Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Depot in Kingsley, (Mich.), 1911. Charles Snyder's Potato House. Kingsley area band. Members: Bill Wurzsburg, Walter Stockfish, Dick Marshall, George Hackman, Clarence Dean, Leonard Holladay, and George Madison.
Loading logs for the Oval Dish Company Westminister, (Mich.), 1908. Rob Brown, George Manchester, Ed Manchester (George's Dad), Dan Leonard, Alice Manchester (George's Mother), Alice Hodeck, Hattie Manchester (first wife of Herbert Fitzgerold),…
Hauling lumber from Wesley Dunn Mill, 1910. Aaron Box, Del Mafie Charles Box, Bill Yingling, Vasna Hoefling, Russell Yingling, Rev. Thurston in cutter going South. Linten & Stinson Grocery, John Huff Boot & Shoe Store, Ed Brudy's Meat Market in…