMaaTadaadaarfoatlsjary **«*aat'
Tka delay aa tka »aa<y
^ ataak aad BOW laa yreeidaet meat
TtforoM naaaarea to araab
4aotraa of Aralaalde.-tba taaarraat
order to brlay aboat pcaee
With boaor to tba Ualiad (tiataa aad
taaaA to tba takatoltaaU oftkalalaadatkaralaaootbar oewaa for tha
^■lakwaUoB. Ike qualioa aa
wkatker we araet the PbUipptaaa
•01 aow apperaMat. It la the drat defy
Of tba prealdeat to
that aoatrol of the laUada f >r tba praa•Pt. at iaaat. ataat raat with the Ualtad
Mataa To da Ibla awea klaod a»y be
•bed, bat the iliaatloB dimaade acfnaatre Meaekreeaa oar park Bafora may headway eaa be made eettUar ibe grave problen wbiob aaafiMM aa tba FlIipiDoa aiaat grat laara
that wa are owatan of tba altnatloa
•bee ease headway eaa be aiade te
aaort of gki
for the ialaads. Now that tba t
to raUged drcUlva atapa eaa be takaa.
wkleb -era aet p^lbla beforeTietory Almoet ta Blrbt
Tka favorable reporufroo the boaee
•OOiBlilee 08 Merebaat Mariae
•OBBlneeoa tb« A«erloaa eblpfdnf
•avtval blU.1atrodaoed mpeeUvely by
Baprere«UUve Payaa aad Ha
Boaaa. brlaya tka kmr-loebad for aad
•qaaliy loar hoped-for tletcry for
U a gbt. There la ao doebt Of tba bill
paaolag tbe hoeae by a roaaluf major19. and aav day tbit loaplriag alght
may ka witaramd aad tba fact herald gd to tbe aaUoa. la Ue aeaate mattera mova man alowly, aad tbeaea
daagar that ezteta to Uat Ue praealag
•aad of paaalag apprapriatlaaa aad
atbar aaeb kslla may torea aalde Ua
• oaelderaUoa of Ua abippiag Mil.
Baab a rMBll woLid be a aattopalealamlty. aad If Ua frleada of ataippluc
who are laMraated U Ue auoeeaaof
Ibto meaean are me alert oe they ought
W ka. tbe MU will BaqaeaUaueMy

1 C\vMT6Tt’s

eat dowa to a ■
aappar. aapplemea

herarlf beorgted from tbe grai

W. K. K.l]„ I.I. I_. Plchl p. .
loppd P. aelf eound
kaalaeaa tripto Detroit aad Cbleago and wrli; bow dos« per
David JlebllBfaetedaa toealmw
lire, aod Is as w>U aa abe ever was.
aad will attead tbe Lambermaa'a mglUag tba efiee ia a vary plaadag mtion.
ID ct. trial boulea of uto Great DlUovl Ue drug storm of 8. E. Wait
ear. Uoaea Ullbart. tbe praaideut.
lira, yt, N. Kelley, wbo baa been
lirge IwUlea W
oadod to a toaat la hta moat bom- very alek with tba grip, ia maeb bet- eeaUandll.
aaaaaaar. Bay Cfaapmaa ga*« au
iGtaraaUag talk on-Tba Peat History
Alfred Armltage aad two ehildrrn
of tba aoelaiy.*' Lelaad Tripp, tba ntarned last nlgbt from Port Huron.
graiprealdeatof tbeeoelety. gave a
Andrew Vlack rcturDsd laat night
VW7 latereaUag talk op tba dlgieal- from a aereral daya’ vUlt at Mascettm of tbe ornaluttoB of Uta moat me.
Ifiaa KaUhei Viack reurard
proglakle eoeleiy aad Ita objeeta.
OB Uat place laat beturday.

and \)e^.

a.i»s tv M, tti so. St 4
Vtws—Vrt to c\ou a..

Hembera of XiaooU Uuiaiy Boela^
Bpwd a ProBtabtoXreala*.

s *r **



-a- S. m o-iBBS -a-


The Practical Bicycle Bnilder and Repairer!
a. to rail ard'pvi reartanrlv and bsos 11 p-it la f
Ir IS riila Is Th> sprlBT. WIU give Prse Stor. i
. Lstbs seMnC' rupa. euoss. sCisfts
to *


rsilao4s-roi/tww a

m Tbsonlmp to-dsts Uersas works Is Ihs ’
a Is bnlMlDC. rriwIHev or rnswrlinr nr no d
0, run, a.4 pr^^.g^tN^.^t,^Coto. ^

We are showing
a flee line of''

Katie btrebl wbo baa been aaSaring
WiU Ua grip to mneb betur.
J. W. Ciiffa want to Petoakey yeaterdev on buaincas
Him Evelyn Long of Elk Bapide.
visited Hias Lottie Cook over Sunday,
•be moroed borne yraterdayaooB.
Jack Bebovr of Petoakey to vtoitlag
ie Ue eliy.
Him Eoee Wiibelm baa gone toaicaBo on a rwo weeka’ vacation.
Dr. C A Clark of Willlamabarg. w< a
runt at Ua Whiting yesterday.
John ouiia baa gooa to CadUlae ob
R. •. Pratt U attendleg •eprema
eonrt at Lanalng Ula week.
Cliff Jerold of Cbleago. baabecnengaged to work for Pn-d Beebicl, In tba
place of tfalnea WillUma.
Membateof Ue 1 O O. P. lodge will
maallnUelr ball Uto afternoon
from Cbarlutte. Hieta . Where ahe waa
oee o’clock to auaad tba tnaeral of called OB accoBDiof tbe deaU of e relBlake Paagbora.
Seorge W. 8mIU. wbo baa been em­
ployed nt Ue bowling nlley for aomi Wbet tba Baaka aad Lmdlae Baalasea
Use hea aoevpied a poMtion wlU Ue
Nortbera Telrpboaa Company.
The Ladlaa' Aid Soelety of the Pint
Baptlit ebareb will meet at Ue borne
of lira. BcDjamin Thirlby on Lake
Ralsaisiao.kiek.. JuesS um.
To Tbs Ptsuc:
lue, Wvdaaaday attersoon.
Wr. Ilir uodrrsIcnrC.Srirtor
City Attorney V- C. Gilbert haa barn
an Aocidsat Ae>
angagad toaddrem UeOdd Pelloi
eorlaUoo -' "- — khos iSssi t- Iw
Cm '
NorUport oa Ua eveoiog of Pab 14. tirllsr*
win ciTT oot to IkrlntrTSSr
uoss ltw> Bsr lurur. Wr «uu i tun rw BS7
Uat balag Ua annlveraary of Ua
tkal (row wksl
knu-r ot ihr sink, ts sod
gaalwabOB of U|i lodge.
wirorasof IW ■lehlnn AocldsBlA
tlen -« brllrrr it iTTw oor*lU.l I. JuJ
Tbe SonU Side Sbakeapeare Club ■ sssr^ sod i-endBrlrd ou stnrl t
will meet wlU Mra U B. Oockeny Ikls rlf/ wr ksrr
krsrds .
Uto atUrnooD.
At 4 o’clock Ule moralng Ue Bnoomii
il nm KaUoaal Bask.
Uermometerebowed 14 degrem below
J. P. Nelaon formerly ol Ue Arm of
>tiaUBsMrr, Ksll
,NelaoD A Bplebiger of Uto aUy. waa
Msjvr ol Kslssu
aeeerely lolored on a log rollway at
AtSkSTW. ssirs
mpaoDviile batorday.
There arr
A. P Ksl-VT
ttrdslrr o> tk
eery. '
Naleun A 8pleblgav> cuefecUooera aod
Tsil-rsnd Ural'i
A t o. _
reatanraet keepen. ba* been dlaaolv
lUn Poix
ed. J. Bplebiger eontlnoca tbe bnsineaa
I mamboraof Traverae aty Teat
Jfa t7l. K- O. T. M., are rrqoeeted to
meet at Ueir ball today at 1 o'eloel
m. abarp to attead Ue faaeral o:
The reeervad eeatpUtfor tbe Udtes’
?oU MUllary Band of Boston, Ue aext
aembar la Ue Blgb aebool lesive
aourae. wiU ba placed at Ue City B x>fc
•lore Wedaaeday moralng. .
Rmerred oeata for Deba lectore tomor­
row uigbt are aow oa aal« at .Ue City
Nawa duud.
Tbe OoagregaUonal & K. Boeiely
wUl hold Uair regular moaUly but|.
aaaa maeUng Uia aveoisg et Ua borne
of Ua Mtoaea Peart on WaUlngba


--------------^nd are trivioK some wry in*fre«t
on them. One very
,riniinrtl Msorttnont
are Belling at 15c-rvgDlar 25c
goods—and another aaaortmenl of
gooda at 2f>c.
natural pulma we Att Bell
jng are very pwUy end maks a
foom look coBy thia cold weather,


deilvarad wtu Ue Mouib* Ba____
Bead orden to Qty Mewe ot-n*.!»
eum a week.

are bnying in large quantities and'pay highest prices.

We also sell Sound Hemlick lumber, Maple nooring
and Short Meple Wood.
Ve nlao have for sale lands for good feras.


Hoose FumutbinB biore,
\ew ritore. 120 Front «treel.
_____________________________ ■




Biggest Four--

i-i-: Corns


BpaMalHigbAckool Oli
TraCmaor Orawn to making arraageWBto Act some epeelal cUm Is tba tha Ormt BapUt BtfaU
Bigh aebool for ibooe wbo loioad



licbliu AccideDt Asswiitioi. BiOHIB YOUr

TbeeflMtofUe paaeaga of tbU MU
«1U ba Ibal bUIIodb oI toaa of Amrrl•aa iroa or«, aad
aad millions of feet of timber,
vhleb Uere to now no market 1o Ue
Oelted Staua. aed benoe no dcBand.
wilt Ind a new market in Uto eoant'y.
To take Ua raw mat-rial tfaus needed
from lU preeenl loeatloa to tbe milit
Pnneral of dobn Black.,
where it to traaafward Into Ue needed
funeral of Ue late Jobk
Bbapmfor uae inyfalpbuildlng meani
•ddiUma) Bllllona of dollara to Amert- will be held from Ue borne ot^>
•aa traaeaorUtioo ageneiee: in tbe WedoeedaymorBingatll o'cleck.sUn•Ula there will be employment tor daH Ui
It waebop(d tfaathUaoe, A.W.Blaek
Ikeamndi of nddlUoael skilled meebastoB Bad Uborers; again tbe trauaporU- eouldgct here for Ue foneral bat
ftoa ageacica will carry Uaae produeU mraeage baa been reeelvad Uat be will
to tbe embeard where American sklUed ba ueable u do ao. Hc-waa os bto way
toW will tranetorm Uem into efalpe. to Trarerre City to aee kto faUer aad
tga raaebad bim at Albcqnrrto be owned aad maanad by our own !
•Hiwna. to go lorU npoa Ue ktgb
;qna. New Hesieo. BeUwlng that be
a wlU Ue foreign ehipe
eouid not reach bare In Uma be tuned
doing all of oar foraign carrying. Tba back toward California.
yaeaitfaof UlaabipplngblU wUl.abcve
•U Other Ulnga. be a vieUwy for Amert«BB Ubor._________________
Oliver, of Philadelphia, waa Ue
anbyeet, to narrated by him as follows:
_ 1^ _ ______ .
.a .
> In a moat
ThM or the Berim of .tectarae w
My akin a s almoet yellow, eyee ai
ToBBg Hmi by »e*. D. Oochlln.
eociinuaUy In
The "CbneUan Ministry.” will ba back and aide*, ao appetite gradually
torn enbjret of Us UIrd of Ua aerlra
wmker day by day. Three
_____ _
Ths ssklM-i PkyvlcUns bad giren me up. FurUat loeuret to yoang men. The aabjrot
* friead advised tryfug ElecWlllba troaud by Rev. D Coehllp.ltric hlttera.’and tr my gr^t joy aad
Bwtor of tba Oearr^Uoaal rtipreb.' aarpriae. UaArat bottle madeadecided
tB Library hall Ula eveniag. Tbe in1^”d*''‘a‘S^.ow
‘“•at in Ua eoarae to Increeaing aed |
toebllawlUbaauraofa Urge aa-'-*----* - —
la 10 preflt by a good led

taettM U Merab with UelaUaebUf Uter la Ue rear.

M Wkt
kVbi ^OT...........................

The DtoUardebed Admiral Appeeolatro Boaora
Mawta, P. L Dea. «. ItW•DOW FlowMr r. H. Waraar.
Pred Llek, eoadoetcr oe the 0- A W.
Data Simi-Yoar letter aaaoaaeir
II. woe iejetad laat klfbl la a asall tba birth ef a aoa aad autlag that hr
eaUtolea aa tka C A W. M. uaok i
kadbera aamad for me waa read by
the oval wood dlab factory.
■ue srlth maeb pleaeare aad appreelaA getear waa left etaodlar oa
tloa. aad 1 wieb yoo to aoeept my,
laaia track while tbe algbt erew a
hearty tbaaka for the beaor thae aeat work.
Tovtb traiy.
aortbwitheai m plow, wbea at the
Qtaaea Dawar.

Ered Idek lajarad ia a GolStalow Beteavaariat Owaad

TbeplaUermatlhe g
wae toreed to the toptf the plow, eat
lira. Iflebael Cortaia, PlaleSeld. Til.
peitber left the track.
esakea tbe eUteaaeat that she caag.
:cepea ksvere abakieg up for aU fc-ld, whleb aetiled oa brr Unga;
TkatiaeolB Utarary Seeley celw_
bralad tbalr Hat aaolvaraary la For- tba
mtera ball laet atanlo«. There
wen: tajary. Hlerlrktlrg
faoprleaa viv la of
and that do eoold
TbecvaelDg bralaedaada
IT tblrty-gve p
Ukea to hto boaa oa Beat core ber. Urr d mggUt »eric«kvrd Or
I very i


iU&W Vvw«

X3rm BtooK dswat.


PmbTtartaa el

Uaeb iBlaieet wae
I U the after-okaeUac. which
eted by Bet. doaea.
bltboorb the ealod »rvleaa eloard
toot kigbi. epeeW goapol OBeiiafa will
ba held Taeaday. ffadaoeday aad
«day rrewlan f* <ke Pieabyurlaa
ThaOaly Owna.
Ikia avaatar Eev. Joeee wUl prvaeb.
T«MarAay narhad aaotbw fraat
Kev Oar«aa wiU aiaf. All are larlted
•net U the kMory of tha Uaitad
llataas tka raUBeattoa of tka tn»ty at
■Moa wltk Spala. Aad apaa tka a?a
•f«kafaOlaatlMaaaMitka*aoaa( a


Makes tfee food non deBdon aad ,


IdlT* Agents Wanted In Un,
ooonpied Territory.



If they ache~get a hot*
tie of Rose's Corn Cure
— ISc — and take them
out—It don't make the]
foot sore.

e. H. rose f SON.
idle BM.






nilCCkl PITY
Mahe a dish good enough tor President McKinley or any otD- S
(JUllIi UI 11
er person; but to have tbe dish right, you must have good ^
nrQTjl|mi|L|T;^ materials—WekeepthelbestHacaroniandthebestllicbigan —S
nCo lAUnnlll
Full Cream Cheese—Try some.
Foran«.taieu.oooke<i ^
Do you know that we have the celebrated Bromangelon ^
quickly «nd
in different flavorsP Makes the most delicious jelly and only
To Your Taste!
takes two minutes to prepare It. Every housekeeper should
have some on hand fo use in esse of emergency. Only 16c
per package, two packages for 860.
fresh See Foods Serred Dailj.
Pirat-clsM regular dlaacr,
The place------j
ZS eepu.

Qaeen City Restaorant,:
213 Front St



T«f* Moosnro satOOVD. TOBSDAY. FgBBOABT 7 , yw

: &exveraV 'Keva& d^em&


a u»»«Fad l>7 Balcsrik »Ub fe*rr-i
),Ubara>:v. U ta Mh>«a»t lb« Tsrkak I
» vrwiteraU Batg»rt«a«!
^|cri«.iDr ib» Mwsdoelui fruoUrr. TI-* Thx^ Mm Kl'led ia a Wreck

;Coissliatjoi aid EumDitioa Taa aid Strictlf CnfidatiiL

Tworir»ta«rta* Oraad T'Sitk X.Im^
■•tBaM'Da VlihT-rtfa - ^MsHa ^
•mt«»WrMb*v*TlBft«dCaJiK »sd<«ckleU. Wbaa U
ud*.; Ba«„,ion
f It.JjrtS.
Alfirtlf— Md • naW ot WMoks kara! iofto tke «
■ aaable t»!a»j j
7,000 Aa-^oao aisnsf
tan npensA. Ai Lot «arrka. M»r drive off.betec keaned Is os sJl- eJdrs. ]
goisg to tka Kloadike
Sidia •rT*f«l pmoM war* kdlad Md Tbsa tka saperor Md aaDreaa wars:
h., I rMcbca ft Orsod T
li}wad t7 • tomdo.
obllcad to Ibtas to paraootl aota-;^ Mootaas ebow that tba toasara-1 west bouad. p'usnd a< ts.i epMd
oftbapopalaoe. aadUlaetolBed^^.p^^l,,,,^^^ tielow aeroipasearer trato Ba. A east boood.l
IttoraperMdttet tka Mrtu p<at^
■tkiU haabaesa
d kf tke drr. UatisaalUor e^tkata wars Bear at^
^ go^^^tfor wara-. wbila tke Uitor w%a k'.aodler at tka|
Dows to Tessa, eattia istatloo beta today. The reaulu of tka
Rr^f a Btuatad es the Klla. tba iBparial eoopU. Ftaallyrolaforee-i^,
kalwaas raahod* s»d L'^msis. It wsa
.tsofaollea Bsda a lisa throofth ^
j,, u^gg^^aa. A baary rata lenab wars fatal asd otSerwiaa die
- eiRi^ad bj tba d^labaa is (oroa U tbs arowd aad tbaIrBsjBtiM drove oB j*, baas followad bj a loa« ooottosrd astroua.
g^^ eiii„4
JSM Ism, kst .thw «*«« rap«tMd bf Stold boottoir sad ast aatls.
ThafoUowtsrwerakilled; B'rtoeer
Bpaeto'. dbpitekes from Vlasss aay ' aad bare baas dytop for Mtersl days Pbirbaekant BiUle Creek, of the west
,beaodtrolr: Bdwsrd R>id of Lesns.
Mrs. ftsftio W. Maarass of UsooAs. SB acrarlas r'elsy to reoortod to bsva' os aoooust of cko ould.
j M ehtias. mail clerk 0( the west booad
Mob., ow of Iks sapcrialaodasU of tka
sear Cr»J>ea.
Itrals; TSfjam Stsaatot Laeatoc. mtU
Xstfossl WoasB'a Ckrbtlsa Taapar. oe tbaeataiea of Bsioa Mlloeoraltcb,
Bift Crowd Bromiaad for Daba
. elark of «ka eaav bmad t-ato.
SMS osloB. Mite tUaaoeth froa das nele ot as Kisr Mltoa of ■ianrto. ow.
Brarybody totaraated to tba welfare; ^eInjared are: Barloeer Haherof
rrMolsee for ska nUIppisaa. 8ba tor to bto rafsaal to raaew tba laaara
MaaslBawsAtesrooUaedwUl look ofbtofsrma. It to added that two rac<- ofibaworklsrmasami.^ aa,a^to^>»fr aaatV«nd Uato. feiai y tojared;
•p Md aid to the W. a T. U. work_______________
Hr. Burse of Ltpaer. j»menc*r os ibe
masto wbleb were east to tba aeaoa of Hates to tba toetoto of B*>^ ▼by tbo to tba City Opsra Boeea tomorrow 1 east boaod trsiu. lec brokas; Rile*
ikors. At MaaUs ska wUI rlait tba to* dktarbaaoa
rrastsr. The^e^bera o' the Clftar'Wbita of 1*0^. peaieoyer os the
dkapi Md bowltdio ct omt aoldlars sod
holp tkaa wiib aappUaa asd raUfkaa
Tarkay.. seoordtor to aprotol dU Makers’Dolo^sra beaa hoeUisr toiaaat bousd trato. asklr brsHedi Mr
patebea froa Beebsreal.toBaklBr ath. aeHlofttlcka^nd they bare recalead BscUeh. Stralsroy, Oat.. Bllfkrly
m wieft Of tka I
tary preparatlosa is rtaw of a possible so much eseourafemest that s crowd-' breiied; mall clerk Cba'Ue Sumbaopb
of Davtooe. of train N >. 0. Ii-r broken
HaaaaUj.-tka kletorias, at Botolaj
.~l lV»
ed hoeae to lodloatad.
B>lh tralaa were faat mall tra>a«.
liaapto. Lotoaotorsblra. Koft. waa
Tbe east bound trato was atandtop
ksrsod tetordap. Tka fl%aa did sot
near tbe SUtion, wafUer tbe
resek tba kiatorkalaaeUoe of tbebsUdtor trato topaaaitaccordiur loeu
jTbr latteriDsteed ofalackiorasd atopaov. J. O. Bfsdj ot ftlaaks, waa oeea
...j.Tor employee
a hoaeltaa boy to Mow York. Ha wm
•ost to as Iowa faraar by tka Cklldraa's Aid dietaty. wtalek UUar aaalaiad
kiathresckoollw*. Ba flat west to
Alaska aa a aUakaary.

UKS. li. S. & CO.
AoeriGU ltdicti mi SirRial iDsUtlte ol bskein, UdL

Hotjol -qr-K d

-n g, TzTCkW'erwe Oi*e^,

Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 11 and 12,1899'.
OBoa Moon from 0 A. to. to A p. B.

S\vort,‘3T6s\v "Keoss S\orVts

Tbe poor director of Lsstisr baa lor. sbMSt BlcdcdBea aUrtad to blleb up
wrerked. asd ibe mall ears are
i B«e««al weeks beaa farslablar aid to a i bto team tke other da.t. but Ue opera-1 jgnmed acroea tbe uarka All paiacsOeaiaa Waraar, tka widow of Bleb fsBily wkobad repreaaatedtbeBselvaa'. tloB did sol proeeed iBiothly saUI bei^r coadbo ramaioed os tbe track*.
ard Waraar, tba draaaUe eoapoaer. U
, to bin aa betor to eery deetitata dr- jniade tbedlaeorery taut be was Irylsc I Wby the west bonad trato fdled to
dasraroDaly ill if poocaoola at Viaosa
cnaiatMera. Last week be diacorrred |to putoae aide of the baraeat oo tbegghanwo.
OaalarWaraar b tba daarbiar of Ltaat
tkst tke first week after eaeelrtor aa-1 (sally cow. who objeetad atarbuoualy | There wa* appareotly a eoafustos of
tba plasUt asd ooapoaei, asd was atotasec^rofa tbe city tbe family bad a | to aetlap aa roBBlor mate lor a boras, orders aomewbers. Bv^aeer Tboaaa
forasrly tba wifa of Barr Vos Balow.
telepbooe placed to their boae, and It
Dorliir a battle in tba eiell war. Bd. Pairehlld of No. 1, was killed by being
Ms narriad Wacoar to l«7u. Bis drat
had bees there #»er atoee. That per- Owm of West Bay City, lust a bnttoa •truck by a mall car at be wsejumy
wife died to isee.
Ueolar family wUl ret ao more eaaisl from the frost of bto blooM, which lag fna tbe «ab. HU firrmau. wbo rt*
A apaa ot tba blfb brldjra
soee from tbe city.
aatoad is ibeesL, to nsirjjrcd.
was driten Icto bto body
MlMlaslppIrlraratMaaaaUae. la.feU
It to toougbt that Esgiseer FairTba ezpramlOD. -hoaeftwaet boas”, I ballet. Ba carried Uaronod wlib bim
Batarday, owiaf to eostraaitos doa to
I wbleb baa no almlfleeBce for J. { astll tbto week wbea be rrcoeared It. banka of unto So. 1. which should
«t of All Slseaaaa sad Was
It Suooaas&J SDd SotoaMfle Trs
tkaeold. Batriek Curry waa tojurad
a Betoell. Ute of Cooietoek. township ; god to now abowtor the aooeenlr to ad knee atopped before reaching tba
of Hssktod FoaaiUa to Obutla.
aad foar boraaa ware kUlad.
aad forty two other places, aad now of airtor frtanda. At tiaaa it caused blm awiteb, m siook s fnigU trsio o ' '
IB tSe t-Bl'eC Wiai
rrUv alcbt baa tba ooldast for alckt Battto Creek. He baa roeastly cx- totcoae patoi.
ly KBd towrabtr
W iB d
to oestrml sad aortbora k
rwaiiae arueibto farm to Oosaatoek for a
Tbe larreal ecal mtoc to Michigan
. tba aarcary rertolerlsr >* below
bottsa ssi lot to BstUa Crack asd sio*- ]
leoeetly atmek three ml’.a* north
stVstooUsa, fl below at Besvsr Qly
sod tss below at North Platte. There tysistb time be baa aored alses ba
velopml by ,the
Wasorfa yi„ir.,
Hlsliig Co.
wsaasabaasoaotwlsdasd VdaotlsA was aarriod fonyosa years ago.
. Iconic dVB-b
J*e»r i
tooecrelx frclto tbkkseat. Tbe ca­ ftgatoaldo Watsad That ftastotn
whiok to tbe aeatra of tba Kortb NobtHI ib..|re«i~lii»b.a»*.u aT»»perw.
At St. LoulA Mrs. C. a Bsrtos. wife pacity of the alne. when fully dereloy
Prom Ibia Soaroe Veefi
brsaka eatUa tSB|s, reporu that atoek
of Morley Bros’ trsreltog men. ^
j.uoo toss per day and a
Mot ba Bap. ciaA
to ateadtor tbe cold wsatber waU aad sad proatoest to cbsreh and aoolal
amall rtliags will ba built up aronad
Manila. Feb. ft—Admiral Cieymi
that tbara bars bees no loaaaa.
eirolcs. atlemptad U> rekiodle s ooal
immanulng tbe Brlttoh naval citsad.
Uaatasast Bettaa. of the Twenty flea witn kerosene asd was terribly
Albert Tow of Charlotte bought
ran. vUited Mstoloa osoficislly after
mHCHSiaiNO ESHSeureSlB r
third Kaoaaa VolastMrs, baa retersod bnraed about tbe face, seek sad araa.
white oak tree os tbe farm of 1).
CAT AnnUOFTIla MMP. breBchltta a
tbe fighting and to believed to Lave
to Wleblta with a waua wbleb once bei»S rrvai eaurrA pwMtw
BOSB HnS, and grauUM lanrtr
.Bllosed Aguioaldo against cslrrlosrad to Admiral Uereera. asd which
«a..i,pn.»pl-ork bj •
,h.. jl.ldrf B.. «« l.»i •V’. Ulniog hope* of reoogrslUoB by any "i'olSiilS’.BJl Fol.T.TB OT«.
bo bearbl of tsa ass wbo piloted tbe
fBrl*e»vrhi'c»i«.*leWWTvt«» mU lb*
DsUon fur hi* eo-ealled governm.-sl.
The Impoaetoihty of any foreign power am •perCUy. ro«aiM»lT *s4 «wBsa*Btly
to'.crf.mog‘'in hU bcbalf waapolnted
timepiece, a fiee bit of mrchaBlam of ^
A srtiBCi
out to blm. according to reports.
goto Inlaid with dlaaosda and toeoribi My Wtia i
wars•d -'Paaesal Oereara."
moBsd asd seder tbaee eeparaied from
waraed him thsl death atarrd
Ing will cblll the ardor of tbr Filipion*.
A winter eyeloae baa awapt from
wbo fiod that any audWMee wbleb
Morris to Dale. Alabama. At Dale
might be won by tnem over tbr Amertwalre booeaa ware wrecked, eereral
toase would only lead to iseir repreapareoat ware tojurad. asd railnmd eats alGon with bto feet under blm A nnmlag
by the united force# of foreign
at AKANTtE TO riRg Mrvn* *v
wwa blows off taa tracks
rartroevle. Mnnsre'el«M. weak panw
natloni to tbe Intereets of good order
Maaavor McMUtoa kaa totrodoead a b, u.— bKb» lb -T.^ I
I tlSaey *■# blaUSer dkwaiwa
and elvUitaiios.
raaolatlos prorldtog fur tbe ureeUoa and also pine madeSi
Admiral Dewey, who baa been repal a fii.WX) BioBUmtBt la Arlington wolf. There were nomerone copper
uva»Pnai S’lll Safe
rearotedae oppoaiog the relenVloo of
aaaalary in mamory of Captain Grid- batebeu. two edged asd sharp.
wBirb vlli r»r»l»» • orrtal .•kewlra^nU Miefiweopleal
the t’biltoptoc*. after taking an aeUee
Uy of tan Ua Olympia, formerly a
A vrtlleD
«iU >>»r.ien. IVf»Ub» miBfd In b»*nb *r «a
pari in tbe cngagemeol signed .
mflli.e Bitli ik«-» vwu k »fu-r «ou<b.rl>lA( poIbobou* and ikjnr
bllag to textara tboae ot today.
ter deprccstlsg tbe policy of rctroiasBlia LaUrandA U yoaru old ao orW. 8. CrafU.oaeof the pioneors
„„ ^^c low.ti ■ion is Ibe name of cieilitaios and ul
pbaa Wbo made bar soma st Vcipcs. Oraaa Lake to dead, aged Bl years. Mr. ;
ynharmed and srr the honor of tbe Uoited Sialca.
XadtssA bas ooamlttad aulctos by OraftawsasDsUre of VemmnA “ui
swallowiay a gatstiiy ot morpbise came to Michigan nerriy a half a oes
A6U1HAU)0’8 KlfiTftSB.
Baak Bmp;oy< a Pc moled.
fins quarreled wits a ptoymate and inry ago. B ben be decided to oomc |
Bay That America WIK
when bar former friend and oompaaIt be drove overland from bto saGre j Cbarlea d.Vadrr.Jr..who baa held tbe Bngltob r<
Hot Back Down.
lea paaeed Per on the way to aebooi kUle. bringing a flock of sheep with |
asd tailed u. speak. Ella earallntoa him Wbea be reached ItotrolA br;c.,t si«-.c hank since iuorgan »*tlon
LonduB,_ Frb fl —The aftercuOD pa1-BP.-B WatBrUnc f
fliof errmir and refused to be com-' paatgred hU tbeep ua what now la the
ib-cn promoted to the poal-' pey, g^ree
Filiplniw bavr
forted. Unnoticed aha took a quanuty ,u» of tbe Delrollopera bouaa;
! ^ioa of r«-eieing teller
I made a faiil i-rrar. and ay that tbej
tbr] j g,„
.......... ...............
at aurpbine from a bottle on tae maay Btevena. one of tbe pramlaent
Beri Uavi.and hvt been promoted to convlaced ibat the ftmenesn* »U; ot ihc-<*rriaeer' I’atrrfumillo* toutk—osUe and half an boor Ulcr was found
Saturday of heart I Mr. VA-er's f..rmer praltion
| pot allow the trouble to Itllaenee tbelr, IX anauTiiiis tbr b«l from
'>‘•*<1 °
mmon^touatoberUdroom. dov dmd j
, .uy^eon to thej.
' p„.cy
' army during tbe elvU war aad to the
j The l-all MalU^Bcrile aayn -Aguis ■
^„... Oeorgle *et up s howl-Af*
Al B.og Slag. Warden Sage Saturday I
gray at lu close.
n# was a t»olc^ mounutoeer from aldo and bto merry men bare not dto , ,ey , while bto father rrnmrk.: rome
souflad Mr*. MgrtM Htooc. the BrookCatherine Hyde died at U»torto bto wool bat, and played a clear conception . f tbe Amer-! be quiet: It 1
. tl^i tbe Court or Ap.
ulch.. recently al Ue ij^f 1« I, bsdwalked to a neighboring town lean eharacu-r.-Wc take it for
haJ'oti'toya b^ ^bera, H*
paato Had refuaed her a saw uial.
to vtolt relailvei. It waa hi* flret Ttolt ed that there will b* ao looking back
While Ue paraota
erled Wttarly. hoe will be toe first
The iron mtoa manager* have deeld- away from bl* home. Tbe aerosd day .oqw until America baa plowed ibc arc engnyrd is
womas to die to Ue alccirie chair asd •d to Iscreara tbe pay cf tbelr em ' After be arrived he went lo the Po«- •pi,liippine furrow right tbroegh. al
K of Ue carriage a
.. whUG* agalsr
Ue first woman since 18S7 to pay tbe ployce 10 par cenA to take tflvct Maieu
^ h”a
penalty ot doaU to tnat stale.
C. M. O'Leary wriu* from Oawnon
The Globe **y*:”America’a mtotoke
Tbe world oonfereDce of advasttoU
that ba diaaovsrad Use. • on bto elaim wUi be held at Sostb Laseaater. Maas.. I *
admail for Sto?” be In- * bee bees In attempting to perfon
on Huaker oiwak. Ue toak of a maa- Peb- 7. Jual no delegatee from Battle' qnlred
ggi,^ of
gf Ue
u,, poaunaaler.
' 1>*«
lodcs. The taak waa imbedded to CreekwlUaUcod, basing toft Sunday
"tlTtot'* yoor hosier* waa tke Is- Uto baa led to the vbb.~m.b.;
anew and lee thirty fMl deep. U was might.
'----' queneea, tvmay be eafely aunmtri that
i the t’oitod Suiae wUl place such an
Btoe fact long, twesty-eix toetaee to
Tbe gunboat for Ue lakee for which
•T nay. wbal’C yoor BameT’ aUed the overpowering force In tbe field aa to
clrcsmierene* asd weighed abool Stw gStO.OM Mae becB appropriated wUl
Ontenl ndmiesioo, loc; rewnr.
^ brat down any oppo*ition •
a new treaty with Ckasda poetmaMor, U .a Uttte more
ed senta, S5 nnd 35c.
Miw. J. B. R. Bond of Cbleago. was abont wbeUer ao big a war vessel may j
Oonbls Birthday Oslsbrstlon.
•ae ot Nloraaee NlgtaUagalo'* ablcet be bnUt oo Ue lakes If tke preeest
•n My. wbal’a yonr namer yelled .
of.the jetot high e
amlataaiB. asd aerved Urougfa Ue
poaunnater. sUeklsg bto head
celebratod bto fifth birUday acnlvcrZaln war asd Egypuas campalgsa ioaotaatu. U. mattor al bnUdto,
Asacoswqurncs, Bbe to probably Ue
Al Harbor Spring*. UehouBcol John ; “Why. drat )-onr ugly mng, ITe told kludcrgaricn school. Hit little *cko .1
moat dev;ur.ted womas to Amerka.
kartog received Us Star of %ypt Uogart buracc and when Ue fire oomp-' T*f three time* my sams va* Louder.- oompaoion* were entertained to honor
I*** toounUlneecr—“T 3. Loud- of Ue eveat and little bags ofcaudy
from tbe Uu kbedive. Royal Beo Cnma anearrived Ue membera foosd than
from Victoria and three otbera
tb. water bad been left la and
ftl Berlin Emperor VI Uilsm kae or' dared that u* park aod gardens
ssrcMadtog Mon U.jou ChatoSA to Ue
'with It.’’
, panltoof the acbool departed for tbe
eaatre of berito. oe dined to Ue pub- down.
Several little boy* at Weal Bay City j The poal»aat«- fiabed o« s letter '•■y
carried a pretty bouquet. f
Ua TbtoUdui-uiaatartlliig IscMesl
tried lo Me wbo coold run* accrom tbe from a mna* bole and gar* It to Wm. earnalion* na a reminder of the oewbleb has only JsBt broome
TatSSSTir*5Sltt*a 'wf w
tmStSanday Uc rmperur aad emprcM track tbe meal Umta One of them, •»«>«»»» be was mad blmsslf.-Waah- raalontngios
Than Wsa Vo aaernB. .
todt Ue efaurcb oppcaltc Ue palace aad aamrd Bouebard eroBsed ouit too
to sleep. If feed* your brfilR
Tbora waa no qaornm at Ua aartlng
aralked toward Uu carriage which was timeaaad tbeoDgtoe alruck him. Be; tba Onni Rapidi BerslA
so thfii It recovert Its »ae
1« BOW buiiig bandied by C E. Tay. ofUaooaneUlastnigkkaolt was sdtr^Msg fiw them Joat laalde Mos B.- fell on Ue track and waa rna ov<
lor tbe neM dsy’* itrfl.
lor-* City news biaad.tovM ao Inegvi Jonrwed antU Uta ovaslsg al 7 o'elcok.
>os. AS caormoB* crowd aacetabled aavoral can and ao badly tojurad that
AIAannam OrMHak and 1‘arkac warn toe
sad waa aodsM* tkst Uair maJeaUes ks dlad Uter.
«teod.ovd*r* la 0«y Nawa »Uad. to
ka gnM dUiaaity U rnaektog tka
aamtow weak.
AMsnteUmaawkaMAoMflfcr l^io



“ “"[;r,'.b.”,"w‘cir»ur b,';'.Tbr., k.j.


”"‘.;;^i™d"b°lbr^","z I K.Vutr.'di/d'TL. -Lb .i .p”,-.,.;.!.

R ^ t nn.PRivATF nni ifin wt.^iXFRnN. wnH

Eugene If. Debs

City Opera IJLouse,

Wednesday, Feb. 8






romarkabte that a «ool<S fo 'mm City:
—* got arldeaoo aga^Uit Uum Baa.'
urtaw .*e
{.'Soar Pork per bW.»
.....udBhMWreaM. .
. < Orar Porti per S....
tone BwU. hradtareMU«nlut.prteM»>d}mAaS



Vko fcH not b«trd (d th« PenUa
amaag th* Ante !•
. ibelr ; a f««or la llf« t» te conaWrreJ aerpTicalni vcrtJi? Wbea the doora were j loimly, tf yoo wUh to U« among them
BAloekad and I vai ukra Into the pM> j





.“£ Oksninn a"^a;,"iK5r!a

cock throne room I (oeed myaolf aarronaded by a man of vealth sseqaaled
•Mere an oat from almoat all the
r erooda. both aatJre and foteiga,
. ■ ..
_ ._____ -,_t ____
t^dlBi mabegaay,
* * blreh.
Atlnwood. eodar. tullpwood.

4 M

la the nrorld. Novhen are as^ troaa- j
are*, bnt noohere alap U there each aa [
ercuBjumton ui
«J oiii.
ev"- ;
dUmin \ne
the ru4Kuaa
rubbUb uiu
and iWer
v¥Br. luauMaa
rvjvz i•
tmiaure*. Down each aide ‘

•OMore betni laed on pusoe and »th. ^
^o.V«i , on larajird

ebeeied aald. and at interrala
2bt*T«W aiw.1 abndder-

and ao oa.
Some reneera are aawad-and none
an catthe leg by mean, of a

«d to note, with the comaMinoat of
buck-beaded tacka.
of <ba room *at lha


»bnd« of the

■«»" «*“«l>le. and they eon




wbeihw It li one of the eeren

from Delhi. I don't knoo; but
yaan ago n per eeot. of reaeert were ,j ,, certainly ibe poet co»tly ornaanod and » per cent, cot; but now
of man can look up.
PK...UK. b.r. b«. r.«.«d.
„ „„
S» .OM. cu b. ..MiM


<«'■ """
<“ «
nlther Awed or cut. ar.d of lecb both
AUd. of een.ere are made; but then

u,e back U a tur of brllllanu
make* you blink.
The rug on
^^icb the abah alu la edged with prec

4egna of thlnnew. aa. w. one onebandredthof an Incli. They ar.-oka

,oa, .tone*, and the pIi:ow on * blch he
nclinea la covered with pearla I could

eommonly made for the many tiea to
«o writing about the danllng
which they are put. In uwed reneera beauilea of the throne of the king of
.of a thirkneaa of twenty-alk to thirty AJngi. but I nerer conid get beyond d»to- the inch, and In cct reneera oT a claring It to be a euperb lead. Some
thIrkneM arenglng thirty to the Ineb. p„,pie i,*,, ealued U at llB.OOO.OOO. lu |
•Of aawed reaeer* of aueh tbickneaa bat
»iiue U between iU.OOO.WO nad |
twelre to thirteen can be produced dJS.OOO.OuO.
from aa Inch of aolid wood; the reM I*
loot la Awduau There’!* no nasie of
material In making cut venerr*.
Sawed veneer* are rut. a single sheet
a lime, by a circular
AW of beiweta Cve and al» fret In
diameter, of a kind apedally made for
the pnrpniie.
The InuR- tide of thia
AW. that 1*. tbe aid* toward tbe body
«f the log. is Ott: the outer aide of the
Aanga which la Ibe disk of the mw. to
wbi^ ilbe tnih are aUached. la made
nUghUy cociAve. a a-to throw tbe
TMMT a UttU clear of tbe uw aa (j
1 alrag; IT It were AnniUed to
feV the AW. tbe thin Ami of wood
WMid be burned or aeorcbed by tbe
friction. The aw is, uf course, adiMtad tt
nod the w]Ui>rc log that la t» l>"
•d into rAeers le rigidly aecured to tbt
IrmiM that carrlea It to Ibe aw.
Tbe cut veneera ava ahaved off oa a
Simple bet powerful and coiily maAIM Ailed a Bll.'er, la which the log.
Acorely held on a moving

frame la

brought Bgntnat a knUa bald rigidly,
The knife of n allcer Is perhaps aeventnesktMt Ik length, made In two paru
each eight and a half fAl In length,
but .perfectly joined, making one conUnuoA knife Aveniecn fwi long. The

When on

! upon IL

lecture loura be never gets out of hit

He sMoE f°f °>»vs and Ahaust bla
mwi athletic compuulon. But he fMie
f»r more at home In hU pajamA than
In • airAiiull or evening cloihA. and

««d adjusted at a line back from It tbe
tbIcknAs of the vetteer that 1. to be

»“ “'em he rqmalns as grdat a part of
the day a Ma demenl wUl nUow

kroagbl againat IL

Tb. rUb. »™.b ..
bO. bL.,lbb,. .h.J 10, lu l«.»„, .bb
•bleb ^,ow. iH.w.a.,. Uiun, aiu.carded. *a m. «cred In the Druid*
that th-y oaly fathered It for their
dlvinailona wben the gresi dug etar

le due



I’n.uTw^aiVburak. r lu-ulcd at Ceneva.
,uin.lui-v* luio clocka and
u,,),. ,
WI1I. IJ ihi-«.<»ltv<! wurdi. air traii-d in
groove* <virrcKi>oD>lliig to the buure
and frwcllotia of hours,

*llb bD customary ahamble will ahuf-

lavei of the knlle edge U a massive
OAlIng Ailed tbe cap.
AiUrhed to
tbe front of the cap, horltonUlIy. Jo«
above the knife edge, parallel with It

which la out muved to cut tbe thick


with a pipe In hie mouth.

Bleeping clothA unlll It la time to go to
the hall or opera bouA When the Ot
irlkA Mm he likes exerclK, and then

Okaving that It I* made to prrvdun, but
«hleb It held securely while the log
Itom which the sbsvlng U uken la



knife 1* m horltonully. edge upward,

«st. Is whai Is Ailed ihe pn
Tbe kalfe and tbe premura bar. so held.
WBslUule in etlrcl a gigantic plane,


Jtmy of hrrakl'lg bread with IheU

klra IlclleSetri-'-l *
K :W»lt
ia delaying tbe relamr
>,Ale brJ.t
Mr. Beilenrld--'llavc they
Ane bark' to cbtcgu It?"—i’iltabuiJ XtT&l- ffni Bates U New Orlsur and
The work of the heart
But though the peacock throne la the ! Dtiun of the............................
Wllllamstwi—"I hoar Jaetprn woh rr.
t U«. iNMly. With
magiium opu* of the Pemltn
J aeeoonl of MaiMi Otwa cel‘beri"“*
drunk iafct nlght^bcl of .'ou
jewel* It by
til.- C. * W M. Bv and D . ti. B A W
felJuwb had to take him hcm<' tin a B K will »eli round trio tl.-keU
mageiGreLre of the other treuure*. >
for a .llHtanee ..f abutter.
Did Ms wKr ibluk be u.s Feb'uwrv fivh to ISth lrclu»ive to Ne«
Who can aiteiniii. however, to recount ‘
•p,), It dm* •« tlUM-s ea<'l>
d«*dV Ilendu^D—"She i;ii:sl i.. -e. OrlAO..' Mobile and B'rmiogI.em at
me number of bejewefed arm*, iho tninuie. 4.Hd
m-. .-arh hour. W-Tiki
wav fare. ' Beturo limit FPbroarv
She WA cerulnly laying him out when
royal arm*, the flaAlng algreia. tbe tliiuw Id a day. :wil3«.4iai tlm.-» iti a
>. i'k agenu for osnicnlA or adUmea In a llf.- *f left."—Harlem Life.
uays plied up witb cut and nneut y>wr. and
and J
»Gi». Dr.Bavg.-i.G P A.
Mrk Fowler—"So you have lu«en In
limSudiug liwp
atones, and tbe bowls fliled with Asrl*
.fl" •I'liij jva
Grand Baplda
.eh? Joiiii K. w1- |.I<hm1 ii
that you
fcvl each UpU 2UT yard
let. can you took me in the face and -ix>
like a handful of rice? Everyone hu ea<U minute, ncreu mil>-e In an hhui
that?" Mr. Fowler- 'Wh.v. of <-ou;»j
beard of tbe Darla-I-Nur. or Sa of la* tnlh-s Id a <1e.v. Cl>l' mllea '
1 An. Nettie. ItTiat do you Uke u-.«
Ltgbl. tiller dUmond to the KobloMi
- 4.:«iMra milt-a Id the 70 for—for jAi an ordinary, amaicur
a year
or IfovnUIn of UgbL Every one ba
yean>. Tlic toUil f.-ree exerted by tbe
liar?'*—Boston Trwnerrlpt.
•14 hei-rs baa been calcnatao beard of tbe Globe of tbe World,
in Pere-la-Cbat»e. I’arla. there U a
made by the lata ahata. of wrenty-Bva
at the top On
IIh- wbule fotre px|K-urtc<l by tbe ; «oiiio»ion
poundt of pure gold and MJ36 gema—
in 24 b-mra were gathrivil Into ] Ariptlon. Adele Konald. 1848. 1 await nonwtilari.
tbe Ma of emeralds,
Perala of
you." Cndemcaih Is. "liouls Ronald, | r%u. a.■
1881. HereJ am." some youngster haa ' j/ ‘'ytr.
rubles. England and France of dUstratebed at the bottom tbe pithy crit­
mooda—nnd valued at £017.000.
rpraVlae <l>eha
M.»nt«.n'»rry I«, at-P~»
icism. "He look bis time."—Tid Blta.
--------------—-----------Stwrk Twnin'e s‘e«-wMaFMiee.
ng I...... I
Vtblrli. I
Mark Twain hea an Intenae dislilu
In Ibe dim ud murky paet. It hap- _ . .
iI>llKlif<1 far in '
iliinc hctTlnf'tr*'
for cloihos; and If it .were po>a;i>:
roJtiug t
tbt but- [ trued that the wife of Sulun MoLam-; i^Nwscin»_co
dav ID tbr .bade. By ii:.-r. ly pn-tJUug
would-remain in bla a)*’
Abdu paaacd from ibie w«
»'b <>r Ibt'-nrw llui. i.I.'C-. It proii
and day out. And whenever be ad °°
do ih.- hour dUllu. lly- -Ihr alani
inua call : n,,.
a be cwtn breakfAt In them, receive
-i,v ,n ,.'clo.-k; got up: "
bla frlwdi and works In them.
Hla t,„.„ ,r,. a„nu- which wi-n add lilt had been bla favorite and be knew not wry i NtXik.PbrwaiaaAi!
favorite modr of writing D to He flat on w„rda. "Sow. >lou t go to sl«i) again,
what to do
Many tImA and oft be
the floor on Ll« etomach In Ua pajamA. Tbe form ion l«- ebauged to
‘''c ; AUgbt her tomb and wept coploualy
priMbiefa bloclce. 'Pbooa. hoAv «od of

im the fare of what I. Ailed the kulfe
Bed. which la a ponderooa Axtlng ImRxKDdlng along c
tba top of the knife bed. end above tbe

Bicvsle Riders.

John R. iSanto,
Geteial Igriraice.

bottom with diamond*.

wood! that prattlAlly are made U
Anife eeneera only.
. V«eer* may be made of almon any

. I- . .


, „„ a.«|bl.«
I. K...I. *i,jj,, «ocni»i«l from end to end

--■■ —

oarmony of tijfr
yonfn In
c*Bk>a ue»
U» ur»ei
been eenuoBi;
by wuie
eome iboaghiliWK-ee
.uvusui.-^-..i#\a* v. Igenomnce
on ibelr pnrt. which to the
el-d have to Lard pwk..............................
could eppenr only u a comeuiptwu ecttle up before 1 could leaTe.*’—HarC'Ainorv Buttor.S..
that I do all kli d* of
went of cvnalderatlon.
lem Ufe.
pairing and cnampling. «and that I ea*
Cbeene per S ................
No gmaur iMuli could be offered to
Brief Directory.—A Bln. broadly' nam per bw (oldl..........
. beet
woik ef any
M'and do rive
an Arab then a fr.enrtly Inquiry w to
•0 one In the city tor tbe
the sm.-«ey.
the wclfaic of tia wlfe-lo u* a Ml- speAlng. le any woman who D attrac­ Oornperbu.old..........
be deerlred
eorlred b;
by what oiben tell yoa Oa
Ural cimiiy. but to him a gttmi Im­ tive enough to be opposed to marrying Potatoea.pM bn.....
pertinence bitterly reociiu-d. On one without being thereby any lem likely Salt per bW......................
Bmn per 100...................
o.fealon t neoriy made a elmllar to marry.—Detroit Joanal.
blunder. 1 wna Imlted l»y a nelghl-rMrm. Voungl*h-"Oh.Dob. what "hair
" •*
and if It doM not pewn ao I make H
lug abeik to go to tee bliu. and wae on T do
•♦e* Baby U crying tecauae I
the |H>int of rMluif lip to bla tent door
let him puU all the tur off
1. par bn...
Stop In till • o’olodk every evnnlnff
and diamountioe tlicre. Portunatel.e.
WhAL new.
w. per b_
egorpt Sunday, in the CkldweU A L«n«
bowerer. I recoUeded In time that eti­
doe Wlding. at oo*^ end oi Onioa
kir. Youngish—■^ell. that'* atl right Data, No. I. par ba. (new)..
quette d<-iuanded that 1 abouldbaltfifty
Oon. per ba...........
>arde off. and call (o a loud voire:
The Mnrcb of Sdence,--'! bare m- Bye. ner ba.............
“llare I your |m rminloo to am'roacb
Ti.le give* lime to bundle off any of vented nmcthlcg very naeftil.” “W'bal
Bi —
lliclr wotiicnkind tvbo may be about. 1* liT" “An alarm eli»ct letter box, tn.ier. per
%era. per dosen..
pr.i>araiory to tha admlaaloD of a which ring* when a man goca by with p^tawee per W.. 1i.................. :« to »»
Potatoes, per bo..
'a letter In hi* pocket to znaU for Ua
It U ctirinua abm-tosnotlce that. UF'
Buekleao Araioa SalvaJ
eplid of the rAI cffccil^ cxUrtng'ke- wUo. '-Chlcago Eeeord.
^'wted.—''Tbl* la not the orrilnao
ke Bat Sai-ra
Li.r« In
liMvn falber iao- eon. jbe _ai-n»e of
e CuU, Brniae*. Soraa.
------Tvaverae t'ltg, MIefe
These are
reeiM-cl doiuliihlM* aU oCher fi-clingt. Atnpalgo cigar. Detmla
• El eom. Freer Sorea. Tetter. Ojapp^
ten xvniers. atralgUt. Taki
aud tlic
»Ul uerer'elt at
•ute fur; Randa. ChliWalM. Coma, and all SWin
with tbilrVlHerln the prvaeiice of n “Thanky, Mr. Oulfort.
1 >u<au>,
funmi' Bmprion*.
pi.-«, buf^wlll wait upon both until you If I voted fnr anybody, uui i
■ '
. •*>«i po»il>velj curea PUan,
‘'“'*‘'‘,ornb Arr-quired. It la gnaranteer
the fallier. rleing. allowa them the

Tu. IMvive sgwen
There la nothing new In the diving
U-ll, la>ng l.-l.TP wall lliougbl lu luvi-ui.v| It. the waff sfildtr knew aU

According to a paper read before tbe
ficlentlflc eoclety at HrMtun. Eugland,

weight of the eggs U one and e half
tloiA that of her own body on n sum*
mer day.
Ac sba Hva four or five
>'■" -ki-f ■'»«> '•»'*»
U." """• •! li■I-' W“ -™

Mi-g lu ll with hlm.^iiiul

dttiKBlng 111*
am lioru it ui
eo Hint the

""—‘‘'■tZiT-X.'r' "*
HaBsah. W * Oo-Monk-

Ever Baraed OntT


II"- ■1- -I'''"'l:“
>vorM''. n-ge^ t
man tf a*ke.l what Is the
impuriari crop of the world


Chicago •••


West Michigan.


Lt tlrwttdBapMs...


s IS...

____ niaoBoerw.
b* CMaaeo................
. ...

----------------- -

Rosea were planted there by ofll«--*-------------------

by his own bandr.

And by and^y
liearlng ui>on _____lu polished BurfaA only tlx-se words:
“Tbe tJgbt ol My
e IsM Cone
And even tberewfier many tIraA and
nil did be seek tbc lu;uli. The winds
bh « through Ihe rtx-» amt k' altered the _
j-tals far^and wide, and they died.
With them sped tha love of Sultam Mo-

ap.d*....... Ainib.a.
apid* ... fw • a.
■wmr Olty.. B It «.a.



hiiniined Abdu..
Tbere Am* Inio hi* life another, and
Q younger—a maiden (air of (ba and
foi-iu curb os It WA joy (or him to poa-




xxnametM x» •


At^v. -lllremg.^ U>e»I

iirr.-’rts-.-isr 55

talus k.-1-ps the

„.|,h n flirt of It* tall niul iwr^hu. it down 10 f1>e U-ll for future r.-f,-r..i.,v-.

.ib-li” “•»
oWan to long re*1den« In the hive. |
>««r »“»'S l» 300 IUda amaller In dlam- |
eier than a pin. and a* »he can aelilom


He took her unto himaelf and plaMd
hn In his establlKbiDsnt.
.\fier tbe marriage he walked one
da> with her 111 the burial ground.
1 bey paMed the tomb of the other


I ptx 1 y wii.HKi.M.r

The new wife read the InacripUoB
UI I here In (he mumi
"Tbe l.tght of Uy Ufe Hm Gone

•> M, ^ 2 {

Twlu Motuuala

's m,
lUtl *«->


-TSlrty-'l. rr
ef ,eno4 fern
r«»V, or wfl’ >ro<t-«avel'j piwe
eolS. H nrubTO. 211 K*>'Vron

to 40 * 121
■-> 41.

* i»


the Sultan did.
troee. In order that neither auD nor »«'•»* “
“f”-’ »"nK‘nk » PV»“o 'P* , would unli.v-iiailiigl.v My. ••wli.-ai
JDOOB ahould see the deed.
, »*»'« it In and tiles afterward,
, n.u la true lu Hu- Vnlted Slat. *. but I
Oue day be wt-m Into tbe burial
--------- ------------------------------far from tbr «"<• In “ir world as a ground alone witb a Aid cblael and a
ClMla* ■( Plaai I.M***.
tirviwia* xiaie.
Hie nr»i plan .........................
A aclentlfic writer Mya tbat night la
e wirtch
the time
w’rtch nature utll:*«
utm*« for ifae
growth of plant* and animals; cblldren. too. grow mure rapidly during

the P-iam.

M the eomei oa was at flmi
d by betanln* to be due to tb*
n'temiieiaiure, but on trans-

The elA.tig of the Imvm of planU

r rUtiis-iDlo a hothouse It

the nlgbu fa the d;.yilme the ayatem
U kept l.uiy dirpoMog of the waaU

putaioe crop

g at lUDML

I'.end It* opera­


^'lOTor WleVoeos.
Clover stikneu. a common dlsAse
that nrien.rmoa
cropa. bA
AM*d GermaiTwcleotlsu to make ex-

tion* beyond the mere replaclog ol
worn-out partl.les. henre
the rapid
growth. TbI* 1* why Invalids need

occurred, the leavr

perimesu. *i bey* new a>- lb it farm­
ers will anon be able to troi-uhitr Ibelr
land juai A human Uelugs may be
• hel «'•!
Free libiarlA are nut wuied In —.
parta of l-ondon. The lirA adjolnlnc
panibM of UUngton. Rl. Paacra* and

Of oh 'be »'M'h'

’, '

WlUlaa llAk


uniMpl. Itwasnot
; till 17K.. It lute
the i>1a>v of cllvcf
.• .. *11 Iilb.v with
10 any o «.. r w. iaL
................ . It-

tbe boat Ad rAlai the paaaage ot the



aiowtMC «• Oat
f- w*.—. ih« »*» ii»i work ID tha
to Fran^be
» reguUrly
Mda are
Mbragcment to exertion, and no pMsMt baa Ibe aiightast doubt that tbe
Uatea to bln with plauure.

A Frenrh ericnilfic journal Bays tbe
eooaumpiiun of tobacco la deersAlng ia
(bat country, being at tbe preunt time
whereas In Holland U
i. .even poor.da. It tbe Vnlied SuiAi
pounds. In Belgium and Germany
hrM pounds. In Aottrla-Htiogary .

Sjajsvy E Xii^snaa. «5 seeu.
I'l.cresvc* Ic ' ol Ilir J.snd*
• m-iDorlai* left. '.,f rj


rKi Clairvoyant.

K-'-rri..— It Apply

asESE eeepe'see'e il

A German oWugl«i «ays that the two
aldi-eof a face an-’'ever alike. In two
ont of 1.TC I'u- erro are ont o?
than tbe other
lioe: one eye 1* •ir'isrrr ti
cuven j- raot * ~-.i *'f t,m. and tbe
:iy higher Uian tbe
right c



ai.rt out of


Saring the Ameri«n CItH Warroacb.
«d Ibe ftgnre of S.12S. Tbe
•coua an UkA from the oBL-ial rcc-

A < to

a — “■TB

4 '!zTt±-4*‘ slcaa

-I <-r pve—al ke*trruB-. roracr Wvlwir


i-i «r.s=#fljiRiBs«Aessfli2«8

to rvyiain <-oe (_____ ___________________________________________
■ ^oOD w*yTKn-< , of
-e- -"“WO •
VamUlAn ClotbiBf

week* longer li> Traveme Cuv.
rs'noved fr,;m folion ...rv.t in
.'vr Sirong'*
Allahouid A'l Ariv.


Gores Witliont Medicine u..

ol lb-CleTolBo.*-Clia> 1'A.Cb

uiL 1 ill 5:s:

•v;*OR -ALB
r l.e.llbo4rt
1 (S.n,*Ba ,-ou-r .........
I li«bt p.lrwort iKib* .
lp..r-»rVI»t- ^

^S=S8 8 S5S Sat*
I’^jSEBtfiEiEefEEEl'i lEE BE

New Methods

<'l£«kSS2«»=is*5S8 R5SSS
, _g—k’‘*“


md oee-bair "pounds, and In Canada
.wo Bfid ohe-balf pounds.


nrtg-bla Ve«* * Paw*

„>• death bA oocffrred of Sar^
Ivaman. aged elghty-two



ba* been an inmate of an English
workbouK for flfty-alx years. Dnrlag
tbat long period she had never left tbe

VM at keel (-!■*•«.


r ccBceEBskEkEESEegEESt

BUrWDl, 211 FviJVt *lre«-t.

Mm. n i- m.r- ..... . —-W.



TraT.r»ril>. MlrkigaB

Civtt War ■altleik
Tbe total number of baltlA fought

6nnd Ripidt i Inilliiii E. 1

l; — *i.,I r—’

ISn Psjfl* ledlni.

Marylci.oLe have refust^ to ciiab'.ivb
V hrmigtat abont the
An Illinois firmer deposited
them even where tbe books were of­
j»14.«» in a bole
b*ek ofhisbit
I old pine tree on
fered A a gift.
ig down the muWhen ba wwt OIK tha other morning ^ hiiiM-k end
luoi ba found noibof tbe tree *>"’ workimui fouuj
(troke lor Ship*gp of tbe eepuU-her under tbe
Ships An be stopped quickly by a
newly-designed brake, which la binged
to tbe bow ef lb* boat, and la of utai
shape to nprrod out on aiihA lide of

Mr* K M W li.Nlllei

And TurkUb record bA It that they

lnrg.-ly I
» ho thought bla
:e a j»re:ty good
book bid <l3.<lu0 there. If the thief
had not beeniacking In nerve the bank
obliged to SApend.
*<»“•'* **'
;lony to tbe


♦n*» fWaiiTbiv CviBi
r.crKMDCC^AM, Ar^i.

i efTTiv.i Tvr<!tiT-We»i-Vi

; ii-

Nickel la j

much res: and »!eep.

[T I

The clink of the

II.M. b
!.•:lug mmv than ehicel on the stone wa beard beyond
, the walta.
iivh.'l*. a
At eventide he stepped liaek and aur- ..."i
veyed hla work. There, bennatb sba in- ^ |
Kurepe ppvt»c.-e /ully ici’iutlen. had he cut the-e word*-

bouA. and her maintenance coat the
mepajert fSiSOO.



_______ __________
The eomtooi horw fly bae Ifl.ow
ere* To tn« Itr. therefore. AOgbt by strowir'a muiu rtore.
the email boy. th» latter .appearB u an nAnturbiialncA early,
army of gianu.
' u all.

He wilt
A'l ,ipv t^. —"

_WA—-rjs-KS"Ti •wvStfAi^rsAnSItamokiA.^
o.b wptnav.anra.

rSaii^‘‘r;ri»i^M^r4.Vi^'rsSf o-i- i«»wood<».f.*».a.o,.a»4

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