The Morning Record, February 11, 1900

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The Morning Record, February 11, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




AdTSBM oa VmI kmu Side*
SsporfA M ft F«U1
■t ftsU «e
i%M«toOsv« fttmtseto VtaM «f
•mmtsI tiSM BebM«-OMp^ of
Oeamsate to Ohis f Is fttUlftteMd'
„«i to Mftosrr—dMMfc o» lair
kr assn to Biftsaisft
Uate. r»k. 1»-Tbs Mws troa Us
ftfsrUs* ftsMfslB^lsr was
«msA is tsltoqstoh Us Mssaucs
«Etos« W tsktoff ▼sstKnas fUfs
acaswhsi dtobsartsalsg. M 8«t u
aaUsasElwiaswas SEpssts* Ills
BOW bsUsssd sad teeUrsd CraarsUw
W«mf«asUsiUsBKwa»selof Bsa*
«rsl ftaltor was Msslr s total to sonr
Us pUat erf Osaarsl Lord Bobsrts'
caasalra. If Uls is Iras U wass
dsMoastraHwi ea a lasts ssals. sad
whsUsrUs atlsrsd ^airpas^boss
siiiwpriliT- tasMtos to tossUo tolar
aa. laaddilteeto Us rstls|wsstof
•allsr Owsral Ma^Msld Is bask at
Us KoMsTTissr aosltloa.
A diivalU froa Us easD at Bortof
ftaU Brtdfs aa^B UaV Us: poslUoa
.Ukaa aoHk of Us Tac^ rissr sroiad
aittosaltoasloMtotato. ftsflMats
aaat asross as tatotorssaMato wsat
tote Us traat Itos of toaaehss. bat
awli«to Us rrsat atrsafU of Us
•oan to Us Brakfoalsto kills to Us
Ml It was foaad Iwfeaaibis le;adsaasa

Bat Ua Baartatlea IsUa Btaits Waat
aUanttoa at Ua Uastoa.
Waabl^toa. Fab. I0.-Oalpa daaaa
saaton wan toOSMt Uto aoralaf




6Mt. Ku~r •(
av, •ki.k
Uat Mr. Bopto was awara. It to
Mid ha aaUad at Mr. Ttoaspli aUas
atodiiiMiidiii bliaHtoBa aaaaaf
Ur. Wbltotord aad rspraaaatod Uat
Ur. Wbitofard bad asat Us ikoro to
fat ddhidk to Wkltatod to Ptoa
Ito AMb diawB to Ur. Wkltalord
ftfu hto 8a Uto UU Ua
UaUtoBdUtohft. Mto Pbtosrft

Dftoidad to Allftv Laflalfttm
to Aftftamblft.

wm pe late

It Ms PtOl [
tatloa wbtob was aa follows:
Bifa Ua LeatoaQla ftprMMnt.‘'That Ua Daltad Statos aatoads Ita
vapaUp to Ua poopU ot Ua BoaU ■Ultla Ordarod to Bstora Soatadfrlaaa rapaUto la UaIr borate torar Oaatoiao MaaUdl a* a Ooafaraaaa ad
rto to Ubtotp aad popalar com.
■sat, sad btelans U Ua datp of Uo
Halted matea to oCsr Its asdlsttoa to Fraakiort, Kp.. FU. la-Ooraiaer
Us sad Ua* farUar btosdUsd bo Tsplor bM paratotad to btorofsaal to
asoldad aad aa baambla psoas saa- sipa Ua LoatonUa apraaiBaat, bat ba
basdooldad to allow Ua loptoUtan to
Bbte sad Us tow to laka Us eoom.
UamotloefarltoadopttoepBt altooat TbewUlUawblU bas base kept bora
to Ito ml itoposA was raallsad, sad wfU bs ordsrsd to Uslr bosH at ooeo
Its adepUea toUowad. Tbsrs wwaaa- aad Uo dtp wlU at toast take on a
sldmbte mrrltoaai ■aalfsstod onr aasUtoaea of Ua ^sist wklU prsvallsd
prasasdlui. Wbaa a dswaad was bafan Uo. slsetioe eoataat tnabto
mods for Ua poas aad aapa Ua ebotr naa.
askad ffwiitfir AUao to allow Ua This auratof abo«t M proUUset
MOttoa to be rseeasidarsd. whlob tspablteans from sarloas parts of Us
. doM aad Ute rsoolntUm wsat stats paUored bora aad hold a eoafer> WlU Oossraor Taplor to Uo aa-

VaUsd to OsllTsr a Masaacr, aad Will
Laroatoss Lop laiond la a LotoOamp far Tsa ZNipa.
Wm LaFaatoas. who has bass at
work la a lubsr saisp aaar Osdar,
sras farooebt to Us altp posterdap la a
Tsrp bad aoBdlttoo. Ba bad base
aroahsdbpalat. aadssntMp tajarad
Tbs Boors aoattoosd to work Uoir
raaUp. Bs to aearaalp abte to
Brrtsaftin oa Us Brlttok lafaatrT «a*
toiaUiloa Us hOL Tbs ftrs was Tbs aastdoat Ua* rssaltod so ssraasara at fttosa Wodasaday ansraooa toa^ oasaf^ tsa daps afo. Bs
•aaasal BaUar laaolsad sot to psoas aa saa* ward bp a saa la tha sasp who
adTOBMbyUls toato. Tbs toaasport was sesalaf to Us etlj. to toU bto
toato atofsd haUaad Us tofaatrr la- faUar. Lsrl LaFoetoss. Us MsreaatUs
Oob. Bi^l watob. of Uo .ooOUomi, aad
Aoosstol dfttatob dated at Bpaar- bars hlM eomo aad taka biw hi
■uabaatooVild^. utpaUat Ososral Tba ■tossfs was botst doUrarsd. aad
I Is aasalf tosapeUfaatoso kaw astblap ot Ua aeaai7. owtof to a
sfdset aatabto saa waa tareaebt to
obaa«a tostka. Bis fsras.Usld«patsb kiw psatardap.
adds, will aeoa lasaau opOratkMa
WIU LaFoewto was astap a «at
■to —--1.1-. •!« BosUj la aUtht book la Us woods, wbaa Us haadls
broks. IstUap s lap roU. wUob ora
Lord Bobsrts has addfssssa aaotksr hlM badlp. BoU bU toast aad bask
latter to PrsoUaalo Krafor aad BtOTB wars iBjarsd. aad tt to aot koowa bow
ootopUtotof of waatoo dastraetlee of asriooshto laterasl^lajarlst ars.
propsrlr to BataL Tbs fast that aswi
oUiord Bobortb aossscs to tbs prsat4aatsoaaH Iren Us Moddsrrim U
dakw to todtoata Uai. Us sowiaaadsrU-shtof has foes Usra.
■tUl DisssUiflsd WlU Ksaasr of Bs*
Tbsrs to Uttts or as ptespsei of Us
fsUalef LadptalUbslaf sffastod bp osai Ooalaoattoaa of Fub Usp Daelars Wars Btookds*.
Us Batol Bald feross aatU Usadraass
«f Lord Boborto sotossls Us Boars to Tbs dsbanasa of Uto tostloa do aot
waskss UstrstrsafU oa Us Uas of Mbs kladlp to Ul satUstesat of Ua
Us Tatbla. This
tot awsB braafbt offalMt Ua BaoaU ft
mom wsUa, aad to Us Bsaaltoio Up UanaatUa Oo.. Wllbalto, Bartak
ItodpstolU toltosljr to bars Us dsrsssl ft Os., W. i. BsWaseo aad W. W. Mil­
Bfbitof pat. as Us Boars ara Ukslp to lar, who wart aUdfSd to bass rletotid
saks aa betosdlala allask.
UatoblawNlaMat to white lU U
Tbs toiast aswt fress Maddar rivar Uair pHiiitolBi Joba ft. Jaaktoe to
afcawa Uat Baasral MsDoaaUb ratlra- partlaalarip wiaUp. aad to aat slow to
■aal tnm Keedoasbarf was aftsstod aaprata bto auMpaali rafardiap tba
ti swaplsto trir Tbs tooat raasea pmsaaflnp taksa bp Us dspatp pams
•Ms Tlirr*" •( bto toessMsat to aadtohwardaa. Mr.daakaaadaslarat
Uat It was aadsrtokia toora to nsiora Uat wbaa tba
Us ooftidsasastUs Bltbtoad brir aaUslU
Ada, sUU Mraaas too- Uair torriis b» bUasatf. Ooerps Parktos of NarUtoitoliftis at Matarslaatsto. Uaa to port, DUk BasabU aad Mr. WUbaU.
Uo bawW hi>Ua aaplite, aad all of
. ratoilas aa tbaastotodUat tba BU oeaBaukd
Babas teas to warablaakdat, wblabars aot pratoatUa (roftt vlU Lord SttUsaar. aad Us sdbptbaototo law.
tealta ■illtafp attoUas bars slartod Mr. Pulitos oom dowa tnm KerUffbss OapsTowa to joU bl«i bat as- port wlU sararal witaotoas to prors
bodp eatolda Us liairtonil toralaa of Uat ha had aat Tlolatod Us Isw bp
Us war oAss kaowa wbara Us Ireet to. tsedlap whits dU to Ua laaal dtolsn;
^ dtotolbattoe of Ua raflBaats.
prsparsd to Ipbt Us sass, bat Us
mom. has bass artfallp ooawaatotl. to
on aisatloBsd had bssa 1st off bs^t Ua saw esaeaatralleas I era aa* osaaset aalatoatlmal rloUttoas
labinwin wars aot pirsa a sbi

■aaoU Toeac Maa Bald to ■ass AppnpttoisdOboak for Plop.
WOltotosbarr. Klab.. Pab. li-Obssm Bopls of Maalstasi bas_bsoe at
watbareaadbsra Boatoftbs wtotar.
Utahlij Mr. WhUatard of U|s ptoas
-aSMCadhla towork larbito. Bapls
..^dlndtaferdbs weald bass to fa to
BepUaip ftiat to talbto staUtof.
Ur. WbUafasd todotof bastosM srtU



Thirf Year—No. 8«S



om. F08LTV MdmmTBP
Waddad a ObaaMac Uo ftafalaa
ft lattor froto Yomm, ftrisoea. statos
that Us sspasl to aa lalarastlap retoaoss war Ua toarilaffs af Dr. 0. 0.
dsalpa aad Mtos Marraarlta Mott, baU
of Us ftBfsla*. Dr. JaMpa tormmif
praaUsadatBaltoasBap aadhis brlda
tosaldto has aMtarad aad baaatlfal
TMip wotosa. whaoa talaato la drv
■atto art bass attoaatod attoatlaa.
toawM teraarlp a papU of Madaaa
▼UXT ft«xa BOMB.
oad tMBpUM ■h^od Mlfhilkl

•Mfh Midi Uat Viphv
Tbs Mbars af Ua L a u. T. ladfa
af thtoattp. to Ua BMbsr ad abaat 40.
uUad aa Ua ftrakto ladpa late araolat.
ftvtepploaooat lUt wm aa^apad la
Ua tealchrtda, aad Ua aar^ wm
» drool Ua teaal ladffa
>Mte toMte aad lalriu
■laM wail aar lad^Ua ftiahia todpa.

• Taplor
daftaltelp dseUUd Uat br weald aot
slpaUs LoalarUls aprasmsat and
daetoradUls afteraeonasba toftUo
toptatotin ball. Bsbaa daeldodtoallew Ua oistMr to bs astttod to Us
ooarta. Ooreraor TWpler teaaada praoUs topj
U><hnlI«A;u4 oria. w»
itoaad to Us troops to raton to Uolr
bmssatoBos. The msottop waa leap
aad aidttop aad optolea from Uo Brel
boecBstrasdasasafraadat. Thatosl.
topsraaatoofsesral UatUwM aaod*
toss to bosa ap Uo flpbt aa it bad base
' la Us last two wosha
Thors Is BO doebt what Ua daolstea of
Uo soart aad tocfalatara wm ba. aa
boU ara alraadp oa raaord aa tavortop
Ua DamowaUs slda at Ua ooBtrevanp.

Bto Masttof Maid Tsstsrdap ts BaeoarapaBailwip Pratoataad Famars' Otab WUl Papplp TUa.
Buratarp Tbplor aad Boa. O'. O.
Orvall of Ua Travsrss Cltp A Lsotoata
Bsllwap Oo.. addrsssid aa oaUastosile
masUop at Mortbeort posterdap afterTbs paopls of Ihst ptoos ars la
sarasst aoserd wlU tbsrallwap pnjaet
aad will do otarpUlap la Uair ptfwar
to bslp it aleap. Thsp pladpad Us».
■alTM to ssart ovorp latasaos aassasarp to astora tbs rlpbl of wap far tbs
Itoo aad to adraaps far aallabls farmtool ladlitlsa.
Tbs Fbrtoan' Olab Is dssplp lBto^
•tod to Uo prej ist sad <ba
to Msoaiaps tba aatorarlM to a saV
■toatlal wap bp sapplptap a torfa
aoaatltpot ttea. Tbs preJssMta auttoasto Baat wlU prMt aaaaancaMet ter Ua propoaad llaa.
■01 FOB TB^.BOBBd.
tdoaala LUararp Botlatp 9aslda
ftfalaat a ■•Mfo at •pBptibp.
Tba LtotolB Utararp soatotp bald Ua
•Sfatar asMtlap lut araalap to Uair
ball Tbs rail aall was mpoadad to
bpfaaap atortoi Iroa Us Bsmbtia.
Oso^ Ddii pavs a Uopraphiadl
■sap ea Ateabaa Ltoaela. ftraadlap
oitiCad*'Tba Thto Maa from Daptoa,'
bp Blpar >KdU. was aash aajspad. WiU PeasbaU to SB ImproB
tan Uo dstatla of Us “Ssalor" stoipb
rids parto of Frldap- Tbs dabata
ras ptraa Impromptn oa Ua eabjeat.
'Bsaalvad, That Ua United Platos
shoaU BKtaad Uslr spmpatbp to Ua
Besn." Tbs aBrmsUvo was arpaad
bp Mlks Ualor aad WIU SnashaU aad
MmsOUbart aad|Obarin Blue dta
aoaasd Us aapaUva. IBs Jsdpsa dsaldad to favor of Ua aWtetl*^
WbUsUaJadpwwsraoat Ua qaaatlaos tram Us gatottso boa kapt Us
ibsn tottolH Leals BlrdsaU
aad Mika Dalar favorad Us asatotp
WlU aa anoUsat harwatoa dost
whisk was so •ask sajopad Uat Usp
I flvsa aa aaaara to wblak Usp
ttopcadsd Attor Us prapraa Us sostow traatostsd soasldarabla basis

▲iMot iM BsabsM to Tiaaaras OIW,X.O. T. M.
ir tostebsn ars stUl batof added
to Travoiw Otlp Tsat 9o. m. B. O. T.
M..aadalf«adpUa MO mark la vsrp
Boaslp fshad, aad thsra an aoaafh
■pltoiyaas sa bead to latos tha aassr ssateiwblpahava that patob
ThahaagatetohafflfMbF lha laa>
tofaUatoUa soatoM tar aaw mom
hsn wfll aasar Frldap al|ht. Tha
Wsaad wm ha ptoparad bp tha L. 0. T.


I Here’s the jray the prices J
, run at

1 Great


'4 94.00
# 93.00
4 98.90

Yalaea now
valaea now
valaea now
valaea now






HkM HUltoB lol sncvrulB *««) Thr calF ihiot tbAi <rarrlM me ta the
••ddiBCMr. Cl-tllbepeTfmr«Fk<wrtM*M,hAir.pmwtak»wr---UlmB.
. TB«F-U Iklak iM'rc hta

Where Are We At?
124 Front Street.


’ oq every dollar sale
except OD
HAY and

Wbat do we dol* Attend to bnainaop.
Wbat are our indnceiaento? Bant gooda ftt tha low.
aat prleaa.
How do pec^e know tbiaf By hawlag triad oa.

S. BEZSTOjA & oo.
If OtoShtota. Balters aad Farakhsta.
8as oar window taU of Sprtojr Mm

The Rush
Is Still On
At The Great ,

Fire and Water Sale

W. W. Millar's Cish Snri
9W Front StTMt.

Corns TomorroK lod Loot It Thsso Roodi.
Big line, Men's and Boji' New Ctps, values
________ enc. 7Sc, $1. 91.25 at 89o, 400. 69o, 09o


Ian Maclaren
The famoua EnxUab aatbor. writ­
ing In tha
Amerioan Review
on *Tha Energy of tha American
PooplA" aapa:
''Ko man writoa with his own
band, if he can dictate to a atenognpber; no man diotalea, if he can
ilegnphi no »nn telegrapba, if he
can telephone.'
Upon are a typical, energetic
op>to-data American, yon already
nee tba Long Distance TalepbooA
If not, a word to tba wiaa is eoffio-

‘michigu TEUPNORE CO.
Ton will and a Ana line of

Btaupad Linau. aU liaaa of 8ofa
morn, Dows PUlowft Ooiblon
_______ taoborg ntotariala of all
Usds. A foil ,liBa Balding Brae.
Embfoidary laaaoBi givan free.


School of Music
Pnft ft fliBLbagiteiaiar.



Tiitsa in adniM
Spriag Styles.^

mier'» Store


A. large stock of ralentines
np to $1.86 each.



are made by the “Devil's
Impa” — oor persotiftl
aqnftiaUiioe with tiie
arista enables ns to pat
the btest crestions on

I {i ls I ™'““ “>» t'oo


.......... 0ABPET8...........
Ingrain, worth 25c st..
........................ 100yd
Heavy Union Ingrains, several choice pat*
terns, worth 42c at................................ 000 yd
All wool Ingrain Carpet, worth 4^ at.... 00o yd
Fine All wool Extra Super Carpet, cheap
at 60c for.................. .............................. 400 yd

Rirgoloi lo OVERCOITS.
It'll ponootoboy now for oonwitMr.
At Us prtoto wt ars aoW Mlllot eholaa aad dsolrabU ffanasaU
aad Ue ototoatv of all eater rarseats bteag sibU btobar aaat faU Uaa
raralar prioM Uis winwr. 70a eao maks ao mlsteks V lamUae bow
to a food ovarooat or eloak for neat eaaaoa.

Corns in the morning if you oaa.

- Roliabla Dry fiooJs, Carpot and Clotliloe Honss
A neat,
for ladies’

PARKER BBOS.,>Exciuslvfl Ag[ent8



‘ :■

THE MORtiiyG TOOOKU StfflglY. FEBRUARY 11.1900


tvrvBso n 4'MO


wUk M AtHMM Xmm4»r.

»M*rtod towt aa 1

WUlteM WDHr.» reuff MBtW
» rwn fl<
rsICkBS^MarMvMftjtaM T«Mr* ‘4 I
laraportadtaton toUaa
«• »o* fc ___ ttoa Tbaiaiar aa ttofaraial
«k*«mro(»i«t wUak «ril«rOTkte, ■4 Fiaakito. aorU at tto BapUat
•twMU^Ua. Btolijvtoi
raaoti MttowaMaidt at tba tor. aad
aboat In mOlm Cnm tto sttr. Mr.
• laklBb
PraaUtob toaUp wara awap trow
toaa dartot tto dap. aad did aot rt•ttoMMitatrtaratlUaltbk Hatklaf aaotaal araa
utoMiad aatU tto arat Mcratot. Tbaa
tba ptoaa wbara tto watww atriMk'
p. JMlattatotapraraal
•aaa abaat U rada traa tto beaad.
abaakiMtakera areaatertoard.
Ttoftoamd aMt ptot ler ttoaaBaarr OUM. wto bcaafat tto raport
teitoaltr.aaratkatto aaw tto beU
fan«w» •«
Opaia Baaaa. wOl ta ptoaad at tto Oltr wtora tto MMwwMrato. aad ttot tka
sHtoMMi ttei tk«
dirt ttot waa ttoowa dawa tto baak
, «< «Ui WMirr lityiiil
4Maallaca( tto krtok tor» ato kr tto iMpaat barlad naaral bmU
•.mmw la im tte tfiMt 4
_MMBB aatoa wiU to kaUat a 4. P. & trait traM la tto jeoaf orrbard bw
ZoTMaMNilr to faaLwd. tto kaltoa Uatoa atraat Feb. it. Bratp
lav. Badld aolMto a aarp akaa
badr la raqwMod la tan oak
bto aara ttot to la aara
4 bit lead of ato ^ *** toaagbt
«0M »iik tomra ma. ta U. ObMtob wiU ai BtagbaM jm- tkat iM vUl b«ta ta dit at aapt to Ma
wtotwaaaar at Iklat it la.
Mm ^ tto laiPim «mt lormtr tvdarbrPklUpBalait' 'b.aaato
OMKgaOtIta. a aea of Mr. IMta,a)ao
MMt. TtotMtorli for tto r«v at- at tbraa 11 toot k«a, .btto aaaa
I.IUtoak It waadraaa braatotla MW tto fteM wbara tto

MMitad r*#,a»4.
r*#.a»4J». *Wla tto «•


dto tt.t7MM.«41; tto
traak Batoraiarkora aad Mra. Balia
Of aaporti ®*ar iiaprrta waa
Oarrla. katk at tkla dtp, wara Ueaaaad
rUBfBt larfar
tawwrrp paatardapIMa U aajf rraaadlat :r«v
41btrt Kitawa at Baaaak. aad Mta
^ aaaaaitoa of IMS, ato
brlaUaa doastan of Caatia) Uka.
ttaa arar toterm. ton ..
Bakart DUaa aad Mto Paarl Mdrla.
betk at Wcxterd, wan aarrlrd paawr>
dapattka Prlaada paraeaacabp Bar.
Itoacparta. Men ttaa U^awt

irflitm. n rarawtiaim
MrwaMtta IMII aa«»
tm, aad at tto iBaorto n far aaat art
vtfaUa la a arada aaadttloa wktak
Mlatatto aariaaa ptaiMaai at da
. aad fradtota at acrl
Maiara faca M par aaat at ato asporM
MBtaatTOpwaaat to INiaadtlpar
ato to laaa Ito waadartal frawth
«|Waapprtt^ i. aa aridaaaaof
tt,p<nrtw>n^lr ol:««
IM« aa Ulaalrattoa at tto aatarprlaa
Mdaoad baatoaM aattodt oftearl
a it saj to
atocalj at
*atottoato| at tor war wlU tto
»aMa.rattto raaalta at tto araltoi-

ito Ytaar

totoUtp at Bk

Praaaia akarak an pUaaiac for aaatk.
ar boi aad akadaw aaetal la tka aabeol
katITaaadap analap. 4 padropartp
wlU praaada ^ aaetel. at wklak priaaa
will to rfna.
LadlMWko prorida bouaadaUtad traa.
Work aa tka iaprarad doak at tlia
Martban Mleklraa Tl
la pracranlaf rapldlp. Tto pUn ban
aU ban drina aad tto ethar work la
daarhtar wu bora to Mr. aadMra.

Ptpa Of«M rani
DIrWoa No 4 at tba pipe ea«an aoaaBltwaapaBlpaaWrdapatwnaoa ratp
MiB Boaldia who waa to ton flraa a
rarSaw at tba work. “Tba Spirit Pdlad
UW." WM BBable to ba praant aa aa•eastelUlaaak 4 traa wUl oAnttaf
waa Whn. wklob iBoaalai! ta M.
4aetbM BiaMto will ba bald la tba
tatanaiwbtohatfaa wttl aSar>

■ Mtbaaaw

1 le thk dtp bp the
Hkblfw Talapbnaa Oa.
wUto aadbikkid
at Badea4 MapBaU aad Waltoa aa tto

O. B. 4 L rallnad.
w aaaacraatloaat ttoprepaMd Uto

aecd ba atarWdaa tba Itoa bawnaa
Ptaakfari aad OadtUae erar tto4aa

4t OelOBa.. Mra. Bdwia B. Badw
waeaarlaaalp baraad abaat tba taaa
aad haada bp tba lealtwa ota qaaatltp
BaaapatkattkeaaadibrawB apbptkc at karniBi all ato bad paarad i
kodp aaa to alaarip aaaa, aad that It tto faal ta bar parlor atora.
aat awap tto kaak aa tbattto parpeadlnUr dtotaaea traa tka bottan of tto
beU la wblah tto antaor Un to tto Balm.” wrfua Mr. W. B. Btaplatea.
Bamlaia. Pa. “I ban baaa eflloUd
tap U at laaat u or to taak Ba aapa with rbmBatkB tor aantal paara aad
that tto aaaw baa kaaa waltadMar to ban triad raBadka wltbeai aaabn^
tka top at tka baak bp tbabntettba .jt Pda BalBktto
Ip aad that tba batten at tba bole ban irot bold of." Ou npUeatioa
illent the palB. Par a^ bp B. B.
aad tto baak aban an all oorarad Wdr*iad*P.
rail aadP.
«lth IM troai tto maltad new. Thr
kola la aald to ba at laaal It taat aercn
tba tap.
It ItprenatraatkattUaiaaBaUor,
It Bap to a ralaaWa tklar tor Mr.
PraakllB. It la aat anrp dap that
■oab valaablM ara toaed Iplajr aroaad


Slater’s House Furnishing Store
xao S'XOZX't) Stx-oot.

A Record Smasher

J. W. Dog




foUowinK pricea. Beat tbem if yon oas.


Yon uOmW imUh ll-pwWp* <

I tt-w» ***'y*“^


toBB dkooaat oa lairlM aad o*ar(aitm

Ill fnat Straw

Pnetteal BbM Maa





) Ite touunqninr


Free Storage All Winter.
Dr. 4. W. Baatea of Patoaoa, rieapraaldaat of tto ataW pardoa
loa board.
Mr work aaa aot to bnt aad prioM
M nrp oaUa»d«tBTa
lhatewaat. WIUaaU far paar wkael
dkdpMtetdap. Hk doalk WM
aaddaa. m to waa la attaadaan at tto I »■'“*#»
ilaMBMtiarottbakoard of pardoaa. Hi



The be»l remedy for that tired fe^iog and those
bitter words in your mouth mornings^ is one of our
Felted Cotton Mattresses. (See one in our window.)
It is the best mattress made for the money. It is im>
possible for it to lump up. We sell them for $9.50.
Have all kinds of mattresses from $1.75 pp to $35.


Tto aterpot t^ridWr raealli^
■port Bada aosa paan afo, bp railab!a partiM of a BoWar ttot padad anr
ttoeouwp with a fnat aokaand
daacM iateOarp Laka Mataota wO)
tall. Wbp aboald aaa aat taU la thk

tba aortban dirlalee of tto Pan Mto
qaatu. with haadqaartan la tkla dtp. Baaalag at Tialaa aa O. M *' X.
kM baaa traaatamd to tka Oraad
Oowdaan ta to latarfarad With.
BapUa dirldoa. Mr. Darla, fOTMarlp
Tto raraUr traia daa at i:M p. a.
aa tba P. 4 P. [. dJrkloa, wlUa
Tto talal BrlUah a
00 tto O. B 4 L. did eat meh hm
kla. M^tkaafaraaarir 10,000. OtUla
.>Up Woodworth at BobbU Oi^. aatU aboat a,T^Qek laat alphk Can^brr atoat t.too to«a toaa klUad. baa baaa itraatad a wldawb paadaa at daetar Pack taak tba braaeb traia to
I.M0 TtraailtiT t— tto raaaiaar lakaa •I 00 par moath.
WdtOB at 11 o'clock Uat alrkt to mwi
ytoatra Ttoaa dfaraa ara totaaMttbr raralar •?obIdc train dan ban at
iBfaoMparad wiik tto toataa at tto
?;H, arrirulf abont t o’rioek tkU
Pattad Siaiaa teraaa to tto Phillpptoaa
Bart OaBaatt aad Jaha 4. Loraatar wraiap.
to oaaapattoa at tto talaada.
ran erar to Battona Bap aarlp jMMrTto waakoaU aloap tba Um an not
J toaiM ton toaa
dap Boralac aa baalaan
pnt npalrad bat rapid profraw k belar
lif la tto lataat aampltod ifaraa.
B. V. WarlBf ntaraad laal alrbt
dUd at fien Oraad Raptda. whaia to atiaadad
Itot awator Ml irara kUtod or dU
•ad Ml a raaad ap at tto afaata at tba MatraTba ]>8a'b Btofd.
JM at diaaaaa. It te ptottr aaruto pelltaa Ufa iBaaraaaa Oo. from all
Baltaaa Bap was ealiad epoa
dfeat Ua aad at aw dlSaWtr to tto
a tba daatk at two of lu eiUaau
fkfltoptoH la aaar. tot tka taak at tto raatlaa waa bald Prldap aad aa alabo
Mtlaar Ulbaad diad at I a.
^Itiak la apaaraatir
raw bacqaat aarrad Prldap
•a. at tto aea of it paan. at tbr
a K. Braaikn. Barrp Blaabaw aad botoa of bk paraaU. Mr- and Mn.
Ooraaaaa Tarwa kto doatdad te al­ W. B-LaOraBa dron la
ABdraw Olbaad. 8a bad baaa til bat
ia* tto tow ta taka Ita aaaraato tto MTlptkla Moralaf.
UiTM waaka, aploal Baaafitk bainc
I wiatrorMir.
fmm*kr i
Ulaad Tripp la la tto dtp freB kla tbanaMbf kk daatk. Ba
Mat ttoltV Mkeel at Barkar Oraak.
oalp aea, bet Inna aaap nlatlrm
Met tkaUwli alwapt adrlMbla. la
i. 0. BaajaBls raiaraad peetardap aadfrlaaMtoBemrabklota. Pnaanl
IhM Intaan Ooraraor Tapler wilt traa BIk Baplda.
aarrion wiU to toM at tba Merwarlae
■ntoWp to depoeedfroB oBm toW. 4. Wbtw,adlteraf tba Pita Laba ■nataUtol ebarab at Battaea Bap
«MM the Eaataakp Urtolatan toi tto Koalter. aaaoapaaM bp bk wito aad
raaadap, Fab. Utk. at 1 o'aloak p. a
pgmw to aaent kiB. Bat ern tkeiffb MatwrJaakClBkaU.wanlatto dtp
|M>artlaaB leftelatara aaaaBplIabn pMterdap.
At t o’alook pMWrdap awralBf Mn.
IMiMk k«aa bp Oeatol. lu aetiea
Min Viaa Vaaderllp at Bnt Bap Bnrak Palaar. wlta at Bll Palsar at
^HWietMa tto Beam wblah akawrd leartohlp. w^bM baaa aMiawlp ill. k SotloM top, died at
toptod diapite that Tapper vm tba dawlp iBprarlBf.
i»r a iiarariac tjlaaB at m varal pnn
dMto attka paapUai ttoilaW tar
Btarp Pletw at Baal Bap. who bad • Mka WM abaat II paan aU.
■treka at panlptw abaat a wnk iffo,
k iBprarlBff aenawbak Mkt 4alla
Bit Talapbeao ftaia
UiaarlBf ter
Tka Brit wlapboaa apaWa aada a
bta kM baaa takea varp Ul.*
eat rail of I MI aataeribania Jaaaarp
Oaanra fkpa wait le Laailap pnWr- aablar Uw total aaBbar soeaar*-'
Kr aa4Mre.4 B. Sai
Jaa II. num Tba aat traia
Hr. aad Mra 4. B BaallBaawl nlaPiaak B. Parka wni W Pataakap Mlabiraa wm ill Toul ooaa^Wd.
tvaiad Ibdr mb
pntardap, whan to wUl raalda par- 11,110
ii Itoir keaw la Labe 4qa iMt erae.
tof. 4Boar tto rataUrw »ke laft
Okarin Oala at 4l4aa wm la tba dip
Bwa aa tka afwraaea wala warai
to badam with Mr. Baltb aad Mr.
Mmrt. Md Mndiawa 4. P. Maall Ball paatardap.
MMtel. 'ilwa. fipar.
M. BaallBMital,
a M. iUBaaa bn rtianad frOB a
Hk. BaallBMWl, Ooarad Waklar, Brp- two waaki' rkit to rarlan tawai
BBMarrap. aad Mton Leak! BaaU•MWl. Boap Dper, 4U»raM Baell4a^ Orapaoa of Oaalral Laba, waa
U tba allp pBlerdap.
OkariB Baapea. ataaarrapkar at tka
BaiartalMd bp Hn. Oban
aaplas. ntaraad troB Baa York lari
. WbMpinc
rnoepina wauan,
Oducti, Moinma.
OfMBlUM Ba. 1 et tka, pipa ertM atfhk wkan to wm nllad bp tto
Breneltitii and InelpWnt
OenaumpUan. Ii
IBM Bft pMWrdap atwraaea wiU daath at bk
“ b 0. M. Ob---------- -----------------Clip OUrk liabard vaai le 4ane Ual
jMdaaBtetkaarnal«Mlka iadka analBf to apewl Baadap.
BetlfbtMk astn^aad. Mra
Bowdanea MaOltob^ latl tpet alpht
tar Bapid Olip.
TkaamlBaMlac at l^a i
Mn. 0. B. HtMaato wm aaUad to
MUtokaplaMatltobeda at Mra 0
iMt anaiap kp tba Mwa at
V OaBMT ant Batardap attaraoM
tba MrtaM UIbmb at kir fstkir.
Or. o. 4. BaUidap, who kMbiM aoa-!
Biato OaalkaB.
Baad ta hk booB bp Ulaaa far aoBa'
Uaa, k Bfaia dbU to attaad to kk
•kl fmr aad Jawidln 1 parMr. aad Mra.
d hka M tnBWdria BItwra. aad daafkwr, who ban baaa rlalttac the
k toa aatll to wn vbaUp aara4 toBllp at JoUaa Btalabarf. tomw
, BUetrW BllWn nrad bk taraad to St. Iraaaa
'r aaaik naUfla,
OharlM Boaaalhal at tba .Beatoa
I STarIBn tba Btara. Uft paatardap oa a trip to Bow
Bow k^^^tahm yoa^lo^
, rataiawa (inr.

g4 V. I. Mm. OpMKn fiMMUry


r*------- 'T with Mn 3. W. MUlikaa.



lU rreBOi i

It’s Cold, tis True
But summer will come agraln, and then you'll want to ride for
pleasure-The new Leelanaw road won't be ready—The Old
Hlsslon electric road will hardly b» flolshed-Perhaps you don't
own a horse and carriage—Then buy a new wheel—and to think
you can own a cbalnlsss -“The Clipper Chalnless” for just $60.00
“It’s a thing of beauty and a joy forsTorLook It over at your
first opportunity. It’s a pleasure to ehow our goods. We shaU
carry five other lines of wheela The 1900 Cleveland, the Bambier, the Hibbard, the ajax and the Ideal

Can’t Help It
Hust talk about our “Now Century’’Stock of Wall Paper. The
colorings are deeper, the patterns mors artistic, the blended
borders handsomer.' uur lOo, 12o and 16o grades are better
than before. The papers tor the Dining Boom and Bitting Boom
(The two rooms that ere used the meet In all homes) are richer
and the ooiora harmonize mors readily with the general sur­
roundings. Don’t wait until the day you want your paper-buy
it now-then you’ll have it -we did have lots of rsmnante, but—
“Tbs early purchaser bo” you know—got a few left. Come In and
look over the styles*—you don’t have to buy now—unless you
want to.

You Eat Fish
Then read this: Our “fish counter" bat some of the nicest smok­
ed and salted fish. We aim to please all taetoe. Baited macker­
el sells at 18 1-Bo a pound, Kaoklnaw trout at So. salted salmon
at lOo, smoked halibut at lOoi honeleee oodfleb comes In two
pound bricks, at lOo a pound; smoked salmon costs lOo a pound,
salted herring 6o. imoked herring 16o a box, Bex Ood lOo a pack­
age, HoUand Herring $100 a keg.

A Good Sewing Machine
Hakes life worth living. We sell two kinds, the “White” end the
■ aueen;” fully warrant both. We'U tell tbem to you any way to
pleaae you—The whole amount down at once, (That'e the beet
way—then you know where you’re at) or a little at a time. The
“aueen.” with 'etatlonary head, $21.00; the drop head $88.00;
the “Whlte.”,stationary head $88.00; the drop head $86.00. No
trouble to show them.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

■ ^-S’-

J *, w«i^^
OF MIOHI<^ J ** "* **
RSISUNMIA M m mmMjttmn; ^^**y****
Tb* »«tbQr

9KVBOK aonosi tosat.


£nm !K iodtrr.


ThaBcBtaanoftbrB. T. P. C. ad
iba Tiret BaiKlak ebaraa an plat,alag
!.,• ]«, Irl, W,du.l«
that wUl ha anjopad bp a large aamb r
' (Bbora i aap wdl taka a a.a>gb
rida to the boBe or Mr. aod Stra. r G
Dartoa. oa tba waai aida of tba toy,'
•adwiUoaj'v a- '^e.— aapnr tbrfo.

tbaJCMlna haaia d^part^a»^ wttb

Uitarntob\^.«i n frlaada pradpltatad a plaaaaat earprin apoa tba
Bopkiaa hrotbon, at tbalr boBa. I‘f
Beet Troat airaat Tba •eniag wn
bappl^ apnt to aoalal paatlBoa.

“AaatAaa-AUaaadrraabtla aalebralad bar ler MrtbdW raoMedap dha
Und to Mtobitaa atoaa lltf
Aaat Aaob ■aataJ faaaltlat oH aais
patoad. Tabara
p«l aa daablla)

at bar poatb.

tarot 1S1« aad
w\m >• pwNat

Mamr Deal, a UM^ fM Ueiag
taat ad BtaiMa. loot aU tba batr oa
aaaaUaaf bar baad Doa tlho tfaaa
pitortwUi to a aatW «blab: aba bad
ViMad. Bar taotbar aaiotbirad tbf
«raad Eavaa baa a baaaiad a^n
aaVlrtoatraat. to tbatallp, jrpaia age
aaad aa a foaadfj, aad kaowa aa
BlaaHtr»i toaadrp. h aappoaad to ba
tbababitattoaodaraalltea fkoav U
It leaatad la a dark, loaaapaa part ot
tba towB. aad tor t«ee paara pow Ua
tMUbopa of tba ahg bara ttoarad
altar e( tba aid baUdiag aftor aaaaal.
TbafboatofAaaawbo'baa^ bkm<
aalf tbara a«raral paan age, la thoagbt
to ba to oaldaoaa at eight. HU abado*
aaa ba aaaa tiutof Ibroagb tia roMSt
eC tba «U boUdlag aad paattw by UU
' at aigbt aetoaaJp tall of' atraaga
aaMBaa.aadodayatartoaa wUapariefa.
Two tomUUa wbe Head Btar! tba eld
eat. aad aoead tbarw
tfoai a ptar ago, aad tba boaaaa art
atlU aaeaeapiad. TbaaaMMot roaani
teta U Dot tba oalp tatalltp that bat
oatarrad la tba baUdlag. Oaa bdb
WMaaaUUaUp kiUad tbara, aaeUar
tokflblaara aat aS. aad paart baak
tba^aaa. wbowataatiagka alghtwatah. ar«,Joaad daad oaa aaa
ateralag. Altbeagh tbara : waa
U bat alwapi baaa tba gaaaral
d that bU d«atb waa dao to atai
nM Iba aid teaadry 4 popalarly aappoaad to bo baaatod. a^ ao aaa
•aoBO to baaa tbo ooaroga't^ toeaatu
fata tba atraaga o*eriaa told by tbo
BSbrpoBaw by —DotreU

^ tba aolh«». aad Dlckaaa. la
attodaAlc moBM. bad HOd:
‘ItUdrkb Kalck«l»eh«r- 1 bar*
I to daatb la my pocket, aad pot 1
Id thotr yon fata a)atilatad eanam
with a iop bepoad expnalaa."
Tho aifht od tbo pabUc dlaaor tamo.
aad Irvtap'e dread ot tba latrodactfap
apaaek kopthiamaraartectbroa^oat
the rapaA “1 Ftall cwtalalp hnak
At tbo mar tima be roaa to Me
faet. begaa tacaadp. bat oaatdaalp att« a few aeataaeM. aad eadod bp tab>
raface la tbo aaaoeaagaMt eC tba
•‘Charlea DtehoM. tba gam «d tba
Tba ap{4awa wm gaaaroaa aad IrTing took bU aaat
•Tbarer ba atl
dtoald break dowa. aad 1 bare doae
Uter. wbUa on hla wap to MadrlA
ba fooad biinaeU called epon at Iba
dinaar of tbo' Uterarp toad la Londoe
loreapcad to tba toaet “Waablagtaa
Ireiag aad Aowricaa lltoraiore.” AD
ba coald aap la ackaowledgoMat of aa
atbaaiaatic raeeptiaa -waa:
"1 bag to ralnta poo np esp elaeara
Oaa BagllcbmaD at the Ubla wat
beard to aiaka tba laraok coiutaral,
••Yea." Bid aaolber braide blm.
•<bat poa eaa tel) tba geatlemaa la tba
rarp tooa ef bia eolca.


Bae.r. AaiiUji. paatw.

tlaadap—Praaebiag at 10:N a. m. aad
atf p, B.
Olau toMttop at ft:M a BL
J. a. Kllpatrlek wUl praatat
tbd oUlpu of Al^ Oollaga to tba
MBlsg aad to tbaaeaalag wOl laetare
am (tortottoa Batoaaa aad fiplritlaat.
AU mamhan of 8 8. an raqaaatad to
a jpaaaot at Boratog aerelaa.
kaa^a^ool at^ aloat of aorc-

Rpwortb Uagaaatt:tt a. at.
■ftatof •ahNaP'-ratto aad Oa.

'bBakaadltbaaawtbar aoBtog. Ibaj "Wbp. air." retiUed tbe diBgbter-to.MnTtaet fiaaaa waigbad 16k ponada. Uw. "thwecoom a Uttle robin abont
wUIa tba Ugbtaat Mgpad tba bn« at tbe dour: we fcnowed it waa a ’call.'
UH yoBBda
aeoeaga to S7 yoaada. and wa ibongbt It tonat be granfei, aa
• roeord wbUb aboald have Bade Uto »• f«t an to bed and aant for pon.
London Telegraph
A Sight ef Tamr.
••Awfal aaUatp waa^fUt for the
tba twa*a OaaWu BarabaB
Xoo onght to taaa
.. wbaatba doafawaaaU Mnatbtoi for that coldT Yon know
bBfara, what
whataamat deal
deal nf
of tronbto map artoa
__ PnavBoaU
ItB Mm. A B. LtoeUn.; from a flight
who atUBdadl bar tbat
Uarfal aigbt, | ”Tbat'a all
ntibt." aanrered Jhgt:
•^gbabiMadtorDr KtoftoNawlMa-^rtocer Dan.I. -*I nerer bad a alight
aeawy, wblabbad Bora tbaa OBaa aa*-‘ oongfa
congfa la
«Ib m*
Ufa When I oongh. I
’WaibittgtoB P^

BBpi&"*tbroat, Obaat SdlSag Dtoaoeaa OotytoaaBd gt-W. TriZi bntStoa Ike at iaa Q. Jobaaoa aad 8. ■.

taken immadiatelp after rlA

1 fitwb to gatoeA otlMT".vtoa a dacnoae of gBh raaalU


■ aipiaiiMa tiMiL
Oreaap Grimeo. who waa warmtag
bla iBck agalnat the animp aide of a
« pen. bad apclled eat arlih mueh
.'oltp tbe rooteuta of a acrap of
aewwpaper be bad picked np.
•T^la aapa” be oliaerred. •tbal the
fOTeraor *teh-|»boDed bla O K. to tbe
draln^ troaa-ea.' M*ot doea tbat

The sale has been a erand succeta—
Scores have token advantage of It. but
etui many bargains remain.
The remnants we are closing out .

at ?:M a. B.
A jcrdial toelUttoe to tba pahUate
I ateane be waa lelltog’ ’em to
atlaed all Ibaaa oaretoaa
*Opr« KanawL*’* raplled TuffoU
Knott, weartlp.
Oeraar Waabtogtoa atraat aad Board-

At Cost

Moratog aarelea aad aarBoa at 10:M
Tar If It faila to oora pci
eolA We alao gnanatoa. a tsaaat
bottle to preee aaUafaetorp or mooep
. ' gbe« A BoxAU^SS^dSup^ to^ltod to tbaaa bnrg, Jaa O. Jobnaon. P C. Tkomp
Haadap tiobool at is aa.

•r. a. auabwr. Paaulr.
Obaroh on eonwr of Rlatb aad Wada
Hondap aereleaa are aa toUawa:
Pnaeblag at iO:ft0 a m.

all ot ae
Beat week Bapaat Bar. B.
RMb.of KBwlak.
to aaaiat aa la tba
Ailara laritcd to than Baatlnga
OoBM one, coma alt
CKaianag acnaca
Obriatlaa SetooM aarrlaa wUl ba
bald at «lt Sooth Uatoo atmt.
Saodap Bcratog at Kbhb aad Wadoaadap eraatog at 7iM. AU ara on
dlaUy larltod to tbaaa aarrleaa.
Bat. aork Kaaaedr. FaMor.
Soadap aerrtewPraaebtog at lO:to a. a. aad at 7:00

Har«k V*te*0 BalO.
Oaa at tbr oaplraBBt fratorea cd Ufa
la a flat b that pon aaooaacioiMlp ton
trleada or ladiSrrrat aeqsatotaacca
laloactlTanrinlea Sume on rtogi the
baU. Yoof falthfol mold nabaa froa
tba kilcbrn to the apeaktog tnba.
Bat aoworda capdraglba tba torbtd*
dlag toae id^bkh thU natnial rttiaeat
la tuda Yon tay to poonwIL *'I Biiat
BBdfaper Bipaia'a eolca."
■mw.ii vt
^ fs.
If poo ward at tba other aad of tba
bwortb Laagne at t:ts p. b.
tnba, poo woold hear a well brad aa«aWadaaadap—Oollaga prapar BnUag
at I p. B. a| tba pareoBaga.
••laMta BmlthmlorThDradap—Gaaaral mpar Baatlog
••WboUltr (Emma la oDcoai
-t 7:t0p. B.
Prldap-Claiirfor atadp ef ••Tba Life
BmUbara laf
>f Chrlat,*' wlU maat at tba
‘‘What'aponr naniaf' (Fortlariiaa) -t 7:M p. B.
tt U oBaiaHy etatod that tbo Para
‘•1 aakad If Ura Bmltbera waa to.''
Aeordlal larltotloa ta axtaadadto
Mar^aatto oyttoB hto doridod t> abaa••Yra. bnt who are poof (Yon raa
An tM oar forey oaretoo bot«oon Mac- toto tba ball to expuctplale.)
cavaca or caaiar.
hogoB aad Mllwaakaa, aad 'ooad ail
-Will poo tri] Mra. Smltbfq th« Bet. 3. a Bauw. Pwu>r.
Sarrleea held to Graage hall
iBha Miobigu freight by woy of Mn. »a Laocep MontrBaor called
Saadap acbool at «:I0 a a.
••Coma op "
iBdlogtoc. tbat port botog tagardod
Saratoa 10;M a m.
by tba oSelalt aa tbo logleal iroealrtog
Tkeaa- ‘-Tba Mtoaion of ObrlaUanlOminoDaaileBca. Too look ont ot Iba
potoiforallboalsaapeoBlag^oB tba
window, lira Hoalmaor ia going
Badraror at OHW p. b.
aonbwBt It baa hoaa daoidad
awap. Tba back of bv. bead looka
tleraon, at 7:00 p. m
baud aaotbor aar tarry boot tor
’Theme—"Tba J^maat to Ooma"
Ladlagloa roaM ooetaomBor. U wUl
Aad It waa onip lait Thoradap that
All ar mat oordlaltj torltad to at­
ant, aad wUI bo tbo biggoat pon ioeitod bn to talk with pan at tend tbe at-rrleaa
eroHaa LVTBEaaa.
OBT tarry la tba cporld. It w|U baadU ponr buBa ^boot getting np a claB to
Be*. UHlIIrr, Paeler.
40 oara. aigbt Bora tbaa tba aarrylag Btndp Dante to tbe original.
Emnu U to iba kitebrn. Ton dare
OKWak m.. kDBdapaehoc
OBpaaliy of tba Wg Para Marqnatta.
10:00 a m.. Prolog a<
not reproach her. In tba flrat place, pon
Tbat aaottoa of Iba blgk ray ap
cea will ba
todap. aad ara
ponraelf told bar alwapa to aak a call>r other Snndap.
Ibo towaablp of Onrlo wbtok droppad or'a name before opening tba door, la
aat ef eight toot tall ottU raaaiat eat the aecuad place, aba ia getting dlaaet.
A Pr'ghttol Blnadar
«dolgbt.nn the MarthaU Kowa. —Buoton JooraaL
■eaadtoga^teeo baaa Boda whlab loWill oftea eaaae a horrible Bbrn,
Seald.OatorBrnlea Bneklea'a Aral
aaio It at a depth of to foot below tbo
ca Saira will onre tbe pain aad promptoarCoao. Tbo highway aoBBlaaioaa
baa) it- Cnraa Perer ttoraa, Uieara.
bow tbeir ahipa will tom ont when
teaohad tor Udoloan Ita^ bat boa
completed. Tbep map break ail reevrda BoUa, Oorae. all akto BrnpUotia Beat
laoateod aea*. It oeldoatly aotog ooa- for aiwed. or tbep map be ao alow aa to Pile eora oa earth. On)* SS et*. a br-z
gnaranteed. Sold bp Jm G.
oldarad a UtOa too big oooat^ot by oU ba entimlp owlcoa—a mere waata of
JobnaoD and S. B. Walfa drag at
Yearaairn two tuod Iwrgea were bnilt
8bbU beyo aad girlo atay Ip o^alghto
Oatdef Tbaakt.
■tniel. A atraaga aaiBBl^ hat bon at San Frauciaco. euctlp alike, conTba Bpworth teagne of tbe PIrat
atmeted fruui nna deolgn Ona of tbem
prawllag oroaad book yardi aad tbo
Maihodtat ebnreb daalra to eapre'*
their appredaUn of the ktodoeaa et
trdbka are Ubo then of a grant, tdg
Mr. Morgaa, who ao genarontlp p-ohtoak boar.
tbrin «U: ratvd iv«rp y,
rldad tbem with a Urge and aomfortaA Doortald mu to tho paaaaoow of a ; elSc rout att'1 lir«t tbrni. Hba waa ao blaoorrepaaea free of eapanaa while
........... ........................................... n the
dog aad boroa tbat are ao Bach at-that >-a<-btowrr« tmilt oobxr Hnea,
laabadtoaaeb other that aaltber y [bat Wroed «nt lu.tre hargra for aV.tb.
.... - ...
n«nn.n- .# i Kobirfy cimW wH-bow t hwcroft dlffeTfd
obaab aroaad whoaa proBlaM he baa | ,n j^i the Awftlco went to Cowea
laMp obaaread tba dag. aad pa taally > Bnglaud. and rac«l ft* a pria« cop
•etiead tbat the aalnal did aotalay She won that tropbp. aad theu ao Eng
leagar tbaa waa aaoaaaarp lb grab ophltoaian UiaKbibrrand laipn>r«>d.ber
aa aar ot oora. wbn ba woalo raa nil. atiff^lug It with kaoB thrrmgbboBB. aarrylag It to Ua aoaUi Ba
After tbat abo l<»l rvarp raua
waa oeoe back, again, and oa aaeb oeObeylaa <ae Bwai«*e War«tm«.
antoe oareiad off ao nr of aom. OnrIn anma porta of Warwickebira tba
ieaatekaowwbattbadeg waa ap to. upping of
of a bird aronad tbe bonne U
Thapar foUewad blB ooa dap aad waa looked npt
oar4f*>d to dad tbat ba ntarad tba wamtog
bora aad gaeo tba eora to tba horae.
monad to but baate to n farmbonae not
X,wtt« MciOIttU,. ol Palukl. te. . ""f
nra that U.early 17 ynir old. -r.'
KaGUaUebaalakaaiafiBoadfrom ita
«d a.ked-wby ba bad ban ant


Ibc.nsit n BMB tottonfttongtRKK

Bor. Baretar tmoa, jaaca*.
Cbareb. G.>r Oak aad ritlb stra
tto thMtai «C tb* D«U
mj» tbmt ha
dkMap aohooi at K4S.
. to «»• P*rti
Ik «eraklp.
woraUp, ?«o
fBO a
I^Wte worabip ll;dDa.
baaa baaa cataadad to Dr. 8. >. Bahar.' Ot^am ■
0. 8 prapar fteaUag■Xi by MIb
MltallMIwi h»H «f MIk.
*7!SUoot «cap« fcwMlax at
a m,
tba great diaaar i
Tba pabila ara ' - '
1 tbaaa arreioea.

Muslin Underwear

WkHe^Sk? «f T«r timp, tt;
beat congh lemedp on earth, cures a cold
wooedarifukeatotine. SSandUcto.
Mtohlgaa Olnb Barqnat. Ooa fare
.ya StllPeb SO and Bornlng of SU*.
» fare rata
Mareb is.
Parmara* IcaUinIa Renad Uo Ona
fare raw. Sell Peh. t6 aad t?. Ratara March t.
It It )» to

To cloee oat the odds and ende aDd”^he {^»WBa nsed in oar dis­
play windowB (some of which are slightly soiled) we have
placed at the following pricea:
White bkina, 65, 7.5. 98c, $1.25 and $1.75 Tolnee, to close at
41, 57. 62, 83c and $1.13.
Sight Oowen, $1.00. $1.26. $1.75 valoee, to cioae at 57.83c
and $1.13.
Ladies' urnwers, 60,75c and $1.25 valoeE. to cloee at 29, 57
and 83c.
Cortot OoTon, 50, 60 and 75c valnea, to cloee at 25, 28 and
Corsot OoTMTS fPom 6 to 19o.

t« Tou SpaeUl Ordir

. New Wall Ptjier of the latest lesieis it
astooishiiglii low prices.

Bnlnniag tomorrow we will make
to pour epeclal order Snlto. Orarcoata.
Paata or Paoep Veata at abont onehalf the merebaat tallorb ^ee. We
gaarantee the beat of work and a
perfeet fit or tbe clocbea are onre
ba\ta to order SU. fiJS. SIB. SM
PaaM to order. S3 7S.SI 7S. M OretemGat>ordar. Sit.Sis. Sieso Pane?
Veau to order. $4. SS, SB OrarMO
elegant eprtog patiem to aalaet
8. Benda A Oo.

Great Overcoat and
Ulster Sale Opens Tomorrow
morning. Don't buy till yon have aeen onr goods, and
have ieamrd nnr prices.


The Boston Store

Have You?

Housekeeping |

For bnyiog a 10 cent
cigar when yotf can
get a

5c Pig Tail

An Annual Event

Havana Smoker

Thrifty hnnsewiree, wide-awake cafe and hotel proprieton,
etc., wiU profit by attending ibis aale.
We know that our offerir-g* are of good quality and tbat
onr pricee are unmistakably on the side of economy.
^ble Damask. Xapkina, Towels, Crashes, Muslin Under­
wear. etc., is abnndauce.

It's just as good.

First Class
Pianos and Organs
BaoHKBBBBB a»B»a««»i

at ridiculously low prices
at the

If yoo are (hiaUng of bnsring a piano or organ
witbin the next year yon will mto moo^ by look­




.VotE-lotofsh^womshogA Wt «aa eetd yoa
from 10 to 50 ]>er oeat oft yonr sho* hUlg tlw aaxt
80 dnyft-lnspeottham—RM onr prions toBdvr* win
oonvlnM JOB thnt no otbnr shon hoong oftra mieli
goods for thn aamn moft^.
AlUr Mnroh 15 wa
be »t MS Front Street.

ing at (bese bargBiiu. Call in and we will tnU it
over tegetber. Olad to show yon wbetberyoo.
bay or not Old gooda taken as part pio^. 'imaf

Mail orden gives prompt ntteotion.

W. W, Kimball Co.
1» Frent fltiMt.

H. a BTBOWO, Muacw.




W 9nrtorTHiW9H$
It S»0gT tnM9 I
I rif* ta OMtOT
rtTM7 «i ..
VMM 0*Jm.4. lMBiluie«B. K.
«. Twm4 nm ton «
kaUogmoonXfUotm moiomoMlHh
b'JUjMkat *M tMkUj
Mmtnto ot OWat.
fna tha ortmt. n*orte UtU* diatw


wm soim miTOEs

bUL If at an. aa tbe b
aBiektp raiea raape tbia^ aO t3»oomI f
af ablpptopand If cbknped ai all naat W
YEAR Of COMMERCIAL AND INOtlP- be cbaapad ibreogb all tbe Uaea at- §
* - - - ........
. 1

A>r ftooMBapa Oar VifBaea Oaa
•at BoMaa Pileoa bp Loavlap
Oat Oalto.


Tiaaarao OUp .Itob. I Mb. 1000BBtToa Moanaa Raooao-Wltb pear
BTBtoatea. 1 ooald Uko to aaU tba atMtkMof aU Braad TrarBoa topaura
*M1 aa raatdoat bapan of oar petapraal^ of tbalr paoda. wbiab Uv

_ II era wtob N areata a

RaBeni and eompen w«U wltb tbe ta- ^
Aaplp Irraatotable- Sba to a
~iCoadltlMi,. In tbe boatoeH, to-'aoBodlaaaa to tbaanaaUffbl thajt Bat
aad trade tetotioas of tbajOoodwto aad 8ol BuaaaU are eoaaThe remarkxbie raanlta to tbe trade
>r'‘^f“ftbet^ diaaa. Aba babUaeerer w^ fan aad
of tbe L'Bited-Statn dsrtaf urp oActato *«.I'«that tbe eurploe of ra- ber^aabaa a
celpte oT«r esiteodltnree for ibe a«te that takB PM bp tb* aoltor aad abakco
____________e atriklnp featnree of tbe pear atoce Jal.t w<
a baerty Uagb Mt ot yoe. wbothor
Illy of a bearp wbeel
baatoeB aad compaiiaotu wltb
led to a etiwt yoke or tbe
' trade of peerlone year*.
i- Sot oaly
wUlcraai. Bb*toaptrNtba ptap
policy of Ibe porerameui an• to a
Bte boatocM in tbe n- ticIpeiliMt Iniereul papn> gorera- vritbth**airUetb*r owe paraeaaUIr
aatU anrp oMM tbo atep* aad to tbs

. .rboel eod forka of a Mcyde , Fon trade of tbe -eonatry fttaorp tbe neoi bond*, .tllbaupb tlecember waa
a ebon urooib oo accoum of toierren- andtoaea i* a Pea ay Btos to dlEatwt
?**“*“?* predlrtlw
the fHeoda of tbe tap boUdeye. Ibe treasury operatloDe dMr*aa.a^lbognstabarBot It aU
___ of pnmade bythat
a baodto toir tbe ebeel to dteered bp eaoae
a torlff policy abow reerlpi* froia custome emonntiiip
to, that, tbrea^Mt tb* narfonaiaa*!.
; baaed
for Amert' to nearly p:AMMsi.flOO and toiernal roewbU* tb* fna to at It* wOdasi. tbw* to
a» abowa to tbe lltoaiiattoBe.
caa todnatrlea woaU aopneot
enoe n-celpte areraplap nearly $1,000,t© tbe rtpbt baod fork to atucbed a
domeBlc todnatrlea tn nou a day. Tbe baUace of receipts aotbtogporter bopdoRtob to bm aot- .
two ^UoAtt. paeoltoe Botor. aad t*a **
" ^ donwetlc todoBrlea to
aell to competition wltb foreipaera to over expeodltnree for tbe montb. aot- tog: M tb* oMtmrp. ab* mobB atoal'
the worM'e aarketo. but tbe adjiwi- wltbsuadtos the Iniereet paymento, $Bt a BStln Bodasty aad daltosA
aeoi of tbe tariff towa opoo proU«tlea amounted to more than $7.000.00a thatwiasaad b
K-ember of KMl. In- atoa sdmtiatkB. 8ho to a Iberoaffb
ItoM baa pradneed aoBe reanlta maalBred i
arttot to anrp aaan ot tbo word.
feetly adrantapeoue to Amerlcaii toaloap tbe line, tocteaaed rerelpte from
Tba .BiitageBaatioftbo aip Opaca
duetrtoa. tbe proof of which to com ^
by dimintob- Bob** to fertBaat* to aaeartaff tUa >
pletely abown to tbe Import buetoeoe ^p exp«dltuA*. Cu.iom. rocelpu for
Of tbe country durtnp tbe past pear.
| tow month were $1,000,000 to exceae of *daeti*Bfartb*)»tba
Oaa of tbe tataat aod noB orlgloal
of tbr autoiuoblto to a
wheel wbicb bas receotip brca


«fUa.«.a. ««w ttetU tk* ^ ill
joanUhm bwM UUM Im tta BBt BirUB te
wr tbo
HO eaperfN
BM4M«kkT aad Barlto of tbo Oraad Traearn pw
tateea Otber piawtopeNtw
tta« t to 10 eaato pm batbal blpbcr
4 to »W«C« ilz bMbalapar prtoBtoad tbo Uoa-a abara of tba trade,
tba raaaaae balap that tbap pat apoa
Mrs.U»vtocMi «
tboBarkat bottar pooda, aalap
Fonini LetraU ot tootm. to ftopot- aarola pradlap aad kaaptopall de!■« M wpadlllM to 4Wm to ota
fDtmad, Ui-abapad aad aBall polatoaa
tba mU#m o( tha m to
miV atbeau. Iletbaaaaaa tbap aaa prow
BawiUWMKwpMM I^Pfot 1W4 Bora daMrabla atoek tbaa wa, aa ao
•( 4ahnt.
AMd«lfyouc«M vtatrtod pab- bettarl^ the Oraad Trararaa raploa.
Benarkable aa were the reaulta
reeuhe , n,o«c
,i.o^ of December. 18UK
1«K and a like toProlaBtw Dtosawn, wbo BUI
Bcblered dnrlop tWe under tbe opera- i cr.**- wa* made to toierrial lerenue fin hto looiars, "A Woedartal Etrawtto aoart feOM* at Laaoata, Varp tew toaalltiaa aaa be teaad wbara
tloiu of tbe Olnpley toriff In that flrrt , ncHpu. wberra. tbe cx|wndituf«a tar*,” tba aaat anmbar M tbd Hlffb
Mo.. terrtaaUag aora. ItwataMoak area aa pood laaalto aaa ba obtatoad.
‘ Oltp are towaa
pear of lu extoteoee. conditions bare ,
.tout $l.000.(«> leas bi.i montb
trlaL a^
Baboo) Loeton aad Mosle Oouno. tbo
Improved durtnp the past year, show, yearapa-Arocrican CeoDOmtot.
Mieblffaa that alwapepat tie 10
cbargad. tha pro»aa4a (otar to <
Wtoooosto State JoursAl asym
Ibp that ae the aystem of protection________________
esbta per baabal Bom tbaa wa. Tbalr
Taira OMaatatT lapreMMaat faad.
exemplIOed to tbe Dtopl. y tariff ad-1
Tba taoUclaal dapartMaat af.tka
Ju.u ItRlf 10 the bueluem. m..«d. of the i
•loqeeneo tskn tba •nbtleat Bpstacta*
qnailip BOt aa pood aa ourw Bat they
Ualrmltj of Ohlnfo haa raaalrad lha
country the system Improve* wltb ape. how tt Bas DeeelaaeO t oder tbs sod ao Ulnmtoa* tbom that tbap tolrlp
irlup nI luouilie of IHtot the appro- |
Poller of Proleciloo.
•btos. and oos slarost tnmblB to find .
famoaa Uarlaj aoUaailoe df NO.OOO foa> kaap ap tba prada bp propar aortfap
pate oxpon buelnea* of ibe country [ The Infant Auicrliau .•.■Ionics twpan
tbs torrid 3 troths o<
alU tor iaauUaitoa U Walkar Baataai. aad bapare troB aU orar tbe pOallad
Btotaapo to tbaaa towaa kaowlap they,
•riliiHrijJ •h«I| • I
wa. $1.0U8.000.0ixi. Doriop the‘ first 11 almost in ihclr .-rtH-ptoK .i.i)
awful nstsra. Ba has s Uotsn oa "A
Tba aollaaUoa ta raJaad at liu.OM.
ara aaro of pood potatoae. aad pap tbo
momhe of the pa«t pear tbe
Woaderfnl Slraetore" whsnto bo
At BaSala blffb vatar aad floatlar
prlaa. Why aot haeo thtotrada our- noroa iraua ATrAtBaato uuarwaoap. bOAlncB of the eonatry wpe $1.
holds u* baton hto ssdlanes tbs ooblea la BaCato Oraak aaaaad daaufe aaItUre hatttop apparatus alonp<l<le
aatoBT raraora woaU pro«t a praat gaaoUae uoka are carried on the other
ofsbuBOBbody. Ills
UMtaa at »loo.«w to ablfplaf aad daa) br iU aawall ae U* bapar*. W# folk. Tbe wheel Is driven tbroupb a
Tbia marked tocreaae to export tiada mtoutop wheel and bend loom. Tbto
deahaalaar ibaatraaB:
ooetoiki. oooiHt Inna tba bBt trada to looaely mounted pinion, wblcb toeabea
PfoiuctA by reaeou of Unproved went far enouph before tbe family Jer
Tba aa* Baaalaa atoaa dradfar
facilltlee for Am
Tbto Isotun wlU oesar la th* OUr
to U
to aeod tbelr ware* to forelpn UtMla to the borne laud, at *!«».• Insunce Opera Boom Tnaodsp anatog. Darolaai. wblah toft tba Clyda Daa II t^oarp^aadpY
On ail Itoea of manufecturce of ma- parliament forbade baiuiaktop to the
teOdMaa. to oraHaaabd baa baaa It ear pooda ara ael peoparip praooo
aaa mp N tba etaadard. Tbap are
{hTdrifer of tbe w.^ cbloery made products Into wbl^b tbe' coloolea. Wltb freedom came derctopYoBBg Bn*. OMto Tob** Osbto Oa.
ftraa ap m laat. It to
eyilndera arc tarried borlaon- •toaUeet duanilty of baod labor eniera. ment. of course, and battlnp shared wbtob bad ban booked to appear at
I to tba 'AaaaM. Than aoear aa baapry M that, aa tbto aoantip to Wp aad tbap wDl pe wbero tbap
^td, (,f
Americao manufaciaren were able to wltb other toduetrlee tbe upa aad Btotoborgb Oraad oa tbo Mtk. kaa
«aa pat what tbiff waat.
the crank abaftuponwhichto keyed
a "»<■«*» ^helr bI** abroad. Thl* »- down, of our Intermittent v-tem.
bp Mansgar StWabarg.
•irttta rtola aia fmaUI^ ta tba toThatbaatoaottardtotaat whoa wa flywheelbetween them.
Tbe motor aaft to abown by tbe fact that tbe ex- j When tbe civil war came, the eupie ao that Uto attnetloo wlU not bo aan
toad ad Marttol«aa. A aaeb of aboat

wbeel to boUt to vartoue ataea. from Po«
)» manufactured wares due- arOcto for bead wear nmonp woiklnp
1 fiada oar potatoae and■ ksop
Mr. S^barff ecoaldarad tbto
1 .»aa atoara baa aiaaa Koadap toot baaa
iwer entubte to e bicycle,
months of toei year, apprepat- people was a felt bat made of woolaod
advtoabto, toaaanch as ba had
botaepower for a earrlapa W $841000.000 worth, waa ao tocreaae wblcb raoped to price at retail from $1
r the barvaattoff of *
ore boraepower for a heavy of nearly $00,000,000 worth to tbe for- to $2.50. Wool bau were usually ttronp oeaaaloa to ballon th* eoBpaap set ap
aaaa. Tba a
Pny tmek. In atUcblnp tbe motor
'•••*• ot American manufactured and durable, in tbe aenae of dot easily
npraaaBtottoau. though to farBor
toaopa baaa baaa aoat to bU diraattoM.
ipgg, rxtotlop vehicle It I* met*- prodtort over tbe coireepondlnp period polnp to plecea but they were quickly paantba attiaetloa wts waU nowa
Aa tofaatfp poet of U »aa *aa attaeb- trada. Itea to ao doahk bat that
aeatpbaNalgf aaUpatatOBablppad
i, g,ceaaary to remove tbe framework «»' »»«. Compared wltb 1W7. bowev- defa.-ed. a wetilnp almoet alwayi de- atad gan a good prodaettoa of this
adaad tiadoa. Ito
eat of eraadTraeoraa ruptoa to as «f tbe front wbeel* and bolt tbe eteer- «- tbe reeulu are more atriklnp aa Araytop tbe contour of a wool hat by «r*at play.
■too Baa aad weaadlac Habowlnp ib*
tbe advaatape*
advtntape* to tbe export ebrtnklDK.
ebrlnklnx. causinp the crown to pucker
dtWlBtatal la farman ae to bap«". tap *ocket to tbe body of the wapoa. ebowlnp
AiTorra Baato, lad.Oel. Bttoard iksdr------------ IdeaUeal. While When tbe motor wheel to applied to a »»de of tbe country under protection np toward a conical form *od fhe'brtm
Tbe pnosat caaopWgd to Soatb Afri­
■aay ot I tba aaap la
,, ,, ttmebed to front.
T'*'' o( the opera- to drotqi dlerepmably. Fur felu re- ca to ptaettoaUp tba flnt c
there to a atareh faatoip to Ti»*^
traaitormtop the same Into a trl- “®«»*
t**' I>cniocrailc low tariff act sisted tbe a<-ti..n of the elements, were
Bapaa- oaMaai. aad tba oUaat aa-i
th* Briitob Bilitorp aatborittoa ban
bar of ooaffMa. todaad. Bo waa to
toff. It to alto aaaeBarp that ffrowen
Wben It is ap- during I1 monibs of 18l« apprepated tbelr form and licauty a long time. But hadof nstttog tbs^etooonatoa mat
ooacroae to tba aarlp forttoa.
The eyelial eorpa sttoebad to tb*
ptoat pare seed ae aa to f*t *ha beat
heavier vebiclea. aucta aa
»lT5,ooo.«w worth ii> excess ■..ft fur bets of the llpbtest cbat*«er.
peasIbU rHalta. What to worlb dotap
wagons, coal carte, etc., two
*>t euch ware# abroad dur- such as are sold now for $1. then coot Dorbao lipbi ic
Apraa. Tharo *ara M7 i
la worth dtdaff waU. They aboald aa- idle wheel, are attached to tbe motor top the flret 11 monihsof l«»7.
tb.- wcert-r K or more, while better a route of M mllas to on* dap tor ibs
Moadaj aad I77 TaBdpp. Tba total deavor to beep abreast of tba time* aad wbeel and work In unison wltb It.
I The Improv.-,! condition of bu.lneaa. ppid.s raup.-d from $2.50 to $«i A purpose of obtototog lalermstlon of tbo
ooomtkow a dlBtoalUo< bat aaaur- BlABt nek vwrlailas aa will prodooe
One material advantage cUltncd for lucn-ascd wiipc. auioup the iKHiple of p<wd ii
Boar foroas. doing aoBS sklrmtobtog oa
oaa bedlaa art daaoapoal^ at tba oambrlfbt. merohanUbU to*to
)• ‘hat no revcrslnp moch- ‘l*v coutiiry and c
tba wap. Tba nidt to dry weutbar to
ucceaaary, tbe m.ilor always PurchasUig is.wcr of the ............ peuer- pave a much needed aaalAance to tbe
atarp.owtoptotbaatrlkaef tbaprarr poem, aammi. or,^*,
admirably adapted for eyeltog- » wio
dlfpan tot blpbar wapaf Tba BaUa
deelrod to back -Ih# isr tbe motor I® luit«>n* during Ibe y.-ar «-ompared equality wltb forelpn makers and pav- doBonttratod mnily ^ tbs fsat of
orepa ara aeore^ aad p^toa oalp a profliablA Tbto year the demand to
prlnelpaUp for Bnrato, Babroat aad
,, ,„„,ed compl.-iely around to *'“»
This Incrvaw lu Imporii of to* the way for a larger development an Bngltobmsn. Jut sftor tbs oottoosk
aaiaU plaid.
Amarioaa Wo*d*ra to order named, the aleering socket and the motorstart. fn-e and dutlahlc mcrchaudliM-amount- than had beeu dreamed of before. Bo of tba war. who rods from Pretoria to
A apaetol froa Cairo aapa that tba
There to'a
kare to plant po- ed It will be noilc-ed that as the moto more ihau ttw.tMUwo worth. Of entirely juatlilahle and ubvioualy nee- UdMltb on bis wboat, posstog asvarnaltopot SedaBoea troopa at Kbarlaloaa oa mad that to too poor tor wheel le entirely self conutoed and merchandise admlii.-d fri-,. of dmj. ee- essary wa. Ibl. duty that li withstood nl detoohmanta of csnlryoo tb* wap.
tboraaalt ba. a single ia>ini of atuchmeni to the iw-ctolly
.................... .
Aftor 94 Bourn.
aad to eaaatof proat aaatotp.
If Lh>
Ike car n«nr
o®®® o«
ot ‘be
tbe iwistiup
iwlstiup strain, due to mauuiscnun-. vu*- ,
Peb la. 1*00.
"to.ut $50.0UM)uo worth, ductlon that year pretty much everyI tor oaa o( tba Wcpaat baiBff SBAU aaa iBierwr aicma. ** •« the IrrecnUritT of tbe road at* thrown
CoKTt.HBirTAt ABrasBca Co. or ,
‘nfree*woe belnp thing that we. not .tootly defended
ootoalaaUoa aabaaitaavar i
Maaosaaoretol fartilltera that ar* dtoablemeDt of car or motor tbr t«e* made In Imiwrts of raw meteriaU tb* waa deeply cut. Tbe bat' men were
Nom Amkucs.
la tba waat bare baas
HBBOtolptBad to tba elder aeeUoM, with whlcb ■ change of motor wheels free artick** ready for foa.nmptiaa-not exi>ecilnp trouble, and before tbey
Datrrit. Mtob.
Cbayaaaa. Wpa A porttoe of tba BIf
to laada of tbto daaorlpttoa, rwalte from one car to another can be made
peoetnlly excluded under tbe op- knew It tbelr duty bad been Maebed
I reoeind today from pour dtototol
Bora baato of aortbera Wpoaalaf to to
wonld ba oMatood auat frwUfyinp to coDdnccs u> facility and rapidity of to- ent‘l®M ®f ‘be tow, and tbe IncrMM Inia Amerlea had loup .Ipcc ceawd ugeot. W. B. Hsr^, $H0 to fall aotUobaaotuad bp MorBoaa. a aujorttr of
to the Ituiton. of Ibis class of poods to be tbe borne of fur production, moat Bsant ot etoim Mtowt Pp*- moot bp
tbaaa to Utah toaltof that tbap aaaaot .. ■.
________ ■
I wa* only about $2.00o;ow worth.
of the furs for haitere* use comtop over, the dautb of Was. B. Brows, who was
atand tba aawaaaUoa of tba natUaa
toel* a. Waiee Pariaer*.
| One of tbe tolcreeitof feature, of tbe tbe sea from various countrle*. Silks hilled St But Jordan bp a tsUtag tna,
Profesaor Bebrero of Turin baa iw oaUon's export trade, furtilsfalnp as it and leathers cnieribg taio bat eon- S4 bom sftor aN^^app^te tor
tbaaa. ArraafaMBto bare baaa aada onrtoff of tb* fertUtoer to tba aprlag to
emictlob paid tribute at the bonier. ___________________ ___________jBtblal
wltb WpoBtoc aatbertttoi for tba aayou. I aesnetoto tbs nlua of •*
toaltoa of NO,000 aoraa of toad to tba tb* polaie aaad llaalf aad wbUa tbar* naed a* purifiers of water. All that manifested tb tbe cotton siatee of tbe and wage, bad gone up wltb protco- toniaae*, sad It to nre aridnt that
to BOt any abamleal fartUtoar aqeal to *«» l*ae to do to to put two or three ,guib in tbe policy of expansion, to tlon. Very eoon the Bnpllsh. Belgian year empaop to to tb*
tba lead, and
I wiU
MpBorabaato aadar tba Oarap aat.
but but
m<M Wa*ard Bsaarotor all parneaB. ®rto, aol
very:. big.
the UbIe* rclailup
found to
to exibe trade
to ex-and other bat •nr
tbe tor both pour
found to tbe
and otber
ban a goodsew
▲dOMltlaaot proBlaoat Morma to — ^-----------aaimetoUT aototOB, It to
cistern. Tbe reptile* devour g„ris of cotton end cotton pood.. In opportunity to eeU bau to Amertbans
dMr. BaHp.
r '
r Ikto aad atef tba bUok- ,
. —V——* V^itg nirvclou# Bppellte everythlap jg,. ir.i 11 montb. of ISUO cotton over tbe rwlnced lartff. and to a few
Yonn truly.
la« Wator rlrar. MoraNp laadar* aap
CiABxxex Baowa.
doth, to the value of I17.8W.000 worth month, tbe lmis,rt. of bats from tboa*
bNtar. The laadaaep ai^pa loi^ |g,g
anlmilculeA tocx|»rted, an tocna.e of about rountrlee Urgely Increased. Onr facthat apward of N.ON will
toffban^fisd manar* lo peaaawaean fusorta. bird dropping, from tbe roof. ,p4,ooo.000 to the forelpn ule. of the.* lorie. fell tbe competlllob, and when, ItoN Bala
«o tba aetoap tbto pear.
Ontionn tbto wnk. Tbs :
Orlaatal adrlooa atota that Prlaea
Star*, a
aoa of dreaffbt Iba aapartor valaa to come. amis, to them. When tbe eels , ,n, month, of 1807. The .pedal point the working hatter, went before tbe
■aaip of Praaaia, rlotHkdtoiral ot tba
readily aMa,ibs*b*Bloalptop«-itoaof have fuiflUed tbelr tnlaslon. tbey caa of loiemi to theae flpurea, bowavar. conpreaaloual committee* to plead for
Ta.Qmp* a IMM tot Obe
> to ObtooM watara. tbafariUlsar balap iBmadtotalp avail- ^
‘*® , re.ta In the fact that there wa. a da- protection to tbelr craft tbey showed
Warner’* White Wine of Tar Syrup,
waa raeaetlp baU sp abd robbed bp
;be best cough remedy oa nrtb. » und
baadita to dtoB. wbara ba bad poBO to ^
alalia Arw
' -------------- — ■
—------ —-- - — - j lUBUJ r.uiv,a-»u wuuli iva. ,a«i
luaa.-.a tMu Ucen Sble tO COmUkaOd the
may,iu ,g, LuitcU Kingdom
The cotton market. 11 waa chiefly a matter of
▼toll tba ktop. Tba robban aoeaiod termaraknow to n r^porp
m (be orient more than wapea.
The McKinley tariff then
aboat $1,000 to caah aad toe blapelaa. ordlaary maBnra h*a naaa wr^ np m got commend Itself to the avenipa i
toueo to European trade, framed restored the equilibrium and
Atbalpaa. aa laalnlta ooBiaa baa dlfffftoff B4 traabaawbaaappltodtotoa BrIUah atomacb. tboupb theae reptllaa,
tbar* to axpaaaato «at worse ibliip* to tbelr ordinary tibe Increased aalea of txiiion pood* to enabled tbe American batter to davelpiraablrtbto twlat Jotaad topatbor aprtoff. Ofeoarsa
but It is sot bauDU than they at* likely to find to . cbloa aruounilng lo about $8,000,000 , op the production to a praater extent
Uko tba tootoaa Btoaiaoa twlaa. Tba
If tba a ctotern. even wllbto tbe area of ^ Uorth. 1b reaped to raw cotton aatoa ,than
ratoato ware pUead oa aablblUoe tot- haalto* aad *n**adtaff la takae lata WbutJon of a Undon company.
abroad tlmllar results ar* shown. Is
It Is IntereMtog to note ibat at tb*
ekodtotalp after tbalr Wrtb aad It to
ler purli
18U7 tbe United Klopdom bought $79,-; present time wool bau are but little
Sirtbatoet tbatlttoao “
pnrtflar. * u**ful .ph.
might b«»vui lu iw
iBloadod to oaad tbaa to tba Parto -------------- ,
— action iuiau> wv iwuuu
000.000 worth of raw cotton, wbll* la , used by men. tboupb very cheap. Tbey
aaaaaBlaltp aaad to other MOtlM
aa to etotartiA-Brtllsb the correapundlDp monitas ot last year ,are utilised for womeb and children,
aboato ladnoe sobs of onr aatwTrtotoff kfedlcni JoarnaL
'C^a S*IP T*«iili * iw Ilf ilimrs
that coontry took only $08,000,000 , being torgely covered
Baporta to BartfotdTbaotoplaal aa«' farBaanteat UMtoaparlBOOt wltbtt '
- - - - - - - worth of raw cotton. During tbe m
; Men of all ctoHa* wear for felu at- r^^clly.mOfraU IVM* hvsiir
laarp troB 4t aoUapoa aad aalraaalttoa
barn, m tboae who bb It report bottar {
Hierobaa i* win*.
periods of time Japan's pure)
A very aipbUy aad
la M autao abe* aaeaUaat laUplaaa iptoM, bower petotoB aad onrnr erofo.
Tb* ebaapas that occur to bettM raw cotton from tbe
le United flutes
to-1 aarvlreable soft or stiff fnr bat can b*
« to all bat tl
Tonra trnly.
WlNi to tb* conra* of time ara. w* ar* ereaaid $5.00U.Ouo worth, appregattog j bought for Ibe price of a wool bat of *■—a rnralsUsgSior*. Tnvara* OHy.J
yutp pw oaat of tba atadaala to tba
laforaod by an Anstrlao Bvaot tort*- last year more tbaa |7.noo.uoo worth, only fair quality In 1801. or. to put tt
Balraaaltp of Mtoblpaa ara aald to be
Ip do* to tba praaaoc* of living orpao- To other orienial potato g>* quantlttoa to another way. tbe bat to be obtatoad
W poa S4LX. Parn* A C
(BarlH P Bead. ap*d U. ataiiod to Mba Ha opraad several wall eorkad of raw cotton exports Incroaaad set* at any plven price It from 60 to 75 per
of hk aatoa la botitoa raeoatlp that bad base lpto(
cent batur to style aad quality tbaa
Tlaroa apUaiioa baa bM laatllatod walk from iba
RoUtbaBokarklB dtotrlato apalaat tba Si,
OoaitolaaDaabp N uoiaw rmawv*.
'*0*7^ tkm b* ronad tb* wlaa to contain maay
Durtop tba recess of conpreaa 9*ela) publican torlff syatam appflad tba DoeaboUltaa ot BadlbtoB to tba atata roUbU* itolaat.
^ 2, »ierob*a and bacuria. aom* dead, but totar«*l waa manifested by member* of laratlea of lodepandenc* to tb* todn^
gtoa of lapaa. aad atoe afatootaproEM rooa irtm.W* wH-i
BOW of. them alivs
aad at.U
able ta
to art
Ml nn
of tb* trta* of America. Tb* beat and NM|kpoaal that Btotolon aad taaaban I
TTTAVTXD - Oirl t*r I
•ays that dtf- bou** aad tb* coumefee commlttM of •at bau to tbe world an tboa*
- - w bo bad , flmat
a_t klada of
af ailcrobB
bava dlStmt th* oanata In aacurlnp data baarlap oB aad aeld to tbli eonatry.
ataeu oe tba wti
rto*. aai
Bovtr mi OMmmo Mr OMirb AM droppaddoad.
tb* Alpplop queatlon. Oenstdarabto
of »■■
th* IMlunitm

. —
a tb* ■■VIM*
aatsr* Wt
-A s
aew matter waa prepared tor aanatera
BWbollYBla tb* eld Tarf ,g„
itwbotb- aad roembm* by bureaus of tb* tna»arp
aarato daatroj tba
at ruat. oaaaad fraat tb, gs^t la |oed or bad. AH ot ary department on ttoa* both for aad
Vkmt tb* etbar digr- Ibo vbtob to vorp rnttotactorp aad ptoa* apali................................................
Inn tb* policy of aid to tb* Aaw'- totaan by tb* Dtogtop Uw, tbeogb It
oa* of bN ut. Wa
“ may aa wall bar* oor Aar* teaB B*Rb*et maria*. Wbatavar map
as If that wan tb*
ar BtorobB tad baetorta la a«r wto* b* tba optolons of aoDatera aad
caa*, from tb* large anmbar of a*w
aoaaywbar* atoa
ban wbo ar* on eommlttaao that b*v* BUto reportad ta h*ro b*aa baOt la
Wb. Eatoaap, a flottbber #Bbb*d
apodal ebarp* of tb* Nipping blUa to that aactloa. New York baa aeaKhtog
r*p* aad wnat to tba ototora, latttoff
ragard to modification of tb* paaAag ta aap oa tb* sub)*et toe. Mr. r. P.
hlBaaU dowa aad rnooalaff-r» jrtflow
A atw *rU of atoobeU
Wmd*U of Port ruto. N. T.. to * leof tb* tieanry daparti
caat totarvlaw *pok* of tb* aew bUI*
lb* alsvady toafl Itot bp
bUto will ba reportad to. both
aad faeterto* wblcb ban com* tote oxWwktoff Vlffktaad Day
wttb few modifleattoDA toavtog tb* ad- totoaei to tb* Mohawk ealtep aad toogNoB Uba
JoatBaat af detatto for Ibe c
tUtod to tb* proapartty which bad raVhkb. wbO* ho did aet ooaWdw Mob OmmlttM of tbe two beaasa Tbto cohad ibanfrom to tba paopto of that
4d« to baaed ae tb* tact tbat tb* bOto
to bto A
an a* tadbaka) to tbalr pnrlskma that
It tbe cetln Mobavk
aatoCB aeimtp ot A

SNirtsioiirUd^ s*w’f^^^bo'Lj

pTONr-priam -r





■ to tb* atoim.


”MrbpOnBfMa,pifMna pBbat.
BbWirbtoOrniiAi* the book

am. aa

TSB atvBimra aaodED. 8WirDi.T. EBsaaBBT ii. 18oo.-fabt two-


^USiaMi«lfc«itM«ibMk«8»,p>rM ^ hi* PMM.IOM U>4 •taa.dra>l

I CRy.te iMd It*
tato tb* ru4w tMl was Roma
•Bd the (t*ry ibal was Orooiw. Atoak*
^ a Be* Kl Dorado. Mlaera are.foiIhslr old claims and mahtaa un
and mST^^iert U^i Ji

eo«W7 «• toM to ».ry MmplA b«lB« by lb. w*JI

:«M*« for tbr new ^4dlMda. wber*. it I* tPM« from the prvreunioo- nanin] Cap* Kiioo-n prvr«-w or Rluk-liui and rorklhs.
1*^ U* i«»>«r aMtiw os aooucb «oM ; Norn* about » mliw aloc« Um araeokat | Tbr watrr r«qUrc4 tor ihu U uk^o
j <“« ■»trwy Paccto buy blmssU a new to I be aorthwrai and about »mJlf* ia. ) from the ocean, for »vef> thin« *eem« to
•«»*»«* a" '»■'> «• Hi« north Woal of tbr cold favor the prosprvtur alony thU wobdei.
«W wjniar alony tb. beach comm riebi out of the aaitd* atony tb* - ful roast of yoid.
*» tlw »adeya near Norn. City. U coasL The natural features of tbU new I jiack of tbs brach Is tbr tundra____
*»lo tb. .This U a Htioral .half wWeb.
round tW. wnall dlmict will three rryton. of beach, tundra and ; coa-i. i. only aome «• feet above tb. am
^ !2 "»ou»Ulna Thf hescb Itaalf streichm level, thouyh ft elope, upward at tbe
^ **• ***** ** ***? "oma. To I M.Waparaeaa
fa but a aoapla of away comparaiiveiy atnooib aod level, bear of tbr mountaio* until II baa el
I ■
mounlBlna, hatiny been
washed'out ofiraverarf by ibe man) email rivers und
.MV dlsinleyrat.ny roeha and flndiny sireami that dmtn doa-n fiom
lodymeni In the eandi below ae tbs wa- , helybts behind and carry out the
ter. earrted tbe yellow yrwlas seaward. I yralna,
Durlny ibr eutniaer me

I t^r.

'in (be ALUntlc side i,f this republic siirtxls lio- lai lamed liuMhold. s'
Jberty g.-erlinc the c>v of the liicomllfb Inouigraot and suggesting (c
igbta or freedom and good will CallfornlH. on b»half of tin west, nut
sires to plnni un tue iithi-r extreme a towering statue of tbe great.'Anie

Is much yold In II. It Is .
brilevni that raptUI will be required
eaplult It prohlably.
A few miners have already gone liack

California Is alruui to erect a huge niemonal of Abraham UncuM
•Iialing about IISO.OOO. The society for the purpose of furthering tbe moremeal
bad It# Inception In Ran PranclHco, and when a ronv.-nlum was called M coup*
tie* were represented and S.OOg delegates of the Lincoln Monumeni league waf*
In atlendimce. The work has now prayeessed so fa: us to iil1«w the leagu* I#
accept a design for the monumeni. which Is to be ^srad on Vu Nesa avantMk
In ften Franclaco. This design, which 1* by John lielert of New York, rspips
sents the martj-rad president seated In the .uvutlve chair. Tbe flgur* wA
b* broUb and t I pedaatAl of granite, t
a of Marble.


P Ibeae mountaina

•MU tb* truU ubmi Cap* 4oma laja mombs test y«*r yold dust to ibt vahis Tbr yold ihafAf found close to (be- sea
UMft Jesriny sbeptlrlam. ‘n>sl rsylon of U.MMuui uaa uken out «>f the ssiuis Is very flne—In fact, not cuaraer than
has proved llaeir of tele ao inch lb void by a mere handful of miners, so li Is J bird sboi. well yround up by friction
thai even randeil claims aallo Ita real ejpocted ibai many tlmea thal amount i and wave ariion Am the yold is heavier
•osltb aestp ezimvayanl.
of yold dust will come aooih at tbs end i than th- sand in which It ii imU-dded.
Tel wonderful tales are bAny told of Ilf the neil seaeon.
: u has woikcd down, and nitwl of it la
4M>o Moma. Handfuls of wyci* liavs . This district la on Ihe northwest coast ' now -found oiidcr two or three fiwi of
boaa ecraped up out of the MUd*. and j of Alasks. alDUl IM miles nurtlirait of i aanil and grovel on a boltom layer uf
lb* new* has spread about, and the IK Ms fortbai huntar of the Ktondihe baa 'Bea'”'*^^"'*s *almost
***“S,:00 II
ran 'I• rock.- **-*
The lystem uf ezirarilnii '***^

lundred dollars, the yulcbo
provlny the richesi spots to the miner.
Two clslms on Anvil creek have each
produced dust worth almost IftO.OOe.
and this aflei only the erutlssl and most
auperhclal mlnlny,
tl was o party of Kwedes wh.> first
dtscovrml y..|A In Ihe Caiw Nome
district. Thai was In fteplemlier of
tu.'. and II .was <.nly In July Issl year
that (he |ir<a'ic,us Kialns were found In
■ he sand stony th' I'onM Itself Todsv
Ihu impulatlop o* Nome t'liy Is chiefly
Americs’i In one.year finm now tl la
eiie^dc.l that Ibis new Alaskan l-wn
will •-clIpM- Is.ih Nk.iyuay uii«T Dawson

When liennal I.ord Kitchener
called away fioin the Hudan und
down lo H<.ulh Africa and ylycn a I
In Ihe operations against the Hirers. It
was Ihnuyhi by many thal the Kngiish
forces in Kyypi would be left wlllioul
an -cfflclsiit commander, and ihai this
might mean more trouble with

Icre It a Illy that is a Ihi(mi<Ici.i cii■ily. Tills fi-uklsh Illy, us nil. I..
n by the tllUBlrallon rvldcnlly ri:,nto pro.

aamr sialk........
flow er 11 * ed f
branching out just beside tbe leaf. Thte
rather curious plant Is known ws an
arum Illy, and l* one of the niosl b.-autlfut flowers of Its kind.


Of aU the aewfnbyii I appllaneea now being tested In arlual warfare tbe
U one of the newest and moat importaot. It was la
that telephotography was Arst actually uied. Aa the
W^d implica. telspbotocraptay is photoyraphy from a ddistance. This la done
mr a speciBlIy designed lens'whkch Is tb* Invenllon of
Knylisb optician
featetd Dalimeyer. aad this lens is ossd In comUnsitoe
comUnaltee with tbe varit
•W forms of IrnM employed
camera, but careful focusing and Ibe utmost rigidity
M Mceaaary for auecrasfui pjciures. Hemarkabis aludlee of birds and animal
“If*®- **^
ot pholngfwphy la also uacful for obt^ny dsuil* of archltei iural subjev ta and the siudy of undsewpe Kor nlladvantaga*
ataga* are
great, as It 1* possible lo Uke accurals pie*
taraa cisoriy abowi'ing ana mamy'B
m.ray . poaiiloB.
_ and tbr ^
characur of hU
ThU.ean b* done *i a dlaiaaea of from two to Uirt« s

hhows a teiepbotograite of a fort takra from a balloon.

TMm persons Ml In touch
MMtctel and surgteal rsw^b
krtdr knew just wbat an Important
fnt tb* inoffenalr* nbbiL.Playo i

dervishes. Tbe man who has atepped
Up aad filled the vacancy left by tbi
withdrawal of Kllehan.r in tha moa
brilliant manner te Colonal Sir F. WingwtA who it In charge of tb* Egyptian
army while the sirdar li In South Afrioa. OolenH Wingate Is by no mean*
a atrangvr to Sudan*** warfar*. as thoa*
hi* Mlllant sueesa* at
tha battle of Aba Aada wUl know


tato Ik* atngM* awtlMt th* Knglteb **Mn to
ma^a ^ m*^ an
tb* Bttt* iwpahUe Mgu th* eampalgB.
TM ■flflompanjiag tURHmtteo thim g
at light am Boar hahavter at th*

r Story of the reconijueai of the Ruilun by Kitciiensr and TTIllBlI
Is tuai Cuming to I'ght. One uf the most diwmallc and louchmg acmss at tbRi
Urribl. ---------—- ■Just
- •Ireeii msile
. _ has
imbllr by un offlcer
who v_ ...w...
the haute of Abu Aade und--i Wmguti ' This tiattlc li>ok place teat NP*
During the aliark of Wingate's advsneo guard at this flerc*
I tall dervishes '
1 been lifelong compaiilims and fallow
with tbrir SI
lolluweis of the .Mob-ll two bSTOOfl
hopeless. It te iwedtesa to add that Ib^r wish wa* fulfiijed. for they fsU t*>
before a heavy British volley which riddled their iKidle* a


jctRr atL tt li «tH» d»pte. ady B(»

Ua worn.
_ ---------------------- Aarns. I mb foi** »i«a yta.

Ss^«r/^)rttir^riir**MSf*«iM. i

• •**'* iaTitin»iy.

IkiaMlfUckla hJ


a|a Mm th> tatfc'• •>« eeMaL BM «Baa






Welcoming Workingmen
Next week there will be a special warm welci mt. for the workiogmen at this

an «i«. o- ' spou wblrii a proi«itit« uiilT U lerl«L


••I WM married oa Friday, tbe thirteenth.''abe said. ‘*WelL"r
“WelL" tepU‘d h**r de*w»t frieod,
•■that effectaaUt dispoaea of tbe idea that it is niiluchy. It waa really
'* reJurkbHv luck tor yoa;
waan’l it d- arl”*

j *roat
>*" •**“
“**• ladera
T» taww I CBO -S
frw proUctlort. •«! .f«»
*“““ ““ beoi-ttciarte. of U»a
ABMrtOBB kyMMB to IbOM . bo mBB-

fliat tbloc I did o4 aHtte t»ek


■m «w w««» sarM* f* aMM
»r *W
Obp ot tltp teal ^acatlbo* [amartaf
tb* fm- indr UapiU^ui ta tb* om aak- ’
•*■ ji u*
ine *bo te
U te-oeUrA
beoeUri l.y
by tiw
tb* i>n,icrtir.
;d«srd AtMt^o af t


* *“ *H Indnatria aiul of tU- 1
»*««." «*"■
t«|*lial U rpMted or



IpUpPuplPUlk pUan. gptlun ulpl7P0*l.tbam» « •
BwaraClaaMrii^a proaiaa to BaoMp. tf faa cat cwomtc Um pcad^.

A, moat practical welcome in

iS tL“JciS^Jrf b^ilTS
lua pocb« MM beoeaa bp

shape of spec*

ww « *U. «a. IdaTbla they cUo, a In-plte of Ml tb.
dpbtoayoid lodfim^oir BC Jaaa Myray_____
proof to iba contrary which a at haod.

Snita at........................ .84.66, $6.00,16,00,17.50

- ft
hMl^M —Be coaa *-~it bia »*»*■• and gotof to
***"• to It- »« wonder, even
ApalfiwtfeawMhwatMiaad^ .
I® «a« wh«w the alidliw acala of
daa reqwlriac ay aaaet*<»-w Inw^ • long
wacaa la ta ue. aa It la a tbe Iron and

.Pants at.............. ....................... 60,76. flOo. $1.00
O Gtons at..........................................19,26,36,60a
Shirta at......................................... 25,46,60.75e

nm, wl

_ _
____ jeof punentmedaiaf tbooght. td
hHTtog the oeawtoM has of (be tiel.
adetohtatkM. toe (fcrob of BetaaU^.
bty. of
netral' «hicb Md ertm toe edbqto bad peMtrM
•d to toe.aqitst white bangalow tm toe
Of the Irawadi. Where tbe moobad not bora rar^ by even eo
aa a mooteait's flg^ttog. and oneI
— ---------------- Uby
_ le'e pbyauM toattoota
Onea to town. 1 fonnd^^^ plrngd
ba“Wb« ••looked np,"ibf9---------------Atanar, lo be Collowed by a tooaler or
•naiebaU. Same of
taw I bad
ogooe (be town" with -iin yean befon
M •“ “"-“I •‘*>to ».» U» «>v
■Mtotannr of tbeir wi«ea Otben who
b-----------------------------kM married bad bM
dleoeoed. 1
----;---------------------Indtoteget toattheyM avar ban
------- gn^M. The ftnet cf towa
One way and aaptber I waa so buy
“ It it was not (ill tbe and <d a mcnUi
I that I bad not <
Us bad always brem “one of
■■•• in toy old days at Osfewd and
ebawbera. prapered for anything and
1. and 1 cooU'
not make oat
lU n
n him.
••Ob. Watbarty,'
when 1 aikfd him what
Iwd hanMcd to onr tUd I
•sear aea Wetbcrly now. H»
to be to Ima For mymlf, 1 believe be
was last going to marry a girl, aodabe
Nad. with toa roanlt
romlt Umt be baa been
tooodtog ovw ber dmtbicver stooa
Anyway, no one ever aertna lo
Urn anywhere, thongb be‘a atm got


■ “,=;'rSL-’S.r-^ f^rr,XT.r^pJ=.,uu«

toar Mile mdtoa. fwOe

d dartng mj Are yam a a r
■ to Botan—the Ufa. tht,> a,

~ Cape at... ..............................v.26, 60, 75p, $L00
n Snapendomat:.......................... .......... U, 26, 86o

• of the alidlac scale of

Oreialla, “niuoa made'’........................ . ..atiSo
waai-a locrcaac to proportloo i
Aaairtoa. frtafc the ewole to the Oai.
m; , ■'..■ Im.;.
cAn lTD,pU»cU«tU.rfU»p«»U
taoM Biitot weU hare been tbone of
aatou: otbmii were todabitaUy tboao
Ic-tW 'agatoat
<d B^«a
ainnem -BannMd.
Mocy antwaMe foUowed on
<f Morey;
(be prinoewMe of toe blood roraL Boom
ta uie tm^w euiv mmjaujiMr-n—ij ei^
toa wtomiAtif bod,
•■WeUriaaid at langto. atUl
: ~7

We iraot •
rking man in TraTaraa City to
honor na with a call—look over our line of ••UffAON
MADB” goods and aee bow nice it is to make seleotions from a lot of goods that are AX<L NJS W.

eoough and boncat enongh to acknowl““
frL ^Wure^eht he.
"«* tradew might bef" «»'••"• "tudy............
of tbe •»..
sound political economy and of that

We Stand Alone
In regard to new goods, low prices, oonrteons treatment
For yonr next parvhase, try
. ^ '


the elidtog scale of wages I o the protectire tariff. That to an easy place to
-f-- tx-glB. And aa a starter to tbeir prim■iJii7i'i
«•««»• to economice they mlgbt uke
comJdeiaUoii the state of affain

Yon won't be sorry and we'U be glad.

^oiA. potottog to
( toe raws of feeea be. **
I “tt^l Induetry. where tbe wagea of the
fere him. “yon K.~
nara a pmen lypa i
moat _.».>k.Kiivmarkahly j _
to And it esisttog 'to one
proapeHty of tba j "
Hr. .1. 1. lIcnnK a native <>f Paetto
Top ■.«. Hrtt I■nch a demand for
ba< gn( it (brew
Ii bare
*“ "^ehtoftim. eaya tlul
••yca*’laaid.aiiiliBga(bisto«wM'lirr.- arc
iK-ggarfi out of a pop.
"bnt tbw are otoy mere photo
of tbe Iran '
tA«au»«» to that lalanA
and eted workers now earn $300 per
toe perfect type tf »
not Miva “““***■
majority of them
________________ barlalB-a Conyh Bern.
> Also taableatl
and S300 per month. l)o tbe free tiad- edy. Its pleanant taate and rremp'
Ton an not a
and •tf'Ctaal cures make Ha ftv.rlte
men wlU vole for with motbera and *m*H children. It
nMirai. Ton cannot make
a reiuni lo free trade? If they do, qaiekly enrea toelr enngba and eoldt,
gr^iha lire.
otoer seriona
■•Pnrtiapa not.'’ ba said. "At leant, there to a disappointment ahead for j ^erenttog pneomnnl
them. These Iron and steel workers | e«iie< ^ueneea. Itatoo irM eroop and
who can iur IW that wbra I
nda of
to,.. 4^ I ««.
theLCOunectlon between high wages baa been used in Una of th
l^on (beae fares t twijnra tip tm
protective tariff, even If Mr. ■ <*a« «•»»>«'« n stogie fallnre ^
tbeir vnrions ebaraetettotioa tbe perfect
Atklnaon'add hie fellow bellcveta pre- --------- hare been able to learn It
type of wotpnn and oan never oi
roup, tant when given a*
4.^ fer and profeaa not to sec It.
1 have rrveted repearata
,he „p,«n»e
eb todie. foewbom I would
toould bo glad
dto. did Bbo require me. this vary minout any.
^ ralcndid
pu^^lcnv ^ I
ae? II tell
beauty amilea before me at borne?
Uved till I knew tor
tor. and

eongh HliqoiAea tbe tongh nucons mak­
ing it easier toeapeetnrate, and l<wra
tbeaeveri'v and freqaeoeyeftbeoeroa
vama of ceoghlnr. <hn* depriving Hat
lag 'the early part of October. disease of alt dangeecn* epna<qoere<a.
iwe. t eoetraeied a bad eold which For sale by
Walt and ~
P’ cl
anAlrd on my tonga and wm neglected
^ •***P*f
*Po*"dd in an Incipient state I was
i»™«u„.rtu.w. To»i
S*,.if you do. to get anythtog oat of ^ ,b„
mu Inthijwarid ortb. j
fcUn. As I say. be never
Q a. BiMWM. Aiieraer sec UenaeeUors’
trial bought
0> Law npeelal aueaUoD u> esUaeOaBi
gat anywhere, though, at.
iCheRbarlato’s Cough Be
>a4eoevweaetag. tlirreetst.
«Md to be aueb a great ladihf« maa
* .

I rrenit
result was in
___ JKOR. pkrsictaB »n« »ur«eoo
•‘Wilb views Si
Irwmcdileii Work. It» or DlgBi calls
I left Wrtberbya chambers half an »•’«» bt'w > »'•'* "•fl “>«?
weman.” Iput ii
' ~
atM^sO le promp ty.
PuWtoher of------Aa Bditor'a L.fa Saved by Cbamber

■“ sf.rss,/.t

u..,r ...s; Ea

toe d«r behind rue I aavr him auddraly g ^
hend down orer the table and aweetitog


pay aerouac few bis never being seen
•aw. He may have found tbto type and ,
w*»a»g dehn osaMwws Ooagh.
Clement boon reeulls a patoetic stay
"PnrtiBpt.’'auid BenaesL "Bowerer, ef toe decUning daya of John Oxraford,;
ftofco3 Iand arc him. You and be need for ysura tbe leading toeatrical critto of
.^beone teniSr pals ^ may bo abla London. Mr. Uaraford was traobled
to get more nut of him than we other wiibaamrmsbtnnohialaffecftoo. whioh
d tbeandicnoe, for
toUowa bare Im-u able (o do. '*
“Wrll. I'llgoanywiw."Ire<'l.
be refused to gi
■I went down to tbe temple that wry ter, although d
•IgbL My loud knook on tbeouur drew rudug yoong actor, who toall ba
NUarhamtMaatroaght Wctoivbyhim. Uea. though he baa reoratly been in'
. pMf to open it. It etnek me that be England after a brilUaat oareer, v
ieeked half confused, half stmeyod. as very auaioos to obtain Oxraford’a Va
If 1 hadnrprtH'd bin at a momeol able opiuiun on bia work, and the tem
«rbm be waa nerapied with other mat- beanesl old gaatkman litorally toft hia
ton and reeraied intruden. I woodired bed aad came down to the theater on a
wtMtoar. after aU. tha ^^psefoot type" faitttr ould night to do a good action to



Tbnmpaon dregOraSusw ot ri
of rvaai-jiTaois
innmpaon. orilg Qflees „,,Ton»sU..
Wo.k^ »W grooi .trrei.
Telephow lt<


Thursday, Feb. 15
Engagement Extraordinary

Everybody’s Favorite
'Jolly. Clever. Fro'icaonie. Vivadoua

America’s Funniest Woman

Who will present here for the 6ret time a moat cfaartBing triple
bill uf bright cOmedivA madp famoua by the
lute Bogina Vokea.’

The performance will begin with

“Nan,The Good-For-Nothing”
To be foUowed by

And oonelnde with

. Girt U Bnppi ii 24 Ink.


For Fire Insurance lire

;.nd faul dlMwae. If tatoea tbot- Dtd‘.
and m time, it will cure u
..Illy SI
ss. oner MlrealOsaes jas.
nira, and fu> the ooogh
tha lol-I boui..
• f^ls to3 guc
-.8 La Grippe 1‘.
ief Price. 2^•


Raging Fires
of Eczema

I put my suspicion aaitto, however,
gtoecrity of tbe atairema, be aeiacd my
hand aad shook it warmly. "My dear
1 delighted TO
«a you. When did you r't towk?" He
pvwwbelnHvi me x.._
,----------- ----rith qoestiona
aa .1
loUowwd {aside aad pnDM a ofaair np
to the opra window tootog hia own.
Varna boor we ast tuIUng over old
Maes and amoktog. Tbe orei rwmtkai.
■ wwutm.
IS for toe most put,

of tbe actor’s Aneat aeence on came the
nonahfnmih.O»nI«d .n. Il
Skid «aauUlaU, Heal«l 6y
' o long that it unnerved the ao<
tor. and tar o « toudead aiop. To tha
BBipnse ui rrvrjams, not aavaijDvu w
toe front and suiA "Lmdlm and gentlemen. 1 am sorry to my that nnl«m tbe
. _
The tatmea of ecteres are
old _
' _t the Initaringoougb
nnee, snd as
ipeoarily ftxmi tbe thatocr 1 beyond endursm*.
ss tbe Aesb biretiree
itching «i.
and bnrning
irallv cuanot go on. 1 forg« every- «»“«• »• id (be itching
sM-g It is putofnl so to addirea yom »»<■«■«•. ih« sufleriog »a so iBlenie M
to ,hncjsl drive the Victim insane.
hot 1 am piwerlem to tbe mutter, and
dtapersiion, salves aad ointmmts


o„lcklv Qaenchnd and IM

•osp.Sk Tslspbcics n.
M. ParknaevBoSsl.naMt.seo and at Wes aad rklldrrc's dIssaM a speslallr. Of-

Or. Chase’s Ointment.

I ntwibsm'phoes. S
'• '■
ere^Wo. ■: rrel4sa«v.Nn^l{Monl>cie^cBS

Mbs Nod. TbmlS.

• P. Pnltk.
L ttl WsskMl


John R. Santo,
SiMfil liiinut.
w«rri>a>a g'oek



fell, u frirad rushed round, and, breulb- But
there is
hope. There ‘ ta
Ut t
* •**"**-** '
tom. auidto toe dlMrenaed ucior:"Do that ran cue be cored by BsiBg Ito.
you know wjmt yon bave done? Do you ChsseS OlntmeoL S«w of tl»B*uadt
bww wbo it was tbatyoutuned out of
* “f!!*!
toe-boar’ "I neitber know nor cure."

WH the reply. ‘‘Why. it was iobn Oxnua Mamie Gtstieo.’siq Wolf street,
nnfordr Tbe aotor wm parulyxed. but Syruenm N. Y.. writes: "I used Dr.
be got bis good noaamull tbeaumu Tbs Chase's Ointment for ectema on wy
vetreaneritio went htene ooughtog to face. It relieved tbe terrible iiebinc
pntoe tbe yonng
w-wbo bad turaad■ iand berning at the first aaplicatien, eDd
- -y be____
' --------_____
P. S. Rose, of IA3 Sixteenth
______ ______
____ ___
Cheater French
hastototoed tob^Smf'auff^^forra^'Tlme trito
the tomor tff beiiig tbe Arat Amartoan that wreicN
icbed eesrtna, and mt
utim to whom permiMiou Aaa been able to find unything to cure or even
gruntod to treot un oatdoor autne to Here bis pais. A lewr applieuiooi
Europe. The atotne wiU be of Georg*
W. Cbw’sOmtaeot stopped
WMhingfam and will oast AMlOCMl A
**<1 healed the sore*, and a
gr^TS^^c^ w^« to^rto
(ormod thstnaclvia into aWatoingtOB ^rv"a «
momortol aianciattoo. and. after rato- Hval' as 'an absolute care lor Sab
tog the oeoeosary funds, bare aeoared Sbeam. Bewma aad all lichlag of tor
toeeonaeoi of tha muuioitolaiithviticu tkla; s<> cv<«* ■'w*-at all daslere. m
cf PMtotoenertor autneto theFlredi Or. A. W Chaat Madtetor Ou., BuCaln,



Prompt, eareful and eourteoua utten
Atwtreet* «r TlUfck Bsal Uon. Tba stroageat and oldest Are la1. *»■
autuneeeon^aieato the world repre
seated to my ageacy.


.dmrmmpttr. Inttomlidl.otoo.




Ladira jvt MB "]Asp as Ittrampls cr
It. bnt it will eome up sailinK n<^«ry
t lue •* Culmana BlatUe Floor Varntota
S B. Wait.


dalibRutoly—etower. A* Braaon hud
lamaifead. be bud ulwure hud u tendenay to dream. The trail^ seemed so
aantaated. At tiiaea be yrss silent for m
stoma together, pufltog meditatively
to hit Jdpe. A tost 1 wmld «K« help
fBMiotttog him even ut tbe risk of
tovtog onosu “Braant says.’’1 re“that yi* are quite different
ftan what you used to bu Too never
•pontunywbvre. What is it? You retotbw onr talking' abont tbs ‘perfect
lypu’ You hftvs not 4annd her? Too
aae not in Itjvpr’
Be was ritoni u momriit. pnOng oirt
bage clouds of nnoku Then "UxA
old fidtow,”
MiA ••! to’t
know why I abopld not tell you. There
etoer felknre oould not aadoretoad if I
"1 urnatruld you an eaadittog ma
urltb more toteUlgraoe than 1 pnonre."
laUd. "If what you propose to tel] mo
vtaHd pass Beuon’a BPderatondiaA 1
M afraid it would alto pammluu”
-Ten mdamata yuuaalf. Btaldto




Sidswmlk Lumbar In aU aizaa.


ScfeMffic JiiKilcaH.

SnceeggerB to Travarae City Lumber Oo

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
And none are poor stock. Boep M yon know is betteriiter
being Aged. EretYbody who uses soap know ihe standi make*



™‘-. ’

JAS. Q. JOHNSON. IhiHglst. I


Ann u. is>A iHtctoji zlxctes c‘\punt tor aaiTicR
a HER nroiAR kir.5^







Incidents of the Lincoln and Douglas Rivalry
Campaign For Senator In 1858.

Cordial Reception by the President Elect of»'<
Petition From Newspaper Men.
It'opyrigbt. 1«B*, by C. P. Bottua.]

lomirliu.« to r.
maurj tone aro crrattllM tba mbatuc* of UtrsTMi flftatc. 1 •ball do
a» BMf* than recall lortdoote-lnd-!
4mkb «1tb MDcwlwt of ppnoaaJ tooeb.
Wbaa Dooglu came fran Wmblnron.
•arty la Julr. lo twgla bla emrau. bo
Imd UocolD aJrradj ooBildaicd and
aottb bta part/ ratliueiaaticaUj back
^ bl«. Tbe Urn linporuni quonlba
«aa moeep. It wao equaUf Itnifonant
•a both Uaeolfl and DdiogUa; UdcoIb
waa.Iapewlobed; Dougkao bad )oM
tba aopport of Uw oOcrboIdm Tbousb
fca awBed nal eatate of ervai proapecttra ralue. bo bad alread; Inrunbered
KlB tbe fanberaoce of bla atbUUo&a.
•dll be waa ao4 vltboui rveoorcea.
Bla pereooal followlat «••: a atrang
•M nnericaU)’ and flnaociatlj'. Moot
■kalp It waa kaoviodgr of that a-bU-b
■ado-llr. UoculD l&ilat. aa Uv aaauredIp did. altbougb ibe fact via denied,
•pea bla party menda ralalng a atmpblfb fund above fioo.oou. abd tbla In
alaaa caab. Ue knew woU tbb InnUllty
a»d fvilUty of promiaM. patwr or otbanrlaa
Bow Dooclaa ofTart tbla
u alBon onbeord of om. 1 know only
in pan. Ue knew tbe flgbt f>f bla life
lap ahead and waa not In any way niaM by Uacoln'a jocular •aylog that tbe
•myeniloo wbteb bad ic1'‘eB bim a aenatartal nomination waa
poor aa
afearrb ■nouaera.'' One auuner tnomla«1be jartac aaid to me: "If only tbe
Cbicaae p>-ople realiied ibe nine of
■P Cottage place and Lak« Calumet
praperty. I could ralH- twice ibc money
1 need npoo a an-ond moriipige. Rut
ttat wontd take time, and f have, not
Ume. I mnKt appeal lu oijr frlenda.
Take tbla note of mine to Rooptor Jour*
at Dubuque nnd tell him I would tike
to bare It dlRrounied. Briof me back
good mirent luoner; b<> aiirf you take
M wlldeat blUa" '
The note wa» for Kl.tjnO. pti.vnlile, atk
mooibR arter date, to tbe orili-r of tlie
Boo Oeorge W Jottn Two daya aftor rorelring it 1 waa back lb Cbleago
Wttb lit tec* nine In my poQkel. Pen-

-rmaiiB TOC. avnaB.*
«tnr Jones nonld accept no: dbtconnt.
Hla term explml the next ap^ng. 1 InallM to ibink had ibia amsll tiansaettoB bappeueO to beivmr known to
Prooidem Buchanan Mr. Jopra woold
hardly bare rv<vlred at bla |banda ap
potniment to a foreign mlaaldn.
Saturday, tbe tanners' holiday, waa
abowD for opening the detiate. Tbe
place waa Otuwa. Utaalle county. No
more perfect day ever brlcbtencd tbe
••nb and bcaveoa By O.iob a crowd
•f oetr 30JW0 bad gatbaa^l. a jolly
atowd. briHlIng good oatutWly siib
y'tta differing poittiral telth^ Demomttr dekgarloua eaoie from every re'' gftm round abonu RepubUcgn deleftttona llkewlae. and both witb a great
baatlng of drums tnn flaunting of flags
and aentlmema-redbot political arnti■teou slightly touched with local color,
ney came on foot. In all hoi^s of vehlaet, from ox ouns to apedial tralim.
yet In all tbe throng 1 did ^oi aee or
hoar a sign of dlaturbwce.: Toward
nround tbe public aquare which bsM
tbe apeakert' platform. Lpiculs and
Donglaa apjM-ared aimnitaneogsly and
urrre received wttb a perfect norm of
ebsoring. Uf course tbe lustiest cheers
came from panlaan tbroataiyol t love
« think of tbe two nutt. tbai. among
tbelr borne people, there was none urtio.
feowworver he might he politically oppoaed. failed lo recogntxe and respect
tbelr real greatoraa Both were fawrlle aona. To iUlools Dettocrata at
Inte tba defcM oT Doog^ for tba

praldeDcy waa aoifteDed greatly bp
kaowladg* of Llncolb'a electloo.
Dongtea apoka Brat. I ebaU not rw
peat what be aald.
tbongb. worth jrbUa to chronlcla a
happening that baa been mile noted.
Oiuwa wa» the borne dlatrkt of Owe*
Lorejoy. wLo aai. with otbt-r Republicana. oa tbe platform. IVraoitaUy and
poUtlcaily be waa iKiuglaa' moat bitter
enemy. Allboagb be xat lliere of right,
bla iirearovv waa to Imugla* like a red
rag to a bull. Toward tbe dope of tala
Bpaorb be made a direct cliarge tbai In
tbe preeading aenatorlai Bgbt there
bad bee* a conaplracy between Ijovojoy. Tnunbvil. Uocoln and olbert by
wblrb Ur. Uncoln waa to tueveed
SblHda, and Trumbull Douglaa himaelf. ••Boi when It came to artloo they
•octan<d Lincoln - good, eaay fellow
that be lar Douglaa aald. with moiw
bitterneas than I ever aaw in him at
any other time. -If he )|um not look
aharp. they will eoebrr him again, even
If they have pemiltted bIm to receire
tbe Uuanlmon* Domination of their tnaioD cooremlon.''
1 thiuk I>ot>gUa felt lotnitirely that
be bad apnk>-n too rancoroualy. lie
cloeeil with a reference to early daya^
hew when be bad Brel met Uncoln tbe
latter «as clerk In a t^vnuiry atore and
Douglas blnuwir a yonng and eery

> tbe aceuasllnn of c

aoce. "Yea. the Jndge la right. I waa
a clerk' In fact, the junior clerk, with
no voice as to wliai I sold.” be Mid.
“You >ie«‘. we bad <lry goods Jo fronu
gmciTlca In kbe and wet goods
at the bat-k. wbicfa waa iny doiiialn.
When the Judge lied bis borae to oar
hltcblng pen, be never Hiumwd In front.
No.geuilrmen! Uetroried right back to
tor AlN-.' Of ctturac 1 appivciated tala
frten.lsbtp then-1 appreciate It now—
tbongb I am iiound to tell yon be waa
i my liest ciinotner.'*
i I was prcM-ni at eacb of tbe jolui
I apeakings and also at some of tlw addtvsaa-a lo tbelr own panlaana which
j Un.wln called jokingly “tbe aidcabew.*'
I They did not navel logi-tlier. but
rather u|mhi eueb other's tnill. speak­
ing every day. Mouietintea twice a day,
to those of their own political bonaetaoliU ami. In my Jmlgmani. mnefa bet­
ter than In the debates, wbicb seemed
to me to have an air of “for pnbllcatloii
only- alwet them. It waa a Jiiyona
and light brnned pragtvaa tximiuonly
the frlenda of eacb convoyed Iben
from place irt place. Now and again
the two travellug parties met at cnxmroads or country tavern: now and tbea.
too, they were forced to take passage
by tbe same cominoo carrier.
Commuuly a .lel.-gatluu with tamda
and iNtunera met each niau some lullua
out of tbr town where be waa lo bold
Whenever tbcjwo partlei mH oa tbe
road acb ga.e^tbe other a hearty
rbe^. epoa one aticb occaaloD a rooster
Dear by answered tbr cheers with lusty
crow lug.'''That Is a good omen." Dotiglas said, waving bis hand to Llnivln,
who answered. "Yea, bm you know
any ronater ran crow on bis own dnngbUL“ Abotli.r lime, down in Egypt,
tionglas and his party went to a kliaslaalppl river landing eery early, only
to flad Lincoln's crowd there ahead of
tbeui, likewise Intent on taking tbe
steamboat down the stream Gri<etcame wotxl that tbe bMl was agroond
and no telling when abe wonid get off.
Just then a stem* wheeler came round
tbe bead. "How wfli she doT' some
otM- asked of Mr. Uncoln. He agnloted
critically at her. then aald: "Oh. abe’s
a While river craft. She can croaa any
bar pasHBhIe by a good slx<^ caiflab."
-As the Mississippi waa very low,
tbit was a recofflmendatloD. Both
speakers were due that aneroeon at
lower river towns. Bo we balled, got
aboard and made a msb ter the wash­
room. wboae appliances wet*. It need
acareety be tal>1. of tbe most primitive
sort. There wrs. however, a snhirt*
log number of dirty combs and brashew Baggage bad been smii ahead by
express, an moat of us bad to uae them
or go wlibout. Douglaa akme of os
d a pocket
icbbrusb. e
He offered one of tbe
eomlw to Mr. Uncola. wbo look IL M>ing. with a Qnlxxlcai smile: -Tbank
yon. Judge' Bm really they aecm to
have aupplled u with ovnytbteg bnt
toottabrasbes.Faaaiitv Barrtub.

Boon after tbe prealdentlal elecUoo
of Iteki peiltluu* were circulated aiuung
proulni-ut JournallRta and iwrlodlcal
pnbllabm In Sew York and other rwatem clth-«. n-giinUcM of lUelr political
aflUlatloDR. recnromeudliik tn the pres­
ident elect Rcbuylcr Colfak of Indiana
forpoKiiua«iergeneraL Ur.i'olfas waa
JPUL 18, 1861. THE CALL FOB 75.000 THESE X01TH8 USB. at the time a memlwr of cougmu ami
BB chairman of the boose committee on
^ 'poatoIHrea and post roada Introduced
wing In
oD the middle metauren .•ouimi-odcd by tbe prtK» genLINCONIAN SPEECH.
rad s' li
Kbe a gone. The enijiy. Morro«-er. be wa» an oM m-wa, la. gardener Lt-pt c
Ing that abe de- paper man. and tbla. it wa* thought,
■aay RMlal
LlBeolB-a Talk a>4
atroyed the Bowen till it waa cunclud- would predUponc tbe •enft" In bla te_________
_ ,.........and ed to bring her down to the White mr. WIUi but few ekcepilona. tbe deTo
astute ,____
nerer falliug t-oniutaV aenjie Uncoln Ilotwe. Tbla waa done, ami tbe aec- gired aolognpbk- algnaturea were objoined tbe luoet grotusque buuior. Nor ond day abe dlaa|»|M-ared and baa not lamed. Uarpi-r A Bros, beading tbe
waa be ever at a loss to enllren or l*eeD heart] of alm-e, Tbla la ihr last h,|. Among tbewe cxcepllons may be
cheer the moat doleful or aorober es- we know of poor-wiuny." At bottom meoiloiied fhartea A. Dana. Henry 8.
Igeucy with some droll or aprigbtly f»- there probably waa a device to get rid Raymond, wbo were absent from the
mark or wlith-lam. Tbe boailltiy of of -pour nanny. ' wbo bad become a <.|ty ai tue time: tloraic Utccley. mid
Tbnriow Weed and Ilorace Ororiey great nulaanee.
James ftenlui Ileanett, Ueaara. tireeafforde.1 Ibe presMeni an oppomuuty.
“Tad ' aei-ma to have bad a pencbanl |ey and Beunett Imaed their refnaal op
which he did not faU to iraprore. to ter goata. aa a|ipeant from jbe follow- qq ,),e same general Idea-rls. that Mr.
Indulge bit grotewtne btimor In a note >t>g telegram to Mrs. Uncoln: "Tbe Ctdfax waa then In bla proper sphere
to Recreiary fliase auggemiof an ap draft will go to you. Tell Tad' tbe and It would U- folly to uke him from
polDtmeut-tbna: “Ur. Adams la Btag
“»‘l f»H>cr are rety weU. cape- u*e cougresa and shelve him In Ibe cabnlBceiitly recommended, but tbe great clally tbeguaia."
mn. When Ur. Lincoln waa told of
point in bla favor la that Tbnriow HU weU known efforts at metaphor. u,u laier. he replied. *'l reckon they
Weed and Horace Greeley join in rec- metonymy, comimriaon and aynecdoebe are about rlrti. "
jir. Bennett.
mmeudlng bim. I suppose tbe like were IbUarre and startling. Jn such

be coatlnned. tnming lo bia wKk. Tkiia
waa aald In a Jocniar manDer, hot dw
noted that be abonld look to Ur. Bat>
per ter conneel. -*J. and B-iBrooka." "T
met both brotbera when I was In congreea. In fact. James came In when I
went oot. to BU my placy In tbe old
Whig ranka. Don't see bow be caa
reconcile bimaelf to ibe newfangled
Democratic d<Kioriiig." -William Ctil-■
len Bryant.- 'Xiod blcta him! Do yoa
know bliiir' 1 replied that I dW not:
tbai the algnainre was obtained by one
of Ijjt personal friends. -Uary. her* la
tbe aignaiun- of Ur. Bonner, to whom
yon are Indebted for yoar terwitc.
Fanny Fern Now perbapa yM may
lean wbo Kanny really la." Wb« I
pointed 10 tbe algoature “Morrta andwmis" and told ber tbai Fanny Fer»
was a slater of Mr. B'lUts. abe waa anr>l>riaed and aald. -To think that I bar*
lirt-g readlUR Tbe Home Jonraal for
years and did not know tbai N P. WD>
lit and Fanny Fern were brother and
Passing on. be had a kind word far
Webb. Beach, rounni. Hudson. McB3<
rath and other* wlmse namea I bar*
forgotten and then uoted tbe omtaaiouaa heretofore mentiooed. After ex­
plaining I veninred to ask bim bow It
came aliooi that be waa no writ ac­
quainted with tbe fraternity In tb*
east. He replied; -Xly frleiid McNally of
Obitago arranged at tbeconimenrement
of tin- campaign to have Hipping* sent
uie frero all *««i«-rn ciiies with Ibe auppooed nanit-f of ‘tin- wrltn-K. togribw
witb the names of the editors cowlnct*
log tbe n-spicllve Jvinraals. and it baa
been Mrs. Lincoln's pleasing tank lo
look Uietn over and report. Thortow
tVecd. Reward's right hower-i presniiii- lie Is yet condiiHlng ilie .Albany.
JourunI altboiigh l<e does not ftlhar tt
here'. Docs be make .Sew York city or
.Uliany bla bmuer' I could not give
biro tbe Information, adding tbat my.
acqualatance with «-asiern newspaper
wen oiHsUe of .Sew York clt.v waa lln*-j
ited. l|c Uien said; "Tbe Jonraal ougbtl

original and "Lincolnian" than In any flexible rule wUli him not to sign peti­
ired tions recommending persons for pnbSc-naie'te
aa secretary’of
autc, by the apgrlous irticle any more than lie
[|^ office, but hr
he added:
addAl; ’We may be
. _Seward
be cowmeol.d>bua: “While they seem- » can Ik- by n.nutcrfett base able to serve Mr folfax In some other
I ed to iH-lleve In my bonvsty. they also coin. Tbe genuine article was anmls- «-ar. Hr la a rising and draervins
appeared to think, when 1 bad In me takabir. while the apurlona waa eaaUy j-onng man. I know him well.“ A>
I any g.«id purpose or Inieotina. Seward aegregated from It. Tbna no one bat
oameM »f Fr<><lrrlck Iludaon. .Mex
1 contrived to suck It out of me unpep Uncoln could have Illustrated a tub- ,0^^^ hbU and oibera .vunecied with
celved.Which was an extremely ject la this mode; “Getting recniita Tbe Herald offi.v were eurxilUd. It P

i coarse, but. It must be coofeasod. to UcOleltan
la like abov.
> b«-''l>r»-snm.-d there t
I under
ipbk. mode of aiatlng tbr case.
aertuw a baniyard. Not otore lban half suadlng Is-tw.vo Mr. Benncti and Mr
: giapbk.
I Uls eairiy acgualntauci- wlib'Douglaa get there."
Hudson regarding tbe duilter.
achieved under very
^ of tbe following;
_ __________________
.... _______
- Writing
mien the .New York city Hat was
auspl<vs.aa would app^r from a letter officer to observe a eerwio t>wf«leraie coinpletwl. tbe names ivc<-1t«1 from
lo John r. Sltuirt of Nov U. IS38. commander wbo confronted him. »o
olii.-s wen- mld>-d and the whol.thus: "Bp-aklog of auibeuth-liy. you be could either Bglit bim If attacke<l or waselegnniD' bound and so arranged as
know itiat If we bad b.-ard Douglas bold him rigiut)' there and thus pre- to pr>-s<-ni a flat aurfaci-when unrolled,
aay that be had al»andmie.l tbe contest vent bis doing mischief elsewhere. In | n-** d.-l.-catnl to prc«>m the ivilil.m
It would not U- very auiltenilc.” order lo make clear bis duty, be add.-d, to Mr. Lincoln. io«)k It t.i Rpriugflel.l.
Which. It must be c-oufesw-a was a "You cao thus either s'.lu or bold a leg
went dinvilv to bis n-sUi.-mv. In
; very o.-ai way of cbarglug mcDdacIty, so that others .-an skin." alluding to a front i.f It I found two men who eyed
iTbe same masterful pollilclan was well known oi>erailon In butchering me and the ndl I .-arrlrtl, vet a«k«-d n..
rolt In Ills poliiii-al strategy, and lime.
II. C. Wiiitret.
questions. I t«>k them to tv dete«-i
urolu ui)(lersto<sl bis ways perfectly, j
....... ■
Ives and later found my surmise wat
tif his doi-irine of "pqiubir sovereign-1
sovereign- |
Trlbple «• Uwrwla Iw SeMlasd.
corm-t. As I s1e|i|s-d n]>on the |Mitli-u
ly" Im- said. "It Is
to U»■ dished up In as :I' Tbe Bnrt u
o Abrabara
LinI me and asked my
many ways as a French cook cao pro- coin crtvted lo the old world Is.In UId Imalni
doev Miiip frem potai.m-s.” And again Caltoo burying, grouud.. I-Mlnburgb. Mrs. Liu>vln. I‘l•■nsl• baud ber niy
he mid itf it. "It has bvs-n ootUlDg but clogc by tin- c<rcuUr tower cummemo- card." Mrs LIikvIu caiuc »m Into tb<
• living, cntondjig He.” Speaking of nilng David Hum.-. Ibe blsiorlau. It ball. me kindly, saying that
, Douglas' promise that we were just at late luenHiry of the Bcottlsh-Anicrican Mr. Lincoln and fricuds were occupy
; Ibe cud of tin- slavery agitation, be aoldb-rs tvim fell In our civil war. Tbe log the parlor on private maitere. and
■ said. "»o h would seem ibal tbe last idea of tbe niumuiient tirigluated with asked me into the dining room'. I ex
. tip of the last Joint of tbe old S4wpcni‘s Wnlisce i:n;f-.. the I' States con- epw-j niy tntni-!»n upon l>ei privacy
tall was Just draw-ipgout of view."
sul at Edinburgh tn llBO. George E. Md ber’my business and my desire'to,
1 When tbe t’nlted Butes senate Baked Blaaell waa the aculptor employed on pnwent the petition privately. Afu-r
the presldeat to diamias Reward, and be
. i|„(p desultorv retiversailon. In
tendered bis resignation in eensea
’course of which abe swted llmi she
quenee. aod,Cbn-r. from having tnwn a
would Ik- pleas.-d to arrange for tbe
partl.-e{>s crimlnia In tbe rebuke, bad
.Interview, aa abe was a warm friend
also to tender bis r,-stgnation.ihuaplare
r..ifai, she
lug tlm jwesident In tbe Judgment seat
. quested me to call ,.n l»-r again Hull
coueetelog them. he. with magnanimity
^evening. Aa I waa leaving si.e Mid to riif.Ka u Tnx nosATrat or u
and grwcluua condcaocnalon. refuacKl lo
,hr mao at tbe d.wr. "WUen this gon to keep an o.w op»-n for Its roniemp^
tleman calls tonight, briug liiui again rnry irefcrrlng lo ihe .Allwny Arguak>
Into the dlnlngi rootn." 1 made the I'bat Cissidy-la al mighty clever fel-'
degree. He then said to Jndge Uarria.
call about 8 p m. I found Mrs. Lin R)W."
witb an air of not sardonic, but amoa■ !<-uId walling bir me. and very aborily - Tornlog again to Mrs. LIncoto. beed. felicitation. "Now I can ride, for 1
^ Mr- Lincoln hlinaelf came lu. He h-d Mid. as be |H,<nled to tbe mime of Mr;
have got a ‘punklo' In both ends of my
Troy Times, "llt-re, Ma­
me to a nedruoiu adjoining, gave me
ts tbr signature of Elmer'', sponsi
a chair and sat doth) upon tbe bed lo
But be could likewise be aolemn and
ferrlng to (.'apiain EUssortbi.
‘ unroU tbe petition. After a glance at
dlguitliKl In bla minor utterances, and.
ill be aald: "That la a good.allowing Ibe rblladelphla list be noted tlie "■"»»
In view of tbe aw-ful denouement of
I Dooa Colfax know anyiblng of ur I of John \V. Fornt-y. remarking: "I reck­
e following.
told bln 1 thought not. For a few on be baa n-pented. We are glad lo
lib premoments Ibrn-afier be s<>emed to be haye him tn tbe fold ” Tbe name
vlnusly. baa g.-^range significance:
^ mnslng. with half elotu-d eyes, as I "Harding- am med to recall piesMBt
“ilen are not flattered by being abown
t bad often aeeu him on tbe rostrum recoHectlona Among the Pcnnsylvatbat there baa been a dlBcrenct- of pur­
f during tbe great debate when Judge Dia list be came to a name, wbicb 1 did^
pose between tbe Almighty and ibem.
• Douglas would make some new itolDL not Caleb, that s<i>med to anract nnTo deny It, however. In this cate U to
a Rousing bimself from bis reverie bs uanal lalrresi. for he Mid to bit wife:deny that there D a Ood governing tbe
S Mid. "I hardly understood from Mrs 'TbUgentleman gave me a hooat when
world, it la a troth wbicb I tbongbt
I Llm-oln tbe exact nature of your bual- I- bad that rici- presldenilal bee In my'
needed to he told. and. aa whatever i
E nesN. nlibougli she iDfonued me It bad honnei. He was h driegate."
there la of bomlllaiion In it tella mo« j
Reaching tbe Boston Hat be apoka,
I soni.-tliiug to do with Ur. Colfax. I
directly on myaelf. I ibongbt oibera
I And tills inper most Inten-sting. at it of Mr Green as "my old Demneratie
might afford for roe to fell 1L“
f brings up picwsant recolh-v-tlona. I friend." Tlirn. iookinjt at tbe dock on
No atatenieol of the wrong of extend­
mantel, be Mid. “My hour U neariy
^ most go over tbe list one by one. Foring slavery Into free territory conid be
up. and I sbalt not bare time to go
more forcibly presented Iban Is done
and it does not come off till 9 further." Cloting tbe roll be ashed.
In a letter to Rarouel Galloway In UC8.
I o'clock, and I have no private engage- “Are yon going to .Sew York by way
-Taking staves Into new territory and
tbework. Tbe nwDumeni was nnveUtbe vvemug. Mrs. Uncola of Wasbingiour I answered fTc#.ed 00 Aug. 21. ItflO. It la 15 fret In ■**> "■“* •*
"''“ni Tbcn. banding me tbe p.-tliion. be Mid: '
J*** .?“““*
^ • -I wish you to take thU to Mr. Colfax,
wrongs, and tbe argument wblrb win bright. Lincoln In brunxe. life aiie. with
with my rompIlmeniB. I think be will:
eataldlab tbe one will catabllah tbe freed sUve at bU feet, and battle- .
and prise It greatly aa a memento. Tell
flag*, alao in bronxe. and base of potother.”
falm I will write. Ue nnderstanda tbo
To Governor Hahn be sreote, “Tbey labed red Ahcr.le«ii gruDlte. Tbe en- «»ve Instruction* to avoid Interraptloa. altnailon.” Hoping to are me soon
Itbe colored meoi will probably brip. tire cost of the RTork was sobacribed > «nnot bope after tbU long Interval again In Waablngtoo. both Ur. and
Id tome trying time to come, to ke^ by Aroertnina and Rcottlah-Aroerleaaa
Ibcldent* In chronological order. 1 Mrs. Lincoln escorted me to tbe door
tbe jewel of liberty In tbe temliy of at a gift from America to Scotland.
and among tb- sul«icrllM-r* were Levi
anbatance herein given 1* cor- ,
Nor yet doM be omit to ateal a brief
! Judge Douglaa.
respite from carklM cares In order to Ilxm Walter Pbelpa Andrew Careegla.
•* “<•
be commenced tbe I B’ben 1 rMcbed WasbingtM. 1 ha»notify -TaiT' of #. great raistenuor William Rockefeller. William tfaldorf
teoed to call on Mr. and Mr*. Colte .
and to condole-with him thna: -Tell Astor. John tUoane. Cbarle* Stewart ^rt. wading the names and comn»ent- at ibeir modeat apartment of two
dear -ted* poor nannygoat U last and 8mith..all of New York, and namerou* '*« »bew««- “Harper A Brow- .“I small rooms, and they were, aa U .
Iten* of imnola. Rhode IsUnd. Indlex-ma.vor when last la Hew
Mrs. Cnttaben and I are In great diea.Mlnaeeota.Pnanaylranla.Venxeet »ork: a flue man: good adrlaer. We, UncolD bad fore^n. greatly pleased.
trees abont R. Tbe day you left eanP. Btrrron.
i iBDat have bim-ln oar kitchen cabinet,- '
wna found raatt^ heraatf and —..A Arlaona.



ymiiU iomn • c«.teb(«
1 Itare
bram ca bm ,
ti asvlM th» Md
: BBTTliit B kud. Tli« YC»7 miasM tbM '
fW»lB r*r the WbbIi BavlBBtra riak.
1 tte (Ulb vtu lt> drlftlBc AnM.
Bike B t'hte CBl«r Is ClMh.
11^3b«»mi b>
». «. DbHb.
•C the tovu Md bB»l<Uactba»(«^ Tbilet Mil Bw be bw pnfomA «»
••(In* arr r»-ry moeb to tbr forr tbia
ifaali be MBt toytn^"
t-B ih. kUwOvt. «< <M.-HMk
TMtffra. :
SoBit^ iBd Aunif amt^hI
iMin. aatiaa eoTl a»l rail of pliabit- aul, ««.«. (la* uMl^ «tth the
RoDAlddmr back a wep. bii ebeek
-• i
' grwritu wblta bataatfi
dmptoe u«al»y-«IU
Tbe u>(i>c t» UIuuratMl In (be
ub It*
it* bram
brain. Bii
A BaaoaeMle Merapoper mJdleBlB*
______ . haodiohnebf^ intfolantarily, andfora eiBUiy bj anr awao*. VetAra bata
fbe t4n —d Mai. OM thB otBa..
ncarait Vkd« aapaotedao« bindadi cnan llsbi of Mpbt nod tranbW
and Hull
■ Mmiw TAM WaaM rallaw apratra nfl ihraiin a-a taMala
’ «» «P<* tbe ecmpintian; bat tbeir and pllatile oroductac eaanlaite ot
In tbe era iBtia A*
b worklnc tn ibe Sfld of
--------- ^ ^ > »«*«. bbd a. he looked rand be «v ^
■ ■*■*■>'*« ««««^.
**Uan Btrtke at tbe B^** That ti
itftytore i, bein* rety toinnon Ufure ibe day.
tbe heailUne «b<l«e vbirb thla pan. I
-Tlok.I VloWr- b. CH.A ..I.10I
•" “H*
l» ■»
«raph from tbe Hoaateo fnt la «&>07. j
Anhud.iihl. -To.kwwmi,io,
U-It u,..
Up tbe bcapUnUty of tba Crw tfiAa
I fbatberypalm ime. banka of Bov. bnetbV
inn»n.H( (» aIIl.
hae* tbe bidden treasure, la
-Tljf truita a-m CD on flxtac prteea «ta, aoftly bned fatty lanpi. aw) de-: Bbe drew her bands away and taraed
' .W. or
p^lo .«! |1TO«. “*

ratil ona of ibHr cmi a^da to tnooop- Urinu ■trains of era cfaatifrinc uiuie. » wnpe. but be followed ber.
------pcari of
d and broefae. locttber wlib tbe
Creat |.rice. er4d afl tbsl be bad and
«iy. tbe uriff. U anuwbed and a law or ^ tbesw puio wake np raebaniinniitt i
“1 bate _
not tnoeb to _______
offer,*'be aaid.
• or bnidlacB. ap.lawa enacted that wlU ail bedf. then
So. at IcaM. tboosld !<«• Booald “‘w; •« i >WYe i« at your Ira.”
ollouw and embroldertea of «ilfc bti; boopbi It. Tbus “**■ ""“““w « i
i Sbe qnl’ .
•boot a. 10 make tbe fraaloo. that <*Baem.
of aetlliiit* of laee.
Cratirnde esune into btv eyca
God." I* niustrated In purabbw.
Many of tbra are
He had but }aat iHimifd from a two
Clothe are turned Into laeea by menoa
”fiow tend you iue," abe aaid.
1. Reek the klncdvlii of t5o.l fllst in
I in Uw bean of Africa, a
Of ineehanleal emflng*aiMl mtvhanieal the day. No Eod.«vi<rer and no CbriaBooald looked at ber in bewUd)
<rh>t k.
embrtilrterUic In ibefr laira wDartneM. tlan. alinnld beylD a day of iatxw. of
There are a nniiilier ofiobjeeikni of aojavn flUed with dancers and prira- The wotdi
euwrimikwed on white slUu. Mtloa or
or leas wHcbt icaliwt ttrlff titra; hia yean nnnbeted but fire aud pected.
tetuixatloii. of trial, n-iihmir aei-klnc.
** fon do
•raibinc aa a tneana of rorrenlnc tba twenty, be waa pomeoMd of a w«U
Ora In prayer and tn r>-a(1iuir tlod'k.
•buaea of the tnma T^e Ora objec knit, apriocy frame and a kesai. elewr
**nt you to be my wife. ’
word, helfi Hod strixiglb for iii<- d.iy.
Teawaroa Pi*«
tbM la that the remedy WonW Iw rait- aye. and
^ bit
br bad onoe
back frra
"I do
2. Reek tb.- kSncdoni of OoJ firat In
liave obtained blcfaiwi faror. oeiiber
of lime. "Ib.iiieiulMT now thy
|y worae ibau cUe etlL kreai ». that tnr,-U with W. eoora«r and endorr whal faas
>k “ I-----------------------------------•wiueaitouably lA to whirl, our Texai anee. hot wirbemta penny that haooold
. youth."
Vi.wiieo w cau ino Ableist
opnieniiKirarj |>r»poM-s id apply it. To call bis own.
i.r (Itel. and God
lash ibr lartir would
Id be
lliBt iIkwo will. «eek
-...... - WUa. w»9 n«t to be doan f Tbl. wa.
“ «« l«««H.y." tend towld. “',1
- •liduiieeooli
■bail Had Him. U> nil >u«w
know .
fna« iiadew tbe pnriiU-m that flUi’d all bis ipan
^1“ *'>«».delfi»bt»ea«r*
Tbie eouoiry Is not.
1. .ii.j H^ibiWy uey. tlioofbu. IIiseldtT brotb.-r bad fitted ,
noiicneof ylaU* bm •ttiiblnca. tbew silfrt.iutf* reora
<'l*Herva(loD ibat
or will be. iirepaml for ^tt etep. 10- him onl f.c bis e*,«Iilioa with Ibo pc *“*•
STImU w mmlf
dead of cloBluc^iir runoi bouwwaad Uw j„ii,u«t,,m that the ari was a ^rnnlne yrateU
yaff Ml
••«not leave yon nnJtwe
<>f “WW. *«» life tlran late lu life. In eerly Ufe a
opeolUK all our |«fts fia
■e entry
erytliing. iwcry laflueoei- aliooi
me on-i tbiug.” aaid Kooald. "If yoor
of foods fnjul all pai^
i- world
beurt is fns-. 1 clai
dmwk (I* UDlu,rally tonurd God. Tbo '
life I* i>ure and ImiMvot. The heart It *
we sbiill r> ua Id the f^otei old way do warmly at psrtinK tjjat be wa* amaeu.-ra tniubJo you ajfain. Violet.
ti-nder and taall
It Is «d to find them “uot at botuo” wIm u be *<'11 »“f- o"y.« love any oueT
Influences arc al
reinnnal to Umdoni bis p-rlfaibet bad
^1*® bsdciHl at biiu wiib a face that
proieetioii instltniM] by the rnthem fiwn bim a lliO note aud «o< h a Warty
how dlfTen-ut It is later In lifer The!
1«1" “W'i' f bt* Knse.
life is tniim^ nllb evil. 'I'he heun haa ;
evorytlilnc fan-wi
ll that it wa* t*-\vil(iiTitic
b.-\vil(i.Tiiic to bo
"Yes." she aaid. "Ida"
become' burdened, and the eurlrun. ^
Ibe veBetable ooi by him wJien tbi-y met otiee more
mems of life are all asralnst u*. lie ‘ q ■
. .
' hig rtsnn. “It really

who seek* the lard tail} in life rows
MmiUfB »D Window,
partly of lu|K>r« lase* bai
riab I bad tirver come tnn» d and wont
redwwd. II Is true ibfll Oder tbe po|. ba< kr said tbe yonne man to hlmeelf,
with the atreniu. lie who po*t]*>Df«
. . .
. .n.
"IliSAtrance h
Icy wfaleh Ibe free iradeiis
tbis nearrli till later In life rows aitaiost |
iDilpro. with a suiilf at tbe iumxlible idtta, but P®®Pl*' "<1" tvniurked Lady Uuria, a
-the ■treani. l^l u* row with tbt i
have alwayi eoaiemued ae lime paM-d <« bl* auiib-a died away,
r. to tbe fri.niU. Ratbered
•tream. It K . a*ler and surer.
. iaDd fauebl anlual
mlual we
*>e arc
ani now export,
export- and be fmund
around hit
his bs
U. ih aavafely
savumdv as
a* bo
h« »r>’«»nl her tea table. "I bud arranaed
Z. Seek the kltiL'doiu of God lira ttt <
iDf.hundred* of cnillloDa Iwnnh of tbe nuiliard tbai hie ndations had thonfUl a Din*t enitalile maleh fv my nephew.
point of liu|H,iTho<v. Hake rellpion tbe
kinda of good* Ibat we uM to Import it a pond invraimmt to lay ont C500
<*«»« t'VetTt^ttnit »*• wy power to
moA liiiiwrtant duty In life. Give It
and abould still Iw impofiilDK if tbeir and an infinity of farewell in tbe hope
<*; ood yM bo artoally earn.
llrNi place, not a sn-oudary or on.
. By tbl* proeeaa of peitinf quit of a tro
Importaui place. GhrlR uwchee na very
Mrrible laupuaft^^d tbaC I bad epoUof developineni of borne .iodoetrlee we bcance.
rtearly In tbe |«raltles I'ernre ua that
ed hia life, aud all kiuda of dreadfnl
tMv« Btradlly, and la the acprepata
Tbe tbonpbt waa a bitter one
Mew Oflea. Markham Blo^
we ahonid do ildw The men In tba I
itNlnee- the
■ 'Impunanee of.............................................................................
_ -eatly. rr.l»eed
tbe hii flm fniy be vowrd to leave hla na- ***!“«■: “<1 «°w
Itaagnnroff abrond.
. parable* pul tbe bidden tnasiire and
tariff a* a K>nree of reveiioe.
tive abores by tbe next iililp and never P"*"!/
«ber«t I am eutv I only
peart of preai price before
Hot we aliould not surrender that return to tlirm ayalii. But npcni tbe *“P® ***•* * ■I’*** never me him apaia"
else. Tlmy Mcrlflced ever)
auurtw amb ma ke U|i the hws by Inter- beat of bia paosion tberv fell a eoolinc
Maria's wish aas-med likely to
tiuii they ulfbt obtain them,
Ml laxe*. even If we ba.^ no ne«d Of breath, aa if from heavenitaelf. and the ‘»<“lHHed, for five lonp yearacame and
abould exalt lo tbe flrei ptaee tbe king,
protertiMi. If tbe l!ou*((« l•l>a|-l tar. Uoo waa. airaifrtitway ctumped into a
brinpiup no news of Honald; and
dou of Goil. Ibe aalvailoD of our aoula.
Iff emaabluc wbeuie wese aubmllied lamb. Lord Kcsiald d'EMme had been <booph five years could not take the
and If we db we will he eure to be
<oa lieuKxTailc. nsiloui cooviNitloo. It aoewuned ao loop lobe innk^d ^ppn blcsnu from bi« cheek, nor tbe poldfMtn
saved. Kndiwvorera. wbai occnplee
would be rrjtNted. Tbe ooicome of the ae a ‘‘detrlmeuul" that at filM
ber hair, they oonld, and did add veiy
the Brat ptaee la your bran*? le U
''tariff reforttr crunade Indupuraied by maRwly dared to abow tbo attnetkm moterially to the infirtnlUn of ber
God. Ohrlst. your auul. or le It tbe
S8IR9 i8«&B«S««a«8S*
Mr. nevetaoH. anor be liiid Iwen aub* that lay for faim in Violet Harvey’a ap- vrame. Bnt wbm at laM he did reap' wortd. lie plesMure*. It* fame and lU
Jected loa miirsFofireaiineBi by three pnalinc pny eyrs and aiift. afainlng I’®*'
'v*" willinp to overlook the
wealth? lot it* see to It that we seek
or four enilneni rrts> tradeIdnciors, wai hair. To hU amaamnent, bowfwer, be
of b«»ira*ntm«jdMorBonfind tbe kinedoio of God.
ao caintniion* to (be l^efhocral7 tliat found that obataoliamclted awayminc- *1^
f®n"d hi* way into a profltabla
onus battV b\-bkimj oowr
they are exiiNXiiely unlikely lo embark nloosly at hU approach. VMct heraelf fowipn partni rship, audinateadof fame
vne PKsvni HEETtNn.
«« nuuiber rmerprlst- of ibat kind. ‘
waa Rby and rptirinp, il ia true, but ba he hmupbl buck money.
n tnui also slio« touche* of lace
Arranjre a apeelal proprnmme. Hava
Tills country lias nm yi-(
yi-i r________
rrai-bed a mother smiled ewraly _____________
upcai b(«. and_
"Oue of tbe but thiiips I overdid for velvei The .poau which
. In doth still tbe Re-nlon ami
d Juniors
Junlo eat U fomlab
stape of luiluairlal develji|»»ent that her father' shook him warmly tw
Iw tbe
•«''»>“« y<ai
>•<« out of that entaa- ailreuetas beyoud ibis
tbl* <one I* a very a *|MN-ial muKloa! iM>i<.ciioo and md
sbe exelaimed fm-enily when
icaJIs for fnv irmle or a "tiirlff for rev. band.
dressy affair, a mnm of o|>enwork laid the Reriptiire Ihmuiu alternalely. It
cddi’ only " It »tin
Was ev<T man ao blrard
1 they met.. for .Lady
eolora It has flouac- would !*■ « food tlmp to Invite all tba
-------------. - ,Maria came of mill-''
over white or eulora
TOc|>nllcy that iiaaetuil>le<t|ii (oaeliieve
‘True lov« dun mu amootb aoma* **»T •‘ock, aM ab.'knew thuloiie of Ibe lusp.. luouRselimw. pllsaei, lac-a furm. cbildren end youuc |KN.ple of tba
tbe Briwiext marvels Ini *uhnaQtUI timea. afl. r all!" be said to himwlf on"®**
maneoveni is to oany ulupIlOK uf silks. jewel.Nl buiions and church aud have the pnKiur prmeb a
pnw|M-rtty ami propress u|e world liaa tbi* bright June eventnp, aa be walktd
1“*« ywir enemy'« qusrtcra
oroaoieutA MokchI aaHb.w and- many abort m-riiioa ou tbe biple.
ever kouwu. Tbe aouib tie*Nl» prutec- boojeward afUT a moetiup with M»*
R<mald shot a plance at ber from nn- other ornaioeniailuu* applied liy band.
Bilde Iteadlnp*.—1 Ham. xvl. 1H3;
tion quite a* tniieli a* tin- 4onh. It ba* Harv» lu the |iark.
eyebrow*, but eaidnoihiuf. work or In |■aluu■meule^ieK.
P*. xisiv.
ev. 4; exix.
need of imaeeiloD in Ji4 preai aod
•'bbtll you U- at Lady rUeaterford's «nd »,>«'«»utii.ued payly;
--------------------------- - ..............................
frow inp toilon nunufuciiirjup Intlps- party fonipliil" she lutd aaid. "VMel
Harvey wetjt baukmpt a yeai
try. Not uni- of It* r>7 IxiiioD mills and I arc Koinp. and we shall bo no dis“M thf^ --------------.. .—....... .................................... ............................................ , .......rreiYed In the south dnrlilp lids won- appaiuled-if we do not aeo you."
w quite in p««jr cireunuttance* now. tbe RpanUh doituee. ami ao applied xvilk-lMT; II Tim. II. 22.
derful y<-ar would have Imvs projei ted
His bonnii faoe bad plowid with de«'ait«Ufxai theiodgcsi, eonveotiobal ib-sipu Id white.' with a
-------------------------If lliHi» |,Dd lH-*qj no duty oo cotton H|fl>‘ •*
»P<*ke, aud he aeemed to be ^
tbr«-ad_ of poW. Is unanI uU the -/root
«rsae* at ntriailaa lhs.
food* "Kidaab the tariff.''and all Ibe t«^adinp o»i air a* he walked awuy.

You d«i t *ay do!" remarked R<». |iaucl. cuhiluulax round the flounce. A
There are ibree pradea of CbrlRtlan
Ccxtiir faci^^e* In all the ftates would
‘‘Bvon Aunt Maria lia* taken me
"Kbere aro they liriup? ”
seeoud Hue of tery uarroH edptup. life. Then- I*. tli-Bl iif alL tbe dlwat"In W«»thltif,"DaldLadyMviB. do- such as txirder* Inaerllou. is also intro- isfie<l life, (be life ibat knows tbra
Tbr l|;Ua. >. iral* ha* aarior ear tel
Beckwed ln«lde of year; Tl.r Amer“«<» *“vi» again. " be thonpfat
Iran w
■***^ ® ®
i worUup woman
wa» horribly eraM wbra 1 flra drived by his otsdoros. "LadyM!«ninf- dui-e.1 oD tbv Skirt. The laaJl.v is of sometloup II dm-e uoi bsve and that
raild not aulnlsi on
^ *1*®”' I"‘ ninolh. and she tolA
— sailii. with a close OitlUf Itolero. with waats It and that U pe-rpetually dlucoo-] Thr‘t;»<w.irRabae parler earse OtaM
.. (be
_J wnpes
wHce* paid In «“*•
she T*
Is snpxted
ICurope. Rtsauae of tlil* presi fact we ••**“ wbenevor 1 come near ber. 1 dam urn thatshe saw Mrs. Harvey oo tbe htee iDsertiag rvacblap to the waist tenud. aod rightly so. with Itaelf
ohall eontliiue lo protect Aa
----- -A Pa^'.audthat tbe wonim acmally line In the hack The revors are of There I*. ao<-oodly. the life that Is half ivaiearrirt^iai l*W •-ha. eleeper om
au ill ccmdiduoed kad the
lo q»eak to herl Can
tm-ked and abirred pcs-a el.iffoo eaufbt
and half, that mm aud tbcD rimes up to
l»cf. and lo |»r.rtertlnt iliLt a-e .slisll know that 1 <
A eluater of the Mount of TrausflgtirmUoa aod then . toMaehim*!^
■ pruiectltui
(o thc^pltal tbai kmte until Violci came to eofton mel" /w believe it?"
py ,a white velvet bo«
iltc velvet -------------paasles aduru*
wasous over weary i --—jt;
•mploya*i I»oet.
Lady Maria’* fitweivd beoddreae was
'1 «hei I knw.” soldRouald; "bnt I whiu
-------- ---the left luiees for long -v«eou*
tbe first (Ihjm that met Lord Ktwald's •“ IP'“K
Worthing tht* afternoon,
cuiaape. aod auntlrer droopa waste*
---- --------- aide
—e of lb«
wastes of whitened ashca
ashea. There It
1* a k^M* w p3S»h«*^^
a when he emend his boatoa*'crowdQUEER INDEED.
L booKiroOD. o. r. a t.a
«d drawing room* that erealnf. and tome!"
Tbe U-lt I* of white relvet am) peace and i>ower and rest, tbe Ufa ]
.Frev Tva4ee* Weaq Admit r*•«»». •omewhat p) hi* snrpriai il was in cloee
bcfir!" cried Lady Marla fasieued wlih a sniall gold buckle.
that has ma.k-J.-sut Christ Its on* ob’
tiea'* BeaeBis;
pruxiaiity to Mra Harrey’a frlsaled *»
«li»txv» "Pn»y. pray don't
There I* *<imethluK very chic la a Jecl. tlie life tliat every mao lives who
According to a rcnxit caMeprain fran ff»T head.
do anything so fooUrti! Yon have no fancy waist hum of an velvet, gtowlaf IstbletosaylnihcfinepbraaeoflrBertln. the Ktvux-Zelrung UmeniB that
"* sboold uot bare thanght that «“<«"®w'mw^dng pcier iwv^de arw”-- with oriental coloriug under a allverr natins. "O t'hrlrt. Thou art my tnM.nv ri^—A,. ......
Annt Maria would havo anything to do
aouiid of tbe ebeen
TIh-h' waiai* ure extremely ef- *c|tarablr lifer Tbe aoul that haa
factorlea lu America, wblje American wl»b ber!" he tvfiicltd. "Jibe always I«dly el.aiug dmw infunmd ber that fecllve atid-r stn-et Jsrtt.-i* One baa niade JesiiN ChH«i it* one object haa
ooma aoora.
jrupe aud ■*7* that site nan detect tbe Caintcot
au o|M-n iHRllee. wlih be«uj dowa the entered Into real aud has entered Into
MtabUshlog ln<lu*irl*T'r..aeern* Ihere
of trade aud abe most know
“X* awayf" hack sml umler Ibe arms, the hack dip- power. Il has entered into a life of
botne luaeblnery. hmiie products. PMf'valy well tliat Mr. Harvey mada “d Kooald a few bonra later as he and piug into i wo short tsbe.'a Jeweled bat- Oftlvliy which no foe can withstand
luaierui and euplop American
bis mtmey in malt”
Wipether under tbe^stara mu on ea.b lamg revert rovertof um and of conienunent wbicb oo atom
workmen. "Gei-mani, uii iIh- other
At this xuotuent. however, be oaopht and Jnwrd tbo waves beating upon tba front* are hulli of lavender blue aatln <wu ruffle, for over all the aeos wbera
’ hand, pulax to the LuliH Kiale* find ■I**’! "I Yiolet and forgeitinp all rtea,
laid flat, lield at tbe top by a Jeweled >1 voyage* s|wak* that voice which
1 a blpti uriff and are uuldr to control *>e elbwwcd hi* way eagerly thrtSMfb the
"Bccanan 1 thtmfbt after what we builou aud n large one. Tbe alople dart quieted (be turbulent wave*of Gen><bc taw wlileli fuHdds ilH-Timponailou ' <*<^'<1 ®“H1 lie reaebud ber aide. Itovcrlieard yoofelt yontself lioond to aay seaiue arc defined liy fire Jeweled hot- ocaaret. "Peace, he *1111!"
•f Ibclr own men." It I* for ibeae rva. Might have bea-u only fancy, boi at any
/«* fH*) «*
cousideratioo for tou*. oa oacli M-am a pretty motif, tb* <*,n overcome or disturb ib(
LvObteato ...
11 So*

MW iUt ^Irruiuuy *o irunxir di«.' rote It aremi'd to Um that ber weloctm
i buitout the aame site as those on tbo
hid with Christ In God and
approve* «f ib<- lUuxler tariff
* warmer om- than she had ms'
‘8© yoor pride cam lu tbe way. my l»avk labi. Viti and bipb colUr bond f’hH*t the one object of bl* life and
TrevmeOy. •era
ThU 1* a very ostursl feelin* und*e flwi *»«» l*f»i». and bl* bum beat Uttlocswl Dno'i ynn kttow that pride is are In one of while crciie de chine otw Tound tbe f'aiber is Hloi.-Cbristlan
t Paustor. ..
«b* rtrcuuatani-ea lAii • Uy AiiwrlcaD *b«er nsbe b.-ui over bw.
. w® ^
deadly siu*? However. I laid by diamond cron.lags of Iwige laco. Age (Bmiabi.
ffree Itadera
Itadera .Uould
*Uoiild syuipatbixe
eruutatbixe with
yotiwit mme iniotbeivinaerTa. ««i't preach to yon ikow bocansc 1 waut' greatly la accord with tbe rich stubwa, '
-- -----------------------Pree
hv Trsven* Or.
' ry?" be
be ■
mid pleadtugly. "It i« *b bot *© a*k yns anatber quiarloa U yra blues, purples and r«ids la the veivek I
ai*bk the Daair hm«.
At BkkapM*..
And. In fact, eotertaln lirertael.v the UrTF”
«v." Mbc
Hbc rone
roae witboot a wonJ.
wtad. and 'really „
have _loved me all akaag, why did Ck>ar fittliig blue aatlii *le<rrea have for ' H Is a great deal easier to be op to
rame fertlng a* that expiyaaed hr (be “*v-”
o tel
tell ra
i epaulets velvet iriaughw. ibe brood 'ke occaaloo la aome sbUillV moment
Kraia-Zeitutig I* not m m,y of cxpl*away together. /
l a drrwUaJ lie?"

uur d.xue«tl^
domestic Cobdenitea
yoo know that U
It i*
"A lie!
lie!” .cgclalmed Violet
I end* faclog. with targe Jeweled buttou ®T • man's life, wbca be knows that a • rnisbi.
muon. That our
D® 7°^
«»!y alx

I Mppenie hour ha* come, than It I* to
Am aaw yonf" be onld.
"Yea. A
A regnlar
big. blnck oraaoieotlDg
4W feel thatl way Is
I au actual fact ----- ‘ “
*• lie.
QPO.DraAyw.o,F.^_*~ .
_ it ©ml When L asked you if yon bad loved
...V-. ooe
of tb* oew «lotb colon, ti heep that high tone wbea plodding
beliove it myrnU. tor
They coiUMti be
I fveonclled to an eco- "I«»“
ar a©y ©oc.
©<K> yon said yea Now then,
tbea, ooooon- bom
boot Ima
Imagined by recalling tb* aeuO. ' ©^®r all tbe dreary plateaus of tuMventr wbicb give* tbeir own
H I had known yon aU1 ay
MOOtry eo rerr mncir tbe' bmi af’thl Ufc- ”
fern at cooe, beesnae I'm not going a It afford* a caplui field for amaft f®*- monoionoo* travel and duU dnttoo.
targolD and make* It the dmmi MvteA
He had aa idea even as be »»»*- .w— lot yon offf'
| teaches of eolor lo tbe gosro. 8atla H Is easier to ma fast for a minota

___ '

!- oj-t I

1. „s. „sis;K.™"',


John F. On &Co.


Iranrst Cit| Unbar Ca.




Best to be had in
tbe city is at






The Fen ItrqDette Biilnil












................ , ia^oeed. asl* done in Parla-Vogna
I you woold not listen to,
aaemed a exact an exprralon of bis
Oeew.* UM Paradise.' tiao."ibe ^ "and I,
TolUi mats.
fneUnga Vioh
------------------------- »t»™ » racov.^bai from RonidTliM tboogbt tlmt y<* were aacxilloing yoor-; Nothing U a uobecomlng to tb* aWi
«Md paying daya to
noadebt pay- it ramded *>~olaM.T new and ber km “'ll'
, as fiabhlnea* ami a want of vlulhy.
fag day*, la fact, of-free trade and cyelasbm drooped lower npOB ber
."Yee. 1 know all that." he inttmqd- Massage la tbe rreattneai par cxcolkbe Wilma law. is offered by tbe fact as she listenedL
"hot yon bad no bnxiDcas to a^ I®©<v for ftlmoladng tbe skin.
Chat (U^ than ooe big ctpporaiioQ of ; They were walking betweon banks of ***** Y®® ^id! Unlcas, of coarse, tben I Where tbe oalU are very brittle and
nature has .anUcipsied Bower and fem and tbe aUmtoe betwoon mUly was aome uue. Come now, tall crack aod split um carbolic acM in
or ih* intM—t
400 twM .to be broken at “®-”
pl.vcertn. niblied on. and ac nigbi graoaa
« of ano^ bat Rcweld knew that tbeir ooU-1 ^ ^iiab oame over her face, and as tbetn weU and sleep In glovea
fall is tbe actioa of tbe BklMi
•ad ;tademijrtiibedl*tnrbedatanym«a«it,i**»*"I*8hercyrabeo«ild*eeberiean
palm oil la said to be an oxe^leot
..,.,..00, . - .---------- --------------- - UkeoudroosiuKhimaBlf from bis diMa ha' •‘‘‘"i*** *“ *1*® rt«li«ht. He grwped corn enra.
lo lutcreot on bonds la od- hod just opened bia lira to ooeak when I*®' I**®8* mwe fimly in bia now oad
Preoctawomcn are becluDlnx to find
.Toaea of the date wbeo doeb interest n vuioe from SCUM hidden Hrafcero
is dne. When we get tb tb* point plainly to tbeir «ora
keep tbeir yootb. good spirits and eoop
«1m» tb* Usoera of bonds pay Inter■‘Tt U nimootoertalnto
none off fa-i a* triod lo spejA. bnt ber qnlTWlng ptexioo* longer wbea they make d
m boron tb# regnlar am* and wbra nigfat, I think. 1 got him nn invltatfra i
not he oontroUed. and with point of resting a little dortng tbe day.
bttasporun companiee not only dm “I pniposa ••
i • groat wave of loeeaarpiag op in hie Tbey
Cinre dlvldendB. but pay faem before
Bcnald Monad. It was Lady H^*a ^*®;?^8re* ^
*® his.
they are doe. we may wcQ bdleee that Ttdoe. but he had not tbe mn'otra idea
we bare come wttbin olgtat of a com- to what abe was aUndliw. .In
anew paradise. Anyhow, h rrrmi
r, riw nesfiyM
A little pore wblta vnooUM npptM,
Wbb pnradloe wbos we traranber tbe
boat dowa to eoteb tt
-sVloIat'a ton to
tt tb* eyMosboa at night Is Mid to fc»,
■tafa of things radar -dereland nod « u MB* fa bw nMttra'a aenral..
•MS tbolr prawtk.

om.«l ukH-bsTUrtpcBU.

.............................................. 9-R


“Wa tooU ba mkytn fnMfal fa

-----------Foe thoasht* at brauy ben
Te bl«Mn *n *reiD>4 sv la ib« •■•
vn* ncA fTTwrlac nen.
P^MoMp. <aib tu Ms el IMI
A*d mm ear lomlr nlriw h tb. «U
T# m» km-. *sraol..
Hr bn>t i> ilacn«>
Pw h*sar ekOMa mm le ^
rseeHricRB ol o>y blue
Al SiHllat maOe Is tbdr Isiwy
AM OaWl. «o« Ift, tlS^


a M « ts Ar Ombawa J'sl’a I
SM I «


Tb* trntilii I* mf rerd.
Kr b.en I. eiysiacl
And mw rimt wrOa,


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