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Grand Traverse Herald, April 05, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Grand Traverse Herakl
Merchant Tailor Real
BdUf aadfiaiawm,
- ti.wuM'aae*
- Wc
•ndM« tbcrlaraataew lineof
Hprisf Biftn ol Wovtrcu B*w
oe wle, which su. hr uadcap
is ;tl)r lAtast c riaa. sad al
tVleuMWu; fvpriae
at 215 Front Street.
Bosmess Cards.
United StitisBenenleitSMiet}.
». gw»*ou«
p‘ c mu«aaT^*.wr~-,
S5wS:«;fsS:r«iris, ==^
and Accident Inauranca
herema!.. tirrvl
dalw.- as
. pnch
s .'£“'V''
iirafiob conca'
> {.WM. l-uelMlwCs.hLUaaNKB.
■a. a. o. nywows >
M Ul«a M» atUaiaa- I'.X phsst ooUc. nuilM (rat. rooi|>ns
i iM all A* Ult puimlar ntB«lr. and but
** prteb h)*sr tfaaa asy stbsr nastr
' beoBB (a : bnartok
a W. Mama
, i nsM Oa. Marrle RMt. DaOan.Mlab.
U*£,^t222?Li?.«Vi!^““*'"^ premature grayness
---------------------- 1
. !l.tbr call bsrwM. rr-Mnllta kMn attcB li
«• <>»" “ baru-aad
-r , 3!^^‘«“C.rr,'„r
V. saw Pkjalclaa.
. •.)..»4.:?a Al-Fl.u *ri->\ LA»T» aiiMM^MttlON. cm: Utmm ta< tM
rr4^'/..';tKT‘-STo’^r..B*V“ I'U'
BMWssiamsJ Bi.ilii I ---------- — ----------
irse BSJ walsj >7 Mt> B » . khrm. J>1 ao.Wt.rt
elb.,=s..1 Sarel*
■r cyciashi
. mat hr
DR, J. A. SNYDfeR.
Imene Qt; Sdiwl'oFlniti' 2■•ia»ulll.lluUEU.
—Money to Loan | t.
o ^-isS; fflS
Carpet Cleaning Works Q.
"S5ss^^2;i:p>^ X
a. e.caanp.i>Tsp.
Sarrayorand Ciril Eogiaee
;;t; .“-ri'T..';; ■r'ijsa
• tlUlC'?*" ’!?' wiln^-ipf'leave cbcrnl to-au^c^ir.-v-., wboec aot-dcrfgl^f • —- '-•
On.-*- W..ni» Rccustoinr-d t.i Jlivir iwc ami )ou arv loel
arithout ony.
C a. !br’aa
W« tiavy lL<-uj (ur lytopr-ratiiiy, (»i ;laiit lur-, fur sUr- ‘rrdCbraeparicd LB.^a^d^n Li-'
Md sboa ad t • tb,. b elluWcc
‘i: ::.v:.:dE3rE: r3E£E
Wc till them
tbcc.ogcb al -occot. ;riccr. at,;ci
rabl'y be: an »r-n o'tor “L*V “l*-.
'Uvbcd bbd ant,, *o4 .bcllarcd little bacbcc. tba..
the barbae
rr-.ar.-uid Annt San
l.-iOk.Etn- land rvoa ;« i.ario aod.-nth. Beftwa i eauntail
‘-itL” JZl «' •**'“
lb* cold aod biarvy msa,
>-<“ tncir oil ak b.a«xpplac
d,. y- a ibxk »I.,w y.ir«c ibcc o. these i-o ..,«.».»iabd. thewidset town '
,7, L farBatTiT^'.T.L-*
eu. bad (allnaad >p
. .
Krancb BlObdc. wi-l: a a-a0.Br c! B - Is X>irtb Aotertem
A» *»• ias*’ -geo- coBauiutioa br vbc ao,
ibkn peace
pife'i:c»; for pcjp.o ktoja it waa foubded he tbv:.,mcr i. b m mll-De^■
the wird -w of tbeyood woIhla b-wib.
'- iaa*rd». who. at bs cai.v del*, ra. j,
racy aicpl tbat bleat aroaad
rowad bar
- AaniSarb>j • when todruT babU I
laid e b'lEi to
to U
the caanuj
; .oufcdcdwi, atau.,- '
k.iebce See aad u
day tb p
jeet bbd whet. V5 bo.d-oo to'a. O.-i
R-Mic-dt- [..-OB IbbOrd b
•'*- rowed away In tbsii
-bi;c Ethel aae iliKhiog ibe ii.Bilog cn ► to of i-»e city ibr.if.bbd.b ll-'l'ew,•f Crraca br-ule .wi Oa Ibe abt-al.a l>.»u Pedro MS'-eud'g -;M (e.«,.a- —
drev- .. r yon.-g aubfk aiitd ebr bv-y of lac ciuatry .o tbe name bt Pbuip 11 jr-o •
, Han It nil beaa f .r that htU. I«bi p
lb* top-,- .b- bad appan-atY of S;.a-o. aao lai J t-.c (-oada-.otiuf Ue ; r-.,
rater . ,k„ woald bare awcpi-apoa a darb ,
city a-aciy ibree banded aod (fty fronriy a a. e. (i >a .-f e
re aod—well. wdalA It aal -bbvb ,
•l-.agwcahle (. flow.- tbougl t: feat, a^o
, r ck'
-It . \e« bug.abd
------------- ---a
v.ea deatbf-fa-e-ui-n iM.'. JearwwI.
Aunt - • -a
-'Hctn«.(.in.'boa beard
Hencndri wa, a ehar^ewri.-i;ai<y .
| ...--------- blrbaAdw-ueeu-aya,
------------------------------- .
that E. icl iia. moB-y. aod be ie deter- na'dc.'OiM and Dloddtbir.ty old v-;: .an i f :r it
|> w.c i-.
II .oc cud only ace , Toerc arc bb entclcr dr b'.nodirr payt, I i.ina
blsia hi! irac :t«hi; bo'i I koow uhal.le Aoicr.cao oiatory thaa Isaac wh ehl.-..
perverac tbisga wobtab'-heart li d.a\ rM>d B<* dca..'bra with the Uu^*aol i theiaraad.
-BcaiBey) who alwi bUetBotsd i
BteoMica la r.a.-.daa-- '
>1 aB->ereial«
, IB.to patrio.aej
pcrar-ti.re .» in* f
tnb ci-.j
.--f li r earn
Aed.ldloarwanth-: 'I keep b.-r
a papuU^OD I
Id anu V.
.\u-.wllbataBd.Bg bw BbfaMal
. WBo.e u-.;l.. Er-rantCa.n a ' -. (pr il».o-ot-ett
a Jrarriwi c.
Xernk*'* ailaiUatoall the
W na. as
n-—avAan.. .ka . .a..___
oeCn«rlev'grouiBaiia;i' Kverara
One woO'.ii rzpn-t
lion 1. worthy-IT a pr oca..
city, wbtcb iia. o.
And Hiv. tiara Varir.Tsai
- t.oo lb a buadred .
eight oa/a aa oorraet
We walk.
any pcr.oaeioa:ddewhdlablM*d
awa* ib bf-o bed vLcacc. •.iboe- •and ib-ia»#rowB everywbeee
g.etd bight
spealiln.' a te,,-, f„r the eopre^cated ' batlof.
Bat aneb ta o-.l me faei
period of 1-t ajioa'.e.
U «viar i-ic vwiteb
enlt-r.oy the lowo oear.y cryil-.a* m-l-a ac'.a.. Viib li
llffbu la* tb*
• theeveniog he 4-1J..M• th,
^•jTbey uy he is
;ot-l-i-ah e i-dieA'-ea luaJ-ro id.-a* and p-a^* . . beaca
the aameofth*
tVe bad
I :awp by navaiag bia tagrra oear tha
AO up Wda-o- railway ata'.iaa
• ia''
to a Mib... 'ul pare with aapb. t d-iv--' of toroceai
batU|. aetiaeuf loasfa ta as B*a>a
atine hivci.ura lsl“'aLy bcd!ss'-*i'^ vaya bod a.groat cuober of toteierB
Aeoixtsak for-h.Oats Vrr-aktvi wa- a earragra aad cbDoib
reade (or lb* ...rd
-t ,‘aVe!r.7LTo‘”b"::‘t^-'-^"
.abac, i •orne.i W\,yau'c ndlel. 'Vou cae W^urtoelve .ow.miBg.mj oLo.o* ’ «'Hfd‘ka. buo splayed aroaM lb.
hare year cbuice if a hotel where you
can .ive very .c-)oif;f«i>.y forl.Uia.
>• t.‘V I td un.-urlta whiie l«i
Tlii* is 111.- lime ..f the j
D.| .ll.il-n !*Tcar> 1> it for a.. ■«. a fay and op
the diinp aa ioi^- •
.-bde-lfl 'i/.-aa- ,0.1 by
A. w,
liio'-’afl-'y fatsi.lpe wlthtb.
be etarie.
Aagi.*v-oe .might a'm.*-l'^be
-Elhe'..' »hvuid,-loi.or*}ooou- at 3*.-iy.
r. (
t hoUI.
hou;. Ttey
TLey are
are of
of al
all11 icr. i-..'.,,.* o-.i,^e: toaa ..rg,.,,:* ••
r tireS of
“ ■
• ' "inet -h.ogi-. oy tbeaeeidaat—Weat , i>
.[ ■,
Uorand'r I.
Oier out-buodfvd ill Biicomwful <.(>er«ii jn i
W by raey Keep to ui. Kigfcb
p ae.o. a. M ■ opatempia-.iiJ oariaiand ..aa
'^■•^“'MiuMoraod'--ami Burruumlinif cituotT}-.
.K utiaraiil e bgmi .ifiveir
A rereii wN.eraiy-r»* narrow j AoaAa'.a aa-.d ni. a^veeal of the i ''
' Y k“
1.1#^ Him .trr-i* wi
ed wlia hr-aelf, bat aiie
vrilb every fariiai-*- set by '*
the leli laic ' oid Ina-..urged
b'- bad (oreiga facea, tbeir eie-baai
reler^ toarlat.
"I rikilad oae fti
keek.. .-'U-rt t ratke.r early
•_iy bt.eoeica aed high gardea
■ paiace la Seollaad aad v
oVioekthroagh wboae open door oce aogai a : win I i’gat and the vev'ta-.ioB at
-Early: Not a bit lioyyand.
•a tfeo
■‘.male we di e t m>d cn.-l paper* a-> ................................... .. _
yoyr bat. aol' terat » wu.ek madt
. at large
ica wrapper.
Kaiioe tuoal perfeev.y de .•-loaM keep la tke right aad nak
be along guiek ■■
lo^ charaiing abd peculiar amoog all •eloped-crrature wekaw •« the ntaed wky. baibeeatdaeeoeld not t
(Dt.lb ap.l-of her evhonatiooi t-i *»if:.r<bO rite.
Kul the t>i- ure-.iae
jed SaraMi-tsli .mri-d to'hera. f atraef. of'e L-cii tear; .1* oengiiicd Ui
. be baJ la.«ed It op la ...
percr.vc liiai Kibe-Hjol .log.re' write, have a ir j»i c.a.rrt 11 be a D>a»
’errotf la the ;
pala-e bad foood tbat aoarly Mb
.oog eooBg). io ben UWB ronm io .|ot feature df M Aueualibc~
AugoaTaer aamv I
fltor wa* p.laud. emd
■geber b.ace'late bret.lknol
brea.lknol for',
for a bate
bare beet.
beet, w,<lr:,ea.
w dciisk. and ofl'
oa on
«*““! »'•' Me (rMb
.BiBg 'll-.)- bulterdr bow of roa: - rtdeet
^deti oolidioga
oolidiora aod
aad lilgt;
hlgo garden
yard, walla >d,
„ u,. a
Tbeoamrof Uudt
'day ww «e.
rlbbuo-’aad to rearraagrlhr have beea-----------beea topt-foolrd
' ' --------by modi
|a eesUMt Urr« Ib
if >Lky b ack l^r that. provemrBt.
aot eew lu bt wir'd
lode-iJ. 'li* L-la'a-d that the ; ‘••'d brapie . IM fra* paint bad
.. -.. ---------Aaco.-Jae TWre i.-ooago of the old Poaer. Lroo ia it. buildUga aad fur-1
T^*'l** '
■ad fort!
. rcmaiaiag tograt fy the ror.ta.iy *e*k.
rt« |!
«P4 «i
The ConHiiental Assurance Co.
lsbmb»srt4tit«tio.-k 'a>«:>*Ej. with a .-aeb aplulof «»MOOO: Mtbla*
topfliep h
.re-»«i'a(M (lox-vn dopwHed *lib tw Audltv of'
Btawtsr protest’oi etail nVUrJu-ds-, , bUp>l-«i«ara .trIetW ap-todaUi rl*be
bMB.tklUI-tnoity. Oj'bnspllal tickets r<*s
atesal la
-1 du.................................................
«roft'i>liVi'ar^Mpl"'* uVbliUtae ir yaa dssirs aay j
ra of sillier auUsat er betltk i««is-aatc dr.baipltU ueksu. yaa/
Mtd s*9 ear (are I
Ta bt atr« clatbsletd l( JOB will ^
will bemaoctksr.
hem Boct'ksr. Be
Bi amber the Cjetiaaslal latbcaiooaar
sal-. a»
yea wUl
OaapMj wrlUBf aecideetbas hraltb -aaeraoce 6i(il aad ass
\V. H. HAKnV.M.4r.^>ritf*i-aisi^lcbl«aa.
ttcviABLa AND raOMrr
Hack, Basand Baggage transfer Line
;r.. ■
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game,
/'.‘“a'rrtraoii ..1
tresh- Saif and Siioked Meats, Sausages Etc.
fr. BS080H ft solve.
a/E S
Front StraoL-
W- cr. HIOBBS.
„„” 'Eisrtr;?:
Travel^* City. 1
Fish for Lent.
A choice line of Salt aod Smoked Kish just received.
Aojtbing you want in this line
The highest market price paid for Batter and Kggs.
jOHLasr J.
Broaeh Block.
248 Front Stmt
ME ME ■AblfFr""-'-' •*“1 C*h
—- (it'E -----------------TOU MObCT.
• • lU-s
;,.v i;.. „ ittamN-i
- • . -■ -r., I'a-air. . . k-r. e.i.
firm a*rii-a. r.e .t..wrSi-..
4. Acrmuw « Abw.
« Iwwu
w« mb baw Mint ew • Ime
Gold Dm Wukmi Powjicr
tsai mad Bbls BtaUt is OsMMMka.
Sbr tbiok. *he aball aceJoIiab Mo-'‘enfor hour after hoar or eves for day
raod.'aheibooghi tebrrwir"- iVe i .after day.
perbap. weaba''. I am pat-iag myte'f. 0.t*o(tbe Srti thiar. that auraeit
early Sp*or
raurely iota toe baoda of Lack aoi ibe aueenoe of the VMrmt a. he ieace.
loce "
, bta aol-1 aad aal.ie. forOi to »e* the Waat. rikriobc Brat
d then
the Hr.raae , tigBte. ■■ the extreme aarrowpraa
oarrowpna of
fneeye trar'.ia^roto tac gate
Maa; of' them
lioo. ioetead of tiog-Bg
Jg (crmaLy
are ooly
Ibe oa.-^mr| p^
front ooor. Mae Martel' w-at ■ f •«» miri-en W B'twtE feel wide
aroobfl.la the b.-V
.orgr eiroet.
' waich
vraich ruoa tomugh lb* ueo ap
tmek to -a
-le eairmaee. all tb
rioftbe a ■Id.og^,
ackleaaod t^oaipet
-1 alwpy* gain h: ■■ ebeaaldla If oaai
thalaaily la reply ' . Cvhel'a re.
A -.bat ri
S«. Moraao >
rreaeuTT etVeet. whUb Ibr |
iTo ;a«t like •
bar Moraad.
l^r i a-d a-’.iv eMi^reiuew't. tbear twa m*j ,•
IB 1br klleiec
Bla.gh ‘f
u-ccnloriag It aa rwa aod
pattero *
prjOa'b^T dwv'o.r..,- t^ .e.
igve ill' ahe c
given 2> aafrate'dr. LeaeboE
,lr'osul I get i>
.._a'og r.ateiovite aldra
." eatd Sara.
be . oer eee'i to . the rai.e of adj
ilisg for ua brrrr
.bu-ld-ag.. eiaaped aaede ac-naa it W."
da-k biae tb
■Katie the lu .* aaid BtbU
AiaJ'oatdiCu <y. Bet veb'ci*. of all k.ol.
la BiOl-ael wi.h tbe
dowB b , the window, wbere '. are ghat oat ol '
e famoo*
M the orighi aa'mva of
ira. Vnlaed ia btttlnof wa-er, ’-e-'e o1t itrrel at- m%l
■eepiag like .-rero i*weU ae-ok* in-, ataadiag iU pof toe uraataeetatiooa.. Tala 1. v.-ry.
-yatalpano. .fplaa-.
booee. It baa iae ;
rieb Ob Ue towe-a aod ia tbe c.ort:'
"Sae’da- " She aurtrd aa the voi w . dirty ailev.
it i»
H el
aberpreoi *..*vaUeru* lbeee*o ag
Spain wept ber ireaeore." bat ehe Ibdaad. Uc biUr-Qict big.i ap'oa Ue
before come roaneg d.,wa the bi-k . don't e«aa need aaevee foot alley, for
nie oa t IPi (ret aqaare
•talia. "Canfnnad y >« a-1 down Ise-r any parpeae wbaievor
wbyanea'i my aoota talackcoc:'.' liat: the AmerieaB oa-.iacat ta liai* yeaeol fiat Imareealoa. a oae of tropical apl-a
die l‘ulB..TlBea. roaw. ecsiary plaal .
Mother: Ne. '
Waat'a-breotae of mj ' Crra-* IU.10
Olaata .mage to aonb
broakfaat: Yaa aa.t think a Bab ba.
8 'tvorge aireet. brf-.re m*bVloatd
king to aobu;to’'e he'* aod Ta.toaaae. ibrnagh ibe aacioai eiiygato- .._..^fi“u . ..
Jait a word about Ut garden It it
■ V:
errridd for Ut* aoB deb Io tram
eea and (I ,w
-were, dat* palma.
:portofth*^tygaWaMu>a«ordpr». palm ---I. creamy
--------- ---------------magnaliae.
There erat DO reply ae be paaaed.ap ; loelKm to tbeecstlMM wboaee
parcetly eapeeUag ooe.«-Hotber- we* lead ward, itill reeulo la a (air
dawn ia the garden aadera big graea . prwrraUoa. Thee* are aluai
rlldoraeee ol beanty.
<>*e moat a*e
“Bbooaet. galhariag aearlat cheeked of
o( the old dl^wall
city • - reaalaiM**^10
natocatordiaaer. --.Seii - waa la tbe .aaetme wuk Ui
We were p*rmif*d to falk tbroogb
wtyard mekiBg red re aad aamBa: The** tower*,
Ue lower aio-y o' tbe hatei Toe door
ivea oat of the gold aad raeaet drifft ; fo-i and all Ul . _
wa* opened to tia by an immteala-.«]y
r like PaaHm of pradoa,;d^wor*
wore Maalraetod
Maairaetod of bloeEaefco 7-°^*"?”“
dteaaad C'-.lored man. wbeae white kid
etoaee apoc Ue
iqEiaa, qaarried oe Aabtull* (viand ia 11;.., JX-Id k«.Uw .
of "pauen
kthe) Baal
-------- aateoiortog ot lime and perhapa
and half trightec^J. Ue aale aadiUua. : have bememe Si«T.
Uree borea we nave namod
Mr Morapd'a o<;arraUeM
aoil they (ora a
,li bo.lt bkb by
■tone domp ! At tb* time Ue Brltlab look pMeev
ibla a aaatlael elikda Wm *Bod
Tha Beat «Ca(MU(
. ^ tag little tblogi well I. tbk bM
of eapl-.a'.
A yonag maa iftb
bxt ^ibimtei b^
( m prmeUaa law ia a town'^
aakcJ biB haw. aedar tha Imaartl
e*., he ei wetod to maka a Ildag.
"I boar 1 may get a Hula praaNu.*
wav tbe modeat imply
It will ba very IiuU."
tepUad IBB
B^wil deUailUUa««U.’«M
He «
•d oat hia -------------nlliM
The luit
Urgar oa«a.aod ia tiwe bt haanmam
ftba BoaldtaUbganhadJariala a<Wi
Coaactoaa la aGoCmHf«. Caai.aa K
BoaOT raeei __________ _______
t.ld Haelar.. laraarly
«< that aa^
It now of Eaoavilla. Tbaa..______ _
ir ild’i^v.
_____ KIl
un hear yoa
aloB of Ue dty ia
breaUe and yoor dreanteti___
__like to have baea vbo I
ntlr Jaal
yonragiipaa. art to amwera fdlow
IK. you boar. 8oeT
Biaak ay booa.
w.vadervia Br .cm.
Beet Livery In Northeni Michigan.
H'o-oir-l in. SesisoxL.
gi^i^Vb «>,.
JIS “-z' “iztis
: c-bc ibraw wide Ua dear la
V bad lb they albsipvd.
Ry tac tide 9< tbs It* they
■ tb.-:rcr*<t. aa.-b<»bar boaadi
Brosch’s iMealMarlcei
Padi] Balm Cored Tbeo.
Pbsai in.
iliiiiig purpoecA aud for (li.-rnriai<-ters
. ^ i». CAJcroUr-rar
"I tblak bin I
Sbe aas a ii
•}^ ktrl u( !?.
Tr.ru.. City. Hicli.
Briiu; Pr««criptinQs ami Famil}- Kut ipya U> tia.
right, with di’UKs tbat arc right, at prii.y-k that ate rigtii
»kvu xrt b'^ fark >k draui-r roaai • Ii» rsrd.aaao
K aao;
at V
1- b^tar
brtic K
aer ol
w to t-.c ! tt'a MTI lMiat aa
. toaiiar likr r.0 sad oraarr awtson.'dps B. pad tor f • ‘ w~e.. ..... .
r f
S«WMI« •
'bad. tsmdad tbiiiph thr wi . Etar A‘.nt6 ('(raaBSa
‘Bbbi eoaU nu-. nalsi tae trsptailoa .<
attaan laealrd baw
solo a pcaiol hcant
to E**ak
Tbi., tbss. wa. b-r id»a. amsof , crcni
lB‘.t fort waft
—- -............. ................. M... t*.
•-..oeUy ana b,.s>i ca-d.:a(
bme (loan i.c eta's at t:
• ...■. . 1 ana; be. b.ra Ijvj,
aibarr a (liMpis bt
'b’lcgo-i' r bed at o.U'o'cI jcs -i
aer. r.KiBw or Onakeone of u
I IB Ibf wibdaw bar
u-jrn'ar, wbi c B.a aotker »Mil
lo«.-uBi-al» of i..f kafv, •cwa.B.
Iba nay ray abCM
dliac tod p.ckcd loaal wa -alut
wan ..
auk varK-aa laai
; varceab c aavdra'
Ls-ssa-ro;ot ce-.iv aoa ewIT-t. .* air m
Afurs wbiU
. .kJol.anrclMr J. Mb MaraM ofl
rtwt of-a:.- .na«» of ii.cec.b-f
-V door.
aeaiM. or at Isa.i Jocbswl
.. r X ...
bi«b D»dr»i*l in tac cat aatuw df
>• Bibri Hao^d'ow'a
Sbe told t al trs Mere; Haruli *
freaew UoKJcnvli^ >':.
‘i Tb---------add rise bbM«
^t'f lac l.ioir.llou I
' laev wore aafvat hoac
r d*a di
lasalata loafcla( ma«.
-Aaei -.a
abccib. -I S'. Ihor i cent Sc .tseraic eiai
rdic.bll isaMafelbb- ••la Elbe’- onybl. di-w-.
iC«ufaa.>..tn luoa.
•VO aaartaara
Tbsy bawWy
-imkfwi her
to lead n. w accrpi satme tacc ,
HIsaHanc; .'imrfwi
abon'dera ■, prt>r.'to
saa, ia bad ■«
■flawoiid , end qjcataliy tbaakwl
ineVr -taca ' o-a ciaryca of bpasab era.
.Bkwl ber
WsjasCsouy Baak Bid*, DSIBOH
M. aisrt. TrafCTM t:U]. Kkb
- Mj Wiiuwr Bof>. B> ■> W.M.
I Paa. L.a tar »> .wwl » i.
rt.ae^CanM.arM»r<wi ai
a-" ^^'-"--IPAT E NT S.
Asa thro orrerMaa to wkDm bewa*
aOdrauma hioiaelL br rtsrvd
^ back.
back, tsrsiBf
^MM» Hart"
Ii.u r>«.
Aarojso'iinr to uo.a.13 .
•Hell L I ». UMt. imui L ( I. ua.
Plate OUm. 3(41 n nil ar
latiklkSl Mr Jaum
r Md 4iaba«flr4.
: I wits BSkmat hslr asi_____
«. (rallo)lT t*is chs.«awhu«. ha.iassi
toha 1|(«|
>l>e coast.
earrad nsalh sad m an
h}* paesle sx.asd (etr a -aoiar-'
SMUptf^atlM knwai
CwtBB* b( mHm Tarksh dr^aaiaf
- 1m
Wr w. bad .
COws.i(aiad prar!-eo>or«d sa^hvr psrsaat^ h:4 ava-kinrid (sat thniil iaw>
rorraapoodlac aullop la tbs littM^
-o-n wr ani th-o-a.
-K_ aod ttal Itss o« sbora Aadssannit
-I tar joe" hfiBulrd oai: -why .,r
"jM'ud 'ato th« i^«'..^j*bnbJj SIl*
Money to Loan on Improved Heat Estate Only.
Atloracyaat Iwa,
> Insurance.! g
W«* braol a (sw rrliabli* m...
' ft-pn«»Dt tilt- btioziB««t bsd bt«t
lAccideot and Sicluiaab luDraDce
[Compbnj in Uis world.
IbttitJpd witfaost (be ttioa) mdioddI lobiucm Blocks FliuDe TH
;d( red tep«.
O. P. Carver
a«ia«. MMnUa '
Pw ilttl....,!! BMUKi
UO-kLU. 4H.uk. kUU k.
U« are
h b.i.t ... k.1 glonda'Byroad.
iweaal bcddrM mile* la iengu. aad
D C. U*ca
_______________ be "a fiav apadmaa of
UealUlBiy cagUenrlag of that age.'.'
Bat U* old SaaalarU of that d^ were
E<chv--{Wifa. «a y
In no hany when Uey were detag 1 aa lth*a;hoar- Mn
Ueir erarh.
Ubookthaa ■aariy I4b daar.w^NUr- r
yaarvbehaad Baa Karoo TWowwa
rdcvwy wort thati*Ba ipahM.gNl
lid baapparaat (aU. hat aaaaw
•- ta aova a aaaeia er nttor a omA
friend. »«ee-lfw.wn.CK,.>ay,m.
Jebm B BobUadB. who la itililn
a o*a of Ua rlahadt aaa is UtaMH.
aa tha lartba SMlanUea bt bimlm
laa largaai dtaaiad U tha w«hL
waafoamlo. A* gjawcad B.M a*iT
HIM RtteoD CUb.
*«»M« TiMt H Oim*.
Tk. Bla* SIMM Clsboftta nnkl
MM. OMiMi MkaM. »w rrta»r MM.;' >»*«< *>* MMo<-HBMM-.tW0|BM
MtMtioc of
Iko bUoolar ,o« zss «M ■
B.JMj olrktiko
•( ItofMW 0>».
abMk*;. ar.
' AMBknitawkM MM«M
. mmm ■»■«* »■*> •>««<«*«»
H.ioralDMCPOM............. Or. mtUw
B- P O. t SMUat
r. T'.a*
_ „
Lod>« No. *U. B. P. a BJm *M b*M
.......... “J!“. *•
TborMor alcbtoad Ik* folloolwoH-
4MMto. WkM ik« nnt w« fm
■•toim •Mj Mill •< Mir Mi> tk*
. iMi «« k aMl ■»}toV oJ,«W.l HU.
it Mm* MtoM «t«*S rrMtoh'.
tdeek JM toa; jou WMk to tba taeak
to wtoM fOB Uta. Seed M jew
•ddttMandMwin aqdalB tbaktoea« toDji reambar tra gaanataae
• dear iTott ot« to rTMj dark ww*.
------. Wniaat
toow mhM
■kPMBo-OiriVofM to PfMrtok
■ ■■i^pM MMM or* MtlfMd to
H^BMaMaktoMi. oad 11 Mor
Mnwtan tkot M «e G
ScetMf*oksao It i* a trapwoB**
r-ooo-Hoekollr aad aOe.
r of ■0i^war>-Jct'O
MO Mptood ikot Uo oMtIa
4 roMOM all ebot
«tlM of «U* opart kaet
«itothoolaapa«*telk*ellU*o* o
UO MM*, tk*
Mjarltr <• toM aod rrtodriok wOl oit
iP tk* omooMm «ka»r Uto f*»r.
WkM Ik* IMolt WM pMlU«*lr
haowa aoM* kMM to waato oad
•ttonkoBoateUll )Mt kow it woa,
kat»UrwaaaDio.Ma* op oamod
Ml M*b kb dafoM pUloapUMlIr■Mol^iBtkdWarto
Tk* kfhtlBr foorth o** prowto el
amber* *ot dawo le oo eijtrobl*
aprood ofr>o<ltr.lon toei
etcp-ie^l H. Wekb.
> &. Al-
ord Kolto. JokD HarMwio. J. D*WUl
dMtlM of tta* P**M 11 rooci Freak
I. Boaila.
HaabM ol Board of Beeleir—t pMn
Haaber ol BMrd of Eertow-l ptor
Olarfc-ObariM N. Neodald.
TrM*onr—BatM E. Baoehaa..
Ooaakauaar of Blrbwar*—Caorj
. _......................
■ “-taBiSi
: "'“'."rtfr.".'
Raauw of OraaiCaap.
ProaiMoea lor T H C A
TbeBaatloy brid Friday nlfritio ibe
QrMt Teal ot Hae«abcM ia tkto city la
The aoaaarat detailed tsio ladlM Library hall tolke fartbtr ooe.
deUolio ton Friday ctMioy. wbee aldetalloo of the propaiUpo to oryaaIbaTraaeiac City Teat. No. *71. ap IztaT. H. C. A. 'loihto citj.wa.at
polatad'..eoamCUee to eoafar wlib leaded ^ yoao* mco iettmted both
*l«U.rc»»1ttM fr«Tra.«M Bay I* ««
«>• e..a«eltotlc
tool. No u... to foraulait deUaiie
U** oryaoUatioo.
to pMb.oy tb. prrj el To.
eoaaitvta cootUl. of Alfred V Ftlcd--m addiMed Oy Mtrral
rich, ehairmaa; T T. Batta. B. L i®*l‘*>* feoil.a.o piewot. Inelodloy
dptayut. M>0 J W
kea. (^uU* ......
U.alluw. Cloy Clerk K ckard.
ti mcM,
: Cbaae. M. I
Fraok Btaiiion.fl.: ^
LOanar. J.« Kird..l. W W. y*i,. H^ry aad oth.a
iblld*. V aok Friedrich.
i The t. H- C A Idea rcecited the
.So Uaa to to be 10.1 Ifthrrtria*
aepoori o( aoy of th. 1^
(obtacchfodto ibcallyM tb. plow : P>*“ •“«**“«* "«*“ P'“ “
Ult!rto ool, it wjl aoao tbaooU.y ota (4
renew to ba held at Uraad Bapld»bi lUm *“a ot aoaay. aad of a yrtal ^
jdaalo' aocryj. bhl tb* orpaDlnUoD '
Tkirsai|i Bsod OmaMoB
JOBM BowlorBakoH iMpoeto lioho i. Bolf*
iMUMof tk* PoaeiiiraU toal Ji
; .
HfBkorof Bowdet Rttloir—Al
J. OcVilM
tkbeol Ie*peeter-A. B. aUaam.
JmUm ot tk* P«oeo. fall U
>oot.*odHarqactl* liootof ot>* waylakooldbc. Tb* piao ic fu.l I. u. b*»* . W
Wa. dparUBC.
Board of R**l*w-JobB P. TUtootoa w far that U wooid area that thi* city I tba actirc acobcnuf the aaoc atloh M We Al'C showing a complete Jioe of 1900 Patterns in
ibohld b.teU
'eoapoacd of CkrtoiUh yooog m*o, who S
Diaia CioaBl*aha*i-OMit« Weld■aOaaa, Bdward T.'lkoen. Oodtr*r O.
Ibhreyeeenl eootrolorcr ibc uryaol-l!
. . ShotA ahooUayaecldcnl that m-yhl baa* 1
eoodoet r«liyloh» aatlisyo aad j V
aHeOslIp. Wa. Orir.
Wa. Hearo. Wot Tlllei
did. oeenrrrd ynsarda* afecreooa.! »be odTaaetmeni of the atembm ot U
aod reaoltad InCiartDM BhcRtr be t the oryao i.U» alooy iotalleeiaal aad ,(j
Uyabotlo tba left tblyb, the hall
potaloy eollrcly tbivayta the tolaaddliiooio tbi* it toplaeoM u>
Tbaalctlaofl'ieaccidratiatbe aoa.btaclatb room<. W to atabtra of , V
ofHr. aodMra. A. F-SbeBrrof .North i
aMOelaHo". “■* *
Eawood btcboe. aad to a lad of Jt fTaoM>““-K> be 1a chaiy* of aoaa | »
yeara- Hr bad borrowed a K caliber j ““orieat'“Iraetor When the idea i (•
raaelaertroaBoalybborboy aqd »*.! U carried oalio fall.Umay laclodea'to
la tba barn cleaafoy the loe« He
baa. ball tram aod other ^
foryol that It wai loaded, nnill hi* at. jatfalaU*oryaalt*ti.>ea
a oftbe )
d to lb* fact by tthe' It to
k probable that a
lead.isy V. H. C. A worker* ot Ibe
^eM belay
ttarocyh tba left ley abbot bait aaie will be ealW here to belp In yei I
way brtiyeen the hip aed koea. He. tiny toeoryanittlioB oa iu fen It'
walked low the houM and aaeooeeed WM the preeaiauy Beotimetii that .ocb j
wonid be the beat plan.
that be wa*akoi.
.^fll lllllin
teooaotonrofu. B.B.Ftop*}oa
MOiiMi tktOMk witk a boik BapabU«*o«*lMttra< 1. kol Jako WOkala
r obewtv to bk
tokot.br a Bojorltr el
- — -
Paaeal taU.tara) HlB&Hto to ildirwo. kotdoooph B1c«m
iwnoatbptkaaaaUMt aaioritrpo*oMaaodotoarod tk* alaotka kj a adHM7*ot*acolMi QUIatt tk* Bapeb-
•ebaelIe*MetM-«a*ldO. Cdark.
Sehool iBipoeto-J. B. Fradkli*.'
JMOMoftk*P*oe*T-Wa. P. Uay.
Bcatd of B*ti*w—Bek*rt Hr Bijre-
toU* toa the alootleo el Beoad.
WBkHa aad BUdtr eo the OUi
HtookaU-tkaetkar BapobllMa Mrd
tototoBOBoalMtor- Tk* ocmqImtoieltha eaoMa will oow b*thrM
a artbod of procedure and to perfect;
plan* to eaabtbe project. Thi*coa- ' (
Bitte* will meat at the oie^rofli.- I) |(
B Cbtoia the Bamiitoo a' Ulll-.k.nif
block tbto eacnlny a.Bi<<.iK-k Tk< .
Goamittreeootiatao' li.-. O K Ckarr. ]
Daolrl B
L J. Baddy. Lari T Pcneicirlar. M. *
a Holley. P. U C«rtta,A.'W. K vkrm '
•ttbeayeoirt Bre. S. Salabrry ot aadThareaHarrae.
Jik city oOelaled at thr fnorral wbieb
f. ttodUlae.
ocearrad a: Coprmkb Firday. Ba
laiaa a wife aad foar children.
alLaded the Injured boy. and dreaaed
ronnd. The II }o^. wbllaa bceere
oar. will beal all riyni nbleat compU.
n>ari«e. ft it but tboaytit that
oa* la Injored.
CeoetaUM-Beaer Ooro. JahD Rroo.
^ Jr... Da>ld E*U*r. Horllaar U.
Otok-WUllaa Daeidaat
TrM*arer-Wttlu4 J. Netooe.
Ooaalaleaa*. .pf Blchwva-Darid 8oper*Iww-J. B. UaaUtoe. .
Caark-B E Waltoi.
-P. I. P
Blrkwap Om
PkrJMlleaef P*ae»-D
Heaber Board et B«*law—B. Uara.
dekodl laapMlor—Wa. P. OaHi
Q**aa«* el Poor—Chta. A. Traer.
: OmuM«o-Joaa Baff. TtMO. Wll
Jloaa. Albert Oroaaead. (. J LrJe.
Volad v?t to road laoroteaeat
too fall BapoUlMn ward ilekau
atotoUa tk* PtfoVTklrdaad riftb.
Alto Ik* rotoTM WOM aeoatad
b WM doedod witk *i
Hk kea* oo :
Velvets, ■ ^
We can pell yog cajpHs as l< w as J2}<c. Lowell's Asministvrs at $1 25 and !
a^great many in between. In fact yon will find here ifie handsomest patt.emi J
I anlS^^t economical prices all thronch.
AH^ays pleased to show the new patteras—they sell themselves.
WTilhelm Bros.
j Cor. Union and Eighth 8U.
South Side Brick Block. <
1 ward Utar la
TktIoUewito ao
ootkaair tbtoi:
LkGrippe made yem tired, ■
ran va tired auL Yoa i
tired in muacle and tirad is
teein. tiled is body a«d tired
in miBd. Your br^ ia tited,
jour nerrea tore tired.
tired ell oter.
You an
I the mL._
tBj £d vou did iriiea
tired at niEht Yop
lect—redt for jour broiBOut
Berm and joar wvarj biaio
—real that trill irlre ^ur tired
' recover. You
bodj a chance to
canit right awy
.- —A « aend^to jew draggirt
Oerb—Stepbro L*ata»r.
TROiBier—Aodrew J. Wktt*.
JaiUea of Ike Peaw ifoll twal Will,
laa W. U*r*lB.
.......................... TbOMM W. Good.
iMpaetor lie til vaearcrl JckebooilMp
Mph w< oiekc
■r of aifkwv*-TkoBM*
W. OoDd.
Haaber ot Board of Baalow—Jobe
•Trod Tarraok Gaoige
SSEA.S!U::;;::::S ”
Jobbero aod DeslAra in
necraekre jit b*. Iktu MippUnint Iiy Ihe'Unoeda Jlfljer
Wajrfer to*. Tb* U» Ih-it Lee;* ii.con'.mu *.« (rrsb atlie day
Ibry ean>e from tbeoren. When >■>« cppriilecTaTc* a fmth. awcri,
^intctBoncitryaUneeda Jlnjer-Wayfer. Kecpii>ei«*
when you* mtry Uwmuflea. tVbeie Ute children nmn yet ibem a*
Jinjer Wayler
ftos. Joko Toteoaao. Oaole)
awk-Wa1t»r B. a alKek.
TrtMOttr—Job* DaUall
JmUm of tkc Pmm ((all tai
dl B.
JaaU^ tke Peaea «t jeata) WUI-
Onp Cent,
Samples and Prices
Bebari iBipeetor-DaaW Hiot_
Hea bar ef Bawd et Baaiew—Woma
iaxoho .
Don't put it oir but get it todaj,
aad jon wUl hare thednrt night
of toothing, street lebeah^
tf^^jou have had s^nce tba
grip first got jm Iin Itaolutcdk
LaCrippt *M tbt dlMM* hMC M
aek«b.t«etk>a4*u..lrTtntkl*(. I
hadotounasTwl* otea _r bcott. Mold Poiear.
- " -urtluce. vt>to*d««a. wt*k.MT.
JmUm of lb* POBM ((all tera>•aoadMiblcWUwp 1* <■
IkM *a aad bad oo BtoptiM
t bte** uUm D>. HUt>- Ntr*
:ard at laaiaw Hat
■d U.Hlki' Htat On uid Dr. Mlto
a Panip
FolfM. Batb Pteotr.d iba ECkaadaU.
Atepdear. s.eu
raotodallr raewM
SSi-raii........ “ "
Z 7* -TL*.** ■ rw«.
ew MAktRi,e I
Sictessots to
TmusoCitii looter to.
BvporTtoor-WUlloM tokitk.
a«rfc-rJehB-&. Iteripuro.
OMOt tk* oImmM whl«k ompM
iBllMlllr UM M MieMOMMponikot
IbBM HmUIm wm oaUBMitto
tk* iBktt^ olMOlt IB ifc* e»r. Tk*r»
John F.Ott&Co. iSSHtilYl
r iha pro- I
tct. li to rspaeiad ibai tk* Optra will
Bitaemod Uetartap Ko>rbt-P. B M raadj for proaeataiiOB by U* Aral
lef Jaaa. boi Pro' Bwal aart Uat ii
’’ditmurr *»■— ■ Hole.
' **" ®“* *" pr**eet*d ooul It to reoUr
TM—ri. 1. r. IUM,.k.
lkJ-««to*p^foMUoo.mi toka o
: OapUiB Heloloab wUl drill
Tr>*f—A. C. Uetprao. '
Idraroou Tke Chora, will MwVrrtry w
ChopUl»-E H.siaoM.
!Toatdayt*raiBsaitbtboat of Pro! ll■rBlSebH|,
looerUtard-ioo. MsBehi*. .
tk* ladia* fnta r le « aad
TroalM t ^*ot*—P. WotxtMirt.
t fc. ooi
TroaiM % jrort—S C. DNproo,
■■PaUaoM' lo
E.ittined toyal Eolcbl-E k
n* ThM •Bi«. vbtak WMlIj fl*«
•topaWMl MtolV
■mr>Mrleh«B»iwHrot4. !»»«•
BMtkMltaaiMtoaafrriadrta n*
rwatoiir mom. k» «• wh
toutk. Hr rrM
iM’kvnmd.n'kkta » attol^
•I«Tm4H «m bM
■ttfMMbrMirMiB tk* nftbMtokMot Ik* Tklrd MUM It
AfMT Ik* MUiM MM to Irea U*
I ttot
MBmmMimoU (6 e
BtkMIMra «M
pNltoBBkllxcMMB 1
iBMifcnr.-, •inlM.
to Wtoto
,n....... ................--B«*'«»».
oil Wool
Dry Goods and Furnishings
«> carTT a
Uiie u( Coiplele Sticl li Eisi Depirtia.t.
Cuk M«i m* Rn Mm « NM Aw VWIM ME
Tialorae -UwUlpaTTOO
Bicycles-Bicycle SuDdries.
Sgeciplties: Brizii{, hlciiiziis, Eiameliif.
OB and I>etarj811 Fnmt8t.
Woodward Are. and State St...
From $35
We are determined to Biakk I WUttMbaiiDer World 7«Ar in Traaerae
-yaTene uitj.
Oitj. ana
and u,.—
make tb*
C above Optional offer on all wb««b aold prerioa to April 1st, After wbieb daf It ^ be with
: drawn. Whv not begin lo bnj jour wheel nowt Yon won't miw tl each wwk, and when the
— riding •eaaoa open* jnar wheel wilt be nodj aad joa wont have lo make a large <towa pajmeat
to begin with.
Repairing and Enameling.
.Nowi* dM time to han jour old
Mow. Storago H«oa.
overitaaled aad Teaaapelad. Bring th«B la
. I win reaoamol joa'r wbaal aaj eolor. Eeoat work, baking anamcl aod varakh, eleaa alt tb*
bearioM aad,tm the wbaek. alain. vamiab or witoial the rima; aU adjotted op in cowpiete mm.
■^U^or themnaU wm of^2y>. lathe tarwi^ Capa, OoBsa, Axiea aod Sbafla to otdor.
The Tayior-Woolfenden Co ,
nou Onto
TaUpheaa IM.
Tm Mb M eSMh IM, brnm
m. ■*.
•tiMM 'lbt tiibbi cUafl* Bill at
Mar ‘n* cat awM* ot I.4M MO
tkc to»«<r!»K aapwl «" =
aawyar. Bnxb BeaU>«rrfi Ub-
Hav Beoka Mr
L- A-
aMrdto tba L«dka Libcvr loi tba
Tbt Black Wolf Bread-H. Oiakaaa.
The 8bia ol 8ura-m. T. g«m«r
Black Bxh-BOpb Cwaar.
To Ban aad U> BoU-HarT doBaaea
Tha bup BoU.cn-B'*- Alaaaadar.
Tb» D«ar Iriah Uirl-C. Taama
Withtfaord aadCncitta t B V.a
TraTaraa Cnj Boy a tac«iota Barry ba* recrina aurd of Ihe
dBtiaetJOo of Bfdie HrJoyal. a lad
•be waafoTMcrlj a ■••aeWeT bay la
tha loeal Waavaro Ualoo tairrrapb of
•«. Aflar Inriar ihla elly Bddia be
caau esplojrd la iba care of.rada*
' haaaar >od rradaaily becama ah espan
' rMar. aatil ba ailalaad ibe aiailaciloc
•tafat! fladcod j«k«T A oopjofa
.VaoOriaaM paper fl.^ aalaMreal
li^ aceraeV ol an aielllp* race oa
Hairt 17 which waa' woe by Prfpea
•f Varoala. a raaaor *blcb yoaoB Be
. Jgpai ■ooBtad. Tha raoa «aa the
•fMlof aba BaattaraiHl Efdla we*
ClaMaeanaof Plow tor bia pari la
aaaolW »bara aba wCI aUla few daya,
baf no ntaraiac to Bik Baplda
BMBaod PlBBaear of Baaaalaw.
acTind here Uat onalac for a few
Br. aad Bn. W. W. PaMIU will day.'* alt with bar alaMr, Bra-«■ C.
CeteBeyaa «ty today teatlawd the Ptaaay of »I7 Praaolla atnet» A Batura
Oaorca Uaae toft toat otobt for Oraad
faaaral of Albvt B. Wlekatt
orrllta oat
Bapida. nbare ba will sake bla persa- wltbablc«aiW'4seo.
Kta OotOnBl of Blk Bapika. la aaat base. Kla (asiiy will fallow to oiybt faot deep la saay ptoeoA saee^
aialUDC Hra. W. C. PlbbOy «l *17 aahdn usa
by drifiA
Praaklla atnat.
Tbe Pert Barjo Balt Cr.roeoaUy
Baa-A. A. Wall weal to Daadoeyea- TialUac tbe f.mly of bar brother
nraa ead. la aeroUaUar far the oaiabArtbar darla* tha ntotar, baarataroed
Uabseet el tall bloektoi COyaya Ltka
K«t. J. BtdBMT Baraai pataad to ber base to g labM.
tbreapb thr city yaatorday oa hie way
Prank Pnediwh m t loBatieky.
ay w.U raaacaaur toiba aolt UatV
fiooi ChlaaiM to:t»moaa a*d Sauooa Urday oo batioaaa.
Tbe lea hae stead o«t of Bartoe
bay •hero oa «tU Hold aeraloae tOBorWaiaidA boiltb. editor'd thaCta»
Ur-’i Scrltoe'
IUHe cl'u /aaUr- rirer. It ie aaptoWd It wlllptoraoat
Bra. Pr«d War^i - baa br»a oaller* diyrlalUocaodaUta* aptbaatoclks of tbe bay to a day or two.
TM Slack rinr at Port Baroa It to
aUraad Baplde^th. -'law* of her proapeeta.
ter. J
Jacob BSrb
POM amorrCer'e berorrd.
= Is eprlay flood aad ie a racioy lorrpat.
dooe de-oeyc b«i beeo deoA
Btoa blaacha Kallay of Oraad
Bra. Rpod ol Tor<± Iska la rlilt or
Biplda. fo-o>erly of BayBald. waa eallBapida
Bra. barab Bird fall dead At B>y '.1ty
rrlaileei la the eliy.
Sbe ws aDfayad ie
B-Beooeil hae ralaraed Ires a Beadey boos
iiey boaeaaed waa elABdioy oa a
trip to Brlc&loa aod Oatrolb
> wbeo abe pitebad onr forward
Leoebboareoaboo f'or
aad eyptrad als ni
weeki' TUlt to bar rraor
BlM Cleaeeetlaa Bold iworth
Paal. at YesA
Ueeibc raeterday to *>dt bar
•er elaieae tbt yeaeyect editor of
Cborlea 8. Brekmao left yMierday
who la tho laeiraetor to drawti « at tbe
to the eUU ot
for a three waeka' r
Aprlealtatal ColtocA
HleUyae . Halt Paa1 Baeiwood.tbt
It Pelera wae to 'tlM Oty tros
aooolC s Eietwood. the editor of tbBta 3 Paaotoytoo
BaoMWa yeaterday.
Boser Vidatu. Ba s 7 yaara old. Tbe
BlsPIoraaea Bolsaaihaa (OBa
.•oaolibe pabUstus to tba Small
CrAOdaloIUrawa ww
allCbla to uha ebarye of tha ^adwel
Paal Oeielie
dty yaterfla*
(toott Wood ward ia hose for
Three lade cllaitd late a taal oenr
Bis Oaorpta Berraa wUl
lbeylaetaetofTatOfandBH.ide Tbe
from bis work at E liworlb.
eeailoa arat waek wltb ralaUna at
EB Pratt wool to atwod ooart at
B Md biyb aad tha boal became
tPbita Clood.
ayeableABd eapaisad
One boy
Uke Clly yreurday
fleorxa W. WUktoa ot BaatotBP. la
Wasb has yoee
ietaVaieaca. The otbar two Bsird
eialllec hie pareata. Br. aod •'
triptoOraodBaaldaaod Fort Wsyaa. idowa tberleeroe driftwood.
Wllktoa of Waablartoo attoal
BabyKboi Baontour. eyed ». wbesa
Bta Ayas Wrankie. aa cap
}me to lo Urtnit. to eaid to btdytoy
sUltoer fros Clarelaod, arrirad to tba
i Anrlao with oeaU Briybt'e dtoeaae
city yaalerday. She will act ae
Baby BaoDtour hae boea to tbeebow
(toparieWodaatC.B Hera wiU apser foe Bie W. O. Lawrtaea tbie era- beelaeae etoee tba wm eae sooth old.
earoBthepro^Taseftba coanolloo
oppra'toy wlib Eoland Bend. Keleey
Waltor urobbea it to the city oi
ShaoDOD. Aaaa Held. CbaaBcey Oioou
*' witbaa aday tros Mllwaakea. wbere be apaet
and Richard Bao.BalA
tba winter. totheBkilltoatoa Ilia
triaai^Ip la tha.OaaUal Iwba baal
Baalr; •«*«- o*>
Baadtf. B. BMoai. I Baartiar*: «aak
an, W. 0b»». L a*Ul4»Ti b>.t«f. f
•01 r> <e Ovtral Lab
1th laUtlaaa than n
_________ __
The Brat cborwi rabaariaJ of —
•PM. -PatleBr.- oae-rred laatfltht at
Aba bra>a of Prof, aod Bra Borer.
a*lM Prtd. Hont’a dlrnl ob. The r. •
- hwaal waal c* *ary aBrioihly. and ail
Um Mrabera of the cberoa art aalbBt'MUaonr tbe opaea- Abo«l M ware reaebar .
f. P. lireer wM the Brat to apply tor
walpr aareiee aadar tha altyh nrlwt.
TbaaeA rahaareal wtU <
Toaaday'BawlUenoihtobonaa at ate Kcrtb
BaM of Prof. Boral ae
for tbaldp'aeadlraatedBBcetodaaaoooM tba
•aaalar. .1 7 o'clock ahl
of Ue plaeb
Wlca and a e'cloek lor the |
toft yntordoy
Bs. Od.
mrasaato bare boeo sadt fer
«ba ^tesiaUoo ot tbaeparm iofitoia- forVanlck to eara tar bar saaber.
labart. who la oerioo
oerlooaly Ul
bstrailsad. Tbae*ael da'.o eoast Hn. Baaert,
yaa be *iTra.bot It will p-ooablr oeea r
aose tlcoe to tbe early part ot Jaae.
lajorad ta a lUoaway.
Bn J »jpb R ibti i.f Ltalaaaa eoaa
ty. sot with a eery eerleaa aeddeot
Tosdey Bcraiar wa.lc cosine leto
tbaai*. Bbawaaiaa eleirn-libber
baaho'd. wbaa near' vne B. A S. B.
•re^y tha tcM tooklrvbtai a into
aad ru away. Both of tbe oenpaote
Tbefesilyof K. E stroar
tardeytor Oraad Riaida wh
wlUraalda'iotbe folera
Hai^ B. Boldawortb baa retaraed
lo b!a work ae secbaaleal aartoaor tor
the Mort^k aod Coaat I.lM railroad,
at WasisrtOB. N. C
Bra. Pony B. Boldaworth la rapidly
Is rroyioy lo baaltb aad |a able
U0 a Utde.
■ra. F. B. deboBald rataroed laat
Campbell, a Oraad Traak
brakemae. ene bebeaded la tbe Ueeal
earat at Sarnia He bad stepped from
Wllliaa DwtOB leto tha city oa hie
oar uaet to soother to
way totheJisrth Baaltoe life uri
prosebiey train when be waselrock by
eUlion. Tlie remainder ol the er
one Cl miay from so o^oelu direcll. a.
at Leland walUay to f*t oeer
At Fiot, Biat Babel Stasr-. a wailtbe ielaad. bat tbe tee will aot
koowo Toaay society woman, waa ee
permit tbe pasaye ot boas from 1
erolly married to Sonsber last to
Aribur BcKiDDOe of that city, by Bee
ti Krrjesionow coBarctod with
EoniUU Sanday a friend aabed bet
the Uraad Bapide braeeb ol tbe tC’ioto ttandapoaaorlae bar child aad the
ball Piaao Co . it to tbecity oa bU way
eeerei leaaed OBI.
lay atatioo whore ba U to ba to
dartny the aasscr.
for Oraad Btp dA where he will
to borne to.thefutora.
Jack Caldwell toft laet oipbi for
Cbarlenic Prom there be <
lodey for Brae. Bioa.. where be
willeatorae Caltad Staten »orteyloir
of wnich bit brother Will to
ha did.
. paired since the Are. and ariU be pleased to meet h«
» fneudn. old and new.
[NasataA jewrifyaod soaoyUtba
laa of ns 000 -wara atoiaa Boaoay
bos tba ratidiwee of Caarlaa W.B sfth.
rsaoleoa. a eabarb ot Palladal
phla-aadeoapteiM raeti aps BIward
>la. Br StaU*t eeaebsaa. who
•lay. Tae awiea property be
taeyad to Bra SsiU
A Floe Stock of
Watches and Jewelry on Hand.
Some rare bargains, resulting from the fire. .Large*
line of Sewing Machines aod Machine SuppU^- Call
‘ oTW-waftSc in-pumpBi|
^taw ia-lae. aa Ua latUr waa rsi . potoDoadbtoodtorau(he*?r<.mrianer«i;
It used u be ecandend that eal« urjiary
lay Me Saoday BCbMl tosaSa u
uoubtawera le be oaoad lo tba' lud.-,eva
Beayearolddaaybter te ba beme
JW modern Klenee proeai that nearly
aoeaaCity.BA BKmato laiaar.
aabuitoaaJ mianaas tare men baytnTores saabrd men coplared
I luny In ktawy boubte.
If yon are lick yon can make ne mu>.aitc
wotohmas. alybt Brasaa. aad tba
doetenny yenr kidneys Tbe rr.Ud
ralary of the Star Urerery at Beiia
ud the asnaordinary aflec: ri D:. tCJrr.n >
eUle. 111.. Snaday. pul taeo
i kiSrey re
espty rrlnyersiur car. and Uce blew | soon r^red. li ttanda tha
the h.ytwi
opea Ue atfe. aaearlay Bl.ooe to cash |T"®*
Fraak Ueedry and bto wile Heed Id .
email oooae In tne wnodt Bn Sitae .
fro. Delbi. S. V O. Sand.y sorpto, '
heir aooT who want to «y bit paraaU I
atoll, foand tbe h rate baroed aod the .
ooee of Heodry aod b>e m.U to lOe
.\M) 1.1 CKV AT THAT.
cent and
at. Yoj
y~ “b^
„ -ou tan kidney or bladder bcoble.
Mentiee ibis peper wbeo wntiof Dr. Xtlmw
k Co,. Btoftaimeo. N. Y. ______
Tlir- wi-ll kiK»rn Oral ftf tir-o. tVWald A' CVt. of Pl. Wb^bp,
Inii. liB* u.mi-L>
For Uioit of Speo no will josi nilbo i
Fear of Ooi floi) Bor|oios__
FaauM Saflar^Haipad
Calcu-.to. Bare* to — Toe Viceroy.;
Lord Canon of Eeilutoa.' oddreaalaf
ic bndyel today, aad
that Dearly s.frM.uoo peraou were ia
receipt ot raynlar raltof aod that the
cMt for tha CBMiOy year was n-tsatedatess toca of rapce* i»to.sou,«i)'
Tba low oo reeeoae fo/ oo: year bad
bean Itl toaaof rnoaaa itt.rTt MOi ^
Toeyoaeratocai. ho aaid. hoped dar
toy the lortbeomlnK y«^r to epead Itm
latoofraoMs rt.i .-iioxi to irriyatlon.
ecooldsaeuo c-iancd of cuuloy
(*"■ iDlliUry calitoa -.
1,-re. as two dntm pl tadita
.lnWH nanoip."«aUl me-V’waroy. -.Die
Uene sUliosi h*pi>y and
Ibe oUer to to ken-p them aafr ' For Ue
aakeofibr one we moei no: ovirct
Daniel Barr.wblle oiliay tbe mtehtoary la the baeescoi of Ue Hoc p
PaUBlCaek Tooipaay'.sill at Hooor.
woe cauaoi i y a eeiacrew ead ieeuatly
killed. KooeeiOW Ueateldcot Hj
eloUlny me all torn from hh body ea.
aeptooenhoe aad stoektoy
—K--------------------------------------->-----eoUaroI bteeblrt. Bw leye. arm* aod
abockloy y maiUaird
Uere were two deep yaabs acres Ue
For Sale or Trade!
Forty four terra nitnat>Hl ot Eant
Bav. OB till- PriiiDtala. threw mile*
Travxran f'itr I* O <4 ai-ree
in fruit tree-8, 12 ai-rt-i*
e>d; good liuuae- aod barn;
Will divid- iu aiiiall
if il'-nircd
Isi. 238. Trinrsc Cit)
.. "S'TlHffiN!
Mrn-P b ai'k I'lay Worsted HuiU
^Utiad to <)ikwo-d cctnelriT
of Ue Oral Wo-to Dtob
ZUto Pnalpod. Ue iiUle fl re year
. Vtoiun of WtUtoaubary. woo
WofBr. aodBrA.A\W
^ty yaatorday.
PaiUipa of Elserood anaSA dtodV
8. Way wan ia tho city yaturday
Otlni rriday soratoy. Tha fnostir
waa hold atOlln.SiUi^ ofUrcooB frasEapWCrtTW
B. C. Bst.«y. Biltor Bobba aad
Clan Bell. thT'am soaUa old
Is. Hainatbek ot RalkaakA a^.B,
daapbtrr ol Br.Aod Bn. Ws Ayen
S tbe Peoroeule. riled Friday yeyator d. Hobbe or Barker itaek. won Tne
Toe (eerral wa* bald Sea
Hit* BaadCe^ioo wi
yeaterday'to atait bar y'n
_ Bra De. BaaaaUal Th
taCalilorato. will *tolt Br* and.BrA
■toe H Sbaldaa al TopbkA Kao.
Elilb W.lrash of Casdra. N J. wbo
to Aiitioy at b:ayba*t»a. N V . to
aaid te ba dyuy. Bta Walrach to l«
yaara Old aao of a rery aaraeoatampar.
seat leUefasUy aba toTto-tlay w
yooayptaetleaFJitar. Be prtieered j
amal I.ee soaaa. wbleb be pat to;
aa ayy anrit. esreriay lb* opeatoy
wlU plaster of Faria
Tbto waa
taaaybl to with tbe braaktaat and
wtam Bta Balraeb broke Ue ahell
andUe liberated s
ed away. Her]
err*B.d. aai l.mief
'ber ooad,t'«al
ebarebof Uto city, aod an eseselary
Hto tataly bare tba ayspatbf
ol the aottre city to Urtr bemareseov
A wife ood loer eblldrta aorrire
bis. Fred B -Fa Irr of Lm AayeJrA
Cbl. Bra Hibbw L Tattle of Graod
BapIdA aaf Fraocs tied Wialfred wbo
wild wiU yrtot
rack were toartli to b* samec.
TbrooybUc apeetUoyota lamp at
Italr bc.srtoiW.pp.ayar’a Fell. K T.
Bra Jobe SniaraBaod'Bra UJy UJl
ws«falal;y baroed. Bra BUI relied^
in irom «r ^
totoy at * oalick.
r .wll
................. $$e
Obflitri-nV Veaies Sniu. l.aniUomely braided, fnlly wortli
J21M. tbe,-arc your, for.................
............................................... $$o
U.h.T' Vi,-i Kill ail pulid$2..i0and $3008i»taat.46CEBd6$e
Lnilirei' .-Itra-olaic. bu-r. up tu dab- abiwa. all tins, for........... »8e
.Vli-u'h all siilid upti»ilate*abofw fur......................................................... B$e
The Itoinu.f id .McNamara Wauiia abor stock at She oo tbe
All Ijnlica'. MibwVtatd Children-. Jack,-, at *5c on the dolUrAll kle-n'K. Boya’ and k oaths' Ulsters si cost or below.
A New Line of Carpets and
Matting Just Received..
(rood hravy resnilras MsttioK for ..
Bewt 2-lc Inyrnin Csrpe-t in th* city.
Ooxxxe to til.© iDtxssr tr-ad.l3a.g oorxx^x-,
OWiBlt htt ItfsiBU l«i(
. $10.00
From this elo^ant line 000D8.
Blue Heavy
to estiayatoh Ue fl is«to4hioy. So* ran down Uf,
• er yarseato to flams. Aa
Urowa araaod ber flaally
eabdecd Ua liA b«l*bewa>«e**rloto« Dproen at Maoialae
ly barael Ua: aba died la a few boan.
before bar reUra.
Baotose. Bareo n-rec
BcASalllre-i readowaanouar atnai
Bit J. W. Juetaca waa eallad t
anreE&Ttea arrirad Uto sc
OBainto Uayardofaaeiybbar. wear*
Btobsoad. lad eyaatatflay by Ua orwa Iba flnt veaael of Ua aoaaes to
harried oat aod tore
Utopiri. taaltlsadlnyaalt a
of tbe MriOBS Utoas-af AstobM.oB ber barainy eloUtoy.
C E-HcHaaa* wawt u Ghtayeea BBdA Waatartoabade at U*
e barter. Tbe lee to tte
barioas ystarday.
4eorya Alodyetv (orsarly af Uto
Utok. tel Ue E G Paten Sell aad BU.SM danak bba c aniay year to
of BcUatrA
Bar oospaay here >
aatUBcItba cUy U liaa Of asloaa I
r.baflwUlwii Uat ao Ik
....................................................... $476
Yon 111! tn:-ira thraw-piiHte Bails; fully worth Vr.OO. for.......... $8.4$
Ohilclrrn-a L’nion Snito. at UttasaW......................................
□ □□□□□ c
Black 'Clay
aU sUn aeatb of tbe eity B today reatolabers for twos Una soatha roaritod Ua fasSy.
Biaald> Failer wa* bora la CbaUas
aftornoea at tba aye of «» yeara altar oayar.
•a Iboeate' a yaaraod a bblf Ha waa
Tboa. B.Gmtry, Sr.. eneltoOnod lowaabip. Aryentoall coBBty.
• brvSrr o! AaUoey aad Esensl Bapide yoUrday oeboeiBeaA
No*. 14.
Twenty yean ayo be
this aute. loeatiny atBaatoa.
, Wtibelsef ibtoeity. aad son ofAe
Bra Baad of .Torch Lake, to aoeofl
tboay WilbsiB who died a tew msaU*
« a coapla of waoke wlta retov.ee> to Eiybtycan ayo be case to tbto city
opracd a dray etore ao Pmt
**Dtoaased leaee.'^wlle and foar
BrA O. C. BnffaU Aa'd daaybter aircet. wbleb be afterward aold to yo to
taDdrar. theolfstol wbps to bat i; Uargaratan etoUtoyb tria.de ia Chi. Calllonla Afur a y»r to laalaste,
be nuraed aad apeoad the dray eWic
Taa fnenl was
^os Ur iwtidaas yaautto^ after
Hardy, formerly ol Ua flea'da- at lauctocbeA
Deecaerd wmi a sso wbo wae aoi
•t 1 ocloeh. aod ibe >ody
parisaat. baa accreted the pesUtoa
Thixto* an <>|ipartunilT for bargain arakris
lo aapply tbeir wanU at half priew
black and uo day. F.rr broke ont
itod Ua roxs in wbleb Vaor waa
Haw re* irv-4
toy ra>4dly filled with sstAe
doy awakeoed his by jasplny o
oot aod tayyloy at bia eioUioy.
fire did lliiic damaye.
«f tbe .lalfb oera tbrowo oat aodBra.
Kabal -mek apoa itaa rail at tbacroionoto(feesa«toltatL-.wail. Bichu.
say.l Buitlay a eery ayly woaad
tkatopofbar baad.
DeaU ot Ruialde Falior.
laaaa. torserly of thia city.
the ms ran oo aad ware foaad la
e aawi wbleb reaebrd the eity
kbaiasber yarda coat of the dock. DOW of the Entow aad Herald prtaUar
Clark Pierce to d*ed at bto hoaie.
Taradaylsorbloyof tbe aoddaa death
Hrv Rebel waa takn to ProkepKy- :Blsto Bettto Croak, arrieed it
lOASed a few mllsaonuesat of SonU
of Btoaldo roller at laterloehen. ease
aalka*aaV>reaedh*r woaad atteadrd niy toat at^u
o yreat eboek to bit bnnUol Hateo, ayed »• yaara Ue bad the
BloaJaeala Vlrtoa ot Hellalre.
ae. Bba ta gearl r bllad from rraealatoUiitictlua of taTiay cat Ue fi-al t
frleode In Ule city. It wa* a
•dayaUdaaod waa oa bar way to the baeiir riafttortbe Uslly of W. K.
midreee la the towaeb'p
yreater abo'k u hto family, wbo lire
toiytebe trae’od whan thaaocdcat Kelley.
t. This wu to tbe yes ir
•leorfe Elodyatt. fotsariy black on Beodulpn etrect.
wb< n be ba-ll e 1 ap eebio lo wtaicb
Br. Fnller'e body wae ftoe J in hit
eslth lor tbe Oral Wood DiabCA, oo«
Heed aloar tor two yaara. Bto aes
run Ur Oraad Tnmt».
tar hlBoelf to EaUaire. la to dray store at Intorlocbeir yesterdty aaiyhbo'brloy at H-crdeetlle, amrsl
Thr eiau Beh eer arrieed to tba city tbe city tWUoc trieoda ood looktoy isornlny
He had apperenlly.
sllsd'eUBl. In toll be serriad U<u
Tbaraday tms tbe aSte batebarls at Altar aose property.
from hto ronme atmee tbe store and
Boyeot SUoeicrefi. Je Uuaa early
bn'It a Bra. slur «;bicb be waa reinr.
Parta. with Ito.uoo Beh to be dlaUibaiB ebyof Mepto City •
•dtaearnrar aatere la thli alcloliy. ystorday. .
lay to h» room to drees, nbio be tell
ortbaaa W.iAo lake trout and. H ooc
'W. P. B erlh pasad throafk
teoeb itoBi wUI re to Uarp Laba.tr ono yotteiday oo bla way tros
attacked wiU apopleay. ae he waa
brook troafwBl fo to Urnthport aad EapldAwberaha baa baee a
Jbtedbyeach aa attack aboolil
General NawA
. .artooaq.'.atUtoewlllbeaaa
the Cbitton Eadaaeoroooret
rhe Ferr • wnM. oac of Ue alwae
Abonte e'oloekToeaday.aineeUif
Otoe Berea. Oedar Baa
bit bose la Osaoa
,e deeotas of
aalssen went to. Ue atom which br tloo* at Ue world . foir. Cb-coy.i. I* to
Br-wadBre^W. C. Netooa of
Id that tbara ahiU be Bib left laod. Brest tba OolasblA:
foand locked. He Uea went to the be tors down aad Ue f .Suu toot of
Iron aod steal of wbiefa it ia easpeaed
la the otreaas after all lhe bJy coteka
BearySslt^eflUe ally ysUrday hose of S. E BopkloA wiU whom Hr.
' ~
thay are fbloy to sake ttala adwaoa.
kallartook hto toeala ood toyettacr will be tola asMrapirpB.
rr a few daya
There wae aootbw etoia deb belch
they rcinroed to tbe etore with o kry.
Tbe Cbinaaa yoveroseni boe ayraed
«ry sr here Kridey alybt brloyloy 7n.
0 sardM c
Don Boryaa and Tberoa Boryaa Da oprn^Dy the door they fonadBr.
OOO br Itb troBlfor D H l>*y atUlea di^ynonr to o)ea Bana yswrday.
Faller'e body lymy at tbe loot ot the BroekA a
. by a*
Bane. Eaplre faasber Co . >ad
Bra n^-War»ary hu baaa called Salra bto baad aod one pra donbled e.-nlioy twoof bto atoyar*. ■sprlaoaiey
tba eit.'iBlir of Cedar Bii aad Like
1 Oraad BapIda by tba Hiaas of hs Boder him. The body wa* ooM, ehow- ' two, aad e'erliay a mcsorial ctaapel
of tba taUer.
ly that deaU bad ooearradaume tise at P.o Vio Sbaa Taay.
katob ry at Parltasi .
iport Sberidao baa arrived
aoaapTtoUPdtbadallnryorthe Bth
Oarooer Hboe wsoi to lourlocbeaoa la Saa Fraoci.ee from Baalla with 23
I tin lor Ua BtohiyAB Bty.Oo . to la
Baaaior MllUkao and Frank Frtodrleh
tbe Boraio'y train and a j iry
liM disebarged
ban appitod for IW ooo sera which
Their eerdirt wan donU by
Bi t J^OasawaatUBik Bapida
will be bare OB aopiber trip tbit w«k.
aeeidwully InUiaydawo nUIra
Toe Bth ertU be p'AOtad to etreamt to |
to were broaybt to tbto city oa
:40 iralc aod tabea to Ue aaderBoseroBu:*. tba ooied bandit aad
taktay roose of H. L. CnrUr.
Grand Bapida lost ana “a•
leaderof a band ol e.lUaaad borae
Hr. Failer epeand bto drur
B-iberi OaldweTT n M.dewa liOB
Utovr* that bare beea operatiay for
Bra. Obriatlaa B. Shormaa. wl
Cbarleeold yucarday 1 .apeod Sooday [aUrioebea abant two yaara ■
yaara le aoaUera Sew Haaieo. aad ooa
cf Daalal Bharmaa. diad Friday a
wiu frlaada. ' ________
Ua week, bat wat'alsMi always w|U of bla foitowera. bare Ireea eaplareoUsalUa _
Df. W C. Gray bat preaaeud to Ue
Biw.Oiin Psato wani'to uadlaytoa bto family to Ule city oeer Sanday.
■sa lscsoae daaytaur. Bra Wrory,
letter from D-.
(■utSaoday be badacesad ie aanan.
Bartoe.aad twoseea.B<seraad Will to rleu bs etour. BrA LtBAt.
Nawali Ooiybt HiUto. raairaiey
Br. aad Bia E D Frtok are atolGay ally yood aaalU aad epiriia.
of Ltlaod.
Tha taaeral wa* bale
Pra«bytofiaa ebarch. Dr Hifla'
their bnUs. W I. friob at
today at « p. B. from Ue Bccdo*
action 1* iba reaali ot bto neaot aaberaaaltolUe
aebool boas, aads Ue diraeUea ol RapUto.
aad bto daayhur bad jett written a. •oaneesrat of hto »iawa oa Ua doc
--rdr Beriw toft yswrday
Balpb Aadsaoa.
Spoaeoe. «sh . wbon ta win prob totter to him. aod wst aboel to nke It trios oi prodasilaaUoB
Joseph E wabalsdlad at hit bose ably daelde to toeato HtotasUyerill WUa sail wbra the terribia ac
Ae Ue reealt of aa April fool ipka
and we-have BeTorMl tbe atoek at uar
StiK'k i- itoiats of up io-ditr-. araaonablr and <Mr>
Cieeaiaod. U , Charis Vane, a!
Tanff BiilPsaeea
Bresao at tbe worse ot tbe Hill Synpl WtUInruo Ad'H i - The Porto
aaeid fros enffocatioe ! ® “» Wt*®
»ke aseoU Ule
early Bor.dty soraioy by a IHUa i afteroooa by a we ot tn to tl
Fancy Blue
Herd to find four each vnl*
ues as these eleewhere for
Fast Black
Worsted '
XMDoU*rs for eb«$Mcr Photo* Par* Wool Woyatate. at
Marriiltori Clothing Co.
20e Front Street
□ □□□□□□
Traverse City/ Mich.
D □ □ □ □ □jd^
^nSL 9 IMO.^
> Herald
OhU 0»»WW»totae
arblaf from cbbthBi of ft
: ^.ra.oasottbahapalaatdayil>bla Mr«bdayM«law»ary. Itaraai
lose Ufa at man tbaa oaa baadrad blrtbday al Mar. Ctorta Dipt
< yaan. aad tba oesaateao-a at tba aaat asdbolhAaBW7..j.yad tba o
> laaatttal. Ba wsa laa bars at Ma. Pbaraea Host. Bo. 1». 0 *- B-, aad aU bappiaat^ of bb Uto. ai
; daytbaoldaeldlstaaf tbaettyazartad
Best Values For Your Money!
•a M Drabs to Wm. A. Bobm
«. Sn U. T «S B. B U W-pw
boUdlw la tba dial
they Bbbt dasB saasdbat. .
baalbd ap tba qocaibo et tba;
balldiae that waa batar
Fbaat aboat.
' ’'•fttard BabULaadOo-U Dnat.
aaadaaa ataafo abooUap fallary.
e.aeb afaa... daa U. T*s B. B a
dacldad at a facBar BaaU^ of Iba 1 w'^^aCD
that tbc araeUea af tbb atroeBaaryCrabebUd aad wU
b a eiaiar clolatloa irf tba ardtaad tba balldlsf waa ordarad
tbaasaiaot la arary poaaibla wij to
• Baba taa day aaa ofhaipia»to iba
aauaaa aoldtv aad ladtaa dfbl
■ant aad oaaa tba drcaa
tiwaaacraatday loeUaalal
Ub Iba drat aea^ ba reaa iBportaat epoch ia tba bblery at
bantarad tba army,
tba ercaalttUoo. beeaaaa It r»»e Mea «t*7 plaaaaat dbaaMea
• pbatB>B Poet tba diatlaeUoo of aaTtaf added to Iba pfafTsB wbhd. waa aot a
' Uaeldaataoldlar Is tba UaltaddlaMa panof tbaarTBofoBaab. Mr. Oraar^'
aBOBC iu Bwabata.
birthday bad firaarbe ten
ton dowa wUbla ua daya. Tbb waa . Dartd J. Yopkar aad wUa to rraeeb
. Btabcaata prapar
aot dooe. b^tor. bbd bat omi^. j Ybartall. lab « aad I. bib t. Baytkb
made ter Ua laiUatkm of tba oaataaar. O eBoausBaodA W. WUBBapanr-1
apd iba Womaa’a Belief Oorp.
To iUlM »&-000
tribatadlotbaplaaaermof tba ercat
trib.tod«eoftbeaU»nbwblebw,,:b.rt.f Un boildlOf anebd. aaWBfSf.VfS^^wlSii'I
na UIWMHa*<H~>«
*‘ nrz^aelad bt tba niam.. wbUa Com-, that they ta al.o-m to make oanmary '
* **“
baeqvat la bb boaor. lb taeecaa
MtteUM Tn««Mav *
• aimUar on.- dnwn, conr tb. boildiw -Uraly)
tbc2t. T2T 21.
■•ibMd to-•«« takas ymm4mt. al tear ranala a alaaaaal mesaey tn- all Booy to rcmled Mia. D;play of tba tB (with iroe If and be. tear down half of | B 12 W-«i
tkM^ja«kli«tb.MMM t. to b. tba BMrabata of tba poet aad tba BaUef portaaoe of bar birthday aaalnraary. Uaod baallowad lodalab tb. raat aad Bara., Aadan» aod wf to W«. L
HTottebeeaM. A »«*l Corpa.dot oBly baeaoB of tbai
Tbhwaaeaaofthaj9llwnaadBaatleoadaetttaa.aatBprba tbsrt aa waa' Brewa. lottl. bik 2. Baaaak. Uy a
jocr tpri^t goal, where ,ou are «.re of
We believe we cbb nve ^yon moncT on dwirabk, slylish
)(oodB->Come is aod tool
)k at what we offer.
iltoo of Iba prai
•npertaat faoeUoaala tb. bUlory of jenfiaally laieodad.
ata man-won
*® tbe Boat aad tba 1
j dBBaa O. Blrdeall to Mary A. Botb-j
K. the
U.. auA
IMaaatr.flcb BalfbUadd
^aralacly carrIaB oat.
’ to main laqalriaa Is rafard
.fard lo
baadaUUcdleaaetl'aela llaaat tba
* eUj llo.lla.aod after •alUaei-o
AUiT. am^i of roaUas boalaeaa
aoi beat for tbaa lo reaelad tbc B 10 W-«2M.
' tba atordy tom of Uie atlara
-11.T* . ' aetloa of tbe iaat 1
; Blltoo Shirt, and otbtta to Atiat B
* dltcaread la tba dbiaaqa adaa
of tbaeoaaol. aa wall at .aanral mat-.o^rtaoe took ..eaplioo to tbb.daelar. | Tnootaa.of awb.Sact.T f. S. H
witb loBc atndaa Ual woald hare pat tara of eooaklarabla IfaportaBB Tb. i,* tbat a Bbtaka had baaa made, aad 1 >*
toahaipaayoolb of dfty. Uoela D*o city water work, qantloa and qen 1 uat tb. feat), bw aboald ba altownl! Alley E Tboaaa to SWpbao Lactan^
—a aaacadail that tka m»l «i«ltabU «rat met by Conrada Oroar with aorwf.TtrS Ri:
to ftniah Uw ba-ldlof aad a
a tba'*''®'*’
ptaa WM to Meata It baodta*. bat la dbl fraatian aod caeorted to tba beme principal toplea oflnternt The work
Boben CaldwaU to ftnbal Brai9l.
«to<r at thaneaat vote to bead tba el V of tba lormar wbm ba waa Klree
of dtatiOf tbe booda for tb. pnrebjM. Afior a few nor
rood seal to nireafa bin altar
el IbeOampbeil water worka plaoiww by n.eral of tba
- Iks MsaMltr or raisiar «ort aeoar
tramp of 1: mliaatiom Mooi a Oeatar. bcf.nby tbc adepUoo eftbetoDoc- tianapraot to bit (act.
Ika laaa war (ar astaa^a .1
iBf nolalion:
4 little lalar in tba dv ba '
da—ad aa ebatfMMoa lo tkat aUa
to tba atora of Hayor HtotUi
ChFollae HeeMl to Baary Meci-l.
Mallaa- Tharatera tba aaai bat be waa fluodoat vita tba beat Oraad
Ita. B. dniarcdfa.'.of o.b.8oes. T24S. B 10 W-*i
a>aa arfaad «a> tba nWak of tba Any BoKora that mooey ooald imyi
pnyiar eleclBraof tbUeily. to be held
mmmat by paaalar aahaariyUea. WUIa tba flit of tbc poiv A aea pair
.a aatd city be Wedocadcy.tbrtiilta
Wedocadey. tbr
dt. ''flreUmiU
' ' for eatnpriaea of tbia kiad. 1
thwa ware saata deabta aalanalaad tboa »aa added aad tbaa rqaippad
D., IWO, fr in 1 tofjeod thnlthay bndooplnr. In tbaoee *»
•kattbataakooaUMaaaaay om, It Doeb Daa wool back aad »sa k.
Tunru Ouy Mm-kai.
tnabaUaaadthatUUaraobla of (faa boayfTaaasrfriaadaaadbalBS aai
M .ne^nd^
onllnnnac tbu
tbU psnlt-1
panlt- j
u a IBt of tba boyUf and aalJ
^ aaaU ba Marad of tba dataraiaa- lalaad by Dame Oroar. wbota baapltalC lb. water worka plant of I tad tba arntu of uy kind of woodn | Of prieaa o! yaaterdny tor freearln.
ttaa at tba aoBaaayloboUd tba toa'd. Ity Bade Iba old feaUasao feel tbal it
WU ^^„^|b.t1dlnf-itbi.tb. city
uonld ' P^r
.akrf at tba baaadta to be laaadlataly ^cood t^to a aoldlor. and
leldio'da. form of la-c. and
CBLuaa paia.
Meat bylhaalty thfoafb Ita
priaf from daa cut*** «f tbe 1 bad b. Betuod bU kpeach when a mo. , i;iaar Pork par bbl. saw........
in 21
Aboat 1 o'clock la tbc attar
^ mav •aaW aabi___
rMal.adtber.at. that tie .ote* I noa wa. m*da and earrtad to *d< p.re. I
Pork par »..................
li{ Un of Up.|iidate Vats.
bmaaaa of the b^pUiaaa
tbaboaered ntano.
Cenrada P.r (Sroer.oBparof Ibeday.
Per Inetnace.
,n.c lesreia crpe.....................................S2e
.50c legraie canK-t.................................... SSc
70, l.greie cerpe.....................................6Sc
ladies’Wear, Spetiais.
»—tVim aad Trata..,.
thara aad tba raaUa>
a aahad
nean U
ta each
caap .util
SMBtaparttapaeflba road had baab
aMBlly baUtaad utU tba road wat
vMladnuadlbaaeapuy weali- '
•^ebauauBryanpaun Itwaa
body, lad by a flfe ud dram oorp* ud
la ehnrce of CoBsiudar Wm.
S9ltb.bo.UiahOBCof Comrade Uiaer.
Prom tber. Uoela Ou waa aaeorled.
carrobodad by a faatd of boeor ud
baanUUa fold* of CHd Olory. back
the po*t room* where the InUlatkm wn
lolalbplaaa. Baearriad a tloot ataS.
itaatapwaa eUaUe aad ht* foam
put tbu a dutn of tba ether
ana wbo mirehad In tbe Una Be
taSetaot reward to tab comredaa
TbalolUatay eoremoolB wen
^ that tka alty ahoold u taut balp dselad aesordisf to Ue U. A. B rilul
d^V tba aapaam of prourlar the
Im All bu
. MfU at w«y sot of tba ally and urm laid ulda and tbc muUag w idcolad
utiraly to leltlatory work, lo comp.,
puy wHb tJoeir Qu.Wm. H.
U. O BnUer. E D.
TbaatMig wu'pruUod our by
’^•^■“^^wadduiot lb. Baal- Barber ud B W. Helotub wetcreulred Into tbe poet by sard.
Than wore 22 Tclaraupcoaut. many
unbaiaUBlng lo from
Boablar- *« Wiftioipata lo thee.aBL
lau of W * o’cloea lo the o.ealsc
talii<iiitaa ihM Buy
bafOM tbs naorel work wu cemplalaA
Xhu the door* were tbtowo
the orowd of ratanw wu n
a darlMd by tbe byado.i belated old widlan aad tbe
■-------- —TU wi WU aan to Voau'c Bellat. Corp*. /jaf bait me
•^•IfrewaWtataMal. dally du* bur raeta Dsn wi
***— w»—w Mtbs. tbu ridag
budotUe pet of tbc poal. Ha greetwith a happy amlla
»«ptaaabsaulD.Wltbaioterta. A
word ud wu fioally allowed
•*«fcr Dual Bay Tlaiw aodaMtuhoy to cut. In tbn uauUmc tbe ladle,
—i wiatliart u u oksa^ ai aha had prepared a fwt ud two loaf
' —*."^»fc«fMnad*»toablbod. tables were apread with
At 00a of tbe tablet raele
"«w*W-l-ddtaa.rtu It w.
la smtad at tbe bud. larronod
> adby-tbeoffimnof tbe post. Near (o
t him sat John 1. Cammloga of Old
•• ^iagoithad a* aot ooly tba
I yoeagwi Bember of the put bnt tba
. yoasgul reiaru of tbe eirtl
- Iba Hatted SUta*. Tbf bu
- oft bsppUy. tbe old aoldlar* being
>«»k*dluro«flta baudtaal
9 ssrred drat aod othan following
After tba batqaet ibort-addreu
•Buada Comrade Bobona made
t fawparUnutrcBarktaad referred
I taobarwotfll lo.tbru aomradn wl
bad reuotly bus rnuuiod ooi by tbe
duator MlUlku wu appeialai u <
Hade 11*0 also addremed tbe___
»WboMM*Bua>d ha d^a.
- puy aod gare a 6ort rc.icw of btt
*-* •uoCtsjkt^sii^in^civ
na^fdachoreoC tba Iluhare
hudalwerkfieraareralereahaprourtag tba right of way tbnregh Laataau
aouty. aad tbair aueiai bu
grelMtag. frith ttba anupthm of a
, few Wu ptaeu o< laad Abao
rIghlatwByWtwauban ud N
' portku hou aiui'ifi. Aadartaaga-uutaaretapfagiucte ru oanorer
tba M. * H. K. traaka (roB Balch'i
rwiagtetba city llmlta. Tba rlgtat
M way laalda ^Iba.Umlla bu ut bau
dadkitaly diaidad ppu hot wtu h.
dtaatutaad u aoea w lbs pruut
tau now bafinre u taldacl4.fiIhs baudM to b. gatasd by tkla Uaa
by ftarena Ow are ohrMwA^and with
the laeigj muUaatad by the
told of Buy areola which b*aa already
artb>d in Ui Bku>ni> Bit
per. listuad to with deep
lawrest and hit woaderfnl ^
islaaigaatTccItal azciiml tba adBireUudlbaandtaoca Alter tbe addrre*
Uncta Du watpraaralad with a bunUtal faooqa.t ofearnaUeu by Mrs.
Oomrua CnBBiap recited a .ary
utartalolag'duerlptlu el btt uperl
ennu la the army wb*n a bv and hta
reBmrhaabewod bow Jutly ba ttraUUd V) the dlailaeltaa of balag tba
yaancen 0. A. R. .elaru. allhoogb ba
kBakeaae claim la that retard,
fireluteredtbcurreeau a draBmer
at tbe tender ag. of alereayc^ent
wu daialld at lb. beadqurtem o( the
Thaptauoflba easottagWHeo- cflitsnofhtt raglBuL allbongb aot
dar night wOl ba duMad ^teuB- oMetally m
■iau and awatybody is In.ltad to ba. ^
He aarrad natll tba ud
I....... Itodlunu tbaprojast.
eflba«rar CemredeCaBBtngs clegu
Mr. Tbytor uptainsd that
Ola aoldlar at ua.ag^-ii.
bis tatbor ulttM at tbe age «r*o aad
httgrandipaer uiared the
tba UBS Airata at tbe age of .
bptaadnacdJily. Ittalkapn
ABonghli retattaas alaren wi
afitbs aoupanyta pub the wort u arayandaleaol tbam war. killed la
battle or died lo the •arriea of rei
.UBHa Blsfatbarscfferad a Wrrthte
taM in. AndareMriil. orttu. 'ba>ing
0 M. Preira duMtaai.
Ut* grmndfatbar wu
C H. PnU. anhUscI at tba HcnbchaptalB of the ninth Ohio cavalry.
Ahortbaaddresac* ibarelBU*
autau auldut Tuafiay aflai
tadta* daretad tba raaainder et tba
Bhlafc wiU aaau bl* taft tand 1
badiyartpptad. H* wu at work al tb. Tbe hall wu beuUfaUy trimaud
aMuuw tatb.abop.wba
wUb'flitsaad bonitag. the hudirrerk
•MWaptauofwoodibroafb uob- of W- 8. AndBUii. Attba
fMMAuaauidltlestawaiOBBd and u-actatlM iban
Mr. Prell'n taft bn^ wu dinws
iauUooal rolore by Hr
who atao euirlbniad a
• ftamad outio wbieb read u fellowa:
- -'HaPaereu Put. Ho
O A. B . Iba
tr Putet tba Hbilad Siaiea.-
>r ballot* war. firao
rowlsf uld «am. ud
■owiof aaid
-m ......jSSaBiwi:;:....
pt tald qe««-|<o-______________ irioar^U U_A 0e. Baat.
earriad by a m*] rrit. of' tU {
»ltC 27.
aad all good tiltnn;c'BruiKi>ts.at
M..»V Sprii Aii,., .
— WhH do •you K'liai
A new bad uj>.«o-datr lia. «l ready I.,
wur skirtN its l.lavk aud .-Slnml.
b'-w....................................... SlbOupwnrd
Some Dftr tliiitL'* ill Si..-k f,.,llat* jii*i
fa«-ir«l- It wid .1.1 J.aiir h.-art »:>c«l
U.w-threw lr..tu.........................t9to8»C
sii'l fail to take
Uosi.ry Sali-
Wa ioHt.' yi>u t.. i-nll aud «re- th,* k.T-*t snlu—
.h.>ar ii
E Er G^’S
Dry Ooode, Carpet and Clothing House.
....... .......
Bsaolnd. Tbatuid qaeetlooof bor
iwlBf »n W o<> for tbe pa-poae aforr,ld. ba aad u bareby daeWed to bat.
carried by a majority of laid (upay lof
elneun w aforetald;
Bmolred fortbar. That tba mayor
ud clerk ba and are bareby^othemed.
aod dlTMlad to oarctiata d obtalB .
lose of nid aom of dti
parpou atorauid.
■aid, aod ttnat they pr.
>adi of tbe eat.
pare ud liana tba twadi...................
therefor. Is tba asm aforeuid. paubl.
Ill «er In it year*, f.l.feio in td yrnre,
Slt.ucK) IB 2t years from tbe data ibare
of, witb interest al 2* par woL oar
aoDcm. priaelpal aod intarMl to be
eaynble with ezebnw 00 New York.
Tbe bllU of Ua two arbitrntein. (ire.
W. Bnftar aod Itaatel W. Mead, were
praunlBd aod ordered paid. Hr. Bart
ers bUl wu tor Win M.nad Hr. Mud's
bare n »bortar time, wu far
Ladiu'Sprioi.'8iiil>. in jrrHIv niitiun*.'
s.'rrssrs.'sr .r-TS' j
■hadeaetBow leak eaea Ub plao
Sons eitia valors at............ BOe. $1 00. *1.60
Iban't bay a Tic until v>u hbkc p
dart rTToiv.Kl a bia- im.- cd Ujovaa (rt>o a’»-1..
$1 ju. Bcml i'ac etery day
Id ?
^ .. ui.jSS.r;;'!.;;:::: :::::.:::
Tbe aemmli
tulraetad 101
eidiorfora watsr works commit
to bare fcoeral o.eretgbt of Iba sreter
werkayalem when It ahall com*
r'.nh— i.*-l'-ol*r-.
tbit city. Mr. Peaw.Cbu aod f^ak j
of Monroe CuBr. ««1 A bmof K.1.......
buka All were bare yutarday. She Bnekwbut Hur oar bbi.
was the widow of Lyman Smlib. wbo'
wUI be remamoered by tbe old time
Borfnnerel will be held from tbe
Monroe Ceetar aebool boou P<
eroooD ml I o'clock. Be.. J. W
-EdocaUu. Old and Kaw." will be i
tbeubj*;t of a lecterr to begtauby I
SoeeriBIcsdul Boro at Kingilay Pri
RIVER SHOES AT $3, U50, $5.
Shoe in town—wc havt- it.
Sew SMd7 for Bn^i
liar miltioary a.__
booghi tbe barnet* Mock of
too'i mllllnarr parlors, US t
9 late
« X. C.
C, Cbatterdo*.
I- am oow-------------------- '
rtraal. O.irdttplay of dneBillloary
will eommuce Priday. April «. ud
eoDtlDne thnnisonl tba aaaau
ilomet* and u Dtaor new onat ** -rt-r .* :h«..w ikb»r~i.
Norrir. u ezpeyianead trisi
poulbic. Will gnaraimtac •elufav-t.ioo.
Bead tiro* in ebargr She will bCUI ud »aa me at 2 Sleta S'-ra-t
plaawd toBcMtha ladiaaotTre.cr*.
Lontt A Skioi
of water to aaburlbam.
] Ctiy ud
Tieinlly and show
show tbam all
Three applleatlou were reulredfu I the Istutaiylrelb mlU.orry.
NkU<0!9 (-*>•»«
pultioBS oe tfaeelty *ra'.ar works ay«Baal Estate Tranaiar*
. MarrLo White ud Waller Treiii
Tb. following are tbe real retata
. It Bniiom, Soboei Hon-.
ngfortba posiUra ofefalafaayl transfers, recorded from Hareb Ts to
and Bu Howard tbat ofamistui April 9. loclokire. u repprted
tu by O C.
w uoaal report of the trna Hofftil. proerlatorof iirud
nd Trmrene
of tba City Library wu reealred Atatreet OSe.
Erica 10 enta aaeb or t lor ft *
and filed, barerel ugg
Address WILL. J UKF
Marietta WIgfaimu
toereulog of tbe mu. r'l of awl., oof I
B*y . ABOog tbam
X. B. U dr-fii;4
that a Boreuiubla Jobs T.rh.id. ud wt to I'atar
d. tbat more book* be oeller. part lot 4. B L A ^ •' .1 8nt
pnrebuad at cmtaudtbat a fined • '.)otl> blk2. Uoodricb add—•1914, 1
ilt.^ aprsyiar basl
Me aracy yur for lha Mary Ann lilbare to Pruk E aod’ heeeu* a n
Mare-.la L>hno. w S lotft.nr
pnrfiearnf proaorlng saw book* and bl.k
9. H I.CV. l,tadd-H*4
____ Most Ke
The I'oihonoUB
making other Imarorameau Unt ibt
to Strenboiaata
ii (V>
I'oDliuiiuiitreslaaa might aa. fik
Aecording to tbl. raoort. tbara ore si lot.... 40 ft of H..iluM> mld-d400 I (!,£«.,tion.,Kina ) ojory Is Iljlie.
prMcnl in tba library 2.*72 book*. *41
baring baan pnretanaad tba pait year.
A total of 20 eM books bora born
lourd dnttng tbc yur.
of 119 per dny. Tbara bare bus 900
new patreni-doriag tbe you.
OaiO IMrATnc* a
i*.-s>l* *< B*<rr
|*Maretbe B**t bpreylog Oatfit M*n- C> uui*to-.*f.r Ml*. II I—
k H
A eommatiiutira wu reealred from e-.badd-A900
The Three latest Song Geots
It will pay yon to look over owr line of
Men’s and Women's $2 -Shoes.
We have .just received direct from the fj.-tory a full
Line of Men’s Rubber Btols.
The Scientific tShne of ttie Agv-
SPr<A\' El’.Vll’
Oat Iba
0 eriin- II W-*1497.
■; Z.G. FAIBBANKB. &«! Agmt
uoa prOTldlag for tbe a|
AlmedaPenJtoPhlllnYooof.o-, ofUorthaUrhnd Trer.re. Eagiqn Breda cliy nea.aagar. to ut lo coanaeUeo loiiK
Wk «, Haaoab. L»> .A0o'* »th I qurtan at Ebner Bros. i>rlaIlog offls..
with tbc bulth
1114 Cam «t.. Trmrere* Oily. Mleb
with in*tut approval, ud
- adoptadtbe
. aad lb. erdtuoee
M u atreau and sralk*.
L. carter tbat a algo ba aUownd t.
rcoaia lo front of btt Mnee of bulnom
entb Ueloe ntra«t. reported tbai
the location of the ilgn wu in .lolnUonoftbeordlonaen. aad tbnt it W
.ad Tbe report wuseeoptad ud
A petitkm for parBttttoa to rWr
I. boou of g M. Brewnoo tbaec
of State ud ^ atroua wu allowed,
tbc work to be dona nadar tbe dlnw
Uu of the fire cblaf.
E. HcMuu A Oo. ware grutad
itslu to bnUd a brick atora at I:
Prut struL (o ba ta '-. n 100 fact la
alu. ud T1 tart high. Tbc tmildlng
eul abut $1000. and wUl be Sabtaad aboat Jnne 20.
AesBut ireln wnardared ta trut
of tbe ruMuuetd. H. Honrea
Wul Eighth strut.
A MUtlon tor u arc light at
referred to the eammtUuaa Ugbl-1
lag. for report at a fatare Buttag'
The city treanrar rapsrud cash ia ;
reaury 10 tb. aauBl of B.Ml 7S. |
TbaatataBUtottb. board of pobHej
* called lor ■■«.« which wul
ordarU paid u reaOBBaadsd.
A bUI of et.t4 pruubad by Hn. 6.
t Hlltar tortbecareorapearoattaot,
oaMoa Ibare
tkmer Bultb
•M-uAshioa .
Tbe leag debated dag tanu wu
laku op (or lie final rudlu. and wu
paBod at last. It preHii. lor tbc
f MthligalhartactbatiBwuauabu
adiha aam riglBut u whtab Du aftpii
Walk-'. *>,.1
Don’t Send Away!” mmgm
Sate of State Tax Landa-
kof beauiifo!
and onr LOW PRICKS for elegant gCN>df> and
styles are pleasing the people more ^nd more
every day.
"agdnts” for
Chicago job
three times for the ^rder. A lady jnst informed us
today that she bought of an •*ageat” and when the
pected to pay. aod more than twice as much as we.
asked her for the same quality.
Yon never get left'
1ST i--a M- uwa rw wl Cwir. u* ■< ibi m
MW '«'• I*
n<r gr TtsMna emt- m ■*’
■ SIT.' <S) itf'A|.r- it IM >mr ta* >*i*i
in rruist au uiac Ua mukn. ttT *wts*4.«
at the •Old Reliabletr t zin ft IM TMI M.UT Itr tS* I tlklW WlW
tw > I t-in M* **aw ■* ■remiToti'w. tu *3t
*.»-TrM.ik. It rmu* -M fur tsr *•*•«< ran
Frank Friedrich,
We have moved to onr new store. 242 Front street.
ud &riB property. I-S CMh, baluee on Uma. 8maU
peymwts, wttk iaUreot at .6 per cent. Bee
imrtlel UM below If you went e bar(ala, cad ud eee me.
Vo. 1»8 -80acree.-$lA00 111 miles from city om*, W.Uiamabary.
Frame bnildiiw. aberot Slaoea impN>i««l. H'fid -kil; well water,
ad; surlaoemoatlyterel.
Vo. 164-78 aeroa-$8SM. 13 miles from ciiy. near Yaba P U
« eerea improved, frame baildioeH. orchard Wwll waiamdV
•uil. invel loami eerfaoe. moMly l>r«(. Handy t
bing bonsea get in tbeir work occasionally and peo>
pie pay jast twice what we charge for the paptr and'
goods came the price was just twice what she ex
Endorsed bp the leading physicians—no extra
charge tor ventilation—Tbe ideal summer shoe at a
popular price.
We show the latest styles in men's fine shoes at
$3.50. $4 00 and IS/O in the city.
The Old Re^ble Shoe Man.
mile* weal of rl
• 1V. AW <ta I
imprwed. BorCace.mastly level: aoil. un^y hum. L^boose.
OaeVtird cash, balanca in BDOiia] paymeata ai 6 per oeuL
Ve. i$$-$<u000 60 acru 2i mika Donh-ts*t on PefiioauU. Frame
beiWM; aboat IG acres oe oreb^. toil, uady loa^aartaea
abmerdliag: oe good road.
Vo. 18$-$$^. 40acru2Amiiutrdm city oo PenicbmU. On
mauraaii: good apyria orritsrd
HoHace, some rcdliag; eafl,
uedykam. Frame booae. WUI take boose and lot ia dty ie
Store boUiiiw and 6U-foot lot No. 517 Uaiim
street Bake oven coettacted witb boildinz: good ebsaee for
bakery bWua. OaeHbird eaab. balance oo time to eutt.
Ve. 146-.«0aarM. S miisa eoetbsaat of Cadillac. 40 aerre imomed. LaghoaaeaadataUa. Sawllorcbard.i<2odeafl;«r> ’
boa,level.cegDod rued. Bomatfmber.
af Hra. J. L Olbha.
tharabaDdlataf tbair cow bOI. that
woamaatir baratd taMaf ClatMap.
iitoaspaMad that tba BlU BIU
gpwalloM Uto BO^
taadr tor MaL Two patar
bUI ba ba«a la a Mb data.
Ma. ^aH HaalyBtaa. af eraad
BAptda hat baaa apaaaM by tta daMadaaB ta tta dreali
Btbbi wae gtnB a datWoa la tba ]aA
Uaabeoariat Ctapelay. bat tbaaai
aaabaaaappaalad Tba potataaA aoataralap wbleb tta partial ata la llttpa
tka. wan barpalaad tor by tteBra
dariapttilUatiBaoIHr.OIbba. Tba
Mrhat UatBa laaattaa aad tbay t»
tatad tt taha tta pottttta.
At tba B
Aaattar aid aotdiar bM (tllaa a rle
raroeelrad Ttoa a
Ua to paralyato aed it la a prtaarttaa
haalar a rapid freBtb. aad alrtadr
eoadllkiB. T. BrUlay. aa aU pieaarr.
waa atrlekaa Friday alphl aad baa
WUlJaB I WaeUt aad Loatoa Boa- alaea baaa aaabte to aaaak er
UbU. StolafI
br Baa d. A- Broadr
alyirdaadtba i
aoeaat « e-elaak. at (bt raaldaaB of to tboaa which were proalaeat la ttr
>( the latr 1
Tbaexar, Mark
Canto aad hiJroo Chatterdoa.
Hfi.CE Uonl baa baea ak
Oridley-a ape It ayilett bit
cbertitar ol tba Pitat H. C. ek<
sptMa to raiala bar paaitloa aa
r aad aepnaa In tSe 0 laprBta
l«taBcahabolraL.lte driM tba U
B ebolf. _________ .
Store iBproreaMkitHat B Tatawo hat jatt aetobod
Kta Praak BarBoo aad cblOroa. •ittBp bit eaelacittaary atarc oo Boatt
Blib Hrt DtOraw «f Hapletoa.
DoUb atracL Tbroa Boa arw
here baaa placed, wb'eh
Tbatadar for BaaUlc. Waabladtoo.
Bhera Hr. HartM baa boeo for tba Bade by C A Heat. Tba Boer baa
paal roar. Tbar Bill raalda tban par been eoraied Witt llaoteoB mad
lattrior muraapwl.
Teblaliaraf other pooda Hr. Tatlaa hat lut added a Boa aBonB«
of Bahlap wehir- The belldlnp to
liphud with aaealyieoa paa. aod
BOW oeaeftta ttatlast le tta city
■■■< >w»
w. •-i^L'*’“2r*'*' **
Circulation this week 2.250
Itadir; Wait baa |OM to Spo)-ao*.
Itaemo l4Cb( aad Haaiu>( PlaaiU. D OaBpball A Ouoa bapao Toorw
HoeJar tba H<ablraa fliateb Oo.
itartad ay for aa axtaadadraa apoa day to arraofa far tba aaparatioa of
tba walar worln plaot (roB tbaclaclrlc
>aa Ittoaxpactad that tba.
Na list wilt be luai
Bill laat aettl tba Blddia of daoe aad
aboet 4 000 liMlinli par day bUI ba
plratbas'.ty poaaaaaiea olu
Bada iBlo atarab
Bayor ahoild baaa the
hearty aapport of all eltlxaaa la tba
dlBBUBOrb that Bin eoalroat bim.
Hr. Priadrteb to a laao of eiaBplary
character aad the Bkbai.u baa caary
brltorc that be bIU aac hto
brat rfforta (or tba pood of tba dty la
erery Bay__________________
Work baa bwia OP tba blp ceBcat
(aeto<7 at Ktk Bapidr. lo addltloa to
thetaelory ItaaU, apBr 1.400 faat loop;
Tba eittaaoa of
•raaraeoeUaalUiatlta p
t« Bill doable Id two yaara. The
iMlory Bill eBploy >00 BMa. aad Bill
eot $*00,000.
Whllalttobelierad that it wlU raqalie aaarly ttraa Boetta to reBore
lIphttBf plant to anotter loealloo,
etery eftarl wUl he Btdc U facilitate
the work. Hr. CaBoheU baa aereral
•ilaaloTiawbathMBOt daeldad jail
where the Ilpfal bnalaen will be loeetloaalkn will be aeleettd la
riew of the hal water beetlap eytieB
which they latend tt Btablltb. elttoepfa tee lalttr roterpriae will aoi
ffiei the raaorml of tba plaot. It to
deeipaed uloeauaoarahere aear ttr
bay ur rlrereo aa profll by (acUltlea to
pet wetB for aae la the faeaUap buii-
PWO«*PeMAThaabt^ BiU oa -tta aBsn
Tba larpa baia af Bebart Pabiia i
OarpUkeat Poapto. awaad bp 1
AoBa. kaieiil jMiBiltj iflaiBlaB' irll
BaariypUitaaoaittotaThe lanl
Tba baildlap. whtoh waa abaat ttiM
ta abaat Bl.aoo Witt oa iMtdBda
faat ta alte. aaattlaad a large qeaatii
TWolplaofIbaBnM a myo
of bay. a larpa aapply
aaw wapaa. with caatlBelahli Bttd Tba bUI bed oat bdaa la opera>tta ler
ttat bad Int baaa Weapbt tiaa Tnr a lepp Uae- It to ttoapbt pcBibla Ihoa
area City Boae teratl^ Mata wan libarBoaea tta lake Bay bare aataralao destroy^ ao ttat tba lea to qaltt a«. oadenikliaUy art tta Bill aa Bre.
Barry Beady hnl Jaat aoBa freB,
larpa. wttt eo.laaanaer.
Boword City Ttoca^ to taha abarfa '
DeO-eackew WaBdlac
ofttaBilLwhlekwaattatanepla ai
qmiat bM Aaapy
taw daya Ba w«at to BlepbaB raaa
diap Moh plaea Satarday, Hareh *1, of day attrraoca.aad reaato go oa to
tba bona af Hr. dad Hn. H-tBariceu
OaeepeBeattaidof tta Qty Dialapl
Mr Bee. Otll of Saw Heatoiap. Ball bate qeaedly at ttoto la ttc
and HIB Obb teckaa al Baaaab. Blil.«nloedat oeerfM
BarTiapewaaaoleaatxrd at ll-io
Mr. Boapbay. wbo owaad tte bUI.
by Rn>. HaU of Klapel^.
waally aaeabaaed ttereaort at FMek
The brlda waa baatUaUy aWrad b
XUUsu Olm Away.
laratdar. wUaBad with while mUo
Ittoeerta-Blypratifyiap tothepob
e tt baow of oae eoaoera whicb to ooi
Owlap tt tta abaeaM >
FtNi» amu.
SvTla -
TbeetectrUllphtlapayeiea will be
Ibere will ba a Beetlap of Hear Oe.
eoBplettly roBodeled, aa eotin new Lake H^blpao. TbopreotTd'to^bn.i^
o. I kUt oraalap la the Ualoa atreat
h.. w# carefully
patfliot Baehioery belap aeeeaeary. Jr
TM (root o( tba Cilj Bookilora to aaplaebaaa. It to aapadally iBpor The eoapaey will caublab tba dlrait
taat that ecan Basber ba praaaat. aa
boiar p-otoradfoaotoeoat
itayattaaad make a apeclaUy «(
thtolathe aaM Bactial. Tbaempolet oLlke
A otattoe tau baco opcaad br tb* can will ba alactad for the aaailop •epplytap eorreat for power. Ia addiw..i.>iaodlar a riewaf tte watarl
MtoMtaa Tbloobooa eoiDpaay at MaraadtbarewlU ba otter batleaaa
«tt diractloox Tb. peoUemea
will baa apaeialty The pleat will be
lap the prooany an- aaticipatlap a i
raaaUday aadllpbiaad power will
Haad HeHlabaal. tba Xom yaarold bcaTaUablaaiall tlBCa
daaphtar of Hra. HcHlebaal of Weot
The bat waier betioeat will probably
B phU atraot. waa raa dbwa by a W- be tta -Yaryae’' ayetem. which to beeyallal Hoaday araalap aad auta tar iepopanttd with praat aoreraa tor
totalytajaradaboat the bead. Tbabl- baatlep poblie bnlldlept.
to Iba ao(Ma al I
eyela ridw rode on wltboat etopplap to bibctt aed reaideeeea
Dick Caapbali
eaalreaa towbettar tt# girl waa la- wUlpott LaP.irtt. lad . tta latter
BaorpG- '
partotacxl weak tt look Batten eo
. ball. b’«b
loecuoa with the aaw aatarpriM
Aim tteiaitiatotyearaaeataa la tba
«B ttera ba-win pe tt Matttaa.
Baatara Star liodpa Toeaday eraalDp
III., whara a pleat to la BBeeeaafal
•abate aajoyed a alot baeqaet
opantloB. Bafon siUap defiolte arTbatablBtrora ladie with pood ttlapa
itoopeBoBta for the aaw roterprtoi
tlallarplaauarlll be tborouphly laeaaUpattd. ao ttat the leuodoetloo ol
Baltto Mar BIrdtdl of Baldloff I
will not ba ao cxperlewet aad aaerat work.
tanllal batlueaa eeo
tba r^lar qaartorir aaaUaf of tba;
Arehla OasaroB raUread Teaaday tare rlphl troB tte atarlL. L. A. will oa bald ia (bt llbrmtr: IroB Oaotril Lak*. wbara be eloaed
Towaablp Eiaoti'Uta.
toemt Balardar af loroooe.
to Ido hto brother AlecW-A Dwa » diawlBC plaadfor a «ader le tba perehaae of the peaeral
■oa toatdaooa to ba ba.lt aaoa lor ioa- ttore at that
aa Lasbcr Oo. Be•dby^
Clark-Frid Raxold, Jr.
4 wbaa tt aerar bU
Traaaarar-HlBard Obarllo
W. A. Daao baa aootplatad tba plaaa:
loraAoaaoaidaaaaforW O Poom od
BIpbway CoBBtoaloDar-Wa. Core.
■day A H. Baallsaotal perabaatwaroIF.IthaBd Mapia anata
McBaaraf Board 4>f Rmaw—Patrick
rhaaed Me Uorle Mawbarry raaidaeee Fogany.
Aaerdarbaajxl beaa raealrad by piaoBiy eoaatotiap of fear lou aad a
' UcaafttePaaeo—IjaaphBttBCBtba MUeblfaa Btareb Oo. (real a alefla dAllIap.ea Hiatt eireat TeaMwallbcp.
..tra taCbiaafo.<Br Ipaiooa of poUto op win be Bored aearer tt Hr. HeellScbool leapeeur-Wa. Hebert.
oaettl'a twldeoee aad
Cbiialabtoa-BlBBBd Plobe. Edward
roeaaer, Plaree Wiealcr, Waller EasrHarrlad.br Bar.J. A Breadj r**- lire aaellBeDlcI w II take twoofthe
bwdai aoralac. Obarlaa B. dhaw of ouaad balldabaadirBeasd sodare
■wWaa. aad Hra. «trah Tanar of iwauipp.
OiirSavlDRB Depiirtmeot
Ibladit/. __________________
ThaakbtplasUlof-B P Biapbay.
■ra Lawroaea has^toMraad froo a wbldi baraad Taeaday afiaraaoB. wUI
baatarM trip to Oblaara ard aaaalaod onrbably be raballt
U to tba lattowbaaa aba hat baao porabaalaK apriar tlei of Ike eaaar alttw tt balld too
thedm-tt plaee aear tte'fcrpir alia of
Oaerra W. Barf, who baa beta cook tbc ablaple alii, or W pat aaw aaebla^ la tba boardlai boouof L K r<T IBM tta balldl^ BOW owaad by E
Bapcrriwir- diaar W. Farranl
Highway CoBBtoaloacr - BiltolJ
. eibbt A Boa tbto wlew.bat taUtaad
Eik BtpMttobMBlac Md the aaBaparrlaet-dWlaarA: Uarlba.
taMtobBMPaf tte_blp eeidtet (aeWry
Clark-Biban E. Oaoipbari.
IB Mat'plaee will plre tba plaee a
Tkcaaarcr—Boward B. UJI.
praat iBpatof la saay waya A torpe
Highway OoBBlcatoear-IIaary deoil.
aeabBoldrrelllapa are balap baUt
dttael laapcettr—WAbar P. aualc
ardraeiaoaoid rdUdaaeaa hare adTba Palfbaai aaap aaar Bli(Ma baa
Haaber Hiard of Bcricw--«tte A
•aoeadaaarly dmMe. Baal tattle U
bOMclatad- Taraa qaanara ef a bU
nt'BplB ralraaad tteeatleok fee the
Itoo foot wato taroad oa I by tba camp
ataWeo-W. B. Staal*. 'C
-aaon proatotaa rath of badaoB
Baracto John Thosaa. J Kolarlok.
Tba tttekeolden of the tVaearae
raahle OaaBltMc-U. H 0>ae
Ibafaaaral Of tba Uia Albert Wiak
Bay _Hilllop Oo brid tbaU aaaaal H. B. U II. C. B. Kehl.
o« Bbo traa blllad at l)>rat Oitr
t. wUI eoear at that
n^oBorrew aeralef.
daparrlaor—WiilM Wiphlsaa
dto^of tba property at,HpfrtoClerk-SadpawicM Brpktaa.
Maatok a Boatoa » baabaaa aaubllabrd rllla toUi heatadrabtapr. It
TrcManr—WlUlaa Dexter,
.M Pbalpa. Hioh.. aaar Obarlardlx. witb ibbt the oH ran bare ta opp>
dcbool laapaetor-BarBao P Scbl
Aloa ftotaa aa pealataatar.
•allttaBlU. neam it t
Jaatlea of ttc Peaee cfall urai —Jobo
raa by Borrlt brottaee
Piaapataet eUBaa'gbBtkal Baablaaa
wan datrarad to tM, Walla HIraaa
IWalaaM llfht vl^^V^aat
baaooaapUMdbrH. D. Qaapb^ tt
tea for (ba aaw dock aad ararahoaac
al tba Borlbar* HtoUpaa Tbaaaparta
Oapl fat Btaaratoi^Cbarlandi
H Baatto
iBlbaeHyyaalqrday. Bt eaaa
Haabar of Beard of Berlaw <(all
(roB Bib Eaplda atur aloalop
•aalraettetta blcdaeb to te ball! ttral—Laetai W. Lyo$.
HeBbarot Beard of Birlaw ilycai
for tba ora er:
H. Lawla.
dock win axuad l.tu fart froBabere
h of It (tot of water.
Oaplala Btaarato to hare tt eloar a
Btraatferttaaaw doeh tt b* ballt
auNerttport by tta Paraam Olab of
that plaaa
Boa. Praak BaaUlOB. Ibo lajrlap
isyar. 'baa plraa tta aivy A_p^ of
bafd.lalUtB;«adraaaBtaaretao. Ba
VaaMdar Prol. 0. T. (bawa
akam at tba Oaatral MtohlfaB Norsal baa darel{^ Beeh ^aa tt tba work of
aad arary daly hea baaa par■ahaelaiMt. Mtaaaat. (IptatblaOBa hto
-------..------ .— -----perplex
bt bat btaa la tba Msmal Baba
aa barearton
oHaa that da Beaded
earafil tboapbt aad bard werh. To all
tbaea Hr BpaUtaa baa plraa
appaal frcB tba iaabea eoart to tba
tratioe.aad htoaaroeatcadaat
abaaH aoert U tbaeaat altbt oodpaar
bars tt tta adraaeeateat af ttc aattca » A Attaer
rtal lattrrato at tba elty. BtoadaMe
Iba Poartb prada of tba Oak Itorto
iAoal.taarhlbrHlBaaia Oarr. aa- aad tba
BOBpitobBeei; of tta
lb ytar
lepod a plaacaat aftaraaea Fridar
d of ttealtyBad IB
Abaat M vMten wara praaaot aad aa wall balap. aad pratpetlty
WBllMlpiiBiaBaraa flcaa. aaoMtt-
It wooH
Sappoae yoor rooai id twelce
feet aquare, t7.0Uio9^1U would fix that kittbea—«oree the
^ W CeTvVs sl "\DViv4iovd
will iBi up a f'lotb^^bad*. patent aprinc roller, that will
krrp out the cun and add to the ,Miafort of livieip Ac yon kiwp on tbrueapb the
hone* yonUI fiml . han.-ca to mak. improvemenlu. aied if you vicii onr atock yonU find
clylea. priem aud ^u^itiep to suit you in
S>&ec CuTt&vna Ihc anl uy
5\.8& aui uy.
Stv CarpeVs oar S\ocV
in the laiveet in Norlh'-m .Miehipan.
Stylea are the laleet and fineet.
Its eqnal ia nol made.-
For a low price cariiei on r?lV pooda are anperii. We bara wold them for
tbree ■'aapne and w<- kuaw them lo be aplendid aralnrw
Ifyol. uecdneu «h*et*buy our U-4 eewmiewa sheelinp «t IS^c-a cpleodid
Bed Kpreadc at Ibv-.
Never wJd cheaper
Iu every departtuenl nor ctaick it • luiplete
upriup liuciueato
• doiop an
Gar 3VaaVotTttT8 S&Ve, GyccUV'Dlttimat twv
SutrjVhias oa
I't, '6 aai \1.
NlH UfW $11 TMlIlf $Ht
a.a auu. prreioroi: Jaa T. beacu . k j
A^a.±-t’s Dj?-u-g S-tore.
Cj Tboradar bp Wilfiato Jaakaa the
kitdbea flour ooaU be coi-ere4 with LIN'OLEUW.
not coat ao cxtraTrqfinl aom.
eDUrefl-wr and aare a world of backache.
Afltl pareots is the multi
color lines in whicb your Bastvr
eggs are dyed. We, bare all
the coloreof the rainbow in our
dyes for your Easter e^ffKaster comes once a year like
Christmas, so make the child
ren happy by serving them with
eggs as gorgeous as Joi^ph's
acBOdad abaat aoo bbabaU at
HouackcTdop wooJd be ewaiar the whole year thKMBli if the
*“•■ —L
'\Louse CX^a,TCva^.
1 Oolde. bare plr
Billioaa trial botllaaaad
A boBBtIfol dlaeer
• of JiBowiap It bar
•cJ lyrdTaad le tba afttraeoa Hr. aod
Hn Dell reealrad a faa of tbelr lati AalbBa. Bcoaebitia, Ua<> ippr ai.d a:l j
Beta fricada
RefitoabBeaU ware rhroat. C^aat aed Leap Dtreaan arr.
aarely cared by U
Cai' oe b E Wall '
aad Jaa (1 Joboaoe. U-nrr au. aod
A boat of frlaadt jrla la wtofalap the
trialbeule Bepolarato >le aaC
happy eoBpla a leap aad toaeloedad
Erery bottle poaraeteed
Ufr. aa waa baaatlfally aappeettd
HiB Co'e. triwaer f>r Hia< Pearl
the apotlaaaakln.___________
Taekabarryb Biliiacry
pa-lora. baa
Kew Noruport Raaorv
arrirad from bar hoaa Id Detroit.
Ueorpi U. Wiaaaa of KalaBaiM. ai
Urria A Ward, a proBlaoBt loBh.
ThalThnhiap laadacb*
Baa of »-aod Baaidt. who own x.
. - i'd qaickly learr you. if too oaed
Korthport Poiat raaort, were
Or. E-ofa New Life Pella Tboaaaoda
city ycattrdey oa tbelr way
.itacff.-ren bare prured their mal.-fa
Nirttport. aoeoapaoiad by
Daolal icaa Bcrii for-blckaod Nerroca Hndlea.
Teey Bake pure
CraaaaadHr CbsrebUI of Urand Rap
lUd up yoar baa
Only *S ceob
ld<. aad Fred C.ddiopa of toawioo
oeey back if aoi.cored..S-.ld oyS. I
The party raaebad beraon the 11. R. A
loheror; P opc.ai
alt aod Jaa O Ji
tor Horthport to
look orer tba rearrt aed plan ter tbc
eoBiap leaaOD. Hr. Cniaa to a eoetracttr 'aad beilder aad alnady baa
plaaa prepared tor tba oa* hotel.which
Irto be nady foraceopaBcy by loot
to-.h. aod for loor or Bra haadaoBe eottapea Mr Uid-iiapa. wbo to tte Bmeaperof tbetliddlepeBooaa at Law too.
will hare charge of tte boMl. Ttooarb
tte ceaon to yet la ita iataacy It proB
tonttbeoaaot tte Boat popelar of
tta aeny beantital reaorta which Iloe
tte ahoraotUraad Traeertt bay. It
eoren the eollre poloteaatof Mono
part, plriop a Use rlew
Tbalatarlorof tba alcaratera rt A.
W. /abraat to batac laiaeorata*
It lea raaard that tba elty
■Att Bare aad aata
ta ha
aref Biphwaye-^ohk A
Swell Spring Shoes!
Mauy year* of ohoc sr-IliDi; in Travt-nu' f ity. sr-llitv t^>o<l
atiorw. aelliDC tbirfli aftbe lowi-et (Kaaible pricea, baa wnii fiv nr
no DQuaual ilrqrm- of public c-miideBrr. Tfat* public trust in a>
for irm«{ (oolwr-*r and we nefvr dUappuiot tb<-in iu •(UHliiy and
always jtlease iu price.
1 Fear Prices Will Skmiroiilinir We an'
Seliiei So Mae) Shoes This Spriag.
Very daintv. kliMhl pal-nt
kid rntniterpiAio clotb lupa.
ailk work'd eyalela. ligin ••
“Rnya)" ahoM for women
Fineat ktdakin ttn>era. neweat
^apea, very haodsonie and
W.ALK-OVEK-I. «l,e very
beat men’s ^uea
ibe pncr' th* world fcuuwe abuut. Vici
k cl. bn calf paienl calf, wil
low calf. <• .rr-cl ebapee. f-'i
itteation to
r me aouet. atylieb niiappy
abapea.aii tb* pojuilar imtb*ru—#w*ll footwear f<ir a verv
moderate jirice...........tS.fi6
of ladiee- fin* ahuea at fil .08dame atyliafi shape* aa biKti*r pradro
' ' Mr dium ahori*. medinm
weiirhL Kid Bkin upp*ia.%id
Dexter Dollar 8ho*a for*
ladi«.a.dolA kid nppen and
\ •
V >
^ *
It’s limp to plan what you will do (or the
sprini;—w’hat you will plant—*^th« kind of
clover B«ed you will use It’s good sleigh'
ingHDii jou can haul it horie NO VV and
reufly Jor the first chance to plant.
III some localities planting is done muchearlier than otbej^.
We Carry the Alfalfa
or Lucerne clover; this we guarantee a. the
l)cst re-cleaned clover. The Alsike or Swedish, the Bok
hara or sweet clover, just the thing for hep farming. The
CrimsoD TreftHl and the Scarlet Italian are the an
nual varieties and in&kc most exceileiil hay. The Mam
moth Bed and the Medium or June are the' two most
important for practical use.'
The White Dutch is a sniall creeping peienbial var
iety for pasturage and for lawns. It adapts itself to almost
every kind of soil.
Are you planning on at^J-epatrs in your home or the
barns, or any new biiildingsf
Everything needed in the way of Lime, dement, Plaateiing Hair, Building Paper, etc., etc. Itow’a your stock of
Land Piaster?
We are the great headquarters for Farmers’ Supplies,
and we' guarantee our prices are absolutely the lowest, where
quality is, considered.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantila Go.
I WttiW. Aran. t. leoo.
M*««l week*, toia«H»Uy nil Mai
TM reMna M«n and* thnir appear-
Qrand Tmverse Beerion.
ed by Mr itotat.
kn.ewM. orowtgi . K^.. wM ba*
______ (BfoiMtaaibndtMreide bene nemsg twr •
8<BM «u aoM In. ae tM bay
latt attcaetM a large aadwaea
troB ton.
e(4MBBBb«WB« rery latwneUag.
AtasOterbwaeqaiMHeh iMt w*nk
wUb iMntp
Hr*. Bragden. wM hat b*«n rtoUli
Mr daagbter. Hn Wy**. r*tarn*d i
b*r Mb* la Tn**r«* CUy 1
Btnay Olircr and ftBlly Boeed Mri
from Empire iMt T*«Ml*y. aad bar*
Mbeel eloatd ie W/II. tar a aaakt t«elM B PUberk beete
Well* geBtalag a tew last Satardey.
Hr. 8*tt Utben ataraad Mm (res
E Plebtr narrowly ateapM betag kill
hit rrark Istt Tb«f*dty.
ad by tae bresklag of a oaery wf-'
' t
tbit Btirbbor- Ooe piece gnied bit ekeek. which.
Seboel eeBoweead' le
bead iPkIty with Mr*. AI
It bit blB, iroald Mee klllad biB.
Ha darter Mt a eaw arfas.
OWtM< a kW* MM
tea MU MMh tM ip(i^ ------UrriM* XIM
*5Ti2i! Slits'
Ii«. lor MsMt* ««1#-
Mr. sad Ha H. H. Olltart of Hoa a pleeo of tttal tmek Hr. Bkloaer le
re* OMiler rtoltad ai S- Otboreb tbt Ibe eye. daageroarly aaar tb* tight It
Cl MB pan taw day*.
wtetkintallyreawrrdbyDr Todd.
Ht*ry Mapn sad Koab OtMra sttlit
ed W. Toller la patliof op
r. aad Mr*. B D Priak of Tiavort*
iCl'wln T»cMi aUl.
O- e. &ifw« kM aoMd *0 S«rtb^
a a. ObM bM W. 0. tMakaraM taklai
SmIMmMMc. BtkMworkforC
I. WMtM et (b»« •!•••■
^ae AtmU to aBBlac IbM
a a WUU BUrM tar ONffDB tpdv.
.. B. Unto of TaTorto City wo*
lews today.
A good eoBber of tbt setgbbw* net
Hit* FaBOlt ThOBpaea to at Mb* ee at Vbe borne o! Mr. aad Mn. beeler
• eseetloo.
Babbcll Friday al^t
and gar* tbeoi t
aleatanitsrprite party It belog boib
aad Mr* Hubbell'e birthday.
w.. her* italerday sad dooday.
Tbt aehool ebildree tpeoi Friday
tl tbt boat of AUatAodenos.it bciog
HM Habtl White of Ta*era* City her blriadty A rery pleeasat cttsiog
wa* tpesi estlBg taffy aad pltylsg
eulled Mr*. J. L. lllbh* today.
gsmet Toey will bcRlad to Otlp Hitt
Mr. Weltnl wa* lo Ta**i«* Oily
Altbaotltbrti* ber aeit birthday alto
l*wday*la*t week.
•Jiarlerly BMtlag will M bald at
do* deou bat eoM to Mt. Cleaeptlo 80U1U Hllloo tbw week Satnrdty aod
labe tnaiBaol tar rMuBsHtai.
Kunday y larutly eonferecce 8*tor
.TM Itdla of tbt Aid toetoty c»»t • day afierA»B aad preaching dswrdty
eapteelalael ioaeresB topper lathe arveing. dtoday Bordag tber* win
•boreb datordayotepiaf.
IH'tiiwat w Lite fetal at »:9i> o'eloek followed
ny preteblng aod the adnlBitirtiloo of
______. tM reoeolTl.'tvi to Ttoarae iMBacn
At the Township elrelloa Hoaday
_____________ •oeedy.Mre HodcaMa he foil
ollowiog oOeen
Bantk. Hr. sad Mr* Cai«. Mr sod
doeer wr-W. S Hiihbell
Mr* dioekStfa.UtbrrHoey.HMBobClerk .I E
_ W.Bicn
bJiC sad Will Jaekeoe
'TreMarrr—Tbo* Kcaoeay
Jottlee ol Peace—S P. Hewe.l
Board of Ustlew-TfUBBO Btirley.
Highway CoaBlatWeer O lagcreoll.
M< «U M cbUtfM le raaBlB qitot
MtaTri^-rj'----- awliM *t Ut
baMMlSril&'B PBtBBto MtaMB)
MkCUcMtoa. a««. O. a B»U eSelllr.Ben«riUcHBB Uetar* «
D.aRtohMa4raMBp (rea Tn»-
r. Lardle
Mr*. Oarrall. who bat beee *ery tiek
Itb paeuBoola. It toBOwbi............... ..
Mr. OeBlit bat balllae let-1
tprlocaaddlled It with tee.
bNWbt bMh BMck bM inns.
Will TBayersed wife wilt mote IBM
Prsak Betel of Tra**r*e City, bit itaerooBtoter J. B Hoeroc't taardbtCBTltl tiac bit eoMlat. BtrtaadBoy
yreeetad by N. A
TbB roue MM of-J. HeKBBB.>.
lleary Uoleu end Cell* BobertMO
r* tbt nail of ta^titter. Mn Wa. wen married Her It. at IM home ef
ill pnbBMr
Abe bride’r pareal* ai Bartlett. A r.^
TM Udlti' Aid will seat with Mr*. ceptlon watgieeaat the grooB't par
Mtadtobate tovtolHac bapmt jBertotiDiUrawoo Wedootdey. Tb* eau Is
lll«raryeaale*laaa*** *try larre*•tthtovtaea.
MM Unto' KoBB. vbo hsi Mae
Be*B Itaued and more lellen regwtaed
hriaalw la a wMlaaU alUiBery
' MaaU Qnxl tapUa. toal boa* tor
iMa in any prerlou quarter.
1 Brrivad Mr* tiaa,
ArehirMauj »eart pari oflBSt wic
■an to ««rk tar W, C. BairtH.
Is MeiralB, TtoUiec Jito brcUierB, r.
K«n<taadsT, Apr. r.qaBrurlr a«
•BC «Ul M Mid at E k Lakr. Toe pi
eUlac eldw -111 b* preaaBl.
poplleofBIk Lake wbo ailead
MM Macita Baefca M* raUunad ____ J SI Elk Mpiito. ar« ro}:
«na • Me waakB rWt ia EaUnakB.
;TBaaliea thi* iraek.
< Mn. W. a. BeaMa aWlad la Tnfn>e third lUe Tea oltM ladiai
Mcletf »UI be cirao at Ml*. Ii
..........................*. Apr iMM Bfaoda ElUoU of Barker Crack
arrirad her* Frida; to Uke a poillioe
with Mr*. & Mar* (or the aoicBirr.
WaanMrtac Maatlfal waatbar
Hewa (tarter sad Mlaer. of Old Hit
triBBlof F. boaitorebeTd.
Mb Lean Umilf bM Cyme Balb
April It, H. D C*
Friday evealac
anniidtM taaaherl aaBalaatt
bell, of Traarve City will glee as
Lataad lael vaak.
Hn. a 6taM*Bldet Tnaafa* OtV tertalaacot is the cburcb. wlUi bis
- ■C«anelMn. MaharVaMaae ebaaecaph. Mr OtapMIl eoBe* (rer
adtaietioa ta* of
lOe ter adalu sad se tor ebUdm aeder
MyaaraotacewlUfaecharced boe’t
MiaFteBMe waib% fotcet IM date. April U
Aribur Dsae. Bcrrcy Tripp. I
Wyocoop and Beary R>llo are tpe
lag their raeaUoB et home.
raogemeala to parrbstt I
baok't bnue esd lot la this aillage. bet
the deal il:d aoi matarialli
Mr. N XiB ba* purchtt.-d Mr. Siac
tot's home and mored Into la oo Boaday. Ur Staeton will probably rcmalB here tbit tasmer. Ml bit pet
Idea la MditpoM of hU property and
pat* tha remaiadtr of bU daya near bu
cblldreo la New York.
Some boHdioP will be done ip
rielalty tbit
B. Bocain eommeseea this week a
Brick dwalUng on hit, (arm ose a
id toBlh ol EiBgtIey.
KatMa Andrew's fanilly win Mee
Oostneu are made (ora frame boaae
toBeldwibTbandBy. TbeBod(eAld
e mil* aaatof
tedely pttaselad Mn. Aadnw*
with ■ OB the Kiagaley (arm ODC
IsBpee a tatba of regard.
lir. D^(7Sr.,
««Mm« ato<«M* M* haaBBCtaai Mlehlgaa laet
iBtof hto
■• taaaaiB.wWaBad elcfat teller * death
--------------- - -----------If el all
Wlllte Wllw» bM reeled Beo Wil.
see'* farm aad will *ooo more there.
Mr. detelaad ^eol to Tn^n* City
ter depot ageet here asd we very b
dit'lke to let him go. RU fature w
Ma No___________ beslekeu Loella wUlbeatAstrim. ,
OntodMa Lnaard. «M Ma''^ M«a a^ Bath Ponytbe to
•eiioB aaeaeff^oS q
aarrMtaraoM(toBa.toBUU)* MtThe Hedge sebool c________________
day with MM Ena* a* teacbee again.
--------------------- Jotlko arrieed Mre trow
SMbeygaa Fnll»; Wto, Sau>rd*y.
-oted'ta clay aod g
tpetd a f«w BOnibi with ‘
tar. Ma
P. M.
Pierve. aad leach ai
DOtblag Mleasd bed*
It la w be
On aMnl epaaad afata Hetodv BoIbb tehool Mata
beped o«r people will wake upMlbU
aaratM a(M ala^'a •aeaUeaCi^
The AW *oe(rtT Bet wiU> Ma ’
MtoaUataWltoan to
■r Brewe leet WadBeeday. 8b* teewM
UeorgeDaUand Core Sackett wc
dinaerion •
'' maiTied at the bom* of the bride
pareati MarebI 91.
D. n HoRtu Ma tM aoalnel ter
tM BM LaaMr Oo.<i.^loc* B0«* hit taBlIj- there.
. e j.
Hn Chat. EaU» apeat last wtek a
The HMa* tUaele*
ley sueod
sueoded the eoa- Elk Uka
... .attb* open boeae I
city last Hoad^ e
W. WaikiaaofTraretre City
Jobs Wallet* and L. B liogge of oar rillage oa Mtlae** Uat weM.
MttOB* Bay war* la town luF Friday
Uiaa McAlliiterefOadillae
to rUUiag
■ataa a( Franaat. WMa tM; am*.
erry be* reated Mr* Libhie her triead. Hie* Joti* Garprnter.
!'* boete on the farm sod
Boy Notawar* of Norwood pab'-le
tton*BUl-b* bat hit!
•cMoltotpeadlBg a w«*c'* raamUoa
with bl* pareou.
OntowBaUpaiaaltaBwaat ttraifkt
Hiaa E iitbetb DeVrto*. who bf
beea tery low with paeamoaia.lt maeb
19 tocet^rm
Hr. Young hat mortd hi* ItBlIy into
Hr* ipbo Perry (ell m tb* ice a
bit new boose and they are May bo*asd it la a critUal oooditiea.
■t te TiiiwaaOty laei lag their elothlag. bobu aad dtan.
'.-y ladaobtful. He-tM.
camactc eotlala
Hr Berrlnglan
City ,to
. . J to Hooroc i
. AttartDaaktaowMtlaatarTtoadbtr*
aanlag ber.
aadtrOJ taM oMiff* altaasaclBaar- Hareb loth, a bey.
to ootM risk Itot.
^ dnatlMMt la OUl fcea- «a» »m.
Blntlea today.
Wb Cook bad aaotber attack ef
Mn. Llbble DeetBBn will go to
heart UMble last week. Mt to again
tane^ *ta^n!a*^^aM^* -vpsllantl arzt wtek whore
wiUat- able M Mt.
leM tM deary Batlaett bell^.
J U. Bloadgood wa* la TnKM Calla ■e*Ms* wUl apaad
Mn. Crane was eallod te Boyne dty
«aaM *toiUar)rtoBd*al TM«*r*a CUy. to attend the (eetral et bar nepMw Tneedey.
Mr. aad Hn E O Wbluspeat 8uOtaHarttaaoa weal to SaWea* Bay Ml Stinidey.
d»y iscaarierolz. rUlUag thei
Coeiat ^ I
laa.Hr aad Mrs Samter.
Hn F B Wbltaaodeoa K'a
Mn LdVoek wtuylng in town t
b*«rib-<n aptodlag the wlnler at Abb
week with her littl* glri who It qa
anaM tn naaun ■•»*. ae lepertaa,
Mn- T. Otoaa. Wt. Jaekaea. Mr* A
--.jilM H Seotteld of Trerertc City to
Tillrimii H*a
Fataraaa. Mia. B.
Tititing Hr. aad Mr* Chaa Sooe«I<l, of
■aMtb. Hi*- O. Bearde. Mr*. C Wac
HitiSaerp. teacher la the Peumkiy
public tebooU. U boa* oa a raeattoa.
Matter Walter Baird. wM Me bora
PMtweek ana* toUewt ______
ttroB. Berdlekrm*. Alford H-.magt>-e. eenoaely III. 1. eearaleeclag.
Hra. W. 8. Rraat. wM b*.
H L Nrttro.UleaArbor;Rgn Wearer.
PortOerid*; W** WUioo.Ot *U. C W ditpoaed (or >
k It agata a
WiiBstr, E Co^lridce. W B. Ontiet
Mr. aad Ha. Mnaseed Oeed Barbor Mn LeV.aek. F Hard**. Hawt.kec;
Mea aaand Mr* tad alii iiaalM (or 4. P Beatlag. Prank-HaraB. L. E: Col Spokane.
as*. Empne; Hike Soohradt. Ceeler.
Htle* Barit baa left th* Aalet (arm at
Berber Creek, aad Boeed to oar Mig
Paeur F. J. Eryaa to boUlag aaa
epeeUlaerrieceal tM Berkar Creek ay-
Ttatoton.O.C.C Btwea.BtCreto: deb*
IMaarly la*
» at tM good bMag doa* tbelprrrMta _______ ,____
CRildrva al
tooftaa tawMblp M the Aaao I way*
ly* Uk<
Uke It asd Bdtbare aadmM It P.
!«riaaiiaad,tM rataare
iM.aeeaaatteaMretybouemaa wraa
a XMMoaal* H« Loogar
«i' .•«» dalleale child.
SMoo) Report
ertedtM Utarleebee teke
•*«b1u, April«.
AilhcregBitriaeeUBgef IM W. C
T V- bald Taeediy^teraoon with
Mn Etiberiee Wiltoa at tbt WUta*
Cotuga ibe fohowtag oaitn w*T*
AMBooklat. Niea UopkiBt.: If* tb* lliUceoldatMtgrew lelo iMiaunlmra w aadMt
•leetrd far the eatBiar yw
iniady. FnakBiwer. L/I'e j big eoldt: tb* big cold* thalead laeoa.
Dr guiPre>ld*at—Hr* Saddia P 8sUb
TMee ttaadiag bWbeti os <z taapuos asd death.
Waieb tM Isul* tried' ewd
lt> VIee IVtoidtot—Mr*. Ella DdB*.
Bda wM
•n.'lAt'.rT.u s=tr:
tadVieePmWeal-Hrt B 0 Lmlw
9rd V,ee Pnaldeat-Mn. AUet Nal- (oartb grad*. Nta* Bepklat.
of rtolton. riz.
Hag See
See—Hn EttaWtalta
UlueH Bmki. . Teacher.
-e—Mr*. L. A. Abbott.
•—Mr*. Sel
letlic Dan
tpreadi Xdkt VlU Pin.
SoperiBtaed'eW-Beascelielic. Hn
O. N Ssitb: SeieoliSe TcBpemae* lb
ti-aevor. Hr*. B O LedieiSoldtenaad
Skulk faunliog ba- kera A meery
kaowtedg* taat BrigI
Sailor*. Hr*. J Vtnaib
makieg bj.iuMi in r adae^atyler
Hn. Ceroller Neltoe
Hn. EU OtBt.
rhe akiat 't^g high
•stotaa dlaeorerlnol pn.ra
The Udln Beeefli Society at IM H
.« Kerb. Un
E Cborob will seel Friday aftaraoaa
[ lluioit.ije. IbO.. utya, 'UeWm't V
Wiu Hn Kaibtrlae
Kalbtrlae WlUes.
, Uarei nalretjulbea the moat del
MimVioiaJbhe reioraedlatt Tacad*y treeing from Trt erte City where
tbt btt bceo •p-r-'log the winter with lb. aereet. beacecorc* Bn.it ludcof
l>-«* » My aa imllaJ-tJST ONE -WortE AEOE-r
ber tltirr tort B K F.ood
Btladle*. It Mild* «p tbe enflre ryt
Pola new IMeaod rigor tobi .ay
tiekly. raadown B.r or w.-m»oJ. I Certoa, Proiboool
la tbt generti store of A. F AlidereoB
Meaata. SOdbyS EWaitaud ion.
' 1 b»re
Hrt e.uWniimiBw.ll le*** W*dJobatoa, OraggieU
* Dyepept.* i-ure *n race.Ilitat remcey la
a delegtle to
r. aad bare dabcorai from ila ate." U
onreBtloo ihti
The >IN.oaiiBeed>d to clear lb* Kale <
and eaa out tail
tbit we-k at Uwutto. Micl
tMttoV.H.CA. troB debt eod ttr"“p V“?-,
Tb* heme of Mr *od Hn
ftkkk. w_ll.iiu k..
tore-lM party Friday ercoli
•urarlte wet arrtsged far their eon
CUreoce. who ntt beea tbeepl from
borne for reeeral sootb*
Brfretbwereierred to tbegoeeU aad a
Ifol uii*e
wa* es;>ycd.
Hrof.F D Sial-.b of lircenrill*.
Ihegaett of Hr* H T Sklascr. Wed
tv E Ciwlet of Mil»nk«e wa* •
uni M llulel Holer Tbarcdky aad
'No family eaa afford
1 BerriUi Oatteuk.
"Of larg* tom oa my iitfir dtaghwr'i bead dercloped lalo » ce- ■ of
roal aud lui g
teald bead." wrllec< I> Ubi.lofU.iruki.-t aud prere
. coiucmptioB.
gBotowD.TeBD .bat KuekK-s'. A
wrautaod baruiie
Salic eared
her. Ifaaguan_____
forErerB*. Iktter. Salt Rhrutn. V.m. '
3 rr*. (J-cenaod
od Pile*
E tValuaad Jas U. Jo
iibu-r ueiu. eaya be tuffvred from dyapi I'M* lord * coin are year*
• i.fl dictit-g gare but Imie relief. Fiael.y lie uwu K»do: Ilytep*!* Cor* aad
open‘’iog of n.r-i
.,un eau wiiti a.- .jbes and a- inueb a*
bold* a
e nuns, auc be (eeit Use a uew mas
pitilloa at ai'lt-aot light keeper.
I. il.,eiii * u.i you eat t.C ThpmpAaalbr Aueah p
Ktodt Utrtbe wi
fini Koibiiiry wtta Tnrerae Cilr
ttoilw r-tuncay aod FrI
inae tae llrer,
1 Tr»*c
iarigoratc tBe body
Ttanraday tad Friday
Hitt Marie L l‘.-way left Sttardsy Uttle Early Blaera
(or Mtuecloiie where stae will tpcod lie pill* alwayt act
Tkompuoa^______ ’
ClarcBc- Scott rclnra*d borne Friday
from Big Utpidt where b* bat been
ibl* winter attcBdieg lb* (tarn* lortilote.
ohat beea aiteod leg
a at Big Ktplda for
alba returead home
Friday ercaiog
... ._
H .Utise
- . .
retneoed tram
Mtinee* trip lo Treeetae City.
(ierlCtmpbeil went lo Trercrae Ci'
ced* by Sre any other qatricr tloi
H. Stlmtoo bat b*eo potunutar.aail Thursday, rcturoiag borne Friday.
lerlee Voice,
Voice. who ba*
tpeadingtwrek rU-tiog ber petal
lay drew our o'wa
ihU piece, reiuroed Saaday Mr*_____
her duile* at Mscher la a aebeol Bear
Vacation thU w*ek.
■a*, a Mlh vast to Mad 0% Ini
Vddac ta aeadaM enrtan;----rreaalMr* Mwluinntar
tactaailiad tM
Faakto dBltb U r*ry tick.
Ha Edceeonb » ■ laproeli
Bowlin' Htrbor nbeol cion* tbit
Ageed-by* pa^F »<"
and wife wa* held eitae boae of Hr.
Hike (isrdto to best for a
aad Hn C B Aedertoa leal Friday
drrta making parlor* aad le*rc Wrdratk*.
f Aon
Arbor for a racttloa ef
Ma. rn< OtaMk •*• takce wmt
atoh MMar anl^ Mltoeeaa Muar
I I IBI yii ua* wmaca imaga-*mt*a
Re* Heath moat woadcrfal ■adtota*. gatab aad
Magtagof raff- lltotaaaaiybarBlaaa la^dy
that rl**t Imaadlau ratalH. H oanb ------ taa
15*J Front Street
purity toe b-,ri,
by ating I'-tV-na
The** fam-.i
Tr.it , r'f City. Mii-h.
Before Bu\ iny:
A J’lANO orUKii.W
n..i fail to 3
SEE US. i( you wisli to S.WJ-:-
ii\. 3
We are sellioR out our Small Musital Mi-ffiijtuli-rt.- 2
during January- at gn-ai re»htti1ivnh
H. CT*-k, ChauDcry. <ia. *i
Wllf* WUeb Baicl Saire
pUeatbatbad *mci*d him for i»«niy _
yean. HI* alto • *predy cure (or kk:n Wdiaeaae*.
Beware of daegrrom ecu-.
icrfeiU- F. C Tbompaon
Kiu li .i-j vmimu. ^
Guiuars. Banjos. Manduliiis. i-tc.
^ Qrace Id. CnnslaghAm, Trop.
Mr*. UcHaekia to raiiiar I
pm • bailor** trip to Tnrerte City
id Prtoakry.
MitaCbrlatraa Utrtbe reluraed Satnrday lo btraebool atOrUtt (or the
The Relief Corps terred dioo
la ibeir bail.
The proceed*
Hr. aad Mr* II acetatrd. wao loti their
■ Treestlyr by 8re
Ui<* Smith of Solos baa been rUltlng
Hr. and Mr*. A. V.ilst-for ac.rrral
ae.rrrel dayi
WatterU.irdeo left foriliaad Haeea
It la Nartbpert FrU
day (roB U.a'a P
1 am still manutacturing UiirQoss m iiu
pld stand. 'Vbalovcr your spring: wants may
bf give me a call. I can save tnu money, am)
Rit t.* you yood goods, the bost in quality, nat
ty in style ami at very moderatA'i.ruv.*
112 )V'Abt Front StrMi. 3
...................... i**iiliiiWW44K
J. W. Slater’s Exclusive House Furnishing Sicre
•1 hhvwih.-lin.-ri 111. • ..rSASI CA2EIAQZS Ali'D oo CASTS ri-rr»W*ii in SiWhr-rn Mi.-I.i;:.ii
Haywood «'wrnaj-3.-»ilti tli- n-w -l.3-1,-,iiiitn-liil grhr.
you have no a-..i*l. i. iwii-li- - r .li«n.il. * In lii-eii.
:n> j
It I* lli- utri>ni;-«t. lik'titwal. aod nwatr-rt w-nr .•vi-f iin-l- '
-JilO l»iio«U «-«i. rlMi-l II. Hill oi • iir .-MtriHV.-uaua jiiuii»upainl Ju«n and n..l affect llii' >priotf- ,.r-.-ar.
tVriU- for pri.-eg
ih-. .-l.-l.iniwd
lunn, 'Iml
Tin- !ihti-J •- -.r..
I buy in uocL larur .|UBiilili-a iKat 1 u-1
ba* breo rUIOog (rieadt.
Letile, p'eaidrutof UieCbri
lias Eadearor tb the (Irrcsth diilrii
rciuro'd Setariay
1 Rapid
where tae t03k a prom
eonteotloB held at
Nezi Sunday erroing ibe member*
of Ibe Epworib I.>*ro* of tM H B
ehareb will meet wilO the ChritUaa
Badearar aociely at tbs Cue
church w llateo'Mtbedelcgau?
nf ibc C E caoreattoe
held at tinu
Rtoiaa last week.
Waller iiordeo retarsed Hoaday
ereihagframm taailaeaa trip to iliano
Harea aad Tnrerae City.
A deligBlUl liar waa eaj ved by tae
L o t U.FridtycTjDing Three can
didatetarcre ialtiated. wbleb was fol
lowed by a merry tdeial time. Urasgrt,
d O-ipe:
umber I
leciur* dei.rered at tl
vdataday ereniag by H
smith wai rery i - '
ooe of the maiiial
lire to wbirb
1 been
ifea EarsaBrer
Feed Stabbin* retaraed Friday from
Big Rapid-, wberr be bat om aUead
the Fen-la loatltaie for
UUt K*ther.ne Volse aateodrd tbr
eoonlyteaehrr'tezamiBaUBO at l/eliod
Tasnity asd Friday.
A rrry plrataat affair was ibe U'.d
Folk.- KC a gires Ian Salerdar In the
town I all b.-tbe Epwerih U^ae of
the H. E cbercb
After a boeoll'al
dlnser as rze^lieot program wa* pro
Tided Whiea wat li-teoed to with aaeh
pleatare and w*a a* foliowi:
Prarer—Ber. Hr. Boeuoren.
Add'rett of weiaem —Ret B Steal*.
R«*poe*>—R S^pracer.
No <w a baadtome
rarrage. at** i
^qtM.^II alia.
r« d. _Jwb>llOCB,
_**lMr. al: alee' g*i*. g.-nr, ■
baadlaa enameled
ed ia gerwi.
gereh, TlrTwi
l^rita f-rr price*
So Ml* a larg* foil
earred bottom, robbfr i:i
aayoD like, apbtliserrd
any kind of a ptre*'. j
earred botiom,
Wakeffeld pateci.(oot brake, any k id of aMre-
Brad!*g-Mra S P 8
SeellaUna—R-z Weal
Hoaie—Hesry Herne*.
H*aoo-iaI-Rer P E WbllmaB
Mat e ---Aald Loag Syae." Er
TMPaatataU Mwatbip 3 s. Attoeiitsjstb qur.erlyi
on at the M E ctureh. UgdeotM'g.
Hi- h IT: The •••eedarce wu* go-r
IB cp: • III Ibe aerore cold wraiber and
wat o-r of the miai teeueaal*; etrt
rid ta ta toweth p The (oHowiag
Be* W
W. Bevh: Sjcp.
Soeg. P nresee
leg. B.—ie Si-n«: ■ Read the tXSta*
_. Jtictoee: Reettitloa. Ayy Bailer:
Mrri - 8-nl*sorein*—
" -awi.lb or
I Mr. m—Preyer ta
The quaraarty eenka* of tM H. K
CbtBge; a C cMrMwillMeMdaaladby PraalAiag (oorgirt*: The Bookof Natore. R O.
■Aar Oareal at ACM aa» ■abMiT^
Mb MMtUter
No. «t Oo<Mri. upon'-ttered la Redford eord.
L Mo9 fall t t<. cared boll m. A re-y
haadiDma carriage (.r ib* many_ Write
X30 S'xoa.V SVfeet
tend 1a rcloar. all (atal
Slater’s House Fumifthing Store,
OAVsr, MAoto..
Mb. m. m. Wmtm M shMS* of a
•^BrN.ctoaal aolida): I
•WlaTMe- 8Map<k«e(tka B
fMffoUM o< lfr« -bra iba birtbdar
. -------------------
aataaU la tiaa
tfaataUw tbM tse Ibbimmm o
,r-».P,a«b e» Jal»o.Ub«Uo» Bkt
iTpi-i — tbe Mm ibM lae-laurr «M
(hmri iitn*-iBumM «{ osr
baa «uU7 asa iBai a Bora ra*m al
os ttU «»j
_____ _________ arL;<4au\
Ufdi^ E. nakliaBb \.
••■I the tsat ol
.« f
■sd for it. aad a
V> U caa ia
for a UlUs book abs baa
L.rmi. Uir poatnaatsr aad o
. Mrs. ItukbaiB'aadrtssU
brr*to?aM Vbla Inrtutxio fa
•wed. A mimoo «
hare bn________ofasrleai
Mia. Kakbaa'aI ad Tlas aj
Skmwtmw How
tMo ^
Daadb Bf Saaau dtp eoMlar
arsadsd lo^ibe.*t-MBa. J. R. (onrmx.
Ecrborarrille. Va.. April I:. law.
a of tba laSa H.p
•Mra. aboas faaasal traa baldatSaa
uUC.tf Sabdap.
Vtorm^ mmH Ooorlom
La Loaba/, Oaswtat. P I.
Paa. H. ItNO.
& LsUad. Ttasau Qip.
Haas Mia. L^o4>-;> JaM ToaMrod
Mu Pmaaa —I
, oap.sapa
i aabi of tbs orattoa.
two BMBtba. bat as<
' -Itua ILan £. B
aaasadio aareb sTorpalx dapatoa
•aaU town, qiiawa. l-w ralloM
Wdto -ow. were..-at Eop « W
1 bare doetonsi
Toe poblir to paUituUp ta'petoad that Brltwfa oS.-m of htcb pnltioo
baclart comaoa pracaaltoat
aodbsadsr iaio traa< wbiea throb
kooeof aisBsolarp aUitarp ralea
mM hara rerwlad
So atiaapl to
M aubbora burcbort ar
A tassial diapalcbfroB BloentJolaio
reporlaUat Us waur aapplp
boas ni off Tnto
BBtarajaeiioseesof ifae BoaBat Us
re bopofal that tbs atroap rslatDrsameaU aaoi oat eaa prompllp rrnadp Uto.
litoarMaat from L-wd Bob rW di •
pawh Uat a be eacacsm.nl ir le
pracrota. AlUoarh Itii dlO.-aU to
eaUaalo Us OBBOsr ot BritiU rocacad, Uep probably eaeeed Ue S.iwo
or 10.000 wb>eh Us BMrearesotlaatsd
\ before placing yonr order.
aad tap laibshcapiialoa toa boat tfa'r
twtof thaTopafs
1 tbiak hs aMi
ha«a bart blaaaU lattraalip. tor bs
. did aetaam taka wail at all afar-,
Wall. tW Britt attalac attar wa
-------- -- rh. .i.M lerMhw^.-. ■Clnas. I
teU hUlo Bak lbs adja-.aat bo ba b>
aJCbsdtoOoBBanp A
A. b-I Bosw* wb.^
. srwUsBtUerftiU
lBiwlsdla*11Usk>p*freiDthr I
Traverse City, Mieli.
----------- ------------- ---- -------------- ’
-------------------------- *
..!>«» B. BPIBB^
Car loads
Farm Machinery
Arrived this week to add to the itmusnse
stock already on hand.
At the Harness and Carriage Emporinm.
I 27 State Street.
,.. vlwwl tom tls bBWlCv
Traverse City. Mich.
adus wBidsndarlnc >»• adaioi*
iIMB of bffelre la lbs Rbli ppiues
It Us bbw cOBOitoBloa to to br Us
t ja«ta* If Us I
blBanlf wsre to CO to tbs-PaUipploe*
wlU bto enbinet nod sxsrcUe ooatro
BMar Ur ailiurp law. It la oscssBlp.Uersfore. Uat U bare atasolnu
aatheritp orsr all etnl coxmresoUalmapbsMiablto^ aod orsr Us
Swift’s ■MB®:WALL
Silver Leaf
^ cen^in firm argues to the people that it can
c^^rk hire«nd mimerous other
and Premium ISams and
Breakfast Bae»n are ail
stamped with thean>mval
of the U. K. Gm-emmcnt.
Swift and Company
!^t!««.u.Md toratbsr pta.pl: moHoo ot tho tHmMmr
taaw fa>a> a few Ureoa
We have nothing but up-lo-ditc givnls to oiler aril ft
Von can buy them at the right price. Remember we are headquarters for all kinds ^
of Farming Implements. Cirriagw. Road Wagtns. Lumirer Wagons. Drills and ^
Champion Mowers and Binders. Everything we sell is gudranietd to givc.satis- ft
faction or money will be refund .•d. D> not forget the p’ace.
J... I plaasofUs prwidsDt ol tbr I'Dltsd
ItBtB aad Us aseretarp of war w
imadUu tbprrlore.- OaoerBl oii. j
home, bb bs
pre ' *“ J"™"
TO ~..i.M
nBsetoeo April IN, nad tbs »sai'
“DtaB Mu PnEnaa—I foUowfd
tsxpesl to rsinra to Utoeooi
tW ^sioa. poapTsmsaDdToariD
jon cbts w ^ 7
for at least two psar*. AU Us . a
«1»» hwoarrd me. Ifrltbstlrsw
^ VscbtableCoa
ban raalias that tb.p arc csioc <■
bat a wssk.*'—Mu
■k.*—Mm E
•• II.
" 8uxi«a
Pbiladslptila. Pb..Fsbraarp a. law.
■poositallltr—tar bai>diB(upof a c
IsUtsoBl ol dtooordant and n
itoiuc raw sitsnato It toeobrid-j
------------M onr ene-iuracibc *i*n ihatj
Uerecsatlcmra rul.f tbs Bacaliaflsl
OuooH Hy LyHIo £> Ml*. etUsir tuk. aod M aaoUsr Uat thr
udcDltaMC.Tea UiB fad ao'toor-
ObBptny L
Farming Implements
Pratideot McKtairp In Ue Hailipp<
troop, and fa. nod bit eolisacnat w
[Blip repreasnt Ameriena aorersicatr.
tbair ordare. mod Urneral OUt. II
lelscittoraaBlalaths RblllppiaM. j Kw*
will flod Ut cotoMlsaioa Uki^
hiu Betddas tboolTreTsiuair
bBt«.ald act admit bswaaboaalek
Wowsattoaapass tofetfasr, aadwha
tadan dtobaa wsbaUi atoaCoftbo
aaad alato. aad
the Has•> uppsr
ana orarwa wars faatfrludrbad
id Bop
aw aaiUac. tba Sret t badi aasn.
Wa Meat t«»aW*T that Dishtotrb baa
boobaak aad f kaoa Bop paaasd a
■aodatfbi. Voa ass <be Traesna dtp
I Clip bep that cot
ula tba Third V a I.faaUT
Bs.lddaa that wMleomlac osar
kata'bs waa plajiac with Was
tba othar bapa
alaad htoenpaad Is .
. ___ .____ . _
s# at bto dtopotal.
alar and mjfasad baaa tired fesllw
H^ltal tm^t due. ms do rood.
datad M Saa Pranelasi. aad Bop wat
•miaaa U W troabis
L>ori Bobsrta bn< aa
bnaatewalk Ibaaeraa aitoabaskto
Baltaaf. AsriTlbC at Ballaac I le» k
•atoleotias. ap-iratb ao di
■Bikbsa wbat be wuu la ihi
w BOt Bop's food iBSk
tacB, bat it as
Mbswilib.Ts to| *‘B.ybL>IBUto,*BUBf<n>»
whallp U the order* «f Us eoi
iutsBdad ie bap wep
adstel^ bm mtdw>r7u!u a^ vbateTsr toreSrei npM Oearrel (>l>
srer reeriTed trea a d.wior. Word.
to. in tbr op D uo of thr p'riidsat.
• loBiaiB xtihe d
blaaata of Us wbols affair.
UelaB tbs reioforusaeata barsrs •
ipiarad tbs pnaoeert two handred ft
w Iras two eraek egrpi of. Us j ft
Boatabold CBTalrp aad tbs TSutb bat 1
snfoata toawall Ussrow-1 m
lac deposit of Brittob prtooaera *‘'J Do DOt fail lO S«e .OUT large StOCk Of ___________
n Creek.
Aflss.twrlTT Tsar.' ti
poaad.' Aflss.twrlTT{rar.'kafferii)cl
-......... ... J aad hultbr.'*—Mim Hanr
I mad boaaliA mad : Rsxa. Swab Cresk. IIL. April la. 1
aruaot aaalcaad to aapeeaeaap
••I>U* Mu Pixi
The louowiac lotws froa Hsa<
a TraTssat Olt) aoUlsr I
aw atklBC for 1
^a pl»W«OIUyM -STO. ..r wtenyitT...—•
C>r. Cass and Stale Slovl*.
Oaa* Mu Pnocnan-AirBin
WatbioctOB. Mareh to—fbe inttrae
^ Holt.
Boll PliuDse
ts to TOO. tVbsn 1 Ant wnAs
tioaa to Us Ptaii'pplDs ooBmiaauB.
roe lor adrlcplnrscard toap tn»b
rntofa bare baeti prepared kp Bscrctai) IhoapM I cnaldbrrsr pet well a)rain.
Aftrr resrlTinjt rour Isttcr
Istter I followod
foil-- ^ Ua Bool aad aacea*. Us re^aseiof the
alTlM exact
aod thmnL. .. prsaldcat. ara complsu. Tbsp C‘U
Ibat dreodfnl
•. to s»t Ur ermaiuloo
|>ma'lbe ^ood poar oiedlidiir will do.
Tba psoctaa eloaad wttb a Toeat
aalabf lisa- HolMaj -TbabtasSpaacladBa.aar,* tba dob JhbMc U tbs
in wbkl upe u, bo. bu,wtoMOwcMem.. n,^. srril
d apu to a
rerea bar
“Uata Uaa. hxKaaaatalalataa. Ooe-j adTenUsowat
ladhe papen In racard
■BM to Coluabai- to tn-atioc woatau'a diaM<wa. asd
Waahlacton. Oraat.Oawajaad d.a... ] wooW b.-ctaiefal 10 ,o,_for joor adIT.-niv hvBi
•o. woa alas »s»Uoa«l aa »oo wb.» I
inp of woeab. Iia<r paina io
tba aatloat jsepls dei«bi to boo r ! ^
^ aad l<W'la lari I ache all o ...
aairt-ulni! ao weak I caouol atasd
Wa basa oar ctarlataio. pjetle aad las:
tbs '
Ulararp haroaa. Oatliaia tara aocis^}
d a ch.*inc. tiiflit
^rs to
to foaadad oa bare wonblp
tsrUnp lb m; Wsmal aadtbmit.
and tbnait. Haa
•a aaidar^aolaaaa'a liulastai
a tiabr w-ren aonlha <>ld. 1 hope t
bear feral
firai 70a aooo.
anoo. ai
aii I a
am la 1
telwiontp, tbaa bto dtorafarJad
dtoHTaa.--Wa» J. S <
BCCbonta^i'Is. Va_ Mar «• >»
Hn. t OarlaadlaaplradlbaaadicBcs
"Otaa Mm. PniR>MM-l followsd
aHtba.^UTal7ptoMaolaa aad lira
ptar adrisp aod 1 aa bow oa thr escralablB (oUowad trlib a ^lUiac ai- ood bolilt- of raiir Vsfstabir Coso«aat of ObL CMpto Itfa aa a ae BV a> d pnuipl and t think it to gotne to cars
apohaot aea > of bto mM brUUaoi ar. If It doM 1 will sTrr prmtos It.
for I am. aad bass
aebtoraBsaaa. lbs rvoaoUe BsoUac ft
ni>w I
tba ebaraiac poaac troaaa
crtthir wolL"—Mu.
Ecirbon»Tllls. Va.. J
atevasda baaaae bto wlla
■u ■
uw.%au»l reowdT ^ na e
wdp porelp T^eubit blood
abooke.n.-r|soMd fro. tbs bn.umt ;«»** ft «»«»•«•«»«««•«-««»»«»»»».»«»«««««»« »
iBCdalwtaMtalnsd witbia afew ouImi
. asMT 41S. bat ara a.; t^Mog of tbo Womti
w abortlp alisr t o' l<«k.
ol tba Bopal Hoatrlwad r.ealrj. tbs |
Twin vnuart, U rndtl HtCrlMof tbel
B^1 Berts arir-rp a-.d OolooalPa-,
ebar'a batiall a of m-waiH 'aliair.r.
?b.k*T-.—71- •.•.k....-rc ;. .UBated'
■IroB a taw to lii.uu. wjiieh bw«a>
Ibsaarebsrof wbieh Bit ac-t pal bai
s m> ia lbs ararid.aii
ban ci'SB it tbia aah' aaoEpi iu
__________ I wbai
tlas M lha pacaa of bistorf
brIUUat •>» tba rasorda» 4>l
tWsvBsn.re«arit(9fora wbilK^t it hteakaoatacBn in warw form
B and the BuBe«c9dTC wreaaad alrere. enuame tba joiot. w Midm I
I potaab wako wTadta.toot«Brai,B»d ...
"TT 2.,“; I
ar <0 tb«a
woald. of
. Iba Cfaat
asUcBOf pratMKoa Irus irtaaap.
boMM. PnlelTli r>ToraBeBI ie raUisr' j
aad Hotbar tioao -tona.T.- ^'
^U4i«a that tbsr taTa ricau «l
vetoWTsapasisd aad tbof la I
■oitiatpsc-. tbs r«bti of olbarm
AUwhtfh Woacht ap te a ta
srblea it fom.-d oa aaeb pr,oc plr.
wiUbSfaadp to dslaoo bit aoaatrp.
asao «ltb bit lUe.
•■bratTsatsKatioa.UtM WorabtpanT-«a>tboubjwt of a papas br
Mia. roator. U/ra(arr>ac to bMlorp.
' ltseaUbatboaatinrodlatbaaa>BB<
laaledlac Ko BtoalBC.
•orvloc tbav Br-ad
preftd. I Uaaadtoisip
PMaeo .W
MU nine eataitp
If ^-a «aw belen 70a a_____ .___
MfsWMcs lM4lacto.TOQrsaa.maM
•biab Baaaa *e aasta B'H aalr V
•ira^pla bat to oaopM ol t
aaaatrto «sbo ba>a sa>k tba »
Hia O. C O
Of kr ol tbs Wat
•a; to IoIbm mt' palrioUMi
bsMof oar ..ualh., Bba aaw
pautotta. Ukr rallc>«a> ^ >afS^ 4at
tsfaaoMtlaoard tbatit nat bssc >->r
•IraljaaM. • Ho CWQBaot la WMB
tbaa in psopl- - for tbK a
oblU aheatd W to 4 10 arry aarl; roar'.
__ mUC
-■“'“^1^2^ WKClS.
IS DO rooB for doubt. M tbear are
IH.^u rnrEBAb—I bars aard.
lodia's Ursat raauBs.
poor Vetretabis Componad for feoialr
:aiu. Mareh M-lo the coo'as of
wsakbreaandlt hMdooswoudrraf.ir
merlit laaddrssalBc tbs eonobll
aw. I alw bad nrrroaa pip.treUm—.
....• .VI. .. I__V _..t_ - . .
00 Ur budest Us V ecrop. Lord liar■
aid Ue loB to Us whMt e-or,
d bp tbr drrnrbl donnetdr prstway ind W llkea dtffrrew’^Mi^'^^
ooo.ooo tu ilu.0dfi.ooo
-MuIta.LaKuau.MaslooriiM!^< tat ptar. was
Fcbraar, Strfwa
sae cr.ouu.txu. while ibr.uii aecd
•■Uaaa Mu PmaaM—I ^cilreot
psBtoe Toar TscwCablT- C
weallp coTsriDc lA.mM.iein aorta,:
fOOBfb <or,tbS
oBexleleDt oatoideol Bfncalasd j
. .
hUdder. I irisd dortore. lii'^bil^ UsBorUwest proTincss
Tbe loae to caidTa’,>.-t la Bimbtp'
u relirt.^At laal J dse^ to writs
aloas to f,Kdereps wM amawoiOnad i
'Eureka" ,
Harness Oil
^ si
Paper rompaniee in the United Statoa. Ihan““ m the united «at™. I bare
no old stock on h-nd .Ihavea full line of flfih-,/.....teen hundred New Samples. I dop't pay the
expenses ofatore rent and clerks and m h^r exneuw—. . T vM.
pense to sell mv goods. Hy customers save
"1 iilBilP
city and cousidei- myself entitled-io the earn#
'TT'e.u rr: coDsldet atioQ as thoss who slur a^nts
through. their ads If you want to get Mo. 1
Goods at the lowest prices, look over my stock
carefully at my residence, 601 OedU Street, or
when I call on you.
. ... _________
re--< e.-ree-f
1 - the bWVTO -.tw
Betuday tl
el Iv-'d.**‘.jlt'Mei'— b<uel«.u.ei l*.
Farms for Sale
eoBoneiLB ti.r V eenip saM it wa*
inpossibis f >r a-..p currraasot tu auUd.iaU U* eoatidiroesa ul a rielutioa
ot aaiara oa to didaat.d aad raloeaa a
VW iBfbBtl ^ ChiUm.
UTO. 11) IW Yh Bin Mnn BncM
•Ml till hlB bs wsoted u trp aad bej
iwklBB aad fst a Botwa ot wtaUac U
to ^ aod BBSll powder.
poor Bop was boBMiek BBd I aB atiald
Uat WM Us tanas of bto duU.
MaaUa fortbakUtM 4t dasd aoldlai
OeBpaop* A. U I. «dX-BBBt os
wsre taken baek. andT think .poB cob
■Bbll saBpaln Us oseoed dap aftre kaT Boptb]^ lakea back'wiUosl
- kaaaiBS toBallnac-aBdat ataela wa •BT IroBble.
Ido BOt koo'w Us sxaei issfU ot
bMallTelpliitisaeraa Orapaar Lto Uas Bop ww nlek bat jroa eaa writs u
Uasteaaat was klll-d and Cetopaap A UtsoBBtbdlac f fltsr of Us Third
U 8. lafaaarx, Maalia. P I . aod hs
kbd a Mtohlcao bop woBsdad. wlU bars It looked ap lor woe aad poo
Bop did BM ■o.a* bto eoapanpb so
s»a fled oat osarptbls* How pIbbm
w hs wat bM abU to do t
Mrs Lalaad. tCBftss as If I spMk too
STorklOBtraaw'hlB oaos atUrs,^ roadh iB BP MUr. 1 know I not
tb. bat I bass aesD a freM Baap
ttBalBBTaUlBasasTraTtreaCI’T p»0
! aal dMU dsot BM
ftta.aBd >B kad a leac uik bsi I ko#w
iomii. WMh . Hareb Sj-Capiaie
ueared! ot Us Umaspori tisnaas.
whieb ariiTtd Iwt B-rbt froB Maalia.
gflSjpwttd'tt). iiB.>, niib|s ■.
bs wtobsa. How Uto to aeeoapitobcd
BOObsisaiM Ukaow BstUtokaowa lot alar<B*d u Ue stMtilr iaersaiiat
lUTsIp that bs ausadsd a fraad eamber of J epaoree iBB'craala
t Maalia oe Xsw Ysarib stated that siase dtaBtrrl. IS1
) beta »sc> Usre aserml
■s to hsard froB <
IdtoallpubslBf dm Uoao plaesaad
redBS bare bp April T
Tbe total p^alalka ot UsPailiafdas tolaads to Miiaaisd at ItoB
S.UOB.OOO to la.ono.ooo. i t to aade ap
MB Uaa Ums dtotlact
t^acala aMdlridodlato
Mp badr-caa rrel aador Usaaan
sbto. ol Uae baalilB! toUa bat I bop
mp noBi will )oia BT poor
It to a roacb Ilfs, aaptrap.
T^larsoldlsrtoBadsap Iroadiff-r- la bsaTsB.wboB floaialBes Ijslaad
Us arap aad waa doflSad Us arlTltors
OBt Baurtol (rea 'Us
cMtral Woaisa aad
of rolBC u b«r fai^.
Bop waa aot «wd u It. aad
BslbowlBl«t«bas IsawU tbs
nhtokaarv Ba s
saip froB abf ci •
• bbd oemd ao( •
ttaa B Fob
Ip h«bdsffTso«r
mtoaUB Ot Ua
- aasob at« bs
■O—MOB a Ce. lhc.i.CHieacO. isrBpereM.as>ts<aU bB
*%r OrsemM tbe
s»i>n U- xptioK BDil jrm will mibb • Hwid banraia if yM
r tj my fanoa.
H read, jobt Wk n< fheBbtlBB; all «Wrr-d. wrtb a nicer twrfurf. ko«I ffa»w'bouos. nire- bHring* brook puM^
fall length of the farn);
fans: Ibin U a serytleoirable pisos for gardMitoy or
any ooe wlio wmnU a bom.- tu-u tbs rity. Prire- *1.310.
% B-rwb on cwa/ily liat. oos tnUs we«t of sity UniU: do boihiisafl;
rw iwarb orrhard of 6fty bcnriiiK troso;, aboat fthy appir Urw*;
tr timbsr; • nicefor frail or paUtoeBi'go^ aoil; price
20 aersn twn miUw fniB tfiwB. on-.^'torth loHc from Kratodiville brewery: fasaTysoil
I clsarMi: amal] Ihhut; good apring ^
ccM water; pries **00.
8U oersb foar nilro we«t ot the villags of Lake Ann. 90 mm
cleared; Bnall fmiMs bonas. asinll (mate barn: a good farm: pku^
o the pince; price »(l)
re> twe mil** north of Uke Ann. 90 flerro efrnred; wd
; log bnrn; ontall Webnid goad riacd trcM: ebonp, fSO*.
to toeat of Weeford in Orant; bmall fraae
• deand. free from ala ■pa; mmU €Riw'
>A tMte»M M Initoi ]
ersnt ter mm* sd w« oM folio.
: them 1 tbewbu "Beie t ehestd
jbse. kseas »bht Mis. Hcta
tblsh sbastscisb so Isr (ro«
bslsrs SBTthlBC ted bees esld or
•rarid? AlcdeoUJewtthtke eooklsc.
Ttet ib« AanI rata carries off tb*
K<sscbss«st8teseB8ta Ubss U»t
I SB ssnp fee tbe chlldres bsr*
the »lrl ot poor psTssie wlU he shle to Asa sos^ set Usra W sbsW hte
is rsrp BS^ tbe WBe ss it vs* is
SM* h Bors BslhlAbte. beslIb-soscIsS'
oooatrj pisass u Ursed Trsien*
iV -esUhss tb. rich helreee s» bsr
lbs SsBshtse BoerBeot
•‘WeslU esssel bsy ewyl
Baking Powder
•Tbstle tbe best ot tbe storx.bjbslf
The KTongest, purest, most efficient an<i
wholesome of leavening agents. Not low r-t
in price, yet the most economical; indispcn^-
'UtssoBsls. trhtcsof sseSscit» foWow.
tbe bsb/ plss«ht. bsppf bourt
pot to reel teste- There le sostelblii* UesUeBSS K-bis, be w^te sp sod l«tej work to*eib*r.e*d which.m«««
jBsoybrtchtspoi.iq tbeirci.ild.',!r,J
for eseh to plee sed for sll to lesn.
Ore^_iDorsc«e tswsTUd btsek sod Itch ttet it job coeldsee tte tiuleono
shout hoosrheeplsf. The BerUsb poe
n whleb t>.*r du
1U7 ksrir eonr
Ulo(shoat thlsbrsschof the world'
Stwsps stoop to pick
tbst 70S would br 7.si 10
• Itcvle lift thrirtHe
I them esrd* sod bittoe* " Mr*, h
epebrows oesr teoBSS BMUrlsa the With s^ t.
bb hssd sod
! lep wrou Bor* to posr rdh^. bj
Ucher BSlbcBCUcs.
It U Isaoltcl;
j it sll we will priBl todsp. ' Tbs
Bare d'ffieslt to levs the drcsils of To bt» Krtio wilr.
; Islter of tbe teercUrp o! tbr pew
good brseekeeptar
Anfbodj ess
•Mp 1
PiBwsttl PIsiss. Ark., M.r r-.
■stbpBsUes. bet It tsbri s lot of Cblr^sr brr heart oat. be call
n^lOrsr Ufs Bst*,; ,
ekllllOBshsfs s-bocee well."
Aoo']Vo8 ?ta't ea-o pour Krlepf
Waaldpositketo kaow
the Bittrest bl s Bsotlos heede sdr, •1
hir<: OOBieoer,:
i «“»«W
,^s\ bitap
- able to all who afqweciate the l»est and must
healthful food.
Our country U enjoying prosperity almost
unsurpassed in its history.
For every one; there is m<?.ncy enough t»
buy that to eat which is‘pure, sound, gotni,
11 h» hor poorer, ssd oflen »o •Ids; bs: o*; Cile »lo*.l» sedswcel: [of leecb'iidreg Is the suuthls:.« o';
tSBStc ee«bb«r.
To <4MU lr« ijllat-whst vruold.t hell We'd solhiSf , Uiiak sbodt pou ^d posr BesaJU,
BlleDB Bichsrd*: "Wbsl Is >« th
e bcmrlife—tbst shi
_____ tesfrtp to
o the
ibc pouot
;oBD( aod
hcd pear.
> se, tcamers .10 \ A
, koeirip to be van—a
kaowa^ a* i». -11. ™
furtbeole? leltssloar Bsosioo whfa j
Why should we use cheap, impure, un-
healthfiil articles of food? There is'no
economy in them; they endanger the heaiili,
they may cost life. There arc rc|>oned
alyoR daily cases of sicknew caused by cating cake, puddings, or biscuit made with the
Itsr proof cs8*t>« ssd WbstsTti
C.17 c>«.iBB7>u tbe besttf set 1
Mr* B t> Kr.drfSCE. sd VI W lllbl
L. stje: ' is tbrssBBer ol itM ov
crssdcsuans bsd tb^ BUbsIes.* Afar
.sueensc. ooc rrsoOebild. uroe Tssr*
d: biobs cut >a erspiiooe wbteh lilsr*:!; c ;rrnd bs tsor. oecfc, ssre ssd
uooer b« bsir.
be-pite Us ••* of;
»s.*«* sod u'BtBsoi* ssd BwUeise.
Iroai B;kS. ;b,a ose dortor dsnac the '
^rrsirr pm of to* euBBar, he wm ^
or fell tess sap other <
Tar sorss spill ssd .
M»*rj ton be sensBcd |
.11 Boi.lerpst sishL'
ro latrp Djss t Olst-'
• V spplxstma ws* 0
...oiiuac u
--‘•-id >lepl tbessUrr i
I i-^oi. A*
i'.be erapuans pratee.lp
I uviu b-4,:.p tov *ppesrsse* of tbe skis
iwtv BS'.ura,
r*e ormbbor* child
,ftl i;!
lu tb*
tbe wxe
Bxe s»r ___________
s^ Brselrs.
rr-irf Wore Itupsd
lOk'tusfal wi
dteap, alum baking powders.
In all articles tor food buy and use <wly
the best. The good health of the family is
Csdoria {. a sateiliuir- fnr Castor Oil, 1‘arTcaric. I>rripa
'auil.twKMbluir K\rti|M. ll I, Hoituli-** nitd l*b'seait<. It
oontalBs nricber U|>inni, Miirpbinr nor otUrt \afiatlei
sabstaarr-. Ii* ar* i* Its iftaraiilco. ll drutm.-s Woraw
audalUpp 1-Fvr-rishnru*. |i curcji Diarritufa and WM
CoUr. It ndtriTS Trxililni; Trwabti'u. <xiiv. CuBstlpBUeti
aud I'-Utulr-Br)- U asulmllau-. Ibr riKKi. rrptitetre tte
it cured her .
'iii*.i 11., Slade (or It
' Bean the Signature of
'--■'.•ted MSI-.
Besieipberr tae SSBC.
..i-...... ...........
tbe tarslstalanols P*>*^ sad s re- j
tisBS of srTTShU toserre'tbe dslBllr.
el tbs Ublr drHeed froB all ibss ol
W Of
the earth-.' Vos sad I bare aero a boni< ...A sl' tb. ______ _
lortbler the nsioe le a rotiaer of Arupon pea asd alter p
reoBC with tbe simplest d'ttibc '■ tj OB, or eat oa, a, ,
sed ibr pleittti of fart.” After si ,
r!. n.e'e pou MreeJ ereiT uwriel pou
tbe brat Ibiac* are the oobbqo Ihion
h4-' bs: - -b..t- kobla.
TbesvasderdTralD U wheat, the be»t
frsh for sri golaraiet i» ll.u eosiBos
I 0?*/l''*Jik-' oarowB cb.ieeof
apple. ;tbe bet lbio«e U«ij^»-t bs-
Tke KM Tm Bhf« AHraps
tee taw
ta ase for prer 80 ptBrs, tae tetmo thr »i,:uaUtn of
. and ta' tarxi madr noclrr hi* prr^'
aortal «iiwrt1*lc>B *iprr II* iottac^:.
Allow BO 00* to (icH-i-lie >uo lb thte
AU CooBtrrfHls, ImltatlooB and tetbsUinlro arc brit BatrlA* vilh and r
iw-rimmts that
r thrhrahh of
lallsBts aod Chlldrut—UtprrirSM'c asshtst klxpoi
• rdisasd II Wood.
V.*r Prra.-K1eaiU famBtec.—Vfssk I. Kio«<>,.p
Trass.-^PemeM K oc»'>«p.
Wear* to meet IB CC* rcboo-b
:*rfp dal aflersooa si V.t'.f .pa*L >
Oa'Clabaonck Vl-fl a f.;Ui» *
1 The Kind You Haie Always Bought
. ^ Cm l8 £rip;-e la 24
■ ................White
In Use For Over 30 Years,
(Iveo OMiBklLd are cobbob rsio. m.
ssd ssBsblse. Water i* thr brat ee*rr
apsoB earth, ssd tbe best i<vp-e or,
ersnaSipifc S MIimIU.
I **Bd poB a lilt ef tntivr> and vut—
1, >l.» V.4WIB* aod 350qi,:.; Ji li ter.i
• * I es'B tadap. I .lu But n<.^i
ttac'o'W- Baked d
pard tvf|:.. '
aralp."e»'^- ‘'
• O': ha*»poaaiip .u^rfi.iiAn.. loMlali.r.
Ap-- rs-.iL'' Tbi^hi-.-wru
The Beauip ol Loog tiktni
bis bleed a.iurdsp Boroio* or. 1 I bate pen wU, bv ^lat I < «'!..%
The Taiiaclelpblt Ledper ■»p
• •
OB Oir i'Ur froB Me • ub
t mr »r.*i.rl.
dkl^Bto»uslfp*hv»eW>rooB eerpdlrtp •vrp lopmoal brauchofa bgoaktree.'
■nfronl of Mr hou«-with hi* bri^Ui,
I. kivl-i.i
eirccu ll b^m*bl make s
Uopoa on* ol ber tkiru
ra.itorucdlolBo.iin,.iB7loca.: Thro folio.* a li.i ,f fr.r.-.r., „
of first coiuidcratiun.
tbe p'.sls, roBBOe peoplr.'
fiowdrcs are anuelli Atiyinc tlwt
: .w.
u. assiaa howesh Bha'tB w
dsSp^«.hJwr ”*Hr loand
thr »blrl bliidlor »* «>e bi
iwluESBsIl Benscrrlr:
two o<
lUsciino.ot ippbold ssd eoDssmptiou
xerobes "
Tbrdspol bearp rsfrr*bBeai»
MM. H. 8. O.'bats*. Editor.
few stltebesst sAtiSe. ^ct It
sad Um dssr liul* b.ed* were kept
• i^(4¥*£S1S£ihS ■ S3
I rrarrr-r ja.l at w- dr or hr I a dub of thirtp-,ftr ite■«»•«. - v' ,.
, n-.*r i>- *• rial M «el bf:h. | Her*'* greevotf fUh-I'ifeavuii.
^fpmib. il4W*r.p-d uanu.ua H,rald.Yo«< P.U. Wv.n.- ."d
u!tj* anus.. *.i«ib\l«J fiad .bow f Tb* club whioh
bank. ar*b the ir-'.bM-.aodlUrb.p! low iwe tb.u.isd m*,M;*.'0 1 ' .1
fro/.roorer III.-hr flad sol w* rWbicb .-art. with mo** than la i llw"
rfUd.aad alloier tb* countrp poo !»SBd rood laUbe. aoo
areiidieu will b.-*»pio7M>.>0»t pool *>“1 w* a** ttlhinp MifaurSv f
van.lalf*aJ,Y.-’fal luorea Vrobic:; bow c«o wrteloii; Aod Mow: of ,*.
.......................................................................... ■
i”"'...... .
I yAtiPSYdiSi^SsScS
- r^FARS. ROEBUCK iik CO. <lnc.l Chlca80,*ll1.
SV629gfl*?»i*i!;B ettft
;2--"---- va—aas"*. 'BTr«-
i iS Oi^E DOLLAR a
Oue mornisp Uii. me J< thrre I'ami-1
!fhr piteideB .'. fanm* briput a 71' >a ;
i-r.oftYe SobtUineC.ul
'.It.reedter uttlr b;.p. ap1t;v r niv'. 'lopou-«} i tiSai. inr teje.u'i
'aed what d. lou tb .7 i f *' •
ev;/ ,V .* .« w* ar- a KOlodtt
,' ■'•rref Vs? U7 tab* tb- o,»' U.'ir.i
b*\i>Tk W lb.-• tlird l.jreiV't
j t'le.Ulebf WaMlorWo .cn .■auS-"'.'
-I.U I M.i .4? 'Aiid pou
, jiln.Mr duQ.biov J.kb b*f>r-- lUc
Vibtoteil wbalCiwd Uaie. L
i lerul. Toeii teaea n-rrt:.!!,.* A.-.ti
.ar.ii Pii.r Haruso'. ab.; li'vlf h..'D.v ''i
Y.mr pruaileoi fe*i» likr a iir-a-. U/!l-lic" »
' 'O '‘.if '
.UaiouiaKobinlh'. tmri.iop.aad e.-B...'*“'',‘.te/tel Meirca.J, had !.u
jTbe fo HirqgeHe-BiUniil
Ilk* wainc .u load cTripBiir wou-d .
*'«> E« Mr nm- ,r ■« e,.<l ■,)cr. A-.tl all beraow of a dear leiur | iwe w.l bra i;v.i' Ota. .'*xi. i fu
■balc.B' p*K<-uap -fi'.a A.ka.,., ‘ E S.lr.oa.‘ipob-nfM - ; ibIv. tv....q ,
iJrt out v.iiir .fVErtp'!.* .nd .-ebtult'"
1. it 001 n.
s-.- -ilaicfl Aikataa. :..pvuop fuika. Tone ‘-.i oui SJa.tjoe «w, S.. .
were iwo letter.-** .b'mkt eap-lo Yteat ujonlrp ol our
uoe *nv.-up.'.-or*f--m'adraflr(ooa Brood aod e'M Hi.i
..t^Vuao, Kiilk.
Of oor Club. Hr* K-npairp. wbieo
Saakiac Hsu*
The hsad shake » ueu.i:? ebsrseier
Ale of tbe IndlTidosl. sltboafrb taen
r* msop fad, la rSEsrd to thi. osrl.L
alar prrr: Inf wfaieh Istl f.>r a llmr ao'
«Mt tadd s'OedV Mtelrhlar Waa wa
laced bp eoBelblnp nrw
___ latest bsod staskr i* tocmrrp toe
did not writs for pu''!i
basaaaaltol oltitcB. sad Itwasbtid ricbtbaad f'Wwsrd toward* tbe left
we ar* (einr to UM. vimr of it-th •' . 1 ,« a Uu’e bap
0. do. I wasn'talwapt a asBl-cIreular ooreBeBt. with thr
Aa' ftetl^Mte^'*iWlB< wteea tabs patlsat
w.miid Meolberlwaal to jilo the 8111
iward. sad the <i*hn-, baud will |rr,-.»*
patlaat. qslte ofiao tbe reetrse. but
lUf*—H..IH.I.-W from l-'xiik K i.rrVt
•I'.bnlton and c
rmired In a flra b
'tawh a teaesa ibaTh tefirla'. wteea
kaow 1 told poe 1 wa* aot a Bodel
poe Summon Clip Susbeam*. for x-u ipieoeiOEer^aiU I b*lp w.;l
Boitbar. Tbars.wareJuitwotblnplB
are polar w bear .aiorviior that w.|l 14,^ liriap to wood. U.r p.
A Mew UlBScroreacL
to help DM Id Brtorloe
4.0-,-la"r>>».* p-11. •-’.-•rh wc ar* We da** alarm i.f i'M son.
Iboee wrrr lore for mp
deliclou. hot cifip rci^ wa.
Il*r* art lot. to dc. I 'po to «eh^ and .‘-uife
'jiur 'uBk-beoB thr otbri .li-roinr to br htpp* over
la Uodb’proatea. *rir*a at
tbe third reader.
fre*U froB lb* oren. .pu-r Ibrlrtu.'*.:
I Mp ebUdree
taarbt teworfc aod dap. it I
leader, and
keo ir
l'loa..o< H;aln», A-k.. Mar -ii to 0 ■ ;,
Ihlak that U Me freat
oror. in be full c
AM tte westa talk lar Bone Cuaa
• |i>..hMo, K»n.~We mnrvd from •
wwaUplaaaad. tbars aaBS to a* Ibla.
tlok to tbe bottOB ol pou euuu ip to th* atate of Ark.oMi la
taM tte (aaalslB trcB tAleh ia drawa
jtonarp Ia.1. tVe baea f jur lull* oor, 1 t will will writ* a letv,
r the
ahUdraa *rare qalle baapp. atuSllp
of darofa li
teav eaadBs taaaap eapaef
wbe we-e m*a.b*rt of tbe Snmmit C'.Iv :
| q.,* njt wrill
waMr. Ite Bobs tf*eai«Bcat of Mn. T^Uhardlp aapoBCwbal* bappp
boo.hii.r t'lab
1 iboopbt I wu,
BMkM. Parrp la tb* CbarleUa Trib
«oeC»y.th* toaldap. io K*bru**p. Mr SoC.hloe Cleb. 1 po M Mr tin
lodlp i*..pfta aoSkaed
Apple diBKcr■M. whMb tesofall of feed aaffsatbrvwomIhrir.8uc.bin* boltOB* WjMhool. .Up le.cdrr', oaiur it
(or weeke at a Uae ia wlaty.
ttaattetwaclY* ItMtira Tbsartl»eho7l; th* *nadr*o. .aa-e tbiia.dn.d* 1 Muoep.
M? Modie,-•* r* ul-ifc
bat bbUqille bappp.
I do aot do all
Ms It baas asBtrlhaior. wrtitof
aod .wbrn
■wbrn n.rht
I.ke a .trap of
Onevfoui ioq
log, .pHI,up,aort
tar«te aSM* «<Mrs. thspewlaceow.
piraad.of pranalaled .upartad a do* 'came, bad drviird to barcarlub. bad
be oni tB faar week.
/V ■
lo« ef ptetarea.'draws pletarta.aad
mbbwM at* also flrao.
“A -“"l towhich add ooe. 1^0!,.'jaiio<faoeedttiem.rlTcaa.caudldate,f,r i„t i, St l-atnckb. d.j I wiltI b*elii-[ L .:
•nwBBtWMUa UUlaafapaapari- priehs MSB os ardboard or pastewaste taMlacabUdras.tet heaeaii I Beard sad ae** tbCB with eolorad cot
Baapliutbccelerad iwlse UM
*fim dns asp fiaat woaieia la that lea.
>ea parcaUaad sea Mat tea
Ite avaMt tel elBvlp bsaasaa I te*a
. Bt t* alwapa bu*p and teppT'
Cot bar waplol>*llU.re*aBd^drp■
WfitMO Mt* boidBC H w
Abenrtlnliot lore win make a ill
the epo of some peuaf Bother
all-of jor.
who dee* sot bates asraarp sad all
Bn b tpooaa with eommoo salt to r
Mr. W. y. Jtiengen. ioj Lan
ttekelpefor saeeeatful ehlld traialar. oovrepp.MlBa
don Sl.. Bufiklx. N. Y,. tc':is iiow
• M«aMa.bat wtea wacM dlaooor- aad^ap. perbapa. help aaeb a oea
Clean steel kalte* with raw paMI
he»asciir.-il bpUr.Waiisiu.,' I'jnlc
' acsd, seas obs who la aa a aedal Ttere tup--tbere will badapisodark dipped Isto Bor briekAoet
I*ilU flit Tale People. ' 11c mm :
tedpe a to tsal bstiar. for -aleerp
arate. but roBCaber
one 3-ear ago 1 wu‘•Faspls Mbawa *ap peer, do aoUae at*swap.* Tteeoa.will cblae a«aia.
Stela. Uha to aw saplUac abasi tte ■There at* bricbi^ dap* la waitlac,
A mao lorn a woman teal ootll be .
Yon oafeaen bit loir: after that she loves >
had tiaa. far tbdl resaca UlUs lB«*a tbcec'U be caobfalBe bp sad bp."
tvhitU I eaperieoced in U:e mull
wriMte M tte aaUaet
Ttesa who Blfbl ba«e trial* sad dmeoaloru *0 ilm teal.
of Diy back sloiost incsi<aciUu-d
ktew. bf itel aYparteana prater teter- aueb worac. "te tbarkfal lor wbat
Veor paai. whether It k pimd cr bad.
me for wv'rk. 1 tried scannheeomea bl.torp In tbecomauaiip io
■aVM laraapaaibla.
IbaewaasM- poB barea-t cot.*''
plasters but they did me bo r.oJ
«Ute Of tte reach sMb of Ufa sad 1 SB
Urn. Perrp add* Ite fellewisc. the
whatever. In connection willt th:s
IBteCtefaMows richtaptoU. 1
of wbleb all raadara will U
kidoep trouble I was snbjrvt to
Inaebad-tteafsef twaeipiM r
■wlft to rseorair
chronic beadarbte. I was advifcd
will do tbe Boat pood
ttess was a«a MalBad B^lati
"Oat IbOBCht iB tbs aboee ueelleat
to try Dr.Williani*' Pink PilLs for
Wbte I was twtetp-tM
Uuar is. ptrbapt. 'S lltUe elosded or
Pale Pniile. I did *0 and
MdwateBs toMlaUcaa- Witbalek:, saeartals. It k eeetolaad la tbe 0
noticed a great improvemviif, sf.*r
ate paplsp aueoiiooa pou oevrr
Maate le*tMwabaeaaa*arppaor. I lewUw teeleser: ■ Tter* la t<^ me
conoiining their weV^.r reveral
taswaetbtecof tteearaat ehUdtaa. ad*ioeoe ceokinc asd hoatok^lDc
motiths sll dracea of the kidnry
Toewteleo bsrrelt which have beld
te tealted terpHuls ksewladcaof Iboac who hate ere.pihlac tin do s
trtiolde diimppeared aod the besdBeat or brior. Bill half fall with frw,i.
aoptbiMr praettal.
I Idrad ap ebU asad adrisd." U Mat word *rrrv>*iao bap and prnir bolllBp water opto 11:
acbe becssK levs fminenl."
eever eloaelp and let ataad till cold.
dees. M seoisa. sad was eacar te lasra. la saed itfarsUp. Mas ail rijrhl:
\Vn. JvL.-r&nT.
I aliOB aakad adrias.baiapsraaad
Tall oor akito bostewkva* that wbeo
Snbscribed and sworn to before
thep baveaptesip kvUle after trpioE
awi wste alwapa epaa f» aa^tUac
me this »yth d^^
l5S»iMat weaU help aa Wbea I weald aai tep. pat baer aot tbe wltdoB to applp cakes er tte like, to irp cleaaiap it
with a capful oteura meal aod eee tew
te Ms papaa adriaa aa Me tiala
to tte eBcrteaclea ef beseekeep- sestlp It doe. tb* work
A'eAirT PuHu.
^ aad ears of eblldraa how esc laf. ttea ao eua, perhaps, ataad*
II pea bate eorka iso tarpe for tte.
erip I woeU read It bad alwspe to teal rtsater Saed ot adeiee thas tbs
moathe ol tbe bbiUea. ecsk uam io
I>r Wnikm.’ PUk Till* W TH. Ttepk ■
- -|r^—.
1,0^ rmi
Tbcraaipaaeb. aod maap of tbam 1
boUlop watar for a Mort note
QaaeSeSTal^R wUla' the ewaet.
.vjo.ii «p;ii lii* lilt!* turoav w.ib i namr., wh.*b wnb Mr f4.11
belfir b.iux train He mu.l loei i lonff-d to tfar-dumiBClip •-'vb'a. rttu:;
iDoredsloillpAliefoooo* “at hos«- ' rite* Uia> ainr'
are .social rmlbertBr*. oot fea,u; e.-o
Asd 1 do tuiue arriof all h , .to* k
sc<|Beat1p. thep map be elreo bp tin.
locr.-p "viv.-r up: t>o**f up;; aod
wbaselocBcs do aot jcMfp thcB li
eBtertsioias to a more e»peo»ire wsj
lat ooooe ***r S4W al’u wbrn U* wo.
Tben. loo, tbep arc sisslle.
A dmurr cot ID Mi; cbverine up budoau Reosrpartp. a* a rale, can oolp be rirpt
Msl Mr. Hitnii aod Mr*. H>bib
choscb t
*11 tbe liUie ilitiip. wb«d tiirp
e to ip
x'llop at
tea prsefame to r>» «>i* eblldreh to
U Olad Ohstaat.
As tor aeedlee sad thread,
ns«arU.JIw ^-Idtattla-eld aa' plap with.
if I aosld cel asoerb to do tbe aaeectat^KteMtewa aa ■jia' ItV psod carp eewisK I was tbaaklal.
I bare
------tied .tout raeeUor* loapin.
U'scrtef. its
for tbe wea rtrlle w
, Mpcbllda' ShuaV a^af anUlas far areep
dfas wer» alwaps coBtorUblp clothed
rseepl for cboes.
Tboea I eoald not A New Wap to Serve Riw Opstet.
IkdT steBbla la tte loawoaie '
Cut • R the top of a Iriuiiar fem :v
ebUdreb sad tbeir
pretip car. tbecoBUiit*; Uirn.lieevff a little u
the ether rod so ibetbrll wUlen Irrr
Ip ta Urn efn-iaf.
I Bade all
l-lscc the Ibbob cup la thr laiddlr o
sed dll wltn a tsuc
elotbet. caps. c»ts, slocklDCa sad Bit'
op.ii-r e
taaa. It was ebesper to aiakr tbem and made of tom
.im.lsr tbin
I bseamr «slu aa adept
I laarsed
.nap. tskr up *sei
fcalt slUawsad kolltwo liule pairs op.ter sbd d o.iMo tbe sauce In tb
.wbUdsoaloklabedtbstleoold aotsli iemoo cU0;-»-rr*"iHpr
tat writstadawa ae eapta'tbarab
It was bard, wdrk, jaeva
w-'ii.dM.iafflO,;'»?>»• <«*,
b.MkVEW (.FA
orev: Aai
talteea sbeald teeasroea
aMsalsplapUaad aaa* tbar llksd.
Mdtteates teaUplirlBC Ibaboiaa
nteMaala biskarp aav'-waaoiao
ate Tte Uttia tsiteiteald tees wti
aa tte tear. kri«ht
Ms wall. teUdtsc bloMa. a pair at
teteawIMMapatea dsllad.
. tateAkriphtpIsaBterdeaia'draaea.
ate Tkit I waste asa-ten tear, aftea
Mta.iMter staafM wa* Ballaf ao
MMteMawsU. aaa pair ‘ '
rral'vtArvn,a..iun.>ir>. Would Das<
I >00 asstosra ter amp boBt eoadllU
tor tte trawsema. atr-U(bl seamb
•of ISO* Item ao that tbep map be earn
Ip pnaesd Uto tte tetUa.
To UphiaB eaae-aesi cha'r. Utn ap
the chair bittoie sad saA lie cane '
work Meraapblp with seapp water asd
Let ltdrp lo the >ao and
it will be a. firm 1* when sew.
e. prorid*d the tote baa set
aa. wboM eariaiaa sad bllod* >
sigtad Mb ptsr rousd to tte bUaalac*
_______ __________
______. ^eaarpolp
A pood
of Oedb aasllfbl ter ftar of dsBaca to Mkaaptbesi at tbrir be*i
•aeearssM. mara la sttd of adriee is ^ k to drop them la tb* bailor tf **
tte clotba*
Ootbaa hava barn takaa np. th
Mk BSUar tbaa asp te* who tea net
Me watar eC. rlase tte sis* s
tte iBSsrp of tteo* Mtecef '
• S'*'
) w
sartwM • Nib
HIT *<e
sill ^
*M eu *? » .
w crritsTnoBAM
rr :
aorseshoeiiij and Gtnenl Uepairiag Done
Re PaintiiiK and TTpholstering.
: stiff'.':;
lesiiSs’: “
Carriages, Cutteis, Sleighs, Eli
iwniram li.
State Sl. inr Oiio,.
Mt. Fitamt. OnrewM.
wnr.BA7 Ctty, Detroit, How
•IL Abb Arbor. Xolode Bad
poiBto But and Sooth. Cleoo
ooBBoettoaa otOopooUohtelth
8BdB8 WUWMB-HBBAM). ifaXt t, IdOd
Leadep. April
*e of the diet
to the MtMh
■ylhlbe aMBhberbai
etdeaea-ttaad to iai
pelat otria*.
»> •yeUtjrlBr
Waaaearetriy to portray the pr^l eaptmafOBaPoyby BeanSaclsbaiy
lallaeliab The oar oMea pea«8 tha
fallaoilc dlepalah froa Lard
•ml a Brtdaaee Aboet Brae llatee
daiad at ILorafoalaia.
Iwt aJehi;
. - Caere hat aan ooaalderabd delay l>
Oepim-Se«laa«b laae That M
••U'Bt aeeerete lOWbe al eaeaaHlea
M lS.««l-Oo i^^Beat to Bt. Maleaa
ind to lb' ae Ue aetioa took place M al(Ua haoea
w.tb 1000 of bi
r brartfnll
Mlarraps ceai« U ialrrrapted aad
eloedy traatbar bae lalarferad
»ltb elraalliar. Bltheayh Oeaaate ^aellle aad rraoab. aea
-BwrdsUad tool
OeloTillB Md VTCtMk A«MrB
te BlOBalbat^.
to rapert aa follatn:
WvBAa. Death hi
at aar aaiaeatad
_______________ W B Thaebar
____ lead. Thalia tbadeattaflT B
T«aMrartbae»MBBttybaeten a r«apaetad eli>itB aad oar bo«-d a eoapelael aiM traetworUy •Solal aa the
apaMal tretM aoadded la PM eare eaa
-Tinwiiir »41o«nuM«ith( »«<«
«t twwTlMn of Ut«a« Trwww OmaV Mt
Tnaww OI(j tka I* h
■HvV.iMO.ait.P'elwltrB. **»h»
boar tbt *mri «w MdM «e
«f«v ht U» ebalmu. Bill o»ll •>»«.
«4 .11 ...bwi araMt «Mt»t Mr
ksopei diob.arteiPblMroUbeer.
Mr. D. W. Ataatrtas. aa Anerieaa
Ivq4vu plot a'tee froa tte aiy.
rho has berm Uriar M Loadoe tar tbs
aathallelud Ttfla A Pt.ilt retd.
yrerit bat who rtrrotly
•OTca-a tbe«Miti«pal v..
•hart a hir rrip of frpr rich fPU waa'
dkectMod by acotlop baada
^ to thkcocairr •
trip; CCah ,
- Briarar Pt thatp
fbartoupd ptisre t^e fri*'*—' *1 ***** ** foUcPr:
l:Me'd»eh p. m.
qaar ■ a foaad baa baia protpretedi
--------------- ----Beard mIM voardar by chaIrMa.
lecBaayyep<* aod beary cau aadd
BaU «aiad. all aaabwa ptaaaii
ibrotirb It by the Called V.rd. 4
Tba follDWlBf patltka «aaraad.«rf
Paak -foae yptpeoe* opstBtad tb
•n»t w ii
Oa aetlM «f Hr. 0»th U» Maard aa aatlaa of Hr. Sbapard »ba M
pr>iea toftb* |irtct j»e ari-l
•eaWre of tbiebord.
tbi* <
.tamd la the CatsIWaa oa I
adjram^lo laaoerc*. aorelax ai LiMlc eerk bar beoo doer op ih.- tsLk-borlaen
taUr borlaen and
an. aDactal edkpse. 1
ai'Wber. of kb
'rival u( ■adesiry.
tyaipttby is ih<
dkherared plaf«
A. bole frer f-c■ T'«»*rrft»l
Tb Ua Uaoarah'e Beard efSaperrii.
r. S Ba»»>. CfcairMB.
drepbe*B-oa ttadr.aade laaple ae- hTWh o.*aufamirm |.||>) at ibry bare
on of Oraad Trare'ai OeaBlyi
not bmi fiv
. Bpcduno ptevrr■y rhept «h cao aer toa.
•pread oe oor reetrde aod pab.tabed I
pt»Cial>ly ra^yed
bare retarard to ibecaap et B>oratreed. roUituc <a ta
Taa^T, Mar. ae. iaO‘>. »;IA o'eloeli. ilibb-, .bUrBMraed
to Lard
M»w O potat Orant Mapide
» ber'oe.d I.b II
rrrsed to.
by aek eareiiMloa froia year boalud m«ier iH\>|>-rliy They
Drand tcepie.. Apri. 1-rae ea tar<
Ban MlleH. all a>e'a'>ar« pr»a«HBibenrralato aend ICOCe or IriMO
-Maoy ecu of ec
' - • '
apd rrea.
bee jeti b-.«e eioeed bKoora {be li
B D. r
llBStM af yaatardar'i p^aaaadlaft
g bettary of hk bnt iroope lato a Plldrrnrw.:
rirer at tk a. ^ck'.*’ ef l«ca^ vloeaaranadaadawHwad
la esUoa aadrt e tetaa Brr
le-'oartr y dald >taaV* eoatvae
eleiHii fruni |k«'
Oa BoiioB of Mr. Wllbrla iba ap ledaaroee -. 0'ir ■■ oOd'acilne of M' Wtlk- .*.► ,nolo., aM fooyarde far eear hoore. tha oM- rticbt aaplo to bk ebowe lior of ed-' MelCaVb C niiraeion for to* erret>o->
e rta lioa
of the follo..a« i:>c..aeo :«cia. i-,, r,. 4,,. n'e- -m « 1.,. • ..
| e«a eerriar tha *jBe ae ea>eeiuee re
Work will b* b*ras .an. afirr »U. hardly hr ... i»n«h.ratdr
OosBeaeiac ' 'v
r de noett i
aad If to thr eoaupn. the
Mr. CerUt preeaatod thr follOPle* dosed tae d.i^aeoU. dereral fal- e'MPbrre.
at ooer aed t-rarr thr eaBocr la orar to blB a. t.. U.r linildr »
U. Thaakar. daorarad. >
BoleUoaeaedoaD>tlaBof Hr Oert. ieat atteapu Part awU to briar M Uearral CokPilleern'C a* eaelly eirtke
. qeertrr _______
aactu. ^ • reeilj Uad iheaaBC oa* aeorpiad and adopv! >•«
the wear ol wUeb had brea tbeafroa Bitrpltaialo at by folloa*
The depot Pill br OPurd aad au. «brlr |pn..n.l al
uira ta.-atydia iW aortb af--------iiicapt the boreae ■nr tbra aerjee toe pltlat Tar raor*
Tn- other
e^eeea ill) thaa >eat UtlrV«» IMI
aocrlyteprrior Britkb;forM eppear irollrd oy the tl R Al
iaiHl tariff a r.>nii lirriicl.
lathe Better ofibr old eeatatlttaa|*ara*hatrote thaaee aorU tireety (Ml rote.
s iDs.:llr«. PalUar. prvbtbly for toad., thr Prn Hfqsriir and V
(U-r >>> !•' thr
,|a>'m uf
aCoBBiyOfOBiid.aod Belldlofe.
] - ror Beua. Heoeter.
Oa »•* wa* adopted
IbeBce ireet fortyHimoda.tbeHcea’elh
Ml^lrne Oatral.bare rcoird ine«ri
tecaaelelloa of aoro aeicrisl tor
plraiv ■■•bend Id It our mom in the
Whertae. W A. Br-wa. aaerettry of' aae K.rtaeacerUoeanai
«atad March foth._«aoa.
lirret df ihe drpji for
*■ " y p>dk. .t |Tri...iiii* ABiirimn nisan
. rote.ihepeaaortbtpaoly tbfe.isil nld eoBBUlre wailr eeUnp ia wid ae-, aad Boteru' aom corerad
ift adraaer lothcTbaatraal troa-'
eoan haaae
CsrTnrrr> and Isla.rm at' llir rt|a.nri
jittad aad a red! iheeeaettt thlrlyala rode-tbeerr paalty p-rforaed eerr.creoi yrnt reler . .............
b' *41 leetlonr- of thru i-or-.cn ri.al.'
„ _
to the fcnUa- oorih three (»i rote la plaae af br«ia- tn tha people of lb* cooety. ueretorc
all probability the eapiare of thr
Ljodooere are wholly eaable to
tn ordlaary > sad
If Ur .VrTa.ln.ux ha.l l<mi mi a fnvr
■aa hartaf abar«a ol IH eoaatraeUae
; oooroy Pill bar. a arrkn effect op I
«“■ •»
r to ip
H ^ idmtasdbopaaarayefcseb pr
Tharaferr. be It
eataa tanorisf .rr»r»' t.i|. In thr snrii- rlrrlr ..r in
Ltrd K)hrr t’latere oprraitora Tbr:®'’^*Hr
Beoolead. Thai I'm board el aaparenkt for the )a«ll'Ueae ae reported by Lord
KePloqa i.
oaperec red jadrane-northoerd will oa-.erally be !
Tiaon aalaad a eou ol thaak* «e the
I eiaad betook
add Ircilly iadicaud-------------------------aettrielad aad btlit
Iteld das u
d nr OK the first floor V
balldlar eoBitDi loe. Arebl'eei C M.
tba leirrret of tbU coeoty pfalle aetihr
aad tiaaera. aaeb aa
Prallaad BupermimW J^ho Kraeaecr-taryat afomaid.
towor the hHflbt-.1' be... T-f.wr
n-sl.-ko f...ui a
fa ereetlap a eate
a*lba. for the eaetrr aed eare in b The c<meittw tOPboa the prUdoa •
i Ter male beildnif «-jI be ?i» had hrvn at work In tbr .mi
patU rirer. aad
ball of the aoaaty aad for tbaMcHlaai
aluMeehaie f.« of Mean J O. Orotacr. B. Can aod L. i
IB tall
I tcailaor and iriU IMtwx wisp which 1^ want laiu ph nit r«<>cn:
malta dae to their ekm. azerelaa of
it c<rrn to reporw that fbabs hV.o.
K Oihb. -a. rel«Ted. nported M
uonaad! Tbe rryelar weekly belletia kaoed !»•» ♦«h foriy-f.B' tswl wrie win be » and u.U n-UM .vnunto.
aecooay aad food Jadfaeal.
fbe«Berribr.iefkMat’byUewarde|iariBeBl»i..4Ue Bril-,♦<"
fr«a-all to w,r
two.h ..( a n»s..-w.iid Tl,
Mr. Darre*. CbalrBaa of tha Ba.Vd
:tltloarre to eoeelrael aed
------ -
.. .m
1 ^ to
a aallaWe fleh ebala for the.
---------laf OassMoa. praaaaiad aad raad
perpoiaol alloptnr free dorreei aaS Trareree
ibair «aal raport.
bait that Boaber, but the acre fact
ooBBiUeo on
rrrpBtoall kiadaotteh.
dealhafrimdlBrateor tb* number of! A nweeiwalar. tmaoi.. Bse bm •
Te tte Hoeorabla Beard of baparL. K Ouwa.
R-iada nod Brldrea. to whoa ca* re ibaleeeeso msByaaaall eoald haes
Tbon of Oraod Trarerae Ooaaty.
& Caea
fenrd tbe peUUon of L K. Uibba. bsea oolleeted so near beadqearters rick now is hcaplult la a.o-h Atnea. jP'*P'““
merkcuac b-e prodoctet fai^hpilee..
J. O Caoraap
Bslph Osae asd J. 0 Oroker. aekias Wiuoeitbekaowledce of Me Bridth
Oaatleaen:—Foll’iolec.M laa fleU
aarstseloa to erect a dsn aertM the
A asD Bear Treetoe. MisaoaH.
Dated, March W. IMb
ooaoitadhra protokos Boeb ooeony wooBdrd and Biuiey.
report of yomr aeart boaee baiUtac
RoardBaa rirsr npOB the followlor deThe foLoPlDf rraolatloa waeoSarad
mtly l«at Uruayb deaib. la oae we
» la beyloniac I
■Ibed lands In lb* topoabipof Blnlr
two dnnehim. faibar i
by Mr. dbrpard;
Itaaaiar U rsfarded as a direct bo felt rcyardlofl Ue
said eonnty. r'x: ComasDcmr leiA.
ty rods soolb of the soulbeasionropr of so.ult ol Us laability al Gsasra) ipaniraot tbs lloers wbteb dash oot to Botbrr
«e leenBueetolsbeat thm .
the eortb bait of the soetbeaai qnaricr Freocb to eat uS Us coaetaadoel t>iessaihail Bioiafoetela aod k
... tbe northwsit nnBntn''nf
US (fWOt^hlebbaabMobsHbrlboC
‘t towB twootr-sis |:si norso Geoeral Oiiyier aod tba oteer ooB-.feis with Lsrd Bohreu' comaa
-Mtit ly <^ark fa^iorernl yanrs, which
ribipeot VifsLaki
-wco (in wesLtbdn west thir BsodoswncB aseapaf troa Us Or-|th»a DUqeietnlan Is ladaBri by U«
IS) rods, Usoe* eorU tweoly •Bfls near.
jreperu froa Barnly Wsat that Ue
. tbaaee west forty tSii rods.
■ awrWei.Mtw ..
me luie ol eesee (aos by Rro td ' Bsets are aasnlar troop* el Taonfle.
A ncyro. who on* hern at r* htlU'
1 by ; Milkrilel. Oonforth bill end.Ble.n«•“
Baolrcd. Thata
eael forty fi
1 stosrl. of since p^r. at*, s'oo. i
1 by'bo*Uop III lscuao*ded Mat lb* Britleh
p,«i sraiwrsoi ibU beaefl be appelated to twcoty-thm
Kelylua wiaoiny fame a* a clay mn<
ttaraoc north three
aw;net le eoeJaBstiea with tbs Oeasty thlriynut It
.apld'eoamaodef laehisf It la Ue altel of
Hitnsm- is Abrebaa Liocali
_ , -Treaaerer. wboee delj liehall be to <f- (I) rodno I
u» total cnoi
^a'ereailUie sBtanM belooflaf to the rearcettolly_____
JS. apeedy. 1
by tha Hrltlsb io »c preesot
-.1*. ocealy and toposblpaand report BiwI'iD be yrsotrd in i .
JeeSalU.a brokeaae ea U* T-8.
Ucoerri Cros}: aed CsiJssI 'kklel
iheaald palltios: Pr. Idcd tbhl saidf«et,auaoretbae et
ibk Board.
tM road, fell ooder a airioy car
Baclnod's a litary hlaiory slud* IT»3. with 1 «S0 ofltosers, ss.le? froa Cap
)a BoUoB et Mr Olerelaed tbe reeooarGreearlllo aod bad boU lay* rat
ilBc of belldiot the dSB. sooti
AnitieaecOBOltolUea^ht from a Town for th«lr uland prkoa Io U
’’inttob wee adopted aad Mr. Bbeaard sadBaiaialo laeald dsaerood
ifl b>)ew Ur kaeas
Hsdied la a few
■ aad Hr. Boers ware appslalad at saeta eoMcleot Bsb ladder crccUd of aoefa KrliUbsjureeeoooer la autieq Uat , AUaotic fast ntyhl
an4 after such plsn at is rrc Colooel Broadwood's f«o* of about i
-------------------------------The tut'case wardeo InTntlyried
ed aad spproeed hr ibe blaU
Ue sotkBOf Mr. Jlerelaad tha Ik
______ BBlalon aod said dam to cun
.raaaofibe intraeilosot iheyaae
' u^ktulw
laieasB'tablealiBiefor thsporeoaeof
rlea of the.lQlantrydir..ioii aod Ore
---------------llowlay lo<t. ilBber. (I redwood, el:
Tb' Os'* aod
id COlUeolloeUd
P. £ Sarita.OhalrBaa.
•ral Feeneb-s cnealry alone prereaied Bu'ldi- r Where O.-aoeratia MsUonal
> osBs arid dam.
^ „p
i "■ ‘ comHiiiiii h»u iurred
Tharaday, March ««. law.
. e:W0-Maeka B.
Boll eallad
Board eallad to order.
Tha (oUoplBfiea a
r tbe arlflDal m
TeUwBoaerableRBrd otBaperria
ot of Uraad Trararaa^leaaiy:
' wri
cob amaa
Vmm pboa was referred tbe Batter of
All of wblefa is rcspcetfally sehmilted
Ue esolhllalloB ol Cslooe; «-i»o ; iHUenoy was jo hire 8-eo Belfl
E Y l.iMnsu.AS
... U1.■
Jo■■^ Uiupiiie.
OoBBll'oe on B-itu aad Kridirea. the sturiB diBir csptidsraby. AcKsnat CIty, April 4-The imaea
OnMBOlloB ot Mr. Walker lb* re cordloflusome C.saasodnnt Otcbler boildtay keowo -as
port was occepiad and adopted
idedibeKur*. and oot Oom where tba D-atcrat'e oatloDal
The followiof stokBCDt was pto- aaodao. I>e Wrt Ob**eorTasp>nd*et doe was to hsee b en held July s, wa*
seoled by 4. W ManDee. presideot af esys that a U-rmaa-Aaerican.Belch- boraed to tb* irmund tbkaftfm,
be Uasoah B flu:
lea thee fasir an hnu*. Ttanf>U> loot
tHaUBOBl Company H—ProBCoBDty I Tuesflslr seeBi retber to leallfy to ! will reach nboet bnlf n ramieo dnllsn
'tbsekiilofibeBoarsioprepwiac nB-| Coeotitloe hsU irill be rebeUt Imim Bal Cit sens Food S tss M basondes thaa to aeclect of the BritUn | medln'cly la Uae for the eoeecatioe
lolter U* fcol* ofUi
Rstou'd from Co.
ttaeeasUibtthearsoUof U* cooroy
BOit bee* psMsd cloae to Ue aabssben. Who apptreoily were ns iDriilble ,
na psruidye. In csenr Liter aceseou, Eorllsh Mo we Vmit-»rln for theflal
any wore that the BrliUb '■
TIaa ■« M TeBia.
.he talewea eetaalde by ader of tbe
Jlrealt Oonrt. woo Id roapcctlolly report
We bare earefslly looked
ep ead '
towBihfoof Fife Uke be cred
I tbe aaonat (Its St. and tbs
Delon beered'tsd with th« Apr. I, ISM Ooaoaay H loaa
did fall to rrc Minoiler properly.
tba BBiaat of Bktt
Oa BPtlea of Mr. Cprlk the report ^
BMAoeephaa aad adopted.
Oa aatioa of Hr. Walker, the Beari
a1]samod is Ite) o'Maek p. an for i
•awpt work.
P. B. BooPP ObalnBaa-
Dr. W.' k' Miioo.
Df. bn: .............
Dr. Clark. (Will
laatoaryl to PC QUbf«.............
S. •Dr. I. A Thoap
,Dr H B Oaroor
10. •• De, Bperr............
»: ••
Dr. A fl.Bolllday
IS. ••
Or. B B. Aode.••
LowBA. Pocae.
W. A Mkwtok. CUerk.
Bitted tbs lollowiaf reprt:
To tbe Boaomble; tbo'erid I
•• M. - oT' a'i'
■Ha ballik foealted la the •leeUqatM ^'^'-tf.*';;.**!^^:.",.
MB.J.A uoibM.
. ;*,,ajre3u.;e-..iiik'5 :
TbeloUowlerraacdoWea seaeoBered ■in>.<TeswfseS'eaU.p«nwr* '
by Mr. Corn, aad oa aotloa ol Mr.
■hapard tbasaa. waaadoptaJ;
^ t hen a jMwwB.e'psie shwit
of tleandi —
oarrrlslclnr sadaese fl is our hearu
kwiMB'c <«. ..
pbao eallisfl to Blod HP rrat calBB » t- litres..-n^es rmut
IlylbalhattHfsUaa lu In thedcatb of. „ «
Jadye Boeoe* L Cwbalt tfseerlbelcaa,
--------- ,. the eoBseWosocs of)
atbarto flikar wnb end t tbe tea-; u^siMw Bn» ace . »rpUM
attbsll Ue boanrs dae to .oae wboa.
■e the taraltare and ethrrcMrcala8-iPii[i.Ba-rwki.rik.aiiwqetr
atesfipdrd h<« trslyeueet.
::: ss
bad ao eoart hoase; tbMefoce belt
Beooleed. mst tbe cnaalttoa oa •' — "
oooaty-rrieinte and belidlar.be In.'
streeted ts p»oesr* al the eipessr of,
tboosooty aiilc sii- psneait of Me
toUJadfO Oodbatieod basethesar
hniwla Uaaaweoorl reoa before. If aiekA^ BwkMCe.
pSbk.theASrll irraofeonrt
oa aeuoaot tfr. Wlttula aeomialt-. ^tlrS^Ta
«of Mra ■- Cortl*. wnhtla aad Caapbell was a.
draft reaeletloae bq Aw doMaot Mr.
'A _
On aniioe of Hr. Clesri^tbe Com
alUreon Oonmy Geooedt nnd-.^Ud
lay* tria lastrated to proeore cans
for yradlny Ooeri Uoam yroeods. < e.
A3t ts czeeed Um eenk per ca de ykrd
Theyeasand asy^be'ny d.-aaeded.
sshkb rcaalted la tha anaelaca* ToSe
Df the Board.
Oa aolka of Hr. O'rsriac^ the Osa
laOeaaiy Oreaete and Reiid-
Uaithe eallel nolnas afier all was
able to Boee aouU once more, prab
la Trara.
ably after recsielBf relsforceaeols
Unenlo. Keb . April t
from Rhodala. The Basra add Uht
PloiD'c was repeiaad. " .
lelnly Id the cillea Lincoln fytaraIo any case It esanot be hay
eomp’.ste Rspubllcen Gehetby-tbe
before Ue i
lofteei oujirity
In eeate.
Pioaet by way ol B,
HaTrklny. it IseriS.
m*}->r1ty nod retyraeo a Repub'cas
by Lsrdfliheru ts bold.oBlaaUI Hay
aayar ter the firstti^e la lu hWory
O'Nell end .Uhlted. 0.-B>oerej
Geaeral Lsnlt BsUt. woald.eeea Jo
bare taken ebnrye of Ue Bar
oalya. nnd to hie* loaneorated
teeainrd elrtteyy. Lrrd Bsberit fiea
lelAaal Praseeled
It likely tsflod blateM
ly of either nt--ndi:
Washtoytoe. Anrll
Slate of Hlcblyno. Ooooty of tWd
rtpreseated a petliios try**'
»f flISO.OOO,
We, Ue ondrralyaed. Cuiraee aad
Aynlaaiao Loeaua
acap’lal. -preyleyeoi
dark of Ue Board ef Saiwreiqon ol
the aid eocoty of Grand Traearae. dc
law profalbltlay tbe i ut-of Halt'd
'B-feom the Pbl'>(T>:nee
hereby eemfr thatItbefo
tbe followlny !•
State* ailtt^ power o Dcreral tb*
Pay Roll otaald Bard nf Superelaon traofport Sherrieo that Ayunloaldo
'Uodmy ofaenapetlBy sable frem tb*
a* preeeatrd and nllnwed by the Com In Stoyapire Sewepapen in that cl
L'ellad Suta.“
on asiat nnd Accoonu for ailee ardmll'ayedariey tbelr Oei yiee iBterri*<*n with bla. aad Uonyb > Senator Horyte pa'I d alteBDon
bee'.hl deeiaret bii lateaU
iheehaala rale proliiblt-ay reeclrlat
wraiey Vo Manila. It appran
tpctUloa from cIlIxeDt' at a tri^lyn
bu decided to uke earn of
anetry exeeol thtooyb Ue depart
sioee Ue Ineoryeotaray • ditpertesL
meet. Be cld ar,-. object to tbe petltloa
ioytoo. Aprila-Toe (olloeley
B Hooror.... *« IM s
herao** be bel.ered Uet Cebt bold
rablr wo* reeei*ed today from Gaaeral
O Chaailer.
sn >M S
■eeb releUoo* lotbs Deit-sd Siaft *e
OUa. Uoetoy tbe ratoll* ef Ue wa
B Baalltoo
<tt sst s
eoeid -1* dl**olrMl ODir by eoerrms.
a. Ro'll...........
n M «
*lnee ibebeyiaainy of Ue yui:
Tb* chair beW UstUc peUUoo ooeld
F. R Walker
is 11* s
-SlBC'J.notryl i:< ak.raiebeo ii
set be rreelTcd if obirotlen wera
the Pbilipploa faa*e been reporiad.
fDOt-ly yeryaUchl affairs. Oaretn ‘ Bide. Tb* prilUoa traa flaally rei>ed aod ordered prieted.
so 34C
lestaare bees Urre rflij'rn and
To'hoese today TTseaed ibeeoeeideotli'.-d men k.lled. ant 11 fll !cn
D. (Mapb*.:
HI aen seeaeded. Tb* Inanrycoi aad eratbie of the bin to rriabileba terri
C Uarrow, .
wtal yosrra aent for BewnlL
so. jr. Corals
Ladroaelirai U: R.Uedaad left oa tbe
lisi £l I
Joba WUbela '.
C E Oeeeland ..
B S SbrtiBTd .
■-1.1-11 kiuiw bii» iMapy Iiuiri I ters
*r< II
—I d.nj't nirikB nrlirio, bat
|i..i|d.. iurloilmgrhilillWI
"trad- dra«.pr<til->n-nil<
• hvwl*. Iiurimiiumirmoaah
»*k.. <ip u
If wiili (.» anyU.ly to ■! sn Iki-Ui >m a alaU,
|ri|*T. aujwlnris^ said Mr.
Rilllup*. ••I'Ut 1 d-ei I riiM-BilwrtTTeia
him’ A* fin- til-' '.‘niitry. hxv' esMi any •} ilirni draw a right
nml. anl -mtb and <w« and <r,rit
rii.e- fnrmyto-.
will ),.tu u, cl« Ine t.. Ii'a sritlml f.dlcy
.Bn<fW Geri'Itwmewrtp
■in be Ilio, hot I na aol-n*«ud shnnr.nr . |.nma nmple
—........'-p.rit». lu wbirh ev.m (Ih- fiw
ni- nd.'.-ni— of frw trad' will
h.'.;', tin '
***<1 »s y«»™.
Loapoc. In Santa Barbara eoenty.
thl.. yrows aesum for 'Ue wbrie bala that rcyina ROOD are enUiral^
aduibaterd, Ue Irdestry eaploylay
Tbe Aaerieaa exhibit at Pari*, repiteeiiac oecr S.ooO firms, will be a *alr I
»U-r.'rii 'I ■
il.arlf. NoUea Uao in nail Amor!- si»n...ne trill 1.
OoaMloaofHr. Wlybtau. thara- .. :idaT iBtredacad a raaolatlaa raellI pert waiadopMd bjayeaaadaay
iar- “That iheaecratarjelarrialtaie
bsreqaaaud u raaeri te the boeaa
whether bora* flteh M holey eaai
eared or otherwla* proparad hr ha,___
todta IU*eoaatiy.aBdlftD,ats«al
idMu and ta orhat smal.’'
■ J.IJ.M. thl»
...iMlbi n>i
teat W been eayayed lorperaaBeat
aarsl.-e on tbe arouad*.
Hod rains have hileo in •hast af the' f„rt'n...TM i'..'
1—.lid ^■'rlls^w n
dlslncuof Vic-oria aod Mew Sestb,all tii-i
Wriea. aad tba euGcok for wbeet ■
yeaerally more fayorahic I
has hrea fur yearn poet.
.pil'd lb.1 yueuy Isriy. who bad jaW ra,
■omEor.flm “ ’
h wld.iw lolimibi ta
• M.lu Ib.- xrate ft
1 iln- ulxbi In-rnre the
ANeMoo Ktoeaa. ass weji
d'Btiai's 'fBes oa n rather nnosenl
tartb that beloeyed to bit Srat wila
fitted to Ue aoetb of bis aeeocd wllr.
Ue PryBcb ehaaber of deraiira
Geoerel Grilifai. mmbur of war.
euled Uai Gaaeral U lose hafl. by aa
leslyeificast BOdifimllOB. laeeelada oew rlfir. It woold be U esr
Ton wrlll soon want horiM to dniw jotir Bpring. wwk
with. I bATA A Imrd* fltock on band for yon to baImI tnm.
tparary nfl* now <xl*tlay.
ier*ii 1 iry et O »oiso reodrri^ara
eerdiet Uat F'sok Teeber. Ur in
old lad killed alUrbw Saeday,
arideeU Uroeybkls owe earelrwaea Tbe tnaeral of Fireaae Fred
Boa wa* bnd Wadarailay afiernooo
Rro*'t cumoer In U* fir* depart
B. J. MOBOAH. Preprinter.
A pair .rf dart, iron
Kvldinya, wiffbl. 3.000.
A pi.-c l.l«jcky »«iU- rtaa if-ldiilff. wfiKhl. 1 400; aii yaara oU.
Atirixim fin* liliwiky bay tfriMing. 5 )cara oW. Weight 1.49D; iM_
roprior A Par- carriAge. will, ari-b nrdt
Itrr to Ur UaA Wocky built tay mar*-. •: >-«ira old. weight 1,400.
m Uat W,
Light F<i'or<^ bay KHtliag. 7 ytara old. wnigbl l.lfiO.
iliac Ue ImeelUe
A wf} line dapple jrtay borer,« year# old, wrigbt 1,4»,
raliwa/aad aroaad Victoria Ith* aad
eiaaobcrr aadars kllllay oS dewrae- rxlra rwH ooc witli arcb nrek.
Idly He Bryr* tbe astasye of Ue bill
A iP'nd Iwy'ntaris. .7 }<rara old. wright IHfiU. raoffy bnilL
nowbetife Ue leylslstara ia r^
yy.SoDBd railway
tb' boeaiy for Ua hi:il^ of w-xltn
from tio 10 tlii per bead, at Ue pe
bouaty isBol soSiieoi to iDdeo
tlen to beet Uea
I'hav.. a few ebcap pliiya. pri.-clrijiB tl5 to *50.
npan uf ht^itji work boraeo. nlli liariiewi. price, $17-5.
(Vwac io find u“t nt.v priceabeforeyoo boy.
AtEok-a^lodlana. els years eyo
alno bove i yoke of f
lease Saiu. a oooetry Kbeol leaeber.
was saddealy barelt of bi* raatoa Jea- taken iu r-x<-liuige foriiorete.
00 Ue ere el fal* aarriaye te Mia EMUossclk Oe the day wbra Uweeroao
to bare Ukaa plaer. Baiib wa.
takte to tb* eat* Ineaor taylcts al |e
O'er lb* affair fiai
Gcasett's ieoii,ni, at
eeat to tkeaarlam.
kwers. eskDowa to each eUar. oe re
ed ward* le U*
The delayed aarriaya t
WbUc Hr McDowell wae epeabiay
oe Ulhill tbeelerh of UemateapBtauMrwsli
prared and aaooaasM Ue paaiiya
>k Drckar of Bu. ..
Ibe Pone S caa tariff bill. “wlU *i
ooeaty. kiHad a too psoad
dry aacMaeoU la wbi 4i the aama
reM* of (he hOMe M rrqaaiad.>- 1
bill waa raforred to th* eeawMB*
eeoeaate at botar.
waysaa-l arDoa
Tb. Miehiy** Caildroa's B-vm onti.
aiyofSt Jwopbwili arm a da* bo.
pital ba-.idiay adJMaiay U*»r.fl*iiMi
Morris L
. ____ -...........
raealnay biraa.
ia'ea diteealo* at RoatteD etras
Ur Bewrty. wh'le Urir ti-irin
Detroit origiaalty p^eaaedaa rxpeei.
Marled, aad when Lribowl'i dron
•am heacret the f ' '
away. Radotpb west after bira CDtek
Isy bia ie Ue aMdle of the bleak, bu
a fll.aao.i«>;for e jpleadM aarW*
laaaadorertbeaid-of bb troek-'aod
le isee Irat leay. sri
sritb a eo'aar
a blew at blm Lofkowiu
• SSOIcat abors Ua a
leaf U*
dodged, aod U* loro* ot the blow
Ue yitaad Bit
saved M IbypHtasi
Preeaecton ora borlay far aiae le
fomr eoaMlea In atalhaia Arknasss.
w a dra
Be* dai
tlhla t
the '
A srot 4i yeen *W. It bfon dote
____ ...la the*
s*. S. ISM It bad baaa Isas ter
baanaalied lae wqeeeoa Osc
r yaara _Tha parsaatewhaa M
s oo IS oe Arid. I 4M; eap arad. aaUy woaaded.
s « if m 1 4U; aaail arae aeearad. Ml; pwem
t 00 IS os
nt arlillriT, let Liryeceetorae h*r*
been made o4 eUer taearyaai
rr y
A naWar of iaporBal USto 4t soryeat uawra are aarraedwtay aad
Gieee oBderoer^edt Ute Ih4 Mad ibeaKaatla M yradaally bMtaiey
da* ot Horeb. A D IA«
F B Bmiwa.
D- A B. Wa ha>. wbn was th* Irei
Ckaliaaa ot Beard
_jior*d na la Oauada w take ta* d*A Krwto*.
etme of tathel.r 'flawdi wfU lease
Clatk ol Raid.
Oa antwa of Hr WIchtsaaB the Ballfsk. K &. fur BayUed la n acmU
toaryriae Bri-.nh yoeercaent tn set
as'dc n tract ef lecrilory Io SsnU AfF B Bnuwa. Otalraaa.
ea lor
the aetUeaeot ih.-renm of
f. A Bkwyn* C.erk.
«ro ealyraaa troa Caaads. Ue
jritri Sutas aad U* Wtot iadlaa
M 400
o»iIN end fartmi-.
Mra JobaBsraan was borUd Sen
ly at Re -yru*.
aad brr babood
at ts presiraled wlU yri'f Ui
died at BOOS Ue next day. Both
i'TJ.S'iSS.'riT jif -■! irni,’.;:.*
CsaaltM am OalaaoBd Aea
J. W. Bsaans
Pra Uauoeu R fl s
Oa a ttoB of Mr Wilbela Ue report
SS .wae aeeepted and erderad apread apoo
Us jiamal;
Campbe’I preualed Ue fdlowley pay roll. wbUb ws*. oa aotloB ol
fr OaapbelL adopted and ordered |
Dsblio, Aprils— g urea
««o.u». ...u p-j. ^.u,, c
” *'*•
so so
Oa Briioo pf Me. CleeelaDd
Y-.or CoBBlttM on Onlmt aad Ae
Of. Z U Bras* .
S» 10
eoaale wosld respecUally aabait the
BaDdlsr OoBBUky was Initracted
Mlewlnf a* tbalr npori. and dohaioToul..............fl tss uu
tooaie* bids for raatt Cstarao.
hy taeoameed that the tasarn) aaTue above pbyslelaoa ae-epuri So per
Oa Botkm «t Hr. Bpoee. the Beard o.iBtstabadaled hsrela be alldwpd.aka
eeat. of tbelr bill*. Ueaaoool In Ue
Bfpeaedad to altat oa* school ouBlaor that the Clerk otUls benrdWeatbor.
lead bsley only suffiMSOt to pay tba-.
* srilo draw orders oa the Ooeaty
ml. The aaonnUcanaernud btOa BoBoa Of Mr. Oleeelaad two tall-' Trsasarar for tbo eoao.
Tot Hwr forces froa Krootuui hire I landel in lalanu nt ll.tn this a
n'-eaoesd ta dnriteel *'.*11:0. os Ut|iey(or Ur first time In is yenrs
Miljr'ye>i mile* snath of K ooo*Ud.| ij i-wo V jtorin wst estbuls.'li
aiy inlictteaB totcstloo lyreetad Io ee«B>a*n t> the tAdm
to try eoocinslMis p.tt Lord Bjberu.. wriome sh-hssdeJ tbe L>-d Mi
andshoies eeruinly Ue Bsar* bar* jof D ihris. * ecs'r ihtt ss>ki in
yaiasd la boldoe*. durlny Ue delay
eu oeeaesry fur the eeoryanittUoe ol Ue
so traeepurt at HluemluBieio.
A aewaye froa Bar soorcea ahows
beaey fiybUar aroaod Mafektay Sat-
ml- .if III.-leulrn Aui i-rlli apt neew
Isstiwpainl.d; ihui tluj |iwi 'aid all
tk tr welrily b—|. hi cusumoa, oaa
din.t.e td (hr Banca BeBknai .me. the IVate «rri.-u«<k laUai
carr uf tlr ir rii.t |u»w..i.ew U the PiBline marriMOt a third b uic ayndaro of
than and tba ynunpM brine saaployad
u dii luaerio BUdoas by thaaseMaiy
ss :?-o“.j‘?o“t:e%
iz *
"''•[kui/- I*'^i-idr^-'Mela;
taa-bre or iBb «i Ibralpayeirlaaieod
tl--nw. .a 1 ll "ill .k.
TIwAII'-ki BiKorefriiili'en Ueyofy
IS* tbe Irawi.dUalryh.
rir. an. Ih.nt »uaciU6r''« f'lr -I* of oak.
bii'k.ity. ck'-'iiiiii. marl'', pioe airi oih
ft th'I.Ir Ir--. Ill Ibr rpnoc whsm they
aiT «.u.kmi« f.rib. io ib- .uuirwr srtaa
ib. y an lu tb.. foil l>l,*ia .< aatoriv
rill ■■anilltw end wbi-n ibv lenn I i- in lilimtoa. and
hr rail <uilG io llw fall, wk.ij ih. ktillisni liaUiff
.1 foi op to nri andy-'ldaiid itneii and purple oywD tlWI .Ul'.li
. I' 1.U ..n- w lib a .w. uf Hrilmr Maw.ih< iir a-riiius In always bsrb* uk.’ii until sDoi ilml dsir
sotur ..1.1 auw-M'-k fn-r tra-l<w who nKBliiuy M)< b a |'
ha* l.n-u riltiue aimn fn.iii imirilraJ
Afirinll. It is
17 r|iml (
i.iii'v- iii-m
lari'wbslri.y luf Ihoa sBt at thUB
|y acri. oluilsl tvcI-m «lit. lltil.. ..i ui Th<'riaiiliiJiaia en> iiefrcL TTwynaa
tai.T.-t m tliv |iu>ib«ii-ii .'I .turmimu reiiyo from .|caik .r. a tbe Virriidaaa
lu.lu«iilal Iui-i-m.. ».ml.l inum a* call u. parindiP'. tn ik** and bay. tad
enoirililuc of « *l'.*-k If ki-xlyviihl bar rkpxri •Il.r lU* ts tay of Ibe Inm iiiuiir
id that unVl' Ksiu>. innt, tb* wild
iloii.'i I* a uriri .-Mmumt* ft Troial ,
tan!*, dark. plrttHt.* ej bya hory bm. th- etnar aiteUas
oiMaod tbs tal^paal lipa Baww
• talkaiire atari aad rpute Doaly of
(he dif&roliiit that bma hk .cbbbbb
«f the pc-'».« fd tba papacy
.... -
: SStVrwSTm
«< Booda ^
with erxlimt pst.K ..rrr bis aHfaM
aperitRriii. Csniiriiedwiih all the tabap
ni'shrn.vBifuri. lint lir-cmnrniaflallate was dm britnao. OBBteaiDfl sritb
tbs rolvDiuitr and myetety ud tbe sHMa
imureiif tlieehnn-faall t
,4 ■l).l.■0‘lM•t■ f . prill* m
Ill' •-nMsuis o>«*U aatho
r'mi-Hih, riwricuwf.arpteri,
nerr oi Ibr l,-w>nM asiiue<B daBwA.
I.si]*.l op wnb rutniHuu taws-h.>-Bue. ua O'MU
b nn
Ako a good
A ntt-e Una of
t«n do yon
nforaal'.alarj 4 nodi cowa.
I will- hare a ear load of borsoo
AFBIL 8EVEMTH at Travorae OU7 and
can save yon from $16 00 to $46.00 on
each and OTerydeaL Don’t fail to call and
look over tbia load. They can’t help bnt
please you.
JAS. 0. eSON,
Tniew Cttj, lick.
lu l><^
mtluikML iwwlU n>«ailaM Ui»
«t m MTOpOIMl ’•'•Ht® »fTlT».
n >6 <b-|Brf. .Nnn ud •«■>»
fTWtoo ot •« trw
___ot lDri<«d ef nctiuil d*!*- of
tmr. b.ii «bl. »• prtBolH'lr
frt-ort.. «»o •!»-
r« aU‘I
m< Imlu-
tM ta •
I i>^r orrtio*r> ' Irn Um loMnoHiii (ut ■tMMitd itwlMioow'tim^ I" i..-ntl}>L >l»- .lair ..f dr^tnwv .diarr u-*aj‘ali nm-rnaini
TeaaaUMcaT* iba foroTorj- uor wnHvraod.
M(a t«i (tUb
Wanf aK <br iriuptail.aia lonard
------ nf
tl«t t»-M< vb
Ami wkMiM «riMof I
kas OM
think of tha hatila
^ ..---- ,u.. 1—.;j. Igki of vbk*
I aail «lrl*
om Ammiatm b>v**i
Atak wJlMo iMtalIf
__ , ___ ,
limaiK-r. mra>h anil rrla-
of lbr» know
tba bnra aoliti«>
•i^M^ biUlbaiaaatf IWnup' ____
. .
•)_ kbt thvMMoa (bink of bvai h I wbKhaf* irrr n.fToxIi.f ud difflnsit
MB bill"*-' of mtm dafoMlad Iba u, At ia vubla a clioa Uiua and wUeh ;
——rr**"*'*- ] prarnil mao.T luliiair* of a tlaj beliK
l^anlbair teaaa aad thaa di>i (ada< I aproi in (bt rompanr ofa boatraa. Ca
|laa> tbt* !• tboroocbl) oaderatnot] OB
By8»aboaWto»olb»hUl«ri«Idi7 UfTinae auO -1» Ju.i a> yoa llk»- Of
at Baa Aaualo. la Texai. job will aaa 1 -oo your o«n way" tod "KdK yoar
ttacMsWcaibdMiBsaUediBC. wtlb : p«t, ronrooim.w rutlrH' ’ arr lankly
b—nA balM l-anad walK ai—8-:mI<I an MpUnailoa of njoT«a«iii
MMOa «ba I ;t baraa d IfO* Bablod ' »bouU br (Ivn rai-b morslnc. that a
«—wallaCbaDKa-i l.pnriaat hattla In
uay lA-.w bow niool. nr bow
— war bacwaaBHual'o and TnxMwai I III, u-or a c«aa> a fompdor abr la to cafWTrt That war wbwi SaaU Aoaa
wm MaiHlIi aad tba Taaaoa «M ; tnroBjildnatr woinnt tmgorotly *1»»
•^M^fartbNrlixlaiawdwxr. Bora It po luitr imublr by ihalf m-ani of pnix^
■ ■ ■■ '
rUirii' If partiralarly
lOa. dyiag with bi. b o.aa OB and hibt- anBoylns....................
— —artba
mbla oilda Tba turn in lml.-lir.ui ai 3 nW tlw lawli
■d rrwy AbwtIcbb aMM obo Iwut If 1 oc|..c* U o«i an oamnal
ww It by iKwn, tfaai ho may ,»«,wdl« oo ibHr pari or t.. n-julrr
Kb prMowbra mbrr baCiisa |,rr«kra>T in IwiaKro lo^llwlr roooiaor
#3*»«<»ood.: __
.10 acTom lotliailoBa in .Ijnorr oo tba
. OoahaDdndaBdfony-liTo.BMwnB.—
' .opiu-of (br mniuaul wlilioin yirlDyany
4» Ck—la TtoTia. a yoam aaa of II. kind
nf Boflra of Ibl-, Ini-i.tlon arr
waaa baU— Ibo town rf Sas AnUDla' Miiar (on nf tha Bn.'.al ••d.-ofoa Of
« OoDonl UoBta Auaa and A®M
v. rj ulna p-oHr am not al
«— Ttaywarto tba only daffwlara <tf lotrlhar rullllr..,
-fBoad iB tba Old
,, ,b,-p,„ni„ tl»-ra l.'lhtlr or — •-
------------------------------------------------- AT— ■
Evejy department is complete to its mmutest detail—filled to overflowing with things beautiful and practical. Every department is an
inducement to the economically inclined, tor all classes and under all circumstanees, lor we can save you. not only
on items of a staple nature, but much more on purchases of higher values.
Iteay CrockMI diuomaot i<> d.i am <rf
' :bii^.
MalaBWttbtbiwiaBd<.k>l&>alBo»fa. ',o<l tba ylali I. awiiuali. paid
-- woaaded and aitolohnrl oet oa b<H.iao. asd tba fanill>. aod anla
Haaat Of aftHbry tboy had oBly It
^paa Aaaa dawaadad «afia.»b«. bat
omfw Mdayi.
rfood and
aod walw.
Bavabot —oMdtlwaiaaaBbaaaa
MC kMbai aaa <d CbtAUfoob.
ad tba Utala baad .
■—badbaa iwiili< fa. bat aaaa
bad a— Oataaol Laiadg arltb M«
aaaat —r a— «f amltary. bad
a—ad fai aaa— a tbaa|—1. ba bad
»«„p|a ra»wif tlw omicwil.*-rtar ara sol ..ot»l.|* ibnaa of*iba
thrrafnr*. a rUJior U
^ of tha faiulla for tb.
.pa a„,rora,.
r.w bm-hr.a.l. nu-b a. I'arkor Roofr
roll., klarylaDd t.l«rul1 nr Ibn Enrllfb
■uiidla. tbotn mn Iw ma.b- n aqonrr nf
liara la wb*rb tb"-«rbaakfaw artirla
an- piamd *-hra mmfd f.u- Ibr laUr.
tbr dmof»tlnl^^ lying rbb'fly In ibr
foer nuntnra. n-blrb f.iM miu. mrirlof
AllataO—iaHalth ydaadtbaniMadbaadwtdinaaiL naadayi
g^Qt—al^aat^Be^naaarf tta
• ‘ -------- r"
roK.mw waif. arc.
tbn eonlrata larloMd
Tbr ndcoa of
iblf Mjiiaiv rau la- flniabnl by a
tow lt(T. a oar lix-b Map-, or a
lop of rood dmpi. ('Itbnr of wbh-b win
bn 40 namlloBI dbiab At aU four
D«ra Uie trnaiBKUil niay bn diffrmiL If
pg-frmd; at oo.- i pimtoitTani. ibcs a
UOOMIIU or aoiar prmiy Inam of doUaatr luakv.
Till* fOiun Idea lao «>n ranind oal for
Ibn wburornw-nnl pMalo uLn-u ruaatadi
or tbr nor of i-otB -lu fad. an.n «
Ubln wbirb U dry «ooknd. For
btvidmn. of ilit* ktsd ll)'- 'purr wliltn
dof.fi. If lwni...bncaean Ibny ca
wo.-l.ly lauoiWri asd ronaln B<
eial rat* Ui wafAis.
—vantta tenraa Tba aaaliafladdNawanaditB aad adola nliad. bat
Mawbaptaadtbaawwo aboldowa
Msada. fbartbi—ad nwa (dtatf
M M m a—d — aaaacb. bat
B—ailatiitbaAOOO. Atlaia—
— iiMi|anid. aadtbaHnzloaoaeUBlb
diaaalaaBibaAlBao. Tballttlakaad
dtIMli waaatra—lodoaaadbtatAt tuBcbnou (hr plu.-n|.|.lF oilytat bt
a. bat tbay «rapi*a «B tbaif kB-« and
Bfod In a BHirv enainrotaJ maoaor
hoMMdMaad pliruad aoHI
atlbnr af an on'roo or aa d-tann. Pr
^ af tba daad ara awfaL Uoli
I~-l a ............. lbt«.- |.;o-. rinauh
Bewla. ana wak if rla fm bla .
Ibniniicbli, iMli'tiiui
la—«a tdaalbow tad aarka hlai
aoaettoaka palla tba Mcpc. Cifr
A baeoBtlaaaa kill aa^l tba
mi tba braatb IcaraUa
a Bat aorfnrr ..n.-uinlr floM
OrotAatt. ataadlaili
— dfbM Uha
a path*, aad
katbad —tbawall.
-n tbn nbapn In-rin
o WidOD
nui. .ay .oif anafin..
and a abai|> Lulfc^ oui ihn Inionor
a—baaawm Oatid tba ITI Ta—a Of Ibr maiu l.iu-awdo, ntiia.t ihn oorc
— in daad. Ho SpaitBaa wars bnrar aud Hioi> 0|. Ibn .mill wtucar woO.
tbayUlhdan ■ ddiBc flmddnd
omta tttd a niTinklU,* of
B—’tboafb. wa. Idaally tnad. ted Nn« y..u bavn
tbi-^pmilAro aiiil.rn.la. nhl.H. I. u-uly
________ aiaat daada thrill yOBocbayadrlH-lo.rt Of m.iirw ilii> muf bn ky
At tbn ta.i «tma.-». rn|.|an la
dM 9—tdA—i—dariDCi
tbn hntlow p‘nn .b.dl and put oa Itin
nBaadaaatd a bla aaa. “I
tuft loaf nornr.
rrly nmnr a r
bv «ha AJa—L—Ba
alitor my with
» ao.I. .|>larini
^j^fflyta^taMfoad^tb tn M a
ZhaaaaoalagibdrBiaa. bailwooldba
wUhac te pay jaa wall If yoa.aaa laod— «M tsr M. baoaM ainteta ean a
aialdoalmlr f.-m* tnhi.oi. il.nftlFnoot
Tbn bra.ln«. f-rvro iblf Wlb a tnwl
abnpod fpnoo nn.l a plaiu hi«nun
wafnr armiM|ani>.> tbo an-i-oi.- Vng
. Watt Haaainao.
TottOn faliro-f ha.-r Ifinl. ,
fa'.iO Bf W..II baiuriiiE-.. «a).
Ibiuu fllf and
trj m Into an- anmtir llm i.ijm
ntio-aalno. fciU..a..l If- cblriir ai
-tror.llocLr i.nuin-
-Vowolr. What caa .Ido for yoor
-I woaM llkr to a.k-buar you proawi.-n tbn word -»,rrtdral4or '
^ ,
Tba Sly. Ibmidli lakro moi. irbol
wy QBli.- nqoirt lu Ihr .n.-m-ui.
ink you.
SCOTCH SUlTINf.. all wool, sj in. w.de 1 OK
tier yard ....................................................
CREl*ONS. heavy blistered, latest designs. 40- 1 AQ
CKKI-OXS frb.n
: .76
1 -00
serges. »me
W fancT worsteds and imported ejaj-s. made
to III by expert tailors.
-I 11-M- r.i KUIM’ENHEIMEK'S M.\KE-ln itself a
QO aa guarantee of its reliability, for half the
price the merchant 'tailor asks and tit as
- • well—your money baik for any dissatisfac
tion whatever—the tailor won’t do that.
COVERT roi* CO.-tfi S
and dressy for a moderate investor
nn Al.L WOOL COVER I rol* CO.X TS-
wVI*v/t-r e,|ual those quoted elsewhere ar.$7,5o.
1 A AA TOE CO.A TS -These ,vrc csiwcially fine.
silk-serge lined ihroughouu
g»Q CA TO$2i' TOP COATS-These are the grey
*®*^'“* vicunas so mtkch in vogue this season - very
swell and prices excee<lingly low. consider'
ing the quality, style and make.
eiis of neckwear, from the best manufacturers east, of
the newest silks and of the various styles for the Spring
t>f 1000.
.'Represent such makes as the celebrated "Monarch' and
- "Gold and Silver" brands—cannot help but ploase you.
prices from $1.00 to $i.;o. In the (Reaper makes at
AO and 75c. the patterns are most desirable and fault
lessly iaundried. ’•
, §
Trimmed Pattern Hats <<>piF-s from the true Par- ^
isian models, c.xeciited by our abie and original tiim-’ |
mer. Miss Nellie Hennett, wlio will lx; pl^scd to nVeci t
you on our opening days. • learn yiftrr tasles and wait
upon your wants.
Our stock IS twice the si/e dl that bf last ^-ear. and
ten fold more bcauiifiil .and priees. in the face oT ad;
vances; are much lowi-t. Wehayi- the outlet which enallies us to buy in large quamitiei, east, and to imt(ersell
any and all competitSon.'
We extend almost web ume in\ itation to the ladies |
of Traverse City, apd especially to the young ladies, to !
2 attend our Spring opening THl RSD.W. FRM)AV
2 .\Nl)S.\TrRDAY.
Prof. Horsi's Orsheslra;Will Emenaw rail
E«E Ifteraoaa of Opeaiag Dafs.
carpets and wall paper,
SIl ■ KS i,-^g
-the larges add 1>
Ol special merit- tailored right and exceptionally good
fitters. Jackets in styles id fail box a.nd tight fitting,
from $3.50 to sS-.A-j. Suits of S5.00 to $xt/3'j. Special
extiBdu^by plaid back, heavy Ziberiine Rainy Day
Skirts, worth $13.0; for $7 s-x
Good values in Capes and Children s Jackets.
E'LESSE.in Silk and Satin. ,«r yardi from 58 J QQ
OUR LINEN department
Has been given considerable space, and attention - The
, selection is most complete, -'ovi-rhrg all suitable fabrics
for sbirt waisLs. from the ordinary j^rca
•rcale to the licst of
silks' made up-to-date and priceii right.
. .
made of best French Percales, perfect fitting, some
tucked, some braided and embroiderexl. others in lace
yoke—in colors and white.
. Fine Taffeta Silk Waists, tucked all oter. well fin
ished. good fitting—in pastel shades and black. $5.00
each. They cannot be matched c^wherc for less
than $7.50.
$1.00 to $3X» per; yard. _______ _________________
NEW FOULARDS, in pfiasing effects, from
.Making big strides every Season, was never soXomplete
.as now. .\n extra bleached double Uamask of a'
-tine and pure linen, borderless, patiem I ^A
clear to the «ige. price per yard................
X «Ov
A 7J I NCH alHinen bleached damask, worth
, j7Sc. per >-ard....................................................
1tTe NEW MERCERIZED colored ubie 1 QK
covers; retains luster after washing.each X 'Ot/
NOBBS’ I’L.AIDS. _;(> inches wide, mohair
SPECIAL-:^ do/eii \\!iiito Ro^lg^^S^^aw Sailor» an e.xcellent value, lor 50c.;
“ ”•
Hundreds s( Trimmed i lais, from S^t.00 to Si ^ oa
^ in colors and styles lu suit ajl tast<'^, 'Our Sailors and i
9 - Walking Hats in great .ibiihdance, ai less than others I
9 have to pay whoies.ili:. We iiivitF'yi^r inspection.
The stocks in this department are more than double
those of last lyrar. Our selection d|. Ingrain Carpets
are considered Hy many tn bezhela'rgest and most de
sirable in the city. M mV .ire private patterns of the
most beautiful combinations of colorings. Those of the
. f.owells are the most pleasing.
WESELHN(;R.ATNS from ir loose. Some of
the lesser pri^d are last year's patterns - jus; enough
for.^a room or two.
.10 cents to 50 cents.
If prices for up-to-date W.XLL P.APER is any ob
ject we (K-ill get voururder this -.eason. Come and look
our stock over.
Fine combinations of Wtiitc Hacks at 5c i>er double
roll; Glimmers at He per do-jble roll; fjlltsaCisc per
roll; best quality Ingrain at 25c per double roll.
Ii..d or plam'. b i..io< In
™^!bln fnr~ mnwr-^lM
bad awe ptaa cdaka oat is Cha road OhaailoTf an.1 mo-piioii' nuMpr- or for
ahaiddtbaatbaraaUaaaalUa yaat.— iComdon. and panaacn (baa for llriac
-------^ a»d partem.
land to Iw on dn<A own Ion ofla Indy. oBlln vuawscn of ibla
Hy. BoiaaiiB* blu with aoan
ftn MEN S SUITS - IKirse are strictly up-to-
1 Q on
— wine—b» aa —a tblatoa''
■^aatba HsaMa^^M*eoloMl
•a »a r
An ME.N'SSriTS -This line consists of men’s
sacks in half wool clays and fancy worsted,
all w«)ol cassimeres. not made by the best of tailors but
nevertheless, they are neatly and substamially finished.
1 A AA MEN S SllTS-These lines arc warrant-A-'-f'V'V ed clothing of the l»est makes, consisting of
— 1— aaa wad —iaat Laiaetai
BrfdUafkda. Baataply dna tboa
Mr —ddaaUa. naycaaanaa«a — ba M dewaa ba kllM flcbttafattbUraTa— Tbaaptaladiaw
blMaadadd, ‘'BrafyBtfewbotada-
latM — wl* tak ana Is a allBd, aad
adad: "Baya. daw'l laan aal Wool
—aatya aary aa mmmr' Aad tba
W i fW dale, pants cot on latest patterns, double
breasted vests, in fast color all wool serges,
all wool cassimeres in neat checks. an<l all
wool black cla)-s.
SkQbSMaTnnaoalM tala ata tm
■Mad baakly award that Ibwo wa
WM^b—fatbaai: Ibai ba had
n-r'- * - -
Thougli condensed, ctinlains a larger slock than an> ck-.
elusive store in ihe city. It constMS principally of this
season's purchases—the newest fal.rics, cut and linishcd
by men tailors, warranted in every resiiect l>( the mak
ers. Hclou we make special mention of several numbers:
SATlNS,,mo«»mpl«.li„.. . QQ
Is a special attraction this season. We have spared no
pains to make this department a perfe« mirror, reflectiog everything worthy of note that the looms produce.
The New Ginghams, French Zephyrs. Silk Ginghams.
Foulard Novelties. Belvoir Cords. Batiste indienne.
Fancy Dimities. White and Colored Urgandies. Satin
Stri|>e and Lan Effects in Silk i'eau de Sole and mer
cerized fabrics.
SPECIA.L *50 wards half silk Ginghams, an
eecenent article for serOQ
wee and beauty. woHh 50c. (or....................................•057
I am o I
^HU^yoo idoa-opoa..--------•V.W.-||.« m.rl,«.- I noolf< hero taaetod
II up 01 IhUii.-. I .np,KH»., iHil II , ^
‘'“".I' II"
.Mawd dlmi..par> wbn«i .«i wuni ««
-Oh. I bnc B Ihooaand |ard.««. Ki.
:utat’.li, ’.;«oi day- '
r*mt of mnaia tb— la boya
BolW." wM tho iomlK. i|,ai <br
tnoaaa ftaai Uw ?lb le th' Utli y
faalij If low. irmiMmMmn than bn
Md tbta dacUana. wbUn la pirl. ii to- oacdlobr. I dmi'l hnar Manaiaalliag
— Bnro aaoday tm tba t(b to as tBB.-h nlnui you po< him U< M"
'•a laa yaar baton dlBlalablaA. Tb*
*Xa.~ hu wifr roydiod. -ho iaa't any
' IddtbMwahd
Q-T..-A.SS block; I
Grand Traverse Herakl
Merchant Tailor Real
BdUf aadfiaiawm,
- ti.wuM'aae*
- Wc
•ndM« tbcrlaraataew lineof
Hprisf Biftn ol Wovtrcu B*w
oe wle, which su. hr uadcap
is ;tl)r lAtast c riaa. sad al
tVleuMWu; fvpriae
at 215 Front Street.
Bosmess Cards.
United StitisBenenleitSMiet}.
». gw»*ou«
p‘ c mu«aaT^*.wr~-,
S5wS:«;fsS:r«iris, ==^
and Accident Inauranca
herema!.. tirrvl
dalw.- as
. pnch
s .'£“'V''
iirafiob conca'
> {.WM. l-uelMlwCs.hLUaaNKB.
■a. a. o. nywows >
M Ul«a M» atUaiaa- I'.X phsst ooUc. nuilM (rat. rooi|>ns
i iM all A* Ult puimlar ntB«lr. and but
** prteb h)*sr tfaaa asy stbsr nastr
' beoBB (a : bnartok
a W. Mama
, i nsM Oa. Marrle RMt. DaOan.Mlab.
U*£,^t222?Li?.«Vi!^““*'"^ premature grayness
---------------------- 1
. !l.tbr call bsrwM. rr-Mnllta kMn attcB li
«• <>»" “ baru-aad
-r , 3!^^‘«“C.rr,'„r
V. saw Pkjalclaa.
. •.)..»4.:?a Al-Fl.u *ri->\ LA»T» aiiMM^MttlON. cm: Utmm ta< tM
rr4^'/..';tKT‘-STo’^r..B*V“ I'U'
BMWssiamsJ Bi.ilii I ---------- — ----------
irse BSJ walsj >7 Mt> B » . khrm. J>1 ao.Wt.rt
elb.,=s..1 Sarel*
■r cyciashi
. mat hr
DR, J. A. SNYDfeR.
Imene Qt; Sdiwl'oFlniti' 2■•ia»ulll.lluUEU.
—Money to Loan | t.
o ^-isS; fflS
Carpet Cleaning Works Q.
"S5ss^^2;i:p>^ X
a. e.caanp.i>Tsp.
Sarrayorand Ciril Eogiaee
;;t; .“-ri'T..';; ■r'ijsa
• tlUlC'?*" ’!?' wiln^-ipf'leave cbcrnl to-au^c^ir.-v-., wboec aot-dcrfgl^f • —- '-•
On.-*- W..ni» Rccustoinr-d t.i Jlivir iwc ami )ou arv loel
arithout ony.
C a. !br’aa
W« tiavy lL<-uj (ur lytopr-ratiiiy, (»i ;laiit lur-, fur sUr- ‘rrdCbraeparicd LB.^a^d^n Li-'
Md sboa ad t • tb,. b elluWcc
‘i: ::.v:.:dE3rE: r3E£E
Wc till them
tbcc.ogcb al -occot. ;riccr. at,;ci
rabl'y be: an »r-n o'tor “L*V “l*-.
'Uvbcd bbd ant,, *o4 .bcllarcd little bacbcc. tba..
the barbae
rr-.ar.-uid Annt San
l.-iOk.Etn- land rvoa ;« i.ario aod.-nth. Beftwa i eauntail
‘-itL” JZl «' •**'“
lb* cold aod biarvy msa,
>-<“ tncir oil ak b.a«xpplac
d,. y- a ibxk »I.,w y.ir«c ibcc o. these i-o ..,«.».»iabd. thewidset town '
,7, L farBatTiT^'.T.L-*
eu. bad (allnaad >p
. .
Krancb BlObdc. wi-l: a a-a0.Br c! B - Is X>irtb Aotertem
A» *»• ias*’ -geo- coBauiutioa br vbc ao,
ibkn peace
pife'i:c»; for pcjp.o ktoja it waa foubded he tbv:.,mcr i. b m mll-De^■
the wird -w of tbeyood woIhla b-wib.
'- iaa*rd». who. at bs cai.v del*, ra. j,
racy aicpl tbat bleat aroaad
rowad bar
- AaniSarb>j • when todruT babU I
laid e b'lEi to
to U
the caanuj
; .oufcdcdwi, atau.,- '
k.iebce See aad u
day tb p
jeet bbd whet. V5 bo.d-oo to'a. O.-i
R-Mic-dt- [..-OB IbbOrd b
•'*- rowed away In tbsii
-bi;c Ethel aae iliKhiog ibe ii.Bilog cn ► to of i-»e city ibr.if.bbd.b ll-'l'ew,•f Crraca br-ule .wi Oa Ibe abt-al.a l>.»u Pedro MS'-eud'g -;M (e.«,.a- —
drev- .. r yon.-g aubfk aiitd ebr bv-y of lac ciuatry .o tbe name bt Pbuip 11 jr-o •
, Han It nil beaa f .r that htU. I«bi p
lb* top-,- .b- bad appan-atY of S;.a-o. aao lai J t-.c (-oada-.otiuf Ue ; r-.,
rater . ,k„ woald bare awcpi-apoa a darb ,
city a-aciy ibree banded aod (fty fronriy a a. e. (i >a .-f e
re aod—well. wdalA It aal -bbvb ,
•l-.agwcahle (. flow.- tbougl t: feat, a^o
, r ck'
-It . \e« bug.abd
------------- ---a
v.ea deatbf-fa-e-ui-n iM.'. JearwwI.
Aunt - • -a
-'Hctn«.(.in.'boa beard
Hencndri wa, a ehar^ewri.-i;ai<y .
| ...--------- blrbaAdw-ueeu-aya,
------------------------------- .
that E. icl iia. moB-y. aod be ie deter- na'dc.'OiM and Dloddtbir.ty old v-;: .an i f :r it
|> w.c i-.
II .oc cud only ace , Toerc arc bb entclcr dr b'.nodirr payt, I i.ina
blsia hi! irac :t«hi; bo'i I koow uhal.le Aoicr.cao oiatory thaa Isaac wh ehl.-..
perverac tbisga wobtab'-heart li d.a\ rM>d B<* dca..'bra with the Uu^*aol i theiaraad.
-BcaiBey) who alwi bUetBotsd i
BteoMica la r.a.-.daa-- '
>1 aB->ereial«
, IB.to patrio.aej
pcrar-ti.re .» in* f
tnb ci-.j
.--f li r earn
Aed.ldloarwanth-: 'I keep b.-r
a papuU^OD I
Id anu V.
.\u-.wllbataBd.Bg bw BbfaMal
. WBo.e u-.;l.. Er-rantCa.n a ' -. (pr il».o-ot-ett
a Jrarriwi c.
Xernk*'* ailaiUatoall the
W na. as
n-—avAan.. .ka . .a..___
oeCn«rlev'grouiBaiia;i' Kverara
One woO'.ii rzpn-t
lion 1. worthy-IT a pr oca..
city, wbtcb iia. o.
And Hiv. tiara Varir.Tsai
- t.oo lb a buadred .
eight oa/a aa oorraet
We walk.
any pcr.oaeioa:ddewhdlablM*d
awa* ib bf-o bed vLcacc. •.iboe- •and ib-ia»#rowB everywbeee
g.etd bight
spealiln.' a te,,-, f„r the eopre^cated ' batlof.
Bat aneb ta o-.l me faei
period of 1-t ajioa'.e.
U «viar i-ic vwiteb
enlt-r.oy the lowo oear.y cryil-.a* m-l-a ac'.a.. Viib li
llffbu la* tb*
• theeveniog he 4-1J..M• th,
^•jTbey uy he is
;ot-l-i-ah e i-dieA'-ea luaJ-ro id.-a* and p-a^* . . beaca
the aameofth*
tVe bad
I :awp by navaiag bia tagrra oear tha
AO up Wda-o- railway ata'.iaa
• ia''
to a Mib... 'ul pare with aapb. t d-iv--' of toroceai
batU|. aetiaeuf loasfa ta as B*a>a
atine hivci.ura lsl“'aLy bcd!ss'-*i'^ vaya bod a.groat cuober of toteierB
Aeoixtsak for-h.Oats Vrr-aktvi wa- a earragra aad cbDoib
reade (or lb* ...rd
-t ,‘aVe!r.7LTo‘”b"::‘t^-'-^"
.abac, i •orne.i W\,yau'c ndlel. 'Vou cae W^urtoelve .ow.miBg.mj oLo.o* ’ «'Hfd‘ka. buo splayed aroaM lb.
hare year cbuice if a hotel where you
can .ive very .c-)oif;f«i>.y forl.Uia.
>• t.‘V I td un.-urlta whiie l«i
Tlii* is 111.- lime ..f the j
D.| .ll.il-n !*Tcar> 1> it for a.. ■«. a fay and op
the diinp aa ioi^- •
.-bde-lfl 'i/.-aa- ,0.1 by
A. w,
liio'-’afl-'y fatsi.lpe wlthtb.
be etarie.
Aagi.*v-oe .might a'm.*-l'^be
-Elhe'..' »hvuid,-loi.or*}ooou- at 3*.-iy.
r. (
t hoUI.
hou;. Ttey
TLey are
are of
of al
all11 icr. i-..'.,,.* o-.i,^e: toaa ..rg,.,,:* ••
r tireS of
“ ■
• ' "inet -h.ogi-. oy tbeaeeidaat—Weat , i>
.[ ■,
Uorand'r I.
Oier out-buodfvd ill Biicomwful <.(>er«ii jn i
W by raey Keep to ui. Kigfcb
p ae.o. a. M ■ opatempia-.iiJ oariaiand ..aa
'^■•^“'MiuMoraod'--ami Burruumlinif cituotT}-.
.K utiaraiil e bgmi .ifiveir
A rereii wN.eraiy-r»* narrow j AoaAa'.a aa-.d ni. a^veeal of the i ''
' Y k“
1.1#^ Him .trr-i* wi
ed wlia hr-aelf, bat aiie
vrilb every fariiai-*- set by '*
the leli laic ' oid Ina-..urged
b'- bad (oreiga facea, tbeir eie-baai
reler^ toarlat.
"I rikilad oae fti
keek.. .-'U-rt t ratke.r early
•_iy bt.eoeica aed high gardea
■ paiace la Seollaad aad v
oVioekthroagh wboae open door oce aogai a : win I i’gat and the vev'ta-.ioB at
-Early: Not a bit lioyyand.
•a tfeo
■‘.male we di e t m>d cn.-l paper* a-> ................................... .. _
yoyr bat. aol' terat » wu.ek madt
. at large
ica wrapper.
Kaiioe tuoal perfeev.y de .•-loaM keep la tke right aad nak
be along guiek ■■
lo^ charaiing abd peculiar amoog all •eloped-crrature wekaw •« the ntaed wky. baibeeatdaeeoeld not t
(Dt.lb ap.l-of her evhonatiooi t-i *»if:.r<bO rite.
Kul the t>i- ure-.iae
jed SaraMi-tsli .mri-d to'hera. f atraef. of'e L-cii tear; .1* oengiiicd Ui
. be baJ la.«ed It op la ...
percr.vc liiai Kibe-Hjol .log.re' write, have a ir j»i c.a.rrt 11 be a D>a»
’errotf la the ;
pala-e bad foood tbat aoarly Mb
.oog eooBg). io ben UWB ronm io .|ot feature df M Aueualibc~
AugoaTaer aamv I
fltor wa* p.laud. emd
■geber b.ace'late bret.lknol
brea.lknol for',
for a bate
bare beet.
beet, w,<lr:,ea.
w dciisk. and ofl'
oa on
«*““! »'•' Me (rMb
.BiBg 'll-.)- bulterdr bow of roa: - rtdeet
^deti oolidioga
oolidiora aod
aad lilgt;
hlgo garden
yard, walla >d,
„ u,. a
Tbeoamrof Uudt
'day ww «e.
rlbbuo-’aad to rearraagrlhr have beea-----------beea topt-foolrd
' ' --------by modi
|a eesUMt Urr« Ib
if >Lky b ack l^r that. provemrBt.
aot eew lu bt wir'd
lode-iJ. 'li* L-la'a-d that the ; ‘••'d brapie . IM fra* paint bad
.. -.. ---------Aaco.-Jae TWre i.-ooago of the old Poaer. Lroo ia it. buildUga aad fur-1
T^*'l** '
■ad fort!
. rcmaiaiag tograt fy the ror.ta.iy *e*k.
rt« |!
«P4 «i
The ConHiiental Assurance Co.
lsbmb»srt4tit«tio.-k 'a>«:>*Ej. with a .-aeb aplulof «»MOOO: Mtbla*
topfliep h
.re-»«i'a(M (lox-vn dopwHed *lib tw Audltv of'
Btawtsr protest’oi etail nVUrJu-ds-, , bUp>l-«i«ara .trIetW ap-todaUi rl*be
bMB.tklUI-tnoity. Oj'bnspllal tickets r<*s
atesal la
-1 du.................................................
«roft'i>liVi'ar^Mpl"'* uVbliUtae ir yaa dssirs aay j
ra of sillier auUsat er betltk i««is-aatc dr.baipltU ueksu. yaa/
Mtd s*9 ear (are I
Ta bt atr« clatbsletd l( JOB will ^
will bemaoctksr.
hem Boct'ksr. Be
Bi amber the Cjetiaaslal latbcaiooaar
sal-. a»
yea wUl
OaapMj wrlUBf aecideetbas hraltb -aaeraoce 6i(il aad ass
\V. H. HAKnV.M.4r.^>ritf*i-aisi^lcbl«aa.
ttcviABLa AND raOMrr
Hack, Basand Baggage transfer Line
;r.. ■
Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game,
/'.‘“a'rrtraoii ..1
tresh- Saif and Siioked Meats, Sausages Etc.
fr. BS080H ft solve.
a/E S
Front StraoL-
W- cr. HIOBBS.
„„” 'Eisrtr;?:
Travel^* City. 1
Fish for Lent.
A choice line of Salt aod Smoked Kish just received.
Aojtbing you want in this line
The highest market price paid for Batter and Kggs.
jOHLasr J.
Broaeh Block.
248 Front Stmt
ME ME ■AblfFr""-'-' •*“1 C*h
—- (it'E -----------------TOU MObCT.
• • lU-s
;,.v i;.. „ ittamN-i
- • . -■ -r., I'a-air. . . k-r. e.i.
firm a*rii-a. r.e .t..wrSi-..
4. Acrmuw « Abw.
« Iwwu
w« mb baw Mint ew • Ime
Gold Dm Wukmi Powjicr
tsai mad Bbls BtaUt is OsMMMka.
Sbr tbiok. *he aball aceJoIiab Mo-'‘enfor hour after hoar or eves for day
raod.'aheibooghi tebrrwir"- iVe i .after day.
perbap. weaba''. I am pat-iag myte'f. 0.t*o(tbe Srti thiar. that auraeit
early Sp*or
raurely iota toe baoda of Lack aoi ibe aueenoe of the VMrmt a. he ieace.
loce "
, bta aol-1 aad aal.ie. forOi to »e* the Waat. rikriobc Brat
d then
the Hr.raae , tigBte. ■■ the extreme aarrowpraa
oarrowpna of
fneeye trar'.ia^roto tac gate
Maa; of' them
lioo. ioetead of tiog-Bg
Jg (crmaLy
are ooly
Ibe oa.-^mr| p^
front ooor. Mae Martel' w-at ■ f •«» miri-en W B'twtE feel wide
aroobfl.la the b.-V
.orgr eiroet.
' waich
vraich ruoa tomugh lb* ueo ap
tmek to -a
-le eairmaee. all tb
rioftbe a ■Id.og^,
ackleaaod t^oaipet
-1 alwpy* gain h: ■■ ebeaaldla If oaai
thalaaily la reply ' . Cvhel'a re.
A -.bat ri
S«. Moraao >
rreaeuTT etVeet. whUb Ibr |
iTo ;a«t like •
bar Moraad.
l^r i a-d a-’.iv eMi^reiuew't. tbear twa m*j ,•
IB 1br klleiec
Bla.gh ‘f
u-ccnloriag It aa rwa aod
pattero *
prjOa'b^T dwv'o.r..,- t^ .e.
igve ill' ahe c
given 2> aafrate'dr. LeaeboE
,lr'osul I get i>
.._a'og r.ateiovite aldra
." eatd Sara.
be . oer eee'i to . the rai.e of adj
ilisg for ua brrrr
.bu-ld-ag.. eiaaped aaede ac-naa it W."
da-k biae tb
■Katie the lu .* aaid BtbU
AiaJ'oatdiCu <y. Bet veb'ci*. of all k.ol.
la BiOl-ael wi.h tbe
dowB b , the window, wbere '. are ghat oat ol '
e famoo*
M the orighi aa'mva of
ira. Vnlaed ia btttlnof wa-er, ’-e-'e o1t itrrel at- m%l
■eepiag like .-rero i*weU ae-ok* in-, ataadiag iU pof toe uraataeetatiooa.. Tala 1. v.-ry.
-yatalpano. .fplaa-.
booee. It baa iae ;
rieb Ob Ue towe-a aod ia tbe c.ort:'
"Sae’da- " She aurtrd aa the voi w . dirty ailev.
it i»
H el
aberpreoi *..*vaUeru* lbeee*o ag
Spain wept ber ireaeore." bat ehe Ibdaad. Uc biUr-Qict big.i ap'oa Ue
before come roaneg d.,wa the bi-k . don't e«aa need aaevee foot alley, for
nie oa t IPi (ret aqaare
•talia. "Canfnnad y >« a-1 down Ise-r any parpeae wbaievor
wbyanea'i my aoota talackcoc:'.' liat: the AmerieaB oa-.iacat ta liai* yeaeol fiat Imareealoa. a oae of tropical apl-a
die l‘ulB..TlBea. roaw. ecsiary plaal .
Mother: Ne. '
Waat'a-breotae of mj ' Crra-* IU.10
Olaata .mage to aonb
broakfaat: Yaa aa.t think a Bab ba.
8 'tvorge aireet. brf-.re m*bVloatd
king to aobu;to’'e he'* aod Ta.toaaae. ibrnagh ibe aacioai eiiygato- .._..^fi“u . ..
Jait a word about Ut garden It it
■ V:
errridd for Ut* aoB deb Io tram
eea and (I ,w
-were, dat* palma.
:portofth*^tygaWaMu>a«ordpr». palm ---I. creamy
--------- ---------------magnaliae.
There erat DO reply ae be paaaed.ap ; loelKm to tbeecstlMM wboaee
parcetly eapeeUag ooe.«-Hotber- we* lead ward, itill reeulo la a (air
dawn ia the garden aadera big graea . prwrraUoa. Thee* are aluai
rlldoraeee ol beanty.
<>*e moat a*e
“Bbooaet. galhariag aearlat cheeked of
o( the old dl^wall
city • - reaalaiM**^10
natocatordiaaer. --.Seii - waa la tbe .aaetme wuk Ui
We were p*rmif*d to falk tbroogb
wtyard mekiBg red re aad aamBa: The** tower*,
Ue lower aio-y o' tbe hatei Toe door
ivea oat of the gold aad raeaet drifft ; fo-i and all Ul . _
wa* opened to tia by an immteala-.«]y
r like PaaHm of pradoa,;d^wor*
wore Maalraetod
Maairaetod of bloeEaefco 7-°^*"?”“
dteaaad C'-.lored man. wbeae white kid
etoaee apoc Ue
iqEiaa, qaarried oe Aabtull* (viand ia 11;.., JX-Id k«.Uw .
of "pauen
kthe) Baal
-------- aateoiortog ot lime and perhapa
and half trightec^J. Ue aale aadiUua. : have bememe Si«T.
Uree borea we nave namod
Mr Morapd'a o<;arraUeM
aoil they (ora a
,li bo.lt bkb by
■tone domp ! At tb* time Ue Brltlab look pMeev
ibla a aaatlael elikda Wm *Bod
Tha Beat «Ca(MU(
. ^ tag little tblogi well I. tbk bM
of eapl-.a'.
A yonag maa iftb
bxt ^ibimtei b^
( m prmeUaa law ia a town'^
aakcJ biB haw. aedar tha Imaartl
e*., he ei wetod to maka a Ildag.
"I boar 1 may get a Hula praaNu.*
wav tbe modeat imply
It will ba very IiuU."
tepUad IBB
B^wil deUailUUa««U.’«M
He «
•d oat hia -------------nlliM
The luit
Urgar oa«a.aod ia tiwe bt haanmam
ftba BoaldtaUbganhadJariala a<Wi
Coaactoaa la aGoCmHf«. Caai.aa K
BoaOT raeei __________ _______
t.ld Haelar.. laraarly
«< that aa^
It now of Eaoavilla. Tbaa..______ _
ir ild’i^v.
_____ KIl
un hear yoa
aloB of Ue dty ia
breaUe and yoor dreanteti___
__like to have baea vbo I
ntlr Jaal
yonragiipaa. art to amwera fdlow
IK. you boar. 8oeT
Biaak ay booa.
w.vadervia Br .cm.
Beet Livery In Northeni Michigan.
H'o-oir-l in. SesisoxL.
gi^i^Vb «>,.
JIS “-z' “iztis
: c-bc ibraw wide Ua dear la
V bad lb they albsipvd.
Ry tac tide 9< tbs It* they
■ tb.-:rcr*<t. aa.-b<»bar boaadi
Brosch’s iMealMarlcei
Padi] Balm Cored Tbeo.
Pbsai in.
iliiiiig purpoecA aud for (li.-rnriai<-ters
. ^ i». CAJcroUr-rar
"I tblak bin I
Sbe aas a ii
•}^ ktrl u( !?.
Tr.ru.. City. Hicli.
Briiu; Pr««criptinQs ami Famil}- Kut ipya U> tia.
right, with di’UKs tbat arc right, at prii.y-k that ate rigtii
»kvu xrt b'^ fark >k draui-r roaai • Ii» rsrd.aaao
K aao;
at V
1- b^tar
brtic K
aer ol
w to t-.c ! tt'a MTI lMiat aa
. toaiiar likr r.0 sad oraarr awtson.'dps B. pad tor f • ‘ w~e.. ..... .
r f
S«WMI« •
'bad. tsmdad tbiiiph thr wi . Etar A‘.nt6 ('(raaBSa
‘Bbbi eoaU nu-. nalsi tae trsptailoa .<
attaan laealrd baw
solo a pcaiol hcant
to E**ak
Tbi., tbss. wa. b-r id»a. amsof , crcni
lB‘.t fort waft
—- -............. ................. M... t*.
•-..oeUy ana b,.s>i ca-d.:a(
bme (loan i.c eta's at t:
• ...■. . 1 ana; be. b.ra Ijvj,
aibarr a (liMpis bt
'b’lcgo-i' r bed at o.U'o'cI jcs -i
aer. r.KiBw or Onakeone of u
I IB Ibf wibdaw bar
u-jrn'ar, wbi c B.a aotker »Mil
lo«.-uBi-al» of i..f kafv, •cwa.B.
Iba nay ray abCM
dliac tod p.ckcd loaal wa -alut
wan ..
auk varK-aa laai
; varceab c aavdra'
Ls-ssa-ro;ot ce-.iv aoa ewIT-t. .* air m
Afurs wbiU
. .kJol.anrclMr J. Mb MaraM ofl
rtwt of-a:.- .na«» of ii.cec.b-f
-V door.
aeaiM. or at Isa.i Jocbswl
.. r X ...
bi«b D»dr»i*l in tac cat aatuw df
>• Bibri Hao^d'ow'a
Sbe told t al trs Mere; Haruli *
freaew UoKJcnvli^ >':.
‘i Tb---------add rise bbM«
^t'f lac l.ioir.llou I
' laev wore aafvat hoac
r d*a di
lasalata loafcla( ma«.
-Aaei -.a
abccib. -I S'. Ihor i cent Sc .tseraic eiai
rdic.bll isaMafelbb- ••la Elbe’- onybl. di-w-.
iC«ufaa.>..tn luoa.
•VO aaartaara
Tbsy bawWy
-imkfwi her
to lead n. w accrpi satme tacc ,
HIsaHanc; .'imrfwi
abon'dera ■, prt>r.'to
saa, ia bad ■«
■flawoiid , end qjcataliy tbaakwl
ineVr -taca ' o-a ciaryca of bpasab era.
.Bkwl ber
WsjasCsouy Baak Bid*, DSIBOH
M. aisrt. TrafCTM t:U]. Kkb
- Mj Wiiuwr Bof>. B> ■> W.M.
I Paa. L.a tar »> .wwl » i.
rt.ae^CanM.arM»r<wi ai
a-" ^^'-"--IPAT E NT S.
Asa thro orrerMaa to wkDm bewa*
aOdrauma hioiaelL br rtsrvd
^ back.
back, tsrsiBf
^MM» Hart"
Ii.u r>«.
Aarojso'iinr to uo.a.13 .
•Hell L I ». UMt. imui L ( I. ua.
Plate OUm. 3(41 n nil ar
latiklkSl Mr Jaum
r Md 4iaba«flr4.
: I wits BSkmat hslr asi_____
«. (rallo)lT t*is chs.«awhu«. ha.iassi
toha 1|(«|
>l>e coast.
earrad nsalh sad m an
h}* paesle sx.asd (etr a -aoiar-'
SMUptf^atlM knwai
CwtBB* b( mHm Tarksh dr^aaiaf
- 1m
Wr w. bad .
COws.i(aiad prar!-eo>or«d sa^hvr psrsaat^ h:4 ava-kinrid (sat thniil iaw>
rorraapoodlac aullop la tbs littM^
-o-n wr ani th-o-a.
-K_ aod ttal Itss o« sbora Aadssannit
-I tar joe" hfiBulrd oai: -why .,r
"jM'ud 'ato th« i^«'..^j*bnbJj SIl*
Money to Loan on Improved Heat Estate Only.
Atloracyaat Iwa,
> Insurance.! g
W«* braol a (sw rrliabli* m...
' ft-pn«»Dt tilt- btioziB««t bsd bt«t
lAccideot and Sicluiaab luDraDce
[Compbnj in Uis world.
IbttitJpd witfaost (be ttioa) mdioddI lobiucm Blocks FliuDe TH
;d( red tep«.
O. P. Carver
a«ia«. MMnUa '
Pw ilttl....,!! BMUKi
UO-kLU. 4H.uk. kUU k.
U« are
h b.i.t ... k.1 glonda'Byroad.
iweaal bcddrM mile* la iengu. aad
D C. U*ca
_______________ be "a fiav apadmaa of
UealUlBiy cagUenrlag of that age.'.'
Bat U* old SaaalarU of that d^ were
E<chv--{Wifa. «a y
In no hany when Uey were detag 1 aa lth*a;hoar- Mn
Ueir erarh.
Ubookthaa ■aariy I4b daar.w^NUr- r
yaarvbehaad Baa Karoo TWowwa
rdcvwy wort thati*Ba ipahM.gNl
lid baapparaat (aU. hat aaaaw
•- ta aova a aaaeia er nttor a omA
friend. »«ee-lfw.wn.CK,.>ay,m.
Jebm B BobUadB. who la itililn
a o*a of Ua rlahadt aaa is UtaMH.
aa tha lartba SMlanUea bt bimlm
laa largaai dtaaiad U tha w«hL
waafoamlo. A* gjawcad B.M a*iT
HIM RtteoD CUb.
*«»M« TiMt H Oim*.
Tk. Bla* SIMM Clsboftta nnkl
MM. OMiMi MkaM. »w rrta»r MM.;' >»*«< *>* MMo<-HBMM-.tW0|BM
MtMtioc of
Iko bUoolar ,o« zss «M ■
B.JMj olrktiko
•( ItofMW 0>».
abMk*;. ar.
' AMBknitawkM MM«M
. mmm ■»■«* »■*> •>««<«*«»
H.ioralDMCPOM............. Or. mtUw
B- P O. t SMUat
r. T'.a*
_ „
Lod>« No. *U. B. P. a BJm *M b*M
.......... “J!“. *•
TborMor alcbtoad Ik* folloolwoH-
4MMto. WkM ik« nnt w« fm
■•toim •Mj Mill •< Mir Mi> tk*
. iMi «« k aMl ■»}toV oJ,«W.l HU.
it Mm* MtoM «t«*S rrMtoh'.
tdeek JM toa; jou WMk to tba taeak
to wtoM fOB Uta. Seed M jew
•ddttMandMwin aqdalB tbaktoea« toDji reambar tra gaanataae
• dear iTott ot« to rTMj dark ww*.
------. Wniaat
toow mhM
■kPMBo-OiriVofM to PfMrtok
■ ■■i^pM MMM or* MtlfMd to
H^BMaMaktoMi. oad 11 Mor
Mnwtan tkot M «e G
ScetMf*oksao It i* a trapwoB**
r-ooo-Hoekollr aad aOe.
r of ■0i^war>-Jct'O
MO Mptood ikot Uo oMtIa
4 roMOM all ebot
«tlM of «U* opart kaet
«itothoolaapa«*telk*ellU*o* o
UO MM*, tk*
Mjarltr <• toM aod rrtodriok wOl oit
iP tk* omooMm «ka»r Uto f*»r.
WkM Ik* IMolt WM pMlU«*lr
haowa aoM* kMM to waato oad
•ttonkoBoateUll )Mt kow it woa,
kat»UrwaaaDio.Ma* op oamod
Ml M*b kb dafoM pUloapUMlIr■Mol^iBtkdWarto
Tk* kfhtlBr foorth o** prowto el
amber* *ot dawo le oo eijtrobl*
aprood ofr>o<ltr.lon toei
etcp-ie^l H. Wekb.
> &. Al-
ord Kolto. JokD HarMwio. J. D*WUl
dMtlM of tta* P**M 11 rooci Freak
I. Boaila.
HaabM ol Board of Beeleir—t pMn
Haaber ol BMrd of Eertow-l ptor
Olarfc-ObariM N. Neodald.
TrM*onr—BatM E. Baoehaa..
Ooaakauaar of Blrbwar*—Caorj
. _......................
■ “-taBiSi
: "'“'."rtfr.".'
Raauw of OraaiCaap.
ProaiMoea lor T H C A
TbeBaatloy brid Friday nlfritio ibe
QrMt Teal ot Hae«abcM ia tkto city la
The aoaaarat detailed tsio ladlM Library hall tolke fartbtr ooe.
deUolio ton Friday ctMioy. wbee aldetalloo of the propaiUpo to oryaaIbaTraaeiac City Teat. No. *71. ap IztaT. H. C. A. 'loihto citj.wa.at
polatad'..eoamCUee to eoafar wlib leaded ^ yoao* mco iettmted both
*l«U.rc»»1ttM fr«Tra.«M Bay I* ««
«>• e..a«eltotlc
tool. No u... to foraulait deUaiie
U** oryaoUatioo.
to pMb.oy tb. prrj el To.
eoaaitvta cootUl. of Alfred V Ftlcd--m addiMed Oy Mtrral
rich, ehairmaa; T T. Batta. B. L i®*l‘*>* feoil.a.o piewot. Inelodloy
dptayut. M>0 J W
kea. (^uU* ......
U.alluw. Cloy Clerk K ckard.
ti mcM,
: Cbaae. M. I
Fraok Btaiiion.fl.: ^
LOanar. J.« Kird..l. W W. y*i,. H^ry aad oth.a
iblld*. V aok Friedrich.
i The t. H- C A Idea rcecited the
.So Uaa to to be 10.1 Ifthrrtria*
aepoori o( aoy of th. 1^
(obtacchfodto ibcallyM tb. plow : P>*“ •“«**“«* "«*“ P'“ “
Ult!rto ool, it wjl aoao tbaooU.y ota (4
renew to ba held at Uraad Bapld»bi lUm *“a ot aoaay. aad of a yrtal ^
jdaalo' aocryj. bhl tb* orpaDlnUoD '
Tkirsai|i Bsod OmaMoB
JOBM BowlorBakoH iMpoeto lioho i. Bolf*
iMUMof tk* PoaeiiiraU toal Ji
; .
HfBkorof Bowdet Rttloir—Al
J. OcVilM
tkbeol Ie*peeter-A. B. aUaam.
JmUm ot tk* P«oeo. fall U
>oot.*odHarqactl* liootof ot>* waylakooldbc. Tb* piao ic fu.l I. u. b*»* . W
Wa. dparUBC.
Board of R**l*w-JobB P. TUtootoa w far that U wooid area that thi* city I tba actirc acobcnuf the aaoc atloh M We Al'C showing a complete Jioe of 1900 Patterns in
ibohld b.teU
'eoapoacd of CkrtoiUh yooog m*o, who S
Diaia CioaBl*aha*i-OMit« Weld■aOaaa, Bdward T.'lkoen. Oodtr*r O.
Ibhreyeeenl eootrolorcr ibc uryaol-l!
. . ShotA ahooUayaecldcnl that m-yhl baa* 1
eoodoet r«liyloh» aatlisyo aad j V
aHeOslIp. Wa. Orir.
Wa. Hearo. Wot Tlllei
did. oeenrrrd ynsarda* afecreooa.! »be odTaaetmeni of the atembm ot U
aod reaoltad InCiartDM BhcRtr be t the oryao i.U» alooy iotalleeiaal aad ,(j
Uyabotlo tba left tblyb, the hall
potaloy eollrcly tbivayta the tolaaddliiooio tbi* it toplaeoM u>
Tbaalctlaofl'ieaccidratiatbe aoa.btaclatb room<. W to atabtra of , V
ofHr. aodMra. A. F-SbeBrrof .North i
aMOelaHo". “■* *
Eawood btcboe. aad to a lad of Jt fTaoM>““-K> be 1a chaiy* of aoaa | »
yeara- Hr bad borrowed a K caliber j ““orieat'“Iraetor When the idea i (•
raaelaertroaBoalybborboy aqd »*.! U carried oalio fall.Umay laclodea'to
la tba barn cleaafoy the loe« He
baa. ball tram aod other ^
foryol that It wai loaded, nnill hi* at. jatfalaU*oryaalt*ti.>ea
a oftbe )
d to lb* fact by tthe' It to
k probable that a
lead.isy V. H. C. A worker* ot Ibe
^eM belay
ttarocyh tba left ley abbot bait aaie will be ealW here to belp In yei I
way brtiyeen the hip aed koea. He. tiny toeoryanittlioB oa iu fen It'
walked low the houM and aaeooeeed WM the preeaiauy Beotimetii that .ocb j
wonid be the beat plan.
that be wa*akoi.
.^fll lllllin
teooaotonrofu. B.B.Ftop*}oa
MOiiMi tktOMk witk a boik BapabU«*o«*lMttra< 1. kol Jako WOkala
r obewtv to bk
tokot.br a Bojorltr el
- — -
Paaeal taU.tara) HlB&Hto to ildirwo. kotdoooph B1c«m
iwnoatbptkaaaaUMt aaioritrpo*oMaaodotoarod tk* alaotka kj a adHM7*ot*acolMi QUIatt tk* Bapeb-
•ebaelIe*MetM-«a*ldO. Cdark.
Sehool iBipoeto-J. B. Fradkli*.'
JMOMoftk*P*oe*T-Wa. P. Uay.
Bcatd of B*ti*w—Bek*rt Hr Bijre-
toU* toa the alootleo el Beoad.
WBkHa aad BUdtr eo the OUi
HtookaU-tkaetkar BapobllMa Mrd
tototoBOBoalMtor- Tk* ocmqImtoieltha eaoMa will oow b*thrM
a artbod of procedure and to perfect;
plan* to eaabtbe project. Thi*coa- ' (
Bitte* will meat at the oie^rofli.- I) |(
B Cbtoia the Bamiitoo a' Ulll-.k.nif
block tbto eacnlny a.Bi<<.iK-k Tk< .
Goamittreeootiatao' li.-. O K Ckarr. ]
Daolrl B
L J. Baddy. Lari T Pcneicirlar. M. *
a Holley. P. U C«rtta,A.'W. K vkrm '
•ttbeayeoirt Bre. S. Salabrry ot aadThareaHarrae.
Jik city oOelaled at thr fnorral wbieb
f. ttodUlae.
ocearrad a: Coprmkb Firday. Ba
laiaa a wife aad foar children.
alLaded the Injured boy. and dreaaed
ronnd. The II }o^. wbllaa bceere
oar. will beal all riyni nbleat compU.
n>ari«e. ft it but tboaytit that
oa* la Injored.
CeoetaUM-Beaer Ooro. JahD Rroo.
^ Jr... Da>ld E*U*r. Horllaar U.
Otok-WUllaa Daeidaat
TrM*arer-Wttlu4 J. Netooe.
Ooaalaleaa*. .pf Blchwva-Darid 8oper*Iww-J. B. UaaUtoe. .
Caark-B E Waltoi.
-P. I. P
Blrkwap Om
PkrJMlleaef P*ae»-D
Heaber Board et B«*law—B. Uara.
dekodl laapMlor—Wa. P. OaHi
Q**aa«* el Poor—Chta. A. Traer.
: OmuM«o-Joaa Baff. TtMO. Wll
Jloaa. Albert Oroaaead. (. J LrJe.
Volad v?t to road laoroteaeat
too fall BapoUlMn ward ilekau
atotoUa tk* PtfoVTklrdaad riftb.
Alto Ik* rotoTM WOM aeoatad
b WM doedod witk *i
Hk kea* oo :
Velvets, ■ ^
We can pell yog cajpHs as l< w as J2}<c. Lowell's Asministvrs at $1 25 and !
a^great many in between. In fact yon will find here ifie handsomest patt.emi J
I anlS^^t economical prices all thronch.
AH^ays pleased to show the new patteras—they sell themselves.
WTilhelm Bros.
j Cor. Union and Eighth 8U.
South Side Brick Block. <
1 ward Utar la
TktIoUewito ao
ootkaair tbtoi:
LkGrippe made yem tired, ■
ran va tired auL Yoa i
tired in muacle and tirad is
teein. tiled is body a«d tired
in miBd. Your br^ ia tited,
jour nerrea tore tired.
tired ell oter.
You an
I the mL._
tBj £d vou did iriiea
tired at niEht Yop
lect—redt for jour broiBOut
Berm and joar wvarj biaio
—real that trill irlre ^ur tired
' recover. You
bodj a chance to
canit right awy
.- —A « aend^to jew draggirt
Oerb—Stepbro L*ata»r.
TROiBier—Aodrew J. Wktt*.
JaiUea of Ike Peaw ifoll twal Will,
laa W. U*r*lB.
.......................... TbOMM W. Good.
iMpaetor lie til vaearcrl JckebooilMp
Mph w< oiekc
■r of aifkwv*-TkoBM*
W. OoDd.
Haaber ot Board of Baalow—Jobe
•Trod Tarraok Gaoige
SSEA.S!U::;;::::S ”
Jobbero aod DeslAra in
necraekre jit b*. Iktu MippUnint Iiy Ihe'Unoeda Jlfljer
Wajrfer to*. Tb* U» Ih-it Lee;* ii.con'.mu *.« (rrsb atlie day
Ibry ean>e from tbeoren. When >■>« cppriilecTaTc* a fmth. awcri,
^intctBoncitryaUneeda Jlnjer-Wayfer. Kecpii>ei«*
when you* mtry Uwmuflea. tVbeie Ute children nmn yet ibem a*
Jinjer Wayler
ftos. Joko Toteoaao. Oaole)
awk-Wa1t»r B. a alKek.
TrtMOttr—Job* DaUall
JmUm of tkc Pmm ((all tai
dl B.
JaaU^ tke Peaea «t jeata) WUI-
Onp Cent,
Samples and Prices
Bebari iBipeetor-DaaW Hiot_
Hea bar ef Bawd et Baaiew—Woma
iaxoho .
Don't put it oir but get it todaj,
aad jon wUl hare thednrt night
of toothing, street lebeah^
tf^^jou have had s^nce tba
grip first got jm Iin Itaolutcdk
LaCrippt *M tbt dlMM* hMC M
aek«b.t«etk>a4*u..lrTtntkl*(. I
hadotounasTwl* otea _r bcott. Mold Poiear.
- " -urtluce. vt>to*d««a. wt*k.MT.
JmUm of lb* POBM ((all tera>•aoadMiblcWUwp 1* <■
IkM *a aad bad oo BtoptiM
t bte** uUm D>. HUt>- Ntr*
:ard at laaiaw Hat
■d U.Hlki' Htat On uid Dr. Mlto
a Panip
FolfM. Batb Pteotr.d iba ECkaadaU.
Atepdear. s.eu
raotodallr raewM
SSi-raii........ “ "
Z 7* -TL*.** ■ rw«.
ew MAktRi,e I
Sictessots to
TmusoCitii looter to.
BvporTtoor-WUlloM tokitk.
a«rfc-rJehB-&. Iteripuro.
OMOt tk* oImmM whl«k ompM
iBllMlllr UM M MieMOMMponikot
IbBM HmUIm wm oaUBMitto
tk* iBktt^ olMOlt IB ifc* e»r. Tk*r»
John F.Ott&Co. iSSHtilYl
r iha pro- I
tct. li to rspaeiad ibai tk* Optra will
Bitaemod Uetartap Ko>rbt-P. B M raadj for proaeataiiOB by U* Aral
lef Jaaa. boi Pro' Bwal aart Uat ii
’’ditmurr *»■— ■ Hole.
' **" ®“* *" pr**eet*d ooul It to reoUr
TM—ri. 1. r. IUM,.k.
lkJ-««to*p^foMUoo.mi toka o
: OapUiB Heloloab wUl drill
Tr>*f—A. C. Uetprao. '
Idraroou Tke Chora, will MwVrrtry w
ChopUl»-E H.siaoM.
!Toatdayt*raiBsaitbtboat of Pro! ll■rBlSebH|,
looerUtard-ioo. MsBehi*. .
tk* ladia* fnta r le « aad
TroalM t ^*ot*—P. WotxtMirt.
t fc. ooi
TroaiM % jrort—S C. DNproo,
■■PaUaoM' lo
E.ittined toyal Eolcbl-E k
n* ThM •Bi«. vbtak WMlIj fl*«
•topaWMl MtolV
■mr>Mrleh«B»iwHrot4. !»»«•
BMtkMltaaiMtoaafrriadrta n*
rwatoiir mom. k» «• wh
toutk. Hr rrM
iM’kvnmd.n'kkta » attol^
•I«Tm4H «m bM
■ttfMMbrMirMiB tk* nftbMtokMot Ik* Tklrd MUM It
AfMT Ik* MUiM MM to Irea U*
I ttot
MBmmMimoU (6 e
BtkMIMra «M
pNltoBBkllxcMMB 1
iBMifcnr.-, •inlM.
to Wtoto
,n....... ................--B«*'«»».
oil Wool
Dry Goods and Furnishings
«> carTT a
Uiie u( Coiplele Sticl li Eisi Depirtia.t.
Cuk M«i m* Rn Mm « NM Aw VWIM ME
Tialorae -UwUlpaTTOO
Bicycles-Bicycle SuDdries.
Sgeciplties: Brizii{, hlciiiziis, Eiameliif.
OB and I>etarj811 Fnmt8t.
Woodward Are. and State St...
From $35
We are determined to Biakk I WUttMbaiiDer World 7«Ar in Traaerae
-yaTene uitj.
Oitj. ana
and u,.—
make tb*
C above Optional offer on all wb««b aold prerioa to April 1st, After wbieb daf It ^ be with
: drawn. Whv not begin lo bnj jour wheel nowt Yon won't miw tl each wwk, and when the
— riding •eaaoa open* jnar wheel wilt be nodj aad joa wont have lo make a large <towa pajmeat
to begin with.
Repairing and Enameling.
.Nowi* dM time to han jour old
Mow. Storago H«oa.
overitaaled aad Teaaapelad. Bring th«B la
. I win reaoamol joa'r wbaal aaj eolor. Eeoat work, baking anamcl aod varakh, eleaa alt tb*
bearioM aad,tm the wbaek. alain. vamiab or witoial the rima; aU adjotted op in cowpiete mm.
■^U^or themnaU wm of^2y>. lathe tarwi^ Capa, OoBsa, Axiea aod Sbafla to otdor.
The Tayior-Woolfenden Co ,
nou Onto
TaUpheaa IM.
Tm Mb M eSMh IM, brnm
m. ■*.
•tiMM 'lbt tiibbi cUafl* Bill at
Mar ‘n* cat awM* ot I.4M MO
tkc to»«<r!»K aapwl «" =
aawyar. Bnxb BeaU>«rrfi Ub-
Hav Beoka Mr
L- A-
aMrdto tba L«dka Libcvr loi tba
Tbt Black Wolf Bread-H. Oiakaaa.
The 8bia ol 8ura-m. T. g«m«r
Black Bxh-BOpb Cwaar.
To Ban aad U> BoU-HarT doBaaea
Tha bup BoU.cn-B'*- Alaaaadar.
Tb» D«ar Iriah Uirl-C. Taama
Withtfaord aadCncitta t B V.a
TraTaraa Cnj Boy a tac«iota Barry ba* recrina aurd of Ihe
dBtiaetJOo of Bfdie HrJoyal. a lad
•be waafoTMcrlj a ■••aeWeT bay la
tha loeal Waavaro Ualoo tairrrapb of
•«. Aflar Inriar ihla elly Bddia be
caau esplojrd la iba care of.rada*
' haaaar >od rradaaily becama ah espan
' rMar. aatil ba ailalaad ibe aiailaciloc
•tafat! fladcod j«k«T A oopjofa
.VaoOriaaM paper fl.^ aalaMreal
li^ aceraeV ol an aielllp* race oa
Hairt 17 which waa' woe by Prfpea
•f Varoala. a raaaor *blcb yoaoB Be
. Jgpai ■ooBtad. Tha raoa «aa the
•fMlof aba BaattaraiHl Efdla we*
ClaMaeanaof Plow tor bia pari la
aaaolW »bara aba wCI aUla few daya,
baf no ntaraiac to Bik Baplda
BMBaod PlBBaear of Baaaalaw.
acTind here Uat onalac for a few
Br. aad Bn. W. W. PaMIU will day.'* alt with bar alaMr, Bra-«■ C.
CeteBeyaa «ty today teatlawd the Ptaaay of »I7 Praaolla atnet» A Batura
Oaorca Uaae toft toat otobt for Oraad
faaaral of Albvt B. Wlekatt
orrllta oat
Bapida. nbare ba will sake bla persa- wltbablc«aiW'4seo.
Kta OotOnBl of Blk Bapika. la aaat base. Kla (asiiy will fallow to oiybt faot deep la saay ptoeoA saee^
aialUDC Hra. W. C. PlbbOy «l *17 aahdn usa
by drifiA
Praaklla atnat.
Tbe Pert Barjo Balt Cr.roeoaUy
Baa-A. A. Wall weal to Daadoeyea- TialUac tbe f.mly of bar brother
nraa ead. la aeroUaUar far the oaiabArtbar darla* tha ntotar, baarataroed
Uabseet el tall bloektoi COyaya Ltka
K«t. J. BtdBMT Baraai pataad to ber base to g labM.
tbreapb thr city yaatorday oa hie way
Prank Pnediwh m t loBatieky.
ay w.U raaacaaur toiba aolt UatV
fiooi ChlaaiM to:t»moaa a*d Sauooa Urday oo batioaaa.
Tbe lea hae stead o«t of Bartoe
bay •hero oa «tU Hold aeraloae tOBorWaiaidA boiltb. editor'd thaCta»
Ur-’i Scrltoe'
IUHe cl'u /aaUr- rirer. It ie aaptoWd It wlllptoraoat
Bra. Pr«d War^i - baa br»a oaller* diyrlalUocaodaUta* aptbaatoclks of tbe bay to a day or two.
TM Slack rinr at Port Baroa It to
aUraad Baplde^th. -'law* of her proapeeta.
ter. J
Jacob BSrb
POM amorrCer'e berorrd.
= Is eprlay flood aad ie a racioy lorrpat.
dooe de-oeyc b«i beeo deoA
Btoa blaacha Kallay of Oraad
Bra. Rpod ol Tor<± Iska la rlilt or
Biplda. fo-o>erly of BayBald. waa eallBapida
Bra. barab Bird fall dead At B>y '.1ty
rrlaileei la the eliy.
Sbe ws aDfayad ie
B-Beooeil hae ralaraed Ires a Beadey boos
iiey boaeaaed waa elABdioy oa a
trip to Brlc&loa aod Oatrolb
> wbeo abe pitebad onr forward
Leoebboareoaboo f'or
aad eyptrad als ni
weeki' TUlt to bar rraor
BlM Cleaeeetlaa Bold iworth
Paal. at YesA
Ueeibc raeterday to *>dt bar
•er elaieae tbt yeaeyect editor of
Cborlea 8. Brekmao left yMierday
who la tho laeiraetor to drawti « at tbe
to the eUU ot
for a three waeka' r
Aprlealtatal ColtocA
HleUyae . Halt Paa1 Baeiwood.tbt
It Pelera wae to 'tlM Oty tros
aooolC s Eietwood. the editor of tbBta 3 Paaotoytoo
BaoMWa yeaterday.
Boser Vidatu. Ba s 7 yaara old. Tbe
BlsPIoraaea Bolsaaihaa (OBa
.•oaolibe pabUstus to tba Small
CrAOdaloIUrawa ww
allCbla to uha ebarye of tha ^adwel
Paal Oeielie
dty yaterfla*
(toott Wood ward ia hose for
Three lade cllaitd late a taal oenr
Bis Oaorpta Berraa wUl
lbeylaetaetofTatOfandBH.ide Tbe
from bis work at E liworlb.
eeailoa arat waek wltb ralaUna at
EB Pratt wool to atwod ooart at
B Md biyb aad tha boal became
tPbita Clood.
ayeableABd eapaisad
One boy
Uke Clly yreurday
fleorxa W. WUktoa ot BaatotBP. la
Wasb has yoee
ietaVaieaca. The otbar two Bsird
eialllec hie pareata. Br. aod •'
triptoOraodBaaldaaod Fort Wsyaa. idowa tberleeroe driftwood.
Wllktoa of Waablartoo attoal
BabyKboi Baontour. eyed ». wbesa
Bta Ayas Wrankie. aa cap
}me to lo Urtnit. to eaid to btdytoy
sUltoer fros Clarelaod, arrirad to tba
i Anrlao with oeaU Briybt'e dtoeaae
city yaalerday. She will act ae
Baby BaoDtour hae boea to tbeebow
(toparieWodaatC.B Hera wiU apser foe Bie W. O. Lawrtaea tbie era- beelaeae etoee tba wm eae sooth old.
earoBthepro^Taseftba coanolloo
oppra'toy wlib Eoland Bend. Keleey
Waltor urobbea it to the city oi
ShaoDOD. Aaaa Held. CbaaBcey Oioou
*' witbaa aday tros Mllwaakea. wbere be apaet
and Richard Bao.BalA
tba winter. totheBkilltoatoa Ilia
triaai^Ip la tha.OaaUal Iwba baal
Baalr; •«*«- o*>
Baadtf. B. BMoai. I Baartiar*: «aak
an, W. 0b»». L a*Ul4»Ti b>.t«f. f
•01 r> <e Ovtral Lab
1th laUtlaaa than n
_________ __
The Brat cborwi rabaariaJ of —
•PM. -PatleBr.- oae-rred laatfltht at
Aba bra>a of Prof, aod Bra Borer.
a*lM Prtd. Hont’a dlrnl ob. The r. •
- hwaal waal c* *ary aBrioihly. and ail
Um Mrabera of the cberoa art aalbBt'MUaonr tbe opaea- Abo«l M ware reaebar .
f. P. lireer wM the Brat to apply tor
walpr aareiee aadar tha altyh nrlwt.
TbaaeA rahaareal wtU <
Toaaday'BawlUenoihtobonaa at ate Kcrtb
BaM of Prof. Boral ae
for tbaldp'aeadlraatedBBcetodaaaoooM tba
•aaalar. .1 7 o'clock ahl
of Ue plaeb
Wlca and a e'cloek lor the |
toft yntordoy
Bs. Od.
mrasaato bare boeo sadt fer
«ba ^tesiaUoo ot tbaeparm iofitoia- forVanlck to eara tar bar saaber.
labart. who la oerioo
oerlooaly Ul
bstrailsad. Tbae*ael da'.o eoast Hn. Baaert,
yaa be *iTra.bot It will p-ooablr oeea r
aose tlcoe to tbe early part ot Jaae.
lajorad ta a lUoaway.
Bn J »jpb R ibti i.f Ltalaaaa eoaa
ty. sot with a eery eerleaa aeddeot
Tosdey Bcraiar wa.lc cosine leto
tbaai*. Bbawaaiaa eleirn-libber
baaho'd. wbaa near' vne B. A S. B.
•re^y tha tcM tooklrvbtai a into
aad ru away. Both of tbe oenpaote
Tbefesilyof K. E stroar
tardeytor Oraad Riaida wh
wlUraalda'iotbe folera
Hai^ B. Boldawortb baa retaraed
lo b!a work ae secbaaleal aartoaor tor
the Mort^k aod Coaat I.lM railroad,
at WasisrtOB. N. C
Bra. Pony B. Boldaworth la rapidly
Is rroyioy lo baaltb aad |a able
U0 a Utde.
■ra. F. B. deboBald rataroed laat
Campbell, a Oraad Traak
brakemae. ene bebeaded la tbe Ueeal
earat at Sarnia He bad stepped from
Wllliaa DwtOB leto tha city oa hie
oar uaet to soother to
way totheJisrth Baaltoe life uri
prosebiey train when be waselrock by
eUlion. Tlie remainder ol the er
one Cl miay from so o^oelu direcll. a.
at Leland walUay to f*t oeer
At Fiot, Biat Babel Stasr-. a wailtbe ielaad. bat tbe tee will aot
koowo Toaay society woman, waa ee
permit tbe pasaye ot boas from 1
erolly married to Sonsber last to
Aribur BcKiDDOe of that city, by Bee
ti Krrjesionow coBarctod with
EoniUU Sanday a friend aabed bet
the Uraad Bapide braeeb ol tbe tC’ioto ttandapoaaorlae bar child aad the
ball Piaao Co . it to tbecity oa bU way
eeerei leaaed OBI.
lay atatioo whore ba U to ba to
dartny the aasscr.
for Oraad Btp dA where he will
to borne to.thefutora.
Jack Caldwell toft laet oipbi for
Cbarlenic Prom there be <
lodey for Brae. Bioa.. where be
willeatorae Caltad Staten »orteyloir
of wnich bit brother Will to
ha did.
. paired since the Are. and ariU be pleased to meet h«
» fneudn. old and new.
[NasataA jewrifyaod soaoyUtba
laa of ns 000 -wara atoiaa Boaoay
bos tba ratidiwee of Caarlaa W.B sfth.
rsaoleoa. a eabarb ot Palladal
phla-aadeoapteiM raeti aps BIward
>la. Br StaU*t eeaebsaa. who
•lay. Tae awiea property be
taeyad to Bra SsiU
A Floe Stock of
Watches and Jewelry on Hand.
Some rare bargains, resulting from the fire. .Large*
line of Sewing Machines aod Machine SuppU^- Call
‘ oTW-waftSc in-pumpBi|
^taw ia-lae. aa Ua latUr waa rsi . potoDoadbtoodtorau(he*?r<.mrianer«i;
It used u be ecandend that eal« urjiary
lay Me Saoday BCbMl tosaSa u
uoubtawera le be oaoad lo tba' lud.-,eva
Beayearolddaaybter te ba beme
JW modern Klenee proeai that nearly
aoeaaCity.BA BKmato laiaar.
aabuitoaaJ mianaas tare men baytnTores saabrd men coplared
I luny In ktawy boubte.
If yon are lick yon can make ne mu>.aitc
wotohmas. alybt Brasaa. aad tba
doetenny yenr kidneys Tbe rr.Ud
ralary of the Star Urerery at Beiia
ud the asnaordinary aflec: ri D:. tCJrr.n >
eUle. 111.. Snaday. pul taeo
i kiSrey re
espty rrlnyersiur car. and Uce blew | soon r^red. li ttanda tha
the h.ytwi
opea Ue atfe. aaearlay Bl.ooe to cash |T"®*
Fraak Ueedry and bto wile Heed Id .
email oooae In tne wnodt Bn Sitae .
fro. Delbi. S. V O. Sand.y sorpto, '
heir aooT who want to «y bit paraaU I
atoll, foand tbe h rate baroed aod the .
ooee of Heodry aod b>e m.U to lOe
.\M) 1.1 CKV AT THAT.
cent and
at. Yoj
y~ “b^
„ -ou tan kidney or bladder bcoble.
Mentiee ibis peper wbeo wntiof Dr. Xtlmw
k Co,. Btoftaimeo. N. Y. ______
Tlir- wi-ll kiK»rn Oral ftf tir-o. tVWald A' CVt. of Pl. Wb^bp,
Inii. liB* u.mi-L>
For Uioit of Speo no will josi nilbo i
Fear of Ooi floi) Bor|oios__
FaauM Saflar^Haipad
Calcu-.to. Bare* to — Toe Viceroy.;
Lord Canon of Eeilutoa.' oddreaalaf
ic bndyel today, aad
that Dearly s.frM.uoo peraou were ia
receipt ot raynlar raltof aod that the
cMt for tha CBMiOy year was n-tsatedatess toca of rapce* i»to.sou,«i)'
Tba low oo reeeoae fo/ oo: year bad
bean Itl toaaof rnoaaa itt.rTt MOi ^
Toeyoaeratocai. ho aaid. hoped dar
toy the lortbeomlnK y«^r to epead Itm
latoofraoMs rt.i .-iioxi to irriyatlon.
ecooldsaeuo c-iancd of cuuloy
(*"■ iDlliUry calitoa -.
1,-re. as two dntm pl tadita
.lnWH nanoip."«aUl me-V’waroy. -.Die
Uene sUliosi h*pi>y and
Ibe oUer to to ken-p them aafr ' For Ue
aakeofibr one we moei no: ovirct
Daniel Barr.wblle oiliay tbe mtehtoary la the baeescoi of Ue Hoc p
PaUBlCaek Tooipaay'.sill at Hooor.
woe cauaoi i y a eeiacrew ead ieeuatly
killed. KooeeiOW Ueateldcot Hj
eloUlny me all torn from hh body ea.
aeptooenhoe aad stoektoy
—K--------------------------------------->-----eoUaroI bteeblrt. Bw leye. arm* aod
abockloy y maiUaird
Uere were two deep yaabs acres Ue
For Sale or Trade!
Forty four terra nitnat>Hl ot Eant
Bav. OB till- PriiiDtala. threw mile*
Travxran f'itr I* O <4 ai-ree
in fruit tree-8, 12 ai-rt-i*
e>d; good liuuae- aod barn;
Will divid- iu aiiiall
if il'-nircd
Isi. 238. Trinrsc Cit)
.. "S'TlHffiN!
Mrn-P b ai'k I'lay Worsted HuiU
^Utiad to <)ikwo-d cctnelriT
of Ue Oral Wo-to Dtob
ZUto Pnalpod. Ue iiUle fl re year
. Vtoiun of WtUtoaubary. woo
WofBr. aodBrA.A\W
^ty yaatorday.
PaiUipa of Elserood anaSA dtodV
8. Way wan ia tho city yaturday
Otlni rriday soratoy. Tha fnostir
waa hold atOlln.SiUi^ ofUrcooB frasEapWCrtTW
B. C. Bst.«y. Biltor Bobba aad
Clan Bell. thT'am soaUa old
Is. Hainatbek ot RalkaakA a^.B,
daapbtrr ol Br.Aod Bn. Ws Ayen
S tbe Peoroeule. riled Friday yeyator d. Hobbe or Barker itaek. won Tne
Toe (eerral wa* bald Sea
Hit* BaadCe^ioo wi
yeaterday'to atait bar y'n
_ Bra De. BaaaaUal Th
taCalilorato. will *tolt Br* and.BrA
■toe H Sbaldaa al TopbkA Kao.
Elilb W.lrash of Casdra. N J. wbo
to Aiitioy at b:ayba*t»a. N V . to
aaid te ba dyuy. Bta Walrach to l«
yaara Old aao of a rery aaraeoatampar.
seat leUefasUy aba toTto-tlay w
yooayptaetleaFJitar. Be prtieered j
amal I.ee soaaa. wbleb be pat to;
aa ayy anrit. esreriay lb* opeatoy
wlU plaster of Faria
Tbto waa
taaaybl to with tbe braaktaat and
wtam Bta Balraeb broke Ue ahell
andUe liberated s
ed away. Her]
err*B.d. aai l.mief
'ber ooad,t'«al
ebarebof Uto city, aod an eseselary
Hto tataly bare tba ayspatbf
ol the aottre city to Urtr bemareseov
A wife ood loer eblldrta aorrire
bis. Fred B -Fa Irr of Lm AayeJrA
Cbl. Bra Hibbw L Tattle of Graod
BapIdA aaf Fraocs tied Wialfred wbo
wild wiU yrtot
rack were toartli to b* samec.
TbrooybUc apeetUoyota lamp at
Italr bc.srtoiW.pp.ayar’a Fell. K T.
Bra Jobe SniaraBaod'Bra UJy UJl
ws«falal;y baroed. Bra BUI relied^
in irom «r ^
totoy at * oalick.
r .wll
................. $$e
Obflitri-nV Veaies Sniu. l.aniUomely braided, fnlly wortli
J21M. tbe,-arc your, for.................
............................................... $$o
U.h.T' Vi,-i Kill ail pulid$2..i0and $3008i»taat.46CEBd6$e
Lnilirei' .-Itra-olaic. bu-r. up tu dab- abiwa. all tins, for........... »8e
.Vli-u'h all siilid upti»ilate*abofw fur......................................................... B$e
The Itoinu.f id .McNamara Wauiia abor stock at She oo tbe
All Ijnlica'. MibwVtatd Children-. Jack,-, at *5c on the dolUrAll kle-n'K. Boya’ and k oaths' Ulsters si cost or below.
A New Line of Carpets and
Matting Just Received..
(rood hravy resnilras MsttioK for ..
Bewt 2-lc Inyrnin Csrpe-t in th* city.
Ooxxxe to til.© iDtxssr tr-ad.l3a.g oorxx^x-,
OWiBlt htt ItfsiBU l«i(
. $10.00
From this elo^ant line 000D8.
Blue Heavy
to estiayatoh Ue fl is«to4hioy. So* ran down Uf,
• er yarseato to flams. Aa
Urowa araaod ber flaally
eabdecd Ua liA b«l*bewa>«e**rloto« Dproen at Maoialae
ly barael Ua: aba died la a few boan.
before bar reUra.
Baotose. Bareo n-rec
BcASalllre-i readowaanouar atnai
Bit J. W. Juetaca waa eallad t
anreE&Ttea arrirad Uto sc
OBainto Uayardofaaeiybbar. wear*
Btobsoad. lad eyaatatflay by Ua orwa Iba flnt veaael of Ua aoaaes to
harried oat aod tore
Utopiri. taaltlsadlnyaalt a
of tbe MriOBS Utoas-af AstobM.oB ber barainy eloUtoy.
C E-HcHaaa* wawt u Ghtayeea BBdA Waatartoabade at U*
e barter. Tbe lee to tte
barioas ystarday.
4eorya Alodyetv (orsarly af Uto
Utok. tel Ue E G Paten Sell aad BU.SM danak bba c aniay year to
of BcUatrA
Bar oospaay here >
aatUBcItba cUy U liaa Of asloaa I
r.baflwUlwii Uat ao Ik
....................................................... $476
Yon 111! tn:-ira thraw-piiHte Bails; fully worth Vr.OO. for.......... $8.4$
Ohilclrrn-a L’nion Snito. at UttasaW......................................
□ □□□□□ c
Black 'Clay
aU sUn aeatb of tbe eity B today reatolabers for twos Una soatha roaritod Ua fasSy.
Biaald> Failer wa* bora la CbaUas
aftornoea at tba aye of «» yeara altar oayar.
•a Iboeate' a yaaraod a bblf Ha waa
Tboa. B.Gmtry, Sr.. eneltoOnod lowaabip. Aryentoall coBBty.
• brvSrr o! AaUoey aad Esensl Bapide yoUrday oeboeiBeaA
No*. 14.
Twenty yean ayo be
this aute. loeatiny atBaatoa.
, Wtibelsef ibtoeity. aad son ofAe
Bra Baad of .Torch Lake, to aoeofl
tboay WilbsiB who died a tew msaU*
« a coapla of waoke wlta retov.ee> to Eiybtycan ayo be case to tbto city
opracd a dray etore ao Pmt
**Dtoaased leaee.'^wlle and foar
BrA O. C. BnffaU Aa'd daaybter aircet. wbleb be afterward aold to yo to
taDdrar. theolfstol wbps to bat i; Uargaratan etoUtoyb tria.de ia Chi. Calllonla Afur a y»r to laalaste,
be nuraed aad apeoad the dray eWic
Taa fnenl was
^os Ur iwtidaas yaautto^ after
Hardy, formerly ol Ua flea'da- at lauctocbeA
Deecaerd wmi a sso wbo wae aoi
•t 1 ocloeh. aod ibe >ody
parisaat. baa accreted the pesUtoa
Thixto* an <>|ipartunilT for bargain arakris
lo aapply tbeir wanU at half priew
black and uo day. F.rr broke ont
itod Ua roxs in wbleb Vaor waa
Haw re* irv-4
toy ra>4dly filled with sstAe
doy awakeoed his by jasplny o
oot aod tayyloy at bia eioUioy.
fire did lliiic damaye.
«f tbe .lalfb oera tbrowo oat aodBra.
Kabal -mek apoa itaa rail at tbacroionoto(feesa«toltatL-.wail. Bichu.
say.l Buitlay a eery ayly woaad
tkatopofbar baad.
DeaU ot Ruialde Falior.
laaaa. torserly of thia city.
the ms ran oo aad ware foaad la
e aawi wbleb reaebrd the eity
kbaiasber yarda coat of the dock. DOW of the Entow aad Herald prtaUar
Clark Pierce to d*ed at bto hoaie.
Taradaylsorbloyof tbe aoddaa death
Hrv Rebel waa takn to ProkepKy- :Blsto Bettto Croak, arrieed it
lOASed a few mllsaonuesat of SonU
of Btoaldo roller at laterloehen. ease
aalka*aaV>reaedh*r woaad atteadrd niy toat at^u
o yreat eboek to bit bnnUol Hateo, ayed »• yaara Ue bad the
BloaJaeala Vlrtoa ot Hellalre.
ae. Bba ta gearl r bllad from rraealatoUiitictlua of taTiay cat Ue fi-al t
frleode In Ule city. It wa* a
•dayaUdaaod waa oa bar way to the baeiir riafttortbe Uslly of W. K.
midreee la the towaeb'p
yreater abo'k u hto family, wbo lire
toiytebe trae’od whan thaaocdcat Kelley.
t. This wu to tbe yes ir
•leorfe Elodyatt. fotsariy black on Beodulpn etrect.
wb< n be ba-ll e 1 ap eebio lo wtaicb
Br. Fnller'e body wae ftoe J in hit
eslth lor tbe Oral Wood DiabCA, oo«
Heed aloar tor two yaara. Bto aes
run Ur Oraad Tnmt».
tar hlBoelf to EaUaire. la to dray store at Intorlocbeir yesterdty aaiyhbo'brloy at H-crdeetlle, amrsl
Thr eiau Beh eer arrieed to tba city tbe city tWUoc trieoda ood looktoy isornlny
He had apperenlly.
sllsd'eUBl. In toll be serriad U<u
Tbaraday tms tbe aSte batebarls at Altar aose property.
from hto ronme atmee tbe store and
Boyeot SUoeicrefi. Je Uuaa early
bn'It a Bra. slur «;bicb be waa reinr.
Parta. with Ito.uoo Beh to be dlaUibaiB ebyof Mepto City •
•dtaearnrar aatere la thli alcloliy. ystorday. .
lay to h» room to drees, nbio be tell
ortbaaa W.iAo lake trout and. H ooc
'W. P. B erlh pasad throafk
teoeb itoBi wUI re to Uarp Laba.tr ono yotteiday oo bla way tros
attacked wiU apopleay. ae he waa
brook troafwBl fo to Urnthport aad EapldAwberaha baa baee a
Jbtedbyeach aa attack aboolil
General NawA
. .artooaq.'.atUtoewlllbeaaa
the Cbitton Eadaaeoroooret
rhe Ferr • wnM. oac of Ue alwae
Abonte e'oloekToeaday.aineeUif
Otoe Berea. Oedar Baa
bit bose la Osaoa
,e deeotas of
aalssen went to. Ue atom which br tloo* at Ue world . foir. Cb-coy.i. I* to
Br-wadBre^W. C. Netooa of
Id that tbara ahiU be Bib left laod. Brest tba OolasblA:
foand locked. He Uea went to the be tors down aad Ue f .Suu toot of
Iron aod steal of wbiefa it ia easpeaed
la the otreaas after all lhe bJy coteka
BearySslt^eflUe ally ysUrday hose of S. E BopkloA wiU whom Hr.
' ~
thay are fbloy to sake ttala adwaoa.
kallartook hto toeala ood toyettacr will be tola asMrapirpB.
rr a few daya
There wae aootbw etoia deb belch
they rcinroed to tbe etore with o kry.
Tbe Cbinaaa yoveroseni boe ayraed
«ry sr here Kridey alybt brloyloy 7n.
0 sardM c
Don Boryaa and Tberoa Boryaa Da oprn^Dy the door they fonadBr.
OOO br Itb troBlfor D H l>*y atUlea di^ynonr to o)ea Bana yswrday.
Faller'e body lymy at tbe loot ot the BroekA a
. by a*
Bane. Eaplre faasber Co . >ad
Bra n^-War»ary hu baaa called Salra bto baad aod one pra donbled e.-nlioy twoof bto atoyar*. ■sprlaoaiey
tba eit.'iBlir of Cedar Bii aad Like
1 Oraad BapIda by tba Hiaas of hs Boder him. The body wa* ooM, ehow- ' two, aad e'erliay a mcsorial ctaapel
of tba taUer.
ly that deaU bad ooearradaume tise at P.o Vio Sbaa Taay.
katob ry at Parltasi .
iport Sberidao baa arrived
aoaapTtoUPdtbadallnryorthe Bth
Oarooer Hboe wsoi to lourlocbeaoa la Saa Fraoci.ee from Baalla with 23
I tin lor Ua BtohiyAB Bty.Oo . to la
Baaaior MllUkao and Frank Frtodrleh
tbe Boraio'y train and a j iry
liM disebarged
ban appitod for IW ooo sera which
Their eerdirt wan donU by
Bi t J^OasawaatUBik Bapida
will be bare OB aopiber trip tbit w«k.
aeeidwully InUiaydawo nUIra
Toe Bth ertU be p'AOtad to etreamt to |
to were broaybt to tbto city oa
:40 iralc aod tabea to Ue aaderBoseroBu:*. tba ooied bandit aad
taktay roose of H. L. CnrUr.
Grand Bapida lost ana “a•
leaderof a band ol e.lUaaad borae
Hr. Failer epeand bto drur
B-iberi OaldweTT n M.dewa liOB
Utovr* that bare beea operatiay for
Bra. Obriatlaa B. Shormaa. wl
Cbarleeold yucarday 1 .apeod Sooday [aUrioebea abant two yaara ■
yaara le aoaUera Sew Haaieo. aad ooa
cf Daalal Bharmaa. diad Friday a
wiu frlaada. ' ________
Ua week, bat wat'alsMi always w|U of bla foitowera. bare Ireea eaplareoUsalUa _
Df. W C. Gray bat preaaeud to Ue
Biw.Oiin Psato wani'to uadlaytoa bto family to Ule city oeer Sanday.
■sa lscsoae daaytaur. Bra Wrory,
letter from D-.
(■utSaoday be badacesad ie aanan.
Bartoe.aad twoseea.B<seraad Will to rleu bs etour. BrA LtBAt.
Nawali Ooiybt HiUto. raairaiey
Br. aad Bia E D Frtok are atolGay ally yood aaalU aad epiriia.
of Ltlaod.
Tha taaeral wa* bale
Pra«bytofiaa ebarch. Dr Hifla'
their bnUs. W I. friob at
today at « p. B. from Ue Bccdo*
action 1* iba reaali ot bto neaot aaberaaaltolUe
aebool boas, aads Ue diraeUea ol RapUto.
aad bto daayhur bad jett written a. •oaneesrat of hto »iawa oa Ua doc
--rdr Beriw toft yswrday
Balpb Aadsaoa.
Spoaeoe. «sh . wbon ta win prob totter to him. aod wst aboel to nke It trios oi prodasilaaUoB
Joseph E wabalsdlad at hit bose ably daelde to toeato HtotasUyerill WUa sail wbra the terribia ac
Ae Ue reealt of aa April fool ipka
and we-have BeTorMl tbe atoek at uar
StiK'k i- itoiats of up io-ditr-. araaonablr and <Mr>
Cieeaiaod. U , Charis Vane, a!
Tanff BiilPsaeea
Bresao at tbe worse ot tbe Hill Synpl WtUInruo Ad'H i - The Porto
aaeid fros enffocatioe ! ® “» Wt*®
»ke aseoU Ule
early Bor.dty soraioy by a IHUa i afteroooa by a we ot tn to tl
Fancy Blue
Herd to find four each vnl*
ues as these eleewhere for
Fast Black
Worsted '
XMDoU*rs for eb«$Mcr Photo* Par* Wool Woyatate. at
Marriiltori Clothing Co.
20e Front Street
□ □□□□□□
Traverse City/ Mich.
D □ □ □ □ □jd^
^nSL 9 IMO.^
> Herald
OhU 0»»WW»totae
arblaf from cbbthBi of ft
: ^.ra.oasottbahapalaatdayil>bla Mr«bdayM«law»ary. Itaraai
lose Ufa at man tbaa oaa baadrad blrtbday al Mar. Ctorta Dipt
< yaan. aad tba oesaateao-a at tba aaat asdbolhAaBW7..j.yad tba o
> laaatttal. Ba wsa laa bars at Ma. Pbaraea Host. Bo. 1». 0 *- B-, aad aU bappiaat^ of bb Uto. ai
; daytbaoldaeldlstaaf tbaettyazartad
Best Values For Your Money!
•a M Drabs to Wm. A. Bobm
«. Sn U. T «S B. B U W-pw
boUdlw la tba dial
they Bbbt dasB saasdbat. .
baalbd ap tba qocaibo et tba;
balldiae that waa batar
Fbaat aboat.
' ’'•fttard BabULaadOo-U Dnat.
aaadaaa ataafo abooUap fallary.
e.aeb afaa... daa U. T*s B. B a
dacldad at a facBar BaaU^ of Iba 1 w'^^aCD
that tbc araeUea af tbb atroeBaaryCrabebUd aad wU
b a eiaiar clolatloa irf tba ardtaad tba balldlsf waa ordarad
tbaasaiaot la arary poaaibla wij to
• Baba taa day aaa ofhaipia»to iba
aauaaa aoldtv aad ladtaa dfbl
■ant aad oaaa tba drcaa
tiwaaacraatday loeUaalal
Ub Iba drat aea^ ba reaa iBportaat epoch ia tba bblery at
bantarad tba army,
tba ercaalttUoo. beeaaaa It r»»e Mea «t*7 plaaaaat dbaaMea
• pbatB>B Poet tba diatlaeUoo of aaTtaf added to Iba pfafTsB wbhd. waa aot a
' Uaeldaataoldlar Is tba UaltaddlaMa panof tbaarTBofoBaab. Mr. Oraar^'
aBOBC iu Bwabata.
birthday bad firaarbe ten
ton dowa wUbla ua daya. Tbb waa . Dartd J. Yopkar aad wUa to rraeeb
. Btabcaata prapar
aot dooe. b^tor. bbd bat omi^. j Ybartall. lab « aad I. bib t. Baytkb
made ter Ua laiUatkm of tba oaataaar. O eBoausBaodA W. WUBBapanr-1
apd iba Womaa’a Belief Oorp.
To iUlM »&-000
tribatadlotbaplaaaermof tba ercat
trib.tod«eoftbeaU»nbwblebw,,:b.rt.f Un boildlOf anebd. aaWBfSf.VfS^^wlSii'I
na UIWMHa*<H~>«
*‘ nrz^aelad bt tba niam.. wbUa Com-, that they ta al.o-m to make oanmary '
* **“
baeqvat la bb boaor. lb taeecaa
MtteUM Tn««Mav *
• aimUar on.- dnwn, conr tb. boildiw -Uraly)
tbc2t. T2T 21.
■•ibMd to-•«« takas ymm4mt. al tear ranala a alaaaaal mesaey tn- all Booy to rcmled Mia. D;play of tba tB (with iroe If and be. tear down half of | B 12 W-«i
tkM^ja«kli«tb.MMM t. to b. tba BMrabata of tba poet aad tba BaUef portaaoe of bar birthday aaalnraary. Uaod baallowad lodalab tb. raat aad Bara., Aadan» aod wf to W«. L
HTottebeeaM. A »«*l Corpa.dot oBly baeaoB of tbai
Tbhwaaeaaofthaj9llwnaadBaatleoadaetttaa.aatBprba tbsrt aa waa' Brewa. lottl. bik 2. Baaaak. Uy a
jocr tpri^t goal, where ,ou are «.re of
We believe we cbb nve ^yon moncT on dwirabk, slylish
)(oodB->Come is aod tool
)k at what we offer.
iltoo of Iba prai
•npertaat faoeUoaala tb. bUlory of jenfiaally laieodad.
ata man-won
*® tbe Boat aad tba 1
j dBBaa O. Blrdeall to Mary A. Botb-j
K. the
U.. auA
IMaaatr.flcb BalfbUadd
^aralacly carrIaB oat.
’ to main laqalriaa Is rafard
.fard lo
baadaUUcdleaaetl'aela llaaat tba
* eUj llo.lla.aod after •alUaei-o
AUiT. am^i of roaUas boalaeaa
aoi beat for tbaa lo reaelad tbc B 10 W-«2M.
' tba atordy tom of Uie atlara
-11.T* . ' aetloa of tbe iaat 1
; Blltoo Shirt, and otbtta to Atiat B
* dltcaread la tba dbiaaqa adaa
of tbaeoaaol. aa wall at .aanral mat-.o^rtaoe took ..eaplioo to tbb.daelar. | Tnootaa.of awb.Sact.T f. S. H
witb loBc atndaa Ual woald hare pat tara of eooaklarabla IfaportaBB Tb. i,* tbat a Bbtaka had baaa made, aad 1 >*
toahaipaayoolb of dfty. Uoela D*o city water work, qantloa and qen 1 uat tb. feat), bw aboald ba altownl! Alley E Tboaaa to SWpbao Lactan^
—a aaacadail that tka m»l «i«ltabU «rat met by Conrada Oroar with aorwf.TtrS Ri:
to ftniah Uw ba-ldlof aad a
a tba'*''®'*’
ptaa WM to Meata It baodta*. bat la dbl fraatian aod caeorted to tba beme principal toplea oflnternt The work
Boben CaldwaU to ftnbal Brai9l.
«to<r at thaneaat vote to bead tba el V of tba lormar wbm ba waa Klree
of dtatiOf tbe booda for tb. pnrebjM. Afior a few nor
rood seal to nireafa bin altar
el IbeOampbeil water worka plaoiww by n.eral of tba
- Iks MsaMltr or raisiar «ort aeoar
tramp of 1: mliaatiom Mooi a Oeatar. bcf.nby tbc adepUoo eftbetoDoc- tianapraot to bit (act.
Ika laaa war (ar astaa^a .1
iBf nolalion:
4 little lalar in tba dv ba '
da—ad aa ebatfMMoa lo tkat aUa
to tba atora of Hayor HtotUi
ChFollae HeeMl to Baary Meci-l.
Mallaa- Tharatera tba aaai bat be waa fluodoat vita tba beat Oraad
Ita. B. dniarcdfa.'.of o.b.8oes. T24S. B 10 W-*i
a>aa arfaad «a> tba nWak of tba Any BoKora that mooey ooald imyi
pnyiar eleclBraof tbUeily. to be held
mmmat by paaalar aahaariyUea. WUIa tba flit of tbc poiv A aea pair
.a aatd city be Wedocadcy.tbrtiilta
Wedocadey. tbr
dt. ''flreUmiU
' ' for eatnpriaea of tbia kiad. 1
thwa ware saata deabta aalanalaad tboa »aa added aad tbaa rqaippad
D., IWO, fr in 1 tofjeod thnlthay bndooplnr. In tbaoee *»
•kattbataakooaUMaaaaay om, It Doeb Daa wool back aad »sa k.
Tunru Ouy Mm-kai.
tnabaUaaadthatUUaraobla of (faa boayfTaaasrfriaadaaadbalBS aai
M .ne^nd^
onllnnnac tbu
tbU psnlt-1
panlt- j
u a IBt of tba boyUf and aalJ
^ aaaU ba Marad of tba dataraiaa- lalaad by Dame Oroar. wbota baapltalC lb. water worka plant of I tad tba arntu of uy kind of woodn | Of prieaa o! yaaterdny tor freearln.
ttaa at tba aoBaaayloboUd tba toa'd. Ity Bade Iba old feaUasao feel tbal it
WU ^^„^|b.t1dlnf-itbi.tb. city
uonld ' P^r
.akrf at tba baaadta to be laaadlataly ^cood t^to a aoldlor. and
leldio'da. form of la-c. and
CBLuaa paia.
Meat bylhaalty thfoafb Ita
priaf from daa cut*** «f tbe 1 bad b. Betuod bU kpeach when a mo. , i;iaar Pork par bbl. saw........
in 21
Aboat 1 o'clock la tbc attar
^ mav •aaW aabi___
rMal.adtber.at. that tie .ote* I noa wa. m*da and earrtad to *d< p.re. I
Pork par »..................
li{ Un of Up.|iidate Vats.
bmaaaa of the b^pUiaaa
tbaboaered ntano.
Cenrada P.r (Sroer.oBparof Ibeday.
Per Inetnace.
,n.c lesreia crpe.....................................S2e
.50c legraie canK-t.................................... SSc
70, l.greie cerpe.....................................6Sc
ladies’Wear, Spetiais.
»—tVim aad Trata..,.
thara aad tba raaUa>
a aahad
nean U
ta each
caap .util
SMBtaparttapaeflba road had baab
aMBlly baUtaad utU tba road wat
vMladnuadlbaaeapuy weali- '
•^ebauauBryanpaun Itwaa
body, lad by a flfe ud dram oorp* ud
la ehnrce of CoBsiudar Wm.
S9ltb.bo.UiahOBCof Comrade Uiaer.
Prom tber. Uoela Ou waa aaeorled.
carrobodad by a faatd of boeor ud
baanUUa fold* of CHd Olory. back
the po*t room* where the InUlatkm wn
lolalbplaaa. Baearriad a tloot ataS.
itaatapwaa eUaUe aad ht* foam
put tbu a dutn of tba ether
ana wbo mirehad In tbe Una Be
taSetaot reward to tab comredaa
TbalolUatay eoremoolB wen
^ that tka alty ahoold u taut balp dselad aesordisf to Ue U. A. B rilul
d^V tba aapaam of prourlar the
Im All bu
. MfU at w«y sot of tba ally and urm laid ulda and tbc muUag w idcolad
utiraly to leltlatory work, lo comp.,
puy wHb tJoeir Qu.Wm. H.
U. O BnUer. E D.
TbaatMig wu'pruUod our by
’^•^■“^^wadduiot lb. Baal- Barber ud B W. Helotub wetcreulred Into tbe poet by sard.
Than wore 22 Tclaraupcoaut. many
unbaiaUBlng lo from
Boablar- *« Wiftioipata lo thee.aBL
lau of W * o’cloea lo the o.ealsc
talii<iiitaa ihM Buy
bafOM tbs naorel work wu cemplalaA
Xhu the door* were tbtowo
the orowd of ratanw wu n
a darlMd by tbe byado.i belated old widlan aad tbe
■-------- —TU wi WU aan to Voau'c Bellat. Corp*. /jaf bait me
•^•IfrewaWtataMal. dally du* bur raeta Dsn wi
***— w»—w Mtbs. tbu ridag
budotUe pet of tbc poal. Ha greetwith a happy amlla
»«ptaaabsaulD.Wltbaioterta. A
word ud wu fioally allowed
•*«fcr Dual Bay Tlaiw aodaMtuhoy to cut. In tbn uauUmc tbe ladle,
—i wiatliart u u oksa^ ai aha had prepared a fwt ud two loaf
' —*."^»fc«fMnad*»toablbod. tables were apread with
At 00a of tbe tablet raele
"«w*W-l-ddtaa.rtu It w.
la smtad at tbe bud. larronod
> adby-tbeoffimnof tbe post. Near (o
t him sat John 1. Cammloga of Old
•• ^iagoithad a* aot ooly tba
I yoeagwi Bember of the put bnt tba
. yoasgul reiaru of tbe eirtl
- Iba Hatted SUta*. Tbf bu
- oft bsppUy. tbe old aoldlar* being
>«»k*dluro«flta baudtaal
9 ssrred drat aod othan following
After tba batqaet ibort-addreu
•Buada Comrade Bobona made
t fawparUnutrcBarktaad referred
I taobarwotfll lo.tbru aomradn wl
bad reuotly bus rnuuiod ooi by tbe
duator MlUlku wu appeialai u <
Hade 11*0 also addremed tbe___
»WboMM*Bua>d ha d^a.
- puy aod gare a 6ort rc.icw of btt
*-* •uoCtsjkt^sii^in^civ
na^fdachoreoC tba Iluhare
hudalwerkfieraareralereahaprourtag tba right of way tbnregh Laataau
aouty. aad tbair aueiai bu
grelMtag. frith ttba anupthm of a
, few Wu ptaeu o< laad Abao
rIghlatwByWtwauban ud N
' portku hou aiui'ifi. Aadartaaga-uutaaretapfagiucte ru oanorer
tba M. * H. K. traaka (roB Balch'i
rwiagtetba city llmlta. Tba rlgtat
M way laalda ^Iba.Umlla bu ut bau
dadkitaly diaidad ppu hot wtu h.
dtaatutaad u aoea w lbs pruut
tau now bafinre u taldacl4.fiIhs baudM to b. gatasd by tkla Uaa
by ftarena Ow are ohrMwA^and with
the laeigj muUaatad by the
told of Buy areola which b*aa already
artb>d in Ui Bku>ni> Bit
per. listuad to with deep
lawrest and hit woaderfnl ^
islaaigaatTccItal azciiml tba adBireUudlbaandtaoca Alter tbe addrre*
Uncta Du watpraaralad with a bunUtal faooqa.t ofearnaUeu by Mrs.
Oomrua CnBBiap recited a .ary
utartalolag'duerlptlu el btt uperl
ennu la the army wb*n a bv and hta
reBmrhaabewod bow Jutly ba ttraUUd V) the dlailaeltaa of balag tba
yaancen 0. A. R. .elaru. allhoogb ba
kBakeaae claim la that retard,
fireluteredtbcurreeau a draBmer
at tbe tender ag. of alereayc^ent
wu daialld at lb. beadqurtem o( the
Thaptauoflba easottagWHeo- cflitsnofhtt raglBuL allbongb aot
dar night wOl ba duMad ^teuB- oMetally m
■iau and awatybody is In.ltad to ba. ^
He aarrad natll tba ud
I....... Itodlunu tbaprojast.
eflba«rar CemredeCaBBtngs clegu
Mr. Tbytor uptainsd that
Ola aoldlar at ua.ag^-ii.
bis tatbor ulttM at tbe age «r*o aad
httgrandipaer uiared the
tba UBS Airata at tbe age of .
bptaadnacdJily. Ittalkapn
ABonghli retattaas alaren wi
afitbs aoupanyta pub the wort u arayandaleaol tbam war. killed la
battle or died lo the •arriea of rei
.UBHa Blsfatbarscfferad a Wrrthte
taM in. AndareMriil. orttu. 'ba>ing
0 M. Preira duMtaai.
Ut* grmndfatbar wu
C H. PnU. anhUscI at tba HcnbchaptalB of the ninth Ohio cavalry.
Ahortbaaddresac* ibarelBU*
autau auldut Tuafiay aflai
tadta* daretad tba raaainder et tba
Bhlafc wiU aaau bl* taft tand 1
badiyartpptad. H* wu at work al tb. Tbe hall wu beuUfaUy trimaud
aMuuw tatb.abop.wba
wUb'flitsaad bonitag. the hudirrerk
•MWaptauofwoodibroafb uob- of W- 8. AndBUii. Attba
fMMAuaauidltlestawaiOBBd and u-actatlM iban
Mr. Prell'n taft bn^ wu dinws
iauUooal rolore by Hr
who atao euirlbniad a
• ftamad outio wbieb read u fellowa:
- -'HaPaereu Put. Ho
O A. B . Iba
tr Putet tba Hbilad Siaiea.-
>r ballot* war. firao
rowlsf uld «am. ud
■owiof aaid
-m ......jSSaBiwi:;:....
pt tald qe««-|<o-______________ irioar^U U_A 0e. Baat.
earriad by a m*] rrit. of' tU {
»ltC 27.
aad all good tiltnn;c'BruiKi>ts.at
M..»V Sprii Aii,., .
— WhH do •you K'liai
A new bad uj>.«o-datr lia. «l ready I.,
wur skirtN its l.lavk aud .-Slnml.
b'-w....................................... SlbOupwnrd
Some Dftr tliiitL'* ill Si..-k f,.,llat* jii*i
fa«-ir«l- It wid .1.1 J.aiir h.-art »:>c«l
U.w-threw lr..tu.........................t9to8»C
sii'l fail to take
Uosi.ry Sali-
Wa ioHt.' yi>u t.. i-nll aud «re- th,* k.T-*t snlu—
.h.>ar ii
E Er G^’S
Dry Ooode, Carpet and Clothing House.
....... .......
Bsaolnd. Tbatuid qaeetlooof bor
iwlBf »n W o<> for tbe pa-poae aforr,ld. ba aad u bareby daeWed to bat.
carried by a majority of laid (upay lof
elneun w aforetald;
Bmolred fortbar. That tba mayor
ud clerk ba and are bareby^othemed.
aod dlTMlad to oarctiata d obtalB .
lose of nid aom of dti
parpou atorauid.
■aid, aod ttnat they pr.
>adi of tbe eat.
pare ud liana tba twadi...................
therefor. Is tba asm aforeuid. paubl.
Ill «er In it year*, f.l.feio in td yrnre,
Slt.ucK) IB 2t years from tbe data ibare
of, witb interest al 2* par woL oar
aoDcm. priaelpal aod intarMl to be
eaynble with ezebnw 00 New York.
Tbe bllU of Ua two arbitrntein. (ire.
W. Bnftar aod Itaatel W. Mead, were
praunlBd aod ordered paid. Hr. Bart
ers bUl wu tor Win M.nad Hr. Mud's
bare n »bortar time, wu far
Ladiu'Sprioi.'8iiil>. in jrrHIv niitiun*.'
s.'rrssrs.'sr .r-TS' j
■hadeaetBow leak eaea Ub plao
Sons eitia valors at............ BOe. $1 00. *1.60
Iban't bay a Tic until v>u hbkc p
dart rTToiv.Kl a bia- im.- cd Ujovaa (rt>o a’»-1..
$1 ju. Bcml i'ac etery day
Id ?
^ .. ui.jSS.r;;'!.;;:::: :::::.:::
Tbe aemmli
tulraetad 101
eidiorfora watsr works commit
to bare fcoeral o.eretgbt of Iba sreter
werkayalem when It ahall com*
r'.nh— i.*-l'-ol*r-.
tbit city. Mr. Peaw.Cbu aod f^ak j
of Monroe CuBr. ««1 A bmof K.1.......
buka All were bare yutarday. She Bnekwbut Hur oar bbi.
was the widow of Lyman Smlib. wbo'
wUI be remamoered by tbe old time
Borfnnerel will be held from tbe
Monroe Ceetar aebool boou P<
eroooD ml I o'clock. Be.. J. W
-EdocaUu. Old and Kaw." will be i
tbeubj*;t of a lecterr to begtauby I
SoeeriBIcsdul Boro at Kingilay Pri
RIVER SHOES AT $3, U50, $5.
Shoe in town—wc havt- it.
Sew SMd7 for Bn^i
liar miltioary a.__
booghi tbe barnet* Mock of
too'i mllllnarr parlors, US t
9 late
« X. C.
C, Cbatterdo*.
I- am oow-------------------- '
rtraal. O.irdttplay of dneBillloary
will eommuce Priday. April «. ud
eoDtlDne thnnisonl tba aaaau
ilomet* and u Dtaor new onat ** -rt-r .* :h«..w ikb»r~i.
Norrir. u ezpeyianead trisi
poulbic. Will gnaraimtac •elufav-t.ioo.
Bead tiro* in ebargr She will bCUI ud »aa me at 2 Sleta S'-ra-t
plaawd toBcMtha ladiaaotTre.cr*.
Lontt A Skioi
of water to aaburlbam.
] Ctiy ud
Tieinlly and show
show tbam all
Three applleatlou were reulredfu I the Istutaiylrelb mlU.orry.
NkU<0!9 (-*>•»«
pultioBS oe tfaeelty *ra'.ar works ay«Baal Estate Tranaiar*
. MarrLo White ud Waller Treiii
Tb. following are tbe real retata
. It Bniiom, Soboei Hon-.
ngfortba posiUra ofefalafaayl transfers, recorded from Hareb Ts to
and Bu Howard tbat ofamistui April 9. loclokire. u repprted
tu by O C.
w uoaal report of the trna Hofftil. proerlatorof iirud
nd Trmrene
of tba City Library wu reealred Atatreet OSe.
Erica 10 enta aaeb or t lor ft *
and filed, barerel ugg
Address WILL. J UKF
Marietta WIgfaimu
toereulog of tbe mu. r'l of awl., oof I
B*y . ABOog tbam
X. B. U dr-fii;4
that a Boreuiubla Jobs T.rh.id. ud wt to I'atar
d. tbat more book* be oeller. part lot 4. B L A ^ •' .1 8nt
pnrebuad at cmtaudtbat a fined • '.)otl> blk2. Uoodricb add—•1914, 1
ilt.^ aprsyiar basl
Me aracy yur for lha Mary Ann lilbare to Pruk E aod’ heeeu* a n
Mare-.la L>hno. w S lotft.nr
pnrfiearnf proaorlng saw book* and bl.k
9. H I.CV. l,tadd-H*4
____ Most Ke
The I'oihonoUB
making other Imarorameau Unt ibt
to Strenboiaata
ii (V>
I'oDliuiiuiitreslaaa might aa. fik
Aecording to tbl. raoort. tbara ore si lot.... 40 ft of H..iluM> mld-d400 I (!,£«.,tion.,Kina ) ojory Is Iljlie.
prMcnl in tba library 2.*72 book*. *41
baring baan pnretanaad tba pait year.
A total of 20 eM books bora born
lourd dnttng tbc yur.
of 119 per dny. Tbara bare bus 900
new patreni-doriag tbe you.
OaiO IMrATnc* a
i*.-s>l* *< B*<rr
|*Maretbe B**t bpreylog Oatfit M*n- C> uui*to-.*f.r Ml*. II I—
k H
A eommatiiutira wu reealred from e-.badd-A900
The Three latest Song Geots
It will pay yon to look over owr line of
Men’s and Women's $2 -Shoes.
We have .just received direct from the fj.-tory a full
Line of Men’s Rubber Btols.
The Scientific tShne of ttie Agv-
SPr<A\' El’.Vll’
Oat Iba
0 eriin- II W-*1497.
■; Z.G. FAIBBANKB. &«! Agmt
uoa prOTldlag for tbe a|
AlmedaPenJtoPhlllnYooof.o-, ofUorthaUrhnd Trer.re. Eagiqn Breda cliy nea.aagar. to ut lo coanaeUeo loiiK
Wk «, Haaoab. L»> .A0o'* »th I qurtan at Ebner Bros. i>rlaIlog offls..
with tbc bulth
1114 Cam «t.. Trmrere* Oily. Mleb
with in*tut approval, ud
- adoptadtbe
. aad lb. erdtuoee
M u atreau and sralk*.
L. carter tbat a algo ba aUownd t.
rcoaia lo front of btt Mnee of bulnom
entb Ueloe ntra«t. reported tbai
the location of the ilgn wu in .lolnUonoftbeordlonaen. aad tbnt it W
.ad Tbe report wuseeoptad ud
A petitkm for parBttttoa to rWr
I. boou of g M. Brewnoo tbaec
of State ud ^ atroua wu allowed,
tbc work to be dona nadar tbe dlnw
Uu of the fire cblaf.
E. HcMuu A Oo. ware grutad
itslu to bnUd a brick atora at I:
Prut struL (o ba ta '-. n 100 fact la
alu. ud T1 tart high. Tbc tmildlng
eul abut $1000. and wUl be Sabtaad aboat Jnne 20.
AesBut ireln wnardared ta trut
of tbe ruMuuetd. H. Honrea
Wul Eighth strut.
A MUtlon tor u arc light at
referred to the eammtUuaa Ugbl-1
lag. for report at a fatare Buttag'
The city treanrar rapsrud cash ia ;
reaury 10 tb. aauBl of B.Ml 7S. |
TbaatataBUtottb. board of pobHej
* called lor ■■«.« which wul
ordarU paid u reaOBBaadsd.
A bUI of et.t4 pruubad by Hn. 6.
t Hlltar tortbecareorapearoattaot,
oaMoa Ibare
tkmer Bultb
•M-uAshioa .
Tbe leag debated dag tanu wu
laku op (or lie final rudlu. and wu
paBod at last. It preHii. lor tbc
f MthligalhartactbatiBwuauabu
adiha aam riglBut u whtab Du aftpii
Walk-'. *>,.1
Don’t Send Away!” mmgm
Sate of State Tax Landa-
kof beauiifo!
and onr LOW PRICKS for elegant gCN>df> and
styles are pleasing the people more ^nd more
every day.
"agdnts” for
Chicago job
three times for the ^rder. A lady jnst informed us
today that she bought of an •*ageat” and when the
pected to pay. aod more than twice as much as we.
asked her for the same quality.
Yon never get left'
1ST i--a M- uwa rw wl Cwir. u* ■< ibi m
MW '«'• I*
n<r gr TtsMna emt- m ■*’
■ SIT.' <S) itf'A|.r- it IM >mr ta* >*i*i
in rruist au uiac Ua mukn. ttT *wts*4.«
at the •Old Reliabletr t zin ft IM TMI M.UT Itr tS* I tlklW WlW
tw > I t-in M* **aw ■* ■remiToti'w. tu *3t
*.»-TrM.ik. It rmu* -M fur tsr *•*•«< ran
Frank Friedrich,
We have moved to onr new store. 242 Front street.
ud &riB property. I-S CMh, baluee on Uma. 8maU
peymwts, wttk iaUreot at .6 per cent. Bee
imrtlel UM below If you went e bar(ala, cad ud eee me.
Vo. 1»8 -80acree.-$lA00 111 miles from city om*, W.Uiamabary.
Frame bnildiiw. aberot Slaoea impN>i««l. H'fid -kil; well water,
ad; surlaoemoatlyterel.
Vo. 164-78 aeroa-$8SM. 13 miles from ciiy. near Yaba P U
« eerea improved, frame baildioeH. orchard Wwll waiamdV
•uil. invel loami eerfaoe. moMly l>r«(. Handy t
bing bonsea get in tbeir work occasionally and peo>
pie pay jast twice what we charge for the paptr and'
goods came the price was just twice what she ex
Endorsed bp the leading physicians—no extra
charge tor ventilation—Tbe ideal summer shoe at a
popular price.
We show the latest styles in men's fine shoes at
$3.50. $4 00 and IS/O in the city.
The Old Re^ble Shoe Man.
mile* weal of rl
• 1V. AW <ta I
imprwed. BorCace.mastly level: aoil. un^y hum. L^boose.
OaeVtird cash, balanca in BDOiia] paymeata ai 6 per oeuL
Ve. i$$-$<u000 60 acru 2i mika Donh-ts*t on PefiioauU. Frame
beiWM; aboat IG acres oe oreb^. toil, uady loa^aartaea
abmerdliag: oe good road.
Vo. 18$-$$^. 40acru2Amiiutrdm city oo PenicbmU. On
mauraaii: good apyria orritsrd
HoHace, some rcdliag; eafl,
uedykam. Frame booae. WUI take boose and lot ia dty ie
Store boUiiiw and 6U-foot lot No. 517 Uaiim
street Bake oven coettacted witb boildinz: good ebsaee for
bakery bWua. OaeHbird eaab. balance oo time to eutt.
Ve. 146-.«0aarM. S miisa eoetbsaat of Cadillac. 40 aerre imomed. LaghoaaeaadataUa. Sawllorcbard.i<2odeafl;«r> ’
boa,level.cegDod rued. Bomatfmber.
af Hra. J. L Olbha.
tharabaDdlataf tbair cow bOI. that
woamaatir baratd taMaf ClatMap.
iitoaspaMad that tba BlU BIU
gpwalloM Uto BO^
taadr tor MaL Two patar
bUI ba ba«a la a Mb data.
Ma. ^aH HaalyBtaa. af eraad
BAptda hat baaa apaaaM by tta daMadaaB ta tta dreali
Btbbi wae gtnB a datWoa la tba ]aA
Uaabeoariat Ctapelay. bat tbaaai
aaabaaaappaalad Tba potataaA aoataralap wbleb tta partial ata la llttpa
tka. wan barpalaad tor by tteBra
dariapttilUatiBaoIHr.OIbba. Tba
Mrhat UatBa laaattaa aad tbay t»
tatad tt taha tta pottttta.
At tba B
Aaattar aid aotdiar bM (tllaa a rle
raroeelrad Ttoa a
Ua to paralyato aed it la a prtaarttaa
haalar a rapid freBtb. aad alrtadr
eoadllkiB. T. BrUlay. aa aU pieaarr.
waa atrlekaa Friday alphl aad baa
WUlJaB I WaeUt aad Loatoa Boa- alaea baaa aaabte to aaaak er
UbU. StolafI
br Baa d. A- Broadr
alyirdaadtba i
aoeaat « e-elaak. at (bt raaldaaB of to tboaa which were proalaeat la ttr
>( the latr 1
Tbaexar, Mark
Canto aad hiJroo Chatterdoa.
Hfi.CE Uonl baa baea ak
Oridley-a ape It ayilett bit
cbertitar ol tba Pitat H. C. ek<
sptMa to raiala bar paaitloa aa
r aad aepnaa In tSe 0 laprBta
l«taBcahabolraL.lte driM tba U
B ebolf. _________ .
Store iBproreaMkitHat B Tatawo hat jatt aetobod
Kta Praak BarBoo aad cblOroa. •ittBp bit eaelacittaary atarc oo Boatt
Blib Hrt DtOraw «f Hapletoa.
DoUb atracL Tbroa Boa arw
here baaa placed, wb'eh
Tbatadar for BaaUlc. Waabladtoo.
Bhera Hr. HartM baa boeo for tba Bade by C A Heat. Tba Boer baa
paal roar. Tbar Bill raalda tban par been eoraied Witt llaoteoB mad
lattrior muraapwl.
Teblaliaraf other pooda Hr. Tatlaa hat lut added a Boa aBonB«
of Bahlap wehir- The belldlnp to
liphud with aaealyieoa paa. aod
BOW oeaeftta ttatlast le tta city
■■■< >w»
w. •-i^L'*’“2r*'*' **
Circulation this week 2.250
Itadir; Wait baa |OM to Spo)-ao*.
Itaemo l4Cb( aad Haaiu>( PlaaiU. D OaBpball A Ouoa bapao Toorw
HoeJar tba H<ablraa fliateb Oo.
itartad ay for aa axtaadadraa apoa day to arraofa far tba aaparatioa of
tba walar worln plaot (roB tbaclaclrlc
>aa Ittoaxpactad that tba.
Na list wilt be luai
Bill laat aettl tba Blddia of daoe aad
aboet 4 000 liMlinli par day bUI ba
plratbas'.ty poaaaaaiea olu
Bada iBlo atarab
Bayor ahoild baaa the
hearty aapport of all eltlxaaa la tba
dlBBUBOrb that Bin eoalroat bim.
Hr. Priadrteb to a laao of eiaBplary
character aad the Bkbai.u baa caary
brltorc that be bIU aac hto
brat rfforta (or tba pood of tba dty la
erery Bay__________________
Work baa bwia OP tba blp ceBcat
(aeto<7 at Ktk Bapidr. lo addltloa to
thetaelory ItaaU, apBr 1.400 faat loop;
Tba eittaaoa of
•raaraeoeUaalUiatlta p
t« Bill doable Id two yaara. The
iMlory Bill eBploy >00 BMa. aad Bill
eot $*00,000.
Whllalttobelierad that it wlU raqalie aaarly ttraa Boetta to reBore
lIphttBf plant to anotter loealloo,
etery eftarl wUl he Btdc U facilitate
the work. Hr. CaBoheU baa aereral
•ilaaloTiawbathMBOt daeldad jail
where the Ilpfal bnalaen will be loeetloaalkn will be aeleettd la
riew of the hal water beetlap eytieB
which they latend tt Btablltb. elttoepfa tee lalttr roterpriae will aoi
ffiei the raaorml of tba plaot. It to
deeipaed uloeauaoarahere aear ttr
bay ur rlrereo aa profll by (acUltlea to
pet wetB for aae la the faeaUap buii-
PWO«*PeMAThaabt^ BiU oa -tta aBsn
Tba larpa baia af Bebart Pabiia i
OarpUkeat Poapto. awaad bp 1
AoBa. kaieiil jMiBiltj iflaiBlaB' irll
BaariypUitaaoaittotaThe lanl
Tba baildlap. whtoh waa abaat ttiM
ta abaat Bl.aoo Witt oa iMtdBda
faat ta alte. aaattlaad a large qeaatii
TWolplaofIbaBnM a myo
of bay. a larpa aapply
aaw wapaa. with caatlBelahli Bttd Tba bUI bed oat bdaa la opera>tta ler
ttat bad Int baaa Weapbt tiaa Tnr a lepp Uae- It to ttoapbt pcBibla Ihoa
area City Boae teratl^ Mata wan libarBoaea tta lake Bay bare aataralao destroy^ ao ttat tba lea to qaltt a«. oadenikliaUy art tta Bill aa Bre.
Barry Beady hnl Jaat aoBa freB,
larpa. wttt eo.laaanaer.
Boword City Ttoca^ to taha abarfa '
DeO-eackew WaBdlac
ofttaBilLwhlekwaattatanepla ai
qmiat bM Aaapy
taw daya Ba w«at to BlepbaB raaa
diap Moh plaea Satarday, Hareh *1, of day attrraoca.aad reaato go oa to
tba bona af Hr. dad Hn. H-tBariceu
OaeepeBeattaidof tta Qty Dialapl
Mr Bee. Otll of Saw Heatoiap. Ball bate qeaedly at ttoto la ttc
and HIB Obb teckaa al Baaaab. Blil.«nloedat oeerfM
BarTiapewaaaoleaatxrd at ll-io
Mr. Boapbay. wbo owaad tte bUI.
by Rn>. HaU of Klapel^.
waally aaeabaaed ttereaort at FMek
The brlda waa baatUaUy aWrad b
XUUsu Olm Away.
laratdar. wUaBad with while mUo
Ittoeerta-Blypratifyiap tothepob
e tt baow of oae eoaoera whicb to ooi
Owlap tt tta abaeaM >
FtNi» amu.
SvTla -
TbeetectrUllphtlapayeiea will be
Ibere will ba a Beetlap of Hear Oe.
eoBplettly roBodeled, aa eotin new Lake H^blpao. TbopreotTd'to^bn.i^
o. I kUt oraalap la the Ualoa atreat
h.. w# carefully
patfliot Baehioery belap aeeeaeary. Jr
TM (root o( tba Cilj Bookilora to aaplaebaaa. It to aapadally iBpor The eoapaey will caublab tba dlrait
taat that ecan Basber ba praaaat. aa
boiar p-otoradfoaotoeoat
itayattaaad make a apeclaUy «(
thtolathe aaM Bactial. Tbaempolet oLlke
A otattoe tau baco opcaad br tb* can will ba alactad for the aaailop •epplytap eorreat for power. Ia addiw..i.>iaodlar a riewaf tte watarl
MtoMtaa Tbloobooa eoiDpaay at MaraadtbarewlU ba otter batleaaa
«tt diractloox Tb. peoUemea
will baa apaeialty The pleat will be
lap the prooany an- aaticipatlap a i
raaaUday aadllpbiaad power will
Haad HeHlabaal. tba Xom yaarold bcaTaUablaaiall tlBCa
daaphtar of Hra. HcHlebaal of Weot
The bat waier betioeat will probably
B phU atraot. waa raa dbwa by a W- be tta -Yaryae’' ayetem. which to beeyallal Hoaday araalap aad auta tar iepopanttd with praat aoreraa tor
totalytajaradaboat the bead. Tbabl- baatlep poblie bnlldlept.
to Iba ao(Ma al I
eyela ridw rode on wltboat etopplap to bibctt aed reaideeeea
Dick Caapbali
eaalreaa towbettar tt# girl waa la- wUlpott LaP.irtt. lad . tta latter
BaorpG- '
partotacxl weak tt look Batten eo
. ball. b’«b
loecuoa with the aaw aatarpriM
Aim tteiaitiatotyearaaeataa la tba
«B ttera ba-win pe tt Matttaa.
Baatara Star liodpa Toeaday eraalDp
III., whara a pleat to la BBeeeaafal
•abate aajoyed a alot baeqaet
opantloB. Bafon siUap defiolte arTbatablBtrora ladie with pood ttlapa
itoopeBoBta for the aaw roterprtoi
tlallarplaauarlll be tborouphly laeaaUpattd. ao ttat the leuodoetloo ol
Baltto Mar BIrdtdl of Baldloff I
will not ba ao cxperlewet aad aaerat work.
tanllal batlueaa eeo
tba r^lar qaartorir aaaUaf of tba;
Arehla OasaroB raUread Teaaday tare rlphl troB tte atarlL. L. A. will oa bald ia (bt llbrmtr: IroB Oaotril Lak*. wbara be eloaed
Towaablp Eiaoti'Uta.
toemt Balardar af loroooe.
to Ido hto brother AlecW-A Dwa » diawlBC plaadfor a «ader le tba perehaae of the peaeral
■oa toatdaooa to ba ba.lt aaoa lor ioa- ttore at that
aa Lasbcr Oo. Be•dby^
Clark-Frid Raxold, Jr.
4 wbaa tt aerar bU
Traaaarar-HlBard Obarllo
W. A. Daao baa aootplatad tba plaaa:
loraAoaaoaidaaaaforW O Poom od
BIpbway CoBBtoaloDar-Wa. Core.
■day A H. Baallsaotal perabaatwaroIF.IthaBd Mapia anata
McBaaraf Board 4>f Rmaw—Patrick
rhaaed Me Uorle Mawbarry raaidaeee Fogany.
Aaerdarbaajxl beaa raealrad by piaoBiy eoaatotiap of fear lou aad a
' UcaafttePaaeo—IjaaphBttBCBtba MUeblfaa Btareb Oo. (real a alefla dAllIap.ea Hiatt eireat TeaMwallbcp.
..tra taCbiaafo.<Br Ipaiooa of poUto op win be Bored aearer tt Hr. HeellScbool leapeeur-Wa. Hebert.
oaettl'a twldeoee aad
Cbiialabtoa-BlBBBd Plobe. Edward
roeaaer, Plaree Wiealcr, Waller EasrHarrlad.br Bar.J. A Breadj r**- lire aaellBeDlcI w II take twoofthe
bwdai aoralac. Obarlaa B. dhaw of ouaad balldabaadirBeasd sodare
■wWaa. aad Hra. «trah Tanar of iwauipp.
OiirSavlDRB Depiirtmeot
Ibladit/. __________________
ThaakbtplasUlof-B P Biapbay.
■ra Lawroaea has^toMraad froo a wbldi baraad Taeaday afiaraaoB. wUI
baatarM trip to Oblaara ard aaaalaod onrbably be raballt
U to tba lattowbaaa aba hat baao porabaalaK apriar tlei of Ike eaaar alttw tt balld too
thedm-tt plaee aear tte'fcrpir alia of
Oaerra W. Barf, who baa beta cook tbc ablaple alii, or W pat aaw aaebla^ la tba boardlai boouof L K r<T IBM tta balldl^ BOW owaad by E
Bapcrriwir- diaar W. Farranl
Highway CoBBtoaloacr - BiltolJ
. eibbt A Boa tbto wlew.bat taUtaad
Eik BtpMttobMBlac Md the aaBaparrlaet-dWlaarA: Uarlba.
taMtobBMPaf tte_blp eeidtet (aeWry
Clark-Biban E. Oaoipbari.
IB Mat'plaee will plre tba plaee a
Tkcaaarcr—Boward B. UJI.
praat iBpatof la saay waya A torpe
Highway OoBBlcatoear-IIaary deoil.
aeabBoldrrelllapa are balap baUt
dttael laapcettr—WAbar P. aualc
ardraeiaoaoid rdUdaaeaa hare adTba Palfbaai aaap aaar Bli(Ma baa
Haaber Hiard of Bcricw--«tte A
•aoeadaaarly dmMe. Baal tattle U
bOMclatad- Taraa qaanara ef a bU
nt'BplB ralraaad tteeatleok fee the
Itoo foot wato taroad oa I by tba camp
ataWeo-W. B. Staal*. 'C
-aaon proatotaa rath of badaoB
Baracto John Thosaa. J Kolarlok.
Tba tttekeolden of the tVaearae
raahle OaaBltMc-U. H 0>ae
Ibafaaaral Of tba Uia Albert Wiak
Bay _Hilllop Oo brid tbaU aaaaal H. B. U II. C. B. Kehl.
o« Bbo traa blllad at l)>rat Oitr
t. wUI eoear at that
n^oBorrew aeralef.
daparrlaor—WiilM Wiphlsaa
dto^of tba property at,HpfrtoClerk-SadpawicM Brpktaa.
Maatok a Boatoa » baabaaa aaubllabrd rllla toUi heatadrabtapr. It
TrcManr—WlUlaa Dexter,
.M Pbalpa. Hioh.. aaar Obarlardlx. witb ibbt the oH ran bare ta opp>
dcbool laapaetor-BarBao P Scbl
Aloa ftotaa aa pealataatar.
•allttaBlU. neam it t
Jaatlea of ttc Peaee cfall urai —Jobo
raa by Borrlt brottaee
Piaapataet eUBaa'gbBtkal Baablaaa
wan datrarad to tM, Walla HIraaa
IWalaaM llfht vl^^V^aat
baaooaapUMdbrH. D. Qaapb^ tt
tea for (ba aaw dock aad ararahoaac
al tba Borlbar* HtoUpaa Tbaaaparta
Oapl fat Btaaratoi^Cbarlandi
H Baatto
iBlbaeHyyaalqrday. Bt eaaa
Haabar of Beard of Berlaw <(all
(roB Bib Eaplda atur aloalop
•aalraettetta blcdaeb to te ball! ttral—Laetai W. Lyo$.
HeBbarot Beard of Birlaw ilycai
for tba ora er:
H. Lawla.
dock win axuad l.tu fart froBabere
h of It (tot of water.
Oaplala Btaarato to hare tt eloar a
Btraatferttaaaw doeh tt b* ballt
auNerttport by tta Paraam Olab of
that plaaa
Boa. Praak BaaUlOB. Ibo lajrlap
isyar. 'baa plraa tta aivy A_p^ of
bafd.lalUtB;«adraaaBtaaretao. Ba
VaaMdar Prol. 0. T. (bawa
akam at tba Oaatral MtohlfaB Norsal baa darel{^ Beeh ^aa tt tba work of
aad arary daly hea baaa par■ahaelaiMt. Mtaaaat. (IptatblaOBa hto
-------..------ .— -----perplex
bt bat btaa la tba Msmal Baba
aa barearton
oHaa that da Beaded
earafil tboapbt aad bard werh. To all
tbaea Hr BpaUtaa baa plraa
appaal frcB tba iaabea eoart to tba
tratioe.aad htoaaroeatcadaat
abaaH aoert U tbaeaat altbt oodpaar
bars tt tta adraaeeateat af ttc aattca » A Attaer
rtal lattrrato at tba elty. BtoadaMe
Iba Poartb prada of tba Oak Itorto
iAoal.taarhlbrHlBaaia Oarr. aa- aad tba
BOBpitobBeei; of tta
lb ytar
lepod a plaacaat aftaraaea Fridar
d of ttealtyBad IB
Abaat M vMten wara praaaot aad aa wall balap. aad pratpetlty
WBllMlpiiBiaBaraa flcaa. aaoMtt-
It wooH
Sappoae yoor rooai id twelce
feet aquare, t7.0Uio9^1U would fix that kittbea—«oree the
^ W CeTvVs sl "\DViv4iovd
will iBi up a f'lotb^^bad*. patent aprinc roller, that will
krrp out the cun and add to the ,Miafort of livieip Ac yon kiwp on tbrueapb the
hone* yonUI fiml . han.-ca to mak. improvemenlu. aied if you vicii onr atock yonU find
clylea. priem aud ^u^itiep to suit you in
S>&ec CuTt&vna Ihc anl uy
5\.8& aui uy.
Stv CarpeVs oar S\ocV
in the laiveet in Norlh'-m .Miehipan.
Stylea are the laleet and fineet.
Its eqnal ia nol made.-
For a low price cariiei on r?lV pooda are anperii. We bara wold them for
tbree ■'aapne and w<- kuaw them lo be aplendid aralnrw
Ifyol. uecdneu «h*et*buy our U-4 eewmiewa sheelinp «t IS^c-a cpleodid
Bed Kpreadc at Ibv-.
Never wJd cheaper
Iu every departtuenl nor ctaick it • luiplete
upriup liuciueato
• doiop an
Gar 3VaaVotTttT8 S&Ve, GyccUV'Dlttimat twv
SutrjVhias oa
I't, '6 aai \1.
NlH UfW $11 TMlIlf $Ht
a.a auu. prreioroi: Jaa T. beacu . k j
A^a.±-t’s Dj?-u-g S-tore.
Cj Tboradar bp Wilfiato Jaakaa the
kitdbea flour ooaU be coi-ere4 with LIN'OLEUW.
not coat ao cxtraTrqfinl aom.
eDUrefl-wr and aare a world of backache.
Afltl pareots is the multi
color lines in whicb your Bastvr
eggs are dyed. We, bare all
the coloreof the rainbow in our
dyes for your Easter e^ffKaster comes once a year like
Christmas, so make the child
ren happy by serving them with
eggs as gorgeous as Joi^ph's
acBOdad abaat aoo bbabaU at
HouackcTdop wooJd be ewaiar the whole year thKMBli if the
*“•■ —L
'\Louse CX^a,TCva^.
1 Oolde. bare plr
Billioaa trial botllaaaad
A boBBtIfol dlaeer
• of JiBowiap It bar
•cJ lyrdTaad le tba afttraeoa Hr. aod
Hn Dell reealrad a faa of tbelr lati AalbBa. Bcoaebitia, Ua<> ippr ai.d a:l j
Beta fricada
RefitoabBeaU ware rhroat. C^aat aed Leap Dtreaan arr.
aarely cared by U
Cai' oe b E Wall '
aad Jaa (1 Joboaoe. U-nrr au. aod
A boat of frlaadt jrla la wtofalap the
trialbeule Bepolarato >le aaC
happy eoBpla a leap aad toaeloedad
Erery bottle poaraeteed
Ufr. aa waa baaatlfally aappeettd
HiB Co'e. triwaer f>r Hia< Pearl
the apotlaaaakln.___________
Taekabarryb Biliiacry
pa-lora. baa
Kew Noruport Raaorv
arrirad from bar hoaa Id Detroit.
Ueorpi U. Wiaaaa of KalaBaiM. ai
Urria A Ward, a proBlaoBt loBh.
ThalThnhiap laadacb*
Baa of »-aod Baaidt. who own x.
. - i'd qaickly learr you. if too oaed
Korthport Poiat raaort, were
Or. E-ofa New Life Pella Tboaaaoda
city ycattrdey oa tbelr way
.itacff.-ren bare prured their mal.-fa
Nirttport. aoeoapaoiad by
Daolal icaa Bcrii for-blckaod Nerroca Hndlea.
Teey Bake pure
CraaaaadHr CbsrebUI of Urand Rap
lUd up yoar baa
Only *S ceob
ld<. aad Fred C.ddiopa of toawioo
oeey back if aoi.cored..S-.ld oyS. I
The party raaebad beraon the 11. R. A
loheror; P opc.ai
alt aod Jaa O Ji
tor Horthport to
look orer tba rearrt aed plan ter tbc
eoBiap leaaOD. Hr. Cniaa to a eoetracttr 'aad beilder aad alnady baa
plaaa prepared tor tba oa* hotel.which
Irto be nady foraceopaBcy by loot
to-.h. aod for loor or Bra haadaoBe eottapea Mr Uid-iiapa. wbo to tte Bmeaperof tbetliddlepeBooaa at Law too.
will hare charge of tte boMl. Ttooarb
tte ceaon to yet la ita iataacy It proB
tonttbeoaaot tte Boat popelar of
tta aeny beantital reaorta which Iloe
tte ahoraotUraad Traeertt bay. It
eoren the eollre poloteaatof Mono
part, plriop a Use rlew
Tbalatarlorof tba alcaratera rt A.
W. /abraat to batac laiaeorata*
It lea raaard that tba elty
■Att Bare aad aata
ta ha
aref Biphwaye-^ohk A
Swell Spring Shoes!
Mauy year* of ohoc sr-IliDi; in Travt-nu' f ity. sr-llitv t^>o<l
atiorw. aelliDC tbirfli aftbe lowi-et (Kaaible pricea, baa wnii fiv nr
no DQuaual ilrqrm- of public c-miideBrr. Tfat* public trust in a>
for irm«{ (oolwr-*r and we nefvr dUappuiot tb<-in iu •(UHliiy and
always jtlease iu price.
1 Fear Prices Will Skmiroiilinir We an'
Seliiei So Mae) Shoes This Spriag.
Very daintv. kliMhl pal-nt
kid rntniterpiAio clotb lupa.
ailk work'd eyalela. ligin ••
“Rnya)" ahoM for women
Fineat ktdakin ttn>era. neweat
^apea, very haodsonie and
W.ALK-OVEK-I. «l,e very
beat men’s ^uea
ibe pncr' th* world fcuuwe abuut. Vici
k cl. bn calf paienl calf, wil
low calf. <• .rr-cl ebapee. f-'i
itteation to
r me aouet. atylieb niiappy
abapea.aii tb* pojuilar imtb*ru—#w*ll footwear f<ir a verv
moderate jirice...........tS.fi6
of ladiee- fin* ahuea at fil .08dame atyliafi shape* aa biKti*r pradro
' ' Mr dium ahori*. medinm
weiirhL Kid Bkin upp*ia.%id
Dexter Dollar 8ho*a for*
ladi«.a.dolA kid nppen and
\ •
V >
^ *
It’s limp to plan what you will do (or the
sprini;—w’hat you will plant—*^th« kind of
clover B«ed you will use It’s good sleigh'
ingHDii jou can haul it horie NO VV and
reufly Jor the first chance to plant.
III some localities planting is done muchearlier than otbej^.
We Carry the Alfalfa
or Lucerne clover; this we guarantee a. the
l)cst re-cleaned clover. The Alsike or Swedish, the Bok
hara or sweet clover, just the thing for hep farming. The
CrimsoD TreftHl and the Scarlet Italian are the an
nual varieties and in&kc most exceileiil hay. The Mam
moth Bed and the Medium or June are the' two most
important for practical use.'
The White Dutch is a sniall creeping peienbial var
iety for pasturage and for lawns. It adapts itself to almost
every kind of soil.
Are you planning on at^J-epatrs in your home or the
barns, or any new biiildingsf
Everything needed in the way of Lime, dement, Plaateiing Hair, Building Paper, etc., etc. Itow’a your stock of
Land Piaster?
We are the great headquarters for Farmers’ Supplies,
and we' guarantee our prices are absolutely the lowest, where
quality is, considered.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantila Go.
I WttiW. Aran. t. leoo.
M*««l week*, toia«H»Uy nil Mai
TM reMna M«n and* thnir appear-
Qrand Tmverse Beerion.
ed by Mr itotat.
kn.ewM. orowtgi . K^.. wM ba*
______ (BfoiMtaaibndtMreide bene nemsg twr •
8<BM «u aoM In. ae tM bay
latt attcaetM a large aadwaea
troB ton.
e(4MBBBb«WB« rery latwneUag.
AtasOterbwaeqaiMHeh iMt w*nk
wUb iMntp
Hr*. Bragden. wM hat b*«n rtoUli
Mr daagbter. Hn Wy**. r*tarn*d i
b*r Mb* la Tn**r«* CUy 1
Btnay Olircr and ftBlly Boeed Mri
from Empire iMt T*«Ml*y. aad bar*
Mbeel eloatd ie W/II. tar a aaakt t«elM B PUberk beete
Well* geBtalag a tew last Satardey.
Hr. 8*tt Utben ataraad Mm (res
E Plebtr narrowly ateapM betag kill
hit rrark Istt Tb«f*dty.
ad by tae bresklag of a oaery wf-'
' t
tbit Btirbbor- Ooe piece gnied bit ekeek. which.
Seboel eeBoweead' le
bead iPkIty with Mr*. AI
It bit blB, iroald Mee klllad biB.
Ha darter Mt a eaw arfas.
OWtM< a kW* MM
tea MU MMh tM ip(i^ ------UrriM* XIM
*5Ti2i! Slits'
Ii«. lor MsMt* ««1#-
Mr. sad Ha H. H. Olltart of Hoa a pleeo of tttal tmek Hr. Bkloaer le
re* OMiler rtoltad ai S- Otboreb tbt Ibe eye. daageroarly aaar tb* tight It
Cl MB pan taw day*.
wtetkintallyreawrrdbyDr Todd.
Ht*ry Mapn sad Koab OtMra sttlit
ed W. Toller la patliof op
r. aad Mr*. B D Priak of Tiavort*
iCl'wln T»cMi aUl.
O- e. &ifw« kM aoMd *0 S«rtb^
a a. ObM bM W. 0. tMakaraM taklai
SmIMmMMc. BtkMworkforC
I. WMtM et (b»« •!•••■
^ae AtmU to aBBlac IbM
a a WUU BUrM tar ONffDB tpdv.
.. B. Unto of TaTorto City wo*
lews today.
A good eoBber of tbt setgbbw* net
Hit* FaBOlt ThOBpaea to at Mb* ee at Vbe borne o! Mr. aad Mn. beeler
• eseetloo.
Babbcll Friday al^t
and gar* tbeoi t
aleatanitsrprite party It belog boib
aad Mr* Hubbell'e birthday.
w.. her* italerday sad dooday.
Tbt aehool ebildree tpeoi Friday
tl tbt boat of AUatAodenos.it bciog
HM Habtl White of Ta*era* City her blriadty A rery pleeasat cttsiog
wa* tpesi estlBg taffy aad pltylsg
eulled Mr*. J. L. lllbh* today.
gsmet Toey will bcRlad to Otlp Hitt
Mr. Weltnl wa* lo Ta**i«* Oily
Altbaotltbrti* ber aeit birthday alto
l*wday*la*t week.
•Jiarlerly BMtlag will M bald at
do* deou bat eoM to Mt. Cleaeptlo 80U1U Hllloo tbw week Satnrdty aod
labe tnaiBaol tar rMuBsHtai.
Kunday y larutly eonferecce 8*tor
.TM Itdla of tbt Aid toetoty c»»t • day afierA»B aad preaching dswrdty
eapteelalael ioaeresB topper lathe arveing. dtoday Bordag tber* win
•boreb datordayotepiaf.
IH'tiiwat w Lite fetal at »:9i> o'eloek followed
ny preteblng aod the adnlBitirtiloo of
______. tM reoeolTl.'tvi to Ttoarae iMBacn
At the Township elrelloa Hoaday
_____________ •oeedy.Mre HodcaMa he foil
ollowiog oOeen
Bantk. Hr. sad Mr* Cai«. Mr sod
doeer wr-W. S Hiihbell
Mr* dioekStfa.UtbrrHoey.HMBobClerk .I E
_ W.Bicn
bJiC sad Will Jaekeoe
'TreMarrr—Tbo* Kcaoeay
Jottlee ol Peace—S P. Hewe.l
Board of Ustlew-TfUBBO Btirley.
Highway CoaBlatWeer O lagcreoll.
M< «U M cbUtfM le raaBlB qitot
MtaTri^-rj'----- awliM *t Ut
baMMlSril&'B PBtBBto MtaMB)
MkCUcMtoa. a««. O. a B»U eSelllr.Ben«riUcHBB Uetar* «
D.aRtohMa4raMBp (rea Tn»-
r. Lardle
Mr*. Oarrall. who bat beee *ery tiek
Itb paeuBoola. It toBOwbi............... ..
Mr. OeBlit bat balllae let-1
tprlocaaddlled It with tee.
bNWbt bMh BMck bM inns.
Will TBayersed wife wilt mote IBM
Prsak Betel of Tra**r*e City, bit itaerooBtoter J. B Hoeroc't taardbtCBTltl tiac bit eoMlat. BtrtaadBoy
yreeetad by N. A
TbB roue MM of-J. HeKBBB.>.
lleary Uoleu end Cell* BobertMO
r* tbt nail of ta^titter. Mn Wa. wen married Her It. at IM home ef
ill pnbBMr
Abe bride’r pareal* ai Bartlett. A r.^
TM Udlti' Aid will seat with Mr*. ceptlon watgieeaat the grooB't par
Mtadtobate tovtolHac bapmt jBertotiDiUrawoo Wedootdey. Tb* eau Is
lll«raryeaale*laaa*** *try larre*•tthtovtaea.
MM Unto' KoBB. vbo hsi Mae
Be*B Itaued and more lellen regwtaed
hriaalw la a wMlaaU alUiBery
' MaaU Qnxl tapUa. toal boa* tor
iMa in any prerlou quarter.
1 Brrivad Mr* tiaa,
ArehirMauj »eart pari oflBSt wic
■an to ««rk tar W, C. BairtH.
Is MeiralB, TtoUiec Jito brcUierB, r.
K«n<taadsT, Apr. r.qaBrurlr a«
•BC «Ul M Mid at E k Lakr. Toe pi
eUlac eldw -111 b* preaaBl.
poplleofBIk Lake wbo ailead
MM Macita Baefca M* raUunad ____ J SI Elk Mpiito. ar« ro}:
«na • Me waakB rWt ia EaUnakB.
;TBaaliea thi* iraek.
< Mn. W. a. BeaMa aWlad la Tnfn>e third lUe Tea oltM ladiai
Mcletf »UI be cirao at Ml*. Ii
..........................*. Apr iMM Bfaoda ElUoU of Barker Crack
arrirad her* Frida; to Uke a poillioe
with Mr*. & Mar* (or the aoicBirr.
WaanMrtac Maatlfal waatbar
Hewa (tarter sad Mlaer. of Old Hit
triBBlof F. boaitorebeTd.
Mb Lean Umilf bM Cyme Balb
April It, H. D C*
Friday evealac
anniidtM taaaherl aaBalaatt
bell, of Traarve City will glee as
Lataad lael vaak.
Hn. a 6taM*Bldet Tnaafa* OtV tertalaacot is the cburcb. wlUi bis
- ■C«anelMn. MaharVaMaae ebaaecaph. Mr OtapMIl eoBe* (rer
adtaietioa ta* of
lOe ter adalu sad se tor ebUdm aeder
MyaaraotacewlUfaecharced boe’t
MiaFteBMe waib% fotcet IM date. April U
Aribur Dsae. Bcrrcy Tripp. I
Wyocoop and Beary R>llo are tpe
lag their raeaUoB et home.
raogemeala to parrbstt I
baok't bnue esd lot la this aillage. bet
the deal il:d aoi matarialli
Mr. N XiB ba* purchtt.-d Mr. Siac
tot's home and mored Into la oo Boaday. Ur Staeton will probably rcmalB here tbit tasmer. Ml bit pet
Idea la MditpoM of hU property and
pat* tha remaiadtr of bU daya near bu
cblldreo la New York.
Some boHdioP will be done ip
rielalty tbit
B. Bocain eommeseea this week a
Brick dwalUng on hit, (arm ose a
id toBlh ol EiBgtIey.
KatMa Andrew's fanilly win Mee
Oostneu are made (ora frame boaae
toBeldwibTbandBy. TbeBod(eAld
e mil* aaatof
tedely pttaselad Mn. Aadnw*
with ■ OB the Kiagaley (arm ODC
IsBpee a tatba of regard.
lir. D^(7Sr.,
««Mm« ato<«M* M* haaBBCtaai Mlehlgaa laet
iBtof hto
■• taaaaiB.wWaBad elcfat teller * death
--------------- - -----------If el all
Wlllte Wllw» bM reeled Beo Wil.
see'* farm aad will *ooo more there.
Mr. detelaad ^eol to Tn^n* City
ter depot ageet here asd we very b
dit'lke to let him go. RU fature w
Ma No___________ beslekeu Loella wUlbeatAstrim. ,
OntodMa Lnaard. «M Ma''^ M«a a^ Bath Ponytbe to
•eiioB aaeaeff^oS q
aarrMtaraoM(toBa.toBUU)* MtThe Hedge sebool c________________
day with MM Ena* a* teacbee again.
--------------------- Jotlko arrieed Mre trow
SMbeygaa Fnll»; Wto, Sau>rd*y.
-oted'ta clay aod g
tpetd a f«w BOnibi with ‘
tar. Ma
P. M.
Pierve. aad leach ai
DOtblag Mleasd bed*
It la w be
On aMnl epaaad afata Hetodv BoIbb tehool Mata
beped o«r people will wake upMlbU
aaratM a(M ala^'a •aeaUeaCi^
The AW *oe(rtT Bet wiU> Ma ’
MtoaUataWltoan to
■r Brewe leet WadBeeday. 8b* teewM
UeorgeDaUand Core Sackett wc
dinaerion •
'' maiTied at the bom* of the bride
pareati MarebI 91.
D. n HoRtu Ma tM aoalnel ter
tM BM LaaMr Oo.<i.^loc* B0«* hit taBlIj- there.
. e j.
Hn Chat. EaU» apeat last wtek a
The HMa* tUaele*
ley sueod
sueoded the eoa- Elk Uka
... .attb* open boeae I
city last Hoad^ e
W. WaikiaaofTraretre City
Jobs Wallet* and L. B liogge of oar rillage oa Mtlae** Uat weM.
MttOB* Bay war* la town luF Friday
Uiaa McAlliiterefOadillae
to rUUiag
■ataa a( Franaat. WMa tM; am*.
erry be* reated Mr* Libhie her triead. Hie* Joti* Garprnter.
!'* boete on the farm sod
Boy Notawar* of Norwood pab'-le
tton*BUl-b* bat hit!
•cMoltotpeadlBg a w«*c'* raamUoa
with bl* pareou.
OntowBaUpaiaaltaBwaat ttraifkt
Hiaa E iitbetb DeVrto*. who bf
beea tery low with paeamoaia.lt maeb
19 tocet^rm
Hr. Young hat mortd hi* ItBlIy into
Hr* ipbo Perry (ell m tb* ice a
bit new boose and they are May bo*asd it la a critUal oooditiea.
■t te TiiiwaaOty laei lag their elothlag. bobu aad dtan.
'.-y ladaobtful. He-tM.
camactc eotlala
Hr Berrlnglan
City ,to
. . J to Hooroc i
. AttartDaaktaowMtlaatarTtoadbtr*
aanlag ber.
aadtrOJ taM oMiff* altaasaclBaar- Hareb loth, a bey.
to ootM risk Itot.
^ dnatlMMt la OUl fcea- «a» »m.
Blntlea today.
Wb Cook bad aaotber attack ef
Mn. Llbble DeetBBn will go to
heart UMble last week. Mt to again
tane^ *ta^n!a*^^aM^* -vpsllantl arzt wtek whore
wiUat- able M Mt.
leM tM deary Batlaett bell^.
J U. Bloadgood wa* la TnKM Calla ■e*Ms* wUl apaad
Mn. Crane was eallod te Boyne dty
«aaM *toiUar)rtoBd*al TM«*r*a CUy. to attend the (eetral et bar nepMw Tneedey.
Mr. aad Hn E O Wbluspeat 8uOtaHarttaaoa weal to SaWea* Bay Ml Stinidey.
d»y iscaarierolz. rUlUag thei
Coeiat ^ I
laa.Hr aad Mrs Samter.
Hn F B Wbltaaodeoa K'a
Mn LdVoek wtuylng in town t
b*«rib-<n aptodlag the wlnler at Abb
week with her littl* glri who It qa
anaM tn naaun ■•»*. ae lepertaa,
Mn- T. Otoaa. Wt. Jaekaea. Mr* A
--.jilM H Seotteld of Trerertc City to
Tillrimii H*a
Fataraaa. Mia. B.
Tititing Hr. aad Mr* Chaa Sooe«I<l, of
■aMtb. Hi*- O. Bearde. Mr*. C Wac
HitiSaerp. teacher la the Peumkiy
public tebooU. U boa* oa a raeattoa.
Matter Walter Baird. wM Me bora
PMtweek ana* toUewt ______
ttroB. Berdlekrm*. Alford H-.magt>-e. eenoaely III. 1. eearaleeclag.
Hra. W. 8. Rraat. wM b*.
H L Nrttro.UleaArbor;Rgn Wearer.
PortOerid*; W** WUioo.Ot *U. C W ditpoaed (or >
k It agata a
WiiBstr, E Co^lridce. W B. Ontiet
Mr. aad Ha. Mnaseed Oeed Barbor Mn LeV.aek. F Hard**. Hawt.kec;
Mea aaand Mr* tad alii iiaalM (or 4. P Beatlag. Prank-HaraB. L. E: Col Spokane.
as*. Empne; Hike Soohradt. Ceeler.
Htle* Barit baa left th* Aalet (arm at
Berber Creek, aad Boeed to oar Mig
Paeur F. J. Eryaa to boUlag aaa
epeeUlaerrieceal tM Berkar Creek ay-
Ttatoton.O.C.C Btwea.BtCreto: deb*
IMaarly la*
» at tM good bMag doa* tbelprrrMta _______ ,____
CRildrva al
tooftaa tawMblp M the Aaao I way*
ly* Uk<
Uke It asd Bdtbare aadmM It P.
!«riaaiiaad,tM rataare
iM.aeeaaatteaMretybouemaa wraa
a XMMoaal* H« Loogar
«i' .•«» dalleale child.
SMoo) Report
ertedtM Utarleebee teke
•*«b1u, April«.
AilhcregBitriaeeUBgef IM W. C
T V- bald Taeediy^teraoon with
Mn Etiberiee Wiltoa at tbt WUta*
Cotuga ibe fohowtag oaitn w*T*
AMBooklat. Niea UopkiBt.: If* tb* lliUceoldatMtgrew lelo iMiaunlmra w aadMt
•leetrd far the eatBiar yw
iniady. FnakBiwer. L/I'e j big eoldt: tb* big cold* thalead laeoa.
Dr guiPre>ld*at—Hr* Saddia P 8sUb
TMee ttaadiag bWbeti os <z taapuos asd death.
Waieb tM Isul* tried' ewd
lt> VIee IVtoidtot—Mr*. Ella DdB*.
Bda wM
•n.'lAt'.rT.u s=tr:
tadVieePmWeal-Hrt B 0 Lmlw
9rd V,ee Pnaldeat-Mn. AUet Nal- (oartb grad*. Nta* Bepklat.
of rtolton. riz.
Hag See
See—Hn EttaWtalta
UlueH Bmki. . Teacher.
-e—Mr*. L. A. Abbott.
•—Mr*. Sel
letlic Dan
tpreadi Xdkt VlU Pin.
SoperiBtaed'eW-Beascelielic. Hn
O. N Ssitb: SeieoliSe TcBpemae* lb
ti-aevor. Hr*. B O LedieiSoldtenaad
Skulk faunliog ba- kera A meery
kaowtedg* taat BrigI
Sailor*. Hr*. J Vtnaib
makieg bj.iuMi in r adae^atyler
Hn. Ceroller Neltoe
Hn. EU OtBt.
rhe akiat 't^g high
•stotaa dlaeorerlnol pn.ra
The Udln Beeefli Society at IM H
.« Kerb. Un
E Cborob will seel Friday aftaraoaa
[ lluioit.ije. IbO.. utya, 'UeWm't V
Wiu Hn Kaibtrlae
Kalbtrlae WlUes.
, Uarei nalretjulbea the moat del
MimVioiaJbhe reioraedlatt Tacad*y treeing from Trt erte City where
tbt btt bceo •p-r-'log the winter with lb. aereet. beacecorc* Bn.it ludcof
l>-«* » My aa imllaJ-tJST ONE -WortE AEOE-r
ber tltirr tort B K F.ood
Btladle*. It Mild* «p tbe enflre ryt
Pola new IMeaod rigor tobi .ay
tiekly. raadown B.r or w.-m»oJ. I Certoa, Proiboool
la tbt generti store of A. F AlidereoB
Meaata. SOdbyS EWaitaud ion.
' 1 b»re
Hrt e.uWniimiBw.ll le*** W*dJobatoa, OraggieU
* Dyepept.* i-ure *n race.Ilitat remcey la
a delegtle to
r. aad bare dabcorai from ila ate." U
onreBtloo ihti
The >IN.oaiiBeed>d to clear lb* Kale <
and eaa out tail
tbit we-k at Uwutto. Micl
tMttoV.H.CA. troB debt eod ttr"“p V“?-,
Tb* heme of Mr *od Hn
ftkkk. w_ll.iiu k..
tore-lM party Friday ercoli
•urarlte wet arrtsged far their eon
CUreoce. who ntt beea tbeepl from
borne for reeeral sootb*
Brfretbwereierred to tbegoeeU aad a
Ifol uii*e
wa* es;>ycd.
Hrof.F D Sial-.b of lircenrill*.
Ihegaett of Hr* H T Sklascr. Wed
tv E Ciwlet of Mil»nk«e wa* •
uni M llulel Holer Tbarcdky aad
'No family eaa afford
1 BerriUi Oatteuk.
"Of larg* tom oa my iitfir dtaghwr'i bead dercloped lalo » ce- ■ of
roal aud lui g
teald bead." wrllec< I> Ubi.lofU.iruki.-t aud prere
. coiucmptioB.
gBotowD.TeBD .bat KuekK-s'. A
wrautaod baruiie
Salic eared
her. Ifaaguan_____
forErerB*. Iktter. Salt Rhrutn. V.m. '
3 rr*. (J-cenaod
od Pile*
E tValuaad Jas U. Jo
iibu-r ueiu. eaya be tuffvred from dyapi I'M* lord * coin are year*
• i.fl dictit-g gare but Imie relief. Fiael.y lie uwu K»do: Ilytep*!* Cor* aad
open‘’iog of n.r-i
.,un eau wiiti a.- .jbes and a- inueb a*
bold* a
e nuns, auc be (eeit Use a uew mas
pitilloa at ai'lt-aot light keeper.
I. il.,eiii * u.i you eat t.C ThpmpAaalbr Aueah p
Ktodt Utrtbe wi
fini Koibiiiry wtta Tnrerae Cilr
ttoilw r-tuncay aod FrI
inae tae llrer,
1 Tr»*c
iarigoratc tBe body
Ttanraday tad Friday
Hitt Marie L l‘.-way left Sttardsy Uttle Early Blaera
(or Mtuecloiie where stae will tpcod lie pill* alwayt act
Tkompuoa^______ ’
ClarcBc- Scott rclnra*d borne Friday
from Big Utpidt where b* bat been
ibl* winter attcBdieg lb* (tarn* lortilote.
ohat beea aiteod leg
a at Big Ktplda for
alba returead home
Friday ercaiog
... ._
H .Utise
- . .
retneoed tram
Mtinee* trip lo Treeetae City.
(ierlCtmpbeil went lo Trercrae Ci'
ced* by Sre any other qatricr tloi
H. Stlmtoo bat b*eo potunutar.aail Thursday, rcturoiag borne Friday.
lerlee Voice,
Voice. who ba*
tpeadingtwrek rU-tiog ber petal
lay drew our o'wa
ihU piece, reiuroed Saaday Mr*_____
her duile* at Mscher la a aebeol Bear
Vacation thU w*ek.
■a*, a Mlh vast to Mad 0% Ini
Vddac ta aeadaM enrtan;----rreaalMr* Mwluinntar
tactaailiad tM
Faakto dBltb U r*ry tick.
Ha Edceeonb » ■ laproeli
Bowlin' Htrbor nbeol cion* tbit
Ageed-by* pa^F »<"
and wife wa* held eitae boae of Hr.
Hike (isrdto to best for a
aad Hn C B Aedertoa leal Friday
drrta making parlor* aad le*rc Wrdratk*.
f Aon
Arbor for a racttloa ef
Ma. rn< OtaMk •*• takce wmt
atoh MMar anl^ Mltoeeaa Muar
I I IBI yii ua* wmaca imaga-*mt*a
Re* Heath moat woadcrfal ■adtota*. gatab aad
Magtagof raff- lltotaaaaiybarBlaaa la^dy
that rl**t Imaadlau ratalH. H oanb ------ taa
15*J Front Street
purity toe b-,ri,
by ating I'-tV-na
The** fam-.i
Tr.it , r'f City. Mii-h.
Before Bu\ iny:
A J’lANO orUKii.W
n..i fail to 3
SEE US. i( you wisli to S.WJ-:-
ii\. 3
We are sellioR out our Small Musital Mi-ffiijtuli-rt.- 2
during January- at gn-ai re»htti1ivnh
H. CT*-k, ChauDcry. <ia. *i
Wllf* WUeb Baicl Saire
pUeatbatbad *mci*d him for i»«niy _
yean. HI* alto • *predy cure (or kk:n Wdiaeaae*.
Beware of daegrrom ecu-.
icrfeiU- F. C Tbompaon
Kiu li .i-j vmimu. ^
Guiuars. Banjos. Manduliiis. i-tc.
^ Qrace Id. CnnslaghAm, Trop.
Mr*. UcHaekia to raiiiar I
pm • bailor** trip to Tnrerte City
id Prtoakry.
MitaCbrlatraa Utrtbe reluraed Satnrday lo btraebool atOrUtt (or the
The Relief Corps terred dioo
la ibeir bail.
The proceed*
Hr. aad Mr* II acetatrd. wao loti their
■ Treestlyr by 8re
Ui<* Smith of Solos baa been rUltlng
Hr. and Mr*. A. V.ilst-for ac.rrral
ae.rrrel dayi
WatterU.irdeo left foriliaad Haeea
It la Nartbpert FrU
day (roB U.a'a P
1 am still manutacturing UiirQoss m iiu
pld stand. 'Vbalovcr your spring: wants may
bf give me a call. I can save tnu money, am)
Rit t.* you yood goods, the bost in quality, nat
ty in style ami at very moderatA'i.ruv.*
112 )V'Abt Front StrMi. 3
...................... i**iiliiiWW44K
J. W. Slater’s Exclusive House Furnishing Sicre
•1 hhvwih.-lin.-ri 111. • ..rSASI CA2EIAQZS Ali'D oo CASTS ri-rr»W*ii in SiWhr-rn Mi.-I.i;:.ii
Haywood «'wrnaj-3.-»ilti tli- n-w -l.3-1,-,iiiitn-liil grhr.
you have no a-..i*l. i. iwii-li- - r .li«n.il. * In lii-eii.
:n> j
It I* lli- utri>ni;-«t. lik'titwal. aod nwatr-rt w-nr .•vi-f iin-l- '
-JilO l»iio«U «-«i. rlMi-l II. Hill oi • iir .-MtriHV.-uaua jiiuii»upainl Ju«n and n..l affect llii' >priotf- ,.r-.-ar.
tVriU- for pri.-eg
ih-. .-l.-l.iniwd
lunn, 'Iml
Tin- !ihti-J •- -.r..
I buy in uocL larur .|UBiilili-a iKat 1 u-1
ba* breo rUIOog (rieadt.
Letile, p'eaidrutof UieCbri
lias Eadearor tb the (Irrcsth diilrii
rciuro'd Setariay
1 Rapid
where tae t03k a prom
eonteotloB held at
Nezi Sunday erroing ibe member*
of Ibe Epworib I.>*ro* of tM H B
ehareb will meet wilO the ChritUaa
Badearar aociely at tbs Cue
church w llateo'Mtbedelcgau?
nf ibc C E caoreattoe
held at tinu
Rtoiaa last week.
Waller iiordeo retarsed Hoaday
ereihagframm taailaeaa trip to iliano
Harea aad Tnrerae City.
A deligBlUl liar waa eaj ved by tae
L o t U.FridtycTjDing Three can
didatetarcre ialtiated. wbleb was fol
lowed by a merry tdeial time. Urasgrt,
d O-ipe:
umber I
leciur* dei.rered at tl
vdataday ereniag by H
smith wai rery i - '
ooe of the maiiial
lire to wbirb
1 been
ifea EarsaBrer
Feed Stabbin* retaraed Friday from
Big Rapid-, wberr be bat om aUead
the Fen-la loatltaie for
UUt K*ther.ne Volse aateodrd tbr
eoonlyteaehrr'tezamiBaUBO at l/eliod
Tasnity asd Friday.
A rrry plrataat affair was ibe U'.d
Folk.- KC a gires Ian Salerdar In the
town I all b.-tbe Epwerih U^ae of
the H. E cbercb
After a boeoll'al
dlnser as rze^lieot program wa* pro
Tided Whiea wat li-teoed to with aaeh
pleatare and w*a a* foliowi:
Prarer—Ber. Hr. Boeuoren.
Add'rett of weiaem —Ret B Steal*.
R«*poe*>—R S^pracer.
No <w a baadtome
rarrage. at** i
^qtM.^II alia.
r« d. _Jwb>llOCB,
_**lMr. al: alee' g*i*. g.-nr, ■
baadlaa enameled
ed ia gerwi.
gereh, TlrTwi
l^rita f-rr price*
So Ml* a larg* foil
earred bottom, robbfr i:i
aayoD like, apbtliserrd
any kind of a ptre*'. j
earred botiom,
Wakeffeld pateci.(oot brake, any k id of aMre-
Brad!*g-Mra S P 8
SeellaUna—R-z Weal
Hoaie—Hesry Herne*.
H*aoo-iaI-Rer P E WbllmaB
Mat e ---Aald Loag Syae." Er
TMPaatataU Mwatbip 3 s. Attoeiitsjstb qur.erlyi
on at the M E ctureh. UgdeotM'g.
Hi- h IT: The •••eedarce wu* go-r
IB cp: • III Ibe aerore cold wraiber and
wat o-r of the miai teeueaal*; etrt
rid ta ta toweth p The (oHowiag
Be* W
W. Bevh: Sjcp.
Soeg. P nresee
leg. B.—ie Si-n«: ■ Read the tXSta*
_. Jtictoee: Reettitloa. Ayy Bailer:
Mrri - 8-nl*sorein*—
" -awi.lb or
I Mr. m—Preyer ta
The quaraarty eenka* of tM H. K
CbtBge; a C cMrMwillMeMdaaladby PraalAiag (oorgirt*: The Bookof Natore. R O.
■Aar Oareal at ACM aa» ■abMiT^
Mb MMtUter
No. «t Oo<Mri. upon'-ttered la Redford eord.
L Mo9 fall t t<. cared boll m. A re-y
haadiDma carriage (.r ib* many_ Write
X30 S'xoa.V SVfeet
tend 1a rcloar. all (atal
Slater’s House Fumifthing Store,
OAVsr, MAoto..
Mb. m. m. Wmtm M shMS* of a
•^BrN.ctoaal aolida): I
•WlaTMe- 8Map<k«e(tka B
fMffoUM o< lfr« -bra iba birtbdar
. -------------------
aataaU la tiaa
tfaataUw tbM tse Ibbimmm o
,r-».P,a«b e» Jal»o.Ub«Uo» Bkt
iTpi-i — tbe Mm ibM lae-laurr «M
(hmri iitn*-iBumM «{ osr
baa «uU7 asa iBai a Bora ra*m al
os ttU «»j
_____ _________ arL;<4au\
Ufdi^ E. nakliaBb \.
••■I the tsat ol
.« f
■sd for it. aad a
V> U caa ia
for a UlUs book abs baa
L.rmi. Uir poatnaatsr aad o
. Mrs. ItukbaiB'aadrtssU
brr*to?aM Vbla Inrtutxio fa
•wed. A mimoo «
hare bn________ofasrleai
Mia. Kakbaa'aI ad Tlas aj
Skmwtmw How
tMo ^
Daadb Bf Saaau dtp eoMlar
arsadsd lo^ibe.*t-MBa. J. R. (onrmx.
Ecrborarrille. Va.. April I:. law.
a of tba laSa H.p
•Mra. aboas faaasal traa baldatSaa
uUC.tf Sabdap.
Vtorm^ mmH Ooorlom
La Loaba/, Oaswtat. P I.
Paa. H. ItNO.
& LsUad. Ttasau Qip.
Haas Mia. L^o4>-;> JaM ToaMrod
Mu Pmaaa —I
, oap.sapa
i aabi of tbs orattoa.
two BMBtba. bat as<
' -Itua ILan £. B
aaasadio aareb sTorpalx dapatoa
•aaU town, qiiawa. l-w ralloM
Wdto -ow. were..-at Eop « W
1 bare doetonsi
Toe poblir to paUituUp ta'petoad that Brltwfa oS.-m of htcb pnltioo
baclart comaoa pracaaltoat
aodbsadsr iaio traa< wbiea throb
kooeof aisBsolarp aUitarp ralea
mM hara rerwlad
So atiaapl to
M aubbora burcbort ar
A tassial diapalcbfroB BloentJolaio
reporlaUat Us waur aapplp
boas ni off Tnto
BBtarajaeiioseesof ifae BoaBat Us
re bopofal that tbs atroap rslatDrsameaU aaoi oat eaa prompllp rrnadp Uto.
litoarMaat from L-wd Bob rW di •
pawh Uat a be eacacsm.nl ir le
pracrota. AlUoarh Itii dlO.-aU to
eaUaalo Us OBBOsr ot BritiU rocacad, Uep probably eaeeed Ue S.iwo
or 10.000 wb>eh Us BMrearesotlaatsd
\ before placing yonr order.
aad tap laibshcapiialoa toa boat tfa'r
twtof thaTopafs
1 tbiak hs aMi
ha«a bart blaaaU lattraalip. tor bs
. did aetaam taka wail at all afar-,
Wall. tW Britt attalac attar wa
-------- -- rh. .i.M lerMhw^.-. ■Clnas. I
teU hUlo Bak lbs adja-.aat bo ba b>
aJCbsdtoOoBBanp A
A. b-I Bosw* wb.^
. srwUsBtUerftiU
lBiwlsdla*11Usk>p*freiDthr I
Traverse City, Mieli.
----------- ------------- ---- -------------- ’
-------------------------- *
..!>«» B. BPIBB^
Car loads
Farm Machinery
Arrived this week to add to the itmusnse
stock already on hand.
At the Harness and Carriage Emporinm.
I 27 State Street.
,.. vlwwl tom tls bBWlCv
Traverse City. Mich.
adus wBidsndarlnc >»• adaioi*
iIMB of bffelre la lbs Rbli ppiues
It Us bbw cOBOitoBloa to to br Us
t ja«ta* If Us I
blBanlf wsre to CO to tbs-PaUipploe*
wlU bto enbinet nod sxsrcUe ooatro
BMar Ur ailiurp law. It la oscssBlp.Uersfore. Uat U bare atasolnu
aatheritp orsr all etnl coxmresoUalmapbsMiablto^ aod orsr Us
Swift’s ■MB®:WALL
Silver Leaf
^ cen^in firm argues to the people that it can
c^^rk hire«nd mimerous other
and Premium ISams and
Breakfast Bae»n are ail
stamped with thean>mval
of the U. K. Gm-emmcnt.
Swift and Company
!^t!««.u.Md toratbsr pta.pl: moHoo ot tho tHmMmr
taaw fa>a> a few Ureoa
We have nothing but up-lo-ditc givnls to oiler aril ft
Von can buy them at the right price. Remember we are headquarters for all kinds ^
of Farming Implements. Cirriagw. Road Wagtns. Lumirer Wagons. Drills and ^
Champion Mowers and Binders. Everything we sell is gudranietd to givc.satis- ft
faction or money will be refund .•d. D> not forget the p’ace.
J... I plaasofUs prwidsDt ol tbr I'Dltsd
ItBtB aad Us aseretarp of war w
imadUu tbprrlore.- OaoerBl oii. j
home, bb bs
pre ' *“ J"™"
TO ~..i.M
nBsetoeo April IN, nad tbs »sai'
“DtaB Mu PnEnaa—I foUowfd
tsxpesl to rsinra to Utoeooi
tW ^sioa. poapTsmsaDdToariD
jon cbts w ^ 7
for at least two psar*. AU Us . a
«1»» hwoarrd me. Ifrltbstlrsw
^ VscbtableCoa
ban raalias that tb.p arc csioc <■
bat a wssk.*'—Mu
■k.*—Mm E
•• II.
" 8uxi«a
Pbiladslptila. Pb..Fsbraarp a. law.
■poositallltr—tar bai>diB(upof a c
IsUtsoBl ol dtooordant and n
itoiuc raw sitsnato It toeobrid-j
------------M onr ene-iuracibc *i*n ihatj
Uerecsatlcmra rul.f tbs Bacaliaflsl
OuooH Hy LyHIo £> Ml*. etUsir tuk. aod M aaoUsr Uat thr
udcDltaMC.Tea UiB fad ao'toor-
ObBptny L
Farming Implements
Pratideot McKtairp In Ue Hailipp<
troop, and fa. nod bit eolisacnat w
[Blip repreasnt Ameriena aorersicatr.
tbair ordare. mod Urneral OUt. II
lelscittoraaBlalaths RblllppiaM. j Kw*
will flod Ut cotoMlsaioa Uki^
hiu Betddas tboolTreTsiuair
bBt«.ald act admit bswaaboaalek
Wowsattoaapass tofetfasr, aadwha
tadan dtobaa wsbaUi atoaCoftbo
aaad alato. aad
the Has•> uppsr
ana orarwa wars faatfrludrbad
id Bop
aw aaiUac. tba Sret t badi aasn.
Wa Meat t«»aW*T that Dishtotrb baa
boobaak aad f kaoa Bop paaasd a
■aodatfbi. Voa ass <be Traesna dtp
I Clip bep that cot
ula tba Third V a I.faaUT
Bs.lddaa that wMleomlac osar
kata'bs waa plajiac with Was
tba othar bapa
alaad htoenpaad Is .
. ___ .____ . _
s# at bto dtopotal.
alar and mjfasad baaa tired fesllw
H^ltal tm^t due. ms do rood.
datad M Saa Pranelasi. aad Bop wat
•miaaa U W troabis
L>ori Bobsrta bn< aa
bnaatewalk Ibaaeraa aitoabaskto
Baltaaf. AsriTlbC at Ballaac I le» k
•atoleotias. ap-iratb ao di
■Bikbsa wbat be wuu la ihi
w BOt Bop's food iBSk
tacB, bat it as
Mbswilib.Ts to| *‘B.ybL>IBUto,*BUBf<n>»
whallp U the order* «f Us eoi
iutsBdad ie bap wep
adstel^ bm mtdw>r7u!u a^ vbateTsr toreSrei npM Oearrel (>l>
srer reeriTed trea a d.wior. Word.
to. in tbr op D uo of thr p'riidsat.
• loBiaiB xtihe d
blaaata of Us wbols affair.
UelaB tbs reioforusaeata barsrs •
ipiarad tbs pnaoeert two handred ft
w Iras two eraek egrpi of. Us j ft
Boatabold CBTalrp aad tbs TSutb bat 1
snfoata toawall Ussrow-1 m
lac deposit of Brittob prtooaera *‘'J Do DOt fail lO S«e .OUT large StOCk Of ___________
n Creek.
Aflss.twrlTT Tsar.' ti
poaad.' Aflss.twrlTT{rar.'kafferii)cl
-......... ... J aad hultbr.'*—Mim Hanr
I mad boaaliA mad : Rsxa. Swab Cresk. IIL. April la. 1
aruaot aaalcaad to aapeeaeaap
••I>U* Mu Pixi
The louowiac lotws froa Hsa<
a TraTssat Olt) aoUlsr I
aw atklBC for 1
^a pl»W«OIUyM -STO. ..r wtenyitT...—•
C>r. Cass and Stale Slovl*.
Oaa* Mu Pnocnan-AirBin
WatbioctOB. Mareh to—fbe inttrae
^ Holt.
Boll PliuDse
ts to TOO. tVbsn 1 Ant wnAs
tioaa to Us Ptaii'pplDs ooBmiaauB.
roe lor adrlcplnrscard toap tn»b
rntofa bare baeti prepared kp Bscrctai) IhoapM I cnaldbrrsr pet well a)rain.
Aftrr resrlTinjt rour Isttcr
Istter I followod
foil-- ^ Ua Bool aad aacea*. Us re^aseiof the
alTlM exact
aod thmnL. .. prsaldcat. ara complsu. Tbsp C‘U
Ibat dreodfnl
•. to s»t Ur ermaiuloo
|>ma'lbe ^ood poar oiedlidiir will do.
Tba psoctaa eloaad wttb a Toeat
aalabf lisa- HolMaj -TbabtasSpaacladBa.aar,* tba dob JhbMc U tbs
in wbkl upe u, bo. bu,wtoMOwcMem.. n,^. srril
d apu to a
rerea bar
“Uata Uaa. hxKaaaatalalataa. Ooe-j adTenUsowat
ladhe papen In racard
■BM to Coluabai- to tn-atioc woatau'a diaM<wa. asd
Waahlacton. Oraat.Oawajaad d.a... ] wooW b.-ctaiefal 10 ,o,_for joor adIT.-niv hvBi
•o. woa alas »s»Uoa«l aa »oo wb.» I
inp of woeab. Iia<r paina io
tba aatloat jsepls dei«bi to boo r ! ^
^ aad l<W'la lari I ache all o ...
aairt-ulni! ao weak I caouol atasd
Wa basa oar ctarlataio. pjetle aad las:
tbs '
Ulararp haroaa. Oatliaia tara aocis^}
d a ch.*inc. tiiflit
^rs to
to foaadad oa bare wonblp
tsrUnp lb m; Wsmal aadtbmit.
and tbnait. Haa
•a aaidar^aolaaaa'a liulastai
a tiabr w-ren aonlha <>ld. 1 hope t
bear feral
firai 70a aooo.
anoo. ai
aii I a
am la 1
telwiontp, tbaa bto dtorafarJad
dtoHTaa.--Wa» J. S <
BCCbonta^i'Is. Va_ Mar «• >»
Hn. t OarlaadlaaplradlbaaadicBcs
"Otaa Mm. PniR>MM-l followsd
aHtba.^UTal7ptoMaolaa aad lira
ptar adrisp aod 1 aa bow oa thr escralablB (oUowad trlib a ^lUiac ai- ood bolilt- of raiir Vsfstabir Coso«aat of ObL CMpto Itfa aa a ae BV a> d pnuipl and t think it to gotne to cars
apohaot aea > of bto mM brUUaoi ar. If It doM 1 will sTrr prmtos It.
for I am. aad bass
aebtoraBsaaa. lbs rvoaoUe BsoUac ft
ni>w I
tba ebaraiac poaac troaaa
crtthir wolL"—Mu.
Ecirbon»Tllls. Va.. J
atevasda baaaae bto wlla
■u ■
uw.%au»l reowdT ^ na e
wdp porelp T^eubit blood
abooke.n.-r|soMd fro. tbs bn.umt ;«»** ft «»«»•«•«»«««•«-««»»«»»»».»«»«««««»« »
iBCdalwtaMtalnsd witbia afew ouImi
. asMT 41S. bat ara a.; t^Mog of tbo Womti
w abortlp alisr t o' l<«k.
ol tba Bopal Hoatrlwad r.ealrj. tbs |
Twin vnuart, U rndtl HtCrlMof tbel
B^1 Berts arir-rp a-.d OolooalPa-,
ebar'a batiall a of m-waiH 'aliair.r.
?b.k*T-.—71- •.•.k....-rc ;. .UBated'
■IroB a taw to lii.uu. wjiieh bw«a>
Ibsaarebsrof wbieh Bit ac-t pal bai
s m> ia lbs ararid.aii
ban ci'SB it tbia aah' aaoEpi iu
__________ I wbai
tlas M lha pacaa of bistorf
brIUUat •>» tba rasorda» 4>l
tWsvBsn.re«arit(9fora wbilK^t it hteakaoatacBn in warw form
B and the BuBe«c9dTC wreaaad alrere. enuame tba joiot. w Midm I
I potaab wako wTadta.toot«Brai,B»d ...
"TT 2.,“; I
ar <0 tb«a
woald. of
. Iba Cfaat
asUcBOf pratMKoa Irus irtaaap.
boMM. PnlelTli r>ToraBeBI ie raUisr' j
aad Hotbar tioao -tona.T.- ^'
^U4i«a that tbsr taTa ricau «l
vetoWTsapasisd aad tbof la I
■oitiatpsc-. tbs r«bti of olbarm
AUwhtfh Woacht ap te a ta
srblea it fom.-d oa aaeb pr,oc plr.
wiUbSfaadp to dslaoo bit aoaatrp.
asao «ltb bit lUe.
•■bratTsatsKatioa.UtM WorabtpanT-«a>tboubjwt of a papas br
Mia. roator. U/ra(arr>ac to bMlorp.
' ltseaUbatboaatinrodlatbaaa>BB<
laaledlac Ko BtoalBC.
•orvloc tbav Br-ad
preftd. I Uaaadtoisip
PMaeo .W
MU nine eataitp
If ^-a «aw belen 70a a_____ .___
MfsWMcs lM4lacto.TOQrsaa.maM
•biab Baaaa *e aasta B'H aalr V
•ira^pla bat to oaopM ol t
aaaatrto «sbo ba>a sa>k tba »
Hia O. C O
Of kr ol tbs Wat
•a; to IoIbm mt' palrioUMi
bsMof oar ..ualh., Bba aaw
pautotta. Ukr rallc>«a> ^ >afS^ 4at
tsfaaoMtlaoard tbatit nat bssc >->r
•IraljaaM. • Ho CWQBaot la WMB
tbaa in psopl- - for tbK a
oblU aheatd W to 4 10 arry aarl; roar'.
__ mUC
-■“'“^1^2^ WKClS.
IS DO rooB for doubt. M tbear are
IH.^u rnrEBAb—I bars aard.
lodia's Ursat raauBs.
poor Vetretabis Componad for feoialr
:aiu. Mareh M-lo the coo'as of
wsakbreaandlt hMdooswoudrraf.ir
merlit laaddrssalBc tbs eonobll
aw. I alw bad nrrroaa pip.treUm—.
....• .VI. .. I__V _..t_ - . .
00 Ur budest Us V ecrop. Lord liar■
aid Ue loB to Us whMt e-or,
d bp tbr drrnrbl donnetdr prstway ind W llkea dtffrrew’^Mi^'^^
ooo.ooo tu ilu.0dfi.ooo
-MuIta.LaKuau.MaslooriiM!^< tat ptar. was
Fcbraar, Strfwa
sae cr.ouu.txu. while ibr.uii aecd
•■Uaaa Mu PmaaM—I ^cilreot
psBtoe Toar TscwCablT- C
weallp coTsriDc lA.mM.iein aorta,:
fOOBfb <or,tbS
oBexleleDt oatoideol Bfncalasd j
. .
hUdder. I irisd dortore. lii'^bil^ UsBorUwest proTincss
Tbe loae to caidTa’,>.-t la Bimbtp'
u relirt.^At laal J dse^ to writs
aloas to f,Kdereps wM amawoiOnad i
'Eureka" ,
Harness Oil
^ si
Paper rompaniee in the United Statoa. Ihan““ m the united «at™. I bare
no old stock on h-nd .Ihavea full line of flfih-,/.....teen hundred New Samples. I dop't pay the
expenses ofatore rent and clerks and m h^r exneuw—. . T vM.
pense to sell mv goods. Hy customers save
"1 iilBilP
city and cousidei- myself entitled-io the earn#
'TT'e.u rr: coDsldet atioQ as thoss who slur a^nts
through. their ads If you want to get Mo. 1
Goods at the lowest prices, look over my stock
carefully at my residence, 601 OedU Street, or
when I call on you.
. ... _________
re--< e.-ree-f
1 - the bWVTO -.tw
Betuday tl
el Iv-'d.**‘.jlt'Mei'— b<uel«.u.ei l*.
Farms for Sale
eoBoneiLB ti.r V eenip saM it wa*
inpossibis f >r a-..p currraasot tu auUd.iaU U* eoatidiroesa ul a rielutioa
ot aaiara oa to didaat.d aad raloeaa a
VW iBfbBtl ^ ChiUm.
UTO. 11) IW Yh Bin Mnn BncM
•Ml till hlB bs wsoted u trp aad bej
iwklBB aad fst a Botwa ot wtaUac U
to ^ aod BBSll powder.
poor Bop was boBMiek BBd I aB atiald
Uat WM Us tanas of bto duU.
MaaUa fortbakUtM 4t dasd aoldlai
OeBpaop* A. U I. «dX-BBBt os
wsre taken baek. andT think .poB cob
■Bbll saBpaln Us oseoed dap aftre kaT Boptb]^ lakea back'wiUosl
- kaaaiBS toBallnac-aBdat ataela wa •BT IroBble.
Ido BOt koo'w Us sxaei issfU ot
bMallTelpliitisaeraa Orapaar Lto Uas Bop ww nlek bat jroa eaa writs u
Uasteaaat was klll-d and Cetopaap A UtsoBBtbdlac f fltsr of Us Third
U 8. lafaaarx, Maalia. P I . aod hs
kbd a Mtohlcao bop woBsdad. wlU bars It looked ap lor woe aad poo
Bop did BM ■o.a* bto eoapanpb so
s»a fled oat osarptbls* How pIbbm
w hs wat bM abU to do t
Mrs Lalaad. tCBftss as If I spMk too
STorklOBtraaw'hlB oaos atUrs,^ roadh iB BP MUr. 1 know I not
tb. bat I bass aesD a freM Baap
ttBalBBTaUlBasasTraTtreaCI’T p»0
! aal dMU dsot BM
ftta.aBd >B kad a leac uik bsi I ko#w
iomii. WMh . Hareb Sj-Capiaie
ueared! ot Us Umaspori tisnaas.
whieb ariiTtd Iwt B-rbt froB Maalia.
gflSjpwttd'tt). iiB.>, niib|s ■.
bs wtobsa. How Uto to aeeoapitobcd
BOObsisaiM Ukaow BstUtokaowa lot alar<B*d u Ue stMtilr iaersaiiat
lUTsIp that bs ausadsd a fraad eamber of J epaoree iBB'craala
t Maalia oe Xsw Ysarib stated that siase dtaBtrrl. IS1
) beta »sc> Usre aserml
■s to hsard froB <
IdtoallpubslBf dm Uoao plaesaad
redBS bare bp April T
Tbe total p^alalka ot UsPailiafdas tolaads to Miiaaisd at ItoB
S.UOB.OOO to la.ono.ooo. i t to aade ap
MB Uaa Ums dtotlact
t^acala aMdlridodlato
Mp badr-caa rrel aador Usaaan
sbto. ol Uae baalilB! toUa bat I bop
mp noBi will )oia BT poor
It to a roacb Ilfs, aaptrap.
T^larsoldlsrtoBadsap Iroadiff-r- la bsaTsB.wboB floaialBes Ijslaad
Us arap aad waa doflSad Us arlTltors
OBt Baurtol (rea 'Us
cMtral Woaisa aad
of rolBC u b«r fai^.
Bop waa aot «wd u It. aad
BslbowlBl«t«bas IsawU tbs
nhtokaarv Ba s
saip froB abf ci •
• bbd oemd ao( •
ttaa B Fob
Ip h«bdsffTso«r
mtoaUB Ot Ua
- aasob at« bs
■O—MOB a Ce. lhc.i.CHieacO. isrBpereM.as>ts<aU bB
*%r OrsemM tbe
s»i>n U- xptioK BDil jrm will mibb • Hwid banraia if yM
r tj my fanoa.
H read, jobt Wk n< fheBbtlBB; all «Wrr-d. wrtb a nicer twrfurf. ko«I ffa»w'bouos. nire- bHring* brook puM^
fall length of the farn);
fans: Ibin U a serytleoirable pisos for gardMitoy or
any ooe wlio wmnU a bom.- tu-u tbs rity. Prire- *1.310.
% B-rwb on cwa/ily liat. oos tnUs we«t of sity UniU: do boihiisafl;
rw iwarb orrhard of 6fty bcnriiiK troso;, aboat fthy appir Urw*;
tr timbsr; • nicefor frail or paUtoeBi'go^ aoil; price
20 aersn twn miUw fniB tfiwB. on-.^'torth loHc from Kratodiville brewery: fasaTysoil
I clsarMi: amal] Ihhut; good apring ^
ccM water; pries **00.
8U oersb foar nilro we«t ot the villags of Lake Ann. 90 mm
cleared; Bnall fmiMs bonas. asinll (mate barn: a good farm: pku^
o the pince; price »(l)
re> twe mil** north of Uke Ann. 90 flerro efrnred; wd
; log bnrn; ontall Webnid goad riacd trcM: ebonp, fSO*.
to toeat of Weeford in Orant; bmall fraae
• deand. free from ala ■pa; mmU €Riw'
>A tMte»M M Initoi ]
ersnt ter mm* sd w« oM folio.
: them 1 tbewbu "Beie t ehestd
jbse. kseas »bht Mis. Hcta
tblsh sbastscisb so Isr (ro«
bslsrs SBTthlBC ted bees esld or
•rarid? AlcdeoUJewtthtke eooklsc.
Ttet ib« AanI rata carries off tb*
K<sscbss«st8teseB8ta Ubss U»t
I SB ssnp fee tbe chlldres bsr*
the »lrl ot poor psTssie wlU he shle to Asa sos^ set Usra W sbsW hte
is rsrp BS^ tbe WBe ss it vs* is
SM* h Bors BslhlAbte. beslIb-soscIsS'
oooatrj pisass u Ursed Trsien*
iV -esUhss tb. rich helreee s» bsr
lbs SsBshtse BoerBeot
•‘WeslU esssel bsy ewyl
Baking Powder
•Tbstle tbe best ot tbe storx.bjbslf
The KTongest, purest, most efficient an<i
wholesome of leavening agents. Not low r-t
in price, yet the most economical; indispcn^-
'UtssoBsls. trhtcsof sseSscit» foWow.
tbe bsb/ plss«ht. bsppf bourt
pot to reel teste- There le sostelblii* UesUeBSS K-bis, be w^te sp sod l«tej work to*eib*r.e*d which.m«««
jBsoybrtchtspoi.iq tbeirci.ild.',!r,J
for eseh to plee sed for sll to lesn.
Ore^_iDorsc«e tswsTUd btsek sod Itch ttet it job coeldsee tte tiuleono
shout hoosrheeplsf. The BerUsb poe
n whleb t>.*r du
1U7 ksrir eonr
Ulo(shoat thlsbrsschof the world'
Stwsps stoop to pick
tbst 70S would br 7.si 10
• Itcvle lift thrirtHe
I them esrd* sod bittoe* " Mr*, h
epebrows oesr teoBSS BMUrlsa the With s^ t.
bb hssd sod
! lep wrou Bor* to posr rdh^. bj
Ucher BSlbcBCUcs.
It U Isaoltcl;
j it sll we will priBl todsp. ' Tbs
Bare d'ffieslt to levs the drcsils of To bt» Krtio wilr.
; Islter of tbe teercUrp o! tbr pew
good brseekeeptar
Anfbodj ess
•Mp 1
PiBwsttl PIsiss. Ark., M.r r-.
■stbpBsUes. bet It tsbri s lot of Cblr^sr brr heart oat. be call
n^lOrsr Ufs Bst*,; ,
ekllllOBshsfs s-bocee well."
Aoo']Vo8 ?ta't ea-o pour Krlepf
Waaldpositketo kaow
the Bittrest bl s Bsotlos heede sdr, •1
hir<: OOBieoer,:
i «“»«W
,^s\ bitap
- able to all who afqweciate the l»est and must
healthful food.
Our country U enjoying prosperity almost
unsurpassed in its history.
For every one; there is m<?.ncy enough t»
buy that to eat which is‘pure, sound, gotni,
11 h» hor poorer, ssd oflen »o •Ids; bs: o*; Cile »lo*.l» sedswcel: [of leecb'iidreg Is the suuthls:.« o';
tSBStc ee«bb«r.
To <4MU lr« ijllat-whst vruold.t hell We'd solhiSf , Uiiak sbodt pou ^d posr BesaJU,
BlleDB Bichsrd*: "Wbsl Is >« th
e bcmrlife—tbst shi
_____ tesfrtp to
o the
ibc pouot
;oBD( aod
hcd pear.
> se, tcamers .10 \ A
, koeirip to be van—a
kaowa^ a* i». -11. ™
furtbeole? leltssloar Bsosioo whfa j
Why should we use cheap, impure, un-
healthfiil articles of food? There is'no
economy in them; they endanger the heaiili,
they may cost life. There arc rc|>oned
alyoR daily cases of sicknew caused by cating cake, puddings, or biscuit made with the
Itsr proof cs8*t>« ssd WbstsTti
C.17 c>«.iBB7>u tbe besttf set 1
Mr* B t> Kr.drfSCE. sd VI W lllbl
L. stje: ' is tbrssBBer ol itM ov
crssdcsuans bsd tb^ BUbsIes.* Afar
.sueensc. ooc rrsoOebild. uroe Tssr*
d: biobs cut >a erspiiooe wbteh lilsr*:!; c ;rrnd bs tsor. oecfc, ssre ssd
uooer b« bsir.
be-pite Us ••* of;
»s.*«* sod u'BtBsoi* ssd BwUeise.
Iroai B;kS. ;b,a ose dortor dsnac the '
^rrsirr pm of to* euBBar, he wm ^
or fell tess sap other <
Tar sorss spill ssd .
M»*rj ton be sensBcd |
.11 Boi.lerpst sishL'
ro latrp Djss t Olst-'
• V spplxstma ws* 0
...oiiuac u
--‘•-id >lepl tbessUrr i
I i-^oi. A*
i'.be erapuans pratee.lp
I uviu b-4,:.p tov *ppesrsse* of tbe skis
iwtv BS'.ura,
r*e ormbbor* child
,ftl i;!
lu tb*
tbe wxe
Bxe s»r ___________
s^ Brselrs.
rr-irf Wore Itupsd
lOk'tusfal wi
dteap, alum baking powders.
In all articles tor food buy and use <wly
the best. The good health of the family is
Csdoria {. a sateiliuir- fnr Castor Oil, 1‘arTcaric. I>rripa
'auil.twKMbluir K\rti|M. ll I, Hoituli-** nitd l*b'seait<. It
oontalBs nricber U|>inni, Miirpbinr nor otUrt \afiatlei
sabstaarr-. Ii* ar* i* Its iftaraiilco. ll drutm.-s Woraw
audalUpp 1-Fvr-rishnru*. |i curcji Diarritufa and WM
CoUr. It ndtriTS Trxililni; Trwabti'u. <xiiv. CuBstlpBUeti
aud I'-Utulr-Br)- U asulmllau-. Ibr riKKi. rrptitetre tte
it cured her .
'iii*.i 11., Slade (or It
' Bean the Signature of
'--■'.•ted MSI-.
Besieipberr tae SSBC.
..i-...... ...........
tbe tarslstalanols P*>*^ sad s re- j
tisBS of srTTShU toserre'tbe dslBllr.
el tbs Ublr drHeed froB all ibss ol
W Of
the earth-.' Vos sad I bare aero a boni< ...A sl' tb. ______ _
lortbler the nsioe le a rotiaer of Arupon pea asd alter p
reoBC with tbe simplest d'ttibc '■ tj OB, or eat oa, a, ,
sed ibr pleittti of fart.” After si ,
r!. n.e'e pou MreeJ ereiT uwriel pou
tbe brat Ibiac* are the oobbqo Ihion
h4-' bs: - -b..t- kobla.
TbesvasderdTralD U wheat, the be»t
frsh for sri golaraiet i» ll.u eosiBos
I 0?*/l''*Jik-' oarowB cb.ieeof
apple. ;tbe bet lbio«e U«ij^»-t bs-
Tke KM Tm Bhf« AHraps
tee taw
ta ase for prer 80 ptBrs, tae tetmo thr »i,:uaUtn of
. and ta' tarxi madr noclrr hi* prr^'
aortal «iiwrt1*lc>B *iprr II* iottac^:.
Allow BO 00* to (icH-i-lie >uo lb thte
AU CooBtrrfHls, ImltatlooB and tetbsUinlro arc brit BatrlA* vilh and r
iw-rimmts that
r thrhrahh of
lallsBts aod Chlldrut—UtprrirSM'c asshtst klxpoi
• rdisasd II Wood.
V.*r Prra.-K1eaiU famBtec.—Vfssk I. Kio«<>,.p
Trass.-^PemeM K oc»'>«p.
Wear* to meet IB CC* rcboo-b
:*rfp dal aflersooa si V.t'.f .pa*L >
Oa'Clabaonck Vl-fl a f.;Ui» *
1 The Kind You Haie Always Bought
. ^ Cm l8 £rip;-e la 24
■ ................White
In Use For Over 30 Years,
(Iveo OMiBklLd are cobbob rsio. m.
ssd ssBsblse. Water i* thr brat ee*rr
apsoB earth, ssd tbe best i<vp-e or,
ersnaSipifc S MIimIU.
I **Bd poB a lilt ef tntivr> and vut—
1, >l.» V.4WIB* aod 350qi,:.; Ji li ter.i
• * I es'B tadap. I .lu But n<.^i
ttac'o'W- Baked d
pard tvf|:.. '
aralp."e»'^- ‘'
• O': ha*»poaaiip .u^rfi.iiAn.. loMlali.r.
Ap-- rs-.iL'' Tbi^hi-.-wru
The Beauip ol Loog tiktni
bis bleed a.iurdsp Boroio* or. 1 I bate pen wU, bv ^lat I < «'!..%
The Taiiaclelpblt Ledper ■»p
• •
OB Oir i'Ur froB Me • ub
t mr »r.*i.rl.
dkl^Bto»uslfp*hv»eW>rooB eerpdlrtp •vrp lopmoal brauchofa bgoaktree.'
■nfronl of Mr hou«-with hi* bri^Ui,
I. kivl-i.i
eirccu ll b^m*bl make s
Uopoa on* ol ber tkiru
ra.itorucdlolBo.iin,.iB7loca.: Thro folio.* a li.i ,f fr.r.-.r., „
of first coiuidcratiun.
tbe p'.sls, roBBOe peoplr.'
fiowdrcs are anuelli Atiyinc tlwt
: .w.
u. assiaa howesh Bha'tB w
dsSp^«.hJwr ”*Hr loand
thr »blrl bliidlor »* «>e bi
iwluESBsIl Benscrrlr:
two o<
lUsciino.ot ippbold ssd eoDssmptiou
xerobes "
Tbrdspol bearp rsfrr*bBeai»
MM. H. 8. O.'bats*. Editor.
few stltebesst sAtiSe. ^ct It
sad Um dssr liul* b.ed* were kept
• i^(4¥*£S1S£ihS ■ S3
I rrarrr-r ja.l at w- dr or hr I a dub of thirtp-,ftr ite■«»•«. - v' ,.
, n-.*r i>- *• rial M «el bf:h. | Her*'* greevotf fUh-I'ifeavuii.
^fpmib. il4W*r.p-d uanu.ua H,rald.Yo«< P.U. Wv.n.- ."d
u!tj* anus.. *.i«ib\l«J fiad .bow f Tb* club whioh
bank. ar*b the ir-'.bM-.aodlUrb.p! low iwe tb.u.isd m*,M;*.'0 1 ' .1
fro/.roorer III.-hr flad sol w* rWbicb .-art. with mo** than la i llw"
rfUd.aad alloier tb* countrp poo !»SBd rood laUbe. aoo
areiidieu will b.-*»pio7M>.>0»t pool *>“1 w* a** ttlhinp MifaurSv f
van.lalf*aJ,Y.-’fal luorea Vrobic:; bow c«o wrteloii; Aod Mow: of ,*.
.......................................................................... ■
i”"'...... .
I yAtiPSYdiSi^SsScS
- r^FARS. ROEBUCK iik CO. <lnc.l Chlca80,*ll1.
SV629gfl*?»i*i!;B ettft
;2--"---- va—aas"*. 'BTr«-
i iS Oi^E DOLLAR a
Oue mornisp Uii. me J< thrre I'ami-1
!fhr piteideB .'. fanm* briput a 71' >a ;
i-r.oftYe SobtUineC.ul
'.It.reedter uttlr b;.p. ap1t;v r niv'. 'lopou-«} i tiSai. inr teje.u'i
'aed what d. lou tb .7 i f *' •
ev;/ ,V .* .« w* ar- a KOlodtt
,' ■'•rref Vs? U7 tab* tb- o,»' U.'ir.i
b*\i>Tk W lb.-• tlird l.jreiV't
j t'le.Ulebf WaMlorWo .cn .■auS-"'.'
-I.U I M.i .4? 'Aiid pou
, jiln.Mr duQ.biov J.kb b*f>r-- lUc
Vibtoteil wbalCiwd Uaie. L
i lerul. Toeii teaea n-rrt:.!!,.* A.-.ti
.ar.ii Pii.r Haruso'. ab.; li'vlf h..'D.v ''i
Y.mr pruaileoi fe*i» likr a iir-a-. U/!l-lic" »
' 'O '‘.if '
.UaiouiaKobinlh'. tmri.iop.aad e.-B...'*“'',‘.te/tel Meirca.J, had !.u
jTbe fo HirqgeHe-BiUniil
Ilk* wainc .u load cTripBiir wou-d .
*'«> E« Mr nm- ,r ■« e,.<l ■,)cr. A-.tl all beraow of a dear leiur | iwe w.l bra i;v.i' Ota. .'*xi. i fu
■balc.B' p*K<-uap -fi'.a A.ka.,., ‘ E S.lr.oa.‘ipob-nfM - ; ibIv. tv....q ,
iJrt out v.iiir .fVErtp'!.* .nd .-ebtult'"
1. it 001 n.
s-.- -ilaicfl Aikataa. :..pvuop fuika. Tone ‘-.i oui SJa.tjoe «w, S.. .
were iwo letter.-** .b'mkt eap-lo Yteat ujonlrp ol our
uoe *nv.-up.'.-or*f--m'adraflr(ooa Brood aod e'M Hi.i
..t^Vuao, Kiilk.
Of oor Club. Hr* K-npairp. wbieo
Saakiac Hsu*
The hsad shake » ueu.i:? ebsrseier
Ale of tbe IndlTidosl. sltboafrb taen
r* msop fad, la rSEsrd to thi. osrl.L
alar prrr: Inf wfaieh Istl f.>r a llmr ao'
«Mt tadd s'OedV Mtelrhlar Waa wa
laced bp eoBelblnp nrw
___ latest bsod staskr i* tocmrrp toe
did not writs for pu''!i
basaaaaltol oltitcB. sad Itwasbtid ricbtbaad f'Wwsrd toward* tbe left
we ar* (einr to UM. vimr of it-th •' . 1 ,« a Uu’e bap
0. do. I wasn'talwapt a asBl-cIreular ooreBeBt. with thr
Aa' ftetl^Mte^'*iWlB< wteea tabs patlsat
w.miid Meolberlwaal to jilo the 8111
iward. sad the <i*hn-, baud will |rr,-.»*
patlaat. qslte ofiao tbe reetrse. but
lUf*—H..IH.I.-W from l-'xiik K i.rrVt
•I'.bnlton and c
rmired In a flra b
'tawh a teaesa ibaTh tefirla'. wteea
kaow 1 told poe 1 wa* aot a Bodel
poe Summon Clip Susbeam*. for x-u ipieoeiOEer^aiU I b*lp w.;l
Boitbar. Tbars.wareJuitwotblnplB
are polar w bear .aiorviior that w.|l 14,^ liriap to wood. U.r p.
A Mew UlBScroreacL
to help DM Id Brtorloe
4.0-,-la"r>>».* p-11. •-’.-•rh wc ar* We da** alarm i.f i'M son.
Iboee wrrr lore for mp
deliclou. hot cifip rci^ wa.
Il*r* art lot. to dc. I 'po to «eh^ and .‘-uife
'jiur 'uBk-beoB thr otbri .li-roinr to br htpp* over
la Uodb’proatea. *rir*a at
tbe third reader.
fre*U froB lb* oren. .pu-r Ibrlrtu.'*.:
I Mp ebUdree
taarbt teworfc aod dap. it I
leader, and
keo ir
l'loa..o< H;aln», A-k.. Mar -ii to 0 ■ ;,
Ihlak that U Me freat
oror. in be full c
AM tte westa talk lar Bone Cuaa
• |i>..hMo, K»n.~We mnrvd from •
wwaUplaaaad. tbars aaBS to a* Ibla.
tlok to tbe bottOB ol pou euuu ip to th* atate of Ark.oMi la
taM tte (aaalslB trcB tAleh ia drawa
jtonarp Ia.1. tVe baea f jur lull* oor, 1 t will will writ* a letv,
r the
ahUdraa *rare qalle baapp. atuSllp
of darofa li
teav eaadBs taaaap eapaef
wbe we-e m*a.b*rt of tbe Snmmit C'.Iv :
| q.,* njt wrill
waMr. Ite Bobs tf*eai«Bcat of Mn. T^Uhardlp aapoBCwbal* bappp
boo.hii.r t'lab
1 iboopbt I wu,
BMkM. Parrp la tb* CbarleUa Trib
«oeC»y.th* toaldap. io K*bru**p. Mr SoC.hloe Cleb. 1 po M Mr tin
lodlp i*..pfta aoSkaed
Apple diBKcr■M. whMb tesofall of feed aaffsatbrvwomIhrir.8uc.bin* boltOB* WjMhool. .Up le.cdrr', oaiur it
(or weeke at a Uae ia wlaty.
ttaattetwaclY* ItMtira Tbsartl»eho7l; th* *nadr*o. .aa-e tbiia.dn.d* 1 Muoep.
M? Modie,-•* r* ul-ifc
bat bbUqille bappp.
I do aot do all
Ms It baas asBtrlhaior. wrtitof
aod .wbrn
■wbrn n.rht
I.ke a .trap of
Onevfoui ioq
log, .pHI,up,aort
tar«te aSM* «<Mrs. thspewlaceow.
piraad.of pranalaled .upartad a do* 'came, bad drviird to barcarlub. bad
be oni tB faar week.
/V ■
lo« ef ptetarea.'draws pletarta.aad
mbbwM at* also flrao.
“A -“"l towhich add ooe. 1^0!,.'jaiio<faoeedttiem.rlTcaa.caudldate,f,r i„t i, St l-atnckb. d.j I wiltI b*elii-[ L .:
•nwBBtWMUa UUlaafapaapari- priehs MSB os ardboard or pastewaste taMlacabUdras.tet heaeaii I Beard sad ae** tbCB with eolorad cot
Baapliutbccelerad iwlse UM
*fim dns asp fiaat woaieia la that lea.
>ea parcaUaad sea Mat tea
Ite avaMt tel elBvlp bsaasaa I te*a
. Bt t* alwapa bu*p and teppT'
Cot bar waplol>*llU.re*aBd^drp■
WfitMO Mt* boidBC H w
Abenrtlnliot lore win make a ill
the epo of some peuaf Bother
all-of jor.
who dee* sot bates asraarp sad all
Bn b tpooaa with eommoo salt to r
Mr. W. y. Jtiengen. ioj Lan
ttekelpefor saeeeatful ehlld traialar. oovrepp.MlBa
don Sl.. Bufiklx. N. Y,. tc':is iiow
• M«aMa.bat wtea wacM dlaooor- aad^ap. perbapa. help aaeb a oea
Clean steel kalte* with raw paMI
he»asciir.-il bpUr.Waiisiu.,' I'jnlc
' acsd, seas obs who la aa a aedal Ttere tup--tbere will badapisodark dipped Isto Bor briekAoet
I*ilU flit Tale People. ' 11c mm :
tedpe a to tsal bstiar. for -aleerp
arate. but roBCaber
one 3-ear ago 1 wu‘•Faspls Mbawa *ap peer, do aoUae at*swap.* Tteeoa.will cblae a«aia.
Stela. Uha to aw saplUac abasi tte ■There at* bricbi^ dap* la waitlac,
A mao lorn a woman teal ootll be .
Yon oafeaen bit loir: after that she loves >
had tiaa. far tbdl resaca UlUs lB«*a tbcec'U be caobfalBe bp sad bp."
tvhitU I eaperieoced in U:e mull
wriMte M tte aaUaet
Ttesa who Blfbl ba«e trial* sad dmeoaloru *0 ilm teal.
of Diy back sloiost incsi<aciUu-d
ktew. bf itel aYparteana prater teter- aueb worac. "te tbarkfal lor wbat
Veor paai. whether It k pimd cr bad.
me for wv'rk. 1 tried scannheeomea bl.torp In tbecomauaiip io
■aVM laraapaaibla.
IbaewaasM- poB barea-t cot.*''
plasters but they did me bo r.oJ
«Ute Of tte reach sMb of Ufa sad 1 SB
Urn. Perrp add* Ite fellewisc. the
whatever. In connection willt th:s
IBteCtefaMows richtaptoU. 1
of wbleb all raadara will U
kidoep trouble I was snbjrvt to
Inaebad-tteafsef twaeipiM r
■wlft to rseorair
chronic beadarbte. I was advifcd
will do tbe Boat pood
ttess was a«a MalBad B^lati
"Oat IbOBCht iB tbs aboee ueelleat
to try Dr.Williani*' Pink PilLs for
Wbte I was twtetp-tM
Uuar is. ptrbapt. 'S lltUe elosded or
Pale Pniile. I did *0 and
MdwateBs toMlaUcaa- Witbalek:, saeartals. It k eeetolaad la tbe 0
noticed a great improvemviif, sf.*r
ate paplsp aueoiiooa pou oevrr
Maate le*tMwabaeaaa*arppaor. I lewUw teeleser: ■ Tter* la t<^ me
conoiining their weV^.r reveral
taswaetbtecof tteearaat ehUdtaa. ad*ioeoe ceokinc asd hoatok^lDc
motiths sll dracea of the kidnry
Toewteleo bsrrelt which have beld
te tealted terpHuls ksewladcaof Iboac who hate ere.pihlac tin do s
trtiolde diimppeared aod the besdBeat or brior. Bill half fall with frw,i.
aoptbiMr praettal.
I Idrad ap ebU asad adrisd." U Mat word *rrrv>*iao bap and prnir bolllBp water opto 11:
acbe becssK levs fminenl."
eever eloaelp and let ataad till cold.
dees. M seoisa. sad was eacar te lasra. la saed itfarsUp. Mas ail rijrhl:
\Vn. JvL.-r&nT.
I aliOB aakad adrias.baiapsraaad
Tall oor akito bostewkva* that wbeo
Snbscribed and sworn to before
thep baveaptesip kvUle after trpioE
awi wste alwapa epaa f» aa^tUac
me this »yth d^^
l5S»iMat weaU help aa Wbea I weald aai tep. pat baer aot tbe wltdoB to applp cakes er tte like, to irp cleaaiap it
with a capful oteura meal aod eee tew
te Ms papaa adriaa aa Me tiala
to tte eBcrteaclea ef beseekeep- sestlp It doe. tb* work
A'eAirT PuHu.
^ aad ears of eblldraa how esc laf. ttea ao eua, perhaps, ataad*
II pea bate eorka iso tarpe for tte.
erip I woeU read It bad alwspe to teal rtsater Saed ot adeiee thas tbs
moathe ol tbe bbiUea. ecsk uam io
I>r Wnikm.’ PUk Till* W TH. Ttepk ■
- -|r^—.
1,0^ rmi
Tbcraaipaaeb. aod maap of tbam 1
boUlop watar for a Mort note
QaaeSeSTal^R wUla' the ewaet.
.vjo.ii «p;ii lii* lilt!* turoav w.ib i namr., wh.*b wnb Mr f4.11
belfir b.iux train He mu.l loei i lonff-d to tfar-dumiBClip •-'vb'a. rttu:;
iDoredsloillpAliefoooo* “at hos«- ' rite* Uia> ainr'
are .social rmlbertBr*. oot fea,u; e.-o
Asd 1 do tuiue arriof all h , .to* k
sc<|Beat1p. thep map be elreo bp tin.
locr.-p "viv.-r up: t>o**f up;; aod
wbaselocBcs do aot jcMfp thcB li
eBtertsioias to a more e»peo»ire wsj
lat ooooe ***r S4W al’u wbrn U* wo.
Tben. loo, tbep arc sisslle.
A dmurr cot ID Mi; cbverine up budoau Reosrpartp. a* a rale, can oolp be rirpt
Msl Mr. Hitnii aod Mr*. H>bib
choscb t
*11 tbe liUie ilitiip. wb«d tiirp
e to ip
x'llop at
tea prsefame to r>» «>i* eblldreh to
U Olad Ohstaat.
As tor aeedlee sad thread,
ns«arU.JIw ^-Idtattla-eld aa' plap with.
if I aosld cel asoerb to do tbe aaeectat^KteMtewa aa ■jia' ItV psod carp eewisK I was tbaaklal.
I bare
------tied .tout raeeUor* loapin.
U'scrtef. its
for tbe wea rtrlle w
, Mpcbllda' ShuaV a^af anUlas far areep
dfas wer» alwaps coBtorUblp clothed
rseepl for cboes.
Tboea I eoald not A New Wap to Serve Riw Opstet.
IkdT steBbla la tte loawoaie '
Cut • R the top of a Iriuiiar fem :v
ebUdreb sad tbeir
pretip car. tbecoBUiit*; Uirn.lieevff a little u
the ether rod so ibetbrll wUlen Irrr
Ip ta Urn efn-iaf.
I Bade all
l-lscc the Ibbob cup la thr laiddlr o
sed dll wltn a tsuc
elotbet. caps. c»ts, slocklDCa sad Bit'
op.ii-r e
taaa. It was ebesper to aiakr tbem and made of tom
.im.lsr tbin
I bseamr «slu aa adept
I laarsed
.nap. tskr up *sei
fcalt slUawsad kolltwo liule pairs op.ter sbd d o.iMo tbe sauce In tb
.wbUdsoaloklabedtbstleoold aotsli iemoo cU0;-»-rr*"iHpr
tat writstadawa ae eapta'tbarab
It was bard, wdrk, jaeva
w-'ii.dM.iafflO,;'»?>»• <«*,
b.MkVEW (.FA
orev: Aai
talteea sbeald teeasroea
aMsalsplapUaad aaa* tbar llksd.
Mdtteates teaUplirlBC Ibaboiaa
nteMaala biskarp aav'-waaoiao
ate Tte Uttia tsiteiteald tees wti
aa tte tear. kri«ht
Ms wall. teUdtsc bloMa. a pair at
teteawIMMapatea dsllad.
. tateAkriphtpIsaBterdeaia'draaea.
ate Tkit I waste asa-ten tear, aftea
Mta.iMter staafM wa* Ballaf ao
MMteMawsU. aaa pair ‘ '
rral'vtArvn,a..iun.>ir>. Would Das<
I >00 asstosra ter amp boBt eoadllU
tor tte trawsema. atr-U(bl seamb
•of ISO* Item ao that tbep map be earn
Ip pnaesd Uto tte tetUa.
To UphiaB eaae-aesi cha'r. Utn ap
the chair bittoie sad saA lie cane '
work Meraapblp with seapp water asd
Let ltdrp lo the >ao and
it will be a. firm 1* when sew.
e. prorid*d the tote baa set
aa. wboM eariaiaa sad bllod* >
sigtad Mb ptsr rousd to tte bUaalac*
_______ __________
______. ^eaarpolp
A pood
of Oedb aasllfbl ter ftar of dsBaca to Mkaaptbesi at tbrir be*i
•aeearssM. mara la sttd of adriee is ^ k to drop them la tb* bailor tf **
tte clotba*
Ootbaa hava barn takaa np. th
Mk BSUar tbaa asp te* who tea net
Me watar eC. rlase tte sis* s
tte iBSsrp of tteo* Mtecef '
• S'*'
) w
sartwM • Nib
HIT *<e
sill ^
*M eu *? » .
w crritsTnoBAM
rr :
aorseshoeiiij and Gtnenl Uepairiag Done
Re PaintiiiK and TTpholstering.
: stiff'.':;
lesiiSs’: “
Carriages, Cutteis, Sleighs, Eli
iwniram li.
State Sl. inr Oiio,.
Mt. Fitamt. OnrewM.
wnr.BA7 Ctty, Detroit, How
•IL Abb Arbor. Xolode Bad
poiBto But and Sooth. Cleoo
ooBBoettoaa otOopooUohtelth
8BdB8 WUWMB-HBBAM). ifaXt t, IdOd
Leadep. April
*e of the diet
to the MtMh
■ylhlbe aMBhberbai
etdeaea-ttaad to iai
pelat otria*.
»> •yeUtjrlBr
Waaaearetriy to portray the pr^l eaptmafOBaPoyby BeanSaclsbaiy
lallaeliab The oar oMea pea«8 tha
fallaoilc dlepalah froa Lard
•ml a Brtdaaee Aboet Brae llatee
daiad at ILorafoalaia.
Iwt aJehi;
. - Caere hat aan ooaalderabd delay l>
Oepim-Se«laa«b laae That M
••U'Bt aeeerete lOWbe al eaeaaHlea
M lS.««l-Oo i^^Beat to Bt. Maleaa
ind to lb' ae Ue aetioa took place M al(Ua haoea
w.tb 1000 of bi
r brartfnll
Mlarraps ceai« U ialrrrapted aad
eloedy traatbar bae lalarferad
»ltb elraalliar. Bltheayh Oeaaate ^aellle aad rraoab. aea
-BwrdsUad tool
OeloTillB Md VTCtMk A«MrB
te BlOBalbat^.
to rapert aa follatn:
WvBAa. Death hi
at aar aaiaeatad
_______________ W B Thaebar
____ lead. Thalia tbadeattaflT B
T«aMrartbae»MBBttybaeten a r«apaetad eli>itB aad oar bo«-d a eoapelael aiM traetworUy •Solal aa the
apaMal tretM aoadded la PM eare eaa
-Tinwiiir »41o«nuM«ith( »«<«
«t twwTlMn of Ut«a« Trwww OmaV Mt
Tnaww OI(j tka I* h
■HvV.iMO.ait.P'elwltrB. **»h»
boar tbt *mri «w MdM «e
«f«v ht U» ebalmu. Bill o»ll •>»«.
«4 .11 ...bwi araMt «Mt»t Mr
ksopei diob.arteiPblMroUbeer.
Mr. D. W. Ataatrtas. aa Anerieaa
Ivq4vu plot a'tee froa tte aiy.
rho has berm Uriar M Loadoe tar tbs
aathallelud Ttfla A Pt.ilt retd.
yrerit bat who rtrrotly
•OTca-a tbe«Miti«pal v..
•hart a hir rrip of frpr rich fPU waa'
dkectMod by acotlop baada
^ to thkcocairr •
trip; CCah ,
- Briarar Pt thatp
fbartoupd ptisre t^e fri*'*—' *1 ***** ** foUcPr:
l:Me'd»eh p. m.
qaar ■ a foaad baa baia protpretedi
--------------- ----Beard mIM voardar by chaIrMa.
lecBaayyep<* aod beary cau aadd
BaU «aiad. all aaabwa ptaaaii
ibrotirb It by the Called V.rd. 4
Tba follDWlBf patltka «aaraad.«rf
Paak -foae yptpeoe* opstBtad tb
•n»t w ii
Oa aetlM «f Hr. 0»th U» Maard aa aatlaa of Hr. Sbapard »ba M
pr>iea toftb* |irtct j»e ari-l
•eaWre of tbiebord.
tbi* <
.tamd la the CatsIWaa oa I
adjram^lo laaoerc*. aorelax ai LiMlc eerk bar beoo doer op ih.- tsLk-borlaen
taUr borlaen and
an. aDactal edkpse. 1
ai'Wber. of kb
'rival u( ■adesiry.
tyaipttby is ih<
dkherared plaf«
A. bole frer f-c■ T'«»*rrft»l
Tb Ua Uaoarah'e Beard efSaperrii.
r. S Ba»»>. CfcairMB.
drepbe*B-oa ttadr.aade laaple ae- hTWh o.*aufamirm |.||>) at ibry bare
on of Oraad Trare'ai OeaBlyi
not bmi fiv
. Bpcduno ptevrr■y rhept «h cao aer toa.
•pread oe oor reetrde aod pab.tabed I
pt»Cial>ly ra^yed
bare retarard to ibecaap et B>oratreed. roUituc <a ta
Taa^T, Mar. ae. iaO‘>. »;IA o'eloeli. ilibb-, .bUrBMraed
to Lard
M»w O potat Orant Mapide
» ber'oe.d I.b II
rrrsed to.
by aek eareiiMloa froia year boalud m«ier iH\>|>-rliy They
Drand tcepie.. Apri. 1-rae ea tar<
Ban MlleH. all a>e'a'>ar« pr»a«HBibenrralato aend ICOCe or IriMO
-Maoy ecu of ec
' - • '
apd rrea.
bee jeti b-.«e eioeed bKoora {be li
B D. r
llBStM af yaatardar'i p^aaaadlaft
g bettary of hk bnt iroope lato a Plldrrnrw.:
rirer at tk a. ^ck'.*’ ef l«ca^ vloeaaranadaadawHwad
la esUoa aadrt e tetaa Brr
le-'oartr y dald >taaV* eoatvae
eleiHii fruni |k«'
Oa BoiioB of Mr. Wllbrla iba ap ledaaroee -. 0'ir ■■ oOd'acilne of M' Wtlk- .*.► ,nolo., aM fooyarde far eear hoore. tha oM- rticbt aaplo to bk ebowe lior of ed-' MelCaVb C niiraeion for to* erret>o->
e rta lioa
of the follo..a« i:>c..aeo :«cia. i-,, r,. 4,,. n'e- -m « 1.,. • ..
| e«a eerriar tha *jBe ae ea>eeiuee re
Work will b* b*ras .an. afirr »U. hardly hr ... i»n«h.ratdr
OosBeaeiac ' 'v
r de noett i
aad If to thr eoaupn. the
Mr. CerUt preeaatod thr follOPle* dosed tae d.i^aeoU. dereral fal- e'MPbrre.
at ooer aed t-rarr thr eaBocr la orar to blB a. t.. U.r linildr »
U. Thaakar. daorarad. >
BoleUoaeaedoaD>tlaBof Hr Oert. ieat atteapu Part awU to briar M Uearral CokPilleern'C a* eaelly eirtke
. qeertrr _______
aactu. ^ • reeilj Uad iheaaBC oa* aeorpiad and adopv! >•«
the wear ol wUeb had brea tbeafroa Bitrpltaialo at by folloa*
The depot Pill br OPurd aad au. «brlr |pn..n.l al
uira ta.-atydia iW aortb af--------iiicapt the boreae ■nr tbra aerjee toe pltlat Tar raor*
Tn- other
e^eeea ill) thaa >eat UtlrV«» IMI
aocrlyteprrior Britkb;forM eppear irollrd oy the tl R Al
iaiHl tariff a r.>nii lirriicl.
lathe Better ofibr old eeatatlttaa|*ara*hatrote thaaee aorU tireety (Ml rote.
s iDs.:llr«. PalUar. prvbtbly for toad., thr Prn Hfqsriir and V
(U-r >>> !•' thr
,|a>'m uf
aCoBBiyOfOBiid.aod Belldlofe.
] - ror Beua. Heoeter.
Oa »•* wa* adopted
IbeBce ireet fortyHimoda.tbeHcea’elh
Ml^lrne Oatral.bare rcoird ine«ri
tecaaelelloa of aoro aeicrisl tor
plraiv ■■•bend Id It our mom in the
Whertae. W A. Br-wa. aaerettry of' aae K.rtaeacerUoeanai
«atad March foth._«aoa.
lirret df ihe drpji for
*■ " y p>dk. .t |Tri...iiii* ABiirimn nisan
. rote.ihepeaaortbtpaoly tbfe.isil nld eoBBUlre wailr eeUnp ia wid ae-, aad Boteru' aom corerad
ift adraaer lothcTbaatraal troa-'
eoan haaae
CsrTnrrr> and Isla.rm at' llir rt|a.nri
jittad aad a red! iheeeaettt thlrlyala rode-tbeerr paalty p-rforaed eerr.creoi yrnt reler . .............
b' *41 leetlonr- of thru i-or-.cn ri.al.'
„ _
to the fcnUa- oorih three (»i rote la plaae af br«ia- tn tha people of lb* cooety. ueretorc
all probability the eapiare of thr
Ljodooere are wholly eaable to
tn ordlaary > sad
If Ur .VrTa.ln.ux ha.l l<mi mi a fnvr
■aa hartaf abar«a ol IH eoaatraeUae
; oooroy Pill bar. a arrkn effect op I
«“■ •»
r to ip
H ^ idmtasdbopaaarayefcseb pr
Tharaferr. be It
eataa tanorisf .rr»r»' t.i|. In thr snrii- rlrrlr ..r in
Ltrd K)hrr t’latere oprraitora Tbr:®'’^*Hr
Beoolead. Thai I'm board el aaparenkt for the )a«ll'Ueae ae reported by Lord
KePloqa i.
oaperec red jadrane-northoerd will oa-.erally be !
Tiaon aalaad a eou ol thaak* «e the
I eiaad betook
add Ircilly iadicaud-------------------------aettrielad aad btlit
Iteld das u
d nr OK the first floor V
balldlar eoBitDi loe. Arebl'eei C M.
tba leirrret of tbU coeoty pfalle aetihr
aad tiaaera. aaeb aa
Prallaad BupermimW J^ho Kraeaecr-taryat afomaid.
towor the hHflbt-.1' be... T-f.wr
n-sl.-ko f...ui a
fa ereetlap a eate
a*lba. for the eaetrr aed eare in b The c<meittw tOPboa the prUdoa •
i Ter male beildnif «-jI be ?i» had hrvn at work In tbr .mi
patU rirer. aad
ball of the aoaaty aad for tbaMcHlaai
aluMeehaie f.« of Mean J O. Orotacr. B. Can aod L. i
IB tall
I tcailaor and iriU IMtwx wisp which 1^ want laiu ph nit r«<>cn:
malta dae to their ekm. azerelaa of
it c<rrn to reporw that fbabs hV.o.
K Oihb. -a. rel«Ted. nported M
uonaad! Tbe rryelar weekly belletia kaoed !»•» ♦«h foriy-f.B' tswl wrie win be » and u.U n-UM .vnunto.
aecooay aad food Jadfaeal.
fbe«Berribr.iefkMat’byUewarde|iariBeBl»i..4Ue Bril-,♦<"
fr«a-all to w,r
two.h ..( a n»s..-w.iid Tl,
Mr. Darre*. CbalrBaa of tha Ba.Vd
:tltloarre to eoeelrael aed
------ -
.. .m
1 ^ to
a aallaWe fleh ebala for the.
---------laf OassMoa. praaaaiad aad raad
perpoiaol alloptnr free dorreei aaS Trareree
ibair «aal raport.
bait that Boaber, but the acre fact
ooBBiUeo on
rrrpBtoall kiadaotteh.
dealhafrimdlBrateor tb* number of! A nweeiwalar. tmaoi.. Bse bm •
Te tte Hoeorabla Beard of baparL. K Ouwa.
R-iada nod Brldrea. to whoa ca* re ibaleeeeso msByaaaall eoald haes
Tbon of Oraod Trarerae Ooaaty.
& Caea
fenrd tbe peUUon of L K. Uibba. bsea oolleeted so near beadqearters rick now is hcaplult la a.o-h Atnea. jP'*P'““
merkcuac b-e prodoctet fai^hpilee..
J. O Caoraap
Bslph Osae asd J. 0 Oroker. aekias Wiuoeitbekaowledce of Me Bridth
Oaatleaen:—Foll’iolec.M laa fleU
aarstseloa to erect a dsn aertM the
A asD Bear Treetoe. MisaoaH.
Dated, March W. IMb
ooaoitadhra protokos Boeb ooeony wooBdrd and Biuiey.
report of yomr aeart boaee baiUtac
RoardBaa rirsr npOB the followlor deThe foLoPlDf rraolatloa waeoSarad
mtly l«at Uruayb deaib. la oae we
» la beyloniac I
■Ibed lands In lb* topoabipof Blnlr
two dnnehim. faibar i
by Mr. dbrpard;
Itaaaiar U rsfarded as a direct bo felt rcyardlofl Ue
said eonnty. r'x: ComasDcmr leiA.
ty rods soolb of the soulbeasionropr of so.ult ol Us laability al Gsasra) ipaniraot tbs lloers wbteb dash oot to Botbrr
«e leenBueetolsbeat thm .
the eortb bait of the soetbeaai qnaricr Freocb to eat uS Us coaetaadoel t>iessaihail Bioiafoetela aod k
... tbe northwsit nnBntn''nf
US (fWOt^hlebbaabMobsHbrlboC
‘t towB twootr-sis |:si norso Geoeral Oiiyier aod tba oteer ooB-.feis with Lsrd Bohreu' comaa
-Mtit ly <^ark fa^iorernl yanrs, which
ribipeot VifsLaki
-wco (in wesLtbdn west thir BsodoswncB aseapaf troa Us Or-|th»a DUqeietnlan Is ladaBri by U«
IS) rods, Usoe* eorU tweoly •Bfls near.
jreperu froa Barnly Wsat that Ue
. tbaaee west forty tSii rods.
■ awrWei.Mtw ..
me luie ol eesee (aos by Rro td ' Bsets are aasnlar troop* el Taonfle.
A ncyro. who on* hern at r* htlU'
1 by ; Milkrilel. Oonforth bill end.Ble.n«•“
Baolrcd. Thata
eael forty fi
1 stosrl. of since p^r. at*, s'oo. i
1 by'bo*Uop III lscuao*ded Mat lb* Britleh
p,«i sraiwrsoi ibU beaefl be appelated to twcoty-thm
Kelylua wiaoiny fame a* a clay mn<
ttaraoc north three
aw;net le eoeJaBstiea with tbs Oeasty thlriynut It
.apld'eoamaodef laehisf It la Ue altel of
Hitnsm- is Abrebaa Liocali
_ , -Treaaerer. wboee delj liehall be to <f- (I) rodno I
u» total cnoi
^a'ereailUie sBtanM belooflaf to the rearcettolly_____
JS. apeedy. 1
by tha Hrltlsb io »c preesot
-.1*. ocealy and toposblpaand report BiwI'iD be yrsotrd in i .
JeeSalU.a brokeaae ea U* T-8.
Ucoerri Cros}: aed CsiJssI 'kklel
iheaald palltios: Pr. Idcd tbhl saidf«et,auaoretbae et
ibk Board.
tM road, fell ooder a airioy car
Baclnod's a litary hlaiory slud* IT»3. with 1 «S0 ofltosers, ss.le? froa Cap
)a BoUoB et Mr Olerelaed tbe reeooarGreearlllo aod bad boU lay* rat
ilBc of belldiot the dSB. sooti
AnitieaecOBOltolUea^ht from a Town for th«lr uland prkoa Io U
’’inttob wee adopted aad Mr. Bbeaard sadBaiaialo laeald dsaerood
ifl b>)ew Ur kaeas
Hsdied la a few
■ aad Hr. Boers ware appslalad at saeta eoMcleot Bsb ladder crccUd of aoefa KrliUbsjureeeoooer la autieq Uat , AUaotic fast ntyhl
an4 after such plsn at is rrc Colooel Broadwood's f«o* of about i
-------------------------------The tut'case wardeo InTntlyried
ed aad spproeed hr ibe blaU
Ue sotkBOf Mr. Jlerelaad tha Ik
______ BBlalon aod said dam to cun
.raaaofibe intraeilosot iheyaae
' u^ktulw
laieasB'tablealiBiefor thsporeoaeof
rlea of the.lQlantrydir..ioii aod Ore
---------------llowlay lo<t. ilBber. (I redwood, el:
Tb' Os'* aod
id COlUeolloeUd
P. £ Sarita.OhalrBaa.
•ral Feeneb-s cnealry alone prereaied Bu'ldi- r Where O.-aoeratia MsUonal
> osBs arid dam.
^ „p
i "■ ‘ comHiiiiii h»u iurred
Tharaday, March ««. law.
. e:W0-Maeka B.
Boll eallad
Board eallad to order.
Tha (oUoplBfiea a
r tbe arlflDal m
TeUwBoaerableRBrd otBaperria
ot of Uraad Trararaa^leaaiy:
' wri
cob amaa
Vmm pboa was referred tbe Batter of
All of wblefa is rcspcetfally sehmilted
Ue esolhllalloB ol Cslooe; «-i»o ; iHUenoy was jo hire 8-eo Belfl
E Y l.iMnsu.AS
... U1.■
Jo■■^ Uiupiiie.
OoBBll'oe on B-itu aad Kridirea. the sturiB diBir csptidsraby. AcKsnat CIty, April 4-The imaea
OnMBOlloB ot Mr. Walker lb* re cordloflusome C.saasodnnt Otcbler boildtay keowo -as
port was occepiad and adopted
idedibeKur*. and oot Oom where tba D-atcrat'e oatloDal
The followiof stokBCDt was pto- aaodao. I>e Wrt Ob**eorTasp>nd*et doe was to hsee b en held July s, wa*
seoled by 4. W ManDee. presideot af esys that a U-rmaa-Aaerican.Belch- boraed to tb* irmund tbkaftfm,
be Uasoah B flu:
lea thee fasir an hnu*. Ttanf>U> loot
tHaUBOBl Company H—ProBCoBDty I Tuesflslr seeBi retber to leallfy to ! will reach nboet bnlf n ramieo dnllsn
'tbsekiilofibeBoarsioprepwiac nB-| Coeotitloe hsU irill be rebeUt Imim Bal Cit sens Food S tss M basondes thaa to aeclect of the BritUn | medln'cly la Uae for the eoeecatioe
lolter U* fcol* ofUi
Rstou'd from Co.
ttaeeasUibtthearsoUof U* cooroy
BOit bee* psMsd cloae to Ue aabssben. Who apptreoily were ns iDriilble ,
na psruidye. In csenr Liter aceseou, Eorllsh Mo we Vmit-»rln for theflal
any wore that the BrliUb '■
TIaa ■« M TeBia.
.he talewea eetaalde by ader of tbe
Jlrealt Oonrt. woo Id roapcctlolly report
We bare earefslly looked
ep ead '
towBihfoof Fife Uke be cred
I tbe aaonat (Its St. and tbs
Delon beered'tsd with th« Apr. I, ISM Ooaoaay H loaa
did fall to rrc Minoiler properly.
tba BBiaat of Bktt
Oa BPtlea of Mr. Cprlk the report ^
BMAoeephaa aad adopted.
Oa aatioa of Hr. Walker, the Beari
a1]samod is Ite) o'Maek p. an for i
•awpt work.
P. B. BooPP ObalnBaa-
Dr. W.' k' Miioo.
Df. bn: .............
Dr. Clark. (Will
laatoaryl to PC QUbf«.............
S. •Dr. I. A Thoap
,Dr H B Oaroor
10. •• De, Bperr............
»: ••
Dr. A fl.Bolllday
IS. ••
Or. B B. Aode.••
LowBA. Pocae.
W. A Mkwtok. CUerk.
Bitted tbs lollowiaf reprt:
To tbe Boaomble; tbo'erid I
•• M. - oT' a'i'
■Ha ballik foealted la the •leeUqatM ^'^'-tf.*';;.**!^^:.",.
MB.J.A uoibM.
. ;*,,ajre3u.;e-..iiik'5 :
TbeloUowlerraacdoWea seaeoBered ■in>.<TeswfseS'eaU.p«nwr* '
by Mr. Corn, aad oa aotloa ol Mr.
■hapard tbasaa. waaadoptaJ;
^ t hen a jMwwB.e'psie shwit
of tleandi —
oarrrlslclnr sadaese fl is our hearu
kwiMB'c <«. ..
pbao eallisfl to Blod HP rrat calBB » t- litres..-n^es rmut
IlylbalhattHfsUaa lu In thedcatb of. „ «
Jadye Boeoe* L Cwbalt tfseerlbelcaa,
--------- ,. the eoBseWosocs of)
atbarto flikar wnb end t tbe tea-; u^siMw Bn» ace . »rpUM
attbsll Ue boanrs dae to .oae wboa.
■e the taraltare and ethrrcMrcala8-iPii[i.Ba-rwki.rik.aiiwqetr
atesfipdrd h<« trslyeueet.
::: ss
bad ao eoart hoase; tbMefoce belt
Beooleed. mst tbe cnaalttoa oa •' — "
oooaty-rrieinte and belidlar.be In.'
streeted ts p»oesr* al the eipessr of,
tboosooty aiilc sii- psneait of Me
toUJadfO Oodbatieod basethesar
hniwla Uaaaweoorl reoa before. If aiekA^ BwkMCe.
pSbk.theASrll irraofeonrt
oa aeuoaot tfr. Wlttula aeomialt-. ^tlrS^Ta
«of Mra ■- Cortl*. wnhtla aad Caapbell was a.
draft reaeletloae bq Aw doMaot Mr.
'A _
On aniioe of Hr. Clesri^tbe Com
alUreon Oonmy Geooedt nnd-.^Ud
lay* tria lastrated to proeore cans
for yradlny Ooeri Uoam yroeods. < e.
A3t ts czeeed Um eenk per ca de ykrd
Theyeasand asy^be'ny d.-aaeded.
sshkb rcaalted la tha anaelaca* ToSe
Df the Board.
Oa aolka of Hr. O'rsriac^ the Osa
laOeaaiy Oreaete and Reiid-
Uaithe eallel nolnas afier all was
able to Boee aouU once more, prab
la Trara.
ably after recsielBf relsforceaeols
Unenlo. Keb . April t
from Rhodala. The Basra add Uht
PloiD'c was repeiaad. " .
lelnly Id the cillea Lincoln fytaraIo any case It esanot be hay
eomp’.ste Rspubllcen Gehetby-tbe
before Ue i
lofteei oujirity
In eeate.
Pioaet by way ol B,
HaTrklny. it IseriS.
m*}->r1ty nod retyraeo a Repub'cas
by Lsrdfliheru ts bold.oBlaaUI Hay
aayar ter the firstti^e la lu hWory
O'Nell end .Uhlted. 0.-B>oerej
Geaeral Lsnlt BsUt. woald.eeea Jo
bare taken ebnrye of Ue Bar
oalya. nnd to hie* loaneorated
teeainrd elrtteyy. Lrrd Bsberit fiea
lelAaal Praseeled
It likely tsflod blateM
ly of either nt--ndi:
Washtoytoe. Anrll
Slate of Hlcblyno. Ooooty of tWd
rtpreseated a petliios try**'
»f flISO.OOO,
We, Ue ondrralyaed. Cuiraee aad
Aynlaaiao Loeaua
acap’lal. -preyleyeoi
dark of Ue Board ef Saiwreiqon ol
the aid eocoty of Grand Traearae. dc
law profalbltlay tbe i ut-of Halt'd
'B-feom the Pbl'>(T>:nee
hereby eemfr thatItbefo
tbe followlny !•
State* ailtt^ power o Dcreral tb*
Pay Roll otaald Bard nf Superelaon traofport Sherrieo that Ayunloaldo
'Uodmy ofaenapetlBy sable frem tb*
a* preeeatrd and nllnwed by the Com In Stoyapire Sewepapen in that cl
L'ellad Suta.“
on asiat nnd Accoonu for ailee ardmll'ayedariey tbelr Oei yiee iBterri*<*n with bla. aad Uonyb > Senator Horyte pa'I d alteBDon
bee'.hl deeiaret bii lateaU
iheehaala rale proliiblt-ay reeclrlat
wraiey Vo Manila. It appran
tpctUloa from cIlIxeDt' at a tri^lyn
bu decided to uke earn of
anetry exeeol thtooyb Ue depart
sioee Ue Ineoryeotaray • ditpertesL
meet. Be cld ar,-. object to tbe petltloa
ioytoo. Aprila-Toe (olloeley
B Hooror.... *« IM s
herao** be bel.ered Uet Cebt bold
rablr wo* reeei*ed today from Gaaeral
O Chaailer.
sn >M S
■eeb releUoo* lotbs Deit-sd Siaft *e
OUa. Uoetoy tbe ratoll* ef Ue wa
B Baalltoo
<tt sst s
eoeid -1* dl**olrMl ODir by eoerrms.
a. Ro'll...........
n M «
*lnee ibebeyiaainy of Ue yui:
Tb* chair beW UstUc peUUoo ooeld
F. R Walker
is 11* s
-SlBC'J.notryl i:< ak.raiebeo ii
set be rreelTcd if obirotlen wera
the Pbilipploa faa*e been reporiad.
fDOt-ly yeryaUchl affairs. Oaretn ‘ Bide. Tb* prilUoa traa flaally rei>ed aod ordered prieted.
so 34C
lestaare bees Urre rflij'rn and
To'hoese today TTseaed ibeeoeeideotli'.-d men k.lled. ant 11 fll !cn
D. (Mapb*.:
HI aen seeaeded. Tb* Inanrycoi aad eratbie of the bin to rriabileba terri
C Uarrow, .
wtal yosrra aent for BewnlL
so. jr. Corals
Ladroaelirai U: R.Uedaad left oa tbe
lisi £l I
Joba WUbela '.
C E Oeeeland ..
B S SbrtiBTd .
■-1.1-11 kiuiw bii» iMapy Iiuiri I ters
*r< II
—I d.nj't nirikB nrlirio, bat
|i..i|d.. iurloilmgrhilillWI
"trad- dra«.pr<til->n-nil<
• hvwl*. Iiurimiiumirmoaah
»*k.. <ip u
If wiili (.» anyU.ly to ■! sn Iki-Ui >m a alaU,
|ri|*T. aujwlnris^ said Mr.
Rilllup*. ••I'Ut 1 d-ei I riiM-BilwrtTTeia
him’ A* fin- til-' '.‘niitry. hxv' esMi any •} ilirni draw a right
nml. anl -mtb and <w« and <r,rit
rii.e- fnrmyto-.
will ),.tu u, cl« Ine t.. Ii'a sritlml f.dlcy
.Bn<fW Geri'Itwmewrtp
■in be Ilio, hot I na aol-n*«ud shnnr.nr . |.nma nmple
—........'-p.rit». lu wbirh ev.m (Ih- fiw
ni- nd.'.-ni— of frw trad' will
h.'.;', tin '
***<1 »s y«»™.
Loapoc. In Santa Barbara eoenty.
thl.. yrows aesum for 'Ue wbrie bala that rcyina ROOD are enUiral^
aduibaterd, Ue Irdestry eaploylay
Tbe Aaerieaa exhibit at Pari*, repiteeiiac oecr S.ooO firms, will be a *alr I
»U-r.'rii 'I ■
il.arlf. NoUea Uao in nail Amor!- si»n...ne trill 1.
OoaMloaofHr. Wlybtau. thara- .. :idaT iBtredacad a raaolatlaa raellI pert waiadopMd bjayeaaadaay
iar- “That iheaecratarjelarrialtaie
bsreqaaaud u raaeri te the boeaa
whether bora* flteh M holey eaai
eared or otherwla* proparad hr ha,___
todta IU*eoaatiy.aBdlftD,ats«al
idMu and ta orhat smal.’'
■ J.IJ.M. thl»
...iMlbi n>i
teat W been eayayed lorperaaBeat
aarsl.-e on tbe arouad*.
Hod rains have hileo in •hast af the' f„rt'n...TM i'..'
1—.lid ^■'rlls^w n
dlslncuof Vic-oria aod Mew Sestb,all tii-i
Wriea. aad tba euGcok for wbeet ■
yeaerally more fayorahic I
has hrea fur yearn poet.
.pil'd lb.1 yueuy Isriy. who bad jaW ra,
■omEor.flm “ ’
h wld.iw lolimibi ta
• M.lu Ib.- xrate ft
1 iln- ulxbi In-rnre the
ANeMoo Ktoeaa. ass weji
d'Btiai's 'fBes oa n rather nnosenl
tartb that beloeyed to bit Srat wila
fitted to Ue aoetb of bis aeeocd wllr.
Ue PryBcb ehaaber of deraiira
Geoerel Grilifai. mmbur of war.
euled Uai Gaaeral U lose hafl. by aa
leslyeificast BOdifimllOB. laeeelada oew rlfir. It woold be U esr
Ton wrlll soon want horiM to dniw jotir Bpring. wwk
with. I bATA A Imrd* fltock on band for yon to baImI tnm.
tparary nfl* now <xl*tlay.
ier*ii 1 iry et O »oiso reodrri^ara
eerdiet Uat F'sok Teeber. Ur in
old lad killed alUrbw Saeday,
arideeU Uroeybkls owe earelrwaea Tbe tnaeral of Fireaae Fred
Boa wa* bnd Wadarailay afiernooo
Rro*'t cumoer In U* fir* depart
B. J. MOBOAH. Preprinter.
A pair .rf dart, iron
Kvldinya, wiffbl. 3.000.
A pi.-c l.l«jcky »«iU- rtaa if-ldiilff. wfiKhl. 1 400; aii yaara oU.
Atirixim fin* liliwiky bay tfriMing. 5 )cara oW. Weight 1.49D; iM_
roprior A Par- carriAge. will, ari-b nrdt
Itrr to Ur UaA Wocky built tay mar*-. •: >-«ira old. weight 1,400.
m Uat W,
Light F<i'or<^ bay KHtliag. 7 ytara old. wnigbl l.lfiO.
iliac Ue ImeelUe
A wf} line dapple jrtay borer,« year# old, wrigbt 1,4»,
raliwa/aad aroaad Victoria Ith* aad
eiaaobcrr aadars kllllay oS dewrae- rxlra rwH ooc witli arcb nrek.
Idly He Bryr* tbe astasye of Ue bill
A iP'nd Iwy'ntaris. .7 }<rara old. wright IHfiU. raoffy bnilL
nowbetife Ue leylslstara ia r^
yy.SoDBd railway
tb' boeaiy for Ua hi:il^ of w-xltn
from tio 10 tlii per bead, at Ue pe
bouaty isBol soSiieoi to iDdeo
tlen to beet Uea
I'hav.. a few ebcap pliiya. pri.-clrijiB tl5 to *50.
npan uf ht^itji work boraeo. nlli liariiewi. price, $17-5.
(Vwac io find u“t nt.v priceabeforeyoo boy.
AtEok-a^lodlana. els years eyo
alno bove i yoke of f
lease Saiu. a oooetry Kbeol leaeber.
was saddealy barelt of bi* raatoa Jea- taken iu r-x<-liuige foriiorete.
00 Ue ere el fal* aarriaye te Mia EMUossclk Oe the day wbra Uweeroao
to bare Ukaa plaer. Baiib wa.
takte to tb* eat* Ineaor taylcts al |e
O'er lb* affair fiai
Gcasett's ieoii,ni, at
eeat to tkeaarlam.
kwers. eskDowa to each eUar. oe re
ed ward* le U*
The delayed aarriaya t
WbUc Hr McDowell wae epeabiay
oe Ulhill tbeelerh of UemateapBtauMrwsli
prared and aaooaasM Ue paaiiya
>k Drckar of Bu. ..
Ibe Pone S caa tariff bill. “wlU *i
ooeaty. kiHad a too psoad
dry aacMaeoU la wbi 4i the aama
reM* of (he hOMe M rrqaaiad.>- 1
bill waa raforred to th* eeawMB*
eeoeaate at botar.
waysaa-l arDoa
Tb. Miehiy** Caildroa's B-vm onti.
aiyofSt Jwopbwili arm a da* bo.
pital ba-.idiay adJMaiay U*»r.fl*iiMi
Morris L
. ____ -...........
raealnay biraa.
ia'ea diteealo* at RoatteD etras
Ur Bewrty. wh'le Urir ti-irin
Detroit origiaalty p^eaaedaa rxpeei.
Marled, aad when Lribowl'i dron
•am heacret the f ' '
away. Radotpb west after bira CDtek
Isy bia ie Ue aMdle of the bleak, bu
a fll.aao.i«>;for e jpleadM aarW*
laaaadorertbeaid-of bb troek-'aod
le isee Irat leay. sri
sritb a eo'aar
a blew at blm Lofkowiu
• SSOIcat abors Ua a
leaf U*
dodged, aod U* loro* ot the blow
Ue yitaad Bit
saved M IbypHtasi
Preeaecton ora borlay far aiae le
fomr eoaMlea In atalhaia Arknasss.
w a dra
Be* dai
tlhla t
the '
A srot 4i yeen *W. It bfon dote
____ ...la the*
s*. S. ISM It bad baaa Isas ter
baanaalied lae wqeeeoa Osc
r yaara _Tha parsaatewhaa M
s oo IS oe Arid. I 4M; eap arad. aaUy woaaded.
s « if m 1 4U; aaail arae aeearad. Ml; pwem
t 00 IS os
nt arlillriT, let Liryeceetorae h*r*
been made o4 eUer taearyaai
rr y
A naWar of iaporBal USto 4t soryeat uawra are aarraedwtay aad
Gieee oBderoer^edt Ute Ih4 Mad ibeaKaatla M yradaally bMtaiey
da* ot Horeb. A D IA«
F B Bmiwa.
D- A B. Wa ha>. wbn was th* Irei
Ckaliaaa ot Beard
_jior*d na la Oauada w take ta* d*A Krwto*.
etme of tathel.r 'flawdi wfU lease
Clatk ol Raid.
Oa antwa of Hr WIchtsaaB the Ballfsk. K &. fur BayUed la n acmU
toaryriae Bri-.nh yoeercaent tn set
as'dc n tract ef lecrilory Io SsnU AfF B Bnuwa. Otalraaa.
ea lor
the aetUeaeot ih.-renm of
f. A Bkwyn* C.erk.
«ro ealyraaa troa Caaads. Ue
jritri Sutas aad U* Wtot iadlaa
M 400
o»iIN end fartmi-.
Mra JobaBsraan was borUd Sen
ly at Re -yru*.
aad brr babood
at ts presiraled wlU yri'f Ui
died at BOOS Ue next day. Both
i'TJ.S'iSS.'riT jif -■! irni,’.;:.*
CsaaltM am OalaaoBd Aea
J. W. Bsaans
Pra Uauoeu R fl s
Oa a ttoB of Mr Wilbela Ue report
SS .wae aeeepted and erderad apread apoo
Us jiamal;
Campbe’I preualed Ue fdlowley pay roll. wbUb ws*. oa aotloB ol
fr OaapbelL adopted and ordered |
Dsblio, Aprils— g urea
««o.u». ...u p-j. ^.u,, c
” *'*•
so so
Oa Briioo pf Me. CleeelaDd
Y-.or CoBBlttM on Onlmt aad Ae
Of. Z U Bras* .
S» 10
eoaale wosld respecUally aabait the
BaDdlsr OoBBUky was Initracted
Mlewlnf a* tbalr npori. and dohaioToul..............fl tss uu
tooaie* bids for raatt Cstarao.
hy taeoameed that the tasarn) aaTue above pbyslelaoa ae-epuri So per
Oa Botkm «t Hr. Bpoee. the Beard o.iBtstabadaled hsrela be alldwpd.aka
eeat. of tbelr bill*. Ueaaoool In Ue
Bfpeaedad to altat oa* school ouBlaor that the Clerk otUls benrdWeatbor.
lead bsley only suffiMSOt to pay tba-.
* srilo draw orders oa the Ooeaty
ml. The aaonnUcanaernud btOa BoBoa Of Mr. Oleeelaad two tall-' Trsasarar for tbo eoao.
Tot Hwr forces froa Krootuui hire I landel in lalanu nt ll.tn this a
n'-eaoesd ta dnriteel *'.*11:0. os Ut|iey(or Ur first time In is yenrs
Miljr'ye>i mile* snath of K ooo*Ud.| ij i-wo V jtorin wst estbuls.'li
aiy inlictteaB totcstloo lyreetad Io ee«B>a*n t> the tAdm
to try eoocinslMis p.tt Lord Bjberu.. wriome sh-hssdeJ tbe L>-d Mi
andshoies eeruinly Ue Bsar* bar* jof D ihris. * ecs'r ihtt ss>ki in
yaiasd la boldoe*. durlny Ue delay
eu oeeaesry fur the eeoryanittUoe ol Ue
so traeepurt at HluemluBieio.
A aewaye froa Bar soorcea ahows
beaey fiybUar aroaod Mafektay Sat-
ml- .if III.-leulrn Aui i-rlli apt neew
Isstiwpainl.d; ihui tluj |iwi 'aid all
tk tr welrily b—|. hi cusumoa, oaa
din.t.e td (hr Banca BeBknai .me. the IVate «rri.-u«<k laUai
carr uf tlr ir rii.t |u»w..i.ew U the PiBline marriMOt a third b uic ayndaro of
than and tba ynunpM brine saaployad
u dii luaerio BUdoas by thaaseMaiy
ss :?-o“.j‘?o“t:e%
iz *
"''•[kui/- I*'^i-idr^-'Mela;
taa-bre or iBb «i Ibralpayeirlaaieod
tl--nw. .a 1 ll "ill .k.
TIwAII'-ki BiKorefriiili'en Ueyofy
IS* tbe Irawi.dUalryh.
rir. an. Ih.nt »uaciU6r''« f'lr -I* of oak.
bii'k.ity. ck'-'iiiiii. marl'', pioe airi oih
ft th'I.Ir Ir--. Ill Ibr rpnoc whsm they
aiT «.u.kmi« f.rib. io ib- .uuirwr srtaa
ib. y an lu tb.. foil l>l,*ia .< aatoriv
rill ■■anilltw end wbi-n ibv lenn I i- in lilimtoa. and
hr rail <uilG io llw fall, wk.ij ih. ktillisni liaUiff
.1 foi op to nri andy-'ldaiid itneii and purple oywD tlWI .Ul'.li
. I' 1.U ..n- w lib a .w. uf Hrilmr Maw.ih< iir a-riiius In always bsrb* uk.’ii until sDoi ilml dsir
sotur ..1.1 auw-M'-k fn-r tra-l<w who nKBliiuy M)< b a |'
ha* l.n-u riltiue aimn fn.iii imirilraJ
Afirinll. It is
17 r|iml (
i.iii'v- iii-m
lari'wbslri.y luf Ihoa sBt at thUB
|y acri. oluilsl tvcI-m «lit. lltil.. ..i ui Th<'riaiiliiJiaia en> iiefrcL TTwynaa
tai.T.-t m tliv |iu>ib«ii-ii .'I .turmimu reiiyo from .|caik .r. a tbe Virriidaaa
lu.lu«iilal Iui-i-m.. ».ml.l inum a* call u. parindiP'. tn ik** and bay. tad
enoirililuc of « *l'.*-k If ki-xlyviihl bar rkpxri •Il.r lU* ts tay of Ibe Inm iiiuiir
id that unVl' Ksiu>. innt, tb* wild
iloii.'i I* a uriri .-Mmumt* ft Troial ,
tan!*, dark. plrttHt.* ej bya hory bm. th- etnar aiteUas
oiMaod tbs tal^paal lipa Baww
• talkaiire atari aad rpute Doaly of
(he dif&roliiit that bma hk .cbbbbb
«f the pc-'».« fd tba papacy
.... -
: SStVrwSTm
«< Booda ^
with erxlimt pst.K ..rrr bis aHfaM
aperitRriii. Csniiriiedwiih all the tabap
ni'shrn.vBifuri. lint lir-cmnrniaflallate was dm britnao. OBBteaiDfl sritb
tbs rolvDiuitr and myetety ud tbe sHMa
imureiif tlieehnn-faall t
,4 ■l).l.■0‘lM•t■ f . prill* m
Ill' •-nMsuis o>«*U aatho
r'mi-Hih, riwricuwf.arpteri,
nerr oi Ibr l,-w>nM asiiue<B daBwA.
I.si]*.l op wnb rutniHuu taws-h.>-Bue. ua O'MU
b nn
Ako a good
A ntt-e Una of
t«n do yon
nforaal'.alarj 4 nodi cowa.
I will- hare a ear load of borsoo
AFBIL 8EVEMTH at Travorae OU7 and
can save yon from $16 00 to $46.00 on
each and OTerydeaL Don’t fail to call and
look over tbia load. They can’t help bnt
please you.
JAS. 0. eSON,
Tniew Cttj, lick.
lu l><^
mtluikML iwwlU n>«ailaM Ui»
«t m MTOpOIMl ’•'•Ht® »fTlT».
n >6 <b-|Brf. .Nnn ud •«■>»
fTWtoo ot •« trw
___ot lDri<«d ef nctiuil d*!*- of
tmr. b.ii «bl. »• prtBolH'lr
frt-ort.. «»o •!»-
r« aU‘I
m< Imlu-
tM ta •
I i>^r orrtio*r> ' Irn Um loMnoHiii (ut ■tMMitd itwlMioow'tim^ I" i..-ntl}>L >l»- .lair ..f dr^tnwv .diarr u-*aj‘ali nm-rnaini
TeaaaUMcaT* iba foroTorj- uor wnHvraod.
M(a t«i (tUb
Wanf aK <br iriuptail.aia lonard
------ nf
tl«t t»-M< vb
Ami wkMiM «riMof I
kas OM
think of tha hatila
^ ..---- ,u.. 1—.;j. Igki of vbk*
I aail «lrl*
om Ammiatm b>v**i
Atak wJlMo iMtalIf
__ , ___ ,
limaiK-r. mra>h anil rrla-
of lbr» know
tba bnra aoliti«>
•i^M^ biUlbaiaaatf IWnup' ____
. .
•)_ kbt thvMMoa (bink of bvai h I wbKhaf* irrr n.fToxIi.f ud difflnsit
MB bill"*-' of mtm dafoMlad Iba u, At ia vubla a clioa Uiua and wUeh ;
——rr**"*'*- ] prarnil mao.T luliiair* of a tlaj beliK
l^anlbair teaaa aad thaa di>i (ada< I aproi in (bt rompanr ofa boatraa. Ca
|laa> tbt* !• tboroocbl) oaderatnot] OB
By8»aboaWto»olb»hUl«ri«Idi7 UfTinae auO -1» Ju.i a> yoa llk»- Of
at Baa Aaualo. la Texai. job will aaa 1 -oo your o«n way" tod "KdK yoar
ttacMsWcaibdMiBsaUediBC. wtlb : p«t, ronrooim.w rutlrH' ’ arr lankly
b—nA balM l-anad walK ai—8-:mI<I an MpUnailoa of njoT«a«iii
MMOa «ba I ;t baraa d IfO* Bablod ' »bouU br (Ivn rai-b morslnc. that a
«—wallaCbaDKa-i l.pnriaat hattla In
uay lA-.w bow niool. nr bow
— war bacwaaBHual'o and TnxMwai I III, u-or a c«aa> a fompdor abr la to cafWTrt That war wbwi SaaU Aoaa
wm MaiHlIi aad tba Taaaoa «M ; tnroBjildnatr woinnt tmgorotly *1»»
•^M^fartbNrlixlaiawdwxr. Bora It po luitr imublr by ihalf m-ani of pnix^
■ ■ ■■ '
rUirii' If partiralarly
lOa. dyiag with bi. b o.aa OB and hibt- anBoylns....................
— —artba
mbla oilda Tba turn in lml.-lir.ui ai 3 nW tlw lawli
■d rrwy AbwtIcbb aMM obo Iwut If 1 oc|..c* U o«i an oamnal
ww It by iKwn, tfaai ho may ,»«,wdl« oo ibHr pari or t.. n-julrr
Kb prMowbra mbrr baCiisa |,rr«kra>T in IwiaKro lo^llwlr roooiaor
#3*»«<»ood.: __
.10 acTom lotliailoBa in .Ijnorr oo tba
. OoahaDdndaBdfony-liTo.BMwnB.—
' .opiu-of (br mniuaul wlilioin yirlDyany
4» Ck—la TtoTia. a yoam aaa of II. kind
nf Boflra of Ibl-, Ini-i.tlon arr
waaa baU— Ibo town rf Sas AnUDla' Miiar (on nf tha Bn.'.al ••d.-ofoa Of
« OoDonl UoBta Auaa and A®M
v. rj ulna p-oHr am not al
«— Ttaywarto tba only daffwlara <tf lotrlhar rullllr..,
-fBoad iB tba Old
,, ,b,-p,„ni„ tl»-ra l.'lhtlr or — •-
------------------------------------------------- AT— ■
Evejy department is complete to its mmutest detail—filled to overflowing with things beautiful and practical. Every department is an
inducement to the economically inclined, tor all classes and under all circumstanees, lor we can save you. not only
on items of a staple nature, but much more on purchases of higher values.
Iteay CrockMI diuomaot i<> d.i am <rf
' :bii^.
MalaBWttbtbiwiaBd<.k>l&>alBo»fa. ',o<l tba ylali I. awiiuali. paid
-- woaaded and aitolohnrl oet oa b<H.iao. asd tba fanill>. aod anla
Haaat Of aftHbry tboy had oBly It
^paa Aaaa dawaadad «afia.»b«. bat
omfw Mdayi.
rfood and
aod walw.
Bavabot —oMdtlwaiaaaBbaaaa
MC kMbai aaa <d CbtAUfoob.
ad tba Utala baad .
■—badbaa iwiili< fa. bat aaaa
bad a— Oataaol Laiadg arltb M«
aaaat —r a— «f amltary. bad
a—ad fai aaa— a tbaa|—1. ba bad
»«„p|a ra»wif tlw omicwil.*-rtar ara sol ..ot»l.|* ibnaa of*iba
thrrafnr*. a rUJior U
^ of tha faiulla for tb.
.pa a„,rora,.
r.w bm-hr.a.l. nu-b a. I'arkor Roofr
roll., klarylaDd t.l«rul1 nr Ibn Enrllfb
■uiidla. tbotn mn Iw ma.b- n aqonrr nf
liara la wb*rb tb"-«rbaakfaw artirla
an- piamd *-hra mmfd f.u- Ibr laUr.
tbr dmof»tlnl^^ lying rbb'fly In ibr
foer nuntnra. n-blrb f.iM miu. mrirlof
AllataO—iaHalth ydaadtbaniMadbaadwtdinaaiL naadayi
g^Qt—al^aat^Be^naaarf tta
• ‘ -------- r"
roK.mw waif. arc.
tbn eonlrata larloMd
Tbr ndcoa of
iblf Mjiiaiv rau la- flniabnl by a
tow lt(T. a oar lix-b Map-, or a
lop of rood dmpi. ('Itbnr of wbh-b win
bn 40 namlloBI dbiab At aU four
D«ra Uie trnaiBKUil niay bn diffrmiL If
pg-frmd; at oo.- i pimtoitTani. ibcs a
UOOMIIU or aoiar prmiy Inam of doUaatr luakv.
Till* fOiun Idea lao «>n ranind oal for
Ibn wburornw-nnl pMalo uLn-u ruaatadi
or tbr nor of i-otB -lu fad. an.n «
Ubln wbirb U dry «ooknd. For
btvidmn. of ilit* ktsd ll)'- 'purr wliltn
dof.fi. If lwni...bncaean Ibny ca
wo.-l.ly lauoiWri asd ronaln B<
eial rat* Ui wafAis.
—vantta tenraa Tba aaaliafladdNawanaditB aad adola nliad. bat
Mawbaptaadtbaawwo aboldowa
Msada. fbartbi—ad nwa (dtatf
M M m a—d — aaaacb. bat
B—ailatiitbaAOOO. Atlaia—
— iiMi|anid. aadtbaHnzloaoaeUBlb
diaaalaaBibaAlBao. Tballttlakaad
dtIMli waaatra—lodoaaadbtatAt tuBcbnou (hr plu.-n|.|.lF oilytat bt
a. bat tbay «rapi*a «B tbaif kB-« and
Bfod In a BHirv enainrotaJ maoaor
hoMMdMaad pliruad aoHI
atlbnr af an on'roo or aa d-tann. Pr
^ af tba daad ara awfaL Uoli
I~-l a ............. lbt«.- |.;o-. rinauh
Bewla. ana wak if rla fm bla .
Ibniniicbli, iMli'tiiui
la—«a tdaalbow tad aarka hlai
aoaettoaka palla tba Mcpc. Cifr
A baeoBtlaaaa kill aa^l tba
mi tba braatb IcaraUa
a Bat aorfnrr ..n.-uinlr floM
OrotAatt. ataadlaili
— dfbM Uha
a path*, aad
katbad —tbawall.
-n tbn nbapn In-rin
o WidOD
nui. .ay .oif anafin..
and a abai|> Lulfc^ oui ihn Inionor
a—baaawm Oatid tba ITI Ta—a Of Ibr maiu l.iu-awdo, ntiia.t ihn oorc
— in daad. Ho SpaitBaa wars bnrar aud Hioi> 0|. Ibn .mill wtucar woO.
tbayUlhdan ■ ddiBc flmddnd
omta tttd a niTinklU,* of
B—’tboafb. wa. Idaally tnad. ted Nn« y..u bavn
tbi-^pmilAro aiiil.rn.la. nhl.H. I. u-uly
________ aiaat daada thrill yOBocbayadrlH-lo.rt Of m.iirw ilii> muf bn ky
At tbn ta.i «tma.-». rn|.|an la
dM 9—tdA—i—dariDCi
tbn hntlow p‘nn .b.dl and put oa Itin
nBaadaaatd a bla aaa. “I
tuft loaf nornr.
rrly nmnr a r
bv «ha AJa—L—Ba
alitor my with
» ao.I. .|>larini
^j^fflyta^taMfoad^tb tn M a
ZhaaaaoalagibdrBiaa. bailwooldba
wUhac te pay jaa wall If yoa.aaa laod— «M tsr M. baoaM ainteta ean a
aialdoalmlr f.-m* tnhi.oi. il.nftlFnoot
Tbn bra.ln«. f-rvro iblf Wlb a tnwl
abnpod fpnoo nn.l a plaiu hi«nun
wafnr armiM|ani>.> tbo an-i-oi.- Vng
. Watt Haaainao.
TottOn faliro-f ha.-r Ifinl. ,
fa'.iO Bf W..II baiuriiiE-.. «a).
Ibiuu fllf and
trj m Into an- anmtir llm i.ijm
ntio-aalno. fciU..a..l If- cblriir ai
-tror.llocLr i.nuin-
-Vowolr. What caa .Ido for yoor
-I woaM llkr to a.k-buar you proawi.-n tbn word -»,rrtdral4or '
^ ,
Tba Sly. Ibmidli lakro moi. irbol
wy QBli.- nqoirt lu Ihr .n.-m-ui.
ink you.
SCOTCH SUlTINf.. all wool, sj in. w.de 1 OK
tier yard ....................................................
CREl*ONS. heavy blistered, latest designs. 40- 1 AQ
CKKI-OXS frb.n
: .76
1 -00
serges. »me
W fancT worsteds and imported ejaj-s. made
to III by expert tailors.
-I 11-M- r.i KUIM’ENHEIMEK'S M.\KE-ln itself a
QO aa guarantee of its reliability, for half the
price the merchant 'tailor asks and tit as
- • well—your money baik for any dissatisfac
tion whatever—the tailor won’t do that.
COVERT roi* CO.-tfi S
and dressy for a moderate investor
nn Al.L WOOL COVER I rol* CO.X TS-
wVI*v/t-r e,|ual those quoted elsewhere ar.$7,5o.
1 A AA TOE CO.A TS -These ,vrc csiwcially fine.
silk-serge lined ihroughouu
g»Q CA TO$2i' TOP COATS-These are the grey
*®*^'“* vicunas so mtkch in vogue this season - very
swell and prices excee<lingly low. consider'
ing the quality, style and make.
eiis of neckwear, from the best manufacturers east, of
the newest silks and of the various styles for the Spring
t>f 1000.
.'Represent such makes as the celebrated "Monarch' and
- "Gold and Silver" brands—cannot help but ploase you.
prices from $1.00 to $i.;o. In the (Reaper makes at
AO and 75c. the patterns are most desirable and fault
lessly iaundried. ’•
, §
Trimmed Pattern Hats <<>piF-s from the true Par- ^
isian models, c.xeciited by our abie and original tiim-’ |
mer. Miss Nellie Hennett, wlio will lx; pl^scd to nVeci t
you on our opening days. • learn yiftrr tasles and wait
upon your wants.
Our stock IS twice the si/e dl that bf last ^-ear. and
ten fold more bcauiifiil .and priees. in the face oT ad;
vances; are much lowi-t. Wehayi- the outlet which enallies us to buy in large quamitiei, east, and to imt(ersell
any and all competitSon.'
We extend almost web ume in\ itation to the ladies |
of Traverse City, apd especially to the young ladies, to !
2 attend our Spring opening THl RSD.W. FRM)AV
2 .\Nl)S.\TrRDAY.
Prof. Horsi's Orsheslra;Will Emenaw rail
E«E Ifteraoaa of Opeaiag Dafs.
carpets and wall paper,
SIl ■ KS i,-^g
-the larges add 1>
Ol special merit- tailored right and exceptionally good
fitters. Jackets in styles id fail box a.nd tight fitting,
from $3.50 to sS-.A-j. Suits of S5.00 to $xt/3'j. Special
extiBdu^by plaid back, heavy Ziberiine Rainy Day
Skirts, worth $13.0; for $7 s-x
Good values in Capes and Children s Jackets.
E'LESSE.in Silk and Satin. ,«r yardi from 58 J QQ
OUR LINEN department
Has been given considerable space, and attention - The
, selection is most complete, -'ovi-rhrg all suitable fabrics
for sbirt waisLs. from the ordinary j^rca
•rcale to the licst of
silks' made up-to-date and priceii right.
. .
made of best French Percales, perfect fitting, some
tucked, some braided and embroiderexl. others in lace
yoke—in colors and white.
. Fine Taffeta Silk Waists, tucked all oter. well fin
ished. good fitting—in pastel shades and black. $5.00
each. They cannot be matched c^wherc for less
than $7.50.
$1.00 to $3X» per; yard. _______ _________________
NEW FOULARDS, in pfiasing effects, from
.Making big strides every Season, was never soXomplete
.as now. .\n extra bleached double Uamask of a'
-tine and pure linen, borderless, patiem I ^A
clear to the «ige. price per yard................
X «Ov
A 7J I NCH alHinen bleached damask, worth
, j7Sc. per >-ard....................................................
1tTe NEW MERCERIZED colored ubie 1 QK
covers; retains luster after washing.each X 'Ot/
NOBBS’ I’L.AIDS. _;(> inches wide, mohair
SPECIAL-:^ do/eii \\!iiito Ro^lg^^S^^aw Sailor» an e.xcellent value, lor 50c.;
“ ”•
Hundreds s( Trimmed i lais, from S^t.00 to Si ^ oa
^ in colors and styles lu suit ajl tast<'^, 'Our Sailors and i
9 - Walking Hats in great .ibiihdance, ai less than others I
9 have to pay whoies.ili:. We iiivitF'yi^r inspection.
The stocks in this department are more than double
those of last lyrar. Our selection d|. Ingrain Carpets
are considered Hy many tn bezhela'rgest and most de
sirable in the city. M mV .ire private patterns of the
most beautiful combinations of colorings. Those of the
. f.owells are the most pleasing.
WESELHN(;R.ATNS from ir loose. Some of
the lesser pri^d are last year's patterns - jus; enough
for.^a room or two.
.10 cents to 50 cents.
If prices for up-to-date W.XLL P.APER is any ob
ject we (K-ill get voururder this -.eason. Come and look
our stock over.
Fine combinations of Wtiitc Hacks at 5c i>er double
roll; Glimmers at He per do-jble roll; fjlltsaCisc per
roll; best quality Ingrain at 25c per double roll.
Ii..d or plam'. b i..io< In
™^!bln fnr~ mnwr-^lM
bad awe ptaa cdaka oat is Cha road OhaailoTf an.1 mo-piioii' nuMpr- or for
ahaiddtbaatbaraaUaaaalUa yaat.— iComdon. and panaacn (baa for llriac
-------^ a»d partem.
land to Iw on dn<A own Ion ofla Indy. oBlln vuawscn of ibla
Hy. BoiaaiiB* blu with aoan
ftn MEN S SUITS - IKirse are strictly up-to-
1 Q on
— wine—b» aa —a tblatoa''
■^aatba HsaMa^^M*eoloMl
•a »a r
An ME.N'SSriTS -This line consists of men’s
sacks in half wool clays and fancy worsted,
all w«)ol cassimeres. not made by the best of tailors but
nevertheless, they are neatly and substamially finished.
1 A AA MEN S SllTS-These lines arc warrant-A-'-f'V'V ed clothing of the l»est makes, consisting of
— 1— aaa wad —iaat Laiaetai
BrfdUafkda. Baataply dna tboa
Mr —ddaaUa. naycaaanaa«a — ba M dewaa ba kllM flcbttafattbUraTa— Tbaaptaladiaw
blMaadadd, ‘'BrafyBtfewbotada-
latM — wl* tak ana Is a allBd, aad
adad: "Baya. daw'l laan aal Wool
—aatya aary aa mmmr' Aad tba
W i fW dale, pants cot on latest patterns, double
breasted vests, in fast color all wool serges,
all wool cassimeres in neat checks. an<l all
wool black cla)-s.
SkQbSMaTnnaoalM tala ata tm
■Mad baakly award that Ibwo wa
WM^b—fatbaai: Ibai ba had
n-r'- * - -
Thougli condensed, ctinlains a larger slock than an> ck-.
elusive store in ihe city. It constMS principally of this
season's purchases—the newest fal.rics, cut and linishcd
by men tailors, warranted in every resiiect l>( the mak
ers. Hclou we make special mention of several numbers:
SATlNS,,mo«»mpl«.li„.. . QQ
Is a special attraction this season. We have spared no
pains to make this department a perfe« mirror, reflectiog everything worthy of note that the looms produce.
The New Ginghams, French Zephyrs. Silk Ginghams.
Foulard Novelties. Belvoir Cords. Batiste indienne.
Fancy Dimities. White and Colored Urgandies. Satin
Stri|>e and Lan Effects in Silk i'eau de Sole and mer
cerized fabrics.
SPECIA.L *50 wards half silk Ginghams, an
eecenent article for serOQ
wee and beauty. woHh 50c. (or....................................•057
I am o I
^HU^yoo idoa-opoa..--------•V.W.-||.« m.rl,«.- I noolf< hero taaetod
II up 01 IhUii.-. I .np,KH»., iHil II , ^
‘'“".I' II"
.Mawd dlmi..par> wbn«i .«i wuni ««
-Oh. I bnc B Ihooaand |ard.««. Ki.
:utat’.li, ’.;«oi day- '
r*mt of mnaia tb— la boya
BolW." wM tho iomlK. i|,ai <br
tnoaaa ftaai Uw ?lb le th' Utli y
faalij If low. irmiMmMmn than bn
Md tbta dacUana. wbUn la pirl. ii to- oacdlobr. I dmi'l hnar Manaiaalliag
— Bnro aaoday tm tba t(b to as tBB.-h nlnui you po< him U< M"
'•a laa yaar baton dlBlalablaA. Tb*
*Xa.~ hu wifr roydiod. -ho iaa't any
' IddtbMwahd
Q-T..-A.SS block; I
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.