The Morning Record, August 26, 1900

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, August 26, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


■ i**‘‘T«ganR'ajg£s;aay‘

M DW Vtt


McXmiEY WfU HOT 60

com im tiBiffii

I‘riii«i,iim. A.

Ugly War Cloud Crowing Dark­
er In Chfna.


Hare yoo seat the ITev
FaU Styles rf



Big Bargains


Agrod Couple 8l«uffhtBr»a By
a Tramp.
Amf. tS-^W<lau MeKinlej wiU not nttena the eneav^
BMot at tte GfltodAxarof theBepabUa Tbi* WM aeAntielr eettted
wten Colonel W. H. Bamr
tcoeired n
TheWbtei > KUM tVtth SB Ato 1
daat's aectemry to dw effect that the
• rp«wnM»A»wt»CgMI«a-AJa
the Has saS Hsrf Ok ThrnsSCal
preeideet wooM be imehu to
Q*Am to f-toto to Ptototo.
ooaooonnt of Immediate hr
aptotol to Th« Manto« a«nto.
public dnUee ^nlriaghls
ClMato.a^tS-b U
pmenoe in Washingt
rreeport. UL. Ang. fiS—The most
The president’s abeecoe will eaam coldblooded mnrder in the history of
Prwee hew ewtofto war M C-Wu.
no riia^ in
nortbera DiinoU was oommined last
HoBf Cooa. Aajr »-OBt*ag«e Id gram, expept that the iweaidaai
Bl^t at a farm honae twelve m lies
not be present at those fnnetions axtd north of Fieepagt.
Mr. and Mra
Gteie^ nesioB »i Ts^tok mu de. esercisea at which he was to lave
Jten Bobl>. an ag.^ oonple living
MroYMl Av- >1- The nnare Christ the mote the Important personagi
atone on the taiffi in qnestion, were
inni were made friwaim end tortnrsome time during the night
•d. The nob dezzieaded e toBsonte of
by a tramp who had been seen in tlut«4 UeU. for tmtb prUoaer. Seretal
lood for abont a w««k.
SwlUh eduntod native, were made
s robbery, for be took
prUoaer. and were flhheaded be
the motley, in the honse, about tIOO.
canto the raiwom was not forthcom
Demonstration AgainstVatican whicli tbe aged oonple had mved np
i&ff. Blaefc flag, are marching to Pe­
for funeral expenaea
Expected on Wedensday.
kin davasting the districts on their
The murder was not discovered un­
til this afternoon when John Wagner,
Pritto. Aog. I»-Tia Tsku. Ang. M.
neighbor, went over to look after
Shanghai. H.—b b «ow known that
the old people, as was his daitv cosfour Taman-tainisten and «oe ootm
Ur Panal AtiHsto Antms Uo*tom. H- found Mr*. Robb
omclal were bebM^ during the
kitchen fa a jinal of blood, her head
beeatue of thrid forolgn ^nq..
and face battered In
tosctol e. Th.' M.rttoLand a bloody axe lying cldfiMiy.
Washin^rton. Ang. \»J-Tbew lia«
LondQU, Ang. «&—^ribn^ fiars are In tbe bedroom lay the body of M:
heea no-marked chaiq^ in ibe Chi- entertained fw the |naoe of Romp Rnbb. on the floor, his'thrcat eat from
sitakHott sinoe yesterday and next Wednesdav. when what Is de­
and several d<t-p gaslM-i
. 'the oOclnU my there is
scribed as a
his Iwad. By Ute looks of the room
tloe against the v iHcau. for ria
made a desperate struggle
lUi and Vttowhare in the fnl treatment
for his life.
Tlte rohber
empirr ate
As for and g»;neraUy against the papal atfl every room in the honw- and in addi­
diplomatic phase of the Chinese
of the royal family, takes place. tion to taking all the valoabh-s. be
alMrs very little Is ' '
The demoostratiou U being organised look a portion of Hie dead
It is indloatod by the antborities here by the liberals entirely, but eocialisu
elothea He pot then on and left his
The Leader in Good Shoe*.
that there is not likely u
and reyolattooary parties are prepar­ own blood-stained garments in the
At tbe Old Stand.
anything In that n«ard nnril the ing to take fnll advantage of the move- yard.
powers faav* raerivod a note of the
miles atily at Red Oak. a
United Stales inriting an anangeThere are stiU large numbers of pil­ horse belonging to a storekeeper there
tnent for reoQ|amott for some aaihdr grims in Rome, and 'many of these
stolon and it U tbe snpfMsition
ity in the empiie witli which the hare -been partlenlarly offensive in
that tbe murderer made his escape on
powm may conduct ptac* negotia- championing .the vatioan'saction.
tbU horse.
that they will tare
Ang, tS-While the badly in pnbUo places Wednesday.
eoadltioo In China aeam to Indicate
The gov^nments Is taking eUborthat Ba«rta at least is d
0 prevent trouble. A
•sahUebbedbrsHUtetwat loato. Itoto.
' war upon China in which
other Bnroiwan nations mav
offee Lswttoi at Lak. tjdrssa to-vetoB
drawn, the United Stole, will not center, of rvrolnntaiy activity,
Uwrilfans Visited to Uraad HaoMw
. atul in the event of
lislons ere practically certain.
dptoisl to IV-Miinimx Btoort.
wlU Withdraw Oenetai Chaffee and
Ionia. Ang. X5 —At midniglit
(he troops under hU
Pere Marqn^^g railroad employe
Some good polnU to remnnber.
If the powers decide that it shall Wos ktoerttr toahe^ grw York t enter, heard a noise in Uie rear of Weber's
One of the'many good poiote of a
be war. the Unit^ Slates govern
tog Itotto of assJ»tO-<Mrtonls Took
He notified the oflto^ They located Telephone U that a mesBge cannot
meat will enter a proteet of the moel
to reach it* hearer oorrectly. •
Bx tramp, in a hay shed Jn*t north
Wetcea sM Toasmr Alklas TkM.
Tigotou efaataoter. which of itself
Another good point ii that it reachof the city. They were tocnred and
will oanse those who are thlrsing for api«slt..Th.Mail,point*, and that everybody in
sevwar to panto.
Kew York. Ang. SS—Tbe fntnrity
^ city or oonntry worth doing buto
U this protest is not heeded
•take was won today by Ballyhoo roa! were ronghly hudled. Investi­ inyss tritb has a telephone.
Bey. Olympian eeoond. Tommy At gation showed that Mis .tores
United Slates will not go soil
Anotbar good point Is tlie economy
Kaeeland ft Meiriaa.
to resort to anted interreation for kins third. The stake le worth fiU.
of time and moneythe iwetorratlon of the territorial in­ OnO. of which Ballhyoo Bey got fiSS. Merrit and Fred Otaff had been -also
Another polnt-r^Jan yon afford to
tegrity of fchlna. but wiU retite and 8». 01ymplan,»4.500; Tommy Atkins.
be without one at home or office?
The'winner was ridddn by change and cigar* obtained.
leave the field to the warring ontiona #1750.
Hotacie Lewis, a colored pewter
With a'vlew to neoertalnias the Tod Sloan, who leoeired $6000 and
ployed by Webber Brothers and
from England
poetUoa of the European nations and
Savings bank,
Japan, the isesldent lias directed the United States ahd remm. and ex- Ionia OonntT
Aaeriean ministen at the varions iwnses while hen-. $7.^ in the ag- oanght red-handed lu an attempt
idlfer cash from a drawer of the lank
aapitel. ;to wmad tli.‘ governments
at 4;SD this, morning. Lewi* fixed a
wfaloh they are credited as to their
window of the bank BO tiiat It conld
oonrse In China, nie attitude of the
powm win determine the policy of ftoveeted feoB Jotoisg ttoUs h» Hatoe. be taised! from the outside. Tills
morning he entered throogh the winthu
I*owell. Wlmtaptered Hia
dow, went to the cash drawer and
The Chinese government has been
helped himself.
Offloer Lock, who
sileoi since the osptnre of Pekin e«- nprvtot 1" TV- U-xulnE B-a-tod.
Pretoria. Aug. lit—Dewet lias been was sospicions of thieves a-as ni
o-pt in
provented from joining Botha. Col- with a shotgnn. Lewis was taken
Hung Chang and np to the iwesent
misl Baden-Powell headed him olT JaiL The amount of hi* pilfering
time. Minister Wn lias teceived no
and captcred all hi* wagon«.'and.the will not exceed $7.^
word tesjionsitv
to the American
Boer, ere n-ported to he in
Reese. Mich.. Aug S.V-The jio*l
answer ihui him by the state deiianaide onmlierv and
offloe WB« broken into last night by
meni on Wednesday. It U felt that
liichtent^irg and in the went layUig open the front door. Tie- safe
Xt Hung Ciinug will accepf tlie Am­
dt*tnci*. but aressirtto V short of wa» npem-d by the comhinaiiou Tlie
erican iiud Uermaii answers and soch
arei* anil animnnition.
Inirglars secured $i:.0 in mom-y, $3 in
others as nuiy lave reached him as
Trspoftbr Boer. |>'gl|ri.
stamjw and a valoable watcli
negativing any |»eai.-iil (rospect of
Lake Ortetoa, Mich. . Aug. 2.’.-Th.'
London. Ang. 2-t—Lord RoU-rt* lias
negoiUtlous along the Une. he i«t>and fixed his lietoUtoar- jiostoftlce safe way lilowu ois-n by
lioeed. This ' is ex]s-ct<>d to iirolong
the nncettalntie. of the dipInmaHc ter* at Wonderfontein. llir second sta­ dynamite la«t night. A small amount
tion west of Maclukdodor. when- the in cliange and $900 in stamiw au^
•y were taken. . Tlie burglar*
bulk of tbefBoer* in arms are sniqiosed
to he
Wiring from chep- Ang, U lie etoaped on a iiandcar.
Yoa can oouat on og for
Grand Rapids. Ang. 99.—Tlie bnrgfreeb, «WMt hotter, and fine
ir who entered eight boose* ThnrsGenorat BnUer reports tint the
t-asbler llstcli bto to. Itoe^tentoe ..r Isctday nighl and sncceedivl in evading
freeb eggs — egga that yon
Jtait.ortbr AtoSItU l-toM lllto to tbr
Ang. 19. opMitng with seretal guns the best efforts of tbe polipe all day
Btoth.rfltoU.toi iMtot»r.
can “feel sdre** of.
fairiy short range. EngUsli guns ^vesierdav. put in a much more sdcombptotoitoTb. Mm sox
silenoed the Boer*, bat when the fir­ fnl night at his trade last night and is
Our'24c creamery hotter in
Omaha. Ang X&—Mrsterv
still ing ceased and jiickets were being still at large. The polioe know of at
ponod printa has hroogbt
•brands the ^ of E. E. Bald.,
placed for the some mistake, least four hoose* he entered during
sistant cashier of Hie Omalis KatioiMl two companies of the Liverpool rvgi- tlte night, in every case tlirongh
hotter bnyerfi onr way.
Bank, who was held up and asssnlced
meu. advanced 1. fiOO yards into
Tried itV
in a bertli of a Pullman .Thnrsdsy. hollow, oat of sight of the msUn
T«. .ktoead Kenteriir CteniM
Although perfectly oonscion* of what body, when- they *-«v suTonnded by
Prankfort. Ang. »-Tbe E.uracky
is gtdng on abont him at pment,
- The Idverpo^lost ten men kiUed
Icgislatnn- will meet Tuesday in spe­
Bakdi's mind U a Idank lu to what
* forty-six

wonnded. In additi
cial session for tbe pnr]K>*e of amend­
oernrred in (he lierth. and Its a matter tkey liad thirty-two toissiw^r
WJ Front StroA
ing the state eleetion law.
ci^tmet be does not reoofteot be was
General finlter's other camalHvs
aimiled at all His doctor thinks,
n Ang. «9 weir
twentr killed,
however, that when he lias rveorered wounded, or missing'
somewhat from the shock lie ma.v bt>
will be sold at n
Lord Rolwns aUowirMtbdiOMable to recall the iscidmits of the m- etal Pole40atew ocenpied Belfast.
tow figures that I
ashaaiM to menrion
price* in the
ooutteT. nnhas. as is |iemlbh-. he was Dear Machadodop. on Ang. 94 wirtilapers. It is a reit. hat. Miirta.
aamalted whne asleep Mrs'Balch
Gettrtal Preack with J^nnderirrar yon want. Come at once
is atilt in a state of nervoas prostia- four brigades of cavalry',U moving
and find out what
Benda calls
tun.- and b-'C nnrte has ordsM Bo al­
of Maohtelodonv
low her To talk with no tee.
ol tlw famou. Wllwt ALWAYS SEI


Wall Pap


at the

IO to 15c papers now 7 and 8c
12 to 20c papers now I Oc

25 to 30c papers now 20c
au arc Dtitle Rolls. A Great Cekacc hr BIc Baitalaa.


nooNT 5rttt»i loit

The New Fall Styles of the

Ncwland Hats
are now ready.


All colors, shapes sizes; $3, $2, $1.
Excltuive Selierx.

i- am now oqnippte with a high gnule STEAM SPONGER white
sponges properly and give* dress goods a rich, sightly look afterwarite—a fimall charge of 6c per yard is made. Try it.


You’ll Soon Hear the School Bells Ring
Ten day* more and yoo’U want yoor hoy» to look ax alick
ax a Wkiftle. They hare gone through their clotbee in good
.nnng n
■hape daring
raoation—“hardly St to be aeen," ia tbe remain
many a mother m^ee jntt now. Bring tbe boy here—no mat-.
ter what tbe
of yoor porte may


Four Spe^, 65c. *1.25, *1.85. *2.25.

Reliftble Dry Goods. Carpet and Clotliins Houie.



That's tbe price you will’ And on a.^e of
-Kisses’and Women’s Shoes and Oxfords
that we sold before from $1.SB and up to
$3.00—We close them, out at one dollar.



It’s for you
how many.


Iteading^hoe Honae of Northern Mich,
Hew Shoe Store


Wtuzborg BIk.

Traretae CHty.

248 Front Street

•»»•«»«••»«• »«aHa«««e «-

I We Are Anxious

to shew you our line of

I Ladies’ and Gentlemen’
$2.00 Shoes.


John R. Santo

Fourti Y»-No. 1031



We do not claim they’re as good as
other people sell for $3x0. but we do
claim and cao prove that we have as
good shoes at $2.00 as anyone has. We
ask you to examine them.







aia.nL. aad Mv a

I WtbaeUr'
iMt owriv Nas WloahM.


Jt---------at tW Pw«o««» ii Trrwa-»7

ptBlIiyforariaUwltbfalatltoB. Mfc
n-r *-* 'bv aa far aa
1 nMiwarme.
•. a MovaM «ao8M«rawa y^iaUr^
tepMJMBkM «lfa «ko M rialtlatr
MB. .
M. Dacaok Of Chkva. aa «
odaaalBakB. baa baaa aa«
B^fsrJ.aaaaUaaataL i
tftOor. Baarrivadla tba dtpyaatra*

aa a iMBtaaaa trip to Saw T«k.
iatbo dtp
r B TIi-tt «< tb Caabrat Uba
itftm tor Ifc* rMVB rf*fc|IIBlM>lll Terto.waataibaa . .
«Htf. >Dutif ft DiMBewHt ftdaialft'
W. J. Irwta waa to tba.d^ freai Blk
tntlM fts4 thft WUM tftflS ftNAtem
ter n «nti f«r von^ia
DaTMttabarofBattoaaBay, waa at
twe. DartsdNcKla^V ftftd ft MMMttba OalaBbto yaetorday.
iMUrlff mftdifts wool ftoMtallM. lor
J. a Batop of Maaiaiaa. waa to the
tl ftMU p«r ppftftd. Iftiberttbftwoel
WOtmmn*lmeH doftUaa tte frteft et
'tkftir wool ftBdarft proteeU*# Urtfl.

Itorady of Obwn Booaa Oreaada Bem mbad bp Jabs Kpadbb.
Ita toaraotop al tba oaart bav
prbaadi la MupiwlM laptdlp aadar,
tbaabla aapartatoadaMa of Mb Br I
I pcoaada ara abaadp float* •
IpliVCDcadtoapvaraaao aadalBaat
____ Aboat MoMbt OaifarmBaak alloltbopiadfvaw dba wBtddool
of«biadM*tn po aad m
orffl ba aymaBtoil hpatarpa nmbar TW twiaaaa will ba aoddadaadtba
tarn adjototop
oa waU aa ^ laadaaaadad. Abeat twain meean
VP of tba BCBban of U(0 ' "
plepad aad tba. wark B batop
A natoaa faatara of tba parade, aad
oaatbatbaxpaatodto aabaahdpbit.
wfUbatba aatrkbaa. riddaabp
Otoaa V iBpertaat naaato .tba Work
barawf tbatoeal IX O. E K.

wmmbaHy Uadtha mat PMvda
M tba Pptblaa HMaaptoaM to


‘ OEMHizATXOv^^aLfaons

will be »ed Ibtor.aad toaf wOlba
baaatiM. Eaaba Tampto. of wbleh tba
leoalardor Ba part, wQlloadUm pa>
pad It B altupitbai Ukalp that
thB,wbM wQl bathe moat aalqaa
laatara. wlU ba plaaad la Iba carp froat
of tba aatBa prwaadaa.
Major FriadrMlBlarialp
Mafertba aoBbaret bIrdatbatwUl
go CaoB tbB dtp. Tba oatridhaa an
wdl baHt Mr*, aad tba alpbt of M
maa ridtop al^ tba atraat oa tba
baaba af tba prewanef plamea. wm ba
a atfbt aarcr baton aaaa. ana to a D.
Tba unto forDetrdt wUl iaaveoa
the Pan Mvqaatta at t;ts
atoratop. la order that eoafnalon aad
dalap say ba aroidad. U wUl ba wan
tor tboaa wbo are potop. to pat tbalr
tlekeU thB aftarsooa. For thB par*
poaa the ticket eOaa will ba open fro«
l:»0 to t o'dock.

Artbar T. Hateb. Vdl Xaewa to Tbla
City.Oiad to Oraad Baplda
ref Jodra
OMn BlccUd *4 erft»a TrftWM
mu Qi
PlOBlo at JPaplarUla.'^
to that
' Ikft Btftftd TnwM
A ddiphUal pleale waa aajayad by a
BBBber of tamUlea oa Tberadap at
gfirtnn But
ktioft. TM
‘•MaptoTUle." tba pnttp homaot Chaa.
TbOBM OB the hay ahorala Uelaaaa
aoanty. Thoaa preaaat wan B Onto
thaa aa hoar.
aad family. Mr. aad Mto. Chat. Cole.
r. Batch waa tba aoa o
Cbarlaa Fait, wife aad davhv, Mrc.
... .ja Oraad Trararae reptoa aad for T. C. Brittoa aad famUy and Chaa
Fmldftftt-Dr. C. J. Kafttlaad.
Baay yaara paator of tba Oovracatloa.
Tbomaa aad family. Dtooar-waa eamd
al Aoreh to tbla d^. Tbare are
aaay friaoda of tba faidlp atm radd- to Aha maple prora. and a faaatof pood
•W. r. Bar- IV bare arbo wUl eaod Boeb leviv thlvc It proiatt to ba. beptanlv with
apavtbT to them to tbU aalookad for allklndaot aBbataBtlala and andto|
with lea emm. The day waa aoeh a
Bar. Hatch la'at Obarltotat I
plaaaaat one that the“farmen' plcata"
taabla to po to Oraad Bapida at
nraatiH Ubc. Mr. HatA’C mother
wUl doabUcat be an ancaal oeaom
waiapaadiva abortbMat Cbi
KUi KftU IKohler wto has baan U qaa baa been ularaidwa for.
far aone tlna. waa ftbla to fo to bar
W onickly Inve ynu if too
Dr King'*. Nw Lifr Pilln.
uiflii of hoffon-n* hav.- imiTwl
MUa BUft O'HaftI baa raUunad troa
•rit for sick and
tlirir nuitchli-ns.........
• vWt to OftdUlae.
nMTOor »>eodachcfi. Th.
Tl y make |iunIUh FUcfftrt wbo baa baas alalUaff
A Terr plaaaaat IltUa party took blood and build up' roar hnlth.
lack If
Mn- lOea Aniotta. nioraadto Moacured. l^>Id by H. E. Wait iind J
G. Johnnoi). drupplsta
Miaa Uai7 Baatar. wbo baa baan or of Mtoa LaeUe Klrbr. The oco
waa bar^l^h birthday
la apftsear. baa ntvaad.
' Ml« Ida Plakard paaaad tbroa^ tba whlcfaaaBpah^of the enUrapartp
purw'. tnoe at B<-ndn> andyoD'M
M»r jraatardaj oabar wa^ to Lalaad waa takaa. Thia waa followed by b<‘ drowod tl* well a» (liw beM of
dalipfatfaleoaedri,.which waapreat
Mtar TkitlBf la Baat Jordaa.
TbaMiaaaaQaaUaaadLea Brodbac- 'atoyad.
Tba foUowInp ware preaaat:
m at WaahUftoa atraat. laft yaatardar
Lana Lardie. Settle Lardla. Bdu, Botix Oooi SATbm.
Mra.J. 8. Taekar of Otatfo. iaai
atraat. are both Brat dlaM barber*
JEn. Mtaorab bo^tUal tar traaiataat.
aad they ln»Ue tbalr frteed* to a "
JIlH mac Oaf* ««at to Oraad
on them
Mr. aad lira mab Xrada haaa taAaether Llphtatof 4atto.
«waad tran a tmU to Blc Baptda
MUa Kau Bofla of Aaa Arbor, ta the
Dartop nha atora Friday araatop
Upbtolv alnek aa oak tree to tba
Caeat of Mi« Marlaa Bobarta
Ttaey OlUUaad liaBAdaaaafe
paatad to arrlrala tba
tbte «
_ _
M tba CbarlaroU. for tbalr aaa- foaad twaaty feet away. It alao tore
a faaca poat a thort dtetanee from the
Hr.Md Mra. K ■aadalaaB an
‘l™ .V&Bd«rliB
•artalBlag Mr. aad Mra Backer aad
tba waa
B at tea wma, waan uie
IftBUj, Mra. Bbapin aad Mr<. Bleb*
aead. all of Obicafo.
' MiaiOraeaBldrad left Taatardajr for
JadlaaapoUa wbara aba wlU uke a
Nrf. Barpar. a aear aclphbor, was
•Mtaa la tba aonaal traialac aabool
iae ahoekad.
lhara. tba laa taaateoCaaM at
Pir*t.claaa Ictaranee Compaalca.
Iwaa. bat aspaeti M eUsb aacb UcbBoom e. Baml'.ion ft Mlltlken Block.
aria tba arotaaaloa.
M. DoTorak of Cbleafo. U riaUiac
W. Radar aad other friaoda la tba eltp. Si. Loalt..................................
WUIS. AadataoD Icft’jcatardajfor
MVVeraoe, OUo. laTtcpoaaa toa tal- '^YOu«udCri^Oa^
Boato^........... ’.T...'.....^.
s «. 0
^laa aBBonaelDA tba death of bla
aaela. Tboaaa 8. Aadotae*. at tbaafa
iad'OaAai MeQtoRtp*aad
MMjaart. tbaoalrbrotbareftbateta
BftBaal Aadaraoa. The taaaral wiU

F. G. Baamtaa baa baas bowcaad
witb'tba aopodntaaat oa tbaaoBBil*
M ef three te tba naBlcm of tba aaa*
atUattaaaf tba Mlebipaa brlpadaot
tba Dalfeam Beak. KalpbB ef Pytbtoa
ef tte
anOoL B. B BrackaWot Laaatopaad
captainBtdndpaofAdriaa. Tbaoemm wfl] meat to DatrcU oa the mb
idtataly attar tba aoaaantop ef tba



Advance Sale on Rugs
You can afford to have rum all over
. 37x54 at this sale for
Smyrna Rugs, 36x72,
t Rugs. 27x54. 52.35.
50 Carpet samples. iH and i
yards long. 37
inches wide, m Tapestry, Bc^y Brussels. Wilton,^el*
vet aad Axminster at first cost
We have a large line of Rugs, Art Squares,
Carpet, Matting. Oil Cloth and Linoleum.

(■■■•ao p;i»or,-r

■B Parker ha* Jail nturaad to
work after haatop baan told eff by aa
aeeldaat which raenUad to a enubad



N S3.50 SHOE
WhPt is Colory KiitfT

Rial Esiaie


Steinberg’s Grand

Mta Alaa OriatV who fradaatad
Moat tba Blfb aAool bare -tact apriac.
baa rataraedwthaboBaotberbrotb
•r, H. C. Oriau, after ^aadiar tb«
tawT— at Patoakar.
'. daba P. Ott rataraad pcatard^ froB
a bBafaWB trip to the aaat.
Laea W. Tltaa baa foaa to Pateakej
«0 apaad the day.
a M. Becr^aad aon Jaliaa baaa foaa
to Detroit aad Toledo.
Mr. aad Mia. Aaa Bala are aatertala.
tv tbatr davbtac. Mr* B. A. Wriebt
Wb Barriaffuo of Beat Jordaa,
Vetoed Ua brother, N. W. Uarrivtoa
«1 Beloa. oa tU trala h*a laat oaoalat
aad tbay weat tecetbar to tba O. A- B

ii J Wednesday, August 29tli.
SSSSa;;"r::.','.v.v: S TaaBahUlaadZlmaariPbUlipa aad

Am dnmatized by Chaa. W. Chase

eardnar aad Fowpn: Taapar

Mtrdr th Srisiul PtiMm.
a^'ivwm;<irim ^ Shaw

EsrSL;-:;;. :;;;'.-.-.; I


wef lAka Abb. '
Behead Smith; BaUap aad Fb
J. A Bodpea of Fife Lake, waa at tba
Wblttop ycalarday.
the andantonad.
d __ ______..
. a 58Mn. Wm. Wtotan aad daaphtor aprea to rafaad
-----utad, a^
M«7 of Boektord. U..wan to tba cUy caot bonla of Greana'cWairaai
rT*T» nl Tar If it toilk to aura yoor
pMtaMv rialttoplba tamltyef 8. B
.Id. We atoo
MaH. wba B aa maria of Mtv Wtotan. a SS*c«Bt'bonla to ivora BttofBCtorp
dad. 6. E. Wait. BugTMf want to Na*ah4a-waata whan
Jama* O. Johnaco. F
w Wfilapaada few waaka.

Aideo Beoedict'a •ceoic'^



Eic^CBt Cast or Ckaraden
Spedsl SccBcry Erery Art
Cotrert Wtrdrebe sad Properties

Pmincid Enirrtin

“ ■

aP aravtoa. DL, an aBlitop Mn. BBN-DA WILL .bow a liaaW fan
aad winiac clotbtop aadfaf^top*
SMk AdaMaatotor of Mr. Bodbleca
that wilt maka tba otbar laUowa
GEHpapbV rataraad laat araatop

m.Auutt, iiMotjtf Ih, an.


-in*an brrt.drlDk.aod !■* pialtiT* con
far (ooMir-tmn. bnOo-br. twrrwl* dk*of
Can, rbeumatuin. kldocy CMmw, kod ta*
T*n<MU iraaUo arlaiDC ftom * dliordand
Moauwta ar.d torpid rtwr. It U • n«M
■nokl'lc Rirdli-InV.aBdMrmanreCM

cKMr mikci W.L Q^Ut tho*! *r« «enk J6'r 17
Ve *Mri.-U.iaaai*t«l*U>laclir

▲. a. FBTKAN

VracUcal Shoe Maa

Oirrr Kinc l< aid la B-.aad Me. pack*

Dealers In Everything






efifTS IK teeiETr.



Bnemd nat, o» lala tomorow
KtniDg at tfaa box offlea.


The Latest Books
Always found in oOr Book
Dfpartment. These are aome of
”Kben Holden.” A Ule of
the Korth Country, by.Irnng
.Bacbeller, $1.60.
“ElipM or the Doom of Zim*
babue. by H. Rider Haggard.
“Boy.” This new story U
the longest and moat important
work of Marie Corelli since the
“Sorrows of Satan.” tl.60.
“Tbelaleolthp.WiBda.’ A
romuce of Scotland and the West
Indiu in the ITtb century, by S.
B. Crockett. $1.50.
“The Hearta Higbway-"_A
-romance of Virginia in the iTth
century by Mary E. Wilkina. $1.50,

School Shoes




Youth*’. Little tienta' Miaaea' and
Children^ Foot Wvr. good enb*
atantial, well made eboea. of
Box Calf. Cnbao Calf. San.
garoo Calf, Dongola -Kid, Viei
glote grain
I’he styles areatrictlydown to date. Boya' aixea, -i to
aeU fraa tl.£ to $E25:
Towtha' tkam, U to 2. cert fIXIO to
$8.00. Little (rentB’., at»a 9 fo
1S4, sell for $1.00 to$lj»0. Misses’
a -.11
sixes. Ill
to 2,
sell froib TS75c to
lildren’s sixes,
to II,
cost *w) to $1.75.
bildren’s sizes,
»; to S, sell from 56c to $1 25

The Lava Ware


The new msterisl that pleases
the bonaewife.
tonghest, beat ware for the
kitchen. The crude Lava u i^*
ported .from
Mount ' VvnrinaOnly three furnaces can produce
bvt enough to malt it. We carry
Wash Baains^ 12c to 15c-->Stirriag
Bowla, 30c to 60e—Tea Kettlea.
$1.00 to $1.20—Stove Kettles. 90c
to $1.10—Flat Bottom Maalin
Kittles, 40c to 90c—Pots, 90c to
$1.20--StewJPans, 36c ud 46c—
Podding PsDS, loc ud 25cHudled Bake Pans, fiOc-Hot
Water Uma, $2 00.

gnarsnteed for five years. OUe of
the.nicest wares for kitchen
We ehow these ex­
‘ '
Pie PUtea, 25c^Dish Pans,
$1:25 to $1.50-Podding Pans, Hoc
to 45c—Tea Pota, $1.00 to $1.25Mixing BowU. 00c to 76c—Cops.
20q and 2^—Dippers, 45c ud
506-Ssuce Pan^ 40c to 76c—
Frying pans, 45c snd oOc—Coffea
Pots. il;I0to$1.26.

Imported from Germany, vd
baa five coats of enamel







g is siOTia* s hesM.
& P. OHdim. €d S«nb Lss^.
^tofpotfrtghtfsliy rraAiil Ow
^ tbc nlfan spas iritkfc tte b««M
mM nlM spa the test ssd it «M
IM BasstMheCan «bs hesae eosM be
mimA « thu Mr. OlsAiey eesld be
the Spwatb Icsgse MMably s(
I««Mc(as is sow «
Am m Bcsrly tixty touagtm
CB the pnmd. tftMs tMTisg^
bsUt derisg tfaia r«r. "----------- tr
■est. »1U bslU foBT store for »le
shd mt ffaU fsIL
A wwe elMtttesl Morqt |Med
OTorDoor sboal fii* <«*cloek FHdsg
Duisg the ebover Pisnk
teltfa. s well-to-do isTwr. wnt to
hit bo«». asd WM •tisek dews
BSd yeaderwl sseaBaeioiu
UghtBisg. He noorered is s few.
agSMSte ssd foond tfast two of the
bog* bodbreo killed bf '
OnuuserjBasnsrmtea well that
ie s weather iDdicstor. A Mortt c«a
be foretold by wsttdting it* flow of
water boon befi
efore it moke* it* apAt Meoominee Mn. J. W. WorxUy.
aged ». WM nm over by a etm-t car
sod iMtanlly killed. »be
iag aeroM> the ear trac^:* sod being
deaf did sot bear the ibotar car comiug. She WM dragged under the ^ar
wheel* a diotoBoe of CO ^t.
Harry Eddie, whof^boine i» in*
SocftiKiii. where he hM a wife and
three children, bol wlM ha* been em­
ployed a* chief UoetnL for tb«-Bat­
tle Creek Electric worluXdiod in*tont
ly while being shaTed in a iarber *
oboir. He wa* S4 year* old.
_ A ' Kegaaiw*- family lo*t it* pet oat
.in a peonUar taanner tlie otlter day.
Psa* waa a»leep on lb? hearth daring
a holt of light


steid a* itt aatbor
its merit i* amand to be <d a hi^
Mr. Beid’*
paealMr damaad ibei|; reaUam and,
Ufc-lfta gwUtiea apcal to tbc '
iaa way that nakca them
The Ifigfal Before Cfariat.
ama. pnmted ia Stetebarg a Oraad
Im erealBg, i* oae ot the beet i»oMr. Meid * pccu It i*
a pictare of real life ia tbe boyhood
d^^ of tbe aatbor. A atory tgbieb
apcal* to OM'a'tBdmeat cynpatbiM
aad wWd poctny* eh
fa ercryday Ufa. A depamre from
which '
daiiag each year, la tbia pieca
Held liM toBcbed a ■entfateat
wblefa trreal* hi* reoognimd aUUi
asy ofbi* iitayt.and U
whid flUed-de thea­
tre bore erideciee alw that td tlwatre going poblic hare ocmfldnw la
pfay* aent oot by Bnrt and Vidoil s* weU M isB thea
loihip- The
which preaented thu pleoaIng laatoal drama 1* a good one. aad
althongfa oot hot a *bon time thi*
(bey istaated a very credit­
able iwodnHlan. The cooft
•eene is amsig and admirably conIt gire# a* reetlalif i
right into the p
of a crimi­
nal trial a* one can en
exiMt to witne**
tbe ktage. while the legal *pamng
and by-play »o familiar to attorney*
i* not ln#f right of in the eomtractiOD.

MMlatkmtag wot O* BeU a
•<4TBaaar.Ai«.M «a
Tbc aBBBul maeting of OoJitf Lo%u
of Miririgam L O. G. T.. wttl
T»ln Tmnnc City Toefdi^ mmi«g. Aug. «, to Memfifoe HaU. Iba
mhUu . wUl loM otU numtey
BOOB. Gcaad OtUf Ta^itar Blafae of
Gnsd Bogdda and Qaad BetnMasy
M. B. OurtUofBlg Barfa*
tbe city eomidetfag demlk.
Tbe local lodge U ray aettre aad
U doiag oU it GOB to moka ft pleamat
for tbe delegatee who wiU be bm in
foree. .Tueoday eredfag there win
be a Oo^I Temperaaee meeting held
fa tbe PRobyterfan rimrrii. to tritSefa
the pufale U eotdia^ invited. WedDedny eveafag tbe Oiund Lodge deU
gutee will be token for a ride
ColambU to Ke-ob-mVteita to faterewing
point* around
tbe city will be tbe order after Che
loot Morion Tbnraday maming.
•tWEt-TE^ .\N.\lt( HI«T
AnvMM to fhnaha ^'

■fUBI u> IV K>m*c ROmflta. Aug. S8-WilUam M. Will­
iam*. wo* arrested thi* monilQg as
the iwnlt of a rumor tlut he wu»
anarchist and had armouneed that be
wa* going to kill William J. Bryan
when he oami- to Omaha. The |ioiir<thi* afternoon Pleased William*
(bey failed to verify tbe cliarge. and
it . t* now helievi-d tl»- information
denouncing Williams was is
ble if not maliciouL

The Chri*tnia> ere aoette in the flr*t
act pkewnt* a kitchen in which MaeStanley Lamb and Little Mi«*
Lolita Lamb git-e «on>e exreptionally
clerrr work.
In their vocal Mrleclionr. they weiv heartily enrared. and
(hr <pianet iurlted entbn*ia»tic ap- shown- (he dispateli from Omalia *ta(
plaace. ^ The old chimney ccem
ing that an Italian;, anarchist iud
familiar to every child and day.
booked him forasaBssinaiion. taoighi
childhood wen- broaght befnnlanghed off the nuttrx ■>* u ffgidieiift-^ in a vivid ecene which
t of Ktmfttue* imaginaiifui
ieare|i a' pieoMUit memocy. The laxt
act wa» intenwly intenetiug. Each
member of the company portrayed
ilwlr nrioo* cliaracter* with credit,
Could Not Oo ta. Chicago With the
hnt Mr. Herbert S. Sear* a* Jndge
O. A. K Veteran* Who Utt
Phillip* dieplayed prononneed hi*Laat Might.
ritmic talent* -and hi* i
of a lodge rentenchig hi* own m
w of MePberMm Pari aad
death -for tlie crime of moxder
other vataeuD* of the G. A. B- left lari
intenaely teal, and patheric. while avenUg ia fom to attend tbe national
blood were forgotten in 0. A. R aaeumpaentatChleago. which
<ii«fairge of *acred dnry. ThU begint tomorrow. They left on the
scene bron^t tear* to many eye* and Pore Marquette and will arrive at ChiIn the last act. more tear* followed. eugo this morning.
Mr. Stwr* wu« admirably sappnrted
Tbolargar part of those who went
by Charles Ray. the blind fiddler; belong to McPherson Pori of thU city.
F. N. Naaoery. n fS^er lawyer. These were under the ermmood of
Elwyt; Steven*, a tyide*!' im>N-cntor, Thomas Flloh. Junior Vice Coamandei
Charles White, the son of (la- lodge. of tha PoaCT W. M. bmltfa. theeom
J. A Mahoney, a* the rmmp. Fred mander. and
MaTlo, the aentor
Ainh-rton. imia-rnBiating Wnm Sinip- v’er commanded being
unable to atkin*. ^is* Eugenia CurtU. i»e*eu«ed tend the
a eharimng eoneeptioe of tbe lieroine
While the majority of the i
of the play, while Miss Nell Gihwm 01.the train were from tbU city, other
fupptu-d the eomedy- role orthe fe­
male member* of the company
leeludlng Maple City. Bingham. Fite
Charity Smith. JoM>H>i»e Florenc*- Lake, Bast Jordau. Patoakey, CharleShoiprd and Vivian Patee botli gav< Ivolx. Bortoo's Bay, Boyne City, Relclever immaynb of pleasing part* lalre. Ocutrul Lake. Rtngtley and other
T)te ]iUy i* taandamnely staged with a polnU The repreoenUtlvM of eomeof:
oomplHe ootflt of s]>ecial ureaery.
these plaeca were in tbe city, to leave


nidewaU*. don't go at
Sapli Sir, Marie any note, the ctrr
.father* harlna decided.that it i*
-r . obraprr to boild good walk* tlmn to
^ defeiM damage *hiU
Thoma* Me^ of Oownna. i*
-ahead aotoria tbi* yw'* compfti_
*■ \ ti« in the unakeUlllng
laar week ihaT iiaTrisr^'t
; «lew
AtDxtroit.Jooeplj Kttmke,|co{alo^
of a botcher *bt*j. on Twmty-rhiiri
street. wa*froten to dnatb Priday
dfteTBonn in hi* toe hooae in
tear at hi* butcher nhop. He
getting ont some far with Prank
Mas*, aged IS. wbtm nddeuly tbe lev
which wa* piled high at one imd of
tbe hone-, cared in. tbe floor gave
way. and both went throngli io tli.
baaemeut, wberr they weia burietl.
Baas crawled out In-twecn block* of
ice. bot Kronke wa* *o large that thi*
for him. MlTien reachod by rMcaer* some time later,
wa* froieii to deaili. He leave*
email childn-n.
Dr., Vaughan, of Ann Arbor,
port* the death Priday morning of
with the local dalegaUoa. while the
Jo*eph Tuttle, who live* two
I other* came through on tha train, and
aouth of Ypeilanti. Tlie death
.\ncMber seofeklot l‘*nr Will Hraortbe were joined by MePbtnM poet.
canard by hydrophobia, the remill of
It wa* expected that Ueele Dan
Coantrr Todar.
bring bitten by iii* dog. which Itad
Wbippio would go as a guatt of bouor
The mystery coiiceruing the di*apgone mad. A horw- h<-iougljig to Mr.
of MePheiaon Poet, but it wm dadded
of Cliarle* BreXina remains
Tuttle al*o died of hydm|>)iobia
that bo would not bo ublo to aUnd tbc
deep os ever, and all efforts to lodoyaaga
trip without ^eat danger uod ho was
p him or. to obtain any definite
J. D. PlanigBii. of Detroit Thun.left at home. This wne a giuat disap
clue a* to hi*
day returned
Ab>*ka. aft.-r a flv.
polntmeot to many of tbe meabrni, aa
f*T bi-en'fruith-s*.
weriu' viKlt to hi* mother and fam­
they expeetod moeb glory from having
A new liearching party will go out
ily. Me had been in Daw*on for the
with thea tbe oldest aeaborofaay
thi* moruing. and a more tbortnigh
pmt tWB SBd a half year*,
poet la tbe United Bute*.
than ha* yet
ducted a dog expiv«s and did other
These who went trea thU city were
thing*, until he with .three otlier*. Io. will be nude. Sevetnl of the frieud* Chnric* Dlpley, Monroe Morao, .M. D.
of Mr. Bivxina f'mm this city will go
cate<i a claini. The four men
Morgan, John Behlosaor. H. A. Lang)
o|< fan.nou on their claim. Mr. KlanJohn J. Breritu. a brotlier of the worthy. Thoaa* Fitch, Bonry Beaderl|mii tToQght dt.flUO in gold du»t
SaeketL M. G. WUton.
ion who has »o coini>let«ly dropp>-d
Detroit with him.
He. with I
Frank WllUey. Williaa Core. C. Fewpartner*, will u*e the motfey taken out of the knowledge of hi* frieud*. Ur. T. D.‘ Coabt. L. K. aevelaad
'out of the claim in buildiog a hotel
will not till ^i« brother it found or George Elteben. B. F. Newbonae. Z. C
at Five Finger*.
FaUhoak*. Henry Doha. William Au
At the Argicultnml College. Pivri- the teareh for him i* given up
George.W. Phelps,, shipping clerk gnUae. J. L. Mumy. Sr-. Oaorg*
.drat Snyder * bonk* already ritow that
Doha. M. B. GrMBough and PhiUp
SW yoeng men and U young women for the Michigan Mannfacmring Co., Doha, all meabet* Of MePbenos Poat
hare a|>|ili«d for room* and |gopo»e. i* certain that be mw Brexiua on the N. W. Harrington. C. A. Hanaaford
street at Peto*key Sunday forenoon.
to attend college next year. Thi*
ThU U thought to be iminasible. in Frank B Cbatecy. D. MeUnghUa aa^
tadicate* on nltimatr
A. fl. Friu of Mnrray Poet. Maple City
800 daring the tlr*t week of the tall view of the fact that hr.i* known to
Lorrabee of George Mortla Poet.
luve gone from Eilswonb to East
Bastmrt; H. M. Foss of Fowlor Post,
The Ktrby-t^arpenter company will
flto Lakr; WUlIaa DolsaU of NorriiOpuMe mwmilU in Menominee only rig hired at the former jilace.
, OBd Boy Haanaford aad John
Nothing whatever ha* developed to
ome more y\«r. Tbe proiMMed ent of
Doha. Sons of Veteran*
two miU* i* 00.000.000 feel and all throw light on tbe mycterr. In fact,
all development* tho* far tend to
It IleipfO Wto Hmtk*.
tte timbig wUi be cut from it* «p|ier
the nutter ^ipear momTwpntT-DiDv nfBcvrrt^ mtm wrote
peckiaanU lands thi* winter. .-UkioI
mysteriou*. and unless ...
Jt.000 a«*M of land hare been chared
young man is discovered, the my*«C timber and the lands are for *aie.
o * AmlL....... ..........
lery will |«*»ubly'always remain. ... ___ —
world-Some for bnm*.
Tbe company own* over a milUoo
In the mind* of the people, tbe idea •kin evuprion* and pile*. S5o * box.
fact of p^ in Lonlsiana a^ Tesai
guaranteed. Sold
Sold by
by S.
S. E.
E. '
of fool play seem* to be gainiflg Cure
wbet* tbe mill* will be removed.
ground, though nobodv hasm* yet and Ja*. G. Johnson, druggists.
bean able to give the •Ughtwt ground
IBs UvlaefbUs wlU ploy tifo goam
for tbe anppositioa.
Timely information given Mr*.
today. Tha Ant at 6:10 will ba wtfa
Oecw Long of New SnoitarUIe.
fas Twirlan at l^palar Pefav Tba
toorv of • Wa»v.
Ohio, saved two Urr*. A frightful
•Moad wlU oeev fa fa« afuraaoa at
To V bound hand and foot by
roogh had long kept her awake every
ama plaeo, with tba MaaiatM Ath
Bight, ate had tned many remedie*
a^ doctors bat Meodily mw '
Maneherier. Mich., say.; My wife
antii urged to try Dr. Eian'*
fas eraam aklmamd off tha teae
Discoverv. t One bottle wholly cared
that *be could not turn over in bed ot kaowfadga fa aavfag Ufa. Boeky
bor; and ihe write*, th' -----aJooe. Af^ nring two. bottle* of Hinatafa Tat. mada by tha mSSkw
Electrlr Bitten she i* Waaderfullv MadkfaaOa. Uc
itaca or* iaw^ved and able to «io her own
posiiive fsoof of
kt; cbect and wtwk." Thi* ■upvvae remedy for THERE'LL BE A PlCKIQat Benda's
care all throat;
•(ore all next week. Lowest of all
Oc and $1. Gtmr- female dfatwee* qnlek^ ctm
price* OB Kumner good* -vach a*
F* lOc at e. K.
dlmv *
clothing, hats, underwear, that wiU
Wait.* and Ja*. G. iohnaoa's drag
a gnd^d m wvak. dctly, ’’runbe served CB tbe half-*beU to oU
' "
wbo attend.



S. E.^widt'I^Jaa. cf

Johnson, droggim.

». W. J. J

hnwHighaky bar «beteo7jaal
•BfafalMtboba^^B.0. WMmag
wnnaibaig. m «bi oaoudoB
Mr. «ri Mm. Jobs Ommair cf K»
wi^wa omytagut tho beuaofmw

tti UlBst BkRk

faUfwt fa tba ellyjer hfaed poU^
faffac«Malc*hMho» add.
rootlawef thoWgdligUr.

Of the edebrated L. & H. Deiby-We an
showing then now in all dimeonoiu of crown and brim.

fa* capabeotfagoaBMli TMiday.ia
wklfa tba Tyomaao CttyBed OBdOu
riab will oBfBga riaha from
Joedan. tfaorlaeofa aad BoUntra far tha
««p Mdfaa 'Fecaat
Lodga trophy cap, pat up by Gaerga H.
High of CUeago.
Mm. 6aecga Payn ___
dnaghtor Mina, Mkw Bdna Boldaworfa and Balk Tbam and O. a
ThonbavabaaB auapfagantba panfaaala the past waak.

Lamson & Hubbard


Fall Style, 1900

The Newest Shapes and

& MUler. who bu kata with
tba Sugar flewiag Maehlna Oo.. baa
neeapted a poaidon aa loeal r^woaa
tiva of tbe laterentieaal Oorres]
daaee Bebools ot flerantoa.
wlllopaauacfBm atria Fi
Fbed Bolt has sold hte ralUlnvy
atoo« at 817 Union street to Mta B. E.
There wUl be a Baailng ot tha UniiormB*nk.£. ofP .tfaU afternoon at
t o'clock. All asoaben am reqneatad
t» be pmsent is tallgoe anlfavm.
Tbe reserved eeri plat for -yao
Vedl*" will be pot on at Sicinberg'a

Are also on our shelves-^Hantisome PeaHs, Tana,
Browns or Black—We show three lines of the leading
manufacturers of fine headwear.
*‘No^ complaint! Ever>-body satisfied ’—is the
verdict of those wearing our !hats.

Don’t Forget For a Moment

Mit. Rutaky wM hip over lari even­
ing by a runaway at the comer of
Frontond Frunkllo atreeta. She wut
atrnek dewo by tbe horse and the'
buggy passed nver ber bedy. Though
badly bmlMd, it 1* believed that she U
not acrionriy Injured.
. >
float fake jevreler* in tbe dtyyaaterday wore Invited bj Chief of Polleo
Bennie u leave tbe olty. They aeoepted tbc invitation.
A weight cf 7S0 .peundc ba* been
ndded to tbe etroet roller, making iu
weight at present II,7U ponnda. It
will be ready for bueinme again teaorrew aomfag.

That we have many sizes left in Men's, Boy's and
Children's Suits—Men's Pants—^Straw Hats—Summer
Coats and Vests, on which we^ still continue our ex­
ceptionally low prices to close out entire lots.
If.yourboy needs a school suit you can buy it
from above lot at about what the pants alone ^’ere
' '

Fortywigbt tieketa were sold yester.
day via tbe Pure Marquette, to tbe 6.
A. B. oneompaent nt (faieogo.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Ooaferu /tbe heart, atrangthen* tl
lind U’a'geod. ill or well.. Man
aea face bright aa a enminer momin

of the past which U to enact the



Chi*. W. chaae-* dramakle versioaBt
’■Quod Vadia" the ma*t«rwork of Henry
fltenklewlex. the Pc^Uh roaanoer. which
will be priMlaead at flteleberg'* Grand
naxt Wednaaday evening. Aug.
miut rank a* oee of the iaportant prodnetiontot tbe eaoaou. Ibe wonder­
ful popularity of tbe book, the rirength

Bur." wbleb at a draaatie apeetaele.
baa been irlnaphasUj praaented at
tbc Broadway Theatre in New York,
both play* dealing with tbe birth of
Cbrietlanfiy and both being of a ecmlreUgions ebaraefar. tbe proalae of a,
aplendid eetting for the actor* to play
In, and the general interest in u new
drueatle ente^rim, nil tend to make
thi* os evenk Manager' Aldea Bene­

dict baa spared no expen** in polUng
tb* drama on the stage, and bopea tik
win a trinmpb .with iU prodaetioa
Seenieqlly tbe play i* Interesting, ei^t
•ceuc* hsving been built for lu illnetrsiion. One of tbe best psrforaaneeB
•can here In yean le promised
Oae of L-eeoln J. Carter^ vary baaV
attrocUoD* will be eeoa at fltatabergki
Grand tbortly It wUl be "Down Mo­

He Boston Store
School Suits.

New Dress Goods.

A complete selection of Boys’ and 54 inch Pebble Cheviots, of a
very fine quality. Price per
Children’s Suits cannot h?lp but please
you if selected here54 inch Fine Cheviot Serge.
If it is a light or medium weight, light
or medium color, to your choosing, nhese 50 inch Fine Zibeline, highly
finished^very lustrous. Price
go at big reductions on the same basis as
00 ourJast sate. lfitisa l\^vy Winter
54 inc^ extra heavy, sin^*
Suit, in dark color, you have decided
faced. twHied Suiting, homd*
spun finish, suitable for
upon, you may depend the lowest prices
on them prevail here.
Just now we are offeri^ good, honest
ion French Flannels, a's
rich and pretty as the real
merchandise at prices very tempting.
article. Price.....................
Wash suits, choice of our
Silk Waists.
entire stock divided intotwo lots, and these go at
^3C A Few Silk Waists left from
the sale, and a 'few more
98 cents and.......................
added to from our regular ® O ^ Q
A good, durable, half wool
stock, to close at.--^uit. (no shoddy) go « ri.0 g J _ J 9
Pri«of.............. ............
A chance for the early buyers; ati
entire line of samples from a fine manu*
facttirer. All-the practical styles for the
coming season, bought at 60c on the
dollar; clean and fre^. without a blemish;,
we place on sale at a corresponding price.
Take your pick of the latest fashions and
fine Cassimeres. up to 16
save 40 per cent on your purchase. We
invite your inspection, whether you buy
or aoL



He Boston Store




i§u9tT9r$ma j


Ooia* b««rtas
«IWaxiaM4oT«nra------------ .
y JOT atm to'dfcUr etraUMiaa .fal
«Ua ywrintedtaedabmtliif llw
eMt«7 of tbe
’ Vom^, Mt over aw Itet
At Delpboa, Bany Derle. m mtoOTKt, taM beee kUM in • kelteoo
The laeMtaue talM-to
«pea vti be fcU l.OOO tot, re«Mac
Utoraai -Injam
tetbFrMb AMtnUaB muuoe oan be
mppei to tfae Uoiled StntM. TUe
to proved br the eeUd LBArtaa at •

Onm WMkInctOT atom ato B

srs?cr?:--T«u..» =4
*7:air£;s^'«ii^ «,.a.

Ohmh og «nor of Stalk ato Wada.




Hall’s^tarrti Cure U token intern- tally, ahd ecu directlfr on the blood
Mtd maeasiknrtoces of the awem.
Aond for teatimoutala. free. F. J.



- •


H. S. OmpMl A Bow

Will have tbsir ofiaa ta toa bard
erare store off W. J. fiobba baraattv
evberHaU those having beriaam wito
ibe firm can call apoa, toam. »u-tf
Boady (vttaatoaava.
Mm. DaU Baataa baa retenaad from
■anlatse ana will ba plauadtomaev
mil old enaioman aa wall as mw otaea.
tat Ml bat Proat fiiMV

mat WatoM
ry. perhaps to i
anitontol tndiMtmanw to toe
^viod of tbe antonl'a Ufa orto to hnelawpftbe moatoat. Tbeamaajbe
(TC^wing to be marry; tbe bird aay be
a-bnildliig. the bottoefly not yet dry
(tom toe ctnyaiba. «b«i toay’am falian
■pan by bUnd mleebanee.
Utant only on dtanm or ky tmtolnktag
mtoobea. Controntod by encta extrinrie
aoDidance. men my ont after tbeir kind,
toe poet attonlng m toeffeetoal tomeaCBtlda. tbe moralita prenebing. the
aagaa orglag toihe dgyof plaaem
bnt tbe natnalltt amt be dnmb. Hia
too aalmale
that avoid or
ootlidtag fatsa. and
that yrt after a fixed period ran down
like a clock. Tbe swda of dtotbs ^iparentty ban been lying inec| in tbe bofiy
and come to fatal maiarityaftera tapes
cd time that vailee Uttle anMBg, indiTidnalt of the eame qiccies. bat that ia
widely different am^ dUfaraBt ^da
at anfnsala
rhfeeaow and ten ta tbe nataral
iod of nmn’a Ufa Tbe elephant wlU
, aOO.yeara. tbe borw bat baU aoenauu will live (or nearly 90 yeati, bnt
partoia, eagtaa. falcons and swans are
known to sorvire ibeir centoiy. Some
lire throagb nearly two oentoriea
qneen anea and worUng anta may live
for years. . Sir Ooba Labbock kept a
qaeon ant aUvefor IS yeart. daring all
which period tbe continoed to lay fmtile egga, bat the malea live only a few
days (Jneoi bees live two or toreh
years: wmkeraanddroneaafewmoDtba


denbla the tabor to o^aoe Jt tons
"Y'oBmnstbaBearrigtated.alr. 1
formerly an aaeonat U^toeraai
ase toe dwaUtag of one of toe oldest
foaa. aaan and maasan. I havaaoi...
to paddle from door to doer mad wUL (amiUes in Chioago not baU a mile
Kdoao. .
**^-lM’taeeltnlaU. What’ctbelr
«»-€ V__________ L2:®“
Setlee to BIqrBiita--'
CntU farther aotioa pvmiaaion ia
“Bless my aonH’’—CUcagoTciboDe.
btaeby glvaa to whoalmaa to ride cm
toa BOfta aUa of Want Plant atraat ' texony waa CO oalled hnaaaa ft waa
from Oalon atraet to Elmwood avow inbaUied by toe Saxena. who tooktfaelr
andon itaat Proat streai (rom toaO.
me (rom toe sea ax. a amall batUeax
B. A I.«. B. to Boae atraak
knife Which they, bore ia their glrride factor than aU mte^ar I
______ __________
In 18T« toe complete Boooem of water
•aaan UlmnUunt waa mad.


part of bv teoluarogMUag tbto'taMibv
ittttatba BffMriag

Toward rita and of ISMhetoek ig
hta abode ta OamkrUga, wbm* be waa
to taridr (or tbe rest of bia Ufa—for U
he tosfwm Is manta sea Bag ymaa Be waa made to taal gt beme ta
I taae ta me taagasa the me- tbametacyof toe aebolan^^ ritncerad abota Bwaid. tom ataDhst toe sole
oantav ta caltare in tbe coantry Hia
Aa atato «* WriOTinn. nliarmiBg work (or toe aaitece waa ■« aoexhtabal he bad ooi tlmr fpr UttratM
(otoxBd ahawtittan btava toa
Impalaa to write poeQTMrarMd.
yet toe nast book ba pohUabed wat toe

OTBttaoarefsUy.eotaaoot temartto
Itaetarier. I oame toHpNtaotly and
toad it v^ «Bd toltag, with a amt
ofmoM^oromotag ataig Uwadga
Itodtamkit oa a ride appaMtly.
Mdeol Ml toward the dining room
MQ 1 ewe'to a ootoar of tbe table,
wd then I (alt along tbe end to Ac
next fbmu'tr to get tbe dimonaioae of it
I atrA tbe other oomer 00 qolok; taat It
made my bait reta rlgfat ap Iknew
them waa mily one thing ttwy baiJd of
Mb ^ofe. and taat’a a oottn. .
"I toned ay light on it. and it w«
a Ug oak CMket, « of tbe kind they
make now'daya. aqnare and toUd, and
it bad ttazoa rihrer baodles on each tade.
I guo't dme look in. bnt I felt aa
tbo^loeghtto have ttombandlaa
lhabsad waa toarwtl tbe front of tbe
bow and tbe (oel toward tbe dining
room. I eot mydaap down and got my
mrewdriver oo(^ my bag and began
on one of tbe handles neaieat tbe foot
I mmt have feltaiittleanster
I'd got that one oS and Into tbe
1 know I want aroond tbe end and
tip tbe oChm tide pretty prompt,
ig 'em oS ciBOOtb ai ooold be. and
_____id tbe bead and taaitod down tbe
otber tide where I’d began. 1 got
handle off by the
II bead on tbatelde.
ttas 1 went at toe last handle, tbe
in toe middle. In toning tbe last
aeiew oot of toe handle 1 dropped my
laeemedtome astboogfa it made
noiaetban an '
1 oil
dropping lnride.of an
tank. 1 lost lay down and waited,
didn’t ■dare ran. I expected a million
people woold ootpe poaring down tbe
atalre end from all aronift. and 1 Jatt
waited, lying on tbe Soar, bnt tbete
didn’t anybody eome. Voa know, tbe
(not was that dropping that ■ei«wdrlv<
hadn't made mdse anoagb to wake op a
moaae. bat it aeemed to me like toe
greatest racket yon ever beard, and It
■oared me most to death.. Bat wtaea no­
body came I picked ap toe eerawdriver
and eet it la tbe notdi uf tbeacrwW again.'
aid I’d Jast gol toat beadle off wba .I
. toy:
‘Don't yon tblnk yoa’re arotrdin ne
bare a Uule. my (rienA earrylng sway
bandlmr It waa tba dead maa
■Ittlng np and looklag down at
•appose be'd
been is an epUeptU
or aaambing of that
• •on.
aort, anddn..
and dropping
» tata abock

loatOFBXow’g FmgT poenr.

less OP OOIUT10N M I

L aa toe work
of toe latter h
eti drive them away from tba atom of
food, so toat they perish at etarration.
Among inaecta gaaarally toe period ot
adoU life variea gwnrtly. Many, tike
toe May flies, dance in toe ana only (or
a (ew boon: toe aexea meet, tbe egga
an deposited and tbe oreatarea die be­
fore nigfatfalL Many bnUerfilea and
moths are noiaovided with feeding or­
gans and lire only a taw bava, cahan
for many days
Leaving ont of count certain minor
(aotors. like toe timereqaired for grow­
ing to a luger Blae and the slower
growth of animals that mast waate ttataand eo^ in oapt&ring Ut1d| food, it
_____________ han­
U oerti^ that there U aa intimUe ooadle, bat I grabbed my bag—1 euppoee neotion al I toroagb toe animal kingdom
iaatiaot made me do that—and atarted between the dararion of Ufa and tbe
oat toroagb toe dining room again and repradnetlve batata Aalsala. in ooe
down eeUar and oot by tba window 1 aensa. ata lUa toa bright and (ngrant
nein-by. I dldn’twtat to w tt any- fiowen of plants; afoca wbto ttaair
fnncUun U poeompliabed. wbm aeedi
ly was eoDlng this time

‘I gotfm for tboaafive bandlea. It an formed, they witber and petlah.
iiwnidapity to Iw toe other coa. bat Tbe baslsemof the animal aeems to be,
DQt to live its own Ufa bat to tepeedaoe
it wai always a great aatiri' '
lla own kind, and tbe term of life at ite
W tblak that I’d wcAa tbe
> to toa
diapoaal la adjn
Sam YcA Son.
special dlficmlcim ta this poipoaa
Welamann and Alfred Bnaael WsUaoe
fbggeattoat daatooomaa aa soon aa pas­
sible after tbe dne nnmber ta anceemati
ot betag morn dnadfaUy dla- bM been prodnoed. ia otd« that each
■gtwbla the Biiltnii ii toyba tan apedes may always ba ■<.
Ste. mtd toaBrightan ato bahto tba tall tale ta yoaog and vtaotoas
doala HatnzalmlaocloQaSUllkea,
motor who has nndeitakan to keep a
xwnt experlaoee be U a little partton- window box gay with tnab blomoma:
tv aboat tala ooodaet on a taiaet ov. each plant must be nmoved almota beBa boarded a crowded cv at—well, (on its flower* fade
lome atreet batwan Ohio and Seventh.
Bnt oor
oonoern ta with toe
Tbe aUle waa ftUsd with petwma bold- (act rather tban with axplanatioa of tbe
tag oo to tbe atrapa. Be stood fora seo- fa«. Taking the needs ta reprodnetloo
ODd ia .(be doorway and glowcnd at aa a master key, we find it nnlooklng
those witota. Tbe oendootor placed fall tbe seereaa of ioeqnaUtlea of Ufa Tbe
hand oo tbe fboalder of toe bad tom- Mayflies live only a few bo«*t,bnt
perod man and said:
tbeir aggk an prodnoed abnodantly and
■*Fot os. pleam, and don't atand in have only to be dropped into pooU (rom
tba doorwayt"
which (b«ir parents, leaving tbeir obiyaThe ditagreeabie man tanad bis bead alia sprang into tbe tnnny air. Tbe
a Ut and mapped In recum:
•bon Used moibt and boUerfliea eiml"Don't get gay. Slop year paabing,
rly an nntronbkd by family carea
'bon tbe egga bare to be deperited on
or I’ll report"—
Tbe anfoctanate man. while making .jmmon and aboodant food plants tbe
(emalei need and poasern few bonrt in
which to Bccompllib tbeir easy task.
pam ooL Uke many others, be tbo^t Tbe malm, ou tbe other banA bare to
the ear bad supped for him alone Bnt fly about seeking abd aometluiea fight­
bis orabbeil remarka were cat abort by ing (or pouaiaicin of tbe females, and
an enmigetle shove from tbe lady passen­ to them a longer life ia (Jlottod. Botger. She tboagbt bia enttiog rema^ urflles and moths that live (or mor^
wereaimedet her. and inabigbpltcl^- than a (ew days an tooae wboae cater­
pillars veMin a ranr food plants a
vodoe abe topUed:
"Yon are insnltlog. air. and very
mote oananlly chosen nntamy and feedgentlemanly, f nraat get oat. and If .
tug groond. Tbe femslea bare to fly
are not enoagb of a gentleman to all
aboat seeking convenleut spoU fur tbeir
Pata Ilia and hope latq toe baaaaa me to pane 1 sball do tome reportlDg.
oflainng;and theeggs. instead of ripen­
heart, makaa yoa well, keeia yon
The bad tempered man tried to explain ing and being deposited clmnltaoeonatYaVe what Eocky MoantUa Taa and apologise, bat toe woniaa braabed ly. an laid from day to day until tbe
torn »»«______________
pari Wm. All toe pameogcre beard tbe (nil tale bo aoeomplUbed In'many
mnvki and wltnemed toe incident, and
of been tbe males play tbeir
•ehara Year Plums.
diaagteeable man looked truly
nee. and that dnriog toe nnptial
Ky plam erep ia now begiaUng to
• —Indianapolia J
flight of toe qoeen. Immediately after­
ripen. Bradabaw* are a«w ready ud
ward they dieor abarUy after an Wiled
:be«orkata. Tbeqaeens. seolodedin
bTtoSta^ bv Smll^ Or
"It eeema very ewampy along hoe,
imperial. Uaga. Rhlppert Pride.
__ nuddle of toe hire, prodoee crops
Lombard. Baina. Oaade and Damaoa» oheerved toe Bew Ycrker. looking lao- of wovken year after year, and to tbeir
tatoaertar named, aU of «biehare gnidly OBI of the car. wtadow. "How livae are prolonged.
good **—tf fralt. I wlU daUvv on moeb farther ia it to Cblcago? ' tong tbe birds and beaau parental
peetofflm Mdera to aU parta of tba elty
"Yoa've been in Cbkt«o baU an ____ bare broogbt length of days with
beabal with fivepvMt boor." said toecqndnetor aaajeaiieally.
them. Tba amall singing birds an r^d
off. Tba plam atop la maob abortor
"Oood^ndonal 1 don’t aeeaByred-.
thaantaal and baa oest me aavly


^I«- of Ohio. Citv of Toledo. Lacaa
Coouiy—a* —Frank J. Cheney
tjukra oath tliat h<- ia wnior |iarltwr of the Snn of F. J.Cheney A Co.,
dohig bqainnaa in lli>- city of Toledo.
Oonnrv end State aforesaid, and that
'jmid Arm will !•> tbesam
<r each and
BUNDKBD DtiLL.kR.« fore,
«verV rase of Cataitb that cammot be
bv the nae of UaU'a C
•0 tafore me and subscribed to in my
wsvaenoi' this «th day ©f D«iembor. A.
b.. IMS.


THE spaSOf nrt

‘Altar I tod girttaiil to what X
Mid tod to iha O^ioota. ** add tha
to tontar. tafnagoc awaipanaM
too how to wan— Mauhtarita
•^atattadtotto pwtat: Tbit wlor
Wta ]Ht ia toot of tbe dtatag room,

Xto York frow Sew ZeoUad after 70
^ on tbe etaawer MatoOe.
Tlw Mriou pnblett of
awn to X.100 rtadante oemfrgBU
tJaivenity of OaUforsia. Aid war
to aakad from the UffidatOR.
too JoM Male haa bean dlaoorered
•t IS pUoea in Brooklyn boroaffa. S.
T. It it feared it may eimad to
I to Ladlat,' Ubrarjr haU
Pnapact Park and Looir Uland fanaa
rvlae at 10:M a. m. Sabto U indloatlve of the policy of tbe
Ytoltod Siatee goranmint that the
Odtaai flmr viM boUted with vtobo>. D. at «:li p- m.
tCraaing aarvlae at ?:np- ta. tobjeel.
xtoewmaony. over the palaoe. In
Itotfrir- It will «oat for the drat 'Troth."
•toe afnee Om. Shafter ordered it
•malod/down in IHH.
Tb^blle aro tavltad to aU tbw
Tbe Britiih aieamer Ir^ra from
BaiOTrwAMC to the United fitatea
cai'acH or auun.
•a aahore tyrenty-toftt milea eoothmeat of Gape Oakrfafni. She will
probably be a totil aTvek. Captain
BtokeU. elirht Bar^Kana and twenty
ObrIattaB Bodaavor «:1« p. m.
litoive tnembera ofSthe crew wen
Tba membarahip are mrged to be
fiieked np and landed here, Tbe teat preeeat at tbw cervlaa.
/ are mtoing. having taken to the
tome. . Kaiivea are p
Bev. n. Oeeklie, eatwr.
Mortonc •arvtae 10^0 by Bav. Jw.
Abtwp roaming over liu- hilla of Waltoa 3 Badflaid. 8.0.
Snday aabool at u m.
■togas and Sommit eotintiea. Idaho,
tataraadlata OkrtaUan Badeavor at
have atampeded awanaia of aqnimU
. Crom their timal liaanu. *aA the lit ’^t^PaopUe' Sodalyet CkriaUan
' da rodenu have .depended on the ''ndaavorate:ls^m.
Tban wlU be M •venlBg aarvioa.
farmera' eropa of ceivala and vegeUPrayer maeriiig Ttmdf at TM.
- ihlaa 'Trapping, poiaonlng and othar
Tba pablie are eerdtatotavltod ti
aaana are bidng vainly na^ to redooe tend all tbw
■ dtoir nnmbet.
9a tbe renlt of inattention or
blander more than 100 oadeU from
fbe United Statea tralalngahfp Hon- •e*. i. a. towtr. paaier.
oagaheU have boon obliged to eleep
Prwktag at lOiM a. m
. ia the parka and atreeta of Faria. The
Bvmtat mrviae ?;to.
Moi^ aabjeel. ‘The 1
■Trr ‘ ia at Ufvre, and the bm ea
mo Parta to apend two daya atShe
•anday atoeol U B.
anaogamenta w
Bpworto Loacaa at«;» p. m.
to hooM them at a boy’a ool■age in Parla The party waa In
eedmrge of a llaatenanl, bat when
AU are tavltad to be ptattaiV
.aright arrived the lieatet
aaooxD nnoDBT cnirnoa.
on band to pilot the boys to their met.
They took poas
tdar itailam rrmiklnf at iO:M
iMitkii in the parka and ca the bool^7:»
Tbam^^^ (MTto qMTUrty
■mnrda Some of them met hoepltabU
k them to hotels. •-iSa-V^MramantottoaLmd’e
Ant only a (ew were so laoky.
■xpparwUt toUow toa
Diatreae appalling i money is needwA, to tbe word from United Statai
Oonaal Pee la Bombay to tbe New
Sorb India famine relief
r maattaff TBaraday
Tveaty-two patieata wm aent Fri­ -~atag 7;U.
wdial tavltoUoa li axtaaiad to
day from the general military hospi­
tal at San Fxanclaoo to eaatera polnU
■ far 'farther treatment. Ooaanmptivea'
••«. BareUr reaea. pai'ov.
KB to Port Bayard. K. IL. and rfaeaOhareb. Oor'. Oak and Piftb ata
Mttoa to Hotfipringa. Ark., where
■aoday eebaoi at eitt.
•vary effort ti to be made to restore
lad by
•be anfferera to perfect healtli.
lyitle fruntOB.
ashe anaonnoemant that a gaaraa-,
•aad egg company U aboat to begin
baslneai in this city will interest
taotiaekeepera wito Itaw been in the ASOtBSB OP BBSOA’8 OPPEBB
hahir of pareltaalng li
Crigerated egga for freal; rmea. The So Ou Barrad-dfa a Ym for AU
cwiiwny lias been Innirporated with
tbe Inteiitiou of prodochig from »«. ■
Wriu A Baade A Oo. a tattor asd
nOO to 100,OW .-gga a day, everyone of WU toam ribat yoa think of tb^. atom
awhieh.will be guaranteed freal>.
and matbod of doing baAnw. The
swder to accompliali ttaob}erl the bmt five latteri rvealvsd will aaab ra«mmiauiy lias bevu capimlued at ll. aalva f l la cash. Ut year latter ba
It Is not
OOO.DOO. iwrohaaed a f^rm of AV) anv brief and tatoraattag.
M in Sew Jersey, and ptanned a ytor
laemaary to w big arorda. toerafora
ly .-aja-hdltare of gtlO.OOO The rom
be yeaavar ehUdran stand Jaat aa
pany experts to n<alise it* pn>ftt* ot aachabanas aa tba Utorary gantaa.
1 to S. “ ■
Ibe viwrlv rouaampfiou of eggs in NenYm* rtty. ^hlrb it la A Co. Advartialng depanmaat. All
letter* mail be to by BepV ted.
.mmonnt to lOO.ODO.OOO doaen.


moom. gpNnaT, apspsT at, wee

-------- jd.aad'teprm—
riMtaariUtartbcrnmpntmtahwm U
trj. It le tbaagbt. bowaem,
that tba grmt tee oaf the artoof tba
tom M'ba aaver.

plM or avion, may be called art
Tbe yootMta atadpmtte hm. a
am pilgrim to Bnnpe,'waa.gMi* «r
lOT. ATlffierita at LongfeBowblM
A taw miBtIha Istar ta the otm r

WTtttanwbUc bewmat
Bowdtan. Soma of toam beylrit vmam
mam toe tefiamci ta Bryant and otbera tevaal to at that tbe yonpg poet bad
BM yet looked at Ufa tor blmmU, bat
atUl mw It toroagb toe atttaefi glam
wlodowi ta Enropoan traditioa. Tta
oootatned also
reeem poema—"Tbe Beleagaetad aty"
and'Tbe Reaper and toePtaOTC*’’and
toe “Paalm ta Ufa’ ^perhM toe first
at hit poema to win a awift and abiding
popolarity. Tbeae lyrtcateetUM that
Itf^Uow waa tagtaBliw M bava a
style ta bis owa As Haartoome wrote
to bim. "Kolbiog eqoal to
eVer written in tola world—tbie wertera world. 1
yet written any poem of tbe kind *o
good aa toe bmt ta those in Longfel­
low's To)nn-e of "Balladt," printed
two yean latec. Better than any taber
fellow bad maater.. . ..
toe vtoiy Ineong
and be knew bow to combine the awiftand tbe pletoreaqnewm tbe ballad
reqnirea. HU ballads have mero ta tbe
old time magic, man of tbe early aimf aBJ o
EnglUb antbor. Of its kind then la
nothing better in tbe langnage tban
"Tbe Skeleton In Armor." with iU
eplendid lyric awing, and "Tbe Village
Blaekamito" and "Tbe Wreck of tbe
Beiperns" are almost aa good in their
bomblcr sphere. "Exaclsior." in toe
same velama, voloea tbs noble aaptatians of yonth and baa been taken to
heart by tbooaan^ of boys and girta—


I Front at.

Telaphone «H

T. F. Huitit,

Kit Alexandtf bad bean waaai
eral times for braaebes of aebool diaciplioe and waa at length nported to the
bead master, who gave him a final
wantfng. One night not long after Kit
WM again oaogbt in mlachlef. and be
felt that toU tune he WM "to (or IL"
A flogging by toe doour was no iaka.
and Kit delanntoed to mata what pnpaiation be oonM toat toe wind might
be tampered to the ahotn lamb.
On riklng toe next mtntog be |
on firm Us naderaUrt. toes a layw
stiff brown paper, then Us >ecseya. open
toSM a awMter and over all a el
wUte aUrt. borrowed bom Ua cb<
wboae etotblng wm two Mbm largv
tbaataiaown. Lastly be pot oe bl
end veatIt VTM a venr hot day ta Jane, and at
tag intermimiaa Kltwhl^andto
a friend: "I'm nevlyatifleA I hope FOB BALE am Taao lota an East otb
be’ll give it to me now. ”
itraat. eloae ta property. Bond loaaBat toe doctor aUd antbtag. and KU
don. Prttotsoe.
went on stewing naril dtaUM* (tei> "
FOB SALE—TOl—Benaaood lot. West
fell baU tocUned to timaaaa at
FrM8t..lot SOxlM, lays batwM
Front and Third 8V. boaae liM
bntfoavof (be doctor's
TUrd.^ fv 00 Front. Good bnriUrn.
AU torongb toe afternoon be suffered
neat leamtlea. wUl take wnaU'
BDtold misery, mapping bto face until
proper^ part pay. fil.lto.
bit bandkeiobtef woold mop no wore FOB SALE m-maa bomaon Wabatar
Bot at length. Init btaore di
atraet. Boaaa bM six rooms, good
came a maaaenget "Tba dorior would
well water, larg* lot. nlaaa ta pt^
lUm to see Alexandv ta bis atndy."
arty, worth fil.OM, bnt wUI Ut go (Or
-On enttaing tba etndy toe boy saw
low prUa. easy paymantoPrUa
tbe supple anakalika cane lying on the
"Well. Alexander. ’’ said tbe doctor, FOR 8ALE;-?M-M- sere (vm. IH
"loan go be warning yon no longer.
mlleaofcity. Good new boMC. ItOO
Yon bare Iwoaght this upon yonrcelt
bearing (mlt tratarX acraa of timbv.
Bat M n ia yonr first visit bare for aneb
pnrpaae 1 shall make yonr pnnlabant somewhat milder. Bold out your POE SALE—7t9-t.’. sere (arm. jMt
band; four on eacbl"—Vootb'a Comtop of Broekwsy Hill, good fraau
heosa, good barn. aUnt 400 bearing
glMSIa oad ta* Magtslia
fruit watered by waU aad
Many years ago "tbH Wiaard of the
aprtaga All good land. A flea pUm of
Konb" gave some perfomanoM ia Edproperty for wme one that wnaU a
tabnlYb. and Profeawir BlackiewaB one
amall track farm eloaa to tba elty.
of tbe crowd who went to see them. Aa
Price Aiooo
laWog bis way In be felt something at bia coattail and patting bis FOB SALE-7to-^S feet front on State
atreet jMt sMt of rrankUn street
band into bis pocket be foond *u egg.
TbU be look oot aud inori adraitiy
Large htae room bosM, baaamakt
tnnsleRed it to tbe pocket of a yonug
onder whole, nice Urge rnems. Ugb
man jost in ftoot of him. a penoo
ceiltaga. clMP to impnrty. Lot aUoa
unlike himK-ir'Mcanwell
wortiTaU >rt aak for wboU property.
Arrived in tbe balk be ranarfced wb,
Bouse oo^d not be onUt today tor
tbia yotmg man placed Umaelf and
lem tbaa IlSM. TbU property la a
'cboee biiown seat inaootner sa remote
bargain at price efferad and wUl be
'as possible. When tbe time came (or
aeld on easy term. PrtaagMM.
"Wiiard" Andeiai» to "trooble" him
for tbe egg. be aroae and explained toat FOE 8ALE-7ri-16 aerm IK mlUa
be had nothing of tbe sott In bia pocket
from eantar ot tbe dty. too baartag
bnt that be beUeved................. ...
fralt trees amaU bona* and barn.
could Tirodnoe it. pointing to the aatoo,TtaMt vUw In the ataU. AU good
Ubed young man. whose anririae. how­
toll Owner baa btoinam ta tba
ever. by no means equaled that of tbe
wizard.—M. A ta London K»
city and bM not timt to look aftv
It banM toe low prtoa PIMO
Drtvsa to in
Mrs. Toogood—1 don’t am bow it is WATCH THIS LIST—Tba above nn
bnt a few of tbe harfalna wa bava to
that men find so mocb ^eaanie in soch
bmtal buftaeai as prise fighting.
eSv. <%aage every day. If yon
anemiea an eqoXily anmerooa an(
Brtaten Pace BUI—I don’t me bow
don’t find nnytUng ta tba Uri to wU
Ktlte toa oonataat attention of the male
yoa, eome to oar oBee- U yon wmA
and female play aneb bavoo with toe we kta balp it, lady. Tbe «
young mat hardly in 90 yean will a erowdin ns man ont«( aU tbe profeato bny, Wo Wont to 6m Yen. Uymi
pair rev np young enongb to mafntUn al(ma. and they ain’t aotUn else fer nt
•ul U> «U. w. «ut U ta Tn.
tbe^ca Birds Uke pbeaaanta and, tv do. That's tbe only ratnan I'm In
Wa ar* always on tbabnntU and are
(owls an «tiU more proUfle. bnt oldl
alwaya glad to am yoog Wa Imvr
and yoang like an preyed open by a malCaSaiaUl tbongbt so mnoh of hia
larrerUata, maka more mUa and
tiftsdeofennum. Tbe birds ta pnyM
voiea that oooe when ebaUengad to
Unn more moony tbaa aU ^rmt
slowbreedva TbelractiveAI|btmMs
pst togatoer.
it impoasible that tbe females tbonld fisbtadMllwrafBsed on tbe grooDd
that be bad BO right to expbaa to any
eartywitb them a bstdenta developing
risk tot life ta to great a ttagv.
eggs, and ta tbeir lung Uvea they leave
behind town no more- prori**-" tl-an
The alaobea or openingt ta' an OoMr'
,j,jcker +—‘•“"r ' ' •
<tm garment to »bbw (be one beo«Ub i
- -.-'J

Hnnt ( Hmbiggli.

Rul Estm Dulirs

Tradtn, Iini liiurs.'



THB mwMnrg b^bd, sutoat. atoubt m. i9oo-pabt two.

M > «MM( to

te •».

CMMM gpl»MUe wrrt
«#ito Aad M to
•ft* Ckta* Met ow her

«*wk. to van t» ftotera
iirur itot of tto
. vtotmr mtf to thMr
filitiiM to totor -—“---------* -

Bom SSB9B Mscastm

a cuua

^ ^


tot «r brsTtot totoat

ititomcr. tod U to
tboBdit «toe bwanto to bu * Mut-

■-1 /

tto enu impertol «toh) •m»m of Chiu U one of tto « >ost oondsffl<
•tor ftowfved. ertth lu main arterr. tto Qraad caul, conneeti « Pcktiw wlta
tto coast. «to mitaa In lencth. and Its numerous trlbutartca. But the caul
srstem^t Chiu U to IllostraUoa of ^ Umitatiou u «-eU u i
Ther eouM o
inland vatenrar. t
t a1 treat
overcome the dilBcultles offered at different ieveU. To thu dar
. Itojher ban
amcepUon of lacks, br ohicb canals mar
t tra%-eraed at different levels
r to
tod as a substitute have a series of Inrltoed
sed planes.
Ther have a peculiarly
if about A' ■ d br meau o<
nal to anoiber. To prr>-cnt a boat shlpplnc water a screen of wickerwork Is
set up at the boa-.
As the teal htchwars of Chiu are the carols and strearaa. they have bas*
used by the hordes of Boxers from tiir Miiertor. who have swarnMd alooff
banks and In boats on Ibelr. watem. ijocklnt to the seat eff war In vast
numbers, with no Axed Idea In «1ew except ih^t the outbreak p
lied opportunities for plunder and for revence U|«n the hated forrlxnera.


As a. nation, aars an Engllab traveler, the Oiliiese may to said to to tto
uurably 'cun shy" and rather prone to peace than to war. -But. while eowartf.
r if be Is cornered and cannot
:« by insilncL the Chinaman will flyht like a rat
ran awey
Ke has no tear of death, u hu been proved la a' thoi
he Is superstlUoua and likely to yield to a panic on Uie s
bulk of the soMlen- is drawn----- - -------- ----------but from thstr old t:
u the Htotchoos. who have ruled them evar
Every Hantchoo ts ostensibly a soldier, whether he may to In the
pursulns-some t '
eorulied amonx the "bravar’ aaff
entitled to early
wrote the author of "Chineoe Char. . of ten mlllM—
—tested by competitive e
to their capacity
to yo to sleep
. aeroax
three wheelbarrows, with head downward, like a spider, the mouth wide epsa
and a fly Inside." And this san-utlc reference of tbe writer to the Chloaao
soldler'i Inclination to aeek bli eaee on all occulons Is Illustrated by this pdto
ture of a Mshteboo soldier supposed to to "mountlay yuard."

ton extraomnary on thetr departure
(or other lands, oloee to a Chlumu
that wonld aeon a work of sapererefa.
UOD. Aa to ttair aMUiy to bold their
I acathst the traloed dlploi
other oonnirlea. it bss been ampi
n Bbeuld be ismmbetsd tlu
whlls China ww tto very UiestIt to loin
she hbs

' ne climate of Tiea-Mla M not at
to aoUlertay la
seoson. and la the wlatee the cold
weather U so prolonyed u to become
raonoionoiia Those of tbe allied army
*ko bad seen
Sr l_^T, previous serv-

hMtrton line of rulers wIm
la the art of diplomacy. Tto Chinese
BsadarlM and all public offlclaU ta
hlffh aUllons served for life tod traunutted to their aucceosera the tradiilou
and aemnolated wisdom of their expe­
lt must be admitted that the Ameri­ quaUttsd la esorr wnr for tbelr poolcan system of frequent chanxee and
It U doubtful If more than a
abort tenure of office le open to tto small proportion of our ministers and
trank erlticlem of the Chineoe minister
abrpad oan spoak th« laaat Wasblarton. who receniiy'declared
that ov oouular eervlce wae in n««d
r>ut thlsls^ot ottratl
of inform. “America's r»pieeeutatlv«o."j
tto Chinese. The mlnUter to Parts
to aaM. 'lare ebanyed too frequently. |inot only speaks Prench. Init hu been
Seldom do tbey know the Unynajtc of
^ In some respects.
u tolny
^ country they are amt to. anff. ul»ori Hartslto than many ofTto utlV;
It U. even the tnurpretera and rtce j residents
oonsuU nsldom repreoent the best ^ As to tto doyen of tto Chlnew dlplotolem. for, havln« no hope of pro-1 mats Wr Chlh-Chen-U>-Feo*-l-uh.
motion, youaa men In throe pool- i Mem mlnUier at London, the Enyllab capable of betraylny • diplomatic oe-ibqy. He studied law In.Borland and
Uons ars always wliUnff to leave tto ; papers declare .....................................
I wu admitted to the bar In IkTT. He ts
eoinnJar aorrice for ooc..................................................
I lntensel>' Chirteoe appearance, to
Two of the most Important pesu In now a little over SO yoars old and bu
the Chinese diplomatic service, occu-' been successively a magistrate in
pled by men well equipped for cheir em- Honykonx. lexal adviser to Lt Hunt
Inent missions, are Berltn and 8t. Pe- Chans and an ondal Inkhe forelyn of.
tersbury The former is held by Hu. flee at Pekinx He came to this country
Kal-Huan. who was appointed In l»S u minuter In lOT and has xainrd sreat
and hu had yreal problems to solve In popularity for his »1t. liberal Mews and
eonnectlon with the Oerman occupation brilltant oratoo' His omrtai residence
of Klaochau.
is in s spacious mapalon of white undThe present mliUstes at 8t. Pelera- slone at the corner of g street and
burs Is Mr. Tanx-Tu. who Is remem- New Hampshire avenue. Wasblnyton.
bered u .one of the most popular of tod there to hu held those popular reChtnese f^resentatlvea at Wi



^ L-li:

came prepared
for either extreme. and tto
Husslans from
Port Arthur car­
ried alony their
yreat. sbasyy
overcoats of
sheepskin. In
which they bade




Tto Cblasu ars dscMedly polyttotstH
In thsir rsllytea. tf ttoy may to said W
have aay raUyloa. At toy rate thdK
have mere yods of various kinds thM
any ordinary people voulff.know wbAt
ayes of a few deltlea, such u the Km

elemeou After
Tlen-tsln had
been carried by aauull. the Boxers and
Imperial lroo|« driven out. tbe differnatlonalllles dlMded the city be■n Ibem for the purposes of protecto property and yuard mounttny.
Even Ihfr. after Ih* foe had been
expelled, amid the rulne of the native
quarter the sentries were eoratwlled al­
ways to be on the alert, leal some Chi­
namen,la the yulte of noncombatanu
should creep upon and murder Ibetn. It \
hu been reported that the allies who.
flrst'VsMyed that perilous trip to Pe- I
kinx were compelled to kill most.of*^s
captured wounded, owlny
Nyn Hleny Kui

favorite deity U Kuany Ta the yod
war. before vhom tbe Boxen baw
been placing .fTfrincs aad t '

It hu bc«« a caue of eomplalat of late that tto •^'nisi'soldleiM wwe
belter drilled than ttoy onybt to to lu otber words. whUc it was expr-rrH
that there were only a fmr well drilled battalioes of ooldtora Jn tto^Sra
sad that tto balk of tto ansr wu todiartpUncd aad crudely armed. tbeUdth
»to that a larxe pruportloa had tMulred more cr leu to^
. V** *ltod puren hare now had brouyht homr tb them tto error ct fur­
bish Jw the Cht^ with medsu wsapou abd teachlby ttom bow m w t^A
TSc aolditrs shown h: th« HluS-raU-ei --e • »— seieeM from tto amy of
tbe viceroy of ffhaaytuny. qho were dnikd by r>rtcao rnstructors and armed
wub |to bewssi Oerrun pattera of th- deadly Mawaer rtoe. They show what
can to made «r,tto raw, lyaorabt cooUes taken from the lot

Tbe antiquity of Pekinx a
a former adrancement are lUuiraied c
r la uie yreat Uu-ko-ChUo bridye
_ lltUe dlstAbce from the capital city. It spau tto Bun-bo riv'sr. with numerous anbes of atoae aad a _______
parapet, wblcfa in olden Umea wu adorned with rows of stone Ueoa
: _
It U a eotaWe monument to Its bnlMcn. but the date of its eeutractlon
Toctlon U not v___
exnctty known. However. It wu
staadloy in tto thirteenth century, for tto yraai Venetian craveiar. Marco.Polo. ettwsed I_____
Umu and_________
hu Mt
duertpt^ of IL I^lo wu In China totsreen I2TS sad IdM aad wu for years actaebsd to the ooiut of tto mlyhty _____________
-i loath______ _
(avoea. ylvtny Ma rich Jewela. allhs aad other treasnrea. Arriviny In V<
unde astonlahsd Ito people with thsir wocderfnl stortu And
bausvnt that tto y
f tbsirtravds are in tto

i IS

A tortoise li an excellent weathSX
prophet. Ibouyh the fact 4a knows t«
comparatively few people. TortolM
farmers on the African couts notlcs
that, even ft hours before rain (aUh
these euriou animals prepare (or It Sf;
■klny the cobvenlcat abStsr M orW'
banxlny rocksclear, sunablw mornlny' bot
believe implicitly in the tactics of
the tortoise, who.Is •
r<n> tbe downpour Is certain to oewn
within (fie time stated.
1 of tbs Sto
proaeb of rain U shared by many o___
animals aad birds and may bs
plained paniaily by tbe fact wblls
rain U formlny me atmoepbers Is Ito
hi: bat ihsre may aMb
to some
moUiura wucb makax
itom a<
tu approach or aoUi
jJtablU oi
< life whicb Mks tbsa ttmt

Tins MOHiTOo Mdbam. sDNoair. attensr ». woe:



iMwwriTiow ofrmom iMAJum

■owe Peavwd Itowataa..
b la MdaM to aeto haw maart h«e«
_*Mme tba (rnehs that were owa to«k
•clBtoei matelp hp «dW7- 4<Mr
pean age we preteted a cent Mi
tolrt. wMh a toirt and mOor bat. in
aaptbtog te tba ttwm, tba toen, tbe
ktog p«tp. eto, bat »•» psople
fa tbe mte tototoetleable ^
BMprm, tbe pretip bgbt toA
WMWMdHtf flormMHlkovhii

■tffw* kMMtatritv Mr



_____are teeUp ont of plaee wmn
hp a woman of mattae pram wbo
wnnU ba expected to know bette.
At a matte of tact, one need never
bat abe
Drip. Tberetonoai
In pwttfng a pfto mntoa bat aa aa a«Ponet to a aavetep made blato doth
gown or aeme awh reapactaUe fahrie.
la (be tavnrtta Unena tbe petaM
hede of btne gmp to a poeoltorlp bapeolortag for tor perm K aoita. and
the■ Iemarteat effect to gained bp a
fltrapped akin and a oeat reaching Poat
below toe watot or an £too deeoratod
with mllttarp tmtlOM and dtodoaing a
Mft rmt of wbNe. Tbea# look charm-

taMllMi «( (MO* «ni*.
«*a to
dftoto*. vbe» tiip«u


th* i«irifliitotnB ct
mfhmt* wlw wd
: *'Itto fotouMto to
drtoBM^ HKto |dvk bi
towtocl Mf bnU«±i.'' ItBcreorar
to tirnjttm tetoJlMt fiapiflit &r euM
and cewt that tbiiesa be explaiDed bf
toe aUerldtot ttottoM“Uttle pt<i"
•te hanataw. bat *'blf toOloeto” an
"If 700 dfooa 70B have tot a Mato,
TMwUI eooB toe a frtod.’’ Tamelni
aeoBheOa Indeed toe low of a Bolar or
aatoctoxU to be depUired. aad pendftare Uw fint pneiooltoij t«ln«a at
as ezpqaed nerr<
rre bai «aaeed i' '
Bat bow explain "l^oa dreoai toot
a lean fin, Toobtit
Nortn 00
eooo taarei
fMto a far 000007, ' and "to dreoB of
dear water to a elgd of griefr"
pwbape toe mod^ e7>toa
totorfeatiffiBB Bb7 be edpiaed ap io toe
Mae i^dioriBn toat "dreana fo b7 ooa■ 80 If 70a dream of reoriTlng
nMoe7 fOQ wlU Ukalr loee It: If 700
dream* of Umea fond and aweet, 700
ban blowa in atore. "If 700 dream of
toe dead, 700 will bear Iran toe lie-


to more eoadoe
aUad. on toe whole,

70B an bp to 7oor neck in mod and
9lfa" fiat, afaln, "to dream that 700
toaad naked is toe acreeu to a eon alpn
of trooble, dtotreae and per^exlt7.’
o bewtindered
at enre. eren In a

aadabra—toewtoeend leame^Tyroeoopbomoa Be flrn'e long lUt of-eignlfianlioni. embndn* almort er«7 known
tree end plant, TccetaUlc, flowi-rs and
ImlU.* To dream of a lealln.i tree to a
adfu of fieal aorrow: of a tree witooot
tnmcbea, deepalc and kuicidc: too jew
. and toe elder mean alcknne to the
701ml and death to tbe old
a maiden to dream of eerlppini
u of lOM
.A for a marriod woatan It
rearement. Ind(«d TTroerophomne divldee hto tlgnldoalloo* acmrdlng to toe
aaaandcoDdItionof tbndreamm. That
M a man the itrlpplni of tbe bark porgandt an inoreaee of fortane. The lime
Baa meaiu a rojage acrom the ocean;
toe elder tree to anipieloa* and the fir
tree nxve eo: to dream of toe oak par•mdt lung life and proeperltj—flttlni
tolhto.dedd«dl7—andtoeaih creeforetalto a Imig ionruej.
Onl7llmltod,b7 toe nnmberof known
abraht an their eignldoatlcaw. To
dream of dock learee meant apreeeot or
pomlb]7 otrlj a rtelt from Tonr ocinntTT
falatlrta Of ortlobokot wearetoldtoet
toe7 dgnifr faror from an nnespected
aonm. fiorrcl mean* the approach of
aalamity which will reqolro all 7oor
eonn^ to faoe. Of the tanfloweT, tbe
loved of toe awthetlo, a deep woand to
poor pride.
If a fair maMea rtraamt of dalfudll*.
toe matt, alaa, mlatrwt bar lovert Be
will hem weuhlnf. A ead fate with
which to bnrd«» the innocent poej.
Beart't nwc meMt heartache LIU^
lOTtto dream of roar* bring* happp lore
not oumtivd with urrow. The fragrant,
modeet violet. wbo*e ptrfnnied petal*
flveeweet odorwitboat Mint, If men
and carrieil in dream*, briup eorrow
Mderll toibe nnwedded. bet C!ie Oppoelte, I07 and good. 10 tbe married.
We«r HUM appropriatolp portend dantmhi th>> era. Vellow flowers betoken
Of fmit*. pumegranate to the
'0 dream uf tbU rasp trait denote*
bappp marriage to ilie single and peace
hetwern gnomltome oonplea. Onwn
igi metm ejubarraminent. bol dry one*
mean mcmep to tbe poor and mirth to
toe.wealthr QolneM indicate pleaaant
aetoiaor- •>»> lemon* tell of mperatioo.
To drwun of aloe* in bloom betokes*
a legarp 'Wltbont a bloasom, long lifa
(be broom flower mean* an inoreaae of
Camilp, aftd the delicate anenmoe to a
rifn toat 70a vrill e<xa fall is fore or
be niade love ta Ti> dream of asparagnt
to bonehei, a* one bap* it from toe
market etalU 1* a Mgn of tear*, bat if
In poor dream 70a eee it growing it
OMaa* good fortane. Cenliflowcr to bettv to eat than to dream of. It aignlde*
wtoa poo eee it in ponrdnam* that aU
70V trlrads will drop pon for ho wane
Maaooiban poverty.


) .


lm« M dreaiaa then pleamnt
'-torn of vermin to a eign of Mto___ 1 bare foond this trae in mp own
agpertonoe. To dream of ecipcttto, fain
friend* ere sbont poo. A falhuf rata
foreaeUi tear* and broken eggs e qoar.aal Bgge nnbrofcen d«>9Cetood laok
Mi IMto trttp- Te. dmab of ttolt of
Mr wSl Ml of a^aaoa meane anger
WitoWi iMian. wbito to a ibpme a> aU
------ -- "—ALBaLaganiaBt Looto


a vaai csto sosm
In eonpnnctlon with a Mg btoek
u>d perhaps a Uack crepe de eblM
aaab. Black Is tbe araaTteet mlxtnre
with linen Trocka'
Uoen* look perticntorly nice made In
Botaton btonae fashion, trito a wide
etltcbed bond. If the wearer be alight,
bnt otberwiee teda of aoft crepe de
chine, orienul mUd or flntip racked
Mack glace.
Verp'amart to one In a pale abade of
linen, witb'a Uttle bolero fastened bp
ns of tiny black velvet atrappingi
and paste stods. Tbir has a bta^
glace sasb tying at tbe akle asd boned
back and front The strapplnge of
velvet are contlnoed down one aide of
tbe skirt, showing a tiny plaiting of
wbiu Uaac. which fabric also forms
(he fnU walslcost of the bodice.
Frocks to chetTp shades bsvo enormoos collars of ecra embroiderp and
aometlmes a atUaffa knot or black vel­
vet or stflne eomtlly chic relief.
Smart costnmes In while serge, vetp
much sutebed and strapped, are doing
grrat dntp this eomtner.
Tbe vetp chic bodice arrangement
sketched to of rich white glace silk,
with underbodice of finely lo^ed silk
chiffon, prenily braided In gold braid
and richly trimmed with real lace apptlooe. Tbe revera down tbe front are
is grass green mirror velveL Stylish
amsU blsck ties at throat and wrists
are finlsbed off at tbe ends with novel
told medalUona.
Tbv Travellea FMinbi
Again occurs a revival of tbe check
skirt with tbe doth coat. A goad
many Americans remsio faithful to
checks, and French people would never
consider a wardrobe complete witooot
one traveling or morning frock of
check tweed. Some of the bant exam­
ples are a sort of mixed chock in doll
green and feds, with a coat of a dark
shade of hootber mlxtnie doth to tons
with U, and wen these aome'what se­
vere little coats are softened with a
oulUr of embroidery. slUi. panne
oriental satin.
mt Freaeb Ttsittaa Tallrt.
Tbe latest Ftvoeb visiting toilet to
being made
with a vvy Ught bodice,
lost one Inch below toe waist
This is a r>-turn to an older faahlofl.
bnt It is ao Improved that altoongb
It eabancee tbe beet line* of tbe figore.
toe soft matrrtoU naed are 'wo effective­
ly draped that they almost give the
appearaoee of a iMlncesa'* robe, and
really bard and faat lloea are done
away with, finch a gown can only be
handled by xn expert and won by
toe agcioaJve few.

Probably few
that ao ordlnaip cork may be mad* as
aervtcvshle as a glaas bonie stopper
by atevping It fn bot sweet oa Beat
(be oU In a Unto basin on tbe Btovi.
drop la tbe corks and drawing tbe ba­
sin back from toe fire, let to* cork* lie
is toe oil for a few mlootea
To prevent yoof steel knives from
rating dip toem. after waehlog. into a
vlation or thin (wste of baking poda
and water: then wipe dean and dry.
Te clean a carpet take a paflful of
OoU water and add to It ihree-gais of
oxgalL Rob tbu Into tbe carpet wito a
aoft brash. It wui make a totber. which
most be removed wfto dear cold vrstar. and tbe carpet sbooid then be rub­
bed drp wltb a ctou dotn.
To clete vrasb leather gtovec remove
grease stains by robbing with magneala or cream of tartar. Frepare aTstb«r of inkesrarm water nod srhlte aoM>
srash (be glovea In It. wring $kwm and
aoMcat tbroagb a fresh lather. BMae
•rm to lukewarm water, then In cett.
aa1 drp 00 tbe bands.


Ten te te ate nm M (be totmew «w
-Pan itoD ttete

Tbe gnat Fimieh potater. Bartton
pnrtned bp nnmmoifnl diaMr tbnngb bis ponth la hto efforts to
atadpart Bis mother worked ia ttft
Atlfi i
hot tell polMod. He bad fite flahted
a pietom to send to to* salon when Fnia
was besieged. 'SbA be raabad with hto
oomrade* Io toe trendiea
On toe first dap a shell fell into hto
stadio and destroyed bis piotnre, and
another tbell fell at hto feet,
him. Be was carried home and lay ill
and idle for two years. Tbea be tetorned to Farit, and, redoced to abeolate want, painted cheap fans tor a liv­
ing. One day a manafactnrer of some
i s piotnre from
toillnstrate its virtues. Lepage,
wbo wa* kinoere. gave hi* best work to.
toe advertitemenL Be painted a landeeape in toe April tunlighl. Tbe leavm
■ green qijlvercil in IbmMceee:
a group of hraotifo) girl* gatoered
around a fountain from which
of youth sprang in a'bobbllng stroam.
Lepage believed them was real merit in
. "Let fue offer it at tbe salon," ba
asked hto patron.
Tbe msmifscnrer wm daligbted.
"Bol first paint a rainbow arteing ovv
toe foantain." be said, "with the name
of my nodicine npoto U." Lepage re­
fused. "Then I will not pay yon a son
for toe picturer' tbe price of this pietore meant b^esid for months, and tlM
painter bad Iwg needed bread. The
chance of admission to the mlon was
small Be liceitsted Then he sUenoed
his hnnger ami carried the canvas to
toe salon. It was admitted, lu great
tocccss insured Lepages plaoo in public
rocogoitidn and hi* later work a plaee
among the greatest of living arttoti.—
Current LItmtnre.
"This won't do," .said Ibe general
pamengoT agviit in annoyed tnaea to tbe
Iff - an iucl
oor dir&t
Irpt-t 1route
. to New Ycek. Then
taV* BoffaW and pnt it a llttle.farther
from tbe lake.
"Yoo've got Detroit and New York
on different latitodes, and tbe imprecsloo toat that to correct vron't help onr
"And. man. take tboee two lines that
compete with ni and make 'em twice as
crooked as toat Why. yoa'vo got one
of'era almost *traigbt
"Yank Boston ovw a Httle
New York a lltUo to toe
s toat onr
west, soas
Bnffalo dividoa to tbe sborteet ronte to
"When yoo've done all tbeae thing*
I’ve said, yon may print 10,000 copies
■—bnt. *ay, how long have yon been in
tbi> railroad bnslncat anywayf—New
Bow rite Walh os WIteow tteo*.
Tbe microscope reveal* toe neat con­
trivance which enables a fly tovralk op
a window pane or defy tbe law* of
gravity by gliding aloog. back downwanl, on toe oeiling The magnifier
show* tbe foot to be made up of two
p*(l9 coveted with fine, short hair, each
pa<l taaviog a. book above it Behind
each pail i* a bag filk-d with a sCIcky
litjnid which
ont whenever toe fly
pntK fail foot down. The amount which
I I? i«(wd out of each foot is very vmaU
imlt^l. bnt taken ell (agotber it is amnlv soffieient (u hold the insect in any
Itioo be chooses.—St Loois Repob-


In his yootb Nero was remarkably
bandaome. but early in manhood hto
habits of dlKsipation msdu him ^ceedihgly corpolent To judge from bis
mctlal* an<l the descriptions left of him
be mofl bare weighed over 300 ponnda
HU feetarw w«re regnlsr. bnt bis eye*
were *0 proraberaot as to be almost a
deformity, and be wa* noartightod, eo
moch *0 that he cootd not recognlia hto
acv;oalstance« across toe street

dt-arl Don’t leave me alone
o going.

Bu m

■Baking car a Unlewhile. Beadafatoion magazine or something tiU 1 oon
back.-rC'hicago Tribnnti.
Hemp Clay bad a voice of raedini
Strength; bat of lingnlsr purity. Be
■poke wito a strong eoatoern accent and
in a pleasant, fympstbetic tone that
oatried toe aodisnoe wito him from Che
Wale* was tons named by the AngloSaxone, toe word meaning "toe land of
foreigner*.'' Tbe naiiTe name to Cam­
bria. or "toe oonntrpof thegimii ”
Kepler firmly believod to* moon to
be inhabited. He always spoke of toe
peopto of toat -orb M "too
In 1889 toe Unitod I
r 8AOOO.OOO Mmto of pe^otonm.

Well Made GlotMng

poo mid.-MlMrfwa te toes
m iM ato M m Pto Me

We hmve a reputatioo for sdling

Bawmawmobad tooUng ebagw an
tUalp elad that be wto *wUy an oMaet
efpitp. BetedMo^ttosaelndsdomMr at toaonttaneaof acfaeagcMtamt
Mar Bmald ■(«■*>
for awhito it
MMwdaa If be had ehoaan tba apng
mmulpto aKMOtoe chilling Mate of
ton onttlng wind. Hasp mm paamd
Into toe plaoA hot be spolm to domnnallp CM wbo bad ]ns* oawptead hit
meal oame forth.. Tbe man atattad for1. besitated a moment md then tntnm toe reotaacMV tmttcnlng hto ooat
wbeyralkad In a mcment toe pom
fellow stood in toe way and tanlp bad
be altered hto teqoeat fer help when be
rewarded with a dims
masBOot later
^mip of pomig
men in very high iiirttopa—1 into toe
retemant To nordinaipBtodBittlHp
would have been |nat4be right men to
^proaeh for alms, bat the beggar saw
toem not. It was only to oertain men
retmaiag to the street that be made
himssH known. It was bst tbe work at
to pick a
toe fellow, and when be found I was
toterteed be talked freely of hto plan
deal of thinking
sbont it when 1 first startte in." he
said. "1 can't get worii now. and when
I have work I can only keep at it for a
little while ua accoant of rbenmatUtn.
When I MW I bad to beg, I toongbt 1
might as well do it right or not at alL,'
■* faces '
MddMb^ “fd
gnemwork at all. I


Long andF*orShort Pant Suits
Such an assortment in two and three piece suits
you cannot find elsewhere in this dty. All new ones—
just from the factory.

Kin Put Slits
Double Mfit find ka^ taped
Mama aod patent waift biada
$L50, $2.0b,$S.oO,$3.00,$4 00
and $5.00.

Round or sqatre caU—nranp
■with fancy veeta—jail u to
like them-^y, brown, bine,
blhck $4^0. $5.00,
$0.00. $7.00, $10.00.

An extra pair of ppnte with
e«cb enit.

A bat with every loa^ panta


See Our Window—It’s tilled with advance (all atylee
of ehirta. underwear, hosiery, gloves, neckwear, hats, etc. It
certainly pay* to see> IBenda before you invest in clothioK.

I will g«t comothlng I don't
tip him. for (here's no g'»xl in wearing |
yonrself oot and getting common. Some
fellow* go along toe street and try to
tooeb every well dressed man they meet
They couldn’t do anything worse. for_
everybody sees what they're doing and
knows they are prafessional* and steer*
clear of them. The only time to go np
Amt none are poor stock, boap as you know is better i^^r
'Sinn well droste men a* a straight
know tbe standard makes
Everybody who uses soap kn<
ing. without regard to their face*, to being a«ed
when they are foil sod fwling happy when they see the name on tbe wrappers, We will give yon good valra it.
ues (or oc, 10c, 25c, S5c and 50c per cake.
"Tbe average well dressed man or
Oman to toe hardest kind of a persun
to bit. They do lot* for charity, bnt it's
in a diflereut way—KorieriGs. scbo'ito
for kids, klndergarteu* and
hnd they think
ik th<w
tb*w ar
are doliIng raongh.
If any pm- hit-i tot-m <ii thi- Btr*H-t. thcT
pnt toem down fv 3 pr .f.
have got to jo li"- t!i- well dr'n>ed peo­
ple 'hv tht-ir fa. - - aud e< mval
and tot It
Our fee returned if we fail Any Oiw seumug »»<»«>•
lever :
work. 1 alway* «(.lfct the people of toe any invention will pronipUy reccivo oor opinion free ooDceming the pstefitlower middle cla.<««*, wbodou't pat on j alolity of same. "JIow to ohiain a patent" sent upon reqnesU Pstento
iaily. I
teenrod thfongh us adverti<*-d fur sale at our expense.
ily. bath
Pstento taken out ihrouL'h n* receive speaal bo/uy, wilbonl cbargfi,in
any loo mnrh money to rparo. Say.
may think I’m utrlngiug yon. bat I Tot Patent Recoed, an illustrated and widely drcuUted journal, eonndted
lid raiber have one nicki-1 from one
of them than a quarter frotn a f.-ll<iw liy Slsnnfactaren and Investor*.
Sendfor sample copy FREE. Address,
who oonld stand it aqd had it to burn.
Funny, but I feel ju*t a* rarimental
ahont that societim>!t as if I wa* earn­
ing it. and 1 would earn It if 1 had ton
"Now. yon take this stand of luliic
beretoday. Theru'sthreu mrawbo gav«
me something—two nickels and a dims.
, ^voneOnp Mtefiet.
1 have been here half an hour and I've
only SI
straok five men. I nito*ed two.
Below to a list of too oaring and sallWell. :hr«Toato( flvedoo't look like trom Rexln P. Bpwle, who lived in lag n^ of_peatarday,for
KMWork, If yoo want to call it Maryland in tbe early part of this cen- jotrvls^aad farm prodeeto In Ttav* it? Tkto to tbe cheapest resUnrant in the nei^borbood. There'*

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap



(Patent Attorneys,)

Eirmitw BantBrna,



have taken, bnt I'll bet I wouldn'tbave 1
got a thing from the people who came
from any of thorn. The men who go in
here don't pay over 25 or 80 cent* for
what they eat. and I'm willing to take ^
my ebauea with them right along. - '
"I always wait till a man oonMS tmt-]
Some pco^e think It ougfat to he tbe
give ont of sympathy for tbe t
wa* bitting him for mooey for
f( eometblng to uat. Bat 1 didn't figure it ont
that way. Yon see. these are ptetty
hard Umea. and there'* more peopto to
hard luck tBiS there ever wa* before.
Now. UJs W1 enough to be in b^
Inck, but «’» worse yet to be bn^ip,
and wbra a man to op againri both
games little thingtwill bother him tost
woabln't.affect him at all if be had his
Stomach full. 1 rvsfou toat pretty near­
ly every man wbo eomes in here toeltoar in bard luck cn el*e be i* B^mtoer
who doa'twant to spend any more than
is actually ueremarp. If it wasn't so.
yon fcnow-they would all go to toe big
restanrsuto io the botela for yon know
a* well as 1 do that tbe. right kind of a
man like* good toing* to eat and nice
olaan *ervio* if be can afford it
"Well. 1 aw onto tbs mtous. and 1
leave them alope. When the deoent
man ocme* ont be feel* better for hav­
ing had hi* dinner. He is ready for
buxtoem, and life to a great deal toigfatar to him than it wa* half an boor befora 1 ask him to help mo He say* to
hiyutotl: ‘W, II. 1 feel pretty good. This
fellow If in worse lock than 1 am. I
knowwbatYt isCofeal hnngrp. 1 won't
mim tbe nickel vepy much. ’ and then 1
gel to When be hands it tome, be feels
better for it and be looks it too, and if
be ba* been doing thing* that are not
quit* V to tbe limit be oooeolee him-,
self wito tbe fact that be ain’t sato s
bad fellow after all And be ain't ritoer. 60 yon see the*
and if there wa* 1
woold be bagipiet.
Then toe pbikMimer wt
ner.—New York HerMd.



1 09

be met with ecatler-wbo fatol<
bloned it
over for him. Bowio afterward scnlcd
on toe Missiteppi, and entertainod toe
celebrated actor Edwin Forrte to
whom be gareibe original knife. For- Branparieo..............................
rest placed The knife iu bis collcctioa , Buckwheat Floor ner BM...........
where be retained ft onril hi* dMth.— 1 ' pcnxe bates or tnavsisKS
- PT«isaai



A clargymail in Cnihing, Ma, is te-.
ported to have a unique way ckwcoringj
tezta He passed around flip4 of paper. |
opon which toe people wrote vanon*
texts that they would like to bear preach ed from. Bo then pM*ed arotmd a hat
and gotbered np toe slip* and asked a
Ne» IMte»rrr for Hiooa.PoiaealDg.
yonng lady prraent to cbooee ooewitoDR. C. D. WARNER’S COMcot looking. She drew forth tbe text, .UUND
"What think ye?” upon which be Great Cancer Remedy, and for all
praatoed. acoordliig to report, a very' disease* of the skin and Blood, from
exoellwit aermon. This method 1* cer­ ConU
itact and Secondary Hereditary
tainly nniqoe. bnt wo admit on old fash- ^ Canse
icoed prafgenca for a text salectcd early ;
in tbe week anfi •rvenl day* of caiefni
toongbt and stndy deroted to the dis^
coune preached npoo it. —Angnsta(Ga.) G. A. R. BATIO^L BNCAMra^^
Hau of toe modem ctyle arera first
made by a Swiss at Pari* in 1
tore that rim* hoods and
I- ooaaleDow for stenmer Icavtaf «m
Tbandsy moralag. Aag. u.aadtuday mnrnlag. Asg. Uto. food to rr..... Tbe boar s brad cae^ln a Gambridga! e'epi.mfa. Take toe LahaSteh
avoid tbe beat and dost.
nllagelB 157k ooas lOsUUiags.
Annas] Tolecc Sxeur>i. n.
Wedneedsy, OcL 3rd. ia toe _
named for toe annnat axenialon to
------------------------- 1: A. B. E. fiS to
lado end ratnrn.
B. W. Canalnrham. Afft.
F, A. HltebeD; a P. Agt..

thin and kste teito.
Lord Clive o
of aman always TalMag Vs*>b(*is.
Be had toe app
won do«-o by lack of food and r«et.
tor enl* by the W. W. EltaliA C*.

U. D. Ourtls

Bmm at <H Aonto Cake tete
. OteBsaakrU.

.TOtMOT^g^MCORP. STODAy. APiSPgr 36. tw„
im CliM—TEWa

•Jb bto satip pootb Cobbi Tolstel da.
nralaad aorar to marrp. aad as tba
■tRBgth of this rcaolatloa aoU bto
^Ip maastoa. wM wm tom Aowa bmaaedpoar Oes
■»d raowTcd. eseapt ose wia*. wkdeb
^ rsaerred for bto boebetor QaarMra. I do am hestoaka «o...........
At tbe age of gz Tutetol «^agad bto
b>bL and mairM. Bto wife, aaca a
ettebrated beaatp. beloaga to a -kpHt
familp of Germaa oc^. gbe was
K wbes married.^ I^bt^

a* «i«

. ti-SSSSsS^T"*

WAleluu of talv BWfrtpt. sad tb«p
BBM bo piBecd 4B
CBk* ^ • fnr
fdtoatal I
tDlBBiaa bate* h la pest to tbo tsMa.
ncstp of booTtaa tbaro man b*.-BSd Is old baU aean Uko a
opdo- to BBb* tbk abor--*- -—*Botoo it to not to bs wooderad to Itel
P«Tm tboro noA bo bb
tbo bMl to tbs p»d of .tbo CaU^toM
»• «i tMHM mt OKM
rtt «WM crtBB to POST orcr it. bs4 Ptfib .Taat^aad Twaatpat 4hp « ;«*» IM^
aioa. aad maaagea (be estate aad tbe
tboro poB taBTo a dlab At for tbe soda biatta atiaet. dailp attt '
eonnt a prtrate bsatoesa mattn wltb
Bad B sBBlBe AiBortcsB abocbskaL
toqairing faoM. eloaelp
■ firm -band. Mma Tolatol does not
Tbero BK otber klsda wbleb AR ffood tba high Iren niltog i
abare'^ba 'aoctollstir bHIefs of ber oT
to fsi. mad. wbOo boldfa« to tbt ffcs>
sated IttttiaDd. and bnt for ber ahirwd
Am a> .M k PI a UMi.
Arm mnagesmt tbe estate sroaM
aoAl iklaclpio aa rofarda tbo cake, oat
Fioa tbaqaaistliML ____________
ago hare bam totporeriabed.
hpoar for bocb tt 1 araaaiiitad Ua te ■BP «o fartber bAoM la tbe matter of tba bai oee taaaaa tbat » wto aeeUs
^ir boaae for moAp poors has beea
SUag. A cake wltb a well madt me- im bp tba pao^nf Ai
tiacaa. aemd wHbs raeurd aa«c« is- ^'-offaetogkothaMtwb,
■p b*M bapdartalap. Ob tbo faUowMp
«t tbo maa. la not to bo doc. tbaa M Falun and WilUn
MTBlac 1 diapatrbrd Ibo oetr. b««b«r
ftreeu. wb«a tt bad bm araoSad la
wfefc tbo porao arbicb bo bad prorioBalp
aprlcote. plama. atoead ebtrfJw*
tbo aalooa atonT^^
aaa aod orangaa all make
Hangtog high abooa tba cl*p. tt
rwRwl erames
dlalrly aftrrpSSJnf*^**?«rja^ good amag. It M wHl to MBCBber Footp-eighth atrott and Fifth aowaa. to
Bfalapi tbo akpliplrt cbatilap arttb tbo tbat trait canool pr^rip be called anoeber link that binds ns to tba past
A 8mt c< p Daaa’i S
mato vbm hr an>n«d>od.
freab after It baa been atandlag with This gnat bell beats tbttOotohtoaaipgfafVitatiagp^
Forbapa roa cooaldrr tbia aa Oiqitli
Baptf on it for amoral boura, and tt la tion:
tofcr. J>r. VValiuti.- paid br IdIf. boU:
well to aao tbo apgar apartnglp for tbe
“Een leagataan da K»«Up.4o.^k.
lar iettrr aloft, “bm 1 anro pea H b
AlUngaod to pofB tbo powdered anger, Kirks. -___
York. ITSl
wllb It at tbe table. When roptard I It appean from iba <Ud will of Co|».
Bsaa) attraetloaa
la prepared to aeixo wltb tbe , B«I Alrabam de Popitwthat boordetod
Osaal attraetioBa at MsaBu •> board tbp Maid of Kambow.
----- j will loare Ttararse Citp
I rr*r.t rtcotditjpip wbat baa oenrrod. eako loRcad of cream, onlp a Torp Ut- ■ bell to bo made in Hcillan.l f<» ^
«Urt VM booad aitb frri^i pad
bat I tbink orou poo «UI br forced to tie augar. If anp. mnat be pm to It.
I MiddlecAnrcb. Uicu ocetppms tbo tile at «:S0 a m. Leara Qrand Bapida 7 p.
anam rrm limpuoi to Aartnlla.
an t_ mph ______
no cai ■ ___
A Dellrlooa Sbortcako.-Tbrre ejip- j of tbe old lo« u tbe Batt.-rp Tbe poo- m.. Moskrgoa ‘ Bound trtp to
Odp ppptilnf atm top Ibo
»f. |.-.rt Mr. lUlop irtUMPod tbo a««l- fnla of Boor, one ctortnl of hotter, one P>« of Holland weir so pleased at being OracdBapida.tfOO. Miiorod B7 atatmom.
dnit and wlU corroUiraJo np atorp."
and aiialf-Kaapaoafoto of baking pow- 1
reuHinlafred bp one of tbeir anm■
-Doctor.- aaM br. “Mr. BoiitMfb
arid tbo mate. iba> appralod to. der, one Ubtespoonfiil
a btr i»
to America that a great unober of
|] of ongar. baif a
«opM like to POO ja«. Ha 1* froUiiB "I cmalDip aaw (bo ara atriko tbo doc
tesapoonfol of salt, ctoam enough to,<”>A» were thrown into tbe rut lung
•acb irortp (oolfhl.paste
wbkb can be eaillp ^^«>U'-'h'cu(itaiut<d the cit-ul f r
tbo kal'>.n aud aaM br bad loot a miP into a
. au endt-acs of i
parkapr Wi.nsin* to poo. Wr trarefard ruUed. or. If cream cannot be had, nse
milk to
4 rMae dnin from 'Iba d*4>- It. l.ut OHildii'i lind h."
dDo'c^t aod iwaon] oM ihprtiab
Tbla fwmlM Mai.wioat (ip tbr mate, wbo bctilen egg. tbrlde 1 two__________
and roU_;

pm to o»o» Ro•akwo. It vat a wl
mdcBtlp Itad DC. doolrr to coaiiBlt bln- toto eakes atront tbe alte of a dinner Bonng the pnipii. gallcrc. {«-v.-s .md
vlMBl^t oMl Ud
«d)d. irktb a calc
•Hf in aa> luamirf, did not Inpnirr
plate. Trim tbe edges of tbe cakca flouring, the briUkb dragoons oonrexed
raw ii. the leaaj. aud M* BrolMpb
The matDi
iOAMPO’^nil* ih.' mhuranc*- for vim. aud will tut.. u‘», u . r t.. t and ; tu a
Ibr poop In a rerp bad hoBior. 1( .
Ian (iron pa
John Oothont was granted perr..i«iou
ive jrompt and careful atteii- gl”
i’*’""’ X*' >
1 irirahtd
br war apt ooDiloaM eratelp hot ores. When cool, wrap ibe
___o lor
for a.iaror
atfaroroMc opporcakea In a towel and put them to a from Comuiait<^er to Chief 'Lord Bbwe
tBBitp and tbm danrd dmaa
Onlp the most n-habb- atock iwsorcool
. onward br rUud mo
*■ - • \ a nilddlo ai
alit.uo( dallp In tup Matrrouiu on aoBo
Fraeb Sborteake.—Make tbe cakea'
Rateii v.-rp low
ptotoai or BDoiber. aod on oadt oreaaloo and When iust readp to send
obcrniire manner praaible, th<- bell
bo eatefullp kcrudoiaed OTrrp book aod table put in tbe BUUig. Butler tbe bot­ peat to CbamU-tvlforg. Fa.
conior of (b<. aparluicut. aa If bo bHlrr- tom cake and tap on It a gsoerona toper
When peaoe wo> raatored, tbe bdi
tank. Aa I
br va* arlard wl<h a od bb Ue.kod luaUDkr^ptr W'rrr coDcral* of peeled and ----------------------------- '
was hang in tbe steeple of th. Middle Telephone 78
Traverae City
vMrat ftl of r>«afatnr I nltid him a rd autoowberr in tbr tutkboadi.
After l•«rlox tbe ablp aud astU I coald dotted with powdered angsr. Lap on chnreh. afterward leased to the foderai
aooihla* drafi, whlrh br draoh.rafvrtfaocarc a pataapr In a bomoward boaod the top cake aod another toper of goTwnment for ponoffiee porpoaos, and
-Doctor." aai.1 br in a bq»ow. »rt
rroH I enpaped a alftlBC ftnin In a peacbea. If tbe fmit U oot rerp large. which manp remember as the old Foal. Tolcc. “I’m iljlos. I am.ceortnerd
he traverse city
BrdlM boui
bouBo In a mitod rtrrrt In tbe It map tw cat to halves instead of offlee bonding A Unto acre JonrwrAaU not laat out ibr nUbt."
tf^iblo Itwo nlntitca' walk of tbe aUced. Whipped cream piled over tbe Ing and tbe l)e Fexstw bell reached iti
o^mM I.'^ -ril pnll pe
iK-aalo pardrok. 1 bad onlp hero ibm top toper makes a welcome addition
prtwent baceu.
"abo^ bU iMd ndlf.aad drapond- a abort time obra I bad a aoipkion.
The Collegtoie constotocp earefnll;
Banana and ribcappic Sborteake.
which MB amoauied to a cottatotp. that
aodrr oor war lampcrlnp with mp effects. Batter tbe under cake, cut tbe banani_
and Prf^clni
■wter pUts hearing the /
. kanffainp.
_ , ............ Seine wrarinp apparel which I had do- to allcea acrora aad curer Ibe cake churches. A pfwl
b aondiuc for poa luaipbt. WOI pun do poaftsd la a ebrat of drawers waa fra- thickip wltb those. Feel tbe pineapple date ITfiU and glvidug a hiitorp of the
old North church U stowed awtp with
BP a faoorr
H — T uiMiiaunru.
diaarranprd. auu
aod eroB
rren njj
<up irareitrarol- aod carefullp Kioors tbe epea. T~
■ charier grantod in IGM bp William
1 alivl&M mp willlDfarB to obU«o*blB. top tnmks. which 1 kept locked, bad been a borse radlali grater grate It ore:
xim. JEXNlE Al-<n-KTISE
n «lib rtm It. lokr (barto of a packrt opened and tbeir eontcau turned apalde Unanaa and sprinkle atwrlnglp
(-mpowerinK thvm to tocorporato
^l«b poa wlU find Id tbai trank poo arr down.
msclvra in New York. Here. too.
powdered sugar. Cover tbo top toper
akilna on. Too trIU And tbo brpa aodrr
B.-alf.orlj- guarded the old will of
In the same wap. Do not put to tbe
John Harpfndtog. now pdlow with ago,
T" ■
I the matter to DetecUre Klrkbam of fllllng till pon ore abont readp to serr#
in 1723. muchofbir land
Mamod >>H»i
■e apdnep police, with wbom I bad tbe rake, as tbe banauos discolor
• va4eirtwk op an soinaiauiicesblp.
qulcklp. fierve with thick street
not poor Undlsdp." uid bt
anldl |>act.H. vfalch I cxirailtd.
AH n.iric'e liivh—t
tbe maid or ai>me' at th.
> I,.
“It cmiatn* oomr volualdo
toBrders. Hare pau nilsked nuj ltonpr
• -ixlaltp
aeriplm- aaid be. nppanntlr to aatiai
' Aw -CCsetise CWstsme.
top ctirioo'tv I nilfht o»1n
• I csJiH. be pokitire. but 1 don’t think
A high liodice. sleeveless bolero and ra. Hodrl to the Utr Class BmlM Mmcoalcnu •Tbcp hare n»t
anpiblug has b>i-n takro.semliralDcd
alodp and -rrHartb. and 1 «raDI rnu. if
©tp r-Dv tlw HwM of ^rt.
pon will Iw Mod moapb. wbi-o pou ti!> .p au Idea -Tberj. U a cooniiTnian of silk or printed foutoid strewn with
All aiunsitig iucidi-ut occnnvd not
while dots compose this exei-ptlonaUp long ago in aweii known New York
ton to Hnalaod. to dollrrr tbm |ktbob- . ours Just arrived b»^ (to- Orisaba.
■ iolefcsdag.

aUp ID Ibr a.liltMa wbtcb 1 ban ponrilM wbom pour st.<p mlpbt
bt W
striking gown of wbk-b the-gmrtilture
on tblp onTc.|"
If poo bare auibinp
do this eveuiug
cvi-uing to rungs ©f Telvei ribbon, escb flnisbsd artw-booL Tbogirl Rn.limtswrredraw_ to
.0 dii
mg from Ufa a atndp of tbt "Dancing
I ■laan.d
I more sboiflp sad interFacu." A good lopldttg Italian b<7
It war addnwd to a
For Pig TsiU, bat siooe
It was totr that oigbi before we aoctown b Torkablrc.
the model, and an bo asanuid tne
1 pramlpod faltbrallp to ranr oat bn ftv-ded In buding tbr new airiral at bis
r^ai»tts poae bis face btcamo wfuatbed
Old MrUaBUsBuildlEC. Vaira
I bave tried
laalnKtioeo. Hr tbaokod mo In a nrp
lumjil.w. Hewasgapingdirteilpsttbe
"Dr. Walton." aaid tbe detreUre,
fpobir Tolro and haitdcd bo a punr.
rtosk, auj each girl imagined the smilu
which, ui opreinx. I diocovorrd nBialocd me intrwln.v lu pou a piufesstoual__
was direcUM at her.
hwgoe- tos|.rrtur Urgewsa «f the Yorka frw auTotwlpu*.
"How Tory ewbairaising,'' said a
ahirc cuu.iutiulary.''
“Hn. take It." aaM tw. mdap
Long Island girl. "1 wish to goudoeta
1 bowed (a tb« sharp fratored. Intel
bnanor to aivrpt Ibo Doarp.
he wouldn't gnp atene.”
Borolp to detnp anp rtprawr poa sap Upcot ■•wktog'toan wbu bad rU»-n to recclr* u*.
bo pat to on inp arruani."
to .spile of tbe indignant glances oast
"f taruuphi tap frtcod ronnd, Mr. iBrgeAt Iniftb I rnw to depart, pronh
at him tbi-sui of Italp conUnned to
. .ws," euutiourd (be detectlre, "becasat
to limk to Hriie tblox In tbo murnlnx.
smile at the blnibing girla
I bare an lOt-a that be trsTclfd out whb
Freseutlp a stolid aermangirl looked
'* part)' are In sewtrh of. lian
np aud noticed tbe auiilo, which she
tbr Bain dock when an iDuarnM. orpatrd
u aimed directly at her. .
ware Pirarfc (he vox L oioiinlnl
•A'.onschtopdotschmiliog. Wodon’t
tmlwaibi aod. l--rnn. I bad Ua
wautjantoschmilettna.'' Tbs bop's
figure instantlp srraighttmed-up, and-^
was iap-lell..m pa.wupir. Bmtlrlgb. 1
bo Houd btfoTO tbo class tfarvorp iai(vtotrd bow I bad l.wt H.atk-ipb'a prrperscuatiun of offended dlgditp as bo'
Bbd packPi wblrb had boon tamaiiUMTiptk ou l-«ftl tbeship. said:
V.Tbvp bHtb barkt vul laupbinp.
la orp (wro was mloaiat.
"Ladies. 1 no smile at
nt.. 4
"AaivrM-su U.U-uiur» Iwtids am! other
at bai •
■ • •
Taks (to ptaoias. sriptaal
I bare come to fbe oodcIoa*
pose To pon as ce ' Dancing
boo d
raluabb- x-i-ur»lD»." .siO the Inspertiu.
a brattW’’—New
. nnwT . _______ ______ _ ,
■Tbal'k wbal tb. joi. lut would cuaialo.World.
“Wbol. Ik. ibrur 1 a.ked.
lorrcoai. mabrd op tbr cumiiaiiioew.
cIam, JeliciooA sme^e. Try
."Uu real U.vm Is Arthur Craest Jabto the |x»>p J ■
poe aod-'yon will never pay
XUn ats»Hi.h.
with np kwr.
KB. 11. praeiT.-d a* a sulleltar, and
"Wbal %iu- praa tbr packrir br aikrd. after miixzrliiu; |,rpr kaui. ..f monep.
Encocraged bp the hearty welcome i
10c for a Pig Tail agaio.
"AUnit a font ta Impib and i
which he |.»t pambUnp on the Stock Etgirvu to tbesi* two American poem*.
i-i-. ...wtenMtogr. la- jlwiuded with vanuiu setoch.-. I.n.«d “
Longfellow, to 1S5\ pnidisbtrd a third,
A VKLver snurren toiLEr.
-Hies w
tueb b4d town iutrusled i.. biia
-n'Hi. it'. iBPt poBlhlr B nap bo Iplnp gtirille.
"The Cunrtobip of Miles Siaudito.''
aU..ti ih,-" iiatd br. -Herr. Clirk- bp bik < Ui4it>. M'l ciiM-uTeiT-d svine ilmr- sir wltb a loop and tlnp allvcror etrata
Ual Ik
h I
raile.1 f->r Spdncp, aad buckle. The belt is In velvvi to tuaich, lu this he told no pathetic taJ< of part­
Mfit tn brinp him
th." ap'^wtW n^urord with tbo
wlU. an oval buckle: wvera and collar ed loTcta. uordid hudraw ou tbeijnaint
Ubp. I. ai tlM- ilak of arndbor Imnu-roloii.
n>." raid 1. a lipfat suddeulp brtak- in ailli of bUck or the deepest-shade of lore of the red nirsi. He took HIh story
draruMtd aitb iLc matr to tbr maJo lag ap.B 1W-. -Mo pou think ______
be wbo tbe design, tbe fuUitcas of tbe front from tbeannalrof his own anccston.
_______ .
** rrfotly radoeed priesa. Tbsse ara real bargains.
AtCk. Wo w-arobed aUlrooltp. Itot (woM
draped Into a pouch bp a brooch. the sturdy femndoe of New Eugland.
Bot dlmvrr au) trace of (br Biaalac
.. --------- pou
As it bappiiiL-d. he himself (like bU fel- * '** ** peer pe. iDoipt ..
n.Weacb afetotpsexei Urtakleprasa......... Ua rato
. p^ao. W. rttuo I., tbo onactoaluB to^OD^iidpiupw I abooM like to take Black velrei ribbon and ruebea of cblt- low poet. Bryanil was a direct descend- A totot wii »»»s.}-eBf aiolea.. ... SSvsD«h,ai«a(Di„cl»tl».m^*Dj,^i*roils.. .Ms
of punr dlpgluxs loolpbt. if pen foa trtis tbe rice straw.bat.
1 that It bad (■eoti oakbid oat of onr uf
Uiotoc^racb A to: ot trivTvle Waatra
....... il.aiceaek
ant of John Aiden aad Priscilla the A loi.sf panel eamsn
<t tbo mnpoft.. »hi,b .«uu( opoa at Iworo objeett
>H tuT Let et berri*ekate>.W< sara- *to. IL«0«Mk
Pnntan tnaidtm, whose wooing be aarA Wrlwkto Ctsiaicwtw*.
OBla vllb (br t^dUof .4 (be rrp4et aiM
l&-*aes LMs(Dl(7«toraSdlra.|wcleara.t0v.tljes*b
pmolMod tbr koa li. ooeapo.
The three . ___________________
A mlxtnre.of tannin, one ounce: roas- ratixL "The Courtabip of Miles StanWbat wa# 1 (q do? buM.wr Mr. Best- ndnatee' walk twnagbt tu to oar desttoa- water. fire ounces; glpRrib two dlsb" to'onlp lorn popular than iu pred-’
A lot of peoslt and naadle bars rood onss-cbeap.
ftoa. Aa we eraasid uret I otwerved a onocca. applied with a camera hair i*»iaa». ''ETangeltoe" and "Hiawa­
Foor good eetond band ladito’ bicycles, $3000 each.
mao steal .ml uf iKe Frenefa wliiduw of brtuh to said to be wooderfal to Ua tha" All tfarse bare been taken to
mp ritllng .pKuti. wbirfa upeasd on to
heart by tbe American people, all
to the tm-nilup as
flUht ap rvranda. stare duw-n at mp cumpaaioi
oomposed dnring the brigbu-si pears of
the face. _________________
peered. I dn-wd aud
4 went
d..ok. I — * Ustllp eour (Ik- adlutoinp wU '
Ibe poet’s life, wben hit familp
wbo 1
phtffrwm a pas lamp to
mlB <« Up tbr Hell
Faebtoa Weksaa.
wing nnp about him, when be w____
tdi. bat It I Instantlp
of bUpowersandhad
of tbr ptpor-l'
Brf.irr to* mulO br armtid be bad abot fal pUaUe fabric of dart malra straw
-- fame. — Profemcr
bimxHf ibniogfa tbe btoul.-FMmp Pieflnelp
Crand.» Matthews to St. Nicbotoa
biiakfaM I plotbed op aalfi.loDi lorlal Mapaaloe.
«OBrafo to Tbit tbr furr dorh buoao. kT
BoBtMpb. Id .pile of bla prrtMrtloa. w
realm exploited si tbe Farto cxpoaltioD.
•dU allro.
•tnlprinccas gown promises ti
Labtocbe had Che most magmfloent
-Harr pou dcpooiird tay papera In a
be ooe of tbe popntor autumn modela.
baaiTolee ever known to tbs lyric sttoa
pow'll p(»e mr
« pon hare
Tbe ttnu In' cloth gowns grow lighter a bad anoupass of two octaves, from
and Mt make a«r fom.'
and lighter. Ice color, tbe faintest E flat below to E flat above the bam staff.
-Dm*I irooblr about (bat. Mr. Bent"Wbat •
peach, a grson ?«4cb can hantip bs Be was a man of prodigions site and
-Wbj. lUi Uttlc affair, poe know. We dtotlngntobsd from trine-tbese are Krength. and his voice waspopomoned
got a lip tram the bouse Beat door that fssbionabto. aad tbe rioib Itself 4s of to his physical dimeiudona Rothtog
“*i lex iMMf m upwi. wwrra wiM
BtudertorWag- tbs very tightest maka
was able to overcome or drown iL and
r from tbe asrtb aad tbe son atwas
«« aie down to WBfk
Bound hats and toqoss of gold or sO^ throngb tbs tonra of tbe largest ebraw
ver Itosoa with drapery of black chif­ it botanedou ailustllpastbonghatoaa
sttetaaoB os I was jcaioplv a
fon. are tbe newest Paris notion, Mors than coos be broke a window juuw
ttafta to my suteroem Mr. BtttMgk saaad Indeed, for tbat matftr. gold and by tbe strength trf tbevibnMiaas caused
»—*• B« **s bMktof bto old asit 'oaee
for mssle. W she tilled
K ■IlTcr ntlltoed for rerm. conan,.bclts Iffbttmanstroaevotoa
Ftano wban tb«e and trimmings are qnltc tlie rage )nst
wssif aad laritad him to alt dawa ca •*tv_riafti)ra. On ooe of these
now. eapactoHy In corabiaatloD wltb
her dangbiers dedtoH to plpp becauw
pale blae riotb or serge. Pale
"Do roB fatow tbe ooant aotaally ad*1 aappw pea'ee rarassd wbat Fsa
Mae and anrer to a ttn pretty mtsreatts ber to peblle aa hit tnmmr'
-«S»f^ be aaid. with a blaad amlto.
■Idffvalk Xanmbfr la all bImb
tme. aad old rilrer buttona ore Mgerty
"Trattsst Os Eagltoh to a lUUaooogbt afisr to emballtoh tbe abttt
«ARM Upt. -Bet I isgrat to ItU pewB Be aaaar tBYWOMBt ”-xIedi».
coats or botoroa.


: jw parAia. Axter * aaM
don. -I> sat Mlac «ML 1
pan Baaa'poo eaa*t lap
baaJa ec k at tbr iwnnn*7Mu> M. oaaeOp. Mr. BmMiK*' 1
iw. “I a I lap m banda m U.-B«roa««1
oMpr Winaair
-1 vU.- aaM

___ _ .

. iire


My Patienfs




«r'.”a"Ti -

Fire Insurance


E. W. HASimCS.

QoUies Cleaning
Ml Pressing Pariors





Campblll's Second Hand Store.



I Used
to Pay IQc

Fire Insurance




Donw Be Fooledi

ETSii; ss. “•sa

Special Sale of Bicycle Sundries

..... .

At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union St„ Nwr Front.


The Up-To-Date

1 Finr Use of Plttgerapl DutiMs. iilargiag of 111 Haft.


For Cooking or Furnace Purpos



JOHN P. OTT & 00,

Nort to SfBTiVM 0tl7 laUflter Oa






_^ _
dU wtmt ted t__ _
attar awbla I bate to
riad fikad
•dabdotoy.'. Ammmfm balr rated
aba <ted bdarthat aUag! Ha
oe aad If ab
ated talk aod walk wkb aa at any ttoM.

It to sox gMiMany ksdFa wbat boastttst aMMM caa ba Bade (MB cptmto.
By astilBg they caa be abapad lata
TWH. boalA ate tba Uka. wMeh caa
ba naeatad apoa Caat ate daeoratad.

Myttow that yoB ««b teaya ban wte
yoa waet IL Ba wta.ptgaaaat aad te'
raditoc a*d borad. Seaw way W Uatt
tor a rarrrr bad raatohad. aad wte »
tbobfbt or naauay. Hrtof to that dall
URlr coaatry towa aad ptarbtof a^ aa»tag that I latobt atady Boak. I toO yte
ChitebrL I fait bmxl I waa ban to



abr wrwt ea abyly. “I had
t««B ao^ -wrd to Fred aad 1 karw
lat be Dkad Ba. bat bo ateod -wbat do
tbay tel k to boatorMf-ronprtkiaa!
Hr maat kaew tbit aaor other bar waat•d ibr toy brtarr ba wted oalaalt pn>p-

■ <«44. n« d«y.

dtoat Mop
to tbtok; JaatteMto.
I* irrt mA waA ..
It I hada- yoa aad 1 wteda't ba rflh tmlj MtTMl to M«btos
tlag borr, aad Prad aad I woaMat ba
>. doM to
tort ot
o( Ih* Unfe aKI'
aqurcD oaooaanoa—
roar aad irorr. •»


*Nrrrr «aad Bp «rlMii fou^raa alt
dawa; arw, ah dotra »b*ii >oc ran II*
dovB.** rbaatrd bar fhand. atarfctoc op a
Idk or ■wsaoaa Pltb.«a Whiad bar dwk/
GU aad atmr&toa
Mmrddaa benaU
benrU at faU Iraftb
Opaa tba reo«7 dlraa. **Tbal‘a tba aao«l or broptoc oaa'a baaiitj. Klioor. Il'a
tba crtaatal ri
aralUag.' aad
Uj raHoirtog IIJ (iprrt to'
lod by
t baaaiy lataat
«r itoa
afTtrra. Hearao apaad himr
bar Imaib.
«ara ab
Far a fra ndnutaa both firta ware
toat. aarb atariag d»aan»Ur laio ^ I

Tba drat or outer .....................

“Wbllo I waa at dtoaor tbat night tba
ball rang, and tba aarraat brooght to a hard but greaay ^Mtata. reaembtlng
ooir for DO aad a Uigr boa Cran a wel tba outer cdrciiag-Pf can: the aecoad
doftot. Tba box, of eonraa, I dl- la a brltUe, cnamy eompoaltlon. aad
mtrd to bo oret to
b«t Prad tbat toalde to a ccllotor aatwuace
It, aad Ihr aoto I read--------;dtb. T>e ratUtif of tba gonnl la 4<na
I biasbrd. bol ool for Ibr rraaoe tbat bo wttb a Uito. abarp btoded kalfa, tba
anppnood. It wao otaao frigbi. Oar* or
abape beinf Urn marked off wiib
Itrire dartof dlnorr 1 eaoabt bb ryoi
toad pcDtdL
It U ent allgbtly i
fixed upon no taUTTogatlTaly. and. being
arDood. out golac ibrongb Uic fbcU;
orw to »y rolr. 1 became ao CBbat--------thto la rrpaatod until tba pitb la reachthat I l<-ri tba Ubie Iwfore danarrt.
_______ ad. and tban tba two poniona will
come apatt Groat tare abould

lying uianiH-r. Ib-'ii bem preaca ‘
fim Bifbl. hot be dkin't koow It.
“I'rtmi that time riuku catna for e
rrgutorty. and my |4a«-^a» often r

rnXD tba ocaopaut ot
llfbl aifh,
’ ^oariad
'“Dull Btot^ vltb aai
..V to



doa-t ballara tl yat.
ih a touch of I
tboogb." oba wmi OB. wbb
a luucL
loucL of
of !
lb a
«arBootba^ “I tra* jan tbloklog tbat
atOB to ban- a paU with
»‘atr- Tb«T barr •todocurr' wllU brr.
apparently ..aad ibloai fall luio obapo tor
aboni all tbruBfbJiro. For luataocr, yoa
raot tbr Bau and Ibr man fHI to toto
T our uf Ibr liuby o
. rteV^yw-n-born lucky Ufe'a at
at loaBni.- .Vua.'wlUi meDo
• t would happen if the prtM

i b "" **?■**

- Btiert. kftowtog tbat In ooe of
luuking brownamnaa
tba prinma awaited bimt
yarn While be wa. gatl
way from No. 1 to .\o. a. . . .
at wblcta of the two dour* be ought to
preant blmarif. tbe girl to No. S-tbe
amc wllb.ltH- aanny brown balr and tbe
edtramartor blnr c
s arerv rbance to apprar at tlu- wTteow.
Be would arc brr. aod In a nwmmi tbe


.!». r.rf

Again, tbe pyro^pblc point may be
uaed tor outlining only, aad tbe design
may be brought out by acraplng-^ibat
U to Bay. tbe bard, greasy aurface of
a buff or rsddlab tinge may be left for
tbe ground and toay be eertped down
then d>e bell rang, ate
to tbe crea®y white layer for tbe de­
sign. The scraping U dooe with piece*
looked aaragr. and I tarned
fnrkma te.'Tw W"lb'to'tte * was aw- of brokeu wig^w gUaa when large
Bortoeea are tote aersped away, bat
fnUy aabamed of myadf.
when more delkste work to to te done
“Well, sre went rtr Uw walk next
a sharp kolfo la to te pioferted.

would be forgoUM."
' Tie gtrf Wped apeuktog i and^r
Mete looked at ber bait rarioady. half
“Ob. yu« goorer aba
iba aaU
aaU at laat.
saeblag co'aartb
— •! W1 .....................
ir mind wbat yon

»M-ol for tbat creolng. 1 repll
euppresatog a yawn, that I mutt go to
bnl early that nlgbb but would go for »
walk to tbr park next day. We were
f 1tbr foot
of tbe atalra. and
ding ai

ibTfc^ Stete

_____ i te him who waha' to a aaytag
wbtofa ought to be tabooed. If you last
aM down and toU tboae nlre^ aletear
basda of yoBia and wait for tbat mlak

“SJ ^^^I^^I^ed^rttUne.

. be eiettaaad. aa tba gourd la vary brUI tie and to liable to ciack.
After tba
* Kounl to cut tba pItb sboold be etoaned

r^^rnrtfd a hapi.y little I ««» •««* ‘I** «>«* amooibed wlib aandu-‘«
- bnt
uu—.IBS a« t P»»Md «‘*iouih paper. If tba gourd to of aoeb a^pe
baHt »t
tbat It abould bare faet tbelr ptetltm
marked oft. Many
ttaa exerllrin wbon 1 bappraad to come
noripertrdly. to any nothing of gourde wfll atand wltboat feeu
nr. I Ir-catnc
liecainc ao
to uaed
uae to
Idayliig at t»tog bappy aod baring a
||:.o dollar admirer to Ibt background
unto abrltoc abould be placed to the
tbat I lialf Ullrnd it niyaelf aad grew
bottom flfBL whlcb tbe b<ji lead will
lolte agitated when tny fioweia came."
melt; tbto to added to Inanre tbe te"BMasr 1‘owere Carr! Do you mMt
bteon of tbe metal to tbe goard.
. Tbe design to tbe next conaldenUoa
Elinor waa not to b« toicmipted.
“Wltbln ten dayt Fred waa trying to It abould be drawn direct ni>on tbe anr_rop Iwek Into tbe old babit of lingering tecc. . For permauent decoration there
f<>r a chat after dinner. He even tlsldly ... three meihoda to cbooae from,
;grtud ’bat
that wr
wr Ihadn't read anything
any two of them may be combined
* was aweet and idraawith good effect ■■Vbt first la with a
pyrograpblc point Wlien tbto to iiaed
air. tboogb all tbe time 1
It abould be with a alow. conUnuous
k<- a perfect rlllain.
-Thtoga reuchrd a dlmax when 1 failed moTemeot The color* to be obtained
- appear at dim
three toccemire range from brown to black. Tbe de­
waa aattag .Seatebalcl <b«sc sign may be In abadea of brown, and
nights. I «
and tolls to my
tbe background may be bamed in
t was uinglltig
black, or tbe rerene
gay. Tbe


«al. .'Bearre
.. .
belju bim who help.
sMT la my motto.*
“Wbaid ever bare tbeugbt te look at
............................irolla with Ita csnalnf.dab

1 bterte (vres for
that abe ante erolTe tW gtaat. btg.
______ --bar
tere from tbr dlraa. -8be
abould bars
bad aa Irte Jaw ate a
I to fire tbe pskUe
Elinor aniiled d
•VTirtaUne. I'm going t» teU yoa anmething. Ii‘s rather dretefuL ate I caa'c
taD Frrd. aad tbto Is my gteoee.*' she
It nrumiw nrrer to toll—not a
sot erm your hnabasd dt**—
-from n............................- - .

*'^^a're dlci^teteuTilteda the

,t tbe right Ume of dayr
u, ibat.“ aniw

... _______ __




i Cbriaabel eneeget
Irally.-New Tork Commerelal Adrertla-

At Kawlmbe. to Afrtes. tte rstt to
r at' night They
the bouar srere terrible

a abd acasprete

raerd aboot

my bed to a ibureugnjy nappy msnly: “Too'rr eren cblidren who wi>oW abI nwW not stoop at first, but at UK
snlaleiy refnee ta plsy a-lib anything's .1 got used to them. 1 dret^wd off. outo
could rire them exrepc tbr t<
to wake up ate fite a rat with a fi
my vsr.
some meo are tbat sray. Vrr
Oor olgbL at another rtatlon. i
too.” abr exptotord carefully.
ibiug larger than a rat dropped from tbe
“Thrj srvo't sure of Ibrlr . _ ______ rsn-re on mj bed ate awoke m
but waat to know that answ other sum
bi<d a candto ate aaw tt eras a li
to barking then np by admiring tbe aama
ry are toreiy illUr animals ana are
thing. I somettoiM think,” abr rontlaned ...en^ •llbMbkk for. like cbinchUto.
auetogty. "that tbto partly accouaU for ate hare beaBllfnl large
trge reund eyes. It
tbe popularity ot sridosra
Tbe ‘Mm.' l.H>krd most taariuaUng: buL ta like the blue ribbm at tbr borer abow. aur. *UI It wuuU
wouU ddo next. I thongbl
Ifa wore by the prim lakers, and tlip Mould try to ocod ll u:
tlBld meo. wbo-d
' -d IncTrr.dare to |drk a
I.prt»«d tbe dour srhkk led oo to the
.1 oprt
wtaarr on fbrir own Judgmenu gladly rerandu and pfwcdcC geoUy to drive
Mlow tbe leader.” sto- ended laughtoMy.
alas; It objcctrd to gotog

bon a Mead wreia sre tbOl a esRofle
ism of berlast^lM Ortog at tbe
Msr place.
“After that sre.aaw a apod daal af
^ Khre. walktog. tslktog.ate lasfftog
•iBftbar ate bsrtog ttm. AWay rimaa


needa our aMtoianee, and help Him In
tare to not ovre TO degrees F. Tomahelping them. fSi Tboae who mlnlat
keep at a much blgbsr temtered to ChriK were amply rewarded to^ will
than tbto bat It to not dmlrby an abundant oD^rauev Into braven. peratti
No aervice for Cbriat guoa mirewstdigbL advlaea ■
. A cup of <-old water glv-rn In Bla
me bas its reward, bet ut toy up
twaure* to hea»-en \<y ministering to - Psfnl For Collar. Tie Cwfla. Gtr.
For a tatted point for a stork collar
•ufferiog. needy bnmanlty to the name
of Cbrtot.
2. Failure

Tte Dealguer give* the following pat­




tern ami directions: Materials re­
quired. No. So l«ge thread and aboot

Tboae on Clirist'a loft baud, to whom
Be mid. • Depart.” bad failed to mto-

12 Incbca of narrow white aatto rib­
bon. Tbe witert to made thus; A ring
of 5 p witb 2 d a between; fasten
tbe second thread fnO make a chain

totm to Him.
The Jodgment pivaopnesd presupposet <>i>ponnuity. yet






ot 4 d A fi p. with 2 d a between. 4 d a
Alternate tbe rings and cbaln* until

excuae was um arye|>ud. They bad
faded to tellore to Christ aod to serve
BIm by aerelng tbelr fellow men ID


there arc eight of each, loluing tbe

Uls name, and eternal doom wat pro­
nounced u|Kin tbem.
This picture uf the Judgmcui tremecdously empbaslies the Importance


of faith to Christ and a life of aervice
The Jodptnents paaasd

SSA '9S£8 U £SSeS88ll8

Bulta of these Judgmeuta were eternal
Tbe word |puolshment to verae 4<1 to I
I. but poKUve misery.
In this vera- ■'cndlem and twundlesa
Ufe li coolraatcd-witb cndlem and)
Tbe two facta-Ktos j
traascendeotally gtorioua tbe other

___ _____________

by a
plcots of tte ebatoa as
lauuvu lu lUK lUnatrattoo.
luuaitatmi. Sew
»«■ tbe
tatting to the ribbon to Inncrt Inxlda
1 tbe stock collar. If desired, tbe wbeeto
I may te Joined to make a differently
j shaped sharp poloL Tbe aame design
- maae wiper wxiumi
™ II nil! iw avvrawUT*
altfUf-HvA tA
ui u*v
for a tie and or for coffa

hinutwati. «:1U
IraUi te* diupen to
Chlt^i. Ht. LmU. Onrtnaali, liwUsaApolls,
si AAD
s. ___________awnfna
Uj I
LttBlsrllb- ate Cta
----------------- 1. lUntaf rep from Urste Bspids.
smruiaSI I'.
12X> p. m bos potW ear -

apmliably awfol-arv revealed; tbe de- ] ^ w>eeto by
wisely witbteld.’’

8 ns « s 98

P.aT. A-.Uretekmrts
kteol Travemr City.

Pere Maroubtte


;! lasa lis


—Baform Cburcta Meeaenger.


the water tbe mode bai ebanged to

, plain yea and no . without tbe added
A-ttemalr PavabU.
'•obatantlve. 1 prefer tbo old taalilon
Lota of follto who would like to do
of deirreoce,” aam a Good Houaekeei*right think tbat aervln tbe Lord meaos
mplled «lo
iDg writer. "No aervUlty Is ImplW
aboutln tbemaelvee boarae praUto HU
•madnm' or Ita abbreriatlon 'ni^am.'
oame. Now. l’ll tell you bow l look at
bot it carriea to It a
tbaL 1
workin nere
here lor
for aim.
Jim. -->ow.
m wontm
<i,* nirfor neiinoL”

u ra «, n,m.a u« ho™, hm. »ma,

aud kpranc Kralgbt

on to my '
gripping my arm with Its aten* lUUe
g to let go tlU I well
tmAh ate rvfnslag
Aa II raroed round to
ha tall.....................................................
my hand 1 loaatd It unt on to tba
lUda and ohnt tbs .door.—From ~A

Tbe Cos* ttovw Care.
Atricau sarngus aaffer from (teumattm*, and. what U mora they know bow
r* U.
The African medleiae man
du<-s not iril the patimt to rtib Us hack
eltb Uaimvnt
UaiiEvnt or to Kay Id tbr boom
Ires him a esl
n damp wretber. bet be rive*
salt! by travriers <o be quite effocU*e^
la tbe uldeu.yin>e« doemri uaad to put
“cap*” on skk recede to drew tbe blood
tram rile palafnl parts of tbe body, ate
tbr princltde oo which the Afriean rnadb
the same.
—------- goes■sIsIs'ioK
Suppqre that tte .
a (ten^ic pain to Ua batk.
nan gets
tocishns to th paricnt's bark and puts
tbe bKlow ends■ or tte bocSB over tba



.. ..

wntU one day s
Lucille O’Hara lak
•ms tbe rolee*of i
. ate I
esase away with a lamp to my threat ate
B black daubs to ay brert. I tried to
Sreetke. but—sreU, I madajip my mbd
t tetoids
to .biroBi a riager of
teftods ate gire
1 frit exactly Uka
to red ballooBa that
rw np 'ate which grow
r falf ate than atedrely
flsBapae toto omall. witoktod wada of
ssbbor. 1 DOticte twa new tacta that
Stobl toll there wah a guad loc
gossg man at tba saxt table ate tba

ImmtiM tba totsaaote to baOlte tnLattm- fcyrir ShWs md 1
■ we haes a tar tor «as
tbesi rub se tbe akin and eto toam tt
aileea or pack tbaat vbsla aa ‘
404 ffaat Pnant ttL twl
pcsBlbto to gtom ton. Pottbassran
It to aot a patabto. tboi«b Cbrtat dota
on tte tore wttbout tba rabbets, or tt HanistM i
tba goata. b«t tt to aa awtsL aob they are patent tots, wttb fl'vaU. Mars
rtelly. All sattoaa appaar befow tbe ecat open. Set tbs
Cautot A>r JsdgBMBt at tba tlaae c< Bta tom la a totgs boiler wttb a radk «t
aaeasdoomb^ Tbcae ata Artdad lato >pen Kata rsstlng oe tba
etotbm beOar may ba
kept for this puipoae. Tbs sroodaa
reck abouU bs m^ e( tocb aiilpa St
wood sqmretsd by Iseb aad a Imtt
aacb la decided by worka. Tbto la aatBxal ate prriaaayy. Jodgmaat la all tosees «ter>cld togstber tor three or
eaaaa moat be acaordlng to wocka. but fosr cram over strips whM lift tbs
rock from tbs bottom of tis baOer.
Chttattoa 'worka are laai
Cbrtottoa taltb.
dose to CbMaPa name ate tor Hto aretsd from eseb
aake. They ware the reantt of faltb to bunebmof senwor by testy kltebate not gote moral worka apart from N elotba. Tbs boiler to flUsd with Isksfaith. These wUl not aare. The e«- srmrm or cold water, wblcb to gitei
caey of worka depetea opoajbrlr aptr> ly branght to tbs boiling point After
It and tBTtlre rather than their out­ tbe water boUa, keep tbe boOer cover­
ward appearance. Tke only worka ed kx»^. Tbe ton wlU not bum
that will count to tbs day of lodgment On the contrary, tbe contents of tbe
wOl be tbooe tbat bare been tbe retet can will usually boU down ate toave BIrtT mmofO
of faltb to CbrtfL It wtU not be onr a apace at the top which muK bs filled
ttepririWefebam •
Btototsring onto onr toUow men. bnt when tbe cans are remaved Cram tba tax tte ttni- UaipoTT trstest
ttetr Keamra
oar mtototering unto CbrtoC. tbat win boiler and tbe venti closed.
Let tbe tomatoea boll 20 ibtoutaa B W. mt-JOXOBAM. ASSTTrarer* CWybe of raloe to Hto eyea In tbat day.
I. hllntatermg to <‘urlaL Tbo«> on
tbe right band of Cbrtot had mtoUtcr
rd. from tbe fire to a coorenlcpt tabts;
•d unto Him. (II They mlnlatcrrd unto
Him by mlntotcrtog unto iticir fellow nke off tbe coven, put on tbe rubbers
who were to need -at help. They and fill tbe rest of tbe cau full wUb
fed tbe bungr}-. rlalted the alck. cloth tbe eontcDis of one of tbe cans. Screw
ed tbe naked to Hto name, and there- them up a* tightly aa pomible'and art
them away where they will grednaUy
fore did It onto Him. If t'bilit
actually on earth, bow gladl^ we cool. In 12 ^oura tighten tte screws
fiSSfi5Sfi£ Sfi
aimia. If cans with a rent are uaed,
woobl mlnlater to Him. But tot ua
•ee Him In errry one about ua who aimply cloae them. Set them away to
U tbe I

mt' would be an opportune U
of aniline dyca. Either groui
or onament can te of any dealfsd
color, bat tbo gourd miut be dyed all
oter before any other work Is dooe
lodged. (31 tbe gnmnda of Judgttaw ta Caok Oroaa Caro.
npop It. Fill tbe gourd with aaod and OMt. (4i tbe verdleta.
Kerer cook green com to aaltte wa­
cork It np. IVepare some stiong. hot
■ tat w P^ADIXOa
ter. It tetog one of tbe vegrtablaa that
potaab water, place the ^pttrd
St' s»
Mats. X, S2-42; xrl. 2S; xvlU. l-fl; ranghen when boUed with aalL SooiaMark li. 41; Luke lx. 48: I Cor. xe. 8L Omea green co» to boiled with tba
pare tbe dye. Bare It bolUof. take
II Cor. mi 1-S: Gal It. 12-14: tI. B; tendeejnner huaka on. and tbaaa are
gourd from tbe potaab and wash It to U Tim. I lU-18; Heb. ri. la
i removed Jori before eerriag. Tbe
clasn. bot -water add anbmeige It in
-----------------------huaka are allowed to remain for tba
tbe dye. Let It remain until It la
taerifleiaa Imre.
t uke of tbe flavor.- Stewed com may
■uBklODily colored, tben waab In bot
A mother wlna ber ebUd’e love by
from either cold boiled corn
water ate dry ifitb clean rage. •
uing tor bim. by feeding bbn. dreae-from tbat wblcb baa not been cookTte gourda may te moanted with tog aad careeatog bim. But when, to ed. In tbe latter case cot tbe corn
mcthl riveted togetber to a very snug case ot sicknem. tbe mother aacriflees
tbe cob and atew It for a quarter
fit ate alIppU over tbr body or toryeat her rest and comfort by nursing a son ^f an hour to boUtog water. Turn
part To fnaien tbe metal firmly on the aueb a child will never forget tbto mam
of tble water off. covet the corn
gourd, bot melted abcllac abonld be ttcatatlon of a mother’s love and wifi
mug goj cook until very
uaed BB a cement They may also te try to repay IL Should tbit mother, tender. Seamn with salt and pepper
pni p u A ny*
mounted with copper or brasa wire, however, to cotkscqurncc of ber eeU ^^1 add bits of butter roDed In flour.
wblcb can be faateoed on by btodtoc denying love, beraelf become 01 and i
ate twtattog so at not to reqtdf*
die.ter memory wlU never vantob from .
^ Aoeetua «r ciieamta
cr solder.
tbe mind of a well dlspoaed child. Em {
of tbe Virginia border line 1
To poUab apidy with a rag beeawax eantiy there waa a great fire to a westno weU bred child today l*
J.gBiOX Aavlit.
dlaaolred In turpontlne. Tbe turpen­ cm dty. Tbe fatber rmeued aU W», .^,„od to say ‘tea ma'am.* and
tine evaporetci. toavlog a tbto coating chUdrwL but to doing ao be became!
^ nmny iMreoto to- a^r.MOBAWto^ri^^'l !■-. Art-.
.of wax. wblcb can be brought
bImaeU a cripple for Ufe. ButbUchU^re. Brown.' or Tea
pollab witli a Klff braab. Several dren treated him like a mint The, mother.- 'No. father.' cr *Na Mr. Eobatylet of ilecoratlng and mounting are very aeare In bU face seemed beauttfui i
. jj„, ,^1, fashion of address la
■bow-n to tbe lUnatratlona. which are to tbem beeaoae they were manlferta- ,uppo«<j to be Engllab. and tbe beet
teuced. togriber with the tor<- tiona of a fatboFa self aacriflelng lova authorities now Inform ua that acroaa


“Ton know bow 1 met l>rd. I'd coma
■p to Nrw York wlib ray brad ehock full
mt dreams of being s grrst prims donna.
Ste^ TeuKh floor halt buck' ate tbe
roK of It wore Jon tbe oeceaaarr Heps
loadhig np to ^ brilliant fnti
tourly prirarioos’ were a nandliia J.Ar to
IS Cinderella, with tbr dlffiteoce
. .
s fully ate
flnxioBily cspectrd.
1 ncrer gsestloBod
soy abUlty to.1 bi
briv tte world to my fret



liS Jis

milted alowly. her ayea filling with
drf. “Bol bow dU tb* tewere bnPP«o

rolre. Thru, looking out
brr fingcre at her friend.
tsilrriy. "ITowers are awfBlly
•' No aaawrr.
Then rrmoreefuUy. “•«


Wbat a good fellow Jim Is an alngto
aonga to bim Cd te doln Just what lota
of OhrttUans do, but It wouldn't suit
Jim. aa I’d get fired mighty quick.
Bnt when 1 hustle amoug tbe hllU an
see tbat Jim's nerds are mil rigtat an
ifferto for water an feed or brtn

goilig. tram Tte Art Amateur. Tbaae
iDcltee a natural gourd, with tte decoreiiOB mnped ovt with a toarp knife;
tbe top*of.a gourd, mounted with all
Tcr. aa a scent bottle: a gourd on ' ^■rel atiDd. ate toady, a gourd with
' temped out .
. colored wttb
asnine «ycs sad moontte o« toeul

_____ ^

rUUy as tte mrnae does sot hare to diaii:rl> tbem by pntttof <n any etotbea
Tteae bf>m* are allDwcd U iimsto oa

spoonful of tugar and two
tula of baking pOwdR and Kft agato:
then rub to a baaptng tableepdoofni of
^ntar «r torfl.
Mix wftk sweet milk

! bsttered pan and bake to a quick oven,
t xTatoa Talk.

tbes I'm aerrlo Jim a
■erred.—A Converted Cowboy In I
e<9al Bceotder.
. Tte core af ■
A dtoclple toned manward to hto
mind tnateod of Oodward U a,atiusbUng'blodc to tbe sray of Oirtothtodnnee ta Qla purpooe. Tbe
to CbriatteartadMk srtll
srm foOoV tba
neaa Tbe mlte’a look
hcort'a love. We are dramm onwatfl
and upward to bare tbe mite
ChrtaL-Ameriean Friend.


anhiit of u.. .ia.r r.i

HllllBorr Items.
Finely stitched Klk batUte to allvar
grey or pale eern abadea with ocatf
and bow of whlt^ sUk.
New Tort onUng bat tbat to not only
awKL bot very aerriceable. aa It srlB
not spot with water.
EmtoenUy tnlted for tbe aaodt or a
country ttroll are the big. yellow,
coarse straw bata simply trimmed with
loojw of black glace or adorned with a
grey wreath of popptoa *»« cotsflomSome of tbe better Data are balag
bcarily trimmed with the'autnmni
fruits ate floware. Orepaa ate wte

... ...
Oottf south cney day M



A\aaeetol tet Xet ChMs laa Cvaam.
For tbto apeclal mom tbare will ba '
yeqnired a quart of Kottad ermou. foor,t._^.
wHl baaton eggt aod a baaplug enptut:
Iteaa arc ton ot agitation. TVy. of line grenulatte atigtr. srttb any fla-'?“
taO tbrdflgh tbe air like fruit toakca rortsg you may plaaae. Tbereauhto’j
tram a tree. CoBtenunaBt to tbe anroM Brieli.vrtTetyeonjpontethattoaaDu.1 Arim~* reemretow frimi Treewm city'
symptom of death. Sattofactloe to «t- wo™.u..* 1-——"iKiXta wiB emosK
ten anotbR aome tor todlffoeMa. ft
ssito for I!*.- ex- ejh Rremer ™
rfaarama to fraTseae OUy at
to a grera ♦«
r-?nre pcsalbnity.—
Proabni-rlar touraal



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