The Evening Record, December 05, 1902

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The Evening Record, December 05, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



l^^^iSl' THE fi\^teNlN(x" RECO^


Jcioopb AaaforE of Loaf Lako toaro
olUp appoorod Moro JboUoo Bran WOULD BE FORBIDDEN FUBLfCA
ikia toorwtac to aaotror to too cteno
4tf otaonPE a Maakoc Ho laalatalaod
hU innoctoioe ilU be aav the array of
vltaoooeo. vhoa be ebaaced bU ploa
u> pulUy aod vaa fined »5. orltb csoou UNDEl A PlOroSED MIX
mmuunUuK to oirer 120 He paid op

A letter to tbe Baeord today from
OcaWB waUed Ulo the High school John O. Tatman, statoa that hs and
rm tkU mogbixig with Bopariaund- Mra Tatman weta on the traimahswd
tbs one which was wrecked on tbe
Ml UUbart bd was EtaeaNi with deafapfdaaaa Wbaa ba aibso to Cincinnati & Sonlbem Rr. in Terms•peak ba wsa aBals applamlad wd CM a few dgya aga Bui their bicycles j
and other baggage wars oa the
fftoatodwtthIbeBifbSmbaol jolU
Which be remarkad Umt b« *aw wa wrecked traia aod wars dasttetyed by
firs* antaiUnga considcaaUe lam to
bad the farar bars alaa
them. Tbeyjrere^xtTwjrcly fortanate
Ba becsb Vf saying
mjing tnat
that aa
ha anew
tixn first tram, thereby
of no plam wbara ha woald talber U eecaping the aeeidenL They were on
at that mamaat than nght tbara la their way to ObatUnooga and from
to AkhvlUe. N. C
tbe High 1011001. Us ar«A* of the
early days of the High school, huw
the old woodsn bmlldlng was laplaerd DONT MISS IT—BENDA gives
per cent discount on all Men*a j
by ths central part of tbs prassnt
Boya* Clothing Saturday.
baildlng and then tbe mat wing was!
added and finally tbs west wing. Us I
recalled the time when there were
bat 480 stadaaU in tbs city; SO in tbs
Bigb aebool. which waa tanght byJ
Speaking oT tha purpose of the:
achoot. ha aal/ it waaan
for training yonng man and young
wooMOto ba good, intelligent
abiding citiaaM. Mr Orawn arged
tbs naosaaiiy of a good High achool
adaoation. Ba aaid. * Mors t* expect
rd of paopla today than ever before.*
and added, ‘Ko pareon ought to
Iblak of IsaTlng eohool without hav­
ing at laaat oompislod four jewra In
rood High aehooL **
Be aaid that tbe anbJaeU which
people aaid ware not practical, araf
pmaetioal. bacaaae they tnaoh on« to |

CAWttERsi”^.'.“ r

Ovor $20 Today.











mol^TeridI will lnvMti««U to Em
tf They Of tht Work M



Would Forbid the Melie to Paporl
^hat Publiah More Than Fact of
Suicide and Time and Place
of Death.




y V



rd ihal hraneb fur Ihelr kwalknia An
inteeUaaiUin will be made to learn
a^etber they ere perfonnlac tbe de
Uee ee a ell aa men could Tbe poetmaeli-r general araa. not avaro that
any a omen aere i mployed He la
rMturouEli oppueod i.. eueb ap|
im-nu, loaomurh a* tbe cbaracter of
I be aorli lit all eon. of veaiber proeliii *
n fn.n, doing ibo work


ti%e Jeukina t.f WUronaln t.Klay Intro»e lumac a bill whleb. If It
Refiiaaa to Pardon 2S Who Are New
law. mill prevent the pule
Serving Life Sontencee In the
jUlla a. U
the uae of the injUls to all newepapem
.. le.
C%.lumbua. Dec S —Ooeoraor Naab or other puhllrailone r».ntalntng such
today leicied tbe ruoummoodatluo reiKirt... and einVlfiee that the latter
made yeeterday by tbe slate boardmf be limited in tuu-h Inatance to a bare
atatement ol the fact of the suicide,
aerclng life aoatoneoo la tbo pA-n and the lime and place of death A
lienilan he pardoned, becauao of the
repeal of the habitual crtmlnala law lmprlaotiip< n( of be day a la the punUhmeiit pnnided for offending publaat year. Tbe
(blnka tbe habltaal Uw


Man , Mat




l>molt: Dec S—OcaTKe 8not
agel 72. aa» laaunily klllt^d I
\V<iuderar.l atenue car at the <x«mer
of Wundaard aM-mie and Roa<
nuun-ai k«-k tbte morning 6
den araa attemmini: to rroaa V
ward avenue, when tbe car atnick the
wagon be waa on murndeo apparch
^unly waa not Injured, though be ouffertHl a aligbi bemorrhage at the noae.
liuaili may have U»en due to tbe


--- -

Mf:!. One Wae Inetantly Killed, and T%ieo
Fatally and T»vo Serioualy
‘ :



Mr*. JMw Tatmui AUo LoM
-Their BIcyclae in Soutliom
Train Wreck.

toons; Oornor .
in my recent visit to .New York for Hobday Goods. 1
oouced on a pnvminciit corner on Brcuulway, a store
comaining nothing but Ping Pong Sets—1 also auemL
cil 5 places ol amusement while there and at 'tx try one
regarvliemof what the pUy was a Pmg l*ong song waa
*ung which shoa-s the great pojtuUniy of the I'.ame
You can 6nd a Great varidv at the Citv ILvok Store



The one pleasing certainty about our line of OVERCOATS ia that R
gives the assurance of a satisfactory sslsction at every prioa. Tbo veriety covers many materials—all the same aa the Uilora are bulldins
utc in every dcUil.
Every garment Is the product of hand-tailoring, and the
I Ilea the am
p«ru>nty of our Clothing. The fine fiL the fine appearance and ths aplom
did durability of every Coat makes ehoosmg especially easy qpd pleaeing. though a man be very particular.
Whatever may be a man's wanU In CLOTHING, th.s store offers ths safe
aslsctiona and tha satisfying quality.
OVERCOATS at $20.00, S1S4J0. $15.0a $12.00. SlOJXk $7A0. MO. '
MEN'S SUITS, correct In every particular, S5.00 to SlfiOfi



Xau Tin u< Hifflm


Lit tnialiYw Sadi Olas



a Street Car




Cleveland. Dee
In a On* late laat
tilKht. whlrh d.-*,tn.y«^l the atuma of
Llkly 4 U.Hkett. trunk inakenr. and
lU.r.l. 1, 4 Oliver, uiaiiufaelurera of

• Feay Grandpa.** Altheugh Grand '


Fall of Snow

and Storm Signala Up All Along
the Coast

Ilrady'a production c4
fj-.iaj -« lU*


Rsllsf Corps Officers

New V«*rk. 4H-C. i -Thc lirat rtol
klrPhfiMjn HdU-r t\ups h« U
touch id winter came today in New election of offlcerM U-i .-v.-nlui:
Kngland and the mlddU- eiaiea
A the folU.wlng nniuli
I*r«-«lilent—Mm II.H.ker
heavy eaow la falling and a big north
S.-nlor Vico—Mm Marvrn
about. Danger
«w»ur U driving
Junior Vici—Mm
Mi;na!- are up all the coast and
life guar.N ar.- ou ihr ali-n for
Conductor-Mm Mtuwe
Chaplain—Mm Vader
m rt-cki*
GuarU-Mr* Smith.
Alluiny 1^ i-xiHTiemtug the Aral
IK-legate to Slate Convonu.Hi-Mr.^
snom aturiu of the axwaon Several Pudden
inchtw had fallen by D oclock thi*
AUomaie-Mm. Sonmu-ri*
mornliig The ftmt .now storm of the
siaa«tn also struck rhiladelphia thi* OUR CHII
attractive. Come in
monUng It Ud* fair to ItuiH-de traf
Saturday 15 per cent
I Boys* Cloth:
lie In the Quaker city
•ng B. Benda A C<
CollieHe* Compelled to Suepond.
Scranton. l*a.. Dec 5.—The beary
Jackaon*a canday window. Saturday.
to Veneiueia by .now which started late last night de­
Germany In a Few
veloped Into a fierce blirzard today. In
tbe mining section many collieries
acre cumiH-llcd to suaiwnd operations.
Street car. ami railway traffic genery are IwimhIiM

Grand Rapid, paper, bocaua
Ukoo Idea on the part of the Grand
Rapids people that Jom*ph Hart and
Carrie Lemar. who are with the
ere to be In the
paoy that appeared In that city
give, nearly a co
In pralet- of the production that Grand
Rapids wltoeaaetl. and Benton Harbor,
where It pUytMl laM night, le enthu
elastic over It
The production U declariHl to be
atrlctly firaKlaaa in every, rtwpo< t

We are clositig out our line of
toys at half price. Basement
floor. The Boston Store.

d to gain further, lima Iia paracct'piance of the German waa coupled wPh condltloni MOTHER. If you want tha littia fal­
that are unacceptable
low to be rightly drsaaod. bring him
in Saturday and Ukc advanUga of
The cECliange of vlewa mllh the
our IS per cont diacount; on SaturItrltUh foreign office ha. nwultcil In a
day only. S, Benda A Co.
diwialun to proceed with the Joint acAn ultimatum will almoat cer
talnly U- presented In a few day* The
phrasing of the note la the subject of

4tamlHon and ran* av.uur. a large
aeelluti of «all fell burMog flte fir,v
nten III lh<< ruluM
l*airliL Juyee ae* killed The In
jurrd are Kaiu Ji»nea, Urk hrukrn.
bmd hrnUisl. inlemally InJurM, will
du-. Lleotenam IlolH-rt McKenna,
back and arm broken. Internal In
Junea. will die. rapt: IMnlel Plnnu
can. head and luvk cut. may bo Inter respective gnreromenu. whose action
nal!) Injur.Hl, James tlamar. 31 CAae. win tiot await the antral of tbe cruU
arm bn.ken. I«dly brulacHl
ere Amaum. Nlobe and Ariadne, aa
The hw« fn.m the fire will reach
aany already haa an amide force
e. Tbe departure x»f these cruls
Has been ludeflnliely poatpooiHl
seemingly Inspired article In tbe
Cologne Oazelto today says that
imUcnce with VentMemory of the Dead Will Ba Honored
all hope haa been abandoned In
by Antlered Gentry in Steinb#rg*e
BecUn of a peaceful scttlcmcni. and
Grand Sunday.
that Venesuela baa treated Grmany
The annual niein.irlid aervlce of tbo in a manner almost Insulting, because
ll. J» «. i:ika a til iH- held in Hleln VvnciueU published oOclal communl
tluns without Oermanys consent.
berg'a Uratid Opera himae Kunday afIrrooun at 2 3u oclock. Tbe aonlct'
acaa, Dec., b —Tbe Brltlab cruis­
,rlll he in honor of the departed mom
Indefatigable arrived today at Iji
iK'r* of th. KnIc,.. Donald 1' t'amp^
rw Thrt-e mt»re Brtilab warships
lm. ]I. IN'i.r A
ClaiUH-n, Krtal H
Hutrhineoti. MeinnHl OiN-rllti and
Joseph Dohural
Hteaart it oreheaira will
play at ll.e aerUre. and-a male quar
let.|«seil of Meaara Rkelcher. Condition of the Ea-Speaker Shows
White. Htiyder and Hunter, will alng
Improvement Today-Brighfe OieTbe phigraiB b.r the aenlce la aa
Music—Male quarfet
Opening n-remonlea—Cxalrod
Ad lodge
Opt-nlng ivle tlreat Uuler ol


StvrUI «• tb. gx.slss lUcvwU.




m HME. m ifss

THS Old Reliable
New bland

243 Front Bt

Dry Wood for Solo

OOJC mm^m.

-Praise Jrtim from Whom nU juamlngB


today a MU to create a

404 Rest Front Bt.

beramm. eUk. ebaU
lbs control of each

In ^ll^>e^ aitr! i'hiUheriN
.............................. ..•J.k:Io$1.1HI
Pur WcMiiet...----- 40c to $1.5o
For Men.........;V,»c to $l 50

We want to call your
attention to-day to our
great stock of .......

«gt.i.V.4t »»K

At 50c vi'll sill pa a Cap tbal saif stirit sail at 75c.
Our Dollar liii ia a oiidr.



Commenciiig Tuesday Morning
\Vc will
^alo at jii*(vial nrirrs a hi^ lim* «»f Ladit-s’,
Missna’ find Children Ganm-nla in, half iittiti" uml Autninohilfs.
ThoM* (lanncnU are
p^khN, all lim*ly tailort'd aml^tii
KuaranttXHl. P'or the lltdidays we quote the foli**\viiig l..\v j»rah-*,
lower than iisnally ofTcre«l at lhi« tiim* of iho year. Jf you conteinjdatu buying a garment, lie ejurenml U* on hand early, before
the siTA^ arc too badly broken:

Ladies* Half Fitting. Black


‘ We are showing t.he largest line we exet
had, am! the »tyl« arc Iwauties

Jllfred V.


FRANK H. PAINE. Fliiiat.

Pirn 90.

eood Cime now to Select

«« holiday 6iH$
We have s^jmeihing thxi will meet ihc Fancy of every Lady aw

Pine Silk Umbrellas, wiib Gold. Pearl, or OxlOUed Silver Handles,
New line of Pocket Books. ChiUUIne Bars, Wrist Bacs.
In Genuine Morocco, Seal or Walrus Leathers,
From $2.00 np to $6.00 - Ju$l the thing fur (thruti.u. |«eseni,.

Blf Une of Jewelery and SilTerware


wAAAwBarnutn ^ €arl

U>—wonli 15.00, for........................# 4.:;;*
5—worth $7.00, >7.50, as.0(1, f„r . •:.(»« .;
$S.50, f..r............................
$10.00 for...... ...........
$15.00, for.. i......... 12.2.'.
$12.00, for. ............

tht Science af

Ladies' Half Fitting Coats, in Red. Brown,
Blue and Castor.
* xv4^rth

$5.00, fur...
$10.00, for..
$12.00, fur,.
$14.00, for..
$15.00, for..
$l‘^.0O, fur..


Ladies' Automobiles. Black and Castor
10—wurlh $12.00, for *................ .... .$lo.(io
.'.—worth $15.00, fur. ^ ..... .. . 12.D"
3—worth $18.00, fur..:.,..
. i:».0n
We jJiuw a filrong line of Mi'-se.-t' and t *bildr**ii**» tiurmf-nt-i ii
llliie. llthl. CaMor, O.vfortl and llruwn

Misses* Half Fitting Coats

: S

Children's Aatos.




Asvirtuicntx wiU l>c lews atul
crow,!s greater latei x»n. You
will liml kuiuMc i.rcscnt> lor
even- member of the family m
OUT stoc k.

Cloaks! Cloaks!


Waahington. Dec 5 -The condition
of ex Speaker Reed 1* lmpn}ve<i4odaT
The dUtlnguUhed stateaman's prlnclipal ailment U now admitted by Ih
McDonald to bo Brlghfa disease The at Cook A* \Ycston‘s Planning and
•Great Rul. r of the I’niverse
All-BiM'luK and benign.
doctors said today that tbe appendix
Look down ufion and blots our work. lufiammailon U only a small factor In Feed Mill, West lUy Street. Citiieiii
Phone 350.
And be all glory tbine
Mr Reed s lllnesa -He was uncoo
-Oh. bear our prayer for tbo bonorwi sckMis at times yeaterda>.- said a doc­
tor. -but daring tbe nlgbt bis mind
While bearing In our minds
' Tbe memorios graven on each heart
Ft*r Auld Lang Hyne * ^
than otbera-Becausn we sell for
I wsana isi auuiuis—uansa vr uoaneu
of the Heoas ConeWers
oash-You don*t have to iMty any
iof Jackson lodge. No. US
Rslect ion—Orchestra
dead boars Mils when you trade
Closing cemmonles-OAcera of the
hare. Give us a trial and ba con­
All present Join In singing

Pralae Him that doth all good beetow;
PrtoM Him In lore and brotborbood:
»^Hl» *n hope and fblberbood **

Wlr* la ia« k.'VM&laa lt««v«4

lietroU-iiTmat-72 aod Tvi*.,
Toledo-WheaL to*, and ;v,.
Ohitofo-Wheat, TSi,; com.
cata. 90\i pork. S16.S5; Urd.
and 18.35.


Wholesale talhrin§
Has been carried to perfection in the unequalled
hand-tailored Suits and Overcoats shoVn by us—
you don’t need to say of one of these garments
Ms me pretty well”well”-***Pretty well” is
• nouijh for us -our customers say ‘’No others fit
jusi as good ‘

Winter's De­
signs Suits
Posstss a style and individuality that is never
equa IW except by cxi>crt custom Uilors and at
fanqk prices—it siands'to reason that a large insti­
tution employing hundreds of expert designers, cut­
ters and finishers can. produce the best de­
signs and workmanship at a less cost than where.
only two or three arc employed----- our Fall Suits
at $12.00. $i5.00h $i6oo, $i8xx>. $22.00 cannot be
equalled by custom work at much less than twice
the price—the same is true of the new designs. Ov­
ercoats at $12 00, $15 xxl $20joo to $jooa Come

« « fyamiltott Ootbing Co.




Tbn navoliur fniSbt and paenrngnre of tbn varioaatoade of tMe viclnIQT wnnia lani nnalag and today 00
tbnir rc«alar vieit to tbie aty. llitT
an B. A Treadway, traveling freight
ngBit for Ibn Mlcbigan Oeattal. M.
a Kimball, who hilU the name poei*
tioo 00 the soo line. K A. AUnn.
travnling o»M««r agent of the O
a A I auci Oapc J. D. Kromet, tra>
vellDK Intghi agent of tbn Q. U & 1.

Annum Election Lent Ev
tojf Rnfrenhmcn
Tb. unnoal meeting of the KnigbU
of Pythian wan held Uni ernntng In
their oantU ball, and runolted an thf
eUbUoa of tlM following omcrn for

Tb* ta»iat4 rrUttooi rn-twtirfi C^r
ouMij. OtmA Britain and VwBarla.
wiaff to olaimiof th« two fona*^ i>a
ttOM asalarl Um Uttrr. mn hMuuiuf
rarj aoau. and liotli KnicUnd and
Uanaanfliava flontr of war v^moU
ootha waj or ooar ib«^ VaiMravlan
mmi looparod to eoforc* tbrir dr
^MdB. TOO li
dolkalo for ibc
Moaror Dootrian will no doubt «nlri
Into tlia oootroTnrvy: and if (i« rmani
nboald^altaa a Voarsavlan )>urt, •« ap
pmn to tbrvaUn. ilirn to maiutalo
tbn optni of thr Monror Dootrin- thi»
Both Otnaanj and Omat llriUin
an fnUnff ooiuJd«rab!» anriHr oret
tha Bailor and thrir amlmMador* arr
noottantlr In oonfrrrnor with tl*r
•tali dopartiaeixt in Warhington
AlalMBth Ilia alata drimruuanl ha#
lafonaod Qrnaanj and Unwt Hriuiu
that a dlaplaj of fom or i vru tbr
arUara of 3Tanaaaalan ru.tom- lu.u.^.
would not be cooaidrrt'd a» * \ru a
ooaatraotUe rloUtion of ii.r Xlourw
doolriae. atm thia gov«ninri.i i.
tnC an axaot deflnthnn of thi* rst< ni
to which the joint aotiou inaj iir<K3**ed
and a goaranUw that po^eceeiou o«
‘ Vaaeanelan eoU will not (*outinur U<
70od a eutod
Holloban U not >«<t In a foeltlou^to
giro U»eae aeeurancoe. nor le It at all
oarlala that hie goremmant will con
e«al to be eo circomecrikMHl eiucM^
kaowladga of Ihelr «'.ut<^ou would
aaoaaaarlljr ©iwrair aganii oolhKition
ftfn OMtro.
llU likely.




* The difflonlty haa bean eutod bj
an offloUl of tha goTammmt. who
-SipiKwing Uanuanv,

f« luatanc-.

eboold aelae La Ouarra. raUbliab brr
aalf at Ibeoaatoni bouee and proot-ed
to oolleot the dotioa on import a Dia
tofardiBfaU otbvr complioatlou. U
laoalj aataial to euppoee tliai elu
will oome in oonfliot vs ith \Vu««ae
liaealaioot Imiardlaielr
To protoot
. bar tonaro of the |wt it would be Im
peratiTo for bor to eelie a xone aboni
hor holdlnira
The trudrnoy. if not
tho aooenalty, would be to oontinual
ly widen thie *o«a At jnet what
point would the Monroe dlootriue atei
tnT Again In tie timv limit what
ie a reaeonablo length of time for bei
to be permltU^d to bold eoeb urritorj
in ordtsr to obtain her money‘r Thee«
an bat two of very e<Tloaa eoneidrratiOM Whloh pneeiit themeelvra to tlw
United Statee *'
War between th«' Unltt'd t?UUa and
either Oermany or Brlialu i>
aot ona ooaetdend a pomlblllty
KtvenbeloB. eome degree of 90m fort
le fell In the knowledge that ih«
fraabwt American fleet ever atM*m
' bled ie now in oloee proximity to ibt
ible and
maaded by Admiral
In etreagth It nearly .HN«ed. the
oombined ttrengib of the two nathm.,
laoladiag the .hljw on their way and
ahovtij to be eent tben^
The whole
fleet oonld be maeeed on the VeorneIan ooael within not more tiian

Oommaadrr-J o . e p t

Vice OUneellpr-^Uin P Curtir
PivUtr-Dr li B, Minor
Maninr of Work-Frank Alvordc
eeper of KeeoHi and Seali H B.

Manler at Armn-Fnuik Bullivnn
Inner Ouard-W. D. Turner.
Oater Qnard^barlnn Blanbeld
Tronten. three yean—A. fl. llutm
Afitr rleclloo
refreebment* wi

Second Number of High School Lac
tureanO Music Course Was Much
Apprecletad by Largs Audience.
MoiiUTiUo Flower*,
tho «^mincut
••lui» riofter‘* of Hleratun:. ga%>- bu
gteat leoiure reading.V*A i Urimman
Oarol. * to a flue anUleuct- U ihr City
Open Houee la*t eTriiiug a« the wc
ond number of the High School U ctun and Muslo otinree
It had U« l
originally annoonoed that the rtwdlng
van to be from Brn llur. and tbrr.
I onniilrrable
nrheu It wan anuonnoed that the r««d
lUg was to be from the Kngluh inMr. Flowert held blsaudmoe tuiely.
however, on the shorter but mon
ilfflcult work. He made tbu oharac
mn live before the aadinooe. who t. s
tlfled to tbnir appnciaUon by frequeni
md euUiuslantir applaUM * A Thrill
MM (Urol- vran given eomplete
Mr. Kh^wnn nien |4nnty of actioc
in bii delineation. He has a pl. anlnf
«tag«‘ prenenoe. tioe control of facial
ispn'Mlou and an excellent voice. Hi
•ligbis no ..maUest deUiU o( bit
aork. His deliuoation of the cliarao
ter of old Scrooge wan the most elal.O'
rate and the most exorllent.
In »omi
if the more (iramatlo iwrts «>f tm
pleoi' Mr. Flownn did some work timi
,irovml him a most exiM*llexit actor
Till nnmU r as a whole was a v» rj
pleasing one
Mr. Flowers left toda>
for tho south, and by nr\i we« V wilt
oe ID the east,
whert^ he u l»ont

onban tha rifw aurom Ibn oaaip at
Delhi from FUgnmff HUl as a doabmneo la tU far wesu made that
lightful piotare.
Tlmre nra Uwiia.
ouumeot an a preface to a diociisalon
flower bnda. nTasnna <rf gUHering
of the large number of bank and train
mnu and aiUen almmUnna. wUb gold
rgbbcrtcs that have been coouaRiad la
tho last few aontha otyo tho Now
oAoe baa been flttod up to nonommo-lYacUctUy all the recent joha havo
dale *00 pperators. There are 80 am*
been the work of them •yegmen.*- ho
ergency wires, which bare a working
cootioossL **10 the last year or two
capacity of mwrly words per SOO of Umm have bitmx seat to the pcnlday.
tentUrtea. but recruits come -to the
Tbit oonnoll of HaliUx,
B . mast front as fast an old hands are put out
accept ibe ptoifrred gill of a library of the way. The men arrested charged
by Andrew Carnegie wnetbar it wUl with the robbery of the bank in Gard
w DOL Borne time ago tbn ooaaoU ner. UU are of ibis new rlass. and
voted to accept Mr. Oaraegie’s f78. those arrested lu kVlscannln on a tumk
case belong to tbe same category. The
gift, but iu arranging the dntalU
one robber shot In the attempted hoMthe members of the cxmncil got In
tip of tbe Burlington train at Council
dead lock, and Anally votnd to tnjnot Bluffs two years ago was a notortoua
the gift
Hnslnena men bml the
legman,* and t have no doubt hla mccil and citlxvns enjoined from Mtaa•T^be *yegmcn’ are evolutions from
tog the gift, and opoo loinglog U be­
fore thf sup.*eme court, decision wan tbe tramps. They are -iwatgradoale
handl'd down that tbr city bad oon- bobwvL’ They travel lu bands i.f four
to Oil. ramp lu tbe wuuds In tbe out­
trarird for the linrary and ooold not
skirts of small towns, often aro wtU
n funr it
armed, rob a safe and fide out of thf
Tb.- Downs. Kas.,
school boi
district on the bumpers of freight cars
fearful leal any of Us nelioolmaV
or In any wa.r that comi-s most bstMly.
should w t a Iwd example to the
And. Ural of all. they know bow to nm
piD. imbodies this iiroTinioo in
ooutraris with teach.-rs; **No teal
.hall engage in dancing or card play­ Ocnit to make out a case ngslust him.
"One •yrgmnu’ w1k» Is fanilliar w tib
ing during thr cootiooanon of this
the explosive is joluisl by, is-rUi«i. four
oontrai t. nor ailmd any formal par
other*, wito assist nml wntch while be
tir. during tbr sc hool werk works. fUch oWrve* huw tl>e nKroThe Woman's club, the m.wt exolo giytxTln Is usnLaud goes from tin* jol*
slve eocii.ry in Karine, has a s.-rioon loady to umJenskr oue on bis own ac­
row on Its hands as a result of an
count and so iwcruues a new h-mhT
and a new teacher. The Informatum
tempt to rxiwl a member. In order
Srtll.' til.' affair the nia,^rity of the possessed by the Drsl mau 1* Imiuntsl
In a few mouibs to
of oibers. If
i'Kl mrmiKrts. Ilie wivrg of lUclne
tbe bands break up after each Joiv It la
wrailhiest riluens, will br oompellod
Imposaihlr to trsi-e tbe miHuber*. ns a
to gi\.' evidmc' in the circuit
rule. They may mn be la-ard of for
montha. and then they may .ipiwar In a
espeUlng distant part of the iouutry h. r
Mrs 1‘ierce was imtifled to ap
{warau.lshow’csusewhy she aboald
out U- dr..pi-:d
No rbarges bad been
made, and Mrs i^er^ demands that
such charg.'s
inaile ;ui or.ler
sh.' may luak.- answer
thf winter. Its ul.ici br.rthcr. trlckrt.
lh« Chinv-sr g.Mrrttim«ui has recetv.

WUl Witu.

lead. t. Omi Tung Fuh Biang. who
Has taken relug- lu the wall. d cily
If Ho Obi-n Tez in Kan bo. He nan
.trenglhrm-d th- wall and deepened
moat and luis (V) liattalU
triH)p* under arms. He aays.he
i full isirdon for hts irooiit. and poallions for bu adh. rents

» mMtir <Jr.ui.r. 4. ti..-


Up All Night

You can come in now and inck out wh^ you sunt and

25c dosn

week until Xmas., and wc will tldivcr the uoods tu you and vou can
keep Tight on making weclly |a>mcin* at the same rate

J. W. SLATER w iMdjnf Ho»»«.Fum»h.r

Thl* cenliK up every night
vkb tbe baby, or tome of ibe
oMer tU wrong.
Noc thtt Che children are 10
bUme« If he*s the baby, prob­
ably hU food Is wrong, Vinol
wiU hdp -his moeber stand the
strain of nursing.
Vc have often seen whole
tomes of older chUdren who
beep tbe parents aw'ske o*
nights. First one. then the
other iaalllAg.
ThcKi chUdrtQ seem well .

.For School Wear.

Moat |»axcnu iinil it hard
: TcasomiUc l»nvCCS.
Schcxil Shoes
Shocf that w.n
will give
gjvc any
Lind oi ^nstadion.
makca s]wcialtv of Svlus.ll
us.ll SI
SlkOcw and have
'I the ught
^ktml at the ri^ht ]thv.
.\1t n
ol the vetv l»cal.4ualrt)
jiulc and
Icathci. and 1ma*lc on ihc

Size* 3 to
to 5 I -2
ti to
to B .........




U to 12............


13 to 2

SI 2& ~

in us Vi lou!
ll you ilcsuc to iiistall a st'stciii ol KlctUua.1 l.ighiing.
Beds Burglar Alaims m Tc’c|4H»ncN |<rmtt us to caliiiaic.
Wc have a imc Imc ul
bupphes am! can .|mitc satiblact*»ry jrfucs lor lu-li
wvirk and maicr;al. : ;

mOOey b*Cl.


Tbe liat U a dlmltiuttvc affair, aa are
also the wickets. The chief ffonture of ^
the game. bowcviT. U tlie "lH>wlor.** |
which is ani Ingenious nmingi mcnt of
ich pllchc* the Kill at the
wicket in a most lutflllng w ay. After a
llllie pracniee even
ii. mtehes the new house of Israel
a iMwIcr. The
gamr tuniA-m a ttrst
uid claims to iiave rv« ive.l divine in
n-al skill is dcmamlcit on iK- part of
tru. lions 1.. estai-lish a bearen in the the Iwtsmaii. lie has n small Imt aUmt
aiM'-ruess of Tesas. where shaU bt an inch and n tmlf kntg.
must guard hU wlckK The il. Id Is ar­
cath. rrd l..goihi r tli.- 1.' tribes of In
raa. 1. numla-nug 144,(ss) pri>;ile. Tbit ranged With lawkel* for etHchlng g»ut
the tvatter. and the whole plan ia
oav, u, th. y s ty. shall not be destroy
ranged to cvMiftirm doaely to evkket
A by fit>. w h. n the remainder of the
The gamr lias already iHxxvme po
world is connurn. d
The oolonv hai
lar lu l-uodon and U likely
:rss tluin lOii memUrs.
Th9 auouuer Kaga Maru. which ar
ived at Victoria 15 C ,. Tuesday,


, Wc Guarantee Every Pair We Sett.

night and constaody taking cold.
TTie use of Vinol, In conjunc­
tion with Vlnlax to regulate the
wifl benefit these childulmoar In • Rav


tirought news of an attempt on the
ife of the emperor of Jauan when th«
ittiiH-nal train was at otaka eo rtwts
o the scene of nmneover* of the Kin


on U, and wc will pm it away tor >t>u; then you pay double this es'ciy


dun rccvtiily nud the thing prommticed

KrMgious luthustasts who cami
from Ohio and Miobigau and balab
iished a
braven In tb*
Irusr forest of piim trees live miles
rckn Livingston.
Teias. have
3»'lei.raU'd ih.. s.’venUi anuln reary 01
heir arrival.


While our Slock is comp(etc, and it is complcir
now ia cvcr>' detaU. The largest and tincsi
line of up-to-date Furniture. Lamps, etc., ever

‘ f"»!r K;d»,'5r;s
v«ut« ! work. »-e wlU give you the

#auir. MJ. lb- O.l.-,iro Trll.mi.-.

to select your





, Clmtm
rtmrrm Tklckrat
•^alaxir ia Uie name of an exlraurdlnarlly iniwerful expUsilvc wiih which
A number of conjidratom baiJ tho Austrian goMTumentl 1* cxperl
lul» illustration of an artist’s work, it roiH'^ilirr.' and arranged to blow uf menUiig. saya a Vienna dUiuitcb to tba
he cmis-ror s train, but tl»o police Chloagu Nowa The explosive is the
slsu a most witty and .entertaiuing
iuthorttu's leaned of the plot ami the corery of two Houmaulatts of Calal
an engluevT named Ivmetrlade and
would be dyuamliers fled.
The Wayueshnrg. Pa . Firal Cbrin cbemUt named Jooea. lu the courae of
tbe exiierlments a cartridge rxiiloded
l.«lrr l ortlr.i.ra
tian obnr. b liaa introduced an innova
In a liarrr! of water tin
V.-nit nft.runrd. vinn had
tton m Its church building wbiob U
twenty feet high; another exp
In-OMII lit iuai:’.uHHi. b** ante l.iA^. rt.b»n
unique in the extreme. The ooofre- tbe Slump of an old tn'e bur
cation has
eral fivt underground Mew the stump
-I dm't supjHtjte.’ ‘be isaia, *nhrre onilding a long diita
toapUntera and tore a great bole in the
ever wj-i a^ much fU'«. i »ad.‘ over a
enable the pariabionen who live is earth.
llllle. trirttne. tnsinttlb-nut thing as
Great results In the way
lb.' ©ounirr districU to hear the aertluT- was mef that. AihI they didn't
Iron wiT»- oUaiinxl by t
gv t it straight, either. JiU and 1 didn’t vices in siormy
and the gyvenimcnt experta regard the
explosive aa bodmg 111 to all eriatpa itp the hill at «U. \\\' WTPUl down
tdionehan been pUced on the pulpit,
Ing naval and military defeoalve inateth - htH. where the spring ^as, to get
c’.osv U-side the paktoi. Rev. J. O. rlata It Is cUlmed that gnlatlt can bo
our iMil of water. On the way down
Cobb. l\ ly An unusually large tranapoctfd without rUk and prodoeed
1 stnmtl}.^l ewr a dead bmb Hint bad
transmitter is lu evidence, the
drupi-xl from a tr.v .*u»d to<‘U a fall
having b.-. n constructed for the exact
jni didn't fall Site steptHsl ;Mid sn»s«d
porpixse to which it ban l.een placed
tue f.«r t*elnc s * .tw kward
I n;iMi’t
I’b.. phone lias l»een In otwratioo for
hm t a |.!t. T’.i. y i.niit.'.l pi.iu!.;s . f us
to tbe Unitixl
two weeks now and has jirored
lumldltic deun vtiUi il„. wattv
WUllam Fenu from the Jorda
rreat shcat-si
rpllllnc outW tliai , i«ii. and
grounda tu IVpn. Buck _
MrsAomwi Beaocliamp llugflM, Kngland. aaya the New York
old v.iinan
K4»jue t*um i^H^iry
nloiJt my Vr.ivklng m>
nnd a art coHiKior, travehr and intimate cUl Adrernaer. Throe wralthy Vnn
friend 01 King Humbert and
lot nr ether stint
■ylvanlaua ara said to have offerad
luichty small bn^in.-s*. .nul !f vxvr 1 Helene, of the Ute F. A. Kruppand •nbaunllal sum for tb* Frleoda* m«

of iJarihaldi.apiieared in the county Ing bouse iu that place and the boo
j:e k I.v>k S Idt. froxn court. New York City, ibis week, to of the gian that founded our ueifliborn plug of t'dstive at:d iTiincl«vl It
tog state, hi tbe burUI ground at Peiin
with Hie vj
of tbe founder and five
the remains of tb*
ring witbont
tu thv world Mr. Uugbm came at—CLi.Wi.o 1rl«aoe.
ended by a nurse. W hib -haired, gen­
tle failed and utterly helpless abe preseute<l pathetic Spectacle on the stand.
After she had been .luentioned for half
Swrt atsi.- *'A«1«. rtta>d l>e N. ln>r
every by ProfesM
an hour the oommianioa iwononnoed
th that It la poaslbl* to
KsrUr. IM'
Hsit<^. U U
h.*r incompt ient to rnauage beraffalra
the coOTMstSoii* of tb* brain of
mnmmlfl*d ancteot Cgyptlana. aaya tb*
LsOy BuWatosa NomlnatJasm
Journal of Anatomy and Phyalofagy.
Vueen Bisters Herd Na IT. L. O. Tb* ticnln la naturaDy imtrrml in tb*
A. li.. yesterday afternoon oomiaatml vnxt majority of tb* l*odJe* In
the following offloen;
tlan cemHwte* from predynaatk
l^.iU-h d
Mci'saiiae. Bilhr
tent (Coptic, tbe farortte eonditk
lag burial In dry aoU and ramoval from
Mouitor-Muaetta Beoor
The neit nntniH-r on fht
oourse will be the lecture **How Stet
oes are Mad<% - whioh U nidps U ing s

d Mardbal-Albort Welt.
aa-A. Q. Brown.



SuftIuJ. St

()nc ()f thf most avccplahli*
yint t an inakr \*> oii« « an liavf t«>o inaiu
pictiirfs. No inatt(*r Iiou ymir walU arr voviTfil. imuirfN
ilifin thr home
look. You liv«* with your pii iurfs .iiu! voiiu* to know thom as vmir Im-s1 Irirtuls

Some entirely new sub|eci>.
panel, jjili mats ami Iwaiitifnl
others in wiile lilack frames
I'rices are from Too to S-.To.
piano or shelf, sell from 35c

genuine pasieL. differrm
oMoiil'- Mjuare.
;rik.frames: some with white mats ami j»ili frames:
in all manner of shapes, round, vival and squ.4n*
\ewdaini\ fraim il i\i* iiiD sfor the stand, tahle.
to 7.V

/^I'he newest, handsomest desijtiis. I hesf are >;enuine ;;old plate, will always re
tain their brilliant lustn-. made with «-ith<T easH back o^ for hanging. selJini*
Irom $1.50 to $-.75.

Genuine Plaimo Prints, all manner 4>f subjects, sell from ’Jilt' to $1.25. Mounted
Sepia Tints, ready for trainiiut r#(k . Ktehintts. Steel Kmyravinjis and Odoretl

n r nij

Mlee Baneet vleiled her \wqU in
Movi the laet of the week.
Mine LUmt PanaaU« eja'iit her %a.

Obaa Kovak bae U-en ebKiled atblelio maaacor of tlm eenior claee.
Xiee Klaale Koenig of Laneing
apeat Thankegirlag day with her
oiftB, him Lydia.
Jaiaot MiUlken called on fnende in
Tpillaati and Atm Arbor laet week.
Obaa Balebary and Chaa Korak
TUlted frieade in Flint and Ann Arbo^ the Tbankigivlag vaoatlon


Banker-BUa Bleejw.

I to the
k for their
OttjManielaae' Xm6o
M aaaaal ball and eoctai party to
be bold oa the night of4be ineialU-

ilao. W. Rarr. fWius*!.-!

ET8 and PANTS.

par onal dtanooel Mordey.



MfKlicwl Direolor-Dr. KL B. Minor.
M. R.
-Aliiw A. Brodoriok,
M. L. B.-Phoebe Burle. •
Inner Guard-Myrtle Lyon Outer
Guard—Cora Brown.

lion of oOonra.
Tba dun bae aot yot bona flxed. bat

EVERYTHING le Men*e and
Clethteg nl IS per ooRt dk
Selyrttoy. d. Snodo A On.

-No such assortment of picture mouldings in this part of the state. No firm
frames as many pictures as we do Two men steadily employed and sometimes ‘
threL* in this department. Our newest styles of moulding's are here. We would
suggest you bring your pictures in early that you intend for holiday gifts. We
will be rushed later on and don't want to disapi>oint you. You have many pit
lures in your home that would make splendid jirescnts if only framed. Calen­
ders, pictures from magazines, premium pictures, photographs. These new
dainty mouldings will make the handsomest frames.

S. R«kda A Co.

A TUsue Builder. Btraagt
ducer. Fleab Crantor. UI* Pr
Pnta life and hope Into tbe


521*0?^ ®***'*~’t:



XHX svxxtzru BSOOKIX TBi^

rqttr» idOH^ JgBmAi, deckmbee £, isos.


w» i»a tm «>r by

How the Fantnis Tcxa* Colood

IV nmio£ or m oimuraiT

<f»«» C"r

f the Mmmmmm t m Xmdr tm

All >

^ 1^

I Cottdenstd tttws
UoY llilM U |tf»parliic to Uj b«for* lUm'ntMt lt«UUM
of Um crowded coudilUm of lb., tlole
mpUoK wilb fvotablj
iiuo Uuit Ml MUitx
il.« boUihoff or
» m-imnu oflloo boiidlui \m oroctod.
A« j-recrul xLm eMto Uu tr»maAmiot
Um» omiv*. lu the cllx twll. Ib» OllOr
4.rr fcoenU be. iu..lB.lool rtio» U
bU ufttOM. Ui« IwntlBf ccwmlMioM:
U crowdod. wblls not e stole offloo
f*M enjr room lo .iimr«.
While Wm Murphy end Kd <*heU
mr W.4V buuunfrmhbiuofier Krodcrlo,
Moridir WM mUUk. u for • <W b}
Ao« Velcnuiie. who WM o
Sertfe book el tb«i tiiu*. euii
euuiilj killed, tt iuic idiot
>bo in the itook
l.j VelMtlue. He wm e
ooboi SOI Jeer* of nf *'
reoidod nt
rife Ukr
UoT Hhee wlU eouu becin hUto
•pectloo of iitoto loktltutioM ptopnin
corf to re.'Omm<'Ddnllooe for hie m«i
Mirf He will flret vUtt tim tmyimmi
ml TmrriM I'llf nod NewWrrr. mat
Hie iirleoo nt linrr|netle.
Fred gunllcu of ( eoter lAn», hgtA
>1. lost hie rlfht nrm otmr Urn thonlWhile opentinir n eewinc bmm
Mr*. John Mitee of Uoruuei mn the
aieedle throigth her linger. boldioK
her n iiriAoner No poe wm in the
hooee nnd ebe bed to dn« the mnobme to the door to eninmoo belli. The
runobinr bnU to be Ukeu npnri before
Knriy tbii ejirinif n enney. tndejwnd
cut ewnrm of hooey beee. loofctoff for
m .BiUble home, ubeerred n knot bole
. to tb.. upper imrt of W^ileou Onrbatt’e
honee. nod nt once mtorod therin.
Finduia It do. i^omfortoUe nnd jnH
to tlieir notion they remnined mud
mrnt to mork n« only the hney bee
kmiw* how
TlM'tr nmnnier’e Inbor
n<e«lied in lifty poonda of hooey for
Wileon nud hu fnmtly. Umlde lenriof
tuiooKh to onrry the bee* through the
wlu|4*r - Leiinglou'Ni'We.
At llmud Kspld. fire »*roke out In n
building nt tho rent of the Umnd opom
Imnw Tniiedny during n porfonnnnoe.
The etng.. mntinger intermpted Uhe
piny lo diemlM tin. nudienee. The
lA opIe hied out in orderly Innhion.
Little fiinnulnut mamkh n bright 7
yenr old boy liriug in Ulenwood. U n
mimio nud celdom ueee nn not that be
.hire not try to imitote 8tonUUne
WM sent to the botcher shop Wedaee*
^y for eome uimI nnd ohe.‘nrrd the
butch. r «inite nttoollr.dy. On hie return home he neonrod the tomlly
butcher knife nud went into the bnm
to pUy bulchrr. Hr eoon onme mnoing into Ih.. bonee crying hnd nxhib.
itiog only the stump of tfar Index
ftoger of hie left hand.
At Ihr Agricnllnml ooliege tlie bar.
Hi nltnml depnrtnment bM oontinotod
with n loonl mncbloe ebopfor the oon.
power.ei<rnying ootflt.
miuipiied with nf^-boree power gM
onpnhl.-of •
•nr.‘ of Ilk' iKiouda on fodt or more
lln. • of homv UiKin the top of OB
eight hnrrri took wilt be rntoed n tower of enffleient height to eonble the
oporntor lo remch the top nnd nIdM of
4ik) elms on the cnuipoi nre |o be
I rent, d for nonle.
The Umnd Knpids A Indinnn mil.
way oompnni lou four enow plow* to to dupel the snow drtfte
tbU winb r nt exponed cots on the
norib. ru division of the rood.
* It is tiir opinion of tbone in i<Mitloo
to know Ihni liM tbnn bnlf Il.t mua.
her of deer wm slnnglilered this nen*
•on thnn iMt ymr in the upper ponln.
eoln While the deer.were nppnrently
wore plentifnl thnn erpr before, the
nbsencr of snow prored n bnr to tbu
banters, m the rustle of the fnUen
foiingr warned the imm.'
tbonannd nud serentytwo Uoeneu
were issned in onwr peninanU 0000tten A cnrefol Mtlmnte of dec r LiU*.d ii. nbonl 6.300
About ten year, prior to the dewlh
of PrauldMit Oeorge Wnnhlngton n
relntivoftbeRer. J. 11 Bogen of
Marquette eoterod claim ngntont the
■OTwrannot for the lout of n eoboomer
•rixed for nnml porpoem Tbe otoim
WM moeotly allowed nnd ordered
pnlA It WM dirideu among 300
or more heirs, tbe share of each one
bnlng $h lieoige WMbtogteo died
Duo. U. ITW.
The Ollror Mtotog CVi of Iron Mona,
tnto U muUog nmofMaewtu to fut at
tbu iotosuaou bodt ofirun ore depouitu
Infbu RlToHoa mtou at Iron BItm.
TbooooxpmrwtU dig a Moai to a
fiototbolotr tbu Dobur »tou. adU-

MMU Of uueutal osllUik nod tbeo tonMl thmgb tbu big Btomfaaugb bill
tolo Btmlo rtuur. taiatog tbu Iron rirWblle Prot John O Ruud wm per
fonntof uome uxpurimuou to tbe noi
eonlty pbyMoal laboratory, a gloM
bath, flilad with gas. exploded an
•Hud bln fhoe with Mta of glaus.
Jouupb. tbe IS.yuarKild uoa of Fred
•rick lATnlle. of Munontoec. poked
earuidge with a lead |4ncil in soJmol
nnd tbe cartridge exploded with terrifle force It wm nuoausnry to ami«.
lat.1 tluM flng»r on one Imnd and one
00 tbe other.
Voungandold wlU welcome with
giatlAoatioa William A. limdy's faaoM pcodaotita of “fogy Omndpa,which oowmi lo Steinberg s (liafid
Opera Hooee totnorrew ufiamoonaod
UTuaiag. Tbu ooalc pioiorce npoa
wblob tbit faroieal aad uinsioul oUa
elMaeluriu tbunpiot
praotiosl liokei of bis roguish
He mdintue gun
nod umru Is ao pain tofliotod by him
to bis mlscburions pranks. Tbeid
are otaay new uongu toclndiug * * PoUy.
Pretty PoUy.'* -rm not nt LilmrO
to Tell.--Diffamat Ways of Prv»po•inf. -Tbu Bathing Luuson.- aad a
big ahowy aaabtr **Tlie Oountry
OloK** iatroduoing a doable aeitrtle
of itoge biwotluu to ocHitnmei that
are rerelattoos “Foxy Qrandpa- in
d a
ororflewing with
songs, danoes. speolaltius ano guy and
glittering stage effects.
Hapi7 Jook. - Manager U. H
Newell preaentFa ebaraoter hero who
will wto for K. K. Kidder a play, “a
Jolly AMurloanTrawp.** an coTtoble
m that oomody aneoeus
at Htetolwrg's Oimnd
Opem Uonne on next Monday night.
l>uc «. Mo more qM^t
tbu ptoygolag pabUc. yet anderlylng j
that are
made by tbe tramp, there will be
found a heart that la in ita right
Fiaabea of wit faU from bis
lipsM gently M do the rain drops in
a uammer thowar. and tooebae of
palbou illaminu tbu pathway of amo.
heart, to erury one of his
In -A JoUy Amurioan,
Tramp- the aalbor hM giren as a
new ohaiaoter * oruatloa. one that wlU
lire M loag M will that other eruaUon
of bia, Sol Smith BaoMll'u -A Poor
Newell hM
staged this play to a oommendabie
and Irani mu thrilling effectu
M well au Borel mltaatioea The mat
Is uaid to be an admirable one and
will do jMlioc to the pleor
Drier* have
Jacob Knper. which w*. iduwn to
liMra off Ktatrii ledand. Aug. 14. klU\xr men. wa« blow n up by n anb•
It wa* at lirnt sup*
tbst toe rxploeloii was caused
by Ihu bnrsUng of ihu tnCa holier.
YYic dlv.Ts ray the U.M. r illd not ex«
The dostrurtJon of the Knprr
point almost oppoaltu
tbu government stations at Fort
Wadaworth. Tlie n-ixirt of tbu engtoerr of the Kniwr. w ho with tbe excep­
tion of tbe tiUot. waa tier only member
Pf tbe ervw to .**<apc, was iraf to
ibat lb.' tug-s UiIUts were
t. The cnglnoiT r.Torteff
lindtT oath tliat oi tbe moment of the
plenty of water
to the t«ner and that U»e stearil waa
il iwe-Murr. lUrlwr men
My Unit tbe submartue niltie may be
W lU. h w ere pUced
In the toiy dmiug tbe XpanUb-Amerlwbkh fluotrd away
from their mwriug* and w.-re never
les are told of the abmliMltdurss uf Dr. Alfrvvi Ito>eruen of Johns Ilopklaa nnlverwlty. Once
found nnpucking casts « hac an


efuUy pul
OUT tbe oth.T.


As a atory trlJer the late
Tboama P. Ocblttrea. furmer <
man from Texas, famoaa wU and boa
TiTant, waa nasurpMued^ hot. ao la torariaUly tbe caea. bM utorMs Mae tbe
charm of bM pcrsoaalitj to rvtcltlag.
His Intimatea and most of tbe newapapiTs described him as a IMr of coloe.
eal maguitiMle. mys tbe New York
Krmlug World. One day when the
coMmI was mnmlng from the Kheepebead Bay tmek two men oauie luio tbe
One of them rrcugnixed the Texan
and Mid to hM friend:
**Come here. Bob: 1 waut to lutrodace
ou to the bigg*'at IMr to the United
-Kir,- replied CMMnel Ochlltrm. rlatog
with greui dignity from hU seat. **I ah
Hit my most iutlmate frleiida
to n U r lu me lu Ihut mauuer. fuid I dA
001 regard yon as oim* of them.*'
jbt lb., oext car,
TIh* .N.louel tnlU t!iu sMN^y ol-mt him.

U hiking for ttie Man w ho iiMi eg.

MUS.IU on hi* f.trm. .S*im »t.ilk^ w Uhb
he n^eiitly «\hi»-Uld i!..».nr d *.-\ent.* n f.* t. gr^.wii friMsi *..*! v Li, h lo*
|tri*,nre-l In Me\'.*i. uvd Mr. Marlin
cUlm* the tell.

A Secret Disease

-When I ua%u »uung man. 1 went to
rix,nt wlih the T.ku. rangers My
fxth«*r. a must ivilc!t*i», gave lue
a BiMe an.l told m.' to it .very
blcM. I pruiulMd. aud MUm l nett
aaw hUn hensL.d
Hav.t \ou read your ftlKe regular,
ly. Tumr
- Vea. father.-1 npU.^l
T-he old g.ijtlemaii luuk the iwok.
peurd It and pulled from between Ita
sgea a tweiiiy dollar bill He turued
again and drew nui atu iher twenty and
jen another
iHurr f.
-Tm •.ary
waT. 5*»u 1
f.a^ jou.- 1.
Uiy life I w as
v«. during hi* term
•ulouei tkhlluee l.dd hi* famous
story of tbe o4ily i^.ker game in whUh
be lost. He said he )ihi>t>i 1m. tweiilv
bourn and got up fr.un the taldc Sli'.iAM


le*. a.-:.
antocMl teeth are mauntsetund la
tbit ivimtry .s. b yeur. aud still the
oaxpnt gw
imTeaUng. Never be>
foie WU* su< U grcst care manifested
for icHh a* bn* l«* u exhibited during
the latsi nte yeurv In thU re*i-«^
Amerirwus le;»d tbe work!, taa even ibe F.ench rxe.qilug the iwofde
of tbe United Mate, in their solWttode
for the iwewTVatlon of uaiural teeth
und,ln their -.pplKwilou of the an* of
dental s.-leme t\hen satoittut..* have
lo be pr>nV3.d lor ualure. molar*.
Luthsumen are Vl‘U-loualy .ureMss
about their tM-ih. rithough lu
yeJT* greet progn*. ha* Uvn made to
tbit Uiatter A |at»mh>.tu dentist of
New V.wk deilare. iloit Muriy every
patient with a ua.ntliful of decayed
levib M a lor. igis-r. * Tbry let tbtogs
drill and .vmr only *.bea i«iu .Irivea
Ibeni h.Tr Anierlcsna. aud e*iwvially
•ottthertHT*. :.Mi.ten to their deutut Im*
mrdUtely they d'*ti*^ even tbe slight,
esi sign* of .'••mlng trciiMf. aid tbe
r.wult I* that there are l.y fnr more
•saved' n«eth in I hi* .vnntry Ilian to
any ..ih.T i:ugllshmen atd Irishmen
are remarkauly aiN.ib. t e aUmt their
molar* ’ - Vew Vnrk Tlo...^
* John Martin of 1-Uti omuiy. Mo.,

Of all hoxaaa diseaaes. ibat knuun m
eoutagiooa blood posaon. or Uie Bad
liiwase. has caoaed asocu m'tarry and sufieriojf and ruined more Ines torn aU
othexB cumbioed. It not oolr wrecU tbu

lomeand hateful
Cbildrrn inherit
tboQsanda of tbu
tn have been cun*
and mined simply through
hsiidlini; the
he clothing of ra inf^
with this awful
funa of Uoud

the ihhoceht


nature of^ trouble is known, many

L-..n.n..v o, ........ .M.n,T.J..«-Tnd*S:r*T?rrSTT;

•a* iNuv..|l. at but .-NnsiuMrilv *vnie
tory I. brnnl whl. li limb willing Us" T,'1
furrs anj«u»g Hu- tbuu*aiul* w Ito
lui. It is said, lor ui*isiu*i. "
Samtuga mouw ►uiritnn* sgu ... ■*.:
00c of It |.anr of Uibf* nnd gem .... ..
whUh 1... WU*
llH. *|*vtal
duty ..f rSL. rtlng Slid t .Mlug f.*r u lady
Of uncertain .vt^nf* and
ting u% .ha|*.T,.ii for souw
of the >i.uiic hulu-ri. *n\m thr N,w
York Trttnmr iMirihg ih, ,lnv *!..• hwt
ber rttl |»aTaii*l It w»* amml
uch March «ud i.iiiriiiHl
Ibe gnlUiut .*.f,.tHl
. tamim*l it Mirti -initly to dts
Ibe abseitre of u r.*l -dk Imw
which luul U*’ii tle.1 in the biimltf and
Imm^lstely aim,*tiu,vd tbr lo**
have lo*t tnr bow." *|ir ex. lairoed
-What a pity! What a pity!" fuianel
Tom came to Ih.- t>**ctir promptly with
an alluvion to hi* own sirlktog pe­
culiarity of hair by saying: I beg your
Um: }v»u have not lout
your red benu, I am ymu- r.>d lieau—
your re.Ui. aded beau *'


T«»«Tcaae. m nothingroa say will
Ko lfT5?»4,wo^. Let us help
B« rid of thi.
’ y ‘■ «o F
! «««eoKri«ii<,d«.btutobUi«.

sK> tbingu
New York
r- was bis
.Xroerfrau. "Hsng
motto. He wa* at the opmlng of tbe
first Part* exposition and happened Wa
be in tbe New York Herald bureau
when 1U Sixxmiit of tbu ..js-nlng was
aboot to be osbk*l acnoa tbe ocean.
-As a special favor won't you dnpUcate that lo my papT. the Houston
Megrapbr- asked Ochiltree offhand.
-Cerialnlr." rt'plled Mr. Bennett.
Tbu Honston Telegraph had never
be«i beurd of l»efc>re outride of Hoouton, but the next day It startled the
anti re south west by Its extensive re­
port of the opening of tbe fair. It
topde Ibe paper, but It s.m.wt
tbe owner

,ue Teuth North C
dMtrict. bad no unwe acUxe
opponent than his own brxiihrr who
> I'alud Mate*
Ihr latter .>Ualtwd leave of ahMac*
from hM |*>*t f..r the r*j*^isi
In -Ae re.electhm of C


Saturday, Dee. 6


IM®w Arrival;
At The Economy


i*ao Linen Lringcd
each 5v and..............
... , . j ^
Fancy Pillow Tops, each up Irom........... ...........................!.! ^ . J Qc
F.mlirouicrcvi l>rr«*cr and N.vic Board Scarfs, each, uj, from . 25c
Kmbro.acrev! Stand Si^rcaE*.*. each, up from........... 25c
Table Linnen. assorted iMUiom* and widths at per yd. from 40 to 60c
I .ace (‘unains jwr pan, uj. fittcn.............................. ..................


Evorylhlng at Uniform Low Pr I can at

^AT. M. Brownoll.





A Well Pleased Customer

Dlrwct from it* si* montba*
run at tha Fourtaunth Bi.
Thaatar. N«w York City.
*lT»c ikklin- triumph of tbe
Times — New songx, Immcitie
Chorus. Ptettv Girls and Catchy

Is Our Best Advertisgmgnt
Like a cupola. OUR CANDIES are
always on top. for they are EXTRA
A few Brands bearing our name



Kvenmg. :i5c. 60c. 75c, $1.00.
Maimed. Children, under 1$
>rai*. 25c. .Xdults, 60c.

We are showing a beautilul
liee or odd pieces or furniture
suitable for Christmas (ifts.
Hake your selection now. We
will hold it till you wish it de­
livered. The Boston Stole.

poMfr ami bnlld up tronr and
t himnale e%xrv atom of the deadlv rims
from the system snd make a coki lcle
! e-.i* r.b*wl Pvisrm and basbrmvurirg tt
; lx |.:ty yrar*. It rontsms nw tnm'*trv, j


Our *j»r,isl Iluinc TrrsluirTil T,-.k,
eite* a!l the smipt.*m« of ihu
Wr will mad >-ou s copy frrr
Tkt Swift t^ucifle Cu.. Atlauta. fia.


Presldeut Cram «ui,e beard that
chlltree was not living to Texas,
berr be bel.l a f.*!.r:»l apiNJntment
Tbe ptr-d. id kept reading uUml tbu
report* o: the .s.lm..| iHing iu Umg
Braneb and Sarutoga and everywbrrv
except in Trxaa. He a*kc«1 for an exnation, tbe New York iTrsa,
-Ob. that a easily etplalncd. Mr.
President.-" said Ibe oU.mrl. Tm not
tbe Tom Ochllirec th<f^ fwllows. are
talking about. 11c 1* a race horse that
John Cbamtserlain uanuHl after me.And It was s fact.

-Thu old gtitUcman ida.v.d %
trick oa
remarked young he
-JJhat was Itr
fk^an^cM^” *
alsT... cse
Bed an chi wauh that no pawnlovLc*raw eveu
at. and father prvun
**’''*^*^ m.v hlrtbd*> -wetir-Weli. be ca.e to mr.Vst he 1
ny name engra'-e.l on
ago l'o*r





n hi n * n


Colonel OcblUree lore»l 1

^tiu *r* t*
(4 * ■»«rinc m»,'SiD«<(l<y>'t t»il
»o M* ||K«* l«r«Bnw. vhica will \m oBrrxd on

all be poa*eased sttha
Windsor botrt conAsgratMo lo New
York. Joat after tUat diaaater be approacbfd former rougnaemau Jefferuen M. Levy with bis face beaming.
-flee b«re. Jeff." be Mid. pro^pclng
a letter, -this shows what comes
Hues to a1
mao when be aiws>*
ir«d. 1
have bought
wtalw> *1 hi* hurycM *bop. tlv a. I'nion *r^ ^
and 1 never kt a lilll run by. 1 al­
ways paid up. I'm strong down tbem
Anything that Tom OcblUree wanta
ba grta. You see bow thoughtful and
kln^ the omI uiBU U. lie hcara tbe
WIndaor la bomed up and I am bnmad
OM. Wliat does be du> He aeoda nsa
tbe floret toilet sri in tb« store. It
CMta 3600 If U colds a ceoL He knew
1 would need It I'm touched. Jeff;
I*m Indeed tooebed. I'm moved to


Caps .
Scarf Pins
Collar* Cuff

Etc. Etc.


•Lit dim bt Your
Santa Clausr'Ot,

n * K* n

that it always pays 1
L my boy.
t on the
TflkotKo Chlldron to see

snd tells you to take Rocky Mountain
cent*. Jas.
upread out all my shlru and see if yv»a Tea at night. Genuine.
can And one Iseartng the wnmg tollML- Eleren shlrta w,re produc*-d;
DrWmaking Parloru.
tlon foUowed w hen they
be Ubelrd Arthur Hale.
Mrs. LotUa LaFraaleraiid Mrs. HurN. F, My have moved their dresamakteg
In fact, all except two bore toll- parlors lo the boUdteg on Union
other than hi* own.—IVtrolt
abaca thay wlU ba ptaaaad to

• “foxy


at 3 o*dook.





Cm^U l»L h9Jt,/L

atraltt. j
Vabrnr wa. In
tba aU
bO bad |
mix nHa»ib.
mimih* ru.^
alau. Mliu
olUi tU^*iiusJc
» Drat migu.
^ - «flcr liU umrnt, aul}
mm eaa* had
ttat of a tabr rboklns «a
B* waa in deU and at tbe end of the
noDib would
Tbe onlf IJrlnr relate to wbon he
ooold look fer aMivTnon* waann eccentrie annt, wbo bad ian«T fceglien blm
for atodjing mediiirfAfflieied fmn
With with a crooked limb, abe l«ad

t aorfeuiiB cimld not i
heraJliaaot, He waa wooderttut wb«*th
cr jabcwroold open any letbr addrraMd
hf Ida hand when a loo4
from tbe
mrnem bell ruowd l.lm lo r.*al!ti.—and

RK±a. fiOO fate fnn tW beadi. Tbe
tnptMim asd Daabar wer* atUl akrptlcti bowrrtr, aod datled of the
atrania wHUd* of old aaUora. orWlr
tvo of thrtr acii cooudcikmI to dls.
BoMctilx a wild wboop fFoai \hm mm
troaght them to tbetr f«t, ood tlirlr
pipm warn tmtxif knocked from Uirlr
mabthm hj aurprlae
▲t a deptb of tom frrt iLr mro liad
cooM ttpoa m grt*i ebrat. bound arltb
Iron. la it wai t-xat-Uj fl.OH'.OiXt. in
C«dd and aUver cotw of mil nation* and
datfa. locked U, tbe odd«t o*j»
too laire for pirate treaaure. and
tbere %vr . «o record of aliipwrt^ to
acct.Mt t (ur It* pr«ea.T In llil* G^mI
Tbe U«x«-« acre onnarked and tad lain In ibe earth #o
louE that Itr a.->d w*. t.-nder a*
The treasure had evidentlj
teen burltd a iundr-d year, or more,
When l>ut.l«Tr ^*aehrii n»ine tbe
treaaure wa. ,iulr dit.<J.*d with hla
aunt, wbo waa aa bappy in tbe triumpli
of ber omrletiuo* a* to ibe laworeeion
of ie*r newly uioiuired woalib
•albira. l«.wevrr. .tKild not k*v|* awb a
tale, and the •cnaational l.wl g..i Into
the i«tM-ra. all wrta of wibl ruuror*
being pui.Uabed
The Ponogucae goverumeut tried to put wp a eb'.iu f..r the
trraanre. but failed
'fxiidc berr. Ibirb** eald LU aunt,
when H.e |-.,.dle bad Um waMy In
te.T.< -;6u Uoii*| know .miUgb Vi
doctor a atek cat Take down that aign
of youra. and come down with me and
pbiT «*oiintry ren|leman
<»ne f.*e of
ought to aatbfy i«.u. a
you ll marry *ome pretty, •.•nalble girl

‘ pretty
girl bad corn.* to pn**lde over tbe .>ld
family luanaion, and be bad aettlcd
down to a haiipy. plaHd life of
Icman fanocr. be would aav;
•elU I gueaa I II bare tu clnniige the
afi«*r luy nante fn.ui *M. D
I r\ meaning -out .-f prnerii'e


im IIm


rteiw •
I. Waaklowtom
Tbr preaidenr* new office baOding nt
Waalilngtoo to a low obhx« oC whit*
painted brick, aaya the New Xortt
▲ modeat entranc* m the
Dortb aideppeua on a ball, which M|».
rate Hm- prcaaroom on the right from
tbe cabinet room, whlcb occoplc* a
Cono r t>f the bonding and to rcryeoa.
modiou* and well lighted.
Tbe main cmrance hall tnnu to the
toft and run* to the colonnade coon«-Hng with the >\*blle llooae. It oep^
arate* tbe prealdeDra pelrmte office, bto
•nteroom and the office rraerrod for
el^ou from the cabinet room,
elyou'a offiev <*oniiecta with a
ilr. Curte
which cKvupieo the wbolo
large r>
earteru wing of tbe buikllug and which
U r.**. rv i-d lor tbe cxeenilive clrrka.
'iberv afr no fxippcrlcw «l»uut the
J Lf etork a office and Ihe
pre^eroom are funii»bed In oak. Th*
wai:» i»re aimply luilnted. wlilioot om*.
mental d.-eigu
ThU acbeme of paint­
ing to *he eame lUruugbout the build-

fttniUhcd lb
Tbe prealdeiit a d.-»k ia a ouMlve af­
fair. .arv.-d out i.f gr«*al timlwrr and
blgb’y r-.UlHil
Mr rurtelyou-a deak
U almost a duplicate of It. The Ubia
in Hie cabinet n»om la of old carved
mabuguny. '1 be ebairw .urruundlng It
art* ujibUtotcrcd lu dark coloml toatbar.
ir chair* are m
1 wli»*r»*ier j«w*
niurtr of tb«* ..ffieea are d.*eply reI ilfepla.-.*- of natural brick, aorti*.! by eeccre tuautela of w hlta
Mttb* eWiiric bracket* arc the
sinenu of Ibe room*
.iic. r«*d W illi India ruga.

uiih yv..hiwct( a*. aUwaiwre.

Wa*hlugton haa
: lu obuia
tlTe 7;.gi««i* or co,d^
•le Took «kr imtterr
Tbe following atory la told by Jamtw l«iu*nt* nnJ ib.Hie tliui iite of Uhrtorical
Bamc In an arlb le on • A l:ni*uiaii.v nnd Inter.**!
Vearw at Weat IV.lnr In ibe Outlo..k
A vxu.* e.iur.'d ntvuily of tha
aa au llluatratloii of the Wert Point fourib l*HUe«I. wiy* the New
Idea of olMdirmr* and dt». lpliiH*
York Tim.*
It wn* dni.*d Jon. 2U.
During He* war ii joung ..fiber once
rciMiried to tba xoliinte.>r brigade
i*oj.y la a phofo.1 lui* lH**n luat.
mumbT that b.. bad order- fruiu dlvb
aion livadguBriiTH to titl.e.n battery
.* aJgualurea of
that held tbe top of a *w«*pin^ wlopa <le.trge \Va* Thoiuaa Jefferaoo
he front of the ronf.-drrale line, audlldward TbecUImcorrliella from wblel, were |s)ajdng
a **c.*rialn met leal u.»t U*fpca
tarkrd |.y illnifo. nl Imubur* mtj
K* with tbe rnloii Infuntry that
door. He droptMd Wearily into Hie Mat
were depb.ylng ilir..ugb a w.-«ied r«
offered bJm and wa%e«l h:.. bntid In ]iro>
Tbe next old. rt latent In tbe office la
lert aa Hunbiir adraond aiili bU nn«»t
-What”’ excIaUn.*d. tbe volunteer one algned |.y Jume* MadlMiiu Thera
r>Torra.lanal air
j brlgn«H.*r .’ Are you goln
*lgm*d by Jt^bn Quincy
Ing to try to
• •*! want neither ad»i*-.* ihjt |tf-.-e<rue
’ take tho-e iruiia wltb
airy'* Impoa- Adatna and many algned by Andrrar
tlon.” Iiunbar*. Ik^m annk iiirnUi. 4 I
Jack*om________________ __
alble! You can’t do It
knov wliat aiU me. and I kno» the
I i nn. -ir.".wn« the r.p!r.
end 1« near. I aaw j.o.i
nt lh«
•Tve got ordera in my i«rkel.'*
window, and I tbounbl you bad an
Tbla W.*%t I»olnter did not .loubt In
I want you to rt^«oin
th.‘ b-a-t wliai be warn going to .lu nor lalrre.ll.. i:»,.rrl«r.i. W'llk BoU
bend me tu iMimr
tilt.* ln»tltutluu
bla raitaclir. and. rtrungu lu ray. he
. are tillI Iihu
ahero 1 will get
he end.
Tbe resulU of nwiit ex|Hrlmeuta to
did It, for. advanrlng at a rharg.* audI Iben I want you lu b«.k after my
dcnly from the w t>o.l acro-a tlie op.*n ti**t Ihe icii.i*Tature at v.ry high
body-when I'm gone ”
ground, be took Hie battery in the tudea bate Ju*t Imvii |>ubll*betl by the
Dunlor wa* aiartlinl m un. . xtraurCank befor»‘ they «x>uM eh.ange elT.r- uulv.*t>ay amburitlea
. aaya *
dloary n^jue*t. 11.^ aa%v at a glarn^
Hroly Ibe i>ortilon of the gun*, niid li* cable diM«nlch from G. neva to the Cbb
that the mat), wa* auCriTine with heart
c.igo Inter o,*.an
A i«i|**r balloon
bmugift ibeni back with blm
trouble auff^d bui n rliort time to
burrt at H im*brule L. igbt. an India
* Ure. He told blm ..f ^arioiM private
r.waiuk aigw. i. j«p.«
rublM-r one ]rtMM>d IKDimo feel, at which
hoaplUU and Incldwnallt .adminirtrred
A travel, r In Jaiau w rit.** -'Tbe Uelgbt tbe in*iruijieiit tu gl>Ugt‘ tb<* ab
a remedy whlcb made ibr tel loir i
Jniviii.**.* nr.* evidently v.ry fond of tltiuK*
eomfortable for Hie im„. |«.ii»«, lu tbe
Tbe t. mi**Huuie nt Hie atari wa* 1
having *lgu* and dlr-i-tion* w rltieo lu
cowae of .tbetr ennvenmlloi. It devel­
KngH-!i .* when Him* 1* not the degm* V. It I..M* a d.gree In tbe drat
oped that the luittent
« ..allot.
it gradallgbtert n.*ed f.T it I bnv.* ,*veu !»N» iu.*t. r>. t‘sn i..
Clart by name, bod mr^.^l a» mate t.v
uie!.*n» a
In .-ne ..f the *tr.*.*t» »H*lmid He* gltiM. unHy f. ;i tu luliiii-.At
year* and waa mcII Cxod.
in Yokyo. a amnll durt U.x will, Hi.* rvgt.m «.f unlfurtu tciii|MTaturu waa
The two men U^ine friendiv dtirlnc
meter*. Aft.-rwarU
wor.1* -Durt 1U.X’ palmed on it. nit hough trax.i-.-U f.*r
tbe bour'a eluit. and imaJly'liutrtuir.
ther,* ere no i:urej». yi bnuM** lu the vi­
haring noHiinc but lime ..ii bn. ImuU,
cinity. .vnd *.* of tbn^* rtr.1t atalb it r. gM
acrompanle.1 Id* #«b1 .’nller
wh.Te Jlnrlkl*hn C.W1II,** bur thrlr rUv mti.T* tin* m
and hot N.up and i*..n**Jin.* It rtan^iing w a* ftv.z.*n,
The next day In r.^'. u« d n not. rnun
lire ornam. iiuil with the w.n-.D. TUnClark aaying that bl* nen .juarl.i-.
laulani; Meal Very ri,.‘ai..v.* It I* tiui
were piraaant and In^iriiur l»unlmr to
to !*• wond.T.d at that ih.-u. »ign. are
<nll upon blm. i.ndeuiunnliy «ir «dherIrtdiy *iH ned and Hiat bii.m an ofn*n Feewr I I'krslriiiB wars
wlac, a* • 111* c..iiv.-nb 11.1
tnru.i] the wnmg %\at. What Mtrj.ri*.-*
Dunbar poahed aelde all *um
. i« .d anx
me i* that w.*«|ihy «74mu.*rclal .*tabYdii* I’nri* c.»r
[ ..f tbe la«l*ly about Ida own lUiam .llftlmiltlei
ll*liin.nta oft.*n luv.* th. lr *igti*. ii.> dun Tmn** *;ixii that Dr. of ibe
and did what be ,i,uld t« . Imit Id* new
ll.w and fldyerllMnieiU* wrUt.-n ie i*n-t.-.iir iuMitme. who i* uuxx iu IlUofound friend
Ten day afi.-r ilieir
niunlly ext*cral.l»> KnglUli
F..r lu
.b xl;..
larci that it i- a xart oiHil
drat meeting be re<TJTe,l n m.t,. from
rtnnee. die large l.azanr ..ii the glnra cuunuy v«*ll Qda|.i.*d fur a grand fnthe ho^ilUt. aUUnc Hial t’lnrk bad
dSad noddenlr. learliig Hie kuiu of $.'.««l lH*ar* the alngular alcn. T^*4iUig !>.**, lurv. it will Mttalh it* full U.*x.-lopmcnt
which mean* that Mii.vU*ly .*:.ii the t'aiH* l.i t 'alrw rnllway i* UnIn the hand! ut tbe *u|H>rlnten<1« nt for
aU rxprnara and a note nddn>»«e<1 i» to look fit the giKHl* exi** for kiIc. bb.ll. xinly 1.:Pm mil.** of ibc railway
even though be d.*** nd Int.nd
n iualii lu Ih* built. Dr. I^ add*;
■arl Dunbar. M. D
make any pun-baa.** '*
•The rapid iui*n*a*e of tbe I'nlted
With Hie note wa* a rliart ..f Hi.* Ma
Slab** nlxvay. *mial*ca u*. Wc bm*
are in Hie pr.*M*ncv uf a m xv America^
w 111. U w 111 1- rbapi d.*vch.p more rapid­
Aurtrallnn dnnigbt. ac
ly than the eoumrh-a of lb.* new world.*
Country Gentleman, b
amne.1 the dlgnliy of.
i.r**«n la Jrwfl M>arla«.
-law! ot lH*..Tin irt.* at the i*.lnt
i.-.nny n wjuaiter'* run
That Hi.iv 1* iiH tmuh art in the
marketl wl 1 an X
Pr.H*e,*,l to tbe
wearing ..f ii Jexvcl eC.-cllvely at In Iba
point mark 1 with ail anchor and .hg
hr m:»*l nppnm*d raii.wj
ration apj.'.in.
apj».‘.ir- t.» be w.*arli g ..f n gown or hat waa appar­
1 liave no tvlallv.-*
kalf a irtuiid of xvbent and half « ent !.» the b-n-t ».l.M*rxant sjHvtatur at
i* tn*aMir.
p.vau.1 of hay jH*r day. f.*d In Hi.* fore the uiHiiing of grand oinra In New
fTtondehlp lui*
Worth m.i« h to ui.'
ivton If |>«w.»!l.le. xrtth n little .'ill *. nii York Ibe other night. Mr*. Aator aa
In the aft.*moun ib»*m to^miiuct a xx,.;,r.r ».f dhiimmda i* worthy of
Dooliar wa*
Hr bad r.*ad
ner. Ti«* .lirtriliuik.ii 1*'e froia imliatioii. *a.v* the Nexv York I»reaa.
amny talc* of burl.HS •r-n*ure^ «nd
prlng cm;*, the grain b.Hug *buxded Nev.T i» abe o\i<rdr.>M'd in Ihe mat
waa Incline.! to rlew thl* Inlc a* Hi.*
mt ov.r aa wide
It r of gt*in». Ib-.xund a Hara. abe rarechild of a dying man’- .Il-4,rder.d
riie ntiliuni* pick It up like p.»nltry In A
lie would protuiMy bav. cJT
ard. Ih • rtnfr N lng nlwavrtajmwd on two ^,.iiu1*.mie sb.tu**. True. In
algned ootc ati.l cUnrt M ih.* %vart.lartl gn.und. a* It I* r. j.-ctid If mixed they ..Utshlne nil Hw cmirtellation that
baakrt but for Hie uncxin-cti*.! lytival
vlth the aull. Abundaiuv of rtKTk *al eiuircU-* the MetruiHilltan Her of bux
Of hU old aunt
He wu* not »ure
« *trew.*d alKHit the iwndd.Hk*. and e-. tint lh.*y nev.-r atrike Ibe obeerver
whetber *be bnd .muj.* p> ..IT.t him
vat.T I* nKi .trtih.-hilly aupplied
aympathy and a**M.m.v in hi* hour
wb.*r.' .itber haa fall.*! A* to eual. that
glooi ov«*r hi* failure
> bod i
xvUi.'b *<*>u momiia up where K-ur.-a of rmm f
friae stie bad p
iijH.n the . biirtl.k rower I or Trid.*.
to‘constitute a alugle
When ahe had •
tbia and riark**
inlijuc *,h.*uif' fur lighting tralua
Bate, abc turned brUkl^’ tu Inr ii.-pbcw:
by el.H irix-Jl.x u Uliig tcau-xl l.y aerx-nil
-Well. Paitl. have .vou Cgurx'd out the
x*»:rni railrxv.dv Y he plan ctmairta of
coal of Hvoxering tbi* trea*urc*?‘*
In spite of the rapid age In which gct„ ra:liig Hh* jhixx.t lu o|**rate a dy-Of courac n.a.” r.*tunH*l Dunlotr.
f tt rutary fan alwe live, the aliovc kiml of iwee.Txtng
Tba aailor may liar.* U- n light In bla
taclM^l tu XI.., iHiihr lu-ad of a locomohaaA and it would W f.>.li*h tu j.ay 1* i.f no little moment tn a -great r.umtrniu* rtniimig at Ihe rate vf
iH-T of V .nn-n who would Uke m b«am f.ny-lixe mlKw . r fa*u*r It U aaMTt^d
attaaUoo to atich a Vi*lm,ary *<*henic."
C>w to kx>x*p bua- that the fan will jmv*1o.t« enough poor­
-Noawwae. you're hgbt in your bead, the gn-at inx*tery of bpw
from not haxb.g en.mgh tu .at. I *up- band* in th.* wedding day *jMrk for er to liglit the entire imln.
poaa. You find out tbe .v*t
I'll foot
aje and forex cr. S*xme one who baa
tbe blli and Uke half of wbai yoo ^-ery carefully atudled tbe
laniaa. •• Calia. rteker.
CI)o^taw luillaii* are being imported
^waa bard fd i:arl Danl«r to beto pU k cotton in YllaaiaalppL They art
•Tlrat. be careful in your
Itora that bia old aunt bad not jmoc
quirk and acHvr. oimtile uf finger and
Do not cbooaa one who i» t<
aaddaaly dafL but by did biT blxlding.
after a few wcka of practice can pick
Wlwn the brig wa. .bartmxl and and take only aucb raricUea aa have
ach cotton |ier day aa tba baac na■nwnrd. capUUa and mate acoffrd at be.*u xvared in
CTO Plc^
tta idea of Ir^.ure ..i, iiu.t - . . i. pbm\ When once the aelection baa
iKM-n made, let the paat resnaln forarer
Daabar maide one m.«. h,.j.,..iI u.
nettled, and g-’re tbe entire tbtnight to
aaat to ante tbe eimmi Mi*
waa prepared to wjuaud.r . n tbe eoi. r
tbe futnn\ SPme inalrt on ke.*iUng tba
irta*. but aba wia olniural.
bnaband in a plckto. while otbera pre*Tha trcaaare la ibm*. and you arc fer hot water. It doe* not *eem to be
ffMai after it. and If you attempt to genemUy known that even iwr varie- eXTRA-^For Sat«irda~U^ M





• •

. I



Take ad.antaee of our ailli
nerjrsale. The Boston Store.


; '

“T abanc

rn igbt yoo tbroogb every court.
DaoT laMftoe that Iw^aae I’m aeventy^aoryeaaoldrvecotiobeafooi.Iba brig mebed tba Madeirma aod
Danrta tola in due time and cama to
aachor at tba point aaarked X on tbe
Mteft. Tba aaarclilag party foond tba

dea may be made aweet. tender and
good by gamUblng them with patience,
amitoB and ntfectioD.
They should

Tbua trrated. they will
kacp for year* aa when ffm arlectad.
Bonetlmea they Improre wttb age.-—


mmyofGttwoB^mvBBttW^ itm/iattAYiMMamaB. i»m.

t'Jr -'c*'





or Dress ter Xmas FruaaL

Waahlagtoi,4>ae. S.-Tha praaidaat
haa ffaddad to appolat Joha BairaCL
Wbethar It waa la bto gracemi figwm
(bto fhoa waa amakad) or tba Ughtaaaa
maaacr been na one coold say. bot tba
ramaiaad that tbace waa aosse: aboat blm ta axclte admiration
TniT«m Otu eaoaU Up, «1, Baycnriaalty. Among otben a lady
al »d MaMMaMa. vlU hoU thatr
I la tha parlod of Venettoa aafSomar ttiatotar to Siaak aa mi

aadmaanHwaf oth« hatoaai

CoitidiToiv, ^turday
we will show the larsost lot of Remnants
Black and Colored Dress Goods. Newest weaves.'all
the popular colors, left o\-cr from the week s selling,'
lengths from 2 to 7 yds. and at such prices that will
suit your pocketbook and please those you «ani to
make happy.

l aaa IntereaC In her attltnde If aat
la ber maakad face.

m. Bayck aadMtoa
EffffU. both aftaaffaati at thaaaylaa
ma aallad la aairiaffa by Bar
Ooahlia laal aaaalaff at tha paiat
Thay wlU taatda la PMt Baallaa
FM A. Btbba aad Mlaa 1
Toahar vara aallad ia «Mirtaffa Wad-

tody^nd fee a

-WHh plaaaare.* replied the lady la
low voice.
•YTome; let na go into the win
•n.* be dald after tbe daace.

extra Speciatl
2h yd Waist pattern. Plain Colored
Cordt Prunella, worth $1 25 for TomorCorded
row. per pattern

t5*bea they a
dntotnre forest of trtplcal treaa. tba
man’s maniMr aaddenly changed.
aaaday acaalag at tba hrlda ’a
ould yon know who 1 tmr bo
OB Waat Eiffhlh atraat by Bar. Oooh**1 am wbat tbe highwayman of
Um lha lalattraa aad a fav .of tba
rentortea ago waa at that time. X
frtaadavaiaiaaaaet Mr. aad Mn.
Kibba will radda la North Biaffhaaa.

II you ar* loaUns lor, eemlort we base fust
tbe (bins. Ole bava fust receHxd
a line of

Drop l^ead Couches
That 'Will interest everybody
at a very low price................

Tram $16.00 up to $32.00


House Furnishing Store
Cash or Credit

WH Hllllt H
218 E. Front St. at Traverse City

Some Snaps!

Tba gama was whtet Tha ptoyera
wera Eimball aad Wabater ofEIae^
where on tba one liaad aad Treadway Otbem most be
Dg. now forward,
olBlaewbrra and Montagna of now backward,
r steady, alwaya
city on tba other. Tbe former won atartlng Jo an
peetfd dlreeUon.
by two poinu. Bot i| waa a good They are tbe pis
Both foliow the
courses marked out fur them.
doom«d frog
HarolA tba liuU ton of Mr aod
been saved.
Mrs. J. W. Arnold of Batoa. dteo this

Some WaisiiiiKi* just arrived -they should
have been here G weeks a^o at G5rNowto disfKise of them quickly they

morning of pnenmooia. Thar f»
WiU ba ,bald .tomorrow aftamoon at

nixed you
f I would
tba cboroh at Bataa at 1 o’olook andar know you Ibe moment you liegan to
tba dlraeUoo of Uodarta^ar Andar
so gifted be

Another lin^, values up to $2.00 per waist i Q Q
pattern, at per pattern-....... ,

He atood mule, immovable. He bad
Mected bto good angxl for roldiery,
Bto dectoloQB were like lightning, and
at 7:». like lightning be dx-clffiil that the
unent be could do an without in voir
r ber be would aend a bultot through
I brain. It was tbe woman wlio atill
to aU aarrioaa.
ped. ‘
'Alan, try again. Go to some coun­
try where you are not kooVn. Live a
teady life for fire years**
at tbair social aftemoo
in I
-And tbenr
warr rooms eoday. Thara
•*Andthent Send for me. ‘
Again there was a silence. A tremor
aaaed oxer tbe man. then a wave of
of cakes, ooffaa aad pioklea A
MOluUoa. Waa It only a wave?
‘•Mary, aweelbeart, for your sake 1
wlU make this trtaL’*
He moved away. Tliert* waa no one
» behind tbe planu. and she
showed him by ber
ement J^hal ^
--------------,__.nrday) aarrioi
Sabbath aobool. 1:15 p. m.
Praaehlog. S:15p. m.

54 inch Zibclines and Panama Cloths
Price has been $1.00 and $1.25. but
not selling fast enough to suit us su
they go 6n sale tomorrow at .......


to close—Sale on mam floor.

e. Wll.lHEL.IX/1 '

On* NIkH«

Monday, Dec. 8


Affitrican Onnatic 6aaBiA


aboxV permitting such

card, a heart.**
It was four years and six months
after that eveirtful meeting that Mary
Drayton received a amall package by
expreaa. Bbe knew that It cooulned
ooe of two tokens, aod alnce the five
rmn had DOC yet paaaad abe dreaded
last abe had received a bullet, an
off tba wrapper and revealed a paper
box. She dared not lift tbe lid for a
time and only dkS ao when It occurred
to her that the weight waa alight.
Tbece. neatUng In cotton, was aomething wrappad in ttoaue paper.
folding^ It. aha held in her hand a
gold bmrt.
Boob after a totter came from Alan
BUnlej from Auatralia bearing tbe

[JL r
A Sptondkl Triumph of

boc aak tha woman who had saved him
to come to him. bot toft It optlooal
with her to permit him to coma to ber.
t fnlfiOad ber promiae.
tFECrXL fee
15 par cant i
and Bays* Cto

A tu'w*j.aiH r offi.-x* riHi-iv.-* *n many* that Hu* public never
•«-#-no mcltrr how urgently tbrir
publication may b«* reqursu-d. Some of
these nnavaUabto artiries are of a aerioua trend, oihera are bnmoroua. a
few are both. And in tbia latter Urnlti*d claaa comes the following peculiar

tbt dungif
man for

riNUf*t for Information. It cornea from
a alNier «liy. not many mltoa away,
and while tbo orthography of the letter la not all that wuld |.e dfwlred,
there to no doubt aUml tbe honest Impnloethat Iimplred It;

Saturday morning. De­
mence* cur great Moll-

-Editor lYaln Dealer:
1 waa In
aeveland aome t ime a go and atoped
at a Hotel near tbe 1*01410 Square aod
I aaw o Ylan rtandlng at the Main En­
trance o( the HotH and tbto Mnn had
• ‘
in a Basket
Cow. gentla-l
me the Ad- j
you fomtob
me tbe apdrewi of eany one In CYera.
Und that sails Png Poppies and fins
Doga as wo have Burled our l>ear Png
Dog. Bupe A. Itoy.
I>ay. hto name.
ywra old and 1 am very lonrty and
wtoh to by an other deor darllBg P«g




Millinery at 1-2 Price




■* Cbi Boston Store

pamanhip ia tha bioyele baatnai,
Mr. Oalman eoatinaiiit to roadaot
*ru troobto you /or that Hngr
Tbe woSan atood motioolcaa for a
Twaoty oaadldalaa vUl ba ialtUtad time.
tMiether ahe waa paralysed
ia tba Pfbtaelad Boom Oiroto tbU from fright or waa deciding what to do
AU offioan and bm
cooid not ba detected aloce her fact
rreaently abe said:
are anrrd to ba pcaaaaL A
I to me a I
daaoe vUt foUov tba boaiaaai
It to only
col; lately that
to llvo in tbe city. 1 waa once a coonTba aaw oard on tbe M. A K. B.
try girl. There waa a boy In oor Til­
railway with t
lage. a daring, recktoaa aplrlt. forever
ProTacaaat, wiU
in mtochlef. and bad be lieen a ooldler
Bffaet a waak fna
uuld have found bia vocation.
Thara will
will ba
1 ao Baaday toaiaa oa
I be waa twenty, be became an aeThara
[ remember the day I parted with
!***• M. A K. K. railway after tbla
him when be went on hla first tbaatridate.
Bar. Mary Btrobal of Mapla City U cal tour. 1 bad long before given my
the gaeat of friaada in tba city today. heart to the wild aplrlt that everybody
loved, admired, yet at whom all abook
E. IL Allyo mada a baalneat trip
their hcada and said, ’lie’ll soma day
down tba O. U A L tl.U morninr ;
to grief.* 1 begged him to curb
Doff MoDoaald woa oaUad to Pallalaaloa for excitement, to atody bto
chosen profeaaloo, to be content with
wbat am-c'caa he waa aurc to gain un
tbe atage for be luid remarkahU* tah-ut.
ue lu bl* arma and <vinfld.d
Prol a T. Ofawn want to M
t he feared bto luve fur rex kCbUoMRilaff. wbato ba apeak* tbU
lem dt-e.1. would kill all rteady eff.Ht.
araalaff to a fAnaera* iaatltata on tha
but for my sake be would tr>* to avoid
naads of tba nual aoboola.
cUng tu (be othrr.
Ofawn goaa exbaaadTaty into tbia
aabjact. and baa baan aatoctad aa tha
lure*. Envy *i
wn* nUiowed
adneator of tba atata
fitted for lu by some wild freak
di-*iH*ratc adventure. One
after anulbpreaantatioo to tba farmara.
lart lie
B. M. Brown baa joat reoatrad hia
A iittoaxor
aawoooualaalon aa a notary. poblic
aoil gave biui*< If wbol ly I..’
from Ooreror Bliaa. Mr. Brown
8be lieut her bf«d
burbd bar
baa tba >ntocrapb of ate gore,not
face In b»v baml*.
tnatrmatenu of this klnA
The maaked face In-forc l,»r Uauked at
Tba flowing bowl and dom
ber with a blank sun-, rigid aa marble
tnmblaa landed a man in tba ooop laat When abe atopped speaking, the* mac
eranlng. It U mid that ba had baen said:
At oor birth fate marks our coantm.
baating bU wife. Tba caat may ba
To ouma it give* the power of becum
poabad against him latar.

GEORGE E. BAKER, tba waat aids
barber, baa moved from 511 Bay
atreet to Mi Waat Front street oa
aceoaat of warmer qnartara. WDl
be open tonight to accommodate tbe

Don’t Slam

Mn terrall aa





sale Of Watchaa
Jewelry. Trade

will hum around our
place this month. Look
oooda and prices. R«d

Sea the beautiful line of pic­
tures in our Furniture Oapartment The Bostoe Store.

try a record want ad.

lUY tha llttia fallow ena of oor nobby
BBHa Bt 15 par OBBt dtooaimt Bat^
day. > Baodt A Co.



Bob SoBts, 7Bo.

Opel ever; ofeeioi Ull ChristMS. The Bwtei Stort.

wmwtk OTiAvmHre fllTT, meg. FRIDAr, DECKMBEK i, l»0^.


Dew IBmasat Cai/srinaesUbUsbmtitt.......

«nt iT Ibt btW tf^lttaOttaNl Value oT m Ht«e SoUr Motor
RMita. ^.plerar. S«y Tfcty 9am
n liiii^i Mfta vib «»
Were Of^iaallr ofOae Rmc.
NearBootofu -

Sd it «jt tht^

. tbt ealofiti wo t aULLtAVXlU.(ffEKlTQISTIf

tCrtnoM^ waa^taOnmy j

▲ bpga aalar mocar laaenOy fitoakad
and DOW to opetuCian la attmectog an
totmaoaa anwont of attentloo at Hyde
Park, near Baaton. aays tba Now York
Bcrmld. Tba motor, which loomanp to

mr* tb.
Yoft World.
Morri. K. J«up coocrfrod UillttCtbe
Ite Uat UK qMOtiM cDi:ld lit ttttltd
vbrtbrr tlit ABOTkmn ladltt «u tf
to UUo t«n of tbr fc—liTbm» frooi
acmoo Borliis ttrtJt or lttd«d oo tbcw
•bores from soxzk other |Otrt of tho
>. raan roold tioC hare ntased from one
o aaotbcr racrpt by way of
’ atrip of water away op In
rkai. lie tare 9SO.QQO to
I Moaeisai of Natoral lilt'
lory for the purpose of raualu« to be
made a atody of the myatcrtooa eatt
amic mberlan tiiW with thU polat
rblefly bi view.
Wbai waa known lu the Jaaap ntrtb
rarinc rxpaditlon waa fitted out by tbt
miiaeum. with the aaalatanee fif tbt
liiiaabin Imperltl Academy «f firtcocta
and tbo Uuaatan imperial OtugnpMetl
aoclrty. lYofctaor Waldemar Jocbatv
aon and I*rofeaaor Wakleinar Bogorma.
both Uusslan. and n«orbted with tba
Itowdao A.-adetny of fideocea. wot
eujcafitd by the u.usm» to undartakT
the Uak. They bare hrottghr tiack
with them coiKlualve proof, ao tbay
asiert. that the Auw-rtran Indian and
the Aatatic Eaklmo are rioae kU and

MB. 1 am plaaaad'*i Bar you are. Tom'" .
Oolooel Oehntrf* pauaed and looked

English, hl-fnry. tbe pli.»sicsl acteocea.
oatorr atody. maaiMl irstotog and damestlc scirnce. It alms t.» preisire men
and women of good s.-lM*larshlp f«r superlmeodetita. prlnrip.nU aed tearbers
In pobllc ami prlxsie in bauU of cities,
s 1^ country dUtrkts. Teachers

**No. madam. There are three great­
est lUrs In the world. I am one of
. and your huahand Is tbe other


taw ortrr to br iBhtsAal it. Ui.

53S? Srss-

s.T‘w.::ra'.r ■!


rountT.b.-la »l th-

r the world. Ina<
k.veKr IB 1
catlooaof tbe
rialted be aaya that tbe
Somethlttg new in wMeb tbs AmertUnited SUtee U Inflated. England to ean Indton Is flgnrtug Is a brooch. Tba
ultra conaerrmtlTt and Oennany la a Indian Is patotad la cotara. and tbe
happy madlumofthe twa
alatpla aatttog appaara to U gun metaU
-1 know I wonld long age kam


1 have a couple of good farms with
0ood buildtnes for sate. One farm
about 10 mites south cf Traverse and
one in V^sford County.. I will aetl
them for reasonable prices. If you
can pay part dewA wiirQtve long t>me
on balance. Eacy payments.

EietyDir « s

M. WViVlAlM.

(iiilcrx by piumc delivered prompUy

Citiug’s Phiu b. 33B.

W. KAS-r,

J. Wi JARRETT Natioaal AdnrtisiifBsiaeg^
...Parcel and Bacgagc...


• !

.: >t. .. . 2U 1-



OFFICE: n.-','



E.W. HISTIHGS & soul





Laad looker «ylin.!)sr Estimator'


i'Vrprin.xn.r. jv t r.- W

o .t.Hn*

K-fnrr ■POd.nx y<-ur *>i' «»r,»
01S.W tnt.. nu!«. f t tuf -b
N.M.O llal lN.I-i


Bsardui RImElicIric



J. B. Mariln. M. D.

X- H. Bvbss. M.

martin & Gnans

..r Arthur Ps3»l. Him..r
I-.IP.:. iru».du.n ..t Mid ..xist-, ruu..simI Ci |.r»M*nf lb»l
l« nu» f-r^ j


ruant .dt.xild n..i I- sll- -

r :r r l a*c ,.f ,te v4
it R%bc
mcnl^ wuar
IV-} I..: r . -n ^..4 1 tmrt s rosn» 1 it yr^ new dreaxovrr
:!>^e i i r^cc a'rd elcra
: c:i:. It m; . y
* -‘1 dir.ct lu
"J r.ROS.. 277.379 Broidway. Haw Yor*

Love & Raff « Electricians
IT tM Xt.Bl t

formoon. U-SMlC'.fd tvr U..- . isn.uiiu.f snd

uaw S th^ rtty ..r

< tiy. .i. -.u.l

And It to forib-r ..n»--r.xl. tb»l

fi<». PS*v.orsk
Hc|i5. Lluctnc Fixtures, Combinatlonfl CflS flfMl
Electric Fixtures, Lamps, Tolcphonofl, Bat­
teries, Dynamos and Engines.


bmnns tbwwjf. I.t r^stuonk* s .-.i.y .4 thiurdw tu U-vui h.b.d to tbt- Kv-tui..: H-'r.x.i,
• »r^mj»-r |.nnt.-d s»rl r,n-ttUt-.l it. MiU
sw ito |.rrxu.u.. ».

Rmmicimrs^ WiririK •

Juoe. .f I*


«wifly.ncTbBr«U! d«r ..f N-...u.

jL,*... f..«v V,. u.r.., .D.
Grand I>uke of Heaae has pubilabed a
apadal gaasCta oonferriag tbs borvditary title of court marblelat oo tbe ma­
son who baa reconstructs the grand
docal bathrtxnn

BMIT nil

For Sale

im.,. . m —Kl

« In 8anta Rom a new use baa been
found for an automobile, aaja tbe Ban
Franclaco Chronicle. Alex Scbelllag.
proprietor of a foundry and macbloa
•bop. waa compriled to use Ids lathe
all day a abort Umc ago. aa kla gas
engine waa dlainombercd and imflcciotog repalrm. Tto work waa to graet
baste, and the engine could not be re­
paired for several days, ao Betolllng
brought to bla automobile, cboked tbe
wbeda with blocks of wood, detacbed
tbo eodMoi chain which propels tba

took With ua American pbonograpba
and bad tbe natlvos speak Into tbofik
tbui being able to get recoeds of tbatr
voices, girtog language and accent
which can be used In furtbefing ear
com^cmtlre atudy of tbe American In­
dian. It wraa rery amualng to aee tbe tbe Colorado ttadf large stores of enI4BSBB SB tkB MBeUtBg airfi.
Eskimo talk lu tbe phanograph and aegy are available to tbe amaller
The atory told by tbe late Septimus
atoaama that Map Into tbe ^vaat cnamn. Winner of how be drew the inaplraTba plea by wblcb tba power of tba ttM tor bla tomoaa aoufis. •‘lAslen to
tlAlocklng Bkd-end-Wbst ia Home
Another intereirtlng exhibit we bars
la that sf •pick­ Witbeut a Matberr U touchtog. aaya
for tbe mnaeum la a board with icay ing up- Iba faU of the riverl»y
tba Pittsburg Pot. A mocbar was
«rw► painted on It. Tbe
of tunnels. At a point
aarage and wild as It la. baa a reUgloo mllea north of WOUams It Is as
all Its own. Jt wortolpa some deity, a ton af AOOO feat can bo tom
and Its metbod of prayer U to paint to dlamnee bat little exoeodtag a i
wide.” Teara afterward be aflpr tbe
blood on a board a itcture of wbat It
chDd standing on the plan
wants and bold tbe board high in tba
laaltahu; that tor mother toy drod
air. In this we can trace tbe Ameri­
f tor titles among Genaana
can Indlan’a former way of praying.rutkm of tbe popular me

TJic puWu: « invited togtre usm
call when <k»irous o<

... ....

»S5t*bo^to pror. i.Urf.clorT or

1 Old 8ol does tba rest.


teach will reretve free tUltkMi

beet In actual workradneed acala.
tog order
U. Itori-n^. tlH- well known
Btana of the powerful bM 'rays re­
man. has just recrirsd a
al Its great tiatt$ry of flakbcheck from Wssnlngtoo for f 13T>. which
s its builders bare
to to fuU fur hla boras; aadiUs and
that worm takso thlrty-sav«»
ro to vlototlon of tbe terms of
fusTxUsn *>f maM
T by tba federal aotbaetttoa.
inw. rui.rt ssa r»^| tli*» I.,
w iK>v prt-tBTva tA«ivtid>-r
tbs country In msuy different ways, aays the Mayfield (Ky.l
but tUU la tbe llr« time such a feat He to now ready to get c
life anew and to rei
has ever torn accompUabed through
1 tor
tbe lAdlroct action of cto san.
sbd sll olbr-r
Tbe mater coaabts of an Xmumma
Tha FrWa of Nan
UM-brA.l«i. Ottoriu tb. «'u« ..r Itsvrx » n...
era of Iron, the rear one about thlrty' aoldlera to tba
IB MLMl exist; . «B4
. SU-. It any tU^.
aU feet from the ground sod the frant
that for Scraiehoa.
U-. A. by thf .«»aB«r<..unt»Lt..ulJn<.i I--»!)••«
AtHlit |..rortb*T
one about right. Tto t<n» rim of tba Carta. Worn
dun ctv*-ti> tb« |4-r-4-u»
reflector Itself U about forty-five fact Stiff JolDla .Bocklan’s Arnica
ib<- jx«Un.j
•SMlA^tsttabove tbe ground ami has a diameter of •ba beat In tba world. Bamp for
Uloera. Skin Bn
thirty-six feet on tbe outside and nai^
rows to a dUmeter of IM f..ct 5 incbea \nd PUea. It
r. H.
!5c at Jaa. G
t is lined with 80) a Irrors mad# by
German process am 1 backed wlib
OTATk <»r jnrilltiAX-Th. I>.4utr r,.urt
■e netting and cloth. These mlrtors
nance Retoilve lo the Con- I«t<-t>ttl-«-u> tbi-Cit; <4 •JVst.-ri— f.iy in nani
mod tba rays of the aun i
f Sidewalks Upon Paved
by them upon a
Be It Ordalood by tba Council of Trav
to^ center of tbe reflector.
erae City
Section 1 That a}l aldewalka beraafter coast
tbe aqnare Inch. It w eighs about sight sbaUnoltot
ur«nkl *«tBt*^«utb«-b.<U-.^Mt)»i tb.OM..
.or line nearoat to tba
tons and la of peculiar construction, Unatba
curb of said straec nor ahall
tto lower part being comiMMcd of a
oftr.. I- s<Kt u b.-r»4.j
r such alkewalk to constructed In MUd
series of three copfs-r colls, ttpno which
h a manner aa to Interfera with the
the beat rays coocentnite. To prevent raoovlag or replacing of the curb of
radiation and |•^otert them from tba such Btrc
itroet without
mcUon of the wind these r.4ls are cov­ dawalk.
i<nnt«o and . i
Section •. Any vlolailon or fallnro •
ered by an Isinglass Jacket. It is ao
airangfd that tbe Influence of tbe six to comply with tba provisions of this
nca shall ba ponlahed by a fine
rows of mirrors la e^-bls
not exceeding Twenty-five Dollars
(I3SA0) and tba ooau of proaccuUoa;
nKtiEU-Kt-j.- .4 5fi htmo..
and to tba Impoaltkm of aucb fine and DK
“ t .mniy W
tba eoart may make a furtbor iVjort tor Mbl
At • ■•-««•« nf ih>
In tba defanlt of tho
f.Hi Of mlri a time lo ba fixed by tiflJibtUt .if
narely exr <1 to the ac- such sentence, tba offender may to*
liitenslty of
lo the county Jail of Grand
Traversa county until auch fine and
heat chual t< 1.2«C .
WiDH-iin.»:rBm> .4 Mid
to paid: provided, that the pe­
and caused
ihxi -)>riod shall not exceed the term of
|.r.-j»r.^l I.. r.iHb r l^r un*t
thirty days.
tlu.t iloodar. »b
Section 3. This ordinance ahall taka TbTr-u^-ut II I.
publlcaconfident that even *a greater da.u.-b
U*.»i ib. brim
' of caloric can be generated. The ^*Wc do hereby certify that tbe fore­ and
St ist» .4
mtut bU .xb* r
»»depth of tto reflector from top to bot­ going ordinance was passed by the int.rr»t.%l lu M*sl »»t»t.-. sr.- r>r,uii*d
tom ia about ten feet
Steel wire
of Traverse City on Monday. CK™“..*.j.TCi.^.s;‘
.-rwttt>. in Mtd .>xin«>. wkI .Jh-* r«u-.. U
ateel spokes span It to a
tbt-cr l.r, « hr tin- mkI s-->'«mm
ITp. carver. M.yor snr
U.- BU..B.XI And It I. lunlt-r tbst
One of tto most Interesting faaturea
CHAS M BEEBR8. Clir ciwk.»
of tbe machine Is tto automatic elec*.-.^xint.s»d 11.. h-*r.uK Ib.^.-..!, b> .»u^nrf i.
trte clockwork, which keeps tbe re­
flector continually la focus with tbe
ruUtod tn Mfl .^.uDiy. tbr^sun. This automatic scheme works on
We. the undaralgnod. do hereby
about tbe same principle that keeps groo to rafuad tba nsooay on a 50aot bottle of Oraaaa'a Warrmntad
many of the large telescoi>cs in focua.
of TJ^lf
*n.e bttlMIng of this solar motor waa Syw ^r
odhl to^falto to curt your

rveral others.
. yrbobaa
To J. M.
ion of tba
had charge of tto const
mirror. Is doe much
roue credit, and be la
very well
the reaolts. Tba
^ril pleased with
Is about fifteen
one now at Hyde Park
horsepower, w hich <


V..U smi v.Kir ti».-tr.»IwUi

.TSJ .r,.. Krvr.'w’'>u2,'r

**la It r«aiy true. Caioorl 49cblUxtt.
aa peopb aay. that you are the jrreateat
tn the worldr Mrs. Oeonre Alfred

A huge atalMd glass wuidon* for
BkJbo caaCla. Andrew Cwnu-gle’s place
to Scotland, hat Jnst been tlnlshed at
tbe Royal College of Art. says a LoO'
don cable dispatch to tbe .New York
Evening Journal. It is composed of
fifty llghta. lu the center Is a figure
of St Gilbert who made Skllio bU pal35. To the left repaea
to the year 1235.
and exhlblta taken from amonc tbt atl tbe date P4H. when
!lrr trlbea of the rruiote Hlbertan coot
rmfroaom JocbelMin ami Ibifioraa bare
aonmif their apecimms a piece of Jap. pears the Duke of Moutnae. who was
lu l«5o.
anese Iron orer auo yrara old found In
Tbe figures are flanked by rtewa of
the far northland and many wetporn
aud lecrnda which |«uve that the arc­ Sklbo castle and tbe cottage lu which
tic Hlberlan and ilw American Indian Mr. Caruegle was bom. Al«veibecot
were one and the aame renlurtet tfia tage I. a iHcture of a Mihi.g v.,sel In
All of thla la Uko to prore that there wblcb Mr. Carnegie, as a iwuuUcaa
w aa what Ibeae explorera rail a **round boy. took paaaage to tbe Cnlted KUtra.
Ibclfic race.** meonlag that tbt tnbtb- while below ia a reprtwematloa of tbe
lunu of Cblnt. Japan, arctic fillMClt great Itoar which brought blm back to
and North and Bouih America wart ScotUnd after be bad made bU vast
fortune. Tbe window was designed
originally aU one and the aame race.
Gerald Moira.
l*rofesaor Jorbelaon cannot tptak
UngHali, but a atory of tbo cxpmlfiDCto
of the expedition was told by rrt>^
feaaor tlGCorag
**ln the dlrlaloo of the work.** bt Mir iMCeameat Seisa Mwfi. ra
tb. Btsel Maawfsetsrar.
aald. **1 took tbe fribet fartbor aortb.
while tbe tnleiiar wo goot ortr by
riufraaor Jochelaon. I went atralght. factory one of tbe
way to tbe moat northern part of Ail- alaborute plaooa ever constructed In
atlc noaala. away out near Bering tbe United States for Ouirles M.
•trait. ThU brought me among tbe Schwab, tbe ateel magnate, says a Bos­
Cbukcbl tribe. They are trtndor ton spwdal to the .New York Tiroes.
breeders For three yeurs I wandered Tbe price Is flO.OOii. the highest ever
with the band and becama oat
I found that tbeo people uod
tidoiig to tbe aame
rnatlon of mschanlcwl and artistic
forvea. It Is a middle alsed grand of
**B'betber tbe Indian crosaed oror to Lonls XVI. dfrign. The case Is gilded
that country or whether the arctic peo­ thiaugboot and ornately decorated
ple rroaaed orer to thU cootloent I can­ with leurca and foliage of Watteau
not aay. but 1 am quite eure that we pattern. It Is fl feet 7 Incbea long. 5
hare, by our Inrestlgatiooa. brought feet 2 Incbea extreme width and weight
out aulBclent proof to eaUbtUb faevrer
to the cl^lilxed world that there waa
one round raclAo race of tbe aame
atock at the Chlneae and Japaneim.
-I found the wards of the Clmkcbl
tog urTungeinenta to retribe art tbe aame In many Inataacea
aa tbe words used by the American IndUDs for conreylng tbe aame tbougbt York Tribnae. Tba sAiinen wlU be
1 hare compOed a dlcttonary of tba taught to adapt tbeir undent aklU,
Ungnage of arctic trtbm of about »- srblcb they ara to grtat danger of lot<100 worda and wbUe 1 waa tbara 1 tog. to amdeta oaaa. auefa aa tbe maklearned to apeak their Ungaagec lYo- tog of balta. poiuaa. cardm
Tcaaor Jochalaoo was ail tbU time In andRtoballr
tba Interior atadying tbe Ufa and coa- wm find a re
e. TbeCanghnitoma of tbe Tookagblra. the Karyaka wages are a pacuUarly totaraattog peo­
and tbe Takala. We atodlad tba laa- ple and are known to early CanadUn
blalacy aa the **pcaytag Indiana.- Their
We picked up rrllcs and tiieclmena of Urea were compared at that time to
weapooa and got the legends and tra- those of tba primitive Cbriatlans. and
dttlona of tbe vaitoua peopleo with among them lived tbe famoaa Indlaa
whom wo went to lire.
aatot Kateri Takakwltba.
**B'a bad cameraa with oa and took

A. AMUrsU mt TkM*
Ing t
Wash., to tbe New York World, i
that Baitm fibibuaawa. Japan’s we

tor an advanced and extensive ecbool
for tto pritoBsimal inioli« ef toarbers ItwtttocIndeeeersmtoaMdan


cmrd fit tbt ftfiOofi wbtn hb l
ltd. At tact be ttapped out ta



otk are plea
Tbe Cbtofasor
to tbe China
ralck may be
tosm dtotrict where
traetad by pbjelclj
race. This hospital. If It to vrinbliabad.
to to be conducted oo tbe oriental pUfl
and wtU be a dlailort oddity tn tki
United fltatre._____________


rrf.;- tto- .-xsn.tmrjf sr«i j
‘“.LTA1 tbst Uio b*->r-

tsrasMd la sBJd »«ts’r •!»- r.x^air»<d to si-:«.xr .


Hats a cold worse than you do.
They ^«np a enugb and Keep It slopped,
e OHp, lleadacEe and KalarJ a. loo

Jobs MeCoimlek. a Jeteay aty*^

25 Centii
why :

; on tba seme day.

A aavaca eeld bad aatUad on
anld be

Fans a Deediy Attaek.

IfidNPMdon. imas of Ap-

SSL-SSt'iS-' • ■






wm be in tht nkrlcet thi. wimet far dl kiadt of
will par «he
miAet ptk«. Call
you aea
JOHN F. OTT & CO., T«w


" ’•


■ i' : r i"; •




•« d .s^ iK-«s. da
ttar alvaj. try xo frt Tgli.Ml to



Bip^ Hitt In His BiftbdtT

u>d bar toS toU wS
confldencr. f««ttos rare chat there arm
bf a doable prtoe for roo before raey
leas. Itoiu and aaigr a ttow 1 bata
attaoded the aamial aale to ble chorch
boaebt op an the peira oa a toai^

THere 13 Ono S'toro


Bmomvm cnXatj flowed frwij #t
CW ttoCraiMdttUi clob. to New Tort,
tbo «Ck« nJdrt Aft(T ibo t«M|oct cItcii
MtoTt Twmlii to lioocir of tto> boaor.
lurrMT^OTratb biftbdjijr hy OoJonel
Own a U. Itorrry. b«od of Jbf Hor-*'
prflnDorgmbU.bfn. Mr hlmMlf WM tbo Un«t oiHl bad dimrulix to
n«ttodb bMftoc. Aa to* ro*r to raplj
toooct of tbo nacboi that wire burled
tmmM he wme grotJ/ but flnulx tbr
bdct toto hie »e«t. Wbm liuellr
w«e fhtowh and blerk *r.. •lk>o

no now ensafftnenta for tbla winter,
aod therefore tbla la tbe only time, the
aa]y<banca. I aball have to dlamitmwel
1 wieb to thank tbe rbalnuan for
tbt lOBOtotleo be
Intmdnred l^ere
ooder that old ruatom the cbalitoaatotbPbndiM<to« «T>*^b. Hein,
trodoced the priaciocr at tbe l«r and
eorered him all orer with couplbuenta.
Ton eant talk on romplimeot". a man
SMb op and la lllled to the eye with
happy aOMaiooa. but bU tonxue la tied.
Ba bee notblny to aay; be l« in the condlOoa or Dr. Illcc a frieiKl who reoe
boose drank and rxplaJmd It to hie
wife, and hie wife aald to him: John,
yoa hara drank all the whlaky you
woat Tod oofht to aak for aaraaparll.
Tea. I»rit when 1 bai
. wblaky 1 can I wir «r.
1 ao 1 think It 1- « muob
0 ieare a matumniolcetcd
in to. Olre bUn a ebaortToealm
todoeenr teaall the areat^llltietrloua In*
• than fifty here. I iicrc. and
i that out of tboae fifty 1 know
lem well. 1 c«nild prob­
ably fromell. fnxn
tbo oCb«e anyway.
-It la a prood thins to me indeed to
aeeoocb a dlattosuUbcd saibmns romo
btoe on oocb an occaalon aa thK when
tbare la no fordyn prince to tie feted,
when yoo bare come beer, oa I take It
yoo do oooto ber^ not to do honor
Ofii. Imtygo
to moral rxo
aty-ODd. dear roe. b
mak* me! 81xty.«
ytotn. 1 hare knemn John Hay and
Tom Bead and tbe Rev. Mr. Twlcbcll
cloee upon tblrty.etz ycera: I have
kaotra Mr. Howella nearly tblrty-four
Ttora. and 1 knew Cbaum-cy l>cpew
before be coaid walk etralght and
fore be koracd to tell tbe troth
-Tom Bmd baa got a jw»d bran and
be baa got a good Intcllert. l.m be
.AaraT got any Judgment. Why. when

.iicUl of acrioiltaial expert.
MX ncretofore. with the
of a few acattored
Inferior fmlt. aU ptocapplejtlaiita bare
bad aplted l»ar«. One can tmeUr reallae tba difflroitlea of the planter bj
Inlns a flt-ld of nmatatoa coreted
wlib aharp pointed neodk-a The de­
partment baa obtained the new rarletj
br <Toaatoff the tmmarteuble. amootb
leafed dUaa witb.tbe typical aplny
neapple of aaperlor fUror. aaya the
aablnston Toal. .uiboneb the prod1 Lna been tratrd and prooo

of a pUm family la
Ubllabed nntll the i.e«^nd or third cm•ration Ilowrvrr. n new srocraUob
la already aprinslus up, and Its
befa are mrlou. to behold. In
Inatancea the oITafu-inff have pen
ancr«tral tmita aUcVlm: mit at tbeynd
of tb- Pwf 4a- alonx It^ -idea, wbtto
Otbera an* w<»rtLy minplw of the
bMd of the new bonaTbe rmted Matt« aiatl 4i nt 3J
Fla., baa ».ef n pent *.«*• of tbla a
mem, at the larxeat platnntlmia are
altuated in that locality.

In Traverse City where enthusiafm never lags—where continqed efforts are made
to supply the public’s needs, for as little as possible. The crowds that throngthis
store every day, are due to this fact. Each special selling occasion is worthy of
note—every offering is an exceptional one. We wish to emphasize the fact that
In no olber store can you find the assortments, such as you find here. Take
Cloaks, for instance—not merely a few garments, but more kinds, more sizes and
all colors, while among the novelties, you will scarcely find any two alike.
Over Two Hnndred Dozen
Waist Values

€kcM( and Hear Seal jackets

They never '

► eo pretty, dainty or

Tl^; were b

It earty while uaortdele.. They make do­


ored Border*, worth Sc lot*
r them-3 for............................
I beet one in the city for the


Ev.ry liinl baa Ita day apiiorcnUy.
and the day of several blrda once com
mon cnottsb In Eucland aeema to Htve
aiTive<l. aaya tbe I^ndon Teth-r. For
Inatance. tin* fat boatard 1« now prarti
rally extinri. TbU bird much re«*m
ble. m fat t brNtunta turkey and at bn4>
ttin.. «iia
.iM.usb found .Now
IImtc arc many natumlUt*. who would
She £Si.
one. The Kold.n .-a|
anoth.T lH.autlftd bird that baa bccoma

These are not some job picked up for this sale, but are .our regular Mock, and
represent the most reliable fur houses.
Xeithcr tiu Manufacturers nor ur z^*i// s^uarantcc the liteetrie or .Year Snt/ Jaelrts.

Swiee Embroidei
10c—3 for........
Our 25c line wai
•o pretty—better

$60 Jackets for.......... :.............. ..
$50 Jackets for................. ..*........$29.51^

While we arc not making any such liberal r<*diirtionv in cloth garments, wc
have the best values in the city.

Noe. 5-7-9 Taffeta Ribbona.
No. 60 Taffeta Ribbon........
No, ao Taffeta Ribbon.

Our Monte Carlos at $5, $l0. $15 are good ones for you to judgf*|ln.
Wc hijvc the best Jacket on earth for $10.(M.


A lloaton apccUl to the Xew Tork
Tlmoa aaya that a pair of aboea wae
tblppcdrecently from Rockland. Maam..
Which are said to In' the Inrjrrst aboca
ever inanurbcttired fur actual wear.
They are 17 size and V. V, width. Thus
they nre about fifteen Inchoa long.
Four common ahoc boxiw w ere requiredfor parking ibem. two for each ahoe.
They w i re for n colored man. Han
Murrny. who works in a sawTuIU In
Tlrrclk Ark A
l»alr of Uata
bad to

$:^5 Jackets for........................................... Sl’2.50
$22 Jackets for....
............ ..$16,.-^»

.$18 1ackctsfor-.....................$Kk7:,

parta of Inland and .^.iland It la atlU
to 1- met with o.*caaJ«nalIy. but-tbe
young canilna in th»-»e parta are over
on the looknut for the rara of the bird
and tiawally know wIotc to find them,
with tfie n-auU that the iM-autlfuI bird
la liecomlng w-arcr ev.Tv yc-or.
Tbe raven la altn rapidly d
of exlatencT. c» la aUo tbe
lilrtl enarihg and neat rolddng are
ly nccbuntable for the dleappcniof many l«uaful Brltlidi blrda.



Whip Cords, look at the 50c quality, then look at this urn:. W
ling for. ( Black. Xav]
avy. Gray I the yard............................................... ..

• sell...2tlc

5(i inch Runabout Suiting. 14 and iSoz* for yanl..:..-............... .


kt tiuced in ^ price—It's contrary

5S inch all wool 22 o/. Suiting, in Brown. Oxford. Black. <iray.


to the policy of this store to car-

Light weight Dress goods colors Blue, Brown. Castor and (ireen.
lot Batiste, Prunellas. Melrose and Henriettas always have st»ld for Sl.n**
quick moving prict-..............................\................................................................................ :y%


gootls from one season to

another; and wc find too many
of these—nearly everyone is this
season s purchase.
*3 to

Prices from

under full value.



U fc, *tr TIi.m*. Mmr C*|| UU TWrA a mau to ait lu Ida ahlrt alcevea and
pUy card* all day V’
Ju„t nft*^ .vir
Ltjdou had to-Ta*. alr.“ auBwerrd Thn*e Finger
•nctl bt* third cluilli-uge lor a eua
8am: *‘and maybe IfU lie for your own
for the Aim-rica'k cup thciv waa i
good to remind you that tbe fewer
name be
sleeves a man baa on when be playa
to give hN I.. W yiirht. tie member of cards around here tbe lees liable be U
the New Y«»rk Yacht du who bad Jnat to fan nader eueplckm.-—Waabtogton
rctnnud fr..w Fngland 1* quotK
follow ,1
-Llpion. U ratbir tln-d of tbe n
Fhamrock. Fve to**-n ttdd that to
cua«Iug tbe new lK»t with the dei
he Jntlmai.M he might mak
change. Two defeau under tbe uame
i the toato to a loqf ncc, tbe
of the trefull of Ireland made blm
think of the emMem of hi* own naUre
^dland ami that he mlgfit well call
I w&ia
third ranr Thiatle.
1 noe of
“ You *«•/ be a dcmnly told the daalgner*. T think then** a great deal In
a boat to Ufl
that cup. and ””<^a
do ao • ”-,\inv York '
etomach. All

. "AtoCharaf my oldest frlcnda u


Suffered for over 10 tears

Dr. Iman’s] Ladies’ Restorative
Tallmadge. Mich.
Grand Rapids. Mich,,
Dear Doctor: I have been thinking
for some time that 1 ought to write '^’ou

A new ojre tar neuralgia la said to
have iKTo deviacl by I>r. Cordler.^
turgeon of Lyon*, It eonaiata of tbe
i of air to
that It U blown up In tbetorm
lall. Tbl. U-ill u then iboronghly
maaMged, ao iw to npread the alrabout
under the .Lin. ThU •iretchea and
maaMge* the line ni^r%oua network of
tbe tlwe and thu*. nccordl
Conner, relieve* tbe pain. ]
• rtawMa.
to bare bad but two f.nllnrei 1 to iwen a«*»a*ra on
•»a Me I. Hmpp,.
ty-flve ra*e* .
-Now I* the tioybood dream of my Wb« the food
Grand Ttaveme county,
life rrallze.L*' imlj John I>. RockefelA»«t».rr«.Krli Fr«*cl
aonthofthe city.
Tbe fortbcomlng dtllmltatlon of tbe IiT. i.f ii„. .stanibird Oil coropktYennviJriiUh trontler In-tween tbe
fireman at
Niger and l.«ke Trlwd will certainly
*r!y *l\ty Tar. of pabe a delleaie taak. It would be a great
N«. jwdlivi au ran now
mlatake. «y. tbe Farl* IVilt Fartalen.
. the fir., li Kw In North
au|ip,«e that the Fnn»iv«an power*
mu Mfely punroe * ,Kelley of pin prlcka Tarryiowm X. V . *i b-avt. if be Cried
Dr. Picfce e Gobton Xedknl Diacorery
In e4Tiiral Afrb-a Th.y are *11 rx- It, I 4-onld inrn ilie him **
It U .1
the iQoat
to ihedangetn armtog^fronTYIuanutripU-a.*c,l. 31 r IbvkefHlcr
bl« fellow and other ot^^c^^digettoo
•ulman faiLii
mcuilvn. at the North Tarr.vtown fire
main In agreement if they
IWtnd. »av» n New York 4lik|iatcb to *ad Mwmilatioo of
the Fhllad.-lphU Fiwk^ ito bat joet
tovti c1m»*iii an lionorary memlMY of
t. Not only
thj.t toiuouk iHvly «.f fire fighter*
doee tbe WeUlmch light etand
the tael of •Yeliablllly.- but in
IlMt anrtwir* Brnthm r^r
for UghL
Kx-rvtary ^tcl.ctn-L of ibe Interior
Facta. Not Fiction—Waak Nervea. All drtuirttncr.r J^ ntly fonrarded to Llv•T>ia cheapeat light- U a term
that can be TROTHTULLT apcryman Klmon <\<»prr «tf Hot Springe.
ton Down—<^0toUnt HeadacHao—
Ark., the document* autbortring blm
kUed. Again, wa do not claim
Sleep Not iRoatful—A Victim
to bare the WBi.T* of the Hot Springe
tbla by raaaon of printed mat*
poiaiwd to bU *tab!e for tbe cure of
tar. but oo dacialons of our 250
Givea the Road to Health.
bonK*w eay* tbo 8i. Ixwla Republic.
Talk to any man
rfaomaa Vtodman of No. 79 Apple The liveryman baa toatalied large bores
r*ect. Moekecon. Mlcb. eaye: -I




m li iov Tntnr

bare Buffered a graat deal from aer^
vouaneaa of recent yeara And at tlmea
Id become excited and abaky
from very irirlal caueea. I felt poorly
George t\ J*>nta and Miner A. Gaolt
nnd wae generally run down. T got
of Dr. A, W. Chaae'a Nerve Pills to .Vkron. O.. have lii\eoted a new
and fooad them splendid. They qulet- kind of roller enaatrr. to l.e known ea
mnd soothed the nerrea and
itmaleu of a fifty
igthraed and toned up my eye: tower. 1* and S.OOO feto
to etMUee* track. It wttl uke amiriy
Dr. A. W. Omeo's Nenre PlUa era two end a belf mlnotco to oompltoc ell
sold et toe e box et deMon’. or Dr. A. tbe veriou* clrdra to the whtrt oafi
W. Chto* Medklae Co, Bafibkx K. T. cover tbe entire dletenra after the car
taarea tbe top to tha tower.
8to thet portraU oBd elgsotora oC A.
ChDM. M. D. ora on oeaty rakr

!*anc> siri|K*s in $1.00 values
for. lhe yard...................
They come in Black and white,
red. green, blues and yellow. In
addition to this we havt? placed
several extra goo<l
from our regular st«>rk in this

There are several plums awaiting the picking.

Irnxe Uoi iHs-n laroed by
who ia fifty year* of age. tbroucb tbe
Auto^vrlo. My* a Faria cable dlapatcb
to ibe .New Y«k Herald. He baa doIKwlbsl :.:i00 franiMi and olTeni to
pete with any one to tbe world to
Inx. fenebu:. running, walking, rowing,
Jampbig. cycling, tbrowlug a Iiall. tcx»nU. lUngpoqg. •wlmmlng. driving, akaling. writing, tlrawlqg. .lilliianla. cbeaa.
draughla. laigatelle. tbe imitation of
animal volc-a .-rod fifty otUrr tblnga
He now awalta covering auke*.

3$ T^iicts eitguui Drtss
Our Silk Iniyer made a. Iiirky
|)ick-up in silks last w<*ek

During the stormy weather of Wednesila), we found lime logo through
the dress goods slock, all remnants have l>t»en-piULjQii^'enter table and
to H off from regular price.


oat Wfto. aod Wayoe MaeVeasb. fTx>m
away oat to oiy elate. «„d Howella.
toPto Ohia and L from MiMoori, end
we are fiotot whet we
to bttOd up
»tor Tork a little, to Hrratr It.
-Why. wbto 1 waa llvlnir to that vll
^ to Hanolbal Mo., on tbe banka of
tha MlaMaetopt. and Hay up to
town or Wanaw. alao on tbe bank
tbe Mlnlaalprl river-well, it waa an
atoMleaal Ml aC tbe Mtolarippi :
aai tt ft Is low water yoo Rave to
cBtob op to tbe town on a ladder, and
vbto It fioea down yon Iwve to bunt
•to It WlU a deep aca Had. It .waa a
Mij^aRaiOe life. cb«p. but comfiirt^ and we were aood boy*, and
to» did not Irak tbe ftobUtb ofienOM toto* than once a week.
•«e w» frew. John Hay and 1. and


45 inch Kersey Jacket, perfectly made, nicely trimim‘d.-satin lineil iliroughout
—special $15.00.*


to do wltTmatidT^l^dOT
pore morela-be bad the indiarntlon to
bogln by aaylng that e^.mc .>f us «-an t
be opdmlata. bnt b.r Jodldally utm
the opportanlUce tliat l*rovl«lem-r put
to ear way. you know, wr <wn all |.e
togemhto. Tboee
Ida llmitotlona
Anything be baa got to etale be etatea.
If be tbtoka it le true Well, that wai
trao. bat that wai no place t» ear that
to they fired him cut
-A lot of accounu bate Im-4-u aelUed
b«e tmrtgbt for me. I have held
gradfw agalnat aome of ihcac |wo
bat they bare all been w iped cot by
tba Tory bandeome romptimeuta they
bare paid me. i:vrc Wayne MacVeagb-I bare bad a gntdrr a
Mm many yeara.
-Tlie ftm Ume 1 aaw Wayne Mao
Veogb WM at a prltrale dinner party
at Cbarke A. Dana'a. and when 1 got
there be waa going on.
got a word In here and there, but you
. ktow what Wayne MarVeagb 1. when
ba la otarted. and 1 could not get in five
- wards to ble one or one to bis five
-Mr. HewcUa baa a peculiar gift for
aeeliig the mertta of people, and be baa
alvaya exhibited them in my favor.
Bowffla baa never written anything
aboot me that I coOfin’t read alx <w
mren tlmce a day.. He is alwara jnst
and always falr< lie has wrlt:«-n more
apprartatlrcly of me than any one in
tbla world and puMIsh
Kertb AOKrican Review . He did me
tbe jtMdee to eay that my iniemlousba lullclaed that
at—•‘vn- alwav* pood;
that 1
tottor then ihcdr <^nvl(-tlont^ Nan,
^•OldoT want au?-thlnj; l.a»t.U^jncr
tbeo that ealdofmr
-I beard U inUmatad tlut it la Xrw
lOcleDd that makra X. w York aod

$5 and.$<i.;iO X'elvct and Cor­
duroy Waists $:UN. \*er>*
handsome metalic effects
also thtr heavy riblvd Cor­
el iiroy.
Taffeta Silk Waists
and colors—waists we have
In-en selling for $5 now $:k75
$:i to $4.25 Wool Waists, the
season’s handsomest designs
e.\clusive styles
This is
rare, even (pr us $2.90.
ii)le Wool Waists
1 lot sample
worth fro
$2.:.o to $:k5t
for $1.95.
Black Mercerized Waisls
exceptional value..$1.(10.
l*anc\ Waistings regular
and S5c v allies for 59c.

\Vc are not going to handle cither of these two kinds in the future; and to
move our present stock quickly, wc have placed a price on them that will make short
work of it.



that their bUla lor cooking and
light are aboot what th«y torserty paid tor light oloaa. nod
merer knew what geod llflit WM
onto gas WM toataltod. you may
oo tha troth to OUT toaima.
Bend to
No. m

.IL iittastoniittai

did me such worlds of good. 1 suffered
such untold agonies with my menses, and female complaints,
(or over ten years, that death would have been a relief to me.
1 took doctors’ medicine.and several kinds of Patent Medi-

to recommend
d it to any woman suffering from these terrible
Anyone wishing to learn more about it may.adj dress
Mrs. L. Morse, Tallmadge. Mich
Wf^HIr* V'e
1 bsT* a half doMD K«*» radMKM la <
fwwotpartaor th. dty. wbkA 1 »1U asll at |
ooa to milt. Plaaa FYwa Toaaday sad Datai- ‘
day awmUaa* at B. C X^avt** grmary. T*l»
M. a. HUNttJUigOlUX




E*l*«am»*M rwp Ways..


Fw Prater ra lUeklaaw aty 4 to n »
Tnla* ARlv* la TnawwM Qty;

<kkur> -dOr«d



C. L. LOCEWOOO. O^P. # T. A.

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