Kingsley, (Mich.) buildings, 1908. Upper left, St. John Lutheran Church, downtown celebration, St. Mary's Catholic church and homes in Hannah, (Mich.), downtown stores including A.B. Stinson Store, Wilcox Hotel, new water tank, and Ralph Case home.
Kingsley, (Mich.) businesses, 21 January 1903. John Huff's Boots and Shoes Store, Valentine Linden's Saloon, Charles Box Building, Ed Brudy's Meats, A.B. Stinson's Grocery, Wurzburg Store and Blacksmith Shop, St. John Lutheran Church and other…
Kingsley, (Mich.) Fair, 1910. Today M-113 looking West. Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad tracks at bottom of photograph. Band marching by David Hoeflin's Gris Mill and Feed buildings. Small building is Wesley Dunn's Lumber office. Large building…
Kingsley, (Mich.) Fourth of July celebration, 4 July 1910. Most of celebration held in parts of town and Tank Hill Park. Ballgame held in the afternoon.
Kingsley, (Mich.) Ice Storm, 1923. M-113 looking North up Brownson. On left, Brownson Sanitarium. On right, is the old home of Ralph Case that burned and the new built home. Later it was bought and turned into Smith & Covel Funeral Home, which…
Kingsley, (Mich.), 1888. Known as Paradise then. Bolander Saloon, McQuiere Store, John Shone Shingle Mill and Cattle Barns, George Parker building, Fenton's Drugs Store, Kniser's Saloon, etc.