The Evening Record, May 01, 1907

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The Evening Record, May 01, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TilE ^VENiNd*^®



im fiilU WBS^»LLED,iiia»

u mmi THKE




«AVt Hf WAS niAl#

samu MJUKOIt RK il

t tgcMiii m IMIUIMT'
H«J «l aiM Ul AH NtHli



Htmdfkd* a b«Miti(ui


Choice Oxfords
WtaMM •*> MMMiliit IM rvlM tar

If #. H. waHM« • (MM
«M(MI ar IM tMM ML


r Hy to B. Wsit
WIDNItOAY. MAY 1, 1t07.

Mn.” MT* WtllM. ~1i« Mwwtf u>
MM ifea ll■■HilM M nfc* Mm
«M IM M U Mm» M WMM Ml Ml

!• aMlI MM
(M MIhM MM* Mm- TW fMM »M (Ml

HKE lira OBi^ emcE

MM» W «wr MM >IH« IM IlM M«

0» |y»ri4>it
i‘ i ■■iuMMIf 10*
r «hl ImM iM* «MI «M

(M (B «M Ml IM iimMmi. «*
•MM IM MMh (Ml M MM IM mMt
«mM MThM Mw w Ml M vlth
iMy mmM Mm Mmi mtimi mu of
IM «IMm M“ M » MfMi-Mr.


AliMH Wm Miif Hr City CHfH
it itie

By Wirt to tH# KrMtif Woeord.

Fair. BcUk oonh wind.
Fair tonight and pra^Hly Ttipm^
di^r: •taindy rtiing tampornwri:
ilfht varlaHIa winda.

aM«B aad the vaaptoycra. Haa delayed
ag a auike naUl further coaler,
can He had. THe a»ea aak for
III a week, aa Incmaae of |2.

tag tarihi in FraaMto.
Chicago. May l.~A HIg ay«jui<Hellc
trike U Hi pioapecf at the pUut of
ihn AIIU CHalMora coai|iaay at MU
vaukee. l.taO machlnUla of the row
iway are m alilk^
ilaiiv Orwitoto
by gmaitog a wage advance cd aa
.veragi oT k per cent, the big hrtok
xunpantoa of the^dty pervented a
strike of 3jtaH employoa tlU> momlag


Top Coat Weaflier ^

THerw% an cramping of the
toaa. cHaBag <tt the Heel or
gaptagai the widen.
There are many wtm fcaturv^s
ill the ai«ing atylea.

City Will laa.»a |ta*000 in BioH tar
Favlag Inuraaciiina and Axtand'
lag Water Miiitm.

oAljr » m»
W «M Mi MM WM ta OM^
» VM H4IU M IM ftlM «r • «tr M By Wire to tHe VvdBlBi Reaord.
Chicago. May I.—Mrw. ChaHea T.
ri MkAM 1o
llir ilr vm appilM iiiA Yerkr* Mlanor Haa Bled wUt tor dl
» WtaMt WUiOo Mlaner. iHa
My Md Hi Mt HU HiM. faUM Ur


mantle atyla anarrely a veoH nltor tHa
drilh of bar Brat huahand.
atauiiory ^tninda wv«re claimed and
Miw Mlaner allmpw' a mmaplmcy to
obtain Her toanef.

•iUlHif Ananiiy U AiH Hr
Hr IHMiMiHUr H OWMiiitiMi
MIH MIH Prmk9f% OtMH.


froto May 1. tWhJ m Aprii sa. 1W7. Mr.
aUUa atnted that he had conaldmblc
dlfBoulty la arriving at wHat cooatl
tolid a year with the Hoard of edoca
tkm aa the Bacal year of the city be
cam May 1 and ended la April, the
CoaUnued on Third Page!


H to Hull Haa reiumed ^yo«n a Huairaa iHp to Toledo and Detroit. Blnce
the matter of luivlng WaaHingtoo
at reel Haa been under diacua.‘doa. Mr.
Hull Haa made it a point to atudy the
fmvemem In the varluua ciliea which
he haa vUlled. Cpun hia retuni today
ho atatiil to the KretUiig Record that
the aaphalt pavement In Detroit on
Jeffenam and Woodward aveniiea. ta In
frighiful fOudllkm. and U giving the
ofAclala <»r that city a great ik'al of
trouble. In jmany placea the aa|ihalt
alructa ure unaafe for aomeldnaA of
trafBc. The! same la true of alreela
In Toledo.
Mr. Hull la quite emphatic In hU
dntona reUllvc to aaphalt pavwuesu
and atatea that it would He a aenooa
mUtake for Traverwe City to atteiupi
Introduce iHia kind of material In
a city. Dr I. A. Thompaon. wYo reCently moved |iuOiand Raplda. la here
today aoH tpiaka lu almllar lonua rd
r.mnd ftoplda aireeta Ho
(he imaafe condition of
veeal of ihi
aaphalt atrei'la la that cil). and ;haa
urgml that the people of Waahlniion
left refrain from ixonaldoring
phalt for their pavemcttl.
One strong point made by
halt people la iHi teo yv
He Record U lu receipt
of clippinga I
varloua portloaa of the country,
trouble baa been had with the
AapHaK Paving

lltlgatioii Haa |m
pel them to fulfill the toma of 1
antea aootract. Among thel

Maha Na Mo^ Bigyaat
Ghangt of Vanoa.


^ Witw to the Mvenlag Reemto
May l.->THe CHlmgo
aitaraafe tor Charles H M/er and
Wimaii a Hayvoood. Ue mst
Sf Nn?% M IHi IMiIm WMOfC
kaagiit Taam Caotont Agcto
eased of ladtlag the murder of OovWBH th# taper.
ctger Btomhurg. Have arrived aad aaM iM Hi
Mfc tar a virraai tor By WIrw |o tha ta^g Bdoofto
BguBIB iNarihcy ate ready for the
Ctaarvi A MirH « Um itarg* «f Boeton. May I -^George HgC. mam QgggiHg d the trial. They aa/ ao furwmw^kom m\ik Uir ager of the Boatsm Amertoaa league Umr futaael for a dmage of reaue
fmtor. iHa ■
uwm Handed HU rmigualkm la today. wOBHemade.
THi HMj M iHi
He caaT MTwe wUH the owner of the
im. He WAR itduni to the Itaiver.
ah/ of llUMla. where He waa aUleAte
, BMMV M* mM tar M
ta Ml MiT ta IM UMtat
<« tr fM<ir MM.M PMMWI* UiXm te haw t«a4d-^<OaM WUid*


Wamrtoo. la.. Dally Hegoitv of
Ik. kfiOk. wHtoh trtatoa thai aaU

Now Vwk Ltta ApoM. COMP** WW>

By Wins to the Pvealak Btoovd.
New YortU Mar I -Oeorge Scnig


THe Mlaatmri waa to F«t W. toH*
im away about i jat aaclu d

•WPB. ttot TAILOto (
•IHBIsM MPtotatai

JS!^. “


>*(» i..tataM(hv.Mta^


LSellerV.Of FrimMi

How your Shoes arc Made
end Where They Come Fcmb
Continued from yesterday.
41» t«m' lor (M taiU* Uiilv can* OoB OMMI ■tom «n T*«M,
w<n-«-o to MuMeSMM*. «!■•**( i* PhUMMSM*. «Uk SWl (b** (NM
K*biiU' vbeit Sour. Tbtawi v«* tnm tw lilwd eouoa wiaaNM
lb. lop »tllrbta( TM Ml Mrl pM« «n taM* (!«■ tM vmI M OUe
sbtH^p. foiled In a New York tiwni. dUtribuied to BoatoB. gtata IQ
place* with gum arable from «gypL
^ ^ tliflfel
(Contlaued Tomorrow.)
Crosett BHoos for Men are GOOD BHoaa.


in or about Traverse City

lag of the
ThB^ laaLi
board of education waa Held la^t even
lug and Hhen the Hoard orgaalzci
nest TncaUay evening, aa i»rovlded Hy
iHe oHarter. R II 'Meadu* aent will U'
Bltod by Rdwin 1. THIHhy. At InM
evcailaga meet lag the annual report
of Tracy II Glllla, clerk of the Uiard.
wBd read abowlnf; the recelptk
dlahoraemeni- \ihe achoola for the
ynar. The cOvVact
hewrd and 1 II. nilheri. aupertateod
eat. for two yearv. waa awiroVN-d and


gun Fraatadingi tar Ohtocca
Fitan Hatolef of Fartooa.

Priced IroBi S8Jt to WjIL

Kubeck & Hoyt

To Cf^rca Guaranie

THe ifieclal election yeeterday rc
lUed la a great victory fur tHa Hood
me. U7 taKpA/erm favorUig the propttioa aad Hut tircotyoeeen voted
atilbit It There aav one ‘no cHoUe*’
•towti MUitlM. •* w. t
\c»te regiatemi ou the luacHlae.
the rnttooB loaoHer
11/ tHe vole )v*Merday tHe city u lu
THi metubeni were very tIHeral la
Citdi to Hc_U5^ toi paving alrret la
ihelr prmUr of the nunual report of
IMM WS.M# irarth M Um«.. IM pro,
ordance wItH the
U*l Hit
•« M« •# C«r Wli*«
llmsielf aome Umc
Air WM AppU««-4W war
ago tHe cxiieudituiea of each building
and for extent
werv( henilaeil ao ilial It eimld be told
TbU money will He umwI from time
to a cent How much tHe malntainaiice
to tlnw aa needed
of aacH building had coat All It
A|»flia lA TW Wf«aW'A#ecird
wem c.irefully cotered and the c
lUikMNA MkA. «gr i.-t>
mtnee la making up the hudgtd will
have a very enay lukk.
Mfi. ChaHiHT. Yarhaa Mimiar Haa THc annual report wa« for tha year


Your heavy coat aeemt to be-* little out of place, and
yet it’* either that or shiver. You would be tarprb^
to see what a nobby top coat a little money wodd buy.
and you would be anrpnted at the comfort you would
get out of one. We are! (howiny
(bowing th
the best Hue
to be found in the city.

See Our Window.




tool aovgttog thai

Itouiili. Mlrli. Mi/ l.-ciir aoife
iorgi T. Oiiloo iitf ftollOi Biffiiit •UBCAINTINOKNT I. to OILBERT
Htoki niiH i iqiiid of olfHl gitrotmri
Mi iHi iiUHtaf taorHM to IHi fHlrcity gpTirwiit it
If Hr breoklig Into iHr clerk i
ofAce ti IHi elllmit. «nd taklo* poa
«if iHe booki od IHi vllUgc
liid to flTi up.
kHH HroifHt tMH tA tVe
ftir Hill ud am now locked up la tHe
vault of iHe city cleHTi office

•miM m i|« «M*iM Smm
HMm M«r. MM*, MV l -WiM
«. IM •«« IMM m*«4 MlWm HU
MnaiMMv- TMcoMimi. *bl*h von WAI 117 FOB AND TWf NTY
<«ii. tar • MM M*M MIMImM* mm
IM I* KM*rM« M4 lml••«l M lU*
|0m* •»« IM» Mr* »ubtM IM *Mli*rt tm MM* «Mk to Mim IlrU«(
M- UM»«. U II mmtIM tUl IM
•uiMtaf wm M raapMad ta IM b*iI
btiiM* MTL Mm C. ItatataM M Tt«t.-CM niy K IM ariAUMI ta rMiB*


Our OxB
laau that
for low cut aHoea.

By Wlta l|i IM



SeBbig Wan PBpar

nowtA^A cKm

•* WM ta ta* tMAtai lta*MA
CMmva (My t/-4*ta* «Ata fim*
iMA IMM ■«**•*• Arii« MM (ta«r
M MMmMt taOMM M ta* MMN •(

wlH »HM m wmmm^

.MM •«• Mlit mmmta m


WeglTOspecisl sttonOoato

dwilding aad Repair
, WwinboiU^yomovaplsM
and stU toyoaoB



Dru£ Store

We Don’t
{ .




So we’Ujust saV wVat
others ~tell us that "We
have the ssrellest lineof
new pattern Suit* in
city at pepnlar prices.

r.50 toi

FPN Sirtli,

mta’s at


SL:^Rill^BMW :;wawai)inp evm

TBc »wr«ce CkTii«t Ba»k pMMi
Aaerkm hat fMO oa dep«it. Cm Ml yw
MWMwii^ or ■»»• ikM iBeawaM 4a•MiMcif j^4«ciaeto4loto. Bntiaardar
•0 arrive aajr«h«re. oM •« lun. We in­
vite ^ le iten m aeowBl tt tkia llak.
.OM4eiir»^|o ii. Book (ran.



«ii «i tW«iij «< Otenmtx. tou



' J:‘

,n.irvrv -V,





^21^ to^TTSuS
IB lB^a!rtf*Sl!iMlli»e. fwai

tW ^itnUas mi lki« Uto*.
Tk* loUcrviBf
vkkk vm

f V?
Trimmed in Horse 7rade
Mtoritf BVftoB iB Uit


after soam frmads or a dorrtek to 9^
MBl BBi M ^ tbB MO of the borae ua Ibbt^ ^ worai of U.
BBVMMBt kMM BMrltB vkMl BTB tB4l»toul tMB kmum IB alMMtiBio. tbe aalmal wvmH fei up wbea
ftjll ^1 r^l^1 ih■!MrtTM?i! uJ$»
m vaa peae about aa boar
baity. BBi biB bii iBBk IBBBitod IB ibB oBUlBg oC a vatrirtBary aai^
> ottcdfT. a rMitrr aad oB lu aldA bwBfbiM boBVlIy. A M
UfOt of MtuUUUn. MYMMt. Ufmo OS Mn) oibar «IIM. la iba aUejr ba^
«hV* kM bMB Itk IB UMornm tor IvaaB Mtb aai Ntotb. bobt DtrUtoii
id tbe latter
iBjr aftarmooB. aU tba axaatrtia bla aUad s Back aad tbe others
ptBctoiiy m md m it vm vtoiB iBid. -7



mmmrn » wmmm tbb
«lMto M
M bo
BBd BBjr
tdTlI^tlMt&BOB&^MUlQCBBjr i«
i tbil
tiBl VftI
vfti Mi M IwMC Mr vo^ommoi iUt Um Mb toM ftga Tbo BBUBBl la bit
•ItBBfa id aior. baa aa BbB(
to mM la aiOtoii to aaa
a ttnatiir of Mti
BOB jKtaaa aad atraa«ar yat.
tM bo attoBiBU 10 Bat a bllo
laHamt ito Mtioiuic tov«4
> ito aaa itot tortto kwTi«|
>«toalir. Otar tola all ktoto ■aab vlai«r tba Croat baavaa ttp BMBy
> Hto aa ««• atotoa
IB aamato Mlar, aaatytuae la haaM of
bUater. but In tba aarlaf. wbaii tba off tba baraoas aad started dova tova
^etor k ftoto lato to tfaatlto aa«tota Croat ooBMo oat of tW 4PtM> tba
yavoMoBt aalilaa aialB aad lx Wral
■M tai Mto totaatoBi to a<a aalr aaM aad
aoUraJjr uainjuradL ftavaral
ItM «aaa tol atoato w aator Ito of bttiUltbk wax baaved ap by a

aad baUave atora durable and leas «x^
It or brick .
pcctfully yours,
-O. ■ Wilbur «i*r nojo CfOBi tba CitotloB
________ a»d bDraaa’ booCa tbaa
of tb» Record was In
i Ramds yeaterday and bad aa

lai vat«r M tkh iprlBg a« worn

baloro u abowt d«liod M« of <
olOB. 1 do MU know. b«i paraiaiBtty.
If U that tor durbbiUty. bolaak
I BBd lack of attMMiiiaaa. It f

» M-

-Qur BaaoBiaBi bat bM« IB aao bB*
on n atreel abwre
tbora It coBsIdvrabla tnioklaB.aBd
oanmot see bat what tbe pareaum
^aaaxub BOW as It was ifhen
**l oaa boaeatly say that I am well
plaaaed wttb tbs paYoaMiBt tb erery
reBpeci aad yet bare not beard a word
of oomplBlat from any one of our cHI
reas. Belaf oa tba oooacli at tbe
ttsap tbia patwaiaai vaa p
one oC the ICBdors la tbe L
there waa aay eacaae Cor a eomplalat
I would be apt to bear of It. Rut on
ibe other baad Butay of our cUiseas
hare told me tbat Umv ««re very 1
tbe couarU eocepted UU pavemea
lOare of brick
AspbaU paremeot U
vary alee bm we uaderstaad tbat a
olty baa to beep a plaut oa baad for
the porpuee of koeplai U up wbaa
there la muob heavy iracklac over It
I b»lb*ve tor a city of tb« alse of Trav
orae CUy that Ue biiulliklc pareampt
U the brat to place oa your slret.
Our atiwel was the liwt aortb that
L mid with tbe pavemeat. A

of It was laid mte ta ibe toll la
bad weather, coasecueutly Ibe

ataaiiAi nmad trying to detenalAe
tba aBlmal*a fwlady. »y the united
ebofta Bf foBT MB and tbe aid of a
tow **k»ag pill" the aalami waa peri bought him lor 10 years old.**
aaSd tovaa. -and 1 boMt him tor a


£2?^ H Cabs, Carriages, Marts
We have %n ovcntock
Md la order ta MOV*
•one of then «e have
Bbk RMo
vwuag taiv Ualtoi to bUrriags
THto Afleraaoa.
Misii \Tds Warner of Bto Rspids
aad imwoll Morriaaa of AageU wart
uBitod to amniaga at 3:00 this afteraoaa at the parwoaage Igr tbe Rev.
Demas OoebUa of tbe OaagTSgaUoaal
obaaalL Tbe ybaag pappla were al
taadml by Mlaa Pai
groom. Tbe
white sUk
Mlae Warner U tbe daughter of J.
M Warner of Elk RapMe aad la OBe
of tbe most popular glrto In tbe vlltog*. Tbe groom U tbe soa of Mlel
Morrieoa aad to a sierUng young asaa
with many frimwls. They wlU be at
boam after May 10 In Aagell.


Today Is tbe day fbat dog Hceaaes
Two aaloons cloeed this morning, are due and in order to keep rat o*
tbe bar at Hotel Leelanau and Ollee. the dog ceiclrrU cluU'boa. canicc*
BrotbatB. Omtbe door if the latter s must bemafler wear the oficlsl bit of
Biov# atalMl tbat,
tbo olty of Oraad
algB tBBa pmeai iwiilBf:
motel Fred Beautob was OB tba apoi
^ sbeet aapbaK
ce wl
••doaad tor 1 tow dayA bowl up* early Ibli-WwmUig and secured tag
next door."
ixiuraa and atock No 1 tor Ooiooel. hto cocker spaniel
ave owwad bp Ua Oraud RapMa BrewnoiT or Whk
lag oompaaj e»d tbe Mf
bus not bran brouahi ably op^ayato la a tow dgys under s
ibe atteatlaa of Trsveme City
uwl«k bo tbo. very Utie eoet of tbe
laatermi wblcb precludes Us Iniroduc to leave tbe cBy.
iloa iu IhU dty at this Uroe.
Tbe Hotel Uelanau U doaed akma
J. D. Harket of Lake Ann was to
with tbe bar aad tbe building wUl be tbe city orer night.
1 mated
Tbe Grand
Charles Beaaett went to Benioo
Hspids Brewing oompeay purchased Hsrbor today to attend tbe fuaersl of
the bar ixturees and stofk.
his grmddsugbter tomorrow.
Anbury td. t. Ipieorth Leapue Held
H. V. JuakJns of Fife Labe was In
Annual Meellne ^ Rvenlnpthe cltv
Kad tbort becial Timo
y\\ r Flobert of ThompaiiulIU* w;is
in town tod«y.
Tbe Bpworth UwjftH* of tbo Asbury
C. a aieea left Ibe city this moroM K. eburcb hold lu sanual butUnras
iug for tl4easierwpo»tloo of the state
maaatlni tost nlgbt the main evoat
nevea binba were reported dutini where be will transact business.
of tba^voalag bc4a« electloa of ofMrs . Alice Rdd returned to ber
tbe moatb of April aad tweatyAwo
•carm. The followtag
dedibA sixteeu of ibe totter being at borne ^ Westwood today after ^nrlslf
tog to the city.
ibe asyluiiL Tim births were
flrat Tkw piealdeat. Hiss laa Kco
J. BUea teturoed lu hU boma in
Wllltom C:: aoa of J<r. aad Mrs. R
I S.'Usdl4^. 2M Ml Ninth street. April Reed Chy today •
RaouBd vkw president. Hiss Bdna
Mrs. C. BanSeaWn und family of
’ nmer Prank.: Mr. and Mrs. WilUaia Letond pamed through the city today
Tbifd Vice praaldei
r, Vs^dennade. MO Csss street, April on ihHr way to the Boo.
G. M Porter and ianres C«rH> wl.«»
roonb vice pmUdent. Mima Bdlo
Girl, Mr and Mrs. Frank Krslocb have been JU Butloiui Bay. pu*.--*!
vUe. &*4 West Ninth street. April 10 through the dty today on their way
nelary. Mlsa Bmms Pybus.
Girl. Mr. aad Mrs. Ward Bums. 317 to McBaln. ibelr home.
Istsat secretary. Mba Gertrude
Tbaodore Ebsel. dlrtokm superto
WelUagtOB atrfwi. AprU tt.
Girt. Mr. andl Mrs. Lm Horaaby. sio tendent of the Here MaruofUle. ps*Mil
ihrough tbe city tost evening on hto
OarML ApHI 14.
Robofi WUltoib. boy. Mr. aad.Mrs. way north.
boslaeea meettog a abort
W. P. Vogelaoag and son William
! N. 8tM tiO West Ninth
Motol tlBto was eutoyed. Miss Vera
WIN leave In tbe morning for an exAprU M.
Alward favored tbo league with a red
tbe noutbem part of
Utloto Mlaa Bualay «sd Mra. Scott
leaiitod a ptoao iaei Bad vary htoily


YowCieSMIs Good.

y^rei saaailbb Was nrea Oaa In and
•ecurai Tag fto. 1 Teiay-About
e Oeasn Pali.

Yo«r Reliable Furoltuie Stof^

Grand Rapids Fnmltorc Co.


ms. South Uoioa Street


for You.

As we expect to move sooo, we will
haog all electric, gas or combinatioo

aECTEO vncEiis

MOMf UMrtMSittlv ^Ikr
cmr camp. Na 173. R N.

am sad oaba aanrod dator Horst*! orcbesMi

DooY viMit tka bothar moriag thata.

J. B. Paige Electric Co.
125 Cass St.



String Be^ns I
J your c<
aot, vfhy not ? Do not fail to see
oswbenia town. We can show yoe
that they are the money crop.

Tbe Traverse CUy Canning Co.

Ho tot too Miimeg.

Neaie Uyile. aiiaoMtak $M-ta.
Total ..............................$€T^I$.l4
Tko toiroatarr tkoved $«7f.«2 worta
of fool oa kaad.
Tke Mlaace oa toad »M coaUa
f«iad. $117742: uackm Mlariee
toad. $44M.l«. a total of $«.t34.«2.
Ttoaa far ao atiaatloa toa to
aald to tto aaPoriloaaMat of Ito tax
ralaod Ula roar for mM torn
t4.Mt M.
expeci to oradit U to tto co
•eat hmd. la itoUtjr $1$.$M of tto
$2$4M 11 tto aaKMBt of tax tortod.
a—IIM or MMm* Mlft waa fur taatoen* oatartoa aa araa
rlM for
mr m |St,iiU«.
tto oae loUl tax oa ttoaaoawrd ^
OvAlral Miwol MrUoi. ^
attoa or $4>U 41
Booftan MMUM. %m
Paviag DO atte&Uoa to tto
OU Pork. $•!•.
artea la tto budaot
V^lm »iiort. $431
. ,
to llie tcxcbera* aalark-a
Boioraod mtoouo, $M«. r
fund tto oao »1U tax. there ahoald to
■ouovlllr. $41.
ito Iblkmias balaacea of fuada:
mot* Miotit. $1.M.
CooUiMria road uveidrawa, $2.
Tte total of tita MMm* nalarloo
004 $


1 eachera* aalartoa fuo»!. |.n.05l77.
Od the other haad. IX prosier ^cmlU
la givco the leachera' tolarieoa Xuad ol
the I10.WI0 laiato la t% hMOaet. the
fund: eouUl to:
C'ouUugeal fuad menliawo. 111.
Ti'ochera aalarlea. |lK447 *Mt
The buaded ludebUyloiiui «•( the
Naud'of ethKatUdi U fSO.OOO payaliKla 1»44 but iHdioiuiJ after 1!»14. Tbt
Mitial lulereai U $800.
ooM, U41M; kiMUtas. $13.M.
Oo Mi. Moolaguck nioltCu. Um r»TV» cipeoM of tW 4a> wIk>u1 lui
Ml tko etata
poit waa'ieec&vetl aad ftK'd. Mr. Mua


Tko fotMOrt %i tiMi tadtataga aorlAc
Uif roar tatalat |t4$,$3. wkUe Ike «iiv
orHM»groo#k iMtafUm the ne« ax»>
>ta of vMka ol Cko CoailraJ biiUdiu.
mtanMod to $l.fu&.43. Tke laaunuicv
oa llio iMillUlofts oort 111741.
Fwel Cort,
TIm total Vim id r«el
$2454 77
•Wwd led Ike lUt wlih a total of



tloa ptaDOd oa tto board aa to leagUi
U Ito Uta of ito certiioata, that la
tto toanl of otooatkia haa tto right to
nato a coatiac*
aajr raaaoaaUe
Taactofo Cmpl^od.
Tto coaiuUtoe oa achotda aad teach
era preiK'ated tto followlag leport: ‘
Your ooutaiUtao oa achooU aad
toactora locauaoada that tto Xol
lag leacherv la oar city achoola at
xalanr per looath aet oppualtc their
High gehool.
Mary McLaughltu. 17^.*
Mra Roae Hixa. |7«.
Ahua Browu. $70.
Ktliel Taylor. $tiO.
Agaea Tho«p.oa. |75.5f».
IdiUjvlta FtrrguaMO. $7u.
F. B. Wiley. $dS
H J , Hugglea. I7H.
H A Ilttvi* 175.
II N HomlH<-k. |!M».

, ' \
Ikrtlia Cjiu»ptH-ll, II7..MI.
Siii ah Prall. $55 5«.
CunW 1‘urUy. pnaciiial. $»Ui.
Aaale Loa uabur> . $:>».
Flonnce IVrklio.. $47
tolBia Aluea. $17.50.

Bdlth Roarley $50.
Aaaa iohaaoa. $52.50.
Jeaalc Bartoa. $5150.
UUiaa Johaaog $4740.
Bla Adasx. $47.M.
Oaihla Payac. $47.50.
Addio Johaaoa. 'ISO.
Helea WlHon^. $17 54
teogeae Caaeraa. $il54.


c. $45.

Pratt, dram lag.

^ Mi^ Carolyn Shaa under aaaie oda
dltHm* uf ooBtract a* piaacai year
Ua:i Sooield. aiipertnteadeat a cleik
lor $.-k.
It U furihci -recomiuiodid that aU
•eacheiti be given.teo. days from dale
m which to aigu oontracta a faUuic
BO to d<i Udug cuioittoix'd a rejection
tif thia offer.
K II Meads;
W IV IVde.
tksjjKe E. Hoyt
Mix*^u. alu. taken MUa VivlaaV
|.Uce to the High nrhuol i* a graduate
the Northeiu Normal and han
taught lu the Nvgauoi<» i^h*iolx She
gradtiaie of tlu* Ituiversilv erf
MU hlgaa uud at
lt» ^nclpal in
the Saline achoolft.
MIkn l.ulu CainpUdl. uho will leach
iu Ih*- IkwiJdruau a^emie buildUig. U
TiaMM*<* City K»il and after ftniah

Tto awdkratkian of £. W. Uah
Mrm. & C Ueapraa. UatUa M. Btroag.
W M. Btaghaai aad A. S Dohaoa for
oecuma eauataiatofa aero received i
the Matter vaa put over uaUl the next
Meat tag oa Mr Meada' moUoa.
Tto bead of Ralph & Haaltaga. city
treanuior aad treaaurcr of tto board
ot eduoatlou. vaa approved. The boad
U for $7u.00u and tto aabcllea are
Vidor Pdertyl. Jaaiea M. GttlaU.
Ktaaaaei WUhotai. Robart CahlaroU.
beoa F. Tluu. Alfred W. Jahraaa. Reaa Thirlby.
T. Sauahall
W Wail. Sraeat W Haatiagn.
cc^mmualcatioa from L. L. Wri^t.
The auperiatoBdeat urged that a atrid
atated that biaaka had becu aoat
for the annual repL>ru aad achool canad» aad aiaat be returned by July 2.
Tto aupciilneodenl urged that a atrlct
acoouBi of all blind chUdrea to kept.
The repori of the truant officer vaa
M .vived and IIUhI.
The rvport of the city treasurer
Khowlui: cash no liaud. |U*.7*A :M.
Mss ivisl aud hied.
I bis ixuniilded the bualaoaa of tto
luiiuber** araaion vaa htdd Inxilng
umii afUi It ocitvk At lhi» aeaakMi.
UiMiera vert* dUcuaacMl vhlch will
probably wme up ui the nH<eling next

Tto Hebrew iradltiun aarrihed the
Inventam of velgbM and loeaaona to
t aiu.'tbo^iu irf Egy pt to Tbeuth. ttoae
of tireiHv to Uermea,

Ttora M a atory told of aa BaMi
•qulta wtob oa hit way toaw aaa
utokt dnppto to Mtttoal toao tto
wiadow aato a aUUtag whkh to toM>
looaoly to hla haad toady fer a certata
Udigata Arrived hogta. to ga^ hia
or tto ftrat cnMhdi
eoachaua toatraettou to locorer too
la aad hta goaea
phal tfttor^toio Calala.‘ nMllboora.- or toot tolittag. aad UhoctoMaoitaaadraota vem a&oag tto «IUtruaMau ato to do tok htotarlf to Mat call to
which waia played te their totaw. An too aid of tto caipealcr. Tto next day.
while aRttog wtto hto fasto at I»m4h
ottor of thtao vraa called a
eoa. tto ahlRtog waa htoaght to fruaa
tto a^^tofa. Tto couutry agolvo taodO
pleiMt triiuaiih of hk thttflUwaa. tot
few vtioto
later wtow too cmrpeatoc^ bUI Oiaptay- ,
tto “Ealghtea Tale:**
rrhM. trojvpra nahvTM aad dart
Thai la the baUilk hloveo hlody

Tto king geaccaUy kept a uaop af
ttoae bandamra or itdaaiiela ia
ta hli

otr.. and getting out ahiBtog
5 ahUllaga-^U^ Newi

Raoaak^^:,: . r..
raid 11. Tto goto Chapa
ebapa aad ttw k^neabto VMoa
Tto vaffUo aad tb.
Tto vteter mraua medf’d la
t to Kog^r I bo truiufwter. Jaalo.i
Are ahadowa tha* diaXrtoa •»»» w
Fur chaaga tto laitu-e *ta -Xojva
r mad aHufich lr> oa tr>
r aa Cvacy ii at tu# hot.

Fiyina aa Wall aa Flooiaat
The OKI pcOicrtaan vaa telltag of bla
early exiwriew on the Um, Wtou
to flnut gut u lirat it wined (tot to
had Ivru ended upon for ax*4Afaace by
eacapiug UviuevWxv aud tod lu ha
effort to halt hliu flred wverxl ahou
in Uu‘
-I nU. Ore.1 at too inxn.** %xW tto
old iHdU^raau -but av to irrf : w
Wde n«» refkirt *rf the affair. \» xl <!a.T
the bcutiMjanr ;iak«d vb.v I bad verf
luoatWijwd tto nffalr. and 1 rcplbxl I bit
1 tod only ftred lulo the air «od
thought nuiM .g
of li. ‘Hma lu
tbo airV .s.niidriir^ tto lieuteiiai
niufa vtol
otlier uian any*. H
lUJiiK Uie lartu v.ta flyiai
Siu.'- then 1
«lwny>t toa Or retiorta

' - AgeaU fdr-


Hocking Valley Rug Co
to the inch.
;uid wear lunger. Tti»* beat rug
the inarkvt. Thla Iv a»y third
ymr's experioace. ta-l uu* give
you iiricea. Cttr. phoa«.' 10IO.
:,4ig Weal Ninth 8l

The Haiinah & Lay Mcrcanitle Company



Shoe Sale Most S^ensational
The New Maaaoeaieat of the Shoe DIvIsIob Has Gone Throagh Our Entire Slock
and finda many complete linos that we do not wish to carry, and while these are good goods In every way. yet they will
be closed out at most sensational prices to make room for other lines of goods. Every pair of shoes -- Men’s.
Women’s and Children’s—that will be included in this remarkable sale arefuhy worth the price orisinallv marked, but

Sffi^ijrcifliyy IVIaiy 4
sad wiU casthie uttl the CMds ve sold, bnt the prices we have pot on these reaOy floe roods wiU make them ro with a rash. It wtu he
to yoar laterest to he here early aad ret Jhst what yoa waat.

Men’s Dress Shoes $2.95


Men’s Odds and Ends

made a Patcit Calf. ?a<eat Ud aad Chraae Pateat Calf,
ftva itaadard Bakes, tachxs the “Haanea $S Shoe.” ’’The
ItehOB” at H.S0 aad $S. AU these spleadid shMs yonrs at

Here’s a saap worth pickinr a^ ffea’s Hae Shoes and Oxftrds in Yicl lid. Velour Calf aad Box CalL These are from
oar best $3.50 and $4 lines. Priced ftr this sale at

One lot of Good Shoes sold aU over ftr $3.50 aid $4.00. We
find yonr size amoat these. Yonaew



“AD Stock and No Style” at $1.48

Women’s High Grade Shoes and Oxfords, $2.45

i. whu m oil a^•bk ol Me.'. Shoa where ,ou wiU liiul cecylhlii. from $2A0to$6.0a
We don’t claim the Ut«»t Style*, but we do uy there is a good lot of splendid
wear in (hem. «od they are yours for

Ladles’Oxfords at $1.98
nod Oxfords, most of
Another 1<lot of fine Shoes
“ for
' $3
“a and 13.60
tS.50 and are made in
them sold
les and from Patent Leather

Onr Biggest Bairain Table Has Four AstfAilshtiff Offers
iewice«c«c«eiot ar«outtrDin$3 to$.5tDa>c.

WoiMnV Qxfcnds that sold for »1.&0 amt’lZ. aad


A lot of Wounen’s hand tiiroed Hotae
Slipper that were priced at $1.50 QKq
and $2.1«o» tor....... ... c.. w. .4700

out of your feet



............ .................A wC

ttg Bargaiaa laBoys* Stoca


Spedal (AU Day) Saturday Sales 8a.S52fffiZKiWJr4f.lES

Tk« tforadr U.Moa vtU .Ml\ ro« Ibe kM< 8as tteted
4*0 klsd few Sir. si4 Ue tS« Usd Iw Us. Tboso ore tk* WlCSSSSTSTi

ware *^*^*j*jj^*^ tto


Riilta tor ffu. ato wD $S$

.... ......... .... aH

our TINY

.1* tta •nata*.




M Bat KlHor.^ Vt'. .‘.V.".>lc
Back oaa la a'V^kta bag

•err MOM m h4HTv or nHi
40IS.I oko Moigbte A poitoi 4b4 A I - M
«Mftor. Thto M woo bototod twtoo. I
bbtolf 4AAAto4. It aaM I


Ttooo Mto Woro «tooA Obikto
AfoAt AA A«on«o or

Doitoc toe 1^ of ApiU
4»towfMtitoiAtiMr 1
books AOto
ooi At too I
IfM Wrtot to boMT «l ber brAiy. tolo botoc aa otomi
K ««ddlNl aMltoctonr. a\ toy. Of tols AOtoboi 1.4I« ^
aa4 Aoiml mtoM verr f«to oAd IJU jAvemOo tctloA.
to aftmM. Mi«. T. A. WU>
Doftot too toOAtb til I
ktom wtutas ib« pitot. A Twr bawb too roAtoM lAOiA M oroAtoA aa4
t book, to too toopootoe eoi
CblldrCAa A lOtol of 1.21k AT AA i
ote of to tollf. SOVOA. bAAtoto
Hr*. Qoofto n«o too prii


Aar or Mr.]
VA.1^. wm hmm MBA ol tip 1
port Shop wkBs Mm will
OAilro ttmo In toa Mp to

oUltooA AttOAtod too story
^ «Mtob BbtottotoodtoUly mootoObi bor
MUfM Dl1|i €3fti |]prtto to too boMooo.
W. H ASBOTT ta wwt Sxfa** ta
I u too otoAto* m™. Uk»»
Oto lo oappor aa4 oo bor nttoTA hi. n.« ««utarm. l» 8uta MrtM. o|k
i>o«ita Vltaar ttawrUIta
rnsj l-u

book OSAto.
bon WtoAW pot toroo Atoo-oAoo to
Utoo tor broAkfoot AAd U A. NoOaUa
VAB too gaam to toe evemtog. Mra. L.
lApbkt totov his Arst AOitboim MkbS^
P. BIphor srtoAtog the head ptUo aad
Mr. Umas toe coAMtoUoA.
Tb«eotaarUtaeahnim**» ktaT
Tbo aojrtoai cioek AtUABtod a kupo
t tar «M *w*.
tbb MMtac
^tar* «r
4*va«e wwu aa4 otaw. Tk* wtaA bAAdle A bto pobbbut toof stock lo It
t». r. m4 A IL. M<
«M ta ih* oortk aaA oortir IkU i
vHh All tbo Aitor of sa oidor toborttoned from V%m Bsge.i
lot lh«« «M a taae aad • Uta to
MrtMl to b* #V«» IV
entag SVwa to Ang. 2C. Wt.
ilM ainunkrto oo« tkon WM ae
bAto Uos AA4S -Batch- Novouy aoaI
PapcJA Woro Full to Inloeoto and
totototov «r«to|
rhlch la stated the fact that ault
or MOW. eiaaaaaaoUy tk* Moitaln ol
iPbMli mim torttol
Muoicsl Propram Wao Very
wlU he commoocs^ If the Berber Aa
Uuh woiuio oaro ahla to ooraoo
Bert Prim omd J. Wosior m dobn»
tfifMl by u« 1
phalt company dow not comiAeto their
At lUtlnnl. dowB too Pore Uat••wtae •» wmr
contract. Another cttpplAg Is from the
a.ta» ataLoloMnal • amt BH BHB •totto.
Akion. Ohio. UoaouA Journal to bVh. roomd every day. The IomI snAfkto
Attosr Aod Joltoi WlAAlo took s
WUIIaa ekoar, aa a*Ml. wa* Um
Tbe BoardmAB atoBBe Mutbvni' club «. !•(*«. whicli states that that city priooo ans mippllod hy tocto daiiM.
am 0*0 la with a Me oatek. Mr. l4ko «p too ttw AAd sill probAbly
had sued toe tlurbci Asphalt compaay Tha mitAiAi
bpld the tost nwottog to the year
•aatfe AmtV« Am akoBt ivtn U«
May Bfteman. the Bsocclag betog lor $21,701.77, money i«id for ro-^mi
an* «r Ik* Ihdta* «mm.' tait k» 'wkota 4ar to «o a imta Baklac. lo ka CAlCb^
Prsok Naj U wcrktoc aJcac the comprtsed to toe motoem to toe-kto fneiug Howard street with sheet ns
kM hlai OM la Mtlokoil'a *oaA
^aalr lta» tb* M»alatiia
uevgartmi aad Arsc tbreo gradea chll phalt. In thU Insanncn the Barber As;
die*. One to toe gmra up chUdrea. phalt company had siren a ua-yenr
MUa Ruth RotoaA pul the meet tag In guarsutAe nad In the article men
L^L ^ARKtrib ^
Uoned. U Is charged that the ix«ii*auy
tor too cpoAlAf or the soasoc Is hU tune with several ptoao aoleetkms.
Mm. D. CochllB dlscttssed toe bash refused to repair the paving as gua.
spAPO ttobo ho dm srcMins. s hord AAd
UAOOtofortAblo lob wltb toe (rotiAd lul child, saying toat this traU taa auteed, claiming that toe grade of thc-^ dearhack pork, per hbl...A.f
frosoA SA lAcb or eo hot by the dtot due to a menlAl or physkal condition strec<t was too Aat These aro but a
to tooeb lAbor be msAsged to got s or perhaps was InhorUed. Mrs. CV>ch few- iBsUucvrs which have l*ei-n luib
CAA full. Tbo worAis dldoXlAke the Un suggested that a doctor be conanlt- tUbCHl
A letter fiom HUiiaiU J. Uyuch.
toterost to life thAl they would wore ed. that booha aioAg this line be read
the shtoA lAlr AAd too sun wsmi oo and that the child be given sometolBR chairman of tbe siroot commlilue. of
ho %fi thcoB out Is too yard to in to do toat will make him forgH him West lloliokcn. N. J.. Nov. 23. nw5.
cunUiUH the fullowiag sutetnent:
thA SUB goto to lU work. Wbes bo
-So far SH 1 am peiwonally n»i>
- absll We Bnoontwgf the Urea
WTAl Aftor thoin ho fuuod ab ompt>
•SB. boc oooo A mttlo scrmgKly worn er?' was the subject of a papCr byjc« ine<l I w ill m ve r again vuU to
botog ton to teU too isle. The chick- Mrs. pace who was dOUlned and her swai.l a ronUiirt to Ih** HhiImt AOAS bAd got lA toolr good work snd pi^r was read by Miss Cramer, third | phalt c».mpsny. 1 luilbrmu.M* todu ve
grade tmeher. Mrs. Price believed that J am cxpiesslug the opiulous of
proOtod by too doctor's Isbor.
that the dreamy child should be Inter- the entire board to our town lu
. .....................
fsted In oiildoor play but should not lug this .dalenumi '
*.......... a
be punished la the discussion which
While Ihe.v may Iw k.mm1 *‘‘*^''* i
followed It devHoped that many to ihellald with SKphalt the isKude to
gir^bW.! !!!!.*.”!!
I Coo tool Will Bo Held at great men of the woild weic dreamers I Inston street should take Into w^"*^**!
Urge alalks....
in chlldhoud
eratlou the farts whlrh have
^ Let^uc^
the Crty Opera Houm Fr*.
Mrs. Brown dlscussiHl the -Nenous|ln o'.hei cHle- relathe to this paw-j
day tvoBlng.
Child." warning sgHlnai late hours aud men
The doclaBialloo coatoal gtveo by Improper food The key uole of Uie
The^auxlllaiy of the C W. It M.
the High school Kiiday evonlug. May imper was to practice self ciaittol If
will hold Its n>gular uinuthly merntug
S. at the City opera bouse should be v-ou would control others
We bav been remarkable aucccwlul in our inM at
well. palroAliod It la the llr^t oveni
Aa Interesting dlsrusslon followed thU evenlnji at the Cloirch of^ChiUt.
tIB and $90: lor iheae pricet enable to aell clotblne
will Ik*; "Oui ronstriuHoo."
to that ktod that the High sc^l has this paper and the uier^tlug concluded
that antwert every demand for quality of matenal and
ilKTs are oafuevlly ivquesleU lo
AAdfrtAkoB ABd pronUoa to bo a high with a solo by Mrs Uegau. "Cood
awkmauhip. We could name »corea ol our btttbe preiMSUl.
ly suocosstol Aud ploaslBg atslr. Nldhl. Utile Olri. r.cHKl^Nlghl."

m Ita^ WW AM««



ir A

,StNiteri Havana


-i -- Power lor 1four Boat

PMaloev. $$ to 4Sc





koown men who finds our rinea at theae pn^ juat
wbat they want, and aurperior to the ullor'a $36 iwd .
$40 clothe*. Take particular qotice of the. fitting
qalitica of our coat*,—for there come* tht teat of work> pud" durability
ol *tyle aad abape. '

.............._ _ S'S.

AlfShowlsg gpltsOki Vs
St $1A tlttoasd $1A

Tboro will bo tOA well irslBOd oootost
AAts instoAd to eight, as previously an
Vocal solos by Miss Hooker ^nd
Miss Boboon ABd music by the High
echoed orohestrm will gtre vArleiy to

toe pimram.

Eo Wilhelm
Frost StrecL

JIC ?LiUikcti


Carpet iDepartm*t

ughtor of Jamaa Beam
fah. Formerly of This City—Wat
III Over Two Yeara.

The Admission prtoe has beeo placiMl
Margaix*!, dauglilbr of James Bt*um*
?ery low. tl oeou purchasing a reterrod seal In any pan of the house. Ub. died lu tirand Uaplds si i odork
Bonta roaeofd at City News com Ihli motulug alter an Uliu^k to over
two yi*ars. Mlsa Bcaiulhh was 15
will bt^ given y«»ais of age and aa ahe bad HvcmL In
toners to Aral and second place this city mauy years, ahe leaves nuuy
A Ane volume to lamgtellow s friends to mourn fur her. Two ycaiw
$s to toe winner to third. Three ago. In company with her imrents.^she
prtsea are now on cihlbitloo In the moved to Grand Rapids and has Uen
III continuously sliic«; thin.
window nl Martinek's jewelry stbie.
The iKKly win be I.KMiRhl here to­
CAUfHi B^t flainhow.
morrow for burial, llu* remalus urriv0
day's ivsoord b> lug at 1:13 over the Pere Marquette
will be lakeu to the home of Mr.
In the asylum
reek which measured iwcnty-tsci Beamish's brother. .Fred lii'amisli. 233
Inches Ih length and weight'd fi>e East Eleventh slrueL The funerif-wlll
The Ash WAS caught lie held from 8t. FVant Is church Fil
day morning at k o'clock, the Rev.
with bait this afternoon.
leather Hauer ofOrlatlng
Buiisl lu
the Catholic c<?im*l4Ty
II NVwnuto'to the Ktar thrmter
has tBivted his famUy hero and has
tx<d a home on «Wosl Uleveoth
Jas n. Und«*rhlll. Ikiland. S. IVkoU.
stmt. Mr Welle will nut iou%e hU
wMb m boUlqs to Warner's
family here unlU Uwosso achouU arc
White Wine of Tar Ductoia pr*e


FOR SALE—A giaid 7 yenr-oM dilvlu;:
mau* welgblUR l'5n iwiunds at 729 K.
fVint «t.

....................... -■

in MIM but

la Power
A*k (or full partiouton
tud egtakgue.

Walter M. Paige



^Grand Opera House...

Thursday, May 9
OixhTd sr..*.......... ...........


Buying rrtora.

....... .





FOR SALE —While W>atidotle and
Plymouth Rock pullels. K W. Cor IIOK-!
noil city. II F. l». No I CIt phone
12«l ::r.
may 1 it*
gill at om«*. M





70 t

ICurM UdM ....................1

FOR RENT-LarRe luliise. six r.Mmih.
Chliago. May l.-^Whi«t. f
threw* cloM ls. pantry. ttiMHislird ami
ham; |9 iwr month. 117 E.iM Siv com. :.04r. dtatt.s. 4i;\r
Detroit. May 1-Wluat. s3t.
tvseulh slii*idji^quliv at 131ti
may 1 if :.3S;c: oats. 4CV4C*.

Si Plunkard
A Play Yo«<^1 Alterd
tQ MIm

SCENIC AND mechanical


Prices: 25c, 35c nnd 60c, S#M agio
opens Twe$4*ay mOfnlns.

Watch for UicParaae

Itf. I A Tht

to to toe city i

TWi Department is at
aa Us Best at y

Jfjfoa are kneed of

■■■A-y- '-i

OTATE OK MICHIOAN-THB PROO Imte Court for the County ol
id TfATOfoe, At n session of said
t. held at the Probate OfAco in
the city to Tvmvorso Citv to Mfald
county, on the 1st day to May. A. U
Preikoat.Uon. Prod R Walker. Judge
to Probtoe.
' In the matter of the esUto to
go K. Newcombo. toto to said

r F* rids y O n I y
Two Specials for the Children
Im OOmmmnoms 8 m.m. Olosehto r


Harrtol U Nowcombo having Alod
to saM conn her poUtooo praying vhnt
porting to he the tost wlU aad iosta

Worts 9LM

IWescarc soM reonlarly torSSc.

Wc give you choice of veneer seat and back

They are light and durabte. with spindle lock.
‘ Scat is 9x10 inches.

OA Alo to Btod omit bo admlttod to



<adt flto. i Jeputnmt this , j
ItorA. MS we Mf€ nMng spe-

to said snuu he giwRiml to hmuetf or
some eto«r autUhle pmM,
It la ordarod. toat toe twentj^ourth
day to May. A D. IttT. at ten o'otook
le toORooe. at mid prohato toSoa.
nd la hmeby appototod for hmrtng
It la further ordemd. that poblie
ptolrn thamto ha gHm hy puhUoatImi
ad a copy to tola rndm. for toide ao^
emalya umoka pfuutom to atod
BMftafg la toe MPiRlng Rtomd. a

or caavan uphoUtered.

rimiember. those prices are for Friday ONLY. No telaphone onlareaecqiiMl. 'No specials

i: .

IThe Globe DepL Stoi^ W'deUvered. See these Specials ip our Display Window.


AH OMd wiL CMd

TTr.. 1"


roa MM^uik-oo* hMiod Md
%Ui/ MTB m. mPotti Co«r ibUb*
fiMi Acm0. vti ghr# MniMlPM II
to IM f»r« mm ImmHt
«in MX IB 0 SMoral var. tkta ii

M’aUacA ah allegai botaa thief of
Battle Ceoeh.
WUllaB WilaBi aad Oaorge Mutan
mmm prrnmm la aaj aoMly aon dug throe yoaag feaea fioB a hUI
PHmII.MIL WMi Bcm'111 IkwU la ^ Bloc tena aaar pUboio. They
VHm m.
May lU
POM MtS-im-^Manr Md da- wblch are playtag barac wUb tbe
Hmry MlAt Mroar gotef away Itmi aboev la that
oMr. wlU m aoM at a ban
Wada Mraa.* Ill ioitU VMm At.. Palaaavilla bma darWed to build a new
CIU. plMM Ull.
May iu



Mm* *•!• tkni^ fpn MU-ClBAtr po^U; imU mm
ftU cmU torf» OMt tvdvA «Miio
AM to CkM^

iMl >iMrtt

*, »•. lU, »
UM IMl li%ODlB Mo





niffc (%

POM iAtS-jm Ptaa MV tM (



'OM AAUI--<kidd pta nuM». M W
HoafdMaa avaana.
apr mi
Mr mf POM MALt-Mabbar.Urod Bv Mm
vtmt Pon »ALI AT A •A®ftAII*-All U gaad M aaw. or v|kl iaha aa part
paymiaHaal Hoad bbSDT. Oaa
[dlM «U
W lAe Oral Wood
B. Baaban tmHmm, OU. pbaaa
»ft ST'U
Ml. uMoa OBy^pbwa m.
A*r >HI

riwvritrr—I10U Mw-hAmp-

. CIt. m.

WANTW-Hioo « tht OtoI Wood

a|»r Sf4C«

Bar lAtf

WAMTAO-Ai Wia IaAo Vlow koM. POM MAtf
m MAlltd*. • tlfl to »wk to Iba lac aaUMc
AMcAm. a AIMM Mm «lfl ood •
mmi ou«k, WikMi HAM* i«M.

Bada la ’ardar froB akl earpau at
POM tAUK-ForUbla Mm MiU wUk
WA^TtO TO aVT ItOMtA^K rou alda adcar; bailor ftil# taabaa; AM> Obapiab: M VMAMM ^tpailaaaa aad
altaatloa paM to mil work
Aa»« •■/lar «M* fWo M M M aagtaa mi. AH ooiiiplata raady to aaiMal
aaat barA Cttlsaa phoaa IIU. *
0(«|tu tUO M« I ««1 M»0 ood M
MA Will fiva aopi oM a Vargmlo
Sttid OMdtUua.

AprU 11 1



H 1 !(<»•>■

UU) I lf

WAttTtD-HoMOkMpor U ril>. Ad
drMt A O,
UMord tpr IkU


lur« rwIriM.
fumltur* pMtklM
Ilf Vmkm m

caiUAi Md
K. H. T«M0r.
0pr IU

WAflYIO—Aft «ldf>rly

woimb &l
liaiiMtkMiptr: |«u »1Im fruiu po^l


iBQolrci Hmrd ctfAoe.
»K I tf

MUtanin. B. J. Morfaa.^



POM MALM—Power Bpraylaf MacbMa
la kood order, raady for boalmaia
BaaMia for aemag. oabard lo laffga
for UU macblaa. Bargala for 1
oB«v 11 J IlcMgmu
uuo HI

POM MAtC-Huuika aad lot; nodarm
ooa\eiilaacaa aaoapt beaUag; algbt
Work. froB poatolMoa; aaay ti
Modorata eont. Pboaa 4U or call
111 W. Ntntb Ktraci.
apr IMI


POM MAtt-Al «l»2 Waabtoitoa Ml,
uuo library Ublo. oae ball bta^ ou«

MLAMTIC roof paint; Eve yunre guar
anlaa. l\ir tcrmi of pnlnilug and
>alau aoqulre of U. 8 Mariln. coo
tractor. 721 Wafehlugtun airacl.
apr mf
CMMMCMNT poultry yards, standard
brad Whita Wyandotio^ po^Un^;
eggs fur aetUng |l for
McCrmy. fl2 Monron 8t
CONMULT lladam hincA tbe palmist
nt kl7 UnkB upon nil nCalre In Ufa.
mar Ki-tf

•ARA T. OHA»«. ML ».-4MnM «Mk
krnvwta* ktMir .Ink tkb

«,«Nr Um> Kox«ni««t K«liN Ikl. K>t




POM MAUff ~Hr»t riaaa pMUl aad bU
lUtd twim la good toaa. AOdiaaa
* mUUidk/ Houad ofgiw
apr IMM

fOM MAtC-Modi
daaba. Kill a TVoat Mi. tot bftilfO.
Prtaa flMl. ClUiaoa pbooa H8«l.
Mar. lAU
POM MAU-K»«an aa good aa aaw;
, ifatctaTMimda; will aaU lor alaiat
half COM. 4«4 WoUalar auoai.
Pbuaa. UU. If U «*r 7U.
apr AU

oaobalf mOea city Barhat;
baarlng paacb.
bouM aad I
orloa IlMf. Wada Beoa.. II
toa atraab Ctta pboaa lilt.

OiT your UcycJes cleaned and rapnlrcd at Culman s, TOk Uuloo 8t.
POM MALM-1471-U aeroa too Biloa
mar 10 Imo
MUta Bank baUdlag; Maaat looa
Mr aabarbaa foaldoao# la Ula rw
Prtoaft.MAWbdaBfOA.tlT NOTICM-H^ clean chimneys nnd furOaloa alfoaL OKa pbava IIIA
atoraa through the
aty Mtova
pair Oo.. fOT W. ITual. Cits. €17.
ll.MA Wada MfOA, fit MmU


WK MAKM all kinds of photuR; de
vehip kodak tlms. Electric Uallcry
apr lo-lmo
POM MALM—Twalrwfooi oonater wUb
•el of algbt drawora aad two
fool ahuw casae all in good coodl
UoA 8 K. Walt 4k Boaa. apj


MaJterR werejsaine manner.

|| general news
Thouuoi F. Ryan who is though! ui
hate his Uu(Ja fslily full of business
iu New Ypik luaiuulus w home at Oak
Ridge. Va.. and is now accused of con
templstiog political office iu that
stale, eilkor tbe goveruorshlp or the
I ntU'd Btutiw souatorsbH>.

the fact that while there
only one
living es-presideuu there aie four liv­
ing women who have occupli*d the
executive manslcu. Th\jM- are Mrs.
James A. tlaiileld. Mrs. Bt'ojamlu Har
rison. Mr:v tJnnei Clevclaml suU Mrs
William McKinley
ui.-moiiu! -<« i-.rl
luWlk-u. II... t-ren.-h coosul
Bchuri .ill MU vxiliiiUii. iu Ihv „ B«Ulinoi,.. I, raaklnK u Kivuvb
Uolivi.tiy of WUcou^lu nllU MmiV
..ri,, v.u Wluklf.
Thv lorBivr w-] 1 h,.iuu, J. B, ,M.ii v.i-vi i. lo
quatutaiices and
Mi |jin
auu the sdintters
•uuiiieis ol
or mi
i,j Kiauce
Fiance shuilly.
shortly. At
Schu,^ iu Wlscxmslu hate raid'd |kn. •
late Jr^ueph
1HH> to be Invirsted aa au endowment j j^ar^ioou
Jeflejouu had
had a
a eouleient
eouleiencc on the sub
(or thl. ihalr.

apr 2k if
POM MALM-fl acraa oa paataattlA
good bouM. t\% acraa appta orchard,
TO MMNT-Two unfuruishiHl rooms,
POM MAtt-^i’lao room bi»uko; all
una acie poare. four acraa UBbor.
stoam heat, electiic lighu, water;
Tbi l^.4lK«|. MlUvuiv o( ArvUnwl Iqiu lin to iU»> Kip. Usuubv-Mr. JvBvi
uuKhtra lOB^ealaocttt. larga yaid
•pitug water. WHUaB Pulvar. clly.
Ulrd Poor. fioBL Ik. Peoples bav- og> and Ethnology of lUrtaid Is luak Jiiou I'ouid nut speak kYi'nih lliooiu.
Bar tAlBo*
lugi Bank.
apr X2 U lug armuikmtMiU lo send a parly this Jefferson, however. sm>akR the Un
summer lo study the Nex Perctwi lu guage fluenilt
MOGt POM MALl—Whlta W>wadoliaa. TO MINT—Two bouses, one oa
dl-ns in Idaho. The effort will be to! Emmett. Idaho, has a woaran man
12 for li; winner af allror enp at
hheventh street and one on Maple. Uam something of tbe Ungimge and
W\vi nine- or Ian arraa Umber, auod
eger ol a ba.a'tiall team She is Mrs.
pimltry ahow. J W. MlBiaarBaa 4
Inquire TumbnlJ s grocery store
on haul spring eater; barn Write
of the IriU*. auc.ul whkb lUlle August Thommeu. wife of tbe mau
bon. 303 MouU Mvlaloa «trMt
y J 01 K' M. Mlovar. Travail
npr 2Atf is kuowu. Sh they Rte a sw ivilve peo­
agor of the hotel at Emmett, and her
ple. H. J. Si.Jnden.
iDstiuctor iu
ealied the Junior Ixsague, U*
tbe departtnini of
rOM MALM -Oood. faat dHttng bunm. MOOMINQ^OUMM POM MALM-Tbe
I ing composed of Emmett »K»ys. The
aenlla, K K. BellaBeil phone
be in iTiarge of the work.
fneu furulahcd. Ual lutwlcd la ciU.
113 S itna^ «
apr you
1'hU U a looney Baker; ruoBa all FOM MINT-124 Luka
raoled Will Uke out peraoaal fur.
nerve strain aud oounl
quire lU E Eighth 8t.
POMI %ALt--M acre farm pfght mllai
4ecF*d U» the*! going iiwuy from home
ullurc to auli puiohaaec. Call O.
of white house life boitei than do their without s cbaiKMou and Mt&. 'Thom
>rth on weal iMoahora.
Bemuw. XM f'unil 81.. o^cr 8herBaa
husbands sexm lo be exemplified by men couconied lo ad as such, to tbe
4 Httttler’a
apr to^ai*
.koo* lumdre t%aa Bpfvoar at A.
rooms; U per booUl Inquire at
great delight of the boys.
€B E. Eighth 8t.
apr If-U
AprU 101 ma
Ministers of the guspcl iu Washingtun sud In some other places where
POM MALM-im-Mti rooM hootA POM MALM-II01-4M?Bi 100B bouaa. FOM MtNT-«l Caaa atraaL
Secretary Taft U well known aim at
Itoih gaa aad aMcArlt Ughu. Qood larga ML ooroar Boyd hhd’ Pern:
^ ItJM^
Wada Beoa.. fiT
him a curious crlllclam They *!ay that
Hm. «MM 1*WA ckva lA WaahiaMioa Mouth Ualoa ML OkL pboaa ISIA TO MINT OM MMLL-M niwaa U Baal
▲ NAEMU or hkiadUafaM* Is in. he does not oftcu attend church and
MML Prkv IlffM Wada Bioa
BnytoiBablpL Ed. fMon. tu Webdlcaiad by oalroeM of tbe Ups. that ha does not seem lo rare for cou•IT Maath Uatoa ML, OtUaaaa Pboaa
tbs gums and syelida and Is most (re- venlioaal reJlgkms forms and cereHIM
iaa Ht
found m girls sod young Bontes. They do not say that the
aecreury 1- Irreligious lu the broad
saiiae. but merely that he doea not
good lop
U *. Trimble.
LOgT-Poppy. Bootch collie, tan with
POM MALM-Un-Oaa huadiod aad white on toew Finder kindly noUfy fainting, hsadachs. susUy fallgusd. ds- comply with tba usual rule of men
apr M it
In high public sUUon in tha maUer of
Ulriy4ta acre farm, atgbty aeioi Bobmrt E. WnRer, conrt bouse, or prssaion and darooodency.
iBprotad. larga bara aad good mw. BIghUMt.
nprkStf Tbs blood Is lacking In the life susrdlBWrmaa, Ml M. Uvlaloa Mt
UlnSng poarat which Is nacoaasry to ths
boaaA aaobaid. larga aaBaal of
The man who oouifola the TMw York
propsr worhij^ of the bodily organs, board of aldaraiea. pansex rosolntlona.
apr Aitou
good wood. UBhar. tam aU feaoad
pad cua only bs rastorad by the osa
aad ao batter aoU to ba faaad; 9U
of such a hBod-formlng prsparatloa at Buiiona aad ordlaaaoea at wlU. klMs
Bllaa apaibaart ol city aa sala Hol. bad a narrow aaoapa four yaan Dr. A. W. Chaaa# Earvs FlUa
them or burlaa ibam allva in coaxago. wheu he ran a JiBaon bur Into Ou acoonui af ths way to which Dr. mUtaa plgaouhoku. *Uula Tim** MuML
road. Baat Bay towaOlp: fMaa to his
UuBk Ha aaya: *Tha doctor A W. Gham s Ksrw Pills snrtch tha
foboQl aad fbamb: vQl aaU aa aaay
to natpouu te hat I would not Maud and hulld up the ayaiasa. they ara
%mwk vwaar U vtbar baataaae:
bought •n tax
hog of
L. iI toOKht
o( BnckMn’a
BocRIn-* htyoud doubt tha moat aOactlwa trsai- noe tha nay oihar aduhor In Ue


Pale, Weak,
Anaemic Oirls.

K Wonderful Ecxema C
**<Hir mile lH»> bad wsciua fur flv<
yeatA ■ wriii-s N. A. Adams. Ilenrietu
Pa. -I wu of our boiM' doctoi s said ibt
We then employed ulhe:
»ui no betH'flt nwuluvl -By
i‘rvkad about amrlc
>11 le aud soon uuilced Impro V omen
xmtluued this mediboilks were uschI
wben our boy
Boat €4 all bk
bulkflng biwlth tonics Guaranteed at
Hugbei .!>rug Co.. Frank Meads. Han
nab Drug Store €0c.

LadUA -yaii ana jump an tt trampU an IL but It will cams up amlllng
avtry time.** Calmnn'i liaatic Floar
Varniah, 4. E. WaH A io«a. Travarm


»u»t2s. si
I w a p B ; to s sLvbiuK
Wyakoup AU CVUmoa phsns 47.

A. a. D00aON-Ju»iloe of the Peace.
lUmllton 4 Millikeu block. Bunds,
deeds. Bortgsges and oontracis ac
kuow lodged; real osUte boughL
sold or renUHl lu city or oouatry:
money loaned. 1 have aume
bargains listed In farm and city
prupciiy. in office Weddoaday and
Baturday evenings. Renldaaoe phone
at. W2.
apr 2h-«

F. F. LAWTON. M. Dt—Office \
DR. M. M. QREOORY—FhynlcUn nnd
oorgaon. IH Cun atroaL Pbona
office. 7€(k2r; ronManh^ 71


K. O. T. II. M. Na Ttl BNta «TWF
Friday alcht In (k* Bfonek klook. Hut
WIUwui Commnadw: B. U. PtanklS.
R«*rd KNpnr; B. A. B«Nt. VtanaN

Farms for SalB
1 Have a number of irood
farm*, all the w»y from 40 to
160 acre*, for asle. or If you
have any good propejty, t will
uke it in exchange and m»ke
you euy termi. 1 can lell yoa
a good farm (or leu money
than you can buy it of any­
body eUe. I have farm*which are located from four
to 20 mile* from Traverao
City, alt good improved land.
H you have good kvil faraM
1 wiU Iniy thorn.



Will IntHKi Tou
We Ohll nUentioQ to oar navr
Etnbroiaeriea* the apeotal
feature beinK tbnl tba da*
signs aie much asan
tirolhnania uBMltj
iheae prioro
Nol a



WMafAMA WadaBiaA.MIT Baatb
OakoMBL OB. pboaa lUA


||i ■-

il7 MovU Uatoa ML. ClU pboaa
UlS. ‘
^ Itl

iCIty MMlaf Oa
. aay 111

•Ahr* ud itat (Mirta tta

Oa. rraak H Itatai. Itauak
S3 a.'
OASOSm iiSMH ud |do««l;
■Rad* UN* nl Sard * uuBka ot
•n Ite kUSid iwrtoca Ptas* »?



dUthig rouB ublr. idgbi dlalorrwBi POM MALM—geraa two aad

clialra oao fuldtag bod. uue kiu btui
niHfii. uac kUrkoa ga« iwugv. <mv
ou'ucJi. one dialog buffat. om wrlUag
d<>lb UBf Ktal4ier*ckatr, oartioU aud
rug*. Pleaaa call foraMuua.
apr 2d «l


I. i^mmK to k*v« K Ik4 Mr* «r
kl «t.-rk ta tlM ,Nr»k* kat kosaaw aad amke a prugrmm of
af aU kladA eaAlag ap tbe good Heae Mmu for tbe'poHIMa fioB the »ak%
irttb a gei
rauBhoa at whkeb % ^ ^
who ara OMklug Bore oumey
Meat ugaakara. aad la ulhar llaaa. Tha coal of llrlug 1»
here, wUl be aabed N kKk l> Rno U»t m n* «tak» t.
«. UM pmn.
ckUK* V« prf.
\ kulKiH. «.uik. thml. •kd ck«n*. nmIn «a ik* cMU Mrvlw. Jo^ OR. K. a. minor-o«m «nt Awaik
Drat Mora. «»«eM attaMlN
ikr *i«NMr ol i. r. SohNN. or J«* tknrrw. roeckUjf <nr«r (na moco, oaa
to N*. tar. «MM aad tkraaL <HaMa
.fo. i» 00 ((klkHlN la U* No* «t»-]kM aurtod lo anw a. auU »rH»r
do* of Ike Htftaad l**d!n' •w- U j Nd allbooch ho oaa aotlfccr road aor
bi ooaBUBul of tt augiaiH of pnrr {wNU^ he coaRpair) the numbeiu ou the
aoM. Uuked togMher. but atUI la the hoaave with tbe addrran and Baaagee 'artaary. tfcla wdkC^dtMaaw: U

eburoA P4aaa for thc-edlMce bare not
yvt bach aeegred. but n airueiure lo
coal fIfjffO fw llAaae B propuaed.
Tba buHdlag will eioctcd thla year.
Mat a» they were maehad to hold down bU Mb
At a Beating of tba bualaaaa toca'a uui ay Bir. aoKaaon in Auuaa. me
U OMR decMisI tlut Lapeer • U
Urgeet nugfri Is made lato IM- ebarm. aw*
mlH thla year haee a Kuurth cf July j Bm
Bosldaa tbM. Mr. Molomon has a nag I *
cetebrmtioo and hoBc-cundug lu Au ‘get
gH of gold IH laches tong, bealdes I
gaal. The BunageBeot of these' ceb'-j nu
msuy specimens cd gob! uust. wblch || T
bmtIoAs was pat lato tha hands of the I hi'
imi In Alaska
bpcctHl lo (he Evening Rt^coid
municipal coBwltin .' Arthur 8oow- M^ OolumbU and other gold
TboBPMMville. HIbh.. May l^Dr
(’hurchlU. 1*. C. C'lmuitua.! The old llaiiM« harm, fi
da and Suriaon. Remoroi M^
ficea In Munqon hlork oror BniaMi
r. M. Iku^rson and A. O. Usrbar. ; pnrt of tlw UrcUlcatal gtoup iU build- J. B. Peltier leturM KrhUy frt»m his
4 Barra. dUanna phoua
busincas trip to arand*IUipkla.
Chsriua Wesley, af Bagtnsw. ujltB« at Uuskf«an. has Ihhw
Ml Hbd Mrs. Kraak Otmht ol Markm
old. was reiakrted
repurled to the police tied. It was 00c ef the largxot bams
r a. I
for hanging nround tha Grand Trunk In tbe city. ixi\ering nearly €u&€b feel apaat 8u]iGay bore with the Utters
and action
A guarataed.
depot at Batila Creek, aunl la consc of grtMiuU. Koi many years it sUnid brother. K. R. Grant.
Music Honaa. au.
MUs Kale MK^racktut of TYankfoit
gueoce was lodgad In tha city jail as on the south side of the alley between
a -vag.'* The toUl of his poaseaskms Second aud ThJid sin<eu. facing the U visiting her sister. Mrs K. Quick.
The l«ud coorert given
tba brick
cents and a jackkolle
He rf^ar of the hotel For some lime it
stalcHl that Me had
eiupkocd at has been lu dlsuta' abd was tn daug<‘ building Fdday evening was a good
mat and was i u rvuu to Vnlparalsu. of iK cxiiulng a ftta menace. Now lU success and M'lteU the band buya i
Ind. He did not wish to spend the lumber, which has beconlo quite val­ uaat little sum
Utts UanKHi of T^wnUort apnit Bun
money lor a tad. as he thought he uably will U- sold. It is said that
day beta with bis fhmUy.
Blgbt need It for fdcKl before getting
muQh has the prlct' of lumber
MUs GiHMgU Trowbridge of Mauilo
Job. hence had rcn»ortod lo the depcU a^c creased of late years that the salvage
will bring morirthato lix origlusi cost woe U vUlllug her Uihei this wch4.
lodging housL ^
Ilauor is now working for the re­
Whether a tombslcnir wUl set as s
4M State Bank Udg. Balk phovqa
It is m.w thought that August Kit I
hoodoo to Um' Kurt Huiun high u hool nig of Holt Huitun who became lu moval of tbe county seat from TYankM C. A . aggrc-gallon. which is sane wbUc trateliug fiom Ihuri Huton forl to \bait burg.
John Bmllb is building a large bara
piaciUiug daily Tor tbe exuniug base to Umver. Col., aud was brought back
ball season is yet lo be determiued. lo his home In that city Ust week, will on tbe rear of his lot.
John Herren e xpacu to leave
Horn e ver |*iof. Mcbmitt and Capl. n>corer
The deputy sheriff who
for Piuetun. wboie he has u
JaiooR Uiyaai do not believe U will ns brought the man there from Denver
a block. C R. WaL
tUe> bare plactsl a small cemclory was aim a(xomt«nKHl by an insane good isTMtlon as manager of a mi^t
maiker ‘ at the home piaU' at the man whom he Ustk tt. his horn
Mi^ Madge Dixon has arxepted the TRAVERaa CITY LEOION. Na Ufiathletic Meld
IndlanaiioJU. Iiul The mania of the
Nathmal ProMotlro
The iwxt dcHT in Ike cage at the park Indiana man tta.% similar to that of puslUun as trimmer in the aty Mtllln
meet In Woods
at Fort lluiwn. were given a l»ad scare Kre4ulg and was caused by the high cry abop.
K. M. Dixon and wife spent Buudsy
The canlua' wa> playing altitude of Culorada When the trwiu
by a dug
bram MmUb. praaldant
around the park "aud vccut up to the on which the officer aud the two in at tbrlr auiumer home at BeuUh.
; Nuttla'a
Mrs Eva Astrauder was a* business
cage, and indlng that be ciHild Just
mao wars Uaveilug neared ludl
squiexe through the haia. went in. ana the ludlanapolis man became
travir«« city lrooi. Na m r.
Tba dacr became f mu tic auU suned rsUousl audwhen he stepped from ibo
Miss Sadii' Rjvwl i and Mac- SU b
to run around the cage. Tbe artUms imiu he was hlms<-lf again. It U U
o( the dcHT seemed lo anger the dog lioved tliai Kieiulg. no* that he is bins cT Nessen City w
aud he jumiM>d on the back of one and | hack lu Fon Huixiu. w ill ixx uvei lu the towq Salurdsy *

TMOMPMOHRooaa m 8(ata Bank. Telaphtiaa.
at Sf3. Hoars II to IT. 1 to 4. T lo
• ; Bundny* by appointment
doaoe €10 STatA Tal €T4 at
POM MALi-Klgbly acre larrn. Ibiit
apt 4 IBO
lU) tuiTBfthlp. O U Mtelgor, llouU
8a\e It a i-avage bite.
i. Ul>.
apr 2<M0f

dona nt Hrm Dnnn
\jm ate. phoan R 141.

- TT"..:---- •ae^atacaafga of tae wum of bU
Maoatad la IhU

IBB oM Umxim Ofoaaa aad other
autaa are alao patioaa.
Altar aa OMdUag chaaa of ire aUIca
la which Ibeir mnanr bad a bUc aurt.

honid^ Ha la also Mat In physical
wHdenwu the iaor Umn unib of tha
Br. A^^n^Chama Nerve PlfSa » oants Bamhara who may ha ehoBdnUy rwh^
a box. at an dsslew. or Dr. A. W. tfiUiB nlng nroad doMg hto hMdtng. hut
Madlrtnr Go. Buffab^ K.T. PartraUnad Pha any matMr that aoma to ha tmZaSSmt •( Sr. aTw. dta«. tta «i- poHgnt mmm lo n rote jh* BMjurUr
NN t*NW« ktak <«*tar. « «T«Trtax.
nwgiu a slianl trotn LIttM TIbl

«x Cta«t»« Uu« eswe. «Xo to*

MU phou M.


. A McPHAIL-DatMt Over Johntoo dfu itoro. BaU phou ggai
rtegi: Clu. €€g-l rings.



Lotoof M» goodb at the

FIAMO TVNIMO-W. N. miuia. m


VsliBrsi &SW mess



TMW «r« WW 1Ut» «•
A«>«M •* .
^ ■uWIO 9t*m^ 4>M

4. «M >9
T- -|-- M.
•M to tototoML' • -«M^-


****** *T2II2irlMlSrteH

a^l a, tw BtmMc
(rnw tk« UMwat Nm« IWYtoa
teMli It* Itotl

Ko, M9. -mft

2i"*njixrMa »AU. -n»

•aiMtoi ilunilai to i
M«c M&. “T*- U Au
CUUM* iMtl
nin^ m k.m. Tk«*.
nifl^r HiMirtU.'* H . I



taiittMclM “TMt^C9
Nmmm." tMl '*•*• At
fPiCIAtl TW [

Soiioa toag aamlimiur bj teU

»2%»2» ^3SS' M> «M»« •«

M *««#.-

iHtk **»i»Tilii'

dMcfe fcjf JliU Jwn Md U«


Grlilnell Bros.
f||(K|0M> PiH«*J«»r> tOUW^ti^ VICTOW Mtohlnia


Traverse City Store: 69 E. FrontStreet.

tUM kal Mu«te» kM
rWMIteii ttete u»rwt
ktoik tokw kto* te »wtete Uto wktofc
in 4ito Id teniMto ktovwk tk.
•Mlik. toM. tttok (Mto Wk
•rtec .kewt retoUMWwW «l
tefpra .. ter* kteto tor m
It to Ml Utel tkrt.
>)ibiKmw Id ur ■ra.l toteo
tot Ik. (iMl kattoa. .11 «w>4 m tk.
Mtok .1. tol uvtei I. a »ut. to «n
P.M. wktok to .MtodlMb toltouL
It nay k. mW .ttkoul aay toW.^
Hr. tkal tk. «k«
•roanl ib. Ul«t. ako. .Iikoul aa»
tateaika M kto pail, to alaay. vwr
lac a rklp W kto .towltor «ktok to
■yed a ltk .u»plckn by aU tk. tokcr

doat^iiad ma Rar hliu. Rlaca lhau I
• ha%« vo«rad arvar lu mi« up a llli R
mala Of any Mad.
• Aboul a year agu I hagaa lu aulUc
Um Hatwa to, MV I- *■ *■ »>« lhai I waa Iho coaici aUmcUoa ahan
•tea Dm «mIiIu
I ai’Ut uu the' alitvt.
■ko .wwM'to Ike tnUcB to«t »ti-k
•What madr im> auapIrkHiii wap the
hn pnit.t7llaa Iran tbr wuwmi vho.
In .ItetM, «rr IDIIW UI hvr* kin u> Carl itiat l would an> ibc aanie womaa
(it lliut ttnica to tho cuumo of
wwd kcateto kb . III U>i k« ka. ba>
wtwdto klBW'll to kU iwMB*. bakod an ttfU'iuoon. aOil M a up plaluty rd
a» tenia, aad bam^kto *ludo.a br tW al I wap hriag ftdhiatd Nol oob*
..unn of Mwluro «*<•. bui




Sjc^k^kirr. :,t“k^. to ttoj-- u I ao nark n. to«c^ to ibrl.

dlrtvlluu ihtiy would fcoUlc »t mo.
W or
-KM oaly llul.\
ha. hyl
bi^u drugglns we »*y furvdng (Aloio
^ raaM4 r» t*ai tm
:4r»vl Uat whai
Hum ihiuush lUf hr>hoU- td my pUh p
mmm iHMla allh taaix hm^ ciulhitoi
tluA muiiiani ^tart* uir luaaly tu Ihr lui: mom, mad I «m w nick ihc •cti
moiotiM; ihnt I can h«nMj obh* to got
a^d I caa
hn lulkia au^ aUh
up. Thtiu oie OP mnii> t«p o half
htr arc- aalU I am h<a« |Mut her."
down, who cume •. umnduu* mmtud
•*Oaly two moaUiu a»«, ’ ^aW Rig
-| aai. ilM* aMurr i4 hiuillh anU ikr id»n^ In Iht (u jipc of u lUt. ilnji
Wommi. no mutin how j the hnl. Pud at k ibf mau :,eMa«t U
t** »** tkiiuBllmc^ ihi y arc
iMttilfwJ, kovrr aji>«alod
lo lu Whew
to 4hr gwUo (rf a Imuk wtetU or cai t>
I waa a fouug mau I haB u lair afalt.
:4imc olhrr irwpsduga Ihcy prok tu acjl
It wr»l like thoupiudauf olhtua have
UP a Idlud. Bui It w ill atop If I have lo
foow. The gill Ihiuighi umio other
IMAow wa- hoarr ttadilug than I Bhc i^HUd r\cnr t*onl 1 |Kiwwa;i,*’
tllSilu-.. men In a hiick koupi> lu a
IppbloiuiMr latt (if Ihr cUy and U (uu
wldviwd wiMithy. Tht* ixUlco havf
giaouxl him ppoclpl • utUvi lo^guaid
l.b loaidokco Mkl k«0P away all offeud
OyEPVOON THE PACT THAT Wt log'hook ageou aiid maa huuUoi



»WE OlVE OPE tio Ik. kCAUt


The toaat uuto tktec to apt to dl*
lurb Ik. Itornau aar tordto noaial
rdUlHbrlun. aad k. ww «vU
Uua. la iBcldniu wktok a« la tkray
KivM lanll and laatealftcaai.
Thu. tk. niwtluc ketaina Klac
Kdvard aad Ktec Vk
.iH«d Ih. katoer tench
aa alwa>k radretod to
krra». alllrh aaad cto
the Ckraiau prtaa.
which Ur aay
uapit^udiuHl obwncr wa. Bothtoc
bill aa act to ptollcoci*, .lihoul aa>
pulllical aUaldcaacc.
tif tuakc uiaium wnrsc. the Preoik
mtolidw to «v. tUacral incquatt
chw kto liiof lo lu.poi t ibo tortteia
to Btoport, aad lu bl. oulonokllf
drove lor uiltoa atou* Ibo (U-i
f root lei.
The kalper ha;* dooo tb© aame thing
lime and aindu without rauaing any
but lb© moat! eommoiit In the
KivucU paiHTM the taMcn In
the wUok* itcramo prcaa L. lu a
tuel} id cxeUeatout.
With bill-i feelluRS lu KngUuO
Agalopt iac rmuuy biwauto of that
li> b Uiratiuo of the BrllUh aphor© ol
luaiiOK© lu Prr.^la. with Abdul llaiul
uoaiing the end of bis day^iu Turkey
with Ruapia la a aialc of it vell
lb© peaaanlH deaperate from alariatkia. with the kaletdoacoplc empir
Auilria only hold together by th© love
Uf lia old Kmparor-a penwn, with tbe
ivoweia id the Trtple AUlancc dlbiniat
lug 1*0© anuth©r. aud AlaacAxirratne
luammuuniable wall In the path
unchlleiinau fiieadablp. The
Hague peace oonfcioncea cauuoi Utivc
away tbe clouda which arc
gaibcntng on the political aky.

Cemmtkd*r PeaiP hk*'
desM^ upoa wiU pot be waptotolve.
Prom tpe coat to Uokaptolttoe. whkk,
to to aUtt tar JuBk. the datwettok to
th* putthaec price to the vmmI wUI

wUI Mteto tkto. to Ih* kMi iMkch
ttepwtu. wk. wOt te*k* u totMpt
rtoartepMcktokw. toUtokcto^
laM Wup: Tk. fTuitok Mrlr Id Uk. H tk* wAito Ent, a*d tk*

tokM. to* to MMtePMP kite kp tetol

Mooad aot MCMto. h. wtU ka Ito
n a Ulto wko Wiu UP to Batak
tk* teaiwv- IM* « to> accoato wtU
awtaiUKir who kM^lt tk. waiw kc ab
lowed to CBuUMto la tka aump


te^ to Mitte tka docitoa

niher th. UiTtkl. comata which
10* Oape Wobbto iUm haw alway.
rartodtowk aucktood awtouk.1* a*
dhtea aM Eoimaa cm ha ovei
ky BM wko ar« U«.h aad ualalteued
Th. •Aiito’ ka. .UMate.4 that
aiatoat >*»« .wtoamtoa to M
otker oaiWm would make tht. ap
Ml ol Bo amall impuruacc.
A bic dteaor to«k vtoc. tMcally al
OBO to the houb M Ike kaa* to ike
Etoac. Bl whlob a dead maa wi
M Kaluaat. M neaiitoyc to
the uluiklD to tekttoc. *to> wa
kotebi to too Utetoa to Hoaor. died
a lew da). ar>. aa* whM hU wlU
raad a tiaitoo ... loaad to too cteci
ibat bo wtohed aU Ue peaoa. who lol
lowed hU rcowto. to Ikclr laal
tes place to bi' ealeruiocd al a dlaoct
wiihic twelve freac* Uty ccatiue.
head Thl. dlaacr ha. Jo.1 Ukeo pUcc
be uumcraa. •u«'»». '
wore l«o matea Blood up and
diaak to Ihc dccMtod "hoBl-."
health but memoTp. By an
claiw la lliU c.-c«ilrlc will all itc
dcuchueut wbirk tendered nUUury
i lo the devetwed a. aa pBlccr
ill thl l/'jitm to Hqeor received lout
fr«,CB 0*1 a. . Bamll kMpatoi.


OmA. Nobon BnitlMt of BL ioMp.
X. K.. wnllVPK BWiler of Ih© RoomwvwH.
hot ban noillnd to com© to N©w Yoi4
In Mgj lo snpwUMd the AtUni oot
of th© TWgneL OooMuaBer Potry.
for© ih© ©Ad of hU U©t voynga dotefmuwd to ©Moot hb* own crew for hhi
negt ndriM© ©• th© pol© lo ©void ih©
inMibkw which grow© hconoM cf ©hmly nod pdtaooAlMtfod ©gliiU mmons
hU ln»t «hip*w oumiMiny He wiU pich
(very man to be Uhoa. Roy lUrrin.
n nalttmlUi, nnd Dr. U*iU Wolf. M
rurgoon. win aocampnny th© ©xpodllion
aicdfiw ngnin will b© ih© d©p»Oenco cf th© ©iplorcr nnd h© wUI
ngnin follow Iho Ameiicnn rout©,
■mking n dnMi nerewg ih© Ic© f nom hhi
winter Qunileiw lowntAlheiPlvY*^^.^^
h© U more confdctii than cv<Y^.

WkM kto toteMty to apMt k. wia k.
dto kr wtehto, aad. WmO* tk.

Turkey will not allow DiH-wrUitw
to b© nold In lb© Bniknn provlnoea
that ©tm remain subject to her coH'
tn.l nlloglng that they nr© used to
•prluf n*valuUonnr> lltemlure.


Tb© mobl vnluabl© ^k tn the hoiW
U n Hebrew Bible ndw in the vatlcjUL
lu ISi: IHhh^JuUu© 11 Infused to 4i©ll
it for iU weight Ju gold, which wduW
auuiuut lo ©bout llW.tKHi.

der Rpbera E. Pcanr.
(It- d \|tUnuliou
uurdi ©vor nvi-fttMl l»y uix
Juuo li» tbe muutli in which the
givfte t: iuluui-H—vv|iirtHl Utv fi-juUiv.
|:. to Im* lumdc. Uiil the exact uny
null Ibe ut'W hitw Itc^jllii. at ( tui'v
The explon‘1
Pri'iunMli.iJi. fu» aiiclltcr tUsh to has iH*t IxH U ito Ul.Hl
haw Ucu busy ;^ivlug UtcIui©!*,
waid I be
ha*f Ih-. a u

The Unpci ial dlnmond U vimteld« riHl
th© ftntwi btiui© of lU kind In tbe
world. Tbe NU»m of Hyderabad at©*v
(Ml the Ui|tr>-t |olr© cver^
known, for thU tliniuond.

Riant a Tr©©.
HP who pUnt« • Ire©
1*1*101, a hopc'i
HiKilloU up thfough lUica bllndl:.
8i*man b life mu^t climb
From th© cJodt of Uuic
Vulo hearcob ^ubliaic, «
Canbl tbuu propbwb. thou Uttlc Iicm*.
What Ibc gkM> uf thy Uouglu bUall
He w ho planlb a tree
PUnU a joy;
Planu a comfoit that will never cloy
Evco day a fiwab reality;
BcwuUlul aad ^tnmg.
To whobo ahiOlcr Uuoug
Cnaluiob blUhc wUh Houg
If thou couldal but know, thou hap
py tree.
Of IhU lUlbs that shall Inhabit Ihcc!

log id ih© Uw kn^pt * a
At the
aaworUtlena of Unmany. AuplrU. aad
Hungary, held lo l^hcn. Aualrla. laal
lull, a riuKiluUuo waa paaaed asklug
the guvommoou of their reapectlrt
iowitrlea to^'relalu U© word hooejHe who plau^ a tree.
After aeodlng her prlnccaa lo Oci
lor the pioduct of tho hooey hoe. and
Planla peace, j
any for U«lr mllllaor'tralnlni. Japan
aot allow the wruid to be applied to
haa at l^at oouc lo tbe conchialoo that tttdor IU freon cufUlob jatgoM c©a»c
aay arlihital moducituo ui
and xephy r murmur booth
Mao la >Ya»o© aogvclhlng car
Thaw U good amiae aad ecum
Shadow, noli with alcwp
Judgment behind thU imwdutloo.
Down Ufwd eyelida creaik
Pdttcc NaahHaolo. coualn cd
Balm of ©lumber d©ep^ •
mikado, who a. a majar liia*ht wtth
.raal dtoltocitoo ta tk. IU.«i4toiM. Never habt thou diwamod. thou Wen©*
ed tree.
. ka. Uhw UP ptoteamaal
hMidktkm thou ©halt be.

OlWOmra Oon


Th. -Aalo' hpa aaBooMd W

III Buying

MM Um. to tk. Thltt^ktett

Ha wfoi idahU a troe.
. .
;.hidf«^ IWdi«ra;aai aamata Ntfo Ittekirr.
Pia^ r^xki^
rate tk. pHkM. wko apmk. mack
wtoL th, ktkw #A» *t ca a»ckk VlfW w^ fo^cAhittrlog Ih iopU:
Wapgjdjj|atjgj|aai* ,ulW
kkd Muki kia -A tPlT pdUdM
Mt«ikldli( aku M ihp© tkhtr.
Nm ikkkU terwp tkti
litokk t^.n«u kAlkiaHte •( tk*
: mn vdua raitNpa jdpdkM.
OU otd BtokUto t|P«kr.
pAw a kt kU amu



itlMOlP Mdh


Tkoa «k*U tMck Uto t*to. »totdy liM
*«Blttod,, h.WMM. thte tk*,^«MAU TokUi to M»l I. iBimoriamp.
awp Pftt Mtor toMteta. M
ara pcdtetwr
U* ike (Mkte k UM.
I he dteoMt
kateekaka'^- to ateteiMtp ^
tkMi. kte mM tkW WiP %«t4
mptte. to Uvttt it toMQ apltt
I TMa,«« MCUpM.
^ »M kMst;
*1** titavM ME Mrtk kktp kite «lto>Mkt«|
a trat.
ihd kN woA lU ohh taward ahall

nktot ui* **te m t*to.
Mjnr Urcdte.

tea*, tk Mk It CMMla ’

EUtp ytom •©> A iMkk^kkto tor

MMrtp Mklkk* teM are
ktepPira mkk teteM to «k. wdrtl
tkto te AkIUM n k© «<

ttiiiliiiitit dh


itok kMapkPto. M» *aua«&i

^ a.

at siMli UtBe prices .
as we are rtaldml
lor Oie n«tt weel*. t
we KNOW von WIU. APPKKUTE tite
j«<) wtoMB «l» j»to iktoi dm hHp kda*
tee lKairip to W. itaamla WMl. toe pHcto *. mak. pal i; r;
‘i ^ teda la ttoto to wenwK.

TiaKi4<d* Flii t«E WKBl~


♦*tw CBIP of €Ummr gtawa
^ ta
Ttaa «ta «r
raepita. ta tata wa |ta ta ta
-Tta^ta a «mH %mr «t tavta tBe Ilian dtaita tat tBt
4a M CBfIitaa tta. CBtafof
MtortvMMUOMtv-vvMalM*M Vto
O MMka« kv «•

ta to tat. aad IBP ttacee mfw lUat
yaaa win Mi ta fear poekvaBook
♦tap raar wtta aita you at etofT

'Itat aoiwam If you tad your
ratwo U Itag eaatcBed la owo of tBe
Big aioiwa: H ewly cNtaiee a paatr aad
11 li tW iMdJt
-'Dop i van loo long Bata afan
Ud lyOdt gf Mit ioiil iklBi;*. lUi
lag tar Bota: tBero are antw Bol4
Bmu 1 UlaJi It «• bU hiMi oijMlf **
ape after AaiB tBaa.ta tBe day ttare/ -

tM M

A «MI4 fud Itt » M^riM gf
vHk M espi.rt i«Mdi«»r.
IMW rMMM^Ug ttt Up New IdM Wowui't
t« ilM Aurll dattlitr tte
MUlirt 9T U* Uu^lew U
Ml «%ikU** m4 him remit. Uf
WlM> Ik Ibe MuppryiMiflei.t of
Ni MuiAf Irtubwkrd end un
IB New Yoik
Cllf. life II Be Ber miBlaii iBii IB
BQlBBcw iB • rBlld eniee Be b title fniBi
UBtiBttep. ttiB BrwuiBt <H|| B ukw
MB| Hi^eder. ta rifBrd to riNieUg B
dBtBl lo ilereBPiin bb4 BB§rr BB fol
aiBj iBdre boi Bb cmnb wBer*
BCKBllBd UanlBBOB BrtBie friMB BaBepBc^
Bik» or BBd.toaiper ob tBo port ci iBb
ABMMBor mlABi e*/.
muelB4tdotB1a.BBitB» rBHd rotorie.
•j wilt. I will. I ioBi CBfW WIIBI you
♦•raa. but II iBe taacber kaew that
oBild. if iBb Bbbw II wcBtld make tlui
aaewer. aBe would aoi give li aa oo
portualty to iwtori. The taacBei
aroMa iBai wBota aide of Bta aature.

in Turum» It In dlfflrtilt to tef tny
ArtiiMtr pteuidonr pUytog l« no
our lo Biinli tbai lUwtite Um e BerUir
Bt bH iBirtBc tlg> few BonrB
we l&ger rare. * TBe oaco leabiuklf
ied aaeiwte of tBe masiere have
tBIBOBlIy to MlkM iBt MBflor of borwBie tBo property of eoaeenratorlee
BarBore TBe Te«B Mbb bibIIoA- Helf-playlag ktarumeaU perfona lerb
mlrarlaa. and art. trainable luae
BBAIf. tofenmny. Be Be vilgBl bi e
taB ak they latereet a numher of
fioMU oBlId
mk wBo would otberwiue kvuhl
-My tIeBr elr.'* b? Beld imtly. -|
< aa aa itaiNtlaUe myutery Kur
preaume you en» ewere iBbi b eblp ta
wore. tBi waoittag caae with
eBout Be SBfe In the luirBor «l tattle
BB BBb would be Iti IB|« llBjl Okie. Do
foo wtrer nw4 tbe luipenir lie etlli
rtgirta M wUB. iBtl bbbmi BBd
BBille. Itao ta BerAly b iBy'^HBfily
B <lBy kir. ibBt kOBMi kbip doc«B‘t eiak
Hi tattle Berbor wBlle ebe’e lied up
to the <lork
Herbor! liarlior- He
iBrew up ble hB&Je. ♦ My ttod!" TBeu
la B few. ewin. paBkloaBie pBraieB he
Blocked out tBe BiperUllveweBa of tB«
Barbor of Tboobb. and ae wb parted
Be p%hh^\ tBe UpeU of my ooai and
whta|iered Baaraalrt 'Aad you paa

mia a letidf In Tacta* to-any^-pUai
—Uk~lBe—wurld--aad you wilt g»t aa
BBdwor to li uae-wBoB>-itiy
ibBB you wuuW W you eeot
taltU!-^Krum -la lb* Baoquel
Heir by Arthur Huhl lu Tbt* Out lug
A maa who waa dolag bis beet to
coarlace the world al large aad |lm
aelf la parUcular that be tgae perfectly aober. tiled to purebaao a tBoator
aeai aad was UAd iBai iBeiw was tialy
eUBdlBf rouiii H« bought aa adailealoa ticket aud nuub- aaotber ooe of
the crowd kiaadUig up In the Bark
walcblag the ehciu. Afirr a few' nla
uiea Ik. returned to the uludow and
ytavelv banibd over umaher dollar
''’(llrotne Wtolher BUndliig tirket/' he
aald thickly. **| worn inure room to
%ee"--r»tiOi -The Ikulnekk Hide of
fMkg KMuny." hj
Weber la
the llobeu.Un

TBat ta vBatw aMuiy parwate would
dlta ftaiwi leacBom «| today. TBey
would Cimm^m4, wot aak. TBe Ipacber.
Bowerer. by aeklPB laaload pf cam
*Madl«i. Beta tBt iBIta aBe waate.
wBUo IBe eBHd le aoi lUble to IntU
* Hut te It guud for the child lu |m*
lieoied aor
• WoO. iBere maey pmiple who key
It U am. *Yao are )asi a?ol4ltig the
protlati/ tta aay. M It Bullde up
tBe habit or eoatpltaaoe. aad fbta ta
wbki we wait Aad If we boUeve tBai
life le k mettvr of beMU. we are wlU^
A cliy u BUlory wrltiim hy lU own
lag to build iheio up tbw beat wo mm. realtaU U alware Iblereatlag and In
Habit ta a lr«taaduu«ly
Ihlag. Ibe May Mr^Juie u Vblrago ^ tan

Ovtrwhklming Prsof thst kydis E. Plnkhsm's
Vsgstkbis Oempound gueoMdt.
have w

i -MIU Au..U

folly and ta l-ydia K. Plnkhama
VagrUhla Compound 1 am not oaly
•nred of iha wmor Boi olhav tamaU
Inwldok and enn do nil my own work
afwjralgh yc^of kuBwring.Mm II. J. BnrWr. of llooti. M. Y.
Dnnr Mrs. Plnkhnm:^
'Bamellme ngo 1 wfoU yon tar
nd vim nBmit a iujnar whidi «Ba doata
Viy^bto Cq»»oMid —d

»» *

Mm. a. M. r«w. Vtifatfrift. r*..

aMnaU^ dta


li lor me nlWr two Aooion Bad given
meng 1 wneMoB tanr janreBata 1

Ufowihe ne weU ne





I SHE BF tHT8 Yen WINT rapiEr 1EIIT M //I


friday and Saturday dniy


We'vi g»«ber«d logOher i»arty »U of our SI,50 «»d S2.00 Me« « H*u. inc»udin« all'ihc
st kba^^et, bUtk
»»d color*. Cruah Hau. Pandora HaO. TelcMope Hat*. Alptne Hat . h ailroad Hat*. Ped.>ra H t*. Etc. and will
«ell tl cm on FriJa,v amd Sahudar *>m/y a/ 9S ttiis. Big dnplay<of thcic Hats now in oiir Wc« Wii dow. You bad
betOTflook them over. You will »uic’y wan o«»i or more of tbeio lut* and why shouldn’t mu. when the hats are
me nmveu, most up-to-date ttyles and can’t be bought eHtwhere for le-* ih*n doubfe the pricr.
this SaU is Jos two days oafy: you must cons* om Friday or Sa/uuKi y ij'you toaut to tabs adXjuta£f oj. tA> tkst .'tot 0jf\ r
tit* made ii

Newest Shapes. Black and Colors. $1.50 and $3.00 Hals at 08c.


rreu U well estehUnhed
bah e;niro\ed the Ap
bak turned palarhlen Park «he:Of. Mlunnontm
cn* Btrqnllag to oh
the enrreat toward whet U elgaUtcant
tain nailonal parks within tholr u.uu.
pbraeiag. laterpw leilon. While a derU-H; and we hkVi* ‘ fo ir uatk*uul
cMId'a head mey net epinnlng the Hoo laikn w hich dlfer tr%mi fun »t re^
of Ukil. no nn ^bJUJkel k«rY«-i..iu the fan thul no lumhe
eonlrlvosl cen pley e rau he cart led on wlthlu them
or the 8< hiiti$utin eon- ly, the Vouemlie. the Sequoia, the lieu
ernta ae the eboukl be played -Jamea eml nraut. Kalhmal Park, and the Mt
lb "Mpater Artlete of Ibe Rainier Natluokl t»a(k In WaHhIog

only nton-airriculiuial xronud. ihui j hundred and .twenty threi* owjn'r« lu farfoM i t em*».
wrh.n yiMing they khtiuhl bo- rnv*.h-*l t hi rty-n%4 MuU*s uppli.-U for
iuov.‘.iH?ot t lad I ate Iho
to promou- growth, and i.uftntl n-; ance
j dirt; th.;i In which piitllc «<-nilmint lI,
aiiH-iaii,ui khuuld lake pla:-*- l.y ^t^sl | In oth-r wi.nln. our Ik-iuiituiont uf ’ir.ovluK: anti tUt- proper treatment of
from neixhl«irlnK n.fp.| Formalry U pivpauwl. wo far aft lt.s Ibio
| fort-wi laa.U andwitiiifneiory le*lt:!a
la «aber w-od*.. the^foreuier weeuri-* j •‘^‘d hppruprlctlou wlll^dmlt, to ren- | flou in i^gard iu fojeat: Bros are pat
repioductkm f.y ah.wiv
remoylng the • derlunrtical atulaUiuce to Ienuer3 ! tidi.t.^ |u iho dim f,»4ure, bin *ji{ Tlyb*.
old emp. n-i.lantlnu the etiuner area., by ro-6pt»ratlug with them wo that foi< j apt „ rr. - t’hr.rdluu Kiid-a\4M \Vo«l3P '
n-lytm: ..n
fulling. AH. ttil< j
pJanlelluttN ooii U* e.MaldlHhed aud
— ---------!—
i A. ry umett ni t|ilui; frtmi om pres-j wo,rMol ; citltlval.d to yU Id a r, v* niie
Hr Vtdi UtHxtq. a m lt-miflc InvfWtient ladiHtilntlui.!,- slaughlei
n» the owner
guioi for the Priuwian Rovensmanu
remote |uirU of
Aside fnun the ndvanlaneH to h*- ob
Utined . in the i-onataotly Inr-riNiking that there U a wide range fur foreat- U'entral Asia. Among other treasim**
number uf tree, ensured by prarilcall Planting on the abandoned farms ol he Ulnrovcml aio meuukrripti^ In fen
forentn. foiVKU fnmlkh srencry Oen.i »ke eski. the prulrien of the middle dlffew-nl Innguagwi. aud $»»e wh,dly
C C. Ando wh. Mlnnewota n wtate fo - ‘ west, "and the Irrigated rc-glonn rrf the unknown tongue.
ester, ckllk atiehtl,Mi to the fart that |areet. AppHratUms for lu |
■■ " ’ "j
^ •; ;4'
rowing ukofti emsli. IndlrManswered in the order'
u.e Hluck Kotnvi lu (lermauv. within lormatlcn
five ^ulDu^e^• walk of the clly. c«jn- in which they art- uxndve.i. aud every j uel toiule Igsteail of niHer towels has
talus one lullUon .luhaUtaute, and U elTort Ik made to assUi ihusi' who de ^ brought an Increase in the national <**wire to Iwyono- b,*ller inform«*d oji Um* • |»*-adllure. Few hotels non
now use
iw rojiec
broken up with nuidk aud vlllageii,
hiving tnado
k\)re*tM are cool in summer, and subject or srlvlcullore ami its other } towels, th,* germ themy' having
such an
the public mjnd
eonfcerte the fl,»w id water. Onr gov- depaiimems.
No part of ihU Uui,*au l« without U-nst year aUi it |l.itti>.OU0
•.000 wan aticut
erument hen al last realired this, and
has fw-t the prot,ctlou of fou-HtM Its InBuenee good up<m the f’arm f«'« toaclu.

Still utaheT S(Beme U to alforeel
Of al Ike elorloe which Hev Bun the wane puhlto laodd of the larluiu
bard Baker lelle la the Aprir Atuorlcen HUiUsa and to rect^nito the value of
pertain lorBete as waterMagaxlae ebowlag the growth U antag
qpta Betwaea wBIleo and blarke In khvdk In land ndjaeeol to agrtraliural
tBU- oouatry aoae are more icrrlhlr
A wllent agenry for lutereaUng ehfl
than tBoae which reveal tnereakiog
fear. A white woman of ihr South drm In forest matters Ik the obarnr
anew of Arbor Day; Inalltuted In Ne
told Mr. Baker the foltowlng:
-I bad a really terrible eepertence Braaka. U has made Its way In every
one evening a few dayk aga 1 was elate In the Pnloti. the governor laau
walking kkmg
--------stat when I Ing e proclameilon for the planting of
saw e rather good looking young ireeit by *Hiool<-hlldl.m on ciialn at the head of certain streams Above
The lln^ prrwHi to revive the l.i^
proml*lng irfgn id the fu
u oujae out of a hallway to iBc nved dktwe
all. nearly every buklness. agriculture, j j*
. that our coanlJT wiU appreciate ! glun of Honor for the painting of How*
kldewalk. be was ir a great hurry,
ThU esercteee a Sne!lnllai-afe. i-aclt iiilnlnB. a ihoueand Indusiilen. d.-jH-m!
‘this more and morr- mi y,-urs ,;o un I ers Is n Fre.»chwoman. Mdlle. Mado»
und, In tumlag suddenly, ae a person lug rc*pH*ci for trees and for ,
' ftin-kU
i lAimlier et*ini»;,ules. for* ow nlTtg a* ' Win*
dre. w ho hns for uiaiif
ktlBM^e Will do. Be aocadentelly lice of fors^try
Wblb* It In true fbsl foivsIerN havrhmehed my nhoalder wit lb hU situ
iiec'OgnUlng the importanre of fvr niaiiy (ItinrH to eontr-nd with.the bltglil H.K-lallons. i.nd fmllviduals ii>e at nasi! veals vent rdcluten |o thr* sabuiN as
alive to oui tapldly dlNopjM’iMng fm- v.,-H ns to lln- , sldMilonn of the K*-iUi
Ui> bed not e«M*n me belor<- When eeivlng onr forvnu for future gom-ra rausrd by
;uui lu»il?*rrimln:Me
i he turned und found It was n wldu ^bms thirty two «tale kurlrulluial cd »lo-« p rulKlng. wbicli la pracllved In e.Nts. and tin- v,*ry im-ii who bax, iim . l‘« ;i..* < v

womeu he had touched, eiiih a bwk leges give <-lfunenUM^ tnurnrtlon In Mini,- of our MlHti'iT. tberv* Is i o doubt t-auM-d this Ni4t,-uf alTaiiN a.'-e lai ; tig
a cry foi* rebef.
j I ixe o m:?, f ir.Ti:;*i hbiaes foy’ ioyeof abject tenihr end fear eanu- InM furettry Aiukutg ih, t- lliai of
Hint If we would allow our forests to
his face as I hor»e never again to *a»o ‘ la dnu-rveM special_______
emloii., _______
V\iri‘%\ry be managed <ni fr»r.wir> prlnclplou
Lonlnlon itf Hm iiw** h*-,
onlrimU. whirh edien live lu
oa u human countenance Ho knew Uchuols have alia Veei^ opened at t'or; sponge tlirdr «-nllrc- lifcf.n
whei It maant if I waa frightened. | neil (an eUborate loMliution which At preiM-nl their prco-fvatlon reals’
Adirondarke prartlr-al forestry has * tUnos the cri»alnr
called tar help, aad acAieed him ar.ugers a four years* course). BiUmore.
bib* k^A&eachuwetts Indl with im-iMv the aNHistam-*- of
------------------atUl a moment, thcai turned Into
('allf.imla. Mlniiewda. IVnnsly
cutting or iviooval of unv ir.-e on
The averaye yield of
tmt niley ho enmo to. It nho^ rs. Ivaula and klb hlgaa have miatp forest Mat.- *>r fMier^l gov. rninenl
toraikuy au^ianee. who at*- <'♦•0-^,^,,,,^ j.Hsl-ned for foivst u^-. ami mliu-^ .»f tbe Tran-v:ial
ikHwn t It. Iiow llille It might jeke to ry essik-iwtA.mM that have done eBix-t
bring punishment u|wiu an |uh(M-ent he work.

We also bu\e u hcs-lety of American realiro u progt from them; and the / . ^
_ ..
. . . . .—!-T—
Foivatrv which immlu-l^ aui<it»K It* RuNslau KOV<-ritUM-Ut. alive to comiuer-'
How the Oevernmenl Cares for lu luenilH-r.s two pt,-Hlii,-iils of lb,- rnlt,Hl
rial iuK-H-KU. Ik planting tn-es and
<) M’ATTKR wbich you
Hiale*. one vlre.prr-aldi-tiV atnt many shrubs f*M pmuvtiou from snow aloug
lo il.i, (l«h c»r piny Imll,
Tlie quest pin of
cabinet «.fftc* r«
1b<- m-w Tuans Slberlun Kailway
our depleted and rapidly ^
our Rocxlf. Our Imw
The Hilt limi t- Fon-at Bebotd h under
Our foreat la mis are ,>wn«-<l In ihr,-c
fmeaie U a vital ta to Ike peopl*- Ibe dlrwTbvn of C A Ikbeuek. I*h. D. iHfr*‘i.-ni wavN. by tbe goveinim-nl of
ia piilin-ljr iihw amt ov4*r3UiioK
Hilueled III Nortb Cerplln.’i. near Awhe- the rnlt*-d flIaleH. by ................. the'
la lirel clang
W** aru abowing aa fiw a
iiwvignlUoa. the-of kkirest
vHle. It tear-bee pupils how In r-ililvale siaieH. gud by prlv;.ie uwm r.s lu all
Jim* of Fiihii.ii Tarklo ami Haso IWI
of lb« Ttepartment of Agriculture has virgin forrsls Into iiavliig InveMmenln. theM dimii*.ii-s <nir UhisUui *if Farnsyou
BimI in the city aud arc
M-nl trained foreaters to the FhlUii^ find mske* n specialty of all |n.utlra| esiiy is woikluy.
ivaMiUaltly aori» wt« can auv«i you gome
pine* to study all the tmiHirtant lor forestry work.
laoit year the Ibpaitmenl wa^ re-|
« *lk aud report lb* ntsm raplaln H j Though the g»*neial iimx. ineni In urgnnlred Ihroughoni. and tnuch fle.d *
IV Allien* of th»< rriU*-d Bute* Arm) .|i»»*n*t*»d Rtaimi in favor of for»->itiy work was done. In order to make lh<*|
has Ui-n chfwen dlr**rtor of the Ba began thirty, yearn ago. llitia ha* Ihm u |s-<Mde faniiller'with Us methiwb*. an}
€d l\>reetn In ihal t*motry. aud a«ww»mplUhed In making forestry an *.frei of praciUal n.lvhe w;ts iiiade to
has iuaugunta-d a delliiUe policy, art hae«-d
biialneaa piinclplwi. fann*-i>. lulnlicimen. and other., han.1whirh will be pimked forwaid as rap l*rekld«-nts McKlub-y aud (’levelad con-j nj,^ forest ^
l*-si»onsie. one
idly ae poeeltlr. This Is consider*^ tiooed lhet*o1lcy Inaugurated by Pres ]
an Inierastlng fteld for tha practice ident lUrrlson ofvaetilng .jh^lde
of ecienllBc lorvwiry. as there are tlon* of'puWgr Binds uh forest re
mom than 50 aftO.OOO acres of public verves; hut at the h*-st we are b>rig
Und which It Is deelrahle to protect. way u-lilnd luielgn countries, and
In all pans of our ct*untry we are l\ave much It* U-aniyom tin m, though
lading n growing sentlmeni In favor It ma> not W poy^Ide for n* to adopt
of acientlic foivstr)’, and the cr> for aU uf th« Ir meihi^.
the pmservaiioii.uf woudod districts
W'hy arc we so ek*w to S4*c thN?
is taat «P tfvm the very t>eopBk Who It Is a sad sight to ec-t- Inmi raUnmd
have hUhj^jno AUregarled the sltua trains and country roads deforeated
areas when with priier forestry prln
The eeatiinent for forest-protectbio clples (he land might be covered with
waa atnmg among the early emtiers a luiuriant growth of trees.
of the KIMBAtL PI
PIANO^to ^^key^n^of lU^ta
the foundaUuo of lu
of nor emntry. for Uey came from a
Tbe growth of public Interest In the
Udlug to a matheonat ^ prta^D tared oni*^ Igr
land wBeeg taPeft for foranti waa prenenetlon of forckis I* a matter of
vavea to the mertwt fraetton of a onoudd. ^NM
Not all piano 4
tnn^i in anrty ehlldBnod and mood congratulgtloii; but wq must learn
makers «rive
mrtve for perfection alqng this
lAto Itao (gmay make
make ao pro^
was scarce. The vaot foiwsta at their ; that the tclance U the uim every­
U-uaH hot of Ike few ibat have ncwrly
nrorly roeeM
fweehmi tbe
the goal
cumaumd. Boweeer. fogtnmd n feeling where. lie eppllcatloa dtrpn^lug oo
of onrMneagta. and dentmeikm con- coBdliione which are found in various
Tha tone qnattty of a KIMBALL given if dtoUta
tlnnad at mmB n ml# iBtt in iBa nIcBt Ptaa
pianos, Tho excoJkmt workmnnahlp mak«e.Ue nttroetaa
eentB eeata aocieta in New York
What are foroatry principles?
paamNd. When you buy n KIMBALL you Bavo tbp aaaa
and MaiaKiBttaeUa ta neikm to pro- eim^ Ungnage. they are plans where
iheits to nono better.
Bta tBo growth of foroeu.
by mature liwea are cut and marketed
In lUf oQMrena pata an net for ne mpidly ne ptahle. nnd the young
We have a anmher of pignoa
hand, noogb of wbWh avw fliMf B
the pnrvBaM of timhar aulUble for the tre«a are lefi to grow with wtar K®*
and otBmi oomo to na By way of aacliange. an of *
wtacB we gua
juarantoe to he ii good conditioa and imme uf tbem •
BM of tBa navy. Bui following Ue ^
inetkm from Are. The tope end hranehpr^lcally imw. We will efear^bem put at
CIV4I Wnr Ma tnerogaed BtOldiag la|ee are nofleft ne now for a mmuicw ta
taraau aad cemeoQtal tatnietkm of dry weaffter to tBo aafoiF of tbe reOur Bman Waymenl Piaa Mata P



•r:,"™:':. r.r.







Keystone Ol

Kimball PjanQ

iUiiilMai HeaOftlie Utt

special Frleebi

TWelad to lawgfer IBs
<d Itao
Mt al taTtaotlBg.
But tbe tat
«f tfwea.1
■tafM otait toMda a oUkmil aye-| tbe provalltag i
tom 9t taMiy WBsaolaM ta wBloB, that forMtry te an
aMBortaad to aoi mg of reoa
Itar from ibis U to a
a Barveottag Of a PM. oa ap^
«Bta ofo tbat foroote abouM t


fWUa»fiMM»N* ett, M « N



j Whafs^ngMhe^l^imofSport

at iamak»
MMfer. TW caM vaa MM at 10
I li toa MM M atopM tk#
to ItU H
HUr N6 SCWP lanatMtof
Mvaior cur. waa4 U fX C. ialni



psft4far|stka«wsasffsMtiqr«i *
tkmwT ssd pnmtftem
^ * BcwIIhM Lwtt^

Ctok far Pranaliaa
■M jM Ptok WiU M

ft.i polMed

•WM Wi«




MM. Taafc a Paato at MavMy

kM» IvU

AtoMjr to* tv« toilftw*. k*i#
mama M\ wama %nm <to- mrmi
m 004 n nitotoM mitoM i* }<*
»fikto*nk4> *t«to»m toriM'

Ooum am Oraat Waatom Cftfaoil.
am *«« •* « d«*l
Tanr H*ui# lull April to —TImIfwk MM Mul Ik* cxmlfcrvi* »iU
Ut ctitobM or ton MirktoJin «tototftt lUuu TioiUfli a>*^ftaiftaa.
It |» iluAito.t
anmmau wbirk ka* tb# Oaliv Jub M to to lb#
tor toMVkjr t%ai tor A09 Atooritr* OioHt Wi-vtora <lf«ili. ka* darldad to
totortf to
wMii to.^
f« nr». Katru IlM^ larir tkmlaa Maki-^ am lol
«%ito totf wm ilMtoVor 10 c^Htoro Uiom ta b r.*r fl taio 2 14. S:to aad
m4 Vito U tow ViVifYu Irui\ iUmta 1 to in.4.s aad t M aa I t i» pari-,Ka

uU'i. a.II

May to

liraulu rr^lved daily by wire Iu
Ibe ft.Varnlug Reec»rd

Ptartai' lab# IMimaa it# bark ia , *'l dr» u«i ikiuk
arill #vm
Ctaotaaatl fmm tiaa Piaaclwa.. wb#.#’of JUo J#rt rlaa a$OMua «aafta. «a.
4 at lb# liairftrr at CiMkUttd ll.auiri llolituaa
lb aa ^ »ly#a up tk#
all vtatar. ^ak* vfH do ike *14 it lag
in. oi#TBtoK on' Saturday, i»p!f1ag b«av>«r.gbl4 aUu air alter
mm MlPV,ki UKiUtm# and a 111 tbia h\w tabln a* a#11 aat«. tbelr adud.


f ::

aa . to Frlaro wbro
Au»i! a<riV4d I did not gain
rr> poid
of tb* m arbavr.
V . i«*»rl fiom altai I h**U;il4rooa a aril

MMkitor yaailM
wovwaa-llHi kaat Triatn M» ^i*o*.»

••> U iud»U.B iltiu. ». I did u«
din. oKb» «««. U. M««.l
...uo »
H^kllW U tiM. lUbOuK vn>»
I «»! . tlif UU I ^ aru Vu.1 o«
OiHtlaMII E««uli»l UI.U lliilluiaii im.*» me iuu: |i I aprnl M-reral 1
■ «raM|r smd Uw- <«• •>■*•
‘^'*‘^.wlib i.r Ml Id* laneh aud he ae
. idla.iMi both »i
I u, U
l.*|ii.> w. u b.K Klio.db.0
U» A»lb.l«. •• to- toiB>to»< u»*H>
B (ill.- l.L-:. Ill lb.- imiBtlT and
mtoi Ihai. at todh
-Tkeio U i,,,,
ml oat|U#


M ammiUm toi.„n. •K.l«t. *«4L„,4,b„

Anivlka ga a kiki crain. Voi}
W Ml |P*
■ •'^1 to Priartt. vftill# i
Ika KV prto.* la ocArtr ak the nsM*r
ftp |4« Aligid#^ t* flA
pnmioti iti *
matih Mt> ptrpailkg lo op.*i. iip,
Hi frlatih




a#to> ra#fto# all aruoad lk# U^ tratolJii Jll^e durftia to waiar, Ike
U A ^tor. rkarlM Kick
U touadftaa
rbapr amX U do|>#d to ba tk# fa»i
. I. u^io kara drawa a‘—-----------------la yonhata Micbtga* aad ic
rt^olvar but warn ptompdi takra oT
Maak raaord* to bit*. .
Ikr BHd.
Warrmau waifi *wora out for Maa
bliager bat irk«in Jbe cm# that will d#
|or HaitdiVk# rkargtoc diaordarly
fend ibe hlark and/gdd ihia aprlng.
^jadiict. aad for CkarVa Uftckardaoa
^ ^
carnlag roaooalad work# pr ibe rougk cmg.** ibt i.- will
topr# b# aoMeiblng dcdng. k>ftdl# ftVlftctfa wUl try other evrntA tkan lb#
wilghu and will ptnhably iiwk# gurM
In Ibe middle dUtaorr mu*.. He aUo
bjiiki. good at lb. biyb burdftea l*fter
aon will be a great addlikw to tb..



Tk# vrvlara koraaa

Tkair ra OM knika ia froai ao4 Moaa
ala MMl ktoi rftgkt aloai. ftoaktoa from
ton 10 ialto. vlaatof
«aato aM a kalf Tkrar farortt#*

w Va.. Uar L—^ fftn
vUr la toaatokto toatot

saa. aar%0t4lo$ to Mr B-Ui*. a»Mi
Malta to# MUHiMlvo* io4a>% lUi
all 4#tv«aa mmmOnt af to* Canai'
tiaa rar#, aarrpitoa C- K O »•'
liajv. ara ftMirr#^. la too praatmav
(4 to# iroutog
;.a>ortotlMa. ao ivo «oal4 h# fouail
to aay artmm VMaili#ni* utrr
mu$\4 Ua at4a§f\ad

rm urnmr Mikma u«i i
mma»m itof


pftajM 4vva fiM 4 to 1 to a T to k
Uvarita. kat a poor auui apoilad vlui

'latoto vftaMftaitow to <4r#itos to#

a ttNi <i»vitof to IIM mama


tTAfITM AT WHiiUM OV toarito ap. vaa Marili katoato ftatoi

tM iivaiftc tovlto mv*town» itoif
to driirr. aw avaar to «vtor vara
iltoa ito* veto. Mr. Mvaikar*


i# ui^ f<vl«»r4ii|r ftf likMfM to
mm mimm vkirk mm mm m
k fliM» m tlfH. ft* jMiftM to*
^*4*yy i4 Ik* ft*vftv«v*ftu

to M f»«to


toivi *nM|r« 9. to Mvitoto^ itoo
vtoi to* UMV^it mm «A
HwjDf Mwvr to »ki*nr ww Um
to CW
kcto to toto
lU <A4fMl to# Iffvlur kvMto to#
TfwitoMi Miirtotov. to
for to * ktoito vn# 4*to


, ,



loudon. May
(oinniliice uf the court tennU a»j#v
rUiion mi l todar. after the ftaaU 10
..4 4
Ibi' . hampftc«*bl|> gmimti have bm
..n 3
lda>r.l. Ui dr.lil. whrtbei or noi
l-.ixUfe II Mlie#. tbe hiddei. *u*U Ualioacd 10 d#4«pd lb«- lit!.* Tbe a< lion
.1|Ul lb# riiampbm In p..^iiH*niuj- bl, dK#w Yoik ...
until alter iUa‘ wiuio j .»( »»..•
IViftolnn ........
2 Lreniuiuaiy malt U* a. wai. koo* u
l.laeo lu.Mb rntlM/ed
V H i'an.dl. tb.- rbauipi<*u id Hail
2 won Ills ar;u.‘final M..uda>. d.l. ailna
UtW-tH .
MU.b ba.s wriion to YunuK Uuuld
n.Hiu A..->Uia ihui U «n> of lb. euaiiutiiuiH
..l.j.el li. hi- plu.ii.8 be aid l < • P ‘ ‘
blii orig.ual tlec iutui ad.liug (.bui au>
tden of tioold Miaicbing 10 Mn» is uai
• ' (d the qiH*allan. nml that lUile^s OmiW
nn.iid iUpidH
ii i: 3 itotlOea him ibai ho bua alu ed lu •
Tarrr. IUU»I#.
Idaiito Cur k‘avlng Bogland. be i\ul.M.i
win nut doleud ihe Itile. *

::E=; ;


,!d »ahl i mod
«bp k|«it to»to# of Ika «d‘‘ il'f * " I fimaha. May
i\ niii.iiia lul l gel uunlo.t
‘Wr vt^a gUd Iken ft p# Aug. W l a
MUM take M barb aaai
aaid Jaki |o: lay

iluui »lo It.
•ilm Ji kilaa l» Uw* gi«taia-i big uuu^til Ium
tto iititiM.iC* .1 ui ih«- m-xi
fou$bt aad AUf AHHI Ik. 1
koat mil# wan
Negi IP JrBr>* lluuitlua U ih- v».uuil i.^uiie* uli
Ibtak ikrk Joknatm U ib.' be*’, ; ni ich* p*
leiaeen tbe ages uJ 2i
•Wflikt. I alM) (blub at li of Mam in ; and if., of iuimuaI plty«it'al aud wiwul
llai^ and Mike Brhrark. Jolmur llo M^mdl lwu. t< g. 1 wa.rtiM aiihlu P»
MU. biolbl i Id Will IK.gau nhu i . 'i»..yto \o rx, ua.** aiv to Im* aocepUMl.
lloHtuau# Ct.av Wll .v.
alii laTAujupl
^aalg^kl Ok Ikr iM'eiMck
J'diui.. U.y * Mu\.u Hahlman toi.j . be uill algn
Mm iaba do am agree .ul lue U* Ay\ U.. wi.Iu.hUmvmgkt mamxifm
Hogan| #a>. MUruiiai.ud Mu aud au lo^
Hrliraab can ablp any juau iu the
• JAru.Wuto


^'Nothing succeeds like success.*’


Ml. I on

lletroil .......
,S>w York
Bcmtoii ........
St UhiU ...

H'f U-,

Wbotdlng .......
Terre Haute .
Sojth Head . ..
Spilncfiidd ..
Canton........ .
iKivtun ......
(; RapidK


A full fcUed bou8e the Cut
eomp.tii> ;.i ib«* Omod laxt
ey.iilttc In the pre.outaiiou of the
I-lied I IO.K .S’u^.-e • -hh bill .s one
tVr Cl 'that , would uai.iraMy-d^iieal u. the
C'4.: ‘ Atn.Ticau ^pie tlu- Mcue^ being laid
TIP at the lime of tbe HtiauUh-Aioericau
til« war Tb# four net* are ftill of exHtenic nnwf and the apcclal w.-nery carried
i:.C^ by the ctnu|ianv add. d givaiH to the
n*.:. atiraeilvcnt-HH of th»- puy. Th.*, mu*
304 rlalib . wetv gotwi. especial mention
.7f.l nilclu be liiade ol MUs Myriie mu<b*n
l.ti bet Mnuiu^' and rtanciug M»'*claliy
lSiri ]..Ud ot ll l; U.»>ii!onil Ibe uen(li.g
|.«HN» punHt.
.Mill I Mr. C»uti i ofleni Dr*, lor aiiv CiVjr.le
.^b w ho w ill be man led ua lb. hiase Ki t
.MM'day nlchl. He U al>.i planning to put
..133 <»n an exc. I‘<*m mailu«-o Sat.udny

.1 C. la w I* in SI inuusard.*' replete with iuletvkl. n.iiib and paiho^.
Ilninu a Umous Hnngaiian rh.-uw-f UlU hi* at the Uraud oper.i
ciaiina to have <h>»<nvert'd a liqubl houwe 00 Wedne«la>. May S. ami no
compound, which, when applied i<» lover of rural drama hoiild fail to at
wood.aad umlal ke#p* them from roi jiend the iK-ifoimame. No ixpemu*
ting or ruMlng HU discovery r i^,.jhAs li.‘eu spared iu the effort to make

.. '

ruio# fa* a#««»/«*«.»#««. ••run t^htm Ori-

T?;U" ,
Vf-;',. ~r« IM to il

M i’

Tk* urn* tnM^I »M

mb «*. "Tk.}

Facto Ualaai at FraaAadM.
iu. 1. 1907. «1S.«U0 atvacwlt dainb«u4 lo mir iilfcm.
Xmwmcm CIO.COO uul DM to uoptod Omb.
U m ar •>«( to owlc • duoic M ukt
life PMW


ti«» M( «»f UtolXUattet or wmt tW



A “•oUm’* cOTonuBBT toe iraiciul wfuuttt* ot mtuiwcc
dcMctI VbM«« LW D. Wtmw.

B«b to .BirMSA. awB* atOfe. Wfefe

AIMtPVMWtArtil to 4 ». a# ttowtotoy
rntWH^rnMytmUOmt, OBr«cMUai*ia
ito^uf i« diaibtag aad aMnWal>it> isMaaabe- btoWMSad-.

i about In go odd way M'hlle trayellas
Out howilies tne
In Clraeo#. be i»oHc<k1 that Ibe mortar tlcallri mallMlc
jtn stone* of ndns known^to he ove^ atmosphere of the siwpla faun lUe.
j J.Odo yrnrs old. was as hard Ireidi nnd and ane w ktari liitoh# with the suflering
y-ountr) to ^» who
t tenacim.* ns If It had bw u made only
plere of tbej«'^IWtFe Ibe utientkn wUh their homeh<
• in year
iaorur. Mtd. opou Btoiix
io.oh- uoiuro,
X .
a .U.-mt.-al,b
iU.-mt.-al I •> *»>•
»»>• a»a
»'"> «
•‘“•pSuwuro, lo.
Tb. peoitipilTmU. found ^he Mcr«. Tlu rom-lMt'- •- <Vto cljr tod violoi.y will l.avu
wmod M It ttwirtod. mil more ibutin^ opportonlir nw Thurtdar oltbi.
itouUt Ibo IU. of rtlU. ti«l. brid*M *»> » 'O l*o«b aoav IbHr ctri-. Ko
Md poUlc workt, wb»r« mtUI tod,«“«- «rtll ront-i ih<- ilnu- «|o-oi io «liBood tre «po»«l to Uie tlr.
I -«•»•">* J <" '
________________I sloa of Ihe new *Sl Plunknrd ”
A lAborar who waa cJ«arlag awav!
WWW rubbtak from gg okl outboiue
In KetbefknmpioB. near
8alh.bunr. to It# divorced from yoar appondlx.
Thctc will b# no occaAkm tor ftt rf you
BhglMUl. found AM#n old ipoaot. aocb keep your howr#l* recular with Mr.
of wbJak wga Muck os eod in tb# Ktng’w New Ur# Pilla. Tkalr ncUon
esitlL Tka gpooiu have toei clenwod. Is »o g#nti« tbM ihe nppcnfiix neawr
ksd nra of nUw sod gilK They are kns enua# to make ik# laaat ooapUlM
Ouamnteed by
dniad UIM. fisd n ftocAl ftewaler ksa i\aak U. bftaads.
ynlsad tkam nt |toO #nck.
uggUU. 2kc. Try ihem.
BUT klfk-fTSMo MimwborrT pUott

Ikat wlU Rffw. I katrn nbi wlailes. ^?U# Owner* off Cemetary Loti:
tke IMDOM Bivator Iton- All tobor parformiMl in tke eemeterr
Up. Plaatfi f4 par tkonnaad. a to Ika totoreweli^ for tke enro or for
np trf n omaf^
BtIBM. CU. pkoae ItlA* Tmveiaa City. tka fTi^ nnd
t#47 M. afifir pato^lor In ndtrance
MoarmN ummo ermMporu at Ut Irfioa «r tke ^ OOMMirer.
Rnnrd off PnkBo Wortm

Br T.a anug. ctoriL
•prMf aprHtovaffxIl





Bp«ur«ii tka KtfmlM BaesfC

Bhcklay, Uftek.. Mgy 1;-Vm. JMie
TwaBRMiiiiBSac tUON htt* aV
Hialsg sf MMkfVQB to ^toliisg tmtf lanckad •*« tmoao* ihOt ofea

frUmdn kofs for » fav Oojo.
Mrw. rnvwsi
yw. Jokn WooAavvr
Ml*. B#nbn Assn ad Uomraa Cesiai

yrw Krad Assn iaat
R. «. netting left for t
part of tk# AIM# asturday. but will
return noos
Jiuii;# F. R. B’nlkerof TmverAO City
WAS vldilug kU broihci. U W. Walk#r
Um «r<ek
RayaokU nsd family
Giwws Mid Ooarae Jo^epk nnd Usillr
of licaAok ssd yin» Jeswla Jonapb of
Ckeboygan spent Sunday si Vr
yrw .V C SiMBiy
1^ 01s#y‘s father of (^mUI
lied him ocer Sunday.
Henry iVyrMdmaa bsa moted to bto
home OB Carl Atn>#t.
chased ul O. A Brlgba
ijra Oinoy. who had
t#r dog sent him irow
time »fo. moun^s us ftosw. H U
ikought It must have ill for a plrturo
and lorgot lo move 00
Hu. kley U gdlug to hav.* a aporiAmau club, aib every « bit. n U a banter
.ir AH.. I aud wish. % 10 proieci
gam. and lUb. Tlwy will hate a club
bouse at Hack l.aktx that bel
mT3f#M Ukc. lint ikai^ aie a i
01 fiue trout fetrcTunu clus# by and tb#
liig UanUtne U unly Ihre# tnUea away.
J J \V«i.lcn« r bad tb# mlAfort<
lo rut hU band quite toad u'ceatly
lv-.«inda K. ('randall and slsie.
Therero of Grawn aitcndcl the b-cture
ill Ibe churf b .\pril lb.
Alpta Kitehtm of (litisd Rapids, an
exiieft planing mill mau. Is here
look uficr the M'itlng of tbe macblnea
In Frank Muore 1 Son s planing wlik
ll«- will bav«- (harge of the mill when
n fiari^.
Gioreo llenvrh.M iff having
b.Mim- ^bb (1 w bich w 111 make It a model
t.Miii loiuo Si.'iuip 4c Roft a ar.' .bdug
I be lailoftoJiT^ ilie f oagrCKAiloual
tburcluwiU r.He.a K* ceni ten at ibe
church May 1. KvejyiKMy should tiun
out auil r-mn.* as the ladle:, ate nofed
lor the gocfel Iblua^ they hat# fur tb#
appetite of tbe bungty.
Hen Kdgctt ba. hU bou*e saarly
Inclosed Kiank Andenom hai charp#
(»l |K« eana-utei work.
Ualpli HrUbam U reino.lellng and
plasieiiug hit. bofOA- which adds gn*at
1> u It. appei.iAmHv
.Vdam lUiimlch luu sold hi- ihlrn
patlotHat Ibe old town to Willluui (*ot
<d Monote (Viiter. Mi. Homrieh cA
fiecir. to .-ngnge In oth.-i Iiu^Iucaa at
Row. dentist, will be at
H.ickb y lor four d.^ys beginning Apt 11
ptt pared lo do all kind* of dental
k Hockley Is glad lo give the Or.
glad hand and hoj.# that be will
decide to baau* here pcrmaiieDilv.
Thursday. .May 2inl. is clean up da\
in Buckley and eveiy cilixtm sbuald
turn out and wake toe town one of the
be.-iuty sptitH of No..hern Michigan.
Klower m .Ms are v. 1 y cheap and look
uiu< h iilc.*: thgn w. eds and you mat*
gel the pn/e offcivd foJ the h.-M kepi
la»*h !c*‘»-iitlv puM based In Hockley
- :.s follow^: . L. Jewell, two: Frank
Wigbiuiau. one; .\woa Slater, one.
llanoali Ayeis. one:- Mr> Corning H
Cotiuln#. J St.-bhliis. Wm Frost
The funeral of f>:^la Gue:ns#y Hall
as held ai tbe church Sunday at 1
cbK-l . fth nlc bv the Rev. Mi.
The floral offerings were
aoy. anionx whi<h wet# SHaorled
boueb ol lloweih ftoiu Mr. aud Mis
I Guersuey. a slat from the Loyal
l.eglcw. a broken whoel fitun Social
Hour Club, a wreuttb of while caroatIo&M froni Mr. and Mrs. F EgxU Mid
LamlH-n. a large bunch of roae#
Iroin Mr. and Mr> O A BiHgham.
Mr. and Mi.s. F. Hamlin; spray.
Minnie Iluhhcl; arbutus. M. B. CornAod fumllv; spray Mr. and Mrs.
ler; spfay. Ida Johunos; spray.
Gladys JoocA. The proceaiftofi (dom
church to ctouweiy was nasily <*o#
mile long.


Ik* totlructk* at ika'foi«att\U
bT toa tacreow at BOBeotfeo.
TV. iMToaot to BOBOMloa

vaa M aMarf atarM aa« alto


Star Tliaaiar

IV Xmi. Haf
M)» li ilu^ MuiSli^. wm ot^ thxn


Washington. Ma.c l.—Three or four
iiui#A AA much wood Is cm and Ukon
from tbe forxeis of the Ignited Slatmi
Ika annual growth. Reducing the
wnmptfton to an avemge, each Is4l
rldual In tkU eonairr In uatof more
than six Ottan tk# quanUty <rf wood
skowa to be tke avef^ Indltrftdtml
mmunpuon |n Bnrope.
Only one rennlt can feilpv Ike pres­
ent Ueftnb mmnnmpIftoB of feittol prodneu In tke United BUten. nnd Uat U
Tkin eovntiT to today
to tkeenme poniUon wRk ra^r4 lo
foreat ranoarees ba wm Germany IW
Dintog tkto perftod of l&o
Oermna stfilan an Bnncmy
pnitkvHrUr tke totter,

policy or fpyfirmitoBt

Welle SNcmsas '

tt» snwot

ttoiat. akito Bteyclei
Btcycles EBaa»titfi asfi

' Todt^ iiK.

Tolknr bU» OB>oaa>la« to <to^»Blr4
OCaAed I##
tka total SBBual luptker cut of ib#1
oossitT, are ivdoubtedly sesr lbelr|
matluw. Tbe Pacific statea win anon,
tab# tka sac9WiA#ncy Tk# aul# of.
WVIl ICa 9
Waablsgum within a f#w saata kaal *
com# to tk# fumt. Mid now ranks arstl>-^»------------------- --■ =
erf nil IsdlTlduAl stauw in volum# of
VI but osi^ftfib of the loisl
I of tb# Vnlicd Riat#a Is am
satlonAl forcwiw. Th# r#four-ftfthA bav# ainrady
pwi^ or aiw most llkdy to pas* Into
pHrate bauds.


The Knights iif i\duml*us will bs\#
a HM<*IaI liaUi over ihe Giwud KapbU
A Indiana rallidad. leaviug Ti.iverse
Cliy for CwdlllAc ou Sunday. May k.
HNt7. at
a m All tbu-e r»*sirlug^
to take advantage of the wpcclal ml#
10 go with th# knights can «<*rur#
ilrkeis toy applying to meinlw>rs or
Wmioin Hcsillhan of \Vm. HiM.llhan
Co . 1.3.% Slate St.


T•hll K Santo
GanenI tasamw
33SXI0 $tau BMkMiUlW.
Travtm on, BicWcta.

Horses for Sale
Some Kood farm
aUb heavy horaca and


4ltMMbUt« LlttfiCll Alt Gfik*
•Uae Bvtoc AcoeaMilea.
Genaral Oarage BuBlnese.
iiaxWell Motor Csrs.
Smalley Marino Motors.


One good pair ponies
Good tingle-footer sad­
dle home-

B. J. M0R6AN.
•Vpr SI If




o. p. CARVER A nna ~

Tlrt IttSuranK





Wme*s. • US Park 8L

laiOasa SL, ooroer oX aSUto



a W. Harttam 4 nep .

EUheri-Mie. TraverM dty. Mick.

Real Estite



■1 MBW Wlt.HBl.ll kLOOH

Thi» the beit film ever
seen here.
Aacver Thiel
Song - Me Hear, vhe
Songs My Mother U»ed to
Ou floor with BudooM OoUega
MUBnaia.CIIHtoH>to» W

Dr.W. J. Higgins
Porcelain Work

131 Front
Old City Rettonront Bonding.

Line Steamers

Best Qultly of Coal
Mined in Mlchia*n at

The Only Dally LUic for



PW top

tnd AH Points Wwt
le..TOM.\NIMTfc:K Itaily u-xoept
SnotUv I ul •‘> 1111(17 i>. m.
Le»ve Ll'DlXUTOX Efeily (oi.
copl SmicUyl at 10 p. m.
Arrive Mil«auke« <i a. m. ‘
Louve Milwaukee daily iexcept
SBtu-doy) « p- tnThc Line which oMure*


C.B. Taylor Coal Co.


6eo. W. Miller
Will move hik—

Clottiing Store
’ Ffx>m the Beadle
Building to

242 East Front St.
Formerly occupied
by the GiwUkk Shoe Store

Monday May S

Order your^^T

Soft Co^


E. A. Weston


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