The Evening Record, July 23, 1902

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The Evening Record, July 23, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


T.C .. UAM.t

-M. A M.'b. mm


Ukuimm r«pon#4 tl»t the eoa
tTMl bM baaa Ut bx Um Tr O,. L A
V riMul forlU »o-tnMilU» of th«lr
tiif doMt »t Morlbporl. TbU la sol
tba eaaa, bovrter. aa Iba |iUm
for Iba dook bare not yai boon compUlad. An eipm from 01t*rt«laMl or
Uatrotl will be bare nrsi wank, to
ioak. wModtef. OMl loepari |tea for,
oobaiiaeloQ to tbe rootmotora to ibe
near fntoteu
Mew mm aro beiav .reoeirea olaMwl
•rarx day. -lUicr bx wax of North.
|»rt or ibia oUx. for work on tbe
cndlnc of ibr road. Twenty more
will be in tomcMTow. There are now
between tko and 800 men at work.
Oontimcu ere being enbUt rapidlx.
and tbe w

tneet. and aU are rejotoed
alhnrlnifido for
A. W. Rlflkard and Frank Alrorde
made tba banner mdob of flab today,
abont to ponada of plokamL Good


iTwuTaTdK. n


fklreda team and
load of bay and want to Labmd today
el Babe atyla. ratamtof at duak.
ManiU. JulT M-John K. Wells and
with a Olay pipe In bar montb.
rats A. Tbomae of Prorldenoe. K.
Oaa of tba boraaa waa alaroat killed
When l^ealdeat Kaafinaa and Bee- bytbetrtp bat a woodi
L. Brnest Hegnr of Olncianati, Ohio,
and Clyde A. Frmnoe of Berea, Ohio,
retemrx Martmx rvtoined from liOeU oa band to lake blapUoa
foer ecbool leoidierm. were mnrdered
nae oonnij yeeleniay afternoon, they
foand that U»e M A M. K. bed begun
by Ladrooea im tba Island of Oehe
tne oonetrooitoa of e ooel rlied on tbe
I to

Ladiaa* lOU Yard Daah-Mra Fred U.
Mea'a 100 Yard Daab-A. a Cook.
Mec*a Braadlag Brand Jamp~Dr.
W. a Moon.
baildlngof tba coal aliade aad tba
aad dancing were the order
traaka ar.. aoeordlng to plana ibat of tbia ereaiag. Tbe ladiaa oorn
bareb.«oin rlew^by tba oompany daaeebyA.Y\ FrledrlobaadB &
foryeare He liimaelf bae been tryIng to eecure roal anedi here for tba
paat Bve veara.
The mmdemoatloo aatl of tbe T. O.,
ralantly traadlng on bit toe. i
U A M. U to ouuve ap before ProbeU
iltng to keep elep.
;iadge Loranger next Tu.wday. Wbat
arrtvalt are Nr.
^flaot, if any. thia new more of tba and Mrs. George W. Kaff, Mra
U. A. N. K. will hare on tbe ealt la Boala. Mra W. Abbott and eon. Mra
|»i eertainly kowa.
Dr W B Moon. F.
H. Maada. Mia A . U. Niobola. A.


right In tlH» way of


me—ck C>eft fbr rif* Let*

Peris, July 88-Rioting due to the
ioelng by tbe gcvernment of the
clenoel eobools oooarred tbit efterin the Rue Payn before
bouee of tbe aiiters of Bts. Vincent
Paul A crowd of tlx hundred, eome |
1 wiUi blest knuckles, ettecked
tbe police end e nomber were injur­
ed. Kouieroot erreett were mede.

Victor F. Montague :iias just cv>mpleted for tbe Fife Lake Impror. nimt
Co. a .handaome gaailiut launch that
ona of tba flneat in libit eectiqn of
tba atate. Tba boat it built entirely
from Mr. Montague’t model and designt. ia of the clipper model.aud It a
T. Uenneb end wife. Cherlee
itUel eud wife. Uou K. W. Hestrim iteft tibroogbrat. She it 86 fmt
end Jod Oemeron returned to

lire feet w ide and finished tingt
C^P McIntosh todey.
within In oak paneling, all oiled and

• equ
yeyA;Bowen GetoUne
e at Anbarn N. V., tor
Mia Bpraw df Otand Bapida
Frii-drioh it agent This
E. R. MoOoy aad J. M Biakealae
lew to tbU part of the
broagbt Into camp tbU araalag tba
baat oaaght tbma far. aboat a ■tale,bnt Mr. Friadroh oonaiders it tbe
brat yet. Owe fine feature of it U that
: B«rr
It willgire
from Kensas. where lie has been bay­
ing potatoes for eereral weaka He
to k mllaa The boat U boilt eabaa aeonred for hi. Arm aboat 100 oarpeolaUyfor aaawortbln—a and baa aa
loads The pnoe atarted In at 40
of looker room that will
eenia a bushel in June bat has alaoe
lecialiy fine lor orulting.
Hcenta. which bae
Tba boat will ba lanoobed thu after­
kbearerege rate aimw. I'Wa Kanaaa
noon at aboat 4 o'oloek. aad will ba
Drop, this aeaaon aays Mr Blaaka
will ba tba largeet in tba blelory of
Onaibmiawd. Md.. July B8-Twe aMt Id Fife UM »rtday.
Mr. .Mantageo reoeatly shipped a
tba mmarn. Tbe acrtiege it not larger Aldraw «r W. H. Foalbar. aged I and
laaaob to Rapid City, aad
Hmw ordinarily but the jeield la i
. of Plata, ware cramtred U a flrv
ready Co build a.
WeptimmUy beary. He does wot pra- bat barwed down tbe Fantbar*a batwt
dlot Teryblgb iwioee ^ fall, and bit morning. Another child, aa la woa as be oan.
Tbe Fife Lake improraBBeat
imye Ibat he tielieres 80 o—t pobM
aat. wea badly bnrwed. while Mra
4nthU w^lon will be ;tbe rala
fswtben —rrowly eaewped with her
fine row boeu. boilt
Mr. Blackman alalee Ibat tbe «
life, after franUt efforta .to
srawln iUnaa. will be eworms
ywebt formerly owned by Mr. JeflerWrblla In eome eectiont floodt b
wwlamd tbe orap. In Kanrat there but
bagn little damage by tbU m
Thate will be abont a half orop o
s May PvarLHaliMb Nord.
plea IA that atate
Detroit-Wbaat. 80 aad 78; wen.





Malcolm Winnta yeMerAty bo«rbl
87; pock. 017.48; Iard.*flia87 V ’
m Vexfotd farmer. Tba pr^e paid
wM40oawla a baabaL Tblu m Mm
•akMC lalbaaammarfor mmiyy
la wkicb old potaoM bare bad aax ib—iar «T WalMam WmeU CO. —4 Im
■mtkat bora aad tba prioa paid U Iba
bigboM ftr old Mook at tbia lima fif
la Mda


Twaaday ia honor of Mim Janwla Wabbaf daliiralaraad Mim Maad
QolbyofOawego. N. Y.
Tba Uwa aoeial at St, Franola
oobool last night waaweU pntraataad.
Tba grawnda wara inamlaamd by
aUartic ligbla loe araam oaka
•rad. Tba pMmaada wiU ba
Tba aoeial wiU ba rap-tad

and in order to get the benefit of
our special low prices for this sale,
buy your waftts for future to­
morrow and save money at . .


Cents for Sale
Ifyouwxmx tent, better
inxkr it knom1 as they are
going fast. All new tents
and dim*t leak. We haxe
tried them. We want to
s<-ll tbem ti. save Irci^hl,

10x12 Tail.............$4.95
14X16 »
$9.95 .
20X30 ^ ......... 55.00


Bargains Commencing DowU
Fancy ribbons, fancy silk waist goods at 25
percent discount. Big bargains in wash
Roods, a few more of those silk waists.
$500 waist for $4-oa $6.00 wai-ISIS for
$5xx> our colored waists have all been
marked down from 25 to 33 percent discouiU.
Here is a treat for the bo>^. all our boys*
mt disc
suits age^3 to 16 at 25 percent
Cut this out and bring it with you and you
will get
_ ak $sx»
$5-00 suit for $4-00.
$4-00.!$4 00 suit for
$3-20. $300 suit for $2-40 and a $2x30 suit

Make the Little Fellows
In one of
Those Cool,
Neat Looking
Crash or
Duck Suits.
Solid Colors or
At 60c
To $2.00.
Linen and Crash Pants
16c. 26c. 60c.



oaOylald. bat tb< prioa la wot yet to
TbaJUr.^’. i.
bardaiamlwad. Tba woraage wUl ba
Ia4«^ bmt XMi wwd tba yield ^
onlfbrmly banriar. Tba weather
Tba ttaweraa Bay Bavlwg OMa tbaanmmarwtOmgHbJk^lpaoked
tba anmmar wt
dlwaotef H
ba»w8oamUnglyfararebla tor poia- ^•«?^wljbjlra Tarnfjk^amwm
tow iw TiWTeraa Ofty wast Bwi

S=lS<2.if3,^ _



____ _








At the Bottom

t .p


. -A
amr. w«l«M
• tk.

CiM kr BWMipAl«*U «f MiMJt.


tomir norrtd
Mwt t«r De <
After Do
and when all were anoembled at tlie
todH where Ibe jodre nud nuBj of the
I ftdk bad Drtr refrenbnmU. ooe
iMMA0DLDD*.frtenMd ««H»R# ttipf fW» for D^lrpropwty of the cuuij»auy nkLed the Judge why
Do UHDilDiii nron. be fUd not lebuko the Impertltteut fel
-Permit ine,- mid De Judge tood
nmtgh to nttraci De ntteutloo <>f the

DA tti fHtft ta D


teMaDDH Do po^ woo
•CM D Do poPiMlteo of Do Unil. tell you a Uttle atury. My father, when
we Uvrd la tbo country, had a dog. a
•« Doloa TbU
mere puppy. I u-y my. Well. thU
pnppy would fCu out erery moonlight
night MMl tork at De muon fur boon
Tbe Jndgo nonmd. nn If be had flu
•d D—otf M cnilDd at Do ronlt of
•4>D0 ^i«0« wMitfoolod by
OOCH not D MMdolod D oo obort


wboMb7 Do jitubte wiU Doolvod
!• Do tiRDHM H Dll cDm
mA Do rotiooo. Mid wID ioolioo D

bDdb or Do«». fss.'mo Drr boon
foionnitd nnd onnotdlod. and Doro U
n finking fnnd of gtiT.WI 4i» to ooTrr
Dom ontotonding. wblcb amount to
$411 .too. Tbr bond! mature noxt
ynar. Thu U not a tod Dowlug for tb<to^lloan adminiotratiun and whooTor Do domooratlc oandldate may bo
bM mpportoco wlU find llttio cam-

tbam promuon to be
ifDator of doodn at Dn e
ly.nnd fnUy oapablo of holding Do
oDon WlD crodlt, baro opnnly annDwtod Doir oandldncy.
wDn n good amn will go on

n It FAnr ASD laiiu

most suit St tlw bottom. Ods rason
■JEJIHE eolW^e msn no
T^fwl.ypr«tK.l,be« sm St tbs bosd of oiKsniatMtis is
bMAin. tU college
coUct man depeiias too modi on bis

Horsts <• Ya Ca




a a/vgvA||Ei/a


Tisa- ivtrolt EswaOiv


toMto. W. W. BmiD nnd WlUtom


lllttR Money bihikf
Bndness at onr
-DwWWs TUssiL


Mm7 RtorD F. L ItotkN.
Tba Ttoginte-Owun Yialst
Tbom DaUgbiful An

Hggg <lipIoinA
The wont Ding a oollogo man can 4p is to ftart in life wiD
infloeooa. XoDing will do him no much injury. Kerer ank your
friendn U> help yon. Get a pontion younelfp for if .Tdn aceomplioli
anyDI^ they will receiro all De cr^L ^ energelB^ Hake miotakeo if yon moat, hut keep woDing. People will reepect yon
for iL Act, end act firaL Be mterested in your work. Be Atoured
tbst sneeess is not won by ehsnoe.
Ton noTci saw s man out of wbose record you could not fUk
tbe incident that made him sooccssfuL BE ORIGIKAL. DO

Tbe low prioes are making Ding^'livriy. xi Dam who caU realue tbe
- tarmgatolbem lob^nowwbenySncangct
A Oirl of Viiginln-Lncy M. Thura-

A Good Iron Be.1. fuQ aixe. i B. 5 in. high with best spring and good

mottrem xH tomplete fat mm.mCh


Tba rightiM Btohep Haeton M.

Cotabmoifao Uternei and Comnaodc with a 12x10 idale mmor. toe
tonb. tor
A Coosl WoD stand, foU mac. tordwood nicelf toisbed far
Every article in this Urge stock greatly reduced far Da sole.

To Da Itod of De Trail—Frank L
The Dnrk of De Moon-B A Cmok-


Little Mm-Leaim M. Atoett
a B. Murray la grtoHag over De
lomofueunooundupuirof puddlca.
They weau tonned to De aohooia oo
De onmaion of DeEigbD grade preetom of BiawuDu toat apring. and
hara aerer bean ratomed. Now Mr.
Murray wunta to aae Dem. and be

Fertile Lands
Wahin the UmtvU) Uik-> ul thet ounly, tortile lond> m xiipNnmg ixh£iic«.
am! tortile Un.U in other stairs peiho|K just arherevera want to

Ability is now sought everywhere.' CapiulisU betnos . tbe laek
of iu Bo bonesL Don’t find fault. /WoA where you i wpUred.
Be thorough. BooriginsL

Qeueratllem “1

. Slat and
nmaining for aome time an
K. Darfae. wife, two dang
two _ _
Wait load
VanHocu. aon and itotor. from Chi.
oo^y 60 orele De I
cage: Mr. Ohnu E Ftold. wife and
lorn to tbe farme
eon. and dangDtor. Mru Wblteaida.
00.000. Add to Din De tom uC ptopor- Vred*k W. ' Burlington. Cblea(
ty in tbe oittoe
towno. «md we Mim E M. HoUtotor. Maoon. Ga..
gain an idea of Wbat DU Hloaiaaippi
Batarday erening tbe gnetoa at De
At to tbe dwellers la tbe
dents, oamping on Glen Lake, i
▼ery pretty liuto party reeolted. Tbe
baareenltodiaDedmD of ko DUd band, eooaiating of ten membera.
ran near Mm^ Bpain. while maay
more are Ughtiag deadly dtoeaaa la guitar, drum, eymbol and
oonaetinence. 8ome weMa ago wlien
a little girl died of dipntberia in a
nearby Tritoge. De aobool mUtram led
her charges to De coffin and naked
them to kiaa tbe monD of tbe body.
Almoaf erery one of the ctuldreo fell
mok WiD diiihtberin a
wmrda, aooraa ot them dying aa report bathing, boating, boating, riding i
rambling in tlm woods
ed. while tbe eptomme
The reeort in not aa well filled
to depopulate Dewboto vilUge.
Fifteen peraona were droamed at uaual but tbe gueata name earlier and
will remain longer. Maay who

from Drm to lonr minutoa All tbe
obtofbniUUngamaremd. Tbe obook.
toned until July 10 und upm
ly Iproeeeded from Kiobn. w
loud notoea are otill audible at
dorAbtoo. Kaebof the oU coutin.
enta except AaatruUa boa eufferef
year from ^Dquakeo. rokanto .
phtfML HralElbw Wrtgbt of La Bnito,
111., loot her life Mondny m on
t to prutoot Imr pm dog. a
her aiairr. Mra John Modloon.
walking along De llllnoia OanM railroad iraoks aouD of Dot city.
Auwaaneger train woa almost upon
tto dogs wbto Mra Wright ioapad to
Mo^. but woa unable to avoid Da
1^. wbicboraabedbmtod
Th mra tbe liroa of unit
Do. whUe boating obora
folia, ore oonght D tba curr
rana to De ootomcL it U pe«



ning until De whole to pnblUbod. It
yean to complete

dlea in Cve mluut
ParlB the night before the roup dVint
and aiteui the e\eulug at the sijH*ra.
UetwtH'U the acta ho wrui lulu ouo of
De iKixca to apeak to a lady of hla bonaea in the lower portiooa of De ably detained.
Monday evening tbe gnetta took
town. A torreotial ruin atorm. aooompantod riotont wind nnd bail, moonlight exoaraion oo tbe lake.
tamed De atreeto Dto reriUbto torTe
cue nirga.
rente, flooding oeltora and drowning
Deir ooonpaau before they were able
at Faria for
protevtkiu of Urda useful to agricol8o many boraea boTU bean frigbtrn< tnre. mys amexrhaqge. Tbe parileg to
ed by^automobUm D
tbe agrremeol are ^lk-l|:lum. lYaocec
Lenox. Maoo.. that Oonrttond Field Greece. Llei'toeoatelii.^uxembur|t MooIVirtugaL 8weBtobop and Albert B.
tg nny alu»e to thla cMUiitry extvpt
pattern array
tbe birds nccouuted useful err certain
all horaea to De nnuanal aigb
clvU war. the <
dostor a uceui
nocturnal Urda of i»rey, at well as
would U- gvine. That war waa for the aoond. Erery morning they lake ont eaters, awalloara and aereral birds of
time the grealtwt ct^ru rfadirator
a few of the Dorongbbruda and
aperies, while ra
kuoa n. I never knew a alugle ca
dnoetbamto tbe motor can. Their magpies. Jay* and aome otbera
a aulOlcr in Dgi w*ar who aaffm%l efferta tore met with great an
branded^aa ndachle%ooa. Italy, a <
ftora coma a inooth after be began
try In rrtilcb tbe captureiof oorDbot^
wearing hla regulation array oboe, and
binto la u ragutor trmto. dom not ^
1 wna fbor yrnru a eoMlar D ttmymlf. Dowing any fear of De antoa.
Pmr among the aignatortoa.
Hic ware of De aetomie d
Ttiat oboe aes'med to be made Juat
banuw wbiob baa ttmreled aronx
irdsrrorD’ would write one or r
tight for comforLworld Dia year waa fell at Bandar •ouueU every day. When euiraced
Abtoo. at De eaotem end of De Ptor- -The Excuntoia” he produt'sd ftvm J
ta SOO Hues a day.
oian gulf, oo July P. when tber

Tboro U n now InnnD on Oarp Lake
to nmko tcoublo for Do
n#fod tootobnnta It In a. gioon an
D» bomid Into, and U tormed **Tlio
lilDmnn" by tbono who bare ormi
Df omft. Bat it in naid to to fantor
Dm nnybody t boat, and wlU prob.
nbly mako tionbto for nomo of De
^fody ornft now on De InkA
Tbo bont Inti foot In tongtb.Mid ban
botoo powor gnnoUno oniguo
bDU D WUiton^;(lnekaon. Tbo oraft
to ownod hr Obiof of Mloo John


Jtnmd the f(tsorts

nctobboro nremylug
to Homo. Tho Doidoot boo boon ooo about u»-thnt any traveler, bo
of gfOOl Uoportouoo ond Fopo Ltn> ImiiK* nod Incapable, who apeoda
ws'eka upon our null may return home
doolMod Dot D woo plooood Dot by
bin Isook alKiut ua. nud
liuy It by the hundred Ihouisind.
IomimH Do Uoltod tttotoobod booo are dolug great thluga. thauka to
oitiaa-tuumua aud uur fucvfalhera.
ow foloHoiio whID ooold oot Dt D bow much greater might we do ci
fotDo boooAl of boD TboMdtof wa uao in «utoL nlmplu mcllun the t
OMimor Tbfl‘0 mloiloa will D Dot aud energy we ajamd in plumlug ourDo frion will go ond Dim-to ond nelvea u|«n our .ehlevemeula.-Ed
ololo D Do PbltipplDOi will bo npon ward Howard Qrigga In Ledtoa* Homo
Do ootoo pUoo oi In Dir eoontry, wlD JuunuL ___
•cool pHrlWrn ond ilDto to oil, ro
The f Ido D
The I»oc de
Loul* Napolco
Tboro ooomi now to U* oo doubt
fcntlTlUes and
Do ooMinotlon of a C. Hoffott vl

Bloto Trooonror MpOoy my. Dot
Do tfwmory of Do ototo U in the U^t
oDdition in Ho biotory. Hot only U
DoooD bolonor tD blgboot it
won. but Do only Indobtodntm of D«
■loto in Do DOO.OOO ofBpnnUnwmr



•iDlptlo^ •• woll M for Do proloo
tMD Ho osprooMd hii apprroioUoB
of Do iliDnolaotfr- of Do Uoltod
BlDoo aoToroiDoot to oenormto cboroli

Dlioltyootoo ropobUoon oondidote
for oloto lonotor to ooooood Senotot
PHOaor. Mr. Moffott will Dt«- wdld
dol^rtooi ftoin (inuid Trovoroo.
Ltokwoo. Antrim, ond iwoDblyo full
dtircition from Cborlotolx, fdDongb
Waiiom Moon ii o ooodldoto from
timt ooonty. Wooford ooonty !■ rory
Drornblo io Mr. MolTott ond bo will
•D D Imwt o mojortty of Do dologo
tton from Doro Wullo it U not olwiiji tofb to boton o polUieol onrr
Ding. Doro o.*oina no chono.- for Bon.
otor Folmor of Kolkooko to go boci
to Imnolng DU yoor. lio will l« oon
Miod. boworor. wlD Do rell.«tion
Dot bo wlU Dto Do oopfiort of Do

Mihrt Start

ImblMnit. MtocH iM

K.»r .-W veara I .mflerr^l frtsm
riH*um.U.iu iii.lil I la^rtineao
sT.|.|toal Dal 1 i^ld hnnJly
Ii.hI lu\r*i-lf. Ss*V*«S ph\i* trad tleir ekill iu vain.
Mv hi»*l shulssn* UiLl use ttot
ii ui.H urei W lor use U, take
siissrs- lus^la iiMts.s-laiuiiup tlsetw
w:m IM> cure ms. kiv fantilr
.Hto.. slMnsorire.1 me imm laiiinr nuifv i.M-sto-ium, l-it »1k«
Miv s-hui.h |.a|s(-r euiK>i>««sl
tihiria *rtsua'. 1 Mmssrlesi to
tliaf ansi tli^ eveteumlk* Um>
i>l Uiw extvik iit* ss»e. ifH- csmii»le|.*l\ cursil me. G. Jacob
SeXfuisT, F.sumain t'itv. Wto.

If TOO Desire te Locate io that State. Here
Good Cbance.
Wc have Dree minioo ocrci
Uiul Ga xaWalong the SXMa'Kc fxilf*u4
in the Male of RoikSOS. a <Wei», ri« h, l»Urk {Kairir xoil in the great .\rkan^s
river voile), di\i*le«! into farms ran^tu^ in |MK-e Irtan $5 to $4U |«er aire. aredingt, ► location xml imj«»veroetil. with terms Io sml at C \rcf «etil inlcrwill lie there to raert xnsl take
you win g.T anrl see lhe>e Umls i
in*! to see them.
half fore or $1K f.w n.on*! trip IS
is el
the" first and third Tue^U)-* of eac h month from Chicxgs*»to
to Hutchinsisn.
heaiUjuarters. atul in cxnc purrhasc is mx*le wh<dc Ute is
•Mil-2 nca Wiltielni !dui k.
tl»er jartK uUrs and i
Traverse City, Muh.

CU.,rU 11.S.H. sr4U at nil .Irua
at ai .**. a pari a as- Trf.1 It..,, aims
niuMtrat.-.| liAH>i ••II rlssssiuaUsiiu roalali.ta# tH .as -tH.s.i-1 dma

I-. O.





I dave a Triend Visiting


They surely must have one of those beautiful
1 rascrsc's^iiy
uty have
-City .jvjuvcuna.
Souvenirs. *They
one of the
finest pictures of the court house ever put on
china. They arc so many odd shaped novelties
and all arc elaborately trimmed with the best
quality of fired gilt. An ornament any where,
You II want to send some to your friends. Belonce. All sizes and shapes sell
ter see them at once
at 25c each

v ‘

Taney China
Want an odd dish, or plate or cup and saucer
as a Kilt, a wedding present or to send a friend,
A wondeiful display of all manner ol dainty
china from all lands, and you ran buy a pretty
piece for 25c. 50c, $iz»pr even higher. Always
pleased to show you out beautiful goods.

Cut 0lass a

? .


Just placed on ^le some of the most exquisite ^
cuttings in cut glass wc have ever carried, just v
as great a demand for these handsome goods
as ever. Take some time to sec them.

Special hr Tridav, Suh 25/


AN EXTRA OFFER. We will give 25 per
cent reduction on everything m our great stock
of Toilet Sets. Many b^utiful sets just ui
packed. Nothing like this offer.

GIVEN ON THE WONDERFUL PIANOLA every dajt until further notice.
Concerts will be given in the Ftimkure ^Department 00 tbe groond How from 10
to j I R. ro. and 2 to 3 p. m. and are entirely free. You are cordially invited to
iKar this wonderful instrument.

lAvKMWa: «i-rv.






stories eC EagUmrs Mew Pre­
mier mad H5s Predecessor.

MM, mo Mid ik

Tthmn. prioM wiU iMorU.
nim tld« %mtk.

rtm fMt
I dMMf. 10 «o|M tM It y

, M.

r«M «p telo tiM fc—ilwii «r

Mn. B»dl«7 r«U«r. wif« of tW
wlMo tiM blose oador Iks ov«o
OOL Wbeosbe opsoodtbo ooo
CM ogplodod. Bks «M ho41j koiMd
feMSkodoffolood of Uj whiu »M..
loc olooc OM of tiM
ollgr. o Mlopboos min bolof Hm mmm
of kU Mddso teMOU Ustsoot
ijr Imirnnd. Md tf b« wos. ks voold
MlopkoM OOMIMJ. for k« wmmi
tmmmd six lookM lo bis sUmAIm
tu flftUtb 7MT ood ibotrojMM
takso sto|o to oolsbrolo oo Jolj 41k.
IMB. tbs MoiiaiuiMl OMtoooiki
piMidool Of tkooollocoAOjoortoco
•od orator ot tb*« Ujlo« of Ibo otko
■tooo. •till rarrivf*. ood U ox|Mb
to tbo fMllrUioo
•ffod dO^ oumoitttod
oil of
OMMd br
jm of iUaoM
HvmimMi nailod m board to tbo otod
dioff is a alMMl and boroda boU lo tbo
aamo. Uo tbon plaoMi a St oaUbre rorolror U tbo bole aod stood wltb bU
koadacaloottboBaaale, Hop
UM tricger. tbo baUet eolorod
Iko riffbt oar aod to coo oldo of Iko
tomplo oo tbo riffkt oldo. bvootra
loft a oou oajlajr; *Tblo to to oortl
fy tkat 1 bavr rolaotailly oodod my
asioloooo. lamtlradoftbUwoHd.*'
loads of Kolfblo
B/tbiM Will tmvol from Mloblgoa to
Haa rraocloeo for tbo oo«lo« cooelavo tbofo. too oleoporo Irarloff
Oraod Rapblo. foor loaviofr Dotrolt.
too loarinc HattU Crook, two loarloc
Kalaaaooo. and two loarlng Pootlao
At Uraod Hapido dnrioc tbo boary
rain storm ttnndny nfteroooo tboookelU. foil In tko ■ootbparto
dty. TIh-obolU woraoooft nod
•Hod oitb a goUtlno onbotanoo.
Tbo cliamploo poarb nod potato
otocj of tb« ooaooo oomoo fton tko,
JaaMio Uaol farm, naar loola. PoaobMflfo laolMo In etroomforaooo and
polato. 0 m^ig\^\ug ooo ptnad
oald to t- *>rdiiiary flndo ll*ore, at tbU
oarly data. An oitra foroo of bmo
nr« tblnoinff tbo poaob crop to oaro
ibo trooo.
Monday affrnoon whllo kUlina
rormlawttb faoollno at bar homo at
OmM Laao. AUlo Baras. a«od 16. oaotalnod boras wblnb will probably
proro fatal
Eraporatlnc aaoollao
•omaaloaUMl wltb a firo In an ad
folnlnc room and tb«* fas wbloh Iffoltod ran to tlio can. An osplosion ooon•d. oottluc flro to tbr boaso and MIm
abo lN4n'« t%'«arsMsok.
Bat hor boanty was oomplotoly biddsn by SOTOS, blolebosand plmpUs till
■ko asod lincklMi's Amina Iftalro.
Ikon Ihoy Tanisbtsl as will all Bmp*
ttoas. Poror Boros. Boll*. Ul

Ifkt Tko
iMnyo y
itler. who Ud been
I tafaoMadnOb.
la bto service for a.*me years and who.
■ ArwoMiMofOlMr- Iknr Jamro Balfour as one of Eng- U dtocinered. was In the Ubit of help
tko Intwoot of Innd'a most Uhwtrtotis outesmen and Ihg himaelf to hto Hgara. He brought
two dlff.Tent brands and placed them
i. MllMlid wltk
In hto cigar box and. pointing to tU
tenl wktakwM
bett»T quality, said to hto man. "WUn
, iMt hor oopport
necking rataxatlon from paninmeoury you Uke my cigar*. Johnson, please
wMrary ordinary.
thyae." This story niualratea tbe
or** WM clroo M dutlsa Bu nnloot. Indeed, to bto-pss- cUrsctcr of lU man.
Moo for tut ticaltbfol sport tUt U
Us been seen to prsrtlce tU move*
Here to s story of I.ord Salisbury
odtonsoek hotlor ndrantnc« lo tbo meots of tu gome oo tbe oddest occa­
which exhlt.lts tto‘*t^ prvml.T In that
sions. as tbo folluwlug amusing Inci- beat of lights, tbe ability n*»t t« forget
deot will serve to show, says tbe Gold­ old friends, savs tU Family H.rald.
en Penny. Some time ago tbe dlstln*
MM Wotoo rtnoo la OrooalaaA
In bto struggling days I^rd SaltoThors Is a pUco calkd Kokortok to gotobe-d polltlctoD was sundlng on tU bury and a **ertaln pn-sMuan worked
Orooolood. wbb^ woo colonlood ccotn departure pisiform at Paddington ou- In the same room and In tU small
rt«o offo by Korwsclsm. bm wblrb to tloo. Umduii. walling for tU Windsor bourn used to wml luit fur to*«*r and
oow o doocrltd bcop of rains. Amaoc train, in bis Uud be .‘arrted n benu- aaodwlcbe* or bread arwl cheese for
tbo rrlJcs discorcfvd tbrro wrro tbo
two. paving fiW ttoin .-acb in furu.
pipro Urine in wbot wss evldiatly n cm
Od ooe «-*,*a-lon tbe pre«^man |«ld ou
tbodrol and sttsodsnt dwoUlue bouses.
two sucev'tvsive night K a nil. tin ft UpKrom tbo posttlon of tbror pipes It Is cork on tbe platform. IxKiklng rtmnd pened. It was tbe last two nights tbey
rertaln tbst they were rmployed fur to see tut no one was near. Mr. Bsl worked together. la«rd Sx»li»ttmrT nev­
four wesaured bto dlsUnre and mads er again api>eared In that
a splendid drive along iIh* ptotf.»rmtbe next thing tbe |ire* kivw of
bto quondam c«»ll.wr«e was that U
Ud iMaaune dlret heir to tbe title to
Which be ullimatrly
fast tbe end In bis Und.
Years rolbd mi, and the two did not
crowd on tbe platform roared wllb min t .\S all the work! know*. Lord
laughter as tU Conservative lesder Salisbury tottKiipunied Uird B«a«'ons
«bo l4mbo la Wralbtoo.
dived Into a first ctoao compartiu> at
field, then Mr. IMsra.n. an fellow pleu
ft to pointed not Ibst 14 wnlMoi or
Ipotecillan’ to tbe Berlin corferenre
renntne tbo srms nod togs prodoco n
W'Un U was first lord of tbe treao- aaiiembtod to nwirange the map of F.uory. Mr. Bsifoar wsa once made tbe rt»|*e at tlie end of tlie
vIcUm of s rslber effective 81. I»st- war. Tbe preH^man also J..urne.v.Hl tu
rtek's day Joke, on Ibe occasion al Berlin a* *i-a bl .'..rre*iH.ndei.t fur bto
luded to an oak U*x sUut leu tuebes iMii-r. Being d,--lr..u« of obia.nmg exwas wnt to him at the bouse of elusive liifoniiallon.Ji,- «.nl In I.'.h card
lions, on Ibis Ik-Iuk opened a
British pleutiNitenitorleH. In­
stead. fui be ev|»ected. of U ing banded
log tbe lusf'rtptlon. **From a slucere
plo. tbe effect of wblrb to tu rutste tbo
rer.** was dlwlosed to view, and be was shown Into I.A»nl Kaltolmry’s
trank in tbe other dlrrctlon. tbns Ul
gb a layer of wmie roiniM*und o pres.-uce aud gre»-t»d with the wunto:
nncinc. in port si toast, tbo routing
spring could Iw seen, says t^as ”I*iok tore. li. Im still owing you
arH’s klagarlne. Mr. Balfour to well ftc that last la^d IIIMI ebi-f^e that wo
for Ills extreme collneMi and Ud logrtber. Sit down and bare a
ocorn of seeming dangif. but the whole glass of wine with un- and Ull me bow
thing was so strongly MiiggestUe Of an
presMuau told
Infernal ma. hlne of the worwt d.*scrlp and In tbe event was etiaM«-d to aetlon tut tbe servlets of str exiM-rt Ctompltob W bai t» railed a
ImmediatHy rvqulidiloned.
Beta Acbed AlwAjs-^re Sirlt ars
W'hen tu exiwrt arrived, Mr. iial
pd Kiiliil,ury s real pr««o.^-up,ntlon
Poor- NenresUpsdtMkaenUy four Joined him In bis endeavor to
solve the Uflllng mystery. At Urst
lightly oiKAU b.m lu the
MhenMe-Tttrs of Troolilc
both were puxxlttl. but tbe rx|MTt
affair*. 1 here I- a sbwy
Uvlng plan'd a |«rtble of tbe <tmj. wbU b tu fiMvlgn oUlee
in- fond
Hippttjr Ekded.
of telling. Miya tto> IN
tine. Uue day. lu the
K. notobor raoldinff noar tbo D. d
r a dipwrlth lemon. TU Ikix was
ugbt tu
M. dopot, LowoU. MIob.. says: *‘Por nnd out tumbled an old nuksen-n
him by Mr. X. and wre dtocua-M<d,
•OMOllMoIkndboon bolborad raoro oidral aprtng. a well wwo nuti
Exit Mr. X and eui.r Mr.
or loM with norrooMOM wblnb nffoot* grater and a piece of |ia|»er. on w l
waa 1»rd Sali^l.ur.v'a igth-ial sUdoW*.
f Tislon. nt tIniM It npponrtag m was wrltieif: -Buy tbe wblsky y.
and Ibis dialogue «iccur*: Ix>rd SallsrtlolM wnro pnsolng baton my
who 4s tUl lulellig»ut
who Uh Ju'il gout* uutY
Mr. A.- ’ to Mr. X.. one of your
ling the Amerlnin dvll war and lordablp-a private levr
r«|Uent cotton famine In Unca*
Lady Btoncbe Balfuur. tbe moth­
long Im^ u ntd.'d
er of Mr. Arthur James and Gerald
r the
of a n-markable
Ifreatly moved by tbe
so t«-niovl. wlilcb
rally. If It may
Dr. A. W. Obaoo's Norm Pills aro Utos of suffering coming from tU afabb-s him lo
sold at 00a a box ot doalers. or Dr. A. fticled dlstrlcla. aaya the .New York
InInoOa. Buffalo. N. Evening Post. She AnbscrllMtl Uudortralt and Mfoatnra of •omely to tbe rvHef fund and told her
not bollur retMlUtig a man's name
A W. ObnM, M. D.. nro oo orery ebUdren that If they liked to assist lo If He* n*colhvtlou liivoUeH any uieutnl
tiousebuld work tbe money saved Ubor. and ft to K.-.ld tiuit mie of bto
in that way should go to help the dlsHide ns-1• 1-4 lu the ftrelgu
tnwd fwoiib*. Tbe kitchen was band­
In.- for yenia
sut.ha‘lo.1 to
ed over to Lady Blanches daugbteia Ibe bllliil!i;d1on of iM-liig addr.-*-.aI by
under tbe aupervUlon of the bouM- bto ebb f an .Mr Fbover «»r Mr. Fow ler
ood Bin Mnhoraod Bln Sold, who keeper, aod they did tbe family cook­
anvtUiiig tdlor tbau bto nail miUie.
ing at Wlttlughame llouse. H.r sun wbli-li biiMH Us to Ih- I’oley.
diad Frldar______________
Arthur, now Kuglaiid'a premier, and
Gerald bad a portion of bousi work alnow* Ysmo la Bog.
**Will wondsrs oror oraM?" inonlra lo««l to them, such ns clesning tU
boots and knives. TU Ulp Si-nt to tbs
wablre rtllef fund was ItiiTeased
aaablo to toaro bar bod in ostob yoors by tu amount thus saved In the bonaeLing n'luarkial; ”H«> you know
ooaeooootofkldnoyand llvor trooblo. bold expense's, and If you ask Mr. Bal
U>rU S.altobury Jm<t said aUut
foor for an anecdote of bis childhood yrnit He lurm-d your way and ankial
be rvfera to his mot tor’s action lo wlm la Unit yoimg looking cleric."
ng tbe poor In Ireland.
Tbe btob»M* l iugb.'d soim-wbal mrr



Hanoy and Laooo. two
brotbors. afod 70 and 81. rx<«pootiToly.
■not at Utica Monday aftor a soiara*
ikjn ol M yoars.
Tbo now pouio wmrabooM ot Clar
Is tbo 87tb oooorootod by
No dlot>OTory|ln modlcdos has omr tbe ownor. U Stark, of Cblnago. TU
lod oao q Jnor of tbo
workaon will fo to Mb Ptoaoant and
basbosn caasod by
Sl?w DIsooTorr for ('omnip
on tu Ann Arbor rail.

noss and •WboopiDir Coairb It is tbo

Sonor I
Tbo Marsbalt city lanndry wm
qaarantlnod Monday. Mra I. M DoUmc. wlfo of tko propriotor, barln« Tin. V^toralo Drvffftota. Toledo. O. ^
■Midlpox. A larfs amonot of Unn*
Cmra to Inkon Inorr
dry work Is tisd np An ofadomln Is
__ ____________
WMto Man ToraoO Yollow.

■miMinlii. Bu4ur. Jmmt Mth. .<•
two b^os 1 WM wk^


SuLm!^ LltornifKdnor Mb*
aaMoaaoatBprinc Into ki
Mw traaldr to Inroalory tbo I
Miat body of wator and Ands

°SS'Sl*lr^2!SLt2r '•
ABtbs aopw JAM «■ Hwwlyiy

ttmm md, m Hm •Hr.

U' a M*
, OiMwIiMia. ^ .




Mam 4m tW

nnfi Bra J


Two nnc*"i«

AdtoTMlM TiMlaiMtmiM



It baa Uea Mid tUt Mr. Ba
iMa aaMqratle teadrM^ tort that to
aat true, fw U tn*^ oa terma of
Mendablp and equality every ooe wU
Is dMtared mad irdned. oo matter
tbsir bbtb. Mya Mto Boston B«
ms'coaatltucirts ami bto traanti
dsToled to him. and bto private
actor can U termed a vrry lorahto

evening lo tU bouse of nmiinuns.
Mya an rxcUnge. He bad Just fintobed a neat little s|H-ecb. ImroJuciug
life private prot'edurc bill, and was
about to Irave tbe homw when tU
speaker bnrrlediy wbtopered tu him:
-ilrliig ui. the bill.”
But Mr. Balfour Ud forgotten all
about thto port of bis task. Mr. Bal
our was without bis bill.
-Take a dummy.- whIsperWl tU
peaker. aod the clerk at tU table acs
eordJnglj Unded him a copy of lU
entora of tU day. TUt was white
la color aod could not U mlaUkea for
a bUl by any possibility: so lU min­
ister shook bto besd. But s Uppy
thought occurred to tbe clerk.
TU Journals of tbe bouse are prlntld
oa blue paper, so be took a wH»y up at
sod thrust h Into tU mluto-.
od. wU retired to the Ur sod
1 with tbe usual l*owm. TU
Clerk SATibbled oo tto- Uck of tU
iMimal tu names of tbofie who Ud

No rantisr what ynnr diseMa SMy
loot u crimiual. yon ransl olkUr nok
weU or snffar. ita Uk orasa la a Ufe

•dy (rat of

Their Kawtiae


D AImm. qaioktj ud tnwiai
TU following ora a tarn of tbe
dies trviated and eared hr tU mookan
f tu Boston Electro kedieol and
durgiool Institate: rbeusratism. kidmd bladder trooblea heart dis


ttons.pllemtMDoraold aoraa.blood.akla
eyeondrara ape^ footura Doof
ness treated and oarod by tU moat
and odraaoed sysi^oi


Hamamber oonsaltattoo and
motion free to all oolUag at iU
omoeonor Ufore Wednesday. July
>tb. Jiktt. Offioes at Haellmaatel
ooae. Traverse City.


^^?jU*rsi.“S£:ss Bamum &

Msslaiee mmd Wortkraslarw RoUnaaO.
r T:* ooe way. firt fiS round trip.
Meals and berths extra
Trains to oonneot with oteoiMrs
leave Traverae 1 Uy Monday, Toes
day. Wednesday and Friday, 0:30 a.
m.; Tanrsilay. fizMix at. Also oo
Sunday. Jone Md. July 0U> and SOtb,
Aag. 3. 17lhand Slat.
F. A. MitrUll, O. P. Agi.

Sqnday Excursion


in your desk and go home to a
cheerful family.
Make sure of a happy home
this winter by doing all you can
to ease your wife in household

for lighting and ixioking.


X. ffcrtVifeSirT'MStjr


Y Laoky Bmad
omber ia


Alien,«nur-iai,«, fioin TraverMl.ily. lakrlhr- ^l,-allH i O.-WT-i.t rvrry
aflt-riMHin al i:*«, l..i Ni alitawaula, wherr
vau will AuiiiM-t t with •»iraiiit-r n-turiiing
loTrav. iw eny at 4 3« I*

SBMlay Rates-~Roiiii(I Tii|i ^

J. 0. X M. J.TRUEBLOOD !>. O.

DON’T BTra.tWxsralM.arl.taM
e Fooleoi

.MS tote. Aikrsart



iri.'tiia’ *Arjs

l>«3tlleaUaB« frvir of cOarc*

Ctat «wUaiata*




Bmaf ica oraam mda ia ika c/f/.
rs/fx aaSa fmaaimia.

Jokrara BIX. 'Mk rbaam. Travarw dky


1 by bis
succeaaors 1a tU chief secretaryysbipof
Iretond. ssya tU Pbllad. Ipbto Preaa
Arthur Balfour once entered a rottagg
and. not Iwing recognised, waa treated
strangers In Ireland
of tu house **‘*^’'^
wtio her guest
ratUr taken aUrk. but her natural
pumen.<aa rraasA-rted llarlf and aM
Mid. -Well. Ud as ye are. yer buM
or a welcome." At ihto iwrtod Mr. Bain
fiaar wa. so uu,-imlar In IrrtoiHl that
tu late KatUr lleuly of Bray
Marked to blm! ”lf tU |s<ople Utog
ttte de\ U as Uimh »a tUy Ule you,
accupsUon would U goneBcuttond loves bfa as truly at IrS;
land does. Nearly even' oulvvTsUff
krllbln b«r Uexto^ U.-bomirad bte
With oMcenr deg^. Tbrougbovt
toad U to fWMx«ted aod TglUML iH
Mortoy aafi b« on aaltai Uy-ckiss
tomda of sratusi good wlB. aad^tof

Daily morTkiiii: ri* urtii>n« flom Travrr«e
City. lak. -n-am« r at 8-40 a. m. f.*r
N.-alilawatila whifv v.»u willcunnrd with
r Lr»— rrluriiiii;; la TravCitv at ly4S
m. This will ijiva
vou a |.|. a-aiiyri.U-al ^4 ti.iU-H..ti tli«- Uy
iH.l tail l*«- mfib- *-v«-ry muiitiii^. If you
wi-h a laii^.-rr ri<i«r iIh- total will land >-«>u
.0 Omrna »r N.*il.,«rt w»K-,r will
^MIIII^ I will, IhmI n-luriiiii); to lravt-r>r

OFFICE: -" To Neahtawanta - 25c
To Omena 50c
To Northport - - 76c

tbe kinl: n.nlluUeAl; -You iHailli’t
min.l tut. my lord. A Utile w bile aga
I showed him my latest |ib.Hogrspb.
He eiumlued it carefully • for u few
shook bto bead sadliure duw n. I
. -Poor oW Bullerr ‘
A IW MllUowUes
Lartey ourred In London booooas be
ooold Dok digest hUfood. Early use
of Dr. King’s New Ufe PilU wonld
have raved him. TUv strengtUn
lU slomocb. aid dlgeatfon. promote
aasimilaMon. Improve appetite. Price
2&a Money book if not satisfied.
Bold bv JoA Q. Johnson and 8. K.
Walk A Sona dragglsta

TU wxnn season bringi
tlcmxnds for unique and
tasty novelties in jewelM e nave many new fluids
to offer and you should
sec them.
l.atcst edet'ts in Wt^kdi
fluartls, to go writh'the
neatest gold watches for
Udicsand Best Timekeepers for gentlemen.
.New things in Sterling
Bring us j-our watches to
repair. Best resulu by


ore hereby notified that tU ordiuoooalreUUve to tu rale of prodooe
oo tbe streeU and reqalrlng vendors
and purcbooprs to go lo tbe city ararket. will he rigidly enforoed.

Dainty Summer



CAimaBii wonts JOHN R. SANTO
jffc«s»isaLTrsss"a, .




I &Tiim ttiott


3 iMieHto ?8!K^rW THURSDAY, JULY 24, Th® VsnEMAn-KoHols G^mp,

OPENINB ‘‘THe Strusslo of l-ife” a 4-Act ComUy-lrama if great sttinirth

. Lr c. II i^»u)
IW Koftlrti vUUq« sliJp JuUn Itrmil
M WM lo atnir
to mom to ooutli«Tfi Utltiul
Pilo Emof up Bod dn»rr
U» pocks. Or ulirbt ibo kwkc
pottoA 0 npbt Bbrsd
drotro by wllb only
cbUo irljKbiW
Nbr wan ball.nj, but
30 UR appHmrfd ou brr ib-*
•Uwd by aud all oljflrt
to tb.-

mmntrni urfiuis ot Imt bciL
WWti B*ori»l4f bruL-at last, tbr I rl«
Wmo a MUa lu wUUlfranL Tbrr* u aa
•oC nocii wind. liQt tb»^ waa atlll «
■fir ara on. Th- a luibf uiadc aali ai
boat up to Ibc dt^ioL ami a pUi
•Ipbt of bcr aboatxj that »>Uv Uui\ I
4ood barn a wambttT. ll#>r oi»fr a bi
boll bad turnrd to
|HiU h of um.U
Into ood tbrrr a Ifrrat
If woa
afl.r tba a ha h r ha
blank rartrldirr fr..m b.
» too and a »r.at1 alWiUt
luid Ua-D
I br 1m^ m w that
aiinia of
Iffa waro ubaartrd ataiard tbr hi
Tlwa a Ocurr ruirrirrd fr*iiu tin* «-atiin
•34 atood oltb bands on tbr rail and
■tatad hard at tlir Kradford. Tbr lltf.
wo waa oo boodrd and ruvrlo|H*«l that
30 wao ooold br aurr .d tb« ar» wlibRt o vlaaa. but tin- obuirr ft»ptam.
Wl>o ^ bla alaa. to bl. ry... had
aoar«*Tri».iU*bt tbr flcurr Into foctia
wbru br savr a atart and «Th<d out:
that* II yuiit
tbr ..hly mil
rb4i r and oat
fWtr bat. to b
doolaat baudr
The nofllrd flpnro did n<d mal
worn la aMwrr tu tbr cbrrra ami
tBfoo. At tbr wbairr ran |iaat tin- brif
•3d tbm rlrnrtl up and amigi;inl
to drift with brr tbr woman mad
way acToaa tb« drck and dlMi|.)a«rrd
down tbr roQipankm.
**11*0 all rlcbL inrn.** aald ib» capUIn
In rrply to tbr lodka of hi* rrrw
that prraoo la tbr only i. raon alioonl.
wa may look to find b.-r out of bt-r
rtfbt mkid. Tbr lonrllm^ aouM luivr
drifra brr Itiaanr. W. ’U stand by till
tba ara gora down and tbm llnil nil

I aafo
to launch a Uait. Tin- Inr. tni
Of tbr briga I. II wa. rvrr In the oora
of tba errw. tnit m.t oner did tin y gt-t
oiiCbt Of tbr woman. Urn llr.d apin ar
anea wa. brr laM. t»nr Mould baviwould bavr nwpiiraMtl iiml Ini-ii


was DO light from tbr ntldn Mlnd.i
or otbrr «marf.f. end It a|i|*. arrtl m
tbr lum. woman wa. giving tbr wb«
a hint to ro*mnr brr iN.urrr nnd d«
“It lm.k. vrry .pn^ r. viry .|ur«
aald tbr ra|italn. “Imt wb.„ w,. U.
that brtg wr il find tbr uon.nn a lu
tic and biding away or wi^n find brr
dead In tbr <-abln.”
At aunrtar nr»t nntrnliig tbr Aw trna
00»clriitly calm for a Umt to U- loi^. r
ad. and tbr atHMiid umlr and tbnv lurij
OH out lo lauirU tbr dm llrt
'Hr >
buanSrd by tbr U.n . to find tbr d.-. ki
currrrd by tm. fmt of ...lid b-r nnd i
frrat rafllr of .tutf and to dUrov. i
Idroty of rvbbfntw that abr bad lM**r
afiuat and oiHwnxl f.»r for yoar« Tbi >
loukrd Into tlir dr.*Lbourn*, hut m itliri
Urtog nor ikwd wrrv to t*> a«*rii Tbr)
looked Into tbr ijuarlrr. of tbr Uwit
Bwaln. aalluiakrr and <*o«»k. hut foiiin!
Dotblnf. Ttnu tbry tunril to tbo rahlo. Tbrrr waa' hv o\rr tin* akv
and tba mat# bad to atrlkr a mat
find bla way to tbr lamp. lt« light
abowvHl him an rrapty cabin, hut nl.rii
ba bad opmrd tbr d.a>ra of four or five
oUtrruoma br cainr arr%»» tbr wo
8br wa. lying tu brr hunk, an
tbougbt b«T a.Irrp. hut tn\«^tlgi
provtal that ahr had Ut n ihwd fur


\\W tbr atatr of afTalm wn* alg.
nabNl to tbr wbairr. brr'captain »wuitaboard and Ewnt arv.-ral houn. in ..dr
lag tbr inyatrry. Thr »Taft wa. ihr
Aapla of ilrnoa. Udrn with a ml*,
pr^ canp. for AUttralla. and *l.r had
baoo down aamug tbr
f..r .>%rr
yaaiw. How abr cauir to !*• dri^rn ...
far ooBtb no man mukl tril. and
bad lircoBM* of tbr fifteen m. n of brr
errw waa anoth.T mjwtin-y. Por y
tbat ytMHig woman, who bad Uh
tba cwpUlu’B l«Hibc Jnat !* fi0^* aal
bad brru alonr In tbat brig Tbnv
barn fi»od and water In abumlauc*.
Wbm tbr coal gave out alir Imd luadr
fuel Qt tbr cargt> to k.s p tbr «
•torr going. Tbr h.g of tbr hrlg warn
Bilaaing. and tbr w«onau bad kept no
diary, but tbrrr iwiaT* and hi
tan to aolrc h l*art of tbr myatrry.
^*by bad death mmr to tbr woioun
•flar all tbrar yrar* of bUrk d.w|vPr
^liat aa reacur waa at liaml? A doctor
Bdfbt bavr told, but tbr wbalrm <^mld
33ly goraa. 8br bad dh-d with Uab
band, prraard to brr Inwrt. and tbrnwaa a look of fright In brr wide
•yao. llrr frara. brr h.iH-lim*** ami b.-r
maotal auffrriaga an abr dn.vr iiIh.ui
ta tba friwrn araa no human tongtir
na trlL and tbr cvinlng ..f dralb at
Miy bMir would bavr br»n a mrrvy.
All papera which cvukl U- f.mnd
wara takon. togHb.^ wlib a few aou
nalnand when thr In^lyttf tbr wm„.
•a had baea glrra a aalb.r*a burial Ibr
Wbalar fiUwl away and left tbr drrrii. t
labarfbtai Tbr atury wa. tidd to tbr
pnaa tba paptra wore furVaitIrd to
tba ownan at Genoa, aod tbat was tbr
•ato af a aaa Uicklam tbat b fi it. tm
fnwInB apoa tba reckbwa. rough bran
ad aallan fur aiany wrrka after. Had
Itbawi a ana wbo bad bna roioaibad
aVta tbay woald bare ayiapatblard.
b«l wWa tbry nmrmbrrrd tbat U waa
a wamaa who Imd iltnl U black daRair far yaan tbry dared mA truat

I Oc. 20c, 30c.



Onr of the i
tbr world la undoubt^^
aiy of ralrti. and not
attracflona an- tbr rarird and often
mualiwl atroH erttw wbU*b
nra oa' all ald4W. Not only tbr atraui
On tbr JaBra rivrr aome mllra I
mualcUR who up Ibilr umlamrlnea
U tbr admlrb»g “AHaba"of tba crowd. Rlcbmond la a plantatioa manor booat
tut wraa built In lOOU. About the mid­
Imt tbr UHTrbant. and prddlrra. *wn
dle of Uie Uat twolury lU owner of tU
trlbuir to tbr cborua.
A fruit a» llrr. Uakn on brad, with aaute waa a wblow. Mra. Margaret
gni|HW and Ogm. will aauntrr by
Kilcbie. who Ud two twin daugbterm,
in a qualm minor: “Ob. grapaa. oW BarUra and KIlaatM-tb. Mrm. Kltcble
aweH icralaw. that arr Urgrr t
waa very wrallby and rery
dove.* egg. and awmrr tUau i
8be took brr daugbttT. to Kurupe with
enwm! Ob. anr UC f«od. drilototia I
a view to tbrlr marry
buratliig with bonry, r»wiorrra
CbTman Un»n pruinaetl for Barbara
and waa atn-pted by the mother, who
Airdbcr atrrrt cry whirl, may
did not couault her daughter In the
brant lu thr main atrrrt of Abbaaalrb.
g. If
a auburti, ix,i.ialna llA- following entic­ force obedience,
ing aiimmutwuntd: “Tomorrow. O |iro- know tut lUrUra Ud a love affair
pVe, I am going lo kill a «wmrl. Tbr with a ll.'Utenant in Ihr I'nlttd State,
dmior ...ya It la y.miig and braltby. army. Tl»»-»alore Brntuu. a finr young
Ob. Ha fhwh will U- Iriidr^aa the quail fellow, but without a cent In tbe world
and Julry aa UmU It. prb^ la but 1^ rxii-pt bla iwy. Had abe been aware of
pieet*T* (74
Ibr ia>
tbia altarbmrnt abr would Dot Uve
loVr tbr .^<*-1 flrab of a raim l? Tbm brought brr daughu-r U. k lo Amrrhw.
oomr early and be •
which aU did. thinking it proiwr
Not Ibe bwat idriunwqur flgurra In tbe Urun abould come for ber at her
tbr atrrri. are iIh* city police lu
own home.
mat vbitr and r«d unlforma In
S**in after brr n-turn BarUra
mcr and blue aergr In wlnlrr. Helrolt Urutenant Brnt.m at unr of tbr bouara
facing tbr cnpitol over which
lu’fltait Ibr I'onfrdrrate Hag. Already
Tbr 3aak
there wrrv mutt.Tinga of tbr gnw
-llrllo. WlIHer eaclaluird Ibr
■tmgglr lo ciiinr. Brntnn wi
amgrr U.y aa b# met bla old time f
om man. ai»d both knew tUt
in Naaaau a«rrci the otl..*r day. *
would l*e an nddliloiuil rvaaon
yer workin* frr now. WlllU-r
Mrm. nilrblr w.mld nrvrr cona*-i
“Workln* for a laink." rep»«l
tbrlr niarriag**. BarUra told her lover
He, “Ooiagoodjob.’*
of tbe lonlract b.-r mother bad entered
“Watrbrr got 111 the aatrbeir aaked Into in ber U-Ulf nbruii
tbr iu.-«n-np r u.y. wTutlnUlng • little urged her t<» marry him at
out brr motlirr’a coniM*nt. but al.r dared
urd! l‘m
not. lbK>h af«T. while Benton ami lUr
to dratb.**
Ura were atlll In Ulcbmond. came tin
-What 1. t-4lyiiamlter aaked tbr newt of llir firing on Fort Sumter
meaa«mgrr lioy In alarm.
B«-nton UatrmHl to find BarUra. ti.ld
“Naw; li’a money.“
brr tut be muat at on<T mak
! kUmey! How murb?’*
north aiHl again urged her to marry
“Two thou. I’m cnrryln’ It down to blm. She couarnlrd. a cb rgymfc
another Uuk. and I’m a»wn*d
called, and tbe two wrre mad*
“Say. bow duea a fellrr fcil when b# and wife. Benton r^-arbed Wnahlugtun
baa au much iiiuiicyr
tafely. BarUra went bourn to brr moth
“S«-imHl,“ w bl*i*T»*d the tank mea rr and tbe nea-a uf brr marriage.
ariigrr. and be continued on bla way.Tbe next auiuUKT tb.aa at the Ultrblr
New York Tribune.
DlanUtlon llatemd every
to tbe dlatnnt JHHMII of i-annon In
tbr Uttira aUut HTcbiiMitHl. 'Then tbe
Far, far d«»wn the truck la a dark MKimla. Ilky a abwiu tbat h
■|ioL ov.-r whirb bovera a gn-at cloud
na»red frvun tbr top .d Mal
TIm* englu.1T area IL haul* out bla
watch, glum-va at It. thru ivammw the
b ll only tbe era. king
t.ualm-aa of 1.Hiking out of tbr window.
picket Him- w Ii
He Wfia to mret au eaatlH.uud freight
up to tbr plann
at tbat iKilut. He did not know If tbr
f aa Lirutriuiul Tbeoawlt.b.w wrre lu plaiv; br did not .lore IU*nb« and uiH.n bring toM
know but tbr iiaaarugiT train would tlm family were there, d.wiai led to aee
daab Into tliat freight and Ibe death of bla wife
many tHs>pie follow.
Tlorr waa no
way for bliu to know ex«ept tUt It
w«a thr duly of bla follow empbiyeea manniT by oo meana softened by the
to mv tbat tbr awlicbra were right, fact tbat be waa an Invader of h»T
lie tlKl not rlnrkrn bU aiaed. Uapldly atatr and ber plmitailon. Sbe told him
tbr luigr mogul on Ibr aldrlrack loom
tut BarUra wa* III and that *l.r did
When tbr war
111 up. A r.Mir and a dnah. and No. 57 mit wlKb to S.1- blm
llrw |uii4 the watting fnlgbt. paonitig .-iidtHk abe would apply for an annul
mriii of tbr marriag.*.
lictiiuii ilatly
w Ublu I brie f»et.
refUMvil tu U llrvr tbr atntciiicut. !
Itr waa With an army Mr*. Kltcble
ClnrliT Icr la not like tbr aoUd blue .vnkl m.t bavr blm rjri-trd. .She there
Ice on Ibr aurfaie of Ibe watrr. but fore riiHTttil to alrulrgy.
leualuta of gruuulra>.Iiird bigrthrr by
“If my daughter coim-a Into tbia
an liitrbwtr nrtwurk of capllbiry wa
nami ami rontirm* wUt 1 have
ter blltal tlaauiva. In rx|iua*il lavUuua win you Ulieve bcrT’
nnd UiKiu llie aurfa.'e of the bv i-an
“1 will."
Iw ol.-.-rvt-d “vrllMHl” or “bal.drd"
Half an hour lat.T a young girl at.*d
alnulurw lelna of a denaer Idur color uia»n Ibr tbnwbokl. pair apioirrntly
iiltrrnatlng with Iboai- of a lighter with uiiiraa. lb*i.lou. rnilng wUl a|
abadr i-oiitalnUu: air buhbh-a.
The lawrrd b. In* tbr shadow «.f bla w If
cauai* of Ihia im-ullur atrurturr baa strpiHil fiTward.
The girl motion,
bwu tlio aubbvt of much ibiHTlxlng bla. Uck.
among laveatlgatora. but bitbrriu tbe
“Tlmudore.“ abe aald. “1 did wnm
gnwtiwt autborlUra (xmalder tbat tba In maiDlin; >nu without my uiotber'a
explanation of tbr jibriiouiruou U yet «onsi-iit. iio away. 1 wish m-\tT
s»i- you again."
Bruton aUggvred from Ibe bouae.
mourned bl* b.T«e and rvale away
Uw tbe UrgToea beUere tbat
Two year* lati-r Grant laid a |K>ut(Mio
know tbrlr name, ao tlwy liridgr atTuaa tbe Jaiura. advaucml tv
nevrr call (
a acorpljiiT* W’ben iVleralmrg and U-alrgeil tbe pUia*
on tbr groun.l or puriiig Ihe passage of tbr I’nUOi troop*
wall fur fear of bla ««.-aplug
They acroaa tbr rUrr au ol»*vr n*lr up tv
bus IMtrertly recognlae the a.'ortdon’a tbe Kltcble tdiintatloii and wItboDt dis­
dellii.le appr»i-l«tloo of amiiul. Hut If mount Ing U tided a negro a iiH«
yviu wlah to atop a ainnnon In bla
dlgbt bbiw air on blm frvmi tbe mouth,
and br at omv iMlIa blmaelf up. 1 bar#
fHHMt.illy dour tbia. but with a apidrr
It baa a contrary affrcL-Looduu Sjhv.
Idutra BarUra apiKwretl
ami b«*twtvn h)ster4<wl
abe wblapRrd, “Ibere’t a
ara and laughter held out Ur aruli^
burglar In Ibr parlor Hr )uat blRped Benton siTung from
»U1 bla horse to her
iKl .truck aavaral
TU first plet'e of newa tbe boaUnd
“You don’t aay! I’ll go right down.**
rcrivrd was that Mrs. Kltcble Ud
wild bt.
died. lU avixmd was au explanation of
tu rt-num ianon w bU-b bad Mvurtvd
obn, don’t do anrtbl _
»bHp him. when Benton Ud Ikk-u Ibrrv iK-f.we.
* be can miKoe tbat Mrw Ritchie was a woman who wUu
kiuar W11 bout aaalat- bvr mind w«. made uj. would atop at
no means which she regarded Irgitl
ii.mpllab her object.
Ut her daughter Ud been
from brr. TLerefure alir bod a
He Interrupted
right to retiovaoaa betarif of brr own
aiH-ak laat evening.**
projK-rty. SIm- would not lie. SU Ud
•How dlclU Uppmr
sktd Henlru. “If my daughter com«
•Why. be aaktd Be If be couUln’l Into tbia room and couflnna wUi I
klaa me. and Juat at 1 waa about \o
fon Ulleve bH-r Then
rmonatrate be atopiwd me.*
aU ardeied llUxaUib to pmoRte ber
**How did be atop y^T*
EllxaUib. wrttbom aCreagth of
“The uaual way.--Clev«Und Ftela ebararter to rsalat bar BHbar. Ud
duR aa aU waa told. Barbara an tU
arrival of her bnahand bad beca locked
Tbe llae wf 1
Ui Iwr ropB mad bad DOC known of tU
Mnwn a tempK aa dwacrlhwd in tba
gv tut bad been roBumad antU
S«Tiptuiva. would not be rvgankd aa a
bar Botber’a daatb. wUn ber aU
rery tmpoaliig atiucturv In fWa' day
BfURd and beggvd forglreneaw
aud age of tbr world, lu lr«rb waa
rUrm wbea aba learnedI bow aU
li*7 feet, bcvodlh 3d feet, ^and It waa
Ur bae^
bl feet U beIgbL with a\ purtloo oa
avranOa 30 feet long aod IS'vfeH wide.
We have prlvblt bonaaa tbat overabad* Fnloal
ow aucb au unpretrading atmeture.

“T.w," aald tU Sunday w bonl teachr. “Noah bU two of ovary malBak

bird aud creeping tbb« te tbe mrk."
soar, ma’am.** pipod a voice at tbe
lower eodV tbe Haaa -bow macb did
Bxve bar «ic nr-Obla BIMa

Ing ofi
foand a loving wife, nnd i
Wave. It wraa i
nnd tut nigbt
cvMbvatHL not by tu
ntteudnare af tU neighboring pbintara but by tu rOoMnga of tU nagraea. fyr wbom with lU4r new maater
tbnBny of JabiMe bnd nt Mfit caBn,



^ It aay bn aacatiooed wlwtber nab
Bnia Uve nay concepUoo of mornM
nn we anderatnnd jlU term, but In n
■encrnl neow It would certainly aeem
tut tbey Uve. In tU aocUl aenae
there U oo doubt na to tu anawer. To
Uke a weU known Inatance. tU nnt
family Uve evol%«d a inont compllcat.
ed aocUl nyatem which apparently
worka to perfection, and tUt U more
tUn yan U aald for any buman ayatem. In order, cleonllneaa. care of off
aprlng. provlaloo fur future wanU and
mUltnry diadpUM no clvUlaed aodHy
can comparo with tUlrw They are
alavoboldern. It la true, but tUy treat
tbelr alavra with every klndneaa and
fend them lo 1
ample la fni-

Edwin Tblrbly had bta left am diadc,«,m«cm ..r i;er***
looatad at tU aboald« yaatwtday. It
waa iBly a abort llnte ago tUt U
threw it oat in a boll ganw. and tU late l-n.f.M-or Kowlaod of Jobiis lltq>
klti* university. TU apiwratus t.. le-1IJOLW rmt KAiJc-t.
am hod 301 ywl twoovarwd.
Tbo Uwn pony «3 lU 8l Krancia
•obool grooBda.
bald Uat cvanlng.
Is claimed thar tU «Mlupb-r ayntm |
will U rapaotod tbU evnuing.
wlU 1
.»nU per bonr to
TU ragnUr exenraion to Omma be sent ox.T a slnirle
ire by twenty |--------- -------------------.» w
By the 1Iuc1m>s sysleln imw
. rrr 1V*na
will ooonr tosmrrow on tU Colum­ oiWTnIur*
In «*.- In r.4Tlln only 2.Ciw» W'ord* tst ■ rv t. * Jhi*a:n
l-IxsIelMKl. Tbe fWTMlIng
HgXT-4im<iOwing to tu tbrtwteiitiiig wrotUr
■Mea a tyitew ritet,
I bsmiiu* x uoamt. t..
net .n
laM avaalng. tU excursion on the
teleuntplHKl by f
defiresKini: li* <i»rresiK.n«llng key. Tb
bay did 301 omr.
The Ivi
aui.t. Po.,.,
Ormnd* OUl.-u Uve received a re.-e|xliur iiiKtruiiMiit prints «Im- mi-»
K -It.-low.
•ace ..II .1 *b,-ei of p;.|KT. uol «MI a lai-raqaaal for ratoa on lamUr from liana bi^xomeulent
dMlvery by nwll
Hoyor of Oopeabagwn. TU oanl U
in Kagitan with a strong foreign fU
TIm-Fedanation of Woam'a claU

It leads a aullUry life, but at
menla. Invoice, naan ranee police
proarb of winter communlt
export bill of lading
CViiflcat of informed, bunding «i«Tat
apaotlona in a bank Oo,amUgen or
atorra are UId up aa aouu aa tU dwell
New York.”
ted.and every Individual
T^nraday aftrrmoon at 2 p m^ the
iiilty rtKHjgnlxes clearly
tut tu luterrats of tbe family and Willard W. a T. U. will meet with
tu colony come firoL In tUlr family Mrs. McOlnakey. corner of KaodoliUi
life tbey. Iri common with many other and Madison atret-ta Mr*. Fimiikltn
wll Uve obarge of Urn twogram.


has extended tU right of honorary
memberahtp to tU men who make
Mountain Ttw
greabat Unefbotor. Jaa. O. Johnson.


Souvenir 8|«oiis. 2,'h- and upward*
2i p-r cent diaooQut on all rings lu
sws-k SfSTUal tbretx davs «vle IKm *t
you want ^ipuoua? itogera, f I Oi) set

There will U a regular meettiqr of
West Bay Gonncil

All old im-mlKT of Flymoutb rbntcb
wU knew Henry WanI Bce« biT nnd
bla family tell, a aturj aU>ut tU

money U earned as a lcctur«T." U
aald. "He nse«l to give UMUiey away
wKb both Uiiila, aud U was as llkely
to give a atreet lKTg»r a twenty dolUr
bin aa a didlar; but bla aaUry from
Plymouth ebunb went dIrvH to Mrw
Beveber Intact.
He never drew any
money from tbe rbun-U until tU end
of tbe year. Then be m^elved a check
for f2a.UUU. bit full year’a aaUry. aud
Und.*l 11 to bla wife. WUn U died,
U did nut leave much of au estate, al-



TU fwgalar meeting of the U.;ird of
edaontion Will oooar tonight.
Keva r^MDpton reeled well laat eve
ning, and aeema atronger tmlay.
TUre will U- a numlH r of goo<l
roads delegat.-s to the oon rent ion at
OreenvilU next we«*k. Major Carver
will proUbTy not be able to go. bnt
If BOt. U will name a suUtltute to
take hU imU
Prof. W. H. Steffen, and Mim Oarrie Nouville are to U married tin*
Mvenlng at Grace cliorrli.
Tbe Aajlum Imse Ull team ate
^jlng WilI1am*barvg at tUt place
this afternoon.

Urw In bla life, but Mrs. BeecUr Ud
■ received ber f J
Mr* C lara Baker and daughter
Minnie of Ionia. er« visiiiiig at Ibe


Mfcirlf' ■

maidservant fell 111 of dlpbtberla.
mlatreaa nursed her herself through n
tedious lllnewa until abe was quite writ
WUn tbat Uppy rrauK was eatabllab
ed, tbe maid ImmedUtely Informed tU
mlatrvas tUt H»e Intended to leave Ur
arrvkv, TU reason of lU maid’s de­
parture waa thla-“l could not live with
a qilstress who Ua Iki-u walling on
me berwif.’’ Quite evidently tbia la not
mere ludlfferem*r to klmluea. or In
gratitude. Tbe girl wa* the slave of
tUt liiBuence of male
which ai.nt. up Into minute aecttoua
every modern auriety. aa It split up ev
cry aucU iil society, aud aet-ms likely to
split up auy future society tUt It la
poaaibic to Imagine.—Loudon Saturday

U vultlug with bei pareula, Mr. aud
Mra T. a. Hales. 4H7 Sutc street
8ld Purktsa of Nortbport ia m tbe
city today.
R L Kamiey of Fife Imke i/at the
W. R Oampb. ll of Norlb|«rt waa
at tbe Whiling yeaterday.
James Murray. Sr . la hack from
uahliigton aud Oregon. wUre U

P«m HAI.K tiK HK.S'T


A Rush!

ptaekad them froB ber band aa aU

Tb# atarmr r#treL
A bird Of immenaa wing power la tU
tiny Btonay petreL tU anmlleat wehfooted bird kRwn. it Ukmga to evaaa. and. aKURb ao aaoBlog fralL
It brcaatatUi
fury of tUstorak
dlble velocity tU
troagb of tU wav

1 woald rather U right Cbaa U
NaAtet* aald tu atatemnaa.
“WeE" aald tU friend, “it’s a UttM
paradoxical, bat I ooppoR Ifa proper.
Toa aay ta aabataaca tUt for tU aaU
■lag right yoa aro wllltag to U

Let na aixwk of nan aa we find him.
Aud i'eusore only wUt we can ace.
KememUrtng that no one oau U per­
Unli-aa be uaea Rocky Mounbrin T«*

Cyolone Sale
Is Becomminif More Popular!
A Chancr of a lifclirnr to buy new ami drsiniLlr inrrchaiuiisr at 5(x: on ihf^ Si.txj
1‘his is no im*rr papi r
I his stock was bouijhl
Mr. T. V: Kins<*1la:*s at
a urcat sacrifice and must bt* disr>(»sf-d of at oner.
arr confident that these prices will do it................................
r: 1 . KinsclU-x i’J.UU. $’i.rMlai»d $:UKI shut ail U anlihilly innHncxl. CuW Sale |«4C. .24c, 39c. 69c,
.ind ribUms. T. F. Kmselb’x \*ncc $1 rH) An ! il.r.0.

Tickeu oo mle Aug. let to 8tb good

for fur
O. R Mairuy. AgeuL


Mr. IKyfKK mnmtl I KMit itf


XW S.ilc {Tire....................................................... .. 29c -»vl 39c
UdicN* Suminer CiirxcU, all Macs Uh ......... ....................... % . .
| 5c
C-biblrCn*« VixT Kxxl »li|4Trt, latest tmr. «/cs *.Mx. 12. Cxx Kmr

.........f............................................... 49c

Mens w.xfkmK shoes. Kuaranteol all aoli.l.



Persian Uwn ail einbuMilerexl lubx UmneU. trunmol with b. e

T. K KinvdUV

Cyelxmc Sale prixe.........................- - ... ............................


T, F. KinselUa $3,011 Vici

KxA aliont.





.................................................... - - ...... 1.49
Uilics* patent leather afiocs. new Cornell Up. T.. F. Kinst'lU’s
Cyvdone Salc,prKe..............................................................


Cyolon^ 9m%m on Clo^Hins:^
Great Cyclone Sale on Gent's Furnishings
Oio*®*a*Vor« oVI-ow ^rlooa

THo Glok>e
I 18 Frcnt St.

Enterpri»e Grocery’s old Stand

Buys a
8-Day Striking
Clock. ..
price $4.00.'
Our price.

No need lo suffer from heat.
Don’t let the,air get Magnant
- CTcaU a Uerxe. Put m ooe
nr more of our desk at ccnling

llSCntlC FANS »n your m.
6ce. store or bxjiue. AUoTfxcw
demgo and iicrfcct conxti urtio3'


W«o-%Afa yoa aara yoa cobgbt tMb

xn(»-tt HMlIi mr aOMC.

A Jam!

AT THE -i------


tn>en tu cruaadera returned froB
tu Holy Land In ItMl. tUy were load­
ed with leilca nf holy perwouagva who
bad Vievloualy been unknown In tbe
weaL Bobemond. ona of tbelr leader*,
divided between Anaelm and certain

...uw m.

Mr* Kay WaU aud slater. Miaa
Kmina Bengx-r went to Old Mlasioti
last Thursday, n-turning via Klk KspIda Saturday
Mrs. R W. Wail and

tract tut one la au
Miaa Alice \latt went on the Obarleborne. Grate voix Bnuday and >tumed by tU icopure can U eaallj
off enough of tbe
tb outside peel of lem­
pvllor Ouekema to Klk Kaplda. Utence
ons to fill a amall bottle, Uklug care
by rail uu Monday afternoon. They
tUt none of tbe while iwri of tbe rlud
gHa In. aa this will give a bitter taste, all vlailod WiUi & R Walt aud famWUn tU bottle la fulL cover w Itb pure ly. who hove bun oooupyiug tbe
foteware cottage for a few week*
alcohol and net away for three weeks.
At tu end of lUl time Ibe conleiita
• Louie** KulUrford. former pitof tbe buttW abould U atraimKl. and
Ur for tbe *’Hostlers” la in town
tU extract la ready for use. An even
Ulting bla old friends.
teaapoonful of this preparation will
Mr. and Mr* Harry A. Viger and
fiavor a quart of cusUrd or other sim­
Mr and Mr. Oeo. A Baker x.f WeV
ilar dlab.-New York l-oaL
Tenth artcel are apendiiig a few days
In Milwaukee atghtoeei.xg.
bleb tu
A Btory la toW In
ben aa
Iddealelgb figured
ford Nortbcole U v
for Devon.
ExHer. wUre U attended lo Uaworu.
U waa Uoded a book tbd rouu#<rlth
w Ut Ud once been red Upe. Not Uklug tu appearance of IL Mr. Nortbeote
took out bU knife ami cut tbe tajK* and
on oiwulng the book^dlacovered tUt't
w as a ready reckoner, on which magtatrmtea bad been swum fur about thirty


baa been for i
Walter Felt and family
Oreeriilly ot
villa are the goeata of P.. L
L. Johnson.
l to

VM^7ui.rVKr*, *1 i'iV*'



bome of Kn.d W Lehm...
| poUHA.^c
Mr* W. T. Maaou of ISnmroll Cntv
\T l^'L
returned to her borne today afmr a
. to India to
aliort visit with Miaa Jennie Hare.
e. In.iToMr* L K^^nowleaof Peru. Ind..



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