The Morning Record, February 15, 1900

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The Morning Record, February 15, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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: •TS^'eiv-5?WT^i




TUrd Te -Mo. 868

at fat)arW

ti-T—• yiwrt'M Os«»)>7 Saws

Oraalan an Aeiat Olioalatad OaUlag
dor aa V^Mag.
BiaaUa. Awtaaag.
U.-Eee».AMeaaiT rtnalara hf the tha»
aaadhanbaaa elraalatad la Warsaw
aad other olttaa of Aaaria aad Polaad
by aakaowa agsata. aad aa msrtatv to

iMnd. Tha atrsalan an sU algaad by
Kattaaal OotatalMsa.


ObooM ^ Two IMtWos*Tillfcrt IMS Wss Birt TrifiacTtnilTir. r«^ 14—Ita Sni roperi of
tts soiWV o( Flow IU*fcW Lort
Estam «M0 lUsaftanoM udlto
tms awood to ravlTOtho wfatsf boa*
•lOmtBrltala Is *koW«Sr eoaUst
te Bostk AMm. Tko dIsvsMh dw
«riWbs MSsarsofs mauftofBsit
rtror drift, sa iapertsst otrslofle
Vf tta to«« of Ow»*lTho pUeo WM takas by 0«Mna
rtwh'ataaslryssd waats
oessptodby Um aJitk ssd iarasOi di«UoM BrlUah kiaa li^t
Odoari BasBj. Is eosSisnd of a
Italfmda of taMotod tnfsslrr msrehlnt
irotaOrasira Blwr ta Esmah. ksd a
aillCht aaffa»omoBl Saodar with the
Boon boldlB« the hUlt aiid threatan. lag hU rirbt fltsk. With a dctaehad
p»rtof hie foree. Ooloaal Baasy doS^Md the aaoar while he paebad hie
taCKaiaasd mala bodj throoil^ ta
Eanah. The object of the iaareh waa
illy eanied oat and the '
wwe e«7 alight oa the BrltUh aide.
The nataral reaalto of the. aew eoa1 by Lord “
anwltaaseadlaHataiaadia the dtotatetaoath of the Oraage rtnr. 8lr
B^nra Bailer hae rotvaed to Ohier-

mtaaystpottoe an aaabto toaa
talaitat whb an tsapeoaibla lor the
UtHstan. It to thoaght. howewr.
that they an tnm the proriaae
Connor Voe Bitter of the proelaee
of Poaaa haa detaraOaad to atop tha
Mtoh pnpagaadtolag. aad WltoU
Leltgtobar. editor of tt
Oantta. haa beaa amatad. ehaigsd
with treaaoa. __________


i Now ig jonr time-to bsj
V shoes duriav oar
BdAuM to Bioedo From Ita ^ GREAT

w. Vale Connable

Aeoapta Terae of eao. W. Aaflac to

^ living. While my c^er^red esreer ia atill fresh

•am sa AiMtratar la Water Warht

owtigstmsttmmr mft con the F<dtoh


boUto OFjeaUea-aity Atton^
Oedge Bapt Ma to sot ZHeqaaliBad.
TbaatyeoaaeU tookadooUadatoad
ia tha water worto arbitrattea Batter
laet Bight-aad by a aaealaeoas '
aaetaiaad ito foroMr aoMoa la aathorIslagthe mayor aadelarh to employ
Ooorge W. Bafito of Boehmter to aam
aa the arbitrator tor tha qity la the



the mAnjr bsrgsus in

Mens* Shoes.
Utjrliah, hkndaome

Patent Calf

shocB for Den, Isoe and ^
Mayor HamUtoBaeat a
button, apring ahapea T
tioB to the eoanoil la whieh he eapretoetc.
,ed hie riewa clearly, aad an o^loa
asbmitted by City Attorney Dodge
ta«..>g«r Friek (bargee Fraad 1
Briage Aotloa Ageiast Bteol
the cosnetl in authorising the employSlag.
bat we are Bulling
it of Mr Eefter by a m»i rrlty vote,
PitUborg, Pa.. Feb. 14-The thioat- which wae eoateaded by Mr Campb^l
them now lor
eaed enlt la rqalty of H. C. Friek to be Illegal. Tbe eami
ag^t Andrew Oaotegie wae filed yea- the mayor and tbe opinion of City At­
lerday la the OoaH of Oowaon Pleaa. torney Dodge are ae follows;
Mr. Frtek makaa the eharge agalael To the Bonorable OoanoU of Travarae
No. not one pair only but all ;
aee.fraadaad aty:
sizes. Come, look and yon’U Feb. 14.1900.
IhoblUreoitaatheeariosaetagea of
thogroerth of the Oarsegie eoaepaay.
r water a
aaraagie of tha etoek of the ooneoll- mnal^pal o
tbe following:
haeUHPoreoBt Isabmittlw
the rity aad H.
II •>«>!• P»r««otrwte tan
while Friek haa S per oeot. Both old D.A eoatraet betweaa
eee oa Jaaaary U. 1900,
________aMrgod lato the aew.whleh
. binding the ei» and B.
had a oapital of gis.OOO.OOO aad operat- D. Oam^iT oaeoaraeof arbittatlaa
fix tha priee of Ohe pleat
adaU the^ works. This aewfirs to
end that tbe city
Tho withdrawal of tha ahtlre foroa _ aadto the luedlata oan lead aa- beeome the owner tbemoL Attk
toOta Fotglotan drift aad from Spriag- perrieloo of Friek. ae ehainaaa. frooi amnion of tbe eonneU vonr ho
ealargI" ■»
. Atosal atatotatait to that aftaet.
ed the oapaolty of Ita dlfleraat works tbeeMeamatl___ __ ____________
' Oce. PL Baftar to net aa the city's arbi­
A report oeeaoe trea Dhrhaa that ealarged the oatpet, aad psnhar ' trator aa dlreetod la mid eoatraet.
fihe Brittah artUlery lofoad tha Boan to other plaata, oree. wlnee. ete.
Belatlva to the Ugaaty of year proThe baelhtoi from 18M to 1900 1
eaadlag and in contradleUon of the
protaat made by B. D Campball at your
hULnathofOrieBOO. ArttUary 1
held. 1 herewith snbmit the
fUhaebasB raaamadagalaatthe hill la^ aad Jampe from year to year.
•BdaataM the Boars theaiaalna t ' tU ta 1S99 the firm aotaally otade on
low-prload eontraeta in aal profile, afthaoTeaalee Ceaeral Balter may
tn good faith, and the law maat be the The famous EngUab aathor, writ­
wxpwtad eithto to eoaeeatrato hU at- tw paying all aapeneei of aU klnde. final
arbitm of oar aetioa. It ia pre- ing in tbe North American Review
taekapoa that poeitlet r to sake a glt.000.000.
enaad alee that both parties will brock
Ladyemlth laNonmber, 1W9. Oaroagte eetlm- no iUBtiiKtoir^elay that tbe end omy on “The Energy of tha American
dearth effort
at4Ml the net oroflce for 19« at P40.0W.- be finally and gniekly oonaammaud Peopli” Mys:
090. and Frick then eaUmatod them at Mtletaetorlally and agreeably to all.
da man In accord
"No man writes with bis own
ptl.S00.900. OaraeglevalaedtheenUre
the eontraei, one
propwty at onr PSSO.OOO.OOO, and whom we bri eve will act impartially, band, if he can dictate to a steno­
avowed hla ability U ordinary proeper- and one wboae position eharacMrlxcs
no man dictates, if be can
rnimmm ta Fan Kar^aetteTarde Baraed one Umee to aeU the property oa the ther obligation eeaaea at preaenL Toar
ioB market tor flOO.oOO. or honorable body having the credit of tei^iraph; no man telegraphs, if be
a BhaoW a®^ Thiaal^ed
afoan telephone.”
■onre Oaaage.
Friek now allegeo that after hla roe- fMd to employ other than one wall
If you are a typical, energetic
Leal eTeaiag a Uase oeednad la the Igaatioa, aad at the time of thie laet eqnlpped for this aervice, aor Indnlge
too long delaya. I tberefore aabrntt
American, yon already
jardeof tbePero Marqaetto rallr
latervlew. Oarsegie wae fraadnleatly in
to yoar good Jadgmeni aecb action aa
that thraateaed at first to do eoaal
and eeentlyrwitbont Friekb knowl­ yoa may deem advlmbleander axiatlnr use the Long Distance Telephone.
ahtodamaga. The coal haanrs han a edge or eoneast. attemptlag to earry eireaniBtanoee, keeping in mind that If not, s word to the wise is snffiotha
•haatyia whieh they hasp tbelrdia. oat a ettooma whiA. U aaeeeatnl.
to the IneUtoatal qnmtloai ient.
MS. aad whlebthey BBaaSaboatoln woald aaahto Oaracgla, aa Oaraeglo mount
ralaed by either party.
to ooafiteato Frick's latoreet in
whieh togat wars aadtooat their
FaavK Bsmiltom,
rnaato. This* ehaaty. whldh taaboat the firm at probably aoi mseh mere
Travarae City. Mtoh-. Jan. M, 1900.
•all laot is aUe, oaaght fire aad bon thaa U pm eeot of Im real valae; that Boa.
Mayor. ~
to. eay not man thaa $0,000,000 for _____
ly. Ml
Miller's Store
Sonral care that won eUadlag ea 'bat, OB the haeto of Oaraegle'e opia- pliaaee with yoar reqamt, 1 hava
f^eoaeldaradlheqaeatioaratoed by
the traek at the time, ware thraateaed ioa, was worth $ie.tat,00tf.
erlth dtotoaottoa, bat wars aand by
George W. Ba
the eettOB of the eagiaaw oa .the
party and qaalified to act ae arbitrator
•wltoh eagioe. who get thorn oat of
for the city, andar the eoatraet raoeatly catored into betwMa aaid Campbell
the way la qalek time. The origia of
• Bffjetod I
aad tha eltr. ralatlve to fixing tbe priee
the fire to not ksowa. Then w
tioa Last Vigkt and Decided oa to be paid tor the praaeat water works
atonta the hoaae whWihimay ban
plant, and now advtoo yon aa tollowa:
a Vine Boar Day.
haaathaeaatoof the blasa. The deThe cole qceetioa to be oooaidred and
oy the arbitrators, to ‘
•artneat wae aet eaUad oau
Thecharter tor the Maaoaa' Union determined
actaal valae of mid property.’' and
haa been raoelvad end iaet evening a "the value of tbe revenue to bederi
meeting wae held to perfect a pm
from the aae tberaof.'’ This, of 00a .
The following effi- maaoe tha actual praaaat valae of all
each fixed and tanglUe property ae
«■ were elected;
taking a Wraat aaatla lb Aet tl
Proeidont-Oeo. B. Hl.L
J. Neleon.
As I Boderstond It, it to claimed by
Aaliraad-BathoeiMtle Keetiag
-A F. VaoWag- _lr. Campbell that the farmer empl<
meld Thera Teetordapeaast of Mr- Batter by the city, to'
slot In devtolag "seaae aad plana
: taaetlBg
A large and .
Fresh LlnM
faratah tha city with an ample supply
a held at Pronawat yeatarday afV
of water,*' and the eetlon taken hy
araeae. whieh wae attaaded by aental
him while enraged In eaeb emplor
menu are saSeient to dtoqaalify hli
pretotsaat bmb from Lelaod ee wall aa
tram aetlnc aa a "dtointera.wd" partyau ed the loading mea of Proremoat.
Alleroate Depu^—HateliU.
Inathm of the raeord ofeaeh
It wae pmaiMd by the eiilseoe who A eeaWvf wages waa adoptad aa tellU togatber with tbe report
attaaded tbe meeUag. that the right Iowa:
af way eeeand by the dti- For hrleklayera. 40 canto an hoar; for
aaaa, aad that all woald he dose that pUaunta, 40 eento aa hoar; far atose opinion thnt Mr. Baftar to a1 ditlstar- •
aoald be doee. la the way of gottlag leaoae. KH eento aa hoar.
inrofaaid S
cetad party, within the
226 Front,Street.
aattleoasdlBOthtawayi^atototlBg to The
nake the work of the irallroad eom- ed, the whole aebadale of time and ^T^^reyrt of^t^^pamal itaW ai^
paay then ee eaey auRoorihle.
wages to take affect April i.
Ittoaaaoosood that If Prenaoal
MeoMBgi wUl be bald ta Datos ^ "Tear oommitteo voted 1
4oii aU that she elalaw pha wUl do. ewy Wedatoday evsalng.
tarthar iavaatigatioai h to
tha nad wiU go that way. ia which
aoarci of aapply, make baetonaMmiw
ycaasBattoae Bay will be Mt la the
ud alcraaaoplcal aa^y^
t^ ^
at aratan, aad make plaaa .
Mnksa • ■p*oUlt7 of
» of Kaa
Fight te tha •ea.
Aeotomlttoeef ton 1
elftaatloim for aoompleta ayataw of
OtotMlBH to bolls and
nr works. Mr. Baftar't sarvism
to ebtola the right of why for tbe
«B^ Has Optoad is the Ooarta.
w aeoordlagly aagacad far thaac
•odAl portlM.
aoapaay. ?■ H. Plem of Ulaad
Lontavilla. Ey.. Feb. 14. — OovsrM
la his raport ha claarly da&aaa tha
Taylor haa takaa the Inttlativa th
of hto amplaymaat to ba to
attorsacB ta tha aostai* tor tha porpoaa
‘report sa w tha bmt aoaiaa af aspfly
Flm la ChiaagoJ
gahwaatarlal amit. hy prapariag aa or year propoaad Bsalelpal watar
CMtosga, Feb. It.—Sefaral dree oe- appllmrtto far iajasetlaa against works, togatbar wlU aaarim ^aaOrdaro doUvorod.
•amd early thta mormiag la nrtooa Barham aad OaaUeMB. Be rn
timatM of tha aoM of tha aame.” Thaa
il3 & Union Bin W. U. BldOSOMU
partooftheelty. austef them eanad aajeto iha.
-na^eo^ttaa haa doM arto^,
toy onrhto *
pewetoaad.daUaa af tha oHasa o


IWay tbe
wc nuv. umiager sad pioiffiatocs
osny the keys and I mt^^ begin to work fot s
in yoor miada I want to thank tha thoaasnda of oostooera wh»
b,TObelped n»toma,,«ian>o(Ui, aty'Bbok Sion, nd
introdaoe tbe new proprietors. ICr Bobsrt, aiiboioagh genttsmpn ol 25 years esperieooe in this line of bnirinf. a thiewd
and osrefal buyer and aa pleasant a man aa yoa will maet in s
day’s aralk anywhere. ThoaipeMi. yon know as a lire druggist,
with qoingi in heels and a bland smile. Seriously, 1 nerar
met a bnoeh of three men as fair and honest in their trsnaao*
tions as these > am# fellows. Try them.

S5.00 SHOES ! Hobart, Beecher & Thompson Co.

Alfred Y. Friedrich,;


Mr«- Aekthiw—"Did roD DMlrv the cvsUmbm vbv joM mo*aB tta w."
MIm. AoktaiM—--T»« brotu-Itv aaa lo > brows vsK sad Jerbf. wvsrlaai
• vtowT^iSCb

OUR AIMs;-£sSsi?iSB

probably do, we're human; but when we do, tell os; wp will
make it right or money back it yon any so.


We have bnnehed a lot of $10,
▼------------9.00.8.QO snits, ulatera,overooatA Taka
mar pick for 3 50. Lots of apring novelti^ in Hats, Shirts;
Hosiery, CoUan. Caffs, Neckwear, etc arrived yester^y.
8m Thnt Window.

184 Front StrMt

Fnnhlonnble Ontfltton

iah Maclaren





ssrSi'Ssr “ ^

I Heating j
Stoves '
10 Per Cent. Off

1 Bottom Prices,
I W. W. Miller’stKBsh Store |

Even If You Have Waited
this long to buy a winter Jacket, you’ve lost
nothing, but gained much, for now we offer yon the
pick of onr entire stock of LADIES' hllSSES’ and

(AU this winter’s style—strictly desirable in every
way) at just..............

$3.00 Jackets now $1 60
$6.00 Jackets now $2 60
$7.60 Jackets now $3.76
$10 Jackets now $6.00
$16 Jackets now $7.60
All Jackets—positively none reserved—at
exactly HALF PRICE. .
We want to close out evefy Jacket ia this stock
in ten days, hence this terrific sacrifice iu raluea,
which places the garments before you at less than
wholesale cost of the materials.
Comb in this moruiu^ aud look ht'tll'em. >

Reliibli Dry Goads, Carpet and Clotiiae Haase


for ladies atreet wear.
They are perfect, fitter*—«n
entirely new hot-eomnum sense
hsel—with heavy welt,cole.

Fresh. Dated Gaafs
Eieq Saraiai.

sekadlj hsnad that ha leaasoi
by aaah fasadom of aattoa only aoald
porer. Baforai Um wars Mvad hy ■alt to domsMOettasar Taylor to sar
aUtts2la BMdadfor araUanaT^
.terato issesaa hy ifamoB.
to Is the satara of as lajassttoB aad *‘tot^temtag hto dattaa. U mmt
«MSMr.BaMmdld,taa fSMtsl way.
toha tata armalilwatina tha grstoat
waaw wwla gtoaU aad fsgart mbs
Thtowaak. •wearaA
pMntfaaad cm thM lata.]


They Sell For
$3 60 a Pair
They’re worth the money


School of Music
CJasn Sr'’

PARKER BROS.,|Footwear>


fldi MOBma »^oo*i>:

TO mgOETWTy ttio

«IUTZMsorrT • mamiaAM

0cw«7 K VIU fthov n* Appn^
etaata of Knny Vevore .



- £

• m; tnntmlCUf'

Tbb wntrofwv b«(«Mca B. D.
flMipbell ud Um> eitj aovB^ v*cr Um
i of OMnreW. Bofwrw
?»rWW»to> for the eltj to tbi
vorka nutter, hu eome Iton nbowJoiro. Tbe^eonocil hu
* decid«d fonlttos ud bolda w tko origlenl
ylu'ofemidoyior Mr. Blfier. TdU
•ntioB »U1 not be nppn-W by
Chspbelt nnd U Do«r rt-^elM to be
■MB whether the pies to pjircbeac the
OMhpbcll pleat le ^ be ^ried otti!
terBoaiowlyorotherwUc-j Thecooo«U.beUe?M Mr. Belter to t|e the prop« peipon toeerre the cliy ih the erbl•retton. Mr. Cempbnli ergeee tbet be
MuiBUrceUdperty: berjof elreedy
^■de ee eetlmet* upon toe' nleCL The
.•i^ettoTBey givea e writiee opinion
ghotriag reeaona ebyMr- ^(terla not
0a Intarceted peraon end tbit tbe connMl M Mtlng within iu promisee under
dba nrbftmtioo oontrect in' enploylng
hia. AaAldernunMonta#neaeye.tbe
•Itnetloc bee become anlaM. wbleb to
waarltBfly nnfartaneu for both the
MM end Mr.OeapbeU.AttbiaemeUow.
•Bdertba elreumatnoeee. if ft iadaamnd
la^nl end not oontrery to tbaMraaof
thnnentteet. It would be unriu for Ue
^nneU to ranede frou Ita pealtioe end
CbapballlaBOt aataflad iritbtba^WbUa Mr. CbMpbaU any
Aaal that Mr. Baflor woald Jeo^lu
bb lataraeto la tba arMtrattoa, tbe
Maxxat* ballarea tbet ba !wlU ba parloally fair. In faet a eaaa of bla ablllM aad proalaaaee aa ael?U angl
•oald Botmfferd to be''otberwlae.
Tnaa ta aot aaeb laftof tba fnad to
tapwre tba Oaateal aebodi park, but
what baa been expoaded ont^of tba
•Mapproprfatalbaabaaa JedieioBaly
•PpUad and tbe park aboan a deelded
taMonataat a'aee tba eoaaltu waa
•ppoInteA Tbare la aUll a aatlor of
fU1 yat la tbe foad. and while it U no
^nat ama. wbra It la eBpended tbe
Mb wUl ba aa Ulnatratioa of tbe
ariadea of axpaadltaraa , along tbet
Uaa. area tboagb tba ooaatttae bi
bawUaitadaato fnada.

a Mg etod. tp be Xaowa
aa Bobart. Bunbar. Tbeapa>a Oo.
Awy laportaal i
■rtU ba of lalaraat to tba patrooa nt tbe
gMtea in tbe dtp. A 8. Bdbart aad B.
W.Baaabar of tba Olty’Book store,
feamaabmd Into partaonhip with F
CLTboapaoo.owaar of tba drag atore
M thoTooneiler block, addarlbaftre
IMae of Bobart.Boaehar.ThoapaMOo.
Tba pniMr*
ypurday aftaraooB and tba baalnaae 1» aow being
OMdaetad nader tbe ftra aama.
Tba new Ara will hare ooatrol of
thru atorea for tbe preadnl, tbe City
Moobaiora, ladndlag tbe baaaar, the
4ng etore forawly owbad by Mr.
TboapaoB. aad tba atore la Big Baplda
fcraor y kaowa aa tba Bobart MercanMlo Oo.. toraaly owned Iby Mr. Bobnri.
Mr. Hobertbeoae, Ralpk R. end A.
Tana wUl aaaage tba jBlg Baplda
flloto,aBdMr. Bobart arUl loekaftar
Iteaty Bodatorakmfor^a praaam
Hr. Tbeapm will eoatiaaa to aai
Jwbladrmg eaalaaaraaa aaaal aotB
J- tatbeaprlag tka eailra rooaaow
^MMUfad by tba drag eiira and tba
..Jlegtbm TalepbcaeOa. w»ll be oem,^'by
*b>eh of tbe Ara.
Tta draga arill oeeapy part of tbe
MM. wbOt tba etook of faaey gooda.
tonha, alatleaary. etc.. wUl AU tba reat
0t tbe apaer, Tka arall aapar. wladew
^vtaiaa aad pletare fradlag depart^aad will oeeapy tba ^baaeaaat.
Wbat will ba done with tbe baaaar
ta not yet dedded. Itaayba
gMA. dr the atoak any be fnrtkereategod M AU tba eaUrn baUdlag
•aeapUA by the bemr aad book •
tW tatephoM exakaago wtU berw
^ead froB Ite praaaat lanattoa. aad
ttaUad npataln ia tba aaaa bleek.

Tb—wean—atfneat Ooufeay M
Inal Bight to nmncn for n ben^Bot to
bagl«w«otbaBoyi'BnadMtba >anr
faMre- Bw aiM thn orgBBiantMB
eftbaeoupeayter the OnbM narriw
the baM hnara»nron«lyCi*«
Tlea for peredee. end upon oenai
wbnrn nnale waa dnalraWn. Manry
qeett by the coapeay baa bnaa raapoBdodtoabnarfnUy n*d ao oherg.
baa bMB andn. Tbnra bare bnaa —
ml fnnmla of anabaca wbo ge«
tbMr Una whlla 1& tbMr eoantry^
rite and in ibrn elao tbn band baa
bnea anaipVrarr Ooapnny'll bow
d«lf« to reelproantn la a Buaanra aad
to abow in a CUlag aaaarr tbtlr ap^
proMation of the gcamalty of
band-..The data of tba baaqnat baa
not been «aad. but noaaittnaa bare
been nppolBUd to Bake tba aacMaaaiy
arraagaaeata. It U pn able that the
faut wUI ba ia tba aev. a of a beef
ateek anpper.
There wul tee eptctel aeetlog of
DaebeuCamp. No. 2t«t, M. W. of A.,
tble evealDg. Tbe autiag It cel.ed
for the porpooe of initietlng eererei
ceodidetea into the myateriu oi wood­
craft- A toll U oealred.

am.: ^4
you like a


Molies ttie food MM6 flefickMis aiMf ¥
A. B. Brown baa gone to UMdag.
a. L. Carter waa la Thoapnoadl a
yoaterday en boaiaea.
Pad WeMlar went to Snttou ^
yaterday. bdag eallad there by tba
aerwna lUaaaa of bla brother.
Mn. Niaw aad dangbter Oarn. of
ara rldilag frlenoa la tba
dMK. B. Strong went to Otaad Baplda
yeateroay to
over bla new Add of
labor aad wHl ietara tbalaatof tba

Fleaaaat •radon M grataraal Myttto)
OIrota lant Might
A very pleennt oeena ka waa the la
BtaUattoaof ofSetra of tbaFrateraal
Myatie Olrda la>t erealag. A am
Uaewaaei J^ed, aad eveahndy «
fed on real uSy. .
Pdlowiag were tbe oOeera laatalled: |
Worthy Eder-H. L Knapp.
Worthy Vioe Rnler—Sarah Vadar.
Worthy CbmpUln—Be*. A- B. Wellr. '
Worthy Eeoorder—Mary PoboraL
Worthy CoUeotor—Amelia Oiffar.
Worthy Treaaurer-C S. Vadrr
Worthy Mnrahd-C -I Uimett.
Worthy Warden—Mra Ct. B. Boyt.
Worthy Guard—Mary.Martlaek.
Worthy iM Oiry—i. A. McOy.
Worthy Trueieea—Prank Biranm. t.
I WhI wan, J N WsrUrtk,
Wciiihy MualciaD—Piaceia S. Smith
It une decided, oharr a aUlgb rin.
Krid.y i*, atariiog from the atore

Next Monday Mn- B. Moatagae.
Mra-B. J. Morgan and Mia Uraee
Moigaa wOl Jura, for aa exiaadeO
»i.ii to Oai.famla. They will be gone
aerernlweekaend-wUlTult many oW
friroda «ho batre located la that aule.
T>.e noil!.-* of Dr. Kr^na’ departnr*
for Caimdayealrrday *U an error. It
WM iLtroded to fcUie the departure of
Ur. And»-r*oo but the ttMphonr
mrruge e a« mlkunCenituod.
KJlikr Wlliard A. bmllh of CharU-iof


Jf so, otep^B my otore and 1
can ahow yon aoinething that
will intercM yoa—Will mU
yon a nolid oak Morria Chair
tbo rest of tb» week for
$3.50. That is jut about half tbe prioe that
tbe cheapest Horria Obair wm ever enld at,
Do not wait nntil the last day—they may be
all gone.

Slater’s House Furnishing Siore
1.20 lEVoikt; S-b3?ee-b.



t:.c remalnaof the '.ateCUarlea Dcriooi.
11. ff. Beecher relumed to Graud
reTieuuidea»;:a naa Olaaa'a ElarUc
Bapida yea erday.
J. W. CJ «e baa returned from Mohlwhere he wat called by the death
of bla father. Ul» aiaier Berde will
return aooa.
J. O. Jenaoa wenltoCenUd Ukeon
ualaeaa laat nigbi.
City Clerk Bickerd want to Acaelaat
Yob PoCouM fMlKd. U —prrUp> f
i f<ra bp«p prosrbord-uld—!(««. ohj Dot i
WllUaa Loedon left laat ereniag on * trj V iiiiilrr'B C,iurli rup-Wc moke V
J i»_n> h«»» BOk il !,» te«r»-a> kooer a
a bualawa trip (o'ChatlevoIx.
B. Thacker of WlUiaatbnrg. waa in
tbe city yeeteiday.
A. Verne Bobart reWraed to Big

Cl num MoBae of Garfield. The wedding took place et tbe peraonage end
Robert end HeUle Boell. brother end
alatcrofUse bride, were wUaeaeta of
le emaoay.
All wbo vieltod d. Benda A Co'a alore
Tueeday ereniag were praaeaUd with
an alomlnna bat nurk by the proprtcA large aad Ane aaeortment of
beU wore etlractlvely armoged ia a
Btly Ughted ahow eaae.
BdwardOoxbadbli lag broken yeaurday wbUe loading loga on alcigba n
nbort diataaeo weal of InUrloebcn by
thechaia.^aklnc aa be waa nMdlng
np n log.
Robert Selkirk, wbo bna bn« atodyClaa Bake for Blfea.
Ing law In tbe efiaeof Bee. W. B. rocTonight after tba regalar Iqdge work
tar, bna retamod to bla borne la WUUaaabarf. wbem ha wlUqalaUy ar­ the Blka wlU eejoy a graaine olam
range tor bU eaadldaey bake which la to be managed by OMrge
Sevmour of Grand Baplda There are
the next taU elnetloa.
leigbleaadldnM tor IniUatloa and it la
AU bolder* of tteketo for tbe three
qaUu to be diapoaed oTby the Ooapaa expeeted that tbe aaUcred brethren
knia of Foreatm are rrqoMtod to be at will ba«e a good time.
Poreatora' bali Satarday aflaraoon.
Tbe copper aerved by tbe UdUe Aid
Society of the Oongregatkaal
laat evening wae Urgely attos
hugely onjoyed. Tbe eoclety k indebt­
ed M Mr. BoMnaon of the Entan
Groeary for n oonlribnUon of e qi
tltyofthe aTory WbUe BUr Moeha
Pif9 Arc elaiaa have beta received
under the lew prevkUbg tor tbo pay­
ment by tbe atate for beard aad aedlsiee for alek end indigent eoldlen of
tbe Spaniab war. Tbe elnuna aggre­
A.Vomc Oirl’s CxpArisno*.
gate $5.Mt U- Vonebm* have been
neat to Uaaiag by Ooaety Oark New­
nolM'atertM ber. asa ate wbi wakeful at
Tbe BnaUn Biatory Stady Qub met Sf^MWT Klur*^#*^^ea


•U—I JSS,bi!.‘.SSSSS!5ffl

Mr. ud Mrd W«. I. HdU «( TO. -•»- ~“W
Webator auvet. are rejoicing ovv tbe
arrival of a daagbtar.
Xelotet C. Pairbaaka et tbit city,
boaa granted a relaaa of pMaloa at
yaaae GUllapte of Walten. aad Apm
LdCaveU of Cbaaa, rwerc tiecnaed to
marry yaterday.
Alaoad PiaraKwaa badly enabad
Taaaday while iworklag la tbo aUl
yaidat Biyae PalU and bla reeevnrv la
Tbe Ladla' Mlaaloaary aoelety of tbe
Prlaada ebnreb wUl bold a regalar
Bating today at l;» at the home of
Mra. lageraoll o« NlatbAtrat.
Mr. and Mra. MoUUl'a two year old
daughter. Boa. died yaterday amra
ing of bronebitla. Tbe|tnnernl wUl bo
held from St. Praaek ebnreb>teday nt
10 O'clock.
Tba art aoelal te M glvra by tbe Bpwortb Leagna la ;tbe pnrlm of tbo
Pint M- E. ebnreb next Priday ovoblac
wllpreaent aaay iateraUag and laaetia folwrna A good prograa U




BidswAlk Lnmber in aU sisesi.


Everything for the comfort, convenience and care of the home
and the house keepers. It's Burprising how far Ja little
money will go in this store and the amoupt of sat­
isfaction it gives to have in the home many
of these articles. |

Bedsteads $2 25

Bare Walls

• Of course they are of pine—couldn't
expect solid oak at that price—but these
are better than the floor to sleep on.

Are cold and dreary, but a litde"money put on them in the shape of wall paper
will change the atmosphere of the room
at once. It's surprising how far a dollar
will go when buying wall-paper. Try us
and see.

A Flank
Would be a hard thing to sleep on,
but grind it up in a machine and it’s call*
ed "excelsior. A few yards of ticking
and a little “know how” and you've got a
mattress that cost $i .75 to own. Got better.ones, loo.








I *Moe«MorB to TniTarM City Lninbar Co


5c Pig Tail




Boau will be well worth tbe prtoc of
OMotlbaoBploya of tba Ibteto
aplaaaat Paeury, thonght b* bad
MapMa bng* Jobe on ba brolber
by andiag tbea aaob a
atlaa To reiaUate,onaof tbo
aaabor waataadgota Aao valaatlao
d bad a yoaag lady addrae
It aad pnt a opoelal,doUvay atamp on Thsy’rw aU right.
Wbaa tbo eavolopo wa daUvared
at tbo laplameat Paetory. tba yoaag
op|BOd It axetlodly. and aba
a aapnaaiy agly “aoale" valaittao bo
almat fainted. wbUo bla
Bang -A Oraal Bta” and "Yea'U Got
How la tba time te bsvn your Btoyela
n onamalad and cloaaad np randy for
AU Tbat'a a* Ooala' to Tom.'*
A largo elaa wUl bo ialtfated late
Free Storage AU Wint^.
Iba TbompaoavUlo lodge. K. O. T. M.,
Mr work ean aot bo bwt and prter
Y,: . V dera todloB* ab4 geaW dia- Pobraary rv. A grat oalcbratlon M tbalowoat. WUIenU for year wka*l
bolag planaod. nod a aamba of tbo OaU aad gM a» pries.
trem ibla oily, tneladiag
'pEmlle. IM. Hertbora >pbflM
tbo deffw team df Tnat m wUl go to
. tr.
T. Offr*.
eeedaet tbo lalUatlon. Aa attempt wUI
b' made to oocara it opaeial Irala.
Shs UUlc XsTif .
aaoanan»iai<WB»iAaaawL t.i W


Picture Frames
It's surprising, the results that can be
made with a stick of picture molding, a
saw. a little glue, some nails -and a good
piece of “know how.” Let's fill a perscrip*
tion for you.

Morris Chairs

Most necessary in every home, and 5c
are comfortable chairs to have in the
will buy sauce dishes, milk pitchers, sugarbowls; IOC gives you plates, vases, berry_ home. S6.00. 2=7-50 and up. but a splend id
one that will take all the. lire out
dishes, spoon trays, butter dishes—your
of you after a hard day’s work.
choice of hundreds of useful articles.


make you think that there is some*
Are always handy, and many times
absolutely necessary, toe gets a good thing worth living for and if you've got a
room, 45c a yard will buy a good
one. Keep the things off the floor. A
little more and you have work baskets, carpet
jewel baskets, button baskets, darning
just puts the finishing touch to a
pleasant room* You need one -or two?
Got some splendid bargains in lace curIt's wonderful the amount of comfort Utns at just half price. Buy early for they
a person can have from the investment of are selling fast.
a dollar and a half in one of our rockers.

A Curtain

Hookers $1.60

Sewing Machines
are needed ip every home. Not a
day passes (except Sunday) they are not
used. See our "White” and "Queen”and
you’ll buy at once.


are easier to sit on than a block of
wood, (yet one it made from the other)
Got some good kitchen chairs that cost
you 2.30 for six. They are comfortable,
look well and wear well.

The Hannah S lay Mercantile Co.




trltb tbo touor aad poopealtUa from
Mr. Batlor ratami to tboroU aad Slatm B loowa aad Klaa Oaodlo Ztm■adoapartadaM r^ort. ba aooaptad
aad ilaC^ that-tbo propaoUloa at
Bvmaa VurUd Tootordap.
Mr. E»(k-r asoot lortb U oald Uttar
Two of Tnooroo Ottpb popalar poaaf
poopU woro muTiod peatordap aftor
ut t
aad U'boratw fa
iaotraewd ta
aooa at 4 o’e oek bp Ber. BmreUp doeo*
H. D. Oamp^ of tbU aaUoa, aad to of tbo PrUada eboroh at klo laeldoaoo
rtqaoot h.m te
d (onbaltb to Ibo ooBMotUr partloa woro B'mor B
oaot wltboald
Browa,oea o( JooUeo aad Mro. & M.
Brewa. ud Mloo OocdU N. Zimmor
Tblo aetUa plaood tbo aoaaeit U a
I. daaphur nt Bo?, aad Mro Joaopt
poaitffravttodeaadoBOwbtebibowcd Z\i
Tbo boppp eoBpU will
that tbop LBtoad ta ataad bp tbelr' rwldo wftb tbo freeoi'a paroata. IM
aate reparduai of tba pootaati of Mr. •UUotroot.
Attar tba maotUy bad ad^Mnad 8TATB OAMX WABDBB MBMB.'

rOutUaad tram nut Poca.]


lalaoti^ tbowte. aad aooa Mat oo (hr
MUadPioo, la a qaaUtod aaaoo, tba
parobaoo__ad aatd
___ aUat at Uaaotaal
Ua aotaal
^aotoibaj^. C^aep^dow
aaj ootlmato ooto
'Bowoaldbo. ~
---------------- —Id ba blm
te “tbal
____ __________ jpUoatad at
at tbo
tbo proaoat timo with oaot btm pim>. brtek
pamplac atatM. aoaaamiT bolloro.
pompo. oMm dtUatt, ralroa aad bjSiMta.torm.OM.*'
It Bboald ba abaarrod. aloo. that tblo
•oUauu Io aot baa->d apu uj peroaaal aumliatUn of tbo prmartjr.
mado bp Mr. Baftar. bat ii Uetdutal
Idmmu Parkor otatad U Mapor
to wbat ba daomad ta bo vttbU tbo amiltaa that Itwaa aot hto parpoaa to Brut ■ Moroo of 1
moat. It wao aot
tbo Oitp Tootoidop.
obotraottbo aoaaeit ta
tbo oapromloa of
>. er
Brut M, Mono of PortlaBd
wop to thio mattor. bat ao tbero
.ofi_______ .
Pnwk Piffhtor. UvUff aur troopofi. _________ : plui. aad laatadad aotblar
bad booB a qaooUoB aoto tbo tocali^ (amo wardu, waa to tbo oitp poour>
ma*mt huUflc toadop. Wboa foaad that troald abow aaf Utoroat Id d*<
of tboaeUoa aotborUlap-tbo appoint- dap, OB bottoooo. Ho ontlod apon Oop• ahart Um attar bo bad a
aut of Baftor aa the oltpb arbitrator, toto Wobb, wbooo boot, the Oolaabta,
Uitaa^a Aaak kodokod oat at hto
bo brtlOTodtbat iBTUwof tbo alti waa BMd hf Drpatp Ooso Warden
tu — ■lOf or HM wcra, tut
lanboad aad oao am brakop. Bo io liol nla to bo oppUod U tblo i____ maU BOooMltp of Imotoir bondi tbo Brootwor darinp the olooodooooMiapoo
•Uoo bat Io aot abU to otplaUor« set tbo UBO aa tbeoo wbleb opplp ecmaeU oboold leaeo DO pooilble doabt “>a Ukoo. BoaUo tourolewod Mark
boarooaltof tbo amMat of
|of toolaralitpofoTei7DtepUlieo.aad|Oraw, dopaip porno warden,
tbo oetrloo ot Uo Poro Uarp«*tto abaft IBI (DO
eoM. vae ponu» <rnjM:b«Bini perotoiod 4a bb opinion that *I»be wtrj blpblp of tbo worn of
tbo iDiior
Ba. U at darlaaw. a
oootroToroioo are oetUed bp a wort''r tbo adoptloo of toe roaolattoa au hor ■'“f- Crawdariap tbe poot poor. He
tbo (arm of Mupbu Wlfrlao U badlj
•Mplopmeot of Baftor by V o , arraagod for tbe appointment of a??-

AaapUMite of aiMUi rr»v»U*U
-PiPBttee «o lb« «KM*i of doarawSsr tte
■W^iiw 40 pm*m\ u ttopoblle
tko mam an at a
tW*Mnof tko deriac td tM «bI»4 Pokte. aroalM aowSdwablo
MaralaiO^dvaMr, m Pra<. Cbarla
B. KlH "* Uai altf. Uta ohaqn of ^
Jobs JitfMOO*, OMklM tonaaw «■
tko at- Pul nUnbd, waa ruiaevs bj
• lontac MU aaar MarUii, u


E:trLtuST„“r:T',:;5; 'issj.-ruf



Forced To Do It.
We ere forced to make room for onr apring arrivak
order to do ao we hare placed on sale oar entire etoek of


at pri-'M) Irma tln-n actual oost. nufnitlistanding tbr bnavy ndvanoes on tbree (/'■kuIb. We nt*ed room and muet nave it, tbe follow­
ing priceg will make itf,.r up.
One line of im]v>rted Kenii-is, beautifully ailk lined
thnmuhniil, fnrjiu-r piii e $2i00, now.......... .. ............. $15.00


1^ rati. ilra.. ih. .1.10,1.™! of V- “-I" ■"< "l-k
- - Tnr qaeetlon of tbe oily llpbllnp,
“>»»■*«' ▼ i.ied acferal oWifr
perttoaef aoorobard oa tbp form of, turn, m kho*n br ttio rcv^rd.of liM-if uootrael did not come op, Tbe com ifr'rnd.. Includi p Prank K.le-^rloh.
Braak A Porroooa bao a’ai> MUltd|*oo
m-tieonnpobllo Uphllog bad coof-rrrd Ue left ta the e:is tralo 1m1 nlpni.
0 jnror Id a com k
br. Comp-- ------------It on<l •!
♦Mr wlA the Rrardmaii R ?.-r Birelricj
>rok 1.C <ul .Id.,
a~P I
ni.a'il L.<phtan l l^wjrrCi., bdv had o->t pro-.
> Kiood I) oUl Ull
H 11 l^uedey, a laxryrrof llrnrlrii*. I
Md tan rodt loar‘
Mid p'aai.
pared ihelr report. Uiwer^r, the com­
a gr,.er-dig^i r. IK i
• MfO. WilU.m Pbiillp. ba«|brou»' .‘“*‘‘‘»‘he pai-tira agreed pany haoeaprM-vl a wlUiogn ■*» V>b>‘
*av>: •'Mybrotocr w*» ri-ry low
tbateach ao-old aeleei a 'dlamleruk'.Bittagalaet tbe eUiatre ofr Pio
< f toe
tbi con- tut'ar'al
and J\und .t. rtjr- UaetniaafalrlLlfereocff that fair regarding the exteny on <.f
he j|6-al y.-ar. May i\ •uaiK-d _ulm
ulm to
to try Electric Hlttcra. an.i
torloJarUo reo«;?ed la UUtr*i*era It most bl
laV? brenVaderet^ that eiehUrai-l totb* end of toe
sou id he ili - Ui. and bad agreed to
heller, wholly
BaUlplBf OB too oldowDlk ' Aootoor louid aelrci aomr> one that could
to k.-eo
h ,ep the
me lUhU
iighto 1 ''' "'•••00®
guard tbe pertlcuUr
«au to BtK>al to bo broarbi adolDit*tbe Iriureaia <
ontll the D'xt m rating of ihoeooB- i,m,ore Electric Hiltera ea?M hU
e parij
riy repre»<-uted.
plapofor laJorUo rooeWod ob a defoe- d'd not mean that ti
, allhcagb'^elr onnlraci cs dr^-a nu
Tbb retnedy expeb mtlaria,
• lath The matter will be aUp->»ed kllU diaeoM gerine aud puriack the
• Bfooldewoik.
•houM be a airanper. witboii
blood, aide dlp^Uon, regulau-e il*er,
latlon of at beat Monday algbt'a meeting.
c xperiecee, or any >nf>
, Tbootaummtarpboardbeldomeotki-iDpy* ud howelK, eurta coDiilpalluo I
aao'joet. Tbe latorMiaoapnt
Uf‘SeodppartMraooDat Lautof. It ^mtoeoD'joet.
A Card.
dyeprptia. oerTcae dix-aaea. kidi
■uch aa ioV) tM-pnerded apalaeU
i praeUeailp a aait ao to tbe^rUabi:alaU; gir.-a per»t ae woald be likely to bmo tbe
>, the aadeta'gned. do hereby troublea. female comnlali
ktJa. (». J.'
^ofaMdiar aa OBoompmoatof tbr )udpmonl, aad defeat a fair aad lospar.
r to refand themiaey on a 5n-ceot
BatUoal Uaard tblo poor, and to all Uol raloailon. Thera b noiblnp la ____oofOioene'a Warranted Syrup of «on. and 8. B. ' aU'a dmg etorua.
--------------------------probabllitr thodaU for oaeb caoompcity aad Mr^^atior, ao far me appeara, eold We alao gaaraatoe a fS eeatili^oittortbtilActDtrUM of toe-'l.lUle
moat will bo apread apoa at tbo aoai tbaiaoemi to oarraut tbe aoaompUoa bottle to prore aatiefaetory or money! •la?rrii.’
Taryni." next Ui Ladlee’ Ltbiarp
ball. Modem ladieo' ud gent*' i
■ooUop. It will bobeldottoUod Lake that bb totcreot to too poodlop qoeeaded. H. B. Walt. Bagbee A Boxtaproom.
1 U. Jobai
C. TbompA Bombor of roatldo auttorD, laotadtoc tioa. woald bo other toon toot of a
falthfal ud eompoloet arbitrator,
I aaoal prbt of aeeouu. were db- who woald aet impartially la tbo matBemaaat Bale
Voood of.
t--r Intraatod to blak
No reme^- equaU Warnkk'h WhitiOo earpeu and eartolea tola week.
In regard to tbo farther qaeotioe
Alawod Ploreo, brother of Mn. DorISK or TAB Syia’p for tliU terr;
The Booton Store.
aad PUroo of Blmlia. wao badly eratta- ODbrnlttod by yoa. ?.ls: Wbotbor tbe
.- end fatal dlmtHO. If taken thor
oetioa i.f tbe eoaneU to eoloettog ud
:_>hly and m lim.*. It will cure a ca-i
•d by lope la tba mill yard at Boyne
_dioo. ym eaa -ia^ oa ((.traapU m
aploymeat of aaid
24 bourn, and fu- the oouph that l<>ltaUoTaooday. Bb toJarUa >aap prore
orhitrolor for tbe lt,bBtitSriu—------------I •wsLaGrlppo i'. racvcr fub to give
tiaio." Oalmai
mt^ b lopal. I bare to adrbo yoa
I -llof Prioe. 2flr and fiOa.
• B Walt,
Barry Oook, tbo tlpoar old ooa of
The aaowor to tbb
Jamoo Oook, aad bb eeoato. abont tbe apon wbather aneh action ia?ol?aa toe
■amo ate. ooa of S. Kolpl^. 4b»Ud approeal of i
la^ bole to Paw Paw lako, BDado by •traeUoB to ^ plat
eon tract
iao m*Un aad wore drowaodrc l,TitteV.^*S
toe charter.
•. Til
Vorao Sbafar aad BtiUa KoBaody. Jr.
U tbe tbe aetlooI taken
a embraeod
•t *Bt. Loab, eapapMl to a friendly auroral
tl of a eoatract.
, toe m»J)rt:y
m»J rri-.y
carried »u aot
irrooUlap boot Moadar offatop. ud
la tbe eoBtoot both toll to tbo door.
ilrdi ?ote la aneb eaae b expreaaly
Bbafer'alep woo brokca at too ankle qalred.
. aad doetoro proaonnee It a ^loaa
I bold that it did not embrace the actojory.
. Tbo oroetloo of a Maooob tomplo the
•ominp oommer b Oetop ulkod ot by
tbo aaombon of thatordor at Maal
to Ml
Tba Mlebtpu Apriealtaral eoUege

Another line of blm-. Ilm k «nd brown iiniKirti'd Kvra> ya. silk lin«<d itir<>ui<li.nil. 1 2 Ix'S harKssilk aev.
«d. iK-hu'ifiiUy t«ilor**d. fovm.T prii-** ilb.Op. now $18 CO
One line of OxfortU. 'nii^fanrynini- rUI islhi'.lati-rtf ro’icb w.-KVi-, plrifily tiu’bby (of u"'‘nlli*mfn‘s
w.-ftr. forujvr pri.-inow.............. .................. $10.00
One llnw of fins Itt-rsi-y-. M- ll.mM RudOtf .rd« siriotly
up toHlut- fonn»-r jjrii-v*-SU-'lO, $14.
all at.


A nice line of all wrxil K. r-rvk «. ll linnl, form«T^
priov $12 and $12,50 now at...................... ^..................


One Une all wm.l k»>r*vjv in bluHj. blacks .and brow na
former priiv $‘n/>0 now ......................... ................. ..............


S5 ooata, fomurr price $.V(W to ckwal......................... .. ..


^ .\11 Inna' and youlhs’ Overroata at pricfs aiH-ordiiyly,
poai’ively nothini,! n*scrvi-d.
The above pricop have never been rtiualt'd in tbe Grand
Traverseitttfioii. It rvlipopa nil <>ur previi-uaefTorla to put b^
fore tbe n ople irood dependable m rcliandise at pricre which
w ill not be Kiualled.
.\l| eoata from $7..~>0 to $l-5.00 are B. Knppenbeimera njake
■nd are Knarpn»e»d Ui give iierfect tatiryaction or yoor money
cheerfally reftindeil.

'9 Cura La Brippi u 24 Hours.


The Boston store

Only 30 Days More



will pot ttt,000 tbb yaar from tha ted
oral foearomoat ao a portiu of tbe
yrciaod<af tbo oaU of poblle ludo.
At BolUnd tbo yooap ebOd of Bd.
BrodowiC wae bwjly oealdod by toillap
UU a paU of boll tap water,
la tbo ooBBip iatl at MarqootU b a
- aiu who boo Boltoor baada aor (oat
All (our momooro woro tnaoB off throe
poan ago whu bo woo working to
lamboroama- Borne of k« trioi
baoo eUppod to aad parebaood blm
artlffeial faot, ud new bo b looktop
ler eamoua to giro him a pair of


Ota bB< uiioaoi of a Aaob of «9 HardMkabUkOMforoaa yoar (or »n74
aad atUl had tbo ebUkutat tbo nd of
tba year.
Tbo be Jam to Maakegon toko boa
fleoB way. eanalap u immeaao eolame
•fwatortoooBO poortop dowa MaatopoB rifor. The loo badly damapad
tha BOW bridpe. wbleb woe u?od from
dootraetioa by ifo aae of bojraof eud
Allot tbe railroad bridpoo aro bolnp
MTofally watobed mod ^aardod.
Tbe Oabu lode. Aaioato, Jaoto aad
ModoeU Ba a, wbo wore broapht te
Maaoa Uet aammor by Urorpe P. Grifffa.eaptato of too Thirty Aral MletaK
faa. aro adraaelap rapidly. Wboa
tbo hofa eaBM to tbat elty tbry eoold
•ot apeak a word otEppIbb aad now
AaUalo. tba oUUoV b ttklag a liter­
ary oooroo ta tbo bipb artool, wbUo
Jaoto ud Modoeto aro
«B the totermedlato pradeo.
A Might of Tor*^.
“Awtal aaxUty woo felt for the
•tfow of the bravo Ooooi^ Bambam
•CMaohlaa, Mo., wboa tbo doetoro utd
iBgMiUdUtrom PavotaoeU boloro
■ T—‘-r* «*lwa Mra t. B. Uaoola,
vboauoodod bar tbat foarfol aUbt.
•^tobobofffod forDr UaffbNoi^baooanr. wbM bad moro tbu oner oav•A btf Ufa, aad eared bm of OoemampMToalOBo madUlBo b paorutaod to
aonall Ikroat, (Uoat aad Laag Obmam. Only Mo aad f l.OO TrlA bot|Ua Ibe at Ju B- Jobaou aad B. B.
W^'o drag otoraa

Orwetato! Ova oaatll OmmiiUl
Bpoclal tbb week See ad. TbaBotouStorv

T« Otm m (MM M OM Dap.
T^ Wanwr'i WUto Wine o( Tar S.vm;
the boMooopli imDedyoa earth. » tn

oader toeebarWr io doT^'te ^to
mayor or olerk. or any one oloi
aotborl'y to make aaeb torou ot employmoet aa to>y might arbitrarily ,or
otoarwbe. ooo dt ' la a local aooM,toe
aotberity to employ, mart U eoattracd
oa aahjrel V> tbo approral of tbe |
ll In the ropaiar eray. when tbiof ot eachomploymeet arc Inally
I ae-tairaet tbrrotor
bdaly aobWbatoortoe eharioaeb a ooatraot aa tbe
eratloo, auy admit of
____ doobi; .
at tbo oetioa Uku
did not attomi
approve of o eoaMck it b oaaeoMary to dforoM tob
qoMttoa at tbb time.


Oily At'oruy.
Aldormaa Parker declorvd Mat tbero
erao aotblag to tborwolotioa edbbb
aatburUod too omplaymoat ot Btfler
n-qalnap a report from the mayor aad
clerk of tbelr octina Bo bolieted tbat
tbe rwlaUoB pave tbe mayor ud
dork aboolnu power to employ blm
witooot further roferenoo to tbe eoocMayiap the aboye report «ra>
ibeloiu ’ of Mr. Bkfter Wpitop toe
•at ud ntmtop hb tarmt.
MS per day, tuUap that tba work
woalA probably requira aboat tea
dayo tima.
After apmadbeiaaloB tbo report waa
rcaolvod aad died. Aldormaa -f^kor
vattnp *’80."
In dbcoaalac tbo qaeetlon AJdormu
Moatapao autod tbat tba alloatloa bad
kt Btratoad. Ha aald
tbat bad bo boea preooat at toe mootlap at wbleb tboomploymeat of Batter
woo utborixod be woald bavo oppoaod
oneb a aooioe. Bet ia all mattero of
impoetueo a eommIMoo wao pivu tbo
power te make tovbotigatlu aad re­
port to the eouaU. la tbb eaoo oto I
membonof tbo ooaadl bad fbvamd
aad voted for tbo oppoiatmut of
Baftor. and udor tbo eirt
did aot wbb at tbb time to qaeattoa
tbelr aetloB or te antapealae ik Ho
boUovod oloo. after boariap tbo raoola- ^
tioo to qaeottoa read, tbat oavu votm
wore laqabad to make tbo uUoa loco\
boooaoootbo amyer aad Mo^ aroro
pivoB aatboriw to eapoad moaey ia
tbo omploymeat of Mr. Batlor. But
oa tbo jodpmeat of oto aldoraaaa trao
that tbo ooeroo area right ba did aot
wbb to aatapoalao tbelr octloe.
After tbo dlMUMion the followlag
reoolaUoB waa preoeated aa^ adooted
Besolvod. Tbat too report cf i
aawwud etoiktorec^ totboai
ploymeaiof Oeo. W. Batter oo orhdMterforibootty totho autter of the

Hrn'< P * H n<vr Mi»w«l 4Bd pet­
rel MU. rtvnUr prkc MW-


■ rlfrorblei-k end (ee nwv-



Kngagement Extraordinary

This is
a Genuine
Removal Sale

Everybody’s Favorite


This stock most be redac-

Cut Prices
• up teat el

’ Cut Prices

n-x'i.-is-.KiT u iiif

America’s Funniest Woman

ed ^foris moving to our oew

Who will present here for the first time a moat ebarming triple
bill of brijfht comi-di-a, made famoui by ihe
late Boaina'Vokea.
Tbe performauce will begin with

•tore, March l-*>th.
tYme mod see price* sod
he oonvini-t-d—Sboea At leee

“Nan, The Good-For-Nothing”

then the present fsotory

III Oc»er Bfld Felt Shoes at
Dee-Fourth Off.
Lumbermen's Sox and Pecg
•^A Blf Oat Made.

300 Pairs Oifotrls-U aad
1-2 Off-Sea theni.

Jolly. CUver. Fmilcaonie. Vivaclotia

To be followed by

ooet—We can uve you fram


lUto 25 per cent, on new,
up-to-date footwear.

And conclude with

Make no mutake.


Frank Friedrich
The Old RelisHe.



What saves
you money should
interest you
and Ibia FIEB AVD wAtBE SALE 8hoDld in­
terest yon OB that acoonnt if on no other.
tbooaands of otbera—than why not yon?


It haa
Drop in

tbie morning and aee the cat pricea it hu made
poMible on

and Ulsters
Then jroo'il know why thU mle bag intereated bo
many people.

RaliaUa Sq Gaaft. Caqat aiO Cleihiet ihwsi.

The selling of these goods
is a pleasure,
Patterns are beautiful and
stock is all pure linen.
Every housekeeper should
get supplied now as the
prices'we quote are extreme. ly low and cannot be dupHcat^ cd owing to tbe continual advances being made
% by the manufacturer.


/# tKOKT $re»te$ j
PnMot dim hM OfriMd OM *•»
M«KlMa troop* to
4m1 wIU rotalUou «*n
n* Miuor of u* wow w tfe*
hM «m4*< the Ri**r Doora
. »t ftrtaffol with uprooMieeteA >»dfrrr— wA bwj mtIow aUpplac
wmme* Uto ewwA.
Wm K. Boord, thetoMOMp^tarof
••tmftU, U d/la« »t hi* host It S*w
T«rfc. H* U 7S y*M« old- iOeJw- U
. b* aeffarod M opoplotle *hMk.
1b* WOBM ■0#F*C««« *» WMlo. IB
WMhiairtM k*** odoptod roKilBtloM
ll~^~if —I------*------ th* *«Bt*
IwWMwM • eowataUeml oMSdMwt problMUac th* dhfiBwhliM
•f 8tot«* Oobod «ttl*«M OB ooeo—t of
■H BBd aoktM ttot woo wbotow
tarmnffroc* a*j b* (iMted to th*
aw of dloiko. Poarto Elao. HowoU or
*a PUlUp^MB It ha rroolad a wo
aa th* aoa* taraa.
Brithh Ooaaladoean Etddl* oai
- ■otharlond.whohod haw wfond lo
tka daoartotloo of th* BonBoh*Chl
Ih* Moofhaa dbtrlot OobdoU UMob

OwuBittaa XadImM Vlpht aad DaaMad ta OemMaa* itftSpide*.

Mr. flaaadara. ooe of the oldeat aad
moat roapaetod oitittM of liaroia.
want home at aeoa Tnaadap. aat dowa
at th* dlaaar Ubla, Uxritad at the taoe*
al aaek oae at th* taMa. aaaUed oB all,
A talwram hw baaa refalrad at tbe
Japaaeae lapaUoB to tha eflMt that
OB r*b. 11 the hatroibal o< hU Imperial
blpboamthawowB prlaoato PrlSMaa
Badako. the foertb daopb^ of Prlaee
KbJo, wMoMelallpaaBoa^ead. Priaoa
KbJo ta tha bead of ooa et tbe oldaat
aad meat promlaoBt boU* lamUlat ta



■V the

BMov ta a tMpf «ha hoiwaacaMF



EfEMTs 10 soaerr.







• M

I to at


Sicussors M

»c« Oper* Bobm

plMaaat aoclal teatanahaJpadp*.**
rlaaaad by
joUy evaalnp. _________
BolUday. Tbe repaUr rabaaraal
(mat «T*Dlap Mta* May Polloek poaa
throupb with and than th* party
apathartapoffrlaadaat a
they kaow ao
valanUn* party
irtj at bar home w Waat wall bow to
to do.
do. • Dd
Savaath steMk. Oama* and aoelal
e aorved. Tb* party «
pMUmH with a ale* apraad of ratraah^ Mra. O. 4. Holliday. Mr. and
manta amda th* obcmIob partleatarly
Bowlaad Dooplaa, Mr. aad Mia
j p. L whitmaa and Mr. and Mra Jama*
ValMtln*** Day itm oaUbrated ta aa liMpua.
laaar ta th* Blmwood. xwooloipb Inad* of yonap pai^
by meaM of valaatlaay. p. q.
out to tb*
bosMlaaomeof th*room*aadwrlttea
^Mr* F. O. Durte* tact
Wtfkta other*.
levoatapl They had a }<dly time, ptdap
Bapodally ta the kladarpartaa room
aad wore moot dallphtWM th* day made om of pIOMaro aad
mtertalaod while tbera Oyateta
proflt to tb* UtUe oaea 4fter the anil had a promlamiv plaoe 04 th* hUl of
BMTloo of tha United Siatei had bean

Iranrsi Chr linbu Ci.
TrmrsaCitr, - • flichiiai

Best to be bad in
the city is at

bl» to • a.n»btl.l .ororpaulivd. Here tb* mall aervioa
prtaelMt evaninp. They earn* Into
WM ap^n ravtawad aad dramatlicd by
bta home on Fifth itreet verr aoexpecth* ehUdron, aome aetinp M pool*,
!ial evenaoma M mall bo***, athar* m poatmea.
Almoet all of the claa*
ear*, ate. Tbe poatoflime
..-o...,. wen praaeuk aod muile, aad pama*
with liula poaUaMteia wboatteudad to
aerved to pam tha timi to a lata boor. All»wk*fb>cMnw>w>t>lfmte. na<
thaattmplop aad dtatrlbaUap of tba
An e^apant anpper wm aarvad.
htU* valealioo* wbleb bad baaa depotlied by Ue ebUdroo ta maU bozc* ta
Tba riotou* dietarbiae ala MartialdUf dnat part* of th* room. Some of_____
qu* ooaUnue.
A hooae <
thamaUwMdtatrlbuted by th* poet- Jieacbai^put and Uere wan rialnpa at
mu aad aome wm raeelvod by Ua ,,,^potat*. A mob ofabont l.tOO
ehUdraa oalUnp at tb* oBca for Ik
invaded La Menrin aad U So*
obatmeted Ue UorMllttl* people by praaaattap aaoh auphfan* to anch an.extent U*t travoa* WiU a valaatlo* mad* by that ^,1* ware barely able to pern wbea eeprad*. A number of tha mammM aad
gendarme*. Some »*0
L. L. A. BoUdlnE.
oUarIrteadawmapnaoat to enjoy U*
b tba UttU folk*.
Uara ta ao uprtatap at Blvlen Sale,




Fire Insurance.

'C^'^Unx aof OtaOBtata tv flatairh thta

tloa an lotaap all favor leward- Uafr
M mveary will aaialy deatray
taaMofamaUaDdeomptetely dataap*
tha wbota ayatam whah aatarlap It
Faaacal of Otaarta* Eirtaaa
tboaphthamaeoMaartaaaa. Saab arTha ramtaM of th* tate OharUa Lotttalmahoald aevarh* aaadasaapt «a
tana, whodtod la Oharioveta Taaaday.
war* bro^i to .thta dty oa th* 4:ls
d*ri*^~^ jfoeJ yoa^ M p^hl* trmta ymtetday ta ctaait* of FMt Mae_________
Hall‘4 Oatarrk Oar*
tm WUtard A,_8^U af OMavoU


______________ ___ ptaSd^
ahartaotTravanaaty LodpmMa Ut
F. 4 4. M. and a aommltte* of tea raealvad tba ramalM and took Aarp* at
th* hoilaL
the Hebrew
mt WMta th*
ritn aad the I
..V'V^^SStaAB.prtahna pm badaware Mdta

A Frlphtfal Blander
WIU oftea eaaM* horrible Bor*.
UMld. Oat or Brata*. BaMOea'a Aralea Salve wUl can Ua pata aad promta*
ly baal tk Outm Few Seraa, Uloare.
Brdta. Ovwk aU akta Braptkwa. Beat
FUa eon OB earth.
u ate. a bo^
Cun paaranteod. 8^ by Jm. O.
JehMoa aad S. E. Waif* d^ ateraa.
Maw Otatap Room, at dl4 SuU
Dotaa atraok e. E. Eaxtraw. B««t

LlttU TsTtm. UMiav «MPw-WvrF«ra
WkMB WlM Gff Tar
oa earth, core* a cold
itatlma KaMflQcta.

Tba UMi torn.

___ _____ iS.’VS!>m

am-* aiKl ekiUrM’* dlaeaM k kpael^. «acahann: lOtoltu-w.:* to 4 kM T la Bp
w BeU'pkQMKe

T^R- a. a rutoo. oat» le
U Blofk c»JU M»«vre4 vteweilr Mr er
etebi HQrtlwrtt ■ptoor.«; MU. 481.
T B. NaariN. Pbr«iriu uc um

J- LeOM Ubnrr BuiMIm. Bell
Oev- N«. »;
Mo Ti. Honl
ead rMldrD<-«. Me. n.

________-.Skro TretudkkvkM af kl
.•itrkoiakUbrtke tew-M kkd wwl kf-



pOR^SA^-Tm Doehla^BWiek Cb^lwy

^fvmd. tor Uabar Ued Is T


For Fire Insurance

kiaer nw
M kkt tn


TO a«n-Tiw_j^ J

MMimA. ’PkOMTl

___________________ tmjq


First Class
Pianos and Organs

oaroa Mona of SavwU atreat had
hta lac badly brntaod TuMday whUa
aatttap tea oa Boardmu lake. A cake
teU aa hta lap. taltattap a vary pala­
tal brata*. thoaph ao booa wm broku-



. in »indow.

bleb bM ao troop* to.proteetlk 4
of rioter*
ixaretam ooentaod
aUoota valaatta*------------------------—
at Ua LadUoa iron worka, tear
af th* Um*. la moat enam U*
MkladvparteB work. Several of U*
rat a Mlraela.
fooata hoU - of tha Bsardmaa avaau*
of Cbanauro Forica,
and Oak Perk acboota had abort pro_
pram* aad taterehtap* of valaaUaea. wiU pilm aad dwpairod of ever* Mop
------------eared uuUl I tried Dr. Chaae'a dat-

^BO.a.OBOM. atwer ee< OoM—nara*
_ Meevrte tw. O«em.0nrOpwa

n aoi
Jr, «e I


Boaurod Two Xmrp* WlM 0am Near
Alfrad LaFoateM of thta taty aad
eter Braadhapea of Mayflald townablp had extradUUnary aaaeeM M
bnatert Snaday and Moaday. aa^
aaeurlnp a larpa wUd eat ta tha Mayr
flald awam^ BoU baateia war* aa" rUaper. near U* Black aebool „ out* all drupplat* or Dr A- W
aompaaled by their dope aad Uay
4 pood upper WM aerved aad ohaae Mad. Oo.. BnSalo. M. Y. Free
tnead Ua wild earn m aaparlv m U Uayouap muaod kta paeata had a aampl* boxaut oa noelptof atamp:they war* foam and Saaday Uey tread happytlm*.
whieh Mr. ImFoateM ahok ~
LMt Bipht Mr. and Mr*. Benaaa
Uoataay Mr. Broadhapoa ktDod hta, BsU aateriataad twutyfour trteada at
wulektha dope also oearad ap. Mr. thalr home ua FilU atreak It wm a
LaFoateae atated that than an men valutia* party wiU atany pretty
of theaa aalmata la U* awamp..
ite to tbe ooeaaloB.
Tb* room* wan teaUly decorated wiU
baartaaad other ultable daalpaa. A
Fraaeh Oarrtaes ta b* Btraapihaaad flaa auppor WM aarvad aad aaoh peeat
noelvod fifu of valuttaaa. comic and
aad Order Baatorad ta Karttaiai
faaey, Ue aalaotioM havlnp bora made
Fort 0»Fraaea. Martlnlqa*. Feb. 14
WlU a partiutar view of Uc eharact-Kaw* hM beea'nealnd from Freaea
that th* povernment wUl at one* artottea of Moh punk The evut
provod that Mr. aad Mra. Bale an
elraapthaa the parrlaon here, aad that
th* eralter Saohet ta aow oo U* way pood uterttaaan.___________


11 M

John F. Ott & Oo.





I maTnaaday from BtUfa*. a 7-yearold bey aamod Jeaaph Stoler. Atlekat
he had atteebad to hta cap pav* thta taformaUoa. He had ooma all the way
from Eaiila aloaa. aad wm polnp to
aome relaUae* la Ditrolk Be ooald
aalthor apeak nor auderataad Fraaeh
or BapUth. and U aakad any qaeatloM
'ho petatad with an taaooept baby amU*
to tha ttakat oa hta eap. ThaUtUotad
arrlvad at 8k John. M. E on thoateamaUpfl»«o-oaThanday iMk Aa tar hare. Th* rta«*ra an to ba pat down
M the oMclata eonld niBanlaad. it ta wlU a atroap hand at oaoa
aearal* waaka aloe* UUUfoaaphUft
4au>b of rioter* flrad two plaatehta home ta tha lead of tite
tloM at Blvtene Salle at mldnlphk aad
thoM who hav* baaa laellaed to look



•Oh. of eoarae yaa eonld.’' lapBed
tha baatnaM maa aarcaaticaUy. ’IM
Twlpht fmaap. teteated aad aapti- the flrat year after a yoaap mi
AfMrthawMklma^ otihootip eati^ Paaap Etaa wiU appear U tha oat of coDcpe be thlaka he cai aoirt IShortOat___
Prot Tbemw B. OlBamnra iMtsd •oaaMMaatnlpht tha jAtparkaom- aip Opma Boaaa Phup Etaa ta rae- ay problem. I aoppaae pan woum~ Short Oat Fork par
tha Blph aohoo) poatmdap moralap mlUM mat to eaaildm ptSM for tha opalaadM tha teadlapeemadtaaaaoa » to the FhlVppltie* poara^"
••No; I'd Bead Barker.dBTlapohBpalwd p**a b eerp tataraBh
mamwtof thaOwtral aihea) park tha Amtrleaa atape aad- tba maaapw
•Who'* Baikerr
lap tBik.whleh WBB iB
mwt of tba atp Opera Bobm bM hew
•Heta'the preeteat maa at ban tad
at eanaldarable axpeoM to aeoare thta heunda that thta country em mw.
ni bet ba'd hart Apnlaaldo ta thna
Ba atBtod that bird* of a twttw
itavaa. Imrdia. Oralllak. Oarrlwa aopapaaaaat. A hM*p peaMtaa wm
floAad topothar Bad that thaw wora aadamlthof tha oobboU. aad Haama aitimarp to pat tha attraettoo to ooma day*.thaklBdaefMrdahoUkaflto^ wiih.
Beaad. Paste aad Hopt of tha hoard of to thta part of fha ateu aod it ta pro^>
harlap haw a MaohM maap paar*. adBMtIoa. Tha mMOap wm aallad to taad that tha ehaiaetar of th*wter>
Tha boatate aad miphtlaat llttae
Baq^akslB blph tarm* of TrMtm ordar hp flaaraterp Bopt who paea a
wUl eompaoMte fallp tar tha tbtap that ever wMBmdata Dr. Ktaph
atp^lmaehootaaadwUhow maeh
I to aaoarathoae- Mew Ufa PUta. Hmm pUto ^aape
waakaMi into atraapth. ItatlewoM tate
raatapBOWit wm to ha horn
from tba (aad. whieh a MflaOO. Aldar- papaaaaou 1%a Oraad Baplda papat* OBMpy. brata tap tate mwtal power.
whara ow bad the adeaBtapw of
waraa-Baltlapratea of MtaaBtoaaad Ihey'ro wwderfal in balldtap ap the
mas Moatapaa wm <
aabootaBudBOtlBa Umalp mtaaioaarp
her Mlanted eompaop aad when a pUp baalth. Only tSe on hn
^aM of ax-AUa
faa G. iitaaeoa aad 8. B.-----wMb tar from aeheoU. m ha waa
wboM plaM WM raaaa^ owlnp to hta, t ikaa wall with tba aritieal thMtra
Bar* Mr. DhwBor* Bipc**t*d as U- rattaemwlfrom thaaonadL
|poar*of Oraad Eaplda th* patroaaof
.aauatfw whlA hta Imtaaar* wUl
Beeratarp Bopt reported a halaaoa of the looal plap hoeaa* map be aara af a
aaear forpst, taklap It from a flnaselal
lha altaauoa pood aotertalameak
ataadp^t A* as UlnatratlOD b* took
Maaaia Smith add Bopt ware teatraetp
two POBBP mw aHUsp la th* Blph ad to fo ahead aad farther Improea the jfmifltJflimuMAt.
••hooL haplap tham M aa '
park M loaf M tha faada hoU oat.
ataki^ that thalr fathar* woaU b*
plad to **U tham; wd afwr a paaa*
W tet W A* Mt NMF IF IF Ft WR
addad. that thap plr* tb* plrta awap.
Afur aomaotbar hamOToae UlMtca- •araral BaJopahU Boelal PaaettOBa
Oorpa mat at Ih* bom* of Mr*. Moafoa
tieai haflaallp height tha hope for
Imat Mlphi
Mora* of Beraatb ataeat yeaterdap, aad
tt.ooa The flrat oea b* let ehi
Uataraolaf tha Udtaa at tha Mo'bald a vary pleataat maatlap. Mra.
II belap almoat threapb
EopU whtat elab lavlted thlr haabaada Moraa hM aeied m aaerelary of tha
rrltb tba Blph aohool. he
taaob. Hera Mr. Ulnamore aakod him to meet with-tham at'tba boma of Mra. orpaniaaUoa lor a leap Ume. aad m a
what ha woald ba wUllap to plr* to 3. B. Martla. St. Valeailae’* day of- token of tbalr appreelaUoa of ber
fared en opporiaalty for a parUeolarly laUbfaloem aod ettelaney the ladiee
pap tor tha taaaatmaat aad
prceeoted bar with a flae black dram,
topirefllM a pear from hta alae aloe time and aarel f.ataNkthe paaOamaa
mootht* aalarp at flto par moath. whieh
iMt ovealnp wm the Ume tor tbe
~ pboseMa-na
an la tba card repnlar praeUee af the male quartet of 11
aaUafaetorp. At tha aad of flea to deaipBate tbalr p
peara ha waalad to aetUa dowa. whleb pama* and tbe pel
the Firat M. E. church, and they wen
WM all rlpht, bat how aboat the flioo?
praetioe at tb^home of G 4. Holll-

B1***b taadB* aoldier* war* TBaadap
aaat (roai 8bb rraoelaeo to' th* foreromeat boapUal at WMbloctw, aod It I*
pro babl* that ao more will go OMi darUt tb* weak, parlnf tha three oMBtha
Boarlp fto desaot
a*Bt o«r<M th* ooDUoant^ aad It U
•Bid that orar POO BMrawUlaoooarrira
bare from Maalla. la aaMlp all oom* “That will have to atop,M mr wlfa.aad
tha aaa are vtolaatlj laaaaa.
1 bare ooaoladoa that wa wlU hare to
ThaBritiah ataamdr Tan*, whleb b* To^ oeoeomloal to Uea.~ Tha* 1
bMarrtTedatJaotaolalroihOoloa, re- loat priaalple aad aeerpthlap.
.porta h*B*7 dphtlav Iwt waak aroBad
Tha aoeoad boph |
BatradqBlUa. whlU
a lor him, bo bFap reqalrad to po
to eellMre ter tour yaaca at w addltha parpoae et OBtUac off Bogota from tleaal eapaaM of fll.bOO.
Whaa ba
oat ha aeoarad a pootUoa at r»
rla with. aprMlap to pira fl*00
■ 4t Haw Tork plBmbate workla* ta
at tba
•a BBaaeapled hooaa oa Bdpaoomb
BfOBBa TbOBdaj foBad th* Aaoompmad aad of flra yaaia bat atUl ha para flMO
hodtaaoftwohoTB Thor «oi« IdwUfl- Meh year, hta Mlary hariap bew ralaad
ad hp thalr paraala m Martlo Loedar, to fllOO, daa M ooUap* odooatloa.
From th* abor* atatamwm Mr.
a«ad t, aad Charla* Bpiitea. ac«d 11.
Thor had haw mlaalac aiwa hop. a Dlaamoca draw rary laterMtiap Bad
kat, whw th«r Uft thalr bomea aaar- eoaolaalra ateteoiaata la htaaha'aahp. aaplair th^ war* fotar to piek tartatto maanor. Ba alae ateted that
•pplaa Tha haUdlaf la wkloh the IhaHlphaebeol ooane wm all rlpht
hadim warafeaadlaa flat boeae aad aad ^warad oae tor hiphor work If
baaaaaarhaweaaaplad Fhwltww bo atteadad other profamloiia. Bore
■OMplataa it WM loohad ap, ood all ha atoppad loop woaph to plra the
that ramalaad to ha dooa oh U wm the younpladlea aaothar dip oo womaa
-plBrnhlap. It ta onppooaA tha baj* ouffrapa la a rary iMphahla maaaar.
arwtlBto tha eloaet aad ah>aed tha Btetlap aaoap other thlapt that wa
daar, aftarward halap aaabla to pat had reached lb* etepe aow. whea
yoaap ladlM hare the aame prlrUap*
.aad that Botoaaof them teMaai
O. Roekatallar U ahoet to pie*
nraaideat of
fli.»Q0,000 more to ^e L'nlreralty of bn. lo45 year. —•'>'*
tba Firat M ttwhl Blsk :: aha had
Two leper*, almoat daad. bare hpaa tbe datermlnaauu u> «k> .uooetafal.
From e common aohool eonia* oa*
dtaaorered Bear Qraad Farka,N. D.
A OanBBB pashoat baa waa taklap bHOBaehaao* la every 1.000. whll*
aaaadiap* la tha Cblaaaa harbor of from a Hlph-aehool aouia* the ehaaoe*
an oa* to etary too and. from eoUapM
Maoao. to tha ala-m of the aaUraa.
Pamlaa Tiottm* aow reoaieinp rallaf en* la erary 40. Headrtaad all to make
a aaeoaM aad heeoma raoapalaad la
la tadl^ total
It ta aald Bsipiam aad Rmaoe lataad what ever they did ead not be Mttafled
toobjaet to tha ooBstracUoa of th* wlU etadylap ber* bat eontlna* to tbe
meanpeaB eaaal hp th* Ualtod SUtaa hlpheet point. 4fur ih* dtaplay of
SifM Maaalak of Ahpaaiala, wUl. aom* aaor* hamor he ooaeladad by plvlac tha Cl
H ta aald. mak* a boatl* damoa
If Italp taada troop* to aid BrUala la achool and eat down amid a bunt of



■eon uiicEra rams

vV UrTcto tor k c«o4 a

r.^ Wkkhlort.
T70R aXLa-HoewhMlC ra«<«; ktoe tokkk
r tor r.8«. laqkirv Mrk r. TkktojjJW

ttok Ok BkM mama

at ridiculously low prices
at the

■ dke. OtA





K«raMtavOk.Blkek. T>«.«rMOUr.



If yoo are thinking of baying a piano or organ
within the next year yoo will save tn(»ey by look­
ing at thvK takvfT^ia*.
om together.

Glad to ihow yoa whether yoo'

bay or not. - Old goods taken as port pay.

Coll at 812 Sooth Unioo Street
and eee oar new line of

OhU in and w« will talk it

Moil orden giren prompt attaotion.

United States Wbeels.



W. W. Kimball Co.
IM FfOMt Btawot.

S. B. 8TBOVO. MaiiagM.

Me tccwbtotoUMttem.
AU avea* rwMM**.

D. Tompkins A Son.

John R. Santo,
taWfll lltOTMI.


-Ettiraffimw jw

TiCTSCAT, i!W>c^jnr u. JW

^ring Dress Goods DDR GpE&T
Tb«y •« bare a»p^ •» iaritrf
kj^ tbm owWh be efriud we w»U prae yoa to bwy-AD 'tow* r«
U> do ie to kxA -we ex|i^ Um goods to do the net.
FUld Baokw—A stnmg fsTorite tor seits sod skirts-:SBy
color yoa woaW ttoseibly west is hero-«-4 wide—the
priced.........VTT. ... .$IJS0. $175, «.00, »S6 to I2.90
ObwWoti and Gmin^ Hairs ere boand to be mon
niar than eewr -^caght eeily and lot lass money t----they ooold possibly be bad tor now, and tbe peo^get
the beasBt-^^sd 54 inchee.. .ILOO, 91.85. 9LM to 92-90
OropoQS are stiU boMia« their own. and the finest stocA
webareerer haf Yon mort OM the dress goods eto(^
.9lio*iid ip to'92.90
Bladt BUkv Nerer in tbe history of this store or dto
baa there been edch a showing«f blaek aUkdresaetnffi
-Poie De Soie, the toeorito, at from................ 86ctoftW
Oros Grain a«ntB in fsTor, at........................... -•-y
Annare are still bolM shown at from.............. 6Sc to 9156 yard
And a great many other weaves, tor want ot speee we
cannot name heremtioe here In particalsrThere is one we wish to
I taffeta silk that will not
Pare dye French taffeta silk, a---------crack or split (Kever heard of it, eh?)
eh? We have it
11.25 and
and want to to yon. at...,— 91-50 per yard
avea in silks--BtyOentnuaire aud Veluatines are new wvavea
lisband desirable.
P^WBoh Flannel -You will want French flannel, bnt have not
been able to get it. We got in foot pieoee a few daw aw
and ill a few more days they wiilt ba all Sold ont again—If
yon want eome of this lot better get it right away.
Hair Foulard Silka- Yon will not be obli^ to eeiect
your Foulard dceea from tbe time honored colors, black
and blue, this yMr- They come in all the fanee of the
rainbow—Tail, French Gray. Slate Hileo, Antomc^le.
Hilru, Old Itoae. Marine Navy, Green, Brown and
Black. First choice always best-will be bard to get
later- price*....................................... ««. 76, H9, 98c the pard
Zaphyr ninghama Factory remnanta. 10 to 12 yard
lenglba, regnlar 15c qualiUea-getting them this way
we can price tb^m to yon at............ ................... .... 10c yard
60 piaoaa Maw Qingham— Handeomer than evw, and
at last year’s prices—You Mioold see this line—You
will W«Ul
went to
make tbe
drescee and yonr shirt
tuv VUU..I
• W ...VOWD
waists for summer—Get tbeiii here now at............10c yard
Battua—all the new apring ahadaa—(tuaranteed for 2
years 2d to IKl'ioches wide.............. 91-00 to 12.75 tbe yard
Fancy SUka—All fresh from tbe looms, of the beet for­
eign and dom^tic makes are now here and reedy tor
iMpection........................................ ............... '^9c to ».00 yard






Muslin Dndenear Side-



Is in toll aUing and is worthy of more than the nsoal aaout
ofatfoutiou. A few points in ecmaectkiB with thk mite—First ,
[daee4t is larger than ever b^ore, and yoa will wosidec bow
BDch dainty garments can be soM for the^priee.


Ladies’fine Cambric Gown
-handsomely trimmRd in
em^^ery and insurtiiig —

Ladiae' Empire Gown —
tucks and embroidery trim­
med, 66o.

^ht Bobe, locked yoke, cam-

'VSVW eXose

..... .1-.-..


Ladiea’ Night Bobe. ttbcks and inserting in yoke, cambric raffle, 60c.


We are showing magnificent stocks and splendid bargains
in every department^ ' Sec the deuils elsewhere.” The busi­
ness policy of this store is quite generally known to be—
The best in quality, the greater variety, the lowest prices "val­
ues being alifce." Satisfaction guaranteed—Money back if
wanted — We treat our patrons generously in every

Lace Curtains!

ruew Dnm.

We find left
in our


A partial Uat ot tbe attraotlone In

Our Lipeu Deprtmeut

maXX \.\v4&s yrtces
Wits eveeVaV &aVe.
ladies’ Drawers — Cambric
Ladies' W'ide Drawers, extra
toll ruffle, 26c.
Lodies’ Drawers, embroidery
trimmed, fine tneka, 6O0.
A very handsome line tor 680
and $1B8.

Quite a number of large sizes
in Ladies' Jackets, 4a 42 and
44. and to close them out we
have marked them all ^t just

$149 each.


.............................................................................................................................. •■■■■

BW’dsaign, the satiu stripe, toll 72 in wide, extra
«vy, very pretty, napkins t<> match.................... 91.50 yard
f all is our honeysuckle pattern, toll two yerts wide,
:tra heavy, (nsphins to match)................ ........... 92.«>0 yard
In Hapkine our .stock was nei-er more ocHuplete—We
have the u-8 tixe, all Hnea. at..........................................
...................... J... .850,91,60, 9L86, 9256 and 92.60 per doe
Bed dsmaak. all yds » ant at...................... 12Ic yard
(Not included in the white gooda sale.)
We havf gnainntot^d oolora in red and toudea at............
........................ :............................................ 25. ;15 and 45c yard
(All included in the white gooda aale.)
All you want of check glasa toweling.............................4icyard
Just received 00 dpsen towels........................ ........... ...... 3c each
la hn<-k towels we
them from............................'.... 12^ np
We will give yon ata all linen damask fringe towel. 224^
inch, best ever offered, for..........................................25c each

Curtain Goods Department.
All kinds ©oin dot* from ..................................................lOc to 46e
The new Savoy Net is entirely new, per yard.......................... 60c
We have the Point de Saxe net, another new patteni, at
per yard........ j...........................................................................60a
All tbe above to White goods sale.

TheoM reli»i)le CLiBENIKlN—Pne hi. «iTinio«i but
we are aelliag it at the same price for tiiis sale. '
Then cornea the chea^r one. second to Clarendon, eabh... .89c
Our own bmod,. the ‘^Hummer.” gotten np for our own use,
iaonderod. extra size and -extra weight, finiehed enda,
this sale, each........................ x......................................... 91.26
A new fad—Pink and Bine Uarswllea . Spread—just ri^t
tor tinted roopom, per each................................................|
Table Fblt or Hush Olnth, per yard..........................................60c
We have protected onrselvee, thereby proteotine our enstomera
by pnrebaaing in advanoe all widthe of Meacbed and unbiem^ wide aheeting. nch as 40. 42.45. 60 inch 8-4, 9-4
and 10-4, and it is all included In our white goods nle.

Paiat da' Speat, Paint au Sai,
Cardinattas, ate.
We camluot describe the beauty
the lao€ L urtoins this year-the
Nottingbsms are really beautiful,
at from 75c to 95.00.
Great Point at 94.00. 94.7.5,95
and 9600.
BmaseUlfat at 94..50. 9500.
96.00, 97..50 and 910.0a
Be sure and see this fine stock
of Curtains — Nothing like them
ever shown in tbe city. 10
oent. disoonnt during the
goods Hale which is now in good
running order.

Formerly $4 and $5. They
are great values for the money.
We have four other lots, spec­
ial value for the money.
Lot 1 —All sizes. 32 up,
for. -.;............................ $ 2.98
Lot 2—All sizes, 32 up.
for...................................... 6.48
Lot 3—AU sizes, 32 up,
for................................... 7-98
-Lot 4—AU sizes, 33 up,

These cuts will give you s tsint idea of our fine Uds of
White Skirts They are dreamlike in their dainty fluffineas.
Our 1857 number has two rows val inserting 2 inches^ wide
with 4 inch val Uce on tbe bottom of the raffle with 3 inch val
lace on tbe dost raffle—Price $8.69.

for........... .................

Qnx Caye StoeV
Is fast melting away—Do not
fail to secure one at the cut
prices, soma


Corset Coxiws

Carpet, Mattiig. ligoleum,
Regs, Uce Certaies. 5iv oxw WovieXe StoeV.
Last year our bosiaess in this
depkrtment was phenomenal—We
have enlsiged the department and
now have twice the room and more
than twice the stock, snd this year
we propose to doable last year’s
hnninnss The new stuff is now
re^—Crane and tee it.
We still reoommand tbe famous
Lowell Oarpet—There U none
just ss good—It is the beat—
Your money back to our arfument
Tapestry, extra Axminstsrs.
W'ilton Velret, etc.
Ws want yonr carpet bosiness—
Give ns a chance to show yon
through and we will have it.

Is an elegant one for • •$ 3.75
Others range in price
from........... ..$i.8qto$i048
In plush we have only a
few left, at...................... 5xx>
More at $6.47. $7-98. $9.08 and
One look at our Jetted Plush
Cape is all that is required
to secure a sale—$10. $ti
and $12 garments for $647.
We have left only a few child­
ren’s Jackets and we have
cut them deep, and they are
going fast. Come quick and
get one for your little girt.
Tbe finsat showing ^ China
Prices range from $148 to
Hatting that waa ever exhibited
$3.08—former price $2.50 to
Northern Micbigan-12tc to SOc
a yard.



r fh
Cbemiee are in great tovor again nnd we have them for 16>
86.6O0 and $1.00.
Children's Dtawsrs.............................................. .... M, 16, 26. 50c
Ohildren’B Waiets....................
Miseea'Skirto.............................................................. 26.60, 79,80c
Misses’ Gowns.............................................................49,60.60.79c
Home work and dorry is needlew when yon can bay ready
made gooda at each prioan
We have added a fineJine of Infants Umg and abort dremes—
and wiU carry a oompleto line all the year toond.
Short Drawas................................................... 25.89,49c to 91 JO


are hivd'ei4«4 5a

&TeaV 6«.\»

And wa are Miowing the finest Una ever brooght to this ei^.


jjGgr FBOM mm
nn-Ttow KNOWN A* WAl.

MMOoo Mevun.

40tT Ufft.
. Ntojtototoa^Jaaa^ !
Sot M tto^a wSto.

Ba Nan to vto gtoB hto


toangmi toaaaadaayt

Om ^ «N* «rl7 MMmUWA M*K
Mm. I Ndalb «MXbw m «HtMf
MtrVwWotewMtbataMMmd ia
Alto. Hot 9««T *a*
• toMl W Bicbt wtoa «9tboot wotbAtCiOTdlji.
lllMMMii ia Nto fmrlaff IwiOT ad
feMOTWtfl iaallTa tt«a 1r« aUtoad

Thato^ ttowii at—to


lha Ion that Dt'tr aw vaaa.


tlntoh a to world «w aoMaai.
Tbeab an to tofa ba awt.

b diMi hath ha M»ld to

laid M a$ifnaeb it. wri*K It »•• tb«
aaadNMidfln. Sat Ita natanliil
. tod UMa tthh ia tnm o( dn aad iaaiNitiOTd It. todiat that tba light ana
.................................t arhlto, by tba
«i^. toaam
VtolaWaa or plant

enald gira U«hl

ytt toto it la k

te toto^

■Ed fait aa« ktod aad yaw«.


Tbaprte boaalan to
nowaaa n Pto W Wartto
Itot doriOTi aad flortata'ela^ toaa
alaadUfacf tbatr earn wbca It oMaia
to tba makiag np of erdara la an tsto-

OTtiof faet pot Bpiatbiatad by tba yoBBt
a»B wbo ariabM to aend a bnncb e( at.elaca« raaea tobia baat girl ortbafnfamily in awcUdoa
a daae fonat in I tbartd *a famllyiu
SaSoLS? nS»I! «>'*•

ocarioB to bil parlon. Baapaotfnlly and

d tv a aflTOTy l^bt that daw
aetbM. Mka dOTtt and amwa
to ptoaboBiaf Trbara it 1^.
r “vltobta' glow" «<
Vd tba laymaa it ft a
daaayad arood. and toaettmaa a aott.
Mtar BM. Tba bctaaiat arill aooo
gtejat tba light ^TOT ia tba myto
aeaaa fnngna that baa p
band tolrlytaken
tow to it, ooBTarttag« into a glorioM
PMi to tba Ugfat may ba aMfinaiad a
II la taMWB that print ean totan be read
to ib Md tba light to aoiM baa been
iBWWb to ptoatrata throwb aararto
SItotow to aSTtba amaljart plant U
TbU la tba diatm,
liati of tba CballangOT
WMd flaatiBg in tbaooaan i« raat anmtawaadialba nnelana of tba diatom

la totoi brilliantly

« to light

towadtotbaaalittlaplanta. Bnl what
teU wa aay to a tight obaerred by a
Horwaglw bark la tba bay to Fnoobal?
Aa watt hara ara falrl^ altra with
towa UlUa lealaooi planta the ywr
Ha totwUju. aa tba |

Htaml plUOTtotraor light that exteod
adnpWOTd taa dirianoa aaaminglyai
l,dM.faataNd morad ahmgwith a datodadbwd.
It anrttaad a pala yallow light that
■laodoat tototwg lalito agalnat tba
Haak bigbt, a wrird aod famldabla
toatoaala. tOTUag on baton tba vitoL
Aa HagUab natarallat. wt£tng to aathan with bia i
gawa aaonnd a eartain riua known aa
Bupbe^ pboapbcna, and rabblnitlt
wwm a Ug roak oanaed tba latter to
team with Bam# and pteaent ao rw
■ OTbilli a watoaela that fiia natl*«
tw. baUaring that ba bad aat tba rook
ate to riapiT tnoebing it Tba natnwUto WM awara that tha milky jtiioe to
tUi flwt. that rawnblad tha dandaUteagti a «BTa known aa tba bannlad
wyin. An Bogtlahinaa. trarellng in
te rieiaily and baarlug to it, daiar■laadtDlUTaMigalatbamyatarT. After
. a tang oUmb ba raaobad the oara No
nawr did aompiala darknenyai in than
te pkaatwi to tba oara ^ipearad~a
wwfcabla jwiWanea to a bnman tem,
-vltoma OBMpnad, ontlinwl agninat
tesloMB. Making bto way ao tba dr
«a toad bad alamadao many wayfarawhafgaad that Itwaaa plant that
waw «p<B tha wall. It wai tba wall
Mown pbaaiAiirOTBwt fnagw, Bhlaotoote* anbawranaa. toaqnantly fonnd
to warn asd famiUOT tomhMnt Ila
Bfbl i* toiw ao ririd that paopla ban
■aad to it
ftow mrtam Ugbta am not found In
te NntoOT alow. Bom yaam ago Mr.
Hcnriir^tw to tba Oardloar (Ua.)
tenal, wiBla ma that ba had obaarred
a toOteM Waady light in bit gardw at
tew loaaUy MaooDMtad for bT swtentaal awtrtTOTMN and wUoh. apon
to ba ifaa phoapbannwt Hgbt walttad by tba yonag
Ate plwt Tlanw atydtiou.

k. M.jt ............ .


te^btotet Tba

an balding
^^Oana to year fnnete pyn; wood to
Wa^^ " to a aatba w tba man wbo faaa
te apend all that U Madad
■Oman wbo to ready to qnairal, aa
tba rillaga womw to tba lower otdan
toth tba pateng
Ihraaaa" Tbawomanntortibyapaak-

wtchaBatb<n^"abdtotbahOTpaakabort. Tba moat toiertobad and «
.t^^ ' to bnihand aba aaya ba U "a womaa’a
riva bloaaoma, no matter bow gnat
Affaewd poUtanwbJa
dawy fngranoa may ba. an treated kingdom."
nibad by, "Dn,
with aeaDt reapeot
It to "Hay. Jimmy, a doaen to tboaa MM wen going by train,
*BBma,'" aroioewlllay. "Anddw’t tba other, "Bir. pray antar." "Aftar
forgai that lot to 'tabtoa* for Ma. yon.
"No. yon ba plaateto go
Bmitb-toitb." Indaadteardwtlonr Arat."cir."
Andawaywant tba Wain aad
to bloMama wonld ba dtoabobaniad It
aba Uateoad to tba talk to tbatteate ItotteovarpoUtefriendbabiad. WbOT
a brief half bonr.
toaald. '7ba month to not
Aen an ao rnlaa to
to tba longrat floral namaa an myiag •awaatmaato. •" Hoaaekaapan
oarer ollpped, bat rpokna acaetly w in Stogland an familiar with tM oat aa
they an written. Even the moat teo- aaeapegoat Tbamonkty in Indiatak«
plaoa to tba eat. aod to the man wbo
rant flortot'a dark in>aaks praoUelyto the
byaointba gannlnma. migixmena U- triea to oenoaal hiafanlt it to mid, "A»lam. vlolata. popplaa, magooUaa «- eidanto in tba Mabla are laid on tba
bead." "Tba Indian wow to
ebiito, try, JaarnlM. phlox and oaraatlanplnln. Blaabbrarlationaanlagtoal proverbial for ila eonnlog, which givn
aa a' ralN and oftmn than otherwtoa rlM to tbe proverb, "Thto aobema wlU
ba makai nm to tba fliet or lari aennd aran erowa." and itoera to the olevar
plana to a conning mao. able to ontwii
to a uame.
Han toabriaf aamplato tba riartoli* a crow. "AtosgnannderatongM" fit­
ly opramea tba^lonhla tongnad or (atoa
Bead.r Oalda:
CbTyaantbemnmi,"mnmf;" tnlmaW
**tabiai" llliw to the valley. *'valA -DON’T” FOR flRUBH BOVfl.
«he TallM TvU« B«w (be 0«t Orite m
Oatahlr Releia
Tba moat difflenlt thing to fit on a
man to a mt ooUar, and it to tba earimt
thing to gri^^t to ahape. except pei>
bapa tba knan to tba tronana. A tailor
mold! and ahapaa a oollar with bia handa
and bot gooaatooonform with tba meaanremaota ha baa Ukan to tbe ahape to
aa Individnal’a ahooldera, and it doaa
not take a great deal to ill naage to daatroy hla wort:.
—w ™
nU.n.ll>rTl» Acii7l«n«.»i ^4^*. ■I.
lU .W-lUiln bml««. 1,^™ will
Uen .Imct u ,,dcUj u . tdwu. ! >”“4
ou. Wbi^h. bel.>
«Uj .olctar tUo .iJ"" <•»<“■ :
. Jh. ddirerie. ud oollm- j Mdw lor ywt op.tttiU,
the other hand and
Nona are freqoent, tba earrian oarafnl "««»*
and blindly dinotedmto. i gi»w pow nndar^t two ortbm amart
rivaa am ganarally delivered to tbalr
aftar a vary abcnt bant How away from tbe nnk and bnnobea it
latteri bearing only the name of OOB- tbe abonldara, and tbe overcoat floiahea
paratlve atrmngerv arc promptly dapodt- tba work to dcntroylng Ita abapa. Thto
ad in ofBoo or flat boxea vnrpriaea atran- tbonld nev^ ba allowed nndar any
gara. When tbo poatman dropa a tatter
' ‘Tbe prt^Msr way to keep tba coat col­
In yonr bonaa box, or dapoaita paper or
packet on tha tilaa faenaath it, ba pnlla lar in plaoa to to ■----------------------yonr boll and wbiatlM. Tbaaa poatal
whiatlea an aimllar to tboae aaad by tba Tba collar will tfa<m fall Into plaoa on
polioe. Sowhen tbe bellJinRlea and tba yonr naok; tbaoiotb willadjnri itaalf to
whiatUng followx tbam'i no need to
_ _____
Open the door or wonder wbo'a than. than. Don't
.. Aepoaulwbto................ . don't, above all. allow tbe brndt boy te
abont it
tto ooold ba adopted with benefit ala»**“**
pretense to ge^g yo« orerooat on
rbare.—New York Latter.


I aat Mxt an Illlnoiagtr) in tba fai
'tel«r7 and marked tba manner of b«r
■peach, wfaiob-waa atranga to a Wash­
ington oar. Ota did not alight a ringla
"r." Tba broad Eugltah “a" OTriOTn
people alTeot was nnknown te bar. Bba
■akad ma what time eongram "took
np"andwbeaU"iatooL" Sbaapok*
to a brook in bar borne and onllad it a
"braneb. ” She said it aeemed ao fnany
te gri six oar tiokaca for "■ bfta," wd
■be told ma aba bad not attandad tba
opening to oongnm baeann aba "eonld
not grt to ga " bnt that aba meant te
bear Jmi aa many gmatppmobaa aa aha
oonld "gri to bear." Then tba axonaed
banelf and want away, aa aba mid te
bad "aome trading M do tor ma."->
Washington Pori.
One part of tha wedding w

tetotga te mori etarUlng aihibiUw among tha Babyloolanawaevaryeltefl-1

tna abaOTaad aavaral yaan ago by an
tegH* Waaalar In Bonaa Belatad, ba
OTia eaarinkw by sight. wT tbara batogaa mew baaraa faarfalto loalng
^ww^wbaa. aa tba darkawa oama
■to MhrIw Ugbta appaarad ban and
-«teto te baabaand by tbaroadaida
§m» wmm yaliowt olban barnad, «
atoMd to, with a bright rawUta baa
AalTteW diter tba blana to Itgbt iaOTWte mi telly tba tnmalOT waa
te tet ba waa paning
teMhUMato laminoat bnrii wblW
ateteUgbtnabriUlaol tetbaooold
Wtto il^HteMg Plagw

. . .
AtotbayowOTfal aboaU ofiMWtbawwk tononav
totagtoteUOTnytoBaylaaA andto
India tt ia itpuMid byte pcentU
"Bigteaat UMaanaa" A"Jaokto
ten" atedwly itote to powOT, wbleb
ha WOT nwtey. ia apokw to aa "A wnlOT eKriar ralgaa tor two dayawda
baM" Tba boariar wbo bM toilad to
hfiptonaiadiraotad to "rahtbaOTuto
yaw bratkrw," a paoraib tba lamtilng
towhkh dOM teagpaarwtbaantoaoa
It Hte to the oOTtwi to rabbiag te

$145, $1.90,

Oalan aayi that aria wee grown
*<l aatel te alOTy to a aaltaa." ate •hnndantlyin Aria Minor; wan madm
HteMato, "who bad a raiy pompoaa food for tba bocBM and by man Intern
■tolw wto diririag MfU Ummlf to tba
■tote ted him to apw nutettea
tew TtomarkalwM not hrito that

at Aoatarllla. 1806. Tba amperon ^otMrt WOTB NapolaoD, PruMto of AnatrU
and Atoxaader to Bnaria. Over 1T0.000
ana were eMnally engaged in tba bat­
tle, and to thto Bomber 98.000 wan UUed^OTWooodai^ or 18 pm omtto te
AlbOTt Dnrar'a wife waa dingy aad

Clothing Co.

are the prices you row' pay for
pants from this lot that are well
worth to the purchaser from $2/x>
to $ It wilt take little time to
show you these when you had -it
convenient to call—only make it
convenient to call early if you want
first choice.



and Ulsters

To dose out small lots we
make the following low ^prices on
Ulsters that sold at from $6xx> to

$4.76, $6.76,
$7.90, $10.00.
We offer over one hundred
coats in this “special sale*' at from
15 to 30 per cent, reduction. An­
other year will not witness such
bat^ains on any class of woolen
goods, as all grades of clothing
have materially advanced in price.
This ought to convince you that
the low prices we make you now
(ncan more than the simple reduc­
tion in price—it's a double Mving
to you.


kolie Mend ahonld look
after him owtonUy on te flrri Monday
in May.
Men kiU tbamaelvOT two, thrw or foor
timaa more often than women, exeapt in
Spain. Wwnen genanUy "do ft hantlfi^,'' man wndaly.
Saxony to tha moat anlddal conn try
in Enropa, and the learieo la—tbe “nnhappy oonuthiyl'' Inland'a rate UM
POT 1,000,000 to Saxony's 4C«.—WaM■Inatar Oantta.

itbw (impnOTively) —Soppom 1
■bonld be taken away ind^aDly. wte
—ooW beoocue to yon, my boy?
Imvannt Son-I d riayban. Ao
qoMlonto, What wonld baoome to yonl
—Wari Cbariw Criba

OTthli atBPlTSBiante^togalatinoHate
rtevtotor ^
■ te ■nhaa hnfi mly te
a— i. . bdi. —d
MHk*« tew Ibe «•«•

Hundreds of pairs both for ev­
ery day wear and dress occasions
may be found in the “special sale”
lots placed on our front tables.
Many of these would cost double
what we ask for them if bought in
the regular way.

Brash boys will plemasote.—
aty fltac.______________
The ■mm «f ■rieSdm.
Spring to tba aeaaoo for anlddci ot
well aa for mlaa. People prefri for this
pnrpon. ea atatiatioa show, day to night
end Monday, Tneadey or Wadneaday te
Batnrday and Soaday.
In a word, nioidaa prtoar tba airly
port of tbe weak, month and year. It

n* repab Cbaiv.
Tba flnaat choir in tba world to that
to Sl Pater's, in Borne, known ot tbe
pope's obdir. Then to not a famalo
voloa in it. aiMl yet tba moat dlfBosUoratorioa aod aaored mnaio an rendered
in snob a manner aa to make one think
tbetAdallu Petti to lending. Tbetotdr
ia oompaBed to 00 boya They ere train*
ad for tba work from tbe time they gal
ooBtrol to tbalr vocal oorda, aod same
to tba beat ringss an not over 9 yaan
old. Atteagaol ITtbeyandnppad
from tba oboir.—Roma Lrilm.

them into a knot, which ba gate tba
hrida. TbU toprobnbly tba origin to te
Bodarn eaying aboct tying tba knot In
tagard to marriage.


New, up-to-date goods, worth
from twe nty-five to fifty per cent,
more money than we offer them
for at this special saU. We do
this to clean up small assortments
where we cannot again duplicate
orders to fill in sizes.

Ciothiiig Ca.

Gives you choice of Cheviot, CassiBOTc, Worsted and Melton goods
that are well worth to the pur­
chaser *0-00 to $i5oa When you
consider that because of advanced
prices of all woolen goods, many
merchants are marking up prices,
you will appreciate this offer.

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