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  • Collection: Julius Steinberg Papers Collection

Handwritten bill of lading for J. Steinberg on paper with the heading: “In Account with Hannah, Lay, & Co.” includes name of steamship, weight of freight and advance charges.

Handwritten bill of lading for J. Steinberg on paper with the heading: “Hannah, Lay, & Co. Forwarders” includes name of steamship, goods transported, and origin of freight.

Handwritten bill of lading for J. Steinberg on paper with the heading: “Hannah, Lay, & Co. Forwarders” includes name of steamship, goods transported, and origin of freight.

Shipping receipt for Mr. Newberry sent to Marshal, Field, & Co. in Chicago.

Handwritten bill of lading for J. Steinberg on paper with the heading: “Hannah, Lay, & Co. Forwarders” includes goods transported.

Shipping receipt for J. Steinberg.

Handwritten bill of lading for John Steinberg on paper with the heading: “In Account with Hannah, Lay, & Co.” includes items shipped and cost.

Handwritten bill of lading for J. Steinberg on paper with the heading: “Hannah, Lay, & Co. Forwarders” includes name of steamship, goods transported, and origin of freight.

Handwritten bill of lading for J. Steinberg on paper with the heading: “Hannah, Lay, & Co. Forwarders” includes name of steamship, goods transported, and origin of freight.

Handwritten correspondence on “Hannah, Lay, & Co.” letterhead to J. Steinberg asking for a payment of $15 related to an order of the Hebrew Congregation.
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