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Grand Traverse Herald, October 26, 1905
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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fa^ lii8
MO. 41.
lQik.cbaoae|fme m eacA and yon bnve year eas-aad wa are to let nothing atop ua—* hsIU The nubera had taraod oat foo
rrmote room | die ahadea whlcb eta he made lo rasl
-Proteaapr John wUl come oat W aee gaa In their kmg halti. aad Hft iha
Tk* tun bad put tk« «ufe to (^1.
that an- brooiAi to bear a^' 0 thwboaae.aad let It be dark, la one! upon a bit of gnatafaord tbroaH>.a bole
0 total darkseaa. Sul Rip did aoi
Akdno bot ttlaUr «l«wd
-Hall Sad ua up.- aald Ugbtwel^l taesltaie. Her eUMiah eowage mauat- the ammeptlWe mind of yoolA l^myiy comer bolM your gboai. A drev-, 0 which the cnndM to allpped.
Tbt J»A-o‘-l«at« eorrod fro« oot
Try thU dainty and timely ■
taveau Halloween with a wl^Ang maker', frame stool opoo
Proto—or Aawo bad tutaed klad ere« darkly. Ughtwelghl arelgbed oae ton- ed hlgA and ber terror waa all for
A COUM ptuBpktB. nuBMi.
ntobes an esceUebt form upon whim Creamed Chestwuu 0 Ramektas
J«*n. -Mr JobA my JoBn!' she charm.
Bet yotUMol tonu morn) bon aod oa her. and ntd-aeticrir: ’'Renombor. dred aad aeveair.
Peppra StuBed wtU Veal
Ia abHent Rotnan cwleadara It to tbe : 0 drape tbe sheet. WUhowt It. you .
-Wear your black maaka. every ear gup<-d. at ahe aped down the hall.
Ur. TUly. ibo coadKlOBa of life hertbwo
Hot Rolls
She ran a^aat tbe Uvatory. and ao vIxU cd All Sa0tB' or All Haltowa'
iMfce It *017 dlScoH for foa to keep of yoA and be here at one o'elock.'
Lfta ii4eum « a tenon.
knew abe waa opjioaUe Tale o‘ Woe's Dv. Upon that Bight the aplriu <d nerd that 0e human form be Imluird I Apple Salad With Cbaene WafeiA
■o yoBiid a chOd *ltb roa. Too *fll commaaded Tale o‘ Woe.
Aod eboofT lOD^tor Ulod tho air.
___ _______ __ _____ ckwely. for foe drapery will be looar. j
Nut lee Cream.
At alae o'clock Flip opened tbe door door. Ko Hs&i abooe from the room.
bare ebarte of the fourth floor. If' If
OMMooaUi HalMeea.
abroad, together with wlichtA devlU. j Cot a skeleton face fnwi pastebou^ ;
Wafout Cake
dlBeolt ball to manace ia between iter room and Joha'A aad put Tbe tranaom bad been covered with
and mlpehlef.lorlng elves and 0 autne: Arrange a slick at for lop to bold toe!
—Free Preat.
the whole acbool. 1 do aot think II la ber head throogb. John waa walktBg thick black cloth, nod a plen^lbe
cases siririu of living persons were; draped white rioth foai is to cover foe,
---------------------rVoB oot tbclr uaced eonflaeo.
roar duty to bardea yoonotf vUh tbe floor, hla haagt behind him. hit same waa tacked to t^nSk« part of
ABd ofCfy bai^r *a»dal pmrad
head bail at if It were loo heavy to
TOUT alater." •
Withfo. twenty boyA tWtXacAeov- fotdr bodies aad Jo0 foe ghostly pr» | shelf 0 foe form upon which yea cab
Bit dlirc«ard «( dcM
And John bad anaverod ao quickly bold erecL
folny-«m of 0e(»
Br taklBK (bli OBO. loa*>ss that.
-Kim md good night, dear, aad go erad with black cloth, alilted fOT'am, eesskw. ChlMrea bon c foU day pot foe green fire It can be bought'cood time
that nto bad ao lime to realixc the
wbe^er flreworiu are kept, and Its ber. without foe Ume-boamrwd sporu
line Of the prateaaor’a Uat rr- to im at once.' be aald. tooklag down Doae and mouth, stood ready to st^ were aupposed lu preserve during foelr
llehl.^ ablDlng forough fo# skeleion 1 of Haltoween. sock as bobbing for ap: *lt U my pleaaare. alrf to keep at tbe chlM wUb eyea dark-rlmmed foe ruih. It wa* to be conduetad to; youth foe jtowe- it
face, will p-radpee
p.radpee a most sattatortnrr p)«pA^id trying charms with toad, mirtwo eompart rows of ten each, which foewe nlry vtoltaa0
her with me. Pearl baa been my Ut- and wcarr.
• John." said Rip. flipping thronHi would eomplMely Oil foe width of the* The ase of apples aad nuu aa helps eCect.
tbe tmlrenlty for
i t«pr bOBoaib aa eltn-tne^ Nudo.
Late 0 tbe evening, after gboe!
t«o yean, and ahe la a very faithful the ftor, "woo'i you pW*»e go to bed ball, aad mow down all oppoaHloo. On ‘ la dlvlntog the fnlure acema to have atOTlet. told by the rieverest nanniorv
91000 btaMhoo tateriaeod.
pith nuu M a bnslt fbrair-the cn(be
A TOAb ltdad ctaoo boaUe a niald-1 omA my dear, i shall be up all Joined by another, and w «a down 0 j by the Romans on foe Aral day of No you can ob00. lead your gwwu. one joymenu of tha evening, ays Tabto
•X>. John. I
SloY oeaaothlBi noad hor waltl!
aigH sraleblag-tb<‘ boys. It s Haltear- foe street door. That was 0 be ear- vember call tbe team 0 PomonA foe by one. 0 tbe H>«a< arbor, or room, Talk.
toea. you rem.
I laor a am 0vo‘« (sad earota.
la the flm place, have foe walla apried oC tii hinges, and foe town [gbddeaa of frulu and seeds for at that
q'CA you knon.Aad tun tritb OBT7 KTc«n
be pronounced. Someone shrouded In
dieoacd with atrlngi ot
t boys bad reck- [ time foe alorrs laid np to the si
^Bui. John.' pleaded Flip, tqueeilng -patoled red."
.Wb« Ibe loib llpt to* wbUpon
black, and 0vlalble. can be tuilooed nnu 0 tong fwMoona ennght np here
e opened.
danger in foe shape of the sli for winter
day: ‘WA" ahe added to the amoaOd bia band, -you were up almoet all la»i
behind the ghost and. 0 a \oice of the aad there by eheauui hranebes har
Ko'mber 1 n
principal, -Jdbn never acoMed me algbt working fur them horrid boya—" professors wbo guarded their dormi
upon each ing foe burrs tUli attoifoed. and by afl
Om'uo ......... ............
tory. but they bad oot leckoocd ela foe Druids bold a grent autumn few
-Those.' - corrected Joha.
Then, aa the .aignldauce of
Onone. In UaUea
trembl0g llstenw 'You will
means bare much 0 evidence pompUral
t^ eonvenatlcm dawned on her. her
man of your rival's chedee." Is
k0 Jack-o-4aaterM wHh giwteaqtto
^et grew big and round, and her erery bit good nougb foT'tbe boyt. to Rip. wlib ber abort, tottsM hair aaJ
oerry j (urn and blaxlag eycA foe room
tlwnsmlgratlon. and Uugbt tba| oa foe
breath caught a little.. "1 ahall never there, Yon ve been up s'mosi rvcir little red robe.
nipY Halloon'on Ihaih.
someaglow with rosy l|gbu by eoWertog tbe
live only jual with John. He'd never, Blgbl (111 hours after this. Plestc/ 'There bad been three agitated lura*
inea that apply personally 0 (be chandHIer globe* with red Usaue pm
of the door-knob, whlcb was exactly
Joha. go to bed.'
a chair before hor YirtbeVa dwaaer. ever leave me behind.'
goettA Ml foe better for tbe meni- per. and 0 the gtato a Are baiBtag.
nip bogged John-i band agaJnit tbe signal agreed upon by foe consplrSo the principal tand half aigbed an 1
; of foe pnity. &eh one is obllgel
To add t
half amlled at the little browale face, her fuxxy Utile red robe, another of a0r*. Tbe door bad been unlocked (he bodies of noimali doling foe yea:
aak a few tod* and lassies 0 garb
i “O. John,- aho cried, dnaeta* on oae aad Rip waa given a amm next ber
An amusing trick . played to foto (faemaedve* 0 gandy greeA yHtow or
ered her amalT-figure from tbe chin <» in and faced those twenty black- were ligbled by tbe DraMi oj^Ilowtoot..-T sever dreamed of haviac tueb brother-a. ea the fourth Boor, front.
from their high cnHoal AnU
doora. One tbe floor, merely nilowlng her lltilc masked gtonu lowering above ber in
a itor. beaoUfai draaa and coat and
brellA measure Ahe dtolanorTrom (br
the altopero on ibelr feet, and n
through pumlory.
(be dim light.
hat OB mo all at onoe! Ain't 1 pretty. opmed Into the girla' ball and one into red.allppera to appear.
Tbeae eeremooies of belief have long vlcUm'* elbow «m foe toai^ of foe quersde as Imps, bobgoUtoA wlUBae
Tbe child clasped her bandA aad
Jo^ thot If. aU of me that yon her broihcr'a parior. whl«*. In turn., Oeotly John klaaed ber and aeni ber
arm and Up.of bia raMdto Anger oui- and. wtoanto. ibelr ^meni* Javtohly
boo^r Biaaoiac apok»eiinIly at opened Into tbe boya' ball.—that mneh- back (o her room. There Rip con- ber voice was slender with sbrQI and atoce been outgrown, and tha enatomr stietcbed. Mark foe point, tell him to Hppitod with aaakea. BmrdA bats knd
the Httio grpar taoo aad flytac abort dreaded fbnrth ball, areotding to Pre- eelred the brilliant Idea of -^tnymA fear. “If you've got 0 ran over atw which eofored Into the religlou ob- cUsp the stick 0 tbat the outer edge
- toads. MI cot from pnpST and rwnllaiieitaor Amaa. the moat lli-behaved hall awake all night . Joit to aoe bow it one. run over me." foe quavered. T aervwncea of a pw. age a-e now re —, — —-.............
-of foe
tonebea tbe point marked ally paJLptad. Aa exceiiimi ptoa wonU
tnrbtofodr Joha nated a foot heav a tbe boya' aide of tbe dormitory.
and tbe sUck to hHd bnekwanto. at] be to oppolat foem to take awtlr*
On thif floor. John, treat from bia her bow It seemed, but the waa not *re wicked 0 bhn. and be I* good to; with wbich 0 enltveriTv tbrtr witch
ily oa the rnac of the chair to aavc
Of fte amutameuto of tbe evwnlife, waa loeated. and ready to give UA She lay down, yoA He sat up many nlgbu with Talc ing and wlicb-Itke apelli. Lovers seek
flip aa npaec aad amllod. "Haadtome
he held around (be atjek. not altow^ >0^.
manage twenty-boya—aad. dressed, acroas the foot of ber befl. If o' Woo when tbe football did Milne- on ttato night 0 peer behind the veil
ia aa haadaome dooa.- Ma lipe qootod:
slope dosrnward. He
novel way ot cbodatog pan^
keeping that hall io John must all In tU chair—awake all thing to Ms breeib. and It made bim of desttoy by many simple devices.
bat htoa>^-t«T*Tinc.>bo amaU, red- mT He 1
Prom Ireland eome^ ttau qtmlnt co* foe end of Ihe sUqfc 00 bU mouth. that can easllr be carried out. If «to to
- etad d«aie. made a dUtoroot eoiameai. very goed o
Ineipal knew —nlgbt—aho would Ue down-^-and so Ured! Things thin him to. He
tom of plaeing three nou npem foe The game wfll ^cealloa much tonghler. skillful with foe AraaA la 0 have -la
To bimaelf tu/—awake, and Rip was off Into atoi 0 thick as moat .of |wu. and—'
rup faooadod t>ra -tho chair aa UghUy tblA and a
Sud^ly tbe realliatiao of wbal barf of tbe grate, named for fotee and few kUl aeeompUsb ifae trick. To resdtoeas two baskets pUed with tiM^
bad aald that everr- dreamland. ,
' aa a trird. aad thnw bar arma'arottad
If a nut cracks or jumps.'foe ■aeh wbo does aeeompitob IL a tiny ed green -cards,'oi' pan et whlcb are
him. acydlag the tdg tat Ayfog to the thfog eoneeted wl'h the Tourtb floor
package of seeds U given. He muH
waa la perfoet'order. Includtag Rip! one o'clock she swakeoed with a Rip. and ahe foraed, threw her arma lover, will prove imfUlhful: If It be go 00 foe garden alone, plant foe eolored leaves of nul-baprlac tress
and on the ofoers foair anU. foe cou
0 blase or bora be will be true.
“JohA 1 love TOO hmipt and. buah- Bat well be knew the teat of that good thiver and sat up. She was cold. The over her face, pressed them against
<«sds. reiorn to the boosA watklag ple becomtog partaars who draw
room waa cold. She looked about be foe door, and broke Into a passion of If two nuts placed 0gelher and w
ria! With yoar dfct toaeb money, too! order World be Hallowe'en.
backward, and dnring Un trip the face leaves and nou of foe mmo trqe- Ae
for a maiden and ber lover bora
‘We bnve much damage done here wildered. The gas burned brightly,
- Ton oiq^ oot to get theca, though,
fo-ee to as totmwetbe .
-■oonda gel??., they will be married. While of foe bride or btuband-0-be will ap matchfv
At IbU I
Hallm'^ " the profetaor told bia and there tbe was. arrayed to her new
vhmi your coat U ao allppory. aad—
paatlmA aad k may be 0 pumllng
Ihe spell It working it U raatomarr U> pear la ghostly laaage.
Vhy.-doha. your ooliar la all triaslod now teadtar. ahortly before Ootober robe O. yes—Johq! She sUd-oB the broke foe sUenoe bahtod ber. «ne
for eoaee that mtT Jrm^avq to b*
out ca tho top. aad ll'a your Stmday- iblrty-flrat, "ud yon moat be preparedj bod. tad aofUr opened the door. John's cleared bts tbranl; ibere wag an audl- recite foe following vetwe;
for anything then. The boya conaldcr
goto-meetUg bam, im!“
ioha laughM. RBd cuddled PUp. ttet alf reatrmlat la removed that waa strewn with bookt. But before It
the beel of one resting upon foe in
! And in «*cfa itui I gave a
rad draaa. eoat. aad HI. ta bU arma. nigfal. aad the fonrth hall oaoallr sat John, bia head lying on bit outIneraaae
step of the other. Give Urn two canMund of cloth lipping : ' name:
-Never mthd ay oiM. pet. itn. There leada p thc^mUehlef. Be prepared.' airetehed armt. aonnd atleep.
Tbe ralbcad mltoage to thU eonUrr.
dies, one unllghted. the otber.IIgbted.
-0. be must wnub." aaU Rip aloud; as bis mask parcd.ai tbe back of hla This with the btigtateal b
tptu ha mon *toaeh'-ooaoy comlog
la inenaatog at.foo rate of abent At*
Tell him 0 light' foe cee with foe
dooh for John, overheard ihe profea- 0 alanh: but JAn did not stir at (be bead. His example was immedtotely
foootaad mllM a year. At this rafo
I followed by (be temnlalag mA<ken. That In a flame of brightoat Mkir other. He srill no sooner have then In about twenty yepra there will be
-JohA“ oald rUp thoughtfully. '1 eor. Al}ts tea. op la their parlor, ahe round of ber voice.
to bU bands and eton 0 bring foem
^ atvar lookad aleo all over before, did a—led heraeU on her brotber'a knee, - She enme neareri but when abe saw | and twenty boyh looked theeplsbly at
one himdred fooumtid more mllea nif
At biased foe nut. 0 may thy pMSioa together (ban tbe I^Ue tdlll begin lU railroad to <he country. It 'ha eooaIt Boamirnco rve hotload. had then aad leaoloicly polled a lest boirit oa tbe koUowa under hla eyes.' and tho one anotbe- and at Rln
rolling, rrom aide 0 aide the victim
cheeks whifo work kept from gvitlng, Tbclr posliloas were rcvera’cd. Tb >
I tried to kiek at }uai th* place that lAyalei out cf hU hand.
bring try eontlsnea to derntof during the
did look alca. and. Joha,--the corioua ' JobA are yon prrtRr.atrongr' abe .AS thick as Che wished. Rip drew! twenty giants were helpless, and fo'- For 'twwa foy It foaf did 0 brlghUy
next twenty tears aa ru^ly aa R has
gl<ra,'he candles together, and mntoinln his
I one smyll glH was a pillar of strangtht
unto mlxtare ed babyhood-aad voman- naked anzioualy.
during tbe las' two deeadea. It will rwTwo cot apple seeds aiuek oa foe, own balance. One mtome sboold be
-I shall watch." ahe thought bravely, bni ahe didn't know it and waltod imJohn anaarered abaeatly. hlaoyea
hood gaxod caraaoUy into her brothqolre fnllT one hundred foouaud More
Uy0g to rob the sticks out of her eye* "Dtm'l hurl John. He's asleep now . lids of the eyes are said to hdp one to j sllowed for tl^ accompllahment of Ihe mltof of railroad 0 tendle foe-to, otY foot—-daa time, laat year when bit book. “Tea. dear; why? "
and M tired; and I cane down to atos determining which one of two tovgra feat, and Ihdae who wit within tbe crease !n foe volume ot tfaflte. With
They would rot yield 10 nibbing,
you eonMat get in rnmaooa to lead.
Ihe pinched bia arm. -I
? went oauJg^orlng Us
■Hhi mi rmembert—and *j
this iDcresM to railroad mltoage foe
a pumpkto p
She dastard cold water ovei- her face., Then Tale o' Woe, wbo was twenty,
graduau ao hard, t inmad ay tooking "that after we left off II.
demand dor steel aad Iroa srill be eargtoaa-to the wall, baeanaa ao pUee oa lag you'd thicken nuome. You ought all the while listening for a mad and tbe Mild centrerof tbe football
to be aa thick as "Ale o' Woe. He's from John's room or th«v boy a ball
•riookod alee at atl.A profound xlleace reigned, so pro —fsrallowod hard. "Cueas you've teed bears to be t‘e one whose love
awfully thick."
Je^HMked..aad hlaAyea aodi
"What do you sranl. Penrtr' asked found foal tbe sticks soon crept back slopped it all right enough." be aald win toon wane. This spell may be
dec Ign. 0 tbe form of a match safe. „rl^"‘*''^
huskily, knccllngwnd putting bis arm made more tavorably by winking.
(0 ber mes
the bp» a tho meeple ocrooa the John, quietly. "I must study, dear.'
ibee .mail article. AU foeae arc '•'I";’'
Here It nn old Irish method of see
She took a small pitcher, and wen: awkwardly around Rip; for Tale o’
■ But. JohA.wllI you have 0 ksot^
otroet began to ring. There waa a
out Into t-e hall In which her room Woe wa* "mushy-hearted." according ing ooe'future husband. Throw a ball easily bought or made.
aoaad of decra epaalas «ad ahetuag. ; btem down oa Hallowa'enr;
A group of rbUdren may help pant
Johnrglaaord at her with Btortled opened, foe girl's hall, Hot water
aad a grMt aaay itepa aad voloea In
would suretr mell those sticks. Thc There.'—swallow.—-Rip. don't cry: the end, of the thread, and foen/TP- the evt-nlng br a little dance. Any
. the halt* on Nthor aide of them. Boa- cyca. "My d«nr7 If you
the same Umr sajing^-.- simpb- dance steps will mrve. The
oea Bnninarr waa turning obt Ita prtnelpal. remember, do not repent, ball was rtlmly lighted and Rip flew please don't cry.' We haven't any Idea
Tha NearTNM -ef HUfllMsA
Pnicr Nosier backwards. At foe maid- chlld"<tn tho -ld wear Jack«'-Untern
wbai be said 0 any oot."
| noiselessly down Us lcnnU>. afraui »f o( killing Profesror Jobn.'
huarden to the Bandar aerrleo.
Rlfoard White og,
t tte novella', was
"No. no. of ooorae not.'; muttered, en wairhe* the ball of yam In (bc.| masks made of •vasieboard, o’ rnU
"No, John." said Rip In C su)Klucd the shadows. At the .vul ot 1 he hsu
hundred boya walked orderly aeroea
.jne; "tfcly I wish your tjghf hand wa* a lai-aiorv In'o which hot sod the chorus of ntoeteon. crowding be- gloom without, tbe form of, her futuro pumpkin jack-o'-lanieras over their once lalktog wrltb a griarlad old wnthe atroet to the aide pewt oet
hatband win rand beside^'.
, beads. If you ran obtain romc pb0- man. when be ehaacW to refer to foe
and am would thlskewf^ Now i'll goicold water-flowed, T-e mm<- pipe-! bind.
for their roe ^ the ebnreh. d
them weal Prefoaohr Jtrim and Rip. away. John. Just la* qHet. aad won'-.'fed a Ulmllar
would-UI0 0 be foe
-Oh. ow
, In Iretond and Scognnd and Is often 1 coat, the masks. It wi;i' be detigh'ful to
er side of foe partlUon, which at thii ■ "O. no, we ll be careful not
bother you any more,"
to- the mile i^'cn" sallid the sMtoflt beldMe.
vently from Ibi guilty chorus.
j prarllred In this country Is to have up-' darken the
point was Ihio. In the boys'
me went into her owra
feet to bl
askad Mr. Whitoing.
suddenly through the
Flip turned in April ’face toward the 1 on foe supper rable a^a^ dltb flUed ‘‘elves dance
A gronp of boya Juat bebUd abut (be door with painful tUIlneet.! Aa Rip ai0pod. her
"ll Isn't because of ber 'onea. beboys. "O. you're Jnat lovely!" ste | wlifa-mashed poiaioet and chopped on- dark.
valobad.. -He ain't half ao bad." re- and two momenta later waa stngln; 1 water Jaucet. ahe beard
bobbl-c for a^
IM were
I would 'avq a
when; Ions. It Is nsually the principal Hem
marhad a nm. boy, taeklag an -Pro- ber geopaphy lesson with paWnl' other aide. One was low but distinct.' cried to smiling rapture,
donkey cart wl’h red Wbeets. aad it
s called "call- ,
eleattiess; "Mn0e, Augwta, on thu It belonged to Talc o'Woe. Instantlyifoe last tear chased a previous onclonit
. throwing an apple peel b
feaaor ioha.
«mor.''|i^ir''or;*ibw band of «u.^.
-Ko. oot io for.- reaponded an old
‘ form a
-I hand on eat* side of Talc o' Woe's- brim
and rrad- «
boy. eommonty called Ughiwelghi foe—O dear. I forget-" with a break 0 (bh Dipe.
a tub ul *
"You ought to have been on hand an ; fact-, and Impulsively sqocexed It. tollable. Somewhere
“Bat bef groan at the boa0esa yet. the song. "Hateful old atotes lu pu:
‘ 1 log their owners' fi
hour ago.” Mid the voice. -Wc are i the secret envy ol every boy io the; gold ring, and In the ceotor Is a deri>[oM|fe i0y
He-U know more before be geu done 1 their capltola on rivet*. Miyway."
Dow\(ar the ru. _ It's to be Chorus.
well filled with melted buner. . Batto j together apwri or with confllci—all , think, if ahe wakea IP A S o'dopk 0
with foe toarih Boor." darkly.
I Hallowe'en dawned brtoht and lair
! ^ 'be ■Dora0g aad vwata a W0 to eni
a good one Iblsthne,.* '‘‘n
There was no rush that night. 0 the' one at the tableIs served a pOrtlOB.,
be played again *
church, nip
foe students, —----------------dark and---------------towering
Ml wiuvu.
r»e began
e-w- by altttog very, to wD lull touch a ball .and 'are beef
, Well, let him *01^0 bit room. then, amaxemem of the fMuUy, the dcltghl and the one wbo find* the ring It cer- mujfbiar gviag an apple in a d0. —,
•tiHgbt and ttiu for ten mtooiesafter' the fMnliy. eepecUlly ic John,
cabbage right'asray:"—De• It Profroaor John sticks hU head out. of tho principal, and the rellel of Hp ^ tain 0 be married within the year. U i*nd bob lor It there as well a* In Ihe •"'* died «»*>»•••
the aermon eonunsaeod.,^ Tken, sure! -Prufostar^ John .MW..
Imkt —-of
tW an hour had etapaed. ^ began I peaked this morning."
whUpered ' Uc1l preUbly get bun, I suppow^ we'll w
akeful townapropk.-Chrtstlan En-,! already married good lockwill Mtow ! ,„b
Walk down the eellar stairs hock- 'roll Froe Preat.
to ftdgwt While waiting forfoebenedlc-1 Lightweight, trying 0 trip up Tale o' have 0 run over 0me one. " ,
deavor World.
; the finder.
ward and'»w »«••''a'<------------Uun. Bbe aqndexed'aWyjtfon'a fin-1 Woe going out of tbe d00g room.
' Rip waltod 0 hear ro more. She
----------------------. A loaf of cake oonfoinlng a ring nnd | Tbe manner cf decorating t'? housThe MoM Coauy Oetii..
tan to turn. She pnMM her band-| “Wonder boar he'll look tomorrow ; fiew back wl'h ber pitcher allll empty.;
Witch Might aod Ita Orifto.
, a key to often placed on the table. The '
entirely upon the kl'd of
The torgest diamond 0 foe worltl H
karofatof np hla eoat slee^ u tor at. moraine?" was tha reaponro.aad both {She dropped it 0 ber own room. an-l> within foe last few yaar* Hnllow-tone who finds foe ring win be married, p^,. ^ ,.t,u
having a guud oM not of the erytuillne sort used as a
It wooM go. aad focai wor^ It back | boya sniggled.
cried In o lew. l.-ar^hakcn voice, een baa seemed to be cornier to the ’ the one w^ finds foe key will go on a fchioned romp. tb«i let pumpkin lan g-m It It
it. value wocM t
ngam. Bbe tacked back ^her. and.. After tea Profestpr Amea rolled “John!" aa she opened the dlvidtog: fore among the social fuacriona de-1 Jowrae}—Table Talk.
'terns and strings o( apole* and pep- tabutous.'for it Is nevenieen Umoa
re<thn«f .right W a frown m Tale o' John into (be oflee. “Tilly. I froi^ wc dror. But John, exhausu-d by hto mandlng annual celebration. It to a
-------------per* abound If yuu are formal i-se larger lltan ib>- famous' \1c0rla dlaWoe's
brow, she mad a wrr *'
face at shall have grave trouble tonight, and I work, slept on. Tbe moment Rip call- night which Is'looked fo'rowrd 0 sritl»,
crimMiU ribbons and aritolic banks 0.' mund. foe largest dl moflera Ond*.
r. and foe next Inafoai I'm gelag 0 a*k a dlAculi tb0g of the ed hU name ghf bflA ber breath to pleasure among foe voung people as v
It to eenrtng foe time when ghosts ' autumn leaves Tbe'e etw candl. • bleb ww. 0ld for
tU val.bade*
to -b- _____
boegbt '* tho form of ue depends upon foe use 0 srUcfa It
-nip. ,gentlemen Wacben, I can't learn Just! terror lest be'.awakbo. Her confusetl;night when all kt-d of tricks mar be* walk. The folrty-flrwt of Ociobe-it a> v.....
I what foe boys are Int^dlng to do:; Ueat began to untangle ibemwlves perpetrated wit? Impunity. In tbe hand and the Hall^eeu pany t« In pumpktot.
If a ro*d r«rtr be vour caa le- pet when bkriien np. ><0 *> 1*
but there's trouble to foe air. and Ituiand' closier aroi-nd Tale o' Woe'xj 0utb It almost rivals foe Foi^ of citing the rivalry of botteate* all ove; rboiee. le' foe tally count be aTrange-1 of the amorphous kind, tfoown teekBonn, aoeoidtof 0 her rMkoalCLg. | asking >oa teachers 0 aUy on guard ' boastful we'd*.
j July In this respect.
the land. Bvrryone to tbarpentog her by means of nou added -o tbe strings : trtrolly an carbon.—ElChiPge.
“John." retoroad RIa aUrertag.! all, nlritt. 1 know it's a bard demand ! Once, in the elty atrrou. Rip bad
Tbe more Jiivenlle rmrtlOB ad the; wtu >o lnve*t new forms of entennio-i of red ribbon
--------- - ■
wihtoff aoop np tosUe my bones to 'o make of >-ou. but we cfin't have tbe teen a Brnn ran ore- bv horaca. aod eommunliy eentent ibemaelres with | meni by way of eelebraUng this time- i Tbe topper table can be chartalngls ,
A Heavyweight OM.
property done this year: carried, mangled and bleedtog. to the rlnglnc door briU. blowing beans at| isorw festival.
' deeonted with aUatog red apples aad{ The hrovlesi gtri 0 'foe world la
__»1 have to alt aUU!'
Johg. with hla ayes on the mlntoter. foal
we had last.'
j boaplto'l. Her vivid ImaglimtIOB at • windows with air guns, and (be like.; But If one (blag to the world (not ail kinds of nou Make a d-de of 1 Meda Mllmolte
Kentucky. 16 ye«*
Mltod. He had eared f* FUp atoee
“AU Tight, sir." saM JohA rUIng: onoe put John 0 fals ptoee. ran over ; while foelr oUer bro-ben and autera j of in to.ever new. that thing Is .a red leaves arooad roeb pUto and le«, old and weighing r?« pooiida. ^ has
nhe was Mar. and’underwood well foal ' ni d-o my beat."
1 by all those great boys!
. favor foe 'more mystic gamro games gbott. 80 long 0 a hostess can-fur. esufo gueai find at bto place a boullno-; gained elghly-loor pounds IB foe tost
Just ni Protestor Amro m ulkiiig; -My JobA my Jtkn!" wUapered| of a “ereepT* nature, aa a young tedy{ nlab euBkleoily halr-raistog spooks, niere of (be Irore*. Place ca-^s can < three yevs. She It excrndtagly active
John. Tale o' Woe'.' romn at foe, foe ehlU passionately. He mnst not; recently cOnflded 0 me. 1 the to bound to be wed a socecas. if, be cut 0the tharo of' euts. apples.! pliraleally aad memally
aa hatcH aa
Profeanor Am«A tbe prtodpal <rf foe end of foe long.fanrth kali waa filled awaken.
I atop foe nuA 1 Few young people allow foe- nlgbt-^ you are foe tonaaale poasesror of a j pnmfkfot. sheaves of wheat and any glri of her age. Her fafoer aad
. -tiemtoarT. atoo roallted how bard it to with hoys.
Joha mwt aot kaow. Tbe aUcki were; of the folriy-flrai
Oriober 0 go by - gardeA aad If In that garden aunds I atcklea. and lotmhxl with water onion; mother are of aermal Wright aad her
for etoven yanra old to be qsM and
•The rush sum from here." aald :all goae from ber wide eyes now. She.‘without a party, u.____
__ aro an arbor,
lei it be the.............
of 100 a llkearas of foe article. Beoop'| alater aad brolMr cd laoa'foaa prdl•pcnfllt. aad he had looked very grave Taleo- Woe. kto vtoro low but ^lear. jaoftly opaned-foe door toto'ihe boys' an H»aed 0 be nat>liUaa bat aoae tbe j your pony. U you Imve ao outdoor* |o« foe Mart of rouiul red apples, cot a | nary alxe.—gietangr
Bioed iote L«ke AoB.
Huellmeatel iuf a<a h.a fare
u all* vMt of lake Abb. OaiAtde<
atloe di.ooo.
_______Jb a, U05.
“> aie
“*« •.• peuiwi
is.tbs Co*n of >*“.•
the Ualwd
Iir.t b»ln*; Wo.oM for edoci-: r«oe?; 8rn«. *. 1S«. W.'» »
flMM dit UT line irltfcla niarly dapi. UobrI parpoOTt. the ■wnr hariBc bees [ becka. -the tedtuu Bwt7 refotl
» tbd porpOM of .MltlB* the ooet- pnrided W the forwlnic treeiy re-: theia.Jtsied ihrooKb tbU oar; ff&.ono fori Oe 0«. K. IKS. Ur Smith nn
Sb of ovnrrahip of the.
atoekt and
axx3 eirirnllural
eod P«Z.40D tor [ tb« coadliioiu: 'Cuaactl held t. a>.
Mode or BBltejra belu la treat by the iho .epport parpor.m
of four bleekimlih rhope,
,t tSo;d»t«> of the ireur,
Amt SmKb to i^e note* of aU
?jSyr»»rtadW® VhrolTaara and I for tr- V<a'».
»i.e I atatemenu. ol fiinda paid the p«ai
-----------paid; alao. - • ■oof fundi due.
tftber pm
WBI. If ■
tke ladla^ sader a roareraloe made iwnier’a tool*. Iiou.i-hold .'furniture.
IP. iMd. a payment of tS.Cu
¥areh ». ittt. aa a« forth ob a baUdlni; ............
matirialr. rattle and a Kora made, premium on the cold
ermncnt farmer
farmer »< r<- tint the leapt of
.............. le report rf
•uid hare received laa|
fito aeeroury of
m«BU eoBireea. nailer date of Jan
latT n. JKB. and ike rr.K>rt of the
ceamUaloncr of indien affaln bearISk date of Jaman- Id. i»d.l
By thif act of «on*reaa Che (Vnirl of
cuima waa mated « Jurladkiion In
— to
-o r«ider
render judjrmei
JudjtmeniupIsv aad
OB the petition of MAieh i*'- m
Ike October term of «mrt. and a
■aaa npoa and And ai a matter o
erhother or not ihejonveraloa o
ler the
r IMS.;
» fanner
Md°acr^*^hat *
Ura. J3aii>eoler baa bees apeodlng 11
week In,Ttwyme City.
Ura. stIiM of Trnyerae Cliy. who)
hna been ruiiina ber niece. Bihe! |
StliM oTthU place, retotbed home
r ’ ^
P. W, Bunkervpf 1
II. 1«T«,
Don’t DflcidofS-rs
citing. Mm. DuTla' aide Iw about 8iw;
tmlUaa abend although they are one;
Oihenalde. Ne*
meeting Ahead of the ochenalde.
ire being added,
members by the
Ijofi Jacobs of Paw Paw la Vlal.ine
ba of
of this
this Blare
Blare '
hi* brother. Dleb Jarobs.
8. D. Bnrke hna purrbased
The Ladles* A'rt wdl glye
aocUl at Deake'a hall Frld^r eyenloa
B. Hoiwan of Trarenie Oty and C
H. Laheof Cepemith will brglq bnylng
mind. Tlir AMI-l-alii PUIi gave me
notatoea here next wc
I rrllrt in Inm 1ft to Sft islotrtN. t Be
The Ladlaa’ Aid held a special bosl'
uets meeting at Sirs. Mclawn't Mon nhlf'?eu“’wS-dW.hire,"’t?S
day ard.rlec'ed officer^ aw fallows:
PmUdem. n<uw MeUwn
cr.' Miie*'Anti-Pain Pitia e^eftia by
deni. Preda Caryienler: aecreiary.
lie Haoro: tr*msurer,
,urer. Lena McLean.
-JlT BTwTOn bum.
Mr. McDonald Is viaiting friends dnd ]j^eg Mcdicil Co., ElUtATt, lod '
retatlvea In tmttle Creek.
•rAARLANB, Caahlae.
T--rtT-l -I' Tiaili.^
SURPLUS. «a7A>00
^ per Cnt allowed m FUm t>
■mPsaWIteaalhuUiBi. Tr>r-rw CU]
j.«. eiHtMt
iiss*Su!3iiriiSSl2i, asr.
filtinl PBrtitt DV^'.u22i"S“tv2"at£*}fiiir2d
epanneal Banes,
GndBite Medical Depariineal
Banes a
Rev. Madlaon C. Peii-rs. famous Bar-
oaiy p.u«ht«
I IS to Isffueaee tbe young men of the; Cured of ConSUmptHMI.
AsenV.Smith was dny to booome big thieves,
which bad lK>rii rrt>. - dr.i»-nr«! off Saginaw Da) at 8 o'clock 1 raurh safer to Im- a big ihir
........................ mty y<*ft«.werew[aln
naymeot -hat^.^,
•'f?''M toeapable of being sold wJthliHnclimi'
_ noBspBC of tbe senate and prea- j •* *
: April. 1873.
e wll(l|p .r .mid list '
Cwklet Bslght be given afttn- ite ;
Bished. In lhai j
. Inveatlgaied and banished.
cmalDtog unpaid at I Washington and settled In Lansing.
13^: memluned
Oei. 38. 18*4. tbe Hnal anmnineemei
ttneemer.1 |
annuallj- for tv:
become a gres, |
lj(Hi."rKi mnalnliiE iioiiald i of Indian payments caused .this dairy ' U-neBt to mankind
. teaebera. acboolboui
Ihe exniraflrm of ic-n vear« was to be 'record:
paid In coin If the Indians required
payment, the same to br dlatrlbut^ assemfiled here imlay to glvy^pom-er ,
per caDila In >h<- same manner aa ak1 provl
! ^ItSThad’bwm
r«>,ocule their
__it Dt isjm). rhile Bgriculiura
' four equal inaiallmenu.
i claims againal ibe gorvrnmeni. I
met hanica-tools.
. A special etouse aeltlng aside WS.OOO ] •!«' ^
l.for the orand River Indiana el«ed ;
* : and a pari not incJIned. •
—• i • ll la evident that ibe claim a
lOgnlreal Iblrty^ine .rears agn. thouge
: no-formal action res-lien nnttl March
.r. pay .n
t^T^ea cagagpl to
ii «Bdlty of Md.ooo for twem
fkaiJIXW waa laveate
itarerse City State Bank
ig. nourishing. |
„ and invigorat- /;
ing effects upon the nervous
systdm, and not by paralyzing
»n<I weakening the nerves as
would^ the ease if these drugs
WCre used.
reason Dr. Miles
ni-Pain Pills are universally
isidcred llic best pain reinedv '
ftavMod for are In lieu and aatUfae
dOB U( all etalan. legal and equitable. 1
OB tba pan ef ibe aaM Indiana jol&Uy i
Ad aeverally asalnat the United i
Stale* for land, money, or other thlpgic t
gnnruitaed to aaid irlbea. or either of |
5m by the aUpolatlona of any former,
or treatiea: exeeplInK. however, •
dti rlftat of Aablng and eneampmeni r
10 ttac'Chippewaa of Sanli Ste. Three Aged Members w
id-ef Ottawa*.who »
■aria by the ir«wty nf June 1C. I8:u."
ttelpsU in the claim.
Tbli eialB ■■ l«<ed upon'lwn ircattea. IMI awl IMS. wherein tue vaat
ttMi of oountry. e«i»pri»iBa Michleaa.
Sept. H>. Ikl.7,
waa Bold to the Vnlted SUie*. while a
T capita. -* mall affair, eilll
reamatloi) for a place of dahlni! and tlr« for t'beir'ultlmtte r.'r=mal to the «mie ^p:"'o.-t. 13. IKHS. •'all n-celyeJ
-:e earn.
3 anUiee: r-Hefa »SO
I Ihr treaty.
-I'M .and
H forever guaranty
___ _______ , .._. .
“The Ottawa aad Cbippewa
hereby rebmM nad diachairpe thi
d BUtMfmn all llablllt;ly OQ acODuni;
Hteb., Oct. Jo.-Chariie Bar. i
tadaeptWortonelo ipaeoneo..
hit twraea fcmday.
Mra. Nettle Barton left Friday feri,
■Oittbeew MleblgEB to apeod the win-
,iiord Boben*. It ‘•a* <u,t •been diecovered, doeaa t »mokr. touebes wiiw'
hut M-ldeiB and H»e. at i-ai everv
ipotniBg. lamer and winter—oo ma'. i
Reward will be paid to ,*fjf~tvy >»"»
penon who can find one itom i >
opium, chloral, taoq^ine, | —
cocaine, eth
ether or chWrofa;tn
in any fon
form in any/of Dr.
Miles’ Remedie
This reward » offered because
202 Wilhdm Blk . Citz. PLone 11'
certain ttnscnipulons persons
make false suicmenis about
TRAVKR.se city. MICH
these remedies. It is under- ,
stood that this rew'ard applies j
only to cooUs purchased in the .{
op^ market, which have not j
bw tlnipercd with in any way. |
DR. W. J. BIBtniS
Of the fittv-six IndUn chief* wh
inatne* nopearcl upon the last ire
• isr.5. bnl one Is living, old Andre,
Blackbtrd. of Hnrl<or ' -Ings.
rk, is si
. the grandson of tl
great ehlef. lo ltd the forces again
• Foa Oearl I. and Is it’oud of fa
srarrlor ancfaiirT. ... sl*vr
, tras
. the
beantlfUI -Queen HargareT Ooyd.
■ wat taken by a prieal to Cincinnati
and educated. On her return lo the
Indlnn hqme she relinqui.'heil all hopes
■ tff a brilHant career so ardently
mapped nut for her b> frli-nds. owing
• to itac sadnecs with witch her mother
1 took to heart her changed life. She
i reliirned to her people aud their way*
! and a bnmble little.hone and a s<d of
23f E. Fmt SU QL Mm fM
Waywa Ostrn^ Sank Bldg., DBTBMX ‘
r been recovered for
uuasm ana tjolppewb bands under
treaty of 18L'-. the amouni having b
placed In the surplus fund of ihe irea*-.
ury to awali a eompleie enrollraeni of
those entitled 1‘htiiicb no staiemeni
baa been given om onetally In reMrd
to the claim to be acted uiun n
month by the couri of claims li i#
denuood that •C3.48C.3(i, with inter
akiDg- Ibe sum of tlS.'u'Hbt.oo. has
of Marcl
B^cblrd «f Harter Sprlnpa. only living
Uke Aon. Mirii.. On. IP-?
Emma Holmes, learhing in Honor,
in lake Ann last 8ai;
tide doeiTinrnt.
fled at D.'troli and the alg-:
; naiurw of flfiy.slx chiefs and headmen '• "'*'•1 Hare and Family left
tire Insurance!
Ptet* Clan, StMm Boiler and Accident Inauranoa.
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
RoomdlONawBtata Bank Building.
eoUirs into tbo makO-ap of tbt*
Ipniberwe supply onr oeiglibore
and' friends. Wc don't tiy to
work off "Moonds” for firstgrade stoek, and tlint’s the n<iton wo hoM our trade year in
and year out. If your naan* ^
book we'd like to see it there \
Wfore the day Is over. Will you
call or 'phoneV
Sautlt Sld« Climber Ca.
If you are to buy toturtr-oCDnte.-<1 Lomlier. BuOdioK
or Hill work of
I—Mct onr priaea J
r t'cRii.pIc'nvl iiooiic will w’ll you Loinbi'r nl Ixrllor .
.......................... ........... ••«-' H'-Oll .f,rr,„.l.
ca:is. taldcs. rbairs, erocKi-rj-, ket-i.ctiuBly. a traveling mao. U imho vil•a. shoes. » ie Th-<e payments
OtttsMS Phoon. S31 Ball. tet.
If you lire- tjt,iiig to buy
IHr. Farmer
P. K. will pay you cash for your oats. corn, btians,
eggs and butter. We want all yen have and will i*ay
good prices for good goods. To make good butter
youfmust have good salt: wc have it for you. W «• «
have hoc and clean barrel salt.
You know the value of Oilcake .Nfeal for fuelling.
W'e have it pure and unadulterated. Wc sdl it either
by tbe pound or in lOO lb. sacks. Get our prices.
For brightening up your chairs, bdJsieads. table*,
etc., get our Lacqueret. I.acqMeret will stain and var
a Heating stove
Ihieblll it ui:: ]..,vjotie8ll Olid look <
\V.- sL.rl onr .\.t iigbt SuAes at$l. Ttus is »n Jh in.
Willi l.ir,:. fubl openini;, .-;.*t
• fr.ift nr-1 til. u,'.*! Bb.v.-you .-\i*r mw fnr liio ann.i-y.
\Vo,il*„t,;r... th-lxitUTUnHl- <rf uir-tid.l btovte. the
.-omhitiuti.ui wi>.i mid coal alov« :.,„l tl,.- If*, h.-nt
i).- wrs.i stuv.v W- ..«n
you mo.,.-y on anything
\ i.u III’ '! ill till- -t'.vi- liiu-.
WRAIMftC TRUDE, 146 Frost Street
W.-lmw-.a fir8l..-:.iKs T::, S!,’.]..
nish with one operation. Nine different colors.
CsMMttI On
a»d Saimn
They are tbe besL
Sold ^mly by
8*tWrr. Mith.. Oet, 1#.—Tfce l*»rt
er nr^wn of Aau-!« coontn. in
MSiBB At BellAlrp, bare TMed to Urr
A «0UI ot M«M0 *A U*« IM» jwo*
Mlon: CoAttofCAl M. tU.TtO.
bAiUisx ftnd. IIJM: poor foMl.
tZjm. bed, AMI inierwt. MJ*«.
The Mport of the cooAtr twtwuw.
BaWi WAltM. «AA loaad oAttACL l^e
report aboved a Mabcc Ib the U«a»PIT f*.0tfJS. of «Meh
la (he bnlidlat feed.
The eguv
oBlie «nib KillcA»>.t
eeoDtr Ceepto oe Torch rircr brtdce
which the tv^tpoAtloe boUi oad took
Afftr )Atlr. ^ hrtdce hat eeuM.
•othat'Adrow nni
d that eoM wei
(coeered brthe plant
a or the sew «
each aa paltlac etael abai■c TAoh wladowc. tallliicc on
I leadlar «o the baeelathe tower: aad a platforTB
for the' Jarr. a dMk for the ocwrt
..atcBOffiBpber aad a wliaeea bos. The
^'■^The board bu decided to bare
IA4wb eetaaai «eor pUoad la the
at vont wjth
',jall-ei*ltfi iaebea
■f two to oae caaeai.
«. ;2!»HaM «aal
a which has baea deWbit le ae •
1 -far aeraral
" weMbfri of the board alaee the ae- eapa or the Brat priacaar thiootb the
Jail tear called atteatkm to lu ceedlUea. The preoMt floor li of e^4acb
plaak piaeed oa ed*e sad bearll}'
spiked tocetber. bat It W now la
athie ataaoet «r dry tot.
The lepon of the aaperlateadenM
the poor, plrv early la the ccasloa.
ehowed the ezpeuea of the cooBty
(ana tor the year to hare baea S1241.
wKh rdlef la the
taadMU' eipaaeaa. ale., brladac the
total an to lljih. The larealory
aerwe. ralaed with bolUl^alSMM. Btoek. tamlsklai
blOHlit the total ap to MOMS.
BethAhtriB aad Kalkaaka eaeaUes
were.kakad tor two tor deopeelac the
bead «r Torch river between the two
naaatlM. for a dlstaBoe of aboqt'
twaty raia. A. a Utga. J- J- MoiMihtla had PmeeaUac AUiwooy F.'
a fOUhua* ware apflolatad
tea to ooater with tha Kalkaaka btwrd
aad report at ibe aazt mooUag of tUa
A. J. Dole waa tT«Iactad a enperto|lr. Dole tm hetfc^
aver had ai^ has Mown (be eascattve
ahlUty eo WMh seeded and so seldOB
toned bt ^<b ehcaen tor saeb post,
The .boaad daduciad W0.0(
•OBUBer. Acordloc lo the eoSlaeer*' ewer ihe Maaistee rtrer ha«
a fall or (as foot to the mile aad ooceeqaoBUjr ajm boiee power eaa be decAlopei! evary aJle. n>e
of the
. ,ABr l« to tnrBlah oIcetricAl power
(o the aearbr rillacea ai well ae TtareiM air. whiai le Ihlftr mlWa dlv
tahl. OadlUae twceiy^wo Mllce aaJ
llaaUiee tortr «»iee at a rerr low
price. The exact loiwtloB of the dam
aad power boaee. aeeordiu to
pu— u to be oe the oortbeait quarur
of aaelleB 31. Iowa SI. north of r
WraaWenfe flewtbeen Trip.
Raleigh. N. C.. -Oct. m.—Prertdeol
Rooeereli reached here at « o'clock
The eooniry people
gaihered aboot the (rala M after
daylight aod ralaad cbeen for the
He appeared to aay -Good
After broakfsat ibe lleoieoaat goverBor aad (be recepti
fltuee eaconed ibe
beeapilol. AT
the preeldcat
gtooBda. where be ,a»de hli addreu
la hit epaeefa. the prosideat (onebed
poa foreit^. eutlag that It wu eisaotlal to The oonBiry and eepccUlly
North Carolina, that the foreew be
#rc*erred.. He mM that 1' w
alUtadee of tbe forecied
talai that are ot tbe noet v«
(he aaikm as a whole beeatMe of ibe‘r
oflect OB the wBler aapply.' He urged
that they iDnediaiely be put under
itaie or aatloeal eoDirol. the latter
bdleved with equal flman«
(bai it tm oat of the quostloe (or the
not to exerdsc a aapefr!
aory aad regaUtory right
iraad. -t^l we aeed.’-he said.-I(
have aoise adtaloistratlore body
with awple power to forbid eoDbliia
(Ion that is hortful to tbe public sad
to prevent (arorittna to one Individual
Epense.^ another,
ler woi^, we want an adnlaisuatlve body with power to aecurt
fair aad Just treameat as ataoag all
Sbippan who nse the ralltwads—and
ahlnm bare a fight
Roswdl. Oa, Oct. so.—I^ldenl
lowe^ reached here si 7:30 it-<'
■««—Up and left the'train lu drive
the vUlage bonce of hU moUer.
Tbe preddeat visited bis niolber's
heawl^ shoek beads with aeay of
bit dd friends. He net on tbe porch
Aant Oraca. who
dueed''lhe preddeat to her huvBOBS aad daaghteia. The preddtw shook their bands aad wa
to see then all ms K they bad
been pernors.
The Aral portloe of. the presideat's
speech today waa devoted lo ladns;
trial nuttara. In rantd to cor
UoBs, be said (hat they abosld be reg
ulated bat Bok too eeverely as they
needed to develop the reaonreas
of ibU oonatrr./ Froa tbU. be pasted
to the aonlh's greal crop, eoitoa. Tbe
mslter of Ubor 1a^aectloo with the
ecitoB crop biougfit op the maiter of
tbcfblaeee boyeoiu He advocated the
esclodoB of the Cblaese coolies but
(tonghi that eveiir privilege should be
■Iren the better class of Chinese when
they cagte here.
WUeoasla dashed Into IIkt break.
r ai Lbralae. Tbe vessel was
badly dauagad. The deamer flafbb j
loa It on the shoaU east or Lo- <
pooBdlng badly and wUI Lcj
wrecked. Two of the crew were;
drowned. The schooner Klngftsber;
swept (na aeveUnd aod wss
PERE MARQyEnE!“""Ti*pfsr'*"**’
B. lUo
deMInderPh^iduu Six Months
Chicago. Ciet. Si.—Condiitoas aloag
~ TraU arrlvsa la Troiivs. Cits tJSa. B. saC
But Cm Worae-Soflto Sud
Lake Michigan arc normal today. A
vesscU (hat bad (onght
fannlcaac made Ibeir ports and reportNo» Without fl Blemish.
MDC damage bvi no fonber less
-iv................. IHfi
cuLocgyooo.o.p.aT A,
of lUc.
L^'*»g»;;::igispw ..
r-a. mprr^^
a meo were drosmed In Lak-_Huron. six reaseU went down U Lake
lUehigaii. flee In Lake Huron and (eo
on Lake Erie. The Michigan property'
«As T was a saflneT with resema
loa. Will exceed a h.If rnimon dollars, j I
Bnffalo. Oct. Jl.-Tbe stea.-nir West-1 *
I™" . ™
ero Slates arrired this morning, no
tiicd three doctora.
but dd not get any
breakdown b-:l twd wealbrr Tbe
It was ce
steamer BlberU vcoi down og Lon^:
Point. Tbe crew was saved.
1 rould banfly lait
S. Titsnilian way be had la m* pmloss a*
*8 fsa; l> r*u<n^ by ta« WMaW la >010 tam
Northport Wadding.
touebtog rrNortbport. MIeb, Oct. 80.—A m . ^
My (ace was
jj-OTSSrrt satsKi
rlagc which took place list evealag at i
t,iy ’errt,roms camf out. aod
(be borne e( the bride. Miss Lottie l thee. It got la my rv-c. 1 tha------- --
Sd1 Si'S
utor resldeois of thU village. Miss j Cutirurs^c said that was a vmy
Charlolle Boshaetland WlllUm Thorn- good thing, but that he thought that
as. both membert of the Coagregtilon-i mylacewooldbein^edftirlilejo1 ehn-cb were marrted at 8 o'clock ' CirtirtBa did its work aod
last eVentng ei .the home of the bride
me atoui
_f brotbrr.iD' —
' wonclrTful Cui
br Rev. w. B, firlbcrt F1fie«i mewl
reandjgol^tbe Omlnwot.
bers of tfce (amity wvre pretent to wlt- i ftUk'^a^^i
young members of ibU vllUge oc
curred. tbe oerenade cootlnoUg.until
mldaigiit with a fnll amount reft over
(or roolgfat's performance.
Miss Edna Bfkbam will gKc • ■>>*celUncoiis shower ibis craning for
Miss Tina John, whose ntarrlaRc u
Lincoln tVIIIIams of KnlgbVs rcrr>
Cal. occurs Tucldsy evening. Oct. 21
Kubeck & Hoyt
••Thoro iji ■ ditttinct dlfferenc* bMweon waarlng
clothWA and boina smartly
-\n.l tho dilTerenor it not
nlwaj-s in the ]>rioc trou pay.
bat in tbe praoeet of oUt’ction. Oor ganomU are itxact
reprodnetiama of tbe hipest
elaag robtom made models,
SUITS $10 to $2$
tbe OinUDcnW and took Cndruia
BMdvcnt as directed. In a Mort
L .
rlaxvbtMBsdfaBdpn>ildi«.(W w .oRTaAOg-ikLg-OsSaoW havlM hs»;
RmoIvTmt I could brush tfae_nl«i
off my (ace like a powder, wbni I
badtak'n (our boUks jny (ace was as
“I told afl my friends about my
Tonarkable curr 1 (cel n Uianklid
I want cverrbodv far and wide to
know what Culiciira can do. It b a
Bure cure for Crtrtua. (rimed) Mrs.
Emma White. Ml Oicfw Place,
Camden. X.J, April 25.1805."
Mail float Was Saved. .
Fraakfon. Mich, Oct. 80.—Tbr
touthMonlldu mall boat waspiekedur
three miles out s< 2 o'clock this ramibg by tbe.lifg saving crew. All oa
board were saved.
Glen Haven. Mich, pel. 20.-Tbr lYvachman by adoption. Ibough
South Manitou mall boat is mlsslagaii-l | blrtb, whose dcaib occurred ibv oiber
Is feared It Is tost. Joseph Haas, j day. ranks se cjoe of the great Pri-ne:i
> chrTler. bi« wife and non. Law-j explorers and colooli! organlK
lee. left Empire yesterday afternoon: iweiHy years he explored the
3 o'clock for the Island. NolbhiB ; Rlon In west Africa now know
__________ „
has been hrrrd from them since. They I Krench Congo, foimded ^nd maintain
sighted by either of the sta ei iwentyoDc slatlona among (be 5. P^'mwru?^ iCTumm bum^. Is*2a^**a«wiw^^*ygftra|
tions and It It feared if they have noi liu<Miuu_natives living there, organized
been picked up by oomc 'passlax a It-fv p»n of the lerrltory
French colony, stopped wnra bciweca
steamer tbe^ ere all lost.
Baturilay. 'Its q
The Poeblo of Pine Iske Is sbellervj (he tribes, established friendly
Thirtswnth ssy of
lions wlih (hem ami clia all ihl-- with-. at Mio'rlack la ih'-lorenocn. all. sr so
t Squib Msniiou.
MmSTtMBiimaTTts raw 'hr an«oa1
-------- ;------------; iwi shedding blood, lo a
Ocneral News.
'’hl^ Ih a summlne uo of De llrar.zs'v •cnbnl psm-1 land, to «<>
B.«ibWne al »Sr
Wlltlam KlnKflc}'. who was l«ni In , work. Vi-.U-nre iilsyv.I no pari 1.
mAhaU »r tbr .oal
Ireland lo 17SS and foURhl wlih SeUuu ; pulley and he arycr'sbut a osilve.
at Trafalgar. Is now living at the ag,-' Prlpce Kblllboff. who ha« acquired
iwrBtT-tonrand t
Of 182 near BloomBeld. Ho. He fought ’ fame In coonectloo with ih.« Trans-Sl- baiwArnaec-tl.itIn
----In the Crimean war. asslsied In Ihe | berian raUway. rcoo-tneed bis UUe and
CAIng of Beba«opol aad In this eoua-1 esiatc when
icn a young man and emigrat
wm qaartrr Ua* oT said >ar<tiwi ■, ■. Awth ca>a half id iba aortb ewa halt of <br
try (ought J ibe Mexican amj citil I ed lo this country, where hv worked
- apiary,of l-Tla^
It maehlee at a salary of tT.50
w 1m£. HUS
ZebulOB B. Brockway, Ibe eminent
klUL r. N'gBUNORB.
prison administrator an^ reformer. U
Tbe schoolglrts of Sin Francisco
DOW TS years old. but be has Just becz have lakeu klodh lo the bareheaded
nominated,Irv Imih democrats and r.'-|hablt. The school and hcalih author.pnbUeahs for mavor of BImln. N , ties encourage V. Dr. Hagt-a; hvsith
Y. That Is an admirable recognition I onrer, say's: "Hy going wllbmu
of service and woKh by those who I the girls are les. liable :> catarrhal
know him best.
I troubles, sure lhn>al, coryza.
Oinet Savorgnsn
other numcroos allmeals the child ‘s'
ct|M>*ed to. I am s'ronglr In favor of:
sencIluK Ibv girls 'to school without
hats. Let the hair be slr^ngihened by
air and ■unllgfai "
For the first time In 1t» history, ihAmerican
«'blch met yvtierday iti Wurreptvr,
The tissues of the throat arc
' Stvliah is cut, accorste in
fiEfnilof iDdiridaalii
lUty. Each
:e die ooi-
$8.00 to $25.00
d tbe eoeatr.
aatloa of tbe ti
The total valaatlcai of tbe eoenty. aa
eqaallMd. iadadtag paracw^l piMerty.
Thrca of tbe eooailed farvert' line
tolifl^ai will be piaeed in tbe
w^tease la MdlUoa is other teleIn tbe register of deeds, treasand clerk's oBom reepeeilvely.
- The board laatmeted tbe ebalrman
dt the bcart sad Ib^ deck to tx
MMT (ir ^
Tbe-fllg' flterm.
esoaed s'ld.WC.
Nartnetie. WU, Oct. sn.—By Ud
The Maaedgna village aad tow
night's stona boases far lataad were
atoallpdg bOto allowed a year ago were laid low by waves tony -fee; high.
ordared gaM, aMattag to fl.TCT.7S. Three houses at Bquatiiiertfli
' fannies
hf« MlssUg. lASht Keeper Hanson
New Cleetrie
Meaonilnee barely escaped .with bU
OadlDae. Hieh, OcL ll.-J. f. Hab- Tanlly.
bdl of Haalstee, eUet eaglaeer of tbe
Bt. Joseph. Mich, Oct. 80.—The
U. * K. B. Ballway coenpaay. repre- •ercest notlbwed ^le followed by
■callag- tha MaBinee.Klrer rower hlgheal Bca ever kaowa on thcjl
igh.and there « more
was bom ot .mi
eewpaay. bas preseated to (he We»non—more coughing. You take ;,|,very conditions m inr.. and i>s» ai
tori eoaaiy board of anperrHors plaai
a cot^h mixture and it eases the I ways bofriesded the colored man.
9edicBUocs aad Use pilau of a dan
Of dollara worth of dock prop- irritanon—forawhife. You take !'Vhitv mva of ihv south, m some in
ibd power boaee whteb hU ootapeay
have bees deatroyeri
siancw-E. haw Identified themselves
dealret to build a «tle nonhaaat of th* joaeph. South Haven. Rolland. Grand
with Us seboolt. But the speaker rv
vUtaga er BbetMa.
Haven and Maskagaa. Silver Beach
fcrrcd to A. C Raufraati. of Charkwic.n,
ThU cetopaoy has been org*
oe -the aogih abore Is ostlrely nndcr
I be the first who. as an Indeiwiula sarrcylag aad neunrlag
cliltcn. not formally Idi-nilflvd with
tlBrt aboBt fSMO has
A. wing qf tbe big Pwra Uarqaetl
It In idrveylag aarw ................ railroad bridge wflahlng '
Haalsiee tirer with tbe/tteaght In
M, I. I. ««< AW.
bnll^taf a tto' and power At QrepB Bay the dsmaao la over two «tnn n«c»>r.'.
boew at tbe uoat arS^e aad
himdrsd (hoatond dollars. Tbe vobmI throat because it reduces the ,______
glace aad as a resnti''4ha alte
Irene waa aunk and the achocner Glee irritation; cures the cold becau«,charleston school in«rd
At ihU cbyler U wrecked. Tbe acbooner Rob it drives out the inflammation; ____
polai tbe tivsr tor aevpAl himdftsl
^.^bor damaged after a le-builds up the weakened tissues . .g,
toot hat high banka andvQm basin ofirtBe Bgbt.
the rlrar t. TM feet wMe aod there arv
lake because it nourishes them hack' M i
Mata flfiy feet high «* eliher Mde. j,h,t the alorm I. (he meet lerrl- to their natural strength. That’s
'A Korpo of iteftaaera arc now
how Scott'fl Emulsion deals u ith ’
' **
the. lakes (or thirty yean.
Ml tha- site asWtalnlng how nrach Orand Haven Uc avth pier at
a sore thiDat, a cough, a cold. :r.'l?r^SLl^'^>yggl£l.tTrrJ
lead tp»-:ld be flooded hy tbe dam harbor 1. gone and the llghthoute bad- ’ oF
or bronchitis.
' sThtoi U w ba Aboot tny feet high If wrecked, today a heavy cea it
and AM feel wMc. Nnariv all the su^ rolling. The storm set to late yeeter
naadlflC laad u so* owned by this dhy. Water bvgu rtstof rapidly, comeotopany and they have optloaa oa iBg oa like a tidal wave driven by a iSCOTTilOWKE,
WOV aera* more.
WHUamDoagUsoftbe Arm of Bwk
The water naads above the floor of
ley * Donglat of Manlsiee. a mUlUm- porches of tbe anmmer hotels at Haesalra. U the.hrealdeai
Park and Ottawa_______ __
la sura to
bet tM ramdlBdw of the oflieen have orand llivcn the achoooer Kate l,vnns
Mt bees selected or (he company tn- atrock wHh terrific force a
eoepofatad »s the toture of the orflan: pi«. breaking in two and not a vee- 8flti»lgctlen
'MUh dehcads on tha actlba of the (Ige of her Is led. The crew wai
Weaford eonnty anperviaora. By te- taken athore by the life savers.
gncK of Mr. Habbell the aopervlson
Baflalo reports great.damaae done
will boU a spaeial iMaloB at the ex- la tkat vicinity. Tbe barges L'nodllla
and Sweetheart aeparated from the
The Betterl:
The Best
and sold
at the
r I
V ampoM ,m.
r .flflonWctbl flatles aff (W board bA
favorabli> the plaai will be vree
‘^ricvclaad reports (bo steel frvlitoirrj'
ihswas. gMloret tbs gsasrs
natuwri.y.m Vo
Jrr-^-rr.txnr ra.y. Vkh.
^ jfiiitAr}- and Tourial Over-
FarnisAiDS {Departmeot
Winter I'lKlerwcar-w*! lo
A’i a suit.
Cotton tuxl 'Vdol Hosier}'
—15e to .50c' Stiff and soft liowmi Sbirta
SOf to fS.'iO.
_________________ _____Puffs,
Botra and Strings 2.x; to II.
These machines are carried io stock at our shop and
can be seen in operation "buzzing ' wood.
Don’t Fail to visit Oor
Hat DepartneDt
W,: .q,i, .liAiIey all tbr.npr.
red atyl'-e m wiffaed stiff
Tlie Four-in-husd jsuita,
■ for
qpeuf -Uii- Dcwiet striiw
to »o.o0.
Ttoaeuin Eton suii
suite, tS to
Jayncfls Tkmic \^rmifu^
gives rosy cheeks and active health to paic, sickly chUdren^^
And it is good for their elders, too.
A^k your druggist fur it
OBAWTiiAveMe HMAIA'fHUwoAY. ocroeeiia.^mB. ,
Conard Lather, the village Waek-;
Ole' Larson was very nsch snrMrs. B. R Herron spent a few days
Tbnv belM sronruls. two oa ,be
a. iff Darts left Thantay for a
smith left for HarrisslUc on a wMk^ prtrto see Us lew tanse whifh i*oo-i In tosm ibi> we. fc rKhing friends. and one cm the lefi sM p oc
AUkB. Mictl;.
* nw'J rMt «Kh Ui Meads U UoDtreal. Oat.
. OB ihe bas'
InslUttti- fo- the teachers of IjeeiavriTv found indicled e n a
Joba Noud aad W. J. Bacbow made
tolr to Ufi A nion«>ie from Cbc MrttoTbe
^ dlseovcred early Tnesday
in tkU rtUace vUI erwui- a holiness trtp to Ktasea C«y ta«
sKwped here the llrsl pan
Ike , heavy wind storm.
Tuesday and Wi-dnesday « this»„.y«iv.TOmiog la a btvserj •bed Ja Nis«Hf f*«wt a p«ttt»e« «treet f»lr ^
A bolUe rf carbolic arid and
FM Josarif atarted for Petesker with a total of sUtr-foor leae^.
Hn. H. T. Crimmtoa and ¥rt. A. L. week.
f^atu.' Th« 4lqriay of rcsetaWct
■d^ trip lo ^ , revolver were near by ii«i<her »i!i
B afleadad
moeiing of
Her. Ft. Engemann made a tasiness yeniei^
bis ,
ai.4 troll «• trwy .toa %ad- the itock
aM«4a4 the
U>« lolge
atoek Oleai.
rher^«p acromaccom-:,
HeBi-d* ■•Anna La«»uf.trip to CUcago this week• brother, James. U serionsJr UL
fBScago ttii week wnere^np
jya! Nclghbora
was good wbat tb«re was o( li-f«»
.ptsk-d,bU (aiber-lQ law.
which she- indieaus; ,bai ,>.e int.wiej
A aoMlai «ni)M «al
of Nonbport «• a bospltpL/U<Bh geu-^'
da^ «vcaUas.NoT. C toD
llemea tare rvirrred as Mr Wne!.-!
tall fa tMi Tniac* 10 ■
. could nit If bfBi-lilci by cvmaUilng .
BIk Rapids. MIcta.. OcL SI.—Dr. J. O.
. iTkea this Is doae
ita ttoe for the BstatalrwIU be dated LaCore left the Em of the week for
Don V. Sivimel of Travewso Ci'y wa* !
Acwal *eaks esrflef so that the itaes Smplre. LoeianaB.cowaty. on a boai■ In lown a tern dStstbU sori>uo bunt-'
eaa take place on Toreb lake.
F. H. Bosworth. »lio has'Leva at
A eap. wcdal and other prtoi
Mr. and Mrs. NVillarri Ryan of UvCI.'
ns. reuiruvtl Tburabe raced for aext rear when a pcr»i-Alanaon on bn
' Mlrh, are sinudlng a ft-s wesA» al'ii
)—■ cop *tn be purtaased (or thcidarafteraooR.
could be selfa-aiet.-rf.
' The gold emblem of the iirthrr of tb«Red Easde h evjsderrwd upun Abbott
Lawrence Rrich. a Boston selealls'.
bj Onpensr WUIlam. tor Us eaperitm-nu and etudles Of atmospberlr eon..liwn* ot.r Ibw AUanllc ocean.,
4 erer tadd
to klU hernrtl. The pullee do not nnderstaad bow the Ibiw bullet twotmas
n Arbor
Aaron Coldfarb left
sin.vllh his son, 8o1jimon, until he Is able 10 reoirn. Sttnr-
Two Oratetul Lettera from Womeii,JflurAvoliled
Serious Operations.—Many Women Safterinc
from Uke CondiUons Wiii Be Intmst^
Klk Rapidr. vici. 3>.—F. J. l*orti iand wife led Thursday of <hla week
■ flit Boyne Falls.
son. 1I»>"'•
Udl«- »ua «d«i1 u,.
somber o
nchool leetore eoarst vill be Satnrdrr
eroolatj. Ocr. Id. Robert Partwr Miles
side Thun-
rW'Snaday «Hh 0. B. Uodgea and
Xanilly at PBe take.
' The pouio Martlet is coosiderod esIflMt ta Copeslsh (his seaawi. Par:
tefrcsentlns tbo eastera produce
a«lw arc opentiag bere with A.
tmaoa as local bayer.
soMIcBt shipping fadUtles and Is
1 tnariMt for all farm pradace.
. (owB Wedaeaday aad In c
-maim acvetml wvew
wlhor s.,— .ra..iw.
.ctaM In acUteg Mra. W. J. Bacbow
('arllkit.. who has
li.-ni in
Kap:ili, ou bariui-vs, rriiiiutsl
' Then- was a socta! dauee givvii at
(he lown hsll Tiifsdaj .•vetiing l.> .
1 seme tif Uie yuung ladles of the Kiwn
^ The music was furalsliesl by StewaM
A ^leffens orcbetira of Traverse CIl.' .
/'y. K. Uuitr. who hall bein :u ilrand
‘Rapids and Ml. Bh-asant luiyuic boll i
Fmnki... U-ais.
ferinirfroa ovarian o
that.an operation In n
le, frigblens lier.
The rerv thought of the operaUng
tajile and the knife strikes U-rror to
her heart. As one woman eipresard
It. when told bvher phvslrian (hat she
must nodFrgu an opetetion. slie felt
that her death korll bad sounded.
Our hospitals are full of ‘women
who are there for ovarian or womb
It ia tinite Ime that these irouWes
mar reach i stage where au o|iemli‘>o
is the .mlv resource, hot such eases are
mneh rarer than is gcnemU.vsuppositl.
ae a great many women hav.8ullons,^Bay. Hlcb- Oct. :i.-AIlaii
riiivd bv
Bordeaux 'of Northport spent a fcw
days la (own ibis week.
I an operation must bo perJoe M’. RclAa.or Gills Pier pasied
Jn fact, up to the point w here
beuseil tosecutv instant
tbroogh tovm Weilnewlsy on a InisleUef. this mi-divine is certain bi help.
ness trip to Traverse City. .
The Strongest and nihal grateful
' J. O. IMncna. connty coaunlatloDcr aUlemenbi ixissihlrto makreonM
cd schools, and J. P. Carrlot. prinripal women who. by taking Lydia K.
<a the SutUma Bay High achool -w«t Iiam's Vegetable Compound, havv
ramped serious nperatiima.
to Xriand Thunday to attend (he
tenefaera' examlpalioa held there.
E Scars, liai changed faU beadqquai
Omt Mn. Pintham:-
plana tera fiwM Stevk’a wnrebousc to Bfbl<^'r
tahleh they Mve friod for aoMC tlm* ki wfeerg^ be Will receive the bnlanrc of
the crop of pvaa.
\V. It
Rev. RSsley lias snored Into
4srlO deUrtsr fis leCtOre. Thilo* Dips."
Hicks bouse-on OUava sliwt.
r. Mtn.CharicB Turner la Tery ,|(*.
The VouDR Fcople's roclety of tbo
HIM Hayme Barry U apeodlss (his
Presbyterian church will meet Friday
Vpdi la Tiarerse City.
FvcnlDR with Miss Blteabeth Frankly
Hn. D. A. Conwlbis rery sick with
at the home of Mrs. F. R. Williams.
piMuo poeotBOala and s ferer nt the
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank rtscoe.
hove of her daoshler. ilra. John
Tuesday nlRhi. a son.
/ dpnfnsn. Muskegon. D. A. ComcIJ »n»
U W. Hooper left this week for Ben
n .-Ibere n fear days tnd niwn Ills
ion. Harbor as rcprescnutlve hi ibe
n th^ son. Dr. Ala. trenl dosrn
grand lodge. I, O. O. F.. from the Elk
«ha. with (he HtuhegoA physician an.l
Rapldw lodge.
■ a-good name aie giving Mra. ConwII
Charies Mahan of KalkatU rpent
.the vett best of core.
ToesdnyHn town..
O. D. OickloB was.a Traversa
City TlsMw last Monday.
‘I- Mr. aad Mry. W. J. Bacbow spent
Mr. Norton has lietm
, aspisling In ihe rumor dnic lUuri' du:: leg the absence of M. H. Bulls.
ataU a riimacc and do
C. M. Olaey. srhtf ts
Caibollc eh-irli ■
M. Bminron t^.JO Ha^u.
BomlnK an opcrail.m was i*i -
. S
Ml.. Mae'
“ Solomon, and a tdesiam
Copemlsb. Mich., Oct.
.^ntina slated that
ROUBKtoo Is Tlattiac friends In HanU- j'
he van dolail nicely.
tea thto wM*. .«Uas aiandie 8ree*l
Mn. WlllUm IlDriey
• speodlns
rWted her parents la Chief Uke last
the week with Mrs. S. J. C«s.
Miss Mabel tvsliers of liiy Vle« l»
1 Mrs. J. Pary and dangler,
..ti, r„. «. k.
•PCM lata-aSUrday In Tinrerae Cliy.l'^“* ^
rs. ‘i*"'
... w.« o. "I*-?"",
tl.oir .Vaagiter, Mr*. K. D. Clark.
Omens has Cnish- !
.ur ,i«
. Rapidv Ci-meni company. Ih a
Charvvoix on
Ui:i> Power? wi-Bi imt
Thursday niomliig
..... .
tPinkham- Vegi vs I de <-om pound
"if ukvmi ion bea
«a* doUan Im «n aU-wawl
Misses Clara and HaU-1 Lomu
The Miss«
r.-.»rn..A >iom- \V.sl!f5s.Iay
lug afK-r
Ml-s Lulu .Nack.-nnan. who U ii ach
Inc schrarl a. Ald..d,-.p.-nl tSa-u.iU,-:
OMlKtaft OMtaa an al
Mt a thread eranytUak tatwaaltonvCahrIcwYortatE
InOathcraft. CtMtaraft ciylei art the Twry btat RtwEtat
and Bunda) #i home with her .atrenu,
RO M .S-.
who Ims Issm at-:
Orarian and womh InijiliVs i
steadily nn the inm-ose am-mg vior
....................submitting to an opei
even- vunmau should trv l.,vdia K
i'inkham's Vvgetahiv t'ompoiind. and
- e Mri. Finkham at Lynn. Mass.
for advice.
— thin
—irt.- \i am l.vdia K HnUliaina
laiund has jKs-n
•( f,-msle'
truchles. tnltnuimaUiiii ut.
I'.vshyuri.-. .I.iral
II. Ik'iigheri.i
Tb‘ inpiuUVtJle.
iaadea andHewTork.
WaROfUivripaatavtte*# <aa 0«o pw« •
•0laA.MmnTtUbnaU.lnClo(taraflOa(ha tkas rm
cam Ratalblr «M elaewbara for tb* aaaa Mam.
Tbo fiylos iUaatrated oro tbo Uadoa aad •BaEdort
si.cnl'Mouday !c
t)i!.- h;nVr.:.l u.m. of ilvnaniii,-
falaxaau. la dan-Mota) greys, eefords. laas aad MadU
-tbe very holghi of fasbrna-prlced frwM ftJ to tEE.
I kt- iHV'II iMUlSt-hul hi ili-
m IU< S>“ . .anal with ih>- .'tpl'or.<-
grwtefal lelt.-rs <vn tile in 'liw. I'lnk.
not gts wvll
not •tend tbri
up BIV mind 1 would be an Invalid (or lit'. Pinkham's Vegvlah.r ('umpoend.
vargu. The .si.oyk, did no' even
d;r„>are the b.iat‘» boilers Mid II will
‘un.al uf ilK ohslri-cl’on:
PmMm% jUfkt-A Wmam Bat'lMcntaMi • Mmmt$ Bit.
Me. for Ibey are canMaatlrU ^hwUk tka MplM aT
Henry Pr. ilf.v aud sf«t. Hyrven. who |
•lave hevu tislilug III Canada. rv-lumeJ '
lui miM r Ih.- Chail:am. rvcriiily suui.
aftbeMMtcgpMtdetIkaata. TWan 4p«l#Bart at* Mt»
gjaifol and npria-data ttaa aar local ttUors ranRiMftlr
JaekMja. rfumcl Saiunlay-afienuran.
the n____
the Crianan Broa.'
Tb^^iwa leaded wilh wood at. tbv
Mrs. Leah Cnaoelman'wm lenvp fir
'lAUSiag next week, where the sriU' Sieimr^M and is laving at anrlior
j te the hay^ avoid the heavy aldrm.
vlalt frlesda during the winter.
I„.wlr. Is riH-ndlng
faibiT hiK
i,,t r. Bjowti,-
lake eighi-Bumths n. emirely free Mi -
A. J. Wilhelm.
>^am we wish to call your attention to the following prices which represent some of the greatest bargains in Buggies and Wagons ever offered dnywhere A large number have taken advantage of our sale, some buying goods they will not use until next ssason^but we still have a large number of these
rare Values to offer during the next few days.
OVER 100 BUGGIES Road Wagons, Bikes and Surreys | The^studeb^^^
I'. i-'
One 1>ikcii*-ar upi n S-jrn*y. wifli 11 in ' us.liii.n tin-, ll.at
Sl.lO.sal.-pricv-.■..................... .....................................................................................................
Oul- rauoiiy lop Siiring Wai.-oi. lluil aoi.l for
Suriiig W.-i;«.D liibt,sy.W f'>f
s^l' F”’
un-•.n.ja.-t>-, th/.l ~.|.f f.,r *72. »;.!• |»rra: ,$65.00
i 0|U-in.-I ill lir. W.,- -. ‘■ompl.-t. . lliat
< In.- ».j0 SpritiK
A pNxI Spriiiu NVoKon Uint s-iltl fur
. :iJvl<Mu.
:: ... nr. Tr-.-7.
W.. luikv.a fi Vi I'..j.it.i! ‘i.’l
Other* in pro|mtkm.
«Ijir tint- cut-iiiuler Sum-}-. Ukit soi.l f-.r
siil. jirus-..........................
LO:i' :;ivlO 111.-iii. I.:
for $7.7.
v.M L-r S-vX*..f- t.ri.a;............i...
Tr..-k .v.n.p!; i.--lh.-.t »... Ks,. now ..... ....
r. _• ahij-1. W«goi. .-omi.!'u-.that was *»K. at
We have a large stock of the above but they will not stay long at the prices we are offering them. If you will appreciate their real values
Cbe Quality and Satisfaction^Store.
m7.ias MTATK STF«KK-r
ojxv, iyiiom.
or oiMd
BDUd ot tapurrUon
MV, OCTOHR ». 11
amendiagActHtoflSIl. (beoriciaallaB appropHatloa of tTM be aljowed
proviskma la regard to tbe salary aad I to eever tbe deSdeoey and ase^ tbe
expense of the county oremfavlaBer of, expenaea of tbe eomlag year, wbleb
e; O. Ladd.
CbarVs 8. JtAtawa. 8b«ib
they promlaa to expend cstfeTully and
aeboola are aomewbat______ __
Hosed fay Mr. Saflotd aad •avfierm
Ibe new ataiuie it will be aeecMi
only wbere
Moved by Hr. Btoek aad aappmtad
y Hr. Clevetoad that (be chairmaa
Signed by R, B. Oaraer. ebalnnan.
nd clerk be anthorixed to taka (be by Mr. Buell that tbe report tt the
sod I>. C. Shorter, secreury.
and adoplad.
BcecaSary steps to secure tbe reeorts,
d ctaty arey cbaace
On motlOB ot Mr- Dre
Carrtad by ria aad aay vote, all vatof (be surveyor sad place them In Ibe
e talarT s . , swereedte aannsr Ur. Hanba. tbe report
-ppotitory dealgaaled by tbe board.
________ Each commlasloo^rrebould
and referred to tbe .
^ved by Hr. Clevetoad aad atipCatWed.
Air wltb the county clerk a statemepl Atmare. ways and m
Yet^lloxslr. Moaroe. Black. DsvU. potsed by Mr. Brecham that (be laaaroader oath. Aowlag tbe numiier d
RscM. FN^sns. Dye. Brown. Gibbs. Tcd- aaw bp placed equally with (be fol
aeboolrooms la the cotmtv. at tbo InSB. Ladd, narrow. Desa.
Haraba. low^AgrocIn; O P. Carrer A Bni..
Saato. E. .W. HasUags A Boa.
levetoud. SaBdnl. Beccham-IT.
________ - aeboolrooina.
Please call j <
Mnirae A ■cWetjaeACnrtU. U
the attcatlflo of the board of toper.;
Oa motion of Mr. CVretoad. sup
pone,! bv Hr. Dtvl*. (be board took a
Weda^^Oct. 11. A. O. 1AM. 8:3
> ameodmeal. iiy Mr.
, xm:. »:» recess until tomorrow moraleg at »:3>t
“ ■
P. H Kelley.
by Hr. Breoham
sard eallod
Ibat (he mailer be Ml to tbe diacro- ,
C'harln II. Hottioe.
rder by gbalrtnaa.
It of pubCrisp from the a
Dll call: atl'mei
Ion cd th,- committee oo grouads aad
sobers prtveni.
Robert E. Waller,
IntiruMloB wi
Bi4l eaU:
iDOtes of yesterday's proceedings j lie U
bulMlngs as to whom they shall placa
Clcrk___ __approved.
j read.
V. /■ ■sterday's t
I aad
the losura-re with.
saiurslar. Oct- H. A D. I5t>i. 8:J
CloveUad supportDeparlmral of Public laslractioa. , read and apnroi .
----------- -r Clovel
ABteadmeni canted by yea aad nay
o'eioek a. m.
,r Mr Boell.. tbc
Lansing. HIcb.
Mr.-Breebam. lAslnaao of the
the comaillire
ote. all voting yet
nds and
and buildings
buildings «
were aulhortred
D«»r Mr. Crisp:—As we have al 'mlllee oa Anaore. ways and meant,
Motion as amcoded carried.
Roll e II: ail member* present
by a UBaolmons vea and nay vole to' ready aoilfiej you, ihv biau^ of supes- pretented the (oliowlng report;
Tbe eommittaa di
guMtads aad
hare sullably framed, that It mV be ' vlaoiwjnutt rteterTatne
ulldlags submlued tbe ft^owlag re
rro.l ard spiirove.1
ors. Grand Travers*. Couni):
p Birth Of
ed bv Mr. Clevetoad that the mtUer
I. InHud I
G<-oilemen:—Your commnue oo
lied 10 tbe bdard by i
of paylBx a bouaty oa EBgllch tpsrr To the Hoqoribie Board of-Supenls____ Jly. You Bsnee. waya and means. lo whom w
, Grand Traverse County ;
row. under the proviskma of Act No.
— advlae whii I trWrred the r-.pori <jf the Soldim'at
______ ________
. -for aiding
illemea: — Tour eoamltlcq to
1)4 of the p'lbiir AcU of t5>V, be laid
[- bea-H of edocolioa In Travera..: Salkws' Relief eommltslon. reupe.
preservaUoo of ifae birthplace of.
whom sa» referred the rommunlcatKa '
u have tn any other dls- ■ full,
I. report
report tl
that se have exsmlaed tl
Nation's llag. a>ul lor the crocrom
the sheriB asking that, a barn be
t In
Be and And^l
naikmal memorial lu honor
-rected on tbe eoanty grvunds.ran>sM
Moved bv Mr- Cle\cda.nd and
to keep your e><- on the cduca-_____________
)t Bcls^ftost
-ecommeail that a barn be rrreled aetloaal oaaditkns of the city. TbU or;for the. punnu- of ike relief commit- p>>ned bv Mr Riretl that the I
p poor. present«-d course adds to your burdens, but wei,ion during the coming veapa'
!-—------- .S-.--------- people will be will-1
Rcspccifully tubmltted. ^
be following report ,
lake your
be ”T’t"?ou'S?y 'ukc!
B O. Sdd!^”'
S. C. Darrew.
Board called^to order by rbalrnii
Edwin Blad.
County, blleh., for year emllag June I Grand Trav«vse.
W. P. Hanba.
Roll call; all members present
anpert-iaotw will
Hoping that
30. IMl:
B O. Ladd.
On motion of Mr Gibbs, supp,
On muiKm of Mr. Tedman. support
Number of pt^wons asiltlpd and! give you the pt
iretl for. fort:
Hotrod by Mr. Dya and supporiad by
Very Trepcctft
ceptrd .and adopi^vbr yua and jia> until Monday next at 9:00 p. m.
Charles H Moan
Mr Kvani Ibat ihcemmHtee he flvea
P. H. Kelity.
...I S8.ll
vote, all voting yes.
Paid for clothing.............
Robert B Wilier.
III Thursdav
nest at I0:W a ■- to
Chalrm^ until
Tbe law referr^ to. AcL No.
Paid-for food....................
moitoo Ilf Ml OIM'i.
IS to the estimated cxpcAae af
ibe Public
ilc Am
Acu of iMi,
1M3, makre provb. i,/'i5,.‘'Di^k. ihellme'
Paid for conreyaace t
e of the report of
HoBctoy. Oct. 16. A. j).
thw that the compreat
or cemeat barn.
ipeeisi M
eommltteo to which warn reI 'lie spcelsl
„, /breed the communication fiom-County
I leas (ban tlt«
T Inanraafe ....................
fiSunejcM- Allyn, was changed from
the boar s« for the riWl
re one bundreU twenty-Ave BCbOOl'■l8aii-rday a- »-00 a m.
mms under hit superrlilon.''
I Ibe rammliiee lo whom was rp
ferred the mailer of the OullBg Beacti'
'The following .lat'emcnl under oath t ' ^
^ y, Todatsn. tupponed
Tynporary RaUef.
read and approved.
eren. hu< at (be request of Hr. GUIta.
Tbe eommlilee nn eounly poor
halnnao of the eommiltce. and^ W ^
................. IW.MM
l::i) !
mlltMl tbe following re'ton through
fuaeral expenae-------16.101
aorv.given ga
their chairman.....................
Jet 16. II
in S;0« p m. to report.
IMS. .
le iionoralile Hoa*d of SnpcrvlsRobert B. Walir .'a.DOUry public In j
On BHkion of Mr. L*dd, supnrtad By
Paid for irantportallon............
Rnll rail: an me
. Grand Traverse Coanty:
Mr. Black, (be board took a rtiecaa AAand for (he couni : and tute afnreaaid.,
Paid for fuel .....................................
: «■. o'clock p. B
il|1:3u for committee work.
- George U CrUp. <
set for the re
y poor to whom waa letrere*
8 3-a.M I
reVorti of Grand Trarerac
t:5u o'clock p m
Paid superintendenia
Mich . wi» nmd.-slaiem*t imder tmh , •'“■kof'J''™ mittee to whom
lualcalion from the HleMgan
Hoard ealle.1 in order hy cAalnAan.
and Charities,
servIceTand expense...............t 85.46 that there arc o„e hundred tisenly
Hnll call: all members preoant,
the rommtti
Ilr. O. E. Chase apfuaced boforwtbe
Paid for support ^petmanen,
rou"r*v“"2^^^^rrol I
board by request. Irtatlve l« the axOls in Grand Traverte county.
"Vorte,! verbally, referring
eonterred with the s .
pense « the aotupsy performed to
:be boanl without the poor. We believe that the eom- biraseir and Ur. WUbelm oa tbc body
nunicsilon laek
ptolnu of poo' food and-til treatment of CharIrs'Craas.
Hr. Brown and s
are exaggeraud. apd so far aa’we can
Tbo committee to whom wss ro
lKine.1 by :
thing is entirely aalltfac- ferred Ibn mailer of Ifae OmlBg ftooefe
Paid for tranaportlng patients
preaeni llme.
Resort sabmilied (be following report
to Home for Feeble Minded
that the preaoni building Lbrough (heir chairmaa. Mr. OilSt;
and BpMeplic..............
I*, and nhould li be retalaed
Ocl 17. 1M6..
need same additions and To (be Wooorabic Board of Sai^toTotaS amount for all purpoaet.814'
ported by Mr. Uarrow that tbk mallre, surveyor be told upon tbe table.
Ik; but we believe tbe
O. P. Carver.
ors. Grand Traverse County; |
^ Axlax the enumy eummlatioaer's 1
. A. K. Palver.
OeaUeman: — Voor eoanltm to
followC. H- Estes.
whom was reforrwd the matter. «f tbo
Board of County Soperinieadeoit of OB Anaacc. ways and means, to report: me resnl'iUou;
Outing B«mCh Resort begs to itaie (Wt
' Ifae city llmlti
Wednesday next at 3;0n o'eloek p. m. 1
we have taken tbe Hatter up wHb the
On motion of Mr. Buell. lupporu-d | To the H
K. u. Udf.
Oa motion of Hr. Cleveland support
Traverse Conntv
ots. Grat'd
Chas. R. Dye.
ed by Mr. Stock the report was re- by Mr. Dye; the board took a recess |
ersc eottaty. aud it to bis oploloo d
—Whereas. bV Art No.
ccivod and referred to tbe coaunUtee
.-.r, ,
„ i»i' bleh
we can do aoiblag la a legal way toCommittee.
M county poor.
wards siopplBg the sale of nteh 3uds.
refers lu the safe keying of the books
On motion cf Mr nev*to-<d. sup
Mayor A. V, FVIodrieh appeared bcbleb we all know to mooh to he reI and records of the rminty surveyor.
ported by Mr. Heerham. the report of grettrd.
TC the bosrd and ashed that some
:y of this boa-d lo d
1 relative lo the Out
We have also referred the matter Mi
uarJ pro
Mr. f
ed hy yea and nay vou . all presea
g Beach Resortgneral of Ibto state. We.
Ktid boo||B and tecordi.
inly school vzamluer.
eleclloo of
woald BOW suggeat that this matter be
Hr. Saffurd pr<-< -piid to the board the therefore
Mr.^aAman. at chairman'of ihv sihmoved by Ur. amis and s
succeed hhnself \
Resolved. That the regliier of deeds' elal commlur,- to whom waa.rrrerred referred hack to the superriaor of
name of E. O. LaOd
Hr. Cleveland that the
Lake luwashir a
I vault is hereby dcslgnsiisi as s"ch de
matter of Hie couniy phy slrlsn for
referred lo
a special committee of as such eiamltu'r.
j iiosliory.
There Ireing I
ensuing year, made a verbal re
three to be appointed by tbe chair
port. reoommeudlag that Di. G. A. Hvrlman. the.' to Inrestfamte the mativr. on motion of Mr Cleveland, snpiKiried;
lldar be hired as tbe county physician
confer with the proaccuting alinrney.
ReapccUally yours.
to east'
Movwd by Ml.---------------------------------,
for tbe coming year, he to receiv.e
T. K. GHUs.
board for Mr E 0 1 l>oried by Mr. Hoxale that the rea^u- for hb aervlcea at the ragntor re
w. p. Haraka.
Ladd as such eiiinlnV The clerk an-1 ilrm "f Mr Beecbam be accepted ihd calls, etc., but not to be paid
E. O. Ladd.
Duuncod tdghteen votes as cast forlsdopti
laa t'd (or hit services for the y««r.
Mr, Ladd, and he wssderlsred olveted!
on motion of Mr Beecha/n. supportChar, II MonMoved by Mr. Hoxslo and aupportod
to the offlre-off cmintv
iros—John Hussl.-. Char
etnim. , school examiner. I
1 by Mr. ilossJe, the rejrort was acby
the report of the
•M-. Edwin Blark Mstps Davl.-. J K. wpted and adopted hy yes and nty
by Mr.
d by
• Salford and suplwrted
1 ;30 o'clock
nty be imUl rtorii. Geo. D. E
by Mr. Tedr
all preavnl voting yes.
ailed to Older by ebalnnan.
UUC year un-1 Sylvester Brawn. E II Gihlis, Imrluv
oo English si>ai
Roll call; all members present.
motion of Mr aevciand. supt;O0 o’elnrk p. m.
■l. No. 118 of i J.* TedoiiP. Pmm'T O I
. Tbe ebatrman appointed as (be com
d by Mr. Cvaas. tbe report of the
iGim*. s.
s <•
c narms.
narm. tv IV,
iv Dean, Win,
TMs was the bpar tel (or tbe rwporf
?hv Ihiblfc"ACT»'’of ISOl"'
' Icim*.
mittee to InresUgate and report.,m
si gommiltee to whom was reMoved bv Mr tx-au and supporiort|r. Harsira. 1.. K. riaxilsnd
the matter of the Outing Beach Re ;
/em-d the tnsMer of the Outing Beach
in'lls .—
Ibat ...
the -----------motion l»l8affbrd.
" K f Iki-eliaBj^U.
.ha-1 by Mr Gilllt.
Resort, was made a special order of
purchase or Hiitallmcot of aa ahatraei
ameuUfd to read That tbc mailer of
liuslupsK for 10:00 o'clock tomorrow.
Sepi ipaylnK a bounty on English sparrows^
.Moved br M'. Cb-v.land a-.d sup
On motion of Mr. BtMiL supi
The eotamittee. tbtough tbelr chair.
ess until
presented ami-' under Act No. m or tbe Public Acts ported by Mr llpvl* thst the matter o by Mr. Uavls, laiard look a reeesi
-bam, aakwUor (Briber
I of 150G. lie made a »i>ecial o-der o< < lovurance on the ro'—tv Ixilldlsgs to 8:30 tomorrow moraii
Iking anyiArskrt.
budm-ss for lomorra* at 3;t«i p- m-"
' referred to llic'ei^n‘l"t^ "•> KTOund'
The Judge of prolisic nyiorud a
. ». r. Bvaas sad auppoftrd
Moved by
I to the N,irihern Hlcblgaa
hr Mr Harah
iraha that ihp committae M
■ lane -f
gfm alt the time Deecaatry to aaeiuA
Of motion of Mr. Dean, supportcd |
ipense- it tbc eouniy of*
Ibe lafonnatkia Vbtefa tbc? doalre. and
Icv'Chtm and Mr
MuvwI by Ur H.veliani aud supisrri
Tu.-»,lar. Oct. 17. A U„ Wi.
to report at tbelr earlleM cuav«olaae«.
soundpesa of Wd. « atfocied
■oeted within P**®®
" '
Carried' .
Ikiar,! ralle,! lo order by ebatrma
tvre years:pSilt Kappic.
•*' •■■thorixed •
tepple. Pr
On motion of Mr Tedauo. suppotD
,1 eopy^if th.
ib.ll call: all members presenk Miller. Carrie M. Codwar.
ir. EHxa V
Hun J^™‘*^**
ed by Mr. Davis, the boagd ftiok a itN
!•' boanl. de<
M1nulr-S ,.f y.Tiirrtlay's proctn-d
icr. Cha-He. CanAold. Umis J. Roelion.
■ •........... ..
8:30 lomorrow awralng le^
Wllltom MeCool. Marv Shields, toms i
Zkv Mrs. *""• t*»rt» Ur. \t It Tse- Mr ixwn ital the re-twri of ih'
Cbartet K. Monroe. '
gea and Richard Waneit.
Robert K. Wall*
^ mmlo-^of Mr. Tedman,
pr.scuu-0 and r.wd,
. rill- Hmioral.h- Hoard ot HuimtvIk.
W.-duesday , Oct 18. A. D.. IMS. 8:34
ISs scimnil,li-s .in flnsns.- !
Mr. Black, suppii
or*. Grand Tra«er»e t'oiipty.
im. rercrrcl to the <
(k-ntlemen.—Youk eummitt^v
ways and meaai.
^ Moved by Mr. Tedman
Boanl calle<J to ord'-r by chairman. •
bat t commit
’ mlrtev on graund- Md
and bulldlags.
hom was referrcG the main-r vf iookOo motion of Mr. Hoxsie. supported' ed by Mr Bnt
pabUc rword of bis work, but we dad
Itat M«i1r an of this was kept by bim
:M o-dock p.
sad Bold at private ootei. These
TnTMM eoBOty bm la WMBi
at tbe conn bo<ue la tbc city of Trav- notes werr, and 1 believe are ImcallX
of Mr. Hoxale.
ene Cltjr. on Hoadax. OcL Hb. A. D, the property of tbe cooaty and people,
>y Mr. ClerelBod. tbe board look a
UW. at t o'eloek p. n.
ev natll l:M for....................................
I five five yon a summanr of the
nw board was ailed to order bx Ue
_________ . ,.
p- _
m.. 1
amoaau as near as I could col them
dialnaM .
Board eaUed to order by cbalnnaa.
in tbe time at my disposal. In tbe ohl
SoDaU; all pi«MBt aa foOowa:
Roll call: an members preMt
botdi aaed la tbe taU of IMS. I dad
Bonle. AcoK.
Oa moll B of Hr. aereWad. aupSlawsoB'a records on seventyoeveo
Chas. U. Moaroe. Rlalr.
board took
paces, but tbe anmber of deeeripllqas ported by Mj. Ti
Bdwte BUek. Bast BaxbUicm Dana. FVe Lake.
J. B. Buell. OarteM.
-oirMaH. Moaroe.
Oto. D. Braas. Onat.
R(«ert B. Walter.
a the new book, two pace* to tbe
B- Dre. Green Lake.
Bylraalar Bniwa. Loac Lake.
& a Olbba, HaxBeld.
LBdM J. Tednaa. Paradise.
tr O. Ladd. Peninsula.
rfc oo each seetlosi. we And Nortfarap <m ten paces. Fl>rd on tweaty. Tal
ler. fortywl* desertptlons.
■ took the----------- —------------------- -
paces of records and two b
olnety-dre descriplloos.
Tbeo it Is vitally neeei
- boobs, cootahilac
copies of each townlblp. to be puet<
op from lime to time, be prepared
Beediam. Wbltewalrr.
mty for
tte expense of tbe eoonty
tbe t
The MHowlBK cenamBleatlot
V Add.
or tbe surveyor In ihc_
d and read:
__ 'for
mm pay iargt mms
TraWfo CItX. Hleh.. Oct. 6. IMS.
already recorded In
To the HdBorabte Board of Soperels- titles which are slreoc
o(V<fnMd Ttaeaiae Coolx:
scattered smonc so many book:
Qftif la:—We lake pleasare li
cfi I am called npon to make a sui
pladbc la tbe eountx clerk's oBee l
of a section there are cenerall
boaad vetone or tbe dies <d tbe Otaad
Tiamae Hmld for tbo rear IfM. cicbl secOOBS adjoloinc or eoratrlnB
ihaa.ebDp1eUu tbc set of tbe Herald OB. |e nay of which I may Aed Add
notes which are aeceiaary In makinc
frona its Irst Issue la IdSS.
•ey. and these noire may br
Thos. T. Bates.
I dlBerent pans of '
.PnsMeat Herald and Record Oo. made byany
any one of tbc varli
MOM by Hr. Beecbam and sappocijrveyon.
•d^ Hr. aerelaad ibat tbe eaauaualThese abstracts arc ]nsi as oeces
«rr la UlsoBce aa abstracts of llllej
catioa be reeolred and otaeed oo Hie.
aod that tbe tbaaks of tbe board be
other butineu.
any oi______ _______ 1 have Mem
taodered Hr Balsa (or tbe Herald and . reral hnadred doilaru w .rib of Umt
already la studyli
lylnc out the abstracii
for tbo surveys I have made and for
which 1 have not had any compenaathTMCretarx of the State Board ot
OerMloas and CbarlUaa was preoOBivej'or of the county of
M aod read:
■MIoaa Board of Correetlona aa.i
afaould be 00 a
there is a larce kmounl of
In the proper dlaebarce of
Ota. Grand Trarerae Oiaotr.
for which tbe law makes ao provlsloo.
«rae Oity. KIcbljtan:
Tbere ate apprexlmaiely four hundred
IN*r:--Blrs:—OoBnUlnt has
elcbty aeetloBS of land ti' "
the aurrey ot whicb. aik>'. .... .
it your ooonty onedialf days per aeetloo. and aUowDtloned U the Inc t*b hand
................ ...........................
poor food wbleb U supplied to tbe pao actual u
pen. Tbe board
reapecKody call nearly e
jroor atteotloB to tbe system Bdttjned
Tbc Acid notre of surveyi
br.Giand Trarerse eouoty for the care ways hate been kept with ............... ....
«» lU • dependent poor, namely: tbc ablp clerki. The law requires tbc
county surveyor to record la bis pubMe reeo« Copies of Aefd notes of retd
aystem U aa ladaeemeot mod tempta- surveys, but tbst does not provldt
Uoa to tbe eondltloa ot tbe tblas* ...........................................ad 1 would
nlatiled of in tbe
to tbe foreroor. Tbe person wbo pets
tbaonRcaet for tbas boardtne tbc panpefB ta’^oB a ptaHanibroptst: at
a not my lutenMon to b
least. Ue coatraet U not undo oa pbllantbrople melbodt. but Is i«rel>- a bus- bers of the board that It conM
Ineas propositoa. and wlib tbe Inien
rrly done by a aortee. aat
tleo oa tbe part of iba party for secar
. H (hmlred, at the lecal P
la« M *ood «»«>•■ ffWa Ui*
a Unopei^taco d
bis proflU will be derired from r--eeqaony (T) axmoleedda smiplybis
table, with Uulc rassrd for tbe
mates. The State Board would •<apeetfallx raeommend ibat tbls ayttern be ebaaced. and. as la most of tbc
t this sbOT-ld
-------/ cpmc to me Inqulrlac lor tbeee
road notes which I am unable to dve.
'Wbai we call oo l^shlp clerks their
books sre noa-pAperiy Indexed, and
many Umea they are not si home, ami
In noqe easM Uiolr books have been
doilroyet! by Are.
The new lawTrovldcs that the I
•tx.- ta. addition to tbst we wouk
r the county surveyor shall be kept
^yoor MttatloB to the premises
l the court house In a Areproof vaull.
. '«apd Mpoar eoanty bouse, which srr
> be deticnated by the board of suy
';aiUltHx oast for tbe purpose, an
.Isors. and both the old and new I.aaja they shall be kept In the o«ec of
tb*i eounly surveyor, which, taken lo; Sttad forHio poipoae for whicb a poor
> kept In aa
larniabed w|ih
lull or Mfe u^ under tbs control i
r the aarveyor.
U C. Storm. Boe'x.
Moved by Hr. aereUad at-d sn
- ported by M- Tedmsn
-':m«itcotloa be refer
Phe ftdlowlnc amcadme___________
made to the law. lu my lOdcment
First. There should be u esamlnlus
board appolnled and undT surveyor
tbould be required -nrpsss sn CJ
lostkm on the soblecl. the lenc'l
Moved by Mr. Dean and supported
< br Ur. Brans tbst ibe commlttoe bo
. aatbortsed to (nveatbrntis the matter
and report Monday next at S p. m.
Oa motion of Mr. ■ndiam. tappoH
. ed by Mr. Uamfeb. tbe board UuA a
repen until 8:90 tomoneur iponilne
for eotamUtca work.
Bobert E. Walter.
Toemlsy. Oct. 10. A. »- IMS. I
o'clock a. m.
Board eatkst tc
Roll call: sU a
Then ^va’
abohld furolsh a Mod tor
the falibfal parbrmance of duties. Md
all. whether ooBoiy or prtvaie. aboiSd
be Uablc to have cbclr llceshes revoked
mpeteocy. neglifieoce or
Then each private Bu^
be required to fartilsb
county surveyor with,a eopy ot
tbc field notes of surveys made by him
In bis conniy, with reasonable fees,
far reeurdlac such notes. These notes
aboard eoaialn all tbe facta required
I. be retered by couafy surveyors,
Dd tbe las i^ould declare that when
d and smimvcrl
ir aeglectcd to file
of Act Ka 118. belna
ancta record. hU aoli.
lOlew or leatlmotiy
BsslUh based ttacreoD could not be used as et I' boimtlm
Uw. Tbc reason
rfflln* fOr the pay dence In a court of U
for this would be
. aup
luparenl to anyone
_____ -_______:aiy
of tOo cen_. .
'take tdfeet only in suehststmtles as who follows a survevor t eiy louc- W<
frequeoUy Aad comer |k>Ms set at eon
slderablc distance from t
r proper
hy the chain
locatloB. and
y of dls- by Mr. Tedman, Joseph Taylor of'lbrt- ' H- apiioli
.... eouler with tbe phy.
-To the Honorshli- Ikwrd of Super-.Acme township srai
■mei they will pheform Ihv sci
:e often find sevcial of the board of
e a disiarce apart, lownshlii to rare for the burial of eei- >y phvsiclan fof during
_ read:
' report Monday next at
barged soi
rr, and
Trareiee CUX. M^.. Ocl. 8. IMS.
'It-ryiand has bo,-i> b--forv y-nu In th<
r their wivi-s or
d of Soperrli
To ito
but which fnr.'vartous reasons
lows of
of SI
said-soldiers under Act. No.
isirmau aupoliiii-U
as such am _
3* of the Public Acts ... ------Oenllemen:—I wish to call .vour
Ob' motion of Mr. Browa. support,-!; commli V Me*si> TVdmu. Dvaa an-1 pen*,-, vie., at Hk- time, '
taetloa-lo the reeds of the oBce
by Ur. Clevetoad. Lester tVeUs was a|s Salford
,ennnly anrveror. When I toeik tbe
all aware- tbst ih.- rapid inays sad lines sre f
pointed agent qader thoalorcsalO Act
, See Of Parreyor I found matters It
'be pupulsiipn of the couuly
ors Ri
dmdanMIc eandltloo. which look eon od^lslly when tbc mistakes have ft- tor Long Lake tosroship
■ rails upon tin- •.herttf more
At the suggestion of Mr. Moorve and and r
thrffl. It Is a common tblnc to
aMaraUe time to fuMy esilmaie.
. An extJnitto'iou of the bills
The report stair
I tbsi the old aoverdmral stake on motion of Mr. Cleveland, supponej
fooad that a latte amount, prehabb
report of thv f
r s,«crotary. '
I- eommltteo on claim* ami
eeruln pU>
a-ma)or1ty of the ainverlnc, had been
done with but such utter dlprccard tot
of :hr. but Ih
half a mile
tbe lasra coreralac surveys that
they And
ysAt lb'- prrt-eet lime I have no piac*On motio
; Jortly will have *o be done ove
I also reeommeod that a small psm
tern of bookkeeping, wni
by Mr. Cleveland. I
Lsatay cosre wt-.-re trp srerk mlgh phlel. showing the means and ms
fiBVC been done correeilv, the reeonl provided br law of obtarning the
cess until 8:35 ton rrow morning for has adopted. He amoon'
lowed the chairman and
s-y foriMsnce ihi' I iisv<- iserel (or a h'in.e
was lackinc in tomr vlitl points
vey of a awlon or pan ot a seetb
commlitce work,
,-hdinxt-The prv'iHninon which I haw to make
- Cbarir* H. Monroe,
.^nbllc rroord was made: while la tht land, the Uws for ponisbmeni ot
' the vxpunsi
Robert E Walter.
Chslrmau., Sepi. ZO. mt, cbirgcl
IS-: ' le IH*
sons who destroy evMencea of eoi
.team' of ream surveyors^ they made
Tb«Te y I.k-niy ^f room
-of 'be relief rommUslo
and lines and such o>he' maliert o(
Tburedav. Oct. 13. A. D.. Ibui, 8::" hefore lo tbc conllogeot fund, which
onasce to the pabMe. be prepared
clock a. m. •
. would mpke the aecoiia- .overdrewB ai sfierlirs ac-ds. The buildlhg of such
___ diatrlbmed for tbe gnldabee of .tbc
Tbe SUtule requirre
• • giBBliigortbe year. liS.76. The' a strucinre would not entail a large
Board called to order by ebslra
tbilwt that tbe surveyor_____ ________ people.
g the year oa the expense, and It woald be a matter of
I need more room aad furniture, as
all aurvaya and the reeurda akall show
Roll-eslt: ■
►Ion. IdclnillBg the. great convenience tv the sberiS. and
be preerei location te enllrel.- too
Mlnulea of-yesterday's
tbe mawser U wbldi eoraem <
rs mentlooed. are 8451.1:. Adding! would resnit in be*ter service to th.mail for the needs of the ottee. Vac poinu are ideoUAed. tbe l<
.the auditor geo- to this.
ms. 830.00. (he amount al^«*i the' pubtle. wbleb I feel Is Imperative, and
all lloeu nm. tbe whoreaei of
, Rnpeetfully submit'ed.
and Mte-eiarxJW'^helr wr-1 wonjd .lo awsv wkh a rvirabe*
eral tbouiag tbe
and (be i^imAtir vartetlon ou (bear \
E. H. Allyn.
-WTSiard it the October ses-Uiems of livery hire, ai
Traveeae county i
fork In II
Mare; and tbe supreme eoart decide'
Couniy Surveyor. apportioned to Ci
veawe Mve a total of: clly could thus be don.
Mr. Alhtbe same being 823.Z53S3.'
>ad a piatbai a record of the co-aty aurvcToi
• (be board,
8300 was appraoriaied (m the where I could keep
reaoot be recHred as frldeace miles. sad after discusstoo. on
(ton of Ur.
■nied. and oo moth
c. wHbo
of the coartnUskiii toi
expenw to the county
It shows all the tacts reqnlrcd by tbe Rceebam. sapported by :
so that tbe fund Is now overdratru rig ts aot bite
statute, and yet asany records ukeo
I hp f
834.13. The oommlssioa stales (bat ILfSi. It woald till, of court. be are. I
la tbe iBBt few yean an '
eommlilee to be appotoied
a Aaaace. arays and means.
tome vttal pointa. dlscrei
Thb mailer of the salary of tbe comesnao '•> secure? S hverr i
xtosiauer of sebooU was p
long drives, etc, but oo the whole 1
. .ted. leoAth of Mare not r.
The chairman appotmed as such
rommlttec Measra. Hoxsie, Dye aad
would be a srriog to the eoanty u
sme eanaet taU la many a
aUe to do ao: that they are haring make provision (or a suitable alrocture
oM oorrers were (oimd or
where 4 eooW keep a horre 1 will be
-tiMIsbed accordtac to (be Ideas of that
^rtleolar anrvew.
sad before tbe board and pre^
prerkk H. Keltey. Supt.
- the comrades
o pay for the keeping o
- Hr. Oeorte B. Steele was (or many seated the matter of a tract Index, and
se. it the county, will fo
' widows and their families b
Treas tbe eotmly sarveyor (and I be- tolar of a eotmty abatract aysieaL
Jteve (or tbe owre pan aa'able oaei
After diaetisakm. oa moikia of Mr.
Hy Dear Sir:—Under the proriakio ; ous.
I tmtt .that this matit
Ibad the law reqnired him
CievelaiHl. impported by MM Hbxsic. of Art >«S Irf the PuliRr Act* of Wi.j The
Sion rewiamcnds that [with y,inr favorable eonsl.
remand approved.
K lip a sutialilv »llv U>r a jsiotb<.UMitsldv 'be city llmltii. would r.-jwrt
SI w.- )«ST.- *-ad -w-veral tocaitonTb.- bills at l>r. n E. Chase a
in J M. H-III:,-lm of 130 each, for perforx
ol log the autopsy on (be buly of Cbark
y Cross, found d.-ad rt the yard ot 11
South Ride Ltimlier Co., were pre-sevd: and oa np.tlon of Mr Gluts. »
IKiru-d by Mr Sallorel. refert
rommliiw im flnane.-.
meant, 'hat ih.v might eonfif t
Giv prox-cuiliig aii..rn.-y and report a
r. Hvvehsm,1 and supp
to wh. the- ih.-v I. sn> l(v Axed l'
rrow’lbai th.
tow (or 'h.. W..-IC tl«.,e meiitknifd.
b.- acepK-d
Mft Ihwn liroug].- up tli.- mU^r «
end the purrhsse of twenty sen-*
nd now owpwd tiy Mrs K T Ik-sn
srfleld township, 3ti miles M.tiih
e cl'v. near Bos'ilmin dam, a'
iM o' *13W.
Veae--Hoxs.e. Mffl
by' lb"“judg~^”pr>«te, raliln*’'^lB
own. Gibbs. Tud- queslloii *» 'u 'be tlsl.lllty of r«-toilv*^
iltrexiw llsrsba,
Moved liv Mr' Clllls sod sapporttM
C'levelaml, Ik-i-cham. Bafforel—IT.
I., Mr nitrk that the ms'ier be
Mov.-d by Mr. Beecbam and tpppori- Terred to the e-.mmllicc-on cisims strt
,.l by Mr liatls Ibat tbe clerk of the sccuuoi*. lugeihcr with (he proaucof r*
l«*srd b.- instructed lo sveueo at once Ingsi'onie;.
inrormail.m a.* to t-ow the various
Hr Wilson appeared
Irtfore t|m
board and gave the rrsef- of hta 1#
vestlgatlgn of il.e mailer of eotmty abof the leulila’urc.
Sirart svstems. eie.. In cousGcs wbleb
Carried by vea and nay vote, all be had ree.-o;ly vlsltedpresent voting yes.
Tbv clerk reporrod that la all ibik
The eommlilcx- on groqnd* and buildcoi|tatJes heard from, with one exeqpr
lags submftt.-d the following report
il-.n. the abstract system
w»s pure
through their chairman, Mr. narrow
ehajwd or Installed by aa enahUag acteg the legUtoiurc.
To the
Moved by Hr. Lad^-aad siiRporied
committee oh yoorn uaiU l:3o p m. (or eom^uee
grounds and buildings, to whom was
referred tbe matter of Intu'wece on
the county bMlIdlngs. Wot k1
recom1:90 o'rieck p. m.
- < '
raeod that 88000 Insurance be (Maced
Boanl ealtod to order by chairmaa.
on the Jail. 890,00« lerarance be placed
Roll call: an mambara proaiaL •
os tbe eeun bouse, and 84.0(W taaarHr. Imdd. rhalrma « tba efammlC'
asce be placed oa the (uratinre: aad
(hat said Insurance h<- ptaeed for Avi
traailancd <a Pata U.y'
1.1? each
8U80, weight 8 U». made of very /choice combed
yarn, oof regular 150 apread—th«'8 just one
hundred of these, oo more at this price.
9c each
White and colored borders. 18x36. worth Ityic.
but getting them in case lots right from the mill
enables us to sell them at this price.
ONITA—We carry the full mill line of thjs well ;
known make. 50c. $1.00, 1.25, ISO, 2 25. 2 75.
Colors white and grey.
'There is no store in thrspart of the stale that is in a position to serve you so
well in this line as are are. We carry everything thafijs worthy from the cheapest
to the best, starting-at 3c the garment and ending at SiOforall Silk Union Suiu.
SUPERBA Ladles'Cotton
Fkeced Vests and Pants
No. ffi4, ttmo a. d»vo. bo. 80 per con, 2.26 I
................ .............
Sizes 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8.
E.vtra fine quality yarn,
extra heavy. The best
garment ever sold
foT!''”.... 26c
Ladies’ Grey Ribbed VesU and Pants, 50c each
10 per cent wool,, regular
sizes—a very worthy
underwear where
: part wool is wanted.
Same as above, but CO per cent wool.
Color grey only. Each.....................
Tpsiuim mnDH sdits, shrunk
Same make, all iNk, light weight (or ^.60
Heavy weight, $ia
We recommend this make.
as above,
Same as the above, but
Union Suits
Per suit
Color grcy.pxira heavy\ ver>- elastic, heavy ilecce.
full sizes, and the best heavy fleeced garmeftt
that is made todayf
Per garment............
In cotton. fle^^Iined. at 3c. 9c, 16c and 25c. In
ifoo\ at 40c to 75c.
Ho. ISO Forest Mills Pants and Vests
Made of 6oc combed Egyptian yam. not fleeced.
For ladies who do not like the heavy
garments this line will please you.
Each ................................... ............
The same as.above.
75 per cent wool, 90 per cent wool, all 1 KA
wool and silk and wool, at $land....
matter- how hard you are to please we can
76c < Noplease
you both in assortment, quality and pi^ce.
No more worthy underwear was ever made. Ev
erything about them right. Combed Egyptian
yarn, perfect htting. honest sizes. Once RQfs
• used, always Used. Per garment
We have all that's desirable in both cotton and
wool Union Suits.
We ask for your underwear business Pn the mcr>
its of our-stock. If you cannot do better here
than elsewhere, we are net entitled to your
For $1. Ne\-er in the history of this store have
^we had such value in petticoats at $1. There
'are four styles in this lot. only ten dozen in all;
and two days will finish them. They gb on sale
SATURDAY MORNING. Come expecting a
good thing. You’ll not be disappointeiL
Ail sizes, three qualities.
$1.00, $1.50, $2.50
Just placed on sale another lot of those silk petti
coats at $5, $6. $7.50 and $10. Great jralgeseveryoneof them'. Let tu show you.
Black Cotton Tights. 50c
if .we 4sctrino) save you money
in this department and give
Mattings, Drapnries, Wiflihw
you the best line in this city to
choose from, then we don't
want your money.
Shades, Lace Mins.
The winter lines arc now
Here's where wc save you some more money—wc
on our shelves and no bet
sell you a gown made from white, pink or blue
ter lioc^ was ever offered , daisy doth, nicely trimmed with braid and em
for sale."^ The outlet of this
broidery. at 1.00. Others at 50c. 7oc. 1 50 and 1 S».
store is so large that wc
buy hosiery in case ^ots di
11-4 Blankets, a>4 lbs.
rect from the mills. That
means more hosien,- value
About 10 dozen left of those 5<Jc girdles for -ISc.
than you can get elsewhere
We have the most complete corset department
IW Twilled Blanker, weight 8$.' lbs.
. for your money.
to be found anywhere—we fit the stout and the
Fleeces at 10c. 15c. l‘.»c.
slim, the long and short, high or low bust, short or
.25c for Ladies or Children.
long hip—let us tell you^ more about the line at
11-4 Twilled BlahkeU, weight S lbs.
gQ i
WOOL HOSE.—.At 15c,
35c. 50c. 75c, 1,00,
the Corset Counter.
AsSonmeni the largest, qualities the best.
We' mention here a few of the good numbers
M4 Tsrilled Blankets, weight 3?. Ibi,
at 1.00.
No.s. 470. i:.-, and 480
•A'merican Lady. No. 128
The border and the finish are as important-as the 29 in. all wcrol flannel for shirts and Children's
Beauty. No. 917
•be and weight.
school dresses, at 25c and 29^
W. B. and the Crcscoe. the
Then there's tbeHne soft finish and shrunk kind
t.W(»^BLANKETS.-3.00. 8.1)0, 6.00. 6.50. 7.5o.
Ferris waist and the J. C.
at 45c and 50c, in ail the pretty colorings in
..... -60!
Dark and light colors—27 inches wide! the Kp
best cloth we ever sold at per yard.............
OUTlNti FLANNELS—29 inches wide, heavy
quality, choice^ patterns and colorings, dark,
Wc cannot get these again’at this price.
Outing Flannel 30 inches wide, the best quality
made, the choicest patterns to be had. 1 Qp
dark.light and medium colorings, per yd *vry
FLANNELETTES in the new choice Fall patterns and colorings, at 10c. 12>4c. and I5c yd
See the new jap Kimona designsj
stripes, iflaids and checks.
wool made by the Laport wooleiTTnlllS.^ vi inT
we ever had at 1.0U. 2^. 2.90 acd. 3 50.
long, 2>4 yds. wide, in gray, cardinal and blue,
at 85C..1.00 and 1 20.,
ROBE^LOTHS.-If you prefer them, at 15c. 25c
KNj^ SKIRTS—in a gre^ variety of styles and
I. 25c, 50c, 75c,, 2.00.
..... 1.00
CALICO—H in need of any Calico, here's a tip
they're 5c while what we have on band lasts.
Then we show the other ' They'll be 7c soon.
qualiiies at -*>0c. 7.'ic. 1.50 up
to 3.00.
PERCALES - At 12>4c for manchesttrs are
.AM kinds of waisu for
cheap. There’ll be more soon; we have a fine
line now.
Ail that's godd and new in style and ct^ors are . Every express bringsaew Cloaks. Suits, Skirts, etc., to thu great cloak department. Last Saturday was
shown here. $1.00. $1.50. $2.00, $2.60.
>he blggem cloak day we ever had. ThiseomingSaturdaywillbestillUrger.socometniheforeAbo Golf and Fabric Gloves at 25c. 60c. 76c. $1.«K«n if you can. SPECIAL *VALLt:S EVERY DAY. $2 9S to $75.00.
For Ladies in Beaver Gauntlets at $8.50. Beaver
Mittens for Children at $1.60.
Moeba Kid Mittens, fleece lined, for ladies, tbc
famous Irebod Bros. make, at $1. 1.50 aad$2.
WWle; BBd y«t o- this! awwvd. “Mr.-Whlte s a nod man u>| tto evaUoaed aeala. antf wait tor the
dafc^J^adraolaa* leetaed aHocMber : work for. but be doo i Tow aay slack Urtrer to prod b.s *lo« etcedi vttb Uie
with SaaT. The two *ad ntet at Ifar Wtoa I re •nUhed. I'm laj osra bos*. - road ibat be alvivs tames. Very
rc 8aa
waci bo not atorr I Uto R ux~
I seea tto refcide becius to slip, slowly
end of a le«E fnmnr. vbarr
«alBd : -well, lant ttor* eowte way l e%a to b* sair. but surely, orcr tto smooth
IWTilBt bis o
TJ UtUe.eobbleslones vltb which the
bark acnm tto Said, tad t'-e tayr' tolp^ Howam asked, bopefally
r o, I
each other wtitos^ rather than not. U s loaesosae <ner, streets are pared Ac aur panicsiariy
At poHle at I ooald. and ato only tan ,.1_rt___._fc*_n<__________ to dW totaa oeacanau, cacttavw boo
lllDRilDcof eurtoslly and aEahUity.
three at the boose with bo one to pis' dtacuU luru of ibe road, or vlieB com
#MJV r«Mf ftUk
>riB the Snaablaa dab. Please tend
‘ly dsh In the aoed o*ei w#h^
IM to a riM- ol icnjaad. ibe drlttr
a card and botton. i aai it yean acoras to atoiv away and cal Ibis wln—Ovr IhiBb ABlniaU.
aa Howard, vttb a back/ Sam )m^ed at the delicate vblie place* a Ili'l* ba« of errase under the
, (pT'vbee ‘■e la hnnc^ AXle' bie bad
t will try PP^ *• tmrry wt
. I bare a
ward )e-k id his hc«d.
I baads. aod warned to laucb. Bui h<- iroo' of ibe ninucrs which makes U
frtt •bMrt wn-thl**
tom eiUaed.
dlda i. Ibatead. be said eordlallr If- eomparait.el, easy lor tb. .utrlj
I wttMfT «• b« « Pappy m I
-toebto tot: hat I eauahl fo«^'
« rou to oBer. boc rm ««er» ... puU .be sled. .
Mn and auk* aaMykaiy tapw
aleh, after chose tlme-^ afraid ,-ou copMbt manare throe phtw , -Exr„ up a »oa«.
M (vn I euw
l«cia Coraoo. Cli|;
n vil: ,lo«ly
their way. ,1m
haadles Tber re som.rbiBR i
I wilt try to to tovto*. h^M
DO snrh ledloa^
-No. rtwiur- Howard's eyes er..*
and Und to ivarybaEy and to
).«: totuae into .«
fok-d dmibifulli I process
isrr aad bis face Baabed. -Fourteen!
Kente. tHI aaBBlbc dtortoa « tbdi
av«y II»lf>t thta*.
Ued wlllWilllatnsbitrt Oct. C . ^or foutid o-i thci- vcf. acrt hi^. Whf my hroiher Will rouphl ttv.- last .
peta this week Wbo will be the beat
If I avar tall In trytof to da
h.- ;.3-seo*er troslt himIVar SonsbiBP PreUdeoi—I win oo» I waaal be wiai*?
— ibmm^ r-d t.lk.v, abo... It fur a
to *me?
thaaa tblnga, I win Try, try
I wrlic a few linet to you. Badoacd ■ ttvil. Rood-bre,
Oaee Mr* all o«r new metabors arc «ad • t.ooeot tiamo for a button. I prem your lonnR Soasblocr.
looked ai CU co»'ly ml a-d reel vlik
Odd. Rakin' I* ••p siil h."- —
reminded to to aurc and ctre the aum. toTC twloneed to the Suosbine cinh
mirke.1.disapproval- -Maybe my 001- h..ur, bui mind." wamm*1v. "ii .
ber of their roeie If they live on ooe
yean. 1 like to k™
Traverse C.iv.
C.iy. 6n. 13, Ib'-S.
fii |. no. ihe rjcht kind.' he hsrsrded. Iv 'o Ml.ie- yniir
of tto Rr.ral Free Delivery routes. scbocl. «, teacher, name „ Ml-.
"bin it's lb<" hlRbivi prlred une I ruulil
Dear ITepMeac—I have' _ __
IM1I to «iieh work, you kaos
Thoro are so maoy lioys and irlrjs In
re: Whai make Is 'oo' rod* '
ii>ii-li -h'e c'ltdo jtmi
ihraueh com eutiln* and pniaro dlR- tea but ooee lu tto Sanshlne rhit^a^
"11^ Uke Ifa>- ri>k." lsucl.--<! I
that vad a toBytrineasn I do not to
country that tbouah the carrlen kaow bIbc. For peU 1 have a chicken named lo «‘-o« now I have a tlstof; h.-r
-Abler. lgu.-. "beto.seroJ ■an,-.
their lalhera-namcA they are often at) Biddy, three eals.an.I three kiiten*
name Is Jennie. ■ She goe* to school way. that, the kind I" eeaerilly cut
a loea to kaow where to deliver-Sub- Well, bi I eannot thlbk of anythlos every day. The wlntervreen U-rriev
The,'re nlco:y nma.I the tumd. aa' I- -R.j,^-oh the, re xmder the .bed, '
ahloe letters written, to the yoaac
arc geiilnR ripe vtwy la>i. The wood. alwaj f ear v
«».wi Krf fc, inredi" ----...................
yood.r You can1 rake'the glass
up Is*-, nil-!
(oOit. For Ibtianee. ibta week your preiM>M MAHL UT8S. Cwres
pretty In their brlEbt enlored I
jw, can to cut any time. i„,„ ,00'-wmdrow...*n'when Tm done »T.abAto 10.
OUdvs ShUC.
' Ideal'naUed a ca-d and bnitoo. and
leave* I hive a very fe* ho-j.r planes. |
.nj-*htre. I
Ii... .i.
s' help vou.pu: R the sell.«
* Praaltoto. Mahal Satea.
KlBEsley. Oct- 10.
We have a horre. a com . a call aa 1cj^nioBpUct
msny llli:«.
Loria Cmaoa. and took them
Flrai .Vioa PraaldtitC Clara Batea.
Dear Presldeni—I reeelyed my Sun- some chickens. We have a dng and a)
So the rest of the af'ern.ion. ontCii
Second Vice PreeWent Mr*. Irene over to the pottofllce herself, to sec
tMiw pin- I to to schtiol every day. eanan' bird -My Inu-r it g. tttnR Ions i
di -d.
• cbor.- time. »a* -pent by Sam «lih hiIbe man carriers »nld be sure to d
Pemerey Shtelda.
Our teacher U Miss Lulu Holmes aad «aej*b Good b>c
;rhey #obt iflnk ' lalnied
' plow. SD.I Howard wlib his yake: aa>l' - S 'he lead, -let's sit to re where Hr
liver them. They looked on their Uiw.
Oegenited Deoerabtr t, 1«B.
we all like herveiy much. We have 4 I'nm your Sunvhlne sirl,
tojlswarmaadplay alihoBTshHIsbut did noi kaow where to take lu b«- lovely new brick BCbnolbouae Just com- .\:< 'd
Ldlie Zlcfler
H* swans his pl6w roaod aa>! mllkt-1 and led. and tto- honMt to be | “HI luaa. hi roan. " came 4A a chorw
Lec'sville. Mich.. Oc.l. 17.
Iropped the pulni Into the earth, pr--- looked after. Ihe elty boy weoi acrova ftum ibr o;Nt Bve. and anoo the adi
City,- Wltlr no street or eoole aothber. plated and wc scholars feel.ver, proud
From your Sunshinsr, Pre*ldeni-I am ooe of yoi
eamory to .starHng a ae* furrow to
the ,Ilia to arqtialat his father wit,: acre cenlt'.l In a eircle egiUMted .to • '
If Ltoia will drop rs a postal -card
bt-a called cheerily. "Gee «p'there.
Jcule Drown _sunsh.be members. |i has toeiT the eveolnc
' e-mer-v nwr
leltlDc srhere to eead It. the mail
HuckAB' niossoral* |i,„^
sjBtk he returned ; .Not ever hi.ins ..wn or beard Of jk Tier will Uke II to >i1m the very i
Traverse City. Oct. IT. ''<>»K »">«• » *roie .oyoi. and I
Kllty^ Thpoghta. .
a lime for me lo write acaii
Howard besiialod a momtot. but the
ik,^s started for the ) Jarl.vtone. these chUdrra of Africa had ,
Dear Presldeni-l should I
hr^ikc'Ht'l*’ rhelts, flyeln aumlicr. They Bad ,
much 10 become a member of you.- kavc my card and l.diion vet. I rea 1 cho-jgfai of the founeea Bvh was para-^^,,
Travme City. R. F. D. 1. del. 10. l«5.
pu,'aider, for 'he ball nwdy made on a a^ghboHakSunshine club. 1 have* pet cat ihav "> >to S-mshlnt d.-parment last wee's; mouo;, so tc lurnM and walked aloagl^j
tnu m. ime kItIM l. UJnklDk Dear President-I will write ron a nan
sit up and-ibakc bands; his name
vlsltlnc a cat -house. I Ibe fucfw. toslde bis new acquaim,„r ball.
'f c. and li is to l»- ha-l for the pk*-i
letter. 1 bare never written before.
, And the siring of fl.h fey cauRbt ' l»s
It Blucher. He will aU up and beg for
•’Sve bad a pleaaan' “ve
1 would like to Join the Suaahlae club. tomethlns to cut. and when you are 'Ime We have a pet rm( I. --------,
"Do you •dr'I»»<''hdfe are any ml>r.* 'rt^, -,,,p„,„g^,.p
,hp rtght tv.
Si. luu.ner were they sroied ihtnl
I like to reed the letters to the Herald.
Every I In the .-KietlT " he ashed.
Rji'viorr of tto .soason..- »l* UMI'- hands made sii liiilv amoo(h.|
We havr two kltieat: one is all black
« noticr him. When you ask '‘»e
Awd&oy as dtonfb^ were whtipfb but two white spots, and the other Is s
Ii,. . and'Jumps and tries to gc^ loose. Mv- ^ could gu as'lo lonighl
each one. nod ibn gamc was to ihiorl
tl(er. Their names are Pec and Nip- him. II he w
brother l-aa her a harnesH and car-! a» man} more, au'
S immar SicIgh Ridlns.
! the toll and. Insnwd id eairhlBB op 1^
tbU^ *to vmo(d have eer. My broUier Willard would like
tad she can draw
■bHicriblag -How the World ’ shell. 10 V>ac<- t’ on 'hi* liitje stot
10 join Ibe Sifnshlne club: be Is
! tlrtmg. Her aaine Is Daisy
I Rides." la the Anguit Everybody's-: aoct thus gather them all logrthe.-.*
years old. I have a baby brother wbo
legs and shake ) -alch Jest as many's anybody. You'll the Rev Fnacis E. Clark say* that
Is eacJilag. aad as It U tmlj* ' ,
was three aaealhs old the Stb of OrHorr lor that brother of vourv Funchal. In Ihe Island^ Maderia. tJ^l^yed In the wintiT time the bltodlober. 1 wr>n t make my letter tr
traveler •find* one of the Mrasgest; soon gMs up a floe clsntlariosi n tC
toMw^^er thank, tor/htoto
n well and hope you .
loiK for the llrat time. Oood-bye.
»VC tw.. I folk* won't let vnu be out so laieV kinds of vehicle that the world aSurds.-l merry shouts are heard,
) 't
Ymir lovlbR Uimd.
Ir school sta-ted tb.' j
r all. go c questioalngl). "IfII be sifter dark: bn: Hi sees, waiting, quietly near the
Tre liltle«t one. who has the
•plembcr. II ‘■ad
Ato >.
' Marysr« Wilson.
Itovof ^lembcr.
‘■ad aa nice
nice time
time ^ ^
,h;nk | iberrH to a moor You see. I've p.i wharf a number of sleds with slock I bamo of Bigaargoa. U quite aa brigbi
1 ipnAifcallpn. I am going to school
,^^0 ,oB,p
, dun-eolored oxen yoked 10 otch. Tt !* ; at her books at al tow play, aad la alOr. alto! I. sT. tkortacdtr h.lplsi. her. Traverse city. R. F. D. I. Del. 10. m3. every
rake up. an' the chorea to So. S'pose ! always high summer time in Maderia. f ready rcading-la (he New Teeiamaai. r
Dear President—As I .have just pot
It It raining here today My sister U
' yuiir folks'll be wllllaT'
. aad to tee a coavevabcc which be ba<^ The hanlesi thing she bad to Inara ~
^ To tto
sweet milk oe tto paauy home from school. 1 will write you a
• Yes. Ml tell papa how
hot It Is. He ever associated srllh snow and Ice and, *aa Ihat Ibc letten must be {dactol.
letter aad ask yoe for a Bana^iDe bul- going awav to work todav. Uv mam
ma aad papa are going to Clca Artoi :
wen I minri. fvw h
USme Id lean. ^ rcro weather la at firs' dlseoBCcrflBg. | the fight way i;p. She eould hot
nerhapa ahe ii thiBkIaif 'iir all of toe. I 'bare a lUilc baby brpfher.
Beya art B«ya
aboui country ways. But aay. can't ' The stranger ruto bis eyes, and ark. 1 whf at. A wasn't .1 Jus! the tome anV
U just three momhs old. We ail love DOW. WeD. tbli It all that I ran think '
of for this lime, an good-bycThere was a blr-dlffercace hriscvn you gni off a lli'Ic carllcrTIt will give wbai those ibinga are fur. bui he wnon p»i as avdl If li s-<-re writleaV. Bulk
H.anr om kaosra wsi u^tou me. him very dearly. I go to acbool every
Your SoBshIner. .
Howard Foster, s ho bail come down to IIS longer to fi-B
finda ibai they an- ihe public hark-. I tfe he( come lo acc'm It ftrt a l*c!
day aad like my teacber very maeb.
Mabel Holland.
spt'Ud ibe summer at bl* faibvr's HFan. rWI ‘ :■ lu-ad
and lhat unlau he esrea lo wgjk be ; tren II she can'i undenuaad I'.—8i-‘
. Her name Is Miss Esther Bcoti. Mam- .S'lH till I m aH i.kruugh, " he an- must step Inside, ymsconce bImMdf on > inrted.
j ma It w^ilQc: Ibis for me. as I caaoot
Fife Uke. MIcb.. OcL C. 1»(I3.
gani mia, and Sam DrMicaMhF lound
»r|i* »«T laod wllb a pro yet. I irlV ' Dear Piaaidm—I vfll vrtteasd tali
doae BOV. bo|^ to gai mr tralinc i tto 8aaAln«r% a alon atoat a UUK
■ '
Oaea opoa a tlwaibete vmt a HtUa
Ace T.
iMbd jniaaa. | taalrral ttoi had tout ht bast op >>
w.«.»,»i jj.
Jjitt m->*«xclusiTe desigoi direct from
the meaufRcturert—superior in style
and make Up to any other caps on
the market at the price—$30, $100,
$1.50 $1.25 $200, no^ better assort
ment in the city.
- It
be as much to* your interest
asounlfor you to call on us for your
next purchase of furnishings or cloth
ing—we have the goods to warrant
us in expecting lo'get and hold your
Yoa AU Like Gcod Ootcs.
No working glove better for the
money than Sargent's at $1.00—ask
to see these—exceptional values in
both gloves and mittens at 50c. ?5c
and SI-GO—large assortment for you
to select from—Fine kid and mocha
gloves at $1.00 to S200--Largcstlinc
fine wool knit gloyes in the city—if
you don't believe it spend time
enough with us xo see
of purs.
Perhaps not the largest stock in the
city, but certainly the largest exclu
sively new stock shown here. It's a
matj«:/Of 's»isfaction to us to be allowed to show our
friend s the fine
fitting qualities of
the garments we
sell. In m a n y
respects these are
superior to all oth
ers. They are far
from being t h e
highest in pri^.
Splendid values at
-- $15
fancypattersns and plain oxfords and
blacks, three different lengths, sizes
for Young Men and other men.
Something in fleece lined goods
worth looking at, different and
better than any others in the mar
ket. Six oi; eight styles at 50c a
garment, extra long sleeves, they
won't crawl up over your elbows.
All Wool Ooods.
.Grey single or double breasted
goods. Red. Grey, ribbed goods.
Wright’s Health. Your choice of
any of these at 1.00.
Finer Grades
All wool, 1.50. hand
some goods.
Combination Suits.
In fine worstedsand all wool goods
J .25. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00. No
such line elsewhere In the city.
Every number hew. and selected
with care so thit jhere isn't a “'bad
one in the bunch." as the boys say.
If you want greys
we have them, if
you don't like
greys, we show
you sometliingelse
The larger num
ber of suits will be
sold in doublebreasied coats '.his
winter, and wc arc
prepared for such
sales. Not only
are we strong on
fancy mixtures,
but our line black
fine worsteds is hard to match—$10
lo j22. Young men's Suits from age
filieen uo at $.0 to $15—splendid pat
terns. and fine lining garments. We
want'a chance lo try a coat on you.
Famous "RummeH” soft hats. $1.50
to $3.00. "Guyer" derby hats $3;boih
Union Made. Both best bats made
at prices. Fur in these goods almost
as fine as silk. Examine them.
After you find us once it will be easy
We are young yet. and want stran
gers a* well as friends to find our
place of business.
In heavy wool and hne cass
splendid assortment for hard service
warranted in every way.
Hne trousers for dress wear at
from $3i"i0 to SC.OO, best fitting
goods made, finely proportioned.
• nuv^t HCRAUl. THURKIAV. 0CT09EII 2t. HM.
the anh U»« brfo« tb« fcow. -H«»» breath of fresh air. The tbemoateicr odor is w good u the affect on tbi-|
wa H decrees in tbe shade. a<>d it •tlDbMotiral mr
vDI te!"
-How do )tMi make (be preaerre*:":
And iad««l tkc praMea of aoir«i« wa a qnestton wbvtbrr the pent-ep.
added modi lo lfc« b*»otr « ber«os- noisy street wu more refreablag than aaM Home Cheer'a ssMtor. who has|
tne-oM rccejufae-itowa awerwherc. ta rioee tesenent roon taside. Thu
roacs. wnalkau and Ttoteca. Bw ia baby's face wu white and wan. bu;
breath of air seemed ctirtfac to
(be erealnK >b ream: pW and bar
lew life into It or Its notber.
to dinner and Mfcr
pnrdiu «eni o
that very hour s brisk evening
| >r)<al ode penoe l> tblnklag of. nn- beanltfnl teese
“Wbnt n pttr!- mU tbc pnrtor mnM breeze wu aprtsgtog up on ibe^lry
a* (be drear don (be ibades. ~(ba( na hilltop where lay (he quiet farmhouse.
The^ «aU<
“The lUMcr i( eomlwr
Mated them many Una at her neigh i
SIw tmntni r*r Yew* and
Outers faiM t* Give RcBer
—Cared byPeriiHn.
bor's table, and knows t^oy
-I wilt cut them into eltAl^ ad,
put ib.-m into a kettle, pouriag ovK;^
.oils, Mina, aMI
Mystir Legion nf AaseriM. write*:
bodr abould be en>orlna tbeee loertr It watted the scent of tbe jooeysneUe
vine Into the slndow of the empty bed
can be!”
room where Nellie and Jane -.sod lu on Ibe qulncw, eovei^ iben and!
plactnif lh<-m oc Uie back of tbe stove!
, t*een tbem.
A Trmr^ CUy ladr ! T.o block, away, in n boapltnl. wniM sleqp.
mbrre they wUI cook sloarlv '-mil per-'
i »*>“ •» *•”“
*•* *"*’
In (be pleasant canservalory of a fectly tender If all tbe sugar I* used
— “r?...
f I rl^mnr?
boilabed and camlibeil.
Bo^SHnlbl iTdd
*A ^
- eaiDc. to zar door
>«“ ••"“PU*'’. ba. .acce«fall)
I rkd out n acheme for gtrla* ebsmee un^n,,. fi ««. to lie for dart In tbi-
»ne Ban €»•<• w m. = .~r.
Apd nr comfori and aid (o Imphne.;
And I MU. “I canDOC linen.
NOT help yon any «oday;
I barn grcMter thlUK lo attend to.~
notonou. and ne«»»arib
“I an ertered and Dorrr.
II la- a* t.-o<ler
liaBkcl full of rlipplyo. from gerlum* and brighLUrtlage plsnu.
frieod( | roandincb* A vbH«-csppeil norae <uc
. nf (he imliiit. brlRhtmed ai tbe
a* a wi-!l-e.ioke<<
"Tbc next monting I will skim ijir
lilt out and put It on a pisuer. then
im the tv»i .If tbe sugar Inin the
Julec and lei it cook np
••/B»kAMatol^«aa^eaw-aAt '
Then I ^l!l
exprv** my gratitude. Prrfeei fceaUh
oaee mor« U th* bsst thing I rvuld wish
for, and tbsaks to PrrxiBa I enjoy Ibst
new.**—Mlanir F-. McAlUsirr.
l•ul,lb<• fnui In again, and after U u*
of lovely ebeerlnn color!
At Iha; moment ibe parlor maid Ic
An old stoman looked anxiously at * hntied through. It will U- ready to cat
■fore they real-i
a corrlajse, ind befOT
what wai hapnenina. ahe had; the deterted parfor rotrated.' One bon- •oiltary plant la an old tomato an on Come an'l umple It some time thl*
window sill of ber dark liiib- gar- winter."
Jack tom* and
' token then. I«« and fannease. la ber | dred—one hundred
Urt.SsUi«if3(AMltoa.4M]raS.Ohi«t '
"India-Xl I will. - said the editor, w ho
, carrlase to her beautiful bone. wher<-1 three hundred rarRaiion.!''
It is dead." she said. “The cold en5oys sluing back to her eay chair
-Are yo- fOlns «■ 'be Iceuire ihU and tbe liligbl hate killed tl. How I and h’lilog other people cook nice
been takon down town and to vaHous i erealiisT' oaU the doctor to his wlf". shall miss the br.khi rvd ttowem! An<t things for her—s»pecUlly whea the.
ii-ll her how it I* done. *o that she max
^iots of Intered. flendi bare been j •u i. floely lllusitaiod and you will neviT a penny to spend on another:"
bat very time Jane* wa* biir>
lias* It alone to oih.T Monte (*b.-"r
aMed locall. and notblns left undone i pajoy n. | rant eei off mytolf. but
So tronbtone not I aar."
that. eooM be tbouchi of for tbelr I you eoohl pel a friend to go wilh'yao- ' lag the eunieni* Of the Itaitket in a rut rra.ler*.
pleaure. It 1* the dm time tbc In-j
-i/ j am no: too tired aher the Bo*'- ner of ih<' garden.
Coal Oil ataCtoanar.
valU ba left bone In over a year. | atans'receptlim." replied bl* wife
Thnt the Mater lo ne nlfbt eone.
The New Idea Woman s Magazine
a ItM'tHfoI ch-:rrh nf a eolletbbccasM dlatancet were too great toj,bo
tired and decided a
I tbOBCbt I would aprlnc to ne^ bin.
SSI an elderly man at one t-nd -rf glx.-s th>- fidiosing suggesiloi
p«mll. and back of all the etDoyinetil { aer time nuf to so. TUe ticket*
t"‘'° ’
a long and others i*o enrpty pew. HU com.- ji.M a’- the ilm# whim e
of tbe onusunl and nbvel algbts Is Hi" laio tbc waste ba>kct.
When a lllile child Mood hr me.
thought* were b-ss ot tbe sennow and
h<- miilki of ih
glow In tbe heart, caused by|
Witt a.fnee to (weei and fair—
n welcomed b
iinlooked for tbta
Tbe tl~ed scans:/'-** Wl the doe- tbs '■ne music 'ban of the three tall
Bweet. bn «ith mart, of tewrdrop*sons
Tbe we^ will
tor’s bouse that olgbc with a wearicnl
And Ms etothei we:v> tattered and eooila^
Some houM-keepers an- Ignorani of !
leve* day In tbe two lira.
stop. She bad worked bard all day. were now one dead and the «.:her» liv
All cannot give of iheir tine, all do but apuld not bare minded that bad ing fir awav.
A Baser WM broiacd and UeedlnR.
And n pTwylT »*» forever nrllbln «7
And bU Utile bare feet were eoM.
And I anW: “i an aotry^or you:
Ion are norwlr in need of care.
Bnt t eanot atop to glre U:
Within a few rodf of the church was can l.< nsedjn acw vwrkty of way«. ’
A lonely
•one little kindness to do. some word artet room In which was a pile of a students’ lodging bouse. In an upper Th..y appreciate its Ilght-glvlng prop >
?ms to occur »o
. of cheer lo paa a)oag to others. Therw ntgbt sewing wa ber only goal. Or. fttom that same SiimUx mo-elag *at
' Is an old verse which docribes the her aar.the pissod tbe brightly light two students playing card*. As
ed ball where people'were pbnring ‘n church Ix’li* rang as iineuy look cane
' one Is so sHuated tbai she cannot fimi forward too in tfce evening.
And ny loU wu over nbd dine';
10 Ibe enchanted land of travel to over the face of one..
"I si'ppOKe noiber
which the modcTn Illustrated lecture
content* of
tbe doctor't Church; so If* ivally ••*sj* r to stay at
wwsic basket were kindling the llbiary
It so cbsttcod 'bat be bad dined
I sraUnd tOI night hnd deepeaod.
tbe home of the eld<rlv titan the ve
T of a kindly stord '
Aad the Mn«er hnd not cmdC. '
•nnAM entered some other door,"
long. >ong gone by.
The fragrance of n fading Oower
Sent lovingly.
j-The gleaailDg of a sudden smile
And Hit IMn wa .gimve nod fnir,
^luwe tinea today 1 cane to your
Or sadden tear.
Tbe Warner preuure of the hand.
“John, be sure to exercise tbe bone* night before, but be had nexer Ibouf
every (lay.~ said the naier as wiib b!s Of asking the young ntsii to *11 w<
family be entered the railway siailo-j film In,church. Tei to ifte (aUie
eye* the pew looked never ►« empty
bound for a week * holiday trip
John, Ibe eoachman. every day drove on that luigh: H'-eeniber morning.
Prince and Klulc. the two blgh splrilThe Friday Muriilns I'leh wat d
ed hors«.
The loae of cheer.
( means. *-| cnnooi speedi. grumbling a litt
Bet 1 bare hard!"
trouble U loidt.
! The note that only benia n veree
And waved yoor pity and enre.
Three lines yTm.aent ne onward.
would rather
takes its hearers. “If'I could spar- have me go to churdh than do thU."
the noney. bow it would freshen ne he said to his ebum. "bu' there's no
room for us in the eti*i>el, and i don’t
npi” she sighed.
Just jben the leclu--e tickets with like Fining In the gallery of the South
the other
My boo* wa swept and gnmtohed.
And 1 srateM In tbe dusk ntone.
Tlwn the Miner stood before ne.
lyaeUand hsi
von sad described my eoadUloa m near
a* puaslble. You recuotmeaded iVrnaa.'
11 look tobr boiusa aad wa* completely
Light on romal* Diotstt.
VVhatn*.-d U’tiscsllnl temsle disease* !
by the m'di-'s! p'.d.-**ian t> Buw esUsd
pelvic atsrili. It l—ji U-en (ouad by
L, writes:
experience thatestarrhaldte*a*e*o(lhe I
aJaawrw to eamma^lma ■
pelvic org.u. are the cause of most'
ft,^'STm*«aatoJMaSaS '
eases of female disci*...
amsffr."—r. AL
America’s grestesi i.r.y.icUas to make I
»*>U discover v. >b/r tony years he ha
ro-n-SO fVuitatM Bo Banotia
I not hare space In their hones, bnt no thww been sopblng nlemsant to look
It iBicrferrd .dies with my domessto
and sorial dnue* and 1 never sappaiMff
thsi I wouU l» eatwd. a tbv doctorta
■aedtOse did not seem to help m* any.
advJsa aa W to Parmaa
gara K
amrb Mgft ^ram* (hal f ffseWed « fry a.
.Uihinagh I •larird in a iih liiilv faith.
1 felt so murh belter lo a Week tbkt I
(ell .^nroursged.
tbU time Ibe fruit will b.- har.1 and
Itgb. but If only a fount Is uS'-d. I'
■ Ibey have been eotenalned all the|
I week like a klBK and u'ueen. They have
Bnl I eninot keep yon today:
I took for a mat and noble gueit;
ADd the day wore otr ««lltly.
And ny inaV arm* nmriy done.
r bone .1
Bet BOOH tbara cane another—
dener. Blood liefare hf* mistniiS with
“Wc taavo Already nutted more ibsa
linre never realized that tbr (wHn-!in vwrlni: a bHgbt red cnmailun la the Shelves w-Hj^old.- said she.
>a ra~- throw «dwb<^‘ In the Uas-
llBltf. »o 'bal
So fbe idMder toraed awar.
A eHpple tbln'nnd grny—
And aaU; “O let ne nop nod re«
AerhSe in rw"' bone. 1 prar.-
plain «ir-
pretty auburbso borne. Jane*, tbe gar
■ time an-' 1 cuKsing
| P«™>»'*l*rteeUy
hartolea. Itcaaha
length oMtme wltboalacABlri
sohjeet to female diseases. M«. i„b adro* h,
ighaldi. PwraBadoMaol|iro<
Uierefon-., begot
N-gait c.tng
cstng IVruna
IVruoa tor
tor tbea
these do;,
e..e-.o,dh«mU.t.«admlr.htyols:pied;“^^"j^^ r-^ « “
...........'irpcrmsneoicurethsi Prruoaha
urrhaj affection of the^ organs
I fur female diseaee* ever known. Bvi
tvefyI have k-nhsn women—jusily faviuiiv ,|,<-rc the women are uslngjkaod pral
pralsamoug ihelr acquaintances (or tbclr 'i,,-),. ivruna Is not a pjltolve stasiiportor housekeriilng attainments— , ply; it cor.-* hy remuvirg reacaase of
to war the floe varnish off the wood-, femaledlsea^.
Peniaa ha ao eqnak
It ha aobwl effect apwt Ibe sysiam.
d gradBally eltmiaaw. caurrb by re
iving tbe eauM of calarrl,. Therp
work lo their bouses by having it.
IVruns build, op the nerves aad re- yeara. Haeh a thing eo^ aol l>e poaal*
ble If Pentna eoaialeed aay drags ed a
monia—and with a brush. No varnish!- I'r-llsrtman hw probably .-iimliDore DsteoUeaaiarv.
Addrea Hr. Hartaaa, Prwaldnl
nor oil ffnish can stand sfich treatof female alln.-nu than aay
other living physh-lan. He maka these 'The Uartra
ment. True. Ibe dirt will hare v
cure* tlnply by luiag aad reoxurtpiend- --------------------------------------• ’■‘-rtelly
. All con
iHhed. and the gloss as well.
In cleaning woodwmrk there is noth-1
aerubbed with eoap and water, and am-j st-t™ 'be tHu-utv aud dlgesUw.
ing so goo.1 to use as a couple of table-;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------^—Bpoonfuls irf cual oil to a judl of warm !«xla, aml/m.- iraspooaful of vajilUs. j good, hafd aoap Into Juai eoougta boilwater, used with a soft cloth, prefer-; Cut In linger strips- roll in sugar, snd' Ing water lo diaaolve iben Btoaly. Stir
il ly a pii-ri- of discarded underwear.! bake In a quirk oxen.
_ ! conitantly until the soap Wdlaaolved.
No scnibhlng Is neceseary. although a;
Hermlii-One egg, a cup .d gvanu- then add two tablesponofula powdered
little *oS|i nihlM-.! on the doth for .-«-l laied sugar hmwmd oa-ili.- flr.-. oni--; U.rwx. and a acani leaeupfu! keroacae.
peclally dlny unnkiliK of the'wno-i-; half cup of huiier. the sami-quaatlU' Kemnvv the mixture from tbe stove beWorld
of pictures cut (rifm llliislrsted work may be adriMble. Tbe cajuf with; of »«"■ atHk. a teapooaful nf aoda. a; fore adding the keroacne. Stir It well.
thro pour II Into a covered wtooe Jar.
tines was passed around, and
Lea i*-an a stone* throw from
brjand use It‘srhsvievet uytfifng verff
Prince's and Kittles aiable wa a lenc- afiet that score* of'beautiful phoio- lonishtog. and the result gralifylag: | f«l «f chopped Diits.'a ic
the palm whicb bad looketl so dull' cinnamon and a Mltspoonful of Mil. | dirty, either cloth,
mcni alley where behlnil a smaU grapbt.
And yosir chnnee lo eore bad ffed."’
*• miB'rtTnn.l
or Iron uletxslls. Is to be clesBed. Ap•;\\%ai an tmlless lot of photiigraphf
O Uwd, dear Lord, forgive ne;
; The giver, docnlng they have ehow. paaed txlndow the pale, thin (ace of n
| ply a liitle to tbe ouUUc of your laa
yuii bare. Amy !' mI.I one a* ber hbsi- shlolog.andwithanlnimunoreffori.'erateoven
little boy looked wtsifnlly out. Day
How.oMld I know It wa ihae?
®«“‘ ampalby:
hardwood kitchen Door, i
6}-ed .Cffkes—One cup of tMiitgr. | kettle, while it U bol. natog a Aomrt
My r«(T n«] wu
and bowed i S'!*
•* orersnought— j and dag out the poor little fellow at CBS drea- out anoile-r thick pile of
which ha* growvi light in hue throogb three cups of sugar, one cup of "Ji^ I cloth (or tbe purpose, ABd nee bow
In thb depths of hnnlllty;
| there.,for ever since the wtoi at the them from a great ch.-el of draw.-r*.
el.-ailing, pill look a hun.Ire.1 pero-l" milk o' erx-am. four egg*, six, quickly you oa qlesm Jt. aad bq*/’
"Yeti, liter.' ar.- non- than a ilioo
as hi- 'Thy
TSiv aln
sin Is
I* ptnloned.
Wirdqned, iThe power of such tiny tblngd
wire factory bad caeghl hi* fool he
ba aald;
-ni iK-'ier If a lliie eual oll'u cuju. of flour, or JuM enough to Miffim - bright it will -be. I'se a IHUe, atoo.
sand In those drawer*.- »h.- replieil.
j had been a crlppUBat (ba Ueaslng Is tost to ihac;
Iti 'he water xxli'i which It ip'lntn a ih-To pa>ie. ■w'o IsMi-spoonruu! whea cleaning your wtadowa. .aad
’’bill they an- hardly t ver op.-ned front
1*or, ffsHtac to coBton tbe lanat of
•e.-mlng to haxe a sonililuj fenn.-l or earawgy seed. On.- talik-l x-ou ll mwer aaln regard Ibal Ink a
; his lllilf Ilf.- away. His eyes shone a*
eff.-et ii-sm xx bai la-fo’e 'had !•-<-<■ it spoontol M*la. illswilved In iKilIing w* something lu be put off a loat: a pos>
ployed Cap>|
vatehed Prince anil Kim.- iirancinc
IrrttBMsI ai.ru-araiioT Th- ter IK.II out ihln an.1 rm Into slxajies. sihic, Fer eteanlng links, wuh baatos
{put his window.'
A half tulle away a lun^,
And tbe btoaeing you nl^t have bad!I ■ -V Frkn Ood's own Word-^
'Sueb tiny tbiagt.we hardly coont
(Irandmoilier s Har.l Sugar Cookieskaud slop jars there is nothing that an
mi In
liU wreicbe.! chair, klichx-o stove also max l.c- much irulUlli- rmim prov.-tl by xx-lping U with a cloth wit -Txvn cu|.. of graniiUii.l sugar, the equal It. and by Ito aae the dlah towels
ikwnied I ■vi-r to I,'
iH-iier; one can of, buVer,'-an In- kept dev and while wltboot
day h.' *h<Mil.l be arrltvl out wiifl eual oil. Hut th.-haihnmm Is Ik-e wh.-tv li max iH- IIM-.I I.. adiaii- (•“■>' "Kg*, one t.-aijiufinrul of -usla. dl'-. rilihlng. Put tkem Ido a p^ of cold
iil.-a»ur.'^'sltilBg room. -1 ivally do not have | the li
afii-r haxiog thoroughly rleari<-.l^'"l''-’l
» ■'“•e -Iml wat.-r: fl«mr water.'add enough of the compound to
tvei.M tor a -momi-ni lut hi■___ „_________________________ -_________ . -. . -')■ Mtdclenly t'i«-d to turn
make a^«of. doiitth. Roll torn a'good sud*. and 'let them come
lllu-• Twffff Pffl ffiTM for tha atooe— •l-ccatafy’ bciori- anoiber cAtes. and, faced, tin s »haro cm from John’s
irnitMl paper Juki brought him by il- - (111lug* and III.- work with *oap an.1 .at'0<>' an .-ighih of an Inch ililqk. eui , dowly to a bull. L«-t tbem boll until
*:tbc 61d on« go up Into The garret whip sent them on Ib.-lr way.
faihvi away. Tfat- iiii - -ilmlio. .ir rommon washing soda, by 'do cookie* of any *ha|*- you Ilk—! h<-) are sufBeletilly.rlcao. then rinse
• Ut U trtvaJ down ibe year*
'i chmci. wbteb U already mote ihan fnll.i
• IM It vipa•Mtke'^ ■**'*.and li'a Ibe-sane war with the-ConJi wa U» nbmlng after Chrlsinav tore* wciv coarsely briolx-xl anil an of t.ilng oxi-r all wUh a liiife 'coal till. lH>k<- In quite a hm ov.-n Th.-*.- will ih.-ni and hang them »d. Snefa work
litter I
could hut go to ride In tb- InviUd
id Kink- haxc beard*
, , Monday morning as she cleared up ti
e alley In which the tenet
tp the putx-ly arHkll<*(a*ti- ol j- vnich add* a finl.hlng <t.urh t.y P- la*' '”f • var, or a* hutg_as .vuu want will almosi do llaeif. whil.- <ne Is air
tin a loxuriously fiirtiUhed-nursery a
k-'P 'hem Tlo y ar.- very ha.-l. ti-ii tending to olher dniK-*; and (be task
; II,lie cbild sat on • rug surrouo.lcd by ntn who. befoiv poveny ao.l llln.-«v -h-aoriog and hrlghtt-nlTtg'' quilliie*.
long.-r '-..y ar- k.-|.i
<rf keeping Heap is thus robbed Of
papa.” aald.a home bIsbIob-; sneh s quantity of gay and elalwral.- bad darkx'oed hi* life, had hy hi* pro Kx.-rxthlug will »dnt- III..- new and
rr-llt Ui-on
the e.m«-i.-n.loii« ■
<•«> Waf.-r>—Okt waf. r* ar- m-e h more than one-half of It* terror*.—Befc**l<d)
cuDilDualiy trained hi* •-(<' sn.l
pertectly bewll
mr>'f daugbler fa ih^^rv
lllile (ron-, toys
wl'h a gtos* of mil* I.V i-hiuli'-i. Ie«-i<-.|.
ih<Moll*, hl.»ks. plrturc book..
tier borne.'j^c-reid thoe oW naga- dered.
--x-l.-amng window-* ihei-.- I* noth- -Hi* one-half of a citn of rell.*f oa'•
itlfiil. Hut poxv-riy and frl.-nitW*
and antnals lay armtiid It.
sines throtip and ibrough. W’bst! toy
..,.-;t.fu) ..I,
Leek to tha’MaKroao.
ne»* rut off all chance of an .-njoymeni
sdless profiiviai^.
A friend iff Hone Cheer, who ba' wouldn'l I give for s fresh ’Ceotury
x.-ry hoieKly without .-*ira hsr.! | ■‘uesr aud a little mIi
,,r. Iii'o thA tlllcta in timcls n«rev not* to tbe
'ehure, she ll k.yp a-wwkiog ttp all w’htrh wiiuhl have cheen-d many a
eften , Ixoa^t the editor hrtpful to rend for this long, dull wlm.
nilii’iu*;. ank tak.-s on a briUtanry' mixture with ihi- nrprtd than In the case of maiirqeaM.
nlgbi after getting *o c-scltnl! ’ crioii w.-ary hour of hi* hmely llle.
ttongbu nnd baniirm poeB* to be tog!';
r •.i/huhrr;o(,vo we note that one of ihoae'JIttlo'
then Amy was patting sway hi ' whit-h i. th. iWiH oMi* iKTullar prop a iahl.-*pis>n(ul and a
paaed atong to render* of chU departTbe nlaatonaiy aniled padlr “Hard the dur*e,”atid the closet is so lull
«. and can I,.- ohialned hy the u«e x”" add enough hot wa
I" N'.id th-'dreuiar pitvc* of leather baa gone
with ber old toys that I'll have to pholQgrap'bs. and il wa.* all •he coxil.l
me dropped In tbU week with a lit- time* and cat-down daMria leave
Ml a flourwl aafl ,jjj ipread conni-ctlng It wlUi its
> >nlislititt.'
For thlix alone cia! mauvlals togelher. 1a
push the drawer back lom l'the awry. It such It night be called, small surplw for foar doltar subscrip- clenr them out up garret.
a- thin a- fellow on the olbcr ride Is broken.
place. It was so full.
Ther.-- g.«»'
Uuaa. ny daaghtor..... *
way a* lor t-li-anlng xx.siilw.irk- possible, nu In'n ,,l,ii.
trip* with With a proper matlrv*. neddje It
Jast (bnt tbe garret shelve* in tbsi
Over a wash'bb In a raiscrahlr fui bye for a yewr at leal." sang >h. s-• TUlla kMVCB tbe dsyd appears- * ; gregtyonallst’ and -Pnblic Oixlnloo.’
Pbm It cm.’’
jbwad an emw’s c**r<
•he hnrried off to get rx-u.ly tor th jSayM Capital.'' scarcely give* a him BMlern borne groaned wUb the weigh: nlshed cells- room iK-itt a thin Irtsb
u to Its ooniefit*. Ttcre U a new- ol a fresh pile A bapers and maga-; woman. On a -ail cot In.the coroer Friday AfumiMin eliih —From
AutI Worry Kerlp<- and Oilier Siorl.-*.
Blffe In tbe anlele for every Home'tlne*.
wc^ywo lUile ehlltire"
CBeer rader. aad U eoh would take’
II, amuihig ihemscIves-wUh three *i«ols publtkhed by th.- Amertan Tran Su
but oBMeoUi of It* snggatlon* to
One nornlag to the early spring a on a strliffy but who were now weary
benrt. the roault-wienld bring gtadnesi | wldvr bent over an open trunk wtih' of ibai and were fn-trwl and cross,
to bnMreds. aad rtcn tbousands of tears In bcrejie*. -Dear Robert!" she; poor mother bad to keep leaving her
hMa. ffbaabta^Dnetlma seen lolalgbM M she lined out aad shook tbe work to pacify them.
•» la '(rova fn» oi
On* of Home Cu.vr * good frii-n.".
druppi-d In reoaitlv, bxartng glfi*.
aaotber. and arments one by one. ’Toor years It'
-Mammy. I want a an Pke what
la since be wore ibeee ctotbes. 1 can- taw In the sioro window ." (eaed little Is ber wont. In sll <hi- year* that tiixe
bear to look at them and they will Jack. -And me wanu a dolllc.' echoed cone and gone since the country
and neighborly deeds *too<
be destroyed by moths if I do not." small Matr.
'im; '
The tears sirxmning down ber face
;a young man was also kioktog over!
;aome riotba.
or wirier*
"How lonely p. 1> here- s'ched
fanner's daughter as atae Icnned or
: -No, It's no use." he aald to himself, the front gate and looked np and dos
IrThese are so worn and tbrwadtaaro, tbe country road, unheeding the 0or•nd patched that 1 cannot with aaylkigs view of hill'^d dale whicb
•elf-respect appar to then any tastger. | bmuilful sunset wu ttansflguring I
, 1 nut sin^y give up going out afie-, tore her cypz. ."Only one wagon b
marki-t. and staring at oni from every
billboard and deparlmeni Mure euun-
I and b.-1'er tppicclttexl. tx-eijs.• glue would U- more generally- er.
he children itch cak<- .-very day ibHoned a to ter me h...U o' puiilns tollowirg ^lpe« are ivcotnn'-nde 1
them tUk she Mid. with a cheery Ixngh.
•’Wril. aonetime. 1 car then with
veci apple*—wbeh
tough to gel any
*m fortunsi.
This year I have
■ Hvrmlis are the only oa*-* which
r.ch. and ihe»c should be left in v
The s.-ed* I *hal. put It
•mall boiile of alcob'd.'a'id alter ihc.v
tunt to'the coDslstenc.' of mucilage I
shall use a lillle eve-v day. diluted
j),,. ,^.j|ar (q
guK g( Pruee
rosembles a large warebonae.
(pOnnndl Bros.
* There's a Great Deal of Pleas«
lire in the Ri^t Riano
AS'l ia.v* tl woxhlnc sti. ttxsi alfnrds m mOi plsaaqrs at so low'
• cut U ynsinT Ih. nahx PisnoU will tot lor •(*** aad rsara.
• Uuxtuat
lo (roto at*
Tbe only dlfllc-liy in
way of 'hi* I* that 'hw are y.
or make them imo quince honey. Thl*. good at any time iBtt if the locail"::
he cockle Jar is
ibI come boine from tbe phop gad on \ passed ibis whole livelong day. Hnw line, bowet ev. 1 *m going to mak<
»orves. using (be paring* with apple* chances are that by t*-e rime they are
, Sundays, too. uaill I an pay that debt; stupid » U to this big. quiet Umhoui
take some deltrlou*Iv
dax.ired old enough (u bi- at their best, tht-r Jelly
Any tiphoUt.-rcr.erlll supply
will be otily.iwo or lira Ml lo prove
be fact
Laily PUgei
d one-bait apful nf i
' crowM *rre(i. over which ibandercj ailb water, to keep my band* front
a yoiuut the elevaied train, mi a poor womari chapping. 11 is «De Of the best kMlnaj
d fpri arttb a haby la her am* tryiag to get a for ttat pnrpoae I ever knew, and the pint of Sour. ODC u
t- cake* Ol CTin ,, Riored tbeiv in «00 barrela.
covt-rt J tin or crock at l'’sst a week <"
A/t.-r r.ai they will he Mill
jt aero a sweet apple lo the narkei. and dellrioti*.
Then again. 1 pu' them up with pear*,
;t woui.l prolAbly 1-- more free',
,Fo' -h..ae who do ntrt llle to giv-
art aad a bright wontted doll fell out
• • • • •
' on ihfr staL-s,
Around Ibe comer In the ume city,
. a di-llat- ^ would not take a minute to repair the
A Valuable R*cw«.
aldi-d hy flaming advertisements >s to
Here is a lerlie ' liiT shtiuld
cleansing protxnles. Ilk.- so ottiy out and pal*»l lu -h- corner
the aids u. hoosekeeplrig ol th.- khcht n mtmir wh-r- " ran
n be
b seex-
PixM- Cookie Raeipca.
tbe laid away for aao/her yar the up arret. It so happened (hat
I.. pronin-, or If (• cam- to m her
Just then, u ihe nt-rsc In the other geauinc kindness'and often «-H-*arrt- dersiiFHl
Ibe good frlx-td ha nesi-r
showed tbe freably opened wesmd as house wu arytog a box toll of toys
, eoDleots of the trank.
I two lahh-siMsinrul* io a iwll of a thin knll>-. and lunwater.
brown 1e a -loxx ..t. r,
onneraLL bbos.
m *M ri^-Mto'ose prirowad
S)Ormnell 3voq.
Paccs9tl 16
»AV. OCTOKft ». IMS.
5;4b—Thirty mlnoies with tbe word. dlG»e«lB« 'the respondent to show
It Is alleped thai l««al adriee has
Ttere wOl be no iralna into tbe dw; aeneraUr In the town*ip bare al10 o'ektA waddea rope paeUaci were
W<M BWrm «n fUoerd.
-My ^duemm.- Rer. W. Oardner ^use wby^ be should bM place the ; bene obtained by tbe county lurreyo.'
placed like eoiblocu afaiact (be piM* pou from Leelanau county before Moo- lowed tbalr cattle to ran at tame and
• fm ptid*r*«tt*c«)rt.
books and Held notes In questloo In | wblrfa sriH cause « tborouab lecal.ba:by ao dotna hare caoeed a dliaeanloa Tbrall.
A Aorm wtlrt tor •ercHV.hM and one man tended them, repladac day when the M. R N. B. will probably
Ponilar to Trare^the dre proof vault deslanated by the He in the cnotts wbleb tbe b
aatona ownert who bellore In keepinc
Bcrar bMB miuM » ibtf ractotL. tbam rten tbe lorcblnt ^d aronnd be resalred and It win be nearer (be
sise'ed. Two Itws. tbe«<ild asd the
their ttock oot of tbe pnbUr blabwar*. City and Ueytmd: ta> A Word foiwi.’board el superrlson.
ATM* tblj «ltv •Brtp lit* BornhM or iboB aalde. Ropet woimd and padded middle or 'be week before tbe C. K *
i Seven rotmu are cited In ibe man | new. are alKwed to bear upao the mu-.
Bereral raonibe aco Mr. Berber, a Our Field Wortera. Mrs. C. 1.
(doe ancr aidBicbt,
tala bo- irltb nail clotb were placed aroond ber I. damaae la repaired.
Grand Rapid*. D. B- Alien. Covert; j damn*. wUcb •inlet ihai on tbe irib , the Mrfc-t and ihe liberal, and tbe new
protee.. gaa cuuB( ■! S o'doefc
after rumlit
lb) From ibe executive committee. E'day of October Bwest H. All}-n wa.< taw deslgna'c* that ihc board has
reDooa whteb ecAtlnued until at t o'cMcfc, tiin.
K. Warren. Three Oaks: ir) FOr the' served with a certified copy of ibe res- power to say where tbe books may Iw
Ihit aftproonn. a maxltnuo of 1-1
Bo areal aaa (be force of 'be «lnJ portntloo company i dock for a few treat. On aereral occashnt tbe alle^ finance cotnmlitee. W. i,. C. Reid, Jack- olutkms of tbe board designating ibe v<-p(. or iba' ibe boidu aball be kepi
liKhee hae b«e) re«l«lererl at (he tor- (bat tbe waver wa«bed entirely ___ ' feet and Ibli U fllled w'th driftwood, ownen. ft Is said, came In tbe niabt .■OB.
I fire proof vaaU used In ronnectlos In a v'auli designated by the tioanl.
dub '■ Jital weit of the srater works the bie i and col the wtr*. Ilberaitna tbe cattle
ton b) 8- B. Wall tbe point
11:90—Conference. -Hard Sunday'wlih Ibe register of deeds oSce i^ibe old law staling that tbe snrveyor's
Coupled with tbe beary ralufaU. the bouse. Tbe atrtttKen used for break- wasbot'l co^lnettcee nod from there to | and ,dolac further dnaraae by <ntiiea Schort Problems," conducted by Prof ' the plslce for tbeir being kepi.
ofllee shall be kepi open for the bene*-T~-rMut thii ycafr. a wind which fa>-' wa'ers In front of the dub. the front ■ be M. A K. B. coal tbeds there Is | ropes, earryins aaray bis Urm,.t0a)i
| Tbsi furthor. he ha. refused and , fit of the public. Ootmiy Surveyc* A!
craanad In edodty ontll ft beciiiM al- walks and the Uoneb dock were wasbeJ barely Bfty feet of sa^r irack. In some i and oibarwlse showing HRff-uilgna- j H. M. Hamlll. D: tl
Wadiuadsy Altmwaan.
' ceglecied to do so. amt ihe relator fur- lyn alleges 'bat tbe board of supmiMS' a tornado droro tbe waters of away and tbe water came up to bl«^ Dlaees tbe nils bsvc slumped four or j Ikm. The enimlnatioo Of tbe trouble
• - of•
I tber stales ibai'be iBslsu ihai be has| <ors are toiengMag the strict Isw
when a'-Oftmter
Otand TraTers# bay up with terrier, that ft ran under the bclldlnc and Ore feet and are covered wiih bnae, came a week
1:30—"Favorlie Songs." led
^ i the rlefal to keep such field Holes In or ihe subject. \
corral- DurtoTi^ M««sra Tullar an,] Meredith.
bombaidMBt akmi tbe entire water came out on the other side. Tbe ten-; lc«i while in otben Ion and timbers
t He has eommuntcBied with Tarioos
severe storm tbp tsrmer beard res
l:5.k-A quiet bslf boor. "My E- !
front mitartiw all wnier craft, with nii court and lawn were waebed orer! were
Ihe field notes and j county surveyors to olber counties
cuers at work cutting hta wire corral ploymeni. ' Rct. W. Gardner Thrall. ,
and covered with sand. The< river
surveyor's records are tbe prop ' and
that to Leelanau cuud|y tbe
and to tbow ibea that be was armed
9:90—"Training for Primary Workrase rapidly end submerged Uie dock
aloes and i
eny of the county of Grand Traverse, j surveyor kosgasA 1*^$^
be fired off hta revolver. It is alleged era." Mrs. H. M. Knmill.
line where twenty Uuuebes were tied.
and are of great value and unless! without, any dMtgMtfc#g<;j^r»'»toirf
Ibis and staked the; tbst this wns tostnatly returned by
In sereral places the otrlugert weiy washed <
:;40—"An Awakening." Mrs. Mary
(bey ure kvpi Id said vault, so ileslg-; protection. ,
-Tl .
gravel embsnkmrai •
' eight shots, s(«e striking hta bat and ItoWCT HOTtCT.
wssbed oul but none of tbe boats
naled the said recor^b are liable to b.-,
Tbe M. A N S. tracks are being re- others breaking the windows iu tbe
-:uo_Toacber. Training in HlchJlost owing to prompt efforu <m tbe
'be IrTV-j
and tbousand of smaller part ot ibeirowuera. Umlor's saltboa' paired today and will probably be to | secmid story of hta house. One pane gan." ..mte ■•■neriniendeni Rev S, T
.Will Canvaw.CMy.
broke loose from bermooring but for
Morris. Grand Raplita:
Tbe paa'ora and Sunday sebool .
Grand Traverac'
tunately was blown on tbe sooth bank not aa mueb damage done here aa do | struck. Tbey left after the firing but sting eierelses.
For as mueb then-forv as tbe pe'l- vuperiateudenu and U|e een'tsl eom3:4>-7A<ldTVSK. "The Bunday School
tba torca « tbeir oembbted poundlcs ot Ute lirer far enough to to (bat tbe ■ be G. R A I. although the irack Is a ' matters are oot by any meani ndmlttee held ad Imporiani nrdilng
llonerls silhoul remt-dy
mere skeleton, for several bimdred I Justed.
, a Training Poree." Prof. H. M. llamiu.
awrinn doeba. boat bouses, railroads sea didn't aSeef ber.
erenlag to the Disdple
It of mandamus, they
Tbere seems to be about an equal
4:3«—Presby-tertan chnreb—A meet
The windows in the (bird story were fcci.
and ambanteeau t^til tbe T. C.. L. *
Tb^ booker X-IP V-S made sail ibis; dlvisioD of sympatblzcra and to tor- ing for ^uDiy and lownsbip primiry
- M, the O. R. * L. and tbe M. * N, E blown to and the rain soaked the oew
have aaterpd n complete collapse of
•mhankmeal and track tor bundrads of tire point Is a mau of ruls and wreck- Tbe dainmgc to tbe little craft cobhU'.-I wbleb properly belonga to tbe neigh-{ ^
oath of oO«. Jan. 1. 11«S. and htacox.-^toe* during.wbkfa God s bleating was
ed |n the carrying-away of Ibe Jib 1 borbood. passed by farmer Berkey and '
met froatnee. the eatlmatea belns ag«V Evening.
tenilon bsa been that be needed ihe.ltaptored upon the cunvealhM -and
foresail: smashing the ysal i bis tympaihtaert and tbeir grain lay
Tbe Rod and Cun club will also lose
use feet tor the 0. R. * I. and SW
books and field notes whenever he bad 1 ’•PM 'he churebe. and homes of the
eonsiderably. Tbe trap house, walks sn,l a general smashleg op of rails
fM tor
H. * N. E
arrangements for theiconoccasion to ctmsuft them, as bta work I <?>'>
Some heavy limbers were driven
and buildings were all damaged. Tbe
Tbe atoras ct the early erenln*
took him oot m tbe country at all!
piling at the mouth of the river was under the Northern Michigan TransmBd in lemperatura bbt today •
while awty several I Tbe matter of tbe snUriatoBseBt i-f
Sabas, hall and rain foui^bi for stt
lime, be would have oeca-1 delegates was conMdered most sarcO'll several of tbe Umbers under the owned b) B. Gray of Almira entered
pramney to tbe dlaeomton of all who Morgan's boat bouse was
«kie to come to yi,er dosing hours of tolly.
d<Kk. ' This was repaired this morn the township and all one nigh' during
won obUcsd to aseei tbs force of Ri
tbe rogiaier of daMs' olBre at Z o'clock tributsd la tbe tevcral'eburebes last
tbe heavy rato li was guarded against
CBUIw atlbK- Tbe wtod's force
was unable to reach bis Sunday and srlU be again next Sun
Thn# ftr
The Oil dock received s severe lasbwas dsaagod by water.
books until tbe boura of opening, i day. II WBS decided to canvass Ibe
The Bight from tbe club bouse pmb .lag OB (he exposed! portions an^ the tor the ealtle corallcr and bit sympscliy on Friday. Nov. 3. the fifty
o'clock In tbe morning.
was witnessed by many who braved wesiero side of tbe dock slumped toto iblsers without being mdlested.
•He petitioned the board of supervi Uockstr tbe clly. Jrom Elmwood aveAs tbougfa to further show ihnir retbe tal\ buBdlncs ao that wbeaerer tbs cold wind add sleet in order to see tbe water s few feet.
> Garfield avrane, lo be catsors «i tbe lui session for the purThe damage to ibis city It estimated seniment against ibetlarmers who abut
tbe bar tom bra storm fury.
by fifty c
ebase of a prlvale fire proof safe oJ
Tburaday Morning.
'up cattle, unknow-n miscreams atTbs shore on ibe Wost side is cor- at liu.dvp.
It Btr^ them srlib loree. almost hurlUke one bloek. Tbeee cacR;(Ki—Bd*rau- conferinces: is) tbe placing of ibe books where be
Tbe llllnoli eamc inlo port last oven tacked tbe rural mall boxes beloaglllg
Inc them, aside as thooeb they ware ered with driftwood sod wreeknge of
wUl meet Tu^wtoy at :;M to
and.TeachMrs pappala. with do power of resist- aU descriptions, rrom early mornloc. Inc after riding oni the ttonn at to the farmers sad the poslallco to- err." eoDductvd by Dv.^ 1. &. Morris, bta peUlion
of Ike' IHaHpie eborcb/u
anee. Sica boards took Slfbt and wminrn Smith iti^ by bli launeb Nortbport where -some freight wks ipoclor from Grand Rapids bu visited Beldtog: <bl Fretbyterlaa church. Pri- passed di-signaiing iho register of systematise tbe effort.
smrsrtl Uise aten' boards along Bast with a pike pole abd kept ibe «rroek- (skoa on. The big boat left the usual tbe section of the township where the maty and Imernatlonal Workers, Mrs. deeds vaulfs as tbe proper placc for
The matter of tbe ehlldifiB'f seiTires rront atr««t wars burled backward, age away from ber. Her anchor chain menWdise f;r ihc local deslers an 11 damage ^ been dooe and tunber de- G L. Pox. prealdlng.
j retaining the booka. A eoamlitee «ni- at tbe opening of the eoBrenUoB was
It of freight north, tvctopmenis are supposed to follow.
and like iba sIBata la tba play ree- bad broken and she bad
1. DvvoMuosl lit) minutes).
| stating of the chairman of (be Inara, also planned tor and ft sraa dedfiad j|-.
eelred a 'stab la tbe back from the op on shore-but had been hauled up at
Lett In a Bwamp.
2- The Primary- Program (an «bJe<i|ibo register al deeds, and the county to have all the eblldrefi of tbe city. 14
fores M tbeir momntnm as they, fell far as possible slmobt oot ot bsm't
The state Sunday school eonvemlon lesson; iU mlauiesi.
clerk.made a demand upon the county yean old and under, meet at the Dis
iBMait OMt own prop poaU and re- way. Tbe wssblng dot of tbe railway
surveyor at 3 o'clock on tbe aflertioao ciple church next RkiBdnr after sebool
tradm had set a number of ties adrift
astned ptnned doarn.
afterneoo unharmed to the midst of a Tuesday, Not. II. Many delegates are (in mlnuioa). Mrs. Pred Waahbunj. wbeo (be reaolDtlon was pakaed re at 9;4A tor rehearaal and aRaageBeat.
Awnings aU osar tbe city look like and these' made dangeront missiles
quiring the property to quesGoo In the Also next Bunday anonwaa si 8:30
dense swamp where he bad been since
ftiai yav'a bansut mop of tatlerlngs. ^or the stranded bout. King's isuncb Sunday uftemoai. The little fellow of the fonventlpn will be "Hie Sunday
1. "After thi- Primary—WhaH"
vaults and were met with a refusal. those who are to alag-to «b» cborus
and botes. Mirreti and all loose odds broke away liul was captured soJ had been lb terrible danger as black School » Ftaree'."
........ of.........................
. choir will meet in tbe OOBgraimUonal
mlntitra). Mrs. H. M Hamin.
The claim
the county tu-reyor
ad eiMs (S buMaess booses careeo
IHie railroads have grenihd a
2. Round Table, conducted b^ Mrs.
that be was using the field oofee I ebureb for tbe east aMa and to tbe
bears hire been seen In that localii)around as tbou^ half sens over.
contained In ibr books at ihr time of | Frieodt chorch on tbe west side tor a
Mary Foster Brynci.
shore are all more or leer thls tan but the providence that
Crowds gstborod ot tbe W«-qoetong
| song serrloe out of Ihc new book.
j3I!—Regular session, song seirie-. the demand.
walk this moralng lo rlew the tarrlAe damaged. J. K. Metkiagh's Uuneb and
the return limit being Nor.
Messrs. Tullsr and Meredith.
The child Birayed
btt grand ssertscle wbUe tbe North- 8. C. Darrow^ rode out tbs alarm
Bvtaon borne, which is two miles from,The pastors of the churcbi-s ibrouph-! 9:13—Devotlony Bible atody. "My
ora JCt^lgu Ttmasportatloa bsadfuar- ssfeirat ibelr moorings. J. A. Mon
WalljB, Sunday nftemoun and not re- j out the state and the presldcnu ofAhllJik-s." Rev. W. Gardner Thrall.
tsn on tbe dodt held a bair. toui^ tage's -Oom. moored at OtuUlekvIUe. luptlogBy night, the entire vllWge and! county, rlty and township assoetotlosis I
Rrmposium, four ImportAoi
«tad crowd c( sight seen s)l tbe day. >de ft oul wllboul any damage.
Tbe 0. E A I. and ib<- T. C, L. k U. neigbfaprhood turned out and searehril i are memlx'rs ex-offlcio with every pri\ •' qucailons. In firiectt-mlnuif answers,
* The water works came In tor a share
tbe surrounding woods. No trace of! liege ol parilclpallng to Ibe mit-llngj.l ]. U the Sunday Sebool Tour Deal,«( tba bay paaoraiate display, for at sulfered ^be ’severesi wastaoni. itae
1 'be cblld wns tovnd and the parents ' Every individual school In the siaio able? Fr-d Washburn. Benton Har•
the dock ne0 there a sm^l adbooner
werr banri broken wlib anxleiy. The' may elect.two delegnles and those havtoiwbt a mad
tor supranacy the tbe Nortbern Hlcbigan Transporittloo 1
Ton will alwajB find. oamDed on tbe tml at proKraggin
*. (Aliai Is Pracileal Temperaac?'
eompaay 4«k
dock .bm.
where H,
ihe fonr-fooi ...
enure day. ibis betag rlewsd by bnn- »■»»
bitoineta hauaea. a unmberof tbe "me too” variety. Iley-Bie
'•---- —• —•”
—*■--------- -jji..—-•
crory aijdlilon- Tracblng to ib<- Run<lay ScboolT Bi-'.'
bankment was ndet^mlned at an eat
to akriki* oat
the cIbm that, l^ins tbe eoetsy and oriffioality
McD. Howsan. Maph- Rapids.
_________ ; al Jis) membeiV- Lodglnk
Tba nuaott. wUch struck tbU har hour, tba heavy along BDIng mad earth
mcrcl)' echo what. othera aay
say and teeUy imitate
2. Sunday School Kreord—Why*
yielding to ibaJ^Kient ponadlng of I Tbe little fellow bad wande.red from | fast will be tornlshed frv,'.
bor at 4 o'clock this moratiig met
home and gotten lnii> the swamp | ,Tbe following Is the program for the Wbatr HowT Ur. 1. S. Morris. Beld- i “vbat otbera do You will find tbem ooeaaionally cntUnK nitder
propootUon aa tbe srares were also tbe beary aeas until at S o'clock the
one of our prices or copjnng the general features o< oar advtv,
where be became lost. When founl' three days;
■oatala Ugb and (he slip on tJ ties were t'anding llkenk-eleiona. later
4- Sunday School Mu»ir—How Im-: j tieemeDts. To merely mention the mitw ia lo digpoae of iL
be was a mile from the clegring. hi' I
Tuesday Aftoroooiv
yielding to*ibe general
Mcrtbera MleUcaa Transportatlob
You know the kind of people thsi do tneae tbioKa Yoa know,
prove Ilf Isaac H. Meredith. New ,
clo.h™ ..w ton,
I.U 1»J, ...1
. ,1,,
dock wB^a bad lading.. Tbe sSiwt was moraUxniloB. Tbta washout extended
too. whether it pays beat to iradt- with the kwder or tbe trailer.
Ma^->bp' Oapiaio Btebardeon. bow- with broken toiervals aloa|; tbe enUrej
11:30—Address, "The Sunday School 1,
After be bad
r lo*<. be{
A preparatibs of song. led by
orar. and to the dark wlUi the eie- bay front past tbe water srorks and In-1
I-bad srandeml o r logs and ibrougb , Grant Colfax Tullar and Isaac H. Mere- a Teaching rnrm-." Pr-if. H. M. Hamlll. |
meeu conspirad Lgaiast bo
volrtog tbe M- A N. E at tbe apor be^t'*“
Thuradsy Afttreoon.
yond Orwllick'v.
‘ le brush to a valu effort lo gel o
dlib. New Tork'
• be sneesaafliUy labded three
Las; Friday a large black bear
l;j<i_-Th!' Old Songs.' Messrs. Tul-^1
No iratos came In past llw waabout
attempted to tie up ibe bags hawsers
ar and .Mvn-dllU .i
Ibrawa out Tbe Brat broke like
eltber over tbe M. A N.' B. or T. C.. U abol by a hunter ami utberi- bavc
Qult-I Half Hour-' My Po»>.,'
string, the second tollowOd.in qilldt A H. and all paasengera. freight and I
...vv—... slliiliiles." Rev. \V. flardaer Thrall.
■iraesiliwi and after a third tauge haw espress were transferred Into (he city |
member? of the party,
pj. ju-r. W ■ :.:»- Hom.- n-iuinmen' Experiser bad parted ft was evident that
Sh„r,„.rt,a. ,
notblag could bold the huce craft
RtalBst tbe asrfui strala of the nor'-
Sdun the trailers
$. e. (Uait $ Sons
''Cb« Cuders"
Cblldreti." in charge ot -Mrs J. W. MU-1 S
Addri--.-. Tti- value of MUwselar roaring and -plunging nkmi
llken. Travers'- Cliy.
[ slouso’ lBiiT!-ri m ih<- ^unday Sebool."
tbe bay. kicking «p moueiatoons wkres
VIII...,» ,.h, n»
JUMV—Reunion and bsnquC ol "J— Rev f E tSoii
that earrtad oearptbtog with tbeir turlocal
i Shnujd, Uke
kalanee. Tbo beat tben after s bard
rusalem Pilgrims,' at Park Place botrl.[
He fish house and from of the lee
*rKnos "—quvsiiun> sc!iv><'rvd l>y Prof.
Tuesdsy Evening.
paU tuned srouad and bended for bouse of John HooMm at 8411 tylj (he boy was missing and that more
7:00—Sl-rvlce cil t.ang. led by Cmot j Hamlll. Mr> Urpii r. R<-v. Thrall, Rev.
Omana.tbe^-barbor to Otand Trav- Front street received tbe full strength^
bunt. Thej- decided to remain over Colfax Tullar. Isaac H Meredith sOiH 8ci>r (Ivrvtrimrni v-uiM-nnii-Dden's so,!
urao bay raaebaMa for 1
bean-jof ihe'heatT ■ I all night, the fish
draught and alM. She U bound from bouse yieldlag to Ibe water onslaught
, choir: scrlptui v mi-dllstlon and praj-er, other,
* H"le searrh Mrt llasttog?
p, (.orhifn. Traverse Cli.'.l
. tbe aoutb nad buBTlly loaded lor ihU and after the under pinning had been'
Thursday Evening.
undermined, the structure j«k Into:
:.0!i—••Juhll-- of Song-' led by
and tbe jisny followed -The mile boy.;
tbe bay. Use front of t
Tbe Rule
Grant Colfax Tulla.-. !«sc H. Mere
•aafi-OA." baUlag from St. James. | being badly damaged. Next door still ....
dith and choir, wrlpture reading sal
uf walldnsVa PWt of 'hr 'l«»e
prv'sideni. 0,.,.
Rw. o
B McDe^d.
Baarara, and owaad by Capt- C C.AI- tortbereast. tbe boat bouse belongtne
prayn. Rt-v E. L. Riqns. Traverse
Field Cliy— d IVU p«t UI tolddi, of 8o.lh U.
„ bUl,. 1OT.4.1 *“
B.— ubUTi, mu dh-ju. —..‘b, ,U —wm. ,h.i .hU4..
™ • Glass*-*." Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner. 7:90—Reports of committees; cx>aki u u —.lion
Uc h» ■,■ .fidhhd, h.i —Ihu. uoh,
»'»• rtw "• »“''4 iL'ernational worker. Peoria. Ill: cou- wmlon thank oflortne.
Uic—lo.Oswi.to,.luedpat..|lli. bdeh. Itie TdT.™ Cll. bre*.
•d.lcbi-l b- Ulerd----------------------------------_ ^
v.-Dilon offering:'address. -He
Sun8:«*-Addrese--'Sunday school Ex
— ul u> U4IU «r, umid or dr I. ubi, duonol.d br lb. b,.,r
' “r
tension,' Mrs. Mary Fus'er Bryner.
------- —
... __ _________
wbleb h.v. ...pr op tolu fo«b. ""e"e b. bBd bd. In lb. S.T.1DP; H
p O
______J which
8 :14*—Addrese. "He Sunday School
ikIpFm bU promtoed to Nriag back
ao Bvangeilsiic Force." Prof H. M.
He track. Of ,b* G. R A I. will be ^ “«
8:Do-6ep.rate ronferenees. (a) Con- Hamlll. D- D.; 'Sparks From tbe
■didn’t know where
Anvil." onemlDuie tailvs from many:
okialalt He tied up <a (be trust sMejtourdootembaakment will be the work
panlng song and benediction.
Bryner: (
Ot tbs Haausb A Lay dock sad aMn-j of a large force of worfcaea three or and bad gutten l<
Presbyterian dioreb. Pri.
mary and totermedlaie Workers, stale
the atorm bagaa a systenatlc effort to lour days to reptace. tbe
; Aiiuort b«r» UV. u™ ...b io:„p.rti,„4i,. a„. c. u row p,»
tsar ber away from ber aioortoga Not; lag taio the tbousand*.
Tbe (rouble between the board of
: that Tirtoliy and there nre wild cats]
aiUy dU tbs crew etay up all eight but
nperrison and County Surveyor Ern
they fought lacb by inch through tbe From Saturday's Record.
“ >» bel'evrj that both ; , o,,otloaai (10 minutes.)
est H. Allyn. relailvv to the place
torimsM tor bar safety. Wreckage of
Sfconiy after noon yenetoay the i *'1 *• "Tb* Teacher to the (aaas'
whereto the book* and field notes t-f
an Mass and dcserlptloas ware burlefi wiad which had been raging directly,
mtoutre). Mrs. B. Lubbea. Coopersrlllfi. the latter * olBre abould be kept, cul
UMlurt ber sMee nnUI every point of from the north veered sUtAHy to the'
“o of ■ fisbermnn; , .-jup Teether Between Sandny' minated on Wtdnesdsy at 8:30 when
awnl^t has been tried, and yet she I weal and ten few boura tbJi are wa. **"*^
minutes). Mrs. W.
WIUe«, Sheriff Cbarte* Jobasoftvserved a writ
hasmnangudtorsreain without u tank, reduced to neariy bn)I its tofwer fire
: Adrian
Issued by (he (Tlrculi
though R wns bnrd to see. dust bow;Hta morning -he southweat breeie
—------------- ^----! 4. "MakingMtasioB* tou
ng- (« court of Grand Traverse county,
kmgfhehon wnnid srltbnnBdtbehoB- rilgbtly naed the srefnee of the
Cattle War In InlaiwL
^rotontesl. Mrs. H. M. HamlE Nasb- throegh Ibe' board ot supervtson m
bardmeat. ■ Every ware nusad the Ut- water: the t-jn remc out and gmxed In
A teoifiilobal cni'le war Is now eu' v 11k. Terto.
Grand Traverse county, retaior.
Ernest H. Aliya, respondeat, to t
tic vessM to iurrfa.agnta't the doA S'lonl'haien' <m (be smb while ol I. to Renxle eoiiiitv, -the township of la9. QaecUoa.drawer,
post nke some bags sod Iiunbertog,Graad Traretw bay seemed to tmile|.txnd bartog had irodble twewtog for, »:»—Regutar session,
fimakea ciatL and the eontaet caaaed, Itself at tbe bivoe wbleb it haj; several msatbs- which ihrestcaed to praJre. led by Messrs. Tullar aad Mere-'
t bcr frame.
jdlidapi tbs wbode towashtg. PWtsmu diUt.
sbouW not be issued e>
Bups a nelson Bible
Bouod in limp morocco cover, Oxford style, and a s'se
that is'bandy (or church or home use.
Clear, distinct type of a readable size silk tew6d,
red under gold edges, full notes, concordance, diction
ary, teachers' helps, maps and references, with tUa»-‘.
As complete a book as cad be desired and at
tbe price aboi'e mentioned.
Don't be without a Bible when so goo^ a made
book can be obtained at this low price.
City Book Store
cwfcjM atf, nutk.
«AANO TlUVtMt NtfUlO, TMUWPAY. OCTOKR 2i. 1«6- •
m wrmtm m
Pirn tn Pmit gtt ape.
tame Bomber o( great graadehlb
■H of the twelre nagiag from Te
Iibe flrr nted aeartp two te
nre ataited to' tii bn:m:e3t used
The -rtgular aparia!” csamlaatlae
I a cold atotage tor the comBliaator ‘
for taaefcem olTOfaBd Ttaecrac oountp
to ST. tbc pouageai.
> moaib ago Mra. Barber of Sag vat beld’lB tte court teuae Thumlap Brm of Steti Sehaua A Roaiger at lie.
W«at Prdat atrept at It;4S p. m. Toe-e'
inaw. Hri. Ookep or Proremoat. Iba. vttb boe.appUcaut tor eceond giude
daraD»eompletdpdeatrt>red tba atork
tor third. Tbl* win
BmUr Mam o( Ldand and Mra.
laat ^ly eaamlnatloii unlll ibcMC- and guuod tte bufldlua owned by
Loulte Repaurer of Nonbport .b^
Jone, I cook A Young, both taaaea belne COT
taamp reunion In tbia dtp, aner wbteb
Mra. Barter relumed to her Sagtaaw IMdAa (te new law abollahra the I etri! bp a n*0 iosuraoce oa tl
March eaamlnaftnna aader act of leg-jand SOM on (te bulldlug
ume. ✓
an atom
atom wa* aent in by tte nigh:
Tte fbaeral waa held Wedneadap iaiatnre wbteb deema tbe apeeUI
Uoei odyb^ aaTite cbemi
operated TO the real of' tte
bU rvputaii
A Roniger U eootrmplallas the reottit dealtaa
rtK*-* a
of Ite Hor*fU.W bulMiaa on Bay .tree- ' bualiKy Vltb a-hen
If tbl* inilldln*
not rebuUt It will'
glre ample rjmye tor tte railmail
iwilefa for tbe ce* mlllma Ana whie'i a railroad man
ttand* In ib.and oo >be iveat |.i- lia.-O ibr>-e fi
east, to operari-
larjusanttb" n.-s;
‘ They
ai^ on tl
Ite atreet wbo saw the bf.
------------------------------- ,
wralBg mm the Provemonc church. amlnatiOBa oUBecesaaiT. Formeriy ei<’watch
Ea.r i'vRoumman ofleiatiBg. aad bnrtal tmlnatlona orcnrmd four time, a peo*' a* It broke » to the mala rooi
Yh<-'7hi.-Vt:r-e''„f V'v" Pri. j«ttat PttntHDoat. Tbc rrmalai aad the new tow place, but t«>-reg-d.; drat door. He, was obliged
,„,i.Urhed in a,.. ,tu»- buslpiss for
____ prepared for burial bp W. 8. An- UixlB Angnal and June, aim a <Ufd. dosm lo Carts'etgiraiore as being thTbe deparimeoi ' hlnuelf s. i:.l
demon and lafcm Wedneadap afler- a -apeetol." for October, thla being | aeareat lelei.bone.
BOOB to lie old borne bp Mra. mup
Dm*. Mra. Boae Martlaeau and Mr*.
« >b.
Pretty Weddino at Archie.
On Thuraday at 4 o elock at Archlt.
SCTCBly-flvc buoiehes of banana* a.-re fo„ui,iuo* <rf ueo..leompletelp biirned^oi a restige of (be beat weanni: i,iia1liy
• lock remaining
Olr-rtic main floor clal var
ttea la otter part* of the eonntrrThe bride was dreiaed In a dalnip
Tbe piteUent M«arai U«l» eowtir-t eoctume of white lawn trimmed wliL
attUote torard tte Cblactr u ibe In- rlbboD and lace and carried
mtife or thi* b0T«« oa Amartcan white dabUaa. her hair being decorated
men. Jn torn, te would admit
cn Ohlaeae atudenta. Qitoete mer-
been admitted. WMid treat them a*
efUsene and not aa luterlora.
rrbe preaUeui
’ thlrfy-aTC friesda and reUUyes. a
bterip. luncheon conatoUng of
laadwlebea. ebCee, potato aatod, cake,
that thie preaeoli wete all leleeied with a new
«oaM alienate the Chluaae prejudice
and would not onlr do awar wUb ihe
ibyeau. hot would be Blrlat everjmte
b -aqiM deal.”—Record.
TraversB City Markets
In the city, stales that there ha-H,
226E.FTMtSC 20lSi.U«n
no fire in the building -wlib tbition of a small stove fire yeiler-
day in
the offlee. which
:u R.'-wk Ototem rW
lb mek HorkWml noar
r.Ib.v*XobS.FWar T
was not
Prattp Werthteri Wedding'.
' louched bp the Are last nlgfai. The
Northport. Mlrh.. Oct, jr, -One of i basement has a cement iToor and I.
r-lt-ii at.-'O.'iate- i --
Mtter. per poa
» R»» Jet being used whetiereP-Ibl-iry rt-orpwbaital
This a-t.
rwterdiy and there la n.i possi-|g«;’?r
In Petoakey. Oiamil Rapids anil oibrMkblgan points before eianlng for ih-
aboat ibe tow waget paid teaebera
oSera, aonr^elew
futeor RaMer la datlreip rl|*t.
joanf man can bneome a eneeaaatal
rwtnaatair todap ibia osadliloa la
beoemlag ehaaped to a great eaieni.
afl«- NOV..14. at Knight's Ferr.r. They
will be Bocompanled to iheir werierii
borne bp Mist Florenre Thomas of
The annual meeUng of tte Ni
Mleblgan Teieb«w-a
' nuDATjnrnnito. ;jD
Address—Manual Tialnlag. Its
Travetpe City, a cousin of the groom
The todies e» the rongregailonil
chureii will continue ibeir rummag"
kale all Jteal week. Come earlv fur
g^ bargain*. Union alreei, opposite
Jactrit Purtsch'a store.
and Ordwth In the Ualted Stain.
.daaaad bat apraag np tor uatacd
Prof. OeWte Waite. Saperrtaor Man
- poaagteea and women ttaoe who bare
nal Tralulng. Kalamatoo.
mta themaabraa tor taaehlag.
Magic. *
ta abon here ta Tuartne Citp bp th*
Addreta—Tbe Scope and Value of
. ftet that dnlp Noflaal ..acMol giadn
Rdueatlon. Prof. 8. B. Laird. Michigan PIANO ARCHITECTURE EMBRACES
•IM are emploped. The reaah le tba
Bute Kortoal College.
' ike teaeUag feiroe la at a bltfi ataaii
ud wttle tte compeuatloe paid b
bnttte tbaa la aap otter proti
BiialneM 8eaak>n.
The OmimoD Behoola and Agricul
the sixteenth century ih- nearest
ture. Prof. Bmcat Burnham. Kalama- approach to our preseni .la> I’lauo wa*
ibe Virginal and Spinet, lu ihore day*
tte name as to* aod MSdltiaa but
■here was conridcrabK' rminey and efOlacnasii^—Com'r H. J. Lelgbtoe.
wtetter a taa^ar u lawiaMal ar not
these iusiruments.
tepMlIi OB natnral abOttp and the
here stems is have bten
Dtmmeia^—Prof. C. D Smith. OIrec. after wbkh ib<
amount tt eacrap thonabi. aad pr^arrecent yearA
tor Biperimem Stuion. AgricaliurAl quite a lapse until
teida —pnM** Rota are tte giuateat
Man' Queen ’ Swus' Virgini Is deBade of oak
Aaagur and the eaaac oC the moat fallscribed as be!
rly ornauutlted
with cedar, at
' ■ luea. RoeotA.
- and side* were
A. Stoaa. Central Ulengaa Normal. with gold: ih.
. .. .
with figure* Ilf
II. Ptoaaaat.
Death or Ca*
flowers, leaves. mO 'he color*
lb- lid was a
bright. O
' Ote of tbe oldeet reeMeota (« the
Derotlonal Bxerclaea.
narrlnr* «h"tn a
♦Sion of «
Borttetn regkm paaaed away Hoaday
propliating by
I BtiMaoB atSiM-ai the Hortknn
What Oradg Orography Needa Motft.
As there is always a certain store in everj- con»munity that is the recognized leader in Ladies' fashionable attire^
it naturally follows that such a store sells the most garments. If you have been here any day this weeji, you will
heartily agree that this store fits the above conditions exactly. \Vc arc doing a phenomenal cloak and skirt busi
ness. Eta» with an increased selling foreq^we are.unable to take care of ihe crowds as fast as we would like—
however, we make the waits as short as possible.
Right styles ami right prices never fail to meet with pop jlar approi al. New lots, new styles and the same
low prices for tomorrow and Saturday and all next week.
Mfchlgaa atplum. when Peter Drew Prof. R. TS; Calkins. H(. Pleasant.
acrlpClrc Oeograter—Mlaa Jennie ptoao ai
tically all (be old and n
from the simplicity of tbe Colonial the
)g^a^hy/1n the High
grand elegance of the L'Ari .\oiiveau.
r 'inmate of the laatliutlce tor eighteen
Sebool—WUIIam Rugaetf. Milanlatee.
We now have piano* here In our
^ years anceumbed te a geMcal breakProfesak^at-Stfuca-Supi. C. A. Mr store comprising all
the*e variouK
style* of aiThltoeiuri- which will match
down reaalUag from old age.
Oce, CadlllM
Peter Drow was borit la Prance.
Manual Training Without a Super;
agod «M baadrtd paafa.'alae maatte
aad tweaty-ei«t dayac after telng an
irioB. Traver
X' Dec. it. 1*04 aad afler epeadlag bis Tisot for the Grades—)/toa Bertba
grcaicst mutlrlaoi)
which the world
* boyhood aad young manbood lb (he Scheock. Superrtaor Manual Tnlalng. sap are ibe bcai
, Here at our warvroom* ■
(ai^ conairy. aelled for America, Ludlogton.
piano parlors you. will And tl
. wberw ■ he found a hoaa -In BtUfalo.
Dtocnaalon-Com-r W. n' Fannce.
duties for leMing each inst
Plfiy rear* age be came la Mkhlgan Cadillac.
bame4ike mirromidlnc*, and
. and nettled at beland. then mored on
Chase. to you a cordial Ipvtiailon i
a tarn in Owlcrrllle, where be er- Preceptress Maadn Oounip Normal.
of piano selliBg.
Aaaged the home for a gorernmen'. Ludlugioo.
lent In plain
temectead at Proremont.
Arraagemenis tte being made by
jmer gn-aier
There wlj^ hU large family of cbll- Commlaskmer George
L Crisp of urtty^Tiill
Tull value
than the old m<
drcB te bagaa life lu -a -pioneer wap. Grand Traverse cnnnty. for aa Inform da of paa(>_p
-and mull hla mal^ aBicUd him al coarereucc of the yarioua commlMBARCAINS IN EUGHTLY USED
Mghieea pears agp^i waa a prospersV-hu wilt be In aiiendance.
. oua Camaer and one o^tte iMdIte men
It the aparaetp aeltled district. Twetve
Gaya Mar Dlametvd Pin.
out of flfleeu bhild^ aurrtve him, tbc
Member* of Ihe' C«igTegailonal..i,pMghi. good condlilon.
MIowlBg being the flrat and second Home and Fiorcign MUaionarp aoclety: $«bu upright, like new. for »?S3: on<
generatloet of IbePeotenerian:
and frlenda in the number of Unarlp a'
up^l. only sllgtulp used..4l9<'
... upright, used son.
hundred held Iheir annual Ibnnk offer- "‘"eSd”
good playing condition, for S16<>;
lag meettog-al tbe church oa Wednes
■ I:T& upright. sDlendId fur beginReuaurer of No^port, four chll- day and made It tbe occatlon of
■ »120, several sqnare pianos,
#ua: Mrs. Emily Haaoo of Leland. happy aurprtae to their president. Mr*.,
. his week at from
and upBIX ehlldree; Mrs. Mary Rebel. U- C-. D.
rt. to
Wad. Tour children: Mrs. OMia D-.
PteiOB. Ceoterrllle. eight • telldr
It 'capBdtp for twenty consecutlre
rear*. At the eoaelutloa of the pro
We extend to you our easy pa.TmeBt;
gram npper was aerred. the btubands
Alldrea; Mrs. Rose Martlaeau. Tmr- of tte members joining ibem at tbe re plan on any of these tnsiirrnmeata,
whieh Is from g3.to $2S down and
erne <^. uerea children: Daniel past. At the conrlaalon Rer. D. Coeb$: to tin per month.
Drow. Itaplre. ecren cbHdreu
• moa Drow. Bap City, ateen eblldrea:
■dward Drow. Ceaterrille.
pin aa a tokea of tte love and esteem
'drea; Philip Drew. LelaaA twejye chU- la whkh ate la held bp tte aoclety.!
draa aad Mrs. Btoa CMtay of Prore- :Mra. Uchrop. altboagh taken com-1
mau. .taa ehlMrea. maktag malt
jpleielp bp surprise, reapondlag la heri
.aaaal sracoM aad happy maansr.
-Mm. Selina Ratios. Elk Raphu.
winter Coite *20.00 and *2S.l|o
Winter Coats $7.50
A new lot of <ri and-lO iii'-h Kersey and Br^dclotb
coats. Ktrifllv nrin-tanorid. the very noblRoat cffecta;
l. .uMlifiilly lined.
You-li fill-! hen- ollii'f awi-ll styha al $39.
Many diff. rcot styles of .
ouata. in Tourial. Empin- u
t-lievioU. nii.vd Tw.-rda. i-
Elgin C.iewi8.
where they will be "ai hom-”
Nortterv Michigan Taaehtra'
tnaeber U aa mueb atudpand pweparaopra at Manistee nut Pridap aad Saittaa are expteded la tetUoc raadp ter
iitdap. Ocl. U and ». ender tbe direrKM ooenpaUea aa would te if he tiould
tlob of eonsip commitakmer Irene
hllima a phpalclaa or a lawper.
laMtoe Betty of Kalkaaka and the tbluiflaa.' na.«an of M oM arrttara tetla
IgrlBf program has been arranged:
mi. a man beooinaa a teacher bw
ke hM tailed at ererptblac elec.
Tina Ethyl, was Joined In marrlagr to!
tor an caiended wedding trip, takiu.-
to Ml aUteaMBL
While a rood deal baa beea wrltiea
Cali arxi get prlcia Dafor*
buymg elsewhere.
for any Are from the Jet. whleli
the wall.
farorablp known la tbit community, Lincoln .Wllltoms of Knight s Perry,
‘ fool from *■"
Chief Murray has been eommenti-.I ’
Of thlrty gues'j
Proteaeor Keeler made a ■IMemest tbe bride baring llred In Archie alt her
,Oani. pw bBsM
cn In the quiet and business-like man ' Pdusm pw b<
life and the groom hiring won bf hU
t» tte IMChera In tbc to^ute
per pound
tUf week wbhdi enuaed
a Uiile uprightness and genial wapa many tin- the OongregaHonal church onHatlni:. ner of handling the fire, Ii was eon' Holler,
ippp couple
«>ople were a'lemled h< trolled without Involving the -offlee' f
' dlncBBilcie He eald Uiai a roua« man rere. warm friends. They will make Tbc happy
OMM te Jnat aa anopataful In pedn- their borne el Boat Head, tbe groom tbc
e bride-’is
bride’is slater. Mlim Myrta Jalin. which la only separated from the com '■ L_____
Kdt-man Tboma*
Qrand Rapids and K^mao
Imp u in Inw te medjelte. beepUoo
waa taten to tWa but Mr. Keeler atuck ber cotppaoT-at that place. They will of WaRon. They left IM* mornlne
aad the pow, ladoeaMau tbal tba
Sc-i.ortly.................... l.'.ai
Waal. BowUnml Pit. h-
. Roniger the only member of Ihe
MISS OERTRI-nE rOMAN Aasistanl to W. P. .V.-edha.n. Piin- ,^,
cipal to the Gtmni! Traiersc Busituw-! ^,
E. John, when her daughter. 1
wc.d and
'noar pork.per hartvl
of combining uacfuloeea and beauty the prelllest of the October weddings j
and were admired by all who aaw took place las. evening tl Ihe home of;
ilr. and Mm. Rennlaon ar
\V<- Ijieiili.in l«.-low just n few.^
oftlifUtru'iitisw.- off.T:
thecse and all were totally desiroye-l, this report Is made up on Wadnesfor commercial purposes, ibough water.'day of each week. Tne Herald lanot
chanuea m prices.
lee eriam. etc., were aereed and ncr.wllhtundlng a bearp abower of ralo. Vnitetsliy. _________ _
(be erenlng was enjoped by all.
of oranges, two barrrt. of *we«-i potajiinety.fonr
prstfs-tsd >-• UsHruia-tawkMa. sn
tuws-BnusK !«S.- <lrp..«-.rd with thr ls>ur
swv IWiwrtnrvt'Clle Sisis
TBAVEReK''m'. aicB
ready for ahlptneoi to Chicago an-I:
vsritsl s.-Lirrmen^
thirty crates of Spanish onions, iweti- of »hw«.
ty-fl»o sacks of other onions, ten boars'ctr., and also <i.h-k r-oair wi.rL.
«1U vbldi American labor te unable placed cm tbe bride'a Unger during ap
eompete and «onld enelude all aoeb. proprlaie remarki bp the oaetolinc
Ilaverer, he would glre Cblna the minuter.
MO rUbt In re*ard to Amertcan UArier congratnlatlona bp a eompan.r
hit tkla coutttrj and after ther bare
#:H'j.i>4i .-:iafi tiiiiijil, wriloa
tel Farmers’ Insurance
Bfiy bushels of winter s^ea
tebods mad bli r«med7 t( a rerr an- with (be aaate beanttful ftewer. Tbe
captabieoae. He wonld draw the line
regnUtloB ring cereinotiy waa not ad
, «l>ny about fb« Ctaliwie coolie tebor hered to. but the wedding ring was
jJbaaU and Cbtneee praroBloiial men
dim Clii fill li
The lire had surted In (he aouihwcsi
V »iirh ihai a c-i-iDmcr imcs: giiii- '
ponloD.of Ihe .bnsemetu where noth-____
Ing was kepi bat ibt'aiock of banana', constantly croalns s
Ik iK-cumi'K I
n-Guin li.i! I
■ bit being a cold siotage rouin vrlih undeiw.wJ ihroughou
-tnl'-sclna ] I
1 (be home of Mr and Mra. Charles
BdmoudA parenu of the bride, tbc
terueet. In ipmUng on cmuid b* Rer. Cheater W. Cbaac of Old Mlatkm.
•tst«d tliat CUiui wAiD«H*i *™*t- performed a »ery pretty ceremoay
Mt eoinaer ®f tb« rtbple crop of tbe which made Charle* A. Brnnlaou of
•ootfe. Per thM ffAMo, lh» CbiBW
Bait Head aad Miu Abei M. Edmoeds
boreott «» Wt In ibnt m«Jo» »or man and wife.
mad ttaough they responded Inauhily
. they fouud a alubboni and bad Bre lo.
lo i,u.m, handle.
Ii was controlled wliboiitifor ihte.- year*, dnrme
.spreading In an hour and thrtsMjobr- built nn a one uii.in.-.i
iliin (or fair d-sln: <
Railoff of Elk Rapida.
aftenooD. Pr«*ki«Bt Boo.*»*U M
----------------—-------- - '■
WlDter Coats $10.00
*%?.sr SKIRTS AT $5.00
AHsiylea nnd colors. 42 aniU.’iinchoe Ion;;, mad'- of
KcraevsBii't Chenota and worth i-vcry ceiii "f $12.00.
Hi-re is enc of the Kf-ai'.-st collections of hsiHlaoinen-w akin-i i-v.-r sboyru ai thia pric-. Ma-h- ;of fine
Brtxi'l-loihs. M.-lr.*-, Panauta*. Fancy Cheviots, Ac.
Ill bl'«;k and all coiorv.
.Ml iit-wan-l taijorisi iu tli.-mosi approved maunct.
You'll ocv. r Ii"d l-'ttcr liititiK nklrta al any price.
Wimej Coats $12.50
,Kl this price wi- alio* the Kf.-ut.'st valuft- t-ver offcloaka. Twenty-fire
diffi-rent sirleaol
sirleaof strictDp-to-dat<* winter coals.
Touri*t. ^lupii
nvioU. kersiys. i-ov-rta
Tiglit-fitting models, eheviu
Winter Coau $i«.50
Si/'ui to lit c'erjoiii-
Yery haVidsonit' irarmpnia. Itcautifully taiiofMi. all I.Tiu'llis.Tik'tit,
VW^how a g<x*i liii" -f ''L.-k -kirt- al SUW.
acuii-fitUsl. Enipire or luoai- eff.-cL-, some with fur collar-, olli.
or* lined with' fur throuk'lioui.
I'mi-ual values at thi* pric* .
Ik-autiful cv;luBiv. -tyi- - in skirts at SG.-jO to $10 ui.d $12.
cure COATS FOR UTTLE TOTS. 1, 2.3,4
aie] liifaiii-' '
You'll find here the n-o*i complt-t-- -liov^ui:; <i(
U-f.re io the tiisu>r>- of this busin'-ss has tijvre tie-
SI O'), $•.'»)
Sl'iOii.SIJ'vl. n|.o.52'.
$T.-iO. $‘<.'<J,
Tht best v*lotg iY*r show* !• Suta aad OrercoH.. yam will ftad her# ia apsat rarigty
attSo.uO. $7.%. Slow. $12 ."A
fl-’i.OJ and up to $2'<'«|.
VY.r make a si*- iuliy of REAbV Tl «AVI. \ I:
and devotea gnsat 'h al of ait.-iiti'-n to ili<- nak- h
will find it to yojir inU-rcst to u-iTiipar-- our siyi- - a
MlMKNT.-i .iT muQ -i.-i-! •' -iii-'ii. and boys and gi/U.
plac- on sal*-. \ >, •
! stj'li- "f v,-ry ;(arui-sd
rlial olh- r -itoo-s show.
: jiti'.'i-S w;lh
ORAND TRAVeHM H£RALO. THUMOAy, OCTOBER M. 1««<B tbe (i>r tbif a
It tb*l len TWTcnie Cltr abo»t tweW} • Mn Will Lore.
fl»o re*r» »r> for Tctim. Hln
, yorkt re;; V ToUer of I
Dakee. bit wlfr.aoB WIlllc aad
borne ibir aftemooB aner a rton badler lllOBle?
«tf>- dial abcnit i
tMMM Uie year UHO aBd be laarTled a worn affer \liUtlnB In the dlj.
1 toe— ulp here yeaterday.
omtA .
Hit* Alice Archer treat to Snaimit. The ^In.-.- Belle and Jennie McKlc
by tbe.«aB>c of Leaiberl}, Tbcre *
ney of Tnacula. 111-. »bo have been
a ramllr oaincd Baber -ibat mt __
mi City tbit mo-nlcK to leach tebool
l« very; Mr. and Mr». \V. 8. Fotler *«ii to epeodlns the r-umm.-r with ihe.r anat.
dered by Indlaai in Tw.
Impartial that the hoirt be loea-ed. i MayfloW -hU mortilna to v.tii
C rater of Omeaa parte.'
Will yoa kindly aaiaer ihit and obllRf.! Jofeph .B-ti* aeai to Walina tbi.'throu»h the tliy IM* Boon eo route ter
-Un. Uwaa UrCano.' | momlBSoa bosinew
The Hiram Baker, eoocemlni a-boael Mr. Ooorfe 6mlih .p. Di Sunday a. ! HeiiTT «h« lie.: ..f alb. II M« n
»pgCaa«Dwei«TiaeDc»ttti beira Information It •ranted by Urt., Summit City afl munie.1 Ibto morr ■ Ion Ilf the da. In the cu.v trhil.' on bit j
way to Kvrelia. «-h<-re b>' has par-j
Uiean MrCans of BuHlncton. Ont.. at! lag.
chared a lOiLacr.' farm. He espertt • >
llTcd here a nnmber of yean ago aad ' Condueior A T PrCk. mho ba>; be
take po.atttloa Nov. I. at hr has l.i !
•jaaner of a ceaiury pait. lep 1 on a thre,- .•.•ek. varatloo. retumed
‘lu nil aatime .old bb tarm at .Ar.evl. |
here with hit tamlly for Texaa in-' bit dotU- this raorolDa. He t^t I
oulry, however, failed to locate any of raealloa ai Grand Rapldt.
---------------------Ibe family In tbit aectlon and It It not
Urt. E. A. Klldii- ri'lumiHl ihie aft.-i
The (IftA-ni.'-. annual convetiituo of
kaovB where the children are. At no I nooa m«n a visit i>vi-r Sdodsy at Flti the Pnn Huron d.strict of the Epworih
Informallon of the family baa been re-j Lake.
I.-acui- .ipca.d «' St. Clalr_Tiu-.dav
eelved here for many yean. It It llkH> | Mr, and Mrs.^Jamvs Wltv rv'uneJ |*nernooji with lOo JeWeari-.
naturally or beei 'Ml. afumcon from a »e.-k't--------- '
Kleytley fam The; m.-r>' ac-,
companlod home by Mr end Ur«.
p.m J H^hmmoo..
Ik what miahrhave'
Oeod Price for PcUteca.
Cbtrle. R.I* of Klrttlry
terrible cough if be j
Poialoct for the Srs. liipe ifaU i
Slls. Male! \Vu fe «rho ha. be«
taken the meSirine abieii I'
eon parted the baU dollar mark
tpendlDE the .umm.-r at Sonlipori. p
-1 had n Barfiil
the city markci-Tueaday. The cniilturtied
thU riiy 1bi« iwtniios.
nlKhr. r.-t :
ciurh. that dittu'
:i irU-d evervlhlni:.
vealbrr hat foret^ the price upvari'
' i.lleve It.-vuitll 1 u
uolil today they arc tL-nins at &v and
: Dl.rorery
B» ceiin. Tiieaday oiomlnK. the price
completely cured
!aud Cold!
j me'•"'Ta'lamh"*'
tmly relieve, and |>erma
Thoa. W. Stanton ta balldlng « real- wai gitren at tn and 15 eenit but rapid From Tuetday. Record.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Campbell pt.M.-11 nemly eures nil
wll throat and lung dlF*
Baee on Sproen stmt vbleb win coil
1 pneum
W eentt. Twenty-four load, acre nv throush tbe city tmlay on tlieir way j ease*; pr.-verti.
Co s. r H
eelvad oe the city market Tues.Iiy aad from Northpon to their home at Peio*-j A' Johnwn ll^g S 1 * Son*, drug
day. a. CVht™.l“:-^^<>»
and Jl.tH' Trial
Bopcrrltor B. C. Damitr bat begm tbere arc ladioallnns that the rceelpit! key. tiopplas
#ork OP a new rcaUtoM on Bpru« win be much facavivr ibU ireek at dlB-1 f-abe.
-------------------- -atmt vbleb will bare eight roomi ging I* well under way. The m-ork.i William MeDcnald p-tumed -o hi.|
however ii hindered by 'he lark of botm- In FIK- Lak.,- ihU moralag afi. r! Horee stealing Is the chare.- maiUsbd eoet aboM
help.«hcdomandfordlgggrecxceedlB.;)atwoweek. vls|f*ltffhi.«ter, Nr'.: against Leonard u.,h.- of Har.leton
|Cbristlut WVbbrf of Second .irvvt. ^
town«liip. Bhlawas.ee eouDiy.''l.> liu
Tratcrae aty and Oratm tmshefs the anpply.
_________ _
! Mrs. Everett of ^eolb str«-' w’ent «Utcf. Heoaab. Leouinl I. iii Jail.
hn*o eomblned Ipr s reading drek.
Sad Death!
\ lo KlugaU-y tWs miimini; in visit
. ..
taddesi dea'h. 1= thU] jir». Jacob BUbbltr went to Hodcg,, Bish
covoty occurred Sunday afternoon' this mcmlng to visit.
„|,pn inisiraie.l by md-l.-n
at Old Mli.loa, when Mrs. Carrii- | Artbnr E^y went to Keystone ilii- liri-ak-dosii. .lue to dj.p«'p.tr. or cm-,
>t the Hera’d omce a reeord brtrak- PraakllB, the l»-rear^>M bride of iwoj mornlag. where h.- hA a contract
;-ilwlioii Hrac- i.i. and take Hr
' lag aagar beet la on exblbltloa. Tbe month., of Arthur Franklla naa.odjd,a .weh.yoac acre, of po-aloc fI’BitIng Jo'ir
beet veigba IS« potiada ahd vat away afler a brlef;two week.' HlnesslcbrU Sirohm. He na-ds extra belp '
b,„I slv.- vo.i a nr
- j«toed by W. 8. Light of
Souid of peritonUli. Though .be ha. been [ ,-ar/ bhdiy.
; C.tr.- I.t-adacl.e ai^l diuln.-. '
kf. thls
f..;-, Johnson l)r«,. Stop-(
Cedar stmt.
«Tloa..Iy lil .he acemeil to bo on th-, Webster Heck ....
....- ..
........... ......
road to recovery aifd was fecticg'well I aicadvnit-. Mn.. whol-e he\lia» hwn J.”'’
Tbara wA no <Ml left -br George;
hour of ber death. Her j called on account of the w-rtous 111 ,
. BIOTM of Btimmlt CUy. wbo met hit bnrbaad bu been In Ibe White mouii- j neu of bb- father. U-wi. tlwk. fniru.-r
daath la n -nllmd tAddeai a month taint. Vermont, and arrived borne Sal-j
Cart. lake. Hr. Heck's ndvan-..-1 ;
ago.. So*- *f a.petltloe Rai Sled with urday afternoon. She leave, parent*, age rf 9t> vc-a-.i make. liK rp-'o.'-.-t
Ibe'Judge of proBate for the appoint- Mr. aad kin. Hellferlch, ,and three | doiihirnl a. he iv • iffering fp.m Moo t
■Nwt of M admiBlalrator and today braUier., Areble. I.euU and DudU-...; polaon. whlrb. has f..i:owt-.1 o-imnlal
lae^ Wattc' appolstod Mn. Loi* aad two alM^ Myrtle and U-aa. to | cmputailon of hU ftxd.
Btetw, the widow, adtnlalmraior of the mourn her loi*. . The fencwl was f Gcttrgv- l.eslle 'if Northpori Is inal: |
eetate yalaed U tidJiW. Six poni and held • Tuenday atieniuoa from tU. ,'*nt Travlrio City a Im»l0v‘»» call i,..
three daagbtm are direct belre.
Uethodl*! church at OgdeAburg, Rev.|,-ay
imed Sundar’^^’^ Warren, who married her Aiig ! M., and'klr*. W. C. S-Im.u of l.e'an.l
w. w. fWrehiw
and' Aneimt 1*. ,1»<>5. W Arthur Franklin, being lb.-j enjojed 'Damon and PjthlA” la»'
bom- SoiAh Mnllou l.lai
luink l>o<ik l>Blan.-i-<l any 11
rte om^tlng
flS^tlng minister. Borlal at Ogdens
Ogdens-,, evening at Steinberg'.
aecawpanlSd him to tba diy. On
-vlibom w'urrying ymusulf s
Mrs. B. Hi.ugliton left this m-.rnm;
..ver account..
•CMUt «r (he mall boat baring been hnrgJs charge of Ralpta Anderroo.
for a week'* vtsl: a: Ka.suu with her
Moue,. tlei>'-sii'''l In "■■'f • hat off teplre. the trip over w*»
Ingv .•.-partm.-iit i;p 'o snd
sine.-. Mrs. Lewis.
i-mada In Ue light koom'a «J1 boat.
Huftlnt ih- f.'!- I'f 'It- mot
I Mr*. B. C. Vande Walk-r -.f P-iiitui.: The mall boat which wa* loat wax a
an inmate or the eoaniy;B„_
.g„„,, kc,,I.1.
^a.l year
aev craft, only havtog been In uie home
le on B
ahoat all wMks. It had not been latter place BuwJay afternoon at J |,u.st-d ibrougli the city il.i. aft.-rnen
aoefced over yet -and wa. raloed at o'clock tif ptialyata. aged SI years j„„
mum home
tlMC. BaaUei tbe boat, the vlninr The doecuMd was at one time ib.-|
say|„T ,5,1 f„„r rhll.lp-n
•ApHea lor ivo (amlllec grare at*o oVner of considerable property l-'ii ,.f Kjacicy |tai<,d through the city
after .uficriag a .ttoke-of paraly.i-Ui, afternoon on their way t., Ui..reverae* and Ihrongh-Olher chaf.-^„„, ,her.. visit ,-in u- nia.ie to her
■ Hra. Bua 8. WUab of DeuwlL wbo
nelt fornd hi* income gone and «m;
„„ m.v Taylm.
wa* airlekea vUta a severe attack of
Morrison of AugHI arriv.-,l
blood pelaoB tarn July while at her cot- ended bU days, a county charge. The '
tag* at NoHhpoH. and wbo wai rt
room* of L D. Curiif Monday
moTod to Baioigaiey hotpUal, Deuoli
aticmoon *■ 2 o'e'aek. Rev, T. P. Cl-,
«rtr la Sepfombor. atHl Hat at tbi
torn oOcUtlag., The.burlal wa* in Wll- j
iBMHalloa wortrilT HI from tb
■burg Tc«^y forcBoen.
It has hesn said that
maUc. T%rae wAki ago Ibe anffere
a aaSdmit rHapm through retafeetto
- uum
Children’s jand
Misses Cloaks
Interesting to Motliei^s
CIraiIttion thh week 2,950
Eoery Person
Cramrat Eity Stats
fUU la a crUleal eoadltloa, the aeeond
Jobs F. Reenl^ aged J5 year.,I, wlia'j
' atiack tsTOlrtof her eye. which
lhr.-c I
wai (tricken with paraly.l* - Uicc
; mM. by her lAyalcian. Dr. Hal C week* ago. pa»A<l away ywterdBi
■ W^MB. by beitdc treaimeni.
at bl* borne at Stephen Gray'*, near
Keystone. Four chlldrea .urvlve. two
Btwig* Plod.
aad two daugbier*. The deci*a--w-.i
• A aumngo Sad waa made Iwt week
a. an uncle of John Reg
by well drlvert wbo were worklBg on t». TbC.fenersl will l«
Ilf held ih;-.
' tbe farm of Hatiry Oliver a'- Port
icrwnn at S o'clock and ihc n-m*in«
Oaelda. When ibe drtU w«'working win be laken lo MsDUlfi- Friday an.’,
at a depth of ci^ly tcci U brought up
laid bealilr lbn»c u( bl* wife.
ibd tooth of leme galmal. of medium
• rfaeandlaagoodtlateof preMiratton.
Tbe aeeond Ume It wa* aeai down and
vklD." of R. F I>. N.i.
vKhdrawa It bronghi up a portion m
OMtber Urge tooth with nome blaes bruogbi a liatkct <0 ib.- Herald ■•IIK
Mr aad a 1 bird time It wt-.i down *irt week, which contmlnpd eolif t
In Ihc bt.ket were se
abort gmy fur came ap with it.
•omc pcacbf*. baitemui*. hick,
BtllaAfalimtEMata..An echo of »bc auddea de«b or Joe- and rbaatnal*. ail grown on bli. farm.
All their nut* are eumparallveyt rai.;
llec John Verier «f »»•* «-(r
-wa* briora Jadg* .ef Prokaw Fred R. «i-far r>onh bet a-v well malnn-a an I
Walker on Saltrrday. w*>eo Patrick of exreUeni flavo- T’-e Grand Trnv
Barden Sled a petUkm for tbe appolni- arse reglOD can grow Anything cxeei>l,
meat of a apeelal admloMrator of the perhaps cocoanatv and o<ber tropical
-ottaic oC John Verty.'' vMeb eoariiti fruit.
of a bUI now before U« eommMtee 01
• claim* and aec»uBtj.y«r; the eduatj
' farmiil of xnparrtwir* of nss.U which
rHHeieat* tba aaouai/dac ihe tie■ ceawd for JtgUccTeo. tor the laitTven.
; Ug time tinea tbe dato uf bl. la*t bll'.
' May. l»oe, and tbe dm.uf hi* deaita
- The petluoB ws» gtas^ and Amll
Kerlhiger appoint^ .ywlal admlal*uator wbo will look aher tbe estaiv
and £be"Wll preneated for It. ‘ Tbe bill
There tre four verses. Verse
wa* aUowtd at tbe mom log *e**loa.
The Song
of the Hair
iMreh toe Miottog Family.
Have Hiram C. Baker acd family,
wbo lafi here tweniy-dvc year. ago.
be«B mntderpd by lad'an* la Taxu?
Poalmatter George W. Raff 1* In recrijR of a totter wbleh seem* to con
vey .Ibal- Imptcaaloa. The wrtie.-Hgtea that a famlb-.named Baker
were murdarad by iBdlao* la iba\ state
and la her Iriier aara iba: it U very
tmheraai nat tbe brim be tuud. '
The totter I* dried Burimpoa. Oat .,
and U alknad by Mrs. Uamn McCann, i
to whom rapUer ai* aaked to be (eat
jfoa fclndlv aiht *<ime of ib*:
Id ■elliee* BE^r remember
a tomi
J. Ayer’s Half Vigor makes
thebtirgrow. VerseZ. Ayer's
Heir Vigor stops fslIiDg hsir.
Verse a. Ayer's Hair Vigor
cures dsDfirufr. Verse'4.
Ayer's Hsir Vigor slwsys re
stores color to pay hair. The
thorus is sung by mitlioDS.
“Trkdrkb Sells tbe Best
Shoes in traverse dtp.’
Some Say "cb< ouaiitv i. Btntr."
Others Say “Cb« Prie«*ar« cower."
me Say “We eomblne Ibe Cwo.”
Cook .these Prices Over
:? FOR MEN A pond Omin I..1.1I1. r
li lii-avy
Up sole, in laoo or bockl«...
SHOES FOd WET WEATHER-HiL'b Top sUoes.-.r.
for wt't woblhvr. W<- havr
ijic bi-si I-.
jiood ussortuipnt off ihi
lh< so
K shoes
this si-o^ii..
wear. As .k-peuiiaUe an<l as stylish as the hiirh
pricfil one*. It's 0 r.'R^r $2.-b0 shot- for.........
*hoe in nmihir or
I'r Bluclier
atyle. n ..
heavj- poU-s. We'r.- [irttU'! of this she»- :it.........
WOMEN’S KID SHOES—Not the onknsn- i h.np
looking shoe ibst sclU »t S1.2.V Imt one with us
mn»'h style ns n
A SHOE FOR MEJf-Xot llic lb-*t of t-ours.-. l..;i
gojJ sutiu i-»lf shoe, for............................................
^^^VERY mother who has a cloak to buy for
her daughter is wondering what to get and
where to get it.
Both t|ucstions arc easily answered if you
come here.
Onr stock is so large and the prices so varied
that the hrst question is soon,seltled.
By getting it here the second qiiesticm is settlcil. There will not be any question aboijl your
getting it aiter you have seen the* splendid selec
tion we 9fTer'f?u to choose from.
In all our years of cloak selling this is the
greatest line of children's and misses’ cloaks we
ever had and our sho»-ing in the past has been i
somcihro,g to be proud of. too: but this year is bet
ter still, not only larger but the garments are bet^
ter. have more style to them. That* panicular^
style that the young desire.
Prices are varied enough. to suit evciy purse.
$2.98 to $15.00
He stove Question
is the all absorbing question just nowbut we make,
it so easy for you because we have such a spleodid stock to select from. We want to call yonr
attention to
wliich is the finest stove ever made: j^l the latest improvetneots. The
prices are from S-l-'j.OO to §->1.00.
is the stove that gives splendid satiefaciion. They are sryld from $l‘i.00
to Sij.OO.
the greatest inventions of modern times. In the "Royal Hot Blast”
live device for consuming the smoke is built rig^ in the stove aod in
ihiVway becomes part of the fuel. It makes' no difference what fuel
you use. even the dust and scrapings from the bottom of the coal bln
t in be used. These sell from Slh.OO to Sli'-OO.
arc the cheapest and most economical stoves made. They are so easily
taken can: of and such splendid heaters. These sell from $l.'2-v and up.'
that give such universal satisfaction and require so little attention.
They arc the best "warmers ' you ever had in the house. They sell
from S2.T5 up.
lot of
9SC and $U9
and the greatest line to select from. All sires to suit your room-and
yo'jr pocketbook. Sell from $12.00 to $25.00.
are the heating stoves. Remember there is but one "Round Oak” and
we are the sole agents for this north region. These are so madi you
can burn wood of either hard or soft coal aod the different sires sell
from Sia.OO to $:K).00.
lotcraal tBjnrIct. He it dv-'
K.-w Tori; a
ItiaatadhaUt to b
I-V Riee and children vMtoDd tU datscbicn- Hit Int a
b hit « :rr t
parenir Istt Sunday,
»ot-- .
Shorter i
b« the
____________ •. Otijah«rr dl'i: ttvertl
........ ................. a icny at the home of
j-cart ato. Mrs. Smilb ti»l Mrs. Wll-' «o<'k»' tportia* irlp.
Cedar Run Sat- C Can»«»er n.n Tuoiday crmlni; ;te4>
4vy. weary and worn oat tty ib*
KraaWan. Mn. Htnrood -f
Im iawt
t Cl KraaWon.
ini and polaons of dyapetKia. Wllona' * V.a.___
MUi Anna Kurdlrk openl taai Sw '|«is
« oflnioD Haven and Mm. 7Tbomioo tqd unit} <in lmtiii<w->
Mitt Laura Ri«<'rt hat LeeD wurl: ;Ut> ai Wao-rvalr. the Ckntt of Hit.
Brtght'a dlteaae. aud almllar InKr- j Hrt. Van E-Jther of thH idace
t« rltlUns friendt at Acme.
irnial dtwrdera. dooY alt down and
IC for Mrs J RaDMD
Carrie Mo-ientoa
Ifirt; danicfatcra itai tun-lvo hi.,
ThoMtt >>Ht hat ttored
it r»
Prankfur brood over your tymptoinv hut 8y for '
Oct. 23.
Mn. Urrberi Owl. wa.
laldcrable maaob _
Uoittor of Tratet
ly U were tcr>- kind I” b\m. 1.n« Hm.
erac Clljy He baa
tM IMC to vat.
relief u. Eleetrir Bltirr*.
Here you
• HtnU
o«to not
h Uit
Ji» Tr.ox-r relied t< will And sure
ture a
and nersainm' towtUr
Cli.v Un-Bf.rcr oonjiani eerc ever tince lh>KEV8TOME.
-a- ----------------------------It fw Wtt
Daniel Sirirkland
ilnett of all >c.........................................
>-oor troublei. and your
jditih of tU wife
Hrt. Wm. H. Whiteford it 4>>le *‘elt vtrli^ .lidin Warron
iLe upper bodv • dl Dot
not be
U- burdened by a Iqad of
with i*-eninail»in.
.0.-1. xi
dc-’j' dlteaae. At JobnicKi Bnig Store .
Mht Oracle Wella U Improelss tnai
Co. a. F II- Meads and 8. E. WaK E
tvnbold fever.
Sons' drug stores. Price AOc. OoarIt here latta a!
Tbi-tbretbing machine---------------“
. ,
anteedW. r. Hnestesgor arrived Friday ;Bb*UTb»farri'.evi
f^~ ud U '
Folaioec'are oomlof! In quite lively * Some wUI pick appH-t this aeek.
Blfbt Omm........................
«ha« n ahori | at the
bringing to contt Monday.
Pen llcnln wUlliav.- pa Aiwt retwrl-
Gfand-^Traverse Region.
HIM civrt uc>rcrni-» o uk
. It mrMat! for Mn. Rubrrt Car
Hitt KcHlr r»ok«i of Tracer
_ la rtiuaiiR brr ntolber. Mr», CO
tMiti l-rStr tnt, b. atMfvd th« tt
m as the esamlDaHe will return at
Mary anil Anna I? Cau-ailondod ihe’1^™'*’
Ur. and Hrt w'm. Saddler and Ur. i
go school Ibe ftri.i of lati
and Hm- Norman Newaian returned veek on account ofibe leachert'
last week..................................................
.- Traverte C
Ih-nnls,' L.-C. Quinw} bcugbi a ccw .d S. »•
Mr. Minor s too-ln-Uw. »
(rireda here Tuetday crcnlDg.
has arrlvert fro
M;a D. M. Brigbl It .eapected borne espiTt to buy ■
ft«B Toledo the eomthg week,
maid dlggcrt an- generally
laappolntlng. ■hey do not
Rev. Brownell of Oraa-n iircachod ai mei-k. la bi-i'«-r
.'ttre mull votlne Wnrbioet'at tbo elcc-
M-.-Ri'l•’»’!' ‘’f
1103 n. II miinih.- Tin- macblnca were
Marina Sb-.-icr rcturti.-d from
%r. l.m„ a».^ .1,. .e
• toil of
Si Ilia- ►
•Uugbiir r;s<' '
• , ♦.
re-lDcm-c for'c^remlVb^oV-T.'-ti.V a w,-«lk"«iTii ...l Mi aa.l Mi*. Wl-ieii SuU.
I. T,.,..,.
Hew Cure fer Cancer.
All Kurfar-- esun-m ate now. known
to b.- rureble. by llucklen't Arniri
Salve. Ja. Wallors. of Ihiffleld. Vn.'
"l bad a raiicrr ou n» Up for
II teem.-d Incurable, till BuckInr, Aralca Salve healed It. and
|1 Is i.erfvTily well " Ouaranlired cur.*
for e.iiH and bi-rnt 23e at Juhntiiii
' iwiu; SioiV Co '.!. F. H Hea'di and 8.
tr.V v..,m.n
.h .in.-,d. «i
8010*1 r>MFn
IU-?.u;r sS ^fi. rvi^'n."
Mlu Mluii ir7ill.nr^^^-«0...s
Mr. Coon •>wapi.vl ' bor.-v> n f.-« at home Ipt'
l»s' week
' Rcl.tti-s, <-f Tt*i
Mra. Wheal vVblu-il with Um. Shunk
Mi»* Eniilc. Ralii)l!i cam- ,ve»». nla» tat a «.'<wi
'. JuBiisoi Sni
10 day last w<..
■ovisH Mit.v Nellie While bi lure golnc Bfiernui.n
Hre. Voncr vlKlieil with Mrs. Ruuk
to WathiOBii*;!.
Ur. MeC.a-n, faihi - -d Su-w
y U*t woeli
Mta Min pBicipher. who bat been
.«!•, NtfHJe ilal'bnn wu-i ••• Trav- Mike UcGarry, is ver; sick at
Was*-* of .
bougbi a
Haney Rice has
rery dek. it better at ibis writing, we
M Cl'v ihi! mcirnlnp.
!• InercatiJ Ave
• Alil Mocioiy will hav
are glad lo learn.
Mi.‘s 'Ajik-IU Sti.ffer relhsl o'> Ur-.,
John Risiliii. wl.o lias Usk ,lpl
Mrs. Rice is ou th' tick H-jt. b
/ Onr aebool eoBHnmeci today, after
Nrl'U- Hcrmtr o^e .11' last w.-ok.
Hi,- past lew w.vl s. Is fatliUi:
A^V'-ucrel' "nvl'iawn it rIvoI'
a week's vaeatitai for our teacher lo ■better al^ this wrliln
*—Herman Is liiilldiUR a clficrn fur ferj. Hit d-aih Is rvicci' J a'
stlrnd Ibe leadicrt' Inaritnir.
Iv anil have a good tlmi-.' „ ■‘Iv VLiwITler
IU.VS hall lati. C
Hr. KlIMkcr of Traverse Clly relied
Quire a few Inrai here t'leii.lelTni-■
leO and finail'
on A. M. Sinltb last Sunday.
' cvrniBg was well
ince ai K. LaiiinerV Baiiinisy
rae Udtee' Aid met at the
Scliool eommoncca agtln Uil» morti-1 enjoyed.
vaca'Ion oT ihrce wc«-k».
bnrwdtr for **‘'jlng afte- a vacaUoi
Newt rcacbti! us liM VrMa> ilisi
I last week 'nm
on of
< 0
Miss Ooa Llndte
____y Wise ami Hiss norence *“«-'few dajw ago rrom Milan, v.bero th-; lelt Bmplrti about ihn.-*- o'cloou
gins A Traverse City visited the' 1*''! bat
... —.
- vlsilliiK
.......- '
a few wei'kt.
onTbiinulay for tln-ir botne
iih 'a lilu stdarh
tor's gnodparents last
ployd Bcacti reierr'e.! home from ■ Haniiou. bad not arrived a
Mr. lAke and wife of Treverie CKr bi, (rip tomb last w«-ek.
' feared tliey wire lot'.; Thr whole
iwimed work »>c io|i of Uie Irondal.'
i4or H. H. Welch.
a. o
_ Fairbanks we* down from
from'------i mimlty
----------------------^ nnuualh'l allowvi]
» laal Friday was qolle ae- Traverse
nvcric City
Clir last week.
' Fridav ibe wind bli-w lerTlld.-. 'vh
GaIllvo" s' “i-i—• tmir.
rere for ibi
everybody Is digging jKUatoi-s anii;add<-d u. our fears
we hare not hrerd of any t
they retort a small ylold.
news eami- that
Had Iwen i
Irem «.
Arthur Tbompton Is drawing pou-; cueJ, there
-• i.ns
IJotl anil r
Ocl ft.
ifws lo the skHug. The price today Isito-ry for f
.40 eenlt per liushel.
' «e hca- were lufi.
John Young Is buUdUig a tool houM
Mr SL Peter imism I
i.moriilngrei the age of .
Hr. Isewls baa moVed into ttae Tfaoo^ forO, N. Undse-v.
Hike Losee reiurecd from bis irl|i: ftmcral was held from i
u store building.
wth a few davs afio.
day. Mr Elile eoaducie.1 lbe_w;r'ici.-s
Wn. F. Blftes has parehated a driv-1 south
'olamhns Bolsmler drove lo Kalkn>-! lu a vCrv capable mauu
Ing btrroe and bngc. He la faking orColi
| Ing J'y the choir. w,Uh
.den forYrolt trvre and reys bo is gei- j ka one
on day Iasi week.
The floral gifts 1
W, R. Pray made a irlb lo'Tiavertei pnnimmt. was fl
Uhgi lota of orrion ibli seaiob.
While Kd QiiLlff war v.ikli.c at ll
. beautiful, ar he was a Caih- ^
Hr. and Hre. H. 8. Case of Sk Rap Cliy.Moitdav.
........... —
Traverse I oiler one. a w'llu- c-usKoii n green n.-w dam Ft ..lay « Isrg. pl.-^. of . Ij
ids vlsttad iTn. J. W. Bmlib Monday.
Verna Oardi
Venior hat nwlgsed the
$ 1 t I 11 $ $ <'« « I I t It I t « I 4 • ;i. r
> ^ANK
DoitoaHh ojiy he t
wilbtlraiira an y tt
Witboat Rouce *
a. Lele Silver baa tOld bis ihow CHv last Fr'd
vngrei had poolas to aomc parties lu
I. LowaU Stllaa of Traverte Cliy|
un Trav-lered with while earnatlons.
: ilfiil.
m: mm,I
EiSio., y t t t t > I t t tt t t I « t t t I II I
Say, IHro lHan,
Do VMf Heallzt It’s Siovt Omf
looking don't m-ffli-ct m look o'.-r lli.- l;iftfp*l .yRsiorlm.'iii of H.-alnn; Si.i'.-s, < 'o-.k stocs. hml
63 Different Styles Reatina Stoves
>u miglit U-ttor iimkc .voiir aelvctiou from tliia iij.imuiolli sbx k ind ^et just wbat you «
iu) lo buy sonieibiuf; el6.'whi-n- iliuiyoii tlilnk miy Answer ibe rurrosc omDo/iIi- souk- t
y a little niore money fur it. Yonr promise for fotore payment is lecal tender wlib u$.
W\0 ^
•twwfr ctTv.
hla abler. Mr*. WaUoo. of Cadaiae.
Mtea BdUb Abdeieoa of Trbterae
CUT b ctTiac ektentloD Itaitee bere.
Hr*. Noac Booeri b illTte Udlee- Aid Of the BapIUt
reb will she a tapper b tbe bate_ jt of Ibe eharcb. TbarodOT er*«lac. Oct. ». All are eordlallr brtbd
__________ 1 p’do«k UBwrov w
anesd.. AB iatrrcoilBc progiaa wfll
Mnu nor» BMMtt, *bo hM bMU be rendered, ^aoei; ite aaBbert of
wbkh wHI be eereral rertutkmt by
Nila ABdertoe of Tramee City.
Adam Had. brother of Joba Had.
rMWMd to ter hMM Is B^etd. WU,
died Satnrdar at the home of bb broihtedKT.
-. KuBcral eerrieet wUI-be beU to•ntn VUI te • eUekeii pie •odal
priraie dance wae liTeB Prlday
real^ is Nonite'i ball- About
It and all report i
Mom top araeb r»la for pouto
tm- Ttere oro k>u 40 di*
d' r«
Tb.le fJeman* have been pouln* a
Md m
t deal of work on the laalde of
"cilWLMrof'oilotrUk asd bb Bl- chuieh. ptperbE. paintlnE, oar..» obtor Tbobb ore apMwJIas o few
veeki here witb rdlotlee* ond Mndi.
Mm D. L. BntiEU reifmed Prlday
Nr. oBd Nn. Coaer. vko vWlod at
Lte borne ot Orrla Lace for a few dara. from a two week*' viiit with rebtirm
retnnied to ibelr boom at Cbre bat at Banior. Hleb.
Byron Rocer* and wife arv aow
woMi tm NoBday.
90 Clark
Jattoa Knapp, who wcat te-naahiBK eupyini the Whltn
Oct. 21.
**Tbe*LBdlef Aid will meet ai
bomo of Nra. Orrla Loee today.
k pretty borne weddlnE wa» lolemnNr. HaeWM .win more 1b
a on Tboredav ercaloi, Oet. IS.
11 work
Aaron Boa't bouiec tad will
when Mr. WUIbm nioina* and Mb*
Nr. Box
ibaell we-e united ta mar
ie of the bide. Rev.
Hurlbal offlcbllni. Bihleen En«»** :
_________________ _______
wat BlveB la bemor of Nra. Anna Zoulek lati Wodneoday at be becie of Kn.
r. AtkbuoB. where tbe iadleo of Bb*
friend*, both telat rcaideab of ihU
taad emloyed a eorr onjomble time.
place, and all Join la wbblng them a
Bam-TreaMlac wae worttlac t
loai and happy wedded life. Mr. aad
- Mr. phtatt laal week, tepalria* b
Mr*. Tbom*i wlU reiMe In NortbpoM
;mid<meupytbeB«ba.el.co.^.,^ u
‘'oaafwd Piuk-WbluKAn. CUmena
SoUey and Prank Atktnaoa aiMdod
(be dance ctrea by tte Modem Wood
A mbeellaoeou* abower wa* Ely»n
men at Olen Arbor laA Batarday erea- at the borne of Mb* Bdna Bramen oa
Friday erealnE la honor of Mbs Tlaa
**J. r JCrIett. leneber at BbeibaJ. at- John, from S to 10 o'clocb. Twanylanded tbe tanchen' luUtute nt Bat- iBrec bdr friend* were prteeat aid »
(one Bny laet wete.
int evealac w»» spent. A* lb"
Hr. PtateU wmi ni L^d leit week gaeat* removed ibeir wrap* a card
auendlnc tbe board of faperrlaorA .wa* prcteoicd to each oa which was
nad Victor WbkochIL Br. alio wai to be written a wUb for the bride,
there, nctlaa ba a Juror at the clrcait tbetc belBi placed la an open paraKil.
coon held bet week.
which during the evening wa* opened
above (hr bcsil of ibr brlde4o-te. and
the wi»he* read bJ- bev to the friends
Music was gircB during (he evenlas
Ooa Bus and tesUy. wbo bare been- aad btautlfu! gtfii from the friend*
eMU« at Boberl Browa'a, tetomed
presented to the bride liy her
to tbotr bone at Boyne ralh.
Itaa John, who wa* dalpf'•bter. Ala
RaBlI of Baton1 Bay ipeat dressed
white *od carried tbe gtfii
Id in
Tvwaay In tews.
pink and wblip
while bride’* haakotdpcnrsted la
Cbcatt eonn wai held here tbe dni The room was latiefullr
autumn leave* and mottoes
. .
k Onn Warner of BBUdu Day lag: "Do not think
think you arc ibc centre
of altmcilon—If* the bride"’
(be bride!" On a roeker was (he mot
to. "Do DOt make a nislake: tbb U
After a pleasant e
Cor tbo bride ’ After
tuns Onby Bryant. mtemM to But lag of mcalcsl
ton Bay WMnaday.
4lr. and Mo;-Earl Bnwe of WilUaiBibnis were , tbe cnoeu of i
Brown aad tasib of tbb place.
Duriag ._. ____ . .
' .Teaebera-W^atlaowwbeldl
served forr gentlesiaraday nd Prlday ot tbb week.
false faces and dNgulMd. marched thrangb Uur rooa>
eausUig no little excltemeoi. aa'd iater
■tii.Browa «t wnilamaburg spent a proved to b« Hctera: Omat GuaUtr.
few dmU tora.
WaHcr'B'nmen. Iran Thom** and Mr,
dBarty Artin- Mde a trip Siuu-- UncM wmiarns. tte gnioaKo-b>>.
dbp. mtiiraiir.la Cte crenlna.
tyriiwUE'^ lih ibcm other dalnite*. an-i
f-be dandai party Elm Prlday after a general good time the gausu
cibalaE In honor of Hr. and Hn. Bari
their homes with I
Bmee was w«l attended and enjoyed
by nil. ....
.sv-ij;, K..
. t^d5^
y a* a Mndcnt be’
T. Bridie, lou II Aid U. blodi A taterlacbea; $4dt.
State Lamber Co. to Joteob Bodes.
f% of *wb and wtk of eeb. eee. a.
tows Z6. ranee 10; <7tO.
Mary Jane CovUle (o Fiord Smith,
eb dot SI. bkmb K. H.. t. A Oo.'* 7(b
was aUe to pats rredHably.
neamaa Tbompaon. tbe
actor, wai 71 ytv* oM tbe other day.
He was SIIIbe an enqmement la Ro*toa sad when be rmebed tbe xbeater
Jao. Keller and wSe to Jame* Sal- celvW, one of the mott nriklim wa* v
Iivan. lou 1 tend 1*. Mock a. P. H.-* moMcr cake. Tbe top of the enkUt ndd: ti-ose.
tepnaeeted a niral «e«ie with a miabAmsada N. Omham
to Tboma*
tare cow. pasture, barnyard. «4c.. aad
Oonklln. tb of lot* I? aad 1?. block
aronad the edpe were •evmiy.iwo ean4. Wlllbowburt: tte .10.
Rytm e • Wife to lOTln O. die* of varlons eokirr. Mr. Thompson
eel. H.. L. 4 Co.'t wa* iBuch aSrrteil on eaterinc bU
paller «»<1 «“f.
iStb add. $40".
drcuiai-KWin to »ee the tribute* from
Edaa MeAlww to Oeo B. Uttlebis friend* sail admirer*. Then hi*
Beld. imrcel. eee. 13.
characicristir humor broke forth as bKlde:
SimnsoB.. lot »
and «'“■ lot
S. P. H.'* V"!
0*c*r|draw tbe Ilac oii c»»e at my lime of
Floyd U Smith and wife
Bimasoa. pemel. " H.'< *id
\ life.•
*Tbrie Richmond' to Edward Me-|
Namara. *lb of bH of awU of *e<d.
sec. 22, lowTt 27. ran*e H; IIJ*.
Oec. W Lardle and wife to HvrlM.ri
A Session*, lots 2« and 21. block Id.
H-. L A Co * I*' add: |1.«0.
Aodlior General
nee- -**.
Capuin Fn-drlk KnueS?a eonjpanv
Eiehih lofaniry. V. & A., wbo ha*
irdrn-d to rrpori lo'ttm-ctjri of ;
•tair. Llcuirnant Grurml ChaBreMjrr
duty in Wasblamon. I* faiallbr with
which he mastered while ■ private
Long before he received bis eommi<slon be had .(mnrialed seremi mil!tan books from the Oermaa. Frimch
Spanish. Danish, awedbb and llalbti
Into English. Tbeae books are still .
used a* authmity in the army. Slnebelng commissioned be ba> iransble-l
more mllliarr book* from foreign lit.
Frank Kmtocbvll and wUr
•wstead. parcel. *rc. J*i. t
' IT.: guages iDid the Bngtlsii than any oth’T
! oBcer In the army. Knndsen enllsie i
, In the army in the early ’80'* soor.
Thb QuMlion Should
. sfier* arriving in
this couairy from
M Answered i Norway, bis native bed
Eaally by Traverae City People.
cut lor
tgeal study he prepared himself to p*'*-
Which h. wlser-to have cucOdenc-1 •» eiamlntilon for wcoad Ibuieaaai..
depenO «n]^owqrib in lt»3
He has a broihi'
E Lroa. Healer In Choice Famn> |
------------------------------Crocericr. 4t8 E. From street. **y*:l
lichlnp pile* provnkv urolanl'.. Un
"I was cunslderably troi’bled with m> i profaBliv won’i cure ifaem.
- '. I Olnuaeat cure* liehliig. bleeri
- ’ prolrutllng pile* after \-'*r» of
1U.01 mg. At any ilrtig «ioro.
knar person* wbo bad used I
H, V. l)«->l*oii, tlH’ Am<-iea’i leg*!
Kldaer Pills, and ibU laduced i • u-j
try tbem. They slralgbt«i<-d t
advisor ot the Janantee war oBce. t«
in a short time and the actkm <
to reeelre high decoration fr-tm the
kidney secri'tkins wa* reodvred regularaad normal. Some time ■ficrward* emperor for bit. scn lce* ai the Per’s* .Ilebt recurrence and agali.
Twenty y-arw aHxi from-lhnmiuity j lure of »" to lessen Cte hint of inspir
I and 'be for
r derl*red be
tbe Hiu-urgls. .Ve* York's oldeM and atlon.'
Bi,st famous male sluglng society ha*
Ini' pcadcnce
yranl. and j6in N'orwav of Cblcacn,
out with « revolver and l•vaal»
of s> brothers ol Justine Norway, are twin*,
urane vulci-s. and on Diw. » next wl‘1' |n tbe w’(l«^>«t of a properly dispute
two shot and
produce Llsfl’s "Bl-KliMl>«.ih. ' rep-n„.i,-p,n III.
|K>i eJ by a female chi^m.
Frank by fflUtake.
lUro- Justine and John
Two niition dollar* Is lu be dlvld'vl
among 3.'a;t llruoklyii school tewrber*
dation. as the n suU cl*a decision Mor
day hy Jiulg. (Is; nor of the New Yori:
Kbr sale Dr all doahtn. Price SO
easy, tealihful adion of the bowel*
ce^is. Fosier-MHbani Co;. BuBalo.
without griping.
Ask your drug*!*'
Wesblngitm. U. (’.. tcKicoiH' shaii'New York. tole a^U tor the Called
(or them. 25c.
hare locan-H a tremendoas aclhliy bn
Remember 'he name—Doan’s—and
Ibi' lace of ilie sun. which take* ih-*
The Korlh *ea,hte been lashed to
take no other.
form ot a .cru'-s of aolar spot*, appeafury by a northwester, which ha* cot
Inc in the iiakeil .
Ihfough *mokiOwMral News.
lliiued iintau-T^ipiedly lor four rtajj.
Henry Phipps Is now going lato tb. All harbor* are full of c-afi. seitio; glass, s a or).' sisu Jt )* the larg-s'
detalU of bis fight against consumi- shelier. and'iweui)-fiv.- sai’»r> haw .-'Jii >poi tlslLle *.ltri' las' hpiiUK
tloD, He bat a mas* of exact BiaUstic* btwn reported drown^l m «T<-d.*
Iharmg the limp
rm ut her I:
Or oUior Mudi.-ul or 8uruic.il
Trontmente. bv
m..ut;t»;t. Mile. Mr*. C. It. Wilson flag
g."l a Ik-nv.w £ R)0 Orao.le 'rain oa
acri'lenially shot bir h'»banil whiliruiiimg. The plur'l’ woman weigh*
'ir. i.'iuml* and *b<
staggered ua.ler
tb" wt'lghi of a man who weigh* 15:.
mwuiaBcetly lacstrd ifaswosgUy mwippsd
npISsImlr psriorw )n ynav rily.Vhst mr
simr will rrwuirr yqer sbanrnisl syss to
.Isnu- Ilraiich Calsvll, tiie authui.
aeveUnd Chamber oi ed froiV‘‘« Tatierie* Garden* la Pari*
lie iahdod In liongary afli'r ha- I "IV *o anuofed laieh l.y ii.qulrt« - Hum strangers t» tu liow h
vsprestlon from olllclal aJiMDCSe cir co»erlug 899 ,m‘k-*.
Works iliai l»' ha* adu'itid u lorm u'
re|'l> wlikli. liC declare, lu i,.' . m^aosi dbflcnrinc *1
aad a is expected that it will be of
Acrotula. olni'de* ra-li.
groat sigalflcancc as lo the policy to to Impure blood
Iturdi.rk llluw!
lulls Hr I'abedls
be adopted by the mikado's empire to-' irrs Is a ch'anstog bloodI tonic,
full I. ng'li in a raa
jmlned, .
ward the rc*t of the world, panicularlj job clcar-eyed.
gold lisli, alib Ih.skinned.
Ihe United State*.
address (be
baud lor a qusri.r olI a tul^ U|
Commerce today wbieh irlll be the firs;
cles since the peace treaty was signed,
Dr. Robert McIntyre,
DR. P. t. WOLFE, Prop. DR.B.LPUHSOR,teMlit
Cltlzana Phon* No. 3SA
Suit* 413-AIA Wllhairn Block
TravorM City. MIoN.
Cbleago. Is now pastor of the Firs;
Methodist eburrh in LosAngeles.
coagregailou Is *o well plea-ed with
bis work that It was about agreol
When the doctor was lalormwl legsruIng the matter he nld witb chtraeierUilc liapciuoslty. "If you do that I
and Mr*. Cbarle* Rob- week ai
lesls of Mr.^
shall resign my pastorate. "
Relierab »oF.-P. D*vli
lioo ot their desire by tbe deacon* bad
Charles John dtoTH 'dowi
no eircci. the preacher sticking to bis
■day I
a town.
rliac taiesmnn. dl
flmi position.and so tbe incident waV;
Mrs. C. 0. Kcbl took a
baHaeia in town
dav U*t week.
Tbe Hli*e« Pteter• arrired
on tb
Mrs. Farrcl la the gaesl of Mr. aad
A. D. Ftrker. Ihe new vice pre»ldeat
MIooitH Tbondny from Tm’
D (heir war tn their home on I
Mr*. Ocnrgf Bullar*.
' / of the Coloiado and SuuUieni <kmi'
Mr*. Spangle 1* vlsitlag relative
panv. owe* hi* good (ortuae to the fan j
aad friends at Traverwe City
(haUbc oacc -grob^taked-' a pni*|k«t-j
or This was five year* ag}> Today hf
The Hiaaes Carrie Bcanett and Car.’Ifroy’lr.i" I ^ *""*>
$800,0011 and ha* fomr
tie OadhaiB mansM bme .Batarday
,lal eon er*^ton. after
ventures The foundalloa
from tte leaeteiW limtftate at
all Joined in singing the Sunday schooi of hU roriunekwa* laid la Ooldfleids.
hymns the young people left for their Kev., where hls^rwpccUv.' pannei
^Dr. Shank passed through hi
borne* aad a nleaxani erenlag wa* ' "smick It rich."
kts why to SoBik "
mt. Dgrker. a»lde
■a honor!
bUfug wealthy, i, a primclier of
Hlawa AUee and teb-€i$i’sprat '^so^rte-pkn:
lUy even ; ability.• Nearly every Sunday h.-'fl;i8aturd$y ai») BaaBay with
Beta [ of HU* Bthvi Wi
Ing. The evening wn» spent in music. {a puipn m Moutclalr. a rathlunabhafter sbleb refrowblnoais wei
OrrgoiT. visited kith Hr. Mil Mr*. D.
»c room of Mr*. F. R.
R- Da
oivis'rt ite
•thodl win gtrr a so- highly creditable manm H. Dav Brads;'.
. High
rial at be (own ball
Oet. K.
English exch*“gv» U''l of s vouug
elused lo
10 por.
Ing. the proeeedi to belused
ibmu In Blrmlagham who attracte-l
chase a new organ A program of reelKINOBLCY. - /
the notlcool an eccentric oltl/lady te
RaJl* WyiUmop was de*a tron UUoBs and vocal sctoctloPs will be
cause of bts resemblance >o tier dewl
given and refreshmtmu served.
Tiavarae Oly Taeaday of last week.
Tbe B’oman'* dab met this week at son. She beooealfaet] to Urn the bolt
4t Ite -ihag^ givea by the yoang
home of Mrw.
( M. Dame
*. G
UCw at tte MMhodfat ehaitd) last tb^ho
of her fortune on coadlUoit that h-J
WMaMdgy lywalBg. tte aam of $34te
weat to colleEd^ and did all bv eoul-i
wa* oDnatfiod.
to become a gentleman. Being quick
Roal Eatsta Treitefar*.
prod WdgglOB at HaUaad. Mich.. U
aaaMlw Bert Bebril wttk bis (all
Cart Brown lo Addle A. QIMit. kit 1. and clever, te had no ereot dincul.y
wark.block 8. HayBeldi $100.
of Greek and
la acquire a sal
Blas'WIalfred Hodge* ot FHe Lake
C J Bbaer to Rldnev J
be shrewdly
other IcaSteg. bat
wa* la town Frldav.
sc. 18. town 27. rangt
2»rMrw*F*A‘.Ori$mri of (Uen
peeled ibal^lie
that ftte'went to eltber Oxford
Mr.. aaA Mrs.
Hia. WHI HcGDUs are vis-l
0 O. Ftoot and wife jo T
botteof Hr and M's. Pe-1 Bi
Irihg aLtee
e Oitr: $3<Hi |or Cambridge at otee h.- iro-.-ld not
tee Carlhaek.
Aaum TV Bsm
(eel at borne among hi* new eompan-i
aad Hr*. Bd RtUee drove down 1 OaoA iwH of m
: 23. town 26.
pottlog pride In hi* pockc.!
« CUy aad sprat Bondar i range 11$1J
; $1300.
g C
‘^IUb lo G O Byden., te oMainod a riaee as ' seoui." or *er-l
d MKsllot
vani. at oee of these scat* of learalng;
Wtg» WBU "* iwah City Bainrdar.j
OMar Btm'Mon to Bd A. Benaonr. u>d proBicd
*.-vMlm Attto AbWK sreat Buadayllol 17 andAmot 1$. blorh 4. M-. L4
with Uha Jeor of SnauDit my.
ICA.-! 2nd add' A60n.
and obm-ned la thi* hnmide posllkm
.fH.O L Fe'ioB wpeui Baada* wllhj W'm. a Bridge aad wife'ru Harriri
evcminaUy proci-<'<l<il lo
$:i.r>OCbilJn.n.'s ).>nu
CloHka. eape collar,
fnnt'y liraia hn<l Imltoil*. Alfl-S 1 lo II.
Sample Cloaks
S.'.00 8kirtarorSi>Ui
.Aroonlihii plaited
uiul •liirTi'<l tkirtk.
ni:..!o of AU Wool
i'ub.'iniii. Ill IjIui L.
Iijoi' and brwu n.
We plat e on sale a lot of Cloaks. I' urs and Skins from oa. of tlie leading r.loik m-inufaciun.-rs of Cleveland,
Ohio, at a fating
lo you of fr
from ‘^b to •''( [>ey o.-nt: all ihi* fall ■< iaic—i stjlc*. m Idacks, brom-ns. *ca»'ors and fancy
aving 10
mixtures, for ladies, misses and chiidren.
•urthavj just now, selc-’i your garment and wc will gladly
lay if away for \ ou.
■'.r L'l’iii'-. lU in.
if CL't.
Made of Fancy Mixtarvd. 4-1 ill loDif. all
..','1 w..rll,
pinited. trimmed in
,_faofy braids, wortli
.$5 (Wldren’s aoaks for $2.98
Indies'Cloak* mail,
Udiw’ Black Fur Scarf. Uin.inod in <-!n.s
Fur oollor. Icwte Jiack
Cloaks, made of all
wool Keraev. satiD
linni. large sleeve*,
cuffs trimmed with
fancy Ituttoos.
'■' 3.98
All Wool i.’L('tiot,
In br^wn aii'l black.
',nly .. -
$10.00 Empire Coats for $5.98
wuanded hi* brother
as liBgk salary l•cI^wsl^ grea{«l lui
‘beior.. Ihe Greater X.-w York roljH.!i
muuib coafcrcuo'.
Sherman 4 Hunter of Tiavcrsc City
wfll be at (be More of W. B. Jo'hnslop
Friday had Saturday with a lire of
B. K. PiekaQLydtumed (u Us bume
tn Letead (hi* wedc '
Hr. Hoyt, of Wllbelm Bros.. Traversi- City, wil] be at^ OasuB store
Mr*. U. W. Pbrrant of tbb place this week wItb a Une of dotblng.
of ihc4a
Mra.»oenr Prauec of thb place
apeot a tew day* In Trsrcrte Qty iht* course of Bible study to be used in the
prayer meeting serrlca*.
The Ladle*’ Benefit nociety gave a
Frank KcIIqeb .. .
leu cent supner a tihe borne of Mr.
pretent doloE pulntlni;
gnd Mrs. MeUarken oti Friday even
ing. A bounteoug sapper Vas servol.
Mrs. BndiBell arrived from Traverse
City Tboriday to attead the wedding
B. }. Kllbr b 111 at tbb wriUak.
at ter daughter. Hiss Lollle BudtlM II.
Wo. talrd of Trarerer City riali
Mr. Zlmmcrmaa aad Mis*'Emma De• “ ' ■
few day* tl
WorM'^r^n WorkMI
Lo^,* of eaersy ii needed to keep up the pace.' la
the strank, the bub with die itioni body and clear
brainVitat out every tiflie.
T^e ixuB of to-day ncsdi aoBiethioi store than
sere food: he seeds a food that makes eoerfy—a food
(p avri OIL
Althoo^ some people may not realise it, yet it is
a fact, proved and established beyond doi^bt, that soda
crackers—and this means UOMda BlSCUlt—ate
richer in muscle and fat-making elemenU and have a
much higher per cent, of tissue-bnilding properties '
than any other article of food made from flonr.
That thU is hecoming known more and more every
day is attested b^’ the sale of nearly 400,000,000jiack'
ages of Unaada Biscuit, the finest soda cracker
ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing
valoe—sold in a package which brings it to you with
all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly preKrved. Tniy the food to toark on.
Whoever yon are—whatever yon arc—wherever
at tend and he If going u wduct the
OeUmE. who bne teen
. Dame ipeai Snr.dar at bis fight along strictly identlBc lines He
at Norths a few- days. leuimcd
kaows all about the deadly contagion
borne Batarday ermilDc.
red from of the street* froai ihe mortuary red
Artbar Zlnuaemaa of Hai
Qiaad Rapids Friday to attend (be
ords of the - while wings.'" and his inswddtng of h*r aleter. Ml** Tlaa John,
of Noitbport. of thii place, aad Uacoln Williams vedilgatlons Into icaemeai-honse con Oil monarch or^r pain.
bdaa Tiny 1
utho apeni a few
fei dnya nt B. & Prtce'n ot Kalghu Ferry. Calllorala. which ditions have given him much iiew
returned bbine •atnrday.- '
will take place Tuesday crcuing at l be Ibrht.’
Jacque* Faure. the French aerouaut,
bome of the .bride.
Bll Hloki. the first secretary of the was (he winder of the Inu-riialiunal
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Casajibell ol Pitoaje^ are gooU of Bert Campbell Japanese legation at Waablngtoa. will balloon eadnranc*. canu.*i whicb start
QLCN havcn.
T. A. Qrefory of Cblcaco arrived <
Ibo Minop.rt Noodat.'
A Food
to Work On
that erenlag hi* dreetdac-room tar* Wm^^ GriBtb to Oar*i4d MlUer.
ncH of nrti. eee. *. town «. mnic IS; abbed ample evidence of tbe eeteem In
wfairb be i* held bv tbeaiemoer*. a*
Hr*. Mary Pjrfarrk to Joo. Toman, well a* Brimben of the prafessloB.
lot* » and 11. block «. Ooodrteb-» add;
Amnc* the many tribute* wblefa be re-
I, THWasOAV. eCTOUa U, tML^.
Kortfepoft. MleiL, Oet. Il-lliit ifcc
Snt dtp* of (be »(^Ir wedded Hfe cd
WUh» Tbo»*». Kortbport'e «mderlakw.Mid Mia LeUle BabaeU. wboee
■BRiMe oeearrm Thander emdat.
to auwwii wHb iboTM to crieeed w
ttor twU» br Mto (he ebariTwl wfetai wae laaofBmtMl ibe am
•ratap ctm W>tdt ftrtfc' naaba(ed.
VM to (till woree. It arewe In else
CD Md ae raepa • to made br the
- ^
gteom ta (kelr or* Ut«B.
Bee* after (be i irrtoia a «Dwd ol
be tomt ct tb«
• of tail
catbeiwd la fraat of the bMOiral laM
dOBM of the bride where the oaRtose
took Mace aad praeaedad to aarcoade
with all Bmper of aotoea. Dr. O. E.
, Chan of Trareraa Clir, arho was a
lueat. attempted (o quell the dtowhaace bat the crowd dnlred aa aodieaoa
witb the room, who would ao( ap
pear aad at be deellaed to treat, (bit
briag acalut hit priaclplaa. he ^ai
toroed to. vacate (be rMideoea duriat
the nlKbt. The bride aad groom aoagbt
rafuga trots tbelr tormeatera with relaUvea boi algbi after night their bidlag plaee baa bees ferreted oat aatil
evetr relative within a radlaa of Bve
mltoa baa beoa aougbi aad (blrir
drim oB of tbelr premtoee bp the
BOtoa. .iWlght the O. A. E eaaaen
ased at tbe eemeierp for vetem aalatM baa boea taken and:evaer eBor
wfU be made br tbli crowd to bring
Ibe grom to lerma of peace. Tber aak
a treat of clgara oor IS caib. HU
atriet OoBgregatlOBal priacliBei art
grtatlag the demaada.
Mr. Tbomaa to oae of tbe brat
kaowB of tbo older raaideou of Northport aad three of hto cbildren bare
eidtagtoU work at Oliret, two belag
tbere Uito r«r. Hto bride to tbe orgaalat of tbe^OoagregaUoaal ebnieb
aad be to a popelar merebaat who pur(hand the oldest baslaosa la tbe vil
lage, that of WllUam ClII.
Big BtriU In Eonla.
8t Pderaborg Oct. ».-ltadleal
neiioe toaUag toward the contlnoatkm of the etrike naUI tbe demaada of
tbe workmen wean aceepted wma taka
at a meeiJag last algbu ' flpeecbea of
a revoloUontrr ehaimcter were made
and wero wlldir apptoaded. The oongMss.eeat ad^utatlon to Prince KbIIkoB, mlBlater of railways, aad Count
Wiue to piweent an addren demand- lag raCorau lariadlaf a coauUtaea:
asaambtr atoned by aalvenal anlfiaga.
Tbe workmen's addroM declared “U
to ttma tor the aaltlement of matleiw
of vital lapoRaaw hr tbe admlaJatrathm now pnsL Ike eonstry' mnat not
be foreed Into a reran. The peopio
have ton enaogfa Mood alreadria Maacharia and the btaed aow being shod in
•rarr Mtr gnl vtnaga la Bassto.”
The d^tattaB did an see KblikoB.
who mas on a trtp^to the eaa^ fan:
Witte raoMrad the de^Ulton. “I am
advena to peneestton and btoodsbed.''
he eaM, “and favor the graaten
nmonat of Uhorty. hat advise yon to
atop tha strihe aad than slaborate
pMoMal nmdttlima."
lerooa of MlihawabA. lad, hawaaod
to ber badfide aad were with ber at
tbe Itato of ber death. BeaUea tbo
ebUdron alroadr meaHoaed abe Invn
three tout. Paul. Leonard aad Hei>
aaaa. all of tbla place. Tbe bodr was
bioagtat ber# where the fBoeral «aa
.held Wedaeadar aflemooa at t o'eloek
tma tbe'M. E ebareb. lotprmeat tabiag place la the Wagaer ecmafeiT bedde ber boaband. who died aboot
twelve mra am). Ooceaeed was abou|l
TC rears of
tor. Hleta- Oct. tS.-Mn. Prank
Coaklln aad daughter. Ladle. viaKel
tricAdi In Eaptre oar dar tost week.
Hr. Oriaths made a bnalsea trip
to Orand RapUs Pridar.
Charier Case apeni Baadar with bit
famllr It Baatnato.
Martha Hum to cm tbe tick list.
Mr. Ortatha baa bit atol* eompletc-.
wbleb to now up to date.
Mr. aad Mr*. George Bpeelmaa. who
hare bees vtolilng frleadt aad relailra at Oblo. relumed to tbelr home
E Caae )uat returned borne from
Benum Harbor, which be wu e«*t at
delegate to the aUte ooavmiUim of
the I. O. 6. P. lodge.
Tbe baaeball game betweeo Hooor
end Bcsnala boaln'eae men of laat
week rbanlted In a acore of II to »
i favor of Honor.
A oircle of frienda and neigbbora of
Oeprge Woaver gate blm a plenaol
Burprlte parir m hoaor of hto tblrUetb
btrlhdar laat Pridar evening which
the?- presented him a fine rocker as
Hanoah Todd to tbe new “hello"
girl at lhcecntr«l
A. Todd U ]ui( tisrtlog camp for
tbe wiater and loakiog for men to cut
Lake Ann. HIch.. On. SS.-rHAds.v.
Oct. 30. Erwin Maker aod wife arc to
start for Oeover. Col., where ibey visit'
relailva Ad triads fw a time, then
to WbliUa. CaL, where a brother
^ra. tfakcr's Ad several other relatlva reside.
Two SAS of E L Byer start for.Los
Angela, Cal., next week where ihey
expeet to remain indefinitely.
PoUiOa reacbed SO caU a bushel
Mra. W. K. Kennedy, who has been
rltlclng her people for tbe Ia< 'wt
maths, left for Beattie. Was#., last
H. W. Caae and wife twk Avanuge
of the exeursla to Oblo Ad vlslietl
the old home Ad frienda They re
turned moch pleuA to be In Mlchi
gA. They wooU not go back U Ohio
> lire.
Mn. E E Ftoh Is in BaimIs atleading Uic W. C. T. V.
WUUan Toeka ha («^fUd a llvory
sHble Bere. This maka throe livery
la Lake Ann. all busy.
BhermA Dragon, who has beeo dlaoiing wet greceria for Mr. Turck.
to abat to start -a salora at Cedar
Dr. SUIllday Is very bay ibae days
kxdtlng aftey tgphald fever Ad sarict
fever easa ta laland Ad imorlocbca.
■mplra. MIA. Oec ».->Dartoa BelMr attradod the gryd todgal- O. q F.
whteh was BHd at Benton Harbor last
Mtoi Hahn Rich win auead tbo
SiatB Normal aefaon at ML Plmaaat
tha Doming year. While tbare she will
heammafaerof the tomlly of Prof. E
Carl Morris rctarned Tneoday from
TmrarM CHy. whero he has been for
the lot three wdeka.
Mrs. Howard Keaney Is la poor
hmith at praaent itsr. Harry Noroonk to also qolte lU.
Mn. Hlaer Pamnt of Oka Haven,
WM la Empire Monday.
Wm. FauersoB and wife of HIsbv
waka. lad., were la the vll
Avert ABBtr hae movod hie tamUy
to Hlabterala. lad. where be win
. weak for the BUndsrd OU company.
Mr. aad Mri D. P. Roche made
faaalaea trip to Monergoa tost week
where they at* tbinklng of buylag k
grooety store.
MUtOB Hodge to aow foreman
tbe E L. eompaay's freU farm. *
posHton was formerly held by Jerim
Dewitt. ‘
Mra. aad Mrs. I. E Rocha have retaraad to Biptre nad he bu rmumed
his oU poalUoB /la Raynolds' drug
Mii win HoiTla retunied Hondar
an the ■tamirrJflsimiTl from a thi
weeks vtoH at ba girlhood borne
Bontb Haven. /'
Two onrtond^^ot abbnge wi
. ehipped out of Empire Thaiadar mo
tag. The prtoo paid to tarmera wav
$T paten.
Hto Aaaie -Denar racunied U OUenga last waA. She was ah
by ber ctota. dale, aad Hiss Faanle
AthlasA n Kasaoa.
Anoiha Bmplie ptooea has been
called U )ota the grat malorlty. Mre.
Eltoabeth Rob( died Boodey. On. l&.
at Attn Arbor, wberv she wnt ebon:
a math ago to Uke trotment for c) j
troabto. She had about recorcred ber
' lymlght and would soon -hBre retamsd'homt when Ae was tAa ill
wtu pneamonk. Ha ba. P. U Rohr,
af this piaa. and. Aughtoe. Mrs. Aaarsan (4 KdKAs hiy an.! Mr«. I'at
allhoagh the weather was very uafa- toto ha basdmnd wbo w >itbsrars*TCraMc. Prtmeeds were |Ut. A neekUc aoeUi will A given by the Ladlet' bis bratha Jama.
Mrs. J. Sbaw of Blights Biding
AM Boeleiy balltrwe'ee. Everybody
Girls bring s boi with npprr made a ehopMog trip u the rity this
fa two ud t*o oecktla alike. Boys moralog. murotng lator to the Ay.
- Mrs. .n. E Uerroo aad lUlie Abe.
briag the gwT.
Mrs. Jlnks'aad''daBgbtaof Ttaverac^etoa. of BMums Bar passed tbrongfa
City epeat Iwi wcA With ber stola.: Ibe alty today a a trip w OrweDville.
Mrs. Hsrvep Aetraw.
i where she will tolt ha mnber. Mrs F.
Mr. and Mrs. !ten Brawta of Alhmt > L. aevetoad.
sod Hr. ud Mrs. 3. Rnnde] of Pine
Mrs. Chartos Knimrn Ad sister.
Creek arc visiting tbelr brotaer. R. Mrs. E Harding of Cmwn s-e TravCarpema. Ad family.
aty guau uAy.
Ed Bwlft was In town MAday. ^ i: ■
Miss Verna Moote of TbampsoavlUoi
BtaU Newa.
as tbe goat M ha frienA. Dcllcl After sbooilng a rabt>:i. uaonto
Harris. Mooday.
I Kuol of Hniaad laid hto gun down
Mrs. Alton returned MmAy evening a a log. When be picked it up h *
from Ald«. where Ae has been spend-1 pnUed It toward ^Im bv (•<# barrels.
Inc a few days.
! Tbe trtega caught m a twig Ad tbe
Deb Reed bas had f relapr* and i‘ i cArga tore his right arm so serlousij
Aiic tow at preseot. Mr. CuAny of as U aeeessltste ampotatlA.
imhc Anu to nurmlpg blm. HU leJs-j Doring lbe.»lnt10.*T)lg tree fell )usi
(IVN w#re lelegtapbod for Monday-a Mrs. EllA Bartlett, nar Meoom.
I>aeM$B >u b*r bnggy. l<
Max Btorrow was surprised by thlr- knocked ha fmM-Ihe vehicle seotety or forty of bis yABg frtood. Ma- ^ less. A anghUor fAuJTia rooeitoe
He was Invited to S • Isicr Ad she died Just as she was
Arty al DcAe's ball and upon bis ar-j lAen to ba .><ome.
rival was told tAt tbe party was to;-| giiat 30 rate, Edwanl .C. Cowru
and A a slight memeoio of tbelr. ba Just writm bis brotba. James
Idshio from hto roonc friends In-OoWea. a HaskAA- llreman. from
B presented with a band-: FrankUu. Alaska, be As beeo In tbe
some sraieh fob. Utx lava thU wak goU coAtry II yars. As Edward
tr Ctllfomli.
unmaiTtod Ad la AUlng old: James
Mrs. Vickery Ad dAgbta. Nellie, thinks be mar some Av get a bit of
of InterloehA were In loam Tsesdsj-.
Max Blarrow ww a Travoa City]
Tltilor UoeAy.
: always be reminded bv
Hr. Gore bcgA buying polotoe
digits < a narrow eoape be had froio
for B. HorgA of Traverse Cliy. T<!M-l,n„,n, ^5,,^ in the yards of the Onftad
day. tavlDg rented several cellars In ; Tnmk. Ht was playlpg on .bp of s
! Ax ar, when a switch engine bit li.
Archie McLean Is working tor Mi. knocking him oB b«ween the ars.
He squirmed oB the rallc. but two
. wA bu beeo
George Lyhamore hss t>een flsi on
hto back for 'hree' yars at Adrlati
frrwn Injuries received from a fire tram
. breaking from the barn stul ciwsl vpuue*' f.i
a. .1. aenlng. Oc
o..,. 3fi.
aesdsv in t'e daman aa e( Lewis
Red lupbaMs-a secsiad <tep-it
Nine can cT coat aad a obAA
Puller agalBsi the Gruid Trank Rall-| belag plekcd by PrAb-MlAerfoiag; bntoe asray from a HtobIgA Catral
road ampaay. The ptolailB fell down t SLLeaox.
tram on a down grMe wnt of CMat Perry and sued tbe com-J--------------------------------------------------- sa. and crashed lain a frrlgbl UsA .
0-do«or smbamab ami
AlbtoughTJjaraofagfW.O.EJdy M
• I'ubi-man lumped Ad uved tbe|r
of Lee. pitched and Abadad eighteen-<Su^ea
OdeSS.^^'Um The anglae wu kaocked-ot
btg loads cf bay ia ae day. m«
----- bm.
a w'slkw. SsSc* si <'be track and tbe wrecked on tatwed.
wbo 0»tor *yy-,,„..- ^ ^ «mieWBst»s rybu.' f*"'
• hoodoo OtAi Wiip-n H,™ 1. —
leiy dsred it to
A sireicb uf tramway !• feei bigbUxiugb
Hargrare's mm. Bay CUy.'Cgviha
pranas m* the show •
No. 15 wu
with sereral rarMadt of g^ lBmbe>> .'he loal llcess.- numba of Crani's angare waj. and Jacob StoiO. ron-mtu ^siSs >aS».lJ?£ll> ffebyepeaual 'omnhilr. sod No 1313 wu Ibe siato
of the lumber yard, wad cau^l In the u'wSS5S?“ta.t?^*sS^e!S?*iA. Hceose. n. wjiti else raid ya expect
ctuh. He escaped Ipstant datb by
*■"' •”
Osollnr wbleb deboards forming atitfot him like v »ssiS4sy o< Wsnar, 's w (IrsU Iramst stro>i-.i tin- auto and storage shed Ai
shlckf, sDd hto only tnjurla were i 2S5*sSutT^*i***”***” ** *
Wilnon the scare of M. Iltp.
disloaiM Aoulder and bniltcs.
"JJ---------------------------------------- —
An euy Job to that of OOcer Hirain ----------------------------------Hawkins of Bay City He wa> fircl S^l
during the reeral street railway rlrlko
refusing to give the nai
leged rioters The cnunell refused
I & Wsltsr. Jwlss tt
eaflrm bU dismissal, and while Haw
Kins U not on duty yet he It
evire hto a>
Usd ta SSMI nan
JAn U Vincen'. ahn
,-it.ndish clevsUn (or Currie'ft Curran '’I l7w aedwa lhs< Ihr If'h dsy of goreisW.
DetroH. wu aught to a shaft
elevator u be was msklDg some n--. (s'Msminuu sad lOtMu mM si^m
Airs, mtd wu whined around «• - •**
«d revoli
taking every .rred of nothing oB blm .-r-,- - - except bis shoes Several ribs were. <mS> '
___ ___________
W. A Currey. a farmer living near : p^I5^®g5jfr« lU o!2^
CalesUurg. has been placed under bou.i
to forever slay wJihto ihi.- borders «(' '
Kalamaxoo. count'. He refuses to |<ay
a ISO Judgment because a neighbor’s
hogs which broke Into hto farm werlaw fd Chg.vd J
Fo worried by Curruy’s dogs that they
..—----died. He wm. aem .0 Jail A a l«l>
-AT-^ •
exec^tlA gnd was later released or.
the peculiar bond.
A fine lot of second crop sU-iwImtTff
ricF. grown by Mrs. Alice HAird of.SwwMd* *
Troy, was a exblhJtlon al the IBnel:
.Vonhera at PollTlac. Tl'e pIais ‘•"'JSSSS"
Our "liaiO kioVer- lioya'
which these berrit-s
have----- ----------------- it-rt.-..........
pioriug onr oiotto
the elimstlc condltlAi !rM«oitoMd<S«wttAni>te
nd no particular
tnii> fvei7 da;. 'Bcttf-r see
lar arc being given.
The Gaylord Indian wa.berpropbe
w-ratber prapfae I ^.?
what wc can ^vc :;ou beforo
wHJi hto AHual prophecy-, and It
hajiot; yoor ocst boja' ahoca.
gtKM^raxdtog forM....
he cm, man.
He prodleu a mild winter, with light
Hto rasas are theM-;
Opp. Whiting Hotel. „
-ees are dying slowly this
fi’l. the com hiisks are thin, the
goose's wlShhae to hlA and ver.
RoncEt Shoes
Ronest Prices
Rswlaiil Aimtosa,
tbe borne of Mra. C. C. Harford rto
lira a mile from the village. Lpon.,^.
joOciato, mine
eat Ions of a short and mild wluier, 1
Castor ban. and resin to the value
turtrdrat qu.rt.r1y eotiv.nUon of tha Long LafcwaA OaN
r K 3igi. I., have been used to ih..i««to SunAy Sehepi aasoeiatton. to bt held BMvrAy, Nov. 4,
to tA
spent In sewing, after wfalcb a bualncar G0.I. To Th«mamifseii.r.-of
This was 'he endlnc
mec'lng wathbcld. It waa decided by to nn ano-yal ni<-eilne of ihi- Ijikc :
-Kirnycl lu a fire in the Mt-irgi-r eolrtl
T|dEME—God Lsadtog Us.
Merntog Sas-en. 10:00 Otetoek.
vote to bave Prof. W. N. Ferris give u“ ptrtur MWIng Insihute. comixiM-d
orag.' building at ilrsiid Rapids. Th--'
loctnre to the near future, ihe Aic I all of 'he nromlnent tnlue owners and
. A w. Th".m Co Is the
^1 ....................... ........................
A left to Ur. PeRla' coBvenlraoc. Tb< anperintendata of
Supt. Brownell of the Rat conniy |
ocretaryto report .bow A that
.<or house tnieods to fight
c««A Of M6 wu the rauil of the New'
BnglAd .upper given <^i. 11. Twaiy'
of hto wife bA daughter to in-; (tod Loading Vs—"HoW and -ftTien ’..........................
of this waa given to the pasla. Her.
deserihed follow.-.1
matee. He demans an InveaUgalloii | Discussion ........... ......................
A. A. AlllngtA. to apbly on Mt alant,
J rt'em.m.tra.ion
and sxvF he has been exonerated of:
Al & p. m. the omnibus ailed (or the
s iBunehed a
the cbirge onee.
ladta sod they went to tbelr homes
Afttmeen Satlon. 1:30 O'etoek.
Aslontobed Sllc-s aldermen find they •
. Kra. AllCtoA
fallng that balda having .0 enjoyp,r,>- uraated narly jr. have IxyiiNi In Ihe gsmeral street par-' IJevoUcual. lod by ..........................................................
Ale Ay they hA necomphahed eraRetorts and CulU-ciion
tog feml when Ihe.r ihuitgbt
aldoable towards the articla they
-empty - They will now pave Kounli ’
l-*dtog l'a--Wlierer and "Ucunaregireparlu tor a cburcb baaur to
mseuM.im ................................ ....................
be bdd aomc lime to Docemba. The,
Tbe game w-apl'-n of Calhoun COUP- (l-el'a'M' ....................................................
mating will be held at Mra. M.i^„
ty will be paid 1» rent, a day by t|,-,
Coun'l’ Convenik.n
A. Culver. A Not. 1.
Sftnni regintem M N supervisor* Bherlft Tu-ncr gei« So
G.. Mag with the eoagregsiiA of ib.' cent* a day for priFuners-towrd
___ ifk
B -1
' Prabytertan church at Grand Rapid.Prom Thuradays Recerd.
- on Sunday nlglit Soddeuly he Bir>piM-.|,
Mrs. C. C. Gage and daughter. Mrs.
Ben Oannci. left this noon for a short ^
landed (he Custer
visit at Hartor^aga.
best drilled body
Mils Anna Cadbam of Buitraa Ay troops to Michigan. They arc now C:>. |
U.1.M In .t. a„ IbU ooralD, to. . ,
alt with relaUva.
| ^
umed B-own. a member .d
Mra A- M, Wall or WeldOT arriieJ'^jj^
can,j„„ nexm. 1
... ss
jitds. Hidu Oct. 33.
wbo tau been spading ibo
past two ramiht la Traverse City, to
borne o». g vistt.
Mrs. Bari Rowe of J^udfagia to
AAdlng tbe week with ha motba.
Mrs. Mary JohasA.
Miss Pari Walker of Txaverse Citv
to vIsIUa St tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
H.H. Greco.
' ......
men’ll uiiitoi Moodlv raomlng Im-n
HtH Walburga Haley of South Miltlarlay lyevcb, where he left the viw.tahas entered ibe HIgb school here.
lie «aW lUat the .learner nesr’y
Rev. L. U. BIhscII of Traverse City
dowii to Ihe gale ou Lake Hurou
U1 occupy the pulpit irf the Prt-sby
at w-*-eii she rarhed Harbor
I and that
terton ctinrcb liolta'iDohiing and creuWilliam Oran of Sorihport. who I. Bracb
she Ad elghi feet of water in
iDg. BAday. OMr-EfiT^
her hold and wa. in a .inking eoaditton
BetmtH Janey Ad two dsug.i- bu bea to Upon. Ind.. In r*''iuto“ ' ber
of Ibe This man. al’hougb he ha* «alletl ilubo have bera la Dayton. Oblo
and was before that 1
the put two Btontbs, returned Saiuidiau Toluntcer lafatry. is lu the city | all waia Kallor. say* that be ba. had
ly pvaittg.
today wbUe on Us return home.
eaough; lAl the storm ww* the wnrr'
William Ania and tamlly are nov
bv erer saw
' bave vailed fur a
comfortably loaied in tbe/BuUer boiht Pram Prldar'a Rpcorfi.
quarter of a ceniurr,- said he,C"bui
— Traratso avenue.
Rev. Ft. Needbam It vHlting reia-1
rhe sebooMr Thra Bisters ulleJ lira to the city
' never aw anjihlne like lAi aiorm.
On the ocau there
Monday tor Martnelie, Wls.
Mra. R. O^n of N'c4b-U-wranU'
A. R. Dougherty to spending puiA through tbe city this moralag would A five mlnuta or so Alwevu
Ibe sa*. bill this ktnnn tbe iras kept
o-eeb Ir. Bellalte.
her way to Peiltta. where sA will
pounding IIS r-. cry mtoi’te aud wc
Mrs. E P. Parkinson, who has to
brother. Dr. M. A. Kroui
baA’t a ik-rord 10 brciihe.”
spading tbe put two fflatba In I
k fiafU of elA<. eoulsttog of Ur.
JoA McGee firvil two shot. In the
Rapids with old frienda expects
and Mr*^- Baker and three eblldrra,
re Friday tor Flcreoce, Csnadi
H. HcPill. Mrs. J. PouasMu aod WoIverlBc mine at Ay city One
!ndrcw Wood, wbo bw b«a In Red Mrs. May Lliiser left this morning lor (ailed lu explode and MeOee was In
the au»i- wben It exp’od
ding. Cal., tdr the past taro yars. ex Fire Uke. where they wl!l rata Into
cd. fllltog fall C4-CI ard fare with ix>«pects to be St borne witb hU Tamlly
Ap lUe fur a buntlu tripOer ud coal and destroying his slKht.
Mra. B. BwtrtUoui retunied to her
4. B. Ware of Grand Apids Is l■'e
W. H. Bears of Bears Point resoi"
eandldaie tor the
bu purchased tbe drivlag horse of A.
D. FairbAkt.
western Michigan revenue eolleelorBwartoout.
when Sam Lemon steps out—It
Mrs. George W. Perry was a K
Mrs. M. Rlpshen left thl* noon for
kukr visitor SaUirday aud Bandsy.
. .1.11.1 a., ciu.u.-.»iB.k-.i«v
E B. Noble, wbo has bera in Cad‘1- w I...,
c A businos. returned Ibis week.
,L .1, f,,. . ■
. .
,rt,v TO*’* “•«> In ‘be legUlalure of ’»3.
latiacLA Charles Wright, aged 43. a
German tobora from Dctmli. at BritBendon. Mich.. Get *8.—Hattie KeiiThc fold gradually crept up bla
ey rmumed lut week Wedneadtr stead puied.. through tbe city ibis: bofiy and A died to an hour. A post(mm Ann Arba. wAte alie Aa ban moratog OB tbelr return from .a trip «o: mertem abowed a rupture o! the walls
spending a couple of waA.
I Swan. Ind—
Mias May ReyMlda wu inrpriied by
Auuhiey C. L. Dayton
Braking siac for good rad.
w numAr of Ar yoAg (rtaads last (B Aland is tn (be city toAy a a Aa should A the acua'Iuu of Jaekaa
Atorday cvalag. the oeeasfam bMng Mn trip.
,Ad Marquette convieta. accordlog to
ha BReeotb WriMay. TA evening
Mrs. U L Prveman of Cadillac re-,iA news of Stsie Hltbwsy Commla
was spent-with gamaand all report
umed borne this moraluatia a visit ..loner Earle, who AdresaeO >be good
fire lime.
rtui tclailra M Maple CUytads raaiy cAvratiAwi Coldwatcr.
Mr. 4M Mrs. ‘BOr BUa were I
Mn. PEMek Pngany •( Buttim. Bay: CoagrasoaB Oardner ala bpokr.
town the Ent cd tA *««E
- -1 through (A cHv Uto noM a| No cmm of actlA wu the verdict
Th« liiiT toelal was qnlle a auccMs* h.-*r way tr. mak.-y wdirrif she will I id a eirenfi eoart jnry at Arising
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Etc.
ULYING Carpets and Rugs by mail heretdfore^^ecn a rather unsatisfactori^
U fJtoposition as it is hard for one to form a p^opcT coDccption of paiH.-rns and ''
olor* from type descriptions or black and white illustrations.
Btt we have just
published a catalogue from which you can select Carpets and Rugs just as easily and
s ilisfactorily as if the goods were right before your eyes. The designs and colorings
are accurately reproduced in this book by the aid of photograph)', engraving and
high art color printing. None but standard makes and all arc ihe very latest jiatterns produced for this season's trade.
Carpets from 25c up to $2.00 per yard
Room Size Rugs from $13.50 to $4L50
We buy direct from the mills in great quantities and by thus eliminating the
usual wholesalers’ and jobbers’ profn. wc can save you . cmsiderable money on what
ever you buy from us in these lines.
Frclftit Cbarces Prepaid on Porciuses Amoaotlni: to $( or Hore.
This catalogue of Carpets and Rugs, although one of the most costly books of
the kind ever issued, will be sent absolutely free of charge to all prospective buyers
who-promptiy send us their names and addresses.
Pardridge 66 Blackwell
Michigan's Greatest Store
W* don’t expect €fn*7«n«n to
like thMptnllfoAioo^ 6g^
uiw;ire doootedTO»te U:aotUtMD«rtUiepouit tie picture
vedeeiSDedanlvto .Ik.w tbe ptereiling etyle* end to mfo«n the
they will
b»y« in edeanoe. of the genenl cnl of —•
or ore
6»J i. a.e taidi.W iKm» i ttwpmuso. the good practical
the market for
OOIVI F» aim Y
Some thin^ however, are no
letter than yon get at othtw
storca. tor we eaut alWs.vs
iMt everybody on everything
-it w«aU be impwsibte to
do ao aid each a claim wonld
be simply sbmrd.
Some thiofm in a store al
ways stand oct with more
nroaunsBce than otben. To
ilhistrate we aak yon to cobskier onr 10.00 boito and
10.00 Ovsfooata. Voa can't
eqaaltbem anywhere at the
Ifsentmgh to say. h..s. ter.
that wr hsw the kin.l' <t{
WMuahtes von wnnt. and in
most <w»>w. the priiM
lowef than lik*- uonlitka af‘
■uU •dsevbetv. shile se ipVf
>-on our gonrartM- of ait^sfae
lifm with even arlicii- lv>u
Then then- are ov 160 Hata.
mnat eell what ia n.ade. therefore we pf eaent the. I«at {;»>«““ If
honght. A few years ago the w»d«n»at was i^e with soft front
form fitting, now the ahonld-rs an-broad, well padded in fewU
howerer. the new lads noon aj^Ar cooiinoa to all. and that whrch
was worn a short time ago will not pJw*« tte maa«s t^ay. so
thnre isonly one thing todo. ra ,wh<-n yon bay. boy that which
fashion deexees le right.
This Orerooot Qoeatiou lies close to heart; we pUnnrd to hartthe beat
__ Otvrnouts
_ .mioaia »u
in vo«ui
town: "w
we mi
.uk we're
~c .r got them. » e v» 1*^0
woiiinic 00 this orereoat
orereout proldom for months. We «• an orero«
few eW-iy man's form for ercry man's aotiwi and tor erery man s
Next to sbonldera, collars
and Upek. coat fionte an
tlie we^ pjinta in ordinary:
clothes. Few malcra have:
fully orerenme this difficulty. !
The fronts on all onr fine ;
Bcits and oreregats are riglit;
and etny right; they don't;
•ag oot of shape after a ;
week's wnar.norafier moot! s I
of hard servioe; they remain I
firm and are prod against;
eorling or tawa^g.
f ‘J
nro that sill at once con
vince yon that yen get the
best bm that yon can poeasbly get anywheie for the
MEIS sirs
Stan at 5.00 and so eiMleavor
to give the k>st .a.UJ sail that
can Ir bad.
Suita from *'..00 to ^..’I0
have both style and 4tortbey arv nv«id broaken with
W,; fit fst nmo. tall men.
»hort men
10.00 syiTs
13.00 SOTS
Ivwntifnl patterns in the newn
est mixtnrea, plain blacks
nisi bines.
bnj-s a nice suit, worsteds in
all colorings
&]nal to tailor nude.
Hart Schaffner
The tooriat ornnoat ia a great
favorite thia yor, fadt can betaken
off if yon do not want it They
are nnt 63 inohea kng, o good
warm eont; it is made in plaio or
fancy mixtnrea, single or donUe
breasted, prices from
We carry a gwl line of Pur
Coats: the beat Galloway we
hare seen we purrbased.
Bnasian Calf ooat<‘ are.
light in weight, natoral color
and wear well
We can gire an excellent
Eenley coat with good tor
lining, handsome wide Ktr
Im 3S.g
drays and Q»y mixtnrea hart
le^ this auson in Bnita.
Nothing better.
reliaWc as -an he had fo?^
lU.OO. both single and donbie
m 111
Our Hat Department is filled
with all the novdties and
staples as well
Fur lined, tor trimmed, it
U-sU all the handsome knit-^
caps wc have.
Swiaters and Caps o9iped
in same’ color. Beaotitol
knit iaoketa. all odors. Kov.
eltiea in Knit \'csts.
.’>.00 buys an extra long
mat^intosb. rain proof and
warm as on overcoat.
Cot'vrishc !<)'>
H«t Sebaffasr i- Man
There is also a good drsnand
for oventata as above. 46 in.
kmg. made from Kersey and
heavy Frieaea. Tliis tepre.
senU one of onr G ruateat bar.
gains, a good 12.00 coat fee
Onr Heavy Dark GoM oaly
A greatbargaitL
KoCblng to oompare with cor
------- -------- of Oi^r.
oi«ts for .
6.00 ti 8.50
Harr S.:.un-;(.r :s Man
Clothes for Young Men! Clothes for Boys!. Clothes for Childron!
We have made a epeciat effort in this department of our business and now have the largest displays of Boys* Clothing ever shown in.Traverse City.
We've an nnlimited assort,
in -utof little chsM suits in
,thp nest .lunior. Bnssion and
.Vdiiiiral lilouse effpcti: lor
og<* :i to 10: better than you
•■sn get elsea heri'.
ticsl Toung men oomt- here for clothe*; many of il.-ai csuld
not be i^uood to go elsewhere; wt lake pains to' have onr yonng
taedt dolhse inst ri^t.
«n Vest Salts IB
Oiys. sergoa. and tonoy mixtui^ nn^ 01
_oopayM250i .
daewherv tor the same kind
of garments, onr ^ | 2
Salta ftr Yeoat Men nude of
finest fancy .worsteds, thibcu.
Scotch twe^l fast blue serg<*.
~|T^ up; ihany handsome^
CUIOreu' Ginneots
TOOwC MEN'S suns, 8i/i*:«
to $18
Taaic tBett an weal Overoaatamsdeof the finest cheviots,
tweeds and caaaiuien-*-. fine
Tea« ■aa’a/all Weal Overcaata in the aew SS-ineb or
. laogth,
laogth. with or
irithont bdta, in ell <» ] c
Msroct tobrioma-_ JP I O
Boy’a and ynnng men'a tweet-
50c, TSC, $IjOO, $1i0
Oioioe CoDege awcatera for
yonng men.
KuMian suits in red. gr<«u
an<i Uoe sbadv*. as youjpnwl kides
fer also in jiiixe.1
Triminud in ii
:$5.(K) and$M0
I to :IS, a greet number of the sas.
( sou's moat desirabltf lots, doulile
■nits thet relaO all over tor more. { and single breasl'c^dii worsteds
There’s an excellence iu the
wmkiwg of onr clothea which
$3.50 to $6.00
I Mixtui^ in Long Pont suits
$3.50 to'$5.00
YattBg Mu’s Overcoats, sixes \
.HO to JS,. in. Oxford
gray and
hlne and black cheviots, cot
tro long
g and
end have
belt backs—
$12.00 vnl
ilay for..
$5 to $8
$3i0 to^jj
75c to $1.00
Boys’ sweaters and gloves to
AD for from 3 50 to 7.00
Korftdk suits forlioys 7 to 1*>
<d style: patch toeasr- pocket
DO j-Liits in front, but ooe
wiiie plait down the back.
Also singli-bressted Norfolk
Boys 2 pc. suits tnoHn from
3.00 to 430
il>o<nPum cmsleevt*.
Boys 2 |ic. ssits with
mats to match only
2.50 to 3.50
Hundrods of poirs of onr
Boys short pants soU each
J8 to tiO
capa to
Bovb sw.-aiers in all the handsom<- snad-*
Tocor mn't tplcBdU aver.
casts of friezes and heavy che
viots. ill oitlier ■•xtm ioag or
Boys' BweeteiB and
match. .
Donbti- bnaaW’i two.piece |
'□its in ages 1 to I'!, from ; years old.
absolutely fast bio- serge.
Beautiful line of litil.- feilowa
sweaters •
Boya' kng overcoata. witli or
without belts, of heavy black
and Oxfoid gray fricaes, great
Live Styles for Active ;
Season’s Gi'eateSt Event in Clothing
'To those who are familiar with the reliable nature uf our clothing^for boys, the ;
oouncemeot of our fall and winter showing is always wdeome.
.. MsnSc Aeooun* ^or Smmll
AbouE i*
4.00 tl 608
Eqnal to onliiiary 7Se gwids
V>nr Ruff,aad Tnff pants for
Boys at,”
We dn.«s the littk fellows in
MO. 41.
lQik.cbaoae|fme m eacA and yon bnve year eas-aad wa are to let nothing atop ua—* hsIU The nubera had taraod oat foo
rrmote room | die ahadea whlcb eta he made lo rasl
-Proteaapr John wUl come oat W aee gaa In their kmg halti. aad Hft iha
Tk* tun bad put tk« «ufe to (^1.
that an- brooiAi to bear a^' 0 thwboaae.aad let It be dark, la one! upon a bit of gnatafaord tbroaH>.a bole
0 total darkseaa. Sul Rip did aoi
Akdno bot ttlaUr «l«wd
-Hall Sad ua up.- aald Ugbtwel^l taesltaie. Her eUMiah eowage mauat- the ammeptlWe mind of yoolA l^myiy comer bolM your gboai. A drev-, 0 which the cnndM to allpped.
Tbt J»A-o‘-l«at« eorrod fro« oot
Try thU dainty and timely ■
taveau Halloween with a wl^Ang maker', frame stool opoo
Proto—or Aawo bad tutaed klad ere« darkly. Ughtwelghl arelgbed oae ton- ed hlgA and ber terror waa all for
A COUM ptuBpktB. nuBMi.
ntobes an esceUebt form upon whim Creamed Chestwuu 0 Ramektas
J«*n. -Mr JobA my JoBn!' she charm.
Bet yotUMol tonu morn) bon aod oa her. and ntd-aeticrir: ’'Renombor. dred aad aeveair.
Peppra StuBed wtU Veal
Ia abHent Rotnan cwleadara It to tbe : 0 drape tbe sheet. WUhowt It. you .
-Wear your black maaka. every ear gup<-d. at ahe aped down the hall.
Ur. TUly. ibo coadKlOBa of life hertbwo
Hot Rolls
She ran a^aat tbe Uvatory. and ao vIxU cd All Sa0tB' or All Haltowa'
iMfce It *017 dlScoH for foa to keep of yoA and be here at one o'elock.'
Lfta ii4eum « a tenon.
knew abe waa opjioaUe Tale o‘ Woe's Dv. Upon that Bight the aplriu <d nerd that 0e human form be Imluird I Apple Salad With Cbaene WafeiA
■o yoBiid a chOd *ltb roa. Too *fll commaaded Tale o‘ Woe.
Aod eboofT lOD^tor Ulod tho air.
___ _______ __ _____ ckwely. for foe drapery will be looar. j
Nut lee Cream.
At alae o'clock Flip opened tbe door door. Ko Hs&i abooe from the room.
bare ebarte of the fourth floor. If' If
OMMooaUi HalMeea.
abroad, together with wlichtA devlU. j Cot a skeleton face fnwi pastebou^ ;
Wafout Cake
dlBeolt ball to manace ia between iter room and Joha'A aad put Tbe tranaom bad been covered with
and mlpehlef.lorlng elves and 0 autne: Arrange a slick at for lop to bold toe!
—Free Preat.
the whole acbool. 1 do aot think II la ber head throogb. John waa walktBg thick black cloth, nod a plen^lbe
cases siririu of living persons were; draped white rioth foai is to cover foe,
---------------------rVoB oot tbclr uaced eonflaeo.
roar duty to bardea yoonotf vUh tbe floor, hla haagt behind him. hit same waa tacked to t^nSk« part of
ABd ofCfy bai^r *a»dal pmrad
head bail at if It were loo heavy to
TOUT alater." •
Withfo. twenty boyA tWtXacAeov- fotdr bodies aad Jo0 foe ghostly pr» | shelf 0 foe form upon which yea cab
Bit dlirc«ard «( dcM
And John bad anaverod ao quickly bold erecL
folny-«m of 0e(»
Br taklBK (bli OBO. loa*>ss that.
-Kim md good night, dear, aad go erad with black cloth, alilted fOT'am, eesskw. ChlMrea bon c foU day pot foe green fire It can be bought'cood time
that nto bad ao lime to realixc the
wbe^er flreworiu are kept, and Its ber. without foe Ume-boamrwd sporu
line Of the prateaaor’a Uat rr- to im at once.' be aald. tooklag down Doae and mouth, stood ready to st^ were aupposed lu preserve during foelr
llehl.^ ablDlng forough fo# skeleion 1 of Haltoween. sock as bobbing for ap: *lt U my pleaaare. alrf to keep at tbe chlM wUb eyea dark-rlmmed foe ruih. It wa* to be conduetad to; youth foe jtowe- it
face, will p-radpee
p.radpee a most sattatortnrr p)«pA^id trying charms with toad, mirtwo eompart rows of ten each, which foewe nlry vtoltaa0
her with me. Pearl baa been my Ut- and wcarr.
• John." said Rip. flipping thronHi would eomplMely Oil foe width of the* The ase of apples aad nuu aa helps eCect.
tbe tmlrenlty for
i t«pr bOBoaib aa eltn-tne^ Nudo.
Late 0 tbe evening, after gboe!
t«o yean, and ahe la a very faithful the ftor, "woo'i you pW*»e go to bed ball, aad mow down all oppoaHloo. On ‘ la dlvlntog the fnlure acema to have atOTlet. told by the rieverest nanniorv
91000 btaMhoo tateriaeod.
pith nuu M a bnslt fbrair-the cn(be
A TOAb ltdad ctaoo boaUe a niald-1 omA my dear, i shall be up all Joined by another, and w «a down 0 j by the Romans on foe Aral day of No you can ob00. lead your gwwu. one joymenu of tha evening, ays Tabto
•X>. John. I
SloY oeaaothlBi noad hor waltl!
aigH sraleblag-tb<‘ boys. It s Haltear- foe street door. That was 0 be ear- vember call tbe team 0 PomonA foe by one. 0 tbe H>«a< arbor, or room, Talk.
toea. you rem.
I laor a am 0vo‘« (sad earota.
la the flm place, have foe walla apried oC tii hinges, and foe town [gbddeaa of frulu and seeds for at that
q'CA you knon.Aad tun tritb OBT7 KTc«n
be pronounced. Someone shrouded In
dieoacd with atrlngi ot
t boys bad reck- [ time foe alorrs laid np to the si
^Bui. John.' pleaded Flip, tqueeilng -patoled red."
.Wb« Ibe loib llpt to* wbUpon
black, and 0vlalble. can be tuilooed nnu 0 tong fwMoona ennght np here
e opened.
danger in foe shape of the sli for winter
day: ‘WA" ahe added to the amoaOd bia band, -you were up almoet all la»i
behind the ghost and. 0 a \oice of the aad there by eheauui hranebes har
Ko'mber 1 n
principal, -Jdbn never acoMed me algbt working fur them horrid boya—" professors wbo guarded their dormi
upon each ing foe burrs tUli attoifoed. and by afl
Om'uo ......... ............
tory. but they bad oot leckoocd ela foe Druids bold a grent autumn few
-Those.' - corrected Joha.
Then, aa the .aignldauce of
Onone. In UaUea
trembl0g llstenw 'You will
means bare much 0 evidence pompUral
t^ eonvenatlcm dawned on her. her
man of your rival's chedee." Is
k0 Jack-o-4aaterM wHh giwteaqtto
^et grew big and round, and her erery bit good nougb foT'tbe boyt. to Rip. wlib ber abort, tottsM hair aaJ
oerry j (urn and blaxlag eycA foe room
tlwnsmlgratlon. and Uugbt tba| oa foe
breath caught a little.. "1 ahall never there, Yon ve been up s'mosi rvcir little red robe.
nipY Halloon'on Ihaih.
someaglow with rosy l|gbu by eoWertog tbe
live only jual with John. He'd never, Blgbl (111 hours after this. Plestc/ 'There bad been three agitated lura*
inea that apply personally 0 (be chandHIer globe* with red Usaue pm
of the door-knob, whlcb was exactly
Joha. go to bed.'
a chair before hor YirtbeVa dwaaer. ever leave me behind.'
goettA Ml foe better for tbe meni- per. and 0 the gtato a Are baiBtag.
nip bogged John-i band agaJnit tbe signal agreed upon by foe consplrSo the principal tand half aigbed an 1
; of foe pnity. &eh one is obllgel
To add t
half amlled at the little browale face, her fuxxy Utile red robe, another of a0r*. Tbe door bad been unlocked (he bodies of noimali doling foe yea:
aak a few tod* and lassies 0 garb
i “O. John,- aho cried, dnaeta* on oae aad Rip waa given a amm next ber
An amusing trick . played to foto (faemaedve* 0 gandy greeA yHtow or
ered her amalT-figure from tbe chin <» in and faced those twenty black- were ligbled by tbe DraMi oj^Ilowtoot..-T sever dreamed of haviac tueb brother-a. ea the fourth Boor, front.
from their high cnHoal AnU
doora. One tbe floor, merely nilowlng her lltilc masked gtonu lowering above ber in
a itor. beaoUfai draaa and coat and
brellA measure Ahe dtolanorTrom (br
the altopero on ibelr feet, and n
through pumlory.
(be dim light.
hat OB mo all at onoe! Ain't 1 pretty. opmed Into the girla' ball and one into red.allppera to appear.
Tbeae eeremooies of belief have long vlcUm'* elbow «m foe toai^ of foe quersde as Imps, bobgoUtoA wlUBae
Tbe child clasped her bandA aad
Jo^ thot If. aU of me that yon her broihcr'a parior. whl«*. In turn., Oeotly John klaaed ber and aeni ber
arm and Up.of bia raMdto Anger oui- and. wtoanto. ibelr ^meni* Javtohly
boo^r Biaaoiac apok»eiinIly at opened Into tbe boya' ball.—that mneh- back (o her room. There Rip con- ber voice was slender with sbrQI and atoce been outgrown, and tha enatomr stietcbed. Mark foe point, tell him to Hppitod with aaakea. BmrdA bats knd
the Httio grpar taoo aad flytac abort dreaded fbnrth ball, areotding to Pre- eelred the brilliant Idea of -^tnymA fear. “If you've got 0 ran over atw which eofored Into the religlou ob- cUsp the stick 0 tbat the outer edge
- toads. MI cot from pnpST and rwnllaiieitaor Amaa. the moat lli-behaved hall awake all night . Joit to aoe bow it one. run over me." foe quavered. T aervwncea of a pw. age a-e now re —, — —-.............
-of foe
tonebea tbe point marked ally paJLptad. Aa exceiiimi ptoa wonU
tnrbtofodr Joha nated a foot heav a tbe boya' aide of tbe dormitory.
and tbe sUck to hHd bnekwanto. at] be to oppolat foem to take awtlr*
On thif floor. John, treat from bia her bow It seemed, but the waa not *re wicked 0 bhn. and be I* good to; with wbich 0 enltveriTv tbrtr witch
ily oa the rnac of the chair to aavc
Of fte amutameuto of tbe evwnlife, waa loeated. and ready to give UA She lay down, yoA He sat up many nlgbu with Talc ing and wlicb-Itke apelli. Lovers seek
flip aa npaec aad amllod. "Haadtome
he held around (be atjek. not altow^ >0^.
manage twenty-boya—aad. dressed, acroas the foot of ber befl. If o' Woo when tbe football did Milne- on ttato night 0 peer behind the veil
ia aa haadaome dooa.- Ma lipe qootod:
slope dosrnward. He
novel way ot cbodatog pan^
keeping that hall io John must all In tU chair—awake all thing to Ms breeib. and It made bim of desttoy by many simple devices.
bat htoa>^-t«T*Tinc.>bo amaU, red- mT He 1
Prom Ireland eome^ ttau qtmlnt co* foe end of Ihe sUqfc 00 bU mouth. that can easllr be carried out. If «to to
- etad d«aie. made a dUtoroot eoiameai. very goed o
Ineipal knew —nlgbt—aho would Ue down-^-and so Ured! Things thin him to. He
tom of plaeing three nou npem foe The game wfll ^cealloa much tonghler. skillful with foe AraaA la 0 have -la
To bimaelf tu/—awake, and Rip was off Into atoi 0 thick as moat .of |wu. and—'
rup faooadod t>ra -tho chair aa UghUy tblA and a
Sud^ly tbe realliatiao of wbal barf of tbe grate, named for fotee and few kUl aeeompUsb ifae trick. To resdtoeas two baskets pUed with tiM^
bad aald that everr- dreamland. ,
' aa a trird. aad thnw bar arma'arottad
If a nut cracks or jumps.'foe ■aeh wbo does aeeompitob IL a tiny ed green -cards,'oi' pan et whlcb are
him. acydlag the tdg tat Ayfog to the thfog eoneeted wl'h the Tourtb floor
package of seeds U given. He muH
waa la perfoet'order. Includtag Rip! one o'clock she swakeoed with a Rip. and ahe foraed, threw her arma lover, will prove imfUlhful: If It be go 00 foe garden alone, plant foe eolored leaves of nul-baprlac tress
and on the ofoers foair anU. foe cou
0 blase or bora be will be true.
“JohA 1 love TOO hmipt and. buah- Bat well be knew the teat of that good thiver and sat up. She was cold. The over her face, pressed them against
<«sds. reiorn to the boosA watklag ple becomtog partaars who draw
room waa cold. She looked about be foe door, and broke Into a passion of If two nuts placed 0gelher and w
ria! With yoar dfct toaeb money, too! order World be Hallowe'en.
backward, and dnring Un trip the face leaves and nou of foe mmo trqe- Ae
for a maiden and ber lover bora
‘We bnve much damage done here wildered. The gas burned brightly,
- Ton oiq^ oot to get theca, though,
fo-ee to as totmwetbe .
-■oonda gel??., they will be married. While of foe bride or btuband-0-be will ap matchfv
At IbU I
Hallm'^ " the profetaor told bia and there tbe was. arrayed to her new
vhmi your coat U ao allppory. aad—
paatlmA aad k may be 0 pumllng
Ihe spell It working it U raatomarr U> pear la ghostly laaage.
Vhy.-doha. your ooliar la all triaslod now teadtar. ahortly before Ootober robe O. yes—Johq! She sUd-oB the broke foe sUenoe bahtod ber. «ne
for eoaee that mtT Jrm^avq to b*
out ca tho top. aad ll'a your Stmday- iblrty-flrat, "ud yon moat be preparedj bod. tad aofUr opened the door. John's cleared bts tbranl; ibere wag an audl- recite foe following vetwe;
for anything then. The boya conaldcr
goto-meetUg bam, im!“
ioha laughM. RBd cuddled PUp. ttet alf reatrmlat la removed that waa strewn with bookt. But before It
the beel of one resting upon foe in
! And in «*cfa itui I gave a
rad draaa. eoat. aad HI. ta bU arma. nigfal. aad the fonrth hall oaoallr sat John, bia head lying on bit outIneraaae
step of the other. Give Urn two canMund of cloth lipping : ' name:
-Never mthd ay oiM. pet. itn. There leada p thc^mUehlef. Be prepared.' airetehed armt. aonnd atleep.
Tbe ralbcad mltoage to thU eonUrr.
dies, one unllghted. the otber.IIgbted.
-0. be must wnub." aaU Rip aloud; as bis mask parcd.ai tbe back of hla This with the btigtateal b
tptu ha mon *toaeh'-ooaoy comlog
la inenaatog at.foo rate of abent At*
Tell him 0 light' foe cee with foe
dooh for John, overheard ihe profea- 0 alanh: but JAn did not stir at (be bead. His example was immedtotely
foootaad mllM a year. At this rafo
I followed by (be temnlalag mA<ken. That In a flame of brightoat Mkir other. He srill no sooner have then In about twenty yepra there will be
-JohA“ oald rUp thoughtfully. '1 eor. Al}ts tea. op la their parlor, ahe round of ber voice.
to bU bands and eton 0 bring foem
^ atvar lookad aleo all over before, did a—led heraeU on her brotber'a knee, - She enme neareri but when abe saw | and twenty boyh looked theeplsbly at
one himdred fooumtid more mllea nif
At biased foe nut. 0 may thy pMSioa together (ban tbe I^Ue tdlll begin lU railroad to <he country. It 'ha eooaIt Boamirnco rve hotload. had then aad leaoloicly polled a lest boirit oa tbe koUowa under hla eyes.' and tho one anotbe- and at Rln
rolling, rrom aide 0 aide the victim
cheeks whifo work kept from gvitlng, Tbclr posliloas were rcvera’cd. Tb >
I tried to kiek at }uai th* place that lAyalei out cf hU hand.
bring try eontlsnea to derntof during the
did look alca. and. Joha,--the corioua ' JobA are yon prrtRr.atrongr' abe .AS thick as Che wished. Rip drew! twenty giants were helpless, and fo'- For 'twwa foy It foaf did 0 brlghUy
next twenty tears aa ru^ly aa R has
gl<ra,'he candles together, and mntoinln his
I one smyll glH was a pillar of strangtht
unto mlxtare ed babyhood-aad voman- naked anzioualy.
during tbe las' two deeadea. It will rwTwo cot apple seeds aiuek oa foe, own balance. One mtome sboold be
-I shall watch." ahe thought bravely, bni ahe didn't know it and waltod imJohn anaarered abaeatly. hlaoyea
hood gaxod caraaoUy into her brothqolre fnllT one hundred foouaud More
Uy0g to rob the sticks out of her eye* "Dtm'l hurl John. He's asleep now . lids of the eyes are said to hdp one to j sllowed for tl^ accompllahment of Ihe mltof of railroad 0 tendle foe-to, otY foot—-daa time, laat year when bit book. “Tea. dear; why? "
and M tired; and I cane down to atos determining which one of two tovgra feat, and Ihdae who wit within tbe crease !n foe volume ot tfaflte. With
They would rot yield 10 nibbing,
you eonMat get in rnmaooa to lead.
Ihe pinched bia arm. -I
? went oauJg^orlng Us
■Hhi mi rmembert—and *j
this iDcresM to railroad mltoage foe
a pumpkto p
She dastard cold water ovei- her face., Then Tale o' Woe, wbo was twenty,
graduau ao hard, t inmad ay tooking "that after we left off II.
demand dor steel aad Iroa srill be eargtoaa-to the wall, baeanaa ao pUee oa lag you'd thicken nuome. You ought all the while listening for a mad and tbe Mild centrerof tbe football
to be aa thick as "Ale o' Woe. He's from John's room or th«v boy a ball
•riookod alee at atl.A profound xlleace reigned, so pro —fsrallowod hard. "Cueas you've teed bears to be t‘e one whose love
awfully thick."
Je^HMked..aad hlaAyea aodi
"What do you sranl. Penrtr' asked found foal tbe sticks soon crept back slopped it all right enough." be aald win toon wane. This spell may be
dec Ign. 0 tbe form of a match safe. „rl^"‘*''^
huskily, knccllngwnd putting bis arm made more tavorably by winking.
(0 ber mes
the bp» a tho meeple ocrooa the John, quietly. "I must study, dear.'
ibee .mail article. AU foeae arc '•'I";’'
Here It nn old Irish method of see
She took a small pitcher, and wen: awkwardly around Rip; for Tale o’
■ But. JohA.wllI you have 0 ksot^
otroet began to ring. There waa a
out Into t-e hall In which her room Woe wa* "mushy-hearted." according ing ooe'future husband. Throw a ball easily bought or made.
aoaad of decra epaalas «ad ahetuag. ; btem down oa Hallowa'enr;
A group of rbUdren may help pant
Johnrglaaord at her with Btortled opened, foe girl's hall, Hot water
aad a grMt aaay itepa aad voloea In
would suretr mell those sticks. Thc There.'—swallow.—-Rip. don't cry: the end, of the thread, and foen/TP- the evt-nlng br a little dance. Any
. the halt* on Nthor aide of them. Boa- cyca. "My d«nr7 If you
the same Umr sajing^-.- simpb- dance steps will mrve. The
oea Bnninarr waa turning obt Ita prtnelpal. remember, do not repent, ball was rtlmly lighted and Rip flew please don't cry.' We haven't any Idea
Tha NearTNM -ef HUfllMsA
Pnicr Nosier backwards. At foe maid- chlld"<tn tho -ld wear Jack«'-Untern
wbai be said 0 any oot."
| noiselessly down Us lcnnU>. afraui »f o( killing Profesror Jobn.'
huarden to the Bandar aerrleo.
Rlfoard White og,
t tte novella', was
"No. no. of ooorae not.'; muttered, en wairhe* the ball of yam In (bc.| masks made of •vasieboard, o’ rnU
"No, John." said Rip In C su)Klucd the shadows. At the .vul ot 1 he hsu
hundred boya walked orderly aeroea
.jne; "tfcly I wish your tjghf hand wa* a lai-aiorv In'o which hot sod the chorus of ntoeteon. crowding be- gloom without, tbe form of, her futuro pumpkin jack-o'-lanieras over their once lalktog wrltb a griarlad old wnthe atroet to the aide pewt oet
hatband win rand beside^'.
, beads. If you ran obtain romc pb0- man. when be ehaacW to refer to foe
and am would thlskewf^ Now i'll goicold water-flowed, T-e mm<- pipe-! bind.
for their roe ^ the ebnreh. d
them weal Prefoaohr Jtrim and Rip. away. John. Just la* qHet. aad won'-.'fed a Ulmllar
would-UI0 0 be foe
-Oh. ow
, In Iretond and Scognnd and Is often 1 coat, the masks. It wi;i' be detigh'ful to
er side of foe partlUon, which at thii ■ "O. no, we ll be careful not
bother you any more,"
to- the mile i^'cn" sallid the sMtoflt beldMe.
vently from Ibi guilty chorus.
j prarllred In this country Is to have up-' darken the
point was Ihio. In the boys'
me went into her owra
feet to bl
askad Mr. Whitoing.
suddenly through the
Flip turned in April ’face toward the 1 on foe supper rable a^a^ dltb flUed ‘‘elves dance
A gronp of boya Juat bebUd abut (be door with painful tUIlneet.! Aa Rip ai0pod. her
"ll Isn't because of ber 'onea. beboys. "O. you're Jnat lovely!" ste | wlifa-mashed poiaioet and chopped on- dark.
valobad.. -He ain't half ao bad." re- and two momenta later waa stngln; 1 water Jaucet. ahe beard
bobbl-c for a^
IM were
I would 'avq a
when; Ions. It Is nsually the principal Hem
marhad a nm. boy, taeklag an -Pro- ber geopaphy lesson with paWnl' other aide. One was low but distinct.' cried to smiling rapture,
donkey cart wl’h red Wbeets. aad it
s called "call- ,
eleattiess; "Mn0e, Augwta, on thu It belonged to Talc o'Woe. Instantlyifoe last tear chased a previous onclonit
. throwing an apple peel b
feaaor ioha.
«mor.''|i^ir''or;*ibw band of «u.^.
-Ko. oot io for.- reaponded an old
‘ form a
-I hand on eat* side of Talc o' Woe's- brim
and rrad- «
boy. eommonty called Ughiwelghi foe—O dear. I forget-" with a break 0 (bh Dipe.
a tub ul *
"You ought to have been on hand an ; fact-, and Impulsively sqocexed It. tollable. Somewhere
“Bat bef groan at the boa0esa yet. the song. "Hateful old atotes lu pu:
‘ 1 log their owners' fi
hour ago.” Mid the voice. -Wc are i the secret envy ol every boy io the; gold ring, and In the ceotor Is a deri>[oM|fe i0y
He-U know more before be geu done 1 their capltola on rivet*. Miyway."
Dow\(ar the ru. _ It's to be Chorus.
well filled with melted buner. . Batto j together apwri or with confllci—all , think, if ahe wakea IP A S o'dopk 0
with foe toarih Boor." darkly.
I Hallowe'en dawned brtoht and lair
! ^ 'be ■Dora0g aad vwata a W0 to eni
a good one Iblsthne,.* '‘‘n
There was no rush that night. 0 the' one at the tableIs served a pOrtlOB.,
be played again *
church, nip
foe students, —----------------dark and---------------towering
Ml wiuvu.
r»e began
e-w- by altttog very, to wD lull touch a ball .and 'are beef
, Well, let him *01^0 bit room. then, amaxemem of the fMuUy, the dcltghl and the one wbo find* the ring It cer- mujfbiar gviag an apple in a d0. —,
•tiHgbt and ttiu for ten mtooiesafter' the fMnliy. eepecUlly ic John,
cabbage right'asray:"—De• It Profroaor John sticks hU head out. of tho principal, and the rellel of Hp ^ tain 0 be married within the year. U i*nd bob lor It there as well a* In Ihe •"'* died «»*>»•••
the aermon eonunsaeod.,^ Tken, sure! -Prufostar^ John .MW..
Imkt —-of
tW an hour had etapaed. ^ began I peaked this morning."
whUpered ' Uc1l preUbly get bun, I suppow^ we'll w
akeful townapropk.-Chrtstlan En-,! already married good lockwill Mtow ! ,„b
Walk down the eellar stairs hock- 'roll Froe Preat.
to ftdgwt While waiting forfoebenedlc-1 Lightweight, trying 0 trip up Tale o' have 0 run over 0me one. " ,
deavor World.
; the finder.
ward and'»w »«••''a'<------------Uun. Bbe aqndexed'aWyjtfon'a fin-1 Woe going out of tbe d00g room.
' Rip waltod 0 hear ro more. She
----------------------. A loaf of cake oonfoinlng a ring nnd | Tbe manner cf decorating t'? housThe MoM Coauy Oetii..
tan to turn. She pnMM her band-| “Wonder boar he'll look tomorrow ; fiew back wl'h ber pitcher allll empty.;
Witch Might aod Ita Orifto.
, a key to often placed on the table. The '
entirely upon the kl'd of
The torgest diamond 0 foe worltl H
karofatof np hla eoat slee^ u tor at. moraine?" was tha reaponro.aad both {She dropped it 0 ber own room. an-l> within foe last few yaar* Hnllow-tone who finds foe ring win be married, p^,. ^ ,.t,u
having a guud oM not of the erytuillne sort used as a
It wooM go. aad focai wor^ It back | boya sniggled.
cried In o lew. l.-ar^hakcn voice, een baa seemed to be cornier to the ’ the one w^ finds foe key will go on a fchioned romp. tb«i let pumpkin lan g-m It It
it. value wocM t
ngam. Bbe tacked back ^her. and.. After tea Profestpr Amea rolled “John!" aa she opened the dlvidtog: fore among the social fuacriona de-1 Jowrae}—Table Talk.
'terns and strings o( apole* and pep- tabutous.'for it Is nevenieen Umoa
re<thn«f .right W a frown m Tale o' John into (be oflee. “Tilly. I froi^ wc dror. But John, exhausu-d by hto mandlng annual celebration. It to a
-------------per* abound If yuu are formal i-se larger lltan ib>- famous' \1c0rla dlaWoe's
brow, she mad a wrr *'
face at shall have grave trouble tonight, and I work, slept on. Tbe moment Rip call- night which Is'looked fo'rowrd 0 sritl»,
crimMiU ribbons and aritolic banks 0.' mund. foe largest dl moflera Ond*.
r. and foe next Inafoai I'm gelag 0 a*k a dlAculi tb0g of the ed hU name ghf bflA ber breath to pleasure among foe voung people as v
It to eenrtng foe time when ghosts ' autumn leaves Tbe'e etw candl. • bleb ww. 0ld for
tU val.bade*
to -b- _____
boegbt '* tho form of ue depends upon foe use 0 srUcfa It
-nip. ,gentlemen Wacben, I can't learn Just! terror lest be'.awakbo. Her confusetl;night when all kt-d of tricks mar be* walk. The folrty-flrwt of Ociobe-it a> v.....
I what foe boys are Int^dlng to do:; Ueat began to untangle ibemwlves perpetrated wit? Impunity. In tbe hand and the Hall^eeu pany t« In pumpktot.
If a ro*d r«rtr be vour caa le- pet when bkriien np. ><0 *> 1*
but there's trouble to foe air. and Ituiand' closier aroi-nd Tale o' Woe'xj 0utb It almost rivals foe Foi^ of citing the rivalry of botteate* all ove; rboiee. le' foe tally count be aTrange-1 of the amorphous kind, tfoown teekBonn, aoeoidtof 0 her rMkoalCLg. | asking >oa teachers 0 aUy on guard ' boastful we'd*.
j July In this respect.
the land. Bvrryone to tbarpentog her by means of nou added -o tbe strings : trtrolly an carbon.—ElChiPge.
“John." retoroad RIa aUrertag.! all, nlritt. 1 know it's a bard demand ! Once, in the elty atrrou. Rip bad
Tbe more Jiivenlle rmrtlOB ad the; wtu >o lnve*t new forms of entennio-i of red ribbon
--------- - ■
wihtoff aoop np tosUe my bones to 'o make of >-ou. but we cfin't have tbe teen a Brnn ran ore- bv horaca. aod eommunliy eentent ibemaelres with | meni by way of eelebraUng this time- i Tbe topper table can be chartalngls ,
A Heavyweight OM.
property done this year: carried, mangled and bleedtog. to the rlnglnc door briU. blowing beans at| isorw festival.
' deeonted with aUatog red apples aad{ The hrovlesi gtri 0 'foe world la
__»1 have to alt aUU!'
Johg. with hla ayes on the mlntoter. foal
we had last.'
j boaplto'l. Her vivid ImaglimtIOB at • windows with air guns, and (be like.; But If one (blag to the world (not ail kinds of nou Make a d-de of 1 Meda Mllmolte
Kentucky. 16 ye«*
Mltod. He had eared f* FUp atoee
“AU Tight, sir." saM JohA rUIng: onoe put John 0 fals ptoee. ran over ; while foelr oUer bro-ben and autera j of in to.ever new. that thing Is .a red leaves arooad roeb pUto and le«, old and weighing r?« pooiida. ^ has
nhe was Mar. and’underwood well foal ' ni d-o my beat."
1 by all those great boys!
. favor foe 'more mystic gamro games gbott. 80 long 0 a hostess can-fur. esufo gueai find at bto place a boullno-; gained elghly-loor pounds IB foe tost
Just ni Protestor Amro m ulkiiig; -My JobA my Jtkn!" wUapered| of a “ereepT* nature, aa a young tedy{ nlab euBkleoily halr-raistog spooks, niere of (be Irore*. Place ca-^s can < three yevs. She It excrndtagly active
John. Tale o' Woe'.' romn at foe, foe ehlU passionately. He mnst not; recently cOnflded 0 me. 1 the to bound to be wed a socecas. if, be cut 0the tharo of' euts. apples.! pliraleally aad memally
aa hatcH aa
Profeanor Am«A tbe prtodpal <rf foe end of foe long.fanrth kali waa filled awaken.
I atop foe nuA 1 Few young people allow foe- nlgbt-^ you are foe tonaaale poasesror of a j pnmfkfot. sheaves of wheat and any glri of her age. Her fafoer aad
. -tiemtoarT. atoo roallted how bard it to with hoys.
Joha mwt aot kaow. Tbe aUcki were; of the folriy-flrai
Oriober 0 go by - gardeA aad If In that garden aunds I atcklea. and lotmhxl with water onion; mother are of aermal Wright aad her
for etoven yanra old to be qsM and
•The rush sum from here." aald :all goae from ber wide eyes now. She.‘without a party, u.____
__ aro an arbor,
lei it be the.............
of 100 a llkearas of foe article. Beoop'| alater aad brolMr cd laoa'foaa prdl•pcnfllt. aad he had looked very grave Taleo- Woe. kto vtoro low but ^lear. jaoftly opaned-foe door toto'ihe boys' an H»aed 0 be nat>liUaa bat aoae tbe j your pony. U you Imve ao outdoor* |o« foe Mart of rouiul red apples, cot a | nary alxe.—gietangr
Bioed iote L«ke AoB.
Huellmeatel iuf a<a h.a fare
u all* vMt of lake Abb. OaiAtde<
atloe di.ooo.
_______Jb a, U05.
“> aie
“*« •.• peuiwi
is.tbs Co*n of >*“.•
the Ualwd
Iir.t b»ln*; Wo.oM for edoci-: r«oe?; 8rn«. *. 1S«. W.'» »
flMM dit UT line irltfcla niarly dapi. UobrI parpoOTt. the ■wnr hariBc bees [ becka. -the tedtuu Bwt7 refotl
» tbd porpOM of .MltlB* the ooet- pnrided W the forwlnic treeiy re-: theia.Jtsied ihrooKb tbU oar; ff&.ono fori Oe 0«. K. IKS. Ur Smith nn
Sb of ovnrrahip of the.
atoekt and
axx3 eirirnllural
eod P«Z.40D tor [ tb« coadliioiu: 'Cuaactl held t. a>.
Mode or BBltejra belu la treat by the iho .epport parpor.m
of four bleekimlih rhope,
,t tSo;d»t«> of the ireur,
Amt SmKb to i^e note* of aU
?jSyr»»rtadW® VhrolTaara and I for tr- V<a'».
»i.e I atatemenu. ol fiinda paid the p«ai
-----------paid; alao. - • ■oof fundi due.
tftber pm
WBI. If ■
tke ladla^ sader a roareraloe made iwnier’a tool*. Iiou.i-hold .'furniture.
IP. iMd. a payment of tS.Cu
¥areh ». ittt. aa a« forth ob a baUdlni; ............
matirialr. rattle and a Kora made, premium on the cold
ermncnt farmer
farmer »< r<- tint the leapt of
.............. le report rf
•uid hare received laa|
fito aeeroury of
m«BU eoBireea. nailer date of Jan
latT n. JKB. and ike rr.K>rt of the
ceamUaloncr of indien affaln bearISk date of Jaman- Id. i»d.l
By thif act of «on*reaa Che (Vnirl of
cuima waa mated « Jurladkiion In
— to
-o r«ider
render judjrmei
JudjtmeniupIsv aad
OB the petition of MAieh i*'- m
Ike October term of «mrt. and a
■aaa npoa and And ai a matter o
erhother or not ihejonveraloa o
ler the
r IMS.;
» fanner
Md°acr^*^hat *
Ura. J3aii>eoler baa bees apeodlng 11
week In,Ttwyme City.
Ura. stIiM of Trnyerae Cliy. who)
hna been ruiiina ber niece. Bihe! |
StliM oTthU place, retotbed home
r ’ ^
P. W, Bunkervpf 1
II. 1«T«,
Don’t DflcidofS-rs
citing. Mm. DuTla' aide Iw about 8iw;
tmlUaa abend although they are one;
Oihenalde. Ne*
meeting Ahead of the ochenalde.
ire being added,
members by the
Ijofi Jacobs of Paw Paw la Vlal.ine
ba of
of this
this Blare
Blare '
hi* brother. Dleb Jarobs.
8. D. Bnrke hna purrbased
The Ladles* A'rt wdl glye
aocUl at Deake'a hall Frld^r eyenloa
B. Hoiwan of Trarenie Oty and C
H. Laheof Cepemith will brglq bnylng
mind. Tlir AMI-l-alii PUIi gave me
notatoea here next wc
I rrllrt in Inm 1ft to Sft islotrtN. t Be
The Ladlaa’ Aid held a special bosl'
uets meeting at Sirs. Mclawn't Mon nhlf'?eu“’wS-dW.hire,"’t?S
day ard.rlec'ed officer^ aw fallows:
PmUdem. n<uw MeUwn
cr.' Miie*'Anti-Pain Pitia e^eftia by
deni. Preda Caryienler: aecreiary.
lie Haoro: tr*msurer,
,urer. Lena McLean.
-JlT BTwTOn bum.
Mr. McDonald Is viaiting friends dnd ]j^eg Mcdicil Co., ElUtATt, lod '
retatlvea In tmttle Creek.
•rAARLANB, Caahlae.
T--rtT-l -I' Tiaili.^
SURPLUS. «a7A>00
^ per Cnt allowed m FUm t>
■mPsaWIteaalhuUiBi. Tr>r-rw CU]
j.«. eiHtMt
iiss*Su!3iiriiSSl2i, asr.
filtinl PBrtitt DV^'.u22i"S“tv2"at£*}fiiir2d
epanneal Banes,
GndBite Medical Depariineal
Banes a
Rev. Madlaon C. Peii-rs. famous Bar-
oaiy p.u«ht«
I IS to Isffueaee tbe young men of the; Cured of ConSUmptHMI.
AsenV.Smith was dny to booome big thieves,
which bad lK>rii rrt>. - dr.i»-nr«! off Saginaw Da) at 8 o'clock 1 raurh safer to Im- a big ihir
........................ mty y<*ft«.werew[aln
naymeot -hat^.^,
•'f?''M toeapable of being sold wJthliHnclimi'
_ noBspBC of tbe senate and prea- j •* *
: April. 1873.
e wll(l|p .r .mid list '
Cwklet Bslght be given afttn- ite ;
Bished. In lhai j
. Inveatlgaied and banished.
cmalDtog unpaid at I Washington and settled In Lansing.
13^: memluned
Oei. 38. 18*4. tbe Hnal anmnineemei
ttneemer.1 |
annuallj- for tv:
become a gres, |
lj(Hi."rKi mnalnliiE iioiiald i of Indian payments caused .this dairy ' U-neBt to mankind
. teaebera. acboolboui
Ihe exniraflrm of ic-n vear« was to be 'record:
paid In coin If the Indians required
payment, the same to br dlatrlbut^ assemfiled here imlay to glvy^pom-er ,
per caDila In >h<- same manner aa ak1 provl
! ^ItSThad’bwm
r«>,ocule their
__it Dt isjm). rhile Bgriculiura
' four equal inaiallmenu.
i claims againal ibe gorvrnmeni. I
met hanica-tools.
. A special etouse aeltlng aside WS.OOO ] •!«' ^
l.for the orand River Indiana el«ed ;
* : and a pari not incJIned. •
—• i • ll la evident that ibe claim a
lOgnlreal Iblrty^ine .rears agn. thouge
: no-formal action res-lien nnttl March
.r. pay .n
t^T^ea cagagpl to
ii «Bdlty of Md.ooo for twem
fkaiJIXW waa laveate
itarerse City State Bank
ig. nourishing. |
„ and invigorat- /;
ing effects upon the nervous
systdm, and not by paralyzing
»n<I weakening the nerves as
would^ the ease if these drugs
WCre used.
reason Dr. Miles
ni-Pain Pills are universally
isidcred llic best pain reinedv '
ftavMod for are In lieu and aatUfae
dOB U( all etalan. legal and equitable. 1
OB tba pan ef ibe aaM Indiana jol&Uy i
Ad aeverally asalnat the United i
Stale* for land, money, or other thlpgic t
gnnruitaed to aaid irlbea. or either of |
5m by the aUpolatlona of any former,
or treatiea: exeeplInK. however, •
dti rlftat of Aablng and eneampmeni r
10 ttac'Chippewaa of Sanli Ste. Three Aged Members w
id-ef Ottawa*.who »
■aria by the ir«wty nf June 1C. I8:u."
ttelpsU in the claim.
Tbli eialB ■■ l«<ed upon'lwn ircattea. IMI awl IMS. wherein tue vaat
ttMi of oountry. e«i»pri»iBa Michleaa.
Sept. H>. Ikl.7,
waa Bold to the Vnlted SUie*. while a
T capita. -* mall affair, eilll
reamatloi) for a place of dahlni! and tlr« for t'beir'ultlmtte r.'r=mal to the «mie ^p:"'o.-t. 13. IKHS. •'all n-celyeJ
-:e earn.
3 anUiee: r-Hefa »SO
I Ihr treaty.
-I'M .and
H forever guaranty
___ _______ , .._. .
“The Ottawa aad Cbippewa
hereby rebmM nad diachairpe thi
d BUtMfmn all llablllt;ly OQ acODuni;
Hteb., Oct. Jo.-Chariie Bar. i
tadaeptWortonelo ipaeoneo..
hit twraea fcmday.
Mra. Nettle Barton left Friday feri,
■Oittbeew MleblgEB to apeod the win-
,iiord Boben*. It ‘•a* <u,t •been diecovered, doeaa t »mokr. touebes wiiw'
hut M-ldeiB and H»e. at i-ai everv
ipotniBg. lamer and winter—oo ma'. i
Reward will be paid to ,*fjf~tvy >»"»
penon who can find one itom i >
opium, chloral, taoq^ine, | —
cocaine, eth
ether or chWrofa;tn
in any fon
form in any/of Dr.
Miles’ Remedie
This reward » offered because
202 Wilhdm Blk . Citz. PLone 11'
certain ttnscnipulons persons
make false suicmenis about
TRAVKR.se city. MICH
these remedies. It is under- ,
stood that this rew'ard applies j
only to cooUs purchased in the .{
op^ market, which have not j
bw tlnipercd with in any way. |
DR. W. J. BIBtniS
Of the fittv-six IndUn chief* wh
inatne* nopearcl upon the last ire
• isr.5. bnl one Is living, old Andre,
Blackbtrd. of Hnrl<or ' -Ings.
rk, is si
. the grandson of tl
great ehlef. lo ltd the forces again
• Foa Oearl I. and Is it’oud of fa
srarrlor ancfaiirT. ... sl*vr
, tras
. the
beantlfUI -Queen HargareT Ooyd.
■ wat taken by a prieal to Cincinnati
and educated. On her return lo the
Indlnn hqme she relinqui.'heil all hopes
■ tff a brilHant career so ardently
mapped nut for her b> frli-nds. owing
• to itac sadnecs with witch her mother
1 took to heart her changed life. She
i reliirned to her people aud their way*
! and a bnmble little.hone and a s<d of
23f E. Fmt SU QL Mm fM
Waywa Ostrn^ Sank Bldg., DBTBMX ‘
r been recovered for
uuasm ana tjolppewb bands under
treaty of 18L'-. the amouni having b
placed In the surplus fund of ihe irea*-.
ury to awali a eompleie enrollraeni of
those entitled 1‘htiiicb no staiemeni
baa been given om onetally In reMrd
to the claim to be acted uiun n
month by the couri of claims li i#
denuood that •C3.48C.3(i, with inter
akiDg- Ibe sum of tlS.'u'Hbt.oo. has
of Marcl
B^cblrd «f Harter Sprlnpa. only living
Uke Aon. Mirii.. On. IP-?
Emma Holmes, learhing in Honor,
in lake Ann last 8ai;
tide doeiTinrnt.
fled at D.'troli and the alg-:
; naiurw of flfiy.slx chiefs and headmen '• "'*'•1 Hare and Family left
tire Insurance!
Ptet* Clan, StMm Boiler and Accident Inauranoa.
Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
RoomdlONawBtata Bank Building.
eoUirs into tbo makO-ap of tbt*
Ipniberwe supply onr oeiglibore
and' friends. Wc don't tiy to
work off "Moonds” for firstgrade stoek, and tlint’s the n<iton wo hoM our trade year in
and year out. If your naan* ^
book we'd like to see it there \
Wfore the day Is over. Will you
call or 'phoneV
Sautlt Sld« Climber Ca.
If you are to buy toturtr-oCDnte.-<1 Lomlier. BuOdioK
or Hill work of
I—Mct onr priaea J
r t'cRii.pIc'nvl iiooiic will w’ll you Loinbi'r nl Ixrllor .
.......................... ........... ••«-' H'-Oll .f,rr,„.l.
ca:is. taldcs. rbairs, erocKi-rj-, ket-i.ctiuBly. a traveling mao. U imho vil•a. shoes. » ie Th-<e payments
OtttsMS Phoon. S31 Ball. tet.
If you lire- tjt,iiig to buy
IHr. Farmer
P. K. will pay you cash for your oats. corn, btians,
eggs and butter. We want all yen have and will i*ay
good prices for good goods. To make good butter
youfmust have good salt: wc have it for you. W «• «
have hoc and clean barrel salt.
You know the value of Oilcake .Nfeal for fuelling.
W'e have it pure and unadulterated. Wc sdl it either
by tbe pound or in lOO lb. sacks. Get our prices.
For brightening up your chairs, bdJsieads. table*,
etc., get our Lacqueret. I.acqMeret will stain and var
a Heating stove
Ihieblll it ui:: ]..,vjotie8ll Olid look <
\V.- sL.rl onr .\.t iigbt SuAes at$l. Ttus is »n Jh in.
Willi l.ir,:. fubl openini;, .-;.*t
• fr.ift nr-1 til. u,'.*! Bb.v.-you .-\i*r mw fnr liio ann.i-y.
\Vo,il*„t,;r... th-lxitUTUnHl- <rf uir-tid.l btovte. the
.-omhitiuti.ui wi>.i mid coal alov« :.,„l tl,.- If*, h.-nt
i).- wrs.i stuv.v W- ..«n
you mo.,.-y on anything
\ i.u III’ '! ill till- -t'.vi- liiu-.
WRAIMftC TRUDE, 146 Frost Street
W.-lmw-.a fir8l..-:.iKs T::, S!,’.]..
nish with one operation. Nine different colors.
CsMMttI On
a»d Saimn
They are tbe besL
Sold ^mly by
8*tWrr. Mith.. Oet, 1#.—Tfce l*»rt
er nr^wn of Aau-!« coontn. in
MSiBB At BellAlrp, bare TMed to Urr
A «0UI ot M«M0 *A U*« IM» jwo*
Mlon: CoAttofCAl M. tU.TtO.
bAiUisx ftnd. IIJM: poor foMl.
tZjm. bed, AMI inierwt. MJ*«.
The Mport of the cooAtr twtwuw.
BaWi WAltM. «AA loaad oAttACL l^e
report aboved a Mabcc Ib the U«a»PIT f*.0tfJS. of «Meh
la (he bnlidlat feed.
The eguv
oBlie «nib KillcA»>.t
eeoDtr Ceepto oe Torch rircr brtdce
which the tv^tpoAtloe boUi oad took
Afftr )Atlr. ^ hrtdce hat eeuM.
•othat'Adrow nni
d that eoM wei
(coeered brthe plant
a or the sew «
each aa paltlac etael abai■c TAoh wladowc. tallliicc on
I leadlar «o the baeelathe tower: aad a platforTB
for the' Jarr. a dMk for the ocwrt
..atcBOffiBpber aad a wliaeea bos. The
^'■^The board bu decided to bare
IA4wb eetaaai «eor pUoad la the
at vont wjth
',jall-ei*ltfi iaebea
■f two to oae caaeai.
«. ;2!»HaM «aal
a which has baea deWbit le ae •
1 -far aeraral
" weMbfri of the board alaee the ae- eapa or the Brat priacaar thiootb the
Jail tear called atteatkm to lu ceedlUea. The preoMt floor li of e^4acb
plaak piaeed oa ed*e sad bearll}'
spiked tocetber. bat It W now la
athie ataaoet «r dry tot.
The lepon of the aaperlateadenM
the poor, plrv early la the ccasloa.
ehowed the ezpeuea of the cooBty
(ana tor the year to hare baea S1241.
wKh rdlef la the
taadMU' eipaaeaa. ale., brladac the
total an to lljih. The larealory
aerwe. ralaed with bolUl^alSMM. Btoek. tamlsklai
blOHlit the total ap to MOMS.
BethAhtriB aad Kalkaaka eaeaUes
were.kakad tor two tor deopeelac the
bead «r Torch river between the two
naaatlM. for a dlstaBoe of aboqt'
twaty raia. A. a Utga. J- J- MoiMihtla had PmeeaUac AUiwooy F.'
a fOUhua* ware apflolatad
tea to ooater with tha Kalkaaka btwrd
aad report at ibe aazt mooUag of tUa
A. J. Dole waa tT«Iactad a enperto|lr. Dole tm hetfc^
aver had ai^ has Mown (be eascattve
ahlUty eo WMh seeded and so seldOB
toned bt ^<b ehcaen tor saeb post,
The .boaad daduciad W0.0(
•OBUBer. Acordloc lo the eoSlaeer*' ewer ihe Maaistee rtrer ha«
a fall or (as foot to the mile aad ooceeqaoBUjr ajm boiee power eaa be decAlopei! evary aJle. n>e
of the
. ,ABr l« to tnrBlah oIcetricAl power
(o the aearbr rillacea ai well ae TtareiM air. whiai le Ihlftr mlWa dlv
tahl. OadlUae twceiy^wo Mllce aaJ
llaaUiee tortr «»iee at a rerr low
price. The exact loiwtloB of the dam
aad power boaee. aeeordiu to
pu— u to be oe the oortbeait quarur
of aaelleB 31. Iowa SI. north of r
WraaWenfe flewtbeen Trip.
Raleigh. N. C.. -Oct. m.—Prertdeol
Rooeereli reached here at « o'clock
The eooniry people
gaihered aboot the (rala M after
daylight aod ralaad cbeen for the
He appeared to aay -Good
After broakfsat ibe lleoieoaat goverBor aad (be recepti
fltuee eaconed ibe
beeapilol. AT
the preeldcat
gtooBda. where be ,a»de hli addreu
la hit epaeefa. the prosideat (onebed
poa foreit^. eutlag that It wu eisaotlal to The oonBiry and eepccUlly
North Carolina, that the foreew be
#rc*erred.. He mM that 1' w
alUtadee of tbe forecied
talai that are ot tbe noet v«
(he aaikm as a whole beeatMe of ibe‘r
oflect OB the wBler aapply.' He urged
that they iDnediaiely be put under
itaie or aatloeal eoDirol. the latter
bdleved with equal flman«
(bai it tm oat of the quostloe (or the
not to exerdsc a aapefr!
aory aad regaUtory right
iraad. -t^l we aeed.’-he said.-I(
have aoise adtaloistratlore body
with awple power to forbid eoDbliia
(Ion that is hortful to tbe public sad
to prevent (arorittna to one Individual
Epense.^ another,
ler woi^, we want an adnlaisuatlve body with power to aecurt
fair aad Just treameat as ataoag all
Sbippan who nse the ralltwads—and
ahlnm bare a fight
Roswdl. Oa, Oct. so.—I^ldenl
lowe^ reached here si 7:30 it-<'
■««—Up and left the'train lu drive
the vUlage bonce of hU moUer.
Tbe preddeat visited bis niolber's
heawl^ shoek beads with aeay of
bit dd friends. He net on tbe porch
Aant Oraca. who
dueed''lhe preddeat to her huvBOBS aad daaghteia. The preddtw shook their bands aad wa
to see then all ms K they bad
been pernors.
The Aral portloe of. the presideat's
speech today waa devoted lo ladns;
trial nuttara. In rantd to cor
UoBs, be said (hat they abosld be reg
ulated bat Bok too eeverely as they
needed to develop the reaonreas
of ibU oonatrr./ Froa tbU. be pasted
to the aonlh's greal crop, eoitoa. Tbe
mslter of Ubor 1a^aectloo with the
ecitoB crop biougfit op the maiter of
tbcfblaeee boyeoiu He advocated the
esclodoB of the Cblaese coolies but
(tonghi that eveiir privilege should be
■Iren the better class of Chinese when
they cagte here.
WUeoasla dashed Into IIkt break.
r ai Lbralae. Tbe vessel was
badly dauagad. The deamer flafbb j
loa It on the shoaU east or Lo- <
pooBdlng badly and wUI Lcj
wrecked. Two of the crew were;
drowned. The schooner Klngftsber;
swept (na aeveUnd aod wss
PERE MARQyEnE!“""Ti*pfsr'*"**’
B. lUo
deMInderPh^iduu Six Months
Chicago. Ciet. Si.—Condiitoas aloag
~ TraU arrlvsa la Troiivs. Cits tJSa. B. saC
But Cm Worae-Soflto Sud
Lake Michigan arc normal today. A
vesscU (hat bad (onght
fannlcaac made Ibeir ports and reportNo» Without fl Blemish.
MDC damage bvi no fonber less
-iv................. IHfi
cuLocgyooo.o.p.aT A,
of lUc.
L^'*»g»;;::igispw ..
r-a. mprr^^
a meo were drosmed In Lak-_Huron. six reaseU went down U Lake
lUehigaii. flee In Lake Huron and (eo
on Lake Erie. The Michigan property'
«As T was a saflneT with resema
loa. Will exceed a h.If rnimon dollars, j I
Bnffalo. Oct. Jl.-Tbe stea.-nir West-1 *
I™" . ™
ero Slates arrired this morning, no
tiicd three doctora.
but dd not get any
breakdown b-:l twd wealbrr Tbe
It was ce
steamer BlberU vcoi down og Lon^:
Point. Tbe crew was saved.
1 rould banfly lait
S. Titsnilian way be had la m* pmloss a*
*8 fsa; l> r*u<n^ by ta« WMaW la >010 tam
Northport Wadding.
touebtog rrNortbport. MIeb, Oct. 80.—A m . ^
My (ace was
jj-OTSSrrt satsKi
rlagc which took place list evealag at i
t,iy ’errt,roms camf out. aod
(be borne e( the bride. Miss Lottie l thee. It got la my rv-c. 1 tha------- --
Sd1 Si'S
utor resldeois of thU village. Miss j Cutirurs^c said that was a vmy
Charlolle Boshaetland WlllUm Thorn- good thing, but that he thought that
as. both membert of the Coagregtilon-i mylacewooldbein^edftirlilejo1 ehn-cb were marrted at 8 o'clock ' CirtirtBa did its work aod
last eVentng ei .the home of the bride
me atoui
_f brotbrr.iD' —
' wonclrTful Cui
br Rev. w. B, firlbcrt F1fie«i mewl
reandjgol^tbe Omlnwot.
bers of tfce (amity wvre pretent to wlt- i ftUk'^a^^i
young members of ibU vllUge oc
curred. tbe oerenade cootlnoUg.until
mldaigiit with a fnll amount reft over
(or roolgfat's performance.
Miss Edna Bfkbam will gKc • ■>>*celUncoiis shower ibis craning for
Miss Tina John, whose ntarrlaRc u
Lincoln tVIIIIams of KnlgbVs rcrr>
Cal. occurs Tucldsy evening. Oct. 21
Kubeck & Hoyt
••Thoro iji ■ ditttinct dlfferenc* bMweon waarlng
clothWA and boina smartly
-\n.l tho dilTerenor it not
nlwaj-s in the ]>rioc trou pay.
bat in tbe praoeet of oUt’ction. Oor ganomU are itxact
reprodnetiama of tbe hipest
elaag robtom made models,
SUITS $10 to $2$
tbe OinUDcnW and took Cndruia
BMdvcnt as directed. In a Mort
L .
rlaxvbtMBsdfaBdpn>ildi«.(W w .oRTaAOg-ikLg-OsSaoW havlM hs»;
RmoIvTmt I could brush tfae_nl«i
off my (ace like a powder, wbni I
badtak'n (our boUks jny (ace was as
“I told afl my friends about my
Tonarkable curr 1 (cel n Uianklid
I want cverrbodv far and wide to
know what Culiciira can do. It b a
Bure cure for Crtrtua. (rimed) Mrs.
Emma White. Ml Oicfw Place,
Camden. X.J, April 25.1805."
Mail float Was Saved. .
Fraakfon. Mich, Oct. 80.—Tbr
touthMonlldu mall boat waspiekedur
three miles out s< 2 o'clock this ramibg by tbe.lifg saving crew. All oa
board were saved.
Glen Haven. Mich, pel. 20.-Tbr lYvachman by adoption. Ibough
South Manitou mall boat is mlsslagaii-l | blrtb, whose dcaib occurred ibv oiber
Is feared It Is tost. Joseph Haas, j day. ranks se cjoe of the great Pri-ne:i
> chrTler. bi« wife and non. Law-j explorers and colooli! organlK
lee. left Empire yesterday afternoon: iweiHy years he explored the
3 o'clock for the Island. NolbhiB ; Rlon In west Africa now know
__________ „
has been hrrrd from them since. They I Krench Congo, foimded ^nd maintain
sighted by either of the sta ei iwentyoDc slatlona among (be 5. P^'mwru?^ iCTumm bum^. Is*2a^**a«wiw^^*ygftra|
tions and It It feared if they have noi liu<Miuu_natives living there, organized
been picked up by oomc 'passlax a It-fv p»n of the lerrltory
French colony, stopped wnra bciweca
steamer tbe^ ere all lost.
Baturilay. 'Its q
The Poeblo of Pine Iske Is sbellervj (he tribes, established friendly
Thirtswnth ssy of
lions wlih (hem ami clia all ihl-- with-. at Mio'rlack la ih'-lorenocn. all. sr so
t Squib Msniiou.
MmSTtMBiimaTTts raw 'hr an«oa1
-------- ;------------; iwi shedding blood, lo a
Ocneral News.
'’hl^ Ih a summlne uo of De llrar.zs'v •cnbnl psm-1 land, to «<>
B.«ibWne al »Sr
Wlltlam KlnKflc}'. who was l«ni In , work. Vi-.U-nre iilsyv.I no pari 1.
mAhaU »r tbr .oal
Ireland lo 17SS and foURhl wlih SeUuu ; pulley and he arycr'sbut a osilve.
at Trafalgar. Is now living at the ag,-' Prlpce Kblllboff. who ha« acquired
iwrBtT-tonrand t
Of 182 near BloomBeld. Ho. He fought ’ fame In coonectloo with ih.« Trans-Sl- baiwArnaec-tl.itIn
----In the Crimean war. asslsied In Ihe | berian raUway. rcoo-tneed bis UUe and
CAIng of Beba«opol aad In this eoua-1 esiatc when
icn a young man and emigrat
wm qaartrr Ua* oT said >ar<tiwi ■, ■. Awth ca>a half id iba aortb ewa halt of <br
try (ought J ibe Mexican amj citil I ed lo this country, where hv worked
- apiary,of l-Tla^
It maehlee at a salary of tT.50
w 1m£. HUS
ZebulOB B. Brockway, Ibe eminent
klUL r. N'gBUNORB.
prison administrator an^ reformer. U
Tbe schoolglrts of Sin Francisco
DOW TS years old. but be has Just becz have lakeu klodh lo the bareheaded
nominated,Irv Imih democrats and r.'-|hablt. The school and hcalih author.pnbUeahs for mavor of BImln. N , ties encourage V. Dr. Hagt-a; hvsith
Y. That Is an admirable recognition I onrer, say's: "Hy going wllbmu
of service and woKh by those who I the girls are les. liable :> catarrhal
know him best.
I troubles, sure lhn>al, coryza.
Oinet Savorgnsn
other numcroos allmeals the child ‘s'
ct|M>*ed to. I am s'ronglr In favor of:
sencIluK Ibv girls 'to school without
hats. Let the hair be slr^ngihened by
air and ■unllgfai "
For the first time In 1t» history, ihAmerican
«'blch met yvtierday iti Wurreptvr,
The tissues of the throat arc
' Stvliah is cut, accorste in
fiEfnilof iDdiridaalii
lUty. Each
:e die ooi-
$8.00 to $25.00
d tbe eoeatr.
aatloa of tbe ti
The total valaatlcai of tbe eoenty. aa
eqaallMd. iadadtag paracw^l piMerty.
Thrca of tbe eooailed farvert' line
tolifl^ai will be piaeed in tbe
w^tease la MdlUoa is other teleIn tbe register of deeds, treasand clerk's oBom reepeeilvely.
- The board laatmeted tbe ebalrman
dt the bcart sad Ib^ deck to tx
MMT (ir ^
Tbe-fllg' flterm.
esoaed s'ld.WC.
Nartnetie. WU, Oct. sn.—By Ud
The Maaedgna village aad tow
night's stona boases far lataad were
atoallpdg bOto allowed a year ago were laid low by waves tony -fee; high.
ordared gaM, aMattag to fl.TCT.7S. Three houses at Bquatiiiertfli
' fannies
hf« MlssUg. lASht Keeper Hanson
New Cleetrie
Meaonilnee barely escaped .with bU
OadlDae. Hieh, OcL ll.-J. f. Hab- Tanlly.
bdl of Haalstee, eUet eaglaeer of tbe
Bt. Joseph. Mich, Oct. 80.—The
U. * K. B. Ballway coenpaay. repre- •ercest notlbwed ^le followed by
■callag- tha MaBinee.Klrer rower hlgheal Bca ever kaowa on thcjl
igh.and there « more
was bom ot .mi
eewpaay. bas preseated to (he We»non—more coughing. You take ;,|,very conditions m inr.. and i>s» ai
tori eoaaiy board of anperrHors plaai
a cot^h mixture and it eases the I ways bofriesded the colored man.
9edicBUocs aad Use pilau of a dan
Of dollara worth of dock prop- irritanon—forawhife. You take !'Vhitv mva of ihv south, m some in
ibd power boaee whteb hU ootapeay
have bees deatroyeri
siancw-E. haw Identified themselves
dealret to build a «tle nonhaaat of th* joaeph. South Haven. Rolland. Grand
with Us seboolt. But the speaker rv
vUtaga er BbetMa.
Haven and Maskagaa. Silver Beach
fcrrcd to A. C Raufraati. of Charkwic.n,
ThU cetopaoy has been org*
oe -the aogih abore Is ostlrely nndcr
I be the first who. as an Indeiwiula sarrcylag aad neunrlag
cliltcn. not formally Idi-nilflvd with
tlBrt aboBt fSMO has
A. wing qf tbe big Pwra Uarqaetl
It In idrveylag aarw ................ railroad bridge wflahlng '
Haalsiee tirer with tbe/tteaght In
M, I. I. ««< AW.
bnll^taf a tto' and power At QrepB Bay the dsmaao la over two «tnn n«c»>r.'.
boew at tbe uoat arS^e aad
himdrsd (hoatond dollars. Tbe vobmI throat because it reduces the ,______
glace aad as a resnti''4ha alte
Irene waa aunk and the achocner Glee irritation; cures the cold becau«,charleston school in«rd
At ihU cbyler U wrecked. Tbe acbooner Rob it drives out the inflammation; ____
polai tbe tivsr tor aevpAl himdftsl
^.^bor damaged after a le-builds up the weakened tissues . .g,
toot hat high banka andvQm basin ofirtBe Bgbt.
the rlrar t. TM feet wMe aod there arv
lake because it nourishes them hack' M i
Mata flfiy feet high «* eliher Mde. j,h,t the alorm I. (he meet lerrl- to their natural strength. That’s
'A Korpo of iteftaaera arc now
how Scott'fl Emulsion deals u ith ’
' **
the. lakes (or thirty yean.
Ml tha- site asWtalnlng how nrach Orand Haven Uc avth pier at
a sore thiDat, a cough, a cold. :r.'l?r^SLl^'^>yggl£l.tTrrJ
lead tp»-:ld be flooded hy tbe dam harbor 1. gone and the llghthoute bad- ’ oF
or bronchitis.
' sThtoi U w ba Aboot tny feet high If wrecked, today a heavy cea it
and AM feel wMc. Nnariv all the su^ rolling. The storm set to late yeeter
naadlflC laad u so* owned by this dhy. Water bvgu rtstof rapidly, comeotopany and they have optloaa oa iBg oa like a tidal wave driven by a iSCOTTilOWKE,
WOV aera* more.
WHUamDoagUsoftbe Arm of Bwk
The water naads above the floor of
ley * Donglat of Manlsiee. a mUlUm- porches of tbe anmmer hotels at Haesalra. U the.hrealdeai
Park and Ottawa_______ __
la sura to
bet tM ramdlBdw of the oflieen have orand llivcn the achoooer Kate l,vnns
Mt bees selected or (he company tn- atrock wHh terrific force a
eoepofatad »s the toture of the orflan: pi«. breaking in two and not a vee- 8flti»lgctlen
'MUh dehcads on tha actlba of the (Ige of her Is led. The crew wai
Weaford eonnty anperviaora. By te- taken athore by the life savers.
gncK of Mr. Habbell the aopervlson
Baflalo reports great.damaae done
will boU a spaeial iMaloB at the ex- la tkat vicinity. Tbe barges L'nodllla
and Sweetheart aeparated from the
The Betterl:
The Best
and sold
at the
r I
V ampoM ,m.
r .flflonWctbl flatles aff (W board bA
favorabli> the plaai will be vree
‘^ricvclaad reports (bo steel frvlitoirrj'
ihswas. gMloret tbs gsasrs
natuwri.y.m Vo
Jrr-^-rr.txnr ra.y. Vkh.
^ jfiiitAr}- and Tourial Over-
FarnisAiDS {Departmeot
Winter I'lKlerwcar-w*! lo
A’i a suit.
Cotton tuxl 'Vdol Hosier}'
—15e to .50c' Stiff and soft liowmi Sbirta
SOf to fS.'iO.
_________________ _____Puffs,
Botra and Strings 2.x; to II.
These machines are carried io stock at our shop and
can be seen in operation "buzzing ' wood.
Don’t Fail to visit Oor
Hat DepartneDt
W,: .q,i, .liAiIey all tbr.npr.
red atyl'-e m wiffaed stiff
Tlie Four-in-husd jsuita,
■ for
qpeuf -Uii- Dcwiet striiw
to »o.o0.
Ttoaeuin Eton suii
suite, tS to
Jayncfls Tkmic \^rmifu^
gives rosy cheeks and active health to paic, sickly chUdren^^
And it is good for their elders, too.
A^k your druggist fur it
OBAWTiiAveMe HMAIA'fHUwoAY. ocroeeiia.^mB. ,
Conard Lather, the village Waek-;
Ole' Larson was very nsch snrMrs. B. R Herron spent a few days
Tbnv belM sronruls. two oa ,be
a. iff Darts left Thantay for a
smith left for HarrisslUc on a wMk^ prtrto see Us lew tanse whifh i*oo-i In tosm ibi> we. fc rKhing friends. and one cm the lefi sM p oc
AUkB. Mictl;.
* nw'J rMt «Kh Ui Meads U UoDtreal. Oat.
. OB ihe bas'
InslUttti- fo- the teachers of IjeeiavriTv found indicled e n a
Joba Noud aad W. J. Bacbow made
tolr to Ufi A nion«>ie from Cbc MrttoTbe
^ dlseovcred early Tnesday
in tkU rtUace vUI erwui- a holiness trtp to Ktasea C«y ta«
sKwped here the llrsl pan
Ike , heavy wind storm.
Tuesday and Wi-dnesday « this»„.y«iv.TOmiog la a btvserj •bed Ja Nis«Hf f*«wt a p«ttt»e« «treet f»lr ^
A bolUe rf carbolic arid and
FM Josarif atarted for Petesker with a total of sUtr-foor leae^.
Hn. H. T. Crimmtoa and ¥rt. A. L. week.
f^atu.' Th« 4lqriay of rcsetaWct
■d^ trip lo ^ , revolver were near by ii«i<her »i!i
B afleadad
moeiing of
Her. Ft. Engemann made a tasiness yeniei^
bis ,
ai.4 troll «• trwy .toa %ad- the itock
aM«4a4 the
U>« lolge
atoek Oleai.
rher^«p acromaccom-:,
HeBi-d* ■•Anna La«»uf.trip to CUcago this week• brother, James. U serionsJr UL
fBScago ttii week wnere^np
jya! Nclghbora
was good wbat tb«re was o( li-f«»
.ptsk-d,bU (aiber-lQ law.
which she- indieaus; ,bai ,>.e int.wiej
A aoMlai «ni)M «al
of Nonbport «• a bospltpL/U<Bh geu-^'
da^ «vcaUas.NoT. C toD
llemea tare rvirrred as Mr Wne!.-!
tall fa tMi Tniac* 10 ■
. could nit If bfBi-lilci by cvmaUilng .
BIk Rapids. MIcta.. OcL SI.—Dr. J. O.
. iTkea this Is doae
ita ttoe for the BstatalrwIU be dated LaCore left the Em of the week for
Don V. Sivimel of Travewso Ci'y wa* !
Acwal *eaks esrflef so that the itaes Smplre. LoeianaB.cowaty. on a boai■ In lown a tern dStstbU sori>uo bunt-'
eaa take place on Toreb lake.
F. H. Bosworth. »lio has'Leva at
A eap. wcdal and other prtoi
Mr. and Mrs. NVillarri Ryan of UvCI.'
ns. reuiruvtl Tburabe raced for aext rear when a pcr»i-Alanaon on bn
' Mlrh, are sinudlng a ft-s wesA» al'ii
)—■ cop *tn be purtaased (or thcidarafteraooR.
could be selfa-aiet.-rf.
' The gold emblem of the iirthrr of tb«Red Easde h evjsderrwd upun Abbott
Lawrence Rrich. a Boston selealls'.
bj Onpensr WUIlam. tor Us eaperitm-nu and etudles Of atmospberlr eon..liwn* ot.r Ibw AUanllc ocean.,
4 erer tadd
to klU hernrtl. The pullee do not nnderstaad bow the Ibiw bullet twotmas
n Arbor
Aaron Coldfarb left
sin.vllh his son, 8o1jimon, until he Is able 10 reoirn. Sttnr-
Two Oratetul Lettera from Womeii,JflurAvoliled
Serious Operations.—Many Women Safterinc
from Uke CondiUons Wiii Be Intmst^
Klk Rapidr. vici. 3>.—F. J. l*orti iand wife led Thursday of <hla week
■ flit Boyne Falls.
son. 1I»>"'•
Udl«- »ua «d«i1 u,.
somber o
nchool leetore eoarst vill be Satnrdrr
eroolatj. Ocr. Id. Robert Partwr Miles
side Thun-
rW'Snaday «Hh 0. B. Uodgea and
Xanilly at PBe take.
' The pouio Martlet is coosiderod esIflMt ta Copeslsh (his seaawi. Par:
tefrcsentlns tbo eastera produce
a«lw arc opentiag bere with A.
tmaoa as local bayer.
soMIcBt shipping fadUtles and Is
1 tnariMt for all farm pradace.
. (owB Wedaeaday aad In c
-maim acvetml wvew
wlhor s.,— .ra..iw.
.ctaM In acUteg Mra. W. J. Bacbow
('arllkit.. who has
li.-ni in
Kap:ili, ou bariui-vs, rriiiiutsl
' Then- was a socta! dauee givvii at
(he lown hsll Tiifsdaj .•vetiing l.> .
1 seme tif Uie yuung ladles of the Kiwn
^ The music was furalsliesl by StewaM
A ^leffens orcbetira of Traverse CIl.' .
/'y. K. Uuitr. who hall bein :u ilrand
‘Rapids and Ml. Bh-asant luiyuic boll i
Fmnki... U-ais.
ferinirfroa ovarian o
that.an operation In n
le, frigblens lier.
The rerv thought of the operaUng
tajile and the knife strikes U-rror to
her heart. As one woman eipresard
It. when told bvher phvslrian (hat she
must nodFrgu an opetetion. slie felt
that her death korll bad sounded.
Our hospitals are full of ‘women
who are there for ovarian or womb
It ia tinite Ime that these irouWes
mar reach i stage where au o|iemli‘>o
is the .mlv resource, hot such eases are
mneh rarer than is gcnemU.vsuppositl.
ae a great many women hav.8ullons,^Bay. Hlcb- Oct. :i.-AIlaii
riiivd bv
Bordeaux 'of Northport spent a fcw
days la (own ibis week.
I an operation must bo perJoe M’. RclAa.or Gills Pier pasied
Jn fact, up to the point w here
beuseil tosecutv instant
tbroogh tovm Weilnewlsy on a InisleUef. this mi-divine is certain bi help.
ness trip to Traverse City. .
The Strongest and nihal grateful
' J. O. IMncna. connty coaunlatloDcr aUlemenbi ixissihlrto makreonM
cd schools, and J. P. Carrlot. prinripal women who. by taking Lydia K.
<a the SutUma Bay High achool -w«t Iiam's Vegetable Compound, havv
ramped serious nperatiima.
to Xriand Thunday to attend (he
tenefaera' examlpalioa held there.
E Scars, liai changed faU beadqquai
Omt Mn. Pintham:-
plana tera fiwM Stevk’a wnrebousc to Bfbl<^'r
tahleh they Mve friod for aoMC tlm* ki wfeerg^ be Will receive the bnlanrc of
the crop of pvaa.
\V. It
Rev. RSsley lias snored Into
4srlO deUrtsr fis leCtOre. Thilo* Dips."
Hicks bouse-on OUava sliwt.
r. Mtn.CharicB Turner la Tery ,|(*.
The VouDR Fcople's roclety of tbo
HIM Hayme Barry U apeodlss (his
Presbyterian church will meet Friday
Vpdi la Tiarerse City.
FvcnlDR with Miss Blteabeth Frankly
Hn. D. A. Conwlbis rery sick with
at the home of Mrs. F. R. Williams.
piMuo poeotBOala and s ferer nt the
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank rtscoe.
hove of her daoshler. ilra. John
Tuesday nlRhi. a son.
/ dpnfnsn. Muskegon. D. A. ComcIJ »n»
U W. Hooper left this week for Ben
n .-Ibere n fear days tnd niwn Ills
ion. Harbor as rcprescnutlve hi ibe
n th^ son. Dr. Ala. trenl dosrn
grand lodge. I, O. O. F.. from the Elk
«ha. with (he HtuhegoA physician an.l
Rapldw lodge.
■ a-good name aie giving Mra. ConwII
Charies Mahan of KalkatU rpent
.the vett best of core.
ToesdnyHn town..
O. D. OickloB was.a Traversa
City TlsMw last Monday.
‘I- Mr. aad Mry. W. J. Bacbow spent
Mr. Norton has lietm
, aspisling In ihe rumor dnic lUuri' du:: leg the absence of M. H. Bulls.
ataU a riimacc and do
C. M. Olaey. srhtf ts
Caibollc eh-irli ■
M. Bminron t^.JO Ha^u.
BomlnK an opcrail.m was i*i -
. S
Ml.. Mae'
“ Solomon, and a tdesiam
Copemlsb. Mich., Oct.
.^ntina slated that
ROUBKtoo Is Tlattiac friends In HanU- j'
he van dolail nicely.
tea thto wM*. .«Uas aiandie 8ree*l
Mn. WlllUm IlDriey
• speodlns
rWted her parents la Chief Uke last
the week with Mrs. S. J. C«s.
Miss Mabel tvsliers of liiy Vle« l»
1 Mrs. J. Pary and dangler,
..ti, r„. «. k.
•PCM lata-aSUrday In Tinrerae Cliy.l'^“* ^
rs. ‘i*"'
... w.« o. "I*-?"",
tl.oir .Vaagiter, Mr*. K. D. Clark.
Omens has Cnish- !
.ur ,i«
. Rapidv Ci-meni company. Ih a
Charvvoix on
Ui:i> Power? wi-Bi imt
Thursday niomliig
..... .
tPinkham- Vegi vs I de <-om pound
"if ukvmi ion bea
«a* doUan Im «n aU-wawl
Misses Clara and HaU-1 Lomu
The Miss«
r.-.»rn..A >iom- \V.sl!f5s.Iay
lug afK-r
Ml-s Lulu .Nack.-nnan. who U ii ach
Inc schrarl a. Ald..d,-.p.-nl tSa-u.iU,-:
OMlKtaft OMtaa an al
Mt a thread eranytUak tatwaaltonvCahrIcwYortatE
InOathcraft. CtMtaraft ciylei art the Twry btat RtwEtat
and Bunda) #i home with her .atrenu,
RO M .S-.
who Ims Issm at-:
Orarian and womh InijiliVs i
steadily nn the inm-ose am-mg vior
....................submitting to an opei
even- vunmau should trv l.,vdia K
i'inkham's Vvgetahiv t'ompoiind. and
- e Mri. Finkham at Lynn. Mass.
for advice.
— thin
—irt.- \i am l.vdia K HnUliaina
laiund has jKs-n
•( f,-msle'
truchles. tnltnuimaUiiii ut.
I'.vshyuri.-. .I.iral
II. Ik'iigheri.i
Tb‘ inpiuUVtJle.
iaadea andHewTork.
WaROfUivripaatavtte*# <aa 0«o pw« •
•0laA.MmnTtUbnaU.lnClo(taraflOa(ha tkas rm
cam Ratalblr «M elaewbara for tb* aaaa Mam.
Tbo fiylos iUaatrated oro tbo Uadoa aad •BaEdort
si.cnl'Mouday !c
t)i!.- h;nVr.:.l u.m. of ilvnaniii,-
falaxaau. la dan-Mota) greys, eefords. laas aad MadU
-tbe very holghi of fasbrna-prlced frwM ftJ to tEE.
I kt- iHV'II iMUlSt-hul hi ili-
m IU< S>“ . .anal with ih>- .'tpl'or.<-
grwtefal lelt.-rs <vn tile in 'liw. I'lnk.
not gts wvll
not •tend tbri
up BIV mind 1 would be an Invalid (or lit'. Pinkham's Vegvlah.r ('umpoend.
vargu. The .si.oyk, did no' even
d;r„>are the b.iat‘» boilers Mid II will
‘un.al uf ilK ohslri-cl’on:
PmMm% jUfkt-A Wmam Bat'lMcntaMi • Mmmt$ Bit.
Me. for Ibey are canMaatlrU ^hwUk tka MplM aT
Henry Pr. ilf.v aud sf«t. Hyrven. who |
•lave hevu tislilug III Canada. rv-lumeJ '
lui miM r Ih.- Chail:am. rvcriiily suui.
aftbeMMtcgpMtdetIkaata. TWan 4p«l#Bart at* Mt»
gjaifol and npria-data ttaa aar local ttUors ranRiMftlr
JaekMja. rfumcl Saiunlay-afienuran.
the n____
the Crianan Broa.'
Tb^^iwa leaded wilh wood at. tbv
Mrs. Leah Cnaoelman'wm lenvp fir
'lAUSiag next week, where the sriU' Sieimr^M and is laving at anrlior
j te the hay^ avoid the heavy aldrm.
vlalt frlesda during the winter.
I„.wlr. Is riH-ndlng
faibiT hiK
i,,t r. Bjowti,-
lake eighi-Bumths n. emirely free Mi -
A. J. Wilhelm.
>^am we wish to call your attention to the following prices which represent some of the greatest bargains in Buggies and Wagons ever offered dnywhere A large number have taken advantage of our sale, some buying goods they will not use until next ssason^but we still have a large number of these
rare Values to offer during the next few days.
OVER 100 BUGGIES Road Wagons, Bikes and Surreys | The^studeb^^^
I'. i-'
One 1>ikcii*-ar upi n S-jrn*y. wifli 11 in ' us.liii.n tin-, ll.at
Sl.lO.sal.-pricv-.■..................... .....................................................................................................
Oul- rauoiiy lop Siiring Wai.-oi. lluil aoi.l for
Suriiig W.-i;«.D liibt,sy.W f'>f
s^l' F”’
un-•.n.ja.-t>-, th/.l ~.|.f f.,r *72. »;.!• |»rra: ,$65.00
i 0|U-in.-I ill lir. W.,- -. ‘■ompl.-t. . lliat
< In.- ».j0 SpritiK
A pNxI Spriiiu NVoKon Uint s-iltl fur
. :iJvl<Mu.
:: ... nr. Tr-.-7.
W.. luikv.a fi Vi I'..j.it.i! ‘i.’l
Other* in pro|mtkm.
«Ijir tint- cut-iiiuler Sum-}-. Ukit soi.l f-.r
siil. jirus-..........................
LO:i' :;ivlO 111.-iii. I.:
for $7.7.
v.M L-r S-vX*..f- t.ri.a;............i...
Tr..-k .v.n.p!; i.--lh.-.t »... Ks,. now ..... ....
r. _• ahij-1. W«goi. .-omi.!'u-.that was *»K. at
We have a large stock of the above but they will not stay long at the prices we are offering them. If you will appreciate their real values
Cbe Quality and Satisfaction^Store.
m7.ias MTATK STF«KK-r
ojxv, iyiiom.
or oiMd
BDUd ot tapurrUon
MV, OCTOHR ». 11
amendiagActHtoflSIl. (beoriciaallaB appropHatloa of tTM be aljowed
proviskma la regard to tbe salary aad I to eever tbe deSdeoey and ase^ tbe
expense of the county oremfavlaBer of, expenaea of tbe eomlag year, wbleb
e; O. Ladd.
CbarVs 8. JtAtawa. 8b«ib
they promlaa to expend cstfeTully and
aeboola are aomewbat______ __
Hosed fay Mr. Saflotd aad •avfierm
Ibe new ataiuie it will be aeecMi
only wbere
Moved by Hr. Btoek aad aappmtad
y Hr. Clevetoad that (be chairmaa
Signed by R, B. Oaraer. ebalnnan.
nd clerk be anthorixed to taka (be by Mr. Buell that tbe report tt the
sod I>. C. Shorter, secreury.
and adoplad.
BcecaSary steps to secure tbe reeorts,
d ctaty arey cbaace
On motlOB ot Mr- Dre
Carrtad by ria aad aay vote, all vatof (be surveyor sad place them In Ibe
e talarT s . , swereedte aannsr Ur. Hanba. tbe report
-ppotitory dealgaaled by tbe board.
________ Each commlasloo^rrebould
and referred to tbe .
^ved by Hr. Clevetoad aad atipCatWed.
Air wltb the county clerk a statemepl Atmare. ways and m
Yet^lloxslr. Moaroe. Black. DsvU. potsed by Mr. Brecham that (be laaaroader oath. Aowlag tbe numiier d
RscM. FN^sns. Dye. Brown. Gibbs. Tcd- aaw bp placed equally with (be fol
aeboolrooms la the cotmtv. at tbo InSB. Ladd, narrow. Desa.
Haraba. low^AgrocIn; O P. Carrer A Bni..
Saato. E. .W. HasUags A Boa.
levetoud. SaBdnl. Beccham-IT.
________ - aeboolrooina.
Please call j <
Mnirae A ■cWetjaeACnrtU. U
the attcatlflo of the board of toper.;
Oa motion of Mr. CVretoad. sup
pone,! bv Hr. Dtvl*. (be board took a
Weda^^Oct. 11. A. O. 1AM. 8:3
> ameodmeal. iiy Mr.
, xm:. »:» recess until tomorrow moraleg at »:3>t
“ ■
P. H Kelley.
by Hr. Breoham
sard eallod
Ibat (he mailer be Ml to tbe diacro- ,
C'harln II. Hottioe.
rder by gbalrtnaa.
It of pubCrisp from the a
Dll call: atl'mei
Ion cd th,- committee oo grouads aad
sobers prtveni.
Robert E. Waller,
IntiruMloB wi
Bi4l eaU:
iDOtes of yesterday's proceedings j lie U
bulMlngs as to whom they shall placa
Clcrk___ __approved.
j read.
V. /■ ■sterday's t
I aad
the losura-re with.
saiurslar. Oct- H. A D. I5t>i. 8:J
CloveUad supportDeparlmral of Public laslractioa. , read and apnroi .
----------- -r Clovel
ABteadmeni canted by yea aad nay
o'eioek a. m.
,r Mr Boell.. tbc
Lansing. HIcb.
Mr.-Breebam. lAslnaao of the
the comaillire
ote. all voting yet
nds and
and buildings
buildings «
were aulhortred
D«»r Mr. Crisp:—As we have al 'mlllee oa Anaore. ways and meant,
Motion as amcoded carried.
Roll e II: ail member* present
by a UBaolmons vea and nay vole to' ready aoilfiej you, ihv biau^ of supes- pretented the (oliowlng report;
Tbe eommittaa di
guMtads aad
hare sullably framed, that It mV be ' vlaoiwjnutt rteterTatne
ulldlags submlued tbe ft^owlag re
rro.l ard spiirove.1
ors. Grand Travers*. Couni):
p Birth Of
ed bv Mr. Clevetoad that the mtUer
I. InHud I
G<-oilemen:—Your commnue oo
lied 10 tbe bdard by i
of paylBx a bouaty oa EBgllch tpsrr To the Hoqoribie Board of-Supenls____ Jly. You Bsnee. waya and means. lo whom w
, Grand Traverse County ;
row. under the proviskma of Act No.
— advlae whii I trWrred the r-.pori <jf the Soldim'at
______ ________
. -for aiding
illemea: — Tour eoamltlcq to
1)4 of the p'lbiir AcU of t5>V, be laid
[- bea-H of edocolioa In Travera..: Salkws' Relief eommltslon. reupe.
preservaUoo of ifae birthplace of.
whom sa» referred the rommunlcatKa '
u have tn any other dls- ■ full,
I. report
report tl
that se have exsmlaed tl
Nation's llag. a>ul lor the crocrom
the sheriB asking that, a barn be
t In
Be and And^l
naikmal memorial lu honor
-rected on tbe eoanty grvunds.ran>sM
Moved bv Mr- Cle\cda.nd and
to keep your e><- on the cduca-_____________
)t Bcls^ftost
-ecommeail that a barn be rrreled aetloaal oaaditkns of the city. TbU or;for the. punnu- of ike relief commit- p>>ned bv Mr Riretl that the I
p poor. present«-d course adds to your burdens, but wei,ion during the coming veapa'
!-—------- .S-.--------- people will be will-1
Rcspccifully tubmltted. ^
be following report ,
lake your
be ”T’t"?ou'S?y 'ukc!
B O. Sdd!^”'
S. C. Darrew.
Board called^to order by rbalrnii
Edwin Blad.
County, blleh., for year emllag June I Grand Trav«vse.
W. P. Hanba.
Roll call; all members present
anpert-iaotw will
Hoping that
30. IMl:
B O. Ladd.
On motion of Mr Gibbs, supp,
On muiKm of Mr. Tedman. support
Number of pt^wons asiltlpd and! give you the pt
iretl for. fort:
Hotrod by Mr. Dya and supporiad by
Very Trepcctft
ceptrd .and adopi^vbr yua and jia> until Monday next at 9:00 p. m.
Charles H Moan
Mr Kvani Ibat ihcemmHtee he flvea
P. H. Kelity.
...I S8.ll
vote, all voting yes.
Paid for clothing.............
Robert B Wilier.
III Thursdav
nest at I0:W a ■- to
Chalrm^ until
Tbe law referr^ to. AcL No.
Paid-for food....................
moitoo Ilf Ml OIM'i.
IS to the estimated cxpcAae af
ibe Public
ilc Am
Acu of iMi,
1M3, makre provb. i,/'i5,.‘'Di^k. ihellme'
Paid for conreyaace t
e of the report of
HoBctoy. Oct. 16. A. j).
thw that the compreat
or cemeat barn.
ipeeisi M
eommltteo to which warn reI 'lie spcelsl
„, /breed the communication fiom-County
I leas (ban tlt«
T Inanraafe ....................
fiSunejcM- Allyn, was changed from
the boar s« for the riWl
re one bundreU twenty-Ave BCbOOl'■l8aii-rday a- »-00 a m.
mms under hit superrlilon.''
I Ibe rammliiee lo whom was rp
ferred the mailer of the OullBg Beacti'
'The following .lat'emcnl under oath t ' ^
^ y, Todatsn. tupponed
Tynporary RaUef.
read and approved.
eren. hu< at (be request of Hr. GUIta.
Tbe eommlilee nn eounly poor
halnnao of the eommiltce. and^ W ^
................. IW.MM
l::i) !
mlltMl tbe following re'ton through
fuaeral expenae-------16.101
aorv.given ga
their chairman.....................
Jet 16. II
in S;0« p m. to report.
IMS. .
le iionoralile Hoa*d of SnpcrvlsRobert B. Walir .'a.DOUry public In j
On BHkion of Mr. L*dd, supnrtad By
Paid for irantportallon............
Rnll rail: an me
. Grand Traverse Coanty:
Mr. Black, (be board took a rtiecaa AAand for (he couni : and tute afnreaaid.,
Paid for fuel .....................................
: «■. o'clock p. B
il|1:3u for committee work.
- George U CrUp. <
set for the re
y poor to whom waa letrere*
8 3-a.M I
reVorti of Grand Trarerac
t:5u o'clock p m
Paid superintendenia
Mich . wi» nmd.-slaiem*t imder tmh , •'“■kof'J''™ mittee to whom
lualcalion from the HleMgan
Hoard ealle.1 in order hy cAalnAan.
and Charities,
servIceTand expense...............t 85.46 that there arc o„e hundred tisenly
Hnll call: all members preoant,
the rommtti
Ilr. O. E. Chase apfuaced boforwtbe
Paid for support ^petmanen,
rou"r*v“"2^^^^rrol I
board by request. Irtatlve l« the axOls in Grand Traverte county.
"Vorte,! verbally, referring
eonterred with the s .
pense « the aotupsy performed to
:be boanl without the poor. We believe that the eom- biraseir and Ur. WUbelm oa tbc body
nunicsilon laek
ptolnu of poo' food and-til treatment of CharIrs'Craas.
Hr. Brown and s
are exaggeraud. apd so far aa’we can
Tbo committee to whom wss ro
lKine.1 by :
thing is entirely aalltfac- ferred Ibn mailer of Ifae OmlBg ftooefe
Paid for tranaportlng patients
preaeni llme.
Resort sabmilied (be following report
to Home for Feeble Minded
that the preaoni building Lbrough (heir chairmaa. Mr. OilSt;
and BpMeplic..............
I*, and nhould li be retalaed
Ocl 17. 1M6..
need same additions and To (be Wooorabic Board of Sai^toTotaS amount for all purpoaet.814'
ported by Mr. Uarrow that tbk mallre, surveyor be told upon tbe table.
Ik; but we believe tbe
O. P. Carver.
ors. Grand Traverse County; |
^ Axlax the enumy eummlatioaer's 1
. A. K. Palver.
OeaUeman: — Voor eoanltm to
followC. H- Estes.
whom was reforrwd the matter. «f tbo
Board of County Soperinieadeoit of OB Anaacc. ways and means, to report: me resnl'iUou;
Outing B«mCh Resort begs to itaie (Wt
' Ifae city llmlti
Wednesday next at 3;0n o'eloek p. m. 1
we have taken tbe Hatter up wHb the
On motion of Mr. Buell. lupporu-d | To the H
K. u. Udf.
Oa motion of Hr. Cleveland support
Traverse Conntv
ots. Grat'd
Chas. R. Dye.
ed by Mr. Stock the report was re- by Mr. Dye; the board took a recess |
ersc eottaty. aud it to bis oploloo d
—Whereas. bV Art No.
ccivod and referred to tbe coaunUtee
.-.r, ,
„ i»i' bleh
we can do aoiblag la a legal way toCommittee.
M county poor.
wards siopplBg the sale of nteh 3uds.
refers lu the safe keying of the books
On motion cf Mr nev*to-<d. sup
Mayor A. V, FVIodrieh appeared bcbleb we all know to mooh to he reI and records of the rminty surveyor.
ported by Mr. Heerham. the report of grettrd.
TC the bosrd and ashed that some
:y of this boa-d lo d
1 relative lo the Out
We have also referred the matter Mi
uarJ pro
Mr. f
ed hy yea and nay vou . all presea
g Beach Resortgneral of Ibto state. We.
Ktid boo||B and tecordi.
inly school vzamluer.
eleclloo of
woald BOW suggeat that this matter be
Hr. Saffurd pr<-< -piid to the board the therefore
Mr.^aAman. at chairman'of ihv sihmoved by Ur. amis and s
succeed hhnself \
Resolved. That the regliier of deeds' elal commlur,- to whom waa.rrrerred referred hack to the superriaor of
name of E. O. LaOd
Hr. Cleveland that the
Lake luwashir a
I vault is hereby dcslgnsiisi as s"ch de
matter of Hie couniy phy slrlsn for
referred lo
a special committee of as such eiamltu'r.
j iiosliory.
There Ireing I
ensuing year, made a verbal re
three to be appointed by tbe chair
port. reoommeudlag that Di. G. A. Hvrlman. the.' to Inrestfamte the mativr. on motion of Mr Cleveland, snpiKiried;
lldar be hired as tbe county physician
confer with the proaccuting alinrney.
ReapccUally yours.
to east'
Movwd by Ml.---------------------------------,
for tbe coming year, he to receiv.e
T. K. GHUs.
board for Mr E 0 1 l>oried by Mr. Hoxale that the rea^u- for hb aervlcea at the ragntor re
w. p. Haraka.
Ladd as such eiiinlnV The clerk an-1 ilrm "f Mr Beecbam be accepted ihd calls, etc., but not to be paid
E. O. Ladd.
Duuncod tdghteen votes as cast forlsdopti
laa t'd (or hit services for the y««r.
Mr, Ladd, and he wssderlsred olveted!
on motion of Mr Beecha/n. supportChar, II MonMoved by Mr. Hoxslo and aupportod
to the offlre-off cmintv
iros—John Hussl.-. Char
etnim. , school examiner. I
1 by Mr. ilossJe, the rejrort was acby
the report of the
•M-. Edwin Blark Mstps Davl.-. J K. wpted and adopted hy yes and nty
by Mr.
d by
• Salford and suplwrted
1 ;30 o'clock
nty be imUl rtorii. Geo. D. E
by Mr. Tedr
all preavnl voting yes.
ailed to Older by ebalnnan.
UUC year un-1 Sylvester Brawn. E II Gihlis, Imrluv
oo English si>ai
Roll call; all members present.
motion of Mr aevciand. supt;O0 o’elnrk p. m.
■l. No. 118 of i J.* TedoiiP. Pmm'T O I
. Tbe ebatrman appointed as (be com
d by Mr. Cvaas. tbe report of the
iGim*. s.
s <•
c narms.
narm. tv IV,
iv Dean, Win,
TMs was the bpar tel (or tbe rwporf
?hv Ihiblfc"ACT»'’of ISOl"'
' Icim*.
mittee to InresUgate and report.,m
si gommiltee to whom was reMoved bv Mr tx-au and supporiort|r. Harsira. 1.. K. riaxilsnd
the matter of the Outing Beach Re ;
/em-d the tnsMer of the Outing Beach
in'lls .—
Ibat ...
the -----------motion l»l8affbrd.
" K f Iki-eliaBj^U.
.ha-1 by Mr Gilllt.
Resort, was made a special order of
purchase or Hiitallmcot of aa ahatraei
ameuUfd to read That tbc mailer of
liuslupsK for 10:00 o'clock tomorrow.
Sepi ipaylnK a bounty on English sparrows^
.Moved br M'. Cb-v.land a-.d sup
On motion of Mr. BtMiL supi
The eotamittee. tbtough tbelr chair.
ess until
presented ami-' under Act No. m or tbe Public Acts ported by Mr llpvl* thst the matter o by Mr. Uavls, laiard look a reeesi
-bam, aakwUor (Briber
I of 150G. lie made a »i>ecial o-der o< < lovurance on the ro'—tv Ixilldlsgs to 8:30 tomorrow moraii
Iking anyiArskrt.
budm-ss for lomorra* at 3;t«i p- m-"
' referred to llic'ei^n‘l"t^ "•> KTOund'
The Judge of prolisic nyiorud a
. ». r. Bvaas sad auppoftrd
Moved by
I to the N,irihern Hlcblgaa
hr Mr Harah
iraha that ihp committae M
■ lane -f
gfm alt the time Deecaatry to aaeiuA
Of motion of Mr. Dean, supportcd |
ipense- it tbc eouniy of*
Ibe lafonnatkia Vbtefa tbc? doalre. and
Icv'Chtm and Mr
MuvwI by Ur H.veliani aud supisrri
Tu.-»,lar. Oct. 17. A U„ Wi.
to report at tbelr earlleM cuav«olaae«.
soundpesa of Wd. « atfocied
■oeted within P**®®
" '
Carried' .
Ikiar,! ralle,! lo order by ebatrma
tvre years:pSilt Kappic.
•*' •■■thorixed •
tepple. Pr
On motion of Mr Tedauo. suppotD
,1 eopy^if th.
ib.ll call: all members presenk Miller. Carrie M. Codwar.
ir. EHxa V
Hun J^™‘*^**
ed by Mr. Davis, the boagd ftiok a itN
!•' boanl. de<
M1nulr-S ,.f y.Tiirrtlay's proctn-d
icr. Cha-He. CanAold. Umis J. Roelion.
■ •........... ..
8:30 lomorrow awralng le^
Wllltom MeCool. Marv Shields, toms i
Zkv Mrs. *""• t*»rt» Ur. \t It Tse- Mr ixwn ital the re-twri of ih'
Cbartet K. Monroe. '
gea and Richard Waneit.
Robert K. Wall*
^ mmlo-^of Mr. Tedman,
pr.scuu-0 and r.wd,
. rill- Hmioral.h- Hoard ot HuimtvIk.
W.-duesday , Oct 18. A. D.. IMS. 8:34
ISs scimnil,li-s .in flnsns.- !
Mr. Black, suppii
or*. Grand Tra«er»e t'oiipty.
im. rercrrcl to the <
(k-ntlemen.—Youk eummitt^v
ways and meaai.
^ Moved by Mr. Tedman
Boanl calle<J to ord'-r by chairman. •
bat t commit
’ mlrtev on graund- Md
and bulldlags.
hom was referrcG the main-r vf iookOo motion of Mr. Hoxsie. supported' ed by Mr Bnt
pabUc rword of bis work, but we dad
Itat M«i1r an of this was kept by bim
:M o-dock p.
sad Bold at private ootei. These
TnTMM eoBOty bm la WMBi
at tbe conn bo<ue la tbc city of Trav- notes werr, and 1 believe are ImcallX
of Mr. Hoxale.
ene Cltjr. on Hoadax. OcL Hb. A. D, the property of tbe cooaty and people,
>y Mr. ClerelBod. tbe board look a
UW. at t o'eloek p. n.
ev natll l:M for....................................
I five five yon a summanr of the
nw board was ailed to order bx Ue
_________ . ,.
p- _
m.. 1
amoaau as near as I could col them
dialnaM .
Board eaUed to order by cbalnnaa.
in tbe time at my disposal. In tbe ohl
SoDaU; all pi«MBt aa foOowa:
Roll call: an members preMt
botdi aaed la tbe taU of IMS. I dad
Bonle. AcoK.
Oa moll B of Hr. aereWad. aupSlawsoB'a records on seventyoeveo
Chas. U. Moaroe. Rlalr.
board took
paces, but tbe anmber of deeeripllqas ported by Mj. Ti
Bdwte BUek. Bast BaxbUicm Dana. FVe Lake.
J. B. Buell. OarteM.
-oirMaH. Moaroe.
Oto. D. Braas. Onat.
R(«ert B. Walter.
a the new book, two pace* to tbe
B- Dre. Green Lake.
Bylraalar Bniwa. Loac Lake.
& a Olbba, HaxBeld.
LBdM J. Tednaa. Paradise.
tr O. Ladd. Peninsula.
rfc oo each seetlosi. we And Nortfarap <m ten paces. Fl>rd on tweaty. Tal
ler. fortywl* desertptlons.
■ took the----------- —------------------- -
paces of records and two b
olnety-dre descriplloos.
Tbeo it Is vitally neeei
- boobs, cootahilac
copies of each townlblp. to be puet<
op from lime to time, be prepared
Beediam. Wbltewalrr.
mty for
tte expense of tbe eoonty
tbe t
The MHowlBK cenamBleatlot
V Add.
or tbe surveyor In ihc_
d and read:
__ 'for
mm pay iargt mms
TraWfo CItX. Hleh.. Oct. 6. IMS.
already recorded In
To the HdBorabte Board of Soperels- titles which are slreoc
o(V<fnMd Ttaeaiae Coolx:
scattered smonc so many book:
Qftif la:—We lake pleasare li
cfi I am called npon to make a sui
pladbc la tbe eountx clerk's oBee l
of a section there are cenerall
boaad vetone or tbe dies <d tbe Otaad
Tiamae Hmld for tbo rear IfM. cicbl secOOBS adjoloinc or eoratrlnB
ihaa.ebDp1eUu tbc set of tbe Herald OB. |e nay of which I may Aed Add
notes which are aeceiaary In makinc
frona its Irst Issue la IdSS.
•ey. and these noire may br
Thos. T. Bates.
I dlBerent pans of '
.PnsMeat Herald and Record Oo. made byany
any one of tbc varli
MOM by Hr. Beecbam and sappocijrveyon.
•d^ Hr. aerelaad ibat tbe eaauaualThese abstracts arc ]nsi as oeces
«rr la UlsoBce aa abstracts of llllej
catioa be reeolred and otaeed oo Hie.
aod that tbe tbaaks of tbe board be
other butineu.
any oi______ _______ 1 have Mem
taodered Hr Balsa (or tbe Herald and . reral hnadred doilaru w .rib of Umt
already la studyli
lylnc out the abstracii
for tbo surveys I have made and for
which 1 have not had any compenaathTMCretarx of the State Board ot
OerMloas and CbarlUaa was preoOBivej'or of the county of
M aod read:
■MIoaa Board of Correetlona aa.i
afaould be 00 a
there is a larce kmounl of
In the proper dlaebarce of
Ota. Grand Trarerae Oiaotr.
for which tbe law makes ao provlsloo.
«rae Oity. KIcbljtan:
Tbere ate apprexlmaiely four hundred
IN*r:--Blrs:—OoBnUlnt has
elcbty aeetloBS of land ti' "
the aurrey ot whicb. aik>'. .... .
it your ooonty onedialf days per aeetloo. and aUowDtloned U the Inc t*b hand
................ ...........................
poor food wbleb U supplied to tbe pao actual u
pen. Tbe board
reapecKody call nearly e
jroor atteotloB to tbe system Bdttjned
Tbc Acid notre of surveyi
br.Giand Trarerse eouoty for the care ways hate been kept with ............... ....
«» lU • dependent poor, namely: tbc ablp clerki. The law requires tbc
county surveyor to record la bis pubMe reeo« Copies of Aefd notes of retd
aystem U aa ladaeemeot mod tempta- surveys, but tbst does not provldt
Uoa to tbe eondltloa ot tbe tblas* ...........................................ad 1 would
nlatiled of in tbe
to tbe foreroor. Tbe person wbo pets
tbaonRcaet for tbas boardtne tbc panpefB ta’^oB a ptaHanibroptst: at
a not my lutenMon to b
least. Ue coatraet U not undo oa pbllantbrople melbodt. but Is i«rel>- a bus- bers of the board that It conM
Ineas propositoa. and wlib tbe Inien
rrly done by a aortee. aat
tleo oa tbe part of iba party for secar
. H (hmlred, at the lecal P
la« M *ood «»«>•■ ffWa Ui*
a Unopei^taco d
bis proflU will be derired from r--eeqaony (T) axmoleedda smiplybis
table, with Uulc rassrd for tbe
mates. The State Board would •<apeetfallx raeommend ibat tbls ayttern be ebaaced. and. as la most of tbc
t this sbOT-ld
-------/ cpmc to me Inqulrlac lor tbeee
road notes which I am unable to dve.
'Wbai we call oo l^shlp clerks their
books sre noa-pAperiy Indexed, and
many Umea they are not si home, ami
In noqe easM Uiolr books have been
doilroyet! by Are.
The new lawTrovldcs that the I
•tx.- ta. addition to tbst we wouk
r the county surveyor shall be kept
^yoor MttatloB to the premises
l the court house In a Areproof vaull.
. '«apd Mpoar eoanty bouse, which srr
> be deticnated by the board of suy
';aiUltHx oast for tbe purpose, an
.Isors. and both the old and new I.aaja they shall be kept In the o«ec of
tb*i eounly surveyor, which, taken lo; Sttad forHio poipoae for whicb a poor
> kept In aa
larniabed w|ih
lull or Mfe u^ under tbs control i
r the aarveyor.
U C. Storm. Boe'x.
Moved by Hr. aereUad at-d sn
- ported by M- Tedmsn
-':m«itcotloa be refer
Phe ftdlowlnc amcadme___________
made to the law. lu my lOdcment
First. There should be u esamlnlus
board appolnled and undT surveyor
tbould be required -nrpsss sn CJ
lostkm on the soblecl. the lenc'l
Moved by Mr. Dean and supported
< br Ur. Brans tbst ibe commlttoe bo
. aatbortsed to (nveatbrntis the matter
and report Monday next at S p. m.
Oa motion of Mr. ■ndiam. tappoH
. ed by Mr. Uamfeb. tbe board UuA a
repen until 8:90 tomoneur iponilne
for eotamUtca work.
Bobert E. Walter.
Toemlsy. Oct. 10. A. »- IMS. I
o'clock a. m.
Board eatkst tc
Roll call: sU a
Then ^va’
abohld furolsh a Mod tor
the falibfal parbrmance of duties. Md
all. whether ooBoiy or prtvaie. aboiSd
be Uablc to have cbclr llceshes revoked
mpeteocy. neglifieoce or
Then each private Bu^
be required to fartilsb
county surveyor with,a eopy ot
tbc field notes of surveys made by him
In bis conniy, with reasonable fees,
far reeurdlac such notes. These notes
aboard eoaialn all tbe facta required
I. be retered by couafy surveyors,
Dd tbe las i^ould declare that when
d and smimvcrl
ir aeglectcd to file
of Act Ka 118. belna
ancta record. hU aoli.
lOlew or leatlmotiy
BsslUh based ttacreoD could not be used as et I' boimtlm
Uw. Tbc reason
rfflln* fOr the pay dence In a court of U
for this would be
. aup
luparenl to anyone
_____ -_______:aiy
of tOo cen_. .
'take tdfeet only in suehststmtles as who follows a survevor t eiy louc- W<
frequeoUy Aad comer |k>Ms set at eon
slderablc distance from t
r proper
hy the chain
locatloB. and
y of dls- by Mr. Tedman, Joseph Taylor of'lbrt- ' H- apiioli
.... eouler with tbe phy.
-To the Honorshli- Ikwrd of Super-.Acme township srai
■mei they will pheform Ihv sci
:e often find sevcial of the board of
e a disiarce apart, lownshlii to rare for the burial of eei- >y phvsiclan fof during
_ read:
' report Monday next at
barged soi
rr, and
Trareiee CUX. M^.. Ocl. 8. IMS.
'It-ryiand has bo,-i> b--forv y-nu In th<
r their wivi-s or
d of Soperrli
To ito
but which fnr.'vartous reasons
lows of
of SI
said-soldiers under Act. No.
isirmau aupoliiii-U
as such am _
3* of the Public Acts ... ------Oenllemen:—I wish to call .vour
Ob' motion of Mr. Browa. support,-!; commli V Me*si> TVdmu. Dvaa an-1 pen*,-, vie., at Hk- time, '
taetloa-lo the reeds of the oBce
by Ur. Clevetoad. Lester tVeUs was a|s Salford
,ennnly anrveror. When I toeik tbe
all aware- tbst ih.- rapid inays sad lines sre f
pointed agent qader thoalorcsalO Act
, See Of Parreyor I found matters It
'be pupulsiipn of the couuly
ors Ri
dmdanMIc eandltloo. which look eon od^lslly when tbc mistakes have ft- tor Long Lake tosroship
■ rails upon tin- •.herttf more
At the suggestion of Mr. Moorve and and r
thrffl. It Is a common tblnc to
aMaraUe time to fuMy esilmaie.
. An extJnitto'iou of the bills
The report stair
I tbsi the old aoverdmral stake on motion of Mr. Cleveland, supponej
fooad that a latte amount, prehabb
report of thv f
r s,«crotary. '
I- eommltteo on claim* ami
eeruln pU>
a-ma)or1ty of the ainverlnc, had been
done with but such utter dlprccard tot
of :hr. but Ih
half a mile
tbe lasra coreralac surveys that
they And
ysAt lb'- prrt-eet lime I have no piac*On motio
; Jortly will have *o be done ove
I also reeommeod that a small psm
tern of bookkeeping, wni
by Mr. Cleveland. I
Lsatay cosre wt-.-re trp srerk mlgh phlel. showing the means and ms
fiBVC been done correeilv, the reeonl provided br law of obtarning the
cess until 8:35 ton rrow morning for has adopted. He amoon'
lowed the chairman and
s-y foriMsnce ihi' I iisv<- iserel (or a h'in.e
was lackinc in tomr vlitl points
vey of a awlon or pan ot a seetb
commlitce work,
,-hdinxt-The prv'iHninon which I haw to make
- Cbarir* H. Monroe,
.^nbllc rroord was made: while la tht land, the Uws for ponisbmeni ot
' the vxpunsi
Robert E Walter.
Chslrmau., Sepi. ZO. mt, cbirgcl
IS-: ' le IH*
sons who destroy evMencea of eoi
.team' of ream surveyors^ they made
Tb«Te y I.k-niy ^f room
-of 'be relief rommUslo
and lines and such o>he' maliert o(
Tburedav. Oct. 13. A. D.. Ibui, 8::" hefore lo tbc conllogeot fund, which
onasce to the pabMe. be prepared
clock a. m. •
. would mpke the aecoiia- .overdrewB ai sfierlirs ac-ds. The buildlhg of such
___ diatrlbmed for tbe gnldabee of .tbc
Tbe SUtule requirre
• • giBBliigortbe year. liS.76. The' a strucinre would not entail a large
Board called to order by ebslra
tbilwt that tbe surveyor_____ ________ people.
g the year oa the expense, and It woald be a matter of
I need more room aad furniture, as
all aurvaya and the reeurda akall show
Roll-eslt: ■
►Ion. IdclnillBg the. great convenience tv the sberiS. and
be preerei location te enllrel.- too
Mlnulea of-yesterday's
tbe mawser U wbldi eoraem <
rs mentlooed. are 8451.1:. Adding! would resnit in be*ter service to th.mail for the needs of the ottee. Vac poinu are ideoUAed. tbe l<
.the auditor geo- to this.
ms. 830.00. (he amount al^«*i the' pubtle. wbleb I feel Is Imperative, and
all lloeu nm. tbe whoreaei of
, Rnpeetfully submit'ed.
and Mte-eiarxJW'^helr wr-1 wonjd .lo awsv wkh a rvirabe*
eral tbouiag tbe
and (be i^imAtir vartetlon ou (bear \
E. H. Allyn.
-WTSiard it the October ses-Uiems of livery hire, ai
Traveeae county i
fork In II
Mare; and tbe supreme eoart decide'
Couniy Surveyor. apportioned to Ci
veawe Mve a total of: clly could thus be don.
Mr. Alhtbe same being 823.Z53S3.'
>ad a piatbai a record of the co-aty aurvcToi
• (be board,
8300 was appraoriaied (m the where I could keep
reaoot be recHred as frldeace miles. sad after discusstoo. on
(ton of Ur.
■nied. and oo moth
c. wHbo
of the coartnUskiii toi
expenw to the county
It shows all the tacts reqnlrcd by tbe Rceebam. sapported by :
so that tbe fund Is now overdratru rig ts aot bite
statute, and yet asany records ukeo
I hp f
834.13. The oommlssioa stales (bat ILfSi. It woald till, of court. be are. I
la tbe iBBt few yean an '
eommlilee to be appotoied
a Aaaace. arays and means.
tome vttal pointa. dlscrei
Thb mailer of the salary of tbe comesnao '•> secure? S hverr i
xtosiauer of sebooU was p
long drives, etc, but oo the whole 1
. .ted. leoAth of Mare not r.
The chairman appotmed as such
rommlttec Measra. Hoxsie, Dye aad
would be a srriog to the eoanty u
sme eanaet taU la many a
aUe to do ao: that they are haring make provision (or a suitable alrocture
oM oorrers were (oimd or
where 4 eooW keep a horre 1 will be
-tiMIsbed accordtac to (be Ideas of that
^rtleolar anrvew.
sad before tbe board and pre^
prerkk H. Keltey. Supt.
- the comrades
o pay for the keeping o
- Hr. Oeorte B. Steele was (or many seated the matter of a tract Index, and
se. it the county, will fo
' widows and their families b
Treas tbe eotmly sarveyor (and I be- tolar of a eotmty abatract aysieaL
Jteve (or tbe owre pan aa'able oaei
After diaetisakm. oa moikia of Mr.
Hy Dear Sir:—Under the proriakio ; ous.
I tmtt .that this matit
Ibad the law reqnired him
CievelaiHl. impported by MM Hbxsic. of Art >«S Irf the PuliRr Act* of Wi.j The
Sion rewiamcnds that [with y,inr favorable eonsl.
remand approved.
K lip a sutialilv »llv U>r a jsiotb<.UMitsldv 'be city llmltii. would r.-jwrt
SI w.- )«ST.- *-ad -w-veral tocaitonTb.- bills at l>r. n E. Chase a
in J M. H-III:,-lm of 130 each, for perforx
ol log the autopsy on (be buly of Cbark
y Cross, found d.-ad rt the yard ot 11
South Ride Ltimlier Co., were pre-sevd: and oa np.tlon of Mr Gluts. »
IKiru-d by Mr Sallorel. refert
rommliiw im flnane.-.
meant, 'hat ih.v might eonfif t
Giv prox-cuiliig aii..rn.-y and report a
r. Hvvehsm,1 and supp
to wh. the- ih.-v I. sn> l(v Axed l'
rrow’lbai th.
tow (or 'h.. W..-IC tl«.,e meiitknifd.
b.- acepK-d
Mft Ihwn liroug].- up tli.- mU^r «
end the purrhsse of twenty sen-*
nd now owpwd tiy Mrs K T Ik-sn
srfleld township, 3ti miles M.tiih
e cl'v. near Bos'ilmin dam, a'
iM o' *13W.
Veae--Hoxs.e. Mffl
by' lb"“judg~^”pr>«te, raliln*’'^lB
own. Gibbs. Tud- queslloii *» 'u 'be tlsl.lllty of r«-toilv*^
iltrexiw llsrsba,
Moved liv Mr' Clllls sod sapporttM
C'levelaml, Ik-i-cham. Bafforel—IT.
I., Mr nitrk that the ms'ier be
Mov.-d by Mr. Beecbam and tpppori- Terred to the e-.mmllicc-on cisims strt
,.l by Mr liatls Ibat tbe clerk of the sccuuoi*. lugeihcr with (he proaucof r*
l«*srd b.- instructed lo sveueo at once Ingsi'onie;.
inrormail.m a.* to t-ow the various
Hr Wilson appeared
Irtfore t|m
board and gave the rrsef- of hta 1#
vestlgatlgn of il.e mailer of eotmty abof the leulila’urc.
Sirart svstems. eie.. In cousGcs wbleb
Carried by vea and nay vote, all be had ree.-o;ly vlsltedpresent voting yes.
Tbv clerk reporrod that la all ibik
The eommlilcx- on groqnd* and buildcoi|tatJes heard from, with one exeqpr
lags submftt.-d the following report
il-.n. the abstract system
w»s pure
through their chairman, Mr. narrow
ehajwd or Installed by aa enahUag acteg the legUtoiurc.
To the
Moved by Hr. Lad^-aad siiRporied
committee oh yoorn uaiU l:3o p m. (or eom^uee
grounds and buildings, to whom was
referred tbe matter of Intu'wece on
the county bMlIdlngs. Wot k1
recom1:90 o'rieck p. m.
- < '
raeod that 88000 Insurance be (Maced
Boanl ealtod to order by chairmaa.
on the Jail. 890,00« lerarance be placed
Roll call: an mambara proaiaL •
os tbe eeun bouse, and 84.0(W taaarHr. Imdd. rhalrma « tba efammlC'
asce be placed oa the (uratinre: aad
(hat said Insurance h<- ptaeed for Avi
traailancd <a Pata U.y'
1.1? each
8U80, weight 8 U». made of very /choice combed
yarn, oof regular 150 apread—th«'8 just one
hundred of these, oo more at this price.
9c each
White and colored borders. 18x36. worth Ityic.
but getting them in case lots right from the mill
enables us to sell them at this price.
ONITA—We carry the full mill line of thjs well ;
known make. 50c. $1.00, 1.25, ISO, 2 25. 2 75.
Colors white and grey.
'There is no store in thrspart of the stale that is in a position to serve you so
well in this line as are are. We carry everything thafijs worthy from the cheapest
to the best, starting-at 3c the garment and ending at SiOforall Silk Union Suiu.
SUPERBA Ladles'Cotton
Fkeced Vests and Pants
No. ffi4, ttmo a. d»vo. bo. 80 per con, 2.26 I
................ .............
Sizes 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8.
E.vtra fine quality yarn,
extra heavy. The best
garment ever sold
foT!''”.... 26c
Ladies’ Grey Ribbed VesU and Pants, 50c each
10 per cent wool,, regular
sizes—a very worthy
underwear where
: part wool is wanted.
Same as above, but CO per cent wool.
Color grey only. Each.....................
Tpsiuim mnDH sdits, shrunk
Same make, all iNk, light weight (or ^.60
Heavy weight, $ia
We recommend this make.
as above,
Same as the above, but
Union Suits
Per suit
Color grcy.pxira heavy\ ver>- elastic, heavy ilecce.
full sizes, and the best heavy fleeced garmeftt
that is made todayf
Per garment............
In cotton. fle^^Iined. at 3c. 9c, 16c and 25c. In
ifoo\ at 40c to 75c.
Ho. ISO Forest Mills Pants and Vests
Made of 6oc combed Egyptian yam. not fleeced.
For ladies who do not like the heavy
garments this line will please you.
Each ................................... ............
The same as.above.
75 per cent wool, 90 per cent wool, all 1 KA
wool and silk and wool, at $land....
matter- how hard you are to please we can
76c < Noplease
you both in assortment, quality and pi^ce.
No more worthy underwear was ever made. Ev
erything about them right. Combed Egyptian
yarn, perfect htting. honest sizes. Once RQfs
• used, always Used. Per garment
We have all that's desirable in both cotton and
wool Union Suits.
We ask for your underwear business Pn the mcr>
its of our-stock. If you cannot do better here
than elsewhere, we are net entitled to your
For $1. Ne\-er in the history of this store have
^we had such value in petticoats at $1. There
'are four styles in this lot. only ten dozen in all;
and two days will finish them. They gb on sale
SATURDAY MORNING. Come expecting a
good thing. You’ll not be disappointeiL
Ail sizes, three qualities.
$1.00, $1.50, $2.50
Just placed on sale another lot of those silk petti
coats at $5, $6. $7.50 and $10. Great jralgeseveryoneof them'. Let tu show you.
Black Cotton Tights. 50c
if .we 4sctrino) save you money
in this department and give
Mattings, Drapnries, Wiflihw
you the best line in this city to
choose from, then we don't
want your money.
Shades, Lace Mins.
The winter lines arc now
Here's where wc save you some more money—wc
on our shelves and no bet
sell you a gown made from white, pink or blue
ter lioc^ was ever offered , daisy doth, nicely trimmed with braid and em
for sale."^ The outlet of this
broidery. at 1.00. Others at 50c. 7oc. 1 50 and 1 S».
store is so large that wc
buy hosiery in case ^ots di
11-4 Blankets, a>4 lbs.
rect from the mills. That
means more hosien,- value
About 10 dozen left of those 5<Jc girdles for -ISc.
than you can get elsewhere
We have the most complete corset department
IW Twilled Blanker, weight 8$.' lbs.
. for your money.
to be found anywhere—we fit the stout and the
Fleeces at 10c. 15c. l‘.»c.
slim, the long and short, high or low bust, short or
.25c for Ladies or Children.
long hip—let us tell you^ more about the line at
11-4 Twilled BlahkeU, weight S lbs.
gQ i
WOOL HOSE.—.At 15c,
35c. 50c. 75c, 1,00,
the Corset Counter.
AsSonmeni the largest, qualities the best.
We' mention here a few of the good numbers
M4 Tsrilled Blankets, weight 3?. Ibi,
at 1.00.
No.s. 470. i:.-, and 480
•A'merican Lady. No. 128
The border and the finish are as important-as the 29 in. all wcrol flannel for shirts and Children's
Beauty. No. 917
•be and weight.
school dresses, at 25c and 29^
W. B. and the Crcscoe. the
Then there's tbeHne soft finish and shrunk kind
t.W(»^BLANKETS.-3.00. 8.1)0, 6.00. 6.50. 7.5o.
Ferris waist and the J. C.
at 45c and 50c, in ail the pretty colorings in
..... -60!
Dark and light colors—27 inches wide! the Kp
best cloth we ever sold at per yard.............
OUTlNti FLANNELS—29 inches wide, heavy
quality, choice^ patterns and colorings, dark,
Wc cannot get these again’at this price.
Outing Flannel 30 inches wide, the best quality
made, the choicest patterns to be had. 1 Qp
dark.light and medium colorings, per yd *vry
FLANNELETTES in the new choice Fall patterns and colorings, at 10c. 12>4c. and I5c yd
See the new jap Kimona designsj
stripes, iflaids and checks.
wool made by the Laport wooleiTTnlllS.^ vi inT
we ever had at 1.0U. 2^. 2.90 acd. 3 50.
long, 2>4 yds. wide, in gray, cardinal and blue,
at 85C..1.00 and 1 20.,
ROBE^LOTHS.-If you prefer them, at 15c. 25c
KNj^ SKIRTS—in a gre^ variety of styles and
I. 25c, 50c, 75c,, 2.00.
..... 1.00
CALICO—H in need of any Calico, here's a tip
they're 5c while what we have on band lasts.
Then we show the other ' They'll be 7c soon.
qualiiies at -*>0c. 7.'ic. 1.50 up
to 3.00.
PERCALES - At 12>4c for manchesttrs are
.AM kinds of waisu for
cheap. There’ll be more soon; we have a fine
line now.
Ail that's godd and new in style and ct^ors are . Every express bringsaew Cloaks. Suits, Skirts, etc., to thu great cloak department. Last Saturday was
shown here. $1.00. $1.50. $2.00, $2.60.
>he blggem cloak day we ever had. ThiseomingSaturdaywillbestillUrger.socometniheforeAbo Golf and Fabric Gloves at 25c. 60c. 76c. $1.«K«n if you can. SPECIAL *VALLt:S EVERY DAY. $2 9S to $75.00.
For Ladies in Beaver Gauntlets at $8.50. Beaver
Mittens for Children at $1.60.
Moeba Kid Mittens, fleece lined, for ladies, tbc
famous Irebod Bros. make, at $1. 1.50 aad$2.
WWle; BBd y«t o- this! awwvd. “Mr.-Whlte s a nod man u>| tto evaUoaed aeala. antf wait tor the
dafc^J^adraolaa* leetaed aHocMber : work for. but be doo i Tow aay slack Urtrer to prod b.s *lo« etcedi vttb Uie
with SaaT. The two *ad ntet at Ifar Wtoa I re •nUhed. I'm laj osra bos*. - road ibat be alvivs tames. Very
rc 8aa
waci bo not atorr I Uto R ux~
I seea tto refcide becius to slip, slowly
end of a le«E fnmnr. vbarr
«alBd : -well, lant ttor* eowte way l e%a to b* sair. but surely, orcr tto smooth
IWTilBt bis o
TJ UtUe.eobbleslones vltb which the
bark acnm tto Said, tad t'-e tayr' tolp^ Howam asked, bopefally
r o, I
each other wtitos^ rather than not. U s loaesosae <ner, streets are pared Ac aur panicsiariy
At poHle at I ooald. and ato only tan ,.1_rt___._fc*_n<__________ to dW totaa oeacanau, cacttavw boo
lllDRilDcof eurtoslly and aEahUity.
three at the boose with bo one to pis' dtacuU luru of ibe road, or vlieB com
#MJV r«Mf ftUk
>riB the Snaablaa dab. Please tend
‘ly dsh In the aoed o*ei w#h^
IM to a riM- ol icnjaad. ibe drlttr
a card and botton. i aai it yean acoras to atoiv away and cal Ibis wln—Ovr IhiBb ABlniaU.
aa Howard, vttb a back/ Sam )m^ed at the delicate vblie place* a Ili'l* ba« of errase under the
, (pT'vbee ‘■e la hnnc^ AXle' bie bad
t will try PP^ *• tmrry wt
. I bare a
ward )e-k id his hc«d.
I baads. aod warned to laucb. Bui h<- iroo' of ibe ninucrs which makes U
frtt •bMrt wn-thl**
tom eiUaed.
dlda i. Ibatead. be said eordlallr If- eomparait.el, easy lor tb. .utrlj
I wttMfT «• b« « Pappy m I
-toebto tot: hat I eauahl fo«^'
« rou to oBer. boc rm ««er» ... puU .be sled. .
Mn and auk* aaMykaiy tapw
aleh, after chose tlme-^ afraid ,-ou copMbt manare throe phtw , -Exr„ up a »oa«.
M (vn I euw
l«cia Coraoo. Cli|;
n vil: ,lo«ly
their way. ,1m
haadles Tber re som.rbiBR i
I wilt try to to tovto*. h^M
DO snrh ledloa^
-No. rtwiur- Howard's eyes er..*
and Und to ivarybaEy and to
).«: totuae into .«
fok-d dmibifulli I process
isrr aad bis face Baabed. -Fourteen!
Kente. tHI aaBBlbc dtortoa « tbdi
av«y II»lf>t thta*.
Ued wlllWilllatnsbitrt Oct. C . ^or foutid o-i thci- vcf. acrt hi^. Whf my hroiher Will rouphl ttv.- last .
peta this week Wbo will be the beat
If I avar tall In trytof to da
h.- ;.3-seo*er troslt himIVar SonsbiBP PreUdeoi—I win oo» I waaal be wiai*?
— ibmm^ r-d t.lk.v, abo... It fur a
to *me?
thaaa tblnga, I win Try, try
I wrlic a few linet to you. Badoacd ■ ttvil. Rood-bre,
Oaee Mr* all o«r new metabors arc «ad • t.ooeot tiamo for a button. I prem your lonnR Soasblocr.
looked ai CU co»'ly ml a-d reel vlik
Odd. Rakin' I* ••p siil h."- —
reminded to to aurc and ctre the aum. toTC twloneed to the Suosbine cinh
mirke.1.disapproval- -Maybe my 001- h..ur, bui mind." wamm*1v. "ii .
ber of their roeie If they live on ooe
yean. 1 like to k™
Traverse C.iv.
C.iy. 6n. 13, Ib'-S.
fii |. no. ihe rjcht kind.' he hsrsrded. Iv 'o Ml.ie- yniir
of tto Rr.ral Free Delivery routes. scbocl. «, teacher, name „ Ml-.
"bin it's lb<" hlRbivi prlred une I ruulil
Dear ITepMeac—I have' _ __
IM1I to «iieh work, you kaos
Thoro are so maoy lioys and irlrjs In
re: Whai make Is 'oo' rod* '
ii>ii-li -h'e c'ltdo jtmi
ihraueh com eutiln* and pniaro dlR- tea but ooee lu tto Sanshlne rhit^a^
"11^ Uke Ifa>- ri>k." lsucl.--<! I
that vad a toBytrineasn I do not to
country that tbouah the carrlen kaow bIbc. For peU 1 have a chicken named lo «‘-o« now I have a tlstof; h.-r
-Abler. lgu.-. "beto.seroJ ■an,-.
their lalhera-namcA they are often at) Biddy, three eals.an.I three kiiten*
name Is Jennie. ■ She goe* to school way. that, the kind I" eeaerilly cut
a loea to kaow where to deliver-Sub- Well, bi I eannot thlbk of anythlos every day. The wlntervreen U-rriev
The,'re nlco:y nma.I the tumd. aa' I- -R.j,^-oh the, re xmder the .bed, '
ahloe letters written, to the yoaac
arc geiilnR ripe vtwy la>i. The wood. alwaj f ear v
«».wi Krf fc, inredi" ----...................
yood.r You can1 rake'the glass
up Is*-, nil-!
(oOit. For Ibtianee. ibta week your preiM>M MAHL UT8S. Cwres
pretty In their brlEbt enlored I
jw, can to cut any time. i„,„ ,00'-wmdrow...*n'when Tm done »T.abAto 10.
OUdvs ShUC.
' Ideal'naUed a ca-d and bnitoo. and
leave* I hive a very fe* ho-j.r planes. |
.nj-*htre. I
Ii... .i.
s' help vou.pu: R the sell.«
* Praaltoto. Mahal Satea.
KlBEsley. Oct- 10.
We have a horre. a com . a call aa 1cj^nioBpUct
msny llli:«.
Loria Cmaoa. and took them
Flrai .Vioa PraaldtitC Clara Batea.
Dear Presldeni—I reeelyed my Sun- some chickens. We have a dng and a)
So the rest of the af'ern.ion. ontCii
Second Vice PreeWent Mr*. Irene over to the pottofllce herself, to sec
tMiw pin- I to to schtiol every day. eanan' bird -My Inu-r it g. tttnR Ions i
di -d.
• cbor.- time. »a* -pent by Sam «lih hiIbe man carriers »nld be sure to d
Pemerey Shtelda.
Our teacher U Miss Lulu Holmes aad «aej*b Good b>c
;rhey #obt iflnk ' lalnied
' plow. SD.I Howard wlib his yake: aa>l' - S 'he lead, -let's sit to re where Hr
liver them. They looked on their Uiw.
Oegenited Deoerabtr t, 1«B.
we all like herveiy much. We have 4 I'nm your Sunvhlne sirl,
tojlswarmaadplay alihoBTshHIsbut did noi kaow where to take lu b«- lovely new brick BCbnolbouae Just com- .\:< 'd
Ldlie Zlcfler
H* swans his pl6w roaod aa>! mllkt-1 and led. and tto- honMt to be | “HI luaa. hi roan. " came 4A a chorw
Lec'sville. Mich.. Oc.l. 17.
Iropped the pulni Into the earth, pr--- looked after. Ihe elty boy weoi acrova ftum ibr o;Nt Bve. and anoo the adi
City,- Wltlr no street or eoole aothber. plated and wc scholars feel.ver, proud
From your Sunshinsr, Pre*ldeni-I am ooe of yoi
eamory to .starHng a ae* furrow to
the ,Ilia to arqtialat his father wit,: acre cenlt'.l In a eircle egiUMted .to • '
If Ltoia will drop rs a postal -card
bt-a called cheerily. "Gee «p'there.
Jcule Drown _sunsh.be members. |i has toeiT the eveolnc
' e-mer-v nwr
leltlDc srhere to eead It. the mail
HuckAB' niossoral* |i,„^
sjBtk he returned ; .Not ever hi.ins ..wn or beard Of jk Tier will Uke II to >i1m the very i
Traverse City. Oct. IT. ''<>»K »">«• » *roie .oyoi. and I
Kllty^ Thpoghta. .
a lime for me lo write acaii
Howard besiialod a momtot. but the
ik,^s started for the ) Jarl.vtone. these chUdrra of Africa had ,
Dear Presldeni-l should I
hr^ikc'Ht'l*’ rhelts, flyeln aumlicr. They Bad ,
much 10 become a member of you.- kavc my card and l.diion vet. I rea 1 cho-jgfai of the founeea Bvh was para-^^,,
Travme City. R. F. D. 1. del. 10. l«5.
pu,'aider, for 'he ball nwdy made on a a^ghboHakSunshine club. 1 have* pet cat ihav "> >to S-mshlnt d.-parment last wee's; mouo;, so tc lurnM and walked aloagl^j
tnu m. ime kItIM l. UJnklDk Dear President-I will write ron a nan
sit up and-ibakc bands; his name
vlsltlnc a cat -house. I Ibe fucfw. toslde bis new acquaim,„r ball.
'f c. and li is to l»- ha-l for the pk*-i
letter. 1 bare never written before.
, And the siring of fl.h fey cauRbt ' l»s
It Blucher. He will aU up and beg for
•’Sve bad a pleaaan' “ve
1 would like to Join the Suaahlae club. tomethlns to cut. and when you are 'Ime We have a pet rm( I. --------,
"Do you •dr'I»»<''hdfe are any ml>r.* 'rt^, -,,,p„,„g^,.p
,hp rtght tv.
Si. luu.ner were they sroied ihtnl
I like to reed the letters to the Herald.
Every I In the .-KietlT " he ashed.
Rji'viorr of tto .soason..- »l* UMI'- hands made sii liiilv amoo(h.|
We havr two kltieat: one is all black
« noticr him. When you ask '‘»e
Awd&oy as dtonfb^ were whtipfb but two white spots, and the other Is s
Ii,. . and'Jumps and tries to gc^ loose. Mv- ^ could gu as'lo lonighl
each one. nod ibn gamc was to ihiorl
tl(er. Their names are Pec and Nip- him. II he w
brother l-aa her a harnesH and car-! a» man} more, au'
S immar SicIgh Ridlns.
! the toll and. Insnwd id eairhlBB op 1^
tbU^ *to vmo(d have eer. My broUier Willard would like
tad she can draw
■bHicriblag -How the World ’ shell. 10 V>ac<- t’ on 'hi* liitje stot
10 join Ibe Sifnshlne club: be Is
! tlrtmg. Her aaine Is Daisy
I Rides." la the Anguit Everybody's-: aoct thus gather them all logrthe.-.*
years old. I have a baby brother wbo
legs and shake ) -alch Jest as many's anybody. You'll the Rev Fnacis E. Clark say* that
Is eacJilag. aad as It U tmlj* ' ,
was three aaealhs old the Stb of OrHorr lor that brother of vourv Funchal. In Ihe Island^ Maderia. tJ^l^yed In the wintiT time the bltodlober. 1 wr>n t make my letter tr
traveler •find* one of the Mrasgest; soon gMs up a floe clsntlariosi n tC
toMw^^er thank, tor/htoto
n well and hope you .
loiK for the llrat time. Oood-bye.
»VC tw.. I folk* won't let vnu be out so laieV kinds of vehicle that the world aSurds.-l merry shouts are heard,
) 't
Ymir lovlbR Uimd.
Ir school sta-ted tb.' j
r all. go c questioalngl). "IfII be sifter dark: bn: Hi sees, waiting, quietly near the
Tre liltle«t one. who has the
•plembcr. II ‘■ad
Ato >.
' Marysr« Wilson.
Itovof ^lembcr.
‘■ad aa nice
nice time
time ^ ^
,h;nk | iberrH to a moor You see. I've p.i wharf a number of sleds with slock I bamo of Bigaargoa. U quite aa brigbi
1 ipnAifcallpn. I am going to school
,^^0 ,oB,p
, dun-eolored oxen yoked 10 otch. Tt !* ; at her books at al tow play, aad la alOr. alto! I. sT. tkortacdtr h.lplsi. her. Traverse city. R. F. D. I. Del. 10. m3. every
rake up. an' the chorea to So. S'pose ! always high summer time in Maderia. f ready rcading-la (he New Teeiamaai. r
Dear President—As I .have just pot
It It raining here today My sister U
' yuiir folks'll be wllllaT'
. aad to tee a coavevabcc which be ba<^ The hanlesi thing she bad to Inara ~
^ To tto
sweet milk oe tto paauy home from school. 1 will write you a
• Yes. Ml tell papa how
hot It Is. He ever associated srllh snow and Ice and, *aa Ihat Ibc letten must be {dactol.
letter aad ask yoe for a Bana^iDe bul- going awav to work todav. Uv mam
ma aad papa are going to Clca Artoi :
wen I minri. fvw h
USme Id lean. ^ rcro weather la at firs' dlseoBCcrflBg. | the fight way i;p. She eould hot
nerhapa ahe ii thiBkIaif 'iir all of toe. I 'bare a lUilc baby brpfher.
Beya art B«ya
aboui country ways. But aay. can't ' The stranger ruto bis eyes, and ark. 1 whf at. A wasn't .1 Jus! the tome anV
U just three momhs old. We ail love DOW. WeD. tbli It all that I ran think '
of for this lime, an good-bycThere was a blr-dlffercace hriscvn you gni off a lli'Ic carllcrTIt will give wbai those ibinga are fur. bui he wnon p»i as avdl If li s-<-re writleaV. Bulk
H.anr om kaosra wsi u^tou me. him very dearly. I go to acbool every
Your SoBshIner. .
Howard Foster, s ho bail come down to IIS longer to fi-B
finda ibai they an- ihe public hark-. I tfe he( come lo acc'm It ftrt a l*c!
day aad like my teacber very maeb.
Mabel Holland.
spt'Ud ibe summer at bl* faibvr's HFan. rWI ‘ :■ lu-ad
and lhat unlau he esrea lo wgjk be ; tren II she can'i undenuaad I'.—8i-‘
. Her name Is Miss Esther Bcoti. Mam- .S'lH till I m aH i.kruugh, " he an- must step Inside, ymsconce bImMdf on > inrted.
j ma It w^ilQc: Ibis for me. as I caaoot
Fife Uke. MIcb.. OcL C. 1»(I3.
gani mia, and Sam DrMicaMhF lound
»r|i* »«T laod wllb a pro yet. I irlV ' Dear Piaaidm—I vfll vrtteasd tali
doae BOV. bo|^ to gai mr tralinc i tto 8aaAln«r% a alon atoat a UUK
■ '
Oaea opoa a tlwaibete vmt a HtUa
Ace T.
iMbd jniaaa. | taalrral ttoi had tout ht bast op >>
w.«.»,»i jj.
Jjitt m->*«xclusiTe desigoi direct from
the meaufRcturert—superior in style
and make Up to any other caps on
the market at the price—$30, $100,
$1.50 $1.25 $200, no^ better assort
ment in the city.
- It
be as much to* your interest
asounlfor you to call on us for your
next purchase of furnishings or cloth
ing—we have the goods to warrant
us in expecting lo'get and hold your
Yoa AU Like Gcod Ootcs.
No working glove better for the
money than Sargent's at $1.00—ask
to see these—exceptional values in
both gloves and mittens at 50c. ?5c
and SI-GO—large assortment for you
to select from—Fine kid and mocha
gloves at $1.00 to S200--Largcstlinc
fine wool knit gloyes in the city—if
you don't believe it spend time
enough with us xo see
of purs.
Perhaps not the largest stock in the
city, but certainly the largest exclu
sively new stock shown here. It's a
matj«:/Of 's»isfaction to us to be allowed to show our
friend s the fine
fitting qualities of
the garments we
sell. In m a n y
respects these are
superior to all oth
ers. They are far
from being t h e
highest in pri^.
Splendid values at
-- $15
fancypattersns and plain oxfords and
blacks, three different lengths, sizes
for Young Men and other men.
Something in fleece lined goods
worth looking at, different and
better than any others in the mar
ket. Six oi; eight styles at 50c a
garment, extra long sleeves, they
won't crawl up over your elbows.
All Wool Ooods.
.Grey single or double breasted
goods. Red. Grey, ribbed goods.
Wright’s Health. Your choice of
any of these at 1.00.
Finer Grades
All wool, 1.50. hand
some goods.
Combination Suits.
In fine worstedsand all wool goods
J .25. 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00. No
such line elsewhere In the city.
Every number hew. and selected
with care so thit jhere isn't a “'bad
one in the bunch." as the boys say.
If you want greys
we have them, if
you don't like
greys, we show
you sometliingelse
The larger num
ber of suits will be
sold in doublebreasied coats '.his
winter, and wc arc
prepared for such
sales. Not only
are we strong on
fancy mixtures,
but our line black
fine worsteds is hard to match—$10
lo j22. Young men's Suits from age
filieen uo at $.0 to $15—splendid pat
terns. and fine lining garments. We
want'a chance lo try a coat on you.
Famous "RummeH” soft hats. $1.50
to $3.00. "Guyer" derby hats $3;boih
Union Made. Both best bats made
at prices. Fur in these goods almost
as fine as silk. Examine them.
After you find us once it will be easy
We are young yet. and want stran
gers a* well as friends to find our
place of business.
In heavy wool and hne cass
splendid assortment for hard service
warranted in every way.
Hne trousers for dress wear at
from $3i"i0 to SC.OO, best fitting
goods made, finely proportioned.
• nuv^t HCRAUl. THURKIAV. 0CT09EII 2t. HM.
the anh U»« brfo« tb« fcow. -H«»» breath of fresh air. The tbemoateicr odor is w good u the affect on tbi-|
wa H decrees in tbe shade. a<>d it •tlDbMotiral mr
vDI te!"
-How do )tMi make (be preaerre*:":
And iad««l tkc praMea of aoir«i« wa a qnestton wbvtbrr the pent-ep.
added modi lo lfc« b*»otr « ber«os- noisy street wu more refreablag than aaM Home Cheer'a ssMtor. who has|
tne-oM rccejufae-itowa awerwherc. ta rioee tesenent roon taside. Thu
roacs. wnalkau and Ttoteca. Bw ia baby's face wu white and wan. bu;
breath of air seemed ctirtfac to
(be erealnK >b ream: pW and bar
lew life into It or Its notber.
to dinner and Mfcr
pnrdiu «eni o
that very hour s brisk evening
| >r)<al ode penoe l> tblnklag of. nn- beanltfnl teese
“Wbnt n pttr!- mU tbc pnrtor mnM breeze wu aprtsgtog up on ibe^lry
a* (be drear don (be ibades. ~(ba( na hilltop where lay (he quiet farmhouse.
The^ «aU<
“The lUMcr i( eomlwr
Mated them many Una at her neigh i
SIw tmntni r*r Yew* and
Outers faiM t* Give RcBer
—Cared byPeriiHn.
bor's table, and knows t^oy
-I wilt cut them into eltAl^ ad,
put ib.-m into a kettle, pouriag ovK;^
.oils, Mina, aMI
Mystir Legion nf AaseriM. write*:
bodr abould be en>orlna tbeee loertr It watted the scent of tbe jooeysneUe
vine Into the slndow of the empty bed
can be!”
room where Nellie and Jane -.sod lu on Ibe qulncw, eovei^ iben and!
plactnif lh<-m oc Uie back of tbe stove!
, t*een tbem.
A Trmr^ CUy ladr ! T.o block, away, in n boapltnl. wniM sleqp.
mbrre they wUI cook sloarlv '-mil per-'
i »*>“ •» *•”“
*•* *"*’
In (be pleasant canservalory of a fectly tender If all tbe sugar I* used
— “r?...
f I rl^mnr?
boilabed and camlibeil.
Bo^SHnlbl iTdd
*A ^
- eaiDc. to zar door
>«“ ••"“PU*'’. ba. .acce«fall)
I rkd out n acheme for gtrla* ebsmee un^n,,. fi ««. to lie for dart In tbi-
»ne Ban €»•<• w m. = .~r.
Apd nr comfori and aid (o Imphne.;
And I MU. “I canDOC linen.
NOT help yon any «oday;
I barn grcMter thlUK lo attend to.~
notonou. and ne«»»arib
“I an ertered and Dorrr.
II la- a* t.-o<ler
liaBkcl full of rlipplyo. from gerlum* and brighLUrtlage plsnu.
frieod( | roandincb* A vbH«-csppeil norae <uc
. nf (he imliiit. brlRhtmed ai tbe
a* a wi-!l-e.ioke<<
"Tbc next monting I will skim ijir
lilt out and put It on a pisuer. then
im the tv»i .If tbe sugar Inin the
Julec and lei it cook np
••/B»kAMatol^«aa^eaw-aAt '
Then I ^l!l
exprv** my gratitude. Prrfeei fceaUh
oaee mor« U th* bsst thing I rvuld wish
for, and tbsaks to PrrxiBa I enjoy Ibst
new.**—Mlanir F-. McAlUsirr.
l•ul,lb<• fnui In again, and after U u*
of lovely ebeerlnn color!
At Iha; moment ibe parlor maid Ic
An old stoman looked anxiously at * hntied through. It will U- ready to cat
■fore they real-i
a corrlajse, ind befOT
what wai hapnenina. ahe had; the deterted parfor rotrated.' One bon- •oiltary plant la an old tomato an on Come an'l umple It some time thl*
window sill of ber dark liiib- gar- winter."
Jack tom* and
' token then. I«« and fannease. la ber | dred—one hundred
Urt.SsUi«if3(AMltoa.4M]raS.Ohi«t '
"India-Xl I will. - said the editor, w ho
, carrlase to her beautiful bone. wher<-1 three hundred rarRaiion.!''
It is dead." she said. “The cold en5oys sluing back to her eay chair
-Are yo- fOlns «■ 'be Iceuire ihU and tbe liligbl hate killed tl. How I and h’lilog other people cook nice
been takon down town and to vaHous i erealiisT' oaU the doctor to his wlf". shall miss the br.khi rvd ttowem! An<t things for her—s»pecUlly whea the.
ii-ll her how it I* done. *o that she max
^iots of Intered. flendi bare been j •u i. floely lllusitaiod and you will neviT a penny to spend on another:"
bat very time Jane* wa* biir>
lias* It alone to oih.T Monte (*b.-"r
aMed locall. and notblns left undone i pajoy n. | rant eei off mytolf. but
So tronbtone not I aar."
that. eooM be tbouchi of for tbelr I you eoohl pel a friend to go wilh'yao- ' lag the eunieni* Of the Itaitket in a rut rra.ler*.
pleaure. It 1* the dm time tbc In-j
-i/ j am no: too tired aher the Bo*'- ner of ih<' garden.
Coal Oil ataCtoanar.
valU ba left bone In over a year. | atans'receptlim." replied bl* wife
Thnt the Mater lo ne nlfbt eone.
The New Idea Woman s Magazine
a ItM'tHfoI ch-:rrh nf a eolletbbccasM dlatancet were too great toj,bo
tired and decided a
I tbOBCbt I would aprlnc to ne^ bin.
SSI an elderly man at one t-nd -rf glx.-s th>- fidiosing suggesiloi
p«mll. and back of all the etDoyinetil { aer time nuf to so. TUe ticket*
t"‘'° ’
a long and others i*o enrpty pew. HU com.- ji.M a’- the ilm# whim e
of tbe onusunl and nbvel algbts Is Hi" laio tbc waste ba>kct.
When a lllile child Mood hr me.
thought* were b-ss ot tbe sennow and
h<- miilki of ih
glow In tbe heart, caused by|
Witt a.fnee to (weei and fair—
n welcomed b
iinlooked for tbta
Tbe tl~ed scans:/'-** Wl the doe- tbs '■ne music 'ban of the three tall
Bweet. bn «ith mart, of tewrdrop*sons
Tbe we^ will
tor’s bouse that olgbc with a wearicnl
And Ms etothei we:v> tattered and eooila^
Some houM-keepers an- Ignorani of !
leve* day In tbe two lira.
stop. She bad worked bard all day. were now one dead and the «.:her» liv
All cannot give of iheir tine, all do but apuld not bare minded that bad ing fir awav.
A Baser WM broiacd and UeedlnR.
And n pTwylT »*» forever nrllbln «7
And bU Utile bare feet were eoM.
And I anW: “i an aotry^or you:
Ion are norwlr in need of care.
Bnt t eanot atop to glre U:
Within a few rodf of the church was can l.< nsedjn acw vwrkty of way«. ’
A lonely
•one little kindness to do. some word artet room In which was a pile of a students’ lodging bouse. In an upper Th..y appreciate its Ilght-glvlng prop >
?ms to occur »o
. of cheer lo paa a)oag to others. Therw ntgbt sewing wa ber only goal. Or. fttom that same SiimUx mo-elag *at
' Is an old verse which docribes the her aar.the pissod tbe brightly light two students playing card*. As
ed ball where people'were pbnring ‘n church Ix’li* rang as iineuy look cane
' one Is so sHuated tbai she cannot fimi forward too in tfce evening.
And ny loU wu over nbd dine';
10 Ibe enchanted land of travel to over the face of one..
"I si'ppOKe noiber
which the modcTn Illustrated lecture
content* of
tbe doctor't Church; so If* ivally ••*sj* r to stay at
wwsic basket were kindling the llbiary
It so cbsttcod 'bat be bad dined
I sraUnd tOI night hnd deepeaod.
tbe home of the eld<rlv titan the ve
T of a kindly stord '
Aad the Mn«er hnd not cmdC. '
•nnAM entered some other door,"
long. >ong gone by.
The fragrance of n fading Oower
Sent lovingly.
j-The gleaailDg of a sudden smile
And Hit IMn wa .gimve nod fnir,
^luwe tinea today 1 cane to your
Or sadden tear.
Tbe Warner preuure of the hand.
“John, be sure to exercise tbe bone* night before, but be had nexer Ibouf
every (lay.~ said the naier as wiib b!s Of asking the young ntsii to *11 w<
family be entered the railway siailo-j film In,church. Tei to ifte (aUie
eye* the pew looked never ►« empty
bound for a week * holiday trip
John, Ibe eoachman. every day drove on that luigh: H'-eeniber morning.
Prince and Klulc. the two blgh splrilThe Friday Muriilns I'leh wat d
ed hors«.
The loae of cheer.
( means. *-| cnnooi speedi. grumbling a litt
Bet 1 bare hard!"
trouble U loidt.
! The note that only benia n veree
And waved yoor pity and enre.
Three lines yTm.aent ne onward.
would rather
takes its hearers. “If'I could spar- have me go to churdh than do thU."
the noney. bow it would freshen ne he said to his ebum. "bu' there's no
room for us in the eti*i>el, and i don’t
npi” she sighed.
Just jben the leclu--e tickets with like Fining In the gallery of the South
the other
My boo* wa swept and gnmtohed.
And 1 srateM In tbe dusk ntone.
Tlwn the Miner stood before ne.
lyaeUand hsi
von sad described my eoadUloa m near
a* puaslble. You recuotmeaded iVrnaa.'
11 look tobr boiusa aad wa* completely
Light on romal* Diotstt.
VVhatn*.-d U’tiscsllnl temsle disease* !
by the m'di-'s! p'.d.-**ian t> Buw esUsd
pelvic atsrili. It l—ji U-en (ouad by
L, writes:
experience thatestarrhaldte*a*e*o(lhe I
aJaawrw to eamma^lma ■
pelvic org.u. are the cause of most'
ft,^'STm*«aatoJMaSaS '
eases of female disci*...
amsffr."—r. AL
America’s grestesi i.r.y.icUas to make I
»*>U discover v. >b/r tony years he ha
ro-n-SO fVuitatM Bo Banotia
I not hare space In their hones, bnt no thww been sopblng nlemsant to look
It iBicrferrd .dies with my domessto
and sorial dnue* and 1 never sappaiMff
thsi I wouU l» eatwd. a tbv doctorta
■aedtOse did not seem to help m* any.
advJsa aa W to Parmaa
gara K
amrb Mgft ^ram* (hal f ffseWed « fry a.
.Uihinagh I •larird in a iih liiilv faith.
1 felt so murh belter lo a Week tbkt I
(ell .^nroursged.
tbU time Ibe fruit will b.- har.1 and
Itgb. but If only a fount Is uS'-d. I'
■ Ibey have been eotenalned all the|
I week like a klBK and u'ueen. They have
Bnl I eninot keep yon today:
I took for a mat and noble gueit;
ADd the day wore otr ««lltly.
And ny inaV arm* nmriy done.
r bone .1
Bet BOOH tbara cane another—
dener. Blood liefare hf* mistniiS with
“Wc taavo Already nutted more ibsa
linre never realized that tbr (wHn-!in vwrlni: a bHgbt red cnmailun la the Shelves w-Hj^old.- said she.
>a ra~- throw «dwb<^‘ In the Uas-
llBltf. »o 'bal
So fbe idMder toraed awar.
A eHpple tbln'nnd grny—
And aaU; “O let ne nop nod re«
AerhSe in rw"' bone. 1 prar.-
plain «ir-
pretty auburbso borne. Jane*, tbe gar
■ time an-' 1 cuKsing
| P«™>»'*l*rteeUy
hartolea. Itcaaha
length oMtme wltboalacABlri
sohjeet to female diseases. M«. i„b adro* h,
ighaldi. PwraBadoMaol|iro<
Uierefon-., begot
N-gait c.tng
cstng IVruna
IVruoa tor
tor tbea
these do;,
e..e-.o,dh«mU.t.«admlr.htyols:pied;“^^"j^^ r-^ « “
...........'irpcrmsneoicurethsi Prruoaha
urrhaj affection of the^ organs
I fur female diseaee* ever known. Bvi
tvefyI have k-nhsn women—jusily faviuiiv ,|,<-rc the women are uslngjkaod pral
pralsamoug ihelr acquaintances (or tbclr 'i,,-),. ivruna Is not a pjltolve stasiiportor housekeriilng attainments— , ply; it cor.-* hy remuvirg reacaase of
to war the floe varnish off the wood-, femaledlsea^.
Peniaa ha ao eqnak
It ha aobwl effect apwt Ibe sysiam.
d gradBally eltmiaaw. caurrb by re
iving tbe eauM of calarrl,. Therp
work lo their bouses by having it.
IVruns build, op the nerves aad re- yeara. Haeh a thing eo^ aol l>e poaal*
ble If Pentna eoaialeed aay drags ed a
monia—and with a brush. No varnish!- I'r-llsrtman hw probably .-iimliDore DsteoUeaaiarv.
Addrea Hr. Hartaaa, Prwaldnl
nor oil ffnish can stand sfich treatof female alln.-nu than aay
other living physh-lan. He maka these 'The Uartra
ment. True. Ibe dirt will hare v
cure* tlnply by luiag aad reoxurtpiend- --------------------------------------• ’■‘-rtelly
. All con
iHhed. and the gloss as well.
In cleaning woodwmrk there is noth-1
aerubbed with eoap and water, and am-j st-t™ 'be tHu-utv aud dlgesUw.
ing so goo.1 to use as a couple of table-;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------^—Bpoonfuls irf cual oil to a judl of warm !«xla, aml/m.- iraspooaful of vajilUs. j good, hafd aoap Into Juai eoougta boilwater, used with a soft cloth, prefer-; Cut In linger strips- roll in sugar, snd' Ing water lo diaaolve iben Btoaly. Stir
il ly a pii-ri- of discarded underwear.! bake In a quirk oxen.
_ ! conitantly until the soap Wdlaaolved.
No scnibhlng Is neceseary. although a;
Hermlii-One egg, a cup .d gvanu- then add two tablesponofula powdered
little *oS|i nihlM-.! on the doth for .-«-l laied sugar hmwmd oa-ili.- flr.-. oni--; U.rwx. and a acani leaeupfu! keroacae.
peclally dlny unnkiliK of the'wno-i-; half cup of huiier. the sami-quaatlU' Kemnvv the mixture from tbe stove beWorld
of pictures cut (rifm llliislrsted work may be adriMble. Tbe cajuf with; of »«"■ atHk. a teapooaful nf aoda. a; fore adding the keroacne. Stir It well.
thro pour II Into a covered wtooe Jar.
tines was passed around, and
Lea i*-an a stone* throw from
brjand use It‘srhsvievet uytfifng verff
Prince's and Kittles aiable wa a lenc- afiet that score* of'beautiful phoio- lonishtog. and the result gralifylag: | f«l «f chopped Diits.'a ic
the palm whicb bad looketl so dull' cinnamon and a Mltspoonful of Mil. | dirty, either cloth,
mcni alley where behlnil a smaU grapbt.
And yosir chnnee lo eore bad ffed."’
*• miB'rtTnn.l
or Iron uletxslls. Is to be clesBed. Ap•;\\%ai an tmlless lot of photiigraphf
O Uwd, dear Lord, forgive ne;
; The giver, docnlng they have ehow. paaed txlndow the pale, thin (ace of n
| ply a liitle to tbe ouUUc of your laa
yuii bare. Amy !' mI.I one a* ber hbsi- shlolog.andwithanlnimunoreffori.'erateoven
little boy looked wtsifnlly out. Day
How.oMld I know It wa ihae?
®«“‘ ampalby:
hardwood kitchen Door, i
6}-ed .Cffkes—One cup of tMiitgr. | kettle, while it U bol. natog a Aomrt
My r«(T n«] wu
and bowed i S'!*
•* orersnought— j and dag out the poor little fellow at CBS drea- out anoile-r thick pile of
which ha* growvi light in hue throogb three cups of sugar, one cup of "Ji^ I cloth (or tbe purpose, ABd nee bow
In thb depths of hnnlllty;
| there.,for ever since the wtoi at the them from a great ch.-el of draw.-r*.
el.-ailing, pill look a hun.Ire.1 pero-l" milk o' erx-am. four egg*, six, quickly you oa qlesm Jt. aad bq*/’
"Yeti, liter.' ar.- non- than a ilioo
as hi- 'Thy
TSiv aln
sin Is
I* ptnloned.
Wirdqned, iThe power of such tiny tblngd
wire factory bad caeghl hi* fool he
ba aald;
-ni iK-'ier If a lliie eual oll'u cuju. of flour, or JuM enough to Miffim - bright it will -be. I'se a IHUe, atoo.
sand In those drawer*.- »h.- replieil.
j had been a crlppUBat (ba Ueaslng Is tost to ihac;
Iti 'he water xxli'i which It ip'lntn a ih-To pa>ie. ■w'o IsMi-spoonruu! whea cleaning your wtadowa. .aad
’’bill they an- hardly t ver op.-ned front
1*or, ffsHtac to coBton tbe lanat of
•e.-mlng to haxe a sonililuj fenn.-l or earawgy seed. On.- talik-l x-ou ll mwer aaln regard Ibal Ink a
; his lllilf Ilf.- away. His eyes shone a*
eff.-et ii-sm xx bai la-fo’e 'had !•-<-<■ it spoontol M*la. illswilved In iKilIing w* something lu be put off a loat: a pos>
ployed Cap>|
vatehed Prince anil Kim.- iirancinc
IrrttBMsI ai.ru-araiioT Th- ter IK.II out ihln an.1 rm Into slxajies. sihic, Fer eteanlng links, wuh baatos
{put his window.'
A half tulle away a lun^,
And tbe btoaeing you nl^t have bad!I ■ -V Frkn Ood's own Word-^
'Sueb tiny tbiagt.we hardly coont
(Irandmoilier s Har.l Sugar Cookieskaud slop jars there is nothing that an
mi In
liU wreicbe.! chair, klichx-o stove also max l.c- much irulUlli- rmim prov.-tl by xx-lping U with a cloth wit -Txvn cu|.. of graniiUii.l sugar, the equal It. and by Ito aae the dlah towels
ikwnied I ■vi-r to I,'
iH-iier; one can of, buVer,'-an In- kept dev and while wltboot
day h.' *h<Mil.l be arrltvl out wiifl eual oil. Hut th.-haihnmm Is Ik-e wh.-tv li max iH- IIM-.I I.. adiaii- (•“■>' "Kg*, one t.-aijiufinrul of -usla. dl'-. rilihlng. Put tkem Ido a p^ of cold
iil.-a»ur.'^'sltilBg room. -1 ivally do not have | the li
afii-r haxiog thoroughly rleari<-.l^'"l''-’l
» ■'“•e -Iml wat.-r: fl«mr water.'add enough of the compound to
tvei.M tor a -momi-ni lut hi■___ „_________________________ -_________ . -. . -')■ Mtdclenly t'i«-d to turn
make a^«of. doiitth. Roll torn a'good sud*. and 'let them come
lllu-• Twffff Pffl ffiTM for tha atooe— •l-ccatafy’ bciori- anoiber cAtes. and, faced, tin s »haro cm from John’s
irnitMl paper Juki brought him by il- - (111lug* and III.- work with *oap an.1 .at'0<>' an .-ighih of an Inch ililqk. eui , dowly to a bull. L«-t tbem boll until
*:tbc 61d on« go up Into The garret whip sent them on Ib.-lr way.
faihvi away. Tfat- iiii - -ilmlio. .ir rommon washing soda, by 'do cookie* of any *ha|*- you Ilk—! h<-) are sufBeletilly.rlcao. then rinse
• Ut U trtvaJ down ibe year*
'i chmci. wbteb U already mote ihan fnll.i
• IM It vipa•Mtke'^ ■**'*.and li'a Ibe-sane war with the-ConJi wa U» nbmlng after Chrlsinav tore* wciv coarsely briolx-xl anil an of t.ilng oxi-r all wUh a liiife 'coal till. lH>k<- In quite a hm ov.-n Th.-*.- will ih.-ni and hang them »d. Snefa work
litter I
could hut go to ride In tb- InviUd
id Kink- haxc beard*
, , Monday morning as she cleared up ti
e alley In which the tenet
tp the putx-ly arHkll<*(a*ti- ol j- vnich add* a finl.hlng <t.urh t.y P- la*' '”f • var, or a* hutg_as .vuu want will almosi do llaeif. whil.- <ne Is air
tin a loxuriously fiirtiUhed-nursery a
k-'P 'hem Tlo y ar.- very ha.-l. ti-ii tending to olher dniK-*; and (be task
; II,lie cbild sat on • rug surrouo.lcd by ntn who. befoiv poveny ao.l llln.-«v -h-aoriog and hrlghtt-nlTtg'' quilliie*.
long.-r '-..y ar- k.-|.i
<rf keeping Heap is thus robbed Of
papa.” aald.a home bIsbIob-; sneh s quantity of gay and elalwral.- bad darkx'oed hi* life, had hy hi* pro Kx.-rxthlug will »dnt- III..- new and
rr-llt Ui-on
the e.m«-i.-n.loii« ■
<•«> Waf.-r>—Okt waf. r* ar- m-e h more than one-half of It* terror*.—Befc**l<d)
cuDilDualiy trained hi* •-(<' sn.l
pertectly bewll
mr>'f daugbler fa ih^^rv
lllile (ron-, toys
wl'h a gtos* of mil* I.V i-hiuli'-i. Ie«-i<-.|.
ih<Moll*, hl.»ks. plrturc book..
tier borne.'j^c-reid thoe oW naga- dered.
--x-l.-amng window-* ihei-.- I* noth- -Hi* one-half of a citn of rell.*f oa'•
itlfiil. Hut poxv-riy and frl.-nitW*
and antnals lay armtiid It.
sines throtip and ibrough. W’bst! toy
..,.-;t.fu) ..I,
Leek to tha’MaKroao.
ne»* rut off all chance of an .-njoymeni
sdless profiiviai^.
A friend iff Hone Cheer, who ba' wouldn'l I give for s fresh ’Ceotury
x.-ry hoieKly without .-*ira hsr.! | ■‘uesr aud a little mIi
,,r. Iii'o thA tlllcta in timcls n«rev not* to tbe
'ehure, she ll k.yp a-wwkiog ttp all w’htrh wiiuhl have cheen-d many a
eften , Ixoa^t the editor hrtpful to rend for this long, dull wlm.
nilii’iu*;. ank tak.-s on a briUtanry' mixture with ihi- nrprtd than In the case of maiirqeaM.
nlgbi after getting *o c-scltnl! ’ crioii w.-ary hour of hi* hmely llle.
ttongbu nnd baniirm poeB* to be tog!';
r •.i/huhrr;o(,vo we note that one of ihoae'JIttlo'
then Amy was patting sway hi ' whit-h i. th. iWiH oMi* iKTullar prop a iahl.-*pis>n(ul and a
paaed atong to render* of chU departTbe nlaatonaiy aniled padlr “Hard the dur*e,”atid the closet is so lull
«. and can I,.- ohialned hy the u«e x”" add enough hot wa
I" N'.id th-'dreuiar pitvc* of leather baa gone
with ber old toys that I'll have to pholQgrap'bs. and il wa.* all •he coxil.l
me dropped In tbU week with a lit- time* and cat-down daMria leave
Ml a flourwl aafl ,jjj ipread conni-ctlng It wlUi its
> >nlislititt.'
For thlix alone cia! mauvlals togelher. 1a
push the drawer back lom l'the awry. It such It night be called, small surplw for foar doltar subscrip- clenr them out up garret.
a- thin a- fellow on the olbcr ride Is broken.
place. It was so full.
Ther.-- g.«»'
Uuaa. ny daaghtor..... *
way a* lor t-li-anlng xx.siilw.irk- possible, nu In'n ,,l,ii.
trip* with With a proper matlrv*. neddje It
Jast (bnt tbe garret shelve* in tbsi
Over a wash'bb In a raiscrahlr fui bye for a yewr at leal." sang >h. s-• TUlla kMVCB tbe dsyd appears- * ; gregtyonallst’ and -Pnblic Oixlnloo.’
Pbm It cm.’’
jbwad an emw’s c**r<
•he hnrried off to get rx-u.ly tor th jSayM Capital.'' scarcely give* a him BMlern borne groaned wUb the weigh: nlshed cells- room iK-itt a thin Irtsb
u to Its ooniefit*. Ttcre U a new- ol a fresh pile A bapers and maga-; woman. On a -ail cot In.the coroer Friday AfumiMin eliih —From
AutI Worry Kerlp<- and Oilier Siorl.-*.
Blffe In tbe anlele for every Home'tlne*.
wc^ywo lUile ehlltire"
CBeer rader. aad U eoh would take’
II, amuihig ihemscIves-wUh three *i«ols publtkhed by th.- Amertan Tran Su
but oBMeoUi of It* snggatlon* to
One nornlag to the early spring a on a strliffy but who were now weary
benrt. the roault-wienld bring gtadnesi | wldvr bent over an open trunk wtih' of ibai and were fn-trwl and cross,
to bnMreds. aad rtcn tbousands of tears In bcrejie*. -Dear Robert!" she; poor mother bad to keep leaving her
hMa. ffbaabta^Dnetlma seen lolalgbM M she lined out aad shook tbe work to pacify them.
•» la '(rova fn» oi
On* of Home Cu.vr * good frii-n.".
druppi-d In reoaitlv, bxartng glfi*.
aaotber. and arments one by one. ’Toor years It'
-Mammy. I want a an Pke what
la since be wore ibeee ctotbes. 1 can- taw In the sioro window ." (eaed little Is ber wont. In sll <hi- year* that tiixe
bear to look at them and they will Jack. -And me wanu a dolllc.' echoed cone and gone since the country
and neighborly deeds *too<
be destroyed by moths if I do not." small Matr.
'im; '
The tears sirxmning down ber face
;a young man was also kioktog over!
;aome riotba.
or wirier*
"How lonely p. 1> here- s'ched
fanner's daughter as atae Icnned or
: -No, It's no use." he aald to himself, the front gate and looked np and dos
IrThese are so worn and tbrwadtaaro, tbe country road, unheeding the 0or•nd patched that 1 cannot with aaylkigs view of hill'^d dale whicb
•elf-respect appar to then any tastger. | bmuilful sunset wu ttansflguring I
, 1 nut sin^y give up going out afie-, tore her cypz. ."Only one wagon b
marki-t. and staring at oni from every
billboard and deparlmeni Mure euun-
I and b.-1'er tppicclttexl. tx-eijs.• glue would U- more generally- er.
he children itch cak<- .-very day ibHoned a to ter me h...U o' puiilns tollowirg ^lpe« are ivcotnn'-nde 1
them tUk she Mid. with a cheery Ixngh.
•’Wril. aonetime. 1 car then with
veci apple*—wbeh
tough to gel any
*m fortunsi.
This year I have
■ Hvrmlis are the only oa*-* which
r.ch. and ihe»c should be left in v
The s.-ed* I *hal. put It
•mall boiile of alcob'd.'a'id alter ihc.v
tunt to'the coDslstenc.' of mucilage I
shall use a lillle eve-v day. diluted
j),,. ,^.j|ar (q
guK g( Pruee
rosembles a large warebonae.
(pOnnndl Bros.
* There's a Great Deal of Pleas«
lire in the Ri^t Riano
AS'l ia.v* tl woxhlnc sti. ttxsi alfnrds m mOi plsaaqrs at so low'
• cut U ynsinT Ih. nahx PisnoU will tot lor •(*** aad rsara.
• Uuxtuat
lo (roto at*
Tbe only dlfllc-liy in
way of 'hi* I* that 'hw are y.
or make them imo quince honey. Thl*. good at any time iBtt if the locail"::
he cockle Jar is
ibI come boine from tbe phop gad on \ passed ibis whole livelong day. Hnw line, bowet ev. 1 *m going to mak<
»orves. using (be paring* with apple* chances are that by t*-e rime they are
, Sundays, too. uaill I an pay that debt; stupid » U to this big. quiet Umhoui
take some deltrlou*Iv
dax.ired old enough (u bi- at their best, tht-r Jelly
Any tiphoUt.-rcr.erlll supply
will be otily.iwo or lira Ml lo prove
be fact
Laily PUgei
d one-bait apful nf i
' crowM *rre(i. over which ibandercj ailb water, to keep my band* front
a yoiuut the elevaied train, mi a poor womari chapping. 11 is «De Of the best kMlnaj
d fpri arttb a haby la her am* tryiag to get a for ttat pnrpoae I ever knew, and the pint of Sour. ODC u
t- cake* Ol CTin ,, Riored tbeiv in «00 barrela.
covt-rt J tin or crock at l'’sst a week <"
A/t.-r r.ai they will he Mill
jt aero a sweet apple lo the narkei. and dellrioti*.
Then again. 1 pu' them up with pear*,
;t woui.l prolAbly 1-- more free',
,Fo' -h..ae who do ntrt llle to giv-
art aad a bright wontted doll fell out
• • • • •
' on ihfr staL-s,
Around Ibe comer In the ume city,
. a di-llat- ^ would not take a minute to repair the
A Valuable R*cw«.
aldi-d hy flaming advertisements >s to
Here is a lerlie ' liiT shtiuld
cleansing protxnles. Ilk.- so ottiy out and pal*»l lu -h- corner
the aids u. hoosekeeplrig ol th.- khcht n mtmir wh-r- " ran
n be
b seex-
PixM- Cookie Raeipca.
tbe laid away for aao/her yar the up arret. It so happened (hat
I.. pronin-, or If (• cam- to m her
Just then, u ihe nt-rsc In the other geauinc kindness'and often «-H-*arrt- dersiiFHl
Ibe good frlx-td ha nesi-r
showed tbe freably opened wesmd as house wu arytog a box toll of toys
, eoDleots of the trank.
I two lahh-siMsinrul* io a iwll of a thin knll>-. and lunwater.
brown 1e a -loxx ..t. r,
onneraLL bbos.
m *M ri^-Mto'ose prirowad
S)Ormnell 3voq.
Paccs9tl 16
»AV. OCTOKft ». IMS.
5;4b—Thirty mlnoies with tbe word. dlG»e«lB« 'the respondent to show
It Is alleped thai l««al adriee has
Ttere wOl be no iralna into tbe dw; aeneraUr In the town*ip bare al10 o'ektA waddea rope paeUaci were
W<M BWrm «n fUoerd.
-My ^duemm.- Rer. W. Oardner ^use wby^ be should bM place the ; bene obtained by tbe county lurreyo.'
placed like eoiblocu afaiact (be piM* pou from Leelanau county before Moo- lowed tbalr cattle to ran at tame and
• fm ptid*r*«tt*c«)rt.
books and Held notes In questloo In | wblrfa sriH cause « tborouab lecal.ba:by ao dotna hare caoeed a dliaeanloa Tbrall.
A Aorm wtlrt tor •ercHV.hM and one man tended them, repladac day when the M. R N. B. will probably
Ponilar to Trare^the dre proof vault deslanated by the He in the cnotts wbleb tbe b
aatona ownert who bellore In keepinc
Bcrar bMB miuM » ibtf ractotL. tbam rten tbe lorcblnt ^d aronnd be resalred and It win be nearer (be
sise'ed. Two Itws. tbe«<ild asd the
their ttock oot of tbe pnbUr blabwar*. City and Ueytmd: ta> A Word foiwi.’board el superrlson.
ATM* tblj «ltv •Brtp lit* BornhM or iboB aalde. Ropet woimd and padded middle or 'be week before tbe C. K *
i Seven rotmu are cited In ibe man | new. are alKwed to bear upao the mu-.
Bereral raonibe aco Mr. Berber, a Our Field Wortera. Mrs. C. 1.
(doe ancr aidBicbt,
tala bo- irltb nail clotb were placed aroond ber I. damaae la repaired.
Grand Rapid*. D. B- Alien. Covert; j damn*. wUcb •inlet ihai on tbe irib , the Mrfc-t and ihe liberal, and tbe new
protee.. gaa cuuB( ■! S o'doefc
after rumlit
lb) From ibe executive committee. E'day of October Bwest H. All}-n wa.< taw deslgna'c* that ihc board has
reDooa whteb ecAtlnued until at t o'cMcfc, tiin.
K. Warren. Three Oaks: ir) FOr the' served with a certified copy of ibe res- power to say where tbe books may Iw
Ihit aftproonn. a maxltnuo of 1-1
Bo areal aaa (be force of 'be «lnJ portntloo company i dock for a few treat. On aereral occashnt tbe alle^ finance cotnmlitee. W. i,. C. Reid, Jack- olutkms of tbe board designating ibe v<-p(. or iba' ibe boidu aball be kepi
liKhee hae b«e) re«l«lererl at (he tor- (bat tbe waver wa«bed entirely ___ ' feet and Ibli U fllled w'th driftwood, ownen. ft Is said, came In tbe niabt .■OB.
I fire proof vaaU used In ronnectlos In a v'auli designated by the tioanl.
dub '■ Jital weit of the srater works the bie i and col the wtr*. Ilberaitna tbe cattle
ton b) 8- B. Wall tbe point
11:90—Conference. -Hard Sunday'wlih Ibe register of deeds oSce i^ibe old law staling that tbe snrveyor's
Coupled with tbe beary ralufaU. the bouse. Tbe atrtttKen used for break- wasbot'l co^lnettcee nod from there to | and ,dolac further dnaraae by <ntiiea Schort Problems," conducted by Prof ' the plslce for tbeir being kepi.
ofllee shall be kepi open for the bene*-T~-rMut thii ycafr. a wind which fa>-' wa'ers In front of the dub. the front ■ be M. A K. B. coal tbeds there Is | ropes, earryins aaray bis Urm,.t0a)i
| Tbsi furthor. he ha. refused and , fit of the public. Ootmiy Surveyc* A!
craanad In edodty ontll ft beciiiM al- walks and the Uoneb dock were wasbeJ barely Bfty feet of sa^r irack. In some i and oibarwlse showing HRff-uilgna- j H. M. Hamlll. D: tl
Wadiuadsy Altmwaan.
' ceglecied to do so. amt ihe relator fur- lyn alleges 'bat tbe board of supmiMS' a tornado droro tbe waters of away and tbe water came up to bl«^ Dlaees tbe nils bsvc slumped four or j Ikm. The enimlnatioo Of tbe trouble
• - of•
I tber stales ibai'be iBslsu ihai be has| <ors are toiengMag the strict Isw
when a'-Oftmter
Otand TraTers# bay up with terrier, that ft ran under the bclldlnc and Ore feet and are covered wiih bnae, came a week
1:30—"Favorlie Songs." led
^ i the rlefal to keep such field Holes In or ihe subject. \
corral- DurtoTi^ M««sra Tullar an,] Meredith.
bombaidMBt akmi tbe entire water came out on the other side. Tbe ten-; lc«i while in otben Ion and timbers
t He has eommuntcBied with Tarioos
severe storm tbp tsrmer beard res
l:5.k-A quiet bslf boor. "My E- !
front mitartiw all wnier craft, with nii court and lawn were waebed orer! were
Ihe field notes and j county surveyors to olber counties
cuers at work cutting hta wire corral ploymeni. ' Rct. W. Gardner Thrall. ,
and covered with sand. The< river
surveyor's records are tbe prop ' and
that to Leelanau cuud|y tbe
and to tbow ibea that be was armed
9:90—"Training for Primary Workrase rapidly end submerged Uie dock
aloes and i
eny of the county of Grand Traverse, j surveyor kosgasA 1*^$^
be fired off hta revolver. It is alleged era." Mrs. H. M. Knmill.
line where twenty Uuuebes were tied.
and are of great value and unless! without, any dMtgMtfc#g<;j^r»'»toirf
Ibis and staked the; tbst this wns tostnatly returned by
In sereral places the otrlugert weiy washed <
:;40—"An Awakening." Mrs. Mary
(bey ure kvpi Id said vault, so ileslg-; protection. ,
-Tl .
gravel embsnkmrai •
' eight shots, s(«e striking hta bat and ItoWCT HOTtCT.
wssbed oul but none of tbe boats
naled the said recor^b are liable to b.-,
Tbe M. A N S. tracks are being re- others breaking the windows iu tbe
-:uo_Toacber. Training in HlchJlost owing to prompt efforu <m tbe
'be IrTV-j
and tbousand of smaller part ot ibeirowuera. Umlor's saltboa' paired today and will probably be to | secmid story of hta house. One pane gan." ..mte ■•■neriniendeni Rev S, T
.Will Canvaw.CMy.
broke loose from bermooring but for
Morris. Grand Raplita:
Tbe paa'ora and Sunday sebool .
Grand Traverac'
tunately was blown on tbe sooth bank not aa mueb damage done here aa do | struck. Tbey left after the firing but sting eierelses.
For as mueb then-forv as tbe pe'l- vuperiateudenu and U|e een'tsl eom3:4>-7A<ldTVSK. "The Bunday School
tba torca « tbeir oembbted poundlcs ot Ute lirer far enough to to (bat tbe ■ be G. R A I. although the irack Is a ' matters are oot by any meani ndmlttee held ad Imporiani nrdilng
llonerls silhoul remt-dy
mere skeleton, for several bimdred I Justed.
, a Training Poree." Prof. H. M. llamiu.
awrinn doeba. boat bouses, railroads sea didn't aSeef ber.
erenlag to the Disdple
It of mandamus, they
Tbere seems to be about an equal
4:3«—Presby-tertan chnreb—A meet
The windows in the (bird story were fcci.
and ambanteeau t^til tbe T. C.. L. *
Tb^ booker X-IP V-S made sail ibis; dlvisioD of sympatblzcra and to tor- ing for ^uDiy and lownsbip primiry
- M, the O. R. * L. and tbe M. * N, E blown to and the rain soaked the oew
have aaterpd n complete collapse of
•mhankmeal and track tor bundrads of tire point Is a mau of ruls and wreck- Tbe dainmgc to tbe little craft cobhU'.-I wbleb properly belonga to tbe neigh-{ ^
oath of oO«. Jan. 1. 11«S. and htacox.-^toe* during.wbkfa God s bleating was
ed |n the carrying-away of Ibe Jib 1 borbood. passed by farmer Berkey and '
met froatnee. the eatlmatea belns ag«V Evening.
tenilon bsa been that be needed ihe.ltaptored upon the cunvealhM -and
foresail: smashing the ysal i bis tympaihtaert and tbeir grain lay
Tbe Rod and Cun club will also lose
use feet tor the 0. R. * I. and SW
books and field notes whenever he bad 1 ’•PM 'he churebe. and homes of the
eonsiderably. Tbe trap house, walks sn,l a general smashleg op of rails
fM tor
H. * N. E
arrangements for theiconoccasion to ctmsuft them, as bta work I <?>'>
Some heavy limbers were driven
and buildings were all damaged. Tbe
Tbe atoras ct the early erenln*
took him oot m tbe country at all!
piling at the mouth of the river was under the Northern Michigan TransmBd in lemperatura bbt today •
while awty several I Tbe matter of tbe snUriatoBseBt i-f
Sabas, hall and rain foui^bi for stt
lime, be would have oeca-1 delegates was conMdered most sarcO'll several of tbe Umbers under the owned b) B. Gray of Almira entered
pramney to tbe dlaeomton of all who Morgan's boat bouse was
«kie to come to yi,er dosing hours of tolly.
d<Kk. ' This was repaired this morn the township and all one nigh' during
won obUcsd to aseei tbs force of Ri
tbe rogiaier of daMs' olBre at Z o'clock tributsd la tbe tevcral'eburebes last
tbe heavy rato li was guarded against
CBUIw atlbK- Tbe wtod's force
was unable to reach bis Sunday and srlU be again next Sun
Thn# ftr
The Oil dock received s severe lasbwas dsaagod by water.
books until tbe boura of opening, i day. II WBS decided to canvass Ibe
The Bight from tbe club bouse pmb .lag OB (he exposed! portions an^ the tor the ealtle corallcr and bit sympscliy on Friday. Nov. 3. the fifty
o'clock In tbe morning.
was witnessed by many who braved wesiero side of tbe dock slumped toto iblsers without being mdlested.
•He petitioned the board of supervi Uockstr tbe clly. Jrom Elmwood aveAs tbougfa to further show ihnir retbe tal\ buBdlncs ao that wbeaerer tbs cold wind add sleet in order to see tbe water s few feet.
> Garfield avrane, lo be catsors «i tbe lui session for the purThe damage to ibis city It estimated seniment against ibetlarmers who abut
tbe bar tom bra storm fury.
by fifty c
ebase of a prlvale fire proof safe oJ
Tburaday Morning.
'up cattle, unknow-n miscreams atTbs shore on ibe Wost side is cor- at liu.dvp.
It Btr^ them srlib loree. almost hurlUke one bloek. Tbeee cacR;(Ki—Bd*rau- conferinces: is) tbe placing of ibe books where be
Tbe llllnoli eamc inlo port last oven tacked tbe rural mall boxes beloaglllg
Inc them, aside as thooeb they ware ered with driftwood sod wreeknge of
wUl meet Tu^wtoy at :;M to
and.TeachMrs pappala. with do power of resist- aU descriptions, rrom early mornloc. Inc after riding oni the ttonn at to the farmers sad the poslallco to- err." eoDductvd by Dv.^ 1. &. Morris, bta peUlion
of Ike' IHaHpie eborcb/u
anee. Sica boards took Slfbt and wminrn Smith iti^ by bli launeb Nortbport where -some freight wks ipoclor from Grand Rapids bu visited Beldtog: <bl Fretbyterlaa church. Pri- passed di-signaiing iho register of systematise tbe effort.
smrsrtl Uise aten' boards along Bast with a pike pole abd kept ibe «rroek- (skoa on. The big boat left the usual tbe section of the township where the maty and Imernatlonal Workers, Mrs. deeds vaulfs as tbe proper placc for
The matter of tbe ehlldifiB'f seiTires rront atr««t wars burled backward, age away from ber. Her anchor chain menWdise f;r ihc local deslers an 11 damage ^ been dooe and tunber de- G L. Pox. prealdlng.
j retaining the booka. A eoamlitee «ni- at tbe opening of the eoBrenUoB was
It of freight north, tvctopmenis are supposed to follow.
and like iba sIBata la tba play ree- bad broken and she bad
1. DvvoMuosl lit) minutes).
| stating of the chairman of (be Inara, also planned tor and ft sraa dedfiad j|-.
eelred a 'stab la tbe back from the op on shore-but had been hauled up at
Lett In a Bwamp.
2- The Primary- Program (an «bJe<i|ibo register al deeds, and the county to have all the eblldrefi of tbe city. 14
fores M tbeir momntnm as they, fell far as possible slmobt oot ot bsm't
The state Sunday school eonvemlon lesson; iU mlauiesi.
clerk.made a demand upon the county yean old and under, meet at the Dis
iBMait OMt own prop poaU and re- way. Tbe wssblng dot of tbe railway
surveyor at 3 o'clock on tbe aflertioao ciple church next RkiBdnr after sebool
tradm had set a number of ties adrift
astned ptnned doarn.
afterneoo unharmed to the midst of a Tuesday, Not. II. Many delegates are (in mlnuioa). Mrs. Pred Waahbunj. wbeo (be reaolDtlon was pakaed re at 9;4A tor rehearaal and aRaageBeat.
Awnings aU osar tbe city look like and these' made dangeront missiles
quiring the property to quesGoo In the Also next Bunday anonwaa si 8:30
dense swamp where he bad been since
ftiai yav'a bansut mop of tatlerlngs. ^or the stranded bout. King's isuncb Sunday uftemoai. The little fellow of the fonventlpn will be "Hie Sunday
1. "After thi- Primary—WhaH"
vaults and were met with a refusal. those who are to alag-to «b» cborus
and botes. Mirreti and all loose odds broke away liul was captured soJ had been lb terrible danger as black School » Ftaree'."
........ of.........................
. choir will meet in tbe OOBgraimUonal
mlntitra). Mrs. H. M Hamin.
The claim
the county tu-reyor
ad eiMs (S buMaess booses careeo
IHie railroads have grenihd a
2. Round Table, conducted b^ Mrs.
that be was using the field oofee I ebureb for tbe east aMa and to tbe
bears hire been seen In that localii)around as tbou^ half sens over.
contained In ibr books at ihr time of | Frieodt chorch on tbe west side tor a
Mary Foster Brynci.
shore are all more or leer thls tan but the providence that
Crowds gstborod ot tbe W«-qoetong
| song serrloe out of Ihc new book.
j3I!—Regular session, song seirie-. the demand.
walk this moralng lo rlew the tarrlAe damaged. J. K. Metkiagh's Uuneb and
the return limit being Nor.
Messrs. Tullsr and Meredith.
The child Birayed
btt grand ssertscle wbUe tbe North- 8. C. Darrow^ rode out tbs alarm
Bvtaon borne, which is two miles from,The pastors of the churcbi-s ibrouph-! 9:13—Devotlony Bible atody. "My
ora JCt^lgu Ttmasportatloa bsadfuar- ssfeirat ibelr moorings. J. A. Mon
WalljB, Sunday nftemoun and not re- j out the state and the presldcnu ofAhllJik-s." Rev. W. Gardner Thrall.
tsn on tbe dodt held a bair. toui^ tage's -Oom. moored at OtuUlekvIUe. luptlogBy night, the entire vllWge and! county, rlty and township assoetotlosis I
Rrmposium, four ImportAoi
«tad crowd c( sight seen s)l tbe day. >de ft oul wllboul any damage.
Tbe 0. E A I. and ib<- T. C, L. k U. neigbfaprhood turned out and searehril i are memlx'rs ex-offlcio with every pri\ •' qucailons. In firiectt-mlnuif answers,
* The water works came In tor a share
tbe surrounding woods. No trace of! liege ol parilclpallng to Ibe mit-llngj.l ]. U the Sunday Sebool Tour Deal,«( tba bay paaoraiate display, for at sulfered ^be ’severesi wastaoni. itae
1 'be cblld wns tovnd and the parents ' Every individual school In the siaio able? Fr-d Washburn. Benton Har•
the dock ne0 there a sm^l adbooner
werr banri broken wlib anxleiy. The' may elect.two delegnles and those havtoiwbt a mad
tor supranacy the tbe Nortbern Hlcbigan Transporittloo 1
Ton will alwajB find. oamDed on tbe tml at proKraggin
*. (Aliai Is Pracileal Temperaac?'
eompaay 4«k
dock .bm.
where H,
ihe fonr-fooi ...
enure day. ibis betag rlewsd by bnn- »■»»
bitoineta hauaea. a unmberof tbe "me too” variety. Iley-Bie
'•---- —• —•”
—*■--------- -jji..—-•
crory aijdlilon- Tracblng to ib<- Run<lay ScboolT Bi-'.'
bankment was ndet^mlned at an eat
to akriki* oat
the cIbm that, l^ins tbe eoetsy and oriffioality
McD. Howsan. Maph- Rapids.
_________ ; al Jis) membeiV- Lodglnk
Tba nuaott. wUch struck tbU har hour, tba heavy along BDIng mad earth
mcrcl)' echo what. othera aay
say and teeUy imitate
2. Sunday School Kreord—Why*
yielding to ibaJ^Kient ponadlng of I Tbe little fellow bad wande.red from | fast will be tornlshed frv,'.
bor at 4 o'clock this moratiig met
home and gotten lnii> the swamp | ,Tbe following Is the program for the Wbatr HowT Ur. 1. S. Morris. Beld- i “vbat otbera do You will find tbem ooeaaionally cntUnK nitder
propootUon aa tbe srares were also tbe beary aeas until at S o'clock the
one of our prices or copjnng the general features o< oar advtv,
where be became lost. When founl' three days;
■oatala Ugb and (he slip on tJ ties were t'anding llkenk-eleiona. later
4- Sunday School Mu»ir—How Im-: j tieemeDts. To merely mention the mitw ia lo digpoae of iL
be was a mile from the clegring. hi' I
Tuesday Aftoroooiv
yielding to*ibe general
Mcrtbera MleUcaa Transportatlob
You know the kind of people thsi do tneae tbioKa Yoa know,
prove Ilf Isaac H. Meredith. New ,
clo.h™ ..w ton,
I.U 1»J, ...1
. ,1,,
dock wB^a bad lading.. Tbe sSiwt was moraUxniloB. Tbta washout extended
too. whether it pays beat to iradt- with the kwder or tbe trailer.
Ma^->bp' Oapiaio Btebardeon. bow- with broken toiervals aloa|; tbe enUrej
11:30—Address, "The Sunday School 1,
After be bad
r lo*<. be{
A preparatibs of song. led by
orar. and to the dark wlUi the eie- bay front past tbe water srorks and In-1
I-bad srandeml o r logs and ibrougb , Grant Colfax Tullar and Isaac H. Mere- a Teaching rnrm-." Pr-if. H. M. Hamlll. |
meeu conspirad Lgaiast bo
volrtog tbe M- A N. E at tbe apor be^t'*“
Thuradsy Afttreoon.
yond Orwllick'v.
‘ le brush to a valu effort lo gel o
dlib. New Tork'
• be sneesaafliUy labded three
Las; Friday a large black bear
l;j<i_-Th!' Old Songs.' Messrs. Tul-^1
No iratos came In past llw waabout
attempted to tie up ibe bags hawsers
ar and .Mvn-dllU .i
Ibrawa out Tbe Brat broke like
eltber over tbe M. A N.' B. or T. C.. U abol by a hunter ami utberi- bavc
Qult-I Half Hour-' My Po»>.,'
string, the second tollowOd.in qilldt A H. and all paasengera. freight and I
...vv—... slliiliiles." Rev. \V. flardaer Thrall.
■iraesiliwi and after a third tauge haw espress were transferred Into (he city |
member? of the party,
pj. ju-r. W ■ :.:»- Hom.- n-iuinmen' Experiser bad parted ft was evident that
Sh„r,„.rt,a. ,
notblag could bold the huce craft
RtalBst tbe asrfui strala of the nor'-
Sdun the trailers
$. e. (Uait $ Sons
''Cb« Cuders"
Cblldreti." in charge ot -Mrs J. W. MU-1 S
Addri--.-. Tti- value of MUwselar roaring and -plunging nkmi
llken. Travers'- Cliy.
[ slouso’ lBiiT!-ri m ih<- ^unday Sebool."
tbe bay. kicking «p moueiatoons wkres
VIII...,» ,.h, n»
JUMV—Reunion and bsnquC ol "J— Rev f E tSoii
that earrtad oearptbtog with tbeir turlocal
i Shnujd, Uke
kalanee. Tbo beat tben after s bard
rusalem Pilgrims,' at Park Place botrl.[
He fish house and from of the lee
*rKnos "—quvsiiun> sc!iv><'rvd l>y Prof.
Tuesdsy Evening.
paU tuned srouad and bended for bouse of John HooMm at 8411 tylj (he boy was missing and that more
7:00—Sl-rvlce cil t.ang. led by Cmot j Hamlll. Mr> Urpii r. R<-v. Thrall, Rev.
Omana.tbe^-barbor to Otand Trav- Front street received tbe full strength^
bunt. Thej- decided to remain over Colfax Tullar. Isaac H Meredith sOiH 8ci>r (Ivrvtrimrni v-uiM-nnii-Dden's so,!
urao bay raaebaMa for 1
bean-jof ihe'heatT ■ I all night, the fish
draught and alM. She U bound from bouse yieldlag to Ibe water onslaught
, choir: scrlptui v mi-dllstlon and praj-er, other,
* H"le searrh Mrt llasttog?
p, (.orhifn. Traverse Cli.'.l
. tbe aoutb nad buBTlly loaded lor ihU and after the under pinning had been'
Thursday Evening.
undermined, the structure j«k Into:
:.0!i—••Juhll-- of Song-' led by
and tbe jisny followed -The mile boy.;
tbe bay. Use front of t
Tbe Rule
Grant Colfax Tulla.-. !«sc H. Mere
•aafi-OA." baUlag from St. James. | being badly damaged. Next door still ....
dith and choir, wrlpture reading sal
uf walldnsVa PWt of 'hr 'l«»e
prv'sideni. 0,.,.
Rw. o
B McDe^d.
Baarara, and owaad by Capt- C C.AI- tortbereast. tbe boat bouse belongtne
prayn. Rt-v E. L. Riqns. Traverse
Field Cliy— d IVU p«t UI tolddi, of 8o.lh U.
„ bUl,. 1OT.4.1 *“
B.— ubUTi, mu dh-ju. —..‘b, ,U —wm. ,h.i .hU4..
™ • Glass*-*." Mrs. Mary Foster Bryner. 7:90—Reports of committees; cx>aki u u —.lion
Uc h» ■,■ .fidhhd, h.i —Ihu. uoh,
»'»• rtw "• »“''4 iL'ernational worker. Peoria. Ill: cou- wmlon thank oflortne.
Uic—lo.Oswi.to,.luedpat..|lli. bdeh. Itie TdT.™ Cll. bre*.
•d.lcbi-l b- Ulerd----------------------------------_ ^
v.-Dilon offering:'address. -He
Sun8:«*-Addrese--'Sunday school Ex
— ul u> U4IU «r, umid or dr I. ubi, duonol.d br lb. b,.,r
' “r
tension,' Mrs. Mary Fus'er Bryner.
------- —
... __ _________
wbleb h.v. ...pr op tolu fo«b. ""e"e b. bBd bd. In lb. S.T.1DP; H
p O
______J which
8 :14*—Addrese. "He Sunday School
ikIpFm bU promtoed to Nriag back
ao Bvangeilsiic Force." Prof H. M.
He track. Of ,b* G. R A I. will be ^ “«
8:Do-6ep.rate ronferenees. (a) Con- Hamlll. D- D.; 'Sparks From tbe
■didn’t know where
Anvil." onemlDuie tailvs from many:
okialalt He tied up <a (be trust sMejtourdootembaakment will be the work
panlng song and benediction.
Bryner: (
Ot tbs Haausb A Lay dock sad aMn-j of a large force of worfcaea three or and bad gutten l<
Presbyterian dioreb. Pri.
mary and totermedlaie Workers, stale
the atorm bagaa a systenatlc effort to lour days to reptace. tbe
; Aiiuort b«r» UV. u™ ...b io:„p.rti,„4i,. a„. c. u row p,»
tsar ber away from ber aioortoga Not; lag taio the tbousand*.
Tbe (rouble between the board of
: that Tirtoliy and there nre wild cats]
aiUy dU tbs crew etay up all eight but
nperrison and County Surveyor Ern
they fought lacb by inch through tbe From Saturday's Record.
“ >» bel'evrj that both ; , o,,otloaai (10 minutes.)
est H. Allyn. relailvv to the place
torimsM tor bar safety. Wreckage of
Sfconiy after noon yenetoay the i *'1 *• "Tb* Teacher to the (aaas'
whereto the book* and field notes t-f
an Mass and dcserlptloas ware burlefi wiad which had been raging directly,
mtoutre). Mrs. B. Lubbea. Coopersrlllfi. the latter * olBre abould be kept, cul
UMlurt ber sMee nnUI every point of from the north veered sUtAHy to the'
“o of ■ fisbermnn; , .-jup Teether Between Sandny' minated on Wtdnesdsy at 8:30 when
awnl^t has been tried, and yet she I weal and ten few boura tbJi are wa. **"*^
minutes). Mrs. W.
WIUe«, Sheriff Cbarte* Jobasoftvserved a writ
hasmnangudtorsreain without u tank, reduced to neariy bn)I its tofwer fire
: Adrian
Issued by (he (Tlrculi
though R wns bnrd to see. dust bow;Hta morning -he southweat breeie
—------------- ^----! 4. "MakingMtasioB* tou
ng- (« court of Grand Traverse county,
kmgfhehon wnnid srltbnnBdtbehoB- rilgbtly naed the srefnee of the
Cattle War In InlaiwL
^rotontesl. Mrs. H. M. HamlE Nasb- throegh Ibe' board ot supervtson m
bardmeat. ■ Every ware nusad the Ut- water: the t-jn remc out and gmxed In
A teoifiilobal cni'le war Is now eu' v 11k. Terto.
Grand Traverse county, retaior.
Ernest H. Aliya, respondeat, to t
tic vessM to iurrfa.agnta't the doA S'lonl'haien' <m (be smb while ol I. to Renxle eoiiiitv, -the township of la9. QaecUoa.drawer,
post nke some bags sod Iiunbertog,Graad Traretw bay seemed to tmile|.txnd bartog had irodble twewtog for, »:»—Regutar session,
fimakea ciatL and the eontaet caaaed, Itself at tbe bivoe wbleb it haj; several msatbs- which ihrestcaed to praJre. led by Messrs. Tullar aad Mere-'
t bcr frame.
jdlidapi tbs wbode towashtg. PWtsmu diUt.
sbouW not be issued e>
Bups a nelson Bible
Bouod in limp morocco cover, Oxford style, and a s'se
that is'bandy (or church or home use.
Clear, distinct type of a readable size silk tew6d,
red under gold edges, full notes, concordance, diction
ary, teachers' helps, maps and references, with tUa»-‘.
As complete a book as cad be desired and at
tbe price aboi'e mentioned.
Don't be without a Bible when so goo^ a made
book can be obtained at this low price.
City Book Store
cwfcjM atf, nutk.
«AANO TlUVtMt NtfUlO, TMUWPAY. OCTOKR 2i. 1«6- •
m wrmtm m
Pirn tn Pmit gtt ape.
tame Bomber o( great graadehlb
■H of the twelre nagiag from Te
Iibe flrr nted aeartp two te
nre ataited to' tii bn:m:e3t used
The -rtgular aparia!” csamlaatlae
I a cold atotage tor the comBliaator ‘
for taaefcem olTOfaBd Ttaecrac oountp
to ST. tbc pouageai.
> moaib ago Mra. Barber of Sag vat beld’lB tte court teuae Thumlap Brm of Steti Sehaua A Roaiger at lie.
W«at Prdat atrept at It;4S p. m. Toe-e'
inaw. Hri. Ookep or Proremoat. Iba. vttb boe.appUcaut tor eceond giude
daraD»eompletdpdeatrt>red tba atork
tor third. Tbl* win
BmUr Mam o( Ldand and Mra.
laat ^ly eaamlnatloii unlll ibcMC- and guuod tte bufldlua owned by
Loulte Repaurer of Nonbport .b^
Jone, I cook A Young, both taaaea belne COT
taamp reunion In tbia dtp, aner wbteb
Mra. Barter relumed to her Sagtaaw IMdAa (te new law abollahra the I etri! bp a n*0 iosuraoce oa tl
March eaamlnaftnna aader act of leg-jand SOM on (te bulldlug
ume. ✓
an atom
atom wa* aent in by tte nigh:
Tte fbaeral waa held Wedneadap iaiatnre wbteb deema tbe apeeUI
Uoei odyb^ aaTite cbemi
operated TO the real of' tte
bU rvputaii
A Roniger U eootrmplallas the reottit dealtaa
rtK*-* a
of Ite Hor*fU.W bulMiaa on Bay .tree- ' bualiKy Vltb a-hen
If tbl* inilldln*
not rebuUt It will'
glre ample rjmye tor tte railmail
iwilefa for tbe ce* mlllma Ana whie'i a railroad man
ttand* In ib.and oo >be iveat |.i- lia.-O ibr>-e fi
east, to operari-
larjusanttb" n.-s;
‘ They
ai^ on tl
Ite atreet wbo saw the bf.
------------------------------- ,
wralBg mm the Provemonc church. amlnatiOBa oUBecesaaiT. Formeriy ei<’watch
Ea.r i'vRoumman ofleiatiBg. aad bnrtal tmlnatlona orcnrmd four time, a peo*' a* It broke » to the mala rooi
Yh<-'7hi.-Vt:r-e''„f V'v" Pri. j«ttat PttntHDoat. Tbc rrmalai aad the new tow place, but t«>-reg-d.; drat door. He, was obliged
,„,i.Urhed in a,.. ,tu»- buslpiss for
____ prepared for burial bp W. 8. An- UixlB Angnal and June, aim a <Ufd. dosm lo Carts'etgiraiore as being thTbe deparimeoi ' hlnuelf s. i:.l
demon and lafcm Wedneadap afler- a -apeetol." for October, thla being | aeareat lelei.bone.
BOOB to lie old borne bp Mra. mup
Dm*. Mra. Boae Martlaeau and Mr*.
« >b.
Pretty Weddino at Archie.
On Thuraday at 4 o elock at Archlt.
SCTCBly-flvc buoiehes of banana* a.-re fo„ui,iuo* <rf ueo..leompletelp biirned^oi a restige of (be beat weanni: i,iia1liy
• lock remaining
Olr-rtic main floor clal var
ttea la otter part* of the eonntrrThe bride was dreiaed In a dalnip
Tbe piteUent M«arai U«l» eowtir-t eoctume of white lawn trimmed wliL
attUote torard tte Cblactr u ibe In- rlbboD and lace and carried
mtife or thi* b0T«« oa Amartcan white dabUaa. her hair being decorated
men. Jn torn, te would admit
cn Ohlaeae atudenta. Qitoete mer-
been admitted. WMid treat them a*
efUsene and not aa luterlora.
rrbe preaUeui
’ thlrfy-aTC friesda and reUUyes. a
bterip. luncheon conatoUng of
laadwlebea. ebCee, potato aatod, cake,
that thie preaeoli wete all leleeied with a new
«oaM alienate the Chluaae prejudice
and would not onlr do awar wUb ihe
ibyeau. hot would be Blrlat everjmte
b -aqiM deal.”—Record.
TraversB City Markets
In the city, stales that there ha-H,
226E.FTMtSC 20lSi.U«n
no fire in the building -wlib tbition of a small stove fire yeiler-
day in
the offlee. which
:u R.'-wk Ototem rW
lb mek HorkWml noar
r.Ib.v*XobS.FWar T
was not
Prattp Werthteri Wedding'.
' louched bp the Are last nlgfai. The
Northport. Mlrh.. Oct, jr, -One of i basement has a cement iToor and I.
r-lt-ii at.-'O.'iate- i --
Mtter. per poa
» R»» Jet being used whetiereP-Ibl-iry rt-orpwbaital
This a-t.
rwterdiy and there la n.i possi-|g«;’?r
In Petoakey. Oiamil Rapids anil oibrMkblgan points before eianlng for ih-
aboat ibe tow waget paid teaebera
oSera, aonr^elew
futeor RaMer la datlreip rl|*t.
joanf man can bneome a eneeaaatal
rwtnaatair todap ibia osadliloa la
beoemlag ehaaped to a great eaieni.
afl«- NOV..14. at Knight's Ferr.r. They
will be Bocompanled to iheir werierii
borne bp Mist Florenre Thomas of
The annual meeUng of tte Ni
Mleblgan Teieb«w-a
' nuDATjnrnnito. ;jD
Address—Manual Tialnlag. Its
Travetpe City, a cousin of the groom
The todies e» the rongregailonil
chureii will continue ibeir rummag"
kale all Jteal week. Come earlv fur
g^ bargain*. Union alreei, opposite
Jactrit Purtsch'a store.
and Ordwth In the Ualted Stain.
.daaaad bat apraag np tor uatacd
Prof. OeWte Waite. Saperrtaor Man
- poaagteea and women ttaoe who bare
nal Tralulng. Kalamatoo.
mta themaabraa tor taaehlag.
Magic. *
ta abon here ta Tuartne Citp bp th*
Addreta—Tbe Scope and Value of
. ftet that dnlp Noflaal ..acMol giadn
Rdueatlon. Prof. 8. B. Laird. Michigan PIANO ARCHITECTURE EMBRACES
•IM are emploped. The reaah le tba
Bute Kortoal College.
' ike teaeUag feiroe la at a bltfi ataaii
ud wttle tte compeuatloe paid b
bnttte tbaa la aap otter proti
BiialneM 8eaak>n.
The OmimoD Behoola and Agricul
the sixteenth century ih- nearest
ture. Prof. Bmcat Burnham. Kalama- approach to our preseni .la> I’lauo wa*
ibe Virginal and Spinet, lu ihore day*
tte name as to* aod MSdltiaa but
■here was conridcrabK' rminey and efOlacnasii^—Com'r H. J. Lelgbtoe.
wtetter a taa^ar u lawiaMal ar not
these iusiruments.
tepMlIi OB natnral abOttp and the
here stems is have bten
Dtmmeia^—Prof. C. D Smith. OIrec. after wbkh ib<
amount tt eacrap thonabi. aad pr^arrecent yearA
tor Biperimem Stuion. AgricaliurAl quite a lapse until
teida —pnM** Rota are tte giuateat
Man' Queen ’ Swus' Virgini Is deBade of oak
Aaagur and the eaaac oC the moat fallscribed as be!
rly ornauutlted
with cedar, at
' ■ luea. RoeotA.
- and side* were
A. Stoaa. Central Ulengaa Normal. with gold: ih.
. .. .
with figure* Ilf
II. Ptoaaaat.
Death or Ca*
flowers, leaves. mO 'he color*
lb- lid was a
bright. O
' Ote of tbe oldeet reeMeota (« the
Derotlonal Bxerclaea.
narrlnr* «h"tn a
♦Sion of «
Borttetn regkm paaaed away Hoaday
propliating by
I BtiMaoB atSiM-ai the Hortknn
What Oradg Orography Needa Motft.
As there is always a certain store in everj- con»munity that is the recognized leader in Ladies' fashionable attire^
it naturally follows that such a store sells the most garments. If you have been here any day this weeji, you will
heartily agree that this store fits the above conditions exactly. \Vc arc doing a phenomenal cloak and skirt busi
ness. Eta» with an increased selling foreq^we are.unable to take care of ihe crowds as fast as we would like—
however, we make the waits as short as possible.
Right styles ami right prices never fail to meet with pop jlar approi al. New lots, new styles and the same
low prices for tomorrow and Saturday and all next week.
Mfchlgaa atplum. when Peter Drew Prof. R. TS; Calkins. H(. Pleasant.
acrlpClrc Oeograter—Mlaa Jennie ptoao ai
tically all (be old and n
from the simplicity of tbe Colonial the
)g^a^hy/1n the High
grand elegance of the L'Ari .\oiiveau.
r 'inmate of the laatliutlce tor eighteen
Sebool—WUIIam Rugaetf. Milanlatee.
We now have piano* here In our
^ years anceumbed te a geMcal breakProfesak^at-Stfuca-Supi. C. A. Mr store comprising all
the*e variouK
style* of aiThltoeiuri- which will match
down reaalUag from old age.
Oce, CadlllM
Peter Drow was borit la Prance.
Manual Training Without a Super;
agod «M baadrtd paafa.'alae maatte
aad tweaty-ei«t dayac after telng an
irioB. Traver
X' Dec. it. 1*04 aad afler epeadlag bis Tisot for the Grades—)/toa Bertba
grcaicst mutlrlaoi)
which the world
* boyhood aad young manbood lb (he Scheock. Superrtaor Manual Tnlalng. sap are ibe bcai
, Here at our warvroom* ■
(ai^ conairy. aelled for America, Ludlogton.
piano parlors you. will And tl
. wberw ■ he found a hoaa -In BtUfalo.
Dtocnaalon-Com-r W. n' Fannce.
duties for leMing each inst
Plfiy rear* age be came la Mkhlgan Cadillac.
bame4ike mirromidlnc*, and
. and nettled at beland. then mored on
Chase. to you a cordial Ipvtiailon i
a tarn in Owlcrrllle, where be er- Preceptress Maadn Oounip Normal.
of piano selliBg.
Aaaged the home for a gorernmen'. Ludlugioo.
lent In plain
temectead at Proremont.
Arraagemenis tte being made by
jmer gn-aier
There wlj^ hU large family of cbll- Commlaskmer George
L Crisp of urtty^Tiill
Tull value
than the old m<
drcB te bagaa life lu -a -pioneer wap. Grand Traverse cnnnty. for aa Inform da of paa(>_p
-and mull hla mal^ aBicUd him al coarereucc of the yarioua commlMBARCAINS IN EUGHTLY USED
Mghieea pears agp^i waa a prospersV-hu wilt be In aiiendance.
. oua Camaer and one o^tte iMdIte men
It the aparaetp aeltled district. Twetve
Gaya Mar Dlametvd Pin.
out of flfleeu bhild^ aurrtve him, tbc
Member* of Ihe' C«igTegailonal..i,pMghi. good condlilon.
MIowlBg being the flrat and second Home and Fiorcign MUaionarp aoclety: $«bu upright, like new. for »?S3: on<
generatloet of IbePeotenerian:
and frlenda in the number of Unarlp a'
up^l. only sllgtulp used..4l9<'
... upright, used son.
hundred held Iheir annual Ibnnk offer- "‘"eSd”
good playing condition, for S16<>;
lag meettog-al tbe church oa Wednes
■ I:T& upright. sDlendId fur beginReuaurer of No^port, four chll- day and made It tbe occatlon of
■ »120, several sqnare pianos,
#ua: Mrs. Emily Haaoo of Leland. happy aurprtae to their president. Mr*.,
. his week at from
and upBIX ehlldree; Mrs. Mary Rebel. U- C-. D.
rt. to
Wad. Tour children: Mrs. OMia D-.
PteiOB. Ceoterrllle. eight • telldr
It 'capBdtp for twenty consecutlre
rear*. At the eoaelutloa of the pro
We extend to you our easy pa.TmeBt;
gram npper was aerred. the btubands
Alldrea; Mrs. Rose Martlaeau. Tmr- of tte members joining ibem at tbe re plan on any of these tnsiirrnmeata,
whieh Is from g3.to $2S down and
erne <^. uerea children: Daniel past. At the conrlaalon Rer. D. Coeb$: to tin per month.
Drow. Itaplre. ecren cbHdreu
• moa Drow. Bap City, ateen eblldrea:
■dward Drow. Ceaterrille.
pin aa a tokea of tte love and esteem
'drea; Philip Drew. LelaaA twejye chU- la whkh ate la held bp tte aoclety.!
draa aad Mrs. Btoa CMtay of Prore- :Mra. Uchrop. altboagh taken com-1
mau. .taa ehlMrea. maktag malt
jpleielp bp surprise, reapondlag la heri
.aaaal sracoM aad happy maansr.
-Mm. Selina Ratios. Elk Raphu.
winter Coite *20.00 and *2S.l|o
Winter Coats $7.50
A new lot of <ri and-lO iii'-h Kersey and Br^dclotb
coats. Ktrifllv nrin-tanorid. the very noblRoat cffecta;
l. .uMlifiilly lined.
You-li fill-! hen- ollii'f awi-ll styha al $39.
Many diff. rcot styles of .
ouata. in Tourial. Empin- u
t-lievioU. nii.vd Tw.-rda. i-
Elgin C.iewi8.
where they will be "ai hom-”
Nortterv Michigan Taaehtra'
tnaeber U aa mueb atudpand pweparaopra at Manistee nut Pridap aad Saittaa are expteded la tetUoc raadp ter
iitdap. Ocl. U and ». ender tbe direrKM ooenpaUea aa would te if he tiould
tlob of eonsip commitakmer Irene
hllima a phpalclaa or a lawper.
laMtoe Betty of Kalkaaka and the tbluiflaa.' na.«an of M oM arrttara tetla
IgrlBf program has been arranged:
mi. a man beooinaa a teacher bw
ke hM tailed at ererptblac elec.
Tina Ethyl, was Joined In marrlagr to!
tor an caiended wedding trip, takiu.-
to Ml aUteaMBL
While a rood deal baa beea wrltiea
Cali arxi get prlcia Dafor*
buymg elsewhere.
for any Are from the Jet. whleli
the wall.
farorablp known la tbit community, Lincoln .Wllltoms of Knight s Perry,
‘ fool from *■"
Chief Murray has been eommenti-.I ’
Of thlrty gues'j
Proteaeor Keeler made a ■IMemest tbe bride baring llred In Archie alt her
,Oani. pw bBsM
cn In the quiet and business-like man ' Pdusm pw b<
life and the groom hiring won bf hU
t» tte IMChera In tbc to^ute
per pound
tUf week wbhdi enuaed
a Uiile uprightness and genial wapa many tin- the OongregaHonal church onHatlni:. ner of handling the fire, Ii was eon' Holler,
ippp couple
«>ople were a'lemled h< trolled without Involving the -offlee' f
' dlncBBilcie He eald Uiai a roua« man rere. warm friends. They will make Tbc happy
OMM te Jnat aa anopataful In pedn- their borne el Boat Head, tbe groom tbc
e bride-’is
bride’is slater. Mlim Myrta Jalin. which la only separated from the com '■ L_____
Kdt-man Tboma*
Qrand Rapids and K^mao
Imp u in Inw te medjelte. beepUoo
waa taten to tWa but Mr. Keeler atuck ber cotppaoT-at that place. They will of WaRon. They left IM* mornlne
aad the pow, ladoeaMau tbal tba
Sc-i.ortly.................... l.'.ai
Waal. BowUnml Pit. h-
. Roniger the only member of Ihe
MISS OERTRI-nE rOMAN Aasistanl to W. P. .V.-edha.n. Piin- ,^,
cipal to the Gtmni! Traiersc Busituw-! ^,
E. John, when her daughter. 1
wc.d and
'noar pork.per hartvl
of combining uacfuloeea and beauty the prelllest of the October weddings j
and were admired by all who aaw took place las. evening tl Ihe home of;
ilr. and Mm. Rennlaon ar
\V<- Ijieiili.in l«.-low just n few.^
oftlifUtru'iitisw.- off.T:
thecse and all were totally desiroye-l, this report Is made up on Wadnesfor commercial purposes, ibough water.'day of each week. Tne Herald lanot
chanuea m prices.
lee eriam. etc., were aereed and ncr.wllhtundlng a bearp abower of ralo. Vnitetsliy. _________ _
(be erenlng was enjoped by all.
of oranges, two barrrt. of *we«-i potajiinety.fonr
prstfs-tsd >-• UsHruia-tawkMa. sn
tuws-BnusK !«S.- <lrp..«-.rd with thr ls>ur
swv IWiwrtnrvt'Clle Sisis
TBAVEReK''m'. aicB
ready for ahlptneoi to Chicago an-I:
vsritsl s.-Lirrmen^
thirty crates of Spanish onions, iweti- of »hw«.
ty-fl»o sacks of other onions, ten boars'ctr., and also <i.h-k r-oair wi.rL.
«1U vbldi American labor te unable placed cm tbe bride'a Unger during ap
eompete and «onld enelude all aoeb. proprlaie remarki bp the oaetolinc
Ilaverer, he would glre Cblna the minuter.
MO rUbt In re*ard to Amertcan UArier congratnlatlona bp a eompan.r
hit tkla coutttrj and after ther bare
#:H'j.i>4i .-:iafi tiiiiijil, wriloa
tel Farmers’ Insurance
Bfiy bushels of winter s^ea
tebods mad bli r«med7 t( a rerr an- with (be aaate beanttful ftewer. Tbe
captabieoae. He wonld draw the line
regnUtloB ring cereinotiy waa not ad
, «l>ny about fb« Ctaliwie coolie tebor hered to. but the wedding ring was
jJbaaU and Cbtneee praroBloiial men
dim Clii fill li
The lire had surted In (he aouihwcsi
V »iirh ihai a c-i-iDmcr imcs: giiii- '
ponloD.of Ihe .bnsemetu where noth-____
Ing was kepi bat ibt'aiock of banana', constantly croalns s
Ik iK-cumi'K I
n-Guin li.i! I
■ bit being a cold siotage rouin vrlih undeiw.wJ ihroughou
-tnl'-sclna ] I
1 (be home of Mr and Mra. Charles
BdmoudA parenu of the bride, tbc
terueet. In ipmUng on cmuid b* Rer. Cheater W. Cbaac of Old Mlatkm.
•tst«d tliat CUiui wAiD«H*i *™*t- performed a »ery pretty ceremoay
Mt eoinaer ®f tb« rtbple crop of tbe which made Charle* A. Brnnlaou of
•ootfe. Per thM ffAMo, lh» CbiBW
Bait Head aad Miu Abei M. Edmoeds
boreott «» Wt In ibnt m«Jo» »or man and wife.
mad ttaough they responded Inauhily
. they fouud a alubboni and bad Bre lo.
lo i,u.m, handle.
Ii was controlled wliboiitifor ihte.- year*, dnrme
.spreading In an hour and thrtsMjobr- built nn a one uii.in.-.i
iliin (or fair d-sln: <
Railoff of Elk Rapida.
aftenooD. Pr«*ki«Bt Boo.*»*U M
----------------—-------- - '■
WlDter Coats $10.00
*%?.sr SKIRTS AT $5.00
AHsiylea nnd colors. 42 aniU.’iinchoe Ion;;, mad'- of
KcraevsBii't Chenota and worth i-vcry ceiii "f $12.00.
Hi-re is enc of the Kf-ai'.-st collections of hsiHlaoinen-w akin-i i-v.-r sboyru ai thia pric-. Ma-h- ;of fine
Brtxi'l-loihs. M.-lr.*-, Panauta*. Fancy Cheviots, Ac.
Ill bl'«;k and all coiorv.
.Ml iit-wan-l taijorisi iu tli.-mosi approved maunct.
You'll ocv. r Ii"d l-'ttcr liititiK nklrta al any price.
Wimej Coats $12.50
,Kl this price wi- alio* the Kf.-ut.'st valuft- t-ver offcloaka. Twenty-fire
diffi-rent sirleaol
sirleaof strictDp-to-dat<* winter coals.
Touri*t. ^lupii
nvioU. kersiys. i-ov-rta
Tiglit-fitting models, eheviu
Winter Coau $i«.50
Si/'ui to lit c'erjoiii-
Yery haVidsonit' irarmpnia. Itcautifully taiiofMi. all I.Tiu'llis.Tik'tit,
VW^how a g<x*i liii" -f ''L.-k -kirt- al SUW.
acuii-fitUsl. Enipire or luoai- eff.-cL-, some with fur collar-, olli.
or* lined with' fur throuk'lioui.
I'mi-ual values at thi* pric* .
Ik-autiful cv;luBiv. -tyi- - in skirts at SG.-jO to $10 ui.d $12.
cure COATS FOR UTTLE TOTS. 1, 2.3,4
aie] liifaiii-' '
You'll find here the n-o*i complt-t-- -liov^ui:; <i(
U-f.re io the tiisu>r>- of this busin'-ss has tijvre tie-
SI O'), $•.'»)
Sl'iOii.SIJ'vl. n|.o.52'.
$T.-iO. $‘<.'<J,
Tht best v*lotg iY*r show* !• Suta aad OrercoH.. yam will ftad her# ia apsat rarigty
attSo.uO. $7.%. Slow. $12 ."A
fl-’i.OJ and up to $2'<'«|.
VY.r make a si*- iuliy of REAbV Tl «AVI. \ I:
and devotea gnsat 'h al of ait.-iiti'-n to ili<- nak- h
will find it to yojir inU-rcst to u-iTiipar-- our siyi- - a
MlMKNT.-i .iT muQ -i.-i-! •' -iii-'ii. and boys and gi/U.
plac- on sal*-. \ >, •
! stj'li- "f v,-ry ;(arui-sd
rlial olh- r -itoo-s show.
: jiti'.'i-S w;lh
ORAND TRAVeHM H£RALO. THUMOAy, OCTOBER M. 1««<B tbe (i>r tbif a
It tb*l len TWTcnie Cltr abo»t tweW} • Mn Will Lore.
fl»o re*r» »r> for Tctim. Hln
, yorkt re;; V ToUer of I
Dakee. bit wlfr.aoB WIlllc aad
borne ibir aftemooB aner a rton badler lllOBle?
«tf>- dial abcnit i
tMMM Uie year UHO aBd be laarTled a worn affer \liUtlnB In the dlj.
1 toe— ulp here yeaterday.
omtA .
Hit* Alice Archer treat to Snaimit. The ^In.-.- Belle and Jennie McKlc
by tbe.«aB>c of Leaiberl}, Tbcre *
ney of Tnacula. 111-. »bo have been
a ramllr oaincd Baber -ibat mt __
mi City tbit mo-nlcK to leach tebool
l« very; Mr. and Mr». \V. 8. Fotler *«ii to epeodlns the r-umm.-r with ihe.r anat.
dered by Indlaai in Tw.
Impartial that the hoirt be loea-ed. i MayfloW -hU mortilna to v.tii
C rater of Omeaa parte.'
Will yoa kindly aaiaer ihit and obllRf.! Jofeph .B-ti* aeai to Walina tbi.'throu»h the tliy IM* Boon eo route ter
-Un. Uwaa UrCano.' | momlBSoa bosinew
The Hiram Baker, eoocemlni a-boael Mr. Ooorfe 6mlih .p. Di Sunday a. ! HeiiTT «h« lie.: ..f alb. II M« n
»pgCaa«Dwei«TiaeDc»ttti beira Information It •ranted by Urt., Summit City afl munie.1 Ibto morr ■ Ion Ilf the da. In the cu.v trhil.' on bit j
way to Kvrelia. «-h<-re b>' has par-j
Uiean MrCans of BuHlncton. Ont.. at! lag.
chared a lOiLacr.' farm. He espertt • >
llTcd here a nnmber of yean ago aad ' Condueior A T PrCk. mho ba>; be
take po.atttloa Nov. I. at hr has l.i !
•jaaner of a ceaiury pait. lep 1 on a thre,- .•.•ek. varatloo. retumed
‘lu nil aatime .old bb tarm at .Ar.evl. |
here with hit tamlly for Texaa in-' bit dotU- this raorolDa. He t^t I
oulry, however, failed to locate any of raealloa ai Grand Rapldt.
---------------------Ibe family In tbit aectlon and It It not
Urt. E. A. Klldii- ri'lumiHl ihie aft.-i
The (IftA-ni.'-. annual convetiituo of
kaovB where the children are. At no I nooa m«n a visit i>vi-r Sdodsy at Flti the Pnn Huron d.strict of the Epworih
Informallon of the family baa been re-j Lake.
I.-acui- .ipca.d «' St. Clalr_Tiu-.dav
eelved here for many yean. It It llkH> | Mr, and Mrs.^Jamvs Wltv rv'uneJ |*nernooji with lOo JeWeari-.
naturally or beei 'Ml. afumcon from a »e.-k't--------- '
Kleytley fam The; m.-r>' ac-,
companlod home by Mr end Ur«.
p.m J H^hmmoo..
Ik what miahrhave'
Oeod Price for PcUteca.
Cbtrle. R.I* of Klrttlry
terrible cough if be j
Poialoct for the Srs. liipe ifaU i
Slls. Male! \Vu fe «rho ha. be«
taken the meSirine abieii I'
eon parted the baU dollar mark
tpendlDE the .umm.-r at Sonlipori. p
-1 had n Barfiil
the city markci-Tueaday. The cniilturtied
thU riiy 1bi« iwtniios.
nlKhr. r.-t :
ciurh. that dittu'
:i irU-d evervlhlni:.
vealbrr hat foret^ the price upvari'
' i.lleve It.-vuitll 1 u
uolil today they arc tL-nins at &v and
: Dl.rorery
B» ceiin. Tiieaday oiomlnK. the price
completely cured
!aud Cold!
j me'•"'Ta'lamh"*'
tmly relieve, and |>erma
Thoa. W. Stanton ta balldlng « real- wai gitren at tn and 15 eenit but rapid From Tuetday. Record.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Campbell pt.M.-11 nemly eures nil
wll throat and lung dlF*
Baee on Sproen stmt vbleb win coil
1 pneum
W eentt. Twenty-four load, acre nv throush tbe city tmlay on tlieir way j ease*; pr.-verti.
Co s. r H
eelvad oe the city market Tues.Iiy aad from Northpon to their home at Peio*-j A' Johnwn ll^g S 1 * Son*, drug
day. a. CVht™.l“:-^^<>»
and Jl.tH' Trial
Bopcrrltor B. C. Damitr bat begm tbere arc ladioallnns that the rceelpit! key. tiopplas
#ork OP a new rcaUtoM on Bpru« win be much facavivr ibU ireek at dlB-1 f-abe.
-------------------- -atmt vbleb will bare eight roomi ging I* well under way. The m-ork.i William MeDcnald p-tumed -o hi.|
however ii hindered by 'he lark of botm- In FIK- Lak.,- ihU moralag afi. r! Horee stealing Is the chare.- maiUsbd eoet aboM
help.«hcdomandfordlgggrecxceedlB.;)atwoweek. vls|f*ltffhi.«ter, Nr'.: against Leonard u.,h.- of Har.leton
|Cbristlut WVbbrf of Second .irvvt. ^
town«liip. Bhlawas.ee eouDiy.''l.> liu
Tratcrae aty and Oratm tmshefs the anpply.
_________ _
! Mrs. Everett of ^eolb str«-' w’ent «Utcf. Heoaab. Leouinl I. iii Jail.
hn*o eomblned Ipr s reading drek.
Sad Death!
\ lo KlugaU-y tWs miimini; in visit
. ..
taddesi dea'h. 1= thU] jir». Jacob BUbbltr went to Hodcg,, Bish
covoty occurred Sunday afternoon' this mcmlng to visit.
„|,pn inisiraie.l by md-l.-n
at Old Mli.loa, when Mrs. Carrii- | Artbnr E^y went to Keystone ilii- liri-ak-dosii. .lue to dj.p«'p.tr. or cm-,
>t the Hera’d omce a reeord brtrak- PraakllB, the l»-rear^>M bride of iwoj mornlag. where h.- hA a contract
;-ilwlioii Hrac- i.i. and take Hr
' lag aagar beet la on exblbltloa. Tbe month., of Arthur Franklla naa.odjd,a .weh.yoac acre, of po-aloc fI’BitIng Jo'ir
beet veigba IS« potiada ahd vat away afler a brlef;two week.' HlnesslcbrU Sirohm. He na-ds extra belp '
b,„I slv.- vo.i a nr
- j«toed by W. 8. Light of
Souid of peritonUli. Though .be ha. been [ ,-ar/ bhdiy.
; C.tr.- I.t-adacl.e ai^l diuln.-. '
kf. thls
f..;-, Johnson l)r«,. Stop-(
Cedar stmt.
«Tloa..Iy lil .he acemeil to bo on th-, Webster Heck ....
....- ..
........... ......
road to recovery aifd was fecticg'well I aicadvnit-. Mn.. whol-e he\lia» hwn J.”'’
Tbara wA no <Ml left -br George;
hour of ber death. Her j called on account of the w-rtous 111 ,
. BIOTM of Btimmlt CUy. wbo met hit bnrbaad bu been In Ibe White mouii- j neu of bb- father. U-wi. tlwk. fniru.-r
daath la n -nllmd tAddeai a month taint. Vermont, and arrived borne Sal-j
Cart. lake. Hr. Heck's ndvan-..-1 ;
ago.. So*- *f a.petltloe Rai Sled with urday afternoon. She leave, parent*, age rf 9t> vc-a-.i make. liK rp-'o.'-.-t
Ibe'Judge of proBate for the appoint- Mr. aad kin. Hellferlch, ,and three | doiihirnl a. he iv • iffering fp.m Moo t
■Nwt of M admiBlalrator and today braUier., Areble. I.euU and DudU-...; polaon. whlrb. has f..i:owt-.1 o-imnlal
lae^ Wattc' appolstod Mn. Loi* aad two alM^ Myrtle and U-aa. to | cmputailon of hU ftxd.
Btetw, the widow, adtnlalmraior of the mourn her loi*. . The fencwl was f Gcttrgv- l.eslle 'if Northpori Is inal: |
eetate yalaed U tidJiW. Six poni and held • Tuenday atieniuoa from tU. ,'*nt Travlrio City a Im»l0v‘»» call i,..
three daagbtm are direct belre.
Uethodl*! church at OgdeAburg, Rev.|,-ay
imed Sundar’^^’^ Warren, who married her Aiig ! M., and'klr*. W. C. S-Im.u of l.e'an.l
w. w. fWrehiw
and' Aneimt 1*. ,1»<>5. W Arthur Franklin, being lb.-j enjojed 'Damon and PjthlA” la»'
bom- SoiAh Mnllou l.lai
luink l>o<ik l>Blan.-i-<l any 11
rte om^tlng
flS^tlng minister. Borlal at Ogdens
Ogdens-,, evening at Steinberg'.
aecawpanlSd him to tba diy. On
-vlibom w'urrying ymusulf s
Mrs. B. Hi.ugliton left this m-.rnm;
..ver account..
•CMUt «r (he mall boat baring been hnrgJs charge of Ralpta Anderroo.
for a week'* vtsl: a: Ka.suu with her
Moue,. tlei>'-sii'''l In "■■'f • hat off teplre. the trip over w*»
Ingv .•.-partm.-iit i;p 'o snd
sine.-. Mrs. Lewis.
i-mada In Ue light koom'a «J1 boat.
Huftlnt ih- f.'!- I'f 'It- mot
I Mr*. B. C. Vande Walk-r -.f P-iiitui.: The mall boat which wa* loat wax a
an inmate or the eoaniy;B„_
.g„„,, kc,,I.1.
^a.l year
aev craft, only havtog been In uie home
le on B
ahoat all wMks. It had not been latter place BuwJay afternoon at J |,u.st-d ibrougli the city il.i. aft.-rnen
aoefced over yet -and wa. raloed at o'clock tif ptialyata. aged SI years j„„
mum home
tlMC. BaaUei tbe boat, the vlninr The doecuMd was at one time ib.-|
say|„T ,5,1 f„„r rhll.lp-n
•ApHea lor ivo (amlllec grare at*o oVner of considerable property l-'ii ,.f Kjacicy |tai<,d through the city
after .uficriag a .ttoke-of paraly.i-Ui, afternoon on their way t., Ui..reverae* and Ihrongh-Olher chaf.-^„„, ,her.. visit ,-in u- nia.ie to her
■ Hra. Bua 8. WUab of DeuwlL wbo
nelt fornd hi* income gone and «m;
„„ m.v Taylm.
wa* airlekea vUta a severe attack of
Morrison of AugHI arriv.-,l
blood pelaoB tarn July while at her cot- ended bU days, a county charge. The '
tag* at NoHhpoH. and wbo wai rt
room* of L D. Curiif Monday
moTod to Baioigaiey hotpUal, Deuoli
aticmoon *■ 2 o'e'aek. Rev, T. P. Cl-,
«rtr la Sepfombor. atHl Hat at tbi
torn oOcUtlag., The.burlal wa* in Wll- j
iBMHalloa wortrilT HI from tb
■burg Tc«^y forcBoen.
It has hesn said that
maUc. T%rae wAki ago Ibe anffere
a aaSdmit rHapm through retafeetto
- uum
Children’s jand
Misses Cloaks
Interesting to Motliei^s
CIraiIttion thh week 2,950
Eoery Person
Cramrat Eity Stats
fUU la a crUleal eoadltloa, the aeeond
Jobs F. Reenl^ aged J5 year.,I, wlia'j
' atiack tsTOlrtof her eye. which
lhr.-c I
wai (tricken with paraly.l* - Uicc
; mM. by her lAyalcian. Dr. Hal C week* ago. pa»A<l away ywterdBi
■ W^MB. by beitdc treaimeni.
at bl* borne at Stephen Gray'*, near
Keystone. Four chlldrea .urvlve. two
Btwig* Plod.
aad two daugbier*. The deci*a--w-.i
• A aumngo Sad waa made Iwt week
a. an uncle of John Reg
by well drlvert wbo were worklBg on t». TbC.fenersl will l«
Ilf held ih;-.
' tbe farm of Hatiry Oliver a'- Port
icrwnn at S o'clock and ihc n-m*in«
Oaelda. When ibe drtU w«'working win be laken lo MsDUlfi- Friday an.’,
at a depth of ci^ly tcci U brought up
laid bealilr lbn»c u( bl* wife.
ibd tooth of leme galmal. of medium
• rfaeandlaagoodtlateof preMiratton.
Tbe aeeond Ume It wa* aeai down and
vklD." of R. F I>. N.i.
vKhdrawa It bronghi up a portion m
OMtber Urge tooth with nome blaes bruogbi a liatkct <0 ib.- Herald ■•IIK
Mr aad a 1 bird time It wt-.i down *irt week, which contmlnpd eolif t
In Ihc bt.ket were se
abort gmy fur came ap with it.
•omc pcacbf*. baitemui*. hick,
BtllaAfalimtEMata..An echo of »bc auddea de«b or Joe- and rbaatnal*. ail grown on bli. farm.
All their nut* are eumparallveyt rai.;
llec John Verier «f »»•* «-(r
-wa* briora Jadg* .ef Prokaw Fred R. «i-far r>onh bet a-v well malnn-a an I
Walker on Saltrrday. w*>eo Patrick of exreUeni flavo- T’-e Grand Trnv
Barden Sled a petUkm for tbe appolni- arse reglOD can grow Anything cxeei>l,
meat of a apeelal admloMrator of the perhaps cocoanatv and o<ber tropical
-ottaic oC John Verty.'' vMeb eoariiti fruit.
of a bUI now before U« eommMtee 01
• claim* and aec»uBtj.y«r; the eduatj
' farmiil of xnparrtwir* of nss.U which
rHHeieat* tba aaouai/dac ihe tie■ ceawd for JtgUccTeo. tor the laitTven.
; Ug time tinea tbe dato uf bl. la*t bll'.
' May. l»oe, and tbe dm.uf hi* deaita
- The petluoB ws» gtas^ and Amll
Kerlhiger appoint^ .ywlal admlal*uator wbo will look aher tbe estaiv
and £be"Wll preneated for It. ‘ Tbe bill
There tre four verses. Verse
wa* aUowtd at tbe mom log *e**loa.
The Song
of the Hair
iMreh toe Miottog Family.
Have Hiram C. Baker acd family,
wbo lafi here tweniy-dvc year. ago.
be«B mntderpd by lad'an* la Taxu?
Poalmatter George W. Raff 1* In recrijR of a totter wbleh seem* to con
vey .Ibal- Imptcaaloa. The wrtie.-Hgtea that a famlb-.named Baker
were murdarad by iBdlao* la iba\ state
and la her Iriier aara iba: it U very
tmheraai nat tbe brim be tuud. '
The totter I* dried Burimpoa. Oat .,
and U alknad by Mrs. Uamn McCann, i
to whom rapUer ai* aaked to be (eat
jfoa fclndlv aiht *<ime of ib*:
Id ■elliee* BE^r remember
a tomi
J. Ayer’s Half Vigor makes
thebtirgrow. VerseZ. Ayer's
Heir Vigor stops fslIiDg hsir.
Verse a. Ayer's Hair Vigor
cures dsDfirufr. Verse'4.
Ayer's Hsir Vigor slwsys re
stores color to pay hair. The
thorus is sung by mitlioDS.
“Trkdrkb Sells tbe Best
Shoes in traverse dtp.’
Some Say "cb< ouaiitv i. Btntr."
Others Say “Cb« Prie«*ar« cower."
me Say “We eomblne Ibe Cwo.”
Cook .these Prices Over
:? FOR MEN A pond Omin I..1.1I1. r
li lii-avy
Up sole, in laoo or bockl«...
SHOES FOd WET WEATHER-HiL'b Top sUoes.-.r.
for wt't woblhvr. W<- havr
ijic bi-si I-.
jiood ussortuipnt off ihi
lh< so
K shoes
this si-o^ii..
wear. As .k-peuiiaUe an<l as stylish as the hiirh
pricfil one*. It's 0 r.'R^r $2.-b0 shot- for.........
*hoe in nmihir or
I'r Bluclier
atyle. n ..
heavj- poU-s. We'r.- [irttU'! of this she»- :it.........
WOMEN’S KID SHOES—Not the onknsn- i h.np
looking shoe ibst sclU »t S1.2.V Imt one with us
mn»'h style ns n
A SHOE FOR MEJf-Xot llic lb-*t of t-ours.-. l..;i
gojJ sutiu i-»lf shoe, for............................................
^^^VERY mother who has a cloak to buy for
her daughter is wondering what to get and
where to get it.
Both t|ucstions arc easily answered if you
come here.
Onr stock is so large and the prices so varied
that the hrst question is soon,seltled.
By getting it here the second qiiesticm is settlcil. There will not be any question aboijl your
getting it aiter you have seen the* splendid selec
tion we 9fTer'f?u to choose from.
In all our years of cloak selling this is the
greatest line of children's and misses’ cloaks we
ever had and our sho»-ing in the past has been i
somcihro,g to be proud of. too: but this year is bet
ter still, not only larger but the garments are bet^
ter. have more style to them. That* panicular^
style that the young desire.
Prices are varied enough. to suit evciy purse.
$2.98 to $15.00
He stove Question
is the all absorbing question just nowbut we make,
it so easy for you because we have such a spleodid stock to select from. We want to call yonr
attention to
wliich is the finest stove ever made: j^l the latest improvetneots. The
prices are from S-l-'j.OO to §->1.00.
is the stove that gives splendid satiefaciion. They are sryld from $l‘i.00
to Sij.OO.
the greatest inventions of modern times. In the "Royal Hot Blast”
live device for consuming the smoke is built rig^ in the stove aod in
ihiVway becomes part of the fuel. It makes' no difference what fuel
you use. even the dust and scrapings from the bottom of the coal bln
t in be used. These sell from Slh.OO to Sli'-OO.
arc the cheapest and most economical stoves made. They are so easily
taken can: of and such splendid heaters. These sell from $l.'2-v and up.'
that give such universal satisfaction and require so little attention.
They arc the best "warmers ' you ever had in the house. They sell
from S2.T5 up.
lot of
9SC and $U9
and the greatest line to select from. All sires to suit your room-and
yo'jr pocketbook. Sell from $12.00 to $25.00.
are the heating stoves. Remember there is but one "Round Oak” and
we are the sole agents for this north region. These are so madi you
can burn wood of either hard or soft coal aod the different sires sell
from Sia.OO to $:K).00.
lotcraal tBjnrIct. He it dv-'
K.-w Tori; a
ItiaatadhaUt to b
I-V Riee and children vMtoDd tU datscbicn- Hit Int a
b hit « :rr t
parenir Istt Sunday,
»ot-- .
Shorter i
b« the
____________ •. Otijah«rr dl'i: ttvertl
........ ................. a icny at the home of
j-cart ato. Mrs. Smilb ti»l Mrs. Wll-' «o<'k»' tportia* irlp.
Cedar Run Sat- C Can»«»er n.n Tuoiday crmlni; ;te4>
4vy. weary and worn oat tty ib*
KraaWan. Mn. Htnrood -f
Im iawt
t Cl KraaWon.
ini and polaons of dyapetKia. Wllona' * V.a.___
MUi Anna Kurdlrk openl taai Sw '|«is
« oflnioD Haven and Mm. 7Tbomioo tqd unit} <in lmtiii<w->
Mitt Laura Ri«<'rt hat LeeD wurl: ;Ut> ai Wao-rvalr. the Ckntt of Hit.
Brtght'a dlteaae. aud almllar InKr- j Hrt. Van E-Jther of thH idace
t« rltlUns friendt at Acme.
irnial dtwrdera. dooY alt down and
IC for Mrs J RaDMD
Carrie Mo-ientoa
Ifirt; danicfatcra itai tun-lvo hi.,
ThoMtt >>Ht hat ttored
it r»
Prankfur brood over your tymptoinv hut 8y for '
Oct. 23.
Mn. Urrberi Owl. wa.
laldcrable maaob _
Uoittor of Tratet
ly U were tcr>- kind I” b\m. 1.n« Hm.
erac Clljy He baa
tM IMC to vat.
relief u. Eleetrir Bltirr*.
Here you
• HtnU
o«to not
h Uit
Ji» Tr.ox-r relied t< will And sure
ture a
and nersainm' towtUr
Cli.v Un-Bf.rcr oonjiani eerc ever tince lh>KEV8TOME.
-a- ----------------------------It fw Wtt
Daniel Sirirkland
ilnett of all >c.........................................
>-oor troublei. and your
jditih of tU wife
Hrt. Wm. H. Whiteford it 4>>le *‘elt vtrli^ .lidin Warron
iLe upper bodv • dl Dot
not be
U- burdened by a Iqad of
with i*-eninail»in.
.0.-1. xi
dc-’j' dlteaae. At JobnicKi Bnig Store .
Mht Oracle Wella U Improelss tnai
Co. a. F II- Meads and 8. E. WaK E
tvnbold fever.
Sons' drug stores. Price AOc. OoarIt here latta a!
Tbi-tbretbing machine---------------“
. ,
anteedW. r. Hnestesgor arrived Friday ;Bb*UTb»farri'.evi
f^~ ud U '
Folaioec'are oomlof! In quite lively * Some wUI pick appH-t this aeek.
Blfbt Omm........................
«ha« n ahori | at the
bringing to contt Monday.
Pen llcnln wUlliav.- pa Aiwt retwrl-
Gfand-^Traverse Region.
HIM civrt uc>rcrni-» o uk
. It mrMat! for Mn. Rubrrt Car
Hitt KcHlr r»ok«i of Tracer
_ la rtiuaiiR brr ntolber. Mr», CO
tMiti l-rStr tnt, b. atMfvd th« tt
m as the esamlDaHe will return at
Mary anil Anna I? Cau-ailondod ihe’1^™'*’
Ur. and Hrt w'm. Saddler and Ur. i
go school Ibe ftri.i of lati
and Hm- Norman Newaian returned veek on account ofibe leachert'
last week..................................................
.- Traverte C
Ih-nnls,' L.-C. Quinw} bcugbi a ccw .d S. »•
Mr. Minor s too-ln-Uw. »
(rireda here Tuetday crcnlDg.
has arrlvert fro
M;a D. M. Brigbl It .eapected borne espiTt to buy ■
ft«B Toledo the eomthg week,
maid dlggcrt an- generally
laappolntlng. ■hey do not
Rev. Brownell of Oraa-n iircachod ai mei-k. la bi-i'«-r
.'ttre mull votlne Wnrbioet'at tbo elcc-
M-.-Ri'l•’»’!' ‘’f
1103 n. II miinih.- Tin- macblnca were
Marina Sb-.-icr rcturti.-d from
%r. l.m„ a».^ .1,. .e
• toil of
Si Ilia- ►
•Uugbiir r;s<' '
• , ♦.
re-lDcm-c for'c^remlVb^oV-T.'-ti.V a w,-«lk"«iTii ...l Mi aa.l Mi*. Wl-ieii SuU.
I. T,.,..,.
Hew Cure fer Cancer.
All Kurfar-- esun-m ate now. known
to b.- rureble. by llucklen't Arniri
Salve. Ja. Wallors. of Ihiffleld. Vn.'
"l bad a raiicrr ou n» Up for
II teem.-d Incurable, till BuckInr, Aralca Salve healed It. and
|1 Is i.erfvTily well " Ouaranlired cur.*
for e.iiH and bi-rnt 23e at Juhntiiii
' iwiu; SioiV Co '.!. F. H Hea'di and 8.
tr.V v..,m.n
.h .in.-,d. «i
8010*1 r>MFn
IU-?.u;r sS ^fi. rvi^'n."
Mlu Mluii ir7ill.nr^^^-«0...s
Mr. Coon •>wapi.vl ' bor.-v> n f.-« at home Ipt'
l»s' week
' Rcl.tti-s, <-f Tt*i
Mra. Wheal vVblu-il with Um. Shunk
Mi»* Eniilc. Ralii)l!i cam- ,ve»». nla» tat a «.'<wi
'. JuBiisoi Sni
10 day last w<..
■ovisH Mit.v Nellie While bi lure golnc Bfiernui.n
Hre. Voncr vlKlieil with Mrs. Ruuk
to WathiOBii*;!.
Ur. MeC.a-n, faihi - -d Su-w
y U*t woeli
Mta Min pBicipher. who bat been
.«!•, NtfHJe ilal'bnn wu-i ••• Trav- Mike UcGarry, is ver; sick at
Was*-* of .
bougbi a
Haney Rice has
rery dek. it better at ibis writing, we
M Cl'v ihi! mcirnlnp.
!• InercatiJ Ave
• Alil Mocioiy will hav
are glad lo learn.
Mi.‘s 'Ajik-IU Sti.ffer relhsl o'> Ur-.,
John Risiliii. wl.o lias Usk ,lpl
Mrs. Rice is ou th' tick H-jt. b
/ Onr aebool eoBHnmeci today, after
Nrl'U- Hcrmtr o^e .11' last w.-ok.
Hi,- past lew w.vl s. Is fatliUi:
A^V'-ucrel' "nvl'iawn it rIvoI'
a week's vaeatitai for our teacher lo ■better al^ this wrliln
*—Herman Is liiilldiUR a clficrn fur ferj. Hit d-aih Is rvicci' J a'
stlrnd Ibe leadicrt' Inaritnir.
Iv anil have a good tlmi-.' „ ■‘Iv VLiwITler
IU.VS hall lati. C
Hr. KlIMkcr of Traverse Clly relied
Quire a few Inrai here t'leii.lelTni-■
leO and finail'
on A. M. Sinltb last Sunday.
' cvrniBg was well
ince ai K. LaiiinerV Baiiinisy
rae Udtee' Aid met at the
Scliool eommoncca agtln Uil» morti-1 enjoyed.
vaca'Ion oT ihrce wc«-k».
bnrwdtr for **‘'jlng afte- a vacaUoi
Newt rcacbti! us liM VrMa> ilisi
I last week 'nm
on of
< 0
Miss Ooa Llndte
____y Wise ami Hiss norence *“«-'few dajw ago rrom Milan, v.bero th-; lelt Bmplrti about ihn.-*- o'cloou
gins A Traverse City visited the' 1*''! bat
... —.
- vlsilliiK
.......- '
a few wei'kt.
onTbiinulay for tln-ir botne
iih 'a lilu stdarh
tor's gnodparents last
ployd Bcacti reierr'e.! home from ■ Haniiou. bad not arrived a
Mr. lAke and wife of Treverie CKr bi, (rip tomb last w«-ek.
' feared tliey wire lot'.; Thr whole
iwimed work »>c io|i of Uie Irondal.'
i4or H. H. Welch.
a. o
_ Fairbanks we* down from
from'------i mimlty
----------------------^ nnuualh'l allowvi]
» laal Friday was qolle ae- Traverse
nvcric City
Clir last week.
' Fridav ibe wind bli-w lerTlld.-. 'vh
GaIllvo" s' “i-i—• tmir.
rere for ibi
everybody Is digging jKUatoi-s anii;add<-d u. our fears
we hare not hrerd of any t
they retort a small ylold.
news eami- that
Had Iwen i
Irem «.
Arthur Tbompton Is drawing pou-; cueJ, there
-• i.ns
IJotl anil r
Ocl ft.
ifws lo the skHug. The price today Isito-ry for f
.40 eenlt per liushel.
' «e hca- were lufi.
John Young Is buUdUig a tool houM
Mr SL Peter imism I
i.moriilngrei the age of .
Hr. Isewls baa moVed into ttae Tfaoo^ forO, N. Undse-v.
Hike Losee reiurecd from bis irl|i: ftmcral was held from i
u store building.
wth a few davs afio.
day. Mr Elile eoaducie.1 lbe_w;r'ici.-s
Wn. F. Blftes has parehated a driv-1 south
'olamhns Bolsmler drove lo Kalkn>-! lu a vCrv capable mauu
Ing btrroe and bngc. He la faking orColi
| Ing J'y the choir. w,Uh
.den forYrolt trvre and reys bo is gei- j ka one
on day Iasi week.
The floral gifts 1
W, R. Pray made a irlb lo'Tiavertei pnnimmt. was fl
Uhgi lota of orrion ibli seaiob.
While Kd QiiLlff war v.ikli.c at ll
. beautiful, ar he was a Caih- ^
Hr. and Hre. H. 8. Case of Sk Rap Cliy.Moitdav.
........... —
Traverse I oiler one. a w'llu- c-usKoii n green n.-w dam Ft ..lay « Isrg. pl.-^. of . Ij
ids vlsttad iTn. J. W. Bmlib Monday.
Verna Oardi
Venior hat nwlgsed the
$ 1 t I 11 $ $ <'« « I I t It I t « I 4 • ;i. r
> ^ANK
DoitoaHh ojiy he t
wilbtlraiira an y tt
Witboat Rouce *
a. Lele Silver baa tOld bis ihow CHv last Fr'd
vngrei had poolas to aomc parties lu
I. LowaU Stllaa of Traverte Cliy|
un Trav-lered with while earnatlons.
: ilfiil.
m: mm,I
EiSio., y t t t t > I t t tt t t I « t t t I II I
Say, IHro lHan,
Do VMf Heallzt It’s Siovt Omf
looking don't m-ffli-ct m look o'.-r lli.- l;iftfp*l .yRsiorlm.'iii of H.-alnn; Si.i'.-s, < 'o-.k stocs. hml
63 Different Styles Reatina Stoves
>u miglit U-ttor iimkc .voiir aelvctiou from tliia iij.imuiolli sbx k ind ^et just wbat you «
iu) lo buy sonieibiuf; el6.'whi-n- iliuiyoii tlilnk miy Answer ibe rurrosc omDo/iIi- souk- t
y a little niore money fur it. Yonr promise for fotore payment is lecal tender wlib u$.
W\0 ^
•twwfr ctTv.
hla abler. Mr*. WaUoo. of Cadaiae.
Mtea BdUb Abdeieoa of Trbterae
CUT b ctTiac ektentloD Itaitee bere.
Hr*. Noac Booeri b illTte Udlee- Aid Of the BapIUt
reb will she a tapper b tbe bate_ jt of Ibe eharcb. TbarodOT er*«lac. Oct. ». All are eordlallr brtbd
__________ 1 p’do«k UBwrov w
anesd.. AB iatrrcoilBc progiaa wfll
Mnu nor» BMMtt, *bo hM bMU be rendered, ^aoei; ite aaBbert of
wbkh wHI be eereral rertutkmt by
Nila ABdertoe of Tramee City.
Adam Had. brother of Joba Had.
rMWMd to ter hMM Is B^etd. WU,
died Satnrdar at the home of bb broihtedKT.
-. KuBcral eerrieet wUI-be beU to•ntn VUI te • eUekeii pie •odal
priraie dance wae liTeB Prlday
real^ is Nonite'i ball- About
It and all report i
Mom top araeb r»la for pouto
tm- Ttere oro k>u 40 di*
d' r«
Tb.le fJeman* have been pouln* a
Md m
t deal of work on the laalde of
"cilWLMrof'oilotrUk asd bb Bl- chuieh. ptperbE. paintlnE, oar..» obtor Tbobb ore apMwJIas o few
veeki here witb rdlotlee* ond Mndi.
Mm D. L. BntiEU reifmed Prlday
Nr. oBd Nn. Coaer. vko vWlod at
Lte borne ot Orrla Lace for a few dara. from a two week*' viiit with rebtirm
retnnied to ibelr boom at Cbre bat at Banior. Hleb.
Byron Rocer* and wife arv aow
woMi tm NoBday.
90 Clark
Jattoa Knapp, who wcat te-naahiBK eupyini the Whltn
Oct. 21.
**Tbe*LBdlef Aid will meet ai
bomo of Nra. Orrla Loee today.
k pretty borne weddlnE wa» lolemnNr. HaeWM .win more 1b
a on Tboredav ercaloi, Oet. IS.
11 work
Aaron Boa't bouiec tad will
when Mr. WUIbm nioina* and Mb*
Nr. Box
ibaell we-e united ta mar
ie of the bide. Rev.
Hurlbal offlcbllni. Bihleen En«»** :
_________________ _______
wat BlveB la bemor of Nra. Anna Zoulek lati Wodneoday at be becie of Kn.
r. AtkbuoB. where tbe iadleo of Bb*
friend*, both telat rcaideab of ihU
taad emloyed a eorr onjomble time.
place, and all Join la wbblng them a
Bam-TreaMlac wae worttlac t
loai and happy wedded life. Mr. aad
- Mr. phtatt laal week, tepalria* b
Mr*. Tbom*i wlU reiMe In NortbpoM
;mid<meupytbeB«ba.el.co.^.,^ u
‘'oaafwd Piuk-WbluKAn. CUmena
SoUey and Prank Atktnaoa aiMdod
(be dance ctrea by tte Modem Wood
A mbeellaoeou* abower wa* Ely»n
men at Olen Arbor laA Batarday erea- at the borne of Mb* Bdna Bramen oa
Friday erealnE la honor of Mbs Tlaa
**J. r JCrIett. leneber at BbeibaJ. at- John, from S to 10 o'clocb. Twanylanded tbe tanchen' luUtute nt Bat- iBrec bdr friend* were prteeat aid »
(one Bny laet wete.
int evealac w»» spent. A* lb"
Hr. PtateU wmi ni L^d leit week gaeat* removed ibeir wrap* a card
auendlnc tbe board of faperrlaorA .wa* prcteoicd to each oa which was
nad Victor WbkochIL Br. alio wai to be written a wUb for the bride,
there, nctlaa ba a Juror at the clrcait tbetc belBi placed la an open paraKil.
coon held bet week.
which during the evening wa* opened
above (hr bcsil of ibr brlde4o-te. and
the wi»he* read bJ- bev to the friends
Music was gircB during (he evenlas
Ooa Bus and tesUy. wbo bare been- aad btautlfu! gtfii from the friend*
eMU« at Boberl Browa'a, tetomed
presented to the bride liy her
to tbotr bone at Boyne ralh.
Itaa John, who wa* dalpf'•bter. Ala
RaBlI of Baton1 Bay ipeat dressed
white *od carried tbe gtfii
Id in
Tvwaay In tews.
pink and wblip
while bride’* haakotdpcnrsted la
Cbcatt eonn wai held here tbe dni The room was latiefullr
autumn leave* and mottoes
. .
k Onn Warner of BBUdu Day lag: "Do not think
think you arc ibc centre
of altmcilon—If* the bride"’
(be bride!" On a roeker was (he mot
to. "Do DOt make a nislake: tbb U
After a pleasant e
Cor tbo bride ’ After
tuns Onby Bryant. mtemM to But lag of mcalcsl
ton Bay WMnaday.
4lr. and Mo;-Earl Bnwe of WilUaiBibnis were , tbe cnoeu of i
Brown aad tasib of tbb place.
Duriag ._. ____ . .
' .Teaebera-W^atlaowwbeldl
served forr gentlesiaraday nd Prlday ot tbb week.
false faces and dNgulMd. marched thrangb Uur rooa>
eausUig no little excltemeoi. aa'd iater
■tii.Browa «t wnilamaburg spent a proved to b« Hctera: Omat GuaUtr.
few dmU tora.
WaHcr'B'nmen. Iran Thom** and Mr,
dBarty Artin- Mde a trip Siuu-- UncM wmiarns. tte gnioaKo-b>>.
dbp. mtiiraiir.la Cte crenlna.
tyriiwUE'^ lih ibcm other dalnite*. an-i
f-be dandai party Elm Prlday after a general good time the gausu
cibalaE In honor of Hr. and Hn. Bari
their homes with I
Bmee was w«l attended and enjoyed
by nil. ....
.sv-ij;, K..
. t^d5^
y a* a Mndcnt be’
T. Bridie, lou II Aid U. blodi A taterlacbea; $4dt.
State Lamber Co. to Joteob Bodes.
f% of *wb and wtk of eeb. eee. a.
tows Z6. ranee 10; <7tO.
Mary Jane CovUle (o Fiord Smith,
eb dot SI. bkmb K. H.. t. A Oo.'* 7(b
was aUe to pats rredHably.
neamaa Tbompaon. tbe
actor, wai 71 ytv* oM tbe other day.
He was SIIIbe an enqmement la Ro*toa sad when be rmebed tbe xbeater
Jao. Keller and wSe to Jame* Sal- celvW, one of the mott nriklim wa* v
Iivan. lou 1 tend 1*. Mock a. P. H.-* moMcr cake. Tbe top of the enkUt ndd: ti-ose.
tepnaeeted a niral «e«ie with a miabAmsada N. Omham
to Tboma*
tare cow. pasture, barnyard. «4c.. aad
Oonklln. tb of lot* I? aad 1?. block
aronad the edpe were •evmiy.iwo ean4. Wlllbowburt: tte .10.
Rytm e • Wife to lOTln O. die* of varlons eokirr. Mr. Thompson
eel. H.. L. 4 Co.'t wa* iBuch aSrrteil on eaterinc bU
paller «»<1 «“f.
iStb add. $40".
drcuiai-KWin to »ee the tribute* from
Edaa MeAlww to Oeo B. Uttlebis friend* sail admirer*. Then hi*
Beld. imrcel. eee. 13.
characicristir humor broke forth as bKlde:
SimnsoB.. lot »
and «'“■ lot
S. P. H.'* V"!
0*c*r|draw tbe Ilac oii c»»e at my lime of
Floyd U Smith and wife
Bimasoa. pemel. " H.'< *id
\ life.•
*Tbrie Richmond' to Edward Me-|
Namara. *lb of bH of awU of *e<d.
sec. 22, lowTt 27. ran*e H; IIJ*.
Oec. W Lardle and wife to HvrlM.ri
A Session*, lots 2« and 21. block Id.
H-. L A Co * I*' add: |1.«0.
Aodlior General
nee- -**.
Capuin Fn-drlk KnueS?a eonjpanv
Eiehih lofaniry. V. & A., wbo ha*
irdrn-d to rrpori lo'ttm-ctjri of ;
•tair. Llcuirnant Grurml ChaBreMjrr
duty in Wasblamon. I* faiallbr with
which he mastered while ■ private
Long before he received bis eommi<slon be had .(mnrialed seremi mil!tan books from the Oermaa. Frimch
Spanish. Danish, awedbb and llalbti
Into English. Tbeae books are still .
used a* authmity in the army. Slnebelng commissioned be ba> iransble-l
more mllliarr book* from foreign lit.
Frank Kmtocbvll and wUr
•wstead. parcel. *rc. J*i. t
' IT.: guages iDid the Bngtlsii than any oth’T
! oBcer In the army. Knndsen enllsie i
, In the army in the early ’80'* soor.
Thb QuMlion Should
. sfier* arriving in
this couairy from
M Answered i Norway, bis native bed
Eaally by Traverae City People.
cut lor
tgeal study he prepared himself to p*'*-
Which h. wlser-to have cucOdenc-1 •» eiamlntilon for wcoad Ibuieaaai..
depenO «n]^owqrib in lt»3
He has a broihi'
E Lroa. Healer In Choice Famn> |
------------------------------Crocericr. 4t8 E. From street. **y*:l
lichlnp pile* provnkv urolanl'.. Un
"I was cunslderably troi’bled with m> i profaBliv won’i cure ifaem.
- '. I Olnuaeat cure* liehliig. bleeri
- ’ prolrutllng pile* after \-'*r» of
1U.01 mg. At any ilrtig «ioro.
knar person* wbo bad used I
H, V. l)«->l*oii, tlH’ Am<-iea’i leg*!
Kldaer Pills, and ibU laduced i • u-j
try tbem. They slralgbt«i<-d t
advisor ot the Janantee war oBce. t«
in a short time and the actkm <
to reeelre high decoration fr-tm the
kidney secri'tkins wa* reodvred regularaad normal. Some time ■ficrward* emperor for bit. scn lce* ai the Per’s* .Ilebt recurrence and agali.
Twenty y-arw aHxi from-lhnmiuity j lure of »" to lessen Cte hint of inspir
I and 'be for
r derl*red be
tbe Hiu-urgls. .Ve* York's oldeM and atlon.'
Bi,st famous male sluglng society ha*
Ini' pcadcnce
yranl. and j6in N'orwav of Cblcacn,
out with « revolver and l•vaal»
of s> brothers ol Justine Norway, are twin*,
urane vulci-s. and on Diw. » next wl‘1' |n tbe w’(l«^>«t of a properly dispute
two shot and
produce Llsfl’s "Bl-KliMl>«.ih. ' rep-n„.i,-p,n III.
|K>i eJ by a female chi^m.
Frank by fflUtake.
lUro- Justine and John
Two niition dollar* Is lu be dlvld'vl
among 3.'a;t llruoklyii school tewrber*
dation. as the n suU cl*a decision Mor
day hy Jiulg. (Is; nor of the New Yori:
Kbr sale Dr all doahtn. Price SO
easy, tealihful adion of the bowel*
ce^is. Fosier-MHbani Co;. BuBalo.
without griping.
Ask your drug*!*'
Wesblngitm. U. (’.. tcKicoiH' shaii'New York. tole a^U tor the Called
(or them. 25c.
hare locan-H a tremendoas aclhliy bn
Remember 'he name—Doan’s—and
Ibi' lace of ilie sun. which take* ih-*
The Korlh *ea,hte been lashed to
take no other.
form ot a .cru'-s of aolar spot*, appeafury by a northwester, which ha* cot
Inc in the iiakeil .
Ihfough *mokiOwMral News.
lliiued iintau-T^ipiedly lor four rtajj.
Henry Phipps Is now going lato tb. All harbor* are full of c-afi. seitio; glass, s a or).' sisu Jt )* the larg-s'
detalU of bis fight against consumi- shelier. and'iweui)-fiv.- sai’»r> haw .-'Jii >poi tlslLle *.ltri' las' hpiiUK
tloD, He bat a mas* of exact BiaUstic* btwn reported drown^l m «T<-d.*
Iharmg the limp
rm ut her I:
Or oUior Mudi.-ul or 8uruic.il
Trontmente. bv
m..ut;t»;t. Mile. Mr*. C. It. Wilson flag
g."l a Ik-nv.w £ R)0 Orao.le 'rain oa
acri'lenially shot bir h'»banil whiliruiiimg. The plur'l’ woman weigh*
'ir. i.'iuml* and *b<
staggered ua.ler
tb" wt'lghi of a man who weigh* 15:.
mwuiaBcetly lacstrd ifaswosgUy mwippsd
npISsImlr psriorw )n ynav rily.Vhst mr
simr will rrwuirr yqer sbanrnisl syss to
.Isnu- Ilraiich Calsvll, tiie authui.
aeveUnd Chamber oi ed froiV‘‘« Tatierie* Garden* la Pari*
lie iahdod In liongary afli'r ha- I "IV *o anuofed laieh l.y ii.qulrt« - Hum strangers t» tu liow h
vsprestlon from olllclal aJiMDCSe cir co»erlug 899 ,m‘k-*.
Works iliai l»' ha* adu'itid u lorm u'
re|'l> wlikli. liC declare, lu i,.' . m^aosi dbflcnrinc *1
aad a is expected that it will be of
Acrotula. olni'de* ra-li.
groat sigalflcancc as lo the policy to to Impure blood
Iturdi.rk llluw!
lulls Hr I'abedls
be adopted by the mikado's empire to-' irrs Is a ch'anstog bloodI tonic,
full I. ng'li in a raa
jmlned, .
ward the rc*t of the world, panicularlj job clcar-eyed.
gold lisli, alib Ih.skinned.
Ihe United State*.
address (be
baud lor a qusri.r olI a tul^ U|
Commerce today wbieh irlll be the firs;
cles since the peace treaty was signed,
Dr. Robert McIntyre,
DR. P. t. WOLFE, Prop. DR.B.LPUHSOR,teMlit
Cltlzana Phon* No. 3SA
Suit* 413-AIA Wllhairn Block
TravorM City. MIoN.
Cbleago. Is now pastor of the Firs;
Methodist eburrh in LosAngeles.
coagregailou Is *o well plea-ed with
bis work that It was about agreol
When the doctor was lalormwl legsruIng the matter he nld witb chtraeierUilc liapciuoslty. "If you do that I
and Mr*. Cbarle* Rob- week ai
lesls of Mr.^
shall resign my pastorate. "
Relierab »oF.-P. D*vli
lioo ot their desire by tbe deacon* bad
Charles John dtoTH 'dowi
no eircci. the preacher sticking to bis
■day I
a town.
rliac taiesmnn. dl
flmi position.and so tbe incident waV;
Mrs. C. 0. Kcbl took a
baHaeia in town
dav U*t week.
Tbe Hli*e« Pteter• arrired
on tb
Mrs. Farrcl la the gaesl of Mr. aad
A. D. Ftrker. Ihe new vice pre»ldeat
MIooitH Tbondny from Tm’
D (heir war tn their home on I
Mr*. Ocnrgf Bullar*.
' / of the Coloiado and SuuUieni <kmi'
Mr*. Spangle 1* vlsitlag relative
panv. owe* hi* good (ortuae to the fan j
aad friends at Traverwe City
(haUbc oacc -grob^taked-' a pni*|k«t-j
or This was five year* ag}> Today hf
The Hiaaes Carrie Bcanett and Car.’Ifroy’lr.i" I ^ *""*>
$800,0011 and ha* fomr
tie OadhaiB mansM bme .Batarday
,lal eon er*^ton. after
ventures The foundalloa
from tte leaeteiW limtftate at
all Joined in singing the Sunday schooi of hU roriunekwa* laid la Ooldfleids.
hymns the young people left for their Kev., where hls^rwpccUv.' pannei
^Dr. Shank passed through hi
borne* aad a nleaxani erenlag wa* ' "smick It rich."
kts why to SoBik "
mt. Dgrker. a»lde
■a honor!
bUfug wealthy, i, a primclier of
Hlawa AUee and teb-€i$i’sprat '^so^rte-pkn:
lUy even ; ability.• Nearly every Sunday h.-'fl;i8aturd$y ai») BaaBay with
Beta [ of HU* Bthvi Wi
Ing. The evening wn» spent in music. {a puipn m Moutclalr. a rathlunabhafter sbleb refrowblnoais wei
OrrgoiT. visited kith Hr. Mil Mr*. D.
»c room of Mr*. F. R.
R- Da
oivis'rt ite
•thodl win gtrr a so- highly creditable manm H. Dav Brads;'.
. High
rial at be (own ball
Oet. K.
English exch*“gv» U''l of s vouug
elused lo
10 por.
Ing. the proeeedi to belused
ibmu In Blrmlagham who attracte-l
chase a new organ A program of reelKINOBLCY. - /
the notlcool an eccentric oltl/lady te
RaJl* WyiUmop was de*a tron UUoBs and vocal sctoctloPs will be
cause of bts resemblance >o tier dewl
given and refreshmtmu served.
Tiavarae Oly Taeaday of last week.
Tbe B’oman'* dab met this week at son. She beooealfaet] to Urn the bolt
4t Ite -ihag^ givea by the yoang
home of Mrw.
( M. Dame
*. G
UCw at tte MMhodfat ehaitd) last tb^ho
of her fortune on coadlUoit that h-J
WMaMdgy lywalBg. tte aam of $34te
weat to colleEd^ and did all bv eoul-i
wa* oDnatfiod.
to become a gentleman. Being quick
Roal Eatsta Treitefar*.
prod WdgglOB at HaUaad. Mich.. U
aaaMlw Bert Bebril wttk bis (all
Cart Brown lo Addle A. QIMit. kit 1. and clever, te had no ereot dincul.y
wark.block 8. HayBeldi $100.
of Greek and
la acquire a sal
Blas'WIalfred Hodge* ot FHe Lake
C J Bbaer to Rldnev J
be shrewdly
other IcaSteg. bat
wa* la town Frldav.
sc. 18. town 27. rangt
2»rMrw*F*A‘.Ori$mri of (Uen
peeled ibal^lie
that ftte'went to eltber Oxford
Mr.. aaA Mrs.
Hia. WHI HcGDUs are vis-l
0 O. Ftoot and wife jo T
botteof Hr and M's. Pe-1 Bi
Irihg aLtee
e Oitr: $3<Hi |or Cambridge at otee h.- iro-.-ld not
tee Carlhaek.
Aaum TV Bsm
(eel at borne among hi* new eompan-i
aad Hr*. Bd RtUee drove down 1 OaoA iwH of m
: 23. town 26.
pottlog pride In hi* pockc.!
« CUy aad sprat Bondar i range 11$1J
; $1300.
g C
‘^IUb lo G O Byden., te oMainod a riaee as ' seoui." or *er-l
d MKsllot
vani. at oee of these scat* of learalng;
Wtg» WBU "* iwah City Bainrdar.j
OMar Btm'Mon to Bd A. Benaonr. u>d proBicd
*.-vMlm Attto AbWK sreat Buadayllol 17 andAmot 1$. blorh 4. M-. L4
with Uha Jeor of SnauDit my.
ICA.-! 2nd add' A60n.
and obm-ned la thi* hnmide posllkm
.fH.O L Fe'ioB wpeui Baada* wllhj W'm. a Bridge aad wife'ru Harriri
evcminaUy proci-<'<l<il lo
$:i.r>OCbilJn.n.'s ).>nu
CloHka. eape collar,
fnnt'y liraia hn<l Imltoil*. Alfl-S 1 lo II.
Sample Cloaks
S.'.00 8kirtarorSi>Ui
.Aroonlihii plaited
uiul •liirTi'<l tkirtk.
ni:..!o of AU Wool
i'ub.'iniii. Ill IjIui L.
Iijoi' and brwu n.
We plat e on sale a lot of Cloaks. I' urs and Skins from oa. of tlie leading r.loik m-inufaciun.-rs of Cleveland,
Ohio, at a fating
lo you of fr
from ‘^b to •''( [>ey o.-nt: all ihi* fall ■< iaic—i stjlc*. m Idacks, brom-ns. *ca»'ors and fancy
aving 10
mixtures, for ladies, misses and chiidren.
•urthavj just now, selc-’i your garment and wc will gladly
lay if away for \ ou.
■'.r L'l’iii'-. lU in.
if CL't.
Made of Fancy Mixtarvd. 4-1 ill loDif. all
..','1 w..rll,
pinited. trimmed in
,_faofy braids, wortli
.$5 (Wldren’s aoaks for $2.98
Indies'Cloak* mail,
Udiw’ Black Fur Scarf. Uin.inod in <-!n.s
Fur oollor. Icwte Jiack
Cloaks, made of all
wool Keraev. satiD
linni. large sleeve*,
cuffs trimmed with
fancy Ituttoos.
'■' 3.98
All Wool i.’L('tiot,
In br^wn aii'l black.
',nly .. -
$10.00 Empire Coats for $5.98
wuanded hi* brother
as liBgk salary l•cI^wsl^ grea{«l lui
‘beior.. Ihe Greater X.-w York roljH.!i
muuib coafcrcuo'.
Sherman 4 Hunter of Tiavcrsc City
wfll be at (be More of W. B. Jo'hnslop
Friday had Saturday with a lire of
B. K. PiekaQLydtumed (u Us bume
tn Letead (hi* wedc '
Hr. Hoyt, of Wllbelm Bros.. Traversi- City, wil] be at^ OasuB store
Mr*. U. W. Pbrrant of tbb place this week wItb a Une of dotblng.
of ihc4a
Mra.»oenr Prauec of thb place
apeot a tew day* In Trsrcrte Qty iht* course of Bible study to be used in the
prayer meeting serrlca*.
The Ladle*’ Benefit nociety gave a
Frank KcIIqeb .. .
leu cent supner a tihe borne of Mr.
pretent doloE pulntlni;
gnd Mrs. MeUarken oti Friday even
ing. A bounteoug sapper Vas servol.
Mrs. BndiBell arrived from Traverse
City Tboriday to attead the wedding
B. }. Kllbr b 111 at tbb wriUak.
at ter daughter. Hiss Lollle BudtlM II.
Wo. talrd of Trarerer City riali
Mr. Zlmmcrmaa aad Mis*'Emma De• “ ' ■
few day* tl
WorM'^r^n WorkMI
Lo^,* of eaersy ii needed to keep up the pace.' la
the strank, the bub with die itioni body and clear
brainVitat out every tiflie.
T^e ixuB of to-day ncsdi aoBiethioi store than
sere food: he seeds a food that makes eoerfy—a food
(p avri OIL
Althoo^ some people may not realise it, yet it is
a fact, proved and established beyond doi^bt, that soda
crackers—and this means UOMda BlSCUlt—ate
richer in muscle and fat-making elemenU and have a
much higher per cent, of tissue-bnilding properties '
than any other article of food made from flonr.
That thU is hecoming known more and more every
day is attested b^’ the sale of nearly 400,000,000jiack'
ages of Unaada Biscuit, the finest soda cracker
ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing
valoe—sold in a package which brings it to you with
all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly preKrved. Tniy the food to toark on.
Whoever yon are—whatever yon arc—wherever
at tend and he If going u wduct the
OeUmE. who bne teen
. Dame ipeai Snr.dar at bis fight along strictly identlBc lines He
at Norths a few- days. leuimcd
kaows all about the deadly contagion
borne Batarday ermilDc.
red from of the street* froai ihe mortuary red
Artbar Zlnuaemaa of Hai
Qiaad Rapids Friday to attend (be
ords of the - while wings.'" and his inswddtng of h*r aleter. Ml** Tlaa John,
of Noitbport. of thii place, aad Uacoln Williams vedilgatlons Into icaemeai-honse con Oil monarch or^r pain.
bdaa Tiny 1
utho apeni a few
fei dnya nt B. & Prtce'n ot Kalghu Ferry. Calllorala. which ditions have given him much iiew
returned bbine •atnrday.- '
will take place Tuesday crcuing at l be Ibrht.’
Jacque* Faure. the French aerouaut,
bome of the .bride.
Bll Hloki. the first secretary of the was (he winder of the Inu-riialiunal
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Casajibell ol Pitoaje^ are gooU of Bert Campbell Japanese legation at Waablngtoa. will balloon eadnranc*. canu.*i whicb start
QLCN havcn.
T. A. Qrefory of Cblcaco arrived <
Ibo Minop.rt Noodat.'
A Food
to Work On
that erenlag hi* dreetdac-room tar* Wm^^ GriBtb to Oar*i4d MlUer.
ncH of nrti. eee. *. town «. mnic IS; abbed ample evidence of tbe eeteem In
wfairb be i* held bv tbeaiemoer*. a*
Hr*. Mary Pjrfarrk to Joo. Toman, well a* Brimben of the prafessloB.
lot* » and 11. block «. Ooodrteb-» add;
Amnc* the many tribute* wblefa be re-
I, THWasOAV. eCTOUa U, tML^.
Kortfepoft. MleiL, Oet. Il-lliit ifcc
Snt dtp* of (be »(^Ir wedded Hfe cd
WUh» Tbo»*». Kortbport'e «mderlakw.Mid Mia LeUle BabaeU. wboee
■BRiMe oeearrm Thander emdat.
to auwwii wHb iboTM to crieeed w
ttor twU» br Mto (he ebariTwl wfetai wae laaofBmtMl ibe am
•ratap ctm W>tdt ftrtfc' naaba(ed.
VM to (till woree. It arewe In else
CD Md ae raepa • to made br the
- ^
gteom ta (kelr or* Ut«B.
Bee* after (be i irrtoia a «Dwd ol
be tomt ct tb«
• of tail
catbeiwd la fraat of the bMOiral laM
dOBM of the bride where the oaRtose
took Mace aad praeaedad to aarcoade
with all Bmper of aotoea. Dr. O. E.
, Chan of Trareraa Clir, arho was a
lueat. attempted (o quell the dtowhaace bat the crowd dnlred aa aodieaoa
witb the room, who would ao( ap
pear aad at be deellaed to treat, (bit
briag acalut hit priaclplaa. he ^ai
toroed to. vacate (be rMideoea duriat
the nlKbt. The bride aad groom aoagbt
rafuga trots tbelr tormeatera with relaUvea boi algbi after night their bidlag plaee baa bees ferreted oat aatil
evetr relative within a radlaa of Bve
mltoa baa beoa aougbi aad (blrir
drim oB of tbelr premtoee bp the
BOtoa. .iWlght the O. A. E eaaaen
ased at tbe eemeierp for vetem aalatM baa boea taken and:evaer eBor
wfU be made br tbli crowd to bring
Ibe grom to lerma of peace. Tber aak
a treat of clgara oor IS caib. HU
atriet OoBgregatlOBal priacliBei art
grtatlag the demaada.
Mr. Tbomaa to oae of tbe brat
kaowB of tbo older raaideou of Northport aad three of hto cbildren bare
eidtagtoU work at Oliret, two belag
tbere Uito r«r. Hto bride to tbe orgaalat of tbe^OoagregaUoaal ebnieb
aad be to a popelar merebaat who pur(hand the oldest baslaosa la tbe vil
lage, that of WllUam ClII.
Big BtriU In Eonla.
8t Pderaborg Oct. ».-ltadleal
neiioe toaUag toward the contlnoatkm of the etrike naUI tbe demaada of
tbe workmen wean aceepted wma taka
at a meeiJag last algbu ' flpeecbea of
a revoloUontrr ehaimcter were made
and wero wlldir apptoaded. The oongMss.eeat ad^utatlon to Prince KbIIkoB, mlBlater of railways, aad Count
Wiue to piweent an addren demand- lag raCorau lariadlaf a coauUtaea:
asaambtr atoned by aalvenal anlfiaga.
Tbe workmen's addroM declared “U
to ttma tor the aaltlement of matleiw
of vital lapoRaaw hr tbe admlaJatrathm now pnsL Ike eonstry' mnat not
be foreed Into a reran. The peopio
have ton enaogfa Mood alreadria Maacharia and the btaed aow being shod in
•rarr Mtr gnl vtnaga la Bassto.”
The d^tattaB did an see KblikoB.
who mas on a trtp^to the eaa^ fan:
Witte raoMrad the de^Ulton. “I am
advena to peneestton and btoodsbed.''
he eaM, “and favor the graaten
nmonat of Uhorty. hat advise yon to
atop tha strihe aad than slaborate
pMoMal nmdttlima."
lerooa of MlihawabA. lad, hawaaod
to ber badfide aad were with ber at
tbe Itato of ber death. BeaUea tbo
ebUdron alroadr meaHoaed abe Invn
three tout. Paul. Leonard aad Hei>
aaaa. all of tbla place. Tbe bodr was
bioagtat ber# where the fBoeral «aa
.held Wedaeadar aflemooa at t o'eloek
tma tbe'M. E ebareb. lotprmeat tabiag place la the Wagaer ecmafeiT bedde ber boaband. who died aboot
twelve mra am). Ooceaeed was abou|l
TC rears of
tor. Hleta- Oct. tS.-Mn. Prank
Coaklln aad daughter. Ladle. viaKel
tricAdi In Eaptre oar dar tost week.
Hr. Oriaths made a bnalsea trip
to Orand RapUs Pridar.
Charier Case apeni Baadar with bit
famllr It Baatnato.
Martha Hum to cm tbe tick list.
Mr. Ortatha baa bit atol* eompletc-.
wbleb to now up to date.
Mr. aad Mr*. George Bpeelmaa. who
hare bees vtolilng frleadt aad relailra at Oblo. relumed to tbelr home
E Caae )uat returned borne from
Benum Harbor, which be wu e«*t at
delegate to the aUte ooavmiUim of
the I. O. 6. P. lodge.
Tbe baaeball game betweeo Hooor
end Bcsnala boaln'eae men of laat
week rbanlted In a acore of II to »
i favor of Honor.
A oircle of frienda and neigbbora of
Oeprge Woaver gate blm a plenaol
Burprlte parir m hoaor of hto tblrUetb
btrlhdar laat Pridar evening which
the?- presented him a fine rocker as
Hanoah Todd to tbe new “hello"
girl at lhcecntr«l
A. Todd U ]ui( tisrtlog camp for
tbe wiater and loakiog for men to cut
Lake Ann. HIch.. On. SS.-rHAds.v.
Oct. 30. Erwin Maker aod wife arc to
start for Oeover. Col., where ibey visit'
relailva Ad triads fw a time, then
to WbliUa. CaL, where a brother
^ra. tfakcr's Ad several other relatlva reside.
Two SAS of E L Byer start for.Los
Angela, Cal., next week where ihey
expeet to remain indefinitely.
PoUiOa reacbed SO caU a bushel
Mra. W. K. Kennedy, who has been
rltlclng her people for tbe Ia< 'wt
maths, left for Beattie. Was#., last
H. W. Caae and wife twk Avanuge
of the exeursla to Oblo Ad vlslietl
the old home Ad frienda They re
turned moch pleuA to be In Mlchi
gA. They wooU not go back U Ohio
> lire.
Mn. E E Ftoh Is in BaimIs atleading Uic W. C. T. V.
WUUan Toeka ha («^fUd a llvory
sHble Bere. This maka throe livery
la Lake Ann. all busy.
BhermA Dragon, who has beeo dlaoiing wet greceria for Mr. Turck.
to abat to start -a salora at Cedar
Dr. SUIllday Is very bay ibae days
kxdtlng aftey tgphald fever Ad sarict
fever easa ta laland Ad imorlocbca.
■mplra. MIA. Oec ».->Dartoa BelMr attradod the gryd todgal- O. q F.
whteh was BHd at Benton Harbor last
Mtoi Hahn Rich win auead tbo
SiatB Normal aefaon at ML Plmaaat
tha Doming year. While tbare she will
heammafaerof the tomlly of Prof. E
Carl Morris rctarned Tneoday from
TmrarM CHy. whero he has been for
the lot three wdeka.
Mrs. Howard Keaney Is la poor
hmith at praaent itsr. Harry Noroonk to also qolte lU.
Mn. Hlaer Pamnt of Oka Haven,
WM la Empire Monday.
Wm. FauersoB and wife of HIsbv
waka. lad., were la the vll
Avert ABBtr hae movod hie tamUy
to Hlabterala. lad. where be win
. weak for the BUndsrd OU company.
Mr. aad Mri D. P. Roche made
faaalaea trip to Monergoa tost week
where they at* tbinklng of buylag k
grooety store.
MUtOB Hodge to aow foreman
tbe E L. eompaay's freU farm. *
posHton was formerly held by Jerim
Dewitt. ‘
Mra. aad Mrs. I. E Rocha have retaraad to Biptre nad he bu rmumed
his oU poalUoB /la Raynolds' drug
Mii win HoiTla retunied Hondar
an the ■tamirrJflsimiTl from a thi
weeks vtoH at ba girlhood borne
Bontb Haven. /'
Two onrtond^^ot abbnge wi
. ehipped out of Empire Thaiadar mo
tag. The prtoo paid to tarmera wav
$T paten.
Hto Aaaie -Denar racunied U OUenga last waA. She was ah
by ber ctota. dale, aad Hiss Faanle
AthlasA n Kasaoa.
Anoiha Bmplie ptooea has been
called U )ota the grat malorlty. Mre.
Eltoabeth Rob( died Boodey. On. l&.
at Attn Arbor, wberv she wnt ebon:
a math ago to Uke trotment for c) j
troabto. She had about recorcred ber
' lymlght and would soon -hBre retamsd'homt when Ae was tAa ill
wtu pneamonk. Ha ba. P. U Rohr,
af this piaa. and. Aughtoe. Mrs. Aaarsan (4 KdKAs hiy an.! Mr«. I'at
allhoagh the weather was very uafa- toto ha basdmnd wbo w >itbsrars*TCraMc. Prtmeeds were |Ut. A neekUc aoeUi will A given by the Ladlet' bis bratha Jama.
Mrs. J. Sbaw of Blights Biding
AM Boeleiy balltrwe'ee. Everybody
Girls bring s boi with npprr made a ehopMog trip u the rity this
fa two ud t*o oecktla alike. Boys moralog. murotng lator to the Ay.
- Mrs. .n. E Uerroo aad lUlie Abe.
briag the gwT.
Mrs. Jlnks'aad''daBgbtaof Ttaverac^etoa. of BMums Bar passed tbrongfa
City epeat Iwi wcA With ber stola.: Ibe alty today a a trip w OrweDville.
Mrs. Hsrvep Aetraw.
i where she will tolt ha mnber. Mrs F.
Mr. and Mrs. !ten Brawta of Alhmt > L. aevetoad.
sod Hr. ud Mrs. 3. Rnnde] of Pine
Mrs. Chartos Knimrn Ad sister.
Creek arc visiting tbelr brotaer. R. Mrs. E Harding of Cmwn s-e TravCarpema. Ad family.
aty guau uAy.
Ed Bwlft was In town MAday. ^ i: ■
Miss Verna Moote of TbampsoavlUoi
BtaU Newa.
as tbe goat M ha frienA. Dcllcl After sbooilng a rabt>:i. uaonto
Harris. Mooday.
I Kuol of Hniaad laid hto gun down
Mrs. Alton returned MmAy evening a a log. When be picked it up h *
from Ald«. where Ae has been spend-1 pnUed It toward ^Im bv (•<# barrels.
Inc a few days.
! Tbe trtega caught m a twig Ad tbe
Deb Reed bas had f relapr* and i‘ i cArga tore his right arm so serlousij
Aiic tow at preseot. Mr. CuAny of as U aeeessltste ampotatlA.
imhc Anu to nurmlpg blm. HU leJs-j Doring lbe.»lnt10.*T)lg tree fell )usi
(IVN w#re lelegtapbod for Monday-a Mrs. EllA Bartlett, nar Meoom.
I>aeM$B >u b*r bnggy. l<
Max Btorrow was surprised by thlr- knocked ha fmM-Ihe vehicle seotety or forty of bis yABg frtood. Ma- ^ less. A anghUor fAuJTia rooeitoe
He was Invited to S • Isicr Ad she died Just as she was
Arty al DcAe's ball and upon bis ar-j lAen to ba .><ome.
rival was told tAt tbe party was to;-| giiat 30 rate, Edwanl .C. Cowru
and A a slight memeoio of tbelr. ba Just writm bis brotba. James
Idshio from hto roonc friends In-OoWea. a HaskAA- llreman. from
B presented with a band-: FrankUu. Alaska, be As beeo In tbe
some sraieh fob. Utx lava thU wak goU coAtry II yars. As Edward
tr Ctllfomli.
unmaiTtod Ad la AUlng old: James
Mrs. Vickery Ad dAgbta. Nellie, thinks be mar some Av get a bit of
of InterloehA were In loam Tsesdsj-.
Max Blarrow ww a Travoa City]
Tltilor UoeAy.
: always be reminded bv
Hr. Gore bcgA buying polotoe
digits < a narrow eoape be had froio
for B. HorgA of Traverse Cliy. T<!M-l,n„,n, ^5,,^ in the yards of the Onftad
day. tavlDg rented several cellars In ; Tnmk. Ht was playlpg on .bp of s
! Ax ar, when a switch engine bit li.
Archie McLean Is working tor Mi. knocking him oB b«ween the ars.
He squirmed oB the rallc. but two
. wA bu beeo
George Lyhamore hss t>een flsi on
hto back for 'hree' yars at Adrlati
frrwn Injuries received from a fire tram
. breaking from the barn stul ciwsl vpuue*' f.i
a. .1. aenlng. Oc
o..,. 3fi.
aesdsv in t'e daman aa e( Lewis
Red lupbaMs-a secsiad <tep-it
Nine can cT coat aad a obAA
Puller agalBsi the Gruid Trank Rall-| belag plekcd by PrAb-MlAerfoiag; bntoe asray from a HtobIgA Catral
road ampaay. The ptolailB fell down t SLLeaox.
tram on a down grMe wnt of CMat Perry and sued tbe com-J--------------------------------------------------- sa. and crashed lain a frrlgbl UsA .
0-do«or smbamab ami
AlbtoughTJjaraofagfW.O.EJdy M
• I'ubi-man lumped Ad uved tbe|r
of Lee. pitched and Abadad eighteen-<Su^ea
OdeSS.^^'Um The anglae wu kaocked-ot
btg loads cf bay ia ae day. m«
----- bm.
a w'slkw. SsSc* si <'be track and tbe wrecked on tatwed.
wbo 0»tor *yy-,,„..- ^ ^ «mieWBst»s rybu.' f*"'
• hoodoo OtAi Wiip-n H,™ 1. —
leiy dsred it to
A sireicb uf tramway !• feei bigbUxiugb
Hargrare's mm. Bay CUy.'Cgviha
pranas m* the show •
No. 15 wu
with sereral rarMadt of g^ lBmbe>> .'he loal llcess.- numba of Crani's angare waj. and Jacob StoiO. ron-mtu ^siSs >aS».lJ?£ll> ffebyepeaual 'omnhilr. sod No 1313 wu Ibe siato
of the lumber yard, wad cau^l In the u'wSS5S?“ta.t?^*sS^e!S?*iA. Hceose. n. wjiti else raid ya expect
ctuh. He escaped Ipstant datb by
*■"' •”
Osollnr wbleb deboards forming atitfot him like v »ssiS4sy o< Wsnar, 's w (IrsU Iramst stro>i-.i tin- auto and storage shed Ai
shlckf, sDd hto only tnjurla were i 2S5*sSutT^*i***”***” ** *
Wilnon the scare of M. Iltp.
disloaiM Aoulder and bniltcs.
"JJ---------------------------------------- —
An euy Job to that of OOcer Hirain ----------------------------------Hawkins of Bay City He wa> fircl S^l
during the reeral street railway rlrlko
refusing to give the nai
leged rioters The cnunell refused
I & Wsltsr. Jwlss tt
eaflrm bU dismissal, and while Haw
Kins U not on duty yet he It
evire hto a>
Usd ta SSMI nan
JAn U Vincen'. ahn
,-it.ndish clevsUn (or Currie'ft Curran '’I l7w aedwa lhs< Ihr If'h dsy of goreisW.
DetroH. wu aught to a shaft
elevator u be was msklDg some n--. (s'Msminuu sad lOtMu mM si^m
Airs, mtd wu whined around «• - •**
«d revoli
taking every .rred of nothing oB blm .-r-,- - - except bis shoes Several ribs were. <mS> '
___ ___________
W. A Currey. a farmer living near : p^I5^®g5jfr« lU o!2^
CalesUurg. has been placed under bou.i
to forever slay wJihto ihi.- borders «(' '
Kalamaxoo. count'. He refuses to |<ay
a ISO Judgment because a neighbor’s
hogs which broke Into hto farm werlaw fd Chg.vd J
Fo worried by Curruy’s dogs that they
..—----died. He wm. aem .0 Jail A a l«l>
-AT-^ •
exec^tlA gnd was later released or.
the peculiar bond.
A fine lot of second crop sU-iwImtTff
ricF. grown by Mrs. Alice HAird of.SwwMd* *
Troy, was a exblhJtlon al the IBnel:
.Vonhera at PollTlac. Tl'e pIais ‘•"'JSSSS"
Our "liaiO kioVer- lioya'
which these berrit-s
have----- ----------------- it-rt.-..........
pioriug onr oiotto
the elimstlc condltlAi !rM«oitoMd<S«wttAni>te
nd no particular
tnii> fvei7 da;. 'Bcttf-r see
lar arc being given.
The Gaylord Indian wa.berpropbe
w-ratber prapfae I ^.?
what wc can ^vc :;ou beforo
wHJi hto AHual prophecy-, and It
hajiot; yoor ocst boja' ahoca.
gtKM^raxdtog forM....
he cm, man.
He prodleu a mild winter, with light
Hto rasas are theM-;
Opp. Whiting Hotel. „
-ees are dying slowly this
fi’l. the com hiisks are thin, the
goose's wlShhae to hlA and ver.
RoncEt Shoes
Ronest Prices
Rswlaiil Aimtosa,
tbe borne of Mra. C. C. Harford rto
lira a mile from the village. Lpon.,^.
joOciato, mine
eat Ions of a short and mild wluier, 1
Castor ban. and resin to the value
turtrdrat qu.rt.r1y eotiv.nUon of tha Long LafcwaA OaN
r K 3igi. I., have been used to ih..i««to SunAy Sehepi aasoeiatton. to bt held BMvrAy, Nov. 4,
to tA
spent In sewing, after wfalcb a bualncar G0.I. To Th«mamifseii.r.-of
This was 'he endlnc
mec'lng wathbcld. It waa decided by to nn ano-yal ni<-eilne of ihi- Ijikc :
-Kirnycl lu a fire in the Mt-irgi-r eolrtl
T|dEME—God Lsadtog Us.
Merntog Sas-en. 10:00 Otetoek.
vote to bave Prof. W. N. Ferris give u“ ptrtur MWIng Insihute. comixiM-d
orag.' building at ilrsiid Rapids. Th--'
loctnre to the near future, ihe Aic I all of 'he nromlnent tnlue owners and
. A w. Th".m Co Is the
^1 ....................... ........................
A left to Ur. PeRla' coBvenlraoc. Tb< anperintendata of
Supt. Brownell of the Rat conniy |
ocretaryto report .bow A that
.<or house tnieods to fight
c««A Of M6 wu the rauil of the New'
BnglAd .upper given <^i. 11. Twaiy'
of hto wife bA daughter to in-; (tod Loading Vs—"HoW and -ftTien ’..........................
of this waa given to the pasla. Her.
deserihed follow.-.1
matee. He demans an InveaUgalloii | Discussion ........... ......................
A. A. AlllngtA. to apbly on Mt alant,
J rt'em.m.tra.ion
and sxvF he has been exonerated of:
Al & p. m. the omnibus ailed (or the
s iBunehed a
the cbirge onee.
ladta sod they went to tbelr homes
Afttmeen Satlon. 1:30 O'etoek.
Aslontobed Sllc-s aldermen find they •
. Kra. AllCtoA
fallng that balda having .0 enjoyp,r,>- uraated narly jr. have IxyiiNi In Ihe gsmeral street par-' IJevoUcual. lod by ..........................................................
Ale Ay they hA necomphahed eraRetorts and CulU-ciion
tog feml when Ihe.r ihuitgbt
aldoable towards the articla they
-empty - They will now pave Kounli ’
l-*dtog l'a--Wlierer and "Ucunaregireparlu tor a cburcb baaur to
mseuM.im ................................ ....................
be bdd aomc lime to Docemba. The,
Tbe game w-apl'-n of Calhoun COUP- (l-el'a'M' ....................................................
mating will be held at Mra. M.i^„
ty will be paid 1» rent, a day by t|,-,
Coun'l’ Convenik.n
A. Culver. A Not. 1.
Sftnni regintem M N supervisor* Bherlft Tu-ncr gei« So
G.. Mag with the eoagregsiiA of ib.' cent* a day for priFuners-towrd
___ ifk
B -1
' Prabytertan church at Grand Rapid.Prom Thuradays Recerd.
- on Sunday nlglit Soddeuly he Bir>piM-.|,
Mrs. C. C. Gage and daughter. Mrs.
Ben Oannci. left this noon for a short ^
landed (he Custer
visit at Hartor^aga.
best drilled body
Mils Anna Cadbam of Buitraa Ay troops to Michigan. They arc now C:>. |
U.1.M In .t. a„ IbU ooralD, to. . ,
alt with relaUva.
| ^
umed B-own. a member .d
Mra A- M, Wall or WeldOT arriieJ'^jj^
can,j„„ nexm. 1
... ss
jitds. Hidu Oct. 33.
wbo tau been spading ibo
past two ramiht la Traverse City, to
borne o». g vistt.
Mrs. Bari Rowe of J^udfagia to
AAdlng tbe week with ha motba.
Mrs. Mary JohasA.
Miss Pari Walker of Txaverse Citv
to vIsIUa St tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
H.H. Greco.
' ......
men’ll uiiitoi Moodlv raomlng Im-n
HtH Walburga Haley of South Miltlarlay lyevcb, where he left the viw.tahas entered ibe HIgb school here.
lie «aW lUat the .learner nesr’y
Rev. L. U. BIhscII of Traverse City
dowii to Ihe gale ou Lake Hurou
U1 occupy the pulpit irf the Prt-sby
at w-*-eii she rarhed Harbor
I and that
terton ctinrcb liolta'iDohiing and creuWilliam Oran of Sorihport. who I. Bracb
she Ad elghi feet of water in
iDg. BAday. OMr-EfiT^
her hold and wa. in a .inking eoaditton
BetmtH Janey Ad two dsug.i- bu bea to Upon. Ind.. In r*''iuto“ ' ber
of Ibe This man. al’hougb he ha* «alletl ilubo have bera la Dayton. Oblo
and was before that 1
the put two Btontbs, returned Saiuidiau Toluntcer lafatry. is lu the city | all waia Kallor. say* that be ba. had
ly pvaittg.
today wbUe on Us return home.
eaough; lAl the storm ww* the wnrr'
William Ania and tamlly are nov
bv erer saw
' bave vailed fur a
comfortably loaied in tbe/BuUer boiht Pram Prldar'a Rpcorfi.
quarter of a ceniurr,- said he,C"bui
— Traratso avenue.
Rev. Ft. Needbam It vHlting reia-1
rhe sebooMr Thra Bisters ulleJ lira to the city
' never aw anjihlne like lAi aiorm.
On the ocau there
Monday tor Martnelie, Wls.
Mra. R. O^n of N'c4b-U-wranU'
A. R. Dougherty to spending puiA through tbe city this moralag would A five mlnuta or so Alwevu
Ibe sa*. bill this ktnnn tbe iras kept
o-eeb Ir. Bellalte.
her way to Peiltta. where sA will
pounding IIS r-. cry mtoi’te aud wc
Mrs. E P. Parkinson, who has to
brother. Dr. M. A. Kroui
baA’t a ik-rord 10 brciihe.”
spading tbe put two fflatba In I
k fiafU of elA<. eoulsttog of Ur.
JoA McGee firvil two shot. In the
Rapids with old frienda expects
and Mr*^- Baker and three eblldrra,
re Friday tor Flcreoce, Csnadi
H. HcPill. Mrs. J. PouasMu aod WoIverlBc mine at Ay city One
!ndrcw Wood, wbo bw b«a In Red Mrs. May Lliiser left this morning lor (ailed lu explode and MeOee was In
the au»i- wben It exp’od
ding. Cal., tdr the past taro yars. ex Fire Uke. where they wl!l rata Into
cd. fllltog fall C4-CI ard fare with ix>«pects to be St borne witb hU Tamlly
Ap lUe fur a buntlu tripOer ud coal and destroying his slKht.
Mra. B. BwtrtUoui retunied to her
4. B. Ware of Grand Apids Is l■'e
W. H. Bears of Bears Point resoi"
eandldaie tor the
bu purchased tbe drivlag horse of A.
D. FairbAkt.
western Michigan revenue eolleelorBwartoout.
when Sam Lemon steps out—It
Mrs. George W. Perry was a K
Mrs. M. Rlpshen left thl* noon for
kukr visitor SaUirday aud Bandsy.
. .1.11.1 a., ciu.u.-.»iB.k-.i«v
E B. Noble, wbo has bera in Cad‘1- w I...,
c A businos. returned Ibis week.
,L .1, f,,. . ■
. .
,rt,v TO*’* “•«> In ‘be legUlalure of ’»3.
latiacLA Charles Wright, aged 43. a
German tobora from Dctmli. at BritBendon. Mich.. Get *8.—Hattie KeiiThc fold gradually crept up bla
ey rmumed lut week Wedneadtr stead puied.. through tbe city ibis: bofiy and A died to an hour. A post(mm Ann Arba. wAte alie Aa ban moratog OB tbelr return from .a trip «o: mertem abowed a rupture o! the walls
spending a couple of waA.
I Swan. Ind—
Mias May ReyMlda wu inrpriied by
Auuhiey C. L. Dayton
Braking siac for good rad.
w numAr of Ar yoAg (rtaads last (B Aland is tn (be city toAy a a Aa should A the acua'Iuu of Jaekaa
Atorday cvalag. the oeeasfam bMng Mn trip.
,Ad Marquette convieta. accordlog to
ha BReeotb WriMay. TA evening
Mrs. U L Prveman of Cadillac re-,iA news of Stsie Hltbwsy Commla
was spent-with gamaand all report
umed borne this moraluatia a visit ..loner Earle, who AdresaeO >be good
fire lime.
rtui tclailra M Maple CUytads raaiy cAvratiAwi Coldwatcr.
Mr. 4M Mrs. ‘BOr BUa were I
Mn. PEMek Pngany •( Buttim. Bay: CoagrasoaB Oardner ala bpokr.
town the Ent cd tA *««E
- -1 through (A cHv Uto noM a| No cmm of actlA wu the verdict
Th« liiiT toelal was qnlle a auccMs* h.-*r way tr. mak.-y wdirrif she will I id a eirenfi eoart jnry at Arising
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Etc.
ULYING Carpets and Rugs by mail heretdfore^^ecn a rather unsatisfactori^
U fJtoposition as it is hard for one to form a p^opcT coDccption of paiH.-rns and ''
olor* from type descriptions or black and white illustrations.
Btt we have just
published a catalogue from which you can select Carpets and Rugs just as easily and
s ilisfactorily as if the goods were right before your eyes. The designs and colorings
are accurately reproduced in this book by the aid of photograph)', engraving and
high art color printing. None but standard makes and all arc ihe very latest jiatterns produced for this season's trade.
Carpets from 25c up to $2.00 per yard
Room Size Rugs from $13.50 to $4L50
We buy direct from the mills in great quantities and by thus eliminating the
usual wholesalers’ and jobbers’ profn. wc can save you . cmsiderable money on what
ever you buy from us in these lines.
Frclftit Cbarces Prepaid on Porciuses Amoaotlni: to $( or Hore.
This catalogue of Carpets and Rugs, although one of the most costly books of
the kind ever issued, will be sent absolutely free of charge to all prospective buyers
who-promptiy send us their names and addresses.
Pardridge 66 Blackwell
Michigan's Greatest Store
W* don’t expect €fn*7«n«n to
like thMptnllfoAioo^ 6g^
uiw;ire doootedTO»te U:aotUtMD«rtUiepouit tie picture
vedeeiSDedanlvto .Ik.w tbe ptereiling etyle* end to mfo«n the
they will
b»y« in edeanoe. of the genenl cnl of —•
or ore
6»J i. a.e taidi.W iKm» i ttwpmuso. the good practical
the market for
OOIVI F» aim Y
Some thin^ however, are no
letter than yon get at othtw
storca. tor we eaut alWs.vs
iMt everybody on everything
-it w«aU be impwsibte to
do ao aid each a claim wonld
be simply sbmrd.
Some thiofm in a store al
ways stand oct with more
nroaunsBce than otben. To
ilhistrate we aak yon to cobskier onr 10.00 boito and
10.00 Ovsfooata. Voa can't
eqaaltbem anywhere at the
Ifsentmgh to say. h..s. ter.
that wr hsw the kin.l' <t{
WMuahtes von wnnt. and in
most <w»>w. the priiM
lowef than lik*- uonlitka af‘
■uU •dsevbetv. shile se ipVf
>-on our gonrartM- of ait^sfae
lifm with even arlicii- lv>u
Then then- are ov 160 Hata.
mnat eell what ia n.ade. therefore we pf eaent the. I«at {;»>«““ If
honght. A few years ago the w»d«n»at was i^e with soft front
form fitting, now the ahonld-rs an-broad, well padded in fewU
howerer. the new lads noon aj^Ar cooiinoa to all. and that whrch
was worn a short time ago will not pJw*« tte maa«s t^ay. so
thnre isonly one thing todo. ra ,wh<-n yon bay. boy that which
fashion deexees le right.
This Orerooot Qoeatiou lies close to heart; we pUnnrd to hartthe beat
__ Otvrnouts
_ .mioaia »u
in vo«ui
town: "w
we mi
.uk we're
~c .r got them. » e v» 1*^0
woiiinic 00 this orereoat
orereout proldom for months. We «• an orero«
few eW-iy man's form for ercry man's aotiwi and tor erery man s
Next to sbonldera, collars
and Upek. coat fionte an
tlie we^ pjinta in ordinary:
clothes. Few malcra have:
fully orerenme this difficulty. !
The fronts on all onr fine ;
Bcits and oreregats are riglit;
and etny right; they don't;
•ag oot of shape after a ;
week's wnar.norafier moot! s I
of hard servioe; they remain I
firm and are prod against;
eorling or tawa^g.
f ‘J
nro that sill at once con
vince yon that yen get the
best bm that yon can poeasbly get anywheie for the
MEIS sirs
Stan at 5.00 and so eiMleavor
to give the k>st .a.UJ sail that
can Ir bad.
Suita from *'..00 to ^..’I0
have both style and 4tortbey arv nv«id broaken with
W,; fit fst nmo. tall men.
»hort men
10.00 syiTs
13.00 SOTS
Ivwntifnl patterns in the newn
est mixtnrea, plain blacks
nisi bines.
bnj-s a nice suit, worsteds in
all colorings
&]nal to tailor nude.
Hart Schaffner
The tooriat ornnoat ia a great
favorite thia yor, fadt can betaken
off if yon do not want it They
are nnt 63 inohea kng, o good
warm eont; it is made in plaio or
fancy mixtnrea, single or donUe
breasted, prices from
We carry a gwl line of Pur
Coats: the beat Galloway we
hare seen we purrbased.
Bnasian Calf ooat<‘ are.
light in weight, natoral color
and wear well
We can gire an excellent
Eenley coat with good tor
lining, handsome wide Ktr
Im 3S.g
drays and Q»y mixtnrea hart
le^ this auson in Bnita.
Nothing better.
reliaWc as -an he had fo?^
lU.OO. both single and donbie
m 111
Our Hat Department is filled
with all the novdties and
staples as well
Fur lined, tor trimmed, it
U-sU all the handsome knit-^
caps wc have.
Swiaters and Caps o9iped
in same’ color. Beaotitol
knit iaoketa. all odors. Kov.
eltiea in Knit \'csts.
.’>.00 buys an extra long
mat^intosb. rain proof and
warm as on overcoat.
Cot'vrishc !<)'>
H«t Sebaffasr i- Man
There is also a good drsnand
for oventata as above. 46 in.
kmg. made from Kersey and
heavy Frieaea. Tliis tepre.
senU one of onr G ruateat bar.
gains, a good 12.00 coat fee
Onr Heavy Dark GoM oaly
A greatbargaitL
KoCblng to oompare with cor
------- -------- of Oi^r.
oi«ts for .
6.00 ti 8.50
Harr S.:.un-;(.r :s Man
Clothes for Young Men! Clothes for Boys!. Clothes for Childron!
We have made a epeciat effort in this department of our business and now have the largest displays of Boys* Clothing ever shown in.Traverse City.
We've an nnlimited assort,
in -utof little chsM suits in
,thp nest .lunior. Bnssion and
.Vdiiiiral lilouse effpcti: lor
og<* :i to 10: better than you
•■sn get elsea heri'.
ticsl Toung men oomt- here for clothe*; many of il.-ai csuld
not be i^uood to go elsewhere; wt lake pains to' have onr yonng
taedt dolhse inst ri^t.
«n Vest Salts IB
Oiys. sergoa. and tonoy mixtui^ nn^ 01
_oopayM250i .
daewherv tor the same kind
of garments, onr ^ | 2
Salta ftr Yeoat Men nude of
finest fancy .worsteds, thibcu.
Scotch twe^l fast blue serg<*.
~|T^ up; ihany handsome^
CUIOreu' Ginneots
TOOwC MEN'S suns, 8i/i*:«
to $18
Taaic tBett an weal Overoaatamsdeof the finest cheviots,
tweeds and caaaiuien-*-. fine
Tea« ■aa’a/all Weal Overcaata in the aew SS-ineb or
. laogth,
laogth. with or
irithont bdta, in ell <» ] c
Msroct tobrioma-_ JP I O
Boy’a and ynnng men'a tweet-
50c, TSC, $IjOO, $1i0
Oioioe CoDege awcatera for
yonng men.
KuMian suits in red. gr<«u
an<i Uoe sbadv*. as youjpnwl kides
fer also in jiiixe.1
Triminud in ii
:$5.(K) and$M0
I to :IS, a greet number of the sas.
( sou's moat desirabltf lots, doulile
■nits thet relaO all over tor more. { and single breasl'c^dii worsteds
There’s an excellence iu the
wmkiwg of onr clothea which
$3.50 to $6.00
I Mixtui^ in Long Pont suits
$3.50 to'$5.00
YattBg Mu’s Overcoats, sixes \
.HO to JS,. in. Oxford
gray and
hlne and black cheviots, cot
tro long
g and
end have
belt backs—
$12.00 vnl
ilay for..
$5 to $8
$3i0 to^jj
75c to $1.00
Boys’ sweaters and gloves to
AD for from 3 50 to 7.00
Korftdk suits forlioys 7 to 1*>
<d style: patch toeasr- pocket
DO j-Liits in front, but ooe
wiiie plait down the back.
Also singli-bressted Norfolk
Boys 2 pc. suits tnoHn from
3.00 to 430
il>o<nPum cmsleevt*.
Boys 2 |ic. ssits with
mats to match only
2.50 to 3.50
Hundrods of poirs of onr
Boys short pants soU each
J8 to tiO
capa to
Bovb sw.-aiers in all the handsom<- snad-*
Tocor mn't tplcBdU aver.
casts of friezes and heavy che
viots. ill oitlier ■•xtm ioag or
Boys' BweeteiB and
match. .
Donbti- bnaaW’i two.piece |
'□its in ages 1 to I'!, from ; years old.
absolutely fast bio- serge.
Beautiful line of litil.- feilowa
sweaters •
Boya' kng overcoata. witli or
without belts, of heavy black
and Oxfoid gray fricaes, great
Live Styles for Active ;
Season’s Gi'eateSt Event in Clothing
'To those who are familiar with the reliable nature uf our clothing^for boys, the ;
oouncemeot of our fall and winter showing is always wdeome.
.. MsnSc Aeooun* ^or Smmll
AbouE i*
4.00 tl 608
Eqnal to onliiiary 7Se gwids
V>nr Ruff,aad Tnff pants for
Boys at,”
We dn.«s the littk fellows in
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