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Grand Traverse Herald, December 08, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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IP^ '
' IfjeiTitljai
TKAVxaaE cmr. orams travXb6e county, lacmoAN. sbceicbeii «. i89e.
GrinJ Traverse Hera d
Dr.J.A. Snyder, W.
. ;.*55
If*: I3[A.I?.SI3:-A.,
Office in Kasonic Bloch
4 unuL UBOK wuBn ten.
PATCHIN & CROrSER. lAtMt Idol aod AppUanoaa.
r«»l L««.
Business Cards.
a Owu.U«r>i.
Merchant Tailor
GUr. a
■sd am the elrfBot erw Her of
eprlna Hl/lee of Woolroe non
os Mle. whteb *111 be Bute ep
' la the Lateet biyire. tod at
eseb Low Prleee a* will earpriee
at 315 Front Street.
i^noW thi^?
>*.»r*.n*> CU.MM..
%*C« . Money to Loan
. Msesoi * oaonaK. a
Carpet Cleaning Works
Real Estate
^oxrH37 rro
lo a.tj.
ThM a a
Tak«a one 6f the bast Kruit Farm* In Northern Michigan,
with eTerything on the place. Thie ie one Big Bargain.
Inquire of__
Traverse City. Xleb.
Johnson Block.
When cither a Chamois Lung Protector or Vest
will be a neccbsily. We can supply you with either, but
you can economiie and yet have somethinp just as good
by buying a chamois and making one Good values at -W,
50 and 75 cents
or contract for orcharda Also want Potatoes and
Beans by load or car lou. Will load anywhere.
Ww»lia. Vlo» P.in.
ft mM IT Ote
Dg Ucieub.wt.ood
ih* pUt.
b,pB, i.^ toiu.; snt dor.
.... ^ ^ Si'B
gour 4*01 O good
II 1 J
Hr toll! Vorol ttiol it br would go to
*r bill br *rould br oMr
•erro uoBopcwla oiroodg
ir inmttt. rod that wllbrklig
UIIUI w.mid hoar douUrd to ouBboco
oeo'wou’d ba*r Ihr aupp-wlof tbr bf'
lillrry. of a. i.icb It had <r<t m BBcb IB
Ho Ibrrrforrauggratrd that
f.iTr a rrnrwal v*f bnati.ltiro Ursorol
I r.iral ab.DoId tuinh (hr a.iualkui coIbI. o.rr, and hoped that tbr brorobpaB.iardv woo d Dot titahr it brcaaaary tb
IdittiriPk tbrm. bpcaaiar.il wwald br tbb
laaddMt ad of bU lltr. TbBtaerl ot
•alk war. ff.rticr when Sbafarr'a blabtrr failudoilriroMw <-„rrra|..nilc't<«.
clop, lurou or lo*r-
r -.igh.p u
Lbc raouk*
> i rcic
she bad vu
.rwr .... Bake cr tv
Aifag urtgBuorB'a.l, 4
•at, of lur
a fur .-o. . .
boK o« b -ur. tl.'D. U.'
.k UT<no br' d.-od (orr.
r* oJ.
•wing Lh t.'ue^UcTdii
d (ecla a
wllboul 0 boort r
I, 1
d only 'i
';;v; ■.‘j;;;.
lliile ebutt'h ot the .
to tK o Ti.«r.k«ifing fcf lOrprlnroui -,.1 brr n r wbmivbr
luugh Him Aof bad oot .a,. ; A l.lUr prrorot Ir II \\..iua,
________ _ -r ibaekloi for »a obbt ao.i ibe wo) 11 prraib'wd 1
bthrr people,
abr woo anaioua t , br V> wa. twauliful
"r aoao't auch to look ot. , "ttr'rv going op Oorlh
>mrr. bc'Ug rugrr I ood >oar. lliraa a f. Ik* -nod wc'rr going
log o big crop of faft.tilDg a .utb 10 arr if
' t' cab gel rid of lhwbiahrro The d.« growled ood Hiaa , rbrouiaiiao,.
AB) rauie ..ui on the .U-(»
.-hr wi.rr* wr w,
ftoab'l awrid of iraap*. abc wa. al
o. 'abr a
waga firiog tbra bite* aod >up> 1. brr . co d
' li a Ukr a au.r* ..at via b...*.
IKlj kiH-brti. .be woo alw»ja Ulog iiti i.r'l uIn.-)-mv a « nooai 0—n1
puMd upuo
rrollg rJ r ' ■>»cra o*,rr a r*. i,i.
-Tar p>«r p o bo»c alwayv with i bo. .no'• . > o
I’ru , aj ,)ioa'
you.'■ I -aid iw B'l
Do,bg b.ttl
ord: • thr,
.jfobb i.lird bnuru Bg--aU lb
K.oiof lh,. fair d'p.rt
Woo\ Fr.'tn I’m* Tro^
M.ttI men Would aa MMn'th^k ol
.0. a lUr.
i., i,t«NnoiPT. of a bpw alrcgun loduati7 '
.|a»« w on
Ur. and Ura I). A.
-d* an*, raabli.blng a Dlant at
asl. I'aaa for tbr mabalactaro el
ro.eu luto a tabri.-T. ry like woolrb
Turrr la n r-.biog new in thia •
rro h*»iily
r.'ilrralrd J rk of
, lu oner urirr
•I pal. and ^upU d. all
. i’.!... wrrrtt .io.ilt a gh-wl
froiB «.r fcj i « of .aparr aud
• ; uot ah ,*c
bwiiop” for year.,
wv? I'lirj srrer ,b.,ugli< brM aOK-uiiV
lu aortbiug. and a iru
ib. lu un:>
r rreaprd uillio't
d-.T, there wa»
iPtrr brfor* baa’
......... that Id Ibo fori
'better mau-rial asd
f iog. a* rbr lay 'h.- u.hc down 01
aofrand unh .litl'3 hnor li-t rur'
I'baw lap—"a lew id, • • frooi
IrviB Citt.arry
.b,dy Bak- a
. and aa I c.
reoofh rora>
. >ol.U«gO 4itd take OBBBOd of tbr
IUT..\0L forcer, anb rr PDfiwcreiPalb t
niro, wl,., w*rr alrrodj oo
-itfaaiPgr guata Obd olbrr
>r4 o
obecuu.cio t ur.p it
t U.lfa roo,«b .
> It, oo.'l ro -ugb o
All mall onlen rewire prompt
F. M. PAINE. Florist
Wv.il tbab any planeclar In the world.
Mr Bnd Mr. i
minded withal, bod
do mil pr.ip-w.a acwlc
Toryy IntpBdrd A rut to m
.o.ir ial of Ibr
Snrreyor and Civil Engineer
Scythes, Snaths, Rakes,
Screen Doors and Windows,
ia< a .n •» of my bap.
incttp 1 tt .rp ;h|. c.illar by.-ai'M I wa.
g.ing ii.l.. In.'lr !%am'. on any «.y
o»r.. a..d waolpd Ihra. to remark ah
u*ll .i^.'il
id my draw, akin up
Miaa Aiuy inual harp b-wn utBClbiog , !|||
.v :!,.r
garp bltn a chair a
aoowy tabl.i-loth
inlklbgaii Ibr •
Hr n»'r
aak.d if l.r waa tv
lirrd. ).|.t for|.>rn
I bigiirrihae lliprp wa. any caf
a-iogl** tb*B a good lu..k
I tr cwo,
ought u. br a
ttd to hrcl.
; :?rh and 'T^p''
brr'foiba bad a
fra vb- a
r of the ;
folki away fn m il
uflpo woodrrrd if
Ihiogaap mu b
■ good frilo
tin W. Klmoth 8t.
band and faiuiiy. knowing I d ru
dgrrtion nt prrry oar i.f tbra
Thr pagran'* vrriu ui l.k* it, Ibongh
irir 1 abou.d ibiok ao
Highest Prices Paid.
W. J. HOBBS, 146 fROKT smn.
.iiotbki sslittt thr»*orr«
■luid b .atbord SasUwo ot« o'clock
wbrs tbki tlao
ar...... n. ID
I .houla a-n ruorr 1
e< a- Trrol woold
'batwr'k tb
-f wouloo t b0..e*r hrr; ,0 f.^. I'jT'.f.fl.'fu »,*
f hr boi oM
; rn'y »».» 1
A Wonoo-c roUh.
•Tbr -ptocllr l fael.bbor lk
BxtdD> C/Btroouv,
. ____ jAoruioti
dldthrtotUwstoi Soaui.______
.Bd u*o ■>* kw.,rr With coop lorfo
»1I:» lUrt hr wo.Id erriclp'j- do II ot
I OM.VK no tb* d*y follow lag opd dr»
ir..r ihr rlly torforr kuod.Dwo. ood h«
.^or JPBI
ooutin.rd bikXhmu ood blrpnotsior" ib*r Ikiifhrdot hiB Thn
A. for b.iBr |kw>r »•« .b. sot okrd u>
M.g-rg l„.
o- ' o ib.uo-.. • „„
Tbr U«r irip tb.r -.rr to
,t*. JoBD >m h .n. W
AliBf 10 Hr
aiAB—r«U'*■p iBpOtrrjr
,1 Torol tholhte*
' witboui j Bollog ot»ot. *h. ourh'
:.b,>uld icIcgrkU ' 1
b-khl* I., g.t Aliioc tbr rrwt of
of SoOllAgU W
, .. ..OPOl lb' lOiWl I
Thr wind wrot kiocmg tbr ..
T., J hr,
'"I lioi ii.f* o.li>'»rB.-t.uof tberrelcr?.
tbr tr... ..Ik prrot *otr. but •t.rrr -M '
Hr r.pr.Mr.1 hi. prof, ood .arprbrthot
sn drr'.M'ng MIb Ah*, for ibr kiook*
ir bpioiArd. bkd brid up ko loofl obrnrlrd up from 11,r cti uiir«. tbr b lad*
-Ju-rd Mr'. <1
rr ku.h odirrur nruum.tosecB
isecu osd oowrrr iHAdr.wn.
..bb* ru.hturrd Turol Ifakt far would bai
borr berw
X uil fifo-r >b. d
' proud i„
ii, bo*r o.
ro 04 o oubordlo
:prc«ard bio ru
biUD. Hr rapnian.
.lurdp (r^t ood eoriird iou> tor biuw
tbr Ill-fortoor which
irb eoBprllAd
eonprllAd hla u
opp>Dor -00 _______
uob'.r _
o »i
104a obd uo opJrodld
b a irruibliog bo
briorr br<
I o^d
oud rap
cap 0
a B-wl Uot Ibr prcol«<we»rr 1
drei ol Ui' Vimrd biAIM
wub I hod bkocht b.r o sewAar m
rbior whra kb* OAkod for onp. ACM
•krd V> brisr ep (rolt ood fliw.ro {.
ba w.tv rT-.r rrpQ.Ar
1 w,«d.
o*»rt th web' ..fit f.wJ-ssj
sow 1 r w>* 11 r.fl.«t apMD tbr But
Jrnsr hk« grows IbiB.
' S«pp.*r Uir.torr ol
rwT Ikf
br tbU tiakr." Mid hr Wi
lUppwp tbr TOOBgkim 01
I -ci.t |. >imn« ooi o
i-.ipsi'g t-Hr whippo r
Burl 0 Blpd k> go .>«l tbrrr 1
prpB.ng oAd tok. •its* <wi
Tbr ktbi* wrrr out wbri. Mik* hoiT
Wk b.«l up ibr f*rdob p>ib
»>.» bod
o p'uBip lururj uudrr n.t orir ond k
plkcid .Bilr on her lip> H -w pleoroai
v.hm.r ihr ikup ll«>uo4_ib»-ploc-
tiu (M |tn wtM ret call Me.
ene M-
_______ _____
nalog origboortiuud 10 r*j ,:c.og Id o
01 lire romoocr of ito own.
It i. o
PUuB and Ariistic
«• Ik
Cider Apples,
Bulk Apples,
Packing Apples,
Trnm Citi ScbMl of lisic!
Vm tt.7 Mbt,
AM MU .(>M
O. F. Carver I
. gSSigA^iig-"-
E.*‘atsrSiuW' “■
/ .Tttrja:
I Mr« A* If I BS.t fO ta «Od MT bow
iriwtrfal 1 BB lur tbte gr-bt biHMlar
Y..ii wwuldo t cbfc to fO." wSt^ul r;
v» ti>w4. I tsppBwr*
.W bo wueldn I to. hr VjU hrr.
Traverse City, Mich.
■. Mwk.
Thu AVYnuC* M
-n. ik.Ai
..kttttttuu.ix.vk A.,.
juiBcer «•< thMiMntah
VM.MU M IW ■tal.l W Ik. t.
Foi; anything in ihe way of Farm or City
Property, eee me.
. M clperr ao'‘ bright
grra'. abp waa crrtalb o( ii. ^or br
aald an aod br *
. . ,.
rich and Ibry would (
tihr wi-o 1
tbii g. ahr wanud Un riuniphnf .ay.
leg loaom* ot tbr nr
tbr man roa apid waa
hi. oWB.taUinrol John
a are all at . a*, and apr*n».'
Mr bsiab. 1.,'ug bta cratat
and Pi.-loaiiy twiat
^ 11 lo-di a tn.il
-C..al waatod, hut.
- .. aaofi and pliable la*
■inirrd on'y lh* tnarr l*brie
. di*a can w uwul lor Um laV
U r, and lb* proerro la
al.d pa* 4l
d fr.-iu iba
achanKM^man. ^ T.. J .nny^n
lamb * wiml
Mr* tiurdaii familiar With the pro.w.,1 mai
ofactur agfabrlmfroB piM
n\ aod Kraacr. pad la
> dolag*.
vKWurroil to brr that tbf
I. It uor
wrr* b-UryaalUd U»
n aod Vmr
m park. 1
ua n o fa cl urr th aa tb«M
that pa .
A Irttlp ii WlIgBlk
.....Incpd brr that H would br «ro«
hl-r to try the cKprriucat. bad. with
b* aaal.uaca of brr hnabaad. aba
H^arlrr Than a Man.
.11 faci/wy at tiraal'a Haaa.
ataitrd a 'intll
Machinery .■! Ur proppr kind U Dot U
Iw bad aai
ban It
H Waa
*aa nrnrkaary to arad Ut
K irnp* for It ThlacauMkl adrlay.aad
when the uarb
At iraai iwokueb nug.-rta are .p.)kcB
..f *.uh aoa'.od brrwib
oid tun.pr*
Oar Of IbrB wa* f.iuud tb Aoatralla
Toalb'aOrwbl DUMveiT
I .par.) Hfiy yrara ago. wbeu tup gold
■ Jc.pA tl .i bpgan u,ttr*o,-n.
fiararKlkola Trala dorlaraa Utat bo ial^
ruf ib* Hbrlaagnacblbrruuf
IhrlrclHe poi
aauB aufU'ia
aaibednabb I
! ^ k.rp ila lu.ky Had •r ID COILlfoIt I
1 r. at of nia .lay.
f Vuniorom orrrr prudaerd auch a
T*.. yea.-* ,aipf. bow
Ug Biracm bryood lll^pomlbUliy
U .i-arlana
IVoUrr turued ot
brrr'a ibr man yna aaid waa a rullinc
• ■opr; her* hr U at r > d aa gold, ai d i A luanr., M
rich—oh.rr.r >n ricl '
Sue rpd'O | trr.'
I uc
wtib an rai.llani Mt p c .1 klSb- ..oi.ag«..u.
baJ gdor on-r-ltap .ppd> an oflrn in '
Hut. •py
aigh wa* b-iBdpr and h.ngpr
odouHta. Aor'a c idvipg.'
.•( m .
trroord brr
•■Ofooorar, treryonr .-an t aooerr < '
' fberr II la agali
ab-aaid. with auch grou.ur .tmpa u.i "Tbr m itbi wou.d
plpplauora ,,u-„
twopir plal-lg,,
ab) thing ao[i.,c
y Inlrrpnard \
a waa ragwg*f
■y.ng I
l ean aupply tbe, Paria rablbltlnB ’
wiih .\*agara’a power." bk aald.
aba I k*nd It acroea the ernma wlUowt
a.wire.,, My
Hy U
tocralioo la thr eroWbhg
ol tan
*ilr baa jual pbUBUd hla Bacbla* for
^Bamiii ugrlrrt'lcliy wiUxmt wlnm
Jury were full
giotw wlibnui Betaiie cuidactor*.
larr gntuo ] a„o .d lo rpcpot j...
proper prp J „o-j of ube. of tur , .,ov of l.-in'f.
moataurrip harp refr»io*d from n,rk .uqti-ma
I pprpr
•' a in Ptb in '^jn gnTca.
1,mlird rraonrenaof prmcttci
Ing down tbr p-ide and bov-lfale-aa o'. my mmhrr’a limr
Aid on* --arrijivu
bor form-r aprrch . ' Il at .B la to i-*a aoin liy aakicg prrmlvaloD
rgrt .0 t..r Conrartl
, f ..Kimwafol 11 B*aDa Ual from Uo
collecti-ib W'ig.i. un-Urr g,.und.
Ita I great faua nf Niagara, ot Ua Yellow,
raiur iv a iittl*orrr «i
I brr* are .vmr. of Aiaakaaud of Ur eaayoBapf
a > ' hrf..rr •
four oih, r ouggna. ranging Ir m -rn I Colorado uolimilrd power of BlllioW
rd Mru .mi-.h
aw 1 pllp-'U-l)
la aod wh*e b-niber W
lyouB-e. tou.rrr p-un-l*. nf a m ~l |«o;b eao br drllrrrrd lo Saw Yorh.
onl asd I 1
ack I » goiag to a** to n that h'
I iaiB uthr C DO" g..Id anu a', n! l'"< ojggr-i. ,
si Hrienharg and Hrbla la •
In m* g».d
under iw.btyounrr.-E/.».-.sna t forget lh* oara that harm
doer well Thro Ibrrr’a Ihi, ahont I
M iboa bo abalhllAUd.—liproBjforlinrly
-A maa'a folk., r*po : nor .n*'r d .tcaodrd br
Mra J.dn beitb
iaily bla wniurn '
. aHnr
Hnr lor him -o anenuot nf prorr,
ko«y NaiUforBorrra.
..d HI luck. Ib-B*<>iD** I think 1
’Jarour.park •
m< rr nf a fallorr a BIB It. ih* Be
tr baa anm* floe applk*
.llb Parker.
Hetta ai
bridgr w,ib
bbwoBra lolka ihit.k of bmi "
I that bar* »Krrpr fruit fora
tar itas.rrr';;:
: ooibing rj
Tbr cold Boat, tbr h.
10 ro. J -ho
Ibr yellow daub uf bniirr 00 a china
aauerr. itar crorroua icp i.f pumpkin
tbr frrah a
plr—oh It wnaada-D'y r paai
Bo- Bight b*lp baby ah.ng Wl*h h.. -ret
ibrlrbBpd-d net fal. to aft<
and Ull> j'.baaic 1. dr
Btaanrr of
b-a kind
I.Piking at Mim ABy ■
r-oty B
■ tb*
In c.
trr and B -Mlrr rrrr. •
brolbar WiUUb ooB«a bvW-rruab
lb* chlua pitcher to tor fl *w
Amy war aroaod lh* Ubl* in n
J S*
MMa Asy fell to boggier tb*
■ iiarrpotabir lia.klng cmllar with a n
fir that irdopord brr cbrrkk and
ciouilya* poa-ibip.
I taop-wr y<-o )
barr to go
Kirr d.*lla-a at Iraat 11
waa all br foubd l*.! '
a^ll lb a ^k)
Idoo'tao pmritn
t that it doi* Ok
d li-o-glab b I bad "
, ur
look-d aTu* lilUr
cr^ird '
Gl.l'r.'.yrd tttliwr aome lr1*od augdricihg a law roaly Balia ta
ground wbrr* Ury
log tbu wot a borer baa
tbem.-SI. f.*«4. Oinb*
Sp.d-r* Arc a Ptagac
bpidcraara at-rl.ca niaga* la dap.
Jo') .oih Ucir wrbci* th* ta*a.
Ibr iBliao* »od Ur cali.'m-n
lie T l,.t yror Brar'rl.wti bradof'u, e»oi
•er.oua loa uf iMatotlBa.
aiii* b*ciu.g.og in m'c4>-.r.. of U'I s.mpl', b> wlr*a doc* UUl* good, M
M'r.irrB S mtb lluhoiu K..*Hi i.rowrr.', Ur cpider* brgia all orer bgala.
rhry were .# n.l by Ur lid.*
br>d to rif i-ca tbr• paym-ct v-f »1
.glad,- abr kept l.tllag b*B cuildrea aod w*. a leal,
•rral I
arad fir U'lr care darteg ih*
baea lonr
lone y brrr wiibml yuo
a • •
.1 hy
peudlag Urir rolanU'y rrmotbl
at Br.- br
So light' BO fl>w;
It -wm* dreary tbr own*iw. Th • «r*l» of S .aU
-rolobrly.- - Bo
Aogoai -<mo«^ 00 U-. chill
aa Mr. Salih aerrwrd bit Bight kry lu
kbowa : to lb* •atek aad groped bli way la Ua vrfUe ealll-- w.thooi tbr u***wuty
down oe Ur buy window imyag tb* a-nnanl drsaadrd by Uc
lailaaa.—KrrW-iwyrkta wUr'a •
____ _
_ . ,
Poor old gl
table, bm HtUr rocking rkui'
atrohrd bla
chreka with brr plomy
Japaa * Great Sioul PiaaL
liagracul beatdr it. wbilr J .hbbrowB band, aad Ibagbrd aofUy
Japaula now bu ldlag a great .trr]
•Yoa'rr ct-B*.
enmr. aad
aod Uafa enough
l.> ny-a torgoUeB cattle Uy Ob Ue floor
-•------ k* will enat fliotjou.tluo
VoB harrs'l got along well wlU
atraagetv but Ual doaara't aaiirr a '“Ti-^dae-d loarly.- ■aUwtuM Mr
TB* produc
•rUlag of a Utrm-.
"I threw yeatu
Wl. Voa'r* ootar boar poor aad uaed
fnrUrS-ul year will bralBoal
■p. aad aort ot door (ur. but I
cigar aad itrwiy •ir*l rolU aad pronaWy
fw*l b BIW gladder or
wh.ft.d amy a gailly jro ' '
btratewlaad ttranarul iroa will lot
i cobUIb'i; i'rr got BBo^
low la order. Tbb atm) plant, wbtrh
r w both
Toe rr ao Mna bow
will bealtaated1 a
HBcd it will arem to bar* nownmt litc‘l"
____________ BWtbrra oad of th. lalaad
"I Biftl
Ulooh after, aad brwa arojbd. aad
of KmWs. Tbb blaad. aaBordiag U>
a bar eifpBBy » grci
cook hw. That ealla to miad Ual I
eepurb.blte IfldOflt-te teiNCB
VtaB ldbda*L
•Bairwaw^ko th* rorwerm aad gwta
kaibaj few WBTfQB.
TBa cat yoar
Tar deer rrally *reepu.lw*yab bWac
peo-d d wiU lacbrymal ftlabda
Yarty-foar Baa^aa ara aalled tM*'
play <b U* pri^Mtte. of Ua baaaa
Tberw b BMW •ktrUat amd U ra»al^twobsadredyarda Uaa U rt^Jflft
alaa larger la proporiioa
Uelr bodloB Uaa a^y
fur U«lr irouWe la ■
A eabic «Mt of Mvlf Callna u
weigba (rr add a ball puada. aad
iwelrr Ubm Ua balk of M •
bt ot walv.
‘ Ub*aUtkateDw-bdbBr«p_______
OBlyla-foar tacw^ Ib^ Oaa«d
ua Bra mad* j**t U* aami aa
ruaa. kaadr«4yuMBacB. and
arate fmwsla am.
aa rviaiaa «o t>
and taienial e
airra an to be adove le aaea ncode I* a
rlr leM imponaat.
ti pana.tacotniB —*
M, latloB or tha
■at aoetraftaitotht
ff cn
C^**S "Te*pBf
gnm. • • • Th* (BtoioBse of
irMB. BfUr alM dafB of *Brna*(
« which (be Blmoal
dellberBUoD. turlBt
FBI of TOOT body «*«
• po'»t «*v« •• to (h#
UDD Bhlrh falledJaf adetdiao't
•Kb Bid
pie uyfcra b r
*.' ^ BhouM
t*ke at (he aarlleat
esl Bitt
(BTHy and
1* ImportBot
that «
thm rocpi
_ riW Biid redprctBl.
FToper et*y
r doty la Baalat la every proper
of the inbdlM
-----------the laduatry of
then tr form B
all be free and Ir
rtBUiln* the beat a
r«k>«lB« I* •1»«B U»*
«f tb» pnal4*Bt'( iwn l« eoo»TM*;
n \ht MHU *>« k»»M ef r«w
rhai II le (he duty of (he thrift
* to demand and the dvr- ' mole
the rolled Bute* doee the t
■If** r*
r».^* nni
mr*--^ Himan' *wtIo* undn
. irTTir— flB« bbB far B rtchtaou n
hM MTBBtlMad tb. DBUaBBi
nlBUBB of lb* CBKed 8U(« 10 oihrr
n *Wj»prB|^B-^»*
rbll-h Bin
>s of (he
l<Tui« qiiesUoo
rruwol of the
hpBlO ...
BOd (hr
VatUd^UU» t?ward*^t^L
TiTiTi imnocuea aa betac by Car ....
1 VI
ft*l'!J“waa at oB!y'‘c*maiUn'lc*t^ to thr
Bpenirb mlBleter *1 ihle capUal. who
forlhwlih aenoonred that hli ronH^-
Iral Amrrte* and lie rreenl eoiapte ]
tdor and ihe Aueim-nuncartan
.ion^'^’’hr Ppanleh mlnltter.
Genrrwl Wo-d'oi
ler at M*.lr:d.
nrenailno of Ihe
io rominar
lutiun and direr
,f PpalD. '
10 Ihe covermni
r*eocnia<n ot
iBta a* ta-mcrrmi*.
tb* tadciwndrorr ot
other party, and
BBj^tkm ol the tslaed. I eonWB* boaeaily due to our fiiend.
aa* Bllh Epala that the abould
I a raaMB^a rhaaiw to rrallae
10 which al
■oodford on It-' n
[innleli m'lilater o
[ of April :i.
went It. the
' oolined him
adriS covrrn. rrcardti,* lb* acl a
to an't Ident d.HUr»iloo
ordered lla mlnleter In Waehlnrti
thrr.-by lirvakln* ofl <
lallonr bel»eeii ihr i»o ■
upon demanded hU
bt.taottootm to remody the eeli* aa
iSSijrj! !s.‘sr.4r»'.Tot
—Ihar MOBtit aa wall a* to thoaa of
••tw Math hroBcht little alcn of nal
fl'tdft teerard partAratton of Cobat
torn ih.rr
j> and quii
a Mockadr
the northrra eoaat -t Cnta
By my nieoaaae i.l April :5 ihe r-----------wt* tnfurmed of the aliuatlon and I
recombirnded fartniil de.latBllon ol thr
eclalrnce of BPiatr of w*.r lelwr
I'nllrd Slalea and 8|«ln Thr ro
accordlBCly 'Olrd nti t
. tan. Ue- Nrh
• li *p].roved April
rtb* arfUiary arm. cliviou»1r un2 to cape with lb* atlll anlTe re.
o_ —^
Trim o(
rded It.
BM 1i 11 at aabaj r iwroBfoatradof
' '
ih”’*™^'fom'^ of
Ihe paih
------ y that art Into effect.
tPivBid-nl McKinley ibeB annoimced
to fi.rrlsh nallona the etalr of. Bdalra
and they all reapondvd with seutaramy
pr^-uoiationa. which *et» fully en
forced. He then teoaonU the moblU**IkiB of the I WIed Btate. military an(
naval torre*. rvmc thair airenath.etc.
prrcauUoni acalnal aiUck on our traoaat. includinc (he war loan author,
tied by roBcre**; telb of the prucreoa
ot the war and (Ivea a brief accotuil , *
It from hectnaln* to end. all of which
tie praearod azpadleal of a
_____ la the oibaaatad and dcaUtuie
ptapi*. ttrtppad at all that loade life
■i^_>Bma daaj aad torded In a atraace
- SSS5 hSaamSSL^^'uil^S^?
• coeatd ceaaral
amraral oatoralt
a aad tv
h] aable and .
w laiurei^ effort thtwoch the or-
aa*ad.bat aaaay Ihbaaandt mm were
laiiaanffMa to aaeh (oran of aid.
ln?tliktTil?ri!f!?^i n*!*!
aptac aaly tb* aaae apaamodlc eacounUnTUrraB of atmcplc mult that bad
■mrbad tlio eoara* of the earlier im
year*' rabamoa aa wall as the prooent
iaaarmetiMi from lu start. No almaatfre aatr* achauatlon of otUer combatoaL «ad iharowlibal tb* praeileal
nda oCtbr lalaod. Uy Ui atcht. but how
tor dismat aa OM caold vaalURtocoe1 os reod^^ urllsBi of
bauiaabtp Main*
no While richtfany
ina on a
-teey aad
by other pertl-r for a nerraal-n pr-d..ai*d on Ihr
pnarblrc lapee of the c-n
La‘'*J?*.^h« perbarw
1- waa preamitad of a___________
MaTboto boooes an tbe atb of Marc*
That tbM art or tieovlatea eaave non*
«to seeai wm diarlaaed when the appllcartew sT Ib* Cuad was u.odertafceo.
Oar tort* w*r* pracOcaJly undefmidad.
;iiii:r**.'«h* I huvr b!to tto'‘opiirt'u!‘.lly !
to pa*. Unally ub„n th* whole matter
duTlBc th* prorRi eeasiun.
Xeverihricr* It appeai* It
< r» In t
at:* 1 rfurc me
•* of the newly
O,rural Amet.r
war caaualilrai Army—Officera kilted.
tZ. enllaird men killed. tH; total. ZtO:
oflitera wounded.. Ill: enlUied men
anuodid. l.iH: total.
NavyKilled If: woondrd. CT: died a* mull
of wound*. J: tnvauded from aervle*, «.
I* l*c.,m« effertP
if;'"1?;“, jr*“»u ........
'"tr’li’lilttnc that I ahould bear Icttl-
ihe pairtoUim and devoilon af
* parllon ot our army which,
racer la hr ordrred to the
rreaieot eapoaurr, fortunately
mqulred outalde of the Vnited
They did their whole duty, and
- romtadeo at tb* front bare
crailtode ot the nation, tn
r the rdHcen BM id»n of the
if the navi' who remali
queaii tor aaalfonient In thr field and
at sea wa* rompelled to rrfuar beeai
tbair .>ervlc**wa*Indlsj<erAablehcre.i
yjUed- ;o^ lb* blfbeai vlimment
•• aa land aad am Briac
rh douiit not Ib* eon*
ajiprertal* and wiaetf
not been a
the eitraiT
C In ih* Chi
tea* enuUce. whereby portion, of It
nartUm* pioclme. are paisinc undr
:h* i-unif.'l -if vanoor Rur,ip.wii i«w
■n: but Ih, pr -i * I tb.1 tb* va.i com.
mrpe which ihr rn,:*y of our clllaro.
■ K'F.ri.ffi'S'Hi
- Uoa mot aapmwrwt to toot M eoa
»*r<. M IW -« tbr I
Mother and Babe
I>ubli*hcn. Dostoa. Mas*.
X TONE but a mother know. Ih.
pa mi, anguob and drc*d (tul a
wroavan cnijrabriuc and durtn;
cKildtonh. And Mill nearly' ah (hn wlicn^ u uaoucaaary. .The laalhiuluMoi
h-uld'h!- 'i^'nW ^
lie well known hi (1i**na *i*t,-,l ts.atth*'
' frii'Ti'*
i- bi^ih- .lair. ;
will is peat rocaajre ovcnaimc every
dulroaing rymjUnm. and Labor iurifwill
no«heav»ywriooiord<aL Remomba
lhai MOTHER'S FRIEND t. an mirmal Imimcni (hat ultcn. and rclaaa
ill. minflei, and s not a dat^trom
mmpomd of opiato to nvanov. Aik
vour dfusia lor II or .ad price iSl) to
m toaBrun Moxaiot cs. anMa,to.
Srrid lo^n.r (rr* illQ.trmrto
l.-.-n .|..ul,lrd
]ty |M-rd»ni> III |ionr h<-nllli, from n
vigor,lUa li-«llii
iwr Ibttiv fnreat
ludlrm Ih.wcf 1
i-.l 0,*'E.h ruluilv* ir.Hl.eratin
’ Ih* a. I »T MaiH
n r.timiird ar*.
Th* .1
by i
taral vur.-■•( aU f >rni« of ai»-.isin in
Talk u iib E. hi Miller At th.-
of *0,-
i lur ivlurm*i wil,li,-
«■ apIril-Al. W..11I.I Iw mui'b
•-aiiM-urmilil nxlor* them
wl-o am (,e,|ing taeak and
Tti.- Oxi-diiDor ••auara the
. -woup'D ami vbildren.
alori'. oui' dour luwl
Sallir'-P r i. wa»
,iu m*i
»;C.;u c;. and *n
friiiii.nn.d Uqu.v.
vv. ,1|..a(*d m-r. har.d:*" .lurinc th. >.-ar
.moumhu; t- |i.V,.«W lAli ,.n i.;cr-a»r
of •I'u «»•.“( ten, ih- pi* «l.nc
(«1.'4T *, M ............ . .m..u,„ir.e In lid. .
^ ununy to tC.I. < i.iC
Ha the .am-1 ^
n,.,n*<^.-r all kln.la j
firmly lli.i. rvet tn*
Ifo HI
nl 01 in, T--A-* of net
, on ,V*. 1. i»,r t*
(ii-neral H<«ler for WsatoTB MicbiffML -
Wilhelm Bros.’ system of selling jonly
Trustworthy Goods at
Uniformly Right Prices
is daily winning new friends. Thousands will do their Holi
day Shopping here, and why not you?
Note a few of the many good things that we are ojETeriug
at present:
- Down Pillows,
25,35,40,50 and 75c.
*m-be*rin* debt to provide R.,id for
the rcnlemptloB nf I'nlt-d SUie. noi*o
—a ona-lniere*<-b*Bnnc debt
are pul out in any other wmy they may
PHora ***‘|*;
errewt-bearins d'U lo redrem a noeintrreet-beortnt debt."
tto h-llef inai'fuih provioion. of taw
would Ineure to a »te*l*r deaco* the
aafeiy nf tbr preerni otandard and bet
ter protoct our currency from "he dan»-r* to wj^b^l. •ubjeciK from a dla-
d. which drtve*
In my Judwir.eni i'r.*'i re»*rl condition
of the treasury amply yurilfl,. tbe Immenieirvenai-tircnl of the leatolalino
ramrr.ip-ndid , n* year **o
whkk a p.Fr-'.ui of th. f*M taotUnffi
sh,m>d to pla-e) IB a trwi fund from
which embark, should be redeemed
rt rvoutred. On'S-* erntmey. tber* M
> obvious drmsnd for It Tbe tonirtanc* of adequate provlaloa which
aadard rvUlcd <
rir to 10 (hat of
.t our asmmtlc
to kaM lali
yam ,
b* 4
White Aprons
10.15. 26,38,60.76c
Silk and Wool Novelties.
$1 kind...............................69c here
86 in. AlY Wool Serges.
36c kind.......... i..............23c here
Black Crepons. 60. 60, 76c, $ 1.00 and
' $1.26 here.
Ribbons, all Silk, widths 6,7 and 9.
to close at only............................ 6c.
Handkerchiefs, 1. 3. 6, 10. 15, 26c to
Children’s Hnderwe ar, odds and ends
fi*om several lines, 16 and 26e
kind, broken sizes, at only.......8c
George II. Lathrop. Lock Box 204.
111. l.ltfc >
Figured Silks. 60o value at
Plaid Silks. 75c kind, to close
Handsome Taffeta Silks. $126
Itin-Y. speciaL...............................98c
He ktyvpe tb,-(n fur nail-aoJ ea%(eU you abuut tbcin.
Plain diriN.tiup.s with e^vli NppliBnce.
om^ni*J :o
* ,1..erra*.' fi.,m Ih* II...
if.c .-r t*j
llilrio. r.,.-r.ur r.-.-l|.:. U
>re icrrwented for redrn.pti t, ,n *,.ld.
.nd are redrem.d in acid,
mall be krpi ard *el .|ai
' Thi* to
t the Fioir •r of Ih*
n oto-ioi
n. ferw thriled 81
nuT r*,ylv* back
a fn!t*< Suiee
(told in eirhan*,
for Uii* J» mail* ah the mote apjwrent
acre* force aud
I laniisomcli lllustntci:
iiith over 60 nill-|toi;t
h.iil‘tones. 1-or sale In
al! IhkiLsellers, or sent
post-paid upon receipt of
Price. $i.sa In
>■ Ip,' 1..*.*. fr»m ihl* rail**
. ..idfd
11,.- d.-i«nn:*n 1.
nialini: our p i-ui .
lb* tin.* mei.O -n-d
Our r- laikm* » h Or**l Britain hav* culalRin wt- K'-CJ
On tb* t*m. ,
nool friendly footlaa.
(,,|d 1
rque.1. th* proiectlon
The pn.VI.'nl,. t
y of pesto
r|«wof lb*
etepa lea
dnenm I
the futBj F of tbt aew'
a* lb* cuwalt of lb* war
will ram, lo na
Such AlamMaa wU b* ap-
Aa Accurate and StIcadIdJy
wriuea Hklory o( the
,iTt*.trrt'"..rt..r“''rr^' Cii;*
fmtoy'^d^ He^S^
a* aoon to down with a mortal dim**
wiU ecnae to that mooer m later
A man • life m to drmsed out by
dyrtwpua and h^r raotpUhiL Tb* eapmewee of Mr ] T CardweR to PaQ
Cicek Dra^
t>c^ Pituytotnia
Pituylmnia Co.,
Co.. Va.. abows
bow Dr hrm'. Otodra Mcdi
i ,.'t aii'n;...*. to Ihr «**l*o> '
..ur ...Uiilrv and lit Intiodu, :
.11, .,'.,.t*d t.. **ml-
ruld rot
for *Tdd
abl* to toy^a defInlUv* u
!.i,al'-j'\ f
•ii"',rc,rC£ rjiSr-'F''""''"
; be would ruber be aboL
feeU tbe aaaw way ahem
will pocotvff npnmrt Bite' ■
Ihna* lealon* maj- not hr prejurtiped
.thruuab. and earluaivc trealmem by Jun* 111 !»*•, >
tb* nrw ureupanta ha* obvi.trd Ih*
rerd of our rouuUy bcomlti* an actor
'"jnut^e'm'rloaelv wairhini lb* treatmwil of American ritltrsn it Chln*.
Th* prealdetil r-f*r« to neaotUllnn*
with France nnd tie-many lor
af our trade with ihua* roum
City. Kick. ^
and Ih* pM
nr* and commerce lo p*.
I our r.allunal pol.cy auw
lively tban ever rail, (or
Bpanl.h JurieJKi
Th* annlhilall'iB of Admiral Cerrera’v Ib* diplonaitr ai
lar r*pr***nfieri, followed by the vapltulatloa of lailv*.
who fuimird
BaaUkCn. havlac broucbl to lb* *0*0- their driiral*. and a
I. iru.t with
Irn luvoiBm.ai a iwUtxinc senta ot tho tael and t*nl *li, lilt
boiwJeaaneM of eundouiiui a atrusc'e
.'W^ lo''i^kr fltnnc
oow bacomlnai wholly unequal It raado allualon to th* Inrtanr* of Mr. Rtm*overturai of prac* throuch tb* Ptapeb d*r. her maj,-.iy-* cntul at Fanilapo
Ilweaador. who with tbe aaneat of hi* il* Cubn. who** unllinely drath after
vrrnment had acted aa ibr frlrndly dlvtlnyulahed eprvk* and uailrin* ef
r-rermtatlvc of Ppaiilata Intermt* dur- fort dnrln* th* «i*t* of that city wa*
r th* war On thr :«tb of July M. alnrerely lamrnfd.
__prmnlrfl a rumraunlrallOB
In Ih* rariv lari of
aianed by the Duke of A1mi>drvar. (he
Bpanitb mlnutet of
>f atatr. Irriiini
Irritin* Ib*
itatr tbe term* .
to I
uld be -willmc
ly ». by
th.- nui
1 M Cam
tol* ^miim
mlaalorerw to arranae'fcS* th
*B of th* rpanlrh Antdl*.
OnI A„.
Asa. It.
... M.
Casiboti anr.oui
___ _________
r*celpl of full powvtw i* *Un th* p*otofol *0 aubuntf-d. Acc-rdlnaly. on Ih*
aftrrti,«i. of Anf. U. M Cambon. ** Ih*
plenlpoi.nllary o( thr Vmt.d Slate*,
aicned a pr-toct • • • w
tTbe proto'-ol a> bervCoforw printed t*
here latrodoivd in aubounc*. It* tlyaalor* reauUed >n th* suapen.loB ot
bontmte* and on Au* IS Ihr muiter
out of lao.nor Rwn was ordend. On
D*t 1. m.tc. bad hcea muaU
nr apiK<lntm*m of evwruatV'n
ram,mli»h.ne f.ir Cui
and Porto.Rlra and
^th* j-eace^i.m ila>lon BOW aliUna at
. ................
Ordsrt for Job Printing left St the.
r-.l*. ,»i l!>-
— • - lb* ronatrurilnn of aurh
il«hway_JtJl-» n,ur* il
ib<ti,l*'nuhlr I" Ih.cc Inilmi
ready ml r-c mmu ilrwll >r. b*|w«vn our
«*ai«™ aiid w**I*m .eatemrd. demand.
*Tb*6ru5E”rt tto
,-d t.-l. r
tbr fhll..
• iiran.-r
would | ,
i Traverss City Granite & Marble Works, 1
.1... turrA
I rt Ujaln
- lujt.t I
lb* u-
I Lmclu. nriirtr u
p of tb* aulu* “'....'J
ttopawT It loM la tb* nport* of ib*
aimitartu of war aad of tba wavy, and
and at the J
-igthens Eod restore*
___ . . ako all other lisoes.
cr«^. n T, It causes the head
lo become clear
rercn.n.nt and the patient energetic for {
H, D. AI.LtV. Proprictnr.
‘7m^y w:ibu»l.ness when duU^ •'the * 401 Waat Front Stoato
ih* lU iniblues" or
.. indi^KMcd
indi^KMcd bom
from bUiousbUious- f
\-r U
with tboae
irlii-n that o-.nf.drralloiu
•y^and inirrnational pollc;
(ween Ihr 1
af an Inler-orr
tnaded. BooioaduaaaaoLib* bran anu
lervM free. Addci.*,
bom. a
ir proir
,w*l of
Ulliy. ■
^iHeanb renal
canal 1b> a Nnarocuan
will be i»ld brfore you. • • »
'' 'dXrorr;
a eaapTiia to 1*0*1
non.,-1 ^rhw'
' a poelU'.
e?»« botn.-
Jol5 :■
> provuion, i
June I ot.
ihauel *
irred (he
a sulkm ertdaoc* of .
. ___________
aad aaaae dlaiioculatilnc eur natloBsl
that (hti Bhockinc blow, fall. _ 1«, th* Fi-ani.h jwply. dataj
•-------------- PoopI* aliaady
evoBU In Aua ;, wa. handed L> U. Cambon to
lb* •erreiary^f itol*. It aic-plcd unlaatani
«t9*raU roaalv* to toWratr no loacrr ronditionally th* lermr tmp.,**d a. to
fortoTllro and an I.Und of Ih*
toa asmtoBo* or a ceadlllee ot dancer
Ladror.** aroup but appeared lo aeek
trodur* InadmlM lb* rrwrvaooai
-card 10 our demand a. te th*
Phillprin,-.. Coli-eivlrw that dl»ro»»loB
*«utt of tb* ararrlbine to on (hi* point ould neither b- practleabl* I dlr.eled that In order to avo.d
I once oet oa loot
nr the naval boar
•rd’of m- mWuBdenianilira the matter ahould b*
bed that the oricli
ia of tb* forthwith rlo.rd by rro)«i.lna tb* *mbodimrai In a forma: rr .lorol of th*
tormi In wh.rh th- n-*i'lUtlon« for
■Mas. abff aaOr haitad ihrouch
rear* wrr* to b* undertakpB Tb* vsfur
waMim UaUmoay to ffa (he r.______
Hion. of th* Span
tau-ar to aetboraUp. AH tbeoe thiaca • Bd iBetpl'r't >uu*«i.on*
the only
aantad eabvtciioe le tbe man thouchi- lab BM* mold not b* 1v**i4pd.
-. ai a virtual ullla la ear relatioiia matum a draft of proioiid embodylnt
i Cutw m i
noie of July H. with added .tif
m.rraw i.I ihe o-ii
hrird force <’f the r _
- •
**th*"kllanHr and PariB
-ay I* to b* rwalj,y^a prai'Orat >’
tola* «5SaSd‘ao»? if7hi*?rt7o‘iw?i
MiaMtaata Bor
LMtr Matae* to the larye arteni
a-rplioa hy promoU-itu i-r
diecharc* under ouch re«»
Te i-wrelary of war -.........
ipertiuiirerary roi ,t
M thr h, oorablr dV
1 rradaaof OeaaUe. Marble Bad Stsor Work, aad oak*rp car prio*> Uw. eaa.ldertar tb- qaaUiy of work
t- ')ar azUQci** kamillac ot ias..aa«atal trork *aab a, a
taloia oaiu. mnt ad**Blar>->a> ir-iaa.BBd (boboio(ooir ca.tvs.r*. U
arr (hUklBC of bay>»C*artbiafl»oir -a, tiwml,
^______________ ______________
•mtii- vo uM-^r
ailon. bettinc
th. UBm- Berne T,
•me Nl.wracu* canal mo
er the chalm.arjhip ,.f ft
ohn O Walker, app-.lni
impure blood
It produce
■oduces appetite, strength
It does
oes ii
all these things
with cvrtaintT by acting up<m the
iseshe. It htrikes
causi^s of diM
1st the root.
It i. pleu-vaiii to take and its a<fe«
on tbe system tsj wanniog dlhl is
..f ||0* CV0y way agreeable.
L ACBi^ya THE iiml«ra
“hrrlmT'^“re7ni’*aekrd fcrhir peeepont. whirh »rrr ctven him Hr thereupun Blihd-ew from Weehincton. leav-
lOB. «tb.
.... ..............
rCB tuCeriBC (or ocarly thirty yaan
ramdyaprp.la. JlrvH. f. nordaU,
-ifeolaptoalnaei burlsew mas of
Ufanav.K.T.wrltm: "Fcaa year*, I wa*
a csciftast asCeevr freer dynriaia jiad a
wmkrtoisarh. The lirhual f:od pradured
riirpllon of the rupiore
. ,_,tii'«mMI^n*ra^d^•o!utlon byemi.a'“•T.mrth‘®
the mited POitra,
heyehy dJarlBJmt any ditpo.lilor or In- "'’'n’V.'follo.Iv the veual flat of Inforl«itl(B> to er.-rrlee eot-rrelcnty. Jarle- malli-n reyeiJinc nor forelcn relation*
dlrtlan or cnirol <nrr eald lelmnd ee- aiatu- of dl»i-uiea «lih fi-relm oalinne
ricbli of elilaena. elr..lnaa to |e-nuinal lice
retd^for Ihr wlflrn^l^
.culdir.* It....... ........... of Auairla for h-r
killed or woonded
aceompllehrd to leavr the covernmrm aullJ-M-le «ho an
WMhe 1-aIlc-ner ^ a.) labor ronflin.
"" Markers
•ad BeoutiBc* tMa CorlcEkiw. '
It cauiet tbe Hirer *o throw «d!
t.’-Sw nr* now'lr the eecular brmy
. bile. It deans
oat tiiel
oRIcrr. aad men. Ir. aeid an it in
wu providrd -that at Ihe end of any entire alimentary
ntmrr canal, tid-1
wwr In which th* V
dbg it of otfensive inocou and all
,.A..d the
e nutten that inhabit an tm*
ih beafthy atomach end bowdt.
Platr* with thr rreai family of naIV ha* »-wn markrf
T'lh r.u-dl*liiy
d thr
Ihr Hoar
eloee of Ihr
the rv
r rntful yrar (lad*
Met of thr teeure the. nrwpeeruj -lire
iia^dantlBaa tbaa advahrtd. i
lalUoa of the vtowa thr r
blianiB. whatever may have
Ir reXloB* In the paat. Neither
nor poMh-B etxrald have aplare
pw cii«yrtim<-M. fnlll there It
' tranaulUll) Ib the leUnd end
tlM Bd4*4 Irani
MOMTT M (he w*r our peopit
tttm IB • m7 >Btl«{Be(ory bb^ BteBat*
to «*r*BW «•*(..• <rf p»«»p.r(to
ttmai hr .tf lBr».« tbIb** »« I
mtm «nr ncorM HBBU<Br(«ir«
kSt ^SSnbmaBBi recunra,
U>««i»tr>- W BrtterWBf4*d.
nvnm l^uuiMra pb^ by «>•------
SUa mad Blood DiaMNtoT^
ouaaeaa. Hrodoeboa, Coodtlpo
ctorali.-a by
- I dite.i*d
fheTmrinjS’of Vbe rrcular awy io the
.red by *
• covenof Cub*.
le ■or^orablt ^elat n
£“S •£ “Sir' ““
Flush Capes, special
$1.90. $3 60 and $6.90
Also the Best, of course.
at.................................... $10to$16
Black Boucle Capes, trimmed with
Thibet Fur. full sweep, at $2.60
Several lines of Jackets reduced from
$10 to $8. One or two of a kind
Hen’s Shrunk Hittens. :...............5c
Good ones at.......................... 10 to 85e
dJloves...................26, 60. 76; to $1.60
1 case Hen's Fleece Lined Under
wear at.......................................28c
The best tailored and most satis
factory Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters
are here at prices that are right
Latest Novelfes in—Neckwear, Hats and Gaps.
Wilhelm Brothers.
faiBv bat
tba MB Bbo Bade It bad lotallp forROMtB toalfehk atBa. tbaa anklaf
tba doeasaatIsallaBdacdd.
•MkWUilTmurar tta toudlif of
A»«t9 tv }W« Morqoono.
Th« taa^Ml *D lb« tM Boioo aMoko iMThi la Date «UI be haU
ea Jaa. U aboat tha tiaa tha ctapaa;
Uat aprlac 'deaaph sad Bbraard
Blaat, of T«aa towaablp. ai aa Bxperi'
Baavpiaalad^aaaraa ofaofvbaata.
nap harraatad Ihb (all 110 toaa o!
baata. erhkdi. *baa ahlppad t»^
tacar baat taatorp at Bap Otp. aaalpaadim Boraaet afdBaaarar. Tbap
raeairad la tara for tbaaa baala. dtH.
aa aaaraca of f; par
Mat Meat BataatafaMretaMwaraMt tea twite an
aiHw.i.a iwfBiir m* ................. . wBiea«titic••
b Baataroa oat.
Saarataak Udiaa are RoUr *» ot»moiBatauabaadall^tbatr votT
Peter Watera. wbo died at Baaaaaar
aaina. wltboai tba aaalnaaai of a alaa fa<a dapa afo at tba a«a of U.
gla harrtd aaa.
Abadraraad a >3taaB erarc kUM protaatad aa ledlaa mtaBwa at (b'
At Cblaioaa OB Tkatadap aaotbar ftra
vaidAooTBadUtbaaeboo-boeat. Iba
euaea off tbe propoeod ataaeaera.
wea^ aaa la oaa mtk. Bp
Bar. r. M. Ooddiaptoa. paalor of tba
’ verii Iba bolMlac <rw aRata aaaad.
Pirat OaaprapBUoaal ebareh at Ua|i h aaUaalad Bot o«ar t.OOO d
alap. baa as aalqaa aad orlptaal wap
. kaa* bota sbol la tba apfwr paaieaaU
•rtBlBlac bla baarcra derlop tba
tUaaaaaoa. Uakof aao
eoBlap wlalar. Ua h wriUap a aerial
boatbe difiealt. Ttera
atorp aad raada a ebaptar-arrrp dee
dap erwlop. Rack ebaplw eoBtaloa ■
Adalbert Ppae. a traa
Boral aod be nabaa it to (aaelsaUar
tarmb. Ba* dead dU or M dtpa lor tbat all-waat to bear tba aaai chapter.
horaa-btppiar LlbMa Paanall. afMl *.
Oa a raoaat deedap la a eerulo Har«boa'bat«k with tba iataattoa of
rp eoBOtp 'atllapa ehateb the Jaallor
cBow qateOp op to Iba paJpH wbert
A tkarpb ladp
tatUp of wkat tba alaUier waa dallaariep bla waekip
' aba tboBfbt »a
dtaaoBiacasd ieforaied bite Ihtet tba
4ap. aad tbaa aa
w told bar tbat ebarofa waa ob Bra. -Verp arall" aaid
tba aapaeaad araekm werea eair forB tba BiBiaiar. "I will retire: aed prrofpaaavcaka.
hapa, Jobe, poa bad bettor awakes tbr
Ptob daaltn
eoDprepaUon aad lafor« tbra also."
a for bb. arm
Tba Waabloaav ooaatp poorhoiter
Irplobara tba Usa abortaoad to tba
lalarral bct-aaal Nor. I aad Kor
•(laalaad of from Kor. 1 to Dae. It
“Tba T-paa^oU aoo of T. O I^
vbe Itraa loar osttaa anathocat of M
tbrm—foeod ibalr wap lelo tbr oollaploe. vaa aeeldaatallp abot bp
of tba eawapapata asd perlodlUTaar^td broUW. fllarKbtiaw aad eala wl
•beterer tba UerioaB laapaapa la
appar taaib af/foea. llawaidlA
HU tatharwara onblami
Work la ba/nf paabad oa tba a
I dTiaBBlpao. who <
. hetorp of tbt>OraaaiaTp Paakapa Co
- Korlp
‘ baada will ba aaploppd
tba paar bp bU ftTBlda with a wife aod f
ebildrea. dba pow wUBra aba waa b
Hkbipaa barbara lotaod to aak tha
' and (ba EpUcopal ladlM <
bold aa old BBld'a parlp at the or
boeae oe Toradap oiphl tu rat.c fa
protrettea apalaat oDaklilaO aaorki
aedthaflraaad tan aaol abopa. aad to
aafaar tba axaretalBt of Baaltarp pra' CBBtloaeAtBapCItpJaaiat Oraet.
wltbip a few wreka. the laat
<dd. a aeboolbtp llrlar tjo At'boti' balap tbai of Iklward (tellie*. wbicta
atraat. tall troB a arafoB loadad wltb waa bomed Kridap
Tbe blaxaa are
aapar baata oa Parka
bUd wbaal rms oarr ki> Back, kmiop
Wklla oonpad la laadiap a pea la
• tfoDdap Borolap. I^^Mar.
r-olA.bop II' -.^'rtaioo
Clip. aaadasUUp ahot hi
ilA^tr. tba
aoBtaateoftba paa Uai
tr fap a portloa
'Of oaa-of bar l<«> to ptaoat.
Jaba UaUaaat. a raahlaat of Batea
Baplda. whila aiearatlop for a ba«a.
* tMb ttre fallp BBtarad, aad oaa’eblld
Ibara praaaoaa ibaaa U a aaratarp. aad
as laraatipatloe will ba made.
Tha iBBbar todntrp aril) ba aatirr
lla Iba appar paalaaula thli •later, aad
'tbtoatiaWiniaattaeooBV •HI ba at
laMt 17.000.000 (a^ Tba piaa la balap
SBbaaatad aad la laMlaated that la a
faa paara It will all ba ppas.
Maa. B. C. Flaaolpaa. irlfa ot a wa'I
hao^B erialaal Uwpar of Jferwap, U
P.. ktiUdadairoe a raaaat baatlop
Wpaadtbaarrtralofiba aalBal c
alad Bori
A Uarpar fran Mae Praaeiaeo la look'
tapforOtaea tfePaddaa. forarrlp of
iBSblap. •botaaBOBibn-ol tba loal
hradlaa e^aapaap. Be aapa a waallbp
as^ofHtaaHaPaddaB-adiadle Aoataalla oalw reaaatlp aad left bar
ThaaapadlUobofaelaDtla.aed oth•B for Caba aad Haarali. aader tba
laa&mblp of Col. J. Wlaalo* Apera ot
OfaaaTflia. •bleb araa boohad to lean
Detroit Paaearp l. will ba dalaped aato the aalUBBeat of tba Hpaalab qaeatka.
Oaaapa Ua. of Tbraa Oaba. apad Tt.
M Iba HkbipaaOae^ railroad i aek at A»arp. wilb a
tha (Ml Ball. LaawaaUUadlDataaUp.
Ha laaraa a widow aad tbrra
Thaboraaa wsra aalajarad.
At Iba Aprfealtaral eoUapr.
atata board of
Ipp two eitlaaaa of dv .loaapb who ara
allcpad to ba the laadara of the panp.
At BaeloB Harbor preat aplialioo
rMOBBaed bp tba allepad atorp that
. S. Aldrieb baa fallen belMol.imo.oi.i
dollar* ba the death of a Cbicapu aepi.
or tbla aBoaat U U allepad that OM.09<i U Ip eold eaah. while tha reel It la
Oblaapo raal relate. Apotber rr^wt
pleoaelba BBOaet at (Too.ono li U
ateeallwad that whop Aldnrb paU bit
allepad noeap ha wUl atari a blp oiaa e
bard Hawke baa eolleeted tI7
Ip OP a larpe prap wolf which ba
abot OB Hteek rlrar. aboat elpbl oillfa
Bortb of UhpecDlap. Hawka aapa ba
abot tbr wolf ba ha waa ebaalpp a dear,
leer wUb toopae baaplnp oat and
It axhaaatrd raa part him Brat,
aa foHowed oolp a abort dltiapcr
babipdbptba wolf, who waa eonlnp
oo a twin bat aaap trot Hawke
let the deer po bp bet ebol tba wolf.
Col. B. 8 HapoBod. of Hap CItp. aaerrlanr of tba Miehipae dupar Oe . Bled
Land CoBBiBioDcr rrepcb Taeadap. the Aral elala to ba made for'
‘boaatp aader tbe beet taper tew Tbe
papera Bled bp Od. Kapmoed tbew
tbat between On. to aad Dm. I. tbe
Btasafaeterad lO.iSv.lOO
pOB^of tnpar. tbe boaplpon which i
atone percent, par peand. U SM.m!.!
The ooBpanp ezpecu fa nanufaetara«.000.oeepwndt before tba eloae
«d tbe aawon, Tba prodact to In poAd
daaaad both in Mieblpaa had otbar
etaiw. and to readUp dtopoaad of at
YpallanU to the ebaaUat market of
Mlcbipan. Tbara to a rtdpa artcndlnp
from Oakland fa Uonroa coaotp colled
Cbaatnai ridpe. It atarte In we«l of
Inpbam. Oakland coaotp. poaoB
lor tbe Bdaittaaoa of tiro Oabao
daak. feet to ba laBlitad. Otbar eol-
About ai
lapW t^axoactad to taka alBilar aa
ababllap a Utpa aanbar of Cabaaa to pat aa adaeatioa pralla.
white tkto paar naarip a faandrad baab.
araahippad. Yoaop traea are beiBp eet aad tn time Cbaatnai rtdpa will
prodaor aaeapb faaapplp Ihaateta It
toauwd that tbto ridpa to the onlp
ptew la Mlcbipan tbat wUl ^w prodnetef cbrtlnoi treea.
TWiawBUIaoB tba Hapiaaw rlaer
ablMteod I no.
Of interest to those who want to Buy.
aaar Qclafjr a faw day* aco- Tbaf an
(ba Ont of tbdr apaeba erar aaaa la borari to daatb wbaa tba ooaatp ^
•ra aad IW bra«aa eOBa to ebuli
tbai aaetJoa for a aasbar of Taara.
are «ladlapapbat]aaaa far tba aware.
Tbe oatpot will or BBallar tbaa laat
paar. It arm prebablp fall a
abort of *00,000,000 fm. bat tba <
HHroflaaibar eo tbe bIH doeba ke
Madk aaaallar >a proporttoe to tbe oet' pUaf the BilUikaa aeaal.
Cb0. L. Clark at Bt, Joawb baa acaaptod aa faailatloe froa tbe Cbt Oeb
aaUap for Iba paralBioa of placlop
I ‘ kb (BBeoa pet wtThoBoa. takaa froa
tbawreeked bpaalak erabB Crtetobol
ObUo. off Saatiapo. bafora tbe pal
fa Ibalr drat aaaaal cat ab*W. arhMi
Tbe H'^blpao beatlap record tor tba
aneea Jaet eeded h elalBed for pooep
BaaDablrofMalhraa. diaea Oeicbrr
• lhabat bapmd Bore tbaa l.ooo qaall
eorf partridfea • Ha waeoelerrrp dap,
aad aaerapad tl blnbdailp. Ha dore
aotMBOf baaUBpatoek, eitbar.
, (atbar aeaar bartap Arad a paa.
A B. Lombard, Jaatleref tbr paaae
Of Laallc. harlwofaaerileeata. arhlcb
hi boa hrpi lor boaarbtrid pa« for tba
laatfoarpMra aad oa whieh be ha*
aapaaded tbe BodMi eaie of PlTt. for
tbair board aad pleplblepa. Hr taola
ttaaeoepooBdor bMUtaah per dap.
Md other lanrtta la paop
ooa froB Detroft teal April far two
prara for auallap a ehorab ooatrlbathB boa. will prabablp dl
tba torribla aeaUlap wbleb ba racelead
«w aU
Underwear Sale.
:kr are
r laal few dan before CliriatIv U'
are nenwaarily
r L(^W.
L(^\V. We rec-omraend
mae. Our+iricee arr VEKT
'that ChrUtoiaji boyere eelei •Il...................
their artidrn KtlW.
Clothing Department
For a prartieat prearal for a bvj poo
tteoooi aelect Anpihloi; better ttim tbe foliutt iriK iteuia:
.ya- Aatrachan Heefer. nirely l.rai<l«l................................... (2.48
.Tut-eoiie 3 piece Suits........................................................ 1.48 Dp
Boyd'^nee 3 pieoi- Suit, to IS vrara uid, from ............ $1 26 Up
.Swentera from..
Bot^ Over
ven-oau from
lioyi.' Mae)
lackintushea fre
XothipK Biore dvairable a-ouM Ih- a Man't Suit i
«i«t on Ihe iitli day of DreeinlKT—a t;ift of ueefolueae.
Our $4.98 and $7 60 Meiir Suit* are nnmalrliable.
Oiir $12 60 Mi-ii'h Drew Suita are Ihe ereaoi of emr Klm li
Our $3.60 Men a Bterk Overeoala are very prvreulabl.-.
Our $6.60 U.-at-er (K-erciwta are in tbe loatL
Ark for the $4 96 Meii'e I'ltlem; nire aod dmay.
Adk roroiir$13 60all wmi Iriah Frieze Lister: the (.'em
uf our Kt<H-k.
Dry Coeds Department. .
Haiidken-hiefa for Ohriatrona are alvayn
aiiprw'isted; a!«-*ye atf.'pialile and osefuL Ourimuieuse eUM-k
and the spleodiil tnluea weolTer in handkerrhiefs tba aeaMiu,
is bourui to a in
f'liildreti'a Haotlkervliiefe from.............................................. Ic up
Indies' Slid (irtit'e Haiidkvr.'hiefii from.................2c up to 76c
l.adieti' end fJent's Inilial Baiidkendiief* from...................6c up
ni|)lete aesortua-ut of Muillera. in wool and silk.
. 26c t
itlay KiMH.na
KiblMina quit(jiiit- in aeaaon-liibbimK
aeasrto—llibbone for fancy
cy a<ii
iiri-a» lrimi>.iii(!h.a8tliea,
IriiuiiiiiiKk, aath'-a, necka-ear;
iiecka'ear; in value we lead
ead th.-iu
Muiliii Xiubi (»..a-n from.'..............................
iiKhI (iowne, meelyend.roidere.1 .
OiitiiiK Flannel Xiclil (tuwna fruiii
Women’s While .kproua. to cd(W
... 39c up
76c each
We have added a Jewelry Dept.
CholiTudwiiona of C___
Cuff and I'ollar Buttuna.
lutiuiin, WaU-l:
iinKlI V('bail
Stick Pina.
K, Ui-HUty
Pius. Ba'
Baby Ibiia, .leweled Hal
Pius. .Jew.
leavled Hat firuamciita. Sterliii(( Silver Xovv*ll:ee, Iliuca,
Cloak and Fur Department.
SjH’i-ial pricea have been made o
Ladies' and Mieses' .laokets and'
aud (.'apea In
tn rednee eurploi
Sliaped Fur foliar* sod Muffs from 60c np.
Fur folUrelUs
iUrelUs fiom $1.6
$1.60 up.
•Millinery Department.
The MilLuery baaineM ii
inil-up. Everrthiiic reducerj in this department
SC Itandaome Palteru Hals Io'c-Um. at 3.V on the dolls:
Shoe Department.
Cliriaimaa Slip)>er; for Men and Women in
sbaodance. Jersey Wool Iteiorins U’lUw anyludy'a pri<e.
Nobb;^Slinea^r Laiiie* and lienta at a aavinc from 10 to
An Buga to c<
Smyrna and Vo(|net'te Rogs. Lace CurUiiiB, Chenille and I
by brepea, most useful uf preaeold.
Gent’s Furnishing Goods Dept.
Mrwl beautiful line of Neckwear, fp.m
lOcto&Oc. Drvaa Shirts, all up-to.<iale. Oiovea and Mfiietu
in large aaaortmeht. rnderwearaodSwealerv withio rvwchof all
Your Konop SAvara.
The Boston Store.
I Sa-ve a liaa.© of_
Extra Good Buggies
that Will $ro Cheap, if sold befor« Winter, to mskke room for the stock
of Sleighs thst will soon ba here. I also carry a foil line of all -farm
Xachinery, such as
Feed, Grinders and Horse Powers,
Peed Cutters, "Wind Mills,
and everythfog else in this Une.
IS* Cam BtTMt, TravarM aur.xtoh.
We want to convey to our trade through our
advertising the ad-vishbility of buying good goods when possible.
Don't jump at a new bait, even if has the semblance of cheapness.
$6 suits are better than 83.50: 87 60 suits are better than 86.
Our $7.60 Ulsters and Overcoats are excellent values for the
money. Our 810 line is superior. Pay what you ■will aS'high or
low as you desire, we guarantee lowest prices, always.
Boys' and Cliildren's Suits, Overcoats ami UlsteFS
An extra good line for the holidays.
Pocket Books from 3c Dp to $2.60.
Dress Goods Department.
All wool Kovelly Flannel..................................................
41) inch fanev np-touiale Novelty Wool DreitteditsMlB,
value btkvfix. ' ’
Short letu-llia
Novelty Waisi
well aa rcs’eivera.ax a t'liriatmaa ({ift.
. Kid Cloves for holiday pn^-uta
.kek.for the Fetlora.
better dollar ((love made.
Itedi’-a' and MIrs.-k' Ki<l Mittens from 60c np
Ladies' Silk Miltrue from 60c to $1 il6 '
Carpet Department
Never in the history of our business has our Underwear
disappeared fropi our shelves as this season.
Six popular lines at the popular price of 60o—the
best for the money ever offered.
16, 19 and 26c
goods not in the race this year—We congratulate the
people on their ability to buy something better.
Extra heavy goods, double front and back, if abso
lutely perfect would be worth $1 each garment—these
go at 70 cents.
What more practical for a gift?
A (Boat pacelter wiil a
Aaawajfl ilffwt at
Ceterrb ctaaot M Cared
Boys’ Reefers, $2.00 up
Child’s Overcoats, $1.50 up
Boys’ Ulsters, $3.00 up
Boys’ Suits, $3.50 up.
Coat Scarfs
Gloves & Mitts
Collars and
Fur, Plush, Cloth,
(Hake a useful present)
Always in order and appreciated.
Handsome goods. 16e up.
Very showy and durable for a HolidayGift.
Nothing better.
Useful for any member of the family—
(providing you can boirow it.)
A handsome handle is the pride of
young men.
Buy the new styles. High collars, link
All kinds, Silk, Xiiiieii, Plain, Stc.
We Show a Large Variety
And confidently ask the pubUc to visit us.
Hamilton Clothing Company
CkfMte trrlMsadUi mv* d •••
MMuk MTi*^ !• tlH «ii]r rmudmj
Mr Smmot Svmwa.
K • «*M Mte pMttiea«( OalM
Br • «MMrtk»Bmajcie^*«lM(U* ttl-
vtkatnh dt»dmttam toUk
thrRiVnMMttT* «M««Ua« e« tU* dktriet la-
ak«M ttoaeatoMtoaMaU k
•MaMMatoansraSMalar Banawi'
w BMaitacteaeM Ma(ra«MMa«mlaattkan
a MlaklfM k aatlUad «e tka
MateaAla. Thk k Maral; a qaaaUea
a( laaaUV aad tarty aevtaqr, bat it k
•Mttkdta Doartdaratfcia aa afalaa* aa
a Mlaklraa eaadldata.
■aailar Barrawa haa,tara .
adaaaalaiT.alaad lorHlchlfaalaiar•rta Thkkealyaartoftbadatyafa
F f------------------ or a Saaaler. aa batb
Mad thaaaUn aaUaa
to waUw. botwbaa tba baal latarartaaftka atatacaa baaada^ tba
bM latanau a* tba Mhrta eoBatry
IknItkUtportaattobanla tka8ae•to kre Mae troB Mkblfaa wbe ara
Md arba toow. wbat Ua lataraala^
■iMllr kanoMa baa bad a qaarV
a la Ooacraaa
ledovbat baaaU
Ba bat art bats tba rapra•attoda.
MraatadlBotrtala paraalk. bat
wkate tMpU.
tba Hcaiu) dota aot
WaMtlhafbwMaaaa tba
•(tba atatawbe hart iMaaoat bddbWaadplMaadatbara^BaMa U>bar
If tba two dollar
Thay tboachl
tMUrata oMbar. t
la ba Made
taade lato lamber
thk tlMbtr eeoM
a. wltb cebaaptr Oaaa■bMply orar tka*.
__________r.aadbroaybtoaar WMiobl|W caa doUl& tart* rata aad fraat
'lentaaaaaaU tbaabamada to add to
tka (tadt fertaata alraady eradliad
BBMbarof Mkblcaa eltiaaai
aa tetaaata aa to owa tbk loralfa tla
Brary Maa bat aa
rlfbt wttbla faeaaat boaadi
wbakatd tartaaMla OiBadlaa UHbar
.trart atoaare. U lOMajhat aelflab. la
att«al^ >ba twodoUC- tarUf oa tba
taabarltey eeaU. wltba lower rata.
aawlMtara dhaaaly la Oasada aad
a tba
iraaMMy dUp Mreaa
laha M taka
thapUdaof ttetmaok Mh^lcaaUa. Battba
a of ai^ boU«a aad tka
MhMlteaaaadaof lahorara. who wm
dkMttyUMrtatadlBlkanlaaf tbalr
Makar, a tba aala of tboir labor, wr
flad that HkUoa'i waalan aaaato
Mo*d4rMf«ratarUrnta that Made
patabUMbat tor both tlaba^ aad
Mar. dad tbk k oaa rtaaea. aad a
•ayf«adrMBBa,«rhy tba paople
laiaaokfortba raUra of Mr. Bor.
w lha Dailad SMta Soaata.
'ibwok koeoeaiiaa aboat tbk.
twaatp-lnyaMka ba doat 'aaeb.
IkbadoMot OMCcat, to abapa tba
poUapMdtbaaoBra of.tba BopabUdM party U tba atak aad la tba aatka. Thtra ba aarar bata aay
drtar td hk doTOtka to bk party aad
hi prtaMplta. Ba ha baaa a taeoral
ad Itada. Ba wa oa tba
wltb HaBUky that aada tba HeKlaIdPtMICIaw. Be took tba planof
ioha ttdraaaoa Ua «aaaaa aoMwlttalatba Saata aad balpad trama
the Dkvkr tarts bOI, aad ba wa
' • that
pMad tba bUl that baaas a Uw.
Mr. Barrawa k Bel a -MlUNa
IIIII u i'.“ bat wa do aot baow thatJ
a. aad tba laat that attar
lNBpwrtaro( a aaaWry of pal
awykaUkeaa'U aald of bla k
pM^ alroaf preaftbat ba baa baaa as
vOkaadoB olhar baUMaM aad
Itbw illfii. Ckpt. Barrawa pteaad bk
lipaMp aad btarary. a^ U all tba
ttaM Maa ba baa baaa tba tried aad
WM Mead, la GoBCTOM aad aat. of hk
TkapaMttaa of Ua abOity aad at
SMmv of aarriaa e< Baaatir Barrowa
b hapo^ dkpata aad bk raeord la aad
aKtotOawtaaatoa baaa tbu of aa
'hoadMaad traa waa. a ataaaeh aad
H *
ZtkUUla wMdir. Uaa. that tba
pMplaadMIMcaaaUler Ua retarb
Mr. Barrowa u Ua pbea la Ua
PaWadBtataafia^UUatbobaa Ailed
wlU ae BBob aradit to blBMlf aad
Mr. aU Him Bary Aray ad MajAUd
Ihanday TraaarM
Lahfa. Bor
n. C.o<r..aeatatiadtbawetfcad tba
aay M. TUi
raakafBaaakaapoatwo aaadld
volaBMan. Tba sntartat Mi«A«n ad alMMi tka folloart^ ediianaowiiakkadiAat. E. J. trrlaa 0. «.
CC-Zoka Laraapar.
V. C-B. W. O
W. Bjtkar.0.1-A.iakd Ha)- Od>.
Prakta A>r. Blebard.
H. of W.^ A Vaa Pleat.
BaOar k aaawlalat *»rn— aad
X. o( A A A—Oay D. BMaty.
H. of F.-Jaha Prebart.
eltr. TIM teki ai worii ara Mmn
M. d A-J. T. Haaaab
-. AsMda. Oaeh. Oarkt
M of A-Oae. W. Pbalpa.
L 0.-D. A ThoBM.
B that tba papara
a O.-A A Tataaa.
Mania AM elaa ahapa
T^aataa, Uiat yaara-A A MeOoy.
aad aka aaraawa/ cd
•i)l ka aaaa^aMd auab aooaar tbaa ai
Al Ua aai •al maatlay of Oiaad
!(ad. Taatarday the
So. lea.AO.C. W.kat
Maaaaaalaad'n aad tba
^t. UafoUbWlayoOlearawara aUlM^ladW^ wUl ba axaaiaad ihk ■■
lac. Tba work afaaatartaf eat *1U
Phyakka-Dr. A A Oaraar.
Isportaat part al tba earemoBy. tba
raylac aS of tba aoldlan wiU ba laft
aatUtbalaat. Major Plekatt, tka pay-alatad to tba HcaaLti laat
P. M. ff. -A W. Boaad.
M. W.-A MaOeU.
Paoaaa-Jaaa Marebla.
Oraraaar-C D. Moaroa.
Baeordar-J M. byriy.
Ua Ant rOM* alarrtlaa of
■d Friday sMt. at Ua a«a - . lowAay. tb-n wara two tiabaa kthaAild.Cllkraaaad DaaoaraIba failowM k Ua
Thafaaanl of. Prad BrotbWtea of
Mapk City, wka dkd Taaaday
MMtha baaaaf Mr. Brcdha.
Bproaa Mraat, waa bald from Ua Aaeaitd'
M.A - _ .
Mr. aad Mn. A B. Wlataa
aoaraiay .Ua daaU ad Uair alybt 1
otd aoa Perry, . wbe dkd Tkaiday*
aoraiay of aakrraaaat od Ua Urar.
akaoraea WabataratrooU
Jearpb Valkb died Wadeaday of
•aatUaboaa>3f bkpa
ta ElawooA Ua waa Ulrtr^U yaara
ofaya aad waa alayla
Tba faaaral
waa baU Satarday morolay from
Mr aad Mn. Laoaard Balllday
Mayfield ara Boaralay Ua lorn of U
UrowyaatMld loe wbo died of ceayaaBaeairer-Jaka PartaU.
Ura ebliu laat wr«l> Wadaiaday.
Oaldr-Oao. Tarbpek.
rrUbtkabeyaetOoaipaayH woald ba
I. W.-Pred WatyaaA
Ill.m-Ttt. Tba a»ouat Ibal aaoh will
O. W.—Barry BoeaA
raealre, aaUa fram tba eaeara, wUI
Eul Froal iWaat.
Palmar of
Traaiaa. Urea yaaia—Dr. B. B
laafa (roa 1*0 to flM.
at ] o'clock Uaaday moralay a
OapUla trriaa k aatberiatd totrtaaof i;. of loflamaUoB of Ur bowaU.
far all tbeaa wbe dtalrato raaala la
Uaeeaiad Itatm a boabaad aad Urea
loa. altbar to aaolbaa Mtehlfan
cblldrea- Tbr fiBaral aerrlcaa
r^tnaalor to tbararalaran&y. Ckpbald from Ur boar Wcdarrday
laia trrtat k aa aray ettlMr of eoeoaal aaetlay of
aad It waa ba »be
yae'Ua«atlra Mieblyaa brifrraal Olaaaoo. wbo
laiday aad ottoan altcwd aa tollowa:
yado After Bastotioy la tba troopa
W. M.—D. B. McMalleB
of Mkblyaa at Chap Eaioe ba waa
day of typhoid frrrr.
W. 0.—K S. Sbapaid.
ordered to jola bk r-ylaieol. Ua ElarW. L.—E^- Vorbeaa.
J. U. UcUooyb will ablp acar load
aaU iBfaatry and waa aral to
pooltry to Saw York Krldar, Dae
W. 8.-Wii:iaB BraadayaBkeaader.Oaeeral Brooke, wl
from Trararaa City and will pay t
W. A B.—C a Lawk.
raaaioad aalil Baptoaber. whaa ha
blybal aarkrt priea fur Ua Ura po
W. Cb^lala—A. trkb.
try dallrerad to bim that day.
waa datallad to eaatar oat Ua MleblW. Traaaarar—L. Sooia.
W. daeraiary-P B. Browo.
A eonyb la aot ilka a ftrer
ThaOaraarofOoMcot bara to rua a canaio ooBrar.
W. Q K.-V. 3. Aoora.
It quickly aad rffactoally wiU
Ikday will Bark Uia eloaa of Ua
W. Poaoea-B. A. Ormy.
MlBOle Cosyb Cora. Ua baoi Tamrdy
aarrkaot (kapaay H la Ur Vailed
W. piorm L. wiybtmaa.
for aU ayaaod tor Ua Boat arrerr
Slataa army. U waa oaly a few abort
W. Oara A. C. B'lyktaaB.
Wr raoommrat U baeaoaa '
yood. 3. G. Jobnaoo.
ayo Uat Ua Uaaeah BiBaa
W. L. A. A—T. Lawta.
ware aaartlay erary lafloeaoa they'
Tba Aral part of Ua eraaiay
eoaU oeaaaod to yale admkaloa
roied to
Ua Katlooal Oaard of Mloklyaa. a
Ua myatortaofUe PlfU dayrea,
aaoyaiaa aaony tbaa did aot aflar wbleb tba t AeaQ for'Uo'eoBlay'
MOB to ba aaUad epoa tode year weir leaklled, A 0. Ladd aetlay '■
On laaaary :!tU aad Pabroary ?:i
aetira daty ta tba dafeaaa of Uair
laaklllay offiear. aalaled by Ura. 3. ^
>. apaekl trala exci - '--I BBdrr l
ooaatry. Bat when early la* Hay Ur
cayrmaat of Ua it
Dlekarmaa. Tba boar belay lata I
ibarawaa a
the aaaioa cloaad to ba eoaliBoad | laoekiloB '
Tooriau oantrmplaiwbe did aot eayarly
Ula Boraloywinter will do well Vi
y ajj^ip^
Ml aad wlU Uaa many olbar atardy
illyaUal rxparlri
« •a c
fOBBy aaa of Ua city aad
,.d OB ____ -. ...
At tba rayalar maatlay of Ua W. A , ^
ooaatry who aoaytai
C. bqld Moarky araalay. tba lollowlay ;.»ol
>IUrC A tv M or D . O B
all to tba aaUoa-a drfaaae. Tba arpertoflkarn ware alaetad 4>r t r enaoiBylW. B L. or by >l«p. Drllarea. tirarn;
aaea of Ooapaay M alaor they wart
rar Ayaai. Uraad Kapida.
arad tatoUa Vaitad PUtraaarrter
Maa told la detail aa blaiory
Senior Tka praaldaat—UarrUl OikBade, arar aiaea- Tba majority
ofUaTraretaa City aoldiata waat
.ala alee
rlea praldaBt-Cbarlotl
mu. ITib aad mtb. rature (pa
OabaaadVar^ Ua danyara el Spaa,
Bolldayrata to Mieblyaa aad lakb ballaU aad abella aad Ur borrora Wilt.
Idkam pclau. oaa aad a iblrd taic lor.
CbapUa-Llula Barrie.
of iroploal dlaaaaa. Soar bowarar.eply
I roaad
1 trip
Satlloy dart IX<
Seeretary—Maru Mona.
Mweamp Ufa laJkaaaylraalaaocI Vlrt^lb. MU. lltland Jam. li
ylek. bat Uaaa ramiu weta aot Itao
: inra ^aa. trd.
Coadaetor-Ckrrla Maaa.
brara baaaia Ury ware aot aadr tarI
Lanaiay. Uieta..KktaTaaol
Aaakkateoadaclor—Mary Jaa
•[half fare
Dec. rou. STth. re
yak tor SpaaUb bolleU aad di^ dlaOoard—Martoe Wriybt.
Tbaj eoablaad all tba barary
Mr- Coaloa'i Record.
Ba\l.J.M.IiyrlyOaareb ElaoUoaa.
: T A Co
I Ua Kuioa
At tbalr rcyelar maaUny Monday
Tba eaBiaBaaal baalBaa aaaUay of
M OouT^Uonal C B. loekty waa alyfat tba Poraataia alaetad offican aa
ta to Bla eompaay
bald at Ua raaldeaea of Mia Barania follows:
a D.-Cbaa. Ely.
-The Baay pollclra now maUrtay la
Oeart Phyaklua—B. A Oaraar.
ba MntaaJ Life an poyiay soeb yood
dirldaada Uat people an lakloy '
Marik. A. U. BoUlday aad C P. Raa
t’ka-Pioaideav-B. B. Swift.-
-A v.r
- '
Manhal-W. W. FairebUda.
A CorraottOB
ahkaratfaof Ua atalrway.
HayraoBWaa la plak reaH aad tba
dBakcraaByeryaeM layeUow Uiy-
X. li'
a aad graaa Mkya.
iMkaa aa akbetau braakfan
adS* Mr a BLMcTraB Hr. D Bm^
$7.95. $«.95. >9.95. $10.95. $11.95 for Jackets worth >9.00 to fl&OO.
C.iine at once—it'll jtay yon sure,
errr BonL. nw Lat«.
Tbr comic rt aod bapploaaa
•alt aad family
yonr ability
with all Ur
rd to perforin year
factory to .rooiaelf 1and yoor rmployrr | ^
ikmr who anploy oa. II wa are aot la M
prloM aoadlllon for Ur i^'k wr birr lU
to do. (Voctnra ara too axpraaira abd TT7
drun ara too uat-rrula.
Errry day'Ml
' call atourufUor aad WlU yrnU-' tU
iru blaaa Ur day Ury won le-'
to try YUar Orr raordira Hurr
tboiuaad paoelr la ibla cUy aail
ooacty bare been rraiorad to perfrci
bealtb by tbr am of V. o. d: V. aUI>
Ha»y morr ara drayyiay about aad will
' " a pmnalora yrarr oa ■• Ibr.c I
-BiirUra of Ur
a opportualty wlUla
VNr MBb kk
Has t^e BEST Flour made more NEW customers and kept j
more OLD ones than any winter wheat flour ma^ ?
l ord QXTALIXY explains it all.
QL’.-\LITV. first, last and always.
:lr Ayrat for linod Trarrrea Kayiua
: Don't Freeze
Your FeeL
Winter Shoes.
Udies flit Shoes. 50c,T5f, tf.00.
Chlldrei's Felt Ueel Shoes,
Warm Shoes
Utt will kwp tbro comfonablr aad a
fi »ra. Pelt Hlippa
of all klBda
rr aad people bare foand It owL
Tla-e FoisiAlax- Slxoe So-vxse of Tx?»-w©x»o Oity, Mdr-i>«
wi: WS.5...
We Have Just Doubled the
Size of Our Store^
I official looordapbow Uat Ua fiaal r
I OB tba adoption of the report of tba
I OoBBittae OB rqoaUzalloa war aaaalrtaor Deryea of Lony Lake, akiaa
tbk k not eorraet; ha waa one of Uoaa
wbe rotod ayalaat it.
! A latter wit reoairad afibaOraad
I Baplda poatoffica Tbawlay aaklay aa__ f.k A_____I
Itliin ii Prim.
• WliterWy^
This season’s manufacture, at prices that should be made next February (if even
then). But here are the figures;
fS.og. fiOS. |3.98, 54.3S. W.W. 15.98 for
Jackets tfi.rth
75 10 >9.00.
la Ue report of Ue prooardiayi
tbr ani^a! marllay of Ur Hoard
; Saperrtaor aa pabUabad Sot :tU. '
Have You
Seen Them?
If Not
Why Not?
Up-to-date Cloaks,
Prmldaat—Mra H. A Oaim.
Vka-Praakkat-Hn. W. TbortaA
Samatary—Mta. J. J. Ormy.
I.I-____________ I___ .....
Maaday -oraalBy aad elaetad oSeam
for Ua eaaalay alx aoAba. Attar Ua
baaiaaa maatlay a aoekl Maa
aaJoyed aad a proyram wtu arrtn
preapk parti waa ytraa.
Tba aaw oSkara ara aa tellowa;
Praakaat-Wayaa iJbWataia.
Vkd Praakaat-Cordk Zlaao
a alaetad for tba iMiilni
aad eoaraya abartolerlatk of Ua Onad
Color baarare-Btter Wataa. LobraiKUaadl
Trararaa aoldlw aad wbaa Uay aallatouy. Mary SbiUlay. Bama Corara '
Badaoad rapa to BooUara polota.
wlU Ua kaowladya that
HBAi. Ayael.
Del^ia u dapartmaat aacampment I
C. E. Mii KOAr
Uato waa aafferiay aad daayar la atora
!• 4 T. A. Ay
ibam of OoBAllarnale—Ollra Plaraa.
Tata la ■ Good Ccapaay
paay M bare aaSarad. aad Mrrrd UaIr
aoaatry waU. aad wbaa Uay aUK
Friday alybt Trararaa Ctl> Cbaplar.
hare alyaad Ua pay toll of Ueyer.
lord. OoOD.
It will ba WlU
No. IM. A A. M. aketad tbr tollowlay
Dxxii Sia —I bare Uk Aay raorirad
Uat Uay bar# doaa Uair daty aad eSoera tar Ue aaaaloy year
I Ua baada of ABlaiaal UaBayar.
" aball, a draft for two tbnow
U. W. Marebi
breoybt heaor aad yloiy to tba day
U. P.—A tv. Urelllek
. and dollarm.
t. it
in (oil oaymrbt r>l policy
o tba Oraad Trararaa rtyloB. Aad
Kloy-r. fl. Pratl.
,1 No. ISf.lOI.
,111. la
Iiaaed upoo tba life
It earn ba added UU ao ooBpaay la
Serlba—tv. A. Nawtoa.
~ Smadlay.
>. Amaaa P.
tba nirty-foarU Mkblyaa rolBBleen
CotB--P-P. CaBpball.
-mbar of Ue Thirty.flf
Camp Ura:
I raclmaDl
It aad wbo died
I Pa., of typhoid (arar
111 la. aa '
aad that ao raylaeat la all Ua
A A C.—Waltai
I eaedlayly prompt adjuai
qatta Ua aarrloa wlU a
M. srd V.-J. M. layrty.
I only a lltlia orer a w
tor bratary aad dkelpllaa
M. laAV.-Uae. A Ball.
Gi I»1
r year c
1 coBBOliay loo a
The Bpaelab war U aadad and Timrarat
H. tat V.-H. Joyal.
laaa and
paay. both for lu .
rlorka la Ua hoaor of barlay
Tmaarar A Oarkad.
ceartrou treauneall axtaadad me
.patka of Ua
.bated BO U
Saerakry-Cbaa. A Bala
Traly Yoon
ipi T b
**C*'a-:w. BobkHM.
V. a A-A. A Pox. ,
A A—Oao. W. Boob. /
P. A-J.B Oameroe.'
TraaiaBrar—C Pyboa
Tba A T. P. V. bald Uair alerUee
8. W.-Oao. Molr.
Jr. AW.-Obaa I'mlor.
rf oOkaraPriday. Tba tollowlay efli
A A-Baoa Tnmalaa.
rare alwlad tor Ua aart alx aoaU
. .. A
S A—lobe
Pr^aat-Hta Lucy
Orator-W. W. Kaaaady
Vta Praaldaat-C. A. Buybaa.
.Priadrieh.CA Ckrta.
Saerakry—Mia |BdlU Groaeoayb
and Umwya W. Clyda
Carl Braatban.
Oaaacnaaa-a M. SlalaaL Jaha
OU. Sr.. Joba Ckdbaa. P. C. «Mdaebaidl. P. Pataaaa aal Joba Beryaa
dlB. BUal MUla. Nka PayM. Oao.
la DnyUa. AUayaa eoaaty. Uaa Ua | tore Baaafactama The firm wtabra
Tblrlby. aad
dbiiybtar and widow of Bazaar Bar- I priest on dmlo. ebalra and oUar (atBiA Mlnoart Waddlap.
oo-Mr. Whllbala.
ban OorrlnyB-. who partormad Ua! tore U enable It to anbmlt bids oa
ThaSprlarAald. Mo.. Loader QaBOtask la aneh a anrrelona war of mor-1 krya eoauact adT«rlbad by Ua Max•ntad Dae. 1 ckaa Ua followtac aolay Ua obatiak. atopntia'a Naadla. | Ima yenraBeav Tba lnt«r 1a oeneb•aaatadUe waddM «< hka Bauk
from "Tha CI9 of Ua Plolamlaa- u j ad k Spaakb lam of elaborate
ir of Boa. aad
Oaatinl Park. New T-wh, le laW.
i aay
Miafre Li
alW aad wbo
baa May Maada la tbk city.
•‘TkaBarrtacaef Hka BaWa Babhalla^Mr. Dartd Baamlay riai«oeaandat Ua naldaaea of Ua brtde-a
paraak. Mr. aad Hra. L. W. Babbali
The Frtaoda Cbrtotka Eadaara aoaa BMt Walaat atraat at 7:M Uk ekty bold a layokr boalaaa aaaatlay
la Ua
. boat partera. where Ua aatBBaay waa
wlaMbkad by Bor. Aaa Laard. Urn
tnaa baab of palaw aad tarw, aad
whhaUiTiaathBBaaa U Ua hall-
Unpacked a Mammoth Stock of
Direct from Connecticut, New York,
Chicago, Detroit, comprising the largest
stock of presents ever put on sale in
Traverse City.
Come in and Look at Odf Lay-Out !
Three Dollars-Ortaakl-Lettk Bala.
Uehaot-Myrtk Slaatea.
Prayer HaaUay-BrtM h
Aaekl-Lart T. PaaBlMU
HaAo-LoUk Bala
Mia. Bartba WooA
kS/ioc'' 7t,jfni’/i
No more, no less— Style
of last is very new
You get them of—
> frank FRIEDRICH,
118 Froat Street
The Old RelUble ShoenuD.
Holley & Connable.
State Bank, rr
••a <u
OhM. P. Ml* kw j«l bMm •rpetei•d M «M>I «( IM LMO*e< A-Mri.
IM HttifM dM*lea •( tbt L. A W. a|we« %o eoM h*.M UcW*ur« tbtt wlmUr
wUk • »BBtar of MMm of {Boeh
laUnM !• wbMlBM. OBOf tk*B Wlar low* tor lk« bMMr protaciioa of,
prowtUoa of food rood*.
rOd* boord*. tetsAM * Bor* tororo
pMO>Voobker«l*tMr**.OBd ***erol
otbM of tBpertioeo
‘ Circulitlon this week 2,325
Omwf* Urdk* boQfbt «>d *blppml
«,«B boibaU of patolom Sotardby.
U r. ParinU Dblppad l**l w*ok
owterd* of polbtoo*. I« ottbam ooelatelBC 1000 bo**li *ub.
Door iwatpM to tM *mo«*tof KO-tt
moo looomd ot tbo !ieh*btrl UU«
a«b ootormiD—BtMtonUy ^bv
B**T7 P«»B7 Bnilam*Poo poopl* to Ute loeoltt; k*o« tb*
(toot of lb* poolkT b«*lB«** r*rrt*d
■ to «o*l«a *bl>Btat.
J. (L HoOoofh ihtBpod* eorlood froa Oroot
U»tVrt<Uy Md next Prtd*r bo orlll
■hip ooothof from Ibt wao poIblNcii
be thipped
tromthtoeltp. Pr*ok Pork* of CompoB7 M. 1* boplof poslVr.BrooBd U>*
Hta B.B.HUUkw)tplw« tayo
riUa’ ^ with friaadb at Onad
da-aDkladt ottrnH aad arM
C a OorbsM of Oaapaay M. a^ bM BAtslaAck. Plaaae wait tor bla.
an ekftiiv at BlehaAd. lad., reamd yntariay.
PriraiD PAreapf TbantnOly aad
taabar from tbabAOatrkil* looldac STAad aa* tbe ebeei
Thkktbelaatlambwbanato had Ida Bamw of MipIMn. wan married
MlefA vAUb.pkao. oefA. fnltar.
. aadftlla. ate., at a* half prln. at W
at tbk pant aad It k Aaedal far IsaW. KlaAU * Oo . N. R Haroaf. ba
ber ATflara to tiila la (oaakalA
fU PrAtetraet.
elty troa PrAkfort a aaSASt of the
Ute ia lha aaaaa.
inaaa af bar father C d. Edfoeoab
WUIBetaor* Proa Olty.
WlidarOrnee* aad wile ban ariHead
________ W. W. Elaball atore.
H. Saelaa of tba "Pair' wm raoAtly boa Otaad BapiM A atlead
PrAI atraat. aad Ajoy M* frapbo
of Hn. Unraa- aotbar.
la tba Northern PeaiaAla. where be
H.TA lib* It. bay It. ^4T.tw
baa eoBM property at Oyatal Patli. Joyat.
ThcroeSetbooaia Apper aialsf '
Oaotf* CbtWaa. who lab tb* elty
laa tlac SfO la aaanb of renwad
beallb. retanad laat renlaf from fUf
AAMd a daaaod which k fAttfFM- Baplda
bail NAllafnr arrlTad ynkrday
Bahaas Urf* store ia CryUal Palk
oa baa Arbor A be aaslared At
which be prop»a to oeeapy hlaalf
aad be U proparinf to All At hU stock
Ith the other aeabar* of OoapAy
at tb* -Fair” pApoAtory A aoriDf
Be will raaaia ban obUI after
I aorth.
Mr. Saelaa bw tb* bolldayt.
made aaay friead* la the city who sill
T Tharp Ad family wUl aoee tbk
--------------be sorry A bare bla aore away
rMk A Tarkrv Creek, anr Tampa.;
JMb Bpty arrlAdlBlbk port atkw
taabar from tbsTraedna 0«y Xmmb« On. aad tbaOral Wood DIM Oo-
' © A R
t^laraMUbfot HePaeraae
L. C B A
At tbelr aBaI aeetiof lut eraolac
the ladia' Cbtbolic Heaerolcol AaaoW**s pioa**r
Wm. A
Ayl**worth of Cbinro.
IrAidAt-Hr* Mary Barry
aopbow of tb. Uu Omrf* Ayltwortb.
Pint rlA pnaldeai-HA
* ploomr of LodaoB* oonoty. Ailed *t
tb. Qra*Li-offlM TborwUy. Mr Aylr*- Khaa*.
ud ric. preudeat—Mrv Marbad B*B7 leqolrim to make of
oU frtoadf* bmwaboou.
I* l>» b.
laoCBtaebo^ lor* abort time.oo S'orlh
MbdIvw Ulaod. wb.a U. lalaDd w*a *
mer. woodtaf polsl tor ateaiser*. aad
tb* taw famllia* lababitlBC tfa. l*l*Dd
tber. a* wood cbooper*
Trenunr-yMra. Tbenn Buella
AyUwortb aooo alter IBSV went to New
York City BBd anally located Id CbieaManbal-Mrv Louke Eeattrr.
fO. B. WB* in Traranr City Is liTfi
i. U. ImrfclM k BOW udaf * b*w
dolioocy dolfb wbleb b Bhwly loturod.
and BfalD in latt. and la anriwiaad aed
tnm tb* *bop of Vktoo Potortyt
fimUy plMaad witb tb. frowtb of lb.
gaellaanAI. P. CuIba. Ada Decor.
OM thOMBBd bB*b*l* of wb**t *Bd
aad tb.d.Trloporalof tb. wbol.
mler. H. D_^l. _ ________
SM bBBhBk of bBfkwboBt WOT* bcoafht
d Lay Oo. Boar mill d*lBoddaBDaaAotOmaa* PlAaar
Tbadatlaakof tb. Jonlor .Werktra
The MOAd .BBB !T be wAAred
of Otboa Bbwab batted tb* aoeWty orar la OsrraoB. aad dariap
•M:«ad Ibe proaMda^ Um lala
IM>» atraek It rich. Hr. Schraadar
limqy food* mad* by tb* ladtea w
wUl start early la Febrnary for Alaska,
folsf aa tar a* pASlUe ^ bAt. wbca
ha will porebaae a Unia of dof. and
B. tathaid bad o»a <rf bb
aoo alia A bk elaia at Dawaoa
ftafw* aa badly laewatad la a
wratCkBadall'a mill yaatardiy Uat City. Ba expreu A reaaln ooe aoBK
bo WM aampallad to ba*a tb* mambar loafer aad tbea rctore A MrUUsUoi
Or. MactU pwformad tba aad Mi^ the tnlu of bk hard toil.
I So
Pai, U. A- B-. held ImI olfht. the fol
OMOIrr iv Mr Md^fb «*d bo will
lowlaf oOeors were elected A >crTe
Uh»ob*rr«of th« eori^ Tbpo from
dBHBf tbe floalDj yATtblidt; to No* York nriday. Doc- |r..
CoBBADder-W M. Salih.
r-B. M 1
J. V. Coaaaoder—Leri Acker.
Sktordop Blfbl *i :uo o'doek y*lO. D.—F F Oroer
oelB Wloole. o» dly UTo**ror *«d pro•f. H.—U«o A. Stearaa
ala*alpote«ob*7«r. *od Hr*. E. HCbaplaln-CharlA Irtah.
1*. wwo qoleU7 nmirtld *t tbclr
Satv*A-M r. Horna.
0. O —W. H Booker
Tbo eoromoay w*» porfonoed by Mr.
CMefBlA A depanaeot eoAB|>.
D. Ooebll* Id lb« ^ooodoo of o«or r«U,eot-iOA. W- aarfrmrA. Leri Suole:
ef tb* mloeaod roople
alteraaAa F. K- Ucw. K. ChatterdA
bare bote of triowU Id tbo eoBBDblty
There will be a }olBt laslallatloa of
*U of whom will Mo IB •spr«^Bf
tbe pen aad W. K C olHtara os .lasaary sod.______________’
Wa. U. i
■fhtBBB BBrtoad* of polBt
waiter of Lah. Add, baa returned oo
Alppad Mkmoay o*« tb. M AN K.
a Tkit from the Kloadlke. for wbirb
tallfoad. rto* mer* aartfa<
piaea be left DArly tbm ye^ afo^
oddBd at tmk* Abb.
Ba Brat want to BU Mil. ereek. wbM^
Tic Fbat M.tbodkt Maday *ebool tb* BjataraaoB wa* paa*M) wlib poo^.oc■
will OBtebrat* Ckrkuaa* tbk ydar wUb
B.tumlBf to Beattie le lb* fall,
a ftot Fkrrk wbool. taataad of tb* ha wlatarad tbar*. (Urtlaf Mrly tbe
aaaoB for.tb* Vokoa. wbrreb*
.'Hr*. Sank Joyat. a reaidA't of Ak
refloo elaee tew. died .uddAly Tueaday BoralDC at Ae boae of ba soa
Herbert 0. Joyat. oa North Klawood
Areeue itnee.kl w*» i« year, of aye.
Herd at Oacaa where berbubaa a Sac farm
Hn. Joyei
reteraad only Hooday from aa eaAaded-TBli wlA raUtira la Oaoadaaad waefeeliaf well Hoadayelfbt
About flee o'clock Tuesday oioralof Ac
awoke snftrrlDf wlA a palo Id ber
■ud died Are* boors laAr. Braides a hnabaad Ae leam aern rblld•D A m)ore.
Tba ebildna an llrrbert O aad
Bin of AI<clly.Ade]ben. Cbarle. aod
BatUa, of Dmeua. Mra. Urarm of UrAd
Baplda aad Mia UalleAb. of Cbinfo
They bare all beau ooUSed Ad will
probably arrlre A time for tbe funeral
-wbirb will take place at Omens Thun-
Our BolMaj Stock
is Nov Complete
Mrnooald was boBtlof deer at tbe
time. J I’. Bailer, who nAraed (rua .
a bsatlcf trip in that locality tbk
week, wye that there k a BAk of at
l-aei I" wolrea Aal frrqueot tbe
wood* ID that Art of Ar enba'y
Aiasli make .irbt hideoo* w.th their
laearthly bowl.
Farmer McDonald
Aot au o.d hone, Inrlnf Ae carcaa
about a ball m-le from bk bouse. That
ulfbt Ac wolrea oonfrrfBled arAod
in every tlrlail, ami i» atmii-tiw!>
displayetl for v»ur inapivtiMii.
Alili.-ipal iiiu an umjouat dciiiaiicl
for Holiday
tliU year. v>l,,vc pot forth cverv effort to ee.
,-ure all the jfftod th'ioue llist the
fa<-lori,« and markele afforded,
and we have tf.il Iptfeth.T
A tBtU WTVttttt AtM.'ApVVflIR
\Vt cVtbpuA B& VbW Rb ^ I
Tto vebnai^ TbbVi.\^ \%\« ^ |
.•rytbiDtf t
ya. Faurr
Faii. t
cold k cured
’''‘It worth your
lu iueik.'-!.
Wr have nlsu
lOut barm lo*?fe autTer.r Ae l>^t.'titiie
bet- Uoyerlay cold* are dAyerona mhlttl
liny cobyb k dktrmlac
lA Couyu Cun qoickly cona it.
Wby suffer wbu auob u couyb cure k
wiAlB incb?
It k pl«aaaot A Ae
tasA. J. II. JohnaOB
A Candy
. mm
ssAXs^acUou. I
I Every Day and Tuesday and Saturday Evening
^Dt'Tt seWtiv^^on ^OT
rt'om ertUr. s\r«* 4
ICctte WtVtr W Q
ibuta svVfiTvdLvi. \ia.\vies.
VATtiTtis t)\ oWien a.V eomsp
TtTt'b arti'MLtbbts' aa m\\ as \aAYts.
GtW 4«va'rtmtu\s o^er qoo4 b&Tq&kut.
One Word More ssmmmn!
Oar Savings Department
Retnraofcbe Uoekeraa.
Wm. OfBat. traaBorar of OatBald
w wWr ^ U^^U.UA re.
Dead in me Wood*
MWBahlp. will b* at Kyaalfca'a pnerry
All faan for tbe Ally of tbe ateaarr
Joha Coope of MaAeyoD. waa fouad
. atoeaaMiy Batarday la Iboambar mod
aakbaa were happily ert at
nd le tbe woods anr Mayfield Ut*
oMty day darlaf tb* laat woak U Satarday aboat foar o'clock wbaa tba
fgcT«/rr rsKXctLLtP
aurday alybb Tbe body wa* Akca
DBMmbarbbdlbaAiBt waak ia Jaaa of tb* UlUe cAft wm sea
rood tba klaad. Prtoadi of Cbptaio ; A Mayfield Elaaday Ad SberlS dimpaoa
Baary and U* haaUn who eraat A and CoroBoe Moon were .uaa'iaed yea■.a
nmillIIIII Jaa. T. B*
rulay A b
tb* Nortkara Padlasala attardeer aooa
konu tVe Pnudeaui O. a. I
OaWwi. PTMk W.liw, 4ml Cwkii
laataed of tbe atqwoaeb of tb* ateaaer
Bbd whoa aba palled ap A the dock of
-- BasaabAUj Oo. a larfc'erowtf -DnA by aleobol poiaoBiay. ' 1
there A aael bar. Tbe party bad d was twenty fie* yean of ay
M deer aboard aad tber rrarc a jolly raa employed ala lumber csbi
The Boy* Baad art praparlBf tor tb*
AtAlad IM aad warn aot ia
Bapabaok Lake, -datnrdaj be was aupt
A tbk city oo so emad. Be purrbssfiMoU lha blMory of tb* etp
lajoy of
whkkey Ad m bk -epUoAto tab* plao* oa tb* owOafof
tba report that tba bAt had
ira waajoiaedwrcral alia troatbd
tlMiwbir sa. IW* will ba a
foas down with all haadt oa board,
.ap by aix frwadaTh* wren drAk Ae
MMk poiodl prorfOAto tb* laatlriUat. taw days afo.
whiAey A Ae wood. Ad all becAA
whk* will b* bald la tb* aty Opera
druak. All bet Corpe sueoaeded ia yelnAtapA tbslakA L
Uay back A\be raa^ while be remaAed
Ad. llkaaIddled.Tfroa Ae efleeu of
MM WwbOM JaobMB. who amkaa a
lafortueaA youoy
' i|i lit^ of dalaty aad artktleeblaa
eaa boldherowa las bAry aes: aad
MWtiac bM kBBod iBTliaUao* 1
but a brotber-laTb* party eoasUtad of J. K. Msnl- yoa. Tbe naaias of Ae de:
OBAwleart at bar bema, lu Elfbtb
BMat. OB TbBtadBy bM PrtdBy Btlar. aak. Oey Oa. Hr. Oos. Law Sladv broaytat A tbk city Mooday ercalny
at Pataadar.limy HItehell. Bleb aad uared for by CodarAkarCkrAr
bOIMB Bad OaBOlBf* of tbk WBBbaid aad Prad EaeriA. Will Saitb Ad
OasA of a PoAsa^
TW Oabema.
IobIbbbb oo
Hr Haaaey.
a ^eocar. oa of Ae earlieat pk>•ahadl aad
tba oebool
oltbe rayiup. pawed away Moobora*, ot whkh Mb* Marioe Piatt k
Paiwwetl BAqoai Ad RaeapUA
MMbar. am propartac to Bajoy ChrktTba alma of tbk waak will an the Mty at tbe adraaoed aye of eAety.
■M Bn Bzarekm tofatber.
Ptatt'a aobeol boaat* of * Bowkblof aad of OoapAy H aa a orfAlsad badbreucoataad A tbe boow
bodyotraeleSaa-atroopa Tk*
about two Booths, but pn.tou A Aal
I At oatnany will be coaplctad Uae bad bees remarkably Allru for
pr^bly by Ptiday aftamoA Ad bele *0 tar adrAcad la y«*n.
ba ThBAday oraalaf at ForAtor*'
tora 8aUr^ alfbt U< boy* wUI baee
Few aba still lie* la Mkblyaa who
MntbofbMwatfaBad ban Brraafml
b*A Aid oSaadaUowad A purtA
•a A clearly eooowAi w,A tbe early
a Bao pAfiam. Tb* aappar A
tbalr earkws yoAllooa
Illeef AesAAs* Mr. Bpeacer.
•oraadftoatloOo-elaeh aad A
la rlaw of tbk fact two of Tra
atyb BAt popalar aad AeryaUc ca. N. Y., June 1. IKW.aed wua twA
r ladia hare arraafed A fire tbe ty lAr year* old AlUAd lu tbe V. S
bora a fTAd acad-off baton U*
aray.coalay A HaIbsc Ulaod ia UU.
A'-HyalaryBoek’'wflIbarirM to- paay aball be brokae ap for all Uaa. Tbaru be naalski nearly aU A* Maw
■aorre* oraalaf at tb* how* of L. E.
. yABf ladk* an ibe Hkaaa Hia- tor tb* next IWAty yuaru. marry(Mbb* awaw of Elfbtb BBd Oak SI
aWbad Mary Biiwer. who ban da- lay la Uis Hk* Barriet BriUoa.of Cant* tba f!rk of cUm Na s. of tb* Fliat eoAd both tla* Ad eaarfy tor Ue ra- loo N. V. Six ubUdrA ww. b WB A
MalbodktMadayacbael. Tba yoaac
Uwa theru.all of wboa an Uill lirlay.
ad nalort of tba sieb *ef<
ladtea are maklaf all Uadr of plan*
alaa* thay ntaraad troa tbe Tbayan Mra E I. Sprayu*. Him Olln
awdafodd tuaak aatieipatmL
An frAt.
Speoaer Ad John C dpeaeee of
{M of tea uata wQl k*
Tba ladka an taklaf ib* nlln Mty. Jaar* Bpeeeer of CblAfB. SUaa
-Ak apn tbalr owa sbAldws aad Speoeo^ot St. lyaaa*. MIIAa bp.
tb* rnali wtU baa fnA a*At Ith ofCbloxado; Barrlelbpeacei-AikeB.Ae
OMtrBblTBr. fAvarly ia tbe laaadry
dnlfaM Ahan lie baaqaetts Fofaat yeBacastaeaberof Ae (sally
daparvaaat at tbe a«yIaA bae
•r*' hall batwm tbs bAra of ais aad
A Bib Ra^s aad ha* bees
dhMad Hr. Musa's abara la tba A
alfbt Satarday eenlaf. A-be tollowaf eaaaad aeeoral yaara
leaBatAmlaaadiy'bBd wUI ArryA
paWle recaptlA A tba boys ia ib«
la ISSl Mr. ?SpeAcr y—*—-*
Ms baalaaa. with Hr. Wwtoa. Mr.
p'arionaadball: Tb* Boy* aad Onera* of lapd wban Tnparac City
DsUea was faroad to ratira ffom tb*
Mt bAda bare acoepAd lari AUom A ■tanik aa wall aa cokslderable property
b«abMMaeaoaat«r ill baaltb. Both
farakh aaak at tb* ranptlA aad A A* aamwadlay rteka and at ~
■imliiii e( the AW Brm bf« a
Prefanw Uartaafhb orMaatra will
•Hid sea aad wlU -m doabt ■
AkrAia darlaf tba baaqnt
MeeMBBl It.
fcMt will bacselaaietiyiA tba aoidken
to the aadatawaeabm irf tbaletal
Obacto* Maa*4it*
cal AlAt who will AArtala. -Ad tb* boarbtaboaa ATtaeonaa^ wbor*
dtty Moaday a baad
Maeb bAT wblah ba kUled a tba AtlnazpaoM wlU b* bom by the
Dartw hk rasAMO* A Hash___
rtter. It k a mifalBelaat
^■dmaa. ] H blaab aad thaahia
tbe ©mad Tnnrsa nylew
b* bcM amral lapodAst looal otprlaaaoadlUoa. Tbeaatmalwa
etaa* aad Aly a laahy that Mead tba
fieaa aad be was always aetie* la
baatw troa a dwfwata Aeoaatar.
aoUay Ac Awnat of tb* reyka A ib*
Tbe aaUM wm UkA te tba WAt qaat bat U* nnpUA WlU eSerep- aarly yaara of ^eaaar Ufa
aMBMdt rraak BrASb A Ba
bm hoped far
Bk wUa sMU aaxEtna btaa attar
W HfVSd «H MBlM at m Ibb
MH b aMMfp at taHitad IHa.
All.-* or in hulk, at ill*-. pri.-.- yi.n
uaunlly iny for th.' tMnini"i, ittivturva
Yon i-an alforti to tfivclhri-hildren
nomt-tbintf U-tU-r thi-.
yiBT, a* the uiet i* no innr*-
arc gaaTatvUei \o
Tbe Preseots jod finl at
tbe Prices foc file.
ituiDriUk- rtuvk
^aUVwt &T\ii uaVuts—Tv)\ dtsCTvvttont ■
art vob&l \Bc art
Ao-jAer fresl duuuecry ha. brra
aAc. and that. loo. by a lAy lo Ai*
"I>IW«M fasAord lUrloi
of deeirable Clirietiiiae (i.K.b. that
;• I,.., I.—.------ ... _______________
Kllfanoad lU w.rreal
could act sleep 'sbe floeliy d.u^Tered
a wry'A rrcorrrr. by purv-Dsaiay of a*
a bottle of Dr K.ny . New U.Mxrrery
lor Coaeuaptioa. aO w*. w> morh nUeeed oa takiaf A*_flnl doee Aal the
slept all Blybt; aud wlA two bultlea
baabeaa abaoloAly cured. Her oaar
k Mr*. Lolbcr l.uu." Tbua write W
C. Uaaaick A Co. of Shelby, N C
Trial botUr* lu oU-at thadroy .Are* of
». B. Wait aod J <i Jobuaoo
I- io 1
•• iJ.Kk
Come .-arly u
ae the
mikt d.kirabfe tfoeJe
lirsL and
■- you wilt avoi.i 111- .-..iifuei-.u iu
u aeparahh-from the laet fi-w .Uv».
Silit} DtVHlt lOH U r«UU T>T In M
:-=-i: Tlie Saviiigs Bit ^E
Trojn School Books at 10
per cent off to
The stock most be closed
out by Christmas.
Handsome and E
Useful Ghristmas E
^ Thatcombioe ninitv and beauE
L tj is what we are providing
for tbe coming boltdajs, in onr
choice stock of toiiet acts, jewel boxes, glove aod handker E
chief boxes, trinket cases, collar and caff boxes, pocket- E
I 't,
Everything Goes
.at Cut Prices
Christmas Goodsat Half Price
I Only Choice and Desirable Garments
, ' ^^Only Trade Winning Prices.
PlAida. Mr- ■TII^ will Akatwocar,
FolloirinB our Oiual coatooi. a.
load* of DouAe* A CiariBBatl. ObA ,i„. Loli.lays at,prooch. wt- wihb t..
tbit way dose The TWplaailT «nuoUDi^» lhal
err brea mideon of Nnl for aboot
»eoly yean_________________
Robert Mclljoald of StrAfeille.Bcar
Sauli Ste Marie, killed a wolf that
Wus ijoaT oTvV^ \»Vtds enw
s\v\.\ grea.\CT saVos ^or \Vvo ba-Wte
books, parses • and other leather goods, cameras and kodaks
" Wexi-b’B XJz-uB S-txxre.
Kost people think that ‘*plumbinR is plombiag”—
that one plumbing-job is as good as another.
And ordinarily that is true.
But a GOOD job is something mcre^than a mix
ture of material and muscle.
Brains, honesty, skill, conscience—a good Job
cannot be made without these.
And now you will expect us to tell you that oar
work is of the kind referred to as good.
We won't.
p. isn't necessary.
Our work '-speaks tor itself*’.
The praises pt those for .;whom we have dons
plumbing work are better Ustimoniala—and tnore
likely to be beUeved'-than iuay we could grive onrselTOS.
We try to do more than merely please onr
The Hannah & Lay Merc, Co.
TftAYBaBK mtllATJi, SEOEUBES 8. 1888
r AMm soa t
lamlatoto of
ED attract maeb atteailD
Ue Ttotriss of
Mlatoler to Cilsa.
-^4. AlMfUkest 8(0^ be(888 fair
BssMl Bacadraa wsat to Utaad
Bspldi Irat wask.
, Mf^ONnrefBIC^titvat
W. A. Daway.wkebraabarvaol «ba
eompaolsa raw nlU at Aatito. ku
so**d bis tsmlly to Msoeeleaa.
H. H. Osway Isaras today to AaIm. when babas aposivioe la tba
>w ralll.
Dsraaa ralksraos. wbe baa bsaa
»Wl worUof arar BIk Bapidt. Is risUiar
bto s^sr. Mrs. AdsIbsrt Piseb.
Mn. J. D. Bloc asd Mrs.'Prrd Haw
Dios are rlslUac at Obeboypao.
Cbra Braot has norsd hto family
brre Irom Uraod Bspids and wUl work
lor Hr. Bscadon is bU milt.
oHr. Haradora U peular his mill la
Sae shsps tor the wlatar*s eat asd will
Stan sp cs sooa as we yet sldybley- It
Ml! be Ilytatsd by aiaeirieliy. - •
Mrv Cten Drtml e( Otwd E8^
«MthtgM8to(Mn. «. T. HaaoaWt
Mn. W. '
M. I>88l»** k8t U* hoot
Wllilifiil wUltscB ban
Min Laorm Apin baa fooe to Frasktot to work at the b'atliiaal hotel.
Him Tracy Kranae. who baa bewa Ul.
Tn«M ou/w rrid87.
IMWoItatook t«>l<l8d8 Oftaril- ■a reeorrrloy.
Hn Aril Oyd* hat yooe to Fr^kJ «knlt8JBkB88idilbls»a8k.
fon to rkit relatlm.
Mr. Itot ot Uraod ftapMs baa eiored
Peter Ikeb Is bcDdlsy a bare.
r. A Dowliac made 8 baslatH ti
m Each to eeteriaialBy ti
t8lh8 8MMr-
eel tbs Index floyrr of hu riyht
of ynterdsy. wtaHe eorayed si
ns CMas Bal4 br«urhlis b
eawyer la tbAompaoy'a sbleyle
MfbilarUtHtaBMOs. rrUtv.’
VtelBbT has reteraed Iroa
^ta^Bsasaas 8f Bapln riallad bare Upper
r IPealBsnls where be taes
the iblBkle
fire tooBlLa.
Ihs OharUtola W88 iB rastardaf:
lend the wlster term of BCbool here
ta bar IM
far (ha M8888.
leHooaly lojared
Chaa. BrowB <
rnak rtabtr ssd dsvhtv m8
lalziy between
, Tbarsday. r
•W* rbbar 88d vUe mula 8 t**i
sbiofle m^
I damp nru at the si
asas Ms to TkBrana Oltj loda;.
.Ue they were io moUoe.
ns L. 8. & sM Kortb HsaU.
iBod. tbe bob stHkiay him
Ika <lMd to tb« SMaoa iaat W...
^81 MA.
Bd. nbarand famli;
8(8 wsililail ban asaoOB 8S tbs wtsd other eon. breaViof use rib an
isr Isterwal Isjariea.
ato was Hist Mil sstsalL
.M. J. Mortoo reeeired a telefrom Alma. Sndday. that her
wb<> bai been Hi for some
MBTliaUnU dadtoaOlsB I«lts. sad time, r.
warn dylor.
Mn. Morlae lefi
• nOresd la lalhad sf Iran tb«
Hoeday morslBC wHi bepea of reach
iBf home iB time to see her mother beloee she pesaed array.
____ sane ptasaa that caaaot bs raaeb.
rd by lbs BslI Uae. It k aatraelood
that the Bwararly Co. aspect to eMDoet with tbs Nbrtbera Mleb.
Co. at
Tramree City la tSe Dear laura which
thUpIsesAnt elan Mn
' the oetsU
atside. Tbe eomE. D. Wklte. Ueo.
..... . .. Pstrbaaks
a aad A. R. Prey
They siarlsd la aboot a year ayo
two pboaee, aad a Uae Iron tha
to Mrs. White-a store.
S«7 MaaraU » 08 th( sM Itol.
ba. norad-l ‘
4. BalUraa ta bsDdiaf 8 8S« b
Mr. sM Xi8. Ooek bars nors
ttaboaslatsl;vBcatsd bsC-T
Tbe.'Loadaa Dally Chrowiele pnbIt to a sweet little
Ito^ tbe followlsy dtopsteh from
ly udd by aa old i
. ia bra way. to at laierrsUsy Sbasybai; "Tbe apiakm to yrowlay la
________jlfu. a ehsrseter as "Colose.
diplomatic elndn that a ftwelya millOartero(CtortenTllIb,"aaoUerereatioo
t Mr. BmiU't yraosfal pea.
Tbe December aamber of Brriew ot
Ecriewe yircs s "busy men a rreiew'
f tbe Importaaleffslrs
aotshell. Aoicteretai
trd article OB
Ttosol’t pa'8t‘0O
L fe of Cbrtol.
Albert Shew yirrs a sk>tchofC.j: W>.rllfe sod work, thst is very limrly.
s^ Ue lire* of
1 of Aotlrii,
sad Loatoe of Deaiuark
! also louce
AlUoayb oar anpply of soon to
limited a ^ly aambra of famsi
The Cbritlmae Scribner is
la town triU alaiyim.
n from lie deltybi'u coIo
1C last pays*
A ooee! at.
„.a J. E Wlacbramb of Mayfield
drore orer u towe Uto marnliiy. She iny feainre to a Irsio.aKoa of Wsyorr >
reporu tbe sick of Uelr eelyfaborboud Eiar of Ue Nibelaay. by Bdmooo wiin
aay oUer locality la Ueeutc. Tweire
are orer 70 yean old aad oUers amrly
three score and tea. Eer. W. A M. kcreoa. eyed Ss.crat a few days ayo diy
yloy peat holm for a tcoee. Ur. Bnlrii.
■yed Ul. walks ap to Iowa (fire nilesi
oeaasloaally sad does etaern scoai the
ptolee- Wm Uarriaoa. eyed 7i. still eol
tiratn hto fans
Thomas Wrehoop.
arrd 7«. still walks aboat Us riUaye
Ephriam Daakx. ayed i» palled
red ol a cron cot law on the 1st li
and cat dee cords of beech aad 1
elm wood
the next d
-bod her arm bmkra last somtnet aad
the boon oDlled aad made a yoed re
corcry. dbe to still bale and aetlre.
O-tay totheperaeaee of a Prr
IS the nayaciaa.
'ataUsatNasUv.aBrittoh warUlp'l
Eiiebea Mseaxisc bos beea erdrew! Ibras to pratrat Ue :
. ree^pnasd artlcln iaiomu ot Oriat Brilslx.:
iterests. ptsesis aa
attraetlea wlalra umbra that will be
Aa exsedltioa seal ia raareb at tbs 1
of lateral to all
The ■rowaat Aodres has fiaally rerabed 1
traatlspieeeleae. .
santok. natsra'dlbsria. atira bemy J
IfoUaoaie Christmas
irecked aad laUr kaboaad to 17 dsys i
1« Ue riror Lema.
Oa Dec fi. iske. Mr. aad Mn. fi B
Middletoa. rtsldiay oa UybUoiue
(■olal- happlU eeteruloed Ueir rcUlien aad a few friuds oa Us oecasloa
of the »U aaalremrr ol Ueir marrlaye. The weaUer was beanllfal aad
all Ulays leaded to make Ue gccaaloe
aa eapecUlly jnyfal (Ma 'Aboet sixty
yaeats were preeeal. who will aolsaoo
forysl Ue rood lime eejeyed by all
The bonalifol yet dalaty repail did
honor lo Ue slcill of Ue beaten aad
could but pleaae Ue palau of Ue most
skeptical. Uaay baadsome asd cosUy
yifiB were prsoealed at iokess of lore
ester IS Irria tbe Iriceds of........boo
Ue boo
...... ..........................—........................
oredcoople. who hare mlded ia Ur
eommueltysiaoe early ebUdhood Th.y
hare oae boa sad two daayblers who
all partielpsied ta Ue otlebraiioa
BoU Ur. aad Hn. Middletoa bare bad
tbe pleasnreof eelebraUay Ue yoldea
one day last
•reddlay of thUr psreata, Mr. aad Hn
Joshes & Middletoa asd Hr asd Mrs
Ole lATsoD did basil
Jobs P. Uowdll. all ol h'orUporV '
City last wMk.
Jatarabi of Trarerse City trmBi •rtob of Ueir masy fetoads to Uat U
aoslreraary isay 61isd them esj .yisionalB towD oae day lait
lay Uci
-----------bwl- - aad proeperity
nUe 7:
hitherto ospahlUai
Tae Cbrtotmsa (.amher
deliyhi n .1 only
s* sell.
Toe b.,\ >
lulrsteU paper 01
b>^ of Siberia
,ry. Is.-l
• adh
re lo tar *nr»clirc tsbie cj.
op." ,cinllaur lo
to ihe liioirn.e!.
her Co.mc.poii'
Conan Iljtlr.
Grant Allem s
more solid ar
: srlicic. Ip
elude sn account of
■l.ptaP raped,
• a by Sir .S.,rm.Q Lackyer
Kly lllo.
lla.lrs'rd fruu pl:..t<j(Tapb'
at that
Adrlocs from New Galsea ny
last Baadaf.
■ OflUi afTiararaa Oxr a
UMU ■>780 HaalfoU Is qalta alek
Hn!"tato eftbamras Oar la tbs
faaal ad Mil. Osem Sbaldea.
Baawr Ssallg bra base salta alek.
Hra 4. U eibbs araat to Tlaaarar
Bran WMdlaanb ol Oraad tosida
was haea Batardar aad Haada;.
Min Baa nartsll of Trataras CII7
sWndMto Marioa Oibbt raeaallr
Min raaala neasaon who Is a
ttaBMaMM^TiaaraaaOlir. soa
Jaa Mlraals baa nasfwad *8 Oslo.
Marry Oibksad TraastasOtr was la
Mira AMls Taylor waat to Oiaad
BafUs today to rMa-
Hr. OraaaMod aoathsra HUblfaa Is
ahdtliB bk sMar. Mrs. ten Kllpat.
Mra Brlfblrasa ad Brtdyatoa Is rUlv
^ bar da^tar. Mta Btaak TsylcrHMs Lala Wlasbeorab. bso Wlaeb.
rawkisd LraOibbsoC tbs Btoaraoa
88l0borbnnd wara bars last sraafe.
Dam MaaifoU aad fHiarraaa Bsjrs
basa lalafwad ban tbalr baatlBr trip
to^^BuM^aeaa^. when thsy aaeb
Ward bra basa raaslrsd troaiBcva.
ha* ad lbs saddsB daatb nd Joan Coop.
a*a warhsd ban tbs past sann
Daa^ Us stay ban ba asads na
Mto* who wara aboeksd to Uara
ns paopU ad MaydsU wara________
to baar el tbs drath ot Oaads Balllday.
tbs twe-yaar^ aea of Hr. aad Mm
Lsewd-BoUMay. arbo dlsd Had
day atisr as Uiaara of a law ho
Tbras days latra lbs Utaataoeot
a*dHia.BahT Oraydiod altars
yarlaitUBara. rararal sarrleas s ...
hsUlalhBabarab.Ees. Mr. naratoa
BoU wsralaldto rast Is
Ihs basaar yirca by tbe leadin’
society was s sueoess. the proee«di
belay aboot ibitty-foardoiian
^L-^CampIM^^re loBstUss Bay
Cbas. Bean aod family mored
Ttaeeras City last week.
H. B. Gill made a trip to Trsreree
City Basday.
Mn. Q. M. Dame, who has been eery
M Silrer.
Iowa, hae ill. Is mueb better.
,._.jdtbe Btelc o, M.r.. to.srket boild-.
Qeo. tv. BeeJaniiB of Lelasd wa
' e and oB Thomday of rtoltor la Uto place Baaday.
laal week .
E R.Oamphall rrtareed last Thi
and iBDcb
day from a bosieem trip lo Oraad B
O'.eAaderaon reeoally morad
to s mas
hto old farm, wbleb be told
from the non there part
to bto Bcw farm wbir 1 I
lieia Lirinystoa, who Dored with bl>
The K- 0- T M
ibe aoatbera pan
family last weak to ib<
for Ue cpsalay y< ■ laet Setarday
of the aute. where he
aew farm.
Dc. liawyet of mreras City seas
Utt H (today was yrasdma Crock orb
SOtb WrUiday aad oB the ersBlay ol Ue Porter Boase lereral days li
week doLsy deaul work. Be left 8
that day In honor of tbe oceasioa.
mbarofiorltMyDSsU ansomblod a arday.
Waller Orobbea of Lelasd made bi>
tbe rnldeBee of her 1
when abe makte her boi
her eojoy It lo e eery pleaa ta
A sapper was
- Imneesely
. ♦8}eyed“by
O. M.____________________________
preirot aad other rrfrer"--------- Trarem City Wedaeeday returals,
were aerred 1b abusdaaoe.
same day.
Crocker rceelrr-d oererml Bice
Tbe E L topic for Saaday ei
as tokvaa of eeloem aod It u qnli
Dec- IIU. to -Worklay wiu t
to say that sbe
abe eras scarly la happy
os Lske 74:l>-lk.
Utto ereDisy aa she was 8u yean before
The C E topic for Baaday ereaiay.
Hay ahe ecjty maBy more ba
Dec- IIU. to "The minor rirun aad
Ue j
chase the Aeiu^le and carry out Ue ^
plsa to make 11 s Jasiioy mrinoriai lo
Miss Willard au.l her work in temper- *'*
ance reform
Tne .wrelsrj of suie bss hern firen
s copy of s noil Y to Ue inbsbltaoL. ol
Ibc H.nams iolsuds by Ur Krit..n’yuT
ernment uyisy Uat all eoysyec! in
'■-r'ppiny rend, are yuiiiy .>( fe. >o.r
sao 00 connctioo are iiabr to pros!
.secretary Alyer ha* .cpeaici \ sapitsry Jensrimcol.wb.cli wil bceparste
Iruiu Ue medical dcpsrlmrol. and has
sppu oleo Chief Surywpo liretnlesf s»'
.Asiiary in.pecUf yeoers:
,«||| Ik to invesliysle Ur ssoitsry ...adiUoD of ibc army
ijo. •of isobs. ;;i lot. ol r»iiio,..
leeily. r.ieri.-.,.e .
..s-htai on l-ynter* aod d
Laas Trra 8aad» asbool MU bars s
Ortoraas trra ca ntlafra Bra, Doe.
I..1M to tall !■
toto — to toatota
step in and feel our
Men’s Suits
and Overcoats
at $5.00. Better than the or
dinary $7 60 krind.
Tne remain, erf Cilamhu. wiii be
i.lhoel on hi.rd s spsm.n -ir re.»e:
S-. Hsrsus Iweinher
and aceermpshr Uir.-e olber e«««'.*. Wi'i .larl
•‘P»'n- \t Msrl,ci.|ge the .tup.
IS.II be r aird and bonor • III be psul
School Report.
Reptrt of Bill street'aohool
D(mlb*dluy Il-c 7
Nil. e^dayr. iv*
I'.iIa. al-.et.daa
Al (Isktanrt. Cal Al-b.e D M.rbie.
Namesof oupilskselny hiybeiltalai
Ue eyed .»ter Ib is, of Uetote.UibIcy IB mooUIr e
yradelkiuie• 'lirskf. veooodyraile I'.id. li fl.aioe.
H.aine. (or
for some-iime a reaideui
Baundera. Ui-d yiade, Ubhie Drake I Fru,te»lr, wa. .Ir.e.ay .0 a !lyhi 1.liur.y
loortb yrade.
I'raak KslB
awsv. yoiny tbrouyb so opro yate lalo
SB urvBarJ
A low hsnyisc »bI>
struck Mrs. Msrl.ir 10 tbe brra»i.t br.)«eoltUer*' Rsuef Cnmisisaion Report Inp her (n.m.. Ue buyyy snJ ki.iiny
her s ion.l It «up;:y. ' S'sr •*Trareise Cil -. M.eb . ik-t. 1* -To Us Honorih e Board of Super year.
aye aaJ a ss.i'e of Auyu.ta
risonofOrasd rrarritar CO Hirb.
UX-<Ti.Rar.s:-We bey to subm i the
followiny report
Variog ttr oa-l
Tbe Enesiao barkeotiae Kericy hoe
ytar we bare been called
tlmra to relief and tbe
of sesisklos aod (or. ose of Ue sry
expeaded has been but S
Tbe V. P E C E hareebasyed
Uat 'has erer couie from the Her
.reetay for Ue "Oeeatrtck Bkala
asd Ur smcuoi
It to eelimaied Ibatibr.s
cdal from Pirday to Tbsnday.
ol Ihe carye to fil
She has
:* e. VlBloa ta bayiay potato
Mr. aad Mn. Glea Parks aad baby ot
pickaye. of bear .kine " , roeka<
Uto place mads s trip to Trsrsi
of aMorled for*. 1.;.- dry uaUkins. sod
Hr*. F. E White to 1b Dakota. 1
Bstordsy. retaralay Baaday.
lay her brother, dhewasacoompa
•,l.! salted seatokic. The .-s-y., rrp
Bee. W. A. Bockorea and B A. ____ ^
by her mother, ol Abb Arbor.
hell accomaanled Err. Ur. Wriybl as
. - •
-- retaeut. tbe result, of the yr«r‘. atcb
Alben DeVrIn has beeo appololod far aa Trarcrat City Wedseadsp.
r at tbto place, sed exprau
Tbe Imdln' Besefit society of Ue H
11 carry tts Ihrouyh ihe-year V.dij.-h 1 one of tbe yreatcai wal.ny compaDiea
toftbeoaise Jao. Iku E ebsreb will ytra a Ussr io Ue town
a»d bllU (or all mli'oeU -espebded 1 lofthe world
Tbe K a T M. tasre opeaed s series Mday asd Batorday, Dec. u. asd
Is Ue baodsof U'e .rereta'r All of ’
• pedroparUea, wb-eb will
Esr. Geo. P. Wriybl of Uto plaee left
ilr hall. It promton to Wedasadar tor Aaa Arbor to medical which to rw -clf.lte .ubmitled
Lam Bm-i.t. ebtirman bjid.er. Re '
ay CBd appreciate b? treatnesL Hto w
wife aocdmpaaiedfalm Itof Commiralo
ohasca asd tw-__________ Mich.
. Lodln Aid boelely of Uts plice
pltce of Trarsiee City arrlred Tbonday fora
J. A MoxTsi
bare raised sBoayfa to pnlot the lanlde
lilt of a few weeks wiU .Mrs. E F
of the cbitrcb. Work oa the nameI will
Tbe priatorydepartmest Is preparisy
be DO meeilBy held here sext Hcaiday.
Bofterioy bamanlty .bould be Wo
ChrtolSDas calertalemrat to bs
plisd WlU ererj moasi poaeible lor i
C A. Wsarer A Oo. of Cbhrnyo. hare
rslirf- It to with p'easare wr rahU,
paid eel orer U.UOO here for potatoes
the followiny: '-Thto i. lo certify U
la the past two sreeks.
They bars
e Coayroyatioaal ehoreb wlU eele- I was a tsrrihle scffsrsr (is»m Y.
raalod Ue storaye ballt by Qaia A Fox
brstc Cbritlmas la Ue^nal way wtU Jaaodic* to orer «.x morUs. an<
abd Biled Ue nme wlU pouioes.
prayraa appraprlatp for Ue occsalos treatsd by some of Ue brat phy.i
Jamn Bawfev weal iolo Chebo,... asd a Christmas tree.
10 oor city asd all to n.i ae.il
jDBiy tanaUay lor deer aooa after ue
Mr asd Mrs. 8am«e1 UMdletos eele- Bell, oar druyytot, rreomtoeoded K'ec-1 v
>w came >a aod retoraed last
. i week brated UsIrlwealyifilU weddlsy as- trie Bdters. aad afwr Ukisy t«u ton. ; ^
.« fired fire sbois
shots while
r ' '
yoee. kUtiny Birosary SaUrday,' Dae. Mrd, at Ueir ties 1 was ealirsly cared
I nos tsk'-s
tbrar deer aad oas 1 abblt. aad woead home, which prored lo be a rery eelty
yrest pieassre ib Twromiseadiny them]'
lay Ue loertk deer.
- le oocaalM.
Many a^el asd rsla- to say peraoa safreriay from U<» u-rri { f
'tost SaadayJaiDee Bo.rd
bis iBsladr
I sm yeatefsIFr rours. I s
rr, Hn. Bewit,
were to.
H. A. Uormrtr. Idealayt-m. Kr " Sold i f
d by
Farmers tssUiaia.
W.itandJ .l,J„bBm.o.drBy.|^
Tbe horse bseame frlyhteaed
neaaaasJBute Farmers'IssUtste
raa ai
IT Uto eoaoty wUl held somatlmc dar
UrowB ont. bat for
Bncklaob Aroiea AalTc.
ly the latter part ol Jasaary.
lajured- The part was. hadlj
Itensliny fcaura of tba IraUiate will
Ttn Bb*t SAAva ib Ue srorld (or
bet tbe horae cacaped lojory.
r reports of seetral farm experioteeu Mu. Braises. Bona.' Olorra. BaIi
lat bare bees eoDdselad darlay tbe EbOBBa. Psrer Sorro. Tetwr. CbAppsd
past sraaoe aad aa osblblt ot sampin Bawls. Cbllblals*. Coras, and ail Bkin
of Ue pnidacla. Proriiloc will also be
kma-asd poaiUrelr core. PVea.
lade for a yeasesl
isesl exhibit
exbil of farm
parrsqalrad. It to ywaranieied
has been eelUed Tbe boys
oeaebold pradeetsaad ai
opaeial tsytrr cerfact aatisfartioa or moaey
ds smell smoaatof moaey
rrmlams will be awarded.
nfudad. PrlaeUccBupcrbax. For
taroed orer to Ue
Theae membenral Ue 1
tala by 4. e. 4ohssos and B I Wait
ramed ytlss' attorneys, tb^ ssuliay bare not already
BbIIfiIb No «. yirl
Bordeck Blood BUWfs yirs* a maa a I
Hr. OlessoB. tbe yeatlcmin who has
bcea raBelnyUeereamerrai tbto place
clear Bsad, as setlre brain, a str
to Ue past two yeatv diM yesiarday -----------------------, _ Iron Ue aecrsSary at riyocou. body—makes him fit (or
battle oT life.
Be hat been the Eeytoter's oSee. Trmrerse City
. to pouads C B^r.......................
slektoaboel Uree weeks wlU ly.
A membenblp roll book has I
r Nic« Pteato Baas, prr peaad...........................
' - feree. Be bad practteally yot teat to erety riec prrsidmt ia
asd maoyothoncqsalJyracaad tkatyoa will flsd ^yirioy a
be fcrer.bat ataboatloaro'eloeh eoeaiy. It to hoped Usi ersry ■ _
moralay there was a chaaye foi her reported leal rear erill reeew hto
>nt aad be eeee pasaed aeray.
Bberahip to the praasal
>1 year asd
> DOI beea here bat a
Brerr family aboald here i'l bn
ran may be added to
Remember tba pltcr. asd Uat we wUJ help yes bay yoar Christmas
darlay bto Stay be baa tha roll. Tbe asat
>«al awmbetaUp tec
Isa Tea a wife
ealy tweaiy-fire
t^a^ts)^d*^Dr*wtMb ‘svwty J peateaubysariayyoamomsy.
(p cbtldreei a
Plea Byrsp.
Katarss remedy to
Id aad Urea ai
Ills the psrposs of .Ue IratlUla
are llrlay at bon*. They bare
Mfeltiympatbyof all la Uli
MsMd hi:;
Did you get some of that
heavy fleeced '
Men’s Underwear
at only 46 Cents?
S. Benda & Co.
I™,?.!!-'“• ‘'-o"
...» „
124 Front St. Inverse City.
124 From St. ImptsE Cil|.
T. J. Hosts Old Store,
ia the A. V. Friedrich Block.
A Christmas | NOTICE! NOTICE!
s.uSfi';.*;';''.Tbs liMln' AM of Los« Uks wui
■araoa Hstoosday Daa. tl.'at Hn. J.
K. •leran to to raaka asUts aad do
rawttoofaaykladtbat aay bs 000SMIT. AU an aararaUr rr<ionta<l
as bsyiMBt that aaa possibly atuad
120 Front Street.;
i.ruld and i,.rrivoB. .tier
ribJiiac r. .I. f ratiiia* lO Msntso
he... y.-netoo <-*rdeBa* a).-,
• sere thee wi 11 eoiili oue Ue
membered br hi. relst.ee.1 ssd friend..
... .
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher,
Wemta s temple troslera Chicago
bare decided to tom "ttiUardUcffi. C
ll sppeato to Ur hou.ek. .-fer .a
ofoewasd sttrmctirc d-.iir. t
cholent dlnarr of iLe y.
rsByeimeou for II
who drar e
schoolmsie. ana Ves.-li
loeedoar liiile CIsu-l.. bul»
bsbe to wltb Ue bsppr ssyci.
■ ill oerer kn.>« u
«s* buried io Ue r-netery s<
ley, where be lay I .ide hto ye. lolau
help but Dkase v..-d if jou can be pleased in this Suie. C->m • in and go through i
our store. It will juy you well, oven if you do nn intend lo
con UeqofsUoa of tbe kiayabip.
oambrrofcoscilUu.fy speecbe. were
deiirere.l. bol a > nodldsie was aamco
Borauy dectoioo arrlred at.
tbe Torki.h arm} ii
Tbe reiiiilD. "f l>
We bare ChristmAs presents for
everr nnw. yonnp and old. We have four large fioors
packed fa;i of furnilare of all kinds.
Dishe*. Glassware. Silverware. 'LaInpv^ Onyx Tables. Pictures.
KaseU. Scrc-cof. Music Cabinets. Foot Rests.
fact, vou cjd find an\ thine vou want for a Christmas
prestent. and they are .-i!l marked at prices that canH
New. from Bamoa sutes that Ue oa
tires held a mTeUay oa O-cl. it to dto.
Mr. BaisMadWrated
was la
... ms breaffat baaae .
a WaitMn-s 88M>
estire tribes llrlay oa Maearirer. late- |
ly raided Ue Mssial riUaees In Coliloy. 1
wood Bsy asd maiaacred u coast peo-.!
pie Tbeie are 00 police to deal inU
Theodore flowTHi.
a iodphtrd for
Adel.-c from ,Ve«-South Ws;e. ssy
Ue nrrice be nnderrd
(be sicsmcr Cuiyun fas. i-siirl from syant Seereiarr of Ue N'.rr. .how.
Ue Drceoibcr nemorr of. U' ' Va'lh .iney m .ih a caryjof pron.ioo. for Ad
mirsl l■-•«-r•. ftte-i St .Usai.a Tne earuf Ue Nary ran be yre.lly oehsuced
>d paper OB A -tsodef Ur
Urcst. lo Ue Dta:ecaher C.-ciurv, Vr.>
Whee.rr wil! .h-.wXwiihcu*
I Headquarters for.
Santa Clads...
........... .. StoV
^ryTtopbsaeOa.. at
-..tai.tataita.’.r.iir*^ —
k lews
' '%<i' ■ L .
bsoi^ by a UOUaHrOEir PlBlf. I
LOSS Youa A»o oaa oais.
«ia b
We intend to make this the
Banner Sale of the Seasen.;
Aod wish b> iBski
expected I
OOP offer.
ifAirfiir tlic>t8Me of s
I hdip lubs! biai Fn ilti U cm PDOna
Enterprise Grocery,
Demsb OiataaaL
No. taoira tbraf )
Is the benrt of the s-mtaon, wt|.-D
-ta. r- *■ u, hrdEfai,
w,- oavr 8 Jileil to our slr-sl)' Burn r.u. BA.R1AIN4 a
»loc-li of sIth'isI new in-r.-hs'lto-. .I'l
"f l>rf fronds,
Shoe*. Qents' FurnUhi't^ au.l * 'l.i'h
el--., etc , pU-.--<l 10 i/llf
1 which mu-I Ik lamed
■ntn' ■■rah QUICKLY, n.tkiut; SOBCeBSDY
Asvsa xvwa sam w uua ty&iri.
Tri-s- b-.jd» will
p^U.-.d on sale imniediauly it 68c 00 tlio dollar.
Tbis i<
BOKA FICB OFPE M aad .M-nitfjt in Ih-- li-ia.-t of the sen
as it dora. makes it a double oppjrtumtt
aao TrogA Stmt.
W. J. SOBINSON, Propr.
The New York Stor?,
aiO-Oor 6Ui 8od Dbmc Bts.
Oppowits C. A. Vf. H.
Hsrald’tiHKTioMi GmKsniuEi|ce
/mat md ft
i Gnarflsman’s TTObwc.
The 01«M» boj« wallma eat to
Ibt* w—k DM d«r*ad teldl Ueu
of the pMtvM
ooly hr*« tB hill 0*^1
•M. Ixt eon5 ffat'
Wm ar^urrd tn cmny
Tbnrr waa a
,rl« mv« Vwl Inrttli
of retrol hfo ,B>iI oBlj prrv*»li
moth* Bw fta«n r*IBlB«!he»9*»».
*r ot KrM I n rt Guflar who hH broa »
. bot kot
♦faBBB ty
part fa* wrelit baa ret.
. to tSbo IVtlo Hl;o Olid lb- Fb.ilJK
Horn multlfi* fr'Oi in» *»r rompol
(b* pruinpl dd'ipilon of a ^ritti» pel»i»- ly ii.r ;-n l^a fl.i-.- Tbir-
b-ooa-d Berg ii •rprhUc »r» Frrd
P.IB arraUB. •
U KliuUraed Wb liehn'li are cj^
tlnr loir>aad eurdvooil fur I
, tVeHe-Btloe* i , But* by ouf-r » 1
:ddk- ood public
; .bo* f-allTa' to
Ue «
,oi Cbr»tma» c»r.
io^"i,c,mra»oi| l.’iBb-TiB* will b* caiTiod on <j>iito
IMIBOhlp nc
«b« Vrlt»d
iLc ABi-r- «*t« »'T« y b«f» ik-o «ioi»r
-r tb*
bon fUr
fU*. aftb
attk ikr
ikf n-wlr arqnlrod
ocqiilrod »l1*1- | rtarkrr
tUrkor l.ombc
l.omber Co , of Blnghom^arppoio fuiBitt.cd ID lU c..)on;»0 i rmpleyino o «
&( .aa ann-ial --om of aMni U<uo«ii« i ^ioo
Ha,-------floilr t
a* wnk ifodr ooiro a f >b' bvoo ruv- |
T^<' Cmi.C b'ao-* nrlll IMI {
Dn>r.adi» tn <V. U»» It if rmr doij- lo
*urrW| 1111 !• ofHo'O'lall; f.HilllM ued ’f Jvitn'niLl (urinil Tor Ib-lr a-f.MO*7n.o«Kl-.n.
aapoi* »Bd
ironIt oili b*
B. P Pray wretlo Rm Raplf-rtoday
(WiiCfdM .h.i th» prfn.on- *|tuo*l..::oa;la
for bciflti nr. *.1>l.-ti ol.ot; I- pr..mtd.
(rm. Karl.y klllral a tarfr drrr lari
Tbt'iari «hi.-h Atn-i-oMi •nnmt'ont
motif ob4 Ib-lr ...n'oB j-rf .rm.d IB
tM «or f1Ui finin .l«ii..tflralM thM
tl|>o 0-iv‘o*. furiibhit-o l-'th |•lrkfItal1d
lboof-»nd in» f d-rrOf-. i* o not o-al
n«rio>«y ord .Vnuld b- rniouroo'd Iti
luilniol oov.
rit-il.f nod
tt-«h <4f fur Ihf 4i''»'n|>l’fbn.t'..l c>( tnlf
purpB*o ate d:>rn >id IB Ihr mi-orl of
the arorwM-, ■•! Ihr froo-gty t- «bl.-h
..aeitvTy «nd n' ihr imi<r;
tartltii-o KodiRo to lb
(b- m'lliarr o.cti<
I .rf <‘ul« a-iil thf
lal ij.InTc.iiir..* l.-taonti thb
A tt-r r.ili*.! Wt.’-O wh'. h «•,
bar* »T*rr rBaoor lo »«i—l
Tb- *ooItary broldnua r*i n- 1M r Ub our pru
r*lall<«> ellh th- I>!all4 ..f rul.i and
tbo areuMi on (if P r*o fl!-'" ar* no Iob
hinjr'rfanl thao'tlv*- r*'a'lrrl"flnar
. pitBBirr- rnd admT’f'ruit.n li if
aamr.l d*»ln- 'hni th-r irii' lnp* may
b*««ii'rl»-*i lij- iwh'l-'-ri .III rtf. and
tbi fT-r.th nc *iiy fcr d'nn tiM.-ii Ihr
■ T*c»St idvnf-*« lo •anitaty aolf«n olfnr fie tb- pnAln-tl-ai of Ihr
h of our otidlrr* In tbi-r- if'.andr
Mn4u'aTnltrroaiT of thn fcMindlni
j^tbr nty of Waahlnciuti f..r thr ler-
THB TOILET SETS at.- tb.. Ui.-ri ibinc mu.
fibipi'a arr .aid and U»r pattern vrrv pr. itv
U v.«u bar* iKinr.
.Vtiur^a-ipAiiu In U..I .atti.plp. Tw-lf pi- — ill I. i«-l,onty f‘ -'dl
the osc of d remedy thdt
will build up the system,
thereby endbling the verious *
OTgdns to set ds Ndturc intended they should.
Buth d- remedy is found in
Jdm U-'tl Kal-bioWr b f|0ltr rick but
l> I'B Ibr ralD at p aarnt.
A. ThaUrr wnoi tn Bik Kap di -lut
wrnk 111 attrod hl» mother'* foorral ,,
A K. Paifiankih.
ti Inrea nue hnlfrr I
DrII Folrboi k> rmurrird f
•rol I-olir loft HamniaT orlior
broD hsylnr pntaloro
A S Hroy olartod for tb
Peslarslo tollb potato cam.
nlnra-.it A S. I*ray
ilnphi.oa*; thr p-k>
aro krl.
U,r. IKry It .yd cm BOtood h
a-in-r irmn'-f
1 -f .eb'*'l
.eb'«'l lb- MU
f.tU *h«
»h« «
board triUi B. T. Kray'* Uumy
DT.Wiliia.nns’ Pink Pills For Pale People |
(Tb* pr*» .'rfil Iiiyn tn >
(al oarvir*-' fo i"B»ii i>n r
poTtn Woo and thn ?
In Itir lart andnnl n II.-ir- I r-nom.
■«< CtAl in »foa> ! lUth f »r Ih- nr'
. tBi'«-,loii fill Ih. pofnrnt of a leinni'r
tawr of mablnc *tr**iTwti>. Intr*i.iui.
tb*» »1th t.'.‘-r*rj* t.. Ill- n.'i— and
It Ion of v.row -f-v*r. Ttii. mai
'!t'if »i .*•"
ru-d,o, .
Our Greeit and Oolii Dishes
or a Toil*! S«'l for^ii ('briaUnaa u'ift
atid look at tbr
l‘ti*ht«. Tbfv art-v.-rt liti.-. atvl tb>- table vuuld look bandauiur
laiil with Ibiffn for < 'hrMlqiar Hinpir•
Them- nrr
llX) pirt-ra in
ibr ici.
Wf kn.i»
tlir price ttill ruii vnu
Mm H. Ibey apml Thtnh^'rl^ •
o»ir»or.im>'> Rr..«th i
yftr« li th Th r> «--n-!-f
ir-rnmo-T-f <iO|h» jH-.ii.fh-*
d-pirtriofii h'Vf nvjtt'i.i-1
lo rlif '0.1 Mil «*r» th > bo. doiiM.il
Our |.o.ih: h-i.iiir-H a.....
. iBtb* oi-tif r"|pl'-'-> I'^n our |H<iBi,'ollon
It f<a» Inr.'ltvf
iiond'tiifo n' llfd.dm«B ■ v.-iir, rjdt-l. rr V ?vi j-.MIfl,*.
and otro lo I'ofii rmtH yoo
Tbt- rrIBorboli'r *»! rfi n of o o-rv.— •hl.-b
. lo an aor unif Iif4-a «' tb.- Jnihlir rundllkcflo piffriM .cr.it'fyina rolitrn.r of
tba adiOTvO'^1 ..f
Tii»t'*fv aarfiit arc rcdciTcd d
ploaaoiv. Ii troald luakr yoar vifr, muthor, ur Botber-inTrrj- happy if ynu *<>oW intv bcT a aet uf
It h« been said of Am«Ticdna that they artV nation
of dyopeptfc** and it true
that few are entirely free from
diiordera of the dia^%tive
tract. Indigestion,Oyspep^ia.jS
btomach and Bowel trouble,
Catarrh of the Stomach, or
Constipation. The treat
ment of these diseases
with Cathartic medicines
too often aggravates
the trouble.
.Travomc Otr.
' Jiiba BnrfrlBd Bhdr atrip t
emratj ibla wrak aad pen
. aaw Portlaad esitar. -
’ jSi.«r4n»n"'.‘S5
•uk>Btt to th* r»rHul bupoUi h of Ittt
eefMP’'-"-------------MKiTtHK rour* ApTncAne.
iQirlw, a«al.
\ SNcoft^vW
Rita llant-'n nf Sm'h Mlll.ia
thrrvai of Mm • P H-tl'anb-.-k
B J tin Irnbrcb cIruTc b. Kii*w„'t
M ii.9*y. ID ararib uf work lurtbr a .
; ^ A Stable Blanket for 75c and up.
A large line of Wool Square Blankete.
Pluab. Wool and Fur Robe*. aU pricea.
Gloves and Kilteos in all Grades and Pri(«s.
• Trunka. Bntcbela and Telescopes to suit all taatea at
prices that iusure ready sales
; f I Ki,. -1i..amj 11 'iiiihir .1,1.. .............. .. tb,-*.
bneh fret
T-'timdajr. Prhraaiy k, lesS,
pT.cV.^SO tentVpiT boi
in Blukets, Robes, Clofes lod MltteDS.
TKt genuine &re n evcT
loose bT, tK« doten but elnhyv
l^n pockh.ce«i like ihi*,oeirtfl
printed .* Ttd
Far sale by
I Winter Needs
11-•:.«.» III. li n -.
.jo-ala. all ti.-n aele*.
-tf. .. li nl ]■.*• ►! )rHM.iiik- pri.-.n,
Traverse City, MlohlgdB.
; * IM Traet Stmt.
Mr anrl Mm U-»t*r Hobb*i| ri-.it.
Mr and Hm 1. 11 Brae* uf By-poi
K-rlralaarricrwill br hrl4 at It
;i.urrh.r-fy sichl Ihl* «rr*k ricn
Ii t NalDidky.
M.rricd, at th* Callio'lc cbnrrh 1
Rlk Rapid, on Monrtar, N.n ?». Frau
IcUicmned Ml« Anea hiaffird bui
f thi* place
ClmioB ntiffjH rrlitrop.t from U
UDtloy riprdlilnB near th- J.-rd.
.i.rroo Tbnraday
llr tuci-*rdrd
klll-By a Bar (aa u irbicu tir bruuyl
homr ailU blla.
Dor fionday *chnol I* nrepina* f.
a l im taia* ti.* tu iw bri.i on Cb-iB*> Ktc at t-ir ehiirrh
Wr ripna lko
bar* a food timr.
Bfciyb-nly aill br
enrdU It orl.'oBrd.
liraodBa K»‘a*r. on* of Ihr aar'y (
draUof Nor.b Uliioti Bird-at II
bofsrirlhrr *nu ABirl na Tu-adar,
. at ora ber I.aKci
''.bConsullalion and [lamination Free and Stiicii) Confidential.
URORATkOKUKH-aiaTt ur iticai.iaa.
l.*U U. b-d and
prrparrr a can-f..
Hut rariT
Barly R'**i. iha p
l.-nv-t aud b-tirr
;.j~bp.. imerican Medical and Snrgjal Insliinte of MnsieRon, Hicli.
I aBH il. tu.'
at i^...i,r*
Uoteel 'W'ls.itixa.gj, Tr-a-vosTBO Ci^ar,
Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 17 and 18, 1898
OIBcr Boiir* (root B a m to 4 p at
if-n^ -. I
' ad* *t m... wat
Rcluru limit J.
for particular..
|k* t’allfd Hlatao by auilmriiy ot an
. act of concrTHB atiii.o.f-d Jaly It. IIH
In Way. IVe. thi.i ferrtuinr anil ynarrin
emcna Wf
mm*d to (Kir
KovoBbrr. liM. lU eail.mal Mu.mboto tor Ih* rm llirr and
____ -ailualtf nontrol of Ih
dmtli-t and .liy. • '
uotn' air ibrilr 11^ ^ 5l*
*- Vaarhh btra murard
_ ._._.r btoMy and ii'vininM-m of
. Ibt eafftal and of ibo nr- infiroBi-nU
of u.1raco>aDII rduiatim nbuli Urr
liebmald haa rrloratd
Had ibffr eatatai bom*. A mavmti'ni fira b*i 11
at Trar*i*r
baa lately Imcu inaurttrai-dM ihr
AdkBiMiuir and ftitilir mOrad I
nilMU Id bavo Ihr anuy.-maM or*.n-b fruB the Hrriarr laiB la*t Monbrated wllh mtlni r. r. in.iiil-* •• • I
rKWmrea lu iB- onRiifr tlitiSf of an awihipHan,.i. for ihl
J, It Crm-wr
lain*** trip
poMfnd tif iin‘'.«-i'. iii 'I a «•
(ill* -rrk 1. Hiy
•nd liapiU
Irr ftoai llr r.a»-ni.» I nJirf
moral sa-f Hu-krp-in.
Tbr iimfiniial of the our foi a rmoral
, redaction of lh« ton mmtaiy raiBlic
Hr. ai d Hm John Wanln bar* pas*
y upon lu lAIrdunl*. arl.i** Uiry rkprcl
. .IMnlaitr that nrliih »d faultily
usie lerlr boB*
Tb* hnntemberr allrilniaad.
an aitWiLIOtliallor to bn r*iei
E;. \\ jaaiiop'* p. IT l.rimpDt I..1B0 ten
•n thr reffoevnor niiUh » U <
dr«r. Thry brcoffhi h< a* *lr>rB
.euBM thr ttnaiif of aieotr|ilUhlna
\V* barrao**' family ii. town.
Brr Mo-** haa ■> 1 op booarkr.p'ne (ur
fatBMlf errr U. K. Wy akoi^'* aUira.
of thii loitrammi tilth (hr piiiii.i
taroliod 10 hla -natird vnirH.rai a
Gan MclK'Bhld «a* ijollr bwllr airkof llK rnadll.nrf of tlin t'nll-l! htal
d tax wrrk arbllr workli.c la hi*
to tahe pan In tb- naifrion.i
ibop. Ur U iaalalilr to br arooad.
, The elauiia of ounur uf A
arallM tnartr for miuir by llii.rian
Thr paator* of the Hapl'at rhareh**
rratarr* lo lUr np ara am lainc pnr.«j >fth* grand Trarrra* s*Mcl*tlo9. *ala a auttlffntni *1111' ••ivill'r if 11..
il*l«d hr tbr .tat* arorkrm. iilU bnlct a
COBM IhOtlfim tbr nil cl„l on ll.al a' meriUig In tbr HhpUal rhorcb at Rlogatra«ir» of rr|«ratli.ii ..ill .vt-tuall}
hr aitiordrd » hanr-.n* «nh ja-..fSi-tn alry. roBBrnclDg Halorday afl*TP«x>n
It o'clock. D'V. ITID. and ratrndlag
and In tbr ItabI of ibr pnirrn fanu.
.. Thr imponaoi gurauon ..f 11- oUim orrr th* Mabhatb.
at »n»&rniiiil in thr |i*rj..ii.fl cAhtoMl annKiini* rd Ammiaa cKiamu of.
datr* didRln l-aa rwi tnadr hopeful.
u. ■ holling
• aH-w.*a**a tier tar •Miii.a.aav iiUBkar
ijftu*... u. »u
.(iRMrt or WnMT
lyta saoly amrdltrd rtiTi.y of llfr
, tJMtad* ^au* tn III- oitniuai. i».iir
' caiTiN JB#:nii-ti''ii. lo.-kna to th- 41*.
The Only Cure.
aaUIrnim of ow ctnlm* T.-r indrinniij
ducum are tmablo'lo
a cur*,
t??si tsfews, iisisa
ttu I*r k-!o*i
FMium. aaa u- wartu m.iet, *r laaiBa
aMrt la *a muL»^laJWb..yl_n
Travesre City Wagon Works!
A. J. PE
PjETERTYL. Proprietor.
1 iWirr li. Biiirnttni r. ti. mv olil fri*D»f*. apil th»-pii>'lii- in
Irral, tlial 1 am iiow pr.|Ar*d for luiiuiir'w in my ofw ltr...r1..ry briik
'fai-liiryal lb-••oimr of bfiiii- acil l'oi..n *fn-*l». at lli- (i«it .>f tb- hirdaxfri
^Tb* K,i*t BuccaaafuJ aad Scirnuflc Trraimralof at) DBraaaa and WaoMmamm
of ■anbtnd Paaaibi* ta Obtain.
t nil '.nm-li*K.
1 liave |.n1 ii. ib-lalm.1 tnii.ruvinl marbin-n. ami t .t«i agau*'
at.--lUlil'n-t! pra.'ti.'nl a1.1l ..\j)*ru l..-.sl m-hliiii.-a in a., lb- a-..rk
" a-1!
^ hm.'tHlaiUfil in mt rntploy "llilly" .Ahlwtt. tb* »-ll kneel. -lubDioa.
blid prn.-ii <.I liurw-Bb.n-r. «-|lb lb-idd firm.whoknnir»b.t* lf>sb.>1 Uore- aiul t-vy * ui.i.-.-rnal «ti*f«,-tiun to all
H* will b- pl.-«*: I t
TirOraasa: TtrOrala.O:
li* iia fri-ndn b< III* u-e atnml.
..—r ...la..a..* i**ai..‘.
livinu pn-.-n. vill »*• my
at WM a '.■H.*** idMMr
rmr *. • *•>■* •< las* lain uaa wCTeeaX
tiood. hon**t e.jrk. at
m. naaa, w
Isoing compoeod almost entirely of pure giMten, le
the most hsatthful and nutritious foods known.
^araprirrvafd fiauurtir ar —
‘ hriiiio'- . I piirp»* il.iiiiv all kiiiila-i.f wfti,'.'!.. hiu:i;y ami *1. ufii
F^I*.„*‘?.'V-UU-'1 L-\iV. ’
n!i ***** **
taun at.l thr ro -t.- -f Ur i.-i, H.iiar.. ^ b^ v*a aotuair
1, .r-,r *n»
*S Ml 1I'-r:. dur,-.1, ,*r.
I .b
ft I
III ft t- tl
ri^y i—
'aT**«I!**«r'5. rraiaawSSi
•7L2C ‘.2r sr:::a'''b:rT'<rrsm
. „ *
rr: i:?r7T;:;'
i-cS injrsTr £jtTLrteiS sre
sr:.*. KS
^OKAraeas 1 -*r-
m.-Uo. nod , ^
OMSOMIO soaa ms ».l rraarlMaa
mar aakuiNo *.
iaTakliu.)l iHk >«n
ahnv yon amnnd.
B*er in mind tb* pis**! roioD fir.a.rbridtf*. vith Ih* «cn
of Travern* CSly Watfoa Worka
- h ar«*«r«!<' * ‘h»f IK-
'■J sa
_-r-endt£eBtoriuelJcsefBa. Tbry'
teach ooly the aartao*. whUathe dl-1
~rSSll-l.=S= 5=.—------ -
®isair iSaSSkBlood'^
Travene City. Ktcbigaa
n lorr a alrar. braUby
th m tn im unp ii^t
b,. r-MUH-u -a a——..:,
^riya. FWP^^a^jaaoT^ tr^
1 OITnaS. aaimw
.... aa*...aaa m.» aa.
iraiiaB irv
,4 t>**p.
rosiriWLT opxzo r.«ai. wmk- •ui
rima >ii«. Ko *>aa
*M all d-lu-a.- dlwraar* j.
baaarty aritfauBi it. l'a*cama
land) iai
lAiby rllu-r*a>. |a»nj..U rxr~. *.
HaSBiav HEV orU
tn- rlma j .air Inood and k—i- 11 rlma. . ^ ..... 4Mord-ra t*al riaajl
atimug up thr laiy liim aud drmat iii »
nuritia fnaa tbr taxi.. Iit«.a u.4a} iiSaSiME TO a sa a
UsU. I.mihim. laab. Uoubm. Uar-kWad*
r. *lM..aan.,m.M X
and that a«k)v b.luaa rom|.i*ii.w hr Ukiaa
■ naan latii runU b. mr la^al *uarw«.a
Caamms-toBGi- for t*n crata. AO dr^
________«Asi.c* racaa.
BrBiBciaaa anaa ifkarkaa aawiMamd.
C • V. ■ a a *a»a tbraacB n ■atlaca
BMlai»-ia aaaa ar *«*« (raw > u> > -**.*• wl art**
$4 Per Day Surear*i=iKt—. —w ~
NS. 1.1. (CO, MUTE m lo. Mssfisi, nei.
Baking Powder
MH. S.* aB&ni.UltOT.
Hade from ptM
emm ci taftar.
Bon tadtto wBUr. Tkli o
aU temtm irhlca •
iM?tM •^looTnibtoniOf^
tt Mow pot UtoBloior* iotoodoabl*
todw. U U otoooUil tool too doablC
tototoi oitorwUeinon will be aoeh
doaperof too toapaearchtor or baroIfc.
Hl> froo tma loapo osr table
apooofel of Saar with, foar tobloapooa
fate cl Bilk, oto add to tor aiUtoro to
too dooWo boiler. oUrrtor aoMtoaUr
e<l ted bMB to k«r
Potato ana»'Onto dtoor ■!<■•«■■
*'Md potoUto: Ba«b oto tod to Itoa
ow qoMt of Mllx atlik. xwo too* lU of loU; <m* •olupaootol 'f
. oad otoov of toT—to »toP r
»M kwMT. «ht««r«eM
Safeguards dx food
to «fak
“ii^rf?to?wtotoroIl«?itow*d to
mallato ala toemfUp wito too aoap
li an UaprorcoiraL
AatowwwoU: «b«kad bapwac*
Aa4 (k* tod kacwm latlliwi;
■M ton> Ood iMto a* to
“5ras.‘^r.^«w t™
••Uto^'i^davahlld. Uadta
aad bil4
botErt^toroatb a ..rar
rlBg....... ...........
the boitoB ofr Itoe B»tw^ Ow
Ueltono letol
I whoa
add o»r
ea It bahhlro
loapnafat of fl v oUirl f
_______ Tteadd tbeo r.laod t« doar bT drawiBf the lleM of t fork
thioon a loror of thrB8bS>Ui aad lerol toe ebaeka. otofflaf
tooB wall lau too ooraoroi tore pat
aaotoer tolek leper of tho ooUoe oror
too whole, ood oror thb lap too t^
1 tho tisr, aad trrro./Tbb ploe^f too Botum hoollar It Ui toe
Id bo oookad la a tehio boil-
What If too rani nt For?
AMrfaffMabaod la boMar Ihaaai
Mtt ar. MU aa. whaa
> nalp too
Uetorp Boap-Oftra
.It lor Oto BB
ho OS wide pieoao. bowerar.
1 orltrp
or ealorp
roll lor otawod
mUwoiaad fortootaraaadtoooi
laco that mr lor I
drltiiTb a U ™iJ!^ too*ldj^*of t^
Mbb to naeb it oaollp. '^ko a loot
^SoloJ IMt
dbnrter frOB tho tleklaf.
ooodU to froB too top M too aado.
.Idr, tooa b*ak afwlB abpat tor^aar.
wro of aa laob frOB wb - ----------toroBfb. plaelBf oao of
toltod watar.
Whoa oofi roBoro fn,»
too iltrro. Boah wall, laarlaf it la tor
Tho walarlawhlefaliwaibnllod. Add oar
Tb uoaetd « w too eliele
plBtof hot Bilk. Bla won aad itralD.
Mow pat too Btotoro Into toe toi of
k la rowa. at pen we
IbodooUr ^^^add
eoatortable, aad patolaf too BatUrB
«(a or Oardald ho
poa work. naUap toe tied
^^ooaf^il c^1lj?r°ni!laaO OBOotb wlu
_________________io'tal bo dl tot. II foot, M#oopooo»aU of wator0.^ ead oe ebtirt tt poa work.
Whoa tor tpiBf b tabbed----------------Mt too raW^ of aoar
BBtU ibr aoap U of too proper ceaobt
bo top aad oldoo lofrtbrr or bled wUk
oad oor^o rrrp bot-Ow-d
otnpodtiek'' ■'
ad a aMBi hart aa; piow aMafar
whMl plawaad barrow an aaod:
tatMtokap too |ioak. Ufb kill
If arar too heart of a oua exaaado
Iroaoh too owaap aad
and fnwo peaeroat. It la aodor tor too rmpoMibUltp aed briar aoBotblaf
laSaoaee of a gcoi mtcl or altar hr
too fara ba ti It
• ^>a owy y Um ly la bllrhtod. amlf
I’rlSr.^liS «£ LU.. u.
___________ M toa SBi--- ....................
Maarraw toa awtod or tot paa I
Varatatahcaldtoafaraibatttor. II
• total aaarAadwhat If oar hA he heaUt
to^l^I^.'aai too
AaMdtortihii ba
_____ tora la «t far tot
af BoUoaoa.
Aarrii. AaMt 8uu Cot-
___________ -haUtfaataeftraat
fOnbaigaia alto Mrlac wertc,
___toaattonwt____________ .
AuleM iartta aartoar:
Oad am help la aU that tnaaa.
BaUMVoraotiaw.ihpaahl atlaatloa la aallad la toa
fflaBatftabhiOar Bepi’aad Oirlt- eal«aa(a ta-ter^BaaaU)
ab raryaasteaa ler(ha
a at aatoan la too work
• Map oda daj or a mini
ippalhlachadlaadadtoralaaf Uaa.
aad M^toaHhl hat haaaaad
harl*aaMtt.toaakalt aUfabalpto
•artel Bahitob afcUdraa. aadio aU
abUdna wboa ft cmj raato. ■:
pant mMs are 00 plaMle.to aaaUy
■aaliad Ihlak wte It piU ba la ft«
at Mrlataaaa. at kladano aad all balpdal •bftl Tblak. Mo. dear Motoora.
baw H orlU balp poa. Itolabtorl
araalMdroptoo laponaaal "ci
aad^Mk Mpoaao aaowoMaal
tear wbaa oka loraa.-toal I bare
M Maab for that aa tor aarlhlBc.
.MbalplhaMotowa. Ua Urad.aloMot
BMaBUIoaafe for oaa to B4ka ra- f -alt. wltoat. Wa toll toOB tob is oar
whiohe' - r leaa lororable elr loeat; If ibo; star ip too aoxtibat will
t U rafaaadi bol bo aouor'o." With BP John, it b aa
tblaf that aaleao bo
liDOWt of otbor prorblea. be Ir "
brief otoak. aapwap. If no »orr, a
iBMit aarc to ba rraotod.
Wiaa. thoo. U tho who oarrr baft •
faror of oaa of too lordo of arrolloe
aetll bb haafor b appraood aad hW eraeaoora oa band oe parpoao for
palala plaaaaaL For. while a baafrp i leh oeeaoioat. If tboro are ao loBoat
aaabbot alwapt aa aefip Baa. a I. tba boaea. a few boiled ana farabb
BOB With a wbll-Blled otoBoeb b aort tootsi. ThorraroBaap qnlck dookl^p dbpoaod thaa ooe who bat not teru.-orea bread eat In eabai aad
tooraarblp tuamad. with toe addllioa
A met follow Joot poBliif froB. ol a rich MBCO. BakM a fairip food
Bp toe wap, I deaoororod
ptBlh to Baabood. caao to BO lotolr
tt a litUe llBie jo'oe.
jo'ea. oaeh at w< bap
aMlaofwca. Mobo other poaatr fel
ada. flrerplace ol Iw
low b -baattof bb tiaw" with bb bao< for at. ......................................
to a ^la oaaoo. A loaf
flri.ba pa^ aad 1 know that ^ alee fi:
rake kept oo bead b t
palaatbbboartUao Iob aesia beA bit of Uiat
He b n<P aeeb help la taeb eatra> "a
dowaeattaad Itpspatolu wito bis. ttoBBOd b a poddlar
:ler bb rlral la no aaorrMla od of- .VIorsol
M tbea offer hla a dbhof
toaot aad
delleioBo to too tatto aad
tbrrbov deibi
I wrsBld Ilka to toll pou bow I keea
I do aot map ao. b«<
It will cool bb bnrt-baralbr apboBoe-Meoaihb winter. I bare a
Joaloatp aad doll toe pala. oroa If oox a little loafer toaa bp window It
It b aot warraalad to ctoet a paraBO- Wide aad aboot olfbteoe laabat wide,
and aboat toe raae depto. Oa tbtc I
Tboladoataof It. prowlor rioiblj patlenlxtoaooofbtoraUo toe top
eVoerralaothooBowp p'b diMppaa**- nf toe box CTOB wito toe window oUl.
aad. whaa It b all fOM. bo root. too. I tooa poMaa laper of Mwdust a
wbblllac at aorrilp aa If no Hral W oel la mp pota. raaa. ole.. Illief la
o darkrs «b bortooa teeea witooawdaol aaUI area w
tope of tbe pou. and aaarlp os
b the tops of toe box.
Tbw ka
m warm at tho roou. aad In oprii
Two WOBOB Bot tafotoer
llBf too plants toe otwdMt b aloe a
- bot
A to do
wbMb krapo too foUaco aqbt
__j»d frotlallT. •
r roellodeheerllp, “ iwao Bottoo eaob eoraer of toe b a 1 pat a tUak
too kitobro Ufb at tbe taUooi ptoat. aad at nl|
BO to fo d<
ud prrpaia I oooor with papora and If rory eoK
loaBba *
reeibtaad* lor reek "
blanket oror ibal. taeklar It alooe
apollpoor beobaad." tba drat. tbe box to keep oat the eold air.
OBMbar Bald, wttoaobarpaote la brr alaobareafiro fo loa eaa that bad
Toba. “Ah. poB koow toe old taplaf. kerooono la. that I tU wito sraur. aai
toadap I brat itoehot ao pra
mj dear, ‘too wap to fala a Baa'o
heart to .tonwrb hb itomaeb.' aad tibia aad pat it aodor Bp box at atobt
ibal ta an aceollrat wap to keep It. I bare kept tbeB wItbooL bet I tblak
loo." too eboerh] woBoe replied (ailp
“Thai b too wap I bare tact bp baibaad-a heart, ibaa. 1 aapanaa. bp aafDvata for Motoora
laetiar to paapar hb appoUM." tor
Doa-t aaf.
ri Mdlp. "bat It aaw
Doat ba too aerora.
Mthat It
wap> "i do aot look**to It la that
n^V" bar frtaad repibd aarMatip
'■Bat area If it wore ao.b wot too aftaMkB srorto tba prtoar--7bWr iwn.
Welt, dear Voaap Fatht. It hto baea
wa had ptoaa aad worafotai toaoll
pot perttp aooa "what we ooald do," ra
loltraav Bow sra srtU toll poa.
Jee kaewtob badap whoa eloM
arasorp fatotoaabla .The ftwoB
(Olka Moo aU klado el claha tor all
kiwdooi parpeooa. tad whra aapbodp
wtabraMdoaapaprelal worktoatadp
•oeial oaJ-'pBaaV or laatrrat rartalpofwapa.toep at oaeo praaaod M
will Irp
I WlU top to he InriDf, holpfal aad
kind to ererp bodp aad to ererp llrlaf
ItlorerfaillB trplnf to
UilBfo, I will -tTp. up afala.
add «aa
tSaTM^rm tSy. hPuatepoSraaRiltuterwte
Colic. It reUeres Teething Troablea, cure. Conatlpatioa
and PlalulriKT. It aaalmllatea tbe Ftxxl. rrynUIra tbe
Stomach and Bonela, rislnf beellhp and natural Bleep.
Tbe Cblldpea't Panacea-Tbe Mother'a F'riend.
^Besn the Si^natore of
The Kind
Yon Have Always BougM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
DR. spiuiiEr
ArtlSuial Irfsasd arms were
iBKfypiatrariratK C :uu
were made br the prlrais trbo ~ ~
tbe pbT.iclaas of Ibal rarip tiau.
“Vuar bustaaed palsied tbe bou.
ntmtelf. didn't b< ’" atked one ol h.
Cnnil RipUi t iQlliii 1.1
- A freal Boalbl) aeaapiper."—The Boofcmaa.
'T^HE magaiine for up-to-date people, h
gives its own illustrated account (rf
the current history of this country and
Europe, and. in addition, selects the bcM
that IS in all the other magazines. American,
English, French. German, Italian. Spanish,
and Russian. It is for people who want to
know what is going on in the world. A
hundred timely illustrations in every number.
price, Sa.s'* per year.
Sample copy, lo cents.
poar bame to to t
•bawilloi oBca aeod you tbe aard
Srad t postal emd lo kara bow lo (cl Or.
tbs leap: the reaton of ibii dels,
Albm Shtw'. ^ Hotorv M the Spaabh War "
tovtt S06 dIratrtiBm. IJOO ptfo' and the
“Review of Rrvwwt" tefcttoi kir only Iwo
doUtn down and fboMhly ftymrou.
TraiB Wn. ii-c T-.ivn. m. nr lliU w.at bat
•iFTovr fmw..rw.u UeiMrU toClsrltraU.
Train Ira.inr Tra—vwUi imp rabra
Train Iraiitr Tra.vravi.-Uy tatBp. m.Mu
eirrawr tram OrtaC Bt|Hde ta CbUnew.
Chicago .L
'West Michigan.
too offloan hrnelf. for U
Ita'l that floe lor beif
Tbit we toll poa udap it oolp a be
Whaa act to^metiara
Of mpatlral r4)-iBm. aed raaea.
Aadoomeob plaoe toll.
Oo fabric or tuil.
Cba oa Ml to tooaaaad taaea
to-dap I will wriutc
te^ Iba Bilk aad
OKtoria U a iubMirtiir for Cwlor OU. Pareworlr. Dropa
aod HoolbiBit S.vrupa. It ' "
amtolns neither Opium,
•ubutancei. 'Its aire In lu c
Tbara ara no dara w feet to o<
All pou bare to do
ia Wlllof poa all
«• were aot Suabed. but u>dt<.
D.cember t, toep came bp rxprew
from Mewtrk, Srw Jertep. aad
pretlfbaitoBatbep ara.
Tbe oSeanof nor club wbould
prriideet, raerctarp abd treat
ta poar adiuj estmeu to do til ibi
plaaklBf and all Ue wrtuaf. aed ptp
all toa qweep. tbe u folBf
hat borme Um alfwalmra ct
M hcM be«a bm4« wbdrr hto pcf.
titoUfof toaikto.
that toep will wear it
BBpa of Hlebipaa and Ua I'elud
■Mica Wo alto bars two haaaaea Oo
«•» latoa motto. -Ordar la haarsa'a
•rat law.-aad on the otbra li 'Tnilb
1 am la toe iiEtb frte. Hpitadira
Gold Modal. MtdwiDlar Fair.
It li to bi bad far eoarpoM
Dsaa'a OlatBMI.
Doaa'B OtolMtat arorr tallt to >___
Itoblac PUra. Beaeato. or aap
. .
Oigboal Howtra-Werld'a Pair.
ui[t‘m? aad aara a loac fait
of toe elab.
Bsrr'Iroi for ptteblof or
Then toore U to. bo a badfo- bad
•rr to rltttlc ftbr ,
It WlU be a prettp rod batten wlib 1 oeeded
Two wbUeoors eat
.od tlllrb'd torrlhrr mtkr food
toowordo -H V F SootblnoC.ab
from Ibr
It Voa koow ml b oar color, aad w.
rui feel Its Ibea in Ibe patch drawer
bare aaeJ It for ribbon badfra brtor.
Tbb bauoa saa be worn bp aap bo>
or ful rawirinf it. aad II b eipccico
JOB. 1 will write and tell poa all abou
oer icbool boaraWe base It draped
la rad. wbito aad blaa paper ebalat
aad ether little anlelra which tbe
small pa^ Bida
We bare Are pietarra-Waibioptoo.Old Ulorp. OolamUa. Blrda. Hldthipatlle. aad tome
SSai^aaddMa M
ame to It.
p Ts. (I.iod ^ir clraoiof clotbinf wiib
Tborairlll be a certid-BU of
imp or tmitioaia. mbblnf <ff tpolt,
tr-UMl f-.r
erabip. to be tifoed bp toe preaideai mack onrs fur b'tek cloth
tOBcvreat laapi.
^tob boll^p
OBaeapfallaofraaadlBdtoa seal,
w^. poar orar too
oao-balf capful ol boar, oee labloOarabh too dbb with ariop U
opooafal of oaxar aad oao aad oao-balf
toarao oad eold boUod wrr albod
too top.-««ienad.
sroll'toateB. oao aad'a'ulf enUaU^
owoot Bilk oad a little oalt.
hkc la
Poaltop ihoold aeror bo cooked aaUI bet pTMii* f#B paaa—■rtnai.
*ba aaap walroVrfoartooa henra after kUllap
iW bad boaat ara the soot i
tinatol scwoMb>ea.<«otalBlBrba_____
earboa at
at *
BoarhlsStlbtol^ KleaP
Mot atok caearb to fo to bad arte
Three raira ara folof to be printed '( suppete be fotsooe of the ptiol c
tbe b. utr, but pou wouldn't tbiok to
a a praitp eard, aad teat to oi
poo could ter bis clolbrs "
who drairra to J >lD. aad- racb
>lld si-cltinf Icfs burr aluat as
rairlofarard riU oifc bit >
ftaotor. Thare are foiaf to
of pood tolofi aboal oar dab.
fotof to latl alwapt we hope aad ibcrr
«U1 be maeh to be tboofbl of aod
maeb to be done at time fora oo.
W. toll poo apaia bow po« ara polap
to join. All pea bare to do u to tend
pour oaBra io to poar editor, taplaf
tob to joia tbe boublae Club"
I pha wlU at once send poa the
with MrUSoau el atombenblp
aad tbe hadfe.
Voa wUl tlfo IbU
Don't talk aboat too eblUna la (hair chrd aod keep It aod the badfo.
will hi toe Am to rand lo a
Doa't tornt that pan warn era
]i d poeraUf.
Doat tomt that poar (rlonda
Sat poar toll to a tope, ape. a bappp
hardip bo expected to obara poar
abaorblaf latorrat la poar lalaab
Aod^ M poo boe. mj laddie:
Doat claim that tha eUIdrea inberitedall tbolrbad qatlltefroB tbolr dot poar toll to a tooe at twael at tbe
fatoer abd all tbeir r^qabliUe
A Mow Wap to Prepare Bceio.
barrlat beeto hot. atsplp with batir. pappar and Mit. or eold. with riae
tar. popper aad Mlt. b the ataal Both
od. and It b aot oarprblBf that wr
tiraof toearerp aarip In the acatoa.
Bat wbaatob aew ideaof aarrlaf torn
aat WUUMadp wapa. aadhara
Abtfiad tbop wlU ba one of toe
IV--------- ^ tolldraa to balaar M
rorltr appeliiare anUI the laat of tor
Doot lerfat that ererp el Id ahoal
' IbaBMobpaarwUI
II beet! baoose too “alriafp” for bo eaUUod to o bappp e' " bood.ai
that to lator life
life-------------pea np not
t base tltbe
QarafallT wmab half a doaaa boata. ao
>or or prirtlot
Irtlefoot Bakl • It bappp
that toe ohla erill aot be brbkoaiotoer- orfaudlaritf
rotidtof Itfr
•aUlitaaMtopoa what I hope
wbo toep "blood" while oooklaf aad irud Frae /Vsas.
•OLadatebUtUaf tor poar ebUd- looo toalr rich rad color.
Dn^ too
Taka Oaro of too aboooma M da. Ml tbaa atad la toalr la boUtoc watM aad cook mUl to
Doa't pat aobooasrap to__ _______
WaMaadaalM to Ibb frMt •»»BoBoro toapanof eold wator at
ll Io srM wUh pratpiratloa.
ji'g- r*
-r'C*------------- too oklB wlU aaailp olLp off. barlaf tl
to Jt. •»< the
Blbetolalp i
aad mat- had balp M brlap Iba ua- boot aBooto aad rod.
panpitatlna will
too iMtbor. Pat
a deep dbb and psar oror toes too h
abhMedbaafaatotoaU too dark
them oataldo. It i
io oaltbwlhcdraodaf:
aan af earth aad -God bloat at t
Plaeo a eaafol of pood riaevar wboi
It will boll obwip; add two Mbleapoei
taloef oafar. a oaall luoie of batter
' a llttie oall aad wbaa It bolb add a
Soapo WlttOBt StsDk
ipooafil of eorutareh. obooUi
If^ k^i tbe riiiLia poa a
Hera Is proof of U at the leatlsoBp
ol aa Aaa Arbor eltlteo:
orraal** • «'"*>•
thlaktof. Brra are oar Herald T.
Hr. C C. Chareb. of S»l hoaU
Wo weald like to know, aad siraot. Abb Arbor, aow raUnd fneb
are foiaf to ooaai toes actirc dstirt, of life, aaps: “I bt<
apaadoeobow ataap tboro bare brea
To aap oee n^iainaf a
of toOB. trot aah last
healtof aod aootbiaf preparatloo It
weald all be oarpr<t-d to tad oat boW
proto tosalubir.
1 tnfem
aaap tboro wore; Borc tbaa a thoo ___ j froB iteblDf b m rrboKit.
Iboaffa I tnod errrptniuf I ooeld bear
eaad. Btap laofr, poo map bo oaro..
' aad Bird remedIco prm-ribed bp
■a* thlBf to
rot of fr.eadt 1 wa> BOtble to obtain
orfaal** ralBtoaoaekladel aaoelrtp.
maerot relief netll mp Btlesli in
aad. lor toe oake ol betof to too fotb
trail, d to Doan'sUietaerit
I was
___tewbsl snrp'lsed alter a sec >ad tp
ton. sroBtfkt oall Itaelab.
plica toa l r Boiler wbat a d.Sereat «tobJ*el? There
loci It bad (r-uu sn.Tiblar I had bUher.
ba t aaplblBf la toe world oo ebeerp lo Otod.
Knoourtftd I nsed It stricllp
and oo iirreiorp tt tnhtblae. b tooret aerardiBf to dlroetloas aod Inatarpris
lofip short tFDfib of Ubt. whoa pou
Bowbpaolotllltt-liaDtblBO ..........
take into tccouot tbr aombrr el pears
Aad bow eaa we Bake aaotblae—aot I was srHeted. Ike ImtatiOB erased
toe oaaoblae of toe oalalde world, bol tad tbe IsSstsmtUio sat ai:
tuathtoc. ooBOiblDf tool
at aad all toe world bettor,
____ 'I Kldarr PlUt lor rale' bp i
brlrhtor. happier, amaoeroallp. tbat'o
Trier li crou
all that b worth Uner ><w
Fottrr-Hilboro To. Mo«slo. .V '' "d
Haw hot bp beiof fall of eboer aad
eau for I
btpplBOB 0oararirro. bp boiaf lorlaf.
Be Draa 's and lake ku saMtIlate.
balpfal to ererp one. ai
Med aad ba
that Urea
io. tt the drat tolar People do^
toop orfoalte oelab.u to prepare ooBO
to open.
raleo lor lb wprb tappoaod we laahr
There are three rarl.'tlei - f the dof
fiBl oesrr la k—tbe Ausuallaa d>«.
.Tii.tr or THX arjrti.i.
ML^/td''^Of*o*?bibr^“*' ’
aboal aaptbtaf.
up to bo ao bappp ao t can aa
to aako ororp bodp bappp u far at
m. sniKTs
araetelap. 'rritlac. tpriltof. fram
Bar. aritoBf tic, fccrrcfbj aad pbp
Uolopp. Mj Mbcb«-a .am b Mm
Ida Farraat.
Papa aad Bamaa made
rma»t of a bIob bm erpan.
plap etrp aapb bol 1 aa foMf
•aa taaaali an waabad wtU hMP thas
fM ap oaaii
' and
to ana M UMtamBor.
la sraahiu xtoiM that ban had OM aoela
Bilk to toe^idra aboald U lakes to
rtoaa waU to toptd water Mien pat- aad I liked <
Uaf tocB toto bat. taapp ssator.
A sarp eoarowtoat article to kan
ChrlitaMa 1 ssaat Baa
haaar It a tasooth. ttrmM ttlek abc
> toehra tone, wito a deep aotob ..
t will
omc aod. With tbW ptotaraa^eMp M opao and abat IM epaa
llftod bp toe srtnt froB toUr hooka, poa a Story I wrato at arbeal toa aapt
kraibii aad raptaasd. toot rarlax too
teat writa
ollabtof ap aad dot ra a auptoddra.
• ihtoaoUrraoBotoawBBaa.
Fr tsa Bratof aap k ^ Bant
toaeadlBoold watra btoora aDafcti
•a. tom alBt BiV braHMa U
aotitoqa ud Jukaapt
■rsritopapar. U mat aaooe bt to ■Ok. me', tt I Wta as t^ar mlli i
ateoatoatwltb toa toa Ttoraar aatakUeeartotkaatoUp.
te te
•d to watar tor baUac. ^aa bakpannamUawhatolteMd totei
^^0-tOB PETEfiry^
Carriage, Cutters, 5l«iglis, Etc.
_____ ^be,wwe>Tr»rrrwauu< W BtP‘ •
Le.Tran.-enOiir eMtm/........Vienv...
OB> Oa •ti-ASrSS.j^Sgg^*'
mum ufi NkTUuna li
lo-TO-uc fsi*urAVx*s.s;«*;isr
ooao aocn.
Horseslioeiiig and General Repairing Done.
Ee-Painting and Upholstering.
Sute St., near Union.
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Mt. PlMURL OwoMO. Baci
aaw. Bay CHty, DatrelL Bvwall. Au Arbor. Telado aad
Beat Livery In Northern ■ichignn.
polatB Baat aad Sooth. Oea*
read te aato aubto to flauaaHam
•aettoaa at Oopamlah 1
TelepliorMs /q
' IfjeiTitljai
TKAVxaaE cmr. orams travXb6e county, lacmoAN. sbceicbeii «. i89e.
GrinJ Traverse Hera d
Dr.J.A. Snyder, W.
. ;.*55
If*: I3[A.I?.SI3:-A.,
Office in Kasonic Bloch
4 unuL UBOK wuBn ten.
PATCHIN & CROrSER. lAtMt Idol aod AppUanoaa.
r«»l L««.
Business Cards.
a Owu.U«r>i.
Merchant Tailor
GUr. a
■sd am the elrfBot erw Her of
eprlna Hl/lee of Woolroe non
os Mle. whteb *111 be Bute ep
' la the Lateet biyire. tod at
eseb Low Prleee a* will earpriee
at 315 Front Street.
i^noW thi^?
>*.»r*.n*> CU.MM..
%*C« . Money to Loan
. Msesoi * oaonaK. a
Carpet Cleaning Works
Real Estate
^oxrH37 rro
lo a.tj.
ThM a a
Tak«a one 6f the bast Kruit Farm* In Northern Michigan,
with eTerything on the place. Thie ie one Big Bargain.
Inquire of__
Traverse City. Xleb.
Johnson Block.
When cither a Chamois Lung Protector or Vest
will be a neccbsily. We can supply you with either, but
you can economiie and yet have somethinp just as good
by buying a chamois and making one Good values at -W,
50 and 75 cents
or contract for orcharda Also want Potatoes and
Beans by load or car lou. Will load anywhere.
Ww»lia. Vlo» P.in.
ft mM IT Ote
Dg Ucieub.wt.ood
ih* pUt.
b,pB, i.^ toiu.; snt dor.
.... ^ ^ Si'B
gour 4*01 O good
II 1 J
Hr toll! Vorol ttiol it br would go to
*r bill br *rould br oMr
•erro uoBopcwla oiroodg
ir inmttt. rod that wllbrklig
UIIUI w.mid hoar douUrd to ouBboco
oeo'wou’d ba*r Ihr aupp-wlof tbr bf'
lillrry. of a. i.icb It had <r<t m BBcb IB
Ho Ibrrrforrauggratrd that
f.iTr a rrnrwal v*f bnati.ltiro Ursorol
I r.iral ab.DoId tuinh (hr a.iualkui coIbI. o.rr, and hoped that tbr brorobpaB.iardv woo d Dot titahr it brcaaaary tb
IdittiriPk tbrm. bpcaaiar.il wwald br tbb
laaddMt ad of bU lltr. TbBtaerl ot
•alk war. ff.rticr when Sbafarr'a blabtrr failudoilriroMw <-„rrra|..nilc't<«.
clop, lurou or lo*r-
r -.igh.p u
Lbc raouk*
> i rcic
she bad vu
.rwr .... Bake cr tv
Aifag urtgBuorB'a.l, 4
•at, of lur
a fur .-o. . .
boK o« b -ur. tl.'D. U.'
.k UT<no br' d.-od (orr.
r* oJ.
•wing Lh t.'ue^UcTdii
d (ecla a
wllboul 0 boort r
I, 1
d only 'i
';;v; ■.‘j;;;.
lliile ebutt'h ot the .
to tK o Ti.«r.k«ifing fcf lOrprlnroui -,.1 brr n r wbmivbr
luugh Him Aof bad oot .a,. ; A l.lUr prrorot Ir II \\..iua,
________ _ -r ibaekloi for »a obbt ao.i ibe wo) 11 prraib'wd 1
bthrr people,
abr woo anaioua t , br V> wa. twauliful
"r aoao't auch to look ot. , "ttr'rv going op Oorlh
>mrr. bc'Ug rugrr I ood >oar. lliraa a f. Ik* -nod wc'rr going
log o big crop of faft.tilDg a .utb 10 arr if
' t' cab gel rid of lhwbiahrro The d.« growled ood Hiaa , rbrouiaiiao,.
AB) rauie ..ui on the .U-(»
.-hr wi.rr* wr w,
ftoab'l awrid of iraap*. abc wa. al
o. 'abr a
waga firiog tbra bite* aod >up> 1. brr . co d
' li a Ukr a au.r* ..at via b...*.
IKlj kiH-brti. .be woo alw»ja Ulog iiti i.r'l uIn.-)-mv a « nooai 0—n1
puMd upuo
rrollg rJ r ' ■>»cra o*,rr a r*. i,i.
-Tar p>«r p o bo»c alwayv with i bo. .no'• . > o
I’ru , aj ,)ioa'
you.'■ I -aid iw B'l
Do,bg b.ttl
ord: • thr,
.jfobb i.lird bnuru Bg--aU lb
K.oiof lh,. fair d'p.rt
Woo\ Fr.'tn I’m* Tro^
M.ttI men Would aa MMn'th^k ol
.0. a lUr.
i., i,t«NnoiPT. of a bpw alrcgun loduati7 '
.|a»« w on
Ur. and Ura I). A.
-d* an*, raabli.blng a Dlant at
asl. I'aaa for tbr mabalactaro el
ro.eu luto a tabri.-T. ry like woolrb
Turrr la n r-.biog new in thia •
rro h*»iily
r.'ilrralrd J rk of
, lu oner urirr
•I pal. and ^upU d. all
. i’.!... wrrrtt .io.ilt a gh-wl
froiB «.r fcj i « of .aparr aud
• ; uot ah ,*c
bwiiop” for year.,
wv? I'lirj srrer ,b.,ugli< brM aOK-uiiV
lu aortbiug. and a iru
ib. lu un:>
r rreaprd uillio't
d-.T, there wa»
iPtrr brfor* baa’
......... that Id Ibo fori
'better mau-rial asd
f iog. a* rbr lay 'h.- u.hc down 01
aofrand unh .litl'3 hnor li-t rur'
I'baw lap—"a lew id, • • frooi
IrviB Citt.arry
.b,dy Bak- a
. and aa I c.
reoofh rora>
. >ol.U«gO 4itd take OBBBOd of tbr
IUT..\0L forcer, anb rr PDfiwcreiPalb t
niro, wl,., w*rr alrrodj oo
-itfaaiPgr guata Obd olbrr
>r4 o
obecuu.cio t ur.p it
t U.lfa roo,«b .
> It, oo.'l ro -ugb o
All mall onlen rewire prompt
F. M. PAINE. Florist
Wv.il tbab any planeclar In the world.
Mr Bnd Mr. i
minded withal, bod
do mil pr.ip-w.a acwlc
Toryy IntpBdrd A rut to m
.o.ir ial of Ibr
Snrreyor and Civil Engineer
Scythes, Snaths, Rakes,
Screen Doors and Windows,
ia< a .n •» of my bap.
incttp 1 tt .rp ;h|. c.illar by.-ai'M I wa.
g.ing ii.l.. In.'lr !%am'. on any «.y
o»r.. a..d waolpd Ihra. to remark ah
u*ll .i^.'il
id my draw, akin up
Miaa Aiuy inual harp b-wn utBClbiog , !|||
.v :!,.r
garp bltn a chair a
aoowy tabl.i-loth
inlklbgaii Ibr •
Hr n»'r
aak.d if l.r waa tv
lirrd. ).|.t for|.>rn
I bigiirrihae lliprp wa. any caf
a-iogl** tb*B a good lu..k
I tr cwo,
ought u. br a
ttd to hrcl.
; :?rh and 'T^p''
brr'foiba bad a
fra vb- a
r of the ;
folki away fn m il
uflpo woodrrrd if
Ihiogaap mu b
■ good frilo
tin W. Klmoth 8t.
band and faiuiiy. knowing I d ru
dgrrtion nt prrry oar i.f tbra
Thr pagran'* vrriu ui l.k* it, Ibongh
irir 1 abou.d ibiok ao
Highest Prices Paid.
W. J. HOBBS, 146 fROKT smn.
.iiotbki sslittt thr»*orr«
■luid b .atbord SasUwo ot« o'clock
wbrs tbki tlao
ar...... n. ID
I .houla a-n ruorr 1
e< a- Trrol woold
'batwr'k tb
-f wouloo t b0..e*r hrr; ,0 f.^. I'jT'.f.fl.'fu »,*
f hr boi oM
; rn'y »».» 1
A Wonoo-c roUh.
•Tbr -ptocllr l fael.bbor lk
BxtdD> C/Btroouv,
. ____ jAoruioti
dldthrtotUwstoi Soaui.______
.Bd u*o ■>* kw.,rr With coop lorfo
»1I:» lUrt hr wo.Id erriclp'j- do II ot
I OM.VK no tb* d*y follow lag opd dr»
ir..r ihr rlly torforr kuod.Dwo. ood h«
.^or JPBI
ooutin.rd bikXhmu ood blrpnotsior" ib*r Ikiifhrdot hiB Thn
A. for b.iBr |kw>r »•« .b. sot okrd u>
M.g-rg l„.
o- ' o ib.uo-.. • „„
Tbr U«r irip tb.r -.rr to
,t*. JoBD >m h .n. W
AliBf 10 Hr
aiAB—r«U'*■p iBpOtrrjr
,1 Torol tholhte*
' witboui j Bollog ot»ot. *h. ourh'
:.b,>uld icIcgrkU ' 1
b-khl* I., g.t Aliioc tbr rrwt of
of SoOllAgU W
, .. ..OPOl lb' lOiWl I
Thr wind wrot kiocmg tbr ..
T., J hr,
'"I lioi ii.f* o.li>'»rB.-t.uof tberrelcr?.
tbr tr... ..Ik prrot *otr. but •t.rrr -M '
Hr r.pr.Mr.1 hi. prof, ood .arprbrthot
sn drr'.M'ng MIb Ah*, for ibr kiook*
ir bpioiArd. bkd brid up ko loofl obrnrlrd up from 11,r cti uiir«. tbr b lad*
-Ju-rd Mr'. <1
rr ku.h odirrur nruum.tosecB
isecu osd oowrrr iHAdr.wn.
..bb* ru.hturrd Turol Ifakt far would bai
borr berw
X uil fifo-r >b. d
' proud i„
ii, bo*r o.
ro 04 o oubordlo
:prc«ard bio ru
biUD. Hr rapnian.
.lurdp (r^t ood eoriird iou> tor biuw
tbr Ill-fortoor which
irb eoBprllAd
eonprllAd hla u
opp>Dor -00 _______
uob'.r _
o »i
104a obd uo opJrodld
b a irruibliog bo
briorr br<
I o^d
oud rap
cap 0
a B-wl Uot Ibr prcol«<we»rr 1
drei ol Ui' Vimrd biAIM
wub I hod bkocht b.r o sewAar m
rbior whra kb* OAkod for onp. ACM
•krd V> brisr ep (rolt ood fliw.ro {.
ba w.tv rT-.r rrpQ.Ar
1 w,«d.
o*»rt th web' ..fit f.wJ-ssj
sow 1 r w>* 11 r.fl.«t apMD tbr But
Jrnsr hk« grows IbiB.
' S«pp.*r Uir.torr ol
rwT Ikf
br tbU tiakr." Mid hr Wi
lUppwp tbr TOOBgkim 01
I -ci.t |. >imn« ooi o
i-.ipsi'g t-Hr whippo r
Burl 0 Blpd k> go .>«l tbrrr 1
prpB.ng oAd tok. •its* <wi
Tbr ktbi* wrrr out wbri. Mik* hoiT
Wk b.«l up ibr f*rdob p>ib
»>.» bod
o p'uBip lururj uudrr n.t orir ond k
plkcid .Bilr on her lip> H -w pleoroai
v.hm.r ihr ikup ll«>uo4_ib»-ploc-
tiu (M |tn wtM ret call Me.
ene M-
_______ _____
nalog origboortiuud 10 r*j ,:c.og Id o
01 lire romoocr of ito own.
It i. o
PUuB and Ariistic
«• Ik
Cider Apples,
Bulk Apples,
Packing Apples,
Trnm Citi ScbMl of lisic!
Vm tt.7 Mbt,
AM MU .(>M
O. F. Carver I
. gSSigA^iig-"-
E.*‘atsrSiuW' “■
/ .Tttrja:
I Mr« A* If I BS.t fO ta «Od MT bow
iriwtrfal 1 BB lur tbte gr-bt biHMlar
Y..ii wwuldo t cbfc to fO." wSt^ul r;
v» ti>w4. I tsppBwr*
.W bo wueldn I to. hr VjU hrr.
Traverse City, Mich.
■. Mwk.
Thu AVYnuC* M
-n. ik.Ai
..kttttttuu.ix.vk A.,.
juiBcer «•< thMiMntah
VM.MU M IW ■tal.l W Ik. t.
Foi; anything in ihe way of Farm or City
Property, eee me.
. M clperr ao'‘ bright
grra'. abp waa crrtalb o( ii. ^or br
aald an aod br *
. . ,.
rich and Ibry would (
tihr wi-o 1
tbii g. ahr wanud Un riuniphnf .ay.
leg loaom* ot tbr nr
tbr man roa apid waa
hi. oWB.taUinrol John
a are all at . a*, and apr*n».'
Mr bsiab. 1.,'ug bta cratat
and Pi.-loaiiy twiat
^ 11 lo-di a tn.il
-C..al waatod, hut.
- .. aaofi and pliable la*
■inirrd on'y lh* tnarr l*brie
. di*a can w uwul lor Um laV
U r, and lb* proerro la
al.d pa* 4l
d fr.-iu iba
achanKM^man. ^ T.. J .nny^n
lamb * wiml
Mr* tiurdaii familiar With the pro.w.,1 mai
ofactur agfabrlmfroB piM
n\ aod Kraacr. pad la
> dolag*.
vKWurroil to brr that tbf
I. It uor
wrr* b-UryaalUd U»
n aod Vmr
m park. 1
ua n o fa cl urr th aa tb«M
that pa .
A Irttlp ii WlIgBlk
.....Incpd brr that H would br «ro«
hl-r to try the cKprriucat. bad. with
b* aaal.uaca of brr hnabaad. aba
H^arlrr Than a Man.
.11 faci/wy at tiraal'a Haaa.
ataitrd a 'intll
Machinery .■! Ur proppr kind U Dot U
Iw bad aai
ban It
H Waa
*aa nrnrkaary to arad Ut
K irnp* for It ThlacauMkl adrlay.aad
when the uarb
At iraai iwokueb nug.-rta are .p.)kcB
..f *.uh aoa'.od brrwib
oid tun.pr*
Oar Of IbrB wa* f.iuud tb Aoatralla
Toalb'aOrwbl DUMveiT
I .par.) Hfiy yrara ago. wbeu tup gold
■ Jc.pA tl .i bpgan u,ttr*o,-n.
fiararKlkola Trala dorlaraa Utat bo ial^
ruf ib* Hbrlaagnacblbrruuf
IhrlrclHe poi
aauB aufU'ia
aaibednabb I
! ^ k.rp ila lu.ky Had •r ID COILlfoIt I
1 r. at of nia .lay.
f Vuniorom orrrr prudaerd auch a
T*.. yea.-* ,aipf. bow
Ug Biracm bryood lll^pomlbUliy
U .i-arlana
IVoUrr turued ot
brrr'a ibr man yna aaid waa a rullinc
• ■opr; her* hr U at r > d aa gold, ai d i A luanr., M
rich—oh.rr.r >n ricl '
Sue rpd'O | trr.'
I uc
wtib an rai.llani Mt p c .1 klSb- ..oi.ag«..u.
baJ gdor on-r-ltap .ppd> an oflrn in '
Hut. •py
aigh wa* b-iBdpr and h.ngpr
odouHta. Aor'a c idvipg.'
.•( m .
trroord brr
•■Ofooorar, treryonr .-an t aooerr < '
' fberr II la agali
ab-aaid. with auch grou.ur .tmpa u.i "Tbr m itbi wou.d
plpplauora ,,u-„
twopir plal-lg,,
ab) thing ao[i.,c
y Inlrrpnard \
a waa ragwg*f
■y.ng I
l ean aupply tbe, Paria rablbltlnB ’
wiih .\*agara’a power." bk aald.
aba I k*nd It acroea the ernma wlUowt
a.wire.,, My
Hy U
tocralioo la thr eroWbhg
ol tan
*ilr baa jual pbUBUd hla Bacbla* for
^Bamiii ugrlrrt'lcliy wiUxmt wlnm
Jury were full
giotw wlibnui Betaiie cuidactor*.
larr gntuo ] a„o .d lo rpcpot j...
proper prp J „o-j of ube. of tur , .,ov of l.-in'f.
moataurrip harp refr»io*d from n,rk .uqti-ma
I pprpr
•' a in Ptb in '^jn gnTca.
1,mlird rraonrenaof prmcttci
Ing down tbr p-ide and bov-lfale-aa o'. my mmhrr’a limr
Aid on* --arrijivu
bor form-r aprrch . ' Il at .B la to i-*a aoin liy aakicg prrmlvaloD
rgrt .0 t..r Conrartl
, f ..Kimwafol 11 B*aDa Ual from Uo
collecti-ib W'ig.i. un-Urr g,.und.
Ita I great faua nf Niagara, ot Ua Yellow,
raiur iv a iittl*orrr «i
I brr* are .vmr. of Aiaakaaud of Ur eaayoBapf
a > ' hrf..rr •
four oih, r ouggna. ranging Ir m -rn I Colorado uolimilrd power of BlllioW
rd Mru .mi-.h
aw 1 pllp-'U-l)
la aod wh*e b-niber W
lyouB-e. tou.rrr p-un-l*. nf a m ~l |«o;b eao br drllrrrrd lo Saw Yorh.
onl asd I 1
ack I » goiag to a** to n that h'
I iaiB uthr C DO" g..Id anu a', n! l'"< ojggr-i. ,
si Hrienharg and Hrbla la •
In m* g».d
under iw.btyounrr.-E/.».-.sna t forget lh* oara that harm
doer well Thro Ibrrr’a Ihi, ahont I
M iboa bo abalhllAUd.—liproBjforlinrly
-A maa'a folk., r*po : nor .n*'r d .tcaodrd br
Mra J.dn beitb
iaily bla wniurn '
. aHnr
Hnr lor him -o anenuot nf prorr,
ko«y NaiUforBorrra.
..d HI luck. Ib-B*<>iD** I think 1
’Jarour.park •
m< rr nf a fallorr a BIB It. ih* Be
tr baa anm* floe applk*
.llb Parker.
Hetta ai
bridgr w,ib
bbwoBra lolka ihit.k of bmi "
I that bar* »Krrpr fruit fora
tar itas.rrr';;:
: ooibing rj
Tbr cold Boat, tbr h.
10 ro. J -ho
Ibr yellow daub uf bniirr 00 a china
aauerr. itar crorroua icp i.f pumpkin
tbr frrah a
plr—oh It wnaada-D'y r paai
Bo- Bight b*lp baby ah.ng Wl*h h.. -ret
ibrlrbBpd-d net fal. to aft<
and Ull> j'.baaic 1. dr
Btaanrr of
b-a kind
I.Piking at Mim ABy ■
r-oty B
■ tb*
In c.
trr and B -Mlrr rrrr. •
brolbar WiUUb ooB«a bvW-rruab
lb* chlua pitcher to tor fl *w
Amy war aroaod lh* Ubl* in n
J S*
MMa Asy fell to boggier tb*
■ iiarrpotabir lia.klng cmllar with a n
fir that irdopord brr cbrrkk and
ciouilya* poa-ibip.
I taop-wr y<-o )
barr to go
Kirr d.*lla-a at Iraat 11
waa all br foubd l*.! '
a^ll lb a ^k)
Idoo'tao pmritn
t that it doi* Ok
d li-o-glab b I bad "
, ur
look-d aTu* lilUr
cr^ird '
Gl.l'r.'.yrd tttliwr aome lr1*od augdricihg a law roaly Balia ta
ground wbrr* Ury
log tbu wot a borer baa
tbem.-SI. f.*«4. Oinb*
Sp.d-r* Arc a Ptagac
bpidcraara at-rl.ca niaga* la dap.
Jo') .oih Ucir wrbci* th* ta*a.
Ibr iBliao* »od Ur cali.'m-n
lie T l,.t yror Brar'rl.wti bradof'u, e»oi
•er.oua loa uf iMatotlBa.
aiii* b*ciu.g.og in m'c4>-.r.. of U'I s.mpl', b> wlr*a doc* UUl* good, M
M'r.irrB S mtb lluhoiu K..*Hi i.rowrr.', Ur cpider* brgia all orer bgala.
rhry were .# n.l by Ur lid.*
br>d to rif i-ca tbr• paym-ct v-f »1
.glad,- abr kept l.tllag b*B cuildrea aod w*. a leal,
•rral I
arad fir U'lr care darteg ih*
baea lonr
lone y brrr wiibml yuo
a • •
.1 hy
peudlag Urir rolanU'y rrmotbl
at Br.- br
So light' BO fl>w;
It -wm* dreary tbr own*iw. Th • «r*l» of S .aU
-rolobrly.- - Bo
Aogoai -<mo«^ 00 U-. chill
aa Mr. Salih aerrwrd bit Bight kry lu
kbowa : to lb* •atek aad groped bli way la Ua vrfUe ealll-- w.thooi tbr u***wuty
down oe Ur buy window imyag tb* a-nnanl drsaadrd by Uc
lailaaa.—KrrW-iwyrkta wUr'a •
____ _
_ . ,
Poor old gl
table, bm HtUr rocking rkui'
atrohrd bla
chreka with brr plomy
Japaa * Great Sioul PiaaL
liagracul beatdr it. wbilr J .hbbrowB band, aad Ibagbrd aofUy
Japaula now bu ldlag a great .trr]
•Yoa'rr ct-B*.
enmr. aad
aod Uafa enough
l.> ny-a torgoUeB cattle Uy Ob Ue floor
-•------ k* will enat fliotjou.tluo
VoB harrs'l got along well wlU
atraagetv but Ual doaara't aaiirr a '“Ti-^dae-d loarly.- ■aUwtuM Mr
TB* produc
•rUlag of a Utrm-.
"I threw yeatu
Wl. Voa'r* ootar boar poor aad uaed
fnrUrS-ul year will bralBoal
■p. aad aort ot door (ur. but I
cigar aad itrwiy •ir*l rolU aad pronaWy
fw*l b BIW gladder or
wh.ft.d amy a gailly jro ' '
btratewlaad ttranarul iroa will lot
i cobUIb'i; i'rr got BBo^
low la order. Tbb atm) plant, wbtrh
r w both
Toe rr ao Mna bow
will bealtaated1 a
HBcd it will arem to bar* nownmt litc‘l"
____________ BWtbrra oad of th. lalaad
"I Biftl
Ulooh after, aad brwa arojbd. aad
of KmWs. Tbb blaad. aaBordiag U>
a bar eifpBBy » grci
cook hw. That ealla to miad Ual I
eepurb.blte IfldOflt-te teiNCB
VtaB ldbda*L
•Bairwaw^ko th* rorwerm aad gwta
kaibaj few WBTfQB.
TBa cat yoar
Tar deer rrally *reepu.lw*yab bWac
peo-d d wiU lacbrymal ftlabda
Yarty-foar Baa^aa ara aalled tM*'
play <b U* pri^Mtte. of Ua baaaa
Tberw b BMW •ktrUat amd U ra»al^twobsadredyarda Uaa U rt^Jflft
alaa larger la proporiioa
Uelr bodloB Uaa a^y
fur U«lr irouWe la ■
A eabic «Mt of Mvlf Callna u
weigba (rr add a ball puada. aad
iwelrr Ubm Ua balk of M •
bt ot walv.
‘ Ub*aUtkateDw-bdbBr«p_______
OBlyla-foar tacw^ Ib^ Oaa«d
ua Bra mad* j**t U* aami aa
ruaa. kaadr«4yuMBacB. and
arate fmwsla am.
aa rviaiaa «o t>
and taienial e
airra an to be adove le aaea ncode I* a
rlr leM imponaat.
ti pana.tacotniB —*
M, latloB or tha
■at aoetraftaitotht
ff cn
C^**S "Te*pBf
gnm. • • • Th* (BtoioBse of
irMB. BfUr alM dafB of *Brna*(
« which (be Blmoal
dellberBUoD. turlBt
FBI of TOOT body «*«
• po'»t «*v« •• to (h#
UDD Bhlrh falledJaf adetdiao't
•Kb Bid
pie uyfcra b r
*.' ^ BhouM
t*ke at (he aarlleat
esl Bitt
(BTHy and
1* ImportBot
that «
thm rocpi
_ riW Biid redprctBl.
FToper et*y
r doty la Baalat la every proper
of the inbdlM
-----------the laduatry of
then tr form B
all be free and Ir
rtBUiln* the beat a
r«k>«lB« I* •1»«B U»*
«f tb» pnal4*Bt'( iwn l« eoo»TM*;
n \ht MHU *>« k»»M ef r«w
rhai II le (he duty of (he thrift
* to demand and the dvr- ' mole
the rolled Bute* doee the t
■If** r*
r».^* nni
mr*--^ Himan' *wtIo* undn
. irTTir— flB« bbB far B rtchtaou n
hM MTBBtlMad tb. DBUaBBi
nlBUBB of lb* CBKed 8U(« 10 oihrr
n *Wj»prB|^B-^»*
rbll-h Bin
>s of (he
l<Tui« qiiesUoo
rruwol of the
hpBlO ...
BOd (hr
VatUd^UU» t?ward*^t^L
TiTiTi imnocuea aa betac by Car ....
1 VI
ft*l'!J“waa at oB!y'‘c*maiUn'lc*t^ to thr
Bpenirb mlBleter *1 ihle capUal. who
forlhwlih aenoonred that hli ronH^-
Iral Amrrte* and lie rreenl eoiapte ]
tdor and ihe Aueim-nuncartan
.ion^'^’’hr Ppanleh mlnltter.
Genrrwl Wo-d'oi
ler at M*.lr:d.
nrenailno of Ihe
io rominar
lutiun and direr
,f PpalD. '
10 Ihe covermni
r*eocnia<n ot
iBta a* ta-mcrrmi*.
tb* tadciwndrorr ot
other party, and
BBj^tkm ol the tslaed. I eonWB* boaeaily due to our fiiend.
aa* Bllh Epala that the abould
I a raaMB^a rhaaiw to rrallae
10 which al
■oodford on It-' n
[innleli m'lilater o
[ of April :i.
went It. the
' oolined him
adriS covrrn. rrcardti,* lb* acl a
to an't Ident d.HUr»iloo
ordered lla mlnleter In Waehlnrti
thrr.-by lirvakln* ofl <
lallonr bel»eeii ihr i»o ■
upon demanded hU
bt.taottootm to remody the eeli* aa
iSSijrj! !s.‘sr.4r»'.Tot
—Ihar MOBtit aa wall a* to thoaa of
••tw Math hroBcht little alcn of nal
fl'tdft teerard partAratton of Cobat
torn ih.rr
j> and quii
a Mockadr
the northrra eoaat -t Cnta
By my nieoaaae i.l April :5 ihe r-----------wt* tnfurmed of the aliuatlon and I
recombirnded fartniil de.latBllon ol thr
eclalrnce of BPiatr of w*.r lelwr
I'nllrd Slalea and 8|«ln Thr ro
accordlBCly 'Olrd nti t
. tan. Ue- Nrh
• li *p].roved April
rtb* arfUiary arm. cliviou»1r un2 to cape with lb* atlll anlTe re.
o_ —^
Trim o(
rded It.
BM 1i 11 at aabaj r iwroBfoatradof
' '
ih”’*™^'fom'^ of
Ihe paih
------ y that art Into effect.
tPivBid-nl McKinley ibeB annoimced
to fi.rrlsh nallona the etalr of. Bdalra
and they all reapondvd with seutaramy
pr^-uoiationa. which *et» fully en
forced. He then teoaonU the moblU**IkiB of the I WIed Btate. military an(
naval torre*. rvmc thair airenath.etc.
prrcauUoni acalnal aiUck on our traoaat. includinc (he war loan author,
tied by roBcre**; telb of the prucreoa
ot the war and (Ivea a brief accotuil , *
It from hectnaln* to end. all of which
tie praearod azpadleal of a
_____ la the oibaaatad and dcaUtuie
ptapi*. ttrtppad at all that loade life
■i^_>Bma daaj aad torded In a atraace
- SSS5 hSaamSSL^^'uil^S^?
• coeatd ceaaral
amraral oatoralt
a aad tv
h] aable and .
w laiurei^ effort thtwoch the or-
aa*ad.bat aaaay Ihbaaandt mm were
laiiaanffMa to aaeh (oran of aid.
ln?tliktTil?ri!f!?^i n*!*!
aptac aaly tb* aaae apaamodlc eacounUnTUrraB of atmcplc mult that bad
■mrbad tlio eoara* of the earlier im
year*' rabamoa aa wall as the prooent
iaaarmetiMi from lu start. No almaatfre aatr* achauatlon of otUer combatoaL «ad iharowlibal tb* praeileal
nda oCtbr lalaod. Uy Ui atcht. but how
tor dismat aa OM caold vaalURtocoe1 os reod^^ urllsBi of
bauiaabtp Main*
no While richtfany
ina on a
-teey aad
by other pertl-r for a nerraal-n pr-d..ai*d on Ihr
pnarblrc lapee of the c-n
La‘'*J?*.^h« perbarw
1- waa preamitad of a___________
MaTboto boooes an tbe atb of Marc*
That tbM art or tieovlatea eaave non*
«to seeai wm diarlaaed when the appllcartew sT Ib* Cuad was u.odertafceo.
Oar tort* w*r* pracOcaJly undefmidad.
;iiii:r**.'«h* I huvr b!to tto'‘opiirt'u!‘.lly !
to pa*. Unally ub„n th* whole matter
duTlBc th* prorRi eeasiun.
Xeverihricr* It appeai* It
< r» In t
at:* 1 rfurc me
•* of the newly
O,rural Amet.r
war caaualilrai Army—Officera kilted.
tZ. enllaird men killed. tH; total. ZtO:
oflitera wounded.. Ill: enlUied men
anuodid. l.iH: total.
NavyKilled If: woondrd. CT: died a* mull
of wound*. J: tnvauded from aervle*, «.
I* l*c.,m« effertP
if;'"1?;“, jr*“»u ........
'"tr’li’lilttnc that I ahould bear Icttl-
ihe pairtoUim and devoilon af
* parllon ot our army which,
racer la hr ordrred to the
rreaieot eapoaurr, fortunately
mqulred outalde of the Vnited
They did their whole duty, and
- romtadeo at tb* front bare
crailtode ot the nation, tn
r the rdHcen BM id»n of the
if the navi' who remali
queaii tor aaalfonient In thr field and
at sea wa* rompelled to rrfuar beeai
tbair .>ervlc**wa*Indlsj<erAablehcre.i
yjUed- ;o^ lb* blfbeai vlimment
•• aa land aad am Briac
rh douiit not Ib* eon*
ajiprertal* and wiaetf
not been a
the eitraiT
C In ih* Chi
tea* enuUce. whereby portion, of It
nartUm* pioclme. are paisinc undr
:h* i-unif.'l -if vanoor Rur,ip.wii i«w
■n: but Ih, pr -i * I tb.1 tb* va.i com.
mrpe which ihr rn,:*y of our clllaro.
■ K'F.ri.ffi'S'Hi
- Uoa mot aapmwrwt to toot M eoa
»*r<. M IW -« tbr I
Mother and Babe
I>ubli*hcn. Dostoa. Mas*.
X TONE but a mother know. Ih.
pa mi, anguob and drc*d (tul a
wroavan cnijrabriuc and durtn;
cKildtonh. And Mill nearly' ah (hn wlicn^ u uaoucaaary. .The laalhiuluMoi
h-uld'h!- 'i^'nW ^
lie well known hi (1i**na *i*t,-,l ts.atth*'
' frii'Ti'*
i- bi^ih- .lair. ;
will is peat rocaajre ovcnaimc every
dulroaing rymjUnm. and Labor iurifwill
no«heav»ywriooiord<aL Remomba
lhai MOTHER'S FRIEND t. an mirmal Imimcni (hat ultcn. and rclaaa
ill. minflei, and s not a dat^trom
mmpomd of opiato to nvanov. Aik
vour dfusia lor II or .ad price iSl) to
m toaBrun Moxaiot cs. anMa,to.
Srrid lo^n.r (rr* illQ.trmrto
l.-.-n .|..ul,lrd
]ty |M-rd»ni> III |ionr h<-nllli, from n
vigor,lUa li-«llii
iwr Ibttiv fnreat
ludlrm Ih.wcf 1
i-.l 0,*'E.h ruluilv* ir.Hl.eratin
’ Ih* a. I »T MaiH
n r.timiird ar*.
Th* .1
by i
taral vur.-■•( aU f >rni« of ai»-.isin in
Talk u iib E. hi Miller At th.-
of *0,-
i lur ivlurm*i wil,li,-
«■ apIril-Al. W..11I.I Iw mui'b
•-aiiM-urmilil nxlor* them
wl-o am (,e,|ing taeak and
Tti.- Oxi-diiDor ••auara the
. -woup'D ami vbildren.
alori'. oui' dour luwl
Sallir'-P r i. wa»
,iu m*i
»;C.;u c;. and *n
friiiii.nn.d Uqu.v.
vv. ,1|..a(*d m-r. har.d:*" .lurinc th. >.-ar
.moumhu; t- |i.V,.«W lAli ,.n i.;cr-a»r
of •I'u «»•.“( ten, ih- pi* «l.nc
(«1.'4T *, M ............ . .m..u,„ir.e In lid. .
^ ununy to tC.I. < i.iC
Ha the .am-1 ^
n,.,n*<^.-r all kln.la j
firmly lli.i. rvet tn*
Ifo HI
nl 01 in, T--A-* of net
, on ,V*. 1. i»,r t*
(ii-neral H<«ler for WsatoTB MicbiffML -
Wilhelm Bros.’ system of selling jonly
Trustworthy Goods at
Uniformly Right Prices
is daily winning new friends. Thousands will do their Holi
day Shopping here, and why not you?
Note a few of the many good things that we are ojETeriug
at present:
- Down Pillows,
25,35,40,50 and 75c.
*m-be*rin* debt to provide R.,id for
the rcnlemptloB nf I'nlt-d SUie. noi*o
—a ona-lniere*<-b*Bnnc debt
are pul out in any other wmy they may
PHora ***‘|*;
errewt-bearins d'U lo redrem a noeintrreet-beortnt debt."
tto h-llef inai'fuih provioion. of taw
would Ineure to a »te*l*r deaco* the
aafeiy nf tbr preerni otandard and bet
ter protoct our currency from "he dan»-r* to wj^b^l. •ubjeciK from a dla-
d. which drtve*
In my Judwir.eni i'r.*'i re»*rl condition
of the treasury amply yurilfl,. tbe Immenieirvenai-tircnl of the leatolalino
ramrr.ip-ndid , n* year **o
whkk a p.Fr-'.ui of th. f*M taotUnffi
sh,m>d to pla-e) IB a trwi fund from
which embark, should be redeemed
rt rvoutred. On'S-* erntmey. tber* M
> obvious drmsnd for It Tbe tonirtanc* of adequate provlaloa which
aadard rvUlcd <
rir to 10 (hat of
.t our asmmtlc
to kaM lali
yam ,
b* 4
White Aprons
10.15. 26,38,60.76c
Silk and Wool Novelties.
$1 kind...............................69c here
86 in. AlY Wool Serges.
36c kind.......... i..............23c here
Black Crepons. 60. 60, 76c, $ 1.00 and
' $1.26 here.
Ribbons, all Silk, widths 6,7 and 9.
to close at only............................ 6c.
Handkerchiefs, 1. 3. 6, 10. 15, 26c to
Children’s Hnderwe ar, odds and ends
fi*om several lines, 16 and 26e
kind, broken sizes, at only.......8c
George II. Lathrop. Lock Box 204.
111. l.ltfc >
Figured Silks. 60o value at
Plaid Silks. 75c kind, to close
Handsome Taffeta Silks. $126
Itin-Y. speciaL...............................98c
He ktyvpe tb,-(n fur nail-aoJ ea%(eU you abuut tbcin.
Plain diriN.tiup.s with e^vli NppliBnce.
om^ni*J :o
* ,1..erra*.' fi.,m Ih* II...
if.c .-r t*j
llilrio. r.,.-r.ur r.-.-l|.:. U
>re icrrwented for redrn.pti t, ,n *,.ld.
.nd are redrem.d in acid,
mall be krpi ard *el .|ai
' Thi* to
t the Fioir •r of Ih*
n oto-ioi
n. ferw thriled 81
nuT r*,ylv* back
a fn!t*< Suiee
(told in eirhan*,
for Uii* J» mail* ah the mote apjwrent
acre* force aud
I laniisomcli lllustntci:
iiith over 60 nill-|toi;t
h.iil‘tones. 1-or sale In
al! IhkiLsellers, or sent
post-paid upon receipt of
Price. $i.sa In
>■ Ip,' 1..*.*. fr»m ihl* rail**
. ..idfd
11,.- d.-i«nn:*n 1.
nialini: our p i-ui .
lb* tin.* mei.O -n-d
Our r- laikm* » h Or**l Britain hav* culalRin wt- K'-CJ
On tb* t*m. ,
nool friendly footlaa.
(,,|d 1
rque.1. th* proiectlon
The pn.VI.'nl,. t
y of pesto
r|«wof lb*
etepa lea
dnenm I
the futBj F of tbt aew'
a* lb* cuwalt of lb* war
will ram, lo na
Such AlamMaa wU b* ap-
Aa Accurate and StIcadIdJy
wriuea Hklory o( the
,iTt*.trrt'"..rt..r“''rr^' Cii;*
fmtoy'^d^ He^S^
a* aoon to down with a mortal dim**
wiU ecnae to that mooer m later
A man • life m to drmsed out by
dyrtwpua and h^r raotpUhiL Tb* eapmewee of Mr ] T CardweR to PaQ
Cicek Dra^
t>c^ Pituytotnia
Pituylmnia Co.,
Co.. Va.. abows
bow Dr hrm'. Otodra Mcdi
i ,.'t aii'n;...*. to Ihr «**l*o> '
..ur ...Uiilrv and lit Intiodu, :
.11, .,'.,.t*d t.. **ml-
ruld rot
for *Tdd
abl* to toy^a defInlUv* u
!.i,al'-j'\ f
•ii"',rc,rC£ rjiSr-'F''""''"
; be would ruber be aboL
feeU tbe aaaw way ahem
will pocotvff npnmrt Bite' ■
Ihna* lealon* maj- not hr prejurtiped
.thruuab. and earluaivc trealmem by Jun* 111 !»*•, >
tb* nrw ureupanta ha* obvi.trd Ih*
rerd of our rouuUy bcomlti* an actor
'"jnut^e'm'rloaelv wairhini lb* treatmwil of American ritltrsn it Chln*.
Th* prealdetil r-f*r« to neaotUllnn*
with France nnd tie-many lor
af our trade with ihua* roum
City. Kick. ^
and Ih* pM
nr* and commerce lo p*.
I our r.allunal pol.cy auw
lively tban ever rail, (or
Bpanl.h JurieJKi
Th* annlhilall'iB of Admiral Cerrera’v Ib* diplonaitr ai
lar r*pr***nfieri, followed by the vapltulatloa of lailv*.
who fuimird
BaaUkCn. havlac broucbl to lb* *0*0- their driiral*. and a
I. iru.t with
Irn luvoiBm.ai a iwUtxinc senta ot tho tael and t*nl *li, lilt
boiwJeaaneM of eundouiiui a atrusc'e
.'W^ lo''i^kr fltnnc
oow bacomlnai wholly unequal It raado allualon to th* Inrtanr* of Mr. Rtm*overturai of prac* throuch tb* Ptapeb d*r. her maj,-.iy-* cntul at Fanilapo
Ilweaador. who with tbe aaneat of hi* il* Cubn. who** unllinely drath after
vrrnment had acted aa ibr frlrndly dlvtlnyulahed eprvk* and uailrin* ef
r-rermtatlvc of Ppaiilata Intermt* dur- fort dnrln* th* «i*t* of that city wa*
r th* war On thr :«tb of July M. alnrerely lamrnfd.
__prmnlrfl a rumraunlrallOB
In Ih* rariv lari of
aianed by the Duke of A1mi>drvar. (he
Bpanitb mlnutet of
>f atatr. Irriiini
Irritin* Ib*
itatr tbe term* .
to I
uld be -willmc
ly ». by
th.- nui
1 M Cam
tol* ^miim
mlaalorerw to arranae'fcS* th
*B of th* rpanlrh Antdl*.
OnI A„.
Asa. It.
... M.
Casiboti anr.oui
___ _________
r*celpl of full powvtw i* *Un th* p*otofol *0 aubuntf-d. Acc-rdlnaly. on Ih*
aftrrti,«i. of Anf. U. M Cambon. ** Ih*
plenlpoi.nllary o( thr Vmt.d Slate*,
aicned a pr-toct • • • w
tTbe proto'-ol a> bervCoforw printed t*
here latrodoivd in aubounc*. It* tlyaalor* reauUed >n th* suapen.loB ot
bontmte* and on Au* IS Ihr muiter
out of lao.nor Rwn was ordend. On
D*t 1. m.tc. bad hcea muaU
nr apiK<lntm*m of evwruatV'n
ram,mli»h.ne f.ir Cui
and Porto.Rlra and
^th* j-eace^i.m ila>lon BOW aliUna at
. ................
Ordsrt for Job Printing left St the.
r-.l*. ,»i l!>-
— • - lb* ronatrurilnn of aurh
il«hway_JtJl-» n,ur* il
ib<ti,l*'nuhlr I" Ih.cc Inilmi
ready ml r-c mmu ilrwll >r. b*|w«vn our
«*ai«™ aiid w**I*m .eatemrd. demand.
*Tb*6ru5E”rt tto
,-d t.-l. r
tbr fhll..
• iiran.-r
would | ,
i Traverss City Granite & Marble Works, 1
.1... turrA
I rt Ujaln
- lujt.t I
lb* u-
I Lmclu. nriirtr u
p of tb* aulu* “'....'J
ttopawT It loM la tb* nport* of ib*
aimitartu of war aad of tba wavy, and
and at the J
-igthens Eod restore*
___ . . ako all other lisoes.
cr«^. n T, It causes the head
lo become clear
rercn.n.nt and the patient energetic for {
H, D. AI.LtV. Proprictnr.
‘7m^y w:ibu»l.ness when duU^ •'the * 401 Waat Front Stoato
ih* lU iniblues" or
.. indi^KMcd
indi^KMcd bom
from bUiousbUious- f
\-r U
with tboae
irlii-n that o-.nf.drralloiu
•y^and inirrnational pollc;
(ween Ihr 1
af an Inler-orr
tnaded. BooioaduaaaaoLib* bran anu
lervM free. Addci.*,
bom. a
ir proir
,w*l of
Ulliy. ■
^iHeanb renal
canal 1b> a Nnarocuan
will be i»ld brfore you. • • »
'' 'dXrorr;
a eaapTiia to 1*0*1
non.,-1 ^rhw'
' a poelU'.
e?»« botn.-
Jol5 :■
> provuion, i
June I ot.
ihauel *
irred (he
a sulkm ertdaoc* of .
. ___________
aad aaaae dlaiioculatilnc eur natloBsl
that (hti Bhockinc blow, fall. _ 1«, th* Fi-ani.h jwply. dataj
•-------------- PoopI* aliaady
evoBU In Aua ;, wa. handed L> U. Cambon to
lb* •erreiary^f itol*. It aic-plcd unlaatani
«t9*raU roaalv* to toWratr no loacrr ronditionally th* lermr tmp.,**d a. to
fortoTllro and an I.Und of Ih*
toa asmtoBo* or a ceadlllee ot dancer
Ladror.** aroup but appeared lo aeek
trodur* InadmlM lb* rrwrvaooai
-card 10 our demand a. te th*
Phillprin,-.. Coli-eivlrw that dl»ro»»loB
*«utt of tb* ararrlbine to on (hi* point ould neither b- practleabl* I dlr.eled that In order to avo.d
I once oet oa loot
nr the naval boar
•rd’of m- mWuBdenianilira the matter ahould b*
bed that the oricli
ia of tb* forthwith rlo.rd by rro)«i.lna tb* *mbodimrai In a forma: rr .lorol of th*
tormi In wh.rh th- n-*i'lUtlon« for
■Mas. abff aaOr haitad ihrouch
rear* wrr* to b* undertakpB Tb* vsfur
waMim UaUmoay to ffa (he r.______
Hion. of th* Span
tau-ar to aetboraUp. AH tbeoe thiaca • Bd iBetpl'r't >uu*«i.on*
the only
aantad eabvtciioe le tbe man thouchi- lab BM* mold not b* 1v**i4pd.
-. ai a virtual ullla la ear relatioiia matum a draft of proioiid embodylnt
i Cutw m i
noie of July H. with added .tif
m.rraw i.I ihe o-ii
hrird force <’f the r _
- •
**th*"kllanHr and PariB
-ay I* to b* rwalj,y^a prai'Orat >’
tola* «5SaSd‘ao»? if7hi*?rt7o‘iw?i
MiaMtaata Bor
LMtr Matae* to the larye arteni
a-rplioa hy promoU-itu i-r
diecharc* under ouch re«»
Te i-wrelary of war -.........
ipertiuiirerary roi ,t
M thr h, oorablr dV
1 rradaaof OeaaUe. Marble Bad Stsor Work, aad oak*rp car prio*> Uw. eaa.ldertar tb- qaaUiy of work
t- ')ar azUQci** kamillac ot ias..aa«atal trork *aab a, a
taloia oaiu. mnt ad**Blar>->a> ir-iaa.BBd (boboio(ooir ca.tvs.r*. U
arr (hUklBC of bay>»C*artbiafl»oir -a, tiwml,
^______________ ______________
•mtii- vo uM-^r
ailon. bettinc
th. UBm- Berne T,
•me Nl.wracu* canal mo
er the chalm.arjhip ,.f ft
ohn O Walker, app-.lni
impure blood
It produce
■oduces appetite, strength
It does
oes ii
all these things
with cvrtaintT by acting up<m the
iseshe. It htrikes
causi^s of diM
1st the root.
It i. pleu-vaiii to take and its a<fe«
on tbe system tsj wanniog dlhl is
..f ||0* CV0y way agreeable.
L ACBi^ya THE iiml«ra
“hrrlmT'^“re7ni’*aekrd fcrhir peeepont. whirh »rrr ctven him Hr thereupun Blihd-ew from Weehincton. leav-
lOB. «tb.
.... ..............
rCB tuCeriBC (or ocarly thirty yaan
ramdyaprp.la. JlrvH. f. nordaU,
-ifeolaptoalnaei burlsew mas of
Ufanav.K.T.wrltm: "Fcaa year*, I wa*
a csciftast asCeevr freer dynriaia jiad a
wmkrtoisarh. The lirhual f:od pradured
riirpllon of the rupiore
. ,_,tii'«mMI^n*ra^d^•o!utlon byemi.a'“•T.mrth‘®
the mited POitra,
heyehy dJarlBJmt any ditpo.lilor or In- "'’'n’V.'follo.Iv the veual flat of Inforl«itl(B> to er.-rrlee eot-rrelcnty. Jarle- malli-n reyeiJinc nor forelcn relation*
dlrtlan or cnirol <nrr eald lelmnd ee- aiatu- of dl»i-uiea «lih fi-relm oalinne
ricbli of elilaena. elr..lnaa to |e-nuinal lice
retd^for Ihr wlflrn^l^
.culdir.* It....... ........... of Auairla for h-r
killed or woonded
aceompllehrd to leavr the covernmrm aullJ-M-le «ho an
WMhe 1-aIlc-ner ^ a.) labor ronflin.
"" Markers
•ad BeoutiBc* tMa CorlcEkiw. '
It cauiet tbe Hirer *o throw «d!
t.’-Sw nr* now'lr the eecular brmy
. bile. It deans
oat tiiel
oRIcrr. aad men. Ir. aeid an it in
wu providrd -that at Ihe end of any entire alimentary
ntmrr canal, tid-1
wwr In which th* V
dbg it of otfensive inocou and all
,.A..d the
e nutten that inhabit an tm*
ih beafthy atomach end bowdt.
Platr* with thr rreai family of naIV ha* »-wn markrf
T'lh r.u-dl*liiy
d thr
Ihr Hoar
eloee of Ihr
the rv
r rntful yrar (lad*
Met of thr teeure the. nrwpeeruj -lire
iia^dantlBaa tbaa advahrtd. i
lalUoa of the vtowa thr r
blianiB. whatever may have
Ir reXloB* In the paat. Neither
nor poMh-B etxrald have aplare
pw cii«yrtim<-M. fnlll there It
' tranaulUll) Ib the leUnd end
tlM Bd4*4 Irani
MOMTT M (he w*r our peopit
tttm IB • m7 >Btl«{Be(ory bb^ BteBat*
to «*r*BW «•*(..• <rf p»«»p.r(to
ttmai hr .tf lBr».« tbIb** »« I
mtm «nr ncorM HBBU<Br(«ir«
kSt ^SSnbmaBBi recunra,
U>««i»tr>- W BrtterWBf4*d.
nvnm l^uuiMra pb^ by «>•------
SUa mad Blood DiaMNtoT^
ouaaeaa. Hrodoeboa, Coodtlpo
ctorali.-a by
- I dite.i*d
fheTmrinjS’of Vbe rrcular awy io the
.red by *
• covenof Cub*.
le ■or^orablt ^elat n
£“S •£ “Sir' ““
Flush Capes, special
$1.90. $3 60 and $6.90
Also the Best, of course.
at.................................... $10to$16
Black Boucle Capes, trimmed with
Thibet Fur. full sweep, at $2.60
Several lines of Jackets reduced from
$10 to $8. One or two of a kind
Hen’s Shrunk Hittens. :...............5c
Good ones at.......................... 10 to 85e
dJloves...................26, 60. 76; to $1.60
1 case Hen's Fleece Lined Under
wear at.......................................28c
The best tailored and most satis
factory Suits, Overcoats and Ulsters
are here at prices that are right
Latest Novelfes in—Neckwear, Hats and Gaps.
Wilhelm Brothers.
faiBv bat
tba MB Bbo Bade It bad lotallp forROMtB toalfehk atBa. tbaa anklaf
tba doeasaatIsallaBdacdd.
•MkWUilTmurar tta toudlif of
A»«t9 tv }W« Morqoono.
Th« taa^Ml *D lb« tM Boioo aMoko iMThi la Date «UI be haU
ea Jaa. U aboat tha tiaa tha ctapaa;
Uat aprlac 'deaaph sad Bbraard
Blaat, of T«aa towaablp. ai aa Bxperi'
Baavpiaalad^aaaraa ofaofvbaata.
nap harraatad Ihb (all 110 toaa o!
baata. erhkdi. *baa ahlppad t»^
tacar baat taatorp at Bap Otp. aaalpaadim Boraaet afdBaaarar. Tbap
raeairad la tara for tbaaa baala. dtH.
aa aaaraca of f; par
Mat Meat BataatafaMretaMwaraMt tea twite an
aiHw.i.a iwfBiir m* ................. . wBiea«titic••
b Baataroa oat.
Saarataak Udiaa are RoUr *» ot»moiBatauabaadall^tbatr votT
Peter Watera. wbo died at Baaaaaar
aaina. wltboai tba aaalnaaai of a alaa fa<a dapa afo at tba a«a of U.
gla harrtd aaa.
Abadraraad a >3taaB erarc kUM protaatad aa ledlaa mtaBwa at (b'
At Cblaioaa OB Tkatadap aaotbar ftra
vaidAooTBadUtbaaeboo-boeat. Iba
euaea off tbe propoeod ataaeaera.
wea^ aaa la oaa mtk. Bp
Bar. r. M. Ooddiaptoa. paalor of tba
’ verii Iba bolMlac <rw aRata aaaad.
Pirat OaaprapBUoaal ebareh at Ua|i h aaUaalad Bot o«ar t.OOO d
alap. baa as aalqaa aad orlptaal wap
. kaa* bota sbol la tba apfwr paaieaaU
•rtBlBlac bla baarcra derlop tba
tUaaaaaoa. Uakof aao
eoBlap wlalar. Ua h wriUap a aerial
boatbe difiealt. Ttera
atorp aad raada a ebaptar-arrrp dee
dap erwlop. Rack ebaplw eoBtaloa ■
Adalbert Ppae. a traa
Boral aod be nabaa it to (aaelsaUar
tarmb. Ba* dead dU or M dtpa lor tbat all-waat to bear tba aaai chapter.
horaa-btppiar LlbMa Paanall. afMl *.
Oa a raoaat deedap la a eerulo Har«boa'bat«k with tba iataattoa of
rp eoBOtp 'atllapa ehateb the Jaallor
cBow qateOp op to Iba paJpH wbert
A tkarpb ladp
tatUp of wkat tba alaUier waa dallaariep bla waekip
' aba tboBfbt »a
dtaaoBiacasd ieforaied bite Ihtet tba
4ap. aad tbaa aa
w told bar tbat ebarofa waa ob Bra. -Verp arall" aaid
tba aapaeaad araekm werea eair forB tba BiBiaiar. "I will retire: aed prrofpaaavcaka.
hapa, Jobe, poa bad bettor awakes tbr
Ptob daaltn
eoDprepaUon aad lafor« tbra also."
a for bb. arm
Tba Waabloaav ooaatp poorhoiter
Irplobara tba Usa abortaoad to tba
lalarral bct-aaal Nor. I aad Kor
•(laalaad of from Kor. 1 to Dae. It
“Tba T-paa^oU aoo of T. O I^
vbe Itraa loar osttaa anathocat of M
tbrm—foeod ibalr wap lelo tbr oollaploe. vaa aeeldaatallp abot bp
of tba eawapapata asd perlodlUTaar^td broUW. fllarKbtiaw aad eala wl
•beterer tba UerioaB laapaapa la
appar taaib af/foea. llawaidlA
HU tatharwara onblami
Work la ba/nf paabad oa tba a
I dTiaBBlpao. who <
. hetorp of tbt>OraaaiaTp Paakapa Co
- Korlp
‘ baada will ba aaploppd
tba paar bp bU ftTBlda with a wife aod f
ebildrea. dba pow wUBra aba waa b
Hkbipaa barbara lotaod to aak tha
' and (ba EpUcopal ladlM <
bold aa old BBld'a parlp at the or
boeae oe Toradap oiphl tu rat.c fa
protrettea apalaat oDaklilaO aaorki
aedthaflraaad tan aaol abopa. aad to
aafaar tba axaretalBt of Baaltarp pra' CBBtloaeAtBapCItpJaaiat Oraet.
wltbip a few wreka. the laat
<dd. a aeboolbtp llrlar tjo At'boti' balap tbai of Iklward (tellie*. wbicta
atraat. tall troB a arafoB loadad wltb waa bomed Kridap
Tbe blaxaa are
aapar baata oa Parka
bUd wbaal rms oarr ki> Back, kmiop
Wklla oonpad la laadiap a pea la
• tfoDdap Borolap. I^^Mar.
r-olA.bop II' -.^'rtaioo
Clip. aaadasUUp ahot hi
ilA^tr. tba
aoBtaateoftba paa Uai
tr fap a portloa
'Of oaa-of bar l<«> to ptaoat.
Jaba UaUaaat. a raahlaat of Batea
Baplda. whila aiearatlop for a ba«a.
* tMb ttre fallp BBtarad, aad oaa’eblld
Ibara praaaoaa ibaaa U a aaratarp. aad
as laraatipatloe will ba made.
Tha iBBbar todntrp aril) ba aatirr
lla Iba appar paalaaula thli •later, aad
'tbtoatiaWiniaattaeooBV •HI ba at
laMt 17.000.000 (a^ Tba piaa la balap
SBbaaatad aad la laMlaated that la a
faa paara It will all ba ppas.
Maa. B. C. Flaaolpaa. irlfa ot a wa'I
hao^B erialaal Uwpar of Jferwap, U
P.. ktiUdadairoe a raaaat baatlop
Wpaadtbaarrtralofiba aalBal c
alad Bori
A Uarpar fran Mae Praaeiaeo la look'
tapforOtaea tfePaddaa. forarrlp of
iBSblap. •botaaBOBibn-ol tba loal
hradlaa e^aapaap. Be aapa a waallbp
as^ofHtaaHaPaddaB-adiadle Aoataalla oalw reaaatlp aad left bar
ThaaapadlUobofaelaDtla.aed oth•B for Caba aad Haarali. aader tba
laa&mblp of Col. J. Wlaalo* Apera ot
OfaaaTflia. •bleb araa boohad to lean
Detroit Paaearp l. will ba dalaped aato the aalUBBeat of tba Hpaalab qaeatka.
Oaaapa Ua. of Tbraa Oaba. apad Tt.
M Iba HkbipaaOae^ railroad i aek at A»arp. wilb a
tha (Ml Ball. LaawaaUUadlDataaUp.
Ha laaraa a widow aad tbrra
Thaboraaa wsra aalajarad.
At Iba Aprfealtaral eoUapr.
atata board of
Ipp two eitlaaaa of dv .loaapb who ara
allcpad to ba the laadara of the panp.
At BaeloB Harbor preat aplialioo
rMOBBaed bp tba allepad atorp that
. S. Aldrieb baa fallen belMol.imo.oi.i
dollar* ba the death of a Cbicapu aepi.
or tbla aBoaat U U allepad that OM.09<i U Ip eold eaah. while tha reel It la
Oblaapo raal relate. Apotber rr^wt
pleoaelba BBOaet at (Too.ono li U
ateeallwad that whop Aldnrb paU bit
allepad noeap ha wUl atari a blp oiaa e
bard Hawke baa eolleeted tI7
Ip OP a larpe prap wolf which ba
abot OB Hteek rlrar. aboat elpbl oillfa
Bortb of UhpecDlap. Hawka aapa ba
abot tbr wolf ba ha waa ebaalpp a dear,
leer wUb toopae baaplnp oat and
It axhaaatrd raa part him Brat,
aa foHowed oolp a abort dltiapcr
babipdbptba wolf, who waa eonlnp
oo a twin bat aaap trot Hawke
let the deer po bp bet ebol tba wolf.
Col. B. 8 HapoBod. of Hap CItp. aaerrlanr of tba Miehipae dupar Oe . Bled
Land CoBBiBioDcr rrepcb Taeadap. the Aral elala to ba made for'
‘boaatp aader tbe beet taper tew Tbe
papera Bled bp Od. Kapmoed tbew
tbat between On. to aad Dm. I. tbe
Btasafaeterad lO.iSv.lOO
pOB^of tnpar. tbe boaplpon which i
atone percent, par peand. U SM.m!.!
The ooBpanp ezpecu fa nanufaetara«.000.oeepwndt before tba eloae
«d tbe aawon, Tba prodact to In poAd
daaaad both in Mieblpaa had otbar
etaiw. and to readUp dtopoaad of at
YpallanU to the ebaaUat market of
Mlcbipan. Tbara to a rtdpa artcndlnp
from Oakland fa Uonroa coaotp colled
Cbaatnai ridpe. It atarte In we«l of
Inpbam. Oakland coaotp. poaoB
lor tbe Bdaittaaoa of tiro Oabao
daak. feet to ba laBlitad. Otbar eol-
About ai
lapW t^axoactad to taka alBilar aa
ababllap a Utpa aanbar of Cabaaa to pat aa adaeatioa pralla.
white tkto paar naarip a faandrad baab.
araahippad. Yoaop traea are beiBp eet aad tn time Cbaatnai rtdpa will
prodaor aaeapb faaapplp Ihaateta It
toauwd that tbto ridpa to the onlp
ptew la Mlcbipan tbat wUl ^w prodnetef cbrtlnoi treea.
TWiawBUIaoB tba Hapiaaw rlaer
ablMteod I no.
Of interest to those who want to Buy.
aaar Qclafjr a faw day* aco- Tbaf an
(ba Ont of tbdr apaeba erar aaaa la borari to daatb wbaa tba ooaatp ^
•ra aad IW bra«aa eOBa to ebuli
tbai aaetJoa for a aasbar of Taara.
are «ladlapapbat]aaaa far tba aware.
Tbe oatpot will or BBallar tbaa laat
paar. It arm prebablp fall a
abort of *00,000,000 fm. bat tba <
HHroflaaibar eo tbe bIH doeba ke
Madk aaaallar >a proporttoe to tbe oet' pUaf the BilUikaa aeaal.
Cb0. L. Clark at Bt, Joawb baa acaaptod aa faailatloe froa tbe Cbt Oeb
aaUap for Iba paralBioa of placlop
I ‘ kb (BBeoa pet wtThoBoa. takaa froa
tbawreeked bpaalak erabB Crtetobol
ObUo. off Saatiapo. bafora tbe pal
fa Ibalr drat aaaaal cat ab*W. arhMi
Tbe H'^blpao beatlap record tor tba
aneea Jaet eeded h elalBed for pooep
BaaDablrofMalhraa. diaea Oeicbrr
• lhabat bapmd Bore tbaa l.ooo qaall
eorf partridfea • Ha waeoelerrrp dap,
aad aaerapad tl blnbdailp. Ha dore
aotMBOf baaUBpatoek, eitbar.
, (atbar aeaar bartap Arad a paa.
A B. Lombard, Jaatleref tbr paaae
Of Laallc. harlwofaaerileeata. arhlcb
hi boa hrpi lor boaarbtrid pa« for tba
laatfoarpMra aad oa whieh be ha*
aapaaded tbe BodMi eaie of PlTt. for
tbair board aad pleplblepa. Hr taola
ttaaeoepooBdor bMUtaah per dap.
Md other lanrtta la paop
ooa froB Detroft teal April far two
prara for auallap a ehorab ooatrlbathB boa. will prabablp dl
tba torribla aeaUlap wbleb ba racelead
«w aU
Underwear Sale.
:kr are
r laal few dan before CliriatIv U'
are nenwaarily
r L(^W.
L(^\V. We rec-omraend
mae. Our+iricee arr VEKT
'that ChrUtoiaji boyere eelei •Il...................
their artidrn KtlW.
Clothing Department
For a prartieat prearal for a bvj poo
tteoooi aelect Anpihloi; better ttim tbe foliutt iriK iteuia:
.ya- Aatrachan Heefer. nirely l.rai<l«l................................... (2.48
.Tut-eoiie 3 piece Suits........................................................ 1.48 Dp
Boyd'^nee 3 pieoi- Suit, to IS vrara uid, from ............ $1 26 Up
.Swentera from..
Bot^ Over
ven-oau from
lioyi.' Mae)
lackintushea fre
XothipK Biore dvairable a-ouM Ih- a Man't Suit i
«i«t on Ihe iitli day of DreeinlKT—a t;ift of ueefolueae.
Our $4.98 and $7 60 Meiir Suit* are nnmalrliable.
Oiir $12 60 Mi-ii'h Drew Suita are Ihe ereaoi of emr Klm li
Our $3.60 Men a Bterk Overeoala are very prvreulabl.-.
Our $6.60 U.-at-er (K-erciwta are in tbe loatL
Ark for the $4 96 Meii'e I'ltlem; nire aod dmay.
Adk roroiir$13 60all wmi Iriah Frieze Lister: the (.'em
uf our Kt<H-k.
Dry Coeds Department. .
Haiidken-hiefa for Ohriatrona are alvayn
aiiprw'isted; a!«-*ye atf.'pialile and osefuL Ourimuieuse eUM-k
and the spleodiil tnluea weolTer in handkerrhiefs tba aeaMiu,
is bourui to a in
f'liildreti'a Haotlkervliiefe from.............................................. Ic up
Indies' Slid (irtit'e Haiidkvr.'hiefii from.................2c up to 76c
l.adieti' end fJent's Inilial Baiidkendiief* from...................6c up
ni|)lete aesortua-ut of Muillera. in wool and silk.
. 26c t
itlay KiMH.na
KiblMina quit(jiiit- in aeaaon-liibbimK
aeasrto—llibbone for fancy
cy a<ii
iiri-a» lrimi>.iii(!h.a8tliea,
IriiuiiiiiiKk, aath'-a, necka-ear;
iiecka'ear; in value we lead
ead th.-iu
Muiliii Xiubi (»..a-n from.'..............................
iiKhI (iowne, meelyend.roidere.1 .
OiitiiiK Flannel Xiclil (tuwna fruiii
Women’s While .kproua. to cd(W
... 39c up
76c each
We have added a Jewelry Dept.
CholiTudwiiona of C___
Cuff and I'ollar Buttuna.
lutiuiin, WaU-l:
iinKlI V('bail
Stick Pina.
K, Ui-HUty
Pius. Ba'
Baby Ibiia, .leweled Hal
Pius. .Jew.
leavled Hat firuamciita. Sterliii(( Silver Xovv*ll:ee, Iliuca,
Cloak and Fur Department.
SjH’i-ial pricea have been made o
Ladies' and Mieses' .laokets and'
aud (.'apea In
tn rednee eurploi
Sliaped Fur foliar* sod Muffs from 60c np.
Fur folUrelUs
iUrelUs fiom $1.6
$1.60 up.
•Millinery Department.
The MilLuery baaineM ii
inil-up. Everrthiiic reducerj in this department
SC Itandaome Palteru Hals Io'c-Um. at 3.V on the dolls:
Shoe Department.
Cliriaimaa Slip)>er; for Men and Women in
sbaodance. Jersey Wool Iteiorins U’lUw anyludy'a pri<e.
Nobb;^Slinea^r Laiiie* and lienta at a aavinc from 10 to
An Buga to c<
Smyrna and Vo(|net'te Rogs. Lace CurUiiiB, Chenille and I
by brepea, most useful uf preaeold.
Gent’s Furnishing Goods Dept.
Mrwl beautiful line of Neckwear, fp.m
lOcto&Oc. Drvaa Shirts, all up-to.<iale. Oiovea and Mfiietu
in large aaaortmeht. rnderwearaodSwealerv withio rvwchof all
Your Konop SAvara.
The Boston Store.
I Sa-ve a liaa.© of_
Extra Good Buggies
that Will $ro Cheap, if sold befor« Winter, to mskke room for the stock
of Sleighs thst will soon ba here. I also carry a foil line of all -farm
Xachinery, such as
Feed, Grinders and Horse Powers,
Peed Cutters, "Wind Mills,
and everythfog else in this Une.
IS* Cam BtTMt, TravarM aur.xtoh.
We want to convey to our trade through our
advertising the ad-vishbility of buying good goods when possible.
Don't jump at a new bait, even if has the semblance of cheapness.
$6 suits are better than 83.50: 87 60 suits are better than 86.
Our $7.60 Ulsters and Overcoats are excellent values for the
money. Our 810 line is superior. Pay what you ■will aS'high or
low as you desire, we guarantee lowest prices, always.
Boys' and Cliildren's Suits, Overcoats ami UlsteFS
An extra good line for the holidays.
Pocket Books from 3c Dp to $2.60.
Dress Goods Department.
All wool Kovelly Flannel..................................................
41) inch fanev np-touiale Novelty Wool DreitteditsMlB,
value btkvfix. ' ’
Short letu-llia
Novelty Waisi
well aa rcs’eivera.ax a t'liriatmaa ({ift.
. Kid Cloves for holiday pn^-uta
.kek.for the Fetlora.
better dollar ((love made.
Itedi’-a' and MIrs.-k' Ki<l Mittens from 60c np
Ladies' Silk Miltrue from 60c to $1 il6 '
Carpet Department
Never in the history of our business has our Underwear
disappeared fropi our shelves as this season.
Six popular lines at the popular price of 60o—the
best for the money ever offered.
16, 19 and 26c
goods not in the race this year—We congratulate the
people on their ability to buy something better.
Extra heavy goods, double front and back, if abso
lutely perfect would be worth $1 each garment—these
go at 70 cents.
What more practical for a gift?
A (Boat pacelter wiil a
Aaawajfl ilffwt at
Ceterrb ctaaot M Cared
Boys’ Reefers, $2.00 up
Child’s Overcoats, $1.50 up
Boys’ Ulsters, $3.00 up
Boys’ Suits, $3.50 up.
Coat Scarfs
Gloves & Mitts
Collars and
Fur, Plush, Cloth,
(Hake a useful present)
Always in order and appreciated.
Handsome goods. 16e up.
Very showy and durable for a HolidayGift.
Nothing better.
Useful for any member of the family—
(providing you can boirow it.)
A handsome handle is the pride of
young men.
Buy the new styles. High collars, link
All kinds, Silk, Xiiiieii, Plain, Stc.
We Show a Large Variety
And confidently ask the pubUc to visit us.
Hamilton Clothing Company
CkfMte trrlMsadUi mv* d •••
MMuk MTi*^ !• tlH «ii]r rmudmj
Mr Smmot Svmwa.
K • «*M Mte pMttiea«( OalM
Br • «MMrtk»Bmajcie^*«lM(U* ttl-
vtkatnh dt»dmttam toUk
thrRiVnMMttT* «M««Ua« e« tU* dktriet la-
ak«M ttoaeatoMtoaMaU k
•MaMMatoansraSMalar Banawi'
w BMaitacteaeM Ma(ra«MMa«mlaattkan
a MlaklfM k aatlUad «e tka
MateaAla. Thk k Maral; a qaaaUea
a( laaaUV aad tarty aevtaqr, bat it k
•Mttkdta Doartdaratfcia aa afalaa* aa
a Mlaklraa eaadldata.
■aailar Barrawa haa,tara .
adaaaalaiT.alaad lorHlchlfaalaiar•rta Thkkealyaartoftbadatyafa
F f------------------ or a Saaaler. aa batb
Mad thaaaUn aaUaa
to waUw. botwbaa tba baal latarartaaftka atatacaa baaada^ tba
bM latanau a* tba Mhrta eoBatry
IknItkUtportaattobanla tka8ae•to kre Mae troB Mkblfaa wbe ara
Md arba toow. wbat Ua lataraala^
■iMllr kanoMa baa bad a qaarV
a la Ooacraaa
ledovbat baaaU
Ba bat art bats tba rapra•attoda.
MraatadlBotrtala paraalk. bat
wkate tMpU.
tba Hcaiu) dota aot
WaMtlhafbwMaaaa tba
•(tba atatawbe hart iMaaoat bddbWaadplMaadatbara^BaMa U>bar
If tba two dollar
Thay tboachl
tMUrata oMbar. t
la ba Made
taade lato lamber
thk tlMbtr eeoM
a. wltb cebaaptr Oaaa■bMply orar tka*.
__________r.aadbroaybtoaar WMiobl|W caa doUl& tart* rata aad fraat
'lentaaaaaaU tbaabamada to add to
tka (tadt fertaata alraady eradliad
BBMbarof Mkblcaa eltiaaai
aa tetaaata aa to owa tbk loralfa tla
Brary Maa bat aa
rlfbt wttbla faeaaat boaadi
wbakatd tartaaMla OiBadlaa UHbar
.trart atoaare. U lOMajhat aelflab. la
att«al^ >ba twodoUC- tarUf oa tba
taabarltey eeaU. wltba lower rata.
aawlMtara dhaaaly la Oasada aad
a tba
iraaMMy dUp Mreaa
laha M taka
thapUdaof ttetmaok Mh^lcaaUa. Battba
a of ai^ boU«a aad tka
MhMlteaaaadaof lahorara. who wm
dkMttyUMrtatadlBlkanlaaf tbalr
Makar, a tba aala of tboir labor, wr
flad that HkUoa'i waalan aaaato
Mo*d4rMf«ratarUrnta that Made
patabUMbat tor both tlaba^ aad
Mar. dad tbk k oaa rtaaea. aad a
•ayf«adrMBBa,«rhy tba paople
laiaaokfortba raUra of Mr. Bor.
w lha Dailad SMta Soaata.
'ibwok koeoeaiiaa aboat tbk.
twaatp-lnyaMka ba doat 'aaeb.
IkbadoMot OMCcat, to abapa tba
poUapMdtbaaoBra of.tba BopabUdM party U tba atak aad la tba aatka. Thtra ba aarar bata aay
drtar td hk doTOtka to bk party aad
hi prtaMplta. Ba ha baaa a taeoral
ad Itada. Ba wa oa tba
wltb HaBUky that aada tba HeKlaIdPtMICIaw. Be took tba planof
ioha ttdraaaoa Ua «aaaaa aoMwlttalatba Saata aad balpad trama
the Dkvkr tarts bOI, aad ba wa
' • that
pMad tba bUl that baaas a Uw.
Mr. Barrawa k Bel a -MlUNa
IIIII u i'.“ bat wa do aot baow thatJ
a. aad tba laat that attar
lNBpwrtaro( a aaaWry of pal
awykaUkeaa'U aald of bla k
pM^ alroaf preaftbat ba baa baaa as
vOkaadoB olhar baUMaM aad
Itbw illfii. Ckpt. Barrawa pteaad bk
lipaMp aad btarary. a^ U all tba
ttaM Maa ba baa baaa tba tried aad
WM Mead, la GoBCTOM aad aat. of hk
TkapaMttaa of Ua abOity aad at
SMmv of aarriaa e< Baaatir Barrowa
b hapo^ dkpata aad bk raeord la aad
aKtotOawtaaatoa baaa tbu of aa
'hoadMaad traa waa. a ataaaeh aad
H *
ZtkUUla wMdir. Uaa. that tba
pMplaadMIMcaaaUler Ua retarb
Mr. Barrowa u Ua pbea la Ua
PaWadBtataafia^UUatbobaa Ailed
wlU ae BBob aradit to blBMlf aad
Mr. aU Him Bary Aray ad MajAUd
Ihanday TraaarM
Lahfa. Bor
n. C.o<r..aeatatiadtbawetfcad tba
aay M. TUi
raakafBaaakaapoatwo aaadld
volaBMan. Tba sntartat Mi«A«n ad alMMi tka folloart^ ediianaowiiakkadiAat. E. J. trrlaa 0. «.
CC-Zoka Laraapar.
V. C-B. W. O
W. Bjtkar.0.1-A.iakd Ha)- Od>.
Prakta A>r. Blebard.
H. of W.^ A Vaa Pleat.
BaOar k aaawlalat *»rn— aad
X. o( A A A—Oay D. BMaty.
H. of F.-Jaha Prebart.
eltr. TIM teki ai worii ara Mmn
M. d A-J. T. Haaaab
-. AsMda. Oaeh. Oarkt
M of A-Oae. W. Pbalpa.
L 0.-D. A ThoBM.
B that tba papara
a O.-A A Tataaa.
Mania AM elaa ahapa
T^aataa, Uiat yaara-A A MeOoy.
aad aka aaraawa/ cd
•i)l ka aaaa^aMd auab aooaar tbaa ai
Al Ua aai •al maatlay of Oiaad
!(ad. Taatarday the
So. lea.AO.C. W.kat
Maaaaaalaad'n aad tba
^t. UafoUbWlayoOlearawara aUlM^ladW^ wUl ba axaaiaad ihk ■■
lac. Tba work afaaatartaf eat *1U
Phyakka-Dr. A A Oaraar.
Isportaat part al tba earemoBy. tba
raylac aS of tba aoldlan wiU ba laft
aatUtbalaat. Major Plekatt, tka pay-alatad to tba HcaaLti laat
P. M. ff. -A W. Boaad.
M. W.-A MaOeU.
Paoaaa-Jaaa Marebla.
Oraraaar-C D. Moaroa.
Baeordar-J M. byriy.
Ua Ant rOM* alarrtlaa of
■d Friday sMt. at Ua a«a - . lowAay. tb-n wara two tiabaa kthaAild.Cllkraaaad DaaoaraIba failowM k Ua
Thafaaanl of. Prad BrotbWtea of
Mapk City, wka dkd Taaaday
MMtha baaaaf Mr. Brcdha.
Bproaa Mraat, waa bald from Ua Aaeaitd'
M.A - _ .
Mr. aad Mn. A B. Wlataa
aoaraiay .Ua daaU ad Uair alybt 1
otd aoa Perry, . wbe dkd Tkaiday*
aoraiay of aakrraaaat od Ua Urar.
akaoraea WabataratrooU
Jearpb Valkb died Wadeaday of
•aatUaboaa>3f bkpa
ta ElawooA Ua waa Ulrtr^U yaara
ofaya aad waa alayla
Tba faaaral
waa baU Satarday morolay from
Mr aad Mn. Laoaard Balllday
Mayfield ara Boaralay Ua lorn of U
UrowyaatMld loe wbo died of ceayaaBaeairer-Jaka PartaU.
Ura ebliu laat wr«l> Wadaiaday.
Oaldr-Oao. Tarbpek.
rrUbtkabeyaetOoaipaayH woald ba
I. W.-Pred WatyaaA
Ill.m-Ttt. Tba a»ouat Ibal aaoh will
O. W.—Barry BoeaA
raealre, aaUa fram tba eaeara, wUI
Eul Froal iWaat.
Palmar of
Traaiaa. Urea yaaia—Dr. B. B
laafa (roa 1*0 to flM.
at ] o'clock Uaaday moralay a
OapUla trriaa k aatberiatd totrtaaof i;. of loflamaUoB of Ur bowaU.
far all tbeaa wbe dtalrato raaala la
Uaeeaiad Itatm a boabaad aad Urea
loa. altbar to aaolbaa Mtehlfan
cblldrea- Tbr fiBaral aerrlcaa
r^tnaalor to tbararalaran&y. Ckpbald from Ur boar Wcdarrday
laia trrtat k aa aray ettlMr of eoeoaal aaetlay of
aad It waa ba »be
yae'Ua«atlra Mieblyaa brifrraal Olaaaoo. wbo
laiday aad ottoan altcwd aa tollowa:
yado After Bastotioy la tba troopa
W. M.—D. B. McMalleB
of Mkblyaa at Chap Eaioe ba waa
day of typhoid frrrr.
W. 0.—K S. Sbapaid.
ordered to jola bk r-ylaieol. Ua ElarW. L.—E^- Vorbeaa.
J. U. UcUooyb will ablp acar load
aaU iBfaatry and waa aral to
pooltry to Saw York Krldar, Dae
W. 8.-Wii:iaB BraadayaBkeaader.Oaeeral Brooke, wl
from Trararaa City and will pay t
W. A B.—C a Lawk.
raaaioad aalil Baptoaber. whaa ha
blybal aarkrt priea fur Ua Ura po
W. Cb^lala—A. trkb.
try dallrerad to bim that day.
waa datallad to eaatar oat Ua MleblW. Traaaarar—L. Sooia.
W. daeraiary-P B. Browo.
A eonyb la aot ilka a ftrer
ThaOaraarofOoMcot bara to rua a canaio ooBrar.
W. Q K.-V. 3. Aoora.
It quickly aad rffactoally wiU
Ikday will Bark Uia eloaa of Ua
W. Poaoea-B. A. Ormy.
MlBOle Cosyb Cora. Ua baoi Tamrdy
aarrkaot (kapaay H la Ur Vailed
W. piorm L. wiybtmaa.
for aU ayaaod tor Ua Boat arrerr
Slataa army. U waa oaly a few abort
W. Oara A. C. B'lyktaaB.
Wr raoommrat U baeaoaa '
yood. 3. G. Jobnaoo.
ayo Uat Ua Uaaeah BiBaa
W. L. A. A—T. Lawta.
ware aaartlay erary lafloeaoa they'
Tba Aral part of Ua eraaiay
eoaU oeaaaod to yale admkaloa
roied to
Ua Katlooal Oaard of Mloklyaa. a
Ua myatortaofUe PlfU dayrea,
aaoyaiaa aaony tbaa did aot aflar wbleb tba t AeaQ for'Uo'eoBlay'
MOB to ba aaUad epoa tode year weir leaklled, A 0. Ladd aetlay '■
On laaaary :!tU aad Pabroary ?:i
aetira daty ta tba dafeaaa of Uair
laaklllay offiear. aalaled by Ura. 3. ^
>. apaekl trala exci - '--I BBdrr l
ooaatry. Bat when early la* Hay Ur
cayrmaat of Ua it
Dlekarmaa. Tba boar belay lata I
ibarawaa a
the aaaioa cloaad to ba eoaliBoad | laoekiloB '
Tooriau oantrmplaiwbe did aot eayarly
Ula Boraloywinter will do well Vi
y ajj^ip^
Ml aad wlU Uaa many olbar atardy
illyaUal rxparlri
« •a c
fOBBy aaa of Ua city aad
,.d OB ____ -. ...
At tba rayalar maatlay of Ua W. A , ^
ooaatry who aoaytai
C. bqld Moarky araalay. tba lollowlay ;.»ol
>IUrC A tv M or D . O B
all to tba aaUoa-a drfaaae. Tba arpertoflkarn ware alaetad 4>r t r enaoiBylW. B L. or by >l«p. Drllarea. tirarn;
aaea of Ooapaay M alaor they wart
rar Ayaai. Uraad Kapida.
arad tatoUa Vaitad PUtraaarrter
Maa told la detail aa blaiory
Senior Tka praaldaat—UarrUl OikBade, arar aiaea- Tba majority
ofUaTraretaa City aoldiata waat
.ala alee
rlea praldaBt-Cbarlotl
mu. ITib aad mtb. rature (pa
OabaaadVar^ Ua danyara el Spaa,
Bolldayrata to Mieblyaa aad lakb ballaU aad abella aad Ur borrora Wilt.
Idkam pclau. oaa aad a iblrd taic lor.
CbapUa-Llula Barrie.
of iroploal dlaaaaa. Soar bowarar.eply
I roaad
1 trip
Satlloy dart IX<
Seeretary—Maru Mona.
Mweamp Ufa laJkaaaylraalaaocI Vlrt^lb. MU. lltland Jam. li
ylek. bat Uaaa ramiu weta aot Itao
: inra ^aa. trd.
Coadaetor-Ckrrla Maaa.
brara baaaia Ury ware aot aadr tarI
Lanaiay. Uieta..KktaTaaol
Aaakkateoadaclor—Mary Jaa
•[half fare
Dec. rou. STth. re
yak tor SpaaUb bolleU aad di^ dlaOoard—Martoe Wriybt.
Tbaj eoablaad all tba barary
Mr- Coaloa'i Record.
Ba\l.J.M.IiyrlyOaareb ElaoUoaa.
: T A Co
I Ua Kuioa
At tbalr rcyelar maaUny Monday
Tba eaBiaBaaal baalBaa aaaUay of
M OouT^Uonal C B. loekty waa alyfat tba Poraataia alaetad offican aa
ta to Bla eompaay
bald at Ua raaldeaea of Mia Barania follows:
a D.-Cbaa. Ely.
-The Baay pollclra now maUrtay la
Oeart Phyaklua—B. A Oaraar.
ba MntaaJ Life an poyiay soeb yood
dirldaada Uat people an lakloy '
Marik. A. U. BoUlday aad C P. Raa
t’ka-Pioaideav-B. B. Swift.-
-A v.r
- '
Manhal-W. W. FairebUda.
A CorraottOB
ahkaratfaof Ua atalrway.
HayraoBWaa la plak reaH aad tba
dBakcraaByeryaeM layeUow Uiy-
X. li'
a aad graaa Mkya.
iMkaa aa akbetau braakfan
adS* Mr a BLMcTraB Hr. D Bm^
$7.95. $«.95. >9.95. $10.95. $11.95 for Jackets worth >9.00 to fl&OO.
C.iine at once—it'll jtay yon sure,
errr BonL. nw Lat«.
Tbr comic rt aod bapploaaa
•alt aad family
yonr ability
with all Ur
rd to perforin year
factory to .rooiaelf 1and yoor rmployrr | ^
ikmr who anploy oa. II wa are aot la M
prloM aoadlllon for Ur i^'k wr birr lU
to do. (Voctnra ara too axpraaira abd TT7
drun ara too uat-rrula.
Errry day'Ml
' call atourufUor aad WlU yrnU-' tU
iru blaaa Ur day Ury won le-'
to try YUar Orr raordira Hurr
tboiuaad paoelr la ibla cUy aail
ooacty bare been rraiorad to perfrci
bealtb by tbr am of V. o. d: V. aUI>
Ha»y morr ara drayyiay about aad will
' " a pmnalora yrarr oa ■• Ibr.c I
-BiirUra of Ur
a opportualty wlUla
VNr MBb kk
Has t^e BEST Flour made more NEW customers and kept j
more OLD ones than any winter wheat flour ma^ ?
l ord QXTALIXY explains it all.
QL’.-\LITV. first, last and always.
:lr Ayrat for linod Trarrrea Kayiua
: Don't Freeze
Your FeeL
Winter Shoes.
Udies flit Shoes. 50c,T5f, tf.00.
Chlldrei's Felt Ueel Shoes,
Warm Shoes
Utt will kwp tbro comfonablr aad a
fi »ra. Pelt Hlippa
of all klBda
rr aad people bare foand It owL
Tla-e FoisiAlax- Slxoe So-vxse of Tx?»-w©x»o Oity, Mdr-i>«
wi: WS.5...
We Have Just Doubled the
Size of Our Store^
I official looordapbow Uat Ua fiaal r
I OB tba adoption of the report of tba
I OoBBittae OB rqoaUzalloa war aaaalrtaor Deryea of Lony Lake, akiaa
tbk k not eorraet; ha waa one of Uoaa
wbe rotod ayalaat it.
! A latter wit reoairad afibaOraad
I Baplda poatoffica Tbawlay aaklay aa__ f.k A_____I
Itliin ii Prim.
• WliterWy^
This season’s manufacture, at prices that should be made next February (if even
then). But here are the figures;
fS.og. fiOS. |3.98, 54.3S. W.W. 15.98 for
Jackets tfi.rth
75 10 >9.00.
la Ue report of Ue prooardiayi
tbr ani^a! marllay of Ur Hoard
; Saperrtaor aa pabUabad Sot :tU. '
Have You
Seen Them?
If Not
Why Not?
Up-to-date Cloaks,
Prmldaat—Mra H. A Oaim.
Vka-Praakkat-Hn. W. TbortaA
Samatary—Mta. J. J. Ormy.
I.I-____________ I___ .....
Maaday -oraalBy aad elaetad oSeam
for Ua eaaalay alx aoAba. Attar Ua
baaiaaa maatlay a aoekl Maa
aaJoyed aad a proyram wtu arrtn
preapk parti waa ytraa.
Tba aaw oSkara ara aa tellowa;
Praakaat-Wayaa iJbWataia.
Vkd Praakaat-Cordk Zlaao
a alaetad for tba iMiilni
aad eoaraya abartolerlatk of Ua Onad
Color baarare-Btter Wataa. LobraiKUaadl
Trararaa aoldlw aad wbaa Uay aallatouy. Mary SbiUlay. Bama Corara '
Badaoad rapa to BooUara polota.
wlU Ua kaowladya that
HBAi. Ayael.
Del^ia u dapartmaat aacampment I
C. E. Mii KOAr
Uato waa aafferiay aad daayar la atora
!• 4 T. A. Ay
ibam of OoBAllarnale—Ollra Plaraa.
Tata la ■ Good Ccapaay
paay M bare aaSarad. aad Mrrrd UaIr
aoaatry waU. aad wbaa Uay aUK
Friday alybt Trararaa Ctl> Cbaplar.
hare alyaad Ua pay toll of Ueyer.
lord. OoOD.
It will ba WlU
No. IM. A A. M. aketad tbr tollowlay
Dxxii Sia —I bare Uk Aay raorirad
Uat Uay bar# doaa Uair daty aad eSoera tar Ue aaaaloy year
I Ua baada of ABlaiaal UaBayar.
" aball, a draft for two tbnow
U. W. Marebi
breoybt heaor aad yloiy to tba day
U. P.—A tv. Urelllek
. and dollarm.
t. it
in (oil oaymrbt r>l policy
o tba Oraad Trararaa rtyloB. Aad
Kloy-r. fl. Pratl.
,1 No. ISf.lOI.
,111. la
Iiaaed upoo tba life
It earn ba added UU ao ooBpaay la
Serlba—tv. A. Nawtoa.
~ Smadlay.
>. Amaaa P.
tba nirty-foarU Mkblyaa rolBBleen
CotB--P-P. CaBpball.
-mbar of Ue Thirty.flf
Camp Ura:
I raclmaDl
It aad wbo died
I Pa., of typhoid (arar
111 la. aa '
aad that ao raylaeat la all Ua
A A C.—Waltai
I eaedlayly prompt adjuai
qatta Ua aarrloa wlU a
M. srd V.-J. M. layrty.
I only a lltlia orer a w
tor bratary aad dkelpllaa
M. laAV.-Uae. A Ball.
Gi I»1
r year c
1 coBBOliay loo a
The Bpaelab war U aadad and Timrarat
H. tat V.-H. Joyal.
laaa and
paay. both for lu .
rlorka la Ua hoaor of barlay
Tmaarar A Oarkad.
ceartrou treauneall axtaadad me
.patka of Ua
.bated BO U
Saerakry-Cbaa. A Bala
Traly Yoon
ipi T b
**C*'a-:w. BobkHM.
V. a A-A. A Pox. ,
A A—Oao. W. Boob. /
P. A-J.B Oameroe.'
TraaiaBrar—C Pyboa
Tba A T. P. V. bald Uair alerUee
8. W.-Oao. Molr.
Jr. AW.-Obaa I'mlor.
rf oOkaraPriday. Tba tollowlay efli
A A-Baoa Tnmalaa.
rare alwlad tor Ua aart alx aoaU
. .. A
S A—lobe
Pr^aat-Hta Lucy
Orator-W. W. Kaaaady
Vta Praaldaat-C. A. Buybaa.
.Priadrieh.CA Ckrta.
Saerakry—Mia |BdlU Groaeoayb
and Umwya W. Clyda
Carl Braatban.
Oaaacnaaa-a M. SlalaaL Jaha
OU. Sr.. Joba Ckdbaa. P. C. «Mdaebaidl. P. Pataaaa aal Joba Beryaa
dlB. BUal MUla. Nka PayM. Oao.
la DnyUa. AUayaa eoaaty. Uaa Ua | tore Baaafactama The firm wtabra
Tblrlby. aad
dbiiybtar and widow of Bazaar Bar- I priest on dmlo. ebalra and oUar (atBiA Mlnoart Waddlap.
oo-Mr. Whllbala.
ban OorrlnyB-. who partormad Ua! tore U enable It to anbmlt bids oa
ThaSprlarAald. Mo.. Loader QaBOtask la aneh a anrrelona war of mor-1 krya eoauact adT«rlbad by Ua Max•ntad Dae. 1 ckaa Ua followtac aolay Ua obatiak. atopntia'a Naadla. | Ima yenraBeav Tba lnt«r 1a oeneb•aaatadUe waddM «< hka Bauk
from "Tha CI9 of Ua Plolamlaa- u j ad k Spaakb lam of elaborate
ir of Boa. aad
Oaatinl Park. New T-wh, le laW.
i aay
Miafre Li
alW aad wbo
baa May Maada la tbk city.
•‘TkaBarrtacaef Hka BaWa Babhalla^Mr. Dartd Baamlay riai«oeaandat Ua naldaaea of Ua brtde-a
paraak. Mr. aad Hra. L. W. Babbali
The Frtaoda Cbrtotka Eadaara aoaa BMt Walaat atraat at 7:M Uk ekty bold a layokr boalaaa aaaatlay
la Ua
. boat partera. where Ua aatBBaay waa
wlaMbkad by Bor. Aaa Laard. Urn
tnaa baab of palaw aad tarw, aad
whhaUiTiaathBBaaa U Ua hall-
Unpacked a Mammoth Stock of
Direct from Connecticut, New York,
Chicago, Detroit, comprising the largest
stock of presents ever put on sale in
Traverse City.
Come in and Look at Odf Lay-Out !
Three Dollars-Ortaakl-Lettk Bala.
Uehaot-Myrtk Slaatea.
Prayer HaaUay-BrtM h
Aaekl-Lart T. PaaBlMU
HaAo-LoUk Bala
Mia. Bartba WooA
kS/ioc'' 7t,jfni’/i
No more, no less— Style
of last is very new
You get them of—
> frank FRIEDRICH,
118 Froat Street
The Old RelUble ShoenuD.
Holley & Connable.
State Bank, rr
••a <u
OhM. P. Ml* kw j«l bMm •rpetei•d M «M>I «( IM LMO*e< A-Mri.
IM HttifM dM*lea •( tbt L. A W. a|we« %o eoM h*.M UcW*ur« tbtt wlmUr
wUk • »BBtar of MMm of {Boeh
laUnM !• wbMlBM. OBOf tk*B Wlar low* tor lk« bMMr protaciioa of,
prowtUoa of food rood*.
rOd* boord*. tetsAM * Bor* tororo
pMO>Voobker«l*tMr**.OBd ***erol
otbM of tBpertioeo
‘ Circulitlon this week 2,325
Omwf* Urdk* boQfbt «>d *blppml
«,«B boibaU of patolom Sotardby.
U r. ParinU Dblppad l**l w*ok
owterd* of polbtoo*. I« ottbam ooelatelBC 1000 bo**li *ub.
Door iwatpM to tM *mo«*tof KO-tt
moo looomd ot tbo !ieh*btrl UU«
a«b ootormiD—BtMtonUy ^bv
B**T7 P«»B7 Bnilam*Poo poopl* to Ute loeoltt; k*o« tb*
(toot of lb* poolkT b«*lB«** r*rrt*d
■ to «o*l«a *bl>Btat.
J. (L HoOoofh ihtBpod* eorlood froa Oroot
U»tVrt<Uy Md next Prtd*r bo orlll
■hip ooothof from Ibt wao poIblNcii
be thipped
tromthtoeltp. Pr*ok Pork* of CompoB7 M. 1* boplof poslVr.BrooBd U>*
Hta B.B.HUUkw)tplw« tayo
riUa’ ^ with friaadb at Onad
da-aDkladt ottrnH aad arM
C a OorbsM of Oaapaay M. a^ bM BAtslaAck. Plaaae wait tor bla.
an ekftiiv at BlehaAd. lad., reamd yntariay.
PriraiD PAreapf TbantnOly aad
taabar from tbabAOatrkil* looldac STAad aa* tbe ebeei
Thkktbelaatlambwbanato had Ida Bamw of MipIMn. wan married
MlefA vAUb.pkao. oefA. fnltar.
. aadftlla. ate., at a* half prln. at W
at tbk pant aad It k Aaedal far IsaW. KlaAU * Oo . N. R Haroaf. ba
ber ATflara to tiila la (oaakalA
fU PrAtetraet.
elty troa PrAkfort a aaSASt of the
Ute ia lha aaaaa.
inaaa af bar father C d. Edfoeoab
WUIBetaor* Proa Olty.
WlidarOrnee* aad wile ban ariHead
________ W. W. Elaball atore.
H. Saelaa of tba "Pair' wm raoAtly boa Otaad BapiM A atlead
PrAI atraat. aad Ajoy M* frapbo
of Hn. Unraa- aotbar.
la tba Northern PeaiaAla. where be
H.TA lib* It. bay It. ^4T.tw
baa eoBM property at Oyatal Patli. Joyat.
ThcroeSetbooaia Apper aialsf '
Oaotf* CbtWaa. who lab tb* elty
laa tlac SfO la aaanb of renwad
beallb. retanad laat renlaf from fUf
AAMd a daaaod which k fAttfFM- Baplda
bail NAllafnr arrlTad ynkrday
Bahaas Urf* store ia CryUal Palk
oa baa Arbor A be aaslared At
which be prop»a to oeeapy hlaalf
aad be U proparinf to All At hU stock
Ith the other aeabar* of OoapAy
at tb* -Fair” pApoAtory A aoriDf
Be will raaaia ban obUI after
I aorth.
Mr. Saelaa bw tb* bolldayt.
made aaay friead* la the city who sill
T Tharp Ad family wUl aoee tbk
--------------be sorry A bare bla aore away
rMk A Tarkrv Creek, anr Tampa.;
JMb Bpty arrlAdlBlbk port atkw
taabar from tbsTraedna 0«y Xmmb« On. aad tbaOral Wood DIM Oo-
' © A R
t^laraMUbfot HePaeraae
L. C B A
At tbelr aBaI aeetiof lut eraolac
the ladia' Cbtbolic Heaerolcol AaaoW**s pioa**r
Wm. A
Ayl**worth of Cbinro.
IrAidAt-Hr* Mary Barry
aopbow of tb. Uu Omrf* Ayltwortb.
Pint rlA pnaldeai-HA
* ploomr of LodaoB* oonoty. Ailed *t
tb. Qra*Li-offlM TborwUy. Mr Aylr*- Khaa*.
ud ric. preudeat—Mrv Marbad B*B7 leqolrim to make of
oU frtoadf* bmwaboou.
I* l>» b.
laoCBtaebo^ lor* abort time.oo S'orlh
MbdIvw Ulaod. wb.a U. lalaDd w*a *
mer. woodtaf polsl tor ateaiser*. aad
tb* taw famllia* lababitlBC tfa. l*l*Dd
tber. a* wood cbooper*
Trenunr-yMra. Tbenn Buella
AyUwortb aooo alter IBSV went to New
York City BBd anally located Id CbieaManbal-Mrv Louke Eeattrr.
fO. B. WB* in Traranr City Is liTfi
i. U. ImrfclM k BOW udaf * b*w
dolioocy dolfb wbleb b Bhwly loturod.
and BfalD in latt. and la anriwiaad aed
tnm tb* *bop of Vktoo Potortyt
fimUy plMaad witb tb. frowtb of lb.
gaellaanAI. P. CuIba. Ada Decor.
OM thOMBBd bB*b*l* of wb**t *Bd
aad tb.d.Trloporalof tb. wbol.
mler. H. D_^l. _ ________
SM bBBhBk of bBfkwboBt WOT* bcoafht
d Lay Oo. Boar mill d*lBoddaBDaaAotOmaa* PlAaar
Tbadatlaakof tb. Jonlor .Werktra
The MOAd .BBB !T be wAAred
of Otboa Bbwab batted tb* aoeWty orar la OsrraoB. aad dariap
•M:«ad Ibe proaMda^ Um lala
IM>» atraek It rich. Hr. Schraadar
limqy food* mad* by tb* ladtea w
wUl start early la Febrnary for Alaska,
folsf aa tar a* pASlUe ^ bAt. wbca
ha will porebaae a Unia of dof. and
B. tathaid bad o»a <rf bb
aoo alia A bk elaia at Dawaoa
ftafw* aa badly laewatad la a
wratCkBadall'a mill yaatardiy Uat City. Ba expreu A reaaln ooe aoBK
bo WM aampallad to ba*a tb* mambar loafer aad tbea rctore A MrUUsUoi
Or. MactU pwformad tba aad Mi^ the tnlu of bk hard toil.
I So
Pai, U. A- B-. held ImI olfht. the fol
OMOIrr iv Mr Md^fb «*d bo will
lowlaf oOeors were elected A >crTe
Uh»ob*rr«of th« eori^ Tbpo from
dBHBf tbe floalDj yATtblidt; to No* York nriday. Doc- |r..
CoBBADder-W M. Salih.
r-B. M 1
J. V. Coaaaoder—Leri Acker.
Sktordop Blfbl *i :uo o'doek y*lO. D.—F F Oroer
oelB Wloole. o» dly UTo**ror *«d pro•f. H.—U«o A. Stearaa
ala*alpote«ob*7«r. *od Hr*. E. HCbaplaln-CharlA Irtah.
1*. wwo qoleU7 nmirtld *t tbclr
Satv*A-M r. Horna.
0. O —W. H Booker
Tbo eoromoay w*» porfonoed by Mr.
CMefBlA A depanaeot eoAB|>.
D. Ooebll* Id lb« ^ooodoo of o«or r«U,eot-iOA. W- aarfrmrA. Leri Suole:
ef tb* mloeaod roople
alteraaAa F. K- Ucw. K. ChatterdA
bare bote of triowU Id tbo eoBBDblty
There will be a }olBt laslallatloa of
*U of whom will Mo IB •spr«^Bf
tbe pen aad W. K C olHtara os .lasaary sod.______________’
Wa. U. i
■fhtBBB BBrtoad* of polBt
waiter of Lah. Add, baa returned oo
Alppad Mkmoay o*« tb. M AN K.
a Tkit from the Kloadlke. for wbirb
tallfoad. rto* mer* aartfa<
piaea be left DArly tbm ye^ afo^
oddBd at tmk* Abb.
Ba Brat want to BU Mil. ereek. wbM^
Tic Fbat M.tbodkt Maday *ebool tb* BjataraaoB wa* paa*M) wlib poo^.oc■
will OBtebrat* Ckrkuaa* tbk ydar wUb
B.tumlBf to Beattie le lb* fall,
a ftot Fkrrk wbool. taataad of tb* ha wlatarad tbar*. (Urtlaf Mrly tbe
aaaoB for.tb* Vokoa. wbrreb*
.'Hr*. Sank Joyat. a reaidA't of Ak
refloo elaee tew. died .uddAly Tueaday BoralDC at Ae boae of ba soa
Herbert 0. Joyat. oa North Klawood
Areeue itnee.kl w*» i« year, of aye.
Herd at Oacaa where berbubaa a Sac farm
Hn. Joyei
reteraad only Hooday from aa eaAaded-TBli wlA raUtira la Oaoadaaad waefeeliaf well Hoadayelfbt
About flee o'clock Tuesday oioralof Ac
awoke snftrrlDf wlA a palo Id ber
■ud died Are* boors laAr. Braides a hnabaad Ae leam aern rblld•D A m)ore.
Tba ebildna an llrrbert O aad
Bin of AI<clly.Ade]ben. Cbarle. aod
BatUa, of Dmeua. Mra. Urarm of UrAd
Baplda aad Mia UalleAb. of Cbinfo
They bare all beau ooUSed Ad will
probably arrlre A time for tbe funeral
-wbirb will take place at Omens Thun-
Our BolMaj Stock
is Nov Complete
Mrnooald was boBtlof deer at tbe
time. J I’. Bailer, who nAraed (rua .
a bsatlcf trip in that locality tbk
week, wye that there k a BAk of at
l-aei I" wolrea Aal frrqueot tbe
wood* ID that Art of Ar enba'y
Aiasli make .irbt hideoo* w.th their
laearthly bowl.
Farmer McDonald
Aot au o.d hone, Inrlnf Ae carcaa
about a ball m-le from bk bouse. That
ulfbt Ac wolrea oonfrrfBled arAod
in every tlrlail, ami i» atmii-tiw!>
displayetl for v»ur inapivtiMii.
Alili.-ipal iiiu an umjouat dciiiaiicl
for Holiday
tliU year. v>l,,vc pot forth cverv effort to ee.
,-ure all the jfftod th'ioue llist the
fa<-lori,« and markele afforded,
and we have tf.il Iptfeth.T
A tBtU WTVttttt AtM.'ApVVflIR
\Vt cVtbpuA B& VbW Rb ^ I
Tto vebnai^ TbbVi.\^ \%\« ^ |
.•rytbiDtf t
ya. Faurr
Faii. t
cold k cured
’''‘It worth your
lu iueik.'-!.
Wr have nlsu
lOut barm lo*?fe autTer.r Ae l>^t.'titiie
bet- Uoyerlay cold* are dAyerona mhlttl
liny cobyb k dktrmlac
lA Couyu Cun qoickly cona it.
Wby suffer wbu auob u couyb cure k
wiAlB incb?
It k pl«aaaot A Ae
tasA. J. II. JohnaOB
A Candy
. mm
ssAXs^acUou. I
I Every Day and Tuesday and Saturday Evening
^Dt'Tt seWtiv^^on ^OT
rt'om ertUr. s\r«* 4
ICctte WtVtr W Q
ibuta svVfiTvdLvi. \ia.\vies.
VATtiTtis t)\ oWien a.V eomsp
TtTt'b arti'MLtbbts' aa m\\ as \aAYts.
GtW 4«va'rtmtu\s o^er qoo4 b&Tq&kut.
One Word More ssmmmn!
Oar Savings Department
Retnraofcbe Uoekeraa.
Wm. OfBat. traaBorar of OatBald
w wWr ^ U^^U.UA re.
Dead in me Wood*
MWBahlp. will b* at Kyaalfca'a pnerry
All faan for tbe Ally of tbe ateaarr
Joha Coope of MaAeyoD. waa fouad
. atoeaaMiy Batarday la Iboambar mod
aakbaa were happily ert at
nd le tbe woods anr Mayfield Ut*
oMty day darlaf tb* laat woak U Satarday aboat foar o'clock wbaa tba
fgcT«/rr rsKXctLLtP
aurday alybb Tbe body wa* Akca
DBMmbarbbdlbaAiBt waak ia Jaaa of tb* UlUe cAft wm sea
rood tba klaad. Prtoadi of Cbptaio ; A Mayfield Elaaday Ad SberlS dimpaoa
Baary and U* haaUn who eraat A and CoroBoe Moon were .uaa'iaed yea■.a
nmillIIIII Jaa. T. B*
rulay A b
tb* Nortkara Padlasala attardeer aooa
konu tVe Pnudeaui O. a. I
OaWwi. PTMk W.liw, 4ml Cwkii
laataed of tbe atqwoaeb of tb* ateaaer
Bbd whoa aba palled ap A the dock of
-- BasaabAUj Oo. a larfc'erowtf -DnA by aleobol poiaoBiay. ' 1
there A aael bar. Tbe party bad d was twenty fie* yean of ay
M deer aboard aad tber rrarc a jolly raa employed ala lumber csbi
The Boy* Baad art praparlBf tor tb*
AtAlad IM aad warn aot ia
Bapabaok Lake, -datnrdaj be was aupt
A tbk city oo so emad. Be purrbssfiMoU lha blMory of tb* etp
lajoy of
whkkey Ad m bk -epUoAto tab* plao* oa tb* owOafof
tba report that tba bAt had
ira waajoiaedwrcral alia troatbd
tlMiwbir sa. IW* will ba a
foas down with all haadt oa board,
.ap by aix frwadaTh* wren drAk Ae
MMk poiodl prorfOAto tb* laatlriUat. taw days afo.
whiAey A Ae wood. Ad all becAA
whk* will b* bald la tb* aty Opera
druak. All bet Corpe sueoaeded ia yelnAtapA tbslakA L
Uay back A\be raa^ while be remaAed
Ad. llkaaIddled.Tfroa Ae efleeu of
MM WwbOM JaobMB. who amkaa a
lafortueaA youoy
' i|i lit^ of dalaty aad artktleeblaa
eaa boldherowa las bAry aes: aad
MWtiac bM kBBod iBTliaUao* 1
but a brotber-laTb* party eoasUtad of J. K. Msnl- yoa. Tbe naaias of Ae de:
OBAwleart at bar bema, lu Elfbtb
BMat. OB TbBtadBy bM PrtdBy Btlar. aak. Oey Oa. Hr. Oos. Law Sladv broaytat A tbk city Mooday ercalny
at Pataadar.limy HItehell. Bleb aad uared for by CodarAkarCkrAr
bOIMB Bad OaBOlBf* of tbk WBBbaid aad Prad EaeriA. Will Saitb Ad
OasA of a PoAsa^
TW Oabema.
IobIbbbb oo
Hr Haaaey.
a ^eocar. oa of Ae earlieat pk>•ahadl aad
tba oebool
oltbe rayiup. pawed away Moobora*, ot whkh Mb* Marioe Piatt k
Paiwwetl BAqoai Ad RaeapUA
MMbar. am propartac to Bajoy ChrktTba alma of tbk waak will an the Mty at tbe adraaoed aye of eAety.
■M Bn Bzarekm tofatber.
Ptatt'a aobeol boaat* of * Bowkblof aad of OoapAy H aa a orfAlsad badbreucoataad A tbe boow
bodyotraeleSaa-atroopa Tk*
about two Booths, but pn.tou A Aal
I At oatnany will be coaplctad Uae bad bees remarkably Allru for
pr^bly by Ptiday aftamoA Ad bele *0 tar adrAcad la y«*n.
ba ThBAday oraalaf at ForAtor*'
tora 8aUr^ alfbt U< boy* wUI baee
Few aba still lie* la Mkblyaa who
MntbofbMwatfaBad ban Brraafml
b*A Aid oSaadaUowad A purtA
•a A clearly eooowAi w,A tbe early
a Bao pAfiam. Tb* aappar A
tbalr earkws yoAllooa
Illeef AesAAs* Mr. Bpeacer.
•oraadftoatloOo-elaeh aad A
la rlaw of tbk fact two of Tra
atyb BAt popalar aad AeryaUc ca. N. Y., June 1. IKW.aed wua twA
r ladia hare arraafed A fire tbe ty lAr year* old AlUAd lu tbe V. S
bora a fTAd acad-off baton U*
aray.coalay A HaIbsc Ulaod ia UU.
A'-HyalaryBoek’'wflIbarirM to- paay aball be brokae ap for all Uaa. Tbaru be naalski nearly aU A* Maw
■aorre* oraalaf at tb* how* of L. E.
. yABf ladk* an ibe Hkaaa Hia- tor tb* next IWAty yuaru. marry(Mbb* awaw of Elfbtb BBd Oak SI
aWbad Mary Biiwer. who ban da- lay la Uis Hk* Barriet BriUoa.of Cant* tba f!rk of cUm Na s. of tb* Fliat eoAd both tla* Ad eaarfy tor Ue ra- loo N. V. Six ubUdrA ww. b WB A
MalbodktMadayacbael. Tba yoaac
Uwa theru.all of wboa an Uill lirlay.
ad nalort of tba sieb *ef<
ladtea are maklaf all Uadr of plan*
alaa* thay ntaraad troa tbe Tbayan Mra E I. Sprayu*. Him Olln
awdafodd tuaak aatieipatmL
An frAt.
Speoaer Ad John C dpeaeee of
{M of tea uata wQl k*
Tba ladka an taklaf ib* nlln Mty. Jaar* Bpeeeer of CblAfB. SUaa
-Ak apn tbalr owa sbAldws aad Speoeo^ot St. lyaaa*. MIIAa bp.
tb* rnali wtU baa fnA a*At Ith ofCbloxado; Barrlelbpeacei-AikeB.Ae
OMtrBblTBr. fAvarly ia tbe laaadry
dnlfaM Ahan lie baaqaetts Fofaat yeBacastaeaberof Ae (sally
daparvaaat at tbe a«yIaA bae
•r*' hall batwm tbs bAra of ais aad
A Bib Ra^s aad ha* bees
dhMad Hr. Musa's abara la tba A
alfbt Satarday eenlaf. A-be tollowaf eaaaad aeeoral yaara
leaBatAmlaaadiy'bBd wUI ArryA
paWle recaptlA A tba boys ia ib«
la ISSl Mr. ?SpeAcr y—*—-*
Ms baalaaa. with Hr. Wwtoa. Mr.
p'arionaadball: Tb* Boy* aad Onera* of lapd wban Tnparac City
DsUea was faroad to ratira ffom tb*
Mt bAda bare acoepAd lari AUom A ■tanik aa wall aa cokslderable property
b«abMMaeaoaat«r ill baaltb. Both
farakh aaak at tb* ranptlA aad A A* aamwadlay rteka and at ~
■imliiii e( the AW Brm bf« a
Prefanw Uartaafhb orMaatra will
•Hid sea aad wlU -m doabt ■
AkrAia darlaf tba baaqnt
MeeMBBl It.
fcMt will bacselaaietiyiA tba aoidken
to the aadatawaeabm irf tbaletal
Obacto* Maa*4it*
cal AlAt who will AArtala. -Ad tb* boarbtaboaa ATtaeonaa^ wbor*
dtty Moaday a baad
Maeb bAT wblah ba kUled a tba AtlnazpaoM wlU b* bom by the
Dartw hk rasAMO* A Hash___
rtter. It k a mifalBelaat
^■dmaa. ] H blaab aad thaahia
tbe ©mad Tnnrsa nylew
b* bcM amral lapodAst looal otprlaaaoadlUoa. Tbeaatmalwa
etaa* aad Aly a laahy that Mead tba
fieaa aad be was always aetie* la
baatw troa a dwfwata Aeoaatar.
aoUay Ac Awnat of tb* reyka A ib*
Tbe aaUM wm UkA te tba WAt qaat bat U* nnpUA WlU eSerep- aarly yaara of ^eaaar Ufa
aMBMdt rraak BrASb A Ba
bm hoped far
Bk wUa sMU aaxEtna btaa attar
W HfVSd «H MBlM at m Ibb
MH b aMMfp at taHitad IHa.
All.-* or in hulk, at ill*-. pri.-.- yi.n
uaunlly iny for th.' tMnini"i, ittivturva
Yon i-an alforti to tfivclhri-hildren
nomt-tbintf U-tU-r thi-.
yiBT, a* the uiet i* no innr*-
arc gaaTatvUei \o
Tbe Preseots jod finl at
tbe Prices foc file.
ituiDriUk- rtuvk
^aUVwt &T\ii uaVuts—Tv)\ dtsCTvvttont ■
art vob&l \Bc art
Ao-jAer fresl duuuecry ha. brra
aAc. and that. loo. by a lAy lo Ai*
"I>IW«M fasAord lUrloi
of deeirable Clirietiiiae (i.K.b. that
;• I,.., I.—.------ ... _______________
Kllfanoad lU w.rreal
could act sleep 'sbe floeliy d.u^Tered
a wry'A rrcorrrr. by purv-Dsaiay of a*
a bottle of Dr K.ny . New U.Mxrrery
lor Coaeuaptioa. aO w*. w> morh nUeeed oa takiaf A*_flnl doee Aal the
slept all Blybt; aud wlA two bultlea
baabeaa abaoloAly cured. Her oaar
k Mr*. Lolbcr l.uu." Tbua write W
C. Uaaaick A Co. of Shelby, N C
Trial botUr* lu oU-at thadroy .Are* of
». B. Wait aod J <i Jobuaoo
I- io 1
•• iJ.Kk
Come .-arly u
ae the
mikt d.kirabfe tfoeJe
lirsL and
■- you wilt avoi.i 111- .-..iifuei-.u iu
u aeparahh-from the laet fi-w .Uv».
Silit} DtVHlt lOH U r«UU T>T In M
:-=-i: Tlie Saviiigs Bit ^E
Trojn School Books at 10
per cent off to
The stock most be closed
out by Christmas.
Handsome and E
Useful Ghristmas E
^ Thatcombioe ninitv and beauE
L tj is what we are providing
for tbe coming boltdajs, in onr
choice stock of toiiet acts, jewel boxes, glove aod handker E
chief boxes, trinket cases, collar and caff boxes, pocket- E
I 't,
Everything Goes
.at Cut Prices
Christmas Goodsat Half Price
I Only Choice and Desirable Garments
, ' ^^Only Trade Winning Prices.
PlAida. Mr- ■TII^ will Akatwocar,
FolloirinB our Oiual coatooi. a.
load* of DouAe* A CiariBBatl. ObA ,i„. Loli.lays at,prooch. wt- wihb t..
tbit way dose The TWplaailT «nuoUDi^» lhal
err brea mideon of Nnl for aboot
»eoly yean_________________
Robert Mclljoald of StrAfeille.Bcar
Sauli Ste Marie, killed a wolf that
Wus ijoaT oTvV^ \»Vtds enw
s\v\.\ grea.\CT saVos ^or \Vvo ba-Wte
books, parses • and other leather goods, cameras and kodaks
" Wexi-b’B XJz-uB S-txxre.
Kost people think that ‘*plumbinR is plombiag”—
that one plumbing-job is as good as another.
And ordinarily that is true.
But a GOOD job is something mcre^than a mix
ture of material and muscle.
Brains, honesty, skill, conscience—a good Job
cannot be made without these.
And now you will expect us to tell you that oar
work is of the kind referred to as good.
We won't.
p. isn't necessary.
Our work '-speaks tor itself*’.
The praises pt those for .;whom we have dons
plumbing work are better Ustimoniala—and tnore
likely to be beUeved'-than iuay we could grive onrselTOS.
We try to do more than merely please onr
The Hannah & Lay Merc, Co.
TftAYBaBK mtllATJi, SEOEUBES 8. 1888
r AMm soa t
lamlatoto of
ED attract maeb atteailD
Ue Ttotriss of
Mlatoler to Cilsa.
-^4. AlMfUkest 8(0^ be(888 fair
BssMl Bacadraa wsat to Utaad
Bspldi Irat wask.
, Mf^ONnrefBIC^titvat
W. A. Daway.wkebraabarvaol «ba
eompaolsa raw nlU at Aatito. ku
so**d bis tsmlly to Msoeeleaa.
H. H. Osway Isaras today to AaIm. when babas aposivioe la tba
>w ralll.
Dsraaa ralksraos. wbe baa bsaa
»Wl worUof arar BIk Bapidt. Is risUiar
bto s^sr. Mrs. AdsIbsrt Piseb.
Mn. J. D. Bloc asd Mrs.'Prrd Haw
Dios are rlslUac at Obeboypao.
Cbra Braot has norsd hto family
brre Irom Uraod Bspids and wUl work
lor Hr. Bscadon is bU milt.
oHr. Haradora U peular his mill la
Sae shsps tor the wlatar*s eat asd will
Stan sp cs sooa as we yet sldybley- It
Ml! be Ilytatsd by aiaeirieliy. - •
Mrv Cten Drtml e( Otwd E8^
«MthtgM8to(Mn. «. T. HaaoaWt
Mn. W. '
M. I>88l»** k8t U* hoot
Wllilifiil wUltscB ban
Min Laorm Apin baa fooe to Frasktot to work at the b'atliiaal hotel.
Him Tracy Kranae. who baa bewa Ul.
Tn«M ou/w rrid87.
IMWoItatook t«>l<l8d8 Oftaril- ■a reeorrrloy.
Hn Aril Oyd* hat yooe to Fr^kJ «knlt8JBkB88idilbls»a8k.
fon to rkit relatlm.
Mr. Itot ot Uraod ftapMs baa eiored
Peter Ikeb Is bcDdlsy a bare.
r. A Dowliac made 8 baslatH ti
m Each to eeteriaialBy ti
t8lh8 8MMr-
eel tbs Index floyrr of hu riyht
of ynterdsy. wtaHe eorayed si
ns CMas Bal4 br«urhlis b
eawyer la tbAompaoy'a sbleyle
MfbilarUtHtaBMOs. rrUtv.’
VtelBbT has reteraed Iroa
^ta^Bsasaas 8f Bapln riallad bare Upper
r IPealBsnls where be taes
the iblBkle
fire tooBlLa.
Ihs OharUtola W88 iB rastardaf:
lend the wlster term of BCbool here
ta bar IM
far (ha M8888.
leHooaly lojared
Chaa. BrowB <
rnak rtabtr ssd dsvhtv m8
lalziy between
, Tbarsday. r
•W* rbbar 88d vUe mula 8 t**i
sbiofle m^
I damp nru at the si
asas Ms to TkBrana Oltj loda;.
.Ue they were io moUoe.
ns L. 8. & sM Kortb HsaU.
iBod. tbe bob stHkiay him
Ika <lMd to tb« SMaoa iaat W...
^81 MA.
Bd. nbarand famli;
8(8 wsililail ban asaoOB 8S tbs wtsd other eon. breaViof use rib an
isr Isterwal Isjariea.
ato was Hist Mil sstsalL
.M. J. Mortoo reeeired a telefrom Alma. Sndday. that her
wb<> bai been Hi for some
MBTliaUnU dadtoaOlsB I«lts. sad time, r.
warn dylor.
Mn. Morlae lefi
• nOresd la lalhad sf Iran tb«
Hoeday morslBC wHi bepea of reach
iBf home iB time to see her mother beloee she pesaed array.
____ sane ptasaa that caaaot bs raaeb.
rd by lbs BslI Uae. It k aatraelood
that the Bwararly Co. aspect to eMDoet with tbs Nbrtbera Mleb.
Co. at
Tramree City la tSe Dear laura which
thUpIsesAnt elan Mn
' the oetsU
atside. Tbe eomE. D. Wklte. Ueo.
..... . .. Pstrbaaks
a aad A. R. Prey
They siarlsd la aboot a year ayo
two pboaee, aad a Uae Iron tha
to Mrs. White-a store.
S«7 MaaraU » 08 th( sM Itol.
ba. norad-l ‘
4. BalUraa ta bsDdiaf 8 8S« b
Mr. sM Xi8. Ooek bars nors
ttaboaslatsl;vBcatsd bsC-T
Tbe.'Loadaa Dally Chrowiele pnbIt to a sweet little
Ito^ tbe followlsy dtopsteh from
ly udd by aa old i
. ia bra way. to at laierrsUsy Sbasybai; "Tbe apiakm to yrowlay la
________jlfu. a ehsrseter as "Colose.
diplomatic elndn that a ftwelya millOartero(CtortenTllIb,"aaoUerereatioo
t Mr. BmiU't yraosfal pea.
Tbe December aamber of Brriew ot
Ecriewe yircs s "busy men a rreiew'
f tbe Importaaleffslrs
aotshell. Aoicteretai
trd article OB
Ttosol’t pa'8t‘0O
L fe of Cbrtol.
Albert Shew yirrs a sk>tchofC.j: W>.rllfe sod work, thst is very limrly.
s^ Ue lire* of
1 of Aotlrii,
sad Loatoe of Deaiuark
! also louce
AlUoayb oar anpply of soon to
limited a ^ly aambra of famsi
The Cbritlmae Scribner is
la town triU alaiyim.
n from lie deltybi'u coIo
1C last pays*
A ooee! at.
„.a J. E Wlacbramb of Mayfield
drore orer u towe Uto marnliiy. She iny feainre to a Irsio.aKoa of Wsyorr >
reporu tbe sick of Uelr eelyfaborboud Eiar of Ue Nibelaay. by Bdmooo wiin
aay oUer locality la Ueeutc. Tweire
are orer 70 yean old aad oUers amrly
three score and tea. Eer. W. A M. kcreoa. eyed Ss.crat a few days ayo diy
yloy peat holm for a tcoee. Ur. Bnlrii.
■yed Ul. walks ap to Iowa (fire nilesi
oeaasloaally sad does etaern scoai the
ptolee- Wm Uarriaoa. eyed 7i. still eol
tiratn hto fans
Thomas Wrehoop.
arrd 7«. still walks aboat Us riUaye
Ephriam Daakx. ayed i» palled
red ol a cron cot law on the 1st li
and cat dee cords of beech aad 1
elm wood
the next d
-bod her arm bmkra last somtnet aad
the boon oDlled aad made a yoed re
corcry. dbe to still bale and aetlre.
O-tay totheperaeaee of a Prr
IS the nayaciaa.
'ataUsatNasUv.aBrittoh warUlp'l
Eiiebea Mseaxisc bos beea erdrew! Ibras to pratrat Ue :
. ree^pnasd artlcln iaiomu ot Oriat Brilslx.:
iterests. ptsesis aa
attraetlea wlalra umbra that will be
Aa exsedltioa seal ia raareb at tbs 1
of lateral to all
The ■rowaat Aodres has fiaally rerabed 1
traatlspieeeleae. .
santok. natsra'dlbsria. atira bemy J
IfoUaoaie Christmas
irecked aad laUr kaboaad to 17 dsys i
1« Ue riror Lema.
Oa Dec fi. iske. Mr. aad Mn. fi B
Middletoa. rtsldiay oa UybUoiue
(■olal- happlU eeteruloed Ueir rcUlien aad a few friuds oa Us oecasloa
of the »U aaalremrr ol Ueir marrlaye. The weaUer was beanllfal aad
all Ulays leaded to make Ue gccaaloe
aa eapecUlly jnyfal (Ma 'Aboet sixty
yaeats were preeeal. who will aolsaoo
forysl Ue rood lime eejeyed by all
The bonalifol yet dalaty repail did
honor lo Ue slcill of Ue beaten aad
could but pleaae Ue palau of Ue most
skeptical. Uaay baadsome asd cosUy
yifiB were prsoealed at iokess of lore
ester IS Irria tbe Iriceds of........boo
Ue boo
...... ..........................—........................
oredcoople. who hare mlded ia Ur
eommueltysiaoe early ebUdhood Th.y
hare oae boa sad two daayblers who
all partielpsied ta Ue otlebraiioa
BoU Ur. aad Hn. Middletoa bare bad
tbe pleasnreof eelebraUay Ue yoldea
one day last
•reddlay of thUr psreata, Mr. aad Hn
Joshes & Middletoa asd Hr asd Mrs
Ole lATsoD did basil
Jobs P. Uowdll. all ol h'orUporV '
City last wMk.
Jatarabi of Trarerse City trmBi •rtob of Ueir masy fetoads to Uat U
aoslreraary isay 61isd them esj .yisionalB towD oae day lait
lay Uci
-----------bwl- - aad proeperity
nUe 7:
hitherto ospahlUai
Tae Cbrtotmsa (.amher
deliyhi n .1 only
s* sell.
Toe b.,\ >
lulrsteU paper 01
b>^ of Siberia
,ry. Is.-l
• adh
re lo tar *nr»clirc tsbie cj.
op." ,cinllaur lo
to ihe liioirn.e!.
her Co.mc.poii'
Conan Iljtlr.
Grant Allem s
more solid ar
: srlicic. Ip
elude sn account of
■l.ptaP raped,
• a by Sir .S.,rm.Q Lackyer
Kly lllo.
lla.lrs'rd fruu pl:..t<j(Tapb'
at that
Adrlocs from New Galsea ny
last Baadaf.
■ OflUi afTiararaa Oxr a
UMU ■>780 HaalfoU Is qalta alek
Hn!"tato eftbamras Oar la tbs
faaal ad Mil. Osem Sbaldea.
Baawr Ssallg bra base salta alek.
Hra 4. U eibbs araat to Tlaaarar
Bran WMdlaanb ol Oraad tosida
was haea Batardar aad Haada;.
Min Baa nartsll of Trataras CII7
sWndMto Marioa Oibbt raeaallr
Min raaala neasaon who Is a
ttaBMaMM^TiaaraaaOlir. soa
Jaa Mlraals baa nasfwad *8 Oslo.
Marry Oibksad TraastasOtr was la
Mira AMls Taylor waat to Oiaad
BafUs today to rMa-
Hr. OraaaMod aoathsra HUblfaa Is
ahdtliB bk sMar. Mrs. ten Kllpat.
Mra Brlfblrasa ad Brtdyatoa Is rUlv
^ bar da^tar. Mta Btaak TsylcrHMs Lala Wlasbeorab. bso Wlaeb.
rawkisd LraOibbsoC tbs Btoaraoa
88l0borbnnd wara bars last sraafe.
Dam MaaifoU aad fHiarraaa Bsjrs
basa lalafwad ban tbalr baatlBr trip
to^^BuM^aeaa^. when thsy aaeb
Ward bra basa raaslrsd troaiBcva.
ha* ad lbs saddsB daatb nd Joan Coop.
a*a warhsd ban tbs past sann
Daa^ Us stay ban ba asads na
Mto* who wara aboeksd to Uara
ns paopU ad MaydsU wara________
to baar el tbs drath ot Oaads Balllday.
tbs twe-yaar^ aea of Hr. aad Mm
Lsewd-BoUMay. arbo dlsd Had
day atisr as Uiaara of a law ho
Tbras days latra lbs Utaataoeot
a*dHia.BahT Oraydiod altars
yarlaitUBara. rararal sarrleas s ...
hsUlalhBabarab.Ees. Mr. naratoa
BoU wsralaldto rast Is
Ihs basaar yirca by tbe leadin’
society was s sueoess. the proee«di
belay aboot ibitty-foardoiian
^L-^CampIM^^re loBstUss Bay
Cbas. Bean aod family mored
Ttaeeras City last week.
H. B. Gill made a trip to Trsreree
City Basday.
Mn. Q. M. Dame, who has been eery
M Silrer.
Iowa, hae ill. Is mueb better.
,._.jdtbe Btelc o, M.r.. to.srket boild-.
Qeo. tv. BeeJaniiB of Lelasd wa
' e and oB Thomday of rtoltor la Uto place Baaday.
laal week .
E R.Oamphall rrtareed last Thi
and iBDcb
day from a bosieem trip lo Oraad B
O'.eAaderaon reeoally morad
to s mas
hto old farm, wbleb be told
from the non there part
to bto Bcw farm wbir 1 I
lieia Lirinystoa, who Dored with bl>
The K- 0- T M
ibe aoatbera pan
family last weak to ib<
for Ue cpsalay y< ■ laet Setarday
of the aute. where he
aew farm.
Dc. liawyet of mreras City seas
Utt H (today was yrasdma Crock orb
SOtb WrUiday aad oB the ersBlay ol Ue Porter Boase lereral days li
week doLsy deaul work. Be left 8
that day In honor of tbe oceasioa.
mbarofiorltMyDSsU ansomblod a arday.
Waller Orobbea of Lelasd made bi>
tbe rnldeBee of her 1
when abe makte her boi
her eojoy It lo e eery pleaa ta
A sapper was
- Imneesely
. ♦8}eyed“by
O. M.____________________________
preirot aad other rrfrer"--------- Trarem City Wedaeeday returals,
were aerred 1b abusdaaoe.
same day.
Crocker rceelrr-d oererml Bice
Tbe E L topic for Saaday ei
as tokvaa of eeloem aod It u qnli
Dec- IIU. to -Worklay wiu t
to say that sbe
abe eras scarly la happy
os Lske 74:l>-lk.
Utto ereDisy aa she was 8u yean before
The C E topic for Baaday ereaiay.
Hay ahe ecjty maBy more ba
Dec- IIU. to "The minor rirun aad
Ue j
chase the Aeiu^le and carry out Ue ^
plsa to make 11 s Jasiioy mrinoriai lo
Miss Willard au.l her work in temper- *'*
ance reform
Tne .wrelsrj of suie bss hern firen
s copy of s noil Y to Ue inbsbltaoL. ol
Ibc H.nams iolsuds by Ur Krit..n’yuT
ernment uyisy Uat all eoysyec! in
'■-r'ppiny rend, are yuiiiy .>( fe. >o.r
sao 00 connctioo are iiabr to pros!
.secretary Alyer ha* .cpeaici \ sapitsry Jensrimcol.wb.cli wil bceparste
Iruiu Ue medical dcpsrlmrol. and has
sppu oleo Chief Surywpo liretnlesf s»'
.Asiiary in.pecUf yeoers:
,«||| Ik to invesliysle Ur ssoitsry ...adiUoD of ibc army
ijo. •of isobs. ;;i lot. ol r»iiio,..
leeily. r.ieri.-.,.e .
..s-htai on l-ynter* aod d
Laas Trra 8aad» asbool MU bars s
Ortoraas trra ca ntlafra Bra, Doe.
I..1M to tall !■
toto — to toatota
step in and feel our
Men’s Suits
and Overcoats
at $5.00. Better than the or
dinary $7 60 krind.
Tne remain, erf Cilamhu. wiii be
i.lhoel on hi.rd s spsm.n -ir re.»e:
S-. Hsrsus Iweinher
and aceermpshr Uir.-e olber e«««'.*. Wi'i .larl
•‘P»'n- \t Msrl,ci.|ge the .tup.
IS.II be r aird and bonor • III be psul
School Report.
Reptrt of Bill street'aohool
D(mlb*dluy Il-c 7
Nil. e^dayr. iv*
I'.iIa. al-.et.daa
Al (Isktanrt. Cal Al-b.e D M.rbie.
Namesof oupilskselny hiybeiltalai
Ue eyed .»ter Ib is, of Uetote.UibIcy IB mooUIr e
yradelkiuie• 'lirskf. veooodyraile I'.id. li fl.aioe.
H.aine. (or
for some-iime a reaideui
Baundera. Ui-d yiade, Ubhie Drake I Fru,te»lr, wa. .Ir.e.ay .0 a !lyhi 1.liur.y
loortb yrade.
I'raak KslB
awsv. yoiny tbrouyb so opro yate lalo
SB urvBarJ
A low hsnyisc »bI>
struck Mrs. Msrl.ir 10 tbe brra»i.t br.)«eoltUer*' Rsuef Cnmisisaion Report Inp her (n.m.. Ue buyyy snJ ki.iiny
her s ion.l It «up;:y. ' S'sr •*Trareise Cil -. M.eb . ik-t. 1* -To Us Honorih e Board of Super year.
aye aaJ a ss.i'e of Auyu.ta
risonofOrasd rrarritar CO Hirb.
UX-<Ti.Rar.s:-We bey to subm i the
followiny report
Variog ttr oa-l
Tbe Enesiao barkeotiae Kericy hoe
ytar we bare been called
tlmra to relief and tbe
of sesisklos aod (or. ose of Ue sry
expeaded has been but S
Tbe V. P E C E hareebasyed
Uat 'has erer couie from the Her
.reetay for Ue "Oeeatrtck Bkala
asd Ur smcuoi
It to eelimaied Ibatibr.s
cdal from Pirday to Tbsnday.
ol Ihe carye to fil
She has
:* e. VlBloa ta bayiay potato
Mr. aad Mn. Glea Parks aad baby ot
pickaye. of bear .kine " , roeka<
Uto place mads s trip to Trsrsi
of aMorled for*. 1.;.- dry uaUkins. sod
Hr*. F. E White to 1b Dakota. 1
Bstordsy. retaralay Baaday.
lay her brother, dhewasacoompa
•,l.! salted seatokic. The .-s-y., rrp
Bee. W. A. Bockorea and B A. ____ ^
by her mother, ol Abb Arbor.
hell accomaanled Err. Ur. Wriybl as
. - •
-- retaeut. tbe result, of the yr«r‘. atcb
Alben DeVrIn has beeo appololod far aa Trarcrat City Wedseadsp.
r at tbto place, sed exprau
Tbe Imdln' Besefit society of Ue H
11 carry tts Ihrouyh ihe-year V.dij.-h 1 one of tbe yreatcai wal.ny compaDiea
toftbeoaise Jao. Iku E ebsreb will ytra a Ussr io Ue town
a»d bllU (or all mli'oeU -espebded 1 lofthe world
Tbe K a T M. tasre opeaed s series Mday asd Batorday, Dec. u. asd
Is Ue baodsof U'e .rereta'r All of ’
• pedroparUea, wb-eb will
Esr. Geo. P. Wriybl of Uto plaee left
ilr hall. It promton to Wedasadar tor Aaa Arbor to medical which to rw -clf.lte .ubmitled
Lam Bm-i.t. ebtirman bjid.er. Re '
ay CBd appreciate b? treatnesL Hto w
wife aocdmpaaiedfalm Itof Commiralo
ohasca asd tw-__________ Mich.
. Lodln Aid boelely of Uts plice
pltce of Trarsiee City arrlred Tbonday fora
J. A MoxTsi
bare raised sBoayfa to pnlot the lanlde
lilt of a few weeks wiU .Mrs. E F
of the cbitrcb. Work oa the nameI will
Tbe priatorydepartmest Is preparisy
be DO meeilBy held here sext Hcaiday.
Bofterioy bamanlty .bould be Wo
ChrtolSDas calertalemrat to bs
plisd WlU ererj moasi poaeible lor i
C A. Wsarer A Oo. of Cbhrnyo. hare
rslirf- It to with p'easare wr rahU,
paid eel orer U.UOO here for potatoes
the followiny: '-Thto i. lo certify U
la the past two sreeks.
They bars
e Coayroyatioaal ehoreb wlU eele- I was a tsrrihle scffsrsr (is»m Y.
raalod Ue storaye ballt by Qaia A Fox
brstc Cbritlmas la Ue^nal way wtU Jaaodic* to orer «.x morUs. an<
abd Biled Ue nme wlU pouioes.
prayraa appraprlatp for Ue occsalos treatsd by some of Ue brat phy.i
Jamn Bawfev weal iolo Chebo,... asd a Christmas tree.
10 oor city asd all to n.i ae.il
jDBiy tanaUay lor deer aooa after ue
Mr asd Mrs. 8am«e1 UMdletos eele- Bell, oar druyytot, rreomtoeoded K'ec-1 v
>w came >a aod retoraed last
. i week brated UsIrlwealyifilU weddlsy as- trie Bdters. aad afwr Ukisy t«u ton. ; ^
.« fired fire sbois
shots while
r ' '
yoee. kUtiny Birosary SaUrday,' Dae. Mrd, at Ueir ties 1 was ealirsly cared
I nos tsk'-s
tbrar deer aad oas 1 abblt. aad woead home, which prored lo be a rery eelty
yrest pieassre ib Twromiseadiny them]'
lay Ue loertk deer.
- le oocaalM.
Many a^el asd rsla- to say peraoa safreriay from U<» u-rri { f
'tost SaadayJaiDee Bo.rd
bis iBsladr
I sm yeatefsIFr rours. I s
rr, Hn. Bewit,
were to.
H. A. Uormrtr. Idealayt-m. Kr " Sold i f
d by
Farmers tssUiaia.
W.itandJ .l,J„bBm.o.drBy.|^
Tbe horse bseame frlyhteaed
neaaaasJBute Farmers'IssUtste
raa ai
IT Uto eoaoty wUl held somatlmc dar
UrowB ont. bat for
Bncklaob Aroiea AalTc.
ly the latter part ol Jasaary.
lajured- The part was. hadlj
Itensliny fcaura of tba IraUiate will
Ttn Bb*t SAAva ib Ue srorld (or
bet tbe horae cacaped lojory.
r reports of seetral farm experioteeu Mu. Braises. Bona.' Olorra. BaIi
lat bare bees eoDdselad darlay tbe EbOBBa. Psrer Sorro. Tetwr. CbAppsd
past sraaoe aad aa osblblt ot sampin Bawls. Cbllblals*. Coras, and ail Bkin
of Ue pnidacla. Proriiloc will also be
kma-asd poaiUrelr core. PVea.
lade for a yeasesl
isesl exhibit
exbil of farm
parrsqalrad. It to ywaranieied
has been eelUed Tbe boys
oeaebold pradeetsaad ai
opaeial tsytrr cerfact aatisfartioa or moaey
ds smell smoaatof moaey
rrmlams will be awarded.
nfudad. PrlaeUccBupcrbax. For
taroed orer to Ue
Theae membenral Ue 1
tala by 4. e. 4ohssos and B I Wait
ramed ytlss' attorneys, tb^ ssuliay bare not already
BbIIfiIb No «. yirl
Bordeck Blood BUWfs yirs* a maa a I
Hr. OlessoB. tbe yeatlcmin who has
bcea raBelnyUeereamerrai tbto place
clear Bsad, as setlre brain, a str
to Ue past two yeatv diM yesiarday -----------------------, _ Iron Ue aecrsSary at riyocou. body—makes him fit (or
battle oT life.
Be hat been the Eeytoter's oSee. Trmrerse City
. to pouads C B^r.......................
slektoaboel Uree weeks wlU ly.
A membenblp roll book has I
r Nic« Pteato Baas, prr peaad...........................
' - feree. Be bad practteally yot teat to erety riec prrsidmt ia
asd maoyothoncqsalJyracaad tkatyoa will flsd ^yirioy a
be fcrer.bat ataboatloaro'eloeh eoeaiy. It to hoped Usi ersry ■ _
moralay there was a chaaye foi her reported leal rear erill reeew hto
>nt aad be eeee pasaed aeray.
Bberahip to the praasal
>1 year asd
> DOI beea here bat a
Brerr family aboald here i'l bn
ran may be added to
Remember tba pltcr. asd Uat we wUJ help yes bay yoar Christmas
darlay bto Stay be baa tha roll. Tbe asat
>«al awmbetaUp tec
Isa Tea a wife
ealy tweaiy-fire
t^a^ts)^d*^Dr*wtMb ‘svwty J peateaubysariayyoamomsy.
(p cbtldreei a
Plea Byrsp.
Katarss remedy to
Id aad Urea ai
Ills the psrposs of .Ue IratlUla
are llrlay at bon*. They bare
Mfeltiympatbyof all la Uli
MsMd hi:;
Did you get some of that
heavy fleeced '
Men’s Underwear
at only 46 Cents?
S. Benda & Co.
I™,?.!!-'“• ‘'-o"
...» „
124 Front St. Inverse City.
124 From St. ImptsE Cil|.
T. J. Hosts Old Store,
ia the A. V. Friedrich Block.
A Christmas | NOTICE! NOTICE!
s.uSfi';.*;';''.Tbs liMln' AM of Los« Uks wui
■araoa Hstoosday Daa. tl.'at Hn. J.
K. •leran to to raaka asUts aad do
rawttoofaaykladtbat aay bs 000SMIT. AU an aararaUr rr<ionta<l
as bsyiMBt that aaa possibly atuad
120 Front Street.;
i.ruld and i,.rrivoB. .tier
ribJiiac r. .I. f ratiiia* lO Msntso
he... y.-netoo <-*rdeBa* a).-,
• sere thee wi 11 eoiili oue Ue
membered br hi. relst.ee.1 ssd friend..
... .
J. W. Slater, House Furnisher,
Wemta s temple troslera Chicago
bare decided to tom "ttiUardUcffi. C
ll sppeato to Ur hou.ek. .-fer .a
ofoewasd sttrmctirc d-.iir. t
cholent dlnarr of iLe y.
rsByeimeou for II
who drar e
schoolmsie. ana Ves.-li
loeedoar liiile CIsu-l.. bul»
bsbe to wltb Ue bsppr ssyci.
■ ill oerer kn.>« u
«s* buried io Ue r-netery s<
ley, where be lay I .ide hto ye. lolau
help but Dkase v..-d if jou can be pleased in this Suie. C->m • in and go through i
our store. It will juy you well, oven if you do nn intend lo
con UeqofsUoa of tbe kiayabip.
oambrrofcoscilUu.fy speecbe. were
deiirere.l. bol a > nodldsie was aamco
Borauy dectoioo arrlred at.
tbe Torki.h arm} ii
Tbe reiiiilD. "f l>
We bare ChristmAs presents for
everr nnw. yonnp and old. We have four large fioors
packed fa;i of furnilare of all kinds.
Dishe*. Glassware. Silverware. 'LaInpv^ Onyx Tables. Pictures.
KaseU. Scrc-cof. Music Cabinets. Foot Rests.
fact, vou cjd find an\ thine vou want for a Christmas
prestent. and they are .-i!l marked at prices that canH
New. from Bamoa sutes that Ue oa
tires held a mTeUay oa O-cl. it to dto.
Mr. BaisMadWrated
was la
... ms breaffat baaae .
a WaitMn-s 88M>
estire tribes llrlay oa Maearirer. late- |
ly raided Ue Mssial riUaees In Coliloy. 1
wood Bsy asd maiaacred u coast peo-.!
pie Tbeie are 00 police to deal inU
Theodore flowTHi.
a iodphtrd for
Adel.-c from ,Ve«-South Ws;e. ssy
Ue nrrice be nnderrd
(be sicsmcr Cuiyun fas. i-siirl from syant Seereiarr of Ue N'.rr. .how.
Ue Drceoibcr nemorr of. U' ' Va'lh .iney m .ih a caryjof pron.ioo. for Ad
mirsl l■-•«-r•. ftte-i St .Usai.a Tne earuf Ue Nary ran be yre.lly oehsuced
>d paper OB A -tsodef Ur
Urcst. lo Ue Dta:ecaher C.-ciurv, Vr.>
Whee.rr wil! .h-.wXwiihcu*
I Headquarters for.
Santa Clads...
........... .. StoV
^ryTtopbsaeOa.. at
-..tai.tataita.’.r.iir*^ —
k lews
' '%<i' ■ L .
bsoi^ by a UOUaHrOEir PlBlf. I
LOSS Youa A»o oaa oais.
«ia b
We intend to make this the
Banner Sale of the Seasen.;
Aod wish b> iBski
expected I
OOP offer.
ifAirfiir tlic>t8Me of s
I hdip lubs! biai Fn ilti U cm PDOna
Enterprise Grocery,
Demsb OiataaaL
No. taoira tbraf )
Is the benrt of the s-mtaon, wt|.-D
-ta. r- *■ u, hrdEfai,
w,- oavr 8 Jileil to our slr-sl)' Burn r.u. BA.R1AIN4 a
»loc-li of sIth'isI new in-r.-hs'lto-. .I'l
"f l>rf fronds,
Shoe*. Qents' FurnUhi't^ au.l * 'l.i'h
el--., etc , pU-.--<l 10 i/llf
1 which mu-I Ik lamed
■ntn' ■■rah QUICKLY, n.tkiut; SOBCeBSDY
Asvsa xvwa sam w uua ty&iri.
Tri-s- b-.jd» will
p^U.-.d on sale imniediauly it 68c 00 tlio dollar.
Tbis i<
BOKA FICB OFPE M aad .M-nitfjt in Ih-- li-ia.-t of the sen
as it dora. makes it a double oppjrtumtt
aao TrogA Stmt.
W. J. SOBINSON, Propr.
The New York Stor?,
aiO-Oor 6Ui 8od Dbmc Bts.
Oppowits C. A. Vf. H.
Hsrald’tiHKTioMi GmKsniuEi|ce
/mat md ft
i Gnarflsman’s TTObwc.
The 01«M» boj« wallma eat to
Ibt* w—k DM d«r*ad teldl Ueu
of the pMtvM
ooly hr*« tB hill 0*^1
•M. Ixt eon5 ffat'
Wm ar^urrd tn cmny
Tbnrr waa a
,rl« mv« Vwl Inrttli
of retrol hfo ,B>iI oBlj prrv*»li
moth* Bw fta«n r*IBlB«!he»9*»».
*r ot KrM I n rt Guflar who hH broa »
. bot kot
♦faBBB ty
part fa* wrelit baa ret.
. to tSbo IVtlo Hl;o Olid lb- Fb.ilJK
Horn multlfi* fr'Oi in» *»r rompol
(b* pruinpl dd'ipilon of a ^ritti» pel»i»- ly ii.r ;-n l^a fl.i-.- Tbir-
b-ooa-d Berg ii •rprhUc »r» Frrd
P.IB arraUB. •
U KliuUraed Wb liehn'li are cj^
tlnr loir>aad eurdvooil fur I
, tVeHe-Btloe* i , But* by ouf-r » 1
:ddk- ood public
; .bo* f-allTa' to
Ue «
,oi Cbr»tma» c»r.
io^"i,c,mra»oi| l.’iBb-TiB* will b* caiTiod on <j>iito
IMIBOhlp nc
«b« Vrlt»d
iLc ABi-r- «*t« »'T« y b«f» ik-o «ioi»r
-r tb*
bon fUr
fU*. aftb
attk ikr
ikf n-wlr arqnlrod
ocqiilrod »l1*1- | rtarkrr
tUrkor l.ombc
l.omber Co , of Blnghom^arppoio fuiBitt.cd ID lU c..)on;»0 i rmpleyino o «
&( .aa ann-ial --om of aMni U<uo«ii« i ^ioo
Ha,-------floilr t
a* wnk ifodr ooiro a f >b' bvoo ruv- |
T^<' Cmi.C b'ao-* nrlll IMI {
Dn>r.adi» tn <V. U»» It if rmr doij- lo
*urrW| 1111 !• ofHo'O'lall; f.HilllM ued ’f Jvitn'niLl (urinil Tor Ib-lr a-f.MO*7n.o«Kl-.n.
aapoi* »Bd
ironIt oili b*
B. P Pray wretlo Rm Raplf-rtoday
(WiiCfdM .h.i th» prfn.on- *|tuo*l..::oa;la
for bciflti nr. *.1>l.-ti ol.ot; I- pr..mtd.
(rm. Karl.y klllral a tarfr drrr lari
Tbt'iari «hi.-h Atn-i-oMi •nnmt'ont
motif ob4 Ib-lr ...n'oB j-rf .rm.d IB
tM «or f1Ui finin .l«ii..tflralM thM
tl|>o 0-iv‘o*. furiibhit-o l-'th |•lrkfItal1d
lboof-»nd in» f d-rrOf-. i* o not o-al
n«rio>«y ord .Vnuld b- rniouroo'd Iti
luilniol oov.
rit-il.f nod
tt-«h <4f fur Ihf 4i''»'n|>l’fbn.t'..l c>( tnlf
purpB*o ate d:>rn >id IB Ihr mi-orl of
the arorwM-, ■•! Ihr froo-gty t- «bl.-h
..aeitvTy «nd n' ihr imi<r;
tartltii-o KodiRo to lb
(b- m'lliarr o.cti<
I .rf <‘ul« a-iil thf
lal ij.InTc.iiir..* l.-taonti thb
A tt-r r.ili*.! Wt.’-O wh'. h «•,
bar* »T*rr rBaoor lo »«i—l
Tb- *ooItary broldnua r*i n- 1M r Ub our pru
r*lall<«> ellh th- I>!all4 ..f rul.i and
tbo areuMi on (if P r*o fl!-'" ar* no Iob
hinjr'rfanl thao'tlv*- r*'a'lrrl"flnar
. pitBBirr- rnd admT’f'ruit.n li if
aamr.l d*»ln- 'hni th-r irii' lnp* may
b*««ii'rl»-*i lij- iwh'l-'-ri .III rtf. and
tbi fT-r.th nc *iiy fcr d'nn tiM.-ii Ihr
■ T*c»St idvnf-*« lo •anitaty aolf«n olfnr fie tb- pnAln-tl-ai of Ihr
h of our otidlrr* In tbi-r- if'.andr
Mn4u'aTnltrroaiT of thn fcMindlni
j^tbr nty of Waahlnciuti f..r thr ler-
THB TOILET SETS at.- tb.. Ui.-ri ibinc mu.
fibipi'a arr .aid and U»r pattern vrrv pr. itv
U v.«u bar* iKinr.
.Vtiur^a-ipAiiu In U..I .atti.plp. Tw-lf pi- — ill I. i«-l,onty f‘ -'dl
the osc of d remedy thdt
will build up the system,
thereby endbling the verious *
OTgdns to set ds Ndturc intended they should.
Buth d- remedy is found in
Jdm U-'tl Kal-bioWr b f|0ltr rick but
l> I'B Ibr ralD at p aarnt.
A. ThaUrr wnoi tn Bik Kap di -lut
wrnk 111 attrod hl» mother'* foorral ,,
A K. Paifiankih.
ti Inrea nue hnlfrr I
DrII Folrboi k> rmurrird f
•rol I-olir loft HamniaT orlior
broD hsylnr pntaloro
A S Hroy olartod for tb
Peslarslo tollb potato cam.
nlnra-.it A S. I*ray
ilnphi.oa*; thr p-k>
aro krl.
U,r. IKry It .yd cm BOtood h
a-in-r irmn'-f
1 -f .eb'*'l
.eb'«'l lb- MU
f.tU *h«
»h« «
board triUi B. T. Kray'* Uumy
DT.Wiliia.nns’ Pink Pills For Pale People |
(Tb* pr*» .'rfil Iiiyn tn >
(al oarvir*-' fo i"B»ii i>n r
poTtn Woo and thn ?
In Itir lart andnnl n II.-ir- I r-nom.
■«< CtAl in »foa> ! lUth f »r Ih- nr'
. tBi'«-,loii fill Ih. pofnrnt of a leinni'r
tawr of mablnc *tr**iTwti>. Intr*i.iui.
tb*» »1th t.'.‘-r*rj* t.. Ill- n.'i— and
It Ion of v.row -f-v*r. Ttii. mai
'!t'if »i .*•"
ru-d,o, .
Our Greeit and Oolii Dishes
or a Toil*! S«'l for^ii ('briaUnaa u'ift
atid look at tbr
l‘ti*ht«. Tbfv art-v.-rt liti.-. atvl tb>- table vuuld look bandauiur
laiil with Ibiffn for < 'hrMlqiar Hinpir•
Them- nrr
llX) pirt-ra in
ibr ici.
Wf kn.i»
tlir price ttill ruii vnu
Mm H. Ibey apml Thtnh^'rl^ •
o»ir»or.im>'> Rr..«th i
yftr« li th Th r> «--n-!-f
ir-rnmo-T-f <iO|h» jH-.ii.fh-*
d-pirtriofii h'Vf nvjtt'i.i-1
lo rlif '0.1 Mil «*r» th > bo. doiiM.il
Our |.o.ih: h-i.iiir-H a.....
. iBtb* oi-tif r"|pl'-'-> I'^n our |H<iBi,'ollon
It f<a» Inr.'ltvf
iiond'tiifo n' llfd.dm«B ■ v.-iir, rjdt-l. rr V ?vi j-.MIfl,*.
and otro lo I'ofii rmtH yoo
Tbt- rrIBorboli'r *»! rfi n of o o-rv.— •hl.-b
. lo an aor unif Iif4-a «' tb.- Jnihlir rundllkcflo piffriM .cr.it'fyina rolitrn.r of
tba adiOTvO'^1 ..f
Tii»t'*fv aarfiit arc rcdciTcd d
ploaaoiv. Ii troald luakr yoar vifr, muthor, ur Botber-inTrrj- happy if ynu *<>oW intv bcT a aet uf
It h« been said of Am«Ticdna that they artV nation
of dyopeptfc** and it true
that few are entirely free from
diiordera of the dia^%tive
tract. Indigestion,Oyspep^ia.jS
btomach and Bowel trouble,
Catarrh of the Stomach, or
Constipation. The treat
ment of these diseases
with Cathartic medicines
too often aggravates
the trouble.
.Travomc Otr.
' Jiiba BnrfrlBd Bhdr atrip t
emratj ibla wrak aad pen
. aaw Portlaad esitar. -
’ jSi.«r4n»n"'.‘S5
•uk>Btt to th* r»rHul bupoUi h of Ittt
eefMP’'-"-------------MKiTtHK rour* ApTncAne.
iQirlw, a«al.
\ SNcoft^vW
Rita llant-'n nf Sm'h Mlll.ia
thrrvai of Mm • P H-tl'anb-.-k
B J tin Irnbrcb cIruTc b. Kii*w„'t
M ii.9*y. ID ararib uf work lurtbr a .
; ^ A Stable Blanket for 75c and up.
A large line of Wool Square Blankete.
Pluab. Wool and Fur Robe*. aU pricea.
Gloves and Kilteos in all Grades and Pri(«s.
• Trunka. Bntcbela and Telescopes to suit all taatea at
prices that iusure ready sales
; f I Ki,. -1i..amj 11 'iiiihir .1,1.. .............. .. tb,-*.
bneh fret
T-'timdajr. Prhraaiy k, lesS,
pT.cV.^SO tentVpiT boi
in Blukets, Robes, Clofes lod MltteDS.
TKt genuine &re n evcT
loose bT, tK« doten but elnhyv
l^n pockh.ce«i like ihi*,oeirtfl
printed .* Ttd
Far sale by
I Winter Needs
11-•:.«.» III. li n -.
.jo-ala. all ti.-n aele*.
-tf. .. li nl ]■.*• ►! )rHM.iiik- pri.-.n,
Traverse City, MlohlgdB.
; * IM Traet Stmt.
Mr anrl Mm U-»t*r Hobb*i| ri-.it.
Mr and Hm 1. 11 Brae* uf By-poi
K-rlralaarricrwill br hrl4 at It
;i.urrh.r-fy sichl Ihl* «rr*k ricn
Ii t NalDidky.
M.rricd, at th* Callio'lc cbnrrh 1
Rlk Rapid, on Monrtar, N.n ?». Frau
IcUicmned Ml« Anea hiaffird bui
f thi* place
ClmioB ntiffjH rrlitrop.t from U
UDtloy riprdlilnB near th- J.-rd.
.i.rroo Tbnraday
llr tuci-*rdrd
klll-By a Bar (aa u irbicu tir bruuyl
homr ailU blla.
Dor fionday *chnol I* nrepina* f.
a l im taia* ti.* tu iw bri.i on Cb-iB*> Ktc at t-ir ehiirrh
Wr ripna lko
bar* a food timr.
Bfciyb-nly aill br
enrdU It orl.'oBrd.
liraodBa K»‘a*r. on* of Ihr aar'y (
draUof Nor.b Uliioti Bird-at II
bofsrirlhrr *nu ABirl na Tu-adar,
. at ora ber I.aKci
''.bConsullalion and [lamination Free and Stiicii) Confidential.
URORATkOKUKH-aiaTt ur iticai.iaa.
l.*U U. b-d and
prrparrr a can-f..
Hut rariT
Barly R'**i. iha p
l.-nv-t aud b-tirr
;.j~bp.. imerican Medical and Snrgjal Insliinte of MnsieRon, Hicli.
I aBH il. tu.'
at i^...i,r*
Uoteel 'W'ls.itixa.gj, Tr-a-vosTBO Ci^ar,
Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 17 and 18, 1898
OIBcr Boiir* (root B a m to 4 p at
if-n^ -. I
' ad* *t m... wat
Rcluru limit J.
for particular..
|k* t’allfd Hlatao by auilmriiy ot an
. act of concrTHB atiii.o.f-d Jaly It. IIH
In Way. IVe. thi.i ferrtuinr anil ynarrin
emcna Wf
mm*d to (Kir
KovoBbrr. liM. lU eail.mal Mu.mboto tor Ih* rm llirr and
____ -ailualtf nontrol of Ih
dmtli-t and .liy. • '
uotn' air ibrilr 11^ ^ 5l*
*- Vaarhh btra murard
_ ._._.r btoMy and ii'vininM-m of
. Ibt eafftal and of ibo nr- infiroBi-nU
of u.1raco>aDII rduiatim nbuli Urr
liebmald haa rrloratd
Had ibffr eatatai bom*. A mavmti'ni fira b*i 11
at Trar*i*r
baa lately Imcu inaurttrai-dM ihr
AdkBiMiuir and ftitilir mOrad I
nilMU Id bavo Ihr anuy.-maM or*.n-b fruB the Hrriarr laiB la*t Monbrated wllh mtlni r. r. in.iiil-* •• • I
rKWmrea lu iB- onRiifr tlitiSf of an awihipHan,.i. for ihl
J, It Crm-wr
lain*** trip
poMfnd tif iin‘'.«-i'. iii 'I a «•
(ill* -rrk 1. Hiy
•nd liapiU
Irr ftoai llr r.a»-ni.» I nJirf
moral sa-f Hu-krp-in.
Tbr iimfiniial of the our foi a rmoral
, redaction of lh« ton mmtaiy raiBlic
Hr. ai d Hm John Wanln bar* pas*
y upon lu lAIrdunl*. arl.i** Uiry rkprcl
. .IMnlaitr that nrliih »d faultily
usie lerlr boB*
Tb* hnntemberr allrilniaad.
an aitWiLIOtliallor to bn r*iei
E;. \\ jaaiiop'* p. IT l.rimpDt I..1B0 ten
•n thr reffoevnor niiUh » U <
dr«r. Thry brcoffhi h< a* *lr>rB
.euBM thr ttnaiif of aieotr|ilUhlna
\V* barrao**' family ii. town.
Brr Mo-** haa ■> 1 op booarkr.p'ne (ur
fatBMlf errr U. K. Wy akoi^'* aUira.
of thii loitrammi tilth (hr piiiii.i
taroliod 10 hla -natird vnirH.rai a
Gan MclK'Bhld «a* ijollr bwllr airkof llK rnadll.nrf of tlin t'nll-l! htal
d tax wrrk arbllr workli.c la hi*
to tahe pan In tb- naifrion.i
ibop. Ur U iaalalilr to br arooad.
, The elauiia of ounur uf A
arallM tnartr for miuir by llii.rian
Thr paator* of the Hapl'at rhareh**
rratarr* lo lUr np ara am lainc pnr.«j >fth* grand Trarrra* s*Mcl*tlo9. *ala a auttlffntni *1111' ••ivill'r if 11..
il*l«d hr tbr .tat* arorkrm. iilU bnlct a
COBM IhOtlfim tbr nil cl„l on ll.al a' meriUig In tbr HhpUal rhorcb at Rlogatra«ir» of rr|«ratli.ii ..ill .vt-tuall}
hr aitiordrd » hanr-.n* «nh ja-..fSi-tn alry. roBBrnclDg Halorday afl*TP«x>n
It o'clock. D'V. ITID. and ratrndlag
and In tbr ItabI of ibr pnirrn fanu.
.. Thr imponaoi gurauon ..f 11- oUim orrr th* Mabhatb.
at »n»&rniiiil in thr |i*rj..ii.fl cAhtoMl annKiini* rd Ammiaa cKiamu of.
datr* didRln l-aa rwi tnadr hopeful.
u. ■ holling
• aH-w.*a**a tier tar •Miii.a.aav iiUBkar
ijftu*... u. »u
.(iRMrt or WnMT
lyta saoly amrdltrd rtiTi.y of llfr
, tJMtad* ^au* tn III- oitniuai. i».iir
' caiTiN JB#:nii-ti''ii. lo.-kna to th- 41*.
The Only Cure.
aaUIrnim of ow ctnlm* T.-r indrinniij
ducum are tmablo'lo
a cur*,
t??si tsfews, iisisa
ttu I*r k-!o*i
FMium. aaa u- wartu m.iet, *r laaiBa
aMrt la *a muL»^laJWb..yl_n
Travesre City Wagon Works!
A. J. PE
PjETERTYL. Proprietor.
1 iWirr li. Biiirnttni r. ti. mv olil fri*D»f*. apil th»-pii>'lii- in
Irral, tlial 1 am iiow pr.|Ar*d for luiiuiir'w in my ofw ltr...r1..ry briik
'fai-liiryal lb-••oimr of bfiiii- acil l'oi..n *fn-*l». at lli- (i«it .>f tb- hirdaxfri
^Tb* K,i*t BuccaaafuJ aad Scirnuflc Trraimralof at) DBraaaa and WaoMmamm
of ■anbtnd Paaaibi* ta Obtain.
t nil '.nm-li*K.
1 liave |.n1 ii. ib-lalm.1 tnii.ruvinl marbin-n. ami t .t«i agau*'
at.--lUlil'n-t! pra.'ti.'nl a1.1l ..\j)*ru l..-.sl m-hliiii.-a in a., lb- a-..rk
" a-1!
^ hm.'tHlaiUfil in mt rntploy "llilly" .Ahlwtt. tb* »-ll kneel. -lubDioa.
blid prn.-ii <.I liurw-Bb.n-r. «-|lb lb-idd firm.whoknnir»b.t* lf>sb.>1 Uore- aiul t-vy * ui.i.-.-rnal «ti*f«,-tiun to all
H* will b- pl.-«*: I t
TirOraasa: TtrOrala.O:
li* iia fri-ndn b< III* u-e atnml.
..—r ...la..a..* i**ai..‘.
livinu pn-.-n. vill »*• my
at WM a '.■H.*** idMMr
rmr *. • *•>■* •< las* lain uaa wCTeeaX
tiood. hon**t e.jrk. at
m. naaa, w
Isoing compoeod almost entirely of pure giMten, le
the most hsatthful and nutritious foods known.
^araprirrvafd fiauurtir ar —
‘ hriiiio'- . I piirp»* il.iiiiv all kiiiila-i.f wfti,'.'!.. hiu:i;y ami *1. ufii
F^I*.„*‘?.'V-UU-'1 L-\iV. ’
n!i ***** **
taun at.l thr ro -t.- -f Ur i.-i, H.iiar.. ^ b^ v*a aotuair
1, .r-,r *n»
*S Ml 1I'-r:. dur,-.1, ,*r.
I .b
ft I
III ft t- tl
ri^y i—
'aT**«I!**«r'5. rraiaawSSi
•7L2C ‘.2r sr:::a'''b:rT'<rrsm
. „ *
rr: i:?r7T;:;'
i-cS injrsTr £jtTLrteiS sre
sr:.*. KS
^OKAraeas 1 -*r-
m.-Uo. nod , ^
OMSOMIO soaa ms ».l rraarlMaa
mar aakuiNo *.
iaTakliu.)l iHk >«n
ahnv yon amnnd.
B*er in mind tb* pis**! roioD fir.a.rbridtf*. vith Ih* «cn
of Travern* CSly Watfoa Worka
- h ar«*«r«!<' * ‘h»f IK-
'■J sa
_-r-endt£eBtoriuelJcsefBa. Tbry'
teach ooly the aartao*. whUathe dl-1
~rSSll-l.=S= 5=.—------ -
®isair iSaSSkBlood'^
Travene City. Ktcbigaa
n lorr a alrar. braUby
th m tn im unp ii^t
b,. r-MUH-u -a a——..:,
^riya. FWP^^a^jaaoT^ tr^
1 OITnaS. aaimw
.... aa*...aaa m.» aa.
iraiiaB irv
,4 t>**p.
rosiriWLT opxzo r.«ai. wmk- •ui
rima >ii«. Ko *>aa
*M all d-lu-a.- dlwraar* j.
baaarty aritfauBi it. l'a*cama
land) iai
lAiby rllu-r*a>. |a»nj..U rxr~. *.
HaSBiav HEV orU
tn- rlma j .air Inood and k—i- 11 rlma. . ^ ..... 4Mord-ra t*al riaajl
atimug up thr laiy liim aud drmat iii »
nuritia fnaa tbr taxi.. Iit«.a u.4a} iiSaSiME TO a sa a
UsU. I.mihim. laab. Uoubm. Uar-kWad*
r. *lM..aan.,m.M X
and that a«k)v b.luaa rom|.i*ii.w hr Ukiaa
■ naan latii runU b. mr la^al *uarw«.a
Caamms-toBGi- for t*n crata. AO dr^
________«Asi.c* racaa.
BrBiBciaaa anaa ifkarkaa aawiMamd.
C • V. ■ a a *a»a tbraacB n ■atlaca
BMlai»-ia aaaa ar *«*« (raw > u> > -**.*• wl art**
$4 Per Day Surear*i=iKt—. —w ~
NS. 1.1. (CO, MUTE m lo. Mssfisi, nei.
Baking Powder
MH. S.* aB&ni.UltOT.
Hade from ptM
emm ci taftar.
Bon tadtto wBUr. Tkli o
aU temtm irhlca •
iM?tM •^looTnibtoniOf^
tt Mow pot UtoBloior* iotoodoabl*
todw. U U otoooUil tool too doablC
tototoi oitorwUeinon will be aoeh
doaperof too toapaearchtor or baroIfc.
Hl> froo tma loapo osr table
apooofel of Saar with, foar tobloapooa
fate cl Bilk, oto add to tor aiUtoro to
too dooWo boiler. oUrrtor aoMtoaUr
e<l ted bMB to k«r
Potato ana»'Onto dtoor ■!<■•«■■
*'Md potoUto: Ba«b oto tod to Itoa
ow qoMt of Mllx atlik. xwo too* lU of loU; <m* •olupaootol 'f
. oad otoov of toT—to »toP r
»M kwMT. «ht««r«eM
Safeguards dx food
to «fak
“ii^rf?to?wtotoroIl«?itow*d to
mallato ala toemfUp wito too aoap
li an UaprorcoiraL
AatowwwoU: «b«kad bapwac*
Aa4 (k* tod kacwm latlliwi;
■M ton> Ood iMto a* to
“5ras.‘^r.^«w t™
••Uto^'i^davahlld. Uadta
aad bil4
botErt^toroatb a ..rar
rlBg....... ...........
the boitoB ofr Itoe B»tw^ Ow
Ueltono letol
I whoa
add o»r
ea It bahhlro
loapnafat of fl v oUirl f
_______ Tteadd tbeo r.laod t« doar bT drawiBf the lleM of t fork
thioon a loror of thrB8bS>Ui aad lerol toe ebaeka. otofflaf
tooB wall lau too ooraoroi tore pat
aaotoer tolek leper of tho ooUoe oror
too whole, ood oror thb lap too t^
1 tho tisr, aad trrro./Tbb ploe^f too Botum hoollar It Ui toe
Id bo oookad la a tehio boil-
What If too rani nt For?
AMrfaffMabaod la boMar Ihaaai
Mtt ar. MU aa. whaa
> nalp too
Uetorp Boap-Oftra
.It lor Oto BB
ho OS wide pieoao. bowerar.
1 orltrp
or ealorp
roll lor otawod
mUwoiaad fortootaraaadtoooi
laco that mr lor I
drltiiTb a U ™iJ!^ too*ldj^*of t^
Mbb to naeb it oaollp. '^ko a loot
^SoloJ IMt
dbnrter frOB tho tleklaf.
ooodU to froB too top M too aado.
.Idr, tooa b*ak afwlB abpat tor^aar.
wro of aa laob frOB wb - ----------toroBfb. plaelBf oao of
toltod watar.
Whoa oofi roBoro fn,»
too iltrro. Boah wall, laarlaf it la tor
Tho walarlawhlefaliwaibnllod. Add oar
Tb uoaetd « w too eliele
plBtof hot Bilk. Bla won aad itralD.
Mow pat too Btotoro Into toe toi of
k la rowa. at pen we
IbodooUr ^^^add
eoatortable, aad patolaf too BatUrB
«(a or Oardald ho
poa work. naUap toe tied
^^ooaf^il c^1lj?r°ni!laaO OBOotb wlu
_________________io'tal bo dl tot. II foot, M#oopooo»aU of wator0.^ ead oe ebtirt tt poa work.
Whoa tor tpiBf b tabbed----------------Mt too raW^ of aoar
BBtU ibr aoap U of too proper ceaobt
bo top aad oldoo lofrtbrr or bled wUk
oad oor^o rrrp bot-Ow-d
otnpodtiek'' ■'
ad a aMBi hart aa; piow aMafar
whMl plawaad barrow an aaod:
tatMtokap too |ioak. Ufb kill
If arar too heart of a oua exaaado
Iroaoh too owaap aad
and fnwo peaeroat. It la aodor tor too rmpoMibUltp aed briar aoBotblaf
laSaoaee of a gcoi mtcl or altar hr
too fara ba ti It
• ^>a owy y Um ly la bllrhtod. amlf
I’rlSr.^liS «£ LU.. u.
___________ M toa SBi--- ....................
Maarraw toa awtod or tot paa I
Varatatahcaldtoafaraibatttor. II
• total aaarAadwhat If oar hA he heaUt
to^l^I^.'aai too
AaMdtortihii ba
_____ tora la «t far tot
af BoUoaoa.
Aarrii. AaMt 8uu Cot-
___________ -haUtfaataeftraat
fOnbaigaia alto Mrlac wertc,
___toaattonwt____________ .
AuleM iartta aartoar:
Oad am help la aU that tnaaa.
BaUMVoraotiaw.ihpaahl atlaatloa la aallad la toa
fflaBatftabhiOar Bepi’aad Oirlt- eal«aa(a ta-ter^BaaaU)
ab raryaasteaa ler(ha
a at aatoan la too work
• Map oda daj or a mini
ippalhlachadlaadadtoralaaf Uaa.
aad M^toaHhl hat haaaaad
harl*aaMtt.toaakalt aUfabalpto
•artel Bahitob afcUdraa. aadio aU
abUdna wboa ft cmj raato. ■:
pant mMs are 00 plaMle.to aaaUy
■aaliad Ihlak wte It piU ba la ft«
at Mrlataaaa. at kladano aad all balpdal •bftl Tblak. Mo. dear Motoora.
baw H orlU balp poa. Itolabtorl
araalMdroptoo laponaaal "ci
aad^Mk Mpoaao aaowoMaal
tear wbaa oka loraa.-toal I bare
M Maab for that aa tor aarlhlBc.
.MbalplhaMotowa. Ua Urad.aloMot
BMaBUIoaafe for oaa to B4ka ra- f -alt. wltoat. Wa toll toOB tob is oar
whiohe' - r leaa lororable elr loeat; If ibo; star ip too aoxtibat will
t U rafaaadi bol bo aouor'o." With BP John, it b aa
tblaf that aaleao bo
liDOWt of otbor prorblea. be Ir "
brief otoak. aapwap. If no »orr, a
iBMit aarc to ba rraotod.
Wiaa. thoo. U tho who oarrr baft •
faror of oaa of too lordo of arrolloe
aetll bb haafor b appraood aad hW eraeaoora oa band oe parpoao for
palala plaaaaaL For. while a baafrp i leh oeeaoioat. If tboro are ao loBoat
aaabbot alwapt aa aefip Baa. a I. tba boaea. a few boiled ana farabb
BOB With a wbll-Blled otoBoeb b aort tootsi. ThorraroBaap qnlck dookl^p dbpoaod thaa ooe who bat not teru.-orea bread eat In eabai aad
tooraarblp tuamad. with toe addllioa
A met follow Joot poBliif froB. ol a rich MBCO. BakM a fairip food
Bp toe wap, I deaoororod
ptBlh to Baabood. caao to BO lotolr
tt a litUe llBie jo'oe.
jo'ea. oaeh at w< bap
aMlaofwca. Mobo other poaatr fel
ada. flrerplace ol Iw
low b -baattof bb tiaw" with bb bao< for at. ......................................
to a ^la oaaoo. A loaf
flri.ba pa^ aad 1 know that ^ alee fi:
rake kept oo bead b t
palaatbbboartUao Iob aesia beA bit of Uiat
He b n<P aeeb help la taeb eatra> "a
dowaeattaad Itpspatolu wito bis. ttoBBOd b a poddlar
:ler bb rlral la no aaorrMla od of- .VIorsol
M tbea offer hla a dbhof
toaot aad
delleioBo to too tatto aad
tbrrbov deibi
I wrsBld Ilka to toll pou bow I keea
I do aot map ao. b«<
It will cool bb bnrt-baralbr apboBoe-Meoaihb winter. I bare a
Joaloatp aad doll toe pala. oroa If oox a little loafer toaa bp window It
It b aot warraalad to ctoet a paraBO- Wide aad aboot olfbteoe laabat wide,
and aboat toe raae depto. Oa tbtc I
Tboladoataof It. prowlor rioiblj patlenlxtoaooofbtoraUo toe top
eVoerralaothooBowp p'b diMppaa**- nf toe box CTOB wito toe window oUl.
aad. whaa It b all fOM. bo root. too. I tooa poMaa laper of Mwdust a
wbblllac at aorrilp aa If no Hral W oel la mp pota. raaa. ole.. Illief la
o darkrs «b bortooa teeea witooawdaol aaUI area w
tope of tbe pou. and aaarlp os
b the tops of toe box.
Tbw ka
m warm at tho roou. aad In oprii
Two WOBOB Bot tafotoer
llBf too plants toe otwdMt b aloe a
- bot
A to do
wbMb krapo too foUaco aqbt
__j»d frotlallT. •
r roellodeheerllp, “ iwao Bottoo eaob eoraer of toe b a 1 pat a tUak
too kitobro Ufb at tbe taUooi ptoat. aad at nl|
BO to fo d<
ud prrpaia I oooor with papora and If rory eoK
loaBba *
reeibtaad* lor reek "
blanket oror ibal. taeklar It alooe
apollpoor beobaad." tba drat. tbe box to keep oat the eold air.
OBMbar Bald, wttoaobarpaote la brr alaobareafiro fo loa eaa that bad
Toba. “Ah. poB koow toe old taplaf. kerooono la. that I tU wito sraur. aai
toadap I brat itoehot ao pra
mj dear, ‘too wap to fala a Baa'o
heart to .tonwrb hb itomaeb.' aad tibia aad pat it aodor Bp box at atobt
ibal ta an aceollrat wap to keep It. I bare kept tbeB wItbooL bet I tblak
loo." too eboerh] woBoe replied (ailp
“Thai b too wap I bare tact bp baibaad-a heart, ibaa. 1 aapanaa. bp aafDvata for Motoora
laetiar to paapar hb appoUM." tor
Doa-t aaf.
ri Mdlp. "bat It aaw
Doat ba too aerora.
Mthat It
wap> "i do aot look**to It la that
n^V" bar frtaad repibd aarMatip
'■Bat area If it wore ao.b wot too aftaMkB srorto tba prtoar--7bWr iwn.
Welt, dear Voaap Fatht. It hto baea
wa had ptoaa aad worafotai toaoll
pot perttp aooa "what we ooald do," ra
loltraav Bow sra srtU toll poa.
Jee kaewtob badap whoa eloM
arasorp fatotoaabla .The ftwoB
(Olka Moo aU klado el claha tor all
kiwdooi parpeooa. tad whra aapbodp
wtabraMdoaapaprelal worktoatadp
•oeial oaJ-'pBaaV or laatrrat rartalpofwapa.toep at oaeo praaaod M
will Irp
I WlU top to he InriDf, holpfal aad
kind to ererp bodp aad to ererp llrlaf
ItlorerfaillB trplnf to
UilBfo, I will -tTp. up afala.
add «aa
tSaTM^rm tSy. hPuatepoSraaRiltuterwte
Colic. It reUeres Teething Troablea, cure. Conatlpatioa
and PlalulriKT. It aaalmllatea tbe Ftxxl. rrynUIra tbe
Stomach and Bonela, rislnf beellhp and natural Bleep.
Tbe Cblldpea't Panacea-Tbe Mother'a F'riend.
^Besn the Si^natore of
The Kind
Yon Have Always BougM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
DR. spiuiiEr
ArtlSuial Irfsasd arms were
iBKfypiatrariratK C :uu
were made br the prlrais trbo ~ ~
tbe pbT.iclaas of Ibal rarip tiau.
“Vuar bustaaed palsied tbe bou.
ntmtelf. didn't b< ’" atked one ol h.
Cnnil RipUi t iQlliii 1.1
- A freal Boalbl) aeaapiper."—The Boofcmaa.
'T^HE magaiine for up-to-date people, h
gives its own illustrated account (rf
the current history of this country and
Europe, and. in addition, selects the bcM
that IS in all the other magazines. American,
English, French. German, Italian. Spanish,
and Russian. It is for people who want to
know what is going on in the world. A
hundred timely illustrations in every number.
price, Sa.s'* per year.
Sample copy, lo cents.
poar bame to to t
•bawilloi oBca aeod you tbe aard
Srad t postal emd lo kara bow lo (cl Or.
tbs leap: the reaton of ibii dels,
Albm Shtw'. ^ Hotorv M the Spaabh War "
tovtt S06 dIratrtiBm. IJOO ptfo' and the
“Review of Rrvwwt" tefcttoi kir only Iwo
doUtn down and fboMhly ftymrou.
TraiB Wn. ii-c T-.ivn. m. nr lliU w.at bat
•iFTovr fmw..rw.u UeiMrU toClsrltraU.
Train Ira.inr Tra—vwUi imp rabra
Train Iraiitr Tra.vravi.-Uy tatBp. m.Mu
eirrawr tram OrtaC Bt|Hde ta CbUnew.
Chicago .L
'West Michigan.
too offloan hrnelf. for U
Ita'l that floe lor beif
Tbit we toll poa udap it oolp a be
Whaa act to^metiara
Of mpatlral r4)-iBm. aed raaea.
Aadoomeob plaoe toll.
Oo fabric or tuil.
Cba oa Ml to tooaaaad taaea
to-dap I will wriutc
te^ Iba Bilk aad
OKtoria U a iubMirtiir for Cwlor OU. Pareworlr. Dropa
aod HoolbiBit S.vrupa. It ' "
amtolns neither Opium,
•ubutancei. 'Its aire In lu c
Tbara ara no dara w feet to o<
All pou bare to do
ia Wlllof poa all
«• were aot Suabed. but u>dt<.
D.cember t, toep came bp rxprew
from Mewtrk, Srw Jertep. aad
pretlfbaitoBatbep ara.
Tbe oSeanof nor club wbould
prriideet, raerctarp abd treat
ta poar adiuj estmeu to do til ibi
plaaklBf and all Ue wrtuaf. aed ptp
all toa qweep. tbe u folBf
hat borme Um alfwalmra ct
M hcM be«a bm4« wbdrr hto pcf.
titoUfof toaikto.
that toep will wear it
BBpa of Hlebipaa and Ua I'elud
■Mica Wo alto bars two haaaaea Oo
«•» latoa motto. -Ordar la haarsa'a
•rat law.-aad on the otbra li 'Tnilb
1 am la toe iiEtb frte. Hpitadira
Gold Modal. MtdwiDlar Fair.
It li to bi bad far eoarpoM
Dsaa'a OlatBMI.
Doaa'B OtolMtat arorr tallt to >___
Itoblac PUra. Beaeato. or aap
. .
Oigboal Howtra-Werld'a Pair.
ui[t‘m? aad aara a loac fait
of toe elab.
Bsrr'Iroi for ptteblof or
Then toore U to. bo a badfo- bad
•rr to rltttlc ftbr ,
It WlU be a prettp rod batten wlib 1 oeeded
Two wbUeoors eat
.od tlllrb'd torrlhrr mtkr food
toowordo -H V F SootblnoC.ab
from Ibr
It Voa koow ml b oar color, aad w.
rui feel Its Ibea in Ibe patch drawer
bare aaeJ It for ribbon badfra brtor.
Tbb bauoa saa be worn bp aap bo>
or ful rawirinf it. aad II b eipccico
JOB. 1 will write and tell poa all abou
oer icbool boaraWe base It draped
la rad. wbito aad blaa paper ebalat
aad ether little anlelra which tbe
small pa^ Bida
We bare Are pietarra-Waibioptoo.Old Ulorp. OolamUa. Blrda. Hldthipatlle. aad tome
SSai^aaddMa M
ame to It.
p Ts. (I.iod ^ir clraoiof clotbinf wiib
Tborairlll be a certid-BU of
imp or tmitioaia. mbblnf <ff tpolt,
tr-UMl f-.r
erabip. to be tifoed bp toe preaideai mack onrs fur b'tek cloth
tOBcvreat laapi.
^tob boll^p
OBaeapfallaofraaadlBdtoa seal,
w^. poar orar too
oao-balf capful ol boar, oee labloOarabh too dbb with ariop U
opooafal of oaxar aad oao aad oao-balf
toarao oad eold boUod wrr albod
too top.-««ienad.
sroll'toateB. oao aad'a'ulf enUaU^
owoot Bilk oad a little oalt.
hkc la
Poaltop ihoold aeror bo cooked aaUI bet pTMii* f#B paaa—■rtnai.
*ba aaap walroVrfoartooa henra after kUllap
iW bad boaat ara the soot i
tinatol scwoMb>ea.<«otalBlBrba_____
earboa at
at *
BoarhlsStlbtol^ KleaP
Mot atok caearb to fo to bad arte
Three raira ara folof to be printed '( suppete be fotsooe of the ptiol c
tbe b. utr, but pou wouldn't tbiok to
a a praitp eard, aad teat to oi
poo could ter bis clolbrs "
who drairra to J >lD. aad- racb
>lld si-cltinf Icfs burr aluat as
rairlofarard riU oifc bit >
ftaotor. Thare are foiaf to
of pood tolofi aboal oar dab.
fotof to latl alwapt we hope aad ibcrr
«U1 be maeh to be tboofbl of aod
maeb to be done at time fora oo.
W. toll poo apaia bow po« ara polap
to join. All pea bare to do u to tend
pour oaBra io to poar editor, taplaf
tob to joia tbe boublae Club"
I pha wlU at once send poa the
with MrUSoau el atombenblp
aad tbe hadfe.
Voa wUl tlfo IbU
Don't talk aboat too eblUna la (hair chrd aod keep It aod the badfo.
will hi toe Am to rand lo a
Doa't tornt that pan warn era
]i d poeraUf.
Doat tomt that poar (rlonda
Sat poar toll to a tope, ape. a bappp
hardip bo expected to obara poar
abaorblaf latorrat la poar lalaab
Aod^ M poo boe. mj laddie:
Doat claim that tha eUIdrea inberitedall tbolrbad qatlltefroB tbolr dot poar toll to a tooe at twael at tbe
fatoer abd all tbeir r^qabliUe
A Mow Wap to Prepare Bceio.
barrlat beeto hot. atsplp with batir. pappar and Mit. or eold. with riae
tar. popper aad Mlt. b the ataal Both
od. and It b aot oarprblBf that wr
tiraof toearerp aarip In the acatoa.
Bat wbaatob aew ideaof aarrlaf torn
aat WUUMadp wapa. aadhara
Abtfiad tbop wlU ba one of toe
IV--------- ^ tolldraa to balaar M
rorltr appeliiare anUI the laat of tor
Doot lerfat that ererp el Id ahoal
' IbaBMobpaarwUI
II beet! baoose too “alriafp” for bo eaUUod to o bappp e' " bood.ai
that to lator life
life-------------pea np not
t base tltbe
QarafallT wmab half a doaaa boata. ao
>or or prirtlot
Irtlefoot Bakl • It bappp
that toe ohla erill aot be brbkoaiotoer- orfaudlaritf
rotidtof Itfr
•aUlitaaMtopoa what I hope
wbo toep "blood" while oooklaf aad irud Frae /Vsas.
•OLadatebUtUaf tor poar ebUd- looo toalr rich rad color.
Dn^ too
Taka Oaro of too aboooma M da. Ml tbaa atad la toalr la boUtoc watM aad cook mUl to
Doa't pat aobooasrap to__ _______
WaMaadaalM to Ibb frMt •»»BoBoro toapanof eold wator at
ll Io srM wUh pratpiratloa.
ji'g- r*
-r'C*------------- too oklB wlU aaailp olLp off. barlaf tl
to Jt. •»< the
Blbetolalp i
aad mat- had balp M brlap Iba ua- boot aBooto aad rod.
panpitatlna will
too iMtbor. Pat
a deep dbb and psar oror toes too h
abhMedbaafaatotoaU too dark
them oataldo. It i
io oaltbwlhcdraodaf:
aan af earth aad -God bloat at t
Plaeo a eaafol of pood riaevar wboi
It will boll obwip; add two Mbleapoei
taloef oafar. a oaall luoie of batter
' a llttie oall aad wbaa It bolb add a
Soapo WlttOBt StsDk
ipooafil of eorutareh. obooUi
If^ k^i tbe riiiLia poa a
Hera Is proof of U at the leatlsoBp
ol aa Aaa Arbor eltlteo:
orraal** • «'"*>•
thlaktof. Brra are oar Herald T.
Hr. C C. Chareb. of S»l hoaU
Wo weald like to know, aad siraot. Abb Arbor, aow raUnd fneb
are foiaf to ooaai toes actirc dstirt, of life, aaps: “I bt<
apaadoeobow ataap tboro bare brea
To aap oee n^iainaf a
of toOB. trot aah last
healtof aod aootbiaf preparatloo It
weald all be oarpr<t-d to tad oat boW
proto tosalubir.
1 tnfem
aaap tboro wore; Borc tbaa a thoo ___ j froB iteblDf b m rrboKit.
Iboaffa I tnod errrptniuf I ooeld bear
eaad. Btap laofr, poo map bo oaro..
' aad Bird remedIco prm-ribed bp
■a* thlBf to
rot of fr.eadt 1 wa> BOtble to obtain
orfaal** ralBtoaoaekladel aaoelrtp.
maerot relief netll mp Btlesli in
aad. lor toe oake ol betof to too fotb
trail, d to Doan'sUietaerit
I was
___tewbsl snrp'lsed alter a sec >ad tp
ton. sroBtfkt oall Itaelab.
plica toa l r Boiler wbat a d.Sereat «tobJ*el? There
loci It bad (r-uu sn.Tiblar I had bUher.
ba t aaplblBf la toe world oo ebeerp lo Otod.
Knoourtftd I nsed It stricllp
and oo iirreiorp tt tnhtblae. b tooret aerardiBf to dlroetloas aod Inatarpris
lofip short tFDfib of Ubt. whoa pou
Bowbpaolotllltt-liaDtblBO ..........
take into tccouot tbr aombrr el pears
Aad bow eaa we Bake aaotblae—aot I was srHeted. Ike ImtatiOB erased
toe oaaoblae of toe oalalde world, bol tad tbe IsSstsmtUio sat ai:
tuathtoc. ooBOiblDf tool
at aad all toe world bettor,
____ 'I Kldarr PlUt lor rale' bp i
brlrhtor. happier, amaoeroallp. tbat'o
Trier li crou
all that b worth Uner ><w
Fottrr-Hilboro To. Mo«slo. .V '' "d
Haw hot bp beiof fall of eboer aad
eau for I
btpplBOB 0oararirro. bp boiaf lorlaf.
Be Draa 's and lake ku saMtIlate.
balpfal to ererp one. ai
Med aad ba
that Urea
io. tt the drat tolar People do^
toop orfoalte oelab.u to prepare ooBO
to open.
raleo lor lb wprb tappoaod we laahr
There are three rarl.'tlei - f the dof
fiBl oesrr la k—tbe Ausuallaa d>«.
.Tii.tr or THX arjrti.i.
ML^/td''^Of*o*?bibr^“*' ’
aboal aaptbtaf.
up to bo ao bappp ao t can aa
to aako ororp bodp bappp u far at
m. sniKTs
araetelap. 'rritlac. tpriltof. fram
Bar. aritoBf tic, fccrrcfbj aad pbp
Uolopp. Mj Mbcb«-a .am b Mm
Ida Farraat.
Papa aad Bamaa made
rma»t of a bIob bm erpan.
plap etrp aapb bol 1 aa foMf
•aa taaaali an waabad wtU hMP thas
fM ap oaaii
' and
to ana M UMtamBor.
la sraahiu xtoiM that ban had OM aoela
Bilk to toe^idra aboald U lakes to
rtoaa waU to toptd water Mien pat- aad I liked <
Uaf tocB toto bat. taapp ssator.
A sarp eoarowtoat article to kan
ChrlitaMa 1 ssaat Baa
haaar It a tasooth. ttrmM ttlek abc
> toehra tone, wito a deep aotob ..
t will
omc aod. With tbW ptotaraa^eMp M opao and abat IM epaa
llftod bp toe srtnt froB toUr hooka, poa a Story I wrato at arbeal toa aapt
kraibii aad raptaasd. toot rarlax too
teat writa
ollabtof ap aad dot ra a auptoddra.
• ihtoaoUrraoBotoawBBaa.
Fr tsa Bratof aap k ^ Bant
toaeadlBoold watra btoora aDafcti
•a. tom alBt BiV braHMa U
aotitoqa ud Jukaapt
■rsritopapar. U mat aaooe bt to ■Ok. me', tt I Wta as t^ar mlli i
ateoatoatwltb toa toa Ttoraar aatakUeeartotkaatoUp.
te te
•d to watar tor baUac. ^aa bakpannamUawhatolteMd totei
^^0-tOB PETEfiry^
Carriage, Cutters, 5l«iglis, Etc.
_____ ^be,wwe>Tr»rrrwauu< W BtP‘ •
Le.Tran.-enOiir eMtm/........Vienv...
OB> Oa •ti-ASrSS.j^Sgg^*'
mum ufi NkTUuna li
lo-TO-uc fsi*urAVx*s.s;«*;isr
ooao aocn.
Horseslioeiiig and General Repairing Done.
Ee-Painting and Upholstering.
Sute St., near Union.
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Mt. PlMURL OwoMO. Baci
aaw. Bay CHty, DatrelL Bvwall. Au Arbor. Telado aad
Beat Livery In Northern ■ichignn.
polatB Baat aad Sooth. Oea*
read te aato aubto to flauaaHam
•aettoaa at Oopamlah 1
TelepliorMs /q
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