Charles Snyder's cabin at first Arbutus Lake, 1908. Dr. I.I. Brownson, Mrs. G.L. Fenton, Mrs. J. Brown, Lane Fenton, Dr. G.L. Fenton, Mamie Brow, Bob DeFrance, Mrs. I.I. Brownson, Neil Brownson, Irene Brownson, Mrs. Mable Snyder, Mrs. Frank Hopkins,…
Group of women and man at home of Mrs. William Manigold, undated. Mrs. Blackhurst, Mrs. Hackman, Mrs. John Shone, Mrs. Edna Bowers, Mrs. Henry Mox Sr., Mrs. George Farrington, and others.
Group of women and men, undated. Dr. Jay Brownson, Ora Newmarsh, Erma Dean, Carl Moody, Louis Kylseka, Rena Wood, Allen Church, Mary Wood, Melissa Church, Clarence Duffy, Vern Brewer, Francis Porter, John Wood, Clayton Wood, Lillian (Wood) Clark,…
Kingsley residents swimming at Arbutus Lake #1, Effie Brownson, Clyde Hopkins, Thelma Hopkins, Margaret Hall, Irene Brownson, Agness (Nixon) Quartermas (her father was a depot agent), and her brother Willis Quartermas, undated