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Grand Traverse Herald, January 22, 1891
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
«n ooold woo Dame tetaao.
Beal Estate, Insurance
Tbo WoyBito Welt.
thkkae waamd meeel U
koowwhtohwttwM tba key to the
aebool honw to DkA Bo. 4. army
1 em atoo tram Booth Oerolton.
ferwa of lettma mtd Um death of type writ* that natoeked my werid."
my poor toveUd wUo ^ oew lalHot baahaad aod talbw aoaww,
bed bom tbe ahook naoMeoid by
tbe abdoetton of oar totoat daogbta. broogbt ma oorth to praottoa Our Dtoappoorino Forosis.
kw, tor from toe eemm ot my weekA copy of a reewit baetowi oirnew end miowyeokr aaat to tba New Ti
“Tbe woman yoa dweriba, wm lonkbw that paper a good text tor
« girl my motbar to pity adopted, an artieto on tba vaatoa aad raeklaw
apd L to aa oavortoy boor, made dretraetloo of Aawieaa lorwto.
torato.aitbe paalimo of a eoUage
TaeatioB. I marrtod oooo aftor nad Tbe Oread Bapida baodiag vocka
ioM Batbavay look tbto
Wa npaat a (ortaiia look
of the eeatmty of limber In
ing for yon. bat for. took of Ma- Ihot locality.' aad that tbeir pkai
gropie eommoaiealiooi we aoeom baa beeo pnrebaead by anolbr- eom
ptkbed aoUiiog. When I eav tou pany and removed to HJUaboro.
IB toe oSee yoor l
Micb. Tbit ia practical endaace of
yoor motbar drew my aUentiOD, toej tbe
ppaarmoca ol
of vbita oak aod
of yoor face aod eerUio fakkory from vbat
trieka of morameDt t bare oftoa
oaoUr of tbe iaeomi
lioad ii^ ber. Tbaak Ood: I ha*/ foraaU. Tbe romoral of tbe pkot
found yoo, my toaoUfol deughUr !
.oolber dktriet will be epoodUy
Living memorial ot my poor Hake ” f,||,ved by -t-n-y
felt tbe room evim aroandlij,^
IT Tbe tnddeo rereUtioo. the ei-: ^
vbkto kTMad
eitomeol vai too moeb for ber. Sbe
pine forwto of Ne*
(aioted Ur. Erardar* ourwd hi*VEagk^ New York and Ueoniyl
atopidit, >0 deMtog « blnatly, am)*,nmia,
Dwept o*ar tba timber
awdieg toe boy for a eamaga, be !
o, Uichigap,
at»d toe aimpk mnaoe in hii power MiM„mHa, oooe tba finert and meet
to realore bar.
vaJMbto oo tbie ooetiaeat.
At bU boardlDg plaoe ia a qnial;„pp],
ruauiag oat
Bopeiaataliod bwnlf toe good
boWtotbeb atom pert af tbe oily
iytoewtede abort adIBOa T. BATHS,
b tbo Eveaiag Neva,
Vl}li«* arop«rty for Mo.
bol too raatkai to avail an aMvar,
uany vaary i
looUngiora poaaibk Aaoee in tU
may raal akato offioaa a^ kv offioaa b tba kvaar part of tba cityAt kat vbw Mm beeam at
that abe uait aooa taka ehaaper
todfkca, Ibe ekrk with aa rxp'reee■ea of friaodly klorwt m bk faoa.
B^bmofUaoicenhMHihae ‘
faaodod Bope a ooU vfaiefa prorad
to ha tiou a kv Km in a large
bpOdinc oaly tvo bloeke from there.
A^kaMteoeoVtktMek watak.
AM foed, ae< tooeoS oa U4 iMfkU, ael.
Hope took tine only to rart vbUa
Tku M Ut •-* Uo Wlak
^obaaged the dest ataiaod garb
Wofoavaoceuyoeetlw, .
iba ««r«, for oftao tba change tram
f%Uag€ Ptoptrly. both Houscm and Lott.
eat ef garawnle in vbieb vc
i Lands for tale.
Bmied « ocl, « ohoaeu kotr.
bat, loUad and aaffatad, to anoibar
fraeh a* onr new bopsa aad porpoaWoNavoanumborof cboioeLetaforMleat low prleea Wk, iko MMor Mseeet la kU n«o itel
aa, viU bring oot only raal, tat
ana upon oaejr terma.
•traagtb aad eooraga.
Hope raodily foand Ibe oSe^ aad
TAxas rAH> akd ooLLEcnom uu>e.
Duftrict Numbar Four. aa abe rang the ball read the itaasa.
OttM Ib Ia L. A BeMier>
-Aldriefa and ETerdere."
'£he door vai opaaed by a biy
aad abe vaepramUd to aa nidarly
soft bkekoyae and
iron gray hair.
Hope •cBia took ap her abode at
in aoiver to yoor oote.'' nteoua, be proudly iatrodae«dUc^. .i,toat highly toTored rngiooi aad
Mrt. Ooopw'a. aoeowpaaied bj ber aba aMd to expkaation afber-praa (vbooe proper name va^ Dairy. u„ oouptry in the cooraa of a lev
old friaad. Saa SboldoD. wbb obtooagh Mm prMorred to ke^ bar old jeare will iat*itobly be depeodani
taiaad *ofk in a Aop a«r by.
Tou are proupb that U qniU liUe,! a» bit only dangfater. Tbara ; opon Oenada (or lambw. Tba dkTbaaeboolwbiebaai offers
right Nov do too Ibtok yoa ean they talked lodg over ibMr paat! ,pp,*ra»oe ol white oak i
bar «ritb iooraaaad aalary. proead a vrlto for 01 a liUle vbik tbit after- U*ea and future protpeeu Hope (mm tbe heart of MkUgaa ought
toaie. Ebe and ber poOar vorfc is bebiod oviog
to relorn to tbe country for a Mt to eieito aorpriw vbeo Ibe oner
pda vara in parfaet aynpalby and to oor ae»i*tap| beiog liek. Bope abort ritil. vbeu ber kiLer would
- ■
araeatly that ibeir pro aat dovo vitb a loabog of dread u join ber aod they would togetber,
bami pawned ia berae
graea amaaed her. Ot Ur. Doocke abe vaited to ao» if bar key voold Tkit lb. bom. of her toil^.
„-^g. tdw. aptondid (oraM. of
abe alloved beneir to think at lilUe tom ID the lock. At abe berttae ac
Okdly did Sam and Mra. Coc^
.orthvwt baTiai poaaibk. That aoaie autoadw....... d to Um kind voice aod gen I valeoma Hope back after her Aort
•tandkg lay batvaen tbau.aUhad
> aeanner of Ibe laeyer, abe worked { abeeoee < aod long did tba aetgfabor-! py,|wMf aT e,»uyifg timber to market
CM B. * M.
Tmwmb Om. ibee.
‘ t.
M djubt bat vbat tba ratore ol it oamlyaiid
as J aa .L.
Ibe I...:
kst L..4
bood wonder aad talk ..MAP «|pA ^pppp. ^
night U the bad no idea.
paper vat copied, tue Ueyer said: derlul story of bar birib
ber aiertoe of eaormotu carrying
The alory of bar birtb taacnM lika “Too Lata eopied law matter
Bope epeot ber lime boMly pre
^ ^
a troabied draan. Had ber nolbw forer
to Lr Uif
been in ber rigbt mind 1 Sba gate
sir, Lot------oaly id---------pranicoe. «»auag aa tto
---------"';Luuii.g lb. .«to( A.
namaa, and left no evideaoe. I p.™, .to. to
... b4,.- ~pto
A. ... bw. A b^
Amoag bw trinkeU vm mIt oae ar■ Ibitol. J.. do b«to po,b Aa
lb., bA.H». ol
i. . gkbl te«
Ikla of Talaa; a ring, net to imiUle
pH... c.Jli.,i-to»ogbbop • —to .API Ad
AptortAted A .
aav mooB with ttoy moon atoam. UA.to.-Ap.to ltollb.J*to- ™ooVo—»>to to. ..tot to.
TbeyevU ptoaaad bdr taoey and ebe pdA gl- to p-oto..lA.plb,-i'“”"70d-"' B*A« A.
Ap, a jZa .to
•Un«d it on bar band. The Iwtalilaas ot tbe viator bolidayt indueod
pljilg' g“”.
Ad "™ ; t—J U”
A. AAiPg .Ug.
'lllllZlSr* nZ
B<9o to oead fur a good type vnlor. U.. .in b. to. a p b, 1, t p. .
aae enri fumiohibc ooom.
— 'J'l •oodtod Pbo. U .«bt
,,-d.tol lb . tUaU.
PbM dipW liwa Rm VooIm kl«ay«'ia Meek. OoM>MXIfaM ta aad vbea Hra. Oo<^ objeeted to
For aevrrel dtye Hojm worked.
paaqiUet by Wm. little it appaata
Mra. Cooper, vitb bande all door
bar opoadiBg mooey aad litM ao vitb a heart toll ot tbaokfakcaa for
that tbe amooat of
foobahly, Hop# kogbad and aaid: tbk good fortuDe obiA bad come 10;
•uirraouBTneATMntT AND ALWAYS wkijCOmb.
.. .u .•
into lamber io Uiebigan, Witcoans,
root hart me to enderataad b-lbtogb b., p,pb,i.O., ib ItoAb-PAp-pAAg. TO.lAA.dto
aod UMoeaoU latt year r^ed Ua
bov to vnta, aad aoms day I mat
b.d .bto. I b» A., “
'to eaormoui oggragaw of 8,^B33,3T7
THK /.A:A/>/.V<J UF.l^CRAKT tailor. oae It fev a key to uolock tbe oeter Adto Ot Ib. »b« PA..A to.gto
J frel. eicloaive ol vhiU
oeMase, you are belt« off
right Lara, and if yoo vant aoma- btoto.ppto bAtod
thiag to amnw yoo, play ob ao or twve tbe city a few day a and Ur.]'
gan or aomothieg with a>oa;c in it, Evardere eopplied ber vitb ber day i { -Well I never: Ton baA bare!
And Hopa-e baA here! Oar «ld
id ot BpenAeg yoor vhoie orby Ur. SlBBley U Africa could
raiac OTW a paper eater, vbea yoo
At thii time Ae received a ieUar
long aorvive.
Ai a matto
atmld baptaeiag qaiiu aed getting from Ae chairman of Ae ecbool
* know!’ be «
kade of
neaiji n------ibioga tor a borne of yoor o«D Dear
to.i.g . totidto. aJ -WbtouA.I
:.tob.tot to Utod, ptoA»tJp
ma, gtrk doo't do moeb aa they did
ig for tbe miftake made lir
Aj tbe direction ii iodicaUd be ii
0( 29,000,000,000 feet
vbso I vaa a girl.'
ttMir former lecretary in melting off and aearing tba Grove be eeee raportod by Ibe eaoaas of IWiO at
Hanag reUetod bar mind, lira
paper. Ako explMning, that tbe veil remembered form; daiety Umd eUndiag in lover Miehigaa
Ftfie F<-f-rumc« a Specialty.
OooparhoRiidotftotbakitoLan and (or dnpbeity 10 obUin.ng the ofBer .ootliae, queenly in bexring, beanti- only one tsoA BOW ramMaai aod A
Mr. Milkr bad beeo expelled from („)
hing, liviag, eymmeirkal (ba Area eUlee there ia wUtwtod to
«miMK80r A1AKIN|^
Sam aaakted ber and baiDg veil the board
.yoaA een be—ibe
,kaa tban 10,000,000,000 feet.
read in kv. Iba prokmoa be bad
Hope lau) aside As certificate.: vomanbood He eomw A ber aids |
toUndad to III
Lad him gkd to koov that Ae badbeeacred- : before abe U aware of bia ^proeA;' Wealth lnal<l<r e Statue,
dieUte to bar many forma and Urma ited ae Mm daaarved. but eoaUat etnrtkd, abe leU falUba vfaiU nproa I Pygmalion, the aamaat ortiat
oeeorrug to that atady.
wiA tbe eaapkymeot abe hod found foU ot kavea, lotting them fly A bar | aould not be moA m
Ueel ie a ebower. A glad light eomw I vbeo bii atatue beean
Wbaa tba Iteea vara eaodiag oat io tbe rity
A fev^yi after Mr. Aldrich kft to ber eyae. tbeir bande meet: be I inA a lovely woman, than ,tbe been
dalioaU abimmor of groan, Hope
Bood bar Bobool for fomiaar aod Ibeofliee, Hope noUead Mr. Ever-j cannot epeA ; be drove bar A him. I of ibe k A Ume. Artaod, who reattandadUia apriag txaminatioo to dere regarding ber eloiely. viA a ' Tba movement it a queelinn, and'eenily dkd is Paris, vbea Aay dia■a 104 rmit SOM.
evdor to rooae bar eartiAoala Aitor pnxxkd aoxioae look oa bit faea ;Ho^, knoviog tbat Am vat lbe < eovated a cooalderable fortaaq earatall, baodkome, Mylub Aok-1 man. Ae king ot omo lor whom ebe folly biddA avar io tbe iol
hm driU in aehooi tba work vaa froMi
pkMer of p
in mind and tba qnaationi aaamed ing. vUL abarp bkA eyae. a man bai beeo waiting, alAvt ibe earaaa.
•say. Sba wrote rapidly, finkbad ofpmbapt fifty. Hope bad ofUoiaod vbeo bk Upa aoek bera, ebe' liA of tbe famoM Vwoe ot Milo,
long pamioB- Tbe bieAry of the aaddaa fl»d ia
aariy, and bdorn Mr. Millar eoohl Mi bit pwetretiag gknoe, bot to- meeta Awn freMy
carious aod aatartniaiag. wya a ParKad opportanity to apeak akma with day be eootiaued A vatA ber. till | au kite.
Iba had kft tba room and takw abe vae impaUed lo AA up ud' Doctor DoogUi. bearing aeeideat- lU letter A tbe London TM^rnf^lel tbe fliA of tbe Urge dark eyw.
Mom Artaod dUd
died viAoat makiog
making a
bed ““*•
tba aariy ot^* homa.
-Pardon me. M.. BbMdcn. bot |
! viH, wd, aa A. hmi n. aoUry bw
■OB »e^e>i w aMM «
Aa Ur. Milkr watebod bw writ
JAildroo aadf
lag a briliiaat tbongbt aaterad bia Buyl
tattle braia. Hare k an oppoita- oddU
aity to maka thb prood giri d^ndn him, to pkeebm nadir obbgatiOB to him.and onwagaia the
Real Estate, Insurance and I^ans,
call your attention to our Lino ot
Cooking and Heating Stoves which we
are now offering for sale at Lowest
Prices, quality and finish of goods
considered. Come and see us.
itessi 1SSZ-.^Sii
Merchant Tailoring
G. dokn^on,
t|ssl^s>K Di8pei\sir\^
A. W. WAIT, *
P nniKin.M.tilua
ajfo Foris Ijf SEnsofr..
Fresh, SaJt and Smoked Heats, Sausages- Ac.
Ure 8tyk Ingnrtpoe,
-CRSS'*&.5SSa£ —
The Best ef Evemhlng.
J. O.A.ft.Xt.OXAXl.
—BAS <rif rrr m—
A General Stock of Goods
k *T*BET. 9
If t.HBBhlii’» ataaA)
mAlaJanwfilerlkelMWlrrfBe*. WSlb^r
81 ID in nm OedMT TIas and Posts, Wood
Oi»«A.MaM^«i Mn
and Bark.
Mawants 0B,«00 naa afMl 00,000Oavtaic Oaats.
wBMg roc wAjrr
rmjt^ YOU WABT
' oALoweu. a lou^on,
Rapalauac obA Rapalm.
wna Toe VAvr
WBEEU3, Wjl&0198 'AlfX)BVr€H^IB8.
B 9 m « aa ai MK o z jr
i«wl owr bod.* wid a rattoi
Ab- Mav . Xeab Boa man,
‘'wMinaamnS'S^ Alta vmkera part of tbe Meta I Utaad
around Aa Awn A tta AAraecn
and lowiod a boaw Ank Aamad
moraine I aaat A Ikaa^
tta back door. Tbe loww peat ol
Aa boom wm nkMy fonAhad, b«k
I didn't vnnt hrka-bne and I vaA
rigbt «n>ata!n aad torwad AA Iba
firatehamtar IamA Thera wm
very dim light bunAf A tbo RNA
bat it wMDt bgbt eao^ A am bff
aadltanMdenayflim. TtalffU
Joat happeaad A atrika Aa bwd ef
Aa bod and it woke np a mna. Be
I ap aad wid m tool aa ooold ba:
roll, wbatk itraadlAldbta I '
vankd whatevor doat be might find
A«a. and I waaiad it aooa.. I tad
met eool man bafoia a^ 1 vbw^ .
going Attend any bto£
-Be got out of bad Hd MwAd
lor a burwo ia Ao eamar ef the
I kept Ao light m bAi ell
Um lime. He wm a wMI befit fom^
fMUw not more Asa 24. He had *
manly aort of a look aboat fata and
almwt Mhamad A rob fataWbm bo atovod ap Awwd tbo bareaa 1 moved ap. Ao, to aa aot A
give him a Aaaoa A opw a vAdov
aad hollar or gat any ottar deep ea
MaboroIeoaldatraaMt bta. Ho
bad^aboat t
I tAp A
maka A rweh I
to. and ta
VO* moving along w qnkt m a man
ooold. wbeo. qnickar’B ligbAAf. ha
made a jump and butted ma aqaara
feet bafow I knew wtat ba
watdoAg. My lempfaU <me^
aait aecond ba fell oa ma w -bwfy
Aat 1 AoDgbt ta waald grind me
IbAogb tta floor.
-1 had a guB WiA mk bat ( «fat
ran tava a ehanea.A get bold U B.
He grabbed boA my wikAvbem wa
fell, aad Aaa eomobow ta maa^
AtaldboAoftbawviA aaa tahd .
and WiA tbe other be grabbed wa
by the Back, andtajaatatap^dnr
god ma oat and Atew mo down
olaim I eonld bear rnywinM^BC
Ml tta way down, aod I expecied A
ta all broke up wbra I got Aar^ bol
I ww braked, bat aB
right. When 1 got ap 00 aqr Aat I
ap A Aa bead of At Mra
where Um man waa. Hk Aw hod a
awAaa kind of a look' aa ii bat
wbea ta wv I vaw't wachbartbo
'Will you kA«y eAw Hw dm
vbea 7M go out r*
T will.' X wid, (or I wmt foAg A ta outdoao A poBAraaft W
wya L ririU yoa kiodly AD am vbora
-Ob,’ aaya ho, *yoa aewa Se
Back bum east Why I aw iba
baU baefcof Ao Wynooko ooOtga
-Thatwado wo awA aadaayattaad aaya It
Tban why A Aaadw doat jm
bang out a eiga and let paapA k
-Tbatoaomod A maka hta mad.
aad ta Moppad awDAg aad aArtad
(orttaaUiiB.aadI joat wwM owl
and Moaod tta door afAr wa*
It Coata Muoay to Dw in
After yoar damta you kda wMdoaoewUI ba draped AMda bad aat
by Iba auAoritta, aad yoA nA>
Utw will be permittod A faara ao
coatrM of aayAing wve oaly a
Aoiea ae A wiMlbar yoarbady Sal
be arabalBMd or not. ^thkoerTiw $£M k charged, tatbkaaaatry tbs coot of ombalwAg k Aaw
gZ6 A >60, bat ever Aera Itag gaateed to nadorotand pnaaaaw approaebAgia eflbetivaoaw Aow af
No laMa
iodividaal A Eraow k pa witfiiA
••gaga A andwAkAg bariaow. U
m Ao waa way A lAlTt whan braaadar. and toA tba firtt train v
kl k ako a gorwameal moaopely,
w not e etiver nor a beak nCA hoold
totfaapapma boariag Bopa'a aomimpr.ae.on of tba Mory hm) M-1
and A BooMa aU Ao owbatab^ A
be found eaywhere A bar room, Ibe
UAd from bar mind aad Ae ,
by Aa gororawrat.
Wboa Mr. Evardora
Hope applied beraalf to tba pane- M TOto - a to
'“ ! w.-a «
Aet Ae ftaaneial agwi wnat beve
ttoeof type wntaag wkh rwewad corroet vbaa aba aaavmed, “It
Swaat Ravanpa.
ircaeoca AA aaotber, aad H ww daiatraeUd by Moe. Artaod viA
Tae little meabia* waa tty motbira.’
mded AA tie ia^eaded trip Aoald her mooey before sac made btt exit
Two Joaaaw livad aratdm A
eooree of delight, aad
••WbAa VM ywtr motbar bon.
U a veddiBfAar.
each oAer.and tavAf A wD ea
with bm aetiw Kagan aad rapid
It vat viA the nlmoet eatiefae- to tae moel poMUve mtnaer Ail he WM of Aom Browa of Baoa wopl
-Wbat vat h« maiden aamer
tbongbt poww, it wan aa oaay toak
lion Mrt. Cooper peepared ber fiaatt' tad reeMved netbi^ for ■ kag time to tta vroag boeaa A ambbad
toknBma mdmatafy proKMnt. At
-I don't iBoa."
pM, aad wkw for tbe oomiag event, from Uma Artand, who, feeLag b« •arvaat anaweead Aa bfil, aM «a
tba and ef Iba weak a petite toUar
Tbe Uvyer looked A bar kaoaiy.
aad evea 8am BhMdca wv her pew
epptaaebing, give ap boarw Brown aaking. la AA Mr. f«ba
bom Mr. Mfflw e^nemag
-Why don't yoo kaov r
Joawr atarapiAd aappiSly.A
turn bk world Aoeefally, tor he
to inform bar that Aa bed
WM eipaetiag A eoea go and do lb*
Tbk did not aotafy Iba hatra, bat UMwhadbaaalMtbwadvUb wa^
atbe ngnind ^meant
“Very otiaage. Are you ears too
mb ApmrAa. -Na. It >A\- aAl
wme AAg hhaeeU, not having takw they ooold not promt 009!
aga. bobwa paraoMl (riead.be BOV whom yoar mother wa« T be
ttadeor AhkAw. T
tbe atiTioe of Mr. WeDer. “A beware
woaU imewea ^moU lia«sa.by; •ekad aAnptly. end Hope, thna
oet A work A devidp Aa Acaitara wMfcad on a bandrnd yarda w an
wkUk Ae eonld kwlally toaob e gieatinned. Aid Am ell ebe knew.
n bright Aongbt atnS Mra
taaagAga af tta dawraad. Tta
WavOlpaMOTW tbedt
iweald n^ allow bta! Mr. Evetdeta eat vitb hk hand
otoraad nt eawaad nagtta
laand M«faUy aakU aa'abe told ell of tbe MmpU wadding aad happy dAAc room and wAa fan
worA about £d00 batlbay only got
jowiMy tbroogb aanay '
AekndovwkaovB ot ber
•d. *Wta arid B
tbalf AateeaS. da old atatao
taad A i^. thaagb bar ■ad tbe tttWife eoaftnmoa. datiw gtew A Um bwatifA
gttaa A oaa of tta dawnwiTa
Kaamad bw A dMMd a* A- KaMedba bMd oet hie bwM Ar the Brooklyn, wbwa Mr. Eaeadwe waa
lamdathaoireA waff a deA Adnoed A oattU viA bk mnta Av- taagbAn aad A It ww (oaad 1
gatbm. Bet miAw A toot
H aoUoetioa af bnak aoAa. natarkayaadaeaifiA wwiml A«h Md tba AitAk^ -B. a E." Aa be •ddaagbAroadbm Adalgwt baaTtaOarM awptrW WffrihgS
eaaMa^AArMMMtMda tba tedad it baA, hA law wne wbetq ■ad.
Btata tai MkE2.0M. ThkplwtarafpatATaana
Ibey oM MUAf A n war
pAi ijiibauaftar waatey baaaa,
Mtta I..... .
A ndvortipe Aa
MtaaparUr. tbaaoft #ow (mw win ta praawTed by AaAmflyaow
ttataevtbe lawilhllir efbm wi
tett qata aBAariraiy, M MHbady
lha apm. Kre pbA lA «a tba HMU aaaaawbAmed InS aadn happy
dflwlta iiiilfUMWal
laMtonhaBatBA. 6* m bn*
good bard raatool to*.
Th* atolte I ritodad to M* that
Mdtdaatg*^*toto raWag •*
Mtrlyatra a»* 4oiag. aad '
toatMaad larM^mya. Aadtoa
aMtatoapaopl* gototo atoak, to*
^ntto to* pa^t*. U «aal* aothtog to (tea
raai ^ to
bM »fto. «bte W
Oodatad to toa temra bna, tor
it aaaWadibaM to pay atf toabdabto
tot two yaara <d
dta iaariag ton*
totaarana tbatratoakol
aaUla. Wirail, tot priot a< vbaat
totelad aa tet M tt vato ap. teri^ aa teb % M aa baad ia too
apriM. aad aaly worth 75 eU par
- oto of to* bttl*
awl of too bora to too taM of boa
Ibvr to >a* ikoaaaad date*. Tba
laattM yaara M baaa aaly
■m a atel part of tba Urn oakiag
fatnoarKo Ibard vbaat
floor afbal to aay toad* aot axnptiag toa aalabtatod ^Pmabary’a
,BatoLaad bata It riiaap aad pkaaty of
aaaniBaDt ted y*t to ba had. *aleiaUy abndenad traa riaiaia. baaida* BoaM Uot vUI Mror b* prertd
apoa. aadtoaboldtoBviU rriiaqaub
toair elaiiDB ior a aa
ton vbae tbay aaa ba
mate tar teraa. n m mmrnoitmmmmm Baaa ■■*•■*. n* «■*•
•ateanry to add tbriMdU foliate HD bat mimitm, teatag HI*
tia* to te teari, to* p«* rir of ib* ote^teomtly n toar Mt*!* ten «< a obacBteg bMortel noma
paairi* aad tte nawantod «**reia* to* teiteto Bniiri of nriate Aa*y- nttilad ‘Mn of Iron.* vrilte and
hooka, warn of art, aod <
1 aoaorted boa lb* nat Beoada,
Afteaoteokaaadaabriri..Iririlief II .
OaUfio,'' M rii tom atroUad baak vUebanoev all toat nBria
boBobi* ol to* Urn bar* ban___
Babyte nd Nfawnb.
ally Modind, oo that to* atory ood
Aa Woaoafc boa Ion waota tba lUoatrotte* croont a* tro* o pietur*
ef Dob Padro, m tmod ^*nd
of toot aarie period at mo^re rvritetoaaiaap of tb* lind. Mart
Bonng, BBdw to* oUo gndteiti of babitily toaXtoao
tb* To«tig Paqpt* (
Mr.^bt, M Bartod tor Irriag will Wk* ap to* e
taia* to* oaodadiag ebaptar* of
‘Ompmatm,’' EiriTMoom'* iaiar
attar toaaiMtetaMUy. AMbaagb
ter* of a aateon. oad n tb* u*b
vitb ia lood of toy waa Bot Ukaly to
■MMti flM M it auy tad data aaaaa ami k> hi
otartoka n for ooom tte*. m daai- Idad* aiaprc
kt* )0)
Im teanof
■riptiaa to jom torai- lh*to leaag* for toamalm
dad to follow tte aaUay of Raaa ^A D. 1
al Oto a*ca'. **tw* Matbto
ereak ia bop* of rooaiag aem* ainpy
Altonyh HnislMr*
Tbar*«»o bottor aanatry toaa
tobaplaaadiaaVikiagbaU, to b* biiegiog vitb bin
k of Ktotk
vattofri etikkaa. is vbieb, hovarar. OOB* lb* Huelau* of parBanaot utofaferraWag e>tUa,tor fally oa*1 thefrootte. Beearal
a*Mi tor ite M «M Md t toU
V* vara ouaooaaafaL A ooepi* of tioari *ablbii at Chieago Io addi
pmm, wifw^ mi hmOj toto m half to* vialan tbayraqair* ao taodhour* walk broagbt oa to tb* Gw tioo voald ba Tanon aoyaga* aa
■aa aauteoaal aad tb* hooaataad dortakeo dotiag tba r*%a ol gaaaa t to* balUagroui
t^Mtoa Mr «li fckaJta m tfar Oto vhatovar, aad dailag to* *i«bt
(ao* Creak aod Iba begioBiag-of tb*
viatar* I bar* baaa bat* tbar* hat
Atotoof to* UMtfnOfMi Ttorto(«*dto*a I
faw loeoutly bc^l out tb* baild Dote aatUaBnU io Nov York ood gbi, togatoar vitb a dncripliT* ar«oi Bay. All Mr ahStoM
iag* of to* origtel Octmta hoac PaoDiylraoia. tb* Pilgna* at Ply- «l* by Ur. Bamingtoo. vill b* pubfe» toat^ tos «( wkM* w* a*« li*- toMritor«igbk «r*ritad*h*g
ataadar. Hm va vara orarukaa Bootb. tba Spaaiab io Florida, tba lUbed io Borpar** WaOkly teoad
mrwn viator. Tbara'a al
l«g, to* *f toM htoi« ow ttk^
7 toa toaaatar aad Mr. Earl* Adall Prwte io Condo aod along the
agoed dmaadtor gaodbattor to
rilb t ooapl* of poete Ur. Pot it Uistiaaippi. aod maoy ooUqiiatad
fmmtta. AaAto ~
tot Mrief aa ia Moetiaa, oar aartro* Waatesar tad va bad *11 to laatarao.
lia* viUi bia tad hi* tBitbl* vif*.
plaabteg tbippad tbar*. Ttea'.
vbte our raouiod^any tgria
doobt a tvwiry vorid pay mU
«<toto*0Mir7,iM rtetoMatMLueiary Noim.
tar gbtac viUi tba load to Mr. A Ad
■itotoi, Itok»to*i*trll^» ctU- bte Tbar* ar* aoaa* cat tmll
ania tbal pay a good predt oa tba
ail'a boaeataod aoBMCraailaadovo
Oordiml Otbhn*. Uirr Putoaa
m>, aad Ur. Earl* Adiit aod Jacobi. Mr*. C It. Lovall.'Dr. 0*1«
Abo.tais wlaa aorto A. Adsit’* Cottio Ranch in
wnier aouatiag tb* poai
t froa bar* io to* teddU of
of friioa Bo|>yu Uoapital IN’ Pol
to* |M>Mt vritiBf w* kM* had «M■anad oo a caotar for Irriar
aoai of Boatoo, aod U]»a Tbomoa
tonaw Cm Mato*.
Kto •«« floMii aatUaant. i* Iceaiad
oaieh No. 1 Our mv
D*ao of Bryn Move, ooiia in o oar
abaaaa laatoty, aaaag tba aatik fraa
an axpart ia* of opae latton. to appaar io tbi
toaalM iatoai af
ridar aad v<4] rataad io tba Bytlar Fabniory Oaotury, oo *Tac Opniag
•_|ato aaaagk to aaw to* fi^ tooat COO oov*. ;Om Baa. Mr. Dor'
‘lora, bi* of tba Jobut Hopkiot Uadleal Sebod
I* raapaoa* to Baaa kiod ioriU. ia* of taaobiog iM o ivboy
toa Cato rat af DaMtobto. aad wtoto **>, aaar tba hetory adlka abaot 30* fro* Mgr. Adwt, ri tb«
...j------- ---------- toood up* batog
vnla€toator«rWoi to«a(ato la*M.
both amiBMOgaad lOftroelira. H*
mat HilU mlla, to ritb that
• nil*aix*» Taw*.
W.A.CMkar.aoa*fO. A.Orak*r, tnay aatt. wa, in ooBpany wit!
■a tb* eovboy of tba Adail tva o(
mihmtrnnf^ mctmimm* oa* of Ortad Trawaa ptoaaart, boat, boardad tb« aaatboaad------ tmoabert. * fiio) vbo by rarafol baod Slata* vbo mill out turn vitb deep
b*>* ioeraaaad 0>«r biod o(
aaariy B«4* a failaro of gran raia- tba other day tad war* tapidlr
I* io fir* year* froo CU bead to ■Dlrraal to tba rteoUecUonaof Oaltyi
vbiriad to DoBDOr* by that doogbu
ana «two aOto •*«*. Hare to lag. bat had IS bo. cf vbaat to to* kaVbt of tb* tbrottia, W. Walkw. onrltOO. A* V* grilcqtad over lb* *’— bicb Qeo^rai* Hovard.Sloeuoi
ind toaa a fitUa ton to *atto* am an 80 am* lari ataaon. He w Hrre va vara pot ap at B C. P<v
. Botiafiald.
had prairie buoob afur..............
-.............-. Wrigbl, Nav fMewnaleaJipTr^beWia.
tonthatoa^btotoa* 1* Mk al*^ gaiag into atoak aa feat aa Ua
tea popolar bcatoby, wbara, aroood booto o( caul* Cl for toa batewa . too. 6tagg. ood DoublatUy ban
ID for tb* North AmancM B* f<ul medlrio' to ponTr, TUaUn, a>*«iaea
■a....... I I
vOl aOov. Ha nilka 19 eova, asd tba diaaar Ubl* va oat aararal (Ull vara paaaad, vbil* bar* and vhnao
Tbfoe vara tba corp* eon. ih. I.'no*. and ve aak r”* M UT Ilood'i
Om jaar i«o toa ««toto «n efaoaraarMaaa all tba aalaa* ha aao
bo*y bom* eould b* *0*0.
aoao. Baaobiog tr. maoders lo that great angagrmeoi.
Mar)7 aa in a* It ia M. Tw» aad will aooa aona oot Maad
•rraogiog for tba abipaaet of 400 riog itattoo io due lia* aud biddiog ood ebur diatiogoiabad obar»da, lb* nrcM aa appMlv, and Icwtlv OlfaaUuo.
Wbaa a atoar at 8| yaara old vitl totol^to Vaoeoorer, Oootraetor ladiao to oor •oUrtaioiog oiopaoioa Comia da Poria, ba* addad a chap
Taat* ar> *4aal)7 a* An ter
•are ptoviac oA to* M «« Jnniy. tot $40 in tba Obiaago mrkai. vbat UeBaa,oltba Oalt road. Oorp^ | va boardad No 1 aod to raaebed it*i of bU ove to tbeirraffiiaiteeoe**
U>e iroMaMe
CMttoatol her*** raqaartog ao toad aaa W* prodaea tbto vill pay bettor, Martin. N. W. U P. ood Maam. Ihoot* ogaio after a aary aojorabi* I Tb* New Eoglaod Uagorioo for
Blaekbim A Dteaoa. Donoiora't, trip.
To Itself
wfciliiii.dattog to»to *riauta.aad
H U abaapr Abeto tore* mly BoabBOU. Altar laneb v*
------ »' T7—
1 FebraaryUi aoal axoallaot bus Miii i lu dicmebaararti a record at wuhttal
III eoDtaotf are a* follovi
akaaftor oalj a ahort liaa TU
go BOB* lav atortod ia abaap dimbad Bboard Mr. Adaii'aeapMioat
----------------Ball*. E B. Goa . CbHataia* Bella l.uyll,.«l’:
wlalwi batea, toal ia to* viator of laiatog. aad to-Jay toat* *r*agmt voflOB, vbte bad baao drim oot
tile any rtUe tt-lrad. I
DiTTaad'K.aattoaoid aad UaaM- BtaytoewMBd in tU* (Stork
H,xl.-inr. and u aialliT ?"« ro
U<»V> kr%a|arUtaVao!dlTaI
tognakyia naaiaahir aad kept it ty. Probably nor* ton half the Tina, Bed lortiiug the bone* bead*
ooatbvBrda, drora for oaarly
»ei T
IV aaCB to* Wg Wmard a( to* ISto abaap ia toa aouby era ovaad by Bite along tb* C. A. C A C- Oo'«
MdUtoof daaaary. It took to* partiaa who tot than oot oo abara* {arm. tbao aaariog Doratotb*
Stales GotUng Ready
oor* to tb* a*<t,|
Clark; TbalVite of Wt
aairoad «Mf»*7 to.
mriiad to* Poldmae aoiil*.
ia toil of Iron tvo hondrod to on*
Uabal Lxmdi* T<
Biaol. aorao Bite froo DoBBorr. 11
rutr to ■*K*4)i ttfuo- Balia, Cliotoo Soolh
toataMk* otnow. Bcoapti^ltot
id and BOra, to* la.-B*r
Hat* to Ib* ngbt aa va croatad! manoa—Ol
IliBa to* trato* bar* aat twa M*/ iag tbaa for a torat of from 8
of Ib* Aadroaeoggio. Albert ti. Cox
r no better lemod;
GroraaBOeok, J. L HavkaarBortaej m ■»«'-»■»
<* V* toaa It kaari aiaai va ton yaara, to* ovoor goUing half the buildiagi bora io aigbt vitb a large!
OraylorL, Ha.'lao H Ballard; Tb*
bHBhaiA lMMdiatal7 attetoat, wool aad baH to* ia«vn*a.
boBcb of bit 200 baad of oauU .|uia|.
Slorj of a Wall Kb.var, Dorutby
Cbtego.J*D. 22, 1891
•Cat la ban «aU*d a
abaap aqtal to to* ongiaal aad of It faaJiegiD tb* rallay. Afav mile*
<iPtoft, frm to* Mat Biraek n,aad tbaaaa* eg*, gait*
T.iBobmaoDi Vamteagio, Aoiilc
tolaflM aaarij aS toaappaaiad. to tb*A.P.
a look of a.too E iot. K.ibcrluM.!. Z iHl* C*k«
Mtoaatoataa* at
amtod ia that way. aad or*
,i*bo*ot,**doaa* aadregtat oo Ib* A Iteoeodaol
UmeoJaol of Uaaaaaolt,
Uamaoit. Wa'l'ai
to* oppartaalV bj
g aboat 00 par aoat. of toair
. riaBbou aod raid- eoonl*o»oo* of all vb*o
Oilmao I’agc . Tb* Uiriojr of Hia
!v*a Aral *”‘*p*^
vbiapared ‘**‘
that ^*''*'
Cuiaf C>n twical Wiiiiug .B Ameiio
toe MM vfaaatoa tooirat of Fob.
^UBglte >0 lhaday aad vebad* MlUog Archiiarf ol tb* Coluaibiaii J«or*or III VD
Almirr OaarS^rUr* M F
«baat <a troM to* nUdto E. Darraat of BoaU 8u. lUtio. vbo
to their children than Bnot's Pul
al Mattb to toa Cart o( April, vfeito boa baaa etotktog for on aea, A. C.
totooattvo Mtbt aarbar ttoa to
^ of tori plaoa, lor torpe
-....... .. take,
effective te all throat and long
toaaaatotBpart of lb* alat*. Of
Tba fadoottotat waa
raaebad tba foot-bulB, a torn lode.pratt**! arobun:; of our roaufr.
a Jacktoo; Editora 1
troublea. Has cured many ca*e«
roaotry. ij
Oco A
aMtMMbanaoa* ariiMribar; toat b* aad bit laBily aani
drir* tbroogb vbicb Iw’Hlgbt
i bl*. Ommbu*
which pbysidan* prononncedcoorataaianlr 4» batov aM, bat to* tota, aad w* ban booghl 1.25U toatetlriitei^ vbataiaHr. Ad*it*|ofcur tei a eitte ataod Blruelom
a* bodu ]
aiaa^kiii batog top. to* *oU to Mavnattogn. iaaladiag bate.
lopplaocBlary cfaap
Mbu^ va ^ BtdainMtiolLiiramarkablagaQiat U*; A* •
Barivaa, Mir*. Ba; IX. iM.
bl* tor to* oii^t- NaxtlbaJalread. outlirrad toe plao* tor ij-^ “» b'‘‘ ^ x^kiog
log Baekvard." Mr
aatiall a* saafe ai to a aaoalrp Marty $4,000, Mr. l>arT*al aad bi*
WMi'd lUe IS cate IV lac kaeBoraiag V* Btellad orar tb* BiU!,i,e
ExpotiUoa ............______
Uoildiog* and__ib* ^ Fidvard B*lUa.y
. be* vnttao an art! e*t uiuioe, aSictea
»,U O/iarattie. Lk.t I Bate
----------—mill ea
-- ,board
; board bMdacidad
ba* dacidad tbal it cannot
caooot im jclafor
jcl*for fb«
tb* Feborary
Feborarj laaoa of The aa>< M’ S>v|iaetur tmt/t- alll. for ttaatve.t
to* aaay bated *anV *< Va p*t tooB ia a torga aocral ars' laitsuve, vith .Ki veeinai aar pmaae, t
IB teg* tmbar ot tomiog oui : pro« oo fait ■uggaaUoo* He •* lb* 1 Lod*- «<“• Jouroal. nodcr to*
<tebar.l*aad m»m to* aU«>f ary *igfat
iigfat Tbay mg* froB 1 to
Ibooned feat a day. All to* I grat boldiog a raapoocibl* poaiUuo. i '>'N
omec la tb* Year 200U.'
ioelodiog tb* lath aod i^o bacrikd fromto* raokii^ the I in *birb toa tamouc Nattealial vil
e X rahBCB.
SI Bite *<
4 ««l>*h=^yioffifflrii..*Bdbul*M villb* gmtiT|»ketubvoti>*o.jB»rTi*ge. edorltoip
baatetotaanaatctiigaitoaeal, ao
Wa boat aBpto
leic . a. Ibr? *>il b* regarded Io tb»
toat*a*lbtogMia n toaa ttea to ted*far toaa iaaaaa of* atotB, teplaota^mie «rtete* #b*i» I feU ,od oooiwd of by all ‘
7Mrhaa«S7&*Ml**a.l,7- W* •ad aboat 80 too* of bay naarly, bat
MBtly piUd dry lombar. a
Good BouMkeaping. ice popular
a§*eBliBtb*ha|. apto thapriiiai wriUag bar* bad BMOliigto oaar tvo bod a baU
W of 15 to p
borne magtEiue. vbieb taka* a oev i
alto«to«aAahaafatr*aM. aa
' to faad toaa *Byte^. mdlte faet-tewfly iaefa^ dimao
v' ■ rt
'.V. " form aud moutbly iaiue vilb tbe!
it to aato* 4ipe.it oat toaa tea- Lat tba waatoar ba teat it Bay toa y mooatofl. Tb* atoar boildiag*. in .WoriJaFair. Oor. L^l* of Arkat p^v year, come* to baod frcgblaJ i
dodiag B teg* boardi^ bouaa.
.BA ba. raopmoaodad.* «U».WWv.nh a v.cUb of ralu.bla aod^ioUr '
. birlt. &to&MritoMi*aMtoe< ariBMtntebklftb* bay.
•ppropnateo. D.lagata*, froio all
raothoc mailer; Apart from!
'vtaAtoann fortlalM
Sbnp *1* great fac^aaa aad ------WBitb tbopa, at*., are mtoalod partaol
M lb* aiat* Bar* petiuoood lor
relaliog to ib* rooUo*
aa^M aargaanDj to* tern tba graa* abowa abora toa vitoiDa fov taOBdrad faat pf toa $2S0
ofbooaeboid Colie*. vbieb ar* ai
Tba exae
bat to Jaly aad
tbay will pan dova to it.
wart CQ.0O0 abaap bmght ia■ nunlng tor *oom
baa* toUtt.l,ito* to Stock Uo froB Moeton to* peat
bar*. Mia to* atob* gi*M haiag
totovbaat rtotoagoz- naMMiiy good bm *Bd atent bon
I impror
pie. vl
mug good
ad IM aato* btaka *ad
a tb* teat ra!
ed. for
fat it tato vbaat to to*
Sb«*it*o»*toiBg aary pat
«A Apartotitltotdtaekaal. •boot toa graa*. It b qaito abort
A bdl ha* beeo ptaead by *^coma
irviy borne, vbaibar
Mto.ra|toaghadn toto «r toto tad *«7 *MritiTa Bod doaa not hwoe
cLv Isgialalore, and eigned by the
^ proieuliout
Cark tV
t 1»T amdom, goT*r*or, proridiog $30,000 Ohio
iaagtoMn to* arigtoal benhiag, it* *otfiU*o qaabliat dsriag tba «wlb«
rjJ. BprioglieiJ, Uaa*.
rendr. A Ull hat bean in ' '
‘ itoahaattMtoa^tea^toto vtear. tor atock aat it graodily *ad
lagralstora aotbir-' The February Dumber of HarperV
k**pMm U «atil oew gmi a
r to appoiol* eoia-.Uagexioe aill eooUio p<vmi bi
1 aa* told by tenan aaar Bia iato*vteg.
tea pemua to repra^ut William Deao Hovalla, Tbomaa Bad
topb. ahar* I Cat • oar a( aari
b^ aloB*
iton* aod
and ooaidad,
ooaidad, enpiored Ohio at ih* -Eipoaitioo. and rappro ey A‘drieb. CbrutopUur I’.
for ri«A k alMori u..■^u.e»ioo.oooi.^~.ii.i« Cruel.uJ
Abaabaat to batbaa, a* to* aad
Baald yWd to* boat mp. Bat.
Tb« Ha*.
be llAssf'
i» the
b*M ***tto dia* ia tb* rnaeb* of Ur
'Maagraat aaay atoar. tooagbtl
if* tula of Coarie* Dudley
.totedaaatoaydidto tot Bad SirbtebaraaboBdof
oumb*r- L,^uv axbTwl
.r1?Ui of
ni tte
ii.; aUle'*
aisi.-. pro W*
V " oatUa »“■»«-igreater
~ce:adiog pa'
m TaOay, ao 1 baakaat aboat CO
toanoorid b* I
aantaato* baaaktog aad •
^toiT Cto M to* inirtofo
for Infants wis .Children*
The New Railroads
Aft opening up uew entoipriton socl greatly enlarging skipplug copvenlennf.
Thw Un of ThoM OnOorlok 8to*l Coon
Hay and Straw Presses
ntO pm you in line of readily and {trotllably turu four crop
into money.
At |Micc« irU/iirt the teach of ail, wiU >« tUeir u* otiUxf and
eetiaomiEP your c««rac f<«lder,
Wood-Sawins Machine*.
.\nd Light and Heavy Sleight bad Cutti m uro *Isu in neuoD.
For bwt ijUBlitie* and lowvft prlci* *ee
, Wond's Exposition.
At as State ttrMt,
>1 . r.n.irk a..:<>'litv«r
tkaaaadatea Otok b«aa. »*
nap batog faSy an toM »ota toaa
vbaBatoagnMdanbaabari. 1b*
tClh*a*t*. I aawadid lb
^aaMto* loUoviag ynr aadhad
libaabakitolk*****. Boaw
toMaaadadtbaaaM gi*Md vito
MteaanatH. Oat yaar to*«ap
W*»aaaraiailM*itol IvaaoM
tHMCtote^. lato*
teHtowte ktod ofatoak k tba
pnfltobto Sbnp giT. to*
tag to* autan nxtnmity of II
fte lake. 1iaiod^ io bcAb birvtet Icrr- Woroar will deacnb*. id bn own da
M*f0**0d to* inann bay m
■at ratam and vkao m «b*
rltteol woet,M«M abowa
• great a**y ef owa tet
•pri^. Aad with w*ol *t to* ptnnt pate, teap pay mU awngb.
I *B trying to g*t iato ton teg
faotaa* aa watt M *h*v- Sbril ten
10 brood Bare* nokt ^teg- It i*
ram* of to* Hnito mdara nS
it i* Mr. Etrie Adaii'*
' BlaiM that
»>• pw *rto* tead of
tt.N ra lui
pgTom) TO raacTJcu. axu noBBirr urrrmiunoB
V gelfca oamr (i t* Ov rauaa MBm* B
a* tad CbMM. TM*T Toi-ir*
fW*i. ••bat*
I tot ted. Iteto
feB to ten to
bind Mr. W. s^ten. Mr Baytect bn Bbnt §*• *ac«* brofc**. tte
■•kpn^ ooii inniniting on td
WteohMibVb iaib* ttCafBS
nttete. bri b* «*iy taiote* cte.
t mnn^ gram te U* ov* *■*, m
idwaba^ bnrily. Th* peto*
ate 4*m bten apriogMd M toat
—_____ ____________ BnpwMliijkkMfl Bbnt 5m,*b4
1 hMB tefmUlMWiter tew l««tb.
ItVa^M a taUtead laat ttel
____Tova «l fiibri, a* it
iB tb* gnat aty of Babylon
tt uei-Ha MU paar. Am* (v fraa nil
1W mWE FAnU PUB.L CO., l66-(n MonSt.. CMeAM. HI.
S. ES. •W^-AalT,
galoftettmatB atoMd Sor$lT(
par ton,$Vtog far it oMof te
■»' ti.il ra fui.
g Pamnr Aearval »» «»• *rev*ikm IW arkv »k«»! tarofR. ai tba OnM* *f
•oaoer ml] te nrofoaBlT lilo*
, from photograph* Bad from dr*'
Li»by W. T BoMdley. H BiMm
I.JooeAaodH F Ftray.
di-patc* from B«a«- ular gardae mootblyh*** feart of
goodtoing. loriu raadofA irAb ia
4e»:dMUBdiBg.tte OolombiaB Expoai 'Udbm Luar aod iUaatrBUon.
' owmd by tte Mnwi. Iu sHrartiov w- —'
M bto* baan wito oar fl*«tiag aiU.
froolUptei u a crioevd plat* ri
all mbtotl^ a .« baaatifal mv variaty of Krgetto to* aM. lfy%*lbBCh*teaf8*gin«
ategthia fte. wril watead
Ipalip n$8 honriiter af
**B*g. bootead n to* OM md* by
•Mtt of-as bmia to* f^* Ib* loatenqn bill* ate o* to* ototodaton. nteg ton fair
<r by h%b gamy riiC*. o* vbte SpaiB ototes toat a roiri 'daera* ha* j
MBUbeBote* of «Mtl* nd baenn
-to* krilBig toa^of ■
' prvridi^ te tte ap ba aboviDg pnte *«gatoU*i. a
*0*14 b* obaTtegming. n «
Waantoapagte nd teOtr,
■anead c«B*ea«lw aim. At
^ litfatetoto* MO. aad
a mil* <r no troB to* mill M tai .
b* teaoeay ofAmarie*.
op s btood arm nf toa Talley, wtea, Ate) tbal tte Uaiiad Stri** and
Lglli l»i aftbaaaapbtec ««Torikniitog a*ri far fori toat M pBnbadnoMoftealofng bnakA POft^ b* iatitad to b* pra**nt ia
ifaitoMhtobBat vaetoaaMbw nn
biighin te
V* land tte eoay bowtBM of on
yaar aatoca^ aan* totorBatadte aanpadwbaaO
tin of baoBD bbIm*. oib nyeptfl
by p<opl* «t **B9 4*gtn of oollinlaoa, vill eontribnto to too net nnm-'
baof BapoF* Bonr ontoor om
at ba dwBatacMB Ho* Mhte
tei^ ntHUd *Tb* pmilB-
Drugs and Medicines
OlteBOttri Wbll rinh. Fnlntef* ilbUrtbln,
BoydelTs Prepaireil Paints and Cartage Colors.
M« wa-. Y'»va.
PMKrtpUons CaraluHy Compouadad. ;
---- by Maill or Olhvrwiwo PrompOy Att*te«l«<l to
IK MA80200 HKKU.
Ml tte
tkte^te waldBratteoagb tte
IbWIitoriM l>k« Ml kghi M tete* tte hoM wi »
tedkd. IW *M WM qtok bad
IwakbL Tte Mt mam at AHth
•“ kkpfyttena^ol
&tepotelvtete oniiteaab aad
* SL mM« MrgM-
at N»
Ch^TSlS wlUteTi^
wB*. a< fatiaad. te* teaa Jdaatad,
&WM ia aMoaod to te
tei ■laad^aia.
•otter, lira OuSteMaa* float- I Tte tef—t oraag* aao** ia tte
fyitlitetd to tte ebdd. «te «ai rMd aflfte akatod ite *i_____
•boat 6^M old. aad i* aaarty fias
r^MUUgm «we tap«t Mm
TOO Mt« of tte teat
U .
Ha aoo n* praaoit at mb falter a
bateite OaaMBaaaroftnabw*
at Wowakr. MaM, Otl 8 1800.
H* n* aacretey of tte wry aader
PrMidMt Pkk aad eadaa fate waa
............tte aaral Mboel at Aaaapeli*..................................
taaaotadtte Vaitod Sake at
aoort of BL Jawa. Ia 1867 te
a*M M Bkakr to PiuBia aod k
IM to tte Hoctk Oerwa ooofadarkka. Ia 1671 to tte Oerwa *Bpir*. B* na tacklad ia 16Ti at bU
_ t «rkk Tte «Bout k
itmege doca to proparty ia aattea-
Tte atala of daetitatka kto «bfaA
tte fwor paopk of mw* pertkMof
Irakad ai« piaagad. cm te jadgM
te lb* M ^
day rapoMMk
IkM of orer IM taBite* tirkg k
tte OolMBe diitert. nhod oo tte
boani of gaatdteu aad b*gg«l for
aiBMaae*. They autad dtet for|
aow tha* U»y bad b*M atarriiy
and (irkg alsoat raturly opoo lur-1
tww m
TtebimkI rapert of tte baatd
IS at Parra], k tte alaU of CUboi
. r oaoMwa of tte Botdte*’ bow
X BUI* da^btor cl Mn. Hm»7
boa,'1iexwa Tte galtey at to
teenlbatl^Sl aw bar* teaa ad B«*T*r of IrriBftoB, a aabaib of lacoeent of tte Sowd Beart gar*
diMapate.di*d froaMrtttep^
Mfft O. Lm «r AlfMM. cotm
aad *oud.
way, bUliegait .
M, kM toad IM baa d W ttea*ni aauter o! (naif^
iag aka
BajMe froa rarioo*
tte bit* Of a Aof 8 welb*
bHiMd MttovMfa UflOyMi teaaiOOi. atfccoMttbM
afaow Ihu tte *anb<
'l»•ke WM
. . oaMt tb
Skka B» priBdpal work* ar* bit
MMdad regtea
74 af vbaa «• a* tte aite Ubl
•Hiatoryoftte ULiled Blat.*.'aad Wt tta^nt
vary Mtara at
aHM «( aM Tiwafa. ted* Tte total Mat of rasataf tte bom
> rkow of‘•MweallaDiM.”
OotUM*, near Cfaercball ^1 of
tiei par aooa^oJM
«U baraad te totk
Al Fiadky, O. tte Cm great dia- tte baildiag* of tte Tillage were dtMlat ttet war erar npeikaead from
' and many peraont war*
tteoM of aalaral gM took
buried kto* n
Tb* tea^ of WBltea Ooltei ro
abortly before 2 o'etoek Sabdey a(A diBBtrii frea Tobolak ears thu
aaatiy latoteod IRW Batti* Oroab to
teraooo wbile toe gtaak* oftbe Boa
aeourge kaowa as *toh<A
Qbii^ 11m ebiidraa piaad tor
lal klaiak ware waitiog to be cqbIteireld bow. bowara. aad laal
Booad to diaaer. wbea a tarribk* death' ba* rsaebad tbe Criy
tedak. the capital of Wcat I
aate a liyaar-ted aea rao any aad
BO«pt****d«ir Botor mbiA rtill aipkaioD took pkea, ctahically' Tbewbo'e of Xt
thro* day* lator taroad «p ia BatU*
1.1 a atraot-ear trwlr mil** aa wtaeaiag tb* balldkg aad elMiaiag,
Frte mte
to toe Boulb of tte OU,
Oiate. terka oaatoo bU ny ia dilima.
boor at a coat of 8 omU If fa*
■afferiag from tbe eeonrga
raro way*. H*
tvo of *boD are alraedy
..... , 6md
_.... and
TLo"*'ds"*a dring
. _ at Obdotsfc,
bte^beoM aad
voaUeoabka aboaaakB to Boiab two utbcri prkwblf faulty iDjarad. near toe Bionth of tli*
til* Obi,
Ob' owing tu
hAT« tim« to writ*
In toe BOraing it waa dhoorered
a pair ei aboe* oo tb* day py
H wte aeeapiag into IL* dio lb* lack of pbysirisn* It aeam* al
te Bgraw to daliret Item
A ffOOd ad, bot ORB
•ai from a Ictfciag Mpa aoaeOaria laMtea. a LMBbon
Bight b* eooaidarte a peblie b»a.
and hiT. Marrio. the owaar epread of (tie
^la.M laaad ea aa AAi
hootlo oat Bkoro
of lb* baildiag, with tbr^ planl
Al 8l i'elmbarg iLe imprrwl
aairaa vUttliaf dyaaoita ia a pow*fc»a>*te otter aiflit te aa
AIL.. ... ... .. .
' - wrartoatakk tte city liwt*.
lorenobo Iryio eommitaioD ou |wliiioDe Lee retarn
MOM pMWdac ooaiiM, BWI
ad to LoadOD. tbc nM-morui in be_____ j* kft tte daor to lb* botoa of et-OoT. Tbayar donag
tei teaa teotea tate bj • bU.
Dbloeted.*ad tte kidt got iaaide tag *«OM* of tbe opaaiog of tte leg- i^^aaloced aipbaBber undaroealb LaU of tbc ItoMiao Jews addrested
TXAL OUARANa doiiag room aod fouud earb a to Uie rztr l>; tte large rw|>rcecntw
«b*r* tbay war* diaeorarad tarn Ulalura. obao be ramaiiied in hi* ofaotterteraad tte*«
ramulalioB of gai that ttey
lire maetiug rreeelly brid at Tibe
b* dtodly oiploair* kto a jtat tea aagbty boon for tb* porpoa* of
l breatte,
aod ii vac
. sug(
iggMlrd London Qaild ball Tb* retaraed
lory to a (flood *4ha* kaapiog out Oor. BoyA bar* naolt*d fc a daDgBOc* attack of wrrooa tb*| * bok be eawed tbro*^ lb*
Shortor Notioo aad
prootratioB Saaday tbc ai-gonra floor kto tb* duuag room ^
mayor of I
u order
t »hacAiaf »aaid«Bt
or, it U Mid, biMBC a rariag tBaai- to obuin fr«*b air. Tbie wa* doo*. alatkg ttet tba oumLiaaioo
*0. bot atUodkg pfarwaaB* aod
' jnetatlbe Lola wa* made one BOtboriaai to praaent nuch
niaWEWateretf Ttlirpwrmn Bra* • family oboa* b. a fcaon a parooeal friaod* daoy tte roport acatbaa anybody olaa
lie diBing room girla, wbo was ialt tolhecrir.
ymmrn Bataaaata r«d«Uteto tbiaf or too. Erary
phatkaUy. aad dakar* that h* will *t|a*niiig tb* floor. aU|p*d upoa a
Ito tod of flaw* aad eatil tte Moa. oUidNB drir* biB t >
. .
Tba lalaet adrice* from Buenos I
in tha TRADE.
b* able to attoad to bii dntk* hi a Batk.aoJ in an ioaUnt aa npkaat ataur te« aat W. on aooTwd b* tb« rria* aad atari bam* akae
Ajra* are of a more praocful char- |
ooly wreck aUar. Tbe rabala wbo ted aswni
yaadadto BHay otter daliaa aboal Wbaa oebool ii aboot oat be i* biteb
Kaar Eao Clair*. Kie. Ur*. Ueld two girl* bled in the {iroriefe. of Eolr* Rios,
od op at beat# aad BofcM trate to
riua Wliila. «if* bf a fanaar of lb* _______________ 1 iniur
it appeal*, bare tee« diaaruad by
Eari Utra. » jmn old, ooawB tte aebeoi afai%xter* far wbI* oa
of \7baaioo. bas two aalaap oUiB employe*
Maaiaid* at ddriaa by ateetto, til tb* ohiiaraa at* di.iDiaaad. aar for tbtM wete*. aad all affurta to rxfdoaioo wm bo graat iLst it blew tha tore* of national troepa arm
^iust (bcui. A new
w gorar
gorernew hat
tbaa poll* Umm borne.
inkeo bar bare baaa ia raia. Sb*
i tte flaw of tte ignrtad ga*
antroltl ..
WbU* praoebkf al tba Maateffoo )*d baaa eofferiag from Berrooi pro*.
. id he is aliMdy
aaar froai Bteool
IratioB for eoae tint*. Sarerai pby- ibgfbock bad eauead Tte wfaol*
;»13y audefScieotly
MylioeisQseiplstoandibcOoidsareaaretoPleBBjaa. Otllorwitelar DaMriptltaOaklflgM.t
icod a fao aoddiacf skiaoe from tbe aty bar* baaa call oly rocked aa if in an Mrtbquate by ing aoergetieally
Xra Jawa Baoar, of Mare^o
rm csosiij hr -tbe rerolutiocat bad ibata* ear ad froB time to liB^ tet tbe ease tte eoneaesion, and all tte window*' toearara
Ste did
ouibreak is r.rv raj.ldiy eubeiJ
aal atad U aato o^a doetw told
ba* |»ualad tbeo all Tb* aleapiog la tbe
terttetteaBaat ter* tte 0Boareot
oomaa baa rceeirad acareeW acy toe wreck of tte boM batlding wu
tfVteaoaatodtolir* n>*fiaf« teard. b* woald, tterafoio repeat a
Al Landon a Urrible eiploaioo of
lb* period of sbont eompktc, toe only room* in
iHa baai aal .
7^ fawpeiata Tteafaottold aad Iieada
tte bonM Mcaptng deatroctioo be loainatiag g*a in (be Lirerpool
caw ap proMplly. obi]* aoula* ebas
nlkw a hUle oiilk luTtelierte ing tte parlor* aod tbe oflk*. Bad Md lauead a Louse crowded will
ABBBaOato; aa* kniacaull
ae OBBOot long
tbe axpkatoB occurred Up minuUt
ycMy |a»ai*hii to«?aad.e
Bct. B a. Parol>L*B.p**toroftb* latar-toe loee of hie would bar* tewc
Prof. A. P. Ooot of tte UiUord
obareb of Cotiar, Me., frigblful, a* oaarir lOO persons were
bifb aebool. Lad ooiMi<» to pooicb juLdiate* a atataaaot
wot *>*-*
ttel ill bealtb eratung to be ceiled to dmner. and
:t feet from tbe groiaod. into (he
A X. Tan Lavrao'a roa. To* fttber rca not tbe eaom of hi* reeigeation. a* a mattar of fact oae of the elerkv
oa* aafty orer tte affair, aad eallad Be *B*s that te boarded faimtall. Frank Pouadaton*. was on hU way (.tretl below They were token Ic a
attbraeteol tea** aod gar* (be ewept tte ebnreb. mad* tb* firm aad to wake toi* announeawoi wbaa toe neighboring hotjiitol in a dying con
dition. Ooe child it known to hare
profwor a aoood tbrrahiog. Ti.a roag tbe tell. Tbe people swor* at
D occurred, a-id was cbh(
l>t«B burned to death In toe rogflato«B i* diridad ora IL* rov. A'ao Lim. wUltled and ate pesnutt in { to* falling dal
gralk* which fUiOwed tb* erjdoLarrran ia uodar arrest for aaMlt I Idling time, fired pillol* and throw! e (winfotiy iajilored.
tion. and otoer chbdren at* reported
aad tetter. It i* probable ibat ptooas at biw booaa, eame t o cbarch i
‘O the poiir* as miiaiug
Oook oiti te arraWd ior wbippiag any line* before tte beaedwtioo. I
tte boy.
The Timas announcef that the an.
laughed Blond daring tbe earrioer.'
A crowd of abont Sdi ItnaSlan lonties of tbe British musenm bare
' ActremliadgaiatLisBUtaeioaed etc Be eay* rnm i» aoid openly in
and children,
-ered among a collection of |
joaUM kItU tor a teupl* of dart lb.
»a ,0
i™ n>
^ aa«U* tbaramao Baf*r*or lb*
bare iaaJad at IVirar with tte ioleu- pyrui rolls aciiuirod recent y
bw**i. laid
“aertfal B*Bteri
tioo of aaugrating to ib* Uaiud Egypt tb* toll of Aitloila'c IrMtk
of toabaraad
Ibcooflstitutiooof Albans, froa
air* to Tiait U
luJL \l», •«<>“** Ntgard * widow, eonlrarj
Tte <|ac«n regent of Spain Lu
tte roll of
of DewaraU,
CUM usd »W. made aad
Wbfl. MiaC______ _______ witiog tbiny
aix year* for tbit u(' baked tawed. Ste aeoi ter ton out
w aidoa. «*a teawt tnw ter pettoaity. aad a* itey
______ _____ ->*1 graip j known only in drlai hed fragmenU
tea* aw aifM laat aate wiaa for -- aaioy a likei»inb
e<l lb* btadle rained donu a ebowc-r |TLit Imdte way aow be Men at the
fwinlega. 1 toiak
B0ILIN6 WA rtit on MHJt
aM aaifhbar. *o»* waJLot it M iaet that wa aoead* tteir re- tbe ftoek ooold drwA bat while u of gold coin et bif faei.
I Rntisb muacuu. wbar* fscjsinUr* of
teateiato tte tewaaad----- — ooaaC Tb* eoort will no* atoad wort te took a fit aad fail fae* dowa Orer G2.000 people w ra( of “
^''2 prapared. Tte opening
k lb* p»3l aad drowaad tefor* be
wdatoto itocw teraateoatoAof adjoMaad.’'
ehaptar I. missing and the cinclud',
waa found by bit BOtnar. 8fa* aee work in and aboot Detlin otubg
B A. Bortoa. of TakaMa, baa ieaedadtoigattiaghia kto tte bona*; toe cold weuber. The Elbe U ren ling chapter iemulUlaUnh but other. I
love akd
itten ale
aagagad k a new aad aorel iadaatry 'aadbad bimV'd oteivted wbar* dered dangcroot be tte matsM of wise lUe manuscript it in perfect ;
cooditior There is little doubt of I
—TMriM rabbiu lor Borkat U* be tea rewinad orar eiaoe. Hb* floating ice
^ Sawyco «*aato. aad a
hM already arraagw! a aoitabia pea aaeatfaat b* k not AmA bnl that
Batry snow atemt or* reporlaJ toageno.ueoca. of tte aannacript. | f ■ 11 !■ fl A
notbing was known of
fra taw* aroaad tte teaft.
aad pkaad tberain a nnBber of Ite Ood put bia ia Uwl eoaduion m a from Bordcaox and I'rngoeui. coop
ro'l awhen .
taoleof tte papyrus roU
Wmm woo IttTifaIr
kog-aarad aaiaaU- At tb* rapid
ior toe work lad with to* BtataBent that toalSe of pufcbased Toe Timas stvs ibis _
*B baatea aad all iw _
rata itey aaltipty it will b* bot a
ail kind* in Iboas cities aod toe sur discovery is aim ai uii|iree>detitod in
1 Sonday Bk
UiaMrt Baatw tora froM bi*
abort tsB* bSor* Mr. H. will bar*
r«to aaliaod ktk«t bun. rounding rcgicioa Las I>se-i broogbl tte afaoie bitlorr of classii-al Itarning. '
A faator; i* to te aatobteb___
tet will not allow t^ to atoy oear j to a coiaplet* stondstdl
A recent di.|<*lrU from Vienns.'
«te kte troat, at te JoMob. for tte I a akgl* pah of rabbits and tbah night.
___ alrie. t
farpoaaof wkiac teuTtetoftte roginy will in tore* yaara taerwaae
At Xm Yb a J*D U tte ataamar feel that tha Elbs it full of immense |iocid,Bta yet reported m cooneeiion
• tteaZOOO
Z090 Tti*
Tbi* •I*«uttiplr
toe receti serere weiibcr is t e
oatka table- ia keatad o
of four .............
DiMb of tte riUaga oa Hr. Borton *
1 of *r*^‘■
daogbttoof Capt Ajnniaof Ite ^terk i^dy tte bulltcf
aae^l ahjpi bkTe-wbiieno tbeii way to school Tb#
JamM Bamliu of Tamoatb, X. S. Itean erueted in Eigbtaaa *hip-itt.ilJi«o ataitod'tocHhir for the
wlte* WM reportad epokao al aea a wracked Milors whoee eeaaeli bate j nchool hone*, wbidi was •itueted on
few WMke ego with Ul hand* down
---- '------- -------- «b'«-ay harelip land-j a lon/ty country road. *bd 00 tbeir*
riagal with tbe yellow fever. Since tore
•d at Beligoland.
failingic rtturo io t be *flernooo a
TFadaaadayiii^U TneUm noihing daSeitoba* bean beard from
Tmknl enow eterme are again i
ily. eoaieeriag offoor adolia aad a tte bark. Tb* Bamtia kft Ffailadcl- vailing tbroughoot Hangary.andI»‘-1 aearebiog parly wa* orgasiisd Tb*
. .
td lt:aearch raaulted m (be diacorcry of
M«Uk aa»to«’ aritb'teTkC abfld. aaeapad a borribW dMtb by pbta tbe last of
ia feared
Ihe-tafferkg wbieb
which was
WM ax , toe.fonr ^lie* of lb* latl* coforta
BwA ate
w* n* tbroa*
urea* tbirty
thvty fact
I* wt poaptag waU; for Ibair own bOa. Afawdaytoalttefeearmade'pBieoded in the prermni etorm*|natee Inog stiff and eoldan daall
Front ana Stata straeta.
BMBBtilaftato* boMM bad ben
Mia* Annie aaid it i will be renewed. A pvfect
p^ect bhzxard | aetr the rosdaide It is tete’
wUetwd Tb«r*d*y BoroUg. Tb*
lever and not y«lkw rageii in tbe eity of
>f ViMU
all uoe i that ineayr parwous perished la the
thr«* borMB wbieb war* giren water fev*.* aa rvpoti
ortad. Tb* offiem* war* afternoon Tb* railroad
—--------- Taiafniidir . “U*
are etorm and Ibtl when tb* anow bat
frwa tte wail an died before boo*. lekee amfc and then to* crew On again bkekad by anow, andhoes
traffic i* j diinpp
i atartling number of
oftteB kto* aUbU and tte Dae. 1 tte maU died end on Dee 8 greatly intaraptad.
■ k
iLeeaptekdkd. Both were Uaried
»ttw<B*ry toacted a drop of lte«»aea Miat AsBk,tteaM9M>dmat* Boe to aiodv l!
AUo, FamUy Qrocaries, Proriiioo., Faed, Hoar, Kto.
tar te bi* toaca* aod waa aad* “a"
’ tbrveaaaarn (nine otter--------»nr*(hay ooald net dwtbir aicb te * '
from Egzema.
ehHikMpall r^bte. bate, agga. te. aMaUy foaafl k aiiy atete)
o. 15.
TJhave a few R
and W
' H
that I am now offoring
reduced prioee Tbe best oppottunitg ever of
fered tojget the above named goods cheap.
Special G
tor the
next 30 days.
S- -W. PESXk.K.XPa-8^
Meats and Qroceries !
■ mmmM
A »i^ aaa tote • Bfbtod too Ite kail, tee..oaoMey.ttet itey
aaaM a* a teal aanaa.bat ratter
Baaly. It i* aot atotod teal tte kar-
M* «ww* of. and at* na^ -to
aout for tte dMtncdly d**A
Mka Elkabatk OattM of CMaton
_ aUaek of aoariat faror
ttet tte* tel not teen ^
to apaA abon a wbkper. 1
at to ter brotlM'a k
May a law day* *>d
I etokfa -
T**irr UTERAT.I-
At Preadoea. r*. Mka Katk Wil-jds
Cksictsl ants, Pnltn, Cane. Etc
(Man Pitaptlt niM:ii til (it) sltlM cm.
try a ^
kg. Tte anak*
jar ia tte girl'* (i---------------- --------.
er. ttegkl wmI Tharedar •faokg. kill fak goianiM To* anfortanata
Iladteallb. IteM ai*Vain and, ‘^^■^'tri^sswiiwnrrtn. Off
A large owl was attnetod
id by
tte -kdy wa* watebkgtoa baby
M aad flaw at p<ay. wba* aoddanir te leaped w
light of* leap ia tte fteM
al. tegoirka. aiU(B in peraoe j * tS'
ri* over tte tranaoa of tte door. Btoterlvandapeattercteir.eaoseaU
T. Vaco*a«, Drnggiat,
ki^iUriiak agtiaat tb. kan. wbM. it kg her to toll to tte floor wlto great
Sandv Bottom, Ya. |
13 atetteod. iMTtng to* otto* in dart- violaoc* Sbe aorUiaM each *c.
k^-S^vikiMto U-o Tte ^Ma-adfrotek fly-|■»•reiaj.rM that atelM from to.
U Is trie Beal
CBte effect.
daabkg abov.
fag ttet te ted' anOrUy re^arwd I te
1 ter* toad Swift'a Bfiaaiflefat
tawMbMTd- BwddaBty tl
tte .M of bar eoioa. Tte doetoca |»>
I'elaanakg tte Blood of *----and fallkaatefak
Opk li«teaaD*»tytkMaMal*>*«Mbla . ____
attMite kanl pnar* call om DfltteMwtetee* Laaid ter talk ate*
aflaet that
Ok mtmm oa tk* ftektooL a j ter lato*. aM te hM klkad all in. noong whom w<
te aboald iaprov* ter knowkdg*
tester*** kliikgaxteir Imm : te tkM ate* k toy Mar tte faeoy- an. wte a
Of SooB by tearingand laaitkg fif
Mm wOm te rUJ brnteand te laU ary. teva *e doobM cf Ba rMky.
ty Ite* U tte Ilk^ kgbtly. fieblk
oM'a fatete Marty
M* bk teA Wtekipun tte'
fmmm Moad Xteoa*. wte^^ ftete alwaya Mid toat Mttter
■tetea pMO|«y .Md tea for
ton* Mr antratek* ararkdaaad him
tokiter offaategklk*.
I bate wbkb iiBatiliel Ik* ^^
“ E'ST
S4 IJW4 -VKUy t-unsrav
bot ka ogM asMlkni look, and
XraateaoB Blood and Skk DkmMMkkdff**
6wirr Sraonc Oo,, AUactn. O*.
Two of tteir .
Ttey got *80^
lAlgok taportod on T.
■ -T-
Two Pisnoi that mast be sold.
aCteBL lttotariBtotatab.toMhp Ckldartd Tada, katag p.
rtteaidH. U*Oa Mabte
toe. 7tte.MMMi 'toto**atoto>*w gOM ad art, aatetato tete
kataplaart te mM bteteg a te
bAi|to y. to dtotol MM toto to!
■toldteg itiWH!!■■««*■
rtoB*7 BL. faaltaga Ort*.
y. E. Mtod^ii te bout ateto **Mto to* *toto.Md toto iiHito h* *MMl opMdad abo. •17&.000.
mm abap. Tkv kte atoa Md
tartek abep axt la te ifan. telW hat.
/*&A**«MbM**M4 htob*M**i
taeaart towU to*7 teaptaarta
IkattetobMfeM Obto BL. ta UrtN. adawfagtah
P.P. Brtdl .telte^ilate bate
3. B. Kto«h.b.llMiplfhtteyi barva bia 1
«to. to M* Mm hto*c Ito fM
<kB. abte IgQiiao laal, art bin
Mto to lliktoii to to* toMtoi** wmm,
te tote btowaa 84000
R. D*£a*ta.ftbB(..
HMto to MmWMI BW* OtoM*
Tba alatoria iRbt art tetar wsrU
Mto hi Ml bto veto *ii b«l ki*M.
P. H. t»h*Ml b. • «M rtop M
aMka toato. <0 Ite
Mto. MBtar BadMi An te •
tfei toMu* hto M*to7 *>«Mto fiB W*d*»«*to 8L
lb* O. 4 W. M. ttoli
M*tototM«lto Mto tototoM**.
d.aPitoaaBitoteBt. te M
HMbMMtr idMtod ir to* gM|* MMlp glXMO dlttag to* 7*. te to* dtoad 1 baa.; opto^ ItaBB. wii ItfaUlteia
to MBtteg bnld'
' ' "
7itotelop. *i>kalOtaeb*aa Itoap*MM*r *ad btogbt top*, read, IdrtOart ktorta UilA
teto*«ta. Thay ban added la
R. A. Mataii. a Etol te BL. te
baa*. Mito tart, aoalboat. ate.
»w bDaalBiM S atari.: ataaa tarn
CMlptl MtoUptobcito to*M>toi7*t
C. M. Molded btolla ito* boa*
year, art two mw dyrtBa*.
dabUigtoaasptetytote pla«L to*
ItoM- JMt* HiwiIiII btotM*l**d to* Ifixp, Vito • vtei lUU a Dual 8r. ISrtQ.
Mr. Btiedtoi 'art Mr. Ptota a te aealtogS.OOO. Tkay bin pitta diriig
b. teipraad
aatoraaLrtn tauUa* haaaaa, tha l7aCiiaBl..brMktag
Boa Imp* art au BilM to oira.
mVl^prmi.maOm tm^herUhtj
latMT hanag bto Sitotirt
ban pit ia daitag te yaar 1j
tmm «f Kill In mM •< *• M»
T. S. Etoii hariag Mate hi* bubto
Mr. Ptotab h. hto biiMteg a Otoa
towtoarB.ts* TksyMpnpir■MOMM* ttNI«k Ik* MM
. > rna a Bw Bill to wniaatian witO
■ IttolSsIdiMl Md la
kto «MMtoOp to*4* to* toto
k. BahMaiMbMteth* SL.te added a wiag, toikiag allptob' thato ether work*, btrinc
«iMMk««w««llM*«( MM HM«I fh*
•MteR>.B»lato ptoPr. Tkayrtta
a 8S boM pooto B«iM lor te aOL
|mm«v«*m hNrtiar mtrrnrit *M ttoltofM. to Mi* ftotMtoto bM) OUm Po*^ h. a a* ktoldteg
ad a ban IddS.
tosMtoidp.aMMto htotoaMctothii
fli MhMMH t»Mv U Ikv •»
to Bay art B.lelpb atrate.
Ml*. M. a M*Mrtal te 1 Ba MW
ito4*to Ml Mi^toij to to*
d. E OmHrt te toe MW taafaar
to**toto Ml akon bp IM i
•bads, aoto Wx60 laaL wttb a atari rte.
Or*Pae*.7MBL. teiddadawteg
ikS4 ai
bp to. 10 hto baa* Urtd. a
BtoUa-Walliagla BL.-te
totoatebiaiaWw Mm* te fate to boUtaBaataefaap.
art tote Bitiiiaaty at a art to glOM:
Otai. Bon-~Wallii«taaBL-te:
npoct k to* otoM* tr.li. to to* btoboa*.
to biildiett BUOO. Ba te aa
I7 aabdrrt a saw raaldaci ISiP (ato,
• to Mdf*Mik*torto*«ftkto.
idtoa ta U* ha***. IdrtD. S Mrte* wilb * wiag I&cllyart a kitahnltrti trio Kgbta In aU bto baildiaga.
MM.Mil Mif MMi if (k* ■
iMwiii to to* toto it* ymn bigk
a a toeoa (oeadatia.
Valte Pol . Bay atnto lB«d
«»h>lNM li M ^ mm.
Cte Wlatart tea bm ha. a ttaab*Bllh Md repair abap. 34x90.
Ika Tranne Uity Mfg. Oo , bm
1 Oak BL. t
d. T. Btelaa Btata BL. tehoOt « added abnt *1000 worth to
I ki InM to Mm mBm m Md
Thay era eos
Mr BiO te added .*
U Jldf* B*toii*ll to* 1.MM
wbb aUft.
da d. Bakar.te baa iapteata Ika
Mi imM to Ihi bMiV ^
rakiu KkkiMa b*lM«. to. MOU ton
W. W. Dm te ■ doi
Paige prapari7 a Bitoa B(. b? ptoitiig to« e^Brily to 9000 ponadL
g ..nMitoli11 to tototitotoipaa I7 fiatofaad a Oak BL
pMtok tt* mmmm toOr um hj
Loito Win*. OB Elawoed ataaoa.
art b7 aaktag aoM 1
MM^M bitmap to to Mf «*(•««■ to* M|H«M b*Mh. A**l**p*rk*k
TMBda os two ridto
rt to tos baa.
M. H. OriMlh te * BM boa* lUM. i4a1 TMihta
Wtaglkdt. Itoeitnfaigfa. nPtbSi.
Mr. BsU «>*ta BL
M* 1 Mtoto to ito an ymm- Jmi ttolj 4Mli«*d tor to* pmUm; »
Bib aoM rtdiliuM la te I
Mr. Utolar a m* tonto te* •* *M baa laar tbs ladrort
•Mtti iiprtllaMi to Mtokl^M Mm ki* *»<»»*■■ to to*JM4*; *•
a B Psip sonar to Btata BL art BatealarMaiaoBart eallar. wtol*Nkto«* to to* ton*M to to aftol- Mid., tomrt to**M* M* M Me.
«i itoiifttoM MM ite tto> «ito
Ballad An. -te a tan* hoM iarl7 ed wirb atea. aakiac oo* to te
IMftoiitoto* ktotoi7to to*|Mtoto tod*. It to gODd ftoilM* to m*
Tka Ford te }**t aaaptote bto
Jidf* HM*itol.
AbIiww BhsE*r te a OM rtn ai bto
baa. a Mb 81. bto I61P. *teg
M. earaar to Ways* art Etawert
Iteia kkrta ilisr.
Hr. Hartaa. Klawood an., h
£117 MdbilTnatke Mtohrat
BM Boob: aprigbL 14x31. wi^ I<rt8
Fart Bbote bto a MW ban a e
■Mb«ftot *k* tetthfal ud as. ■ar. aad Mr. Bmtrt. a to* laaMwaat
art a Ulete 16x16
<n*rto«M*tolDi*i*in Mite
aa to te BL art Bardan An.
■toH to! pMto hMlliMM to •
•MCTtog adtonto* to H*rp*rb W«*kl7
OBBprwoP.. te
Tboa. T. Btoa la bad bto naiilaa. .
tttolhl pvto IMtoiHito MU b*to le Mr. Cl*nli*l, a na*il aditorto
A. Pobaito te btoti a piate t«o. a Wabtagta BL. rtoart ad a brirt >w boiaa I4x2L wiag 14x16 art
IfMtoid* tovMl to Mt* ttoa
m mm m» to trnammt to »•
iraad hto ba.aitoBi.
•ertatia beilt note Ota aartira boa*. alary kitab. 12x16.
alrato. a dwaKag.
0«tit7 Tnaanr Moom te i«Md- M te map Otoe* iaproTauato*
tela to*
to to* •dabM to to* n.
tort bto haoM-lb* Itowia. prepaetj
Mto^ totol took to IM mMi
pt*tod*Mte tUtort* to to* e«MiT.
Ika Aigin brtdiag a Proat^L, ba
Mr. Mrd^sagbUa. Bpni.
totorptot* teMotototo MpeBi.
bM Bond eat vitb te atbabaildia*
W. K. BanlaU. a Mb ■to**! te.
dwetliiic like te ite
rtioiBtag. Md a aw (rat addaL
MpItoM toMritr to tM.toc.Mto *. MM*. tototoM! to* a^ipart
• fii* wridae*.
Mr. Brotbertoa. B|WtoW airaet, dw«UHUiMi Mto to*
MMI. traatk* bmH todaewHhto i
apngbt to llxP (te. lb* bat wi^ d. A. MeMamtote ‘-Psaoa.
btoIt mifbl b*M« bto* Asm** tout,
btad a raoB to te rar to bto aton g bone eiimler to the ebon.
WhM to. Mto lb* p«to ii Ml*:
muiatortlb moot pate tiN rw
Ur Kilpetrirt. Bpnea toraaL 4<»aUtogteg toito hhd **rri**.r*|M*ttea,
wi*g ICcSS Ite 10 (aoi pate Ik* a&iao (ato. oa atocy art tMam.l,
iag like te atx>n
I .rnMn.-to iditotoiM (nr»Uii
E a Fa-a Wabiigta Si •bat* iatartir Aaitote ia laliq** art.
»ipto^«a rnmmi ■PMtoM mt,
Hr. Btebrttoi teatoo a dm rtn
total to*T h*n *iM*t h«M* to
aj. 0*.teb.a *8a*iMfa- bte a wwg to bis boas. ItxS taat
■ bto tot.
topcdtototoMtoMto I ■togi.tob* It Maild ittar toto dotolil pntototo
teaadlb Htote
Fruk SefaBtat to baildte • m
>MI Itot toMik. VkM> itoMto toto* teitenitlb* paMte eMtoih* »
Mr. Ptogbte bib BL. te ■ Mw Watotete BL. te a MW baas.
T*mU7 k Hoidaworth rtn anetad s :i the aorDB to Pcosl art Eiawood
toMtototo to* •Maa, te IMt to Mr. Ctantoid. fi*p* laa*.
n Tba iprighl to 30x94 (te; (root
Mr. Oitoii. te to* aesMtoi .itotoJp
Mr. Wilbtom te bwU ika. a Mb beildiaga I'lat P. aOiflO Ite. t-o wiag 30x33 art Mr wiag l&xlb Briek
Mdadtoartel; “Mr. ~
t‘ k
toaria bigb, fa ■ farsitaia atan.
_ ^iftator toMMtto l*M*r to la-d.1
da Tnably Sr., te tatool bto mito to tM pvMc to to* pmtf toMk* batotoategfatoaMtototato btopirtr;
Mr Tho9p.o on Praat P , Bear te
■an a Ifraot BL art pot a briek
tod BiUnle. hai built a raaid.. S4x3H
Hill Hill iktoviB b*M^M
ha npMMta beM M Mito toM* Md it*
te iddrt u *cd Mdatia ante te wbola bnildiag
to«MMI;haMtod MlMad * I ,
B. Bradbag. te bol a itoa bona (aet. 2atari«'hi«b
■paad hto boM a 71b torte
Dieker. Bpra. P. has s
toto* MtotoM*b*totoU*htotoMd
NelaaLiilMtetBM Idrtl ba. bilU a bto pnato. a Prat p.
ba gteM to 07 etov dM<Mto. *1
13x16. with ■ 16x16 loot wtag
d. W. Oaebrv) ha* 1
tpmjm Miintl iiIm*mM
IjMtiBOa*. HM; htofavMradi
o Proto BL. BtkiagU eoaptata 16i» kilab.
0*a. t ilM* te btealdrti:
totoMcpvfil b* toHMdto toi:
dobh Qatof bat Bond bto boM oat
> Bodm appatotBeota.
toteatrte Spraea arttebii
Pete Otoa bss into aaaptatrt
Pnrt Fitadtirt te a 8. bm tan
•aa Mill faaL two atori. high, with Idilhw*; 19x16 mkI 13x12.
Mr. Wtoloa 00 te lot aext aarth. te
M te bia p*i a to* lat
Mtateato toriiMii tebto
rtaidiBti' 16x33; wiag 14x30 art
dao. A. dntea te ea-rbrt
bp Mr. jwr. «tfe totte
BidaBMiaBsy Bids; ipngbt 16x24. kilefan 12x12
*bOa bto frtobto m - •i Tpilii
Fntak BnedalfT to potUag apsate
Bilk a (root wiag 14x16. art a
A to to* pMtp to. hm M toM
te *Bd to* twa iBdatrp btoM. 16x34. te wboto bartag a toaoa
ilteto* «tetetei«ld«*>
VMtoM. Thtotoal tkto tocpM. to«H7p0Mrfilii
Ztaa TrotBM nenpi** * *•*
oa^dtoad ad atoar btoidiag daa*.
16x31 (te . Bpraoe P
MWto «MM htoto**'lMt to* to
plilg rtart SM.OOO.
Mr. Falghaa « te wte ode to
toMito totocMi* mm pmlfwai
Bpra. afawet. te a (<mm ap te ra«n.'Md tkateteteg b*ta**Mto* «i
Mr. dob
riote (or s rtedeeee.
V. Fadn-Cadar «trte te boill
•a. 6»tlOO (at, whit* brirt with
wrnmtm^qrnimim totoi^tok Bm Tock to to btitar tkit i
WiU'EecBryliaa boiKMadditi.
iltee I6xlk InL art s wtod-bo.
Mktop b**d.
•a traatap plat* gte <1
Ml M*totlM. *b* bp cfaMtiM *M
hto hoB»; atoe a li. eart^ baa 1U16.
^ it Ito. M* daatolM Mto b* .*4*. “
hta atari, tagb. to* Uaia 1
art atabta.
da. EaboaL earaar Waya* te Ootar,
itoM* MM ik* hMto Mi toto*^ Witoidototto pM^Mt. iMndly.
toawtag (0. toGtto*. te I
E. Btey-Bay 8id»-te a m
to to! Um to Mto MMto* to to dM*^ BMbar a* Mr. Oailto .7*; “li to to* toarp baag te g*U**7 art dtoiBg aaca*
iMtototopMMto, ton toiiatotoMtoto' daabtto to* ftd*lit7 to to* eppa*^ toe., hataigiig to to* na.ir fitotonM. Ratal. 01 Btata BL. rti ■ at
>Mto«wt h*MHto« toIMM* «teg te Mm TaM. te lb* ***M to Ik* *7. art baiag part *( totor alagato gaar- work abap. ISxUlato.
tan. wtartia*p7to*aBta»toad.aii
Mm M to*r M« M. W* MHto
Wa.SanartO«aya «.MM.rtn, Otrd Fob te addrt . aprigbt la
0*r. BULMtoa
.totonpfrtMBtai (catedxrr. Tai
• pcttoto toto. «PM tototoM
•asb a na boBar. abort ISxgS, ia Bsy j hto bone. 16x24 (te.
Aid. If toil «M K.O. T.X’aa*ei|i7«AnrtUato***e
>: •Ototo toliM
idtein: “I* to* prab- art door, toa fte to toi* Bw te*« •*. Bid*.
W. Bnadito bxaboib ten
Ttata. Bartraan. Batadalpb toiaeL >m
aU*i*dcM.toM*«to* kaadito to* rtteeMa*. Tb. Prat toroto eanar
tooretaaaeartd bjE E. Wtot. drag. MMioBoyPdL O. to liiSO. wii« boOl aa addiiioo 14x30 lato.
do Dawitoi.vaorMt2adte Dfatoioe
tear. EM ar 01*»to*ad, mid im- grt. n*poataA«teAato7a]iipprt
Pitol to**etetoB*«.To(k.’'Md te «M- (B*M tot to* ether Praat Mreet faat, 19x12, wiag 11432. Trt third b 14x22 •inMi. tea cewbau. SUM. with
itoint vote to M*tf wbitaD. E Otottr. jwwtoar. te tb« ilh a oiag 13x16. Ha wi8 ana b^ii wiag 14x14
Tart to «mMU m Imnnrrti
OiMB toiato aler*. Ib* aalfa* fatoidiit mw 82.000 bant.
A. loteWBrtby te dao. Stea ta 14x34. wto« 13x13.
toftatotoadbad Imlibii wito all MdBcyBid*. hinbailt an bawiaa two
Tham Md (MbtetM* toittol to:
Oae. DrtiM. aatnr Srt te Oak
Om. EM «mH kffl Mi. CMMid. Mr. rtBtad bj atea art iightad b7 toeeUta
Bta.. ban taoH a widg 13x14 laaL
<1 mil* II Mrtd Un Om. Bm. niiMr
E. Mncilaga* te • targa boto
llB eato to to* btoUi^ a. itaai
B. Lobarta te a ate aoitag* rt
i ingitltai to M* Mtel
aaiM. MMlBT*.**n7 Em Tart.aM 8K.WQ.
bean ca te rfnw haak. aaa te nil- p..o«rtera>lite.
P. Wanbait. a te «>ato to Btata •ortbridft.
Leri Itoanie. « Oafar BL,
On Ellar. Mr. Vaatel^. Ote Ow
teteOavLiyertrtnbailtBMtao- iDi n addittota u hto bate
I araort teir Iota ta Bay PdL
Mr. Brigblyte addrt aboeiag Ite
late rest to hta boOdtagoa Wnhte* toMbaad biad»to M»p
to. V* •.*.; Ote* M
«MiM *Mto M* «
087. *kte te toalart i. m. 3m. 10,'
to KMdpiMdlM
un. Afttotewato patteM
Ttata. Ereapa-OadB at. tei
. wte to kfa ntod... tSxU fte
^••teMMto IBMdg.l«a:
•to *Bd taBd*d.lte teg
bridg* la Btata BLOB te Ote tod* to
Mr. Wirtota^tert idditMatobto
tatote OaiteyBete.te
Mte.M.tatotad latafea
OteBL.art^ CtelateC.d W.
h»m *1111 tecMdfkiii.
BO. aa W«yia BL
A iMiM. MM. to* H.
K Tae^ te bap 1 haea ia te
Btatobtapnateoa BmmmtAm.
to ornim
UMpto to* tototaiato
L mmrn to ajtotoi. M.aitaa-
iikB Btoteto to te a.
Job! Eartifa M Wintete EL. ta
#na*P. twp atari, high: aprigW
Met. Orator te anw brtltegTrtn Mrtioa te a bB8 aa bto tota.
Mr. Wiigito'a tartte. D. E ViMU,
Pnf. Ortwite brtMh brnn te
Mr. OaaaaH te ban btaBdte > ■>*
MtatobtobtaM Wrtbtete P..
tdtea ta bto baa.,
tate ^
fato aid*.
D. M.
^ aacl ote to Me.
• »IB*«
1rt.aMrttar toa pa ate toto
MM •!. I.
~ iSTfar'aTwte'JS'ltea.*'
3. W. Bi miiiiml mfL
BrtL Tb*MlBB|w^toUCII«tob
1^ 11x31.
.. ....................... .
tegp. »• tela pte fa MUk te
teak Oaek. i.Pate wra. Bpani
.Aaa^tebaBt art Peart ton te. tel tea BM dote
Maond Vtatoag. atebtate atetar
fmmtii Fstetotatafa, te^ltet
Ptertete B« Bte. tel
hnn ten. ofab ote IPU.
L. a Itertrt Bptta. tete. te
Now is Your Time to Secure a Bargain.
Oeivte AocerddOM, Violiat and »lot of lit^ Staff at any priea to cloae cut
D. Tfataa art a. toHtad Ite
tatUteMoartyd. H. Oian-i bfotte to kM faoB
X.k«ata*tattte IdB.
Tba ■aari^ an atiU ta pragwa
Ortrtoy Cna art Mrt Wte wan
MBtad Tbwaday. iha Uib.
Bn. L. Btoatei: aad wUa, larnrtly
pntarto Itewocfc, wan tea aitolte
Taaafay art TkaBfay afahla to te
weak. We wan girt «aaa art wtooteslbaBii te a^hborbaed.
Steinberg’s Inventory Sale
OFF Foist Fital.
The sale includes all remuants, odds and
ends, single dress patterns, odd coats, odd ■
pants, odd rests, o<id suits, underwear, hos
iery, and in fact everything where the aasortnient ia not complete. Also winter
goods, fine overcoats, heaver shawls and
cloa^ in endless variety Mackinaws, Ger
man socks and rubbers, blankets, comlorters, pillows, etc. It will pay you to exam
ine these goods, they arc fresli and perfect,
’tis only because the assortments are brok
en, we don’t wish to invoice odds and ends.
You cau save a.nice snug sum on a bill of
goods by buying now at*
Mb. CWta to <a iba aiak bat.
B«r. libyaald Bond fata towi yaa.
Bariiil Baatlaga are is pngma
te H. E toiaroh.
Mr. fiiytoTravmaOitytopBUteih
V. Crtrktoih
te earth part to tetoa
MtL Otarfc to M bate.
IkMwiU baatert
high aebaol, Prto. OUbari bofag oaltod
toBoyaa FlUs by t^daatbtoa
Mrs. Oeapbatl. wbo te rtaa etoUlrt
fataada ban (or tba part Im wate ratarart tt b. boBa in Tra*arrt City ta
dayCota asd Maotew are prttte >■ •
• kldasy.trtaoalbaidato te doprt
pt^taialocy la onatartta bayiag nd
bteaswy.il Os.
Jils Steislierg’s Great BeoDant Sale.
ISTEW stock:
•eeapy raoaast te Haltatiam
TkalaratoraasUag tote Eiagtoay
Utaiiry Boetaly. w. baU M Friday •*•oiag. The Basis tec te oeaaa
taraabad by BIwood Pod art to
Wexfoid. arttotai by O. E B
art Dr. Prtlai to Uito piaet. art b
worthy to a^taeial Baaltoe.
Oa Bslarday Martag aoB* to te
Biasy frirada e( D. E SreksfOie art ■
(artlT. aaltad at teir baa., (would a]
bto(Blto.-rttota-o.(.te..rpo.a!(;„,njty<,n^,ny price Jp(«, tke ChBBpeat BfBWB to IhB
toaftaadingaaontalaraaing. AllaaaB.l
tr„ , r.;i,
rt well Btiaded with te raartl. art *•tarard a bsarty “I wiU*' la lb* owdiai
At The Bookatore.
ItdC. ES. Z3T.A.SK.E:E.X...
Advertising Rates.
BvvrliMlMssM H
Wood Wanted.
to.rsn.jMr n
ra rrn*^
• mil. torta..gt
, WllLlif.
rjito BBirr
grOMB -Tfa glB-taT
ra. curt sasisMS hr w.CtaaaU* wph to
rtrto.-^rvo. JnSttVllhlte
Ttaiat loiMirart (or • atelliy
«r 34 iatfa r««i BipU voad.
yy U f»ae rt HirtLii oflte
^•Mtora* rto4« wor» Mra or mm i J**5rr*y
to.Tas a aww m
|^4M»M*(Tto glK.taT
Tto «*i» rar»
U4.IR al
Jl l.ll'l .riilbIRO
MB tata*^
ki OB MB.-«-r
< It
P'OB BALdl AT A MAarttolto
Um aiaBto ta.|to tatoUM wiia t*. mws
U.S MI Tl.*.r'i TMa
! I’jH**'* •
Kl.IswI.awL 1
..fall■itaBaa FOBNLt,
W.e arc opening up
a store on Fiont St,
one door east of Cul• *■•
auh 11' r-jrtJs^i'T.-isusn’i
IS M'S OMUtet it
• ta >too« ma
svMISctotoat itot toil to to*>4 m
*•.. to
----------------. J » mJto*.Tr..toMi.-it,: MiStoiisistototo
cotopHuS M to toMn
I tmt- » M. irkinl. man’s bakery.
WSritoiSIto* oMMIttoflSr rilJraMtoaf
Please givo us a call
irvL'SHivsh'j-tts.'iir? ^3S.t’,-cLV.'r.!---Lr. and see what we pan
■•=T. WiLaol.
latoBS. a:
TnvtoiM CUi
do for you,
BM W:itoiB II
rjae xrt.taTMaCTOBta
K r*r BMOU I* ' SmW< i i niiint srt ItoOeS *r lu aMrl to i
iMito I Trtoiracs’
tics- I Tratokis.
BtoE Bp tag grtagffafa.
ttol.BtopkMd a.Ie *OeV
•ae 0*0. loT. dBBAOobM
<■ B. u s voB or* Add.
to Jl .
idOttearATBto. Itatocnaity.
.. toe toa pttvsM d iliac «• AAd.-«m.
Mtta d bnlitto
KM.L a. Bam*, d JBdt, OMm
i. B. WatusrsT A Co. vOl. atily i*
btostty. opts a janliy Mot* is th*
K IrS. MM. as Viatod
a. iTr^^tods, aM^Hi
«Amp as Muto Matt. P an aassHl
-- n n
tea. Xttu. M d OasKaPp d
*5M». «aa pan* Pa«r Part kpa
lat to l^r'* aaap, to* -tott d
naltocal to* pea
atott d A. B.
uytotec ater vbteb MtPti ud uAa*
teafa.-.V. C. FMet. Jr.
Hi. Wattcbaiy P vail kson to Oraad
naoaesa paapit, faaoiac baas nth D. E.
OtotorfarttssaiflsaB yaan. TbrneP
Mar vaefcmu to hP liaa is vorthlatoi^ aad so asa vho vsAmI tto fall? tttdiiai battac
Addad to top tto tol d tba ftt*’ pop.
btority of Mr. WaPtbaiy M a bu
ttaa. apd lb* Bas*u> au atMy predlM
toittm for tto s*v Am. Hr. Water.
b«y a>01 tot* dfcatt rtorc* d Iba bamAa asito me* etoaA viK. d
teto pdta. asd hsadaem*
ksosto ltopam*eateSteud plaak
Dtpf. V. B. MandMl Bravatoe,
yaPy aad MammrCPy P hmi (or
V ^ d tt Matt ove bad atometot.
Islto patt ttote tetoHm tbaa* atotaa
asd tto pott afate bse* baas aacaead asd
Cstoa,mstoy«t oMl r>ofa tefcam.
MJbntts' XaMteSa, Is to told tt •—•toy.
^ M. twM OW. Tvte^ asd
B. m* dMaiOad to a
prayatmatttecAuaatt tnptttdiha Bxaday aebool
above to* aaioliXmri for DOS, 433;
laieatt aPaafasra, S36; mttPd, 1<8;
*rar*t*,S4. Oellatttesa meo»857.97.
liikaaiy eutaivt 618 ▼damn; arnraca
bdaBter Boatety sett Baed^. ted by
Mpb WisBilted Pratt Praatoisg te
efautt. park*, tt T p. m.
emtteuMil nek.
patted W ramate asd
saaspylbi PBlml sett Lard'* faya. m.
Tbepattor vili tote nei.n..
Nteity toKd tto ssv book*
dnn Ptt 8asd*y. Tto hoy* aay they
Wtol a crad Ismu n hsfo ter 8
far! LslaeailksraittereletoW.
• ts ttoak Am f
Tr*ippertttioo-F. Frfadriidi, M.
taakaU, Q. E. Bragbey.
ImproTomaol-r. L..8praga% U.
Daria, 8. C Deaproe.
- aneoa-Jaa. H. Moarje. O.
r. W. L. Bampoed.
It** Jam a* witb Xrsaen* drily.
RasdiDitto PiiitodelpbP. rbeltieacbl
atrikaa yoa Ibal abileto PbiladelfUe
yn viU psrrbaae a f*« ettulaa (or tbe
(olfciat lomr. Tbe semei o( dm or
. of PhibdelphM-a CMI adtaramrdPUly catara yoer aPsd
aad yon bey «bal yoa irqnre at u ee-
Thursdayi Friday, Jan. 29,130.
Open from 12 lloon, each day, till 12 Midnight.
ber)BarlIr.~AV«/((op (/><! , BmgU.
Festival of Days, Booths of Pictures and An Goods, Indian Cari
osities and Goods, Home Furnishings, Etc.
Art Loan Exhibits in the Parlors.
Beautitul Stereopticon Entertainment
With entire Change of Views each evening.
Elegant Supper Served from 5 p. m. till Midnight /|
Fine Music During Rrxtire Fair. -
For Prices and further particulara see bills.
rairentlpl Iteewl Ar». tu M II
N. and Innr. E Uiya-raJ, lyot 13.
Bioekf, Keabfa.vtD la.—C'tt.
Wtetey Due to Jacob Ilottfar tr;
d u^.Bae. 7, (eve 15K BIO WAtOO.
Sank A. bravnagn to (rorioaa olril.
tefod Etecatey. Lot 5. noekl. PanJobs OtTileb te Williaa E Moore.
e*< dooi, 8ae. 81. T *^B. Kll W$300.
Jteopb T. Barsdee te Fardtetod ted
Pttraiiea Kioiipa. Lot K. Block 13,
raooree City, $3,00(1.
B. A L. Mar. Oo. te Jtmte li Jobsp. 3 (t. adjoteiec Lot lA H. A L. Co'a
lodBeb. Dir.-$150. ■
JoroiM Jdiu^ tu Wm. H. Dana,
PL u;. See. V. T » N. B l> W—BWa
Joliae ParrtuI to Jaaapb Fairest. 1
o( Ml d *•'. 8ae. V, T K. B 10 W
Byreiajk. Bucen te FtafaBOy- (laaiptoXInttS, 4. u. BuKk 0, b-ortb Fda
JasM U. Harr^ to Wm. WiddP, ei
del d bfL
>1 Ae.uffEaed. ifae.
83, f sy 8, B 10 W-$1,000.
Mary Jaae btoekiiic and etbm
Tm. B. Daria. Pl aa! Bee. 0, T »• N.
Bttiiy H. Nebte to Ttotete Kelly.
**l deal Bte 31.T 38H. B i
Jso. Pateipbar to Edoie
d >vi See. 6. T 37 B, B » W-$l.
Zaaa Ford fa Cdreabei Meeru, ee<
devlBee. 33. T 90 B. B IO V-$l..
Annual Ginaring Sale.
Paid up Capital, ■ UO.OOO.
arm* armfw *>.•« ut«m Urtmi Briial*
imir.er.tri . NoTwap Orrpwl. Hollmte
.._rr. Amminm.Amtna. emiurnmal.XaMli
4l«'i •>< iiati rmrrter rmmmi'irp.
fa'J of niB
item az t" i:e& r. i> rai
“““ "
nCUAlTT PVflnEl.LEg.
Previous to uking onr investorj, we bAv$ dsdded to ton cettoin portioM of oer itoAlt ^
retdf loooey it $ SAcrifiee, ntther than ctrrjr it orsr iato ODOtber
To this end ple*$e resd the foUowug:
We offer A {>air of good Bed Bl^keto, white, for
An Extre Large, Heavy Horee BUnkrt, for
A ptir ot learge Feather Rllowe, for
A lot of Starlight Toilet Soap, three ban in a fancy box, for only 16 pound! of White, Extra C,‘New Orleaiu Sngar for
. SuOO
Happy bancy Coffee. 1 pound packages, only
17 pounds Light Brown New Orleau Sugar for t«ly .
Cracked Java Coffee—which mdees a drink snperior to ArbueUes at only 20 centi per pound.
A pair of Good Gray Blankete for
Choice Now Wall Pai>eT» at 6, 9 and 10 cento for double roU.
2-Buckle Racine Pac»—regular price $2.00—only
' a.Buckle Racine Pace—regular pri«i $2.25—only .
15 pounds Gianulated New Orleam Si^ar for................................................1.00
A large, attraclire Bed Comfortable for •
2-Bu< kle8, tt.le.1 and beeleff Racine Shoe PAcs—rognlar price $2.25—only iA5
•l-BucUei. Mled and heeled Racine Shoe Pace-regnUr price $2.50—only 2.00
21 pound! Dark Brown New Orleani Sugar for
We tor*
oe tefa too Pair.
beU toiiftesa oerriaea le Orvaa Obaroh
saxtHeaday at lOSOa. m.. atofnbsbly
d Fbo Ipdte*' SbtMS—^•Mplsi"—
Jet. S. Tompktea. Lot 7. Old Miaaiaa
tetoaeottfac*^ All pomeaa tetar•Mb-$13».
Co. Mskr. a
tetod >1 to* vttlara d tot peifth me
OU If PPM Boeli Baaort Awo. to
B. asd C. widtoa. pm $i. 4 sed 4^.
1». I.«i» O.M
O™. OM aruvfa T. McPIivvB. Pt. d Ltt -£*'
Old Mpates fieeeb-AlO.
vhitbvaarsssUiecet f OPT reg*.
Bteto Bawat Ame.
r. c. CM.1WT
Efa a H. K«a tansteeto tedto*
ayevac tetsd bed rapote.
PteCai. Ittt A. Old Mte- ter yrics. Call ia eed *•• tbeie.
'toSMSttilBIto B.A M. bteto ^ OMcbte.
tom. Cpoeteap-ste*pdisbp'’**-“*'‘’>*-*atea B*atti-$17»
bp -Mr. BteVted, vbtt* MvbA steo leesd ctefa fnm O. C WO-:
Bitonlia Jpltum fa Wm. J. O DeAstttttoXtodsIcbf.Afa
Ifa-A Bttey SaacBiMu'a asd Ztoridj
^vkaapb ttaeai. apd. a hece ^SBBli^
The frteefa d Demid MiDwilf S3. PLBvlefsei Bae.ntoA PL pel
d tel Bee. S3, all te Ttt»B, B20W—
dhP A*sto.Pbitti iiimeeadet $Ma .
a to* bte boma.
te Ftoteaste Utmiblj. «s 0. b: A L B. E. Oe. faJaCnee
Pbtteyob. Maas etodkP deal
illMii. *1 d a*i Bte. S3.T IS R.
tea tot tetepv te wi
vtetodspttomsaapdtetosaa_.^^ Sttsrdsy peeetdtec Hf. M*
O.&ALB B.GD.tolteBtefk.«
^ Ottebsr vea
fail. SOI dasieae. lEsidnvi
a. T St R. B 11 W, *pd a*i d att Bee.
Oa tbe oenfaa tt tea Ptt Ttet, ittarrod
TbaopAiIvrJtetema to Ote(to Void
le. ve bad a plieiifc rAtt.ieTlrinc tteteloifte d toe ptessu day*, asd to sar.ttdeviBaa 38.TSB.CWW
T*io— On to* eae tt to* bM ,
*al te IM aatea* *f
Itte far,- DtoStefk toB to ttWe ■■toitoiiimdamd to Itoiy Havpto ato atotei te Ote^ tt
bebt aittfast la toa
ofatev. Ltt 14. BUM “D* 8. la A ;2tats*:;i.:ri,:”rra^r^ttrs:
b* toaptead te cite
— ----- - ——
______ 'i?a?4«p«Vtttteete«a»p'ttatt*
Ba viB to ^teily ateiBS te tto
BPsHy. avd hp vrifa ato li^
vM toaa tto bterfa ijmsatby W
Wa.toabaabasd aad abUdiasdlto
Itt* Mn. L. & Hobha, vU to ax.
ptate to tto peopte d Watt Sid*
oar cnihofa for slltto lore aad kied MM m*ei(«tted. sol osly te ear daw
otednttectorkPciUaaa*. baratee te
oa altar ttw bad -faoawl tbenrae.'
Ovr btaitovill alnyi fara with lora
ler tote* (rtoada aod (tot Braraa'* luAa may aUeud ttom P oor
iaaev Sobm,
I. D BcPte.
Ber. W. A. Hosak
Mb.AHui M.L. Bmu.
IJel *1 lyPtirr
toe Bute EoebMeriae (faeiely.
bp Mr. a A. Ondord. «bo *iU bo*
Jadee Bemidellpto Oraad Bipidi
to«t<tol«a d tto canni ott«a aad a-the ansaa) maatiac d toa WattMPb.
|<CautoMatty. Uevm ra atorlad
aAslsoixxc IdCLZSLIT.
aaa ttosa to tto •fhin a( aaeey
Biitiiwtoato aatbfMsu appartwitre^dL IfoMdost tasdtt*
toaiStodtocohrlAetavlW dtosadtoiaMAtetbauasal
* aa* mm to Mr pkst oe
lean SP from Ofud Bapida as MoeH*toabBfltato|o additiaa
"• “*
d Mra. E. R
ready tofe (att loom d to* wrier mtha
ud #to«tte bebt pPst. asd nil BBo IbP
bsUdiac. Aea*p«toa baa beta pnl
taMUM to ton Iv ■■ aai Paa.
M*asd UwHtoiu amtointty will
telle*. Tto toV aliaady ha.
tpm till I
m.OOO fttt d bardvoed d hP o«d.
ItordM LavdPPtoaatonp.
•Bd *01 bay mot*. Tto mU nU me
Tto fate dtbe i^Bto aaairumiy
toeittd toeT. P.8. O. E. I. Axed foe
Wedaaadty. Febratry 4tfa.
At to* eomsasiae latt Saedv flfwta
toma aa Firmt abeet. astt d tto
fsilrasd, Ptt imiPB. sad to aad hP
to P oar ebnatma hem* and tbaa*
ta BMaab A Lip Mm Op «itt
family —a ptmmstly bpttad than. ham btm addad W oar beuabeld.
Oe Nasday mocBiac latt, tto baiUii« Tto Ufaoa itPMd by to* pmyar mett
iaceoatmilU* an impettast to eaary
faa. pfato Mr. Hast ma Id toe lamb*
eed Mn. Ban tad tot
MAtof as VM toM aa« viil pd .
StoM ttoalapl a^^ toi bsMn
JiM. W. Ma«Bto. Ototoa
a ft Ceartti, Btatttoly.
Jn. SMb, IH'J.
a lor top isaaalartoio^
.bare baas ttBIrttttbar partaoud
tto tott torn d tto Bsaei*.
Tbaisto sttmsto Itottosao b*yosd
Mm. Fifed Ttoa.**^ oa
Im. M, aTtow— hdd a
vbal ms ttoa aptaad Moaa toe poblto,
dip.*.. I7 B^.B. Ke tor.
bat aa fasMuae deal cf mb toa
M. C. Daipe d FMktoeV ma tora
aad nU dasa. Mn tbu osa
baadiad todPa-toeladac totay d toa
beat adaplad far toe maA by axpttieoaa
asdMdiititydaayto oai eUtoca are
diraatly iiiMntttod to tto maUar. Phtek
ll*. H«an a Lti. *k« bM Mcatt akoa laaBiaa a erSad aac
pM H tapMd t>edtl<« U Mm «M«>
Tba Art liDU Bxbibil faia b
•UMdlh* H*«Mb I U; K«. Os.,
*d from tba Armoqr to tba pailoia. toa
i« M* ttM PM •■ M d Um oOee.
doM hP WBifiiMiiiit *ia Um ComPMT
w. a. b« bm fs% «1MPiBertto UUiace iertoPiag bat
Mnd hP pM Isr Up ratal*.
aaay (heade bn*.
teiamaal bare arriTed ud are '
Baa. H. H. BoUe oealto loa
Tba upper eommttioe report u asaliaa appMs to toAaj'e Hmus. It
arfllbahaKtt Jaafcpa.Tattdl^. Fabtbi Bctto eat trosall aotwrtadx
rs*(7 M. Uasd Tmamt eosalr sill mra baraac Monday.
Mtoe BeOa n.-—~ui to etoitiM Mae
Tbe aattoaa boolbaara Ultoc up vith
ba asUltod to Stotopatoa; Asbitt.9;
Wa d ptatty Ibtoea to tempt iba psrap
*. *i OkariaraU. 1; Emmti. 4; BaUaid, d MasPtoiaa.
Tboa. B. Koble aatte o*ar bom Eft d bajara. la Ian. a*arytUae is boomM I; liaetoaiP, 3; Waxtod. 4
toe Fair-oardt.
lUplrto toe toit d the aaak.
Mm. L. VsBSsaiu, d OM Kmmi.
a expatted tbat nay (ram tot
K.8. Pratt wabt to Oadiltoeoa TaaetaettradaAPpaatotottTbandar area- dey. aa ePaaii eostt fasttaett.
eoulry ud from atiebboei^ nUteaa
toe tolaeMtoc Pto toai hP aaa, vfee bm
dabtoaca,ta tWlimc aiU rPit to* rooou OD toa aftaraeooa d
dastototoalsfibttPaoto saw Bn- ho daaebtoe. Mn. F. »«-■»«—
ttodayadtoaFavud aaatbaal^aal
Mapetopa,haahaeasptosttr. >> ad
Dr. Will LtUmp d JMaaa; eitttod
loC toil floe baildtoe. aad palmtoaaitr tojaiad. Mi. OMeeWU asd *tfe bP pwaato bare 1 law daye acoiaa tbe vaifaar departaaota of tba Fair.
to Tntaeaa OBr ead wok toe ftia
Mr. asd Mn. Jolto Beutofi tora ra- Hooerar, IbP laat cUoae to oot impart
Into FMep toe Btote Bpttafa.-fiafffr. aroad froa tbaP etoil to Hato^oe.
Coma todaaatbe Fair vbetbar
Nr. aad Mn. Joba Ctoapeoa d IVpcb yoa vPb W bay d iu pratty tbiaca
V. B. Btonrt toe pld fap tom d
IS attce. villi fiO eceaa etotmi. <a Ibe lakr. *Mad ratotiraa bar* itaP nek.
dapttypott—toanle, vtih aoaea pafaaaal peaparly.
far H.1M. to Utoa. Stobto. Mr. Stoaart aeiar batp, waabi ton oa Taaeday.
At tbe maati^ tt (lie botiatei Mao'i
Mra.AlMtobotad Oraad Bapida. to
eweEattSordae property ae peri
•oatttioo. bald teat Toaptey ereoiey,
papaeM, aad mat ap toaea oe Fratoy rPuiac bar paraati, Mr. aad Mn. Jw.
totookdier ik Be say peaiUT re- aertood.
Mi. aad Mn. D. Bqaiimidl Moeday iac eommilleoi. Tae oOrart ul
• ttat eattbs torooefa tlie wtotae.
far Kaabrille. Mtoh.. to be abaaal aoma' mittaaaol tbe .tMOoiatioo (or (Le pm
aol you ate ae (ollova:
iTBai^^ P ttokUd todmttt oear
I’raaideal—I. W. HiUikea,
'tt^'ioe-I-mdent. H. D. Canpbeit.
2ad7 TMa.rrAidaat, C. K. Bsek,
r tba vbda d Misfaicaa- ’
Bmlary—l:L W. HtPtoca, .
Traararar^. T. Bmdie
MQ ton to tto atala
KteoBlira Oommlttor-J. V. MJiahao.
liar. Mta. B. U. Daria.
lUr. aad Mm. Oeo. B. bmito d t. T. B^kt. P. Friedridi. i. O. Aobaniaita *bA oeattaatly IsmmaUn
BOB, E L. b|>racaa. Jai. Mouror.I!. D.
am d toa Baaktof Bosw d Baa
uh. Ipy A Oo , baa i ifiminud qnito
i-T. T. Balm, F. Ham.
X X. « .
taMte M
toeayaa vooU kaev artot aa ittpnrtaal lliiae toto wtola plasl i»faTto*eew
BapakUaa Oeaa»
A nice Lap Robe for only
Children!’ Sled! at 2.'i Per Cent. leM tbaa foroMR prioea.
Having accumulated, during the last 90 Dbts. a$ a nmlt of our Large Sales of Carpets,
a muderatf Hoe o< RemnantB of CarpeU in tpHobs lengths, wbicb anst be sold, we offer
them St 1-3 off regular selling prices—to clear them oot, Wa are tnakiog Spec^^ Bargnbs
in Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Bed Boom Bnites, Side-boards, tad Parlor Snitea. la omt
Picture Room we n^all offer very Liberal Disoouati, prerioos to tbe first <ff Xarcb.
Boys’ 2-Buckle Racine Shoe Pace, formerly $1.75 for 80 cents.
For the next 45 days, we shall offer at Spedal Prices, onr stock of Winter Newaarkiti,
Jacketo, Winter Shawl-, and a line of short pieces of Drew Goods, in oar Dry Goods Depart*
Visit our Hardware Department
sad exaBiae Specisl Ratos on the following
.lag —*..............
artkctoe: «»8 Bnraer a*avra.^
BconM La
BIBM| a, aaowaavau
sac exstoina opocau IMIICT VU «*•«!
Latops; dreonted Pitchers; decorated Tea Sets; decorated DiaMr Ware; Pleairtied Tea Poto;
Japanned Toilet Sets; CyelMe Egg Beaten. Excelsior Pan LUton; Lai^ Copper Ksttlee;
Fire Extinguisbm (Great Job); Cross Cut Saw Sets; Clothes Ifaa^; Hand Fire
oied a trifle; Fairbaaks Platform^Sealee; Gartasd
Coal Stereo; OsKdiae_____
Stores: eeeead bead
ns^a;ebort tUBs);oM 12 fawb. 6 day. Mariaa
Clodt —all very dtmp.
ORAiro TKAygBW HgtALD, JABTOABy 82,1»»1
i Mt. Daate aad
Bar. a State praatead te tea koto atatoa teat
■agr^llnaat abatab to Latoad, | grawa ttera
caamm Lam Bin am • to Tate Soadaytoto.
’aotgotter*. U yaa do aot tJto to
J. tlrntm » wtwiili I III! m wmk.
MdarateBiacaad waa
Waaraptoaaad toaaa Saa. Oag ;teaoagcaaa,yaartoaddoaa.
MbylBtoBo^M fcai—Qty. aoaaatm*a«ttorbiaaanraattaefc
TbayMbatetodadduate Saaday ■*togt<ipi.
.mi Ilf aad to Ttefaa
Maa8a* toga tera got to te aa dd
ttet te baa
FBf Marrtep. H. C Xoaaotob, baaaaaahto tote oat.aad aOl aot ftory.
■»«M Wtar tm ta 1
Oor Mbetoia ata teS ptoaaad wite
fteteAteaodaad Oarto. Sfa«- te aUdto varfc far
iMM te •<»«
gararaaB OBfagad to baatef toga
lortPMdoy aUtoOaooga State
Item ara aronm Oarp totem
wteaMteteM ft Matea toSi ftm aaa mtnadiag toga to tte teU pood,
toa alnoal tolly.
teab ptoaty. Lra ftteft to aha {tte atoigb
_ tinted
Agoodmaypaoptoaraamptoiajbateoc bii foat, arotbtog U raiy
—»■ ■ » bj *W. t
•» baoilH tor tea mat ftia.
lag «Uti tte totoaon. .
OhKBmfcMkMl kOM>.«W* «««!
Tte rariwl ■aaSag
bald badly.
Mr. lorkiaa ratoraad Iron a trip
toiM. lb.BM dartog tea paal aaak.
AJtomOoatoartor aad fauaSy of
IV«M toiM ptoMta'ur.X
Ihi atelo wii qnlla ntdil aad Maa
towB riaWag to tea ooWto «arid oa Saturday
• hai^ad. aa a*M b* H«ad Md
tattag, (teaa aaa a vary gaod tara- tte tottar-i paraato. Mr. aad Hra. ■t
4B^ B»%».—bari< lb.«
A good may flab Bia teiag aaofht
Tte tetarwl to doa Vteo
teroo^ tea tot l7 tea Biagteo
toffl good aad tea mtotoga wiU ooa«Mi flM. B« «•
Mnv ^ vfeiA aib««4 ia hb bv- ttooatebvaak. Oar Bro Otorfc to
tobdofdaafc. Wafaar
Mr. aad Mra. W. Uf mrad to
W. AaUaaaad «*e Atlteaanba vary aaatooa to bb aorb aad «a
I tea praaaoM to tea
Sligbt'a Stotioe tte fata paH of teb
ite, Jaavh. ate U«m bm Wa
bopato aaa
Lm Wadaaaday wfaUa AJbad
tormoop oaa oattiiif tba ooa of
tea oadart todgad oo aaoten. Ba
attebvitotoittoantittooaa. Tte
tiatetog toy te aHppad aad faU
aboBt IB faat, toriktog oa a ptoa
koot. It pnatratod bto aida aboot
teraa toteaa, oaorng a raty aayara
»d. Dr. Siaitb «aa aaltod and
tba ooosd dramd. Ha to dotog
•Ml aad Bite cati wiU roeerm.
hts (ace ami haruh as white as
a woman'*.
His wife can make his 6nest
linen or coarsest os'cralls as
f/m$ and jK>rr/asthc1inondf
a gentleman of leisure.
She can keep the home
f/ram and mfr/ as any palace;
and more bettdes.:it saves her
onc4ialf the time required bj'
ordinary soap; and by doing
ay with most of the rubbing
it doesaway with the worst of
the wear and tear on the woman, the clolhc-s—in fact
Pcarline makes a paying saving all around; it’s econ*
omica! no matter how jxm look at iL '
• •
brriit. an diBi.-a.nu.
Woodsmen in Lumber
Best Goods and'
Lowest Prices at
-.. -... *
Sm Studby baa gma to work
(oto. Ba aaya kto loot to note
bottor, alteeogb U atill awalto badly
uanao mu.
«teo te baa atood
all day.
Cai-UT-i tMiM.
H. State tea rtoaad tea bargato
TteyooBg maa do*B at Aatrim!
with CMto Bonta tor bto bemo
1b» bifaba baU Mtte ia tta
aad lot and to BO* poUtog aoata
last weak to teiur. Ha ttraek bto
-koB tea booaa tefara laortog
*». DMab aa^ bb wadaha «
Hr. aad Mil. GoU« atottod to
toto bto rabbar omkiag a tramaod-:
toto it.
■ aaa<&vMia*M vWt^M
ooa gaab. at moeh at aa todi hag!
Ka. Alba ^ « a wy ftia aa
Otoraoaa FraaUia apaal Baaday
sod tbiaktog test bt bad apUt bto!
«tta8lMbai’ «b«A SaaAv <
«M boat Traama CUy.
vide opaB. te limped aotro*rtn i.«»y
Mtoa Maria WUlobaated toofaaa
Ropurt of dtotitot Vo. 1. Paoto- toUy boma. bat fooad'oa oaratal ai
Mi. Taiaa aiffl aaiiaaa to bay pa- ter aebooi oa aemat of tefcaato.
Jote Swaia rtoitod Kaftaaka Moe- •ato, for tte nooUi aading Aaa. t:
Uitl tbt ax ted eui aot
Mtoa, alb mb b b tolbar aaU t«
Total aonbar popUa aaroUad, 61. teroogb tte Blooktog
Mrs. Pmatoa arU bald laiigioaa day.
aarrtoaa at tte ateeol hooaa rrittoy.
M.F. Siappard ruHad Ttararaa
teameatbly aaaatiaatioii tte ortr SM(jMteBalcr»rM
Bd. PrateU aad Booa Oarpaate GUyMooday
gM tba aWchba. aadMba W'baa
of Traaaraa Oty edtodoo Irimto
Ctea. Boy apaot tte Babfaate with ■ga atoadiag »ai aualtoat ia all tea
Wbito Albart J. Smite wat uo
• ^wy.
CU aalihbaia Mill, flbatoa bn Baaday
giadaa- la tte rarioo* gradea qio kadtog logo at tbt Uoerat bridgt
a atotar at Maantoaa
Tabatoto tea ba« aaki« fate
ml mmUoo migfal te nadr of tte Hoodty, te *tt terboD iolo dt^;
Hba Era Otoan iitarMd bom
Allowtog oamaa, wbosa atoadiag **ttr by k«t ttorting
itg more toddaotoddto
oM Twia Latea, aaaoMp—by
& Mratbaraai Me. Xtebte M tob MtoaBayaolda.
L. W. KsighI ted tte nteortnaa «ai 90 or abort, to tea diffmot !y tbto tspreUJ. He vat ie tea am jg m mm M tef
Lortoa Porter. Late vttor about btir aa boor aad »aa
to braak bb tog laat watk.
Oaa Steady o( Kiagatoy, rbitod
doba Saaaar. Oao. Svaaay. NalUa up opporiaoely, raacbtd a btodmg
oor riUaga ooa day toat wmA.
Mr. OatobaO ia raty loo.
TFo. Oakloy baa opaoed a amtjStoaa. Cora Otaariog, Jamn Svaeay. I^t to faim aad dro* biai aabora.
Tteto va aev 80 mo bm mte'
•rfcat to tte Adm* buadtog.
! Etoter Armor and Ifieu Miaar
Mr. Staite vat moeh iasbaiiotod, aad
tog oa tte M. ft X. B. & B.
Dr. WiUtoiaa reporto froia X. C ' Toa aoboot baiiig Urga, it to a fif- mya bt could aot tert aadtvad tte ,
teat bit tealtb to aaprortog teara.
Omit mltar lo cto^y earraetly aad oold maay miouttt loagar. It vat
tteMddapottoaooteto«abon-!*iteal to kaap tea lowrr gemdoa ia- t nam» aacapa.
Darid Dan baa norad
adtoatngte Tte ftra waa* toeoa -1 toratood mad baay aO tte tern ~
rsmaNi laorr.
beoaa aortb of tom.
Oaa M tba
J^Bamiltoa to loggirf thiat'•▼•r. ttet otf art trying to do at; A oumbv of our teit frrmm art i
toraatoW tea
nMtoaa M W. B. Stowwt, ca Bal- Sdi^ boaat rmmtod oy Hand fartto. of bardamid l-o mZ aortb;good work ai poatobto. Tte oldtr |oghtei^^ba id., of tugar btl rato-s
to raaltoa Abat tteir|>ng'
artby iTaiingiaat Tte
^ ,„T jratoiog tell rrgtUbla'it teat it aboold
Mr. Wada and Mr. Merwriaaa of! school dayt are tod ^____
■IM to aaartaaiac aite ga«to. goito an axtaadad rtoU to Oraad
I to tova oa baatom aad that now to tha^^sa to Sm-j h* »k*d qaieily, beeacaatteatebIfr. Stoaart tea aoU Ui tana aad b
Bapada aad Imava oomtoy.
prota tea fladtog boars " Wa aor-1
ahaal to laa*a aa, aa aoM of hit old
Mr. aad Mra. Bovmma art rWtC»..«,o«iUy
Itegaod almghtogiiteiiig im- dtoUy toriU pakboa of tte mtoool to *“ ‘
tbaabtoada thoafbtto paa tea a tog to Adrtoa aad Imawa oonaty.
» teapopiltio oar aortbaro ecootry it pariiealariy
prarad by tea farm wo. imega qaaa- Tint M aad «
Mictaa patly, bat it aaa i^y <to
Jam« DaSsy bat, tea job of loadtittoa of bark aad toga ara eomiag ! try to “Ltoa np to tte bad Ibat to adsptto to tbt growth of tte sagar
teted thte b aboaU te aa
tog logt OB tea eart barateii viatar.'
[totteoi.* Ld them aaa tte* yon to bad. and more ao teaa bbt troptoal
ritoP aaattog. Wbaa at 6 o'aM
Mr. EUtotm. agaat at Kiagday,
Mr WsirigrH tte Ugfatsiag aala-|toka aa totarad to tedr adranot-'
tea booaa waa aalMlo ord« by tea vaa to tova Soad^.
lator.gaTaaaasbibitkM of bto mar. i »sok telp ttem to raaltoo mora Iba
V. M aad abort
OoodatoigU^ and ftoawaatter'
Tat LMltsau Ealtrpriat ii totatoai abili^, at tov» ball, Tbnraday
a by W. B. Stoaart aad atten
>«mk ia tea wooto ao tea sBov to
taaehm ia atriring to imptoot ia : tboHty f or tba diitmuit that grmat
aatea boMitoof tearrdar. toteate daop aad toga ara mertog lirdT
Mra Bom bat bad a brotear tto- tedr miadt bigfaer and mats aoblt! vUl oot gro. on tte apot of grotad
iVtoaad aite toabe by J. Kn
'teoogte to amaH toto.
impulataaod daairat thaa Item-ra r^eb war tetbaJ io tte b'oodofa
«Ute raaalM ia 18 appUaatioM tor
J.P.Tillotooah doaag qalto aa toi^tr tea pad weak vbo hat }ad kaoviadga of bow to gd S bring. Korvtgiaa wbo kited himadf tbera
ateafratraptog baatoam. Baft! earn torn Eoropt. Ba viU maka FHaadt. try aad raaliit that to tea dgbt yaart tgo. It atya of tte atohit bom to Udt eonatry.
abbot fatty ad tor mtok.
roaUi of today ara tte maa of to golar ttotoomtot: '‘Prom tte time of
mofTow. and tot to it Ibd to yoor teedtatii of tba poor onfortondt,
tteepotef tea gronad triuob wat
owandfite dtahat to te
dampaaed by bit blood bat pernitiSebmmg bat Wt lor Mflwao. and taring yon do
S.^ DoaatobM porteaaadaSao
Dtly refuted to prodooa gram.
tojory to fotara man and w
kac, Wto.. to bt gtet till Fab. lat.
_____ ___________ _
IttoMigb ibcrt it aod all aronod ii.
Obaa. Moatocte baa paateaad
Mr. OortwB of Tntma Oity «
& Bogwa win gtra a daaoa oa
MaaE.O-LaMi.Taaebar.!FromtoitdtT to thU. tbara U a
Satarday ertetog moI. with soiqiar.
__________________ jtiiaagalar apot of groaod aboal
A, P. Gray mia ahaatoiai
Ba*. Mr. Boteoagb of Ead Ea*.
Ttetovateip Utosry haalU
ItbraafMlloogtndtwowidt at tte
ta Bfc ftiyito. ^ aate.
BOB praaebod at teto ptoaa Soaday
■--------------- - -------l»>.o..U<btb.crM.bup«l.t
Mr.aadllra.c. C.B^aoi aWt.
W. W. Ctotfc hat rdaiaad. Wt BMateg. Jaa. If
tBily rafnttd to grow
Tbit to a :
ad Old Mbbaa Baa^ bteata toaC
admtoad bto wift to ao bdta.
Saw toga arc aomtog toto tte mil)
bd that emy ona wbo baa anr
yard at tea raU of Uiitty or tetty
Aara «a aad teaa teaa aa*a aaritittd tot apol aaa laatlfy to, aad j
amoaaaaafkfbpfaia tetofteab
pertof Hnytette tormara find gi- cat iw nrified by any oot driving '
Mra A. B. Sttotooa ^ fam away
gantiepiat dompt aeattared
by in tor road io tammar."
Mr. WUtaaaab tea aaU tea aas. oa a teert ridl to ter brotear.
II I tte hardwood, iediealiag tbd ia a
roTiTon ron*\Tt.
MtaCoopar vbo bat base
to imiwonag tbt fine {former ara tea eooali? wat timberndt to bar da^btot. ratoraad tod
Tft"toTtilt doofa tel um muy
witepiaa. Tte bodma of tee
Mr.Oamballaad toaily of OU baratoy.
Mra Bate Miam to rMtotog .with treat ten danayad yaart ago. Prob ectten Micbigao farmara, with tet,
Mlaa'na watte (nabaafCaa*Oilbart of tea tfgb ateool
ably ages ai^ wban tei
afowoontofimpronmaoit. rtuiro.
oT«. rAOOo * oo..vasaaltod away sory aaddaaiy oa
Uaa aad ate tea Ute.
Mr. Tyaaa, of Iba «rm of Tym ft baiidatt campoi to tfato ragioe, ad mora proSt to tlidr owotn from .
laaiaa Vaaraa rataraad bate Maa- aooaaaiof tte toalh oThto ooMte. Bamdid.teagoMtoB««fm
iriHla trqrdtog to tte Ltka Supartor tea potato crop alooa. teto maoa.
AtovatteaotUHte oftetoptoM
Itoaa iMl Satarday aten^te hto
C. AB-Bariiats tosdtoghg* Mjeappar mtoaa. Ibay wars toliad to teoB more pratntioat ogrteaHural
taaaTWtm aiterteatiaaa tor tea gate Mr. Kiekataon aad aea army
H. D.Ompboa aaar:riB,pby tbawiad dghtog torongb ootdta in tbe aonlb part of tte tuu.;
>tes braateat of tbm m
with tj^otandt of doUoit ianotod
Oar tatoter, ICaa BaraaUa, tea a
D. CkaateU it baymg haHwood
did fr^ tbair edira fwodad. And
.aadmtoad teat tte Bar. Mr. toga, aadahrga amuoat it bdacl
________ ______
a aqmeto to boU profatod
muliap Him iriik la Hii milhinlMl
wOtoraBaUa bat baoo d fair pro&i. and d toad in ootyanr
batyof toto boUmtog ahairt aad | aoid to Oamabto A Soot, of Pstot- orrt of foor, teoy pmn to ba a nr.
Pnf. rarrto of B« fi^ito to to Mfiigafttteto.
kay. aad wOlga into tba ftabtogbw. Mafalt boaaana, to nay aotbiag of
•aad to tea vaoda m» day
Sabool dtotrfat No. 1 to prwidad; totot arst apn^- On^. ~
(Abtr eropi that do m wall or baUar
•Hk,teauaabtetely Mln>adabd k. tte votld,* te tte M. B. oteste rm by Mte Boaa Saf giriag I Japaon ishriai aqaartar totarM to bare tbia fartter loath, cr waat.
■tetoaB^aattoWa toot ta tea •anndayatsteK
tea boat, bovoTW, and atoo tom
Tte bomt arakm mold do adl to
W. Bam tor* a dyf eWt to tte foartb totmat to tte *<ten Bate maka a aoto of tbaaa faatoifmaampa. Ifnrtiaytba
Oo..* a aa* ooMon to wbiob
A torga alook of toga to bdag
Oapt. Japaoo will eeatwaa
Ttepaopto arsadv vtet Bttto
toMiltte Balia, and w&l dtter Ate
■mttmto faU Mo worth.
ink Baaato akf atimad whb a
a.LABte wMat Tiatm Oito
■iM JaMaCMMs to oa teaatofc
Maatog. oad qvito a amter^ •A
odt wbto* te thdaka to a daaiy. aad
Etel Bfoa km teagU tea Sbifr- teto mora Um half dgMaboot it.
Tte gaaiia, atroeg aad
B-Oatiaia drawf pf toga to who war adopted by tte Jarw fam
Mra Waf Stef to aktotoba OmflTa mO-a laag baak Ha ily many yaara igo, mat aithaa ae\JLE. AamU.
asyategdathmeff f brnkfarty. aUaaitod
^ M Mioipif to «a to 8pm
WbBa aatUg bto dfaam,
Tffa ta J.% likaatef aftM
MPi»o»llify wbrn bail got
itoartor wttb kto ............. It to ad^ter'a baraa vbtok atood by f
'a* — ——
Lv m oomtoW te fhtok tei tote wfafalyaamMa aad paft
aitekkftod him oad faako hfa ktod
IQmftte i.gatthg f ttoted torChppAOs^
f. To Hten him of maay 4^
' *rIk.a.V.BmtoT*s«WB, to taka
Bor. Oaa. H. BmMb vf to Tm& K. Xorttem'a Afto mill at of aaSnag. it waa teaagfa bad to
ttailaaaorteaoaa istteMybard •m Of te Monday.
■tp Oaa to raaitog at fall btod iftoot bim. oUA wm Aeae In or
If. LBf
ted fam fb
am faran altar tte aodOaat b^ptaCtertto Aftte of OoHBa.«M f aftmfteaapaisiaf otBamy:
IllgHir d BkB«f teaa<
Ea wat Uadlr (tepoaad toward
ftywha fakyaadarfaaadi tkal
lilfato ofay f tea ^om
imaaa raoa, cfad a^ hUto r*Bd
te 0 goad dtete dag white te tom.
I kaadto aa<y part of bim. It to
Bte.Ote.H. Bitete piidiil te aad Mr. Vyalmap tm goaa to IMa
any teraa fa Bmte* afd ham teSofay tote
<i»^taf obHM
Aaa to atfd to tte iSigrapM^ mdOn. waa aa wall kaom aad at
Ifem <f >. fti^MUmOateatte
~ ‘>llc.Jaf Ml
goteKfkglf mipteU tef tte raad d ted ptoea.
aaariy 16 yamotd. SMO •oald ten
BomM tetotfar farm
fm and Hehei, ^ Crosscut and One Man '
and everything needed
__ _
The Largest and Best
r* I®’’ ‘‘’®. I
A. H.'PERRY, Manaaer-
IT in THE use ‘
Moulding'S, Brackets,
And Inaidt' Trim In Pint and Native llardw.K>da at
Factory on the Bay Road. •
Manufacturer and Dealer in Lumber
Of AH Kindt.
J^tpre Sluf, Dretted Flooixng. Siding. Ceiling and
Finuhiug Lumber, Lath, Brirt and Bdingles.
Flat and
Square PieixU, Five, Trought, Etc.
PiTCodom Work CmllT Doat in m Ptdory telwiird. DMUr Ifaa onr
prrwtrrd te Sll til ton tad riltoge oRWr*. Orflara »didt«).
w. s. mxksxitoxax.
>naoa colt Ho. *.
PCTO't "to I
JTcaft to r>l»ooieaft
■wtwq THIS iARW|
. <'
falgaud afa tbafaau^
faasud I bad inwafa m badbl
# «aa|
«Mbbay%atod waafaBal tba'dfa- faaaa. 1 oatahaab.ahfa dmud *a?»t»Jpd
wavy tb« bad faada
aota aad aafa
bariiada fa a^ aayfadag abaai It,, aad
kSnmas ss«a»rsr ssW lai
IS**« owsrsala SI Us. ass
iwsUbs US w«ai
III ts as.
Fn« a IMIa
Biua T. L
si^amtsa ssaus rsfui •
haada of tbaaa p<gi liok hki
Ibahfad that Mr.
Park Place Liverji
•• mmMm s a aao, wo WMCMM swsa
Z bas au
hat win tb^afa fatbatkfabat et gM aigbl yura aid
■b« walifai^ faa iaa ba add:
4«% paaa- . uui. MM _
-Haw did (fa UW a
-Ba ofalo fa. I nppos.-
tBAWBacOT. .MlOHiadB,
IWfa%bi bai|N.
Data Maa. Bataa-I fas
bat bow la Aa w«ald eoald tbpy
wftifaa fa yaa.
uthauflbiaad.whe kiptagood
k aad wada a apaafaHy
.pigafa tba laU to aaU
Ffataty TOfag. aad otbar wk
safart Tbaay Biago. Ufa
IS Ufa yu fas bro^l ao
1 aa twafaa yaara add
fa afaoci awy day. aot Zi
■oataaalafaastba afapalboaaa,
—-I - ■ ——-n-)
t go fa oebool two day* thfa
Uhadbau bit caafaw altar
r Ukaa faa
ow pat at hoaa
aaatMfaag. ThatSatarday
1lM fUtom Chib of Qprg
Oar taafa«-a aaoa la
tfaagbt fa ba dou by baara. bat Mr.
I fas <a)y
■aWMi* Wm a Tv Mt
nM u
«aa* St» MV M(M IM isntMUtst fe*r
Tba -taUdor- giri it cow tba
EUd—-Hs do I look fa Uia
wuT* Maad--Char^.
Is1 torsBivliad to tfa yonu woss
it wsdarfal bow sS^a draw who toast tfa pfawaalbosa aad
out lot bwadl.
tstoUa Ws.L» Is a long tfad
Uopiga,4oBfa loefciacfaaadUy fa
ad don btfaw, aad Uas'U fa Udk
Wbs U ooas dayUgU 1
aaa dad tfa way
ootolbara, aad
oal] gat hoaa fa aarsw aad yooll
baar talk abul atfas piga.
apy uyUfag aboot tfas Bod; doal
ahUsfafa, gaoayapby, apfalfagaad
Row I win toll yon wfaot I
as da
Zas waU and wipe diab>
raw raw: Sksn^''
’tia Ut psUiaat
aaaatet «ooM ^MthM aliUl/ hr.w4t qwkoBdtMte arap*-
-Boandss apple, boay s a bs.
Uula Uing Ufa
U ia a watU.
Enu Xaaz>a.
rCraai Um MonaMd bwa* Uy lor 4o eboakod ail Kgbt worda
lyt U |M th« lrak,«Mt etMTOf
ilsy aayUfag
aff tba M M «.U M iM wold «M
A Raw Tork woms triad to has
ktr koabsd nrraatod bass, ba
wonld aot taka far to tba Uafatn.
riddla Ufa Z aant ■■ sy faat laUw
tobt (Stita d tO casa
tf. si Isliktstsvi. I»t.. sa.f. *-1 a
„ jsctv Dr nworsciisut kiss., iaf sd diraeiiar fntili
•tnt au; rsst tsasru
<). boeiw. W
Ordnabyn.^ ot Ultm|d wiU s
adra prawpt aUeotis
Z foos I wiU asww Ua
•sr yon did as"
-AOHumir oouartaa'
Bmbdmly aad
S «woap tba low. asko bade, sop
ThaVidtw (tiawiag tba atw fa£by>
—-Do you Uiok ba » going to ra
sbla bia faUar r
giss I will cios Iw Ufa tisa
Bates bad a sud fa faogk at
Tba BoUar—-I abanldat ba aw
will try Bgnto il Uit dos afa snU
Ha kaepa sa op asry
bia aad sy, “Wby did yoe atsi
Ua waafa baakot I will dos by
ttoa," bat fa tboagfa jofa tbs erf
falU^ sy agn. wbfab ia fan yaara.
tba aaapsfae Ufa sfaod oa Bs PotfaU uybo4y obat w. fond op faro I
* wsl TOO fa preafa. as tbaL*
WMh Ml Ml Mtr
«M «rqtag kTMh Md k«i t<«a«W u
haMain BiifMkaya hadsft.
X go
sbeol ao* aad atody roadiag,
Ibaapiga wSI fa mim-
Wka*tbir«m MUoftte aof
■WhMk«IMt*«V.Ma M MfAac n4 ■■■tiliilg at% pfk mk*
«thMch MMtU« ««thm thu
•WM hM ta ihmr ^ 4a
'^Aaotfew nkW I
I Uongbt Z weaid writ*.
Tnrametf, MIeh.
sssirnir - - -
-Tbay tall sa Ufa IL^Biada
i Od wiU Uaa.
JWiaetrm-ooiOTmt- intitck
Wbs in sad of PaDatal OooS sU
fa my andtriakfag raeu aS ys wUI
boaad that tun ooaUtababii laga
don Md «
Sam kSksskiptW
ito aafa faa aatrlyorary
dBkaight aaaar far a wowaai
did writa Ufa ad aafaa.'
Zt fa a aat, aad
i^hiwfaaadlro dbit baat piga. osniag wbaa d aosa boas boa
aad tba yatr halora ba had nfatad aebooL
Wa doat Us far boa
cuuwaOaatasafaaibt aadalatatbool, it fa afa qaito a arifa. Z
taudaaU,aad a faoat aa«ab bad
Ufa fa go to aabooi sry aafa.
fa0a4 to iwtHl aay tnaa el lba«.
Hopiag fa as Ufa ia prfat.
aadbyaesa paopfa Ibatbaa wai
I aa yaan troly,
*Ob, ad Uas fant no lasrits
fa Ufa fauly,* aalOeqaiaad 4obu;,
•^aoi IgaasaoL ZtZ Ufa ay
r afala 1 aafab U ors Ua keofa
B«t Ua baby as aat bit whole
loot aad Uay Uiak Ua iofa
araadlBfabaraaryaaebi Ztkfak
to faara
•aarafabt. aad baa] tbas to sarkat
tM«t» M a<
My aaaaa ia Haiy
k altar Noo Tav\i, aad I eoald
lir. A»t%bl waa a te»arliri«
Tfi*tn« Cl>f.JsU.IS.
Onaliuto'^ waa trying fa laU
■r niotbaf baw baantifdiy a srUin
id) eoald trill io aingw«. sd aaidt
Db. mamsa you oagbt to baw brr
gargla Sba dos it to vary, tary
Das Eoma—I tbonicbt I wonld
Tito a lew Ifaaa. baeans I has
Cheap Homes + TPailor.
For Your Clothes.
•srsiUsbfawa laswdlud
logo faioot it,- aaid Hotaod -if yea dost
bopt yoa era tba ansa
1 go to.
udlirwHiw—a» mcoad waalaata lit sbody a booasa
oabool and audy rsdiag. ariUsaUe,
laudidMa lor »tfa
sd writing. X
dad EotM ibooght fa otbar
-OOM.' h. arid to Horaaa »bo
fas b lady tstbwi bar nasa ia,
uaaHwiliac Irraaolobud Ml da tfaaga btfads tba dfaeosry. H. Mtoa Uobotia I Uka bw rwy wdL
lirwliillopartica.aad trykofat bad has Uiokiag aias it bawaa Wa has praity oaar 40 adiolan fa
hoM. •Z^'o fo a»d aaa *M Bm oridaotUfaUoyeoold si gat boas
adKwlsdllikafagosrysDob. 1
HoroMbrUii tiaa Ufa aighu fa fail good UUar sd Las Una faoUara
Now 1 will
aad Uair aaxfaty oe aeoMat
had bteoM tlnd au«ck ot kba nb
toll wbat I got Iw Gbritisat
HUia troak fros ny
aavateg th« croud wift
CaiaclaBOMh traabiata aamra
ihaoha took oat baa Iba aatabal
■haMuiualtMr dmaar ud Iba
had ahot. aad Wd tbaa
lalha UUla tbiakol.
Tbu ba pat
•hanMdklatotbaaatabal rod Uad
Prims—“Tbosai told tba mas
• Iraa*,
Ibuk (Mt I
••rll mat
' Til.lki-tiv Ifv <1 r> (
seaiiag that ha waa a adf-sada Vvtr
KUl'r tnewt, nfrIwVft S nt |l ~ '
- -■Bu "
ftoenndot—-Vary ooWa of
aim to taka Ua atioto btosaon biuTba'Uet Ur. Pnuruaar
wife it going iwtt oe a riait Pobd
of disga 1 as '
Braan: -Yoo woold Usk s il RmOnod ComfltUi rVowgk Cfa.
'Wbat did bit aioUar do r ko
yoa a w bar goisg tbroogb my sek
broUw fa Chfaaga and a afaa dras
(w of LanAt.
UoagbU-wfasabagot boos, Uod
att arary nigiit.*
^d i bouia of poHoas. sd - n«a
bos bs day at Ua villagd fa lad
litUa dory book, and a nis pair of
Do DOI go ws w Bobs i
Ufa fa ws any. ao oo« ksw
'of iobg aUb^-grobd
toarawbd Mifaigs eSm iMdligst
Uaek silU, ud n sU and loto of
I falbar-t dofa.
GradsUy a .»ato of bit aandy sd noto.
' rmara Ts so do faatoar wiU Its
I es't (Link erf
■ fa aot toUtegbtrfa hit uy of Ua nat MW. J will toU ycu
•OMT asm boas.
ttahhatriaca Itet ba had U bia pspoatd Irasp oa Ua bilfa swa fa
foahat oad Mi tMl dan alia.
nbovt sy pau.
botUayaraallwadbatooa Tbdr
ara Ibbby sd Baoay and
•kttapBiWfaahaarbatathadac Iboagbba would hardly adsil Ufa Topty. Ifasooewiib Urslaga
biaiitl, ba aacstly wiabad that ba
4«d.*«U U. atirtadly. “wMi ws tiad fa tfa bod pofa fa boat.
Mi MaaT
* bT fa
Look at tbaaa
fabMabaaalbay faokad.
Imp. GeMnau.
-Wa sofa faap ap a
blai^' ha
aaid.-to heap tfa oo!d offsd tfa
My LilUe Nephew.
Mrtm. Mkui
Una-.Otail.vrs: I ulu i
fTMl klaan u mtlljisf l< Wkstf •( twi,
UlbmlMtMa BM.Urrr. MavkctMi)
BitaarCv* BMkiM
I lu uMr
tkti I
VMr ««a .eer, nrOKikt bvl«r« V tftv tv
CWMKIW IlMr.nvMfkut tMvnv
t vv
MtvnvilvnvN *IUl billvutMM. Iviirwuw
v»« >■« vUlvv
Uv Mil. tM xm u b*
ku •!> BO.'.k.'CHkV, -.MIBFVl.kM I tvrl II
B> tatr IV Mill; Ik II. brkkil M vUvn Bk.
Kl’ktCLL. Ckktrktlor
Erwafa PwTtw Boabwm ia a sty
Moaaatbar pOaaaliuk aad wolasaadbaan too.ifUwa'a sy isagistis akild.
fa fata^affad, with whiob
X will write agaia if Una dos
gat without s aw*ws gattfag
HCthoNfaButhia louraida.
I't thfak of sy sora
dJfar faUiag a long tisa fa ailss not raaeh Ua waaU faaUat
I will
4e faaifad ap fa pat tans wood u fail ys my aasa aad aga Myaga
' •fdbattfawoodUfalfayooald
Tary truly yonra
gafa' to fako I
latoaaa udoaa iM'a fa
fa aea a arwy.day bafwa
-faat sayba U^ll
naO Ua pock tasght, s Bonaw Uay ataitad to ga fa aekool and by
aayway. aad I fad s Uoogb Z aaafa
aavtbfa babra> tba laaaaa « tba ipaU fa ssabody.
fas good fa sa Bod.
faMi ^MU
Bat-naaat ba
aalkdsaoidBs Potfar-a boy. aw
aaaal aoon
triad to fay all Ua siaebial fa sa
•aad w»y
anH him, ba wonld (raw tba Uas
Tm's alnya aloag wiU bit lags, aad sake op
Ta srir Ua afary s be waat along wiUont
baabaa bid tba daar ia tba a«a»
afappiag w toofaag «• tba book.
BVkrvt Ikkikt 11
,11 Bk.k cniruMv. kkt a
Aa ibaj look don tba howda
rad ia both boya w«a awy
MMoaiMat wMtiMj mw
Cbapfaotwaaae dark aad tba d«y
lifbtaotBfat tbataalf tba oatiiaa
•tahfafaaaoald baaaaa: bat Jicfalaca aafabari holdi^ it far fa
ffaV woM aaabtad to aaa wbat tt
■u-aMtfa ura at *fatia.abaat
■fa pwda aqaara ia tba fartbw part
arfaaadaaoat la. faat b^..»d
^tuaoaM taoardafa tba or
^Aapfaaa w«a two fat piga. ap
baah Iraw tba batabarb
a tbay
(IbfasWtowd I
___ T-—-
•Oa^a-ay.' afad4a •fat'a aot
as yn
Vbat iatb. mMmI
fa fa tbata.*ud Bow.
« fa Ua Bstur s X bora
sit Mis4s
«b«ayh waa,pat faa afaM i
Ba aaS
m. ZgM
• by girfag
od tfas ^ ia tba Twnttry.
■fad laligbt tfafa •» •
Data Ms. Bus—1
1 ^faabat tfay aafad aot ga fat
Bold wrifa a law lias fa Ua HsanaadU. wskstte
euasZhas aotw wtfas bdfaa •oofa. Ifaahafafadrmbiacs
gb aasa of
sy Uttto oo^ aad fas
bsatbfa bsfadMn. Z Sba fa
MarfaZasdfatba tfardisteafa
f«M. MOkcU, Urvr Cin|ISHS«aS
-kf .1 .--twn.lrtiil.Bgfc
rum eroghvT vts. aav. war Ototto.
■pr^NTEMEPi. r
Cnn Hitlcn lit nib.
.Wbfam yw^w^
Tboli^ atid aosnf a Obisgo
t ysrfat had ^aot tfa graatorpwboa fa Udr tisa at tfa olws don
lowabwaarsfa d^ aod fa bad
got ttond fa il
-WaB.* fa sU tfa
1 «naa la fan t
o. B.
isd Ua toltwB Ifal wafaUaHs-
Baa warnAAA Sa»(«tlH«akkB.MS
tost) Tur AMI iHa matt tiBUHsi.
Mmmm mBeyui Lifer Cure
wMppad tki^Ai* wbippad ti
aad yst Uas ia a bst aad
i»fa|HIai aa b waa.aad
'Till-; wi:i:kl,v
Yonng tody (st yaebti»8l--WbT
wfal it the mattor. Oapi. Qaartarr Cbptaiei -TS bet to, sy
Tonng tody, ww’fe tirofcs oor
mdder.'^Yoniig lady; “1 wonldat
worry ebont Ust; it to sstly aodw wator oaybow. yon know, afait
too-l Kidy paoptoTl aoUs it-"
ages, bat. Uay wsid aatga bat tfa tows ofCblifotmiaaram
ptosd wowad tba wadr to tfa
Ba Vbippad
ZwiDdsafwUto I
CMdfw Cry fcr PHcfai >s Cntorii.
aaras tfa big wSw aad loU-
firist Mill and Saw Mill. '
Uas »1 Uay d! wst'
Tfa good oos aaid ys, aad Ua bad
Zgo'to «
-Ban. htb dt aaarytkii
.iK: ^3:Sk-«;r52-£i
WUt ihit eoentry naadt w fa pey,
■oca attontMB lo Ua amell aeono-
Ha wkippad tfas.
My pnpa tabs tba ss Sid M
■us. aad I Jtka to raad tba aad wkippad
• aUaTOnagleika Uas. aad Uay wtod, aad wtod, aad
m wa aada oar ita,- aaU
10 ■ .'i
Pltch«r'« Cavtoria.:
Children Cry for
^t^r*a Cavtorla.
<>rr .S/w*
Wfaa Uay aasa
OsaJfama-I tfawbt Z wonld
alaaid al da^
lertog Ua room,- 111 dirida Ua coo- bamar
Os of ts twd
aoto are aary aiobboro tbinga
* AU yas arigb-------- of them wouldn't go to aebool, Sid a ksbead fa hU wifa -Are met wiU yoQ: I will fira (ba reat of Konbn
Our LMtor Box.
: beta who bart tried oer work haw Ibay
ist jStpfaTodotUBd tbaerskfa Uey! " afa aswarad. -TIsb wbat bis’ sd ba did
--------------------- i-----------Ills it A Poas Oon. Staalltr rs to
Uss ow.rs to. ur..
Ua wooda Wbs Uay ssa bosa a fad yoa sofa fa.'
Children Cryfor
Data Eanoa-^ tbeiqtkt Ufa I Uair papa skad tbts if Uay aU
OkUkO'l UltBI OlIBkk Ct«xk Cirt 1. IkV
woaldwritoa latfartoUt Hbua.
adMoL aad Uay all add
My papa faks tfa Hsu* ud I ys. but Ua good bc^ tdd tbdr
A> Sravkkl * C. •
M r
Ufa to raad Ifa btUa afarfat aad fat- papa iMot Ua bod osa Ufa dnUY
fan fa Ua yoos lolka
Tbw^ 1700 hotbaadT in Sow
•Mi. gotoadtod.and bawbipimd tfas.
Iwk who It u ttotod, era anpeofiad
Mypnpakst4hsalasfariag)ob.|sd wUppad Uas. oad wb^
by tbdr wits
andsysassaaadawttoarasok tfas. sd Uay ariad, sd wfad. aad
tog. ThayfaraKusfasofclw. otod. Nwt day S ast ibos all fa
Vow I Uiak I WiU dos by os dog •UeolagaiBi tba good omo wst,
soad agaohtob tolOyoara 1st Ua bad ss wonldn t ga bot
-ca.T. “ESk.
I of tbaawaot fa aebool. aad
joS pUyad arosd tba ersk ia tfa
wa tkf kfitMka A a, I to I.
Ik tkrM
tkrvt <«rt
4t;p *I
»v kkV
kkv • trM
-Oh. Emoa.' sid yonng OonatW-^
jasper, dropping s bo bnsa
“Your bSDty trs my baart"—“My
danghtar.' raid old Wbototato. s-
ba fadlonrtos
IV kkk ikv tia kv w ikt
beya aad fa ast Uas all fa aeboot.
. addias
ITr aroe-f to raWraoU.
iVr7..rri..7^..T ki".
■weluaw'a Aroiea aaiva.
Tba fdlowiag it Ua oaly os of
kon and Paras Bdward'a fofaa ia aU bia afaritt tbal 1 mold rtstmbw to
ted altarwardt:
j^MlikUkavt ivcvBBvkltll kvir
If yoo fate a poor mw get a (hiaf aklu Bite v< Tv krrkv. v vat knuv kvk
*X«akaa«nifad Wd aooaafa Ua fcfaada Ps got tesd Ur Oas
aaa what «a aooU lad.** mii HerMB.
Fov Boohe. Rapt.
tsto. shoo) andebnrdis. ii
■iLR auvt so kivea ntia
Itt. Wkrkrr-IMrkii Lkvl OviA b; ckliaru
m tkkvk VDVk *llk ifek BMk-k. ktl.k ltd
at v< tkcB kiik -tti M tvu{kt
nr wavi
a(lbapfaaabfaenilc<M' hta dark
-Hod' aaid 4a attw awbifa. -I fwiablytuA fare book aad raad a
faifas Td battw toll ya wbat 1 Uiak atwy fur n. dffar toraiag orer tba
•^tboaghtl kualbiamBtafa
Ustp^ XtHfaloudowt IsTS util ba would Ind a plan fa
Btsloefc. afa.. and are woU daSod by
Itfcaa rirai* aod brookt.
btroagana ks arapa badUy ell-
Actvtkkvv v'lkcitu-rkMlWIkita'
isBVk $•« bvvkik Ikrvkck M kvw« A krv
Di nilek rui» •kvrilit; kkra kll
■vncki kM M». tatfltlM-. pM.casIkkvk
Cvvqlklrk S BVS. klMik. cUItjCV
BkIMl. Bil4«kl.kkM< Rtk Ck.eo*. BkB.
wowsaFUi evau
ny of aniactafaiog s ba woold ia- soedaga on Ua dap. I
tbar baMad fa apaa tba door dM.aadssa”
No arebUMl its •
that depot iba top of t
-Will yoo allow so to row ys
lows tba ttrsa of Iito. UaryT-Oo ooa eonditioa Jut r
“AndUetii-Tbal yoa will allow ma fa atsr.'
TUay ttepped on board.
“1 basnt bsrd of Uas bai^ iaglbtmooloraboak. Bosdbia
' ' s far afaag tisa” bttto faroUar, ^ba D . uiad to
faa%-aaid Jo.aad«hhaacar aari.
Timbared sainly wiU
BoU Elm. Baatwoed,
Ha will iarst
bttto Sorts aad prafaod faiarsd-
tba baagfa"ronad bwa*
laedineh. dry aed gaoUy teliing.
1 fats foar onto,
Ua night ad-
ShaabafuaharA arbana an vaoead fa daikasa aad faors, al
TikDoeKsomDo llab
itoPABY 22, \m
mUh m
ted twe titotOBB* gl^. Add
torr. gf^ « )<Mh
^ aaaaba bila,bat lateaa to do dear aaagh oo Aajr way b* roUad
r aaly tea doM aot ana I
howto geabaat ntonriag, fat
li^ fctihM gHiM X wB amntr plate coat ■
Triad Oten Witteto Egg*—I
M tafotta loM Maa tea taty in wad* Mad oaka wiibeaB agg* m.’^MtwtrTa^nw^*tiTiSn w
teBpaatew te^aaM teat vffi
Me w nwx w aafaue. rwaw m aw*
■a»*w al rTTH*M, tecfc praUy mi
at of tea aaaa wtoayaaf a
by tte raipw Oaetelf oap
IM« IIIIWI B« nlT *MaM M *MWBm ud mam *» wrviiy awMB am
Matr, pte aaai bte f*i7 litite. wttegaadUg goateto, aad Maaa riwao JHmriM A Xaato 0ftto aaai with a toaigSoa of aab
a nM? *
« aaaab to aBp oa aaMly o«*r
dinoind b it. a ap of owato milk.
teadraawate. Tte bat batoqa*
6M (tea half apa«f wa^.hU*^
Twn PonioaCor a Wifa
M te tetea bmA te a aaateg kateat. of tte aaa. with ooa* toog
tfoam aalt aad asteag. Add door
aaabahai«MI*r tt aMte. (That waniid toad, ad a oaall wtagaat' AwoagtteTblbabwa awaaaargh to mk* (b* d««h a UUb
latiMIpaUteaM) Xtea «ite agattba teb. awkag aot oaly a tba owly owa wMawbawte poMuaa boa ter | wala, a bdb i'
gU. Mat «r
aabUbata gaadtoaktog
> waA a 10 gaaba aad 00
rrur omu eT !>»»*».■■* noM**Iht •. ..
lad. ta aalt tea 1^. TUa «0i
L 8te M a ratey day oetoiM
•«■« «•• «r *M «M» *« *■ MB
yaka. Tte priea to te paid lot tte
aaat Xliaate agard, aadaMgard
wUab atTHgid by arabtir* or a
dateiDM oraaga pb
wabt arfldial OawteabetiM
lal, Md te7 te* tedte
anligiMd prateat teobadytna
■tarth wHk a bUb otod wMr. ud I!:« ti4rr. B** !■ al«*r« fBmrt Iw
pMteatfteMta (Tha amM aaa tte want to tte vary toaa, aad whleh tte aaly wanbga MMoay
tmm -M Mi.-^tMalari
gtMd aptn botag a tag a tte gte it tot* a oop of bailtog wabr aa-I'm wnm onwikai I
bagataalhawraag teda) AlUU
hrid^raow MB aSord tokap H op. UlMIbbkna Wba aold add tte
MMkimmmm ■»>.
■aefl^ «a h* Had to haap IW
ta Itbbnry
Tba Ufa of a Tbibotaa wom
jateofoM aoar onuinaiittb of
aafacMteabaltoto tegla**. Mol tt, a kab ahift My ba i
r. M ai wa •aaca. I
thb part of tte oeOatry oaac
1* • W* duM* It AytiTr
bar mh* toft Braa MBa or «Mb- white will aaly raate tte kaaaa. aad
art wai
doMad a tted oaa. Ska aaka tba tte yolka of two ogg* Bake with
ateaadatov^te lha«HM tf tte atraata an-apbtey," a gab of
taa.bat with tbat tte boaaakaL,.^ OM cnwt to a alow one. Wba
tateteteaM^MMa «U tec bateer bggi^ bottoaiag to tea
aada; tor ao oao arar draoM at doM teri tte wbita of tte __
tetoagk. Kaite tea tog with
kaa aboaM b* addad. Uttenba
rlianiag tte tettb aftarward, oad with a apooafal of eogw, to a-Mff
Icffiofgo^tOriHtel hMt. talB^te- gtajadba agatoat tea oHagtog tighu
anryoMMtowii bb on taaia- froth, ofwaad it oa tte ptoaadfareaa
aard. tW aokaaratea with ra*- pair of kabkarbotean aa te nbEnty loor or An yaan aba alighUfto
TM;i I
alad«%Hof Htte tea mm teada aUtaUd,aadio.g woola Uggtoga
0»'KClu'i: .< lto. »1 nwS.'!!ib. V»_
aa tea ianff teaaia tad iaatM ta rapba* tte wora eoaUy baiter My bat* to aw a MW ahaapokto
gon few terarif a BOW* of bar towtea rarr tog o(. tea
tetof batogto kaap
Mtetaarata] Uttla goteata et tea tte aaaba dry. DMg. ooid aakba Uy, bat aot ottaM." 8b» oaaaot
hwd lb* Mttb or *b*ag, aa aato
taWt ao*atwd with tea aat or
on ooa of tte aoat fraitfaV
'a rogue, ratbar tbaa iha roMd box
Iteaadiahbad with a hrow
oftteaaar aihawria dUottog tte do Chat, a than b dai^ Iroa
Of olA oaa awdly ba mda tbaa
Mteea,aad tealH to Iba aida* of
awiea girb who an aadar*. Bb* paaM ter Um aptortooM of tebtol bowd 15x7 torii
thaboteaL Saw a Maty HtUarib teika, typawritan, at*., awn tte niag yaro, wattog a eoara klad of a. Boil ooa pbea notU lb* oodt
boa botrae that* aadalao tj* a rib- •tnata at aonitog. aoa aad ai^l, oMk oat of wbiA baga an wad^ orwtop aa took aod aUtah thaw totaratiiga
oad—daabow OB Mh bHdU. ICaka oMy baU pa.aatad Iroa wad aad
gtoter. Lto* tLii with •Dk, tb*
Inyiag too ttnebu rarwia.
a gto aateiCB aftbar Mtbatodi
aad aitoar teaggad don
■t ny of dciog thb briag to
Bar tmbt raqaira ranaagiog
wef tbaaOaia eotatad with tea by hoidiag ag b^ary akbta with
p*M th* aad* of tte liatog orar oa
(OMdeiterwaiMara tbaaeorara alratoad aaiala a laadaad abar- oa)f foor or At* Uwo* a yaar—wba
wtaideor tbaprtotol bard to-. DR.J.C.IYE8&C0.,Uiil,Mm.
ttte,forte* Mt or »wate «aa U teb ba tte thought of tte -a<9, aop,
*U InaoW,
Wi ..nnl-. .
toir. Bar Aildta enaot oatgrow $tma of arriagil. Mow paU •'
^*Milk« *• >« A* vB m«» MiMt ••. boi«ht tor IS eaato a yard, ribboa aog,- of tbab teat trayiag draa
•teight atrip of ailk aboat four in
«taayard.teeaodg fanidaoBtbadMywalka. laaeoa- tbtor ototbaa: Itey ban oaly to bt aha wide mod th* adg* of tb* box
oot a UUb o( tba fold of th* gowa.
t6eMta,Mttefortea toM lika tteooadaaeribad
galhw th* otter adg* of silk, draw it
ratetef for aboatlS eanta.) IbM with tba «ba*wta nally briagt a that naiqa* garwat laekad ap op ebiriy Uka a bag. aad Aaiab with
aroaadtb*wto*t,aadttwiU fit ttew
add a babyb Uttla wMte ooab tad btebg of dobght, tba a wo
bow. Oorw tha oatoids of tba
aatU Itey an gren ap —
laate. white can U bo^ht for te aibriii of tte ailaatica.
box with plarik. ailk. or what b
b*M U to 60 aaata. A gMrd« gaff
or. riaaipad laatbar or white kid.
tad boa, a bos of Mfaty ftea. a boa
with MB* derigo patotod oa it, or
SigDitlcant Triftaa.
To 06 Popular in tooeiaty. awbroiterod lo gold er aUrar cord.
of dM wbtte Cbteilf oaa^ or Hy
otear Itttte oitaete fte tea toitet teat
•a doat Hte bar. Xaaaa,’' aaid old . To onnne wall it b aaaaaat^ Maka ap tte remaiatog piece oi briaUn.'Bbaig.daktogbarbaad. ‘«ba bat JOB oboold ten tba art of db toi board ia iba mbi* atMOW. only
eonrtog what will iolaraat tba par tbri >t muat te aoough aailiar to fil
I aoBfaa teara la Hy aaMut of wal do, av *«»■“ “What aaka •OB with whaw >oa ara talktog aad lootriy torida th* Arat OM wbea AayoB aay ar aaid faaa H* bad
dteoty teteia a aioUiw may iMka
ti^AIlkiDdtofJnb Work ioSbeet Iron BH.1 Tio’inoae on
that yoa wO) kaow bow to drag tk* iriiad, aad tte ootaida eorariag my
for bar baby.
Tba auaibar aad taiaraad traa aaoorttog bia Anaana ' nbjaet Wba it baooDN* Uraabiar. be of tte atmrmxtari*] a* tte Itoiag
8borf Notice b* CoiD|ieteot Workupn.
ttyU of fowBC abd obga ttot a baby boaa. aftar a rWt ate bad pdd bia
>er*r to tet a aprabl lad of yoi Wba AaUbed tba box lie* uo
How to CloUw Um BbW— My geaaM ia tegioa. bot tor
on b* lb* oa* aebjaet tbat yoa (id*, tottaad of staodiog oo cad
-Wall, 1 oaa aa aba b oelidy a*d
ap Lam to ba all tttogi
dothaaiMold atylaofcBff bo:
Tk«7M «M( • |wtt7
MO wbo faM to am for tba liute dbotderiy, aad wba a woano'a that aU paopi*. To attod partoaalitba
^70Wl«b7% mbA. iUkm Um
laridathr liaiag atealj beq tbia
OMaetMybybMalf. aad garbaga aba'a vary apt to te aaa aDetbiag
Mmi OwM ow i«Hp («ilter te
' aadar tha artaoa A earaba- or nry dee dad ogiaioai oa aoy aab kyat of coUoD waJdfcg, plaalifuli'
Bttaad to boaaaboM dstiaa alo
Warraated beat to ibeiaarkat. by
}*ct- Yoc doa'l waot togira a lir- ■pnakleJ with faebat powdar.—/><j4|^ er
iiiufe) «f vWto M|ibly kapt body aad a caralaaaty hapt
trxM/ Tribunr
TratMcrtw ia^wid* $»6 lh«
m. T3. -WAIT
aod uaaaUy go togatbar.' “Why, ad* agatoat dbkoaatoT to a
wbow faUm diad ie ■tota'a priaoa
(Pioneer^ (^nxg Store,
I to tea waathar). Btotbar,''ratoraad tba yosag man.
tor forgtog aoto*- Toe doa't want
«grtd«ift*Ula kMti Aontta
both aorprbad aad etegriaad. “1 an
Of eooraa in Amari:* il i« imp>i
Tnrtrw pitr, Bica.
to objaot to tba dinro* bn wba
MUrMtUtttrip. ThMMkatvo
aanABabbaiwayt prattily draaad
den tea froal, tor teoy an a
wn .tdpk c< Ik*
tba BMui ym an talktog to my ten.
aalaa om lire* M*r wbers it it
to gat oe aad tofca oft
Tkrm ami adlookawalL
bd a diroroad wowao.
lM«a,««BMM»*b)w. BaMdBoaiifacturad.
daBBol tebU for atarr-doy
-So ate b. bot Jtmm aba b aot dal WMit to talk aboat bbaebad
« murn of irUUi, «hh fclte'
two Am <
at. TbaaaniiUbthiagtni ad- hair to a wowao wboa bait b pro why it tbould oot be mida at boiM
n*T' • tw>d
»T •xr CI><> »rit«a.
kHfta don Ite mm« e( tkM
I< Xml MKit aiiaracaanM UMfM wa
for tb* beat qorlily of Itritoc
aadttoa* iteaiK teirto tor a%bt ait, bat yea kaow atnwa abow tba^
.< to. ts <r«r. W>llX«ai «r Blrll mvrr.
aoBBoedly ytolow. oor to diaeaM
nw*lto«Ui*BMpatiM wMK
aim Wia< *a4 an.
roai aamoliao ia uaad. or half
naHor foot whtto tefata, wtod'a dinetbe. Wtee ate wa
Bialiar ar <n.n fara. LaCr'a •• Onto alu.
bow tojarioa* b togar and powder
VttkkfciMBtfipWMbM*; jctB
lieo aad half aheat floor, but it loay
aaatly Aabbad ^ taaba aad tdg- bwa 1 aotbad bar teaat pit wa OB
to tba wowa wte u wada ap b
te oiadt rary walJ
ordiaary bread bt rarlwcnU wa^l «’b? Xiatoaa C O tt . wiA
iag. Om hilf'iinaM aMbrb Uipa awry, a battoo wa arioatogfrom bar
‘OteloTMa rite teaia wban teo or ataggora. with at laM tear pratflora and, wara atiU, aaotba (raw heart yoa my objaet to all tfaaaa floor To Bake it richer c;;g* ar*
hritolHgoOMM. Maka a bordto of tylttb----afton added. Fur tbe aarauQ
ha boot. Bar boaM atriag wai Ibtoga, bat yoa an aol gitiag
ptoaad oa. aad than wa a gnaa jwMia jart oow to wbtt yoa tbiaki kat it il load* with ^gi
iMm of dabaato Mat toba raaia
To OM poubd
flour add
aoM athH aoft aagtiyi. Two or
tba Ifoat toaAh of bar yoa an aiwply waktog yoaratof
agg. well beateo. aod auougti wxlar
tetM BtUawaaka teattod of wool cAirt.’- JawM toa^ir^My. -AU
pbaaat to aom* ooawhow yoa ter* lowakaateUrr tbtt no ba rollad
• SyvBftofbryaa Mg (ateMtea wOloboba toaadof gnat aarrMo.
wwgaaefalittb tbtoga.wotter.yoa wto today ad caay oenr
•. teM
rril oat tbia oa tte paatry boanl aad
Two doBMaada hag dbp« wfll wight ten orwbokad ttew. aad
•gws. Talk aboBt Egyptba t
haiMtoMdoatwbaralaiMd. fto- ba BBtewaat. Tba d-gM aboaM
yoa woold, I bahara, oaly ya war* wba or FtWMh poUUoa^ bow ceAida eat to Btripa. Dry to the na.—
§mt tetetowida.
Cot. Good Houttkttyin-j.
n.M^.a' aeJ 4t*ana<aiX 'r
ba awla of ItoM. la ita waktel aaiioH to A^ awathio)
grow, tba tet MW {day or tba Utato
MteateaUiga laMatea^ myUi
boon tba toiBDt b Htarally toaBa with ter. Erary om yea a
aaw aoag: bat on good Eagibh,
A New York phtaieiae ayi that
«r Uh» teaa Mi of white tea
ad to BM ba <Mba BCMtoatly.
wight ten ban tte naalt of aa ae- •paok a if yoa wan iaterattad, and tte eooataot ebewiog of guB bu
teateottoagaheaU wotba ao bag idaaLliodi to foottacB
tba yoa will gain what yoa waat—
dMllM daiaty* a4bto
ba aad awghtj at to graaaat thte Iba
oaoaa of yoaag gtrli to that city. He Ckka«a Xzaraa.. aurt. ca
Hb owtoar wgbad, bot i
intotioa of teiog a eteratog Bu*t b* laiaULeo- Tte girU had
■Bdate wWto bateat terih. Oat abor* wiU do for a otoid till ft b
• ao, wy daar
la aoobUy.—Ztodte' r
weak niodt baton tbay tegaa to
m teate tea ditete *taa
Comwr Front anri Oaaa Strwwta,
toaror AraMtteold. IC«t
—I wea't ay ow oaly yao waot paratew gam.
CaKxca Kip n.a wrUi.coi
IM tea a^ aadtogad to
an-abattoa’'tea ahOdnaaboat teb dew m if I ay a wowao, aad aopaag^tetote gotot bMag -ytond.'
it bvary bittar aold bDy a yoaag giri. wbo ba a yat ao
Economical Kocipas
ft b'aot atoa todo
The Voice
Qei 4herg
Cherry Pectoral
Magical Effect
Barbed Fence Wire.
Carpenterft* Toolsa
Builders’ Hrdware.
*. .
Nails. Stove Shovels,
> *
Hydraulic Rams,
Dynamite «xd Fue.
Fishing Tackle.
Plumbing. Steam Heating
Furnaces and Blister.
Gas Pipes, Steam Fitting & Pumps
BnirsCDiUtii Fmllers
«...«*£ :rr
One Dollar Weekly.
(JFioiee: fTamily
pi® Groceriesa Provisions
Gnu Ripids t lUlMi G. R
Booty Soop-Tbb ioap b Tory
la to pnaat bar to n
aa garb to tba world- good tad way b* wada ia aa boor,
a woold bata laAead la two qoarti ot wabr pat two
Haw MifiiiK—dMbradgahaaa to pat Iba wbwag battom book, tte poaad* of roaad otak with boaa,
•gaiytaiMteo gtoaaat awbraidaadoM-foortb of aoapfat aaoh of
toaaadban. Itb toraaataraad
tortog oaeoitoy to. aad ategpad potato**, toraipa ad oabtoMynUgrattbr. JihMH
, aad too tabtepooBfab cl rbw
to ban tokM out tba groaa aeot ”,
Mrittobo; it b bn iigiMiri.
Tte yeoEg waa aw BO fiaw to tte alt awl poppor to UaU, aad if yoo
Tbn. too, a Mtear dabghta to Mk- gk)te|iMd.aadMarrtodl
ten oriaiy add a littia of it eb<^
bggrattytebga tor kar darba«a, ■rily. tat today bb iQ kept boow, pad fiaa. Oook OM boot, fcaaptog
bad if aba htoa tewr atoibite with with iblbonaad aad oMi
walw ODOogb ia it to fora two
IbaabofateacH bafateagbnara 00, kapt fratoi aad gnn to kb qaarb of Map It b hattar to add
AMgaaatteMdgral^ tU^to of Mfctog teM aatealy. a*H to tea >aaory bb wba old wotter'a www
Bob oatw •• wUl b* rtqoirad tor
batawbMtlwfey b aaaan
tog- Aaab'a bub eatooa nya that tteooopatoaa Ifbb^poaat^
•bteia aoMMly Mlted a ^
teragiewa to te yoo ten aot added aoogb at firat,
AbMkbyfaaby^tary ngtdly, tte groawt olntinkam
Itiaa acA BWa gate to I
hmtte wataryoo iatoad to add
ao it b oaabM to ataka gnat qt
•fta tea obOd wbM tte^ ito I
of nal troabb to teraU aad >0iV
lb* af atolktofr tor tea* wfU
togaag. UteateoagaMHotte
ibitela Oak* Witboet E*ga^—
tooMBlIfarit. Eaoagktokaag
teMhowlitooatea toUaaadglaM
Tte otUob tbat ate toBodtotate Paaibly a yeag beaakaapw
waataadabM b all teat b aaea toyar of aattn battik »nr OM
b Um ka bit tte wbol* wto> of ter
aatvy. aad tea tiM teat b oftaa
Uto dtoattn aad with anted oadi
dnretod to Mwi^ weted babrbattbobottoagOM frow ha boot tew aatogga Ua a eop oagw, om aop
teMbaaartea tog, afaa btotte M tor ^Mt b giftog bate Mdter aiM
~ ter daily, aad tte graaa ^ iear.ahaUaop aoro otanh, a hMf
aaatetnrtiy. XatetteaaMateawM.
b tte treat koaadih hagrewa wd ap batter, a half cap awte wSk
ttetog a bag a>d af aaghgr awd TM
------- foor Jommt It mm
ftbaw tog to battow, ba«^ «
id a Itttb thti« to hte Itet hw bbe
<tehte Wdbaal Bggo^-OM ate
A Puain—a Womut’a
■to tortog atecllig ter dtegtod, ahoUaapo wWto o^a, half ap
layftoawM awly gbwtol to. bat tetoar, tedf aap lard, OOP aear wOk.
-Aba. br tba aaow tbat b i
■ew twit tte fbaa of rowan of
M aaow.” aigfaad » My tea otter
tea aaatea ttoa^ to tea tog ■
nwariaad wartteip ba toaldad
toitetotoh nM^ywf Btote fiate
MaMteaMMtaigte at teBnt dmd tteiiniiwl a -ntanti
bttea iMtotodnat aboat
Md. Sateto* tw* ttetebto too wtioa-tf Mad, ban white tea
ahebtobbgaohto araml tobb
Ate. IbteaaapaaAofbata
kMAteMtoabaw.awdtbayaheaM Ir bbd to haag ter tebb, bft wUte oaat. Aad poor Aooiil Aowatgo tar. tewwa aagto aad mtona
\ to tbt te aMMa
dbMMto tel MCategMdMMteteab
Vtotea^aeay.* Ttoa^WMba
Banbaatog *gr «
iMtod hr Mag toaaad to aM bteMgaadby* bateM a
Ri^ ofall to LcaaMtog Pwwar^U. A Go*^ Kapwt. Aag. ty. xlH
Ckkags t West MIcRieae R'|. TRAVERSE CITY,
aabrtoarafUM HUb «
m.Kfm gntoc. dMMaa Md wSd
raaaa BtvaftBaftotteaa oraa««wteeatoaMdtea a^ ao M
ilwai faB to a tA bMtote tea
If yoa
MteMkaaiaan bnafgala&
Mbbto aM toteaw to tlw teV* (%M
haadaonMofteaalgbaa. U gaa
hwa* wQd roMi Mha a bow of a dri-
font* of Skin aad Scalp Diaeaaaa.
Serafeloiia Son« and Swelltogi, ana
^ by Dr. I^rcw'i G<4dea MedRri DuaoTerT, wdiicb porifln aad
earicte* the blood, aod U.rongh it
dnana aad mewi (b« a bolt tyoa. Evea Laag-actofala (known
Paltry CoaampUoa) riridi
K,if taka to time‘and pv.
to triaL' It’i pmmtud lo b
for it, ooald be told
Mo other medieto.
1 todtod wite r
Timam 0«ar«t.
I lakfi itTCt Otamf. Jmrnit «. I«n. a‘ aaa
K<p awitti
r » rare
Tattar. BaK-rbeaw. Eeaeeia,
tftea driad a batf-waA aad. aad a
with a few ezeeptiou, sueb a* CaaBod Gouda and Dried Fruito
Traverse City Iroa Works
Engineers and Machinists,
riaa, BoQo. Onritoneln, &
Gtotn.'or'ndek Keek.
Gtoeda, ToMon and
and SwriliMa
OfcatoEaitog Utocn rapidly, hnl
Wa___-«rTWwft BBm
fTlimlar HDla Lawtow T^tewan. BMm
STmSZ Mbritetari. ate a Wl I.Mri MtH>ariM te
Wa Xm te Botoa tooa awiatT af Owatiagi la to a* Patoy*
HomstWofi I
wltoJ!!rLh^ytji5tr*^?^*^'*bitiM atri eto«* MIU teppHo*
tm'Oang Xdttn.SatcOiiUaani DrnhU tcling Bel
fPorh a Special^.
rt of dark btoate^Mi
arteaa bar oadtoary atrat gewm.
Iteiiiaai g b aaanww'
rwaadte* betua, bat it b toad
wMk batear, a
“Bill McKinley.”
(io to F. Darikls sad get yoitr Groceriea cheaper tbaa ever
other reatOB.
So poaiUrriy (wrtato'kr‘^to*ita
waken to ariteg it, at they we d
. OfiHaTKK,
Only .
X b ctoteed
1 neb leran.
beaide* |h*
which bare advaoced AOtoe—owiag to a aotrcHf, bnt for ao
F.ult fi.lt Liiw.
m u fitoito*. wM. «*. M.
ABsounear ms
w.„fcrT..-.n i,..iri.ii.^^Ma.
«n ooold woo Dame tetaao.
Beal Estate, Insurance
Tbo WoyBito Welt.
thkkae waamd meeel U
koowwhtohwttwM tba key to the
aebool honw to DkA Bo. 4. army
1 em atoo tram Booth Oerolton.
ferwa of lettma mtd Um death of type writ* that natoeked my werid."
my poor toveUd wUo ^ oew lalHot baahaad aod talbw aoaww,
bed bom tbe ahook naoMeoid by
tbe abdoetton of oar totoat daogbta. broogbt ma oorth to praottoa Our Dtoappoorino Forosis.
kw, tor from toe eemm ot my weekA copy of a reewit baetowi oirnew end miowyeokr aaat to tba New Ti
“Tbe woman yoa dweriba, wm lonkbw that paper a good text tor
« girl my motbar to pity adopted, an artieto on tba vaatoa aad raeklaw
apd L to aa oavortoy boor, made dretraetloo of Aawieaa lorwto.
torato.aitbe paalimo of a eoUage
TaeatioB. I marrtod oooo aftor nad Tbe Oread Bapida baodiag vocka
ioM Batbavay look tbto
Wa npaat a (ortaiia look
of the eeatmty of limber In
ing for yon. bat for. took of Ma- Ihot locality.' aad that tbeir pkai
gropie eommoaiealiooi we aoeom baa beeo pnrebaead by anolbr- eom
ptkbed aoUiiog. When I eav tou pany and removed to HJUaboro.
IB toe oSee yoor l
Micb. Tbit ia practical endaace of
yoor motbar drew my aUentiOD, toej tbe
ppaarmoca ol
of vbita oak aod
of yoor face aod eerUio fakkory from vbat
trieka of morameDt t bare oftoa
oaoUr of tbe iaeomi
lioad ii^ ber. Tbaak Ood: I ha*/ foraaU. Tbe romoral of tbe pkot
found yoo, my toaoUfol deughUr !
.oolber dktriet will be epoodUy
Living memorial ot my poor Hake ” f,||,ved by -t-n-y
felt tbe room evim aroandlij,^
IT Tbe tnddeo rereUtioo. the ei-: ^
vbkto kTMad
eitomeol vai too moeb for ber. Sbe
pine forwto of Ne*
(aioted Ur. Erardar* ourwd hi*VEagk^ New York and Ueoniyl
atopidit, >0 deMtog « blnatly, am)*,nmia,
Dwept o*ar tba timber
awdieg toe boy for a eamaga, be !
o, Uichigap,
at»d toe aimpk mnaoe in hii power MiM„mHa, oooe tba finert and meet
to realore bar.
vaJMbto oo tbie ooetiaeat.
At bU boardlDg plaoe ia a qnial;„pp],
ruauiag oat
Bopeiaataliod bwnlf toe good
boWtotbeb atom pert af tbe oily
iytoewtede abort adIBOa T. BATHS,
b tbo Eveaiag Neva,
Vl}li«* arop«rty for Mo.
bol too raatkai to avail an aMvar,
uany vaary i
looUngiora poaaibk Aaoee in tU
may raal akato offioaa a^ kv offioaa b tba kvaar part of tba cityAt kat vbw Mm beeam at
that abe uait aooa taka ehaaper
todfkca, Ibe ekrk with aa rxp'reee■ea of friaodly klorwt m bk faoa.
B^bmofUaoicenhMHihae ‘
faaodod Bope a ooU vfaiefa prorad
to ha tiou a kv Km in a large
bpOdinc oaly tvo bloeke from there.
A^kaMteoeoVtktMek watak.
AM foed, ae< tooeoS oa U4 iMfkU, ael.
Hope took tine only to rart vbUa
Tku M Ut •-* Uo Wlak
^obaaged the dest ataiaod garb
Wofoavaoceuyoeetlw, .
iba ««r«, for oftao tba change tram
f%Uag€ Ptoptrly. both Houscm and Lott.
eat ef garawnle in vbieb vc
i Lands for tale.
Bmied « ocl, « ohoaeu kotr.
bat, loUad and aaffatad, to anoibar
fraeh a* onr new bopsa aad porpoaWoNavoanumborof cboioeLetaforMleat low prleea Wk, iko MMor Mseeet la kU n«o itel
aa, viU bring oot only raal, tat
ana upon oaejr terma.
•traagtb aad eooraga.
Hope raodily foand Ibe oSe^ aad
TAxas rAH> akd ooLLEcnom uu>e.
Duftrict Numbar Four. aa abe rang the ball read the itaasa.
OttM Ib Ia L. A BeMier>
-Aldriefa and ETerdere."
'£he door vai opaaed by a biy
aad abe vaepramUd to aa nidarly
soft bkekoyae and
iron gray hair.
Hope •cBia took ap her abode at
in aoiver to yoor oote.'' nteoua, be proudly iatrodae«dUc^. .i,toat highly toTored rngiooi aad
Mrt. Ooopw'a. aoeowpaaied bj ber aba aMd to expkaation afber-praa (vbooe proper name va^ Dairy. u„ oouptry in the cooraa of a lev
old friaad. Saa SboldoD. wbb obtooagh Mm prMorred to ke^ bar old jeare will iat*itobly be depeodani
taiaad *ofk in a Aop a«r by.
Tou are proupb that U qniU liUe,! a» bit only dangfater. Tbara ; opon Oenada (or lambw. Tba dkTbaaeboolwbiebaai offers
right Nov do too Ibtok yoa ean they talked lodg over ibMr paat! ,pp,*ra»oe ol white oak i
bar «ritb iooraaaad aalary. proead a vrlto for 01 a liUle vbik tbit after- U*ea and future protpeeu Hope (mm tbe heart of MkUgaa ought
toaie. Ebe and ber poOar vorfc is bebiod oviog
to relorn to tbe country for a Mt to eieito aorpriw vbeo Ibe oner
pda vara in parfaet aynpalby and to oor ae»i*tap| beiog liek. Bope abort ritil. vbeu ber kiLer would
- ■
araeatly that ibeir pro aat dovo vitb a loabog of dread u join ber aod they would togetber,
bami pawned ia berae
graea amaaed her. Ot Ur. Doocke abe vaited to ao» if bar key voold Tkit lb. bom. of her toil^.
„-^g. tdw. aptondid (oraM. of
abe alloved beneir to think at lilUe tom ID the lock. At abe berttae ac
Okdly did Sam and Mra. Coc^
.orthvwt baTiai poaaibk. That aoaie autoadw....... d to Um kind voice aod gen I valeoma Hope back after her Aort
•tandkg lay batvaen tbau.aUhad
> aeanner of Ibe laeyer, abe worked { abeeoee < aod long did tba aetgfabor-! py,|wMf aT e,»uyifg timber to market
CM B. * M.
Tmwmb Om. ibee.
‘ t.
M djubt bat vbat tba ratore ol it oamlyaiid
as J aa .L.
Ibe I...:
kst L..4
bood wonder aad talk ..MAP «|pA ^pppp. ^
night U the bad no idea.
paper vat copied, tue Ueyer said: derlul story of bar birib
ber aiertoe of eaormotu carrying
The alory of bar birtb taacnM lika “Too Lata eopied law matter
Bope epeot ber lime boMly pre
^ ^
a troabied draan. Had ber nolbw forer
to Lr Uif
been in ber rigbt mind 1 Sba gate
sir, Lot------oaly id---------pranicoe. «»auag aa tto
---------"';Luuii.g lb. .«to( A.
namaa, and left no evideaoe. I p.™, .to. to
... b4,.- ~pto
A. ... bw. A b^
Amoag bw trinkeU vm mIt oae ar■ Ibitol. J.. do b«to po,b Aa
lb., bA.H». ol
i. . gkbl te«
Ikla of Talaa; a ring, net to imiUle
pH... c.Jli.,i-to»ogbbop • —to .API Ad
AptortAted A .
aav mooB with ttoy moon atoam. UA.to.-Ap.to ltollb.J*to- ™ooVo—»>to to. ..tot to.
TbeyevU ptoaaad bdr taoey and ebe pdA gl- to p-oto..lA.plb,-i'“”"70d-"' B*A« A.
Ap, a jZa .to
•Un«d it on bar band. The Iwtalilaas ot tbe viator bolidayt indueod
pljilg' g“”.
Ad "™ ; t—J U”
A. AAiPg .Ug.
'lllllZlSr* nZ
B<9o to oead fur a good type vnlor. U.. .in b. to. a p b, 1, t p. .
aae enri fumiohibc ooom.
— 'J'l •oodtod Pbo. U .«bt
,,-d.tol lb . tUaU.
PbM dipW liwa Rm VooIm kl«ay«'ia Meek. OoM>MXIfaM ta aad vbea Hra. Oo<^ objeeted to
For aevrrel dtye Hojm worked.
paaqiUet by Wm. little it appaata
Mra. Cooper, vitb bande all door
bar opoadiBg mooey aad litM ao vitb a heart toll ot tbaokfakcaa for
that tbe amooat of
foobahly, Hop# kogbad and aaid: tbk good fortuDe obiA bad come 10;
•uirraouBTneATMntT AND ALWAYS wkijCOmb.
.. .u .•
into lamber io Uiebigan, Witcoans,
root hart me to enderataad b-lbtogb b., p,pb,i.O., ib ItoAb-PAp-pAAg. TO.lAA.dto
aod UMoeaoU latt year r^ed Ua
bov to vnta, aad aoms day I mat
b.d .bto. I b» A., “
'to eaormoui oggragaw of 8,^B33,3T7
THK /.A:A/>/.V<J UF.l^CRAKT tailor. oae It fev a key to uolock tbe oeter Adto Ot Ib. »b« PA..A to.gto
J frel. eicloaive ol vhiU
oeMase, you are belt« off
right Lara, and if yoo vant aoma- btoto.ppto bAtod
thiag to amnw yoo, play ob ao or twve tbe city a few day a and Ur.]'
gan or aomothieg with a>oa;c in it, Evardere eopplied ber vitb ber day i { -Well I never: Ton baA bare!
And Hopa-e baA here! Oar «ld
id ot BpenAeg yoor vhoie orby Ur. SlBBley U Africa could
raiac OTW a paper eater, vbea yoo
At thii time Ae received a ieUar
long aorvive.
Ai a matto
atmld baptaeiag qaiiu aed getting from Ae chairman of Ae ecbool
* know!’ be «
kade of
neaiji n------ibioga tor a borne of yoor o«D Dear
to.i.g . totidto. aJ -WbtouA.I
:.tob.tot to Utod, ptoA»tJp
ma, gtrk doo't do moeb aa they did
ig for tbe miftake made lir
Aj tbe direction ii iodicaUd be ii
0( 29,000,000,000 feet
vbso I vaa a girl.'
ttMir former lecretary in melting off and aearing tba Grove be eeee raportod by Ibe eaoaas of IWiO at
Hanag reUetod bar mind, lira
paper. Ako explMning, that tbe veil remembered form; daiety Umd eUndiag in lover Miehigaa
Ftfie F<-f-rumc« a Specialty.
OooparhoRiidotftotbakitoLan and (or dnpbeity 10 obUin.ng the ofBer .ootliae, queenly in bexring, beanti- only one tsoA BOW ramMaai aod A
Mr. Milkr bad beeo expelled from („)
hing, liviag, eymmeirkal (ba Area eUlee there ia wUtwtod to
«miMK80r A1AKIN|^
Sam aaakted ber and baiDg veil the board
.yoaA een be—ibe
,kaa tban 10,000,000,000 feet.
read in kv. Iba prokmoa be bad
Hope lau) aside As certificate.: vomanbood He eomw A ber aids |
toUndad to III
Lad him gkd to koov that Ae badbeeacred- : before abe U aware of bia ^proeA;' Wealth lnal<l<r e Statue,
dieUte to bar many forma and Urma ited ae Mm daaarved. but eoaUat etnrtkd, abe leU falUba vfaiU nproa I Pygmalion, the aamaat ortiat
oeeorrug to that atady.
wiA tbe eaapkymeot abe hod found foU ot kavea, lotting them fly A bar | aould not be moA m
Ueel ie a ebower. A glad light eomw I vbeo bii atatue beean
Wbaa tba Iteea vara eaodiag oat io tbe rity
A fev^yi after Mr. Aldrich kft to ber eyae. tbeir bande meet: be I inA a lovely woman, than ,tbe been
dalioaU abimmor of groan, Hope
Bood bar Bobool for fomiaar aod Ibeofliee, Hope noUead Mr. Ever-j cannot epeA ; be drove bar A him. I of ibe k A Ume. Artaod, who reattandadUia apriag txaminatioo to dere regarding ber eloiely. viA a ' Tba movement it a queelinn, and'eenily dkd is Paris, vbea Aay dia■a 104 rmit SOM.
evdor to rooae bar eartiAoala Aitor pnxxkd aoxioae look oa bit faea ;Ho^, knoviog tbat Am vat lbe < eovated a cooalderable fortaaq earatall, baodkome, Mylub Aok-1 man. Ae king ot omo lor whom ebe folly biddA avar io tbe iol
hm driU in aehooi tba work vaa froMi
pkMer of p
in mind and tba qnaationi aaamed ing. vUL abarp bkA eyae. a man bai beeo waiting, alAvt ibe earaaa.
•say. Sba wrote rapidly, finkbad ofpmbapt fifty. Hope bad ofUoiaod vbeo bk Upa aoek bera, ebe' liA of tbe famoM Vwoe ot Milo,
long pamioB- Tbe bieAry of the aaddaa fl»d ia
aariy, and bdorn Mr. Millar eoohl Mi bit pwetretiag gknoe, bot to- meeta Awn freMy
carious aod aatartniaiag. wya a ParKad opportanity to apeak akma with day be eootiaued A vatA ber. till | au kite.
Iba had kft tba room and takw abe vae impaUed lo AA up ud' Doctor DoogUi. bearing aeeideat- lU letter A tbe London TM^rnf^lel tbe fliA of tbe Urge dark eyw.
Mom Artaod dUd
died viAoat makiog
making a
bed ““*•
tba aariy ot^* homa.
-Pardon me. M.. BbMdcn. bot |
! viH, wd, aa A. hmi n. aoUry bw
■OB »e^e>i w aMM «
Aa Ur. Milkr watebod bw writ
JAildroo aadf
lag a briliiaat tbongbt aaterad bia Buyl
tattle braia. Hare k an oppoita- oddU
aity to maka thb prood giri d^ndn him, to pkeebm nadir obbgatiOB to him.and onwagaia the
Real Estate, Insurance and I^ans,
call your attention to our Lino ot
Cooking and Heating Stoves which we
are now offering for sale at Lowest
Prices, quality and finish of goods
considered. Come and see us.
itessi 1SSZ-.^Sii
Merchant Tailoring
G. dokn^on,
t|ssl^s>K Di8pei\sir\^
A. W. WAIT, *
P nniKin.M.tilua
ajfo Foris Ijf SEnsofr..
Fresh, SaJt and Smoked Heats, Sausages- Ac.
Ure 8tyk Ingnrtpoe,
-CRSS'*&.5SSa£ —
The Best ef Evemhlng.
J. O.A.ft.Xt.OXAXl.
—BAS <rif rrr m—
A General Stock of Goods
k *T*BET. 9
If t.HBBhlii’» ataaA)
mAlaJanwfilerlkelMWlrrfBe*. WSlb^r
81 ID in nm OedMT TIas and Posts, Wood
Oi»«A.MaM^«i Mn
and Bark.
Mawants 0B,«00 naa afMl 00,000Oavtaic Oaats.
wBMg roc wAjrr
rmjt^ YOU WABT
' oALoweu. a lou^on,
Rapalauac obA Rapalm.
wna Toe VAvr
WBEEU3, Wjl&0198 'AlfX)BVr€H^IB8.
B 9 m « aa ai MK o z jr
i«wl owr bod.* wid a rattoi
Ab- Mav . Xeab Boa man,
‘'wMinaamnS'S^ Alta vmkera part of tbe Meta I Utaad
around Aa Awn A tta AAraecn
and lowiod a boaw Ank Aamad
moraine I aaat A Ikaa^
tta back door. Tbe loww peat ol
Aa boom wm nkMy fonAhad, b«k
I didn't vnnt hrka-bne and I vaA
rigbt «n>ata!n aad torwad AA Iba
firatehamtar IamA Thera wm
very dim light bunAf A tbo RNA
bat it wMDt bgbt eao^ A am bff
aadltanMdenayflim. TtalffU
Joat happeaad A atrika Aa bwd ef
Aa bod and it woke np a mna. Be
I ap aad wid m tool aa ooold ba:
roll, wbatk itraadlAldbta I '
vankd whatevor doat be might find
A«a. and I waaiad it aooa.. I tad
met eool man bafoia a^ 1 vbw^ .
going Attend any bto£
-Be got out of bad Hd MwAd
lor a burwo ia Ao eamar ef the
I kept Ao light m bAi ell
Um lime. He wm a wMI befit fom^
fMUw not more Asa 24. He had *
manly aort of a look aboat fata and
almwt Mhamad A rob fataWbm bo atovod ap Awwd tbo bareaa 1 moved ap. Ao, to aa aot A
give him a Aaaoa A opw a vAdov
aad hollar or gat any ottar deep ea
MaboroIeoaldatraaMt bta. Ho
bad^aboat t
I tAp A
maka A rweh I
to. and ta
VO* moving along w qnkt m a man
ooold. wbeo. qnickar’B ligbAAf. ha
made a jump and butted ma aqaara
feet bafow I knew wtat ba
watdoAg. My lempfaU <me^
aait aecond ba fell oa ma w -bwfy
Aat 1 AoDgbt ta waald grind me
IbAogb tta floor.
-1 had a guB WiA mk bat ( «fat
ran tava a ehanea.A get bold U B.
He grabbed boA my wikAvbem wa
fell, aad Aaa eomobow ta maa^
AtaldboAoftbawviA aaa tahd .
and WiA tbe other be grabbed wa
by the Back, andtajaatatap^dnr
god ma oat and Atew mo down
olaim I eonld bear rnywinM^BC
Ml tta way down, aod I expecied A
ta all broke up wbra I got Aar^ bol
I ww braked, bat aB
right. When 1 got ap 00 aqr Aat I
ap A Aa bead of At Mra
where Um man waa. Hk Aw hod a
awAaa kind of a look' aa ii bat
wbea ta wv I vaw't wachbartbo
'Will you kA«y eAw Hw dm
vbea 7M go out r*
T will.' X wid, (or I wmt foAg A ta outdoao A poBAraaft W
wya L ririU yoa kiodly AD am vbora
-Ob,’ aaya ho, *yoa aewa Se
Back bum east Why I aw iba
baU baefcof Ao Wynooko ooOtga
-Thatwado wo awA aadaayattaad aaya It
Tban why A Aaadw doat jm
bang out a eiga and let paapA k
-Tbatoaomod A maka hta mad.
aad ta Moppad awDAg aad aArtad
(orttaaUiiB.aadI joat wwM owl
and Moaod tta door afAr wa*
It Coata Muoay to Dw in
After yoar damta you kda wMdoaoewUI ba draped AMda bad aat
by Iba auAoritta, aad yoA nA>
Utw will be permittod A faara ao
coatrM of aayAing wve oaly a
Aoiea ae A wiMlbar yoarbady Sal
be arabalBMd or not. ^thkoerTiw $£M k charged, tatbkaaaatry tbs coot of ombalwAg k Aaw
gZ6 A >60, bat ever Aera Itag gaateed to nadorotand pnaaaaw approaebAgia eflbetivaoaw Aow af
No laMa
iodividaal A Eraow k pa witfiiA
••gaga A andwAkAg bariaow. U
m Ao waa way A lAlTt whan braaadar. and toA tba firtt train v
kl k ako a gorwameal moaopely,
w not e etiver nor a beak nCA hoold
totfaapapma boariag Bopa'a aomimpr.ae.on of tba Mory hm) M-1
and A BooMa aU Ao owbatab^ A
be found eaywhere A bar room, Ibe
UAd from bar mind aad Ae ,
by Aa gororawrat.
Wboa Mr. Evardora
Hope applied beraalf to tba pane- M TOto - a to
'“ ! w.-a «
Aet Ae ftaaneial agwi wnat beve
ttoeof type wntaag wkh rwewad corroet vbaa aba aaavmed, “It
Swaat Ravanpa.
ircaeoca AA aaotber, aad H ww daiatraeUd by Moe. Artaod viA
Tae little meabia* waa tty motbira.’
mded AA tie ia^eaded trip Aoald her mooey before sac made btt exit
Two Joaaaw livad aratdm A
eooree of delight, aad
••WbAa VM ywtr motbar bon.
U a veddiBfAar.
each oAer.and tavAf A wD ea
with bm aetiw Kagan aad rapid
It vat viA the nlmoet eatiefae- to tae moel poMUve mtnaer Ail he WM of Aom Browa of Baoa wopl
-Wbat vat h« maiden aamer
tbongbt poww, it wan aa oaay toak
lion Mrt. Cooper peepared ber fiaatt' tad reeMved netbi^ for ■ kag time to tta vroag boeaa A ambbad
toknBma mdmatafy proKMnt. At
-I don't iBoa."
pM, aad wkw for tbe oomiag event, from Uma Artand, who, feeLag b« •arvaat anaweead Aa bfil, aM «a
tba and ef Iba weak a petite toUar
Tbe Uvyer looked A bar kaoaiy.
aad evea 8am BhMdca wv her pew
epptaaebing, give ap boarw Brown aaking. la AA Mr. f«ba
bom Mr. Mfflw e^nemag
-Why don't yoo kaov r
Joawr atarapiAd aappiSly.A
turn bk world Aoeefally, tor he
to inform bar that Aa bed
WM eipaetiag A eoea go and do lb*
Tbk did not aotafy Iba hatra, bat UMwhadbaaalMtbwadvUb wa^
atbe ngnind ^meant
“Very otiaage. Are you ears too
mb ApmrAa. -Na. It >A\- aAl
wme AAg hhaeeU, not having takw they ooold not promt 009!
aga. bobwa paraoMl (riead.be BOV whom yoar mother wa« T be
ttadeor AhkAw. T
tbe atiTioe of Mr. WeDer. “A beware
woaU imewea ^moU lia«sa.by; •ekad aAnptly. end Hope, thna
oet A work A devidp Aa Acaitara wMfcad on a bandrnd yarda w an
wkUk Ae eonld kwlally toaob e gieatinned. Aid Am ell ebe knew.
n bright Aongbt atnS Mra
taaagAga af tta dawraad. Tta
WavOlpaMOTW tbedt
iweald n^ allow bta! Mr. Evetdeta eat vitb hk hand
otoraad nt eawaad nagtta
laand M«faUy aakU aa'abe told ell of tbe MmpU wadding aad happy dAAc room and wAa fan
worA about £d00 batlbay only got
jowiMy tbroogb aanay '
AekndovwkaovB ot ber
•d. *Wta arid B
tbalf AateeaS. da old atatao
taad A i^. thaagb bar ■ad tbe tttWife eoaftnmoa. datiw gtew A Um bwatifA
gttaa A oaa of tta dawnwiTa
Kaamad bw A dMMd a* A- KaMedba bMd oet hie bwM Ar the Brooklyn, wbwa Mr. Eaeadwe waa
lamdathaoireA waff a deA Adnoed A oattU viA bk mnta Av- taagbAn aad A It ww (oaad 1
gatbm. Bet miAw A toot
H aoUoetioa af bnak aoAa. natarkayaadaeaifiA wwiml A«h Md tba AitAk^ -B. a E." Aa be •ddaagbAroadbm Adalgwt baaTtaOarM awptrW WffrihgS
eaaMa^AArMMMtMda tba tedad it baA, hA law wne wbetq ■ad.
Btata tai MkE2.0M. ThkplwtarafpatATaana
Ibey oM MUAf A n war
pAi ijiibauaftar waatey baaaa,
Mtta I..... .
A ndvortipe Aa
MtaaparUr. tbaaoft #ow (mw win ta praawTed by AaAmflyaow
ttataevtbe lawilhllir efbm wi
tett qata aBAariraiy, M MHbady
lha apm. Kre pbA lA «a tba HMU aaaaawbAmed InS aadn happy
dflwlta iiiilfUMWal
laMtonhaBatBA. 6* m bn*
good bard raatool to*.
Th* atolte I ritodad to M* that
Mdtdaatg*^*toto raWag •*
Mtrlyatra a»* 4oiag. aad '
toatMaad larM^mya. Aadtoa
aMtatoapaopl* gototo atoak, to*
^ntto to* pa^t*. U «aal* aothtog to (tea
raai ^ to
bM »fto. «bte W
Oodatad to toa temra bna, tor
it aaaWadibaM to pay atf toabdabto
tot two yaara <d
dta iaariag ton*
totaarana tbatratoakol
aaUla. Wirail, tot priot a< vbaat
totelad aa tet M tt vato ap. teri^ aa teb % M aa baad ia too
apriM. aad aaly worth 75 eU par
- oto of to* bttl*
awl of too bora to too taM of boa
Ibvr to >a* ikoaaaad date*. Tba
laattM yaara M baaa aaly
■m a atel part of tba Urn oakiag
fatnoarKo Ibard vbaat
floor afbal to aay toad* aot axnptiag toa aalabtatod ^Pmabary’a
,BatoLaad bata It riiaap aad pkaaty of
aaaniBaDt ted y*t to ba had. *aleiaUy abndenad traa riaiaia. baaida* BoaM Uot vUI Mror b* prertd
apoa. aadtoaboldtoBviU rriiaqaub
toair elaiiDB ior a aa
ton vbae tbay aaa ba
mate tar teraa. n m mmrnoitmmmmm Baaa ■■*•■*. n* «■*•
•ateanry to add tbriMdU foliate HD bat mimitm, teatag HI*
tia* to te teari, to* p«* rir of ib* ote^teomtly n toar Mt*!* ten «< a obacBteg bMortel noma
paairi* aad tte nawantod «**reia* to* teiteto Bniiri of nriate Aa*y- nttilad ‘Mn of Iron.* vrilte and
hooka, warn of art, aod <
1 aoaorted boa lb* nat Beoada,
Afteaoteokaaadaabriri..Iririlief II .
OaUfio,'' M rii tom atroUad baak vUebanoev all toat nBria
boBobi* ol to* Urn bar* ban___
Babyte nd Nfawnb.
ally Modind, oo that to* atory ood
Aa Woaoafc boa Ion waota tba lUoatrotte* croont a* tro* o pietur*
ef Dob Padro, m tmod ^*nd
of toot aarie period at mo^re rvritetoaaiaap of tb* lind. Mart
Bonng, BBdw to* oUo gndteiti of babitily toaXtoao
tb* To«tig Paqpt* (
Mr.^bt, M Bartod tor Irriag will Wk* ap to* e
taia* to* oaodadiag ebaptar* of
‘Ompmatm,’' EiriTMoom'* iaiar
attar toaaiMtetaMUy. AMbaagb
ter* of a aateon. oad n tb* u*b
vitb ia lood of toy waa Bot Ukaly to
■MMti flM M it auy tad data aaaaa ami k> hi
otartoka n for ooom tte*. m daai- Idad* aiaprc
kt* )0)
Im teanof
■riptiaa to jom torai- lh*to leaag* for toamalm
dad to follow tte aaUay of Raaa ^A D. 1
al Oto a*ca'. **tw* Matbto
ereak ia bop* of rooaiag aem* ainpy
Altonyh HnislMr*
Tbar*«»o bottor aanatry toaa
tobaplaaadiaaVikiagbaU, to b* biiegiog vitb bin
k of Ktotk
vattofri etikkaa. is vbieb, hovarar. OOB* lb* Huelau* of parBanaot utofaferraWag e>tUa,tor fally oa*1 thefrootte. Beearal
a*Mi tor ite M «M Md t toU
V* vara ouaooaaafaL A ooepi* of tioari *ablbii at Chieago Io addi
pmm, wifw^ mi hmOj toto m half to* vialan tbayraqair* ao taodhour* walk broagbt oa to tb* Gw tioo voald ba Tanon aoyaga* aa
■aa aauteoaal aad tb* hooaataad dortakeo dotiag tba r*%a ol gaaaa t to* balUagroui
t^Mtoa Mr «li fckaJta m tfar Oto vhatovar, aad dailag to* *i«bt
(ao* Creak aod Iba begioBiag-of tb*
viatar* I bar* baaa bat* tbar* hat
Atotoof to* UMtfnOfMi Ttorto(«*dto*a I
faw loeoutly bc^l out tb* baild Dote aatUaBnU io Nov York ood gbi, togatoar vitb a dncripliT* ar«oi Bay. All Mr ahStoM
iag* of to* origtel Octmta hoac PaoDiylraoia. tb* Pilgna* at Ply- «l* by Ur. Bamingtoo. vill b* pubfe» toat^ tos «( wkM* w* a*« li*- toMritor«igbk «r*ritad*h*g
ataadar. Hm va vara orarukaa Bootb. tba Spaaiab io Florida, tba lUbed io Borpar** WaOkly teoad
mrwn viator. Tbara'a al
l«g, to* *f toM htoi« ow ttk^
7 toa toaaatar aad Mr. Earl* Adall Prwte io Condo aod along the
agoed dmaadtor gaodbattor to
rilb t ooapl* of poete Ur. Pot it Uistiaaippi. aod maoy ooUqiiatad
fmmtta. AaAto ~
tot Mrief aa ia Moetiaa, oar aartro* Waatesar tad va bad *11 to laatarao.
lia* viUi bia tad hi* tBitbl* vif*.
plaabteg tbippad tbar*. Ttea'.
vbte our raouiod^any tgria
doobt a tvwiry vorid pay mU
«<toto*0Mir7,iM rtetoMatMLueiary Noim.
tar gbtac viUi tba load to Mr. A Ad
■itotoi, Itok»to*i*trll^» ctU- bte Tbar* ar* aoaa* cat tmll
ania tbal pay a good predt oa tba
ail'a boaeataod aoBMCraailaadovo
Oordiml Otbhn*. Uirr Putoaa
m>, aad Ur. Earl* Adiit aod Jacobi. Mr*. C It. Lovall.'Dr. 0*1«
Abo.tais wlaa aorto A. Adsit’* Cottio Ranch in
wnier aouatiag tb* poai
t froa bar* io to* teddU of
of friioa Bo|>yu Uoapital IN’ Pol
to* |M>Mt vritiBf w* kM* had «M■anad oo a caotar for Irriar
aoai of Boatoo, aod U]»a Tbomoa
tonaw Cm Mato*.
Kto •«« floMii aatUaant. i* Iceaiad
oaieh No. 1 Our mv
D*ao of Bryn Move, ooiia in o oar
abaaaa laatoty, aaaag tba aatik fraa
an axpart ia* of opae latton. to appaar io tbi
toaalM iatoai af
ridar aad v<4] rataad io tba Bytlar Fabniory Oaotury, oo *Tac Opniag
•_|ato aaaagk to aaw to* fi^ tooat COO oov*. ;Om Baa. Mr. Dor'
‘lora, bi* of tba Jobut Hopkiot Uadleal Sebod
I* raapaoa* to Baaa kiod ioriU. ia* of taaobiog iM o ivboy
toa Cato rat af DaMtobto. aad wtoto **>, aaar tba hetory adlka abaot 30* fro* Mgr. Adwt, ri tb«
...j------- ---------- toood up* batog
vnla€toator«rWoi to«a(ato la*M.
both amiBMOgaad lOftroelira. H*
mat HilU mlla, to ritb that
• nil*aix*» Taw*.
W.A.CMkar.aoa*fO. A.Orak*r, tnay aatt. wa, in ooBpany wit!
■a tb* eovboy of tba Adail tva o(
mihmtrnnf^ mctmimm* oa* of Ortad Trawaa ptoaaart, boat, boardad tb« aaatboaad------ tmoabert. * fiio) vbo by rarafol baod Slata* vbo mill out turn vitb deep
b*>* ioeraaaad 0>«r biod o(
aaariy B«4* a failaro of gran raia- tba other day tad war* tapidlr
I* io fir* year* froo CU bead to ■Dlrraal to tba rteoUecUonaof Oaltyi
vbiriad to DoBDOr* by that doogbu
ana «two aOto •*«*. Hare to lag. bat had IS bo. cf vbaat to to* kaVbt of tb* tbrottia, W. Walkw. onrltOO. A* V* grilcqtad over lb* *’— bicb Qeo^rai* Hovard.Sloeuoi
ind toaa a fitUa ton to *atto* am an 80 am* lari ataaon. He w Hrre va vara pot ap at B C. P<v
. Botiafiald.
had prairie buoob afur..............
-.............-. Wrigbl, Nav fMewnaleaJipTr^beWia.
tonthatoa^btotoa* 1* Mk al*^ gaiag into atoak aa feat aa Ua
tea popolar bcatoby, wbara, aroood booto o( caul* Cl for toa batewa . too. 6tagg. ood DoublatUy ban
ID for tb* North AmancM B* f<ul medlrio' to ponTr, TUaUn, a>*«iaea
■a....... I I
vOl aOov. Ha nilka 19 eova, asd tba diaaar Ubl* va oat aararal (Ull vara paaaad, vbil* bar* and vhnao
Tbfoe vara tba corp* eon. ih. I.'no*. and ve aak r”* M UT Ilood'i
Om jaar i«o toa ««toto «n efaoaraarMaaa all tba aalaa* ha aao
bo*y bom* eould b* *0*0.
aoao. Baaobiog tr. maoders lo that great angagrmeoi.
Mar)7 aa in a* It ia M. Tw» aad will aooa aona oot Maad
•rraogiog for tba abipaaet of 400 riog itattoo io due lia* aud biddiog ood ebur diatiogoiabad obar»da, lb* nrcM aa appMlv, and Icwtlv OlfaaUuo.
Wbaa a atoar at 8| yaara old vitl totol^to Vaoeoorer, Oootraetor ladiao to oor •oUrtaioiog oiopaoioa Comia da Poria, ba* addad a chap
Taat* ar> *4aal)7 a* An ter
•are ptoviac oA to* M «« Jnniy. tot $40 in tba Obiaago mrkai. vbat UeBaa,oltba Oalt road. Oorp^ | va boardad No 1 aod to raaebed it*i of bU ove to tbeirraffiiaiteeoe**
U>e iroMaMe
CMttoatol her*** raqaartog ao toad aaa W* prodaea tbto vill pay bettor, Martin. N. W. U P. ood Maam. Ihoot* ogaio after a aary aojorabi* I Tb* New Eoglaod Uagorioo for
Blaekbim A Dteaoa. Donoiora't, trip.
To Itself
wfciliiii.dattog to»to *riauta.aad
H U abaapr Abeto tore* mly BoabBOU. Altar laneb v*
------ »' T7—
1 FebraaryUi aoal axoallaot bus Miii i lu dicmebaararti a record at wuhttal
III eoDtaotf are a* follovi
akaaftor oalj a ahort liaa TU
go BOB* lav atortod ia abaap dimbad Bboard Mr. Adaii'aeapMioat
----------------Ball*. E B. Goa . CbHataia* Bella l.uyll,.«l’:
wlalwi batea, toal ia to* viator of laiatog. aad to-Jay toat* *r*agmt voflOB, vbte bad baao drim oot
tile any rtUe tt-lrad. I
DiTTaad'K.aattoaoid aad UaaM- BtaytoewMBd in tU* (Stork
H,xl.-inr. and u aialliT ?"« ro
U<»V> kr%a|arUtaVao!dlTaI
tognakyia naaiaahir aad kept it ty. Probably nor* ton half the Tina, Bed lortiiug the bone* bead*
ooatbvBrda, drora for oaarly
»ei T
IV aaCB to* Wg Wmard a( to* ISto abaap ia toa aouby era ovaad by Bite along tb* C. A. C A C- Oo'«
MdUtoof daaaary. It took to* partiaa who tot than oot oo abara* {arm. tbao aaariog Doratotb*
Stales GotUng Ready
oor* to tb* a*<t,|
Clark; TbalVite of Wt
aairoad «Mf»*7 to.
mriiad to* Poldmae aoiil*.
ia toil of Iron tvo hondrod to on*
Uabal Lxmdi* T<
Biaol. aorao Bite froo DoBBorr. 11
rutr to ■*K*4)i ttfuo- Balia, Cliotoo Soolh
toataMk* otnow. Bcoapti^ltot
id and BOra, to* la.-B*r
Hat* to Ib* ngbt aa va croatad! manoa—Ol
IliBa to* trato* bar* aat twa M*/ iag tbaa for a torat of from 8
of Ib* Aadroaeoggio. Albert ti. Cox
r no better lemod;
GroraaBOeok, J. L HavkaarBortaej m ■»«'-»■»
<* V* toaa It kaari aiaai va ton yaara, to* ovoor goUing half the buildiagi bora io aigbt vitb a large!
OraylorL, Ha.'lao H Ballard; Tb*
bHBhaiA lMMdiatal7 attetoat, wool aad baH to* ia«vn*a.
boBcb of bit 200 baad of oauU .|uia|.
Slorj of a Wall Kb.var, Dorutby
Cbtego.J*D. 22, 1891
•Cat la ban «aU*d a
abaap aqtal to to* ongiaal aad of It faaJiegiD tb* rallay. Afav mile*
<iPtoft, frm to* Mat Biraek n,aad tbaaaa* eg*, gait*
T.iBobmaoDi Vamteagio, Aoiilc
tolaflM aaarij aS toaappaaiad. to tb*A.P.
a look of a.too E iot. K.ibcrluM.!. Z iHl* C*k«
Mtoaatoataa* at
amtod ia that way. aad or*
,i*bo*ot,**doaa* aadregtat oo Ib* A Iteoeodaol
UmeoJaol of Uaaaaaolt,
Uamaoit. Wa'l'ai
to* oppartaalV bj
g aboat 00 par aoat. of toair
. riaBbou aod raid- eoonl*o»oo* of all vb*o
Oilmao I’agc . Tb* Uiriojr of Hia
!v*a Aral *”‘*p*^
vbiapared ‘**‘
that ^*''*'
Cuiaf C>n twical Wiiiiug .B Ameiio
toe MM vfaaatoa tooirat of Fob.
^UBglte >0 lhaday aad vebad* MlUog Archiiarf ol tb* Coluaibiaii J«or*or III VD
Almirr OaarS^rUr* M F
«baat <a troM to* nUdto E. Darraat of BoaU 8u. lUtio. vbo
to their children than Bnot's Pul
al Mattb to toa Cart o( April, vfeito boa baaa etotktog for on aea, A. C.
totooattvo Mtbt aarbar ttoa to
^ of tori plaoa, lor torpe
-....... .. take,
effective te all throat and long
toaaaatotBpart of lb* alat*. Of
Tba fadoottotat waa
raaebad tba foot-bulB, a torn lode.pratt**! arobun:; of our roaufr.
a Jacktoo; Editora 1
troublea. Has cured many ca*e«
roaotry. ij
Oco A
aMtMMbanaoa* ariiMribar; toat b* aad bit laBily aani
drir* tbroogb vbicb Iw’Hlgbt
i bl*. Ommbu*
which pbysidan* prononncedcoorataaianlr 4» batov aM, bat to* tota, aad w* ban booghl 1.25U toatetlriitei^ vbataiaHr. Ad*it*|ofcur tei a eitte ataod Blruelom
a* bodu ]
aiaa^kiii batog top. to* *oU to Mavnattogn. iaaladiag bate.
lopplaocBlary cfaap
Mbu^ va ^ BtdainMtiolLiiramarkablagaQiat U*; A* •
Barivaa, Mir*. Ba; IX. iM.
bl* tor to* oii^t- NaxtlbaJalread. outlirrad toe plao* tor ij-^ “» b'‘‘ ^ x^kiog
log Baekvard." Mr
aatiall a* saafe ai to a aaoalrp Marty $4,000, Mr. l>arT*al aad bi*
WMi'd lUe IS cate IV lac kaeBoraiag V* Btellad orar tb* BiU!,i,e
ExpotiUoa ............______
Uoildiog* and__ib* ^ Fidvard B*lUa.y
. be* vnttao an art! e*t uiuioe, aSictea
»,U O/iarattie. Lk.t I Bate
----------—mill ea
-- ,board
; board bMdacidad
ba* dacidad tbal it cannot
caooot im jclafor
jcl*for fb«
tb* Feborary
Feborarj laaoa of The aa>< M’ S>v|iaetur tmt/t- alll. for ttaatve.t
to* aaay bated *anV *< Va p*t tooB ia a torga aocral ars' laitsuve, vith .Ki veeinai aar pmaae, t
IB teg* tmbar ot tomiog oui : pro« oo fait ■uggaaUoo* He •* lb* 1 Lod*- «<“• Jouroal. nodcr to*
<tebar.l*aad m»m to* aU«>f ary *igfat
iigfat Tbay mg* froB 1 to
Ibooned feat a day. All to* I grat boldiog a raapoocibl* poaiUuo. i '>'N
omec la tb* Year 200U.'
ioelodiog tb* lath aod i^o bacrikd fromto* raokii^ the I in *birb toa tamouc Nattealial vil
e X rahBCB.
SI Bite *<
4 ««l>*h=^yioffifflrii..*Bdbul*M villb* gmtiT|»ketubvoti>*o.jB»rTi*ge. edorltoip
baatetotaanaatctiigaitoaeal, ao
Wa boat aBpto
leic . a. Ibr? *>il b* regarded Io tb»
toat*a*lbtogMia n toaa ttea to ted*far toaa iaaaaa of* atotB, teplaota^mie «rtete* #b*i» I feU ,od oooiwd of by all ‘
7Mrhaa«S7&*Ml**a.l,7- W* •ad aboat 80 too* of bay naarly, bat
MBtly piUd dry lombar. a
Good BouMkeaping. ice popular
a§*eBliBtb*ha|. apto thapriiiai wriUag bar* bad BMOliigto oaar tvo bod a baU
W of 15 to p
borne magtEiue. vbieb taka* a oev i
alto«to«aAahaafatr*aM. aa
' to faad toaa *Byte^. mdlte faet-tewfly iaefa^ dimao
v' ■ rt
'.V. " form aud moutbly iaiue vilb tbe!
it to aato* 4ipe.it oat toaa tea- Lat tba waatoar ba teat it Bay toa y mooatofl. Tb* atoar boildiag*. in .WoriJaFair. Oor. L^l* of Arkat p^v year, come* to baod frcgblaJ i
dodiag B teg* boardi^ bouaa.
.BA ba. raopmoaodad.* «U».WWv.nh a v.cUb of ralu.bla aod^ioUr '
. birlt. &to&MritoMi*aMtoe< ariBMtntebklftb* bay.
•ppropnateo. D.lagata*, froio all
raothoc mailer; Apart from!
'vtaAtoann fortlalM
Sbnp *1* great fac^aaa aad ------WBitb tbopa, at*., are mtoalod partaol
M lb* aiat* Bar* petiuoood lor
relaliog to ib* rooUo*
aa^M aargaanDj to* tern tba graa* abowa abora toa vitoiDa fov taOBdrad faat pf toa $2S0
ofbooaeboid Colie*. vbieb ar* ai
Tba exae
bat to Jaly aad
tbay will pan dova to it.
wart CQ.0O0 abaap bmght ia■ nunlng tor *oom
baa* toUtt.l,ito* to Stock Uo froB Moeton to* peat
bar*. Mia to* atob* gi*M haiag
totovbaat rtotoagoz- naMMiiy good bm *Bd atent bon
I impror
pie. vl
mug good
ad IM aato* btaka *ad
a tb* teat ra!
ed. for
fat it tato vbaat to to*
Sb«*it*o»*toiBg aary pat
«A Apartotitltotdtaekaal. •boot toa graa*. It b qaito abort
A bdl ha* beeo ptaead by *^coma
irviy borne, vbaibar
Mto.ra|toaghadn toto «r toto tad *«7 *MritiTa Bod doaa not hwoe
cLv Isgialalore, and eigned by the
^ proieuliout
Cark tV
t 1»T amdom, goT*r*or, proridiog $30,000 Ohio
iaagtoMn to* arigtoal benhiag, it* *otfiU*o qaabliat dsriag tba «wlb«
rjJ. BprioglieiJ, Uaa*.
rendr. A Ull hat bean in ' '
‘ itoahaattMtoa^tea^toto vtear. tor atock aat it graodily *ad
lagralstora aotbir-' The February Dumber of HarperV
k**pMm U «atil oew gmi a
r to appoiol* eoia-.Uagexioe aill eooUio p<vmi bi
1 aa* told by tenan aaar Bia iato*vteg.
tea pemua to repra^ut William Deao Hovalla, Tbomaa Bad
topb. ahar* I Cat • oar a( aari
b^ aloB*
iton* aod
and ooaidad,
ooaidad, enpiored Ohio at ih* -Eipoaitioo. and rappro ey A‘drieb. CbrutopUur I’.
for ri«A k alMori u..■^u.e»ioo.oooi.^~.ii.i« Cruel.uJ
Abaabaat to batbaa, a* to* aad
Baald yWd to* boat mp. Bat.
Tb« Ha*.
be llAssf'
i» the
b*M ***tto dia* ia tb* rnaeb* of Ur
'Maagraat aaay atoar. tooagbtl
if* tula of Coarie* Dudley
.totedaaatoaydidto tot Bad SirbtebaraaboBdof
oumb*r- L,^uv axbTwl
.r1?Ui of
ni tte
ii.; aUle'*
aisi.-. pro W*
V " oatUa »“■»«-igreater
~ce:adiog pa'
m TaOay, ao 1 baakaat aboat CO
toanoorid b* I
aantaato* baaaktog aad •
^toiT Cto M to* inirtofo
for Infants wis .Children*
The New Railroads
Aft opening up uew entoipriton socl greatly enlarging skipplug copvenlennf.
Thw Un of ThoM OnOorlok 8to*l Coon
Hay and Straw Presses
ntO pm you in line of readily and {trotllably turu four crop
into money.
At |Micc« irU/iirt the teach of ail, wiU >« tUeir u* otiUxf and
eetiaomiEP your c««rac f<«lder,
Wood-Sawins Machine*.
.\nd Light and Heavy Sleight bad Cutti m uro *Isu in neuoD.
For bwt ijUBlitie* and lowvft prlci* *ee
, Wond's Exposition.
At as State ttrMt,
>1 . r.n.irk a..:<>'litv«r
tkaaaadatea Otok b«aa. »*
nap batog faSy an toM »ota toaa
vbaBatoagnMdanbaabari. 1b*
tClh*a*t*. I aawadid lb
^aaMto* loUoviag ynr aadhad
libaabakitolk*****. Boaw
toMaaadadtbaaaM gi*Md vito
MteaanatH. Oat yaar to*«ap
W*»aaaraiailM*itol IvaaoM
tHMCtote^. lato*
teHtowte ktod ofatoak k tba
pnfltobto Sbnp giT. to*
tag to* autan nxtnmity of II
fte lake. 1iaiod^ io bcAb birvtet Icrr- Woroar will deacnb*. id bn own da
M*f0**0d to* inann bay m
■at ratam and vkao m «b*
rltteol woet,M«M abowa
• great a**y ef owa tet
•pri^. Aad with w*ol *t to* ptnnt pate, teap pay mU awngb.
I *B trying to g*t iato ton teg
faotaa* aa watt M *h*v- Sbril ten
10 brood Bare* nokt ^teg- It i*
ram* of to* Hnito mdara nS
it i* Mr. Etrie Adaii'*
' BlaiM that
»>• pw *rto* tead of
tt.N ra lui
pgTom) TO raacTJcu. axu noBBirr urrrmiunoB
V gelfca oamr (i t* Ov rauaa MBm* B
a* tad CbMM. TM*T Toi-ir*
fW*i. ••bat*
I tot ted. Iteto
feB to ten to
bind Mr. W. s^ten. Mr Baytect bn Bbnt §*• *ac«* brofc**. tte
■•kpn^ ooii inniniting on td
WteohMibVb iaib* ttCafBS
nttete. bri b* «*iy taiote* cte.
t mnn^ gram te U* ov* *■*, m
idwaba^ bnrily. Th* peto*
ate 4*m bten apriogMd M toat
—_____ ____________ BnpwMliijkkMfl Bbnt 5m,*b4
1 hMB tefmUlMWiter tew l««tb.
ItVa^M a taUtead laat ttel
____Tova «l fiibri, a* it
iB tb* gnat aty of Babylon
tt uei-Ha MU paar. Am* (v fraa nil
1W mWE FAnU PUB.L CO., l66-(n MonSt.. CMeAM. HI.
S. ES. •W^-AalT,
galoftettmatB atoMd Sor$lT(
par ton,$Vtog far it oMof te
■»' ti.il ra fui.
g Pamnr Aearval »» «»• *rev*ikm IW arkv »k«»! tarofR. ai tba OnM* *f
•oaoer ml] te nrofoaBlT lilo*
, from photograph* Bad from dr*'
Li»by W. T BoMdley. H BiMm
I.JooeAaodH F Ftray.
di-patc* from B«a«- ular gardae mootblyh*** feart of
goodtoing. loriu raadofA irAb ia
4e»:dMUBdiBg.tte OolombiaB Expoai 'Udbm Luar aod iUaatrBUon.
' owmd by tte Mnwi. Iu sHrartiov w- —'
M bto* baan wito oar fl*«tiag aiU.
froolUptei u a crioevd plat* ri
all mbtotl^ a .« baaatifal mv variaty of Krgetto to* aM. lfy%*lbBCh*teaf8*gin«
ategthia fte. wril watead
Ipalip n$8 honriiter af
**B*g. bootead n to* OM md* by
•Mtt of-as bmia to* f^* Ib* loatenqn bill* ate o* to* ototodaton. nteg ton fair
<r by h%b gamy riiC*. o* vbte SpaiB ototes toat a roiri 'daera* ha* j
MBUbeBote* of «Mtl* nd baenn
-to* krilBig toa^of ■
' prvridi^ te tte ap ba aboviDg pnte *«gatoU*i. a
*0*14 b* obaTtegming. n «
Waantoapagte nd teOtr,
■anead c«B*ea«lw aim. At
^ litfatetoto* MO. aad
a mil* <r no troB to* mill M tai .
b* teaoeay ofAmarie*.
op s btood arm nf toa Talley, wtea, Ate) tbal tte Uaiiad Stri** and
Lglli l»i aftbaaaapbtec ««Torikniitog a*ri far fori toat M pBnbadnoMoftealofng bnakA POft^ b* iatitad to b* pra**nt ia
ifaitoMhtobBat vaetoaaMbw nn
biighin te
V* land tte eoay bowtBM of on
yaar aatoca^ aan* totorBatadte aanpadwbaaO
tin of baoBD bbIm*. oib nyeptfl
by p<opl* «t **B9 4*gtn of oollinlaoa, vill eontribnto to too net nnm-'
baof BapoF* Bonr ontoor om
at ba dwBatacMB Ho* Mhte
tei^ ntHUd *Tb* pmilB-
Drugs and Medicines
OlteBOttri Wbll rinh. Fnlntef* ilbUrtbln,
BoydelTs Prepaireil Paints and Cartage Colors.
M« wa-. Y'»va.
PMKrtpUons CaraluHy Compouadad. ;
---- by Maill or Olhvrwiwo PrompOy Att*te«l«<l to
IK MA80200 HKKU.
Ml tte
tkte^te waldBratteoagb tte
IbWIitoriM l>k« Ml kghi M tete* tte hoM wi »
tedkd. IW *M WM qtok bad
IwakbL Tte Mt mam at AHth
•“ kkpfyttena^ol
&tepotelvtete oniiteaab aad
* SL mM« MrgM-
at N»
Ch^TSlS wlUteTi^
wB*. a< fatiaad. te* teaa Jdaatad,
&WM ia aMoaod to te
tei ■laad^aia.
•otter, lira OuSteMaa* float- I Tte tef—t oraag* aao** ia tte
fyitlitetd to tte ebdd. «te «ai rMd aflfte akatod ite *i_____
•boat 6^M old. aad i* aaarty fias
r^MUUgm «we tap«t Mm
TOO Mt« of tte teat
U .
Ha aoo n* praaoit at mb falter a
bateite OaaMBaaaroftnabw*
at Wowakr. MaM, Otl 8 1800.
H* n* aacretey of tte wry aader
PrMidMt Pkk aad eadaa fate waa
............tte aaral Mboel at Aaaapeli*..................................
taaaotadtte Vaitod Sake at
aoort of BL Jawa. Ia 1867 te
a*M M Bkakr to PiuBia aod k
IM to tte Hoctk Oerwa ooofadarkka. Ia 1671 to tte Oerwa *Bpir*. B* na tacklad ia 16Ti at bU
_ t «rkk Tte «Bout k
itmege doca to proparty ia aattea-
Tte atala of daetitatka kto «bfaA
tte fwor paopk of mw* pertkMof
Irakad ai« piaagad. cm te jadgM
te lb* M ^
day rapoMMk
IkM of orer IM taBite* tirkg k
tte OolMBe diitert. nhod oo tte
boani of gaatdteu aad b*gg«l for
aiBMaae*. They autad dtet for|
aow tha* U»y bad b*M atarriiy
and (irkg alsoat raturly opoo lur-1
tww m
TtebimkI rapert of tte baatd
IS at Parra], k tte alaU of CUboi
. r oaoMwa of tte Botdte*’ bow
X BUI* da^btor cl Mn. Hm»7
boa,'1iexwa Tte galtey at to
teenlbatl^Sl aw bar* teaa ad B«*T*r of IrriBftoB, a aabaib of lacoeent of tte Sowd Beart gar*
diMapate.di*d froaMrtttep^
Mfft O. Lm «r AlfMM. cotm
aad *oud.
way, bUliegait .
M, kM toad IM baa d W ttea*ni aauter o! (naif^
iag aka
BajMe froa rarioo*
tte bit* Of a Aof 8 welb*
bHiMd MttovMfa UflOyMi teaaiOOi. atfccoMttbM
afaow Ihu tte *anb<
'l»•ke WM
. . oaMt tb
Skka B» priBdpal work* ar* bit
MMdad regtea
74 af vbaa «• a* tte aite Ubl
•Hiatoryoftte ULiled Blat.*.'aad Wt tta^nt
vary Mtara at
aHM «( aM Tiwafa. ted* Tte total Mat of rasataf tte bom
> rkow of‘•MweallaDiM.”
OotUM*, near Cfaercball ^1 of
tiei par aooa^oJM
«U baraad te totk
Al Fiadky, O. tte Cm great dia- tte baildiag* of tte Tillage were dtMlat ttet war erar npeikaead from
' and many peraont war*
tteoM of aalaral gM took
buried kto* n
Tb* tea^ of WBltea Ooltei ro
abortly before 2 o'etoek Sabdey a(A diBBtrii frea Tobolak ears thu
aaatiy latoteod IRW Batti* Oroab to
teraooo wbile toe gtaak* oftbe Boa
aeourge kaowa as *toh<A
Qbii^ 11m ebiidraa piaad tor
lal klaiak ware waitiog to be cqbIteireld bow. bowara. aad laal
Booad to diaaer. wbea a tarribk* death' ba* rsaebad tbe Criy
tedak. the capital of Wcat I
aate a liyaar-ted aea rao any aad
BO«pt****d«ir Botor mbiA rtill aipkaioD took pkea, ctahically' Tbewbo'e of Xt
thro* day* lator taroad «p ia BatU*
1.1 a atraot-ear trwlr mil** aa wtaeaiag tb* balldkg aad elMiaiag,
Frte mte
to toe Boulb of tte OU,
Oiate. terka oaatoo bU ny ia dilima.
boor at a coat of 8 omU If fa*
■afferiag from tbe eeonrga
raro way*. H*
tvo of *boD are alraedy
..... , 6md
_.... and
TLo"*'ds"*a dring
. _ at Obdotsfc,
bte^beoM aad
voaUeoabka aboaaakB to Boiab two utbcri prkwblf faulty iDjarad. near toe Bionth of tli*
til* Obi,
Ob' owing tu
hAT« tim« to writ*
In toe BOraing it waa dhoorered
a pair ei aboe* oo tb* day py
H wte aeeapiag into IL* dio lb* lack of pbysirisn* It aeam* al
te Bgraw to daliret Item
A ffOOd ad, bot ORB
•ai from a Ictfciag Mpa aoaeOaria laMtea. a LMBbon
Bight b* eooaidarte a peblie b»a.
and hiT. Marrio. the owaar epread of (tie
^la.M laaad ea aa AAi
hootlo oat Bkoro
of lb* baildiag, with tbr^ planl
Al 8l i'elmbarg iLe imprrwl
aairaa vUttliaf dyaaoita ia a pow*fc»a>*te otter aiflit te aa
AIL.. ... ... .. .
' - wrartoatakk tte city liwt*.
lorenobo Iryio eommitaioD ou |wliiioDe Lee retarn
MOM pMWdac ooaiiM, BWI
ad to LoadOD. tbc nM-morui in be_____ j* kft tte daor to lb* botoa of et-OoT. Tbayar donag
tei teaa teotea tate bj • bU.
Dbloeted.*ad tte kidt got iaaide tag *«OM* of tbe opaaiog of tte leg- i^^aaloced aipbaBber undaroealb LaU of tbc ItoMiao Jews addrested
TXAL OUARANa doiiag room aod fouud earb a to Uie rztr l>; tte large rw|>rcecntw
«b*r* tbay war* diaeorarad tarn Ulalura. obao be ramaiiied in hi* ofaotterteraad tte*«
ramulalioB of gai that ttey
lire maetiug rreeelly brid at Tibe
b* dtodly oiploair* kto a jtat tea aagbty boon for tb* porpoa* of
l breatte,
aod ii vac
. sug(
iggMlrd London Qaild ball Tb* retaraed
lory to a (flood *4ha* kaapiog out Oor. BoyA bar* naolt*d fc a daDgBOc* attack of wrrooa tb*| * bok be eawed tbro*^ lb*
Shortor Notioo aad
prootratioB Saaday tbc ai-gonra floor kto tb* duuag room ^
mayor of I
u order
t »hacAiaf »aaid«Bt
or, it U Mid, biMBC a rariag tBaai- to obuin fr«*b air. Tbie wa* doo*. alatkg ttet tba oumLiaaioo
*0. bot atUodkg pfarwaaB* aod
' jnetatlbe Lola wa* made one BOtboriaai to praaent nuch
niaWEWateretf Ttlirpwrmn Bra* • family oboa* b. a fcaon a parooeal friaod* daoy tte roport acatbaa anybody olaa
lie diBing room girla, wbo was ialt tolhecrir.
ymmrn Bataaaata r«d«Uteto tbiaf or too. Erary
phatkaUy. aad dakar* that h* will *t|a*niiig tb* floor. aU|p*d upoa a
Ito tod of flaw* aad eatil tte Moa. oUidNB drir* biB t >
. .
Tba lalaet adrice* from Buenos I
in tha TRADE.
b* able to attoad to bii dntk* hi a Batk.aoJ in an ioaUnt aa npkaat ataur te« aat W. on aooTwd b* tb« rria* aad atari bam* akae
Ajra* are of a more praocful char- |
ooly wreck aUar. Tbe rabala wbo ted aswni
yaadadto BHay otter daliaa aboal Wbaa oebool ii aboot oat be i* biteb
Kaar Eao Clair*. Kie. Ur*. Ueld two girl* bled in the {iroriefe. of Eolr* Rios,
od op at beat# aad BofcM trate to
riua Wliila. «if* bf a fanaar of lb* _______________ 1 iniur
it appeal*, bare tee« diaaruad by
Eari Utra. » jmn old, ooawB tte aebeoi afai%xter* far wbI* oa
of \7baaioo. bas two aalaap oUiB employe*
Maaiaid* at ddriaa by ateetto, til tb* ohiiaraa at* di.iDiaaad. aar for tbtM wete*. aad all affurta to rxfdoaioo wm bo graat iLst it blew tha tore* of national troepa arm
^iust (bcui. A new
w gorar
gorernew hat
tbaa poll* Umm borne.
inkeo bar bare baaa ia raia. Sb*
i tte flaw of tte ignrtad ga*
antroltl ..
WbU* praoebkf al tba Maateffoo )*d baaa eofferiag from Berrooi pro*.
. id he is aliMdy
aaar froai Bteool
IratioB for eoae tint*. Sarerai pby- ibgfbock bad eauead Tte wfaol*
;»13y audefScieotly
MylioeisQseiplstoandibcOoidsareaaretoPleBBjaa. Otllorwitelar DaMriptltaOaklflgM.t
icod a fao aoddiacf skiaoe from tbe aty bar* baaa call oly rocked aa if in an Mrtbquate by ing aoergetieally
Xra Jawa Baoar, of Mare^o
rm csosiij hr -tbe rerolutiocat bad ibata* ear ad froB time to liB^ tet tbe ease tte eoneaesion, and all tte window*' toearara
Ste did
ouibreak is r.rv raj.ldiy eubeiJ
aal atad U aato o^a doetw told
ba* |»ualad tbeo all Tb* aleapiog la tbe
terttetteaBaat ter* tte 0Boareot
oomaa baa rceeirad acareeW acy toe wreck of tte boM batlding wu
tfVteaoaatodtolir* n>*fiaf« teard. b* woald, tterafoio repeat a
Al Landon a Urrible eiploaioo of
lb* period of sbont eompktc, toe only room* in
iHa baai aal .
7^ fawpeiata Tteafaottold aad Iieada
tte bonM Mcaptng deatroctioo be loainatiag g*a in (be Lirerpool
caw ap proMplly. obi]* aoula* ebas
nlkw a hUle oiilk luTtelierte ing tte parlor* aod tbe oflk*. Bad Md lauead a Louse crowded will
ABBBaOato; aa* kniacaull
ae OBBOot long
tbe axpkatoB occurred Up minuUt
ycMy |a»ai*hii to«?aad.e
Bct. B a. Parol>L*B.p**toroftb* latar-toe loee of hie would bar* tewc
Prof. A. P. Ooot of tte UiUord
obareb of Cotiar, Me., frigblful, a* oaarir lOO persons were
bifb aebool. Lad ooiMi<» to pooicb juLdiate* a atataaaot
wot *>*-*
ttel ill bealtb eratung to be ceiled to dmner. and
:t feet from tbe groiaod. into (he
A X. Tan Lavrao'a roa. To* fttber rca not tbe eaom of hi* reeigeation. a* a mattar of fact oae of the elerkv
oa* aafty orer tte affair, aad eallad Be *B*s that te boarded faimtall. Frank Pouadaton*. was on hU way (.tretl below They were token Ic a
attbraeteol tea** aod gar* (be ewept tte ebnreb. mad* tb* firm aad to wake toi* announeawoi wbaa toe neighboring hotjiitol in a dying con
dition. Ooe child it known to hare
profwor a aoood tbrrahiog. Ti.a roag tbe tell. Tbe people swor* at
D occurred, a-id was cbh(
l>t«B burned to death In toe rogflato«B i* diridad ora IL* rov. A'ao Lim. wUltled and ate pesnutt in { to* falling dal
gralk* which fUiOwed tb* erjdoLarrran ia uodar arrest for aaMlt I Idling time, fired pillol* and throw! e (winfotiy iajilored.
tion. and otoer chbdren at* reported
aad tetter. It i* probable ibat ptooas at biw booaa, eame t o cbarch i
‘O the poiir* as miiaiug
Oook oiti te arraWd ior wbippiag any line* before tte beaedwtioo. I
tte boy.
The Timas announcef that the an.
laughed Blond daring tbe earrioer.'
A crowd of abont Sdi ItnaSlan lonties of tbe British musenm bare
' ActremliadgaiatLisBUtaeioaed etc Be eay* rnm i» aoid openly in
and children,
-ered among a collection of |
joaUM kItU tor a teupl* of dart lb.
»a ,0
i™ n>
^ aa«U* tbaramao Baf*r*or lb*
bare iaaJad at IVirar with tte ioleu- pyrui rolls aciiuirod recent y
bw**i. laid
“aertfal B*Bteri
tioo of aaugrating to ib* Uaiud Egypt tb* toll of Aitloila'c IrMtk
of toabaraad
Ibcooflstitutiooof Albans, froa
air* to Tiait U
luJL \l», •«<>“** Ntgard * widow, eonlrarj
Tte <|ac«n regent of Spain Lu
tte roll of
of DewaraU,
CUM usd »W. made aad
Wbfl. MiaC______ _______ witiog tbiny
aix year* for tbit u(' baked tawed. Ste aeoi ter ton out
w aidoa. «*a teawt tnw ter pettoaity. aad a* itey
______ _____ ->*1 graip j known only in drlai hed fragmenU
tea* aw aifM laat aate wiaa for -- aaioy a likei»inb
e<l lb* btadle rained donu a ebowc-r |TLit Imdte way aow be Men at the
fwinlega. 1 toiak
B0ILIN6 WA rtit on MHJt
aM aaifhbar. *o»* waJLot it M iaet that wa aoead* tteir re- tbe ftoek ooold drwA bat while u of gold coin et bif faei.
I Rntisb muacuu. wbar* fscjsinUr* of
teateiato tte tewaaad----- — ooaaC Tb* eoort will no* atoad wort te took a fit aad fail fae* dowa Orer G2.000 people w ra( of “
^''2 prapared. Tte opening
k lb* p»3l aad drowaad tefor* be
wdatoto itocw teraateoatoAof adjoMaad.’'
ehaptar I. missing and the cinclud',
waa found by bit BOtnar. 8fa* aee work in and aboot Detlin otubg
B A. Bortoa. of TakaMa, baa ieaedadtoigattiaghia kto tte bona*; toe cold weuber. The Elbe U ren ling chapter iemulUlaUnh but other. I
love akd
itten ale
aagagad k a new aad aorel iadaatry 'aadbad bimV'd oteivted wbar* dered dangcroot be tte matsM of wise lUe manuscript it in perfect ;
cooditior There is little doubt of I
—TMriM rabbiu lor Borkat U* be tea rewinad orar eiaoe. Hb* floating ice
^ Sawyco «*aato. aad a
hM already arraagw! a aoitabia pea aaeatfaat b* k not AmA bnl that
Batry snow atemt or* reporlaJ toageno.ueoca. of tte aannacript. | f ■ 11 !■ fl A
notbing was known of
fra taw* aroaad tte teaft.
aad pkaad tberain a nnBber of Ite Ood put bia ia Uwl eoaduion m a from Bordcaox and I'rngoeui. coop
ro'l awhen .
taoleof tte papyrus roU
Wmm woo IttTifaIr
kog-aarad aaiaaU- At tb* rapid
ior toe work lad with to* BtataBent that toalSe of pufcbased Toe Timas stvs ibis _
*B baatea aad all iw _
rata itey aaltipty it will b* bot a
ail kind* in Iboas cities aod toe sur discovery is aim ai uii|iree>detitod in
1 Sonday Bk
UiaMrt Baatw tora froM bi*
abort tsB* bSor* Mr. H. will bar*
r«to aaliaod ktk«t bun. rounding rcgicioa Las I>se-i broogbl tte afaoie bitlorr of classii-al Itarning. '
A faator; i* to te aatobteb___
tet will not allow t^ to atoy oear j to a coiaplet* stondstdl
A recent di.|<*lrU from Vienns.'
«te kte troat, at te JoMob. for tte I a akgl* pah of rabbits and tbah night.
___ alrie. t
farpoaaof wkiac teuTtetoftte roginy will in tore* yaara taerwaae
At Xm Yb a J*D U tte ataamar feel that tha Elbs it full of immense |iocid,Bta yet reported m cooneeiion
• tteaZOOO
Z090 Tti*
Tbi* •I*«uttiplr
toe receti serere weiibcr is t e
oatka table- ia keatad o
of four .............
DiMb of tte riUaga oa Hr. Borton *
1 of *r*^‘■
daogbttoof Capt Ajnniaof Ite ^terk i^dy tte bulltcf
aae^l ahjpi bkTe-wbiieno tbeii way to school Tb#
JamM Bamliu of Tamoatb, X. S. Itean erueted in Eigbtaaa *hip-itt.ilJi«o ataitod'tocHhir for the
wlte* WM reportad epokao al aea a wracked Milors whoee eeaaeli bate j nchool hone*, wbidi was •itueted on
few WMke ego with Ul hand* down
---- '------- -------- «b'«-ay harelip land-j a lon/ty country road. *bd 00 tbeir*
riagal with tbe yellow fever. Since tore
•d at Beligoland.
failingic rtturo io t be *flernooo a
TFadaaadayiii^U TneUm noihing daSeitoba* bean beard from
Tmknl enow eterme are again i
ily. eoaieeriag offoor adolia aad a tte bark. Tb* Bamtia kft Ffailadcl- vailing tbroughoot Hangary.andI»‘-1 aearebiog parly wa* orgasiisd Tb*
. .
td lt:aearch raaulted m (be diacorcry of
M«Uk aa»to«’ aritb'teTkC abfld. aaeapad a borribW dMtb by pbta tbe last of
ia feared
Ihe-tafferkg wbieb
which was
WM ax , toe.fonr ^lie* of lb* latl* coforta
BwA ate
w* n* tbroa*
urea* tbirty
thvty fact
I* wt poaptag waU; for Ibair own bOa. Afawdaytoalttefeearmade'pBieoded in the prermni etorm*|natee Inog stiff and eoldan daall
Front ana Stata straeta.
BMBBtilaftato* boMM bad ben
Mia* Annie aaid it i will be renewed. A pvfect
p^ect bhzxard | aetr the rosdaide It is tete’
wUetwd Tb«r*d*y BoroUg. Tb*
lever and not y«lkw rageii in tbe eity of
>f ViMU
all uoe i that ineayr parwous perished la the
thr«* borMB wbieb war* giren water fev*.* aa rvpoti
ortad. Tb* offiem* war* afternoon Tb* railroad
—--------- Taiafniidir . “U*
are etorm and Ibtl when tb* anow bat
frwa tte wail an died before boo*. lekee amfc and then to* crew On again bkekad by anow, andhoes
traffic i* j diinpp
i atartling number of
oftteB kto* aUbU and tte Dae. 1 tte maU died end on Dee 8 greatly intaraptad.
■ k
iLeeaptekdkd. Both were Uaried
»ttw<B*ry toacted a drop of lte«»aea Miat AsBk,tteaM9M>dmat* Boe to aiodv l!
AUo, FamUy Qrocaries, Proriiioo., Faed, Hoar, Kto.
tar te bi* toaca* aod waa aad* “a"
’ tbrveaaaarn (nine otter--------»nr*(hay ooald net dwtbir aicb te * '
from Egzema.
ehHikMpall r^bte. bate, agga. te. aMaUy foaafl k aiiy atete)
o. 15.
TJhave a few R
and W
' H
that I am now offoring
reduced prioee Tbe best oppottunitg ever of
fered tojget the above named goods cheap.
Special G
tor the
next 30 days.
S- -W. PESXk.K.XPa-8^
Meats and Qroceries !
■ mmmM
A »i^ aaa tote • Bfbtod too Ite kail, tee..oaoMey.ttet itey
aaaM a* a teal aanaa.bat ratter
Baaly. It i* aot atotod teal tte kar-
M* «ww* of. and at* na^ -to
aout for tte dMtncdly d**A
Mka Elkabatk OattM of CMaton
_ aUaek of aoariat faror
ttet tte* tel not teen ^
to apaA abon a wbkper. 1
at to ter brotlM'a k
May a law day* *>d
I etokfa -
T**irr UTERAT.I-
At Preadoea. r*. Mka Katk Wil-jds
Cksictsl ants, Pnltn, Cane. Etc
(Man Pitaptlt niM:ii til (it) sltlM cm.
try a ^
kg. Tte anak*
jar ia tte girl'* (i---------------- --------.
er. ttegkl wmI Tharedar •faokg. kill fak goianiM To* anfortanata
Iladteallb. IteM ai*Vain and, ‘^^■^'tri^sswiiwnrrtn. Off
A large owl was attnetod
id by
tte -kdy wa* watebkgtoa baby
M aad flaw at p<ay. wba* aoddanir te leaped w
light of* leap ia tte fteM
al. tegoirka. aiU(B in peraoe j * tS'
ri* over tte tranaoa of tte door. Btoterlvandapeattercteir.eaoseaU
T. Vaco*a«, Drnggiat,
ki^iUriiak agtiaat tb. kan. wbM. it kg her to toll to tte floor wlto great
Sandv Bottom, Ya. |
13 atetteod. iMTtng to* otto* in dart- violaoc* Sbe aorUiaM each *c.
k^-S^vikiMto U-o Tte ^Ma-adfrotek fly-|■»•reiaj.rM that atelM from to.
U Is trie Beal
CBte effect.
daabkg abov.
fag ttet te ted' anOrUy re^arwd I te
1 ter* toad Swift'a Bfiaaiflefat
tawMbMTd- BwddaBty tl
tte .M of bar eoioa. Tte doetoca |»>
I'elaanakg tte Blood of *----and fallkaatefak
Opk li«teaaD*»tytkMaMal*>*«Mbla . ____
attMite kanl pnar* call om DfltteMwtetee* Laaid ter talk ate*
aflaet that
Ok mtmm oa tk* ftektooL a j ter lato*. aM te hM klkad all in. noong whom w<
te aboald iaprov* ter knowkdg*
tester*** kliikgaxteir Imm : te tkM ate* k toy Mar tte faeoy- an. wte a
Of SooB by tearingand laaitkg fif
Mm wOm te rUJ brnteand te laU ary. teva *e doobM cf Ba rMky.
ty Ite* U tte Ilk^ kgbtly. fieblk
oM'a fatete Marty
M* bk teA Wtekipun tte'
fmmm Moad Xteoa*. wte^^ ftete alwaya Mid toat Mttter
■tetea pMO|«y .Md tea for
ton* Mr antratek* ararkdaaad him
tokiter offaategklk*.
I bate wbkb iiBatiliel Ik* ^^
“ E'ST
S4 IJW4 -VKUy t-unsrav
bot ka ogM asMlkni look, and
XraateaoB Blood and Skk DkmMMkkdff**
6wirr Sraonc Oo,, AUactn. O*.
Two of tteir .
Ttey got *80^
lAlgok taportod on T.
■ -T-
Two Pisnoi that mast be sold.
aCteBL lttotariBtotatab.toMhp Ckldartd Tada, katag p.
rtteaidH. U*Oa Mabte
toe. 7tte.MMMi 'toto**atoto>*w gOM ad art, aatetato tete
kataplaart te mM bteteg a te
bAi|to y. to dtotol MM toto to!
■toldteg itiWH!!■■««*■
rtoB*7 BL. faaltaga Ort*.
y. E. Mtod^ii te bout ateto **Mto to* *toto.Md toto iiHito h* *MMl opMdad abo. •17&.000.
mm abap. Tkv kte atoa Md
tartek abep axt la te ifan. telW hat.
/*&A**«MbM**M4 htob*M**i
taeaart towU to*7 teaptaarta
IkattetobMfeM Obto BL. ta UrtN. adawfagtah
P.P. Brtdl .telte^ilate bate
3. B. Kto«h.b.llMiplfhtteyi barva bia 1
«to. to M* Mm hto*c Ito fM
<kB. abte IgQiiao laal, art bin
Mto to lliktoii to to* toMtoi** wmm,
te tote btowaa 84000
R. D*£a*ta.ftbB(..
HMto to MmWMI BW* OtoM*
Tba alatoria iRbt art tetar wsrU
Mto hi Ml bto veto *ii b«l ki*M.
P. H. t»h*Ml b. • «M rtop M
aMka toato. <0 Ite
Mto. MBtar BadMi An te •
tfei toMu* hto M*to7 *>«Mto fiB W*d*»«*to 8L
lb* O. 4 W. M. ttoli
M*tototM«lto Mto tototoM**.
d.aPitoaaBitoteBt. te M
HMbMMtr idMtod ir to* gM|* MMlp glXMO dlttag to* 7*. te to* dtoad 1 baa.; opto^ ItaBB. wii ItfaUlteia
to MBtteg bnld'
' ' "
7itotelop. *i>kalOtaeb*aa Itoap*MM*r *ad btogbt top*, read, IdrtOart ktorta UilA
teto*«ta. Thay ban added la
R. A. Mataii. a Etol te BL. te
baa*. Mito tart, aoalboat. ate.
»w bDaalBiM S atari.: ataaa tarn
CMlptl MtoUptobcito to*M>toi7*t
C. M. Molded btolla ito* boa*
year, art two mw dyrtBa*.
dabUigtoaasptetytote pla«L to*
ItoM- JMt* HiwiIiII btotM*l**d to* Ifixp, Vito • vtei lUU a Dual 8r. ISrtQ.
Mr. Btiedtoi 'art Mr. Ptota a te aealtogS.OOO. Tkay bin pitta diriig
b. teipraad
aatoraaLrtn tauUa* haaaaa, tha l7aCiiaBl..brMktag
Boa Imp* art au BilM to oira.
mVl^prmi.maOm tm^herUhtj
latMT hanag bto Sitotirt
ban pit ia daitag te yaar 1j
tmm «f Kill In mM •< *• M»
T. S. Etoii hariag Mate hi* bubto
Mr. Ptotab h. hto biiMteg a Otoa
towtoarB.ts* TksyMpnpir■MOMM* ttNI«k Ik* MM
. > rna a Bw Bill to wniaatian witO
■ IttolSsIdiMl Md la
kto «MMtoOp to*4* to* toto
k. BahMaiMbMteth* SL.te added a wiag, toikiag allptob' thato ether work*, btrinc
«iMMk««w««llM*«( MM HM«I fh*
•MteR>.B»lato ptoPr. Tkayrtta
a 8S boM pooto B«iM lor te aOL
|mm«v«*m hNrtiar mtrrnrit *M ttoltofM. to Mi* ftotMtoto bM) OUm Po*^ h. a a* ktoldteg
ad a ban IddS.
tosMtoidp.aMMto htotoaMctothii
fli MhMMH t»Mv U Ikv •»
to Bay art B.lelpb atrate.
Ml*. M. a M*Mrtal te 1 Ba MW
ito4*to Ml Mi^toij to to*
d. E OmHrt te toe MW taafaar
to**toto Ml akon bp IM i
•bads, aoto Wx60 laaL wttb a atari rte.
Or*Pae*.7MBL. teiddadawteg
ikS4 ai
bp to. 10 hto baa* Urtd. a
BtoUa-Walliagla BL.-te
totoatebiaiaWw Mm* te fate to boUtaBaataefaap.
art tote Bitiiiaaty at a art to glOM:
Otai. Bon-~Wallii«taaBL-te:
npoct k to* otoM* tr.li. to to* btoboa*.
to biildiett BUOO. Ba te aa
I7 aabdrrt a saw raaldaci ISiP (ato,
• to Mdf*Mik*torto*«ftkto.
idtoa ta U* ha***. IdrtD. S Mrte* wilb * wiag I&cllyart a kitahnltrti trio Kgbta In aU bto baildiaga.
MM.Mil Mif MMi if (k* ■
iMwiii to to* toto it* ymn bigk
a a toeoa (oeadatia.
Valte Pol . Bay atnto lB«d
«»h>lNM li M ^ mm.
Cte Wlatart tea bm ha. a ttaab*Bllh Md repair abap. 34x90.
Ika Tranne Uity Mfg. Oo , bm
1 Oak BL. t
d. T. Btelaa Btata BL. tehoOt « added abnt *1000 worth to
I ki InM to Mm mBm m Md
Thay era eos
Mr BiO te added .*
U Jldf* B*toii*ll to* 1.MM
wbb aUft.
da d. Bakar.te baa iapteata Ika
Mi imM to Ihi bMiV ^
rakiu KkkiMa b*lM«. to. MOU ton
W. W. Dm te ■ doi
Paige prapari7 a Bitoa B(. b? ptoitiig to« e^Brily to 9000 ponadL
g ..nMitoli11 to tototitotoipaa I7 fiatofaad a Oak BL
pMtok tt* mmmm toOr um hj
Loito Win*. OB Elawoed ataaoa.
art b7 aaktag aoM 1
MM^M bitmap to to Mf «*(•««■ to* M|H«M b*Mh. A**l**p*rk*k
TMBda os two ridto
rt to tos baa.
M. H. OriMlh te * BM boa* lUM. i4a1 TMihta
Wtaglkdt. Itoeitnfaigfa. nPtbSi.
Mr. BsU «>*ta BL
M* 1 Mtoto to ito an ymm- Jmi ttolj 4Mli«*d tor to* pmUm; »
Bib aoM rtdiliuM la te I
Mr. Utolar a m* tonto te* •* *M baa laar tbs ladrort
•Mtti iiprtllaMi to Mtokl^M Mm ki* *»<»»*■■ to to*JM4*; *•
a B Psip sonar to Btata BL art BatealarMaiaoBart eallar. wtol*Nkto«* to to* ton*M to to aftol- Mid., tomrt to**M* M* M Me.
«i itoiifttoM MM ite tto> «ito
Ballad An. -te a tan* hoM iarl7 ed wirb atea. aakiac oo* to te
IMftoiitoto* ktotoi7to to*|Mtoto tod*. It to gODd ftoilM* to m*
Tka Ford te }**t aaaptote bto
Jidf* HM*itol.
AbIiww BhsE*r te a OM rtn ai bto
baa. a Mb 81. bto I61P. *teg
M. earaar to Ways* art Etawert
Iteia kkrta ilisr.
Hr. Hartaa. Klawood an., h
£117 MdbilTnatke Mtohrat
BM Boob: aprigbL 14x31. wi^ I<rt8
Fart Bbote bto a MW ban a e
■Mb«ftot *k* tetthfal ud as. ■ar. aad Mr. Bmtrt. a to* laaMwaat
art a Ulete 16x16
<n*rto«M*tolDi*i*in Mite
aa to te BL art Bardan An.
■toH to! pMto hMlliMM to •
•MCTtog adtonto* to H*rp*rb W«*kl7
OBBprwoP.. te
Tboa. T. Btoa la bad bto naiilaa. .
tttolhl pvto IMtoiHito MU b*to le Mr. Cl*nli*l, a na*il aditorto
A. Pobaito te btoti a piate t«o. a Wabtagta BL. rtoart ad a brirt >w boiaa I4x2L wiag 14x16 art
IfMtoid* tovMl to Mt* ttoa
m mm m» to trnammt to »•
iraad hto ba.aitoBi.
•ertatia beilt note Ota aartira boa*. alary kitab. 12x16.
alrato. a dwaKag.
0«tit7 Tnaanr Moom te i«Md- M te map Otoe* iaproTauato*
tela to*
to to* •dabM to to* n.
tort bto haoM-lb* Itowia. prepaetj
Mto^ totol took to IM mMi
pt*tod*Mte tUtort* to to* e«MiT.
Ika Aigin brtdiag a Proat^L, ba
Mr. Mrd^sagbUa. Bpni.
totorptot* teMotototo MpeBi.
bM Bond eat vitb te atbabaildia*
W. K. BanlaU. a Mb ■to**! te.
dwetliiic like te ite
rtioiBtag. Md a aw (rat addaL
MpItoM toMritr to tM.toc.Mto *. MM*. tototoM! to* a^ipart
• fii* wridae*.
Mr. Brotbertoa. B|WtoW airaet, dw«UHUiMi Mto to*
MMI. traatk* bmH todaewHhto i
apngbt to llxP (te. lb* bat wi^ d. A. MeMamtote ‘-Psaoa.
btoIt mifbl b*M« bto* Asm** tout,
btad a raoB to te rar to bto aton g bone eiimler to the ebon.
WhM to. Mto lb* p«to ii Ml*:
muiatortlb moot pate tiN rw
Ur Kilpetrirt. Bpnea toraaL 4<»aUtogteg toito hhd **rri**.r*|M*ttea,
wi*g ICcSS Ite 10 (aoi pate Ik* a&iao (ato. oa atocy art tMam.l,
iag like te atx>n
I .rnMn.-to iditotoiM (nr»Uii
E a Fa-a Wabiigta Si •bat* iatartir Aaitote ia laliq** art.
»ipto^«a rnmmi ■PMtoM mt,
Hr. Btebrttoi teatoo a dm rtn
total to*T h*n *iM*t h«M* to
aj. 0*.teb.a *8a*iMfa- bte a wwg to bis boas. ItxS taat
■ bto tot.
topcdtototoMtoMto I ■togi.tob* It Maild ittar toto dotolil pntototo
teaadlb Htote
Fruk SefaBtat to baildte • m
>MI Itot toMik. VkM> itoMto toto* teitenitlb* paMte eMtoih* »
Mr. Ptogbte bib BL. te ■ Mw Watotete BL. te a MW baas.
T*mU7 k Hoidaworth rtn anetad s :i the aorDB to Pcosl art Eiawood
toMtototo to* •Maa, te IMt to Mr. Ctantoid. fi*p* laa*.
n Tba iprighl to 30x94 (te; (root
Mr. Oitoii. te to* aesMtoi .itotoJp
Mr. Wilbtom te bwU ika. a Mb beildiaga I'lat P. aOiflO Ite. t-o wiag 30x33 art Mr wiag l&xlb Briek
Mdadtoartel; “Mr. ~
t‘ k
toaria bigb, fa ■ farsitaia atan.
_ ^iftator toMMtto l*M*r to la-d.1
da Tnably Sr., te tatool bto mito to tM pvMc to to* pmtf toMk* batotoategfatoaMtototato btopirtr;
Mr Tho9p.o on Praat P , Bear te
■an a Ifraot BL art pot a briek
tod BiUnle. hai built a raaid.. S4x3H
Hill Hill iktoviB b*M^M
ha npMMta beM M Mito toM* Md it*
te iddrt u *cd Mdatia ante te wbola bnildiag
to«MMI;haMtod MlMad * I ,
B. Bradbag. te bol a itoa bona (aet. 2atari«'hi«b
■paad hto boM a 71b torte
Dieker. Bpra. P. has s
toto* MtotoM*b*totoU*htotoMd
NelaaLiilMtetBM Idrtl ba. bilU a bto pnato. a Prat p.
ba gteM to 07 etov dM<Mto. *1
13x16. with ■ 16x16 loot wtag
d. W. Oaebrv) ha* 1
tpmjm Miintl iiIm*mM
IjMtiBOa*. HM; htofavMradi
o Proto BL. BtkiagU eoaptata 16i» kilab.
0*a. t ilM* te btealdrti:
totoMcpvfil b* toHMdto toi:
dobh Qatof bat Bond bto boM oat
> Bodm appatotBeota.
toteatrte Spraea arttebii
Pete Otoa bss into aaaptatrt
Pnrt Fitadtirt te a 8. bm tan
•aa Mill faaL two atori. high, with Idilhw*; 19x16 mkI 13x12.
Mr. Wtoloa 00 te lot aext aarth. te
M te bia p*i a to* lat
Mtateato toriiMii tebto
rtaidiBti' 16x33; wiag 14x30 art
dao. A. dntea te ea-rbrt
bp Mr. jwr. «tfe totte
BidaBMiaBsy Bids; ipngbt 16x24. kilefan 12x12
*bOa bto frtobto m - •i Tpilii
Fntak BnedalfT to potUag apsate
Bilk a (root wiag 14x16. art a
A to to* pMtp to. hm M toM
te *Bd to* twa iBdatrp btoM. 16x34. te wboto bartag a toaoa
ilteto* «tetetei«ld«*>
VMtoM. Thtotoal tkto tocpM. to«H7p0Mrfilii
Ztaa TrotBM nenpi** * *•*
oa^dtoad ad atoar btoidiag daa*.
16x31 (te . Bpraoe P
MWto «MM htoto**'lMt to* to
plilg rtart SM.OOO.
Mr. Falghaa « te wte ode to
toMito totocMi* mm pmlfwai
Bpra. afawet. te a (<mm ap te ra«n.'Md tkateteteg b*ta**Mto* «i
Mr. dob
riote (or s rtedeeee.
V. Fadn-Cadar «trte te boill
•a. 6»tlOO (at, whit* brirt with
wrnmtm^qrnimim totoi^tok Bm Tock to to btitar tkit i
WiU'EecBryliaa boiKMadditi.
iltee I6xlk InL art s wtod-bo.
Mktop b**d.
•a traatap plat* gte <1
Ml M*totlM. *b* bp cfaMtiM *M
hto hoB»; atoe a li. eart^ baa 1U16.
^ it Ito. M* daatolM Mto b* .*4*. “
hta atari, tagb. to* Uaia 1
art atabta.
da. EaboaL earaar Waya* te Ootar,
itoM* MM ik* hMto Mi toto*^ Witoidototto pM^Mt. iMndly.
toawtag (0. toGtto*. te I
E. Btey-Bay 8id»-te a m
to to! Um to Mto MMto* to to dM*^ BMbar a* Mr. Oailto .7*; “li to to* toarp baag te g*U**7 art dtoiBg aaca*
iMtototopMMto, ton toiiatotoMtoto' daabtto to* ftd*lit7 to to* eppa*^ toe., hataigiig to to* na.ir fitotonM. Ratal. 01 Btata BL. rti ■ at
>Mto«wt h*MHto« toIMM* «teg te Mm TaM. te lb* ***M to Ik* *7. art baiag part *( totor alagato gaar- work abap. ISxUlato.
tan. wtartia*p7to*aBta»toad.aii
Mm M to*r M« M. W* MHto
Wa.SanartO«aya «.MM.rtn, Otrd Fob te addrt . aprigbt la
0*r. BULMtoa
.totonpfrtMBtai (catedxrr. Tai
• pcttoto toto. «PM tototoM
•asb a na boBar. abort ISxgS, ia Bsy j hto bone. 16x24 (te.
Aid. If toil «M K.O. T.X’aa*ei|i7«AnrtUato***e
>: •Ototo toliM
idtein: “I* to* prab- art door, toa fte to toi* Bw te*« •*. Bid*.
W. Bnadito bxaboib ten
Ttata. Bartraan. Batadalpb toiaeL >m
aU*i*dcM.toM*«to* kaadito to* rtteeMa*. Tb. Prat toroto eanar
tooretaaaeartd bjE E. Wtot. drag. MMioBoyPdL O. to liiSO. wii« boOl aa addiiioo 14x30 lato.
do Dawitoi.vaorMt2adte Dfatoioe
tear. EM ar 01*»to*ad, mid im- grt. n*poataA«teAato7a]iipprt
Pitol to**etetoB*«.To(k.’'Md te «M- (B*M tot to* ether Praat Mreet faat, 19x12, wiag 11432. Trt third b 14x22 •inMi. tea cewbau. SUM. with
itoint vote to M*tf wbitaD. E Otottr. jwwtoar. te tb« ilh a oiag 13x16. Ha wi8 ana b^ii wiag 14x14
Tart to «mMU m Imnnrrti
OiMB toiato aler*. Ib* aalfa* fatoidiit mw 82.000 bant.
A. loteWBrtby te dao. Stea ta 14x34. wto« 13x13.
toftatotoadbad Imlibii wito all MdBcyBid*. hinbailt an bawiaa two
Tham Md (MbtetM* toittol to:
Oae. DrtiM. aatnr Srt te Oak
Om. EM «mH kffl Mi. CMMid. Mr. rtBtad bj atea art iightad b7 toeeUta
Bta.. ban taoH a widg 13x14 laaL
<1 mil* II Mrtd Un Om. Bm. niiMr
E. Mncilaga* te • targa boto
llB eato to to* btoUi^ a. itaai
B. Lobarta te a ate aoitag* rt
i ingitltai to M* Mtel
aaiM. MMlBT*.**n7 Em Tart.aM 8K.WQ.
bean ca te rfnw haak. aaa te nil- p..o«rtera>lite.
P. Wanbait. a te «>ato to Btata •ortbridft.
Leri Itoanie. « Oafar BL,
On Ellar. Mr. Vaatel^. Ote Ow
teteOavLiyertrtnbailtBMtao- iDi n addittota u hto bate
I araort teir Iota ta Bay PdL
Mr. Brigblyte addrt aboeiag Ite
late rest to hta boOdtagoa Wnhte* toMbaad biad»to M»p
to. V* •.*.; Ote* M
«MiM *Mto M* «
087. *kte te toalart i. m. 3m. 10,'
to KMdpiMdlM
un. Afttotewato patteM
Ttata. Ereapa-OadB at. tei
. wte to kfa ntod... tSxU fte
^••teMMto IBMdg.l«a:
•to *Bd taBd*d.lte teg
bridg* la Btata BLOB te Ote tod* to
Mr. Wirtota^tert idditMatobto
tatote OaiteyBete.te
Mte.M.tatotad latafea
OteBL.art^ CtelateC.d W.
h»m *1111 tecMdfkiii.
BO. aa W«yia BL
A iMiM. MM. to* H.
K Tae^ te bap 1 haea ia te
Btatobtapnateoa BmmmtAm.
to ornim
UMpto to* tototaiato
L mmrn to ajtotoi. M.aitaa-
iikB Btoteto to te a.
Job! Eartifa M Wintete EL. ta
#na*P. twp atari, high: aprigW
Met. Orator te anw brtltegTrtn Mrtioa te a bB8 aa bto tota.
Mr. Wiigito'a tartte. D. E ViMU,
Pnf. Ortwite brtMh brnn te
Mr. OaaaaH te ban btaBdte > ■>*
MtatobtobtaM Wrtbtete P..
tdtea ta bto baa.,
tate ^
fato aid*.
D. M.
^ aacl ote to Me.
• »IB*«
1rt.aMrttar toa pa ate toto
MM •!. I.
~ iSTfar'aTwte'JS'ltea.*'
3. W. Bi miiiiml mfL
BrtL Tb*MlBB|w^toUCII«tob
1^ 11x31.
.. ....................... .
tegp. »• tela pte fa MUk te
teak Oaek. i.Pate wra. Bpani
.Aaa^tebaBt art Peart ton te. tel tea BM dote
Maond Vtatoag. atebtate atetar
fmmtii Fstetotatafa, te^ltet
Ptertete B« Bte. tel
hnn ten. ofab ote IPU.
L. a Itertrt Bptta. tete. te
Now is Your Time to Secure a Bargain.
Oeivte AocerddOM, Violiat and »lot of lit^ Staff at any priea to cloae cut
D. Tfataa art a. toHtad Ite
tatUteMoartyd. H. Oian-i bfotte to kM faoB
X.k«ata*tattte IdB.
Tba ■aari^ an atiU ta pragwa
Ortrtoy Cna art Mrt Wte wan
MBtad Tbwaday. iha Uib.
Bn. L. Btoatei: aad wUa, larnrtly
pntarto Itewocfc, wan tea aitolte
Taaafay art TkaBfay afahla to te
weak. We wan girt «aaa art wtooteslbaBii te a^hborbaed.
Steinberg’s Inventory Sale
OFF Foist Fital.
The sale includes all remuants, odds and
ends, single dress patterns, odd coats, odd ■
pants, odd rests, o<id suits, underwear, hos
iery, and in fact everything where the aasortnient ia not complete. Also winter
goods, fine overcoats, heaver shawls and
cloa^ in endless variety Mackinaws, Ger
man socks and rubbers, blankets, comlorters, pillows, etc. It will pay you to exam
ine these goods, they arc fresli and perfect,
’tis only because the assortments are brok
en, we don’t wish to invoice odds and ends.
You cau save a.nice snug sum on a bill of
goods by buying now at*
Mb. CWta to <a iba aiak bat.
B«r. libyaald Bond fata towi yaa.
Bariiil Baatlaga are is pngma
te H. E toiaroh.
Mr. fiiytoTravmaOitytopBUteih
V. Crtrktoih
te earth part to tetoa
MtL Otarfc to M bate.
IkMwiU baatert
high aebaol, Prto. OUbari bofag oaltod
toBoyaa FlUs by t^daatbtoa
Mrs. Oeapbatl. wbo te rtaa etoUlrt
fataada ban (or tba part Im wate ratarart tt b. boBa in Tra*arrt City ta
dayCota asd Maotew are prttte >■ •
• kldasy.trtaoalbaidato te doprt
pt^taialocy la onatartta bayiag nd
bteaswy.il Os.
Jils Steislierg’s Great BeoDant Sale.
ISTEW stock:
•eeapy raoaast te Haltatiam
TkalaratoraasUag tote Eiagtoay
Utaiiry Boetaly. w. baU M Friday •*•oiag. The Basis tec te oeaaa
taraabad by BIwood Pod art to
Wexfoid. arttotai by O. E B
art Dr. Prtlai to Uito piaet. art b
worthy to a^taeial Baaltoe.
Oa Bslarday Martag aoB* to te
Biasy frirada e( D. E SreksfOie art ■
(artlT. aaltad at teir baa., (would a]
bto(Blto.-rttota-o.(.te..rpo.a!(;„,njty<,n^,ny price Jp(«, tke ChBBpeat BfBWB to IhB
toaftaadingaaontalaraaing. AllaaaB.l
tr„ , r.;i,
rt well Btiaded with te raartl. art *•tarard a bsarty “I wiU*' la lb* owdiai
At The Bookatore.
ItdC. ES. Z3T.A.SK.E:E.X...
Advertising Rates.
BvvrliMlMssM H
Wood Wanted.
to.rsn.jMr n
ra rrn*^
• mil. torta..gt
, WllLlif.
rjito BBirr
grOMB -Tfa glB-taT
ra. curt sasisMS hr w.CtaaaU* wph to
rtrto.-^rvo. JnSttVllhlte
Ttaiat loiMirart (or • atelliy
«r 34 iatfa r««i BipU voad.
yy U f»ae rt HirtLii oflte
^•Mtora* rto4« wor» Mra or mm i J**5rr*y
to.Tas a aww m
|^4M»M*(Tto glK.taT
Tto «*i» rar»
U4.IR al
Jl l.ll'l .riilbIRO
MB tata*^
ki OB MB.-«-r
< It
P'OB BALdl AT A MAarttolto
Um aiaBto ta.|to tatoUM wiia t*. mws
U.S MI Tl.*.r'i TMa
! I’jH**'* •
Kl.IswI.awL 1
..fall■itaBaa FOBNLt,
W.e arc opening up
a store on Fiont St,
one door east of Cul• *■•
auh 11' r-jrtJs^i'T.-isusn’i
IS M'S OMUtet it
• ta >too« ma
svMISctotoat itot toil to to*>4 m
*•.. to
----------------. J » mJto*.Tr..toMi.-it,: MiStoiisistototo
cotopHuS M to toMn
I tmt- » M. irkinl. man’s bakery.
WSritoiSIto* oMMIttoflSr rilJraMtoaf
Please givo us a call
irvL'SHivsh'j-tts.'iir? ^3S.t’,-cLV.'r.!---Lr. and see what we pan
■•=T. WiLaol.
latoBS. a:
TnvtoiM CUi
do for you,
BM W:itoiB II
rjae xrt.taTMaCTOBta
K r*r BMOU I* ' SmW< i i niiint srt ItoOeS *r lu aMrl to i
iMito I Trtoiracs’
tics- I Tratokis.
BtoE Bp tag grtagffafa.
ttol.BtopkMd a.Ie *OeV
•ae 0*0. loT. dBBAOobM
<■ B. u s voB or* Add.
to Jl .
idOttearATBto. Itatocnaity.
.. toe toa pttvsM d iliac «• AAd.-«m.
Mtta d bnlitto
KM.L a. Bam*, d JBdt, OMm
i. B. WatusrsT A Co. vOl. atily i*
btostty. opts a janliy Mot* is th*
K IrS. MM. as Viatod
a. iTr^^tods, aM^Hi
«Amp as Muto Matt. P an aassHl
-- n n
tea. Xttu. M d OasKaPp d
*5M». «aa pan* Pa«r Part kpa
lat to l^r'* aaap, to* -tott d
naltocal to* pea
atott d A. B.
uytotec ater vbteb MtPti ud uAa*
teafa.-.V. C. FMet. Jr.
Hi. Wattcbaiy P vail kson to Oraad
naoaesa paapit, faaoiac baas nth D. E.
OtotorfarttssaiflsaB yaan. TbrneP
Mar vaefcmu to hP liaa is vorthlatoi^ aad so asa vho vsAmI tto fall? tttdiiai battac
Addad to top tto tol d tba ftt*’ pop.
btority of Mr. WaPtbaiy M a bu
ttaa. apd lb* Bas*u> au atMy predlM
toittm for tto s*v Am. Hr. Water.
b«y a>01 tot* dfcatt rtorc* d Iba bamAa asito me* etoaA viK. d
teto pdta. asd hsadaem*
ksosto ltopam*eateSteud plaak
Dtpf. V. B. MandMl Bravatoe,
yaPy aad MammrCPy P hmi (or
V ^ d tt Matt ove bad atometot.
Islto patt ttote tetoHm tbaa* atotaa
asd tto pott afate bse* baas aacaead asd
Cstoa,mstoy«t oMl r>ofa tefcam.
MJbntts' XaMteSa, Is to told tt •—•toy.
^ M. twM OW. Tvte^ asd
B. m* dMaiOad to a
prayatmatttecAuaatt tnptttdiha Bxaday aebool
above to* aaioliXmri for DOS, 433;
laieatt aPaafasra, S36; mttPd, 1<8;
*rar*t*,S4. Oellatttesa meo»857.97.
liikaaiy eutaivt 618 ▼damn; arnraca
bdaBter Boatety sett Baed^. ted by
Mpb WisBilted Pratt Praatoisg te
efautt. park*, tt T p. m.
emtteuMil nek.
patted W ramate asd
saaspylbi PBlml sett Lard'* faya. m.
Tbepattor vili tote nei.n..
Nteity toKd tto ssv book*
dnn Ptt 8asd*y. Tto hoy* aay they
Wtol a crad Ismu n hsfo ter 8
far! LslaeailksraittereletoW.
• ts ttoak Am f
Tr*ippertttioo-F. Frfadriidi, M.
taakaU, Q. E. Bragbey.
ImproTomaol-r. L..8praga% U.
Daria, 8. C Deaproe.
- aneoa-Jaa. H. Moarje. O.
r. W. L. Bampoed.
It** Jam a* witb Xrsaen* drily.
RasdiDitto PiiitodelpbP. rbeltieacbl
atrikaa yoa Ibal abileto PbiladelfUe
yn viU psrrbaae a f*« ettulaa (or tbe
(olfciat lomr. Tbe semei o( dm or
. of PhibdelphM-a CMI adtaramrdPUly catara yoer aPsd
aad yon bey «bal yoa irqnre at u ee-
Thursdayi Friday, Jan. 29,130.
Open from 12 lloon, each day, till 12 Midnight.
ber)BarlIr.~AV«/((op (/><! , BmgU.
Festival of Days, Booths of Pictures and An Goods, Indian Cari
osities and Goods, Home Furnishings, Etc.
Art Loan Exhibits in the Parlors.
Beautitul Stereopticon Entertainment
With entire Change of Views each evening.
Elegant Supper Served from 5 p. m. till Midnight /|
Fine Music During Rrxtire Fair. -
For Prices and further particulara see bills.
rairentlpl Iteewl Ar». tu M II
N. and Innr. E Uiya-raJ, lyot 13.
Bioekf, Keabfa.vtD la.—C'tt.
Wtetey Due to Jacob Ilottfar tr;
d u^.Bae. 7, (eve 15K BIO WAtOO.
Sank A. bravnagn to (rorioaa olril.
tefod Etecatey. Lot 5. noekl. PanJobs OtTileb te Williaa E Moore.
e*< dooi, 8ae. 81. T *^B. Kll W$300.
Jteopb T. Barsdee te Fardtetod ted
Pttraiiea Kioiipa. Lot K. Block 13,
raooree City, $3,00(1.
B. A L. Mar. Oo. te Jtmte li Jobsp. 3 (t. adjoteiec Lot lA H. A L. Co'a
lodBeb. Dir.-$150. ■
JoroiM Jdiu^ tu Wm. H. Dana,
PL u;. See. V. T » N. B l> W—BWa
Joliae ParrtuI to Jaaapb Fairest. 1
o( Ml d *•'. 8ae. V, T K. B 10 W
Byreiajk. Bucen te FtafaBOy- (laaiptoXInttS, 4. u. BuKk 0, b-ortb Fda
JasM U. Harr^ to Wm. WiddP, ei
del d bfL
>1 Ae.uffEaed. ifae.
83, f sy 8, B 10 W-$1,000.
Mary Jaae btoekiiic and etbm
Tm. B. Daria. Pl aa! Bee. 0, T »• N.
Bttiiy H. Nebte to Ttotete Kelly.
**l deal Bte 31.T 38H. B i
Jso. Pateipbar to Edoie
d >vi See. 6. T 37 B, B » W-$l.
Zaaa Ford fa Cdreabei Meeru, ee<
devlBee. 33. T 90 B. B IO V-$l..
Annual Ginaring Sale.
Paid up Capital, ■ UO.OOO.
arm* armfw *>.•« ut«m Urtmi Briial*
imir.er.tri . NoTwap Orrpwl. Hollmte
.._rr. Amminm.Amtna. emiurnmal.XaMli
4l«'i •>< iiati rmrrter rmmmi'irp.
fa'J of niB
item az t" i:e& r. i> rai
“““ "
nCUAlTT PVflnEl.LEg.
Previous to uking onr investorj, we bAv$ dsdded to ton cettoin portioM of oer itoAlt ^
retdf loooey it $ SAcrifiee, ntther than ctrrjr it orsr iato ODOtber
To this end ple*$e resd the foUowug:
We offer A {>air of good Bed Bl^keto, white, for
An Extre Large, Heavy Horee BUnkrt, for
A ptir ot learge Feather Rllowe, for
A lot of Starlight Toilet Soap, three ban in a fancy box, for only 16 pound! of White, Extra C,‘New Orleaiu Sngar for
. SuOO
Happy bancy Coffee. 1 pound packages, only
17 pounds Light Brown New Orleau Sugar for t«ly .
Cracked Java Coffee—which mdees a drink snperior to ArbueUes at only 20 centi per pound.
A pair of Good Gray Blankete for
Choice Now Wall Pai>eT» at 6, 9 and 10 cento for double roU.
2-Buckle Racine Pac»—regular price $2.00—only
' a.Buckle Racine Pace—regular pri«i $2.25—only .
15 pounds Gianulated New Orleam Si^ar for................................................1.00
A large, attraclire Bed Comfortable for •
2-Bu< kle8, tt.le.1 and beeleff Racine Shoe PAcs—rognlar price $2.25—only iA5
•l-BucUei. Mled and heeled Racine Shoe Pace-regnUr price $2.50—only 2.00
21 pound! Dark Brown New Orleani Sugar for
We tor*
oe tefa too Pair.
beU toiiftesa oerriaea le Orvaa Obaroh
saxtHeaday at lOSOa. m.. atofnbsbly
d Fbo Ipdte*' SbtMS—^•Mplsi"—
Jet. S. Tompktea. Lot 7. Old Miaaiaa
tetoaeottfac*^ All pomeaa tetar•Mb-$13».
Co. Mskr. a
tetod >1 to* vttlara d tot peifth me
OU If PPM Boeli Baaort Awo. to
B. asd C. widtoa. pm $i. 4 sed 4^.
1». I.«i» O.M
O™. OM aruvfa T. McPIivvB. Pt. d Ltt -£*'
Old Mpates fieeeb-AlO.
vhitbvaarsssUiecet f OPT reg*.
Bteto Bawat Ame.
r. c. CM.1WT
Efa a H. K«a tansteeto tedto*
ayevac tetsd bed rapote.
PteCai. Ittt A. Old Mte- ter yrics. Call ia eed *•• tbeie.
'toSMSttilBIto B.A M. bteto ^ OMcbte.
tom. Cpoeteap-ste*pdisbp'’**-“*'‘’>*-*atea B*atti-$17»
bp -Mr. BteVted, vbtt* MvbA steo leesd ctefa fnm O. C WO-:
Bitonlia Jpltum fa Wm. J. O DeAstttttoXtodsIcbf.Afa
Ifa-A Bttey SaacBiMu'a asd Ztoridj
^vkaapb ttaeai. apd. a hece ^SBBli^
The frteefa d Demid MiDwilf S3. PLBvlefsei Bae.ntoA PL pel
d tel Bee. S3, all te Ttt»B, B20W—
dhP A*sto.Pbitti iiimeeadet $Ma .
a to* bte boma.
te Ftoteaste Utmiblj. «s 0. b: A L B. E. Oe. faJaCnee
Pbtteyob. Maas etodkP deal
illMii. *1 d a*i Bte. S3.T IS R.
tea tot tetepv te wi
vtetodspttomsaapdtetosaa_.^^ Sttsrdsy peeetdtec Hf. M*
O.&ALB B.GD.tolteBtefk.«
^ Ottebsr vea
fail. SOI dasieae. lEsidnvi
a. T St R. B 11 W, *pd a*i d att Bee.
Oa tbe oenfaa tt tea Ptt Ttet, ittarrod
TbaopAiIvrJtetema to Ote(to Void
le. ve bad a plieiifc rAtt.ieTlrinc tteteloifte d toe ptessu day*, asd to sar.ttdeviBaa 38.TSB.CWW
T*io— On to* eae tt to* bM ,
*al te IM aatea* *f
Itte far,- DtoStefk toB to ttWe ■■toitoiiimdamd to Itoiy Havpto ato atotei te Ote^ tt
bebt aittfast la toa
ofatev. Ltt 14. BUM “D* 8. la A ;2tats*:;i.:ri,:”rra^r^ttrs:
b* toaptead te cite
— ----- - ——
______ 'i?a?4«p«Vtttteete«a»p'ttatt*
Ba viB to ^teily ateiBS te tto
BPsHy. avd hp vrifa ato li^
vM toaa tto bterfa ijmsatby W
Wa.toabaabasd aad abUdiasdlto
Itt* Mn. L. & Hobha, vU to ax.
ptate to tto peopte d Watt Sid*
oar cnihofa for slltto lore aad kied MM m*ei(«tted. sol osly te ear daw
otednttectorkPciUaaa*. baratee te
oa altar ttw bad -faoawl tbenrae.'
Ovr btaitovill alnyi fara with lora
ler tote* (rtoada aod (tot Braraa'* luAa may aUeud ttom P oor
iaaev Sobm,
I. D BcPte.
Ber. W. A. Hosak
Mb.AHui M.L. Bmu.
IJel *1 lyPtirr
toe Bute EoebMeriae (faeiely.
bp Mr. a A. Ondord. «bo *iU bo*
Jadee Bemidellpto Oraad Bipidi
to«t<tol«a d tto canni ott«a aad a-the ansaa) maatiac d toa WattMPb.
|<CautoMatty. Uevm ra atorlad
aAslsoixxc IdCLZSLIT.
aaa ttosa to tto •fhin a( aaeey
Biitiiwtoato aatbfMsu appartwitre^dL IfoMdost tasdtt*
toaiStodtocohrlAetavlW dtosadtoiaMAtetbauasal
* aa* mm to Mr pkst oe
lean SP from Ofud Bapida as MoeH*toabBfltato|o additiaa
"• “*
d Mra. E. R
ready tofe (att loom d to* wrier mtha
ud #to«tte bebt pPst. asd nil BBo IbP
bsUdiac. Aea*p«toa baa beta pnl
taMUM to ton Iv ■■ aai Paa.
M*asd UwHtoiu amtointty will
telle*. Tto toV aliaady ha.
tpm till I
m.OOO fttt d bardvoed d hP o«d.
ItordM LavdPPtoaatonp.
•Bd *01 bay mot*. Tto mU nU me
Tto fate dtbe i^Bto aaairumiy
toeittd toeT. P.8. O. E. I. Axed foe
Wedaaadty. Febratry 4tfa.
At to* eomsasiae latt Saedv flfwta
toma aa Firmt abeet. astt d tto
fsilrasd, Ptt imiPB. sad to aad hP
to P oar ebnatma hem* and tbaa*
ta BMaab A Lip Mm Op «itt
family —a ptmmstly bpttad than. ham btm addad W oar beuabeld.
Oe Nasday mocBiac latt, tto baiUii« Tto Ufaoa itPMd by to* pmyar mett
iaceoatmilU* an impettast to eaary
faa. pfato Mr. Hast ma Id toe lamb*
eed Mn. Ban tad tot
MAtof as VM toM aa« viil pd .
StoM ttoalapl a^^ toi bsMn
JiM. W. Ma«Bto. Ototoa
a ft Ceartti, Btatttoly.
Jn. SMb, IH'J.
a lor top isaaalartoio^
.bare baas ttBIrttttbar partaoud
tto tott torn d tto Bsaei*.
Tbaisto sttmsto Itottosao b*yosd
Mm. Fifed Ttoa.**^ oa
Im. M, aTtow— hdd a
vbal ms ttoa aptaad Moaa toe poblto,
dip.*.. I7 B^.B. Ke tor.
bat aa fasMuae deal cf mb toa
M. C. Daipe d FMktoeV ma tora
aad nU dasa. Mn tbu osa
baadiad todPa-toeladac totay d toa
beat adaplad far toe maA by axpttieoaa
asdMdiititydaayto oai eUtoca are
diraatly iiiMntttod to tto maUar. Phtek
ll*. H«an a Lti. *k« bM Mcatt akoa laaBiaa a erSad aac
pM H tapMd t>edtl<« U Mm «M«>
Tba Art liDU Bxbibil faia b
•UMdlh* H*«Mb I U; K«. Os.,
*d from tba Armoqr to tba pailoia. toa
i« M* ttM PM •■ M d Um oOee.
doM hP WBifiiMiiiit *ia Um ComPMT
w. a. b« bm fs% «1MPiBertto UUiace iertoPiag bat
Mnd hP pM Isr Up ratal*.
aaay (heade bn*.
teiamaal bare arriTed ud are '
Baa. H. H. BoUe oealto loa
Tba upper eommttioe report u asaliaa appMs to toAaj'e Hmus. It
arfllbahaKtt Jaafcpa.Tattdl^. Fabtbi Bctto eat trosall aotwrtadx
rs*(7 M. Uasd Tmamt eosalr sill mra baraac Monday.
Mtoe BeOa n.-—~ui to etoitiM Mae
Tbe aattoaa boolbaara Ultoc up vith
ba asUltod to Stotopatoa; Asbitt.9;
Wa d ptatty Ibtoea to tempt iba psrap
*. *i OkariaraU. 1; Emmti. 4; BaUaid, d MasPtoiaa.
Tboa. B. Koble aatte o*ar bom Eft d bajara. la Ian. a*arytUae is boomM I; liaetoaiP, 3; Waxtod. 4
toe Fair-oardt.
lUplrto toe toit d the aaak.
Mm. L. VsBSsaiu, d OM Kmmi.
a expatted tbat nay (ram tot
K.8. Pratt wabt to Oadiltoeoa TaaetaettradaAPpaatotottTbandar area- dey. aa ePaaii eostt fasttaett.
eoulry ud from atiebboei^ nUteaa
toe tolaeMtoc Pto toai hP aaa, vfee bm
dabtoaca,ta tWlimc aiU rPit to* rooou OD toa aftaraeooa d
dastototoalsfibttPaoto saw Bn- ho daaebtoe. Mn. F. »«-■»«—
ttodayadtoaFavud aaatbaal^aal
Mapetopa,haahaeasptosttr. >> ad
Dr. Will LtUmp d JMaaa; eitttod
loC toil floe baildtoe. aad palmtoaaitr tojaiad. Mi. OMeeWU asd *tfe bP pwaato bare 1 law daye acoiaa tbe vaifaar departaaota of tba Fair.
to Tntaeaa OBr ead wok toe ftia
Mr. asd Mn. Jolto Beutofi tora ra- Hooerar, IbP laat cUoae to oot impart
Into FMep toe Btote Bpttafa.-fiafffr. aroad froa tbaP etoil to Hato^oe.
Coma todaaatbe Fair vbetbar
Nr. aad Mn. Joba Ctoapeoa d IVpcb yoa vPb W bay d iu pratty tbiaca
V. B. Btonrt toe pld fap tom d
IS attce. villi fiO eceaa etotmi. <a Ibe lakr. *Mad ratotiraa bar* itaP nek.
dapttypott—toanle, vtih aoaea pafaaaal peaparly.
far H.1M. to Utoa. Stobto. Mr. Stoaart aeiar batp, waabi ton oa Taaeday.
At tbe maati^ tt (lie botiatei Mao'i
Mra.AlMtobotad Oraad Bapida. to
eweEattSordae property ae peri
•oatttioo. bald teat Toaptey ereoiey,
papaeM, aad mat ap toaea oe Fratoy rPuiac bar paraati, Mr. aad Mn. Jw.
totookdier ik Be say peaiUT re- aertood.
Mi. aad Mn. D. Bqaiimidl Moeday iac eommilleoi. Tae oOrart ul
• ttat eattbs torooefa tlie wtotae.
far Kaabrille. Mtoh.. to be abaaal aoma' mittaaaol tbe .tMOoiatioo (or (Le pm
aol you ate ae (ollova:
iTBai^^ P ttokUd todmttt oear
I’raaideal—I. W. HiUikea,
'tt^'ioe-I-mdent. H. D. Canpbeit.
2ad7 TMa.rrAidaat, C. K. Bsek,
r tba vbda d Misfaicaa- ’
Bmlary—l:L W. HtPtoca, .
Traararar^. T. Bmdie
MQ ton to tto atala
KteoBlira Oommlttor-J. V. MJiahao.
liar. Mta. B. U. Daria.
lUr. aad Mm. Oeo. B. bmito d t. T. B^kt. P. Friedridi. i. O. Aobaniaita *bA oeattaatly IsmmaUn
BOB, E L. b|>racaa. Jai. Mouror.I!. D.
am d toa Baaktof Bosw d Baa
uh. Ipy A Oo , baa i ifiminud qnito
i-T. T. Balm, F. Ham.
X X. « .
taMte M
toeayaa vooU kaev artot aa ittpnrtaal lliiae toto wtola plasl i»faTto*eew
BapakUaa Oeaa»
A nice Lap Robe for only
Children!’ Sled! at 2.'i Per Cent. leM tbaa foroMR prioea.
Having accumulated, during the last 90 Dbts. a$ a nmlt of our Large Sales of Carpets,
a muderatf Hoe o< RemnantB of CarpeU in tpHobs lengths, wbicb anst be sold, we offer
them St 1-3 off regular selling prices—to clear them oot, Wa are tnakiog Spec^^ Bargnbs
in Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Bed Boom Bnites, Side-boards, tad Parlor Snitea. la omt
Picture Room we n^all offer very Liberal Disoouati, prerioos to tbe first <ff Xarcb.
Boys’ 2-Buckle Racine Shoe Pace, formerly $1.75 for 80 cents.
For the next 45 days, we shall offer at Spedal Prices, onr stock of Winter Newaarkiti,
Jacketo, Winter Shawl-, and a line of short pieces of Drew Goods, in oar Dry Goods Depart*
Visit our Hardware Department
sad exaBiae Specisl Ratos on the following
.lag —*..............
artkctoe: «»8 Bnraer a*avra.^
BconM La
BIBM| a, aaowaavau
sac exstoina opocau IMIICT VU «*•«!
Latops; dreonted Pitchers; decorated Tea Sets; decorated DiaMr Ware; Pleairtied Tea Poto;
Japanned Toilet Sets; CyelMe Egg Beaten. Excelsior Pan LUton; Lai^ Copper Ksttlee;
Fire Extinguisbm (Great Job); Cross Cut Saw Sets; Clothes Ifaa^; Hand Fire
oied a trifle; Fairbaaks Platform^Sealee; Gartasd
Coal Stereo; OsKdiae_____
Stores: eeeead bead
ns^a;ebort tUBs);oM 12 fawb. 6 day. Mariaa
Clodt —all very dtmp.
ORAiro TKAygBW HgtALD, JABTOABy 82,1»»1
i Mt. Daate aad
Bar. a State praatead te tea koto atatoa teat
■agr^llnaat abatab to Latoad, | grawa ttera
caamm Lam Bin am • to Tate Soadaytoto.
’aotgotter*. U yaa do aot tJto to
J. tlrntm » wtwiili I III! m wmk.
MdarateBiacaad waa
Waaraptoaaad toaaa Saa. Oag ;teaoagcaaa,yaartoaddoaa.
MbylBtoBo^M fcai—Qty. aoaaatm*a«ttorbiaaanraattaefc
TbayMbatetodadduate Saaday ■*togt<ipi.
.mi Ilf aad to Ttefaa
Maa8a* toga tera got to te aa dd
ttet te baa
FBf Marrtep. H. C Xoaaotob, baaaaaahto tote oat.aad aOl aot ftory.
■»«M Wtar tm ta 1
Oor Mbetoia ata teS ptoaaad wite
fteteAteaodaad Oarto. Sfa«- te aUdto varfc far
iMM te •<»«
gararaaB OBfagad to baatef toga
lortPMdoy aUtoOaooga State
Item ara aronm Oarp totem
wteaMteteM ft Matea toSi ftm aaa mtnadiag toga to tte teU pood,
toa alnoal tolly.
teab ptoaty. Lra ftteft to aha {tte atoigb
_ tinted
Agoodmaypaoptoaraamptoiajbateoc bii foat, arotbtog U raiy
—»■ ■ » bj *W. t
•» baoilH tor tea mat ftia.
lag «Uti tte totoaon. .
OhKBmfcMkMl kOM>.«W* «««!
Tte rariwl ■aaSag
bald badly.
Mr. lorkiaa ratoraad Iron a trip
toiM. lb.BM dartog tea paal aaak.
AJtomOoatoartor aad fauaSy of
IV«M toiM ptoMta'ur.X
Ihi atelo wii qnlla ntdil aad Maa
towB riaWag to tea ooWto «arid oa Saturday
• hai^ad. aa a*M b* H«ad Md
tattag, (teaa aaa a vary gaod tara- tte tottar-i paraato. Mr. aad Hra. ■t
4B^ B»%».—bari< lb.«
A good may flab Bia teiag aaofht
Tte tetarwl to doa Vteo
teroo^ tea tot l7 tea Biagteo
toffl good aad tea mtotoga wiU ooa«Mi flM. B« «•
Mnv ^ vfeiA aib««4 ia hb bv- ttooatebvaak. Oar Bro Otorfc to
tobdofdaafc. Wafaar
Mr. aad Mra. W. Uf mrad to
W. AaUaaaad «*e Atlteaanba vary aaatooa to bb aorb aad «a
I tea praaaoM to tea
Sligbt'a Stotioe tte fata paH of teb
ite, Jaavh. ate U«m bm Wa
bopato aaa
Lm Wadaaaday wfaUa AJbad
tormoop oaa oattiiif tba ooa of
tea oadart todgad oo aaoten. Ba
attebvitotoittoantittooaa. Tte
tiatetog toy te aHppad aad faU
aboBt IB faat, toriktog oa a ptoa
koot. It pnatratod bto aida aboot
teraa toteaa, oaorng a raty aayara
»d. Dr. Siaitb «aa aaltod and
tba ooosd dramd. Ha to dotog
•Ml aad Bite cati wiU roeerm.
hts (ace ami haruh as white as
a woman'*.
His wife can make his 6nest
linen or coarsest os'cralls as
f/m$ and jK>rr/asthc1inondf
a gentleman of leisure.
She can keep the home
f/ram and mfr/ as any palace;
and more bettdes.:it saves her
onc4ialf the time required bj'
ordinary soap; and by doing
ay with most of the rubbing
it doesaway with the worst of
the wear and tear on the woman, the clolhc-s—in fact
Pcarline makes a paying saving all around; it’s econ*
omica! no matter how jxm look at iL '
• •
brriit. an diBi.-a.nu.
Woodsmen in Lumber
Best Goods and'
Lowest Prices at
-.. -... *
Sm Studby baa gma to work
(oto. Ba aaya kto loot to note
bottor, alteeogb U atill awalto badly
uanao mu.
«teo te baa atood
all day.
Cai-UT-i tMiM.
H. State tea rtoaad tea bargato
TteyooBg maa do*B at Aatrim!
with CMto Bonta tor bto bemo
1b» bifaba baU Mtte ia tta
aad lot and to BO* poUtog aoata
last weak to teiur. Ha ttraek bto
-koB tea booaa tefara laortog
*». DMab aa^ bb wadaha «
Hr. aad Mil. GoU« atottod to
toto bto rabbar omkiag a tramaod-:
toto it.
■ aaa<&vMia*M vWt^M
ooa gaab. at moeh at aa todi hag!
Ka. Alba ^ « a wy ftia aa
Otoraoaa FraaUia apaal Baaday
sod tbiaktog test bt bad apUt bto!
«tta8lMbai’ «b«A SaaAv <
«M boat Traama CUy.
vide opaB. te limped aotro*rtn i.«»y
Mtoa Maria WUlobaated toofaaa
Ropurt of dtotitot Vo. 1. Paoto- toUy boma. bat fooad'oa oaratal ai
Mi. Taiaa aiffl aaiiaaa to bay pa- ter aebooi oa aemat of tefcaato.
Jote Swaia rtoitod Kaftaaka Moe- •ato, for tte nooUi aading Aaa. t:
Uitl tbt ax ted eui aot
Mtoa, alb mb b b tolbar aaU t«
Total aonbar popUa aaroUad, 61. teroogb tte Blooktog
Mrs. Pmatoa arU bald laiigioaa day.
aarrtoaa at tte ateeol hooaa rrittoy.
M.F. Siappard ruHad Ttararaa
teameatbly aaaatiaatioii tte ortr SM(jMteBalcr»rM
Bd. PrateU aad Booa Oarpaate GUyMooday
gM tba aWchba. aadMba W'baa
of Traaaraa Oty edtodoo Irimto
Ctea. Boy apaot tte Babfaate with ■ga atoadiag »ai aualtoat ia all tea
Wbito Albart J. Smite wat uo
• ^wy.
CU aalihbaia Mill, flbatoa bn Baaday
giadaa- la tte rarioo* gradea qio kadtog logo at tbt Uoerat bridgt
a atotar at Maantoaa
Tabatoto tea ba« aaki« fate
ml mmUoo migfal te nadr of tte Hoodty, te *tt terboD iolo dt^;
Hba Era Otoan iitarMd bom
Allowtog oamaa, wbosa atoadiag **ttr by k«t ttorting
itg more toddaotoddto
oM Twia Latea, aaaoMp—by
& Mratbaraai Me. Xtebte M tob MtoaBayaolda.
L. W. KsighI ted tte nteortnaa «ai 90 or abort, to tea diffmot !y tbto tspreUJ. He vat ie tea am jg m mm M tef
Lortoa Porter. Late vttor about btir aa boor aad »aa
to braak bb tog laat watk.
Oaa Steady o( Kiagatoy, rbitod
doba Saaaar. Oao. Svaaay. NalUa up opporiaoely, raacbtd a btodmg
oor riUaga ooa day toat wmA.
Mr. OatobaO ia raty loo.
TFo. Oakloy baa opaoed a amtjStoaa. Cora Otaariog, Jamn Svaeay. I^t to faim aad dro* biai aabora.
Tteto va aev 80 mo bm mte'
•rfcat to tte Adm* buadtog.
! Etoter Armor and Ifieu Miaar
Mr. Staite vat moeh iasbaiiotod, aad
tog oa tte M. ft X. B. & B.
Dr. WiUtoiaa reporto froia X. C ' Toa aoboot baiiig Urga, it to a fif- mya bt could aot tert aadtvad tte ,
teat bit tealtb to aaprortog teara.
Omit mltar lo cto^y earraetly aad oold maay miouttt loagar. It vat
tteMddapottoaooteto«abon-!*iteal to kaap tea lowrr gemdoa ia- t nam» aacapa.
Darid Dan baa norad
adtoatngte Tte ftra waa* toeoa -1 toratood mad baay aO tte tern ~
rsmaNi laorr.
beoaa aortb of tom.
Oaa M tba
J^Bamiltoa to loggirf thiat'•▼•r. ttet otf art trying to do at; A oumbv of our teit frrmm art i
toraatoW tea
nMtoaa M W. B. Stowwt, ca Bal- Sdi^ boaat rmmtod oy Hand fartto. of bardamid l-o mZ aortb;good work ai poatobto. Tte oldtr |oghtei^^ba id., of tugar btl rato-s
to raaltoa Abat tteir|>ng'
artby iTaiingiaat Tte
^ ,„T jratoiog tell rrgtUbla'it teat it aboold
Mr. Wada and Mr. Merwriaaa of! school dayt are tod ^____
■IM to aaartaaiac aite ga«to. goito an axtaadad rtoU to Oraad
I to tova oa baatom aad that now to tha^^sa to Sm-j h* »k*d qaieily, beeacaatteatebIfr. Stoaart tea aoU Ui tana aad b
Bapada aad Imava oomtoy.
prota tea fladtog boars " Wa aor-1
ahaal to laa*a aa, aa aoM of hit old
Mr. aad Mra. Bovmma art rWtC»..«,o«iUy
Itegaod almghtogiiteiiig im- dtoUy toriU pakboa of tte mtoool to *“ ‘
tbaabtoada thoafbtto paa tea a tog to Adrtoa aad Imawa oonaty.
» teapopiltio oar aortbaro ecootry it pariiealariy
prarad by tea farm wo. imega qaaa- Tint M aad «
Mictaa patly, bat it aaa i^y <to
Jam« DaSsy bat, tea job of loadtittoa of bark aad toga ara eomiag ! try to “Ltoa np to tte bad Ibat to adsptto to tbt growth of tte sagar
teted thte b aboaU te aa
tog logt OB tea eart barateii viatar.'
[totteoi.* Ld them aaa tte* yon to bad. and more ao teaa bbt troptoal
ritoP aaattog. Wbaa at 6 o'aM
Mr. EUtotm. agaat at Kiagday,
Mr WsirigrH tte Ugfatsiag aala-|toka aa totarad to tedr adranot-'
tea booaa waa aalMlo ord« by tea vaa to tova Soad^.
lator.gaTaaaasbibitkM of bto mar. i »sok telp ttem to raaltoo mora Iba
V. M aad abort
OoodatoigU^ and ftoawaatter'
Tat LMltsau Ealtrpriat ii totatoai abili^, at tov» ball, Tbnraday
a by W. B. Stoaart aad atten
>«mk ia tea wooto ao tea sBov to
taaehm ia atriring to imptoot ia : tboHty f or tba diitmuit that grmat
aatea boMitoof tearrdar. toteate daop aad toga ara mertog lirdT
Mra Bom bat bad a brotear tto- tedr miadt bigfaer and mats aoblt! vUl oot gro. on tte apot of grotad
iVtoaad aite toabe by J. Kn
'teoogte to amaH toto.
impulataaod daairat thaa Item-ra r^eb war tetbaJ io tte b'oodofa
«Ute raaalM ia 18 appUaatioM tor
J.P.Tillotooah doaag qalto aa toi^tr tea pad weak vbo hat }ad kaoviadga of bow to gd S bring. Korvtgiaa wbo kited himadf tbera
ateafratraptog baatoam. Baft! earn torn Eoropt. Ba viU maka FHaadt. try aad raaliit that to tea dgbt yaart tgo. It atya of tte atohit bom to Udt eonatry.
abbot fatty ad tor mtok.
roaUi of today ara tte maa of to golar ttotoomtot: '‘Prom tte time of
mofTow. and tot to it Ibd to yoor teedtatii of tba poor onfortondt,
tteepotef tea gronad triuob wat
owandfite dtahat to te
dampaaed by bit blood bat pernitiSebmmg bat Wt lor Mflwao. and taring yon do
S.^ DoaatobM porteaaadaSao
Dtly refuted to prodooa gram.
tojory to fotara man and w
kac, Wto.. to bt gtet till Fab. lat.
_____ ___________ _
IttoMigb ibcrt it aod all aronod ii.
Obaa. Moatocte baa paateaad
Mr. OortwB of Tntma Oity «
& Bogwa win gtra a daaoa oa
MaaE.O-LaMi.Taaebar.!FromtoitdtT to thU. tbara U a
Satarday ertetog moI. with soiqiar.
__________________ jtiiaagalar apot of groaod aboal
A, P. Gray mia ahaatoiai
Ba*. Mr. Boteoagb of Ead Ea*.
Ttetovateip Utosry haalU
ItbraafMlloogtndtwowidt at tte
ta Bfc ftiyito. ^ aate.
BOB praaebod at teto ptoaa Soaday
■--------------- - -------l»>.o..U<btb.crM.bup«l.t
Mr.aadllra.c. C.B^aoi aWt.
W. W. Ctotfc hat rdaiaad. Wt BMateg. Jaa. If
tBily rafnttd to grow
Tbit to a :
ad Old Mbbaa Baa^ bteata toaC
admtoad bto wift to ao bdta.
Saw toga arc aomtog toto tte mil)
bd that emy ona wbo baa anr
yard at tea raU of Uiitty or tetty
Aara «a aad teaa teaa aa*a aaritittd tot apol aaa laatlfy to, aad j
amoaaaaafkfbpfaia tetofteab
pertof Hnytette tormara find gi- cat iw nrified by any oot driving '
Mra A. B. Sttotooa ^ fam away
gantiepiat dompt aeattared
by in tor road io tammar."
Mr. WUtaaaab tea aaU tea aas. oa a teert ridl to ter brotear.
II I tte hardwood, iediealiag tbd ia a
roTiTon ron*\Tt.
MtaCoopar vbo bat base
to imiwonag tbt fine {former ara tea eooali? wat timberndt to bar da^btot. ratoraad tod
Tft"toTtilt doofa tel um muy
witepiaa. Tte bodma of tee
Mr.Oamballaad toaily of OU baratoy.
Mra Bate Miam to rMtotog .with treat ten danayad yaart ago. Prob ectten Micbigao farmara, with tet,
Mlaa'na watte (nabaafCaa*Oilbart of tea tfgb ateool
ably ages ai^ wban tei
afowoontofimpronmaoit. rtuiro.
oT«. rAOOo * oo..vasaaltod away sory aaddaaiy oa
Uaa aad ate tea Ute.
Mr. Tyaaa, of Iba «rm of Tym ft baiidatt campoi to tfato ragioe, ad mora proSt to tlidr owotn from .
laaiaa Vaaraa rataraad bate Maa- aooaaaiof tte toalh oThto ooMte. Bamdid.teagoMtoB««fm
iriHla trqrdtog to tte Ltka Supartor tea potato crop alooa. teto maoa.
AtovatteaotUHte oftetoptoM
Itoaa iMl Satarday aten^te hto
C. AB-Bariiats tosdtoghg* Mjeappar mtoaa. Ibay wars toliad to teoB more pratntioat ogrteaHural
taaaTWtm aiterteatiaaa tor tea gate Mr. Kiekataon aad aea army
H. D.Ompboa aaar:riB,pby tbawiad dghtog torongb ootdta in tbe aonlb part of tte tuu.;
>tes braateat of tbm m
with tj^otandt of doUoit ianotod
Oar tatoter, ICaa BaraaUa, tea a
D. CkaateU it baymg haHwood
did fr^ tbair edira fwodad. And
.aadmtoad teat tte Bar. Mr. toga, aadahrga amuoat it bdacl
________ ______
a aqmeto to boU profatod
muliap Him iriik la Hii milhinlMl
wOtoraBaUa bat baoo d fair pro&i. and d toad in ootyanr
batyof toto boUmtog ahairt aad | aoid to Oamabto A Soot, of Pstot- orrt of foor, teoy pmn to ba a nr.
Pnf. rarrto of B« fi^ito to to Mfiigafttteto.
kay. aad wOlga into tba ftabtogbw. Mafalt boaaana, to nay aotbiag of
•aad to tea vaoda m» day
Sabool dtotrfat No. 1 to prwidad; totot arst apn^- On^. ~
(Abtr eropi that do m wall or baUar
•Hk,teauaabtetely Mln>adabd k. tte votld,* te tte M. B. oteste rm by Mte Boaa Saf giriag I Japaon ishriai aqaartar totarM to bare tbia fartter loath, cr waat.
■tetoaB^aattoWa toot ta tea •anndayatsteK
tea boat, bovoTW, and atoo tom
Tte bomt arakm mold do adl to
W. Bam tor* a dyf eWt to tte foartb totmat to tte *<ten Bate maka a aoto of tbaaa faatoifmaampa. Ifnrtiaytba
Oo..* a aa* ooMon to wbiob
A torga alook of toga to bdag
Oapt. Japaoo will eeatwaa
Ttepaopto arsadv vtet Bttto
toMiltte Balia, and w&l dtter Ate
■mttmto faU Mo worth.
ink Baaato akf atimad whb a
a.LABte wMat Tiatm Oito
■iM JaMaCMMs to oa teaatofc
Maatog. oad qvito a amter^ •A
odt wbto* te thdaka to a daaiy. aad
Etel Bfoa km teagU tea Sbifr- teto mora Um half dgMaboot it.
Tte gaaiia, atroeg aad
B-Oatiaia drawf pf toga to who war adopted by tte Jarw fam
Mra Waf Stef to aktotoba OmflTa mO-a laag baak Ha ily many yaara igo, mat aithaa ae\JLE. AamU.
asyategdathmeff f brnkfarty. aUaaitod
^ M Mioipif to «a to 8pm
WbBa aatUg bto dfaam,
Tffa ta J.% likaatef aftM
MPi»o»llify wbrn bail got
itoartor wttb kto ............. It to ad^ter'a baraa vbtok atood by f
'a* — ——
Lv m oomtoW te fhtok tei tote wfafalyaamMa aad paft
aitekkftod him oad faako hfa ktod
IQmftte i.gatthg f ttoted torChppAOs^
f. To Hten him of maay 4^
' *rIk.a.V.BmtoT*s«WB, to taka
Bor. Oaa. H. BmMb vf to Tm& K. Xorttem'a Afto mill at of aaSnag. it waa teaagfa bad to
ttailaaaorteaoaa istteMybard •m Of te Monday.
■tp Oaa to raaitog at fall btod iftoot bim. oUA wm Aeae In or
If. LBf
ted fam fb
am faran altar tte aodOaat b^ptaCtertto Aftte of OoHBa.«M f aftmfteaapaisiaf otBamy:
IllgHir d BkB«f teaa<
Ea wat Uadlr (tepoaad toward
ftywha fakyaadarfaaadi tkal
lilfato ofay f tea ^om
imaaa raoa, cfad a^ hUto r*Bd
te 0 goad dtete dag white te tom.
I kaadto aa<y part of bim. It to
Bte.Ote.H. Bitete piidiil te aad Mr. Vyalmap tm goaa to IMa
any teraa fa Bmte* afd ham teSofay tote
<i»^taf obHM
Aaa to atfd to tte iSigrapM^ mdOn. waa aa wall kaom aad at
Ifem <f >. fti^MUmOateatte
~ ‘>llc.Jaf Ml
goteKfkglf mipteU tef tte raad d ted ptoea.
aaariy 16 yamotd. SMO •oald ten
BomM tetotfar farm
fm and Hehei, ^ Crosscut and One Man '
and everything needed
__ _
The Largest and Best
r* I®’’ ‘‘’®. I
A. H.'PERRY, Manaaer-
IT in THE use ‘
Moulding'S, Brackets,
And Inaidt' Trim In Pint and Native llardw.K>da at
Factory on the Bay Road. •
Manufacturer and Dealer in Lumber
Of AH Kindt.
J^tpre Sluf, Dretted Flooixng. Siding. Ceiling and
Finuhiug Lumber, Lath, Brirt and Bdingles.
Flat and
Square PieixU, Five, Trought, Etc.
PiTCodom Work CmllT Doat in m Ptdory telwiird. DMUr Ifaa onr
prrwtrrd te Sll til ton tad riltoge oRWr*. Orflara »didt«).
w. s. mxksxitoxax.
>naoa colt Ho. *.
PCTO't "to I
JTcaft to r>l»ooieaft
■wtwq THIS iARW|
. <'
falgaud afa tbafaau^
faasud I bad inwafa m badbl
# «aa|
«Mbbay%atod waafaBal tba'dfa- faaaa. 1 oatahaab.ahfa dmud *a?»t»Jpd
wavy tb« bad faada
aota aad aafa
bariiada fa a^ aayfadag abaai It,, aad
kSnmas ss«a»rsr ssW lai
IS**« owsrsala SI Us. ass
iwsUbs US w«ai
III ts as.
Fn« a IMIa
Biua T. L
si^amtsa ssaus rsfui •
haada of tbaaa p<gi liok hki
Ibahfad that Mr.
Park Place Liverji
•• mmMm s a aao, wo WMCMM swsa
Z bas au
hat win tb^afa fatbatkfabat et gM aigbl yura aid
■b« walifai^ faa iaa ba add:
4«% paaa- . uui. MM _
-Haw did (fa UW a
-Ba ofalo fa. I nppos.-
tBAWBacOT. .MlOHiadB,
IWfa%bi bai|N.
Data Maa. Bataa-I fas
bat bow la Aa w«ald eoald tbpy
wftifaa fa yaa.
uthauflbiaad.whe kiptagood
k aad wada a apaafaHy
.pigafa tba laU to aaU
Ffataty TOfag. aad otbar wk
safart Tbaay Biago. Ufa
IS Ufa yu fas bro^l ao
1 aa twafaa yaara add
fa afaoci awy day. aot Zi
■oataaalafaastba afapalboaaa,
—-I - ■ ——-n-)
t go fa oebool two day* thfa
Uhadbau bit caafaw altar
r Ukaa faa
ow pat at hoaa
aaatMfaag. ThatSatarday
1lM fUtom Chib of Qprg
Oar taafa«-a aaoa la
tfaagbt fa ba dou by baara. bat Mr.
I fas <a)y
■aWMi* Wm a Tv Mt
nM u
«aa* St» MV M(M IM isntMUtst fe*r
Tba -taUdor- giri it cow tba
EUd—-Hs do I look fa Uia
wuT* Maad--Char^.
Is1 torsBivliad to tfa yonu woss
it wsdarfal bow sS^a draw who toast tfa pfawaalbosa aad
out lot bwadl.
tstoUa Ws.L» Is a long tfad
Uopiga,4oBfa loefciacfaaadUy fa
ad don btfaw, aad Uas'U fa Udk
Wbs U ooas dayUgU 1
aaa dad tfa way
ootolbara, aad
oal] gat hoaa fa aarsw aad yooll
baar talk abul atfas piga.
apy uyUfag aboot tfas Bod; doal
ahUsfafa, gaoayapby, apfalfagaad
Row I win toll yon wfaot I
as da
Zas waU and wipe diab>
raw raw: Sksn^''
’tia Ut psUiaat
aaaatet «ooM ^MthM aliUl/ hr.w4t qwkoBdtMte arap*-
-Boandss apple, boay s a bs.
Uula Uing Ufa
U ia a watU.
Enu Xaaz>a.
rCraai Um MonaMd bwa* Uy lor 4o eboakod ail Kgbt worda
lyt U |M th« lrak,«Mt etMTOf
ilsy aayUfag
aff tba M M «.U M iM wold «M
A Raw Tork woms triad to has
ktr koabsd nrraatod bass, ba
wonld aot taka far to tba Uafatn.
riddla Ufa Z aant ■■ sy faat laUw
tobt (Stita d tO casa
tf. si Isliktstsvi. I»t.. sa.f. *-1 a
„ jsctv Dr nworsciisut kiss., iaf sd diraeiiar fntili
•tnt au; rsst tsasru
<). boeiw. W
Ordnabyn.^ ot Ultm|d wiU s
adra prawpt aUeotis
Z foos I wiU asww Ua
•sr yon did as"
-AOHumir oouartaa'
Bmbdmly aad
S «woap tba low. asko bade, sop
ThaVidtw (tiawiag tba atw fa£by>
—-Do you Uiok ba » going to ra
sbla bia faUar r
giss I will cios Iw Ufa tisa
Bates bad a sud fa faogk at
Tba BoUar—-I abanldat ba aw
will try Bgnto il Uit dos afa snU
Ha kaepa sa op asry
bia aad sy, “Wby did yoe atsi
Ua waafa baakot I will dos by
ttoa," bat fa tboagfa jofa tbs erf
falU^ sy agn. wbfab ia fan yaara.
tba aaapsfae Ufa sfaod oa Bs PotfaU uybo4y obat w. fond op faro I
* wsl TOO fa preafa. as tbaL*
WMh Ml Ml Mtr
«M «rqtag kTMh Md k«i t<«a«W u
haMain BiifMkaya hadsft.
X go
sbeol ao* aad atody roadiag,
Ibaapiga wSI fa mim-
Wka*tbir«m MUoftte aof
■WhMk«IMt*«V.Ma M MfAac n4 ■■■tiliilg at% pfk mk*
«thMch MMtU« ««thm thu
•WM hM ta ihmr ^ 4a
'^Aaotfew nkW I
I Uongbt Z weaid writ*.
Tnrametf, MIeh.
sssirnir - - -
-Tbay tall sa Ufa IL^Biada
i Od wiU Uaa.
JWiaetrm-ooiOTmt- intitck
Wbs in sad of PaDatal OooS sU
fa my andtriakfag raeu aS ys wUI
boaad that tun ooaUtababii laga
don Md «
Sam kSksskiptW
ito aafa faa aatrlyorary
dBkaight aaaar far a wowaai
did writa Ufa ad aafaa.'
Zt fa a aat, aad
i^hiwfaaadlro dbit baat piga. osniag wbaa d aosa boas boa
aad tba yatr halora ba had nfatad aebooL
Wa doat Us far boa
cuuwaOaatasafaaibt aadalatatbool, it fa afa qaito a arifa. Z
taudaaU,aad a faoat aa«ab bad
Ufa fa go to aabooi sry aafa.
fa0a4 to iwtHl aay tnaa el lba«.
Hopiag fa as Ufa ia prfat.
aadbyaesa paopfa Ibatbaa wai
I aa yaan troly,
*Ob, ad Uas fant no lasrits
fa Ufa fauly,* aalOeqaiaad 4obu;,
•^aoi IgaasaoL ZtZ Ufa ay
r afala 1 aafab U ors Ua keofa
B«t Ua baby as aat bit whole
loot aad Uay Uiak Ua iofa
araadlBfabaraaryaaebi Ztkfak
to faara
•aarafabt. aad baa] tbas to sarkat
tM«t» M a<
My aaaaa ia Haiy
k altar Noo Tav\i, aad I eoald
lir. A»t%bl waa a te»arliri«
Tfi*tn« Cl>f.JsU.IS.
Onaliuto'^ waa trying fa laU
■r niotbaf baw baantifdiy a srUin
id) eoald trill io aingw«. sd aaidt
Db. mamsa you oagbt to baw brr
gargla Sba dos it to vary, tary
Das Eoma—I tbonicbt I wonld
Tito a lew Ifaaa. baeans I has
Cheap Homes + TPailor.
For Your Clothes.
•srsiUsbfawa laswdlud
logo faioot it,- aaid Hotaod -if yea dost
bopt yoa era tba ansa
1 go to.
udlirwHiw—a» mcoad waalaata lit sbody a booasa
oabool and audy rsdiag. ariUsaUe,
laudidMa lor »tfa
sd writing. X
dad EotM ibooght fa otbar
-OOM.' h. arid to Horaaa »bo
fas b lady tstbwi bar nasa ia,
uaaHwiliac Irraaolobud Ml da tfaaga btfads tba dfaeosry. H. Mtoa Uobotia I Uka bw rwy wdL
lirwliillopartica.aad trykofat bad has Uiokiag aias it bawaa Wa has praity oaar 40 adiolan fa
hoM. •Z^'o fo a»d aaa *M Bm oridaotUfaUoyeoold si gat boas
adKwlsdllikafagosrysDob. 1
HoroMbrUii tiaa Ufa aighu fa fail good UUar sd Las Una faoUara
Now 1 will
aad Uair aaxfaty oe aeoMat
had bteoM tlnd au«ck ot kba nb
toll wbat I got Iw Gbritisat
HUia troak fros ny
aavateg th« croud wift
CaiaclaBOMh traabiata aamra
ihaoha took oat baa Iba aatabal
■haMuiualtMr dmaar ud Iba
had ahot. aad Wd tbaa
lalha UUla tbiakol.
Tbu ba pat
•hanMdklatotbaaatabal rod Uad
Prims—“Tbosai told tba mas
• Iraa*,
Ibuk (Mt I
••rll mat
' Til.lki-tiv Ifv <1 r> (
seaiiag that ha waa a adf-sada Vvtr
KUl'r tnewt, nfrIwVft S nt |l ~ '
- -■Bu "
ftoenndot—-Vary ooWa of
aim to taka Ua atioto btosaon biuTba'Uet Ur. Pnuruaar
wife it going iwtt oe a riait Pobd
of disga 1 as '
Braan: -Yoo woold Usk s il RmOnod ComfltUi rVowgk Cfa.
'Wbat did bit aioUar do r ko
yoa a w bar goisg tbroogb my sek
broUw fa Chfaaga and a afaa dras
(w of LanAt.
UoagbU-wfasabagot boos, Uod
att arary nigiit.*
^d i bouia of poHoas. sd - n«a
bos bs day at Ua villagd fa lad
litUa dory book, and a nis pair of
Do DOI go ws w Bobs i
Ufa fa ws any. ao oo« ksw
'of iobg aUb^-grobd
toarawbd Mifaigs eSm iMdligst
Uaek silU, ud n sU and loto of
I falbar-t dofa.
GradsUy a .»ato of bit aandy sd noto.
' rmara Ts so do faatoar wiU Its
I es't (Link erf
■ fa aot toUtegbtrfa hit uy of Ua nat MW. J will toU ycu
•OMT asm boas.
ttahhatriaca Itet ba had U bia pspoatd Irasp oa Ua bilfa swa fa
foahat oad Mi tMl dan alia.
nbovt sy pau.
botUayaraallwadbatooa Tbdr
ara Ibbby sd Baoay and
•kttapBiWfaahaarbatathadac Iboagbba would hardly adsil Ufa Topty. Ifasooewiib Urslaga
biaiitl, ba aacstly wiabad that ba
4«d.*«U U. atirtadly. “wMi ws tiad fa tfa bod pofa fa boat.
Mi MaaT
* bT fa
Look at tbaaa
fabMabaaalbay faokad.
Imp. GeMnau.
-Wa sofa faap ap a
blai^' ha
aaid.-to heap tfa oo!d offsd tfa
My LilUe Nephew.
Mrtm. Mkui
Una-.Otail.vrs: I ulu i
fTMl klaan u mtlljisf l< Wkstf •( twi,
UlbmlMtMa BM.Urrr. MavkctMi)
BitaarCv* BMkiM
I lu uMr
tkti I
VMr ««a .eer, nrOKikt bvl«r« V tftv tv
CWMKIW IlMr.nvMfkut tMvnv
t vv
MtvnvilvnvN *IUl billvutMM. Iviirwuw
v»« >■« vUlvv
Uv Mil. tM xm u b*
ku •!> BO.'.k.'CHkV, -.MIBFVl.kM I tvrl II
B> tatr IV Mill; Ik II. brkkil M vUvn Bk.
Kl’ktCLL. Ckktrktlor
Erwafa PwTtw Boabwm ia a sty
Moaaatbar pOaaaliuk aad wolasaadbaan too.ifUwa'a sy isagistis akild.
fa fata^affad, with whiob
X will write agaia if Una dos
gat without s aw*ws gattfag
HCthoNfaButhia louraida.
I't thfak of sy sora
dJfar faUiag a long tisa fa ailss not raaeh Ua waaU faaUat
I will
4e faaifad ap fa pat tans wood u fail ys my aasa aad aga Myaga
' •fdbattfawoodUfalfayooald
Tary truly yonra
gafa' to fako I
latoaaa udoaa iM'a fa
fa aea a arwy.day bafwa
-faat sayba U^ll
naO Ua pock tasght, s Bonaw Uay ataitad to ga fa aekool and by
aayway. aad I fad s Uoogb Z aaafa
aavtbfa babra> tba laaaaa « tba ipaU fa ssabody.
fas good fa sa Bod.
faMi ^MU
Bat-naaat ba
aalkdsaoidBs Potfar-a boy. aw
aaaal aoon
triad to fay all Ua siaebial fa sa
•aad w»y
anH him, ba wonld (raw tba Uas
Tm's alnya aloag wiU bit lags, aad sake op
Ta srir Ua afary s be waat along wiUont
baabaa bid tba daar ia tba a«a»
afappiag w toofaag «• tba book.
BVkrvt Ikkikt 11
,11 Bk.k cniruMv. kkt a
Aa ibaj look don tba howda
rad ia both boya w«a awy
MMoaiMat wMtiMj mw
Cbapfaotwaaae dark aad tba d«y
lifbtaotBfat tbataalf tba oatiiaa
•tahfafaaaoald baaaaa: bat Jicfalaca aafabari holdi^ it far fa
ffaV woM aaabtad to aaa wbat tt
■u-aMtfa ura at *fatia.abaat
■fa pwda aqaara ia tba fartbw part
arfaaadaaoat la. faat b^..»d
^tuaoaM taoardafa tba or
^Aapfaaa w«a two fat piga. ap
baah Iraw tba batabarb
a tbay
(IbfasWtowd I
___ T-—-
•Oa^a-ay.' afad4a •fat'a aot
as yn
Vbat iatb. mMmI
fa fa tbata.*ud Bow.
« fa Ua Bstur s X bora
sit Mis4s
«b«ayh waa,pat faa afaM i
Ba aaS
m. ZgM
• by girfag
od tfas ^ ia tba Twnttry.
■fad laligbt tfafa •» •
Data Ms. Bus—1
1 ^faabat tfay aafad aot ga fat
Bold wrifa a law lias fa Ua HsanaadU. wskstte
euasZhas aotw wtfas bdfaa •oofa. Ifaahafafadrmbiacs
gb aasa of
sy Uttto oo^ aad fas
bsatbfa bsfadMn. Z Sba fa
MarfaZasdfatba tfardisteafa
f«M. MOkcU, Urvr Cin|ISHS«aS
-kf .1 .--twn.lrtiil.Bgfc
rum eroghvT vts. aav. war Ototto.
■pr^NTEMEPi. r
Cnn Hitlcn lit nib.
.Wbfam yw^w^
Tboli^ atid aosnf a Obisgo
t ysrfat had ^aot tfa graatorpwboa fa Udr tisa at tfa olws don
lowabwaarsfa d^ aod fa bad
got ttond fa il
-WaB.* fa sU tfa
1 «naa la fan t
o. B.
isd Ua toltwB Ifal wafaUaHs-
Baa warnAAA Sa»(«tlH«akkB.MS
tost) Tur AMI iHa matt tiBUHsi.
Mmmm mBeyui Lifer Cure
wMppad tki^Ai* wbippad ti
aad yst Uas ia a bst aad
i»fa|HIai aa b waa.aad
'Till-; wi:i:kl,v
Yonng tody (st yaebti»8l--WbT
wfal it the mattor. Oapi. Qaartarr Cbptaiei -TS bet to, sy
Tonng tody, ww’fe tirofcs oor
mdder.'^Yoniig lady; “1 wonldat
worry ebont Ust; it to sstly aodw wator oaybow. yon know, afait
too-l Kidy paoptoTl aoUs it-"
ages, bat. Uay wsid aatga bat tfa tows ofCblifotmiaaram
ptosd wowad tba wadr to tfa
Ba Vbippad
ZwiDdsafwUto I
CMdfw Cry fcr PHcfai >s Cntorii.
aaras tfa big wSw aad loU-
firist Mill and Saw Mill. '
Uas »1 Uay d! wst'
Tfa good oos aaid ys, aad Ua bad
Zgo'to «
-Ban. htb dt aaarytkii
.iK: ^3:Sk-«;r52-£i
WUt ihit eoentry naadt w fa pey,
■oca attontMB lo Ua amell aeono-
Ha wkippad tfas.
My pnpa tabs tba ss Sid M
■us. aad I Jtka to raad tba aad wkippad
• aUaTOnagleika Uas. aad Uay wtod, aad wtod, aad
m wa aada oar ita,- aaU
10 ■ .'i
Pltch«r'« Cavtoria.:
Children Cry for
^t^r*a Cavtorla.
<>rr .S/w*
Wfaa Uay aasa
OsaJfama-I tfawbt Z wonld
alaaid al da^
lertog Ua room,- 111 dirida Ua coo- bamar
Os of ts twd
aoto are aary aiobboro tbinga
* AU yas arigb-------- of them wouldn't go to aebool, Sid a ksbead fa hU wifa -Are met wiU yoQ: I will fira (ba reat of Konbn
Our LMtor Box.
: beta who bart tried oer work haw Ibay
ist jStpfaTodotUBd tbaerskfa Uey! " afa aswarad. -TIsb wbat bis’ sd ba did
--------------------- i-----------Ills it A Poas Oon. Staalltr rs to
Uss ow.rs to. ur..
Ua wooda Wbs Uay ssa bosa a fad yoa sofa fa.'
Children Cryfor
Data Eanoa-^ tbeiqtkt Ufa I Uair papa skad tbts if Uay aU
OkUkO'l UltBI OlIBkk Ct«xk Cirt 1. IkV
woaldwritoa latfartoUt Hbua.
adMoL aad Uay all add
My papa faks tfa Hsu* ud I ys. but Ua good bc^ tdd tbdr
A> Sravkkl * C. •
M r
Ufa to raad Ifa btUa afarfat aad fat- papa iMot Ua bod osa Ufa dnUY
fan fa Ua yoos lolka
Tbw^ 1700 hotbaadT in Sow
•Mi. gotoadtod.and bawbipimd tfas.
Iwk who It u ttotod, era anpeofiad
Mypnpakst4hsalasfariag)ob.|sd wUppad Uas. oad wb^
by tbdr wits
andsysassaaadawttoarasok tfas. sd Uay ariad, sd wfad. aad
tog. ThayfaraKusfasofclw. otod. Nwt day S ast ibos all fa
Vow I Uiak I WiU dos by os dog •UeolagaiBi tba good omo wst,
soad agaohtob tolOyoara 1st Ua bad ss wonldn t ga bot
-ca.T. “ESk.
I of tbaawaot fa aebool. aad
joS pUyad arosd tba ersk ia tfa
wa tkf kfitMka A a, I to I.
Ik tkrM
tkrvt <«rt
4t;p *I
»v kkV
kkv • trM
-Oh. Emoa.' sid yonng OonatW-^
jasper, dropping s bo bnsa
“Your bSDty trs my baart"—“My
danghtar.' raid old Wbototato. s-
ba fadlonrtos
IV kkk ikv tia kv w ikt
beya aad fa ast Uas all fa aeboot.
. addias
ITr aroe-f to raWraoU.
iVr7..rri..7^..T ki".
■weluaw'a Aroiea aaiva.
Tba fdlowiag it Ua oaly os of
kon and Paras Bdward'a fofaa ia aU bia afaritt tbal 1 mold rtstmbw to
ted altarwardt:
j^MlikUkavt ivcvBBvkltll kvir
If yoo fate a poor mw get a (hiaf aklu Bite v< Tv krrkv. v vat knuv kvk
*X«akaa«nifad Wd aooaafa Ua fcfaada Ps got tesd Ur Oas
aaa what «a aooU lad.** mii HerMB.
Fov Boohe. Rapt.
tsto. shoo) andebnrdis. ii
■iLR auvt so kivea ntia
Itt. Wkrkrr-IMrkii Lkvl OviA b; ckliaru
m tkkvk VDVk *llk ifek BMk-k. ktl.k ltd
at v< tkcB kiik -tti M tvu{kt
nr wavi
a(lbapfaaabfaenilc<M' hta dark
-Hod' aaid 4a attw awbifa. -I fwiablytuA fare book aad raad a
faifas Td battw toll ya wbat 1 Uiak atwy fur n. dffar toraiag orer tba
•^tboaghtl kualbiamBtafa
Ustp^ XtHfaloudowt IsTS util ba would Ind a plan fa
Btsloefc. afa.. and are woU daSod by
Itfcaa rirai* aod brookt.
btroagana ks arapa badUy ell-
Actvtkkvv v'lkcitu-rkMlWIkita'
isBVk $•« bvvkik Ikrvkck M kvw« A krv
Di nilek rui» •kvrilit; kkra kll
■vncki kM M». tatfltlM-. pM.casIkkvk
Cvvqlklrk S BVS. klMik. cUItjCV
BkIMl. Bil4«kl.kkM< Rtk Ck.eo*. BkB.
wowsaFUi evau
ny of aniactafaiog s ba woold ia- soedaga on Ua dap. I
tbar baMad fa apaa tba door dM.aadssa”
No arebUMl its •
that depot iba top of t
-Will yoo allow so to row ys
lows tba ttrsa of Iito. UaryT-Oo ooa eonditioa Jut r
“AndUetii-Tbal yoa will allow ma fa atsr.'
TUay ttepped on board.
“1 basnt bsrd of Uas bai^ iaglbtmooloraboak. Bosdbia
' ' s far afaag tisa” bttto faroUar, ^ba D . uiad to
faa%-aaid Jo.aad«hhaacar aari.
Timbared sainly wiU
BoU Elm. Baatwoed,
Ha will iarst
bttto Sorts aad prafaod faiarsd-
tba baagfa"ronad bwa*
laedineh. dry aed gaoUy teliing.
1 fats foar onto,
Ua night ad-
ShaabafuaharA arbana an vaoead fa daikasa aad faors, al
TikDoeKsomDo llab
itoPABY 22, \m
mUh m
ted twe titotOBB* gl^. Add
torr. gf^ « )<Mh
^ aaaaba bila,bat lateaa to do dear aaagh oo Aajr way b* roUad
r aaly tea doM aot ana I
howto geabaat ntonriag, fat
li^ fctihM gHiM X wB amntr plate coat ■
Triad Oten Witteto Egg*—I
M tafotta loM Maa tea taty in wad* Mad oaka wiibeaB agg* m.’^MtwtrTa^nw^*tiTiSn w
teBpaatew te^aaM teat vffi
Me w nwx w aafaue. rwaw m aw*
■a»*w al rTTH*M, tecfc praUy mi
at of tea aaaa wtoayaaf a
by tte raipw Oaetelf oap
IM« IIIIWI B« nlT *MaM M *MWBm ud mam *» wrviiy awMB am
Matr, pte aaai bte f*i7 litite. wttegaadUg goateto, aad Maaa riwao JHmriM A Xaato 0ftto aaai with a toaigSoa of aab
a nM? *
« aaaab to aBp oa aaMly o«*r
dinoind b it. a ap of owato milk.
teadraawate. Tte bat batoqa*
6M (tea half apa«f wa^.hU*^
Twn PonioaCor a Wifa
M te tetea bmA te a aaateg kateat. of tte aaa. with ooa* toog
tfoam aalt aad asteag. Add door
aaabahai«MI*r tt aMte. (That waniid toad, ad a oaall wtagaat' AwoagtteTblbabwa awaaaargh to mk* (b* d««h a UUb
latiMIpaUteaM) Xtea «ite agattba teb. awkag aot oaly a tba owly owa wMawbawte poMuaa boa ter | wala, a bdb i'
gU. Mat «r
aabUbata gaadtoaktog
> waA a 10 gaaba aad 00
rrur omu eT !>»»*».■■* noM**Iht •. ..
lad. ta aalt tea 1^. TUa «0i
L 8te M a ratey day oetoiM
•«■« «•• «r *M «M» *« *■ MB
yaka. Tte priea to te paid lot tte
aaat Xliaate agard, aadaMgard
wUab atTHgid by arabtir* or a
dateiDM oraaga pb
wabt arfldial OawteabetiM
lal, Md te7 te* tedte
anligiMd prateat teobadytna
■tarth wHk a bUb otod wMr. ud I!:« ti4rr. B** !■ al«*r« fBmrt Iw
pMteatfteMta (Tha amM aaa tte want to tte vary toaa, aad whleh tte aaly wanbga MMoay
tmm -M Mi.-^tMalari
gtMd aptn botag a tag a tte gte it tot* a oop of bailtog wabr aa-I'm wnm onwikai I
bagataalhawraag teda) AlUU
hrid^raow MB aSord tokap H op. UlMIbbkna Wba aold add tte
MMkimmmm ■»>.
■aefl^ «a h* Had to haap IW
ta Itbbnry
Tba Ufa of a Tbibotaa wom
jateofoM aoar onuinaiittb of
aafacMteabaltoto tegla**. Mol tt, a kab ahift My ba i
r. M ai wa •aaca. I
thb part of tte oeOatry oaac
1* • W* duM* It AytiTr
bar mh* toft Braa MBa or «Mb- white will aaly raate tte kaaaa. aad
art wai
doMad a tted oaa. Ska aaka tba tte yolka of two ogg* Bake with
ateaadatov^te lha«HM tf tte atraata an-apbtey," a gab of
taa.bat with tbat tte boaaakaL,.^ OM cnwt to a alow one. Wba
tateteteaM^MMa «U tec bateer bggi^ bottoaiag to tea
aada; tor ao oao arar draoM at doM teri tte wbita of tte __
tetoagk. Kaite tea tog with
kaa aboaM b* addad. Uttenba
rlianiag tte tettb aftarward, oad with a apooafal of eogw, to a-Mff
Icffiofgo^tOriHtel hMt. talB^te- gtajadba agatoat tea oHagtog tighu
anryoMMtowii bb on taaia- froth, ofwaad it oa tte ptoaadfareaa
aard. tW aokaaratea with ra*- pair of kabkarbotean aa te nbEnty loor or An yaan aba alighUfto
TM;i I
alad«%Hof Htte tea mm teada aUtaUd,aadio.g woola Uggtoga
0»'KClu'i: .< lto. »1 nwS.'!!ib. V»_
aa tea ianff teaaia tad iaatM ta rapba* tte wora eoaUy baiter My bat* to aw a MW ahaapokto
gon few terarif a BOW* of bar towtea rarr tog o(. tea
tetof batogto kaap
Mtetaarata] Uttla goteata et tea tte aaaba dry. DMg. ooid aakba Uy, bat aot ottaM." 8b» oaaaot
hwd lb* Mttb or *b*ag, aa aato
taWt ao*atwd with tea aat or
on ooa of tte aoat fraitfaV
'a rogue, ratbar tbaa iha roMd box
Iteaadiahbad with a hrow
oftteaaar aihawria dUottog tte do Chat, a than b dai^ Iroa
Of olA oaa awdly ba mda tbaa
Mteea,aad tealH to Iba aida* of
awiea girb who an aadar*. Bb* paaM ter Um aptortooM of tebtol bowd 15x7 torii
thaboteaL Saw a Maty HtUarib teika, typawritan, at*., awn tte niag yaro, wattog a eoara klad of a. Boil ooa pbea notU lb* oodt
boa botrae that* aadalao tj* a rib- •tnata at aonitog. aoa aad ai^l, oMk oat of wbiA baga an wad^ orwtop aa took aod aUtah thaw totaratiiga
oad—daabow OB Mh bHdU. ICaka oMy baU pa.aatad Iroa wad aad
gtoter. Lto* tLii with •Dk, tb*
Inyiag too ttnebu rarwia.
a gto aateiCB aftbar Mtbatodi
aad aitoar teaggad don
■t ny of dciog thb briag to
Bar tmbt raqaira ranaagiog
wef tbaaOaia eotatad with tea by hoidiag ag b^ary akbta with
p*M th* aad* of tte liatog orar oa
(OMdeiterwaiMara tbaaeorara alratoad aaiala a laadaad abar- oa)f foor or At* Uwo* a yaar—wba
wtaideor tbaprtotol bard to-. DR.J.C.IYE8&C0.,Uiil,Mm.
ttte,forte* Mt or »wate «aa U teb ba tte thought of tte -a<9, aop,
*U InaoW,
Wi ..nnl-. .
toir. Bar Aildta enaot oatgrow $tma of arriagil. Mow paU •'
^*Milk« *• >« A* vB m«» MiMt ••. boi«ht tor IS eaato a yard, ribboa aog,- of tbab teat trayiag draa
•teight atrip of ailk aboat four in
«taayard.teeaodg fanidaoBtbadMywalka. laaeoa- tbtor ototbaa: Itey ban oaly to bt aha wide mod th* adg* of tb* box
oot a UUb o( tba fold of th* gowa.
t6eMta,Mttefortea toM lika tteooadaaeribad
galhw th* otter adg* of silk, draw it
ratetef for aboatlS eanta.) IbM with tba «ba*wta nally briagt a that naiqa* garwat laekad ap op ebiriy Uka a bag. aad Aaiab with
aroaadtb*wto*t,aadttwiU fit ttew
add a babyb Uttla wMte ooab tad btebg of dobght, tba a wo
bow. Oorw tha oatoids of tba
aatU Itey an gren ap —
laate. white can U bo^ht for te aibriii of tte ailaatica.
box with plarik. ailk. or what b
b*M U to 60 aaata. A gMrd« gaff
or. riaaipad laatbar or white kid.
tad boa, a bos of Mfaty ftea. a boa
with MB* derigo patotod oa it, or
SigDitlcant Triftaa.
To 06 Popular in tooeiaty. awbroiterod lo gold er aUrar cord.
of dM wbtte Cbteilf oaa^ or Hy
otear Itttte oitaete fte tea toitet teat
•a doat Hte bar. Xaaaa,’' aaid old . To onnne wall it b aaaaaat^ Maka ap tte remaiatog piece oi briaUn.'Bbaig.daktogbarbaad. ‘«ba bat JOB oboold ten tba art of db toi board ia iba mbi* atMOW. only
eonrtog what will iolaraat tba par tbri >t muat te aoough aailiar to fil
I aoBfaa teara la Hy aaMut of wal do, av *«»■“ “What aaka •OB with whaw >oa ara talktog aad lootriy torida th* Arat OM wbea AayoB aay ar aaid faaa H* bad
dteoty teteia a aioUiw may iMka
ti^AIlkiDdtofJnb Work ioSbeet Iron BH.1 Tio’inoae on
that yoa wO) kaow bow to drag tk* iriiad, aad tte ootaida eorariag my
for bar baby.
Tba auaibar aad taiaraad traa aaoorttog bia Anaana ' nbjaet Wba it baooDN* Uraabiar. be of tte atmrmxtari*] a* tte Itoiag
8borf Notice b* CoiD|ieteot Workupn.
ttyU of fowBC abd obga ttot a baby boaa. aftar a rWt ate bad pdd bia
>er*r to tet a aprabl lad of yoi Wba AaUbed tba box lie* uo
How to CloUw Um BbW— My geaaM ia tegioa. bot tor
on b* lb* oa* aebjaet tbat yoa (id*, tottaad of staodiog oo cad
-Wall, 1 oaa aa aba b oelidy a*d
ap Lam to ba all tttogi
dothaaiMold atylaofcBff bo:
Tk«7M «M( • |wtt7
MO wbo faM to am for tba liute dbotderiy, aad wba a woano'a that aU paopi*. To attod partoaalitba
^70Wl«b7% mbA. iUkm Um
laridathr liaiag atealj beq tbia
OMaetMybybMalf. aad garbaga aba'a vary apt to te aaa aDetbiag
Mmi OwM ow i«Hp («ilter te
' aadar tha artaoa A earaba- or nry dee dad ogiaioai oa aoy aab kyat of coUoD waJdfcg, plaalifuli'
Bttaad to boaaaboM dstiaa alo
Warraated beat to ibeiaarkat. by
}*ct- Yoc doa'l waot togira a lir- ■pnakleJ with faebat powdar.—/><j4|^ er
iiiufe) «f vWto M|ibly kapt body aad a caralaaaty hapt
trxM/ Tribunr
TratMcrtw ia^wid* $»6 lh«
m. T3. -WAIT
aod uaaaUy go togatbar.' “Why, ad* agatoat dbkoaatoT to a
wbow faUm diad ie ■tota'a priaoa
(Pioneer^ (^nxg Store,
I to tea waathar). Btotbar,''ratoraad tba yosag man.
tor forgtog aoto*- Toe doa't want
«grtd«ift*Ula kMti Aontta
both aorprbad aad etegriaad. “1 an
Of eooraa in Amari:* il i« imp>i
Tnrtrw pitr, Bica.
to objaot to tba dinro* bn wba
MUrMtUtttrip. ThMMkatvo
aanABabbaiwayt prattily draaad
den tea froal, tor teoy an a
wn .tdpk c< Ik*
tba BMui ym an talktog to my ten.
aalaa om lire* M*r wbers it it
to gat oe aad tofca oft
Tkrm ami adlookawalL
bd a diroroad wowao.
lM«a,««BMM»*b)w. BaMdBoaiifacturad.
daBBol tebU for atarr-doy
-So ate b. bot Jtmm aba b aot dal WMit to talk aboat bbaebad
« murn of irUUi, «hh fclte'
two Am <
at. TbaaaniiUbthiagtni ad- hair to a wowao wboa bait b pro why it tbould oot be mida at boiM
n*T' • tw>d
»T •xr CI><> »rit«a.
kHfta don Ite mm« e( tkM
I< Xml MKit aiiaracaanM UMfM wa
for tb* beat qorlily of Itritoc
aadttoa* iteaiK teirto tor a%bt ait, bat yea kaow atnwa abow tba^
.< to. ts <r«r. W>llX«ai «r Blrll mvrr.
aoBBoedly ytolow. oor to diaeaM
nw*lto«Ui*BMpatiM wMK
aim Wia< *a4 an.
roai aamoliao ia uaad. or half
naHor foot whtto tefata, wtod'a dinetbe. Wtee ate wa
Bialiar ar <n.n fara. LaCr'a •• Onto alu.
bow tojarioa* b togar and powder
VttkkfciMBtfipWMbM*; jctB
lieo aad half aheat floor, but it loay
aaatly Aabbad ^ taaba aad tdg- bwa 1 aotbad bar teaat pit wa OB
to tba wowa wte u wada ap b
te oiadt rary walJ
ordiaary bread bt rarlwcnU wa^l «’b? Xiatoaa C O tt . wiA
iag. Om hilf'iinaM aMbrb Uipa awry, a battoo wa arioatogfrom bar
‘OteloTMa rite teaia wban teo or ataggora. with at laM tear pratflora and, wara atiU, aaotba (raw heart yoa my objaet to all tfaaaa floor To Bake it richer c;;g* ar*
hritolHgoOMM. Maka a bordto of tylttb----afton added. Fur tbe aarauQ
ha boot. Bar boaM atriag wai Ibtoga, bat yoa an aol gitiag
ptoaad oa. aad than wa a gnaa jwMia jart oow to wbtt yoa tbiaki kat it il load* with ^gi
iMm of dabaato Mat toba raaia
To OM poubd
flour add
aoM athH aoft aagtiyi. Two or
tba Ifoat toaAh of bar yoa an aiwply waktog yoaratof
agg. well beateo. aod auougti wxlar
tetM BtUawaaka teattod of wool cAirt.’- JawM toa^ir^My. -AU
pbaaat to aom* ooawhow yoa ter* lowakaateUrr tbtt no ba rollad
• SyvBftofbryaa Mg (ateMtea wOloboba toaadof gnat aarrMo.
wwgaaefalittb tbtoga.wotter.yoa wto today ad caay oenr
•. teM
rril oat tbia oa tte paatry boanl aad
Two doBMaada hag dbp« wfll wight ten orwbokad ttew. aad
•gws. Talk aboBt Egyptba t
haiMtoMdoatwbaralaiMd. fto- ba BBtewaat. Tba d-gM aboaM
yoa woold, I bahara, oaly ya war* wba or FtWMh poUUoa^ bow ceAida eat to Btripa. Dry to the na.—
§mt tetetowida.
Cot. Good Houttkttyin-j.
n.M^.a' aeJ 4t*ana<aiX 'r
ba awla of ItoM. la ita waktel aaiioH to A^ awathio)
grow, tba tet MW {day or tba Utato
MteateaUiga laMatea^ myUi
boon tba toiBDt b Htarally toaBa with ter. Erary om yea a
aaw aoag: bat on good Eagibh,
A New York phtaieiae ayi that
«r Uh» teaa Mi of white tea
ad to BM ba <Mba BCMtoatly.
wight ten ban tte naalt of aa ae- •paok a if yoa wan iaterattad, and tte eooataot ebewiog of guB bu
teateottoagaheaU wotba ao bag idaaLliodi to foottacB
tba yoa will gain what yoa waat—
dMllM daiaty* a4bto
ba aad awghtj at to graaaat thte Iba
oaoaa of yoaag gtrli to that city. He Ckka«a Xzaraa.. aurt. ca
Hb owtoar wgbad, bot i
intotioa of teiog a eteratog Bu*t b* laiaULeo- Tte girU had
■Bdate wWto bateat terih. Oat abor* wiU do for a otoid till ft b
• ao, wy daar
la aoobUy.—Ztodte' r
weak niodt baton tbay tegaa to
m teate tea ditete *taa
Comwr Front anri Oaaa Strwwta,
toaror AraMtteold. IC«t
—I wea't ay ow oaly yao waot paratew gam.
CaKxca Kip n.a wrUi.coi
IM tea a^ aadtogad to
an-abattoa’'tea ahOdnaaboat teb dew m if I ay a wowao, aad aopaag^tetote gotot bMag -ytond.'
it bvary bittar aold bDy a yoaag giri. wbo ba a yat ao
Economical Kocipas
ft b'aot atoa todo
The Voice
Qei 4herg
Cherry Pectoral
Magical Effect
Barbed Fence Wire.
Carpenterft* Toolsa
Builders’ Hrdware.
*. .
Nails. Stove Shovels,
> *
Hydraulic Rams,
Dynamite «xd Fue.
Fishing Tackle.
Plumbing. Steam Heating
Furnaces and Blister.
Gas Pipes, Steam Fitting & Pumps
BnirsCDiUtii Fmllers
«...«*£ :rr
One Dollar Weekly.
(JFioiee: fTamily
pi® Groceriesa Provisions
Gnu Ripids t lUlMi G. R
Booty Soop-Tbb ioap b Tory
la to pnaat bar to n
aa garb to tba world- good tad way b* wada ia aa boor,
a woold bata laAead la two qoarti ot wabr pat two
Haw MifiiiK—dMbradgahaaa to pat Iba wbwag battom book, tte poaad* of roaad otak with boaa,
•gaiytaiMteo gtoaaat awbraidaadoM-foortb of aoapfat aaoh of
toaaadban. Itb toraaataraad
tortog oaeoitoy to. aad ategpad potato**, toraipa ad oabtoMynUgrattbr. JihMH
, aad too tabtepooBfab cl rbw
to ban tokM out tba groaa aeot ”,
Mrittobo; it b bn iigiMiri.
Tte yeoEg waa aw BO fiaw to tte alt awl poppor to UaU, aad if yoo
Tbn. too, a Mtear dabghta to Mk- gk)te|iMd.aadMarrtodl
ten oriaiy add a littia of it eb<^
bggrattytebga tor kar darba«a, ■rily. tat today bb iQ kept boow, pad fiaa. Oook OM boot, fcaaptog
bad if aba htoa tewr atoibite with with iblbonaad aad oMi
walw ODOogb ia it to fora two
IbaabofateacH bafateagbnara 00, kapt fratoi aad gnn to kb qaarb of Map It b hattar to add
AMgaaatteMdgral^ tU^to of Mfctog teM aatealy. a*H to tea >aaory bb wba old wotter'a www
Bob oatw •• wUl b* rtqoirad tor
batawbMtlwfey b aaaan
tog- Aaab'a bub eatooa nya that tteooopatoaa Ifbb^poaat^
•bteia aoMMly Mlted a ^
teragiewa to te yoo ten aot added aoogb at firat,
AbMkbyfaaby^tary ngtdly, tte groawt olntinkam
Itiaa acA BWa gate to I
hmtte wataryoo iatoad to add
ao it b oaabM to ataka gnat qt
•fta tea obOd wbM tte^ ito I
of nal troabb to teraU aad >0iV
lb* af atolktofr tor tea* wfU
togaag. UteateoagaMHotte
ibitela Oak* Witboet E*ga^—
tooMBlIfarit. Eaoagktokaag
teMhowlitooatea toUaaadglaM
Tte otUob tbat ate toBodtotate Paaibly a yeag beaakaapw
waataadabM b all teat b aaea toyar of aattn battik »nr OM
b Um ka bit tte wbol* wto> of ter
aatvy. aad tea tiM teat b oftaa
Uto dtoattn aad with anted oadi
dnretod to Mwi^ weted babrbattbobottoagOM frow ha boot tew aatogga Ua a eop oagw, om aop
teMbaaartea tog, afaa btotte M tor ^Mt b giftog bate Mdter aiM
~ ter daily, aad tte graaa ^ iear.ahaUaop aoro otanh, a hMf
aaatetnrtiy. XatetteaaMateawM.
b tte treat koaadih hagrewa wd ap batter, a half cap awte wSk
ttetog a bag a>d af aaghgr awd TM
------- foor Jommt It mm
ftbaw tog to battow, ba«^ «
id a Itttb thti« to hte Itet hw bbe
<tehte Wdbaal Bggo^-OM ate
A Puain—a Womut’a
■to tortog atecllig ter dtegtod, ahoUaapo wWto o^a, half ap
layftoawM awly gbwtol to. bat tetoar, tedf aap lard, OOP aear wOk.
-Aba. br tba aaow tbat b i
■ew twit tte fbaa of rowan of
M aaow.” aigfaad » My tea otter
tea aaatea ttoa^ to tea tog ■
nwariaad wartteip ba toaldad
toitetotoh nM^ywf Btote fiate
MaMteaMMtaigte at teBnt dmd tteiiniiwl a -ntanti
bttea iMtotodnat aboat
Md. Sateto* tw* ttetebto too wtioa-tf Mad, ban white tea
ahebtobbgaohto araml tobb
Ate. IbteaaapaaAofbata
kMAteMtoabaw.awdtbayaheaM Ir bbd to haag ter tebb, bft wUte oaat. Aad poor Aooiil Aowatgo tar. tewwa aagto aad mtona
\ to tbt te aMMa
dbMMto tel MCategMdMMteteab
Vtotea^aeay.* Ttoa^WMba
Banbaatog *gr «
iMtod hr Mag toaaad to aM bteMgaadby* bateM a
Ri^ ofall to LcaaMtog Pwwar^U. A Go*^ Kapwt. Aag. ty. xlH
Ckkags t West MIcRieae R'|. TRAVERSE CITY,
aabrtoarafUM HUb «
m.Kfm gntoc. dMMaa Md wSd
raaaa BtvaftBaftotteaa oraa««wteeatoaMdtea a^ ao M
ilwai faB to a tA bMtote tea
If yoa
MteMkaaiaan bnafgala&
Mbbto aM toteaw to tlw teV* (%M
haadaonMofteaalgbaa. U gaa
hwa* wQd roMi Mha a bow of a dri-
font* of Skin aad Scalp Diaeaaaa.
Serafeloiia Son« and Swelltogi, ana
^ by Dr. I^rcw'i G<4dea MedRri DuaoTerT, wdiicb porifln aad
earicte* the blood, aod U.rongh it
dnana aad mewi (b« a bolt tyoa. Evea Laag-actofala (known
Paltry CoaampUoa) riridi
K,if taka to time‘and pv.
to triaL' It’i pmmtud lo b
for it, ooald be told
Mo other medieto.
1 todtod wite r
Timam 0«ar«t.
I lakfi itTCt Otamf. Jmrnit «. I«n. a‘ aaa
K<p awitti
r » rare
Tattar. BaK-rbeaw. Eeaeeia,
tftea driad a batf-waA aad. aad a
with a few ezeeptiou, sueb a* CaaBod Gouda and Dried Fruito
Traverse City Iroa Works
Engineers and Machinists,
riaa, BoQo. Onritoneln, &
Gtotn.'or'ndek Keek.
Gtoeda, ToMon and
and SwriliMa
OfcatoEaitog Utocn rapidly, hnl
Wa___-«rTWwft BBm
fTlimlar HDla Lawtow T^tewan. BMm
STmSZ Mbritetari. ate a Wl I.Mri MtH>ariM te
Wa Xm te Botoa tooa awiatT af Owatiagi la to a* Patoy*
HomstWofi I
wltoJ!!rLh^ytji5tr*^?^*^'*bitiM atri eto«* MIU teppHo*
tm'Oang Xdttn.SatcOiiUaani DrnhU tcling Bel
fPorh a Special^.
rt of dark btoate^Mi
arteaa bar oadtoary atrat gewm.
Iteiiiaai g b aaanww'
rwaadte* betua, bat it b toad
wMk batear, a
“Bill McKinley.”
(io to F. Darikls sad get yoitr Groceriea cheaper tbaa ever
other reatOB.
So poaiUrriy (wrtato'kr‘^to*ita
waken to ariteg it, at they we d
. OfiHaTKK,
Only .
X b ctoteed
1 neb leran.
beaide* |h*
which bare advaoced AOtoe—owiag to a aotrcHf, bnt for ao
F.ult fi.lt Liiw.
m u fitoito*. wM. «*. M.
ABsounear ms
w.„fcrT..-.n i,..iri.ii.^^Ma.
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