The Evening Record, February 01, 1907

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The Evening Record, February 01, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




“TRAVERSE CITY ANR 20,000 IN 1010"


FynibOisi U th« cvsninf «*eortl
miDAV. FM 1. 1W7.
•Aromttsr, fslhoot. nXL
Mtttimmi toiMrsters for M 24


From too Taloa

MM m IMS Mssam
OA4 Hpo#fO# oM Fo«y-To^
fiilpfpt^ iliprooowUtIvo 0««li
MM OM Hoovy Taspoyo
Kojpyoi FIno Oon^
at Forootoro Moll.

il^in or oiopw tonight; wai
»«ot portion; ^Uir^y or

. W '


Jehn ft banto.
baoe been oaoieroue rrHlcUn*. dlrtsci-

lamlaaiioa to aid In shaping the
daaUay of the “Qtieen City of the
Martb* ao Ibat aho wooW occmp) the
plaM Ibal la her. by right,
Aaolber elgnlAcaal fart van that In
teaa tbah ffWiMI Mlnule. ll.Mfl wae
ralaed by pAadpaa to carry on the
work aaal yMf.
The neBbara of tbo b.»«tit iK^gan

iHl toward the bcaiid he .aid that to
look Into the fann of the aaiM-mbly
waa enough oa Ih.y a»m> the force
that would achieve leaulia when nnoe

rher. Wert M3 Caeat of Contagiout
OiaaaaM Reported to board Yaw

united In one pnrpoae and working to­
ward one end.
If the board of trade la to And lU
propH- place and do It. work hell all
individual intereat tnuat l>c dropped,
ail petty jealouale. forgotten and all

Rulsert I»arker.^ the eiwaine Aimd
who wail nmAned In the t'aaa aircRM
•tation bouM- a month ag«> and Robert

lTtT»kw“aw Arm. M^r.* Parker give,
th-uator Bum.wa. Senator Alger ami
WilUam Alden Smith a. rerervnciv

1 n'portcr. Parker aald
bmllh. McKlnle/’. pi
ry before hla election I
erf preMldent. wa. a Aiwl ctm*ln oi ni.
mother-* and that ahe had bm^n abroad
with tbo McKinley party, taking In
Cuba and aiK«dliig aome time aboard


take up the work wheie ih.- old ofAccra lay It down
To theae ofAcer.
will Im* given the e.ticutivp portion of
the work but on yon. the roenitiera.
depmid. the duly U»'heartily aup|»ort
thfw'e ofAceni
1 am anre that thiMMi
who half held the r.iTUtlve poaltlonH

By Wirt to the Ivarring Record.

Hariiabwrg. Pa., Fob. 1.—-The buai
naao .aoctlen of thi. city is thr«atcne«
by a Are which atartod at 2:SO thii
morning hy the aaploalon »« the oparj
houae. All alforta to chock tho flamai
have failed. The loaa it already about
a million. The Optra howaa block conUining
Rvo atorloa wwa onttraly daatroyad i
aavtral other block.

ritendlng froB «me end of the hall tojn,,. «,|
.Ut them In th«- work
«aklliful effort, ^nd yon «tli gel reanlt.

doalroyed: Iota
an actor of the (

Quiet Wedding Was Solemmged at

ahlHd. ami roM^IUw aad diaiied In
every e««eelvahli> ttfuilon of the laiyce
i.ami. were amallei Aage
. from Ihe rhanileUeia t» the corner.,
then* were Kmg rtrinc* **f Inswndea.
fvni.. ml and while, and ihe eontraat
wa. plM.lng to the e,e

and w'rve Urpr niimlan. w»tb*iul dt^
lay and In a nuereaaful wanner. .The
•eivlng waa done by pn efAclent con>t
Ilf waliera compoaiHl of board of tradt-

■ .

Oyatrr Cocktail.

CMb Broth In Cup..
Broiled l-alo' Tmul.
BpanUh Bauee.
Pitmrh Fried Ihuanse*.
Ktleaaaor of Chkketo.
Tea Uiacutl.
Mashed rotaioee.
Cold Hjun. INwf Tongiw. Veal liiiaf.

cna»yalile wi*d
I'd. 1 hiring the
auppi-r a party of Bell teh-phone
ploye. called at the honu- ami
dered them a netvnade BoiK y«i



WIHiam Louden.
Second Vies* lltMldenL

TeeronaU Klllwl Victor Cruen While
He Wat Driving.
■ By Wire to the E>«-ii»ng Kertird.
Warsaw. K.-b 1 -A tuind of termrrtor fVueo.
ad Victor
GrfTien. chief atwdri'
retary of poller, a. he wa.I driving

nature that Inieiv**! had l-M-n K
alive <luling till- la*t two yeat*
The appearaneiMrf Mr llaatiug*


decision and I
at the Grand I
Mr. Oarieldi

will be in the city tomor
liable to branch off «n a fWtb of
July oration but he had hi. aprech o«
paper, ao kept la the airaigbl and nar
row path. aptuiUng as follow.:


Bw|*a OluM.
aad Batter.
At l:0S thd la.t Po«r.e having boon lODRBbb OF^RITIRIHO FRiib
dlaiMBH of with oBinBit aatMneUon.
by B. W. Haatinga.
FrsaMoal K. W. Ha.lln«t cnlted the
Cb ntlemen - We are more than wen
•aaoBbly to ortter and introduced 4f«aed to weicivme such a bae gatherMayor A, V. I^rtodrtch. who acted In
Ihn mpnclly of •oMtmaater. Mr.
madrtch auted tlBt U he waaaT pei^
wealth at thU hnngaol. It apMke con­
faotly wen nogonlnted wtih the men clusively that you am Intemaled in the
whom he saw hefora hiB he wonid ha
aomawhat tlBld about aocagUng lha
honor but a. he knew nil hn Mi ha
hoard of trade, and I wma surf
late accepting ihe honor conSerre
traUra of tht atUBlMli ha hainn hy <B Be at that tlBe. Lookteg forward.
It eeem. Uke a long tlBS. Looking ia
•UUng that ha hn« haaa praaida
MB* ilea It eeem. now but a very
jiha hoam aMi thwaftew aoold h
yt tiB# Oon«M|ykg^^ RtUe
Uata lha faattnga af Pfaalba.i Haatlifa. Bbliaiiltathafhibthbilhaio


The starch factory aUrted grinding
at S o-clock this afternoon. The aUrt
U hot the tmtlng of the machln
and n aatell nmooat of corn only
be handled Next week It te «p«
that the plant vrill aUrt with a
tome of Ben night and day.

Uved There for Almo.t a Quarter

i“*H with pneummiia- She hart Iw-F'n
ai4l a* uanal thla winter but her
ngih evUUmny crmhl mK wllhMand
*he hteadll) aank to
ha* liM^ at Ihtrk* IMar»'

K her effort* l« he
«-very wa) .
Riaier. Mr.^Oixai Noble of
i>, left of the Immediate


Feb. 2s 1907
We Vill give to every
customer, making pu*
cha^ amonctiOKJK* 25
cents a f

Be boMIcoi
Cranl Toole



^biiShowint: $5, $7. $8. ^



M»»n*g and Boys’ nre now la'lnft
B>ia at lews than their tiilue.



\ Yim better bm the tpocial wo aro
putting: out at S1.00.


Don’t Forget



When thinking about presents that a
lier, pretti- shade, pocket flasher and


Portable Table Lamps
make the very best kind of a present. Wc have all
of them in stock, at the right prices. Come in
and sec.

Ity Wlie t

By Wire to 4hc Evening Record.
New York, Feb. 1.—Phy.ician. hop*
to aave the life of Miu Ellen B, Platt,
granddaughter of Senator Platt, who
i. ill with typhoid by the Injection into
hei veina blood from a healthy young
man. a .tudent friend*. Livlngaton
Platt. He ia ovor six feet high, a giant
in .trength and in perfect condition.

Another One
for the

J. B. Paige Electric Co.

—------------------ f
Will pay Highest Cash prices fo^

Maple, Hemlock, Ash, Elm,
Basswood, Pine and
;«> , Tamarack.

Traverse. City Mfg. Co.

Boll 169.

Particular Men
Men u'liolikr eooH clothrs shbiilH



sDTcial clcan-iip sale

Wpdra ol

3.50 Shoes
In l4k-nt Kid. Patent
Calf nnd Enamel made by the
Uondvear welt pro' . reea. eamo aa the oU
faahianod h^ 'eewud



Some special ihincs at $1^ $2.
91M, SS.

New Suits?



Despite the fact that the ea.t had!
N-ided not^to repeat -Ml.matod,-1
en and he propoaed-U> u*e them
hmight wlih all the American Aag*
raving around the mom that he wa.

^ New Trousers?

vera devoU-d their rffortR
the twelfth fnmi them
Hut It wa
Ih»u>A that wvme «f the eleven
to be rxruMHl.
At J «» cU*rk ihl. afteneioo no i

Saul! Stb. Marie. FVb 1 —Captain
Ilault of Ihe ►learner jt;olap«T will be
with manHlmighier lawauae
»if the death* fr<mi exi»oaure after Ihe
mMin that he had alrooat orcrcomc hi. wreck ftor whirh the coroner a Jury
craving for li and. after the Ar.t few blame, the captain. Some action may
day*, the ight again.! It wa. eaay
Irf- aKo taken agnlnhi Mate McI^thI
"I rfiM all of my win ikiwcmt to Limm. who wa. ccn.und by the Jury.
my mtnd off fnan the auBiect.* be
Hung Him**lf.
Parker-, grammar 1. fault lea.
OwiMoio. kVb. I--<’H**lsiH Gniw agiHl
and hi. command of the Engli.h Ian
iiome WednRiutay e vening. Ilia Wife
found tiH- liodv thi* morning.' t/>ng
time.* nml i.ont.b- with hi. wife were
the can-ieH,* Hi
twin bt»y* 4
year* old.
Took Opium.
Owi>**F> Keb 1. .^llyn William* of
kitatoii. amsi 7r. t.N.k opium laal night
,SSEO AWAY A^PARK PLACE and Ih In a pn-rarlnu* condllitm. He
lIviMl^alone on a farm ^Tim. daughter.

ha* made a bom of frletpli. '
She «
of Gnin

The pnnwrii^lon nMh, Ininqiiet had
|,4MWi under Ihe
vision R*f O H.
t'.vlM and Bamuel Wh r and not one
«»r the t4S gueat. that tuninnk of It
fell othR i than that ihcM- two gentle
Mdved «he prol*-^ I
men had .ureei
e dlaailvantagei
lero‘ of how to c

The Hobart Co. prop.

The priaoner aay. that be coniracU'O

l,H uo Sayhn

Med In the clly.
I Ulnry- waa the i

The makers of Congress and Bicycle Playing
Cards have sent us a number of attractive little folders
giving full instructions for many of the popular card
Any interested parly may have them for the

tty Wire l« Ihe Evening Record
New York. fVIv 1 -When e.»urt convcn«M for the Thaw trial today eleven
juror* were in the box. One hundred

« b
e Arm of Ma^m
b Maaou. attorney.
M-nt a phy.ical
Uw. She 1. at 1

Chicago. Hei
rjirreai-indeDce ipOmated that aht
w'aa rtooely eooneolwd with the famll)
of William McKinley and whro a.ked


Free Rules for
Card Games.

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
The fact that the man wa. addlrteil
to the cocaine haldl wa* puldl^hR-d
•owe day* ago and alnce that time CAPTAIN BAULT MELD RESPONSI­
Sheriff Johaaon hiU recelvinl another

rin adslHj(.ni
cauae. ‘Trareme t?lly ha. Im-r-o noieU
or. for ninety
for doing thliiga In the |»aat. ’ he aald. be able to guard
-and the no n w ho do thloga and hgve oonalantly. Yealerday there were 341
done thing, aiv In thla hall and it only caMW of contagbm. dlaeatn-. reportea
to the healib department. Zhl beini
neRvl. hiart)
and unlliHl work to
acarlet fever.

In I he ]>N.t are mdng to w ork a. «al
the fiiiuie M. In the poat.
FborUy before 7 oclork
tNHi.1 tN a..Till n thmuaml
wa. for«Mal Into line and |kn«K<kN and on*- IxHistcr Im worth a
iiliou^und kn.K kei.
Jio»i Ikw/iIiU In

meiubora. under the leaderwhlp of Jud
They were U R. BUrknry.
Rowland Ihmgliwa. Henry 8mltb. J.
W. .Cllffc. naud Pulver. Phil Hhermer.

ThTI :t‘h


Prraldeni of the Hoard of Tradi*.

pf Umi rttjr. ■aaifaclarrro ajid bfovr
laspafofp 0Pt 4o«b to 'bMlioek U>t
tAgkl aa4 Uo rooolt wao that tbr ban
tiaot aad aaoual nootlag of tbo Trar
OTM City board of lrad».
Ihr brat
of lU hialory. Tbero aaa • ualty of
artlOB. a opoauaolty that did tho heart
pood of ovorytioo who haa aa Intemat
to tbo clly. There were oo dlvlalooa.
ibo aaaUmaeU rxpreaard la the
papof* wore of the hlaheal and there
waa hot a coannoo goal, not only a
bigpor aad wore poweiful Traveroc
City, but a better Traverae (Tlty. Good
rlUaenablp oaa placed on a par allb
now loduatrAot. Hablnd aU the vx

Young Forger la a Vicl
came Habit But bay.
t GM
GBUthe Drug


City Book Store

Lawyer* Tried to I






Wc^rcaMoi aoo«

There is no question as to our ability to
supply your needs; Its only a quesUon whether
you will buy now and save from three to seven
dollars. «■ wait and pay more Uter.
These auits are the finest clothing made: made
to the latest styles, correct in every dctail*The lots arc too small for us to keep^ in slock:
hence these reductions.
( . ■
Wc vant you to especially see the line\t





X w. WMMm.mmar M< 1


tan# of l^atrtoc City or the p.'w««t



oad pash it akmg.

He rit«d th# Im

ntaae# of a loeal ladamry thM.a##4#d
capital aad local paople had a«k4
with tb# praper ««. fl&.oo# wbkii pat It tato each ahgpe
Uuuit to
paylag dlrktomda.
He stated that E. 8. Pratt in bta
address to the bosrd two years ago.
had atrach. the heyaot# vhea he
•taied that Ito# people of Tfarerwe
pevelop power 00
itrer. lea years fraai acw yon will be City smald hare to dn the work, that
wtahiag yoa had eome of their stork; they 6#«M aei ait d,»wn and wait for
Wta 1 aay Boat haoch. but pash It oatoM# capital to name in. The bead
Dm amth cf

us 20.000 IN (90'

!! lii

tOaiUourd l^rta nrat


rcmlfra ball U»f r»#iftinc »m Ibr
of a KathorlDg nf
MiUiltM «r Tr«Y«m cUf 'm bti»ln«nEa
•ad clirlo m«. It »M a aailwTinx of
' tarn a/ho ba»« bt4aut mak« tbo rtiy
«l»t ft U. and imro «bo art* «o4nx
it a bHlrf afid grcau-r Trav
•rooOlt/. Tba board or IraOo baaqoM
«M fbo faoat 600 of It. Mad
lioM la tirfa .arUcKi <d tbo .
Cofvra vara laid for 141 aad
aatlfa aaabar Wrr. laiAaaalr i

loaa for aay. oaa aua to bold do*
taa I ^
an Imponaat
aa oBlre. yt i wot with
all the rrlUrlamI that baa
beea bmpaol ap^m oa datiag Cbe latt
tea moaiba at l«ai. we fully ravUae
thai a aaiaube waa made In not boldtag oar racMar ooerUag a year a«ia
hm tbd work we bad la band iaat at
that Uaie, ve quite eaprv^etl aad I
ao dare of haslag aometblng dedi
cloaed op the time alipped by aad the
maetlng waa aot railed. No oae rrgretu ibU aoa neve than your pnvl
Heat, yei In the meantime ve feel that
»e ha»e learned oiaay tbfaga and bo
Here elarerrly tliat ihrie are gmat
(MM»U4Iitirs lr> the mvr futurr for
rruterue <'«> in lb* uiiU.*d effort
tiM- menilu^nhli.
thU Umrd. aa.l
aani t« l«ke IhU opaortunliy lo» aay
fa ll imr • irmtm hate Mx-u mo^i be*n
l> »ijpi»oH0d h> l!»e ti*uitd 4*f (ttreepH*
IH) hav* g^t.-i fleet) <if ibeJr rahiihlr time, tind In a nie^t mitted *.plrll
o flit I her the InieMMu ttf.lhe tioard
Old our rHy, :ii»d %r f**o 1 thoil our
uoui bouKiy ihanl.v la due each and
Tery^.ae of ihew »od tnaay of you
I hare lent u% your
*e all ivgnt (bat ino
a hare aot folbtvcl t
no o.oe mute Ouui imaelf.

We Are
to Salisly.

^t^a^imt^h^hto^ waa

H-« aifte «M Mp '^hmt
mtm tftio tte •pirft vkic* K«taUa<
•t«d at tkli ■niig.

A pipm^ aun. yea thla baa besa dla^

imoo to aot emoagh. tf the pmiple wait
for that aioae to brtag indnstrie#. they
will watt a kmg time.

I to as a# it
by aow that under farorsbl<
held In that city, that la Kalamaaoo.
the local people bad the
rtock aad that local help was what
counlcd. tt being no use to wait for

Be have oqe a
now with coo
tract fwgfly for yonr emeen to ukc nj
that baa fwer b<-«« priveiitcd for o«i
conaldemMno. aad It doeu eeem to nt.
^ Ixdkwred that the- romlni^y ^
aa If
foribla^ Jk^nifd Iv* the i«-a, that Traivrso City
7*d «.;r «-n. ,ha.
overdoa#/by any means; fruin twe
dlgervmt aowrciw wlibtn ihb laat few
wceka we bavo iKwm ask<*d what wo-ih1
Traverse CHy do for .n .ulctmtddh
factory? I waa told by a rm»»rn o|
ul llunm that their u« w toctnry cWt
f n flOO.WMloe In atoek. and the city
fumlabed tbe aUe nad buUdlnga at an
of|3ft.000.b# iknowporttlrc


WeWraa hm Bodraora MlrathM aralbelMl
oMainlMriiMiaadflMMW-vM W olowoirt
•odara oMiUwt MMdowftkMU

PleasM cabtSDiffcrs' are
oor best ^advmisers. Wc
make it a point to satisfy.
If wc have not just what
you want, well get it for
Our stock of Hard
ware and S uppties
is e^x t e n s i V e . large
enough for atfnobt every
one. But>-on may wanfl
something special. You
are then me one we
want to satisfy.

JI,«uUr tI6.» 8«te oo.
BesnUr SZ200 SsHe nenr
B.vaUr $8000 Suite nov





n. the reUrtng mvreUry. Mr Han. ih<-n gave hU report for the work
the board during tbe iaat.iwo years

banquet tieorl) »vo yearn ago.
tiKik up tbe vo!k vliL I lie utmuat con to miereat us In one c»f the Ivsl re
By J. W. Han
lldrucr iSat IW.1TU would aorely fol frlgerators >on earth, all (rf us that
f (tf la
ve examined It believe tbla and be
of value to the comve that there are gnwt possibilities
w»tln* jaaiba aa ri*ucb la Trarnao
m-mlty. Ttiere has been some criua
’ atjr-a ladmirlal klatury.
Tba ia«a
pnrtlrular ivfrlgerator.
Wt have all rism of the officers of tbe board toBtaatat dlapUyad a wibllr apirtt that
use more hwi nerf b,*en accompllabed.
the natural advantages right here; a
Is fully r*-vU-wcd.
vaa eoaimaadabla and worthy of TravfriA of our people with their moow
vatlve poplc of
ciuld dnke hold of thla and give a*
rrar City. OurtiiK tbo paai yoar It baa
sucrtwsful Industry eniiiplo)lnx one or
baco baltovc4l by many that I ho iMiard
o hundre-d men within
th.*' mwl
of tradr vaa aot ar«N.>mtilUhing what
tivt- nionihu. what's the
It abould for Trararae nty-. boaflB
are too .low ; we caa
tofvota. Tbbi a* ntlmen1 h»mrror, waa
not get C9ver or shake
off the coimerdoa to the fart that oo nrw IndvatrKv
vatlsm that has hung over Traverse
of aay nagnttudr bad l>oon brouglit to
City a nd b«m our c*duealbm for the*
thla coCDUuully. lloa.;vrr. thr roporla
paat forty years; two years ago I
tboagbl the time bad come, a few
of tbv ofttcfra at ibr iMuiquti and Imaliiwjre fgHun-s wi onr part and we may
noaa aaaalon fulloaina. domoa.t rat.y!
roallxe that quleker'actlun will be ne
that tha roUrlac oflbxia of the t«ard
ccaaary If results are to follow.
of trade had beren rnrigrttr. faJUifuJ.
Table Factory.
About eighteen mmiihs ago we eeot
aad aarvhat in ihrlr deroiloB to their
a commute,* to inspect a certain table
bom# town. II aaft rleaiJy ahowti that
fartory h*uklng for a new location,
*lho board hnd noi |.r< u |.n*vM.Mi vHh
the oommuteo wm well pl.taarHl with
the alneWB «jf aar
what they found-a
INif thj jiaat (VO ).ara it bai* i
glad ah«K on a am^ll aum i»f m
TbU (^imlition ..r affaire 1
»rA kt
ITjo (tfllt'eia IhoTefuie. ptvr
Vrnnpleto and exhatiKitre Inrurmatlun
•a to raarlly what hud l9tu*n dom
aad what had Iumhi nought to do. The
addrvua ut fhe apeak«*m nn the pirv
gram wrra flroely. to the ludm iiiui In
atruoUvo. The aiMvkvra frtiiii Graml
Kaplda. Ifr. R A. Htove and Mr Amo,
R Ifuaaelmau. privmiled wuH-thuii
•ngveatloAU, vhlrh Itmi hew Inuplia
tloh to tho Tiaveim- niy buklneaa
men, Tlie Hddtef>«e4, |,.v our bk Ml |MM»
pla werr* eaeellei.t tMo.1..eil..n« nt.d dU
played a teal and •.ame^tiuM vhUh
wera* promptly ubiv.riMd by ih..*e
Aa mnm aa It waf aniioimfed that
tha board of Hade msniJ'd funda to
^aeear# a errlaln aimill laduulry. .«mly
|MK) for morlng eriuniu.--. tbe faN*t Hut
tba money waa not on band for thr pui
poae^ waa deeply deplurtnl. and mhen
retlrtng rrealdcml K W
made an api^'nl for rattrng the |r.oo
#mnng ^ bualnaaa men In the
It waa met Vltb aurh enthualaallr reaponaa. that In ie« miautev 1

lUOO had b«m auhuriUa^d. Ttd.
mmilffaUUan of pabUc aplrli and
termil raniioi bul Ik- gratifying to
people tif Trateme rily. fheiv
hnaffrada of othera Im t^Se city vbo
win only be too glad to aid In u
way In thla good cauue
Two yeara figo. thi* liOarU
atartad out with a liaUnee of $34. and
today, after paying necaaaary expi
Of tbe banquet, the l«oard wUI have
apftpxUoMXly $i.iHio to nirry cm
VOfk for tbu bcneat Of the city
tb# paat the boaid ha. not he«i giv,‘n
tlm prtMfloal anpport that it abcmid
have had. taut ntght'a mtvHlng. how#f6r. changed thing*
Th# new ofScotB Will take hold with tbe barking
aC a determined luidy of boataeaa mm.,
who will WM only lend their pemmal
Aid. but go into their iKukeia and
bring forth the waaiuma vtih which to
fight «mr battleu of Indnalrtal ptxigresu
TMa I# a happy oondhloii of afiairv.
aad shows the faith of tbe people c<
th# oommunlty la their home town,
th# commeretal center of northern
MIehlgaA. with advanuge. amxmd to
hOOA Now. with thU aaalouu purpose
plaliriy maaINvted last mgbt. the
board of trade win be able to do
thtaga and tbe apim with whleh they !
MilArnd into tbe altaatloa shows a






e. w. I

of eriH* ril/\l<m»r fkuil 0»mpan) a plant
hut tht'/pric* asked ft>r this, and the
»unt m*ceaanry to put them In good
Y«W1 pmlwlhly well fetmmlKr our
king (,-ondinon here was thought
"flogiin * at (bat thm*. -fluh or rut
M* bm touch by your h*»aid of dir
Imlt." uiol we wept aliir the bait In
cclors to warrant, ao nothing wh. done
asking the elty |..r ir.o.tMUi.oO whK-h
at that time. lk*lng veiy much Inter
and earn, a w ith only
eated in the paaaaiimh*s of thla plant,
isentiUK voiru.
atom! two mouths ag«». we g<»t amnher
was gunnl.Kl t I all li-gal iMilnU. a
pbH-. of land ,r.K'uieil fur a UsiB fl.b- t-tmiinitu-e to visit them with the aa
favorable results i*u far as the a
le d.KKt of thU^land Is held In
mlttco was cmccrntid: they fouad-a
today l.v two of our inemiH.iw.
suredaaful llllle plant, aliout
luiimlHi*.- of (Ivo WUI. .npp<»inle.l
month. licbUid 00 Ihelr ordem. n
aa e.iM.Hlun for tin
(nc more room and l*otter farlll
We reglH
wrblch under more f.voiwMe ci
tm.iMls w« iv ne»er Ikk.hhI. <»r w»l.| and
Ilona could <*arlly give N‘mployim*ni to
Mie> pl.ieeil In lb. ir hand, that
40 fHwplc; y«ir board offerxHl to pay
i! Ik- a>nlUbbWe ar,- of «inl.v
Ihelrmoving i-xpN-nM-a and
.inluii SI HI. w.*
them not to rxcciHl $i:.(Minc)d.
Im- done at th.- earliest pen'll^**
IK irenl lnUTe«i for ten years. I
date, as we iH-lleve that thU niAm-y
ahap,- of a bond iaaue on tbe plant
will smel) |M- iohkInkI and rv«Tv
with which they were to buy thoir alte.
in the very neat futiiie.
needing one and onc-liair to Ivo acre*
Ready to K#sp Trying,
andbuild tho buildings necesaary for
r Uvauiie at this time wc have
business; up to the
-,*u a sm-cssful tingler. aa dead
prisM'nt ttroe,
e, we have heard nothing
andI 1 aay gent
gentlemen. Is H
These people
e ever rrsd> at the very I
double Ihelr present caparli) ; to do
opp«»rtunity to trr again, not only t
this they need nmney. larger
but wv want to l«wm and arc* always
bulldinga and better advantages for a
r,w«l) to iM'<'4iin|uin) the a.uocvwsfur
business of this kind, and with all
anch-r. row his Uct or do anything
the vacant laud in andlilKMit thi. citv
that we ma> liavr
and our nty*ds at tbe preaeot time. I
set* how K 1. done
Ho bmigbt

r.v,.|,lrm of the Ibrnttl

upto»rlunny to

nimowt cvinfldetire. wh<i yon bellc’vi’
Ciin and wlU be sucei-ssfnl. men wJi«»
will cany forward the work alread>
Umm and wU». ate most vitally In
teresUMt In the future i»f our tniautlfnl
Men who will not be, working
fi*r Ihelr own perMmal. lAterc*st* but
for tbe Industrial intrfvats of* the
whole, that (he lalKUer and roarhartlc
may be* Iwu.filed aa well as fhe mer­
chant and the tisukvr
Oont Knock.
In thU you will find n* ever ready to
do our pun. only let uuUy aad ct>opeiwtltm prevstl. don't
kiMK-k, but
let's push and pull all with one purnose In view. Trstenw Cllv and lO.iWt
\a 1»IP. Ttw*rv to nothing liuposalble

must haxe to do siircvwsfrd work;
e want and should have a nenabethip of 2«o. men who will be glad aad
tiling to eoniribute $:. (U. or more a
year In dues. Th* n you ct»ulU at least
Iiay ytmr rcH-O'tary enough ui cmplod
gtKHf and c-rrirleni offUe help for the
clertcal work, aad have a lllTle for


Arc tor Stoi at Bw Nfiswtof Bmsa
J. W. Jboknon A. W. Jahmtia
K. A.Moimm lUm^Utmtoo
P. F. Ak«s
J. H. Ummm

tbiAga. Tba Retmfi bsiiemv I
board Of trad# and lU offlecn
bar# tba traltad and barmoali
port of tb# #nUr# eoauAiiAity.
oat Uto tb#y can aced^pUab b«t lit-;
tiA With tbto backing tb#y can acaampItoB noeb. In another portkm of AMri0MDf«8«M
tho RbbOPt will b# foond camploi# iml HsnUi Drag Stan
porta of tb# nddrama# and proe##d- F.L.Bintar '

V' «

utmld strtke out

On account of tbcoo $:ooeU arriving too
Uto for the Holiilay tn»Ele. wo liavo an
tmonnoua tloik on hand that aro Uking
uptoo muchToom.
If jou jwant a Eocsker,


Pioneer Livery.

Now Is the Time to Boy

n Biay bb mMf atatod that thu


«| *r#

§^e of. Rockers.

find out wh«t me
when H was Pwind
and moW ahead.


llnc'V rails fi.mK* |iromi.lly
t nil liENura.
1 o^ll for la.i:-

I h tyennopcn for
s!ri).*liriiit‘ iMfti**s wh(*ic
ihry ;$il *-i« ilown i'» the
Koiiom as ihry u*m d to
do \A g.-o,1 e»M rime*w
years RifE» Haa» Either
biM with vide sf^iTs f„r
thoAr* vvh.» don’t W.UU the
other bii'.

Th** follow!

And hoM* i« wljpre you will find the Hn.*
(At abkoriment and the loweot ntioeo in
thw city
idi'k of the ffimt rednotion wo


only a few of tbo miny:

R.x'Ver. gollHn oaV lioiah. legul-ir
value, at $1.48
(lo^KMihlerSEEst U -*k**r. rcgiiUr $:i.50. now................................. 2.38
Kw-VE*r Ilk** t ut. goMon os’t, r,»ll a^it. nitvjy carved,
alw.EyKWMl.l f.,r tli.kSt. „ow ludy.....................................................
Our H|. *, i *1 $7 K K,lt.-r. if-.l.h*n tmk. wt-le arm. i^ll aoal. now :i tC*
S.*wiiig (^1011-8 from r,'»o up
MorrU Ohnlra from 4.75 up.
A'l other liign grwU* K«H'lu*rg sold ncoortlingly.

jif you want to rm.vr I
can givE* yon a gootf man
aiitl a iargE* >|. igh and
give you satisfaction.

Your Credit Is Good
----------Your Reliable Furniture Store,

Grand Rapids Furniture Co.

127 S. South Union Street ,

The Hannah & Lay Mercanlile Co.
the elty win ogrt-e that (h<‘ l.uird of
dinvtorh and onirei* o( the .»
inm hmo Uh-h dlUgN iii. pains lakUig
Many enU‘n»rlikw have Ikvii Inlnv
diu t-d to 4Hir notir,- of appurt-nllv grewt
tuerlt. It has liCK*n the duty of llupr,umieni ami m-cM-taiy unde- th,- dircetkm of the l»Anid of dln-riorw. to
make or cause to Ik* mad,*, full In
vesttgatlons of all prupiMitiotiM whirh
lm%e come to the notice of the Uiard.

Have developi'd merits and t
ilerpriscwi under lu'goda
has been true, hc»wever. that the
Piw of tbe boatd of trade, have
been seriously handloappt
of the lack of fund, for the
of such Industrtes a. would lie
tugoims^iu this ix-gkm. it I* a
iltlcm to Ik* given rart*ful eon
wKhoui sufficient
funds, to go out after Industries, the
and lM*gin m.nufarturi(tg Utdes Inalde
tif trade have been deprived of
of four mtmihs. do you wkat IhemT
lans that many olht r ritlo. have
U up to y«iu.
pi*ovld,*d for thU kind of
It to one of the very unfortunate
Inga wo have to conttuid with atid
but U bas been Ih,* expt rUmce of the
board of trade, i.hat the mo«t dealrabki
art* fhope we
WE-- have to go out 1In the
wDrId after, and m»t wait for their
. (.me experience
large funU(ted two ysara ago.
from Grand Rapids.
WItbta tb# piTat few days w#
Of directors, appointed a com
rered a small ObScago plant «#
mlttee to go to Grand Rapids and In
ing seven or eight sklUed wor
tervlew the proprietors of the c
$ko^M»o. to pay their moving exp_____
in qiH-stlori. as soon as It
to (his city autPthey have aerepto.! mir
n to u. that It wa« looking
offer: It 1s a fine amall Industry and new lENcatlEin.
Our ctuumme© founif
should he NWieonraged; bow are we I
similar eommitiiwa from #<*veral cities
get these b#o plonks? Oh that's easy
on the grviund ahi*ad of them, some ar­
go ci|i» on the atrecH and raise It.
riving Ih.* Mine day and It was diffi­
cult to get an Interview auitwble for
a proiNcr explanation of our advantages
and renounw TWs enierpriso finally
then* y.m are from Il'rm.bOO. fo went to Hultaad. It U-lag stated to our
>#r mill to 1506.00 actually prom committee, and In c^yvapofidence to
not cm# cent In alght; aOIl the
Inquiry ha. been made and often rel» tbe bo/rd of trad# do- trunk lines, to make thU point one of
advantage for the manufacture of
•Tiw¥#fM City and ffOfiOO in IfIfi.- furniture, more par1lE*wlarly waa thU
Well, gwntlemea. what we baire been
doing and all we have tried to do i *whl^b**^SId m»t aUow”t55^^ mi**

to repeat aad that very dtotlncOy. with bly. a proinoilcm fund of |50.Wio.oo.
.koo.otw 00 cm deposit in I
thU cHy. with our nalural
railroad and
I only by looaealng up. quick acUon and
a united effort cm our part will it be public improrexneau to tbo extent of
be possible to obtain our aln
lioo.ooom Tbe paaaage of this meaaure was due to tbe rwcom
the honor and *TcBockinr* that kas
been mine for Ue past two
gladly and freely gto# may to r
ever may b# your eholee: may
ewnm bta aad our oaltod wl
boat wUb.

#« #A Foortb PngA)



. .

“THE BIfr STORE "-Dealers in Ereiylhing

Cakes ^

fdr Breakfast

OonMn’taok for a l>etU*r*l»Trakhiot ttiah oakoa made from doom*
Oonntry Farm
Burkwlioat F«our (iollB at .-W a ootk) and RobiBwm*o Ouarant
AltooltitAly Pure Ohio
Maple Syrup (costs you $1.25 a galhxi 1. We do mdl, and lots of it. Golden Drip Cane riyrup
at 40r a gallon. Add to your breakfast aome of 4oneo* Country Farm LitUo Pig Hauaage
sold in (sasingi at 2:ic, or in hoik at 203; or yon might prefer tho bam at 20c or bacon at 23c.
Top the whole off wifli <«e or npiB copa of f^lher tbe Ynie Mocha and dava Ooffee at 35c or
thi* Monarrii blend at 40c, and po&tetBB hraakiat fiilor a king. Dm’lyou want to bea king?

Poultry Show
Surpii^l yon, didn’t it. that sudh fine ponl*
try CENnklheriiiseEl? YOU cooW doitiaat
a* well if you go at it right Wa help yon
in every w*y. Thu display in our big window (oeoomi fn»m eavt endl provea our
oViteroent, ludiahh* lOO Egg IocabaU>r. thi*
Reliable 1(X) Chick P>rocEl*3r and Rat Proof
y>ni, Kidinlnc 8tock FooeI Cooker and
Water Heater, Kelinhle Exhibition Coop,
Ibltablo luerrt HWr, Poultry Netting
(keepa your poultry in and small atock out—
Imy any tpi tntilv you want), Boft Lioo Kill­
ing MavUiiie. '(I'alvnuixed Iron Drinking
Fountain., Hand Com ShoUerm, Grit or Feod
Boxea, Exoeliior Feeding Trough, Caponixhig Infftrumcnta, PraU’# Poultry Food, Iniernational Poultry Food.

d^j^y of Carpenters' Tools
I. iat window fiaUhed from w»i end. 8urprKedetthedilren nt kindeT BeM akmkoE
wpn(ei,’toobiDU>e<Uf. ForEydifferaU
kindiofiewi fromSOe. AU Unde e( bnera
fitMD 40c to $« .'lO. Axes fron 76o to the
very betL &ioaree are mort important—
«»U them from SOc- to SI 25. Lerab can’t get
ak>DK withoat, they ipnK be goed-aell fraoi
60c to $3.60. Hm»nv. >-ou oa. bey fra.
10c to 73o. LitUe Ula of 3.16 bile oo«t you
ISo. other ei*» 20c and S5e. Chitela eellat
35c. 40c 60c
60c You nrad ptaw..
oompeHec pooket nilec knivec chelk linec
pinmhc hatchet,, aegen, braoec loww.

Aribur’s‘‘SIfflki Pi/fe’'
An riieoiutely pure lard, guaranteed. Sells in three and five poitad pails. On*
each pail is a little metal bind. Oir receipt of endi metal bmd. at the hesd offlee in Chicago; you wiH raceive in return Armour’s
Beautiful Art Cblcndir entirely (fee.




Jour bocikty censor


Md aMfM
tw caiiitAl Itwir
jkmi mrj m^tr «lM|d
II »l IM • 0m4
t« r«


unto «flurt vortUf

im dr <VTftUy did iWlr M awl
tvad »ta«t M iMcy i^rlMOT w ttorf

rmMUAftY t, tw.


coudarter. Tbt? aid fa* (o'.
lo*»<i or tliiafi m> rnirng.
VCr au *o BUV doctor* |w>MrhaMMbroMM|]«y knov
that«« ohi7 otdoa.

ALCHT ttfli. 6IIUN0V.

VTha dM* aot
Vlr« ilnuAii
do^ Ml Ml W4M tuue IMkr
I yrt Vko kM ««r
Prtm. trim mmd



tbr Piat cAlUy vlud to yopr Mdotog ^ Us last party brfo
Yoo Will abirrr ami abakr bsfUm
bonsat Am. apd Potbtog abort of •!

ip I

With onir a |i aoa# «ilr aad a
gkwmy tmikadi for bu^tor*'. A«grll*«
i^omrrflauK dlahaadrd'toM ntobi. mak­
There ulU bo
r a mnitog of all ihr ing Ihr third ntmpr Ihni hai .Hrd”
Pira^ to IH^rk Plaor to- to thU rtty to tbr last frw nmatPs.
morrow aft

j If vir^ iTruiidy l auld a|*r>a^ sb.* woukl

X r«l»i.-r'a uralM.
t. 1.
..f l.-,....rdo
Va>..i tbat. I J-“
' Uial of Mllrui .vii*ur*t JoUua son nf IVii r ^watintn. rsufiht ibr smalb-si of fheir tauirs to to- found
dre^u Ifa Iwlie-tbMkid.
Imrsi iytu bnUlatwy. br fs-el
^>kirr;sjrmMl). ibr aaa
a Ovr r"vmd lakr from on ito- eanl'wiih Ihmi
TI.ri. aciins to lifrli'r.i.
Il»e>u rvru n;m» 1 r sbl ti oi . MS Trot uni of rpMiua* M.irl
rblr of 1^- bar usiay. Thto to itHMinarilwIc. punk
Iitoi. a.I of
Pla. ll.all> wr plsywrigtil t•«^u uiwrly
bruvj .. Ibr tiyd;<ig«
flrsi roion on ihr Ire rr|»oHrd. al- u.irs fn»:ii ibiv ainlirnr.- in -hr mio
uf a^. frit uW.grd thongb'ihr coi*ps :ur brginninp to ap tbmal |iaris of ibrii bilto ii..- nu»ri
I aHH-ars to bl. imsionil growing (ul
:m %rr ut.!«^pbrv witor
A* it fall,
iVh 1 • Wb««i
and uur day p«qn.
si tto- PKitt.- wb.Hi ran lo g<ir up
tbal thr romiiaiiy do-w was lui^hlrr.
Mtlog .tod,. Ibr dood sud toMUy fuuu Ibr rluwH II« Ibr luipurt
««t.. 41
plriurr ,
su.-iswirul laiUiluu sea. l*sdr Ito Vi
Thr Priiuary Smid,iy SrluM.I Fnl.m Thr stovtolibVi w. rr. as a into, r s,r.
Aurlly to- fruu, ibe ajr. o-ad a* U .luk. toUi
WdNiaidMl uf bulb
lairr inesi^iltsl to Ibl. wblrb^br b
p young uiuu
, i^^,«nTow aflrrmWin al ibr I
Matiacn 4'harba llruntoi
wIh^ Uiry b«d
4C\r ml*. 34r
tl . «r:b II i l.-irtir- MiMuy .ul-iainea.
Is master a
taiildiiig at
Miwr 1.. U tlraitd to In no wav i.. I.Ulii
play i^iw-rru. tbr ad 1
Ltvii dl.tUkd uairr I* rnrrlt i^irv and
baodoimr juuib ol uu ' *klll that br shrank froui the
task Tbr r«rtonirt will cmidiici the Jrvoilon. flirting siuh .s w-tir.. *4 ta,.
•Idor 11. omt uf Ibr gMrrsto Umiirn
.nu., bu..r«, .uuki ...1
..-..-w als Thf Rrt O K. U»rkharKg»asioi , TravrrM- rUy |Hv»ph as the .si
gard. f.O liisum^. rbuold bsa# tTma^l I a;. .4 lir kr|*i imy Imgib M lln>r
bis .xm.
«a Ihr Hapttot rhuirh. will giv/ a le rann- to bln. will, lair iwo.i
li U a Mdiianm
ibal %.n
1., .UJ I..IU. I •«» .!< >».. I'Ut
lu Ub
Bun Buu SI Bsir. ford ur Phautallliif ErtoM
your li..!
.i.u~- ru.iu- “»“*•
‘l“>K< . •.« y»«r
" vU-w of ihr Febnury Irsaoii*./ Thnir tbma and. afi.u ilir lUiiiira t
Wim all tbr iruup. lu Ibst n-iun, sad irr a 111 frrrzr lulo l.- > .umI llnl ilr- i«.v
rtoiirtdHc pott, pat bM......... lll.M
W ,_U.. b« I J-VUu I
idKMild bsTr iLe purfauU mil uill dual un III- .frr:»i.- ol tin- wain
- pnsiors. an- fto
rtoartecfc pork. Mf U».................. U
ktos-llng iH-r
ulgbt Joboatoo alMittk] b«vr galloprd Willi o:m.uI un*. letitJ.
\\m vi.luin.- uwn- of llir pleie
Kvpiionally hrlpfnl.

to- ruvpilonally
helpful, and wri
-----------------------------AlM>rt Mt «r pork, par Mrt.... ll.M
) said Ihr folUiwlug prayer
rapkllj bark to klilrbrns lurd and atooi liir .aiM.r, Tin. i« i^u^r.! b> ral to siuni only
irarhrt ran
noai. porik.....................
tinrr and
l^L'tsl luasirr Iba
Uir «Ifr ofva nrlglilKjni
Ijird. PM lb.........................13 H
sud J
m l*nmel
of Bbr .H.biiun in all
0mm. pwlb................... ....
Ladies' Aid Society cf th? r.ral M
AditleM »t.ina;\lu DMirt
hr jury in ihr rojo-^ ,MrNa
Com Ml. pto IM lU.......... l .M
Church Will Enjoy Them
r MulJdtoni 4t wHitT
in a ouli for
Every Two Weeks.
allow.-tl Ibr n.mphiluani In ihr ram- i
nodr. H.U A Oo*i BOOL bU. 4 M
i«l Mil-lMui*- alii.ti .ui.iru.l sud
Jmigmrni of 32to*.
ftoM. per bn.............
•iMf iM-.'uny 1.
..IM*.* W bru tb«-> an
work U'brn Ibr tialatlug was flulstn-d
: of Ibr laidloa'
Snowrlmid oi
Tbr r<
- has hto Si
a wild iniiMlilUni IliHU Ibry tsM up> brr foriuldablr friend wlib ibn. n-sult
FMd. H.. L. A co.1 iPMt. por
yarbi P
^ the fiimi
Aid HIHl
isrtrd rreo hlauk rultoy. 0ml bobl
Asb BrM»>‘**«. u.s.|yr> Always dina
I a lUiuld. um innid.. rlirr* itod
too lb«.....................
t would bsrr suoo ruurrrlod It tote
kr« would > dUapiM-ar
Tbr lli>l dlng.tig lianw- tirnudy U. my rur>
His ejrs rv-sied mi a irimi.pb .d art
Paikrr. Fiunklin sim-i. W.-dur-Mlay
auJf.-Orurral K. V. Atoxstwlrr
y«M of 1.^ Ibst ronviHl would brrak Wbai will Mrs. liruntly may? Wbai
Tbnoilug Ida arms atxHiud ibr young W. Jsrkson will t-nimato Mr. and afirnusMi. Jan Ji»
will Mrs iiltUMb tbiuk': f'ausi Ibre I.1 Ibr >
A inoiion was madr apd rnn ii-il ibat
Appto. .....................'......cocm.fto
ar«i-t. In- rtrlaluml. "My ism, 1 paint Mr. Hri to-n ^Wrlrb. Mi>. in- Vrlini
imirl. b-t brr aU«nr aud lM-hn%r Ibyirl
aud .Ink to Ibr ImiII.iiu
imd Mliui IPitoy Siiong ul a ti orUa-k jthr luAlra bol.l a *>a»iial aliriyiiMm’
rrmb •»h. PM lb ........................ IS
would br fidbiwcl b> oibi-m a* ibe pratIT>
dlauri. who later In tbr evening will {every two wti-ks. ibr pM^ldmt of the
NtddHosf. PM IM Ibt........... l.M
' la Itormstgr It Is Um* t uitoiu to msks wairr fnor uuill llw- ruilrr IhnI.v of
toamr-ivnaluly 1 ran 1 11 trll ibrr.
give Tiiral and Instruineoial music i «« b-t, to upiiuinl a-lady. ah. lit turn
Bmp. por 106 Ibi.................. l .SO
nurb of thr rptum of suy oirmlirrs of
Tunmias. wbsl shr aaid at .-tnirih last
and play on thr rbHlilcal piano
Mi. to apjM.toi bn asstoiaiiii*. ou«-. two cwp
Coiery. Urgp tUoki.........
tbr fsiully rroo sftrr % shuct slMoarr.
Mra Herto-rl W.-lrb will Iravr^ f.w j .hr*-.-, as ib-slrrd. to hi lp^bi r^ui»rv«- rrKunday
i.nd Ml
C«^ry. MMlI oUlko.............. ..
. 6
Mboold Ibr bousr or Oat bavr brru
n.r first of Xorrnito-r to il.r i»mcial Hutrab
Asb I-ansi tbrr trll wbai panwu
ladtoM. por lb......... .
w as suggesliMl ibal
bn-r articles.
abut Op aud only put to order for Ibr
la-giuuliig of n liter in Paito. Tliru, im lo iiuiko ihrlr tototo’hom**
Timptm. por dooop..,.....U#4D
nir.1 to nlpbalK-iU nl
Ihr lailirs to- III
Tbr ruupb* bsrr
Loams, por dot.............................. U
siiio ito aud plibllr build
as a are lit lu tbr s«ii
rr. Husau, wbu-r
Tto- fii^l m. rling wilt to- brid al ibr
Huuor. crtMPory. por
ilH. lugs, and ito- Jiin
tbr pbd
boinr of Miw Will AKbl.on. ..1% Wasl.
tiultpr. dPiry. por lb............. WGli
rstlug tbr froul dour wllh grrrurry
ingitm SI Mi l. Thmwdwv^ wHrnua»n.
and onukl k«v|i Uh* li iuprrs' ’u« vrliH»uiml' tlM- fullowing dlatogin- j for ibi-sad r.iiu-of Ual dwrllrrs. Ibrn
aud Ibr word -WrKnitur** to large InIbr lurlnHl nr m» low Ibat a taki-s plate
pay ^or
Irra. An Auierlcau wowau wbo hapAsb -1 ii-U yr. I aiv d im gi- husai.
•hsnirr of iriniH-nifiirr uouk!
poMd to br ataylug to a ilrnuau par
!«• rmt«* u^sln. tliii* glilng U.
If MlMmi* abouki i^me VVbrri- r 1 fouu.1 a eiiy ..f IbrU. nil lu
soumgr wboti tbr brad of tbr bou-r rr1“''.m. ..a.!. ...U.1 .. 1 lo f.roil I say. Tummaa. wbai Ibr waste land- by Ibr g;. .1 of
turned from Martrnbad. wbrrr br bad ilua
liruiiitiur. niiWk'Mliuii. *wiui
-a tobllllT. Ttoair n,„!l.i.u^ MirUl.mir.
Th.. ladb-;. an eu piy bn w .-rr
iJniud) sa>. Ito-u?
bsru -maktog Ibr enirr. * mm}m tbal tbo initu:. flubing himI nil utbrr wairr ««iiurU
I lo biliig llu-ti work ami Ibnr
Asb l*on. Mrs tiisuidy: would a.-yr%.s of . aravaus diwwi. up to b ud Ibrir I
onaaloa wa« llkr tbr rrtom of a inucb UiKilif U- obMiIuUl.i lin|H»»»!ldc.
41 -11141-1 4'4*| M'S 1 fssaa ..
the wissb-u |u«ilsiiU«-s. raiig.-it m» ns P*
lot^r.l prodigal M a »t*uqorrtog brro
Auolbrr iM-iuillurllt sUnii wiiirr ii
irr ihi- biistors.-a nm-Ung w;.i a-l
Al auuilirr pU«v Henry to bard press­ for..'.: i.-:lUbb- sll.rts. naiur.4 af.rIruUi a far t’ouuliy. lor daj^ lirforr- tbal it rruuim. nn.rr brat to ralsr tin
M-lM-sbunnls r-.ii I ling of
ed for rooury. and bl* adopt.-d pan-nts tUto Ar-^ uinu or tlnil l»..g*. .bb-kru-., I w..rk In Ihr nnlv. rally
UhuU lUr -fruu pa.iur * itinl Iwr d«ui{tj- iruii«‘raiurr of a guru wngbl of wa
•1 Milto. mill salad, -.oil. rmiM
Hairv laaiigworlby win bos to-rii
trr wrnp tou.v tuaklng pni»aniil«ji«. Irr our drgirr Ibuii It do. * ! »r any plau to sell Ibrir g .oUs to otoato it fur raUblto,. bibirni. swai inrd rvnyubr.-.
rake w.-rr dalmily snv.-d by Miv.
him. Tbr'furmrr ask. bu dauir bow forks, u-r, of s.a.,Lr lo*.- fern Ibr
erainl n vn t i|.|ra >uiii mm lai liiur
jiiul the two rufa> fbrrktxl »rrkaiP.a
.bliuOiv.V uf tbr l.'.^udy r.ig i j Fiilon I <
many «ilk gowns ab« .ap dtoiorr of.
b.-1:-Hl willi
Ki»o.l will TIm- rut *
ill ami Mapids. ' * "
Immr-Tbtve. Tuminu.. uiai aril
ttHi . ulf. t.i III. itfrmaii .smlvalrut. %vat nrlulit
,s.-.iUi.n wlib *‘*•1
ladb-s of lb- .hurrii ;md
On-m all. aud J it gu lu ebun h lU n
kUkM, and i.ol uuly lUr
I lb. u r.i.^ to ;iir i-i.r.lMlIy invll.-d i«/ ?
muB one and in Mrs. ilntudy turn .;p «... :,iv .u. i..,.. -n^
rki*r> tItKir »*i*»-ulug ruin iIh* <
brr U.-M- as iiiu. b as sbr like.
A lilllr I
ball. tv«% i.urlaikP'tl
WMtrr. Wbilr
In III.- final at'i. wlirn rvrrytlnug i* >.ilU
l • i..«l
i.tll.. ’’'iVr'V. MMl.-r «.... ... Kail.:. -I
.tudriit faou munitHl II.
tbsi It
I!.-rr tb.y are |,„,.ss ihto murnlnK.
<-(»mfortably luiiu-d. Ibr pair iM*nr Ito- tlisw
Btrors mod bHfers. 1106 Iht..
.WVtf bl» eataliou. Mild Mgalu
IS iUbrrwiM- l
Wllllani H W . Ils ol P'ilr
Ilr««»«diMMiliry ...............................
I George Orahl and Family Have Lived
j In Ibr HIV tiMla
l«amr- Ami tto-a.
York Tnbune
iwaiurr a. rtwdlly a. itH.iN i. iron ur
in City Thirteen Yeara.
CbUAopp Uvooolght...............................W»
llolM il llubtowonli of the MlHilgaii
'lh..iiipM.ii inOiiilng Magaxim-.
ir favrddlug
lint. Illy II w..ukl to- Impo-ibb- to ga
drooMd............................... 07 07 W
Iborgr (Haul and fi-iuil> will b avr
Asb m-fiiH ilug.~i Urt tare 1 shall Im- i
out of doura adrr a raiu if ito- .un
Monday Im Si. Jo., ph nml Ib-i-ion
BbMp. ollh «<io1 M....................
1-1 tbr xamr as rvn . May to- I sb;i.-l
wrrr abSulug. .Iinr wr would W suff..'of Ills gramllathri
and fimn ib.-ir, afiri a Ihmbus to-rii snid. UO fitrd
uy a aiuarlidi br.db* «r a alhrr luo ky 1
1 mfr»- iHprtng Umbs. |Uowelgbl..................... Oi
laird by tbr alrani ' Fires c-Hild ti n Irwri-k.s' visit, ibry will go lo .1 f.vriii on
irt . nil. Ism
Wlial to
o|ito*r or tto- llkrs o ibai
....................................................... 05
Imii’t wurrfa. iliirlinfi.'* -aid Iht
to di-i irdi-il trtunmi-.v.
I»uinr lapan. And Ito n. w bru v.c Mamtol l.s
niM*ii btitos..................................... T4I' J
ronianil.- bin hand, as br «,unrd tbo
mal-..-nrs di-agm- to­
unr nil of .-Imrrb. Mr-, ilruudy will j aud .'nni
INirod Mdes ..................................lOOim
ptouo ••iruirmU-r. mil*;.* Is *br food
ut. glamlug lurk .on- II Jibs win to- held
Hd from Ihr I blip. I 1
and d.iilng ihal ihm- have toado
ru. ,,KI- I
of lorr
Tullnw............ ................................................04
II la- fuun.l lliat tbr di- lluikir
,nv IM.-ml- who will to Hiury l«
l -hall Sliakr hands tto-mirw. .
Tbr HailUal lliilr wife sbtHik Wr
i-nu--d by li . bnUnl .11- Ib.lii h ave Tb.-lr boi,.H..Inbl ipaals
.f wa
U. 1 ottoy. dtroctor of ibt mmDlclpsl bcihl
:r sblp|H-d Vl-^lriday
I»ana- laparl. Tbrii I La.k ot brr In } ttTgrmr 1
• Mnt If you reaUr tbiuk m'u.b I. Ilir trr Iruoi Ibr frrramg toitnt to tto
M- Frnnvillr.
poller, bsd mttoiulad tbo robrormsi t»f
lug |H.ln! and urarly :i4 ilmrs as
fmal of lmr “ *lr rr-irUldn).
**J«itua t'mrssr." Tb* Oiunlrrr of Bhaki^
a I d rur
Hr Slid bur. you 1‘un .IIM* aiound aud gri ibs more lo^chaugr Ibr wiiirr Inlu srr itoH- wi- all nir j n-Hly
toil,Inr in giir >uu a torf.Irak fur a In Ill's wav Ibr wafer is kPt»t
t«%a rrtond
* Pm brrr. tbrrr s a great
• flis-rk Irmpb-Mr |
soul dwwM towar.1 «-rn:.-r .if tbr Miigei. da> Ua- liratUv of
lU|uid c-oniliftou for a <<aus.d<-rabl«
error lu tbts drama, on Ihr p;irt of Ibr
Ylnn Ibr. I.MIC balir.1 g.ulu* v.uks
;Usl nlulii au.L dif.-ai.-d tbr S.
Jullu. faiasr sbuuUl have
Lair roiiru^fa. 1
iSbr odxam-rs j 11 iba-« u .l Pspiilr
1. w York
. Sblrr.-. al lb.- Wilkiuvon ulb-y.s bj
Uoa protn trd • la- i'ri de Paiia
to Ito- .-entry also, and lb«-lr li.-aU* ..gulsi- Un- in r.i ..
Inin-. Thr Sbnuu. liMl Ihr Ilr.1 g
luret I
p-iintiu. or I . liiid .b'ligbl
bill l.-uM-d MP and link Ibi •.db. r 1
(TiiiM h of '
Asb- Wbat an uaU! fo.iI Ib.-r Is-.-*
\Vhliib-r>. ms i.rui-;!
.-ig.i, wiM-n
roior along iiliri lM-h.-i\e prr.tty. Cnirj.i twh iu«tain*e
n*|sditau dallh-s ^
not nm s..
, rbyibinb-al bur. lair pr.iturUm* nud j
,-;. ar..
D* tbr;.
ar.- imw.
now. rbli.« ulott^^fyiKcrsph
^rrtx the' Immitod .n* oubirihg.
W.- bn.r |.i Im?
uiMUkr* hapjM-nr,! Yrv.,ii.-ntl>
MrJ tirundy
It has la-eu ! le.1 oruiini-* up !lir
• ifivr me a ki.-s.' be btos.-d. "or. by
by suii-reiing writers and ! tb< rr i* mu. b tb-u
the rings of Salimi. 1 slpill mrn on Ibrj
srib b-s. t>nr tin a seriuon and ibr ..(b
geiiemtions. who hue felt ' tbr iiy»ay«. Ib.t .lui
in the lirigbl all
« rou a mad dog wbl. b were to .•mii>e
■r of Ibr ausi«-re .-rlilr as 1 dto-toi iiui emU. nml
(• uo longer m-.s|
^ The Uautlful gill w:is npp«
I l s't» nn.Irr dlfferrni to-admg»
• Mb. ib.n I do tbal. Urorgr " she fat-j
s iSLi- way toilh w.-rr s.-t up i«»g«-iber.
••|•!eula• .h.ii'l-**
In Ibr morning tbr editor was bnrH
Tembr-a* aatorira In Hie Nrw York
I .1;.? Iten.« m-|
fird lo Krr tto- f.illowlng arlr k-:
aui-tol forve unwt- aattofariorlly tbao |
^Uvm.1. xar> from tto inInlmum
•*TIm- Rr% James nmmi-om. r.s-Tur reoius of explanailoD.-.Srw York U.-r- : - ^,0 aunually to the uiaximuiu of
-" ttieg. r-1
-•Why -«h>. inn
of W. Amlrew s
h. prra. he,1 la a
•h. ii-.*o IV.ilv Vi-n
Urge .vunvUMK- of iMMiple

Emi Itotalu. rrk l -raiito IIW.
mM0p MMl towM-IStotai;
iMMaalwti; rtodw UaMw. |7 ff>|i7 Tk:
mlMtd idk»«^ I'.O
!»*«• to.rr

; «v,un. .,o„




I?;-. ..crsi


. ..... .



HIT ^ . , ... M.. k.-..I.







Take-Off Sale on Cloaks
Prices lor Saturday






There is still a (air assortment to choose from and
this last day will be a notable one for bar­
gains. There may be a few L'armenis to sell at

' ^ ■ 25 cents->111
After S o'clock p. m. Saturday evening.

Vwluntarv aelf murder is not onlv a|
Idlallan of
oir the divine Uw. but la aba.
AiUniir. He exhort a .Tlioe ajpilaat aoHeiv. Wr are m.^
e.1 bto
Hbreu sbd wtoh-rs and afirr rtal beings. We owe a duty to ibe .-oui
oireHng a devout prayer ihere to where moowealtb as well at lo oumelves. W%mutually
dep^Ml cm one a not tor. like
the srtk lea ran l.«.-lben took a whim
to l ut update frauih freaks. He rma the members of our phyak-al body.
-For none of us livelh to himself: and
no man dletb to himself.*' Human ao
ciety may to reempared lo a grand ar- 1
my. every member of ^Icb bas al
bto tail, and be again started. A great si*e.-tol i,ljfT aud mlaalcm aaslgi^l to
Vrowd coHe. ted. aud after aome trou him by bis aovereign c-ommauder. To
tto post of duty Intrustol lu a
ble be was sbU by a poUceiaan ”
sentinel Is regarded by tto military
fPde as a moat c-owardlr art. w hU-b is
imnldaed with extreme rigors What
Uaugbter-Wasn't JnlUm Cnswar one
e. the aulrlde
than to.sely
of the stmogimt men that e\er lived. ^ riTnJ,
I the alioatloQ asalgiied to'b:m
l'.U»r-Wh»t lUkM T..0 ^ th.t ' „
of llfr And there to fio
be will bid farewell to bto r^n

f l';
........... •"

^ over Ito Ublne.

-x-t-eH.. th..
• dr-elou. It b ofbl. foHowMd

If the laatluoalals of love and faith


dally life, how ofteo would they bars )
halpad ua orar the briery toM. and |
roeby mada of exlateoce!-BaUli

by a
oiiny. The same J. true of
sub-ldr. Wton a few detibi of self mar
e |WMS

HATS are vary Mw priead.
P. MeCool. Itadint mlllint^


THE Hannah A laiy Merc.-iniilr Co.
ps ^n^\ riira fine creanm for

THE Hannah A toy Mercanillo Co.
sill sell lu Ibe candy w-rilon of ibe
RHKi-ry dlrlKlon for Satiir
iniiteivmpa and rxini flni-.r
mi, UT a iKuiml.



We now have on display our new dress trimmings
for spring. We know that you will agree with us
that this IS the finest showing
ng ot
of this cla
class of goods
new and
W4f have ever had Evcryi!
heihcr \ou wio»i
promises to be good is here
ot you arc invited to view
to buy or not
this splendid showing.

Mito C

nnaxiwctad company hna



"-liiiiiiiiiir' "

tMt'K«*BUNtt witem.


- iNi^tteewie


Tbw who anr boying this bread

We arc willing to take
our chances with any
store in the city
It is not always the price
you pay but the quality
you gel that should de­
cide your purchases.
We are giving the people
of (his city good dc:H*ndablc groceries at

rioncit prices.

ftrawiisiet Tettr’s

1. 8. Stickney

Cheap Scads
Pohhess no attraction
people nowadays.

We know you will like it, tea
Von will fimi it pure and wholr

We hare Hall Rising iiread to-

More Com* Cakes, too.

Tbe>* are

Exvrylhiiig in Bnke<]

... JNteetGneei)i.>. .


ITY tiuy want

Wow.iht you to l.*fl ibe menu
oorr .


SptJ.M5\Vb.-»l .-...I lJl.tKl.JKlo.r
.uid other ntill pr« dmin. for
they nre nn.|u.«*tiou;iMy
the best iiixtbeeity.
Have you Irfril otif Borkarbent
FloorV If >-t*nr ginrer does not
kd-n tHir pni^ltirts. e«ll up Iho


1H€ Solitary Bake Shop
521 S. Union.

“The Proof of the Poddine
is Chemng the String"

I Want
Retired Bank
Hired (drfs
And all people from Mis­
souri to come to my siore
s-nd get a hot cup of


Traverse City Milling Co.



It ISB*t Pleasant


Kigbib and FraiikUn.

Bui Good Words
Itom allwho nwoor



Made Iroai MldUgaa Grata.

Hannah & Lay Cou

Ta Aslilf tfantMs

L». One!do anything hecaaae they earaol do
of the most potent
to thei something great, fei, the grret aam■miertai tieveiopmeat of rmr rountiT'her of small thtngs daHr done wall
has bees the organisation of bodies ' throogh a life time, make the grandte
sach as this la every rit r. lom n. or.! kind of a sneress.
erea large Tlllsgea, all oter tbU hrosd *»o with our hoard it ft raanot
toad. Their value to the c^mitnunlir J monthly do some great thing. It oah
la which they etUl.wht-n actustd by do mrell all the m'ork eomtag within lU
the proper spirit, can baTyfly he ov.-r ’ scope of action and sh<mW he )u5t an
fwtlmated. Wltere all the |.exvple of a | loyally supported
city keep constantly talking ;«t»oMl thej There shcHitd be a laving aside of all
other- perHonal interest, and if the huslosog
at men of tlrand C.Hpids m.mild come totnunni
hit ; geiher In a fnink. informal way. there
!. the walchmo.^I of U no end to the
that could be
others ooght to be able to do sorertowns has be*-n • accomplished hy a free taterchaage
i him:'for himself and I hereby aorei- latim' dty—a large
rger town.' Afl wt of opinions. Men thus come to know
aatr him for the next |;oyerBor of eaouifh In Itself, hut It neenis to m- each other as they did not before, to
that It ahoahl rather he. "a lietter rttr limit T>t.Old thHr alms, appreciate
—a bffler town.^ ft Is «ld that manv their difficulties, and thus belter jadgs
HUea are »em sdbrtUutlng the Islier
cr?- tor the former. But what almut \ earh one of us to he frequently reTraverse CTl)—^nd lia needs-from mlnde«l of our duty to our city, that
T*S Tiew. sWhm f first visit ’here may to a better and wider
ed here twrtre
nix'" < rognitlon of mutual helpfnlqcss

. Ron!
Phone 327.

ho ,
s «.f
laU rers w«-re empleyod
lon^ say as a democrat, if the rrputillcans
where amelHna aad i<
Michigan don't nominate Anxm
tormtsl the-basis of mrork. whit.' In
Mlman for grA-t-mor wo mill elect
riTdTan^' «»«•-” <Ap|*lt»«>^ l He m-eni «m to asenurhidr V4ir th.- aswn.Uy that if Mr. Mmw.-!

Bay Packing

Ci), plione »i7

*WI fhone

AND 20.000 IN 1910'
more original In
weaviw. On lnv«*»tiga!lon !
designing and

Germany and Pn
time an Indusii
pointed by tbo
.r 18 at wir*k
on the diest methods of Industrial
n. though there Is a law mak­
ing manual training instrucitou com­
pulsory In cities of M.OOO and over
lioptilaiion in this state. What Is true
of csHidluons In Massachdsettd Is equal­
ly true in Michigan aad our own 00m
lauBliy. This Is the situation In this
country at the present lime In regard
to manual and Ipdoatrial training In
the oomiRoa schools of this country.
W'e are now
todustrlal naUoo and
an Industrial community, and our edn-

sey. of Denver, says:, “Why ahould a
boy have to commit a crime to get an
industrtoJ edocatir.n. by toing aeoi to
reform Schools? Industrial erhoolfi
vmuld go a loag to remove the
caoses of delinquency In many cases.
Why spend money on universities and
hheh schools when W) per cent, of our
hoys are forced out betoro entering
the high schooUr- President Roosevent In his recent nmasage saya. -If
boys aad girls are trained merely In
merary nreompUshmenta. to the toUl
exclusion of Indoatrtal. mnminl. ted
technlrsl toalnlng, the tendency to to
unfit them for Induatytol work, and to
make them relucUnt to go Into it.
or unltted to do well If they do *0

» haiwteB oar aehooto and the work
arerKarTS^be T. M. C. A- to anthorIty for the siadeuteit that tte cm In
arery twnaty awa fnte U to SS yaars
of age have had any direct preparatloo

^rr ri «rV ‘
Srs riennrnyl

I nor It Mil’ll ic
' buisl of
apjdauM- foUimed.
Mnshclniau I.egun hy firing a
‘■iMfts at Mr. Stowv a:id then ad
drev^i'd the aKsenihtv a.s follow


hr of our in j|-'
•>' “
"••••■ "■
more womieniii man mr
iJiiiy sinrieii that are Invented to sal
Mlltw r Hie !
*»“ .votithfnl mind
•r J.IT
^ 1 II
true. diM'merl.'s
elopinents will go oil
Whert rosapany nf Worchi«ter. Mas .
tntion of ih«> human r
{said tofore the National l-:duration .1 j
j.Ht or .1 like dtirat.on win w


lewders, this





h. „.«,W ^

ifwr. Rapid Transit rnmni
• elty of New York. ‘tJlxo
ihoo. with I

of prediietlve
VVe Use no crre^ls ur cht-mii«a1 training
cals i i sauhage meals. Noth­ praeUnal uinitv of manna
ing but choice meain.
tieall ,n
J the eye and
^ortlo T;

«18 SoaUi UnloB SC

.- I fwi\e never had any re-. ■ A city e;«n no moro s
Mm to rhnge that tstatement. I wId ran a man. It ellhet advances or
ranlag.4Pg.M-. loirk. even thoug iMt a mile
■Of dwell hpon IIS
he eJio.- , each yt ;.r. !.i'i cnch 01
In The war rf
whut to HdlviduaJly ej 1 d!f to *hring
artrr of the fc
alsutt hettiT n-adllloni
IneatM. Ton 1
Why .dl1e^ (Irand Rapids not receive
new 1
Jarg«>r iiumlM-r
rises in the state 1
lUM to a rear.
not? Yon men
1 hare reem
a guarantee fund,
that I made six years ago
tory of the Orindj Whe i w.* do not totiere In the piinried with the
ide and the eondl . P»es of Unuses we do t*ellrve that
lUplds hoard irf tinde
V r^•sJ^e.•^< are. »•'»' there are iK'en»>t.»ns when 1
stnillltir >4>-i wit! pni.’^ ire if I qtHd t l .ire of a f»-w hundre.1 didlars. in a lew
Ills-irtUy fn»ui that -adtln-VM Our toai , thoasaiid. can to made to bring Urge
bad been going from t ad t«> worse in ' rv-urus to the rliy tMlw r cities are
war gn-itly re.I i Idolnr a.tSve work l.i the way
ed. ani that r.-tunlnlua. 1
factions and dlsciriT:
^ nuisT grow.
1« ih.- oh;.-c: of
ir oi-c;iai | No
xailoa is the sgmc- as
i Thl‘ nniuralty leads up to our duly
here quote:
In mnnlrliujt affairs. There la no oUss
i«.n sbstl, of.citizens having a
•The ohj^lpt of ilUs as
is; faith, r duty of su
he to promote Int.-grlty j
city affairs, and surely
oi ;nsl.jc<m.nuct of <
v-ri ahuTos; ithe laxr.lU»n represeuwd by the meniuaifonalty. hershlp of this board abould warrant
prevent or the keenest Interest In a mailer of
misMuder 1 this kind. The l»oard should make lU
se hetwreui power felt alohg these lines, ntctt


Liver Sansare

the watch

by dealiiur with this -on the leve
butcher store. Try us Jusi once
-ihMi's all!"
Wr hake Sausage thal s aansafciB.
Doth Phones.

loo. -tJraod Maples has here fasKsn
for bHag the braltare dtr.** aald Mr.
PrtedTich. ~aod aow to to faaoos tor
Ndag -the home of the next senator.
Wiliam AMea Smith. tApplaase.)
Ikmie Iwo years a«o the speaker who
appekn next oa the pro«ram was busy
belriaK make prealdeou la Wasktagt'm he hs5 lately het« temw^ In
makini; Tdied States ssoatoca. Now

BanPet Oats
Bulk RolKd Oats
Virginia Sweet Pan­
cake Flour
Ctrape Nuts ^
Malta Vita

Cit. 1*000 .>0

FIrsl-class Bvtclwrs, Packers aad Sausage Makers

shosrs bnt
The V. S oeasos of 1S90
ceat d the
I inoe more than oae per
la the learaed
professions, of the other S9 per cent,
hut Si per cent gd mory Utan a com


870 East Elghni Street

Joreoptr SlredrerA 3on

to eolT those srho par for'It: to the | of this boaid. i
----------- who Is wimag to he sate!red ■
Mr. PMcdrtch then iatratesed Areas SD that his emplorer to compelled to | ship la the boarjl of trade U 1
.. . statlag thMt M sw«
***** ad waai. ln-| apoa as a yearly e**——
S M^reetaaa.
■eteah. stathig
that two yw deed, the ooe cry has hcea •‘get c
ace he^ was aaahlr to be prescot he-jreooey!- Hroestly. If yoa can. hat get U
he was atteodlas riasMret

hare been made lo hrtdae
kca. T. M. C. A. aad aisht
trsAe and technical srNoolft.
rtatice arbods eocta as dm
I Ceotrsl, the Lake Bboee railstltMted hare been for this
Bat U ad some fonn d
ralBlai; In the puhUc schools
rmtlocua sdnttoa?

Voigt Cream Flakes
Grape^g^ I lakes '
Qitaker PafTed Rice
Qua^ RolWd Oats

Both phones.


lt..kee .vdkeita w. Oc MlMteijRr U M c«M to tk« ovobu o(! ntk a <n.oia.lta M tU. .M. Jt w.;.! .f TCtT MA clM UK
>a4«n>T. kn hw mm oa m«a; tkwiOm. th. amMItr «dM«. «ky
ireisniit with a
sresy strata oC sorter, erea aot the sapport of ererj pahUc spirtt,-jrr-f TO a mare laat
Ud cMisBBTosatkresa It sheaM hs
the resnic rerers prshewt. At tteosw
trare the hlacteteih-the banicea ^ ysrsored tetr «f saA cae ef 70«
dostei eC Mr. OObeH*. aAdirea. areke.^ other pm^t* wte serti the to sTSTVosir frteul., bredae^
**TuUps aad PaasNa* was ptojed hr mnmf
the csaploTer; to the'soelaUa ao4 aeoaaiaUaere are

IteltetisNiilteEmiie RMirt

Bte i)f.Nafi«y|j!lj^


eiTy;«ioiwAi‘ ^itMkY

^KET4| li
&m ^Kasket?
tji IN Maniw^ «ln GMiS fw tee GhIsI



lieen iM-rmilted to see.
and attalhiiieni has

wouderiiit j -

“f.'T'".' i7r:.;S" r""£™'' ■“ «■—"«
countries, and this pro|mrt
creane unless
ilv fnr in»>as-1
to edneate American Isiya
hoy. for
lor imlus-



of Orand 'Rapite-

p«*iMins I'tiracf*! in »rr.«1c; tn f*nr
•] ihfuigh criticism 1
age iiiioiignttloit; in r.«-< urc the location ^ ihiMU* who seem to didight f
all kind^ ot tii:.tMifflriuring inter it.g to
the Influri
rewrerch. hringlrtg Its dUrmerh^s
dlcit tlM‘ iuvf-htim iii of
; orgatilnatJon. There shot
o solln
^otn of wvery'oBc who will re­
UiTens above us
neign i
ItoUtTHritoi and has ainip


EdueatIdn and Prosperity.
ofTto' "ni
luring, j In earnest and
id honest
in- their ende
of bor lo foster and proimHe the best I
Is 4.f Ih*
Edocallon-has a vital r. hit ion to In-! astrenofner. while the
have been entered and the the city and Its surrou
dnstrlal pTospertty and wage« )iaid. I
IV. A. E. Wfnship'w hen pn-Hident of» treasnres
ores tom
lieoeath Its wnrfare brought ially ihmuKb the csti,
id to i of opinloj—end honest uiei
permanent Imrcau or
make i trouble In hsrmcalslng th
educatton In 1!^.:
idid surgery use a!! legitimate ni
known in varioun wa>s tn«! aiivaniages
age number of years attendance at!
been • httem
It should to our desire and purpoae
Of Qrann Kapi i.; tis 2 inaii.Ja.:jit: g
hlngj.coTOpIliihfM that wtoin 1
school in Uiat state ^ t* I4WU14- H..IK
over seven years, whl the avernpp loos. The erplorefs
-Now. s:ire!v «h*re I*-' room onn’tgh
number oT y«*xrs attendance In
Id that paragrsnh for a frxdl.ig tor the ; Ilea In this board.. Only the best Inter­
8.. at large was 4.S. He alw»
ests of the city are before
laocl Cbnncrvrtivi
w; i
ns. and
that the average wages ptild
pnld In MasKa-ion
'•i«* ■thla old
4>rogresslve citizen. There Is no ques­ • ver>' energy available
pondingly higher ago. while the
tion about oil” plat form or principles, ; railed Into use to further there Inierhe E.
at large, i Uuy. petterrated a
than the average of the
and toe honorable motives for which
world. The scientii
Child Uhor Is a menace to I
wa.vs; the child Is ) ih.- iraveler. the restless
Yoo win know totter than I whether
prosperity In
fJhav all adde<l gnatl}’
•’och of thli docs not apply here la
Dtally. and ho usi | bumun
and menta
e of an adult laisM- efforts
, _
that th«fre are two !—a bigghercKlllrat
►ects toe au
ntr>1 But
not stroDg (
rnmioo child latorers
You win not)
today, and the amount of llliterac.v ...............
Have KoDckare.
meal of the ohjeris. thert- Is no provls
correapoadingly as great. In America.! land that we should ti
km for the exercise of jielflsh moUvea.
the land of education, one child In‘night U has not only
there Is no rereitnce whereby It can
every twelve between the ages of 10 jail other fields of en<!
be inferred that personal or private in Jealousy lo lu midst, but I do think
shown hv the ;outrun
I outrun meat of them.
them, Whether much tereato are ever to to promoted or It has Its share, and toeae are the In.hlle the c»ndl-|of It has toneflied the race I will 1
conaened; hut every object of the iloencct that are keeping your dty
tlo« lT3Kme*^cltons of the countrv. |[say—that
say-ibat Is anoiher question.
platform of principles is written upon hack, not oaly In population, bnt In
as the cotton mill district rf the south. \ know, howe
clean plank which Includes the cn- other equally Important matters. Tou^ *
Child labor j ***®
the *past generalioo have become
tire cliv and not clan or single Inter- hare “knockers ' here as elsewhere.
twsitlatcs of ihUtee. and that
•St, Notwithstanding the honorable While there Is a saying. “Every kimsk
pantmUf^ an adequate education , day the dally newBpaper. the
pnrpooes. It can be frankly stated that li a boost.- it does not apply to dlles
8 cheap for skilled Ubor., xlno. all
toe hoard his not received the hearty
where they were report which aboald come from toa cities arc pulling together ss oae maB
I reducing the total wages paid.
la one tweaty-five years ago. Wto
btetneaa men of an eotenirtolng. pro- to attract people, and when they get
these things are blesaings to bn
preteve. amica dty. It ahoold be them within their borders the bosph
rthaa thtoe
Ity. or. other wise. Is yet to be dr
ooe of our flrei dcUcs to find bat why tallty shown toem does the rte. I
there has not bera more Interest oould memtlon^many plaoes not maay
trial or tfchnlcal educational advanltaken In the board ; why we have aot hundreds of teles from Tf^rerm Cttf.
i good. Wc must ful­ acoamiNlteed tnore than wo have. I that are grotrt?^ very rapidly, aol hav­
-America Is another word for opoor- ly realise the changed coodittons to do not DOW refer to those who always ing anything lUe toe natarml adrea^
tonlty---«o»aone has saM.
This enable os lo meet them InteingenUy. erttjetoe and find fault, and who never tagea yon have here, Ooi togntoBT
must never he otherwise. It will never
do anything themselves: but to thrme men. Bury sll old aorm and dlUbfbe. W’e as a community as well as a itos. "Mbch”^Bwre
wpeSeTS* toe who are Indifferent to our work, yet enccs If any exist. Do away wUh
natkm wtn adjatt oor edocatioiaa] ad- leaders In eveiy.4»inmanlly now toan wim have Intereau vRally effocttnl by cliques or
wantagm to the newer mdltlomi .of waa expected a bteeratioo -«fO. A tte ttakm of Jost such efforts and en­ Indlvldaal. f
life la white we now Uve. as we recog­ city or an indlvldaal that dqm aof ergies as are aet forth In our creed.
your ctij-. Wake np!
up! Tlmre Is sOteBnise the need. .In this to oor prosper- keep abreast of the ilmea IB methods
* tteree. h Is easy to say. Tbi- thing more» valuable than mere snaoay.
and energy soon dropa to one aide
tty and dvlc weUhre.
A to DO good-does nothing.- and
wbDe toe pitxsoteoB movea ml.
ake aimlllar toonghUres or Ignordty Itaelf wUl
retDarki: but no intolUgent maa.
■i»i ■•xle b«f«* mn 4utac Ou
be of the standard of lU todlddiDTesUgatcs the workings of the
bU4«l »«» furnUbed br 8u«wl’.
(Continued on 8Uto Ptfk)
1. will deny toe necossUy of Just



*v. PKuuAinr 1. WB.


« ^1 Mum tto —y W wIlOTi

H. ■. Hub M k«a 0rm w
AND 20.000 M isr •rmtAmf
mm4 tt -A Tam




iw Jam. St, IMT.




It to MM M iMTh a narga* » allrcr Ihdag
to Uta eaaa. Ite
r»«M • allrw UbJm «a« la the ftet
Utot kto toplr i»v« hlto
Ha M raibar ta& i
raatratat tbaa to ba givaa a


caah land many «r fbna da net hm
y* ^ ••
^ •rwj ragalattoaa to

1M4 to March. ^........... I

•ra th0_wumm^ ca/tfa aar tUr «aa
What to tha
aa4 thiBk It over aad thea tf they de- Oecreuiy a nilary trom March
tha diiactora aad tha mnaban cT tha
'•S to March, XN.....................
7. R. Dockciay caaae last on the
Wo are la a aucesarful peach grov•bM U tha »«Me I.M 2rt.To» baard of tra4a? ha aakad. Tbarr has
>«Tam and be spoke as toUowa:
M ima sr tkn* rmn la rear, ta baea a graat daal of aojaat crilkto* of lag a
that eaa not be
dtihaaaaty la high ptocaa. aad
gaco tha hoar
d goM
a la oor laUJttMle
I whlla ha ballared that aaldof aayc
atloa aarry pahUc o«! eaot ofthe IPadhe slope, vhlle aa pro
Oy C. ft Oockeray.
Y liMiin^l tft opcai to
:t^dao« to the kejuuMe of .ue««
hh^^^tlctoad. yn
this crlti
WbU. w, «n .»< to protaca latmt i.i'taw
^ aid of a ha»o*t>u* atory. ha
J. 8. Crosby. Gmeatrttle «•
ho* tha crttk* -could atiek
P«toO .....................................
tag apoa ctoaaor Mvaata. riaaaor hark prKty cioaajy to the troth and than do
Balance carrtod forward....
yard*: orglag that the childrea h*!^___
he to
taaght aoMOthlag ahoat •over*, and
♦be 'more nrontawi
nrofltable iln.
line of
of endeuvor.
confidence in


srs rur.z


Is ywtr Hty abreast ths time la this
If a to noi. what cooM this
body of laea arco«pli»h In the oay «jf
drrfdoiaaeal. *nth so IlitJ* egort. as
iroihlag aloag those llaes*
Nov I Btast ckiae.
Yoar OM>ds?

The proaraai vss slightly rhangad
•ad rharle. A. Nkeicber came ,
vim a yofvi sok., -I m Alt the T
TWaklag of You - He was mra
tvlee. stagfal -Morin' Hay" aad

dueed. the doctor i

Oy Dr. H. •; Oaratr.
I am pliased to note ihc eethualaani taaatfoated la this meeting.
Why ahoold there not be mthustosm?
The very object of this meeting is


e^ IB Che welfare. t»f our city and the iMiard great Injosttre by aJlghtly
wich nalty. mihuslasm. and peraern distorting the fart. As long as these
aace ve are boaad to aurreed in what­
criilrlsms nmlluiie Just that much will
ever wa tiaderuke.
Wlrtiom unity
Ihe Uavrd be hlndert'd In Its wort, he
are are hound to fall.
With all oar mid.
undertaking there should eaUt gen­
To lllustiatc another point. hcstatiMt
eral good feellBg. mutual underataod
bat Traverse CHy had Ihres. excellent
Ing. harmony aad concord. W'lih this
mnking Insiltutions and no stitmger
mas could be found In the stale.
-Suppow.- be said, 'that irnrh one of
Qkwc Imnks had forty atockhold
and seven dln*c|ors. *rbe average
leodancc at Ihe directors* mwt
was nvc
8u|>poae that the other I
who did not coim* ronilnually foi
fault with Ihe actions of the ot
five, spreading illsiuntlons among
alockholdem and complaining of t
loan and that loan
How long do j
1 It continue in businc*
Mr. Hnll thought that
reiurrt for the tost t
yraiw ought to show that the
baa niK licen Idle.
-.Now what do we want*” he asked
again^answertng the ciuesilon by Say
and the boanl must investigate them
Inveatlgaie every proper
n wllliout looking Into Its
would \*r unfair. Rut If Ih^
Investigated an Industry and

Or. H.'O. Oam^.

of alTalni wc rannirt htlp
smooth sailing on a smooth

i\ dial of n*S|Nmst- inch and such n prlre.
The fuiyer
bill!) and^
. pUcbl upon Iho of
loesn t pav over the mnnev and take
he land but sends a cruiser out who
they phould
s It ovec rarefi.llv and not one In
have Ihe hearty siipjMui of eviuy elf twetrr or ev^n one lb twenty i
Iren of Grand Travers.- county Kveiy t.. be desirable It costa Just as
smr of ua aiips on ,eomc oeraalon and to Invimtlgale the undesirable
as It d.ies the gwvl or
ch mil Ihe hand that should al that only the cream is
. fu. n-aily to help the mati who
\n optimistic spit it
taking what
Beautiful Uhcatton,
«krr Vho maW
tbmtietnen. it Is up to us m make that If the iHvaci Slarte.1I th
the year with
4he future o? this place what ft should that h'lllnr all would 1h‘
he llierp Is not i moo« iH^juiiml lo a wsrne.1 against rritlcislng the f»oard
• Hon In imrlhem Michigan
l.en,^t ml-tak«-« saving that no
has done, nnirh for ns and only n fait mstt.r who
the .dlirers
are. they
mno.e.i of effm OH trur jMrt will ac abivibl ha VO.the
f the entire
rompitob the rest. On the u.»nh of n
t- a iH-autirul hay. the veiy sight of
H weeld IH. U
whlqh la 1‘riough in fill the


The llniiKT is amiihei featun* whMi
has lwM*n a aourre of revvnne for vewn*
and hsH lH>.‘o lueralhe to th.* farmer
as well as the manufaeturv^r The lo-a
il.m is also noted for its agctouUnial
and horileultuTwl rrsmnv^.
With thvwe elements In our. favor
and with a liitie hustling on out p.irt
In the way of aecdring lower freight
latas that we may enjoy the same
vaattigna in shipping that our con
iltors In this state and other states
There to no reason t
the rallrruid compaiiir^ should not






la aa angy aerrK. hut aome of
sao.W W IlMteaaata. fmah from Wmd Poiat
twa yaara ag*. have only receatly da-



this *SoralIon
come here miiM lu'
t. rritnrr they mt s»
gooda and
eheaplv as Iheb e.m
can t ».e expected to I
.The lark of funds that had h/tndlrsui*-1 the tsv.rd was hrotighl' to the
attention of. the mwUnc and he

tow BlM tor ctototag wBathar jom
ha« the msMy ir waatad to or aotT
TMa It wtet aa aimy oMeer beldtog
•j««»»iMaa. to VisH% Bam'a aerrlca

r?s.“r.7iS.Toi ttsjz

■“-“'£:-3£~5S p'ES;'jv“



Wtod paytog for thMr Brat fl.000 wofOv
or clothao. Itodr aalvathm to that tbt!r

tmlforaia are tailor made. It to aothlng
oto or the oedtoanr for an army oAcrr
to he paylBg for his elothm on the tolent plaa. Tliai la ooe part of the
army oBIcer'a Ufe that will probably
Dtlc-eMieelany to the

the rigid rec
sary for the
large ama of money for hia clothes or
splfer a penalty fur not haring them.
The pay of a aecoiid Ueuteaanl 1s good, self
•l,fMOayear. One of tbo ftiwt things
has to do OB reeefriag hto commlw
B to to at hlhiaeir with clothes to
et the required.ieffutotloos. In the
ory proposition............. ...........
r»ely and indhiduHlIy. and
Br«t place. be,haa to have «wvice unl• re striving for a common good,
except grass. With us nature prompt will success cio*n their efforts.
Y3JiO fonna of ollre drab aad khaki for sumly sets about resorlag what the ruth
Secretary's salary March 190€
and winter wear. There most lie
advano- the Interest
.toas hand of man has n-moved.
to Feb. 1iw»7................................
kind of aerrlce vhUs mounted and
young>wih of timber stai
her and farillilcs
Sundries, postage, tedegrams.
Lber kind while dismounted,
naually among a bountiful supply
a knowledge of the re*»»u r» s of our
reqnlrea act lew than four khaki
wild tlacKbenies and ra«plie.-i tea.
i: W. Hastings, expense to si
surrounding ^.utiiry. If we obulo
uniforms of wash goods for Held aerr.
We have thus promiKed^us a fnt:
these and ctimpare them with ntbet
toouls .................................11.62
fuel aapply grown s|K>ntane<iusly
senloas. we shall smviv be eunvlncd rid.ll to sign an agreement It would BalsueF ............... ................ ,............J lO.Tl lee. There are tronaora for uae while
our waste places; therefon* no r
dismounted and tbo riding hrwochea. .
that we ar«' as favorably sltuau-d and
road company can by lU InabJIitv
.......................iv»L.67 Wlih the a«Tke uniform go the boots,
have as good reamirres as any locallli U* afci r M.und and soto-r iTsu^lng
anglfw-t freexe^
Jven the pine in ihU vV any other sUte.
Mr Hastings stated that he had no
shoos, pigskin toggtncB, cap. oorrlca
to the south
hst. saddle blanket to match uniform,
ThU km.wUKlse will .Iv.. «« . «.«. lntem»..n of con* hiding the matter last
J..W Mlllllam. ehalrmaa of
B fhuK become a genuliu
fidenee In our «o.-|
leather oqulpmcnf and a few other
IInspu. night luu ..imply wanted to bring it uj
fuel growing as well as
nominating committee then made
things. Then there aiw dr«a uniforms
for ront.l.leialhm
nniing. etc., as it to now
Ue stated that there had been
for dlamounted service, with black
Raised Money Fast.
a wealth of good material, but after l»oota aad black ahooa, cap. capo, wrocThe pivwldent tluui stated that Iher. careful consideration, the committee coat hat and belmct.
each and,every Inhabitant, in any. hs
at fortunate. Situated aa we arc at
recommended the followlDg:
lliero must bo two sets for ovm'mor
callty. has the utmost eonfldenee In was a matter of |5oO which had beet
> head of Grand Traverse l»ay we
and two aels for winter of all tha dlfPresident, John R.. Santa
Iheir paniriitor rit> and as .n rosuU pmmiM-d and the board had no meam
re an egccllent harbor and the
fereat unlforma. Then como tbo oM.
of tbto fkeee places art* growing rapid­ with w hich fo i pay It.
First vice prcsltfeoi. Howard Mi
He had m
nsportation fadillUca of lake port
ly: not because the> have better re- sooner ask<d how it could Ik) raise*
h pracUtatlly all Ihe advantages of
sourres than we. but because they
dismounted aonriee. With tbo ottrlal
Inland U»trn. By this I mean that
that J. .W. Mllliken anuounevd that b*
dies, go gold abanlder knots and a
would give ISO toward the sum. Ii LfMidoa.
belt of gold veattof about $50. «kP. bat.
Great l.uikc cities we ase
The business men In ihene cltliw the Mlowlng order donations camt
DirectorH two years. Prank liamll
patenr leather sbom and boots. Nett
practically aurmunded on all aides by seem like a band of bmthcil.e thick and faM:
ton. H. 8. Hull. Walter DeWItt, M. 8
productive farming country villages.
are the. white ahoeo and cap. Then
banker, the merchant, the roechaiiir.
Sanders. Thomas Sherman
This makes us a natural ctmter fur
cornea the social full draas nnlfora tor
the day laborer, all mcti on a roiu Hannah A l^y Mcrtanllle Co...........fSl
commercial endeavor. No other city moo level. There Is no charmtd Inne: Straub Bnu.. Sc Amlotte........ ..............M
Direetom one year. W. H. I’mlor. C. evening wear, with hat. patant lantber
within the radius of forty miles makes rircle. in which a few favored-tmes are
Wheelock. Ixw F. -nius. R. J. Mcr
bwto and aboet. purely for nodal af.
this town so desirable a market, whole­ secretly devtoingp Ians for the to las Musselman Grocer Co............................. M
That |2o<» was raised In lesa than i cer, J. G. Straub
sale and retail
ing. but
Jt one large <cirrie.
These are not aU. Tboro moat ho a
Mr. Umlor asked ea«ic<*rolng repreminute and then came:
I t.o take iu everyi
mem Jacket, raincoat of a cortata eoRw
Oval W*sid IdKh ]Co................................... S( senaUves of the press on the board
who cotae that
and flannel ahtrta. The offleeru bar#
Smith A Huil...:........................................... M but there wero crlea for the question
to furntoh their own horses, aaddlea
While the
D.; W. E, Mckvh.J............... ..
and btonkeu- Tbey have lo pay tbtlr
labor qucsiUui has kept large ritbw
rrank Klng....:|.......................................... H and Mr. Mllliken s moUoo to make It own hoard and for foci ana-fl^'
and mantifactnring c*mei:i in turmoil
American I>rug Cb................ ..............
lii unariimiuuK was sImi carried.
They even have to buy the furnlshli^
we have mil a» yet fell .the burden of
Mr. Kamo was called u|s.n for s
the walking delegate. Strikes ate of j
W. H. rmlor.H
very Infrequent «x-ciir.nnee and when*
* Saginaw Iki f C'4
-............. I' hpofch and despite his protesU was
they have m-eund have UMially iw^en i
I Even the offleera’ trunks have to
A. V. Friedilel. .[............I,. 2.', brought to the plaifurm.
tallsfarttirllv adjusl.n!. Th.-refore ne!
of a rrgnlatlon nlxe.
All the«o
After a short preamble. .Mr. Santo
Sherman A lhnH.t r.......... I..........-2:
have a supply .d willing workei* which (
tblngi mean an luvsatmeot of about
tt any tim.' lie enslly iQcreasvd .
Hera.ld and Hetiutl Ca%..........
2:. slated that It was up to the touml
$2,000 at leoat to bagtn w|ih. Tbl# la
rsouth Side i.uwi4-i Co..............1... r: members as individuals and aa a body. “lore than the flrst yoar’a salary, and
does not want
C. A. HuglK'e. ..]..............
tprmaea never atop. - Columbna Dto.
deal to all he s
He rame here thirteen years
. B. R E I. A f ti............ ..................... 5(1
lot live” as hto
Trnvenu.-City Msfnufarttiring Co... 25 ago and there was nt»i even a alreel
The GBeet ^ TrlaBIwoelrc
light except a gshoUne lamp James G.
ige are still easllv obtainable an ad­
f gb<at of Trichloopoly mily hu
JoliUMiD bad III front trf bis realdeoce
jutage not llghtiv to to* p«s^ei over.
on moat nighii between the boure/^
on Wushlngltin Mm t
There were no
Vood working will ftu years continue
paved streets and a |M*:son walUng of 11 aad 2 on the Tennur road. She
..s one of mu gitMl -induMrieK,
to a moat beanUful creature who walks
have much .vet to i|o In thi. line Why
on the sMewalkn down town would
out of the river with her clothes all
do we ship so much of our lumticr Is j
sujralile every fouri«x*n fti'i.
wet. water dripping from her long silk­
the rougli?
Why not mak*‘ i
there are milew and miles of cenieut* en tr«dM«. and she carrleo In her right
Smith lhalfv I'n
hardwtvod Into what it to evei
a;>used for. Another fl.s.rlug mill
E. \V HasiingK j
band-oo. uot g i>lece of aoap of an
Wbably do well here though
otber town with an equal p..pulation In antiquated loothbroMH-merely . brses
la K Trimble ..
.peaking of this as an m.l.slder.
Ibe state that *imW-sliow as many lotah. If any person attempts to apJe.nh r Pf-ti IM II
Another reaour.-e appe..i> to
proach her ahe merely points the foreSteiniu rg Urns .
he form of what 18 a» po seni
her left hand at him. and he
said that the rliV bad
rom our mill*.
C'ity lOw.k .'«
dliw: The ghost wsx origlually one of
lint where It must pns
.S. K llinghani
leraplt* danrtug girls famous all
used by the millnnK each yoar. and
Ktaud SI III Ibeic to DO
wwoden tlp^ for Ink wclb "Mop^ rs.
over the town for her striking beauty.
itoU Imyies. fl«*h floats and dori-m, qi
S ritrlf* anifl
The trmple authorltlea raised ohJtvIh . O E. ('hsM
litm. to her iwtblng there and ordered
J. W. Itotchln..
her to creep out quirtly at 11 every
^ Over twenty yeaiii nqo I hpeut noorFor hto i«rt 1... Hsld
^ It only took we
nUrtit and bathe In the river at Tennur.
xfiwid t.i work. A gfisl
w here no one would
her. T^la she
Ih.uw w,*4,vm'‘tnwnr‘ ^The
liisl Ilk.* s maii.ifsrltiier d.^**
If 100 did for w,me time, but another temple
h.Tiuony preva:?.‘,| in all riiclr iimUvmen are srantnt th. y Hhoul.l Iw g.iiien girl gave sway the awret. with the re­
takincH. When I went then* a bhirkMUlih who woikc-d **very dav at tbelt,*..i.
sult that the next night when bathing
•ven If it lakti. i.*n tnd
loige was the may..r. The cruinell was*
ploying only ten men each If 150 are ahe besrd tin* tramp of many feet and
frobaiitf flanker., la
on nifliUis out to oee what was (be
wanini they whoiild In- iP*lten. there
yei> sn.l t.
Jia-epl, .Sl.ik i A '.Sons.
tin tolKuei-t.. nil w*irk
matter was aixidcntally knt^rked Into
whtiuld be «iu stopping uulll the stake
In iM-fect icennl nnd I
K:i;nk Trmle ..j............
the river and drowned by the crowd
to t.'achiil. nothing Co. . nutitng to the riverside to nee
men I w ai. oiwuil) um.I w ht-n
A solid ft.undHilon must b
ber.-Madras (Indtoi Mall.
tlecid.ll hy 4. tnajerJIy wsh acquleic«il
building on «til
tin UII-lMIlIU
unstable I.
by all Thai city nai* grown an.l pro.i^ A. H. r.irtih ..
’matu f h.iw well It looks
pered. and to t.>.!sy one »rf ibe lcadlpg n J .Meiciu A
irmrmmtUm ot Xatwrwl Bridge*.

in IW.ou,o.


eraaff Namovad.
In two generallobn we hsti- rj-ct
moved fiom this corthlan.l nfuety
coat of what qacccouRtU

In order to^ve this ooa
nrnsr know


eoBlldi-nce la others


'r.z\r "



that wbllo new Industries et>wld
secured with the dues, yet they
would |vay the running expenses of the
•rr everyone para their dues and
works shoulder to shmilder with the
M. Umlor.
new officers, the time will be a
until we see roaults.** he said In
like artlcltw are used in grea q.rnntl
these rates If we take the imatter up elusion.
we have the material
going in
In the p»«iM*r way After
The tcuiKtmaster then Introdi
aeiurt*. WtKd to
we ahould ba able to secure wifficlen
[>ed from hciv in eonhidermble
manufactories, that out laboring i»e.H Judge %V. H. I'mlor. who spoke on
Hilts. A mill here with a depart
••Our Resooirea.*'
Id iM^lnnlng he
XlghT^* ^ kept fairly busy day and
coarse winter wear such
stated that everyone knew that' the
as trousen^and jackets could lake
Taum la Nat Dead.
iresw of Trwv^rwe City were grwtt all of this local product, work It
The town ts not d^d nor to It In
and place It on the shelves of
t seemed to him It was rather
state of paaaivc roogestUm. but a li
It the freigh
question of what could be made of
tie quiet.
pt«s. Traverse City r^her Uaa whkt Trav
of this
Hon to Of prime impprtanee and the eiwe City can ttecome without assist
her re
methcul o< aertiring new
Traverse Oty rather will by
---------f.M- the
the dut
duty of the aec..........................
M} the
future of our cdly. Water power frtim
force of clrcumataacna aibcia ba
retan . a ho ahould r
- atroam now llghu us munleipally
grw^t cUy. he said, but what It he^
that wtmld enable
table him to
commorclally, whUe power from
ficiftit amount
to this
Dt of hto
his time
another and larger stream to promised
It should atoo be hto duty
Jlher industrial projects. This
promote harmony among the mem-^
can not easily be over estlPower produced by wood or
he said:
coal must yearly become more aad
den! and direcuvs.
more expensive. Hydro electric power
Ihe exenntive head of the aorlety
By W. H. Ulmor.
will In future be extensively used
ahtmld he an
rnergetlr, successful
In the few minutes allotted to me
for so broad a subject as *Our
1 shall mcewly. give
the proapaedre manufacturer that we
toralMir him cheap power for a
n of yuan we shall hare lltUe need
MBoaes to Indnce him to cast his
with ns.
tmr duty regardless of who may be
Mewed from the stand
alaeled to give them our undivided
It of the pUce to lire aad enjoy
ati|i|iort that they may be enabled to
few places oa earth offer more|
nae thalr heat aad keeoeat judgment


?rd to*



now In thi* Cnlted .male- se.nau*. Thtoj Montague Co.
Garner.......... \...
to .mly tine of doten* which have pros-j I
pc ed through the open, frank; O llrlen .1...
G W. Raff...:..!....
Htv JuM-ph Dutton.
w*> can tncrcaso muuy ftdd the pros. Grinnell Brr»*.
IK-rtty of the past ten or twelve years, Farmer* Supply to.
ftu- we have the location, and the fadi
I) E. W>nk.a.p
Ities. and we muat rulHvale a greater
c'mfltJenee la our resonrr t*fc and among
At the cooclusinn of Mr. Uockvrwy's
paper the lueeilng "waa then turned
over to President Hasting*. Mr. Has­
ting* exprewed Ibe thank
iKMrd to the (
ding commute ft.r
rflro^t^. A
. of thankwas theti extended to the vtolt
had come a^g^dlatance^o i

MeCortnIrk. of coutwt
C. A Hammond . .

James H. .Monroe
G W. lo*r
O. G. Millar.
Charles Krou,>a J.
J. E. Brown ..1
John F. Hayden L
U F. Tim* .......... ..
Charles Buck .....
Hon of the meeting to the bead tonne M. ^Tnnle..........
Which to the council. Heatated
that the mayor bad refused lo aign the
bonds because he would be peroonaUy
liable If any acUon was ukfB by a
clUxen in the future. Ho asked the
baeklng of twmty.flre or thirty
staatlal boslneks men to protect


c. E Murray.,
Smith A
A. W. Walt ...
J. H. McGough

(ksKl gto^d* and only good goods are
wHiiied. . Don’t to* waiting for “the
other fellow
He said he knew what the office
meant, but again stated that he was
not afraid to work.
Vota of Thaaka.
On Mr. Umlor's motion,
vote of thanks was tendered the re^
tiring officers for their efforts and en
deavors during the last two years.

It the BgUsh royal caakle of Band
Iteffham H la costomary to srelffh er
toy fuaut OB bis arrival, as well aa
OB bis departum The weight la eaiBfhllj enterad In a book, and the per
aoB weighed most sign his name. Aa
the fBalom has been ohBtoved there
for mere tbaa 40 yearn, the book of




UMrt common cenqo for aoch brldgua
la marble. lUBeateat. aaadatooe aad
Ura to that outUaed ahore.-Bt Louto

those or BarttagtoB aad Deetotohlm.

J. W. Patchlns moiloB that the
scereury wait on the xarloua meabera
of the goard who had sot contrii

'The Mayor's ftaasena
aad aee4he» in regard to what they
Mayor Friedrich was granted per- eared to oontribute toward the fond
mtotion to speak at this time, auttng
that although he had been-tofonaed
by the city attorney that he could be
beld reapooalble Jor the booda, be had
not thonght ot nay financial Uabllliy

It I. commonly Iwlleved that natormi
bridge*, of which the natnrel bridge of
Virginia is the beet known Amerkwn
example, are due to the falUng ta of
cavern roof*, leaving only a pan to
span the stream which the dsutTwetloB
of the cavern has brouglit to tha sur­
face. By a study of the North Adamo
aatmal bridge ProCuMor CMaad has
been led to the ooBdooleB that la this
CBOO at least tha orlglD to qnlte differOBt to thi. cBoe th« bridge seems to
he doe to tho aolotlOB of the limeI along a jotiit plane near the forcooroe of Hoitooa brook. At first
a BBiall amoont of water seeped
I the Joint ptone. but after awhllo
ode a chaBBOl large enough to dN
rart the entire brook under the sur­
face, giving rlee to tbebridge. Walcott
hid prerioosly offered a atodlar theory
for the aatural bridge of Virginia, and
ClelaDd cooctndea that while tbo fall-

thiewt about 40. A womaa hat gataed
*t«rytlilag at 40 .ad loaf aochliv
M at the fuM rigor of her iatelto
ttowers: th* hat acynlred Bxperi
•Bd jBflgmeat aad^ not

NtoTo Mo irmpied By toestom.
Be#.* aald the poof*, wlfa -that
home who work to the tUBBdo they
Bie dlggiag uBdor the rirere at New
Tort get $7 B day.-Well.- be replied, -you amla*l
trow BBt BBT htota. I»m not futo«
• waato my talOBt to b tnuBoL rrca
MMii* tt to BBceasary for ha to get

■ V 1^;^ .ySj' THE ‘ ^VENH^r' RECORD -:i^tea- '-*--l.
TBAmsir CffV, MCMIQAN. FIltDAr. FCM^RV 1.1*».









wr i

I. T 25, R 12.1150.
Rath H. Kelly to John .
C7. Haviland’a adda$4&b.
Jnu. J ZIU ct


. « M acroa of nw44.
2. 15,50.
n Zak to Anna Welt,
wth of cH. acc 7. T
2fi. R12;
J. B. flrelllck On.
Inp. lot 2. hik. 2. H.

iTllrn, 1


JSB*. Til® mMtlngs are gfiieniUy of

m« a*i»iulia*


which la a
lar oorUi aa 1

A moTW^ ia^oo tool to ««t^
A. B Kackmaa .the new hart
and Irnii^etMl dealer, haa n


Main atrwct.
MIehael MrOarthy. who haa
conAned to hla h<ruae with an »
o^pnMlmla. la lmpro% lna alow
U) A iMy Oo. to Channcey C.
/lot H, blk. 8. H. U A Co. »
14tb. Sitf•
- W’oolAtt to Oara
ft H. U. A Co.’e_____
Ihba to Claude L. Carter
and wife, lot 13, Mk ?. H. L. A Co.’a

Mml la>!


lat Saturday Rtevc Bigger’► men’s
ity bnrned down.
The bedding
lii(«*» riothea were all burned.
Mabel Tompklna returned
borne Saturday. aremniMuiled b>
crandmotfier. Mra. A Wldrip. f(
few days’ Ylall with fritnda and
The dance at Frank FreiMnan's ow- Jam-hla foot quUe badly boiwcwii the
Inc Ui the bad waather. waa not ao logs 00 day last week.
baa been at Alfred
well altonded aa It oibenaiae would
‘ of Mrs. Darts Ad
’ have been, but all Iboae who did go
DUL No 3
A merry crowd oca posed of Mr and
Avery. Mi^ M. Hamilton, Prt«Uy and Mias Rice returned to
Mra. Fred Avery
nnlnc. Mra. Jno. Broom
«ne in Traverae City.
Mra a Olmtdennlnc.
Fred Howard baa been baring
and Mra. P Boyal. drore to Tnav
City laat ------------.
Miron TWnpktna bad the mlafortnne *^*nbero waa prayer meeting at
lose one of hU honiea a few d»ya Kldder’a last Saturday eraclng.

r aoiDe Unie. la a WtOe boitcr.


Oanwn Saelay. the boa 4itTar. ASA
pltoty a< snow tbaae Iroatjr amiv
Oimwf tl» komea on J. L. Wnnmr'i
farm fbU and waa ^t* aaraialy la

on^bc Countess of Dudiey.^arl Dudley, formerly
» bottom la the picture of the noted Hall who is In 'Kingston

fSnrt A. Swanann and wife to Aanm
F. And.*o-m. ^ Int In aw t4 of aeU.
T 25. II
place laat wii'k. when
lip A Hop,H r Mfp. Co
Inc and horatwhoelnc 1
Aaom K. Anderaou. kw*.» <»f m I,. mv:
Blarkhurat and Wn»
W. T 25. R 11.
came one. The new Ami
Auditor tleiieral to The Triangle
tloo at Wm: Wuraburc'a aland, and
and Co., ne*4 of aw Si.
lo. T LT,
both partico helm: adopta at 'ih® fiwde
: S. 14.20.
BIroey J. Morgan and wife to The
•rtnagle land C^v ne*^ of hwV,. eee.
fi. T 27. R !». II tM>.
Henry C. Burt and wife to Kri.r.l
^ dance clven In Monroea hall
l^nd^MJlnnle M. Hart, lot 1.5. BlaeklaM Friday evenlitir waa ^-ery
attended, the m'verltr (if th(« i
JotU'pli F. ro*.gruve and wife to
belni: the chief raaae.
:irb<»U» H Katie. Iota 40. 41. 42. 4.*:. 41.
J H f»ak(M. (If AlhKai waa Ir
ley a f. w da>a laat w.-« k. Ua>]
..Ik 4«. O H U . 112:..
Able N Werthelurer la Jaip?> M
ter the Intereata of an AlMoo well and,. and wife. iMirrelH. |4.<«*0.
wind mill mmiuHiv.
Robt. Kliiain haa •bnldt'd to po 1
iHialneea In Klnpab y He will I«h
a Jewelry and opt b at eatahllatmi
AIm.m Young U on the alrk ll.-l
In the hulldlna lojinerly oerupl^d
Jim Wata<m and Clinton Pray made
Rile Bell.
a trip to Wk lUplda Baturday
The reri'nt fall of anow haa plven
Abb HolantetT‘ ami Howard Bmaii.
l(« haullnc a frvah atari.
who have l«een working In camp at
B.. r Sayte- returned from a trip
rlUlre. retnrm*d h«mie Thtirwday.
I.* Waahincton the latter pari of laat
Oeo Bunkcr a folka ha%e moved to
*T Af^apnoh waa in Manton yeatcr
Mr. Stiaai’a folka have mtoed on
the Banker place.
Otto hidpr 1. O O F. win pUe a
ley Pray and Grant Hadley tor»k
►upper to their meniliera and friendi
I of goods lu KidOutka fur tJe(t.
Bunker FridA'.
The ytxing people of Mahel
naya a aucrena with thla aocl<*ty. nn<!
(Unci' kt the Mabel lom-n hall In
no doubt a «obd crowd will be preaent
honor of C,eo. Bunker’s folks, who
Klnjcmley Union AaS. of K. will m«vi
to Klnipaley. thla cotjHmt Saturday.
r Derroat is working, for Mrs.
The arganlaallon U ali^dlly crowiiij:.
FAuny Cox
and much intereat la belnp jaanlft
Cllat Pray purchased a new euiier
Wm. Mct’ully. of 8uIlona Bay.
buying poutoea befe ta^ wertt.
Fred Brown haa also purcbaaed a
Oacar Erana baa reotad O. W. Park!*w cutter.
er a atone baaemeot. where be will conJan. 2S.
duct^JJlaaery and pipe fitting eaUle


There were many prominent English men and vvomen at Kin0«lon. Jamaica, when that historic city was ah
moat destroyed by the recent earthquake and ftre. They had gone there to he preaent at the conference of cot­
ton apinnera and cottoo plantera. The picture of some of the moat prominant are given herewith.
At the
extreme left of the picture is shown the Kingston pariah church, at the extreme right is the ancient cathedral

CO. K fith. t*S0.
Hollln Tnhlmrr r and wRe to Wm. H.
; nw\» of «w Si
2T.. U 10.
Benide Bllawotlh to Jo^oph Karan
and wife, parcela. II. U A Co.’a 12th,


were tnwted with nice
Wf am glad to hear that Mrs. Ir- corn and applet,
ting Jihnor who was quite low. u now
Mrs. John Win
on the gain.
ra. Oltiei
Mrs OHWa dangblef.
Mr. and Mrs Henry E. Carlisle,________
leave Thursday for ladUnt. where Mary, n irned with her.
Mra. Carlisle go^e for treatment for
cancer. Mrd. CUriisle bad a cancer re- j
waa dancing, and
moved last yt?ar and a new cancer has
appeared since then, which neceaaltat«ui her going to Indiana for Uuatparty It waa loo. Is the report.
met with
The KeP- Lumber Co baa ajmU
started mu blast. They are buying Mra. NeasA WeBofwday. Haarly all
many logs from Bast Ba.r farmers. the members were piwnl. and a eery
John Chandler, W. Innls, O. Domine. leaaani and profluble moellng. Mra,
and many others are hauling there. .’esaen treated them to a fine aniq^.
In WT mat waak^ Kama I aaJd ibtt
WlUie and Dnmine will deliver their
homaa KaWarbouie’a jaw waa not

r ‘
Emma Hordi-iuu Is spi
Mr. Griianme «if Tnivi TM- (tity j
Ik wiih frit-nilF iu L•n^^n
UHt week There on burim*HX.:
Sarah A. i'ayjplH 11 w.u>
Mr. IX-rnip was eonflmd! !•»
h^mie XI i'rntial Ijike oti
tbf serious Injury «»f her '
Iter. Mlf«« Kvw l.inilH--v
t. tloubi iimr.d Ills f.indly to Cer GtlfCn ihlll iit this writ J,
. tiHlay.- .
Qnairxmim- was ralM-il iln Mw<-ral
Mr. and Mn, n R>an mid ebtJ.b. n f)*,„ilb.s
ivturtied on Widiies.iax from Trx\-|
H,x|t|, offinr !>;i|ioii l-c n familiar
niy. where Mr. Ilyun wp^-ni
,^1 our xtr^Hs thewe .lays
^5,-honl iMs Ced Ils ncilar M-Ksbuih
"^"Amaimenienls iir*' UMng
the d. O O y. uimlxersarx
The new Binndard Oil oqifit becau
jilai'e on Mdiru.irr i,5. A 10
«* •‘f'lin dutioH ixv| u.H-k of delivering oil
#.umlde lodgen w ill tK» Ini I
Ttie;,„ ,1,^, dtrrerint pomix xra.ind h-re.
new hall will U- detlieated.
'Flank Hahn. Ill eig.has ehaue. '
AlfcHi IhirkLs Hi--nt Mon.lny
Tho w.'luMiie tooiind of ; the mil:
Troveme niy
whiv’b- w:*- hexrtl Thiir-day niomlng
Mi> John
is \ei> ill again
rnlllng ‘all hands to work”
Bpri'ixl n11^^ion.'lry ».ervlees 1
|y»r:>% XI.- <■«lnlb1:; In qiiil--, |i!e|itifii1I.v
huld in the ConureK.iiioniil ebureh
F ’I’l-i- w»>! In Travelve. t’iiv Tmt^
The la.db's’ Ib-n.dll
dai taking iu the puiiltri- show.
on Friday allem.Hiii with !
Fie c.Mjtijil. r Is htwne |mi;i w«»rk.
»lnn y.
lle'lu.s Ihs-1, Q,m,. Firk.
Mm. J.H- Tailor wxf ho^*tess J
Katie Uugm-nr has he< n In l^duid
large and very ileilghtful fuiriy xt
helping can* for the sick in the NedhoMie on last Wedm hday evenlm:.
The marriage i,f MIks 7>hH Call

who has I
1hv-ii spi-ndlng a few weeks with hi*r
hlMer. Mrs: L I>. Buax. at Northi>or1.
n-i limed home Sahfrday.
Heliool iH-gan Monday.
Mm I-: 1.. Pease, who has. Ihhh
Trnvi-me City.
; her iwireniK
-.1 liome Wednesday,
and Mrs Jih* Nodow are both
Mnj Ism C
raU >\ i-ibu-t-di
. Wm Klxt/ of Manistee Is via
lllng Wib Niilow and family.
Kate l.lngowe of Pniveinont Is In I
town for. a few wwks.
Mr. and Mrs, C. • L
Dayton and
daughter raiR went to Grand lUplds
for an cxtiiiihHl visit.


Miss Susie Forton. who was eallad
home hy the s idden alrknesH gf her
miHher. bx* again ndurned U» work In
Traverse City.
Ocuive Dom‘ne. who has had two
gang, at work in bis awamp since
early fall, has now over i.OOO cedar
logs im the skids and 250b Knee posU
Orrin MrCPire-s mill will soon atari
np on custom lo|» sawing. He has pul
in shingle marhlntTv and after log
sawing will cut ►hlngh's.
Ibmilne expeiHx to have l.tHMi.msi .bin
Kies sawed there, which be has sold to’
the Hannah Lay Co., of Traverse City.
Your correaixmclent some time ago
promised he .would tell In the Grand
Traverse Henild what to fi^-d ypur
grape vines and fruit trees to make
them bear r-olt. Trim your vines and
i at the proi»er time: take a shmillof ground mixed with ashes and

V.!i 7..’

Impi'rf.'ct fruit, try cutting the
irk on four aides on the trunk
of (wrh tree with a ahaiyi knife alsml
the middle of June.
Would II not lie a
UlB to (»nvales aro to vote on purrhasitjg a poor farm
at the coming spring idertlcn. to have
Sheriff Brown Is slrk with lagrippe. j those that hare a desirable
A crowd of LelsnAs yonng peoplerlAd to Inform the voters of the sire
lUonded H parti at the liome of Mias
Warner about three miles
rom town. The evmlng was dellghtnlly spent in music and card plavlnc.
^veri' one rojioried a good time, afcr which a dviigfatial sUlghrlde was

Mr;-. O. J. lUnsoni who h;
atien-dlng Mrs. C I. Davton
her long Illness returned to hi

parsonage. Rev J I> Ikets ofllei
Thev will be al home to their 1
City liiHt Tuesday.
friemis at the lioim- of Mr. and
Miss MUUj diove
Biniey Si^itt.
Sal'ink-. V III vtsll her s
The Woman’s club will give a ^
ei in law. who no* ve
evening at the home of Mrs G. M.-|ti.r,i life is desjuiin'd of.
Dame on neat Tiiesdai'>evenl«g.
; Mrs j,«i. Valb y has U-(m Indisposed
Ern(jat Clark has sever%*d his con-|f„r the past iveek, #
« .
Docllon with the Northport pharmaey.
Gauthier nUunieif Saturday
Ad will go west »«x>a. Mr. CInrk has !
frnbi taking two weeks* frontenough to drmsr log^ on ,cow. to they
made mnnr friends during hl.s stay r„,r,ft,
|„ MunlsU'(*
here who will be aorn to have him J
M<-Kay is assisting Mre.
bear Mra.
leave. Hla place has Ih^ filled by
In Hie lur-.el.
Hartman Is no
L. A. Stites from Frankfort
liui ho;ic ghe w ill giin
Mrs. John Nelson entertal
right again
friends on Wi^dneailsr afternoon. The ua„ghler. Mrs. J. Plomnnd
yinT^ime Lake cai:*^ on Mr*.
Grace Stevcaa Is abiu
Dave Graham cne day larr week.
Asa Palmer has been making sleigh
a Hdeiihnnq Inrtallei
bunks for Ooo. Hnrtmdeen the past
K home^ast week./
week, but has them complete now.
v. H.'ihnenberg spent last wwk
Will Hates a^'d eon P«trp aro oow
are liDvIng ival winter w.-aiher '
helping ean« for Iut llitle gniod- cuffing wood, av th'^r hare finlsbed
saw mm Is Tunning again and
She tviuriMsl hnim Sunday.
sawing Iocs fnr F<*d Brooka.
every one la very busy
Dave Fast and B**n Cray are cut­
^Hauling logs to the'fnlll
ting logs for Dan Pratt.
Mrs. 1-aura Bat(^ was the sne^t of
« Mint, Sw,„a.r
. .0 Tm». |
s. D Grab am Saturday afterm
OMy Monday* on business.
flie A. .*2 of K met Ust i
larr P-’l'per wsa sick a
aricy Simpson was drawing wood j unlay and afUT .s«Hne lively dis
hut h better at present,
days ag
Clay Monday.
. proofed
elm^ Its offlrerv
ikah TtTwon eni Mrs. V
Mrs. j(m 1^^llte was a Travenie
itV canVrMonday
orove to t-axe ayin oae a», lowv

nt ; UjKs
L<jJKs Ludwig, vice
•• ---------------ml secrotary; week.


mlilnformed, aa Mb Jaw

having some old faabloDod
1-atbcr^ which pleaaea tbo
Maggie Calf baa returned horoO
from Ti»verse City, where she baa

a siege with the grip, but la better
B. Cate and W O. Dtcterman
were exblbllors at the poultry abow.
Mm. John White is on the alck Hat.
M. K Cate haa gone to
for the rest of the winter. J. W DickcrmA waa remembeied hy the Giwe
Alth a bouquet of carnatlooa.

John IVTguaoo baa gone to town
the*^Je ^ one lli'got badly hurt

^ Fronl^cfeelr^ Whitewater WM
ealllng around bore Sunday and took*”MnTto town Saturday to
deliver buuer and to bring homo too
*^MlSn Bugmj and family bm all '
Nesaen’a comp.
W’m Good knd W. O. DickerMi the poultry abow o»A

ta hero.
Mrs. B M. James to able to be out
^^Iben SUtto of Klagtley viaUod
friends hero Sunday.
Some of our voung people tttttdod
the dACe at Kinrsley but do «Ot re­
port a verr good lime.
Rr.« of Cot.0Tnl.b Tl.ItoSAM

very well ottoaded on aoooat of the

wuh hi.
F'li»l .Bd M»bol Oibb. of
Trsempse Cltv rtalted their grandmoth­
er. Mrs. Ardella Clbba. Monday.
Mrs. A. 8. Barntrm U very poorly,
and at the present writing abowt no
Mm of ImpT^emcnt.
Mlaa CorneUa Marshall to *n achool
again after an absence wf a week m
aormmt of elrkneas.
Mrs. T.other Mser and IHrie daugbrlrited her brother, Bert Chase and

aad brmkiag hor arm.
Farmers all busy kaoUng
Saw min nmntof olovoo kowu for


The BiAy friends of 8. G. Draggoo bopiuK a gnat deal from It.
make some routo.
are very sorry ot beor that be got one
Tony NVmeskal’s mill Is
‘ ‘
Mr. of kia llmba broken while loading
» bloat now Ad logs are c
reported a fine time.
cars, where he is working at Ix'vering.
. 8. Droggoo had bla leg broken
John Kraits
wa a
Traverae GUy
Mrs. Frank Rodger* was In Trav­
w days ato end botiaa the iympaitrday laat.
erse City MAday. g(rttlng don- risitor Sattirday
of the (rommmlty.
Jerry Sullivan of Ceda
UI wortc dAO.
riiimr M'iiro*
timber around here and to stockCharley Tucker was a TravcMwc City
Habbeler A Co.
caller Saturday.
roads were ao bad that «nr mill
Ide City
Mias Carrie Rosa vtrited her parenU
aC tb» mnldpAl
couidoT maKo hto route last
aereral tana of hay tr
tba Mbmittl of
:r.Ui. mud
U hanllngHt

IL Toony. Alrodar
pottee. bad attaiMad
-jBitBB OwAr.-Tbe OMwBm of Btaoko«mm'a Im dlotvbad blm. Be ootd
to o friood: *’Boe hic«: tbwlf*A a gfoot
aftor Is tbM'dtttiMu 00 tbs part of tbo
Jallsa Oaroor abo40d fait*
beoB protectrt.--Le Crt do Porio.


tauter, rtelted Mrs. A. C. Wynkoop
*^ArthS BototxA and


**Bd"l^i li

1««« for Jota



Mowtaf .ths taod 4tf ^
portation and sale of a

*^^^^Ubaaa power blowor

Bom. to Mr. gad Mrs. C. J. Bloom.
Jsn. 3L a gtfl
Wbi. FajTsnt and daughter, Miaa
Beamt. Tlalied friends In oor rfUago

*“B^W?Payn^ to doing the sbop work
for WWt

Mni. A. f!. Mlfnter wool 40 TrsvTismnr
ffrandparMts. Mr. mad rak«r.T:*»«.B. A»lkmw««"«»
Praym tneotteg' this voMt Tteraday ereatnr st tSo hotto of Mr. and
Mr*. B. H. Ryk*r.

: "' W'S





L MlfifiS


T*. <WI «d BM
<M«I •XMar

I P**M lltkIMflaM

Neither cu t«i
•• moeb
hMtmrtot tSoip eoU
Voo will find yoo-re moo.7
ahoid to tbe ioD^ mn.

UeH JLpOm 4tf feetbp Me that be

jmta Tbia

rtr7>!=C“ to lyttoeod Ip be tb$'OirlM
ptoHM 121».




8L: prtoo fUQi. Wad* Broa, tl7
BooCb UakiE lit Ctt pboo# I21t.
Me JWl

CU. pbooa

Mb S04f

FOR RALg—ltof mxnm h
BfbUi W.; prteo tlJOO. Wade
Bn*. M7 SoEtb UaiOD 8t CIt
pbooa im.
Mb »(Kf

«Rp to


flOAOd brick etrBet^.VolH By the
loo Uoe. :
**^^Gra^Bapids Caaoe da
Bbertff Aa U wnm» aidiA tbP oa- mead to hand EE $94)00 dab
aextsammer. It baa $L000 casb. and INttARLC.TYLEI|..ItopltoL
ex-Mayor Palmer baa agroed to take
$500 boads aad dispose of $500 a4di> to tbe ptaoe IP ktoditof 1
tkmal bopda Tbe dnb boPM a
A. AJIoFHAlU DnttoL Ovar Mbbuilt OP Grand river, probably
aop Brag wtat*. m pboBB $$$$
Nortb park.
Bight at Boyoe City.
Atty.-Oea. Bird has gleca aa a|
ajPt popdattoo. and a.jMte«pi
LEBTER O. WELCH-Attoraey ml
Mywra. aMtaaoad to Macqactte ]
A foU
work a speclaJty
from 12 to 15 yean, canaol be
With Daderw<;od A Umlor. 8utberIbaa aeecE aad oaebalf peara. Tbe
anulaate aeptaace tow ftaed tbe

C.B. Taylor Coal Co.


■I MkW


Dr. W. J. Higgins

Porcelain Work

OR. F. J. MAC NETT-PnetSea itmlb
Bdwto T. Molr of Ue Detroit purBooinem OoUiw..
BB4FrmNOOFOLA88B8. Offict ,
ebastag ageacy. baa broagbt aaU for
M2 WnbBlm bloeto atlMB8BbOB8
A bis ablpi
$3J^. wblcb be clalma to
Kfwy on of Ibaw want •!)«. it a poibUr
HuEfartoo pErtridfea baa bee*
for aonMliadp.
engaged with It unuf tbe first of
FOR BALC^IBOt^-^eo n
The«» want nan. an Uttfo, bia they an
W. H. Uade^y. ea<Uy auditor of ikU year. General Manager James H. FIANO TOnIMO-W. K. JHBard. M
Urpe M. comer Boyd
ua experience, W*lth Grionell
ibbHie. baa beeo b
Hatfield aay* that Muir’s clain
Um kind that grt what tbty go after.
baU Btoce bto arraat
U yon donbt it, try a Boooid want ad.
Tbe <
81* Clair County has prempted a bill
and yon*U beltere it.

him U aald to be 4
tor |«ur to tbe board of aupervlsori
Btepbea Taytor. aged 70. capgbt bU for caring for a amallpox patient It U A B. MARTIN-4-byalelBB BB^Rar
••oa. OffiMtfii BMtfTPPt^^
left foot la a Pmw MarqaeCte frog at
ed that tbe man ought to have
Grand Raplda and was raa dowa by
ORAW-B DEUVERY-rtlght 201 fr*at Slr*ti
frdgbt car. Tbe limb was ao badly
, pBreela and tmaha. bC|M
borne. Moilh Cedar
angled that It bad to be ampo
St. Clair coaaty -ooptraoted the dla­
Wade Bn*.. tl7 f
eaae. The Mil was referred to tbe JuCR pbooe m»
MBtwr He 1* la a critical cnadlUoo.
Although John Stacy of Port Hnroo
MRB. E. L. DONNERffi balr drMriag
FOR BALE—1W—Flae bo«e. Weet protcated that be had dooe hU
WA»ITt®-T«o <
• a *. I* It
Mb 61.: price IIJSO. Wade
rOWtALt-^4t»~WEt ii#q U. roo«
to atop a fight oa a Rapid Rail- M. C. A..
tocA orar City Book StorA Room OMasdtoteWUBaMBlif
m 5 8. ^ r m 1 »vn,es.
*. tl7 BoaUi UdIoq 8t Ot.
car. a jury bonvloted him of be­
T. Btlas of Saginaw, will
tolatom ask OlPaiM
ME 1219.
Mo 2(Kf
to food TAloe. froo *m6 door of on.
ootobrooeM Tr*r*r— CJty Eradoo* FOR fAtlr-ldPA-Bli-roam hooM*. wUI be aeetenoed Fob. 11.
has voted to take no action tp try to AMIL F. NERVM^R. LAWYER>t W. R Mania of Saginaw U
prtee “$?|fP*S?3B*'Bror* ?17 recruiting OM to ratoe Ca P.. M. N aecure tbe money. It was coottageat Moaar. to ^ 212 We Bank
Order your
raising aeveral
Iding. Cltlxeas pbooe 694.
South UnloB 81. at. pbooe 12If.
50-lf G.. to ^ mea. la accmdapM wMb tbe thousand lo carry on the work
WANTtO-MJUi qr bof to Mr* imm
rule*. Tbe oompaay baa ooe of
Pblling to aecure a license In HamU OEM. J. W. BUUr bouM fm
FOR BALI—liOB-FiBe borne. Weal
Mt armoriM aad dab Voocas In
ond. ind.. A. H.
TMiUi 8L. cH*e Id: price $2,000. tbe ttate. .
xoo flortot and Mlm Anna D. ‘Ooldfrom
Wade Bn*.. *17 Booth Uoloo 8t.
Tbe CoWwaier board .of baaltb ba. stein, of Indlaaa Harbor, bis bride-toat. pbooe 121*.
Mo i<Kf
I A MinikiB block.
bad two weeks* taoMl wlib smallpox. be. drove 40 mltoa In an
ospm dereloped. none
lay afternoon to Crown Point BARA T. CHABt* M. D.-OftM wttb
la* Co.
Jtt l»-tf
Caea 8t.. fBlabed In oak. '
prorlag fatal, aad aow tbe board hare He had been sdviaed by frieads.tbat
Dr. a B. CbBBi. BUto Bank Mot^
cbenr: toe, do* bouse; price tbe dlaeaae under cdutrol. and all ana he coulda*t get a license In Hammoito.
WANTl»-Oaa thouaa* botbeh at
toetortco mad pootoCtce; oMtral and
BoU pboBBA Ml-to. RaMdMeatM
Wade Bn*. W7
pected case, rigidly quaranUned.
bat tboogfat that they were joking
eotalattr. OtteaiMa.Tftatltr Go.
Unkm 8t at. pboae 1219.
Both phonon 3li.
An effort to fathom tbe myaterie* of
Jta. II If.
The RoMlaad Park Cemetery astbe book of Rerelalkm .l* respoaai- soclallon has been qrgantxed by De OR. F. MOLOiWoRTH-Bpecto
FOR SALE—150S—Idodera realdeoee. We for orertbrowlEg Uie reason of
W’eat Tenth 8t.: ateam beat. bath,
FOR BALt-H7»-.rirty acre farm
AOM and throat GImbm fl
electric llgbU and gms. laundry In GopsUble John J. Wiercoga of Mua- stock and $100,000 preferred stock,
quarter mUe east of MayBaid: good
bapemeot. large aUlc. good bam kagoa. Me waa a praaperooa oeleiV and token opUons on 200 acres near
Bew cemeBt block botwe: good baro.
Ma H U
coat 11.000. large lot. one of the grower. 25 years of age.Royal Oak. It lies slong the Detroit
beat reeldeoco* In the cHy. wl|
Martin A.-Wyetaod; of Chicago, who United railway, north of that village.
free and clear dty property
bum tbe f2(M.0M public library for It is planned lo lay out wide driveways
-Office over Ameri
Grand RapMa. baa Imen toft 1750.000 and walks.
^R SALE—Large, eight-room booM.
can Drug Btom.
UaloD 8t. Cit. pbooe 1219.
under tbe will of hU inotber. Maty A.
comer Pranklia sad Wi
Arrested on a charge of contempt
Mn 3(Vtf Ryer»on. who died to Pasaduaa. Cal..
to eya. Mr. m
•treeU: atop# baaemept; foi
of court for failure to pay alimony
WANTgO-Your ■n.bolMMta*.
fitted. Both]
' ten rtnnirlai. cktlr cuiIb*
8L Mary*# parish of Lansing trans­ cr. a fanner, told the court at Kalamahome power touring car In tbe beat
finlter. iNKktec. B. M. T«D*r. m conneclloni. all In grat-clsM <
aet of lamps, cap ferred $2,000 to tbe building fund at xoo.that; he rouldn’t afford the money,
Uon. G P. Murray.
Mb 10-lmo
C«on 8t
tool*, etc. Would
Me of Us fiscal wear, lacreaatng SB he msdr but 175 a year. “Then yoo OR. W. E, MOON-SpeclaUsU-GenIto
*1 estate. Addroa*
farm two
urinary, skin and blood diaeast
ian 30-tt that fund to $9,000. Debts amounUng better quit farming and take up some
WANYIO-Tbon tint kn* o<mt
to $5,499.41 were paid during the yosr. other Use of work.** «ild Judge Adyear* experience. Offim aty opera li^mWllbdmBIt.. TmeemeOtY
tew Mr inUL Miry ttwd, twtt ■
post office Trame City;
leaving an Indebtedness .of only $890.- sms. who continued the case to give
house block. PhoneWew. 107.
- iteHM la U* mtrktt. T. C kldl- aerM Impromd; »to acrwe aulUt
59 on the parish.
old 292. Rcldence. 710 Washington
Parker another chance.
la« Ob.
j., H.U
; WANTIO-Whaat, rye. coro.
ttreet. CIU. pbooa 1219.
besEi. bay SEd atray. T. c. Mnilog
nnra A Bxrt's jewalryn
Mb II tf
I have a number of (rood
dty. _____ ________ ______
farms, all (he way from <0 to
WANTEO-I^w that keep" cblrkeoa
HOLLIDAY, M. 0.-Phyal 160 acres, for sale, or if you
to EM OBT IDtoAL tnUed cblckea
Prtce*’$4 W0.‘
dan and Burgeoa. Removed to of
fead. Nods bettor. T. C. Mmiog
aiTML Cits. pbODB U19.
ficea la Mnn*on block over Bamom have any (rood property, I will
Mb IMf
Congressman Butler Amra, of ttaasIn the »* York Times “W. C. B ’
AKBri’a CiUxana phoaa m.
take it in cxchanKc and make
chuhetfs is said to be already
of Nflwton. Mass , says that in his 11
r acre* of good
raining as an aspirant for tbe seal of brary Is tbe following lerter from Dan
you easy terms. 1 can sell you
I watered: a'de.
Senator Lodge, whose term hai
cdu fnMB ope to foar yearB oM.
lei‘Webster In answer to *a request HARRY^B. HARNER-Experl plaao a Kood (arm (or less money
lom; oor^half mile '
four years to run.
Tbn WBai be aouBd. Jaa Srd I
tuner and action mgnUtor. Satlathat be take a certain case for a con
than you can buy it of any­
tlnlta T. A. Hitch
Ernst Collmer. a’cnlveralty of
laa»B for Indiana and Ohio mad w|«
faction guaranteed. With KlmbaD
tlngenl fee: -I do not desire employ
tTly. Mich.
MB 3(w2t
body else. 1 have farms
forela student of the class of *0i
Ba goBp two weeks, trying to bring
Music House. HCItx. pboae 244.
roent In professional matteni. although
been appolned American vice consul I do soroeUme* engage In them
POMo fbnDera up here. If yon hare FOR SALE—HtS—Modem eight rmnb
ich are located from four
at Taingchao. Chlna,^ihe sixth ui
Bay good ocdU to tell, write ma.
rMldcBoe. Sixth atreeC All cooer engage on rontlngcnclea mere­ MONEY *ro LOAN—No tax claoM to 20 miles from Traverse
nan to be honored with an ap^ ly. for that wodld make me a mere
ginag poatdCgce addreeu. what
TeaJtPcea. A good bare, clone la.
put ia mortgBgM. IIoubm lor sala City, all (rood improved land.
polntmenl to a conauUte poalUo
ymi have to Mil sod iwaaoa for eell
irty to a lawsuit D. W.*’
Price WtPO. Wade Bn*. SIP
Inquire of BL McNamara. Park
If yoo b«ro good level form,
Tbe* bitter feeling caused by the
lag. Oa my ratora will either call
Oploo street. atlMSS Pbope 1119
Ptoco hoUL
Senator Thomas J Allison, a mem
oa yoB or wrttA yoo. HenDsa Hr
will Imy them.
carncgle abopt a new emtato. The
her of tbe Missouri legislature. Is an
•bb. 240 WaMOagtoa almet 11-2241
boelnma looked a* If it oogbt to he
FOR BALE—Bran and mlddllagt In prefcuble. There *eeaied to be a pub­
he Is surrounded by s guard as le«i dignified body. He waa approachlota or leaa. Trarerm Oily lic BMd of It sun. ibftw wa* eoma
O. P. Carver A Bro,
le other day by an ealhualaaUr
ling Co.
Ma 4Mf ctok Ineoirrd and I was afraid.
formidable as shat by which tbe crar
420 Wa.bingVm. Oit pboae 774
rial, who asked if he was not In
^“But Mr. Carwegle Uugbad at my la protected
of some leglalatloo for the bene OR. C. I. THIROOY-Oooctel
Lady Prances Balfour, ooe of tbe
Uoo to tlMOM. ot eUldroo.
- It to a good thing: plunge In.- be best known supporter* of the move- 111 of those who own automobiles.
4W Stete Soak bid*. Both ,
said. Tear I. old wroomnlab Pear to mrot for woman suffrage In England. am.** replied the senator. “I am In
what krep* untdd mllUaot from mak­
r the daughters of the late favor of a bill placing tbe own*
ing tortnnra. When beuMmln Frank- dake of Argyll and was married in
lln tbeugbt of aUrllng a paper in ITill- 1879 to Enstace Balfour.' brother o the aUto game laws and providing
that 1* aball be unlawful during cer
^elitbU bU odbrr. greatly aUrmed, Arthur and Gerald Balfour.
Here TBfey Ar*. Buy
ObIm nUMi. au. phM. iii».
tMtedtoauadehim. 8be pdnted out
H. R Rooseau. recently appointee tain month* of tbe year for earmers
■OTv ana Save Mo^
that there were already two newsp.- bead of the boroau of yards and, docki to *hool ebanffetfra and occupant* of TRAVERht CITY LOME. Na T*. K.
larga lot: Lake aventw
FOR BALE-Rambler automobne
Of P„ meet every Tharaday
f«rlv IteehiB. Keodle.,
of tbe navy deparimenU Is tbe young auttomobOet.**
top: 2<M»ome power; In perf^ conwiiT WTTt'S dltloo.
tog. New MtumoB block. C. R Wel­
est man ever called upon to fill thii
Dr. Sawyer.
Mn 24-U
Me 2MI
Tbe oldpst enUsied man on the
ler. C. a
reaponalble office. He U only 34 and
of the United Stole* army 1* Sergeant
RW BACE-iatlr-ltoilW fee, comer
Tshie msaners amouat to vary tittto
David Robertoon of tbe boapitol corpa
•f Unkm and 8er«ptb atroet: twtv
alelgh.llO. E.C^Lewla.
tbe €Pgiaeariag,wo(to ^ been pbe
TRA^ERBE CITY LEGION. Na X2$picry frame bulldtag: cMlrally M
KMIoaal ProtocUv. Legioa win
wtaoo. who la -i native
F>ormer'Unltel States S^iator Oocb
.firstenlisted liar 27. 1954.
rell. of MlakMiri. wha baa been tU at and be has been In t
water epaalel dog. will aell or cx
bto boBsq la Waabtogtoa for three bavbik the extraoi
rhaaga for aaytblag I can emi wUl
Cblldrmi*i Nmreui ‘wsi»to *
nMmtbs. bM gopc to PlorUa for Uree never having kwt a day. He fa 74 yeart
nmke good buEter. Hbrner Hm
r^booaa. itb alroeL
weeks* rest. He Is gotog oa tbe ad- of age. bet to as straight as a
427 W.Teotb8t Ota. pbooe 9
LedteSTk* of bis pbysIctoB to spend most tree atuf carrtoa himself with tbe
Mb 29<St
of bto rime ftsblag aad will then ro- step of a youth. He knew OeaeraJ
FOR BALE-14f7~filx mom bouM. FOR BALE-Cbeap tor cnah or on
TRAVtRW erty LOOOI, No. ta. r
bls aeUve duties on tbe laterBolb gM and atoctric ligbta. Good
A A. M. mwte ee Mae*.* enate*
•aay tarau; booM and ML Bast
bara. •■* towa. cMm Ib. WaMitogtoa
ea or btesra the-Ml ot the aeoh,
Btobtb BtmeL ton mopi bonaa. dty
E#«. CBM
tM borne: price
I1AP0. Wade Bcoa. tl7 Bontb
UokNi 8t CIt Pbowi I21f.

It •



Tift Tttsuranct






John R Santo
General Insurance

Farms^for Sale




LODGE rnncEs.

«"rbr. ■sfi.T/





C L.*110S Bast Btobtb atmeL

to tbs mpslc af.tbs orebratn. wbito

mlas boat. BMtod op a ratosd chair at
tb8 opd of tb* TPom. bMms affaWy
upaa bto iPMto.-R. L. JMtorami to

pbrey Davy aald It waa as
to talk of vUltottog Lop.
•. e U KaBty. n$ W. BmpeU goa wRh wfA
8. to Mgkt tbs Wg
aty. pbop. T42.
Mb^ rtty Wttk^

M.; E. a White, mentMTj.


Th. »UI. of Utr, A. Ouaker bn
K. O. T. »L M.
be wastod. 6a toel tbetoaf ^ was teM u teh«HM« Ux te tMMJt.
* by Bart^ jyAwjfT^wbea Chute. UnvkT. chW ot th—ny K-O.T.M.ll.Nat71»ete..Tw, I
beaaki: If toct eoakd ba boaght aaly teU. aa* AM. 0*ai>>«tr. ot H.V Tut WAV tedit III th. 8»eeh Voite. Mut I
uo «moteot (ho Piuk hotel, at Mt.

« tel"

i mcom, TKAVCIIM cmr. ittCHIdAN. FKIDAV. rCMVAItY 1. 1
WurPniT^oc’ Taarffw

«• *^ ■*«* ll« M

U Kftpitfs IMI W««M*ur iri^i.

Mr and

«m$ tesk-

Qator a aamtot af aar
rSoTtW Pknaaaa' taalltala
r tka laat aaak.

kSd ta‘

to tkr ckarek kara. aad vlQ coaUaaa]
for at laaat t«o vaaks.
Mrr TkoMa V«mi« kaa bM «alU
m for tka paat maak. bat to aa t># psw
fato aoa.

afSwSSd oa Bautrw ayuap
Sir KikekU taaultod tkrir offte^
after wbleli tkey bad aa oyster sap-

Ctoaa. ftlal to Mek vlfk tka siffL
CkMMa Skaak to alek altb tka srtp
Frad Warraa. Ckaatar Raak dad

1W nKkrtMrry rlab vaa rarallj
^tartataei laat Tbaradaj

Mr aad Mfs. Oos karr nitamad to
«lr heme ta tkto ptoer after a two
oatka’ nsU wlU tkrir retoHrea


mriy yawte oat PHt^^r



n lkwm, ym«yt^

W Mlff'il'rtrttii'SJd

255-S“ —


ackool dtotftot for tka past frw days.
W K Wllblaatna to slrk artib grip
Rrr E W. Wood ralkd «ia frtaads
to tka
Mr aiid Mr.. U Earstat^ arrrr call
Mf ’^STlir. Wai CifBp ara balk tac «a IkHr airk frtoads ^lardaj.
aaUtorTm'lb'to ptorr. pward
W. H Wkaat to qalta sick with tkr

MIS. Oimmm.. whl. p»isd nmertalaty.
gmml amdr o%wr ksee wttksot
toarr tosor kn me hto Jaaorr and
e. piwTldtog rd take Ms mmr to
wiKiito. I lo>k them sIL- Tkr

Tbr arcnad <|aartrrly mrHlng of tbr
<*amr alii ba bald at ttorbrr Crrak
fVbraary C. Tkarr «ni br a forraoaaaadanrraocmaaMbm alib a pUair dimiar Imtaraaa Barrlm will ba
brld iH^r tbr aamr t-traing

Tka flootkam Padflr lUllrtmd roiapaaj kaa boorbi to 8aa I raoc-toro a
lot Ob wklrb It wlU armrt at oooa A

. laatltnlr In Traverse City Balnrday

Tomt^in. ramr very near havtog a arrious «rr oar night last wepk.
cwuard bv tkr door of thrir skrri Iron

Trarriwr Ctly.
and Mm Ihnt H««rbrrt have
sAo, 1.. Or»n4 lUpId. to .prod the

‘r;!':«.«nu.h ,uue


K«dderl.oow of Artie »l«lled
<lih Mr hnd Mm. Whnder md famll;
" Mr end’Mm 8w»n .od two d»u«h
Irm of Ttmvrmo ritv rtplted with
Mr^.od Mm^ John Bor«.«d and fan.

Ikoaa pali^aUamau paouliar to

"’<:lcr' iTiimh tail a TalnaWe hoia.

*^*Kto?'awrr thaa ko jraara It kaa
kaaa rurtiy Krmala Com^atou,
aaak m lafUauaaUoa. aad Vloara^

lS.\a. ...rn to Mr. and Mm


Jkm. jralllnir
BL»kSraod"to^^llarljr adapM

etrk a llh Ih.. »rlp. but l» aoow betlel
Ml this Wiitina
lllng ou<
Oro. iJiwr has
Mine then

to tkr Cbaovr ofUf#

m Mblrb hr Inlrml. building an addl

fala.malfki.aiMi kaadachaaiamltorrdandialJlSSr^tl.rcaradbjr lu o#a.
-Ii«jrr^ Irr^laritira or ^iafol Puaetlon.. WaakoMida^^

Mrs Plnkham*. Standing Invitetlon to Women



a rn^”n.-".7r“*"s^ JT'd.«h

ur. Mr. U Harrlngtoi
and Mrs
The twin babh-a of
hsrr brri
Tom K<
Qulir alrk are bd-llrr at this
Ih-ii Holland Is haul
dlckvlUr for Mr Huffy

Mr" M ';rT,uy«’d*r m7

and Mrs 8wan. Jan. IKth. About tsmn
tT-nvr giM-sts were proarnt,
evening was apmi In plsring Pi^it
nnd otUr games,

r^Tvloia*' which


+ ZEMO +

Skin and Scalp




Some Valuable Hiats

^liuliaU llouar. Wr. irprcaml thrrr^ tbr. lararsl
I tbr trade. W W. KimUU Cu. Loon 4 llraly. aad ik« Edl*
aograpb To.
bcM.« thkt bn. a Tttpl
-that mast aril r*ud
piiblir on idaaaa-tbat
■ to bunloesa.
fCu. J -Dr
~Dr sur
sun' thr bouse you deal with know, what aptoao
.fwsiitr to. ami dor. n.a roo.Mrr It Klmply a ptoce of Ittmlinrr,
tbr:rl.Mv all light
dora not «»iuo uDctoad.
Hint No. k-IVi mH ptorr any deprodtacr upoa tbs trstliaodlato
from unknown imopis who may know abMduIrly aoiklng of mnaical
tune. Grt a piano wllb a nrat^laaa rrpuiatloa.
. Hint No. f—InvprUgaie any *‘wondrrfnr oBcra awry mrfdully.
Rrimnnlau^ thrfr is no saving to buying ebaap. tofortor cMs Ikr a
laas prlna thaa you must pay for aundari poods.
Him No 6-Brware of the Judgtog-a p laao- la j
a. As a matter of fact. aas^y^alMnferlor ptonoa art
for tbr simple rraana that they would br Unpkad mflltfe
sairaniom. of a Brai-ciaat piano draler. Tka Inaocrace af>4kk >nrebasrr permits ibU plan to miecekd aory often.

the to>st piano on oartb for tkr home.
We sell ererytklnp known to the music bnalnaaa. Come nnl aae


M. R HAKNBB. p«N>.


Jaat faaeyr
1 don't see tbr ckangsa." arid
ally. "To me yoc'ie Ju.i

Wbra at tk; eml of tkr month Ely»
Dto Balled for AmHcs. kUm Daiothy
Ctommms aalltd wuh her as rani
-Bat Isn't It terribly fnnny. mothrr.- Friday to vtelt the formrrk parraU.
aaid Blym aa she unpacked her Ikriaton
terry, to tktok of my coming bock
baa hem very
from gay Ikris gnltr uaengaged and aick. ta aome better.

W llaoD'a sMnate mlU ta trtMitaltog him
And Mrs. Jameo DU clasped brr 1
quite badiv. Mra, Van Ambnrg Is
also reported sick, which makm the
old saying prove true: “Trotele dmsa
moarrat between wkai ihto
Jt come alnglediande<i'*
• .
wtokad to do aud what be did do
Growgi I
Oirla 'Mlng from Blackman ta hadlataada for rirOisatioa
iDg logf for a Saxton, aud boarding
-Do you rreuembrr tkowr gkiriatio of rest .Wdirk
at Ortn L»*ce'a.
la^^ s^ t^barr 00
Island preidinjr 1 atM) tearing down
V4#MfeZeA« Irm
WalRest fulibaittg work 1. rbirfly
tog op tkr ton wMck abr kad dropped.
^UKiu. laice left Thursday hlgCI
Tkr rsrtoton
nth hto broihcr Oiin aad look toe
growth may occur. Imt In rain ai Walton P'rlday morning .to go
boom and tor horn of ckatlartog v
Mrs. Jamtu DU was looktog oot faded away. In thrir pl^re cans
lestruitlve. H^y work wr do :o HIU. .where be will rethe world. liUt we do not main a few weeks to vtolt hi. children
UMiCibr »•»
B\r9\\ at Ike mom big. bint amuMl iwvmrd' with t
tarn brtgktom. o( tbr TuUrrirs gar mlla. and na voles mvetoatof V
Mr.FOx from Hlackman was to Abls
nrifhU>rhood Saturday and Sunday.
draa wkea tka key to tbr botri Uft Panl" ttwrhing ber the -Marwrillali
Forty of O. V. Kolmes’ frtonds aad
gn»w ib.jt'Ut It ta one uf the eearatla]
I'rmch. Oh. what a voice be had!
toe aalt .pray was again on brr tanmd cdiiditiotai ’Tbe teat wx>rk that moat netghhons went to hto home last Tneaday
evening to remind him ih«
ebeek. toe wind blowing toruttgh her of os dt^ls not begun to o«ir offices or
22nd of J
had rolled aixmnfl
at our Ocsks, but when we aW wan­
he was 71 yeaia
a old. The evening
-Once uiion a lltue - l»egan I*aul
ing In tlir wiHid. or
was vcfv picaiiantly spent In nrigB
areal, -there wa. a .voung chap
borly c^U: bImi Mr Hick, brougri
a lot of Mtato and amHUona and ihkt
hto grri^aphime and pUyed some fine
aort o’ thing who wmt to afteotl k
w iectloh.. after which the ladlea ^s
summer In a quiet little place on Lon|(
suirper and all «*o)oyed I
-But. Btotber. ymi-n bavr to go sloor. Island. It aeenwd abannlly. IrfUrilog. leaving at a late hour,
iru be a whole mootk before my singMr. Holmes man) ha ppy icturna i< the
tog Ifwaons are flntobrd. you know."
broke la Elya, who was b
escvfd ber glociuns dark hair, whoaa
flazea hair shampooed l-y a
thick leodrlto the wind wa. aHm.yw fhes. .'ome largely durit« quiet and
alan htlrdreasrr^^
blowing awry, and .he wasn't follkss^i without being sought. *ni> man who
Mrs DU rtoaprd bar ring
•d abont by a court cbamberlalu. Dot iMWcr takes time ii^ do noihing will
podgy bands. Mbr alwsy. cl
abe had the drareat. uumt lovlnF'Vki hardly ilo gn-at thing. He will baiMKlla Ilrackenbury accompanied by
band, when abr agreed aboutt anything tbrr I ever knew Wdl. tl»e prloceas
u have ,-iMN'h making Idea, or atlmu- FYancro l»lerca apent Saturday .aad
**Toa‘ll bare to
wa. quite Are years yemnger ttiiiB the
Sunday with her parenta
coorar. dear. * abr added. ‘ Now.
man. bnt they r«Wd together and a«nc iBUiig Ideas.-World's Work.
ran we get on such a little ootlrr
together and aallrd together, aod i^hep
Tbrie waa allrnca for a mo
he wa. suddenly calle.1 away to f'rance
We aie aorry to1 ihear that Mr*. Win
whUr the deft fingeoi of the halrdre«I birthday About forty of his
Hartman K wofse again. lUt'«.vcry li nelghlsTts and frH«nds were pruaenl
er ran tbroagb the ttosen hair
when be ww. an iDiletiendeut ihtsoo tho-.ighi
!•• Ih« ImjsTSHllile.
Boocbing toucb ’Then Elys’s
and rUlmlng the little prlmvwi.J|e
The fuiMMnl acrvlce of Samuel Her ^ MrsTWalt Drown and Mrs. FYed
didn't grt hsE-k a. quickly a. be had rv was held last hYlday. Rev C. W IMelce stK-m Snndmy With Mrs. H. .Da-Oh. mother! I know the very per hoped. %\-hen he did. be found that Wllliaina officiating
aon. ghe's terribly nice and swfully toe had flown, and be c<
I Mr and Mrs. L. T. IU.1I and daugh ' lleri Itancrofl s|wnt Sunday at ifc 4.
todyllke- tKlya always
W. Franci's. visited with Mr. Nash's Dunerofi s
trace of her."
adrertis aod uaad1 todtocrtmlnate ones
family of Maple ('liy. Sunday.
When tkr low. meuneri
t'arl rrtec s|K-m oi.« day lari. arpo|
Tbe Ablw srhcM.l la closed until the at Manlon.
f's an American, and finished, ivmtoy t'leromen. looked np
at thati. -and she's
'S*- %r
that's the beat of 1
with startled eyiw. Tlir lamlieot flame spring term, tbe last d^y was
Klmer Fierce spent Thursday ‘Ml
ragrmeas she’d turned her bead a bit In them met an anawerlng flash In hi.. Friday.
too aoddeoly. aod aome aoap bad got to
-Father died the> year 1 grailus
gradustnl.” fully oigaAto.d and Is going to imsh
her aapphire eyea
f. * We had to give the line to cunipletiuD as soon as |Kts
sbr said
Tlie oia'*'“ <-»«trch bnlldliJt^.^ "
and ever siiii-c I've slble.
-Oh. I know who you mean.", helped np our .
whsi mile
little IcarniuK I'd
oot Mrs Dll. while her danghter atrng hern putting whai
The log haulers are very busy now­ in New York city ta Hi. Pilw ehapel. tbe eorner alone at vrbtall Braa
antp.n flan tofNin Mias jnilnrd to UM-m-achlng tie young adays. and are doing rapid work.
gted wtth tkr atop.'i
mind/ etc. Incldcolal'y now I'm chap
Clemmrus, the gorm
laid In ITi-l.
Engilab bdj arbadlf^.toosaaeek'! Ym.
abe's looking for npptbrr rngagemeot.
tori’s true. And Jrt|e orriatoly Is a

• eiya’9 *

The Hall-R,oom
Boys* ;i PER.



.4444.4e44~4e4 44eee4444 444 444 4e44ec4e4e



SaeCTiNG IT. .HiS Rto


In tbe
tra tell, tbe mood
second act, feeling tbe first fret *of
her eyes shone like
stars, ber Ups parted sllghHy. and Just
Dcture a-man in the nudlcnee
at that June
caught ber |perfect profile as sbr leaned
light It forward..
That aame look, downward and sldewtae and smiling! That exqul.lte bead
to Its ekmd of wary dark hair! Paul

*Al KaA»W.


♦>♦♦4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦





After Sickness; —Con­ Oh. It was so 1
valescents need, strength.
Our local druggist says
flirt. Elya Dlx Bless El.ra DIx! It waTake VIHOL to aid recovery. the
first Dme he bad ever felt grateful
ber. He would make hto w ar to her
Vinol contains the needed to
liox at the end of the se.-ond act.
elements to create strength -DTiy. Mr Di*marest: I'th awfully
glad to are you 1 honestly am!
Thought you'd forgotten me. And I'm
alooe now-mother Bailed unex
That’s because Vinol is a all
^sdlv for home this morning-and
real cod liver preparation I’m an alone now.” Elya greeted him
In her young untamed effu.lveneaa aa
from which the useless oil he entered the box.
has been eliminated and tonk -A* aloner he qoeatloned gravely.
-Well, toetV's Mias tTeromeos here.
iron added.
CosUyounotUngifitfail^ n»mtr»t. T«J>e h*anl.afoth»r iiMk



Iho wire fence In the month ^ Sep
80 Miss Dorothy tTaminm. of New
icmber. had the harness on her for
th« fir*! lime today alnce »hc s l>een York was engaged to ebaperoo EJys
DU for m- numth In. rarts and tom
bring her back to Amerl^
for her motoer’s
departnrs. Elya bad Mtoa tVmmens
Ucalc to quite alck arentr tlckett for that night a opera.
young tieauty
he gi
set off by a fano Paguln gown and aeThe Ijfdle.'
rmely allowed the audlem^e to atare.
Mri; tSec
Alieady abr waa learning that toe
ttoaltw of toe beauty to to aupport
modlalfili aad to bo.stmivd at. Hehtod
Qulle u numlMT from ihU place at- her. robed In aome aW. Inexpensive
ic-mleci I he fainieia' iuMlUute ai Trav- gray stuff, with a n.rrow white lace
else rily.
lar. aaf berVbaperon.
The lunito mi. n are making the M«»n
be dpercwii^ tegfrlod.'’ the wber
tague wc.mU bwik tbfn.
Thev have ao of Wagner^ great symphony, as
dime a lot «r work Vind still Iheie to a Larlgaar bas-eelled !t I'p* Mia.
riemmena* parched aonl (abe d
Mr and Mta Mile* tlliuiore spimt
the day with their sister. Mrs Me- not beard an opera for over a yean It
riusky. A-arlng for her while she la fell* like gracious dew and fetched a
** Mrs Tatroan to living with her
nmther. Mi> ftimiy. Ihl. wiiUer. Her
h.allh to quite pnnr.
lun Ayers and wl
wlih Hen s panmis this wlui
to wimklnp In ike Mnniague w€a»d.:
Mrs nuyd Jamlaoo'a heaHh to qt
|i«>r. and she will gi» to the aanll




^tkoUr cwDirirry at Maplrtoo

band, wklck tnrtodrd Etya. tkr two
kgtish ckande. gpd pan f the aIvtL
-Back la that kttto
Ok Laag la-

ame. And tkr white sails are tk«e.
aad^Aent job think, prlnceaa. If we
wswt hack we might tad tolrylaadr
Jaat kiee tkr orrksaim took «p the
saperk atrmo af Tbr Itorisio^of
Lore - akd three was the gcwrral stir
i kavr kuoaw ywo. la the boom of profdr grettog toady for
tbyany namedk- tketklidact.

tMiff fUaa«r «aa
aad a i««»fal
«bai tiBM. aark as tka Brv«a ko»r

*^Wm Taylor’s folks rtoltrd attb
It to rapanaa Ikat Aiatrrv I'rar to
Afilac la pat la a bardvarr atma la
tka Vlataa a(or* butldlas
OlIbHI pray baa toyigbt ool tba
•aaaral aUira narnad by Aa4raw Pray Wrdorodsj otokt from ladtana abrrr
at Mato i aad aill laka prMaakm tbr br ha. toira vl«Htog ralstlrHi aad
lat af PHiniarr. Tbf family, bnwaa^r. fHrad. ff»r tkr paat frw arrk*.
Wm Taylor'a lltlla chlldrra srr
torSlTthto amll '**
hartoK tbr wbnopiaa roMpk
Tka »air. lUaaoa »d Aoutb Board
Wm wior attdodrd tbr funrrsl of
maa to tMildlac tarHlapa at ibr taaa Mr aad Mr. H HsrU* littir child to.l
kail this v«H( in tbr latrreata uf tbr Taradsy aftr*iKiuQ.
Imttrr Bar Hamu.
Jsa U.

» I!'

pewea;. a flash aTa


of hUn. fc •»«. Oh. b«» rto.

IM<«» Mofotoo .»« Bob B.w,«!
How wfTibiT Jolly r «y*
hf. telatlV »k>re4 Imd to crart tw



Mtaa ClemnKri%ffmH'f<^ «


dlgalty triffltinf
___ _ toaa. on the. very second wort of ra-

They Do « Fine Job of Artbtk Paper Hthglni.








i^*' £b«al


Aawa a bit aa ted man mmr to tot cii^
am waa banttf te rnmnitt;
I he M ta«« bM •Hno>irM«Nl
-Tan: I smew patoted a Mta
rf tte foreawet leV7«n ef the my gmtoMbtom. aafi N waa ao
th:;t be Mie up hie
be tbBt I bad to taka tt dara 1
d the power eC <de».' a»d e«Me-

Wt ^ sfcimwwwiiimBjB



Ta* TAMM* Mm* t* tr:M«M r*^
Tn*ar to •!«• ««*


«» i*



hran haa entered Into a
jMk Slllll*
by the OIxto. oceto ecreieh boot, to
amt with Jim Plmn, the
nan. aad the Paclic Atb
The twin and Elyno wttl
The Ihcoito evoot. which rkMod ibo
eport lor the day. was morkod by
the driving of tho UUIo. which gevT
tko limit btmx e headlmp of more then
fuul tacitoa on Flynn.
M mluutco and yn flniahod oex
In iho la«t hatlle.botwoon the mm
Tbo Dtole loedo Ue t4>Ul dUum
Sulllran ^Id almoai ovorythlug hut
3: mlmttoe. M ooeoad..
hitr aad kick Flynn. The buttle waa
aovoro aad. In'fact, one of the lough

*004 top of «re mUm la iu:7 end iho
third top to 10 W. Thto to drtftog »i
the rmte of W:M nltoe ■& hour. Tho
. IMIe ev«W woe eroQ by the Mere
of Weet itolni Meoeb.
The aye«Uto eveot for boete of 10reot toed wetorilne end helow.wae woo
by the Mem to M:ll.
The KMolle wveot for hoeU of tbe
eeme ctos» wee won by * Beby Bailor
of Bee Oellto, VU.
At the cloee of the eeooad ovtott
tho Bruleor ownod by Jenoe W. Clerk
of Ardnioro. f*e.. wee nin Into by the
Ketherloe. owned hy J. MIddloby. Jr.,
of Boeton. Both boete were sank.
Mre Ctork we. In the Bruleor ht tho
time end only the qalck ecUon of her
hueUnd. who cot her eklrte free from
the boot'e mechlnory. In which they
hed tieen ennght, eevod the ecoldoot
from ending oerlooety. though tho eolllelcm,oocorred to eheJIow water. Mre.
Ctork wee carried oebore onlnjured.
Lelo WcdnoMlay night tho Mg»tU
commlltoe annoanced that the Errand
Hoy and Worm. Oral aad aorond In the
Ik mile length had taeiHided tho a per
Pteg tor Wednewlay. Thto. with the
cormttoe to Umo made neceaaary.
glvoe the event to the nixKs inakbig
throTT cooeecutlve vUtorkw W«lmw.
itoy.^bo enewr wlniUait every cvt ai hi
vbtob abo waa entered.


IkAmll. yVb l.^-lk^iat proved
cinn 4if Ihn moat Interoallny ovonta of
the mid wlnlor aporting aiwaoo waa
tbo men on tho ICO at the l\ A C.
rink WOdneaday evonlng between Jor
Malcomaon. the looal aprinior. and
waa tho winner, beating ('rawfbrd over
tbe Ifftoyprd moureo, atratghawmy. by
about flro feat to the .well time of
10 l-S aooooda.
. Tbe glnrt «n> a .tandtog one. and
aUbOQtb Cfvii^ btat the gun by
almoot a «top. Malcomaon maa away
for tba firai half or mom of Ibe
couroA tobbb Cmwfcuxl abmty cammagetd fib pull op on him. In Mm Mat
twentHIm yaria tbo akator Bbr fnat
orartaktag Malcomaon. but emto. ma
atotad. about fivo foot behlad at Ibe

la over deoMed In tho Ixw Angelot
ena. But tbe reforro’ii verdict wont
riynn heenuao of the twin', foul
ctics. Tbore wa. a gonoral cry for
moot and Flynn
bo otoici only on
that Sullivan obright for WolUr TUIa,

Willie IacwI. of New York and BUly
(‘Tlooeyi Mellody of Bouton were
matched W^odnOMlay afternoon to fight
Febranry 11. for the welterwoigbt
champkMmblp of the wor^d. The t«ttle
will bo decided at Valley Fall., It I.
aad will be Ik roonda.
Mellody baa Uyed of waiting for anything to come hi. way out of the far
woet and 1. aeoklng all tbe matebea
he can right here at borne. He 1. to
grand oondlUon at the proaent time
and willing to meet any of them. Lowla to the flfbt io bob up and waa token
oa In a hgriy. Tho weight to to be H2
poonda at 3 odook.
Hepan to Referea Fight
Tho fight between Charle* Ncarry
of Milwaukee and Dave I>^hler of
Bcwton before tho Hadgec Athletic rjoli
of Milwaukee. Imlghl.VlU have Maiarhjr H(4;aa of Chicago aa the thlnl
man to Ito- aruua. Hogan has tioen ongaged to handle the bout and there
will be DO cry of native referee thh
Bakar Oeto a Hard Match.

J-W. .1M« 1

Boion. ilaijJ n,b. l.-ln one re^
fc. atririeg la thto way
Bontan teata will bb a deeM:
cJ rr-i jnm to viMt H via laet year.
In taorhanlml princl.
Daatvw'a nppasmaoe waa tbe worn of
BHtowi Theca Will Be Ne TcMbto In any team In tbe league toot ecawn IMn: potontod a dovbw fw liftin- vr»- ttBued ibb for abnnt idx months when
my cough and lung irteible were co
PAdlmt off Itfetitog at O.ktowiw.
•fcoQto. which had orldoatly Hr^^grmcjmd I w*. roa1iHo«1 to my
clt'an. IXofcy haa ahvady announced j
Mil to bl< mtod shro tlie
that he ban gone U» the oltotr cacivmc | day. <*f bla oerly MtoatwHnpl river oxthto year and tbe B««n Enter* wUI be}
Ttw imio wir^M of a Ivst,

Ptm fW. 1~Tbr tm* bed m, objorthm to b«tiU»K Schn^.
ol- If be can poaaibly make It ao.
tere of WodpeMley e rr«^. oe l^ke l«i tiui b«^ eeo oo »«,o, to el«bt
He baa ordc'rod tpur uniform, forj
Worth. Ihr eemd of tbr aotor huoc , tor It la r«p>r ^ fbU HodM •V boro bare no tmr that Ibo twco nmH
nmmt^ eeui tbo pertottooerr of the be vlU site Ibr rtompioB « food »bte tog acbednh^ to lo gin at Onktown every player on iho tenfp thto MKing. j[
[or thi iT«id aa.l two for homo uao. |j
nuto. 00 004 by ro»mo4«r •. J,|tot -Jtd^Abhl bo bi.d bMO tofomod win not bo mn off a. advorttood, Tbv
proralUng opto'^u »<»• 4» that tto- bill and when one iv dirty It w
will W ttofeatod to ito- Mwau*. A Mib pliTT'd mith a rl«au o.n* j
-How van Captain Ton
aUtute montoin* will ih.ii prtTb»bly to*
anUorm- waa a.
oillo rero. for hoou of lf> »o^ oelora rmrtog cvniiinlMlnB t.* alhu d«t»w
lifto ood ohore. «ee ooo by ibe DUto.
tho eenueb boot, to SI mtojftoe. •
The eecnad rrrat, e thremlW roee.


Tt i« •o»


among the cUlx<*nM to favor of Eaam
park holding . meting Thto to the
principal mwMia th*i the eetabJtoh
m««i of a racing commto.ion to de
" Dan A Btuart. ono of the prinripal
owner. <»f Oaklawn. - announced to­
day that ractoc at the plaa'^ would
poMtlvely to«ln oa February 4. and
that report, to the contrary are into


' rr;rr


u u no. p™u..o w.^>.n
^ tho game, arranged fo^ 1

plalform tbl. :


rath. r Mai.jiH‘110. ;*.*,! |.»irhrd hto
l.tu tl»o mouth of tbe fblcago
llten be Iwiioin to A«1i.
“It*, r ino.bwt i.H.k;i»c atrcum." he
*?l«l. **l>nt I iTOilUf that Wer*' tho
CONDEBCCNO TO bWItT MIOHIBAN | tnvmtlelh eentuiy dawn* It will bo a
CWKl tb ;il mter- Un. kw.-inl. ao to .
t!uiu It to Hiiw"
uVgrrtttng that It .w-uKu'i
Intir. .. . th.nt hr <-uiil<l relieve hi*

with Mlcblgan. Mluuenota an»T Chlca
gu. there to Mjme uUk in uthktlc clrtrain Wedneaday. Among the book­
cloa that the Badger uchedules lor tho
maker. already hero for tbo meet-!
comiag haaa bull and truck aremon
tog are:
Leo Mayer. &de Pcaraoo. |
umy bo dumged aom* to lurlude Mlch
-Brnyt-olMiuo, Knsl Bihm r. Johttj
Igan. which i»«** ha. no oo.iuth.
Wolf .nd Tl.o«« r^mev. A
^•U.. UaJvi.K
Other* are exprclad _ ------- ----In the nojct fow d.)-*.
•cbbdulwi were agreed to
. ,at a time when Michigan had a.plratho oa*ti-ru field and
lA tVlii'llr
ertno* had little time

bacauao congn-m did not adjourn uatfl
July and the political oxlgonchw tn
WiKmiBln demanded much of'the *ca
ator'. time In that state. Mr. La Fnllotto will rcume hto lecture tour iwr

toe and 11.00, Trial bolllo In^c.
fllod hto andleatum to i
rtoboni. thMTgh tbo la
failed to brine afvmt .
.te^iwlvwt nrrhltortun*.
lay \p SI. Ni. Wv«.


r A gwip4. brekare.^ ii!"
lK»« five
«v« hundred
dollara with ua to purnhaaa Rat

Cii |»li(vn< ;j7i, JJI cwst

Arc YoarCoHcctioiis Slow
BfiTC jTM tCCBBBti tlllt

Yon Hafc Given Up?

If yon hive, let me collect
them foryoi.
CHil *oetmati proapUr *U<«<U.1
to g«ul I naa BAka monejr for you

A. Pbhoral
OoUection Affoncy. oYw UAmilton
CluthinK Co.
Tmtow cut. »cV . SKrt. 1», im.
I h.t, pue*«.*
«tu A. Pokonr*

Dr. * U A*ktm.-DwtlK.


Storm Coals

B.TTKrssfiJfysTS''-*-'' —


^•THAIWe^f. M«rtw I *m >f. •■Umr.

Walter M. Paige

Automobile. Leather


14. at Spring Valley. Tbo walgfil 4a to
pound, at 3 o'clock.
par cent
of the mone> to tbo wtnaor and M per
cent to tho k>#or Andoraon will trmla
In WUwaukeo with Cbartte Nearr.
Lewis Turned Down Bmd.'
Harry U-wt. win j»ot fight Jack
BUckburn. the negro pugiltot whom
Tom O-Rourke to willing to ataioh
agalnat him in a fintoh fight at Tonspnb. Nbr. for a big aide hot and the
largo imrac which Matchmaker Riley
of tba CaMao AihloUc dub of that
Water bna got touebod Man. Pat- place la wming to haag up for the
tl a face tor amrgateea paara.
8be men to hattio for to Match. Lewi,
bohto that water teakca wtiaklet. aad say. that tho only nogro fighter be
for bar aaiooth akin thaaka ibo aodd will take on la Joe Cana.
cream witk wktoh aioao her facial i .
ahlalkma are parformad. On tbo olbBattltog Nolsow. the Ftghtlag Dane,
ar^baM Mr*. ODntwama.WaaL il^y to picking BP pome more easy money
BbbdMpb ObartSbim Unputca bar In England. He to showing at one m
iQtaadld bloQte lo cold mator and to ^ thaatem lorer there and to rwodv• Mar rapadteHoa of all ctaama aad coa- tet Al.ddfi a wank tor hto aerrlcwa
.teMicA t^lete abp clalma. clog tba AU of tho fightcca oa tbe oUmr aide
poroi aadWe tba akin dry aad jroL are attoodliig the porteraiaaoM ao
aa to gte a dine oa Kelnoab giwat
teytecf44gbtlag. Kolmm M booked ap

W- .ft, O..W l,oakio« «r-

J«.-iihlh* \VISEoo.*f.HIWn III .t r.

Bo^en Ferns


Frankie Baker, the aonth kWo. Chi­
cago. UghI weight, who baa not Ikhui
fighting f..r aome numth. hack. ka. rc
omered the game and will lake a ahy
at Hob Miiha. the Milwaukee ywttogater. tonight. Their bout will to* the
aemt-wlndup of tbr MHwauktw *how,
to which Charlie Noary and Dave
llchler fight the main orent. Baker
waa known a.
erful I
the aame pailcm
Andcraon and Bopk^Matohad. .
ArHclcji have ben aigned for a Idrodnd cl<»ve,«ontcat between Carl ^n-

lwl*rMo>. nowm, thm
•M • frtr tbM « tbfT h*.l.
udaUfK* ■nmbrrth.t ato

n»iWlng> to ||„. value ,4 tweut> j '
llioaNitiil dt.IlY^ Miv lo Ik* eirrlcl to ’
oiir vlllsKe IhiK'^Minr The t lau^hlp
hoard aollrit*. the ot
building o»ntra.-l.u . *bo d. ,.m i..
Mibrolt bid* for th. euMtbui H a
cr^lniYl town h.v1l and M-tuNd imit.i
Fiue aha|ie)y |U«tnU
tog few which ctmnmi. will u* h i be
a-9vemi ataoa.
to'furo Frbniary 15lb. 1P»T. Adilresnall
corTvapundviice lo
Pboor for pricot. \Vr iKlivvr

By order of the 1
••Site.-U of isrto, ' be rt.k.xl IVriiiiodo P. M. Furlong. Suporrtoor-ToCf-x. N« a ]H.rii>«uiMl fn^ne. to rriu'«'-u>iit
biui at tfset funetko. and ,MOfn*.nl.M t-.>
auirlc tor n lu.-x of ring I»or. b ftvr
«l! Tiil.eup
Notice to the Taxpayara of tba Oty of
TrarertaCJly: Utmtaity. iu u nnvai luiiwr
Tba tax rolla for the collacttoo of
m- .nllug to hiK view, ts.u.uiujufoa to
III-. -InM vemc of tho aong ul which the state and county Uxa. for tba
the firHi verM- wa. auuc In the tufaut'a year 190€ and for tba deUnquenl

acbool and city taxes and special aa111 .»tbor word., ho to-llovcd that tho Bteamewta for said year have bean,-lc IwrilM flutl their w,.y luto placed In my band, for coHactlon.
.v.irai thmugh milk. Hla
I will Be to my office to racalva said
tb«^rr dln-ctiy
. I»r. UolM-rt
Korli'. do< ttoit Hilicn-ulwU milk taxaa from now unUI Feb. 1. 1»07. on
lint daugorou. and that cju.uicpUon each wedk day from 8 o'clock to 11:30
Id lomi r.-M'. to cuntm.-teU '.Lrougb the o'clock in the forenoon and from
breathing In of gonun.
ojdocktte 4 o'clock to the afternoon.
Oa airaUte and county taxaa pa
before January 10. the regular fee of
pne per cent' for collecllon will be
charged and on all taxes paid on or
end \«|kHoo« *t Ht. Hotoua. and
after Jnnnair 10. there will
atl'.I llv'ng to Richmond. Vt.. at the charged a fee of four per cant for col­
ago of
Me onterrd fho nnrj- r lection. Penalty on delinquent city
the ego of IS to aarre tn tbe war -f uid school taxes ailB special aaaaaaISIS lAd waa at » on Decatur'a ftog- menta. 4 cent, on each dollar of the
khlp wbon it vlaltad Bt BMaaa tn IfOA .mount of said tax.
Ha to a d.Bfaafiant at PneabMtfm.
Office In room 203 Stole Bank
Dated. Dec. 4. 1M€.
City Trewurer.




Evniag Rscul!

MARSH BOLD MINING.-mhlsh wa oanmusrantoa
ooamusrantaa to
her five thousand In a month, ft will be just
nding moaay. Wa wmtid nte tehriaa this purwithout wa could guarantoa R.

m. Wa haaa aavad Mrs. Mark tha leas of her
lay. and I her
I ratom It to yao.
I thank you for yoor great hanaaty* ter. ^



Imos E.'I Bingtiam

One Ton

Two Tons



U**l foel.
■owk*; T«y*:.

We ha* icdoeed tho |irjoe to

Ir dmidteo; he klaatd me la tba daik
baB MM night
| wmaldnT make a turn
■dytb—Noltbar would t. bat be
begged my pardaa ami aald ba mla*

took me for the fibamberainML





Candidate for RapaUican
^ominaUoa for

Chy Treaurer.

Socc^aafol biuioeM man. Sev­
eral year* Aldermen from
Second ward.


Wiverse CHjr



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