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  • Tags: Cherry Festival
Color photograph of the Montrose Blueberry Festival float on Front Street in the Cherry Festival Parade, July 12, 1975.
Black and white photograph of cars in Cherry Festival Parade, ca 1946. The front one has a sign reading, "Ward Eaton 'Studebaker'. "
Four black and white photographs of the 1948 Cherry Festival Queen Vonnie Verno, from Empire.
#1 with U.S. Rep. Albert Engle.
#2 With Sen. Homer Ferguson.
#3 With her court - front row: Sally Williams, Kay Cralier, Jo Ann Jackson, Jayne Ann…
Cherry Queen Doll - Chamber of Commerce
Photo of cherry festival parade by Dill's Restaurant on Union Street.
City of Cadillac's ship float in the Blossom Festival parade.
1951 Cherry Festival Queen Mary Lonn Trapp with State Senators John E. Collins (rt.) and Dick Caples (left) at the Michigan House of Repesentatives.
The Ideal Dairy, milk delivery wagons, and truck with a float for the Cherry festival parade. See #5116 for more information.
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