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Grand Traverse Herald, November 19, 1903
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
<6iran6 Stratirrse U«falb.
TBAVBRag am. aaAMB tbavcbse oountt. lacHiaAM. November loTims
•rmilCravtrff mraM alUST RECEIVED
MoDcy to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
luiioB ... I he dtetSiarrrxad *bu*
the Aum
•orb, n perioet At •ti.l Imm
tau-r (by (iw rreigbi (rsm Drarcc mrrtwd. briBatss arntber coedaamL
Tbr coBdnetara reporcm that thwa
had brya ao Tk>I««ee. bat that wm
b»cau*y ib» irate nan bad btm w
far mtQUiBU-ryd as to pal rmte
Ui>- lUOIBIl’, KBlhlSA.
III Id th.- auynloe.
Kor«aB ncad a hilleTpurt .>
K»ut. aasiAJlh-O br
:■ aas aaluu lur lastrankms tbc
RraKiir fnmi rt^
'.••''ttnaxly telo. the
_ rvKuu
n««u i>.>
l.> la,. ud (brnra. la
i|«b WHi kinel.T
thy abM-ncy
ibarncy ..f
i.f ,u
.dUi-rs (u tbr raei
Uy cmuil »ui taw. '
Slid pulkd .
Th.-t,'«i ilii'iskMil*' ■nld
nel.lb'r irUry Bor tb.. eoadarti
Ih' »lmcbr« <Hit hta ann» i» mu-b
for orOria. be bama i
tbe breeae.
bea dram « IlKb'Ir does lu ibm.
uier (U Ibr boanllai: boitM
Tbe *UD
Bd stay attb Urm. Kaaaalb'
Uw-i^be ta*i Bhk Un «b<« day
Tbi« l> Bu pterv for >ua to
... ..
Pl«l« CI«M. StMim Bollsr and Accident Insurance.
Tire Tnsurance!
IV Ulnt <tcti(u in Am modrm far Wi UMl wMcr. IMA
Johnson Block. Phone 78
Traverse City. Mich.
Traverse aiy Slate Bank
•URPLUl, »SO,000
M. W.
Who kaov«
s bleb
birb by caa w»~
Uy «<*» nl.l inw?
t u5tomers. and give ihcir
1KT Celt IlMM • 11H Dvtuu. I •*»*-aaric.‘Baas~^
i?"' "
si«ccial attrntion.
iiouDd. (hraual. iby furrsi
siraage ausle flmts
(l«y>.||]r tb air. and dies
Uit^iOrs ik a
gJl«li2rsK3B. ftaa*
/«f4a?,s=‘<aBr *-
oto. e. wiLLCOA M. a.
w >; h> mmiM
.ii> atvs
Tv •'l^‘>>y hir bh'l Ibougbi of hu1 like to draaa lUt 1'vv a apretal |«rt
uM tUrrat a'1an;'s
a farmer wants :
him alaays
»> tn-*
rUD oil (by vrstyra dl'
and ended at Ortral Jiu
Jusrilun runilsttk] of
rallaay ctalloa.
lea- stuuKk-s. a dreary boardtec bouse
and a t-boKe eollectlob of future
ituro postlbllliMs: but Pboebe. betasf B)0(b•^
teas, apent mneb of bvr Ita.
father's eoste.-. or In her unrfo's oBc«
“It is Uery Bntioyiiifl”1 o the one who does the cooking for the family, and
kometimes to the iftcmberH of the family, to find that
an entire baking has been spoiled necAOSE poor ex
tracts or baking powder had been used in Us manu
facture. -Avoid SuoK Araeaoyoeaoo- by
using Johnson’s Pure Flavoring Txtracts and Pure
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at »6c per pound.
i*^of*m*^im*"'tb *''•
ltd alt.-.
f«“h^D^sbr hm lao aobiiteiu
tie vas for her father, ruarblas out
> the llBe vbeo be sbMld have
i "tuabt
ber faibef »bm
I he artevanee
Preeorlptlons Carefully end ConeolentkMiely Compounded.
L 8. OHIIS & ca
^^viB-'Jobnson’s Drug Store.
Commerctai Printing
BH KUldl
Um io too nkt!) lot ike JwuikI
tku «• M kavi^
Call and
MS ua the Beat line van arc io
lha city.
-siaassia--.. i
»wet Omm0 tmk
Frt^. Salt and Smoked Maata. Saueases. Etc.
First Class Grocers
Weearty a fuUiibeof &a|>le and Faacf Gnycrria
____ jxicc far Butter V.
Is Drawing War..
CelcbratF it by allowing youraetf nomei
K. offers a selection of the following;
Fresb Orsten. ertsp Crackers. tfeUdess Riblis.
Sweet asd clean Cvranu. freak Mbbs.
PUberU. AlaMBOs. Bradl an4 Eif. Walnits.
Candled Q\m. Lcbm ud Orau«. Ckociute
ud Caen. Extracts itf Lem« nnd Vanilla.
B^nlc of Klrifl^oloy
Par <cai iaunai paid gfaBsikMmka
paid if left g mok
i*0 L-OAM.
BlfWM.Na i.kuan.ip. Li.iuiH.iiii:it
^b » Hn-
Be aure nad treat j-ounteU to a cup of ihe beat coffee on
the market; that is the relebraieii Chase <t Sanborn Seal
Brand. If there's anything we klid not mrmion. aak for
them, we may have them, ^nd they are youra. Call at
Cor. Front ami Ca« Sts, or phone to 46. it will nottake you long to get what you order at Comer F ront
and Casa.
It<- u. put la your (lae
hotel ahlle I ao to ibe
meeUaa.- bo had (old her; aod
Hioobe iMdook bera.-lf .« '
aber.- a smanly
dn-ss.-.! )uuas
ml) dn-ss.'.l
»o. . lUK U|mo aa aorl.ei
aorl.ei aad'
Ml..- Mi.n..
si.iiy-abti 'VlD iianu)''
ptaou. *eK=
called tsteularau.l Uiy ptefurm.-r played as Ihe Irtabl-|ym
■I renal h
Pboi-b.Ibai III
o plaj
»t tbe kind
ber uncly ib.a db) . a ben
belplu bim o
to rOBl
It report
sad tas
teuabed at hr
1 ^oushi ruu aery bej-ouJ sitcb
tblBBS." he said
"A eirl
ran a toeoniuilve. Baurv Ulls
t half lbs opI U- aacites
Dcrald 3ob Office
Pborhr. "Tb.-y
steNilJ *o craw ..v.-r there l.y myself.
o( knielni; sbai was bappeatec'
landim Hosidee. I'll be a tood
deal KBfer
afer b.-r,- slib
s'-‘ • Norman sss k»1iix to InsUi. Uiitbe
aliv railed bim
He answer
HVInt. took Ih.- BX-.sare rapid!) ;
"HoM M fiw urden fee all amaas
In' pn-vebi tranp. from teislac Irate
’V eoilBe .Sp-cte1 with sberirs poser
-Ijj reach )•«. lil.Hit edcbidblrty p
I canaul (hlbk my ir»- ts dy
faroicr and knows,what
H<‘ bi-DiM 4Dd tu«» byfiNB p...ujy »u>'
dye gale.
It a »(cb. ai-l tbm a iiUibNt
tsdy's playlhtes
. . d Mid
y i eas and
] raa'i ttaiak
bo» bMiui
- Vm. i
nlcbl oparator at
^e. aad I artoaUr Uv«d
la t^bousy ullb'U ■
bs. Aad I hope averybody who
kW Be B,rak» with It «hea I vas
tryUteI to ralch up ce av B««i *DI
uretTML" b« adddd. taktaa lha
r hnok from
I. r-tttec tba busrb
•tteru fo rail oC t« btei.
“Ob. music, yea—hot that's dlSarto have__
la Ohio; ys«r Aaal
n»eba ptay.
_ - ia eh(
aad »a all si
tbe choir, tret
Sr oS'-Si
l*beot>e beard tbe oieeaace as
clicked ibraocb ihi- souader. i
looked at the rtailoa flock
It s _
oos lu-arly etebi—If tbe aea would
onl) keep quiet f.u- bait aa bout'
It was a vslu hope- Two ail______
■ruBe on tb« plat
a. aod Anie.r aad I
the raedueuir
r draxped laio tbe waittec roo
bl*. buriy t
ml wbiaken aad fteatei
eyi-k-ariod as spoketaaii
"Vou-shet up.' the spokemasi.
'Inc to ber faiber.
"You hate! dot
iblti to say aboot li
you pU
you'll pull that train, > vaU
.uck >e Inter ,»er own drr-box. goer
Pbeobo beard tbe threat In wild
eyed horror
a for Are MJauios tattled
tbe I
bbOBi to saa
Hr. Jobaraab
-Ucfal aad cast
tisbl are Ibe t(s I
' aecns that - it u alBoot im
C<N tbea out sitta oae's fti
“rirSCruZ'. «
»tth a tear sialaed face «a
wmaaCBB rtgbl aad Mt
ujok Pboebe'i bands u> b
that Bade the UnJc icroi
awn forret for (he
a a may
Bt iratetbtt be
the 111-:
siunr food for dob
IW the foretboagbi
of (be voodi
' Tbe truth
be matter Is that
»kra tbe Utu. ...teker PUTS aa aeore
te tte proper, aad
__ ____
UtU.-, «1H I
your bead, ay ebUdr
-Ob. It dldaY bare
Mve to U- |.u
d be a bead-y
I sitlaatc obJ«-i of hlT Is!^* *
UMnp far’ cedar in -New
raoMa i tblak of aayibtec
Ur. Johnsun letiM at the riady ..
tmry which thrtte. m t.rtoas paru
ap.-e Into rmilomy phrase, and be
rdsr^rr*t**‘'\u^ »l»o JTorida. Oraai
"It ns a biickt tbooxbt; It has
Mx-t] us a pood Bsaoy dollan. aad
inee apo aadlure tela for apeo Ba
Kubably some litea. too Now Ifibe
re a protective coverlap of mad pad
Iry. like tl
alef are thus branpkl to lM| and
be story lioofc
iraed lalo ueful Iraber
uk for a lesantr"
Tbe -mud sbtepk'- busteSM U tb>I'hoebe had a sudden InsMratl
.tb.- cedar a ' ' ; ta
-Ob. Ur Jobeson. there's oee
r thtet
ud Of tbe
lobs uwdamuek oldbat shrdiu______
bat been earrtod ue
■bat would make me happier tbaa nrar Lakewoikl rk
and nreUrf
nraterfUe fa New
leythtex else: tf pa could caly have
t pood raa so we could live ta a real
Ur JobBeoB looked arattad i
Jlrele of frieadly faewa. "I lUal
laiber has oaraed that ffor bin
. quietly,
hiap you waatT"
-Ob. ao. 1
L you aee. II we Jived la
kps I cobM pet aome of
be other tblaps. We mlpbl happen
lied with aomebody tl
>ad a ptaao. and tbea.
learn to play, and_ ..
■addenly realised that abe was chat
erlnp-aetually rhatlattap—to tb*
of whom every ooe te tbe dlvlp
re. aod she abut up Uka
oyster that had been eaupbt nap-
tap- Oadan praw oelv <■> —J??
Ud time enoupb at Ue
rUpead to allow for aaiurj^
•mas whjcb
bate taaagta
luto Into swamps. Sms' sUe and beuuped to tren whlrb
•eww were eeatartaa
lag. The “mud shlufar~
works with a long skan> troa rad. He
vUe aad position of tbe tog by a
Uc rod down all srottad IL gotoettaa^
>^loks are pantelly ucovarPd by
iWag. Ud are Uea bawled OM by
rbalBs aad powsrfot uckle. Vln.it,
>. Is brought
aaaater bears that, I'm can ba-U be
ssrry that tbe eompaay '
up (Imn Then tbe red WaiWod )teao factor).•• be saU;
--------upted Ub
mea teuphed. too
----------- after loag ao ____ _ ______
that time Ubfo.
Ur. Jobasoo
bad a UlUe private
loos not snier te simh —r^“nii
> tbe abeel haaxltii
marmatkm ■with Artiey aad Hr. Korbe operator's desk.
nan that alpbi aner Pbeobe tad puae vf Ue rrate wiu wklt^t iTgUta
Uoeb of (be kae sofi ckUt ikSIot
Norman befttaled. obrylac toaUy back to Urs. Haaaah. aad
» lb.- lotel of a pUlol. Tbe a
Kiaps came of it
nw ooe. the ea- M paoeils Is from ta^ toM ia tbc
ftaeer pot bli samn -atpht-sn
am. of fleuree until be fewad what sU a passeapor raa srith a |
of iMeinl(J*3^
"It's ^ rUbi. boys: we don't aood
a orders. Fust meelte' polal's tft}
lie doWD Ibe mad. Utoter llchtate'
•llaker, you come out tram bohlad
K'ln' u. ai ih<- fust sidodrack
Norman held back and tried Io aala
lime by arxutex the caar. bdi
<runl tu Pboebe. ski
DdlpneiPu) aad frlpbt
Wbeii Norman surrendered, tbc man
k|ioke apain
".Vow tbea. pli a mot
M that laptae driver, aa' we-U pa“
Pho>-bc't got Impulse Was to' nsah
»ay proMottoe wta the' beta* ^t
lepaRmeai makee up hts fated:
. ^Blrlag Ue cwstema ud haHts
A third
prawlap out of tbe
s park. New York, there |»
Joaoeraed Pboebe. bot she 1
MioB of omaroote^ aad
V chMi It uatll ooe day.
were aettM te a eomfocul
tbe open a
a the -raaj towa." a van drato op to
oi ef tbc p
b.- ikur with a pteao It waa a gift
riM tab:
a Ibe railway eompnay to Ptaota;
^~U. rowi
OB a allver plateitfkt above tbe
sa Tta ■
It onvai Jaaelioa.
b-r«i Ib'ai tb.. special (rate viu earnlop from tbe oast
Suppoalac bar
faiber yielded: or. a-tal was ■
I- days aad few practice, ts ap
-ikely. supposlnp
they .pat
.. 'bey
- bim oo
.-aplnc and made bim r«
I with groat liieralaeH by U<
life and ttairs. wUle
ley bare vtrr little for
of ihelt
sutaber ran li
Pbeobe thrwr beraelf auare ta loelr bouses, aad maeb ot
Ihal mue. like coskluos gaper srarfa
It stalloa eastI of Oriral 1^^ in aad totaocu sluv.-s,' Is oaly
The oal>
:f sbe roBM ealy bronphl te whew reqelred
raise the operator at •
■ " itta te
time to bake '
e sberirs In a roc
I foot o
apalB she wrote "lu“
I New Teart Uma Ua Uiot
■lu." alpatep -oj- at evarr (oartb r
iililao. bat then- was ao atawcri
iwd rfae float eUes. kmrwn
ik. and Ue a_,__________
Tta bade are rolled ap
louder aad
ben not ta ace. aad. Ihaagh tta o' may have many tianli“mi vwt
At teak kaowfap t
• does aol. Uke a
all otban. sbe wrote “deU- “dedb^
IC. try to diaplay tbam all tt waoe
c or two are hroagbt opi at a tfaae.
> reel beteg k*»i ta a krepreaf de
broke te aad aaswered. Pboeta be- pusitcry made at eimiiL
saa to ttmable aervonaly ibrouph btw
messapv. bal be broke te apate:
Ml u ue'!^
-West bouad tpeetel passad bare aad b ao light ud pMfatahlo fa tts
re mteutea apo.'^ was wbt
illekiBC hook: aad abe knew ____ , wtae aeewjod for tta night U woaM
tat left Orlval there would be a ool- te muy rasee ocaioMy hoar Ua
of a drwBku »u Is
Htaa u. _ Ueys were krat el.
'owta to
to dfae
dfae at
a Ua Uble th«r^
above Ue
labln. Tbto
tta actaafaed. thraw U)m
««r.sMy dtstao. talk
they had acqalrwd a poM
rbich muy a child fmi, fo
sbo. 1^ taarwctofbuc.
wwys oosrtootis aad ——m...
^■Ua Amarkwii are ujoyfag oys
ton OB tta kaKohan dartag^ ^
tHjaowhA tta taM Sto 5^.
Toar. aad to gnat ta the
—im <
aallsrfaa. arbore Uoaaaads eg .
rw ralBod aad fottea»« *—---------faPartattatataa
mpra screens, alldteg la gn______
as paniuaa. Tta baCIqr efato
maos are a UtUo more aobM
^ Ofto U* MpBat. aad h
Ud have glass la Ua wfade
ta toctoiy after tta t
a a tend of aarUqaakw a ho
ru bn ahoot tta ears of tta eo
rapuu wlthoat dofag Uofa say a«lous
Before U« crowd waa fnlrty la motkia. Pboebe bad laatcbed Ue ewtita
. from Its ball
Ball ua Ue wall. aad.
Ttadp hoaaes have no haatteg arlarUap out of
4jf Ue
the tack
k '
door, she
tact. To* Norwaa
Ubtod Ue mob aod flew Uraoph ibs ud the' Japaaito*'^ oeMom wmafa
had iraatferTod bh tore tnr hte faver- ter|aeae toward tbc forward <ad of
ila.alster to ber rhUd. and be had fo)■ovad Joba Artler'a ablfUac
. .
eopiae might'not mid aad an to load of ah Uat aatoag
folly halt B'flaot laag
he beyuad Ue Md of^ aldtet. aad
tato Ita wbofa beta ef
for Ibe aole parpMe of vatcl
vtely bt hat (hta ta
Ue Beany cried wtu thaakfulaa
.. Bcaany takes down fa
int over aad eastat for PSneba.
as tae as Ua shoB
when she coaid see Ue rod
Id eye of the
Uc daytime aad topfaead if It la cap.
Vtalta. te Itot. Ha appear^,
a dafl
“Du TOO brlleea
brileea M »U1 ever eat a
V. by ewrufai
ewrufal of da
dark btee <r choeo■Igaal lamp pewlax aroaad
ad the
food raar
- fked
a>ked Pboebe.
wb« tbe sad of
big magnL
- -la tea eoeoads teie<okired eottoa.
d the big
frelibt forvardod
vardod bad aU beea Mt««^ more abe was at Ue ssrlisb-sUad. Ita
OataWe thtta____________ .
'Well. I anaa to taara. aad I
to bi
bare a plaao. too. anaeiii
wish .
vre eooM
live la a toira; ibaa
_____ ___
1 bear
«k- oboe la'a vhOe. aarvay.^
■'But *hat *ooU becawe or ma? I
roHldal •« aloai wltboal you."
■ You'd come. too.
As tf I dMaY
OM Umi yuu_koop this )ob Just aO*!'
. 1 hope BO. WoTl m oa b.____
tbe aod «t Iho ehaptcr.too.erod'i
Aaavrer that caB. will
noebe Ml duva at Ibe tetecraph
table, saaps-nd the Kay. aad vrroie
-w -,.1 - e-h^
platform, aad
beard Ue leadw say; “All rtpbk
wey; we^n put yon oa tbe lactee
po anyway "
b faaot fa rtpaea ataaa that BMta
* a duieoey. te fan
we Is u ItaJlu wta '
mat of ratateg aad aorv
...— .j-ajanart;.
red eye gashed to tba eagt. and Ua
re as ofahocaU u they ara sf^ia
Ifaet ef rails gUsteateg under Ue WIUIB
kruwimaa a au
wttk a
taadUgbt swarred to the
gate fa ettab teto
the oagtae
-r the crowd beta*
wiu a ialte*’aai
bndgto ata aitata. aad V ta taa taa
or Urae acras.
oaM ta_ «
ow amallsr eeery yesr,—N.
Firiiltat af Mrda.
traoo. aaya o « wta hu
Mrotod Uraagh that wetfaa cf tta
------- Ttato iraaa BM thaa kaom
theae hofaa. tta
a taw oak a^ '
rotoafafag oaly a start Hase « oaak.
Thto ly away fa aiafah M aaanA
k will have a row of
tnsh trots or tta U
tta people of the I
a hi
-Wbafa that—More Uoobtor ashed
-------------------------------------- . ahd
S'arMaa- (•leUaa a ward her* aad Urae sharp coagta faoM the______
aad tbea Ue hig fasgfa dropped tram
*^«ibe^teb.i wSartiy- -^Oh dear. tbe ead cd the oi«a ewttek pad ptowpd
wt m
irsa........................................... ... .
teu the umi..bkckteg Ue track m
'.e's luck
sHecSaally as tfvy loste of trva aad
wl raeld do It
■atod hr tta
Normas read the aeasaae aad
Pboebe dM oof wait
«M of fahar aad traly ««k MitataM.book hU bead dobtoosl). -l .-e
would bappea afiarvai
riadiag a dead troo or oao w«b
siraw of that aU r—Ir “ be
deac ber pan: Usee wo
hark to hit ucto.------------- Uiitai rm
Thccr has bM« a Meter mmd thaa Ualea: aad Itay coald a____ ____
----------------- tta diUifag «C
- ■ Bsaal from Canfama tbU oeaso*. aad father.for somettfag that ta had ao
' ta. 8ta waa aafla fa IflfB. Baatat *raa.
dS^a,* tbeyTI
______________by tta tfaM _ ________
liaaeer--------------------be the aarjaad.
----------I hi»o they
rhtalad lor tbe siMfaa: ita wtam Troto fair ta sou UM ara afanta
• oaY Make I rankle here: it anaUbt
tesla rallied «p aad the aoa^ «(
Ubc »«e tbaa (waaiy-dvc w tUstr
tray taaied sccnaa Ita lia& to
of these to take-the toma aad--------Mw she kid bar toaa fa Mn.
body ta tk-■■hapna
'w bdt tho aad ad ber
glri might «1
KoathwoUati. j wap that
•« fa the tl
A gin: dean
cry. dtar: ihoyTI ta aU right." ooar Ttaflr tafafatr awar^___________
^ vwY do*
eaM. ^ a do- •ottod Mn. HaimaL ata ate wac MB
•aat mOo aod. “Th*r weaY Mka ja artfai to ofaaafa ftaata wtaa Ttal
pan Ml aatMB ho has «doro tfc
thg dM.IBKo MoOaBM MK epsta*faiildiBL aad thM« «M Bothiac fa la- Ua aa the ram of to gap
pitt aatn aoeaa I’OnaL ahaa tta
Caw^M Mt MPaladMBy
,sB*a UrdO tMM^ TwmtP aMMa
wora a pfate u a lahtai Oattat aaft
ta tta Mflo af the pu an a Ita-farrter. ctataflag and awalJoorteg tta
oau wVU |--—
---------- to~tta hSs. apta^ jm
MMyd to.oai Uo uta a* a ktta af
tody Tomka M CMm
Tta uaUo of Uo i
oarewd to ropnatat a
p^ aaoh of fama.
s. ss.“s.*aj7i2:
■Mni Ttwoscl^
k tnr v«U rlwiM*
Uie IS'irt lUkMk »pak<' %> (
**' rnmt___
-Oamn^ hMtm kM
Wf «M km M««i ui PM fcaaMf «.?
iku ik« fWi‘**** ***” ***
■'* «uUP)T|
“rfixr^ Kfxf r' £*:a,
WBlft li piMkikC to II
IlMy'pMptoBf tk*‘p>'Od. Uk'P u! klwT <■' dnr «*n
panUT- II 1» ko* *•«» P«>k«b»« Iku «•>
»•*“ •««
ite UMP kill k* pruaptip ndl»*d.!*^
^^^y****.. .
pad to Ikw toMaatoi Bt ikb lapor '
laal amara nagraM «UI k* kai 4» 'irwk to ibr mamorj
I ptoto dptp PMl •uTohtas
(or ikoix tkai
< UriM KiU}. W
I rplM>
Tka nokpraat tiT Ika KaUai 8ui<« ibU a»oj>u-ui ibai ikkH •lauil l..r
i* to diup kouad lo plva Itoto rttcp M"« •> * iwtoc takUwiuit id iIhut
u»kiM* akov la a>v<to)iiiuh bar M.ia d<-«i»» II u mu' ikai ike U* ikai
e vkUk tW pMpI* kPt* '
(toem lo ikU oad. pad to toklap ibl> »..■ abwfuw io.top oe x.aihwti bank,
to. (yr«B
Mon a« 11a p* a^ fiialtoii ... Oippm
The Intli aa*
to a hollowed
arapN^k atlh • Jal pad aa oMtoaip
aattoa. ■OUa'1 kaaa k aaa laadkd* witor K«. ahlcb to) ptam the cwator
^Ihr^ble ppd aiade a bobi ualqae
Ader Ike to>i dpare toaUPMii CuaBeoJet dBllk pp*eed ibe bai proupd
lur lb> l«-Bi'Pi to Ik" urp r-hurck.
• kicL ee. lo B- dedkainl <u> ibe (to|uu unaMi,
luetoc <to). pad ahout Mu «pi ipkaa
Im ka« ti^tomaaa
Bp air Kalghi PrpUeh wp* pppolaiad
M aana (kdtoafma m
lo praaoai ikto otertog lo-Ue akurch.
Ai Ua WBChiHoa to Ua baaqaei.
r Prallpk. wl.o la ikwrI as belt* one
am atotoltogeatfcii gto toiiil fl>t
cuuaii. lUi-wul.-d each pueel Bill
^1 dairkei rt)1i.«^n. be bbva
’■ ssaf.w'A
toabto. a. o
dd.OOe KMtPBT «U U paid
eutobJo Ibe goeau
«er «eand Travaia*.
SU, S^aocT^Mlltoa af ag^
. 10 Oaka aad ouiarlTM araa Ikoniatklp Lf brare oaar lo iolo realaieiiU
ll aaUeri upoa a (toaaa to ikna dwi «c kadao reilntkd..
Jbey an
Ike ■«!<••, ibe kOPk aad Ike dka*bi—
Tl wkej
s-r,£:' ■
a Ilf ova BiaUt a
. aapa I ahall ae.er aae pua kk^
VoM ara aui airoap eauatk lo aiaad
ara to the bouee aaa tkab whauver Iba haittohip* u( war.’ Hua true a
ihf(r trtoraaee vllh raapaet l<
abaeaa to Iba amia r«laa. (hla «aa
tot tor Ike Itow W Ma41ai
ao itoae lo praaa ikaai w tka rmt
-ronp pean bare paaied aaap atoae
TWp raaUaad lhai Ua AaerkM peo Ikai .
. eoadlol. The lara Mstaadple daiaiilad that toaUM to Oaka aad lag paruaa
---------- *bo
.. oaraalraa. alradp todsafaUp dalapad
tkal faartal atruggli
[to, a'hito
■ >p CM (o^e
aad to itaa
MBi aad daathian will
CtobM peoapartip aad dtoirltoi hoaor'
aad Ukoaa to tka at............... ......
•dta Ika (aalia to tkair laiban
aad toi«MU betoc Bade Ua (or
ct a vnagto orar eoaadiaitoaal
=S!U' KJi",
- 'i«K
Tka Caaiya ftaato Madkto Airim.
i«* rafaa, to papar coeata. U aast >ar
<• ncaipt to ti eat-caat «aam to pap
Ike reBMarp m
Perrj Haaaab.
rrarene yh-ld b«*vv»r. torgel
eerda tbai Aguie. to aoBe oaaea. oa
high gmuad. ibr pr^urUuo akoWa.
«p hw buakela or uor*. pad lOv buah
s eoBalden.l iial> a (air average
under |irveenl eundlHaa*
to ibr
aoulheib and eaaieni ponk« to ibe
tuie Ibe auplh) U tPtertur. whik- peb,
rrallp In ibU becikin Ibe qualli) la
very gou.1
Thire bavv bMa aoae
Tht ktttr tl Min MttUeyJ
vhace fictnra k phatei hbovc,
graves beyoad
tboMudiof CMC* dlBniimitHam pt tka wmka aai wiMk
cared by the ittcol
LHfai E PiBktai*i VtttUkk
‘'ttoAB Hap PnrcaAH; —Uraito I
loB to etrcngU pad Pcm ("n-r u.) l
Be anaartbiag wba
wiu pie. 1 had aereie aP.-iin.' (..Ita-.
tbrvugb (be {Klrie orgma.- i r.uif^ >L J
erU.aie IrrlUUcB cub|m:)I..I bo- I.
aeak Badiaal adrtup Tbc iV.-uw Baki
.1 uK-r,.
1 tbe aagop aad
biM. Kil..) aatoce ab.l .'U
wagoa. pad the
_ ured l.i an.uei' her mead she aai
.. .. untoadad balore ha rtted 10 tud Ikat abe could bardi) reOOUUM rwleaaad. HU bodp waa badlp Bove I'be mid am. ibai hail riaa|«d
her. lur Mr. L«>' aa* dead
He I* atlll
Wmiaui PYanrIs Kin In aud Mlaa
___________ _______
Iw Tovep Bertha UnHi to Hudaug. .V V. *erv
BtlMidlag hlB
.luarrle.l ..d (Vi. is. In Hudaou
Kir:vli b*. bei'u a tuenilier to ih.- Wach
lelor.'eliib to ibai |>l*<v. Uare a >e«r
irkakp Cliy
>>alblBg:i>>« I'lui. lilacs.* a uumUr- to rardiu
Male to Ike ohuprk aitk tbejiMie ol ubieh Is nsl. In a bbi aad a
dal panp 10 Ike
liliodl.ilJed rbIM drau's ihe caid imin
siialna to
Ibis.' to carl. meniU.r
>a'* Beddtog aarrb. Opde Hiller.:
auii BliuM. n*B<to 4 v^dliig *<l (orl
Hooday auddenly ckaaged taU mind 11*'!.-'! »l“’u
. ____ -and. leasing Auaa Siaagler. the bride ' ■>'“1 eiiher oiarn aitbln a >.ar
aiandleg at Ibe bllar. left the ebureb 1 lurfvi. tcisi lu ib>- clui.
]| be <s
aloipl)- aaylng. -I've
ebangsMl mvi I'l'i* al'l. Hie iuIm oI i
Bdad- bub Ur. Hiller and
Hr.N* prew.biisl ui falB up
r belopg 10 Ibe kioal
Hit Uuuiibi ago
.mage waa lu l.e tbe BOcIMp draw lug and Kirvlu goi
evaal to Ike aeaacui and oards very. H'* >di>''*‘ioi>l‘ed w lib tbi
week* ago. Tbe chureb
H'J 'l“' ireaauri'r b
The party broke up lulhltu Ih.- »rw prlie
eidieBMal and Hla. I
Apauglto waa lakeo lo ber boaie lobt; l>firli>Jsr llvlsn in a bmel lu H.'-vaa............................ > *• proatraled over Ufitoppl a auburl, to U-. Uolu>la (eared will hue ber | gas liumd d.wd lu hi
Walbtoi_— -------- - refuaud asp eaplaBailan ' bvlaier was supiBued 10 be a iwuiMir.
to Ua ooadiMd. but (riaad* bay hetUui when bl.
.a. lu'arrbed a
Itaililp beoase iwrvwia wbeoihebaarlalli V
ud leailug tZL<>"' lu <'«.h
li tiBid to
lii-Ki. U.m..
At Ai.a..r*toi. lud..
L PloroBOi- Lee, a
II 10 the buine to J. H Ho^mn Ttoudap
.M Um
btol al
. _________ ____________
[ll In
CBM' to Cokwadu riiy 'a ulAeet and
I'hi' k-year-ol.l daughie
pruBlnfail roaldeuu. by Hlaa
lit. rapairii.l a els-Iuut
r. with wboas
bad b
---------------------------.------,Wac-K aual."-. to ssl.Vh
-...o .she Blade a p«'.
ing Iba erealbg and alghl. Hr* Ive Tbe rsiptik' 0 t.sl rogul
ilarip by Ibe 111
bad M l•en(eallla vurv well (m aes.,th- girl, and during the
nlng h.
■wal days, and heart (allure I. miaiedlBbe ipbie li lull. Ibe yard
fur b
10 have been the CAuar to her dealh. [bath, atol urrathmall)
ocra.iuna!l) ' loui tbe siri«l
Tbe two pnubg wui
In the dual. S'vlgbIheir amt absui
... .. ..
(Ptollp tofared iBtarapll)
toitortoglp to Ika paik to ptoto datp.
iriBBna ame. aad aaitoMl fcoBV.
wp larga crowd ai
toadap aftaroetp. to aptta to Ike eoM waatbar
gaikaewd la boMr to Ua aaUgp'a 4«M.
(or Ika dadtoattop to Up gtoaltp bop
hMt aeeeud lo tka ppldlacp aad aaUtoa to Ua etoij war. It waa apUauUd
E. to lUto. pad
_____ a to Utof Uap
e aa toMlHac sltM aa Ike)
akad to U<
Ua traraa to Ualr aoaradaa wko kad gaaa ua to aai
the toM toli cwU Tke todtoa to Ite
Womb EaUef eorpa *PM to Ue
Mto ed Ue aPBaUep to
btojtjy aBg^ aaO
ladhp MlM HaariadpMt ^Ualal
tatolat tkFla noB Ub dA inde to
Ike terdBaa Areaa# aahaaT Stoe
aad toaik Qaaha. Kaatoe Oaitaoa.
UB Paianea. (Mto Stotot. Map UUtoto. Itocp ItellM. Map La rraatar.
IMaa Uarfa pad Baetkd •uvbh.
Atoae Ue UrwepikB bp Bn. T. f.
am aad tke aaraUtot to Ua kpad
to a'
___ ^
■ SO.0. n., lueg
ipotoiwwni actdaaetkalkMifim tka wank
.k Al
' Uood. It 1
hlM lick, aad the tsaia tortuted >
totaaiaidicved, tke ahattmd nvrs-n
«*Mon.- u An okhtU deify STiSS^Z^MUproverb.
It oAen $eaa» to
W»n nodhen an wonied
hfCAUAe the <bfld«n do
Hra*? yrngraiTlFTiu
_______ _______ ___
») giv. Iho. 8«r. Em«S —
Don't Forget
tTau^.^aW w. w. emiu. m.
akoto i Uraufto'^
.g ad-'pad daughlar
St. Nicholas
Upon ujantoto to Ua paitp at Oa—
rof Ypuikg rplKe
bcisogs soBHBl.r'. in S.iar lunsni
bOBS BUkibllilin. l.cnB|4ne B
:.i the iaun:>. Tbe
' /“r, ‘r-:
Por Ml
■*T. Wll»» Ntorrm* OtoTto
111 lb.' ■
. .
. ... 'S:;'
enerallv ,e.s-,.;o.l U Ibe
. Ik" eullsl.sl men lb CUB-
;r~ r.;'
Mi.h.n.h ee.Bliy
ap.1 s..*
Selling Agcoit b.r
onl) genuuie.
hive n
<-ii:iiii, Mark, h^lil
Mill anil iiiiik.
It 4i ir.i-hes Bule
an.l irllt at
|Sdliis^ Agi-ril* lur
I tl e
Rone Manila
m Kovu
made, in all color*
Sl I e e 1
above make*
Car. Trcaf
aad Ualaa
A Sumptuous
_ Display
Jirtm Sffttiah
truBOur Ut|;<'avl dependab
to SrawMal.H Hra
UMda. A J» In. vtrislp alt wa
LadB*- OBb la a tow r*i«* of
■hM. Atuw* aito tafo abada* to
^ Yam ir:
CWB«e >B 8Ib<* OBip.
ll * arccwlar St nj vale* lor 7,e
cooceeded to be
We tarty
Oenoan :
i Goods
A p« M B*U T*%B bilk, a
ioMB Aotoricaa
to Wto a* wan ai aeU. They an.
«»mJ,todtogpwt.ig; aad »«a a itoky
iiuU to catch Ut aywi bn aia Uvabk. oMtot-
a n d _ Etoopaaa;
U ardto, proopUp.' 0«^ ike very beat aanuriaJ
BMd. aad UygBUPBtewd ia aroT reflect.
IV ehiapy tm Ua wVt. ^oaliir [Ptodilnnl
Cfan Mad ad fM w9 buy ao tobto nake.
sss-JS srsds "■awjsriLiSs'ST"'
■ -
Uc teuto
Olaaons AOntUoaMSooct. Sp.d.1 .Mo-oaS
naaBitstracu % Ulcfor PctcriyI.
It's a
rattem tondi ten*
There ianoM btourataey price.
Srtliac A|ci>U to
loeu, won
Hen* you wilt find a«M!inb)c(l a
reprcM'Diativc y-oUvcuoii of all
tbr nencat cpoceptiona in Fur*
from (he best menufacturra and
furriers in the uorld. which io>urcs hi^h fnaHi- i-'un that are
™ , mailt u|> ab ihc\ ahould be. The
sollcciiun embraces such stylish F ur* as the Sabteand Iiiabclla i-'ox, in Muffs, Neck jiieccb. etc. There
Is albo induded in ihe line some very handsome
Fur Coats in Asirachan and Near Seal and they
ifarmcnib that will wear. You’ll find the prices
reasonab!i' and the Furs high-uradc.
Stohitg .^eou te
tbe Bear brand of
IV be«
S atarf
IV kmd that *»
when up »>
To Cure a C(M in One Pay
bar (MBfc taau
»« n.w ut..
i S?H
SaxMy wool.
M to farm tofa,* _
to PBrolrUc
. ....... »2f\i£dSSSJdrjaa
Ml po, M* 3S 52.1TS,E'er
luto-badi' abiiig Ibv iW IUwwbvm NtrrB*rwtoer{^AS
aetkr coast tnua Ursibh do- w“dw* tor ■*. fc» yatnagaIBbbw
Tbe Bear
(Us diildito Soars EmaUon
btfae mM tadActery tieto-7
li^s‘el r..uuiert.'!l loll^.d j.^h^^targe
Iowa it ephyr,
__ _
*.»n.wto. L.ri atdBPadiy Arr»ct«d.
bnii.l. hi.
Hai.-irlial.u dtsisueml hts kw
OiUlli.M ihi' is.tie.. Th.' hills Betr an
r«.'- .| au.1 I.ss.secvd I.) Ike isiUrv.
Knhimj, Getouo-
bjlWfdw^itCA tokar
wowlt i. u ptoKtb' ntosnl
W aU.-r"K *1"*^
<«>. hiuiM-ll a.
uau anil w-idk-f. u
MpcdeHy pnfurtd <or ddieetc
Chndm uke to h neturtlly
becaiuc the)- like the tute__
wl ft. m»dr UV. jott .
nwonOy to Iht diiUiai bo
mi «*“,'
.■u-ib a bok- lu bo. |«.B-be:
A tea
Blii.i.— l.i.'i Hoy Berv phiisl up to ,
* 1.1S-.1 l.i, Bu.l luUng pirfcett) Best.
■rte. to Ihe
to II
r liedu.-M. ilMi.iu,
A compiele stock
tollk «( puie cod Uver oU 22,'
J }' (utawirly a mtol-kaoww
s semod ekoire
Ikal wburrcT rungarlnr you m.ss a .'
lect lor yuurtcH (ui ihcc-iaunii srsi.
“ - -^1
-br. Ihe Tlavan
BM bp Or. Pbd k
*Wtk«. die
fwt A pouiT in the ^
I luatod (ar the
oWBM who a(laptoeeibaaM
•pear* ago. A
l he) are the be«
---------------- (thipfteat vegeUbk rciiials.
wUI funti^with-
»wk Ihot^ (to cne hu cm raaMg to aaatartoT^lHi
ihh) «.
>1 tb..BB>
tb..BS fur (b
ll .i.-nd^'lttoi, h>.ho|iho3p^l|*'
bssiug .•i.'.i bioa, m«o'caMJub“h'"-"-"
slBughion-.l ppii
na that wo'TeBplan waa Ua aarpitoe gtraa to
» «U aa todap akow atolnlp Ual Hr. and Hra. jatrp atoEru Soinf
BAPha to lime ta araartag tka* ^ aunrdap araalng A uirHI trton Oato
faw akart pani* aad ikan. Uto oHp Uofc^ toSdtcntohta aad
/ «S»w™ti.,.Uui:iUssW.USI?5.«Ko.“
Llad lu ikfto and iwraraww Upb (cr.mUek to Hanto OHp. aad Mr and
Ike ftwcdnoi that Ibo ooakirp ealnpa Hr* I). H. Uv M^r and Hra. W.
IW Kairaai to Ulna Haran drove to
in ai«k* briea. i. bs. r.uu.
wap. Ua
*Bp, b
lu*^ kt*'falto’aS^iJufa
• Tlmao arttohawacvcr Ml iukaea. catting paiaa, or witncancslthe iuunse
auacnng of othen, know that Ekeoaiatiaai to tertuic. nial Ihni it is riehi
1) cnJM -The King c.f 1‘ain.”
All lbs ootauatoalikc. Some
ara aadikaly atuol with the mast vxnu
tin^ isoua, and it aecma etwry Boacle aad Joint in the U.lv was Iwm,' t
aauis.br. Otbefafcto<mlr’atoaaKiBalafifhtiBiB*for>sxx-kt..tm..utUs. u
a piMkWri vhange in the swUcrof egisoaure to damp, chills-wind* ..t nair Uriuga on a fitoce attack, latoiig for dara perUfu. and leaving i!,.
timt with a Baikfiigd coMtnatice or ertpotod aad delomttj for all iian
Aa acid. bollntcdeoiidiUoaof tke UoodUthecauaeof s-svrr {onn »
svk-lp to RkeuaaUgB,
klttacolar.Articntor, rssjssc.
Acute, v-niuaii',
Chioai.-. InfL*
and iictotic, aad tka Uood aanto ba pwztd aad puriacd iKf<ue there is
cadtoyoaraehcaaadpaiaA. HoMaalapplication*,theusec.f liniio.
ieark.sl ibe Baploalrap bto
Meat i'unU and tre Bea pace
arrtoibed nui up dieb pbd bad lo he
humeo to Ike
aa»w Iktor Bve.
HiiOillemtt fames..
S si.itou sU.Binr .-■•S'li- |.
Hoouir. Htob^
11 —Hlki) Bud- hatorla weak* I wa* am mnTa
j^^JJ^etolou.l> pad
faUJ- kM'?•««»*» »»d pertotolp wtoL
“ Up kaarttofl Ueak* an ar
poa far Ua fiopt good you La.e
kio. be <
four or tv* Bile* aonb to tbia
Lion Coffee
iBsl) abJ Ibe
So euui. sii
>•- bllePeau
u 'IS to in. B.Bk-n Bill Ib- luiuied "
B. lU- '.u.lj ,uv|«railuo tol'”;'
U'.' ll.sl Bill U' lo BBsb PBaP thl'l *’
'WCiil waaiiwreet. aad tbat
' tbiag* said about tkU nu
a (rue, pod
me. when- nd ha* devpkved to pulntui-4 pniBp op knr gruuod. Imi ibe
peerage Ua ier> diw tooeb
cuBpartBCai duvtotjr p<!)atatog Uo
BPgaalae. and he* a giiod keadwv
Wkea dleouirA'J
HegewWdlp UmH. '
[(tonto aad
naBea Apnked tot*
Ibe Biugp atato'.
uab la bi
aad paUed uwi a
t gar
pAch itockage u(
Iba lauto papBpi to tka Oaaardlaad ratwaai to bafopl tka koaaa aad
Unwt Ike paapto’a wUl hai laUed.
tad ikai eoagioaa wUl to (orvard aa-
fame& sxi“ivrsr„a'rri3
tUgax Wpitore WaiaU Uwader to a
Wni4« keplib Mkiei lu ib>kwad.i aev
i'll: .-ar. nto. p., pbppd.eHs) tb.biab Bill'ad. to lb- ((.KbirraCO ha<
Ukigbi boa am* to kuto to aorUm
aaPl Pad atoDPlaed li wtih eto bundled (uhspar*. all to wkoB
lieve^to bl* Banaer to liitog Tke
...Oi.u lai lei Bnwbra.i and are
; alarratloti auoa k
will ba apMl pal to t
dlag^the ffwaada 1b
, bp Llaai Hotoad I Owtto. to tk* Kb
rhiwmi Bllb oar
aliolit a «aai|k na ato ki %aaaaaea «t
'.T r^.s
........................................ «»**• II doaa aul krtap Iba Irar* lo a> t>i-4
;a> I to
po baek
kaek to ImuB(>r> i<> tb<' ttorl)
atoralal raka. Tka later Ooeaa lapa
■ bar appaattloa.
raace pad (atoi dUaaae baa be
eiddeBlr to ike BPaafaMBTlM
Tke haappM wat <Br to Ua daUghl(al loalerea to <be erealpi
wp* ■> loUow*
Hpb apadwtokaa
fhkkaBi aatoJ
Baal Ptekir*
dwcM PMIra
Aaaoned (toh^
OUera ap lo............S5C
TeAeti. •*
8c3ng A«ektoto
Ur byal Wagteam aod G. D.
jMCriie BraaUto
wU afargya
tad UcM
Mi«at our Coraac
-T k 9
$ito to dkm.
Otlkr makea at
THE GJUUb m^ysmt HKBAU)/ thowday. NOVEMBBB 19. IMA
€194 Trjt^iFSC HcnM
« ft snlelss toad kMAss II
.. ■ Tbs im wu S IMM v«
s tshus
»£ifT6. Ktrs.’s
■■IIIO II lil I
Mm. «
»a* Mra. Mis Sr- sasts« at s UMs M s *siw « '
Ti»t«cm otv (Istofs JM- wasi sM otbdv SSBIM. Uurth. _
>*«skc fudfs ssd SMM wen Mrvwd
ssd s nrr •aJOTsWt. ilae wss spral
CtoToU n*l to tapm Ism
njbs<M with s hM « bsurr sod
■fWi Voohs «< Tistwss OV
lMf> s few dsTs vt Ism «Mi.
A. r Bslllsvw dRnc to Trs<
a» ssd bsek Ihsc ■siuMs)'A m
the rsas( *«opto of
trtsm A. ZMb to lUj J. UbA
l. krt t«. Osk HMfhU; KL
•m wbft. dotr. WhlU dsn na
MaU sad this oae is a bsstnUsl sdseiM. wsishs shoM M doasds sad has
diak aras. Hs was *enr
aad ft
tfffc two boIMs to dal hiB eal
san o( tbs citi. Whsa
tbs BOh
rsaebad Ibr assrkat place •
cuad tbe bloc. i>sl hla c
sad Istliwl btm
pBrukc of tbolr.
They stuFed blB Bllb>
hissed sad toadied hla. aad. In;
A( Adrtta Hn. BM Aas Kaiou. Us^'h
.be cssM stoekad,
s aad
ad bar diurWaj Mesdar
oes heft for. sale. disd tbns hoars Islsr.
IS bird
r OB his fsTB. last_____
bad a tans ahssd tfcm Os
nrrMd It w tbs BOods.
Sisdhse Niebols. a loaac Bad boB
Motor, V. K. hat bsab lost la lbs
wooto Slaw last
B# vast
m. O rooM ssd wll* to H«m
Bnls. psmi is r«rswocii: fMO.
look s dlferwBi dlnetUB ban
wbi^ (bey pursasd. pnoMat
diaea. NothB stoaa. It
is sadPt . - ___
bawUrtuh ft. Oeodrl* ssd wUr to dered by a saowstora that oaato ap
AoTNMMklT^ ikdsc worh Is bU
Kra^J. Ustlefc. |*ml is TrsetCM la lbs aftaraose. sad ibai. clrtoi way
to fmiKtH,. hr lay dowa sad (rasa to
_ ___
Ctes. too* of Tisr«M Ol
«h tows, cM
las bss
-------------------------- ^ “^ikd's, Ll^ b"h'
rmss la Maawa-T^
days SCO aad lbs lot
be qaarsBUasd.
ParBsn la MaeoB
sd oa tba da-
assiu.-As you Wish I eottoas Tb aet w
nil tor yM i« co to the Stans-r
luMeud of Mo* sway be iMhM ■
TV, eUdSdetueoi IMn
MTS asu
1y >««r«
Jsae Orwbsai sad t f!**^
Mpitls were lou-r» lu
i lacMpnis
iu Ibeir
wa of Ayr.
mi tbs
SeotlsBd. InI IU3
Isfter dsObsrstoStd soil aeliber saw H, was .I. .atrolled sad s.'liiuesl „>*.'?
Us day of ibelr bit Ustsusla* Had be fUeo w« to hi. I
^ «’»« »* «*bartUue aao -After tbe toutorr s. »bo did lewbsp. lUir .,osr 2?^!.
* ******
Ctrl marrted Jobs UcMor- Ms wouU hire l»n of .borv» dors« esuPtocuseot
•s DO relBiloa to bsr oUsr Uun. TV-; «Mld bire r<to*l,5 1.. s :
*“**'“ “ke u« then
Utib falffl >bs ealcreted BUsii. klM-d sud bade op. A. a w.. '
stUnUoa v
Australia tad reared s fsally of i:
Odrwft Bbe is DOS s srasdiaoiber
wlih^si ywat'
Vrld MeHurirh- alto .anted sad be toU“^ly‘wut^‘‘te?^towr‘“"
-Tbsj end. H.- .V «sV with Ssb. ’'"i*? *r
.Be lbs tatbiT or II eblMrws. A
1 d^^
.w yen a«*ln. Ills
lie died, be mbs tadcbeeks aad Bsiuaas me.
•'«3 BT to
OSS of bit sou wub etwr to enTnUla- *iw tsob
. .
.here. Os lbs re off her M«s«rmeoi liu* sod ihrew n j
. Jutao McMunrIe's sos> OB a tshle
« lM> we aieri
ain-i .*.ia j- .
Be to nU for
}uB lo l«.. - urrUetoi^or
u' «• lbs sane skip, sbd Badla* wtu be s« .>rsu*efw thsy wore sua< u( Us ofaLawsu"Hoo t y«u thiak It wooM . i.-iu- k j Other r.w toi-' Ih-f.we bsadln* you to
.1, be teal hts picture to bsr so.
; St Ibe ttiBanr' I nwid pot on s
stoBieai os llir |u,ri sf our frh-ndtsksd her lo write to tala. Bbs did sc
.tl•n> take j..u i.. the door sad
re sp|iMr«.l sluidy lodlffereul^tad hs praposeO awrTtsas. 8U sc
; yon You cetol tHI tbs btotscu ,
-I Kn-r-f iti-.t ^,Hild know ttuil
(eplsd aad 4 few days s(o set blE
>a tbs whin oo bts snlrsl sod tbej bate w-nl you .
SBn. iMTMM-of hot
fta«»e«t ,uf s dss abode. feU
. OB Us note, emttoc s sash
IM wbk-b tbs blood two onr his tore.
“Wsft.,; Ob. b»T«; Btuk .0
Bnrle! TeU an yso-Ie wet UUsd. Oh. Mssde. she laUsd. ertlh dtcallT.
BOOM T BBtftltw.
•bat sball I ur
“U you'd «n a bowl sf «Od water
^ s etoth I tWak It BMbt hsto toslTV 4blp -susl fnim Lake liarwa,
to ttowsisi, I.U}, ,i.. ^,1, ,a i-v,
was oat of ito resto to a atotoeBt Oaiaito. twar Tt^rnuio. Upon ubieh
ark in anotber miiBft Vtlb what work ba* l-.s-, lu |4w«tiss fto sc-toal '
he assded. HI. toe sad abw fMul y<-urs, oUi .p.neu tbe Uke roots 83B
•uteeorered with bk-to. abd W was a
Tb. bicbesi polBt U WO tool
dybl to belwUblsbet Ihsb lAks Ibiiartu and a dia
Phr fell to a falsi
(rf sixty six f«i In tour luilea. at rotrIt. luuceeded to nSBC* Sad ws.t, horo toad- ueee-«rv tbs boLdta* of
IU Ur*«t lork. of lbs ktod to tbs
. " b- said to belt tsf dsT , ww,l.l Thsy are itow Mtopisud.
Galloway Coats. $12.00
atarrled tbe esoie ereals*.
Wto-W obs
."■« •imply tni.-ud
fartosr, reealrad lajurl I wbleb <
us usd by a Kluw a lodlsa
«a* uo reply to this Afeulaus
aiark bllu for Ute. Hs ..aa fuU sp
sold SI El Keoo, (1 T, lor
-Mr tVs
a wire riotbssllas.___
ll.dOf,. sod Ibe purr:
•urrbaser thinks
... ,t«u Uwe., ^ 4.—
kaockad out. bit uncus cut al was lucky to (St It at ibat prtoe.
ia two. sad bis auMtb tors fnua arUUy deeorsisd
wUb elk
•Hball 1 1,-11 blia wVto OBJ I, wttorf ‘ *12i!
JsoM ColMo sad WHS to Fkvd L.
Iryla* 1.. isMai ausas pUa
.0 Mr Doctors fear blood polsoa wbtrh sre baeoBlito slmoat as
sxprdu.-lustier* Snllh. tot III, Oak HsiibU; WOt.
ible as pearls, sad tbs aunsw.___
•TluMik >.oi M b,i. I wi.b lu w-ud a I?,. , JL I «»b pn-rem a kaowladce to
Ployd L. aamh
A to Jobs fISllMllsi
Cbarlr. KsUlsy. lbs It-ycar-old soa assy uf ber pale face stsiera. tboofh
paresU. P. H.'i Xsd add sad P. H.<s of J. C. Raisisy of Uorlry. was aoel- tbai li.malioaeibortoo much Bone/
3rd add; ll.fM.
bo( while wit Auallat ultb
sa^ to risdk Touss.
r Uasasb to Oabia
Ut. TtiiUs «d rrsrar
lb, tdoek 7^ U.‘
dlssn SI A. ft. Bslllsv
pruBblursly. ibe ebtras strti
K F. Cbsreb. to T
was- star
Mft of tsft. sac. M.
S). IhBsld Nt
Hs IHrralty
I w<b> >
t; *730.
S*ed ....-----a drowsed la Uke
Mary htood oliMlakl
altbe|tiu.n.-rv-u.kad- -Ofcaisa'to, __________ _
mu Thnrsday whUs ai t
Jobs Oallacbar to Floyd L
Boaday While
s tkatlns.
IM.I uulv flsKered bl« ton] ni.J luss Ud,?Ji‘r^ c-hMlul-O to to,- In t.ke la u
‘Tidrcrsc Ofty.
u lit. Oak Halghu: llJSd.
Wb Blopsos stsned muo Uwosso
l-v li>~-rlblito bis osiu.' iu ud.piiferMr. Bros still ousiiaast
, Oarris Roar to Louis J. L
tor bU boats Wsdaasdsy sftoraooa
Kl,e dra|i|B-<l b<-i leui. lu bee lap aad who atoira up' |«h*. for tbs au*r
briin or turpeuus Uowers Ibsl .Ul^
M 31. Old Mlsttoa Bsacb ras nTtir IM week with hu Issa. but wk
bito isint tVardwril b
*^ln W. H. Cork rlsltad a too dayi
tboitobi -|•l..lilellUra.8luan.’‘abr
arrltsd wsi wHbool iheB bad b
tike tor> • M, lose I. n,a.-b kCtoer tl
-I l-i. 'Tbsi uiir n
Jacob CulBtoS sad wUr to Boyd L. Mm of wtaii be had dose wit
tYasdurll'*. ui.d
ui,d blbl oouM
'' be
broken.“ "aailurtl-..
IM^Oy Hal^u:
iaidbu; woe.
He spani bU (late bsaUa*
> Jaa Osllsihsr. for (be USB uatu Snodsy. wbsa AM*
“IVhat ruuwu. will you al.ei*
*"■ •'*"« *•“
» C' »■
Pdreals. Parry Bsa sb's led sad 3rd: Bsrsford west to bis fatbsr's bars 00 busbee and Ibicii forard sliraU lalu
afunoes id this weak at tbs adds; $3.dW
Ibe osisklns
llns of lbs (dty and fouad
fabuillc llkeito. of sbl|w Hutu,
Parry Haaaab 10 Cams Olbaoe. ibe teani tbei____
,k., •ouial a tllflr epoiis- i
I O" "» «.». O
tbars stripped of tbclr iHto brar. and Mnts. And Urn,- ralber ile
^•i Mnsoa Harr Orar Tbsir Cbll
-IS « sad 10. bk............................
asM aad tlsd Tbs bsia
ra bad not basa tearnie -niiKtots" and extruvaBsncM
------- exiieeaf it this way:
dfda.* Laodsf. Hrs. ft. Nswbsl
Bsod for BMae da
aad It._________ inn wlib protouad s|Hn«iMivii aud •tVullrr Is a bniie.- That arould
bad stood Itasro ta
"Voii Indiraled -Ibst ydh are both
tbaa four days were rewanlnl w-lib lacrrase of waie>
KTMI deal abuBt a. aad aol
oadtseoversd. wliboot f>
fords In wsntine-..
food or WI
spftear that you deserve a perladirlilual wbd. b.rtu*
■d Qrop. s tfroBlaeni
totlaeni youa* fanner
OsRstoly. vban
Csibsrlae R. Kaltsy
10 Addw
of Crynsl Palis, wi
was badly. U not fa- and of b
flria to (0 twaad."
"I dhlu-t iud-ly ibal I dtoervwd a pan
IWajjsiwIs. sec. tt. lows Id, rai
tally sIhm by a sm
toi CUB la tbs wouds
________ ___________________
«“*■- ‘ke ■uepped.
BuDda)-. Two
. k>w(
ywer pealnauls hout“
I a
wat tbroVB hack ca the
^iry B. Cunit ssd wUe lo h
-------------- Uuaday aad Cbaa. Hsrald of
psffenaaurrw as a*liU1»tweeu voueii
'o" “e>M a aaa Wttfe
Boks Ihsi disas Us boms tor a u,
iTBsa R. Obsb. Idu 1 aad «. W
Bsidlito. are la JsJl ebsrted with 00a- and dwarfs or wuwra wllb taytrviker. “ tmpmuibaUe dmoattloa, tbs pa-* cusbioa of tbe chair, hla d«w pototttf
Parry Hssaa's tad add; tl.O*.
WWard, bit Ian eneaitod. tbs ptenuw
B sMtlDf Ibe fua. while
Plisy says ibs ordeavr. wste^iba ba« “J" “
o>**o«» to Masts.*
ifs to OUb
to lodrdeoto
Sodda*» aotoatklac
Mber of tbb party. Jobs O
psU of all wutkeia-t.'t Clan Bailds
“■’'•■“•‘■'''aet Wssad aaa*. r
.rowMosh tat as. <BS Holsbts; NOO.
Osrrto Rom
UmiU J. I‘-Tsiir.
M' ** “““*
“■ •
Voo funith'ibe hide aad we ua U and make >-oa a hiai-cJa«
Coat ito onb- $lt.00 cash oulhy or fcr «T.O0 oa $8.00 we laa and
J z:\T.
Foote & Coddington.
■“jrffi.»iw - c...,,
Hk>h. Trait Co., (rusin. to WbUa
jBisr Ponlsad
OMsrai Co, si|
>l set (uat. aad tJ
af OaiaaB wss
Haratsa W. ftBhb
.da. T-a-Uy
ITda aUQT Is loM to tbe Uta Or. Ilollaad. hotter boowD a. -ntoothy -nicaali." Iiarlus tbe s-rvtm of
Isiip- rhBTcbu
Ihs Will to Jusepb Hats, a lusty slrrtrir storm <
DouUK, was Bled ^^ord^ HejMTee aad UBS of the remieuirn
lU propeny
oiaalhus In
bury him. aed prenidaa
tbs ladko bows Aotoii* Uh-fair
m wss a ci-nalb Miss Elto
BUa K.. nod
. as
ln-li<lna ber
■bat no win shall be aJIowsd "
tale the rrhieft a tmifle Nap uf IbUD-1
hla face after
' or be preaeat
r dMth
dee atanled tbsB. upnii which be re I
hts fuaeral
Barked, - Elf to terror parks hoar
to a bus" iKt In terra pax bomlolWM).
To ckiar ihl. strsBAe tale It may hs
•N1 to add that tbe ilorlor
Buatelalr. N
ii they are up asal
*^00'?“..^ sSl
............ Oftoai
OjB-l**£tieI K. Crmadan aad wits to
HlebBtosd. w fr. tk <d I
H «i Bw fr. H. sag. 7.
SB IT, rsB|»
0: »«00.
Uk RapMs Barfacs Baak
F. a Pratt aad wife to Julios Caap
BUBberto*"*^^!!*^.''^^* alfp*uUlto
Wm. U DrowB sad wUs 10 Julias
Oanpbsll. kK 31 sad wlk let n. bkwk sw days aao
broBBht suit
4. H-. L. d Oo-s tad add; II,07b.
Hsraaa Vi. Bmigi sad
wifs to
£Tww ftT^SStrtbft
M U Mr. sad Mrs WIIUbb NMVpMb- Mar. d. s bos.
ft ABsIto Biahtoee •••••■ a^s.w
TStottrsi aad
id Meads to Trmma
to tbs
dsohur. Mrs
Obmm was la town
. »*>
«*b poaac
?n;'i. bu)s an
WillftB Laadft 0
_ .Bfts sa^FMBy BrntoB. t_______
HUbavaka. baa
a that to«. Ha hat all
mu. tbOB St^~idiS
vmmm !srs.s:‘sjir-ss."s
Wednesday, Nov. I8th
P Siaiionary Engine
$lfiO. biij-s a l-ay
Bowen IX H. P. Marine Engine
SiO. bu>-s a Xaiional Pumping Jack
I will have on tale,
SrvoO bu>-a an ( >1i1h Mobile
Brodhagen's barn,
omc of
the finest car loads of Indiana hones ever brought
to Traverse City,
« l-ao Solomon «
242 State St.
Last wMb yiM totd you about our
ban taken advaatace of thft eariy offertBs.
Gaitoenta that have Styk and ChaneUr At rrieea kaa than yoa votild pay afto tU aeataL
toS MSrIbi U
H. F.
SlsO, buv> a Wolverine 3X H. P. Marine Engine
Tbp ftH
^^^UtoVftS Del Wtor?^
Otot 'roiaSJft‘2Lj“ai"2i" jjl
roondad by frtondty mwds.”tltoi
hito oa tbsu tbooldart tbrooeb
r» QHsribOMwntohM laliswilly.ai
Made o4 all wool
blae and b'atft
anowftake Sa-rtu
Uoe and
A cAl]d<t LOSS CosL
awds of all wool Mel-
Ttrarersc CBy
ing one until you have seen our
line at from $15.00 to $50.00—
all the different grades of Gallo
ways as well as other good wear
ing Furs—sizes for all Men—The
manufacturers written guarantee
sewed inside each coat—no chance
to lose on our coats—see them the
first time you come to the ci^.
fatae taiaad Bww.
hBt— a t
aMa for. t
dakt 8 a i I i a ft,
and Uac nrflUd
AdhOra taM Ctoak.
with tolald Mtto, baaaUtally BtlUbod. 4t to.
A toiid’a kmi Cloak to
m aad BlM ChSTkx.
caltor, caps sad aftb
triBBad with 4 rowa to
Barueha braid, worth
13-76. twr iwtoe
I 18 Front street
ISr* i.,n ~ip.,
8ms iM' aad taa MNraai
Mriloaa. sD wool
Vcuiiana aad
Chenmt triaBiBcd
•pitched hip
ladtoa' «0 to. btodt
collar. Bnad 'ttraafhout with B
SktoSM Batla
iCtoBk Oo.-*
pNoa. tllAS, aala Ktoa
batoi BstobTBUd. aad atoad aaeww
toontowaly with tbe crowd. OaBdai
Worth «p
$6 00
bjft acaltoped
«dl£r. tabs trUamed
with Mila buds ud
aOk eord—oar pries
for tola sale
63c finn
Black Bearfs. with foar tolls
Hwortir Bl R«T. J
MBh the Tbirttoto
VOdBB sad
to tbs
$lf»5. bu)> H W oU. rine 3K
Has the above Mock—call and see them.
utftm of Ihr h-otinrut. -Old
. .. V bun,, old wlw to drtuk. old
Meads lo iriMt. old aBllMws to rad.- Is
BCMeohst <J»cund. Batxu fuUBd tlul
Akaau of Arw*uu w-at.woni ta uy to
MBBiMdstioo to an that a*e appaand lo Lv boat to f
John Wafttlrc (IC3H1 funbto to
dacUtiar -<Md 1
wood i.unis brftlilMt. ohl Itoea ivasbea
a a rwault to bdUoa lo be takaa at
whll.-.i.“ UoMtmlib lu -Bbr Htauis ta
navaalloB to iba Aaiarieas Or•diar OBMd «M «Ms to Jbo U.
-----------IB to OonutHC- atys ~OU MesU. old Hues
Mtinaa. k>( 11. Uoeh 3. H. U B Ob.-s
aid manaaia. oU books old wlas*
ib add: lift
Tliesw arr uisoy vartant qyioutkins
Aadllor OaaetBl u Hsary Star
tact Iba birds to
North A
' a with U
Mads tbs Stoowsa nsll. t |,
Tbe Biwl fautllr af tV uar to
a A. NawtdBb aM wOe to Cbl■as foncta at Barkat'a-Uartior. July Si
araasM oBorta
bava atrfttor
UlS. and eoinlsiad of an atlirt madr
Ublba' iKBBoas ta Jaaob Mart BsauTawi paasM to the rartoBS oiMitlu-vilUcr The lahabltouu bad
u n aad u. block I, Ktanlar: Btotaa Bad sue that Udae lava art but uiM- ctui to auBVIral sUv
rlfUty a itmd. Tba oooparwlbto to
•lobs ft bOQibt aad ft ft afto atraaca to ladlcl damspe. a S3 p
ar. tor wWkt. they bad nu abol. This
to latoraBt aebool toao'
dUBcolly WAS (m-rcama by tbe patrlotlb# Bopafty to
Wiihto a tow ws«u.'Adilu sin -------... aalBB otua tbd flfarw to ftm of Ibe boasewlrra. wbo lor
MSB srary eftr ta the stttrvttt'a atom that haatoBft to thnaiidi to enipsts ffcta Ihs Suors aad with t
' an klltoB auuaUr
a tbs aauilt halls to flt tbe
(B aloM aad ibto tblB wmsUB
ftJos naiau
BBSaurM w*:
BFUBdan ttaod
la aback It. buk ------------ifij
to the snarmlsBtbB to bmt
la tba WsM tadleu ccocodllas
- • BIS ofwarWaca vfthto
I KNBU. aad tbs --i-irrn
Mtoslata^L Tbs
boater, with a
ftsto wtu norsi Ml&te
faM tu LOl_____ toMatft MU to a
one to
---------- --------------to the ftoa Bsya: WUb•bkb Ibs cfoecJlIas latcct. Tbe
to Una toBBths pMbaMy MUM "
Ifta are attractod by ibe Iftbt
•S mujfilBft
It ft
uM Bwtol uwatd tbs caaus. TVdr rym
that BUM •OS bd twwd os wttbto
to tbs darkasas and Batto
30 days. Attar tbe bastaaas piMM
«i tor ihB basM's balftta.
bars bssd BlBpHsd. tbs cbmbv «(B
- 4 totor to^ u tlSiCt Nto- and Loadoo. aad tato
a Asm craesdues are abet
I stiBBto. Tbs soot to tbs BB* iftiiAH at a BRBBd
BMM B Bualisr to-b BdUtoB Aab «BV UBBi 3a pewrta
• il# dayr aitb raiailras aad
^^•^lonairy and IWIairIn*
OaiAolln* Knsln^s
>f a BoeU’a
Oos. who ds-
nabs ooraad bato bash.
Jos. BBalla la Oaa. L Nssbttt. tot Ibis -WaU. Oors- aald Jssllos Oar
L bktok L Parry Haaaah's 3rd sddi ItoBUB. -I weald like U tee you Bake
tbs dial., to MUtfy tbs eouit.- -AU
' ftsw Blrdssll Co, to Alusaadar Say- Ticbt. todia.- abs replied -I <
psfw It rtobt bars to the eoun
A ennatobft was aaet for lbs pacasSwaar Ssti aad wVs to MilMaa aary to«rodlaeu. The eoek Mllad v
hionh a trtp 10 HaaU
.lebardsoft paiest. sac. It. Iowa *7, bar alMTM aad to Iba ptBsaaes to tbe
R turaad out a dlab Ibal wu pro
raasB 13; ll.OM.
Cora ■« a vaP
Bally Oobaa ha> gaaa to Kar
Jau. H. Duaosa sad «■. u Jas. H.
UytyubsMao haha id-tan ve caa
Cmu and Robto u iwicBa that de^r m^ipetitMO. becsnac ••
maaubaiDe on own Copn and ftobes from atan to ioAh. -
yoke aad cab
Mbs a baryaJa
Bad* cf Utoortad all
wool noHas. t Inch
Aa to(aatoclBah.B
to aD wool Mbftrdc
'A kadfta* OsoLBibdBto
ah wool oatoad Korboy. Baad ChmebBot
Mtto. trtBMBd
Bsd with toner toaU.
weeto ll.TI. Mia psteo
r «d toner bn
Mb BfAB. tar
Citizen's Telephone
tB» QMarD tMiVfBtt gmtA tHCBSPAT, KomtBEK W. l»oa.
iaM ItirciK BcnM.
'' DmH> •r lb& W. ■. rrMM.
Daalb af Mra. tapdia,
Mtb. UiU«9 riHddib. <rtt» tt Cb|W.
Bi rnak* I
Uavday afterwM al
Id be at____
BBTcnl Umb
■ bi tbr a«B fl< ay Bbr>. Bf- Tbe peodantaa «««ld
I t.'e)orb. r broR CaUnre. dbe bad
_• UUM«t laMteg B UlUc ow U ---- ibe aauUly poealble vKb I
Wtf^ »K by
II bar daacMer. Mra W.
bom. Hbt baUwd »*b Mlk4 \
I Ida BBCblHB. bad wttb tbe »
a etrfcdaa.
tau iBB M b IBCB vttb Maab. «n____ ^
^ body
a the elty
^1 nhbMleaB (bv
taea exiiMd -------- - afieraooo aad
b<n> )4<l BfUV bb TUB bBA
e tBM«Bl
« M
*0«i •frtTlM ib^
Mm. rnabUB «b> ubaa Ut U bar
bw oa smsib BtnM Tmb4b»
HBearal M«] pedpte err tooklbc lbTOTbUy iipaa tbe Mierbriee. bad ll
■by be UM la Bbon ilw tbli vlUibdd
B, pbuBd lBU> ccaraWaH bb4 BBolbM- lodMto lo iboBB blraady ee-
P^ff^Bsessns i
Oee^n^SttM*^ ^^*«Md by:
vaa beU mm tbe
Fere Maivvaue itau ta potato U
daBcbler. Mrv Haluy m-yee. »n BonU be Weal. Manbvaet abd aoutbvaet.
Blreet yeeterdar aRerwx*
lay day haiu NoreBber Path. ItPX. ta' lire, at a rery M* rata. laoBto*
Mated «a* veil kabva U tbto
iMef aaeat far fuu latorBetloa.
Vbare abr ba. raalded lor M
a. P. HoalMr. Q. P .
. . • Aba roBe to Mlrblsaa la IMT.
Her bealtb ba* baea paor H» tbe pM TIokdu win ba aa lala at all auA bal Iba la*i tartoa* lUaam IkBL caod potac XoeeBber »tb aad
an .trouble vu.
mi, tvo MU. aad coed op I o aad
Horaaber Srab. at rale of me
area C.e chlldroi. Mra W. H Mte-<blrd tare fur lbe'~nBlbd ilU
of PraakroR. E H. EMddao
-Ihto cuy. E K aracdea of sK H*'*
V JidMtor, O. I
Waah, Mra Uaary Wyaa af Ttararm
gur.^aad Mra. 8. T Uvta af Oraad
A Grand Rush
U whfli wc cxperieiiceU liurini; our opcaiaR da>'&. and
UhlUbed b«ee.
the valuca ofiered on iho>»e da>-s arr evi-ry day occurPCRMNAbd.
Tbe »<etae raa«b» hU> at 1
rrncM at this storr. Sit- our line of only wRiranird
Ulaa^. abrrr aa> lylac tbe
tteqiMI BS4 Bbl« n
.. M<. UOMh iprtli
nilB<d>. ct abteh be U •lai ai
Mania Himra <d lulaad to
fiTM IB bebBlI nr lb* IM'
iM>..d to UaeUaaa City.
M {■■kni. MUI ibe urM •hm>i A MOSKleabe.
BO.Ab'iniud al«bl Ubta oa Ibe C.
ral iBOtn
A neal
inuw rwiutw qwUUW u< ••<»«
k l. aad-reached KUe take early Buiraluc fur a TUIl vUh bto b
VbllB. bilk B/
lUrtM pO*W Wbl»
yMUfday‘bu ' beat tbaai
taoiUablir. <
boa 8.1. Uarcaa'B Urary vae availtbBi he <
lac hUa. aad be drera vUb aU apaad
to tbU ettf. arritrlac a lev «laBiee
d CHy.
-etary. treaaorw
TIcfceik I'D! be Bold fnm all ata' ar tbe ead caadi.
aad neaeial
<d Ibe Haaaab *
>m.pa|M<ni ID the
oB Nmimber tPib aad SPlh aad
:taala aad Mn. TraakUa bare
JtKUtoc mm Ibe rrovd. of imp*
rerq^ laday
u. at Bate af ooe fare pitia
In fact tivery-thint: from >our hose to your hat is guar
■IbU are pteraae lo (anraUv ma- aoMBMe la Trarerwi
la the rlty hut a abort llair.
ihai ibmaced ibeir bbbbuUi *iat«
e ruuad trtp Oeod.io remui abea tbe aadTeBtr lesaad by ibe
Tbatr horae has lor year, beea at r K. Ayer, af KalbaBa i
UI all day Aaibidayi PerrU iBptoaMOl
toeoBber TiA
anteed to give you Matirfactioii. Our lleedriMrgheavy
Ibe rlty today tor a vtoll *1'
tart *t Trade, bad tbe Beeretaa <•
H P. MoelMr. C
Fanis at $2iO are the ver>- bent shown in the ci»y for
MMtaatly raoMnas rllpplBCB vhMi
They told tbe people that tbe) bad
J. M. PrUk Id Kevadla a
BppeeelBlioa of Trarene
the moiwy. Others at S20U. $l.7.'i. $1.5(1 and $1.0U.
tSTa^be aouow*B»d"?rci»e Mr
earapOaaal talura to idlar la Blaur
wye baiUe bad ymeparUy by ae*»’
coodi. aad b) Ibe way tbe pllm apoa
pllea <d fur roal. aad bubw blaakato
bad Mtv 1 8. Otlheri, «aa the aala tbe elty I
a la atbar hMalHIia. ‘
-ere dlnlatolMd. uae I. booad i<
hta deUfhiluriaatore «a tbe proTwa^
I lor (hie
PraakllB vaa a proBV
Id tbe Order id ibe Baa
e|l..« .V. .«» kBOv'Jidta Holi
y«bd the eoabaea ol iba atalo. rolSlur, aad «aa rery pnaalaeat aad
-IVell, Il.urfc.- toot urtsUiaL"
Id Old M
ular bciT flbe vai Ibe ealy daoc
aaioH..- oatUly.
levlH b aa adltarlal rapped (re« tbe
.“Wliat didert-iK* deee ibal Bai
of I-aiK. lleorce ttold*lB. for a
table IIBB bad
nr ell I Iteeluird fnr * mmeal
l TUbaaa cd KoreBbar 11. Ity vttb the BuhJacl.
y<«ra copula ot tbe Clly id Turt ...
adrertlard. It iirnii i
^eaaaMNear City Market
vw aeeerapaaM by a pmoaal
li\ Union Street
p1)lDK beianea tbto port aad Cbleapt
lertoik- of tbto flrB to do
*-Of ntoret. be aaid tbe aan.i- i
—-------I,m, tudanakr la a bi
i taalvr ol Srr.lSl8r‘iitao.
aad vbu waa aaeaeadad vbea. late la ercDloc ..ee. OUu
llxtu. daa*l ce’ ■
rapratad by .reaoaal, Hr<-. be rlillBautobad bto eotaaaad or
Iba odiiami «iaf ol tba Trtbo
ihc boai. by Capt. TboBaa RaldvU
bto aon. vho bad baea '
.. dtiallly or value la ibeIr
■aab to eta aad trtk*
vlib aeaoBpaiilBeel by Mra. Ollbett Br.1 mate. Capi
....... kill day. bava
»»« la aharce id
feature vlth Ibe BUBager. Ur.
a to orsaait' bbJ M tba vortd
butlaea* la Ibe paal.
vbai. aad vbera thay art. that
Adb Arbor to aiiRid a Beniac of bto ir.V,; 1"are bto
that they will
Mka tba boM rtpU pncrtaa. A tova laUekMU aupper vai aerred li tbo rclalltea of tbe deiraeed tbtt earvlTi frati-ralty. la «htota tbr laltlatloa of ilBoe to beaakured
M) with Ihe emapaa
-Mb.- be-, not .r,«M to Iv l«i*.-d a*
taaa hot BBBd to baeoaw al BOtrepoU- liatac rooB. vbleh va. WauUf
bei. r.cept Ibe tvn rttlMrea, Mar plaea. He «HI site ane ihe UM-blcan Ibe futute.
oorei. a yeara id ate. aad RaMvIa.
prapaeuoa. uolara It faala Ibo tad elaborately UlBBOd (cr tbe <
It a a* free!) nuaarbeil by I
t'lvnaala AiMhall
)<«ni yiHiaaar.
brt-ueai Uat tbto wa* tbe <«ly imido
doe vlib reatoMB o*-^ed. vhlie
brfU d t*larprtw<. Tbe aooMr It
Hon Moniaeur lift yratonlai liv ibeBi
fauBltac aad '
^ to dcBCBBlrale lU laUilllcoaoe
r ...........
B AHmv to M
vM dalaUly aertod by aniiouneod. Both bratber. vUI b»
10 be played
KlB football c
~ pta. tbe eooaer ll *111
tbe Beabtra id nrtoloaa t aad ltd pn-«eii mm Cbliaco.
Va‘lMuTan^ta/' ‘buf
a City It aa U
III give a narked to Mr. Perrto about It, he reTba FaUU Marhac
acaaple ct Iba HaeU «C orcaalBUoa
lay aieht,
vbirb all pltod; ‘It . aJnpl) bualDMr X« phU- bal.ln ev..H f<
re« TeoBy'* Ibeonl
aod battle. It baa BAay adTaatacaa
Kaicbu of Pyllibla*
iDvIiad. MuBtr aotbropy about it. it pa)w to f
>1 vltb tour t^.teaen. ool _ _
ite Ibe ookl day, a craai Baoj
* 8uf
ibai aataie baa baatovad. bat U bat
•peelal day., but all ih- ilaeare oobIbc Ibio tbe otty. ba realt.aJ'
rill he a
___ laaaoa lo toal piead ol tba apiril
d Judgliu; m>iD tbr liatb- be bat
elhc vflcbad
votcbad 0<a aay ol
t aupper.
built ui> b) ponnilBc
rt Ha aitlaaBt. II bat Ibe UtMdi ol a
cak». am <--ater ““
bait balac paid for
;)aorcv I'ajii
II KumiBli Oil)
•e BU.I nneede that be
I aav dymaBKt oT
BOabW vMcbt.
B«rt el Trade vUob to tmt Biiob
Rlaetrlc Ucbl * Fever Oo.
aelcbit ao tbe t
eag aad vUe ve«i to Maaua
aUra. Tbit board bat aa eye br oU>- aiTB
aatalM •____ _ _jfalac vUboM
ekMT. lo vhicbu
ilag for a ivo voek*' trldt.
ad ewneUBltr. R appradatas I blub,
.Inei.. of
_ tba
- aurreal belac that od but
inen. to targek ibaa al aay Use do__
Shon aad Mto* Bertba Abort ly -Ufa the
aolthe> earry a
the adraalacta id paUkdiy. aad
■vo baun
paei roelnirerfy balvaaa ibr bayara
to Utrkar Oeek Ibto aRe^
- iDraareal- aa.l valcbBBaler. Tbe Bo.1 aay kml rriuraed
•». eutien. bar’arlw la__
laboe palat to adrentoe ibe tovi
•«. aner helag tfao gue.l. of Mn r. .uperby^ liar rt b
Calouel iuba E-Ftobeny, naaagrr
tad Lir^ooau.
upon lac etoBenta that sabe ll
r lb. lOabrny ibioier. vaa advtoliw
i^Ue all) |>eo^ will
B bare aot boea orer tve
VOV aad pfBtpar beyoad Ua eoapeiy
frk-ud la lie .;,..itou> 1a au <uut.w
I' dlBiraoae. vbleb to
■ae. mileii left UU mnrata oa Ibr rra^e *b<:B la o«e.l o| thl. 'cl^
Tbto artaUtibB bae RbI >>8^ -EBoa. Alfoady ihraa af the aaeb
_____________d ter la aad aad din. Fere Maidueile for Ibe-oll aold* la
ikleg be ba.l In vtev.
Mca . Una buckle >1.61).ArciM-v IOC.............
aod ma af Ue buyer, oald Uat If tbe Keolucky. la utaicb tbe local Boa are
Itotort aa aliMlre boeUat, attUn in put of ODBBlaakra aad Uc o
"Vin iva'i take tuo auay |re.«n
«eictau vouM ruB Uko tbto all tbi
{atih Iba caad iblaca tba Traearte rv
Mcn'aKtora AUtkat. il.fl.’i lot . ..
(toba.' Bta.nr.1 l otooe) I'tabrrly ".\-i
ShB baa lo Oder aad bdatttog Bodavare af pn-vi-Dilob, a. Ibe i-i.y bo..k
aaiM ^t fully
men- la at
WruDwi-i T-o-biKiW Ainici, >1.7« fcu ...
ta to ata m aw ^ e**^
aatir rt pact aoooBpitobBaeU. « la
It vat raportad ibai all af tbe buy
Watati'sIlwMhtaCobl SralStmii Rgblnn
er. VMM aaita today aad torer tbr
: rmllgaiiDi: iliinu- la rcovelcbBaater to vtah all tba kada.
ai4-mau aad a
Weattea’a Atoakas >1 to> km.l ior ...
fwU. VIM pataoaal tareallcatloa
»e .lore.
_ „ aad by BO doiac C«t hUa raiilad. bat
The gaaotlu. mglu.-.. U which Ibey tOBlealrt uea I ever kaew wa* U
kltoarw- AUtkn. T.Vkinllw.................
panr a lU go.
cauttoea. He vaa draf afi
Mra. HoBalreet and daughlar. Un. ail lav. In o|*ratl06-«BC n .lalkwChiklym’a alaska*. Ur Luul iiv.............
elamaa ot Uellalre, allaodnd "Arl nry and Ue utber n |u<nnhl'- .alirarl tnmh. aivd be never veal lo brd -ill
initllnr oa a pair ..f Icalt
Chitdmi'a i'lain Kuhlmv.......................
na" laat evealag. atul are tbe g«e.u I'd Bore ailenikin and MCiaed ■>< met*
tUtdkmlag "totannci-^l.
bk-ply iDleraut the naiorlty |.rv«eBl gtovrw.”
of Mra U Soule.
"Baitos gtoveal Wbat fwr
Tbcmaa Mania of Walton to in ibe hna u> other .«e line. e»n-|M tba
Tow tWla boofclal vaa a pood oaa.
ree Ha.-, aail U.- unleeraal verdM
o bay rite on baalarm.
may of iba tomn
"Ba be voaUa-l talk to bto alren".
wt. Ibai Ue,.
th,- ga.-ki ruDBlag Mrv Yerk Tlnra
oM 0^ u briac baek U ynv clip M par eaot arartta
eaglaea ever
Praa TMdav-. Bteta
•ta tal Bora bow tbaa
k vaa agpaetad UuU tt Blfkl naato*
Whea Ihe hour fur draalag
UU. Ruth Klliabeth toltovanh a-aai pnwaU arrived, every fare va. i
> imi" aad pabta. ll Itaa to I* bom to gat Ibo pov-----•anta lota u> tad
for vark. aad U
villi evpectaary. but. if eoarar,
_jiHr aakad a toeal barer
•• Uw
large auloniy hart lu be dlaapaay ooe "be mM give the
la oMItta w pnaa talaad. tba aop ta Blibt aD havo «a ba _
Ml*. E E Pnll vral to iala 1^ polDled. but they look ibeir dhta
of Ubp. Wtoh tbto Mea lo lav.
Mwy ti taatnac BOV aoBpHBop talk
to aaiead tbe'fnaenil
t «M ta IrtBiiad to ta Ua
Ik* bte
liif dy••
and ooaitbe CbhMo BcrkM yadertg) BoRdbg
135 Front Strtoflt.
Th* Prtoctical 8ho*m«n
Alben Kaau
tap Wtaa ta* tba tab troB bw MBO km---------- *- •
_.er prtoai veto paM lor a lood IbtoJ. W. Harkhan veai to Uwae Clt) aent away
_ .________ .WbUa aU Ibto to vaUtP
pwt af tba boat atook, Ua aTarago ad
Doraiac oo a buslbeu. irtto
a fair 4«ai.
ta to
pot»to e( Ibo oHr. U M AUl
. If- UrDooald of Beata Harbor Traveru.' Cli) to lu be- eoBgralutoled
tadtrlac 10 kaev that tba aao
*'*aad?t to pa*md ibtoDCb Ue city UU aflMtaia V haring n roarern <4
.. Uto kind,
bto vay to Feltotoa, rallad Uato vb.Me eBlerpri.c vlll
r la raaotrta
... tsdocc
.adore a« naay
ta ««^%MBaMab^)^o Hoa bat OB
^ the death If Urn. UaltoaaM'a
a hoUday aad i toll the
e«ta Mb aU imu ct Ibo ootaiy.
^y!* a. Ibey lake Ibto
of tlMB bota (*■ ml* vbc
ad targe .un. ___________
ST tba*w
lar taeerabto toeattai lo •talao
to of vbk-h vnuld olbervl*e
analler ••■n. arooart
iiw. a aoBbw at oalaa batag____
af tto «abw of Un
IIiHeb aadvaapartlallydatbai Mta aad aannl tou airai ed. 18e oaal ead if Ue baadlagaaoeaMlr ta tbto tttp tav Ibai
Id baada pi M tooia for Ua beat vhlab loelodea Ue drytag flaw aad
Oo, aad wfil (anim
_________ • owToat lor tba paUe turwoa. to a total vraek. vbUa
>. Auau.t Fhiver aUll ba. tbe
row ot Ua OQBpta- Tba owTta
ta^^rollac aad itnrage .oim to uala- torgrai ul« of aay andlelBr In the
totaa tato Uo oily 00 tba bMo "
flat ftaron far HatMMata.
aivtilied world Vour nolben and
TO Otani Tbiohafltai................
ot MM. wd paw
The fli* naagbi Hon --- ______
A lam al Ibe ptartB af Ibe apRdluv HeraM-Tbt utofOBta
> .>r lill. .... ..................> of tbe OlMd Trtt- k» down lava otooa of tba aoBpaay H eliy are t^toftooa tta arary ow aad ll vaa ealy a tav nlBuiru badoro aayiblBR rite fur
|«R of Ur bolldlBC* vaa reral- kMi.aen IbvUir.
ihe. aad
■ VMaa MUCH. Haro R to Maa- ahnuld hare aa oppatlaatty lor Ua Ul.
Opad lb flanoa. Aa atom
Uey m-Mob bcoru .■ iviH—oviiia.
tMBOd la* a tta tat pgrrooL Tkiao proper obtarraaaa of Ttoaakai
to mm boi *1. aad Ue Fraaiiallna or Haan Fbllara,
tanbao ia Uatara tova taao vlu day . Ta tbto am tbey raota - -_ aooa bad Urae airoana of vatar play- Kervmu
tktaM Up MoaMUy of ornttag oC all aak tba boaUaw bob of tba Mty aad tog oa Ua fln. AboDi ita toot af
tbe giiwiwa of tba (wattoa aad
had in be told. The ehenkal vaa
■lilf ta Mra ibair MnH* aad ob- beta
aaad alao.
ragvitole the acikm of Ue Itrer.
plnna a Hb boUtaAl ll:M> SBBta Btgbl aDOibar tiUI ate Ibr aerren. aad orgaalr ____
atom vat aeai to Ue eagtoa booaa,
Ibe v.ian, aad. ibai 1. all they
A -Nelson" Bible ia aa appropriate
MKytog tbe depanneal Ibai flfo bad
I vbea-feallitg dull aad bad vlu
beefcee om agato aad vaa la Iba voed
rtaebea aad oUer acAra Yon only
be given. We have a grand aBoorfment
pile. The draiM varv all ,are^ aad __1 a Tev dnaea of Oreaa'a kngnal
Tbo aaat af Ua MtaoraBaBU at tba *8^ **kar Uaa Mi lay, ktoaki
ady to BtaR vbaa tbe naa iflover, to lidotd fom. lo nake yoa
of Bibles now- -oiir Holiday atock urhicif con
—M Uey ooald pat nrt tbr
ere 1. noUlBg awtova IbO
_________ _____ _________ to atUD •
Tbe aallM toa. vlll r
sists of eveiy style and urc of Iwok made, alMturaarvioaibgabaabatBgiraBttto J
SI band. Mo toaaiaoer.
Mono: Lav Prtoaa.
gMita of Ue eOBgaw to tbe paai. 'Ttaa to daaiar oror pniiat at Ua
moat, aod also various sices of type, all readHreai Oeod. by Ibe yard
IVIe. Sic Bail r
boUtg Bada Ua MUf Uta to 8Ca.
•aMvTabao to CMeafO
aide and liistinct. Call and see what a- line
Tbive to daatw rt BOO tnrtaUM Ood
MR* TIHBLIN. Rvthettaad Rk
UadaRskar L. D. CaRto vaat
naaUag af tbs MmU S,ibMr
*!ir dally Uraa. HoBaa, to bara « Olaa Havaa teat vmk to eabuna.tl
leather bound volume. Oxford style and put
Oort llraa M earU, aa van as to bta of Hatoe^. Halberg^
up in a manner that- will stand the wear, we
tarm. aod Uai troB Hto bam oBMa
•very good aad parfaM gift, SHta vtll ahTlbe Zej toSnmrv^to Cbf !
seli for $i Its.
boi be a RDOd aod btoaaad Utog if -Ri,
Ibtrg va* dievbad la Loka MIeb- mihni..- ‘ii~v. of all uuknaUih*
aad Ue body floaied tale Olaa
•fj*'- fwisata bad un
' '-ATHare®.
____ Otaala
UnalD pdrre uf vurk.
a. vbare
JValkar cf tba
* <*»’
■Ttog auilaa ptrknl ll
It np It vaa «•."(« "• cr.tc Irtab laborer wtaa
‘ pugn*. wblah to pae <ir^tba
J.>, BERG S pUce on the
Ueamstal Ue body bad baaa to tba
vaur akani W day* at the line R
FeninsuU ro»d at 10 o'clock
vm fouod oa a _
am ta'pgyta per to U. porkei. wtU oUer papata,
R. m.. on
UUm of grailude toto Ood'a ----- Ual
aatobUUed bta Meallty, bat bov
OProiiawl aaarattea - Rev. O. T.
h alMul tveaty-dire toharbe vaa drairaed 1. am kaova.
•ta^eatae Otiy.
"R'bat dhl yoa Ivtog Urw i
Fta* Tbe Oewlr Hemal Tralafwr aakrt <br formnaa.
^ you lijrt
«4rt me W
w tbttag ibl«
ad n to tboagbt Ibai Ulf
* IrerEto
- - •
d 1 brouMl
fa) "Trta
a I rooM Pad." was Ue vplyictaM afNPwrt
Mmlea»riSMi «u r«r
IlM 0»
*c*a6!riS»yii ^'bi“« 0«T«rtI
JimiW.; si.iiTr.rr.i'is..
Come in and M ever onr
line or '
' '
ffc Sdl it^Besl Gnde of Knl)licf!i Onljr
A. s7fryman
.Tor a Gin...
Coats, Fur Coats,
'.7 ■s.r.JXi
Iba Tlltogo." flapi. r. W.
OptatMlty vn
It to nbane Ua body.
Ot^ Book Store
Free Lunch will be Sorv•d.
Crnmtm Otf, JCk*.
bo Mtm to oaob
^) -Pfshtoau to OoaaoMto
^etaWaa ta
aoa, BBo uo wraatatoal «'
toraMioa a *art Oaa.
rertnwd .Tr____
**Wbilr*to catoaa* Mr. flBRb rtotiad
Sp Maury «t Ua «*ab.
^niiptaw Fiia. Bntia J. Watar.
n*l, ataa ta MtoOpa' wtabap.
Tuesday, Nov. 24
hto torratlm va* Wtaty raealrad.
Hr van al saw atood to to«all U* lavnmhn ta cmmcm «f U«ar rewoww tor
'MSI* ef Ibr pla. aad mbb
M 10 uha tana
of Ur pto. at ear*. Bwrtal
rnarnra. vaai tbr h
inSrttd mrwal
-orwi MitoD to tba u^.
Mr BBtU tlMflii
rar. cf Uaar to
tom tawtod nakr ta
FvMe. ggrsta ktoAaf
■dtoytowif yen paid
Bwe BoncT. Tbiiiita
bBt MJO ta* tad. Twy Kytai.agvbtaAaavtta
batta. Madp br tba
■deott ta oowipita ai** aaaortmrwi fiwp. Our Mpdto.OOOP
HONCrr QOOM »Wt wai glv* you tdERVtCS, sah#rAOnOMwideOHrorr. Veu*oatoafwaoNMWt«atoo«M
tho FMOS if you gad artwt you a«nt ond
242Fi«ISl amPmt
Wo wlU M ptoiuod teohew you our goota
Fur IMIin
tv, UUM HmiI*. (W » MMtb «M Itetbpnri TWi Mtue baa atoara
MmMCm « Hr. Md Hn Jum* Wlt. ..
•V Oa TM«d>r. Nm. lltk. iM r* palneu akwa lU
mMm of »• unto ow were IHd u iMaWe la gMilv fate aaB aat aa
___ .
MM ta tM WItooa egaetarr. Rn. C. trala. ae tbe oMten e( tbe Mad an Htak
eehool l.uiMlv
........... to take Mian to wOv Iba
W. WDUaa* td KwMB mad
VID be SO Iprbae Is el
aad vU|.be
cd tbe . wed* of ibe
. tecure vd muilc
Tba baat <rf IxwpfeiKn elll bb__ ...
tba Mde of tbe Bnl Uedbp od the
Mr. aad Mia. K. M. Hofaa, dtad M Sav^b^iio __________________ St
oa the vtoib iMe U tba baUd■aiaal MMlylMa mur motbIm at tbe mie vu nade earir la tba aan- Main
U:U. Hr. Maa ta Mad M»iw far ner. aa aoiB ai Iba T C . L. fk M. raU IV. aad the VC of HcKlsIey vlll be
IM wrtia OUMtaw Oo. Hr. aad vaa i^aad lo tba pablT, tor tba pw pteedv ibeaortb aide TbU vlU albad a Ttov of ibeai
froai both tbe
- B<Hia-Hoataha^aMMidfriaadi ' p»a of bnblv ap IbU sauar. Bad Iba aad
are broate
Boon They
■mralWM alCb tbcM la ibcd
—Mwa>- 1W luaaril war
_. IM haaa* taadar ai t:W p a
lanaaai ai iaJhad (MHdar>.
vardt. liTpr Bcallupi'i SappHi lUc
aaeb aad apvarda. Cup. aad toueer*
Me aad apvanU. ail at Tbe Bcoaoo>
o’dork <ir aaikMaUc M (alhnri
___ inabk.'. liMMiiiil vai vail
lur. b-At Uapir Ciiy. la rharfa of Blare, Ml Fraal Bi.. Trarene (Hir
ChariM Uoraacb.
FlM Praprbia far Uaetle»
Dae. IO-*t
0-At M
Haal Latoad. la charta
Tbe asaaej anetiai u> Ibe Otaad
baw IMJbU caBBtrr aad naldad ai at PblUlp «Mr.
laHad lw 17 nart. coatv fra* Mar
Dee. H-AI ISorthporl. iu ebarft Trarerae DUlHrl UnUtertal aeecvu
tte of Ibe UeibodUl toUaipel
laai- HU vtfa. oar daofUar. HaitU. cd Oharla. Ha«
ebarch. vbtefa I. to lake place la Ibr
aad OM asa. WUIMa. aarrira Ua. fk«^ ll-AI t
- IM church la ibU city. Noreviba.
W. ■. Aadotaoa vrat to tataiad Uoa- M'lmaa OaiT
dor armanoB «n rarr for ih.- Imdr
H II OaaaoB td Borbaalar. MMk . aad Deoeaitor 1 aad Z. U to to by
tbe Mate apeakor. aad Or. O J. far tba Baeit dl.irbt mevilM Is Ibo
•UvaMr Waat Vp.
KBM-Uod at Trareraa CHr aill M «aa hlilory ul ibl* pari ut tbe Mate. '
crealeM ireaii that Me
vib.- of tbe local ■paaken. J. Q. Walla U •e of ih«ihU
dlMrlrl bare Otar___
McaldoBi aad A. W. Hebert senndan
oirvirtlnp Ibo avual cnafiv
aullbad HiiDdar Uomric
esoasb^ai w iM^cUw^l^iliiOj^cr
9»«0a« tBvvMMTtw tlffMlH
atenuor'veat la tbe arrov dIreeUoa.
a*d tbe eirrauv laautnd oa aala<
iMBCh tbe roof it Mopped before
■M lato (he opeo air. The damate
raldaell, dlud ITlda) efteranoB _
|;«t o'clock at tbe aae of M r«ara.
Dumid «aa bora la tbla Mtr. aad
an laralld for tbe
bTMtbod hU
vtUla uTm afiv be »ai tabee
vtfb tbe MH aitaeb He bad bow UI
X-1MM ll beta.
ru aebooaar X-lAUd U lafe
la tbe
-i Muluw. aad Oapiala
___ _ doee BO( propoae i
tbe Ulaad tUI be bai toe
)U MM od bU irtp He petered tbe
barbor Tbarator laii. Id bat he«B
ibece erar Mace
Un TboMai toater baa fw reluraed fron tbe Ulaad. vd Iba latal.
tiaeaep abe brtaci vlll U- wleoMa
Beva to tboae vbn hare learod that
the aalllae rewl iMr hate cooe
Ui ntarMi tnm
• vllk ■ 1m tM*
* * Oo. Mm ctaM UMlr
« Car tM «tUM m4 wlU rei> tmt kart«Mi, wicfe dm ^ the
Mwt dMfkiM oT
IL!»------------tTtaMtt --------------our ««•, MW
r.*^. WDmMhS
------■ & L*«t»Md
Mk pr «MW
>. MU*.
TravtoMCity btortiptt.
«M mr bar* Mk« «m 4MT U-
JiiKii M^SSw >To»mh». iff
SriMlfNaU^M?MW fW «n W
Oiad laC
TT toMta
atltBlkHi fur Ibo .__.____jaMo of
ac people <d tbe eliy <
•k. a— ------------- - vlll
■Ittad to tbe Oaorpo Bllbd, D I). paettv .d a Urao E?NJ*e^ ......
llaad. II vlD
abort tine. IMhodl.1 l^^i^he."^
be la d<«daJi« torn
B’bea 11 vlll M lubaltled1 |o Iba varioui lorleilei and
neettv «IU
Hilae • 1 prrarh a
.AM Ibe,
toaaa't Rtapacl OW f
pan epua ll.
•K»«riul ato-ii youth laili to
It UBaatmUy Is ■u<v4lnB T,io«lay eiaolv. and WV 1
iiomIB) iiiotslBB vlll plre bit praal Sd' unmr nvoeri fur old ase. but
laed^ta’ ultte
■rtliutloti at propoaed
I to varr ell
1-arior L*»pa at Tb„
old ae Djapeials
pie, aad tbMv vUI probalibir be u o
by ai
a lu aay of iu
ladke. Fever. OouHIpatlou all yUld
, weilMlea.
Zbe. at Jaa. O
perfarl |pill
rUl.UMiUA Mouldwt 1t»vnl>.
' II Met
tr :>iK' bled. ZM. ai Orlpaell
•Htat Prvepacti far Oil.
Ur. i. A. Bardar baa feel raiuraa>: aw Uuiic Blare, mrtter FrtM
on a aioaib'a raeailoa. aad vbUe
r ladtov Ueltr ei
•a> be apeai four dan oo tba fToaad
aoawr ibaa atasy
I tbe Trevene tor Oil Co. la KvMbb- lb-' ptlri
d 'baaii
•ek). aad eav Ivo velU opeaad up
1lh a tana Bov of cdl
vd asKiBti iban aav tbe OapUM
Oarrr aelL which baa poared vt lA' barrtUi la M days laea AspaM
M, tba Kaeiudtr Polo-.. vaU
___ bai
mead iwt beivaM. 1.100 vdd l,40t
WmU Tbli vail ll tealad1 vltbla
i>e Tnt
I Oa'i btada
___jr lan that fro* bU polai
td rh-v Iba loeal paMa all hs*a a
■ood iblv la tba propartr that Ibay
_____ Vary III.
CIb Mapidi. Hleb. Nor. lb.—J. J. Bva ibara. vd be U >cr> naeb
Mridaibirn. the oUaM Itelai aeOiar pleated wlib tba oollook
of M8i BapMa. aad cate td the ewllaM
early PUaaar Dead.
pioaaan at tba Otaad Trararaa taglEB.
buaaa Culler, use «d Iba oU
aal ptooeura cd Tiarena Cliy. dUd
e Oraad Traraiva rafkfa la lUP, Timdar niatal, aped Tl yean. Tba fuevlllaf the Bret alkk of llMbar os tbe aetal sill take place Baaday aftae
BTMtalunfNartbpoM. Ha vaat to
»k dUpMe Ml lUL vbere ha cU- Iba «ni iMaidtv hooae
far the uoe A. B. Wpdemmb. He li “bln' OaiiSr Wa*
llrad IP Trararaa
Ttae pnaUeel <d tbe (Hd touten' ai................ ..............J. tbe lau TbOBMi
ipialUa for Aatriai aoealr
Oallar. mna bare vUb the oibeM vho
anIradiBlUI. Un. Outlar cawa Iba
Hra. CwabM MItabMl Dtad.'
Hn. OaBHae HlWbell. vUa of the foUavlw pear, aad topatber they
iMdIu torber of Bk BaHda. Bled • - .jmla^^^.^ the oU Oatlar
raeurdar at that plan si tbe aie
cd n rmn. at mtUaimit. Her mUm Mlbe mar of Froai asd Hate
tba etOM e< H WUaeaa vmi Mbba B. Abdereoa. aad abe atom •VvbeM
ataada- ThU vaa the Bnt
MM frea Mvatoa la llbt. bal
aauad la *arrla«e aborUr after .
HiiasSr* Utf OoTboardiptoiir
Hr. Hiutoa- Bbe taarsi two ebOdiva
- bMtbar at Bk BapMa sad bbh____ rateUTW la BvaBaa. Boib Mr.
aad Mm. MtobeM vara rwr hmIMM la Bk^SSaaBd ua vail toava
, aad Mrs. W. T. WoodhooM
___ yary pleaaaatly aurptlaad UoaBay avvalw by naaiben of tbe coa■Npaite « the topUM ebnto. la
_____________________vaddiv aa-
le IMeeded-^^
lust as much now and will feel just as vomfortableasin Jamiar)'- Don't wait for Zero weather be
fore >’Ou buy your warm Bhoea: your feet will aupreciate them iheae cold mominifa and you will br so much
wear aheatlWOUEN-5 FELT and Itever
Short, vant. lineil. Kell tolor,
alio kaibrr toUi and hrrb.
TSCy 87c, 98c
Beaver Shoe*, lace and batlon,
vann lined.
warn lined, toe kid vainpi.
MrU> itopea. cMir
WMa Came TraabU.
Tbe Bn iSm tmm m ool af or- tUH. un a Baa sat of vWta dUhaa.
Ber Tbaadar. bto ObM topale. vltb hMb a dlaaar aad a laa atfi thraa
all Ml MM. Wtot MM cf Iba B^da
Julieuaa. «»y pretty.
ate apaai.aai. tlM la vtUkte
and Braver.
Uett aad moM
• $'.50lfl$2.S0
K. W. Barm
.. SaTiteBu__
•eada ripbt atea rwtardar.
Mm ■
and Beaver,
60c to $1.25
Keh with Kelt tolea
Mted a Triedricb
• •
It to Bar.
•I vat la
Ml far Ftea.
t. vbo bat bMU ta
__ ____
A Ht tos bsto MBigad
aad Antbv *■ Fe
TMoe Fetartyt
m- to
to tba pMl It yam a( vbte it
Letter ta Mr. H.
Tcaveria Oltr.
Dear BIT A food at
M roar b<wae » *h*
sen tea yaati. Wa v
__________ will do.
yoB to aalal It. aad tbta
act paiai
Btola to lea yean—oatea H M>. ..
top tbat vH be hard b. ------ rarr Mva la tba
r vara baabtop en iba tom to
k WBbsto vbtn tba raatoB-VW
a. Mato toW btoMM toat^
__ Jtu. A U« Bar't vuck H aouMand crBtoartly at «a btobiU. aad
batb H tad SB bvtbtfa tbm St U>t°^*HM pertto a coat at
____ tbnl apsM. OMtotbahMtan
vat antortop (mb btedlap baato "A'iSte^Tto cU te fawitead
* -* - be Balibed, aad tbe oftoB to MM ibraa yevt; It U a Bond om
_____ bad me bdWIy cvetoa tonto
bare I
It to tbaa
they vbm la pan •rabtf^aadU
the .Wttar vbsa '
for purity, strength end color, is
Hannah b Lay Co’s ■IBEST" flour,
manufactured from Michigan wheat
and eyory pound guaranteed
waamm la Me new wtora. Be at-
-If fm have aay taalt to Bad vrUb
•aatoaboat tt.^^^aatoatte blia to to vbat ta
Om-tblrd Off!
SI6.00 SUITS. SlO.Olf
$20.00 SUITS. $ 13 33
$26,00 SUITS, $ 1S.S7
$30.00 SUITS. $20.00
$65.00 SUITS, $ 23.33
$60.00\8UITS. $33.33
4-4-4-a, 4-■*•4.4--i■*■*■■*• 4 4->■**■•* 4-
\CI)e Dining Doom
On thanksgiving
JliB Slandanlw
tvte at tea. It atoi—
tototo U. A. B
aM vto «HtoBto
THINK-wbai that means to you. wise and economical buyers, birictly high grade suits from tbe best makers to America. A splendid usortment, full line of sices—right in the middle of the season comes
this remarkable offer. Suits ranging in price from $16 to $50. every
one priced at—
^ Cb/|h JidiA Wi ^ necessary an article as you hkve in .the dinmg'rooii.
s/f ^lQ% OvOra There are m many placet to put things and so many
thing> find their way to the different drawers and shelves. You can buy anyfini^
of wood you want to harmonize with your-furetshingc. The price* are from $I6 to $48
A blNINC. T.ABU-: isuted asoften as any article and it should be ^ presentaUe. Styles some times change, bnt tbe uses don't. A thousand
year you gather around it. The 1 HOURAKDTH should date from Thanksgiv
ing. Ha*'e you seen our new t^les? We should be pleased to ^ow them at
any time. Wees areirom $7$0 to $26XA.
to H. U OhMt.
T%e Bwm vaea vary
A iarpe aaaber to f-*—
itaebad apen tba i
6tM nmWM Om*C|M l#«
OfttlBst Prttf.
Should be the best furnished room in tbe house, and it can be done very^easily—if
you buy your fumilure here. No feore fitting umt to %upfiy tbe needed anicles.
We want to show >’oti what splendid Uiaing Room Furniture we have, and the
remarkable prices that they are sold lor. We alsrayt consider the quality qu«tion first.
................iTr '
-- fltead tetvaab.
Without any doubt, is fhc mua serv
iceable t!.vrmeni ever designed for wnman'-n
There is none to compete its sway; it is
»L>en (o-<|bv in all pans of the civiliml worid.
and wherever and whenever worn, its wearer
is at once noi^ for her trim and attractive apjMiaranirf. It vives its wearer a "set-up'' such
as no mher style can. It does not readily lose thape. nor does ii 'suf
fer by comparison with its siirroundiiiirWithin certain limits it is available for wear under almiMt any
circumstanrv. and il's appro|vriatenhss i> seldom or never questioned.^
Can that assertiun lie made of any other garment worn by .civi
lized woman r
treading rity retailers are selling more suits than ever, in fact,
they are far nut-classing the winter coal in amount of sales. Our
sales too. ill fact are far ahead of any previous year, and we are to
Have the biggest kind of a Thanksgiving Sale.
Smlltor or Oood SHo**
aad bM
bat aaSMBd
laiiwl M___
all saMtr. bat W
baea ctoBaad to ble hto mli
two veaka. Ptetaatd vaa
Tbe toUrfrtM Onaefr. at tbe ear- af BBA aad baa llMd U ibU
~^Mlst bU vita, ato datehte. Hlat
-•to Baraa. larrlea hto. ^ fnaral
•WPte vtu be baU totaemnr aliw
aam at Z:M trots tbf tMHtan. aad
Wam Shoei,
40c, 48c
»m4 CMMm
Beaver Shoet, leather nupa,
cap loet, aleodet cul. neat ^lie,
fut liiwd, f«ly
Iheaaa have ban la ihU etty faar
tbe (aeuvte vere BHIBad lo la|.
6Mff M#
__ ________ 4 IbsaBM tbat be
ww la aeartawaaplHlM. Hepawal CMorb la tbe eraal^ treat to tbe
bene of Hr. aad Him. Woodbouee vd
- Id Ip aavacwaited.
K earprtae vat raa coau
nowrar. la a fpv aUautet they rw»..Aarrtad. Tba raaetal vai bald aivd aad pave all a nval vsioone.
The ervlv vaa ptenatly iptat Ip
reMotdar aftaraeaa at 4
ataplu aad rltlUv. aad all daparted
at a late hoar, after bartap a Terr e«
Tto LsStt
Title ra part la maaa up o« WaPna
■aypf aaobrma.
r a railroad vnek ato ibe aane
m ere BekUp haMaa vrecti td
ran froai Throei asd l.uar iruuMm. tot itacr- tto adrvi .d Iv.
KlapV Kav Divoteo for (\«.u»p
lioa. Cutpba aed OmMi. etra ibe
verei eaaei jan to esMi. ud hopeUse mlpasllMi I. ts. Wnper aanaeary Ura. Isdi Ctav of Dwebeeier,
Uasi. >e .«ne Of eiaa) vboee life vaa
,ved b) IV Ktaa* N'e* DUrotarr
ite sreai renedy U iviaatpaa for
1 Thrvl Md u>v dlarae*. b> Jv
ioba-cie aa.1 f H. Meade. Urar
•u ITie. !«ir aart I)
TrUl lol-
to aB ctoon inetodiif Uacfc aad vhbe
l. E. Wtoi* to Son
Hava Mid tbeta to yam They aiatg food ai ever,
totoPtodtte Btef tote toM pubto tod toB,
should be tbe comfortable kind—the high back, backresting kind—you can dioose from the cane bottom, the
fanc>- wood seatv|the solid oak. or the box seat, many entirely new patterns we have
placed on sale. They are the best that expert workmen can produce, and yet our
prices are most reasonable. Prices are from $6A) to $4f>—for a set of six chairs. We
have a wood seat, four s|wdk back ebair, »x nil cost you $3.00.
A CHINA CLOSET is surely needed to display >-our pretty china and then to
keep it from harm. So many daiaty pieces might get broken and ><ou would re-'
gret not having a china closet. Some new ones just unpacked, and the> are
beauties. Supfwse you stop in and see them,
nftodto Otogafr next to a china closet you surely ought to have a (date r^;
such a nice way of showing your beautiful china, and thej'gre
such an ornament to -thc^ining room. Or even a larger one will hardly hold all
vour china, so we have s«<ef^ style* to«dect from, or have two alike. if>oo#o
choose. Thej cost $1.10. $1 Jtt. $2J0. $t«6. $S$5 and $6.85.
ASET OF DISHES you have wanted for a long time; why not get them for
Thknkagiv'Ingi You would have use o| neatly all of sudi a set. Got soow
that always are seOers:
.$14 and flfiJKL Those sets forffg^in Woe or green—are ^ilepdid values. Take a tittle lime to see these new
goods. They waipktoBC you
Grand Traverse Region,
• vuk kit
**tUa« tMA Houdah Md
HMto «l Ollhi Ple^ *h«it
«•'» lb* UeLMB bwM M K«i I
Hkmrt Ufc». m Tr«v«^ CKy) . 5y**.5ygi!!
kec« M a aooa dt
c rat. BBd *«BC
Ownsrl) bmmih M ibMpA
,U««h Kt^f it tk^-
&t™ibd!w* lo onto I
lar to«i
Hillard Bran to.worUag lor
'toira «o Hr. aad Hr*. Prod Howard
*ih. a bo)
The rhtok** pto >uctol at Tbaodon
HatilBO of Tr»»^ Ct«r LaaeiB)'* Toeadar ereolas. Nov. 10
WuUb at tmiak I*
wa* to low BOM dar la»i week toobmrwif
.naadad hr old «
tov dar* vHb hU paraou.
bad <
ST3 Un. Vutma. - Od.
Id il»* Over *av*Btf-l*o par
anm Tomaklt has » ma* Kim
bU bad .app«
«■. Ca bad a *
«d whiririMdr
ralMd which weat
B5!?*BI*Half fall In* a IOBd_of
b,41r. b« knmktat
aad Hr*.*
‘^rioeh^a£*Sr.ioppad iba oon
•hoddar, aad
--------------- —Mm «U sa*.
hi* bOarlaa.
H. P. OUddaa aad h
MA (or (b* pppar paataisla
B be paae a***ral
dajr. Tbej- _
lookiu lead aad ullauilac
to maaj
nriwimt oe account of Iba .
li^T^ bto wife. UI Eldar Ha.
$trt a Cara.
ir araalbf. A ‘ Hra. Mar Halihewi
Wortbport to
,. van pcpaaot.
totUBd b*r
«hc ^
cd Id TibPaia*
weal lo Bapid
Ml a (a* dan luVar. V. P-. {mb'wiok
•hroacb Nlnnlar last Pndar a
IB) 10 BaiioSi Bar.
Uiile Harold Craiacr li
Mita Am WaidMaa.
iBrteld PrldB}- ev**la«
Oaear Vauar and Oaorpa Paiaam
Hnnad Batiirdar avaatak fit* Han
•loBa where tbey hare baea oca^iai
a Iba raintMid.
Hr*. Praak daaall. wbo has ttpea
liHiiC retoilrr* aad frtoeds for sobm
Uor. relumed 'u bar bone la Ttbt
CItl 8*lurday a.
Heajaiatn Ur bb> .
uu*e on Btair •treei. owBOd by A
. Tburstui. and ba* moved bis fan
'y laiu IL
Ul*i DabI HanlBOld to a*<
I. Haaburper-* rore.
Unto HartoB Oarto to III
Hr. and
Hra. Wtaehcomb i|toni
laaday la KianiayHrs. Thoopioa of UtyBeld to call
vp OB Urt. I'lail Baraum lod*).
A plaaslod promm wb* readered
t Ibe HaplIU YouBf People'* BBl(
itt eienlai- The *ub>act wat "Teia•nocr." and Ban Curdy saaa a >ok>
Wbem l« My Waadartaf
^a?f..rd'bal''a»otl>"r Picot marbei
nil Baaford bull! a new bulldlBtaat
ftFiiisI bit msrhai tott #eak.
W.il.*d people are £“‘'a«.
*Tu^M!l^*LaafWr'ol Uka Clir
,r ihe saw railroad
Tba cblad aa
A“"** Kin **r* la Tn«««* lulbn alaiar. Uni Uaclar. hare laai
ilBiar wai la Wexford laal weak, a*
^nac ibato the road wooM M tbm
LaBar doaa lo iba oppo
Hr. ooddart-* people are tetoUM
aaala lodar M a bunite «rtp.
“S/'TliSiall. TO* ^
oirfdrZtti dar* « bortaa**. ra'*^Sl Sunda^vai la Tiavaraa Cltr
I was etoeU- ...
, ..a Pilot u: E ebnreh of Ormat
iilrfNicb ba to a paw baad ai tba
ark ba to doUtf i
eooa IB. brtoplPd iwo dear
* varr aarrow a*
'« wbeda baad tor
Hr. aad Mr*, doha Biw ci Wm'
taadar withiT: aad
the U.
thl* place PrUw «
MmM RdMUa teiCl thl* *Mfc indlaDO' v»i cItck « paep tpio
fer Chtokao (•' a* aiapded Ttali «Hh ipaibra ruusiriw. ccpccWlr Ii
nJUKM *»<1 tri«Bd»
I *hUr the craphopboiM r«d«p
MU. riMns**
imr*« In» »«J
Eu< J«rd*» rr»d*y
»bw»j UMj»« »hlc* •»» Ibe • AptU I
K«IBW -pMt *0*1«
________ au wllb hi* parmw.
HttsMOtr Slwa.
'1 m* labCB .rT«mj ah
hldbcr utnbte. I tmd all •cru c('X
■Cdlcteea. K*« e< vbkb rwlim
j I »a* 1
■nrV BtIUn and d>AfUr laklu
raltorad. aad loue tbereaner waa aaUrair ^iired. aad have aol luan a *lrh
d*r aiuv. NBlpbbon of atae bava
at BbematlMP. Nauralsl*
_____ — KWaer iroubRw aad Cao________ I 0. P.,.
ar*l Debimj-' •
:. orrMa*. Only I ]
Baaa of r
na-. and P H. 4
*%SrSiSC¥&7tactMt«rt.uir ft» L.u«:ri
Btmot burled aa lalaai child
Mr*. A. Barrow* va* Id low
ya ibay abto lo aara ibai
limb. Ha BBt It cMwbt i
la aavi wblto oUac nom p
maUiHfT « am Vpito C
ure aad Haadiu taetory.
[’to- K* Cook of ■a baeB mplarad (ar yaar*
Alplwu* Bameey. I* •enoaiiy m. u
Purdy ^ We^
«2Sfi «
mcMc oa 10 II
T-?T« ihi
Ime la lb*
Mi>. Aaaa OrawCord
’ o'aa'ISSlJ matiBB «... b.Jd *t the
to rlalitni Hr«.tod at ibalr bom rary wdda^^
JobB PmI at ara
Pnday of otaal piwlagliia. 1 Tbursday avaaHra. BaUlma ai
U* cm bad 001/ bam atek tb
laa with Hr*. WII------M oMba mA Bad bar aad ..
Hr. KtaMk of Hwtoiaa r~wt
^*Tkt mtv friaod. of
lova OB PrtdBy IBM.
J. Bartley'*
P. H
.,r .s.”
. . ................. P*IB IB
arc very (imoatbeBlac.
irenied by phy»icUn».
cr kidney romedte*. aad
- - •*e when they bare hroujAt
be dotrad leanlu. Mlautnf panlcnr
an I will be pleased
to f1w«
»d) calllai on me pcrimally. not out
f Idle curloeUy. but If bEe iwally auf>r« from h»r kldncyi-aad wtohe. lo
cmphiy ■<■
Ki lUitala
railed **
tor sale by all dnalcr*
Prln- M
venis. Fb■■e^Ullbu^) Ou.. nuOalo. N.
V.. *»l« aacat* for the (’nliod Blste*
Heammbcr lb.- aa»c-nnan**-aiid
ukc no oiber^______________
• I owe my whole life to Burdock
at Wait Al-
I lind any ihiiiK you want fur your hornet; Uige t-arie*
i tlif prices you want to tiay. Our long experience in
tics 'O selcci from, so yon
thi* business hns taui>bi ii , insi wlial to buy anil w hen to buy it. BuyinR for three large stores enable* ut to get
liottom prices.
Alargc Uncol ViCUi.t
foi \ll ycatv U|> Irooi.............. ..
___ Stg-
Avery to-atok. wllb (be amrlat
Stoves and Steel
. Ranges
Fliti, lost like VesDs, only hat no ikitt bate or wkkel fcoi raOx $4.$$
Oor $40 QUICK Mt:/,!. .«««c
Our pticT only...........-
A Ur^ line of all kind* oi
Cook Stoves.
.K iBTSe line n( coH (faok Stove,
Na I
heavy duplex grate,
eithcT a-vrod or coil, **h
pan. t_*crcw dratliin Boat,
heavy *kirt l>*ie, the very
bcH sndiBofl durable trove.
mado.oi.lr.......................$86 76
« 10 be a camloR
n akpoail cat)’ the *io*H
CTL'tiirsfK: Hrsi Pathmal Bank
Wto a aemhar fiem ha
I BiHartoPop*
n OeoMa Hat noaUi
Hr*. Bom* Ptobar »sd imir mm Urn* waa bad by an.
Sf 5?K."SJr=f',S»‘
a beiutiful towid better, l>at ask pas.
draw thaket gnie. larpe (red door,
large aib pan door, nickel screw dmtt.
d aft 00 a«h pan door and oo iced door,
DKkd name pUtc. nickel Hoel lop
band, besaiiful urn, win burn eithm
wood or coal. Id buying the way I did
l^m able to mike prices that onooi
be daplicued.
eolo«.«1)-., ........... M.7»
lOiixe lor..:....................ti.76
li siie for ................
14 for................................. 10.76
16 for................................l«75 .
18 for........... *"i......... U.7.S 1
Then 1 have two other u'ylea ofosk Moves tluft are
no better stoves only more elsborstely nickeled. ( I
them at theumc cut Brice* as the others.)
They are the most beautiful and elaborate nickeled
round «ocm on the market. They raage to Dftoe.
up front ...
... .................. 8.7E
A btotifol bed, just like < ut.
M«riv 6 ft high, with iolt
of leroll work,Bayou*, tn
Our nest bed i*
(very laige Hove. wiD boro aoyihiag y
Iron Beds
not of tl per mob.
at price* that you positively emmot doplwaie far km Ibas W pm e
One of the be«t Steel Cook*
. made, jb«i like nji, U’|e
oven. $0 inebe* w-de, oven
Be*, to
Hr*. HDUr. ^ atf Her. UOm.
am. was
eoUpd to Oiwad UdB ‘ ybytbe
Utacoi of her otoler.
" Y. P. ■
A large assortment of round atoves
A *teci cook sto-e it the cheap*
cu «ove io the k>v|t ’»n, **
' it will la l longer, give belU«
Bali*r*ciKm, aod mllaace the
price ii itscir in faeL
Next tise wtU burn $4 iwch diunkt far^
' Some ekceplicau'W bt vbIbcb
i. Medma a»d Hgfa O.rnrte
'As ObarMvaii cm bar trip i_____
UH TmdBy bMbt law m Wrroto of
Venus. j«l Ilk* cur, only...............................I-........................................;...$$.«
AvmyU'kcAbJ toiiip:. :e loc
A red oWnwi bavlac. a wl
bw HMy bam ma V eat
tost Toeadoy.
mrMdfbbor*. We tbiak It a
Has (roakrfMlarr.
m “ M Hie. U Hmrlt of Beiplr*
at tba
____ hern fooierday ollar Hra. Hw- tonic
iHb unto atotar.-wbo had bm
la Tiarwm ■»• at Hr. Ptobor'a (or tbs tost
.4 76
make* *« WN. ran finJ juvl
wh»t vou w»nv
Hnl^ifuacy of TtatecM- City
tlaa IMV BOB ibl* week.
Hr. abd Uia. TK» were del
tto*. A.«. p*v w OBIM <a BH
Twnol the hrn H KA TIMM'OVLs
’ net n^e I or aninlK-’c a r j r. the
tnonev.'lh.- I>«fi i*
'iroi. tf.cri Mrel.'
lull, iine.1. has Irca.v ■••■1
be* v
• CBW hmgeranet. he*, i rj.i l.ii|,-c <W
ctrnfl. The Vcmjhlm ftfclty *bin have,
Dickie font niK^H lake a rlmnk SU to.
lo^ will keep lire 4b Louit, a i-ewctM
use gBainaieed in warm a
roomlS ft. *i|ui
lire with ihicc *maQ Micks
He nave told
ihciD far IS >c*r* niul haiv oever imia cornplaim.
«'c cany an exceptmoal'y lar|e
B*»ortTnrn of #our differoBi
evtr. iBstrad of liaai
hevou. tbe IIU.IOK1 ral
aaly * l>n<H-ii i>( kr»v*.
te he vBllfd ■ •ktiii* wt
wUr s ‘Rnr-* Viltlew."
Htaor Parraai of Otoe Hana epAat
aaday vUb H Paaaat aad wife.
Hr aad Hra. BUImaa and Bmer
re beer hunUsc la .the oppep peula.
They rroaaed..^bc toke I
The VKM S. on'.x
They rxnue > k»''
ihaltoihrQl’ti K MKAI,
((hcWl <j( all »'cd rvr'gcv
L-b'-that II >ra> orltjli-BlIy -khkc
WartwB of Lait- whlew.' (hat tv wIdBW l>y piiin- .;r
___ hM eharpe of the service sod
ntoiy. tilbra* aay It derlvi*
taacd to a erowded booaa. The aoaohl Ihtsllsb MMou of a <u*i.'a
mniioa iBve very liberally. eteariBC
be ebunb debt of all but Uty d<BHta.
Hr. aad Hr*. Jobs Hotoa b
Wbva Ibe thine wa» <toaic ilic is
Tbe FLIRT, onl,.
,«• 76
*hJ.^ fi?Tcw!»r!rLaka AM
iM aad Hr
.AIuUi-ailo*.Urf Heating Stovea boofhl
at o«ef $6 jicr ccot. Im thvn rctutor pncoo.
licblaet* of the akfa. borvlble
Hoel everybody afilciod tn
way or aaotber. Only one safe.
>r talUot core. Da*a'> OlaimeaL
iBV drua store, to rea'*
Rev. M
Wlardbp OBd Busday with Ur.
Vn. Tie*. Bbe oaaw ever to «tlead
dediwttos servlee.
ktUBded ebmh at tba chapel BuTbs ettUeae of (bis place tbouM
•« loaetber aad erect eom klad at
t Hll ead take care of aU tbs -Im?Smv wa to mp H
■ who trsQaeat oar streeu. la*
-------- heavily aad pay tor tbetr tua
Wlhly. We have tbe riebt oSeep
hero wbo are ready to obey tbe pe»
pie U>i them ipeek.
. waHm am Hra. Jdbaam
Id 10______
Tbe Katihl Templar* aad
_________________ vlU bare mailad
rraveree Cliy cam out by apaelal
la (boir cBarcb BaUPdar aad Baaday rala Batarday evwlai aad lorprtoed
Hr. aad Hr*, t. BolUvaa. The erw-
SSt? i^SS’ toff* 'X’l
Sa'pour Ttibl'*
A l*'se line li> vclccl from,
A l)caot fulc*lcn»i'>t> li!>'c
juvi Ilk* <ui, 4S iu. M| . .
n <■ a V y I m, limutilul
;4-M.'»in*, li'ivy I'lnelv
■tclwrcn !<(!<. luskincs
very MRinti ri«ii1 t»bto,
$7). (nr onli $».T6
ny their owti leave*. i[tmrju\lcc>l
■BySSjjS^mactat M iff
W tom at aabaal wbtok baa b
N. E. STRONG. Mngr.
livt-ryihiny in kinall hiNirumentu. Sheet Music, etc.
Four Large Floors
Pill, are an exeeltoal remedy fo
leeed or orer.eiclted kldacy*.
uuHiMi* raw
W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St
rvrn yrar Tlu-nou J» on lb .ih uUte lBi-nwW.1 null at «n*lu liu.i-- -i
Ibe day ilir tbuivu«bf«re»«i.l.-b *o>.l.'
How much wu owe (o the synpa.
Lirsllv bv acln-lcd fur Wslkll.g I )
ho-to aide of wroBumUBdr^YieB olh
1 yuini to and Irotu I-ik u.*' oic
•r« soSct ibey cheerfully toad a belpftill fur cuffifurt
•K band. They lell you the mean*
vhtoh brvnicbt reltof lo ibem lb»t you
n*y proBt by their uiperlenoe. Read
bo u-*tltBony clvcu bore l>y a >
me Ciiy woman.
Ur. Kidder I
^tol’otoa of Ipdtoii* ba* earn " B. OwU.
mpad tba wlaiar wtib bw brotbpr
m V. WlUabaa atimded .tba Bi
•boM omrpBM Bt Ibe Otmt
-------- nowe HH^Cirday.
A «0--
I '
II * Ju»l B*
_ (CDd
. - for. .
yaptloov BSd
Bealdt. BkU Sraptioo.
Joharon'i n&d
Mend* Drag Store*
l cb s
treil my body. I Mteiaed beypod cure
rbbb a Hrie troard aaaembted
B. n a ha* made me a perfectly tre.
lay Ibalr lau i««aeu.
woio«n ' Mr*. Char. Hutlim. Bert Ule
Praab Pbtmi aad Hto* LMt Ad
Hra Bmr Bowaca baa lau »
am «m oauad la mtnUs* Oat. tl. maMj^OBlMd thara by Ibe deaik
Tba ponu apopla ar* PMktaf tbato
Bam wS iha graoBi'* paioaia. Hr. *Aemdiliao that Hr. PMMaaitoa ray* ba yamnberad for bar deed* of
-bold neOBMity. Of- Tb
loviBB kiBdm sad help to the tick,
•ad Hra. Jot Papmoi.
Heat* born*.
lad euCertBt for mile* arouad her Beluctrie
KHw throat
adsof aay iorti
tome In ihoae early day*. They have
wTw aa^at'*l?Mi!hn*S
:er talU.
ip. catarrh, aaibi
be lympBtby of all la tbetr aBleilca
•#■1 « Iba eraafe. rtoMHf «Hh ralabm Umbam ba* hired oat to Hi
he lluto folk* love- Dr. Waxxl'a Nor
, Mim «Bd moved near (be mill
aStoOMkHraalu of Tvaroiw CIO
, Pipe Byrop. Pleaiaat to take
A mwbBr from bore have acia
■tofc M tMimlUBS.
, leer boaUw. WlUto Barney aad Hr
Hra OBI BmaHt
pd r. Hani* hate aotie to Kal
you run no risk, as every instrument is fully guar
anteed by a* RELIABLE Compkny—the largest
manufacturing concern of its kind in the world.
A ReaawBy Btoycie
TvwmloBted wltb «u ««!> cm «n 'I
■C lb J. B. Omcr. FTBBkUa Urovc. 1
\ abort-i- -
Wby pay the middleman's profit when you can
buy your Piano or Organ direct from the factory
at factory prices right here at home? When you
(br hick
( have t
bavu D*e<
Uax Itayc. •l•l•l;•1r of tbr Ab.rr|.
ui I'ntoraikNi ..I U*lwr lo ibr BrUtoh Trade Catoo cuasrma. a .
B trom EoftoBd, Ibtt ~tba Aomt '
WMbbWBieB arc better paid. « '
abartrr bom (b« work baiden i
b*>e « fcuenilly Ul*ber viaudsnl of
lIVtIK lUo Ibr KmvHicBb*" II ■'
the Ibrer *'evl» l« l-areotti *U »b»
found the e*|ilai>.>!loa of Uh' .VuhiI
worklDfoieti v bUfaaw vapc*. Il l>
raaw lUy uo.k birder ■nd U-tier.
rv' pnhl
tbst they iwru iii»rr aad are
p '' uiurc
than Ibe worklutfuieo of Ear.4>-----,
Looliylile ^oiirlee JoarwBl.
ml) nta
"ltolS*J*70UM paetda at ibto piaea
An wits iaige k
<ral. irmil* ro the «>•
• • •
Oor next is a l<ei
white and g I't s>«
gik or Wee aad gih; far
only, .-worth $4 6e-fS.M
So CD lieht
A condi ravered with PU $H irilmg far .
•" ‘
A complete hoe at
i the Namaa iombm.
Jr. aW Him. Barrlde*
aw daagbtm of Huptre v
Baa Biwibartea-s yastardoy.^
“^KissrK— KmSooblmfft humbled with a 1
?lCiSUr3'£'2SJrJ3: 5ryis,t;b*r<ssry:s
rtff*S*HtoB Uwlla «maay*t»^SSa
err V. HBlib at Bapid (My, at m
wauie. TrylL
•MmS^Nor loS *
Hr- aad Hr*. Oarto* Bacblay of
KT^'Tr.TKrs;!: U^WkMieMvr*** *
Mr. md Hia. daba Wood tara caM*
oatjw Iba mwlMe at ibHr damb-
r a Utree ;
Lslles* bests.
Mi Tip taU.
......... .
MlH Oram tMww iwiatwad <0 hm j
■HP at WnitbUitan Wadaoemy. ]
"ifftii **in^rifiriifir^-**
Sectioasl Bi«k Cssa.
aaMUlim KtSk ClMS
Bt IBeL^MMccs.
Tobn C. Beadle
1*7 <ad IPO Bear BWcal-OpstMi*.
We can Save You a Lot of Money
Wmmwmm m* Trmmmrmm OtWy,
Reliableliome FumkihlrJ
Wmmt^rn me*«l
-1 tbit MUtar 6mm ploea.
-WIU aU duo roapaei to tb* alM<
t pontiMt of tbh taaraeiar." be ta
i *«at to Mr la Umm that ibMr pi
UcM art Mota dal of pMe* vboa addrtMid lo tbit ooMt. at otollor pollUoot voBid b*........................
1 of tb* uaiud suiM I
p»oM W U« V«T MIom.
■ liflMlfUT* W. W.^KI
SmU OUOUM kH Muoite
IMtoa niMtlki Ik* •ft*M(l
mmgun — wmmm, IllMKoIikM
«ibM S40 feiMa. ws It to wMiu
Ai^lUrFMM toMPMMS Slot* SS5.
ArOTaeSLArr Malta mmM
mnmmmmtm mm OMt *r tH«
«iM ctiOTvciuhrr MMta FOM
Em IMinilin-lt <M mMMUt U.
»M»artaMMa« aMtntfcar mmm
lM»a tM toU fhM I
* hie tair.
*aiO to SB5.
rtly iitaiy hat rtaUbed. ntta
^ caa
^*B up Bcalaat
e Tm Bava Alwaya Bo«cht* Mod vhMi iMa haaa
« tor ATM SO yeara. han har*A the nltwrtMW «f
e and baa bera awdr ander kb
iMMlatMiernakM atare tUtatoMV.
Alkiw BO aoa todereli-e )Mi lo thto
AU CAWBtertoltB, iMltattoaa aad JiMiteHrwMt*' are bat
BsperlMCMta that trUto vttb aad fMdaaaer tbe iMaHh oT
latoaU and CUDdi«M-ltxheri«<>ro a^liKi KtperlaMBh
lu aotaoM aM a areal Majorilr
mmWIcbw are lor K. aM (taa* r*aaa «ta do mat beileira la It vlU
Vtt MMd M bl«k u 3t pw «Wt
MM* 1*UU*M. tat vlll amaa*
Ur ctat. Tta Uib Miarted oM
«tu ta ni MOM.
H aellber OfIbm, Mor|tbinr itor-olber Narretle
Tta roi la wa«M It mo nrprtao _
**. Ita ace la Ita cuaraul«M?. It deMrvy* Warma
iMat M toot* «Hh MdtaUial eg«dl- aoa hat taaonaard (b* uajt aad
MM. ~-------’ aaikociUM "—
ays Feyetlabaeaa. Il rurea Dlarrhcra tunt Wiad
B the Dtar foiare la • on. nanii «
aw) natalcMcy. It a
aar M Ofelo. ^«aar at________
HeOall el MaatatautMta. Babeota of
y (bin ihp flrti t
Bird* Fl«ck M Tbit Church.
WlteoMlB. Haieair of Calironla. Hill
Ibe Ohildf«a*a Pawawa-Tlia Motkcrb Prtead.
Hrotatily tbe nvl popuhr etarta
m$ Car Wrlh*.
Itb OM riati ta life in iU^ York
Wataoa of ladMaa. Cortlt of »
OkiaaMi. Kof. M.-Tta «M
I aad raaptarri**.
Ibe Little nurrb Amuod ibe rareer.
SI dWeraal Mr«*t rallvar* it
berrlet are
vary ^leotlfal aad is
r PlfUi
- *Mi m airik* tliU Moraiaa. Atar»
Ita b«lna boivbi ^ Ibeboiler*.' aren
indrvdt ta tparmn't ht»«
MU, ilitataadi at vatUat ,r Bbub tbs Sifnstnrs of
In Ibe aniund*. Tbe Queer
aaOMl u> *ofk. rtiit oiboci lota
(ailarv III tta^Ewabaai
tta I
dl*trlct.**Sy ||^ye Jhureb iltelf. nilh '• '
the regelabir eropi
were hardly Up aad Uoy *1
I avi-raae.
^ „
bau>e u ta a
PooellarWoll BlMtr*.
Purtber ertdeace* ta Ibe ooreatrld hulldloa
ite. Ilul tbe
iianta dMtelbM ^ tb
•d tbe bird! to
d Btad by HoMtrlaa ta
kaM da>. aad Baaml mlmoTirtmimtke no torb iBl<i*k< * Ihlt. eu they
hat be.« aatbered at Oedvartb. star
*^S^iralM otorr toat out «d IM
WMdtor. and Hpe itnvbarTM* nt buii'~ lo mvrly eiery ire
aborUr altar • o’elota. Ttay _
Klaanelere. ilanit. and Tariont pant aririBd'. Nui only Ibeee, I
ta INvoMblre.
tafa.T |>roBililet tale and <
. itloa-rn>M ibt apot U>e luUooi
of lb* m
lUilllred b> Ibe eparrove for ........ ..
of Iba aapttlMtsi. whieb vat lata eamel* Have *
at. iMtr a
n0bt-: purpo»». Tb.- vtale selgbborbcnd
rad vKb a aheap'* tain lb* veoir
lb DM alib Ibe euuncl ta their rblrp
up. la lb* eeair* of lb* tUa a
. .irly eraty aalMal hat
(leuB nrly Morelni: until dark.
I laid rmrl’a *a <raa plaeed. aad fiyl* M dabtlac ta IM ova.
ov aad ita Th.-lr antic* are frequntly vatcbed
StaMMa. Oibtr rialtae* eammai wrerad viib a r*eeailr*iuHB*l*d no- bvermce Baa lakoa a kaea
t >• by Ibe poaaertay, vtaai they eolerula
ifmirmu saw* ta tta Mtf•airblas an mbibitloa ta lbe*e peII tbe atnnlt bird* are oapabM
tnalBs <d a dry. vladleaB day. aad
n figbilu lo ne«i bnlMInc
vb*B lb* BTDBad It Quit* dry. Oo
«M( Call a Malt.
eorloua. Tbe
Iba foUovlat Moratac. aUaoat iMMOd
ire a Mir ta 11 Mb tar book
Watatej^ War, u.-^ i^tt taialy
afier laartaa. the raaotl la
Per RunarMy Her**a
iboa* ta a
lumare afe tald lo be capable
Mend, ir lb* *« and the tala art
effttalre vay to prereni bnne* of .le.elupiBB
It eitroMely
•IBB Ui-Oon burre power o(
Conrad vltb d*«, li U pnnf of lb* .............
bat been paieuied by ultllt.-.l
Kuovlaa. boureter. that
p amper aa> eo«lae. The
tayt Ibe Aoterlran la- ilelenilllc American rorliiv tbit taei
1li?ai1|Mr' draft at iba awwac* read tpei abd at no gnai dtiuh. If tb* their MOM lerrlble veapoat are uae*e*i la a fruei attack, (or. rail H Iba mior. With Ibit del leu the rider
‘'7»r *<■*/ <a tkr mptW/'—
Mmel t aapr U. Itcaabot be atmobed
three >uch fumae.'a voul
^*flaVBltad Siaiat daat aoi daalr*
parallel to tbe n-loa and a boUuvi or |>•■mplB* lack all tbi
briac Ibera lat
10 k* aaMMoaablt or MMailtai. tat vltb dev. It Meant that the vmidr VlUr eB
a atrone •tatetncnt.bat a true
but al a araaitr deplb: iaaUy, Utm-rb
try lo crip lb*
Jkp eiiriain li drawn over Ixilh eyei • • 'll.- Nlaabtm IWet I
K«aaaaiaad«naMMnBU aarba^ Mltu.
If Iba an and tba vool are alike dry.
one. TH8 esHTURY bBB led
10 tbul »ui Ibe tLchi oumpIMely. In
Tiul part ta Bi
H viii ba TtiB 10 lota lor vatar «' tafoelrt.
ibl> eoodlilon the antaial can only
AmericBit tnasaatnet for nor*
ibat panieolar tpoi. Vltrartut. It li All ’heir nralegy U lUrwtod lo Ibe Hand nnd tremble unill itie ob|eel
than thirty yean; it pubUshcB
bad alieady pnlBted out tbai m ibleet ta teltlai oae of bit Mb* be- eautlmc Ibe trlabt bat patted, when
In a rtnel U uababtd clay «r lon ib.‘ kaee aad tbu orenbrovtas tbe ruruin It Ilfiixl by rnleatlnt Ibe
articles that mmkr
taa M Maial pteMooaly oiled. H Inie blM br pretture: Ibca Ibe bOB* book eon] and the borte irt..-l. on at ta
iklmk. Btorics that entertain
Uaa* *boM Iba aeeldtai of pooMoa led at toatel and toaad Molateaad la leetb can be hroutbl to bear upea tore. Tbe curtail) It bouted In t tintll
uld prorMlM the Im- tbe ibruoi. and be It bO bolter thoa a
•tad mrt litermturt, picturea
iliy of valer. tat
There are thote vbo dMy
. rnilna
the wcrid t gramtnt HlmtbiM.
■ he blt-rlagt b»
ramel bat any aeete ai all.
trataro. Ita Uluatrationt in
pMii4 In
h Ibe reint.
__ ai>p**l to ererybod) vbo
learet or koove Ibe beatl by etporleoce.
color are .uoaurpaased. THE
Tbe tametY vay ta BabUaa It r
CENTURY it not cheap in any
vta*lta'u*di^bM aad awkBard. bul It li the oae
KadOM'a Microbe Ki.k r nlU otoy
aenae; it coau $4.00 a year,
X«t ^sr«mc!«& Uko tb* Manor
tolled II litI aotiomy.
th.- mmfre. ..i Com umjHloa. *•—
and it U worth the price. Try
Mallroad TMa Mad* ta
The Century this year, if
Iba larrailos ta a Malbar oroattlo.
. brltaln Hm Odd fruH (
fu— Her. It.-Tba bin- The yaar t»« vlll be iw
MlBBMl to take Ita plane ta tMopetn
you are not already taking it
________ of OaatMl Oraat. aowta
■ardMtra u oae of ibe MOat reatata- Soal ta aiioatke lb tallnad clreMa.
able tbay ba*a kbova.
p. W. Dmoel ta W«M Warm, Mi
la tb* fartO* tale of Mroobaat a
tbe lorrator. h'bUe oladylus
Hair VJfor lo rwiorc
IBK. b
be Maraed
ted that
' rtaTMiy MtMicht a dae otav
I ta paper Baklax.
<■ In the your frty hslr, evcr>' (>dc.
■MOMi 0* tb* Iralt nvM. tal
ere v*«-------- ------ ■ utod FoUovdii^ioni aod ii never
iMt fn
rails to do this vork. It «ops
Tie* ta otoel. iron. ■
pluMt to ta *0*0 la lb*
tbaa dttrlai Jaoe nia It 4m bad beS^tade. bol tbeee .were
tsellDO* lu all ta Ibaae. 80 b* aol
lo a h*o»y aecood er
Ue frvli b BM ao upoU
W varb and Baally bit opoe a fumala
vbMh teem to aMVtr Ibo 1
itaubtaM are aMkiM
rticb voicbt Itt pDoadA
MatberYiiMB abM *1
Boe. IDle
The Cause ef~Many
Stewd lo a yoBnlag praceot aad
-Tta iimMe ta ita ^lUag mSudflen DeaShe. •d.
talae caa------------- —............
hard Ntooxh to tata a tpUte or Uet.
tbroBBb VbMh a apita eauata be drtr-
The Kind
You Ha?ft Always Bought
In U For Over 30 Years.
The Centuiy
C.^ w
Ayer’s 3i»
"• »r?______
Hair Vigor
The Century Ca
Microbe Killer
^ ..... ..fftad od data
■ hi OMtM for barlal. I
« talp. !«• tata taa lb<
b iMMi k t»o talMoU Of
■ ?=£S£r
Mbtaita iMMlraa.IdM
■BO la the
MiaUuic *r tboplur
ta* olmith* leata
allilib«YdMtj«. II
' '
raid ta Ita B
■M abov tta
We, bate had m«m plal
.aradalia]' Bomm aad . .
aaH# a loas tlao. m it vaa to ta sapaoMd that we abouM bate vbli*
bMOlbwrl**. aad aov they are vllh
Pta BotM ibron o» Soar year*
mta grewor bM booh *dm*i
« with mUMdi. MMrtaa Uh
’x-n— ta ail wnya lo pradaL- —
rartoty of a lattatmt (ruK. aad
Tbtoa M tta boot hladt et tta 00-
West and Northwest
■mU Mod* laald* tta rrah ou ta
tM M tta baerlat baas ea tta baab%ta tpataaeir ta big elutton ta tte|
AKe tarrlM. *hM tb* garraaad-—
pprtalaf and att
It )BM at aoed at
varltay—New York,
Hwe tbaa WAM.SM pooadt ta rubber.- ralaed at
ware Im-.
d Mto tta Uali*d 8ta«M Mail
Aa abml UdliU. naMr ioc tlMUMot dw Thmt imt
LuM. I»WB ut nad Iba eartd sear ioc alvaal a oaaMy.
aar IT raau vaua Mxioovr.
■».......... ...........................................
t. a aamsta.
Mexican For Man
The LtNinENT that has taMR
the OLD STAND-BY for two
feneratkMis. Oood for
Lameneaa, 5ore Muaclea.
RheumaU«n. ddattca,
Newratsfa, CuU, Bums.
Sprain*, Brulae*.—
anytroubte of body or muecSe
wfnrtUiere'a pain and InflamWMtoto. KEBPITINRBACIL
Cure* anythinx tlurt a tood. pio*
aArattog liniment can care.
Soaksin! Step*Patat
AUaN-* Inflammation t
. Heal* Old Sore* I
Onesmall bottle of HEXICAN MIS*
TANG UNIMENT will effect a can
when a Ralkm of tbe Yratcry oooipound* 5old as liniment yvouM have ao
rcMilt. It Is money tlwawn aw^ to
buy them.
IM^tf HMMta. cuamr ta Omd YMT
Dalm IM hy .bM* ta ihe eetaM.
y-RO^M.taJ*imiita iiiiita
kaafcM. aW oa^ it «Mt with tarbltiuhaa. A atrtag od mboB aMk brba <• aeaUs demy
> ws> srwad ea as yao waaU ay- likely 10 pselpne ii
air a rood Babb. Thb waa ttw aas
tr tmly druh.
<a lbs iMini. to haU eaUaaka
Qbdym OeLoeh.
HM* Hr
fbrtdpbi briMsb s nameai
■ Ide.
UMtm loiMtkt
kf hu4. UKl
OR r«*T Mh)M 'to aMotaMr.
lid (ifUk k»«c • HUie eotowv
*kl»r loliod «Ufe tfe^ iDOd.
Oor vor of tioolkd untr rUI
u> kow a kook ooiMrod ta Iko
« •'trr iko kdddk- of tkc km <ir rot.
kilktb • <nrd lu u kiks caottck (or
Uk> U> roaek. It* oukor a Mft i
ui <r a fcalttm dolt, aad takj
rrtll plat wtik li.
Unrarr Joro of oklMrM b a
ikr rmot«Ha«aaUtlao of a food aiaar.
•ke «k^ kara aboam bar votk aot
r of aatabf a U
to aanhlBC ebr.
Bar aatMoal,'nib.tt up wail wlik a Uttb r 4d BtlUi till It I
<«B. ikaa add bcbt
hat Milk aad ball the wl
tea MlaalOA aumai all the
Umt uUI It b aoohad.
lalaat's toad which Is <
b case* of tabled towab b':
MiilBi oae doassrtsuuMfttl at alfted
Mr kiada*
sa« aad
WkUa w Uttta kajr at plar
daaik to tissaa. sad
nek. red. beaMhy kkwA
it akyoar
has a rreaky >toat or a twoUea aad
arbba oae. be sbooU drbk aU tke
be CAB relish wbsaerer
aad wkererer be eaa. bat ti shaoM
Tbs Bueceeatul WistirwA
nia\«l <hi- little OAa ftoa play.
Abd aw.-l.sl. oUh tewa dtolght.
Tbe ralu suempi. «( g^y habd<
m inbaitod: it MAT ■« WUei
WUk a somvfal lalo ta ML
4kS-aat UUad: awaaftilai tarrtbb
Aad Mather MaH look at the aeratek
Mtr baapoe lolilfltdoasBotdDao
aad ao. Haa aad voaaa caaaot baar
ThM fclao It aad aMkr U «aU
Ike algki of aaaw bambat aabM or
*. haaaaii as ohUdraa thar.
^ I hM bb Wad. aad his kaaa. aad
laid that H «Mld ban ibSB. Oaa of
hi* am.
eraataai tbla^ tMaglaihb b ta
Aad the daar UtUa gitmt haad:
tasUl lata tks Chiu's plaatk Mlad tha
Aad aha saa fatW the m
Uo lawfo of tmi. which. Uka lot.
mi 00 a aaallac. frows widar tbe caee baUkes ae to bt her a«.
sartad that aa rial laaM aabb (or
taapar wiu aas.
Bar t ana UH aWa W hltaa hb
ao urtw hot aarrat aad wwrrfac bar
bj laabilBi QB sa
Ahd hn varto tu MrBb adWl
Bar thtrs-i aarar a aiK. aor a aoraUk.
Get a Bmd to a
« sill toil for ease, (or happi
iruaaaie ta all Ike tuUuA Hj
t\' M<tber1y aad brarer aoana wtO aad before ypu kaow It you wi
t<> eoeoarape be Uttb. keaWaibg bugkbg al be tdta of despoedoacy
pert..r«er lo bbk kobbg to WraaU troBi iMdgbed iilams or say odbar
kdaa warn a MBa daaiVBd. aad wara
aU M ahoot OMadDarth <W lamhtf
Bat Mtaker eaa kbs li «Ml.
Tb a Mtab aht« da yoa
oi-raaber 1
It ererr Tlotorr gaidad a
Daa dar Uatr ho«bi at a har^
ab a M of wattr taaer kMxAb*.
I rarr rbrar sM. sW a
wettr c«u tat bar Ohrbtaus hca. te akd oeiy M whkt tka bas la dA Babg
bar syr. oa tke seorr, sboubg rnat
It Is hw
krr .botufbi Ike pottoUlHy to taOwA
BIm- will ikaak Me. by aad by. (or bo
Oae pretty aaaBa»ad
korder ka
icBi seat hui. our depart metil hr
id idir flunsbbi- frleads. Mn A.
1. VeoNallrr of Trerexue Oil) . 7*ls
sill bo of pertteuUr btereui t.
8uiu>hlu<- rblrkeu ralsors.
Ib April
two of Un.. VBbNaUer-s Plyawolh
Rock piilleit baicfaed out broods of
cbirkras. one atae aad the other ihlrNow fwu pulMs. no.- froM
each of Ibeee bmoiSs. tahie set aad
II i> Ibe Vlrgbbas. aOeimsi-u
oooketT. that bake tbelr cabbage and
3hbf had a bob ahMii the sIm of
eaiaurbatkia abe gabed by Wsfag
traasfuTM h bto a dtoloacy that rbs
doiltr b Ue aUddb. Tbe ptaee wtb eoab teoce b brr owe ability.
tor boours wlib the lip to ao sspars
laearred edge, that nas aloag oa*
-Krery UgbUytoraa sacusa gnaltau side of tW karcAkt aad the' two ed ibreagh be ganab' aser teaPsr- gas lip. Parboil lbs cabbage b telieil
. urbleb probebl> wlU take an
w be eblM't tinwoM r-rl‘if
drab. ebop. mix with a i
htod. eae (aUer be awn on tba
tul at Melted iHiner. e beaira
ebUdh haKbg isM.
a butl^
« ead of IW laac pleee. tbe lealtoyo
itioababd dawa lo tbs bader pbae.
iW Bad i war w aai*tA
__ ___ _
oa bars
<fh «ibd< Ughi baU aad eat.
nBatfarleu Mab b (laaa b oakA
iwispaaPoM brvbier waat-powa
k. -pbasA MMbMA" to raU aad
two nau Staton. It hatog Marly
pal aad Baally hake b tkeir aaaU
te aataigb u> go arooad tbab aaahi
It was. A rotoa of beberlda bee
A UlUe girl who Hkasto Wash Utahl
Babbsd tha odgoa. Aflsr
tha Wd tabs
boader be haadkarehbta or aapkbA
Ibe iwe agpototo sldoA
-9m MetWrh -«bb---4Be eaibd It
Cbanlaa tke Umpa settlag the taSb.
there rtMibsil
iraaba sMatl. ptab antedsA keapbg
Mtor. Thb
' Aad MMber-s 'peMpkb »b
yard b order, an bbgs wUeh
dawa tW
ay be daae by palte aawU blldraa.
■(Mb (Did. bat was 0
fhaga H
an aaeharr
Oae iiub gW Uke^ ahaige to her
to! Ub alrto WAS dtrtoad to two. aaoh
; Mat MBW iw rHtba gmad;
yoaegBr hmhar anry Mormbg wkOa
tola iby
||««B tta wet Of iwiMiiM by
the MMbar PTwaiaa braaktM. Aa
the ctasbg of the aotbr
/riW <M Molharh haat.
drsasas tad wabaa htM. hraahw-hb,
Two iBiyridfiiT-adgsd oMss htdiba
tg»«Mtiar saw What «M>as It
hair. tW oa bb hig hib aad htpb hM
MihMod odgae a tlutodotaatt*a.Mi of;
, «Mb b^ b aartad tor mboa
bto bb flbatr.
Ian iwn aU kaaa b ouwaaa thaai she akAia
bouU ba be rary b« thrsoa u
Two sowaros of yrotUly aararad aloU:
Pdropus woruag a okiu unad tu
OAto balag aboat (ow:
atreagfta. Btt eartab h b bat a Ut
taehas.brgw Ikaa tks katakWA had,
ib. work b as pood (or akUdno aa,
aas karakbf laM to tks oaobr w:
Uaka these Uttb hetpa a'
wtb a odatnai
pnribge aad
aa< pbaaara
pbainn u
aa tar aa gaasf allk tkrmd tks M^togt
alblA bat
allow ttha aawQBag
teasd b tba tanfatba wtb hwuaaaas to thMi\haeaBaa a
aaeber ahUd
hob stlleb. A card letshad be ad«a
• IWyMiWda. Od aat W tha at.
b Mprs wtnb^or aapaU
at tW gnliy aoKor.
a atoi^ of aaathar webh tea Ma*
Oae bat waa pertocl she aeed
9 to yaw Ufa. Haro aa total aad
Aad «WaW Aobba daat ‘May."
Wrthbf was wada toto two oalton
« Bia t« to H. toMMd of yauwatog
« altar aWt yea aee aad kaar.
halllDX dbh. break
three or foor eggs oa the li>p. i
Urea IQu- |u aook.
iwllh bread oruMbs. aad orer ibrua
d tha raw adga of Uaae cat away.
1 dabbb b tke wAik toA
P buiiar. hake ta MbuWA aad
Thb nr* aa odd doahb aotaar sf.
Mobar ngardlBg
with thanks Ibal yoa are aaoag
fan that oMs Tory giwuy. Tbs two
wbb-h may be aasigaed to ohUdiWA tbe br.^ed toasters oa a eharabg
■errad strips wore aarrowiy hnMSi,
Tara those- ihbgs to ah
<rasas4 b too Mlddb, aad tied looeeBwa Utib trAyearaU bay
'f. aad wbea the aoUar wat aat tala
Ukea lo sweep be poreb. wipe tba
• baad of MMlb tW Uttb bow moW
dbb«A aad nrry water ta Uay galb:
1 ituag BgiiB ter tba treoL
aad wbea 1 aai bakbg. bob.be sad
DcAw tkU. aad tiled, tt wtb
od (alt aad woalaa biia Thaa
tW rbt a btrtoaa'beh «(nb af yab
Mae etlk. gabared H abag tke edga.
- dtoytag H emr be hsMbt draw
i hwMB Una b faar. agya Of tke kolUa. A Bob
( aag od
■ Baeasas, who goes oa ta bt-blee WM drawa am
dmwBHiw tteadtoi. to log. aad aowa tTMly te tke nbon at
be tab. Thb gan a aoR af talltfeirt M
la tke ktokOM to be
Tks kanhbf
_ laM onr tbe
•f waa
top «l tbs bouiA wib
Iks asalto atib be
kotiy il
I to tfea-t^abg.
waaeu. WOT* twbe as bard aad daa\
to ihtof age-ketweea !• and to.
Tbay do washbg aad eaa tan their
BedMm Vsb
heads to wot* hr whlob wowea
totally aasulted
baiebed oui little ebfekeas. wbleb aiw
Tha barsaa which euctad ibto ep.
aboui (WO seeka old. bat Wat
wurtee U 4^ a roartag trade aad
an pair to uub heaa; We doat
eaa beat that.
Pall)' raa b agab thr oitaar
dar all is a basUA -I deebiw.
Bars. "I truly was gobg to write roar
Uttb ttoks a bag buer.bli weak.
tbbg aad aoother has kept
hbdartBg OA But t WH you wbat I
waat lo kaow bow mai
to yeur Suasbbe gIrU will osod me
good eaokb reelpe. Now. then's oal)
oae eoDdnioa. 'It Must be oae wbleb
they bate assd ibsnatoraA I wi
tbeday. Tbeyeoolead thatbydotagaa
kaow bow maay ItUto cooks y
bey sare ika half boor iwMty U
re got aatoag yaar gIrU. and
oeer. aot eppaitagtbe aMoapt to «
Oae dar at laaahaoa Umo aa
•Ue to a gotid ptoto (o begM oa
aad bar aa bo bnb aad sen
rrtrad. eowpAay bafare who
abt Bitoibs
proMtoeA bat I
ooAld wd aat *fUdac(t' tarA aad all WbtoM bat is obriatod by tbta
aheoMat wbader tt tboae wbo do asad
1 had oa haad tor dsaasrt wu gtogM thodleal way to Bebg btor ww*.
bctpee beard tram tbelr old Aaat
bread, wblb bad Joot beea brouht
Patty btoweoa aow and Chriaii
to the biter stage. | had aa I^B*waat a lol of -eaa. ■Now tell iboM IbaL
Uoa; laetead to baUai h b tha
WlU your
Braryeae who has Mopptag
«aar«i epaars lb I poarad tt ta t.^
ohoaM oae two noga tar dotag ttSo we're told j-ou. Uub cooks Now
taysf rake paaA baa aa aaaa aa tt
OAo tar ctaaatag be Baor. aad aa< as aee bow Maay of yM we abaD
was cool. I drtasid H op wttk a caaaA
obsr bi«e diV oae tor wlptog it. b
■ar fiiMA It w?C pkatW^ABat
aat froMbg. Hr haaMad.flhrtitsMad
this war be wort U deoa Mon> aasbe oaks *n tn^ wtb a allk hat OA."
I betbi'A all to y
ilr. auMtly. aad. I thtok. belter. U
tbeina it ^ BAUa to the aathere u so auah awp^ lo be dope
bsi be wlptag mop peu too wm tbe
nr mesas of tbe blag see
oloibs-Mitbi be obaapad ter dry mn.
• bh a kh to No. I pala ^ rtkI a (wtob Uttar Barer glm to
ter SB ordbary Baer (me brpr
koa It was toad akoal tke week to tha
Hwaad by awbusi. as weU aa
will do rery well
ng etottog al aatmiaa. n I
ksatlr. aad Babhad wtb a BaBy hew. •AneAlbttt The rsahwlAtareMln
K>. Pwt b a Mlxbg bowl owe
Ta Uaap Uase Cwtohw.
r iTibnei aad haU a OOP to boll-,
il to tha Wggtosii el yeatk.aad
Meadbf boa cartobA damp.^
lag water, bto thb atfi two aad OAkare to aat wib Ub eUnh. dnw
ore. b malto rsaaared aad wi______
w oaps to Bow. a daah to aatt.
be real earetUly tagebar. piMe Dm
Aauiker •whob- baroabf WtoM tp
■at am it aad great dry with a
eaaiUr a Uub katoto. Tkb waa aa
MknUered allk oae, to IW tUla nw
Poor bto baUatwA Beared p«u aad
1. Ih.-x.n .d Uislsle R-rer
in Mar\l.in.l. si—.tUurney Geu.-re
I Mlnl-K-r t-- KncIsnA and wta.< usseegsrded s> ti
old b.-a.. A. w.- can aot
rhiekiuir wimrt 1 oa. eobg to
urns hmv.. ni> rhlrkens
haw- luoT .-..u.
Tbeir namm anll.-«ie. Heii-i. 8p.4 and l*ollj
I -M..X.W„WsJ
______...B. U.C.,Ur.Jul.B«mmy<l
-.Vo MIC ahouW foager stiffet /ram coCarr* w-Jmp AuwoptadK^
To my kaowfe4to it Baa cppsatf rwftaf fa ao mmy «/ my
hsw- foor mi» Their oamm at« Tat- Mcadt
Mcodf aorf
pcpupfhfpfKCA (Aaf It Is humamMy to eammem4 laatata
...---------------------- ------------... .... .................................
^era/tka Immam
i-y. J.-rT>, Hiu.- and lUarkte
Ttbbl.- •//
—(.owls C. Jofiacop.
and Jem ar.- the old mb; Klue aud
'Bbckii- an- Ibe ktllen... Rbckte L>'
By Lilly
1 ibbk be b idelly. hut
some pc.pic Ibal bare luu-n him Ibfnk
blni boBiely. He U bbrk. yellow abd
tray, all mixed up fogetber. But be
Is f-iod. but when s persos boldi Blue
he yells naUI you put bbi «Iowb
will I..- a loag lime btoore Chrlri
I biipe we win all bate a good llme
aext ChrlstBo.
I will eb.se for il
lime so cnv«4>ye
le n-mwly that hss tbe
II I-.- 1’ .. Ih.-
ISruns limy MskBfsetvbt Ob, 0»
I liunisw, Okbi.
Ask your Drocflst for a Free ^
Ckwlniib- tlweu
i»kruna aumanao
A QrW ParwrsBA
USX Jusi !<■• aaeer for ai»-lhlna.
Tomib) uss walkbg sloul, dosxi b<w
Wad the Iwro. with faU ii.tially laefx
ry fsc- all /mwls: sn-l T.-d.ly swr
peepiBg through
the stalled feam
bio TuBiuy s pardeo, wl.bVm whole
grcAi fBBlly to wrbkW lo hlr UtUe
.Vos wbal A- you suppose
ibai It was Bli stawir
receivcil, note the pores.
tioodbiie BUaktoal
O-iolier uiunjlaa s rhvw.y to pn4y
hn.wn mil. came •ombllns om to
Ih.-lr Iblci
an-en sIm-IIs - dowA
d-wn. <t..wu. .iptll at last lh.-y n-arhed
Kic* l>att«n, G fool Btaakct
lb.- trtxis.1 Brnw-I wslk sad .m-uh.!
art-en lawn Ti.mm> .|>bul ibem as be
cauii- hurl) be li.um- froui' lu-bi.d
Wool. :*x»o
$2.00 f» $0.00
5/A Guarantee
Nh.tpAl Stable Bbaket. otor
.“That m-s U.y bs.
to rery bm asoke
He bat
I s-bleyc
on'-ma- imw
fair. S.. Il I.ui:- Then the |.oar lUucjetiiM-d
su- halls.
70t t* $2.00
We make
ile dJsr.<uieote(l Tnmmy bmled enws-r (ban over.
HtKVr^^ xiiil srU the beat Ibr leaM moaay.
T<imm> didn't nsUlre Amt dosn b
OCA boy Teddy bad alway. staked (or
sBtl hmgi-d K. haw,—0 twuBriBg yele
cliy. ID' «. 1 aen-r bad any "
b.u pumpkin
How Taddy ^Id wH^i
Tommy looked surpriimd . "WmiM
that bbi imps had bought Tomi
im Ilk- oae*' be aski-d
boui- ud Tommy's garden end 1
-■llauer 1'rt‘be dtoigbled in give TOO
Bp's pumpkin.—atl (bree!
Toam.r's eyes daoeed wttb dtoighL
■rf mine. « ymi would. -- Cume
-You CAB have a bb bagta).* dean' ni give you one rfobi sow * rtaml Teddy "Aa' If yoall g
sbow r
only bad eae to those
rellow treasunw (or bis rory ow
Tom^ took bis Miritfcelfe trom
was a vswy -ioud aad sorrowCul eigb
trousers' pocket, aod
and cot
eat on
tot onr
oor osij^
sad Toauay beard It; aad tbea bo dlttbs with
wlib a
bbgx p-Mpkb.
If ..Well kelp ear* other, aa- dMda aar
mserod Ibe Dew boy peepjag throotoi
Todd) sighed as be'(bought to tbe
leko'-iaatern Ibml he
Tfuld) cllmhed (ner ibe (eoee
be (OMC.
"You have ereryiblng. don't yourithioas weal we? A*’ tVe wo OM
■■ “
"Vto> barejtaeh bare ererrtblDg. rsally sad
•Hello:' called TMPay. gakikb.
I Italy
Teddy iuBped. He dfdaT know that
Utybody was near
I' amles. an' grapes, sn-
-Wb.r; so we «aa!' saU iattt.
"Don't you
like llvlag. herer, bTbea tbooc bod aenwis aad wriaktao
Ikibay. T baye —*r**‘‘~i** bad to ran away ta a kOTT- TMp ran
lulred ToBBy
"Tou look as If you
be eald ta sMootataBent.
*Wby. I
eere boaesick Wont you come orer
auwy to see l( they eotod ted two
tod look St my iBBpkbsr l-n got tbougbt you
I do
I lew Btaui,
hope. I'bcy d
I daady lot to them, aad they are oil
tops, an- faalta. ao' a blcysde. aa-j' '''
*“«*•»< r
Teddy sigbed agab
"i ve beea horsechmtButa.- M anld.
i-waltlB' (ot a poBpkb'lor yean aa'
ears.•' be aaU eadly “Boi they doat
I wonted o !>»■*«» 1 rtiw.
much _ that I Bcist fiwpoi abopt
mve gardeas wttb pompkbs b tbe^
>t will do ym sod eierrhody atae pood
send H (I. Chlropo. <w
nibrr ptacp.
PIAMfl. wbea yoa cao buy u> brdter adn
Xm V, Hu*
«ta Harray a
Dear Hn. Bstes—I thought 1 i
rrtte m few Uoru lo you. os f i
Ike to Job Ike ihushlki- rluk.
Pleaab stag la.- a rant and batlaa:
.1 ■> to setoKU aed SUB b the Btlh
This It a rery urge pbea
ba that has harden oad deeenUoat to mM aheoM be washM b bet
r witumt aew Tha ' ■
It Is a A«a» MblB* moMr)- arooad
•oaps WlU b Ham daU the gDt aad here.
a b the stole to faar." aayi acMiui tbs
akd 'kaek agab
Tbe fnit b very scerce up
K awaytWmks. a ds to Iks Maab. TWbwW
here, aad it Is lery dear tim. Then
«h ere scu oui up hen. Hf
Twaiaa elu ombe giMdb
was SI Tranwse City, aad aow
'htary. so they aheou he torai
r dawa ta the aBghUM
MnaahA I hard ihne aaatt
------- aad ser^ the mm aide
BrUa 12 Biles (mb Timrerss Ctty
iiwieraUlk at a rauedlal apaai _
• takn frosa the grUdle.
Bto AU afeag the B
t. We bare
>t be pnbtd tea Ug^y. tw batle
(am two BUea boa AUsm. ea Teoett
kcM. be eaw to be baitwUh. atlahA Thtoc H a gml is—ii retoM
.. .kstag wUb____
etoi satbtsddsry. sks Item tke ww^
a half Mllr (MB tkcTA I wtn be roy
gbd whee we go hack. A yaar agb
^ a ut to ytak allk. brlatov IW
niMa Kgi. watt orer to Jhe eatalBe
wo ttuwd aboat ihiny mUoo opt to Bsto tka BtokBL Bha iWaato tha tibUa
rery wlU ool
toad wa he Mooh :
ar the wtono
da iwm iwa tha hag Made to «M .
a to tartar sad oatt ore howl sari ws sow two wfld dam They
IMP ban. It
* to IW Wtb iapaases
halt heikeiA aad toaaaw
be dblaaes (nn the Mh. eh
s -boBsaaMUs- aad -par
They are lo some exteot
PbAaiag War*.
eebobn ar.' at .school bare
tusk.- blBi e vl.li
Boivba be daiaotle aerreat grab
bM. Tbe Men eerraats drae ihe saMe
As p «auar to tea. aad a bd
r to (aet at thaL be rest Mbatty
: woMoa bare aot loaned to i
•tor bnbs aare btor boab.
iro act leaned that b the hoM
NgUar Mebads are as nsestm
b aay other aecapatloa
Bowc ibots
i th.
> IS. I hare DOC khi my bntiou ye*
1.1 bope I win not
I coe not tUI
M> cblekeos (ncB memma's. Tbe odI.cae tell are ih,. old
Oui In T.xldy'x jwrd cn-s s great,
(sll tii«-s<-s*.siiiiii in»:, and iioe crisp
4Bi MaoB W* **tb lalbar aat
time aad bare aever wrfliea a Mler
IlecwM. eo-1 Ibooghl _________
(«w imee tMisbt I am eigbi
years oM and aq to vbool ercry day
Our teorber'u aome Is Miss Denba'
We alt Ube' bar She b
pwd t» iir . My trudlOB ore. ^ncuac-. I
reedln* arlfbueile oM pbyekilocr t|
bare tour l.r.ubms Tbelr as-Mes or,IVfT, J.-Hta,. Hcnn ead Uuil, IJ. !
To aiBsp Ike laaee to ligbt.
"Twu'suDiMaiDS bmre 1 b ■) buMe;
Dark woold it be. aad dtwar.
Without Ibe bright ny OD tbe noor,
If the er«s are toe bare a (all (aee
Abd Ibe talghi race sbipbc here!
pMute; s proBb ibouU aolr be
lakea If ibe ooee. Upe aad ehla are -Ood OSD. the sunligbi. but He a
This preckms beam to ptotber
U Ike baslaose of (be pbotac- runieoi un 1 in eaU 'one taHnt of ibe CbtbUaa
rapber lo briu out tbe good pabu
Aed efilritalii tta- other
LMuer tbas aolTMbad olaoc ibe bad. ao be b (be beet
fllrslgbi ibruuyh be
butge Ib poslaa
oaased ao little aaaMr aMoaa
Tbe suabaaiB avpt as v.
ChaepsbBM.unakbc. ttMU Uttb daaib.
OaaoMitfaUoB aad syatoM ar
that if abe at.
plar at bar lescker's bsi- oelbDt QBallibs. topeeblly b
Mweluld tbe ead id 4a>
I overODoeeaUallaa aad orerabe
Ikee she wUl (all. aad brlkf dls^aaa
u b elbgbf to oae (euled nb Tie ouu-r world b darkaest is).
oa bartau, aad awka
I 08 the aerree la ibe bag rwa.
ber Mbar feel dbttaaaad. aad oorer
Bbi noiher's bedrt was ligbt.
alba b (be graal prbelpb t
ke ulber parforaMn wlU
'br a goldeo bead aad baby fate
ysblaat are trrlig lo teaeb womsu
-Tha woaklr seallMsat
Kepi huaw torwrer hrigbl.
Eapbe. Mir*, Nov. 4. ]»os.
Tbs Mwobg b the best time lo ah -Ceick if you eaa.- n seemed to n;
south of taplre. , J*,
ir a pblure befcre yoo breaaW
-I d «illb( oaptlre be.*
mmp mbnot .ylx miles (too here siid.l
rlih Ibe day'a dstbe.
Aad dsared before be uroaderlag
B«' up (biwr. fur
bare hit*'
Merer bare be beir dnase^ su
to fae
My nmtin fraoi (trand fUp j
Ti. «h.. tiinenf baby glee.
Ids Is'belt- riiuiB*. aad w.- bate k>u I
Tbe pswa sboatd be Made to a aofi
«•... ». P.I. I.
Urbbt elH«e Ibe UtUe goldoa haad
lelertaL s> allk and saib do
He .tarts next Sun.U.c* l hig«.j
A. 1. dtued here aad tberA
UBW out well b a plelere. as
be win , -sdeer. P.w,w. uy-bave'
As ibouab be ana itatof had leal
sbouM be siBpb iB style.
sad three mis end /mme I
Of IIS shlntos Store-e shore
Jeeeb are beiler leTt at bode.
I ikbli B»> . h-iier I. loag
Do DOt borry wblb pcMarbg to all
rwough for this lime Will wrltr agab
ADd aocber routhi ber dorlbs up.
before tbe CAMera as burry leai
' b thr fflidet to hU fnililees ebas.
riuad aad
Aad sbou'civd kUscs. mnrtn sod s.rftBbeic does aot I
-r Siurmer
Oa the lawny hsby facc
tbdar. M|^. Nor.
-Vau ruBot mirb the suastalu.
liesr Mia Bates-l uill write mu
Tboagfa JOB ttoluwed Ibe wide world
lew line., a. I Imre aot wmien in
long lime.
s b deeolleis sboull be eofi Vou're UKdber’s lUUr sunbesdn. dear.
M.v teaeber'u nooie Is Miss PurAnd she has rausht )tw. too?
I am la the slxib eradr. Wbea
a slaw Bia tar twaatr Mbeios
Thb Mar ka ghaa to blaab
four Mosths. addm 10 warned
Akd rat froM kink ae Ute ia tha
MOMBOa aad aadar tW doMlaba of
daaok. A ekUd b aaatfaMad a
ikaasaad Umos a roar to kok^ tar
tkb aad to kaoh ou (or tkal—ft
Aa fee MIm (k* ilratac dari
Bat ttae aad kdala ha aewaa to »«
Beal (roB tbe gay. gbd oater
•d water; add ihb to Bro tahbmocotals of boflMc waiar aad tUr
Kba aad Maks H Wall.
I rii a(
A .antu-eia 1.«ib4 Its Wtty.
ADd dowB upoa the cottMa Ba
A shed of hrichnaee by.
Csmmsnds Pe-rs-iia to All Cattrrh SrifsrarA
Age ti yean.
rtabM (hcMrid M h<>------>-■'
«Uk iMk. M tUi t« • Mwia> of iRi
iko Mteou
Absolutely Mira
the wapde. I r«M pv Wtor le getUag kag. lo I wOl toooe. WoU. goM*-7*. bcMbg to be a Baaehtoe gtri
from you trbmd.
The borne to
Is s Hirhiasa ceocera. w hb a Dm- hraaeb mere
ta Ibis city.
We ataod for MkWgM M. tael
oDd ell the itato. and,If yon
Tnrame Cte. *baa bssMtetag
onnmeu, mos.' ocnaoiT stokk
.-verrlrndy ta it
wkk* te ekocme wttb t
We will aell yon a Plaao
rerr BUT t
aad sre oaa gtae yoa evsrr totaplHo.
tettabeoarodnceaodMlort .lt NOW while etates are PMsabta
We wW bob the betiwBiat tar CkrttoBos dettrtrr If r* wtah.
: 'I
^auntercnt BcHli
tssOtoM^^ Inovs MOtosl ciotsr
‘‘^litoSaMiMBh.'- or TM Om Osr
fltaa. OM«Slt*«'taUif4. MM n. rrlM IM mparn.- to iM ss»o M
•t«(* » mm w> AM Hmmm, H to «>>a« M Fmi. H. tarasM Hsittor
mU. vmlM hM
ttat • M «M too to IM Otomsitr to tikklMa M
Prntoiiw lls^
MtM M kni Mr. IMS eslM ss Mr IM Mmos IstoSM
iMstsB hss fc.____________ ,__
sd SI s oos to IM utko. to lokn at
IMTM7 »tttos Cl vktok M kSf Mob cIem •
wu <(
ti IM
iM tosM issrm
mm. sM
< M >81 proMbtr
M ss« sova kora
Mri**'lBPod mb
-2 " ■ ■ • ■■
____ StSttos
toaai »W
■srt to iM
rood vltb Ua rpo
______ saS n U
la roltorot,
ma la
b Miu: XU1.A. ttoptoyad IM
pntamar, vM
Ffe bs hal IM sliM sr hto rtfU kMu loaUfUtM
M Bs *M MttlM <•» B bM«to to iM aoB to
S MMM •n*r IM srt«Tftl at CM
a driese. a burmlln
wa. feU la vUh tM ladISM
nrnm <r>ls VMS IM Mtfe Mv
MniUu forth ia a InSehlM OBt.
>- M vs*
tmm kh MM sM (M MsM Mraek
tbr w
• ewiu lowkr
AI 8asi OUX IM pwmBw
at L
Hsasoi Huoob). >k<
MMss Isto MnsMr sickt. tM «sto tscord
*M Man s»M m4 sks« HM to kiMtl
U- Sroi Uiue IM baonbr. aae Ummmej mi wumm Xtkm. Th«« to
«drru a-aa on a tosh rhotvb buUdap.
tr Kin obM a deo
M eto no fM tanrtsts WiUtoa Um
aor of Hoar pruwl vn-sataoa which levsiMa toU >M stoo MtoHs
lart riu'. M ua lap. aboui iv-kr a va*
mm SM tvo rstasUr sov e«w
to Uinllo
tVMo It ..uora to uMarr«as a....... - dap . iMrr I* linn ia(i«toB
M sMst » r*m* Oto luapM
wi>va BlBuiM. At ib(- lav sJlovi la IIm - olA. Itok Iu IM Tasah. tMo la
toU-r lli-lhs .Tretiot- WUd baoaaa
nos SB isiBsi m sar snsi sss vs*
«i^ tM ItopMMlM IhSt Itx- usto vsi (Moosk sfur *110*0 alouiro to
d u-i dra< kin to Ua ordtimr reMMC «as to als» St tkr ilsUos. CahitonkUas sport.
..O fiu-b a dap. la IM anev^ vsnsB >s< fcsdto kralMd. kW
Uc aiaad* ai Ihr airtat hpdraai
IM MM SMpM -----a tool napoci- vltb »• l•lll•- .'luibliis <ai Uui ai ibr
SMUm* fw tM__ ___________ __
toa alh.u*. uuiir at all U ibtre ba uu
««>«-»«tttkMMo Ibnl at KllBMinf. Mi I*
IM Mmr Bsd dg AatboBjr Drack. la rtspoOM to rotator poU.-riu,:iii l.fc aud pour* oiler apou
laaalrtoo. isU M vsi lb« Isibor to bUuirlr lUI M le «n aU OTrr. vUrk U
krir to sa sstsu rstosd it 11 chlldroB. sad at oor iism vsi iM ill bin. -r lahuw a bath TMo be
ralMr to tl. Juds* CooUds* la oi- iitn bloiwdf Iu IM BSU. puK bluurlf
At OilsMot TssMiy Bssrir tkrm caatot IM tosa adrUM kla
uu. hi. .H « rwbiuldrred bolp anh
l«i^ at SSM sorsrM IM stSMd. lO PfSiUllBt HooMtcU.
ton eiel .UM«n aad nedlum aud
latr Clark OOu-iJui.- .io,» <n( le cbsrvb Id all
iM >si stUI tolUat. TM sloito to At Ssah *to. Msrto tM
. ,k to Lsa
jSwsI IkJSSfMst tM MMV pasto■la sh«->
koap ap with IM
The liiil-- laws Tisale vKr. nurr
jBSMk VssSlM to W^«._s kM- ---------• far dorr baalm'________ nWi >0.1 devout, poore viirr ever
MraeU IU tier ovu IllUe potet to berk
pud. arvona Mr block balr wlib .*► ,
------- SsS'oMto'kto'to- n. tM MI- --------------sore uasbie u> furaUb
oil iniiiBs il dova till ll ablure
MI to kto
lulrivr. ibao toun brr sraudcM ‘
- J to
SBantm IM tovori
-Plalniu.-up ■>. i.ui*t. boaluu.! uu
pood, in v-.ni kuahaad. in vaiu ,uotrtunop. btolond uhk».
Bu.k had. uu uaai nialrlaioa.'. au
■vtlp M Blisbt Binp
•-hUr. aiul
V«s hettartbaa brlas
•I (nr n * lod
r,“.5 isa.“.ss;“-r£3
—*-MM Ikor* SI
A toMitoist
sst to kotos tosA
a « SI L
ll BSk
' li» W prsMStod to tM u__
<asr* ••
JlariaMBto to aev **>
k (mitue sad
apSMr vlll tore-
» BOO to Istopa SB kl-
.TM atol atsstoar vkk* has Jot
yi—M to at. Johal. K^r^fitMa
toBtoM .. .
isdlM. vklefe I
SB tM VM to afeiMr M. Warn, a
M aon 0* IM tvtsra irtp «boa M
had s «ni Skd piittp to saauBtilsa
C**i WUtoB BWtoti. to IM Poloilwr breakvstor Usht. sosrip
aa Oiabiroo. ssed IT,__
___Hfii] bp a «*tnos tres
vkk* MfSSitaotkor. la eisastac
tom tka SM M vaa kU ^ tkooSsr.
KUTs tsra«r*.*-t£
_—^ Crabeooa retottrai
0 *M k*
kuabor MdBp aisi
.... ..........a SM' sr tvo Mid
US nnatsp 1
■Si'vu aK!od’w**»^TrtMV
M« tow* to
vkes tkop dastrod aM aev
■Msato kto M «M sMoat b*> ksMoa
M ttoto.^ imam wm mlM mt ihsro are at tosat sstss taMItot I*
Wm wpliil to t*d that Ml a ksM
»*a toiM*- TM utur tons* «m m
aa bp iM aaae to Bark ad*r
aa tUM. kad ikla Mrp Msrtod. ted.
Ws«k.bra>* craslaio. AM oat aU tM
of Mr trala «M tM aklar at
saM black balr cosU oMrare
jbOMO of bar rpra aa iM thim
lhatr slaan- op>ud.
TMp vara
aad slUtar
I to UT karroh to awliA (or
* M...olTod
«MS. _________
It *sW M
oshl. hovoTor. tbsl tor. Oarla tktosM
oMrd orktok M ooH sa a- _____
sT vm harroto at tlAd a b*R*i aM
*■ hapor SM (.ltd karrola tru tUa
to 4d tM losBd«rm <k tM p
tear MtocMd tM M to sirs IM ma
Ms Hkortp. TW ton^
ton's taco bad boaa
__ V dap aM hk bar ova lost. 8M
okotod M thubfd that aM dUa^
ettoto* to aaWhto aa nui—It at
ua. Thsp bob ap la bMiT assk aM
-isaap. Cm voSm TnM a atoa tot
OM to bto laa hstito. It tod orUntlp
nod tM M oaar aM toSaa to.
■n AaaBhad liBrAMkii to I
ipactt to taara ■
I vad can Lahi
■ ■'wrkaaii aUM to toao.a
tom mam toasMai daBata to tM
Hide o( fitMsra thto paar. A sn»to pstaia hapan sstoip iMn,
0mm tboao top*, ast - ' Mtoa
to saw. vhkh to koaptos tkr —
Mr to sap doawIpUiB
.. laksra m or aftin cnia___
vhat to paid at oiMr ptoeta to IM atStoBp. oBd diovan are aet laktoc.
...... ..^
catmac oa tbto o»
of p km Irsaad vciaas
M cIM iu iBOvp v-Wta iSMlns aa If
IM Modwtocanar Uia-si leva* laditd. aalp tMl .ttav H cashf mt cstrb
WMi arasder lhai uMrt IM bsrdrs
at Uvsadtrla'a lara tM Mcketor ha-'
I pslr aM taatkaa aM coal
r sto^i Bishu! It vaa haidi
VMov-a -Ttada--*e Md Ihno. aiol vaa psM far ktia.
rarp-paor. Har kart>ad bad raa avap
— I Bpaatob woed tar-nssMar-to ad
atol jalaed tbe linai|i'al amp aito se<
aaaesMa s«>^. aM vaep
f kllM hv IM anstadoa .tnrri. trip. Oae taorvlM eai
i earip a <Mm>> *P
If IM naano wovU slTe Mr Ullla brows aswkap at
ima (o irmeav tt voukl eMkto m reier IM tosip bat vbaev dvcH Labrr'te bup food. TMar of tM hesiAara Taaderto. Be csnM a sMbbp. msO
vto. vcne u|i lu Hieraiare ibiaisbi of psUov usak that ailsht Mac caatalaits Maarter'a TrlHp and fraalad Ur
Hbar rMbm «r aaimaltloa M
prOttoa. ItosMea that tkrp nra Mr
auo- to Lavaaderfai.
h bapprucl iMl Uvaadrcti
Ds^ harbad. pasUrp
wacb ladp )a cadUaip to tM i
esektod. (klkhcn snasaaM. 1‘mastlp
ecaatpad frau IM daslp Uttaass* Ls-
toter Una ton Md ivwuMd. TMa tbe
Tasato intun ROt tM Utter ef bee.
r braaa lo Mpi>. .tacouBsrrto
lUiuO. auatto -Vrewt do todip
I" pSfturav.
lasakv. .Xto «>lp «UI tMp »>■ lU «okep vuai4top- .sa put oS till inon*V. H*I'Hm7 urliv .1.. ll al all sslll
rva^ bp dire oetmdip. Ko LataadrlAflMsvM. paaaUBSIe epao Mv
kif sitb IM Hms. Watai of sU. aa
_______ (RMB canto vktok
Uke t esc. aba fum«d flCMS tM
labia to hto aide abd itarlad to eosaap
tM kaadaenic white posib lu triUBjA
4a IM d>m baU '
Mlasi tt IMI IMiMet be isuU
aflervard flad laudsase lo daOslp a |•foreW of ptufaBa
. idacaaMMiednsefanlca tolM
Maatlos. sM thal IM poOBd nan vsa
aet. tia Md aef baas la Maalto km
asoudb. Ha tlaiplp liroke Msrltoailp
aM nUbtoaAr fratu tMl laeder, drand ran fur hU life.
al IM
4 la Ppaakd. UM aa
|i sraad In ***>*. hovaerr. h
ana aslp laaak aM amatp vMe
ad iBIo biMt KmU*. la MW
vaa a vtah Mp.
8w*akrsw* Ik* mImU» ua*.
Pftoter Tasalo V
Ito- uuphvaaal ec
M of IM >lell-vlr
feaiicdor uduit
TM iraih vaa Lovaadnia v*. uui
a ~\ luda' al all Htoe bad a lU.ov l.iiw
Uu-L lanp- aa life-larse a* lacala
life. Ihal to vhkk I* Mt iuu.b -I a
>e va> a v.-at? of Ida. and .I.-i-baus* fafui fur .uu- to ito l;>n
v-tdte iieutleHiaa luanlm n|-i>-.|i--.
li.r ku.l«ad bad lau-u la Ako.io.i.lo'i
up AEbtlur Ito- .tneHeoB. U.i l..■1.l
av ay alto .-ulBe tome.
Irrn «a. a b.Ualau.1 laon ..uw-l
10- Horn lUla viltoHM Sp U.-tUu lilWvo unu. TM aboril »*. i-.-re
Hull Iji.Bleb-rla ...uM bear
HiuUli'iilp too- «i..|Huto ndllto
Ito- ctvuiiMl. rabvto to-rw-lf fu-u .mm.:
|o*.iur>- .0.1 pUnto .Uuii to-r
.ti itodtoK>u.ul toml inovier .load !«.• .tlu.-l
kvu »ih]lrfv duiue- (nlUv dal. iu ito.i
pan to Uaulb. Tto-j otov l^udkbopa .'to tall, suud touklB«
1 uvll-f
Senvu. Tto-p vtielp dmnrd
lohTf.-n uith lavuiHherto'c
Tbe taiT la Ibrp va8i..l lu no
U.uutoriu |wr.vl..to Itoao alto. V'llb brau-n
wliai V dd. p-ehram IboBKlit. in
her tUM.I. unde a dh.- for Ibeu.
-.tns luilu^Mnc lE.tonE. uiarid.- tm>
The order of dke day. Are
you satisfied with your Woing Room's eppearetK*? Is
the table large enough?
Have you chairs a plenty.
Whatever t h e deficiences
may be. we are fully prepar
ed tb supply your needs. The
goods you want at tha price
vou want .to pay are here.
Glassware. Crockery. Cut
Class and Cutlery of all sorts
aid Maau Iu lak.- aa luim'-*i to
udrrU* h»r aSaIr
Tb>- rvll
ed u-oikl. i-ver ii-odp’ to brlkrr
S to a aiaB ]uei Uaviiar br I* a
ividd IMM br touvlu..*! Ibal tobod dot takas tM laHlallve In the roar.
Tbe Oddn-i amn-I lo-r u,.. ..ep
.. _nnn<d Isvardlp aa M tbuusbi to i-eunc. r4uk rbcrkito nn.1 .-nrle h*in-<l.
blianir. "If Dniber .tmh] oelp a.w me prt bavins vllkal a artue to buuur l.v
ftlftns tbe autobail uno to Ito- vorht
waved hi. am. l-.vani her trich.lly and -.bnied- l-r uff
k»i- ■ h-"
*erp tall of
"‘k lu-olud to-r
up. v-ouiiiur' lie .rin!.
.-uutei. to-r Inlr ahbilus vl|6 au exli
Un'l vast poa' I'n a marri-.l
an-a.Ii.K aiul iiatttns. iM fair hruu
vUuu raiup to leiile and i
IM ol<Jev-t id brr aSe.-lloa. i
"tlea. nor «-;
cl Ibe prc-lip caab
daaiv. Tbe l.-ndrr to-an « l
-I don't waul uolhlD' lo do vlik
I crosUs'l nanp poo If poo naa
to burl to-r
t be did ■>
111 BwD os aartb. I* ihai i-litu
freUoM rt'cn ibro. Ur wM to-r to so raoBsk EusUak tor pou?OB to tM Mil. aud M vobM .v.iue i-p
lalulp mis ru-tosb.'' nil]
aad bp,
tac uiortisad bookkeeper, "l-ul It lent
-Peev HeBOnT- lln a BMV lluiei ton KBslh.b.--Cblcaso Trthuir-,
-Yea. pro.". BBawer«d IM eulnmaa I
•cl Mtkrlor
-In aa boar aiapMr pervhn.-d' ibe
Ua lo attoud tl^Tksalu*bair‘al alL
Tkaraupuu. isanuiirm Mf (asnria U
hrotrs Tasalo Upaalak. UvaudarU
satbento up bto brUtUal trala. atadi
bto (oea lulo bor alippera sM tor* bar* avap.
TM bai-kotor braatUd oaca auwe. It
tarnm M Ub Ua vaa a*aki vortb
lltlas. Ha save tbe Tair la.ni.lera
Uua to sat cleau avap lo tu.- WII
be doBUcl bU heat while Unas
aad bk beat vlillo Maalla taal
IM (oMa of iTurp aUk arctoud It
and aaUled furtb. aapvbtoc-. aupvUn
to rtispa IM atnaapkivi af tMi dnsd
prciaoro. The* be rviMd uwciuw-losa
ns kto otol'. irUI. tvilb that .jdrluial
latalilua vbMh. >e are «oU. .ull Uun |«ic- a»l uaadaliarai
CM InraaderU liad prfc*-lv<cl bto
ammp aad Mlknl ll, She drva bto
daatp Mre f*ef up under Mr u|na a
labia la foM of a palm abed aeir IM
atioet canasm aM vahad for bar
r. WM* K ca»e aha P0SM.C1 upaa
**Sa oS» Meero. apodal toaskar
to eosfetof to tM BSP Otp oekost*
ksraod sksst tM tMO
Hmr poapis to H*das* Mrs kstaa —1Itoksdlr
dowoBitraitos work bodoto s
MO to to* aasi tor aoM ators
H St tM PrtoMU Mkoto Mdkp.
toil to ptoas to ato**. ast Mass wM
vss «atos A MMitoe ilora. sM
toM Ikto aUM that tM sssl to sa •aM
uMortook to spoa sa ors*
dasr *aau burst oat srosad tM
ora*, ksialas Mr fast aM fcrikiad
aortoolp aM staMtoi Mr bair aM
....................... ■ to_tM
to Uhlus
rrcMii Ijivaudrha
avap Ito
Idd ato a
' Mbs vktok ncad. TM tsUtog twsr
■Md kla to tM vsU. kst tksoi*
_«kto to ure kla ketop ko-Uf ' *
to MM tM Ugkt ustU M vaa ?0B
Bto tojsrtoa vtib tM sipsosn
ladp wosU dh>vter
a M vent.
11.- vi
h*onad pooib. altbouab
i-r« nm MV LaraeArrla anirrd
to iiu iii.vh- uf nupiB, Usb in iwi
ta*bl>ui. KM we* MtvMsdcd. eod U>
Woa iH-r le iM diui >liBBt<xl xuur
of iM rvuoded rod «i»l
leu nil ..f h.f soon. Xo Tasalo ladp
vtKiM I.. -'UivHKt -up" vitboui tbai
Imuliwl Iv Mr akin, lirr lUik- bcoma
fort vm- ■■an- Bare (or asiall voodra
ai4>f>-n tkal i-lalHoed aad dntto Upuu tie- mmed aa aM ualkrd.
Tbua (•■Mlrrlp alllred. l.sTai>drr1a
floelrU like a rtoloB paM Ihr bouv uf
Asrtos sa vdlsSBor vhlM* '
tMI'onh’reoiir bisk iltoldap. .turldr
laM a eoBSIdorskIc rodatoles to
-Yea pea.- a alu ra«illed llMm.ulitod
k-ri hit- roto a <-hihl ..r
-aBMr to isleoai la tM clip. It ptorldai that ssip snir tmtUrds to iM
brr left
pnpartp ovMn vllhih IN feet to blH. Tbl. Ic IM Tasalo >ap'tora^ ! Thes I wall.- aaki InTUaKrta Hb.
srotr dlrsrUsa traa iM proiKMd as lasbabln. IM lajp * <«-a akin reaeb-Ikcr Wrav aUppeiv OUlahle Un
kiae kieaUos Mre bIeo tb*ir mewai
M/uod il«it“*^
vlU a Uoouo M rsatod.
OOlhlUK. I'bB la IM Tasal» «ap uf | ^ ‘
Mrs. BU JtoH*]l to Cklesao esm
l«bM. It siroa Ibrui Hus 1 ^orbi-k. la Ib.- verp fruoi Am- to IM
clear troa the Wtodp dtp to eeltM a
.-Itobr iMB brlDO IM valas ! “Maluu. iu tall vies to all «M. |>a>*
dtopuir vlth Mr ilaicr. Wr*. «-tUka
“•* r*»«.l.-d iraauulllj.
Ler to mat, vkoto aM aecuaed to IM aap inil la. TM hop dhl UM l.-lons '
irawlrrto. bevrrrr. aa iM i-an- !
=• -'«•“« »‘*lir ubo i« i.- un
darMtos to bar ova aaa tl ckK
«plalfHU to tb.- boartlrta vMo |
«" ‘be open Br.el of a Kuudap
vonh oark IS caaia. A fan- to
flsl isauao eesn aaM tM CU
sue u. kiu-e IIH-UI Miter. Itr aUeniooii vltb a l.rovu vhlow d«-a*ert
aosaaac for acUoa.
trai iaer.-l> --|M va ..r ker hiwMr «f i l« tbr Mlskt to all brr Melb.-u Boer?.
ballh to Adrtoa up
Mr,- net .M e aa uiludtos bln out of ' *“b
vasslah ,hnm.-ao ato.
ip M esUad IM
pan-SOO.I uacarr. To add to tbratlrar-|®«~ aad all bla osu ai-uualuUMra
to IM Ushod *_____
Unuoa. a. It wrn-. ef IM ivh-tuia- «1k- | k«>fctas os at IM ebuv. vea leore ibaa
hsa Biadc a spoctolip______________
‘"'“f- •“« k. Lave tbe
■MM SM hid bosattoi Mro kro**i ■ade tbal .lap. aM <»mad hetv-ru bn “»
*> a hui.- PUbUa elsar ihai U»k«l
equaiilm l.refoto aud
Bko a poses Mnrrtas ran
CanUlarb upoa bk fruul d«r
to tM CMmalbatosai AaM patoOd aM Uflrd brr fan and alSbt of all iM >orU vaa
TM faaebaUr aufllp wUbdivv frum
to AlBOrlds asd tUa poar M
.-Mir In v-bh-k be had b*oa alHIUE lesr
V tooklas d
TM bo
leod bp TbsBMa
bfswD widow with
M. Mtsp. «kll
IM barbcler out fair aad aoaai*.
iIMb had rtlbrrtd upos Uc buv
pulled Uunalf tasttbar aad Ui■M vttkla IS fan to tM aaluia bcwd LavaadsHa la bli brafca* Vaa
i*p IMS Msd a* tM IMd. Ha bad
kea Spaiikb Ikai la tM akk to Uaia ba
m wsspoaa to a*p ktod vtik bla aad.
«Adr valsklBs tM aerap for sboai *S
nade au av
■IsMaa. drsre os. Tkop veto ast to
anaraeoa. aad It
tbias la IM ruisfo sad >u soap. *M
ooi. kivskiBK brr UBb
Mr icvvrelT Tbe USB
Hdas Bimasa.
VM ssMr oot to tM spp Praia!nro. . .Jtl verr hilled
tM opes eesaos Mrv beeo
M Steel os tM aasU IsbMra
- - bp OsBr Wardea CkapBsa
soar tM aorthars eosatir. A 7*sr
asd placed la a cold itoraAv vsr»
koaaa at HWdasv. pesdlos diitrtbBo* SMS*S »a<' sad rMrtlable'^
B Mrs Botktot to do.
A M* soaps* 0* a vsr hisa I
Om a( IM ba<Mton ea.vprd airl
ran etoivtoi. u. hatae. teavius ibcItaar to iMor iM vboh- brain of to
OOdeMa'e k»rauakln TfaW va* hard
n IM auo a bo vaa bid. U> audrria
aotoo at eaiip umra aud deep r\... alt
cm aadip ailn.i fa*l.-uluK brr nUuUu
deck rpea Hpuu iM our (a.e, iiawBv
m Vltb tMir trntrr c.ar tb.- M.-brluc
vM vaa lafL dbr n-rarruied bUo u iii^
Bllrctheia; ato- l«A- biio ><- tor
uijV ).alu]: air- lurllrd
■ to allrad In tor idjitoul .-i
tlTr daiaea aud f.vala >d n
d tka tUI be ..uiU a.-ane M
Cbanksflivina Preparations
Yas Mac >
bafo of the aaoir taao wbo lip lad«ratlou. a taailaaa alsbl and a ralap iDoram vonU bare proved a enward.—
rtaUMCcl ilAUis
had;. I u r B c d
liiitodks under
.MR. M.U1
ffitS'S.'-.-.SrfSo -V........
Cbe Boston Store
ttoit'iiroaipied pos cbeal I brard aom
one vhtoper that data lo pou.
JahBBk-l>l«v. lua-aui. I axprcl tt
ss* htoinrp retusUa’ Itaelf asala
Herald Want Ads. are Winners
Traverse City Gold Reef Company^ Ltd.
»>.t. tM Gold Betf alM.«
our aeighbon sad oar taclasBi pstn**.
Wo aak pou to laTBsUfsta it ■escT •*■
poniuit)' vUt be ttves to poa or sap
rpicBliUve poa map aa*d to
mUM. We Mre plaeM »r«r hag tM ataak
la ibc ireaaucr asd vlll am aaO WMa*> at
ti lu aeesra tM aaeaaaarr taaAa.
if prarllrs; i
d the prc)|M-r
ifai- etorpikm to the- pcscoedi (roto
tuiall UDUsai of trveaun Block aoM to a
g(..*>ur trleadc. we Mre put up all tM
.pcai la chansias oar proportp froB
I in a tulip dtopoaitraMl
B. r. mUUB.
Irvto. bavt- oprecd up Mmeaie sUBBUItaa of
csallp vorkM. trer aUim of*, nasliis
(roBi tl.OO Kl m.iw per Id*, trow vbldt.4re
We tnU> recognue tko m
tag ds a corporaikio vkra
B ll
It Pfacec itoek OB
' ------------- -e puWle to iBTesl
before I.vi«t tkla latponsal itep we Mire
made everp rvaaosable teat of oor olne. We
ha.v UM rc-Iied aoloii us the oplalosa of expena and practical ultlas am. aor os (M
psii leau aad aaespa
Wr have csnTM
large qaaaiNIm to war ore to eeLskbortas
tolora Vktoe vr made two aim ruoa. Onr
vea Blade Irau ore Ukra frois tkr Hog*
.back, part of oor taler: ti raa owr lltW to
(hr toa- The oikto vaa laadr troa ore lakea
Ppobi ihli nut vc*lhavc a fold
lirk-k contalalBd eoatc
•COkui worth to
giiid. tbousb leal thee cm kuadroc] tosa of
ore were pot Ihroutk the mill. HM ve
beeo la a poalikis lu uie tba oooceatrsUns
or osaUlms. Ike reauli* would have haee
much better, ea ataapa to Ibr lalllBga abov
'rtere are bat lev taleev la tM
pouM vsa ihrcivs out. sM ve MUecs tMp
repraacat IM aaie to iM ore maklas op
oor propeetp.
We plaee atraae oe tM (art Uat oar deTeUfuu akev that all pans to iM tokntd
aad reto coaiata gold. It to aot poMetp are.
We vlll aot have lo tpaad larte euia la
alakiBs Mafia Uhmk varUleea rock to
tod mall bodtov to rich ore: aor will ve
Mve to apMd ton* auam for deM work, la
aioptac aM we will sot have to epcM aapiblag to aeparvlas tM vonhleaa ore froat
iM gooA
TM ttra mm isaa preeod ear era to be
.sallp worked, tree aUWas ore Uat oea M
■toed aM alltod for «1W a u* vtu Ua
ptoai vs pcopoae to ecscL aM U a very
tone ptoat to ecseted. Ue expeser eaa M
ledeoM auMk tow.
We tailp IsmSBlae Uc a*vuiase to a
larte. andcra ptoM. TM oce aev pcatofcsl
Ip nadp tar Ue ■ID. mMa R aaraimtp
to anaase car ptoaa for atactlas a ptoat
la etokt eaaash to* to dcaaM a ptoat Uat
will haadta am tbeaiaad um pw^ dap.
We tore toreetM torse eaxea to Uto sa-deruktog bM >e are atU torcMtog la tt.
but IM amaat *dv issatred to ■!■> U*a
ve esa- pel ■»- TM Om bM caMP wM*
ve MM ehw* aar uM tiki at aM Ito
praSU vtu ibaar vM ^ Mlp aa aneare
‘*Tkk^ BM kM keaiL a Tisn
iPaforasllal Uarber tVbrre As poa
part paw hair, alrl
Bald HhAM tM ItTlubto OwtaiDer
-I parted with It tveotp-ieTM pratv
It to mc*iM sdM thWr aliai mmSvbk
of Rat Pertasa, ■ Sh**l l*ka. sa arm M
tM Lake to tM Woods. U coBtlsta to am
hundred aad tortp4vo akd a h*tt acrae
of lend aad water, mora'or Iota to fraakBld
, ngbt. TM leM eosatots to oaa amll MaM
I with a teto. aM tM rasters bag to a iHiMil
Our Ulto to UU prym
overUM hr tm
to be csrrted oa bfl tM
Our mlM to atoml a dry toMa.
bavins bat itttM aaepapa.
OUR OHt soev oMrytag from »Cm i
IldAd par ua la seM to
owe s.sti feet vide,. Tbto ttiitotoaa body to
ure exieeda
4M faat aorth aad aama
1.400 feet eo
—-----------------------prora IM sarthars tdf
faat rsny froat M.M to HEM par la* to
TM ctormar to IM rock aad pa* laala
todlcsu soad aold valata to Ua MtMr*
riM era that oar abaft, laetos ami
broaa tma b«ra tspcecl a*d to
vbai tolpari can
mUl raaa VC Mas auda. >UI ptold erar BM
■Uttoe two baMrM tlidauif
Tbaaa tvs baadisd tkUBMBf ta*a an abpea
IM ISMMt'leraL
la tM oae latoad *M Ua rato
SeCOPfO. va bara pear aaa atWtoa toaa to
cuu aad aaifaea aciklaac >tU paa taato
aud Maapi pcscs to M sMd bankw. bat ai>
tor la aearp vap loAMt to vkk* ear daeetoMaau are awd$.
Bwd$. AutomtoM raa* Mm
*"*'^** **“ •’*“*** ^
Cwaalag Mm lalaM w latoM
maUto kMvaae Uaaa eeaetota to am veto
dyfea ^ieh ocMsMa meh aammoM
t Mwa^oaT a*^ Vmato
tvcM) pratv.
- are to Uto h
vap £ ^ tu*•M^aatM’Hk^
fm- *M vaa a f»p lar tM IM*.
Bat cams eras ta fsM t* tM ik*M*
«■* kaMa tM Miesl. ttfw McaW
IMb tt ••* i«8 dace aa* soar. 8M
•W « k**MMi a( UMS **i «*■ aW
'V‘T~P> IM.me *ov^ We air *ukwK
liricecte I'kaak^pvm.
Aaol. Htaa
Tboae aiade bp the I'rovladal Assay Of
toe are aa tottoa* r tl M, (P.M. SEM, KM.
SEW. «.», SEM S»JE SILK SUM. tfl-W.
S^. SUM. SM.W aad S7SM
Tboae Made bp Hr liebaea are m toUoaa
sue. SIEU. Sio.cfl. Sld-M. Sll.dO, S1I.W.
SSEM. tSA.fW. KS.Cd. SUM. *MM aad
Aa tkla UM va* amde frsa aetortM mw.
I Ue arm...................
- ova BIBB]
raa aa kigb as iM atome.
TM Prertocial AaaarOaca, after atoktos
leveral to tbe above aaaapE wrote oa -This
Om work la npMtog Ua Mtoe aM oor
tvo MU raac ptoee w to a poattta* to toake
blrlp aBodmUmtai to iM praAtc tM mtoe
vUI pap.
We propose to erect a ptoat as tooa aa
poaalkto. Uat vui baadJa bom IM to i£o
* UM la a abort time
__________ ^^^-..-..itodmtoM
HtolBS *M
W baadrM took to
or* a dap vfll stt-e at a pesAt to bom taar
kuatoad Aaitora « eat fkBtiiius taar bm
iveatp fhminad • poar. WMa Ue ptoat to
to MaMa oae Uoomri tami a
di^tM dlTtdaaA* aiU be toeroamd aeeerdTbamaaiMwtm a*u MaM aa tM tom aUii
MM to iiaiMimaS aea.' TMp prowue vary
toraa pratla. Ml IM eaormeas qaaaUllea
to fne ■Ititos are laetlfp ibem. INVCSTOR* WILL MBT HAVl TO WAIT 'LONS
Wa toetta w w pMMaaBp to aam
oar totoa. SeeS amtato pee vtB mv «
bmtM CMa ao ctoM.
Tea an SM:
THAT. Om baRp to an canptas m>o4
rataae to a*ar toeao
Mto laat vWa aM lism in bi^rod to
af^toc* baaAcM tarn kmg.
THAT. TWO WEE RUMS bum amatortM
ora MOV Uto Mmiaai bedp to Me
vm rea buaaaa Hs deHart aM tfmaea
THAT, VO Mfo evM aftoeo bmadiM tom
ta* nnatoif AeWta to aHE
THAT, ve Mis aoM tao baad
tsattoocato ilskt.
THAT, ve hMo aear <me mil
M abea to M eta* to gedd
teroL vhtle kwaatt Uto
ve Mre atmato toasMaa.
THAT. OM are to Croa ■nsag ore.
■HfAT. W^m^a^
BMrw to*
awM la ISa trcaamy.
ELY. Toe win M fwarlMOd thal oc
COB pap bom toM to Uteca per
moatkip dirtdmda a* aap maaap yoo
va at* •
We DOW offer a block of stork st 10 ccats per disre—ss sooa sa it b sold tlw price will be rsbed. For fbrthcr
ieiormstioa call on or srritc to
M€>9 WIIK^Im H»oi»
•1 aca aade os
vkm w tm* k» (MR
• *ba« cm ba
tu t>- ikaU r«^
_ ...Ow ttBSdlMi<<Wiiraai. Bad «1MB taed ak »r la ea
to wM tm tb« Orwt %e rwbM (h» fclst<miI be BbBU hata 3b* vh a-l li a
tfUbt* itU> rur OB BMItlcMl
niporu ik»i lu tm
by tb*
k w Uk* Bl<«. MMod (....... mooM iBi»rcBt «oBld L'
b>' 141 la eoulatkB ftw Ibe peaaU*eot«t1o« oo Beceimt Of the TBrtBat l•acl. Ibe Uc dnaM farakbdoBi it»-r dlsrhMm fnm keecBM
4llte MOVW
ibe tnefobtlni i^rreol for tbe bm>it-KU. 03^ TVkBl of the mn^
■BTtBt. n«or4M Ib ti Lake, *Tb* ■jon aai! laeaB’leeceBl llshie,
i» t inroi <*
e alrat at a
tlnsdoB <.1 4M to vu: !:t r?"..’ m
■ar. or :jo
^ fTMt r«lM,.a< the aaitac ta (ha
—— appeared to qatie - dltaraBi
ua (raa*tb<»a aiirlbaM to k>BB u.ra oBe.- of ibe eoaapiW.
iV'hMI eraBcatlsl. and extemad far eben- li U redacad to tAM volta. Tbe
lea rtyuemo U tlH) k. v. capacity,
rBrein.<m to rairy ^ per cesi orerAeeordiBX il .. _ _
Vhicfe «M tOoM «Ub Mdsr PIMU.
'oao tor tau bmjr>
lap fonne.l !be^B^r»l- ■!_*
- (law. «b«
tl Montpurt « >1X1
B. CkBrtM AlUn. >
M «M ^Uc frO« tbcn
1« taotfe Uarac bm sathtw b««
>t ttoc
‘ tlOB tba tOM tU
II k IbawM I Nenbptrt ihai ba hai
.. _ ________UAoo TonTaod__
: abener la ao» haP
bai there jra
a that tbe trraael laar h
rlll'to realkad, aarlas:
B ra re
.. to tbe eiMe^^
vbleb axlatad bedcae
ubie tad vat Bade la papnt
Rotaa. »8T. 1T.-Tba oidalaa pro
la Utln. amne ibr l«u of tte
talk la Mar kiaka ban that the
aa epi
bUmM aMM «< Kim Vbaarb t' ' xmt d Ury't eli toet aad
book.. ^
akead. aaparlanr k ftHtil. ^
rltb ether papfrt. rorerla* the period
a C„ Ihroa B06O Bo* raltkk a««abr Italy tm abaadM tba 4 Ibd-m
- oa tbe ------------ Trtpla Ankara. Tba Um Ma Ibai AeerarM^
ked Ibe
rkaefoal meraiare od
_______ ^’S.‘;=r3
vare taaalTad by tba Prkea
>ly iDore thaa that, aad tb
da Bfure-taalap thair
U hekf deoa by at
a Ukl raylaer-that
, aat. win aot ba tQO ma
troB UU orchard.
.-iBodlat^ «df>eaimp the doetor'a
leoparty Malt «aa4aU. a (erker Oad- -----------1*0 anaa aad a aka
irmard: All d Mr. RaadaU'e pr<»ae trail Mad.
iHy k whai k :
tkg la a
wlorlkr tad M k an
Cauace Oitnre Uaa atrlha
vabiy. Mr. Kaadalt. k eokkaMw
were tahao troai tbair wd
nth tbe doctor. wtU aadaavor to kautkar*-
ChkbcD, NOT. IT.^ cSEto tralB
earrylBi it pdkmmt. aar aiartad op
toa« by tbe Chteapo City railway a*
dak thk Boralag...................
a city eooaedi a^ thk______
J'ia^ to aa«k
Itoar tralaa
knr. aad
be thnrolat of kaaaa. The
PMd Ibe
raUwu aaelak taakre 1M
ka poBea
Uee aSokk au ctre aA
- am aaretae «a other Iftat
iM'___ _
tm of. tba Loa< Uka aad Oardold
loadar kihaol aaaocktka. bkd “
Not. It IMA
oalkd to ordar by tIm
ir: M3,,-a=%.S
*t M. Prayer
_____ by
. Mn. Doaa
of wikokc by Hta.
Maa Orata.
wbkh mta tk* oodtw
ka a I
UBar. Qamdir waa i
aiamaa of tba Kaaday ■maet* t(
•Or Kra. r J. Oraat. M
te PaaakC. S. Baraay. Cbarka
*—1. Daaa Orak aad waa waU4lb
d. aad
papartkt aa tba aMo
bWitkIl MOkr make at (he bat
1 tor dkaar aa
•dal hoar wbkh wai weU aejoyk
leraoea iiirtnei oallad lo ordk
Ibe ptaaidaai. Itobert Barway.
>pikHl makalmdt. Praka aamea
•4 by Mha Mom Baraay by alar
^ PI. tad
aad L tbaa aOMt pcayiar
pcayw aad
taciu m aad raadky itb ma
kt Atteadaaca t'..
MB aan of ackBto.
Oekr Baa. 1; Ka A 1
Howard. •: Uaa Tm
ika I_________
aad <baa«bllhJ&Sa
.. ____________ wheal. Tbe report
ibowi that at Maraelllei. Praaca.tbr
Urd wboat Imperl trado li doeply k- Ana
aroel wheat
er«Atad la
I for -SOAOO
Barcaloaa ta
South Side
bear late lait Frida}
leld up a trolley
yealmoni to Tyrooe,
r a dark object
ob)e aatri
a aad beUerliiy H w
pplled tbe power aad Mopped the car
rew reel of (be object, which
be .a blaek bear pre0 be
battle. Tbe molormao
feeder of (be oar, aad aplrt>..
4ylng an Ibi1 power, nbol (be car (oh
Ibe bear amldlblm
rani. It Mi
. hik
(he tide of
tad baried
ck. Tbe I
lotol. ta,
>k lo the moBBlalo i
(be mad.
AJtboayb 40 yean of
Sew Y<
r data^r
The totter II
mad. aad
. .. the
ih I
talni hare drti
A Unce Bwakey that had eaeaped
a ahip JuM• arrlred at Tampa.
~ entered■ tbe
• houie
of Mn. W. A
tohnsoo aod I
tbe baby. Tbr moiber toaybt wKh
tbe aalmal (or half an boar betnre ihc
Al Moaeow. the elaphaai Uarrlk.
lU yean old. a preaenl from the
Bbali d Penla. nlarrwl blranelT lo
taatb became bis kaepen dtalred
________________the eoBdltloB aad him
of light and air. and -oald Bot
tuMikoiW tba ana aad ta I
permit him to yu Into tbe i..
(ba axtounea of Uta oe that
rik had baea aeoK-oeed. lo temporary ,
rtsoomeot In tbe elepbaat booae
•Mtsaa. UaaayabetBAdk
Lbai tbe au ta peraaalal
dirtdad bMwta I
I of ran
ad At# a
- . d<yi. .
_.. .....................
blmaeU j^tbe ^. .Iheaoee rasi
- ot focwat foikya eh brew
rotoMd food aod driek. thota
nod bT blk by the kabaiuatUlHj fonb
Yto farorlte diahea were piled up all
trooad him. He aurrad aad tblnled
•d. At thk ttma the tad am >
week! before he lucoo
brara baaa ptaran..tD ba rapt..
Henry Bailey, sSOB of a welH
iBBuary by the Udac raaa of
ylaaier of Pmltb eeaaty. Miss., ta
klUed by belay packed In a bale
”mton Hatea Mllkr flotUd wlU ytoa a bem
tbeyknary of John Olaia
ThaitkayjTky dkaar to a aakbar at __________Tota
My* at Woody Om bar '
> the fk trltb eercral wayoaloahi
' eouoe aeet by bis (aiber, aad k
Diirtay the pi. ______ -ae BBaaar foil Into tbe preae '
Tta'i Oahta.'' at Legaaapkt.
1 belay aoUeed. The uayady
Ptaak MaimaU. a ata« aM am at a
tarkar alara. kfmktad by the whlp<
Plac of Hack Tom by BHaik Ugaa
be lad WU c
toota apaa tha akya mi attakptad
.. bM hU el
k kUI the aalar. Oada Tok lokpad
hath of iham UU a pota of L______ _
Urn. Hantal aald hk kthar
laat aa-dapktad ea
Matte Weeaa aad
’"ether* £a«M^ 1
kn Name Oraai Bartork. wba haa
•cm ta BL Look ter (ha wkkr. k mem (be ta aagke, boi a
Uuiy (a mmmt MtAl Jbmb U Bkb adder track followed. -Look a
u pnaldta of tha board of kd kM horaea raaalay away wttk
whau kky of AUhlwo o».w. . ama ta MAjwe baabr -dm ae Bom k olyan ta otta aa
•to nt wheat
•taltka that Hr. OampbaU ta da
An lafatai
lyaaBlia ta
tba tak wUh
ha kay •ae'k
Itn "
..AMBd iiBdarimtb Plra paraeaa (wn baaa lajorwd. aan
tba Orta OmtriU
aaly. (hat ba kay dk. u
... — a yu axpkaka la aa___
tank la Hariam aaed for uphyxk^
tha earty km ta cau k tba doy poimd. ..
BOW OMWd- xpkakw wraekad Uw latarkr of tbe
lay U>a •aaibeandl aiaakdUpa la ra- ■wlldlay aad brake erary pane ot
■era la thair aattrd kta N^ m- ykm k It .Aboai IW------------IW dom ta eau
we hare aa tarpe
a aekbar aaathi
Urya aboat Har-
rkky’ita te
Vta toli^ ^tatata
“ ■>»»—«—TI~ dcta (bat k a few XaUMTaU the
•ta WtU ha (akam Pathar Lpam la
- —’ ------- eltlaiB of Pkriku
MCI livtolya W. Manay_______
kapaai k the aid Baydar Prah
■raea (arm wmr New Braarakk.
. rapoM to he wartb orer ■ ssim
km am.bolknw k eaUay
wO PM anew aay of ta atom to be
kU. kM K ••( klo Iba haada d tba
M tebaok k ih^ a
botaar. Bo cf kU aba hw hem:
SmTob ta iMKKa
We will make very low prices on Table
linens, (red.
bleached and unbleached \ Napkti
Towels and
Our Linen department bears the best reputation, and
one knows when they buy Table Lincoiand Napkins
at A. j. Wilhelm's the)-buy the best at the lowest
prices. Come to our store and sec the goods and we
will quote you very lo«' prices with a special discount
for Thanksgiving time. We offer one lot of QQp
Towels that are rare bargains, each at ----
.Again we want to call your attention lo our splendid
line of Cloaks. We. havi
_ : new garments arriving
daily. The stylish long. loose (.oat. the Military
l^uLs .KlX’iareall
.KIV; i
the Box'Co.it
■■'o.itandand l.ouLs
styles ihis fall We price them
ihem at 35,fX\
35.fl $fi.ni>. $«iili.
fT.rui. $«.0U. $l0.0ii. $10.60. $11.00, $12.00, $13,110.
Cor. Onion
and 8th, St.
ments bought at thisstore. We have a fine line of
lu de Soic and V’clvet Coats for children from 4
to 12)
lot laii to look our Uress Coods line over <
)OU arc buying >our new dress, skin or soil. We
show •'-------------------------• •
the newest weaves and■ ’latMt shades.
Broad’We have*" fiif
_ Ell!
$ L60
.A ver)- handsome Bm.idcloth which is wonh $1.6li per
yard.^in lilack, navy. red. brown and
\\ e show a M inch /iliclinc in Blue and Black,
li is a winner, at ............. ..........................
South Sido Storm
The most wide-a-wake up-to-date institution of its kind in
Northern Michigan, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Cloaks, Suits, Millinery, Carpels and Furniture. Here is where
your dollar goes further than anywhere else. Imr M Mns DHn.
CLOTHING AaamonmratotUeB’aOrareoauia Black.Btee aad
BrauBtoTera. Bhm ^ebbl• Okrira. ta Oxkrd^ ' * “
Oi^ worth rJO. far......................
BLACK ^IBELlKE-*«4 indies aruie-paaili-^r tbe UM A<|i(oe«
of thia doth are caa yet 10
and nnniaif.wbte at kk ^ Crt
^ Orarcaati. Oxted
wcO iriaaad aad wefl
W. Bhir
mode, wonh $1000, far.'...........
COLORED DRESS COODS-BC iadi Bron Stning, Knnir all
ta tb
__ a deep bdmoM.
•li- olib*'
« puk. I
leni aad
Men's an wcot Mdtoa, Bearer ta Chiadiaa
Orcrcoak. taa •
ikdiMa Orcrooak,afayta
made, liaad aod trimmMi with (fata mr • —
•old crerywhere tor $1$ 00 aad flLOtl; d
Bear, Rj
Co~b BrfSirad.™* «
NcfSuaple Far Costs ia UoffUa^ CalMta, Bfaetka
BaB LABh,Sfam Btatota Oataiaya at tem Ihto
HMndl>aol SUnii«FhnMb,pUw rakn aul
The same m Maes 9 M 16. tlS
Obita, n«ii*
**Wllllam H. lAearitt. tbe Npwpttt.
A. i. antot wba karrkd Bath Bn
ported for tbe au of (he dowager em
caaaart hta bayu
prwu of Ohka, whlefa are to nia bekamato They aky daak iZSm.
Pekk ta tbe taaiBMr pakce
mm tmu'imii la m§ ''
MM Mia M^&^TwkrtlhkM
. Ud.. Are wae die
ta cboicb Tw
i foaerBl waa
e<a.aa raabed fraalleaUy
•pea air Tbe eorpee of b
Voir wae toraoltaa wbUe b . .
rofi.ef> aalde la Ibalr *elorU to aakpe Tbe ckrynaaB wbo wai of
Ictoilay daaUy kd the pailbeBren
kui tbe cbaiab aod ibe o>Sb
placed la a keane. Tbe o
aoay wai eaded at tbe eeawtery.
The boreal d itatktki <4
ot ke
the da
a aad labor ta
BTlBeat ef eoki
■ report eBbodytaa latanaa
bp Mra nt«
.MrtlMew by
"St TSm d M. C. OoBpka far
dmm hmad by «to m tha «U Mr
pamk —t. aakrdlM ta at---ba eMtderm la April.
ly belie froai Ibe tarbke
- Itae abaft. Tbe ewlie!
- . will
w- be
- ■brooybt
ad ueed w cl^u
-- w-..
rwatk lUt
toptc. -Wim flban wa flhr tba
taadhyr Bohooir
Bobooir whkh
wbkh wai to ba
ytrea k' Mr. B. J. Oaaadar. waa dk
i-datta aakkHiaa aa Ira
ao» of^
be My dyaaBO. a
d flOB
ta. for-
------------carTTta oet thair Mkk
kmplamaet. ta aoka of the ataakahlps are aaw haaked (hU ta tha tat
of the yaar. Thay'ara maatly llalka.
Ptdtoh. Bkrak ta "
trw aaiead- krewty
larcwty la the matao.
Ik. ftahMt Bkl of the rlBta ef
mamimrj, n.
K. T..oae ef ihe^IiM
ked ta (he aoaiy.
eoaiy. ta tt yaara oU.
hu baaa mkl far taam cC pnmka
OIbU atated that Uim #.
racalTW MP k ^___ wbM W Urm OB a Uiikkik baarlOata ataak for the pwpaaa af wwt darta tkdaber. Hk FI««B W yaary •*>. aM who aMta|ta m the tai wtah hta WBK iwId ka take eaperwa. > aunay
kimay cob
couktad of fowr walrea aad
------------------------------------ (be bW
aU md.
^of the
iMtaVto dbe kayor c( the Maa- a wildcat.
hk door Bat- . Pad Kattey of Bartkad. aam k
OkHteoa-i ket kc Tbe work k dHrky pUet |
Md Batrkd
: bad
eowkct with tbe deadly aurw bwfear
- «r
" W1
—— Moaday aad k wBnaeaer ba k
•ad bad
I bw.
aa arm.. He wai r ‘
kto daaykic
Mn. WHO,, hadMCTkd a Baa a. ear o( eora'cwmaaly amta^
Ant Mr.,
Uadoo aad of (be BOyal Beoieh
1. at a
BMjd P«m aad bad baw Drlay k wan <Bwbt aad the arm HtaraBy
tra<>b!ca1 aorlwy. mpecUrelT. .__
Md^ bat Ibe waati to May wubicrawd la ptocee. It ww pkkd oat
tbo.> here eoQCecded k aeceadkf
Mra Prederlck C. Via Knraa kl«kr^Nrama^"tkat trktwraWBi uito
hree td Ibe yteaten---------—• raad Kaptdi dropped a Ibbp oa ibelatary lo ikai atarke* taallaad Pt.»Ct.pwU cd the Hlaieleyai __________
ladU. tbe euBBlu of which bara
av>.-r U-tiin- txwo reached by BBA.
.-lar. The full^lay cropa '
IdBli expoal-; The ArnT taintiif u ibr daer baet.
ported; t Peachee. kBAoe
^ party dm airriided a peak tl.T plaat. atacha, Moran. i lay eeaaoa ureuriwd Tare day k >br
i belybt. aad I
cbeBkal twtor to aad kUai wUI be-woudn Mybt bIW km klewMiV
appka !%••• boabeli; ebw
rear wkdow. aad pUouM lb- pkBt. «f anrh. 4«.e«n baah
rtw. Thee (ur^.
(un>^. whkh hat aot
ao( OiTW
Oa«W PkkMi.
PkhMt. a raiMier. wu'kkother ckUdrwa
down tonafety'
Bia Ibe wiimaa'* recre^ f r rearblay
aad<- up tor >hr (aaUy.
hlyt ililluJ' Tbe duiiur eoua aft«yiT-iSl'SSSr” “
la.uailT & *»““*»««•
iraian k the ticinity of \pallaail t aad Kramer oabaly _____ .
aard cooUaaed with the yuldei aad
wptolBloy that (be yraoad '
teeraded a third peak, the ' '
Mm k tbe eatpleyJoba Tortwet, aenVw^ ?Nik^'4*liia*
rbk-h wai tAAM feet, tbai
iea*wm to dan^'u?lMd uietar^'wMW k’'*teatta’? tU'tal nau’iVmmtto'r
the world-1 reeord. '
.................................r takea at rwd
MMmi whta ~
Wendvlln KIrAch of Houybloa. wbo
Joba NewcaaB u( Cle> eland
Urtlr. Krm. replaced by tbe aew nmd
md **crMl
. depth ef ihe
ite f«
fM. '
bupilaa a lew Bile, from tbai ^ or erreral yean had Bade hto lltlay
dlBuo Pl'IIftBc'* Ant wife, wlia Torrei
Priday • a bU due ran I
tin* ot aa c
Kht a bet
o eanb. Tbr
doc made
•r doy
and Aaa'lv naetaad drayylay a
kin cnai It depoalted Ibe yen
Bent abd went talo the bole ayala.
Ibto llBe comlag out wlib a beautiful
iwUe boa and BuS. Tba dog i
a doaen
a tripe UInto the
d each ilBe retur
/nluableF ..._
illk or
.. ...
tur ...
. .
Ban Anally crawled Into Ibe bole and
-ound a laryv cavern. It wai a per'eci HTWiure irort-. There were rala-l
\Vc wicb to call your attention lo'our McMillen Pants wp have live different styles at $i.50. $3.76 and $3.00. they
tbie tur*. watches. Jewelry, gold aad I
llTrr plate and expeailre cblaa. It!
are the best pants for the money in the city, they are all wool, very heavy, they tit good, they weyr good. We also
eas neatly arraaged aad Ubeled- la'
have the same goods made in Repfer Coats with high Collars at SC. Oii. \\%o in Bdys Sui» and odd Pynls, the
>11 tbe cache coatalacd at lean tlO.>W worth or pluader. Much at It wai
Suits sell at $4.50, odd Pants at $1.00. Buy a Suit of these for your boy. he will have the wannest and best wear
denilAwd as hiTlny been itolen freB
Ikieliad iiorvi. bot tbe police bive
ing Suit he ever had. for sale only by us. Men’s Suits. Overcoats. Reefers. Boys' Suits, Overcoats aod Reefera.
w clue to tbe robber.
Our Boj s’ Department is chuck full of good thing*; Dog Skin Coats. Duck Coats. 1- ur lined Duck Coats. Mackin
lb. 0-. Ella nivul ta
•rouyfal tall tor diroitie ayilail _ .
aw Coats, Kerecy Pants and Reefers big line of Undcrw:ear. Overshins. Socks. Hals and Caps. Way’s' Mufflers,
■uabaad. Chartea ahlrnl. became be
Collars, Neckties. .All are goods are up-to-date and first<lass. When in need of an>thing in our line, call on us
lat Doi. as ibe alleyee. taken a balk
lao- ibeir Barrlaye. four yean ago.
we can save >-ou money.
tbHel ta beeo married Are U»ea,
•tore. Some of bU wires died a«lwoe lecarad dlroreea
Praak Letter, enperlc
$16.00, $18.00. $2000, $31.00 and $«.(». We can
lome Telcpbw comp
n 10
lOito 15
•* per cent, on gar
positively save you from
wild Iradiy of rvtooya. »
_____ .t d ka gadBaUay claaa of
tbo Werun High aebool of BatUBoro, atumed
Bt'M ftwk
Mr eiakkati I. wbem ihoy______
' belay a "tale baarer.” Tbay
bat tba bkd aad u
Hrateaaa.aw face uoUl tba blood
eatl adapted lo tba ea
raa. palled her hair oat. lota bar hat
aw trait.
to pkoM. kiekBl her booka kto tbe
cutter aad triad lo tear off her clothlay. Mlae Banyort Aaaiiy brake away
Hr. saadau Mra akf wraa d aa- wd.raa. panned hy aaarly tOO yWa
Ske Ataly darned lato a
ffiSw'Vok^lMr latkartiM^
the Mkhi barrad tbe d
■ the oro
Boat eharMac ta an MleUwB . ...
II yean
y««n of aaye a
)ka kka at tbatr taat aad aeTeeal
of tbe troQble
the am
« wai a
tbe city.
ar a kUa or MMd^baaX^ MkehlM for a badwaaad'. with Rka^
kar pedat aad toaU HaaJioa Ukad
ifea lapnhii oobH d tba ataia___
Ilea to ka kortMa tax law. xaaaT ol
tba ~»TI~ aoa la fona la tbb
cay. am thioaiboai tba ataie.
----- wum U aatMlky^^
•am tbat (ba keriMM eaa be ■
a powen d <
lo MHI bk iatareat aad tba > . ..
mm tm aadar tbe law rataaea U
Ajraady baadrade of a
mmtom iatarwa. Aarordiag ta 4b kd
way ta thk k . . .
dkfclaa. M tba wawtmaa >»aw whaa •ratythair
k act far
■traa that tba da latBBt whaa aaotbar Uatt
foH kka baIdn that of (raU viU daeakp ter oar
toad trkodi. the doctor aad Mr. Raa-
UBiwm. wlthoai baraky the fWttab.
rbe anxere Botere are cf ibe kettaad
iri". w • ■ Bo ynraod dakcura.
Ibr am
- . act
aa each,
aad «lH» oa wbleb elde of
oi iba clreall
■Jae.tnH'blF I* h
A Toll
'erepiOi-le’ aerree w dad Ibe i___ _
a •■Hbrr liar. The ■wlichboerd. to of
M- lucdanl type, cd..........
aea dilBBO
Tbe Iniunatloa of
wilb the three alter
Bacbloea, two ot W
re|>-aer I
.er. It u»«
»n>oee ibey
be and. Tba blyyar
aarblae to already pra
rbe other lao, cnellay tiMu each
Vakaak PraH ParM.
take Ilka alx npra afo Ik.
i. Mwark d (kdUlir wabaaad
dd (ark k Ladaaaa eoaaty. Ikak
i frail___
r Mdlad k>
Coke. Not. IT.-Tbe Ooka
mu to Oka
aouakakB to paraaada Paaaaa t .
naaakb her ladkwadeeee baa arrfoad •ha aad Uke HkhUaa
wptbaally dwlrabk •«
' - aad rUaatk
the laaaben. aader taai
tpplco bare baaa pkatad. aad aa >
hu BaNaaa. to Paaaau
■art trait maa bai baaa aamad
with the I'abaBa foau.
-dra tbam aaaailoa. Some d tb<
, The TJaliad ttataa
raaa are aboat Ire year* eld, aad wU
'’•talaa haa amrad.
tear la lao or three year* laora
Vtthln Ire or alx year* tbe whole or
kUl Bihere, They ara taardbic
dtard all] be boarlat. aad tbea ibe
lailitBd atalioa aad o«aaa
daiaU of Bartaaa la Ibr odor aiU bare a cold Blae. t<Sr
wria KaraI that aot
a leai
I whkh arartoehi
I year. aat. will be (he reaalt 01
10 altaal '
lodree, ee tbe tree, yrow older aad
le Dixie al
TBATna amAm; immaiAti
aad aaala vhkb hB*a beaa lor aaa
OB ibe krm. Sbr hat fhaa i
>K. aad Fxa aboet tba aoaBO
I(*M aadaxm weB made, met 4 to J
oof lo rip. tae 4 to
laraia. It to aak that -Papa- Bryu
ta aeat lhak a cheek for Aioo u a
- to talk
•r iMuIi dofmth^ra^tamir
w<K> twa 'ud
> layear«M boy cd Aadrew Be»
I. k the abuaea of hto
„... a rlBe ta ahet bto alxtlilar. tba ebarpa toarky off tbo right
Me or ta (Boa deeunylay ou are
tad (raetarky the ehaak hoa^ w
TOMay the mambrau of tbo Mte.
~ ~ar tba de«l. triad la pai
le UU UkaalL bat pM
tad ta aot turn fooad
•M axpaoiad to Ura
Tbo I. PtapbrnaQa La
cM ~k
Walto. ta toMHd a p*
that ao 1 ____
.. ba Pi
haat or ta yua la lha
(he rktal
. _______
...itiy at tha caaM af
he eomiiaay. aad aay BaaMra kta
ioRkyaa kta la ihe aMalty •<«•
•apa win be proaaraied. Tha kk• d the u,,.____ _
_________ to this la order te |
toot the iirwn sf ibMr keo troa o
: LadiM’SMniRabiNfi.alltoaea..
Dtem Pams. afamt-M dUctal > aiylm. Bam $1J9
MB. whoimi.hem-k Hapk---------•am twaaly Mn- He wu aaparakd
from hk family k tha aariy kra ta
k CDo Boston Store «
TBAVBRag am. aaAMB tbavcbse oountt. lacHiaAM. November loTims
•rmilCravtrff mraM alUST RECEIVED
MoDcy to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
luiioB ... I he dtetSiarrrxad *bu*
the Aum
•orb, n perioet At •ti.l Imm
tau-r (by (iw rreigbi (rsm Drarcc mrrtwd. briBatss arntber coedaamL
Tbr coBdnetara reporcm that thwa
had brya ao Tk>I««ee. bat that wm
b»cau*y ib» irate nan bad btm w
far mtQUiBU-ryd as to pal rmte
Ui>- lUOIBIl’, KBlhlSA.
III Id th.- auynloe.
Kor«aB ncad a hilleTpurt .>
K»ut. aasiAJlh-O br
:■ aas aaluu lur lastrankms tbc
RraKiir fnmi rt^
'.••''ttnaxly telo. the
_ rvKuu
n««u i>.>
l.> la,. ud (brnra. la
i|«b WHi kinel.T
thy abM-ncy
ibarncy ..f
i.f ,u
.dUi-rs (u tbr raei
Uy cmuil »ui taw. '
Slid pulkd .
Th.-t,'«i ilii'iskMil*' ■nld
nel.lb'r irUry Bor tb.. eoadarti
Ih' »lmcbr« <Hit hta ann» i» mu-b
for orOria. be bama i
tbe breeae.
bea dram « IlKb'Ir does lu ibm.
uier (U Ibr boanllai: boitM
Tbe *UD
Bd stay attb Urm. Kaaaalb'
Uw-i^be ta*i Bhk Un «b<« day
Tbi« l> Bu pterv for >ua to
... ..
Pl«l« CI«M. StMim Bollsr and Accident Insurance.
Tire Tnsurance!
IV Ulnt <tcti(u in Am modrm far Wi UMl wMcr. IMA
Johnson Block. Phone 78
Traverse City. Mich.
Traverse aiy Slate Bank
•URPLUl, »SO,000
M. W.
Who kaov«
s bleb
birb by caa w»~
Uy «<*» nl.l inw?
t u5tomers. and give ihcir
1KT Celt IlMM • 11H Dvtuu. I •*»*-aaric.‘Baas~^
i?"' "
si«ccial attrntion.
iiouDd. (hraual. iby furrsi
siraage ausle flmts
(l«y>.||]r tb air. and dies
Uit^iOrs ik a
gJl«li2rsK3B. ftaa*
/«f4a?,s=‘<aBr *-
oto. e. wiLLCOA M. a.
w >; h> mmiM
.ii> atvs
Tv •'l^‘>>y hir bh'l Ibougbi of hu1 like to draaa lUt 1'vv a apretal |«rt
uM tUrrat a'1an;'s
a farmer wants :
him alaays
»> tn-*
rUD oil (by vrstyra dl'
and ended at Ortral Jiu
Jusrilun runilsttk] of
rallaay ctalloa.
lea- stuuKk-s. a dreary boardtec bouse
and a t-boKe eollectlob of future
ituro postlbllliMs: but Pboebe. betasf B)0(b•^
teas, apent mneb of bvr Ita.
father's eoste.-. or In her unrfo's oBc«
“It is Uery Bntioyiiifl”1 o the one who does the cooking for the family, and
kometimes to the iftcmberH of the family, to find that
an entire baking has been spoiled necAOSE poor ex
tracts or baking powder had been used in Us manu
facture. -Avoid SuoK Araeaoyoeaoo- by
using Johnson’s Pure Flavoring Txtracts and Pure
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at »6c per pound.
i*^of*m*^im*"'tb *''•
ltd alt.-.
f«“h^D^sbr hm lao aobiiteiu
tie vas for her father, ruarblas out
> the llBe vbeo be sbMld have
i "tuabt
ber faibef »bm
I he artevanee
Preeorlptlons Carefully end ConeolentkMiely Compounded.
L 8. OHIIS & ca
^^viB-'Jobnson’s Drug Store.
Commerctai Printing
BH KUldl
Um io too nkt!) lot ike JwuikI
tku «• M kavi^
Call and
MS ua the Beat line van arc io
lha city.
-siaassia--.. i
»wet Omm0 tmk
Frt^. Salt and Smoked Maata. Saueases. Etc.
First Class Grocers
Weearty a fuUiibeof &a|>le and Faacf Gnycrria
____ jxicc far Butter V.
Is Drawing War..
CelcbratF it by allowing youraetf nomei
K. offers a selection of the following;
Fresb Orsten. ertsp Crackers. tfeUdess Riblis.
Sweet asd clean Cvranu. freak Mbbs.
PUberU. AlaMBOs. Bradl an4 Eif. Walnits.
Candled Q\m. Lcbm ud Orau«. Ckociute
ud Caen. Extracts itf Lem« nnd Vanilla.
B^nlc of Klrifl^oloy
Par <cai iaunai paid gfaBsikMmka
paid if left g mok
i*0 L-OAM.
BlfWM.Na i.kuan.ip. Li.iuiH.iiii:it
^b » Hn-
Be aure nad treat j-ounteU to a cup of ihe beat coffee on
the market; that is the relebraieii Chase <t Sanborn Seal
Brand. If there's anything we klid not mrmion. aak for
them, we may have them, ^nd they are youra. Call at
Cor. Front ami Ca« Sts, or phone to 46. it will nottake you long to get what you order at Comer F ront
and Casa.
It<- u. put la your (lae
hotel ahlle I ao to ibe
meeUaa.- bo had (old her; aod
Hioobe iMdook bera.-lf .« '
aber.- a smanly
dn-ss.-.! )uuas
ml) dn-ss.'.l
»o. . lUK U|mo aa aorl.ei
aorl.ei aad'
Ml..- Mi.n..
si.iiy-abti 'VlD iianu)''
ptaou. *eK=
called tsteularau.l Uiy ptefurm.-r played as Ihe Irtabl-|ym
■I renal h
Pboi-b.Ibai III
o plaj
»t tbe kind
ber uncly ib.a db) . a ben
belplu bim o
to rOBl
It report
sad tas
teuabed at hr
1 ^oushi ruu aery bej-ouJ sitcb
tblBBS." he said
"A eirl
ran a toeoniuilve. Baurv Ulls
t half lbs opI U- aacites
Dcrald 3ob Office
Pborhr. "Tb.-y
steNilJ *o craw ..v.-r there l.y myself.
o( knielni; sbai was bappeatec'
landim Hosidee. I'll be a tood
deal KBfer
afer b.-r,- slib
s'-‘ • Norman sss k»1iix to InsUi. Uiitbe
aliv railed bim
He answer
HVInt. took Ih.- BX-.sare rapid!) ;
"HoM M fiw urden fee all amaas
In' pn-vebi tranp. from teislac Irate
’V eoilBe .Sp-cte1 with sberirs poser
-Ijj reach )•«. lil.Hit edcbidblrty p
I canaul (hlbk my ir»- ts dy
faroicr and knows,what
H<‘ bi-DiM 4Dd tu«» byfiNB p...ujy »u>'
dye gale.
It a »(cb. ai-l tbm a iiUibNt
tsdy's playlhtes
. . d Mid
y i eas and
] raa'i ttaiak
bo» bMiui
- Vm. i
nlcbl oparator at
^e. aad I artoaUr Uv«d
la t^bousy ullb'U ■
bs. Aad I hope averybody who
kW Be B,rak» with It «hea I vas
tryUteI to ralch up ce av B««i *DI
uretTML" b« adddd. taktaa lha
r hnok from
I. r-tttec tba busrb
•tteru fo rail oC t« btei.
“Ob. music, yea—hot that's dlSarto have__
la Ohio; ys«r Aaal
n»eba ptay.
_ - ia eh(
aad »a all si
tbe choir, tret
Sr oS'-Si
l*beot>e beard tbe oieeaace as
clicked ibraocb ihi- souader. i
looked at the rtailoa flock
It s _
oos lu-arly etebi—If tbe aea would
onl) keep quiet f.u- bait aa bout'
It was a vslu hope- Two ail______
■ruBe on tb« plat
a. aod Anie.r aad I
the raedueuir
r draxped laio tbe waittec roo
bl*. buriy t
ml wbiaken aad fteatei
eyi-k-ariod as spoketaaii
"Vou-shet up.' the spokemasi.
'Inc to ber faiber.
"You hate! dot
iblti to say aboot li
you pU
you'll pull that train, > vaU
.uck >e Inter ,»er own drr-box. goer
Pbeobo beard tbe threat In wild
eyed horror
a for Are MJauios tattled
tbe I
bbOBi to saa
Hr. Jobaraab
-Ucfal aad cast
tisbl are Ibe t(s I
' aecns that - it u alBoot im
C<N tbea out sitta oae's fti
“rirSCruZ'. «
»tth a tear sialaed face «a
wmaaCBB rtgbl aad Mt
ujok Pboebe'i bands u> b
that Bade the UnJc icroi
awn forret for (he
a a may
Bt iratetbtt be
the 111-:
siunr food for dob
IW the foretboagbi
of (be voodi
' Tbe truth
be matter Is that
»kra tbe Utu. ...teker PUTS aa aeore
te tte proper, aad
__ ____
UtU.-, «1H I
your bead, ay ebUdr
-Ob. It dldaY bare
Mve to U- |.u
d be a bead-y
I sitlaatc obJ«-i of hlT Is!^* *
UMnp far’ cedar in -New
raoMa i tblak of aayibtec
Ur. Johnsun letiM at the riady ..
tmry which thrtte. m t.rtoas paru
ap.-e Into rmilomy phrase, and be
rdsr^rr*t**‘'\u^ »l»o JTorida. Oraai
"It ns a biickt tbooxbt; It has
Mx-t] us a pood Bsaoy dollan. aad
inee apo aadlure tela for apeo Ba
Kubably some litea. too Now Ifibe
re a protective coverlap of mad pad
Iry. like tl
alef are thus branpkl to lM| and
be story lioofc
iraed lalo ueful Iraber
uk for a lesantr"
Tbe -mud sbtepk'- busteSM U tb>I'hoebe had a sudden InsMratl
.tb.- cedar a ' ' ; ta
-Ob. Ur Jobeson. there's oee
r thtet
ud Of tbe
lobs uwdamuek oldbat shrdiu______
bat been earrtod ue
■bat would make me happier tbaa nrar Lakewoikl rk
and nreUrf
nraterfUe fa New
leythtex else: tf pa could caly have
t pood raa so we could live ta a real
Ur JobBeoB looked arattad i
Jlrele of frieadly faewa. "I lUal
laiber has oaraed that ffor bin
. quietly,
hiap you waatT"
-Ob. ao. 1
L you aee. II we Jived la
kps I cobM pet aome of
be other tblaps. We mlpbl happen
lied with aomebody tl
>ad a ptaao. and tbea.
learn to play, and_ ..
■addenly realised that abe was chat
erlnp-aetually rhatlattap—to tb*
of whom every ooe te tbe dlvlp
re. aod she abut up Uka
oyster that had been eaupbt nap-
tap- Oadan praw oelv <■> —J??
Ud time enoupb at Ue
rUpead to allow for aaiurj^
•mas whjcb
bate taaagta
luto Into swamps. Sms' sUe and beuuped to tren whlrb
•eww were eeatartaa
lag. The “mud shlufar~
works with a long skan> troa rad. He
vUe aad position of tbe tog by a
Uc rod down all srottad IL gotoettaa^
>^loks are pantelly ucovarPd by
iWag. Ud are Uea bawled OM by
rbalBs aad powsrfot uckle. Vln.it,
>. Is brought
aaaater bears that, I'm can ba-U be
ssrry that tbe eompaay '
up (Imn Then tbe red WaiWod )teao factor).•• be saU;
--------upted Ub
mea teuphed. too
----------- after loag ao ____ _ ______
that time Ubfo.
Ur. Jobasoo
bad a UlUe private
loos not snier te simh —r^“nii
> tbe abeel haaxltii
marmatkm ■with Artiey aad Hr. Korbe operator's desk.
nan that alpbi aner Pbeobe tad puae vf Ue rrate wiu wklt^t iTgUta
Uoeb of (be kae sofi ckUt ikSIot
Norman befttaled. obrylac toaUy back to Urs. Haaaah. aad
» lb.- lotel of a pUlol. Tbe a
Kiaps came of it
nw ooe. the ea- M paoeils Is from ta^ toM ia tbc
ftaeer pot bli samn -atpht-sn
am. of fleuree until be fewad what sU a passeapor raa srith a |
of iMeinl(J*3^
"It's ^ rUbi. boys: we don't aood
a orders. Fust meelte' polal's tft}
lie doWD Ibe mad. Utoter llchtate'
•llaker, you come out tram bohlad
K'ln' u. ai ih<- fust sidodrack
Norman held back and tried Io aala
lime by arxutex the caar. bdi
<runl tu Pboebe. ski
DdlpneiPu) aad frlpbt
Wbeii Norman surrendered, tbc man
k|ioke apain
".Vow tbea. pli a mot
M that laptae driver, aa' we-U pa“
Pho>-bc't got Impulse Was to' nsah
»ay proMottoe wta the' beta* ^t
lepaRmeai makee up hts fated:
. ^Blrlag Ue cwstema ud haHts
A third
prawlap out of tbe
s park. New York, there |»
Joaoeraed Pboebe. bot she 1
MioB of omaroote^ aad
V chMi It uatll ooe day.
were aettM te a eomfocul
tbe open a
a the -raaj towa." a van drato op to
oi ef tbc p
b.- ikur with a pteao It waa a gift
riM tab:
a Ibe railway eompnay to Ptaota;
^~U. rowi
OB a allver plateitfkt above tbe
sa Tta ■
It onvai Jaaelioa.
b-r«i Ib'ai tb.. special (rate viu earnlop from tbe oast
Suppoalac bar
faiber yielded: or. a-tal was ■
I- days aad few practice, ts ap
-ikely. supposlnp
they .pat
.. 'bey
- bim oo
.-aplnc and made bim r«
I with groat liieralaeH by U<
life and ttairs. wUle
ley bare vtrr little for
of ihelt
sutaber ran li
Pbeobe thrwr beraelf auare ta loelr bouses, aad maeb ot
Ihal mue. like coskluos gaper srarfa
It stalloa eastI of Oriral 1^^ in aad totaocu sluv.-s,' Is oaly
The oal>
:f sbe roBM ealy bronphl te whew reqelred
raise the operator at •
■ " itta te
time to bake '
e sberirs In a roc
I foot o
apalB she wrote "lu“
I New Teart Uma Ua Uiot
■lu." alpatep -oj- at evarr (oartb r
iililao. bat then- was ao atawcri
iwd rfae float eUes. kmrwn
ik. and Ue a_,__________
Tta bade are rolled ap
louder aad
ben not ta ace. aad. Ihaagh tta o' may have many tianli“mi vwt
At teak kaowfap t
• does aol. Uke a
all otban. sbe wrote “deU- “dedb^
IC. try to diaplay tbam all tt waoe
c or two are hroagbt opi at a tfaae.
> reel beteg k*»i ta a krepreaf de
broke te aad aaswered. Pboeta be- pusitcry made at eimiiL
saa to ttmable aervonaly ibrouph btw
messapv. bal be broke te apate:
Ml u ue'!^
-West bouad tpeetel passad bare aad b ao light ud pMfatahlo fa tts
re mteutea apo.'^ was wbt
illekiBC hook: aad abe knew ____ , wtae aeewjod for tta night U woaM
tat left Orlval there would be a ool- te muy rasee ocaioMy hoar Ua
of a drwBku »u Is
Htaa u. _ Ueys were krat el.
'owta to
to dfae
dfae at
a Ua Uble th«r^
above Ue
labln. Tbto
tta actaafaed. thraw U)m
««r.sMy dtstao. talk
they had acqalrwd a poM
rbich muy a child fmi, fo
sbo. 1^ taarwctofbuc.
wwys oosrtootis aad ——m...
^■Ua Amarkwii are ujoyfag oys
ton OB tta kaKohan dartag^ ^
tHjaowhA tta taM Sto 5^.
Toar. aad to gnat ta the
—im <
aallsrfaa. arbore Uoaaaads eg .
rw ralBod aad fottea»« *—---------faPartattatataa
mpra screens, alldteg la gn______
as paniuaa. Tta baCIqr efato
maos are a UtUo more aobM
^ Ofto U* MpBat. aad h
Ud have glass la Ua wfade
ta toctoiy after tta t
a a tend of aarUqaakw a ho
ru bn ahoot tta ears of tta eo
rapuu wlthoat dofag Uofa say a«lous
Before U« crowd waa fnlrty la motkia. Pboebe bad laatcbed Ue ewtita
. from Its ball
Ball ua Ue wall. aad.
Ttadp hoaaes have no haatteg arlarUap out of
4jf Ue
the tack
k '
door, she
tact. To* Norwaa
Ubtod Ue mob aod flew Uraoph ibs ud the' Japaaito*'^ oeMom wmafa
had iraatferTod bh tore tnr hte faver- ter|aeae toward tbc forward <ad of
ila.alster to ber rhUd. and be had fo)■ovad Joba Artler'a ablfUac
. .
eopiae might'not mid aad an to load of ah Uat aatoag
folly halt B'flaot laag
he beyuad Ue Md of^ aldtet. aad
tato Ita wbofa beta ef
for Ibe aole parpMe of vatcl
vtely bt hat (hta ta
Ue Beany cried wtu thaakfulaa
.. Bcaany takes down fa
int over aad eastat for PSneba.
as tae as Ua shoB
when she coaid see Ue rod
Id eye of the
Uc daytime aad topfaead if It la cap.
Vtalta. te Itot. Ha appear^,
a dafl
“Du TOO brlleea
brileea M »U1 ever eat a
V. by ewrufai
ewrufal of da
dark btee <r choeo■Igaal lamp pewlax aroaad
ad the
food raar
- fked
a>ked Pboebe.
wb« tbe sad of
big magnL
- -la tea eoeoads teie<okired eottoa.
d the big
frelibt forvardod
vardod bad aU beea Mt««^ more abe was at Ue ssrlisb-sUad. Ita
OataWe thtta____________ .
'Well. I anaa to taara. aad I
to bi
bare a plaao. too. anaeiii
wish .
vre eooM
live la a toira; ibaa
_____ ___
1 bear
«k- oboe la'a vhOe. aarvay.^
■'But *hat *ooU becawe or ma? I
roHldal •« aloai wltboal you."
■ You'd come. too.
As tf I dMaY
OM Umi yuu_koop this )ob Just aO*!'
. 1 hope BO. WoTl m oa b.____
tbe aod «t Iho ehaptcr.too.erod'i
Aaavrer that caB. will
noebe Ml duva at Ibe tetecraph
table, saaps-nd the Kay. aad vrroie
-w -,.1 - e-h^
platform, aad
beard Ue leadw say; “All rtpbk
wey; we^n put yon oa tbe lactee
po anyway "
b faaot fa rtpaea ataaa that BMta
* a duieoey. te fan
we Is u ItaJlu wta '
mat of ratateg aad aorv
...— .j-ajanart;.
red eye gashed to tba eagt. and Ua
re as ofahocaU u they ara sf^ia
Ifaet ef rails gUsteateg under Ue WIUIB
kruwimaa a au
wttk a
taadUgbt swarred to the
gate fa ettab teto
the oagtae
-r the crowd beta*
wiu a ialte*’aai
bndgto ata aitata. aad V ta taa taa
or Urae acras.
oaM ta_ «
ow amallsr eeery yesr,—N.
Firiiltat af Mrda.
traoo. aaya o « wta hu
Mrotod Uraagh that wetfaa cf tta
------- Ttato iraaa BM thaa kaom
theae hofaa. tta
a taw oak a^ '
rotoafafag oaly a start Hase « oaak.
Thto ly away fa aiafah M aaanA
k will have a row of
tnsh trots or tta U
tta people of the I
a hi
-Wbafa that—More Uoobtor ashed
-------------------------------------- . ahd
S'arMaa- (•leUaa a ward her* aad Urae sharp coagta faoM the______
aad tbea Ue hig fasgfa dropped tram
*^«ibe^teb.i wSartiy- -^Oh dear. tbe ead cd the oi«a ewttek pad ptowpd
wt m
irsa........................................... ... .
teu the umi..bkckteg Ue track m
'.e's luck
sHecSaally as tfvy loste of trva aad
wl raeld do It
■atod hr tta
Normas read the aeasaae aad
Pboebe dM oof wait
«M of fahar aad traly ««k MitataM.book hU bead dobtoosl). -l .-e
would bappea afiarvai
riadiag a dead troo or oao w«b
siraw of that aU r—Ir “ be
deac ber pan: Usee wo
hark to hit ucto.------------- Uiitai rm
Thccr has bM« a Meter mmd thaa Ualea: aad Itay coald a____ ____
----------------- tta diUifag «C
- ■ Bsaal from Canfama tbU oeaso*. aad father.for somettfag that ta had ao
' ta. 8ta waa aafla fa IflfB. Baatat *raa.
dS^a,* tbeyTI
______________by tta tfaM _ ________
liaaeer--------------------be the aarjaad.
----------I hi»o they
rhtalad lor tbe siMfaa: ita wtam Troto fair ta sou UM ara afanta
• oaY Make I rankle here: it anaUbt
tesla rallied «p aad the aoa^ «(
Ubc »«e tbaa (waaiy-dvc w tUstr
tray taaied sccnaa Ita lia& to
of these to take-the toma aad--------Mw she kid bar toaa fa Mn.
body ta tk-■■hapna
'w bdt tho aad ad ber
glri might «1
KoathwoUati. j wap that
•« fa the tl
A gin: dean
cry. dtar: ihoyTI ta aU right." ooar Ttaflr tafafatr awar^___________
^ vwY do*
eaM. ^ a do- •ottod Mn. HaimaL ata ate wac MB
•aat mOo aod. “Th*r weaY Mka ja artfai to ofaaafa ftaata wtaa Ttal
pan Ml aatMB ho has «doro tfc
thg dM.IBKo MoOaBM MK epsta*faiildiBL aad thM« «M Bothiac fa la- Ua aa the ram of to gap
pitt aatn aoeaa I’OnaL ahaa tta
Caw^M Mt MPaladMBy
,sB*a UrdO tMM^ TwmtP aMMa
wora a pfate u a lahtai Oattat aaft
ta tta Mflo af the pu an a Ita-farrter. ctataflag and awalJoorteg tta
oau wVU |--—
---------- to~tta hSs. apta^ jm
MMyd to.oai Uo uta a* a ktta af
tody Tomka M CMm
Tta uaUo of Uo i
oarewd to ropnatat a
p^ aaoh of fama.
s. ss.“s.*aj7i2:
■Mni Ttwoscl^
k tnr v«U rlwiM*
Uie IS'irt lUkMk »pak<' %> (
**' rnmt___
-Oamn^ hMtm kM
Wf «M km M««i ui PM fcaaMf «.?
iku ik« fWi‘**** ***” ***
■'* «uUP)T|
“rfixr^ Kfxf r' £*:a,
WBlft li piMkikC to II
IlMy'pMptoBf tk*‘p>'Od. Uk'P u! klwT <■' dnr «*n
panUT- II 1» ko* *•«» P«>k«b»« Iku «•>
»•*“ •««
ite UMP kill k* pruaptip ndl»*d.!*^
^^^y****.. .
pad to Ikw toMaatoi Bt ikb lapor '
laal amara nagraM «UI k* kai 4» 'irwk to ibr mamorj
I ptoto dptp PMl •uTohtas
(or ikoix tkai
< UriM KiU}. W
I rplM>
Tka nokpraat tiT Ika KaUai 8ui<« ibU a»oj>u-ui ibai ikkH •lauil l..r
i* to diup kouad lo plva Itoto rttcp M"« •> * iwtoc takUwiuit id iIhut
u»kiM* akov la a>v<to)iiiuh bar M.ia d<-«i»» II u mu' ikai ike U* ikai
e vkUk tW pMpI* kPt* '
(toem lo ikU oad. pad to toklap ibl> »..■ abwfuw io.top oe x.aihwti bank,
to. (yr«B
Mon a« 11a p* a^ fiialtoii ... Oippm
The Intli aa*
to a hollowed
arapN^k atlh • Jal pad aa oMtoaip
aattoa. ■OUa'1 kaaa k aaa laadkd* witor K«. ahlcb to) ptam the cwator
^Ihr^ble ppd aiade a bobi ualqae
Ader Ike to>i dpare toaUPMii CuaBeoJet dBllk pp*eed ibe bai proupd
lur lb> l«-Bi'Pi to Ik" urp r-hurck.
• kicL ee. lo B- dedkainl <u> ibe (to|uu unaMi,
luetoc <to). pad ahout Mu «pi ipkaa
Im ka« ti^tomaaa
Bp air Kalghi PrpUeh wp* pppolaiad
M aana (kdtoafma m
lo praaoai ikto otertog lo-Ue akurch.
Ai Ua WBChiHoa to Ua baaqaei.
r Prallpk. wl.o la ikwrI as belt* one
am atotoltogeatfcii gto toiiil fl>t
cuuaii. lUi-wul.-d each pueel Bill
^1 dairkei rt)1i.«^n. be bbva
’■ ssaf.w'A
toabto. a. o
dd.OOe KMtPBT «U U paid
eutobJo Ibe goeau
«er «eand Travaia*.
SU, S^aocT^Mlltoa af ag^
. 10 Oaka aad ouiarlTM araa Ikoniatklp Lf brare oaar lo iolo realaieiiU
ll aaUeri upoa a (toaaa to ikna dwi «c kadao reilntkd..
Jbey an
Ike ■«!<••, ibe kOPk aad Ike dka*bi—
Tl wkej
s-r,£:' ■
a Ilf ova BiaUt a
. aapa I ahall ae.er aae pua kk^
VoM ara aui airoap eauatk lo aiaad
ara to the bouee aaa tkab whauver Iba haittohip* u( war.’ Hua true a
ihf(r trtoraaee vllh raapaet l<
abaeaa to Iba amia r«laa. (hla «aa
tot tor Ike Itow W Ma41ai
ao itoae lo praaa ikaai w tka rmt
-ronp pean bare paaied aaap atoae
TWp raaUaad lhai Ua AaerkM peo Ikai .
. eoadlol. The lara Mstaadple daiaiilad that toaUM to Oaka aad lag paruaa
---------- *bo
.. oaraalraa. alradp todsafaUp dalapad
tkal faartal atruggli
[to, a'hito
■ >p CM (o^e
aad to itaa
MBi aad daathian will
CtobM peoapartip aad dtoirltoi hoaor'
aad Ukoaa to tka at............... ......
•dta Ika (aalia to tkair laiban
aad toi«MU betoc Bade Ua (or
ct a vnagto orar eoaadiaitoaal
=S!U' KJi",
- 'i«K
Tka Caaiya ftaato Madkto Airim.
i«* rafaa, to papar coeata. U aast >ar
<• ncaipt to ti eat-caat «aam to pap
Ike reBMarp m
Perrj Haaaab.
rrarene yh-ld b«*vv»r. torgel
eerda tbai Aguie. to aoBe oaaea. oa
high gmuad. ibr pr^urUuo akoWa.
«p hw buakela or uor*. pad lOv buah
s eoBalden.l iial> a (air average
under |irveenl eundlHaa*
to ibr
aoulheib and eaaieni ponk« to ibe
tuie Ibe auplh) U tPtertur. whik- peb,
rrallp In ibU becikin Ibe qualli) la
very gou.1
Thire bavv bMa aoae
Tht ktttr tl Min MttUeyJ
vhace fictnra k phatei hbovc,
graves beyoad
tboMudiof CMC* dlBniimitHam pt tka wmka aai wiMk
cared by the ittcol
LHfai E PiBktai*i VtttUkk
‘'ttoAB Hap PnrcaAH; —Uraito I
loB to etrcngU pad Pcm ("n-r u.) l
Be anaartbiag wba
wiu pie. 1 had aereie aP.-iin.' (..Ita-.
tbrvugb (be {Klrie orgma.- i r.uif^ >L J
erU.aie IrrlUUcB cub|m:)I..I bo- I.
aeak Badiaal adrtup Tbc iV.-uw Baki
.1 uK-r,.
1 tbe aagop aad
biM. Kil..) aatoce ab.l .'U
wagoa. pad the
_ ured l.i an.uei' her mead she aai
.. .. untoadad balore ha rtted 10 tud Ikat abe could bardi) reOOUUM rwleaaad. HU bodp waa badlp Bove I'be mid am. ibai hail riaa|«d
her. lur Mr. L«>' aa* dead
He I* atlll
Wmiaui PYanrIs Kin In aud Mlaa
___________ _______
Iw Tovep Bertha UnHi to Hudaug. .V V. *erv
BtlMidlag hlB
.luarrle.l ..d (Vi. is. In Hudaou
Kir:vli b*. bei'u a tuenilier to ih.- Wach
lelor.'eliib to ibai |>l*<v. Uare a >e«r
irkakp Cliy
>>alblBg:i>>« I'lui. lilacs.* a uumUr- to rardiu
Male to Ike ohuprk aitk tbejiMie ol ubieh Is nsl. In a bbi aad a
dal panp 10 Ike
liliodl.ilJed rbIM drau's ihe caid imin
siialna to
Ibis.' to carl. meniU.r
>a'* Beddtog aarrb. Opde Hiller.:
auii BliuM. n*B<to 4 v^dliig *<l (orl
Hooday auddenly ckaaged taU mind 11*'!.-'! »l“’u
. ____ -and. leasing Auaa Siaagler. the bride ' ■>'“1 eiiher oiarn aitbln a >.ar
aiandleg at Ibe bllar. left the ebureb 1 lurfvi. tcisi lu ib>- clui.
]| be <s
aloipl)- aaylng. -I've
ebangsMl mvi I'l'i* al'l. Hie iuIm oI i
Bdad- bub Ur. Hiller and
Hr.N* prew.biisl ui falB up
r belopg 10 Ibe kioal
Hit Uuuiibi ago
.mage waa lu l.e tbe BOcIMp draw lug and Kirvlu goi
evaal to Ike aeaacui and oards very. H'* >di>''*‘ioi>l‘ed w lib tbi
week* ago. Tbe chureb
H'J 'l“' ireaauri'r b
The party broke up lulhltu Ih.- »rw prlie
eidieBMal and Hla. I
Apauglto waa lakeo lo ber boaie lobt; l>firli>Jsr llvlsn in a bmel lu H.'-vaa............................ > *• proatraled over Ufitoppl a auburl, to U-. Uolu>la (eared will hue ber | gas liumd d.wd lu hi
Walbtoi_— -------- - refuaud asp eaplaBailan ' bvlaier was supiBued 10 be a iwuiMir.
to Ua ooadiMd. but (riaad* bay hetUui when bl.
.a. lu'arrbed a
Itaililp beoase iwrvwia wbeoihebaarlalli V
ud leailug tZL<>"' lu <'«.h
li tiBid to
lii-Ki. U.m..
At Ai.a..r*toi. lud..
L PloroBOi- Lee, a
II 10 the buine to J. H Ho^mn Ttoudap
.M Um
btol al
. _________ ____________
[ll In
CBM' to Cokwadu riiy 'a ulAeet and
I'hi' k-year-ol.l daughie
pruBlnfail roaldeuu. by Hlaa
lit. rapairii.l a els-Iuut
r. with wboas
bad b
---------------------------.------,Wac-K aual."-. to ssl.Vh
-...o .she Blade a p«'.
ing Iba erealbg and alghl. Hr* Ive Tbe rsiptik' 0 t.sl rogul
ilarip by Ibe 111
bad M l•en(eallla vurv well (m aes.,th- girl, and during the
nlng h.
■wal days, and heart (allure I. miaiedlBbe ipbie li lull. Ibe yard
fur b
10 have been the CAuar to her dealh. [bath, atol urrathmall)
ocra.iuna!l) ' loui tbe siri«l
Tbe two pnubg wui
In the dual. S'vlgbIheir amt absui
... .. ..
(Ptollp tofared iBtarapll)
toitortoglp to Ika paik to ptoto datp.
iriBBna ame. aad aaitoMl fcoBV.
wp larga crowd ai
toadap aftaroetp. to aptta to Ike eoM waatbar
gaikaewd la boMr to Ua aaUgp'a 4«M.
(or Ika dadtoattop to Up gtoaltp bop
hMt aeeeud lo tka ppldlacp aad aaUtoa to Ua etoij war. It waa apUauUd
E. to lUto. pad
_____ a to Utof Uap
e aa toMlHac sltM aa Ike)
akad to U<
Ua traraa to Ualr aoaradaa wko kad gaaa ua to aai
the toM toli cwU Tke todtoa to Ite
Womb EaUef eorpa *PM to Ue
Mto ed Ue aPBaUep to
btojtjy aBg^ aaO
ladhp MlM HaariadpMt ^Ualal
tatolat tkFla noB Ub dA inde to
Ike terdBaa Areaa# aahaaT Stoe
aad toaik Qaaha. Kaatoe Oaitaoa.
UB Paianea. (Mto Stotot. Map UUtoto. Itocp ItellM. Map La rraatar.
IMaa Uarfa pad Baetkd •uvbh.
Atoae Ue UrwepikB bp Bn. T. f.
am aad tke aaraUtot to Ua kpad
to a'
___ ^
■ SO.0. n., lueg
ipotoiwwni actdaaetkalkMifim tka wank
.k Al
' Uood. It 1
hlM lick, aad the tsaia tortuted >
totaaiaidicved, tke ahattmd nvrs-n
«*Mon.- u An okhtU deify STiSS^Z^MUproverb.
It oAen $eaa» to
W»n nodhen an wonied
hfCAUAe the <bfld«n do
Hra*? yrngraiTlFTiu
_______ _______ ___
») giv. Iho. 8«r. Em«S —
Don't Forget
tTau^.^aW w. w. emiu. m.
akoto i Uraufto'^
.g ad-'pad daughlar
St. Nicholas
Upon ujantoto to Ua paitp at Oa—
rof Ypuikg rplKe
bcisogs soBHBl.r'. in S.iar lunsni
bOBS BUkibllilin. l.cnB|4ne B
:.i the iaun:>. Tbe
' /“r, ‘r-:
Por Ml
■*T. Wll»» Ntorrm* OtoTto
111 lb.' ■
. .
. ... 'S:;'
enerallv ,e.s-,.;o.l U Ibe
. Ik" eullsl.sl men lb CUB-
;r~ r.;'
Mi.h.n.h ee.Bliy
ap.1 s..*
Selling Agcoit b.r
onl) genuuie.
hive n
<-ii:iiii, Mark, h^lil
Mill anil iiiiik.
It 4i ir.i-hes Bule
an.l irllt at
|Sdliis^ Agi-ril* lur
I tl e
Rone Manila
m Kovu
made, in all color*
Sl I e e 1
above make*
Car. Trcaf
aad Ualaa
A Sumptuous
_ Display
Jirtm Sffttiah
truBOur Ut|;<'avl dependab
to SrawMal.H Hra
UMda. A J» In. vtrislp alt wa
LadB*- OBb la a tow r*i«* of
■hM. Atuw* aito tafo abada* to
^ Yam ir:
CWB«e >B 8Ib<* OBip.
ll * arccwlar St nj vale* lor 7,e
cooceeded to be
We tarty
Oenoan :
i Goods
A p« M B*U T*%B bilk, a
ioMB Aotoricaa
to Wto a* wan ai aeU. They an.
«»mJ,todtogpwt.ig; aad »«a a itoky
iiuU to catch Ut aywi bn aia Uvabk. oMtot-
a n d _ Etoopaaa;
U ardto, proopUp.' 0«^ ike very beat aanuriaJ
BMd. aad UygBUPBtewd ia aroT reflect.
IV ehiapy tm Ua wVt. ^oaliir [Ptodilnnl
Cfan Mad ad fM w9 buy ao tobto nake.
sss-JS srsds "■awjsriLiSs'ST"'
■ -
Uc teuto
Olaaons AOntUoaMSooct. Sp.d.1 .Mo-oaS
naaBitstracu % Ulcfor PctcriyI.
It's a
rattem tondi ten*
There ianoM btourataey price.
Srtliac A|ci>U to
loeu, won
Hen* you wilt find a«M!inb)c(l a
reprcM'Diativc y-oUvcuoii of all
tbr nencat cpoceptiona in Fur*
from (he best menufacturra and
furriers in the uorld. which io>urcs hi^h fnaHi- i-'un that are
™ , mailt u|> ab ihc\ ahould be. The
sollcciiun embraces such stylish F ur* as the Sabteand Iiiabclla i-'ox, in Muffs, Neck jiieccb. etc. There
Is albo induded in ihe line some very handsome
Fur Coats in Asirachan and Near Seal and they
ifarmcnib that will wear. You’ll find the prices
reasonab!i' and the Furs high-uradc.
Stohitg .^eou te
tbe Bear brand of
IV be«
S atarf
IV kmd that *»
when up »>
To Cure a C(M in One Pay
bar (MBfc taau
»« n.w ut..
i S?H
SaxMy wool.
M to farm tofa,* _
to PBrolrUc
. ....... »2f\i£dSSSJdrjaa
Ml po, M* 3S 52.1TS,E'er
luto-badi' abiiig Ibv iW IUwwbvm NtrrB*rwtoer{^AS
aetkr coast tnua Ursibh do- w“dw* tor ■*. fc» yatnagaIBbbw
Tbe Bear
(Us diildito Soars EmaUon
btfae mM tadActery tieto-7
li^s‘el r..uuiert.'!l loll^.d j.^h^^targe
Iowa it ephyr,
__ _
*.»n.wto. L.ri atdBPadiy Arr»ct«d.
bnii.l. hi.
Hai.-irlial.u dtsisueml hts kw
OiUlli.M ihi' is.tie.. Th.' hills Betr an
r«.'- .| au.1 I.ss.secvd I.) Ike isiUrv.
Knhimj, Getouo-
bjlWfdw^itCA tokar
wowlt i. u ptoKtb' ntosnl
W aU.-r"K *1"*^
<«>. hiuiM-ll a.
uau anil w-idk-f. u
MpcdeHy pnfurtd <or ddieetc
Chndm uke to h neturtlly
becaiuc the)- like the tute__
wl ft. m»dr UV. jott .
nwonOy to Iht diiUiai bo
mi «*“,'
.■u-ib a bok- lu bo. |«.B-be:
A tea
Blii.i.— l.i.'i Hoy Berv phiisl up to ,
* 1.1S-.1 l.i, Bu.l luUng pirfcett) Best.
■rte. to Ihe
to II
r liedu.-M. ilMi.iu,
A compiele stock
tollk «( puie cod Uver oU 22,'
J }' (utawirly a mtol-kaoww
s semod ekoire
Ikal wburrcT rungarlnr you m.ss a .'
lect lor yuurtcH (ui ihcc-iaunii srsi.
“ - -^1
-br. Ihe Tlavan
BM bp Or. Pbd k
*Wtk«. die
fwt A pouiT in the ^
I luatod (ar the
oWBM who a(laptoeeibaaM
•pear* ago. A
l he) are the be«
---------------- (thipfteat vegeUbk rciiials.
wUI funti^with-
»wk Ihot^ (to cne hu cm raaMg to aaatartoT^lHi
ihh) «.
>1 tb..BB>
tb..BS fur (b
ll .i.-nd^'lttoi, h>.ho|iho3p^l|*'
bssiug .•i.'.i bioa, m«o'caMJub“h'"-"-"
slBughion-.l ppii
na that wo'TeBplan waa Ua aarpitoe gtraa to
» «U aa todap akow atolnlp Ual Hr. and Hra. jatrp atoEru Soinf
BAPha to lime ta araartag tka* ^ aunrdap araalng A uirHI trton Oato
faw akart pani* aad ikan. Uto oHp Uofc^ toSdtcntohta aad
/ «S»w™ti.,.Uui:iUssW.USI?5.«Ko.“
Llad lu ikfto and iwraraww Upb (cr.mUek to Hanto OHp. aad Mr and
Ike ftwcdnoi that Ibo ooakirp ealnpa Hr* I). H. Uv M^r and Hra. W.
IW Kairaai to Ulna Haran drove to
in ai«k* briea. i. bs. r.uu.
wap. Ua
*Bp, b
lu*^ kt*'falto’aS^iJufa
• Tlmao arttohawacvcr Ml iukaea. catting paiaa, or witncancslthe iuunse
auacnng of othen, know that Ekeoaiatiaai to tertuic. nial Ihni it is riehi
1) cnJM -The King c.f 1‘ain.”
All lbs ootauatoalikc. Some
ara aadikaly atuol with the mast vxnu
tin^ isoua, and it aecma etwry Boacle aad Joint in the U.lv was Iwm,' t
aauis.br. Otbefafcto<mlr’atoaaKiBalafifhtiBiB*for>sxx-kt..tm..utUs. u
a piMkWri vhange in the swUcrof egisoaure to damp, chills-wind* ..t nair Uriuga on a fitoce attack, latoiig for dara perUfu. and leaving i!,.
timt with a Baikfiigd coMtnatice or ertpotod aad delomttj for all iian
Aa acid. bollntcdeoiidiUoaof tke UoodUthecauaeof s-svrr {onn »
svk-lp to RkeuaaUgB,
klttacolar.Articntor, rssjssc.
Acute, v-niuaii',
Chioai.-. InfL*
and iictotic, aad tka Uood aanto ba pwztd aad puriacd iKf<ue there is
cadtoyoaraehcaaadpaiaA. HoMaalapplication*,theusec.f liniio.
ieark.sl ibe Baploalrap bto
Meat i'unU and tre Bea pace
arrtoibed nui up dieb pbd bad lo he
humeo to Ike
aa»w Iktor Bve.
HiiOillemtt fames..
S si.itou sU.Binr .-■•S'li- |.
Hoouir. Htob^
11 —Hlki) Bud- hatorla weak* I wa* am mnTa
j^^JJ^etolou.l> pad
faUJ- kM'?•««»*» »»d pertotolp wtoL
“ Up kaarttofl Ueak* an ar
poa far Ua fiopt good you La.e
kio. be <
four or tv* Bile* aonb to tbia
Lion Coffee
iBsl) abJ Ibe
So euui. sii
>•- bllePeau
u 'IS to in. B.Bk-n Bill Ib- luiuied "
B. lU- '.u.lj ,uv|«railuo tol'”;'
U'.' ll.sl Bill U' lo BBsb PBaP thl'l *’
'WCiil waaiiwreet. aad tbat
' tbiag* said about tkU nu
a (rue, pod
me. when- nd ha* devpkved to pulntui-4 pniBp op knr gruuod. Imi ibe
peerage Ua ier> diw tooeb
cuBpartBCai duvtotjr p<!)atatog Uo
BPgaalae. and he* a giiod keadwv
Wkea dleouirA'J
HegewWdlp UmH. '
[(tonto aad
naBea Apnked tot*
Ibe Biugp atato'.
uab la bi
aad paUed uwi a
t gar
pAch itockage u(
Iba lauto papBpi to tka Oaaardlaad ratwaai to bafopl tka koaaa aad
Unwt Ike paapto’a wUl hai laUed.
tad ikai eoagioaa wUl to (orvard aa-
fame& sxi“ivrsr„a'rri3
tUgax Wpitore WaiaU Uwader to a
Wni4« keplib Mkiei lu ib>kwad.i aev
i'll: .-ar. nto. p., pbppd.eHs) tb.biab Bill'ad. to lb- ((.KbirraCO ha<
Ukigbi boa am* to kuto to aorUm
aaPl Pad atoDPlaed li wtih eto bundled (uhspar*. all to wkoB
lieve^to bl* Banaer to liitog Tke
...Oi.u lai lei Bnwbra.i and are
; alarratloti auoa k
will ba apMl pal to t
dlag^the ffwaada 1b
, bp Llaai Hotoad I Owtto. to tk* Kb
rhiwmi Bllb oar
aliolit a «aai|k na ato ki %aaaaaea «t
'.T r^.s
........................................ «»**• II doaa aul krtap Iba Irar* lo a> t>i-4
;a> I to
po baek
kaek to ImuB(>r> i<> tb<' ttorl)
atoralal raka. Tka later Ooeaa lapa
■ bar appaattloa.
raace pad (atoi dUaaae baa be
eiddeBlr to ike BPaafaMBTlM
Tke haappM wat <Br to Ua daUghl(al loalerea to <be erealpi
wp* ■> loUow*
Hpb apadwtokaa
fhkkaBi aatoJ
Baal Ptekir*
dwcM PMIra
Aaaoned (toh^
OUera ap lo............S5C
TeAeti. •*
8c3ng A«ektoto
Ur byal Wagteam aod G. D.
jMCriie BraaUto
wU afargya
tad UcM
Mi«at our Coraac
-T k 9
$ito to dkm.
Otlkr makea at
THE GJUUb m^ysmt HKBAU)/ thowday. NOVEMBBB 19. IMA
€194 Trjt^iFSC HcnM
« ft snlelss toad kMAss II
.. ■ Tbs im wu S IMM v«
s tshus
»£ifT6. Ktrs.’s
■■IIIO II lil I
Mm. «
»a* Mra. Mis Sr- sasts« at s UMs M s *siw « '
Ti»t«cm otv (Istofs JM- wasi sM otbdv SSBIM. Uurth. _
>*«skc fudfs ssd SMM wen Mrvwd
ssd s nrr •aJOTsWt. ilae wss spral
CtoToU n*l to tapm Ism
njbs<M with s hM « bsurr sod
■fWi Voohs «< Tistwss OV
lMf> s few dsTs vt Ism «Mi.
A. r Bslllsvw dRnc to Trs<
a» ssd bsek Ihsc ■siuMs)'A m
the rsas( *«opto of
trtsm A. ZMb to lUj J. UbA
l. krt t«. Osk HMfhU; KL
•m wbft. dotr. WhlU dsn na
MaU sad this oae is a bsstnUsl sdseiM. wsishs shoM M doasds sad has
diak aras. Hs was *enr
aad ft
tfffc two boIMs to dal hiB eal
san o( tbs citi. Whsa
tbs BOh
rsaebad Ibr assrkat place •
cuad tbe bloc. i>sl hla c
sad Istliwl btm
pBrukc of tbolr.
They stuFed blB Bllb>
hissed sad toadied hla. aad. In;
A( Adrtta Hn. BM Aas Kaiou. Us^'h
.be cssM stoekad,
s aad
ad bar diurWaj Mesdar
oes heft for. sale. disd tbns hoars Islsr.
IS bird
r OB his fsTB. last_____
bad a tans ahssd tfcm Os
nrrMd It w tbs BOods.
Sisdhse Niebols. a loaac Bad boB
Motor, V. K. hat bsab lost la lbs
wooto Slaw last
B# vast
m. O rooM ssd wll* to H«m
Bnls. psmi is r«rswocii: fMO.
look s dlferwBi dlnetUB ban
wbi^ (bey pursasd. pnoMat
diaea. NothB stoaa. It
is sadPt . - ___
bawUrtuh ft. Oeodrl* ssd wUr to dered by a saowstora that oaato ap
AoTNMMklT^ ikdsc worh Is bU
Kra^J. Ustlefc. |*ml is TrsetCM la lbs aftaraose. sad ibai. clrtoi way
to fmiKtH,. hr lay dowa sad (rasa to
_ ___
Ctes. too* of Tisr«M Ol
«h tows, cM
las bss
-------------------------- ^ “^ikd's, Ll^ b"h'
rmss la Maawa-T^
days SCO aad lbs lot
be qaarsBUasd.
ParBsn la MaeoB
sd oa tba da-
assiu.-As you Wish I eottoas Tb aet w
nil tor yM i« co to the Stans-r
luMeud of Mo* sway be iMhM ■
TV, eUdSdetueoi IMn
MTS asu
1y >««r«
Jsae Orwbsai sad t f!**^
Mpitls were lou-r» lu
i lacMpnis
iu Ibeir
wa of Ayr.
mi tbs
SeotlsBd. InI IU3
Isfter dsObsrstoStd soil aeliber saw H, was .I. .atrolled sad s.'liiuesl „>*.'?
Us day of ibelr bit Ustsusla* Had be fUeo w« to hi. I
^ «’»« »* «*bartUue aao -After tbe toutorr s. »bo did lewbsp. lUir .,osr 2?^!.
* ******
Ctrl marrted Jobs UcMor- Ms wouU hire l»n of .borv» dors« esuPtocuseot
•s DO relBiloa to bsr oUsr Uun. TV-; «Mld bire r<to*l,5 1.. s :
*“**'“ “ke u« then
Utib falffl >bs ealcreted BUsii. klM-d sud bade op. A. a w.. '
stUnUoa v
Australia tad reared s fsally of i:
Odrwft Bbe is DOS s srasdiaoiber
wlih^si ywat'
Vrld MeHurirh- alto .anted sad be toU“^ly‘wut^‘‘te?^towr‘“"
-Tbsj end. H.- .V «sV with Ssb. ’'"i*? *r
.Be lbs tatbiT or II eblMrws. A
1 d^^
.w yen a«*ln. Ills
lie died, be mbs tadcbeeks aad Bsiuaas me.
•'«3 BT to
OSS of bit sou wub etwr to enTnUla- *iw tsob
. .
.here. Os lbs re off her M«s«rmeoi liu* sod ihrew n j
. Jutao McMunrIe's sos> OB a tshle
« lM> we aieri
ain-i .*.ia j- .
Be to nU for
}uB lo l«.. - urrUetoi^or
u' «• lbs sane skip, sbd Badla* wtu be s« .>rsu*efw thsy wore sua< u( Us ofaLawsu"Hoo t y«u thiak It wooM . i.-iu- k j Other r.w toi-' Ih-f.we bsadln* you to
.1, be teal hts picture to bsr so.
; St Ibe ttiBanr' I nwid pot on s
stoBieai os llir |u,ri sf our frh-ndtsksd her lo write to tala. Bbs did sc
.tl•n> take j..u i.. the door sad
re sp|iMr«.l sluidy lodlffereul^tad hs praposeO awrTtsas. 8U sc
; yon You cetol tHI tbs btotscu ,
-I Kn-r-f iti-.t ^,Hild know ttuil
(eplsd aad 4 few days s(o set blE
>a tbs whin oo bts snlrsl sod tbej bate w-nl you .
SBn. iMTMM-of hot
fta«»e«t ,uf s dss abode. feU
. OB Us note, emttoc s sash
IM wbk-b tbs blood two onr his tore.
“Wsft.,; Ob. b»T«; Btuk .0
Bnrle! TeU an yso-Ie wet UUsd. Oh. Mssde. she laUsd. ertlh dtcallT.
BOOM T BBtftltw.
•bat sball I ur
“U you'd «n a bowl sf «Od water
^ s etoth I tWak It BMbt hsto toslTV 4blp -susl fnim Lake liarwa,
to ttowsisi, I.U}, ,i.. ^,1, ,a i-v,
was oat of ito resto to a atotoeBt Oaiaito. twar Tt^rnuio. Upon ubieh
ark in anotber miiBft Vtlb what work ba* l-.s-, lu |4w«tiss fto sc-toal '
he assded. HI. toe sad abw fMul y<-urs, oUi .p.neu tbe Uke roots 83B
•uteeorered with bk-to. abd W was a
Tb. bicbesi polBt U WO tool
dybl to belwUblsbet Ihsb lAks Ibiiartu and a dia
Phr fell to a falsi
(rf sixty six f«i In tour luilea. at rotrIt. luuceeded to nSBC* Sad ws.t, horo toad- ueee-«rv tbs boLdta* of
IU Ur*«t lork. of lbs ktod to tbs
. " b- said to belt tsf dsT , ww,l.l Thsy are itow Mtopisud.
Galloway Coats. $12.00
atarrled tbe esoie ereals*.
Wto-W obs
."■« •imply tni.-ud
fartosr, reealrad lajurl I wbleb <
us usd by a Kluw a lodlsa
«a* uo reply to this Afeulaus
aiark bllu for Ute. Hs ..aa fuU sp
sold SI El Keoo, (1 T, lor
-Mr tVs
a wire riotbssllas.___
ll.dOf,. sod Ibe purr:
•urrbaser thinks
... ,t«u Uwe., ^ 4.—
kaockad out. bit uncus cut al was lucky to (St It at ibat prtoe.
ia two. sad bis auMtb tors fnua arUUy deeorsisd
wUb elk
•Hball 1 1,-11 blia wVto OBJ I, wttorf ‘ *12i!
JsoM ColMo sad WHS to Fkvd L.
Iryla* 1.. isMai ausas pUa
.0 Mr Doctors fear blood polsoa wbtrh sre baeoBlito slmoat as
sxprdu.-lustier* Snllh. tot III, Oak HsiibU; WOt.
ible as pearls, sad tbs aunsw.___
•TluMik >.oi M b,i. I wi.b lu w-ud a I?,. , JL I «»b pn-rem a kaowladce to
Ployd L. aamh
A to Jobs fISllMllsi
Cbarlr. KsUlsy. lbs It-ycar-old soa assy uf ber pale face stsiera. tboofh
paresU. P. H.'i Xsd add sad P. H.<s of J. C. Raisisy of Uorlry. was aoel- tbai li.malioaeibortoo much Bone/
3rd add; ll.fM.
bo( while wit Auallat ultb
sa^ to risdk Touss.
r Uasasb to Oabia
Ut. TtiiUs «d rrsrar
lb, tdoek 7^ U.‘
dlssn SI A. ft. Bslllsv
pruBblursly. ibe ebtras strti
K F. Cbsreb. to T
was- star
Mft of tsft. sac. M.
S). IhBsld Nt
Hs IHrralty
I w<b> >
t; *730.
S*ed ....-----a drowsed la Uke
Mary htood oliMlakl
altbe|tiu.n.-rv-u.kad- -Ofcaisa'to, __________ _
mu Thnrsday whUs ai t
Jobs Oallacbar to Floyd L
Boaday While
s tkatlns.
IM.I uulv flsKered bl« ton] ni.J luss Ud,?Ji‘r^ c-hMlul-O to to,- In t.ke la u
‘Tidrcrsc Ofty.
u lit. Oak Halghu: llJSd.
Wb Blopsos stsned muo Uwosso
l-v li>~-rlblito bis osiu.' iu ud.piiferMr. Bros still ousiiaast
, Oarris Roar to Louis J. L
tor bU boats Wsdaasdsy sftoraooa
Kl,e dra|i|B-<l b<-i leui. lu bee lap aad who atoira up' |«h*. for tbs au*r
briin or turpeuus Uowers Ibsl .Ul^
M 31. Old Mlsttoa Bsacb ras nTtir IM week with hu Issa. but wk
bito isint tVardwril b
*^ln W. H. Cork rlsltad a too dayi
tboitobi -|•l..lilellUra.8luan.’‘abr
arrltsd wsi wHbool iheB bad b
tike tor> • M, lose I. n,a.-b kCtoer tl
-I l-i. 'Tbsi uiir n
Jacob CulBtoS sad wUr to Boyd L. Mm of wtaii be had dose wit
tYasdurll'*. ui.d
ui,d blbl oouM
'' be
broken.“ "aailurtl-..
IM^Oy Hal^u:
iaidbu; woe.
He spani bU (late bsaUa*
> Jaa Osllsihsr. for (be USB uatu Snodsy. wbsa AM*
“IVhat ruuwu. will you al.ei*
*"■ •'*"« *•“
» C' »■
Pdreals. Parry Bsa sb's led sad 3rd: Bsrsford west to bis fatbsr's bars 00 busbee and Ibicii forard sliraU lalu
afunoes id this weak at tbs adds; $3.dW
Ibe osisklns
llns of lbs (dty and fouad
fabuillc llkeito. of sbl|w Hutu,
Parry Haaaab 10 Cams Olbaoe. ibe teani tbei____
,k., •ouial a tllflr epoiis- i
I O" "» «.». O
tbars stripped of tbclr iHto brar. and Mnts. And Urn,- ralber ile
^•i Mnsoa Harr Orar Tbsir Cbll
-IS « sad 10. bk............................
asM aad tlsd Tbs bsia
ra bad not basa tearnie -niiKtots" and extruvaBsncM
------- exiieeaf it this way:
dfda.* Laodsf. Hrs. ft. Nswbsl
Bsod for BMae da
aad It._________ inn wlib protouad s|Hn«iMivii aud •tVullrr Is a bniie.- That arould
bad stood Itasro ta
"Voii Indiraled -Ibst ydh are both
tbaa four days were rewanlnl w-lib lacrrase of waie>
KTMI deal abuBt a. aad aol
oadtseoversd. wliboot f>
fords In wsntine-..
food or WI
spftear that you deserve a perladirlilual wbd. b.rtu*
■d Qrop. s tfroBlaeni
totlaeni youa* fanner
OsRstoly. vban
Csibsrlae R. Kaltsy
10 Addw
of Crynsl Palis, wi
was badly. U not fa- and of b
flria to (0 twaad."
"I dhlu-t iud-ly ibal I dtoervwd a pan
IWajjsiwIs. sec. tt. lows Id, rai
tally sIhm by a sm
toi CUB la tbs wouds
________ ___________________
«“*■- ‘ke ■uepped.
BuDda)-. Two
. k>w(
ywer pealnauls hout“
I a
wat tbroVB hack ca the
^iry B. Cunit ssd wUe lo h
-------------- Uuaday aad Cbaa. Hsrald of
psffenaaurrw as a*liU1»tweeu voueii
'o" “e>M a aaa Wttfe
Boks Ihsi disas Us boms tor a u,
iTBsa R. Obsb. Idu 1 aad «. W
Bsidlito. are la JsJl ebsrted with 00a- and dwarfs or wuwra wllb taytrviker. “ tmpmuibaUe dmoattloa, tbs pa-* cusbioa of tbe chair, hla d«w pototttf
Parry Hssaa's tad add; tl.O*.
WWard, bit Ian eneaitod. tbs ptenuw
B sMtlDf Ibe fua. while
Plisy says ibs ordeavr. wste^iba ba« “J" “
o>**o«» to Masts.*
ifs to OUb
to lodrdeoto
Sodda*» aotoatklac
Mber of tbb party. Jobs O
psU of all wutkeia-t.'t Clan Bailds
“■’'•■“•‘■'''aet Wssad aaa*. r
.rowMosh tat as. <BS Holsbts; NOO.
Osrrto Rom
UmiU J. I‘-Tsiir.
M' ** “““*
“■ •
Voo funith'ibe hide aad we ua U and make >-oa a hiai-cJa«
Coat ito onb- $lt.00 cash oulhy or fcr «T.O0 oa $8.00 we laa and
J z:\T.
Foote & Coddington.
■“jrffi.»iw - c...,,
Hk>h. Trait Co., (rusin. to WbUa
jBisr Ponlsad
OMsrai Co, si|
>l set (uat. aad tJ
af OaiaaB wss
Haratsa W. ftBhb
.da. T-a-Uy
ITda aUQT Is loM to tbe Uta Or. Ilollaad. hotter boowD a. -ntoothy -nicaali." Iiarlus tbe s-rvtm of
Isiip- rhBTcbu
Ihs Will to Jusepb Hats, a lusty slrrtrir storm <
DouUK, was Bled ^^ord^ HejMTee aad UBS of the remieuirn
lU propeny
oiaalhus In
bury him. aed prenidaa
tbs ladko bows Aotoii* Uh-fair
m wss a ci-nalb Miss Elto
BUa K.. nod
. as
ln-li<lna ber
■bat no win shall be aJIowsd "
tale the rrhieft a tmifle Nap uf IbUD-1
hla face after
' or be preaeat
r dMth
dee atanled tbsB. upnii which be re I
hts fuaeral
Barked, - Elf to terror parks hoar
to a bus" iKt In terra pax bomlolWM).
To ckiar ihl. strsBAe tale It may hs
•N1 to add that tbe ilorlor
Buatelalr. N
ii they are up asal
*^00'?“..^ sSl
............ Oftoai
OjB-l**£tieI K. Crmadan aad wits to
HlebBtosd. w fr. tk <d I
H «i Bw fr. H. sag. 7.
SB IT, rsB|»
0: »«00.
Uk RapMs Barfacs Baak
F. a Pratt aad wife to Julios Caap
BUBberto*"*^^!!*^.''^^* alfp*uUlto
Wm. U DrowB sad wUs 10 Julias
Oanpbsll. kK 31 sad wlk let n. bkwk sw days aao
broBBht suit
4. H-. L. d Oo-s tad add; II,07b.
Hsraaa Vi. Bmigi sad
wifs to
£Tww ftT^SStrtbft
M U Mr. sad Mrs WIIUbb NMVpMb- Mar. d. s bos.
ft ABsIto Biahtoee •••••■ a^s.w
TStottrsi aad
id Meads to Trmma
to tbs
dsohur. Mrs
Obmm was la town
. »*>
«*b poaac
?n;'i. bu)s an
WillftB Laadft 0
_ .Bfts sa^FMBy BrntoB. t_______
HUbavaka. baa
a that to«. Ha hat all
mu. tbOB St^~idiS
vmmm !srs.s:‘sjir-ss."s
Wednesday, Nov. I8th
P Siaiionary Engine
$lfiO. biij-s a l-ay
Bowen IX H. P. Marine Engine
SiO. bu>-s a Xaiional Pumping Jack
I will have on tale,
SrvoO bu>-a an ( >1i1h Mobile
Brodhagen's barn,
omc of
the finest car loads of Indiana hones ever brought
to Traverse City,
« l-ao Solomon «
242 State St.
Last wMb yiM totd you about our
ban taken advaatace of thft eariy offertBs.
Gaitoenta that have Styk and ChaneUr At rrieea kaa than yoa votild pay afto tU aeataL
toS MSrIbi U
H. F.
SlsO, buv> a Wolverine 3X H. P. Marine Engine
Tbp ftH
^^^UtoVftS Del Wtor?^
Otot 'roiaSJft‘2Lj“ai"2i" jjl
roondad by frtondty mwds.”tltoi
hito oa tbsu tbooldart tbrooeb
r» QHsribOMwntohM laliswilly.ai
Made o4 all wool
blae and b'atft
anowftake Sa-rtu
Uoe and
A cAl]d<t LOSS CosL
awds of all wool Mel-
Ttrarersc CBy
ing one until you have seen our
line at from $15.00 to $50.00—
all the different grades of Gallo
ways as well as other good wear
ing Furs—sizes for all Men—The
manufacturers written guarantee
sewed inside each coat—no chance
to lose on our coats—see them the
first time you come to the ci^.
fatae taiaad Bww.
hBt— a t
aMa for. t
dakt 8 a i I i a ft,
and Uac nrflUd
AdhOra taM Ctoak.
with tolald Mtto, baaaUtally BtlUbod. 4t to.
A toiid’a kmi Cloak to
m aad BlM ChSTkx.
caltor, caps sad aftb
triBBad with 4 rowa to
Barueha braid, worth
13-76. twr iwtoe
I 18 Front street
ISr* i.,n ~ip.,
8ms iM' aad taa MNraai
Mriloaa. sD wool
Vcuiiana aad
Chenmt triaBiBcd
•pitched hip
ladtoa' «0 to. btodt
collar. Bnad 'ttraafhout with B
SktoSM Batla
iCtoBk Oo.-*
pNoa. tllAS, aala Ktoa
batoi BstobTBUd. aad atoad aaeww
toontowaly with tbe crowd. OaBdai
Worth «p
$6 00
bjft acaltoped
«dl£r. tabs trUamed
with Mila buds ud
aOk eord—oar pries
for tola sale
63c finn
Black Bearfs. with foar tolls
Hwortir Bl R«T. J
MBh the Tbirttoto
VOdBB sad
to tbs
$lf»5. bu)> H W oU. rine 3K
Has the above Mock—call and see them.
utftm of Ihr h-otinrut. -Old
. .. V bun,, old wlw to drtuk. old
Meads lo iriMt. old aBllMws to rad.- Is
BCMeohst <J»cund. Batxu fuUBd tlul
Akaau of Arw*uu w-at.woni ta uy to
MBBiMdstioo to an that a*e appaand lo Lv boat to f
John Wafttlrc (IC3H1 funbto to
dacUtiar -<Md 1
wood i.unis brftlilMt. ohl Itoea ivasbea
a a rwault to bdUoa lo be takaa at
whll.-.i.“ UoMtmlib lu -Bbr Htauis ta
navaalloB to iba Aaiarieas Or•diar OBMd «M «Ms to Jbo U.
-----------IB to OonutHC- atys ~OU MesU. old Hues
Mtinaa. k>( 11. Uoeh 3. H. U B Ob.-s
aid manaaia. oU books old wlas*
ib add: lift
Tliesw arr uisoy vartant qyioutkins
Aadllor OaaetBl u Hsary Star
tact Iba birds to
North A
' a with U
Mads tbs Stoowsa nsll. t |,
Tbe Biwl fautllr af tV uar to
a A. NawtdBb aM wOe to Cbl■as foncta at Barkat'a-Uartior. July Si
araasM oBorta
bava atrfttor
UlS. and eoinlsiad of an atlirt madr
Ublba' iKBBoas ta Jaaob Mart BsauTawi paasM to the rartoBS oiMitlu-vilUcr The lahabltouu bad
u n aad u. block I, Ktanlar: Btotaa Bad sue that Udae lava art but uiM- ctui to auBVIral sUv
rlfUty a itmd. Tba oooparwlbto to
•lobs ft bOQibt aad ft ft afto atraaca to ladlcl damspe. a S3 p
ar. tor wWkt. they bad nu abol. This
to latoraBt aebool toao'
dUBcolly WAS (m-rcama by tbe patrlotlb# Bopafty to
Wiihto a tow ws«u.'Adilu sin -------... aalBB otua tbd flfarw to ftm of Ibe boasewlrra. wbo lor
MSB srary eftr ta the stttrvttt'a atom that haatoBft to thnaiidi to enipsts ffcta Ihs Suors aad with t
' an klltoB auuaUr
a tbs aauilt halls to flt tbe
(B aloM aad ibto tblB wmsUB
ftJos naiau
BBSaurM w*:
BFUBdan ttaod
la aback It. buk ------------ifij
to the snarmlsBtbB to bmt
la tba WsM tadleu ccocodllas
- • BIS ofwarWaca vfthto
I KNBU. aad tbs --i-irrn
Mtoslata^L Tbs
boater, with a
ftsto wtu norsi Ml&te
faM tu LOl_____ toMatft MU to a
one to
---------- --------------to the ftoa Bsya: WUb•bkb Ibs cfoecJlIas latcct. Tbe
to Una toBBths pMbaMy MUM "
Ifta are attractod by ibe Iftbt
•S mujfilBft
It ft
uM Bwtol uwatd tbs caaus. TVdr rym
that BUM •OS bd twwd os wttbto
to tbs darkasas and Batto
30 days. Attar tbe bastaaas piMM
«i tor ihB basM's balftta.
bars bssd BlBpHsd. tbs cbmbv «(B
- 4 totor to^ u tlSiCt Nto- and Loadoo. aad tato
a Asm craesdues are abet
I stiBBto. Tbs soot to tbs BB* iftiiAH at a BRBBd
BMM B Bualisr to-b BdUtoB Aab «BV UBBi 3a pewrta
• il# dayr aitb raiailras aad
^^•^lonairy and IWIairIn*
OaiAolln* Knsln^s
>f a BoeU’a
Oos. who ds-
nabs ooraad bato bash.
Jos. BBalla la Oaa. L Nssbttt. tot Ibis -WaU. Oors- aald Jssllos Oar
L bktok L Parry Haaaah's 3rd sddi ItoBUB. -I weald like U tee you Bake
tbs dial., to MUtfy tbs eouit.- -AU
' ftsw Blrdssll Co, to Alusaadar Say- Ticbt. todia.- abs replied -I <
psfw It rtobt bars to the eoun
A ennatobft was aaet for lbs pacasSwaar Ssti aad wVs to MilMaa aary to«rodlaeu. The eoek Mllad v
hionh a trtp 10 HaaU
.lebardsoft paiest. sac. It. Iowa *7, bar alMTM aad to Iba ptBsaaes to tbe
R turaad out a dlab Ibal wu pro
raasB 13; ll.OM.
Cora ■« a vaP
Bally Oobaa ha> gaaa to Kar
Jau. H. Duaosa sad «■. u Jas. H.
UytyubsMao haha id-tan ve caa
Cmu and Robto u iwicBa that de^r m^ipetitMO. becsnac ••
maaubaiDe on own Copn and ftobes from atan to ioAh. -
yoke aad cab
Mbs a baryaJa
Bad* cf Utoortad all
wool noHas. t Inch
Aa to(aatoclBah.B
to aD wool Mbftrdc
'A kadfta* OsoLBibdBto
ah wool oatoad Korboy. Baad ChmebBot
Mtto. trtBMBd
Bsd with toner toaU.
weeto ll.TI. Mia psteo
r «d toner bn
Mb BfAB. tar
Citizen's Telephone
tB» QMarD tMiVfBtt gmtA tHCBSPAT, KomtBEK W. l»oa.
iaM ItirciK BcnM.
'' DmH> •r lb& W. ■. rrMM.
Daalb af Mra. tapdia,
Mtb. UiU«9 riHddib. <rtt» tt Cb|W.
Bi rnak* I
Uavday afterwM al
Id be at____
BBTcnl Umb
■ bi tbr a«B fl< ay Bbr>. Bf- Tbe peodantaa «««ld
I t.'e)orb. r broR CaUnre. dbe bad
_• UUM«t laMteg B UlUc ow U ---- ibe aauUly poealble vKb I
Wtf^ »K by
II bar daacMer. Mra W.
bom. Hbt baUwd »*b Mlk4 \
I Ida BBCblHB. bad wttb tbe »
a etrfcdaa.
tau iBB M b IBCB vttb Maab. «n____ ^
^ body
a the elty
^1 nhbMleaB (bv
taea exiiMd -------- - afieraooo aad
b<n> )4<l BfUV bb TUB bBA
e tBM«Bl
« M
*0«i •frtTlM ib^
Mm. rnabUB «b> ubaa Ut U bar
bw oa smsib BtnM Tmb4b»
HBearal M«] pedpte err tooklbc lbTOTbUy iipaa tbe Mierbriee. bad ll
■by be UM la Bbon ilw tbli vlUibdd
B, pbuBd lBU> ccaraWaH bb4 BBolbM- lodMto lo iboBB blraady ee-
P^ff^Bsessns i
Oee^n^SttM*^ ^^*«Md by:
vaa beU mm tbe
Fere Maivvaue itau ta potato U
daBcbler. Mrv Haluy m-yee. »n BonU be Weal. Manbvaet abd aoutbvaet.
Blreet yeeterdar aRerwx*
lay day haiu NoreBber Path. ItPX. ta' lire, at a rery M* rata. laoBto*
Mated «a* veil kabva U tbto
iMef aaeat far fuu latorBetloa.
Vbare abr ba. raalded lor M
a. P. HoalMr. Q. P .
. . • Aba roBe to Mlrblsaa la IMT.
Her bealtb ba* baea paor H» tbe pM TIokdu win ba aa lala at all auA bal Iba la*i tartoa* lUaam IkBL caod potac XoeeBber »tb aad
an .trouble vu.
mi, tvo MU. aad coed op I o aad
Horaaber Srab. at rale of me
area C.e chlldroi. Mra W. H Mte-<blrd tare fur lbe'~nBlbd ilU
of PraakroR. E H. EMddao
-Ihto cuy. E K aracdea of sK H*'*
V JidMtor, O. I
Waah, Mra Uaary Wyaa af Ttararm
gur.^aad Mra. 8. T Uvta af Oraad
A Grand Rush
U whfli wc cxperieiiceU liurini; our opcaiaR da>'&. and
UhlUbed b«ee.
the valuca ofiered on iho>»e da>-s arr evi-ry day occurPCRMNAbd.
Tbe »<etae raa«b» hU> at 1
rrncM at this storr. Sit- our line of only wRiranird
Ulaa^. abrrr aa> lylac tbe
tteqiMI BS4 Bbl« n
.. M<. UOMh iprtli
nilB<d>. ct abteh be U •lai ai
Mania Himra <d lulaad to
fiTM IB bebBlI nr lb* IM'
iM>..d to UaeUaaa City.
M {■■kni. MUI ibe urM •hm>i A MOSKleabe.
BO.Ab'iniud al«bl Ubta oa Ibe C.
ral iBOtn
A neal
inuw rwiutw qwUUW u< ••<»«
k l. aad-reached KUe take early Buiraluc fur a TUIl vUh bto b
VbllB. bilk B/
lUrtM pO*W Wbl»
yMUfday‘bu ' beat tbaai
taoiUablir. <
boa 8.1. Uarcaa'B Urary vae availtbBi he <
lac hUa. aad be drera vUb aU apaad
to tbU ettf. arritrlac a lev «laBiee
d CHy.
-etary. treaaorw
TIcfceik I'D! be Bold fnm all ata' ar tbe ead caadi.
aad neaeial
<d Ibe Haaaab *
>m.pa|M<ni ID the
oB Nmimber tPib aad SPlh aad
:taala aad Mn. TraakUa bare
JtKUtoc mm Ibe rrovd. of imp*
rerq^ laday
u. at Bate af ooe fare pitia
In fact tivery-thint: from >our hose to your hat is guar
■IbU are pteraae lo (anraUv ma- aoMBMe la Trarerwi
la the rlty hut a abort llair.
ihai ibmaced ibeir bbbbuUi *iat«
e ruuad trtp Oeod.io remui abea tbe aadTeBtr lesaad by ibe
Tbatr horae has lor year, beea at r K. Ayer, af KalbaBa i
UI all day Aaibidayi PerrU iBptoaMOl
toeoBber TiA
anteed to give you Matirfactioii. Our lleedriMrgheavy
Ibe rlty today tor a vtoll *1'
tart *t Trade, bad tbe Beeretaa <•
H P. MoelMr. C
Fanis at $2iO are the ver>- bent shown in the ci»y for
MMtaatly raoMnas rllpplBCB vhMi
They told tbe people that tbe) bad
J. M. PrUk Id Kevadla a
BppeeelBlioa of Trarene
the moiwy. Others at S20U. $l.7.'i. $1.5(1 and $1.0U.
tSTa^be aouow*B»d"?rci»e Mr
earapOaaal talura to idlar la Blaur
wye baiUe bad ymeparUy by ae*»’
coodi. aad b) Ibe way tbe pllm apoa
pllea <d fur roal. aad bubw blaakato
bad Mtv 1 8. Otlheri, «aa the aala tbe elty I
a la atbar hMalHIia. ‘
-ere dlnlatolMd. uae I. booad i<
hta deUfhiluriaatore «a tbe proTwa^
I lor (hie
PraakllB vaa a proBV
Id tbe Order id ibe Baa
e|l..« .V. .«» kBOv'Jidta Holi
y«bd the eoabaea ol iba atalo. rolSlur, aad «aa rery pnaalaeat aad
-IVell, Il.urfc.- toot urtsUiaL"
Id Old M
ular bciT flbe vai Ibe ealy daoc
aaioH..- oatUly.
levlH b aa adltarlal rapped (re« tbe
.“Wliat didert-iK* deee ibal Bai
of I-aiK. lleorce ttold*lB. for a
table IIBB bad
nr ell I Iteeluird fnr * mmeal
l TUbaaa cd KoreBbar 11. Ity vttb the BuhJacl.
y<«ra copula ot tbe Clly id Turt ...
adrertlard. It iirnii i
^eaaaMNear City Market
vw aeeerapaaM by a pmoaal
li\ Union Street
p1)lDK beianea tbto port aad Cbleapt
lertoik- of tbto flrB to do
*-Of ntoret. be aaid tbe aan.i- i
—-------I,m, tudanakr la a bi
i taalvr ol Srr.lSl8r‘iitao.
aad vbu waa aaeaeadad vbea. late la ercDloc ..ee. OUu
llxtu. daa*l ce’ ■
rapratad by .reaoaal, Hr<-. be rlillBautobad bto eotaaaad or
Iba odiiami «iaf ol tba Trtbo
ihc boai. by Capt. TboBaa RaldvU
bto aon. vho bad baea '
.. dtiallly or value la ibeIr
■aab to eta aad trtk*
vlib aeaoBpaiilBeel by Mra. Ollbett Br.1 mate. Capi
....... kill day. bava
»»« la aharce id
feature vlth Ibe BUBager. Ur.
a to orsaait' bbJ M tba vortd
butlaea* la Ibe paal.
vbai. aad vbera thay art. that
Adb Arbor to aiiRid a Beniac of bto ir.V,; 1"are bto
that they will
Mka tba boM rtpU pncrtaa. A tova laUekMU aupper vai aerred li tbo rclalltea of tbe deiraeed tbtt earvlTi frati-ralty. la «htota tbr laltlatloa of ilBoe to beaakured
M) with Ihe emapaa
-Mb.- be-, not .r,«M to Iv l«i*.-d a*
taaa hot BBBd to baeoaw al BOtrepoU- liatac rooB. vbleh va. WauUf
bei. r.cept Ibe tvn rttlMrea, Mar plaea. He «HI site ane ihe UM-blcan Ibe futute.
oorei. a yeara id ate. aad RaMvIa.
prapaeuoa. uolara It faala Ibo tad elaborately UlBBOd (cr tbe <
It a a* free!) nuaarbeil by I
t'lvnaala AiMhall
)<«ni yiHiaaar.
brt-ueai Uat tbto wa* tbe <«ly imido
doe vlib reatoMB o*-^ed. vhlie
brfU d t*larprtw<. Tbe aooMr It
Hon Moniaeur lift yratonlai liv ibeBi
fauBltac aad '
^ to dcBCBBlrale lU laUilllcoaoe
r ...........
B AHmv to M
vM dalaUly aertod by aniiouneod. Both bratber. vUI b»
10 be played
KlB football c
~ pta. tbe eooaer ll *111
tbe Beabtra id nrtoloaa t aad ltd pn-«eii mm Cbliaco.
Va‘lMuTan^ta/' ‘buf
a City It aa U
III give a narked to Mr. Perrto about It, he reTba FaUU Marhac
acaaple ct Iba HaeU «C orcaalBUoa
lay aieht,
vbirb all pltod; ‘It . aJnpl) bualDMr X« phU- bal.ln ev..H f<
re« TeoBy'* Ibeonl
aod battle. It baa BAay adTaatacaa
Kaicbu of Pyllibla*
iDvIiad. MuBtr aotbropy about it. it pa)w to f
>1 vltb tour t^.teaen. ool _ _
ite Ibe ookl day, a craai Baoj
* 8uf
ibai aataie baa baatovad. bat U bat
•peelal day., but all ih- ilaeare oobIbc Ibio tbe otty. ba realt.aJ'
rill he a
___ laaaoa lo toal piead ol tba apiril
d Judgliu; m>iD tbr liatb- be bat
elhc vflcbad
votcbad 0<a aay ol
t aupper.
built ui> b) ponnilBc
rt Ha aitlaaBt. II bat Ibe UtMdi ol a
cak». am <--ater ““
bait balac paid for
;)aorcv I'ajii
II KumiBli Oil)
•e BU.I nneede that be
I aav dymaBKt oT
BOabW vMcbt.
B«rt el Trade vUob to tmt Biiob
Rlaetrlc Ucbl * Fever Oo.
aelcbit ao tbe t
eag aad vUe ve«i to Maaua
aUra. Tbit board bat aa eye br oU>- aiTB
aatalM •____ _ _jfalac vUboM
ekMT. lo vhicbu
ilag for a ivo voek*' trldt.
ad ewneUBltr. R appradatas I blub,
.Inei.. of
_ tba
- aurreal belac that od but
inen. to targek ibaa al aay Use do__
Shon aad Mto* Bertba Abort ly -Ufa the
aolthe> earry a
the adraalacta id paUkdiy. aad
■vo baun
paei roelnirerfy balvaaa ibr bayara
to Utrkar Oeek Ibto aRe^
- iDraareal- aa.l valcbBBaler. Tbe Bo.1 aay kml rriuraed
•». eutien. bar’arlw la__
laboe palat to adrentoe ibe tovi
•«. aner helag tfao gue.l. of Mn r. .uperby^ liar rt b
Calouel iuba E-Ftobeny, naaagrr
tad Lir^ooau.
upon lac etoBenta that sabe ll
r lb. lOabrny ibioier. vaa advtoliw
i^Ue all) |>eo^ will
B bare aot boea orer tve
VOV aad pfBtpar beyoad Ua eoapeiy
frk-ud la lie .;,..itou> 1a au <uut.w
I' dlBiraoae. vbleb to
■ae. mileii left UU mnrata oa Ibr rra^e *b<:B la o«e.l o| thl. 'cl^
Tbto artaUtibB bae RbI >>8^ -EBoa. Alfoady ihraa af the aaeb
_____________d ter la aad aad din. Fere Maidueile for Ibe-oll aold* la
ikleg be ba.l In vtev.
Mca . Una buckle >1.61).ArciM-v IOC.............
aod ma af Ue buyer, oald Uat If tbe Keolucky. la utaicb tbe local Boa are
Itotort aa aliMlre boeUat, attUn in put of ODBBlaakra aad Uc o
"Vin iva'i take tuo auay |re.«n
«eictau vouM ruB Uko tbto all tbi
{atih Iba caad iblaca tba Traearte rv
Mcn'aKtora AUtkat. il.fl.’i lot . ..
(toba.' Bta.nr.1 l otooe) I'tabrrly ".\-i
ShB baa lo Oder aad bdatttog Bodavare af pn-vi-Dilob, a. Ibe i-i.y bo..k
aaiM ^t fully
men- la at
WruDwi-i T-o-biKiW Ainici, >1.7« fcu ...
ta to ata m aw ^ e**^
aatir rt pact aoooBpitobBaeU. « la
It vat raportad ibai all af tbe buy
Watati'sIlwMhtaCobl SralStmii Rgblnn
er. VMM aaita today aad torer tbr
: rmllgaiiDi: iliinu- la rcovelcbBaater to vtah all tba kada.
ai4-mau aad a
Weattea’a Atoakas >1 to> km.l ior ...
fwU. VIM pataoaal tareallcatloa
»e .lore.
_ „ aad by BO doiac C«t hUa raiilad. bat
The gaaotlu. mglu.-.. U which Ibey tOBlealrt uea I ever kaew wa* U
kltoarw- AUtkn. T.Vkinllw.................
panr a lU go.
cauttoea. He vaa draf afi
Mra. HoBalreet and daughlar. Un. ail lav. In o|*ratl06-«BC n .lalkwChiklym’a alaska*. Ur Luul iiv.............
elamaa ot Uellalre, allaodnd "Arl nry and Ue utber n |u<nnhl'- .alirarl tnmh. aivd be never veal lo brd -ill
initllnr oa a pair ..f Icalt
Chitdmi'a i'lain Kuhlmv.......................
na" laat evealag. atul are tbe g«e.u I'd Bore ailenikin and MCiaed ■>< met*
tUtdkmlag "totannci-^l.
bk-ply iDleraut the naiorlty |.rv«eBl gtovrw.”
of Mra U Soule.
"Baitos gtoveal Wbat fwr
Tbcmaa Mania of Walton to in ibe hna u> other .«e line. e»n-|M tba
Tow tWla boofclal vaa a pood oaa.
ree Ha.-, aail U.- unleeraal verdM
o bay rite on baalarm.
may of iba tomn
"Ba be voaUa-l talk to bto alren".
wt. Ibai Ue,.
th,- ga.-ki ruDBlag Mrv Yerk Tlnra
oM 0^ u briac baek U ynv clip M par eaot arartta
eaglaea ever
Praa TMdav-. Bteta
•ta tal Bora bow tbaa
k vaa agpaetad UuU tt Blfkl naato*
Whea Ihe hour fur draalag
UU. Ruth Klliabeth toltovanh a-aai pnwaU arrived, every fare va. i
> imi" aad pabta. ll Itaa to I* bom to gat Ibo pov-----•anta lota u> tad
for vark. aad U
villi evpectaary. but. if eoarar,
_jiHr aakad a toeal barer
•• Uw
large auloniy hart lu be dlaapaay ooe "be mM give the
la oMItta w pnaa talaad. tba aop ta Blibt aD havo «a ba _
Ml*. E E Pnll vral to iala 1^ polDled. but they look ibeir dhta
of Ubp. Wtoh tbto Mea lo lav.
Mwy ti taatnac BOV aoBpHBop talk
to aaiead tbe'fnaenil
t «M ta IrtBiiad to ta Ua
Ik* bte
liif dy••
and ooaitbe CbhMo BcrkM yadertg) BoRdbg
135 Front Strtoflt.
Th* Prtoctical 8ho*m«n
Alben Kaau
tap Wtaa ta* tba tab troB bw MBO km---------- *- •
_.er prtoai veto paM lor a lood IbtoJ. W. Harkhan veai to Uwae Clt) aent away
_ .________ .WbUa aU Ibto to vaUtP
pwt af tba boat atook, Ua aTarago ad
Doraiac oo a buslbeu. irtto
a fair 4«ai.
ta to
pot»to e( Ibo oHr. U M AUl
. If- UrDooald of Beata Harbor Traveru.' Cli) to lu be- eoBgralutoled
tadtrlac 10 kaev that tba aao
*'*aad?t to pa*md ibtoDCb Ue city UU aflMtaia V haring n roarern <4
.. Uto kind,
bto vay to Feltotoa, rallad Uato vb.Me eBlerpri.c vlll
r la raaotrta
... tsdocc
.adore a« naay
ta ««^%MBaMab^)^o Hoa bat OB
^ the death If Urn. UaltoaaM'a
a hoUday aad i toll the
e«ta Mb aU imu ct Ibo ootaiy.
^y!* a. Ibey lake Ibto
of tlMB bota (*■ ml* vbc
ad targe .un. ___________
ST tba*w
lar taeerabto toeattai lo •talao
to of vbk-h vnuld olbervl*e
analler ••■n. arooart
iiw. a aoBbw at oalaa batag____
af tto «abw of Un
IIiHeb aadvaapartlallydatbai Mta aad aannl tou airai ed. 18e oaal ead if Ue baadlagaaoeaMlr ta tbto tttp tav Ibai
Id baada pi M tooia for Ua beat vhlab loelodea Ue drytag flaw aad
Oo, aad wfil (anim
_________ • owToat lor tba paUe turwoa. to a total vraek. vbUa
>. Auau.t Fhiver aUll ba. tbe
row ot Ua OQBpta- Tba owTta
ta^^rollac aad itnrage .oim to uala- torgrai ul« of aay andlelBr In the
totaa tato Uo oily 00 tba bMo "
flat ftaron far HatMMata.
aivtilied world Vour nolben and
TO Otani Tbiohafltai................
ot MM. wd paw
The fli* naagbi Hon --- ______
A lam al Ibe ptartB af Ibe apRdluv HeraM-Tbt utofOBta
> .>r lill. .... ..................> of tbe OlMd Trtt- k» down lava otooa of tba aoBpaay H eliy are t^toftooa tta arary ow aad ll vaa ealy a tav nlBuiru badoro aayiblBR rite fur
|«R of Ur bolldlBC* vaa reral- kMi.aen IbvUir.
ihe. aad
■ VMaa MUCH. Haro R to Maa- ahnuld hare aa oppatlaatty lor Ua Ul.
Opad lb flanoa. Aa atom
Uey m-Mob bcoru .■ iviH—oviiia.
tMBOd la* a tta tat pgrrooL Tkiao proper obtarraaaa of Ttoaakai
to mm boi *1. aad Ue Fraaiiallna or Haan Fbllara,
tanbao ia Uatara tova taao vlu day . Ta tbto am tbey raota - -_ aooa bad Urae airoana of vatar play- Kervmu
tktaM Up MoaMUy of ornttag oC all aak tba boaUaw bob of tba Mty aad tog oa Ua fln. AboDi ita toot af
tbe giiwiwa of tba (wattoa aad
had in be told. The ehenkal vaa
■lilf ta Mra ibair MnH* aad ob- beta
aaad alao.
ragvitole the acikm of Ue Itrer.
plnna a Hb boUtaAl ll:M> SBBta Btgbl aDOibar tiUI ate Ibr aerren. aad orgaalr ____
atom vat aeai to Ue eagtoa booaa,
Ibe v.ian, aad. ibai 1. all they
A -Nelson" Bible ia aa appropriate
MKytog tbe depanneal Ibai flfo bad
I vbea-feallitg dull aad bad vlu
beefcee om agato aad vaa la Iba voed
rtaebea aad oUer acAra Yon only
be given. We have a grand aBoorfment
pile. The draiM varv all ,are^ aad __1 a Tev dnaea of Oreaa'a kngnal
Tbo aaat af Ua MtaoraBaBU at tba *8^ **kar Uaa Mi lay, ktoaki
ady to BtaR vbaa tbe naa iflover, to lidotd fom. lo nake yoa
of Bibles now- -oiir Holiday atock urhicif con
—M Uey ooald pat nrt tbr
ere 1. noUlBg awtova IbO
_________ _____ _________ to atUD •
Tbe aallM toa. vlll r
sists of eveiy style and urc of Iwok made, alMturaarvioaibgabaabatBgiraBttto J
SI band. Mo toaaiaoer.
Mono: Lav Prtoaa.
gMita of Ue eOBgaw to tbe paai. 'Ttaa to daaiar oror pniiat at Ua
moat, aod also various sices of type, all readHreai Oeod. by Ibe yard
IVIe. Sic Bail r
boUtg Bada Ua MUf Uta to 8Ca.
•aMvTabao to CMeafO
aide and liistinct. Call and see what a- line
Tbive to daatw rt BOO tnrtaUM Ood
MR* TIHBLIN. Rvthettaad Rk
UadaRskar L. D. CaRto vaat
naaUag af tbs MmU S,ibMr
*!ir dally Uraa. HoBaa, to bara « Olaa Havaa teat vmk to eabuna.tl
leather bound volume. Oxford style and put
Oort llraa M earU, aa van as to bta of Hatoe^. Halberg^
up in a manner that- will stand the wear, we
tarm. aod Uai troB Hto bam oBMa
•very good aad parfaM gift, SHta vtll ahTlbe Zej toSnmrv^to Cbf !
seli for $i Its.
boi be a RDOd aod btoaaad Utog if -Ri,
Ibtrg va* dievbad la Loka MIeb- mihni..- ‘ii~v. of all uuknaUih*
aad Ue body floaied tale Olaa
•fj*'- fwisata bad un
' '-ATHare®.
____ Otaala
UnalD pdrre uf vurk.
a. vbare
JValkar cf tba
* <*»’
■Ttog auilaa ptrknl ll
It np It vaa «•."(« "• cr.tc Irtab laborer wtaa
‘ pugn*. wblah to pae <ir^tba
J.>, BERG S pUce on the
Ueamstal Ue body bad baaa to tba
vaur akani W day* at the line R
FeninsuU ro»d at 10 o'clock
vm fouod oa a _
am ta'pgyta per to U. porkei. wtU oUer papata,
R. m.. on
UUm of grailude toto Ood'a ----- Ual
aatobUUed bta Meallty, bat bov
OProiiawl aaarattea - Rev. O. T.
h alMul tveaty-dire toharbe vaa drairaed 1. am kaova.
•ta^eatae Otiy.
"R'bat dhl yoa Ivtog Urw i
Fta* Tbe Oewlr Hemal Tralafwr aakrt <br formnaa.
^ you lijrt
«4rt me W
w tbttag ibl«
ad n to tboagbt Ibai Ulf
* IrerEto
- - •
d 1 brouMl
fa) "Trta
a I rooM Pad." was Ue vplyictaM afNPwrt
Mmlea»riSMi «u r«r
IlM 0»
*c*a6!riS»yii ^'bi“« 0«T«rtI
JimiW.; si.iiTr.rr.i'is..
Come in and M ever onr
line or '
' '
ffc Sdl it^Besl Gnde of Knl)licf!i Onljr
A. s7fryman
.Tor a Gin...
Coats, Fur Coats,
'.7 ■s.r.JXi
Iba Tlltogo." flapi. r. W.
OptatMlty vn
It to nbane Ua body.
Ot^ Book Store
Free Lunch will be Sorv•d.
Crnmtm Otf, JCk*.
bo Mtm to oaob
^) -Pfshtoau to OoaaoMto
^etaWaa ta
aoa, BBo uo wraatatoal «'
toraMioa a *art Oaa.
rertnwd .Tr____
**Wbilr*to catoaa* Mr. flBRb rtotiad
Sp Maury «t Ua «*ab.
^niiptaw Fiia. Bntia J. Watar.
n*l, ataa ta MtoOpa' wtabap.
Tuesday, Nov. 24
hto torratlm va* Wtaty raealrad.
Hr van al saw atood to to«all U* lavnmhn ta cmmcm «f U«ar rewoww tor
'MSI* ef Ibr pla. aad mbb
M 10 uha tana
of Ur pto. at ear*. Bwrtal
rnarnra. vaai tbr h
inSrttd mrwal
-orwi MitoD to tba u^.
Mr BBtU tlMflii
rar. cf Uaar to
tom tawtod nakr ta
FvMe. ggrsta ktoAaf
■dtoytowif yen paid
Bwe BoncT. Tbiiiita
bBt MJO ta* tad. Twy Kytai.agvbtaAaavtta
batta. Madp br tba
■deott ta oowipita ai** aaaortmrwi fiwp. Our Mpdto.OOOP
HONCrr QOOM »Wt wai glv* you tdERVtCS, sah#rAOnOMwideOHrorr. Veu*oatoafwaoNMWt«atoo«M
tho FMOS if you gad artwt you a«nt ond
242Fi«ISl amPmt
Wo wlU M ptoiuod teohew you our goota
Fur IMIin
tv, UUM HmiI*. (W » MMtb «M Itetbpnri TWi Mtue baa atoara
MmMCm « Hr. Md Hn Jum* Wlt. ..
•V Oa TM«d>r. Nm. lltk. iM r* palneu akwa lU
mMm of »• unto ow were IHd u iMaWe la gMilv fate aaB aat aa
___ .
MM ta tM WItooa egaetarr. Rn. C. trala. ae tbe oMten e( tbe Mad an Htak
eehool l.uiMlv
........... to take Mian to wOv Iba
W. WDUaa* td KwMB mad
VID be SO Iprbae Is el
aad vU|.be
cd tbe . wed* of ibe
. tecure vd muilc
Tba baat <rf IxwpfeiKn elll bb__ ...
tba Mde of tbe Bnl Uedbp od the
Mr. aad Mia. K. M. Hofaa, dtad M Sav^b^iio __________________ St
oa the vtoib iMe U tba baUd■aiaal MMlylMa mur motbIm at tbe mie vu nade earir la tba aan- Main
U:U. Hr. Maa ta Mad M»iw far ner. aa aoiB ai Iba T C . L. fk M. raU IV. aad the VC of HcKlsIey vlll be
IM wrtia OUMtaw Oo. Hr. aad vaa i^aad lo tba pablT, tor tba pw pteedv ibeaortb aide TbU vlU albad a Ttov of ibeai
froai both tbe
- B<Hia-Hoataha^aMMidfriaadi ' p»a of bnblv ap IbU sauar. Bad Iba aad
are broate
Boon They
■mralWM alCb tbcM la ibcd
—Mwa>- 1W luaaril war
_. IM haaa* taadar ai t:W p a
lanaaai ai iaJhad (MHdar>.
vardt. liTpr Bcallupi'i SappHi lUc
aaeb aad apvarda. Cup. aad toueer*
Me aad apvanU. ail at Tbe Bcoaoo>
o’dork <ir aaikMaUc M (alhnri
___ inabk.'. liMMiiiil vai vail
lur. b-At Uapir Ciiy. la rharfa of Blare, Ml Fraal Bi.. Trarene (Hir
ChariM Uoraacb.
FlM Praprbia far Uaetle»
Dae. IO-*t
0-At M
Haal Latoad. la charta
Tbe asaaej anetiai u> Ibe Otaad
baw IMJbU caBBtrr aad naldad ai at PblUlp «Mr.
laHad lw 17 nart. coatv fra* Mar
Dee. H-AI ISorthporl. iu ebarft Trarerae DUlHrl UnUtertal aeecvu
tte of Ibe UeibodUl toUaipel
laai- HU vtfa. oar daofUar. HaitU. cd Oharla. Ha«
ebarch. vbtefa I. to lake place la Ibr
aad OM asa. WUIMa. aarrira Ua. fk«^ ll-AI t
- IM church la ibU city. Noreviba.
W. ■. Aadotaoa vrat to tataiad Uoa- M'lmaa OaiT
dor armanoB «n rarr for ih.- Imdr
H II OaaaoB td Borbaalar. MMk . aad Deoeaitor 1 aad Z. U to to by
tbe Mate apeakor. aad Or. O J. far tba Baeit dl.irbt mevilM Is Ibo
•UvaMr Waat Vp.
KBM-Uod at Trareraa CHr aill M «aa hlilory ul ibl* pari ut tbe Mate. '
crealeM ireaii that Me
vib.- of tbe local ■paaken. J. Q. Walla U •e of ih«ihU
dlMrlrl bare Otar___
McaldoBi aad A. W. Hebert senndan
oirvirtlnp Ibo avual cnafiv
aullbad HiiDdar Uomric
esoasb^ai w iM^cUw^l^iliiOj^cr
9»«0a« tBvvMMTtw tlffMlH
atenuor'veat la tbe arrov dIreeUoa.
a*d tbe eirrauv laautnd oa aala<
iMBCh tbe roof it Mopped before
■M lato (he opeo air. The damate
raldaell, dlud ITlda) efteranoB _
|;«t o'clock at tbe aae of M r«ara.
Dumid «aa bora la tbla Mtr. aad
an laralld for tbe
bTMtbod hU
vtUla uTm afiv be »ai tabee
vtfb tbe MH aitaeb He bad bow UI
X-1MM ll beta.
ru aebooaar X-lAUd U lafe
la tbe
-i Muluw. aad Oapiala
___ _ doee BO( propoae i
tbe Ulaad tUI be bai toe
)U MM od bU irtp He petered tbe
barbor Tbarator laii. Id bat he«B
ibece erar Mace
Un TboMai toater baa fw reluraed fron tbe Ulaad. vd Iba latal.
tiaeaep abe brtaci vlll U- wleoMa
Beva to tboae vbn hare learod that
the aalllae rewl iMr hate cooe
Ui ntarMi tnm
• vllk ■ 1m tM*
* * Oo. Mm ctaM UMlr
« Car tM «tUM m4 wlU rei> tmt kart«Mi, wicfe dm ^ the
Mwt dMfkiM oT
IL!»------------tTtaMtt --------------our ««•, MW
r.*^. WDmMhS
------■ & L*«t»Md
Mk pr «MW
>. MU*.
TravtoMCity btortiptt.
«M mr bar* Mk« «m 4MT U-
JiiKii M^SSw >To»mh». iff
SriMlfNaU^M?MW fW «n W
Oiad laC
TT toMta
atltBlkHi fur Ibo .__.____jaMo of
ac people <d tbe eliy <
•k. a— ------------- - vlll
■Ittad to tbe Oaorpo Bllbd, D I). paettv .d a Urao E?NJ*e^ ......
llaad. II vlD
abort tine. IMhodl.1 l^^i^he."^
be la d<«daJi« torn
B’bea 11 vlll M lubaltled1 |o Iba varioui lorleilei and
neettv «IU
Hilae • 1 prrarh a
.AM Ibe,
toaaa't Rtapacl OW f
pan epua ll.
•K»«riul ato-ii youth laili to
It UBaatmUy Is ■u<v4lnB T,io«lay eiaolv. and WV 1
iiomIB) iiiotslBB vlll plre bit praal Sd' unmr nvoeri fur old ase. but
laed^ta’ ultte
■rtliutloti at propoaed
I to varr ell
1-arior L*»pa at Tb„
old ae Djapeials
pie, aad tbMv vUI probalibir be u o
by ai
a lu aay of iu
ladke. Fever. OouHIpatlou all yUld
, weilMlea.
Zbe. at Jaa. O
perfarl |pill
rUl.UMiUA Mouldwt 1t»vnl>.
' II Met
tr :>iK' bled. ZM. ai Orlpaell
•Htat Prvepacti far Oil.
Ur. i. A. Bardar baa feel raiuraa>: aw Uuiic Blare, mrtter FrtM
on a aioaib'a raeailoa. aad vbUe
r ladtov Ueltr ei
•a> be apeai four dan oo tba fToaad
aoawr ibaa atasy
I tbe Trevene tor Oil Co. la KvMbb- lb-' ptlri
d 'baaii
•ek). aad eav Ivo velU opeaad up
1lh a tana Bov of cdl
vd asKiBti iban aav tbe OapUM
Oarrr aelL which baa poared vt lA' barrtUi la M days laea AspaM
M, tba Kaeiudtr Polo-.. vaU
___ bai
mead iwt beivaM. 1.100 vdd l,40t
WmU Tbli vail ll tealad1 vltbla
i>e Tnt
I Oa'i btada
___jr lan that fro* bU polai
td rh-v Iba loeal paMa all hs*a a
■ood iblv la tba propartr that Ibay
_____ Vary III.
CIb Mapidi. Hleb. Nor. lb.—J. J. Bva ibara. vd be U >cr> naeb
Mridaibirn. the oUaM Itelai aeOiar pleated wlib tba oollook
of M8i BapMa. aad cate td the ewllaM
early PUaaar Dead.
pioaaan at tba Otaad Trararaa taglEB.
buaaa Culler, use «d Iba oU
aal ptooeura cd Tiarena Cliy. dUd
e Oraad Traraiva rafkfa la lUP, Timdar niatal, aped Tl yean. Tba fuevlllaf the Bret alkk of llMbar os tbe aetal sill take place Baaday aftae
BTMtalunfNartbpoM. Ha vaat to
»k dUpMe Ml lUL vbere ha cU- Iba «ni iMaidtv hooae
far the uoe A. B. Wpdemmb. He li “bln' OaiiSr Wa*
llrad IP Trararaa
Ttae pnaUeel <d tbe (Hd touten' ai................ ..............J. tbe lau TbOBMi
ipialUa for Aatriai aoealr
Oallar. mna bare vUb the oibeM vho
anIradiBlUI. Un. Outlar cawa Iba
Hra. CwabM MItabMl Dtad.'
Hn. OaBHae HlWbell. vUa of the foUavlw pear, aad topatber they
iMdIu torber of Bk BaHda. Bled • - .jmla^^^.^ the oU Oatlar
raeurdar at that plan si tbe aie
cd n rmn. at mtUaimit. Her mUm Mlbe mar of Froai asd Hate
tba etOM e< H WUaeaa vmi Mbba B. Abdereoa. aad abe atom •VvbeM
ataada- ThU vaa the Bnt
MM frea Mvatoa la llbt. bal
aauad la *arrla«e aborUr after .
HiiasSr* Utf OoTboardiptoiir
Hr. Hiutoa- Bbe taarsi two ebOdiva
- bMtbar at Bk BapMa sad bbh____ rateUTW la BvaBaa. Boib Mr.
aad Mm. MtobeM vara rwr hmIMM la Bk^SSaaBd ua vail toava
, aad Mrs. W. T. WoodhooM
___ yary pleaaaatly aurptlaad UoaBay avvalw by naaiben of tbe coa■Npaite « the topUM ebnto. la
_____________________vaddiv aa-
le IMeeded-^^
lust as much now and will feel just as vomfortableasin Jamiar)'- Don't wait for Zero weather be
fore >’Ou buy your warm Bhoea: your feet will aupreciate them iheae cold mominifa and you will br so much
wear aheatlWOUEN-5 FELT and Itever
Short, vant. lineil. Kell tolor,
alio kaibrr toUi and hrrb.
TSCy 87c, 98c
Beaver Shoe*, lace and batlon,
vann lined.
warn lined, toe kid vainpi.
MrU> itopea. cMir
WMa Came TraabU.
Tbe Bn iSm tmm m ool af or- tUH. un a Baa sat of vWta dUhaa.
Ber Tbaadar. bto ObM topale. vltb hMb a dlaaar aad a laa atfi thraa
all Ml MM. Wtot MM cf Iba B^da
Julieuaa. «»y pretty.
ate apaai.aai. tlM la vtUkte
and Braver.
Uett aad moM
• $'.50lfl$2.S0
K. W. Barm
.. SaTiteBu__
•eada ripbt atea rwtardar.
Mm ■
and Beaver,
60c to $1.25
Keh with Kelt tolea
Mted a Triedricb
• •
It to Bar.
•I vat la
Ml far Ftea.
t. vbo bat bMU ta
__ ____
A Ht tos bsto MBigad
aad Antbv *■ Fe
TMoe Fetartyt
m- to
to tba pMl It yam a( vbte it
Letter ta Mr. H.
Tcaveria Oltr.
Dear BIT A food at
M roar b<wae » *h*
sen tea yaati. Wa v
__________ will do.
yoB to aalal It. aad tbta
act paiai
Btola to lea yean—oatea H M>. ..
top tbat vH be hard b. ------ rarr Mva la tba
r vara baabtop en iba tom to
k WBbsto vbtn tba raatoB-VW
a. Mato toW btoMM toat^
__ Jtu. A U« Bar't vuck H aouMand crBtoartly at «a btobiU. aad
batb H tad SB bvtbtfa tbm St U>t°^*HM pertto a coat at
____ tbnl apsM. OMtotbahMtan
vat antortop (mb btedlap baato "A'iSte^Tto cU te fawitead
* -* - be Balibed, aad tbe oftoB to MM ibraa yevt; It U a Bond om
_____ bad me bdWIy cvetoa tonto
bare I
It to tbaa
they vbm la pan •rabtf^aadU
the .Wttar vbsa '
for purity, strength end color, is
Hannah b Lay Co’s ■IBEST" flour,
manufactured from Michigan wheat
and eyory pound guaranteed
waamm la Me new wtora. Be at-
-If fm have aay taalt to Bad vrUb
•aatoaboat tt.^^^aatoatte blia to to vbat ta
Om-tblrd Off!
SI6.00 SUITS. SlO.Olf
$20.00 SUITS. $ 13 33
$26,00 SUITS, $ 1S.S7
$30.00 SUITS. $20.00
$65.00 SUITS, $ 23.33
$60.00\8UITS. $33.33
4-4-4-a, 4-■*•4.4--i■*■*■■*• 4 4->■**■•* 4-
\CI)e Dining Doom
On thanksgiving
JliB Slandanlw
tvte at tea. It atoi—
tototo U. A. B
aM vto «HtoBto
THINK-wbai that means to you. wise and economical buyers, birictly high grade suits from tbe best makers to America. A splendid usortment, full line of sices—right in the middle of the season comes
this remarkable offer. Suits ranging in price from $16 to $50. every
one priced at—
^ Cb/|h JidiA Wi ^ necessary an article as you hkve in .the dinmg'rooii.
s/f ^lQ% OvOra There are m many placet to put things and so many
thing> find their way to the different drawers and shelves. You can buy anyfini^
of wood you want to harmonize with your-furetshingc. The price* are from $I6 to $48
A blNINC. T.ABU-: isuted asoften as any article and it should be ^ presentaUe. Styles some times change, bnt tbe uses don't. A thousand
year you gather around it. The 1 HOURAKDTH should date from Thanksgiv
ing. Ha*'e you seen our new t^les? We should be pleased to ^ow them at
any time. Wees areirom $7$0 to $26XA.
to H. U OhMt.
T%e Bwm vaea vary
A iarpe aaaber to f-*—
itaebad apen tba i
6tM nmWM Om*C|M l#«
OfttlBst Prttf.
Should be the best furnished room in tbe house, and it can be done very^easily—if
you buy your fumilure here. No feore fitting umt to %upfiy tbe needed anicles.
We want to show >’oti what splendid Uiaing Room Furniture we have, and the
remarkable prices that they are sold lor. We alsrayt consider the quality qu«tion first.
................iTr '
-- fltead tetvaab.
Without any doubt, is fhc mua serv
iceable t!.vrmeni ever designed for wnman'-n
There is none to compete its sway; it is
»L>en (o-<|bv in all pans of the civiliml worid.
and wherever and whenever worn, its wearer
is at once noi^ for her trim and attractive apjMiaranirf. It vives its wearer a "set-up'' such
as no mher style can. It does not readily lose thape. nor does ii 'suf
fer by comparison with its siirroundiiiirWithin certain limits it is available for wear under almiMt any
circumstanrv. and il's appro|vriatenhss i> seldom or never questioned.^
Can that assertiun lie made of any other garment worn by .civi
lized woman r
treading rity retailers are selling more suits than ever, in fact,
they are far nut-classing the winter coal in amount of sales. Our
sales too. ill fact are far ahead of any previous year, and we are to
Have the biggest kind of a Thanksgiving Sale.
Smlltor or Oood SHo**
aad bM
bat aaSMBd
laiiwl M___
all saMtr. bat W
baea ctoBaad to ble hto mli
two veaka. Ptetaatd vaa
Tbe toUrfrtM Onaefr. at tbe ear- af BBA aad baa llMd U ibU
~^Mlst bU vita, ato datehte. Hlat
-•to Baraa. larrlea hto. ^ fnaral
•WPte vtu be baU totaemnr aliw
aam at Z:M trots tbf tMHtan. aad
Wam Shoei,
40c, 48c
»m4 CMMm
Beaver Shoet, leather nupa,
cap loet, aleodet cul. neat ^lie,
fut liiwd, f«ly
Iheaaa have ban la ihU etty faar
tbe (aeuvte vere BHIBad lo la|.
6Mff M#
__ ________ 4 IbsaBM tbat be
ww la aeartawaaplHlM. Hepawal CMorb la tbe eraal^ treat to tbe
bene of Hr. aad Him. Woodbouee vd
- Id Ip aavacwaited.
K earprtae vat raa coau
nowrar. la a fpv aUautet they rw»..Aarrtad. Tba raaetal vai bald aivd aad pave all a nval vsioone.
The ervlv vaa ptenatly iptat Ip
reMotdar aftaraeaa at 4
ataplu aad rltlUv. aad all daparted
at a late hoar, after bartap a Terr e«
Tto LsStt
Title ra part la maaa up o« WaPna
■aypf aaobrma.
r a railroad vnek ato ibe aane
m ere BekUp haMaa vrecti td
ran froai Throei asd l.uar iruuMm. tot itacr- tto adrvi .d Iv.
KlapV Kav Divoteo for (\«.u»p
lioa. Cutpba aed OmMi. etra ibe
verei eaaei jan to esMi. ud hopeUse mlpasllMi I. ts. Wnper aanaeary Ura. Isdi Ctav of Dwebeeier,
Uasi. >e .«ne Of eiaa) vboee life vaa
,ved b) IV Ktaa* N'e* DUrotarr
ite sreai renedy U iviaatpaa for
1 Thrvl Md u>v dlarae*. b> Jv
ioba-cie aa.1 f H. Meade. Urar
•u ITie. !«ir aart I)
TrUl lol-
to aB ctoon inetodiif Uacfc aad vhbe
l. E. Wtoi* to Son
Hava Mid tbeta to yam They aiatg food ai ever,
totoPtodtte Btef tote toM pubto tod toB,
should be tbe comfortable kind—the high back, backresting kind—you can dioose from the cane bottom, the
fanc>- wood seatv|the solid oak. or the box seat, many entirely new patterns we have
placed on sale. They are the best that expert workmen can produce, and yet our
prices are most reasonable. Prices are from $6A) to $4f>—for a set of six chairs. We
have a wood seat, four s|wdk back ebair, »x nil cost you $3.00.
A CHINA CLOSET is surely needed to display >-our pretty china and then to
keep it from harm. So many daiaty pieces might get broken and ><ou would re-'
gret not having a china closet. Some new ones just unpacked, and the> are
beauties. Supfwse you stop in and see them,
nftodto Otogafr next to a china closet you surely ought to have a (date r^;
such a nice way of showing your beautiful china, and thej'gre
such an ornament to -thc^ining room. Or even a larger one will hardly hold all
vour china, so we have s«<ef^ style* to«dect from, or have two alike. if>oo#o
choose. Thej cost $1.10. $1 Jtt. $2J0. $t«6. $S$5 and $6.85.
ASET OF DISHES you have wanted for a long time; why not get them for
Thknkagiv'Ingi You would have use o| neatly all of sudi a set. Got soow
that always are seOers:
.$14 and flfiJKL Those sets forffg^in Woe or green—are ^ilepdid values. Take a tittle lime to see these new
goods. They waipktoBC you
Grand Traverse Region,
• vuk kit
**tUa« tMA Houdah Md
HMto «l Ollhi Ple^ *h«it
«•'» lb* UeLMB bwM M K«i I
Hkmrt Ufc». m Tr«v«^ CKy) . 5y**.5ygi!!
kec« M a aooa dt
c rat. BBd *«BC
Ownsrl) bmmih M ibMpA
,U««h Kt^f it tk^-
&t™ibd!w* lo onto I
lar to«i
Hillard Bran to.worUag lor
'toira «o Hr. aad Hr*. Prod Howard
*ih. a bo)
The rhtok** pto >uctol at Tbaodon
HatilBO of Tr»»^ Ct«r LaaeiB)'* Toeadar ereolas. Nov. 10
WuUb at tmiak I*
wa* to low BOM dar la»i week toobmrwif
.naadad hr old «
tov dar* vHb hU paraou.
bad <
ST3 Un. Vutma. - Od.
Id il»* Over *av*Btf-l*o par
anm Tomaklt has » ma* Kim
bU bad .app«
«■. Ca bad a *
«d whiririMdr
ralMd which weat
B5!?*BI*Half fall In* a IOBd_of
b,41r. b« knmktat
aad Hr*.*
‘^rioeh^a£*Sr.ioppad iba oon
•hoddar, aad
--------------- —Mm «U sa*.
hi* bOarlaa.
H. P. OUddaa aad h
MA (or (b* pppar paataisla
B be paae a***ral
dajr. Tbej- _
lookiu lead aad ullauilac
to maaj
nriwimt oe account of Iba .
li^T^ bto wife. UI Eldar Ha.
$trt a Cara.
ir araalbf. A ‘ Hra. Mar Halihewi
Wortbport to
,. van pcpaaot.
totUBd b*r
«hc ^
cd Id TibPaia*
weal lo Bapid
Ml a (a* dan luVar. V. P-. {mb'wiok
•hroacb Nlnnlar last Pndar a
IB) 10 BaiioSi Bar.
Uiile Harold Craiacr li
Mita Am WaidMaa.
iBrteld PrldB}- ev**la«
Oaear Vauar and Oaorpa Paiaam
Hnnad Batiirdar avaatak fit* Han
•loBa where tbey hare baea oca^iai
a Iba raintMid.
Hr*. Praak daaall. wbo has ttpea
liHiiC retoilrr* aad frtoeds for sobm
Uor. relumed 'u bar bone la Ttbt
CItl 8*lurday a.
Heajaiatn Ur bb> .
uu*e on Btair •treei. owBOd by A
. Tburstui. and ba* moved bis fan
'y laiu IL
Ul*i DabI HanlBOld to a*<
I. Haaburper-* rore.
Unto HartoB Oarto to III
Hr. and
Hra. Wtaehcomb i|toni
laaday la KianiayHrs. Thoopioa of UtyBeld to call
vp OB Urt. I'lail Baraum lod*).
A plaaslod promm wb* readered
t Ibe HaplIU YouBf People'* BBl(
itt eienlai- The *ub>act wat "Teia•nocr." and Ban Curdy saaa a >ok>
Wbem l« My Waadartaf
^a?f..rd'bal''a»otl>"r Picot marbei
nil Baaford bull! a new bulldlBtaat
ftFiiisI bit msrhai tott #eak.
W.il.*d people are £“‘'a«.
*Tu^M!l^*LaafWr'ol Uka Clir
,r ihe saw railroad
Tba cblad aa
A“"** Kin **r* la Tn«««* lulbn alaiar. Uni Uaclar. hare laai
ilBiar wai la Wexford laal weak, a*
^nac ibato the road wooM M tbm
LaBar doaa lo iba oppo
Hr. ooddart-* people are tetoUM
aaala lodar M a bunite «rtp.
“S/'TliSiall. TO* ^
oirfdrZtti dar* « bortaa**. ra'*^Sl Sunda^vai la Tiavaraa Cltr
I was etoeU- ...
, ..a Pilot u: E ebnreh of Ormat
iilrfNicb ba to a paw baad ai tba
ark ba to doUtf i
eooa IB. brtoplPd iwo dear
* varr aarrow a*
'« wbeda baad tor
Hr. aad Mr*, doha Biw ci Wm'
taadar withiT: aad
the U.
thl* place PrUw «
MmM RdMUa teiCl thl* *Mfc indlaDO' v»i cItck « paep tpio
fer Chtokao (•' a* aiapded Ttali «Hh ipaibra ruusiriw. ccpccWlr Ii
nJUKM *»<1 tri«Bd»
I *hUr the craphopboiM r«d«p
MU. riMns**
imr*« In» »«J
Eu< J«rd*» rr»d*y
»bw»j UMj»« »hlc* •»» Ibe • AptU I
K«IBW -pMt *0*1«
________ au wllb hi* parmw.
HttsMOtr Slwa.
'1 m* labCB .rT«mj ah
hldbcr utnbte. I tmd all •cru c('X
■Cdlcteea. K*« e< vbkb rwlim
j I »a* 1
■nrV BtIUn and d>AfUr laklu
raltorad. aad loue tbereaner waa aaUrair ^iired. aad have aol luan a *lrh
d*r aiuv. NBlpbbon of atae bava
at BbematlMP. Nauralsl*
_____ — KWaer iroubRw aad Cao________ I 0. P.,.
ar*l Debimj-' •
:. orrMa*. Only I ]
Baaa of r
na-. and P H. 4
*%SrSiSC¥&7tactMt«rt.uir ft» L.u«:ri
Btmot burled aa lalaai child
Mr*. A. Barrow* va* Id low
ya ibay abto lo aara ibai
limb. Ha BBt It cMwbt i
la aavi wblto oUac nom p
maUiHfT « am Vpito C
ure aad Haadiu taetory.
[’to- K* Cook of ■a baeB mplarad (ar yaar*
Alplwu* Bameey. I* •enoaiiy m. u
Purdy ^ We^
«2Sfi «
mcMc oa 10 II
T-?T« ihi
Ime la lb*
Mi>. Aaaa OrawCord
’ o'aa'ISSlJ matiBB «... b.Jd *t the
to rlalitni Hr«.tod at ibalr bom rary wdda^^
JobB PmI at ara
Pnday of otaal piwlagliia. 1 Tbursday avaaHra. BaUlma ai
U* cm bad 001/ bam atek tb
laa with Hr*. WII------M oMba mA Bad bar aad ..
Hr. KtaMk of Hwtoiaa r~wt
^*Tkt mtv friaod. of
lova OB PrtdBy IBM.
J. Bartley'*
P. H
.,r .s.”
. . ................. P*IB IB
arc very (imoatbeBlac.
irenied by phy»icUn».
cr kidney romedte*. aad
- - •*e when they bare hroujAt
be dotrad leanlu. Mlautnf panlcnr
an I will be pleased
to f1w«
»d) calllai on me pcrimally. not out
f Idle curloeUy. but If bEe iwally auf>r« from h»r kldncyi-aad wtohe. lo
cmphiy ■<■
Ki lUitala
railed **
tor sale by all dnalcr*
Prln- M
venis. Fb■■e^Ullbu^) Ou.. nuOalo. N.
V.. *»l« aacat* for the (’nliod Blste*
Heammbcr lb.- aa»c-nnan**-aiid
ukc no oiber^______________
• I owe my whole life to Burdock
at Wait Al-
I lind any ihiiiK you want fur your hornet; Uige t-arie*
i tlif prices you want to tiay. Our long experience in
tics 'O selcci from, so yon
thi* business hns taui>bi ii , insi wlial to buy anil w hen to buy it. BuyinR for three large stores enable* ut to get
liottom prices.
Alargc Uncol ViCUi.t
foi \ll ycatv U|> Irooi.............. ..
___ Stg-
Avery to-atok. wllb (be amrlat
Stoves and Steel
. Ranges
Fliti, lost like VesDs, only hat no ikitt bate or wkkel fcoi raOx $4.$$
Oor $40 QUICK Mt:/,!. .«««c
Our pticT only...........-
A Ur^ line of all kind* oi
Cook Stoves.
.K iBTSe line n( coH (faok Stove,
Na I
heavy duplex grate,
eithcT a-vrod or coil, **h
pan. t_*crcw dratliin Boat,
heavy *kirt l>*ie, the very
bcH sndiBofl durable trove.
mado.oi.lr.......................$86 76
« 10 be a camloR
n akpoail cat)’ the *io*H
CTL'tiirsfK: Hrsi Pathmal Bank
Wto a aemhar fiem ha
I BiHartoPop*
n OeoMa Hat noaUi
Hr*. Bom* Ptobar »sd imir mm Urn* waa bad by an.
Sf 5?K."SJr=f',S»‘
a beiutiful towid better, l>at ask pas.
draw thaket gnie. larpe (red door,
large aib pan door, nickel screw dmtt.
d aft 00 a«h pan door and oo iced door,
DKkd name pUtc. nickel Hoel lop
band, besaiiful urn, win burn eithm
wood or coal. Id buying the way I did
l^m able to mike prices that onooi
be daplicued.
eolo«.«1)-., ........... M.7»
lOiixe lor..:....................ti.76
li siie for ................
14 for................................. 10.76
16 for................................l«75 .
18 for........... *"i......... U.7.S 1
Then 1 have two other u'ylea ofosk Moves tluft are
no better stoves only more elsborstely nickeled. ( I
them at theumc cut Brice* as the others.)
They are the most beautiful and elaborate nickeled
round «ocm on the market. They raage to Dftoe.
up front ...
... .................. 8.7E
A btotifol bed, just like < ut.
M«riv 6 ft high, with iolt
of leroll work,Bayou*, tn
Our nest bed i*
(very laige Hove. wiD boro aoyihiag y
Iron Beds
not of tl per mob.
at price* that you positively emmot doplwaie far km Ibas W pm e
One of the be«t Steel Cook*
. made, jb«i like nji, U’|e
oven. $0 inebe* w-de, oven
Be*, to
Hr*. HDUr. ^ atf Her. UOm.
am. was
eoUpd to Oiwad UdB ‘ ybytbe
Utacoi of her otoler.
" Y. P. ■
A large assortment of round atoves
A *teci cook sto-e it the cheap*
cu «ove io the k>v|t ’»n, **
' it will la l longer, give belU«
Bali*r*ciKm, aod mllaace the
price ii itscir in faeL
Next tise wtU burn $4 iwch diunkt far^
' Some ekceplicau'W bt vbIbcb
i. Medma a»d Hgfa O.rnrte
'As ObarMvaii cm bar trip i_____
UH TmdBy bMbt law m Wrroto of
Venus. j«l Ilk* cur, only...............................I-........................................;...$$.«
AvmyU'kcAbJ toiiip:. :e loc
A red oWnwi bavlac. a wl
bw HMy bam ma V eat
tost Toeadoy.
mrMdfbbor*. We tbiak It a
Has (roakrfMlarr.
m “ M Hie. U Hmrlt of Beiplr*
at tba
____ hern fooierday ollar Hra. Hw- tonic
iHb unto atotar.-wbo had bm
la Tiarwm ■»• at Hr. Ptobor'a (or tbs tost
.4 76
make* *« WN. ran finJ juvl
wh»t vou w»nv
Hnl^ifuacy of TtatecM- City
tlaa IMV BOB ibl* week.
Hr. abd Uia. TK» were del
tto*. A.«. p*v w OBIM <a BH
Twnol the hrn H KA TIMM'OVLs
’ net n^e I or aninlK-’c a r j r. the
tnonev.'lh.- I>«fi i*
'iroi. tf.cri Mrel.'
lull, iine.1. has Irca.v ■••■1
be* v
• CBW hmgeranet. he*, i rj.i l.ii|,-c <W
ctrnfl. The Vcmjhlm ftfclty *bin have,
Dickie font niK^H lake a rlmnk SU to.
lo^ will keep lire 4b Louit, a i-ewctM
use gBainaieed in warm a
roomlS ft. *i|ui
lire with ihicc *maQ Micks
He nave told
ihciD far IS >c*r* niul haiv oever imia cornplaim.
«'c cany an exceptmoal'y lar|e
B*»ortTnrn of #our differoBi
evtr. iBstrad of liaai
hevou. tbe IIU.IOK1 ral
aaly * l>n<H-ii i>( kr»v*.
te he vBllfd ■ •ktiii* wt
wUr s ‘Rnr-* Viltlew."
Htaor Parraai of Otoe Hana epAat
aaday vUb H Paaaat aad wife.
Hr aad Hra. BUImaa and Bmer
re beer hunUsc la .the oppep peula.
They rroaaed..^bc toke I
The VKM S. on'.x
They rxnue > k»''
ihaltoihrQl’ti K MKAI,
((hcWl <j( all »'cd rvr'gcv
L-b'-that II >ra> orltjli-BlIy -khkc
WartwB of Lait- whlew.' (hat tv wIdBW l>y piiin- .;r
___ hM eharpe of the service sod
ntoiy. tilbra* aay It derlvi*
taacd to a erowded booaa. The aoaohl Ihtsllsb MMou of a <u*i.'a
mniioa iBve very liberally. eteariBC
be ebunb debt of all but Uty d<BHta.
Hr. aad Hr*. Jobs Hotoa b
Wbva Ibe thine wa» <toaic ilic is
Tbe FLIRT, onl,.
,«• 76
*hJ.^ fi?Tcw!»r!rLaka AM
iM aad Hr
.AIuUi-ailo*.Urf Heating Stovea boofhl
at o«ef $6 jicr ccot. Im thvn rctutor pncoo.
licblaet* of the akfa. borvlble
Hoel everybody afilciod tn
way or aaotber. Only one safe.
>r talUot core. Da*a'> OlaimeaL
iBV drua store, to rea'*
Rev. M
Wlardbp OBd Busday with Ur.
Vn. Tie*. Bbe oaaw ever to «tlead
dediwttos servlee.
ktUBded ebmh at tba chapel BuTbs ettUeae of (bis place tbouM
•« loaetber aad erect eom klad at
t Hll ead take care of aU tbs -Im?Smv wa to mp H
■ who trsQaeat oar streeu. la*
-------- heavily aad pay tor tbetr tua
Wlhly. We have tbe riebt oSeep
hero wbo are ready to obey tbe pe»
pie U>i them ipeek.
. waHm am Hra. Jdbaam
Id 10______
Tbe Katihl Templar* aad
_________________ vlU bare mailad
rraveree Cliy cam out by apaelal
la (boir cBarcb BaUPdar aad Baaday rala Batarday evwlai aad lorprtoed
Hr. aad Hr*, t. BolUvaa. The erw-
SSt? i^SS’ toff* 'X’l
Sa'pour Ttibl'*
A l*'se line li> vclccl from,
A l)caot fulc*lcn»i'>t> li!>'c
juvi Ilk* <ui, 4S iu. M| . .
n <■ a V y I m, limutilul
;4-M.'»in*, li'ivy I'lnelv
■tclwrcn !<(!<. luskincs
very MRinti ri«ii1 t»bto,
$7). (nr onli $».T6
ny their owti leave*. i[tmrju\lcc>l
■BySSjjS^mactat M iff
W tom at aabaal wbtok baa b
N. E. STRONG. Mngr.
livt-ryihiny in kinall hiNirumentu. Sheet Music, etc.
Four Large Floors
Pill, are an exeeltoal remedy fo
leeed or orer.eiclted kldacy*.
uuHiMi* raw
W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St
rvrn yrar Tlu-nou J» on lb .ih uUte lBi-nwW.1 null at «n*lu liu.i-- -i
Ibe day ilir tbuivu«bf«re»«i.l.-b *o>.l.'
How much wu owe (o the synpa.
Lirsllv bv acln-lcd fur Wslkll.g I )
ho-to aide of wroBumUBdr^YieB olh
1 yuini to and Irotu I-ik u.*' oic
•r« soSct ibey cheerfully toad a belpftill fur cuffifurt
•K band. They lell you the mean*
vhtoh brvnicbt reltof lo ibem lb»t you
n*y proBt by their uiperlenoe. Read
bo u-*tltBony clvcu bore l>y a >
me Ciiy woman.
Ur. Kidder I
^tol’otoa of Ipdtoii* ba* earn " B. OwU.
mpad tba wlaiar wtib bw brotbpr
m V. WlUabaa atimded .tba Bi
•boM omrpBM Bt Ibe Otmt
-------- nowe HH^Cirday.
A «0--
I '
II * Ju»l B*
_ (CDd
. - for. .
yaptloov BSd
Bealdt. BkU Sraptioo.
Joharon'i n&d
Mend* Drag Store*
l cb s
treil my body. I Mteiaed beypod cure
rbbb a Hrie troard aaaembted
B. n a ha* made me a perfectly tre.
lay Ibalr lau i««aeu.
woio«n ' Mr*. Char. Hutlim. Bert Ule
Praab Pbtmi aad Hto* LMt Ad
Hra Bmr Bowaca baa lau »
am «m oauad la mtnUs* Oat. tl. maMj^OBlMd thara by Ibe deaik
Tba ponu apopla ar* PMktaf tbato
Bam wS iha graoBi'* paioaia. Hr. *Aemdiliao that Hr. PMMaaitoa ray* ba yamnberad for bar deed* of
-bold neOBMity. Of- Tb
loviBB kiBdm sad help to the tick,
•ad Hra. Jot Papmoi.
Heat* born*.
lad euCertBt for mile* arouad her Beluctrie
KHw throat
adsof aay iorti
tome In ihoae early day*. They have
wTw aa^at'*l?Mi!hn*S
:er talU.
ip. catarrh, aaibi
be lympBtby of all la tbetr aBleilca
•#■1 « Iba eraafe. rtoMHf «Hh ralabm Umbam ba* hired oat to Hi
he lluto folk* love- Dr. Waxxl'a Nor
, Mim «Bd moved near (be mill
aStoOMkHraalu of Tvaroiw CIO
, Pipe Byrop. Pleaiaat to take
A mwbBr from bore have acia
■tofc M tMimlUBS.
, leer boaUw. WlUto Barney aad Hr
Hra OBI BmaHt
pd r. Hani* hate aotie to Kal
you run no risk, as every instrument is fully guar
anteed by a* RELIABLE Compkny—the largest
manufacturing concern of its kind in the world.
A ReaawBy Btoycie
TvwmloBted wltb «u ««!> cm «n 'I
■C lb J. B. Omcr. FTBBkUa Urovc. 1
\ abort-i- -
Wby pay the middleman's profit when you can
buy your Piano or Organ direct from the factory
at factory prices right here at home? When you
(br hick
( have t
bavu D*e<
Uax Itayc. •l•l•l;•1r of tbr Ab.rr|.
ui I'ntoraikNi ..I U*lwr lo ibr BrUtoh Trade Catoo cuasrma. a .
B trom EoftoBd, Ibtt ~tba Aomt '
WMbbWBieB arc better paid. « '
abartrr bom (b« work baiden i
b*>e « fcuenilly Ul*ber viaudsnl of
lIVtIK lUo Ibr KmvHicBb*" II ■'
the Ibrer *'evl» l« l-areotti *U »b»
found the e*|ilai>.>!loa of Uh' .VuhiI
worklDfoieti v bUfaaw vapc*. Il l>
raaw lUy uo.k birder ■nd U-tier.
rv' pnhl
tbst they iwru iii»rr aad are
p '' uiurc
than Ibe worklutfuieo of Ear.4>-----,
Looliylile ^oiirlee JoarwBl.
ml) nta
"ltolS*J*70UM paetda at ibto piaea
An wits iaige k
<ral. irmil* ro the «>•
• • •
Oor next is a l<ei
white and g I't s>«
gik or Wee aad gih; far
only, .-worth $4 6e-fS.M
So CD lieht
A condi ravered with PU $H irilmg far .
•" ‘
A complete hoe at
i the Namaa iombm.
Jr. aW Him. Barrlde*
aw daagbtm of Huptre v
Baa Biwibartea-s yastardoy.^
“^KissrK— KmSooblmfft humbled with a 1
?lCiSUr3'£'2SJrJ3: 5ryis,t;b*r<ssry:s
rtff*S*HtoB Uwlla «maay*t»^SSa
err V. HBlib at Bapid (My, at m
wauie. TrylL
•MmS^Nor loS *
Hr- aad Hr*. Oarto* Bacblay of
KT^'Tr.TKrs;!: U^WkMieMvr*** *
Mr. md Hia. daba Wood tara caM*
oatjw Iba mwlMe at ibHr damb-
r a Utree ;
Lslles* bests.
Mi Tip taU.
......... .
MlH Oram tMww iwiatwad <0 hm j
■HP at WnitbUitan Wadaoemy. ]
"ifftii **in^rifiriifir^-**
Sectioasl Bi«k Cssa.
aaMUlim KtSk ClMS
Bt IBeL^MMccs.
Tobn C. Beadle
1*7 <ad IPO Bear BWcal-OpstMi*.
We can Save You a Lot of Money
Wmmwmm m* Trmmmrmm OtWy,
Reliableliome FumkihlrJ
Wmmt^rn me*«l
-1 tbit MUtar 6mm ploea.
-WIU aU duo roapaei to tb* alM<
t pontiMt of tbh taaraeiar." be ta
i *«at to Mr la Umm that ibMr pi
UcM art Mota dal of pMe* vboa addrtMid lo tbit ooMt. at otollor pollUoot voBid b*........................
1 of tb* uaiud suiM I
p»oM W U« V«T MIom.
■ liflMlfUT* W. W.^KI
SmU OUOUM kH Muoite
IMtoa niMtlki Ik* •ft*M(l
mmgun — wmmm, IllMKoIikM
«ibM S40 feiMa. ws It to wMiu
Ai^lUrFMM toMPMMS Slot* SS5.
ArOTaeSLArr Malta mmM
mnmmmmtm mm OMt *r tH«
«iM ctiOTvciuhrr MMta FOM
Em IMinilin-lt <M mMMUt U.
»M»artaMMa« aMtntfcar mmm
lM»a tM toU fhM I
* hie tair.
*aiO to SB5.
rtly iitaiy hat rtaUbed. ntta
^ caa
^*B up Bcalaat
e Tm Bava Alwaya Bo«cht* Mod vhMi iMa haaa
« tor ATM SO yeara. han har*A the nltwrtMW «f
e and baa bera awdr ander kb
iMMlatMiernakM atare tUtatoMV.
Alkiw BO aoa todereli-e )Mi lo thto
AU CAWBtertoltB, iMltattoaa aad JiMiteHrwMt*' are bat
BsperlMCMta that trUto vttb aad fMdaaaer tbe iMaHh oT
latoaU and CUDdi«M-ltxheri«<>ro a^liKi KtperlaMBh
lu aotaoM aM a areal Majorilr
mmWIcbw are lor K. aM (taa* r*aaa «ta do mat beileira la It vlU
Vtt MMd M bl«k u 3t pw «Wt
MM* 1*UU*M. tat vlll amaa*
Ur ctat. Tta Uib Miarted oM
«tu ta ni MOM.
H aellber OfIbm, Mor|tbinr itor-olber Narretle
Tta roi la wa«M It mo nrprtao _
**. Ita ace la Ita cuaraul«M?. It deMrvy* Warma
iMat M toot* «Hh MdtaUial eg«dl- aoa hat taaonaard (b* uajt aad
MM. ~-------’ aaikociUM "—
ays Feyetlabaeaa. Il rurea Dlarrhcra tunt Wiad
B the Dtar foiare la • on. nanii «
aw) natalcMcy. It a
aar M Ofelo. ^«aar at________
HeOall el MaatatautMta. Babeota of
y (bin ihp flrti t
Bird* Fl«ck M Tbit Church.
WlteoMlB. Haieair of Calironla. Hill
Ibe Ohildf«a*a Pawawa-Tlia Motkcrb Prtead.
Hrotatily tbe nvl popuhr etarta
m$ Car Wrlh*.
Itb OM riati ta life in iU^ York
Wataoa of ladMaa. Cortlt of »
OkiaaMi. Kof. M.-Tta «M
I aad raaptarri**.
Ibe Little nurrb Amuod ibe rareer.
SI dWeraal Mr«*t rallvar* it
berrlet are
vary ^leotlfal aad is
r PlfUi
- *Mi m airik* tliU Moraiaa. Atar»
Ita b«lna boivbi ^ Ibeboiler*.' aren
indrvdt ta tparmn't ht»«
MU, ilitataadi at vatUat ,r Bbub tbs Sifnstnrs of
In Ibe aniund*. Tbe Queer
aaOMl u> *ofk. rtiit oiboci lota
(ailarv III tta^Ewabaai
tta I
dl*trlct.**Sy ||^ye Jhureb iltelf. nilh '• '
the regelabir eropi
were hardly Up aad Uoy *1
I avi-raae.
^ „
bau>e u ta a
PooellarWoll BlMtr*.
Purtber ertdeace* ta Ibe ooreatrld hulldloa
ite. Ilul tbe
iianta dMtelbM ^ tb
•d tbe bird! to
d Btad by HoMtrlaa ta
kaM da>. aad Baaml mlmoTirtmimtke no torb iBl<i*k< * Ihlt. eu they
hat be.« aatbered at Oedvartb. star
*^S^iralM otorr toat out «d IM
WMdtor. and Hpe itnvbarTM* nt buii'~ lo mvrly eiery ire
aborUr altar • o’elota. Ttay _
Klaanelere. ilanit. and Tariont pant aririBd'. Nui only Ibeee, I
ta INvoMblre.
tafa.T |>roBililet tale and <
. itloa-rn>M ibt apot U>e luUooi
of lb* m
lUilllred b> Ibe eparrove for ........ ..
of Iba aapttlMtsi. whieb vat lata eamel* Have *
at. iMtr a
n0bt-: purpo»». Tb.- vtale selgbborbcnd
rad vKb a aheap'* tain lb* veoir
lb DM alib Ibe euuncl ta their rblrp
up. la lb* eeair* of lb* tUa a
. .irly eraty aalMal hat
(leuB nrly Morelni: until dark.
I laid rmrl’a *a <raa plaeed. aad fiyl* M dabtlac ta IM ova.
ov aad ita Th.-lr antic* are frequntly vatcbed
StaMMa. Oibtr rialtae* eammai wrerad viib a r*eeailr*iuHB*l*d no- bvermce Baa lakoa a kaea
t >• by Ibe poaaertay, vtaai they eolerula
ifmirmu saw* ta tta Mtf•airblas an mbibitloa ta lbe*e peII tbe atnnlt bird* are oapabM
tnalBs <d a dry. vladleaB day. aad
n figbilu lo ne«i bnlMInc
vb*B lb* BTDBad It Quit* dry. Oo
«M( Call a Malt.
eorloua. Tbe
Iba foUovlat Moratac. aUaoat iMMOd
ire a Mir ta 11 Mb tar book
Watatej^ War, u.-^ i^tt taialy
afier laartaa. the raaotl la
Per RunarMy Her**a
iboa* ta a
lumare afe tald lo be capable
Mend, ir lb* *« and the tala art
effttalre vay to prereni bnne* of .le.elupiBB
It eitroMely
•IBB Ui-Oon burre power o(
Conrad vltb d*«, li U pnnf of lb* .............
bat been paieuied by ultllt.-.l
Kuovlaa. boureter. that
p amper aa> eo«lae. The
tayt Ibe Aoterlran la- ilelenilllc American rorliiv tbit taei
1li?ai1|Mr' draft at iba awwac* read tpei abd at no gnai dtiuh. If tb* their MOM lerrlble veapoat are uae*e*i la a fruei attack, (or. rail H Iba mior. With Ibit del leu the rider
‘'7»r *<■*/ <a tkr mptW/'—
Mmel t aapr U. Itcaabot be atmobed
three >uch fumae.'a voul
^*flaVBltad Siaiat daat aoi daalr*
parallel to tbe n-loa and a boUuvi or |>•■mplB* lack all tbi
briac Ibera lat
10 k* aaMMoaablt or MMailtai. tat vltb dev. It Meant that the vmidr VlUr eB
a atrone •tatetncnt.bat a true
but al a araaitr deplb: iaaUy, Utm-rb
try lo crip lb*
Jkp eiiriain li drawn over Ixilh eyei • • 'll.- Nlaabtm IWet I
K«aaaaiaad«naMMnBU aarba^ Mltu.
If Iba an and tba vool are alike dry.
one. TH8 esHTURY bBB led
10 tbul »ui Ibe tLchi oumpIMely. In
Tiul part ta Bi
H viii ba TtiB 10 lota lor vatar «' tafoelrt.
ibl> eoodlilon the antaial can only
AmericBit tnasaatnet for nor*
ibat panieolar tpoi. Vltrartut. It li All ’heir nralegy U lUrwtod lo Ibe Hand nnd tremble unill itie ob|eel
than thirty yean; it pubUshcB
bad alieady pnlBted out tbai m ibleet ta teltlai oae of bit Mb* be- eautlmc Ibe trlabt bat patted, when
In a rtnel U uababtd clay «r lon ib.‘ kaee aad tbu orenbrovtas tbe ruruin It Ilfiixl by rnleatlnt Ibe
articles that mmkr
taa M Maial pteMooaly oiled. H Inie blM br pretture: Ibca Ibe bOB* book eon] and the borte irt..-l. on at ta
iklmk. Btorics that entertain
Uaa* *boM Iba aeeldtai of pooMoa led at toatel and toaad Molateaad la leetb can be hroutbl to bear upea tore. Tbe curtail) It bouted In t tintll
uld prorMlM the Im- tbe ibruoi. and be It bO bolter thoa a
•tad mrt litermturt, picturea
iliy of valer. tat
There are thote vbo dMy
. rnilna
the wcrid t gramtnt HlmtbiM.
■ he blt-rlagt b»
ramel bat any aeete ai all.
trataro. Ita Uluatrationt in
pMii4 In
h Ibe reint.
__ ai>p**l to ererybod) vbo
learet or koove Ibe beatl by etporleoce.
color are .uoaurpaased. THE
Tbe tametY vay ta BabUaa It r
CENTURY it not cheap in any
vta*lta'u*di^bM aad awkBard. bul It li the oae
KadOM'a Microbe Ki.k r nlU otoy
aenae; it coau $4.00 a year,
X«t ^sr«mc!«& Uko tb* Manor
tolled II litI aotiomy.
th.- mmfre. ..i Com umjHloa. *•—
and it U worth the price. Try
Mallroad TMa Mad* ta
The Century this year, if
Iba larrailos ta a Malbar oroattlo.
. brltaln Hm Odd fruH (
fu— Her. It.-Tba bin- The yaar t»« vlll be iw
MlBBMl to take Ita plane ta tMopetn
you are not already taking it
________ of OaatMl Oraat. aowta
■ardMtra u oae of ibe MOat reatata- Soal ta aiioatke lb tallnad clreMa.
able tbay ba*a kbova.
p. W. Dmoel ta W«M Warm, Mi
la tb* fartO* tale of Mroobaat a
tbe lorrator. h'bUe oladylus
Hair VJfor lo rwiorc
IBK. b
be Maraed
ted that
' rtaTMiy MtMicht a dae otav
I ta paper Baklax.
<■ In the your frty hslr, evcr>' (>dc.
■MOMi 0* tb* Iralt nvM. tal
ere v*«-------- ------ ■ utod FoUovdii^ioni aod ii never
iMt fn
rails to do this vork. It «ops
Tie* ta otoel. iron. ■
pluMt to ta *0*0 la lb*
tbaa dttrlai Jaoe nia It 4m bad beS^tade. bol tbeee .were
tsellDO* lu all ta Ibaae. 80 b* aol
lo a h*o»y aecood er
Ue frvli b BM ao upoU
W varb and Baally bit opoe a fumala
vbMh teem to aMVtr Ibo 1
itaubtaM are aMkiM
rticb voicbt Itt pDoadA
MatberYiiMB abM *1
Boe. IDle
The Cause ef~Many
Stewd lo a yoBnlag praceot aad
-Tta iimMe ta ita ^lUag mSudflen DeaShe. •d.
talae caa------------- —............
hard Ntooxh to tata a tpUte or Uet.
tbroBBb VbMh a apita eauata be drtr-
The Kind
You Ha?ft Always Bought
In U For Over 30 Years.
The Centuiy
C.^ w
Ayer’s 3i»
"• »r?______
Hair Vigor
The Century Ca
Microbe Killer
^ ..... ..fftad od data
■ hi OMtM for barlal. I
« talp. !«• tata taa lb<
b iMMi k t»o talMoU Of
■ ?=£S£r
Mbtaita iMMlraa.IdM
■BO la the
MiaUuic *r tboplur
ta* olmith* leata
allilib«YdMtj«. II
' '
raid ta Ita B
■M abov tta
We, bate had m«m plal
.aradalia]' Bomm aad . .
aaH# a loas tlao. m it vaa to ta sapaoMd that we abouM bate vbli*
bMOlbwrl**. aad aov they are vllh
Pta BotM ibron o» Soar year*
mta grewor bM booh *dm*i
« with mUMdi. MMrtaa Uh
’x-n— ta ail wnya lo pradaL- —
rartoty of a lattatmt (ruK. aad
Tbtoa M tta boot hladt et tta 00-
West and Northwest
■mU Mod* laald* tta rrah ou ta
tM M tta baerlat baas ea tta baab%ta tpataaeir ta big elutton ta tte|
AKe tarrlM. *hM tb* garraaad-—
pprtalaf and att
It )BM at aoed at
varltay—New York,
Hwe tbaa WAM.SM pooadt ta rubber.- ralaed at
ware Im-.
d Mto tta Uali*d 8ta«M Mail
Aa abml UdliU. naMr ioc tlMUMot dw Thmt imt
LuM. I»WB ut nad Iba eartd sear ioc alvaal a oaaMy.
aar IT raau vaua Mxioovr.
■».......... ...........................................
t. a aamsta.
Mexican For Man
The LtNinENT that has taMR
the OLD STAND-BY for two
feneratkMis. Oood for
Lameneaa, 5ore Muaclea.
RheumaU«n. ddattca,
Newratsfa, CuU, Bums.
Sprain*, Brulae*.—
anytroubte of body or muecSe
wfnrtUiere'a pain and InflamWMtoto. KEBPITINRBACIL
Cure* anythinx tlurt a tood. pio*
aArattog liniment can care.
Soaksin! Step*Patat
AUaN-* Inflammation t
. Heal* Old Sore* I
Onesmall bottle of HEXICAN MIS*
TANG UNIMENT will effect a can
when a Ralkm of tbe Yratcry oooipound* 5old as liniment yvouM have ao
rcMilt. It Is money tlwawn aw^ to
buy them.
IM^tf HMMta. cuamr ta Omd YMT
Dalm IM hy .bM* ta ihe eetaM.
y-RO^M.taJ*imiita iiiiita
kaafcM. aW oa^ it «Mt with tarbltiuhaa. A atrtag od mboB aMk brba <• aeaUs demy
> ws> srwad ea as yao waaU ay- likely 10 pselpne ii
air a rood Babb. Thb waa ttw aas
tr tmly druh.
<a lbs iMini. to haU eaUaaka
Qbdym OeLoeh.
HM* Hr
fbrtdpbi briMsb s nameai
■ Ide.
UMtm loiMtkt
kf hu4. UKl
OR r«*T Mh)M 'to aMotaMr.
lid (ifUk k»«c • HUie eotowv
*kl»r loliod «Ufe tfe^ iDOd.
Oor vor of tioolkd untr rUI
u> kow a kook ooiMrod ta Iko
« •'trr iko kdddk- of tkc km <ir rot.
kilktb • <nrd lu u kiks caottck (or
Uk> U> roaek. It* oukor a Mft i
ui <r a fcalttm dolt, aad takj
rrtll plat wtik li.
Unrarr Joro of oklMrM b a
ikr rmot«Ha«aaUtlao of a food aiaar.
•ke «k^ kara aboam bar votk aot
r of aatabf a U
to aanhlBC ebr.
Bar aatMoal,'nib.tt up wail wlik a Uttb r 4d BtlUi till It I
<«B. ikaa add bcbt
hat Milk aad ball the wl
tea MlaalOA aumai all the
Umt uUI It b aoohad.
lalaat's toad which Is <
b case* of tabled towab b':
MiilBi oae doassrtsuuMfttl at alfted
Mr kiada*
sa« aad
WkUa w Uttta kajr at plar
daaik to tissaa. sad
nek. red. beaMhy kkwA
it akyoar
has a rreaky >toat or a twoUea aad
arbba oae. be sbooU drbk aU tke
be CAB relish wbsaerer
aad wkererer be eaa. bat ti shaoM
Tbs Bueceeatul WistirwA
nia\«l <hi- little OAa ftoa play.
Abd aw.-l.sl. oUh tewa dtolght.
Tbe ralu suempi. «( g^y habd<
m inbaitod: it MAT ■« WUei
WUk a somvfal lalo ta ML
4kS-aat UUad: awaaftilai tarrtbb
Aad Mather MaH look at the aeratek
Mtr baapoe lolilfltdoasBotdDao
aad ao. Haa aad voaaa caaaot baar
ThM fclao It aad aMkr U «aU
Ike algki of aaaw bambat aabM or
*. haaaaii as ohUdraa thar.
^ I hM bb Wad. aad his kaaa. aad
laid that H «Mld ban ibSB. Oaa of
hi* am.
eraataai tbla^ tMaglaihb b ta
Aad the daar UtUa gitmt haad:
tasUl lata tks Chiu's plaatk Mlad tha
Aad aha saa fatW the m
Uo lawfo of tmi. which. Uka lot.
mi 00 a aaallac. frows widar tbe caee baUkes ae to bt her a«.
sartad that aa rial laaM aabb (or
taapar wiu aas.
Bar t ana UH aWa W hltaa hb
ao urtw hot aarrat aad wwrrfac bar
bj laabilBi QB sa
Ahd hn varto tu MrBb adWl
Bar thtrs-i aarar a aiK. aor a aoraUk.
Get a Bmd to a
« sill toil for ease, (or happi
iruaaaie ta all Ike tuUuA Hj
t\' M<tber1y aad brarer aoana wtO aad before ypu kaow It you wi
t<> eoeoarape be Uttb. keaWaibg bugkbg al be tdta of despoedoacy
pert..r«er lo bbk kobbg to WraaU troBi iMdgbed iilams or say odbar
kdaa warn a MBa daaiVBd. aad wara
aU M ahoot OMadDarth <W lamhtf
Bat Mtaker eaa kbs li «Ml.
Tb a Mtab aht« da yoa
oi-raaber 1
It ererr Tlotorr gaidad a
Daa dar Uatr ho«bi at a har^
ab a M of wattr taaer kMxAb*.
I rarr rbrar sM. sW a
wettr c«u tat bar Ohrbtaus hca. te akd oeiy M whkt tka bas la dA Babg
bar syr. oa tke seorr, sboubg rnat
It Is hw
krr .botufbi Ike pottoUlHy to taOwA
BIm- will ikaak Me. by aad by. (or bo
Oae pretty aaaBa»ad
korder ka
icBi seat hui. our depart metil hr
id idir flunsbbi- frleads. Mn A.
1. VeoNallrr of Trerexue Oil) . 7*ls
sill bo of pertteuUr btereui t.
8uiu>hlu<- rblrkeu ralsors.
Ib April
two of Un.. VBbNaUer-s Plyawolh
Rock piilleit baicfaed out broods of
cbirkras. one atae aad the other ihlrNow fwu pulMs. no.- froM
each of Ibeee bmoiSs. tahie set aad
II i> Ibe Vlrgbbas. aOeimsi-u
oooketT. that bake tbelr cabbage and
3hbf had a bob ahMii the sIm of
eaiaurbatkia abe gabed by Wsfag
traasfuTM h bto a dtoloacy that rbs
doiltr b Ue aUddb. Tbe ptaee wtb eoab teoce b brr owe ability.
tor boours wlib the lip to ao sspars
laearred edge, that nas aloag oa*
-Krery UgbUytoraa sacusa gnaltau side of tW karcAkt aad the' two ed ibreagh be ganab' aser teaPsr- gas lip. Parboil lbs cabbage b telieil
. urbleb probebl> wlU take an
w be eblM't tinwoM r-rl‘if
drab. ebop. mix with a i
htod. eae (aUer be awn on tba
tul at Melted iHiner. e beaira
ebUdh haKbg isM.
a butl^
« ead of IW laac pleee. tbe lealtoyo
itioababd dawa lo tbs bader pbae.
iW Bad i war w aai*tA
__ ___ _
oa bars
<fh «ibd< Ughi baU aad eat.
nBatfarleu Mab b (laaa b oakA
iwispaaPoM brvbier waat-powa
k. -pbasA MMbMA" to raU aad
two nau Staton. It hatog Marly
pal aad Baally hake b tkeir aaaU
te aataigb u> go arooad tbab aaahi
It was. A rotoa of beberlda bee
A UlUe girl who Hkasto Wash Utahl
Babbsd tha odgoa. Aflsr
tha Wd tabs
boader be haadkarehbta or aapkbA
Ibe iwe agpototo sldoA
-9m MetWrh -«bb---4Be eaibd It
Cbanlaa tke Umpa settlag the taSb.
there rtMibsil
iraaba sMatl. ptab antedsA keapbg
Mtor. Thb
' Aad MMber-s 'peMpkb »b
yard b order, an bbgs wUeh
dawa tW
ay be daae by palte aawU blldraa.
■(Mb (Did. bat was 0
fhaga H
an aaeharr
Oae iiub gW Uke^ ahaige to her
to! Ub alrto WAS dtrtoad to two. aaoh
; Mat MBW iw rHtba gmad;
yoaegBr hmhar anry Mormbg wkOa
tola iby
||««B tta wet Of iwiMiiM by
the MMbar PTwaiaa braaktM. Aa
the ctasbg of the aotbr
/riW <M Molharh haat.
drsasas tad wabaa htM. hraahw-hb,
Two iBiyridfiiT-adgsd oMss htdiba
tg»«Mtiar saw What «M>as It
hair. tW oa bb hig hib aad htpb hM
MihMod odgae a tlutodotaatt*a.Mi of;
, «Mb b^ b aartad tor mboa
bto bb flbatr.
Ian iwn aU kaaa b ouwaaa thaai she akAia
bouU ba be rary b« thrsoa u
Two sowaros of yrotUly aararad aloU:
Pdropus woruag a okiu unad tu
OAto balag aboat (ow:
atreagfta. Btt eartab h b bat a Ut
taehas.brgw Ikaa tks katakWA had,
ib. work b as pood (or akUdno aa,
aas karakbf laM to tks oaobr w:
Uaka these Uttb hetpa a'
wtb a odatnai
pnribge aad
aa< pbaaara
pbainn u
aa tar aa gaasf allk tkrmd tks M^togt
alblA bat
allow ttha aawQBag
teasd b tba tanfatba wtb hwuaaaas to thMi\haeaBaa a
aaeber ahUd
hob stlleb. A card letshad be ad«a
• IWyMiWda. Od aat W tha at.
b Mprs wtnb^or aapaU
at tW gnliy aoKor.
a atoi^ of aaathar webh tea Ma*
Oae bat waa pertocl she aeed
9 to yaw Ufa. Haro aa total aad
Aad «WaW Aobba daat ‘May."
Wrthbf was wada toto two oalton
« Bia t« to H. toMMd of yauwatog
« altar aWt yea aee aad kaar.
halllDX dbh. break
three or foor eggs oa the li>p. i
Urea IQu- |u aook.
iwllh bread oruMbs. aad orer ibrua
d tha raw adga of Uaae cat away.
1 dabbb b tke wAik toA
P buiiar. hake ta MbuWA aad
Thb nr* aa odd doahb aotaar sf.
Mobar ngardlBg
with thanks Ibal yoa are aaoag
fan that oMs Tory giwuy. Tbs two
wbb-h may be aasigaed to ohUdiWA tbe br.^ed toasters oa a eharabg
■errad strips wore aarrowiy hnMSi,
Tara those- ihbgs to ah
<rasas4 b too Mlddb, aad tied looeeBwa Utib trAyearaU bay
'f. aad wbea the aoUar wat aat tala
Ukea lo sweep be poreb. wipe tba
• baad of MMlb tW Uttb bow moW
dbb«A aad nrry water ta Uay galb:
1 ituag BgiiB ter tba treoL
aad wbea 1 aai bakbg. bob.be sad
DcAw tkU. aad tiled, tt wtb
od (alt aad woalaa biia Thaa
tW rbt a btrtoaa'beh «(nb af yab
Mae etlk. gabared H abag tke edga.
- dtoytag H emr be hsMbt draw
i hwMB Una b faar. agya Of tke kolUa. A Bob
( aag od
■ Baeasas, who goes oa ta bt-blee WM drawa am
dmwBHiw tteadtoi. to log. aad aowa tTMly te tke nbon at
be tab. Thb gan a aoR af talltfeirt M
la tke ktokOM to be
Tks kanhbf
_ laM onr tbe
•f waa
top «l tbs bouiA wib
Iks asalto atib be
kotiy il
I to tfea-t^abg.
waaeu. WOT* twbe as bard aad daa\
to ihtof age-ketweea !• and to.
Tbay do washbg aad eaa tan their
BedMm Vsb
heads to wot* hr whlob wowea
totally aasulted
baiebed oui little ebfekeas. wbleb aiw
Tha barsaa which euctad ibto ep.
aboui (WO seeka old. bat Wat
wurtee U 4^ a roartag trade aad
an pair to uub heaa; We doat
eaa beat that.
Pall)' raa b agab thr oitaar
dar all is a basUA -I deebiw.
Bars. "I truly was gobg to write roar
Uttb ttoks a bag buer.bli weak.
tbbg aad aoother has kept
hbdartBg OA But t WH you wbat I
waat lo kaow bow mai
to yeur Suasbbe gIrU will osod me
good eaokb reelpe. Now. then's oal)
oae eoDdnioa. 'It Must be oae wbleb
they bate assd ibsnatoraA I wi
tbeday. Tbeyeoolead thatbydotagaa
kaow bow maay ItUto cooks y
bey sare ika half boor iwMty U
re got aatoag yaar gIrU. and
oeer. aot eppaitagtbe aMoapt to «
Oae dar at laaahaoa Umo aa
•Ue to a gotid ptoto (o begM oa
aad bar aa bo bnb aad sen
rrtrad. eowpAay bafare who
abt Bitoibs
proMtoeA bat I
ooAld wd aat *fUdac(t' tarA aad all WbtoM bat is obriatod by tbta
aheoMat wbader tt tboae wbo do asad
1 had oa haad tor dsaasrt wu gtogM thodleal way to Bebg btor ww*.
bctpee beard tram tbelr old Aaat
bread, wblb bad Joot beea brouht
Patty btoweoa aow and Chriaii
to the biter stage. | had aa I^B*waat a lol of -eaa. ■Now tell iboM IbaL
Uoa; laetead to baUai h b tha
WlU your
Braryeae who has Mopptag
«aar«i epaars lb I poarad tt ta t.^
ohoaM oae two noga tar dotag ttSo we're told j-ou. Uub cooks Now
taysf rake paaA baa aa aaaa aa tt
OAo tar ctaaatag be Baor. aad aa< as aee bow Maay of yM we abaD
was cool. I drtasid H op wttk a caaaA
obsr bi«e diV oae tor wlptog it. b
■ar fiiMA It w?C pkatW^ABat
aat froMbg. Hr haaMad.flhrtitsMad
this war be wort U deoa Mon> aasbe oaks *n tn^ wtb a allk hat OA."
I betbi'A all to y
ilr. auMtly. aad. I thtok. belter. U
tbeina it ^ BAUa to the aathere u so auah awp^ lo be dope
bsi be wlptag mop peu too wm tbe
nr mesas of tbe blag see
oloibs-Mitbi be obaapad ter dry mn.
• bh a kh to No. I pala ^ rtkI a (wtob Uttar Barer glm to
ter SB ordbary Baer (me brpr
koa It was toad akoal tke week to tha
Hwaad by awbusi. as weU aa
will do rery well
ng etottog al aatmiaa. n I
ksatlr. aad Babhad wtb a BaBy hew. •AneAlbttt The rsahwlAtareMln
K>. Pwt b a Mlxbg bowl owe
Ta Uaap Uase Cwtohw.
r iTibnei aad haU a OOP to boll-,
il to tha Wggtosii el yeatk.aad
Meadbf boa cartobA damp.^
lag water, bto thb atfi two aad OAkare to aat wib Ub eUnh. dnw
ore. b malto rsaaared aad wi______
w oaps to Bow. a daah to aatt.
be real earetUly tagebar. piMe Dm
Aauiker •whob- baroabf WtoM tp
■at am it aad great dry with a
eaaiUr a Uub katoto. Tkb waa aa
MknUered allk oae, to IW tUla nw
Poor bto baUatwA Beared p«u aad
1. Ih.-x.n .d Uislsle R-rer
in Mar\l.in.l. si—.tUurney Geu.-re
I Mlnl-K-r t-- KncIsnA and wta.< usseegsrded s> ti
old b.-a.. A. w.- can aot
rhiekiuir wimrt 1 oa. eobg to
urns hmv.. ni> rhlrkens
haw- luoT .-..u.
Tbeir namm anll.-«ie. Heii-i. 8p.4 and l*ollj
I -M..X.W„WsJ
______...B. U.C.,Ur.Jul.B«mmy<l
-.Vo MIC ahouW foager stiffet /ram coCarr* w-Jmp AuwoptadK^
To my kaowfe4to it Baa cppsatf rwftaf fa ao mmy «/ my
hsw- foor mi» Their oamm at« Tat- Mcadt
Mcodf aorf
pcpupfhfpfKCA (Aaf It Is humamMy to eammem4 laatata
...---------------------- ------------... .... .................................
^era/tka Immam
i-y. J.-rT>, Hiu.- and lUarkte
Ttbbl.- •//
—(.owls C. Jofiacop.
and Jem ar.- the old mb; Klue aud
'Bbckii- an- Ibe ktllen... Rbckte L>'
By Lilly
1 ibbk be b idelly. hut
some pc.pic Ibal bare luu-n him Ibfnk
blni boBiely. He U bbrk. yellow abd
tray, all mixed up fogetber. But be
Is f-iod. but when s persos boldi Blue
he yells naUI you put bbi «Iowb
will I..- a loag lime btoore Chrlri
I biipe we win all bate a good llme
aext ChrlstBo.
I will eb.se for il
lime so cnv«4>ye
le n-mwly that hss tbe
II I-.- 1’ .. Ih.-
ISruns limy MskBfsetvbt Ob, 0»
I liunisw, Okbi.
Ask your Drocflst for a Free ^
Ckwlniib- tlweu
i»kruna aumanao
A QrW ParwrsBA
USX Jusi !<■• aaeer for ai»-lhlna.
Tomib) uss walkbg sloul, dosxi b<w
Wad the Iwro. with faU ii.tially laefx
ry fsc- all /mwls: sn-l T.-d.ly swr
peepiBg through
the stalled feam
bio TuBiuy s pardeo, wl.bVm whole
grcAi fBBlly to wrbkW lo hlr UtUe
.Vos wbal A- you suppose
ibai It was Bli stawir
receivcil, note the pores.
tioodbiie BUaktoal
O-iolier uiunjlaa s rhvw.y to pn4y
hn.wn mil. came •ombllns om to
Ih.-lr Iblci
an-en sIm-IIs - dowA
d-wn. <t..wu. .iptll at last lh.-y n-arhed
Kic* l>att«n, G fool Btaakct
lb.- trtxis.1 Brnw-I wslk sad .m-uh.!
art-en lawn Ti.mm> .|>bul ibem as be
cauii- hurl) be li.um- froui' lu-bi.d
Wool. :*x»o
$2.00 f» $0.00
5/A Guarantee
Nh.tpAl Stable Bbaket. otor
.“That m-s U.y bs.
to rery bm asoke
He bat
I s-bleyc
on'-ma- imw
fair. S.. Il I.ui:- Then the |.oar lUucjetiiM-d
su- halls.
70t t* $2.00
We make
ile dJsr.<uieote(l Tnmmy bmled enws-r (ban over.
HtKVr^^ xiiil srU the beat Ibr leaM moaay.
T<imm> didn't nsUlre Amt dosn b
OCA boy Teddy bad alway. staked (or
sBtl hmgi-d K. haw,—0 twuBriBg yele
cliy. ID' «. 1 aen-r bad any "
b.u pumpkin
How Taddy ^Id wH^i
Tommy looked surpriimd . "WmiM
that bbi imps had bought Tomi
im Ilk- oae*' be aski-d
boui- ud Tommy's garden end 1
-■llauer 1'rt‘be dtoigbled in give TOO
Bp's pumpkin.—atl (bree!
Toam.r's eyes daoeed wttb dtoighL
■rf mine. « ymi would. -- Cume
-You CAB have a bb bagta).* dean' ni give you one rfobi sow * rtaml Teddy "Aa' If yoall g
sbow r
only bad eae to those
rellow treasunw (or bis rory ow
Tom^ took bis Miritfcelfe trom
was a vswy -ioud aad sorrowCul eigb
trousers' pocket, aod
and cot
eat on
tot onr
oor osij^
sad Toauay beard It; aad tbea bo dlttbs with
wlib a
bbgx p-Mpkb.
If ..Well kelp ear* other, aa- dMda aar
mserod Ibe Dew boy peepjag throotoi
Todd) sighed as be'(bought to tbe
leko'-iaatern Ibml he
Tfuld) cllmhed (ner ibe (eoee
be (OMC.
"You have ereryiblng. don't yourithioas weal we? A*’ tVe wo OM
■■ “
"Vto> barejtaeh bare ererrtblDg. rsally sad
•Hello:' called TMPay. gakikb.
I Italy
Teddy iuBped. He dfdaT know that
Utybody was near
I' amles. an' grapes, sn-
-Wb.r; so we «aa!' saU iattt.
"Don't you
like llvlag. herer, bTbea tbooc bod aenwis aad wriaktao
Ikibay. T baye —*r**‘‘~i** bad to ran away ta a kOTT- TMp ran
lulred ToBBy
"Tou look as If you
be eald ta sMootataBent.
*Wby. I
eere boaesick Wont you come orer
auwy to see l( they eotod ted two
tod look St my iBBpkbsr l-n got tbougbt you
I do
I lew Btaui,
hope. I'bcy d
I daady lot to them, aad they are oil
tops, an- faalta. ao' a blcysde. aa-j' '''
*“«*•»< r
Teddy sigbed agab
"i ve beea horsechmtButa.- M anld.
i-waltlB' (ot a poBpkb'lor yean aa'
ears.•' be aaU eadly “Boi they doat
I wonted o !>»■*«» 1 rtiw.
much _ that I Bcist fiwpoi abopt
mve gardeas wttb pompkbs b tbe^
>t will do ym sod eierrhody atae pood
send H (I. Chlropo. <w
nibrr ptacp.
PIAMfl. wbea yoa cao buy u> brdter adn
Xm V, Hu*
«ta Harray a
Dear Hn. Bstes—I thought 1 i
rrtte m few Uoru lo you. os f i
Ike to Job Ike ihushlki- rluk.
Pleaab stag la.- a rant and batlaa:
.1 ■> to setoKU aed SUB b the Btlh
This It a rery urge pbea
ba that has harden oad deeenUoat to mM aheoM be washM b bet
r witumt aew Tha ' ■
It Is a A«a» MblB* moMr)- arooad
•oaps WlU b Ham daU the gDt aad here.
a b the stole to faar." aayi acMiui tbs
akd 'kaek agab
Tbe fnit b very scerce up
K awaytWmks. a ds to Iks Maab. TWbwW
here, aad it Is lery dear tim. Then
«h ere scu oui up hen. Hf
Twaiaa elu ombe giMdb
was SI Tranwse City, aad aow
'htary. so they aheou he torai
r dawa ta the aBghUM
MnaahA I hard ihne aaatt
------- aad ser^ the mm aide
BrUa 12 Biles (mb Timrerss Ctty
iiwieraUlk at a rauedlal apaai _
• takn frosa the grUdle.
Bto AU afeag the B
t. We bare
>t be pnbtd tea Ug^y. tw batle
(am two BUea boa AUsm. ea Teoett
kcM. be eaw to be baitwUh. atlahA Thtoc H a gml is—ii retoM
.. .kstag wUb____
etoi satbtsddsry. sks Item tke ww^
a half Mllr (MB tkcTA I wtn be roy
gbd whee we go hack. A yaar agb
^ a ut to ytak allk. brlatov IW
niMa Kgi. watt orer to Jhe eatalBe
wo ttuwd aboat ihiny mUoo opt to Bsto tka BtokBL Bha iWaato tha tibUa
rery wlU ool
toad wa he Mooh :
ar the wtono
da iwm iwa tha hag Made to «M .
a to tartar sad oatt ore howl sari ws sow two wfld dam They
IMP ban. It
* to IW Wtb iapaases
halt heikeiA aad toaaaw
be dblaaes (nn the Mh. eh
s -boBsaaMUs- aad -par
They are lo some exteot
PbAaiag War*.
eebobn ar.' at .school bare
tusk.- blBi e vl.li
Boivba be daiaotle aerreat grab
bM. Tbe Men eerraats drae ihe saMe
As p «auar to tea. aad a bd
r to (aet at thaL be rest Mbatty
: woMoa bare aot loaned to i
•tor bnbs aare btor boab.
iro act leaned that b the hoM
NgUar Mebads are as nsestm
b aay other aecapatloa
Bowc ibots
i th.
> IS. I hare DOC khi my bntiou ye*
1.1 bope I win not
I coe not tUI
M> cblekeos (ncB memma's. Tbe odI.cae tell are ih,. old
Oui In T.xldy'x jwrd cn-s s great,
(sll tii«-s<-s*.siiiiii in»:, and iioe crisp
4Bi MaoB W* **tb lalbar aat
time aad bare aever wrfliea a Mler
IlecwM. eo-1 Ibooghl _________
(«w imee tMisbt I am eigbi
years oM and aq to vbool ercry day
Our teorber'u aome Is Miss Denba'
We alt Ube' bar She b
pwd t» iir . My trudlOB ore. ^ncuac-. I
reedln* arlfbueile oM pbyekilocr t|
bare tour l.r.ubms Tbelr as-Mes or,IVfT, J.-Hta,. Hcnn ead Uuil, IJ. !
To aiBsp Ike laaee to ligbt.
"Twu'suDiMaiDS bmre 1 b ■) buMe;
Dark woold it be. aad dtwar.
Without Ibe bright ny OD tbe noor,
If the er«s are toe bare a (all (aee
Abd Ibe talghi race sbipbc here!
pMute; s proBb ibouU aolr be
lakea If ibe ooee. Upe aad ehla are -Ood OSD. the sunligbi. but He a
This preckms beam to ptotber
U Ike baslaose of (be pbotac- runieoi un 1 in eaU 'one taHnt of ibe CbtbUaa
rapber lo briu out tbe good pabu
Aed efilritalii tta- other
LMuer tbas aolTMbad olaoc ibe bad. ao be b (be beet
fllrslgbi ibruuyh be
butge Ib poslaa
oaased ao little aaaMr aMoaa
Tbe suabaaiB avpt as v.
ChaepsbBM.unakbc. ttMU Uttb daaib.
OaaoMitfaUoB aad syatoM ar
that if abe at.
plar at bar lescker's bsi- oelbDt QBallibs. topeeblly b
Mweluld tbe ead id 4a>
I overODoeeaUallaa aad orerabe
Ikee she wUl (all. aad brlkf dls^aaa
u b elbgbf to oae (euled nb Tie ouu-r world b darkaest is).
oa bartau, aad awka
I 08 the aerree la ibe bag rwa.
ber Mbar feel dbttaaaad. aad oorer
Bbi noiher's bedrt was ligbt.
alba b (be graal prbelpb t
ke ulber parforaMn wlU
'br a goldeo bead aad baby fate
ysblaat are trrlig lo teaeb womsu
-Tha woaklr seallMsat
Kepi huaw torwrer hrigbl.
Eapbe. Mir*, Nov. 4. ]»os.
Tbs Mwobg b the best time lo ah -Ceick if you eaa.- n seemed to n;
south of taplre. , J*,
ir a pblure befcre yoo breaaW
-I d «illb( oaptlre be.*
mmp mbnot .ylx miles (too here siid.l
rlih Ibe day'a dstbe.
Aad dsared before be uroaderlag
B«' up (biwr. fur
bare hit*'
Merer bare be beir dnase^ su
to fae
My nmtin fraoi (trand fUp j
Ti. «h.. tiinenf baby glee.
Ids Is'belt- riiuiB*. aad w.- bate k>u I
Tbe pswa sboatd be Made to a aofi
«•... ». P.I. I.
Urbbt elH«e Ibe UtUe goldoa haad
lelertaL s> allk and saib do
He .tarts next Sun.U.c* l hig«.j
A. 1. dtued here aad tberA
UBW out well b a plelere. as
be win , -sdeer. P.w,w. uy-bave'
As ibouab be ana itatof had leal
sbouM be siBpb iB style.
sad three mis end /mme I
Of IIS shlntos Store-e shore
Jeeeb are beiler leTt at bode.
I ikbli B»> . h-iier I. loag
Do DOt borry wblb pcMarbg to all
rwough for this lime Will wrltr agab
ADd aocber routhi ber dorlbs up.
before tbe CAMera as burry leai
' b thr fflidet to hU fnililees ebas.
riuad aad
Aad sbou'civd kUscs. mnrtn sod s.rftBbeic does aot I
-r Siurmer
Oa the lawny hsby facc
tbdar. M|^. Nor.
-Vau ruBot mirb the suastalu.
liesr Mia Bates-l uill write mu
Tboagfa JOB ttoluwed Ibe wide world
lew line., a. I Imre aot wmien in
long lime.
s b deeolleis sboull be eofi Vou're UKdber’s lUUr sunbesdn. dear.
M.v teaeber'u nooie Is Miss PurAnd she has rausht )tw. too?
I am la the slxib eradr. Wbea
a slaw Bia tar twaatr Mbeios
Thb Mar ka ghaa to blaab
four Mosths. addm 10 warned
Akd rat froM kink ae Ute ia tha
MOMBOa aad aadar tW doMlaba of
daaok. A ekUd b aaatfaMad a
ikaasaad Umos a roar to kok^ tar
tkb aad to kaoh ou (or tkal—ft
Aa fee MIm (k* ilratac dari
Bat ttae aad kdala ha aewaa to »«
Beal (roB tbe gay. gbd oater
•d water; add ihb to Bro tahbmocotals of boflMc waiar aad tUr
Kba aad Maks H Wall.
I rii a(
A .antu-eia 1.«ib4 Its Wtty.
ADd dowB upoa the cottMa Ba
A shed of hrichnaee by.
Csmmsnds Pe-rs-iia to All Cattrrh SrifsrarA
Age ti yean.
rtabM (hcMrid M h<>------>-■'
«Uk iMk. M tUi t« • Mwia> of iRi
iko Mteou
Absolutely Mira
the wapde. I r«M pv Wtor le getUag kag. lo I wOl toooe. WoU. goM*-7*. bcMbg to be a Baaehtoe gtri
from you trbmd.
The borne to
Is s Hirhiasa ceocera. w hb a Dm- hraaeb mere
ta Ibis city.
We ataod for MkWgM M. tael
oDd ell the itato. and,If yon
Tnrame Cte. *baa bssMtetag
onnmeu, mos.' ocnaoiT stokk
.-verrlrndy ta it
wkk* te ekocme wttb t
We will aell yon a Plaao
rerr BUT t
aad sre oaa gtae yoa evsrr totaplHo.
tettabeoarodnceaodMlort .lt NOW while etates are PMsabta
We wW bob the betiwBiat tar CkrttoBos dettrtrr If r* wtah.
: 'I
^auntercnt BcHli
tssOtoM^^ Inovs MOtosl ciotsr
‘‘^litoSaMiMBh.'- or TM Om Osr
fltaa. OM«Slt*«'taUif4. MM n. rrlM IM mparn.- to iM ss»o M
•t«(* » mm w> AM Hmmm, H to «>>a« M Fmi. H. tarasM Hsittor
mU. vmlM hM
ttat • M «M too to IM Otomsitr to tikklMa M
Prntoiiw lls^
MtM M kni Mr. IMS eslM ss Mr IM Mmos IstoSM
iMstsB hss fc.____________ ,__
sd SI s oos to IM utko. to lokn at
IMTM7 »tttos Cl vktok M kSf Mob cIem •
wu <(
ti IM
iM tosM issrm
mm. sM
< M >81 proMbtr
M ss« sova kora
Mri**'lBPod mb
-2 " ■ ■ • ■■
____ StSttos
toaai »W
■srt to iM
rood vltb Ua rpo
______ saS n U
la roltorot,
ma la
b Miu: XU1.A. ttoptoyad IM
pntamar, vM
Ffe bs hal IM sliM sr hto rtfU kMu loaUfUtM
M Bs *M MttlM <•» B bM«to to iM aoB to
S MMM •n*r IM srt«Tftl at CM
a driese. a burmlln
wa. feU la vUh tM ladISM
nrnm <r>ls VMS IM Mtfe Mv
MniUu forth ia a InSehlM OBt.
>- M vs*
tmm kh MM sM (M MsM Mraek
tbr w
• ewiu lowkr
AI 8asi OUX IM pwmBw
at L
Hsasoi Huoob). >k<
MMss Isto MnsMr sickt. tM «sto tscord
*M Man s»M m4 sks« HM to kiMtl
U- Sroi Uiue IM baonbr. aae Ummmej mi wumm Xtkm. Th«« to
«drru a-aa on a tosh rhotvb buUdap.
tr Kin obM a deo
M eto no fM tanrtsts WiUtoa Um
aor of Hoar pruwl vn-sataoa which levsiMa toU >M stoo MtoHs
lart riu'. M ua lap. aboui iv-kr a va*
mm SM tvo rstasUr sov e«w
to Uinllo
tVMo It ..uora to uMarr«as a....... - dap . iMrr I* linn ia(i«toB
M sMst » r*m* Oto luapM
wi>va BlBuiM. At ib(- lav sJlovi la IIm - olA. Itok Iu IM Tasah. tMo la
toU-r lli-lhs .Tretiot- WUd baoaaa
nos SB isiBsi m sar snsi sss vs*
«i^ tM ItopMMlM IhSt Itx- usto vsi (Moosk sfur *110*0 alouiro to
d u-i dra< kin to Ua ordtimr reMMC «as to als» St tkr ilsUos. CahitonkUas sport.
..O fiu-b a dap. la IM anev^ vsnsB >s< fcsdto kralMd. kW
Uc aiaad* ai Ihr airtat hpdraai
IM MM SMpM -----a tool napoci- vltb »• l•lll•- .'luibliis <ai Uui ai ibr
SMUm* fw tM__ ___________ __
toa alh.u*. uuiir at all U ibtre ba uu
««>«-»«tttkMMo Ibnl at KllBMinf. Mi I*
IM Mmr Bsd dg AatboBjr Drack. la rtspoOM to rotator poU.-riu,:iii l.fc aud pour* oiler apou
laaalrtoo. isU M vsi lb« Isibor to bUuirlr lUI M le «n aU OTrr. vUrk U
krir to sa sstsu rstosd it 11 chlldroB. sad at oor iism vsi iM ill bin. -r lahuw a bath TMo be
ralMr to tl. Juds* CooUds* la oi- iitn bloiwdf Iu IM BSU. puK bluurlf
At OilsMot TssMiy Bssrir tkrm caatot IM tosa adrUM kla
uu. hi. .H « rwbiuldrred bolp anh
l«i^ at SSM sorsrM IM stSMd. lO PfSiUllBt HooMtcU.
ton eiel .UM«n aad nedlum aud
latr Clark OOu-iJui.- .io,» <n( le cbsrvb Id all
iM >si stUI tolUat. TM sloito to At Ssah *to. Msrto tM
. ,k to Lsa
jSwsI IkJSSfMst tM MMV pasto■la sh«->
koap ap with IM
The liiil-- laws Tisale vKr. nurr
jBSMk VssSlM to W^«._s kM- ---------• far dorr baalm'________ nWi >0.1 devout, poore viirr ever
MraeU IU tier ovu IllUe potet to berk
pud. arvona Mr block balr wlib .*► ,
------- SsS'oMto'kto'to- n. tM MI- --------------sore uasbie u> furaUb
oil iniiiBs il dova till ll ablure
MI to kto
lulrivr. ibao toun brr sraudcM ‘
- J to
SBantm IM tovori
-Plalniu.-up ■>. i.ui*t. boaluu.! uu
pood, in v-.ni kuahaad. in vaiu ,uotrtunop. btolond uhk».
Bu.k had. uu uaai nialrlaioa.'. au
■vtlp M Blisbt Binp
•-hUr. aiul
V«s hettartbaa brlas
•I (nr n * lod
r,“.5 isa.“.ss;“-r£3
—*-MM Ikor* SI
A toMitoist
sst to kotos tosA
a « SI L
ll BSk
' li» W prsMStod to tM u__
<asr* ••
JlariaMBto to aev **>
k (mitue sad
apSMr vlll tore-
» BOO to Istopa SB kl-
.TM atol atsstoar vkk* has Jot
yi—M to at. Johal. K^r^fitMa
toBtoM .. .
isdlM. vklefe I
SB tM VM to afeiMr M. Warn, a
M aon 0* IM tvtsra irtp «boa M
had s «ni Skd piittp to saauBtilsa
C**i WUtoB BWtoti. to IM Poloilwr breakvstor Usht. sosrip
aa Oiabiroo. ssed IT,__
___Hfii] bp a «*tnos tres
vkk* MfSSitaotkor. la eisastac
tom tka SM M vaa kU ^ tkooSsr.
KUTs tsra«r*.*-t£
_—^ Crabeooa retottrai
0 *M k*
kuabor MdBp aisi
.... ..........a SM' sr tvo Mid
US nnatsp 1
■Si'vu aK!od’w**»^TrtMV
M« tow* to
vkes tkop dastrod aM aev
■Msato kto M «M sMoat b*> ksMoa
M ttoto.^ imam wm mlM mt ihsro are at tosat sstss taMItot I*
Wm wpliil to t*d that Ml a ksM
»*a toiM*- TM utur tons* «m m
aa bp iM aaae to Bark ad*r
aa tUM. kad ikla Mrp Msrtod. ted.
Ws«k.bra>* craslaio. AM oat aU tM
of Mr trala «M tM aklar at
saM black balr cosU oMrare
jbOMO of bar rpra aa iM thim
lhatr slaan- op>ud.
TMp vara
aad slUtar
I to UT karroh to awliA (or
* M...olTod
«MS. _________
It *sW M
oshl. hovoTor. tbsl tor. Oarla tktosM
oMrd orktok M ooH sa a- _____
sT vm harroto at tlAd a b*R*i aM
*■ hapor SM (.ltd karrola tru tUa
to 4d tM losBd«rm <k tM p
tear MtocMd tM M to sirs IM ma
Ms Hkortp. TW ton^
ton's taco bad boaa
__ V dap aM hk bar ova lost. 8M
okotod M thubfd that aM dUa^
ettoto* to aaWhto aa nui—It at
ua. Thsp bob ap la bMiT assk aM
-isaap. Cm voSm TnM a atoa tot
OM to bto laa hstito. It tod orUntlp
nod tM M oaar aM toSaa to.
■n AaaBhad liBrAMkii to I
ipactt to taara ■
I vad can Lahi
■ ■'wrkaaii aUM to toao.a
tom mam toasMai daBata to tM
Hide o( fitMsra thto paar. A sn»to pstaia hapan sstoip iMn,
0mm tboao top*, ast - ' Mtoa
to saw. vhkh to koaptos tkr —
Mr to sap doawIpUiB
.. laksra m or aftin cnia___
vhat to paid at oiMr ptoeta to IM atStoBp. oBd diovan are aet laktoc.
...... ..^
catmac oa tbto o»
of p km Irsaad vciaas
M cIM iu iBOvp v-Wta iSMlns aa If
IM Modwtocanar Uia-si leva* laditd. aalp tMl .ttav H cashf mt cstrb
WMi arasder lhai uMrt IM bsrdrs
at Uvsadtrla'a lara tM Mcketor ha-'
I pslr aM taatkaa aM coal
r sto^i Bishu! It vaa haidi
VMov-a -Ttada--*e Md Ihno. aiol vaa psM far ktia.
rarp-paor. Har kart>ad bad raa avap
— I Bpaatob woed tar-nssMar-to ad
atol jalaed tbe linai|i'al amp aito se<
aaaesMa s«>^. aM vaep
f kllM hv IM anstadoa .tnrri. trip. Oae taorvlM eai
i earip a <Mm>> *P
If IM naano wovU slTe Mr Ullla brows aswkap at
ima (o irmeav tt voukl eMkto m reier IM tosip bat vbaev dvcH Labrr'te bup food. TMar of tM hesiAara Taaderto. Be csnM a sMbbp. msO
vto. vcne u|i lu Hieraiare ibiaisbi of psUov usak that ailsht Mac caatalaits Maarter'a TrlHp and fraalad Ur
Hbar rMbm «r aaimaltloa M
prOttoa. ItosMea that tkrp nra Mr
auo- to Lavaaderfai.
h bapprucl iMl Uvaadrcti
Ds^ harbad. pasUrp
wacb ladp )a cadUaip to tM i
esektod. (klkhcn snasaaM. 1‘mastlp
ecaatpad frau IM daslp Uttaass* Ls-
toter Una ton Md ivwuMd. TMa tbe
Tasato intun ROt tM Utter ef bee.
r braaa lo Mpi>. .tacouBsrrto
lUiuO. auatto -Vrewt do todip
I" pSfturav.
lasakv. .Xto «>lp «UI tMp »>■ lU «okep vuai4top- .sa put oS till inon*V. H*I'Hm7 urliv .1.. ll al all sslll
rva^ bp dire oetmdip. Ko LataadrlAflMsvM. paaaUBSIe epao Mv
kif sitb IM Hms. Watai of sU. aa
_______ (RMB canto vktok
Uke t esc. aba fum«d flCMS tM
labia to hto aide abd itarlad to eosaap
tM kaadaenic white posib lu triUBjA
4a IM d>m baU '
Mlasi tt IMI IMiMet be isuU
aflervard flad laudsase lo daOslp a |•foreW of ptufaBa
. idacaaMMiednsefanlca tolM
Maatlos. sM thal IM poOBd nan vsa
aet. tia Md aef baas la Maalto km
asoudb. Ha tlaiplp liroke Msrltoailp
aM nUbtoaAr fratu tMl laeder, drand ran fur hU life.
al IM
4 la Ppaakd. UM aa
|i sraad In ***>*. hovaerr. h
ana aslp laaak aM amatp vMe
ad iBIo biMt KmU*. la MW
vaa a vtah Mp.
8w*akrsw* Ik* mImU» ua*.
Pftoter Tasalo V
Ito- uuphvaaal ec
M of IM >lell-vlr
feaiicdor uduit
TM iraih vaa Lovaadnia v*. uui
a ~\ luda' al all Htoe bad a lU.ov l.iiw
Uu-L lanp- aa life-larse a* lacala
life. Ihal to vhkk I* Mt iuu.b -I a
>e va> a v.-at? of Ida. and .I.-i-baus* fafui fur .uu- to ito l;>n
v-tdte iieutleHiaa luanlm n|-i>-.|i--.
li.r ku.l«ad bad lau-u la Ako.io.i.lo'i
up AEbtlur Ito- .tneHeoB. U.i l..■1.l
av ay alto .-ulBe tome.
Irrn «a. a b.Ualau.1 laon ..uw-l
10- Horn lUla viltoHM Sp U.-tUu lilWvo unu. TM aboril »*. i-.-re
Hull Iji.Bleb-rla ...uM bear
HiuUli'iilp too- «i..|Huto ndllto
Ito- ctvuiiMl. rabvto to-rw-lf fu-u .mm.:
|o*.iur>- .0.1 pUnto .Uuii to-r
.ti itodtoK>u.ul toml inovier .load !«.• .tlu.-l
kvu »ih]lrfv duiue- (nlUv dal. iu ito.i
pan to Uaulb. Tto-j otov l^udkbopa .'to tall, suud touklB«
1 uvll-f
Senvu. Tto-p vtielp dmnrd
lohTf.-n uith lavuiHherto'c
Tbe taiT la Ibrp va8i..l lu no
U.uutoriu |wr.vl..to Itoao alto. V'llb brau-n
wliai V dd. p-ehram IboBKlit. in
her tUM.I. unde a dh.- for Ibeu.
-.tns luilu^Mnc lE.tonE. uiarid.- tm>
The order of dke day. Are
you satisfied with your Woing Room's eppearetK*? Is
the table large enough?
Have you chairs a plenty.
Whatever t h e deficiences
may be. we are fully prepar
ed tb supply your needs. The
goods you want at tha price
vou want .to pay are here.
Glassware. Crockery. Cut
Class and Cutlery of all sorts
aid Maau Iu lak.- aa luim'-*i to
udrrU* h»r aSaIr
Tb>- rvll
ed u-oikl. i-ver ii-odp’ to brlkrr
S to a aiaB ]uei Uaviiar br I* a
ividd IMM br touvlu..*! Ibal tobod dot takas tM laHlallve In the roar.
Tbe Oddn-i amn-I lo-r u,.. ..ep
.. _nnn<d Isvardlp aa M tbuusbi to i-eunc. r4uk rbcrkito nn.1 .-nrle h*in-<l.
blianir. "If Dniber .tmh] oelp a.w me prt bavins vllkal a artue to buuur l.v
ftlftns tbe autobail uno to Ito- vorht
waved hi. am. l-.vani her trich.lly and -.bnied- l-r uff
k»i- ■ h-"
*erp tall of
"‘k lu-olud to-r
up. v-ouiiiur' lie .rin!.
.-uutei. to-r Inlr ahbilus vl|6 au exli
Un'l vast poa' I'n a marri-.l
an-a.Ii.K aiul iiatttns. iM fair hruu
vUuu raiup to leiile and i
IM ol<Jev-t id brr aSe.-lloa. i
"tlea. nor «-;
cl Ibe prc-lip caab
daaiv. Tbe l.-ndrr to-an « l
-I don't waul uolhlD' lo do vlik
I crosUs'l nanp poo If poo naa
to burl to-r
t be did ■>
111 BwD os aartb. I* ihai i-litu
freUoM rt'cn ibro. Ur wM to-r to so raoBsk EusUak tor pou?OB to tM Mil. aud M vobM .v.iue i-p
lalulp mis ru-tosb.'' nil]
aad bp,
tac uiortisad bookkeeper, "l-ul It lent
-Peev HeBOnT- lln a BMV lluiei ton KBslh.b.--Cblcaso Trthuir-,
-Yea. pro.". BBawer«d IM eulnmaa I
•cl Mtkrlor
-In aa boar aiapMr pervhn.-d' ibe
Ua lo attoud tl^Tksalu*bair‘al alL
Tkaraupuu. isanuiirm Mf (asnria U
hrotrs Tasalo Upaalak. UvaudarU
satbento up bto brUtUal trala. atadi
bto (oea lulo bor alippera sM tor* bar* avap.
TM bai-kotor braatUd oaca auwe. It
tarnm M Ub Ua vaa a*aki vortb
lltlas. Ha save tbe Tair la.ni.lera
Uua to sat cleau avap lo tu.- WII
be doBUcl bU heat while Unas
aad bk beat vlillo Maalla taal
IM (oMa of iTurp aUk arctoud It
and aaUled furtb. aapvbtoc-. aupvUn
to rtispa IM atnaapkivi af tMi dnsd
prciaoro. The* be rviMd uwciuw-losa
ns kto otol'. irUI. tvilb that .jdrluial
latalilua vbMh. >e are «oU. .ull Uun |«ic- a»l uaadaliarai
CM InraaderU liad prfc*-lv<cl bto
ammp aad Mlknl ll, She drva bto
daatp Mre f*ef up under Mr u|na a
labia la foM of a palm abed aeir IM
atioet canasm aM vahad for bar
r. WM* K ca»e aha P0SM.C1 upaa
**Sa oS» Meero. apodal toaskar
to eosfetof to tM BSP Otp oekost*
ksraod sksst tM tMO
Hmr poapis to H*das* Mrs kstaa —1Itoksdlr
dowoBitraitos work bodoto s
MO to to* aasi tor aoM ators
H St tM PrtoMU Mkoto Mdkp.
toil to ptoas to ato**. ast Mass wM
vss «atos A MMitoe ilora. sM
toM Ikto aUM that tM sssl to sa •aM
uMortook to spoa sa ors*
dasr *aau burst oat srosad tM
ora*, ksialas Mr fast aM fcrikiad
aortoolp aM staMtoi Mr bair aM
....................... ■ to_tM
to Uhlus
rrcMii Ijivaudrha
avap Ito
Idd ato a
' Mbs vktok ncad. TM tsUtog twsr
■Md kla to tM vsU. kst tksoi*
_«kto to ure kla ketop ko-Uf ' *
to MM tM Ugkt ustU M vaa ?0B
Bto tojsrtoa vtib tM sipsosn
ladp wosU dh>vter
a M vent.
11.- vi
h*onad pooib. altbouab
i-r« nm MV LaraeArrla anirrd
to iiu iii.vh- uf nupiB, Usb in iwi
ta*bl>ui. KM we* MtvMsdcd. eod U>
Woa iH-r le iM diui >liBBt<xl xuur
of iM rvuoded rod «i»l
leu nil ..f h.f soon. Xo Tasalo ladp
vtKiM I.. -'UivHKt -up" vitboui tbai
Imuliwl Iv Mr akin, lirr lUik- bcoma
fort vm- ■■an- Bare (or asiall voodra
ai4>f>-n tkal i-lalHoed aad dntto Upuu tie- mmed aa aM ualkrd.
Tbua (•■Mlrrlp alllred. l.sTai>drr1a
floelrU like a rtoloB paM Ihr bouv uf
Asrtos sa vdlsSBor vhlM* '
tMI'onh’reoiir bisk iltoldap. .turldr
laM a eoBSIdorskIc rodatoles to
-Yea pea.- a alu ra«illed llMm.ulitod
k-ri hit- roto a <-hihl ..r
-aBMr to isleoai la tM clip. It ptorldai that ssip snir tmtUrds to iM
brr left
pnpartp ovMn vllhih IN feet to blH. Tbl. Ic IM Tasalo >ap'tora^ ! Thes I wall.- aaki InTUaKrta Hb.
srotr dlrsrUsa traa iM proiKMd as lasbabln. IM lajp * <«-a akin reaeb-Ikcr Wrav aUppeiv OUlahle Un
kiae kieaUos Mre bIeo tb*ir mewai
M/uod il«it“*^
vlU a Uoouo M rsatod.
OOlhlUK. I'bB la IM Tasal» «ap uf | ^ ‘
Mrs. BU JtoH*]l to Cklesao esm
l«bM. It siroa Ibrui Hus 1 ^orbi-k. la Ib.- verp fruoi Am- to IM
clear troa the Wtodp dtp to eeltM a
.-Itobr iMB brlDO IM valas ! “Maluu. iu tall vies to all «M. |>a>*
dtopuir vlth Mr ilaicr. Wr*. «-tUka
“•* r*»«.l.-d iraauulllj.
Ler to mat, vkoto aM aecuaed to IM aap inil la. TM hop dhl UM l.-lons '
irawlrrto. bevrrrr. aa iM i-an- !
=• -'«•“« »‘*lir ubo i« i.- un
darMtos to bar ova aaa tl ckK
«plalfHU to tb.- boartlrta vMo |
«" ‘be open Br.el of a Kuudap
vonh oark IS caaia. A fan- to
flsl isauao eesn aaM tM CU
sue u. kiu-e IIH-UI Miter. Itr aUeniooii vltb a l.rovu vhlow d«-a*ert
aosaaac for acUoa.
trai iaer.-l> --|M va ..r ker hiwMr «f i l« tbr Mlskt to all brr Melb.-u Boer?.
ballh to Adrtoa up
Mr,- net .M e aa uiludtos bln out of ' *“b
vasslah ,hnm.-ao ato.
ip M esUad IM
pan-SOO.I uacarr. To add to tbratlrar-|®«~ aad all bla osu ai-uualuUMra
to IM Ushod *_____
Unuoa. a. It wrn-. ef IM ivh-tuia- «1k- | k«>fctas os at IM ebuv. vea leore ibaa
hsa Biadc a spoctolip______________
‘"'“f- •“« k. Lave tbe
■MM SM hid bosattoi Mro kro**i ■ade tbal .lap. aM <»mad hetv-ru bn “»
*> a hui.- PUbUa elsar ihai U»k«l
equaiilm l.refoto aud
Bko a poses Mnrrtas ran
CanUlarb upoa bk fruul d«r
to tM CMmalbatosai AaM patoOd aM Uflrd brr fan and alSbt of all iM >orU vaa
TM faaebaUr aufllp wUbdivv frum
to AlBOrlds asd tUa poar M
.-Mir In v-bh-k be had b*oa alHIUE lesr
V tooklas d
TM bo
leod bp TbsBMa
bfswD widow with
M. Mtsp. «kll
IM barbcler out fair aad aoaai*.
iIMb had rtlbrrtd upos Uc buv
pulled Uunalf tasttbar aad Ui■M vttkla IS fan to tM aaluia bcwd LavaadsHa la bli brafca* Vaa
i*p IMS Msd a* tM IMd. Ha bad
kea Spaiikb Ikai la tM akk to Uaia ba
m wsspoaa to a*p ktod vtik bla aad.
«Adr valsklBs tM aerap for sboai *S
nade au av
■IsMaa. drsre os. Tkop veto ast to
anaraeoa. aad It
tbias la IM ruisfo sad >u soap. *M
ooi. kivskiBK brr UBb
Mr icvvrelT Tbe USB
Hdas Bimasa.
VM ssMr oot to tM spp Praia!nro. . .Jtl verr hilled
tM opes eesaos Mrv beeo
M Steel os tM aasU IsbMra
- - bp OsBr Wardea CkapBsa
soar tM aorthars eosatir. A 7*sr
asd placed la a cold itoraAv vsr»
koaaa at HWdasv. pesdlos diitrtbBo* SMS*S »a<' sad rMrtlable'^
B Mrs Botktot to do.
A M* soaps* 0* a vsr hisa I
Om a( IM ba<Mton ea.vprd airl
ran etoivtoi. u. hatae. teavius ibcItaar to iMor iM vboh- brain of to
OOdeMa'e k»rauakln TfaW va* hard
n IM auo a bo vaa bid. U> audrria
aotoo at eaiip umra aud deep r\... alt
cm aadip ailn.i fa*l.-uluK brr nUuUu
deck rpea Hpuu iM our (a.e, iiawBv
m Vltb tMir trntrr c.ar tb.- M.-brluc
vM vaa lafL dbr n-rarruied bUo u iii^
Bllrctheia; ato- l«A- biio ><- tor
uijV ).alu]: air- lurllrd
■ to allrad In tor idjitoul .-i
tlTr daiaea aud f.vala >d n
d tka tUI be ..uiU a.-ane M
Cbanksflivina Preparations
Yas Mac >
bafo of the aaoir taao wbo lip lad«ratlou. a taailaaa alsbl and a ralap iDoram vonU bare proved a enward.—
rtaUMCcl ilAUis
had;. I u r B c d
liiitodks under
.MR. M.U1
ffitS'S.'-.-.SrfSo -V........
Cbe Boston Store
ttoit'iiroaipied pos cbeal I brard aom
one vhtoper that data lo pou.
JahBBk-l>l«v. lua-aui. I axprcl tt
ss* htoinrp retusUa’ Itaelf asala
Herald Want Ads. are Winners
Traverse City Gold Reef Company^ Ltd.
»>.t. tM Gold Betf alM.«
our aeighbon sad oar taclasBi pstn**.
Wo aak pou to laTBsUfsta it ■escT •*■
poniuit)' vUt be ttves to poa or sap
rpicBliUve poa map aa*d to
mUM. We Mre plaeM »r«r hag tM ataak
la ibc ireaaucr asd vlll am aaO WMa*> at
ti lu aeesra tM aaeaaaarr taaAa.
if prarllrs; i
d the prc)|M-r
ifai- etorpikm to the- pcscoedi (roto
tuiall UDUsai of trveaun Block aoM to a
g(..*>ur trleadc. we Mre put up all tM
.pcai la chansias oar proportp froB
I in a tulip dtopoaitraMl
B. r. mUUB.
Irvto. bavt- oprecd up Mmeaie sUBBUItaa of
csallp vorkM. trer aUim of*, nasliis
(roBi tl.OO Kl m.iw per Id*, trow vbldt.4re
We tnU> recognue tko m
tag ds a corporaikio vkra
B ll
It Pfacec itoek OB
' ------------- -e puWle to iBTesl
before I.vi«t tkla latponsal itep we Mire
made everp rvaaosable teat of oor olne. We
ha.v UM rc-Iied aoloii us the oplalosa of expena and practical ultlas am. aor os (M
psii leau aad aaespa
Wr have csnTM
large qaaaiNIm to war ore to eeLskbortas
tolora Vktoe vr made two aim ruoa. Onr
vea Blade Irau ore Ukra frois tkr Hog*
.back, part of oor taler: ti raa owr lltW to
(hr toa- The oikto vaa laadr troa ore lakea
Ppobi ihli nut vc*lhavc a fold
lirk-k contalalBd eoatc
•COkui worth to
giiid. tbousb leal thee cm kuadroc] tosa of
ore were pot Ihroutk the mill. HM ve
beeo la a poalikis lu uie tba oooceatrsUns
or osaUlms. Ike reauli* would have haee
much better, ea ataapa to Ibr lalllBga abov
'rtere are bat lev taleev la tM
pouM vsa ihrcivs out. sM ve MUecs tMp
repraacat IM aaie to iM ore maklas op
oor propeetp.
We plaee atraae oe tM (art Uat oar deTeUfuu akev that all pans to iM tokntd
aad reto coaiata gold. It to aot poMetp are.
We vlll aot have lo tpaad larte euia la
alakiBs Mafia Uhmk varUleea rock to
tod mall bodtov to rich ore: aor will ve
Mve to apMd ton* auam for deM work, la
aioptac aM we will sot have to epcM aapiblag to aeparvlas tM vonhleaa ore froat
iM gooA
TM ttra mm isaa preeod ear era to be
.sallp worked, tree aUWas ore Uat oea M
■toed aM alltod for «1W a u* vtu Ua
ptoai vs pcopoae to ecscL aM U a very
tone ptoat to ecseted. Ue expeser eaa M
ledeoM auMk tow.
We tailp IsmSBlae Uc a*vuiase to a
larte. andcra ptoM. TM oce aev pcatofcsl
Ip nadp tar Ue ■ID. mMa R aaraimtp
to anaase car ptoaa for atactlas a ptoat
la etokt eaaash to* to dcaaM a ptoat Uat
will haadta am tbeaiaad um pw^ dap.
We tore toreetM torse eaxea to Uto sa-deruktog bM >e are atU torcMtog la tt.
but IM amaat *dv issatred to ■!■> U*a
ve esa- pel ■»- TM Om bM caMP wM*
ve MM ehw* aar uM tiki at aM Ito
praSU vtu ibaar vM ^ Mlp aa aneare
‘*Tkk^ BM kM keaiL a Tisn
iPaforasllal Uarber tVbrre As poa
part paw hair, alrl
Bald HhAM tM ItTlubto OwtaiDer
-I parted with It tveotp-ieTM pratv
It to mc*iM sdM thWr aliai mmSvbk
of Rat Pertasa, ■ Sh**l l*ka. sa arm M
tM Lake to tM Woods. U coBtlsta to am
hundred aad tortp4vo akd a h*tt acrae
of lend aad water, mora'or Iota to fraakBld
, ngbt. TM leM eosatots to oaa amll MaM
I with a teto. aM tM rasters bag to a iHiMil
Our Ulto to UU prym
overUM hr tm
to be csrrted oa bfl tM
Our mlM to atoml a dry toMa.
bavins bat itttM aaepapa.
OUR OHt soev oMrytag from »Cm i
IldAd par ua la seM to
owe s.sti feet vide,. Tbto ttiitotoaa body to
ure exieeda
4M faat aorth aad aama
1.400 feet eo
—-----------------------prora IM sarthars tdf
faat rsny froat M.M to HEM par la* to
TM ctormar to IM rock aad pa* laala
todlcsu soad aold valata to Ua MtMr*
riM era that oar abaft, laetos ami
broaa tma b«ra tspcecl a*d to
vbai tolpari can
mUl raaa VC Mas auda. >UI ptold erar BM
■Uttoe two baMrM tlidauif
Tbaaa tvs baadisd tkUBMBf ta*a an abpea
IM ISMMt'leraL
la tM oae latoad *M Ua rato
SeCOPfO. va bara pear aaa atWtoa toaa to
cuu aad aaifaea aciklaac >tU paa taato
aud Maapi pcscs to M sMd bankw. bat ai>
tor la aearp vap loAMt to vkk* ear daeetoMaau are awd$.
Bwd$. AutomtoM raa* Mm
*"*'^** **“ •’*“*** ^
Cwaalag Mm lalaM w latoM
maUto kMvaae Uaaa eeaetota to am veto
dyfea ^ieh ocMsMa meh aammoM
t Mwa^oaT a*^ Vmato
tvcM) pratv.
- are to Uto h
vap £ ^ tu*•M^aatM’Hk^
fm- *M vaa a f»p lar tM IM*.
Bat cams eras ta fsM t* tM ik*M*
«■* kaMa tM Miesl. ttfw McaW
IMb tt ••* i«8 dace aa* soar. 8M
•W « k**MMi a( UMS **i «*■ aW
'V‘T~P> IM.me *ov^ We air *ukwK
liricecte I'kaak^pvm.
Aaol. Htaa
Tboae aiade bp the I'rovladal Assay Of
toe are aa tottoa* r tl M, (P.M. SEM, KM.
SEW. «.», SEM S»JE SILK SUM. tfl-W.
S^. SUM. SM.W aad S7SM
Tboae Made bp Hr liebaea are m toUoaa
sue. SIEU. Sio.cfl. Sld-M. Sll.dO, S1I.W.
SSEM. tSA.fW. KS.Cd. SUM. *MM aad
Aa tkla UM va* amde frsa aetortM mw.
I Ue arm...................
- ova BIBB]
raa aa kigb as iM atome.
TM Prertocial AaaarOaca, after atoktos
leveral to tbe above aaaapE wrote oa -This
Om work la npMtog Ua Mtoe aM oor
tvo MU raac ptoee w to a poattta* to toake
blrlp aBodmUmtai to iM praAtc tM mtoe
vUI pap.
We propose to erect a ptoat as tooa aa
poaalkto. Uat vui baadJa bom IM to i£o
* UM la a abort time
__________ ^^^-..-..itodmtoM
HtolBS *M
W baadrM took to
or* a dap vfll stt-e at a pesAt to bom taar
kuatoad Aaitora « eat fkBtiiius taar bm
iveatp fhminad • poar. WMa Ue ptoat to
to MaMa oae Uoomri tami a
di^tM dlTtdaaA* aiU be toeroamd aeeerdTbamaaiMwtm a*u MaM aa tM tom aUii
MM to iiaiMimaS aea.' TMp prowue vary
toraa pratla. Ml IM eaormeas qaaaUllea
to fne ■Ititos are laetlfp ibem. INVCSTOR* WILL MBT HAVl TO WAIT 'LONS
Wa toetta w w pMMaaBp to aam
oar totoa. SeeS amtato pee vtB mv «
bmtM CMa ao ctoM.
Tea an SM:
THAT. Om baRp to an canptas m>o4
rataae to a*ar toeao
Mto laat vWa aM lism in bi^rod to
af^toc* baaAcM tarn kmg.
THAT. TWO WEE RUMS bum amatortM
ora MOV Uto Mmiaai bedp to Me
vm rea buaaaa Hs deHart aM tfmaea
THAT, VO Mfo evM aftoeo bmadiM tom
ta* nnatoif AeWta to aHE
THAT, ve Mis aoM tao baad
tsattoocato ilskt.
THAT, ve hMo aear <me mil
M abea to M eta* to gedd
teroL vhtle kwaatt Uto
ve Mre atmato toasMaa.
THAT. OM are to Croa ■nsag ore.
■HfAT. W^m^a^
BMrw to*
awM la ISa trcaamy.
ELY. Toe win M fwarlMOd thal oc
COB pap bom toM to Uteca per
moatkip dirtdmda a* aap maaap yoo
va at* •
We DOW offer a block of stork st 10 ccats per disre—ss sooa sa it b sold tlw price will be rsbed. For fbrthcr
ieiormstioa call on or srritc to
M€>9 WIIK^Im H»oi»
•1 aca aade os
vkm w tm* k» (MR
• *ba« cm ba
tu t>- ikaU r«^
_ ...Ow ttBSdlMi<<Wiiraai. Bad «1MB taed ak »r la ea
to wM tm tb« Orwt %e rwbM (h» fclst<miI be BbBU hata 3b* vh a-l li a
tfUbt* itU> rur OB BMItlcMl
niporu ik»i lu tm
by tb*
k w Uk* Bl<«. MMod (....... mooM iBi»rcBt «oBld L'
b>' 141 la eoulatkB ftw Ibe peaaU*eot«t1o« oo Beceimt Of the TBrtBat l•acl. Ibe Uc dnaM farakbdoBi it»-r dlsrhMm fnm keecBM
4llte MOVW
ibe tnefobtlni i^rreol for tbe bm>it-KU. 03^ TVkBl of the mn^
■BTtBt. n«or4M Ib ti Lake, *Tb* ■jon aai! laeaB’leeceBl llshie,
i» t inroi <*
e alrat at a
tlnsdoB <.1 4M to vu: !:t r?"..’ m
■ar. or :jo
^ fTMt r«lM,.a< the aaitac ta (ha
—— appeared to qatie - dltaraBi
ua (raa*tb<»a aiirlbaM to k>BB u.ra oBe.- of ibe eoaapiW.
iV'hMI eraBcatlsl. and extemad far eben- li U redacad to tAM volta. Tbe
lea rtyuemo U tlH) k. v. capacity,
rBrein.<m to rairy ^ per cesi orerAeeordiBX il .. _ _
Vhicfe «M tOoM «Ub Mdsr PIMU.
'oao tor tau bmjr>
lap fonne.l !be^B^r»l- ■!_*
- (law. «b«
tl Montpurt « >1X1
B. CkBrtM AlUn. >
M «M ^Uc frO« tbcn
1« taotfe Uarac bm sathtw b««
>t ttoc
‘ tlOB tba tOM tU
II k IbawM I Nenbptrt ihai ba hai
.. _ ________UAoo TonTaod__
: abener la ao» haP
bai there jra
a that tbe trraael laar h
rlll'to realkad, aarlas:
B ra re
.. to tbe eiMe^^
vbleb axlatad bedcae
ubie tad vat Bade la papnt
Rotaa. »8T. 1T.-Tba oidalaa pro
la Utln. amne ibr l«u of tte
talk la Mar kiaka ban that the
aa epi
bUmM aMM «< Kim Vbaarb t' ' xmt d Ury't eli toet aad
book.. ^
akead. aaparlanr k ftHtil. ^
rltb ether papfrt. rorerla* the period
a C„ Ihroa B06O Bo* raltkk a««abr Italy tm abaadM tba 4 Ibd-m
- oa tbe ------------ Trtpla Ankara. Tba Um Ma Ibai AeerarM^
ked Ibe
rkaefoal meraiare od
_______ ^’S.‘;=r3
vare taaalTad by tba Prkea
>ly iDore thaa that, aad tb
da Bfure-taalap thair
U hekf deoa by at
a Ukl raylaer-that
, aat. win aot ba tQO ma
troB UU orchard.
.-iBodlat^ «df>eaimp the doetor'a
leoparty Malt «aa4aU. a (erker Oad- -----------1*0 anaa aad a aka
irmard: All d Mr. RaadaU'e pr<»ae trail Mad.
iHy k whai k :
tkg la a
wlorlkr tad M k an
Cauace Oitnre Uaa atrlha
vabiy. Mr. Kaadalt. k eokkaMw
were tahao troai tbair wd
nth tbe doctor. wtU aadaavor to kautkar*-
ChkbcD, NOT. IT.^ cSEto tralB
earrylBi it pdkmmt. aar aiartad op
toa« by tbe Chteapo City railway a*
dak thk Boralag...................
a city eooaedi a^ thk______
J'ia^ to aa«k
Itoar tralaa
knr. aad
be thnrolat of kaaaa. The
PMd Ibe
raUwu aaelak taakre 1M
ka poBea
Uee aSokk au ctre aA
- am aaretae «a other Iftat
iM'___ _
tm of. tba Loa< Uka aad Oardold
loadar kihaol aaaocktka. bkd “
Not. It IMA
oalkd to ordar by tIm
ir: M3,,-a=%.S
*t M. Prayer
_____ by
. Mn. Doaa
of wikokc by Hta.
Maa Orata.
wbkh mta tk* oodtw
ka a I
UBar. Qamdir waa i
aiamaa of tba Kaaday ■maet* t(
•Or Kra. r J. Oraat. M
te PaaakC. S. Baraay. Cbarka
*—1. Daaa Orak aad waa waU4lb
d. aad
papartkt aa tba aMo
bWitkIl MOkr make at (he bat
1 tor dkaar aa
•dal hoar wbkh wai weU aejoyk
leraoea iiirtnei oallad lo ordk
Ibe ptaaidaai. Itobert Barway.
>pikHl makalmdt. Praka aamea
•4 by Mha Mom Baraay by alar
^ PI. tad
aad L tbaa aOMt pcayiar
pcayw aad
taciu m aad raadky itb ma
kt Atteadaaca t'..
MB aan of ackBto.
Oekr Baa. 1; Ka A 1
Howard. •: Uaa Tm
ika I_________
aad <baa«bllhJ&Sa
.. ____________ wheal. Tbe report
ibowi that at Maraelllei. Praaca.tbr
Urd wboat Imperl trado li doeply k- Ana
aroel wheat
er«Atad la
I for -SOAOO
Barcaloaa ta
South Side
bear late lait Frida}
leld up a trolley
yealmoni to Tyrooe,
r a dark object
ob)e aatri
a aad beUerliiy H w
pplled tbe power aad Mopped the car
rew reel of (be object, which
be .a blaek bear pre0 be
battle. Tbe molormao
feeder of (be oar, aad aplrt>..
4ylng an Ibi1 power, nbol (be car (oh
Ibe bear amldlblm
rani. It Mi
. hik
(he tide of
tad baried
ck. Tbe I
lotol. ta,
>k lo the moBBlalo i
(be mad.
AJtboayb 40 yean of
Sew Y<
r data^r
The totter II
mad. aad
. .. the
ih I
talni hare drti
A Unce Bwakey that had eaeaped
a ahip JuM• arrlred at Tampa.
~ entered■ tbe
• houie
of Mn. W. A
tohnsoo aod I
tbe baby. Tbr moiber toaybt wKh
tbe aalmal (or half an boar betnre ihc
Al Moaeow. the elaphaai Uarrlk.
lU yean old. a preaenl from the
Bbali d Penla. nlarrwl blranelT lo
taatb became bis kaepen dtalred
________________the eoBdltloB aad him
of light and air. and -oald Bot
tuMikoiW tba ana aad ta I
permit him to yu Into tbe i..
(ba axtounea of Uta oe that
rik had baea aeoK-oeed. lo temporary ,
rtsoomeot In tbe elepbaat booae
•Mtsaa. UaaayabetBAdk
Lbai tbe au ta peraaalal
dirtdad bMwta I
I of ran
ad At# a
- . d<yi. .
_.. .....................
blmaeU j^tbe ^. .Iheaoee rasi
- ot focwat foikya eh brew
rotoMd food aod driek. thota
nod bT blk by the kabaiuatUlHj fonb
Yto farorlte diahea were piled up all
trooad him. He aurrad aad tblnled
•d. At thk ttma the tad am >
week! before he lucoo
brara baaa ptaran..tD ba rapt..
Henry Bailey, sSOB of a welH
iBBuary by the Udac raaa of
ylaaier of Pmltb eeaaty. Miss., ta
klUed by belay packed In a bale
”mton Hatea Mllkr flotUd wlU ytoa a bem
tbeyknary of John Olaia
ThaitkayjTky dkaar to a aakbar at __________Tota
My* at Woody Om bar '
> the fk trltb eercral wayoaloahi
' eouoe aeet by bis (aiber, aad k
Diirtay the pi. ______ -ae BBaaar foil Into tbe preae '
Tta'i Oahta.'' at Legaaapkt.
1 belay aoUeed. The uayady
Ptaak MaimaU. a ata« aM am at a
tarkar alara. kfmktad by the whlp<
Plac of Hack Tom by BHaik Ugaa
be lad WU c
toota apaa tha akya mi attakptad
.. bM hU el
k kUI the aalar. Oada Tok lokpad
hath of iham UU a pota of L______ _
Urn. Hantal aald hk kthar
laat aa-dapktad ea
Matte Weeaa aad
’"ether* £a«M^ 1
kn Name Oraai Bartork. wba haa
•cm ta BL Look ter (ha wkkr. k mem (be ta aagke, boi a
Uuiy (a mmmt MtAl Jbmb U Bkb adder track followed. -Look a
u pnaldta of tha board of kd kM horaea raaalay away wttk
whau kky of AUhlwo o».w. . ama ta MAjwe baabr -dm ae Bom k olyan ta otta aa
•to nt wheat
•taltka that Hr. OampbaU ta da
An lafatai
lyaaBlia ta
tba tak wUh
ha kay •ae'k
Itn "
..AMBd iiBdarimtb Plra paraeaa (wn baaa lajorwd. aan
tba Orta OmtriU
aaly. (hat ba kay dk. u
... — a yu axpkaka la aa___
tank la Hariam aaed for uphyxk^
tha earty km ta cau k tba doy poimd. ..
BOW OMWd- xpkakw wraekad Uw latarkr of tbe
lay U>a •aaibeandl aiaakdUpa la ra- ■wlldlay aad brake erary pane ot
■era la thair aattrd kta N^ m- ykm k It .Aboai IW------------IW dom ta eau
we hare aa tarpe
a aekbar aaathi
Urya aboat Har-
rkky’ita te
Vta toli^ ^tatata
“ ■>»»—«—TI~ dcta (bat k a few XaUMTaU the
•ta WtU ha (akam Pathar Lpam la
- —’ ------- eltlaiB of Pkriku
MCI livtolya W. Manay_______
kapaai k the aid Baydar Prah
■raea (arm wmr New Braarakk.
. rapoM to he wartb orer ■ ssim
km am.bolknw k eaUay
wO PM anew aay of ta atom to be
kU. kM K ••( klo Iba haada d tba
M tebaok k ih^ a
botaar. Bo cf kU aba hw hem:
SmTob ta iMKKa
We will make very low prices on Table
linens, (red.
bleached and unbleached \ Napkti
Towels and
Our Linen department bears the best reputation, and
one knows when they buy Table Lincoiand Napkins
at A. j. Wilhelm's the)-buy the best at the lowest
prices. Come to our store and sec the goods and we
will quote you very lo«' prices with a special discount
for Thanksgiving time. We offer one lot of QQp
Towels that are rare bargains, each at ----
.Again we want to call your attention lo our splendid
line of Cloaks. We. havi
_ : new garments arriving
daily. The stylish long. loose (.oat. the Military
l^uLs .KlX’iareall
.KIV; i
the Box'Co.it
■■'o.itandand l.ouLs
styles ihis fall We price them
ihem at 35,fX\
35.fl $fi.ni>. $«iili.
fT.rui. $«.0U. $l0.0ii. $10.60. $11.00, $12.00, $13,110.
Cor. Onion
and 8th, St.
ments bought at thisstore. We have a fine line of
lu de Soic and V’clvet Coats for children from 4
to 12)
lot laii to look our Uress Coods line over <
)OU arc buying >our new dress, skin or soil. We
show •'-------------------------• •
the newest weaves and■ ’latMt shades.
Broad’We have*" fiif
_ Ell!
$ L60
.A ver)- handsome Bm.idcloth which is wonh $1.6li per
yard.^in lilack, navy. red. brown and
\\ e show a M inch /iliclinc in Blue and Black,
li is a winner, at ............. ..........................
South Sido Storm
The most wide-a-wake up-to-date institution of its kind in
Northern Michigan, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes,
Cloaks, Suits, Millinery, Carpels and Furniture. Here is where
your dollar goes further than anywhere else. Imr M Mns DHn.
CLOTHING AaamonmratotUeB’aOrareoauia Black.Btee aad
BrauBtoTera. Bhm ^ebbl• Okrira. ta Oxkrd^ ' * “
Oi^ worth rJO. far......................
BLACK ^IBELlKE-*«4 indies aruie-paaili-^r tbe UM A<|i(oe«
of thia doth are caa yet 10
and nnniaif.wbte at kk ^ Crt
^ Orarcaati. Oxted
wcO iriaaad aad wefl
W. Bhir
mode, wonh $1000, far.'...........
COLORED DRESS COODS-BC iadi Bron Stning, Knnir all
ta tb
__ a deep bdmoM.
•li- olib*'
« puk. I
leni aad
Men's an wcot Mdtoa, Bearer ta Chiadiaa
Orcrcoak. taa •
ikdiMa Orcrooak,afayta
made, liaad aod trimmMi with (fata mr • —
•old crerywhere tor $1$ 00 aad flLOtl; d
Bear, Rj
Co~b BrfSirad.™* «
NcfSuaple Far Costs ia UoffUa^ CalMta, Bfaetka
BaB LABh,Sfam Btatota Oataiaya at tem Ihto
HMndl>aol SUnii«FhnMb,pUw rakn aul
The same m Maes 9 M 16. tlS
Obita, n«ii*
**Wllllam H. lAearitt. tbe Npwpttt.
A. i. antot wba karrkd Bath Bn
ported for tbe au of (he dowager em
caaaart hta bayu
prwu of Ohka, whlefa are to nia bekamato They aky daak iZSm.
Pekk ta tbe taaiBMr pakce
mm tmu'imii la m§ ''
MM Mia M^&^TwkrtlhkM
. Ud.. Are wae die
ta cboicb Tw
i foaerBl waa
e<a.aa raabed fraalleaUy
•pea air Tbe eorpee of b
Voir wae toraoltaa wbUe b . .
rofi.ef> aalde la Ibalr *elorU to aakpe Tbe ckrynaaB wbo wai of
Ictoilay daaUy kd the pailbeBren
kui tbe cbaiab aod ibe o>Sb
placed la a keane. Tbe o
aoay wai eaded at tbe eeawtery.
The boreal d itatktki <4
ot ke
the da
a aad labor ta
BTlBeat ef eoki
■ report eBbodytaa latanaa
bp Mra nt«
.MrtlMew by
"St TSm d M. C. OoBpka far
dmm hmad by «to m tha «U Mr
pamk —t. aakrdlM ta at---ba eMtderm la April.
ly belie froai Ibe tarbke
- Itae abaft. Tbe ewlie!
- . will
w- be
- ■brooybt
ad ueed w cl^u
-- w-..
rwatk lUt
toptc. -Wim flban wa flhr tba
taadhyr Bohooir
Bobooir whkh
wbkh wai to ba
ytrea k' Mr. B. J. Oaaadar. waa dk
i-datta aakkHiaa aa Ira
ao» of^
be My dyaaBO. a
d flOB
ta. for-
------------carTTta oet thair Mkk
kmplamaet. ta aoka of the ataakahlps are aaw haaked (hU ta tha tat
of the yaar. Thay'ara maatly llalka.
Ptdtoh. Bkrak ta "
trw aaiead- krewty
larcwty la the matao.
Ik. ftahMt Bkl of the rlBta ef
mamimrj, n.
K. T..oae ef ihe^IiM
ked ta (he aoaiy.
eoaiy. ta tt yaara oU.
hu baaa mkl far taam cC pnmka
OIbU atated that Uim #.
racalTW MP k ^___ wbM W Urm OB a Uiikkik baarlOata ataak for the pwpaaa af wwt darta tkdaber. Hk FI««B W yaary •*>. aM who aMta|ta m the tai wtah hta WBK iwId ka take eaperwa. > aunay
kimay cob
couktad of fowr walrea aad
------------------------------------ (be bW
aU md.
^of the
iMtaVto dbe kayor c( the Maa- a wildcat.
hk door Bat- . Pad Kattey of Bartkad. aam k
OkHteoa-i ket kc Tbe work k dHrky pUet |
Md Batrkd
: bad
eowkct with tbe deadly aurw bwfear
- «r
" W1
—— Moaday aad k wBnaeaer ba k
•ad bad
I bw.
aa arm.. He wai r ‘
kto daaykic
Mn. WHO,, hadMCTkd a Baa a. ear o( eora'cwmaaly amta^
Ant Mr.,
Uadoo aad of (be BOyal Beoieh
1. at a
BMjd P«m aad bad baw Drlay k wan <Bwbt aad the arm HtaraBy
tra<>b!ca1 aorlwy. mpecUrelT. .__
Md^ bat Ibe waati to May wubicrawd la ptocee. It ww pkkd oat
tbo.> here eoQCecded k aeceadkf
Mra Prederlck C. Via Knraa kl«kr^Nrama^"tkat trktwraWBi uito
hree td Ibe yteaten---------—• raad Kaptdi dropped a Ibbp oa ibelatary lo ikai atarke* taallaad Pt.»Ct.pwU cd the Hlaieleyai __________
ladU. tbe euBBlu of which bara
av>.-r U-tiin- txwo reached by BBA.
.-lar. The full^lay cropa '
IdBli expoal-; The ArnT taintiif u ibr daer baet.
ported; t Peachee. kBAoe
^ party dm airriided a peak tl.T plaat. atacha, Moran. i lay eeaaoa ureuriwd Tare day k >br
i belybt. aad I
cbeBkal twtor to aad kUai wUI be-woudn Mybt bIW km klewMiV
appka !%••• boabeli; ebw
rear wkdow. aad pUouM lb- pkBt. «f anrh. 4«.e«n baah
rtw. Thee (ur^.
(un>^. whkh hat aot
ao( OiTW
Oa«W PkkMi.
PkhMt. a raiMier. wu'kkother ckUdrwa
down tonafety'
Bia Ibe wiimaa'* recre^ f r rearblay
aad<- up tor >hr (aaUy.
hlyt ililluJ' Tbe duiiur eoua aft«yiT-iSl'SSSr” “
la.uailT & *»““*»««•
iraian k the ticinity of \pallaail t aad Kramer oabaly _____ .
aard cooUaaed with the yuldei aad
wptolBloy that (be yraoad '
teeraded a third peak, the ' '
Mm k tbe eatpleyJoba Tortwet, aenVw^ ?Nik^'4*liia*
rbk-h wai tAAM feet, tbai
iea*wm to dan^'u?lMd uietar^'wMW k’'*teatta’? tU'tal nau’iVmmtto'r
the world-1 reeord. '
.................................r takea at rwd
MMmi whta ~
Wendvlln KIrAch of Houybloa. wbo
Joba NewcaaB u( Cle> eland
Urtlr. Krm. replaced by tbe aew nmd
md **crMl
. depth ef ihe
ite f«
fM. '
bupilaa a lew Bile, from tbai ^ or erreral yean had Bade hto lltlay
dlBuo Pl'IIftBc'* Ant wife, wlia Torrei
Priday • a bU due ran I
tin* ot aa c
Kht a bet
o eanb. Tbr
doc made
•r doy
and Aaa'lv naetaad drayylay a
kin cnai It depoalted Ibe yen
Bent abd went talo the bole ayala.
Ibto llBe comlag out wlib a beautiful
iwUe boa and BuS. Tba dog i
a doaen
a tripe UInto the
d each ilBe retur
/nluableF ..._
illk or
.. ...
tur ...
. .
Ban Anally crawled Into Ibe bole and
-ound a laryv cavern. It wai a per'eci HTWiure irort-. There were rala-l
\Vc wicb to call your attention lo'our McMillen Pants wp have live different styles at $i.50. $3.76 and $3.00. they
tbie tur*. watches. Jewelry, gold aad I
llTrr plate and expeailre cblaa. It!
are the best pants for the money in the city, they are all wool, very heavy, they tit good, they weyr good. We also
eas neatly arraaged aad Ubeled- la'
have the same goods made in Repfer Coats with high Collars at SC. Oii. \\%o in Bdys Sui» and odd Pynls, the
>11 tbe cache coatalacd at lean tlO.>W worth or pluader. Much at It wai
Suits sell at $4.50, odd Pants at $1.00. Buy a Suit of these for your boy. he will have the wannest and best wear
denilAwd as hiTlny been itolen freB
Ikieliad iiorvi. bot tbe police bive
ing Suit he ever had. for sale only by us. Men’s Suits. Overcoats. Reefers. Boys' Suits, Overcoats aod Reefera.
w clue to tbe robber.
Our Boj s’ Department is chuck full of good thing*; Dog Skin Coats. Duck Coats. 1- ur lined Duck Coats. Mackin
lb. 0-. Ella nivul ta
•rouyfal tall tor diroitie ayilail _ .
aw Coats, Kerecy Pants and Reefers big line of Undcrw:ear. Overshins. Socks. Hals and Caps. Way’s' Mufflers,
■uabaad. Chartea ahlrnl. became be
Collars, Neckties. .All are goods are up-to-date and first<lass. When in need of an>thing in our line, call on us
lat Doi. as ibe alleyee. taken a balk
lao- ibeir Barrlaye. four yean ago.
we can save >-ou money.
tbHel ta beeo married Are U»ea,
•tore. Some of bU wires died a«lwoe lecarad dlroreea
Praak Letter, enperlc
$16.00, $18.00. $2000, $31.00 and $«.(». We can
lome Telcpbw comp
n 10
lOito 15
•* per cent, on gar
positively save you from
wild Iradiy of rvtooya. »
_____ .t d ka gadBaUay claaa of
tbo Werun High aebool of BatUBoro, atumed
Bt'M ftwk
Mr eiakkati I. wbem ihoy______
' belay a "tale baarer.” Tbay
bat tba bkd aad u
Hrateaaa.aw face uoUl tba blood
eatl adapted lo tba ea
raa. palled her hair oat. lota bar hat
aw trait.
to pkoM. kiekBl her booka kto tbe
cutter aad triad lo tear off her clothlay. Mlae Banyort Aaaiiy brake away
Hr. saadau Mra akf wraa d aa- wd.raa. panned hy aaarly tOO yWa
Ske Ataly darned lato a
ffiSw'Vok^lMr latkartiM^
the Mkhi barrad tbe d
■ the oro
Boat eharMac ta an MleUwB . ...
II yean
y««n of aaye a
)ka kka at tbatr taat aad aeTeeal
of tbe troQble
the am
« wai a
tbe city.
ar a kUa or MMd^baaX^ MkehlM for a badwaaad'. with Rka^
kar pedat aad toaU HaaJioa Ukad
ifea lapnhii oobH d tba ataia___
Ilea to ka kortMa tax law. xaaaT ol
tba ~»TI~ aoa la fona la tbb
cay. am thioaiboai tba ataie.
----- wum U aatMlky^^
•am tbat (ba keriMM eaa be ■
a powen d <
lo MHI bk iatareat aad tba > . ..
mm tm aadar tbe law rataaea U
Ajraady baadrade of a
mmtom iatarwa. Aarordiag ta 4b kd
way ta thk k . . .
dkfclaa. M tba wawtmaa >»aw whaa •ratythair
k act far
■traa that tba da latBBt whaa aaotbar Uatt
foH kka baIdn that of (raU viU daeakp ter oar
toad trkodi. the doctor aad Mr. Raa-
UBiwm. wlthoai baraky the fWttab.
rbe anxere Botere are cf ibe kettaad
iri". w • ■ Bo ynraod dakcura.
Ibr am
- . act
aa each,
aad «lH» oa wbleb elde of
oi iba clreall
■Jae.tnH'blF I* h
A Toll
'erepiOi-le’ aerree w dad Ibe i___ _
a •■Hbrr liar. The ■wlichboerd. to of
M- lucdanl type, cd..........
aea dilBBO
Tbe Iniunatloa of
wilb the three alter
Bacbloea, two ot W
re|>-aer I
.er. It u»«
»n>oee ibey
be and. Tba blyyar
aarblae to already pra
rbe other lao, cnellay tiMu each
Vakaak PraH ParM.
take Ilka alx npra afo Ik.
i. Mwark d (kdUlir wabaaad
dd (ark k Ladaaaa eoaaty. Ikak
i frail___
r Mdlad k>
Coke. Not. IT.-Tbe Ooka
mu to Oka
aouakakB to paraaada Paaaaa t .
naaakb her ladkwadeeee baa arrfoad •ha aad Uke HkhUaa
wptbaally dwlrabk •«
' - aad rUaatk
the laaaben. aader taai
tpplco bare baaa pkatad. aad aa >
hu BaNaaa. to Paaaau
■art trait maa bai baaa aamad
with the I'abaBa foau.
-dra tbam aaaailoa. Some d tb<
, The TJaliad ttataa
raaa are aboat Ire year* eld, aad wU
'’•talaa haa amrad.
tear la lao or three year* laora
Vtthln Ire or alx year* tbe whole or
kUl Bihere, They ara taardbic
dtard all] be boarlat. aad tbea ibe
lailitBd atalioa aad o«aaa
daiaU of Bartaaa la Ibr odor aiU bare a cold Blae. t<Sr
wria KaraI that aot
a leai
I whkh arartoehi
I year. aat. will be (he reaalt 01
10 altaal '
lodree, ee tbe tree, yrow older aad
le Dixie al
TBATna amAm; immaiAti
aad aaala vhkb hB*a beaa lor aaa
OB ibe krm. Sbr hat fhaa i
>K. aad Fxa aboet tba aoaBO
I(*M aadaxm weB made, met 4 to J
oof lo rip. tae 4 to
laraia. It to aak that -Papa- Bryu
ta aeat lhak a cheek for Aioo u a
- to talk
•r iMuIi dofmth^ra^tamir
w<K> twa 'ud
> layear«M boy cd Aadrew Be»
I. k the abuaea of hto
„... a rlBe ta ahet bto alxtlilar. tba ebarpa toarky off tbo right
Me or ta (Boa deeunylay ou are
tad (raetarky the ehaak hoa^ w
TOMay the mambrau of tbo Mte.
~ ~ar tba de«l. triad la pai
le UU UkaalL bat pM
tad ta aot turn fooad
•M axpaoiad to Ura
Tbo I. PtapbrnaQa La
cM ~k
Walto. ta toMHd a p*
that ao 1 ____
.. ba Pi
haat or ta yua la lha
(he rktal
. _______
...itiy at tha caaM af
he eomiiaay. aad aay BaaMra kta
ioRkyaa kta la ihe aMalty •<«•
•apa win be proaaraied. Tha kk• d the u,,.____ _
_________ to this la order te |
toot the iirwn sf ibMr keo troa o
: LadiM’SMniRabiNfi.alltoaea..
Dtem Pams. afamt-M dUctal > aiylm. Bam $1J9
MB. whoimi.hem-k Hapk---------•am twaaly Mn- He wu aaparakd
from hk family k tha aariy kra ta
k CDo Boston Store «
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.