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Grand Traverse Herald, July 23, 1903
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Tire Tnstiraticc!
Moocj to Loan OD improred Real Estate Only.
TravarMCity, Mich.
AvctiMl T«Bb
an mistaken
F. mTVaine.
Who thiok biDki sre far bosinru men only.
More thsa half the
depositi is the bsaki of (he country belong lu olhen Ihaa butineu
Fsmera, Uboring men, cleiU, and «duol teacben hare buD-
dredl of nUlioni erf dollan tafely is bank, dra.mg moderate iDlereit,
■nroereefara -yaioy day" or awaiting opponuniiy far other m-
Onr inelbodt meet the needs of alt ciaiset.
pleased to Dumber you among our cusloosen.
We thould be
A«sut.&jBsr •
I sell Dyumite at
reasonable prices.
Estimates and exper*
ienced men lumisned
at any lime. LarKC
Block of 40 and 60
per cent dynamite,
caps and fuse on hand
at all times. Use 40
percent, for stumps
and 60 per cent, for
i£3SSiaa»war= W.
Vice ITetiilcDii
To the
who does the cooking for the family, and
es to the members
nbers of the family, to find chat
an entire'baking has been spoiled BtfAOsk poor extracts or baking powder had been used in its manufacture. “AvoIM »uoH Ann»jrme\om*‘
using Johnson's Pure Flavoring Txtracts and Pure
Cream of Tanar Baking Powder at 86c per pound.
'Johnson’s Druo Store.
THoa. a. 8MAo»a a tea.
Oi^ Bmk
}ni Kinds
Berald Job Office
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats* Sausaces. Etc.
Buy our delicious ready4o<ai fancy cakes
and crackere. prepaired breakfast foods,
canned goods, relishes, etc.
' 1 am now in the market for wool.
I will
;buy your wool to your advantage and will
lido tne best for you that anyone can.
IPhone or write to me. Will also buy hides.
Warehouse 782 E. Front Street ....
R. 8oHomlborK*>'
TravBrM City, Mich.
Ball Phono 180
CltlzBn*' Phone 46 I
nooctaaon to Honaa •
isa ntoNTaranT
aB^=ssB= THc ssssBsas^s
If you are genng to buy
Do you want to Sava Money? Do you want
to aava work for your wife? You can do
bothbyuaing*nta Fitch Croam Separator.
lOfalM fist
MfSttMISiM •
They ara Ouarantaad to civa aatlafaction.
Stop In aod aaa tham. t 1 :
iMsmasar*«L » Uiclor PctidyL
___ u
e fa. not u uaal. tuU ot bright
animation but wlU
bf purpose In ber I
qalie uniuual ibere.
pleaxanl evening
•aally deuebabfa paru are r
err *mal|polaui
bw be came fa
The Sabbath and Sunday.
Tbe early ChrfaUans kept both
tkm ot Ue Bediai railway from DamI Sabbath aad Sanday holy, bot fa
; to dtaf
faiweca their fellow laactotoMtoto Tbe nad fa tafabto
M Dfapesaaikm aad paM Ua D«ad Sag
i: year* old. wbo llred w
at thai and you tball I
m It tr-
■ai^ge mtw^e I
Th* BMPipthm «f aJaatal water*
. Ue Gattad Bute* ha* ban he. Uc week
'■"Vom a atrange
reaaad «aarmotmiy aaUJ tt aov
klton-a — Hr
regaUi «1*A**.*M worU par Ba
planted lo the followfag epHag. Next *“* e«raventoa
1 tever
DeUa Herrlman ro*e to ber leel.
feeUng ter U
r face ghuily. ber eyea itarlng. her
le aatl______ ... .
raU coming la ih
. • to BoaU Dakou a
c Hied lo apeak.
gatotog mfdtoci tor thi
four hundred buxbel*. The farmer • v*»’“r7 of our era.
tPOa,*** g y«*f.
uked to be iwleaaed trum bl* bargain. ]
■Anatlc-" 1
e boy * piaatiBf *
Joa t look »
> •toaUaat bora* to Ih* auU fa
If fa polfablag fnnltara th* *1001*
The aeuage." Htu Hemmat
totou high, awna yam sM.
And w Tt tTqulte commoo to de- «« *• PoUabed fa Brat wiped oS wtU a
wMgto T* poaato aad fa • riHlIiat
mardevwr ot Henry Oarmaa
wu <ul ln.iructot,
Cbarlc* RaliUo. tbe caabfar of the
-----------X------------ed tbaa It tht polMh fa applfad right
Hope Bank wbo bad eoafened bt>
A Soap Py#Ke WayMde.
„ Uc atwaabed wood Aaotbar adHe I ■■ Tell
•• Hfa*
— - Herriman
- —u yooeg guv were talklog. aad vaatage fa that wood will aot •
ra. beard tdlaay fa a vofae full Sager mark* afterward. A kigk --------"Auntie." EUfa ocaifaued. btr eye.
' cannot be aecured B the wood whtab
eatnaty. "wbal doe*
I sere fa your place. Lydia. I'd fa to
•peak 10 Harlan Bgalg
Id yet s
agry wlih ber )u»i u ksg u lore
(tay angry
“v)Il!,*’chiM.- It mean*.- H:
cbarfiy. to eover a
man nIA tcifamaly. "
' Tto’ one overbeartag Ihfa Itetaead of aagleet aad dirt.
that lor twenty years
lafa upon for Ue reply
It eame fa a aoft.
1 wUl not
my IH' ■ •■• •
geatfa voice
«u bed. chi)
uad )
"Ob. BO. Lyd)a. dear. Too know yn
It fa believeS'ibat tb^
ould not do that for all tbe world la tbe world
lU to think '
iclUer would yon Kate me to IL I
: fa Uo propity, H.
IT tWtagi. aad
tall forgive, aad I aball forget <
-Hike" H«my of Heradard.
»B u 1 poaalbly rag I aball try l
rmembor only tbe ewoel tbtaga <
to me late
Haring Sbe fa a lovelj
• e y«ar
Ue evening and
Hr Carrington
a berrfrsy glad
_____ - •traager. anatlc.
a bird bna tbe
by,ibe' end <rf Ibe yaar. 1^.
Hnrray fa not wcwictag the aafa. hot
rarlfa reading tt tor gxbibfUm ' “ —
Loafa WorU * Fhir la .lPSd.
<rf Urn Aagofag 0*L
toad aad U* wmtts*at «f
_ .0 bav* aoBarod fn*a boat sad
cold Ufa apclBg moew ton far •
A cooBt at tb* an«e8*sf*d haatoe
fa titodto atorwa U.tm. Thd* fa OP*
hoaaa fa U ot tba whofa ««p-
1’“^;,.- wu.™
Buy the best Manilla at P. K's. We have it from 8-16'
to 7-8 inch, suitable for doth lines, bead-ties, hay-forks,
etc. Prices range from 15 to 20c per pound. We also
have a few of those self oiling
solid steel us^ to pull hayiimo the ban whh, consid
ered cheap at 45c each. You can't be without that
Sitoolc SRl-t
teGrdw.pn»pcl7' CWy ibrmy 1mm msttgiil
•wd, sad faSy gBsaaSsed k My rospecL
aoiMStefgfaMpMMrisl, sad gins s My
............. tsr.............■
‘^?’beeir‘'5 le»*
Don't use a Cook Stone
Cbesed^t Daps
gommercial PrinMna
Do 70a irsM to Id) TOUT
&na? Ksi^lktwiU m Oar
Ikt « too SMB far the dassiKl
Ast *e sr* hsviBf. Cdl sad
nn nllen Srt. tbe dm^bMU^
................................................... : nt thd
■ UtUe
I Kobe
Hullnnd tbe w.
pununuiet I luld hta I M
tbe chntvb two nad two. tbe y*o<i> Bbrry Hblioi.
t. Wl B. w
ce**>ua being bended by tbe brUe
Germany ba* n pay webdfag. u
lb m«e. l>nly
wfrt Inter
iww tbe ukJ brldegruun I'urme^nre nrrnncnd bkb tbe brfae nwelye* ber fweMa
drliMl ny:
nk «n* i-niered
nlgbl. your
•emlcirvl.' nround tbe pulpit sad
Hb a bubi betwe bee ti wbleb Meb
BiMk BI«Sl •ucMta I
b.'T Ibu( through the hewn .nud.
• tbe )uung people wiib I
peraoB ewiertnc depomu a )e*ral. n
Ipb tlnrTlngUu dlwfaievd in tbr Irtend* nsd relallte.
allver ipoon <w a pteee of mnaey. lb
BUrk subi
ibc<all irym* to rv-uvv^m ' Ki- wn>
■ome pan* ul Germany tbe rate In
'Mied nsd ini-a. He told n iluri
ibai tbe expeeuiw ot tbe Mrrmae
one credited. Ibaf Cbnrie* RnKtou
r«a*l *bnU be me< by each CMot say1 deliiered exirmpore by
e wbnt be eau or drlaltn. The
keetHng bim
towDed minuter Tbe peny- .
. paid tor vtand* nad Srfaks we
• inavr Ibj boSM
uoks nil eeea
It througb like the t«n of bigb. nad tbe mans coupta alia
>d>'r ibr (Old tlooM
1 .wore tbni be bnd
A1 tbe ckme at Ibe makt a baadaume proSt ont ot their
IV tbni ornlng. end
ble* are prea^lcd i<
•.vtdlag. rMiUlsg a earn anlu •a^
Died 11. Ibnt Ibr key* ul tbe vnuJI
pie and to n-rtaln erf
- •
to ,tan them aleety ta Uta
ie luuod banging in ibo kejbuk
Then ibv marrlace u
we iluk-o Iron bU dtwk. nsd be
Accordlag 1 H. Lavafard. Ua tod nni ,voi bu Clerk lu tbe bank
Uc Part* "
U thu soel ibf H-«'k3. ibill
' K»U.b wn> coBvivi.-d and ten
The Attar Cowl’of War.
I'ompaay. a aam
a Irf
irf do
D" lea* than **.,.vr Juuraey fare*,
need, il.' v»cnpvd:
Ll*le. 1 bad
glaace a: V
uuu.ooo ba* bvea anred dnifag the paM
liranl. Uwxt my ansluui prayer*
rew-utlj lu
7 Heaalua Com- Iweaty-au year*, oftn* I
wedding gnmienu.
I aeot to >ev nu..k«vr Ware
MD for emu I
i«t wlib the CniaeDi tif Hear
bim ID bl. prUun. and knonlng be
wbtrb be emptoya
cbantT that "republic* are ua
Ood* lace and licbt
wni innoc-oi I gnir bIm ibv mooey
_ Bg- HMD 10 1*00 poa___
l>a»i to I far a*
«>er thrill ay •t(ht.
' '
keeper of bU wil Tbr
Ipaay proTlde* n railoa wUeh
It It mocerued ThU »ommao
e money nod Halpb >wI* tormed trum atgbt to nine parti ot
lb.- falkivin
lal I may eee Tby face. Iloave
grain. See to all part* of bay nsd See
suu.'y dl>bur*,.d la p
Queen -wbOM Mother kite
wbo bate *er>.-d In
' paru ot etraw
it braucbi me home abore
>a* gone, yvur mulbrr army and aa«v
Th.' .bock uf her bu* Hi'iuluuuuar,
enilTo Thoe, aared (hroacb thr i.dc
and *b.' ii.'irr ruM- ngnio from bei
ibrve munth* Ih.Jun *ar*. IU1PIM2 .
LSSO^gOO prtwent' tonw 'at~ $M0.00a,SS^bcfar
prumUed yjo w.r alih Ueilco
SIJOO.OOU log bim Ue laug IliUe taoome
Mt.never War u ihe rebellion.... M44.000.DOD oou.ooo a roar. At tbe run ot fa
Brief CeurtaMp.
until War wl
it tbe fait toar y>
• Do I took nice, aubtler '
The ipeaker was •tandloy bct.ir,. a you were * woman"
Eltle na* aobblng quietly, u
Ornod OW Chotry Trwa
ill lvs(lb mirror, ber pivto
lime* Ibr trull oe 1 niagie
I’liird tu uoe aide to eurtey tbv muS lining to bvr Up* Ibe genile I
kal bad glien her all that *be
V than two or three
luiilnou* Boosces ot white lullp
rer ex|wnenced of lile *
acre* ul wbMi
There 1* a tree fa
The drliuSt ^ ^kenaSe fa ooeh
pate blue silk, eorutlutlng ibe
There **• a lung *Ueocv
northern Hell' r.', TO or SO years
growfag evil fa nsafa that sMSb
orate evealna dreaa eovermg
bu p duced an aterase at urra are bfang pcGyanid to oofatat K.
■ tender armceful Spire
*;«' nonb ot It
aainall) for nearly Tbb Ttoe bu lung pewenUad
-Vou lo.>k lery nice, my dear.
I. Mini) klMlng lb,
1 ladfani o
e SouU F__________
ar the rberrlee told
Ulu U-iu blerrtaaa bad
IVUa luld HUIe t<
nueb na e ml that Ue tauartar« ago tbl* old pot'
kiDR *ur
If tbe ezquialtr fare Ucg,. le r«l
.-ach baakel* ul de ikm ot kmoe
fore ibe
r. and vn* *aUiSed n'lih
Uui fur b.
about l.lOO pound* Importani tra
appearanee ■f ber protege
• Very nice." the repeau-d
gelber until
u (be old tree bu
cue has Blled yuu porieetly. and II
mug .rf
The gortnmeat herd of rofaSeer.
rard nU ibeae year*
ea« u most becomUii. Now. U y<
I bl> uajui
M-nieoc*'' unniiend.'d
npcared tut except in Afaika. wbfab b oxpeciad fa tbe
II gel my yewel case, yuu *hi
invoiy )<ar* behuv. but wbu nu in.rberry
re to *u|ip>y food and faMfbl
^uniry Ule fa
wr my nem-to •
"«*« tar the aallTca, aov s^m
•Thankif cried Ela
young nod KUIe <
Jien 10,*00. and fa to be fawiOinS by
tin* the heavy casket -J puulns
r tboimnbd aow ooaliwtad tor
ileeping wtae
OD the table betide MtM Merrloan
Dvlln wu wniiu.g ijr him In ibe
Among U* many enriou*
I auntie," sbe opnilnued. openlna n
mil box In the Jewel ense. "I never aide drawfaE room. There fell opok South Atrbm faclodu the
the knot Oi ribboa round bet throat wood" tree, wfalcb taku
Oil famliMU fa Toua.
w thli'~
oB bonlaou fa Texae to ertp.
She held up. ni tbe spoke, a •k'C
a uw without ueextng. u pled Tbe gnat ~gtoben' that *«gfaO
r rhain trom wbleh depended n
raced, elderly man who nd i
me dttit bu exactly tbe eSeei fa" oa Bpfadle Top wmutbfag M m
locket, upon
wbnne eurface
oS. Bren fa. planing tbe wood year ago nro Quiet, becaoee «M waUr
■amed Obe pearl o( great beauty, vnneed o meet bvr. tnfag 1° Sod v
i un|ll It will iomctlme*
lag. Ko bu nppearwd fa almtmt ewocy woB o*
re and Inrge.
^ladfa Tup. fa plaee ot the olL Tba
!. eofl- loaecl. worm or
-t'h. how lovely." Elsie ched. elnsp- he taiUed a tender, kjring
lace. dM the twcog 11: Jt U very but
the faua, ood tew that yield oil hav« to bo pimwid.
Ins Ibe chain srouiid ber slender enlng the whole face,
alxe him. Tfain. her own eye* dim wh*D pfaoed fa
r tt will Rb.
thnul. -SUy I wear It?"
Tbe ookw It light brow% tad tbegrafa
MU» Uenimaa had poan very with tear*, ibe told. eogUy:
"You niv more thaa
veUBise! U net? cloee nad bard, faitiag a faof
pah' as the lorkei wu held up before
ber. Borne uron* memor)' stirred Thank liod. the ctoad U Itfiad trom while nnder water
----------------------------Illy plarld lace, tor the eon. your life, Ralpb-^^
And be. boldfag the UtUe. tramb
Tht Ftrwt LaeemoUva.
'ye* grew troubled, and ber
atning tmea anWhile it U a afatur ot bfatary that
^aM roB
I yon rather I look t
Ttay Air laflaa.
"1 have louad you at lull 1 begaa Bagfaad wu a tma
> tear you were dead. Delfal My III- dfaary road locomoi
.V ____
tavel _
my darlfagldtrling!"
il7S< by William Hi
the Mil italre pearl earring*."
-|bal~l. '* aba ..W
taM. (K.
the *,f4el.1
bright Kltub'.Kl*- IlfrUi
kiaud her •o.ralled nnat. nad
aim tu ber faded eheeka. "yoo
niu fa exfataaea aad baa.
gol I
gray hafaed, elderly
put year, bau aihlWUd
itu Delia Uerrilun. wbo had
by M«m Tmagywt. UmKd a hundred ihouannd dollar*
you ed
. but
'Ul that you
greatly to her
Ibe hope ibai bad
1^ toonevn
tou^„, ^
here: that ibe
Inche* Ugh aad i
not Blxle .an^ .
md a dKam erf madoeu tort iDcbea hug. with a width o
na aaModiy. Ue atadr at «toiwentv years I* reallied. sod I
driving wheel* of eevea lod
■iM Ibe eye
rf tbe gin *
_____ry UMlilTT aad matalltoO.
re IBIO your faoe
been buralag eve* afae*.
lilted a w
old babe to
aad Ua Twdhaaata of voUMry Ba^
CalUorafa. DeUa. all these]
uim, and la
fWT aro to ba laeladad ta tbd mra
laufag wealth under a (afae
Tht OWefa PeafaQa StolidCDlnm.
naniv working tor gold to drown I The nldewl postage afampa fa
I have fad a buay Ufe, bat world are iboae toaued at Hoag I
Aa oMefal npiwt toon itet at U*
iht-ce bu Doi beea oac boor wboa 1 which have never been chaagod sfaM
wu lovely
e DOI piriurwd ioch happfaca* u they were Sent faelltined la StIS. •ad Irf laM year Uato wart la Jam
•un. goodies* ever looking from ber
Yon are mint' Della
You ^1 Bvery other (lamp fa Ibe world baa St agtoaltaral aeboofa. alx Sabtoy
ud. pitying
and *s-ee<n*u lurk
.cad me from you? You wlU be been cbaagml ta the 48 odd yoan. hat aeboQia. St lecbbMal aebooto. W coto
ing fa the perfectly ahaped noutbmy wile?’
Ue bead ot Qssen VlcUiyto on the
• H you wUh It." *be uld. aofily Hong Kong etamp bu never baM alUemary wu lery buy fa DclU
Uemiun'* bean, at *bc ul over tbe ber own faUbtuI heart ibiilllng under lered. Now, bowever It aMaara that
pw act of etampi to aboat to ba to
fire during Efale'i abunce-so bi
il wlU the bead of Kfag Bdword.
•farte^ u tt from a drat
____ .... carriage rollad to the d«
when the chnnge bu Ub
oldeal (lamp will be tbe
XI tbe manUe clock xtrack two.
‘It is Utry Jlnnoyina"
«wr « a eh.r(e
• u H ISr
r oetebturbuod.
I p.rUb««
Raliiu. .1
aolnw wu tti
Plat*QI«s,,8tMnt BollM-and ADcXtont inMir&n^
esUikv cf Hi>o> B
<uh»r nt Mcbi
that wetcarry.
tb a grave.
UaaM iMwatoang
-No-a ti
The aoet woadertnl aboilgtoal moaa*em aad hair menl la the 'new world fa the Hama
.fan tira. I
atmoei wbiu: qntie aa
-aowa to a............................. ........ ................
Trae. trwel 1 bad I
usi be Bfty-Sve *
reel, eight tacbei
"Wbaa be wu
red from the eel ■
lacDBcd Uamaimfar la a
.. .
___ _________ __________
by V.
ot imumimfa rampHrafad a«h pfaar
my beck 'Pardoa mg be i
HamboML fa u.7*t poaada At U
am too cnrtoM: bot yoor ■
la tbe ato <rf
that irlaket are eooaeciad
flowed bp rapmuch <rf my life that 1 voatibw >»
________________ pattoafi
ran aameaiag <rf th«m. DM aot i
__________ ton manb by tbe m------------Oatmtoan are bafag aao
ime gtve tt to you—a tadyT
Coctu to Uto them from tbe «T*a M
-HU faoe wu 00 «acM. aimUeJhat
bfttartag Ue ato at «ettotoa.
I laid him Ue Meket wa* ymm- Tbes
he fad oa. little by Uttfa. hot M not aad torpouea tor *» yearg Tba Hi
llato Ranilre Mm-------Into few a wealthy womaa. bat erne kaa Katkaal mimiam baa bow slv
, pagmtlM *<.lnto^Wfa W
ytor* a» «m ow MMM fa oa*
Me* Uaa dAMAA
CoraeXi and\seel^what we have to
show ’yosi.
a praattaat ptoca.
ttoRg aad Ua «aly-aw aa* «< *^ ■tttfab.
Aaeoa^V^ ^ aattva pop***
ppm —1 ^ ^ppi
fc.‘o ‘^i3i3
w toot at aaitoeg
Bartog the lafa Ura* yoan Itj»
gaalfw hae* died fa kgtoad. Th*
rengi age wat Tt yaan.
a tor yoo ■
the oae i
- aa atan
Traverse fleraid
BirsMi sarBUM
imis aeunc cans
AUGUST l!iite!ia,-S!a-“..'g^ Btetlt CmiMilil ODIIBU HEIUS^S
•kick frmlM *U O'er uicblcw
CM sM CPU* Ik* OnM Tnren* r*
wtm. muSt - - ‘— *—
•mc »a (k*
I. tt •»* *iUMr)7 njorsM
> ^ (k* rcBufUai >ad
J. a. aui.1T, •. M. COI.B,
kaas aakia. rtTie aikua.
•Mtker »t< • umronn Mt-toek (o
am •• w««'» <
.• vtfiT* It uw
m »> viue
. vwk
••IWlOod M*i> Ibk
' -fcr «. f*
tvs or verv vMlkar
Tk* Mirtcl wblrl U (1
rairmi the world's
‘ UkM bkiH dcruud tv **> CDBcrc lc>
gMUM »«H*< U pr*i*rmai te
wtmmm-t mxnm^. h*i « «ii
■Otu «slMnl«c pikaa idr Rorel
•tkl klcwgiw arc b«U( iMafin
br* Miba VMk thli partly r«r—
•lU ecalaia Bor* P«*l« tkM “
•TOT aaikrtalaak More.
Tke ■
Nortbinn Baaefc kuul U atioat r
elOTML aad tke a*« tanliare U i
C7bc la«alW
Mr. LotII*. ik*^, -
1 tke bCNM*
uad ta by a
•aralaf win b. p
show warkets
"""" -^s£“‘‘“
apiniOT ftrtrtly v
•klllad elOTM at bM« perfomOT.
r tddwi b)
PIU^ with kMO
___ til Bl*k«ly *«klbll»i for fbe •kick (Bek Boa^MUtaat* <w> hare
iMMki « tke pIkRe ar* frOTUy ••- tke rtcku
R. R Metbraay. pr-ildcol i.l tl."' 1
lU of tke dab frooade afur
b«MC I.
M Railroad r<>. aad I'ldl"
ckau aaox baa 1
Oadar U>dp* la
t dIrMlort. If appltraooa of Ih* i> K A I. amvMl la 'hr nt
led by W. taalaad of *dt- tail Mlay «o Irailune
» ii
tloaa aad
ia all of
taa their '*'To*be’H''^l<l Mr Mrlbrao) Hal.
are to k* aeled upua by ika that Ibr tMJilaeei of^hr^llne Hn.
IMOTI. Ike ualy «ay la *kleh|wai
i i
, OrOTB.
llua. A. ilTMk. 4^ry
_ «Ua
a«l eUld.
Han. J R HfDU^
aad ebiU. J. X
*. A. Muir.
. W. H. Obap-aa
Mib. H. e
. R. D. Wk
tk* moH lanaulo*- hoi>OT
Tbp paaaacpr baileeae hai been .-irrllrnt
aad ibp rrelibi Imiloeii l» bthwIok
m laaMdlaiely. aa tkey are la Ha • laiee easpbaMeally that fur l«-a'H >
of mail
tki cuy lor oaly a-d»n Um U ik*
................. I do aM vaai tkaa«■ ibay Iwd anil all crarrvi r».s|ulivnii-ote tl.l.
nioB be- Uaa rirele aay other railroad Ubi- In
M ba ian*d dovA
Mr. MMbanay elated that i>r.-|<ara
'*^tV*board alw doeldad
tloit are la prufTM* for the comple
(loo of the e»r terry doeke, aad that
bl| boat •■!■ b* ruanlBC U.-H<rii.T
lu^baaa aacarod aa yet
Ibpirt and Mantetlque lor the
>■ l:tU buitaaat.
Wolaokop. Ckaa.
T. C. *10,
B abc... --Haa Opartad ORMa
Taafbi. HIM Tai^t. (loa
WUbela of
of thli Ht^ ubul
T A WUbelB
MUdrad H Uabkar. Kal- uhaa^ “to ikS^vMtdOw'o^
1 to aaUblUb a en>«uK and cradiuied fruB ibe dental
■ •u- UolTetaliy —
ftaldbac takra oBm
\ ^'d
Houh -- •
I be tin prartlee Saturday.
W. H. OTOTW. •«»»•?» uf tka ky■r«r •alilBf rooea and a Rood tired i
fMtarrfUA Mich.. -. ---------------- Iiatm room, which are belDR
beln* fit
Bt |
Vito aad Gblldraa. POToal«y: C. B
tilai room br hat
•iTOTt. keoMTtlta. Hleb.; V. T. !•»
irti't fouDtalB.rui
a doe
■a, A- B. CuUi. MU'
««.bo« dock
H. «i taat pldi r I nd an in
cabinet ibii
Mekwa. tMrett
vaak for tka nortk, vb«» ba will ha* a« equal la
_____will be ut
Jordan, OnnaroU
couch, chain aad
...u. o_»,
1 lj^LL.STJKCI.OHllS-41
HE 24 Ciuuia EOlESIBUt
............................. ......
3 Great Trains-1000 People
.rt«»nd Urblon'S^rdk*^*
rnr^s^J Uy
_______ ______le elty will wlak bla euc-eaae ID hla work aad ka will lorn
saay aaw aodanalalaBeea in bU
itlnce.i Irlp to Otasd Rapidi
Uri Will Perklni ana two daugh-re cd UiurieoB Bay.
Utrh_ arc
P(U«a Buyara Hava tievad.
rnloK after
tpendlug a few dayt wtita frleade In
The pouto bayen hare racaia.1
I Ik'UIncb
Ike rliy.
.Ule aad Unlua
iclr rnreer on 8ui<
>lae Caaile WblllUR left (bit Bora
treeit and Bored lo t
Mailoe llunt.r .if fuiici
iDf for fladmac for a rUlt with MUt
reef oTcnaa aad
roi>eny on the comer
turned home tlii« mornlni
Winnie Kalter.
■yt««laaa eknpa »l
tale nraeu. Bovural were lined up I Mr. end Mrt^John P'urtacb raturaed rlelt in Ibe clly. the guuet
loci iba bank tkare u>day. and ibOT at nuoD today from a monih'i rltll
aid II would taka a goreraBaa
%?nle Uar* weui to
erlib Irircdt and relaUvei al Bl. Aae.
alal In Bora thaat aow.
II It RMOTaHy uadereiood by
**cieOTC* lArdle of Old
tkai they ka«e a ricbl lo buy ob
f trip,
1 (rum I’lilcagii mb.re ihe hai
juii muraed fram a five
ctn-el from Oaae eirMt weal t.
pololl tm-ii .Mailing her linithur. IVllMin
dunny which he vuliod i
rlrar tank, and are lakinc adra
la t'aaada. Tbe trip wai
1 prmiaie. wkleh fivea tht_ .
Ralph Anderton returned Ihla i
jnyable one tbruuRhoul.
UBity to aaa wfaelker a famer
ig (n m Dranil Knpidr. aheS- I
H. H. Waterman, (be aKhllert who
cIBR to Iba narket la adrai
ilctlRncd and made itae iilaaa
vat alreel or by way of Ci
r butldlag ul ibe State bat
Mr.. I.arry Vigor left 1.«l,
city looking afuir the work o:
And Kapld., where ibe alll
ir fuiure home
II U Harrit M ihit morn
Deni. U. Needham returned
FrMk WllkelB of Surer Uke It l^nal Palli. Moat. He bat I
eliy eome time tuiiida ■
i.Ri eullrge laai rienlng an
rapartag to ctbOT a Iwoaiary brick
uarly tpHng lo llUoolt. ai
4-nd bli rarallun with hi. parenu
II vBo ^ a
.ilMlag Ok ble lot OB Umk* «
going hacen lo whtre he
I W.-.l Brvrulli
vrulti alreel
ten aoalh id Bqolrea’ barber ■
d by Mra M. N
ne kHBUoB li ill UaloB atreel.
>. Jlmoji
CdgD ^takBtaa^waa a (arcA ne
Tka oW bulldlaf oa tbe pmpeny. (Ion. Hie wife will follow
two wewke.
coiorM kon knd tka Tkifp—nil* foTBOTly oeeoplad by Batlb A ~ '
Mite Margarei Ckaeran.
la belnt Boved to a
UAB at Uafy mntr dwtu tka MW phoii«rapban, le
TiOTTMpMrtIa tn^~ |d»«d lot adiBatag .........................................
rileoa'a alore oil South been rasping with Mr. and
Hurliie.. eollrge
^^ra«ad. dioppdkt oT^akUraly Union aUOTt. A portkm of tbe build P. Hoogh. wa* in ibc nu today oo
Aowa. Th» work * her way lo her boBc In Central Lake.
Bg TOTT aacy oaba and at ko tag wat ton Bo
GeOTga Wllkine will Irate Ibr Brat
eroMlBR Ike new
pan of tbe week fur Marquette. Mirk
» _ti
J K. hendeeaoo of Cadillac a
Hemaa CuibBan of Cedar lUplde
brother of Chicago are In ihr
Itaa. aad trtll Bake a bIm improro lotra. a Itirmer Trararae Oily man. Milling and kuklng the ra-aun.
eu la the city tbU week t* bla wa>
Baat ua tkU pan of the altvOT
to ble eummer cottage at inland.
M. Urawn ct l..'lani] I. a Tr
ud MvXki ikw OU toB,. 4^
Mra Clara 1>. Plereun of SlBptoA
tail Bay RMaete Fapolar.
Micb.. Ibe aulbur of a eumber of
. Uorabach of Boloa
Tbe beftfUfal raaon at Baal Bay cbarBlog nature tturlea. waa la the
u trip ID the city today.
yeeierday. areompanlad by her
It allre asMa with loeal raaonen tor
eblldrec b
and Mra. Malllr Hurd and
the aeaaok.'^B. J. Fulgkaa and'wtfc,
daogbtera of Blaaton
They are
,l Nonhporl
their way lo Mra Plereoae eumi
bard u work a* kaoai* af tka n
oaa ookdltMc ikal artoa. aoek
ROaaOTrfOT. Ov Waalflkil-. Mra.
iSh. MIot Hnbi
g^jTlU^nrHckiT 0.
LmI Bntw^ nl(kt
WIW laeui emt «( a wrtaa e( ■!». Uar rrikU te ba gtTka dadaefba M-
vlu. Vtoli &1V. Bakf. Oit kkd wlla.
For joi) |nfori( of all Kinds Call at tlie Herald Office
. aad ikT?^'-
ittage al UmeOA
Murb ladignailoB baa teen amuieJ
Mr aad Mre. H O. Bhaw of (
; Alma by, the aeiloa of liie volera
ragn Tbeodorc aad BUaabelb War...
1 the annual acboul meeting laai
I fotuge Frtda) of Uateapon. Ohio, wb'o hate been
n pniilDg a reanlullon probllir of taBlIlM will ■ be gueeti of A H. Perry and family
•otball 10 (Be arhrul or no the
reaon oa the ba] lor the part lew da>i. hare-goae to
Old Mlaalaa for a rlili with Ret in achuol genaadi la the future
Atma high arbool baa alwai. town
ray Warr«i and wile.
Ueait II. Miner aad family paaaM promlarai la aibletica, aad d
Nm kMtala «l the aottkgaa Brc!
Raral Balleary Oatoyad.
rough tbe city >M(erday an their paai taro yeeru ^bi
Secrautry Harty Kaaetand of tbe
ly from BprlagSeld. III. to ihrir
TraTwrac Oly Ckaalng Oo. a few dayt
mmer home at Old Mlaelon
■aw ^ fraa daUrtry rMaa M «< ago packed up a few aaiaple caai cd
baa upon the gu
Miner li ibe edlior at the Bpnegfiel.'
Tra»erae CUy w«a yiiBBBirt Md
Ttei. which Ue eoBpaay
leney u. rawnte «
I palUag ap. and aeai tkaa
I in lb.' ^bool. L
___ jago tr«lt oaBBlaaloB Sm.
an Pndae-. Bmwed
mbtSM. niL. AirteH yaatarday.
■tB did aot wait to wTita. but at
kllta Kntbertne Bar*, wbp tai been
a«t a lalegikph order for boo c
lag BlaeKmarr work among tbe laaad tbe tolkrwtac atoraiai talecra
1 iporl Inairad of iludy.
ini at Saddle Mooni. OkU.
to you SOT* enaaa of
Tkle tbowe ikal tka
ikH up a aapartor
and Dial tkare will
If )0U knew how you could save a lew dollars just as well a»
not ?
You would «avc them of course.
What would you do if
) ou thought you ci^ild save a few dollars?
What can
we »a>
You would try it of
to make you think
monc> for yo6 on all goods purchased of ut?
after one trial you will know
save money for you.
we can save
We know it, and
If you think
we might
bee u». and then you will know
We sell the best clothing in the city.
.J] ba mn ttaa SIM kM —, —
special at
**Mya. Baara. aaaMaat ia Ike laM
0^. ~tad_la«.--k__tk« -M
•Uotb' BidtlaR of Ik* kw
Mtiaa to hay ap alodi------% who b(dd Bara tbaa (*o
re lo laU thaB. rapatad
n earenl who wa«M
roaM Ball al pay. mmt
MM Ik* -WUr, lO II
Ml br te Mtehil
DolBfBoddMP NokMMia
tell Thy tfoB*i yM an
Aysr’s Hslr Vlfor sBtf
ir«B|Kly stop Ike tsOacT
yvidny tka toraa la tbe In____
ossaiatad id iU wosm and M mra.
No goada kara bara akippad ae yet.
bu latOT oa Ibay wUl ba trai out la
lai«i qaanllUtA Tbe taetoy le o
------*ig maaly aad (b* rnanlii «
tkaa grBittytag to tke oereara.
Eczema. Psoriasis', Salt
Rheum,Tetter and Acne
B C. Brara ad WnUM wra la U
dty ea baataaae today.
J M. Buknetaa kai raUryad treqa
$15.00 Boys’ long pant SuitA all wool-Worsteds and Cheviots in ,
patterns very swell, padded shoulders, shape retaining
and guaratiecd to give^the
best of satisfaction.
We offer
Bek«f to Ihat clto
t aad wwiT .Uun ali oUerknow
_________ ___________ I vhkk eoUect ia tbe lOTBtem bccaa
t. iaratlwa Kidaar*
ragaai e( elimiaation a
Now Lang Laka Ratara
A p'ai id ■Vatlag Brack Re
baa bora Mt al Ua ragtelar e
eny'Tnraiad oa*^ botU akTS Lm
taUk. ta eacihBi » aad »4. and wbk-b
le owned nnd kna bara plailad by
Hortee K. Canar of ChVBgo
Tbeew at* Tl bhirki le Ike put. and
Ike klooke wiD BTaragt aboni M hna
CO Ibe kkrak. Tbe loa are fiOiar to aUr. Tkare are a aaBber of
Bra mu U tke put. aad (key arc
to be aold U a atwwt time At
laqatrlca ftira todinaa ha«e bea
railed M regard to them
tkeafctotaailOTakdraw. Theegect »*ara«A
«f tlOT paten say d»UMakiD to
■SU W.OwatralBA.m^Ka^ra.
Remember the
^tea^ UawM^ hiSSatetodpSIiS^^
Uietea. Psri&AtioaoftliabloadiatBBea27RBedrl(irtMra*widou^
Th* IHonr.* of O^oci OloUHins.
latteA Btedeto* Ua Ufic asf ater add*. ^
ftototta Ua blood to ilk wwted parity, aad atmaUtca
_^aadmitolteaUaate><*o>B«*.«dtr '
OT^tka paaa a« Um«h tka
pdkaa Ua gUa. S. a S. to Ug rady fMurtwd
porite. ReaataiagaeAytogtoe.Fatodk«raUOTto
Giud Tnrosc HcnU
HtM ttotaB
Ow wUk
Mr*. Omvb Ubkr
JUv A. ■. B»™»» H BtowU ^
Ac boa B
■pralMC uM.
: Ha. AiA OtM A
lUbel tmd tnm»
P«rtlB» k>
KA. Bf BJBiBrtyiTJ^ ~
CaaCBr eTBBtBB, Tb«
*1IIB|A tk»
fiaKlu nlBtliM iB rarloa pvu of
te^tfSkSJS' ISbSS**--
«Mt Bt UIbCbUM. U. P- •BfWla.
^lUBt t*rtM Bt HMBbBCk iBkB
«• T*rr PPPBIBI hBTB tm
KlBTI Ion B good
SrH&S.1«Brt«r^ »
“nTBiSw Mr. r,*»««^Tb«dP«
mt SOB PA <n>** >"
k« iBtka. BoM.
MB B«n«*«B Wiu ii^rrtB. UpoB
An bM «Bf BBiprUsd to------« eoBBM BBC fhMir rnaa WUe
M fcBC B0( M BlBOt <*lMkood. «ko
M Brrtnc CbUbc M BbBA.
Tb* MlasB JbbbIb PcIbbb bbC
KluM OBacbBii Id bdtbc Citr.
.MM tkBlr mt. Hr«. TbOBip
................ iort. nu, I----------•.BBtBC to
Mil Mr*
IBilCkl'. BUtar. Mr*. CbIIb Olkb* el
BBC Mkar MbUtm 1b tkU
Hn Barr Jbbw* M iIiIUbc bar
Ur ia OorMlik tor B fav Cara
Mode**. OBBBlacbBK.
Hmlmm. HbbbU. Ttem uC BaraBa
•0 TiaHad KtHBMr Mat nUar. aad
BroBB aad fBailr tka Cm id iba
*B."J. Urar BBC taalir of Nonfcport
mtd Dr. HaaUa aad *rHa of Oraad
Baidd* BBaai Uavaak Bt Mra.LaM'a
taaT Thar aBihi aaa* ta* *A ta
i.»w. t^Batnao.
ta>* Oodaaa el Trtrtne Ctir iptet
. ’Witv;
oak D. W. KaatBB
d thr harkor atcbi'
aaalBc laai aaodar. 'bar ............. a Busagen* tbaa b BoBar m
Hn. a Porter aad Hn U. B
c«dar IMc* OB tkalr n tor tbe Srai
an HaU, -■oarealr id Nortbport.
___________ ___ Voto aad Hn O. M
Alban U*. Hiaw. ar* MtUac ibair Dame dr*B luu for tb* ~bnabr' pMaa.
Bbleb eoaauied of a blaak book, oa
Mn“o ‘pAn .laltad Tranm I be br leaf of Bbleb wat vrltlea
“What I KaoB,- br 0 W. Ner. Tb*
ettr Moadar.
tarllcd c<
Jalla b- Hr T*Mard
ler, N*m< HickeoB. 1
rlBltor tka Crat_____ ______
Work bma Prldar oe tb* krtek
UrabauB. HBamw. Kebl. W
rork oM H. tellcb aea
Oampbell aad UagBoa. A isacb
Mia. Su Baaaitersar fc
puBch. Btfera and frail wa*. i
HI. Plaaaaai to Bliaad lb*
bmU aebool.
Wbea ICBTlDC each pieel wa
A BpaelBl awMlec waa bald br tb* eeaied Bllb a tooiaolr of tbe
iber -cuenead" tber'd
C. O. T. M. Sstardar •.*]**. Tbi? toB. aad- tl
laJtlalad' iwaatr-dr* anr Mahar*. cood il(B*
K J. Urar aad tamllr ar* at Cbrp
iftrr ableb a twnraiaak atiMwr *(Bt
Lake ihU iraek
Ckai. Warner cd Battoes Bar
baUdlBC a Bto
looai OB Ike eaai *M* of ibeir Btor*.
U>aa Hoadar
Joe Ha«Uab and Btaler. Hr*.
Dr. 1. K. HaaklB aad wife of H
broH PblB&. of Turtfa Lake. ar.
DerdB. a«*r Urasd KaphU. *mic
Ulna tfaeir uacle, Cbaa. Obem
Bar* tan Prldar for a tIbH *llk M
HaaklD'i BOB. K. 1. Onr aad faBlIr
Tb* irlnbwa iuu beea laawnad la
b* Bmrb bol«l
lleorr Carluw. ube of DuSeld • n
spseted cliltnu. ha* a rbair Bbick i*
■a Bi (be b
t< rear* old. II 1* a Boudea ebalr.
riching ghie pouadi. u>d ti la aa extleUoUar
Illeai BUIe of preaervaltuo.
rtlaad Col. OB tb* > o'clock
At Uantoa (round ha* )usl boea
after bn>kro ri>r a pntaio warebooBe. Bbleb
_____*« * fr* voeka Bleb relallra*
II be uBBed br L Stark iif Oraad
lad rrt*ade.
Hr*. DeOollar Bill r»
■pit* and Cblcaco TbU Bill make
Bala for a r*B B*«k*.
e iLird pouio BBrrhuuee (or Hu
Hlae Ono* wai plaaaaotlr aurpr*.
ll. ud Bill make Uanioo a coud
•d br a f*B of her frlaadi Hoadar
irkel for pouioee ud other reger*alos. (he otcailon belBc her Itih
Al 81. lAiuli Alvab Varrtih, a lx»
.10 bad tbe tureflagrr at tale left hand
Injured br a tor pittol oa ihe Pounh.
le dead or lorkjBB
Tbe fkeleioB of an elk Baa lifted
Hr aad Hr* W. H. Poner an Is
Weal Bead. Wl*.. ua a ri>ll lo ibelr
Id bom*. Hr. Poner bHI altead
oa BhI
te bat
. iruu olb«r
tor tBCBlr rean.
Tb* JuDlor C B.
korcb parlor* Jnir tktb.
0*0 Hnmpucb bad tbe mlafonaae
> lo*e OB* Bac«r and pan of abO(li*r
r hli rlcbl bead Bbllt BorklBC In
>e tain laet BaiuntfNorta Tbomaa I* U
M boaa^n tor •.* rem. la^wjd^
If Yoff Suffer
ear) to B*o a dredge Bree uturrjbuaa* la(enuH).
cntel to be taken fnan It. Il hae[ A ibed at tbe Old* i'.uU;c B-Tl.
beea the bUeeml K«»rl pil but <iH' InlLanatag In ebl h a quBBTlli
:t: .
' - '
fubtcfBak kiiired. n
! aute <
|bi Biv lu a p.^-)lUr
1 ^graeel
D taken fruoi aianaer ud b
deeirared. The lliue
U'lk <d lui- ' •---------- - • -aad tiacked. caualag eu and hit plar; auv louka II
murn a.-ei that tbe buUdme bb* *el (U.-> harber abup.
tOK Ihe pit tato a Ukr.
Henry Hn-tut. a rbarse
Ur* H J. Hamaoa. Bt(e <d a Ton on are
Workmen oa aa adjolalac
trerllle nataraltel. baa au.-l for a d|. bulldiBC kai Ibelr tool*, ud tbe lime nwBir tana at Ht. Oamaa
*B*y IBO aeek> a«o
Tore* on the cniuada
iiuada Ikai abe aik*
aTka ud abed Berv a total loe*
furred lo help (alber the bUR>
Hn Ueorgr Baxllb id Jackaoa bodt b*' Uvn timad la a
Tbe r of H ba. UHwbl ISO—I..B. found her father. Juba LudBl*. dead, Bbere he dli-d frum ekiaiaurr.
r cual (or next reag
'on the diBlIw lUiB Boor Batuidar '
laanf nuaiu lo PllBI BBoki
TBealr-eetee razee hate alreadr niornlcg
IVaib Ba* dor lu old ac*> I
a burglar In her room. The 1
eve Iraaled ai Ibe Paileur Iseiliuio. A Cbarh-iol* bole! k<>epur pairka
Barned her ant IB make an o
I Ann Arbor up i» dale Of ibeee mil; draiesl ibe Bhlie ruloma*
id blue pit n
r ahag [ !■> Ill:
bln** Thl*'*
leall; au
treatmeal a > .
TBealr-ihtee death*
lag occurred in cbe tiai.
John C- Hifki. preaiileiu .d the 8i
Aobaa alnl National bank, ud uiher
nebilien cd the familt <■( John Hlrka.
The Globe
Tranru CHr.
0tnts Turnishlng
One Month Free!
Hitt OrBCB Kebl returaed
rom Borne Citr Saiordar.
Hra. Viola Coba*
g Oraad Hapsroku leg froa the de
da It Tltlilng ber
■ml*. Uj. ud
pot to bt* b le. A drar Bu gnalli
tecured. Ai
Laatlng li tbe capUa
Tbe OMatiag Touraamaot'- wbicb
the aiaie.
rw gtraa br Mr*, r. B. Kebl la boa
lanalBg bought
of MUt Neill* ■rtektoe of Big Rap
I. lo a (*B of bar trleada lut Thuna; erenlDg wai a rear enjoyable afair. UpoB uiaclag. a aJIp of paper
rear* old. left Oaooda a
ago Bhrn bli Bife died ud Baa not
•eeei again until a Beek ago. Bbrn be mral eraitm: aiwc
ae bade of tbe gaeat'a
found la (be <
veal deal <d Qtwetloblac aad laagb
bod; He* burM aleeplbg oa a bunch
tr each guaat guaeeed who ‘
lorlBg Ibe gueaalBC of tbe <advertlae- cd ba; that bad been ibroBB over
the grate. He explained tbai be bad
idiro detid^tbeT^ol^mM Jaab- been ttving In Huron oouat;. but got
tired of life. *o came there to look
for bl* Bile'* grave He got poeee**bm of a amall cheap rcToIvcr and
6U [Nccn of BBih gooJi foiDcil) aoU for
ud IBc
|iet vanJ, to cloae out at
25 .lox
. . : I2i G. 6! *»<i3c
day* otilt
yard. ............................
rrad BaMManx aad wit* «( Math
MaalMi nahad rotatl.a aad MaM*
Wadaaadar. Hra. ~ ‘
fA te tMioBf Bar (In tollovlBC
mSt. whan Bb* wUl raaaM wttb
ba ahdar. Mia. P. DaM. tor a abort
Hn. Martha Laird
«H*Bda laat Prtdar oraBlBC ~-------- bar *M*r. Mra. Bclar of TraratB*
. Th* aMtac *M -.........
.\ scalper don't care a rap atwut the quality of
the coods; he buys the cheapest goods he can find and
them tu.
160 Men'* and bov*' tuiu in
aU wool (abrict worth $6.00
f.>r........ 08c *nd 1.48
ud Boyt’ SJi'ici ud 5li|>-
H«o‘i iummet coat aad vcR
A 10). bagg) that^ pleue the oxHt unaing.
And the very ben make* at..........................................
worth $2 60 for.............. 07c
with leather
Men't long Oil Skin Coau
Rubber tire vehicles at prices to compare with quality.
We can furnish lower priced goods than the above, but
cannot recommend them. Our prices guarantee the
quality in every case. We can save you money on a
good vehicle.
guaiuiced water proof
Old Udie* Sbora. aolt and
Btirth $160. lor..............90c
Men'* black and blue Over.
llongoU kid Shoe*.
toU leathercounter* ud
inner idet for................... 98C
worth 60c for.....................25c
with or without bit,
Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.
Tb* Ug grarel pit near Grid, eor
erlag U«ere*. ud tram vhieb gntTel
.kjugher girnle........................................................................
Roail Wngoo. from...............638.00 tO $68.00
Gentlemen'* driving Wagon, from.60.00 to 88.00
Simeyi................................... 66.00 tO 150.00
Two •entedtiwing Wagons........ .46.00JD ,76.00'
plUblc for........................... 98c
—iSfs iS iS'Bwnsrx'srs
AlutherquaRerlopandleallMr upbobterml..
MIsK ol*a» woric «o>r
for..............6.08 kud 7.98
98c. *8 ud......................... 29c
.Abetterooe Mr.............................................
uil CaiaiiDetei, worth $1S,
pera, xU aolid, value up to
if the
all wool Bird* eye wocxtedi.
260 pail of Mcn'a Womena
We buv dilTerent grades of work from different factor
ies. anil Uiing heavy buyers we are always able to
secure concessions from the manufacturers that smaller
dealers and lime purchasers cannot get. Note some
of our prices.
60 KJen't auila, conaiaiing of
Sole* fof.................................49c
$7.60 ud $iaO0. lor....
2.97, 3.97 ud 4.07
Cuvai Shoe*
He has no reputation to be
pti|>lic is tlimllanuncd.
eDibToidcre.i. wotth S160
for $1.76.
.6 good Hickory Geni T<H> Baggy te.................. S60.00
vfailecathmere, beautifuU)
and makes all the money lie can olT the dealer he
ahirtiog pet yai.l..............4c
kvlanUM l-iofU>-t lU
from some
in A su)K.’nur tiiialiiy of noods.
Infanta' long doakt made of
mission we save and ^ive our patrons the l>enet'it
10 doa, Udiea' aamjde belt*.
. ___________ Wedaeeday night. Mr*.
Charlei Mltcball. «bUe aaSbrlac frooi
meaul aberration, took a doee of aulphonal, j^ali^ Inducing
_____ Bg drag, ud
George A Rarraen.
elTll « Iba Mara, wife of
a retired eUlaea. (or a long time retnaed to *6* calmed br the netebbon
ud diore ber hnabaad (rom
Suiti, regulai price 76c, to
Bonh 60c aiul 76c, for 24c
HK for Ihr m with notes n'ccivttl
cioic oet................................39c
A neliAM who TtnUr *blm u?*bbi
...... ..................I9c
6c, no* per yard................... 4C
ud back Over ahimiucW
1,000 yd. aptonginghara arorth
jr cash insu-mi
.>wifi;j the same scat|>cr to make ten
(follars apiece off these bii^tKies.
This scaliKT s com
white tlni», double front
1 Bale 1. l.aheetiog erorth Gc,
for a fc*
We can give our patrons better value for
their money in any kind of vehicle than
they can get eisewhere
The in.muf.icuirer has a repmaiioii to sustain: he »eU»
his ;{oods on their merits- you ifcl just what you pay
Drf 6ctds
ler iMiri <d
ck<d up
ek. BhcB pruprieioi
Uunre of (
afe Rural arrived all'-bb-l
retiaurui be found tbe place de- P>aKi
ubeni raplJli
eerted Tbe nlgbt (orae of Balter* ud
the conk Bare gone ud the raah regm 1«laoD
later Bia robbed
guaued ini.
The onroarr of Clevelaad bat naked
kv.T<l rlilrkt of
-d ofl ir.u
ir loeal neBt|i*|ierB aui to print Ibt
gnximl li-aealb
eiallt of tulrldea. a* be Ikinki tbe;
bouae. baru tod hi-ii '*M> !■ hOBkuir uihert lo deairo; Ibelr live* la
ximluul Bllh run»a3«
All bU dv
ir tame munrr.
L-i (or ridding blmarlf of the ivTbe Ureal Wettero Rail**; com
an; of Ragland ctalma (o have made
Borld'e record for Iti min
Bin IBB from Londoa lo Plrmoulb.
dlatuee of 111 milea. In tUI* mla-
Note the following low prices.
These are Money making op
portunities not obtainabie
eisewhere ::::::::
lo (orerci
Cba* Berrr reiaraed bom* tram
Mltnile. HlBt.. afiar a rear'* abfor a tew daj* rlali wllh bli
irgu to' tbe Metbodhi ebureh a> a
memmal lo their falber The urcan
Ihe flnen In the auie
deceaaed BB* a |>i
oerrham in «>
one 111 lb . Boallhleel U1>.R
aruund l^n.inc
mug bird! |u-rt.b...l In
aad wind •Udm ubi'li
teK« th«
JgyM>B T«>k Vii^hfl.
t wuh nBale aad
al.' 1%* caaBU ragort aa aaMaklt
bUn Piaaon TlMae el Oikaco
•b* mat <d Palaf HoaA aad fanl
Tern UM Bad*
h "Sr-tSa^-tfeof
asritod tan• —
r «mU* tor
A sale that will
make the ladles
_________ '
' jsrsir
.Mr. HItoeb id CUaa«a strlnd Bat-,
wrtoy taMtoC (or s vWl with bM
SKIRTS with a Kcputtfloiri
All made by the well known firm of Beifeld, Hirsch & Kline formerly
Just anothsrsam>
pie of our wonderful bargain giving.
of CKiioaso
Alvin ITtoe and* a titp b
Mra. Ann*
M vtaitlBg tar
tt Tisttb* City
aiM. Mra. Manta
ata (aally at Nertbpart
t^m •eadat with Mra- Ruamu.
WBinw eat tSMlIr at TrttkUt.
n ts
_ _
nad Hn.
iS MW of But Utata.
■fA a Brow mwoei aMordny
>1—U Daw n Stan way tt TiBvarae
Everybody knows them| For years they have been the leading skirt and cloak manufacturers in the entire westOur buyer while in Chic^o visiting the furniture market, ran across this lot of dress skirts and by taking all got his
own price. They were occupying space in their salesroom that is much needed for their fall and winter stocks now
in process of manufacture. The summer season being entirely over with thei^, they were glad to get rid of them at
one blow. There are aso SfrCIRTS—all made this season—for sumltner and early fall wear—consisting of
Storm and Cheviot Serges, Etamines, .Voiles, Cecillion and Broadcloth in the popular shades of Blue, Browns,
Tans, Greys and Black—all fine fabrics and made in the very latest styles—strictly up to date in every particuleu-.
They rangeJuAralue from $6.00 to $12.00. We have divided them into just four lots and price them— _ - - _
Bay eat Wiitatar iwanlua la tovw
Ms on ud w«* at BMUBa Bny
wan towrs vtaWM J. BehwBn and
*a^SSStaU at M Wnya*. M.
r.asE itii
Oirl Brtttato and Ttoak Hook
•UMto Bay w«* LMud Ttatan k
___ _
^taowa aad t
jiBited ttafr s
6.00 for $3.981
IgH 5.00 for $2.98|
3.50'for $i,98|
$2.00 for 98c
at^% bOH? ^adaeutoa aT~tta
at Mwtksort taro baw
TO MAKE THIS SALE GENERAL THROUGHOUT OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. We have marked our own stock of Skirts—about 160 in all—way down bolow cost.—No reserve—everything must go!
Jill Cadies'Suits at
One'Half Price!
Jill Mdren’s 0oats
One-Half Price!
nt one-naif pricei
Jiii Summer Capes
at One*f)alf Price!
This is the greatest skirt opportunity ever offered in this city and one that will be greatly appreciated by the Ladies!
» b m Iba city to rtait bb
. *o*oa.|
vcvoroRi at Big Rapldo.
Mntof OOMTal DneM. <
Ttao Oak Ba
Tto HUtap *Oai
bolai HoeUaaataL aad brotbi
“* “AMd*. July «-lo all |
O—lonl Or««HA
bad oiber ralatirai
giax* ar* *rbat joa
aWllly Big Rapid* wUI be vltlted____ ,
Mtoal OoMrtlwo - tbo HctT Boo.
Mia Ho^ Box — Ett 1
new bU faiber la *0 ]
lariMt body of veieraDI
(bom 01 rrod F. Boagtoijta Ttaoy
i»«— lh« TODAtM o< Ibo lAto postlt lUw rrtrodf in (h« ettr.
durian ibr rwxb lo the
*•»« galbtred lo-lfr-wn ih
u Olltarata.
Mn H. IK. UolMK dT <M UlMkHi b
the rlly
/ lOOkOB tlBM VcolerMr. Aner
S Woodworth cd SiiaBlI CUy
by bta atom-IMtay Stephen..
ISm^co’S; S Z
Oy»tM^ OAF. H. V, J«ty
nrd CANIlBAl OrocIlA olCMd tho tanl
•tote of Ferri. Impleawwi Oo..
re Ibe ibing Se*-<hem.
MM IteAMvH KM J«M MMi Kotin- popon Mrtifjrto* tbat bb bollBAOt
Mn. W. P. Suaagwayt iax itwi reWill Coll E*tn goonlan.
iber* bn*
tuW from aa exieaded tdp lo Can^ AAbb tliAt ttw p
.. jtAT Bay. July lt.~Prwaident be«»
lormni meetirtg u. decide that
Rouoerolt I* deeply Inlemlod lo p*v*i? reunion will U' bold ibli year, one! Cebbob'*
Tbr Traveree City Bwilnom CelUge.
OocBiy Clerk Boben Walter awdr POO^ fianaclnl legtalnilon.
F-^n, M a 0
He hn.Un. been cMI.-d tur lomorm. nlgbi
a ebon boelarei trip lo Fife 1—le --------- ... , hjog tlBw4he Decexxlli “d » li gr-ncrall} undrrsuoi ih.l I
Homo. July tO.—TKo llliMtrtOM IMo
•■ - eight )ear« ba*
“**'*" **'
Iter a berolr atn
tanny un
iasi rmlBgof Pm* lAo xm. oomo «o AK ond At
il legUlailon 3 n remodlaJ 'he Tci.-mii* will rwmp iH-tr a* in !---------------of financial
• U Ibe g
d:l« tbb AftorKOOB. wbtn tbo do
------------------■- fact, the oAcer* In I Ctall
p.'ri«d in
5 finally paaaei
be railed
etu, bl»
prtohod potlont rl*Mo« to tho OB
bn* erer
U Huai aad xoa of He
1. Pgpe Lao L
that early action upon the *nbiKfli bo nod ondtfod tor mOK/ wi
ardrr la ibe city tom
lect ihould be taken
o worid bow a c«>d
Ho Md boon oinking fMt All dAy
BOOB hr a dxlt with her xlxten
akmg Ibe line* uf bU r
a cooM die. aad ta
F. Vea.Yt dad Hr*
Mr* Jamr*
Jamro Hoodi
and *peecbe*. Indeed.
n be * "
1-^ I) II I'l.-ariic nr the «
Urge erowM outxldc of Uit voUoon
llfo be toncbl BOBkl— beror BooUad^ «imam Wi-**uu ba* rtvloraed from h<- hope* net
- wiid" “u‘”;e^1' I’KKPAREd'uaK HAS A CHAM'K
4id Milk
oiDOtly Aooltod for tho orkobkoo
b bU imrenu
a rl.li with
pareau In the xunib
xbooM lire.
Ibe Mildlcr* hate nireod
I of fonei...
iH.r rwfniided.
-y.|f 1 Wr •hall add a rourieJ In ad wmlng
of tbo Aod.. Abotrt I o'clock tho
C^tbolb eburrb bA
' idty. November
be ftvv I
gboopjlf CAkago hAX relarnod
•v— A torrDIo Itl of eo«ghJng And thon
Senator l^gr arrii
rived here yexi'
i-.,mp .-rrul and •bunhand *iu.
poM. A Uibor to ibo
lo brr home after a riut
- day morning ti lo nod pmued Ibe day
doltMood. romolnfaig bi fUm oUto im. term begin* Aug SI
or ibo tone, and tbo vortd ho« arnutruo* of Waxbtaglon
til the ftfiol ofid come. Tho lUltxo
Hr*. Captain Jobnaoa of Nonbpon.
» great, I
Aucu»i : lu IS, Inclu.l'r, fv
member of the Ala*kan
kllu Hear Relkln uf Ctalcngo ta rUle dayi- rsies heir Uvu *ecurv
Ing M. A Aiher nnd fkml
grMb Hnoo hOBrx>ofere the doAtti «t
> inrlon* la Ipodon early In Bepgood
Mra PnnI Wei*ler nnd rl .
Ihe •■uie.
Bber. Before aalUng fur Ikgtand
Pom Lao In OfMr thot they might bo
lac exaapio et vbat
lit awralng for n two week*' r
oMo 10 onnovneo tho loet of hie dooth
lib Iriendf ni SMton* Bnr
toodod maa xboold b
me lo Uyiler Bay u> cunalder with
Fred Arery went lo Cheboygnn
e preildenl. amung other thing*.
rriory e.vered tbl* tc-.
Icdly WooK A BAB vb
day to xtmd ibe borsr meex.
PrMldont Boooevolt at Oyotor Bay
V work
Jlrb Ibe idd x.ldier* a
la IirewAe to BAkoltfo ligUdr.aMAloBn
*a>or. .ill .Iivn.l ibe reunion ...
rooolrod notbo that tho pope »— for blmeoK. hot for all maak
Orand Rapid* an- ibe guilt of U
..5 po*t*'h».e ilgnlRed Inlentlon*
goMid Into ottmlty About noon.
will bo cborixbod by
OOB. C. A. Bkelebvr.
Uefort- hi*
e Senator Lodge being ri-pn-t.-Died
Ftneoe caMlnole voro omoni
imB Footle* of Ck-cfit, I
On Saturday i-venlng there will
ade a *uii
loBoalnallca te tbo drIlUod
(bUen at Ibe roUeoo dartai tbo
wbo ba* >MB Ytaltlnx Brv. aod 1
lorence wiib Ihe pretident. Id tl
maeting ai Po*t Andre*, hall
r prealdeai * hope*
>r Onawx) carding <be ananrlal legtalnilon i
tlnh Hnwl
CardiBAl OrogllA eonio at *:» i
will murn lo bu otno ml* rrenlog
-IIWK-I^ He Mid:
mngemeni* for the tig r.-iinion During
-Tbo camoce erait o»»y empty,
rrlond* ouanerly
after atirndlni: it
the ytar ibe death uf.................
ot werU. wbooo Ideoii war
f «A>or
prdMO boliK or tbo oploM tb
Crawford, prtaidentI „r Ik.. ______ I
held wUbla tbo eoebaM <d oar creed meettae.
Rev Joxlxb Wh lie and Ur aad Hr* Muoilit. Novembi-r *. Immediate
vox XAfar (bat bo reaala oouli
r rollcVno tailh.
Fbllllpr ol Maple Clij reiorned bmn>- lolluwing Ibl- fall election*
r ppej.li
cart fulnt-v-.. lining;
vltbia (oa CartlaxI Vxsiiulll
(a Ibo palpllx of tbo world bl
nlng *
.kin will b.- called primarily
>baliim> 'rein
n odjolnog room loody
nr«.k all yt: |>ariicular jiairo
« city.
Ijiimoae 111 bo oolocixod. OBd tbo doroioes of day* li tb*
o oih.T V
Ur*. Jamr* E. Furman ■
■ Puwilng rommllie,-. will ta- ap1 ireatj wbleb
nr»si-» of porfcition! To-tb\
rery rellckmi laltb will tola la i
JUrly tblx maralDc Cardlaal Poo■d by Ibe *enale la*I *priDg The p-'lnie,! („ arrange ibe f.-aiiir.-* of
■rpbrw^ um Ornnd Rapid* are i
palby wtU Ibo Calbollc people
e initiate a IViiiroai Sale, lomprisintr I’ctiicoais
l.-oi h.ipe*. however, a* I do. each da) ..I ibe reunion. At In |«ft
c—.rierrotl brooebt tbo pope a bloaxloox. Uoo bax booB aombefaUa
each day will ta- rte\..ied i„ a
IhM we Iball be able lo uke op fur
tag irom ibc famooi ibrlae. Madaaaa,
tin.' like of tthifh you never naw. I'o-ilay the famous Sorosin. ihe L'nilerskirt unex
ular program .if li* oa-s. One
tbo TorwaoBt raakx of . the w
.writ eon*ktemiiuo financial legUta
Ad BaMry. The pope wax tbea
celled. conte-j U) meet you more than half way. So the prices (irove' Mercerised
■I BOB. xad ax ooeb bix' Miwor
adou Abd tbaakad blm la a <
vpewrbex «lac« be became preilwin inamlBo the pogex of bixiocy
material of silky < ris|jness; distinciite cut with proiier rtare and lu-n- hiD yoke; deleft for Cbm
I children anoih.-r i..*"ib.-' m.^r.
tbls IrgUlailon tbe prerl
that wax oeareoly aodlblo.
dxoU le a loaA. but the worid lx honor
r*. Bpnldlnjt.
wbo bni been
chant, and «. un
s the deepen Inlemi.
liyflitfiil llurries in the tinish. all frills and furl>tlows. ^'ou^ wardrolw- has been waitPbyaldaae today eoallaiwd etdat
1.. Ht-T
U..C Woodbuuoe.
left fur PocmLp)
for bli harlag ilrad la It.
tbo pope lB)o«k)U. one of which, ro
ibl* morning.
inj; this time when \ our purse won t feel it.
Nowl USc. S1.4;'., Sl.d’J. $l.‘ls and $2.SS
•|.eciar fioancial meaiurer’
Ur. nnd Ur*. C. U Harvey aod eon
van aa^ laeladod
lni>-s Skirls worth Sl-o'i to
THIi .XDJl'STMKN T S.\LE is nearly at an end
Daxth of Mr*.
Harvdd aad Hr*. Eliznbelb Ulller ut
The proMbbtaiM at ahro glycariaa, the text
Hrx. Bertha May FeaalaftoB. wUe
Rapid* an- Tliltlnc Ur.
pamtlon of a menaoree of that kind ta
and prices are lower now than at any iireeious time in thehisiorj of the ihis business.
mmrt to lUauUi* heart actlce.
t Leri T. 1----------------- --------- ------------*
acken of Waablngiue *l
• Ilf work uf cungrea* Uself. It waa
Ax Ibo pope lay dying tbo poai• III ipood tomorrow at Leland. -lOileraluud when Ibe lenale adyuum
Attending Elk* Convention.
U Blllolt. who t............ - •tabtlorUo gatberod about the dylag
Tratrrs.- Cli) * cunnngt-ni to i
fur Ibe paat
finance would pivpare a remedial
gnUie-x bwdxldo aad roctied a pjayar
n.ll.iD*l sniLerlnB of Ibo B. P. O. El
dtaplay for I
baibaad xho
k-fl Sai’irdav fur Ila'Uniim- wbi
lauteadiBg lor tbo ooBi <d Ua
...__ ocher laca
rill’ cuaimliu-e
cunimliu-e out
ouw ta engaged
CbdAllAa ABd gaoted aomo
BoUi her pareaU.
<ir Cbicngn,
work. 1 auun
wbo bti been -naylng here over Sun
Sun- rommltiev on banking
tram tbt goipel. girtag the ■
inii-rv*ting rlgl
day left for BellaliT Ibl* morning
t1*o will take up tbe anbjeci.
rhey *
Obitoi’o paxAloa. Tblx Uxl m tba
vln Niagara
foriba Hay Watan waa bora la
H E 0111 of Northport U It Ihe clij am not Infonnid wbelber It I*
irre ibi
ivy will f)M
bxan tbolly itoppsl. Tomorrow tbx
aflanox. Ohio. Daeenber t. im. In
s^builnm today.
lentlun of that conmlitee to begin
Ibi-y will
Ill •puna
a day In
MM'A body
for Potoakey today, Ibe ron.lderatkm of tbr «ub)e<-t beItn. with bar pariBta. i
■ dvivgnir* frum
m brru
to Trarerax Oly.
-------fiwe •
U Juicv. Kll..y
Roblnana left I
a bualoea* trip
ciBca recldad. 8b
Uibnc. Mudv lUrti
Ud T
II nnd H. F UuukL.-i.
Narrow Exexp* Fewn Injury.
_____________of the
Charle* Held
• piMO oo that day Is tbA I
UUx Edna Wilhelm, chief operator
Fdead eboreb of tblx city, aad bn neu trip to UargiMtle.
IxilUnl and detolad
Ur*. Ulerich and Ur*. J. J. AmloLle
tag. ABd tnaadlauiy afisrwatd the
(iayloril ihiiaio buyer
kb exclilng
:perience Friday
and dauiAilcr of Huakegon. wbo bare
ooBfiarw for tbo WactSoB ol b>x xooiviln* tuber, fur fn
h ehe will tcarcelv
eboreb. Snadoy
rue or dlRglnx »i frum
BAxinr wlU bogla.
peal. UlM Wllbelm wem
ACbooL Ctaflxttaa Badoaror. and other
h<lr moiber. Ur*. Freak \
. Joachim VIscoat Rapbaol . U
Kllrmln. i
of the choreb
a yearx btfore________
- Pauk>o Play" kec« la*i evealag. left
1 Jennie
rUgo xbe wax a m
of tbx Oraod
r lor tbe aortberii part of the
A Woman-* Cemploxioi
ben Ham X. mo. at Carplaota )
me tbe
...L f___1...______Tnrerae Hxrald a
fuoUt&Des* lu aiicmpi
1 the tfrom
H. Bora left tor Cbeboygao ihlt
remove Uiiower** or greaalnes*
tsrbo la ISil, wbxti
taltbfti ntlaatloa to her work .
It i* oitr buiine*» to mpi
' 1 by the uxe of coametle*. or
in oui
ear—nlBMi la lu txaeatlaa wen
C. 8 Cox went
Cbeboygaa tbli
a Ittt. wbaa be otilAi— tbx O
irenimeni, a* advi
needs is that line with <
Mix* Wllbelm ell
lung to the the “ta-xuly doclort." Tbe
Booaal }Bxl rMtored by F—a Lao bidax to her ebanetor. Ax a bex
of the highe« quality
maker xhe wax aopedally happy. ■
L. PeetoB of Klagaley la In the
and auru w»y ijmi n wuBan can Im
d nwny ni grwii »peed. dregtboae wbo hare been eo lortaaau
PmwgU. la litt be wax made a car- tlmot paxi ax to oobm wllbla ttx la- ^(lle HcWealby baa goat to
plucky driver * lung dii- ^''enrichte"'’ih*'"blo^ by puHIjtog
fiQklly controlled the l
liNtace will kmc remember
the Klagxiey (or a lew dark.
« accutupitabedI by toopluB th<
Ivlag teverel bad icretcbe*
W E. Hodge of Omaha. Neb., who
iby and acUve
The IDt-r
la im be *M OPPOtBUd CAM
hai beea la Ihe city orcr Sunday, ietl on the hnndx nad irm* aod boring
t of diteate and blood pol
ttacoi ta un be wax eboxea popa
cruabed. Her ciolb lution
(.reen* Augu*t nower acu
OBoeoad FIBO UL. decoaxad
ele the win be
H E Detbam of DetioU left tbla
Coming in vverx day now. Cometi series
direeily on the liver., cl«as*«* and onildergbly ianid. aJibou^ not xeriua*. riche-* the idiKxl. purlflex the complex
LAo a fortano. left Urn by Fopa Flax
moratag for the aonli.
) and wife arrired boee ■- 'ijured. Tbe other*
It aixi cure* ponrilpaiton. bllDL. te aoi loM tbaa BU.OW.OOO. ma—
at 35c offera a line of titles noi found in :
19 lbs. Beet grenulatctl xugar, 1.00
r. Uui
»itanca, oenou»ne»i, and
Cnid Tnfctsc Bcrali.
TBttk T. BATU. MMot.
“cT 8*str, w.iW*bTi SSS-
... •‘‘SS’
^ Sale
Steinberg's Store
you Ml Hiice-riiii mi
Cots of
Hne to Han
Groceries new Bo9k$
At the Lowest
tr; ..
Gash Prices..
Thefimefal wax bald at tbeFriesd*
anoraoca. irbleb
jd to
10 tbo
doon wUb Hoada.
bM o^ ef bar owa (
•U aartx ef the city.
AomW «........................ aa worda «f tbo
X bad mado la
M tb<
Enat b
_ . . .
Miy of faiiBdx tor tbo boabaad
The oorrioxo were la cfaargo ef Bor.
8dBi7 MeSlaley. paator of tbo ebi
«>d Be*. J. 0. Btaterd ef ladi-------
BgMrei aod Della Hale*
etrexhing sleep. A ilngle bi
left for Naabt
.ugu(t Flower bM been kne
J. Kampeagi ta ependlng
qre ibe mo*t pronounced aad dl*
:b hi* pnrenu M Mukegon.
reixlng rate* to dyxpepxia nnd ladlWaiter Olbeoa of Naxhrllle.
Real Eatate Tranefen
New trUl rite bolllc. 25
Tena.. who ii vlxltlnc her pareau.
Recorded by Begitler of Deed* WH- cent*; regular. *lxe. 75 cent*. Al nil
Ur. aad Hrx. OoSar. retamed Inxt
>n to July ta. IPOS.
night from n xtay at Port Oneida.
ChM. WUhelB) nnd wife to John H.
F. J. Adama of the Qmad Rapid* tMIler. nib of lot 11. block S. H. L. A
Bvealag Preat waa la the city yetter- Co* Pih odd; ts._
Perry Hnnnnh to Herman W. Smilb.
^r*. F. ). Adaau end dnnghlef. wbo lou Il-li. block S. P. H'x. (nd nddi
have beea tIalUag la the elly. will go ISM.
te Umeaa lemoreow to apead a week. 'Auditor Oeogrel^ F. W. WlUon,
Hr. aad Mm. Albert Mangy tf Mne- nH of noli.
txtee rame to the diy In (heir nntoan- 10; HIM.
bUe nnd Tlnlted........................................
MIeb Oonferwac*
of 8. D A. tud.
They here gone
lo North.
8. 1).
L>. A.. Iota ; -U. blocck 4.
odd: fl.
inZ^'S V
Ire. 8. J. Uorgna left tbla mora
taad a aambor ef paatagao ef aerlpa rtait lo CblcagD.
tan wbleb won tarerltn ef "~
:. J. Leltar M Cbocago arrived _
foiled them
TtelUag Jeme* Loodoa at
ptayw. atMT which tbo eboir
■VoUTboa My Baad.*
H. L. Cener rMoreod froa Orand
Tbd fBtaoral aarmoa waa groattaod Rapida today, ^ere ba hax been tn
M Bor. J. O. Blatcrd (yam lha wzt. nuendhnee at tbe Funeral Direetor*'
rVeaaad on tbo daad wbU dlo ta
tba Lord. They real tnm tbMr to
UUiaa WIlbMm and Rntb Oalaea
bora. bM tbelr wetfcx do (Mlew tbW
eat to Charterolx today tor a D
8a tp—A of tbo hloMod eomfen to week*' ritU with (rieaM.
bo dortvod tram a CbitiUaa Ufa. ef
ttao (nadom lad net whMb <
with ntnoa tiem the datlot
win S Martin, pb^eo Inepeetor.
with dot
> of tbobSf^ Faaalagiaa'B ChiMUab
-itary Vaulenr. d«>nty aboriff of
■Id bare apea all wttb wbom leola canty, retnnad borne
I cMo lato eeataet Tbo aarenetadad to tba alwlBg
la oalao Uoao boadx r—aead tba ar
__ .im*x rttenlBg tbo B—.M. C Klmbnll. UarellBg freight
bad-atwarx bexa odo ef Hn. Bgml cf tbe 800 Una west aonih
ear tbe O. R. A I. tbta aooreini
• ebedr cimxlxm tf Mn. J. A.'
Coattaelor John Scaaiaa baa
■ena, Jaly n.—Tbd cardlatii -bow
MeMaanx. Ohariette Balm. S F.
> 8agUaw for a few day*.
■t» ttema aawPMid ta tba tnaaUton: BAXiry aad A. S. BdnA
Oaaer mi^na bat retdroed from
■ Ttao paPbnnr* wttb eao on
- waokx trip op tbe river, bringing
won BMomn cf
tho Kk---------HMriMtlni of the laioR^u
elab. Tboy an Bay Ttaattar, WaKar
farm. Df. Alrah Tylm, Wward Hdltb.
Mr*. Freak Komp aad danghier
WlUlx Bniby a>d C. J. Blnhaw.
Tbo Seal aarrkiat wore bMd at Oakjoed oemmary. «ban ad that wax
Mre. J. C Wricbl box ratmoed to
My baU tba cardlaalx daltod tba ra- mortal wax tObdxrlT laM away te raat. tor borne ta On^TUIe after a tew
wnka.»■ rlxll o
with bar pamu. Mr.
■aln at Pmo Ipo. wbleb an pn
Mrm. J. K. Re___
MOM by Iba Noble Oaard aad xarMr. aad Mre. Jaltn* Steinberg a
jnmdad by the n«
Mtara aad aman g
r of Aldeo It In the city
If tUe botag nod t
Baaaa bMldlBC boadx aad la pnvody
>d Otwald Ubk
u LxMlx. Mo. tblx oraatag lo apoad
portkie of Ibo oBiaaHir with Mr. aaf
Mpeb *»»»‘«f «M Ued today with the
n Cbarioa FroAaaka. Jr. at ' '
ktago oa Carp Lake.
■apor of
by Or. Uppiml. iba
Q. H. Uam ntanad to Northport
M#k‘x gbymlolaa. U gltea Ibe
iMa waMf te agaad Bwbday.
Dma Heton lift tbla moralag l«w
ta la tbr etty oa a brMf rWL
Hr* Howard Sbaw aad Tboadon
B of Daroapert. Iowa, an the
The gareu of Mn A.
Hr. Md Mn & II. aomma
*. f.
V. A. Patrick aad wife to Herman
W. Bmlrb. lot IP nad w^ to 20. bl '
4. Perry Hnnnah'a 2nd odd: tl.Mo
C A. Hnanaford nad wUe to H
SmtOk lot 14 dad C feet of lol
block 4. Perry Hnannb'. :
U. C. Sbopberd. et aL to /
toward, oeveral pareeta Is ooe*.
own 2C, range p; 21.
AndllorGenoral toOaalol H E
omb, awH to ow^i. eec 16, to*
sage P; 23.21.
Daniel U. BMdlecomb and iF
W. Howard, owu to twH. 0.
re 2C. raage t; 2C00.
Sareb Z. BeaaU lo
F 8t
■wU to twli. tec. 6. 1 ra 26, r
10; 2660.
~ -ortb
to Maria J
S-SSTli-Kf" -
Ooulda of tbo ratkaa few di
r-----------1 an dxibla. tbx Imaxtx
bxMxe doerx <d tbo ntleaa.
we edxaod wbaa the t«mut paxaed.
r. boro BM baca tospnadly at SL TaiTi xnetlM
d aad wUe to Carl---------- --------------------lou IMS, bloek A
BnyiUe add; 21.200.
Herman W. 8mUb aad
Taylor, lou Ukll. bio
Perry Haaaah'a 6rd add; 2L400.
ID MbU bta aIxtM. - - itb nnd
-ato alber nMtUn.
ward A Klldee. lou 27-31.
eoputy OU loepaetar R C. Botkler Perry HaaaBh'e 3rd add: 21.250.
: MaatOB ta b tbe cHr OB boalaeaa
DtvH G. Chandler, oberit. to Fi
ertefc J. Calm. eH to xw^.
H^'ato Mra. J. R StIIlwoU i
town 6P. reago P: 2277.
draa leuiraod yaatarday from_______
------------- ^ ehUdren
Crataer. w42 feet kn >4. el al.
to tto paat R H. U A Ca-t- 7tb add; 2L10.
Wm. P. Crtooor and wUetoHer
bax rHBieed w.
w« feet lot.14. e« al. I
H, H. U A Oo'A 7tfc add; 2IJ00.
V Hoban left tUi 8
Herwma W. Smith aad wile to Ja*.
few day*' vlxtl te Big B
................ -feca. guardiSB. k>u 14-U.
The Mteaax BoaaM
Wllbelm’* add., parcel loU
Bkadeg taft tbta tBoretec
Kk 4. Perry Hxnaab’i 2nd
Wallle OamtoeDa ato wttr arrired
taAv trem Mama
LoQlx A. Piou to Oread SapUx It
la tto «fty TteKlag.
Hr. Sarth aad wtf* to CUeago
atagped o8 bare today to aUaM (to
Haaonle meeftag TamOfTow (hay
••• M » SkRtoMa ^ •
Tomalocx, per S lb. can...............
Baked beaoA per 1 Ib. can..
1C. Baking powder, regular 25c
a W Smith a— wSe lo Wax
P. CTtoxor.
ir. tot
lot n. bio
bh>M 7. R L- E
Oo *. *d add: 2L420.
Aadftto Oeaeml to I_______
t BWU or aww. aoe. A u
ft >. aad *w>A to Beta. (
D n. nag* IJO; H."
aad w
lo oldOTMta xivrv
of its
Then a complete
stock of the Alger Series for Boys and the
\ ictor Starch, r^ulxr JOc xUe, .05
Series for
Girls are on our
Its well to selen at once if you
have a book in mind
F.nxmel Starch, reguUr 10c ..
Bell Starch, regular 10c tae.,
Bell Surch, regular Sc lixe..
1 lb. Good Fine Cul................
Brawn, lou 2C 23.(4.
Cut 2nd add; $4U.
a L. Brown to BeaJ. Tblrlby. ett
r. nil to kna 23-24. block 4. H. 1.
•x. 2nd add; 1200.
Iward Klldee and wife
lo Hormao
W. Smith. wJSii fe« of lot 6. block
S. II U A Co'*- Pth add: HOO
Wm. L Haatdlag lo Alice J. Haiu
diag. parcel. M 1. tee. 3. town 2t.
range 10; |200.
Geo. W. Miller, gnardlaa. to I
Some, lot 1C. Ketta Hokeaa: 1200.
Floyd 1. Smith
B«r Lombor
24. AI
aona ta tba tbamhar waa laHre Flon! Rio* raUroad Beturdny
Baytowaahip; 2161
•0 ta (ba wnnaa. Hit bolt
HMoaatT —doty ef tbo MnS night from Big Ragfdt. where abe bax
Abrem K. Olreniale i
etaam. BmMc Saamd aad On ' baea to attMd tbe (aaeral of her
« are lylag ca bix ooneb
-•taBOO. wbo WBS MUta. beta to xwlk. tee. J
Tiarona BanM. Bdemd prlatxn.
------------- --------------------- Whipple Uke
C T. U. T. P. S C S. ef tbo Com
while U talhlBg. The toBarml bm•iat^ abd Slotadtta tiab.
F. E. MlIU,
tf mHUaiy aUire. while Immediate
Gallon A|>).les, per can
City Book Store
Cton, While Lory , xweel, early,
P«qt............................................... J
PcAi, Early Telephone Dwxrf,
I’esA Nau Excelxior, {» ql.. JO
-r_ p»<to Md areuta*
PcAA Alaxki.very eariypcvqL.15
We are clo*ii« out tbe followmg al price* yon caaaol afford lo zuita
IMton'm •«*-mw Mmtam •* l~m
^mtolrem’ Wmimtaa.. a MlfFmrtonta Stayltom toll
Peat, Rice'* Earliest of All. per
I-* oT».
m tet*. per quin..
mU prirtwio, Md
Enterprise «^asl)
the not ta tan u>d\«.
Cir. Stiti ii< Wh.
A $16 00 8 burner Range for only......................................................... $11.00
2 burner Stove (or only....................................................................................
2 burner Stove (by only.....................................................................................
9c per yard and apwardi.
Bay now and nve money.
That everybody may afford one, we have put the i«ie* al lea than
their value or ^y 69c, a price never before beud
It ecoooniT to trade here.
M1 FroKt At. Trayore* City.
-A Shoe 4« Onad Aa/(g Maow; ‘
aaM; fUCE $S£0. ■
We hare aoU tlto
ttoe far H paare « tfai* dty.
two Dollars
Gniil Trafcnc BcnM.
m aad beasUa* <d
Tbe Prtoads dartertp aaettoi
vail atteadad- Batardap aAa
aad areatof at tbe Prtendi eb
aad and <d praottoal laiereet
tea rod Snlla Haamoed
Laba eeeaptod tb* pnlpfL
Bonrdap afteraod tb*
Bbte *3bol Bogea* Bbearer. Loag
Labe: teaperaae*. Bee. Joalab Pm
». Tneere* CMp;
_____ __'Sa;
____________/ ern^tuVo^ock’artw
tereral veeks' lltoed of tooonotor
ataxia, at tbe reeldeaee of ber daugh
ter. Mta. J. W. euaaa. <S Webster
_______«d bad beeo a nalda— ..
this air maar rears, bet net loag ago
Bioaz CUP. Iowa, to etaU
e ot friead*.
Wood. Traenee Clip: boae aiasMa*. Moodap aneraooe froto
H. Praahlla. Traeene Qtp: Cbrtotlaa of Mr. Blmau. Tbe obeegalee
bdeaeor. Ortlto KIbbe Maaton: lor twid earip oviag to tbe plaat to a
» »cr cat «DMrci M Ttee DcfMtti.
e *eeer* ralasiom Ibal oeernne
|aet after aooe peeterdap taded
of tbe eevets to th*lr fo“ In
»*e*m iBstaaee*
iritar jneketf ap aad Sooded
Hrtbodtot cbarch.
A Bred leaeee iro dasgtaten
son. Hr*. 1. W. Blount cd tbit
cHp, Mn. Ptltoo of Bioaz Clip, lo
tad Fred K Bhepard of Feortn. Ill
H.sL Cnner had charge of tbe
Mr* Birgg vat burn In Ursdfonl
.juoip. FensiplTtnln. Utreb 31. ItU.
In lk» the marrlrd tUchnrd K. Shep
ard. Ilrlng with bin si Lakerlev. N.
V.. sad ML Cleaeat. MIcb.. until bto
desih In lk*» She beeame s mldeni
of Trsrerse Clip lat lUt. wbe
ontll tbe I
t tb* fVn Nuknsl twsk the vans ^cr lb* cart at oal ot U«
ler. pauiac a«*Mml firtei of
tbe buesvBt. Bernal otber
lad aiotw 1^01 >umt m« Ibe
fau, Wbea ibe atorei »ai
baicbl Lhe *atn aaoeaaM la dlUac
’ tb* curb. Tb* elondbnnt vat
lb* hearlett
ot ilM
hearleu that bai rltllad
OM o
la two or thra* rear*. Hovtbun
ort duraUm.
cm, It
On t
at ritrni had Part preicnl^l (be ■
tirwU tharc vat a rccaUr lalt*. of ibc llrnnd Tn
<naa«] bjr the baala tnooalag elostm
aad Dot aUovlag lb* vatn to Bov oS
Or. Carrel *t K. L. Meeting.
le Otrtlng.
rale Tuetdap sod
ber Wednesdep. U
• Maeonie frmuralt
:er. eotttldrrlng tbe' unfsTor.
be dtbertng vss at
NI*M Waa Her Tarrar.
-t WDOM esagh anrlp all nigfai
long.- wiltos Mra. Chaa. Appitgale. of
Atozaadi1a.-!ad.. “aad ooold hardlp
get aap atowp. I bad ooaenmptlcB ac,
bad that U I walked a block I would I
FrabaU Coart Mtittr*.
eougb rrigbUollp and tplt tdood. bvt.
Probate court irst verj bntp I
when oU other medi
ti.eo bottle* of Dr. KlBg't New Dis.zp. There wai a hewrias of
rery wholly cured me tad I gained
pctllloa of Maggie Bhadek Razanka.
poanda“ It's abralaielj goaianlenl
guardian of Itotop Sbadek. minor, aad
- and dtodarlu t '
chilli and all-throat aad loag iroablet.
The lettlmoep and vrlUag i_____ Price Uc and 11.00. Trial botUn 10c.
oath or Ivo freebtriden at to the rtljir al Jaa. O Jobaaon't aad F H. Mead,
<f real etuto wot filed. OuanUaa't
hoed hrfon tale
alin filed.
A heanog
• petltkit to deto*
GatpM Meetings.
ir lawful hein of
bUb* who
Thor* uili be a go.pet ou-etloe held
Juba Bhad<
d"ci-atc«. wat belli. The
oe mile sell and one-hall mile Miuih
ju arc ih,. legal
(mtimonp a* «
f (be big boarding bouse In Inti-r.
beira wat filed,
■eben. In ibe grute of Daolef Vanderan^ -------’
leralntng the a
luf. oa Buoda> Augiivi ite fnd ai :
Pnm Haodtp'i be
In me pfohaic conn loilai Judge
Working NIpht and Dap.
lioraager arpomied A. H IVrr) at
- Initlesi aad mlgbtim liiiir
mlnliiraiur of ibc eeiaic nf B
iliing ifaat ever wat ma.le is Dr King's
ism. demated.
New Ufe l*illr
Those plllt ebangr
order wi
made allot lOg ike t
into tireagrb. Iltiiermett
of Jan
no earrc'. I.ralb-fag Into mental
over They re wonderful in bulldlne
A petliloa vat filed ihit momina b)
p (be beallb Only *kc per box. Sold
Mrs. 1. Wright for ib< lotmietlun
the will of Sarab lllll: deccaiied
hum Ai
Avery. .
Traverse Olp. Mk-b.
I'erhapt you
loote.. and
ao<l doni
• e'll make you ao offer
pour boute lead and oil.
tif lievoe Hi-od} Palm
.11 half
sill be buntr,
“f.... ..
n Ibe naloilng
.,_________ . .. tbe order.
bcreafii r I
epeclt! from Cbarterolt on Ibc
dealer aboui It"
Margeelle, which arrtred at 11
doiiag Pndar aneraooD.
We authiirtzi- bim I
sboui too. and
le.ah* soon* of the Beeilac Dr. - n.. brought
burum D. Cami of Travtne dll'. tnlai on that line added i
Palm boldt ^-olor Uu
Hleb.. apofce of Tbe Epvorth Leagw The 0. K. A I. brought
water itk-e a
aad Pnaocal TenlBoar;' Her. J. T.
Dart* of AUnoi.
vnt, ua.
Qa. oa “The Ep- *!»%BHe aa^addlikw to the ihroog.
Yourr Irulp.
aad• oar ••
Uaaared' Aanr Tbe T. C-, U A M- also broogbt s
Bet. C. R Haaalw of Hoe Urge deIe«Btlon from Loelaasu..........
____ ___
The Epvorth -Lvaxtie aad polbii. sad s auBber camr or
tbe ladlBeraat WaliKod*.’' aad Bar. M. * K. E
a D. HolUacue of Keuoa, Ohio,
CoaBlitaes veat out on eartp unlnt
spoke OB “Tbe Bpvonh Leagoe and sad lapplled the iBooralag < -'
Ih. Bor r-------------• badges sad pfogimias. i
The oddraas oa “Pftmnl TatU
*bt met bp a reception
mmr.- la erWcb Dr. Carrel declared . .
Tbe ladles of tb* Bstt .
alleat HMbodtoi to be aa aaomalp. begas tbair oiual acUrltp la a publlr
nnlal earip Ibis taortilaA sod
miBliiee rat preeeei lo tbe Ma
lodge rooot to reertre all vbo
lodge rooDi ven bead
gusnen, sadI iber* a
s cordial veleomr
Death of Th,** Plemara.
esieaded to all vltiura.
Kiadler. tHeh.. Jalp II.—Three old
. II O'clock QaevD clip eoglae No.
.jaldeau ot ibl* Tillage hare died
oel bp tbe Bremea. sad
vtthia tb* pant few boars. All bar* mre a fioe exhibition of fire flgbUag
baae bore
bar* for a aanber of rear*, aad
uallMs* on Ue Cast alteet bridge.
dlod at a rip* old ad
- ■ ezbibitkm aat djoped br maar.
WllUan Uaioe dtod la*t algbl of
•iron. Hill,
oBlp of the rliUon, bat bp local
nn irosbl* ai lb* age of U. He
choice of roniet to Nlagan Fslli rla
»le at well.
____________raeldaol. barlag com* to
rtlgaa Central
Central K.
K. R..
R.. or D-lUgbi after dleaer tbe Trarerae
this rtJtod tt p*an ago btn a plao*
II A BuSalo Uae Bleamor
la tlllaods, uar Chicago. Tba----------- bsbd appeared oo tb* comer ot t
runto and Montreal rla Canadian
aad UaloB etiaeu aad ware a eoa
wceeded to lb* Central ec
DOOCL Dae»a«»d laarat two aeat. I.
I. when the addteiaei L^ioa of tbU rtIUd aad WU^
Tbe address of welcome
WaablagloB. HU vU* 4l
nr Mapor Joba B. Banto. whleb
(eelJ died here at tbe ageloe. H. to HodMB «f Maa»
ie bae been a rwUeat
____ __ for M rears. He bad
Card ef Thanks.
Terr poor health tor tbe poat erar. vat tbe addrett bp Oraad fi
We wish lo expreu our sincere
aantobn d retarp Loo to Wiaaor of Read Clip
isaka to neighbors and friends ftir
Ington. street
frame house
fair ceridKIon.
the bett resident portient '
tht city. With locallen ind <
considered thit it the very br
barptln we have te ofler.
Johnson Bloc
Jl Shirt Waist
Don’t Overlook It
This your chance fo secure a waist al a small |>an of their worth. We have
soriftl ovif uaisis into lois and marked them al prices—that no matter how
many you have.iyou can afford one more, for who ever heard of a woman
with foo many waists. This is the shin waist season of the year, they are*so
cool and comfonable. too. Everyone knows that the Milliken waists are
always the best in the city, in style, quality'and price, and when they arc
marked ac a reduction, there is a goodly saving over valhcs found elsewhere.
Circulitjon this week 2,625.
etv to favp trolu aad vUI kaadl*
la* U tbe taU. H* U bartatg oa
vaU kaova la Ibit
attr a* a mu borv.
Prank Prtadrfeb baa aoU Ui XMooi
dPoUa* iBoad to B. Bogan ad StoaBMeo. O. arto vfll BM K ea Carp
Jobs P. ou veat
ttaadar to atear* a tog to bnag
prw a ■Dtaa feet af tod Dm bdr
an BagMt to tbit ettr. Tba todl
■H «0I b* hod nnatof tar oemo
adTBlatoaa, at tb* a«* c* IT j____
•b* VBi leaM 4*ad la bad. Tb* bod;
wtm Bblfpad to Iw eld ban* at Parrie. HoolcalB totmir.
batag pataaiad la_______
Baaata. Oraat BrUala aad
A. a. KadtoiB. vbo to aev
I did* TMattoB. aad UA toat_____
wta Ut ballr far a Tialt at Ht.
VMM. Ohio. bU oM
. VIU S. OtoM baa fato_____
M ba_^iidW,to tom ad
tod. Cteitanlto__________
a elltod. The faBStai will be held
Will IdiM BewTsalrs.
■rtlag^ tbe dlreelm_of Um
Bfuianla T. HUU died aaar bare Board .. _____
at tbe ad of « pean of dropap. K*
recelre (be report .. ... ..................
..Amlltoe appolatad to eompUe tuUitlet aad dau for a aouraalr booklet
•atUng forth tbe a
erse Clip.' Tbe h
lag at 10 etek.
who baa bald Iba
Just what you need to go with your Shin Waists, providing they
are up-to-date and of the proper cut. We have just received some
very pretty Walking Skirts in blue, black a^d grey that arc real
swell and cost little. An aJl wool Skirt are||| made and of new de
sign for five dollars. The prices run from
Daniel Cla)Hiram. Dacar aad UorrU Clappool.
r the Amerkaa auCet <
1 of Bga lO.t per cent t
iplet* tb* compllatloc. hartag U
printed aad dellrerod to tbe board. '
goluod of Ibe chsrg* of taktog a
Tbe data of tb* pabUeatloa win tasad aatog It ea tba orealag ef J
eladefaet* r« .................. .. .......
vaer*e permtoaloo.
rtlboet tbe oaaer'e
of tbe cltr. Be a
tba Brat
a deetotoa oa tb
reomnet. aUpplag
Dare TaraboU aas evora aad eor- taga. te maar'-------------------------Uoat. eoam
tooratod prertooi leatttoear,
s and oppor
Mid Qarbart. a dtolag room giri at
tbe OetoBbla boiai. vat aast eaOad
aad atatod aba heard tbe defeadast (Dgeiber erlth tofaraatloa ealeaJatad
order O* rig. aad afiar vaiUag awbOt - attract eeUlart for adtoaaat tam- mu growlag toadt. aa'
viiM —
i totereau aad lb
tor. toother of tba de
clip aad Tldallp
es to bar aoD-a ebarae-
TXritohte^teL’ TeiT blgbJp
BsklBg te be aieeeid. which to rerp
eotototum. whleb eoaatou of
J. w______________
W. Hatte. to _W.
_ .aad 0.
K. D. Bothertoad. bar* deroud ...
____ __ Us wort, and bar* gait*
ixHBpM* rail
U WOI .. af TBlae to Ua board
trad* to waritUs^ bond ap tba dtptrade
Tb* baok wnilmaUt of abeat H
Cempbill Brea. Ball Dot
f^ te ~
r teTtl
ite aad tbe J. to Palp
lanar tot perrtueiil tba bat
- ctOaSSSara-at
btataansr tba-----------win go eader tbe aam ef Tha^J. B.
veil made, plain and cap
toes, lace and Congrea
iTor.a creek and ' '
5 >««««><
faiga. wbe has
beea to bdtaeae ban lom Utoe. aad
bto bmhar. Waltsr Patte.
Mtaat. Tba aaorftoi. „
_____ ... .oaearaa win make gtota
aa ozteaitTe beatoeaa. Per the pree-
A Picture Frame
Why do you ztO) keep
yottr motley hid in a
nek or box ia Ibe
auic or ia a tin can
onder the bam?
«}-les, good
__________ t ama dUa Dm da dlB.
aad dtoB an anap rwT didgMi
toto to da pfaptdtp. Tba toiddr
Wlitord Cto^ Wto_haajf^
i* abiduteiy uie in
the stroog vault aad
tale of the
$1.00 Slii^ien with
of Travenc City,
where thieret eaaikit
break in nor fire deatroy?
co'i The Slipper* without
Kiap. cat to
Cool and etay. cn« to
Your “BEST* Flour has
given satisfaction, and I
have not had a eoinplaint
on quality or price. TRY
The Yery Best Ice Cream .
can be made right at home with very little trouble and in just a few
minutes. The “Wonder" Ice Cream Freezer does it. It is easily
operated. After all the materials were ready one of our customers
had the cream ready to serve in three minutes. We have them ia
all sixes, from two quarts to fifteen.
Women'i $tOO Shoe*, atyliah.
Dice fittiag sad donble, cut to
ramea'a Shota,
hato \t> doae at
te be* nr. bn bed a
r.S toS
> A> I-A C
Jafna-Lae i* U* dM bato waMt yo* eew i
toore lhas th*L It i* a ftidA igr eaegy wa
8 to 11
18 to t
te d*odte MfTir D^dSmbo
lag (bead toiidrn aad te--------Otobk. Oto
Vlwto, OIwm WHIte.
Wtolaaaato. BrnumraB ■lltowlK. Wlte Wfivlte.
OHto**ry. Dmmto
Uk it to tgaoeai* adhair, Atte. pietwe fcamc.- ma bed
or taUa. We ba*« aB Uada to raiatA Vonite aad Wall
a “Uoeto
loeto Baa. tU 0
Dead Ba-
if you furnish the man—it makes a good corntrination.^TbeK are
soft and stiff—in summer weights alnd summer shades.OJust the
hat for each of our customers.
pm* die ab* aa«M gat afoaad
We Furnish the Hat
is one of our principal lines of business—never 1iave we been so
busy in this department—yet we can find time to do yours. We
are spre our stock of mouldings and mat boards and our woric will
please )*ou. We always have tbe newest ideas in mouldings.
Try our work.
jcnefi'a black tcfge SUppera
____ ____________ A. «be 1
toeaU tor li paan. to ao
Trevofae dtp Hai
At lb* ■settog <d d* Otad Tnrd«a V. U. H S. <d d* to to cdnrd.
Into at Bap Vie* tbto veeb. Trantae
Making Picture Frames
imp. col to
KUb iBdtbtoi win to »ai
told Rbod* BattaaboiT. «be ba«
^ci OamMD ana. at iiebbitoto
is an ornament in any room—and now-a-days, when there are so
many real gems of art to be found among the premiums, and c^-.
endars, and advertising novelties—it costs but very little to have
)'Our walls almost covered.
mep’a Sk60 Oxfords, i
r It ban to da *
$5.00 to $9.00
Meat aU u'id Satin Calf Shon,
L dtopt^ tooaagar af tba Oattod Baw* Baaett Oa. antrad to tba
Walking Skirts
uppers, reduced to
rciluced to
dtetoi to Halt Moadip ■iiialig
ramad bti dl podte to <ba tdean* ettp Dtata baak. Tba paRaaidlg
*t Mdiii * Bala, toaartaaa laiati,
Ipg bad diaaaiead. aad Boa.^M
ra aaatlaaa the baT
Men*! $186 Uteai Shoes.
•r Was Aaqallted.
Oaatd Pad to* cUp S pMrt olA aad ter
to nrtlipO to tot oa a bigb atoel to ordr to tod aboad rear fba he* aad
Sto*aaddaBtTe^*IMtr. Tbto?
aat bto tm aipnidea to Ikto te.
d ba Uad tba paaMea ton
at cut pricts.
Meo'a swell Oxiordt reduced t.
El'» -
t she alvare got a
> aad that be va
Waists wortti BP to $1.00 fE.............................................................
Waists worth nn to ti.25 for................................................... ........
Waists worth op to $2.00 for......
.... I.M
Waists worth op to $2.50 fm*......
Walsts-worto ap lo $5.50 for.......
Waists worth np to $3.50 for.......
• ••. 2.2$
E. Wtoiit A Son*
If always pays to trade here
aad the people hare
we believe in—especially when it comes to Dmihg Tables. Our
Robbins Patent Diner is easy to estpand or coauact; an ea^^mll—
no straining, pounding or jarring—iTls^iade to work right and
does. It is made to comtf^htn your pocketbook—and does tha*.
too. By the way. what about Dining Chairs? Better have a few
new ones, hadn’t you ? say three or four, if you don't want the full
set. We are tbe most accommodating people you ever saw, when
it comes to letting you buy just what you waoL
Grand Traverse Region.
^lag • »«las um4 (Uiltrt
aiuw «i(fe CM4i
tod., oo niintor dad totH
to ba*o fcU tara
Hr. Hatbel kai aOwHi I
' *HJ od Ma (M.
Mta r. ■ Wdlhor of TtdTcira Otf
ia rWUdC Irtrada ta lUa gw
>aaa raa a abart dlatamaa. bet i
•niHtIp Tarawod.
0 a UM which oaaaad tbCB
p C HIIHr waa war aad aae
blB with the Ball to Haple C ' bapa aertt beea aqaalad. Joa OoH
ere li. wae treated hr I'
I hick of I'olata. (HUT.
ur«. -Mra lUddr
M«n I radurad Idtuft,
°* froB KbeuBallta aad
aim ArtMT H a n„w ae
Be tbouxh I tried
•all boat lut Baiurdar erealap ud koawo I
acnat BDartrtc BUrMuraad tba aaae aradlas
Id li t the (rraiMt aedleioe ra
Hearr NrasM of OMo Artur called _ lor that iroable A few boRlaa
Gaap DarU ow day last weak.
It coiopletBlr telleted and carad
Wm l.alrd leR Ipr Adh Arbor tbit U^, ~ Jutl ai (ond for
eed br
Ir Me. Sallalartkia a
I U. Jobaami and I
' drasstiit.
a etudeai uf Casp Darla.
)tr turpHtod laat Soddar ,
ilM by a lUli fruB hit talker U dt* a bit etshiv- iiih year aa tbe
____ __ the c!ux-.:;;ie otc of lobarco
Uvea la Allecaa.
illecaa. Hid
Hit lubaeoieltl. from wbOB '
*W "
ine id Trav.
itlvely. I
tp.^Bdina » lea dait o
- Miileon taioked
in IJ're
a clears, wbirb o
RaliB. wbo wat a reeldeot I io“re 'baa
nit early life be s
err wbea a boy. but who I* hlin ll.liuu
cettani unoker It
-yer ot lluBaN.. K Y . rUlted
-ciininc yean, a
I tbit place aad lookedd up
tbal It would 0.
ladmarkt of hU early day t
be number lo a
there ha<iyean id hi.
erv In Ibirt)
been man)
Ii«.uuO uf bit f
and much at
yaari be i I plea,
leried 111 fi
> Acnew It eipectJ
Ne Pity Shawm.
Drand Hapldt ibit i
-Tor yean late wa. aRer me con
lnuou»ir* O^ljedfe. Ver
r MUdT BC .TBue
■U* lloMm lua ■radar
Mto. Ckra Jdar*ta ralM oa
I Ed QuUa Pildar «ra>lBS
' Mr. AIMS tart • IM cow to Oadar
%r W
Hraaa id Ibe Ktaitaber
tea dara aH> The <
of Ibe club will roaie Htn
ar aad riitar-la.law rriurwed laat 8a
arday to tbalr hoBaa U Cbarternl*.
Hrt. t’arl Walker bad Ibe Blaforluaetoliueoar <if her earrtace hurset
■ubie quirk
BOW rooBloa on ih
add lonilBa out eose ft
raMillse raeht aad
!»• a par
r Iroiu Boeib Maal
toralB*. rtl
.Bti <^y
_ _ maJ rarrler. '
«ar to Heple CUr. aad
Du Itrotbertoo'e. bit boriM-t Kxik
fitati and ran aw ar. llpp-d "rrr the
wat « aad broke oB Ibe otoopy lop.
. bnntBK blo>
qalle tadir Charlet lller fonu
iS'atel hoc to Cadar Ir btppeaed akBc a look Ur
. -•
ttBil 1
• bum end
Mr Hantrn
until reeter
a noAtB ia.->aralar aad
Ov d
waa akOdt Itboora
lau uSi^ it HR a aaaibar <d
Hr. dad Mra riwk of Tran
deodar wild Idair par«
Hr. «ad Hra M Obtortac
Dr. Wadawertb Warraa of DMratt
voai loadar wUd rolauraa la tUa
Hra Naab baa boaa at Norlhport t
Uelaitd reelerdar
aitasd tba raaaral cd bar ataler «b
Oroao. aoa of Sor. add Hra. - - aa III for ao
a Iloaf
Hraao. Um H. E. atlaaur. waa
!l‘"‘^ille bat fuoe Ui Uipabai
Uakesler bae I
D Traroroa Otr loot wook to
Ibera by a lelefram lailag b
• ot^ n«Me* b
Cltr"la lor adpaadtedUa.
Hla. Ida. »»ak..«d
I apple, an- (alllna «bl
a iln*^ ca
r«a bare
H rlatUac roHUraa bar*.
f^**to^abQB Arorr.
win be a beneSl. a. tbe
u heavily loaded.
a raito^ har folka Ibe
lewtlfy Buduiwen at by peopi
mp of inilt
)uu kniiw I
■tX brta
The fullowinc
"HT add Hra. Hroaal llrdald^wL
made in tbi
Rei i'hllllii. luut lloan't Kidney l*lUt
boraaa. ....................................»
WU. rUUod roiaUroa b«a
Bet J P White
aitettded Ibe Prlendt quar
Mn. Almira A JackHin.,
•llna in Traverte Cm 8a'
Hra TVrapaoa add
tori) murtlna
beyond llarlow
rbllv m>
__ WarM raealrad Ibe ^ aawa order and Bui-—.
Hard w>xk on . fam
Dr. Krallek. wife and daufhler
of cba death of bU Botbar who llrad
and for
hiiebaml wat In ihc C
lied at (lieu Arbor yeeiordar
Hrt Dull and Ur> I> Delhi <
Taaan of tba Ra«^e
diatrtcl diiHac Traii'Tie CM) vl.luin Tbond.)
aaaJe dial
ceriimiert liefan work ibit m
'bartna_ add barraal.
tu on Clavelle ft HInim’t new m ^ i OilKht 1
“SS: Ida Paaab
oalba trltb '
W C A.hley It bpendlof i
tailed Bocklen'. Arnica Salve rnre-t
"1. •• Bqualtr food for burn, and all
and palm Unty :kc at Ja. U
Meadt drof
Jobnam'a and
. •.>>
llrad ^aa
Vhaf~' of"a table, wblrh 1.
, br aUmi 1J4 yiars old.
In an eian dupllrale id ilie
by DeoTfe A'a>blnflu<i In
hit dining n.ra li It of wild mahofand wrlfbt al»ut inu (uundt. I<
perti-rl nmdillun. there U-ln* oc.i
aM at root la the
tba ^raaMkar'a trade la ***WI
,DaeaH oo makUa atraat.
Our roudf paopH am
Mar praparlB* aa Utaraallaf prw
dar Id an
- HUH. Ha
Haadar. an-__-
Tuatdai Will Beat! wat thrown mra
- • and wa. Hepped on. break- j
„ f
rtba and olberwl^i .baking)
Tbe doctor
ctor wa
wa. called and ,
p.^ly »
need Doltalnf of a e<
“* and lark of riro
wrlllM be I
ir n numbnesi
Had a knife
dceyt tbe pain
WIU Klaball aad Rob OampH
oOlad aa ralaUraa bara Tboradar.
Tliore will to a pound eoelal ai lb<boar of Her Phillip. Prlday evenlnc
wbirb I new .quim<d Ibl. week let rrram and cake ditlonrd tlrurea A. mlfhl
It 1
nerved frea
peeled. annuyliiK dltteully
The W^T. U wIM
Mr add Hra. a. O. raMaaka wa
dowa fia« Trararaa Qtr laat waakEMl tolrbaaka aad lamllr aad Ourt dar»
Haatldfi aad ballr art eaapad.daar
even- 8-Jnday ai S o'clock ai the Con
^ i,^., Kidney Pill. ~'CTwftitk'aal obuinh. are prepaiiaf a
wbirb penltienlly rli
iweniy year., frndually dltap
leBperanoe profraa for oeii Bunday
•nae Komiady. leader.
,.e,rud. until I welfbed 1W» pound.
Had ratotraa ban laadar-
... wr-
daa Haa>.
hr A- a
wara ap
touu aad A- »■ Hrir.
tad tet
tba -------—.Hr aad Hra An* Biowa of
of iba fata
J waa Bto -
____ *r“ “
W “1A";
,:r iz.
H. E aftBMh at Borax
aiiflW fix lbe~unty
here Bunday. arraiiflw
*. will to
•baa eoBpHtad.
Harvie returned
n PrUay evralai i
It no place like
cf tba
!.. S JB ttS .So w t»« ■—»
We Want YOU to
know of its Merits
Call and See the goods and learn, what the
factory prices mean to the purchasers, We
give you very liberal terms ::::::
w. w.
K. •T»OI»iO, Mnsr.
Kverylhins b SmaU InMrutuentv Miiiii-kl Mcrchnn.liK. Sheet Music. Talking k’tdnie. ami Recorda
I petomey the Hotel iBprarll b
ulvUig Ibe dlnlni room flrl quesHon
la a totter way than atrlkee or lock
nuia Tbalr dlnlnf ball and i
-e ai Ibe dl.pi^
, 'plexloa. Pun b
, dock Blood Bliii
Gertie Bin
(be Tnverae
clearance sale ever heard of in this stale, on Furniture. Stoves. Ranges. Dishes. Carpeti Kinjs, MatiinKs. Sewing
Machinra.in taci. avarjlhinc vou need in j-onr home. lor lo.a money than the inea,.erienced fumituru dcftlcrw pay
for them Wr have Hone ih-- best 6 months business we have ever done, both wholesale and retail, and buyingI in
the lanre quantities thai 1 am obliged to in order to alwaj-s have a supply w hand to fill the largest ordere. 1 cj...
t help having a large assortment left over. We have carried three timtjrthe amount of high-grade goods this
vear that we have ever before. We keep only samples on our floor and sell from them and deliver from our ware
house consequently wc have a fulUine of samples ol all grades of goods that we will close out at away below
manufacturers' cost. They are just as good as when received from the factories. Just note the assortment we have
pure blootf
Over 3«> itylra of Rocking Cbaira.
G1 Mvlet of churv
S': ti)l« of high chair* anil rhilJ'* locker*.
B4 »t«le« of anil rorkri*
IS Mylct of lailug oftiev chj't*
87 I'ylei ol exlCQtkm table*
G ktyleto) Kiicheo utle*
S7 «ylei of Libran Tablra
88 Myln of Stand* and Pailor Tabic*
14 itylra of SiiWboard*, from....................... ..$1160 up
8 ttyle* ol Bufeli ►
l8ityk*ofChiiiaao*et»frooi»12-W up >....$48.00
10 different *lyle» of Cupboard*
6 different *lyle» of Kiicbea Cabinet*
and » ra rtghi through everything you
and )utl »uch a variety, ao you can Me what a Urge anoninent you will have lo select from.
•k., ,«u
u u, pn« r«u
He of CbkMC WUItod ■
ia ra oltor ■laTatara
HraT W! MS-a raotbar. Mn. iMm- •onIkt.H
pm « tJraad BapMa. caaa Hat waak
'*Thir\aw" ■ftacinl t* Ito Hraor
Mbool waa H Hoklnc for a
n' abort ---------llBC bBo
______ ______ to Ibe I
M. oaoi^
J*Waleb. EClr
1. drove n
r evenlnf
A wbeelnan's tool bu
. plnylBf (at ' pMe
wllbout a bottle of 11
Briecanc Oil. Heal* cuta brulae*.
ttlnra. ipralna Monarch over pain.
^ nt BbeTBan totaftny a
(b> bowatv Hat Bauidar alcbL tto
waa ^ aoaib rad of (ha
a D- WUobaa drara to Tra
Itolilb aawa Baadar ra bar
rssx „ Sl.S2f
31 Carge 31ssorlmenf
qxing* aad upbobtoing, wide heavy oak frame, nicely carved, beivy
carved (eel. bolted ra with iioft belt*, pira top, covered ash bema.^
itfnl Velour, worth $7 75. for
They range aloog up to |xicc from that to $86.00 with
Of odd piece* in oiftobtrred Roodi'to go al 60
the dollar.
A niee. S-piece parkit fuit, (worth $18). for........ $ 9 75
A b...„r.l B-,...
.... ,~<1, »B0). I... - . Bl'B
Of the greatest *nip» in Bclrooic Suite*.
A.a » « kp » . 6k. W.M l
~B-.it. •» » «
Our No. 3, just like cut tho^ H the brat cooefa we carry. It b a very
heavy, well made, maiaive couch, with heavy } aawed' oak frame.
nice^ caned, heavy carved Cert, pul ra with bon*, belt guaranteed
a(xtng coDHructioQ. canvas between ^xtngt and upboUlcnag toftiag
bunou* all nee! and dmehed ra steel washer*, a maswve conch,
covered in tbe best emboascl cat plush, in red or green, worth $86,
rae each in red or green
The pricra ra acrae of iheae »uite» are 86 per cent, km
rark. aad nearly IlM wortk
ta^ bw Ito Wvalv?by
aac arUb «aHa a aerlont aecldwi
Lwa Saraaae made Ur
Hat Tbaraday HormHc ra bU waiy tod. ^ bm Wa"i^mly
- ftabtaf
tioa OHs Aibar tp thH pHee. When
•ara MlUar^ um. a attek cat nnder by Prestdeet Meurar of tto Ctftiral
the wncra wbeal and rauaed k ip Up paper CO. teousbt tti. and several
over. Ur. Haaara atrnek the (roand
been aold
old to
and rat Ua taea aad handa Tto
II to Hi m
- Betas Hra
p batp care tar bar.
“RS£SS ~ . o..
*m!m' V. TOobaa attaadad
flaadca aoctal at UM-Uba Bati
You can find ju*
.0 pw
AUigehneofodddretaenat p
S'Hr. UnwaB. tto aew ttafc driver,
^ bdra baaa
L a m. iair ITlb.
31 Fine Cine of Sample Couches
From a good. weU made Coach, jaii like cut, widi 18 heavy cod apallc^
canvas between apri^ and upftolitering, covered in fine braotiful
«r, worth $7.75. for .
beautiful combinalioo Bo<*-ca*e. with Urgewriting
table, French PUte Minor, worth $16.00. for $10 76
S7 (ample Mtxri* Cbaira. tanging in price
hehl up to a fine leatbet, «pnng f Lt back.
........ ............
........ $18.74
here mRar abort w
^Tat WM cdlM te BH Ba»iW to tba dratb (f bn brotbtot wMa.
.. Who baa bM
baraa H KnuOrfon ■aiisdar
Abodl lonj «d a* Oadar Bam ^
1;^ ;S5
31 Carge Cine
Dau and daufktan L_
veal I.
At 81. Jo<
elH and Uratia tnim Latayutte. lad., atI lu
lU blfbe
vtuitat Hra. UeaaA raraata. Hr. rtea bucklebeerl
(to "GHn Hnra Hla ommM "to £■ are
and Mr* A. H. «Hltb. and Mr. Uera'a betaf abipped -___ .'aSui^
parrat*. Hr. and Hra. 8. F. Draft, and ; CuaHUaira mea atatt that much fnilt
Ibar reUUvM aad (rHada.
I «ould to rained unleat help could to
Tto H. E quarterly Bacllas waa ,«cured. Harveal banda are very
Wa labaraaaH lor Tartlaad. I
rai tba Bra rat. wbBe «ban took tba haM
here Hat Sunday wllh a very : .^arce. (tartaera have oBeted aa hied
wbarr bo will aoMa---------- --tuU houae.
aa It 10 per day aad cunot (ei heir
m a whBa.
^b’n."?’Mantra H HW
Thtce We eeverml froH Baiee_____________
(raft Hnpto ni (Mti Atftar.
Uire Uai Sunday. We did Tra tbouraad deoMat saawlaii
Mra. UU Occto •»* Era
not learn liftlr aamet
awav ii raa'a rltala eouMnY to milrh
We B.«d U. aa U U teittac veo vurtc iban Ibe tonurea of licblag
'Ta. PaaalBWaa aad Hallr '
dry. Tbe ptotures are drytag up
pjM Yet tberv'i a core. Draa'a
I Tidraaaa Wr iaddar ----Dora H d^U* »raly now.
Ulaimrat acver lalla
d Hla
ba taaiml ertba
b - Hra.
“ l«n
Peter tom H belpiBB A. M Salih
■ .
H baytaa. ]
: Tbe Adrlaa TUaee oBeri to ten
Mr. U A. Tba^er baa enaaraead aabeerlpuona (iw tbe propoced aei
■tltaf wtoat. TMre are other* hi fo -Auai Laura' Havlland.
ady la cW.
' fiaaetl* that no more than » o
-^^ewrar baa bH oetora^abop add
Bvtaf U nearly draa
_ . .
MnbH. na ibqf Afo tw near tto trad.
Vm Bisht IS tw 1
' ^a.*”MaJM ’’tSrtSN
foil aeantag uf the term, and It <
J-dy •> preaae* tbe hope that leaat ball of t
raaor pUnk wUl taka pHca. so.ooo people l» Lraawee eoraiy will
Ancuat Ybe Srd Hr. D. H. uelte with It ta expraealag fra.....
Pata'HuaraA laraa «■ awiy PrtBBar, tbe Alice J. Day. win
tor aftraraira wblH ratmtu tow
we eacuTwtra dartaf tbe day
atr. pmA ^ wt fttol ra ti____Hto. Mr CHrk cf Cbicwo
h bH taBllr. oocutr luruai
who. with
*^Hb*LiM Uraraa apaal THday Grove coUaftt I the
have a tae dia
bH cMiifte ra
M ihalaa a
PHaaaai to taka. Perteetlj
GnHa a paaUra of nmns
**' wUto wtu to a
rra^ Aprti
for you to select from
Y . sole afuel. for the Cn
at CHd^H^tbH Baiardar aod tod;
mlnuirr parilrulan
r penon.II). If the really
n kidney nimpinini nsd
' witbee to know whai rou
*ue 10 brio* relief.'"
Pur eale by all dealers
cenu Kmler-Mllbum tAi.
U the ralr cranrat ohmrab In the '
Diandi at Bbatlai
______J. E HaU- lilu
Hr. Walter of BnlUBi
baa baaa abta le laara tba boaaa for
1 Bandar aebool at ntr at U Wlahoebir. 1-------m Hat Subday.
Mr. Prank Clank of New I
. IHIaBare cottaBe a
b^HHB n tba north t*rt
toa »*
Mn I.
eauilful I
(weDHf boaae
tto Bitaad. bat aaabtaf dbMHrad.
to roBBcrawd aaaH aad a qaaber
af tto aetokbon baU
.. bia ' “
ibal It baa for 1
WBbibii aWHd <* Hra. Hov
k ao tto daaur ana aaa h
y. «q topa to aarto pa
To Close Out!
Men’s and Boys’ Saddles
S3.50 and Sa.75.
Ladies’ Side Saddles
Ole are Offerina
some o< the greaiea bargaing in
We have
beat goods that can be made, every rae baa a jaaao^
Mh. made of i Hwwi oak «.
acftbeantMa. aad will cloa.
.......................................$ 7.78
One waa $1100 DOW:
Bevcnl diffHCBl owe*
Several diferrat
-----have not space
Tbaae are only about i of them b«
—— .h,». aO. Now ttoac rod^ arc the very bw
Some of tRe Beaoiest eut$ on Disbes
.......S ET$
high rao.^ fat a man 6 E 8 in. to real hii :
ASdifierratHyUiaDd iM hot all tove
ntagarattspbebutediatto^ Uatbet. Several of
S^hav* totoft^ baS w«h toavy awd frooL
You ptobab^ wik never get another chance » get a fi«
cUh, high grade. Ualtor Toeher at away below focMyoM.
J. w.
Practical House Furnisher.
“lam -well now and uBt'55*g*iSiM’ytJ?
enjoying bettor health L”"£'
than ever bofbre in
my whole
.*s 'X.Trss-i'is s
S'A'ii.r.rs,'; 2;'?^'-
IrrooidMeBaa; They
WbUa rahtag bay .near Bvart E. C
bompmm't man. berw aad
are nearly
boroad up.
The hay
ui«il Bra trum a paatlaa naurnrar
ivar and half a mile of fence.
Mrm. Umi* Ctuemw. rc*Wlng near
BIrrta Creek. Menoalna.' couhk wn«
badly burned by ni»etilng a ikh ..r
' mng dye.
lacob Otto of Hav CItv hk> an
npple tree that caoiain* a lam.- q ien
tuy of. bnti'gruwu ap(>le«. and i> aieo
‘ •• bloum lor the •eeund llioc iho
l«~«h.-d at Ih* mouih and-a
•o ha tMnaaad Ihaa aw* n taa aM
1II.H aoau. tkw making (be Bah
anaa at the dnlaiy prtea ot <rn a
wbaela coontruelad
Vn. Rautnua'i prooaai baka bean
taitad by the daallla KtaetHe Co. The
pkk out the bMi
off the tope ut the
Clyde Saafurd u
Albkia wat
fin.-<l KT.«
The burve fell aa
lec. and Sanford etarted
bat gut drunk and furgut
rraakfon. Micb.. Jaly IT.
pnrpoaa <d rleaitag tba battle Hear ot
tba "dnad band' kwa ibai pa>a lit
bottom fur iba l«n Bllet balvaea lu
aoBKa at Uiwan lake to iu dalu at
Fraablort. Ueaally an anally navi
Btad ttraaai. the bardwood logi have
w Iblekly tabaddad [a the
^ *!!uk
la the bleb
o an la the
ai laaft U.BM.OM taat c< aaw timbar
ti tba nrar Hat can ba llftad out.
corded ap and anaafaciarad aid luabar. At pranabl a ataaa k>c lUlar In
balM aaad br Cnaa 8raa for thb
fMOM. and tba wort will ba pwvnad
«<tb npir durtac tba ■aamar aaatbt
h tba Mat latamat of all tba loatban
aw f»aaHBc ban and oarnlac loca
Hub. Hleh.. July If.-Joaapk Binwt baa baw dadarad laaaaa and
awi to ibe TnTont City atylua
nUeot arat arraatad by Daputy Bbar>
Iff Bbaruiaa and takaa to pal! paadtag
a baaflac aad aiaialaaltoa yaaiarday.
tbit rlliaia- O
It that be U a
« eytaa. aad ba ataada ft
«an. Datiott aad Waablmctoa
rBLUdM la m «f aU bain to tba raluabta BUim aaoarw pmewty_______
Mo. M. Y. attlwatad to ba worth U.d far raan afloru ban
baw Mda br Iba edur bain to
duw Ub la Ma wtth than la wind
tag ap Iba natala and
rwUna of tba propwty. but ba ataad
K^etbar baira~to'tba Blleol
an Br. MHaa. for■M^aTSaM «a^^ tto iia. ihM eounty:
tana bwtrtw »w In
t w«a aaaouaoad bp tba dp
« BMU mataMBy. wbw
an to b. oa_ ------Wokaaa i. la Uo kMi. a. a Haa.
baa. «t.Wa»^
r. wWea la aaaaaM
aa (MMalaai
■ anaaiuwunne two open
V trie Cigtitaantri Oar of
wil. u*. ai-liM. lb'i>.>o.«tk.
i JaiMUt-v.
• ac; Bru;i»»li.
w7'M*miy MMn^to'tbwJw
o Peru t_
la Haaton^, ‘
-Tw^Bw^_ ana, h
‘ '
___________ - -y Bight laI tba Moaroa oauBaO M tba gallBBl aaerUfoa
Iba Kwiuektaaa
TMra It comf^m M
afiw inirimto. that Dt. KU .
ainaa aad^^^roMMd^tut tba Jwi^ W hadk.kltoiyt.tom. bMddar and every pari
Mat of
d tbe urMmy paarngu. h Beeveoa MahSBy
wey el I^TTmi wttb ibair bkad. by mwd
tba dp Inc aa lawtiatlaa of
pwtwwi af Mau that ..
-. .
owuy acnad balwaw Saootary Hay
h tba atau.
H yua Md a aMMM yea toetofl^ tto
Simply Iweau.e the father :
p. u. to be pt.-.ldent, for a lilllc w
there I. Bo reai-ni for ibem to
d dlff.-n-iitty than other*
.Mm-wdkumuf MMVIUW. a .riell fr
PvUdw tllcU>*r- wd ee imttuw fimrm mn iwwt, _
<g raCNI.- am. <e- w.et. *1 • k.M1 u*e
maty br.- i_u i Ml tt > rw.t -y ah. m>. _
memmks>.wd renw ut .aldhltowur. »•
hn*^M wdditr flr, - tar M. b. Ih. Mid
____ Sl_
OTtb ywran.-! wnk IlM • —t b*. '
..in b.-r hiMbanil.
Riga. N V. I#
uel and tntaiimal
Che wife all.-ge* ihai ah,
Sth toyaf AHMat.fkO.
V.-'SSStSt.tlS ■
I'MyskWu.ua CMIA>B.
DtMtjBinrA 0. wa.
Bl- palutlng wa* dune-wlib '
iM-rate IDIeut to drive bef t
bhe allege* *he dare
ul of door. a. tbe .Igbl of lb.
adue.-. bvwicrta.
Sfai- alxi
, b.-r p.-tlilon thal bef b
I the Gbrl.ilan
p"SfiMystrx i asra ■
Ti-Ub-.moT Muwbm itf m. twd hmra
p dlahe* In ea
Xtre. but In a.
•Igblfcci-mg In the rlly and a*c>-ndi
ib<'. (tome of the tat.- eapliol tb..1 Chicago lo*i 1
iiuallcr amoup
a. given men h.
P1.I..1. to the h
elr evea'pv- by I
pilot and made
(. W J. MrCer of the etbnulug
un-au at Waabiiigioa. haa been
appotaied chief of the department ol
aaihropol.vgv and ethnology at th.
tVorld'i fair
Pere Marquette
; toUm.tr. b.cMIim>rd
' Vt-u- ef • «wl*r*uob
MII.W.1 Uh
h fiwthirr mm
U ••*
Jur 3 . Itm
cannoi tn- ..-cured _
funner* arc offering
harvcai 'kande. A familiar jp£T£'4^i>Sir' wd o
alght t
y, riding hoi
plow. I I dolBg all
-r Ibe hay that had been
the rain *o ihal II ailgbi
■J-5S.J5. ________
k ri* Yw
* I----------- ‘--------tor: TOn tww.
ami-n.laiorv ordinance giving'
n.)l, T.-leptione A Telegraph
richi i.i oa.truPt nnd olda tof-ihe trana-]
d merehandlM. I
kSSS/ff "•
''ri.i~,i:^.*.T-rm. frumlto atofovl,
if ihH oeam^
Stroke Shattered My
Gaye Up Preaching
For Two Yoaro.
Dr. Maes* Neiratne Put
Me Oa AcUt* Ust.
awM.M Mdriw^raf^^BliS
SsSSijrassuiw -^'3iv^=,wsk‘s=s
PmaHnoB* tor. Omto* *a4 Kumeu,.
*. Orwd Bbctto
r -
_____ _________ but
■ aoiSety. tor wbM* the
Mra. Oola
meate tool of valuable
twuaa aae osn*^ oh
Uffk auafftaCra.
-f ilrMb Lblm. O.K
a* itmi >
nan,! a .
w^ M^dead at the borne of her
OMiher. Him H^ H^ Wercey.in BiyI Plercey wat the
of tU dtoghten and
were all of
two Boat, aad the others
May Bell" wat
ordtaarr alt*. '"Queea
thlrtyMC lai
:*fly pouadi.
ww klad to aa oId.mai
wtao ww Ul la a Kesdalinile. lad.
boial. of wbM to was clerk. Weeley
of TkSedo. hat come
Iff aa lakerilasee of
befriceded ______
Ylielw Hot
' a the
■I **<t!^ m * Dm
Some year*
a. while Hm
otel at Keaverier ww clerk la i
guett of thi
dallvUle Harper, wl
aeriowly 111
bowl, ww takes ________
aad darwas tick foe eeveeal weabt.___
Bg that tUar
...... ........................
Hovener aurtad
—rwd him
health aad
watU ago Harper died l_ .
and the otbar day Hovenar leealred
hat n.OM bad baan left
wUI of tbe decaaaad.
. jaoa F. -A Healer. Vnlled
Biatee aary. __ _______ _____
____ - the etofwtary of
ibai oScera wbo rototln ««d
- FbUIpplaea for BMre than <
ar* tutoaet to boU mental i
IM-t make aay mMtato. bto ra-
tew^Twto^ wa^leMk.
Mid memWw. *U if * lik-h Mril br to
a. lenwawi taauiM wit pen m tb.
, tbMy bU
aalaty la tu______________ YVa
> el tba kiBgwi fllgbu oa rp
*irf tabb I. 1a memory of th<
-nt» ug. the p.iIdU
rity lit. Im-n vo1.-l
dwTVl.O m mb] Bi.irtwum.t.'iuUna. ib ^
IKmr polii-y to impre*. upim the
Ibfiil Biiud Ibe death* uf l>ri-*!
iM-lneoln. Garfield
and McKinley
tit.lr iMibli,
Ting Up my r
*aa l.y nnm .d Lt .toM grwiM
mcaguM. ■> aurdma -v tb, miai» uf auui
SvrnrM J I..-* i. by l*, Hw Juta a uaw
*>r. JiKlmcf l*r.imk m wd It* huU tWaaty.
Rn^' IbllliuC*
iwny.'^ -yu'
___________- -. toaghl dm_ _
aarty apitac befora tba boda awai;.
Tba aaqM to aa Ham raeohtly
prtatad W tba Praa r
tan that a earriar pin------ -------------------a yard at Owoaao attar
«rtp trow INew C
kfiieh to l»retlil.-Bi Rinwem lt» d
a«a StMt Xww it.
robii.t. I
It a day
D Ibe u
the i-tpcdlilui
o^JIbut I. Ob the Uulf
nty .d irarwv-. Oir. Ml-4ilg*il, .thu UMm*.
•1 iW.''kmh In ta. hnSiw m mia tor. bB to.
rveki, uu^wd^Mw .f
tnu-. m-.r.- vb-mus bl« Ilf.
tb.- oivimary
ry 1.0.1 and di.tin- of wa-c
by aneu-nna, .!.U-h! Tbt
liloii headed
■f a I.t.i
-Ilian. <il SI IcMila.
V bat il
ing. ihi> .
Biied ..Ul t» evpiore
pair ul ell
aotleeaMe II
Lilly a> a
byailBla t
aw raturaad that
to ba wbat M km
Abdllla rerU..T.ed,T~J.va*lm>dpMMoaiw
. of Nt-w Brunt
tlw to Bwtoa ww
dwnuadtac wH! ba a-‘-
hw nt'>» h
■ aaffwtag aiaeb fraat
uuiu •n-.eUiM b' vm- I'alM i'Tm>4priiu.*i. wd iwilhewaial km 2
??,;’^r2r£ioSc?5i- •
.<art m*l H.wr7 K. Il»-
phv.i .
at tigbl U.-.ng I
ttrurilon ul ih<- >i
poliwnlDK 1
Ibe bligtd B
Tbr ClMr Improw-me-ni J. ag i.'. M
n whom- motto i> t.)
Hiy Tlean. h.-aiih> and
I-.1 Ihv .peclali.f.
organlilng a Junior lii• w rerioivd a. •
The chlldivn
liiitic on J.-u:j u It
ire orguatied Into ' tiiov-k
league./' U.j.^anJ g^l. b>w.j.D Che
•■■lb- itn u.i . 1 A|.ni A D.ms.ia tabu «
niemhorvhlp They are encouraged oi rlibE Maul
and Ob a <a.-h
• ofk along the line, of planting irvee
and MW ih'
and vbruiw. plarlng uf gtrl'acr iv
'ng of yanlr. nreei.
(-ampu. *hei
irf Utter, and Ib.- ratv
Tbv party
■•• lum&> 1..VI iMRtaMd •• rfcaer
of public prupi-ny generally.
r •cb.pol l<^ inevri
Ibriou-------------------- —*------------- Tbe venllci reiiirm-1 by tli- corIt IV..t..ii.
. Ot-imai:
Ackerman, the >••
I.Jt"Tb-ii 1
C liur-'l
ib ciiina. I
•I in CitiiRlaij
Chicago SiindA'.
bl- appcanuiiv .d
vali.-d vainlv
Tt:.- gii
t the tree U ri-«af.l.t! a
sal, Ihr-. wd y :m m-r.. ..t !&.'Cr.*l law u .wel W Biky A •Virtai. wd aP
uily Ibr,* V-..W
lb, I Wrv p.Twm. ml. r.mal m .Md —Uri.ara IV- - nib.-r Ibrei' *ml (imt -y I iuir.d t.. Mmwrsl • amM cd mUCMfwmaa
•Qd Telt-phone t
•■S. ‘
d». Ih. tab <tar --J Tal,.
... iS';
atagt at eirellem meu
iralto tollo FuKIral_________ —
Boat tuU of eakkea There were ovw
ebareb aervlce at Aiebltoa, Kaa..
tt Id all lengibt la the boach aad
Qm Oalud Slain aad 1
Twcently lalorrupled by a wumas
Joaea'i boa ww kept bney for a
uw ww^Bypirnd tba
le the
tlaugbierlag '
Stita Neiwa.
die of the sermon. Sbe said that
HMt Maud Uaderwood. aged It
Tba Abti-CMrpat Bwnepar ________
tba MtwiiTi duty !■
wat Mated
directly bebtad a
hi baan orgaaMd la CadUlae tor daagbter of Richard Vaderwood. a large iat woema who wat wartag a
______ ______
Norwayt. died tuddwly
palm-leal tan back and forth with
u aad otbar aovalUta Tba toetery Tuwday eveatag. She e
great regdlarUy. aad it made her k>
M an errand
- - aad
-1 dropped
> anwiad la tba aaw Rabg
Bcrrotu the could uoi control berwclf.
I South HtttoallMnat.aM_______
1 by tweaty-five other
100 feat traatage
Topeka. Bwne Ware.
Hd'tb^CWM'totdao**Irur It had adJotalBC w which they wtU '
L'olted Buie* commit
aad. at
naotbar btfldlag. to ba wed U
baw Snwn ap H ww ' '
oner of peariant, hat goae to w
• prewat gait btda fair to Up thg
aaeuw wiU tba bwl«eaa. Work
the harvMl fields of Elllt codcL;
at >00 poBBdt by tbr
togta ahettly.
MIm Mary J. Hercey. who ■
hr aowa iraaki tba thada L...
____________ ttot
kaowa at^-g.^0 My-Bell.- aa^
UhW wm_toA^M^ Wr tpoc tba mala atiuai otXaaaivuta
iWmU wot he rruud
A» itV twro— or.Pe«l. Ui.1 wH peu»^y.eyw»U-Ur|ee-O.^M im J tenU
S!jirsijri!ii;£sw.is iK.rk.S.*S.‘Sto“Jc2rjoK
**s£i>c^w*wt of tba nountaln
_____ /“» laa
C<>.. TfawerBs Ctty. Hlieh.
rl..rado iI Spring.
•M la <ba ktctnlty cd Fraakfon bare
-d .-oeuium ..
btlM.. cine, ihu Hieekl..
mm <\mui Un. .m.e.o<e •_«•
tumid day m kimnei
?or a
At AlBit the b.wt pulp drier In cut
o the dlitrlci a f.
aerildu with Ibe beet tugar plant ha
•ated th.- ledge
proved a great fucreti. aad l> eald i.
> be.'B wathed Ini
be the only tuccettful
Th..} now •
pulp In ti
•ought lor by
the country lor teeding purpo»e». i
pulp wnt lormerly thrown a»t}
•old to fnrmera for almoii poihing.
:be •oulhern part
ntadtuu for
eveni wanuin trifling
ounly Whirn a few yean ago ■iv'Ti'H’-theui bring n dollar aa acre l> young people
tml el.i’where
*u cheeee tanorlea In
young men Ih>
Saginaw cuualy u<l eight tn Bay.
r rank, of nolb bon
Al Bay fit} the Ueamer W. P
'ti:hingi-d eoli-nm prom
a la dltchargiBg a carload of luto
refrain from the lifnilrlmu
wbleb u the remaladar of a
pri'ieut otberk from flirt'
,'b which uocurrad twu yeain agu uV" TMi
breaking dheir prumlit’
d Ocmot Caaalnl at ibelr eoolanmco'
but., lor ehnrllable purto kmg ago at Joaa tt. that Uaacbp OB Lake Superior The lumber dritlod
aabure ul Chap Point asil '
t time tod If.jno
rU would ba opaaed to the U
cenily picked up by ibe The
brought II
little daugblar
rom the rlub. and may ouly be relurpe of JunateUlc wnt
idmllU'd trier Ibe etpirtilun uf uue
Vuaaaiite Vallpy. July !(.—Mra. A
M Wedneaday
WedBeaday by her
be i
B- Jobat of New York dly. «bo bat had lakeB two bullau f
I. kn..wD a» t "hhie bal
baan alaylac la tta rallay lor a fa*
and . .
vat born to t family in Wtbtvb. It
daya *aa toaad la a aiCdp creraeae The bullet poued through the cblld't
Tueedny The blue baby i. • pb>i
back of Bwilaal Dome. Mra Jobat
It. oa the outer edge of the right loglrnl freak tnd eirlie. much lot
ttanad troa tllaeler Pofat hotel to
doctor thlnkt It will not
among locnl pHytleUn. The rl
walk to natuna.
naturaa. lueatad ltwo allaa
Mra. Tbippe It pnip
prove fi
Uato.i an ladl^ blue in rolor. >
froa tba boial. aad did ao
•ad affair.
iraied o
■arty la iht
IthI 0.
of Qnad
_____ Marlai
niee ttanad o
lurk lb dioxide and revive h
«• ogigea.
a diacorary that Bllad
found a bunc The Infant •eem> to
e healthy
e with horror.
italnad two ihrc and will tumte.
uf ehJVtw whl
> flvpieafad. foL
lealed clover
Without n friend It
fouMewfed. u
I hl< pocket.
for thoniaadi of i_____________________
Men that joltad out trom tba ataap
uat aa -little Bvt" bad effectively
r by Jumping Into the
aide, tbr alBKMi lUalaat body of Mra.
d la an Caele Tom'i Cabin abow
hla fellow newahoya hi
Johai wat fouBd by Mr Poitar.
Uwuaao. a aecllun of the dreut declared
tired of the
lell in with B cmab. Bra jiyep •Iriiutle
and that he
ed off Ibe bed and made a moat lively laiaaded
M gK ing
ir .eemli
leu flgbi.
On Monday a vagrant awarm of
are much
bta way down the* nmulaln
^ ap^priatad Cable Boi
llkvilboud of graM
bar Hr. Potter wat forced I
hopper* raiding
.. iSouth Uakota ibU
the bolal tor balp
iboppen fur tome lime
- orldad wlib pi
ilaaiy ot ropaa aad n>.
'I'bey neglected, however, to no.
.ntuilng part* of Mon
'lag a atmebaer. a party of eight
tana and are rapidly coming toward
t IU way back
up In make aome aeoaaaary repalra South Oakota In the ovni that
a reaeoa
bit turpnac waa painful and bit laa- reach South IMkoU they will
II do
d> UB
rlea A. brown of
guace TiAleni. Al night, a tong pole
image and
e In the
M tba ralkat pan
Mind Mra.
V greatly
that It Iht
al In the
iraaia. Her aaeapa from a trlcbltnl
wat daatroyad.
Jerry Ulraion. the uidei
•atb had bean oulbing leaa ibao
1 Ohio aad prrbapt In il
IracBloiu. Bhe bad fallen a dMlaeea
of- Hueroe townabip.
a of’ck»rWAli”cioud tebbath
.. «W feat from the eraraaea wallt
laty. Jerry It 100 yeara old.
in yean ago. tbara bat not
and bad partly brokaa bar Ull by
day laal week be walked
death of _
n child or youlyouth ._
catrblnc at lunlpar bubaa aad ternb
- Mount Verson aad
ir cblldien'u or^outbt'
aba pltwcad ihrougb tbair
paid hit take*, tanking Ibe return trip
Wbw the ropa had baan
le tcbool hat bald wwkly aaaifou. on foot alto b-or fear, br hat n-fuc-d
tmuer and winter, with an average to tieep Is a bed. choo«tng.............
la a chair.
I way b .
Jobnt from her. tleadasce of 40 to M. with W M
rat. of eblldraa
ptrlhMt poaltloa.
Jahkton. Mr. Uleason workt oo b
Tbara. kodgad u
tarn re, larly. hu never been III
Biale'i prltOB —___ _
titr and doe* not look li
_>d bnltad. ywart for klHIng a boy.
more than day tn h
third of a
lay Him. Job___ _____________
trow aabaut.
W yyi old. He U •aid
aal to be aa laA wee traveler arrived ai jei
A few week! ago
USB aad lack of food, nod bwasbad
WItb dlBcnlty boyt
by throwtag City Tureday night. She 1. ooly
yeara old and ww alone ou a >
ila e
York ezpreu. ea route to I'hlla
Mra. Jobn'p waUl tad aa
•way. at. . .
balp bar to r
ira. Tbti be tred a revolver into tbc darkawt pua.. Tbe lUUIe girl’, same U Ui
_ owpt ptovad I
>a of Mra. He wat dumbfounded when br fodhd an Waiaakalhg Sbe came from I
laad Mich. Her dMUaallon s
t be bad
Joba t wolgbL
lai fastened
tea on a U
r tba abrupt pradevodurlor reported
lere It not a her flreu.
td not uttered a wklmper
aad latBor Mgu JW taat balow from
the county who eould
began her loaraey. Uitli
- - - wat a aliaar drop of bwdrodt
1 Ibe dittaaee ta broad
bont her oa the train. 8h.
L Ha dMarnlaad to try tbM
of faet.
r to
at Jereey Oty to a Hhlla
plan of
detphla uala. Women In the walUni
tboaa above to K
a of
I 00 the....................................
Potter ewaag tba
Ibe baby.
I tba UaySaulp
Hn. Jobat OBI t
aeythiag tbM year
It It aald that the Servian auihort
ebaaged their mladt la the patl
bari^ teU boun ^ totWtn^ eouple of wwkt. Tba wama dayt tlee bare imearthed a coneplracy u
aad cool Bicbu have awt the eon avMge the late King Alesandrr. A
ed at a great irate, aad It b •eareb of the duanera ot a Ueutenam
hMin Mgt. Ha tbw dp
of tba garrtton dltcloard the fact that
a Sae oondlUoa,
I Mary Duthbaek of CarlMa It aScetw had formed a league u
taka Tcsgeaaca npoa tbe regtcidci.
guldn bbort. Hr. Potter bad Um
yarhapa the oldeU memben of any
areb riiolr la tbe eoualry are John
label and bit wUe of Kmost. V
Sbe b la badWpe, but may ra
nw tba two plekad np II
lobei bat been a member of tl
Berrlee Bprtogt faram reallaad
bad logatbar
twatbar t
blr in the Horavlao church for •
............. ............. - - ame IbM eaaaoe
wH way ------laierrupted period of flfiyteri
aad om y
. tn. hfra. lobti bw bekmgt
iLimUt won out. tb
tbe earn# ebolr tor fifty
wed Curva-r .eweead 1111 itleii wi
W t.y Ue
Maw York fflook g
criioaco Board a( Trada.
Tboe McBride of the Si» wi
Dd U lamer fteldk
u paaaumie tnun
for klltlni deer out of eea.
ide they have car'
Hoebeeter farmer d
uf deetructloa. In from town late at olchi >
c But eaUtOed tu ipookt U the ectnrierv
tar at 11
iw*! iha toeji'oijedwew Jd I I t wTwC
U-tiu.ll he. :
Two Knlnmatoo uien Jayaad ChaHei Siruble wt-r.' bl'
that la aoaa iMlI Salde the Bnger by a lunll bln.-k bi
ta eald they have pKHiad
caea* blond poUualng
ma. Waah. Jaly !•.—Tba loag
at an (>( taaperlag C0H>ar baa baaf
-TlTod by the dtaeorary «C Mra CW'
an, who haa laeorpa
0 put bar pataaiad
_______ _____ ,.,«UcaI waa. A plant
Mac aaiablUhad and alraady U iiu.
lag oal bardanad and taapared cop
Mtwaaiaing a nprlas nu lurpaaaad
J. R.iiTussUsst..
& GO.,
— rs/SS'K
Newt U byeurtcal In tu
r a booBly oa tpairovt.
all •«* inmtm Dt. PiafWa
^ -.“f J-rsxrt
sue in THR OKS;
itot city aotod to
•as ito upawgfto kafl tba
aad unto dMBbUto were pdated Mr Cm boue bacptor ah' HI*
oe (Tory aad eoanected by wreatbi
to diamoade aad cold Tbe plate .ot
ITobA otter eae bow happy they
boaor to the oeater cd Ibe toBHlW to re. elagm- from oMralB' ter i
prea m aa oral mlotatore ot bto rtlpper u two aoareparrara. a
bieer while three boyi ai
lu eoeln- BomeUtog' aloe aa' helpful
aide The ampecerb parti
deaee (be old telka.- .
bean ebaped aad baap ai a pa
e LM led barrut
oUmllag over Ibe tiee lop* when
Uaeh- Tbeudore aald cuud alsbt to
the Mead ol bto boyhood wbo a
tk« lUrry (Um:
WhIebeTer way tbe wlad doth blow.
to poay. and rede elowly boueI. tfc. ito0
llw rmr 4i
I bean to dad to bare It i
ward Uui the Joy e( *h«eln' (hlac*'
tt rtouAte
Then blow II eaet or Mow It a
eehladlcl by hto boawly wtoda
tte ■
b« tkry o* U* ««UM.
ed to Hrtcb bto later yw
The wlad (bat blowe. that wted to
llsbi’s •IK'M- rvbeet.
Amc wtik U» «ti«Bsik cl I
My little craft aelii aot al.ss:
Utu. pw« (roM tbc hSMii^ *eU. A Uotuaad BeeU Inia erery i
, a:ri Wbe MakH Frkanea.
oat npoe a iboanad reek;
Owl ror ure-k nfTMliUis.
Wbal blow, lor oee a laronac breeM
r«n for ibe vteld'i i
Mlcbt daib aaotber. with tbe eboc
breeie. (reek, laucblac. aaddlng tight
ooH. apoa Hoee hidden raeb.
IM »«rw •<>■»« ‘U“»and ftft wlib happy iBpartUlliy
•0 I do not dare to pray
for Ike beaHac ef ibe Mtha* 4
-Wni-i" aad Ibe "doldrume- By out
Per wlad* to wa^ ow oa ay way.
llrbK w»ien Soa.
rare tt u> a Klfber WUl'
To stay or tpaM me. Uwellec eUll
coolMU wd tb« cate,
That all to weU. and eara that He
y (or crerytbtDg
be abbdMr. eecral plww.
Who laaaebed my bark will aaU with
breath of itMlloc bbln!
Ml* this Uascr. lot
plant Bbe clapa b
ThroBch euprm ^ra
door wrai atlll a)u
I blauul klBddon «>ere the
Wbaurer breieki may prerail
Id. ru (wcrtly and modreily that
To toad me. erery peril put.
ilak It to your own euggnilon
WItbla Hto tbellerlac barM al laat
Wken-ror tbe guee ahe ac-o< t
(aaay aide o( iblogi. And ibe I
Who look BO I
aufb a tunny, whole-banned eray
My bean to dad to hare 11 no:
Iher Wkbder (u beio*!
blow 11 HM or Mow H went.
deaerbing them that It to u good
The Wlad ibal blowe. that wlad
bur her u lo bare been ttaare your
ulf—erea bettor, lor abe bu IbibuBwriMja eye. which fa a great cKi
Bovloi the p iturea pU are Mto.
She dueaat abUM- It. though. You
•Hlac Thiapa
wdnl eipert to be rogalt-d with bit
Bo •* Wks tbo >1 IM VBterm la each
Not tone aco Uncle Theodore ■
-r larcum* and aplirful eucgvr*
to pblkMopber meaA who bad M
She can be deter aad funny
Oar ciaclou Lord bad Malta- I
hU ctaom WbH both wrat to i
irUbaut being unkind, or untnilbful.
wbow word each aerraat llTea,
-doHirlek Bkola" aa* printed ih
M •• Mok Ibe pareblac diMn, lalllale hide by elde op dHka. (race
potta. and tbe old oak
She l< recepllre uad rupuBelitceraer ol the ptoysreand
be .Iki* ererybody. aot oooilderin*
U bappeaM lo be ta
ber duty to nupect rrarrene ul
lartham'e eorser sreoary. end they
I aloac oar pathva)' It tbi
touad eHU oe a.box. end eweppad
n* baort or peaee that dweUeth to eUnlra a* they whittled.
nil tbe world hoomt and glad until
iHl. 'll do bHi alL~ Hid tbe
HM OTerlaMlBd bUl:
aa' wlm- prorei IteoB othere-toe.
Abd vnb the dreoe o-otbrln
She alwayn geta atoug
She bu
go bllad all their daye. Beemi
(bat tall Ike vat beelde
aa U they WUl born blind. Uke klt- frteot'.a ererTWhere. For people wh'.
Pear oM (be ev »• cmtt. ov
Obly aleb tolkj nerer git their hare met her nerer forget her,
Bnre. they're get eyra
ter dl rouA bet eoHebody'i allu
c glii wbo bu trlrade—
K to lead 'em. an' ebaw 'am UOagi.
M (rtonde and k(epe frlead*-Many lade flyed klua. aa' maay
■d* eeea llghtnla’ Bub. bol oely
en rrenklla aaea anytblag mo
aal gimdtooktM Jot poor
ibai. an' what woedere bu a
Her teeulty for fneadahip
from bto eyn leala'.
TbiB, do »M batTr.
makei i:p for arerythtag atoe. Aad
'Many yooag lellera aoee tanAUIbal buta to bleat
totil anybody we'd rather
a b'lllfi.’ hat aerer a oee tlU Jimmy
Who doia bto bdM
artwi:a.--Kaii*u City Jouraal.
WatU eeen tba:
Abd tobeae the net:
IbiBCttoea. do BK •offTA KM Oleve Pillow.
TbH there wu yooag Tommy BdIngealou girl bu devlaed
na kiuia' foertH wltb Teetnelty.
pretty pillow, and a eenslble ooe
aa- makiB’ Ufe Urety ter bto
well. She ueu tbe wrUu and p
telka witb bto aperlmHU. aa't
e back* (C dtorarded kM gtoru
plala path far a M o' ihetwyH tei
for her purpau. u erery woman ’
walk la.
knowe that wbH a glare to won
■ell ye what. Theodora, when
PtehM Up Here mt There.
emu are aim “u good u m
tod stta reel aaala' eyn It menu
l->ery woman acaatTH a lot of
-Mother, dear.- laid a freak roeag hHp tor tbe wortd aa' ter tba folkt
wrinkled wrlaU of ererylblM- from
hat eoal eeea for thalraolrea.«CM to ba panat. who bad Jtat
pony lo walklM C<<>rm. and «be <
baee MtIbc ha a toeUre. *V yea
-Uow to It tbaa.- tayt L That a
wLat (bay arc good for. —
weald obly etop wbea pea here bln aee. aa' otbora ue aotblMf
t the Ctrl wbo makei ererrtblng
aeered roar potat abd aald wbet I
-Well. I reekoa.* aaaweced tbepUldo daty In eome way bu mad
IM to a tnitb yoe woeld aake ao
Npbar. -aobM-i kora
eoolrrl, tmootbMt. moct nerre-eootb■laah Mb ^rwelm. bM roa al- tralaad that way. e
wen CO Ob aad oe. aad Hr 10
waked Bp by ibair Uaebata. Theta'a IM pUlcw la (be wortd. She ei
B1 bMh oM «(' U
hall tot la snUb' waked np. Theo CtoTcwrtoU
auanrea. Tbau abe buled doun op^
aad roe loee an the adrabtage yoo dor*.
H a maru llalag. and then werfced
hate ■alaed."
“WbH ea IdH earn <lu later
with -Hlatileh- in yellow flou.
Haar 'paopU make a mlitake by
MM Mlar-a mlad. aa' opau h
dSoet wu ebarmlag. with tbe
Bot Mopjaas at the Hcbl
rn lar the mnali
I aitumnal
and tbe aofi
Maay a tratb woald be eeir
tbe peweifal alsbt
I and iTorte*. To Judge by apla e eolant ead do sood wort If tl waeld—1H tbe ncku o' ereatloek ao
Mm. M. B. O. BA'ns. unar.
T«. e» « l*.!.,
m vorM to ^
la U aad Uda.
Abd ■Oaf to dvlda;
Take Ibe oatcr eialka trem a bead
ef cekTT. tbooe whieb are not
I. aad apUt them
toaglhwtoc. tbioogb ((-* wideet part.
Bimbiiihii III III 11 11
i.ml .Tczsag _
i loceOer and cu
Th. Old gtau kntoa
1 tbe bran cAtbe buay city.
Fiepare a eqnal e
In tba aeoaebtng nouo-ilde beat,
eound uf bubbling water
Fall* on Ibe dla td ibv >irvei
ooe trrel Mupoaoful ef hU and
II fall* in ao oM aiona buln.
r vaprilca *01*10 tbe waier from
And over the tuol. wet brink.
tecetable* odd them lo tb«
The heed. <d the thinly burara
corer tbe ttewpoa and let ibem
enlly lu prevent them
■licktng on
to-ben lender pld halt And
cupful! uf rrean and >imn>cr i
mloule* lunger
*br ahe. eb. the ihy aewtowm.
Be daer ta the world, h deer!
la tbe bean of the boM ot Barnmei
Aad eereatbaan of all the year.
A MrrtMB WH b
laoewuy h tba amo.
a will pat II
-I Mre board wamn who bare
la (ram a load walk or atim a bard
doyb work oiMilalB tbbt they
too tired to more, aad tbnrw themoetTH iBlo a roektet ohMr aa<
madlaUly beda fwaylax la aad b«
t of nuuiy
rery Uf# depHded oe U. The pnettoa woald ertinit a man In a few
MmHto. bat beoldH betas a a
Tbe emprea of Germaay p
«t btoaMl. bto a
•oMm HIbM.
la tbe wood Ob’ tbe Bald, an' ike twe
batonlitB- aa' hIrdMadyta
qakkly made fer Uttle clrto by m
-------- r. aeeme u If Bto Canell )aat
tba leoctb tram armbMe
weka ap, aa' aha wootad tM door
bottom Of drean. Sew up three
yard cleared ap. aa' a Bower bad. aa’
(tnlfbt wUtba. put a Ibre inch
Ibe bottom, aad satber at tM top
macamaa. aa' tbn a |
form aa toeb-wlde baadlac- Banc
toika- nadia- cMa. an' a Baaday
oMo a barrow hobd M tbe proper
---------1 m the eU Hbeottoue aa'
iHgtb. aad aUttb twtoe a (be macb•au kaowa vhara tba ud oat
loa. and tie orar tba aboalder witb
H be.
I ban a yard kmc aad two or
three toehe* wide An apron can be
farm gota' wbU* -UAb oa' hto vtte
ad made m mart lam (baa on
weal ur tbe WarMh Fair. Net 'uue
they'd eau that pa OB' m wu 1
artn' ter aaota' tUasA aa* a ttUe
w treu hard work, aa' tba
0- the brnty.
aim Mb. which will be Jmt a*
L Ml. tbu aaru whlaad.
taaoT bbd are mart Use.
aald yowM fama-d omMu bare tbe
WbH pwttiM H a faemc. pn
tBaaee. They'd aeaa tba white atoo ta ptooa with u Itxm to
babe eouia' teat aa Ibchmito o'
«; er If It be arti good*. 4
ibotr talbar oa' motM. aa' out
H tUfhUy wtih wHk ourrt w
eye* were ocaaed they oh p tat C
thH h*h with a warm Iraa. ai
tWaci they coaid do lu make (be
WtD MBjr m ptoH Mtu B to KIM
gn-dlenia. Kul. Ibe i|
mlilure. uelne a Holt b
ufing a cu«h uet lu clellh a dr, cluib
' tb* Amattcaa AaU-Ttal Bratoty,
rtto* lb* faUowtnc ktlre M«IM
Grand Oratnl Hotel. At. Paul, wi— ■
' It to witb CTBOt pIlHbM (Ml I H.
Ibe riom.Ucc
iway* trel that Ido IhrvBu
•rvTleoftwI know bow eaiulachwr the
rvaalti Invanably are. I .«w «Mb
ertry family had a buttle—It e ..uld »iTe
much.'knew and deeicr tell*.-—.’.-oeph
II. Kulceway.
Ctoanlng Carpeto.
There !■ no other article of buna*
urotohlng au tubjeei lu tpul* u
carpet uf a living nwm. By tbe <
uf Ibe fallowiag mixture, greaae i
nalu and ibr grimy ria a
be renrovod (rom any carpel with
iDjury lu the culor One-foanh poi
f cuUle aap. Ibrec ouncu
amiduala. imr of ether .ooe of apirtta
Inc, one ol glyo-rtue. Cut the
Sue and dtoiolvc in one
e not lauglil l.-ii.-t.!
no alpbebel.
sor«e In all ihev.- je*
e word*; and yei
Ihltk tbai eerh thimy c
tVhu .lop. to drtni. br tl
lu Ibanka. lu hi> own duiul
To the tuier. .mall inu.i
wrt»*'^““ *■
-I am *1 tb* {wraat Ube aUraiy '
• —i rat aa.t-tbliic 1 eeee reuld.
botUfU ef IVnina. and trad
uuebi ai ihv luln'e alui
The kindly Ilitle aUli-ri
- all I.I women grown.
Hforartree .Te*n,*uln______
■d your nwUetH .vary bigblv lor
aloanach treuUee. I Ink. great ple^HM
‘n thanktne you fur yunr tree adviH
ad Pernna.’t-Jamre B.Tayb*.
nay m.oto wa I (-«n to.-
Ur. J.W.Prtlnhanl, WuU InkixIM.
lilt- Juirr
bale uir
lo mix In
lu I*- uliaud again. P
fmm three Brugei
the rtnd. being careful
nny ul the while port. Be-
cured of catarrh of U
tuna. Icuuk
acrevd with
ball through
wold BU wllb
1 gaa coHlng
catmlng ma rnwh^F
dtotrcH and
-Th.-i uiu.i the happh-r W
For the c«j. ul waier poured by then:
When iho wen- chll.ln-n llir.v
—Suaun <'.«.lia»r.
Uianki lo yoao- IViana, I am mra- mh>
pletely ooed, and ran eat ayibteg I
WUl to wltlumt any of tb. dtouraalns
Sun.hlue readeri
ierrloi: aaed
lemud* u( ralaln* and chop
A. E WlDUe
e.-ihcr, v»w> Bne. Add I
I lillU 1*1..*. le-elanau
rour-y. ,ii.! who ea, ibe nrt-a
•I »ug*r and the orange
.luuiy fur an hour. Tan Into Jar* bridging -Hab.- fhehnne*' lu
ir tumbler* and wben cold aprud the nolle-. Sin. Wlnne uuu live, o
IP-aver l.land.
Tbr..;- l.land.
UiVe Michigan, ooerli dmix-m lb.. Sirali. .d Macklua*
They are tar from the mainland and
ke.-p’ng Ibe
Sunday wbanl
•:i ber .lory ,
Hartman and bto wumMul
-It bH baa cm* year atef
carvd. and I am all O. K. yet. ac t kbow
IateHRd."-J.W. Hnicbaid.
a* of,
anywbar*. HaranaoBiei ralarrbwber-
Wt- will uu> I,
UyuBdoboCdeitv* twoBjA aadaattoa ot cetarrh. I aaamined tl
teatofTieaulMMH tb* h* <« Furoba,
Tbe Ileavtr l.lan.l Sunday «.h»>' tboaougbly to learn ItooHtn
writ* al ObO* to Dr. BartBMB. glrteg b
>• DU plare of wor.hlr and ibe kln«
at rateable madletebi full alatemat of jtm «h* aad ba win
111 o.ii.T and oiir *ell u-lov.-d Suobe plaaaad to CM JH bto ralHtil* ad*
Vf (ba ayitem, neiora tba fubcUoa* aad praoura heellb.
day- m lu.il .upcrlnieud.-ni
-/ oosatoer Perm oae tt tht mmt tkOUaUx mmd tt
himU.r for ibe.building
AAdrato S*. BarMon. Pr^Ht rt
Mefam. b-felrtrtt#a*ffe oa no w«b aUbO aad mn
lurch (or our purporc
len moat be paid, dcior* and
windo*. lougbl. acalK pruilded
added at lb.
,-*>- nl CfwwlBs up that jour |•r*» |
to all tbe wblle Id a alate of'
wonder! But abe that waa our Mate-:
girl and whom your prealdent lure.:
canned lomatoe*. with a leaapi
rer; murh. will br a Sunahlne wumai.
ol greuo pepper. cb«w«l «»«
we are ,ure. and that -* ooe of ih. *
three mlBUim HHtnri with unt
very nlreel Ihingn ou earth lo te- ,
apounful of ull and oae-bnll of thl*
Harold-* mile leller-l«i* of tk.wgta
quantity ol pepper. Hour witb
pln<- to lUKi ac preiiy at ran te- auj
east, e-bleb bead fur unr minute.—
■tuell* «r all (bo beauiUul auuibern
Harper'f Cook Book Eacyclope
pine wolds li wa* at, one* pul uu our
deek and uur Buncblnv IcUen put li-. j
bay Hug Clunlitp.
II. and that to wbat It •hall be fur a-;
It la not alwaya naceaaary to ahj
long a* there I* any Herald Sua>bla<- I
heavy ruga, nor to every won
Now. tr any of your lelfeie pel l»i|
atnmg Hough lo habdla them
there will be nubody iu.blame but the I
auch a manner Ao may way to eh
Ildeni brraelf. Tbto I* what Harthem la to apreed tbaa down <m
bare Boar, and aweep Bret on
Plixgerald. (to.. Jum Slid. IMSy
wrong nad then on the rtrtl *
Hear Mr*. nai.i-A.
u thtwuufbly u iHMalble. They i
going lo Traverri- Ciii I ihuogtai
look u frmb and bright u If abnkrn.
bulter Ih.
I the Dul
and ptore li
erere aot «(IbM witb
peak-ha aaat
10 aeeb aa ealebi that la aCael ba: o' tbe deat' nay moee. He'e
e Modera Prtidlla.
. bet Ue
rieberh Bolomoa or Jel
and Iba prueea* to not ao hard on
that Ibe vewerallly cd people Uto l
JbUh OaoHr.
-Bpme way with cato, Itake li. bat Uttle OMt are Triuend at Play.
KugUib women ai« iwieUug
DUH rtdlag ulrtde on
ibtor alatn aad Ibetr
ImmlB-folki moat
anmmar Id tba panama Tbe (aTortia
.---------- ---------------------------- y poPd.aBd « taught airly ter eu wbat'a Teead barer and wbreL- hU a womu
•ra OM ef tbe world a bag *Mpa to one rary much Itka that
to 'apt to do a grHt deal of berm-nad I-re sera Ibe new elyle by man. tba Mamlag aimply a
PUledeIpbto Bailey
-Now. tbere-e oM Aaat Ohio B^lb.
t aad bath snlw
pan olshty. M* u ■pry u a eriekel.
-I hare eeea 11 yean ukn od
rariou* other maoralkis: that
aa' ratotelB erery boor —-------- ——
wemaa-e kwki.- deetaied a beev
ibe-a fooad bow to tbe
dupml bad expmaal of the an <
to my'mind (be*ploy drtoa
ar by tbe aide o' tbe apt
■ MM pretty Ibeaib ao loepar yoea
I glrte -to the meat n
MH. Why, all BoekMeUar-d
-It to alweye poeilble to taka 1« yeen
rmetalM Improremeol of tbe
Bold wwaMS-l brlM
ot a mmaa-e a«e. bat wbH
aba Bade la tbe drift o' tbe
«e U yeert aad M yean U
a. the twiaklla- atare. tbe Mad
leal ait aad talent aad a
li Itepthy. wall crown for 10
real deaiaa. Mao. Paul baa done It; ia' Wrda aa' bloomta' Bowen. Tea'd
A ari^eA In bar blu
ae yoe an It to aot aa lapeaelblUtr. jHt ertar hear bar pratota' tbe baaaty oraralle for aa ol
>rar btoeaoam aa’ the 'nardyed'
-Yoa an. womb woery a peat
M oonrM.
tbe yarl, I Wu eurpriaed
la H a pan and bake
deaL ABd ai eoae ac a woaaa hactoa ebtekweedAar U
Bat eucb
Mtve of
modarata c
(o werrr abeet her leoki It to aD orer
' child predated! There
out. and while aUIl bot toll li
-Bar eyn are woodertal ter
troeklaUrt and petUeau
I and bold la a
-Worry brlasi an anthme look lata
aad eoteb oeto tblaci and
fUl 'them
the laee. aa aaztoa* look brIaM that boy o' John Tbempeoah. aow raoulre cor^ toal they get apoUed or
wrtaUaa. aad wTlaktoe brlag ace. olch OB ter twHty yean eld. tbath
trac awIM for the
Abd Ibme yea aieUmha and at tbe
Te Sweep a Beft Weed Ptoer.
-To lake the look of ace oat of a ilatld-llke peat aramUM. Hd aerer
tbe email pereoe aad ber
la aweaplM a aoft wood Boor, kmp
ao ctoey la Ibe
womaa’f ti» yoa maet aoa<
mother that
bO eoerm
pall of water at hand In wkteb
teU a roHa-a aoU fram a htaatMi Ibe loofce yoPM Make her tUak
were bebig altbcM by tbe
laaa tba bn»m oecealeatally. Shake
toyh. He't allu
rte hei ao wrtaklea. aad. tea to
-U a slrt of that age la my da.r'
wu bora «a a
bad badlB ber warntobe a Ufuruled
whet be amt bdc Bah allu creu
woald bare I
Mr. aa- lika a aalky rtlM. Why.
rtibla doom
ba-d taU OTW a ptownhar
trter* nobody couM eoe. atoe there: mua pile toatead <C halt Bytog la tba
All ttatnee tiHuUful tor* her; .
kaalla -fora he'd pH hm
a where ebay woald bare bau a cry that her
The bnnardtot Ufbi aad deal.
brladM bar op on
The kreaekM that bead iboea bar.
A eblW'e eraaplM apioa
The moeeae tbu ktoa her foet;
rtsbt, I tmi ya. Theodora Bat ortar
obly form of play
la mUa paaa witb yteb paai
The rtpeetoc palo la the meadow.
to aaru toe late ter maM. aa' allowaMA
rolled thin, prick with fork nod bal
The btoda. itociM >«eet aad aem
eala' habit Mowe Joel oa tare u
Cobl aad BU with barriH a^toklad
The opewed Bowen la Ibe rtadew.
tbe BobeaelB-.
Ctrl CO u abe ptoaau In
The hreek. with m-npple otoar;
-Now. tbeew-e Uahe Oairoin eld- wllbta the boue ^aelaeu ef tbe gara apoonful of whipped e
Tba bM. m bto etorer aleeMac.
ra Of back yard will gtre (be
eat cal. the maneel beurteu
The.kwaeu. that droee aad whir.
of the futon baUor hulth
The tala bom the Ulto. down eweai
■be kaow-d BotblM bM ter took pret- and etamlaa tbaa wu ber mother';
. tBC.
aad craadmotber'e adowmat.- —
Aad the Bleade are la tore wttl
New York Boa.
peeping tel*e.-o
BeTeals That *T*e-ru-na is Calculated to
Tone up the System, Restore the FuuotioDS apd Procure Ilealth.”
married the 21at of laal September
Her name to no* Ualwl Cuuper. 1
made uul of (leurgia pine. It gt
here. It to curly pine We made
eral Iblnc*. fur mamma lu lake ru
de one like yours (or my *1
are having ripe i»-arhec
plum*. hlarkbcrrU-* and MrewKr
re bec-n helping lo bale up
rrapouded nobly to our call tor aid
and. Ub. It wa* very plrailng to (I
dalagaic to ^ with what avidity
Utaratura war received by our link
It doe* one guod lo *ee
dralrc lot rellglou* rradtng li
young children. Now, I do not wtoh
to ark for reading' matter ai t think
we whi ba able to purchaae ibai. i
I do aak tba Uttle Sunihlnar* to e
irtbnla pranlM toward building i
cburcb. only a^ng your^ward .
lee* trtbBlailH. and with Icei lou of
Ime and money, than Ibe perpleiad
liber of tbto Texoa acbool boy Hcit
the pareofi letter to tbe l*«b*r
"Sir: Will you In the (nlK'e glvi
ly *H eaxlrr eome* to do at nliH
Tbto to wbat be ba* brougbi booPM
or ihre nlte* bark: U fore gal
Una of vlnnygar win dll tblny-to pint
bottle., how man/ pInU and bait botct will nine g^llin* BUT'
-Wall, wa irt^ and could
eotbiB' of It ai all. and my boy ertod
I toughed, and aald be didn't dare
bock .In the mornln’ wlrtaai dote’
long for tbe pranlaa to gather
doltor* that tba aummar win be oear
before our toland eblldm wUl
a plare to meet. But all tbrougb tbto
aoftb country ibere are Uttle Bun
Kbooto and we do oot ibtek Ibera
many of them wbarr there are not
Sunabtee boy* and clrla. Sow If tb
toaaoad a
yoeng bear
would aad tbalr moeay
brongbt It bom* aHra. ba* banted
gatban .. would be a dor thing to do.
mountain Uoat. dear and elk. t
only a mtle Mm
treraad la woaderBtl.
au, iwHty-a.
So I bad <0 go aad bv bin* gal
■ of vamaygar, wblrt Trtbold IU af
ATodd BUM katttoa In (be moratog anrtblag—It would aooa galbar Into
aad every do^ would help ^ to do. and then be wai nnf
witb tba Brel wnlar that comm from
a day* work. U you do tbto
>. We BU (bam.
tba tap. Tof H baa baa la a to
and my boy put rta nnmber down far
pipe nu algbt. and to (beretor*
there win be a
. answer 1 daX know wbMba U
yolHoHa. Tbto caattob to to ba
• every penny yoa
rtghi or aot. u we apm aome
to to ba
dote' Itboiled or not. '
day acborta will do anvnetbliic tpo.
-F. &—Ptoaar tat tbe nei(^4a
to build that church, and think of Iba
'OtUb tba rtrtafctM aSact cC rato
good II will do! 6
drape tMHa to bar* iwtond Ugbl
> you. aad (tod blaa* you. rrtry ooe.
> all that to iwquliwd to to Mb tba
you wui Bote. Md not ■
aUb H tba wioM aUa witb a pinee
Can you gnam l
OH'a milk of bm
are. oaa day teat weak,
Hto IKIK atui keep* a fte* Bavor <
all Mm Hn. K«Ua. of FlUgaraM.
Odd rate water and eonp will taka Georgia. Iba mortar of
girl aad a Sunabte* bey who have
wrtttoa nurt good touan to h In
UmapoaL Our Suaabtea girt to a girt
Bear, H Boiold wtIIh h (hat
-WaC. I gooH be can be prood at
OKT lameKS
Harold H Ketih- ;
Blurmer. Bracle Co. July II. IPOT.
Dear* Mr*. Bale*—1 waa aorry tu
ear ihai yon were »lck
1 waa In
Travenu- (.Tiy laat Friday. We bavi■ mik- lu walk to tSu oSee. There
going to br lota of berrlra out
-e. It haa beH rajolng tbto after
m. I am well. I Hke tbe eosatry
le well I baimae mile to walk
You Sgbt lo bear tbe
blrds cloglng la tVmarnlag. I have
nice garden «oI<J bye From your
Hay Vanderboaf
Wa Bumbar abon IS Proteatant
Where U Ibe boy wbo hasnY bad
tamlllea h tbto laland and we are <
)f tl -doing aumar Di
termlDod lo bare a Sunday acbool
however dnperate bl* caae may Uare
we have to bold li out under t
I. E. Wini
Book and Job Wor|
to W«*,- put te wna*.—Haipafa
F»rioo 9200'
It has alba)* been poaaibW to get a ihorooghly good Kano if one
were wSling to pay the bigbent pice, and rely eu wdi-praven naaen.
Bat to find a Piazto at quajhy and rdiabihiy at raodsaie coK, «h a
problem that has been bext aotved by ihii great mame boftoe. W«
hare aerenl oaka that hU thto ioM-^ •»><. Uit booc better thaa
exedleece at a moderate price.
Our ideal* are telly realiaed n
WILL.ABD. HereitaeinfmiaeaioreorreaKale.ciHiaadiarttovtooe, andasplcfkdidaetiaD. Beifi( beoeHly baulg by da nmesK
eoBceen with ^ fghteitrf cypitel. h ran be depemfad gpoa i»
wear admirably, aad gire a Ucnac ot tetirfaffiem. The caan are
earrmuelT artimic in deeipe ere—rtiinflyl..wA.,w.— ...A fte,!,
CboKeormabQgMr.«b>i.«rw*>Bat. Few Pmsog at kbr nice W
room refined in KyW. Yim cn haec «me ol theM *m miiARD
PIANOS on pa7>B«M
only flO cash, then SAOO or mm montbly
*^iaatni>e>itwiBbeddi*qKdteyoHbaHeaiODoe. tF«*faaIlbe
^ to rtow yOB dMH Pmaaa aad tdl you more abort tbn. Wa
you can?
GfiillNELL BBSS.’ MijS!i; HdiliE
239 E. Front 8L, Traverse City
Maia Store, General Offices and Factory. Detroit,
Tire Tnstiraticc!
Moocj to Loan OD improred Real Estate Only.
TravarMCity, Mich.
AvctiMl T«Bb
an mistaken
F. mTVaine.
Who thiok biDki sre far bosinru men only.
More thsa half the
depositi is the bsaki of (he country belong lu olhen Ihaa butineu
Fsmera, Uboring men, cleiU, and «duol teacben hare buD-
dredl of nUlioni erf dollan tafely is bank, dra.mg moderate iDlereit,
■nroereefara -yaioy day" or awaiting opponuniiy far other m-
Onr inelbodt meet the needs of alt ciaiset.
pleased to Dumber you among our cusloosen.
We thould be
A«sut.&jBsr •
I sell Dyumite at
reasonable prices.
Estimates and exper*
ienced men lumisned
at any lime. LarKC
Block of 40 and 60
per cent dynamite,
caps and fuse on hand
at all times. Use 40
percent, for stumps
and 60 per cent, for
i£3SSiaa»war= W.
Vice ITetiilcDii
To the
who does the cooking for the family, and
es to the members
nbers of the family, to find chat
an entire'baking has been spoiled BtfAOsk poor extracts or baking powder had been used in its manufacture. “AvoIM »uoH Ann»jrme\om*‘
using Johnson's Pure Flavoring Txtracts and Pure
Cream of Tanar Baking Powder at 86c per pound.
'Johnson’s Druo Store.
THoa. a. 8MAo»a a tea.
Oi^ Bmk
}ni Kinds
Berald Job Office
Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats* Sausaces. Etc.
Buy our delicious ready4o<ai fancy cakes
and crackere. prepaired breakfast foods,
canned goods, relishes, etc.
' 1 am now in the market for wool.
I will
;buy your wool to your advantage and will
lido tne best for you that anyone can.
IPhone or write to me. Will also buy hides.
Warehouse 782 E. Front Street ....
R. 8oHomlborK*>'
TravBrM City, Mich.
Ball Phono 180
CltlzBn*' Phone 46 I
nooctaaon to Honaa •
isa ntoNTaranT
aB^=ssB= THc ssssBsas^s
If you are genng to buy
Do you want to Sava Money? Do you want
to aava work for your wife? You can do
bothbyuaing*nta Fitch Croam Separator.
lOfalM fist
MfSttMISiM •
They ara Ouarantaad to civa aatlafaction.
Stop In aod aaa tham. t 1 :
iMsmasar*«L » Uiclor PctidyL
___ u
e fa. not u uaal. tuU ot bright
animation but wlU
bf purpose In ber I
qalie uniuual ibere.
pleaxanl evening
•aally deuebabfa paru are r
err *mal|polaui
bw be came fa
The Sabbath and Sunday.
Tbe early ChrfaUans kept both
tkm ot Ue Bediai railway from DamI Sabbath aad Sanday holy, bot fa
; to dtaf
faiweca their fellow laactotoMtoto Tbe nad fa tafabto
M Dfapesaaikm aad paM Ua D«ad Sag
i: year* old. wbo llred w
at thai and you tball I
m It tr-
■ai^ge mtw^e I
Th* BMPipthm «f aJaatal water*
. Ue Gattad Bute* ha* ban he. Uc week
'■"Vom a atrange
reaaad «aarmotmiy aaUJ tt aov
klton-a — Hr
regaUi «1*A**.*M worU par Ba
planted lo the followfag epHag. Next *“* e«raventoa
1 tever
DeUa Herrlman ro*e to ber leel.
feeUng ter U
r face ghuily. ber eyea itarlng. her
le aatl______ ... .
raU coming la ih
. • to BoaU Dakou a
c Hied lo apeak.
gatotog mfdtoci tor thi
four hundred buxbel*. The farmer • v*»’“r7 of our era.
tPOa,*** g y«*f.
uked to be iwleaaed trum bl* bargain. ]
■Anatlc-" 1
e boy * piaatiBf *
Joa t look »
> •toaUaat bora* to Ih* auU fa
If fa polfablag fnnltara th* *1001*
The aeuage." Htu Hemmat
totou high, awna yam sM.
And w Tt tTqulte commoo to de- «« *• PoUabed fa Brat wiped oS wtU a
wMgto T* poaato aad fa • riHlIiat
mardevwr ot Henry Oarmaa
wu <ul ln.iructot,
Cbarlc* RaliUo. tbe caabfar of the
-----------X------------ed tbaa It tht polMh fa applfad right
Hope Bank wbo bad eoafened bt>
A Soap Py#Ke WayMde.
„ Uc atwaabed wood Aaotbar adHe I ■■ Tell
•• Hfa*
— - Herriman
- —u yooeg guv were talklog. aad vaatage fa that wood will aot •
ra. beard tdlaay fa a vofae full Sager mark* afterward. A kigk --------"Auntie." EUfa ocaifaued. btr eye.
' cannot be aecured B the wood whtab
eatnaty. "wbal doe*
I sere fa your place. Lydia. I'd fa to
•peak 10 Harlan Bgalg
Id yet s
agry wlih ber )u»i u ksg u lore
(tay angry
“v)Il!,*’chiM.- It mean*.- H:
cbarfiy. to eover a
man nIA tcifamaly. "
' Tto’ one overbeartag Ihfa Itetaead of aagleet aad dirt.
that lor twenty years
lafa upon for Ue reply
It eame fa a aoft.
1 wUl not
my IH' ■ •■• •
geatfa voice
«u bed. chi)
uad )
"Ob. BO. Lyd)a. dear. Too know yn
It fa believeS'ibat tb^
ould not do that for all tbe world la tbe world
lU to think '
iclUer would yon Kate me to IL I
: fa Uo propity, H.
IT tWtagi. aad
tall forgive, aad I aball forget <
-Hike" H«my of Heradard.
»B u 1 poaalbly rag I aball try l
rmembor only tbe ewoel tbtaga <
to me late
Haring Sbe fa a lovelj
• e y«ar
Ue evening and
Hr Carrington
a berrfrsy glad
_____ - •traager. anatlc.
a bird bna tbe
by,ibe' end <rf Ibe yaar. 1^.
Hnrray fa not wcwictag the aafa. hot
rarlfa reading tt tor gxbibfUm ' “ —
Loafa WorU * Fhir la .lPSd.
<rf Urn Aagofag 0*L
toad aad U* wmtts*at «f
_ .0 bav* aoBarod fn*a boat sad
cold Ufa apclBg moew ton far •
A cooBt at tb* an«e8*sf*d haatoe
fa titodto atorwa U.tm. Thd* fa OP*
hoaaa fa U ot tba whofa ««p-
1’“^;,.- wu.™
Buy the best Manilla at P. K's. We have it from 8-16'
to 7-8 inch, suitable for doth lines, bead-ties, hay-forks,
etc. Prices range from 15 to 20c per pound. We also
have a few of those self oiling
solid steel us^ to pull hayiimo the ban whh, consid
ered cheap at 45c each. You can't be without that
Sitoolc SRl-t
teGrdw.pn»pcl7' CWy ibrmy 1mm msttgiil
•wd, sad faSy gBsaaSsed k My rospecL
aoiMStefgfaMpMMrisl, sad gins s My
............. tsr.............■
‘^?’beeir‘'5 le»*
Don't use a Cook Stone
Cbesed^t Daps
gommercial PrinMna
Do 70a irsM to Id) TOUT
&na? Ksi^lktwiU m Oar
Ikt « too SMB far the dassiKl
Ast *e sr* hsviBf. Cdl sad
nn nllen Srt. tbe dm^bMU^
................................................... : nt thd
■ UtUe
I Kobe
Hullnnd tbe w.
pununuiet I luld hta I M
tbe chntvb two nad two. tbe y*o<i> Bbrry Hblioi.
t. Wl B. w
ce**>ua being bended by tbe brUe
Germany ba* n pay webdfag. u
lb m«e. l>nly
wfrt Inter
iww tbe ukJ brldegruun I'urme^nre nrrnncnd bkb tbe brfae nwelye* ber fweMa
drliMl ny:
nk «n* i-niered
nlgbl. your
•emlcirvl.' nround tbe pulpit sad
Hb a bubi betwe bee ti wbleb Meb
BiMk BI«Sl •ucMta I
b.'T Ibu( through the hewn .nud.
• tbe )uung people wiib I
peraoB ewiertnc depomu a )e*ral. n
Ipb tlnrTlngUu dlwfaievd in tbr Irtend* nsd relallte.
allver ipoon <w a pteee of mnaey. lb
BUrk subi
ibc<all irym* to rv-uvv^m ' Ki- wn>
■ome pan* ul Germany tbe rate In
'Mied nsd ini-a. He told n iluri
ibai tbe expeeuiw ot tbe Mrrmae
one credited. Ibaf Cbnrie* RnKtou
r«a*l *bnU be me< by each CMot say1 deliiered exirmpore by
e wbnt be eau or drlaltn. The
keetHng bim
towDed minuter Tbe peny- .
. paid tor vtand* nad Srfaks we
• inavr Ibj boSM
uoks nil eeea
It througb like the t«n of bigb. nad tbe mans coupta alia
>d>'r ibr (Old tlooM
1 .wore tbni be bnd
A1 tbe ckme at Ibe makt a baadaume proSt ont ot their
IV tbni ornlng. end
ble* are prea^lcd i<
•.vtdlag. rMiUlsg a earn anlu •a^
Died 11. Ibnt Ibr key* ul tbe vnuJI
pie and to n-rtaln erf
- •
to ,tan them aleety ta Uta
ie luuod banging in ibo kejbuk
Then ibv marrlace u
we iluk-o Iron bU dtwk. nsd be
Accordlag 1 H. Lavafard. Ua tod nni ,voi bu Clerk lu tbe bank
Uc Part* "
U thu soel ibf H-«'k3. ibill
' K»U.b wn> coBvivi.-d and ten
The Attar Cowl’of War.
I'ompaay. a aam
a Irf
irf do
D" lea* than **.,.vr Juuraey fare*,
need, il.' v»cnpvd:
Ll*le. 1 bad
glaace a: V
uuu.ooo ba* bvea anred dnifag the paM
liranl. Uwxt my ansluui prayer*
rew-utlj lu
7 Heaalua Com- Iweaty-au year*, oftn* I
wedding gnmienu.
I aeot to >ev nu..k«vr Ware
MD for emu I
i«t wlib the CniaeDi tif Hear
bim ID bl. prUun. and knonlng be
wbtrb be emptoya
cbantT that "republic* are ua
Ood* lace and licbt
wni innoc-oi I gnir bIm ibv mooey
_ Bg- HMD 10 1*00 poa___
l>a»i to I far a*
«>er thrill ay •t(ht.
' '
keeper of bU wil Tbr
Ipaay proTlde* n railoa wUeh
It It mocerued ThU »ommao
e money nod Halpb >wI* tormed trum atgbt to nine parti ot
lb.- falkivin
lal I may eee Tby face. Iloave
grain. See to all part* of bay nsd See
suu.'y dl>bur*,.d la p
Queen -wbOM Mother kite
wbo bate *er>.-d In
' paru ot etraw
it braucbi me home abore
>a* gone, yvur mulbrr army and aa«v
Th.' .bock uf her bu* Hi'iuluuuuar,
enilTo Thoe, aared (hroacb thr i.dc
and *b.' ii.'irr ruM- ngnio from bei
ibrve munth* Ih.Jun *ar*. IU1PIM2 .
LSSO^gOO prtwent' tonw 'at~ $M0.00a,SS^bcfar
prumUed yjo w.r alih Ueilco
SIJOO.OOU log bim Ue laug IliUe taoome
Mt.never War u ihe rebellion.... M44.000.DOD oou.ooo a roar. At tbe run ot fa
Brief CeurtaMp.
until War wl
it tbe fait toar y>
• Do I took nice, aubtler '
The ipeaker was •tandloy bct.ir,. a you were * woman"
Eltle na* aobblng quietly, u
Ornod OW Chotry Trwa
ill lvs(lb mirror, ber pivto
lime* Ibr trull oe 1 niagie
I’liird tu uoe aide to eurtey tbv muS lining to bvr Up* Ibe genile I
kal bad glien her all that *be
V than two or three
luiilnou* Boosces ot white lullp
rer ex|wnenced of lile *
acre* ul wbMi
There 1* a tree fa
The drliuSt ^ ^kenaSe fa ooeh
pate blue silk, eorutlutlng ibe
There **• a lung *Ueocv
northern Hell' r.', TO or SO years
growfag evil fa nsafa that sMSb
orate evealna dreaa eovermg
bu p duced an aterase at urra are bfang pcGyanid to oofatat K.
■ tender armceful Spire
*;«' nonb ot It
aainall) for nearly Tbb Ttoe bu lung pewenUad
-Vou lo.>k lery nice, my dear.
I. Mini) klMlng lb,
1 ladfani o
e SouU F__________
ar the rberrlee told
Ulu U-iu blerrtaaa bad
IVUa luld HUIe t<
nueb na e ml that Ue tauartar« ago tbl* old pot'
kiDR *ur
If tbe ezquialtr fare Ucg,. le r«l
.-ach baakel* ul de ikm ot kmoe
fore ibe
r. and vn* *aUiSed n'lih
Uui fur b.
about l.lOO pound* Importani tra
appearanee ■f ber protege
• Very nice." the repeau-d
gelber until
u (be old tree bu
cue has Blled yuu porieetly. and II
mug .rf
The gortnmeat herd of rofaSeer.
rard nU ibeae year*
ea« u most becomUii. Now. U y<
I bl> uajui
M-nieoc*'' unniiend.'d
npcared tut except in Afaika. wbfab b oxpeciad fa tbe
II gel my yewel case, yuu *hi
invoiy )<ar* behuv. but wbu nu in.rberry
re to *u|ip>y food and faMfbl
^uniry Ule fa
wr my nem-to •
"«*« tar the aallTca, aov s^m
•Thankif cried Ela
young nod KUIe <
Jien 10,*00. and fa to be fawiOinS by
tin* the heavy casket -J puulns
r tboimnbd aow ooaliwtad tor
ileeping wtae
OD the table betide MtM Merrloan
Dvlln wu wniiu.g ijr him In ibe
Among U* many enriou*
I auntie," sbe opnilnued. openlna n
mil box In the Jewel ense. "I never aide drawfaE room. There fell opok South Atrbm faclodu the
the knot Oi ribboa round bet throat wood" tree, wfalcb taku
Oil famliMU fa Toua.
w thli'~
oB bonlaou fa Texae to ertp.
She held up. ni tbe spoke, a •k'C
a uw without ueextng. u pled Tbe gnat ~gtoben' that *«gfaO
r rhain trom wbleh depended n
raced, elderly man who nd i
me dttit bu exactly tbe eSeei fa" oa Bpfadle Top wmutbfag M m
locket, upon
wbnne eurface
oS. Bren fa. planing tbe wood year ago nro Quiet, becaoee «M waUr
■amed Obe pearl o( great beauty, vnneed o meet bvr. tnfag 1° Sod v
i un|ll It will iomctlme*
lag. Ko bu nppearwd fa almtmt ewocy woB o*
re and Inrge.
^ladfa Tup. fa plaee ot the olL Tba
!. eofl- loaecl. worm or
-t'h. how lovely." Elsie ched. elnsp- he taiUed a tender, kjring
lace. dM the twcog 11: Jt U very but
the faua, ood tew that yield oil hav« to bo pimwid.
Ins Ibe chain srouiid ber slender enlng the whole face,
alxe him. Tfain. her own eye* dim wh*D pfaoed fa
r tt will Rb.
thnul. -SUy I wear It?"
Tbe ookw It light brow% tad tbegrafa
MU» Uenimaa had poan very with tear*, ibe told. eogUy:
"You niv more thaa
veUBise! U net? cloee nad bard, faitiag a faof
pah' as the lorkei wu held up before
ber. Borne uron* memor)' stirred Thank liod. the ctoad U Itfiad trom while nnder water
----------------------------Illy plarld lace, tor the eon. your life, Ralpb-^^
And be. boldfag the UtUe. tramb
Tht Ftrwt LaeemoUva.
'ye* grew troubled, and ber
atning tmea anWhile it U a afatur ot bfatary that
^aM roB
I yon rather I look t
Ttay Air laflaa.
"1 have louad you at lull 1 begaa Bagfaad wu a tma
> tear you were dead. Delfal My III- dfaary road locomoi
.V ____
tavel _
my darlfagldtrling!"
il7S< by William Hi
the Mil italre pearl earring*."
-|bal~l. '* aba ..W
taM. (K.
the *,f4el.1
bright Kltub'.Kl*- IlfrUi
kiaud her •o.ralled nnat. nad
aim tu ber faded eheeka. "yoo
niu fa exfataaea aad baa.
gol I
gray hafaed, elderly
put year, bau aihlWUd
itu Delia Uerrilun. wbo had
by M«m Tmagywt. UmKd a hundred ihouannd dollar*
you ed
. but
'Ul that you
greatly to her
Ibe hope ibai bad
1^ toonevn
tou^„, ^
here: that ibe
Inche* Ugh aad i
not Blxle .an^ .
md a dKam erf madoeu tort iDcbea hug. with a width o
na aaModiy. Ue atadr at «toiwentv years I* reallied. sod I
driving wheel* of eevea lod
■iM Ibe eye
rf tbe gin *
_____ry UMlilTT aad matalltoO.
re IBIO your faoe
been buralag eve* afae*.
lilted a w
old babe to
aad Ua Twdhaaata of voUMry Ba^
CalUorafa. DeUa. all these]
uim, and la
fWT aro to ba laeladad ta tbd mra
laufag wealth under a (afae
Tht OWefa PeafaQa StolidCDlnm.
naniv working tor gold to drown I The nldewl postage afampa fa
I have fad a buay Ufe, bat world are iboae toaued at Hoag I
Aa oMefal npiwt toon itet at U*
iht-ce bu Doi beea oac boor wboa 1 which have never been chaagod sfaM
wu lovely
e DOI piriurwd ioch happfaca* u they were Sent faelltined la StIS. •ad Irf laM year Uato wart la Jam
•un. goodies* ever looking from ber
Yon are mint' Della
You ^1 Bvery other (lamp fa Ibe world baa St agtoaltaral aeboofa. alx Sabtoy
ud. pitying
and *s-ee<n*u lurk
.cad me from you? You wlU be been cbaagml ta the 48 odd yoan. hat aeboQia. St lecbbMal aebooto. W coto
ing fa the perfectly ahaped noutbmy wile?’
Ue bead ot Qssen VlcUiyto on the
• H you wUh It." *be uld. aofily Hong Kong etamp bu never baM alUemary wu lery buy fa DclU
Uemiun'* bean, at *bc ul over tbe ber own faUbtuI heart ibiilllng under lered. Now, bowever It aMaara that
pw act of etampi to aboat to ba to
fire during Efale'i abunce-so bi
il wlU the bead of Kfag Bdword.
•farte^ u tt from a drat
____ .... carriage rollad to the d«
when the chnnge bu Ub
oldeal (lamp will be tbe
XI tbe manUe clock xtrack two.
‘It is Utry Jlnnoyina"
«wr « a eh.r(e
• u H ISr
r oetebturbuod.
I p.rUb««
Raliiu. .1
aolnw wu tti
Plat*QI«s,,8tMnt BollM-and ADcXtont inMir&n^
esUikv cf Hi>o> B
<uh»r nt Mcbi
that wetcarry.
tb a grave.
UaaM iMwatoang
-No-a ti
The aoet woadertnl aboilgtoal moaa*em aad hair menl la the 'new world fa the Hama
.fan tira. I
atmoei wbiu: qntie aa
-aowa to a............................. ........ ................
Trae. trwel 1 bad I
usi be Bfty-Sve *
reel, eight tacbei
"Wbaa be wu
red from the eel ■
lacDBcd Uamaimfar la a
.. .
___ _________ __________
by V.
ot imumimfa rampHrafad a«h pfaar
my beck 'Pardoa mg be i
HamboML fa u.7*t poaada At U
am too cnrtoM: bot yoor ■
la tbe ato <rf
that irlaket are eooaeciad
flowed bp rapmuch <rf my life that 1 voatibw >»
________________ pattoafi
ran aameaiag <rf th«m. DM aot i
__________ ton manb by tbe m------------Oatmtoan are bafag aao
ime gtve tt to you—a tadyT
Coctu to Uto them from tbe «T*a M
-HU faoe wu 00 «acM. aimUeJhat
bfttartag Ue ato at «ettotoa.
I laid him Ue Meket wa* ymm- Tbes
he fad oa. little by Uttfa. hot M not aad torpouea tor *» yearg Tba Hi
llato Ranilre Mm-------Into few a wealthy womaa. bat erne kaa Katkaal mimiam baa bow slv
, pagmtlM *<.lnto^Wfa W
ytor* a» «m ow MMM fa oa*
Me* Uaa dAMAA
CoraeXi and\seel^what we have to
show ’yosi.
a praattaat ptoca.
ttoRg aad Ua «aly-aw aa* «< *^ ■tttfab.
Aaeoa^V^ ^ aattva pop***
ppm —1 ^ ^ppi
fc.‘o ‘^i3i3
w toot at aaitoeg
Bartog the lafa Ura* yoan Itj»
gaalfw hae* died fa kgtoad. Th*
rengi age wat Tt yaan.
a tor yoo ■
the oae i
- aa atan
Traverse fleraid
BirsMi sarBUM
imis aeunc cans
AUGUST l!iite!ia,-S!a-“..'g^ Btetlt CmiMilil ODIIBU HEIUS^S
•kick frmlM *U O'er uicblcw
CM sM CPU* Ik* OnM Tnren* r*
wtm. muSt - - ‘— *—
•mc »a (k*
I. tt •»* *iUMr)7 njorsM
> ^ (k* rcBufUai >ad
J. a. aui.1T, •. M. COI.B,
kaas aakia. rtTie aikua.
•Mtker »t< • umronn Mt-toek (o
am •• w««'» <
.• vtfiT* It uw
m »> viue
. vwk
••IWlOod M*i> Ibk
' -fcr «. f*
tvs or verv vMlkar
Tk* Mirtcl wblrl U (1
rairmi the world's
‘ UkM bkiH dcruud tv **> CDBcrc lc>
gMUM »«H*< U pr*i*rmai te
wtmmm-t mxnm^. h*i « «ii
■Otu «slMnl«c pikaa idr Rorel
•tkl klcwgiw arc b«U( iMafin
br* Miba VMk thli partly r«r—
•lU ecalaia Bor* P«*l« tkM “
•TOT aaikrtalaak More.
Tke ■
Nortbinn Baaefc kuul U atioat r
elOTML aad tke a*« tanliare U i
C7bc la«alW
Mr. LotII*. ik*^, -
1 tke bCNM*
uad ta by a
•aralaf win b. p
show warkets
"""" -^s£“‘‘“
apiniOT ftrtrtly v
•klllad elOTM at bM« perfomOT.
r tddwi b)
PIU^ with kMO
___ til Bl*k«ly *«klbll»i for fbe •kick (Bek Boa^MUtaat* <w> hare
iMMki « tke pIkRe ar* frOTUy ••- tke rtcku
R. R Metbraay. pr-ildcol i.l tl."' 1
lU of tke dab frooade afur
b«MC I.
M Railroad r<>. aad I'ldl"
ckau aaox baa 1
Oadar U>dp* la
t dIrMlort. If appltraooa of Ih* i> K A I. amvMl la 'hr nt
led by W. taalaad of *dt- tail Mlay «o Irailune
» ii
tloaa aad
ia all of
taa their '*'To*be’H''^l<l Mr Mrlbrao) Hal.
are to k* aeled upua by ika that Ibr tMJilaeei of^hr^llne Hn.
IMOTI. Ike ualy «ay la *kleh|wai
i i
, OrOTB.
llua. A. ilTMk. 4^ry
_ «Ua
a«l eUld.
Han. J R HfDU^
aad ebiU. J. X
*. A. Muir.
. W. H. Obap-aa
Mib. H. e
. R. D. Wk
tk* moH lanaulo*- hoi>OT
Tbp paaaacpr baileeae hai been .-irrllrnt
aad ibp rrelibi Imiloeii l» bthwIok
m laaMdlaiely. aa tkey are la Ha • laiee easpbaMeally that fur l«-a'H >
of mail
tki cuy lor oaly a-d»n Um U ik*
................. I do aM vaai tkaa«■ ibay Iwd anil all crarrvi r».s|ulivnii-ote tl.l.
nioB be- Uaa rirele aay other railroad Ubi- In
M ba ian*d dovA
Mr. MMbanay elated that i>r.-|<ara
'*^tV*board alw doeldad
tloit are la prufTM* for the comple
(loo of the e»r terry doeke, aad that
bl| boat •■!■ b* ruanlBC U.-H<rii.T
lu^baaa aacarod aa yet
Ibpirt and Mantetlque lor the
>■ l:tU buitaaat.
Wolaokop. Ckaa.
T. C. *10,
B abc... --Haa Opartad ORMa
Taafbi. HIM Tai^t. (loa
WUbela of
of thli Ht^ ubul
T A WUbelB
MUdrad H Uabkar. Kal- uhaa^ “to ikS^vMtdOw'o^
1 to aaUblUb a en>«uK and cradiuied fruB ibe dental
■ •u- UolTetaliy —
ftaldbac takra oBm
\ ^'d
Houh -- •
I be tin prartlee Saturday.
W. H. OTOTW. •«»»•?» uf tka ky■r«r •alilBf rooea and a Rood tired i
fMtarrfUA Mich.. -. ---------------- Iiatm room, which are belDR
beln* fit
Bt |
Vito aad Gblldraa. POToal«y: C. B
tilai room br hat
•iTOTt. keoMTtlta. Hleb.; V. T. !•»
irti't fouDtalB.rui
a doe
■a, A- B. CuUi. MU'
««.bo« dock
H. «i taat pldi r I nd an in
cabinet ibii
Mekwa. tMrett
vaak for tka nortk, vb«» ba will ha* a« equal la
_____will be ut
Jordan, OnnaroU
couch, chain aad
...u. o_»,
1 lj^LL.STJKCI.OHllS-41
HE 24 Ciuuia EOlESIBUt
............................. ......
3 Great Trains-1000 People
.rt«»nd Urblon'S^rdk*^*
rnr^s^J Uy
_______ ______le elty will wlak bla euc-eaae ID hla work aad ka will lorn
saay aaw aodanalalaBeea in bU
itlnce.i Irlp to Otasd Rapidi
Uri Will Perklni ana two daugh-re cd UiurieoB Bay.
Utrh_ arc
P(U«a Buyara Hava tievad.
rnloK after
tpendlug a few dayt wtita frleade In
The pouto bayen hare racaia.1
I Ik'UIncb
Ike rliy.
.Ule aad Unlua
iclr rnreer on 8ui<
>lae Caaile WblllUR left (bit Bora
treeit and Bored lo t
Mailoe llunt.r .if fuiici
iDf for fladmac for a rUlt with MUt
reef oTcnaa aad
roi>eny on the comer
turned home tlii« mornlni
Winnie Kalter.
■yt««laaa eknpa »l
tale nraeu. Bovural were lined up I Mr. end Mrt^John P'urtacb raturaed rlelt in Ibe clly. the guuet
loci iba bank tkare u>day. and ibOT at nuoD today from a monih'i rltll
aid II would taka a goreraBaa
%?nle Uar* weui to
erlib Irircdt and relaUvei al Bl. Aae.
alal In Bora thaat aow.
II It RMOTaHy uadereiood by
**cieOTC* lArdle of Old
tkai they ka«e a ricbl lo buy ob
f trip,
1 (rum I’lilcagii mb.re ihe hai
juii muraed fram a five
ctn-el from Oaae eirMt weal t.
pololl tm-ii .Mailing her linithur. IVllMin
dunny which he vuliod i
rlrar tank, and are lakinc adra
la t'aaada. Tbe trip wai
1 prmiaie. wkleh fivea tht_ .
Ralph Anderton returned Ihla i
jnyable one tbruuRhoul.
UBity to aaa wfaelker a famer
ig (n m Dranil Knpidr. aheS- I
H. H. Waterman, (be aKhllert who
cIBR to Iba narket la adrai
ilctlRncd and made itae iilaaa
vat alreel or by way of Ci
r butldlag ul ibe State bat
Mr.. I.arry Vigor left 1.«l,
city looking afuir the work o:
And Kapld., where ibe alll
ir fuiure home
II U Harrit M ihit morn
Deni. U. Needham returned
FrMk WllkelB of Surer Uke It l^nal Palli. Moat. He bat I
eliy eome time tuiiida ■
i.Ri eullrge laai rienlng an
rapartag to ctbOT a Iwoaiary brick
uarly tpHng lo llUoolt. ai
4-nd bli rarallun with hi. parenu
II vBo ^ a
.ilMlag Ok ble lot OB Umk* «
going hacen lo whtre he
I W.-.l Brvrulli
vrulti alreel
ten aoalh id Bqolrea’ barber ■
d by Mra M. N
ne kHBUoB li ill UaloB atreel.
>. Jlmoji
CdgD ^takBtaa^waa a (arcA ne
Tka oW bulldlaf oa tbe pmpeny. (Ion. Hie wife will follow
two wewke.
coiorM kon knd tka Tkifp—nil* foTBOTly oeeoplad by Batlb A ~ '
Mite Margarei Ckaeran.
la belnt Boved to a
UAB at Uafy mntr dwtu tka MW phoii«rapban, le
TiOTTMpMrtIa tn^~ |d»«d lot adiBatag .........................................
rileoa'a alore oil South been rasping with Mr. and
Hurliie.. eollrge
^^ra«ad. dioppdkt oT^akUraly Union aUOTt. A portkm of tbe build P. Hoogh. wa* in ibc nu today oo
Aowa. Th» work * her way lo her boBc In Central Lake.
Bg TOTT aacy oaba and at ko tag wat ton Bo
GeOTga Wllkine will Irate Ibr Brat
eroMlBR Ike new
pan of tbe week fur Marquette. Mirk
» _ti
J K. hendeeaoo of Cadillac a
Hemaa CuibBan of Cedar lUplde
brother of Chicago are In ihr
Itaa. aad trtll Bake a bIm improro lotra. a Itirmer Trararae Oily man. Milling and kuklng the ra-aun.
eu la the city tbU week t* bla wa>
Baat ua tkU pan of the altvOT
to ble eummer cottage at inland.
M. Urawn ct l..'lani] I. a Tr
ud MvXki ikw OU toB,. 4^
Mra Clara 1>. Plereun of SlBptoA
tail Bay RMaete Fapolar.
Micb.. Ibe aulbur of a eumber of
. Uorabach of Boloa
Tbe beftfUfal raaon at Baal Bay cbarBlog nature tturlea. waa la the
u trip ID the city today.
yeeierday. areompanlad by her
It allre asMa with loeal raaonen tor
eblldrec b
and Mra. Malllr Hurd and
the aeaaok.'^B. J. Fulgkaa and'wtfc,
daogbtera of Blaaton
They are
,l Nonhporl
their way lo Mra Plereoae eumi
bard u work a* kaoai* af tka n
oaa ookdltMc ikal artoa. aoek
ROaaOTrfOT. Ov Waalflkil-. Mra.
iSh. MIot Hnbi
g^jTlU^nrHckiT 0.
LmI Bntw^ nl(kt
WIW laeui emt «( a wrtaa e( ■!». Uar rrikU te ba gtTka dadaefba M-
vlu. Vtoli &1V. Bakf. Oit kkd wlla.
For joi) |nfori( of all Kinds Call at tlie Herald Office
. aad ikT?^'-
ittage al UmeOA
Murb ladignailoB baa teen amuieJ
Mr aad Mre. H O. Bhaw of (
; Alma by, the aeiloa of liie volera
ragn Tbeodorc aad BUaabelb War...
1 the annual acboul meeting laai
I fotuge Frtda) of Uateapon. Ohio, wb'o hate been
n pniilDg a reanlullon probllir of taBlIlM will ■ be gueeti of A H. Perry and family
•otball 10 (Be arhrul or no the
reaon oa the ba] lor the part lew da>i. hare-goae to
Old Mlaalaa for a rlili with Ret in achuol genaadi la the future
Atma high arbool baa alwai. town
ray Warr«i and wile.
Ueait II. Miner aad family paaaM promlarai la aibletica, aad d
Nm kMtala «l the aottkgaa Brc!
Raral Balleary Oatoyad.
rough tbe city >M(erday an their paai taro yeeru ^bi
Secrautry Harty Kaaetand of tbe
ly from BprlagSeld. III. to ihrir
TraTwrac Oly Ckaalng Oo. a few dayt
mmer home at Old Mlaelon
■aw ^ fraa daUrtry rMaa M «< ago packed up a few aaiaple caai cd
baa upon the gu
Miner li ibe edlior at the Bpnegfiel.'
Tra»erae CUy w«a yiiBBBirt Md
Ttei. which Ue eoBpaay
leney u. rawnte «
I palUag ap. and aeai tkaa
I in lb.' ^bool. L
___ jago tr«lt oaBBlaaloB Sm.
an Pndae-. Bmwed
mbtSM. niL. AirteH yaatarday.
■tB did aot wait to wTita. but at
kllta Kntbertne Bar*, wbp tai been
a«t a lalegikph order for boo c
lag BlaeKmarr work among tbe laaad tbe tolkrwtac atoraiai talecra
1 iporl Inairad of iludy.
ini at Saddle Mooni. OkU.
to you SOT* enaaa of
Tkle tbowe ikal tka
ikH up a aapartor
and Dial tkare will
If )0U knew how you could save a lew dollars just as well a»
not ?
You would «avc them of course.
What would you do if
) ou thought you ci^ild save a few dollars?
What can
we »a>
You would try it of
to make you think
monc> for yo6 on all goods purchased of ut?
after one trial you will know
save money for you.
we can save
We know it, and
If you think
we might
bee u». and then you will know
We sell the best clothing in the city.
.J] ba mn ttaa SIM kM —, —
special at
**Mya. Baara. aaaMaat ia Ike laM
0^. ~tad_la«.--k__tk« -M
•Uotb' BidtlaR of Ik* kw
Mtiaa to hay ap alodi------% who b(dd Bara tbaa (*o
re lo laU thaB. rapatad
n earenl who wa«M
roaM Ball al pay. mmt
MM Ik* -WUr, lO II
Ml br te Mtehil
DolBfBoddMP NokMMia
tell Thy tfoB*i yM an
Aysr’s Hslr Vlfor sBtf
ir«B|Kly stop Ike tsOacT
yvidny tka toraa la tbe In____
ossaiatad id iU wosm and M mra.
No goada kara bara akippad ae yet.
bu latOT oa Ibay wUl ba trai out la
lai«i qaanllUtA Tbe taetoy le o
------*ig maaly aad (b* rnanlii «
tkaa grBittytag to tke oereara.
Eczema. Psoriasis', Salt
Rheum,Tetter and Acne
B C. Brara ad WnUM wra la U
dty ea baataaae today.
J M. Buknetaa kai raUryad treqa
$15.00 Boys’ long pant SuitA all wool-Worsteds and Cheviots in ,
patterns very swell, padded shoulders, shape retaining
and guaratiecd to give^the
best of satisfaction.
We offer
Bek«f to Ihat clto
t aad wwiT .Uun ali oUerknow
_________ ___________ I vhkk eoUect ia tbe lOTBtem bccaa
t. iaratlwa Kidaar*
ragaai e( elimiaation a
Now Lang Laka Ratara
A p'ai id ■Vatlag Brack Re
baa bora Mt al Ua ragtelar e
eny'Tnraiad oa*^ botU akTS Lm
taUk. ta eacihBi » aad »4. and wbk-b
le owned nnd kna bara plailad by
Hortee K. Canar of ChVBgo
Tbeew at* Tl bhirki le Ike put. and
Ike klooke wiD BTaragt aboni M hna
CO Ibe kkrak. Tbe loa are fiOiar to aUr. Tkare are a aaBber of
Bra mu U tke put. aad (key arc
to be aold U a atwwt time At
laqatrlca ftira todinaa ha«e bea
railed M regard to them
tkeafctotaailOTakdraw. Theegect »*ara«A
«f tlOT paten say d»UMakiD to
■SU W.OwatralBA.m^Ka^ra.
Remember the
^tea^ UawM^ hiSSatetodpSIiS^^
Uietea. Psri&AtioaoftliabloadiatBBea27RBedrl(irtMra*widou^
Th* IHonr.* of O^oci OloUHins.
latteA Btedeto* Ua Ufic asf ater add*. ^
ftototta Ua blood to ilk wwted parity, aad atmaUtca
_^aadmitolteaUaate><*o>B«*.«dtr '
OT^tka paaa a« Um«h tka
pdkaa Ua gUa. S. a S. to Ug rady fMurtwd
porite. ReaataiagaeAytogtoe.Fatodk«raUOTto
Giud Tnrosc HcnU
HtM ttotaB
Ow wUk
Mr*. Omvb Ubkr
JUv A. ■. B»™»» H BtowU ^
Ac boa B
■pralMC uM.
: Ha. AiA OtM A
lUbel tmd tnm»
P«rtlB» k>
KA. Bf BJBiBrtyiTJ^ ~
CaaCBr eTBBtBB, Tb«
*1IIB|A tk»
fiaKlu nlBtliM iB rarloa pvu of
te^tfSkSJS' ISbSS**--
«Mt Bt UIbCbUM. U. P- •BfWla.
^lUBt t*rtM Bt HMBbBCk iBkB
«• T*rr PPPBIBI hBTB tm
KlBTI Ion B good
SrH&S.1«Brt«r^ »
“nTBiSw Mr. r,*»««^Tb«dP«
mt SOB PA <n>** >"
k« iBtka. BoM.
MB B«n«*«B Wiu ii^rrtB. UpoB
An bM «Bf BBiprUsd to------« eoBBM BBC fhMir rnaa WUe
M fcBC B0( M BlBOt <*lMkood. «ko
M Brrtnc CbUbc M BbBA.
Tb* MlasB JbbbIb PcIbbb bbC
KluM OBacbBii Id bdtbc Citr.
.MM tkBlr mt. Hr«. TbOBip
................ iort. nu, I----------•.BBtBC to
Mil Mr*
IBilCkl'. BUtar. Mr*. CbIIb Olkb* el
BBC Mkar MbUtm 1b tkU
Hn Barr Jbbw* M iIiIUbc bar
Ur ia OorMlik tor B fav Cara
Mode**. OBBBlacbBK.
Hmlmm. HbbbU. Ttem uC BaraBa
•0 TiaHad KtHBMr Mat nUar. aad
BroBB aad fBailr tka Cm id iba
*B."J. Urar BBC taalir of Nonfcport
mtd Dr. HaaUa aad *rHa of Oraad
Baidd* BBaai Uavaak Bt Mra.LaM'a
taaT Thar aBihi aaa* ta* *A ta
i.»w. t^Batnao.
ta>* Oodaaa el Trtrtne Ctir iptet
. ’Witv;
oak D. W. KaatBB
d thr harkor atcbi'
aaalBc laai aaodar. 'bar ............. a Busagen* tbaa b BoBar m
Hn. a Porter aad Hn U. B
c«dar IMc* OB tkalr n tor tbe Srai
an HaU, -■oarealr id Nortbport.
___________ ___ Voto aad Hn O. M
Alban U*. Hiaw. ar* MtUac ibair Dame dr*B luu for tb* ~bnabr' pMaa.
Bbleb eoaauied of a blaak book, oa
Mn“o ‘pAn .laltad Tranm I be br leaf of Bbleb wat vrltlea
“What I KaoB,- br 0 W. Ner. Tb*
ettr Moadar.
tarllcd c<
Jalla b- Hr T*Mard
ler, N*m< HickeoB. 1
rlBltor tka Crat_____ ______
Work bma Prldar oe tb* krtek
UrabauB. HBamw. Kebl. W
rork oM H. tellcb aea
Oampbell aad UagBoa. A isacb
Mia. Su Baaaitersar fc
puBch. Btfera and frail wa*. i
HI. Plaaaaai to Bliaad lb*
bmU aebool.
Wbea ICBTlDC each pieel wa
A BpaelBl awMlec waa bald br tb* eeaied Bllb a tooiaolr of tbe
iber -cuenead" tber'd
C. O. T. M. Sstardar •.*]**. Tbi? toB. aad- tl
laJtlalad' iwaatr-dr* anr Mahar*. cood il(B*
K J. Urar aad tamllr ar* at Cbrp
iftrr ableb a twnraiaak atiMwr *(Bt
Lake ihU iraek
Ckai. Warner cd Battoes Bar
baUdlBC a Bto
looai OB Ike eaai *M* of ibeir Btor*.
U>aa Hoadar
Joe Ha«Uab and Btaler. Hr*.
Dr. 1. K. HaaklB aad wife of H
broH PblB&. of Turtfa Lake. ar.
DerdB. a«*r Urasd KaphU. *mic
Ulna tfaeir uacle, Cbaa. Obem
Bar* tan Prldar for a tIbH *llk M
HaaklD'i BOB. K. 1. Onr aad faBlIr
Tb* irlnbwa iuu beea laawnad la
b* Bmrb bol«l
lleorr Carluw. ube of DuSeld • n
spseted cliltnu. ha* a rbair Bbick i*
■a Bi (be b
t< rear* old. II 1* a Boudea ebalr.
riching ghie pouadi. u>d ti la aa extleUoUar
Illeai BUIe of preaervaltuo.
rtlaad Col. OB tb* > o'clock
At Uantoa (round ha* )usl boea
after bn>kro ri>r a pntaio warebooBe. Bbleb
_____*« * fr* voeka Bleb relallra*
II be uBBed br L Stark iif Oraad
lad rrt*ade.
Hr*. DeOollar Bill r»
■pit* and Cblcaco TbU Bill make
Bala for a r*B B*«k*.
e iLird pouio BBrrhuuee (or Hu
Hlae Ono* wai plaaaaotlr aurpr*.
ll. ud Bill make Uanioo a coud
•d br a f*B of her frlaadi Hoadar
irkel for pouioee ud other reger*alos. (he otcailon belBc her Itih
Al 81. lAiuli Alvab Varrtih, a lx»
.10 bad tbe tureflagrr at tale left hand
Injured br a tor pittol oa ihe Pounh.
le dead or lorkjBB
Tbe fkeleioB of an elk Baa lifted
Hr aad Hr* W. H. Poner an Is
Weal Bead. Wl*.. ua a ri>ll lo ibelr
Id bom*. Hr. Poner bHI altead
oa BhI
te bat
. iruu olb«r
tor tBCBlr rean.
Tb* JuDlor C B.
korcb parlor* Jnir tktb.
0*0 Hnmpucb bad tbe mlafonaae
> lo*e OB* Bac«r and pan of abO(li*r
r hli rlcbl bead Bbllt BorklBC In
>e tain laet BaiuntfNorta Tbomaa I* U
M boaa^n tor •.* rem. la^wjd^
If Yoff Suffer
ear) to B*o a dredge Bree uturrjbuaa* la(enuH).
cntel to be taken fnan It. Il hae[ A ibed at tbe Old* i'.uU;c B-Tl.
beea the bUeeml K«»rl pil but <iH' InlLanatag In ebl h a quBBTlli
:t: .
' - '
fubtcfBak kiiired. n
! aute <
|bi Biv lu a p.^-)lUr
1 ^graeel
D taken fruoi aianaer ud b
deeirared. The lliue
U'lk <d lui- ' •---------- - • -aad tiacked. caualag eu and hit plar; auv louka II
murn a.-ei that tbe buUdme bb* *el (U.-> harber abup.
tOK Ihe pit tato a Ukr.
Henry Hn-tut. a rbarse
Ur* H J. Hamaoa. Bt(e <d a Ton on are
Workmen oa aa adjolalac
trerllle nataraltel. baa au.-l for a d|. bulldiBC kai Ibelr tool*, ud tbe lime nwBir tana at Ht. Oamaa
*B*y IBO aeek> a«o
Tore* on the cniuada
iiuada Ikai abe aik*
aTka ud abed Berv a total loe*
furred lo help (alber the bUR>
Hn Ueorgr Baxllb id Jackaoa bodt b*' Uvn timad la a
Tbe r of H ba. UHwbl ISO—I..B. found her father. Juba LudBl*. dead, Bbere he dli-d frum ekiaiaurr.
r cual (or next reag
'on the diBlIw lUiB Boor Batuidar '
laanf nuaiu lo PllBI BBoki
TBealr-eetee razee hate alreadr niornlcg
IVaib Ba* dor lu old ac*> I
a burglar In her room. The 1
eve Iraaled ai Ibe Paileur Iseiliuio. A Cbarh-iol* bole! k<>epur pairka
Barned her ant IB make an o
I Ann Arbor up i» dale Of ibeee mil; draiesl ibe Bhlie ruloma*
id blue pit n
r ahag [ !■> Ill:
bln** Thl*'*
leall; au
treatmeal a > .
TBealr-ihtee death*
lag occurred in cbe tiai.
John C- Hifki. preaiileiu .d the 8i
Aobaa alnl National bank, ud uiher
nebilien cd the familt <■( John Hlrka.
The Globe
Tranru CHr.
0tnts Turnishlng
One Month Free!
Hitt OrBCB Kebl returaed
rom Borne Citr Saiordar.
Hra. Viola Coba*
g Oraad Hapsroku leg froa the de
da It Tltlilng ber
■ml*. Uj. ud
pot to bt* b le. A drar Bu gnalli
tecured. Ai
Laatlng li tbe capUa
Tbe OMatiag Touraamaot'- wbicb
the aiaie.
rw gtraa br Mr*, r. B. Kebl la boa
lanalBg bought
of MUt Neill* ■rtektoe of Big Rap
I. lo a (*B of bar trleada lut Thuna; erenlDg wai a rear enjoyable afair. UpoB uiaclag. a aJIp of paper
rear* old. left Oaooda a
ago Bhrn bli Bife died ud Baa not
•eeei again until a Beek ago. Bbrn be mral eraitm: aiwc
ae bade of tbe gaeat'a
found la (be <
veal deal <d Qtwetloblac aad laagb
bod; He* burM aleeplbg oa a bunch
tr each guaat guaeeed who ‘
lorlBg Ibe gueaalBC of tbe <advertlae- cd ba; that bad been ibroBB over
the grate. He explained tbai be bad
idiro detid^tbeT^ol^mM Jaab- been ttving In Huron oouat;. but got
tired of life. *o came there to look
for bl* Bile'* grave He got poeee**bm of a amall cheap rcToIvcr and
6U [Nccn of BBih gooJi foiDcil) aoU for
ud IBc
|iet vanJ, to cloae out at
25 .lox
. . : I2i G. 6! *»<i3c
day* otilt
yard. ............................
rrad BaMManx aad wit* «( Math
MaalMi nahad rotatl.a aad MaM*
Wadaaadar. Hra. ~ ‘
fA te tMioBf Bar (In tollovlBC
mSt. whan Bb* wUl raaaM wttb
ba ahdar. Mia. P. DaM. tor a abort
Hn. Martha Laird
«H*Bda laat Prtdar oraBlBC ~-------- bar *M*r. Mra. Bclar of TraratB*
. Th* aMtac *M -.........
.\ scalper don't care a rap atwut the quality of
the coods; he buys the cheapest goods he can find and
them tu.
160 Men'* and bov*' tuiu in
aU wool (abrict worth $6.00
f.>r........ 08c *nd 1.48
ud Boyt’ SJi'ici ud 5li|>-
H«o‘i iummet coat aad vcR
A 10). bagg) that^ pleue the oxHt unaing.
And the very ben make* at..........................................
worth $2 60 for.............. 07c
with leather
Men't long Oil Skin Coau
Rubber tire vehicles at prices to compare with quality.
We can furnish lower priced goods than the above, but
cannot recommend them. Our prices guarantee the
quality in every case. We can save you money on a
good vehicle.
guaiuiced water proof
Old Udie* Sbora. aolt and
Btirth $160. lor..............90c
Men'* black and blue Over.
llongoU kid Shoe*.
toU leathercounter* ud
inner idet for................... 98C
worth 60c for.....................25c
with or without bit,
Ferris Implement Co. Ltd.
Tb* Ug grarel pit near Grid, eor
erlag U«ere*. ud tram vhieb gntTel
.kjugher girnle........................................................................
Roail Wngoo. from...............638.00 tO $68.00
Gentlemen'* driving Wagon, from.60.00 to 88.00
Simeyi................................... 66.00 tO 150.00
Two •entedtiwing Wagons........ .46.00JD ,76.00'
plUblc for........................... 98c
—iSfs iS iS'Bwnsrx'srs
AlutherquaRerlopandleallMr upbobterml..
MIsK ol*a» woric «o>r
for..............6.08 kud 7.98
98c. *8 ud......................... 29c
.Abetterooe Mr.............................................
uil CaiaiiDetei, worth $1S,
pera, xU aolid, value up to
if the
all wool Bird* eye wocxtedi.
260 pail of Mcn'a Womena
We buv dilTerent grades of work from different factor
ies. anil Uiing heavy buyers we are always able to
secure concessions from the manufacturers that smaller
dealers and lime purchasers cannot get. Note some
of our prices.
60 KJen't auila, conaiaiing of
Sole* fof.................................49c
$7.60 ud $iaO0. lor....
2.97, 3.97 ud 4.07
Cuvai Shoe*
He has no reputation to be
pti|>lic is tlimllanuncd.
eDibToidcre.i. wotth S160
for $1.76.
.6 good Hickory Geni T<H> Baggy te.................. S60.00
vfailecathmere, beautifuU)
and makes all the money lie can olT the dealer he
ahirtiog pet yai.l..............4c
kvlanUM l-iofU>-t lU
from some
in A su)K.’nur tiiialiiy of noods.
Infanta' long doakt made of
mission we save and ^ive our patrons the l>enet'it
10 doa, Udiea' aamjde belt*.
. ___________ Wedaeeday night. Mr*.
Charlei Mltcball. «bUe aaSbrlac frooi
meaul aberration, took a doee of aulphonal, j^ali^ Inducing
_____ Bg drag, ud
George A Rarraen.
elTll « Iba Mara, wife of
a retired eUlaea. (or a long time retnaed to *6* calmed br the netebbon
ud diore ber hnabaad (rom
Suiti, regulai price 76c, to
Bonh 60c aiul 76c, for 24c
HK for Ihr m with notes n'ccivttl
cioic oet................................39c
A neliAM who TtnUr *blm u?*bbi
...... ..................I9c
6c, no* per yard................... 4C
ud back Over ahimiucW
1,000 yd. aptonginghara arorth
jr cash insu-mi
.>wifi;j the same scat|>cr to make ten
(follars apiece off these bii^tKies.
This scaliKT s com
white tlni», double front
1 Bale 1. l.aheetiog erorth Gc,
for a fc*
We can give our patrons better value for
their money in any kind of vehicle than
they can get eisewhere
The in.muf.icuirer has a repmaiioii to sustain: he »eU»
his ;{oods on their merits- you ifcl just what you pay
Drf 6ctds
ler iMiri <d
ck<d up
ek. BhcB pruprieioi
Uunre of (
afe Rural arrived all'-bb-l
retiaurui be found tbe place de- P>aKi
ubeni raplJli
eerted Tbe nlgbt (orae of Balter* ud
the conk Bare gone ud the raah regm 1«laoD
later Bia robbed
guaued ini.
The onroarr of Clevelaad bat naked
kv.T<l rlilrkt of
-d ofl ir.u
ir loeal neBt|i*|ierB aui to print Ibt
gnximl li-aealb
eiallt of tulrldea. a* be Ikinki tbe;
bouae. baru tod hi-ii '*M> !■ hOBkuir uihert lo deairo; Ibelr live* la
ximluul Bllh run»a3«
All bU dv
ir tame munrr.
L-i (or ridding blmarlf of the ivTbe Ureal Wettero Rail**; com
an; of Ragland ctalma (o have made
Borld'e record for Iti min
Bin IBB from Londoa lo Plrmoulb.
dlatuee of 111 milea. In tUI* mla-
Note the following low prices.
These are Money making op
portunities not obtainabie
eisewhere ::::::::
lo (orerci
Cba* Berrr reiaraed bom* tram
Mltnile. HlBt.. afiar a rear'* abfor a tew daj* rlali wllh bli
irgu to' tbe Metbodhi ebureh a> a
memmal lo their falber The urcan
Ihe flnen In the auie
deceaaed BB* a |>i
oerrham in «>
one 111 lb . Boallhleel U1>.R
aruund l^n.inc
mug bird! |u-rt.b...l In
aad wind •Udm ubi'li
teK« th«
JgyM>B T«>k Vii^hfl.
t wuh nBale aad
al.' 1%* caaBU ragort aa aaMaklt
bUn Piaaon TlMae el Oikaco
•b* mat <d Palaf HoaA aad fanl
Tern UM Bad*
h "Sr-tSa^-tfeof
asritod tan• —
r «mU* tor
A sale that will
make the ladles
_________ '
' jsrsir
.Mr. HItoeb id CUaa«a strlnd Bat-,
wrtoy taMtoC (or s vWl with bM
SKIRTS with a Kcputtfloiri
All made by the well known firm of Beifeld, Hirsch & Kline formerly
Just anothsrsam>
pie of our wonderful bargain giving.
of CKiioaso
Alvin ITtoe and* a titp b
Mra. Ann*
M vtaitlBg tar
tt Tisttb* City
aiM. Mra. Manta
ata (aally at Nertbpart
t^m •eadat with Mra- Ruamu.
WBinw eat tSMlIr at TrttkUt.
n ts
_ _
nad Hn.
iS MW of But Utata.
■fA a Brow mwoei aMordny
>1—U Daw n Stan way tt TiBvarae
Everybody knows them| For years they have been the leading skirt and cloak manufacturers in the entire westOur buyer while in Chic^o visiting the furniture market, ran across this lot of dress skirts and by taking all got his
own price. They were occupying space in their salesroom that is much needed for their fall and winter stocks now
in process of manufacture. The summer season being entirely over with thei^, they were glad to get rid of them at
one blow. There are aso SfrCIRTS—all made this season—for sumltner and early fall wear—consisting of
Storm and Cheviot Serges, Etamines, .Voiles, Cecillion and Broadcloth in the popular shades of Blue, Browns,
Tans, Greys and Black—all fine fabrics and made in the very latest styles—strictly up to date in every particuleu-.
They rangeJuAralue from $6.00 to $12.00. We have divided them into just four lots and price them— _ - - _
Bay eat Wiitatar iwanlua la tovw
Ms on ud w«* at BMUBa Bny
wan towrs vtaWM J. BehwBn and
*a^SSStaU at M Wnya*. M.
r.asE itii
Oirl Brtttato and Ttoak Hook
•UMto Bay w«* LMud Ttatan k
___ _
^taowa aad t
jiBited ttafr s
6.00 for $3.981
IgH 5.00 for $2.98|
3.50'for $i,98|
$2.00 for 98c
at^% bOH? ^adaeutoa aT~tta
at Mwtksort taro baw
TO MAKE THIS SALE GENERAL THROUGHOUT OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT. We have marked our own stock of Skirts—about 160 in all—way down bolow cost.—No reserve—everything must go!
Jill Cadies'Suits at
One'Half Price!
Jill Mdren’s 0oats
One-Half Price!
nt one-naif pricei
Jiii Summer Capes
at One*f)alf Price!
This is the greatest skirt opportunity ever offered in this city and one that will be greatly appreciated by the Ladies!
» b m Iba city to rtait bb
. *o*oa.|
vcvoroRi at Big Rapldo.
Mntof OOMTal DneM. <
Ttao Oak Ba
Tto HUtap *Oai
bolai HoeUaaataL aad brotbi
“* “AMd*. July «-lo all |
O—lonl Or««HA
bad oiber ralatirai
giax* ar* *rbat joa
aWllly Big Rapid* wUI be vltlted____ ,
Mtoal OoMrtlwo - tbo HctT Boo.
Mia Ho^ Box — Ett 1
new bU faiber la *0 ]
lariMt body of veieraDI
(bom 01 rrod F. Boagtoijta Ttaoy
i»«— lh« TODAtM o< Ibo lAto postlt lUw rrtrodf in (h« ettr.
durian ibr rwxb lo the
*•»« galbtred lo-lfr-wn ih
u Olltarata.
Mn H. IK. UolMK dT <M UlMkHi b
the rlly
/ lOOkOB tlBM VcolerMr. Aner
S Woodworth cd SiiaBlI CUy
by bta atom-IMtay Stephen..
ISm^co’S; S Z
Oy»tM^ OAF. H. V, J«ty
nrd CANIlBAl OrocIlA olCMd tho tanl
•tote of Ferri. Impleawwi Oo..
re Ibe ibing Se*-<hem.
MM IteAMvH KM J«M MMi Kotin- popon Mrtifjrto* tbat bb bollBAOt
Mn. W. P. Suaagwayt iax itwi reWill Coll E*tn goonlan.
iber* bn*
tuW from aa exieaded tdp lo Can^ AAbb tliAt ttw p
.. jtAT Bay. July lt.~Prwaident be«»
lormni meetirtg u. decide that
Rouoerolt I* deeply Inlemlod lo p*v*i? reunion will U' bold ibli year, one! Cebbob'*
Tbr Traveree City Bwilnom CelUge.
OocBiy Clerk Boben Walter awdr POO^ fianaclnl legtalnilon.
F-^n, M a 0
He hn.Un. been cMI.-d tur lomorm. nlgbi
a ebon boelarei trip lo Fife 1—le --------- ... , hjog tlBw4he Decexxlli “d » li gr-ncrall} undrrsuoi ih.l I
Homo. July tO.—TKo llliMtrtOM IMo
•■ - eight )ear« ba*
“**'*" **'
Iter a berolr atn
tanny un
iasi rmlBgof Pm* lAo xm. oomo «o AK ond At
il legUlailon 3 n remodlaJ 'he Tci.-mii* will rwmp iH-tr a* in !---------------of financial
• U Ibe g
d:l« tbb AftorKOOB. wbtn tbo do
------------------■- fact, the oAcer* In I Ctall
p.'ri«d in
5 finally paaaei
be railed
etu, bl»
prtohod potlont rl*Mo« to tho OB
bn* erer
U Huai aad xoa of He
1. Pgpe Lao L
that early action upon the *nbiKfli bo nod ondtfod tor mOK/ wi
ardrr la ibe city tom
lect ihould be taken
o worid bow a c«>d
Ho Md boon oinking fMt All dAy
BOOB hr a dxlt with her xlxten
akmg Ibe line* uf bU r
a cooM die. aad ta
F. Vea.Yt dad Hr*
Mr* Jamr*
Jamro Hoodi
and *peecbe*. Indeed.
n be * "
1-^ I) II I'l.-ariic nr the «
Urge erowM outxldc of Uit voUoon
llfo be toncbl BOBkl— beror BooUad^ «imam Wi-**uu ba* rtvloraed from h<- hope* net
- wiid" “u‘”;e^1' I’KKPAREd'uaK HAS A CHAM'K
4id Milk
oiDOtly Aooltod for tho orkobkoo
b bU imrenu
a rl.li with
pareau In the xunib
xbooM lire.
Ibe Mildlcr* hate nireod
I of fonei...
iH.r rwfniided.
-y.|f 1 Wr •hall add a rourieJ In ad wmlng
of tbo Aod.. Abotrt I o'clock tho
C^tbolb eburrb bA
' idty. November
be ftvv I
gboopjlf CAkago hAX relarnod
•v— A torrDIo Itl of eo«ghJng And thon
Senator l^gr arrii
rived here yexi'
i-.,mp .-rrul and •bunhand *iu.
poM. A Uibor to ibo
lo brr home after a riut
- day morning ti lo nod pmued Ibe day
doltMood. romolnfaig bi fUm oUto im. term begin* Aug SI
or ibo tone, and tbo vortd ho« arnutruo* of Waxbtaglon
til the ftfiol ofid come. Tho lUltxo
Hr*. Captain Jobnaoa of Nonbpon.
» great, I
Aucu»i : lu IS, Inclu.l'r, fv
member of the Ala*kan
kllu Hear Relkln uf Ctalcngo ta rUle dayi- rsies heir Uvu *ecurv
Ing M. A Aiher nnd fkml
grMb Hnoo hOBrx>ofere the doAtti «t
> inrlon* la Ipodon early In Bepgood
Mra PnnI Wei*ler nnd rl .
Ihe •■uie.
Bber. Before aalUng fur Ikgtand
Pom Lao In OfMr thot they might bo
lac exaapio et vbat
lit awralng for n two week*' r
oMo 10 onnovneo tho loet of hie dooth
lib Iriendf ni SMton* Bnr
toodod maa xboold b
me lo Uyiler Bay u> cunalder with
Fred Arery went lo Cheboygnn
e preildenl. amung other thing*.
rriory e.vered tbl* tc-.
Icdly WooK A BAB vb
day to xtmd ibe borsr meex.
PrMldont Boooevolt at Oyotor Bay
V work
Jlrb Ibe idd x.ldier* a
la IirewAe to BAkoltfo ligUdr.aMAloBn
*a>or. .ill .Iivn.l ibe reunion ...
rooolrod notbo that tho pope »— for blmeoK. hot for all maak
Orand Rapid* an- ibe guilt of U
..5 po*t*'h».e ilgnlRed Inlentlon*
goMid Into ottmlty About noon.
will bo cborixbod by
OOB. C. A. Bkelebvr.
Uefort- hi*
e Senator Lodge being ri-pn-t.-Died
Ftneoe caMlnole voro omoni
imB Footle* of Ck-cfit, I
On Saturday i-venlng there will
ade a *uii
loBoalnallca te tbo drIlUod
(bUen at Ibe roUeoo dartai tbo
wbo ba* >MB Ytaltlnx Brv. aod 1
lorence wiib Ihe pretident. Id tl
maeting ai Po*t Andre*, hall
r prealdeai * hope*
>r Onawx) carding <be ananrlal legtalnilon i
tlnh Hnwl
CardiBAl OrogllA eonio at *:» i
will murn lo bu otno ml* rrenlog
-IIWK-I^ He Mid:
mngemeni* for the tig r.-iinion During
-Tbo camoce erait o»»y empty,
rrlond* ouanerly
after atirndlni: it
the ytar ibe death uf.................
ot werU. wbooo Ideoii war
f «A>or
prdMO boliK or tbo oploM tb
Crawford, prtaidentI „r Ik.. ______ I
held wUbla tbo eoebaM <d oar creed meettae.
Rev Joxlxb Wh lie and Ur aad Hr* Muoilit. Novembi-r *. Immediate
vox XAfar (bat bo reaala oouli
r rollcVno tailh.
Fbllllpr ol Maple Clij reiorned bmn>- lolluwing Ibl- fall election*
r ppej.li
cart fulnt-v-.. lining;
vltbia (oa CartlaxI Vxsiiulll
(a Ibo palpllx of tbo world bl
nlng *
.kin will b.- called primarily
>baliim> 'rein
n odjolnog room loody
nr«.k all yt: |>ariicular jiairo
« city.
Ijiimoae 111 bo oolocixod. OBd tbo doroioes of day* li tb*
o oih.T V
Ur*. Jamr* E. Furman ■
■ Puwilng rommllie,-. will ta- ap1 ireatj wbleb
nr»si-» of porfcition! To-tb\
rery rellckmi laltb will tola la i
JUrly tblx maralDc Cardlaal Poo■d by Ibe *enale la*I *priDg The p-'lnie,! („ arrange ibe f.-aiiir.-* of
■rpbrw^ um Ornnd Rapid* are i
palby wtU Ibo Calbollc people
e initiate a IViiiroai Sale, lomprisintr I’ctiicoais
l.-oi h.ipe*. however, a* I do. each da) ..I ibe reunion. At In |«ft
c—.rierrotl brooebt tbo pope a bloaxloox. Uoo bax booB aombefaUa
each day will ta- rte\..ied i„ a
IhM we Iball be able lo uke op fur
tag irom ibc famooi ibrlae. Madaaaa,
tin.' like of tthifh you never naw. I'o-ilay the famous Sorosin. ihe L'nilerskirt unex
ular program .if li* oa-s. One
tbo TorwaoBt raakx of . the w
.writ eon*ktemiiuo financial legUta
Ad BaMry. The pope wax tbea
celled. conte-j U) meet you more than half way. So the prices (irove' Mercerised
■I BOB. xad ax ooeb bix' Miwor
adou Abd tbaakad blm la a <
vpewrbex «lac« be became preilwin inamlBo the pogex of bixiocy
material of silky < ris|jness; distinciite cut with proiier rtare and lu-n- hiD yoke; deleft for Cbm
I children anoih.-r i..*"ib.-' m.^r.
tbls IrgUlailon tbe prerl
that wax oeareoly aodlblo.
dxoU le a loaA. but the worid lx honor
r*. Bpnldlnjt.
wbo bni been
chant, and «. un
s the deepen Inlemi.
liyflitfiil llurries in the tinish. all frills and furl>tlows. ^'ou^ wardrolw- has been waitPbyaldaae today eoallaiwd etdat
1.. Ht-T
U..C Woodbuuoe.
left fur PocmLp)
for bli harlag ilrad la It.
tbo pope lB)o«k)U. one of which, ro
ibl* morning.
inj; this time when \ our purse won t feel it.
Nowl USc. S1.4;'., Sl.d’J. $l.‘ls and $2.SS
•|.eciar fioancial meaiurer’
Ur. nnd Ur*. C. U Harvey aod eon
van aa^ laeladod
lni>-s Skirls worth Sl-o'i to
THIi .XDJl'STMKN T S.\LE is nearly at an end
Daxth of Mr*.
Harvdd aad Hr*. Eliznbelb Ulller ut
The proMbbtaiM at ahro glycariaa, the text
Hrx. Bertha May FeaalaftoB. wUe
Rapid* an- Tliltlnc Ur.
pamtlon of a menaoree of that kind ta
and prices are lower now than at any iireeious time in thehisiorj of the ihis business.
mmrt to lUauUi* heart actlce.
t Leri T. 1----------------- --------- ------------*
acken of Waablngiue *l
• Ilf work uf cungrea* Uself. It waa
Ax Ibo pope lay dying tbo poai• III ipood tomorrow at Leland. -lOileraluud when Ibe lenale adyuum
Attending Elk* Convention.
U Blllolt. who t............ - •tabtlorUo gatberod about the dylag
Tratrrs.- Cli) * cunnngt-ni to i
fur Ibe paat
finance would pivpare a remedial
gnUie-x bwdxldo aad roctied a pjayar
n.ll.iD*l sniLerlnB of Ibo B. P. O. El
dtaplay for I
baibaad xho
k-fl Sai’irdav fur Ila'Uniim- wbi
lauteadiBg lor tbo ooBi <d Ua
...__ ocher laca
rill’ cuaimliu-e
cunimliu-e out
ouw ta engaged
CbdAllAa ABd gaoted aomo
BoUi her pareaU.
<ir Cbicngn,
work. 1 auun
wbo bti been -naylng here over Sun
Sun- rommltiev on banking
tram tbt goipel. girtag the ■
inii-rv*ting rlgl
day left for BellaliT Ibl* morning
t1*o will take up tbe anbjeci.
rhey *
Obitoi’o paxAloa. Tblx Uxl m tba
vln Niagara
foriba Hay Watan waa bora la
H E 0111 of Northport U It Ihe clij am not Infonnid wbelber It I*
irre ibi
ivy will f)M
bxan tbolly itoppsl. Tomorrow tbx
aflanox. Ohio. Daeenber t. im. In
s^builnm today.
lentlun of that conmlitee to begin
Ibi-y will
Ill •puna
a day In
MM'A body
for Potoakey today, Ibe ron.lderatkm of tbr «ub)e<-t beItn. with bar pariBta. i
■ dvivgnir* frum
m brru
to Trarerax Oly.
-------fiwe •
U Juicv. Kll..y
Roblnana left I
a bualoea* trip
ciBca recldad. 8b
Uibnc. Mudv lUrti
Ud T
II nnd H. F UuukL.-i.
Narrow Exexp* Fewn Injury.
_____________of the
Charle* Held
• piMO oo that day Is tbA I
UUx Edna Wilhelm, chief operator
Fdead eboreb of tblx city, aad bn neu trip to UargiMtle.
IxilUnl and detolad
Ur*. Ulerich and Ur*. J. J. AmloLle
tag. ABd tnaadlauiy afisrwatd the
(iayloril ihiiaio buyer
kb exclilng
:perience Friday
and dauiAilcr of Huakegon. wbo bare
ooBfiarw for tbo WactSoB ol b>x xooiviln* tuber, fur fn
h ehe will tcarcelv
eboreb. Snadoy
rue or dlRglnx »i frum
BAxinr wlU bogla.
peal. UlM Wllbelm wem
ACbooL Ctaflxttaa Badoaror. and other
h<lr moiber. Ur*. Freak \
. Joachim VIscoat Rapbaol . U
Kllrmln. i
of the choreb
a yearx btfore________
- Pauk>o Play" kec« la*i evealag. left
1 Jennie
rUgo xbe wax a m
of tbx Oraod
r lor tbe aortberii part of the
A Woman-* Cemploxioi
ben Ham X. mo. at Carplaota )
me tbe
...L f___1...______Tnrerae Hxrald a
fuoUt&Des* lu aiicmpi
1 the tfrom
H. Bora left tor Cbeboygao ihlt
remove Uiiower** or greaalnes*
tsrbo la ISil, wbxti
taltbfti ntlaatloa to her work .
It i* oitr buiine*» to mpi
' 1 by the uxe of coametle*. or
in oui
ear—nlBMi la lu txaeatlaa wen
C. 8 Cox went
Cbeboygaa tbli
a Ittt. wbaa be otilAi— tbx O
irenimeni, a* advi
needs is that line with <
Mix* Wllbelm ell
lung to the the “ta-xuly doclort." Tbe
Booaal }Bxl rMtored by F—a Lao bidax to her ebanetor. Ax a bex
of the highe« quality
maker xhe wax aopedally happy. ■
L. PeetoB of Klagaley la In the
and auru w»y ijmi n wuBan can Im
d nwny ni grwii »peed. dregtboae wbo hare been eo lortaaau
PmwgU. la litt be wax made a car- tlmot paxi ax to oobm wllbla ttx la- ^(lle HcWealby baa goat to
plucky driver * lung dii- ^''enrichte"'’ih*'"blo^ by puHIjtog
fiQklly controlled the l
liNtace will kmc remember
the Klagxiey (or a lew dark.
« accutupitabedI by toopluB th<
Ivlag teverel bad icretcbe*
W E. Hodge of Omaha. Neb., who
iby and acUve
The IDt-r
la im be *M OPPOtBUd CAM
hai beea la Ihe city orcr Sunday, ietl on the hnndx nad irm* aod boring
t of diteate and blood pol
ttacoi ta un be wax eboxea popa
cruabed. Her ciolb lution
(.reen* Augu*t nower acu
OBoeoad FIBO UL. decoaxad
ele the win be
H E Detbam of DetioU left tbla
Coming in vverx day now. Cometi series
direeily on the liver., cl«as*«* and onildergbly ianid. aJibou^ not xeriua*. riche-* the idiKxl. purlflex the complex
LAo a fortano. left Urn by Fopa Flax
moratag for the aonli.
) and wife arrired boee ■- 'ijured. Tbe other*
It aixi cure* ponrilpaiton. bllDL. te aoi loM tbaa BU.OW.OOO. ma—
at 35c offera a line of titles noi found in :
19 lbs. Beet grenulatctl xugar, 1.00
r. Uui
»itanca, oenou»ne»i, and
Cnid Tnfctsc Bcrali.
TBttk T. BATU. MMot.
“cT 8*str, w.iW*bTi SSS-
... •‘‘SS’
^ Sale
Steinberg's Store
you Ml Hiice-riiii mi
Cots of
Hne to Han
Groceries new Bo9k$
At the Lowest
tr; ..
Gash Prices..
Thefimefal wax bald at tbeFriesd*
anoraoca. irbleb
jd to
10 tbo
doon wUb Hoada.
bM o^ ef bar owa (
•U aartx ef the city.
AomW «........................ aa worda «f tbo
X bad mado la
M tb<
Enat b
_ . . .
Miy of faiiBdx tor tbo boabaad
The oorrioxo were la cfaargo ef Bor.
8dBi7 MeSlaley. paator of tbo ebi
«>d Be*. J. 0. Btaterd ef ladi-------
BgMrei aod Della Hale*
etrexhing sleep. A ilngle bi
left for Naabt
.ugu(t Flower bM been kne
J. Kampeagi ta ependlng
qre ibe mo*t pronounced aad dl*
:b hi* pnrenu M Mukegon.
reixlng rate* to dyxpepxia nnd ladlWaiter Olbeoa of Naxhrllle.
Real Eatate Tranefen
New trUl rite bolllc. 25
Tena.. who ii vlxltlnc her pareau.
Recorded by Begitler of Deed* WH- cent*; regular. *lxe. 75 cent*. Al nil
Ur. aad Hrx. OoSar. retamed Inxt
>n to July ta. IPOS.
night from n xtay at Port Oneida.
ChM. WUhelB) nnd wife to John H.
F. J. Adama of the Qmad Rapid* tMIler. nib of lot 11. block S. H. L. A
Bvealag Preat waa la the city yetter- Co* Pih odd; ts._
Perry Hnnnnh to Herman W. Smilb.
^r*. F. ). Adaau end dnnghlef. wbo lou Il-li. block S. P. H'x. (nd nddi
have beea tIalUag la the elly. will go ISM.
te Umeaa lemoreow to apead a week. 'Auditor Oeogrel^ F. W. WlUon,
Hr. aad Mm. Albert Mangy tf Mne- nH of noli.
txtee rame to the diy In (heir nntoan- 10; HIM.
bUe nnd Tlnlted........................................
MIeb Oonferwac*
of 8. D A. tud.
They here gone
lo North.
8. 1).
L>. A.. Iota ; -U. blocck 4.
odd: fl.
inZ^'S V
Ire. 8. J. Uorgna left tbla mora
taad a aambor ef paatagao ef aerlpa rtait lo CblcagD.
tan wbleb won tarerltn ef "~
:. J. Leltar M Cbocago arrived _
foiled them
TtelUag Jeme* Loodoa at
ptayw. atMT which tbo eboir
■VoUTboa My Baad.*
H. L. Cener rMoreod froa Orand
Tbd fBtaoral aarmoa waa groattaod Rapida today, ^ere ba hax been tn
M Bor. J. O. Blatcrd (yam lha wzt. nuendhnee at tbe Funeral Direetor*'
rVeaaad on tbo daad wbU dlo ta
tba Lord. They real tnm tbMr to
UUiaa WIlbMm and Rntb Oalaea
bora. bM tbelr wetfcx do (Mlew tbW
eat to Charterolx today tor a D
8a tp—A of tbo hloMod eomfen to week*' ritU with (rieaM.
bo dortvod tram a CbitiUaa Ufa. ef
ttao (nadom lad net whMb <
with ntnoa tiem the datlot
win S Martin, pb^eo Inepeetor.
with dot
> of tbobSf^ Faaalagiaa'B ChiMUab
-itary Vaulenr. d«>nty aboriff of
■Id bare apea all wttb wbom leola canty, retnnad borne
I cMo lato eeataet Tbo aarenetadad to tba alwlBg
la oalao Uoao boadx r—aead tba ar
__ .im*x rttenlBg tbo B—.M. C Klmbnll. UarellBg freight
bad-atwarx bexa odo ef Hn. Bgml cf tbe 800 Una west aonih
ear tbe O. R. A I. tbta aooreini
• ebedr cimxlxm tf Mn. J. A.'
Coattaelor John Scaaiaa baa
■ena, Jaly n.—Tbd cardlatii -bow
MeMaanx. Ohariette Balm. S F.
> 8agUaw for a few day*.
■t» ttema aawPMid ta tba tnaaUton: BAXiry aad A. S. BdnA
Oaaer mi^na bat retdroed from
■ Ttao paPbnnr* wttb eao on
- waokx trip op tbe river, bringing
won BMomn cf
tho Kk---------HMriMtlni of the laioR^u
elab. Tboy an Bay Ttaattar, WaKar
farm. Df. Alrah Tylm, Wward Hdltb.
Mr*. Freak Komp aad danghier
WlUlx Bniby a>d C. J. Blnhaw.
Tbo Seal aarrkiat wore bMd at Oakjoed oemmary. «ban ad that wax
Mre. J. C Wricbl box ratmoed to
My baU tba cardlaalx daltod tba ra- mortal wax tObdxrlT laM away te raat. tor borne ta On^TUIe after a tew
wnka.»■ rlxll o
with bar pamu. Mr.
■aln at Pmo Ipo. wbleb an pn
Mrm. J. K. Re___
MOM by Iba Noble Oaard aad xarMr. aad Mre. Jaltn* Steinberg a
jnmdad by the n«
Mtara aad aman g
r of Aldeo It In the city
If tUe botag nod t
Baaaa bMldlBC boadx aad la pnvody
>d Otwald Ubk
u LxMlx. Mo. tblx oraatag lo apoad
portkie of Ibo oBiaaHir with Mr. aaf
Mpeb *»»»‘«f «M Ued today with the
n Cbarioa FroAaaka. Jr. at ' '
ktago oa Carp Lake.
■apor of
by Or. Uppiml. iba
Q. H. Uam ntanad to Northport
M#k‘x gbymlolaa. U gltea Ibe
iMa waMf te agaad Bwbday.
Dma Heton lift tbla moralag l«w
ta la tbr etty oa a brMf rWL
Hr* Howard Sbaw aad Tboadon
B of Daroapert. Iowa, an the
The gareu of Mn A.
Hr. Md Mn & II. aomma
*. f.
V. A. Patrick aad wife to Herman
W. Bmlrb. lot IP nad w^ to 20. bl '
4. Perry Hnnnah'a 2nd odd: tl.Mo
C A. Hnanaford nad wUe to H
SmtOk lot 14 dad C feet of lol
block 4. Perry Hnannb'. :
U. C. Sbopberd. et aL to /
toward, oeveral pareeta Is ooe*.
own 2C, range p; 21.
AndllorGenoral toOaalol H E
omb, awH to ow^i. eec 16, to*
sage P; 23.21.
Daniel U. BMdlecomb and iF
W. Howard, owu to twH. 0.
re 2C. raage t; 2C00.
Sareb Z. BeaaU lo
F 8t
■wU to twli. tec. 6. 1 ra 26, r
10; 2660.
~ -ortb
to Maria J
S-SSTli-Kf" -
Ooulda of tbo ratkaa few di
r-----------1 an dxibla. tbx Imaxtx
bxMxe doerx <d tbo ntleaa.
we edxaod wbaa the t«mut paxaed.
r. boro BM baca tospnadly at SL TaiTi xnetlM
d aad wUe to Carl---------- --------------------lou IMS, bloek A
BnyiUe add; 21.200.
Herman W. 8mUb aad
Taylor, lou Ukll. bio
Perry Haaaah'a 6rd add; 2L400.
ID MbU bta aIxtM. - - itb nnd
-ato alber nMtUn.
ward A Klldee. lou 27-31.
eoputy OU loepaetar R C. Botkler Perry HaaaBh'e 3rd add: 21.250.
: MaatOB ta b tbe cHr OB boalaeaa
DtvH G. Chandler, oberit. to Fi
ertefc J. Calm. eH to xw^.
H^'ato Mra. J. R StIIlwoU i
town 6P. reago P: 2277.
draa leuiraod yaatarday from_______
------------- ^ ehUdren
Crataer. w42 feet kn >4. el al.
to tto paat R H. U A Ca-t- 7tb add; 2L10.
Wm. P. Crtooor and wUetoHer
bax rHBieed w.
w« feet lot.14. e« al. I
H, H. U A Oo'A 7tfc add; 2IJ00.
V Hoban left tUi 8
Herwma W. Smith aad wile to Ja*.
few day*' vlxtl te Big B
................ -feca. guardiSB. k>u 14-U.
The Mteaax BoaaM
Wllbelm’* add., parcel loU
Bkadeg taft tbta tBoretec
Kk 4. Perry Hxnaab’i 2nd
Wallle OamtoeDa ato wttr arrired
taAv trem Mama
LoQlx A. Piou to Oread SapUx It
la tto «fty TteKlag.
Hr. Sarth aad wtf* to CUeago
atagped o8 bare today to aUaM (to
Haaonle meeftag TamOfTow (hay
••• M » SkRtoMa ^ •
Tomalocx, per S lb. can...............
Baked beaoA per 1 Ib. can..
1C. Baking powder, regular 25c
a W Smith a— wSe lo Wax
P. CTtoxor.
ir. tot
lot n. bio
bh>M 7. R L- E
Oo *. *d add: 2L420.
Aadftto Oeaeml to I_______
t BWU or aww. aoe. A u
ft >. aad *w>A to Beta. (
D n. nag* IJO; H."
aad w
lo oldOTMta xivrv
of its
Then a complete
stock of the Alger Series for Boys and the
\ ictor Starch, r^ulxr JOc xUe, .05
Series for
Girls are on our
Its well to selen at once if you
have a book in mind
F.nxmel Starch, reguUr 10c ..
Bell Starch, regular 10c tae.,
Bell Surch, regular Sc lixe..
1 lb. Good Fine Cul................
Brawn, lou 2C 23.(4.
Cut 2nd add; $4U.
a L. Brown to BeaJ. Tblrlby. ett
r. nil to kna 23-24. block 4. H. 1.
•x. 2nd add; 1200.
Iward Klldee and wife
lo Hormao
W. Smith. wJSii fe« of lot 6. block
S. II U A Co'*- Pth add: HOO
Wm. L Haatdlag lo Alice J. Haiu
diag. parcel. M 1. tee. 3. town 2t.
range 10; |200.
Geo. W. Miller, gnardlaa. to I
Some, lot 1C. Ketta Hokeaa: 1200.
Floyd 1. Smith
B«r Lombor
24. AI
aona ta tba tbamhar waa laHre Flon! Rio* raUroad Beturdny
Baytowaahip; 2161
•0 ta (ba wnnaa. Hit bolt
HMoaatT —doty ef tbo MnS night from Big Ragfdt. where abe bax
Abrem K. Olreniale i
etaam. BmMc Saamd aad On ' baea to attMd tbe (aaeral of her
« are lylag ca bix ooneb
-•taBOO. wbo WBS MUta. beta to xwlk. tee. J
Tiarona BanM. Bdemd prlatxn.
------------- --------------------- Whipple Uke
C T. U. T. P. S C S. ef tbo Com
while U talhlBg. The toBarml bm•iat^ abd Slotadtta tiab.
F. E. MlIU,
tf mHUaiy aUire. while Immediate
Gallon A|>).les, per can
City Book Store
Cton, While Lory , xweel, early,
P«qt............................................... J
PcAi, Early Telephone Dwxrf,
I’esA Nau Excelxior, {» ql.. JO
-r_ p»<to Md areuta*
PcAA Alaxki.very eariypcvqL.15
We are clo*ii« out tbe followmg al price* yon caaaol afford lo zuita
IMton'm •«*-mw Mmtam •* l~m
^mtolrem’ Wmimtaa.. a MlfFmrtonta Stayltom toll
Peat, Rice'* Earliest of All. per
I-* oT».
m tet*. per quin..
mU prirtwio, Md
Enterprise «^asl)
the not ta tan u>d\«.
Cir. Stiti ii< Wh.
A $16 00 8 burner Range for only......................................................... $11.00
2 burner Stove (or only....................................................................................
2 burner Stove (by only.....................................................................................
9c per yard and apwardi.
Bay now and nve money.
That everybody may afford one, we have put the i«ie* al lea than
their value or ^y 69c, a price never before beud
It ecoooniT to trade here.
M1 FroKt At. Trayore* City.
-A Shoe 4« Onad Aa/(g Maow; ‘
aaM; fUCE $S£0. ■
We hare aoU tlto
ttoe far H paare « tfai* dty.
two Dollars
Gniil Trafcnc BcnM.
m aad beasUa* <d
Tbe Prtoads dartertp aaettoi
vail atteadad- Batardap aAa
aad areatof at tbe Prtendi eb
aad and <d praottoal laiereet
tea rod Snlla Haamoed
Laba eeeaptod tb* pnlpfL
Bonrdap afteraod tb*
Bbte *3bol Bogea* Bbearer. Loag
Labe: teaperaae*. Bee. Joalab Pm
». Tneere* CMp;
_____ __'Sa;
____________/ ern^tuVo^ock’artw
tereral veeks' lltoed of tooonotor
ataxia, at tbe reeldeaee of ber daugh
ter. Mta. J. W. euaaa. <S Webster
_______«d bad beeo a nalda— ..
this air maar rears, bet net loag ago
Bioaz CUP. Iowa, to etaU
e ot friead*.
Wood. Traenee Clip: boae aiasMa*. Moodap aneraooe froto
H. Praahlla. Traeene Qtp: Cbrtotlaa of Mr. Blmau. Tbe obeegalee
bdeaeor. Ortlto KIbbe Maaton: lor twid earip oviag to tbe plaat to a
» »cr cat «DMrci M Ttee DcfMtti.
e *eeer* ralasiom Ibal oeernne
|aet after aooe peeterdap taded
of tbe eevets to th*lr fo“ In
»*e*m iBstaaee*
iritar jneketf ap aad Sooded
Hrtbodtot cbarch.
A Bred leaeee iro dasgtaten
son. Hr*. 1. W. Blount cd tbit
cHp, Mn. Ptltoo of Bioaz Clip, lo
tad Fred K Bhepard of Feortn. Ill
H.sL Cnner had charge of tbe
Mr* Birgg vat burn In Ursdfonl
.juoip. FensiplTtnln. Utreb 31. ItU.
In lk» the marrlrd tUchnrd K. Shep
ard. Ilrlng with bin si Lakerlev. N.
V.. sad ML Cleaeat. MIcb.. until bto
desih In lk*» She beeame s mldeni
of Trsrerse Clip lat lUt. wbe
ontll tbe I
t tb* fVn Nuknsl twsk the vans ^cr lb* cart at oal ot U«
ler. pauiac a«*Mml firtei of
tbe buesvBt. Bernal otber
lad aiotw 1^01 >umt m« Ibe
fau, Wbea ibe atorei »ai
baicbl Lhe *atn aaoeaaM la dlUac
’ tb* curb. Tb* elondbnnt vat
lb* hearlett
ot ilM
hearleu that bai rltllad
OM o
la two or thra* rear*. Hovtbun
ort duraUm.
cm, It
On t
at ritrni had Part preicnl^l (be ■
tirwU tharc vat a rccaUr lalt*. of ibc llrnnd Tn
<naa«] bjr the baala tnooalag elostm
aad Dot aUovlag lb* vatn to Bov oS
Or. Carrel *t K. L. Meeting.
le Otrtlng.
rale Tuetdap sod
ber Wednesdep. U
• Maeonie frmuralt
:er. eotttldrrlng tbe' unfsTor.
be dtbertng vss at
NI*M Waa Her Tarrar.
-t WDOM esagh anrlp all nigfai
long.- wiltos Mra. Chaa. Appitgale. of
Atozaadi1a.-!ad.. “aad ooold hardlp
get aap atowp. I bad ooaenmptlcB ac,
bad that U I walked a block I would I
FrabaU Coart Mtittr*.
eougb rrigbUollp and tplt tdood. bvt.
Probate court irst verj bntp I
when oU other medi
ti.eo bottle* of Dr. KlBg't New Dis.zp. There wai a hewrias of
rery wholly cured me tad I gained
pctllloa of Maggie Bhadek Razanka.
poanda“ It's abralaielj goaianlenl
guardian of Itotop Sbadek. minor, aad
- and dtodarlu t '
chilli and all-throat aad loag iroablet.
The lettlmoep and vrlUag i_____ Price Uc and 11.00. Trial botUn 10c.
oath or Ivo freebtriden at to the rtljir al Jaa. O Jobaaon't aad F H. Mead,
<f real etuto wot filed. OuanUaa't
hoed hrfon tale
alin filed.
A heanog
• petltkit to deto*
GatpM Meetings.
ir lawful hein of
bUb* who
Thor* uili be a go.pet ou-etloe held
Juba Bhad<
d"ci-atc«. wat belli. The
oe mile sell and one-hall mile Miuih
ju arc ih,. legal
(mtimonp a* «
f (be big boarding bouse In Inti-r.
beira wat filed,
■eben. In ibe grute of Daolef Vanderan^ -------’
leralntng the a
luf. oa Buoda> Augiivi ite fnd ai :
Pnm Haodtp'i be
In me pfohaic conn loilai Judge
Working NIpht and Dap.
lioraager arpomied A. H IVrr) at
- Initlesi aad mlgbtim liiiir
mlnliiraiur of ibc eeiaic nf B
iliing ifaat ever wat ma.le is Dr King's
ism. demated.
New Ufe l*illr
Those plllt ebangr
order wi
made allot lOg ike t
into tireagrb. Iltiiermett
of Jan
no earrc'. I.ralb-fag Into mental
over They re wonderful in bulldlne
A petliloa vat filed ihit momina b)
p (be beallb Only *kc per box. Sold
Mrs. 1. Wright for ib< lotmietlun
the will of Sarab lllll: deccaiied
hum Ai
Avery. .
Traverse Olp. Mk-b.
I'erhapt you
loote.. and
ao<l doni
• e'll make you ao offer
pour boute lead and oil.
tif lievoe Hi-od} Palm
.11 half
sill be buntr,
“f.... ..
n Ibe naloilng
.,_________ . .. tbe order.
bcreafii r I
epeclt! from Cbarterolt on Ibc
dealer aboui It"
Margeelle, which arrtred at 11
doiiag Pndar aneraooD.
We authiirtzi- bim I
sboui too. and
le.ah* soon* of the Beeilac Dr. - n.. brought
burum D. Cami of Travtne dll'. tnlai on that line added i
Palm boldt ^-olor Uu
Hleb.. apofce of Tbe Epvorth Leagw The 0. K. A I. brought
water itk-e a
aad Pnaocal TenlBoar;' Her. J. T.
Dart* of AUnoi.
vnt, ua.
Qa. oa “The Ep- *!»%BHe aa^addlikw to the ihroog.
Yourr Irulp.
aad• oar ••
Uaaared' Aanr Tbe T. C-, U A M- also broogbt s
Bet. C. R Haaalw of Hoe Urge deIe«Btlon from Loelaasu..........
____ ___
The Epvorth -Lvaxtie aad polbii. sad s auBber camr or
tbe ladlBeraat WaliKod*.’' aad Bar. M. * K. E
a D. HolUacue of Keuoa, Ohio,
CoaBlitaes veat out on eartp unlnt
spoke OB “Tbe Bpvonh Leagoe and sad lapplled the iBooralag < -'
Ih. Bor r-------------• badges sad pfogimias. i
The oddraas oa “Pftmnl TatU
*bt met bp a reception
mmr.- la erWcb Dr. Carrel declared . .
Tbe ladles of tb* Bstt .
alleat HMbodtoi to be aa aaomalp. begas tbair oiual acUrltp la a publlr
nnlal earip Ibis taortilaA sod
miBliiee rat preeeei lo tbe Ma
lodge rooot to reertre all vbo
lodge rooDi ven bead
gusnen, sadI iber* a
s cordial veleomr
Death of Th,** Plemara.
esieaded to all vltiura.
Kiadler. tHeh.. Jalp II.—Three old
. II O'clock QaevD clip eoglae No.
.jaldeau ot ibl* Tillage hare died
oel bp tbe Bremea. sad
vtthia tb* pant few boars. All bar* mre a fioe exhibition of fire flgbUag
baae bore
bar* for a aanber of rear*, aad
uallMs* on Ue Cast alteet bridge.
dlod at a rip* old ad
- ■ ezbibitkm aat djoped br maar.
WllUan Uaioe dtod la*t algbl of
•iron. Hill,
oBlp of the rliUon, bat bp local
nn irosbl* ai lb* age of U. He
choice of roniet to Nlagan Fslli rla
»le at well.
____________raeldaol. barlag com* to
rtlgaa Central
Central K.
K. R..
R.. or D-lUgbi after dleaer tbe Trarerae
this rtJtod tt p*an ago btn a plao*
II A BuSalo Uae Bleamor
la tlllaods, uar Chicago. Tba----------- bsbd appeared oo tb* comer ot t
runto and Montreal rla Canadian
aad UaloB etiaeu aad ware a eoa
wceeded to lb* Central ec
DOOCL Dae»a«»d laarat two aeat. I.
I. when the addteiaei L^ioa of tbU rtIUd aad WU^
Tbe address of welcome
WaablagloB. HU vU* 4l
nr Mapor Joba B. Banto. whleb
(eelJ died here at tbe ageloe. H. to HodMB «f Maa»
ie bae been a rwUeat
____ __ for M rears. He bad
Card ef Thanks.
Terr poor health tor tbe poat erar. vat tbe addrett bp Oraad fi
We wish lo expreu our sincere
aantobn d retarp Loo to Wiaaor of Read Clip
isaka to neighbors and friends ftir
Ington. street
frame house
fair ceridKIon.
the bett resident portient '
tht city. With locallen ind <
considered thit it the very br
barptln we have te ofler.
Johnson Bloc
Jl Shirt Waist
Don’t Overlook It
This your chance fo secure a waist al a small |>an of their worth. We have
soriftl ovif uaisis into lois and marked them al prices—that no matter how
many you have.iyou can afford one more, for who ever heard of a woman
with foo many waists. This is the shin waist season of the year, they are*so
cool and comfonable. too. Everyone knows that the Milliken waists are
always the best in the city, in style, quality'and price, and when they arc
marked ac a reduction, there is a goodly saving over valhcs found elsewhere.
Circulitjon this week 2,625.
etv to favp trolu aad vUI kaadl*
la* U tbe taU. H* U bartatg oa
vaU kaova la Ibit
attr a* a mu borv.
Prank Prtadrfeb baa aoU Ui XMooi
dPoUa* iBoad to B. Bogan ad StoaBMeo. O. arto vfll BM K ea Carp
Jobs P. ou veat
ttaadar to atear* a tog to bnag
prw a ■Dtaa feet af tod Dm bdr
an BagMt to tbit ettr. Tba todl
■H «0I b* hod nnatof tar oemo
adTBlatoaa, at tb* a«* c* IT j____
•b* VBi leaM 4*ad la bad. Tb* bod;
wtm Bblfpad to Iw eld ban* at Parrie. HoolcalB totmir.
batag pataaiad la_______
Baaata. Oraat BrUala aad
A. a. KadtoiB. vbo to aev
I did* TMattoB. aad UA toat_____
wta Ut ballr far a Tialt at Ht.
VMM. Ohio. bU oM
. VIU S. OtoM baa fato_____
M ba_^iidW,to tom ad
tod. Cteitanlto__________
a elltod. The faBStai will be held
Will IdiM BewTsalrs.
■rtlag^ tbe dlreelm_of Um
Bfuianla T. HUU died aaar bare Board .. _____
at tbe ad of « pean of dropap. K*
recelre (be report .. ... ..................
..Amlltoe appolatad to eompUe tuUitlet aad dau for a aouraalr booklet
•atUng forth tbe a
erse Clip.' Tbe h
lag at 10 etek.
who baa bald Iba
Just what you need to go with your Shin Waists, providing they
are up-to-date and of the proper cut. We have just received some
very pretty Walking Skirts in blue, black a^d grey that arc real
swell and cost little. An aJl wool Skirt are||| made and of new de
sign for five dollars. The prices run from
Daniel Cla)Hiram. Dacar aad UorrU Clappool.
r the Amerkaa auCet <
1 of Bga lO.t per cent t
iplet* tb* compllatloc. hartag U
printed aad dellrerod to tbe board. '
goluod of Ibe chsrg* of taktog a
Tbe data of tb* pabUeatloa win tasad aatog It ea tba orealag ef J
eladefaet* r« .................. .. .......
vaer*e permtoaloo.
rtlboet tbe oaaer'e
of tbe cltr. Be a
tba Brat
a deetotoa oa tb
reomnet. aUpplag
Dare TaraboU aas evora aad eor- taga. te maar'-------------------------Uoat. eoam
tooratod prertooi leatttoear,
s and oppor
Mid Qarbart. a dtolag room giri at
tbe OetoBbla boiai. vat aast eaOad
aad atatod aba heard tbe defeadast (Dgeiber erlth tofaraatloa ealeaJatad
order O* rig. aad afiar vaiUag awbOt - attract eeUlart for adtoaaat tam- mu growlag toadt. aa'
viiM —
i totereau aad lb
tor. toother of tba de
clip aad Tldallp
es to bar aoD-a ebarae-
TXritohte^teL’ TeiT blgbJp
BsklBg te be aieeeid. which to rerp
eotototum. whleb eoaatou of
J. w______________
W. Hatte. to _W.
_ .aad 0.
K. D. Bothertoad. bar* deroud ...
____ __ Us wort, and bar* gait*
ixHBpM* rail
U WOI .. af TBlae to Ua board
trad* to waritUs^ bond ap tba dtptrade
Tb* baok wnilmaUt of abeat H
Cempbill Brea. Ball Dot
f^ te ~
r teTtl
ite aad tbe J. to Palp
lanar tot perrtueiil tba bat
- ctOaSSSara-at
btataansr tba-----------win go eader tbe aam ef Tha^J. B.
veil made, plain and cap
toes, lace and Congrea
iTor.a creek and ' '
5 >««««><
faiga. wbe has
beea to bdtaeae ban lom Utoe. aad
bto bmhar. Waltsr Patte.
Mtaat. Tba aaorftoi. „
_____ ... .oaearaa win make gtota
aa ozteaitTe beatoeaa. Per the pree-
A Picture Frame
Why do you ztO) keep
yottr motley hid in a
nek or box ia Ibe
auic or ia a tin can
onder the bam?
«}-les, good
__________ t ama dUa Dm da dlB.
aad dtoB an anap rwT didgMi
toto to da pfaptdtp. Tba toiddr
Wlitord Cto^ Wto_haajf^
i* abiduteiy uie in
the stroog vault aad
tale of the
$1.00 Slii^ien with
of Travenc City,
where thieret eaaikit
break in nor fire deatroy?
co'i The Slipper* without
Kiap. cat to
Cool and etay. cn« to
Your “BEST* Flour has
given satisfaction, and I
have not had a eoinplaint
on quality or price. TRY
The Yery Best Ice Cream .
can be made right at home with very little trouble and in just a few
minutes. The “Wonder" Ice Cream Freezer does it. It is easily
operated. After all the materials were ready one of our customers
had the cream ready to serve in three minutes. We have them ia
all sixes, from two quarts to fifteen.
Women'i $tOO Shoe*, atyliah.
Dice fittiag sad donble, cut to
ramea'a Shota,
hato \t> doae at
te be* nr. bn bed a
r.S toS
> A> I-A C
Jafna-Lae i* U* dM bato waMt yo* eew i
toore lhas th*L It i* a ftidA igr eaegy wa
8 to 11
18 to t
te d*odte MfTir D^dSmbo
lag (bead toiidrn aad te--------Otobk. Oto
Vlwto, OIwm WHIte.
Wtolaaaato. BrnumraB ■lltowlK. Wlte Wfivlte.
OHto**ry. Dmmto
Uk it to tgaoeai* adhair, Atte. pietwe fcamc.- ma bed
or taUa. We ba*« aB Uada to raiatA Vonite aad Wall
a “Uoeto
loeto Baa. tU 0
Dead Ba-
if you furnish the man—it makes a good corntrination.^TbeK are
soft and stiff—in summer weights alnd summer shades.OJust the
hat for each of our customers.
pm* die ab* aa«M gat afoaad
We Furnish the Hat
is one of our principal lines of business—never 1iave we been so
busy in this department—yet we can find time to do yours. We
are spre our stock of mouldings and mat boards and our woric will
please )*ou. We always have tbe newest ideas in mouldings.
Try our work.
jcnefi'a black tcfge SUppera
____ ____________ A. «be 1
toeaU tor li paan. to ao
Trevofae dtp Hai
At lb* ■settog <d d* Otad Tnrd«a V. U. H S. <d d* to to cdnrd.
Into at Bap Vie* tbto veeb. Trantae
Making Picture Frames
imp. col to
KUb iBdtbtoi win to »ai
told Rbod* BattaaboiT. «be ba«
^ci OamMD ana. at iiebbitoto
is an ornament in any room—and now-a-days, when there are so
many real gems of art to be found among the premiums, and c^-.
endars, and advertising novelties—it costs but very little to have
)'Our walls almost covered.
mep’a Sk60 Oxfords, i
r It ban to da *
$5.00 to $9.00
Meat aU u'id Satin Calf Shon,
L dtopt^ tooaagar af tba Oattod Baw* Baaett Oa. antrad to tba
Walking Skirts
uppers, reduced to
rciluced to
dtetoi to Halt Moadip ■iiialig
ramad bti dl podte to <ba tdean* ettp Dtata baak. Tba paRaaidlg
*t Mdiii * Bala, toaartaaa laiati,
Ipg bad diaaaiead. aad Boa.^M
ra aaatlaaa the baT
Men*! $186 Uteai Shoes.
•r Was Aaqallted.
Oaatd Pad to* cUp S pMrt olA aad ter
to nrtlipO to tot oa a bigb atoel to ordr to tod aboad rear fba he* aad
Sto*aaddaBtTe^*IMtr. Tbto?
aat bto tm aipnidea to Ikto te.
d ba Uad tba paaMea ton
at cut pricts.
Meo'a swell Oxiordt reduced t.
El'» -
t she alvare got a
> aad that be va
Waists wortti BP to $1.00 fE.............................................................
Waists worth nn to ti.25 for................................................... ........
Waists worth op to $2.00 for......
.... I.M
Waists worth op to $2.50 fm*......
Walsts-worto ap lo $5.50 for.......
Waists worth np to $3.50 for.......
• ••. 2.2$
E. Wtoiit A Son*
If always pays to trade here
aad the people hare
we believe in—especially when it comes to Dmihg Tables. Our
Robbins Patent Diner is easy to estpand or coauact; an ea^^mll—
no straining, pounding or jarring—iTls^iade to work right and
does. It is made to comtf^htn your pocketbook—and does tha*.
too. By the way. what about Dining Chairs? Better have a few
new ones, hadn’t you ? say three or four, if you don't want the full
set. We are tbe most accommodating people you ever saw, when
it comes to letting you buy just what you waoL
Grand Traverse Region.
^lag • »«las um4 (Uiltrt
aiuw «i(fe CM4i
tod., oo niintor dad totH
to ba*o fcU tara
Hr. Hatbel kai aOwHi I
' *HJ od Ma (M.
Mta r. ■ Wdlhor of TtdTcira Otf
ia rWUdC Irtrada ta lUa gw
>aaa raa a abart dlatamaa. bet i
•niHtIp Tarawod.
0 a UM which oaaaad tbCB
p C HIIHr waa war aad aae
blB with the Ball to Haple C ' bapa aertt beea aqaalad. Joa OoH
ere li. wae treated hr I'
I hick of I'olata. (HUT.
ur«. -Mra lUddr
M«n I radurad Idtuft,
°* froB KbeuBallta aad
aim ArtMT H a n„w ae
Be tbouxh I tried
•all boat lut Baiurdar erealap ud koawo I
acnat BDartrtc BUrMuraad tba aaae aradlas
Id li t the (rraiMt aedleioe ra
Hearr NrasM of OMo Artur called _ lor that iroable A few boRlaa
Gaap DarU ow day last weak.
It coiopletBlr telleted and carad
Wm l.alrd leR Ipr Adh Arbor tbit U^, ~ Jutl ai (ond for
eed br
Ir Me. Sallalartkia a
I U. Jobaami and I
' drasstiit.
a etudeai uf Casp Darla.
)tr turpHtod laat Soddar ,
ilM by a lUli fruB hit talker U dt* a bit etshiv- iiih year aa tbe
____ __ the c!ux-.:;;ie otc of lobarco
Uvea la Allecaa.
illecaa. Hid
Hit lubaeoieltl. from wbOB '
*W "
ine id Trav.
itlvely. I
tp.^Bdina » lea dait o
- Miileon taioked
in IJ're
a clears, wbirb o
RaliB. wbo wat a reeldeot I io“re 'baa
nit early life be s
err wbea a boy. but who I* hlin ll.liuu
cettani unoker It
-yer ot lluBaN.. K Y . rUlted
-ciininc yean, a
I tbit place aad lookedd up
tbal It would 0.
ladmarkt of hU early day t
be number lo a
there ha<iyean id hi.
erv In Ibirt)
been man)
Ii«.uuO uf bit f
and much at
yaari be i I plea,
leried 111 fi
> Acnew It eipectJ
Ne Pity Shawm.
Drand Hapldt ibit i
-Tor yean late wa. aRer me con
lnuou»ir* O^ljedfe. Ver
r MUdT BC .TBue
■U* lloMm lua ■radar
Mto. Ckra Jdar*ta ralM oa
I Ed QuUa Pildar «ra>lBS
' Mr. AIMS tart • IM cow to Oadar
%r W
Hraaa id Ibe Ktaitaber
tea dara aH> The <
of Ibe club will roaie Htn
ar aad riitar-la.law rriurwed laat 8a
arday to tbalr hoBaa U Cbarternl*.
Hrt. t’arl Walker bad Ibe Blaforluaetoliueoar <if her earrtace hurset
■ubie quirk
BOW rooBloa on ih
add lonilBa out eose ft
raMillse raeht aad
!»• a par
r Iroiu Boeib Maal
toralB*. rtl
.Bti <^y
_ _ maJ rarrler. '
«ar to Heple CUr. aad
Du Itrotbertoo'e. bit boriM-t Kxik
fitati and ran aw ar. llpp-d "rrr the
wat « aad broke oB Ibe otoopy lop.
. bnntBK blo>
qalle tadir Charlet lller fonu
iS'atel hoc to Cadar Ir btppeaed akBc a look Ur
. -•
ttBil 1
• bum end
Mr Hantrn
until reeter
a noAtB ia.->aralar aad
Ov d
waa akOdt Itboora
lau uSi^ it HR a aaaibar <d
Hr. dad Mra riwk of Tran
deodar wild Idair par«
Hr. «ad Hra M Obtortac
Dr. Wadawertb Warraa of DMratt
voai loadar wUd rolauraa la tUa
Hra Naab baa boaa at Norlhport t
Uelaitd reelerdar
aitasd tba raaaral cd bar ataler «b
Oroao. aoa of Sor. add Hra. - - aa III for ao
a Iloaf
Hraao. Um H. E. atlaaur. waa
!l‘"‘^ille bat fuoe Ui Uipabai
Uakesler bae I
D Traroroa Otr loot wook to
Ibera by a lelefram lailag b
• ot^ n«Me* b
Cltr"la lor adpaadtedUa.
Hla. Ida. »»ak..«d
I apple, an- (alllna «bl
a iln*^ ca
r«a bare
H rlatUac roHUraa bar*.
f^**to^abQB Arorr.
win be a beneSl. a. tbe
u heavily loaded.
a raito^ har folka Ibe
lewtlfy Buduiwen at by peopi
mp of inilt
)uu kniiw I
■tX brta
The fullowinc
"HT add Hra. Hroaal llrdald^wL
made in tbi
Rei i'hllllii. luut lloan't Kidney l*lUt
boraaa. ....................................»
WU. rUUod roiaUroa b«a
Bet J P White
aitettded Ibe Prlendt quar
Mn. Almira A JackHin.,
•llna in Traverte Cm 8a'
Hra TVrapaoa add
tori) murtlna
beyond llarlow
rbllv m>
__ WarM raealrad Ibe ^ aawa order and Bui-—.
Hard w>xk on . fam
Dr. Krallek. wife and daufhler
of cba death of bU Botbar who llrad
and for
hiiebaml wat In ihc C
lied at (lieu Arbor yeeiordar
Hrt Dull and Ur> I> Delhi <
Taaan of tba Ra«^e
diatrtcl diiHac Traii'Tie CM) vl.luin Tbond.)
aaaJe dial
ceriimiert liefan work ibit m
'bartna_ add barraal.
tu on Clavelle ft HInim’t new m ^ i OilKht 1
“SS: Ida Paaab
oalba trltb '
W C A.hley It bpendlof i
tailed Bocklen'. Arnica Salve rnre-t
"1. •• Bqualtr food for burn, and all
and palm Unty :kc at Ja. U
Meadt drof
Jobnam'a and
. •.>>
llrad ^aa
Vhaf~' of"a table, wblrh 1.
, br aUmi 1J4 yiars old.
In an eian dupllrale id ilie
by DeoTfe A'a>blnflu<i In
hit dining n.ra li It of wild mahofand wrlfbt al»ut inu (uundt. I<
perti-rl nmdillun. there U-ln* oc.i
aM at root la the
tba ^raaMkar'a trade la ***WI
,DaeaH oo makUa atraat.
Our roudf paopH am
Mar praparlB* aa Utaraallaf prw
dar Id an
- HUH. Ha
Haadar. an-__-
Tuatdai Will Beat! wat thrown mra
- • and wa. Hepped on. break- j
„ f
rtba and olberwl^i .baking)
Tbe doctor
ctor wa
wa. called and ,
p.^ly »
need Doltalnf of a e<
“* and lark of riro
wrlllM be I
ir n numbnesi
Had a knife
dceyt tbe pain
WIU Klaball aad Rob OampH
oOlad aa ralaUraa bara Tboradar.
Tliore will to a pound eoelal ai lb<boar of Her Phillip. Prlday evenlnc
wbirb I new .quim<d Ibl. week let rrram and cake ditlonrd tlrurea A. mlfhl
It 1
nerved frea
peeled. annuyliiK dltteully
The W^T. U wIM
Mr add Hra. a. O. raMaaka wa
dowa fia« Trararaa Qtr laat waakEMl tolrbaaka aad lamllr aad Ourt dar»
Haatldfi aad ballr art eaapad.daar
even- 8-Jnday ai S o'clock ai the Con
^ i,^., Kidney Pill. ~'CTwftitk'aal obuinh. are prepaiiaf a
wbirb penltienlly rli
iweniy year., frndually dltap
leBperanoe profraa for oeii Bunday
•nae Komiady. leader.
,.e,rud. until I welfbed 1W» pound.
Had ratotraa ban laadar-
... wr-
daa Haa>.
hr A- a
wara ap
touu aad A- »■ Hrir.
tad tet
tba -------—.Hr aad Hra An* Biowa of
of iba fata
J waa Bto -
____ *r“ “
W “1A";
,:r iz.
H. E aftBMh at Borax
aiiflW fix lbe~unty
here Bunday. arraiiflw
*. will to
•baa eoBpHtad.
Harvie returned
n PrUay evralai i
It no place like
cf tba
!.. S JB ttS .So w t»« ■—»
We Want YOU to
know of its Merits
Call and See the goods and learn, what the
factory prices mean to the purchasers, We
give you very liberal terms ::::::
w. w.
K. •T»OI»iO, Mnsr.
Kverylhins b SmaU InMrutuentv Miiiii-kl Mcrchnn.liK. Sheet Music. Talking k’tdnie. ami Recorda
I petomey the Hotel iBprarll b
ulvUig Ibe dlnlni room flrl quesHon
la a totter way than atrlkee or lock
nuia Tbalr dlnlnf ball and i
-e ai Ibe dl.pi^
, 'plexloa. Pun b
, dock Blood Bliii
Gertie Bin
(be Tnverae
clearance sale ever heard of in this stale, on Furniture. Stoves. Ranges. Dishes. Carpeti Kinjs, MatiinKs. Sewing
Machinra.in taci. avarjlhinc vou need in j-onr home. lor lo.a money than the inea,.erienced fumituru dcftlcrw pay
for them Wr have Hone ih-- best 6 months business we have ever done, both wholesale and retail, and buyingI in
the lanre quantities thai 1 am obliged to in order to alwaj-s have a supply w hand to fill the largest ordere. 1 cj...
t help having a large assortment left over. We have carried three timtjrthe amount of high-grade goods this
vear that we have ever before. We keep only samples on our floor and sell from them and deliver from our ware
house consequently wc have a fulUine of samples ol all grades of goods that we will close out at away below
manufacturers' cost. They are just as good as when received from the factories. Just note the assortment we have
pure blootf
Over 3«> itylra of Rocking Cbaira.
G1 Mvlet of churv
S': ti)l« of high chair* anil rhilJ'* locker*.
B4 »t«le« of anil rorkri*
IS Mylct of lailug oftiev chj't*
87 I'ylei ol exlCQtkm table*
G ktyleto) Kiicheo utle*
S7 «ylei of Libran Tablra
88 Myln of Stand* and Pailor Tabic*
14 itylra of SiiWboard*, from....................... ..$1160 up
8 ttyle* ol Bufeli ►
l8ityk*ofChiiiaao*et»frooi»12-W up >....$48.00
10 different *lyle» of Cupboard*
6 different *lyle» of Kiicbea Cabinet*
and » ra rtghi through everything you
and )utl »uch a variety, ao you can Me what a Urge anoninent you will have lo select from.
•k., ,«u
u u, pn« r«u
He of CbkMC WUItod ■
ia ra oltor ■laTatara
HraT W! MS-a raotbar. Mn. iMm- •onIkt.H
pm « tJraad BapMa. caaa Hat waak
'*Thir\aw" ■ftacinl t* Ito Hraor
Mbool waa H Hoklnc for a
n' abort ---------llBC bBo
______ ______ to Ibe I
M. oaoi^
J*Waleb. EClr
1. drove n
r evenlnf
A wbeelnan's tool bu
. plnylBf (at ' pMe
wllbout a bottle of 11
Briecanc Oil. Heal* cuta brulae*.
ttlnra. ipralna Monarch over pain.
^ nt BbeTBan totaftny a
(b> bowatv Hat Bauidar alcbL tto
waa ^ aoaib rad of (ha
a D- WUobaa drara to Tra
Itolilb aawa Baadar ra bar
rssx „ Sl.S2f
31 Carge 31ssorlmenf
qxing* aad upbobtoing, wide heavy oak frame, nicely carved, beivy
carved (eel. bolted ra with iioft belt*, pira top, covered ash bema.^
itfnl Velour, worth $7 75. for
They range aloog up to |xicc from that to $86.00 with
Of odd piece* in oiftobtrred Roodi'to go al 60
the dollar.
A niee. S-piece parkit fuit, (worth $18). for........ $ 9 75
A b...„r.l B-,...
.... ,~<1, »B0). I... - . Bl'B
Of the greatest *nip» in Bclrooic Suite*.
A.a » « kp » . 6k. W.M l
~B-.it. •» » «
Our No. 3, just like cut tho^ H the brat cooefa we carry. It b a very
heavy, well made, maiaive couch, with heavy } aawed' oak frame.
nice^ caned, heavy carved Cert, pul ra with bon*, belt guaranteed
a(xtng coDHructioQ. canvas between ^xtngt and upboUlcnag toftiag
bunou* all nee! and dmehed ra steel washer*, a maswve conch,
covered in tbe best emboascl cat plush, in red or green, worth $86,
rae each in red or green
The pricra ra acrae of iheae »uite» are 86 per cent, km
rark. aad nearly IlM wortk
ta^ bw Ito Wvalv?by
aac arUb «aHa a aerlont aecldwi
Lwa Saraaae made Ur
Hat Tbaraday HormHc ra bU waiy tod. ^ bm Wa"i^mly
- ftabtaf
tioa OHs Aibar tp thH pHee. When
•ara MlUar^ um. a attek cat nnder by Prestdeet Meurar of tto Ctftiral
the wncra wbeal and rauaed k ip Up paper CO. teousbt tti. and several
over. Ur. Haaara atrnek the (roand
been aold
old to
and rat Ua taea aad handa Tto
II to Hi m
- Betas Hra
p batp care tar bar.
“RS£SS ~ . o..
*m!m' V. TOobaa attaadad
flaadca aoctal at UM-Uba Bati
You can find ju*
.0 pw
AUigehneofodddretaenat p
S'Hr. UnwaB. tto aew ttafc driver,
^ bdra baaa
L a m. iair ITlb.
31 Fine Cine of Sample Couches
From a good. weU made Coach, jaii like cut, widi 18 heavy cod apallc^
canvas between apri^ and upftolitering, covered in fine braotiful
«r, worth $7.75. for .
beautiful combinalioo Bo<*-ca*e. with Urgewriting
table, French PUte Minor, worth $16.00. for $10 76
S7 (ample Mtxri* Cbaira. tanging in price
hehl up to a fine leatbet, «pnng f Lt back.
........ ............
........ $18.74
here mRar abort w
^Tat WM cdlM te BH Ba»iW to tba dratb (f bn brotbtot wMa.
.. Who baa bM
baraa H KnuOrfon ■aiisdar
Abodl lonj «d a* Oadar Bam ^
1;^ ;S5
31 Carge Cine
Dau and daufktan L_
veal I.
At 81. Jo<
elH and Uratia tnim Latayutte. lad., atI lu
lU blfbe
vtuitat Hra. UeaaA raraata. Hr. rtea bucklebeerl
(to "GHn Hnra Hla ommM "to £■ are
and Mr* A. H. «Hltb. and Mr. Uera'a betaf abipped -___ .'aSui^
parrat*. Hr. and Hra. 8. F. Draft, and ; CuaHUaira mea atatt that much fnilt
Ibar reUUvM aad (rHada.
I «ould to rained unleat help could to
Tto H. E quarterly Bacllas waa ,«cured. Harveal banda are very
Wa labaraaaH lor Tartlaad. I
rai tba Bra rat. wbBe «ban took tba haM
here Hat Sunday wllh a very : .^arce. (tartaera have oBeted aa hied
wbarr bo will aoMa---------- --tuU houae.
aa It 10 per day aad cunot (ei heir
m a whBa.
^b’n."?’Mantra H HW
Thtce We eeverml froH Baiee_____________
(raft Hnpto ni (Mti Atftar.
Uire Uai Sunday. We did Tra tbouraad deoMat saawlaii
Mra. UU Occto •»* Era
not learn liftlr aamet
awav ii raa'a rltala eouMnY to milrh
We B.«d U. aa U U teittac veo vurtc iban Ibe tonurea of licblag
'Ta. PaaalBWaa aad Hallr '
dry. Tbe ptotures are drytag up
pjM Yet tberv'i a core. Draa'a
I Tidraaaa Wr iaddar ----Dora H d^U* »raly now.
Ulaimrat acver lalla
d Hla
ba taaiml ertba
b - Hra.
“ l«n
Peter tom H belpiBB A. M Salih
■ .
H baytaa. ]
: Tbe Adrlaa TUaee oBeri to ten
Mr. U A. Tba^er baa enaaraead aabeerlpuona (iw tbe propoced aei
■tltaf wtoat. TMre are other* hi fo -Auai Laura' Havlland.
ady la cW.
' fiaaetl* that no more than » o
-^^ewrar baa bH oetora^abop add
Bvtaf U nearly draa
_ . .
MnbH. na ibqf Afo tw near tto trad.
Vm Bisht IS tw 1
' ^a.*”MaJM ’’tSrtSN
foil aeantag uf the term, and It <
J-dy •> preaae* tbe hope that leaat ball of t
raaor pUnk wUl taka pHca. so.ooo people l» Lraawee eoraiy will
Ancuat Ybe Srd Hr. D. H. uelte with It ta expraealag fra.....
Pata'HuaraA laraa «■ awiy PrtBBar, tbe Alice J. Day. win
tor aftraraira wblH ratmtu tow
we eacuTwtra dartaf tbe day
atr. pmA ^ wt fttol ra ti____Hto. Mr CHrk cf Cbicwo
h bH taBllr. oocutr luruai
who. with
*^Hb*LiM Uraraa apaal THday Grove coUaftt I the
have a tae dia
bH cMiifte ra
M ihalaa a
PHaaaai to taka. Perteetlj
GnHa a paaUra of nmns
**' wUto wtu to a
rra^ Aprti
for you to select from
Y . sole afuel. for the Cn
at CHd^H^tbH Baiardar aod tod;
mlnuirr parilrulan
r penon.II). If the really
n kidney nimpinini nsd
' witbee to know whai rou
*ue 10 brio* relief.'"
Pur eale by all dealers
cenu Kmler-Mllbum tAi.
U the ralr cranrat ohmrab In the '
Diandi at Bbatlai
______J. E HaU- lilu
Hr. Walter of BnlUBi
baa baaa abta le laara tba boaaa for
1 Bandar aebool at ntr at U Wlahoebir. 1-------m Hat Subday.
Mr. Prank Clank of New I
. IHIaBare cottaBe a
b^HHB n tba north t*rt
toa »*
Mn I.
eauilful I
(weDHf boaae
tto Bitaad. bat aaabtaf dbMHrad.
to roBBcrawd aaaH aad a qaaber
af tto aetokbon baU
.. bia ' “
ibal It baa for 1
WBbibii aWHd <* Hra. Hov
k ao tto daaur ana aaa h
y. «q topa to aarto pa
To Close Out!
Men’s and Boys’ Saddles
S3.50 and Sa.75.
Ladies’ Side Saddles
Ole are Offerina
some o< the greaiea bargaing in
We have
beat goods that can be made, every rae baa a jaaao^
Mh. made of i Hwwi oak «.
acftbeantMa. aad will cloa.
.......................................$ 7.78
One waa $1100 DOW:
Bevcnl diffHCBl owe*
Several diferrat
-----have not space
Tbaae are only about i of them b«
—— .h,». aO. Now ttoac rod^ arc the very bw
Some of tRe Beaoiest eut$ on Disbes
.......S ET$
high rao.^ fat a man 6 E 8 in. to real hii :
ASdifierratHyUiaDd iM hot all tove
ntagarattspbebutediatto^ Uatbet. Several of
S^hav* totoft^ baS w«h toavy awd frooL
You ptobab^ wik never get another chance » get a fi«
cUh, high grade. Ualtor Toeher at away below focMyoM.
J. w.
Practical House Furnisher.
“lam -well now and uBt'55*g*iSiM’ytJ?
enjoying bettor health L”"£'
than ever bofbre in
my whole
.*s 'X.Trss-i'is s
S'A'ii.r.rs,'; 2;'?^'-
IrrooidMeBaa; They
WbUa rahtag bay .near Bvart E. C
bompmm't man. berw aad
are nearly
boroad up.
The hay
ui«il Bra trum a paatlaa naurnrar
ivar and half a mile of fence.
Mrm. Umi* Ctuemw. rc*Wlng near
BIrrta Creek. Menoalna.' couhk wn«
badly burned by ni»etilng a ikh ..r
' mng dye.
lacob Otto of Hav CItv hk> an
npple tree that caoiain* a lam.- q ien
tuy of. bnti'gruwu ap(>le«. and i> aieo
‘ •• bloum lor the •eeund llioc iho
l«~«h.-d at Ih* mouih and-a
•o ha tMnaaad Ihaa aw* n taa aM
1II.H aoau. tkw making (be Bah
anaa at the dnlaiy prtea ot <rn a
wbaela coontruelad
Vn. Rautnua'i prooaai baka bean
taitad by the daallla KtaetHe Co. The
pkk out the bMi
off the tope ut the
Clyde Saafurd u
Albkia wat
fin.-<l KT.«
The burve fell aa
lec. and Sanford etarted
bat gut drunk and furgut
rraakfon. Micb.. Jaly IT.
pnrpoaa <d rleaitag tba battle Hear ot
tba "dnad band' kwa ibai pa>a lit
bottom fur iba l«n Bllet balvaea lu
aoBKa at Uiwan lake to iu dalu at
Fraablort. Ueaally an anally navi
Btad ttraaai. the bardwood logi have
w Iblekly tabaddad [a the
^ *!!uk
la the bleb
o an la the
ai laaft U.BM.OM taat c< aaw timbar
ti tba nrar Hat can ba llftad out.
corded ap and anaafaciarad aid luabar. At pranabl a ataaa k>c lUlar In
balM aaad br Cnaa 8raa for thb
fMOM. and tba wort will ba pwvnad
«<tb npir durtac tba ■aamar aaatbt
h tba Mat latamat of all tba loatban
aw f»aaHBc ban and oarnlac loca
Hub. Hleh.. July If.-Joaapk Binwt baa baw dadarad laaaaa and
awi to ibe TnTont City atylua
nUeot arat arraatad by Daputy Bbar>
Iff Bbaruiaa and takaa to pal! paadtag
a baaflac aad aiaialaaltoa yaaiarday.
tbit rlliaia- O
It that be U a
« eytaa. aad ba ataada ft
«an. Datiott aad Waablmctoa
rBLUdM la m «f aU bain to tba raluabta BUim aaoarw pmewty_______
Mo. M. Y. attlwatad to ba worth U.d far raan afloru ban
baw Mda br Iba edur bain to
duw Ub la Ma wtth than la wind
tag ap Iba natala and
rwUna of tba propwty. but ba ataad
K^etbar baira~to'tba Blleol
an Br. MHaa. for■M^aTSaM «a^^ tto iia. ihM eounty:
tana bwtrtw »w In
t w«a aaaouaoad bp tba dp
« BMU mataMBy. wbw
an to b. oa_ ------Wokaaa i. la Uo kMi. a. a Haa.
baa. «t.Wa»^
r. wWea la aaaaaM
aa (MMalaai
■ anaaiuwunne two open
V trie Cigtitaantri Oar of
wil. u*. ai-liM. lb'i>.>o.«tk.
i JaiMUt-v.
• ac; Bru;i»»li.
w7'M*miy MMn^to'tbwJw
o Peru t_
la Haaton^, ‘
-Tw^Bw^_ ana, h
‘ '
___________ - -y Bight laI tba Moaroa oauBaO M tba gallBBl aaerUfoa
Iba Kwiuektaaa
TMra It comf^m M
afiw inirimto. that Dt. KU .
ainaa aad^^^roMMd^tut tba Jwi^ W hadk.kltoiyt.tom. bMddar and every pari
Mat of
d tbe urMmy paarngu. h Beeveoa MahSBy
wey el I^TTmi wttb ibair bkad. by mwd
tba dp Inc aa lawtiatlaa of
pwtwwi af Mau that ..
-. .
owuy acnad balwaw Saootary Hay
h tba atau.
H yua Md a aMMM yea toetofl^ tto
Simply Iweau.e the father :
p. u. to be pt.-.ldent, for a lilllc w
there I. Bo reai-ni for ibem to
d dlff.-n-iitty than other*
.Mm-wdkumuf MMVIUW. a .riell fr
PvUdw tllcU>*r- wd ee imttuw fimrm mn iwwt, _
<g raCNI.- am. <e- w.et. *1 • k.M1 u*e
maty br.- i_u i Ml tt > rw.t -y ah. m>. _
memmks>.wd renw ut .aldhltowur. »•
hn*^M wdditr flr, - tar M. b. Ih. Mid
____ Sl_
OTtb ywran.-! wnk IlM • —t b*. '
..in b.-r hiMbanil.
Riga. N V. I#
uel and tntaiimal
Che wife all.-ge* ihai ah,
Sth toyaf AHMat.fkO.
V.-'SSStSt.tlS ■
I'MyskWu.ua CMIA>B.
DtMtjBinrA 0. wa.
Bl- palutlng wa* dune-wlib '
iM-rate IDIeut to drive bef t
bhe allege* *he dare
ul of door. a. tbe .Igbl of lb.
adue.-. bvwicrta.
Sfai- alxi
, b.-r p.-tlilon thal bef b
I the Gbrl.ilan
p"SfiMystrx i asra ■
Ti-Ub-.moT Muwbm itf m. twd hmra
p dlahe* In ea
Xtre. but In a.
•Igblfcci-mg In the rlly and a*c>-ndi
ib<'. (tome of the tat.- eapliol tb..1 Chicago lo*i 1
iiuallcr amoup
a. given men h.
P1.I..1. to the h
elr evea'pv- by I
pilot and made
(. W J. MrCer of the etbnulug
un-au at Waabiiigioa. haa been
appotaied chief of the department ol
aaihropol.vgv and ethnology at th.
tVorld'i fair
Pere Marquette
; toUm.tr. b.cMIim>rd
' Vt-u- ef • «wl*r*uob
MII.W.1 Uh
h fiwthirr mm
U ••*
Jur 3 . Itm
cannoi tn- ..-cured _
funner* arc offering
harvcai 'kande. A familiar jp£T£'4^i>Sir' wd o
alght t
y, riding hoi
plow. I I dolBg all
-r Ibe hay that had been
the rain *o ihal II ailgbi
■J-5S.J5. ________
k ri* Yw
* I----------- ‘--------tor: TOn tww.
ami-n.laiorv ordinance giving'
n.)l, T.-leptione A Telegraph
richi i.i oa.truPt nnd olda tof-ihe trana-]
d merehandlM. I
kSSS/ff "•
''ri.i~,i:^.*.T-rm. frumlto atofovl,
if ihH oeam^
Stroke Shattered My
Gaye Up Preaching
For Two Yoaro.
Dr. Maes* Neiratne Put
Me Oa AcUt* Ust.
awM.M Mdriw^raf^^BliS
SsSSijrassuiw -^'3iv^=,wsk‘s=s
PmaHnoB* tor. Omto* *a4 Kumeu,.
*. Orwd Bbctto
r -
_____ _________ but
■ aoiSety. tor wbM* the
Mra. Oola
meate tool of valuable
twuaa aae osn*^ oh
Uffk auafftaCra.
-f ilrMb Lblm. O.K
a* itmi >
nan,! a .
w^ M^dead at the borne of her
OMiher. Him H^ H^ Wercey.in BiyI Plercey wat the
of tU dtoghten and
were all of
two Boat, aad the others
May Bell" wat
ordtaarr alt*. '"Queea
thlrtyMC lai
:*fly pouadi.
ww klad to aa oId.mai
wtao ww Ul la a Kesdalinile. lad.
boial. of wbM to was clerk. Weeley
of TkSedo. hat come
Iff aa lakerilasee of
befriceded ______
Ylielw Hot
' a the
■I **<t!^ m * Dm
Some year*
a. while Hm
otel at Keaverier ww clerk la i
guett of thi
dallvUle Harper, wl
aeriowly 111
bowl, ww takes ________
aad darwas tick foe eeveeal weabt.___
Bg that tUar
...... ........................
Hovener aurtad
—rwd him
health aad
watU ago Harper died l_ .
and the otbar day Hovenar leealred
hat n.OM bad baan left
wUI of tbe decaaaad.
. jaoa F. -A Healer. Vnlled
Biatee aary. __ _______ _____
____ - the etofwtary of
ibai oScera wbo rototln ««d
- FbUIpplaea for BMre than <
ar* tutoaet to boU mental i
IM-t make aay mMtato. bto ra-
tew^Twto^ wa^leMk.
Mid memWw. *U if * lik-h Mril br to
a. lenwawi taauiM wit pen m tb.
, tbMy bU
aalaty la tu______________ YVa
> el tba kiBgwi fllgbu oa rp
*irf tabb I. 1a memory of th<
-nt» ug. the p.iIdU
rity lit. Im-n vo1.-l
dwTVl.O m mb] Bi.irtwum.t.'iuUna. ib ^
IKmr polii-y to impre*. upim the
Ibfiil Biiud Ibe death* uf l>ri-*!
iM-lneoln. Garfield
and McKinley
tit.lr iMibli,
Ting Up my r
*aa l.y nnm .d Lt .toM grwiM
mcaguM. ■> aurdma -v tb, miai» uf auui
SvrnrM J I..-* i. by l*, Hw Juta a uaw
*>r. JiKlmcf l*r.imk m wd It* huU tWaaty.
Rn^' IbllliuC*
iwny.'^ -yu'
___________- -. toaghl dm_ _
aarty apitac befora tba boda awai;.
Tba aaqM to aa Ham raeohtly
prtatad W tba Praa r
tan that a earriar pin------ -------------------a yard at Owoaao attar
«rtp trow INew C
kfiieh to l»retlil.-Bi Rinwem lt» d
a«a StMt Xww it.
robii.t. I
It a day
D Ibe u
the i-tpcdlilui
o^JIbut I. Ob the Uulf
nty .d irarwv-. Oir. Ml-4ilg*il, .thu UMm*.
•1 iW.''kmh In ta. hnSiw m mia tor. bB to.
rveki, uu^wd^Mw .f
tnu-. m-.r.- vb-mus bl« Ilf.
tb.- oivimary
ry 1.0.1 and di.tin- of wa-c
by aneu-nna, .!.U-h! Tbt
liloii headed
■f a I.t.i
-Ilian. <il SI IcMila.
V bat il
ing. ihi> .
Biied ..Ul t» evpiore
pair ul ell
aotleeaMe II
Lilly a> a
byailBla t
aw raturaad that
to ba wbat M km
Abdllla rerU..T.ed,T~J.va*lm>dpMMoaiw
. of Nt-w Brunt
tlw to Bwtoa ww
dwnuadtac wH! ba a-‘-
hw nt'>» h
■ aaffwtag aiaeb fraat
uuiu •n-.eUiM b' vm- I'alM i'Tm>4priiu.*i. wd iwilhewaial km 2
??,;’^r2r£ioSc?5i- •
.<art m*l H.wr7 K. Il»-
phv.i .
at tigbl U.-.ng I
ttrurilon ul ih<- >i
poliwnlDK 1
Ibe bligtd B
Tbr ClMr Improw-me-ni J. ag i.'. M
n whom- motto i> t.)
Hiy Tlean. h.-aiih> and
I-.1 Ihv .peclali.f.
organlilng a Junior lii• w rerioivd a. •
The chlldivn
liiitic on J.-u:j u It
ire orguatied Into ' tiiov-k
league./' U.j.^anJ g^l. b>w.j.D Che
•■■lb- itn u.i . 1 A|.ni A D.ms.ia tabu «
niemhorvhlp They are encouraged oi rlibE Maul
and Ob a <a.-h
• ofk along the line, of planting irvee
and MW ih'
and vbruiw. plarlng uf gtrl'acr iv
'ng of yanlr. nreei.
(-ampu. *hei
irf Utter, and Ib.- ratv
Tbv party
■•• lum&> 1..VI iMRtaMd •• rfcaer
of public prupi-ny generally.
r •cb.pol l<^ inevri
Ibriou-------------------- —*------------- Tbe venllci reiiirm-1 by tli- corIt IV..t..ii.
. Ot-imai:
Ackerman, the >••
I.Jt"Tb-ii 1
C liur-'l
ib ciiina. I
•I in CitiiRlaij
Chicago SiindA'.
bl- appcanuiiv .d
vali.-d vainlv
Tt:.- gii
t the tree U ri-«af.l.t! a
sal, Ihr-. wd y :m m-r.. ..t !&.'Cr.*l law u .wel W Biky A •Virtai. wd aP
uily Ibr,* V-..W
lb, I Wrv p.Twm. ml. r.mal m .Md —Uri.ara IV- - nib.-r Ibrei' *ml (imt -y I iuir.d t.. Mmwrsl • amM cd mUCMfwmaa
•Qd Telt-phone t
•■S. ‘
d». Ih. tab <tar --J Tal,.
... iS';
atagt at eirellem meu
iralto tollo FuKIral_________ —
Boat tuU of eakkea There were ovw
ebareb aervlce at Aiebltoa, Kaa..
tt Id all lengibt la the boach aad
Qm Oalud Slain aad 1
Twcently lalorrupled by a wumas
Joaea'i boa ww kept bney for a
uw ww^Bypirnd tba
le the
tlaugbierlag '
Stita Neiwa.
die of the sermon. Sbe said that
HMt Maud Uaderwood. aged It
Tba Abti-CMrpat Bwnepar ________
tba MtwiiTi duty !■
wat Mated
directly bebtad a
hi baan orgaaMd la CadUlae tor daagbter of Richard Vaderwood. a large iat woema who wat wartag a
______ ______
Norwayt. died tuddwly
palm-leal tan back and forth with
u aad otbar aovalUta Tba toetery Tuwday eveatag. She e
great regdlarUy. aad it made her k>
M an errand
- - aad
-1 dropped
> anwiad la tba aaw Rabg
Bcrrotu the could uoi control berwclf.
I South HtttoallMnat.aM_______
1 by tweaty-five other
100 feat traatage
Topeka. Bwne Ware.
Hd'tb^CWM'totdao**Irur It had adJotalBC w which they wtU '
L'olted Buie* commit
aad. at
naotbar btfldlag. to ba wed U
baw Snwn ap H ww ' '
oner of peariant, hat goae to w
• prewat gait btda fair to Up thg
aaeuw wiU tba bwl«eaa. Work
the harvMl fields of Elllt codcL;
at >00 poBBdt by tbr
togta ahettly.
MIm Mary J. Hercey. who ■
hr aowa iraaki tba thada L...
____________ ttot
kaowa at^-g.^0 My-Bell.- aa^
UhW wm_toA^M^ Wr tpoc tba mala atiuai otXaaaivuta
iWmU wot he rruud
A» itV twro— or.Pe«l. Ui.1 wH peu»^y.eyw»U-Ur|ee-O.^M im J tenU
S!jirsijri!ii;£sw.is iK.rk.S.*S.‘Sto“Jc2rjoK
**s£i>c^w*wt of tba nountaln
_____ /“» laa
C<>.. TfawerBs Ctty. Hlieh.
rl..rado iI Spring.
•M la <ba ktctnlty cd Fraakfon bare
-d .-oeuium ..
btlM.. cine, ihu Hieekl..
mm <\mui Un. .m.e.o<e •_«•
tumid day m kimnei
?or a
At AlBit the b.wt pulp drier In cut
o the dlitrlci a f.
aerildu with Ibe beet tugar plant ha
•ated th.- ledge
proved a great fucreti. aad l> eald i.
> be.'B wathed Ini
be the only tuccettful
Th..} now •
pulp In ti
•ought lor by
the country lor teeding purpo»e». i
pulp wnt lormerly thrown a»t}
•old to fnrmera for almoii poihing.
:be •oulhern part
ntadtuu for
eveni wanuin trifling
ounly Whirn a few yean ago ■iv'Ti'H’-theui bring n dollar aa acre l> young people
tml el.i’where
*u cheeee tanorlea In
young men Ih>
Saginaw cuualy u<l eight tn Bay.
r rank, of nolb bon
Al Bay fit} the Ueamer W. P
'ti:hingi-d eoli-nm prom
a la dltchargiBg a carload of luto
refrain from the lifnilrlmu
wbleb u the remaladar of a
pri'ieut otberk from flirt'
,'b which uocurrad twu yeain agu uV" TMi
breaking dheir prumlit’
d Ocmot Caaalnl at ibelr eoolanmco'
but., lor ehnrllable purto kmg ago at Joaa tt. that Uaacbp OB Lake Superior The lumber dritlod
aabure ul Chap Point asil '
t time tod If.jno
rU would ba opaaed to the U
cenily picked up by ibe The
brought II
little daugblar
rom the rlub. and may ouly be relurpe of JunateUlc wnt
idmllU'd trier Ibe etpirtilun uf uue
Vuaaaiite Vallpy. July !(.—Mra. A
M Wedneaday
WedBeaday by her
be i
B- Jobat of New York dly. «bo bat had lakeB two bullau f
I. kn..wD a» t "hhie bal
baan alaylac la tta rallay lor a fa*
and . .
vat born to t family in Wtbtvb. It
daya *aa toaad la a aiCdp creraeae The bullet poued through the cblld't
Tueedny The blue baby i. • pb>i
back of Bwilaal Dome. Mra Jobat
It. oa the outer edge of the right loglrnl freak tnd eirlie. much lot
ttanad troa tllaeler Pofat hotel to
doctor thlnkt It will not
among locnl pHytleUn. The rl
walk to natuna.
naturaa. lueatad ltwo allaa
Mra. Tbippe It pnip
prove fi
Uato.i an ladl^ blue in rolor. >
froa tba boial. aad did ao
•ad affair.
iraied o
■arty la iht
IthI 0.
of Qnad
_____ Marlai
niee ttanad o
lurk lb dioxide and revive h
«• ogigea.
a diacorary that Bllad
found a bunc The Infant •eem> to
e healthy
e with horror.
italnad two ihrc and will tumte.
uf ehJVtw whl
> flvpieafad. foL
lealed clover
Without n friend It
fouMewfed. u
I hl< pocket.
for thoniaadi of i_____________________
Men that joltad out trom tba ataap
uat aa -little Bvt" bad effectively
r by Jumping Into the
aide, tbr alBKMi lUalaat body of Mra.
d la an Caele Tom'i Cabin abow
hla fellow newahoya hi
Johai wat fouBd by Mr Poitar.
Uwuaao. a aecllun of the dreut declared
tired of the
lell in with B cmab. Bra jiyep •Iriiutle
and that he
ed off Ibe bed and made a moat lively laiaaded
M gK ing
ir .eemli
leu flgbi.
On Monday a vagrant awarm of
are much
bta way down the* nmulaln
^ ap^priatad Cable Boi
llkvilboud of graM
bar Hr. Potter wat forced I
hopper* raiding
.. iSouth Uakota ibU
the bolal tor balp
iboppen fur tome lime
- orldad wlib pi
ilaaiy ot ropaa aad n>.
'I'bey neglected, however, to no.
.ntuilng part* of Mon
'lag a atmebaer. a party of eight
tana and are rapidly coming toward
t IU way back
up In make aome aeoaaaary repalra South Oakota In the ovni that
a reaeoa
bit turpnac waa painful and bit laa- reach South IMkoU they will
II do
d> UB
rlea A. brown of
guace TiAleni. Al night, a tong pole
image and
e In the
M tba ralkat pan
Mind Mra.
V greatly
that It Iht
al In the
iraaia. Her aaeapa from a trlcbltnl
wat daatroyad.
Jerry Ulraion. the uidei
•atb had bean oulbing leaa ibao
1 Ohio aad prrbapt In il
IracBloiu. Bhe bad fallen a dMlaeea
of- Hueroe townabip.
a of’ck»rWAli”cioud tebbath
.. «W feat from the eraraaea wallt
laty. Jerry It 100 yeara old.
in yean ago. tbara bat not
and bad partly brokaa bar Ull by
day laal week be walked
death of _
n child or youlyouth ._
catrblnc at lunlpar bubaa aad ternb
- Mount Verson aad
ir cblldien'u or^outbt'
aba pltwcad ihrougb tbair
paid hit take*, tanking Ibe return trip
Wbw the ropa had baan
le tcbool hat bald wwkly aaaifou. on foot alto b-or fear, br hat n-fuc-d
tmuer and winter, with an average to tieep Is a bed. choo«tng.............
la a chair.
I way b .
Jobnt from her. tleadasce of 40 to M. with W M
rat. of eblldraa
ptrlhMt poaltloa.
Jahkton. Mr. Uleason workt oo b
Tbara. kodgad u
tarn re, larly. hu never been III
Biale'i prltOB —___ _
titr and doe* not look li
_>d bnltad. ywart for klHIng a boy.
more than day tn h
third of a
lay Him. Job___ _____________
trow aabaut.
W yyi old. He U •aid
aal to be aa laA wee traveler arrived ai jei
A few week! ago
USB aad lack of food, nod bwasbad
WItb dlBcnlty boyt
by throwtag City Tureday night. She 1. ooly
yeara old and ww alone ou a >
ila e
York ezpreu. ea route to I'hlla
Mra. Jobn'p waUl tad aa
•way. at. . .
balp bar to r
ira. Tbti be tred a revolver into tbc darkawt pua.. Tbe lUUIe girl’, same U Ui
_ owpt ptovad I
>a of Mra. He wat dumbfounded when br fodhd an Waiaakalhg Sbe came from I
laad Mich. Her dMUaallon s
t be bad
Joba t wolgbL
lai fastened
tea on a U
r tba abrupt pradevodurlor reported
lere It not a her flreu.
td not uttered a wklmper
aad latBor Mgu JW taat balow from
the county who eould
began her loaraey. Uitli
- - - wat a aliaar drop of bwdrodt
1 Ibe dittaaee ta broad
bont her oa the train. 8h.
L Ha dMarnlaad to try tbM
of faet.
r to
at Jereey Oty to a Hhlla
plan of
detphla uala. Women In the walUni
tboaa above to K
a of
I 00 the....................................
Potter ewaag tba
Ibe baby.
I tba UaySaulp
Hn. Jobat OBI t
aeythiag tbM year
It It aald that the Servian auihort
ebaaged their mladt la the patl
bari^ teU boun ^ totWtn^ eouple of wwkt. Tba wama dayt tlee bare imearthed a coneplracy u
aad cool Bicbu have awt the eon avMge the late King Alesandrr. A
ed at a great irate, aad It b •eareb of the duanera ot a Ueutenam
hMin Mgt. Ha tbw dp
of tba garrtton dltcloard the fact that
a Sae oondlUoa,
I Mary Duthbaek of CarlMa It aScetw had formed a league u
taka Tcsgeaaca npoa tbe regtcidci.
guldn bbort. Hr. Potter bad Um
yarhapa the oldeU memben of any
areb riiolr la tbe eoualry are John
label and bit wUe of Kmost. V
Sbe b la badWpe, but may ra
nw tba two plekad np II
lobei bat been a member of tl
Berrlee Bprtogt faram reallaad
bad logatbar
twatbar t
blr in the Horavlao church for •
............. ............. - - ame IbM eaaaoe
wH way ------laierrupted period of flfiyteri
aad om y
. tn. hfra. lobti bw bekmgt
iLimUt won out. tb
tbe earn# ebolr tor fifty
wed Curva-r .eweead 1111 itleii wi
W t.y Ue
Maw York fflook g
criioaco Board a( Trada.
Tboe McBride of the Si» wi
Dd U lamer fteldk
u paaaumie tnun
for klltlni deer out of eea.
ide they have car'
Hoebeeter farmer d
uf deetructloa. In from town late at olchi >
c But eaUtOed tu ipookt U the ectnrierv
tar at 11
iw*! iha toeji'oijedwew Jd I I t wTwC
U-tiu.ll he. :
Two Knlnmatoo uien Jayaad ChaHei Siruble wt-r.' bl'
that la aoaa iMlI Salde the Bnger by a lunll bln.-k bi
ta eald they have pKHiad
caea* blond poUualng
ma. Waah. Jaly !•.—Tba loag
at an (>( taaperlag C0H>ar baa baaf
-TlTod by the dtaeorary «C Mra CW'
an, who haa laeorpa
0 put bar pataaiad
_______ _____ ,.,«UcaI waa. A plant
Mac aaiablUhad and alraady U iiu.
lag oal bardanad and taapared cop
Mtwaaiaing a nprlas nu lurpaaaad
J. R.iiTussUsst..
& GO.,
— rs/SS'K
Newt U byeurtcal In tu
r a booBly oa tpairovt.
all •«* inmtm Dt. PiafWa
^ -.“f J-rsxrt
sue in THR OKS;
itot city aotod to
•as ito upawgfto kafl tba
aad unto dMBbUto were pdated Mr Cm boue bacptor ah' HI*
oe (Tory aad eoanected by wreatbi
to diamoade aad cold Tbe plate .ot
ITobA otter eae bow happy they
boaor to the oeater cd Ibe toBHlW to re. elagm- from oMralB' ter i
prea m aa oral mlotatore ot bto rtlpper u two aoareparrara. a
bieer while three boyi ai
lu eoeln- BomeUtog' aloe aa' helpful
aide The ampecerb parti
deaee (be old telka.- .
bean ebaped aad baap ai a pa
e LM led barrut
oUmllag over Ibe tiee lop* when
Uaeh- Tbeudore aald cuud alsbt to
the Mead ol bto boyhood wbo a
tk« lUrry (Um:
WhIebeTer way tbe wlad doth blow.
to poay. and rede elowly boueI. tfc. ito0
llw rmr 4i
I bean to dad to bare It i
ward Uui the Joy e( *h«eln' (hlac*'
tt rtouAte
Then blow II eaet or Mow It a
eehladlcl by hto boawly wtoda
tte ■
b« tkry o* U* ««UM.
ed to Hrtcb bto later yw
The wlad (bat blowe. that wted to
llsbi’s •IK'M- rvbeet.
Amc wtik U» «ti«Bsik cl I
My little craft aelii aot al.ss:
Utu. pw« (roM tbc hSMii^ *eU. A Uotuaad BeeU Inia erery i
, a:ri Wbe MakH Frkanea.
oat npoe a iboanad reek;
Owl ror ure-k nfTMliUis.
Wbal blow, lor oee a laronac breeM
r«n for ibe vteld'i i
Mlcbt daib aaotber. with tbe eboc
breeie. (reek, laucblac. aaddlng tight
ooH. apoa Hoee hidden raeb.
IM »«rw •<>■»« ‘U“»and ftft wlib happy iBpartUlliy
•0 I do not dare to pray
for Ike beaHac ef ibe Mtha* 4
-Wni-i" aad Ibe "doldrume- By out
Per wlad* to wa^ ow oa ay way.
llrbK w»ien Soa.
rare tt u> a Klfber WUl'
To stay or tpaM me. Uwellec eUll
coolMU wd tb« cate,
That all to weU. and eara that He
y (or crerytbtDg
be abbdMr. eecral plww.
Who laaaebed my bark will aaU with
breath of itMlloc bbln!
Ml* this Uascr. lot
plant Bbe clapa b
ThroBch euprm ^ra
door wrai atlll a)u
I blauul klBddon «>ere the
Wbaurer breieki may prerail
Id. ru (wcrtly and modreily that
To toad me. erery peril put.
ilak It to your own euggnilon
WItbla Hto tbellerlac barM al laat
Wken-ror tbe guee ahe ac-o< t
(aaay aide o( iblogi. And ibe I
Who look BO I
aufb a tunny, whole-banned eray
My bean to dad to hare 11 no:
Iher Wkbder (u beio*!
blow 11 HM or Mow H went.
deaerbing them that It to u good
The Wlad ibal blowe. that wlad
bur her u lo bare been ttaare your
ulf—erea bettor, lor abe bu IbibuBwriMja eye. which fa a great cKi
Bovloi the p iturea pU are Mto.
She dueaat abUM- It. though. You
•Hlac Thiapa
wdnl eipert to be rogalt-d with bit
Bo •* Wks tbo >1 IM VBterm la each
Not tone aco Uncle Theodore ■
-r larcum* and aplirful eucgvr*
to pblkMopber meaA who bad M
She can be deter aad funny
Oar ciaclou Lord bad Malta- I
hU ctaom WbH both wrat to i
irUbaut being unkind, or untnilbful.
wbow word each aerraat llTea,
-doHirlek Bkola" aa* printed ih
M •• Mok Ibe pareblac diMn, lalllale hide by elde op dHka. (race
potta. and tbe old oak
She l< recepllre uad rupuBelitceraer ol the ptoysreand
be .Iki* ererybody. aot oooilderin*
U bappeaM lo be ta
ber duty to nupect rrarrene ul
lartham'e eorser sreoary. end they
I aloac oar pathva)' It tbi
touad eHU oe a.box. end eweppad
n* baort or peaee that dweUeth to eUnlra a* they whittled.
nil tbe world hoomt and glad until
iHl. 'll do bHi alL~ Hid tbe
HM OTerlaMlBd bUl:
aa' wlm- prorei IteoB othere-toe.
Abd vnb the dreoe o-otbrln
She alwayn geta atoug
She bu
go bllad all their daye. Beemi
(bat tall Ike vat beelde
aa U they WUl born blind. Uke klt- frteot'.a ererTWhere. For people wh'.
Pear oM (be ev »• cmtt. ov
Obly aleb tolkj nerer git their hare met her nerer forget her,
Bnre. they're get eyra
ter dl rouA bet eoHebody'i allu
c glii wbo bu trlrade—
K to lead 'em. an' ebaw 'am UOagi.
M (rtonde and k(epe frlead*-Many lade flyed klua. aa' maay
■d* eeea llghtnla’ Bub. bol oely
en rrenklla aaea anytblag mo
aal gimdtooktM Jot poor
ibai. an' what woedere bu a
Her teeulty for fneadahip
from bto eyn leala'.
TbiB, do »M batTr.
makei i:p for arerythtag atoe. Aad
'Many yooag lellera aoee tanAUIbal buta to bleat
totil anybody we'd rather
a b'lllfi.’ hat aerer a oee tlU Jimmy
Who doia bto bdM
artwi:a.--Kaii*u City Jouraal.
WatU eeen tba:
Abd tobeae the net:
IbiBCttoea. do BK •offTA KM Oleve Pillow.
TbH there wu yooag Tommy BdIngealou girl bu devlaed
na kiuia' foertH wltb Teetnelty.
pretty pillow, and a eenslble ooe
aa- makiB’ Ufe Urety ter bto
well. She ueu tbe wrUu and p
telka witb bto aperlmHU. aa't
e back* (C dtorarded kM gtoru
plala path far a M o' ihetwyH tei
for her purpau. u erery woman ’
walk la.
knowe that wbH a glare to won
■ell ye what. Theodora, when
PtehM Up Here mt There.
emu are aim “u good u m
tod stta reel aaala' eyn It menu
l->ery woman acaatTH a lot of
-Mother, dear.- laid a freak roeag hHp tor tbe wortd aa' ter tba folkt
wrinkled wrlaU of ererylblM- from
hat eoal eeea for thalraolrea.«CM to ba panat. who bad Jtat
pony lo walklM C<<>rm. and «be <
baee MtIbc ha a toeUre. *V yea
-Uow to It tbaa.- tayt L That a
wLat (bay arc good for. —
weald obly etop wbea pea here bln aee. aa' otbora ue aotblMf
t the Ctrl wbo makei ererrtblng
aeered roar potat abd aald wbet I
-Well. I reekoa.* aaaweced tbepUldo daty In eome way bu mad
IM to a tnitb yoe woeld aake ao
Npbar. -aobM-i kora
eoolrrl, tmootbMt. moct nerre-eootb■laah Mb ^rwelm. bM roa al- tralaad that way. e
wen CO Ob aad oe. aad Hr 10
waked Bp by ibair Uaebata. Theta'a IM pUlcw la (be wortd. She ei
B1 bMh oM «(' U
hall tot la snUb' waked np. Theo CtoTcwrtoU
auanrea. Tbau abe buled doun op^
aad roe loee an the adrabtage yoo dor*.
H a maru llalag. and then werfced
hate ■alaed."
“WbH ea IdH earn <lu later
with -Hlatileh- in yellow flou.
Haar 'paopU make a mlitake by
MM Mlar-a mlad. aa' opau h
dSoet wu ebarmlag. with tbe
Bot Mopjaas at the Hcbl
rn lar the mnali
I aitumnal
and tbe aofi
Maay a tratb woald be eeir
tbe peweifal alsbt
I and iTorte*. To Judge by apla e eolant ead do sood wort If tl waeld—1H tbe ncku o' ereatloek ao
Mm. M. B. O. BA'ns. unar.
T«. e» « l*.!.,
m vorM to ^
la U aad Uda.
Abd ■Oaf to dvlda;
Take Ibe oatcr eialka trem a bead
ef cekTT. tbooe whieb are not
I. aad apUt them
toaglhwtoc. tbioogb ((-* wideet part.
Bimbiiihii III III 11 11
i.ml .Tczsag _
i loceOer and cu
Th. Old gtau kntoa
1 tbe bran cAtbe buay city.
Fiepare a eqnal e
In tba aeoaebtng nouo-ilde beat,
eound uf bubbling water
Fall* on Ibe dla td ibv >irvei
ooe trrel Mupoaoful ef hU and
II fall* in ao oM aiona buln.
r vaprilca *01*10 tbe waier from
And over the tuol. wet brink.
tecetable* odd them lo tb«
The heed. <d the thinly burara
corer tbe ttewpoa and let ibem
enlly lu prevent them
■licktng on
to-ben lender pld halt And
cupful! uf rrean and >imn>cr i
mloule* lunger
*br ahe. eb. the ihy aewtowm.
Be daer ta the world, h deer!
la tbe bean of the boM ot Barnmei
Aad eereatbaan of all the year.
A MrrtMB WH b
laoewuy h tba amo.
a will pat II
-I Mre board wamn who bare
la (ram a load walk or atim a bard
doyb work oiMilalB tbbt they
too tired to more, aad tbnrw themoetTH iBlo a roektet ohMr aa<
madlaUly beda fwaylax la aad b«
t of nuuiy
rery Uf# depHded oe U. The pnettoa woald ertinit a man In a few
MmHto. bat beoldH betas a a
Tbe emprea of Germaay p
«t btoaMl. bto a
•oMm HIbM.
la tbe wood Ob’ tbe Bald, an' ike twe
batonlitB- aa' hIrdMadyta
qakkly made fer Uttle clrto by m
-------- r. aeeme u If Bto Canell )aat
tba leoctb tram armbMe
weka ap, aa' aha wootad tM door
bottom Of drean. Sew up three
yard cleared ap. aa' a Bower bad. aa’
(tnlfbt wUtba. put a Ibre inch
Ibe bottom, aad satber at tM top
macamaa. aa' tbn a |
form aa toeb-wlde baadlac- Banc
toika- nadia- cMa. an' a Baaday
oMo a barrow hobd M tbe proper
---------1 m the eU Hbeottoue aa'
iHgtb. aad aUttb twtoe a (be macb•au kaowa vhara tba ud oat
loa. and tie orar tba aboalder witb
H be.
I ban a yard kmc aad two or
three toehe* wide An apron can be
farm gota' wbU* -UAb oa' hto vtte
ad made m mart lam (baa on
weal ur tbe WarMh Fair. Net 'uue
they'd eau that pa OB' m wu 1
artn' ter aaota' tUasA aa* a ttUe
w treu hard work, aa' tba
0- the brnty.
aim Mb. which will be Jmt a*
L Ml. tbu aaru whlaad.
taaoT bbd are mart Use.
aald yowM fama-d omMu bare tbe
WbH pwttiM H a faemc. pn
tBaaee. They'd aeaa tba white atoo ta ptooa with u Itxm to
babe eouia' teat aa Ibchmito o'
«; er If It be arti good*. 4
ibotr talbar oa' motM. aa' out
H tUfhUy wtih wHk ourrt w
eye* were ocaaed they oh p tat C
thH h*h with a warm Iraa. ai
tWaci they coaid do lu make (be
WtD MBjr m ptoH Mtu B to KIM
gn-dlenia. Kul. Ibe i|
mlilure. uelne a Holt b
ufing a cu«h uet lu clellh a dr, cluib
' tb* Amattcaa AaU-Ttal Bratoty,
rtto* lb* faUowtnc ktlre M«IM
Grand Oratnl Hotel. At. Paul, wi— ■
' It to witb CTBOt pIlHbM (Ml I H.
Ibe riom.Ucc
iway* trel that Ido IhrvBu
•rvTleoftwI know bow eaiulachwr the
rvaalti Invanably are. I .«w «Mb
ertry family had a buttle—It e ..uld »iTe
much.'knew and deeicr tell*.-—.’.-oeph
II. Kulceway.
Ctoanlng Carpeto.
There !■ no other article of buna*
urotohlng au tubjeei lu tpul* u
carpet uf a living nwm. By tbe <
uf Ibe fallowiag mixture, greaae i
nalu and ibr grimy ria a
be renrovod (rom any carpel with
iDjury lu the culor One-foanh poi
f cuUle aap. Ibrec ouncu
amiduala. imr of ether .ooe of apirtta
Inc, one ol glyo-rtue. Cut the
Sue and dtoiolvc in one
e not lauglil l.-ii.-t.!
no alpbebel.
sor«e In all ihev.- je*
e word*; and yei
Ihltk tbai eerh thimy c
tVhu .lop. to drtni. br tl
lu Ibanka. lu hi> own duiul
To the tuier. .mall inu.i
wrt»*'^““ *■
-I am *1 tb* {wraat Ube aUraiy '
• —i rat aa.t-tbliic 1 eeee reuld.
botUfU ef IVnina. and trad
uuebi ai ihv luln'e alui
The kindly Ilitle aUli-ri
- all I.I women grown.
Hforartree .Te*n,*uln______
■d your nwUetH .vary bigblv lor
aloanach treuUee. I Ink. great ple^HM
‘n thanktne you fur yunr tree adviH
ad Pernna.’t-Jamre B.Tayb*.
nay m.oto wa I (-«n to.-
Ur. J.W.Prtlnhanl, WuU InkixIM.
lilt- Juirr
bale uir
lo mix In
lu I*- uliaud again. P
fmm three Brugei
the rtnd. being careful
nny ul the while port. Be-
cured of catarrh of U
tuna. Icuuk
acrevd with
ball through
wold BU wllb
1 gaa coHlng
catmlng ma rnwh^F
dtotrcH and
-Th.-i uiu.i the happh-r W
For the c«j. ul waier poured by then:
When iho wen- chll.ln-n llir.v
—Suaun <'.«.lia»r.
Uianki lo yoao- IViana, I am mra- mh>
pletely ooed, and ran eat ayibteg I
WUl to wltlumt any of tb. dtouraalns
Sun.hlue readeri
ierrloi: aaed
lemud* u( ralaln* and chop
A. E WlDUe
e.-ihcr, v»w> Bne. Add I
I lillU 1*1..*. le-elanau
rour-y. ,ii.! who ea, ibe nrt-a
•I »ug*r and the orange
.luuiy fur an hour. Tan Into Jar* bridging -Hab.- fhehnne*' lu
ir tumbler* and wben cold aprud the nolle-. Sin. Wlnne uuu live, o
IP-aver l.land.
Tbr..;- l.land.
UiVe Michigan, ooerli dmix-m lb.. Sirali. .d Macklua*
They are tar from the mainland and
ke.-p’ng Ibe
Sunday wbanl
•:i ber .lory ,
Hartman and bto wumMul
-It bH baa cm* year atef
carvd. and I am all O. K. yet. ac t kbow
IateHRd."-J.W. Hnicbaid.
a* of,
anywbar*. HaranaoBiei ralarrbwber-
Wt- will uu> I,
UyuBdoboCdeitv* twoBjA aadaattoa ot cetarrh. I aaamined tl
teatofTieaulMMH tb* h* <« Furoba,
Tbe Ileavtr l.lan.l Sunday «.h»>' tboaougbly to learn ItooHtn
writ* al ObO* to Dr. BartBMB. glrteg b
>• DU plare of wor.hlr and ibe kln«
at rateable madletebi full alatemat of jtm «h* aad ba win
111 o.ii.T and oiir *ell u-lov.-d Suobe plaaaad to CM JH bto ralHtil* ad*
Vf (ba ayitem, neiora tba fubcUoa* aad praoura heellb.
day- m lu.il .upcrlnieud.-ni
-/ oosatoer Perm oae tt tht mmt tkOUaUx mmd tt
himU.r for ibe.building
AAdrato S*. BarMon. Pr^Ht rt
Mefam. b-felrtrtt#a*ffe oa no w«b aUbO aad mn
lurch (or our purporc
len moat be paid, dcior* and
windo*. lougbl. acalK pruilded
added at lb.
,-*>- nl CfwwlBs up that jour |•r*» |
to all tbe wblle Id a alate of'
wonder! But abe that waa our Mate-:
girl and whom your prealdent lure.:
canned lomatoe*. with a leaapi
rer; murh. will br a Sunahlne wumai.
ol greuo pepper. cb«w«l «»«
we are ,ure. and that -* ooe of ih. *
three mlBUim HHtnri with unt
very nlreel Ihingn ou earth lo te- ,
apounful of ull and oae-bnll of thl*
Harold-* mile leller-l«i* of tk.wgta
quantity ol pepper. Hour witb
pln<- to lUKi ac preiiy at ran te- auj
east, e-bleb bead fur unr minute.—
■tuell* «r all (bo beauiUul auuibern
Harper'f Cook Book Eacyclope
pine wolds li wa* at, one* pul uu our
deek and uur Buncblnv IcUen put li-. j
bay Hug Clunlitp.
II. and that to wbat It •hall be fur a-;
It la not alwaya naceaaary to ahj
long a* there I* any Herald Sua>bla<- I
heavy ruga, nor to every won
Now. tr any of your lelfeie pel l»i|
atnmg Hough lo habdla them
there will be nubody iu.blame but the I
auch a manner Ao may way to eh
Ildeni brraelf. Tbto I* what Harthem la to apreed tbaa down <m
bare Boar, and aweep Bret on
Plixgerald. (to.. Jum Slid. IMSy
wrong nad then on the rtrtl *
Hear Mr*. nai.i-A.
u thtwuufbly u iHMalble. They i
going lo Traverri- Ciii I ihuogtai
look u frmb and bright u If abnkrn.
bulter Ih.
I the Dul
and ptore li
erere aot «(IbM witb
peak-ha aaat
10 aeeb aa ealebi that la aCael ba: o' tbe deat' nay moee. He'e
e Modera Prtidlla.
. bet Ue
rieberh Bolomoa or Jel
and Iba prueea* to not ao hard on
that Ibe vewerallly cd people Uto l
JbUh OaoHr.
-Bpme way with cato, Itake li. bat Uttle OMt are Triuend at Play.
KugUib women ai« iwieUug
DUH rtdlag ulrtde on
ibtor alatn aad Ibetr
ImmlB-folki moat
anmmar Id tba panama Tbe (aTortia
.---------- ---------------------------- y poPd.aBd « taught airly ter eu wbat'a Teead barer and wbreL- hU a womu
•ra OM ef tbe world a bag *Mpa to one rary much Itka that
to 'apt to do a grHt deal of berm-nad I-re sera Ibe new elyle by man. tba Mamlag aimply a
PUledeIpbto Bailey
-Now. tbere-e oM Aaat Ohio B^lb.
t aad bath snlw
pan olshty. M* u ■pry u a eriekel.
-I hare eeea 11 yean ukn od
rariou* other maoralkis: that
aa' ratotelB erery boor —-------- ——
wemaa-e kwki.- deetaied a beev
ibe-a fooad bow to tbe
dupml bad expmaal of the an <
to my'mind (be*ploy drtoa
ar by tbe aide o' tbe apt
■ MM pretty Ibeaib ao loepar yoea
I glrte -to the meat n
MH. Why, all BoekMeUar-d
-It to alweye poeilble to taka 1« yeen
rmetalM Improremeol of tbe
Bold wwaMS-l brlM
ot a mmaa-e a«e. bat wbH
aba Bade la tbe drift o' tbe
«e U yeert aad M yean U
a. the twiaklla- atare. tbe Mad
leal ait aad talent aad a
li Itepthy. wall crown for 10
real deaiaa. Mao. Paul baa done It; ia' Wrda aa' bloomta' Bowen. Tea'd
A ari^eA In bar blu
ae yoe an It to aot aa lapeaelblUtr. jHt ertar hear bar pratota' tbe baaaty oraralle for aa ol
>rar btoeaoam aa’ the 'nardyed'
-Yoa an. womb woery a peat
M oonrM.
tbe yarl, I Wu eurpriaed
la H a pan and bake
deaL ABd ai eoae ac a woaaa hactoa ebtekweedAar U
Bat eucb
Mtve of
modarata c
(o werrr abeet her leoki It to aD orer
' child predated! There
out. and while aUIl bot toll li
-Bar eyn are woodertal ter
troeklaUrt and petUeau
I and bold la a
-Worry brlasi an anthme look lata
aad eoteb oeto tblaci and
fUl 'them
the laee. aa aaztoa* look brIaM that boy o' John Tbempeoah. aow raoulre cor^ toal they get apoUed or
wrtaUaa. aad wTlaktoe brlag ace. olch OB ter twHty yean eld. tbath
trac awIM for the
Abd Ibme yea aieUmha and at tbe
Te Sweep a Beft Weed Ptoer.
-To lake the look of ace oat of a ilatld-llke peat aramUM. Hd aerer
tbe email pereoe aad ber
la aweaplM a aoft wood Boor, kmp
ao ctoey la Ibe
womaa’f ti» yoa maet aoa<
mother that
bO eoerm
pall of water at hand In wkteb
teU a roHa-a aoU fram a htaatMi Ibe loofce yoPM Make her tUak
were bebig altbcM by tbe
laaa tba bn»m oecealeatally. Shake
toyh. He't allu
rte hei ao wrtaklea. aad. tea to
-U a slrt of that age la my da.r'
wu bora «a a
bad badlB ber warntobe a Ufuruled
whet be amt bdc Bah allu creu
woald bare I
Mr. aa- lika a aalky rtlM. Why.
rtibla doom
ba-d taU OTW a ptownhar
trter* nobody couM eoe. atoe there: mua pile toatead <C halt Bytog la tba
All ttatnee tiHuUful tor* her; .
kaalla -fora he'd pH hm
a where ebay woald bare bau a cry that her
The bnnardtot Ufbi aad deal.
brladM bar op on
The kreaekM that bead iboea bar.
A eblW'e eraaplM apioa
The moeeae tbu ktoa her foet;
rtsbt, I tmi ya. Theodora Bat ortar
obly form of play
la mUa paaa witb yteb paai
The rtpeetoc palo la the meadow.
to aaru toe late ter maM. aa' allowaMA
rolled thin, prick with fork nod bal
The btoda. itociM >«eet aad aem
eala' habit Mowe Joel oa tare u
Cobl aad BU with barriH a^toklad
The opewed Bowen la Ibe rtadew.
tbe BobeaelB-.
Ctrl CO u abe ptoaau In
The hreek. with m-npple otoar;
-Now. tbeew-e Uahe Oairoin eld- wllbta the boue ^aelaeu ef tbe gara apoonful of whipped e
Tba bM. m bto etorer aleeMac.
ra Of back yard will gtre (be
eat cal. the maneel beurteu
The.kwaeu. that droee aad whir.
of the futon baUor hulth
The tala bom the Ulto. down eweai
■be kaow-d BotblM bM ter took pret- and etamlaa tbaa wu ber mother';
. tBC.
aad craadmotber'e adowmat.- —
Aad the Bleade are la tore wttl
New York Boa.
peeping tel*e.-o
BeTeals That *T*e-ru-na is Calculated to
Tone up the System, Restore the FuuotioDS apd Procure Ilealth.”
married the 21at of laal September
Her name to no* Ualwl Cuuper. 1
made uul of (leurgia pine. It gt
here. It to curly pine We made
eral Iblnc*. fur mamma lu lake ru
de one like yours (or my *1
are having ripe i»-arhec
plum*. hlarkbcrrU-* and MrewKr
re bec-n helping lo bale up
rrapouded nobly to our call tor aid
and. Ub. It wa* very plrailng to (I
dalagaic to ^ with what avidity
Utaratura war received by our link
It doe* one guod lo *ee
dralrc lot rellglou* rradtng li
young children. Now, I do not wtoh
to ark for reading' matter ai t think
we whi ba able to purchaae ibai. i
I do aak tba Uttle Sunihlnar* to e
irtbnla pranlM toward building i
cburcb. only a^ng your^ward .
lee* trtbBlailH. and with Icei lou of
Ime and money, than Ibe perpleiad
liber of tbto Texoa acbool boy Hcit
the pareofi letter to tbe l*«b*r
"Sir: Will you In the (nlK'e glvi
ly *H eaxlrr eome* to do at nliH
Tbto to wbat be ba* brougbi booPM
or ihre nlte* bark: U fore gal
Una of vlnnygar win dll tblny-to pint
bottle., how man/ pInU and bait botct will nine g^llin* BUT'
-Wall, wa irt^ and could
eotbiB' of It ai all. and my boy ertod
I toughed, and aald be didn't dare
bock .In the mornln’ wlrtaai dote’
long for tbe pranlaa to gather
doltor* that tba aummar win be oear
before our toland eblldm wUl
a plare to meet. But all tbrougb tbto
aoftb country ibere are Uttle Bun
Kbooto and we do oot ibtek Ibera
many of them wbarr there are not
Sunabtee boy* and clrla. Sow If tb
toaaoad a
yoeng bear
would aad tbalr moeay
brongbt It bom* aHra. ba* banted
gatban .. would be a dor thing to do.
mountain Uoat. dear and elk. t
only a mtle Mm
treraad la woaderBtl.
au, iwHty-a.
So I bad <0 go aad bv bin* gal
■ of vamaygar, wblrt Trtbold IU af
ATodd BUM katttoa In (be moratog anrtblag—It would aooa galbar Into
aad every do^ would help ^ to do. and then be wai nnf
witb tba Brel wnlar that comm from
a day* work. U you do tbto
>. We BU (bam.
tba tap. Tof H baa baa la a to
and my boy put rta nnmber down far
pipe nu algbt. and to (beretor*
there win be a
. answer 1 daX know wbMba U
yolHoHa. Tbto caattob to to ba
• every penny yoa
rtghi or aot. u we apm aome
to to ba
dote' Itboiled or not. '
day acborta will do anvnetbliic tpo.
-F. &—Ptoaar tat tbe nei(^4a
to build that church, and think of Iba
'OtUb tba rtrtafctM aSact cC rato
good II will do! 6
drape tMHa to bar* iwtond Ugbl
> you. aad (tod blaa* you. rrtry ooe.
> all that to iwquliwd to to Mb tba
you wui Bote. Md not ■
aUb H tba wioM aUa witb a pinee
Can you gnam l
OH'a milk of bm
are. oaa day teat weak,
Hto IKIK atui keep* a fte* Bavor <
all Mm Hn. K«Ua. of FlUgaraM.
Odd rate water and eonp will taka Georgia. Iba mortar of
girl aad a Sunabte* bey who have
wrtttoa nurt good touan to h In
UmapoaL Our Suaabtea girt to a girt
Bear, H Boiold wtIIh h (hat
-WaC. I gooH be can be prood at
OKT lameKS
Harold H Ketih- ;
Blurmer. Bracle Co. July II. IPOT.
Dear* Mr*. Bale*—1 waa aorry tu
ear ihai yon were »lck
1 waa In
Travenu- (.Tiy laat Friday. We bavi■ mik- lu walk to tSu oSee. There
going to br lota of berrlra out
-e. It haa beH rajolng tbto after
m. I am well. I Hke tbe eosatry
le well I baimae mile to walk
You Sgbt lo bear tbe
blrds cloglng la tVmarnlag. I have
nice garden «oI<J bye From your
Hay Vanderboaf
Wa Bumbar abon IS Proteatant
Where U Ibe boy wbo hasnY bad
tamlllea h tbto laland and we are <
)f tl -doing aumar Di
termlDod lo bare a Sunday acbool
however dnperate bl* caae may Uare
we have to bold li out under t
I. E. Wini
Book and Job Wor|
to W«*,- put te wna*.—Haipafa
F»rioo 9200'
It has alba)* been poaaibW to get a ihorooghly good Kano if one
were wSling to pay the bigbent pice, and rely eu wdi-praven naaen.
Bat to find a Piazto at quajhy and rdiabihiy at raodsaie coK, «h a
problem that has been bext aotved by ihii great mame boftoe. W«
hare aerenl oaka that hU thto ioM-^ •»><. Uit booc better thaa
exedleece at a moderate price.
Our ideal* are telly realiaed n
WILL.ABD. HereitaeinfmiaeaioreorreaKale.ciHiaadiarttovtooe, andasplcfkdidaetiaD. Beifi( beoeHly baulg by da nmesK
eoBceen with ^ fghteitrf cypitel. h ran be depemfad gpoa i»
wear admirably, aad gire a Ucnac ot tetirfaffiem. The caan are
earrmuelT artimic in deeipe ere—rtiinflyl..wA.,w.— ...A fte,!,
CboKeormabQgMr.«b>i.«rw*>Bat. Few Pmsog at kbr nice W
room refined in KyW. Yim cn haec «me ol theM *m miiARD
PIANOS on pa7>B«M
only flO cash, then SAOO or mm montbly
*^iaatni>e>itwiBbeddi*qKdteyoHbaHeaiODoe. tF«*faaIlbe
^ to rtow yOB dMH Pmaaa aad tdl you more abort tbn. Wa
you can?
GfiillNELL BBSS.’ MijS!i; HdiliE
239 E. Front 8L, Traverse City
Maia Store, General Offices and Factory. Detroit,
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