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Grand Traverse Herald, March 03, 1904
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TBArrasE cm-, orajoj trav»b8b ootrHTr.
anMCraMfM mraM
TIm IttMi dMi(H ia W •oolCBS far faO nd Biaici, JM8.
We gsmatec fo« A* tecs
Mk, % p«fao fit imI Iovch
wchwaw. march
3. ieo4
ibst Mae taltaa
flm uM meoe- .
• pnnmsBimu, Ob»b(
I Itisi hp roulrt iske to a .. .i
1 emv, him
■ ,
tire Insurance!
Plato GlMa,8tMin Bollor arxl Aocldont Inouranoo.
- • •lus h.
Money to Loan on Impraren Real Estate Only.
Johnaon Block. Phono 78
Travoroo City. Mich.
Tiartnc Oty State Bank
5. S. dull.
Viet Pniitaitt
Jl. 0. Triulrttb,
tb*t. Wilbtim.
C. Jl. 1y»mm»»d.
A SSRnl SulUc BaSsm M.
-•^TMtaMsar" *^**"wafiartts£gg**
Jlo-CMUlrrai. nselw-ls.
gjKa:ii2E-ssc cas; OF EVERY
s.«»a«rts.-as^ A
Kir^, FROM
KteiL&jasr •
aS5ESi^ assjfs
3. ttl. ^utUmtaltl,
Wm. Ccudaa,
3. 0. Cntur,
Sttphta Cautntr,
6. W. Cardit,
T. C. Dnmond.
Btai. Cblrlbf.
Dr. 5. B. Ssraer.
"Tl is Uerv Hnnovliifl”
To the one who doc* the cooking
>king for the family. an«l
sometime* to the meml>en of the lamily, find that
n entire baking
_ has been spoiled
BSE poor ex
tracts or baking powder had beeo used in its mamifacture.
BuoK Annoymrsom*’ by
using Johnson'* Pure Flavoring Txtract* and Pure
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at 35c per pound
ProaoHptiona Oarofully and Conaciontioualy Compoundod.
^Johnson’s Drug Store.
irtae os tbe eemb'
Jt Penis, sad it Ic the -•
iheei .hkili eetee te
THP*. ft. ftftftAftWft ft ftoa,
MM, PWftMl
W^ Oiwft
nude to ordw, proapdy.
nlo fitf lii* BBllr* yeST l» **
July. AuKiul ssd Sepieailier sre mmdurabk are for tbe BsUVBa.1 Hlght
Only the-vay best lu-
teriel omd, end fully pienmteed in every re»pect.
„ -sAp to BSC u weD u ncll. They «rc
BOttBadeofcbespmeteriBl. sod fiTcn
able, aad ate
•erea la Ibe nonilBC It is IM er fM.
SDd hr ibrM U (be sturoooa td*. ft
l> stsiMi by eerbebnt tnrMdte that
seveoty-Sn tbocased Arabs tebtet
ATsl group. rsHy tweetr4re theai iiTlBs OB BefcratB. In wbkft eeaercikm ftir Henry Uyard sAds: *11.
The efteepeet oa the muiet, qBaliiy coceklered.
Oaee mM nd yog will bayao other cuke.
I UB prcpvid to bar Fm sad vOl par the hkbeft once
tfat noikct vB vvnat. I bare rwuwelaoBe with a Um
EMera HOM. ttd tecfarc SB in ibape to <io better bf
no « dw Fat borioM thao tarfooAj elae. I will aho
Hite aafi Wool It «a
poo to aec me. > Wardiome
7H C. Fnae ftttaat :
Hare poa erer triad the
Moy*l Tic***
arerf OoPFwrm
H(^al tiger
CftSMtf C«r«
Ther are the baft. Soldoalybf
iMstausimt. » Olcfor Pefeilyl.
Custom Sawing
All Kinds of mm Olork
$Mb,Xhmbad ptt UmH at
»th» prkt*.
Traverse City Manufg. Co.
W< «BM BMtcr, Beta. CiMices, OurMs aafi
■hitn prtes «mMiftU.
TH urhest
You need! Whips. Hsmess Oil, Hone Brushes and
Curry Combft We have ail kinds.
mwfammakecHiuiiMOftnoirSTOvftWOftnlialMving '
Jwwml Btvw— mnd lUagM
can aatiaf)' pou, aod aak yw b
ouraril^Fe adl I
Bmrtkc of Klnscsloy
r« oma launft paid if left tu awatba
^ Patcte «tereM{widifkAtmoa
•flOMKv'w^ WOAM.
b made very much eauer if abe has a Washing Machine,
It cut* out ftU hard work. A boy 10 yeara eld can run
it. Oor washers have given satisfaction for years.
A Churn is toother labor saver, lisa liose saver
too. There's so ekeuse why you should aot has'e ooe.
Make the work around the house as easy as. peasible
for your wife.
A Washing Machine or Churn is just like a thresh
ing machine, yon can get along without one. but think
of the unnecessary time and trouble you srould have.
^3 >—J
He ihoushi of ihe brtshi
I fore him. He esv blmerlf
oontry ms<l» sad emeiini
if WbllUef a metcfnae tIiiii
lured ibp children
him from ibej
inia wbo
optnlona wilt bated
bremlh He vonlid be a eeeoad Dr Mar
ray. who stesyt re«ni
BSd tbooebt eoihtnc o> himself
Aa he rade. the ssddle-tac* In which
be esmed hla etoek <X isaple copies
, Sapped up sad down
He clsaced
over hie ebouMer and ealled "I KhA
for sll tbe yortd like s docioe now." be
tboosbi "For sll other* know, iheec
bs(s sre ailed with qulelnr sad elm
liar BSMMUl doMW '
At leagih he reallied
mu*l bare returned to
Not only had be failed to
win Sllat htneoB sa a itiliwjrtber but
he had beeo roughly lr>-*ie«l, and he
wn* dlemouaied. with a beary toad,
ten mile* from iwwn
-Pretly ihabby irenimeol' wa* hla
meaUl rotniaent
"I'd like aolhll
a chance ti
walie birds may d.._L
Peopts will U atlowad M »- 'C
iBio tbr esc* sad orsMtar afaDoi to the
stranse foran tohaMtad
They arw sooeUnee roii«b ooa TsHety of bird Ufb.
- ihtorf:..
creaiurei front the roontry. no better
ihan rlcksbaw boys. They sre dull.
Motenied drudsr*. but Coon Ban (Hr.
Cook I la held In n rery dISrreol esU- (be eagle and (be alburaes dm m. f
which .W,. ^
In a email household be doss
cnierlng and ke>ep« the smenU aa
4* *upenciend« ibc ridtcntous 111nr* ne*i irf ciinrccnt nsb
Nmt Htellghto.
men. After
Ibe meej* Id JnpsB
Tbe pernunni •erranu show
hsmUigbu H to ssmd s
bras of llgbl
It rertlcAlIy Croa lbs loem
But be snoe retllied ihai while be <
ssaiTe. n* wel
wa» dresmin*. hr w»» allowing oppor i r n.. one. i.u< ..wn duec.^rd >l>»t.l“ engllsbDL
c. nnd thmr
<d Ught rlslnt rerUraUy I
liiaUtee In rscapr him ' ] have pasted I c .jwwkcr* ..•cr «n the bOfth sld«^“** “
(be locoraoUre ran be sera frera a
threw tannrr* already and I I
the rmbnnktncni
He enughi * few[
•“ <t‘e«
eree tbongb s MB
that laat one lan i os Ihr New*
bids tbs ordlavr
bendllgbi snd doll t
tbs soesd of te
3 Show Hr Nsebll |
‘ri >a>l
It b«we SDd the wgtcri
Hotel •errsnU
w male nnd feanle. whistle
Tbe seveb
Robert whai I* In a
, will
rd ships Is ibu* to s
Tli^ * *
ranyiblnt Then our laud will be cle
Tn err to * Japaneae hotel fv Ibe
' And the way (he *sn I* shining IT a ‘ I drni lime U like gnlae lo a tnree. It Is
I be read; for piougblbg In a week ’
' Impossihle TO keep *enaB* la the dlB
of the tUngrr* a a
Inc room you are iorrouaded by pnato0 sra tbe men
He I:
>tt* rulce asked
-las I Bllaa Haa gimltne Imps drwwaed In Indt
oftce. nnd a
1 the watch*
I doublet* and boae wbicb r
the hank i
p and I Sboelea* sad arc called -boys'' sad
If the Newa. The manager
o help! took like boy* wnlll ibe day they die
I to refDM. when Ibe aoUdtor
Half A them know no bgllah except
raid: -111 proailae to imra thnyugb in
Ibe auaber*
Each he* a amber to
-Thai-* all rtgbl.- th
Bfleen mlnotea. aaklne men to put bevd
bl8>*elf. ssr* rack dith oa tbe OMns
"He * oS hla gt
down ibetr nasaa. I agree an* lo argue
bat a number, even down u> tbe pAsnight al tea o'clock tr
wHblbera WVlihaldor
iweirr A 0* The woe.
Tba permlastoa nought waa amlllne-,
- No k.- yim ray It you are arw to It.
ly granted, and (a tfiera slantea
"Ill bare eose Z. sad 111 take eose tl
sad * with It, please' He rattaea
A few of (be sea bad anawersl him
tase amben bad hrliis* them, bat
aurllly: aerml bad aot eree noticed
yon would hare a far belter d
him; nod two or three hnd told him
-I'm gKUmg wbai you ernii li yoe
they eoaldal rrad. But tbe net rewn north A the ■aid Z. 7. S
auU of Ibe aUtoDpt wni aera nbYou raa hardly bear yowrae
eA r
rid A the water *o raally
aerlbern. Are of vbos had paid rash,
I donl
Bneer to prela adtrancD
ThU begs* u look aa tent ttes
Ton tbiak U It Ineky they doel wanr
U ibal medkaJ oollsge wa* wlUS my
L At eery grand boteU tbay wear
eergr mUu Uke tblp'* ttrwnrds
One A ib» onspu
e tbe rannmljirnrfc. b*
Aker nbacrlher He stopped (brsen
on tbe rand
He walked aerara tbe
SHds. and siked S tbe sea A tbe
He tatarad eeverdl bases,
and speel rahsbl/bse uyte to eonrlBee (rognl bimn«i s 1 ■ lu that they
eooM bA be happy wttboot tbe Neva
Bet wbra iroilra rasa, be bad eneoendra ta aAdtag w Us HA csly om
Base, that A Urn tansar whe hnd
aelaral fo
bASd!' wmi the CTT
-Slop him’' -Don't let bis CA
awnyl'Hell IHI Ma«>n. and tbe
gnse will be ap-- case the aaswertng Toices tros berond..
But tasee bad uken warning, and
wat eC down tbe nnd. Tbe saa on
tbe hnab garo dune He hnd a bard
task bAore hIs. tor Ibe pownger ssn
bone and rldw la e
ww a ptwAtoed naner. Alut a half
sfle .to wweh ha MA ste grewad,
Ibe pcDwMr raw a atal sfler hla
Tbe nIgU was spent to a ton a
tbe ctabls where Ue bene WPS pra dp. grarry. Jssra feb a sharp pain la
A yenr-s aphnerlpSMn pnid tbe hOt pad Us ankle. He ww sA dtoeWed. tawnwtbar nasa was ptoeed an tba UM.
■....................................... WM
-Now tor BRas Mams." be tberaUT^yend
id to «M U" « a Mte •»
•era. Bat tsafing fraiBra to»^ I
- - tbe nta pad pbtate Mto n atom
S i
the eye; bol are durable, eorofon-
A hnir
Ibe two I
was Ibe prtde A rbfss Mason's
bite iases bad bawd taw tbto ftsU
^^e^gsTwas^Mitow wtaa para ta
leeksd ahnst Us. ftrUratly ta tad
fused with tbe lUa to Ui aaUe.
rawe K
e -boy-
with (bis dertce atnyt
erralng with a -pillar A ftra'* by aigbt.
prodnclag aa impreaalre aa wtU W
usAol rneelt
Ways A Wild P
.........aUs to
for ita fact that tbe wild pdgeon wbleb eacr sbonaded la •• Catt
ed Siatea. bn* alsoA mrafararwl
Some wweks ago a party A UraUes
taw >ose wild birds la tta ladlsa Terrtinry which they bAtond to he pfa:
Nalnnllju are now totoepetsd
Itag oat wbriber tbraeraprate
f the ladtaa Tbte
r' Wiurty sappted tTtaM
r iwA aad aataafeea p
Bu Petenlmrg. It to did IsA Haft'
.d l(d fsA la bnadth. Br RiS
to seed for sOUary dtetoPA aWa
oarer la It. By algU twSHr raera
wBi ta^ glee H.a UigHIttl ip| is.
tty. 1
_. .
Mab. bAen yoe hare bera la the bora*
ree day* ta wlQ know ywor
■d If yoe Uke the breaA A a <
A CaHras VIRte ftte
«(ra itaa tta Iw yoe w
A Bzut JagaMPa TMte asweflMp
you will tare yvar steak to hMk. .
adtoi bara the Imb el Ssttaarata M
or bowed wader wtaa tt to eat. w yea -—-tad la the cdite el a wetotoHL
-ns; M
Tta rwA to a etoito arafc M,
year wife, ta weald ^prTSSSf Mag
tatow tta to* A tta eAraas. tBI«
yoe a arad Irswura
raoraZscb taa. Bto salte to tbaf '
to BD sinittog fra tta aadasra A
tonteWB and tta tenaa tt wUI taka
nutowtw tta I
toerat paraea. -He has
nanatp, imrescxT, kmich i, im.
Will Kalr Hurt Wiairtit
Tbe faUowtad (mean ware ett
hr the Ttavenc CHj MwHc <
paar (aa PMdar .
Praaldeal Jaaepb Oaaba.
Vlea praeldeat. Vaweel Bb-der
olaKr arv worTTlac ora (be oortTe:
latr lo br b^O al ^Loule^e eoalas
(be BortbAre raeort trarrlw
.. . etmc
Thli prwpattr le evaod br U<a.
Peer/ Huuah. aM aa tbal patlaB a dli
•Ul* tWj jwr* rMTO Ibe rttr aw lo Tweinb
>c^ I* «•< 11 rmn
tiSS m7*mw daMibUc 'hfti I
i>lat ua (be aMc kill
>••»■ kk^ >k« IKkl >•
jK.iTSk«. Brth -«« fc«l» frt«U
wxl alraU to pd mer to (be
Mr- Otber We emm» aMf bal
)^,; tbar ««• binU atao M «o-« of
(Mr iMt biabL Tbe bodr
ap trtlh «w* '
(be: uwatber.
lurn.^ U aa old time dairy
dlled wilh rceidi____
»d?^«n^*?Si £jw»^»fco« aoapMelr
Haaaab hai daddad (o pHt tbe creaad
aod^doriat Ibe pai^rtcbi raare ha
Cool teBlae at Hoitaad
Bewtac rllUeeu WSSI water worSo
Veaper It e aew poeU>Bre te Mr
to' rliallr letereeiAdje ih«. aueeiloi
'*'l Durlas (be world', (elr Is Cl
*orii though no one has ewerji
“ I wrote to Doctor. Ca^LT^lorr u m Jm.„. M.le t.
Tbe (read Bead. toW whv.
'' hc" mothm »n worried i
ir^ t aad Ibooe aisti l>r rrmoTf-d'
i-i..m- lhr>
a nrW
' I.,
Ux-auMihe rhilrirm
chiidren H
Pieroe, who sent me
.m b.v..
a Tery kind letter ^KaiiA«d> <»
and advised me.”
'fin,! bsw
m,.- -r,-..
».ii i-. ...
- iBprunei in^aiii strength and fleah we '
I say ^ive thetii Scott'i Emui-,!
o( 11.1 Hit -•■( woBca
CKB tewee Ibr lepleelad of * aew Bit o(
««OB^ (C thB kUB -Tt,,,- a
It ik like the penny in the j
u- milk b(.‘cau»e it worka and ,
sold par (be usee.
trlBl Ike life of (be aeu>- hecauae there ii aomething
d lor ibree
h^’tMB Vi^r ueed'^aTba^
-Scott'k Emulsion is simply
sbovkd (M tbe BUI had all klade (or e aoalaal eaarte and el ^
_ m•.
.iiM* iiri • 1KJW..WM -*»-MM, .mIU. ^
mI mum ^
y-rwl I...MM
n alwan for aolblM Tbe raoelpte *
a Ui aae of (be (roa^ tiaee Ibe w-j,h
gdalloB eeaeed lo exlel bai ao<
j <^ M Mk
^-------------------'“*, especially prepared lor delicate
..^ Ha laU oa bu
• ,tom.cK..
'‘"''•s b'
dl I'lmir ntrr U * |•ulD1 up■ r lIpblhoiiB- M.» Ibr Alev
r»<SMlA-r Owlne I.I Ibr »wlh
.ml Bcndlr con&leatial. AddraB [>.
K V Pierce. BaSels. N. Y
lUi.i 11 MrMenui
nc fSenr'iF.rwIuPTCicriptttacoiae
ojuniti. n-n «i( (
Aribur J MrW.iiu. i.f Ao'ltir ili«-l ooeoceB eai
Kridaj SHiriuiK-.1 .ir.ni;.iieii.m .d ihr niTlacIbr
Tht finttm
Pridu uirrni.m
: .m
SSmto“tMr-■^ST 'al« MW
aada to (be paro
Children take to it naturally
■oaitwd taeludlss (br lai
Tbe oacers of (be old
luoa'bcc.iusc they like the taste si>ium >
budi bad
(be barbed
Tra^om' *1*^ ihf remedy takes just as vr‘[^. i!
aarBal tlaae.
eraiaf Oofoaer 0-------------_ a >aT7 eeaaUUai nt U. H.
(Isp^eo^ de-1 cause it is so perfectly adapted
HalMa T. UlUe. Ouw Will- Qided (o wind up Ibr affali
tl. McMUbael. l,r>kB HeKi
“ tu tlitir wants.
•orlei Ion In ihe raem
hi IB
Tbe ble<or> of U>
Fur all weak and pale and ,,
«ealb bjr eiin
(hr oesaalBUioa —•— -w-.m.
■rad with lataraai br (br people ybo| thin children Scotfs EmulsiOD
-llitti aad a (busk aall m Ua
rtmt haul Un loaae. F----------
I hr
Or itmr tkcMl m4 • terr klad tcOrr >ol
“ * *' ■ “'ooed rairtaBB*
I vhleb «a*
rurehtid VBB
■ able u> IdaatUr
_________ rbe tl (■
p UaaiBd alBB ariles
dtr- Hlki ma*Maa. aaotbar i
1B toraabB tt (bal eaap aad
ham aa ih* WaadBai caap.
Last aask baea vM aa a drask aad
Miadar be baaaae wild aad (be
(bsagfct be was naar aad redae.
star la taap al(h bla. Ward wai
. wat ta iba aiir (or aa oHasr u taka
-2E .r!£K v
(kNMMa^ t^lbTt^ oaaof
aal aaeateur baer ball
IS-1 i» the most satisfactory treat
We wlU aaad yaa
the pmmjr. L #., a
aan^ (rwa-
- thta etir aad saap b«
«to liras sear (be piaee where (be
- aat Ua to eaaw lato i&rbaae aad
'St wara bat U> rsfMed. Mr. Heataaaa fiH> stioefe tbe aaa-s pockeu p,
•as tr te bad Uoaar os bis paraao as
y^^M^ ofAtaa axil bis bodr
aads a aprsCal asaat-
“ I’aA* Mka. I*ixkiiA«: — I bare never before piven my eudoisetnent for any utedjcuie. but Lydia ^ tHakbaro-a Vewwtabta Oaw>
poaad baa adilrd »o mucti to mj bfe knd »iain>ine« thu I fwUike
makinc an exivuoon In Uiis case. >'or luo yean, r.ery tnemth 1 would
.. Ih, be™ two days of «evere pain and Otmid Ujid no n-liet, but ooe day wbM
Tksidne a frvDd 1 run acmaa LydU E. PiokhaB'a Ve«wUWe CadWn^d. —she h. d used it with the beet resulia and adviW me lo try Ik
1 found that it worked wonders wilh me; I now exprii oce no pain mud
only had to use a tew bottlrs lu briny about Ihia_____
IhH wcodcrful cUnga. I
Qae It oecaakmaUy now ahrn 1 am rxn-ptiooal)y tired or worn CfoL'
• - .A(Y, ..
.s.'mi. n»nA- MiB
Aucs M. Shitu. ftotThird
man Bieculive (Jonmult«) Uloaeapolis Stpdy
jTjKig-.5 ‘ I A"
MOTTABOWNB. tTrr. iZm'],,'oH.\or,ri
■ ihr dr.-..k«-d Tk- funrrul »
40» PbBri Mm N. Y. «>*•
<'> “ i. certI
UKorhr rerrlr.1 II ~K. ilfr I
WbBiBBi sedrssalua
, pn-nch In.iiruDrr mmiie
etacth ta wawtewTWteta tBrty ta Ufa bateB* dB
Iteiity bad itrwtacth ta
sss?s£t”ur----table Ooenpoatsd
Ore Saved htanta
A oMtacc X Tnverae
He te tbraa ehUkro. a aea. B. R.
VaaTaltebon. aad a daaXrtor. Booe bnwed to (be prouad
wbo ta
utetac OKratai aboal t e'eloek.
was oeuX
r Ur. aad
ai^ X Ban te. aaette daasT'
Beach r
•i BBS mee, vaarivTst
^ TtwreeM OItT.
Jifw (d (MSDae ea Wt___
- - *---
a MxM br Htte )labal Hatae
' “ttaTvhte of Dr. TteapacB. iba
HbBaa Id tba bMid. tba nty bibply doaa act eoaUta typbaM cna
bn that tba eaaaa an aaaaad by acme
ether tafante It Bay ba froB BiU
aad tataBbok-O, aad aiBwoud i
~taedd. mailac te bmr Uld eu.
Tbd.BMtar X aaaraaUada waa —
teaaad. Tbe loeal board te takaa
XteBte palaa wttb ttta aad as
baTateBd^afiar tbx w«*a te^
te tba atteattaB X tba board. Aaolte thtac ta that Mat X tbe <
a was raer trail rsestred.
„ — —.—a was read'hr Hra. MWMlfc. at Kanasba. Hrs. WM aer BBo tbaa tUB aad la dXar
p Mb •MPSaa was abac Haaoale ttam
Lmt was twrr tatacauku a all wba
■ RTSSaarisb
bt the aawlhd Hat tbaadaj
tlNfWr^riS^ JalM^*Hri __
•hH : warMw prswkWBi, Hie. Oiws«a UaaswwBt. Babatoe; watahMB U
sr-ssrtrjETi'^ ■
Ut. aad Hip. riaok HaBihoa aia Sa
pomad wiD p.XU^ kelp *ir atab e
llapidk. I ,
I. (hr am In 'hr mi wlib ■ damagr'
acdun apiln.l ibr Perv Uarouelte i
Rallksi i'oD,|>au.i as i result X tX
Uecembri psauUker irerk In
bMO •arunily pastalug ibr pruxa (abir ou ereouni of (br Lam
bar X boau wblcb sbeltrr duru
ami un.-.i>Ai.
self, his kirr
hvadon oolLP-r» Hsraueii
cable will X laid (nn tbr North b
Ilou Islanil to Bewver tsUad >iib
land end it flleo Havro
X drprii.
e privilege X r.
g a Xllar
oocastonslli Is
T. C. I- A M. Oxte.
Ibr pot■ I
» rem-lve I
ago SB
At laat (hr T C . U d M ruad
rgeci thsi
OlIrsAurksck. a*
again oxe U> Newthpun lu .paaseag
Tbe eottepe bakiaced to tbe reeo
M__ A.k (ae CooS Pook-fyse.
u X permiuX 1
■X trelgbt tragic and tbe Vralei a
property aad ta looaUd aear tbe IrateL
,y Other c
Ovrk Cirr-kUr. Pr
BBln roaelBi Tbe track was open
How tba are tarebi >e acN kaowo. 6n(
np about II o'cloek last Xgbt wh.
ft OPS probabty (roB (be cblBoey.
tx enow plow with (our englnee ii
Tbe leoi OB (be bonaeboM gooda « '
I order has breo rrocladX. eccordlDg
■ ROlbOTf
twadX In gettlDf (braugb
be u leaal WSd. It waa M oree
The ixw plow with the two engUM I
BlaiMaa aflsr Hr. fobaaM fX out
(XI Xvc beeo fan In HuIXn'i rut i
tba boaae uatll H wae burned te t
e worth s> muobi
nr wswrwfk
Btaoe TuaXay Bonilw sureexx lo!
ge(Ux loox (heBXlves about ('
o'cloek last alghl. bet tXy did Bot et-1
leapt to go « uetil lb* two engtaee i
eeat for dRlvX from CadUlac. wXn
(X tar coglaee eX eaaw ptow pot I
Berscel xber bta dHfis.
etraM. dropped dead test evealag
(Its o'ekxb. Bbe wae ax tli-at
power bxk X the pk>« 'XT nmr dif koeiber will pwinll and li Is
t.Pksyte pkwMS H
aad bar death betag ao atadea It «
Sculty *es expeHeoeX
, tXl Ibr church will X ooa.
deeaX lareiiity to boM a pom b
eaglae xd snow plow IX i ai lewst X Xys aad IXI sen
um wbk-A te tebaad alao waat..
tedix X a porforeuea X (ha lataa- knrX tbU iralB al soon as It weal x, X Xld there mcelaHT Xf
Uaa aad (be jury brought la a eeXIM X that Iwo enow plows wrei over the)
I soeie work on IX Interior
X doae before Ibr weatXr
np aX Ibis will X doer as (an
:'Eb'i Cms X
Pare Har«w(M rallreX^Tte c____
bMW wbea be wae givea a red la tbta
Bite Btal'wteto beTabbx'rj'em^
Bba was (alUog to biB wte be
dwiHil asleep aad tbe aext (blag be
knew was haaitag bar gnoalac. m
was tebia to Bpaak and
Not Fatal.
No Mottor What DoctOPO
opo 5inr—We Know
Thi neort Tro\i>
t>lo In Man)
Coses Con &s
a ta
Ataaaial to ta eharga X
A A riaalastaa X Oter «aa
■atardar lo cm wotb. Tba a
lAcata ia k«b grade GRAKITE ax* HARBI.E MONUMENTS
Copii« and Cm Stoae to onkr.
821 Boy St. TravwrM City, Mieh. Olttem *PtMm eso.
\Vc have aome of the old-fisahioned
Sausage Grinilers
.....and Stuffsre
Combined we wish to doae oot at s redoced
pritx. come in and pee Oiem ; : r : : :
Our line of
if coiapkte, come in and price tbeai..
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
The S. F. Saxton Hdw. Co.
rSa CEwtSa.**"^ waa *t da-
*•*•!*«“ 4
WDllaa W. Bahb ite Soha F. On
wathr rtapMkaii. Ha. Marla I
-M; wsrthT fUda. Hrm. Ma d. Wo
iil^: wcRhr baraU. Ha neasaa
OwMI; wanbr >Mrdlav Ma ~
Uta OMtalac ts ante tbe eteo
(H ttapaea; «aaaa. Ha
« tba IdBperaaet wokan X 8
WBUat; Mat. Moewd. thttd
*?HOnote wtlkad Otar IroB Wm-
oP Mmr^wmrm.
COItImbtis aassline Cnflittes
s "ir
a Bra Ur-'
k. Mrrtla OoodlUb.
Tee 111 wax waa at tbe Mtaa
bo (be dm teiHir la (be a
alia (fee M aooa be aaaaoMd PB»
M«ar the laorfatba wU aaet M
Mala. Me uae banu baa tied aa
(be Hal Wadbaodar H MvThe aaaa al Iba dttdiW ai
ttta e( (ha H^eaoe lawdaHw
U Hatbaa HiahMM. The
"Ites Hut. PixKRAii;—IhsTentSateddTW
.^1WM tblneen yewn of te with my BHMH.
They were imfular and vriy psinfuL 1
doctored a grest deal but rmived BofaeMat
-A (rted adTM me to try Lydia
Ptakham'a Vewwtabla Coatwoted. whkdif
did, and afler uiS^ a few boiSeJx k, I faii^
“ MeiistrtBtkm ia -now regular and witbooS
. 1 am enjoying better health than I hare
I ' iSii? ‘si.“M'2r.^:uX'=kr5S!
Srabbad bla eMboi aad nitbad ou
doera, where be drsaisd. K waa bch
orir a Biauta aflar ba «M oet X U»
boaaa before ibe ehlBaey fell.
Ha aoeoeeded ta aaetag ealy a eew.
la« BbcAlaa. treak oM Iba eloek aad
ha aatlBdiad tbe Use X tba dr« by
tta eleek wkleh had elated et ‘
Mrs. C. Kldnachrodt, Morriaon, ID., Bayti —
:lT. dlaeoaraged with life and wlltel hope ta (be (ntare. wtearuX
--------------slitakablr ibst Lydia E. PtakBatata Yrgafate Cimn—AdU
-te i
eutterlng -all woBb aad eearUa (reufalaa. aad all ttaa DU
Mre. Uartle (br talked Wlib (hr Ikyleg or e re
to Bearer Island the Iasi harbor
rXug* uo Lake Uleblgao kill be
telegnphir coBDUuketlob wiib 'be
Mr. VaaVteaabaix
^liBe It bureed and
oouatle^ world.^ aed the days X "
SMrta o. K. ». CaaradMai
aarrewty eeeapad balat
bereX la
I his
Brftay aettaa waa raealTad frwB bad. Hn. Jebaaea was vtalUaB ai
reaeeU bare been sriually
WaaUacioa Uai ba had baw fraatad bOBB X a relattva.
At Ubm last (all. ..
.•( lescl
^aralaj- wKb tta aiaaiillHill.Ur. Jobaaea wae awakened by
•SW taaek peaahB aad til a Bate.
uader Beaver Island
M worb U tbs WUa IbrUa a( ieraamtta dag fuBpias opoa ble bad
owerre aad ruuUles X IX
law tba boaaa tllad with aauke
Mtawak; Mia Dodr. MaaalMi; Hra.
U- Pptbecrwn. Oaatral Uba. riaaaot.
■a. r. V. bsiMiiiii a( M. SSaaa; Ura. Aaaa Mia. Tti
- OW: ktoa. b. H mak. Matte. Jwrtt-
.dpe wooeeta prwHwtrw rosusdnoks of fete taaX
(rdabtate X (»oa_______ _______________ _________
baadtSir- K ebrrtad weeaea aafaly ttarawitta ttaa vartewa wdlwal
wa ta the letted tnm
shi.l. r-OS11..11. s.-rr KO.-n I.. Sir nnscirimo.
Kolebi J.rk riiiiUp, KuLdbl El>. end,»l> s ,<IB fruei k:
Thurkdey aftenuan al (be boar o(
her deucbler. Un K H. Pnpe, sped
TO yaan Hre AdaK bad bem la (alV
tai beaHb foe some BoetX aad paate
0. Skiim1.-f.on m.u.irr K-l.-.lA.h
CctfukU* Eirvtnr Co
away «ulelly la aloop. as ibe bed cdlee Tbumsy knerooue
s(pressed e deeirr (o do Tbe fuaeml bks rvoomn iM-m kpp.tnir-1
- -jbkrd kod Aimr. lo tlirblKkt.
errrtree were beM pritetely e( (tar.
reeldence oe Soadiy urieraono si ! I
o'rlarV. Mr» W. T Woodhnusr of ,
•etaunt. rh» arrmaceasreii t>eln( m i "■'tb*-!*
eharc* X U D. Oert^
Mrs. Aden cue.^«re e
HXMae Hit. North'
wbere Hr. Adsll purel
aad wbere be died lo 1
frm. Adkit
tbaa relumed
. ty. where
DM aaa alaru Bade her boar with
daaiblrr. Un. Pope. There are
Hh rtebt aUedt paratraad.
ehUdrea Ilrlas. Un. Pope aad An
foot. Iba rtcht oae. wae tBBflai
Adah X thli city. Mn. P P. Heddea
of Iba bad aad II ta a woader th
X Ua Aacatat. Oal, ttaorce Sari Ad
waa sot (raaaa. Water waa fnaae
alt. wbo U eeaaaetx with the Kodtoe
la tba boaaa.
OUwrwlat ba waa te OoBpaay la BHHab (Mui
eararad ap aad tbal paobabty aavad aad W. N. Adilt al MXIrlae
blB (ma haUc troaaa to 4a«b. Tba Nenhwasi TerTttory.
Baa waa prohdMy aUHhaa Himday
B (Heede
aicht aad HM ta (ha %am bbHI Ian
wranlM la a balptau aiBdMea. oaaUa
le ogBBqs aU or te balp hiBanr
(aw dare tba Baiiar X aoatnlac
ka nty watar.
oalaad to ttaMMii whisk
U aaoBB (bat Uara art is caSti
aed utUoraalare wastlB*. ba tfphaM farer la tba «ltr and tbay tra
a (d sHon was baW ta lbs an- about avaaly 4IHM bnwaaa tba
I e( Hur watar aad Unoa wboaa
ly eenaa troB waita. tet (all.
- } aaaa la tba etty waa tetalte la
toBUtaa aotac walla. Tbara te ba«
me teauea as lo wbatbar tba city
elerjs purser ^^^te^ftw^tbta raw
pHrad. Al tbe eed of Ib^eemod e«aeoe Jaaee Kaboe aad W C Hull orsulaad a lean eed (or (wo rears a
pntlr good taas wai aiala(alaed.
llek etrlekeii wlib apralrsl
dopanBeat wee aeusad
VeaVelkaabers bad dm bM aeea'
Ma la (be My.
arouad hie bobia la eoaie Mae and (be,
WM be raaebad (be o«r (be aaa
eelshban haroBe worried bot swaiM
-ami bardar(ag ui dellrtaa triaeaa
rather rMarlaal to rtaH (br bouee.'
tU «ae eaUBs all Ike bani aaipkvMS
CbM Reekie want lo the bouee aad
klUiad (ha Soor le aad toead lha old
ilL*taSd^*aM^*KM^ aa Ibe
MtUBaa Irlaa oa the bad balplaee
.aHBMi «ar* edosad <a (be lacal boil!u h aboot U raan id ace aad wae
^ vJbr- TbU vie (be last Hr. Faliablld
alsac at (be tnaa (be stm^ look hlB.
Tba aalchbon bad dm aaaa kiB
tiaea Moadar arewlnc about le o'etsek'
aad hie abaaaer cMt c( tbe bouee Bade
tbBB Ibtok all wai wm well. Hr Itrei
la a aaBli boaat oa iba back pan of
lha lot H (be rear Id (pbe Haradea
balMlac oa aast SToat atr^.
Wbea Hr. BaaBli tamba fa (be
K wae iboocht that Mr. VaaVa
ban waa dead but ae aaaa ae H
bla baad sa Iba aua be aaw be
aura aad lha atrlebeB Baa aa<
te raallea that aid bad mbm to
attchiljr raised oae e( bis baade.
, 'a’Sf‘j='£li5s£%a
* Miss Alice M. Smith, of Minneapolis,
Minn., tells how wom.in's monihlt- suffering
may be quickly and pcnnancnll)- relieved bv
-i;}} Lyia E. Pmkham’s Vegetable Compound.
Battle Creek Olssd Saws
afiwataa Sar a tet «*ar
equalled by few if any and ' surpassed by none.
Our lO M. S». R(ortmblre is just plain ALL RfGHT.
127 TO 18) STATE
f «n^ TnrcRC Hcnll
Part Aftim
III WkUh Jap* War* Vic
r«t. n.-4t 1* potit
ibcni that tk* oSdai U Wmc
mu tb* smmt po*«r io
ur aliciBpi ikat B>7 b« na4«
: tQ teld* lk« c«M €d Ike nllrcmdi ti.
; U« *uu U Milker Oorrnior BUu aor
Om»i»1 Blelr. bol AiidlWf
li Power
« aaJ It CMBM'
Biwd wuhoui bu
Tb«* lautwU^
ki. PM*r*kur«. klarah 1^W*rrf «M
m»l*M IMar Ihal »t JapaMU have
KHT'*" the Ker*aa t»wn of lehle
Yank •*»« *f
V*«t -nioy *r*
fprlMyliip Itea wall* •> Ih* t*wn. Th*
ij (be aodllur (eoeral pam*ai o<
r taaea aatier tb» old aprrt^Ui
a the niBpaal
lelr taiee. «hlrb euyld haw
»w***r- releaaea '
I (njoi (urtlier ubUsaUon
lu tae iiaie. tut Poa-en *«• rarefui
Is paeelfC ku rtvelpt (ur the oeise.
]«li1 to reprreel; •tlpulaU' that ih>-
. tUJtj FabrMiT miwtaU SI 't —r
n tS .lall oa (k. «k. U. T
The eulleai wt. U im ead IhOt.
I m i*
^ lacbee ta each mr
The cmieat precipliaikje—raU aad
Mila* e*o«—«*■ la ini. UM Web
The enallMt »*• la IMI. J1.7!
Oa Brplroihw Mrd aad :4lb. ItM.
Pmntytat »M Bmmatytmg
tte Skta. Snip, ttoir
-teMere .be, has* "a Vf^:y
<w*4 a doakr. al.«« .ilk hio.
•iMalaa ft*** I" **on '
(baa* U the aorth ha* *M«i
araMy by th* e*irtlmi*( i
a wabar *f car* hae* b**r dlaabt**
kl. Patarabura. Uareh 1.—Oararai
VaoNavMr fortoar mirlotar ol war ,
(..* .til l
□ *»
ka* left a* rt
k to b* pe
A mlabi f
lu the >»>
dlacueclsule* i
aoteroor e.Mibl du nu'tuna
rretlim liir pu.er in ih.- i
‘“T eMaLi aud mau> prr..n
ouibor t) h.-
paUerof .(t du
PMO boat* •uaiBOd owl u m**t
atkaefelrp float Iwt vrar* faread U r*
Tba MatvlHfi •■* ai
iapaiwa* withdrew in pood ordar.
TM a«Mk waa foupbt with Ww
•Mai Japanaaa tactloa and la baiUvod'
(a hav* boan mad* in bad waalhar bo-,
' «M*a taUfapbl* bdvio** ataU
a. or the neap** of
Tlaw aooo
d Ike rooe Ihio (ka
weduu (be Ulr IkM
dia«(tiraU0M aad
a aoaewllb taalpbt.
Amartcan Nuroaa^ Japan
M aibloftuii. I) r . Marrh I
'cn ylrli are (nine loin (he far .-ai
V w*(« tbnm tiMi tb* trai* 10
a ba* bM »o MU rlBM lunr-
ta UM plane It Mthtay ■tilled tor
tba aatbiwdii maI ta kCM at
____ w 1^ Md «»-• »• »«T «“U»
raihray Mrrte*
rte* ba. baa*
____ M anaraat ta
. .
___ ______ —
' TUmeMdltlooa will eoatlawi utall
1 the rallvays cm »n*e Ue veod aM
: U»hw Hov loap It vUl be ao one
^ ' ia.«*e ooroe 0* vooo bm iawo.wou iwi
SSI ta iMiber bat caat pel as tb*B.
» a wurl.
! Ak..
ha.t . fra*
eairi in.! i tuorei aaiet m aU
vii.r.uvAsAS t
O * S I J =■ V g c * CJ.
-i » t < = = g 2. f I =
r, -JS-Sn-s-ysv”
* J.T.Sf blk-BA*
-- ks!
$B j,i8skkt
—w a
afieraaon *a. pretaded o
Sbviby Bod (be
- nray
tat ta Uvo^'^ifl Prta w B I
ran ta tbe ApricuKural Collepr
The doatsc eeaaloo VM deroied 10 ,
..aiwniuloB ta the .Bbjert ta rural:,
apeaker* belap Prraldeet
Bayder ta tbe
—--lucal I Onllep*. „
*** ******
I ntoci
't e al. h».e Ig
^outh ^ide 5/>oe ^tore
iXieibXtlBdBE s
Ikistt! [IlikiJii
n. a praai laJI ta
,im The learee .
iraee, aad pmt da
trait ira.
The ta* APd----------
« U thei
T by a P !
tne , vunr- ,d
un. . an t miaa it SW i> the iiumlei
F. D. nkb«l». ProlPrtttor.
day Plpht.
Tke manUBr. mi.Ioo vw is ebaepe I
ta U* Hlcblfas Beekeepers AwoeU-;
Uoa aad addreeae. were atade by W
Z. HulehlBK* ta ntai. B R. Rool ta'
Medina. O.. Prof. V. !• Hedrick ta Ue,
Afrteullural Collepc. W W P*w
varth ta WatartovB, O , and C B Ota
ManMte* Camp* Ctoaed.
5t«y"*W*l oUrp* Itorana. of To
HaalMee, Mareh 1.—Otrtap to Uel Mo. a; kamiial A. and It B OraS. of,
neaBl heavy fall* ta aaov, loBbertap! Waablapioa. DxC
opoalkBi kOTe been pradaally oea*--| a nolioa (urk new trial ud aa
tap la tU* CMBU oaUI kaiarday *av
ta Jodpoie* ft* Ue pnrUepe
Ih* U*t easp chMo dove and Uo bob ; barle
- - •
BBM. all «lan tor I•
. TvB or , tall *
ta tba Bill* base .
•BMoe ta ibo «toc>plak.ta taal
POP Mon-OM of Wortu
^ -jMIkiai. and vtll llkaly BM «
WUI aprlnp. Hhrd vood U a aea
Klk Bapid*. ¥h*, Peb «.-Tbrer,
--------------- -------- .X.
hundred m ar* ou> ta vork here ai;
--------- „
rMSll ta Ue InaUHtj ta the rail ,
•••• Che moo adraae* trvB
trvM W to IS ■
goae tiBto apu U< Elk Raptdi farHtiipmta. and vraaai
al that Ifre It 1. , ___ ^ .Uo,r*d to eool beeaaoe'
p*t U. -rte am-'
eo„iiat p. potlea to U«m Nov,
,1 ll.'\V*.blOIU.’B ~V,.o
1« I
PS 5 •as
Umsm awl Dlller n Orufl were ooeb
BMteaeed today by Judpe Pritchard to
ive yean Ib tbe pcnHeatlary at
MoabdiTiUe. W. Vt.. and lo pay a tae
ta IId.OOO. BaBiwI
ba* a boUm
vei.SBBB«Gp«s X!
cssr~i -■
UBMlap. Pab. Sf.^Tbe Bocl lucceae'
tal foutdmp tanaer. laatUal*, boib la I
polBl of .Iteadtaoe aad lalereoi er«|
beld In tbe tiale. va* broupbt lo a
eloaa ai tbe Apneollutal Collrpe Frt-i
1, luVry^' ’ 1^'
I Bin l Ihtnl >o.i .ill annul
! t.r^apeesPPA
n iltu.ini; w u
4U Mtkrtap'tbMi
boM, tbtar Btaie--------------- ------aad ««erUap hem. aad ihar bare ao deU* to aet- *"*WnblBptoo, Peb. M.—Tbe Jory 1a.
the vorld taoMKia pCBtoace coaipb
tb* Ptitu aia IB few deep. , ,
'.the Qrat tB*u
praM&p oat ta.'
thta Btaw Iart katt ta Ota. OardatrY . . 1 beoapki la a nrerdlct ta pulliy at
•kaafaaM at SiBrUap a«
________Ike TbWJtak. Tka otk« chaised »hon0 afwr ' ' lock laai
M bad to b* tafcM o«.
Ocdratt * MU«1M« lallroadY
,*'S'5*rardle* appUee to lour dtaeadSBla: Aa^ «' Macbea peaeral
pue* cd rawi*. NUwty b« ^
SowMd at tb* Bata tarn- tb* kM
MU ha. CBM aat of Bwlbi
- V IM of water l> lb* M
SfiS..Stt*aS*B «
SSt.'kliBBkVkt »
The dOaa
aVatvtabSTfii b
an-kbBH.'sP.l :t
.**AlCff^a» intla* M ik^-dtMIpab
OaMiaL tb* UarklBa* dtrtataa. tar tka
Bnt an* ta tb* klalary (d tka iMd.
I »il'. lAte I'leaittf
Ml m«e « on me Swiih Nnle -n
;! f I $
a mW At Am tka UaSMd 'kUiea arByT^iha eoam Pita. D. J Croaby ta Ibe I’BXed Sutaa
Aibar yeaurday. Tb* Uaiahaau dla ta «Ueh aeOM Ue etanie prorld^ departBeat ta Mrleulture and Prof A
a lilbtfota ta Ann ArUif
uilrt, ami
f.hfU.'IsassBti I
dk.iBbk«ii = * t
*■ welely .ill' aboui » .j Vlurk ihe •iMtner Baaio Uoai-1
•i« thCM
»n«k o>«.
*td A S Alta
-»s •
IHicchaainp ur rtoi
SAao *r
arieaa Burte*.
i eo *a> .icbted. Tbe gueen tapaalled '
oooparalo *ttk tbo ABarieaa
ta Japaa tb* Bad Croa* Burwe.
Burnt are
ai all I aad atk.g tu .land by until tenipurary ,
Baa aad ar* pnroreDiral rnpkYa*. No repair* muld be BMle When everyha.j tieeii Bade aafe, (hr Queen |
ilM hi
w dltAa wllithir, ti la bm aroBds ar* pentlUed la or wjth tb*i tbiap
army, but a apaelal aaeapthn baa ba*B
Blade for the -'Yaakae punM'
Dr. WeOra ta a daapbUr at SIbM rouph «
rd Ihipel Booed
tka «tr* ol . J. MrOae. Daliad
rooBded j
poraoed. aed .1
w Iht «M*f« ■Mh* foteTMaeat-atkaoloitft aad ei.
Ooftap tke kpatalab-Awaalcaa war *k* Cape PUtlerj abe ci
~Wlib dltaeully I
orpaaUad aad dlraetad th* Daliad rlke alaetrlnkl
i va. B1 tke
m* Sleo aad
U .(Mam la a* tapanlaM «*«a*r.
I Aar. JAm* at *2 0S Uiil ate moon
omipanu perubed
The remaliilnR
’Dbrr* of ibr er..*
tbip tuaile > de.
anoy, vb<
• Are uo l».rd ud
ophl. Tba
II pay tb* *1:
«fallv they are Is Japas.
of tbair
j| .lid Ibr •uBertspi lit (
. win ba paid by papalar tuhKrIp. Iri(htfu)
.talp wen
Jn tbe United State.. The nurv. ' »bo .lur
lUtOM bravely
aud ^
lake with lb«u a hupe bo.pltal (he) tnuphi
.. . ine.Ucliiei Mvrd >h.i ihej niul.l .if the lewl
loo that tbe Ualled kiAte* auproae
eoart ht* bAAdrd dova a deetatoa
vhtob uMBi that Hkbipan’t tdIiu
Botdter* «bo aoirad la Ue PbUlp* aner tka war with kpata ar* w
r«ealre i«o Ddsib.' extra pay. or
OrMd Bdptda, Vicb. Kayeb 1.-^ •Mb
ttlAd par capita, a loMi of llt.tM lor
ptMaaa pvt <d HlehlMb *a* rtaltad
tb* aMB eoaearaad.
««fc tb* MM tuwm la paan yeau^ allThta
daetaloa ta readtMd la pwao.
ittj. Ckaafei haeaBi* rUau *»d aaaalvalaataer aoMleta la Tariooa part.
by vail
iaio (M '
gt the CDoairy, urn
iBlaoal a
.jd aad MtUa **r* avM avar. ta emup pBafthta
MrretBthaabrtharatoitbBaadlkan boaadafT of tka aw* MM ImrtM •ataUa dartap lha i .
•M *Mll bidtdtaiP aad oat kMwt
•ad dT*d hatM ww* tMpt away ar
jaw MS id- WkUa tb* pcdpany «am- Ike Uv prorldad that vhae the aolBit I* hMTTr M Itm W* beaa f- dton VB(a aaatered ou( they vtra
kattad IM
l•etate t»o Doatka'
•• -------------- s. put itmk ta orar toAOar
Ue .........
;<-ioie pu;<h*-inj: elae.neie
Wreek in W**liin«len.
Nearnisb UrOre. abu aai the t.sl)
aoinas *bo ovrr held a nllltAry c»«ii '
Is the Unliad klalaa artb) •I'are
a aorpooB durtap ibe kpABUh Into i
Mere Menty Per
DtaroU. Mich., Peb. iS-Uatiml
■ Pmkw
Milo B. Star- .108 Aitomey
l«, t*cu.,„>n M,.h.*an, an.I :
dl Pert
a ph>aM-ias ai
K>kBi Hofiaisa
Ik asd durla*
iid s *
-I B ?a
apnaabU to__________
afitr*, tbay proaeot
t to ^op aad Ud
' tba Boat tuooiaafalJ coMltTaa of me^
>iirx' the .uunJeil llUIr Jai-> .tin
lofi.re the Roailaxi bayonet*
tMkUp «*rt plvaa rla. U two epIaUna., 1. pradoat*
■Khar they ar* th* bftly •valUkl* ahlp* 2o^
m th* part ar *M Ih* alnklitf *f th* I Ybe TaBkeo Burae* *111 aall direct.'
laa^ iwwMr*. aaabacad aad allMmd U
•wUp arwad wtth th* wind and th*
M*. atrttanp.and «9vMbi< <
tbo&ta. acaJp aad b..._ ____________
katr. tkat tka CaOrora ronodlM bar*
boklarad Uwlr rmUat isooaao. Orlp•oaTlKB, ockaUflcally eoA-
fl botplUl.
Seieoin Sure'
All lb* iro««o who bar* Imh-o ao . here
Tb* AMdlnA awl of th* same tbra* < cepird aarrod la (be Cubaa, Pbillppla*' nounc
- ' '
-B Main r*a«> an at- anil Cblam campaOpB. aod arreral i tba r.
a*aifl rapB or a.
__ «rtomod brtvilr. aervU-e
All Ih* B
tl dalaytop
«ahwi U>* Rimlan dMdUn
AfUMT, katXhky land and by
MPrffle narthaaat atarwi wBb *
k*M raplrtp tffpm day* wtth
\u uel. tbell e.tfli
1 knuan ,.n me north I'*
rteadad th* ahunwl that th* Idryar
Ik* (lore of eiea. loetb.
hsaaUfsl hj drfKiic tk<
aad (Uf the MBiiilie aosi wnbapeoy!
If each U the sohapr' eoodlUoo of
OB* aSieUd .Ilk iUahi ikin Mamlab**.
«hal aieii b* the faellapi of iboo* la
eriap tb* akia with
aad ckarftap tb*
XII clmeou to bo.
eoiw a pvt
lyeMm BoUl doaur
li ta la tbe
*>» of lortartap.
(eoi-ral I
iardl*»thei.dvu.l.ll.l> u< eetlUDy 1
raxThe uiil) aTiihoni) shlrl<
,n ,b.. ea.e
m .u hur.nt,t i
Port emploiBeai .a
Th* AahsM wa* In a alnklrg eondi.
tM Navik wa* aarloMly dart
I* *ht
Ofw t«rp<
terpodo beat wa* Minh.
afad whll*
Siv.n,; 1
oeld a (.ear *f tka
' aOrMl ibal baaat;
tke Inian of f«o• Ike oorld. aod yet
It B.lit.1 ba
inr (vu<-r*r>
Idlapuw-d n.
eamta* caOad baaat; a ah«t4M
vraaay, n*lo a prlrOat* of Mt*.
Thaocfnaa. a tWlpbifai pi^Mtea,
th* or* •P*"’*'' *•» la*
Hoitrr» **> ili.n inaile .lete
*•*“ **** I the rallruail ruai|>aiiii-a lu a a
hur and eiralD Lltu Iruis pr-ceedloa ti
>« canald-ltb.' prupercj ..( Ok- co»|>aoie
Tdrtmrs Mention!
paaur. sit Ba«
im. II feel. »' lUkk'
Ins atat* ' of the ralirvadi i., pa; taaui
thU potoV kMrvmUbM tk«' tnUT
-g rerr UUruU— ukU:
< 1UT4S
The imtMi uawl uiovtall u ib«< im-O
Mater doriap (
report. TbU I.
:be (mat SI «
I ibat ta IM
March lat. ba*
p lu and luei.d
bees lit (IS leebe.
there bu b.
lop Ibli date. March
sebrakeo *iplc«lap t
Handlet (he full line of OsbonH; Gocm^b. "Osborne" is tke largest independent maker
n binders. Mowers and Reapers in the worl.l. I'
place >-our
of grain and
line of
oroer before seeing Osborne s
IRacbinerv and Farm Implement*
Remember that we sell tbe
ItMller” 6as»llne Engine,
Tbe only Cva&linc Engine that a child can stan and handle without trouble ia o4d
weather. We have sold over forty engines the Usi year out of Traverse Chy, S5d
ire pUciog
they are giving the best ol sat'-'—------‘-----------your order
'for any make
W'e have the
Engines, call at our store and
“Rere" Trieflon PeedSaipinfl macWtic
Jlrriolng tptrr iff In »n Dtpartmtnts
in Traverse City” We have a complete line ^ ............. ................. ........ .............. ...
PUMPS AND FITTINGS, abo the MAUD S..S1LO which is second td none.
You are all invited to call and look my stock over. Goods and prices guaranteed.
TWe 1* ao *«l<rtap. U* Iran work*
a, •
Ortahuhrs tad lOrMtlaen ta
Cow Prices
. '
• V
Ih Rtones
Cor. can A State St.
ha^UdiTI ^Uwr'a'od’Ti'^
•Mb tb« dMib or Ur. JoiDM 0. “
• TravaTM CKr aalrTi tha
M art«r«aalra. •
Catarrh aod Ka» Favar
Uolhar Qr*y_. 8»—< Po.«.» hr, ’
Hr. jr^at
. b,
__________ __
Mir of pur
WHIM lint II Sill
rkmf panauU aiu-n«l«a «.
-. Malta tt a larca bDUeaai. aad
’ M.jrtt-* eido
'..aaa. la tbe airteloM aeoar
Hr a
- -^totiar lo a fauli, hr alarar* roc*.
. apad aa» paWle rairrpnar Ihai araard
VaKhr aad vtilch aruuld Ih^arlll Tra*
«»a CUT Fron hit purar hr alaaji
•aaa taarrtwair Hr aat l»ral lo lilt
,:Maad«; aad hladoeat 1.. rreTToar.
, oraa to dash bruiea. «a> a prrduol
.' total charartrritllr at hit aaturr
, - . PoUttoallr he wa. a rrpubllean, -rllh
tocia. aad bit eouaael vat irMOTrer id lb> 1 lUM' •■' hiaoi
I. aad hit oplotao. hlihl, I
, amauBlU’ trill eamm bit daaib ;
He Ml lor charlt; >a» rrrr rrjectad.
For Ladies
III Up ll-Olli
■aiona a.
‘ 'lli'i'Jt—
* mlati- Hen of all parltM bad aa at
. for
a Johoroo and iho, '
« aad aprlcbt
iiMana^ aar..- aa. iho »rooaMi>
' all tltal to pood
la a -ort h.^ «ai
f >
a* Ihr ODOlrarr. h* trat k
* aot, la a ahtoi w, mm
^ tototraaa aad to aid Ibrni I
i 3i?M aad •aaBdal aaia.tao
ti Ur, like Hf. Jokaao, arr .a .aau
■ la aoF oll» aad ihr drpannrr of
lb Mn loaraa a raeaac) wfalrb It a^
litjti—»i iS' «*u
'L, Itovd to 111. TtateraaClij will aiooara-’!^.“>*,ld^V Haodrwi a.roar
^'-.Ir Hoora hla death
( toH«» bare tba Jtladeii toatoorMa
* aad kdW fbararirt
226E.FfHtSt. TraiiniCItr
Cbe Racket
Che Ciitie
'r.AfUiBr Ihana. aped tt mra.
•fctoiar of aeuie aei<i>lU.
iTKonwouP aujUAia,
won«wii««, m r
Baat BlPlMnth
■antiowSSah^TSS^) Mhib t in
242 Prom Si.
Traverse City Sprayer Company
b aad laara. b«ide brr
a Mtber't Mat. i
1>antoh, aad a ainnr. a
Tba two llUla daatblor
• a«d THtoa. a«nd.l a
Frank Friedrich & Go.
Cb« new Stand.
Manufacturers of the
Che Place
,ill<! ihr
Cbe Price
^:j. I-CAMY
Expert Optician
I Now at Hotel Whiliofu aill rrmaiB
Uniil Mooda)- Fvemog
CUset Guaianleeil IP Fit. MiD'ieiilt Caaei SoEeited. Cimnn Headadteaad Setvoutneaa.a Specials)’.
Spraying lllacbme
Foil, -I
eitv Book Store
Are You a Medium or
Small Sized Lady?
I- itoa bine titird with tongue for two horses ii»d arranged for
«- ■>( i,oiaioe>.
Note that guard is removed so as to
ili-.play the working pans o( pumps.
Can you wear a 38. 36. 34.32. or MISSES'
! 6 or 14 Size JACKET? If so. HE^
tha stock Is not largre and we can the bet
ter afford to accept a larger loss ori eacTi
17 ladiVb' jackets in Black. Navj. and Ocloid. not
the latest style, bill tfiKid, heavy, warm garmciiu,
sold originally at-4.i«i, 5.(ki. ('..(a). KOO and liUM. will
be oRcred you. beijiiininB lonijjhi, ai
16 l-adic»' and Mi*»es' Jackets, some Iasi -.reason »
styles, others this seasons were $6 to $l J..'di. at
is l.adies' and Misses' Jackets, ncarU all of them O KA
arc thtsscason's styles, were 6-50 to l.'i.Oo. at. ...
12 l.adies' aad
;s garmeii
tfarmeius. all new this sea- Q ftO
wa. sold at 8.50. 10.00;
lUUO; 12.00,
12.011, 15.1k)
IS.ia) and 18.00,
IS.On, at. •
.M.V rkm
it Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, .ny-lit.!
the ..
ver>choicest garments in the store, none peser\-ed. that
sold ai 12.20. 16.00, iSOn, 20.00 and 22.00. at..............
With such radical prii-c measures, the slock will soon be at the point
■ : cleared of all winter goods. 1I his
hi deterare aiming at, nanuly:
mo^ clearance nas tin interest and importance iliai |>laces
it in
n class alone.
showing ihi- machine fitted with thills lor
for spra)Hng fruit trees.
iiigle horse and arranged
It has become a recognui-d fact that the spraying <>f trees and plants is ab«oluUy
necessar> tt^nsurc a successful crop. Each year the number of insects and diseases
aRccting trdk and plants iw- raptdl) increasing and it has now come to the point
when the diacrence between profit and loss is represented by the difference between
spra) ing and not spraying
The machine does away with all hand pomping. being
No liquid passes through the
pumps, the d^livery betng done by
entirely automatic
direct air pressure. The spraying solution is at afl times kept thoroughly agittotetl
and in perfect condition
The Traverse City Sprayer Co. have placed on the market the Ooerr & Mooroe
Spraying machine which is without doubt the very best macbiM manutactnred' fw
spraj-ing ciiber trees, potatoes or plants of any kin^ The machiocs are now on side'
at the
factoiy of Tidwell
Caldwell & Loudon, in Traverse City and they may be Men and
the Ucioiy
roughly inspected there at any time. A Mi|^y oT machines sufBoMt to atotify
the spnng demand will be ready for delivery- abom March ».
Price e! 0omple(e machine $7S.C!0
CImilitlon thli wMk 2,600
_____ .... eosAuciad »r Ui neto.
Aalbta* ABO*
Al >0 o'elork Ibl* Bornlai Ih* pn>
B TO to TI
ABlobi* Abo*.
: <ri> Id cAbti* of tbe MrrM'vbIcb ooB-------I sltiMl of piBr«n dbO MiaBi to IndtaB
m Ih* Ini of tbc ! Af'or (b* iartle**, lb* r*l*Ur**
*D* I (rieult **re ptraltled to look
irwk • «mtiv or airrMpoa
I b* { bnabiT'k tace for lb* tBM tl»
i wbll* aDB. lb* ■anrte* 1* lb* •(/**«*
- -------: toD««* WD* T«rr lapr«**iTA lb* *10114^ ^ iw mi.Mi ... ..I *“>■
lh*-|*4lBB BMorMn *Bd tbelr
*«* U. tb* *0*0*
,ac*d Bolber B***»d kroobd tb« bodr
TBMdar of b*r *ob *ad kwkad oo hi* l•Btllre•
tlB*. ah* droppad |a*i a
C Md
- ^
«MB Of 1. B. OIbb* tor tb* U
« Al. n. r. K. lAhm m al. «u ukoa
i» iV Ite taraaooa %p» danMd to
a^M aano
IWtotoi to a bona daal *bl«h a»pwrai to lb*** eolaaaa.
J Haad Caoibf to ML
-bHwaa A. K. .Blachaa sal wHb
Wbbbu *<(d4«tl UK BatardAT
■ la vbMB tb* mat of hi* rtbbi
M* badlT araabad. H* aBdark to UMl tb* ball nutolH aa kl*
Ml* th* B**l BBikal «haa M
MM* **to»t la tb* bait^
IHM Of*r tb* paOn la iM
K|M hM tead «** h*d«**B tb*
■to* to
^ Mat "to^
•to toMf* toaabiaafT, at*
^ . «B wMM bV beM* an
lT«r M bat to* ia^ to a .rarr
i «M *•« vU totortr* Wto af to*
ilM totod tor Bto* UtoA
toto *f
Utoi war* baU iaaaM
__ at ( atotaak tram lb* r*to
I to* to*a^ aatotolaatoaMtotai '
*' '
to* toat aad I
■rir«t*««* «a» MIB. AdaUb
■Wtoabad baaa a ptoMar
--- ..
■■MtoSiaSitoMy— Mad^bto^-' I. ratal ird. IMt, al
M* toto. Mb tottto. aim
jy ttotoafi aai actoto an <
baadi r*
y toftot to to* *M
barMd to Baatta
. aM'
S?*baMtlfaJ toMi
AM kaatoto Of to*
£1SV.,w:uru. I
r H, Tnrara* Baj fill* L. O. T. IL.
_ _■ tottdifa amapt OB* «*i.iMtto aad Hn Clara ■..WUUaan. a <0 atMd tb* toaaraJ. Hr. Pt^ 1
by t«e b
Bn*' tony of «M toM tb* aal^ iBiilrad _________
taatlr. aad a aaMar M
‘ ■
toto mall baftaalBX thi* dr*« bi
hat ima to bo oar of tb* larfoti l>
Nottbar* Htebicaa. aad bit pstovB**
uaddad Car boyodd tb* ODBaart n
ravara* Ctiy.
la Ittt Mr Jobaaod araelad tta* tub-'
aUdUal briek blaak vhlcb ba* *tM,
bt*d to* tocdUod ef to* btMliMt*. Mr.
pdaad aa oa* of lb*
la tbto part o
Od Dae. II. mt. Mr. i_____ ____,
■btoad la mrTtoa* at Mptrv. MMto.
to toto* Jaaato C. PaUaraoa. vba baa
baad dear* la eborah rTafk may
yaara. nr* y*ar* ape tbay ocaetad a
bBidaatot ruaUadM td BLxtb ativn.
vbtah bdt atoe* batd tbair bon*.
PofUtoally Hr. Jobaaod vat a rrpub-1.
edb. «** <d too** loyal Man vboar: '
.JBB**) Bbd good todmaal vara U
vaya to to ruttod apod. H* «a«
alaitdeb aad tn>* 1* bU eoartetka*
aad teeotaltad'aa aa laporual totu
oaoe la bl* party. H* va*, atvay*
aeUro tad rrer told Ihr prtarlplr* of
bto party a* aanvd
Uo menu to but ivo mioraal a»|
edottoo. to* Peratcr* aad KaUbU edj
a* a a^
BKoaedlaA Croat aomv
• p to carrytoc oi
ly. yrt toak*
dku tor thoastlrBi
totamlt.. a plae*
bu«te«*a aad aortal rtretoa. and I*
la ttb*
ad. H* *aa na<y '
haaru of..................
all vko kaov ibMB.
ibrna. ihai
lhai Ul
BaaUiaf tor*. Latoa
B tb* laaa tocMdl*.
tar-BotiadMn. CS^. «Mb>« ef Jot
«STu bar hoaa* la Sitoir* BaM Hartotoaakdter aaMt*d.Cinafam- Ito ta»* or cr«at rtobe*. Hr. JotaaoB
■n. rto. tolb. ai t:M a m Bba aatoy
Maurtal' balp at aaadad. Hr
' <r toatat'
r Mr. JoktoOB froa bto aariy
cariy »w
boy- ,
W aat
*Ml«ar*r—““- toda abMrfal
abtoffal aaaaar aad dry baaof
bound to hla to thej
to* Mr toaU vat B abac* u
tor !fitoato Hr*. LbBb*'*
ef aay
$1.75 ;hf(E,
tllhMin JubBti'u
0*kl*Bd rouBty. Hleblcas.
ibrr. Jobs R. J
.. ABioiM Aaaa: laaae
taal Bird.
Obbrtoa todto. WllUaai Batin
maty. »at bm
____ .j Bad rraak yaaBol. HI* bbc
I*. . Jiia*
.ibpr aiul atotber
«be tod tb* B*ntaa. to oaeo
-nibPr. JiMpb g
proatlarai »*Mb«i* f tbr
Id Datrolt.
Tb* ••riy III* of J*B*t
**• aptot upoD hto t*ib*r
•a* *MW aad taara* Un* taraU«n. h* va* brouabt to tbit ooui
•too*. HHM aad Jobo H* Atoo pareal* *b*B b*t *U year*
todf** ton* auuTtad atour*. ton. dartat lb* dIb* iBoc<*«dla<
Madatla* Tbuat. Mn. Mart* f>*rro« tndMl tb* dtotrtei tcbool
aad Hr*. PhUatoaa* m»a**. Hto tan bad dDrlac tb* ocbar
tatbar «a* a hlaUr itopaMd ladiaa. d«Tot*d bu Uat* to won 0
Am oppenanlty *a* ue«R>l
«bo dtod a f*« r«an a«o.
A waod«*> eroa* tr* toot blih «**
aneiad at U* baad of tb* fT*T*. It pmaiptlyoB
Ml It <
biB* tb* toMTlptloB. -1»M, r«b t*. dcrotad bit
UBtly to ItaniIBI pbamary. Wbll* *ladylat
pba^ I
aboai W ladtoB. I* ai- BMoy b* pat la a amt d*al of IIm In 1
r*Tl*vta« lb* ttodto* of hU *eboo]{
ttodabe* of tb* aarrtoat. A i
day* aad «afaed Bseb khowMie tbal I
at itoto «an >■ Ttaron* Oltr
daf *to»a| baibMi aad atbw t
b* bbd »to*M darlB« bit yoaib. la I
IU3 b* aai«r«d late panaanhip v
to pa; tb* axpaaaaa
Jaat* W. Uarray ttadar tb* ftna aai
of Jana* O Jobaaod A Co. and tb
Moehad up a a*at Ultl* draa ttor*
Bobaat rtorea. *aa .*f J*b«* aad toair on Mr. Jobbood derotod I
attadtioa to ih* baaiatat <dd of tb*'
Btoabatb P^. -M oa* of •
..................... bl* partdar, tba rva^4tb. ttsi. totand pbamadat
it oof lb* dm looked
wbM babaara-
I •«**** Id BML* Sb* «M
■ nir !»«-> ODr
’letlcall) pn>*r«ulkc
S11U.-0 *b« <»mm*o(tMl bim uo1> ibp
ro*p«-i bill ihp hl*hr»t nwaovixv *1111
bp PDlIre MimDunUi
I niiomuiili) Mr Jubn*ao
to** r*Bk«i1 vlth Ibp mo.t auporulu:
Wlablp *Uil lub.IiDIUI
Aud B» P«ll
rbarltablv or laOurlrUI purpoxpjoeipil
On ihp r>>Dir*r>
Usl >• OOP III Lbr Bu.i ll»
.Made up Ilf t.ood Sen uralilf
l.caiher. heat j or lnjht dre»- >o!t.-*
11 you ctnnet lut sn< el tb«*« atrmtBI* i* yew evn lauiily.
there »re eeme niDe perbap* are »iai«led *e tbal they cm *w
lake atuniaae el Ibi* ener. Veu ceuM net put year meuey M
belter u»e tba* te present Ibem aUlb sae el these osmieMs.
heeK: a >iho«- that \immIU '<-I1s
MISSES'uo cnuffimmES
Odd» and endb that uold
from $1.0(110$1.5U --
ln»ure DRY FEET during the break up. Have
them in MEN'S. WOMENS and CHH.DHKNS.
it Pays to Watch Our Bargain Counters.
And i«rt rw- we b«v* mauy tbin*i tfcai ,m. want and to* *rte«* am thr c
■t •>** seme -ar* barpa.m.
Seiler of Good Shoes.
.1 ym wot a •*•* bat CHEAP
Trw -,*Mo ter
pr,« we ar, ml trtat
le carry thv lirw any m*re
in ordering a sack of Hannah
sack today.
tto aaa vboto 4(*lk
tofttoad. N. T. 0*L ». mi- tor. t*ri a*«*d raan na-Bt td* Una
Baa a*d*d • tom vtobto to*
'to at CBtona kad to* allMto^ —...... .. ....
aastda* Id drt**d om to a taalt.
hto itopuaw* v«> *r«
praanpl add Ub*t»l to *T*ry vorthy d»
aa>d tom bto Oa* or atna Hto
laltb tt tb* totur* ef bto city, bto laur«*t
and* bla a
« OBtoM «b*a h* balB to*
toddtr to aB *ft>tt tor tb* adraae*_________ m tofBto Atoar. Tb«r aaM
Mt cf «b* bn*laaa SM*W*s of tt*
Jtos OaoM vara to* adly vbH* tatHMnOto abar* ef Uto totohBi*
ABM mtoM aito to* ladiaa* batvaaa
•tad Aibar ABd to* Baato toaalm told*d. Hto «0td*M vd* trvMy]'
aad <d to* roar*. Mr LaBa* «a**d
aM tto l*d*t of toad tt Mitoa aaaab' - Arbor, ton a dar- * _ jdH add bto mtdAL tod* to bto
Brad to M to*
•tfvdc aavftottoM M ticbl *ad RaUea.
Ud* to bto tbiJIy *dd bto OoA. Hr.
JbtoMBi Urvd a Ml* ef b*d**t «dAaaiw, ef ta*d*« inbliyiai; a Bto
U y*u Cod yaar tto* y** p**
Th*M pete** bMV
Order a
It will help you make better and
Doat w.H BMM
haeper ewa* brtar* y«i .atert yaar wM
.r s*t*ctteu. W* aav* m
« *r to* «wy latoal WM
papers. Thar* • a dwtlnclwei adM<t *ur papara *M alwayu tewte •vMyvriwe*. W* ar* h*m I* towte am •>
aaper* and a
Jvrt whrt wmry *n. hm baa* tarttiag ter. Th***
- k.-drt-rt,*.-.rt.
a. pramtem pimeaw pte-
aa< teto af evam te wrtea Hrtl
to p**a MMtod
• Vtert <* J «dt bavNOteU pm*a wMwd Id* bay. T«^ *•■ «* •*
ClK Smelt el
eotiflhs and eolds.
a aaav^ latovbta.*ddto*i*vdd*ad
*y; Sd*w*dda.^
f AS tb*** Itom ar* road todis vID
i dta tb* *y*rM *tna« a*d vbo am
8 B*t Ibva mtat wort, and lkn*rtn*t
• au tbto rwtaa tb«r* vlU b* d*to ***■
nrv la aaw baa**. *1 tov aid to
Notbata HtoUcaa bad a vU*r rtieto
tBM Mrry th*eu *»*r.
tlw blM**t b*raa,« ef uw yaar.
Lay Co.'s
1( is easy to learn whai it will do.
We emtiP rtod*r
r Uto
toll* •?«
•?« ter
ter tba*.
«h**t mve,
n***r b*** dimlicM** n*r itev* Ua mallttea.
whiter bread.
hiM. aad hto tot* to
. Leapt,,.
Tm*« ar* r*9ui«r M-OO i.eU erW th*, *r* ••MU wMr^
abl* -..to
Tb. eirthlaa AtoM-
LMk at tK*ae:
rt b*«* *M ter ^ to*M *m rartto Wa iwm fla* l■r■■*l Bm w* imm mar «wrted. •**»*«•■■
•mprtM. aartsMihn wntorty ewte. Tb* B*«y Brvaaato aato WMtov V*te«to W* b***«M. Vaa. wd
. tor«* atta rvd W* brtru •
. W* «*■*« to adavr y*v ear eaapato add n
Expeennot-Uooey back if it don't
help jroB
Wdiit’to PrusS^orm
. ; G-ei ' ■ ■
'.to 'Ja.-. ^
vUl be al4n»o alitr toet.
Hera Woaa.
____ _ aotOT fcr Um fatoapt dar- OMarbMoaa ol au«ata or* aei
a U topic for Marcfe «th: ‘X:»rtar <
«r tka nrat Patfd|ka^«^,-*^** ** •• J**>***^ .^1
ifcc aunu tf Ufo." lmU€.
RM-J OaoM.
iMoUa autMtl «M«naiMi • hv of
ItafM* WMsndv an«rwna *t(k tto bar Hiue trtMda tan Vadoradaj o> rS' tu a *aubBli thrVaeaUuB'ID tkr pku^. Tkm'a aothlas lo al
Im la kcaar «< bar oerMtk hlrtb'la;., paa.'.
cure dlaordata of lha ttrar a
at Ike aprlni elaclkta.
Anneal t«>ofab>a ertatloi waa roeai.l
«oB« tB NorlhlKtK
EatraabMU «arr aMraH Tbuib < Tb< rr- are a'njaJj lao r«pit»
CIU *«n tMiu <H Hn. a
Grand Traverse Region.
U«o. H. liartk
**A eu»»»«lo«:tM an
MU about Mlaa RoivoMi'
to tkto Pte «t CHrtauioa AHM
vM trlaMuc at Mn. Bd JI«Oooc'>
tmr* taai *aok.
tootr aad a«arilr« aerr
vreUlea at UaBlattQar. hot Ibefa
pvateai all arouad BadI
' acrtalB fartk« lu lb.- loao wbh
t,A« I aol la lyoipaikj «lih I'ltker, aaa aa a doaa ijncaa It dUprla
‘ nraub a (bint papa. «U! be .tart.
aalarU s<-rm.’ Oal> Sa^ aa.
tloa suaruiveO by Jaa G
aerdol tcl BHd aWui I
iMi Wrada;
„ atien Ormy'at don't SHki'
Cl®» WUJlun* U vdiT P«»'J
luralHk »B.I- Hadreeh-'Headlos
eb be aatr a
aerrr.1 All an- for.llally
«ant,. nf t£i.
jf Mom bad U
A >dl> salberlBi .maeuibli-.J at Ibe
Owj, at^ai
e mlderoi. k ol Oaa.a > ^ak^p' lb S'l^ BM^-.
Tbr AiKeBllata b. 1.
bum.- ol Mr. Jane Wrtale) for <bW turf Ikf frtppf Utrly. 1^1
el»«A^,.T.*V-it aurpri.ins 'heir bu.te» .ui,
Hr. A f
1 have r>er> u> pri
tVilMdwe al««dr.i bei^nbfl
Several uaeful iuv.eai. Ibai ibi- ma>... My.
to put la aa the bi
rb ai U«l tAka Subdat
pr^enied. alter «falcb .«wef
»m-.inl .bo
DMeUlBS. Uk le BB.
e Weal Cvdar ftuL acbool baftaa
rrvJl. AmoBS iborr iireM-.i .ej.- al-lx.-afaio' .i ibe O
K-llf mad lafutt
It the hen *i,d I
I olij. Ml.. Harrball aa tearhar
« W «HwB Ml*. Bmnta Wtli'-o ,'b- 'oion- .uloa.
Bc-adtui eaJIM
f un *«.>k
John Sroll. Mr. 11 l.Mlle. Ur. J I
lia- Ibr u.o.t p..p ilar l.«nltBt C \V>nhw>p bet.. Ur. Jame. Kebi Mr. CJ
bou.e Id I'eDivrtille. l.euitiU beiB.
Wn.let Mr. Kd K.-bl and »1r. I
iciumtr v<HI to tUK bfuke ii|> laat FVIdat
Ibe .l.e .J bl. Iamll>. .bleb l> * lance
Rua. willobr* ba» bean bavla*
-%al« al Leeunue lot k fa* day.
I oiiBil. r (ban the ta»|.a<et. L»>. .-an.
AiuuA Bartletl injuri.i bt. rlsio ■>
I m eaooboasd a d oakUa to ra- eUckea poa f. r ib.. laat awk
•bile batidllM m- ia>t .eek
■ fur orer a aeok.
al rrarv 8uod») .-'vnlD* hereafter
Mm Tnylof, »«.•
ib,- cl.lei .•
r Kofera aad famin asd MUi • •
Beer I ( ibe <ar Cerr< return-d li
Wlllo. Cleivlaiid. aberv .he «eBi le i-aek
D ca’.l..d I
hc.o.eh..ld looda
i„. Is aien iBka a
Hlaa Delta Crain la (I'IBS
Mr and Mr.. \V It
rraak •aUtrao aaarly MOl
at Ml Erlsli r a nnv
(atned Gray'. urebi..ir. Ia.l Kri
III. brotbrr caochl
> pai--i
Rev. Tiudie praacbed at the rbapal evujlui
Is kite waa talllai:
1. (n>m .
Kev and Hr. I. I'
maniNI Hoo- Ian kuDday miirolni
. deMUiKH ..u
lobnaitai baa x»Be O 8ahlD Ha... .Ill .pnk ...1 saikio.l
Oetcse Job!
ere they hkre
Stale lluBIC blta.ViU. lu be (taiKla fe* daya «Uk Mra. H«rt»ra > *<*k fur P
• ouoa un-li.rd.
cbiitrb Tu«.ila>
Sku^ Itab) BIcclin Htlbar
KHa H—tic. AdeHM »i.a a>M
WWr Spaacte aad U
( J Tb. UaT
\ rial II Ihalr k
Don't take a leaky boat or buy a "Wltd-Cat*' Piano.
Take the safe course.
Piano will protect you on every point and so will
its makers. Did you ever figure on the cost of
keeping your instrument in tune.’ Tuners will
tell you that the Kimball needs less attention
than any other piano. Reason? They’re better
constructed. Save on your tuning. Save the
d-etailer’s profit. Factory prices and very liberal
o| Weriofd
gaaday «Uk Mra. BOckfa parMra. WUaoa. kara.
rrlak la TWlHt Mat4( •> K*
Lovta Wllaob la dravlbk U«t for V.
Mra. SalltraD Are\»eala
«( klr. aad Mrv VIMdr flaaday.
1. BI- telllBS tl
•n loK A Nela<«
1(. a |IH.
Hra. Beroard aaa
a calll
OertlelfUbblit i
Mra Bd lAraub
Bon. to Hr. aad Mr. Adul|>b Joba
HMa Hand Vaa Blarioooi. fU kM
M aye ran raaeb Iroa bar.
The lodltb. werti
~Bw iHata IHIaer iM Qraad Hapida
U. HUa»- St Akfell laat vaak
cowira eelMtalpad a
Bf^«l.|BOl.la plaaiabily tor
r—. onklw^
^S^kl Sayln of Tianne C>ir
nlftttolsiJ U-
UTlas I
aad ra
ibroufk (be Ice Ian week
IhrM loel thiek
e are la >
r ItiinaB I
04. iBdlani a
. ever
r n>BS.
ir r.eelDS ar-nln-
1 ib^ bav.- to heap
AM Ffcwwbte Bernard «i
oref Snaday with bar tolbi
l^e View aad Lobsrtot
uk loaewaa tkli w^r wit
QuUsatkb* tuBdU.
r^^Muikt a bold, by
Our tkaw
tooM of It
Hr* Chai........................
taWed (be oUar tey ud It bM
''fc. Ui
*5ima WopyofcB **i home frwi oi-
1. »wfc
ttotrrboMI.... rue In. . t-K...
. ... loOedarrestarday.
' WMih.
tost wa
____ ha*B
are^Bow aasrly
aaUreU btoebaSwd. all
baa bM aoapebdad h* wvar a waak.
ua aiorm betas bo tmvera asd ao
BBch bard wtod It I* tnpoaatkto
Uoa ft Tra.etM City
ke«p tb* road, broku out.
« tee kate tost araadc.
nM tootoarUd aarvloa tor Hn. Fred
DwB. who «lad ao aoddoaly <d d' '
therla two waaka aso. waa baU a(
M. K. ohsreh of Oraat. fpk. S
• K r. tk toSit troto Hmm i. -
baa sot baua abta le let Ibfoash hr a
uBb*r of day* oa aeoouat of tbe
duhii Nosulrkr. bo
ladlBB. litius
woal uf borw bwt hla h<iu.r |.) Sw
WBdBvuday Bisbi
Thv C K. tapir (ui Uarrb sih
It,,. ,
Cfail.i Still, tbu Btoriu. of Ufv ' l.«wd '
er Tlua Jubo
MtuluB Btuily rlB~, .a. >.-n vatrnalaed
by Ur. A ,
Sl.vru. Uit Tu«d.) vvrnlu*
.Ill BKwi wltb HIM 'Haa J<d>D|
___ TuBitUu v'cbIas T'bv follu.lBsl
paper. ar\- bclos preparwl. •'Ca»ie."i
TboBia*. -Porlusal. Oalbollc'
HUtIuBi." HIM UBdlvyi ~bai iBdIi
Ouinpatiy." MU. Clara Tbotnaii. Sv
poy Rebtlloa.' Him k'lumA' Wliwui; I
'-Hiyptark MeeilBs 'Tina Juba; 'Utel
of Manlu." UbbU OuatafTi "JudKin
aad OunpABy." Rtitb Steves., "IJtv of
.eb«r" Mr.
A Sleveo..
-Ll>i- of
uff." Ovu OoTywu.
Ob<- of tbe *T*4le.l M.ctal .-tent. ,«f
>« M-AMW took |>lac Ib tk<- lawo hbll
laat UoiKlay evealBt. tbe oi«a»lun bv111 WathlBroo'. blrtbdb)
A ivcdiv
tloo riJ bADBUM wa. atieBd..rt by oter
too propiv' WbbUbsIub bad tody ao.l
tbe lower ball la the furm ol
aasle. with (be dl.tiwatohed sucala at
Ibe bead of tb* table TW- laeau waa
aert ed b} boy* ooMred aad dre*Md In
knee pant*. T*e prucram wa. r|ndrivd durtas the prosieee of the meal.
After an lavooatlua by Rev. 1'. 0. RMb.
Prof. J F MaUtoW*. loaitmalter. wa*
latrodorad by Rer. 3 Deel. aad save
The Baaqoet Toaal.'- A pleaalos dsat
by Mtb. E a Hem aad Mra. 3 D
DM* “Tbe Land of tba BwoUowi.'
toltowpd aad wa. b*al«Ry ««««red
Oevfe Waablastoa Ban hU toaal
'Myaelt.* whteb waa followed by *
Stole Quartet. Mr R A. Bum. Boy
Bank. PMf. 3 r. ‘Malbew* aod Dr
nalMk. Rev. V. Q. Rich tkea sare bl*
laaat. -HttotodOtb Oourtbouae aad
T«rblo.-B.- foJtoWfH by a ptoao diet
Hr*. Mary Ooddird <« lb* NptOM
Cgy HIT* wa* rlasted dala^tu W attcB tba biesBial eottvetRios Best Jass
Mlaa ttosle Yofsc dsafhtor tl Ms
1. Ratotay. who ka> kaea dUfurMSly
lor aoBia tl»a. t* tomwkal taattor
tkta wTtUss- We hope ake will
.M be able to be oat acato. Batla Se^u^^'e A^toytoa.
baa kara a pwat aufleiwr lor
•The Lartlea-'
tlB» whh aa sknat la bar bead.
_ . r by Bve
Elder Baraea-asd wlte hare
-eeitos a oM Mead* lo OopaaiMh asd
Ctoett etoawlI lb*
tbe stosTaa.
frosTaa. “to-aebtos
^■rta Waaford Aid toot Mtth Mra. Utob Real Bolt.’ It wa* «:B0 wbea
re acated al the ubie
tb* sent*
Blta^ Oorsell toat Friday. Tket*
feau etaaed
aad abea________
nd Btaay Ihere a
had atraok ooe. Mwok credb
tb* M. a eboreb ladle* lor tb* tobo*
tavolved to eertloa eueh a muHliude
Tbe detail* were manased by Rev. d
D. Deet* aad the pitwMd* wlU
the WlltuB cottas* Tneeday aft-.
MtB. H Ctoytba I* QBite
Mr*. (Mria Uadatoy to i
C. B. aad OUlbrd ' Fr
. MToee Oty Batarday.
^^MTB^PMdlaB WataoB la.os the alek
TtoRed Htoa Con Piv Batarday sa4
B*adayMra. *d OktodeoBtos to OB the alek
r. retvBlBs la tha laaolas
On Fblrhaoka
le eily Tta-------1. Itw Vtaipy Md B. tied at A. B. Fray'e Fftday. .
dad Ike baMM at Tmt. Claruee PblrkaBlH. Mho baa beoo
. ^reobytbeKO. T. M. M wtrbtostotkekoHhborkoiHfcrafew
wwaka Mnwed bone to Tisnewe Ohy
le orer Snadayte ^
m. Preattoa waa kwe OoH Ular.
b OTw assAay.
Bh SttM WUltoaa. who la taaobra*aol aav M<«roa Oealar. to aWc
I baa beau uBabla to toaek fur ataaa
W. atoe utobl. to |at hc»e. «o
to to bear of bar a»eady laeeirea
from Fareeil wnb lhe ead
other', death.
Aan* Brooabewd- to so btolto
tht* WTRlasTb* Brut (hayr fsrwtoe hoodrod day*
leafTWd Sasday.
X a FbUbaaki vt Tworsa OO to
ta the ans^orboad ttto troeh
Wanwo Fray ta able to bhM a^
aRer two »OBtb*' akkaaaa
Fat Ikryd aad dame* R
worfchis (« e B. Pray.^
IVI-. SSi-<-l Muv.
Special march Sale
up lUvil a.I.i-rU.lBS
Ic- pck-pK- 1..
u, .,-lltc |.,i d.-»ll. u.i
Si- Uu>. K-utl-lllkli .
■ n,i B.k u. 1“ K-"' b‘
N.w SMk F.. An Old On*—M-
fxib.i K. Ibv '.a.1 t«rk
l.auKlii!ii ,
I .*• iroablei .ub
rep.l..red tm- u.ta.rabir
mmuioii wlib rlu-jB,
at 'im*.
pal»>"i '
Mawday to
I ba* retorsad troa Wtoto.to wbare b*
be o
iftsl ■'
bta' tiictoibou"
Mlt* CWUa Steele aod Htoa FWkard
ere Cv^e o* Mr aad Mra TT. H.
BierO# tbe Brat of G
Hra Saatoe Boaaa
Mra t
la Detroit
HtoWsas »!•
sezt year.
birda tbmiBbCold wtoitba
on Ike Math
Rural mall dtreetory <d Sbstaaw
eosaty toauad.
Labwar to_____ iw Qssrriaa ee
oaaty tatored wblto atMtoidtos
'«ard morlas Irsto.
BSUle Crwtoi nxipto. a«ad Cl aad dh
Uek ed soal eauaed BKbaaas
. lM-l,inplii< ii. li.bn
torm uvar Uvuuuii
ihrw p,r(«ctl}
.>1 .bk-ti. bow
.0 boar
Tbi. Miu,
aitbOD(b lb.-> were
lh<-y !,.• ,1l.--i
-1 ».. Biy wb.il.- lift u> liurdock
BliKid llitlor*. tb-rt-rvil.m. %aift i.,
ervvl Biv bodv
I ..-..uinO bejv>n.t cui
a U B ba. mad* an- . pnrliwily w<
..............ia> H.itini. iwrv.i:
iiufp arv alreadi
i--r day ceiebrattoa
> lUtea DO drllBlii......... .........................- I Ibr prtmr mover.
tbeaMlvn »eein to have ajme doubu
aa to the adviaaumy uf puilisc vnn
■ark moav) In ibr pnjvei
, , ,
cure, eure thr\>ai.
croup, calarrb. a.lbma oever (.11*
Ced.r Laad RIvwr Om aad *ee-l
. flowltt
diiiv-n-ent. lo aetllere ..o
.bo win
will k.o>i.k
there tbe cutolas euauuei
Wood'* t
maedy I
Clara**. ,
walttas ftw esaalas
aawed wool l« korf
to cwilar. Heart tiUara.
onto asd wild dweka h
Qraad RasUa -maa arrrrtad for IH
reatmeal a( stoa-yearnU ae*. raar•aaled tee toem otasltostftoelaoo yetoeta tekmt to the Fewt
Jwim Kslsbtt o' '•-^etoromea iban i .- oonaeil to tb*
UsHed BUtob.
Traaot otoeer* afito parest* a
ehtlCiMi at Laoatos Owe baadred ai
iHk! ihc\Vi: AKE sf
iu|.leu- '
e-.l jn.i iiuisl
ol Cook
Kangt ». ell . ever shown m
Traverse Cit> . in atiythmn
you lOuld jHissililv want
Our Cook Stote. c.vromenre with No *v I’eniti.ula
I rium[>h for
tolto. luiiaoi
At aay drtis •
Our Fine Cine
Of Steel Ranges comiiienve wirh a good, -ihole, steel range, with
cncaMid reacnoir and
high shelf. 14xlV inch
oven, will burn either
coal or wood >*ha» two '
grates, one for coal and
one (or wood), well
made, lined with asbeslob. guaranteed to work
Dcrfectly. our Dr»«« '»
only................• ■ - - 25.75
Next, with high warming closet, enca-^d reser
voir. for -
(the very beat steel range made I. for only
ToCnro B CoM in One Day
->O fU
By looking ahead a few week*. If you bu> before
March 15th, we will make you a present of the follow
ing 3-coated blue and white steel enameled ware'
With any «ove from $15-75 to $355-75 we will give,
free of charge, 1 enamel teapot; 1 enamel coffee pot.
like cut; 1 enamel stew kettle, like cut. I enamel tea
J. w
Whole^le and Retail
\ ou can get prices anywhere aod come in and com
pare them with ours, and you will see that we can save
you money.
It Docs not matter
If you do not
ail the money. $5 down wilt do.
We have a full line of $-coated Uoc
aod white enamel ware that we are
making someiCspeciaUy good pneesoo.
Water pail, w^iie lined, (b ahrayt aeai
and clean)........ ......................... only 67c
Tea ai^ Coffee Pois from......... iBc up
ViV have some espedally good boirgaiiis
some Wash Bowbu Tbeyj^ extra larffc size.
We are making a -speciai price on tliein of 19c each.
Ole JIre Sbowtag
Vou Can Saw Some money
neceisarj' facilities
for Mioding money
to rU pam oi the
world, and without
danger of loss.
U ith any stove or range over $2.V75 we will give you.
bcMde- the al>ove. 1 enamel dish (>an, S enamel pie
l>lates. enamel I qt. pudding pans. If you wish to
iltAitgcao) ol these pieces for anything else you wtU
be 4t lil»eriv to do so. This will make you a fine outlit which will not COM you a cent extra.
1 |u*t offer them to you as an inducement to buy he^
lore the spring rush begins.
lung tin to At Mie d cook Mow
roiild" want for •
W I i.ii.lt ourselves on oui Steel Coc'k Siow.Mcel lOok stoves will last longer, do l>eUer
vwrl. and not horn half the fuel that cast stoves
\Vi- have sonicthing in steel cook stoves
iivdt no one. else .an show you.
ime neat steel cook, will burn cither coal or
wood, has two grates, one (or wc>od and one (or
coal, wi ll made, beautiful finibh, ash Dan. oven
.iimr .'roDs down same as range, all lined with
.tsbesu,'. Uvlit inch oven, \\ e arc seUnig 'his
Same stove, with Urge encased co,.iKir rcservo.r,
we are selling for ..............
Nevi M/e liuiy inch oven, for................
Same siove, with large encased voptvcf reservoir.
Every' one guaranteed to tjivc Miti.faction 1 hc»e
are the best st ,ve bargains that have ever been
. 16xl» inch oven, burns either voal o
wood. I
Next, has very large oven IsixlV inches, for only.34 5i>
•I'he ncx, k a sreai, bia-. h«a. ) range wih lol. oi
nkklc on. high closet, reservoir, for •
b«lly rured.
M-W.W (Aekma.
,r ^o.hU we jiu; i.u; ik>w bettvre the >i>r:ng
irM ot It
.Aiier ihi- .pting trade c>i>ena up
'.lie ahead you tan save a dollar in every ten
1.J ou: oh which voo can ■Uive front $i.Rl to
I'ti Stove., Steel K.inge-., Lcri'cl. <
ni.li tomcnccb i» worth In i>trr tern
wt- have more than wv ’ an .lo .o it
Beside, that vve have .ontr good. '
'ill in ever^ ten dollars.
™ 1.
beM bl tkU ptoea twUrOky All dv
Tbe costoUiea Ure a food pro«rani
ChAitoy »ma lAAuteriHi *nb a vaiy
bad nwck. He eoiltbi aeai all tk«
ra«an>«l trar Lsstlas
I-' \ rr\ iliink; m 'i
a> lotiu..: Oeueral Owryv Wa.btnt
loB C. B Souti. Martha Wi.hluftoB.
Hr. WiB K Robaftaka; Juho Adam.
Dr A J Mcrball; Lady Adami. Uia.
O. K. Belt: Heorr Kaoa. Richard
Batimberawt; Udy Kbiu., Mr.
Monthy: Tboina. JeSvraoa. Jobiaa^Ken
gaU MlUa wpeal Ibe day with
sedy. Jr.i Mdy JoSenuo Mra.
0111; Ahuander HamlllOD Bam V
_ H.
«. «.»u..e■•ei
McMuilea twtare«y2awrdjy
tar: Mdy HatoUloa. Mm. AuhB
Manns -wlM* be attooM Ike pan. Tke IM boaaaa are an ailed Haibea. taucaat ookioBMa of Uic
Wta seod. eteaa ke. Tbe cake* of leaare too tone to baodle eaatly
. a. wki
W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St.
-pooipaBl.-i iivr
nurda) K.-i
- I- K. n>ta.ion>
ii\i I . i-Biwralhuiei:
Nuribiawt had
day u. Friday
Ml. Ida Bsdd ••-n
lie culdMl li
III .later
adeB.} J
■uo* Mile,
.\n cxceptkmaiiy laige and complete lioe of Carpeto,
kugs. Art Squares Mattings, Oil Cloth,Linoleums.,
Buying, as I do. for three stores and giving my per*
serial attentioD to the buying, enables roe to get the
very bottom priced. l)omg the enormousbusioeBsthat
we do enables us to sell at a very small maigia. That
IS the reason you hear so uiany say they' can save motvey at Slater's.
Hemp carpets.................. IQi . 15c. 2(tc aod 25c per yard
Pirsi class, good wearing, fast colors carpet, beat
iilul pattetiis. for.......................................... $5cc per yd
A good' heavy InOTin Carpet for.
\ gtx>d Carpel, all wool except war
•A good All \\
ool Carpet (or......................................65c
Lowell's All Wool (the best and hne« all wool
carpet made),........... ...................................... tmlyGac
.A beautiful Tapesm’ Carpet for.................... .......... 65c
•A l<cauiiful X’elvei Carpet for........................... ....... 76c
.Avminsicr Carpet...................................$1.25 and $l.oO
' We have several grades in a large assortment nf^
styles between these prices. Sevew remnaou and
close outs that will be exceptional bargains now.
We can show you anything you want in Kunand
.An Squares All sizes and designs of SmyToa iKugt;
reversible, same on both sides; beautiful pailems. nm
bright colors.
Our prices commence at a rug lf>x5C* • ............. . 7Sc
.A nice large rug. 2 ft- 5 in by 5 ft. for oaly............. 2.^
A rug 8 ft. by- 6 h. for...........
........................... U6
6 ft- by 9 ft. for only ...................
Beautiful Velvet Rug. 2 ft. 3 in. by 4 h. 6 im, only. .2$0
A beautiful Axmioster nig. 2 ft. 3 in by 5 ft. 4 ' -6.25
3 ft by 6 ft., for -. - ......................................
A beautiful \NTlton Rug
$6.76 aod $6$0
Large Rugs, all sites and siy'ies. An Stjnares. all
sizes aod nyTcs. l>oor Mata, all sizes and styles.
Lintdeums aod Oil Ckohs ia all grades and at bortom prices.
WE CAN SAVE YOU a lot of roooey on anything
you want in your home.
craK tnfmc loaM rVSarJXr
m IK MBT CM«a «M CtlM
TIE CUE mn sm
Thm^ ho Ml Waek ttw chMMl ni(-' that «w MtJra city «m h—«Mh aiW
IM I Mat a lar«t Mrtlan af
MMtIy to lm#«At «kt t
fill! aaatiM
Maa haaa to fa. ■aWala
'tiM hMll arulMf*. Ik* hi
ha imM* te pan tha^. Ta ihia a«ta«t I •««« •j'fMaaa a«ra aMaala* la lar at*,
tha daah a«a aMPacafaL
Wlwt «a*a tha *,« har*aa-aa «•
btoarta* manr “ "**fM. Na* aky
aatrka an* tha thB>^ Waria wars
sifuek thraa thiMa. Mitral ■uarda
vara Mlla<-by tha b«rttlii|.sh*lla. TM
sivHiaM taah rafafa to tM aata part
«f Part Arthur.
: Wk RaaMa. Mich, Pah. M.—Mrs.
' C. La«la MO of tha aataawad ptoaaara
: of this plaea. died at t;M last aicbt
aaialyais <* the bovela.
Mrs. bavU om ooa
Siuv, Asa.. Oct. 14. 1901
BCD:—1 take pleasure ip sulioe
> you that I had luse troulUe
It confined me to my b<-J lui (out
1 took three t-ouKa ol
1 have aol h.i.l a
7 Discovery l>'t Consumption anii itt ciireO
enreO me.
1 heartily rt-runimenJ 11 lor
r all Lung Troulilea.
of tM heal
tore* *ooM« la this atcnoa. >'or 1
yaara tha kai baea an anersatlc
______ _____________ la thr
8t. PBall ehiuch I
aa a Ohrtatlao wwaai faisod tor a
a tore aad alacaco frletultbJp abb
was oaaucied by a oobtoatM of rhi
actor aad goatle dIaprwtUoD
her ouo chorVb fircle Mrs. Uewli wi
i.ia*in. Pah. SM-TM Japaaaaa amalao Ushly eatMBted aod b«r deo:
kam to*ay laaua* a atolamaat aayln*
tM *t|M>Maa Mat wMa IM shta
I Mid of Mr F»d
war* iwak to tM Port Arthur harbor oert SM «i I a cohslsIaM CbrtaUaa
and bM Ufa tr m staple aad cood
aSalM* Ka okiseL
Urt. Lavta rat bora Auc to.
k. ('
IM faailly e
•• 10 eik
I fall of IS«I
It. Lewta oohl mloert la the I’alted Riatr*
London. Pah. *A-TM fact of tM,
lu Paal
uBdoubtedly be ralM A|>ril 1
war hM ahtfla*. ARhooah tM Japa»-fi yeans, totll hit draU
wlBora asil uperstnrt vil! meet
#M Mat la atlll h
IMl. Hi3tb «ere loved
dIAll** Ibe II.
In IbtsI eeclloa.
r«y at tM »aUa af Port Arthur. tM;• by evfrybody
' elate "
•r buhaad Hr*
The U|>eratiin> Inidil It
MOM of frostoat Intoraat- hat bt«A
icood vork.
ahiftod to Narthara Manchuria.
ir mlBem *a> lh<-> *111
TM JapaMte Mva aalw* Paaaltt
»maltin« Induttry
■ay r* wllat aauth of Vladhroatak «nd
B. Lowit. forsaar M
BauJL 8le Marta, Fet. r<.- Au ei
lan«a* froaps marahtoa Inland to
Bapida Iroo OosopaBT.
rdmeol It belnc made
the MIcbl
strika tM railway batwaan Harbin and
lod vlth tM CBbaa Prodilueta Oos- .IB and Lake Supertor Pover Con
d vlib tM paar's pover bouse vlib the Hsicb
Hobart, alao
Part Arthur an* aavor oaraniunlaaUaa
,----------------- -—----------------------- .n Cuba at oleclrte ineUer today
II meceeMuJ
tbU UBw: Ida B.. Uetoo C. had KebM It vlll reTalulloDlie ibe rnieUlai
D- tM latur ifaror ttlll reaidiaf bora. dastry utd a bis plaai to eaiph
A cable ipeaaa«o vat aeot to the deed* ol meo *111 be ball! here.
was la Cubs Mi they eaanot foi bare
IB ttar for tM fuaeral. The date of
•aoul. Peb. I7.>-TM Korean •evam- IM faoorsi baa aol y« boon
Mrs. Levis vac a^eoaflaod
a^e ~
to ber
Mam baa *etided to order IM Koroan
balldlDs In the iprlcs
Ublll laai Satarday. bat abe had
troepe ta ioia the Japaneec to the MM.
tllBoas caused Tboata,
la poor haalib aeveral moaiba.
Cny, to so lB*ene.
TM Japaeaaa wioeroy af KoMt has
Factata SifMlort of
For Over
Thirty Years
LARGE BOTTLES 90c and $1.
Beats the
ht»otes[%slunCteefru»; MMMdRestCDMatesiietKr
FM coasuspnoii, couchs mdcouis
I to ahaah tM
ha* *va aum allaiiea*. TM *atoa«a (
ta tha toon waa aartoua. Om shall
atroet ai>l< aaehara«a af tha
The IGinl You Have
Always Bought
.™-rr‘" ■■'" ”*
r -“r “
■acaty aParta to caaar tM MavaMBto
For all DIaeaMB of Throat arid Lunss. Th*
Cur* that'* Doubly Cuau«nt*«l: Firat by
th* ProprMtora and Moottd by th* Dru^gtct
WMM «hlM
af tha toawafto. A*.lral Ta#a <a |.7^
. aaM ta hava ha* «a Waa af ra«ueiiw ! ^
Th« flr* wn smM kr • fM* Wn»I ht« M from < «MMr «W*h fM tlM
I •tovaltr. With • rMT tha «Umm
•w Um «MH aiW fMtM tb« bHlUin^
IM *V..V. 4.-..U.8 WiBS l» MKA i. tows St
;U .. H » Hi*«k.> ..I.ra raw tkstotosM
• 1. ' 1.. •ms. sU i* —Axs. C ton a tonk
i: stoi n.tototo*
h. tons,
ito -™ , g( ito to, -• mnM A ton a
to-i .r. to* sad k« k to.m II. saa iMAsac.
HMto* eiTas Saw
•'if,; S!£.
, ta
Punaral af Mrs. Lahue.
baan iMirvatod by tM mlkada ta praalata a oensmullon for that aauntry.,
Koroa wlit aeeorWnaly MM a eanWh
(aadly resldeaee oh Front slrecC Wedbutlanal ataarabiy M aoen ae har tarn-,
aeaday p. ts. at < o .
lory M aeeuple* by dapaneM fartaa.
A larte circle of meads aMCMbtod
II -fi--------that tM Karaan aawarar,
f.Ti.-JS! n^rss.1-55
Vtolunt and tM *avar«rMfit ara an- them. uktBi a part la tbair pMaaarM.
' tiraly under Japanew eantral. TM aa BdmbitetarUtg eamtan la Umea of
fMknaat roaldtM
TM Ooral oCerIss ver* many aad
baaattfBl. iM eaakec baiat Mverod
with towera, alao ataadias aadr waa a
larta Bortl daalca. TM Oatoa AJar.’btatf ^trtbhtoa of esteem from
TM Karaan army aumbats abaul
QiBiid Rapid* mao >iv
U. B A hospital.
Hoop Co.. Hoiucr,,
Preircilv.Qraad Rapids.
KsiUmaioo aua
buraips wife *iib cl^.
Judaoa Clark of nallonal
buicau, IntpecOn* wood* of *l
Uormoni will bold teml-an;
reaee at Battle Creek Feb.
UoaU PMeisoa aad U* dlvorood
17.400. wHk a royal fuard af ahaut **% Mtrhies ware (smdiieted by
Uao- U la wefl armad and a*u>PpK Ber. Botmss. attar wUta tM body'
Oraod Wee rtllase sued for W.WO
aiM. toUy aa (aad aa th» dapsnaai wat eantad to Maple Orovo
by woman lajurod oa defective sideand updarly Icwared - -Mmy CMaMtHnl its alM.
by tM sMe
*^ilce departmeat at Orand Rapid*
will rlsldly enforee Sunday tadooD
Amaai bar most Immodlsto tola•LbCKASINO PORT ARTHUR.
tires left to moura bar abeehoe are
of EMUl.
Chaa Poa. Pab. a7.->lt la Mportod two daasbears, Urt. Chrrto Bowers of
tan that tM Japanoaa
atlll Kmplto and Mrs Mary HeOaa) <*
N. T. aa* a son. Dr. riwk
bllihtatol Port Arthur, thara
........................I, MMb. alao CLaJtMoO
tsntap uMMla to tM btoakadtof Raat toltowls
n to atao rapertod that tM Huaaton Belby *
Mtabset Mav(k.pad AabaW wan
uomy *s»na|td by tM Part Arthur
Gam In the tataUa yaatarday rmntop
•artat tor OH.
Maataaa. Fta M.—TM
baliii tank by Thomas Oaresy of t
.SANK TWO dAP •«!«.
Pab. U—Mmlnl AtaiMR
Petoroburg thrt duripf baailas strata la tM OUo aa* PsaaPort ArMur Fob. ■ tM ■ylvaato SeUs hat Mae raataad.
the drlltas ny thay do aot «xps
a TM RuMlan dad oA at a lOH dWtans ihaa
dttad# baat took fotot* to Oalubmai* at tM rau of It torn a *ay. aad U oO
tap, mtars N was aMlM by tM dapa. axMs IM dilllars eemSdshtly
. Geabeal ......................
aa* saHors to dad It wUkla tM aasi three
U aaao M ttaa toiK tM drtUi
ibasa prHvs* at Chaa Poa. TMy are
uMa to a poita s^ two iK!
am aurvtoors ef tM torpodo ba« taat (ram tM proaaat ptaoa.
wUab tank la ths Port Artbur oatapsAa 1»«DM ralB of wollm
-coal bloMom- hat baoa
wbh^ H U statod. Bill
(y ef bKamI
• of a Tow h<
m Laat to iuslhasa taw
Thraa AarooBurat*.
■■tor. M. T. Psb.
A tf
tat wtoek started to tM I
MIelL. Fab. at.—TM BUM
awotina bare la eoaPSrttai wlik IM
BtatoPbram' lastMata. has deetad
meet aait year at Orsad Bapids ta
tfarsaea to galamaion, which
I’lalsvell ladlf*
>r Ihrlr ortslaallty.
>r eld ooa. thr auaethm af raUlnc
pitnle. Bat lb. i-nrr
the Aid Boeialy bs.> '
___ .-s. as
last sjwtBf Cbarlaa Lamber i>(
-atMl. ttkys the Ooldwatrr Coarlrr
plaatad aevetal raws of airly pouioes.
but MgleHod to dit ibam. A few dip
SCO M dus throush tM tnov sud
found tM sratmd bsnealb sr*r.*-iy
frasaa. wbDe the poUIOto w<-r«- In
■nueb better coedlUoa thaa tbry vnnld
tve beta tad ta dns them 1c ib.- lall
r look eat a'bnabel. leovini! sptc-rai
bushels more la this aatnral cold vtor.
After 14 years.■ BtoTTlad lUa, »
ir pHsonen in the >11
Vaa Camp. Port Hnnia. aska iw
______ ti
-krty altowaacc slonarles
Torem clatalDi bee yearly
*TOe taJtli ef Bandal MoDoaald of las to axplalo ibias*
All tbr
..aallac Ceator romlnds hto maay ara nfnae to talk to viitton. <
fiiaads la Alpau of his
to IMIr kheprra
Ufa. whk* woald b— Tbe new Pare
Marqueltr drpol
yaara bad hr Uvad a
which Is lo tM- opeord In Hki Cuy
March I. Ik said to be one of tbr Asesi
on tbe road, and those of (be dtltras
who have been cracklor fuaoy |ohra
the ekivness of tbe w
river—a trip
rasrtl 10 voodrr mb.' I
ler vllb tbe la
aaa op U
r a Uma the haul proeaeded i
-----------e (rttaB la for tM
w aaar tM shore of lake Bnpe^
Itorlas that kms wlotar ytams
____ jaald was left aloaa oa tM - I
oal tor weoki. while tba older a
• rare ■ • ui^toae
bars of tha party ware out My^ fan
____ .
of (be ladtus. Game at tMi Uma
WIN plaeUtel aad btdd. epeclaUy IM
____ ’ i
Oa oaa eeeasloe a wolf was
ao bold at to poM Ua bead down tM
L(ialiu,e w sporirsy I
SIS elieii lie ,eiuH
baad. wblla iM tattsr was eeoklas \i»
kidney iroublcusl- I
levedleadvaiittlw I
kidneype.wosd I
cabtat. Ourtas that winter this boy
blooav<llsUscklhs I
who was IT year* idd. klitod 73
r, vibl otgsns M the .
n sni
One lUchlsas paper prtnu a kng kidneys Ibatnralvss break dst
psatoats asatast tM barleadoo show* svry cell by call.
BledMr (rpubta meal aivsyt reiult Irem
rt. to which tbe feminine a dersuranteiii el Ihe kidirys si-d s cure Is
of ;
clotkimambars of
... ti
(be lamaataeaky of 4M ed- Ihe kidneys It you *re le«iln| hidtj > cw |
tu. Bm
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
a torfs ppr**"
KaeMal ww esMS* a!„j
tmadldali lor anew war. was elaetaad taadUsie
ed pnuldaat of t# mraoetatkm: Ira O.
Johaacm. of OnSl RapUa. rlea protl
daai; T. Jl-VUIaoo. of FBat seer-------aad IroBsariC A board of dirs
was aua rbsita. of whita Mrs. Jasats
Harris, af Travorra Qiy. ta a mas '
TM amodattoa wUI aM tM Bto
aa ba tao p~af. arwraWad utaar
appolat a state dairy luirneuir
■tavtas Mat -of IM Rro. TM fUmaa will uavel abeai tba state aad
ta^ sM*ar twMral at 1# a<alaak tMa
dairy arts.
M flta
fllaatraied by iM fact that ta
bast <
ima. la a weddla* aeTbe bride wore a veil
It M ■
k bononat of Amerteas
A bis sale win be held la AprlT. snd
the^PMplet they toCPIvr rsebabard
IVtroli Th.- i*n men I hfsrd talkins
Sl,iui It propoee to out (hr ilistnnnds i
Into a sDsH rranktuner ssuias- Th.'o
Ihry vlll keep e doc «lil.oul (ivul for ■ ;
coup).- of dsji
Wbrn th(.
ucig la.
bunST) th..;. «ill f.,-d liloi ib. *eu*acr|
Kemble, ibe i
A bWl*lta aosupiad I
(l*L wi> skelublns
of (ieursls recently
in prwed for
ptMlilnns. •pendlot
over no bour. nt
when Kemldr aeked
-Wbal do I ovr
.u fur
the BK>anlslt»vr su'vered
•i rvekoB
right, tub •• Tbe
niilst »hoved him the eketeb-. snd
asked wbsl
ibougbl of them
-Wsll." was tbr drswUng reply.
■■•»*»“ »"
l‘ * n»l*hiy puddlln bov
lae“ fur • mac ii< t .- in but yn,i must
be maklti' •.ilblii .rat id li or you
couldn't aSurd 'u ibro* swat inonn
Ilk.- ihb liv Jiti fUla a mao u>l
sUBd around doin' nothin’ "
immeaoratloD at ibr Indite;
Ostned vhrc at«ut <u: H
U> Virgtaa ettb her bu>band{ R
IL Oeurse's church in Wap 1
ptog Ir i
have a pulpit made ..f vtmd |
invusbi Irotn VlrslnU.
i, bort),
ingulsr -mekrr "
K & L Ln
WEtM' I'
fur sixty years.
tbobaa tcA|ua^
dian side* Tbeo they
X Turkey i
sjnsecutl.i- eights L
to great Is bit fear i
in tbe palaer sr* a
TM buTM* *|atr^ raaehaa fram a
■al^y ol bung e<
a la eoBtalUa* kb
BIf Wiaaaiwla Flra.
^aM to Mato atfB*l ewL mUway ba.
ifam of *1voccM. Ha
HtataOB. Wta, Fsb. SI.—Fin at *
tWM« Cllaton avenue and *L Paal
a silk
says ibat
e-eiitai this amralac sdaHtw
wants aad oaly Hvsa ta oaa place rMkita.‘'^'tu^
Wroai tMaa* narth la WvWaii rtraat
ui 'lor IIS woo- I
tafia IB*t wliaa or ~
loag aoaapk to apread Ua aeada of dsrlulcwra.of the meal ds
asm 1^ «ray to Herttaar. Up Olvlatai
OBvy amoas all the woabaa c* Ue
•traei tM buTMd dWrtot
praparad lor his r.
aolgkboitood. aad tM (Bad kusbaM
... .------ 'uslnflliy-can
tal atUlkm dollar
abaut half a Mack. TM total
The Star of Hop
You may
n Bins Bias prtoun. 1
Dot at all ABlsratorT. la bis
buraad avm cevon about thraa a
no of tM kastelatarv
AltbdU. lint
______L an*, baaldta. as M taasat <
TM BwnMf af jarooM throw*
aU bm Stjm h
oa the batU>
i paragraph to
a dray. tM etpaeiaa are hisk.
a Rra Is batwaan
A'Oara mas was sere tM o(Mr day bib eb Mont ti. bsik uwtotoi
Anaesi* MOO.
wheellas wkat lookM to M aboot a ssnifrasbyRiai:. AddrassDr.K;
Dr.KilT-ertCc. ,Hopr
••Hk lusllev. puntokBrat. vllllajiy and I
toa of scrap Iron, to a wMetbarvow. Bbcbamta. N.Y. Vhenvr1Uncmc.-<tlo«
All Cmaas Ara qsasd. '
ertme—not tu-ranse It profrasr* lot
askad wbat It was. iM good liaabs thb generous cfler ln this psparTM toltoBAta N • Uat sf sLtata
Cedar. Mleh. Peb^J*.—TM ra___ maa sal dwe hb toad, wiped hb brow
tbaYamkaadymblaka. bat rssiw«Hr[ bring to Ur task any lUgrae r.f rvniral!
far rentaer tbai will wig.,
■a two of Jerry Bamvaa-a tambar waarlty aA aanoancad ikat be bad ■a atat. SwtawRaM. Or. KDrasr't
camps elosad hero today oa aoeooai dowa ao evtatoatlag aarvle* to saferf MHsUrlpT* *
of tta daaa MOW la tM waads wkkk lag maa by taveattog a marktoe that lLY,aea«B9boltb
I Jo
■ nr-r-1------------- himbarlas as to
w & almrta ImpaaMUe.
____ ’ four eampa clstod oariy ii
week aad wBb the rlnMn of tb<
IfYou Suffer
iA AUn or Beast. Cures
hurts and pains anywhere In Uie
body or «a tbe nirfaca.
vr« VM aw.
Wto ds. w tato»rt,A P. tau.
from WEAKNESS, «.k. th.
Penetrates as iw> other UuiUstkrL caa penetiate. a
Sinks rttbtt
and takes onlf
pain. Oeod for everything that walks.
I-------------- (SSASI»“22U- •
.’sse !j
___ f.i.
Pere Marquette cfusD iapidst iiiytm it. '
rasJiJMWia CltySJSav «hMM '
ta w ta tad
SheraBi.CiTto. J«to-> Ttofc VimSksi.
•ettbwwt Mcnar ef ta eemWM a^tw ef
Keep it in your shop.
Keep it lo yonr office.
Keep it at your car barat.
Mexican Mustang Lpiniment
~ — “»
’asSBvaasar,---*tWr-g-ee,*— q, ,:
c t. iDcnrooD. a. p. A *. A.
anml aolH. aad
wUek MrricnU*
tMCr vtlelM
' ~
BATES. Csrioa.
b It to Mil tba dlib
CM Saab, rat atU
na ptaturMib •tlh Mf
b it to teal w hoar.
nr to aaeb a wdoiaii that pat
bar bor aaart bla aaolber'a I
ha toala a little paag ef draad bet
of eatalp. I
Maap. bat do ant I
r tea.
Pel .
tba faM la a tab lUad adtb ha traierj
- vbleb a taaapooafal a moatard baa ^
bn« AtM. abd «blle aaklPf tbe I
f«< drtak frnir of the tea Abotber |
Hem remedy ter a cold U tbe "va |
por latb.' Take a teU about half tell
m \rw Ic'-I Jimrme/.
a equal paru
id aaaaafraa.
A Tew iMt
The larder ItaA
Th* muc tried alw M a a>
42 home, to vhcw ba twMlM Ua Oa tba vaDabeva tia aaaW
Tbara-a aa aariadt waapia baac.
hopw ed MMBUtteM Bat 4b*. Btor>MM wimib. ta44 sroM V la tb« Taralabad. daatr. old aad natr—
- rtacMd patten, alsr-eae.
balM vhkb SaaMBlB rraaUtal
tocT araptotaa an heeded ' ataetlal meal
b Ola a teat—to IM*
rai «M«( Ito Ml
«r Mr ONt Mr*
vbaa iba laaistod that tban waa ~ac
laak U AMrtea bat raak mBm.'
Aad ban vebbed H. bnacb aad a
AM viMB Arebla raportod ea U>a lol• (oaM IB « rwuo- tovlBC dar ibai b« bad artad bla
•olbar aad that ihF bad aaU (be
lie bor cootd ooaac, (be lUtle hor »■
OeaM ti apeak tatwld oell a atar
That voald aartle reaad aad oh):
an Baaanr aarrad Tba ptataa. eapa.
Talea of hac aad waarp aanbaa.
tturar, aapUaa Me. an pi
CouM that aeapoa tn»e ttafoM.
aaeb caaat sa aaaUr secan uaa.
-----------------------------aad tbaa ba la at Ubanj to eeteex bU I
AM»aa «ac BnaklM.
food at a^ ooaatar. parlac tba I
Baked applea for braaklaat lead i
Mated price. Nca* Bar be bang ogi ndaee tbe aBosat cd BMai aataa.
wbleb adU rtaae aaeb Basbior. ai 'If I *e an taellbed le eai too rnaeb. ai
to aappir tbe iratem intb mtaer
rooda aad tbe dicenlee traet irti
arida . People vbo «ai too aarb («
an Btx to be adrleed to eat bafct
applet, a* a aen addlUoa to U
a eoid aad parhapa
leaaoala aar br pneeated I bmkfaat. asc
There ii a quality added to the
lit by
br the
Royal Baking
cake and biKuit
Powder which pronaote* digettion.
Thu peculiarity of « Royal” ha« been
noted by phyaidana, ^nd they accordin^y endorse and recommend it.
Royal Baking Powder ii used in
baking by the beat people everywhere.
rsuhfWneTl 'The
Leaves Thonsaiids in hs Path
Weak, Nervons, Dyspeptic, Catarrh Wrecks.
rladoo vonb pagea of ordinarr m»d ‘
. Tbr dlgeallOD qf milk ;
‘‘ “““ '
Aai A
■2 m*M>
cloaeei cbuiat.
delayed hy
Beet of a
bsi pan. rteb cnam U a>t milk, abd
taken .itb a Juicy baked apple, ahal, C4jar^^ jead and com
« Iklot.
dl.h ran be more le.ptlec and .bole.
If you an taeoty-elghi or iblrtr-1
„ h.^f. „„„
Bn. locllned to ring ibe doetor'i bell I
and talk with your dntgglei. m tbU| Bring bgaln yuur kindly face.
e< hot. bsl Del dihte bolltmc vatar. aad
vhbh Bboold be placed
From that diaiam long ago
bottOB chair. Beat tbe patleei ta tbr tbr appir*.
I When we faced the alarm of battle,
•• i-irrt. II rend me ot rtaroBH- l-o—
rayran'Meadlng bj ttriog
>t Frrena la JaanarT. iwu,
1 .ru l» I. reoa.Ml l.y l.um
(irtp U rplcj-un.-
-p- .u
N,. v,„k-A!.-.^*«rend*lhreaohtUalhad
-k- n.un.
] U gnpi* rrrry wtalct for ■naral *1*.
M'4i!r-r...-i..rirr mrmm-r.-lthr irr.. Ilui. tbruogk lbr aae af Ihtoaa.
both cbalr and pa; nmedy *ltb any mytirry ur
fleld <0 meet tbe foe
dwt *Hb a herr blaakM laaeUag to
good *lfe or bouKkerprr. and ) Oe ibr *
Wbea protaae peraptratloe
1 orerr poc*. nmoTe from aak ebetber ibr li careful to give you : Tberr'a ac aiiCIrat
ruail applee and cream, and lo Tarnlabrd. duaiy.
.rf Ir gr.ppr
.............................. I
Hreer <4 tlrpTWrataUrea,
Wartlaghm. H.C.
IVruoa uratrlar l o_ C«iumti«M.Obla.
<lrnilrmrD..‘*I amtn
> Hrruita. aad Bad
ri-mrdy lurihrgi
■).« family aad tbry all
XU mr la rrrammrodlag It ar aa rceW
ailed and *artced. Addl- make Lbr breaklail meal dUbec a, lit , .Sprlngdi-lil pelieru. (Ixiy^inr
lempilog a* may
—Ameiiran ' '
Rrlwrod by Edna Bell
tlewl awerteg bum of ooorae be
of the fteear apirtt he know be win pteead opoo tbe bodr to prerent a Qardrn
•ad there Uarbe Ua heart kauA br
oleaoabd ehaariaaw-aod faricbtaaeb m aoaa ether bor^ aotber
I and from pereonal npeneece that
BO* or teat aMleiad with oeeralhe kbotri eC pm.......... . marbe thia de palaa InateM of aeadtag tor tbr pun. freah air In ibe lunn *ll> do
bean achm tar a real hom Ufa. doeaer. *bo »fll probaUr praaeribe a
for a tired, peeriab vomae than
• Ua oa« Mtara eoaU tho
Very mprettaUy,
OeorgeR. White.
If.roadoaotdrrlre prompt aad aaltoH-Uiry irrolUfr
ptaater and a doae ef Badtetoa. we ad- gallont «d medlctne
Stop rlgbl in tbr midat of tbr *<.rk
rtee tbe eoSeret to beat a •at-lnm.
’ baking waablng or any olber task.
pet a doable told of Aaonel eo tbe
A devaaait leek, aad aoart
paldtel part, tbeo bovc the Ira
and fro oa tba'BsnneL Tbe pain *1U
Jtol Va a teat to dob
Thr tbMf of vbddt.
mat alBoet haBoilltitlr We hare tbraugb tbr aotirtli ucUI tbr lunga
NO tbe Beat patafal eoaec of aeorml- an ailed, tben eabalr ibroogb lbr
la iritered la leat than teo Btaatea. metb. Remenber ao<
moar If tbe air ti cold no lliilr
^ralnt an aBoog tbe bum aerure
rm Bay reaull. Take at leoM rigbi
aeridenu to *Ueh *e an ttaWe.
loo deep brealht at Bm. and In.
Wbea a Joint ta apratoml aweHlng
. Abd mat.
H»to tba baafTT aeal.
Torch Ukr.
Dear Mr* Bair*—I win write a few
to lbr Herald
t am nine year*
; old. 1 am in lbr third grade ai school
I Hy trarher s name Is Miss Lower
. I«te bet oad tUac:
tba ovtiBbtk
ef the Botherl
neaa b ao oae danrtei • taet «U« ooaea on gradaallrIn dlatoe
me all kMv; tha i*trit of the hooM tbe awetUnt and Im of boUdo ef tbe
taOew that ef the mother: H ehe It
Itweir. eo «<U her heaaehold ha: B aorident. A agnined Umb tbooU be
the la paeartmlatlf, the poleao
kept petftellr qaieL To p(**eot In-
I pertlw ef 111
tired, or riar practler oTtrorr
goea on. Al Bret lake a -bi
tpeir once or ivlcr racb d
aleo befon nlirlag
natloa. ate poulUeee of *otb- ber that pun air aad kmar comfort
able clotblag an all-lmporlaai.'
«ood. hopaor lanay.
onr't luaa ^ weak to begin
BiBple rosedlee err wHhIa
with, tbr InbalatluD of air by deep
•ek of eearr ooe. and U laeorl
, can help mamms I can make cookies.
• I can wash litilr piece* and
Bake my domes'
big as a baby
I bavr two hroibers
irr Thrtr
Louie. Eddie ted Rnair
to Join tbr Suashlor cJub.
anul me a card aad a bullou.
Hta tagaweta bar a
. UBc will tore Bang a dollar la ^- breatblag »IU prorr paleful anil tM
tcriablUi. The Booer tbaa aared will patteat aboold eraar rerb (Imr Jw
aa Ibe hoId gtTr* wanilag In ilmr (be
ne a bleaateg to aanr pewle
order to aettla tbe doctor'a elala palnm: aenaatioo Area way to a feel
• The wrid haa ao Bath of aerf Toet aad exbliaraiioe
Miterr (bat caoaampUoo would
7 to tiMtr eoBforl.
aeldom be beard of if people would
vffl do pnttr
cnly teore bo* to breath*, aed that
pbaaea, b« bbb b UkMr U be tolennt eameoi lire lo pan. fnab
Qm ef tba eoDcge gUte treated
br dv
eral of aa to a kind of bomeBade
ma. vbatbar ba.brB bar or aoL
TUak. tbaa. ef bo* a BOtber’a ditTbere la aa a
poaltba Bar alael a aeal Tat. te tha vMl; aba oaDad It marabBUki
f aaaaage and banana* (bat l« ao ae*
teeaof H. look aroead roo and boUea and aaU that It waa alaptr
Matd. (hoeelata tadga. poor
aa to ba ineUeally a 'r«»ei dteeortba graaUaga the BDibera ef ae
U did SOI aem qalte ery.' Belect •oaad. ripe bonanaa aad
thrir oBapriag. tboaa tbaj are
While thaee verdo are betne writpork maiagea la (hr link. Cut
ee tbe Ba of hnearndtr. rheanadt ef ee rHh and aveai na the tndge
«M .iho vtatrt b at-'tia lowaM abb,
Inka apart and place them In e
doaOtTlng tbair eoaf aad aoTeral of nc theagbt tllo a weal
M thealmaaae geee. aad btdUe tbor
U alao looked Tory
tettb te WBMB. B akaa eai
moeepan «ttb hot water enoagb haiw
an read br maar to vbeae aedko
trwtlT*. riaea the *Uta of tba aai
> eorer (b«B. bartiN prwriooaly
«f Ufa te thatr
thw tWI oeaM. It viu be HarA br
M tba read to atacaltr, Bbltovg eeatraetad «eU «llb the pHWed them with a fork to ken> thr
ftp galea ter, aad theredere epriag ta
UThmaretbarlolooktarur Motto brown of tba eboenteta. She allowe aktat troB bunting Boll Ibem with
mmm a Matt. Bat ae« the verid
Bw. aarUr. ter otbert are. Hka a qaarter ef a pound of tbe Borab the aancepan borer “ajar" for t*«*ty
mmd to haft a ttttie aad ha elbat.
aallova to eaak eop A wwr. and tt
draa. w the awrah ter a ae
lea Of* until the water boa bolted
the wo* atm telb aedeebtelr.
daw ao batB U tba B
It to thair 0*1 aatara, a i
Than eorer tight and brows,
hbte the drtCia of the aotable -«hlte
a ttttie etate and dry. eta • the hot takteg enra to prerent acarcblnc by
bright. Lbiitfal aoai. raadr
«bter^ of l*a»4. The traee bt tha
. Botitage aad eoBlott. Wbaa aaadr li eare to aeftea
Aring tbe pan an oecaakmal abake.
«bi eBl IhitMth tbMr baOm
tbar And soeh a oa*. ba aha BOtbar. Mead
Rare a hot platter ready and plaer
hWMaa vith tlttla motkia ef tbter
abtar. a*aatbaart or trbad. tWp wU tear or Ara plaew ood epreote
oe IL teapty the tel wblefa rentrl------- tarigg. Theca b ao etir of
poor not tba eatr beat «d tbatr on tUektr te a aaall botterod Ua:
a into a frylag pan and pincr lu
aw te the tnurt or beogh. ao atga of
lAbartoM. B«t U tbe ttat Ba abaot Bx laehw aqaara te rter .
m te all-tia vblU otpaaaa beto*.
ther Baal, tba BOtbar. be aa ab- ataoa Ute eaWr la gmh batter
dredged wttb Boor, aad fry to a goMn t iadnd aafthh laatea awmat. aad
tUde. w U kaapa Botoi toagar. ..
rewa. Serro amoklng hot oe thr
ShBa the dwTwta ef Ub aeam etllM
awka tba tndga ibe adda tre table- ptaller wttb the aaoaagee. — Good
g of Iba a
It Ii tnalr a good time to IM tbe
apeoM of Ihkh eraaa and ooe a
«Mw wr aeoli. aad taka a imia
toat aiaatallj. IMibar doaa a
to aarthteg
UB. Uabw
throagfe tarot or throagh lore tar Ub.
flWMW <d tbe wtrttaal' Hta tbw
tteMW’ demaata tbe Bab
imTd td bMtar tar U wbea tbe
W^rtlai Mwaa with He raeatiw
Wa ■rmli. aad tbe pwt Itta tUd
Ii gWapdat ao* a*Bkea aad tbe eaat
teeaae-tbat meea tbe earth aprtag to
•etba aad aU the Mrriad vbaab ef
baUe thte
■dBBtaa. er ntll a *blta line appean
on tbe ride ef tba dteb vbao atlrred.
and. after U Ma «eUW
tiar pteW eg anlt and a teaSbe Min tba todge
Watet er Ceet Hervper.
Uriag In tbr country, where our
ante buy cstel-basgen. I bare found
way of making at many.as I nerd
I nnlly no com.
I take about a third of a bam
cteoatag a alee, amootb hoop.
;ly wttb I
«—tta, aaW plaaa. than aha am the Aaeibag. Sateen, ettbar plain or
Vp'haaUae iWt va trair Bra la tbe
tte a«ar ter Coor or Are boon, ataoa •garad. aakee a good eorartag. Uae
WBtinei *«M reteor thaa tha maact aot be eat enlU tba a
a«Bd(blag pretty that *1U M loU
lartaL that the taaer life ,b tbe aw
ime baio bad tlwa to hart
aaoOy- PM a loop of ribbon bi the
«Uoh ahooH dominate tho Wm. b la
eawter. ta bong by, agdtag a bow
Unia. 'tenaae B eat too tea
raeoaBr tfrw te-c
•W oae'a wB In toaW *ttk tbe
where tbe loop te taetaaed lo tbe
MB aad po*era *blA *tn opw to
b taar ba bUd aa and tba teteana weaM not keep tbair boop.
w tba door Into n ae« itta. vcBdoP
Uula talwd alwara
P<w iboee who Ilka partoBi. Bake
M to kao*. We at* eplrha ao* *e
erooB te ter tadga Md aajB that tbe omall anebec aad taatea u the boop.
mA ai *a eter ahall W.
It b aalr
fate* te aailw battarhnd no were axPkwabty teanderod wateta moo
tWi hr aad hr tba Batarial *tD tell
piMtei dinh ta aaa BBk nad tbaa add TwBpted B baag np by loope la
mw. aad w* fbaB ha gUd tbw aat
a lana Itea ef bottw.
wanted bM wttb a few ban
la haea to aalar teto a ae*. etnaga
ana «na pM aavirml walau one orar
.iiblBi I, hat rather, eat *bara wa
tbe other on tba etee book, ibu
Wa Bimgad baptha traa Bhkh tba
hare toaraad brtet* to «ag htw
Mvtag Ate. aad they Vtu keep
Miate. And the «v to that fair
fiaabktnklag—The Madera . PitaeOlB.
aaaaliTbthroagh thoqgbtaad i
9m W thaa bad the «ar b to
la hare aad ao* into the witB*' e«P
Torch Lake. Mich. Feb IT. 190*.
Dear Mr*. Bale*—I am seren yrerc
Utter to yea. Hy Mate te riAtta*
Tour mile Buatblne glri.
I go U> acboiil. I can help mamae today ate we beta UdUBbt wa
mA 1 ran wasb dlshee and sweep the
d write. It to a Bttte wauw toKlagiley. Ulc
floor. I can make rookie*. I tea sew
ettvM rag* and bring Id wood.
Dear Mr*. Bales—A* I bare a<
I Ute n«tA
woulC like to yolD tbe Sucsblnr elob wrliten lo tbe Herald 1 thought I *i
Ploaar arnd me a card aad butioC
I write. For pets I hare-two dogs
r etwee wttb ta Mrda ate Bowa eow Tbe dogs’ biases are Brara
will rkter for tbi* Unn.
coald BA go ta aeboA totey.
Freddie. Tbe cow's raae Is Judy, t
Loolr Stadlebauer.
a te Mia BbtanH
or forty. Wr mere packed pretty doer Souib Maaitou Island. Feb 1*. 1*0*. would like to Join the Bunablae clnb. A Trarttae City. I Ilka bar rery
togrlbrr In tbr (wo or ihfM rooms
Drw Mrs. Baler—I (bought I would Pletrt seed me a cart aad bwttou.
gate. I wffi aote Atet Patty a cottaU
my letur Is ceding quito kmg for (bd edpa. I wtte that Atet Patty wbAi
where (be recepdon waa. and tbal waa drop you a few llcra for tbr Bm
■ pIcaiaiH ihlng. too. Tbr call waa a 1 like (o read lbr Herald and am rrry Brsl Usee J will hare (o cloee. hoping rrta a elay erary weak to Chd HtraM.
abort our of nuly a few mlnotee dnra- taleranrd In leadtag U I go lo aebool u see this te print
Tour iDTtag trietal.
tkm. but It was Jusi as a^or as It could rrery day and like to go Tory well- Per
Age » years
Agnee Milks.
br Aud will oevrr be forgodeu. it Ibis atudlM 1 haer arlibmeue. re
Klngnley, Midi-. Feb. «. 1B6*.
Dear Mr* Bul«o--As I bare nerer
My leacber'i name la
wriuea to the HeraU bAore I tbo*
to lbr Suosblnr boys and AH* la k>**, Elte Ptocry
8br Is Tery kind
come ibelr moibera. rrery one
Mr hare bad rr^ Bke weather laM
1 woold write For pets I hare a
Jonet bad btougbl down hU Khool to
see Trerrev Oty ud bad lafcee them
to rarioos places of Inlerest. suck as
lbr newspaper oAcea. tbr
but today U Is blowing a hHssard. Fw
peu I bare a dog. a cal and
Uta I bare a slMrr Rosie who would
Ukr to be a Bunahlner. Pleaar send
ber a cart and buttt*. Wr people here
us a cart and baitou
Hy aitler te
Kingsley. February II. IW*.
Dear Mr* Bure—1 am gMag to soren year* old
Tears truly.
wnir to you It Is nice today I bare
Agr *
Baby Btttoa.
winter* t am sick with e eoU and
Kalkaska, Feb. fd. 1PM.
mamma ta airfc wtib tbe grippe and glad to *ee my letter lo tbr Herald.
Daar Mrs. Bates— I wOl writs yo
hat bad a bad cold all wintso- I dM This week I hope to see ibis la print
aot A> (o eebool tbI* week. I got a We hare bad bourden all wlntar. They e few liBca. tor this is the tau letter
ere JrM going away todar Oeod-byr I win rrrr write to (be Buaablae Amb
Bretir Morgan.
I "nre Urtlr Pepper* and How
I got beside e baadker-1
Micb. Feb II. UM.
candy and
Dear Mr*. Batee-J woold Hke '
pink hair ribboa. I aee by tbe paper
I am elghi
that Nrtta Bell Keeek Is arrtting M- Ma the BaaiUar eleb
yean old.. My aoBBa dtod wl
aeod a pdece for the Herald Tooag was only aerra Boolba old and I bare
Polka' Sanablae club. Tbe aamr ef It
ta -A Rene.- Tbte te AI 1 eaa tatak I go to eebool rrery dey. I here nearly
two mlJee ta go. I am te tbr e<
of I bope'ta aae thte la prtal.
Hy leneberia mme te Mlsa
Jotaeoe and I lore ber dearly,
■daa Ben ADea.
pete I hare loerdtien* and one will
PraecMt. ArU, Feb. U. IBM.
Jaap ibrangk Blbanda. Pltem
Dear Kra Baiee—I aaw my teal hit
me a enrd and fSttaa. If I see tbte
ter te priaL ao I wW wrlta agate.
ta petal I win wftle again
Mr grandma aste grandpa a
Praa yota UtUe MeM.
me here rialtlag srtth na. We bare bad
Age g yanra.
Olady* Brawn.
two or three amall raew.einrBA
Raiikkritle. MIcta. Pbb. ». IBM.
Boraing tbr weather kadmd a
Daar Mm BWaa-l tknigbl I teoald
Bke rata. bM tt Ad not. I wU era<
>«m «rK or. glfa. «e pr*r.
craee and anat la .
*tag w aaa my tetter ta tba
A ^ Bate tos« M an tba
V tea BBihar te bw tew WU-
■ Wtbtekteial
11 and to AN. t «n etana AT
whate taata A boRon
anrtr A tbd wuia h
i y«an>itr.
AMtt'tate. P*. AE USL
Tba raAge te:
ngd •< ragareapa A laid.
taagoeofili A baUag gewtar.
and a dog
I would like ta Join tbe
Bunshlne club Pteaee seed me a card
and batten
As my lector
quite kmg f wlD hare lo doer, hoping
bulldlnga. ib<- asylam, and eo fortb
to see Ibis la print
At 1 said BBoy of IfaeB were Sun
Toor koTtag friend
Tory tliUr skating (JUs
Age 12 yrars
LoMte Milks.
tblnert. but whether or oat. erery ooej winter
Piran arad me a card and
Acme. Mlcb, Feb *0. IBM.
went sway weeHeg a Snasblne badgr.l (mtten dear Mrs Bates Well. I gasa*
Dear Mr* Bates—1 tboegkl I weal
and it is bpprsl all will Join us and I my letter It long rnooAL ao good-bye.
bare a rart as well.
If I see ibis lo print la tbe Herald I srritr end let you know my stater and
I would Ukr to Join (be Anaaklnr oinb
I will write agafb
Hy sister s namr Is Pearl Please send
Hamecm H Haas
pytag the WUU Boaan. HeBareWr
fter. no ArWte haa aptetaad tbe atta> bin of lira, t
Waat aa. O Lord, tha rwa to bear
w«b WBdran <B te^
^ oaWWta te Ugkt Oomd aimmy te DaThaHttb prlddag then; •
wrBeatewItoA I would tea ta Jam
et aoetetr.- aoW ai the
a ncMpt ter layer enlm
SmU tabtw vtth laaeb atotht hare
trail. WM amde PtMay , after
The haatr word that eaaaH wteb:
Ibe Buwtelne date I hare tArud ateraWBcrr HIM tetaaltaed Potta ef Jae
Od an.
attawad aboat tbe boU te tba coatTha t*aag of traiha vaO w*a:
d «aa kratber. t aa weO aad
ftatcNp of eager
tert of the gaaata -Thaao who pr*Kick. atniBC bm eetarad cat. A
Tto laet tWt aakw ob Toakpn
N dn tbe abs
I bora two
aatead by Arahle at tbe Wblia HeaBa. ta Ramall A. Ateta. U. Mr. Ater
Oae pieee A bwttm-oma haB tba ntea
cbB aad a cA. Hy aeb<
otThe daiBag plaa e-ertaiaad:
r. My ueeboria aataa te Miae
leek. eWUd awh baa*, and pattel taiBT'-T—r rsmerai ta Ibe.
Tha aacebB tooek apea wr.pala:
Waned what rWiebBBtt they doTho«Bgbt>e hare aot eained:
I «a ta tbo tbbA ratear. I dee rateThe raep of'eat*. Dear Lord, todar. alfwd.
lag. teoOtag, artthmatta ..ted MragHa AtaaiBiat ter •
A abort ffacraa waa ftean attar tba
Lm an ttaa* CreCtBg tUaga
ngby. t aa tan yamW t dee
anppar. ten lagWnr-t -Sai
Tam baabaad a
Saeen’ «na rani and neud ta
teagttate Pbntolgadgnphy. My laadbgrb
Mtee Bible. I po u PteeA
erepy day. We are ggiag ta bare te «nta ear ateaai Wteblnr
ao long a lime
write end tell you tbal I recetred my un-* Wribduy- i bore Ibrte oi^
cart and butlou efg waa rery mach ate toer ptecoa. t will ekaa By tettar
pireMd srith Ibem I tare lo read (be
Utile lettere. I bare aot breu U apbool!
for eboui three weeks 11 haa
an coU. I got one ralrntlae. I hare
Enriin. Mldb.. fte. IT. IMd.- '
fo^^^deg. He te rery amaU. Wall.
Daar Mn. Baiaa—I wOl write a BtaKt
I win tM1 yoe wbel I got for ChrtM-
domlwMa and a tabieL
story book aad a bon.
Wexford, Mich. Fab. IT. tAM.
write, a I bora am wrttiM Aar eeae
tlae. i All eaten twoeoadataita far
a Soatblae bniga. We era baring
rery coU weoUa «A baea. I bare
beoa going lo acboA mme. ba oar
aebool It oa aow. Hy Uaebtr^ aapae
te Mtas Maate Haywood.
I bare two
mlUt ta go to ateooL For PAa «•
are two eats wbea ■■mat an Haa
ate Triite. a rabbit ate a Jaab. I
wiu sate Aaa PAty a eookte raelga
I hope tt au be teod. Tbe raApe to:
Two eapa A aoMr.
"-Thf** cup bttttar.
Ow cup aoor eraam ^
Artbar got
I got a letter
from Notta Bell Keaeb. 8hs Udd Br
what she gut Jpr pnoonu. She
BurdtefcrtUc. M^ Pd. ». IMI.
ber UUte baby bmbar got a rattle
Dar Mra. Baua-f Uotebt t'woAd
boa aad a tag. iweM Ua. 1 hare bi
wTita a few Uaaa I bar* aM written
a tetter tram my brothm BM ate I
ta Ut BanM bAara. It to coU taday.
^ bb baEbaea akk ate wanted a
ta eooe boM
I wouU Ufcs w |
BtatlM A
bcae rury aecte. ba I aa akk.
hare bm aegpte on the Aeor ttare
week ago Thaaday. I bare bean ray
tiek. I aa harOy able to write Ute
tetta ta you. No* I art! tall yea I aa uo.
ae longar a Bimteliit Art kinase I
am aarrite I waa amrrted tbe »U
e tt be a I
I ata ta tbe Ubd g
I bar* three bratha* ate
tbte naaa are HareU. Warag aad
day A Difbar, i uemebt I t
Wila ate UB yea aboA It. I test a tewta. iterelou AfaBatUtagtewa
coteta who woold mm ta be a Baa- ba. Mr bratha ate i an Botag to
Trarana Oty to atay a wueb2 Pbr
geta I bare a dog ate ttauo data. I
They t
bare a pig ate I toM ay cbM la EUoaa I coca I wtt Al
F»a your Iwriag Bduabtae A
owe* jMle m. Bimdte. new
Hn. taonte-M. Dwwuy.
AB the Bteibtai Ate gate ow tonAAna gtrt good witea ate eoagalAB
Mre* Bba wD teaerfBBif Ibot-oba
te ntwayn ta ba n Bteahka wegB
Praeeaete Kteh. Ate. •
oor Mca. BaUe-f IbiiteM
ta ta PM ute Ate fte 1B
Hy twcharia aame ta.BapAta ftagante
1 Hka ba ray aac4. Wa boaa tats
A Chora ta do Ute wtaia. 1 AMa 1
Ptem yoa Httte MwC
TBArrasE cm-, orajoj trav»b8b ootrHTr.
anMCraMfM mraM
TIm IttMi dMi(H ia W •oolCBS far faO nd Biaici, JM8.
We gsmatec fo« A* tecs
Mk, % p«fao fit imI Iovch
wchwaw. march
3. ieo4
ibst Mae taltaa
flm uM meoe- .
• pnnmsBimu, Ob»b(
I Itisi hp roulrt iske to a .. .i
1 emv, him
■ ,
tire Insurance!
Plato GlMa,8tMin Bollor arxl Aocldont Inouranoo.
- • •lus h.
Money to Loan on Impraren Real Estate Only.
Johnaon Block. Phono 78
Travoroo City. Mich.
Tiartnc Oty State Bank
5. S. dull.
Viet Pniitaitt
Jl. 0. Triulrttb,
tb*t. Wilbtim.
C. Jl. 1y»mm»»d.
A SSRnl SulUc BaSsm M.
-•^TMtaMsar" *^**"wafiartts£gg**
Jlo-CMUlrrai. nselw-ls.
gjKa:ii2E-ssc cas; OF EVERY
s.«»a«rts.-as^ A
Kir^, FROM
KteiL&jasr •
aS5ESi^ assjfs
3. ttl. ^utUmtaltl,
Wm. Ccudaa,
3. 0. Cntur,
Sttphta Cautntr,
6. W. Cardit,
T. C. Dnmond.
Btai. Cblrlbf.
Dr. 5. B. Ssraer.
"Tl is Uerv Hnnovliifl”
To the one who doc* the cooking
>king for the family. an«l
sometime* to the meml>en of the lamily, find that
n entire baking
_ has been spoiled
BSE poor ex
tracts or baking powder had beeo used in its mamifacture.
BuoK Annoymrsom*’ by
using Johnson'* Pure Flavoring Txtract* and Pure
Cream of Tartar Baking Powder at 35c per pound
ProaoHptiona Oarofully and Conaciontioualy Compoundod.
^Johnson’s Drug Store.
irtae os tbe eemb'
Jt Penis, sad it Ic the -•
iheei .hkili eetee te
THP*. ft. ftftftAftWft ft ftoa,
MM, PWftMl
W^ Oiwft
nude to ordw, proapdy.
nlo fitf lii* BBllr* yeST l» **
July. AuKiul ssd Sepieailier sre mmdurabk are for tbe BsUVBa.1 Hlght
Only the-vay best lu-
teriel omd, end fully pienmteed in every re»pect.
„ -sAp to BSC u weD u ncll. They «rc
BOttBadeofcbespmeteriBl. sod fiTcn
able, aad ate
•erea la Ibe nonilBC It is IM er fM.
SDd hr ibrM U (be sturoooa td*. ft
l> stsiMi by eerbebnt tnrMdte that
seveoty-Sn tbocased Arabs tebtet
ATsl group. rsHy tweetr4re theai iiTlBs OB BefcratB. In wbkft eeaercikm ftir Henry Uyard sAds: *11.
The efteepeet oa the muiet, qBaliiy coceklered.
Oaee mM nd yog will bayao other cuke.
I UB prcpvid to bar Fm sad vOl par the hkbeft once
tfat noikct vB vvnat. I bare rwuwelaoBe with a Um
EMera HOM. ttd tecfarc SB in ibape to <io better bf
no « dw Fat borioM thao tarfooAj elae. I will aho
Hite aafi Wool It «a
poo to aec me. > Wardiome
7H C. Fnae ftttaat :
Hare poa erer triad the
Moy*l Tic***
arerf OoPFwrm
H(^al tiger
CftSMtf C«r«
Ther are the baft. Soldoalybf
iMstausimt. » Olcfor Pefeilyl.
Custom Sawing
All Kinds of mm Olork
$Mb,Xhmbad ptt UmH at
»th» prkt*.
Traverse City Manufg. Co.
W< «BM BMtcr, Beta. CiMices, OurMs aafi
■hitn prtes «mMiftU.
TH urhest
You need! Whips. Hsmess Oil, Hone Brushes and
Curry Combft We have ail kinds.
mwfammakecHiuiiMOftnoirSTOvftWOftnlialMving '
Jwwml Btvw— mnd lUagM
can aatiaf)' pou, aod aak yw b
ouraril^Fe adl I
Bmrtkc of Klnscsloy
r« oma launft paid if left tu awatba
^ Patcte «tereM{widifkAtmoa
•flOMKv'w^ WOAM.
b made very much eauer if abe has a Washing Machine,
It cut* out ftU hard work. A boy 10 yeara eld can run
it. Oor washers have given satisfaction for years.
A Churn is toother labor saver, lisa liose saver
too. There's so ekeuse why you should aot has'e ooe.
Make the work around the house as easy as. peasible
for your wife.
A Washing Machine or Churn is just like a thresh
ing machine, yon can get along without one. but think
of the unnecessary time and trouble you srould have.
^3 >—J
He ihoushi of ihe brtshi
I fore him. He esv blmerlf
oontry ms<l» sad emeiini
if WbllUef a metcfnae tIiiii
lured ibp children
him from ibej
inia wbo
optnlona wilt bated
bremlh He vonlid be a eeeoad Dr Mar
ray. who stesyt re«ni
BSd tbooebt eoihtnc o> himself
Aa he rade. the ssddle-tac* In which
be esmed hla etoek <X isaple copies
, Sapped up sad down
He clsaced
over hie ebouMer and ealled "I KhA
for sll tbe yortd like s docioe now." be
tboosbi "For sll other* know, iheec
bs(s sre ailed with qulelnr sad elm
liar BSMMUl doMW '
At leagih he reallied
mu*l bare returned to
Not only had be failed to
win Sllat htneoB sa a itiliwjrtber but
he had beeo roughly lr>-*ie«l, and he
wn* dlemouaied. with a beary toad,
ten mile* from iwwn
-Pretly ihabby irenimeol' wa* hla
meaUl rotniaent
"I'd like aolhll
a chance ti
walie birds may d.._L
Peopts will U atlowad M »- 'C
iBio tbr esc* sad orsMtar afaDoi to the
stranse foran tohaMtad
They arw sooeUnee roii«b ooa TsHety of bird Ufb.
- ihtorf:..
creaiurei front the roontry. no better
ihan rlcksbaw boys. They sre dull.
Motenied drudsr*. but Coon Ban (Hr.
Cook I la held In n rery dISrreol esU- (be eagle and (be alburaes dm m. f
which .W,. ^
In a email household be doss
cnierlng and ke>ep« the smenU aa
4* *upenciend« ibc ridtcntous 111nr* ne*i irf ciinrccnt nsb
Nmt Htellghto.
men. After
Ibe meej* Id JnpsB
Tbe pernunni •erranu show
hsmUigbu H to ssmd s
bras of llgbl
It rertlcAlIy Croa lbs loem
But be snoe retllied ihai while be <
ssaiTe. n* wel
wa» dresmin*. hr w»» allowing oppor i r n.. one. i.u< ..wn duec.^rd >l>»t.l“ engllsbDL
c. nnd thmr
<d Ught rlslnt rerUraUy I
liiaUtee In rscapr him ' ] have pasted I c .jwwkcr* ..•cr «n the bOfth sld«^“** “
(be locoraoUre ran be sera frera a
threw tannrr* already and I I
the rmbnnktncni
He enughi * few[
•“ <t‘e«
eree tbongb s MB
that laat one lan i os Ihr New*
bids tbs ordlavr
bendllgbi snd doll t
tbs soesd of te
3 Show Hr Nsebll |
‘ri >a>l
It b«we SDd the wgtcri
Hotel •errsnU
w male nnd feanle. whistle
Tbe seveb
Robert whai I* In a
, will
rd ships Is ibu* to s
Tli^ * *
ranyiblnt Then our laud will be cle
Tn err to * Japaneae hotel fv Ibe
' And the way (he *sn I* shining IT a ‘ I drni lime U like gnlae lo a tnree. It Is
I be read; for piougblbg In a week ’
' Impossihle TO keep *enaB* la the dlB
of the tUngrr* a a
Inc room you are iorrouaded by pnato0 sra tbe men
He I:
>tt* rulce asked
-las I Bllaa Haa gimltne Imps drwwaed In Indt
oftce. nnd a
1 the watch*
I doublet* and boae wbicb r
the hank i
p and I Sboelea* sad arc called -boys'' sad
If the Newa. The manager
o help! took like boy* wnlll ibe day they die
I to refDM. when Ibe aoUdtor
Half A them know no bgllah except
raid: -111 proailae to imra thnyugb in
Ibe auaber*
Each he* a amber to
-Thai-* all rtgbl.- th
Bfleen mlnotea. aaklne men to put bevd
bl8>*elf. ssr* rack dith oa tbe OMns
"He * oS hla gt
down ibetr nasaa. I agree an* lo argue
bat a number, even down u> tbe pAsnight al tea o'clock tr
wHblbera WVlihaldor
iweirr A 0* The woe.
Tba permlastoa nought waa amlllne-,
- No k.- yim ray It you are arw to It.
ly granted, and (a tfiera slantea
"Ill bare eose Z. sad 111 take eose tl
sad * with It, please' He rattaea
A few of (be sea bad anawersl him
tase amben bad hrliis* them, bat
aurllly: aerml bad aot eree noticed
yon would hare a far belter d
him; nod two or three hnd told him
-I'm gKUmg wbai you ernii li yoe
they eoaldal rrad. But tbe net rewn north A the ■aid Z. 7. S
auU of Ibe aUtoDpt wni aera nbYou raa hardly bear yowrae
eA r
rid A the water *o raally
aerlbern. Are of vbos had paid rash,
I donl
Bneer to prela adtrancD
ThU begs* u look aa tent ttes
Ton tbiak U It Ineky they doel wanr
U ibal medkaJ oollsge wa* wlUS my
L At eery grand boteU tbay wear
eergr mUu Uke tblp'* ttrwnrds
One A ib» onspu
e tbe rannmljirnrfc. b*
Aker nbacrlher He stopped (brsen
on tbe rand
He walked aerara tbe
SHds. and siked S tbe sea A tbe
He tatarad eeverdl bases,
and speel rahsbl/bse uyte to eonrlBee (rognl bimn«i s 1 ■ lu that they
eooM bA be happy wttboot tbe Neva
Bet wbra iroilra rasa, be bad eneoendra ta aAdtag w Us HA csly om
Base, that A Urn tansar whe hnd
aelaral fo
bASd!' wmi the CTT
-Slop him’' -Don't let bis CA
awnyl'Hell IHI Ma«>n. and tbe
gnse will be ap-- case the aaswertng Toices tros berond..
But tasee bad uken warning, and
wat eC down tbe nnd. Tbe saa on
tbe hnab garo dune He hnd a bard
task bAore hIs. tor Ibe pownger ssn
bone and rldw la e
ww a ptwAtoed naner. Alut a half
sfle .to wweh ha MA ste grewad,
Ibe pcDwMr raw a atal sfler hla
Tbe nIgU was spent to a ton a
tbe ctabls where Ue bene WPS pra dp. grarry. Jssra feb a sharp pain la
A yenr-s aphnerlpSMn pnid tbe hOt pad Us ankle. He ww sA dtoeWed. tawnwtbar nasa was ptoeed an tba UM.
■....................................... WM
-Now tor BRas Mams." be tberaUT^yend
id to «M U" « a Mte •»
•era. Bat tsafing fraiBra to»^ I
- - tbe nta pad pbtate Mto n atom
S i
the eye; bol are durable, eorofon-
A hnir
Ibe two I
was Ibe prtde A rbfss Mason's
bite iases bad bawd taw tbto ftsU
^^e^gsTwas^Mitow wtaa para ta
leeksd ahnst Us. ftrUratly ta tad
fused with tbe lUa to Ui aaUe.
rawe K
e -boy-
with (bis dertce atnyt
erralng with a -pillar A ftra'* by aigbt.
prodnclag aa impreaalre aa wtU W
usAol rneelt
Ways A Wild P
.........aUs to
for ita fact that tbe wild pdgeon wbleb eacr sbonaded la •• Catt
ed Siatea. bn* alsoA mrafararwl
Some wweks ago a party A UraUes
taw >ose wild birds la tta ladlsa Terrtinry which they bAtond to he pfa:
Nalnnllju are now totoepetsd
Itag oat wbriber tbraeraprate
f the ladtaa Tbte
r' Wiurty sappted tTtaM
r iwA aad aataafeea p
Bu Petenlmrg. It to did IsA Haft'
.d l(d fsA la bnadth. Br RiS
to seed for sOUary dtetoPA aWa
oarer la It. By algU twSHr raera
wBi ta^ glee H.a UigHIttl ip| is.
tty. 1
_. .
Mab. bAen yoe hare bera la the bora*
ree day* ta wlQ know ywor
■d If yoe Uke the breaA A a <
A CaHras VIRte ftte
«(ra itaa tta Iw yoe w
A Bzut JagaMPa TMte asweflMp
you will tare yvar steak to hMk. .
adtoi bara the Imb el Ssttaarata M
or bowed wader wtaa tt to eat. w yea -—-tad la the cdite el a wetotoHL
-ns; M
Tta rwA to a etoito arafc M,
year wife, ta weald ^prTSSSf Mag
tatow tta to* A tta eAraas. tBI«
yoe a arad Irswura
raoraZscb taa. Bto salte to tbaf '
to BD sinittog fra tta aadasra A
tonteWB and tta tenaa tt wUI taka
nutowtw tta I
toerat paraea. -He has
nanatp, imrescxT, kmich i, im.
Will Kalr Hurt Wiairtit
Tbe faUowtad (mean ware ett
hr the Ttavenc CHj MwHc <
paar (aa PMdar .
Praaldeal Jaaepb Oaaba.
Vlea praeldeat. Vaweel Bb-der
olaKr arv worTTlac ora (be oortTe:
latr lo br b^O al ^Loule^e eoalas
(be BortbAre raeort trarrlw
.. . etmc
Thli prwpattr le evaod br U<a.
Peer/ Huuah. aM aa tbal patlaB a dli
•Ul* tWj jwr* rMTO Ibe rttr aw lo Tweinb
>c^ I* «•< 11 rmn
tiSS m7*mw daMibUc 'hfti I
i>lat ua (be aMc kill
>••»■ kk^ >k« IKkl >•
jK.iTSk«. Brth -«« fc«l» frt«U
wxl alraU to pd mer to (be
Mr- Otber We emm» aMf bal
)^,; tbar ««• binU atao M «o-« of
(Mr iMt biabL Tbe bodr
ap trtlh «w* '
(be: uwatber.
lurn.^ U aa old time dairy
dlled wilh rceidi____
»d?^«n^*?Si £jw»^»fco« aoapMelr
Haaaab hai daddad (o pHt tbe creaad
aod^doriat Ibe pai^rtcbi raare ha
Cool teBlae at Hoitaad
Bewtac rllUeeu WSSI water worSo
Veaper It e aew poeU>Bre te Mr
to' rliallr letereeiAdje ih«. aueeiloi
'*'l Durlas (be world', (elr Is Cl
*orii though no one has ewerji
“ I wrote to Doctor. Ca^LT^lorr u m Jm.„. M.le t.
Tbe (read Bead. toW whv.
'' hc" mothm »n worried i
ir^ t aad Ibooe aisti l>r rrmoTf-d'
i-i..m- lhr>
a nrW
' I.,
Ux-auMihe rhilrirm
chiidren H
Pieroe, who sent me
.m b.v..
a Tery kind letter ^KaiiA«d> <»
and advised me.”
'fin,! bsw
m,.- -r,-..
».ii i-. ...
- iBprunei in^aiii strength and fleah we '
I say ^ive thetii Scott'i Emui-,!
o( 11.1 Hit -•■( woBca
CKB tewee Ibr lepleelad of * aew Bit o(
««OB^ (C thB kUB -Tt,,,- a
It ik like the penny in the j
u- milk b(.‘cau»e it worka and ,
sold par (be usee.
trlBl Ike life of (be aeu>- hecauae there ii aomething
d lor ibree
h^’tMB Vi^r ueed'^aTba^
-Scott'k Emulsion is simply
sbovkd (M tbe BUI had all klade (or e aoalaal eaarte and el ^
_ m•.
.iiM* iiri • 1KJW..WM -*»-MM, .mIU. ^
mI mum ^
y-rwl I...MM
n alwan for aolblM Tbe raoelpte *
a Ui aae of (be (roa^ tiaee Ibe w-j,h
gdalloB eeaeed lo exlel bai ao<
j <^ M Mk
^-------------------'“*, especially prepared lor delicate
..^ Ha laU oa bu
• ,tom.cK..
'‘"''•s b'
dl I'lmir ntrr U * |•ulD1 up■ r lIpblhoiiB- M.» Ibr Alev
r»<SMlA-r Owlne I.I Ibr »wlh
.ml Bcndlr con&leatial. AddraB [>.
K V Pierce. BaSels. N. Y
lUi.i 11 MrMenui
nc fSenr'iF.rwIuPTCicriptttacoiae
ojuniti. n-n «i( (
Aribur J MrW.iiu. i.f Ao'ltir ili«-l ooeoceB eai
Kridaj SHiriuiK-.1 .ir.ni;.iieii.m .d ihr niTlacIbr
Tht finttm
Pridu uirrni.m
: .m
SSmto“tMr-■^ST 'al« MW
aada to (be paro
Children take to it naturally
■oaitwd taeludlss (br lai
Tbe oacers of (be old
luoa'bcc.iusc they like the taste si>ium >
budi bad
(be barbed
Tra^om' *1*^ ihf remedy takes just as vr‘[^. i!
aarBal tlaae.
eraiaf Oofoaer 0-------------_ a >aT7 eeaaUUai nt U. H.
(Isp^eo^ de-1 cause it is so perfectly adapted
HalMa T. UlUe. Ouw Will- Qided (o wind up Ibr affali
tl. McMUbael. l,r>kB HeKi
“ tu tlitir wants.
•orlei Ion In ihe raem
hi IB
Tbe ble<or> of U>
Fur all weak and pale and ,,
«ealb bjr eiin
(hr oesaalBUioa —•— -w-.m.
■rad with lataraai br (br people ybo| thin children Scotfs EmulsiOD
-llitti aad a (busk aall m Ua
rtmt haul Un loaae. F----------
I hr
Or itmr tkcMl m4 • terr klad tcOrr >ol
“ * *' ■ “'ooed rairtaBB*
I vhleb «a*
rurehtid VBB
■ able u> IdaatUr
_________ rbe tl (■
p UaaiBd alBB ariles
dtr- Hlki ma*Maa. aaotbar i
1B toraabB tt (bal eaap aad
ham aa ih* WaadBai caap.
Last aask baea vM aa a drask aad
Miadar be baaaae wild aad (be
(bsagfct be was naar aad redae.
star la taap al(h bla. Ward wai
. wat ta iba aiir (or aa oHasr u taka
-2E .r!£K v
(kNMMa^ t^lbTt^ oaaof
aal aaeateur baer ball
IS-1 i» the most satisfactory treat
We wlU aaad yaa
the pmmjr. L #., a
aan^ (rwa-
- thta etir aad saap b«
«to liras sear (be piaee where (be
- aat Ua to eaaw lato i&rbaae aad
'St wara bat U> rsfMed. Mr. Heataaaa fiH> stioefe tbe aaa-s pockeu p,
•as tr te bad Uoaar os bis paraao as
y^^M^ ofAtaa axil bis bodr
aads a aprsCal asaat-
“ I’aA* Mka. I*ixkiiA«: — I bare never before piven my eudoisetnent for any utedjcuie. but Lydia ^ tHakbaro-a Vewwtabta Oaw>
poaad baa adilrd »o mucti to mj bfe knd »iain>ine« thu I fwUike
makinc an exivuoon In Uiis case. >'or luo yean, r.ery tnemth 1 would
.. Ih, be™ two days of «evere pain and Otmid Ujid no n-liet, but ooe day wbM
Tksidne a frvDd 1 run acmaa LydU E. PiokhaB'a Ve«wUWe CadWn^d. —she h. d used it with the beet resulia and adviW me lo try Ik
1 found that it worked wonders wilh me; I now exprii oce no pain mud
only had to use a tew bottlrs lu briny about Ihia_____
IhH wcodcrful cUnga. I
Qae It oecaakmaUy now ahrn 1 am rxn-ptiooal)y tired or worn CfoL'
• - .A(Y, ..
.s.'mi. n»nA- MiB
Aucs M. Shitu. ftotThird
man Bieculive (Jonmult«) Uloaeapolis Stpdy
jTjKig-.5 ‘ I A"
MOTTABOWNB. tTrr. iZm'],,'oH.\or,ri
■ ihr dr.-..k«-d Tk- funrrul »
40» PbBri Mm N. Y. «>*•
<'> “ i. certI
UKorhr rerrlr.1 II ~K. ilfr I
WbBiBBi sedrssalua
, pn-nch In.iiruDrr mmiie
etacth ta wawtewTWteta tBrty ta Ufa bateB* dB
Iteiity bad itrwtacth ta
sss?s£t”ur----table Ooenpoatsd
Ore Saved htanta
A oMtacc X Tnverae
He te tbraa ehUkro. a aea. B. R.
VaaTaltebon. aad a daaXrtor. Booe bnwed to (be prouad
wbo ta
utetac OKratai aboal t e'eloek.
was oeuX
r Ur. aad
ai^ X Ban te. aaette daasT'
Beach r
•i BBS mee, vaarivTst
^ TtwreeM OItT.
Jifw (d (MSDae ea Wt___
- - *---
a MxM br Htte )labal Hatae
' “ttaTvhte of Dr. TteapacB. iba
HbBaa Id tba bMid. tba nty bibply doaa act eoaUta typbaM cna
bn that tba eaaaa an aaaaad by acme
ether tafante It Bay ba froB BiU
aad tataBbok-O, aad aiBwoud i
~taedd. mailac te bmr Uld eu.
Tbd.BMtar X aaaraaUada waa —
teaaad. Tbe loeal board te takaa
XteBte palaa wttb ttta aad as
baTateBd^afiar tbx w«*a te^
te tba atteattaB X tba board. Aaolte thtac ta that Mat X tbe <
a was raer trail rsestred.
„ — —.—a was read'hr Hra. MWMlfc. at Kanasba. Hrs. WM aer BBo tbaa tUB aad la dXar
p Mb •MPSaa was abac Haaoale ttam
Lmt was twrr tatacauku a all wba
■ RTSSaarisb
bt the aawlhd Hat tbaadaj
tlNfWr^riS^ JalM^*Hri __
•hH : warMw prswkWBi, Hie. Oiws«a UaaswwBt. Babatoe; watahMB U
sr-ssrtrjETi'^ ■
Ut. aad Hip. riaok HaBihoa aia Sa
pomad wiD p.XU^ kelp *ir atab e
llapidk. I ,
I. (hr am In 'hr mi wlib ■ damagr'
acdun apiln.l ibr Perv Uarouelte i
Rallksi i'oD,|>au.i as i result X tX
Uecembri psauUker irerk In
bMO •arunily pastalug ibr pruxa (abir ou ereouni of (br Lam
bar X boau wblcb sbeltrr duru
ami un.-.i>Ai.
self, his kirr
hvadon oolLP-r» Hsraueii
cable will X laid (nn tbr North b
Ilou Islanil to Bewver tsUad >iib
land end it flleo Havro
X drprii.
e privilege X r.
g a Xllar
oocastonslli Is
T. C. I- A M. Oxte.
Ibr pot■ I
» rem-lve I
ago SB
At laat (hr T C . U d M ruad
rgeci thsi
OlIrsAurksck. a*
again oxe U> Newthpun lu .paaseag
Tbe eottepe bakiaced to tbe reeo
M__ A.k (ae CooS Pook-fyse.
u X permiuX 1
■X trelgbt tragic and tbe Vralei a
property aad ta looaUd aear tbe IrateL
,y Other c
Ovrk Cirr-kUr. Pr
BBln roaelBi Tbe track was open
How tba are tarebi >e acN kaowo. 6n(
np about II o'cloek last Xgbt wh.
ft OPS probabty (roB (be cblBoey.
tx enow plow with (our englnee ii
Tbe leoi OB (be bonaeboM gooda « '
I order has breo rrocladX. eccordlDg
■ ROlbOTf
twadX In gettlDf (braugb
be u leaal WSd. It waa M oree
The ixw plow with the two engUM I
BlaiMaa aflsr Hr. fobaaM fX out
(XI Xvc beeo fan In HuIXn'i rut i
tba boaae uatll H wae burned te t
e worth s> muobi
nr wswrwfk
Btaoe TuaXay Bonilw sureexx lo!
ge(Ux loox (heBXlves about ('
o'cloek last alghl. bet tXy did Bot et-1
leapt to go « uetil lb* two engtaee i
eeat for dRlvX from CadUlac. wXn
(X tar coglaee eX eaaw ptow pot I
Berscel xber bta dHfis.
etraM. dropped dead test evealag
(Its o'ekxb. Bbe wae ax tli-at
power bxk X the pk>« 'XT nmr dif koeiber will pwinll and li Is
t.Pksyte pkwMS H
aad bar death betag ao atadea It «
Sculty *es expeHeoeX
, tXl Ibr church will X ooa.
deeaX lareiiity to boM a pom b
eaglae xd snow plow IX i ai lewst X Xys aad IXI sen
um wbk-A te tebaad alao waat..
tedix X a porforeuea X (ha lataa- knrX tbU iralB al soon as It weal x, X Xld there mcelaHT Xf
Uaa aad (be jury brought la a eeXIM X that Iwo enow plows wrei over the)
I soeie work on IX Interior
X doae before Ibr weatXr
np aX Ibis will X doer as (an
:'Eb'i Cms X
Pare Har«w(M rallreX^Tte c____
bMW wbea be wae givea a red la tbta
Bite Btal'wteto beTabbx'rj'em^
Bba was (alUog to biB wte be
dwiHil asleep aad tbe aext (blag be
knew was haaitag bar gnoalac. m
was tebia to Bpaak and
Not Fatal.
No Mottor What DoctOPO
opo 5inr—We Know
Thi neort Tro\i>
t>lo In Man)
Coses Con &s
a ta
Ataaaial to ta eharga X
A A riaalastaa X Oter «aa
■atardar lo cm wotb. Tba a
lAcata ia k«b grade GRAKITE ax* HARBI.E MONUMENTS
Copii« and Cm Stoae to onkr.
821 Boy St. TravwrM City, Mieh. Olttem *PtMm eso.
\Vc have aome of the old-fisahioned
Sausage Grinilers
.....and Stuffsre
Combined we wish to doae oot at s redoced
pritx. come in and pee Oiem ; : r : : :
Our line of
if coiapkte, come in and price tbeai..
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.
The S. F. Saxton Hdw. Co.
rSa CEwtSa.**"^ waa *t da-
*•*•!*«“ 4
WDllaa W. Bahb ite Soha F. On
wathr rtapMkaii. Ha. Marla I
-M; wsrthT fUda. Hrm. Ma d. Wo
iil^: wcRhr baraU. Ha neasaa
OwMI; wanbr >Mrdlav Ma ~
Uta OMtalac ts ante tbe eteo
(H ttapaea; «aaaa. Ha
« tba IdBperaaet wokan X 8
WBUat; Mat. Moewd. thttd
*?HOnote wtlkad Otar IroB Wm-
oP Mmr^wmrm.
COItImbtis aassline Cnflittes
s "ir
a Bra Ur-'
k. Mrrtla OoodlUb.
Tee 111 wax waa at tbe Mtaa
bo (be dm teiHir la (be a
alia (fee M aooa be aaaaoMd PB»
M«ar the laorfatba wU aaet M
Mala. Me uae banu baa tied aa
(be Hal Wadbaodar H MvThe aaaa al Iba dttdiW ai
ttta e( (ha H^eaoe lawdaHw
U Hatbaa HiahMM. The
"Ites Hut. PixKRAii;—IhsTentSateddTW
.^1WM tblneen yewn of te with my BHMH.
They were imfular and vriy psinfuL 1
doctored a grest deal but rmived BofaeMat
-A (rted adTM me to try Lydia
Ptakham'a Vewwtabla Coatwoted. whkdif
did, and afler uiS^ a few boiSeJx k, I faii^
“ MeiistrtBtkm ia -now regular and witbooS
. 1 am enjoying better health than I hare
I ' iSii? ‘si.“M'2r.^:uX'=kr5S!
Srabbad bla eMboi aad nitbad ou
doera, where be drsaisd. K waa bch
orir a Biauta aflar ba «M oet X U»
boaaa before ibe ehlBaey fell.
Ha aoeoeeded ta aaetag ealy a eew.
la« BbcAlaa. treak oM Iba eloek aad
ha aatlBdiad tbe Use X tba dr« by
tta eleek wkleh had elated et ‘
Mrs. C. Kldnachrodt, Morriaon, ID., Bayti —
:lT. dlaeoaraged with life and wlltel hope ta (be (ntare. wtearuX
--------------slitakablr ibst Lydia E. PtakBatata Yrgafate Cimn—AdU
-te i
eutterlng -all woBb aad eearUa (reufalaa. aad all ttaa DU
Mre. Uartle (br talked Wlib (hr Ikyleg or e re
to Bearer Island the Iasi harbor
rXug* uo Lake Uleblgao kill be
telegnphir coBDUuketlob wiib 'be
Mr. VaaVteaabaix
^liBe It bureed and
oouatle^ world.^ aed the days X "
SMrta o. K. ». CaaradMai
aarrewty eeeapad balat
bereX la
I his
Brftay aettaa waa raealTad frwB bad. Hn. Jebaaea was vtalUaB ai
reaeeU bare been sriually
WaaUacioa Uai ba had baw fraatad bOBB X a relattva.
At Ubm last (all. ..
.•( lescl
^aralaj- wKb tta aiaaiillHill.Ur. Jobaaea wae awakened by
•SW taaek peaahB aad til a Bate.
uader Beaver Island
M worb U tbs WUa IbrUa a( ieraamtta dag fuBpias opoa ble bad
owerre aad ruuUles X IX
law tba boaaa tllad with aauke
Mtawak; Mia Dodr. MaaalMi; Hra.
U- Pptbecrwn. Oaatral Uba. riaaaot.
■a. r. V. bsiMiiiii a( M. SSaaa; Ura. Aaaa Mia. Tti
- OW: ktoa. b. H mak. Matte. Jwrtt-
.dpe wooeeta prwHwtrw rosusdnoks of fete taaX
(rdabtate X (»oa_______ _______________ _________
baadtSir- K ebrrtad weeaea aafaly ttarawitta ttaa vartewa wdlwal
wa ta the letted tnm
shi.l. r-OS11..11. s.-rr KO.-n I.. Sir nnscirimo.
Kolebi J.rk riiiiUp, KuLdbl El>. end,»l> s ,<IB fruei k:
Thurkdey aftenuan al (be boar o(
her deucbler. Un K H. Pnpe, sped
TO yaan Hre AdaK bad bem la (alV
tai beaHb foe some BoetX aad paate
0. Skiim1.-f.on m.u.irr K-l.-.lA.h
CctfukU* Eirvtnr Co
away «ulelly la aloop. as ibe bed cdlee Tbumsy knerooue
s(pressed e deeirr (o do Tbe fuaeml bks rvoomn iM-m kpp.tnir-1
- -jbkrd kod Aimr. lo tlirblKkt.
errrtree were beM pritetely e( (tar.
reeldence oe Soadiy urieraono si ! I
o'rlarV. Mr» W. T Woodhnusr of ,
•etaunt. rh» arrmaceasreii t>eln( m i "■'tb*-!*
eharc* X U D. Oert^
Mrs. Aden cue.^«re e
HXMae Hit. North'
wbere Hr. Adsll purel
aad wbere be died lo 1
frm. Adkit
tbaa relumed
. ty. where
DM aaa alaru Bade her boar with
daaiblrr. Un. Pope. There are
Hh rtebt aUedt paratraad.
ehUdrea Ilrlas. Un. Pope aad An
foot. Iba rtcht oae. wae tBBflai
Adah X thli city. Mn. P P. Heddea
of Iba bad aad II ta a woader th
X Ua Aacatat. Oal, ttaorce Sari Ad
waa sot (raaaa. Water waa fnaae
alt. wbo U eeaaaetx with the Kodtoe
la tba boaaa.
OUwrwlat ba waa te OoBpaay la BHHab (Mui
eararad ap aad tbal paobabty aavad aad W. N. Adilt al MXIrlae
blB (ma haUc troaaa to 4a«b. Tba Nenhwasi TerTttory.
Baa waa prohdMy aUHhaa Himday
B (Heede
aicht aad HM ta (ha %am bbHI Ian
wranlM la a balptau aiBdMea. oaaUa
le ogBBqs aU or te balp hiBanr
(aw dare tba Baiiar X aoatnlac
ka nty watar.
oalaad to ttaMMii whisk
U aaoBB (bat Uara art is caSti
aed utUoraalare wastlB*. ba tfphaM farer la tba «ltr and tbay tra
a (d sHon was baW ta lbs an- about avaaly 4IHM bnwaaa tba
I e( Hur watar aad Unoa wboaa
ly eenaa troB waita. tet (all.
- } aaaa la tba etty waa tetalte la
toBUtaa aotac walla. Tbara te ba«
me teauea as lo wbatbar tba city
elerjs purser ^^^te^ftw^tbta raw
pHrad. Al tbe eed of Ib^eemod e«aeoe Jaaee Kaboe aad W C Hull orsulaad a lean eed (or (wo rears a
pntlr good taas wai aiala(alaed.
llek etrlekeii wlib apralrsl
dopanBeat wee aeusad
VeaVelkaabers bad dm bM aeea'
Ma la (be My.
arouad hie bobia la eoaie Mae and (be,
WM be raaebad (be o«r (be aaa
eelshban haroBe worried bot swaiM
-ami bardar(ag ui dellrtaa triaeaa
rather rMarlaal to rtaH (br bouee.'
tU «ae eaUBs all Ike bani aaipkvMS
CbM Reekie want lo the bouee aad
klUiad (ha Soor le aad toead lha old
ilL*taSd^*aM^*KM^ aa Ibe
MtUBaa Irlaa oa the bad balplaee
.aHBMi «ar* edosad <a (be lacal boil!u h aboot U raan id ace aad wae
^ vJbr- TbU vie (be last Hr. Faliablld
alsac at (be tnaa (be stm^ look hlB.
Tba aalchbon bad dm aaaa kiB
tiaea Moadar arewlnc about le o'etsek'
aad hie abaaaer cMt c( tbe bouee Bade
tbBB Ibtok all wai wm well. Hr Itrei
la a aaBli boaat oa iba back pan of
lha lot H (be rear Id (pbe Haradea
balMlac oa aast SToat atr^.
Wbea Hr. BaaBli tamba fa (be
K wae iboocht that Mr. VaaVa
ban waa dead but ae aaaa ae H
bla baad sa Iba aua be aaw be
aura aad lha atrlebeB Baa aa<
te raallea that aid bad mbm to
attchiljr raised oae e( bis baade.
, 'a’Sf‘j='£li5s£%a
* Miss Alice M. Smith, of Minneapolis,
Minn., tells how wom.in's monihlt- suffering
may be quickly and pcnnancnll)- relieved bv
-i;}} Lyia E. Pmkham’s Vegetable Compound.
Battle Creek Olssd Saws
afiwataa Sar a tet «*ar
equalled by few if any and ' surpassed by none.
Our lO M. S». R(ortmblre is just plain ALL RfGHT.
127 TO 18) STATE
f «n^ TnrcRC Hcnll
Part Aftim
III WkUh Jap* War* Vic
r«t. n.-4t 1* potit
ibcni that tk* oSdai U Wmc
mu tb* smmt po*«r io
ur aliciBpi ikat B>7 b« na4«
: tQ teld* lk« c«M €d Ike nllrcmdi ti.
; U« *uu U Milker Oorrnior BUu aor
Om»i»1 Blelr. bol AiidlWf
li Power
« aaJ It CMBM'
Biwd wuhoui bu
Tb«* lautwU^
ki. PM*r*kur«. klarah 1^W*rrf «M
m»l*M IMar Ihal »t JapaMU have
KHT'*" the Ker*aa t»wn of lehle
Yank •*»« *f
V*«t -nioy *r*
fprlMyliip Itea wall* •> Ih* t*wn. Th*
ij (be aodllur (eoeral pam*ai o<
r taaea aatier tb» old aprrt^Ui
a the niBpaal
lelr taiee. «hlrb euyld haw
»w***r- releaaea '
I (njoi (urtlier ubUsaUon
lu tae iiaie. tut Poa-en *«• rarefui
Is paeelfC ku rtvelpt (ur the oeise.
]«li1 to reprreel; •tlpulaU' that ih>-
. tUJtj FabrMiT miwtaU SI 't —r
n tS .lall oa (k. «k. U. T
The eulleai wt. U im ead IhOt.
I m i*
^ lacbee ta each mr
The cmieat precipliaikje—raU aad
Mila* e*o«—«*■ la ini. UM Web
The enallMt »*• la IMI. J1.7!
Oa Brplroihw Mrd aad :4lb. ItM.
Pmntytat »M Bmmatytmg
tte Skta. Snip, ttoir
-teMere .be, has* "a Vf^:y
<w*4 a doakr. al.«« .ilk hio.
•iMalaa ft*** I" **on '
(baa* U the aorth ha* *M«i
araMy by th* e*irtlmi*( i
a wabar *f car* hae* b**r dlaabt**
kl. Patarabura. Uareh 1.—Oararai
VaoNavMr fortoar mirlotar ol war ,
(..* .til l
□ *»
ka* left a* rt
k to b* pe
A mlabi f
lu the >»>
dlacueclsule* i
aoteroor e.Mibl du nu'tuna
rretlim liir pu.er in ih.- i
‘“T eMaLi aud mau> prr..n
ouibor t) h.-
paUerof .(t du
PMO boat* •uaiBOd owl u m**t
atkaefelrp float Iwt vrar* faread U r*
Tba MatvlHfi •■* ai
iapaiwa* withdrew in pood ordar.
TM a«Mk waa foupbt with Ww
•Mai Japanaaa tactloa and la baiUvod'
(a hav* boan mad* in bad waalhar bo-,
' «M*a taUfapbl* bdvio** ataU
a. or the neap** of
Tlaw aooo
d Ike rooe Ihio (ka
weduu (be Ulr IkM
dia«(tiraU0M aad
a aoaewllb taalpbt.
Amartcan Nuroaa^ Japan
M aibloftuii. I) r . Marrh I
'cn ylrli are (nine loin (he far .-ai
V w*(« tbnm tiMi tb* trai* 10
a ba* bM »o MU rlBM lunr-
ta UM plane It Mthtay ■tilled tor
tba aatbiwdii maI ta kCM at
____ w 1^ Md «»-• »• »«T «“U»
raihray Mrrte*
rte* ba. baa*
____ M anaraat ta
. .
___ ______ —
' TUmeMdltlooa will eoatlawi utall
1 the rallvays cm »n*e Ue veod aM
: U»hw Hov loap It vUl be ao one
^ ' ia.«*e ooroe 0* vooo bm iawo.wou iwi
SSI ta iMiber bat caat pel as tb*B.
» a wurl.
! Ak..
ha.t . fra*
eairi in.! i tuorei aaiet m aU
vii.r.uvAsAS t
O * S I J =■ V g c * CJ.
-i » t < = = g 2. f I =
r, -JS-Sn-s-ysv”
* J.T.Sf blk-BA*
-- ks!
$B j,i8skkt
—w a
afieraaon *a. pretaded o
Sbviby Bod (be
- nray
tat ta Uvo^'^ifl Prta w B I
ran ta tbe ApricuKural Collepr
The doatsc eeaaloo VM deroied 10 ,
..aiwniuloB ta the .Bbjert ta rural:,
apeaker* belap Prraldeet
Bayder ta tbe
—--lucal I Onllep*. „
*** ******
I ntoci
't e al. h».e Ig
^outh ^ide 5/>oe ^tore
iXieibXtlBdBE s
Ikistt! [IlikiJii
n. a praai laJI ta
,im The learee .
iraee, aad pmt da
trait ira.
The ta* APd----------
« U thei
T by a P !
tne , vunr- ,d
un. . an t miaa it SW i> the iiumlei
F. D. nkb«l». ProlPrtttor.
day Plpht.
Tke manUBr. mi.Ioo vw is ebaepe I
ta U* Hlcblfas Beekeepers AwoeU-;
Uoa aad addreeae. were atade by W
Z. HulehlBK* ta ntai. B R. Rool ta'
Medina. O.. Prof. V. !• Hedrick ta Ue,
Afrteullural Collepc. W W P*w
varth ta WatartovB, O , and C B Ota
ManMte* Camp* Ctoaed.
5t«y"*W*l oUrp* Itorana. of To
HaalMee, Mareh 1.—Otrtap to Uel Mo. a; kamiial A. and It B OraS. of,
neaBl heavy fall* ta aaov, loBbertap! Waablapioa. DxC
opoalkBi kOTe been pradaally oea*--| a nolioa (urk new trial ud aa
tap la tU* CMBU oaUI kaiarday *av
ta Jodpoie* ft* Ue pnrUepe
Ih* U*t easp chMo dove and Uo bob ; barle
- - •
BBM. all «lan tor I•
. TvB or , tall *
ta tba Bill* base .
•BMoe ta ibo «toc>plak.ta taal
POP Mon-OM of Wortu
^ -jMIkiai. and vtll llkaly BM «
WUI aprlnp. Hhrd vood U a aea
Klk Bapid*. ¥h*, Peb «.-Tbrer,
--------------- -------- .X.
hundred m ar* ou> ta vork here ai;
--------- „
rMSll ta Ue InaUHtj ta the rail ,
•••• Che moo adraae* trvB
trvM W to IS ■
goae tiBto apu U< Elk Raptdi farHtiipmta. and vraaai
al that Ifre It 1. , ___ ^ .Uo,r*d to eool beeaaoe'
p*t U. -rte am-'
eo„iiat p. potlea to U«m Nov,
,1 ll.'\V*.blOIU.’B ~V,.o
1« I
PS 5 •as
Umsm awl Dlller n Orufl were ooeb
BMteaeed today by Judpe Pritchard to
ive yean Ib tbe pcnHeatlary at
MoabdiTiUe. W. Vt.. and lo pay a tae
ta IId.OOO. BaBiwI
ba* a boUm
vei.SBBB«Gp«s X!
cssr~i -■
UBMlap. Pab. Sf.^Tbe Bocl lucceae'
tal foutdmp tanaer. laatUal*, boib la I
polBl of .Iteadtaoe aad lalereoi er«|
beld In tbe tiale. va* broupbt lo a
eloaa ai tbe Apneollutal Collrpe Frt-i
1, luVry^' ’ 1^'
I Bin l Ihtnl >o.i .ill annul
! t.r^apeesPPA
n iltu.ini; w u
4U Mtkrtap'tbMi
boM, tbtar Btaie--------------- ------aad ««erUap hem. aad ihar bare ao deU* to aet- *"*WnblBptoo, Peb. M.—Tbe Jory 1a.
the vorld taoMKia pCBtoace coaipb
tb* Ptitu aia IB few deep. , ,
'.the Qrat tB*u
praM&p oat ta.'
thta Btaw Iart katt ta Ota. OardatrY . . 1 beoapki la a nrerdlct ta pulliy at
•kaafaaM at SiBrUap a«
________Ike TbWJtak. Tka otk« chaised »hon0 afwr ' ' lock laai
M bad to b* tafcM o«.
Ocdratt * MU«1M« lallroadY
,*'S'5*rardle* appUee to lour dtaeadSBla: Aa^ «' Macbea peaeral
pue* cd rawi*. NUwty b« ^
SowMd at tb* Bata tarn- tb* kM
MU ha. CBM aat of Bwlbi
- V IM of water l> lb* M
SfiS..Stt*aS*B «
SSt.'kliBBkVkt »
The dOaa
aVatvtabSTfii b
an-kbBH.'sP.l :t
.**AlCff^a» intla* M ik^-dtMIpab
OaMiaL tb* UarklBa* dtrtataa. tar tka
Bnt an* ta tb* klalary (d tka iMd.
I »il'. lAte I'leaittf
Ml m«e « on me Swiih Nnle -n
;! f I $
a mW At Am tka UaSMd 'kUiea arByT^iha eoam Pita. D. J Croaby ta Ibe I’BXed Sutaa
Aibar yeaurday. Tb* Uaiahaau dla ta «Ueh aeOM Ue etanie prorld^ departBeat ta Mrleulture and Prof A
a lilbtfota ta Ann ArUif
uilrt, ami
f.hfU.'IsassBti I
dk.iBbk«ii = * t
*■ welely .ill' aboui » .j Vlurk ihe •iMtner Baaio Uoai-1
•i« thCM
»n«k o>«.
*td A S Alta
-»s •
IHicchaainp ur rtoi
SAao *r
arieaa Burte*.
i eo *a> .icbted. Tbe gueen tapaalled '
oooparalo *ttk tbo ABarieaa
ta Japaa tb* Bad Croa* Burwe.
Burnt are
ai all I aad atk.g tu .land by until tenipurary ,
Baa aad ar* pnroreDiral rnpkYa*. No repair* muld be BMle When everyha.j tieeii Bade aafe, (hr Queen |
ilM hi
w dltAa wllithir, ti la bm aroBds ar* pentlUed la or wjth tb*i tbiap
army, but a apaelal aaeapthn baa ba*B
Blade for the -'Yaakae punM'
Dr. WeOra ta a daapbUr at SIbM rouph «
rd Ihipel Booed
tka «tr* ol . J. MrOae. Daliad
rooBded j
poraoed. aed .1
w Iht «M*f« ■Mh* foteTMaeat-atkaoloitft aad ei.
Ooftap tke kpatalab-Awaalcaa war *k* Cape PUtlerj abe ci
~Wlib dltaeully I
orpaaUad aad dlraetad th* Daliad rlke alaetrlnkl
i va. B1 tke
m* Sleo aad
U .(Mam la a* tapanlaM «*«a*r.
I Aar. JAm* at *2 0S Uiil ate moon
omipanu perubed
The remaliilnR
’Dbrr* of ibr er..*
tbip tuaile > de.
anoy, vb<
• Are uo l».rd ud
ophl. Tba
II pay tb* *1:
«fallv they are Is Japas.
of tbair
j| .lid Ibr •uBertspi lit (
. win ba paid by papalar tuhKrIp. Iri(htfu)
.talp wen
Jn tbe United State.. The nurv. ' »bo .lur
lUtOM bravely
aud ^
lake with lb«u a hupe bo.pltal (he) tnuphi
.. . ine.Ucliiei Mvrd >h.i ihej niul.l .if the lewl
loo that tbe Ualled kiAte* auproae
eoart ht* bAAdrd dova a deetatoa
vhtob uMBi that Hkbipan’t tdIiu
Botdter* «bo aoirad la Ue PbUlp* aner tka war with kpata ar* w
r«ealre i«o Ddsib.' extra pay. or
OrMd Bdptda, Vicb. Kayeb 1.-^ •Mb
ttlAd par capita, a loMi of llt.tM lor
ptMaaa pvt <d HlehlMb *a* rtaltad
tb* aMB eoaearaad.
««fc tb* MM tuwm la paan yeau^ allThta
daetaloa ta readtMd la pwao.
ittj. Ckaafei haeaBi* rUau *»d aaaalvalaataer aoMleta la Tariooa part.
by vail
iaio (M '
gt the CDoairy, urn
iBlaoal a
.jd aad MtUa **r* avM avar. ta emup pBafthta
MrretBthaabrtharatoitbBaadlkan boaadafT of tka aw* MM ImrtM •ataUa dartap lha i .
•M *Mll bidtdtaiP aad oat kMwt
•ad dT*d hatM ww* tMpt away ar
jaw MS id- WkUa tb* pcdpany «am- Ike Uv prorldad that vhae the aolBit I* hMTTr M Itm W* beaa f- dton VB(a aaatered ou( they vtra
kattad IM
l•etate t»o Doatka'
•• -------------- s. put itmk ta orar toAOar
Ue .........
;<-ioie pu;<h*-inj: elae.neie
Wreek in W**liin«len.
Nearnisb UrOre. abu aai the t.sl)
aoinas *bo ovrr held a nllltAry c»«ii '
Is the Unliad klalaa artb) •I'are
a aorpooB durtap ibe kpABUh Into i
Mere Menty Per
DtaroU. Mich., Peb. iS-Uatiml
■ Pmkw
Milo B. Star- .108 Aitomey
l«, t*cu.,„>n M,.h.*an, an.I :
dl Pert
a ph>aM-ias ai
K>kBi Hofiaisa
Ik asd durla*
iid s *
-I B ?a
apnaabU to__________
afitr*, tbay proaeot
t to ^op aad Ud
' tba Boat tuooiaafalJ coMltTaa of me^
>iirx' the .uunJeil llUIr Jai-> .tin
lofi.re the Roailaxi bayonet*
tMkUp «*rt plvaa rla. U two epIaUna., 1. pradoat*
■Khar they ar* th* bftly •valUkl* ahlp* 2o^
m th* part ar *M Ih* alnklitf *f th* I Ybe TaBkeo Burae* *111 aall direct.'
laa^ iwwMr*. aaabacad aad allMmd U
•wUp arwad wtth th* wind and th*
M*. atrttanp.and «9vMbi< <
tbo&ta. acaJp aad b..._ ____________
katr. tkat tka CaOrora ronodlM bar*
boklarad Uwlr rmUat isooaao. Orlp•oaTlKB, ockaUflcally eoA-
fl botplUl.
Seieoin Sure'
All lb* iro««o who bar* Imh-o ao . here
Tb* AMdlnA awl of th* same tbra* < cepird aarrod la (be Cubaa, Pbillppla*' nounc
- ' '
-B Main r*a«> an at- anil Cblam campaOpB. aod arreral i tba r.
a*aifl rapB or a.
__ «rtomod brtvilr. aervU-e
All Ih* B
tl dalaytop
«ahwi U>* Rimlan dMdUn
AfUMT, katXhky land and by
MPrffle narthaaat atarwi wBb *
k*M raplrtp tffpm day* wtth
\u uel. tbell e.tfli
1 knuan ,.n me north I'*
rteadad th* ahunwl that th* Idryar
Ik* (lore of eiea. loetb.
hsaaUfsl hj drfKiic tk<
aad (Uf the MBiiilie aosi wnbapeoy!
If each U the sohapr' eoodlUoo of
OB* aSieUd .Ilk iUahi ikin Mamlab**.
«hal aieii b* the faellapi of iboo* la
eriap tb* akia with
aad ckarftap tb*
XII clmeou to bo.
eoiw a pvt
lyeMm BoUl doaur
li ta la tbe
*>» of lortartap.
(eoi-ral I
iardl*»thei.dvu.l.ll.l> u< eetlUDy 1
raxThe uiil) aTiihoni) shlrl<
,n ,b.. ea.e
m .u hur.nt,t i
Port emploiBeai .a
Th* AahsM wa* In a alnklrg eondi.
tM Navik wa* aarloMly dart
I* *ht
Ofw t«rp<
terpodo beat wa* Minh.
afad whll*
Siv.n,; 1
oeld a (.ear *f tka
' aOrMl ibal baaat;
tke Inian of f«o• Ike oorld. aod yet
It B.lit.1 ba
inr (vu<-r*r>
Idlapuw-d n.
eamta* caOad baaat; a ah«t4M
vraaay, n*lo a prlrOat* of Mt*.
Thaocfnaa. a tWlpbifai pi^Mtea,
th* or* •P*"’*'' *•» la*
Hoitrr» **> ili.n inaile .lete
*•*“ **** I the rallruail ruai|>aiiii-a lu a a
hur and eiralD Lltu Iruis pr-ceedloa ti
>« canald-ltb.' prupercj ..( Ok- co»|>aoie
Tdrtmrs Mention!
paaur. sit Ba«
im. II feel. »' lUkk'
Ins atat* ' of the ralirvadi i., pa; taaui
thU potoV kMrvmUbM tk«' tnUT
-g rerr UUruU— ukU:
< 1UT4S
The imtMi uawl uiovtall u ib«< im-O
Mater doriap (
report. TbU I.
:be (mat SI «
I ibat ta IM
March lat. ba*
p lu and luei.d
bees lit (IS leebe.
there bu b.
lop Ibli date. March
sebrakeo *iplc«lap t
Handlet (he full line of OsbonH; Gocm^b. "Osborne" is tke largest independent maker
n binders. Mowers and Reapers in the worl.l. I'
place >-our
of grain and
line of
oroer before seeing Osborne s
IRacbinerv and Farm Implement*
Remember that we sell tbe
ItMller” 6as»llne Engine,
Tbe only Cva&linc Engine that a child can stan and handle without trouble ia o4d
weather. We have sold over forty engines the Usi year out of Traverse Chy, S5d
ire pUciog
they are giving the best ol sat'-'—------‘-----------your order
'for any make
W'e have the
Engines, call at our store and
“Rere" Trieflon PeedSaipinfl macWtic
Jlrriolng tptrr iff In »n Dtpartmtnts
in Traverse City” We have a complete line ^ ............. ................. ........ .............. ...
PUMPS AND FITTINGS, abo the MAUD S..S1LO which is second td none.
You are all invited to call and look my stock over. Goods and prices guaranteed.
TWe 1* ao *«l<rtap. U* Iran work*
a, •
Ortahuhrs tad lOrMtlaen ta
Cow Prices
. '
• V
Ih Rtones
Cor. can A State St.
ha^UdiTI ^Uwr'a'od’Ti'^
•Mb tb« dMib or Ur. JoiDM 0. “
• TravaTM CKr aalrTi tha
M art«r«aalra. •
Catarrh aod Ka» Favar
Uolhar Qr*y_. 8»—< Po.«.» hr, ’
Hr. jr^at
. b,
__________ __
Mir of pur
WHIM lint II Sill
rkmf panauU aiu-n«l«a «.
-. Malta tt a larca bDUeaai. aad
’ M.jrtt-* eido
'..aaa. la tbe airteloM aeoar
Hr a
- -^totiar lo a fauli, hr alarar* roc*.
. apad aa» paWle rairrpnar Ihai araard
VaKhr aad vtilch aruuld Ih^arlll Tra*
«»a CUT Fron hit purar hr alaaji
•aaa taarrtwair Hr aat l»ral lo lilt
,:Maad«; aad hladoeat 1.. rreTToar.
, oraa to dash bruiea. «a> a prrduol
.' total charartrritllr at hit aaturr
, - . PoUttoallr he wa. a rrpubllean, -rllh
tocia. aad bit eouaael vat irMOTrer id lb> 1 lUM' •■' hiaoi
I. aad hit oplotao. hlihl, I
, amauBlU’ trill eamm bit daaib ;
He Ml lor charlt; >a» rrrr rrjectad.
For Ladies
III Up ll-Olli
■aiona a.
‘ 'lli'i'Jt—
* mlati- Hen of all parltM bad aa at
. for
a Johoroo and iho, '
« aad aprlcbt
iiMana^ aar..- aa. iho »rooaMi>
' all tltal to pood
la a -ort h.^ «ai
f >
a* Ihr ODOlrarr. h* trat k
* aot, la a ahtoi w, mm
^ tototraaa aad to aid Ibrni I
i 3i?M aad •aaBdal aaia.tao
ti Ur, like Hf. Jokaao, arr .a .aau
■ la aoF oll» aad ihr drpannrr of
lb Mn loaraa a raeaac) wfalrb It a^
litjti—»i iS' «*u
'L, Itovd to 111. TtateraaClij will aiooara-’!^.“>*,ld^V Haodrwi a.roar
^'-.Ir Hoora hla death
( toH«» bare tba Jtladeii toatoorMa
* aad kdW fbararirt
226E.FfHtSt. TraiiniCItr
Cbe Racket
Che Ciitie
'r.AfUiBr Ihana. aped tt mra.
•fctoiar of aeuie aei<i>lU.
iTKonwouP aujUAia,
won«wii««, m r
Baat BlPlMnth
■antiowSSah^TSS^) Mhib t in
242 Prom Si.
Traverse City Sprayer Company
b aad laara. b«ide brr
a Mtber't Mat. i
1>antoh, aad a ainnr. a
Tba two llUla daatblor
• a«d THtoa. a«nd.l a
Frank Friedrich & Go.
Cb« new Stand.
Manufacturers of the
Che Place
,ill<! ihr
Cbe Price
^:j. I-CAMY
Expert Optician
I Now at Hotel Whiliofu aill rrmaiB
Uniil Mooda)- Fvemog
CUset Guaianleeil IP Fit. MiD'ieiilt Caaei SoEeited. Cimnn Headadteaad Setvoutneaa.a Specials)’.
Spraying lllacbme
Foil, -I
eitv Book Store
Are You a Medium or
Small Sized Lady?
I- itoa bine titird with tongue for two horses ii»d arranged for
«- ■>( i,oiaioe>.
Note that guard is removed so as to
ili-.play the working pans o( pumps.
Can you wear a 38. 36. 34.32. or MISSES'
! 6 or 14 Size JACKET? If so. HE^
tha stock Is not largre and we can the bet
ter afford to accept a larger loss ori eacTi
17 ladiVb' jackets in Black. Navj. and Ocloid. not
the latest style, bill tfiKid, heavy, warm garmciiu,
sold originally at-4.i«i, 5.(ki. ('..(a). KOO and liUM. will
be oRcred you. beijiiininB lonijjhi, ai
16 l-adic»' and Mi*»es' Jackets, some Iasi -.reason »
styles, others this seasons were $6 to $l J..'di. at
is l.adies' and Misses' Jackets, ncarU all of them O KA
arc thtsscason's styles, were 6-50 to l.'i.Oo. at. ...
12 l.adies' aad
;s garmeii
tfarmeius. all new this sea- Q ftO
wa. sold at 8.50. 10.00;
lUUO; 12.00,
12.011, 15.1k)
IS.ia) and 18.00,
IS.On, at. •
.M.V rkm
it Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, .ny-lit.!
the ..
ver>choicest garments in the store, none peser\-ed. that
sold ai 12.20. 16.00, iSOn, 20.00 and 22.00. at..............
With such radical prii-c measures, the slock will soon be at the point
■ : cleared of all winter goods. 1I his
hi deterare aiming at, nanuly:
mo^ clearance nas tin interest and importance iliai |>laces
it in
n class alone.
showing ihi- machine fitted with thills lor
for spra)Hng fruit trees.
iiigle horse and arranged
It has become a recognui-d fact that the spraying <>f trees and plants is ab«oluUy
necessar> tt^nsurc a successful crop. Each year the number of insects and diseases
aRccting trdk and plants iw- raptdl) increasing and it has now come to the point
when the diacrence between profit and loss is represented by the difference between
spra) ing and not spraying
The machine does away with all hand pomping. being
No liquid passes through the
pumps, the d^livery betng done by
entirely automatic
direct air pressure. The spraying solution is at afl times kept thoroughly agittotetl
and in perfect condition
The Traverse City Sprayer Co. have placed on the market the Ooerr & Mooroe
Spraying machine which is without doubt the very best macbiM manutactnred' fw
spraj-ing ciiber trees, potatoes or plants of any kin^ The machiocs are now on side'
at the
factoiy of Tidwell
Caldwell & Loudon, in Traverse City and they may be Men and
the Ucioiy
roughly inspected there at any time. A Mi|^y oT machines sufBoMt to atotify
the spnng demand will be ready for delivery- abom March ».
Price e! 0omple(e machine $7S.C!0
CImilitlon thli wMk 2,600
_____ .... eosAuciad »r Ui neto.
Aalbta* ABO*
Al >0 o'elork Ibl* Bornlai Ih* pn>
B TO to TI
ABlobi* Abo*.
: <ri> Id cAbti* of tbe MrrM'vbIcb ooB-------I sltiMl of piBr«n dbO MiaBi to IndtaB
m Ih* Ini of tbc ! Af'or (b* iartle**, lb* r*l*Ur**
*D* I (rieult **re ptraltled to look
irwk • «mtiv or airrMpoa
I b* { bnabiT'k tace for lb* tBM tl»
i wbll* aDB. lb* ■anrte* 1* lb* •(/**«*
- -------: toD««* WD* T«rr lapr«**iTA lb* *10114^ ^ iw mi.Mi ... ..I *“>■
lh*-|*4lBB BMorMn *Bd tbelr
*«* U. tb* *0*0*
,ac*d Bolber B***»d kroobd tb« bodr
TBMdar of b*r *ob *ad kwkad oo hi* l•Btllre•
tlB*. ah* droppad |a*i a
C Md
- ^
«MB Of 1. B. OIbb* tor tb* U
« Al. n. r. K. lAhm m al. «u ukoa
i» iV Ite taraaooa %p» danMd to
a^M aano
IWtotoi to a bona daal *bl«h a»pwrai to lb*** eolaaaa.
J Haad Caoibf to ML
-bHwaa A. K. .Blachaa sal wHb
Wbbbu *<(d4«tl UK BatardAT
■ la vbMB tb* mat of hi* rtbbi
M* badlT araabad. H* aBdark to UMl tb* ball nutolH aa kl*
Ml* th* B**l BBikal «haa M
MM* **to»t la tb* bait^
IHM Of*r tb* paOn la iM
K|M hM tead «** h*d«**B tb*
■to* to
^ Mat "to^
•to toMf* toaabiaafT, at*
^ . «B wMM bV beM* an
lT«r M bat to* ia^ to a .rarr
i «M *•« vU totortr* Wto af to*
ilM totod tor Bto* UtoA
toto *f
Utoi war* baU iaaaM
__ at ( atotaak tram lb* r*to
I to* to*a^ aatotolaatoaMtotai '
*' '
to* toat aad I
■rir«t*««* «a» MIB. AdaUb
■Wtoabad baaa a ptoMar
--- ..
■■MtoSiaSitoMy— Mad^bto^-' I. ratal ird. IMt, al
M* toto. Mb tottto. aim
jy ttotoafi aai actoto an <
baadi r*
y toftot to to* *M
barMd to Baatta
. aM'
S?*baMtlfaJ toMi
AM kaatoto Of to*
£1SV.,w:uru. I
r H, Tnrara* Baj fill* L. O. T. IL.
_ _■ tottdifa amapt OB* «*i.iMtto aad Hn Clara ■..WUUaan. a <0 atMd tb* toaaraJ. Hr. Pt^ 1
by t«e b
Bn*' tony of «M toM tb* aal^ iBiilrad _________
taatlr. aad a aaMar M
‘ ■
toto mall baftaalBX thi* dr*« bi
hat ima to bo oar of tb* larfoti l>
Nottbar* Htebicaa. aad bit pstovB**
uaddad Car boyodd tb* ODBaart n
ravara* Ctiy.
la Ittt Mr Jobaaod araelad tta* tub-'
aUdUal briek blaak vhlcb ba* *tM,
bt*d to* tocdUod ef to* btMliMt*. Mr.
pdaad aa oa* of lb*
la tbto part o
Od Dae. II. mt. Mr. i_____ ____,
■btoad la mrTtoa* at Mptrv. MMto.
to toto* Jaaato C. PaUaraoa. vba baa
baad dear* la eborah rTafk may
yaara. nr* y*ar* ape tbay ocaetad a
bBidaatot ruaUadM td BLxtb ativn.
vbtah bdt atoe* batd tbair bon*.
PofUtoally Hr. Jobaaod vat a rrpub-1.
edb. «** <d too** loyal Man vboar: '
.JBB**) Bbd good todmaal vara U
vaya to to ruttod apod. H* «a«
alaitdeb aad tn>* 1* bU eoartetka*
aad teeotaltad'aa aa laporual totu
oaoe la bl* party. H* va*, atvay*
aeUro tad rrer told Ihr prtarlplr* of
bto party a* aanvd
Uo menu to but ivo mioraal a»|
edottoo. to* Peratcr* aad KaUbU edj
a* a a^
BKoaedlaA Croat aomv
• p to carrytoc oi
ly. yrt toak*
dku tor thoastlrBi
totamlt.. a plae*
bu«te«*a aad aortal rtretoa. and I*
la ttb*
ad. H* *aa na<y '
haaru of..................
all vko kaov ibMB.
ibrna. ihai
lhai Ul
BaaUiaf tor*. Latoa
B tb* laaa tocMdl*.
tar-BotiadMn. CS^. «Mb>« ef Jot
«STu bar hoaa* la Sitoir* BaM Hartotoaakdter aaMt*d.Cinafam- Ito ta»* or cr«at rtobe*. Hr. JotaaoB
■n. rto. tolb. ai t:M a m Bba aatoy
Maurtal' balp at aaadad. Hr
' <r toatat'
r Mr. JoktoOB froa bto aariy
cariy »w
boy- ,
W aat
*Ml«ar*r—““- toda abMrfal
abtoffal aaaaar aad dry baaof
bound to hla to thej
to* Mr toaU vat B abac* u
tor !fitoato Hr*. LbBb*'*
ef aay
$1.75 ;hf(E,
tllhMin JubBti'u
0*kl*Bd rouBty. Hleblcas.
ibrr. Jobs R. J
.. ABioiM Aaaa: laaae
taal Bird.
Obbrtoa todto. WllUaai Batin
maty. »at bm
____ .j Bad rraak yaaBol. HI* bbc
I*. . Jiia*
.ibpr aiul atotber
«be tod tb* B*ntaa. to oaeo
-nibPr. JiMpb g
proatlarai »*Mb«i* f tbr
Id Datrolt.
Tb* ••riy III* of J*B*t
**• aptot upoD hto t*ib*r
•a* *MW aad taara* Un* taraU«n. h* va* brouabt to tbit ooui
•too*. HHM aad Jobo H* Atoo pareal* *b*B b*t *U year*
todf** ton* auuTtad atour*. ton. dartat lb* dIb* iBoc<*«dla<
Madatla* Tbuat. Mn. Mart* f>*rro« tndMl tb* dtotrtei tcbool
aad Hr*. PhUatoaa* m»a**. Hto tan bad dDrlac tb* ocbar
tatbar «a* a hlaUr itopaMd ladiaa. d«Tot*d bu Uat* to won 0
Am oppenanlty *a* ue«R>l
«bo dtod a f*« r«an a«o.
A waod«*> eroa* tr* toot blih «**
aneiad at U* baad of tb* fT*T*. It pmaiptlyoB
Ml It <
biB* tb* toMTlptloB. -1»M, r«b t*. dcrotad bit
UBtly to ItaniIBI pbamary. Wbll* *ladylat
pba^ I
aboai W ladtoB. I* ai- BMoy b* pat la a amt d*al of IIm In 1
r*Tl*vta« lb* ttodto* of hU *eboo]{
ttodabe* of tb* aarrtoat. A i
day* aad «afaed Bseb khowMie tbal I
at itoto «an >■ Ttaron* Oltr
daf *to»a| baibMi aad atbw t
b* bbd »to*M darlB« bit yoaib. la I
IU3 b* aai«r«d late panaanhip v
to pa; tb* axpaaaaa
Jaat* W. Uarray ttadar tb* ftna aai
of Jana* O Jobaaod A Co. and tb
Moehad up a a*at Ultl* draa ttor*
Bobaat rtorea. *aa .*f J*b«* aad toair on Mr. Jobbood derotod I
attadtioa to ih* baaiatat <dd of tb*'
Btoabatb P^. -M oa* of •
..................... bl* partdar, tba rva^4tb. ttsi. totand pbamadat
it oof lb* dm looked
wbM babaara-
I •«**** Id BML* Sb* «M
■ nir !»«-> ODr
’letlcall) pn>*r«ulkc
S11U.-0 *b« <»mm*o(tMl bim uo1> ibp
ro*p«-i bill ihp hl*hr»t nwaovixv *1111
bp PDlIre MimDunUi
I niiomuiili) Mr Jubn*ao
to** r*Bk«i1 vlth Ibp mo.t auporulu:
Wlablp *Uil lub.IiDIUI
Aud B» P«ll
rbarltablv or laOurlrUI purpoxpjoeipil
On ihp r>>Dir*r>
Usl >• OOP III Lbr Bu.i ll»
.Made up Ilf t.ood Sen uralilf
l.caiher. heat j or lnjht dre»- >o!t.-*
11 you ctnnet lut sn< el tb«*« atrmtBI* i* yew evn lauiily.
there »re eeme niDe perbap* are »iai«led *e tbal they cm *w
lake atuniaae el Ibi* ener. Veu ceuM net put year meuey M
belter u»e tba* te present Ibem aUlb sae el these osmieMs.
heeK: a >iho«- that \immIU '<-I1s
MISSES'uo cnuffimmES
Odd» and endb that uold
from $1.0(110$1.5U --
ln»ure DRY FEET during the break up. Have
them in MEN'S. WOMENS and CHH.DHKNS.
it Pays to Watch Our Bargain Counters.
And i«rt rw- we b«v* mauy tbin*i tfcai ,m. want and to* *rte«* am thr c
■t •>** seme -ar* barpa.m.
Seiler of Good Shoes.
.1 ym wot a •*•* bat CHEAP
Trw -,*Mo ter
pr,« we ar, ml trtat
le carry thv lirw any m*re
in ordering a sack of Hannah
sack today.
tto aaa vboto 4(*lk
tofttoad. N. T. 0*L ». mi- tor. t*ri a*«*d raan na-Bt td* Una
Baa a*d*d • tom vtobto to*
'to at CBtona kad to* allMto^ —...... .. ....
aastda* Id drt**d om to a taalt.
hto itopuaw* v«> *r«
praanpl add Ub*t»l to *T*ry vorthy d»
aa>d tom bto Oa* or atna Hto
laltb tt tb* totur* ef bto city, bto laur«*t
and* bla a
« OBtoM «b*a h* balB to*
toddtr to aB *ft>tt tor tb* adraae*_________ m tofBto Atoar. Tb«r aaM
Mt cf «b* bn*laaa SM*W*s of tt*
Jtos OaoM vara to* adly vbH* tatHMnOto abar* ef Uto totohBi*
ABM mtoM aito to* ladiaa* batvaaa
•tad Aibar ABd to* Baato toaalm told*d. Hto «0td*M vd* trvMy]'
aad <d to* roar*. Mr LaBa* «a**d
aM tto l*d*t of toad tt Mitoa aaaab' - Arbor, ton a dar- * _ jdH add bto mtdAL tod* to bto
Brad to M to*
•tfvdc aavftottoM M ticbl *ad RaUea.
Ud* to bto tbiJIy *dd bto OoA. Hr.
JbtoMBi Urvd a Ml* ef b*d**t «dAaaiw, ef ta*d*« inbliyiai; a Bto
U y*u Cod yaar tto* y** p**
Th*M pete** bMV
Order a
It will help you make better and
Doat w.H BMM
haeper ewa* brtar* y«i .atert yaar wM
.r s*t*ctteu. W* aav* m
« *r to* «wy latoal WM
papers. Thar* • a dwtlnclwei adM<t *ur papara *M alwayu tewte •vMyvriwe*. W* ar* h*m I* towte am •>
aaper* and a
Jvrt whrt wmry *n. hm baa* tarttiag ter. Th***
- k.-drt-rt,*.-.rt.
a. pramtem pimeaw pte-
aa< teto af evam te wrtea Hrtl
to p**a MMtod
• Vtert <* J «dt bavNOteU pm*a wMwd Id* bay. T«^ *•■ «* •*
ClK Smelt el
eotiflhs and eolds.
a aaav^ latovbta.*ddto*i*vdd*ad
*y; Sd*w*dda.^
f AS tb*** Itom ar* road todis vID
i dta tb* *y*rM *tna« a*d vbo am
8 B*t Ibva mtat wort, and lkn*rtn*t
• au tbto rwtaa tb«r* vlU b* d*to ***■
nrv la aaw baa**. *1 tov aid to
Notbata HtoUcaa bad a vU*r rtieto
tBM Mrry th*eu *»*r.
tlw blM**t b*raa,« ef uw yaar.
Lay Co.'s
1( is easy to learn whai it will do.
We emtiP rtod*r
r Uto
toll* •?«
•?« ter
ter tba*.
«h**t mve,
n***r b*** dimlicM** n*r itev* Ua mallttea.
whiter bread.
hiM. aad hto tot* to
. Leapt,,.
Tm*« ar* r*9ui«r M-OO i.eU erW th*, *r* ••MU wMr^
abl* -..to
Tb. eirthlaa AtoM-
LMk at tK*ae:
rt b*«* *M ter ^ to*M *m rartto Wa iwm fla* l■r■■*l Bm w* imm mar «wrted. •**»*«•■■
•mprtM. aartsMihn wntorty ewte. Tb* B*«y Brvaaato aato WMtov V*te«to W* b***«M. Vaa. wd
. tor«* atta rvd W* brtru •
. W* «*■*« to adavr y*v ear eaapato add n
Expeennot-Uooey back if it don't
help jroB
Wdiit’to PrusS^orm
. ; G-ei ' ■ ■
'.to 'Ja.-. ^
vUl be al4n»o alitr toet.
Hera Woaa.
____ _ aotOT fcr Um fatoapt dar- OMarbMoaa ol au«ata or* aei
a U topic for Marcfe «th: ‘X:»rtar <
«r tka nrat Patfd|ka^«^,-*^** ** •• J**>***^ .^1
ifcc aunu tf Ufo." lmU€.
RM-J OaoM.
iMoUa autMtl «M«naiMi • hv of
ItafM* WMsndv an«rwna *t(k tto bar Hiue trtMda tan Vadoradaj o> rS' tu a *aubBli thrVaeaUuB'ID tkr pku^. Tkm'a aothlas lo al
Im la kcaar «< bar oerMtk hlrtb'la;., paa.'.
cure dlaordata of lha ttrar a
at Ike aprlni elaclkta.
Anneal t«>ofab>a ertatloi waa roeai.l
«oB« tB NorlhlKtK
EatraabMU «arr aMraH Tbuib < Tb< rr- are a'njaJj lao r«pit»
CIU *«n tMiu <H Hn. a
Grand Traverse Region.
U«o. H. liartk
**A eu»»»«lo«:tM an
MU about Mlaa RoivoMi'
to tkto Pte «t CHrtauioa AHM
vM trlaMuc at Mn. Bd JI«Oooc'>
tmr* taai *aok.
tootr aad a«arilr« aerr
vreUlea at UaBlattQar. hot Ibefa
pvateai all arouad BadI
' acrtalB fartk« lu lb.- loao wbh
t,A« I aol la lyoipaikj «lih I'ltker, aaa aa a doaa ijncaa It dUprla
‘ nraub a (bint papa. «U! be .tart.
aalarU s<-rm.’ Oal> Sa^ aa.
tloa suaruiveO by Jaa G
aerdol tcl BHd aWui I
iMi Wrada;
„ atien Ormy'at don't SHki'
Cl®» WUJlun* U vdiT P«»'J
luralHk »B.I- Hadreeh-'Headlos
eb be aatr a
aerrr.1 All an- for.llally
«ant,. nf t£i.
jf Mom bad U
A >dl> salberlBi .maeuibli-.J at Ibe
Owj, at^ai
e mlderoi. k ol Oaa.a > ^ak^p' lb S'l^ BM^-.
Tbr AiKeBllata b. 1.
bum.- ol Mr. Jane Wrtale) for <bW turf Ikf frtppf Utrly. 1^1
el»«A^,.T.*V-it aurpri.ins 'heir bu.te» .ui,
Hr. A f
1 have r>er> u> pri
tVilMdwe al««dr.i bei^nbfl
Several uaeful iuv.eai. Ibai ibi- ma>... My.
to put la aa the bi
rb ai U«l tAka Subdat
pr^enied. alter «falcb .«wef
»m-.inl .bo
DMeUlBS. Uk le BB.
e Weal Cvdar ftuL acbool baftaa
rrvJl. AmoBS iborr iireM-.i .ej.- al-lx.-afaio' .i ibe O
K-llf mad lafutt
It the hen *i,d I
I olij. Ml.. Harrball aa tearhar
« W «HwB Ml*. Bmnta Wtli'-o ,'b- 'oion- .uloa.
Bc-adtui eaJIM
f un *«.>k
John Sroll. Mr. 11 l.Mlle. Ur. J I
lia- Ibr u.o.t p..p ilar l.«nltBt C \V>nhw>p bet.. Ur. Jame. Kebi Mr. CJ
bou.e Id I'eDivrtille. l.euitiU beiB.
Wn.let Mr. Kd K.-bl and »1r. I
iciumtr v<HI to tUK bfuke ii|> laat FVIdat
Ibe .l.e .J bl. Iamll>. .bleb l> * lance
Rua. willobr* ba» bean bavla*
-%al« al Leeunue lot k fa* day.
I oiiBil. r (ban the ta»|.a<et. L»>. .-an.
AiuuA Bartletl injuri.i bt. rlsio ■>
I m eaooboasd a d oakUa to ra- eUckea poa f. r ib.. laat awk
•bile batidllM m- ia>t .eek
■ fur orer a aeok.
al rrarv 8uod») .-'vnlD* hereafter
Mm Tnylof, »«.•
ib,- cl.lei .•
r Kofera aad famin asd MUi • •
Beer I ( ibe <ar Cerr< return-d li
Wlllo. Cleivlaiid. aberv .he «eBi le i-aek
D ca’.l..d I
hc.o.eh..ld looda
i„. Is aien iBka a
Hlaa Delta Crain la (I'IBS
Mr and Mr.. \V It
rraak •aUtrao aaarly MOl
at Ml Erlsli r a nnv
(atned Gray'. urebi..ir. Ia.l Kri
III. brotbrr caochl
> pai--i
Rev. Tiudie praacbed at the rbapal evujlui
Is kite waa talllai:
1. (n>m .
Kev and Hr. I. I'
maniNI Hoo- Ian kuDday miirolni
. deMUiKH ..u
lobnaitai baa x»Be O 8ahlD Ha... .Ill .pnk ...1 saikio.l
Oetcse Job!
ere they hkre
Stale lluBIC blta.ViU. lu be (taiKla fe* daya «Uk Mra. H«rt»ra > *<*k fur P
• ouoa un-li.rd.
cbiitrb Tu«.ila>
Sku^ Itab) BIcclin Htlbar
KHa H—tic. AdeHM »i.a a>M
WWr Spaacte aad U
( J Tb. UaT
\ rial II Ihalr k
Don't take a leaky boat or buy a "Wltd-Cat*' Piano.
Take the safe course.
Piano will protect you on every point and so will
its makers. Did you ever figure on the cost of
keeping your instrument in tune.’ Tuners will
tell you that the Kimball needs less attention
than any other piano. Reason? They’re better
constructed. Save on your tuning. Save the
d-etailer’s profit. Factory prices and very liberal
o| Weriofd
gaaday «Uk Mra. BOckfa parMra. WUaoa. kara.
rrlak la TWlHt Mat4( •> K*
Lovta Wllaob la dravlbk U«t for V.
Mra. SalltraD Are\»eala
«( klr. aad Mrv VIMdr flaaday.
1. BI- telllBS tl
•n loK A Nela<«
1(. a |IH.
Hra. Beroard aaa
a calll
OertlelfUbblit i
Mra Bd lAraub
Bon. to Hr. aad Mr. Adul|>b Joba
HMa Hand Vaa Blarioooi. fU kM
M aye ran raaeb Iroa bar.
The lodltb. werti
~Bw iHata IHIaer iM Qraad Hapida
U. HUa»- St Akfell laat vaak
cowira eelMtalpad a
Bf^«l.|BOl.la plaaiabily tor
r—. onklw^
^S^kl Sayln of Tianne C>ir
nlftttolsiJ U-
UTlas I
aad ra
ibroufk (be Ice Ian week
IhrM loel thiek
e are la >
r ItiinaB I
04. iBdlani a
. ever
r n>BS.
ir r.eelDS ar-nln-
1 ib^ bav.- to heap
AM Ffcwwbte Bernard «i
oref Snaday with bar tolbi
l^e View aad Lobsrtot
uk loaewaa tkli w^r wit
QuUsatkb* tuBdU.
r^^Muikt a bold, by
Our tkaw
tooM of It
Hr* Chai........................
taWed (be oUar tey ud It bM
''fc. Ui
*5ima WopyofcB **i home frwi oi-
1. »wfc
ttotrrboMI.... rue In. . t-K...
. ... loOedarrestarday.
' WMih.
tost wa
____ ha*B
are^Bow aasrly
aaUreU btoebaSwd. all
baa bM aoapebdad h* wvar a waak.
ua aiorm betas bo tmvera asd ao
BBch bard wtod It I* tnpoaatkto
Uoa ft Tra.etM City
ke«p tb* road, broku out.
« tee kate tost araadc.
nM tootoarUd aarvloa tor Hn. Fred
DwB. who «lad ao aoddoaly <d d' '
therla two waaka aso. waa baU a(
M. K. ohsreh of Oraat. fpk. S
• K r. tk toSit troto Hmm i. -
baa sot baua abta le let Ibfoash hr a
uBb*r of day* oa aeoouat of tbe
duhii Nosulrkr. bo
ladlBB. litius
woal uf borw bwt hla h<iu.r |.) Sw
WBdBvuday Bisbi
Thv C K. tapir (ui Uarrb sih
It,,. ,
Cfail.i Still, tbu Btoriu. of Ufv ' l.«wd '
er Tlua Jubo
MtuluB Btuily rlB~, .a. >.-n vatrnalaed
by Ur. A ,
Sl.vru. Uit Tu«d.) vvrnlu*
.Ill BKwi wltb HIM 'Haa J<d>D|
___ TuBitUu v'cbIas T'bv follu.lBsl
paper. ar\- bclos preparwl. •'Ca»ie."i
TboBia*. -Porlusal. Oalbollc'
HUtIuBi." HIM UBdlvyi ~bai iBdIi
Ouinpatiy." MU. Clara Tbotnaii. Sv
poy Rebtlloa.' Him k'lumA' Wliwui; I
'-Hiyptark MeeilBs 'Tina Juba; 'Utel
of Manlu." UbbU OuatafTi "JudKin
aad OunpABy." Rtitb Steves., "IJtv of
.eb«r" Mr.
A Sleveo..
-Ll>i- of
uff." Ovu OoTywu.
Ob<- of tbe *T*4le.l M.ctal .-tent. ,«f
>« M-AMW took |>lac Ib tk<- lawo hbll
laat UoiKlay evealBt. tbe oi«a»lun bv111 WathlBroo'. blrtbdb)
A ivcdiv
tloo riJ bADBUM wa. atieBd..rt by oter
too propiv' WbbUbsIub bad tody ao.l
tbe lower ball la the furm ol
aasle. with (be dl.tiwatohed sucala at
Ibe bead of tb* table TW- laeau waa
aert ed b} boy* ooMred aad dre*Md In
knee pant*. T*e prucram wa. r|ndrivd durtas the prosieee of the meal.
After an lavooatlua by Rev. 1'. 0. RMb.
Prof. J F MaUtoW*. loaitmalter. wa*
latrodorad by Rer. 3 Deel. aad save
The Baaqoet Toaal.'- A pleaalos dsat
by Mtb. E a Hem aad Mra. 3 D
DM* “Tbe Land of tba BwoUowi.'
toltowpd aad wa. b*al«Ry ««««red
Oevfe Waablastoa Ban hU toaal
'Myaelt.* whteb waa followed by *
Stole Quartet. Mr R A. Bum. Boy
Bank. PMf. 3 r. ‘Malbew* aod Dr
nalMk. Rev. V. Q. Rich tkea sare bl*
laaat. -HttotodOtb Oourtbouae aad
T«rblo.-B.- foJtoWfH by a ptoao diet
Hr*. Mary Ooddird <« lb* NptOM
Cgy HIT* wa* rlasted dala^tu W attcB tba biesBial eottvetRios Best Jass
Mlaa ttosle Yofsc dsafhtor tl Ms
1. Ratotay. who ka> kaea dUfurMSly
lor aoBia tl»a. t* tomwkal taattor
tkta wTtUss- We hope ake will
.M be able to be oat acato. Batla Se^u^^'e A^toytoa.
baa kara a pwat aufleiwr lor
•The Lartlea-'
tlB» whh aa sknat la bar bead.
_ . r by Bve
Elder Baraea-asd wlte hare
-eeitos a oM Mead* lo OopaaiMh asd
Ctoett etoawlI lb*
tbe stosTaa.
frosTaa. “to-aebtos
^■rta Waaford Aid toot Mtth Mra. Utob Real Bolt.’ It wa* «:B0 wbea
re acated al the ubie
tb* sent*
Blta^ Oorsell toat Friday. Tket*
feau etaaed
aad abea________
nd Btaay Ihere a
had atraok ooe. Mwok credb
tb* M. a eboreb ladle* lor tb* tobo*
tavolved to eertloa eueh a muHliude
Tbe detail* were manased by Rev. d
D. Deet* aad the pitwMd* wlU
the WlltuB cottas* Tneeday aft-.
MtB. H Ctoytba I* QBite
Mr*. (Mria Uadatoy to i
C. B. aad OUlbrd ' Fr
. MToee Oty Batarday.
^^MTB^PMdlaB WataoB la.os the alek
TtoRed Htoa Con Piv Batarday sa4
B*adayMra. *d OktodeoBtos to OB the alek
r. retvBlBs la tha laaolas
On Fblrhaoka
le eily Tta-------1. Itw Vtaipy Md B. tied at A. B. Fray'e Fftday. .
dad Ike baMM at Tmt. Claruee PblrkaBlH. Mho baa beoo
. ^reobytbeKO. T. M. M wtrbtostotkekoHhborkoiHfcrafew
wwaka Mnwed bone to Tisnewe Ohy
le orer Snadayte ^
m. Preattoa waa kwe OoH Ular.
b OTw assAay.
Bh SttM WUltoaa. who la taaobra*aol aav M<«roa Oealar. to aWc
I baa beau uBabla to toaek fur ataaa
W. atoe utobl. to |at hc»e. «o
to to bear of bar a»eady laeeirea
from Fareeil wnb lhe ead
other', death.
Aan* Brooabewd- to so btolto
tht* WTRlasTb* Brut (hayr fsrwtoe hoodrod day*
leafTWd Sasday.
X a FbUbaaki vt Tworsa OO to
ta the ans^orboad ttto troeh
Wanwo Fray ta able to bhM a^
aRer two »OBtb*' akkaaaa
Fat Ikryd aad dame* R
worfchis (« e B. Pray.^
IVI-. SSi-<-l Muv.
Special march Sale
up lUvil a.I.i-rU.lBS
Ic- pck-pK- 1..
u, .,-lltc |.,i d.-»ll. u.i
Si- Uu>. K-utl-lllkli .
■ n,i B.k u. 1“ K-"' b‘
N.w SMk F.. An Old On*—M-
fxib.i K. Ibv '.a.1 t«rk
l.auKlii!ii ,
I .*• iroablei .ub
rep.l..red tm- u.ta.rabir
mmuioii wlib rlu-jB,
at 'im*.
pal»>"i '
Mawday to
I ba* retorsad troa Wtoto.to wbare b*
be o
iftsl ■'
bta' tiictoibou"
Mlt* CWUa Steele aod Htoa FWkard
ere Cv^e o* Mr aad Mra TT. H.
BierO# tbe Brat of G
Hra Saatoe Boaaa
Mra t
la Detroit
HtoWsas »!•
sezt year.
birda tbmiBbCold wtoitba
on Ike Math
Rural mall dtreetory <d Sbstaaw
eosaty toauad.
Labwar to_____ iw Qssrriaa ee
oaaty tatored wblto atMtoidtos
'«ard morlas Irsto.
BSUle Crwtoi nxipto. a«ad Cl aad dh
Uek ed soal eauaed BKbaaas
. lM-l,inplii< ii. li.bn
torm uvar Uvuuuii
ihrw p,r(«ctl}
.>1 .bk-ti. bow
.0 boar
Tbi. Miu,
aitbOD(b lb.-> were
lh<-y !,.• ,1l.--i
-1 ».. Biy wb.il.- lift u> liurdock
BliKid llitlor*. tb-rt-rvil.m. %aift i.,
ervvl Biv bodv
I ..-..uinO bejv>n.t cui
a U B ba. mad* an- . pnrliwily w<
..............ia> H.itini. iwrv.i:
iiufp arv alreadi
i--r day ceiebrattoa
> lUtea DO drllBlii......... .........................- I Ibr prtmr mover.
tbeaMlvn »eein to have ajme doubu
aa to the adviaaumy uf puilisc vnn
■ark moav) In ibr pnjvei
, , ,
cure, eure thr\>ai.
croup, calarrb. a.lbma oever (.11*
Ced.r Laad RIvwr Om aad *ee-l
. flowltt
diiiv-n-ent. lo aetllere ..o
.bo win
will k.o>i.k
there tbe cutolas euauuei
Wood'* t
maedy I
Clara**. ,
walttas ftw esaalas
aawed wool l« korf
to cwilar. Heart tiUara.
onto asd wild dweka h
Qraad RasUa -maa arrrrtad for IH
reatmeal a( stoa-yearnU ae*. raar•aaled tee toem otasltostftoelaoo yetoeta tekmt to the Fewt
Jwim Kslsbtt o' '•-^etoromea iban i .- oonaeil to tb*
UsHed BUtob.
Traaot otoeer* afito parest* a
ehtlCiMi at Laoatos Owe baadred ai
iHk! ihc\Vi: AKE sf
iu|.leu- '
e-.l jn.i iiuisl
ol Cook
Kangt ». ell . ever shown m
Traverse Cit> . in atiythmn
you lOuld jHissililv want
Our Cook Stote. c.vromenre with No *v I’eniti.ula
I rium[>h for
tolto. luiiaoi
At aay drtis •
Our Fine Cine
Of Steel Ranges comiiienve wirh a good, -ihole, steel range, with
cncaMid reacnoir and
high shelf. 14xlV inch
oven, will burn either
coal or wood >*ha» two '
grates, one for coal and
one (or wood), well
made, lined with asbeslob. guaranteed to work
Dcrfectly. our Dr»«« '»
only................• ■ - - 25.75
Next, with high warming closet, enca-^d reser
voir. for -
(the very beat steel range made I. for only
ToCnro B CoM in One Day
->O fU
By looking ahead a few week*. If you bu> before
March 15th, we will make you a present of the follow
ing 3-coated blue and white steel enameled ware'
With any «ove from $15-75 to $355-75 we will give,
free of charge, 1 enamel teapot; 1 enamel coffee pot.
like cut; 1 enamel stew kettle, like cut. I enamel tea
J. w
Whole^le and Retail
\ ou can get prices anywhere aod come in and com
pare them with ours, and you will see that we can save
you money.
It Docs not matter
If you do not
ail the money. $5 down wilt do.
We have a full line of $-coated Uoc
aod white enamel ware that we are
making someiCspeciaUy good pneesoo.
Water pail, w^iie lined, (b ahrayt aeai
and clean)........ ......................... only 67c
Tea ai^ Coffee Pois from......... iBc up
ViV have some espedally good boirgaiiis
some Wash Bowbu Tbeyj^ extra larffc size.
We are making a -speciai price on tliein of 19c each.
Ole JIre Sbowtag
Vou Can Saw Some money
neceisarj' facilities
for Mioding money
to rU pam oi the
world, and without
danger of loss.
U ith any stove or range over $2.V75 we will give you.
bcMde- the al>ove. 1 enamel dish (>an, S enamel pie
l>lates. enamel I qt. pudding pans. If you wish to
iltAitgcao) ol these pieces for anything else you wtU
be 4t lil»eriv to do so. This will make you a fine outlit which will not COM you a cent extra.
1 |u*t offer them to you as an inducement to buy he^
lore the spring rush begins.
lung tin to At Mie d cook Mow
roiild" want for •
W I i.ii.lt ourselves on oui Steel Coc'k Siow.Mcel lOok stoves will last longer, do l>eUer
vwrl. and not horn half the fuel that cast stoves
\Vi- have sonicthing in steel cook stoves
iivdt no one. else .an show you.
ime neat steel cook, will burn cither coal or
wood, has two grates, one (or wc>od and one (or
coal, wi ll made, beautiful finibh, ash Dan. oven
.iimr .'roDs down same as range, all lined with
.tsbesu,'. Uvlit inch oven, \\ e arc seUnig 'his
Same stove, with Urge encased co,.iKir rcservo.r,
we are selling for ..............
Nevi M/e liuiy inch oven, for................
Same siove, with large encased voptvcf reservoir.
Every' one guaranteed to tjivc Miti.faction 1 hc»e
are the best st ,ve bargains that have ever been
. 16xl» inch oven, burns either voal o
wood. I
Next, has very large oven IsixlV inches, for only.34 5i>
•I'he ncx, k a sreai, bia-. h«a. ) range wih lol. oi
nkklc on. high closet, reservoir, for •
b«lly rured.
M-W.W (Aekma.
,r ^o.hU we jiu; i.u; ik>w bettvre the >i>r:ng
irM ot It
.Aiier ihi- .pting trade c>i>ena up
'.lie ahead you tan save a dollar in every ten
1.J ou: oh which voo can ■Uive front $i.Rl to
I'ti Stove., Steel K.inge-., Lcri'cl. <
ni.li tomcnccb i» worth In i>trr tern
wt- have more than wv ’ an .lo .o it
Beside, that vve have .ontr good. '
'ill in ever^ ten dollars.
™ 1.
beM bl tkU ptoea twUrOky All dv
Tbe costoUiea Ure a food pro«rani
ChAitoy »ma lAAuteriHi *nb a vaiy
bad nwck. He eoiltbi aeai all tk«
ra«an>«l trar Lsstlas
I-' \ rr\ iliink; m 'i
a> lotiu..: Oeueral Owryv Wa.btnt
loB C. B Souti. Martha Wi.hluftoB.
Hr. WiB K Robaftaka; Juho Adam.
Dr A J Mcrball; Lady Adami. Uia.
O. K. Belt: Heorr Kaoa. Richard
Batimberawt; Udy Kbiu., Mr.
Monthy: Tboina. JeSvraoa. Jobiaa^Ken
gaU MlUa wpeal Ibe day with
sedy. Jr.i Mdy JoSenuo Mra.
0111; Ahuander HamlllOD Bam V
_ H.
«. «.»u..e■•ei
McMuilea twtare«y2awrdjy
tar: Mdy HatoUloa. Mm. AuhB
Manns -wlM* be attooM Ike pan. Tke IM boaaaa are an ailed Haibea. taucaat ookioBMa of Uic
Wta seod. eteaa ke. Tbe cake* of leaare too tone to baodle eaatly
. a. wki
W. W. Kimball Co.
129 Front St.
-pooipaBl.-i iivr
nurda) K.-i
- I- K. n>ta.ion>
ii\i I . i-Biwralhuiei:
Nuribiawt had
day u. Friday
Ml. Ida Bsdd ••-n
lie culdMl li
III .later
adeB.} J
■uo* Mile,
.\n cxceptkmaiiy laige and complete lioe of Carpeto,
kugs. Art Squares Mattings, Oil Cloth,Linoleums.,
Buying, as I do. for three stores and giving my per*
serial attentioD to the buying, enables roe to get the
very bottom priced. l)omg the enormousbusioeBsthat
we do enables us to sell at a very small maigia. That
IS the reason you hear so uiany say they' can save motvey at Slater's.
Hemp carpets.................. IQi . 15c. 2(tc aod 25c per yard
Pirsi class, good wearing, fast colors carpet, beat
iilul pattetiis. for.......................................... $5cc per yd
A good' heavy InOTin Carpet for.
\ gtx>d Carpel, all wool except war
•A good All \\
ool Carpet (or......................................65c
Lowell's All Wool (the best and hne« all wool
carpet made),........... ...................................... tmlyGac
.A beautiful Tapesm’ Carpet for.................... .......... 65c
•A l<cauiiful X’elvei Carpet for........................... ....... 76c
.Avminsicr Carpet...................................$1.25 and $l.oO
' We have several grades in a large assortment nf^
styles between these prices. Sevew remnaou and
close outs that will be exceptional bargains now.
We can show you anything you want in Kunand
.An Squares All sizes and designs of SmyToa iKugt;
reversible, same on both sides; beautiful pailems. nm
bright colors.
Our prices commence at a rug lf>x5C* • ............. . 7Sc
.A nice large rug. 2 ft- 5 in by 5 ft. for oaly............. 2.^
A rug 8 ft. by- 6 h. for...........
........................... U6
6 ft- by 9 ft. for only ...................
Beautiful Velvet Rug. 2 ft. 3 in. by 4 h. 6 im, only. .2$0
A beautiful Axmioster nig. 2 ft. 3 in by 5 ft. 4 ' -6.25
3 ft by 6 ft., for -. - ......................................
A beautiful \NTlton Rug
$6.76 aod $6$0
Large Rugs, all sites and siy'ies. An Stjnares. all
sizes aod nyTcs. l>oor Mata, all sizes and styles.
Lintdeums aod Oil Ckohs ia all grades and at bortom prices.
WE CAN SAVE YOU a lot of roooey on anything
you want in your home.
craK tnfmc loaM rVSarJXr
m IK MBT CM«a «M CtlM
TIE CUE mn sm
Thm^ ho Ml Waek ttw chMMl ni(-' that «w MtJra city «m h—«Mh aiW
IM I Mat a lar«t Mrtlan af
MMtIy to lm#«At «kt t
fill! aaatiM
Maa haaa to fa. ■aWala
'tiM hMll arulMf*. Ik* hi
ha imM* te pan tha^. Ta ihia a«ta«t I •««« •j'fMaaa a«ra aMaala* la lar at*,
tha daah a«a aMPacafaL
Wlwt «a*a tha *,« har*aa-aa «•
btoarta* manr “ "**fM. Na* aky
aatrka an* tha thB>^ Waria wars
sifuek thraa thiMa. Mitral ■uarda
vara Mlla<-by tha b«rttlii|.sh*lla. TM
sivHiaM taah rafafa to tM aata part
«f Part Arthur.
: Wk RaaMa. Mich, Pah. M.—Mrs.
' C. La«la MO of tha aataawad ptoaaara
: of this plaea. died at t;M last aicbt
aaialyais <* the bovela.
Mrs. bavU om ooa
Siuv, Asa.. Oct. 14. 1901
BCD:—1 take pleasure ip sulioe
> you that I had luse troulUe
It confined me to my b<-J lui (out
1 took three t-ouKa ol
1 have aol h.i.l a
7 Discovery l>'t Consumption anii itt ciireO
enreO me.
1 heartily rt-runimenJ 11 lor
r all Lung Troulilea.
of tM heal
tore* *ooM« la this atcnoa. >'or 1
yaara tha kai baea an anersatlc
______ _____________ la thr
8t. PBall ehiuch I
aa a Ohrtatlao wwaai faisod tor a
a tore aad alacaco frletultbJp abb
was oaaucied by a oobtoatM of rhi
actor aad goatle dIaprwtUoD
her ouo chorVb fircle Mrs. Uewli wi
i.ia*in. Pah. SM-TM Japaaaaa amalao Ushly eatMBted aod b«r deo:
kam to*ay laaua* a atolamaat aayln*
tM *t|M>Maa Mat wMa IM shta
I Mid of Mr F»d
war* iwak to tM Port Arthur harbor oert SM «i I a cohslsIaM CbrtaUaa
and bM Ufa tr m staple aad cood
aSalM* Ka okiseL
Urt. Lavta rat bora Auc to.
k. ('
IM faailly e
•• 10 eik
I fall of IS«I
It. Lewta oohl mloert la the I’alted Riatr*
London. Pah. *A-TM fact of tM,
lu Paal
uBdoubtedly be ralM A|>ril 1
war hM ahtfla*. ARhooah tM Japa»-fi yeans, totll hit draU
wlBora asil uperstnrt vil! meet
#M Mat la atlll h
IMl. Hi3tb «ere loved
dIAll** Ibe II.
In IbtsI eeclloa.
r«y at tM »aUa af Port Arthur. tM;• by evfrybody
' elate "
•r buhaad Hr*
The U|>eratiin> Inidil It
MOM of frostoat Intoraat- hat bt«A
icood vork.
ahiftod to Narthara Manchuria.
ir mlBem *a> lh<-> *111
TM JapaMte Mva aalw* Paaaltt
»maltin« Induttry
■ay r* wllat aauth of Vladhroatak «nd
B. Lowit. forsaar M
BauJL 8le Marta, Fet. r<.- Au ei
lan«a* froaps marahtoa Inland to
Bapida Iroo OosopaBT.
rdmeol It belnc made
the MIcbl
strika tM railway batwaan Harbin and
lod vlth tM CBbaa Prodilueta Oos- .IB and Lake Supertor Pover Con
d vlib tM paar's pover bouse vlib the Hsicb
Hobart, alao
Part Arthur an* aavor oaraniunlaaUaa
,----------------- -—----------------------- .n Cuba at oleclrte ineUer today
II meceeMuJ
tbU UBw: Ida B.. Uetoo C. had KebM It vlll reTalulloDlie ibe rnieUlai
D- tM latur ifaror ttlll reaidiaf bora. dastry utd a bis plaai to eaiph
A cable ipeaaa«o vat aeot to the deed* ol meo *111 be ball! here.
was la Cubs Mi they eaanot foi bare
IB ttar for tM fuaeral. The date of
•aoul. Peb. I7.>-TM Korean •evam- IM faoorsi baa aol y« boon
Mrs. Levis vac a^eoaflaod
a^e ~
to ber
Mam baa *etided to order IM Koroan
balldlDs In the iprlcs
Ublll laai Satarday. bat abe had
troepe ta ioia the Japaneec to the MM.
tllBoas caused Tboata,
la poor haalib aeveral moaiba.
Cny, to so lB*ene.
TM Japaeaaa wioeroy af KoMt has
Factata SifMlort of
For Over
Thirty Years
LARGE BOTTLES 90c and $1.
Beats the
ht»otes[%slunCteefru»; MMMdRestCDMatesiietKr
FM coasuspnoii, couchs mdcouis
I to ahaah tM
ha* *va aum allaiiea*. TM *atoa«a (
ta tha toon waa aartoua. Om shall
atroet ai>l< aaehara«a af tha
The IGinl You Have
Always Bought
.™-rr‘" ■■'" ”*
r -“r “
■acaty aParta to caaar tM MavaMBto
For all DIaeaMB of Throat arid Lunss. Th*
Cur* that'* Doubly Cuau«nt*«l: Firat by
th* ProprMtora and Moottd by th* Dru^gtct
WMM «hlM
af tha toawafto. A*.lral Ta#a <a |.7^
. aaM ta hava ha* «a Waa af ra«ueiiw ! ^
Th« flr* wn smM kr • fM* Wn»I ht« M from < «MMr «W*h fM tlM
I •tovaltr. With • rMT tha «Umm
•w Um «MH aiW fMtM tb« bHlUin^
IM *V..V. 4.-..U.8 WiBS l» MKA i. tows St
;U .. H » Hi*«k.> ..I.ra raw tkstotosM
• 1. ' 1.. •ms. sU i* —Axs. C ton a tonk
i: stoi n.tototo*
h. tons,
ito -™ , g( ito to, -• mnM A ton a
to-i .r. to* sad k« k to.m II. saa iMAsac.
HMto* eiTas Saw
•'if,; S!£.
, ta
Punaral af Mrs. Lahue.
baan iMirvatod by tM mlkada ta praalata a oensmullon for that aauntry.,
Koroa wlit aeeorWnaly MM a eanWh
(aadly resldeaee oh Front slrecC Wedbutlanal ataarabiy M aoen ae har tarn-,
aeaday p. ts. at < o .
lory M aeeuple* by dapaneM fartaa.
A larte circle of meads aMCMbtod
II -fi--------that tM Karaan aawarar,
f.Ti.-JS! n^rss.1-55
Vtolunt and tM *avar«rMfit ara an- them. uktBi a part la tbair pMaaarM.
' tiraly under Japanew eantral. TM aa BdmbitetarUtg eamtan la Umea of
fMknaat roaldtM
TM Ooral oCerIss ver* many aad
baaattfBl. iM eaakec baiat Mverod
with towera, alao ataadias aadr waa a
larta Bortl daalca. TM Oatoa AJar.’btatf ^trtbhtoa of esteem from
TM Karaan army aumbats abaul
QiBiid Rapid* mao >iv
U. B A hospital.
Hoop Co.. Hoiucr,,
Preircilv.Qraad Rapids.
KsiUmaioo aua
buraips wife *iib cl^.
Judaoa Clark of nallonal
buicau, IntpecOn* wood* of *l
Uormoni will bold teml-an;
reaee at Battle Creek Feb.
UoaU PMeisoa aad U* dlvorood
17.400. wHk a royal fuard af ahaut **% Mtrhies ware (smdiieted by
Uao- U la wefl armad and a*u>PpK Ber. Botmss. attar wUta tM body'
Oraod Wee rtllase sued for W.WO
aiM. toUy aa (aad aa th» dapsnaai wat eantad to Maple Orovo
by woman lajurod oa defective sideand updarly Icwared - -Mmy CMaMtHnl its alM.
by tM sMe
*^ilce departmeat at Orand Rapid*
will rlsldly enforee Sunday tadooD
Amaai bar most Immodlsto tola•LbCKASINO PORT ARTHUR.
tires left to moura bar abeehoe are
of EMUl.
Chaa Poa. Pab. a7.->lt la Mportod two daasbears, Urt. Chrrto Bowers of
tan that tM Japanoaa
atlll Kmplto and Mrs Mary HeOaa) <*
N. T. aa* a son. Dr. riwk
bllihtatol Port Arthur, thara
........................I, MMb. alao CLaJtMoO
tsntap uMMla to tM btoakadtof Raat toltowls
n to atao rapertod that tM Huaaton Belby *
Mtabset Mav(k.pad AabaW wan
uomy *s»na|td by tM Part Arthur
Gam In the tataUa yaatarday rmntop
•artat tor OH.
Maataaa. Fta M.—TM
baliii tank by Thomas Oaresy of t
.SANK TWO dAP •«!«.
Pab. U—Mmlnl AtaiMR
Petoroburg thrt duripf baailas strata la tM OUo aa* PsaaPort ArMur Fob. ■ tM ■ylvaato SeUs hat Mae raataad.
the drlltas ny thay do aot «xps
a TM RuMlan dad oA at a lOH dWtans ihaa
dttad# baat took fotot* to Oalubmai* at tM rau of It torn a *ay. aad U oO
tap, mtars N was aMlM by tM dapa. axMs IM dilllars eemSdshtly
. Geabeal ......................
aa* saHors to dad It wUkla tM aasi three
U aaao M ttaa toiK tM drtUi
ibasa prHvs* at Chaa Poa. TMy are
uMa to a poita s^ two iK!
am aurvtoors ef tM torpodo ba« taat (ram tM proaaat ptaoa.
wUab tank la ths Port Artbur oatapsAa 1»«DM ralB of wollm
-coal bloMom- hat baoa
wbh^ H U statod. Bill
(y ef bKamI
• of a Tow h<
m Laat to iuslhasa taw
Thraa AarooBurat*.
■■tor. M. T. Psb.
A tf
tat wtoek started to tM I
MIelL. Fab. at.—TM BUM
awotina bare la eoaPSrttai wlik IM
BtatoPbram' lastMata. has deetad
meet aait year at Orsad Bapids ta
tfarsaea to galamaion, which
I’lalsvell ladlf*
>r Ihrlr ortslaallty.
>r eld ooa. thr auaethm af raUlnc
pitnle. Bat lb. i-nrr
the Aid Boeialy bs.> '
___ .-s. as
last sjwtBf Cbarlaa Lamber i>(
-atMl. ttkys the Ooldwatrr Coarlrr
plaatad aevetal raws of airly pouioes.
but MgleHod to dit ibam. A few dip
SCO M dus throush tM tnov sud
found tM sratmd bsnealb sr*r.*-iy
frasaa. wbDe the poUIOto w<-r«- In
■nueb better coedlUoa thaa tbry vnnld
tve beta tad ta dns them 1c ib.- lall
r look eat a'bnabel. leovini! sptc-rai
bushels more la this aatnral cold vtor.
After 14 years.■ BtoTTlad lUa, »
ir pHsonen in the >11
Vaa Camp. Port Hnnia. aska iw
______ ti
-krty altowaacc slonarles
Torem clatalDi bee yearly
*TOe taJtli ef Bandal MoDoaald of las to axplalo ibias*
All tbr
..aallac Ceator romlnds hto maay ara nfnae to talk to viitton. <
fiiaads la Alpau of his
to IMIr kheprra
Ufa. whk* woald b— Tbe new Pare
Marqueltr drpol
yaara bad hr Uvad a
which Is lo tM- opeord In Hki Cuy
March I. Ik said to be one of tbr Asesi
on tbe road, and those of (be dtltras
who have been cracklor fuaoy |ohra
the ekivness of tbe w
river—a trip
rasrtl 10 voodrr mb.' I
ler vllb tbe la
aaa op U
r a Uma the haul proeaeded i
-----------e (rttaB la for tM
w aaar tM shore of lake Bnpe^
Itorlas that kms wlotar ytams
____ jaald was left aloaa oa tM - I
oal tor weoki. while tba older a
• rare ■ • ui^toae
bars of tha party ware out My^ fan
____ .
of (be ladtus. Game at tMi Uma
WIN plaeUtel aad btdd. epeclaUy IM
____ ’ i
Oa oaa eeeasloe a wolf was
ao bold at to poM Ua bead down tM
L(ialiu,e w sporirsy I
SIS elieii lie ,eiuH
baad. wblla iM tattsr was eeoklas \i»
kidney iroublcusl- I
levedleadvaiittlw I
kidneype.wosd I
cabtat. Ourtas that winter this boy
blooav<llsUscklhs I
who was IT year* idd. klitod 73
r, vibl otgsns M the .
n sni
One lUchlsas paper prtnu a kng kidneys Ibatnralvss break dst
psatoats asatast tM barleadoo show* svry cell by call.
BledMr (rpubta meal aivsyt reiult Irem
rt. to which tbe feminine a dersuranteiii el Ihe kidirys si-d s cure Is
of ;
clotkimambars of
... ti
(be lamaataeaky of 4M ed- Ihe kidneys It you *re le«iln| hidtj > cw |
tu. Bm
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
a torfs ppr**"
KaeMal ww esMS* a!„j
tmadldali lor anew war. was elaetaad taadUsie
ed pnuldaat of t# mraoetatkm: Ira O.
Johaacm. of OnSl RapUa. rlea protl
daai; T. Jl-VUIaoo. of FBat seer-------aad IroBsariC A board of dirs
was aua rbsita. of whita Mrs. Jasats
Harris, af Travorra Qiy. ta a mas '
TM amodattoa wUI aM tM Bto
aa ba tao p~af. arwraWad utaar
appolat a state dairy luirneuir
■tavtas Mat -of IM Rro. TM fUmaa will uavel abeai tba state aad
ta^ sM*ar twMral at 1# a<alaak tMa
dairy arts.
M flta
fllaatraied by iM fact that ta
bast <
ima. la a weddla* aeTbe bride wore a veil
It M ■
k bononat of Amerteas
A bis sale win be held la AprlT. snd
the^PMplet they toCPIvr rsebabard
IVtroli Th.- i*n men I hfsrd talkins
Sl,iui It propoee to out (hr ilistnnnds i
Into a sDsH rranktuner ssuias- Th.'o
Ihry vlll keep e doc «lil.oul (ivul for ■ ;
coup).- of dsji
Wbrn th(.
ucig la.
bunST) th..;. «ill f.,-d liloi ib. *eu*acr|
Kemble, ibe i
A bWl*lta aosupiad I
(l*L wi> skelublns
of (ieursls recently
in prwed for
ptMlilnns. •pendlot
over no bour. nt
when Kemldr aeked
-Wbal do I ovr
.u fur
the BK>anlslt»vr su'vered
•i rvekoB
right, tub •• Tbe
niilst »hoved him the eketeb-. snd
asked wbsl
ibougbl of them
-Wsll." was tbr drswUng reply.
■■•»*»“ »"
l‘ * n»l*hiy puddlln bov
lae“ fur • mac ii< t .- in but yn,i must
be maklti' •.ilblii .rat id li or you
couldn't aSurd 'u ibro* swat inonn
Ilk.- ihb liv Jiti fUla a mao u>l
sUBd around doin' nothin’ "
immeaoratloD at ibr Indite;
Ostned vhrc at«ut <u: H
U> Virgtaa ettb her bu>band{ R
IL Oeurse's church in Wap 1
ptog Ir i
have a pulpit made ..f vtmd |
invusbi Irotn VlrslnU.
i, bort),
ingulsr -mekrr "
K & L Ln
WEtM' I'
fur sixty years.
tbobaa tcA|ua^
dian side* Tbeo they
X Turkey i
sjnsecutl.i- eights L
to great Is bit fear i
in tbe palaer sr* a
TM buTM* *|atr^ raaehaa fram a
■al^y ol bung e<
a la eoBtalUa* kb
BIf Wiaaaiwla Flra.
^aM to Mato atfB*l ewL mUway ba.
ifam of *1voccM. Ha
HtataOB. Wta, Fsb. SI.—Fin at *
tWM« Cllaton avenue and *L Paal
a silk
says ibat
e-eiitai this amralac sdaHtw
wants aad oaly Hvsa ta oaa place rMkita.‘'^'tu^
Wroai tMaa* narth la WvWaii rtraat
ui 'lor IIS woo- I
tafia IB*t wliaa or ~
loag aoaapk to apread Ua aeada of dsrlulcwra.of the meal ds
asm 1^ «ray to Herttaar. Up Olvlatai
OBvy amoas all the woabaa c* Ue
•traei tM buTMd dWrtot
praparad lor his r.
aolgkboitood. aad tM (Bad kusbaM
... .------ 'uslnflliy-can
tal atUlkm dollar
abaut half a Mack. TM total
The Star of Hop
You may
n Bins Bias prtoun. 1
Dot at all ABlsratorT. la bis
buraad avm cevon about thraa a
no of tM kastelatarv
AltbdU. lint
______L an*, baaldta. as M taasat <
TM BwnMf af jarooM throw*
aU bm Stjm h
oa the batU>
i paragraph to
a dray. tM etpaeiaa are hisk.
a Rra Is batwaan
A'Oara mas was sere tM o(Mr day bib eb Mont ti. bsik uwtotoi
Anaesi* MOO.
wheellas wkat lookM to M aboot a ssnifrasbyRiai:. AddrassDr.K;
Dr.KilT-ertCc. ,Hopr
••Hk lusllev. puntokBrat. vllllajiy and I
toa of scrap Iron, to a wMetbarvow. Bbcbamta. N.Y. Vhenvr1Uncmc.-<tlo«
All Cmaas Ara qsasd. '
ertme—not tu-ranse It profrasr* lot
askad wbat It was. iM good liaabs thb generous cfler ln this psparTM toltoBAta N • Uat sf sLtata
Cedar. Mleh. Peb^J*.—TM ra___ maa sal dwe hb toad, wiped hb brow
tbaYamkaadymblaka. bat rssiw«Hr[ bring to Ur task any lUgrae r.f rvniral!
far rentaer tbai will wig.,
■a two of Jerry Bamvaa-a tambar waarlty aA aanoancad ikat be bad ■a atat. SwtawRaM. Or. KDrasr't
camps elosad hero today oa aoeooai dowa ao evtatoatlag aarvle* to saferf MHsUrlpT* *
of tta daaa MOW la tM waads wkkk lag maa by taveattog a marktoe that lLY,aea«B9boltb
I Jo
■ nr-r-1------------- himbarlas as to
w & almrta ImpaaMUe.
____ ’ four eampa clstod oariy ii
week aad wBb the rlnMn of tb<
IfYou Suffer
iA AUn or Beast. Cures
hurts and pains anywhere In Uie
body or «a tbe nirfaca.
vr« VM aw.
Wto ds. w tato»rt,A P. tau.
from WEAKNESS, «.k. th.
Penetrates as iw> other UuiUstkrL caa penetiate. a
Sinks rttbtt
and takes onlf
pain. Oeod for everything that walks.
I-------------- (SSASI»“22U- •
.’sse !j
___ f.i.
Pere Marquette cfusD iapidst iiiytm it. '
rasJiJMWia CltySJSav «hMM '
ta w ta tad
SheraBi.CiTto. J«to-> Ttofc VimSksi.
•ettbwwt Mcnar ef ta eemWM a^tw ef
Keep it in your shop.
Keep it lo yonr office.
Keep it at your car barat.
Mexican Mustang Lpiniment
~ — “»
’asSBvaasar,---*tWr-g-ee,*— q, ,:
c t. iDcnrooD. a. p. A *. A.
anml aolH. aad
wUek MrricnU*
tMCr vtlelM
' ~
BATES. Csrioa.
b It to Mil tba dlib
CM Saab, rat atU
na ptaturMib •tlh Mf
b it to teal w hoar.
nr to aaeb a wdoiaii that pat
bar bor aaart bla aaolber'a I
ha toala a little paag ef draad bet
of eatalp. I
Maap. bat do ant I
r tea.
Pel .
tba faM la a tab lUad adtb ha traierj
- vbleb a taaapooafal a moatard baa ^
bn« AtM. abd «blle aaklPf tbe I
f«< drtak frnir of the tea Abotber |
Hem remedy ter a cold U tbe "va |
por latb.' Take a teU about half tell
m \rw Ic'-I Jimrme/.
a equal paru
id aaaaafraa.
A Tew iMt
The larder ItaA
Th* muc tried alw M a a>
42 home, to vhcw ba twMlM Ua Oa tba vaDabeva tia aaaW
Tbara-a aa aariadt waapia baac.
hopw ed MMBUtteM Bat 4b*. Btor>MM wimib. ta44 sroM V la tb« Taralabad. daatr. old aad natr—
- rtacMd patten, alsr-eae.
balM vhkb SaaMBlB rraaUtal
tocT araptotaa an heeded ' ataetlal meal
b Ola a teat—to IM*
rai «M«( Ito Ml
«r Mr ONt Mr*
vbaa iba laaistod that tban waa ~ac
laak U AMrtea bat raak mBm.'
Aad ban vebbed H. bnacb aad a
AM viMB Arebla raportod ea U>a lol• (oaM IB « rwuo- tovlBC dar ibai b« bad artad bla
•olbar aad that ihF bad aaU (be
lie bor cootd ooaac, (be lUtle hor »■
OeaM ti apeak tatwld oell a atar
That voald aartle reaad aad oh):
an Baaanr aarrad Tba ptataa. eapa.
Talea of hac aad waarp aanbaa.
tturar, aapUaa Me. an pi
CouM that aeapoa tn»e ttafoM.
aaeb caaat sa aaaUr secan uaa.
-----------------------------aad tbaa ba la at Ubanj to eeteex bU I
AM»aa «ac BnaklM.
food at a^ ooaatar. parlac tba I
Baked applea for braaklaat lead i
Mated price. Nca* Bar be bang ogi ndaee tbe aBosat cd BMai aataa.
wbleb adU rtaae aaeb Basbior. ai 'If I *e an taellbed le eai too rnaeb. ai
to aappir tbe iratem intb mtaer
rooda aad tbe dicenlee traet irti
arida . People vbo «ai too aarb («
an Btx to be adrleed to eat bafct
applet, a* a aen addlUoa to U
a eoid aad parhapa
leaaoala aar br pneeated I bmkfaat. asc
There ii a quality added to the
lit by
br the
Royal Baking
cake and biKuit
Powder which pronaote* digettion.
Thu peculiarity of « Royal” ha« been
noted by phyaidana, ^nd they accordin^y endorse and recommend it.
Royal Baking Powder ii used in
baking by the beat people everywhere.
rsuhfWneTl 'The
Leaves Thonsaiids in hs Path
Weak, Nervons, Dyspeptic, Catarrh Wrecks.
rladoo vonb pagea of ordinarr m»d ‘
. Tbr dlgeallOD qf milk ;
‘‘ “““ '
Aai A
■2 m*M>
cloaeei cbuiat.
delayed hy
Beet of a
bsi pan. rteb cnam U a>t milk, abd
taken .itb a Juicy baked apple, ahal, C4jar^^ jead and com
« Iklot.
dl.h ran be more le.ptlec and .bole.
If you an taeoty-elghi or iblrtr-1
„ h.^f. „„„
Bn. locllned to ring ibe doetor'i bell I
and talk with your dntgglei. m tbU| Bring bgaln yuur kindly face.
e< hot. bsl Del dihte bolltmc vatar. aad
vhbh Bboold be placed
From that diaiam long ago
bottOB chair. Beat tbe patleei ta tbr tbr appir*.
I When we faced the alarm of battle,
•• i-irrt. II rend me ot rtaroBH- l-o—
rayran'Meadlng bj ttriog
>t Frrena la JaanarT. iwu,
1 .ru l» I. reoa.Ml l.y l.um
(irtp U rplcj-un.-
-p- .u
N,. v,„k-A!.-.^*«rend*lhreaohtUalhad
-k- n.un.
] U gnpi* rrrry wtalct for ■naral *1*.
M'4i!r-r...-i..rirr mrmm-r.-lthr irr.. Ilui. tbruogk lbr aae af Ihtoaa.
both cbalr and pa; nmedy *ltb any mytirry ur
fleld <0 meet tbe foe
dwt *Hb a herr blaakM laaeUag to
good *lfe or bouKkerprr. and ) Oe ibr *
Wbea protaae peraptratloe
1 orerr poc*. nmoTe from aak ebetber ibr li careful to give you : Tberr'a ac aiiCIrat
ruail applee and cream, and lo Tarnlabrd. duaiy.
.rf Ir gr.ppr
.............................. I
Hreer <4 tlrpTWrataUrea,
Wartlaghm. H.C.
IVruoa uratrlar l o_ C«iumti«M.Obla.
<lrnilrmrD..‘*I amtn
> Hrruita. aad Bad
ri-mrdy lurihrgi
■).« family aad tbry all
XU mr la rrrammrodlag It ar aa rceW
ailed and *artced. Addl- make Lbr breaklail meal dUbec a, lit , .Sprlngdi-lil pelieru. (Ixiy^inr
lempilog a* may
—Ameiiran ' '
Rrlwrod by Edna Bell
tlewl awerteg bum of ooorae be
of the fteear apirtt he know be win pteead opoo tbe bodr to prerent a Qardrn
•ad there Uarbe Ua heart kauA br
oleaoabd ehaariaaw-aod faricbtaaeb m aoaa ether bor^ aotber
I and from pereonal npeneece that
BO* or teat aMleiad with oeeralhe kbotri eC pm.......... . marbe thia de palaa InateM of aeadtag tor tbr pun. freah air In ibe lunn *ll> do
bean achm tar a real hom Ufa. doeaer. *bo »fll probaUr praaeribe a
for a tired, peeriab vomae than
• Ua oa« Mtara eoaU tho
Very mprettaUy,
OeorgeR. White.
If.roadoaotdrrlre prompt aad aaltoH-Uiry irrolUfr
ptaater and a doae ef Badtetoa. we ad- gallont «d medlctne
Stop rlgbl in tbr midat of tbr *<.rk
rtee tbe eoSeret to beat a •at-lnm.
’ baking waablng or any olber task.
pet a doable told of Aaonel eo tbe
A devaaait leek, aad aoart
paldtel part, tbeo bovc the Ira
and fro oa tba'BsnneL Tbe pain *1U
Jtol Va a teat to dob
Thr tbMf of vbddt.
mat alBoet haBoilltitlr We hare tbraugb tbr aotirtli ucUI tbr lunga
NO tbe Beat patafal eoaec of aeorml- an ailed, tben eabalr ibroogb lbr
la iritered la leat than teo Btaatea. metb. Remenber ao<
moar If tbe air ti cold no lliilr
^ralnt an aBoog tbe bum aerure
rm Bay reaull. Take at leoM rigbi
aeridenu to *Ueh *e an ttaWe.
loo deep brealht at Bm. and In.
Wbea a Joint ta apratoml aweHlng
. Abd mat.
H»to tba baafTT aeal.
Torch Ukr.
Dear Mr* Bair*—I win write a few
to lbr Herald
t am nine year*
; old. 1 am in lbr third grade ai school
I Hy trarher s name Is Miss Lower
. I«te bet oad tUac:
tba ovtiBbtk
ef the Botherl
neaa b ao oae danrtei • taet «U« ooaea on gradaallrIn dlatoe
me all kMv; tha i*trit of the hooM tbe awetUnt and Im of boUdo ef tbe
taOew that ef the mother: H ehe It
Itweir. eo «<U her heaaehold ha: B aorident. A agnined Umb tbooU be
the la paeartmlatlf, the poleao
kept petftellr qaieL To p(**eot In-
I pertlw ef 111
tired, or riar practler oTtrorr
goea on. Al Bret lake a -bi
tpeir once or ivlcr racb d
aleo befon nlirlag
natloa. ate poulUeee of *otb- ber that pun air aad kmar comfort
able clotblag an all-lmporlaai.'
«ood. hopaor lanay.
onr't luaa ^ weak to begin
BiBple rosedlee err wHhIa
with, tbr InbalatluD of air by deep
•ek of eearr ooe. and U laeorl
, can help mamms I can make cookies.
• I can wash litilr piece* and
Bake my domes'
big as a baby
I bavr two hroibers
irr Thrtr
Louie. Eddie ted Rnair
to Join tbr Suashlor cJub.
anul me a card aad a bullou.
Hta tagaweta bar a
. UBc will tore Bang a dollar la ^- breatblag »IU prorr paleful anil tM
tcriablUi. The Booer tbaa aared will patteat aboold eraar rerb (Imr Jw
aa Ibe hoId gtTr* wanilag In ilmr (be
ne a bleaateg to aanr pewle
order to aettla tbe doctor'a elala palnm: aenaatioo Area way to a feel
• The wrid haa ao Bath of aerf Toet aad exbliaraiioe
Miterr (bat caoaampUoo would
7 to tiMtr eoBforl.
aeldom be beard of if people would
vffl do pnttr
cnly teore bo* to breath*, aed that
pbaaea, b« bbb b UkMr U be tolennt eameoi lire lo pan. fnab
Qm ef tba eoDcge gUte treated
br dv
eral of aa to a kind of bomeBade
ma. vbatbar ba.brB bar or aoL
TUak. tbaa. ef bo* a BOtber’a ditTbere la aa a
poaltba Bar alael a aeal Tat. te tha vMl; aba oaDad It marabBUki
f aaaaage and banana* (bat l« ao ae*
teeaof H. look aroead roo and boUea and aaU that It waa alaptr
Matd. (hoeelata tadga. poor
aa to ba ineUeally a 'r«»ei dteeortba graaUaga the BDibera ef ae
U did SOI aem qalte ery.' Belect •oaad. ripe bonanaa aad
thrir oBapriag. tboaa tbaj are
While thaee verdo are betne writpork maiagea la (hr link. Cut
ee tbe Ba of hnearndtr. rheanadt ef ee rHh and aveai na the tndge
«M .iho vtatrt b at-'tia lowaM abb,
Inka apart and place them In e
doaOtTlng tbair eoaf aad aoTeral of nc theagbt tllo a weal
M thealmaaae geee. aad btdUe tbor
U alao looked Tory
tettb te WBMB. B akaa eai
moeepan «ttb hot water enoagb haiw
an read br maar to vbeae aedko
trwtlT*. riaea the *Uta of tba aai
> eorer (b«B. bartiN prwriooaly
«f Ufa te thatr
thw tWI oeaM. It viu be HarA br
M tba read to atacaltr, Bbltovg eeatraetad «eU «llb the pHWed them with a fork to ken> thr
ftp galea ter, aad theredere epriag ta
UThmaretbarlolooktarur Motto brown of tba eboenteta. She allowe aktat troB bunting Boll Ibem with
mmm a Matt. Bat ae« the verid
Bw. aarUr. ter otbert are. Hka a qaarter ef a pound of tbe Borab the aancepan borer “ajar" for t*«*ty
mmd to haft a ttttie aad ha elbat.
aallova to eaak eop A wwr. and tt
draa. w the awrah ter a ae
lea Of* until the water boa bolted
the wo* atm telb aedeebtelr.
daw ao batB U tba B
It to thair 0*1 aatara, a i
Than eorer tight and brows,
hbte the drtCia of the aotable -«hlte
a ttttie etate and dry. eta • the hot takteg enra to prerent acarcblnc by
bright. Lbiitfal aoai. raadr
«bter^ of l*a»4. The traee bt tha
. Botitage aad eoBlott. Wbaa aaadr li eare to aeftea
Aring tbe pan an oecaakmal abake.
«bi eBl IhitMth tbMr baOm
tbar And soeh a oa*. ba aha BOtbar. Mead
Rare a hot platter ready and plaer
hWMaa vith tlttla motkia ef tbter
abtar. a*aatbaart or trbad. tWp wU tear or Ara plaew ood epreote
oe IL teapty the tel wblefa rentrl------- tarigg. Theca b ao etir of
poor not tba eatr beat «d tbatr on tUektr te a aaall botterod Ua:
a into a frylag pan and pincr lu
aw te the tnurt or beogh. ao atga of
lAbartoM. B«t U tbe ttat Ba abaot Bx laehw aqaara te rter .
m te all-tia vblU otpaaaa beto*.
ther Baal, tba BOtbar. be aa ab- ataoa Ute eaWr la gmh batter
dredged wttb Boor, aad fry to a goMn t iadnd aafthh laatea awmat. aad
tUde. w U kaapa Botoi toagar. ..
rewa. Serro amoklng hot oe thr
ShBa the dwTwta ef Ub aeam etllM
awka tba tndga ibe adda tre table- ptaller wttb the aaoaagee. — Good
g of Iba a
It Ii tnalr a good time to IM tbe
apeoM of Ihkh eraaa and ooe a
«Mw wr aeoli. aad taka a imia
toat aiaatallj. IMibar doaa a
to aarthteg
UB. Uabw
throagfe tarot or throagh lore tar Ub.
flWMW <d tbe wtrttaal' Hta tbw
tteMW’ demaata tbe Bab
imTd td bMtar tar U wbea tbe
W^rtlai Mwaa with He raeatiw
Wa ■rmli. aad tbe pwt Itta tUd
Ii gWapdat ao* a*Bkea aad tbe eaat
teeaae-tbat meea tbe earth aprtag to
•etba aad aU the Mrriad vbaab ef
baUe thte
■dBBtaa. er ntll a *blta line appean
on tbe ride ef tba dteb vbao atlrred.
and. after U Ma «eUW
tiar pteW eg anlt and a teaSbe Min tba todge
Watet er Ceet Hervper.
Uriag In tbr country, where our
ante buy cstel-basgen. I bare found
way of making at many.as I nerd
I nnlly no com.
I take about a third of a bam
cteoatag a alee, amootb hoop.
;ly wttb I
«—tta, aaW plaaa. than aha am the Aaeibag. Sateen, ettbar plain or
Vp'haaUae iWt va trair Bra la tbe
tte a«ar ter Coor or Are boon, ataoa •garad. aakee a good eorartag. Uae
WBtinei *«M reteor thaa tha maact aot be eat enlU tba a
a«Bd(blag pretty that *1U M loU
lartaL that the taaer life ,b tbe aw
ime baio bad tlwa to hart
aaoOy- PM a loop of ribbon bi the
«Uoh ahooH dominate tho Wm. b la
eawter. ta bong by, agdtag a bow
Unia. 'tenaae B eat too tea
raeoaBr tfrw te-c
•W oae'a wB In toaW *ttk tbe
where tbe loop te taetaaed lo tbe
MB aad po*era *blA *tn opw to
b taar ba bUd aa and tba teteana weaM not keep tbair boop.
w tba door Into n ae« itta. vcBdoP
Uula talwd alwara
P<w iboee who Ilka partoBi. Bake
M to kao*. We at* eplrha ao* *e
erooB te ter tadga Md aajB that tbe omall anebec aad taatea u the boop.
mA ai *a eter ahall W.
It b aalr
fate* te aailw battarhnd no were axPkwabty teanderod wateta moo
tWi hr aad hr tba Batarial *tD tell
piMtei dinh ta aaa BBk nad tbaa add TwBpted B baag np by loope la
mw. aad w* fbaB ha gUd tbw aat
a lana Itea ef bottw.
wanted bM wttb a few ban
la haea to aalar teto a ae*. etnaga
ana «na pM aavirml walau one orar
.iiblBi I, hat rather, eat *bara wa
tbe other on tba etee book, ibu
Wa Bimgad baptha traa Bhkh tba
hare toaraad brtet* to «ag htw
Mvtag Ate. aad they Vtu keep
Miate. And the «v to that fair
fiaabktnklag—The Madera . PitaeOlB.
aaaaliTbthroagh thoqgbtaad i
9m W thaa bad the «ar b to
la hare aad ao* into the witB*' e«P
Torch Lake. Mich. Feb IT. 190*.
Dear Mr*. Bale*—I am seren yrerc
Utter to yea. Hy Mate te riAtta*
Tour mile Buatblne glri.
I go U> acboiil. I can help mamae today ate we beta UdUBbt wa
mA 1 ran wasb dlshee and sweep the
d write. It to a Bttte wauw toKlagiley. Ulc
floor. I can make rookie*. I tea sew
ettvM rag* and bring Id wood.
Dear Mr*. Bales—A* I bare a<
I Ute n«tA
woulC like to yolD tbe Sucsblnr elob wrliten lo tbe Herald 1 thought I *i
Ploaar arnd me a card aad butioC
I write. For pets I hare-two dogs
r etwee wttb ta Mrda ate Bowa eow Tbe dogs’ biases are Brara
will rkter for tbi* Unn.
coald BA go ta aeboA totey.
Freddie. Tbe cow's raae Is Judy, t
Loolr Stadlebauer.
a te Mia BbtanH
or forty. Wr mere packed pretty doer Souib Maaitou Island. Feb 1*. 1*0*. would like to Join the Bunablae clnb. A Trarttae City. I Ilka bar rery
togrlbrr In tbr (wo or ihfM rooms
Drw Mrs. Baler—I (bought I would Pletrt seed me a cart aad bwttou.
gate. I wffi aote Atet Patty a cottaU
my letur Is ceding quito kmg for (bd edpa. I wtte that Atet Patty wbAi
where (be recepdon waa. and tbal waa drop you a few llcra for tbr Bm
■ pIcaiaiH ihlng. too. Tbr call waa a 1 like (o read lbr Herald and am rrry Brsl Usee J will hare (o cloee. hoping rrta a elay erary weak to Chd HtraM.
abort our of nuly a few mlnotee dnra- taleranrd In leadtag U I go lo aebool u see this te print
Tour iDTtag trietal.
tkm. but It was Jusi as a^or as It could rrery day and like to go Tory well- Per
Age » years
Agnee Milks.
br Aud will oevrr be forgodeu. it Ibis atudlM 1 haer arlibmeue. re
Klngnley, Midi-. Feb. «. 1B6*.
Dear Mr* Bul«o--As I bare nerer
My leacber'i name la
wriuea to the HeraU bAore I tbo*
to lbr Suosblnr boys and AH* la k>**, Elte Ptocry
8br Is Tery kind
come ibelr moibera. rrery one
Mr hare bad rr^ Bke weather laM
1 woold write For pets I hare a
Jonet bad btougbl down hU Khool to
see Trerrev Oty ud bad lafcee them
to rarioos places of Inlerest. suck as
lbr newspaper oAcea. tbr
but today U Is blowing a hHssard. Fw
peu I bare a dog. a cal and
Uta I bare a slMrr Rosie who would
Ukr to be a Bunahlner. Pleaar send
ber a cart and buttt*. Wr people here
us a cart and baitou
Hy aitler te
Kingsley. February II. IW*.
Dear Mr* Bure—1 am gMag to soren year* old
Tears truly.
wnir to you It Is nice today I bare
Agr *
Baby Btttoa.
winter* t am sick with e eoU and
Kalkaska, Feb. fd. 1PM.
mamma ta airfc wtib tbe grippe and glad to *ee my letter lo tbr Herald.
Daar Mrs. Bates— I wOl writs yo
hat bad a bad cold all wintso- I dM This week I hope to see ibis la print
aot A> (o eebool tbI* week. I got a We hare bad bourden all wlntar. They e few liBca. tor this is the tau letter
ere JrM going away todar Oeod-byr I win rrrr write to (be Buaablae Amb
Bretir Morgan.
I "nre Urtlr Pepper* and How
I got beside e baadker-1
Micb. Feb II. UM.
candy and
Dear Mr*. Batee-J woold Hke '
pink hair ribboa. I aee by tbe paper
I am elghi
that Nrtta Bell Keeek Is arrtting M- Ma the BaaiUar eleb
yean old.. My aoBBa dtod wl
aeod a pdece for the Herald Tooag was only aerra Boolba old and I bare
Polka' Sanablae club. Tbe aamr ef It
ta -A Rene.- Tbte te AI 1 eaa tatak I go to eebool rrery dey. I here nearly
two mlJee ta go. I am te tbr e<
of I bope'ta aae thte la prtal.
Hy leneberia mme te Mlsa
Jotaeoe and I lore ber dearly,
■daa Ben ADea.
pete I hare loerdtien* and one will
PraecMt. ArU, Feb. U. IBM.
Jaap ibrangk Blbanda. Pltem
Dear Kra Baiee—I aaw my teal hit
me a enrd and fSttaa. If I see tbte
ter te priaL ao I wW wrlta agate.
ta petal I win wftle again
Mr grandma aste grandpa a
Praa yota UtUe MeM.
me here rialtlag srtth na. We bare bad
Age g yanra.
Olady* Brawn.
two or three amall raew.einrBA
Raiikkritle. MIcta. Pbb. ». IBM.
Boraing tbr weather kadmd a
Daar Mm BWaa-l tknigbl I teoald
Bke rata. bM tt Ad not. I wU era<
>«m «rK or. glfa. «e pr*r.
craee and anat la .
*tag w aaa my tetter ta tba
A ^ Bate tos« M an tba
V tea BBihar te bw tew WU-
■ Wtbtekteial
11 and to AN. t «n etana AT
whate taata A boRon
anrtr A tbd wuia h
i y«an>itr.
AMtt'tate. P*. AE USL
Tba raAge te:
ngd •< ragareapa A laid.
taagoeofili A baUag gewtar.
and a dog
I would like ta Join tbe
Bunshlne club Pteaee seed me a card
and batten
As my lector
quite kmg f wlD hare lo doer, hoping
bulldlnga. ib<- asylam, and eo fortb
to see Ibis la print
At 1 said BBoy of IfaeB were Sun
Toor koTtag friend
Tory tliUr skating (JUs
Age 12 yrars
LoMte Milks.
tblnert. but whether or oat. erery ooej winter
Piran arad me a card and
Acme. Mlcb, Feb *0. IBM.
went sway weeHeg a Snasblne badgr.l (mtten dear Mrs Bates Well. I gasa*
Dear Mr* Bates—1 tboegkl I weal
and it is bpprsl all will Join us and I my letter It long rnooAL ao good-bye.
bare a rart as well.
If I see ibis lo print la tbe Herald I srritr end let you know my stater and
I would Ukr to Join (be Anaaklnr oinb
I will write agafb
Hy sister s namr Is Pearl Please send
Hamecm H Haas
pytag the WUU Boaan. HeBareWr
fter. no ArWte haa aptetaad tbe atta> bin of lira, t
Waat aa. O Lord, tha rwa to bear
w«b WBdran <B te^
^ oaWWta te Ugkt Oomd aimmy te DaThaHttb prlddag then; •
wrBeatewItoA I would tea ta Jam
et aoetetr.- aoW ai the
a ncMpt ter layer enlm
SmU tabtw vtth laaeb atotht hare
trail. WM amde PtMay , after
The haatr word that eaaaH wteb:
Ibe Buwtelne date I hare tArud ateraWBcrr HIM tetaaltaed Potta ef Jae
Od an.
attawad aboat tbe boU te tba coatTha t*aag of traiha vaO w*a:
d «aa kratber. t aa weO aad
ftatcNp of eager
tert of the gaaata -Thaao who pr*Kick. atniBC bm eetarad cat. A
Tto laet tWt aakw ob Toakpn
N dn tbe abs
I bora two
aatead by Arahle at tbe Wblia HeaBa. ta Ramall A. Ateta. U. Mr. Ater
Oae pieee A bwttm-oma haB tba ntea
cbB aad a cA. Hy aeb<
otThe daiBag plaa e-ertaiaad:
r. My ueeboria aataa te Miae
leek. eWUd awh baa*, and pattel taiBT'-T—r rsmerai ta Ibe.
Tha aacebB tooek apea wr.pala:
Waned what rWiebBBtt they doTho«Bgbt>e hare aot eained:
I «a ta tbo tbbA ratear. I dee rateThe raep of'eat*. Dear Lord, todar. alfwd.
lag. teoOtag, artthmatta ..ted MragHa AtaaiBiat ter •
A abort ffacraa waa ftean attar tba
Lm an ttaa* CreCtBg tUaga
ngby. t aa tan yamW t dee
anppar. ten lagWnr-t -Sai
Tam baabaad a
Saeen’ «na rani and neud ta
teagttate Pbntolgadgnphy. My laadbgrb
Mtee Bible. I po u PteeA
erepy day. We are ggiag ta bare te «nta ear ateaai Wteblnr
ao long a lime
write end tell you tbal I recetred my un-* Wribduy- i bore Ibrte oi^
cart and butlou efg waa rery mach ate toer ptecoa. t will ekaa By tettar
pireMd srith Ibem I tare lo read (be
Utile lettere. I bare aot breu U apbool!
for eboui three weeks 11 haa
an coU. I got one ralrntlae. I hare
Enriin. Mldb.. fte. IT. IMd.- '
fo^^^deg. He te rery amaU. Wall.
Daar Mn. Baiaa—I wOl write a BtaKt
I win tM1 yoe wbel I got for ChrtM-
domlwMa and a tabieL
story book aad a bon.
Wexford, Mich. Fab. IT. tAM.
write, a I bora am wrttiM Aar eeae
tlae. i All eaten twoeoadataita far
a Soatblae bniga. We era baring
rery coU weoUa «A baea. I bare
beoa going lo acboA mme. ba oar
aebool It oa aow. Hy Uaebtr^ aapae
te Mtas Maate Haywood.
I bare two
mlUt ta go to ateooL For PAa «•
are two eats wbea ■■mat an Haa
ate Triite. a rabbit ate a Jaab. I
wiu sate Aaa PAty a eookte raelga
I hope tt au be teod. Tbe raApe to:
Two eapa A aoMr.
"-Thf** cup bttttar.
Ow cup aoor eraam ^
Artbar got
I got a letter
from Notta Bell Keaeb. 8hs Udd Br
what she gut Jpr pnoonu. She
BurdtefcrtUc. M^ Pd. ». IMI.
ber UUte baby bmbar got a rattle
Dar Mra. Baua-f Uotebt t'woAd
boa aad a tag. iweM Ua. 1 hare bi
wTita a few Uaaa I bar* aM written
a tetter tram my brothm BM ate I
ta Ut BanM bAara. It to coU taday.
^ bb baEbaea akk ate wanted a
ta eooe boM
I wouU Ufcs w |
BtatlM A
bcae rury aecte. ba I aa akk.
hare bm aegpte on the Aeor ttare
week ago Thaaday. I bare bean ray
tiek. I aa harOy able to write Ute
tetta ta you. No* I art! tall yea I aa uo.
ae longar a Bimteliit Art kinase I
am aarrite I waa amrrted tbe »U
e tt be a I
I ata ta tbe Ubd g
I bar* three bratha* ate
tbte naaa are HareU. Warag aad
day A Difbar, i uemebt I t
Wila ate UB yea aboA It. I test a tewta. iterelou AfaBatUtagtewa
coteta who woold mm ta be a Baa- ba. Mr bratha ate i an Botag to
Trarana Oty to atay a wueb2 Pbr
geta I bare a dog ate ttauo data. I
They t
bare a pig ate I toM ay cbM la EUoaa I coca I wtt Al
F»a your Iwriag Bduabtae A
owe* jMle m. Bimdte. new
Hn. taonte-M. Dwwuy.
AB the Bteibtai Ate gate ow tonAAna gtrt good witea ate eoagalAB
Mre* Bba wD teaerfBBif Ibot-oba
te ntwayn ta ba n Bteahka wegB
Praeeaete Kteh. Ate. •
oor Mca. BaUe-f IbiiteM
ta ta PM ute Ate fte 1B
Hy twcharia aame ta.BapAta ftagante
1 Hka ba ray aac4. Wa boaa tats
A Chora ta do Ute wtaia. 1 AMa 1
Ptem yoa Httte MwC
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