The Evening Record, June 17, 1907

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The Evening Record, June 17, 1907


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Evening Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


AY. JUMC ir.

THAVfclMft VirY.-MIC

. IT_tHIUffiN

lafdMr <

mw cn«n minj

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T«i«iav ww jto



lAM* W«^ MM A9»MM

%»)•••• Ik* »«diwaM<»«.
bNnti. Ml*. taM



aada Amp ptmm «ho aao MB
•Nd a apoaM AmIom thM tooadd
ha aMoMtlaA la aMa rahiwMad «•
aohiH hla Mooataibaaaradiaada.
oMtaa. Tha.pamda aoMaMoa wdM
tmm at Ida oMaa of tbo ivaabit
Boaord at 7:» Maoday ovooInb
Mbo 1Mb. oM aH laiifaatad ana i»
vBad to ha pnaaaM.
tvary poMOiL aaaaara or orfaol
iMilia. Milriot ta appoM bi tba
panda, an rapoaoiad ta botBy A
W. Maonan. abalnoan of tba oarw
■Mad aa aaMy aa paaalhli. la or.
dor tb« tba doprtb of duly ladM
trial panada otay ba tha praataat
iMpiay avar plvaa In aarthara




• tolo Mi M» wtio had tooa foar
nmu ao Mttarlf arlUla iha lawt fear
laaaUui that aba had fovad U
aan» to aMr for a dlvoiM
Tha alilldiM varo la hod •iih thMr

BlalarK aad aovoraJ fmn
thta har habhaad. «bo «u a hi| pamorfttlli taOU BMa.





Layal Troapa Hava Baaa



tdllara Hava Baan Amaatad.
Bays a Dlapalch.

•V hTAftMt^T.


Mla TfUt UabUMIaa YVara Only »47.m WhUt Nia Aaaata Tataliad
•tM.MMNda In ioalnaaa
Mara ^fur Vaara.


Brakahaam Dreppad on Craaalnp, Oat
Wadpad and Acted at a Oarailinp
brokea brakabeam puL
freight'bare on their aides on the Q.
K. d 1. tbit afternoon, the trouble ocouning at Rtnat PYant atraat onwalng.
The oouth bound local ruaalns ba­
tyaail haro' nipl Cadillac nan pulHfir
wouldn't haw csumihI any tiuublv
but ta ao bappoot-d that It drupptsl
right op the crooning and waa wedgod
lu batwaao tba rail oitd tba plauktug
acting na au aaotdlaat darailiug da

N: B. and the Fere Marquette yard*
one wuM lujured.

Be Opened By dteamtr


> IMddaM Au«y pi • ChMab Thla Mane

Otkuni of tl« M Biklk
■MM. «•* U »•«■. ■*»* .«■. .1

By Wire lo'tha Bvoalug Rooord.
Nor York. Juno 17—Half-a aoore ol
Breaww ware ti|)ured today by tha eaploakm of a gas motor In tha baaa^
mant of tha hoore of Urn. Wanlay
TyaOb. PWty-alnth atroot. riremen
Mgulna aad Kupaat ware naat un
conncloua to RooaomU honplul.


belna used nnd tbr ollkUung clergy
Oksn being the Rev U‘ K Lockhart
of the Baptist church . The ceicmuuy
waa wUneMMed by only the ImmedUte
relatlvea uf the contrncUug parties
and «as a very simple affair, the
couplle. being unattended. Tha bride
is the (Taughter of Or. Waller of >M**
The tetmae ena pralltly d<xv»raled
with white and colored lilacs and the
bride wore a traveling suit of gray
elolh._ A llha luncheon eras served
After a visit with friends in the sUte
Mr. and Mrs. Bcuddor will go to 8««ttle. where they will make their home.
r. Bcudder la a former Fite Lake
young man. but went west six years
located aad baa baaa hrdhi brdluhrdl
ago, locating in Beattie and liaa been
very successful l>elug a meml^i
the Ortu of the Wnahlngton Broom
nnd Woodetiware company of Seattle.
The .Uruies liome was In llte Luke
where she bus a large uuiuber uf
■uds to wish her happiuesa.


VAUOBVIkUt toalybt-cny


tOdT ttd MBH.

hdPid •avMii hip aeta-TM and Bf*

Japa Captured Obtaf of Halivo ttreuf
boM i«

no IldBlitM oacurnloa hr«tght By Wire 10 Iho Wrubibi BpooM.
nkiA JwM 11—'Tho RaptMoa hare
oaptatad tha ohtaf aatire oUmi
ta tha aavapa tarrKoni M iHnasaa
ihi VtaiPMMta hahK.
JdPdbaao Wat SM maa
•MM WoMarta wiMh for tan aad M
uyf m
toM Matak VdbdavBU OHy spare

•hiPi lid pMpta fiMa MaataMd yaa-


Chequameoan Tomorrow Evaninp
With a Dance.
If tha pavlllloa and other t^^jun-a
at Marlon Island enn be gotten Into
ahafio by tomorrow eroolng, the
atdkmar <^heQunmegon wilt open tha
teaaon with a big excursion and
^Unoa. Jewaa Tellerda) and a crew of
men ware taken to the inland ihU
morning oiT tba boat and will make
ovary effort to have things lu readi
Baoollaut music will be provldad and ibare wlU be other special
leaturea. i>aduate anaounoemeut will
• made, tomorrow.
On fYlday, which U Maocaboo day
at Charlevoix, tba CbeQuemegoa will
taka aa axcuralon from Omeaa.^ortkport and Old MUaloo -to Charlevoix

sun. .jtomeone emptied a pl|w> or dropa dgar or in some other way
stailt^ a prarie lire near the corner
of Maple and Fourteenth streets this
The Are gathered bendway as there was'a stiff wiud blowing
only one man to flght It, tbeS|r<
company was summoned and tjie
blnxe was checked with two hand exUuguisbers IVrsuua should. be, very
carefuT abi>ui dropping any lighted
subsUnce lu the grass as^the least
spark will catch very easily lu the
prt’seut stale of dryuena.

it ao aaamtmegat of firal-dbaa Hammocika IkA areUaiH
for kard evaiy^ ag^ and abo ma^ ia vaiy paMljr cobta.
Auy wiak pay. bom $Llfl k> f7.H.

City Book Store

This bandi^e "Queen Quali­
ty" KlucherTle is priced at |3.
The st>le siH-aks fur itself. the
quality, mhlch muaus when applu-d to "Qui-eu Quullty" shoes,
the cboici-st h-uihers; the St—
no alli*plug at the he«-l or gap-


a man genernlly gore out tn holiday
attire, and comfort demaada tba eool««t and handaumret ckAblng yoa can
don. which you can buy at bad rook
prlcoa at Kubeck d Hoyt'a. ^ Look at
the haadaomo aeryr
novelty aulta
that we are salUng at |10. lit. |lih
. Ilf aad 20.
y-- \ ^


rnioo St. Clolbiora,

lug at the sides

Queen Quality Oxiofds
are fuscluMllUKly pix-lty
It ulll Ih* a pleasure to

$3.50, ELM and M-SO.


Fioeai liy of Summer Footwear
to be foyd in tke city. No matCANVAS OXFORDS ter for what purpose you want
xhoea, you will find everything
Herr, if you
particular about


come and sec us;'


SBibrof GoM Dns
You can cok>r your Oanvaa Skoea any oolor. Aak ua.^


Sore and Tired

Foot Powder



Drug Store.

Better Get Ready Now

We are ready with the best lioe^ of Screen Door*
and Windows we ever had.
* .
We have the advantage of the other fellow—if w
haven’t in siocic what you want, we make it.
Better save time and come here hrsi.* Everything
delivered promptly.

Traverse City Manufacturing Co.
Coroer Lake Aveme and Tealk Street

The Proof of Ideal Flour
Shows up in a bright light on
baking day. The IDEAL
brand makes friends in every
kitchen, because of its light­
ness. its whiteness, the way it
gots up in the pan once it’s 4n
the oven. For bread, cakc^
pics, pastr>% puddings, etc,,
filU every bill.
Aak your grooar or call np the

GET the Vaudeville habit Com­
mence tonighu
A SHOW for ledlee nnd childrpa—
Veudeville. City opera house.
The 8. 8. 8. club will meet with
Mrs. J. 0. Morgsn Tueeday afternoon.

Traverse City Milling Co.

QUICK. THE TAILOR, makae good
lothee. .201 Enet Front atreaL

Barnadala OU Company Waa^ ln(
poretad lu Ohpvor ¥|gh OmIUI «

By Wire to tha Uvaolag BaoorA
Daavor. Oala. Juan IT—Tho Barmadala Oil ciMpaay. u now ilval of tho
Biaodacd. waa laaorporatad hare tojWbldi na daoaaaai ta atirytaod dAy wHh a tld.M0.QM oapUallaailon
hy huahaad ddi d d4ayoM «a«gB and tha iMotvoreiore am W. B. Cltag. R a Kaotor, abd J. T Vtirlobf
of PlUabnrg.


*Pair aad aaaliaiiad
taalfbl aad Toaaday: paalla aaoth.
arly wiada.

Was Undar Canctructlan for a Branch
tha irocka were knocked from un­
of tha dowthom IUilroad--Plra
der tba third car from tba fatmoae
man Will Ola.
abUa tka two Juat ahead of the
bouea. after immplng along the Uas TROUBLE AT CORNER OF FOUR
• rolled over onto their »idea TEENTH AND MAPLE STREETS
By Wlra lu tha Braotag IMoord.
kicking up uulte n dual and eHvitUu
Chatunooga, Taan., Juna IT—Tb!« ly
blocking' the track. Tha trucklesM
morning n brldpa undar coaitrurtlon oar waa aotui gotten *1010 abape but It Department Waa Called and Put Out
tha Btavaonob agUmalon id tha
ths Blase With Hand Extm
y to borrow
rrow the PPare
Boutharu railway utwt Bauia Omak.
Boutb PUUbnrg. fall undar the walgirt Marpuette wrecker t I clean UP
of an angina and two fralght cart. otbeia while the 3:36
had to be detoured through the M. 4
A. R Smith, foroman. pod novarnl oa
Not antlsfled with the heat of the

"q»rtM iaaaalbal. dry gooda. loralahlalh, -aM-^t lovoluaiary p«uiloa la hihhniplay wa« mturday
•M JuaMit hlM. HoanatbaJ oano
haaa hm Tratarta CUy. Mlob. Ant
1. MM. dM hnwbt out tba iMmaat
Pt tba ThOMpaw Seal llboo Ou •
•tMb: alM tha laaaa oa iba bolldtos
9dld liMM lor tbo aboo atock. gToaa warv tnpurad. BhtUb will prub
Vhlob ha Cloaad out abortly, oarryloi nbly dl«.
tttrmlahla«A 4ry wot^, ate. Uta la»t
ataUHMat, iaa. 1. laoT. waa aa lot
loara: AmoU-dtOab of taoMha
lu.aoo; mMk ta haak. M-Mi
oouau laoolvabla. Il.fad; biiek atom,
aad krtA Tiavirao city, lilob.. lU.
Mi; tout aaaala. UaMiitiaa
-dNir aMwiiaailaa. iiojooo: owlai to
otbar UabUltlaa. ft,.
Mi; icdal Uabifttlaa. |47M0; aurpiiu. Two of Them Ware dant ta Baaavclt
HaapiUl la aa Unconadoua Cen•ao.TOO: losuraaaa uu aiUb. |(i.abo."
kt to €%attaaoa«a


» far paat M
bawr% dh
Mlabwan. «L
Claar. pa



• Ihaa^ ha «aa la buala««a hero for four
; foar*. baUf tba propitotor cf |ba Boa.
too avoaa dad
* Mro« patronli*. Ha waa thforably kaowa barw aa
a ddb^ PMpiOalya and pnoaper.

By Wire to the BreMiw Bdcovd.
New York. Joe IT—donator Bl _ ,
Idgo sailed today for Burqpe aad K ta
doclared he la going tbt the pnrpoae
of aeeklng ilret awi meoUag lOre
Kaihcrlaa Bddy. daughter of Aoffiiatua N. Bddy. Chicago, whom ha wUl
wed bcfoie Ike returns to this cooa-


^Haniinock Weather,
This. '

Wilt Wad bUre KNkbiriba

BaranaUr. alaady. thSt.



deMter Bavondfi BaBad - Tpd



tbia alty:



MMdabM ta tha BmpIpb Bdiaad
op ta Maa oaab i|p hy t, I. WdiL

By Wira to tho Vvaalng BoMrd
Bolao, Juno IT—Hairy Orchard was
takoa hy Wardm Whitaay of tha Idary and a (urov ufpuaitU
10 Qaldwali today
raignod tor trial there
Of o<lovarnor Bteuooabarg. /
The caaa was aet for trial today but
bacauaa of the Haywood trial It waa Ceremony Waa Fotformad hy the ftev.
airanged that soon aa tha case waa a E. Lockhart at Home of Brtda'a
BLACK dBA btttT HAd BEtN PUT called U would be poatpooad until,
Brother. K ff. Walter.
Baplambar. It la planned to rvtuni
Orchard to Bolaa aa soon aa the aih
At the ruMldcuce of koberl G. Wal
Jouramaat has baea ukrn
ter. brother of tha bride, yaeterday >
Ueanwblle the Haywood Ulal
aflernoou at 3 o’clock. O. U Bcudder!
adjourned until tomorrow becauMtba abaeaoe ot Orchard and ulao of- and C»ua WalH-r CoiA were uulle.l'
In innrrtnge. the full ring cervmany
Judge rremunt Wood.

By Wtra to tba Bvaolag Racord.
Vlaaaa. Juna 17-Bavao bundrod
Buaalaa bluvjackats hava baaa arraat
ad aad tha aaUra Black Boa Baal haa
0MAM9 I^TMAV FAILtO IN put ant of oommiaaion according to
taltBram raoalvad hara this nrta^
aoob from Odaaaa
Loyal iroopa ara botag ruakad to
faaaa aad Bavaatopol whara tha nltuaUop haa bacotoa daspwata.



Haywtod Trial Adjaanaad UatU To- Old Rdlaaloa baad wlU accompany th«
•arrow Bacaiidi of tho Aboanpe vacumkm.of Orchard aad af Aidpa Pr#.
ttoeaiwa of the nbnceoa of tha band,
mmt Ward.
iba Friday nigbt. coocan nt Old U\*
aloQ hna baao poatpoaad.


biftrd AfMM. €PN klA vVa** Unmu
Mi' tfeM M« 9VB MM Um IwMjr
«lilH la Ua
I vMm UMir «MM»m
BcK^aamaai vt4 4Md vMar tMjr
fal M ilMt «IM» tiM aMMim awakM
•i Ula MfMtef. iMy foaai Uki mt
MM Iftac la iMr ova Mood oa 4M




Here is Recipe No. 4

Tonight lat

'Mocha Cake

kddiuiig UbWxmofal of boktag poate. In mixing add
ttm flour vaiy dkta^. Bake ia fiot ^ bad bUow the laittf to
d(^ ia tkd tins 6va miaulw baioia palkixig in the ovan. Wksa
Odkab oold cat into aqaarea. muB togatkar buUar
dotad dUfbr
untii very______________
Mit. Ikin with oreaai
untU tkf
U ml
Mfaaddd^; ^vor to anti tka tagta loa tka ^naiai
.Madrea and
loU (a kkankad'almoada or peanats okm^ Hd?a a

UMfl wM WOT rUMIB aOfl te IlflCs

Hannah & Lay Co.

74^. and 8:45
Our Suita at

in the new plaid, are the finett
ihowine in the city.

Slnnnan& Hunter

MeUoo and Alvin io Society Sketch; Kolbe SS-.
ter*.’ Spanbh Danoen; Gaylor. EqnilihriMi
Moving Pictures; Many Budde. Black Face;
Ferry, Musical Coaiedian; Illustrated Soug.



^ TM iiH

MiQr HfriMMipr


It tko Oily ymfooA vakSMyd im

or tokr* otATia

at a reoao*ikfO may.

ki MK MS M unmi
SMii or rHMit WHO kOiT

ao ookottwotad Ikai tke powta-


4taH*Mk#*k*a Motkor

aaaw proviabon ehamhor wShout tk* mita taailkg of tho


Tlw fWiMVMg hmm* Itaakk
** Nova:
TWro oa* k* Mda d«Mt that
Hoify (f*«yl Vog vaM M Ma*
h«i** for kragkiag kla idlMo aad
«k» %»tmttm at tha tumak
for karglarr. H daa* as* that kla
tt m attf kf mtm !• Ik* lM( tiMi kody I* I* a aomaiofy at Tr*v*taa
ra««tf>M Um mto cany oiiy.imk.
ligtts tm MMM 4* wvtM; a SM
Hla ktwt kf«im Msakor* Mra.
IM «• Ik* mrkmH (rlfki) akta. aBr*al«*i Vag M Morflil k*i»ao.
a «UH Hgkk 1* tHi *MH«
« T«i kaa kiM mooifod a ioM*r *Mik m
)4ikt 0* tka pon^iali) d4*
lakHaki* iko oomiMM* U«l Mm*
«l a a«MU «**!, tiM r*«ttlf«Miu «l waa 0*0 of a pMlg of tkM* ywwg
fk* IM fM)| i*kM>PM tkMi w «*rry BO* dpowaod la Mowkd L*k*
tNt|i of tk«* tkro* Ugkl* WliUa
Traaon* OUy I* U» 1*0 of 4N«.
aOBOor of *mr» k*o> vUlil* tl
Ob* ol tk* ikN* waa l*a To*** a
Ik*, a wfkf of
4p w»a aatf Mniligp y***i aw* *1* vaa aa inao«* Mr tkmm win k* Mtloiio Uxwklo. Um*»* fflokd Of. VoB’. Mr*. Tov»o
kOftiiiUknr If a •*
raaldaa *1 tk* oonor of Clay
vpttld kkk*o* t* 4ro^ to. TkooaUfku and PIM aif**t.
01* lot okkMMlv* ao4 oko*M k* oar“Tk* trHi* kay* k*aa aval* tkat
Payy kad long l*a* MM*t aad that
tka latiofB vklok ka vroi* *| Intarvala
Tk* Oraak Travooa* frail growan
Id hla dodging atouad tk*' oouoUt.
owtkkOr kora oaao* io fo*l Jakllaai
had eaaaad U> arrtra at tka Vo* kocMi
la Ik* o*aikoni lOH of tk* oiato, Uo
kill atlHk*l*d kto aUoao* t* grtaon
w*r It pnMimtir a faO«ia ikoi
tan* ia atMaa oikar atato.
Mklok looMo* Oh OM*k*ofg^ koiai
^ No BO Mra. Voa.< Ska fait aura
^|teko« la 4ko okTiac. *kUo kM> ti
^ kar aoo waa AO loagar uTiko SanoM I* Iko Human IteoO—OHt|* a*rik. ikof* wM ka aa eoAfai
Mad at tka Uvlng. Har aoafok koi*
couf*o of Iko Sov. A A. Oanby
Woo t loll Hid 10 WHk Muah
fruit a low waoka oga *kos ako mat
Tio Q$mU IlikMa »waM rooior- Mrm, Towaa aad laaraad from tko lak
4ar. aaAorr a dooMo ooluw
ooluwa koad Hao. tar ^t a l*uor. racolrod from Jo*
Towoa akortly kofora tka uafortia
I tiai tk* a*«
Many momhora of Maocabaaa and
I ataMra kad arrivod. Bltkar natk aplaoda Id which tka tbiwa mo*
I Oaplda la alov la paUU
Ulag tbo wora drowaad. ka maailooad Pwur Lady Macoaboaa aUaudad tha ma
lyl ^Mea at the Chmch of Ckrtat
I or tka Haoald alo* la tka aa M kaiog *ltk him.
“Charlaa Voa. a brulhar of VoxTt *ao|*rday momlag.
aaiway Ikay kava k*oa
wrota to tko ooroDor at Travorae CUy praaekad by tha Boy. J A. Cankr. waa
«• aa(|i
tk a daoertpOo* of tko aalaalog om full of iaiaidai lor tha orgaaUatiua.
It tko bodlaa kad boom la tha wat*r Tka laxt waa taken from Matibew,
Tka Ratalau diuaa kaa agalo kaaa
lOlk okaytor. lltk varae. “Tka 1
waak koiora found and t
dkaolrad. Prokaklr tkla U tk* aaw
ar* dtwoawad k* tka apUoilau akoui badly daooippowd to maka any Idaa- BkaU aoa. tka daat ahaU hear, the lep
era aball be cured aud tha lame ahail
tk* tlw»\lka oaaf trad tftljrida.
avar auppUad Ike addraoo of ike lam walk.’’
■aaala kaelaraa Ikat ualvaraal *aaoa Uy with wktek tka tkro* young man
•Mr. Oaaby laterpiwted this message
*01 a*trar ooom, Faokakly RaiiaU a kaardad. a Mr. aad Mra. Ppaall Oon. of
to Oman that a new era waa latra
tllMkOl toadniona ar* rtoipaalkla for WUUnoiikurg. on d rural nwla
duoad wMk the ohrtaHan taiga. In oo*.
faw mlloB from Travara* City.
aaeUlen ka aald that all orgaalxatlona
“Ska waa eomiauntcaiad with aad
' Tk*ra apaau to U aoaia klad at a aakad to aaa a pkotperapk of Poxy ware |ha outgrowth of chrlatlaa rak*aulUr tiaaclaatkm aUtut tka bpttoiti Ooa waa aaat, tahao about aU yaara Uglon. that they ware all fuundad on
r*« fur tka O^ad OoJdda kaaa kail ago. A lottkr waa rwooftod from Mr*. aoma raUgkwa prfnMpla. In aovaral
wnya the banahta of orgaaixatloa
Cox po8lUvaly.ideatl(ylng It aa aa
wara'polDtad out aad ahuwu to la
aoouraia llkanoaa
of kar koardar- most cases to be a heaejlt to the hu­
It U to k* alBoarolv kofiad tkot
oMr'a oflar of |10U fur tkf mlacraaot
man race. The speaker eaumeratad
ba lookad a Uttle older.’
*ko o«t tka ftra koaa *1M not au aathe tka lodge aa baiog
Poxyaanrada term io Jackaoo for frataraUy, baaeyplonoe. charity loyal­
tka rukkary of tka pootkfdoa at Oraad
ly, juailac. aad m^.
Tk* oabr diaadraaakia tkiaf akoat
The mombera stood by each other
tkU waatliar la tk* ravital at tka mao was parolad. raturalag to tkla city,
*ko aaka “ia U hot anomk for you? ta tha aprtog of IWl, wklla oa pa­ with a loyalty that co^ not be If It
rol#. ko won't Ok a ramyago oa Weat were not for the bon^ of orgaaUaFar*dial(ial~'aa' U^ma^ aaeiu.
a avaaua and nearly killed aa oM iloa. They oared for tbe widow* aad
Matar kay curata u|>. tbv fuier U fuea
ao who came io hU path.
got irphans aad assisted tu every possttom of hO-dnya to tka Uatroli de way tbeir members and "those
Huuoa of Oorivctloa for thla Oo tka OUDuected with the members, but tbe
Atur a long aa^t, tka tea i|>aD will
eight of Nov. If. IMG, he burglaiic •peaker said that there were widows
a*w gal kia taalsga.
ad two aaloona, tha Yoaemlie, oo B. aad orphans and those deserving cars
H*a Quod gaowlnf wuatker anyway. Waaiera avaopa, aad John Luaders and aaalataace who were too deep m
on Ptua siraet aad got away with
the' ••wag.’ ’•

oktaka. ttaay aoU at Ml M *ad
IlLti. We aoS tkim oa tho


•mi yhpmokt ylyBu




<«*» K “aSttsiwa*

sol drav tka koaaa M daaarvad at
«llkar tka Saturday btgkl or tka-Frl


. A. Mealague ReUlna Hardware
Bumnaas and Hurkart Mantagua
Tahoa iha New Buiidtag.

At the close of hualneoa Bninrday
night, iho pnrUerahlp hotvoan J. A*
Miwk UM «U .Cut u. and Uerbort Mootaguo waa dtaaolvad
mutai oonaant and the tqa of the
mU. tk* |i>*c* k i«o***.. Bawr ««>
Moktague ookwaay oeaaed to exist. J.
Monugwo Yetalna hla ha>d
buginesa and Herbert sMontague
the new bulkAg which vlU be
Pleiod by him aad nfter that hla plana
Mnataota Mtii'a AaoooUilwi WHI Olv
are noi yet ready for annouaoement
a Oaa*u*t H Manor af iacraiary
Tbe dlaaolvlng of tbe fortaerabjp
*f|lidoOaUll aiskaiiu’ Aaa'a.
v*o due to the (set that tor i
time, J. A. Maat|gae'a health has bea*
4 T. Ftrclvai *f Port Hum* ta la
foUtag okd b* did not (eel euual lo
<|» city today. U* la tka faerotary
aid in tke cnrtylng cm of * U
• df Ua Mata AagoolMl** of «OtoU MVbnslneaa. He bna Ukea hU eon. Her>
Ok^U aod tka Travaraa Olty Bualkmrt B. Into paitnerahip and bereaftar
**aa Jioa'k aiaoc.totk>|i arUl.kold «
Ike Ann VIA b* J. A. Mentague 4
ifarfal waaMiid aal Mmv»M UnOgkt
Mr. MogigcM tkea being able to
I* tka .CItr opera koos* klock la kls
Uke n naedod rost.
Tbs new kuiidiag on Ftant siraoi b
nearing oompieUoa and until
Do Yog lora
Attend tk«
Otra Crogj awaail »t tko Oeakd T*a* tkkl la do**. Hoikart ilkitajia bad


Beau *1* now «B aal* (or tko Oom
Mr. York; a M. JA 4 I* ao*diHl*r
. fliOraad Bapida. 4a«htar kflaa Fran Qvooa coaodti ni Ik* Ooind tomorrow
OW aad ao* FraakUa. and JdU* York'a wvoAtag A Baby Oraad ptako vlU b*
MM Mlaa Blaakolk. «o*t yaater naed and Mra. Ikirmaa O. Blco M
PMoaM* win ka the nooogipoglai

rntM ai Ika Or*ad



M im ka t*gd at lUs •*)* M at AA7 o4h«r luta.

Th* OrlfliMa MGink Fumtahkr



yovwtty to Moog t* any wgantaatlou
that akonid be aatlat*d as weU as
thoaa that wore oemnootod with i

la tko futaro any lodg* that aaoIt has a povartul story. t*H of deep
oooSa BMtai hav* a hiskor akiUve. aad
heart latereat aad the com*dy Is nat­
Mr. Oanby urgod that ihla moUvo be
ural and of that klad that makes >ou
tkok lov* for ^etr foUow moa, the
[ a point io see
oama moUvo that Inlnonoad the Good
the funny side of a iok». Tbo play la
SamartUB. Aid akonM k* glvan
entirely free from any cheap clap-trap
all thooo
sensation, or what la called Id the
pjy thoao
drama ’ bkiod aod thunder.“
tal* ordora. Many lodgoa are
The charactera all act like human
tending their chart Uea and honetu
belaga aad it U the simple uatuivd
sad Id the future all orgsaissUona
story that holds the audience aud
will do the aamei
aeada them away feeliog that they
la the future Uere must also be'
have aevui soarethiug that appeals lu
DOW prtaelyta. aad there U one nrlutheir better self aud furolahed them
clple that aa yet U‘boi praotloed by
with two and a half hours of goauUie
mnaj oydera. that of saving souls.
ptasaure. Rita W. Harlan gad her
Mr Oaahy then shoved kow thU
company will be at the Grand opera
oould aad would b* aeexMapUabed. He
liouse for the entire week, wheu they
aumiimdttphUaddreaaby aaylag that
will preaeot a dlBereat play every
one order could all the prlnclptaa
night Tbe prices for the engagement
be emphaatted exoegUng the church,
will be lu. 20 and 30 cents.
and aaklag those present to remember
that Jeeua ChrlM made all urganUaCooUnuoua vadevlllo opens at. ihi*
Uona pomible.
Oily opera bouse this evening nt 7:30.
AGer leaving the church, Ue MacThis Is s new foaturt* for Traverso
oabeaa veal to Oakwood oometery.
City aud the managemeut has spartnl
where the .grave*- of the deceased
bo pains or expense t.o make the pro
ibera were decorated.
grams not only sttrhctlve and Iniorestlug to the general public but to keep
them of such a character that .they
may U* wUutwsfd by women and child
reo. Tbe contract with each person
who will appear contains a clause
which absolutely bars anything sug
gesiive or vulgar and the person
The Paaalon Play Id .muvlog
breaking this rule, is Immediately dis­
lures which ;wlll be put on at
0«-and operm bouee July. 1st aod week charged. Signs on the stage also csit
player’s attentloD to a
produeilo* vblch coaaiaU of al
iwo taliea of fllma and was oh)eeikMUible words that i
taken under the personal supervlsiou omiued from the acts.
The arts will he presenUsl by dif­
t3f Prof. Ataxia. oC-Obemmmergav.
ferent people from week to week, not
member tbe date aod don’t fall
by s stock company. Kevr people will
see them.
be here every we^ except when the
strength of tbe act warrants It belug
Opening Monday night June
repeated anothr w-eek.
Rita W. Harlan, supported by a
The hours have been arranged at
class company, will present at
Grand opera house, the beautiful heart 1:H0 and 1:41 p. m.. ao ns to give all a
play which waa flrat produced by tbe chance to attend. Tbe price Is also
oeiebrated American actress. Miss a new departuro, the admission being
Cora Tanner. ••Atonement." This play only 10 cents with S cents extra fur
reserved seats.
had a run of aaveo months st
The program, which has been great­
Uukm Sftuare theater. .New York city,
and (or (our years waa one of the ly strengtbem^ since advertised, will
moat popular offertogs In the high be:
hlilsD 4 Alvin In a “society sketch.”
priced theaiera throughout the counIllustrated song by Miss CoJbey.
Henry Budde. character comedUo
Hie Groat Guy lor, the world's greateat acrobat and etjulllhrlst.
Kolbe sisters, Spanish dancers.
Ferry, musical comedian.
Bdisou’s mpylBgjl^cturos. feet
of llm.

Porch Rugs and
Cm Oram Pweb Kemiiaanstm*.
SpmlaUm tats ween,


Oawr stace 45e le WAS lee taU

1MMI.6UEN •VB»PWN*t^lilflAIN*



•xS leel

Itaa leel

Itsi leel


Beginning June 13th. our Oil Wagon
will be on the West Side Mondays and
Thursdays, on th* South Side Fridays and
Tuesdays, and East Side. Edgewood and
East Bay resorts Wednesdays and Satur­
Special attention given to all launch
owners. Phone your orders to Grand
Rapids Furniture Co. and same will have
prompt and careful attention.
OlWy fwhonm msm.'

127 S. South Union Street

Portable Lamp
We have thilm In all atylae ahapa* Itatali Mta **iOi*

J. I. Palp Electric Co.

125 Cass St.

JoMMpH 9lo»clMrak Son
FtMt-clsM BsteSen, PacScre'Me 8emm* Mkrtw




A Hit ftiBSt if Bc«4^k ABi ¥iil
fkooi this nenk lArkrt ia a grant
•tnrt U>*B*d* n good tlinnir. Of
ooui** jm'lolka viR hnratoktod >
to Mta cooking, hot jo* cut *«gar
on the mokt thnt psraes thioiE^
du^ hnnd*. If jon hnra act setn.
oor idkra Im the inside. todAj's A
fin* tiio* to OklL Pl*o* your or.


If any cases of cruelty to ehlldreo
or anlmaia come , under your observa­
tion enU ator* both idionos
Na 41.
Homan* Boetaly.
may ll-tf

Two liTkele:
M7 E tth SL, and m BaUMph BA

SAVE doctors' hillA Gat tha vaudovHIa habit. .Cita opara hooaa.
LADIBB AND GBNT8 aoookd hand
hand vhoata |4 and up. lU .B. ItoA


OblcelMe at Wales atW Has


June IM


biv* BEX

OlwcelMMMaouiwM than

It U * ooBBGATpraetio* lor Biopie Io hytiWsiMray^
for * »p*^ *k]d*etile**tMyAF*rti*nl*rBB*^ OT
to provid* ^gninst n poisiUe
Onr fAwKligB for
*aoh boatnaa* si*
moat exoaUont Whi money h** bean left
with oa for • «peoile purpo**. ** oarshUiy
ogny oat the tkairaa 9f th*

JOG bnj okB^r ^ ^

»s»<ssw>w<Mww»»M»w >MWM.tH.nuiiilillM



Grand Rapids Furniture Co,

DONT FORGET the concert by
Miss Cora Cross at the Grand tomor­
row evening.

Delicious REX

Wa mig tacn ft tbcaa prtem.

pro*ia»'ot otMga hf Waa




Mr *va*l|>. 4*** l>-


______ _

Frank Trade

aaaM»oaaaaaa»aaaaaa aaaaaaaaaeaaaa


aooiM to «i BBT mm 4*bb
mig w* C*k I**y.


tko *Mtmnnr as imimm vShoM inhutag Mma M* Sav*
hogt mSk Md oktava ta tko


HO WM OMM tot OkkOioNnokiklf
tko V«*a* Moa WOO ta

Na*aaUd at tKa Grand
M ivaaHg Aitka**H tka
Hmm Waa Vlfkt-


tak kknMkor taa ntapny* *ykl •*#


• 4 —'cmmm


taka ytaeo* ta Ikf ofStaMS a*
ftmfktar wM h*9Nk* damp
tkd noisi *M *m «Mta ta a


Ctly 3lBle






M«il '

Semes ftim the Life of “Bowser”
CMAmPu^m sumoto



staaci aa« aat of fkai aaiakar,
tibrir tiia prtsrlpnl Aosts rs
fit Umb vai* <wi—ti Oaoqpt
Am* AAd am. vAMbr mPMMl
W. MWar. tMsMtr. m M ckM «Ky.
dsas BOW MAklas lAa uIpl
via aaa af «fea pawiiiri a»4 I
Mr. MUtor Aaa n pAMtMnpA of the
•n Vlikaa. raaiitnar ad Hit.
Annod ateSMaT Ubaa nfiar aba waa
avanr sMpa of Poda aarr^d "
7i« itoU Miaat. araa a» " ia artry
AraugAt to GAnrtaaolB mM ntao ns oU
MAat. bat At a^t MaaaaA
palBtii« Made Ay a OarMaa outlet
uHpad Lubo froM a doacripUan s1t<b
AAAmmA M was daaaty latn apai
by Mr. MUlM. abowlAf tAa boat
pad In laMaa
wraak wail and aMong tka Inauacaa
tkat tMpraaaad Aar Most waa that of
All aarvad plala. alU lea CtaaM
*'1 aatrar atJa* • atal aad (Aat arob
Mtea Mary WakaSeld. who Aavlas ac^
or PAhtpAalat.
aWr aaa a graat laccar la tavlaf m
enrad a pyltkm on one of |Aa (end
ytmr aald U*. MUMr. **i aaa aAaard
era. oCniWllM Clara Keyboa aabora
lAa lioat ca My aai AacA to CAarta
la Aar tertb. MUs Keybew waa then
tMs after a Aiiaiaaaa trip to Obteapa
Uida slri and k yet Uvlns «UA Mlaa
I Aad ratirad Aat aa laacA aaa atrttd I
w. a. a rAMpklSI WakaSeld la/iorlda.
at MMalgAt. I 9« ap to lAat. After I miMifMotat..iAMMMCMrJUA I
Al tba time of tbe wrack, tba Cbam
Aad. aaiaa. I Taat famrd
plain wai one of tba principal factor*
aad aaa ataadlap- tAaar pickiac Mj
la tba AnMnaae of ibe ao^ aad tbe j
tealA atUk a pMca of a ^matcA t Aad
Stent cb'anga in aoBdUAma is aboa n
tekaa froa My pockal te'UsAt a clpa.i
UaA (d water aad Ac waa maklas fur In tba fact that altbonsA aba baa been
“TA* cAptelfi Aad oaoM furaa^ ibat.
rebuilt iwka. alw la a back nuiuber
tA«ra alao aad da aara chaiUop wAaa
'TAaoaptala roMovwd iba lid aad la and Uje otbar two bis boau of tbe
«a a laaa aUh Ala ck
to tbe laab Uu naa JUMpad. amors line, tbe iniaok and tba Mlaaouri.
Ataxias niBBias dova iA« ipaia 'alale tas aa «oqb aa Ala clotbaa were eaUa have all that they can do to baodla
of lAa cable Wa yellad Ui^ Aim «a Sulabed. Ha waa tha a&slaeer of tb« tbe buxiueM tesatber with tba aaaUJump orarbuard boi Ae dlda't at^. •boat ihtd daaplta lAa fact that Ac* waa tanoe the banana can slve.
Near tA« abaribouae lAarc aaa a larga tarriUly burned, be made bU way back
to tbe rnstoa room.

i R&8&. I



I MuuM AnvCxw I


«i«pi W. IIMsr sr TW. CHy Wm
lAtlMr «# Mat. a U TraMtftf
Wm PtSwmtEL

rmmtf fmtm am Umi^t mt mtid
a(l0kt. tfc* iMpf iMtaitMtla. u«a«d
If ika fkirUsra IMMiIims TrtM»oru
Om cmesMT. vas iMirBad to tkt «»tiata a4m aairm mUm imiUi oC Okar
t^o^. IWt* <»>f« ftttf'tvo pmigia

w«* vmmwut «m CMt •
• • .
. . • CENTS
funbral tomorrow.

~i%» Twts.- wusa (MeSSL

Mr«..Bimi* Map* Yen WIM Be BmrleB
nt t O^eleck.
lie repnaiaa eC Mra. Snale Vos nr*
Un. HoM.-ciM.
"iw US acooi.- dumm wu- rhPid kn Ue oRjr tbU noon aad were
tekm to tbe boBae of her father on
Mast Bute stieeu where the runnel
-TAe evnaa.*' Laura Bbr^nbcaBm.
will take pMoe al 1 o'clock tomorrow
tens, primary department
~A King.- James NeMon.
afterBOOA In okacia of tbe AndemoB^
ITaderttblng Ca. tbe Rev. Mr, Ooob*
TJtUe Soabrnm, Dort. MemaidL
Ua and the Rev. Mr. CAnby otlclal• A UtUe Heart," Roy Beckmaa.
:WelgAlng the Baby." Rnauice
Will tecate in Canada.
A party oonaUtlaB of P. PlamoBtoB
"How OM are Your Alton Shaw.
Id son PMer E PUmooton.^ UatMre
MANY norix.
Prank Doperont and'
"ISe OIrSe.' Umj Al»«tl
Kelgle aU of Keawlck gaaeod tbfougb
tbe city tbU morning bn tbelr way
Reaaarka. tbe Rev. W. H. Irwin
to Alberta, Can., where tb^ expect
ad the
iha AaAury
MetAodiBt. and
M. I,
Ckmlng ;ong. Na H«.
tu^ake up claims of tarmlag land.
CnumA—infaate Worn
■dpt land.

I) UTTIE nus



Children’• day waa obaerved In wvMr. aud Mr*. Ralph' Peter of Mlderal of tbe city rhuneboa yoMordhy.
dlevUle. Mich., arc vlaltlng bU alster.
the primary departmenu giving excel­ Mrs E T. Price.
lent ptograma. The attendance at all
H. H. Montague of Chloago U spend
churches was Urge jreaterday. the
g a two weeks* vacation with* bis
bright weather making It poeelAle for.
pamnu. Mr. and Mra. J. A. Montague.
Archie Richard*. Vencel Ludka.
At the Cougregatkmal church the
SUrted la Sneina
aad Charles Toplnka went lo Carp
it waa in tba aaslaa mom^ that tbe
Mia* Marte McGteusblln loft thU following program was given by the Lake this morning, where they will
■la started, bow no one knew, aad, Ala momins lor RCaUmaano wboro abe
camp tor tbe next wtek. *
Bung. -Jewela." congregation.
ckrtblQs bad becOMa Ignltod wAik Aa will »pend her aummer.
George Habbeler of Lake Ann has
Twenty-third peaim. oongregatlua.
waa fLsbttns tl. Whm Aa
back. It
Mr. and Mr* A. Johbaon of Man
returned to his bume after spending
waa Impoaaibia for Aim to aster aa tba latea apani Sunday in tbl* city returnin V
■ .
Bunday In
thU illy
Tham RiiekeUem are eeraRiRy maRemarks,
flamca Aad sained >ucA AeadTay
ins to tbelr borne this mornlasJ.. B. Trowbridge of Tbompaonvllle
avary Bay. Tba laaal Miiai
BapiUm of infanta.
‘In a Irw momasLa lAa alarm bad
Priest Jttdprlcst of tbla city
has returned to bU home after tran* pHoaa ara awpglM by laaal Baalarw
-UtUe Beeds." by Mrs
Paden'sapread all over tba boat and tbe peo to bl* farm te Wexford tbla mom^
acting business in this city. ^
Tbs awtsMa Buautiaaa by
pourlns from^^eir aUte Ins, where be wll recupernta from
allppad fram athar pagara at Iba pfaI«d.- 1*,,
ruuma Tbe boat waa
Mary, left today for Albion and other vlaaaBay.
fully twelve milea an hour 4nd there
southern Michigan points where they
Mias Oortrude Spencer, who k
Reclutlon, "The Dtecoolented Dal• aa no poaalbie way
wm visit for the next four ww«qa.
been vklUns bor aUler. Ruth. In tbla sy.** Edith BlUs.
quickly aa
Miss Ruth Roland left for New York
city, left this mumlns for Petoxkey.
luinud toward a abonl and aba atruck
this mprnlng (or a visit w-ltb
where abe will Kpaod'Uto remainder liavilsud's cUss.
kTabermaD's laland
of the aummer. MUs Ruth Spencer
Violin *ok>. MU* Dorothy Heea.
W. D. C. Germaine
for Chicago
First Man OvarAoard.
left for aoutburn MIchiro.
RoclUUon. -PltTB Flower*," Jack
today whero he will secure a car load
BalllnB Prte«k
had aacured a board probably*
Mlaa Oornne Silver* ^fi tbl* morn Prl«.
^HlS is kkiA) wfMlbor fox (base ssii nuuiy arv
of horses.
CJearliack purk. per bbl.,....Uw
Ibrce feel kins and about four Incbea Ins for Grand Rapid*. Kanaa* City -- Reclutlon by four klndergartnors,
V ftaprsparetl viib Ibin obibiuK. Tbit is
Mis* Laura Davis of this city went Clerback pork, per Ib...........
wide. Juat about tbraa blocka before aud point* In Iowa, Mi*a Silvers will Jane and William Hull. Lucy Oocblln
lo BllghU this morning.
viuMs ibo reAdj.madc sail oomas ia-~ii is naUj
pork, per bW... II tiu
tbe boat atruck. 1 Jumped, ewlusltis a> ipead tbe summer with her brother and Katherine Moffatt.
Frsnk Seymour left tbU morning
Id pot on si a iainuld*s notice
out aa puaaibla. in order to eacape la low*.
-The Beaa.' sung by tbe department.
for Part Wsync. where he baa ' ac
Tbcf are so obesp that ererjbody pan have
wheel 1 waa the Aral man to
"Glade and Brook,” FVank Des­
Mr*. Ro*e He** and daushu*r lk>
cepied a position (or the summer.
make a b^e In ibe water. With noth* rotby left tbl* mumlns -for Lauatns. mond. Raymond Guatafson, Clifford
oos Vou’U find Ibem made in as clever styles
Ids but the board to auppurt me, | wbpre they will spend tbe *umi
as it dasignad by yooraelf, and tbink of ibe
Probably tbe most curious Bibla clsM
waa In tbe water for four Adura until
Recitation. “Wbat a Flower Did.' In tha west of England U that of deaf
MU* Tilly Johnson of Keswick
trooble and botbar aaved. We never ehovod eo
pIckfNl up by a yawl boat.
sniFed In the city tbU inoralus and Parker V Hobb*.
OhlOBing li liuo or eoSattraotively priced aa
-Aa tba boat atruck a rope wai lei will hereafter make ^ borne here.
Song, -Pansies for TboughU," Mlw
ibie Siiaaon
deprived of tbelr senkr* of bearing and
down (and the women wi^nt down tbla.
Harold Nicbulaou of tbU city wen Pohoral's class.
spee<b aad have tu i-ommuaicuie ond Cblckan*, PW lb...........
i'^r w
water waa about elsbt feel deep,
■ SuuUams." by department
I Klusaley this momins.
"talk” to each other by means of the Potatoes ..............
and many of them were drowned on
The decorailon* of the church were deaf I
Mr*. E. T Kusers of N’orihport 1
tbe aboal. Mure wou^ . have been In the city \iu business.
iKiautllul Indeed, the platform being
Ham per Ib..........
drowned but tbe feodeni burned off
Leslie of NorthiKHt is banked krlth palms and cut flui
STRAWBERRY short cake and
and they were able to climb on tbeae. In tbe city on buslnes*.
First MsthodUt
ciuam tomorrow noon and nl^hi al
T remeMber Robert Wilkea. He waa
Al the First Methodist church, tbe
Mi*. C. L. Richards of Omena U
American Kandy KUebeu, jserved by
fulluwlng program was gixen;
aliout 60 yoara old aud waa on a fem- vUlUng frieudfe lu the city.
MIsa Rboda
a 1Rattenbury.
June 17-lt.
Bong, by congregation.
der but waa unable to retain bla hold
-Mi*. T. Thomas of N’orthjmrt U in
It would be a pretty gool idea to gut yours it
Vocal solo. Mm. N. E Ditgan.
OhU............................................. .60O5X
rouaequently waa drowned."
the city for the remainder of the
Baptism of iolauu.
once, or if you did buy, Ai buy agsio, as the

No III Ellecta.
Hespcmalve reading.
Allbuush he waa In tbe water four
valuee are dxoeptional and they are going laat,
Mrs J M LUitvsxtene of SonbtHirt
btiuiw and It naa cold. Mr. M»icr
depaitpaa»e«l tbroujth the city l^U morning
day. Amuus the paaacneera on her way to Acme.
Plano solo. Howard Griffith,
• aa Mra. Harrlaou Bedford, of Char
Emeel Htickblad aud family of this
nower drill, fourteen member* of
levolx. well known In ihia ciCj' and city spent Sunday at Blnsbam.
Hungarian mlUM
her aUter. Mra CIU Smllb
Mrs. B. Stillwell and daughtcc. Eva tw primary department.
V«»cal duet Ruth and Belle Hunt
Smith waa drowned but Mra. Bedlord IMiased throos^ Urn city tbU morning
Orchard ffraaa....
Plano and Violin duct Misses Mary
their way to Reed
“ H d City from U*
Tba day after the Bre. the Cham­ laud, where they ba\e been vUiting Kellogg and Helen Haonen.
■^g. primary; department,
plain waa towed ' Into Charlevoix. (iieuds.
itecllatlon, B<‘alrlce Johnson.
Later abe waa rebuilt, named tbe City
Mrs. Waller Uiraitger and daughter
Remarks, by the Rev. Joseph Dutof CJiaib-voIx and continued
left this morning for a visit at the
MJ on the educaUonal significance of
for aome time. She U i
atmnier Kanaaa and la aUll owned by
lost—l*air of gold glasses In cast
Mr. and Mra. Prank Tuttle left U)U tbe day.
The program closed with other exer­
the Nortbem Mlcblsan company
near itoslofflci?. Return to J. V
iiioruiug for a vUil with Mrs. Tut­
cises' by tbe primary department.
Tbe ('bamplalu at that time waa tle's mother at Morley.
Jackaon'a candy store aud get r
Promotion Bunday.
June 17 *t.
Mrs. A. Westjohn of tbU-cIty went
Ughi sDers and heifers
lu Elk Rapids for a vUlt this noon.
Steers and heifers, 110(1 Iba .... 4&S
Mrs Ij. M. BJodgell of William* Church of Christ a week ago but yes WANTCO—Experienced clerk to sell
dry good*. Adruas l>. care Record ofburg ha* returned to her home after terday was promoUou Sunday, a large
CUck«u,.Un njfM...........
das* of beginners being promoted to
June 17-if.
vUitlng friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J B Bunge of Omuua tbe primary class and a number of the
WANTCO—Three furnished rooms
passed tbn>ugh tbe city this morning
for light housekeeping, near P. M.
new' Junior Sunday achool
I ibefr way to 8oulh<*m Michigan.
Spring lambs, live weight ..

sUUon. C. F. S., Phone CIU..BX8.
Oliver Hansen of Sutton* Bay pass­ opened yesterday with their ow
PACE rOB A WIFE. ThU|^clat*ta« UiriUUig nwebj aulomobile.
JuneT7 2t‘
ed through tbe city this morning on cbeslra. tbe Bunday school being dl
.LANCUAOE OF FUIWEB& TfaU it» otunmioKibort IiUb.
hU way to Elk Rapid* where be baa
LOST—Black covered account book,
Intermediates and the Juniors, pri­
accepted a position.
yesterday between Grawn and Trav
| . Boat—**IAmW
0 F. Marvin and tatnJb of Bingham mary department and beginners.
er*e City, eaal aide of Silver Lake
Aabury Church.
15c higher:
re vUUlng friend* In tbe city today.
roiid. Return to Record and receive
2,500. quarter lower; sheep and lambs,
Me*. R. A. Bennett of Harbor
June 17-If.
lecelpu, 7.400 head, slew; hogs. 12.Springs who has been vUlllng friends
followlog program taking place WC HAVE op^ a feed bam in old 760. 10 to 15 oenu higher.
la IhU city for the past week, re
of the regular eseulog service:
Chicago, June 17—Wheat May. »lc;
turned to her home tbU morning.
Odumbla barn.
Regular boardera
Opening song. No. 14. -Finest of tie
December. MVic.
and (armera. Rennie’s Feed Barn. September.
Cora. July. 52Hc; Sepiembur. b2%c;
June 17-Sw.
SoMlfle Scripture reading and prayer, Bupt.
December, 60%c.
lie at Wairs Soda^Foaa- 1. D. Hobbs.
Onta, July. 45%c; September. >6o:
June )2t( Greeting, Clyde Baxum^__
December. 26Vic.





PoMocSs Ulp He

Shirtwaist Suits

rVmaJlMJo t7M



Otr siiTd win U cisMi alt 4dy Frtlay. Jaiy
•th, aai vlU be cHaei every Friday iftcriaMi
jiarlac warai wtatber (ram that time aa

.... ••••



•r-»" i"...................• '
....... .........

'h ]

Theatorum Attractions



flcclrlc fwa kcM »bla
cook Come
•■a caloya eool haU konr.

Old City Restaurant Building.
Admission 5 cents


and keep cool.

Cheaper and Cleahher than Wood. ALL
JULY 1st.

connections free until

All you have to pay for is the Stove, which we will sell you on easy monthly pay­
ments. Prices ran^e frpm $5 up. Get your order in at once. First come, first served
Telephone or drop us a postal.

Traverse City Gas Co.



t iteif^TTi'i rV^i 1 iifiA^iii I



‘ -'iv:-4


iL 1 einiuilsHE^


Itav «ai •« 4 «Bt Mi M« «r«

«k» Hi V*I* W



:AHiniiM«4wi»« r^«it^
tm amw wk»
fgiim[i>fc> mt ■iirti MW I Inin «■»

I H «l|f

10 I ^ «L ■•iw44f. Mm If.

HIM teto V. AaMrm. fim M. B. oMiM. «mIl riM4rteb shwi


1£,isXS.T^..:: =

tMt «o
ittaM of CMiMM «f OM MS to

4m«M or fair m4 U to I«m4 tkat
40 mcB ontofhutkto W ke fonnodM all fot mm cko w tkey i
tkMt to M «aadh
asto to tkto fair. koMOt ooatoM who
ngmU aaurtato otm a ktot to aaU a
Mto. . Too oaaM aM io do tt teaad for ikaIko orgaaltolioa woo toaiMont Wk«o
ym aMoiad yoor mtoa yoar frtooda
kdlHi yaa to 0to tk«i Id bo «M tor
yo« oai ato to ko otod. Nomm
yrototoo^fck dtokwior.
MIy -Al • Joreo «aa ibo wtoaorof
tko llOdO to gold lor too moot ofi
Ml kndUtoc toot vook aod vaa
Wao kto aoMy ai^tokt o cktok lat
Ho vaa atoo too Otar rot t«tor oa
•otoriay. hto total tor too day botea
4.Mk Ho to atlH to toird ptooo, but
Miy akoat 2.M0 ktotod toa Biflo's
favoiito. r: L. Sbutor. aad oaly about
1A#0 boblod Mr. Moonie qI too Pyto
Mtoi Aodoraon aUIl ilkda toe ladtoa
aad MaaWUbolKpoaood Mtoa Obtoae
toooH oC Batttrdaya baDottos.
I aag Rogah
I Buaat ko a

»t fMilirt! ■—«,


#14 « tWr Mm i;b mm
----th» Mrntm mum wot
m wuhr^mmtm
kmwmrtamrnM «»«
murnn vtu «4 a trtr mm m.

Ml M


TiMf H. OMf> F> A
OMtfWMlH TMMrMOi, iMWlfP. fTi.>.a r .................


CMM Boom. ftorflMi.................................. ....................


A« lUta. r Md A. M ........... .............. ......................................,,
Tnmk AUmM. Clgmr IUf«r>* Uak«..........
........... .............
Jaai fMto aoro dare ol Tbo Broatag
kooord ooBtoab-oad wkai aa fsoU
tog Blao days tooy vlU be. Wo are
la too atrotek aad ^aat too laat quartor, aad oooa toe raco wlU bo woo aad
tko pHios awardod. aad too wlanera
cororod vilb too tourol crowa of
rtotory. aad too ordora they ropio
. aaat graady atroagtkMod. Tko coa-

too Moot Irtoade aad what
Iko atnatgoot la tola frtoadly oieaaar'
togafoUiAgto. Wkowtoa wlllbogroat
Ir wrgttood at too tan tBogaut* o' tko
kaaoia toay karo woo, aad tko tooora
wtu aot aooB be forgotiM for too
kraro aad galtoai flgkt tkoy have
ai^. Aa oae of the lady caadldaUa
aakl' yMtorday. ‘ if 1 kmv I wUl bo

togM toaa glad that 1 waa oae o» tog
woitogina. 1 aevor kaow, bt*foie
ko« gMky frtooda I kad Wla or k«e.
I MT« oaa lurget Uiolr tuyal aad geo
Moae oabboct.’'
Tko boaoly of tbo ooatoat la lu
ftgodnai tram hltteraooa or atrifo.
a rioaa, aiMlgbtforward otrugglo luid
wlU raBMlB ao to ike ead

Bvorykody •uooabig.
Tkaro la aotae groat work gotog oo.
but all of tor caadtdatea are fOay aad
cloM-moatbed, aad no oae koowa the
atrength of the othera. Thera la aut^a
good-natured ‘'atrtaglng" and blufgag,
ohowlng oT4rump carda. What
la gotog oo to a certainty la huatllng
of the oaoat aireauoua klud tor eertlflvotes, and there will be iDore
Uoded tola *oek by three ttmoa than
all the paat daya of the cooteat, aod
who evor wIm will have to bo thai
wUk a big vote. Tbo frloada Ad
brother lodge'noBhom of the oaodldatoo are out In buaohoa. aad It’a
work. work, oven to fathor.
Tko rinai Count
a queetiob of who is ahead
VPday or tuuiorrow, but who U pUlug
up lb<« uiuat votes agaioja the Anal
touut. which comea after 9 o'clock a
wet^k froiu Wedaeoday ulght. When
the voting rertlllcoteii are let luuee
uud counted at the cloae of the cobteat II will abow wbo haa worked tke
haidesi aud BMOit elot'Uvely. Uto't
tltno la gotUag every

.. ^
okarok. labor. morary.>«itoooi or oo^ i
ctol organlsaUoa, kotoiog ■oottoga to
Travam Ctty or aarrouadlag lorrltory.
The nrtlag will bo ky baUoU clipped
from too Bvoalag Record and by rob
lag eomtoalao laaaod with paymoato
made oa subacrlpUoa aooonat to tka
Bvoalag Racord.
Bach kalloi oUppad fron toa paper
will count oaa Toto lor too Udy and
eolTOd at too offtoo before too daU ol
janll—»■" aaoBod toerooa whoo rooxplraUoo glvoa oa too bqUoL
Bach day too date at too osplratlon
oa too boUoU la ehaagod.
lor BOTH a lady and
goaUaman ooo.toatant will bo iMuod
with loeolpU for aabocrlptloo aa fob
By Carriar.
One yoar |i.00........................... 7f0 votea
81s Boatha IX.&0..................... 300 votoa
Ton woeka |l 00........... ......100 votoa


tol to tok otiOi OBto; ato koBnmdStogi ft BwBaolik^ m to Htoar

• #»###%»•«••••

•« to wkd'tro to# B»«.


M nm mfimm



omusom vm. , RA inii ctoaod B«k aa atowai

nnMx a«ms«s.

¥oM gUto Anak •!

ituiil Mttoiaatoaoartrtiwi
■ ^
•MIV9TS Pfmm


itoa to pg#k too totoi aad koto d
r mwtBgty, to grow aad aot
A it to ■tot **#1 anlb kto amdo
i«to. Ttoa tolBioto to Ito«a by
sealed to aa aatoglgtolp vioaght oat
jrniaolIgBi. kto toa toara Itotodatloa
to glvoa «p<B aktok oto toay kaUd.
I ahito dm do koM. aeoordtog to
tka ckaiatoar of aar akatoa"

RBONom m .

too W Bf a. bHH 1


Oaya MaUtoato aa too I
Mktoo of <SMinik#i

la fHE

ftlOOib 1

VaM ifitr Jaao M.

Ha oortMtoala will ka htoaoA lor
toM awtoaafc toaa MA
. ckiftoktlwM mm ka lirtood koUtota a Ikdp aa# •MttaoMa MBhMkU
hf wklok a la#r M aatoaaga kor
k'a mm tor
a( la«y*a vakaa. and otoa aaraa.
cotoklaatlnao ky aajr eaadMatqa of toa
aaao aog ta Aataat aaotkar vlU aot
bo ponaltto#.
Tko Evoalng Boeort raaorvaa too
right to ttjMt too aaao of aaj

too of wull-knowa buriiow i
ouadlag In tko eoMnaky
will clooo



Tko Riaoo of koldtog too ftaal ac^ouni wUl bo aaiiAaa^ to a tour laof tko Broalag Record.
No omployo of too Bvoalag Record
can booomo a candldau for too koaor
and the dlamoada.
No extra ooplak of tka Bvaalng Raoord will bo prtntdd. for oalo, tor^tko
coupons vtolck they oootaln.


wgMgiiitaal LaOi# Aid Booloky
Win Hava Bragram TaalOiV
DIvlalM No. 1 of toe Ooapegattoaal
Udloo* Aid abeiOQr wUl hoM toolr loot
Boetlag tola evening at tbo church.
labor and are kaary ladoa.
The foHowtef progroB will bo glv- giro yoa raaL" Altar woloomlag tka
vlaltlag kiotoioa to Aabary. Mr. Ir­
I club.
win called attaatloo to too ImportJRecltatloa. Moaollo Boaaott.
aaco aad Boaatng of BOMortal day*,
Vocal aolo, laabello Pnyaoa.
that they raaUy atw mlla ■tonaa that
Vlolla. *T>reaB of flkopkerdooa.** toll off tbe length oo ibe rood U lifk.
Helea Hannen.
Tko Item reallUoo and
Roadtng. Vexa Wynkoop.
tlaa* of middle-age was the laadlng
Vocal aohA MIbb Ora Bverett
. '‘Sonrlao aad i
Violin. Ooaataaoe Hoyt.
set attract the eye and. Inspire
Rocltatloa. FloraaM Bari.
soul of the landscape painter, more
Plano duet. Mlaale Trlmblo
than noonday's glare." dqd while poet­
PeaH RRIkolm.
ry gathers around tbe ooBtuencement
SelocUon. klaadolia club. >
and cloa* of life, midle-age la almost
Everybody b invited.
all atralgbt prose.
no time of life 4s aympaUy ao
Fired the kUck.
Ho Fb
much Deeded. "Youth haa oot tasted
-I have Ired
carried over 40 years,. oo Jaoooaat of a the bitterness of life's cup; ol# age
sore that
tost rOsiated every
k I of t
has grown well Aocuatoaod
meht.L. antli
BOtli I tried Ba
k’s Al
Solve; that kaa healed too oore and taata. and perhaps even the palate
;• writes John has become, leas senalUve." but
made me a hapi
LI. of
Of North
N. C. Ouai
middle age. tbe fears and anxletloa
or Piles, Buma,>tc.. by
teed for
of life are keenly felt The way Is
Drug Co, Frank H. Meads.
quite clear to tbe man who has
L^g Store. drugglsU, 25c.


Special train and low rates.


■Miorial Btoday yatoariv. Jato
lag «ito toa Aaikor a. U ooagrogn AutamaMtos laato'BagBtot^ aad Foot
Power All Pat to Uoa Bhoquitoi
tloB la toa Mgalac aainiar aarrloo.
BM Had Big Crfoto.
Tha Rto. W. U. irwla ohaaa aa hlo
tast too iliotoih chatow af mitkaw.
noBBoarlMt onto tka tvraaty-aT^*^

UkkT aUTlNO.


1100 reward wiU be paid for the
rest and oqnvirtion of the party
parties who cut the lire hose at the
Are at the Oval Wood Dlah Ca'a mlU
on Thumday night. June 19. 1907.
A. V. Friedrich.
June 15-tr.

The MagH No. A
Number three Is a wondoiAl maapot
Goa H Parris, of Cedar Grove.
There la a daijy arerago of 35 Im- lor
Met, according to a Icttor which reads
mlgmftU who apidy for admiastoo
"After suffering much with liver an<
the |K>rt of New York and are reject­ kidney trouble.
Oaa yoar |d.00.v!..................... «0 vot
1 aa^
Then* has been a marhed tolling off
gU mtoo I1A0...V........ ...100 vot
In the Sunday school attendance In
Hour Boatha fl.OO............... .100 vot
Wkilo each payBeat of fiJM for _ New York city In the last gve 3-ooni.
ipleted the cure." OuaraatccMl beat
edy for stomach, liver and kidney
year'a aubacrIpUoo opUtlea the holder
of the Tooolpt to 1.500 votoa, thoao
Meads. Hannah Drug Store, drug
oaanut bo voted for one eaadldato but
a. 50c.
Buat be equally divided bktwo
, lody and gentleman.
' June IStf
Jobe 1718 19.

Cheqiwiiieiioa Souffle,
IRc at Wairs Soda Fc

ler. long delayed, hot aU Um
and was graatad by an otoponrlag
of toe people of the city. AU wko posalhly obuld. got out of Boon tor n
portion of toe day at toast an# Um
•arly afternoon rainstorm, tostend of
detracting from toe pleasure of Um
day was only a little change.
The Chequamegoo did a heavy bual- I
aces yesterday and If the Arst Sunday ‘
the new boat has beeo In oiteraUon criterion, she will be a money
maker during the season. In the at- .
temooD. a crowd of 325 people went
to Dpatora Barker and at night. 200
mora. aeeoanpantod by Horat'a orckes]
tin. want around toe Island. Tke warm
off-akore wind, tke moooUgkt and the ; f
slight swell on tbe kay. made the trip
as enjoyable aa possible.
The autulsts were Out in force all
days and various polnu near and far
from the city were visited, many of
toe more aathuaUstlc taking long
trips to toe banuty spoU of the Omnd
Traverse region, while others simply
drove about tbe city.
The bay was Bill of aniUirbaats.
rowbosU and canoes. In one onan, a
couple of snsall boys uUllied a raft

as their craft and caught by the aonth-- ''
west winds were being rapidly cgrrM
out when picked lup by m canon 6«
account of the sea the smaUer boau
remained cloae to the city but some
of the larger ones essayed long trips.
There wap quite a tittle Mcltoment
at Bdgewood owing to one boni get-

does not know how far be may suc­
ceed-” Those very fears and, real-^
txed reoponslblUtlos have Iwd'u
organisation of frmter^ brotherhoods.
At the same time anxiety and reapooslbUltles aro enobling experieocea and
are gUd to meet them. "We cannot
retain the beauty of spHagtinae In
Uvea, but we can ;ive servloaably.
can ,make the summer time of
lives rich in fruitage."
It Is a change for .the good 'that the
years bring. The patient, wllUng diecharge of duty amkea life, and to Uve
Tbe livery sublea.hnd all the busi
and do God's will U life. Middloage
ness that they could Jj^odle and those
Is also toe time of grief. A boy or
who had no cnoveyancc. walked out
girl may grieve at tbe loos of father
Into the country.
or mother, but tbe loss U hardly real­
ised. Old age. U life has been well
Uved. may greet death as a friend, a
blfwalog. Middle-age U God's school
time, but more than that. It Is also the


The flannah & Lay Mercantile Company



We are showing?^the greatest stock of Clothing of all kinds for the babyi
No heed to
work for months on a little one’s outfit when you can buy almost everything that is
heeded In all the daintiest materials. Long dresses in different materials and aH manner of fancy trimmings,
prices are from BOc to 2.60; Baby blankets from 1.00 to 1.50; white dresses such a host of pretty designs to
iWeet from ahd priced from 50c to 1 a.OOrBaby-beskets the cutest thing In .the world to keep wee tots in dainty
pink trifhmlh#8 sell at 6.00 and 7.00; Baby spreads withr all the nursey pictures on comes in all white,' pink arid
xrhn,—a Mm «vd wMt M#im aidleB Sr a.9or>iiT ciniili >11 BUBier rf4>my tri—iw frwi 24c lo 3.00, dttniMnerirtok» vtm,Mxe ti4 nveitor llrwi l*c n toe; ttttttok Jtekete I*
tM to ttMl ik« «•>#, ntot ta all IM niqr ciMri ua lUi ttix 39e n 2.29."
' im TMcbih PdWdir Theto Day*.'
ha Violet ceoMt io three tirei 10c. IBe aed SSc; the 'Cruihed
Xoae* at I5c aed Maama'a Berated aad VeUet at <5c.

(kt aPtotsl Cu^ lie Nall

lt #aa«t »>aaa5yt^lu»ve have ]tw a*
^^V»aatPMDd bwk lor *o«,Biwa»
«Iuterttu>eoee. Have yea. Wta au
the new <me» that we KBve.> Seme h#eulies are the hand cn ored MdUo foitldt.
aiyinBi are takaa from tbe best writers of
the day. A deii|ht(ul card te Bend to a

If U la Candy you Want

AnothBr Lot of I OePapar Motion
SOQ aew title* b( the meat popular author. Juat tbe thiog for
tiimater reading, goiog la an excuriioe, on a picaic or for the
atteAoooaUtheeeidl lor lot each.

Seme oi the daiatiea tlfat ha* been taade
eometiapMt.blde. laaeiidar and wbhe
aad »«ll tt Kici Ibc, Me and SOcL Have a
»petial bargain in a SOc grade tUt «eate.,
new telUeg for 84c, it ia a bargain tea ^


Come to iMOrtq aed^Bobk pMte. ,.Get_a taa^t.boa wf

B9jfs’*^iirc DeN” Host JSc
luit the ridiig (or b«4« thnt are out dotyt
'ptayiat ibbU mmUdr dhy*. they kre
ttfoet. cloilly vovda ani IriH Ui«m a lA
hard wear im tbO ittice 13 Ut.

llTlBtioii Note Piper
. A new lihe of dainty Invhdion Note

bbx« 84 hheatanadtM bavUaim to
mateL juat what you want for levitaticMta
ABeanMnea Of IlMtata.

: tvv


. ...



waOs UM»


AOi AAm-OM Mom ood mo
•ttM OP* bMMta CkorlM %kocor,
A. W. AlokordHi OMtalo vorko.
MM llAt

ilpiVii^—i ^ fr mrnm Pom AAkt*4oio4 ttfOV
k«. A i.
tnm mf m»» 9m. ul


mm «*M#» tm mrnw-

mm§ mm


or ArtM. A J. Morfu.


OkOJ 11-tf

Mi A IMflMM At.

•ilk WANTt^-At M
«l tapM wmk Un. Tr««r CMUK
m •!•»• «mi
i«M )Mi

Mm klf

Mm it4f.


pom AAH 1IM Wtimmmom krtek
tattiMM. Wool Mow
Clooo to.
ooo 004 o kolf kkM* ftata Oootrol
ookool; fotloMo taf taMdooeo,
Mg or kooriow; MU toko
•o*Hy to oaooot of ooo tkooioad
AoUoro 00 port poyoMOt; prko
•MM Wo4o Broo. tit toatk
OolM m.. Ctt Vkuoo lliA
ABA AAUIolioooo ood tot. taodoro
itaotMooo owopt kootlot: olgkt
I 0009 M
K 4lt or
kpr Iklf




Ml W. Mow ottaot
Moj^ lottiM otw





L yookg nttorvoy nkd Lank woo _

A RUMBLL, dtwy. coll BbcA—
MOO. B—fiOkOi pkOM M4.
Mm l»4t

Monlltak A MlUtook kloek.
fiMiKMpiitgHka kkd coktrocki kokkowlodmd; iMl oatoU 1
oeM or roklod to city or eoontry
nokoy Inkkod 1 kavo oo— good
koigotoo* ItoMd to fnm kkd city
proporty. to ofBco Wodoaodoy kkd
Bktoidoy MmtBgA Mrtd—0
MONBY TO LOAN-Bool oatkto tor
oato. Uuuaoo to rokt Dr. W. A
Oom, aur Oporo Uoiiao kloek.

rO| tALA—UM -AUty-oU loot tm
F. F. UtWTOli M. Bb-OIBeo Wtlkoln
•toto otiMt; torto tattao koiMo o»4
So fttaoA OIU. pkooo lUA
ktook. Botopkokok

Mod kon; tklo proootty to M
taoior cd tko kMt kloek lo Ttovotm
/fPMf mm Id good oiM^ M City, tiotoooo COM ood Hork otroM AM AALI-HTl-lk ootao too »Uoo DR. M. A ARBAORY-Pkyototak okd
ilklo look kolldlot: iooot loeotloo Mrgooo. 117 C— otiwoL 1
IVMB It Mtf » tM
ood tko ootalot kuolooM Uock ot
Mr ookurkoo rMidokoo lo tklo to- oMoo. tfifi-fir; ronidokOA WMr.
Nortkont MIekitof: p^uportjr lo tkio
Prieo MAM Wodo Broo. tit Boddkkoo fill WotooL
«*4ir M; Mlri iv M4
Dkloo ottaot OIU. pkooo UlA
kos toerooood to voluo oror
tlM $m iwiiiM to
vko kloek
four kuoArod por ooot lo Mvoa
O. a MOFFATT-AkOtmeM M Utto
Wf i«WMt. AMU »l u. A yooro. It «ai do kMtor tkoo tkoi to FOR BALB—MM-kovok-n—
SIO Bioto Itonk knUdtok.
N»vr •mmium Otftoo. ummtm tko M«t rovoo yoora Xoep ycMirmoo
mm. titil 9mmi. lit mmi otiMf. ■M04fy.outaltkofokoCMI,OoK Oop*
vmrn OL at pkOko IJIA
TMmtm OUy. Mtok.. tar fuHkor M
^ MkM« sou pkooo Ml.
Mb* 14 iPt.
kkd plMO It to kood proifootlvo
BALB->tfitb->HowBo Ok Hklok A. A MoFHAIL—DonttoL
proporty to tko k«it city to tko outo
WAN7M ** HomMmmt:
oovwo room too drug aturo. Boll i
wkoro oU ciMMoa. of root oauuo aro
vko Mi «M Mom «H>i 0kiMr»iikoooo, nko lawn; AOItc J_|ir^ol
Hn^j^tojtit-1 rtoga.
odTkkOtog lo piioo. wkoro ratiorira
A A OovMI 04 IMouii oTAm AvUon; prtoo wmip^B^tirn
to WBLCn-Attormy
MlMk M bOM. Ill WoMvonii
Bunto Uokio Bl. at tdioiio IXIt. LEfiTBR
tow. CultocUok work o opooloky.
oototti tkot they kovv out atrtppod
W^tk^l^dorwuud A Onlor. Buther^
tko populottoo. wh«>ro tkoro to two
mm TMt NAW--ll»vjr tMnitUM
mm vfll MM M tlM «i<t triM
ItM II to ^ ff. iidT, vkm


MAKTIA^iltll Um. Colutaklo kuui.
|UM IkSt.

MIM WfNTtA-VoAM Il.Tk Apuly
or MiMhMO Mt. TrorrrM IMtr
lAtek Oa, KoMtuM Mick
W1 WANT OTorrkoij to hoow ikol
•• Ota otili tko aoit up^U^Aoto irjr

ootokllokMBt to tko city.
Tko AoNoIm
Jmoo IHt.

t.WANTBA—Oirl for iMorol kauoo*
wmk; mm tor vook; oloo
OOmM work .Mta. A i M«MM.
Mb Mom otoMi.,
jiuw ink
WANTiA-^irtotam Mr oil oo4
UMifW ouyolMro lo tko
dt>. OiOAi iloiMo ruroliuro Oa

Joko tor ovory nun. womoor ond AOB BAkB—Lot 00 BUtk otrooL CoU
child wkoro tko loool oulumoa of tko
JohkkOk A Turoor'a konlworo aturo.
kwa popora oro lllod wttk wunt
opr Mtf
oda for MM>. wotnoo. kuya ood flria,
wkoro turwoio coou fur oUloo to
dtopooo of tkrir pruducU and pur* fil^NOLB and meui roof ivp
ckoao tkclr auptaioa. wboro oh
ond pointing a Bp(.<cloUy. Coll at'7:i
cloaaoa of trull. «rolu ond vosuUbloa
Juite IS tf.
can bo auocoaafully grown, wkvro
paturc kaa obuodontly. yoo tortohly Vf HAVf FURCHAiBO the
auppUod tko oporukun. tko bokol
cloonlng buatnoae uf Oil A Habiui.
ora. tko ortlat ood tko InroUd with
Wo are uuw lu u poatu^m lu du oil
ovory tklog tkoy oould doolro. Uy.
uf your work. WM. blKlUkTINB.
lolood tokoa. Hvora, ond crooka.
• Ik K Fnmt stroel, attoena pbune
ctoor. poro ftwok valor, good oloor
June lllf
kooltky olr, bah. fruit, ond vofoUktoo, Wkot OBoro oould be dealrad
ONfiU|.T Modom Hlpoa. tU palmtoL
Tkooo aro focU we aro aUtlag ond
ot 117 Holoo opok oU akoiri In Itfo.
ooo ko vortiod. Akkln wo any place
nor lAU
your money In Trnyerao City or the
Wndo NOTICB—Wo clean clUmueya ood fur
Ornud 'Troverae regtuo
liroa.. IIT Hulun alieet. CUtoeiu
oaooa and aioro alovea througk the
t lilt.
June It tf
aommer. Traveioo City Stove Rw
pair Oa. Mt W. AruoL Clta. 517.

«ik WANTtA.^ loowal Uuum
wm% vko vtll to koita* olcbu. (loll
AOB BAUB-Wkito WyokdoUoo.
kt 4il Wooktoftott otrwrt. MIm BAM
IS tar It; vtoaor of kllvor oap
)uoo ll-tr.
ponitry okow. J. W. Mpunoraion A
WANTSM^n lor tMorol koooc Bok. Ml Boutk Urtolok iiroot

AOrtk iMtaro Nro. T A XUdoo. U4

W. Nloik; Cit. pkooo 111. iuoo t tf
Mm Mt.


WANTBA-dlOkkitr Mr kroock ofttoo
«• wlflk to Mm4o koro to TrovrrM
City. Addtaoo. olU rofereooo, Tko
Morrti Wkidooolo Uottoo. OUoIbuoU,

WANTMI>'Tokr opkolotoHot. tumltkta tapoUtot. okoir ooolof ood fu^
kUttta pooklag. A H. Toooor. 411
UklM M.
opr All



DR. F. A MAO NITT-Praetloo llmitOd to RTA BAR. NOSK. THROAT
M2 WUkoln blookr CUU— phono
yonro oaportokca With UrlnnoU
Broo; oocmv Aront ond Com Su.
foun. OSloo Ml Boot rrout otro

MRA B. L. BONNERA kolr droootog
parlor^ over City Book Btoiw Boon
Money to loan. SIS SUte t
building. Clttoona pkooo fiM

LOT FOR iALB-lWeat Kigbtb I
lino ktcatluu. luq<lulre W. H. AbboU.
Htate •trert
juuo 7 U.

•M AAti>TMBl-4torfi Mk <
koNMO. toivp lot. kMw«M k
kkd Tmrn oitaoto oo MtaU ovOkoo. Btooo MokdMtok. Lot oortk
kt toMb ooo tko—ki doltark
iiAMk kkkld kM ko MiUt Mr BA—
kikdiM dkitoro Oioko lA Wuj
mnm Wrtm IHM Wkdp Bwa,
bit •—k Oitok ktroM dtpAkko
kMM— Md M gBkd IkOillm; good
fMkMttW MDtog. VIoaAkMor.
Ml E MMt At. Trotatao OW
■ky M4f

of aorokontablo toga; about two
thuuoood ^de atove wood; Im*
proved toad, mootly level, obottt
Oko kolf ooo ko irvtfotod fraa tko
ctaok tkot runa aciuaa form; large
fromo^Um. atoko kkaoaokt rvtm
for fifty hokd ot otock; good otoke
MukAkMok; pkoktog kouaoMrfvuU
largo otakor^ dlMMnt trortoltoo of
poackoo. poora. pluau, oprtooU.
ckorrtoo akd apgtoiw oU ekoloe
vartottoa: otoo largo vtowd; ckotcoat gropoa. Tkto farm kj uUltotog
tko ttofihkrooaUBBado to pay
ibto ywor tododtog cotaigg vtotoi.
ood vkta poldfortoootaody eouroo
of voiBU toot to hard to doplieou.
only takiok A to for onto to owner
to voll ntoaig to yoora tad vlokao to
roUfo kokoo oBon to ot ok— okw
koU Ito ocMfii vmtoo. Prtck |fi,iM
Wpdo Aroi. 117 aokW Ukhto BU
OBtaoko pkoko. ISIA
Joko U tt

kkd oMmwd tkkt tke
oova ko klllod.
t ct tko pooeo ot tko tkM tke WkUo Mta. Joko Alltoto of Upkom
eel— won ooau
. to IfiortA. ood tot. wko hanging oiMkog. — totou
waaSno U— <oMM of toot kkuity. doogktoo drowned to o mkl
Tkoir oTTwot crootod fkko oMmoUpk. to k— •— tom tknn tta
Boklokco voo o—dkd pooitRg oo Ckkrtoo P CA—k. f« yskta «ML o
MMOk tar if|y4vo yokta, nnd o roMdokt to Hovord aty otoco Wfl. to
> Orto An
dokd. Ho voo n kogkood okM
kord tkai oU tko Ideal touodry girls Ook. McOtailok to Nov Tor* city
Bottle Ciwek ptoggOd Wolr
J Fkoatto to tko Boo toko Mltod
wUk cotton, ko woo toed fill ky Sow vkok kk dngtoo atrwek too kondoor
Uco Bntdort. Robin— kod o kabit oa vkkA ke-vos rtdiag Tknrodoy
of kwonriog at work, ond too girls nlgkL Tko occldckt oeenrrM oa tke
atufWd tooir onra. Aogorod. ko put AMO— OMttal tatlrcmA
anuber palntrr to to do kto work.
Tko kold VO— okd pookMkook
ItanoRor Pl^ Bore* tkon koM up eoktolklkg fififi. vkto^ was gtoloa from
k’a pay ttotU tko oxhor
Jokn H. BrtoMktat. 0 tovdekt. TVooahould get Ma. and oaotkor kglok of day tight at Ami Arbor, vos tannd to
oaths *as kt luaoe.
tke moU box at tke corner to Rttte
arreated and toe glrla removed tkoir Okd Fkokord otroou Prtdoj
WOrroau horw.booa loaned tor tke
Mayor ('barks K. Bbell uf South nwot of Hooen Rolltna. of ABnoot
Havrn. who baa been twkv artwtopd Mono Ookorbe. Sldnoy Boyden tad
charge «f vtolotliig toe oonkty Tkoouto Lake, of Kolokumoa, KMoma
kaal uptkMi tow. to aomewkat vesod soo otodootn. vho ore oltosod to kdve
the storks that have gone out tn entered tko dlnlorroom to the MickI
• stale regarding tke moUor. He nan aemloory Tooaday night
ue out In the local pnpera with a
Beoaooo ko bad torgod tho name to
iiatemont la which be oEera fl.OOO hu brother. Alexander, to o ekock.
IMiwon w ho onn prove that be! he anyt.' WilUnm MoEntt. to (Hteldrank whtoky or bear In the AbeUlUmrae. Ont. was nbool
(hug I
t any lime during tho last ■i
lulclde by dumping Into Bt.'CJnir river
years Recently the mayor was
Fort Huron, when nriwnted by Fol*
arrested, hut the case was dismissed rolman Trnpp Thursday
account of the prosecution kUltog
Tbe Snraln ptoice oaptuta^
Si>l>ear in court at the prirper'^tlme. waymon wkO bad just rubbed ■
TliU UitH' be 1a charged with the returning from lH»rt Huron by the use
suuu* uEeuae. the complaiut being of a large bone, after the thief hod
made lo s
kicked blmneif lu the cabin of a Umt.
I'nable to keep It up much longer, After Boundering in tbe watrw fur y
e Seventh Iky Advents hnve sold few minutes too man anirendert'd.
their l\utvls church, between Morwball
Tbe rtvor at Grand RapMa to being
IMIevu<\ to the township, and drngged fur tke^body to an unknown |
beieaflor the structure will bo tbe. man. who |s tboiigkt to kavo commit !
louvu town ball. Tko eburoh wasTted sukddo
kddo by drowning Thuiwdoy
built In 18dS by subaertptUm among night rm man was oeon during tko
.\dventlat fnmilloa living In too ins day ntandtng on Sixth otreoi bridge,
iia dlule ueigh^buod. Tho fifty, or toiently lookfng at the water below.
mute luembers of tbe church movtsl Late to the evening ko Jumped frum
uwn> and the church has bean uaed Iho bridge.
ilnotkma. It was sold
Out to tbe twelve ntudc«ta" wko
gtadnntod from tbe TpaltonU Normal
Ray Brown. U yonrs old. son of W. oollofo twouty jpNxro ago. elevea wore*
T Brown, to Plnconnlng. was bltloo there Prlday. In the nfternoon thoy
by the family dug n few dojm oga hold n boaket picnic at Pronpeet park.
while the animal was acting lu n Among the eloven were four Dotoolip*Hullar manner.' Tbe d(« nftorwnrd Ota. Mloa Minnie FnttI—. Mlu Joonlo
'o o(»wa and a calf, and then tho N. HUl Adward MoC^utky nnd Or. C.
dog and calf died. Tbe boy was taken A. UoUtttoO.




fewer-for touf Boit

Arayoa tSsraachto
sspatlaO wtOi year
Ssal caotaR? I( aot, u
■oOl aartOslj ytf jaa
ikVufitigkM Uik



TO RENT—Hleuaanily fumubud front
iXKUu: all niudeiu cunvt ulenrea.
210 (toaa.
June IFlf

E. to MINOto-Ollloo OTor Amort
n Drug Store. Spoelol attention
to eye, ear. none and throat. Qlaaaoa
fitted. Both pkofioa. Roaldbnco 111
Sixth atroev

FOR RBNT—Tbreot largo anfumlahod, upaUlra. at
i |4 |K^r imiiilh. OR. W. B. MDON-Spoctoltot—Qoktto.
III A Blghlh atroet.
urtuary. akin and blood dlMaaoo: li
may 25 tf.
reara eexperteneo. City opera houaa

MOUfil^ TO RBNT—Dr. Moon. •
ipr SAU

FOR BALB—ISXl-IMrm. eighty five
acrea. uuc and iuie half ntllea uoiib FOR RENT-134 Lake avenue,
quire liS B. Bigbto 8L
.opr Mtf clan and Surgeon. Removed to toof Acme oo uuiiv'ruad. geventy
ficea In Munson block over Barmum
iro ncrea under c nlUratiua; all In
FOR RENT—fill O— ottaOL lOQulro
lu cropa wheat. «wu. ual», hay;
14S Boot BIgkto.
nor SAtf
f B. HARNER-Bxport piano
BOB AALI-lfoYlokor tkoolloo on
' and action regulator, aatla
Mko, kov; lib A A A A OoooU, kot and odd water all Urough TO RENT OR BELL—fit orcoo In Boat
kuuao. Wind mill and lank. Good
kl Aooord ofiok
Boy towksklp^ Bd. Aortoo, Its Wole
Urn, gmnary and all neoe.
•tor itroit.
nor IS-lno
•AM AAtl—HM ■ Boion ptaporty uut bulldlnga; guud yuun^ orchard,
put to mortgages. Hoi_____
lufci bearing, about all le\el and
louses tor salt.
«Ak aOlk «tty IMIU; Mur ooroo;
Inquire of B. MoNnmorta Fork
too kwdtad toot okota fiuol; lorfo oa uoor^y |>erfoct oa a tana could
kplol ooMplotoU MraMtod Aral bo. Owner wtoboa to gu aouth. bvnoe
kltMi kot iM MM oktor lo oU uffeni at low figure (or ca»h. Price watch and tab. Notify Mtal'^Mabel ABlTRACTfi OF TITLE—C.
-C. 6. Cm
Barager. K M. Aay lum. June 14 iL
rootai. foo Ufkt, furoooo kooL oIm M.M0. Wade Bros. Ii7 ooutk U
OEioe with
okk oottogo. too lorfo koik*; trout tun aireoL «i photo llll.
June .12 U.
•UtdM MMM«k gtattodA kotk kooM
Two promlneto Chiueae from Shang DR. B. L. THIRLBY—Bpeolol ottonMd Am ftato okog kor okoro tkU
tlon to dtoeosee of childrea. Room
bai hove paid a visit to ManUa and
Both pbonno.
Broporty to lo trot olooo oaodiUoo AOR BdlUb-tIM -Oko kwkdtad and idoced largo orders with American, fidfi Bute Book
«k Milk taod -to cUj. pikid oU Iko five acre farm; four mlloa from city; firms for farm machluer) to b« used
m otri vpold coot to put lo
oerdo Umbor otUaudod to cut at

kWHMw « M It kt ptakiot kt Ikkot
tvooty tkooakkd .doUkio: tody owk'
tof Ik IkVklM kMM kkorttoo Ik
ordor to dtopOM ol U; wULoaotMor
pmi «tt|r MMirty to port poynoot:
Mtop I1I.MA Wkdo Btao.. tn
BokW Uktak M OU. plKiok im.
tooy 1141



Traverao Land and Loan Oo.. V.
Thurlell, Mnnaaer . Otlco, roon S
Uamlltoo A MUllkon block.-

kprilkio FOR RENT—(luud paaturv fur huraea
uud raille. fiktqiiitv of M Winnie,
yaf Slate atreet
June IZ I2«* OR. F. MOLDfiWORTH-Bpoctol _
AOB BAtA-*HU-Okk koadtaf
tomion to diaoa— of too
tklrtyAtk kor« Mtak kldkty
RtNT—Pluaaattl. furuUhud Iruut
none ond torooL Qloaooa fittoA
taprofod. loffo kom ood good
Over Joknook drug otorv Both
Addreaa X
hkkOA otakkid. torgk otoouki of
June 14-lf.
good void, tttoktr. tom «u Moood Record office.

ood kO koUor koU to ko Mood; tU
■Bitot pootkooto ot city Ok moto
raid. MM Boy loviWlp: otoko to
■okool kkd tkurck: viU aoll Ok Okcy
tor— owkor to oUar buol
pitooM.IM Wodo Broo., 117 Bovtk
Uotok Bt at phoko lilt.




rRAVERSl CITY 4.0041. NO. Tl. A.
LaDIBS atw weloisne lo play
to P,r oseet every Tkorsday ev«m
nail at all tlmeo but oopoclaliy on
log. New Munson block. C. a
Toeodoy and Prlday aftornoona. whick
Brickaon, C. C.
have keen aet opart oapeclaUy for
Bomsniber tko loootCm. U7
June 641. mtoi4kura.
NsUonol ProtecUve L«Nm vIB;
meet to Woodmoo hall oo toe toiid
A Fortpaolo Imam.
Tuesday to eack month at 7:»fip.
Abram Smltk, ptwridmu; Anylo
r. A. W. Ooodloe. of 107 8L Lonto
UtUoa. Tex., aoya: “In tke post
Artoveld. oomtoory; MoMM a Qmt,
year I kove bean— aoqoalnted wlto
Dr. Ktog's New Ufe PUIa and no toxoUve 1 ever before tried eo eEeoiuoUy TRAVERSB CITY LDOAI. Na U3. F.
dlepe— of mntorio And bUiooan—“
* A Mm menu on Monday evonlog
Tkoy dont grindT nor grlpo. 38c ot
on or kelorv too full to tko moon.
Bughee Drug Oo., Ftroak H. Meads,
Hannak Drag Stores.
FOR OUTSIDE Mere — Colmon^
•IggllF Spar VoniAk. % B* WkA 4

tsavvm* «TV

uOoj. m tn

On the
1 Of Fomernain toetv tlon.
are large tracu of sand heaped up by
A little
bit, not too far from
the wind, hundreds of yards lu the city.
If Intelilgeatly culUvaied. debreadth and from 60 to 120 deot high, clarea Bolton Hail, author of “Three
and thestt hilto. propelled by the wind, Acres and Ubortjf.“ will support a
moved steadily in au easterly dliwc- family add give them a life far more
Uon. T% spued at which these great wholesome thsu they could ever have
hnis travel to from 3» to 5G feet a
the crowded city.
year. Blue woods, which sometlmos
Oy digging s canal from the Rio
come lu theli ilu'c of march, cannot
j Ursnde not far from lu mouth to toe
stop them and aic completly
Miaaisslppl toe United 8Ut«« would
enjoy an Inland waterway 8.000 miles
The eail of Durham has given
long. The coat to thu work la esU
Sutherland Museum an fc:iuauukjgical mated at 64.000.000.
coJltH.tlou of American ai>oclmens
A physician in Portland; Me., esti­
which were securOd by the first i
mated tost 2.048 tenapoonfuls to tears,
general of Canada. They Include 3.
juplee. mostly butterflies, moths or two gallons in sll. were shed In
one night by the audience'that heard
socu, locusts, cicadas, dragon flies Savage's “Madam Butt«rfly“’|a that
city recently.
and spidt^rs.
The lack to railroad transporUtlon
has been tho main cause of keeping
thd* statu to Siualos
iiualus fru
frum Uking her
position ss one» of too leading tanning
land Slid thousandsi of rich uudevelUiM>d mines.
Tho sum to money which the gov­
ernment Is csihjd upon to redeem tn
the course of the year rvakcbce nu altabulous amount In IMH.^for
lu:<tsuce. It totaled 1312.000.1100. This
ix-demptloo to either for toe purpoae
of securing clean, fresh notes
get change to some other dunomina

Because tosre to not vmisUy
pslB sssesIsUd With dersngemin
the asrvee people tsU le rselloe
They forget tost
imveblllty. loss to memonr. Isch to en­
ergy and vitality, apelto to wsakasai
nnd dtostosea ursd fesMaga dtooeurngemsnt and despondency are eymptome more to ho dreaded than gresi
Fsla bccsose toe mind os well as tk*
kody la totwamned.
There Is oe more mtlstacten
mesua to terming new bleed end craet.
tbea by tkn nee el
Dr. A. W. Cksee's Nerve PSIa
InstUle new vigor and vUaUxy toM
every part and organ to the ho4£
d Dr. A. W. Cbaee'e Nerve nm____

book .author, are oa every box.

aS!N5S”!?“'^ Pito fifilo By dokn— Drug Da

At prveeni but one^flftb gj^toe total
forest ares of thu United Sutes Is
embraced to national forests. The remaiuing four-fifths have already
puaed or atv most likely to pass into
piivate hands.
The weei coast coufitrieo to South
America are nearly 2000 mllee cloaor
lo the manufacturing tllauicu to toe
United BUtes than they are to the
monufactorlog districu to Buixhw.
Itaer Ota relatively plenty in various
porta to Japan, nnd In such show
plooes no Moru and Miyajima are held
aa sacred, baooming ao tame ss to
eat' from toe hands of vlaltora.
Aorl Avebury^.
England, has a
poittollty for . tooecu.
cowled to untold n woajk wklck be
kod eougkt L
boaaohold peL
Coaplaa sen toere Is o lake toot kos
tato to oalt crystals thick and atroog
enough to alloa men and koraes
craiM lu
Ftohguard, tke new Welsk port of
tko Oiwot Weetern railway, is llS
nOlea neonr New York tkoo Uvec
pool, ood 56 mlleo nearer toon Plymonto.
More than ' 8.000 blcycleo
reoonUy purckaMd to a Tortnigkt la
to a breakdown

to tke electric street railway syoiem.
A Brttlak oompany ko« obtained pertoaiod lo nui three otaomton os tkfi
Tiiria. toe tom— river to ancient
•BCtaUry Root wlR Move Wooktogton JuM 21. tar kU omauy
near Dttoo, wBws hd HU sgepd tso

• A-Aikoit^

Order your

Soft Coal

E. A. Weston
Michigsn dock.
Both phonn 36.


E. W. Bastiwas a SM

Either PBssew Trfi?er»e cAy, Mich,*

RbiI Estits

Line Steamos


dolly t^ i


Cdnrfoft ood Bi—Mta


TMV^PW «lfK «!■•*■•

Ymvtm% y^ hkMm

wfcmywi yfcfc AriwnMi/Ari»

M ColfM Miii4«f li» nri»-

ia4r. Odd vko lA M I
AMri« kf tomM to kAfar i

Jm,** M is isafirt jooa

toOApkAn Atont To tkg ry$ni' kora
yonaf hoy a ttna of aaval aarttca
awAkAM AAd tocka* kla np. toaraa
hla> ^ ka AAAt am tidy, and to obay
hto aapn^iira and makaa a m of
the nml ynaagntor wbaa dtockargad.-


4—wwa»ww>i ■!»*«■»•»

m Mb
! tka an



«*l tiUlilft VCMto «r Um Kn*t UkM
. c« Ik* Mnk
cf Uuta iu»te
kiM. Ai^ikasu mad rkdiurs ,emii «u
•kBMtf daU/ m4 Haikor ■prtiicm
Tk« U. t •. Mkklip VM bum (b
IMt, aad te «M td 4k« Arst Iran v«a
Afi* onn go. Hnr idntM imra gonndMl
«« kjr kmnd At ntubarg bafera ruli
A^ nmnw in v^nn. and Armra cmrtad
snfiiAAd kf AOt-PAit mad carami to BrW.
arkATA Ak# vmm |Nit togetbmr, mad
lAAArttad. |t to cArantekd tbat tkuus
AMa fd ptOjfU CAAM l« AAA IkA ‘ Iruu
pm." AA ikAir CAIM It. lAAOCkAd
« dMt AbA would

Ma Par a Nundrad Vaarm

tA«> Aa* vhe aim bater* be Is a h«n

t ydgSiy
I 4 Ua« t« M>« a cmaiuo
Aioag AiU Dr. WU«y
ttW^mm^^ aoA Ailed nruh Amalth

I tt—Uf— stwll' NMt THurvtejr.

Tl« .11. ■. a Woiir*rlM (fomnir
IHflklMM# «IU fo ftt Iterkdr ifMiacs.
fm ia»« fl tu M, M«kto||
mnf ■» vko »«M to iaU tk« aavr.
* «»4 tnm
1« «« K. alMt vtll li*
mnH0u ki ■jutiui «lik
U« u«


At kto iMik m ka ma«a
ma ■■aai«»u ^

I iboagUnwnaAA I adgtu.
boi atoc« I'v* Mudled up ta« Aapa
way for tbe .grtAt bmtitoAklp Ukkicma
It <« foraimlAmby As
non building, pad whtob nUi tuiagly
I taka a aom^^k
bagr tkA agaw mour grant muin. Uir
tH utc. wUk aUua cmi tba dda
Au4 aa»or«4 wUk abaUac.
lag Uto war. cif tkn rnWUJob tk* old
Tb««a vUag.. pUtaly Ukalad **bAag"
gunboat ganntod cootodArate prtoooIda* make abort work of a*a
frtn Aunltml *m JobaatAi'A tolnnd la
%adankr bnrbor, aad wbUa tk«ra
•tray rveka from Umau to i«U«r«ay8
rniBA v«rjr near balag CAplurad\br a
•apaattdly l^va abut uir.
band of oaulmdaratm aptoa wbo craaaAad otUB irw(A« «r<4 *oua mod A*AM
«d. uvet frutu Canada to oarry out
Have nrrtt* ocmrly A»i at*
la ferry crmab«m I i^ave bMo
ib« t*bJt, but AAra foUmd bj alart patty
Auouoated »llb tbe b*t
ofAcora who wara on «au-k. dba alio
Aod jMl eecap^ to mioste to
A euLaey bob<c«ust
btdpAd to aoaU tbe rAiatoo raid Into
t'4Utada Abtck took place right after
to d/mtAloA motor core 1 ve gut
Moat drr»4fur.> t ecUrd.
le aar of tbo rebellloa
i'*e aiood two inebee front tbe apat
Tb« navy racnilUag otioa wkl open
Where failltoi eofee aUgbted.
To aU tkeaa tbloga fKiheyie 1 alU
in Muotagua block, aaoond ftoor, tkU
tn time bevonte tnureto
city, on nest Tbortday aftornlng fur
1 Stay live out that buodred-atUL
I keep my lUc toeured
elgbi daya. abaro young aran botwoeo
—Jamra J Montague to Xcw Turk Aaar>
17 and tt can apply to join ib« uayy.
then HUtn treod tbe whlla decka, be

tpiaidA At m
AtonattAP. AAj^b

iralAtoAToo. mok-niooklii kick
eeer «m>ly tksrty yaara of ipaakii
Aiwtoe fwa4A>ed te A«Mat k>a»
icy. U to ^ of tka nwat ptotoitog
haan «#uMd, warn vHad witk ca laSaettona qf ny Ufa tku ky carafai
AMU bad toAda tado a kmck to tkto researck aad atadj. I have haaa ea
cliy Tbaraday. Tbp aaAaa wata thoaa Ahtod. acA oaly la gaaergl practice.
of BanMA Vmmr. a UAPaliag maraC k« by apectoJ twaiedtoe. to ka tottraPittAkaii. Fa.
Bakui to aamag Ufa. prasMltog
^toton koim Uv U,
kealU. aad hrtagtag btitolpaai to
Uagm WAA A JAM. aa4 tkA krtek tkonaaads and thoaaaa^ of aotailNl
wkick Aow oonuiAA aH Utot, vw toft aaaitato."~4toT. R. PeageUy. M. Bv
«f kto toariAl latoAtaA AfUr pAAgIng laquify at KAtotoanwt. Mlok.. dtocloaaa the Caot that to
Wiu kA hortad to A Jawtok oamaUtt- ctol ramedkn ahore. Dr. PeagaUy
U Vaanr-A aecim Aootocy frtoadA caa ferred to hto espartanoa of Bora than
dod OBA Wkick vtu aooApI tka krick twenty years of actual pracUoe to tka
do far th» amjtortttoa of the Jawtok treatment of the dtoeaaee of women,
oABAtorton ahont Bostoa hafa akotrn during whiok tiato he tovartomy pradtolacllaattoa to iwcalva tha kuBAo aerthed loaPkora. the' well-kaowa
"WoBAB'a Prtood" and regulAior. aad
Vagar kad kad «Mk tronbla to kto which haa fonad ready aale aatong
lifetlBA aad kad bacoato anody and the raUaUe dniggtou of the toad. If
daomtoJAAf Ha ^
to bava eavar. you are sick or alltog. you wlU ua
tfih^ tbe ballAf ckat after daatk a douhiedly desire, to teat the aiertu of
maa wbo to bartod to tka gronad in thla valuable woBaa a medlctoe. Jtui
Uw nsgular way taraad to a tree.
aak your druggtot for Zoa Pkora.
other eaplannUoo will be needed. You
will get tha ptvacrlptlua uaed ao suealready ^
Special coaimualctton
pared and compounded tn
in juat
aty lodge No. Ill toalgkt By oidex'*“"^
u... .a.
right ptvpottKma. and put up In aeaW
of W. II
kirrUlied. one dollar bottlra.
Attentloor Babekaha! You are reIn each package will be found
queatad to meal At tbe Odd Fellova
ball Tueaday at l p. m to attand the copy of Ur. Fengelly'a Advice
Women,." a medical book, giving
tone/al of Soato Maea Vua.
tereatlog and instructive Informatktn
The Ladtoa of Ue Macabaea of tbe
about all the diaeasea of women and
World « U1 bold a special mAAttog toUiuiToa afternoon at 1:30'to lienU- the way lu aucceaafuliy treat them In
the privacy of your own home wUh
gue ball for tbe trmnaactloo of bualout auy publicity whatever.

1 Haaa., Jbaa tt—Par tk# M


•• Woivsrina—Odds' gt lr*n Ownhoat ta tha World.
coige real naval heroes and help to
make the pagea of our country’*, bU
rbluf Yvomuu Ikiaus,
agent, will k-ate on Friday tuorntng
for Eacauaba. Mick., to open u ouvy
luciuiilug oIBce there from June 2S»
to July i.
CUIef Yeumun Ikiwua mays
the young man full of life, energy,
and a desire to a«e and take pan lu
the world’e great - evenU; and visit
place* of tutereaW a term of service
In tbe nary Is a period of romance
and ewiiemeni
bis life that 'be j
ucicr legretii.
*taudlug on sbor.-1
ami looking .a
meusif war et anchor in the harbor ^
la sutpilsv-d and pUmaed at the *
sottOiU of joyou^ laughter and move
meuts on the jirllllantly llghu^d
abip feXen the placid old gentle­
man with water in kis veins sad-,
dculy becitmes animated when he
steps on board the ahip duitug the
lime of i(vrc.iiic»n
Hia eyes snap.

A jFoiintaiii Pen
Tbdi na^ttireg uo ink trill be giveu av^y wiUi
. ■ wry‘puichMe of ONB DOLLAR or uion^ lor ten
^ > dkyiool/. Tkit 1a ike lnU«t uovelt> ah4 m good.



Yon call wriid wiik wulff

Conm iQmff]


• i .i i.

tlsDL For kgle by Americai Dinf

Device InUndad to B« ' Formanantly
AtUchod to Voh.cta.
An imjiruved vehicle Jack baa recenlly Uvu luteuted. wbbb I* of a typo
adapte*! (•* l*c fusicu^ to and furni
a periuiiucnt atlmhment fur a \eblcle
The luck to ao tutHmUnl tbut it Vao
easily la- bruugut into operatlte pusiDon uud carrk-d to luoperuUj'e positidu
with Utile work.ou the nsri uf tbe
Ofterutor. .
aecompsuying tbe
Jack . is shown al A . It will be ob
■eryed that It cumpiirUe* iwu It^
hiudpHl to tbe axle of the
U vehKdo.

BoKIb mads by an Lugllsk quarry
AT tod him to thaI foacluskm that tha
okl Egyptians were better builders
than those of tha present day.
fooAd blocks of stone In tbe pyramids
weighing thraa or four times as modj
as the olibrllaks <
the banks of tbe
Nile lie sew s stone tbe estimated
weight of whlcb was buu tons. Many
of the stonaa were found to be thirty
feat In length and fitted so closely to­
gether tbsL tbe blade of a *peukolfe
could ba rpn over tbe surface without
di^vertng, the braak between them axle to sbowu
to se<-urctl lu the axle,
L‘, aitd this is pro
There Is no machlnerj
vlded with an under* ut
ul slot. Each leg
thirty feat 4n length which will meet (.%! la iuuruuleil un a trausxcrse boll
latter to form*>d
together In unison as the stones la tbe
pyramids i
slut to the cuRar *Bi Tbe Read of tbU
pin (D» engages the umler< ut (lurtluu
of the slut.
Wbi-u tbe Jack Is nut In use. tbe
ways of
< pnbUahtog hto works, with tba
raanlt that they were sometimes bara an folded up against the axle, to vi
to get and espanglTe. According to the
Great Central Rellway Journal, be
onoc cent tkto letter to a stranger wbo
wrote to him oomptolnlng of the price
of hto hooka
M Woodnack Boad. Oxford, iuk Mov.. ’It
M* Dear glr-I he vs ordarsd .iny pub.
Usher to ssad jroa la gift a bm of oUas
("Munsra PulTtris") you k«vs aoi roaA
As ooijlsai wtik that at prsssat aad Uarlyis Havs not you gtoksapsars. cb*sp?
And ths iUbto ao«s<lj>*s for nothingT
tt'kat good do tksy do you? rallhfuUy
J. B---------


Among toe euperatittuus of toe
eg lodtong wge
meet begotiful
one.:. When g young maiden dtod they
ynprlennad a young bird until U Ant
bagAn to try Its powers of song, and
tosA. loadlAf It whi
rhh car
Ai^ they looAAd IIts bonds over her
grave 4a toe bailef' tost It would not
Cato tto wtoga nor close iu eyas nntll li
had town to toe apim lend and dcUr
Arad Its preeloos huiden of aCectiem to
toA lorod And lost ona.

.TaaicbB Jack,
they are sec ured by mesno of books, as
abowu to I'lg. ’J. lu tbe operation of
tbe jack the legs are detached from tbe
hooka and swung laterally on tbe pins
• D> as a pivot, after wbl<A they are
dropjied downward, turning on the
bolu to the yoke* tC» To Uft tbe ve­
hicle wheeto, U to only neceaaarj to
back tbe vehicle, when tbe w^to will
be raised by the lega. A patent on this
Unproved vehicle Jack bae reewotiy
by Anthony Gordon of

Paying Tu


Whan HereM Mod Fiog*^
The earUest fooalto fram whkh we
Aerivt oar knowledge of the prAhtotorie
horse ahow that the modern ontaud
ts AeBBided tram an ancestor that waa
lar than a ahMp ^aad poeyaert
iMen and Age tosa. H*e'*eArth
lAcgely ewaaipy to the period af
the earheat heraa. Mad the wider feet
wera an advaalagA. A* the earth wee
aad the gKWnd ha^wed, the digits
Af the hone bacaiyk aaeleaa. and tha






JiMllbA^^ lortU


Ice Cream

Going to Build
This Year?

Wait a Good Lot to Build Oa

I so, «we have them fur oak* and
.prices that we know are right
Lou 6 and 7? Blk 6. Ferry Hannah's
3rd Add.. West Eight atreet.
Lota 27 and 2k. Blk. F. H U A Co.'s
7ih Add.. 6€ ft. from each
Washington street.
Lou k and 10. Blk 2. H. L. A Co.’a
Sth Add., East Blgtith street.
Bust GOft. Lot 9. Blk 1. H. 1* A ^u.'a


Dai your oitei la
mify, A§ ve atacvqvM.
Ifhil or uhoaa oidArA
filled piuiupUy.

Trimble'S Bakeiy
621 Union 8t.

Travers* aty MIcA.
BotV pUooM.

Do You Care? \Ne Do
What Looks Worse
than a

all tmoked up with the

Old Style Gas Light
Tho National
does not disoolor thu oailing and
tsrivoi more light foryonr monoy

Webster street. 50 ft. each.
than any. light made.
Lola 21 and 22. Blk l. H. L A Oo.'s
7th Add.. Webster, street. 05 ft.
money refunilod.
Lot 142. Oak HelghU Add.. Birkiw
Lot 107. Oak HelghU Add. Hannah auil be oiuivineed.
UjIm 40. 41. 42 and 43. Ulk 1. Oak
Park Add., WasbiugUm street.
Lot 13. Blk 3. (RK*dricii B Add.. Mon
loe street
Lots ZV and 21. Bleede A Spencer'a Oil. phone 14^
Add., 17th street west.of
Lou 23 and 25> Giifflu A'Winniel
Add.. 25 ft. each.
Lot 17. Grover Park Add.. Ciinier
Rose and Bute streets. 5u ft. each.
33 ft. Bfixt Front between l*ark and
Boardman avenue, groid business
1 have a number o| good
farms, all the way from 40 to
Just a few of those Gacro Lola left
acres, for sale, or If you
Southeast on Garfield road.
have any good property. 1 will
For Price and Terms Enquire of

Order one today

• I

felly & Naneson


it in exchange jaod make
E W. Hasliofs & Son take
you easy terms. 1 c^ tell you ,

state Bank BMf.

John R Santo
General Insnrance

ao»-ai» sutt suk naybe.
TntTcne CUT,WIchlruL

a good farm, for less money
than you can buy it ol any­
body else. 1 have farms
which are located from four
to 20 miles from Traverse City, all good improved land.
If yon have good Wv«l hxmt
1 wUl bny them.

Dr.W. J. Higgins H. HYMAN
Ofiioe 307 State Bank Building
Thixd Floor
Porcelain Work .240 Waahington.
Oit. phone 774




Bnaineae OoUigw.

1. cn. OMM BMa aHk


Junt 18
Song Recital T/re ittsurana
-ByFord Motor Cars


New York ~

rate Au(m« ol Udim’ Aid
Saow^ol U.E.0h^'

. . Me
,TiokeU now on gale. Reaenrad
•Mta U box oOca. by pw



that the tad Any of
. at ieh 0-01000 to
furaaoon. at aald probate cMoak he
to hereby appointed for hearing said
it to further ordered, that pnbllc noUow thereof be given by pubUcaGoa*of
a copy of tkto order for Urea aiiocnaalve weeks piwloua to said day of
healing to the Evening Record. A
oewwpaper printed and circulated to
said county.
Judge of Prubato.
Jane 10 17 24 . July 1.

Notice to All Persona IntereaUd.
Tbt-'special asschsmciil lax lulls fur
Ibo paving uf (bu fulUiwing slrecU
arc nuw in my bunds fur collucilon.
South I'nlou strt-ct (lutn bridge to
Twelfth slrv'ct. Second' iiislallmeut.
Cass street fium Stale street to
bridge, second lustallmeui.
Cass slreel I rum ^^ oul street, U»
Suie street and State street from
to I'uluu sDeel, fifth -loCass street
Sue street from Ca»s street lo RuUruad avenue, third InsUllment.
East Front street from Park street
WelllngUin street, third luslullmeuu
West Front street from Union street
I Maple street, third lostallmeot.
Sixth street from Vuioo street to
Division sueei. fifth Installment.
All the above lusulimenu together
with the accrued Interest on all un­
paid insullmenu to be paid on or
before tbe 30th day of June. 1907.
Ralph S. Hostings.
City ‘Treasurer.
On floor with
Office R.. S02 State bank building.
• •.fsintes.

OAAteASA O«nnot ka Ournd

O hAto Oqftn tor toA County ct
Grand trarana.
At n anatoott of anJM adurt. held at
tha prahnU cfRoa to toa city ct Trav>
aty. to anid county, on toe loth
Any or Juan. Jk
tooB Prad R. Wnttar.
Jitotoa or ProhatUL
la toa BBUnr of tow rauto of tout
Ruaa. tote .oT ankd oouaiy. dwcunaeA
ChrtoUi^toAr Rmo having Atod to
anld conn hid pMltlon praytng that
ol said aatnta ha
grantad to hltoneU or to aoara utoar

-------- ^

Tbe aummer opantog of toe We-quet**og club will take place to the near
future. A vartod program being given.
The dunce. Friday, evening waa. very
The Terrible Terpen.
auccessful. about tklrey-five couples
bay containing
being praaent.
Refreshmenu were driftlog In
third lour by the Amerlean Kandy Kiiche|i and the dances'^
will IM fioBtinuiMi seanr two
frtond of mine, writes f. V. Holder to
will be ^tlnued every two weekC
a comMiw. Bom; Wright enU-ruined at
a bundrt-d feet dlgUul bad •
her home the helpers claoa of the ,uike. and tbs Osh came aboard the
Chrlsi Churchy tYlday evening, with a former s boat and struck hto chslr,
towel ahower to honor of Francis knocking it overboard. Ope season
Kitsch RofreshmenU were served tsrpon in Florlds waters cam. Into
and all had a very pleamaut Ume
sent, toe^oarsman blmaeif
over m up
steffloers of
<* Rebekah
neoekan lodBe
loage No
wo. 19*» ^
are requested to meet at their hall
i,,, ,^,^00 gone eiul. looking
at 1.00 o clock tomorrow to attend over the aklc. saw him sinking
the fttoeraJ of Sister Voa.
| wUk the boat book brought him
the dlaturbance around | The man was atuuued. and later examthat two riba were bro. . tod of the intake pipe, b great j
deal ^ sand is being taken into the ^ Between tiger bunting and
ly oc
pumps at tbe water works. The sand
aelectcd as the safer
into thd valves uud grinds into
the plungers.
The Fere Marquette excursion took
lOtl |*eraoas aioilh yesterday.
HuAdreds a1 (ntelul people teg*
t'laience A Id rich is fisbIUK
Ufy totfie m«ckAl power oY CRaiB'
cerulA’fi Pglm Ralm OTer rkciUBAPlatte river today.

koucB Ilka aay other hrary piece of
Ifua would ^turally behave when
throwrn toto the water—but murk to
tkelr dismay and dlsappuiotmeuL the
•Iron pot" slid down tka ways out on
to Ike billowy aurlaae of lieaquu uie
hay. wberr sbu rude tbe aater*
Her nama^WAa leceotly i banged
.from Mtcblgan to Wolverine to make

8ealk A09Bt hna tgnrad Ant «hM
toAra Ara
im gsolsraliMul hMo
|aB pHorarA «i
lA A iTAMto AAtM
iMk m ditwran^ pigya and
vhAAgan to tottk
Atoar«AA w Ma toA Mtld to tk*
toaMdAccara. aaIa uAd tpra U aata



Are made for just th'e
man that wanu the
BEST car for the
LEAST money.
They arc meeting
with the greatest tucocu for juit that rea­

Which Do You Need?
Spectacle*, 10c to 15c pair.
Children'* Handkerchief*, 4
for 5a
CanTas Glorea, 5c pair and
Sewing Machine Banda,, do .
Ink, 4c bottle.
Machine Needlee. 8c paper
Pina, lo paper.
Bow Tiea, 4c each.

Me each.
7 laokigH Vioww aad Gat.

Glad to talk FORD





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