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Grand Traverse Herald, March 03, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Traverse HeraM
^WinrwPBaTvmg^i p»n»tr<*x
Sanitary Plambere
Wow tomw tUB* to bay A cheap fun,
eaay payanste
Qoo4 locatloD. See partial Uat below.
and flonse Beaters.'
la. lead eiu br lb
for Ua
Hllla. I-oj
I-OB^ ripea. Ete.
Si"™' O.’ P. Carver i
SUkhAlS W.000
r............................-•—---------- --aaeseaitkwtogsl pear. Cist cel SWA
Attorn^ at Ibw,
«’e. I1«-^ eow- ■ w li et B w k 8««t. to t se » w All iaprortd: Ko balldlsf*:roodsoUi«bMf
IibIabcc M U»r At 7 per. oeet.
Ko. lU-M eer««HolaejtM>eL wt;e'u». All Usber vrtth
Maple. Beeeh APd Bealoek. Keer OIn L«ke. Will eeJl for teoa.
P. <i of A • k Sect. M 117 U. Abeoi eo inproTod. Pts* locAllooi M
road. ItaU UBd; loAB. Hrra M roar ebasee—oatl; rco.
lunzLs. oftAm tun.
naxsTBs, vBtTiLAioa m.
Oorrs of Awnle
■Dr.J.A. Snyder, Real Estate
.M, Insurance.
b tbe parlor
ualmapd tearless aow
■to her ytuopdsutbter
Tbe wibUows .-raekl.
Tbeii w
iDU> pitTOo- «ai'». as
fsee prew wsaend •treined
Trsrcfs? cur, M Ira.
Ofll(l|lLLl.MMIItW«IUB..«l Btek-
miles south on east side of tlitrrr I.akr <lcnd lasd, rrry drsirabir.
' iiltiraliini aad can br.boDfbl rerr rwssooabic
by liuoum .>i.-li<.ul House.
tSood fsrm. smal orebard
rred. food dairy lertu
I'oo be biupbl rifht
A-rrs brer Msyfield. pcssj land aod i-ry cheap at t-V'>
lerrs. 3 miles rssl of KiDf>.ry. il Ub.lrr rood rultlrstion. <lood frprrs. pood
. -amr houv. will w.|| cheap or trade for city property
•n seres limlier bear Cedar Rue. Other pieces ju>t as dm
"Patients anil long SuWering.'
a. BbrS. Osist—Olv. Kick.
W^D'CAXJPJtU^-Psrseiiiisl u ptetwu
Real EfiUta Bxchanye.
But manj' tietif}' that mui-L .if (btoog enfftfrir^ of a rhromr form le
partoanentlf amt enfriy i-iirtnl el
the Elms SAiiatoriani. ooriK r IGib
ind Union StA., TrBv.r~- l ity.
kli<-h. And morf. U y»u Imv.
[*iles nr any IteeUl ttnul>!>'. Kidui-y, Bladdi-r, ur FtmAlo Wr-Hknisw;
ynn will nake DO msslAki- !■> conanliDKELKS. Tele}>b..m-i:<:'i
Office in Sanatoriam. ('ousiiItA.
tiOD moms in McXainara’a store.
Potatoes and Apples Wanted.
A Bw sole e> tbe ssei b»w Sssiaee puio.
sate ebeep si tbe
Carpet Cleaning Works
latest Ideas'soil IppliaDses.
taecesttw u swell a Kwiariau
Sarreyor and CItU Eaftioeer
■ueseeuedaUkleas, waewsta, essauUatkisa.
luportut to Pro^rt; Bolden!
aad orltbB- ap tba laakarca UU
tba aat^eat laoka like an eld
Bgyptlad Bamay.) pet ap by
wltb an ti/t optwcT oa tbe ead of
thaaab'aaw. la tba paat we bare
pat V a Wffa' BBStsar of her
F.M. PAINE. Florist
e^ dead
leekSi« piaMna, to tL great
I detlcbtetOwoaMeasariwboaay:
; '’Thaaa.Afcaliawartka bondred
; of tboaa atek pUtana-
; OoDd work aad adaiftt baaiMM
I Mattedi ■rUltriaaeofyUBa.
Bicfcle Snfiiis of til KImIs!
abte prioa.
at ZI5 Front Street
eaMtaoUyaabaBd. All woek doae
penapUe aad wall at eery reaioB-
bpriag dtylee of Woolens now
OB aala which wUI be asade up
io tba Latasi StylM. sod at
track Law Prices a* srili surprlas
no W. EleeanUi SL
Kow la Uw Mae togwtyour bicycle
enameled aad pot In good shape
"Merchant Tailor
'' I
kMlthy kmktag peelxaiu la tbe
plM of akUy aad
' AO BLurn ssr...
tboaa Blciatiag aheap Jobe'a U
tbeU -dead rl*a-a«ay acbeaea.-
Traveree City, Mich
scnptkms ai* aiM by ayweU.
Ali mAil orders rer«irc prompt
ptetuaa (made of cheap
rmeoetora that aooa fade out
ailleT.DrMaisr* Is a.
laaaAfclBgaevanlof ber aaparb
aoMt of tboaa cfaaap oolored-
l^noW tKi^?
'Sboold Sleep Eight Howa ~
Ir Jasee Sawyer, trbo bM lalaly
a dis’-oaiulac oa leagartty Ib iM
'mincbaB. rtgbUy flui
ip by Ui
urn.llos is It duwo y.jui ' si. fire, bsniis apd fB-'c aero .corch,0.1 llisi 'l would celura le a frs
mcirucy 'of sleep" aa oas b)
way, lao
.tips oeedful u> Baba a maab
Baab daya
"Uiaot smolii
I..OC la tbe laad.
what la 'eaSw’T^*'vs'uk'*anV'
cu-ui-y" ' Sir JaBB dedaesit aa owe.........................c.jrredan’.lVmi!damcdrl‘bird'i.f Ike iwcntyfoor
luor be.-boar*. ..
rtasper. IS llicre. J loi.' and i he I the fasp nf eopii..a r
Hick in
leal frtr',1 slioa.o iu|Biii.sl tuc' back toi shat’MslUiew Araoldcalled tba "aea
" ••
n.h.in.wercseimDd bouodrouou ifc, p ,u.c. He was ti
B-n long la o.
and Tye.
«..oid ibet orter ,o,nj m, (tct., as hli diapsoai. proved
rings, this nmnaat Is probably aei
<W, b,,.ood all doubt thsj.the y.>a..p lady
one IB partu-Dlar laddie.
Hist li.-rr fo
too lunch. Hot some of ^ graataal
le englo.-e r g.-oe losd'.'
• big stood. 00 gel up a pow.
..okresotour day bare doae with
Uiuuirbtshr sras co^.'h.uv and
ml of smokr.'wben they set 01
ju.rb Itas than eight boera' alaep.
i| ber hot
Hr .'sB«s Legga. prwtieaor of CUaright I
^ llere X. J s ailciuion
ilrawB to a . fur, .Ifugg.iog lusdly to rri
...... w...
cae. iu tbe I nierrslly of itzfard. wba
igs.oBgihe giueer
At ih-luoulb nf tbr raselrrf '
ricBly driwocd parti .U'
basjust died, ml tbeageni »t. aran. it
platform—a oiother.
was rewanicd l.y is .aid In tbe bnbit of rtalng at 1 a. b.
hsod oneoaufMcr s .la nty *
t-r of tbe bBsrI. anil allnw.ui himself only flee hoan of
aoolh. r s joui g
sleop. H'uuel. the (amoua eaglaear.
w slcotlger
bsugbiiiy err«l. wa.kr.
for a considerable part ef bl* Ilia weekbehina them
As the Itiilei lesk.p iBg .10
■rntlriBsu was paciug up and down sid nearly twenty-fonr boara a day.
o-d happei b-side ber mill -r. the I midst •
friend, nnd aaaUtaaU bare lafl Uoa
h.uc eye. glauccd up 1 Id met'f.mDds.
le .uriril l..r his hat and coal, ns) mg record that be hardly eeer araal W
“t's gray^o^ .c g./.mg Idlyoo o fr..m bauds b
le w.intd g.i lw.'k to thr si.ire aitb Be bed. aad yet aever aaemed Urad or bat
sroieO hi berprutu win ; wretch!s
of spirits Afur working tbroogh \
. suii.rd ibr..luatkriiy and' Aad u m h.iti tbe tl.
pnrt of
ul Ithe aigbt be al •
*-■be seated, as there was s..me mistake
tbe baBy fraturn bruka lub. crept s.. bLugnly.. al
as bis daughter did not oeed a ejfiis a' artochalr for t
re. radiant gladaess. uhilr lue ; iheiUF- ilwy were uursi
at early dawa
was ready far ibo
praaent, and Hioord 11 w.ul.l be a 1
bead nodded coralally. ' • A few yard. m..re:'
blr -iv> A- DUel,
lime before she d.d
At Hr.t I
-1eld. wbowwU
iprehnul that
jerkf-om it older M.ter as sbe cangbl, itse li'.i. mad spurt, aad .tbe blar:
I tbs alet< o(
It fiiBlIy
up iwsidea >heei nf shall
was a tact. aaJ tiibralur. wbieh lasted focr j
1 wsirr. ari.i VOe rhgiov. .ll.ipo-' up.I ialrodoc-.l him to the doepir. who ia
during all tbai-ilBh alept lour
. the floor id bo.
. cral'of tbe lweoty4oar. Be Ured
I., lounbe mom
to the age of m —RrttlaA AtssMiBJ /ein*
^ be‘o1d“
l'?a‘'‘ •'
than tbe sens
iKtor aad I mI«1 Um
Well. U.th lb
bedside of the girlI aall night- but il w
a.-I until the follow
rad ccr
Ir.y noil
was aa awful Bice boy. so llirn
TbsD they passed out of beanog.
Sad. slier waieklng IHriu rater
Cennt Bertmad. wba laoewlly dlad
tan adraaeed age la Paria. waaa
eti eucenuic man and 10 OM o( Ua
reocBlrldlies be aeeribB kla leaf lib.
Kagnlarlv oaceayearbe wooId Uava
d fully re- bis b.ime. go U a Huiet bowl, bataka
d told ber birnsrif to be^aod smy^tbgra^Jbf^
Three years lain she 1 s marriert.
wife aad
bat hie aerraaL wh*
ip, my b.11
It. tbouast : aa hr menl ru.aiag in .u-I; riesperatioo
But ws musia l be u~ lirklish oier 1 a UaslT glance over his kbi.u hlei,showall
their top-loftiaewa
II ts something to I ed him tbe older sister headed blindly
be s mdlionaire whra you oom* to ' up the tracks, straight f u tbe burniug
think of it: Wasn't that baby a daisy.: w..>ts
■ "iih aswift lam Ned caught
Id say " and Ned's lace clear dar.d girl . I
V Di9ere&< Ntltone Eat
Sea the oov weut oaeu lau. lae : a.oeg as he ..ace m-r- staggered
r Lag'isb are adautird by at
, while the iraiB polled Slowly uul
Il hope of safety
idice.l fureigners to be tbe ____
a tbe great depnt- woaad amiisd
To see a
.acre and settled down w lu j uraorib. I’reseaUy. loading bimsell
u I apefi and penodUali. Ned start-____
,.......... hopelll«k,d_ Wbi-etbF|,,^,„|„';„,,„„,^ .cefai eating
on bis usaal rouad, soon e»ittiii,g ' t»- rc»d grasses beckoaed deris.n
wbavior of H
acniss ate wee friend of Ibe plat feria. ] the flsmes rusblag to s
gs.e s
Again besmiled pleamnily at the little , Ned Isng biinaelf d.
I weap.Bs ni.ea bs .-uasldsrs
-ad ibi
lace lifted ao bright.r to greet fi.ai. -v>:ck g.s.ice around
er moseoareajrut than knife
I frankaeas hr mf tae . eag.ner' a
the ! there in Ih.
; wilh them the ..ae so.l cnly rhi
i case* wl
lads. 'Cad that ha Bad not beea ferg.
f .leadliest peri
J tbe little Nona
ilcngesbU fcnTle i'l
ailed- fasciaated
-aiog a
-as oa had beard ber call
,y tkal Is lerrifyli
- rusbed op.'" '
by herdalaly sweetness,. sod at aad
ig horrible b as
by sbe grew restless from
rat ol’all.aad
redoprd Ibeai.
IbeBS. s sbaet of um i,.,, his
ad rising oa ber knee* .a search of .miouieii eavedoprd
Wat« Colar PortralU In rrplaw
146 F^pnt Street.
portrait^ Artist.
KutlbiM-. Wo. wrr
i^oucl.iug al.irp li.e
set !ip..l m ..osc;
Sed. tbe sew Iraia boy'on
lalb road, cliicbed lutotbe c
chat wtlb hts frifod, tie .
CrosACut SawB . .
Axes, Ax Hand es..
Skidding Tongs —
Loading Blocks ..
Air Tight Stoves
Box Stoves.............
Oar Stoves........
Building Paper etc.
A"."'” rtf.
—Honey (o Loan
o ibe.wt
,\t tjic cold storage. If I'armcrs at
a distance/ wish to Joad at other
points and make up carloads I will
huy at any station. Write mo what
yoii have to offer. V\ ill huy cider
Crowns and Bridges, apples. Sweet cider and apples for
Vltallaed Air for Painleas
w^aaaj^. wsaibstt
I made a .iighi lUdcoia. th^ party atonp They were forta'aatA
■ncewbinp aa ncaae steaBcr at 8kac
n o.y iioper.
way. aad reached Sealllr Bueh saoaeg
lilt I thus kn.
inao they expacled.
Hlaa Kellar U a pretty braaaUa.
Ilchi'r bollt. a litUe uadar OMdlaai
. ,
! her hi,.tress had die.1 i.f «he Wl.t mr height, and has eatreBcIy wall-eat
■“ e‘“aV ■
<l»-b>r sa’d it was 'typhoid Balaris'
Her ryaa are deep, dark
ann with , n,,o
for the deaOi certificate,
n. and the pretileat talafi abaat
-aud found that the servant was right
Ahe kas a taale tor proper droaaM
and bs. a chic air aboal bar.—A. Luvia
,sbout.r« ... freoilcall.
o speak
" jBir. and
Travkrsk Crrv. Mjoh.
•. Keller
!35 rRlI.fT STREET.
When either a Chamois Lung Protector or Vest
will be a necessity. We can supply you with either, but
you can economize and yet hat e something just a.s got»d
by buying a chamois and making one Good values at .W.
?>0 and If' rents.
_____ hSr
E.'-Barat.a;.*: °
Johason Block
T^■ aoa»3ct*Ab^obPjoj«.
atOa»3Ct*Al. TBOMPKOH. _oawe
.ou laarTT me tt I taka *o« to
•er tbc iaer
vaua was Ured of iha.aasathe aallBitad eartetyof KlosIkr prub. sod Ibr Idea etrwek ber jAt
(iphl ' tie efreed la becoae Uta-Hodf
arrleed eatrlr
■'V.L. uee e*ee Autd." » Id ttr. ft..
piaiD > TLs.h;.. r,
Sedpsirk Ibre paid Braed
h.-.yblsB.I u.it ..ore
iheir trsii.pielath.B, which roatly
aeanl that be csttv Ihelt pmeiaiooe
■ ble r..i h.r s dee.l p. item
At di>t
retit^ t^.sVe.uT oi ra.t tbr old (rmtlemai wkiUihrt silketl orrao almreJde of
Ike » .••'.
They were eeUTBaly farto.
uatc iu s't > '-top up tbr rieer aad aeraea
dead, tut I '.bi>U|tbi l•ettrr —
• the pas. without accldeat- They had
I hie coat in resdioisa'upoo
the beat dog laaa la the ooaelry. aad
i Nod waited
natte ,lb«^-si ■, i,** their liae. They were M tfoabI Dawsrd oni
dashed lb. Irsin
SIS..U.. shiies.m
P’-ft' P" witb letl silb Ibr cold, end Ue woeuaa
; lb^.uch the dr
u. F. •Je
'‘yw wh'sl ih'Ughi I n.>iice.i a'sutoilthe ulp fully as well aaaar of
Must her
•1..I u. tempi bar by baaplaf aa
el..ee her. bat she ooly l_aarh^
tie. aad fiaaliy
oa the
thr p'
plaa that
be dcfir.
. - - .____ -___________
silb bis ea.uabie taam of foortewi
fi<v- waCMraeiOB bseeiabar J« «iU
s parly of dlg-rt^g Vfco had just Mtd
"I..1 me la'.s Noaa." lie esid ij.iie' ,
- Vou sill bsre en.u,rbto hwk sftet ' ,
, TourwH •
He . e I his bsltds to 'be .„
little one. who elstaboied upon the eesi
and olunp c.orulsitr!} to bi> ma-s
! There uerard strenplii in ible younc
Imj with bis frena fearleesuess «ud
Doctor’s Prayor,
. Neo'tWppetl l.> b. r .;dr psle. rr»olee.l
Bosmees CardsT"
TraTcns Cltjr.
KocX>ead.‘B«t Drue.
.4i ■■■UB0. oea toe vmaa
Do poa taa that
la ibawriare
(Ip . onward.
lb (b> mUr eiri la ber arBaP- asked :
Uw Wklel aad driad-ap
D Certlr. thr wrll-kaowa avnb____■_________
walked «w Bllaa ba ba
ilBl Aodahnrkiv paal ^ oedrtpakrr, of a Press rrprceeau —
Barried. aad
hm that MO BlMa M
---------- -------------_jd
an>ae gnm
‘ ier aad darker
- oaljl.
Tba flrra
.t brr*'
Ue Umla
' otbei.
otbei. Kal vet tbrtr wae
nra u coob
DO ib ^orhlaldaarrr. Oalp. oa ahrAd.
oot IbrnTa kta cab. the eotrleaef
iaad tbrlr diaUaaUoa tka araraatlafea
frainr abook bu brad, as wiu kalll
•afurbar ;ctir in eirlUiaUoa. beatdr
n>a Baa
brows hr rlaaeed Wk at Ibat wall of!
oar of tbe ptoeaoB la tbs taaoM
es.~ amweiod 1
dbrfiafa. aad tbc woue was a
rtln. - but her parebU bad a dn
___ wte bad daUfbtad tba
tbc prret forrsta
fomta on
ril brr sidr. ibroorb
1 pbt.ic-iaa tboafhlsiie was dea.L' i ararts
of tbe
IUawaao Blam wlU bv
wbii-b oipbl br Serb’and r^laaas'
It was sbnrtly after I o^erd up sty r.iter daaclac and catehy wan.
fire, as oar afuraaotbrr
aaotbrr lenr nltfbtp
os tbc N.irth >.de. whrc , l.evoard Sed<wick. of WyoaiM, aad
Boaarais frll rielims u Ibr baB«ri saribluhioeot
rrroJnp a alorh dressed old ‘
Lou Keller, of baa Krmseiaeo. a»How loot woold 1
: au 1 r trdaiSeaUleoa tbelaaiaUtaaer tnn
uribtd ' I'.e kioadlke. altar baela* Bada lb«
wsi SAfety lb Hindi
on '"'A
tkst .“A'*..'...' t.." Was lap out aaer tbe saow for
raster aed fsstei
le Is tba ec
su-itiat desperaleli
.r ibsi baeeo
of ^
Me tu.d me be desl
w boi. It wu ,
■ .t.lli-B, -nocker. bVuker. «„re deiwi- '
Keller Iwachl oat RLOM, lha naalb
-■■■“1—• of her iiuse moatbs' Ufa lb Ua atlaloc
Tbrt Bade tbe trip oat to fM
there are ao alatoLtswsoa. but because that m
:t say Asdfwtch ciHitd wia hia
. eessdrs> pradvf
Itajksnd forth went '
sue had efiMB or twaaty tally
Brosch’s Meal Market
Choicest Meats, Poulttn and Game,
S'o"«v'l ±A Baaaon..
U* W. rgsBVJat dear went Eagle OBea.
Trash. Salt and Smoked Meats, Siusagss Etc.
taaali. and era him bfi
________ .. apeak
Jaat bafaea Uta
Onrtaaos began tbe eeige of Paris tlw
coaal weal to bed and tbe aareawt,
proring me to bit Inboetlowa. lali
e great eeeata codag ow
one day tbe httad peorrd so bad the esunt i»
learned Ibat Puns wsa
iagiag oat of^S»^^2
paced —the _____
floor. --C
'What rboulO a BerUasd do
^stopped, exclaiming:
Potato Boab.
In nearly all potato socUoM (lu senb
was rspoeUIiy bad tbs pari saaaaa. ta
some places causing tbc rain of Ibo aw
tire crop
Tbfsdieaaee b ooaflaad al>
.... .c.
mrml roUraly. In lU worst foraa. !•
auils la wkicb lima or aabea baea bsea
tvnb an eag«^ wbteper shs leaaed wrapped dase ia ahawis aad ooau. |
,*-1,used eiieosieely. or wbera tbors la :
Teriohermother,suc6a-''ridofea- Uiakiug all wat lad^ over
I („r«cr lor eagelablra. and aoBel.
cvrasidermble decayed TagetaWe BAtMr
■••ty Io tbe gnat eyes that Urs oil-1 It passed, a >. luard of (re
And tbe I
. .
in tbe soil. Expert growem aow
*- - a
t rompraheesise
glance .grass sull. waeed around ibem its fin
msa, after
wkat enrion..
back at tbs U.-y. nodded
a smiling eon- gen of iriumpaanl
ebopiiicku. ibsl tbe best wsy te eoabat IbodM.
te to treat tbe potato batort plaab.1 the
sent, bo Ncan went dancing d.iwB tbe I n'ns it a mirnclr'
a form of in.p>Bei
shat diffi colt
The col seed piriato le pUoed far
atalr to ber new friead, who received the steady b. si o'the burning 1
to Bse.pulsie wl
ber with boTtebdeligbL'and after tbsi'frigbtfal V inuasified bv tbe l»
tbeta was no lack ef cntbralling ol tbr omertrd tan
tTaet i
a reached Mrs tj
■ lopped beside Ned to sar. "tVr
muolhto'te sad w.
kindness In who. Wbri le heard all from Ibe
a steak welgbing
ipped Ned'i
tk :ng a eerv sharp keifa
bimaclf that ibtt
silenlly. eiw.ag ti himself
e aaemt la'o lour of five
N..I woeb IB Itself, bat spoken with ' boy'a folnra abonld be in i
each of
great .
>0 winalBgaeordlallty that tbe bov's care
Bto bl
bwt aweiled within bla. nod Be 1
Bst tke reward dearest
-iersd at Uni Tba Graalis
tkongbv "Krafa people are not ao bad. heart was wbenal botsr. 1
'awtber" lor* bla Into ber am»»»(! ■■«-■*,, in li said a^ d m the EaTbs next dty tbe train stood ready 1 wept blessed loan of >oy oeer ibt
^stt lr-i____le
stee wbeo. to btesnrpriaa. Mra UilBsa.Boblc ^d
of berrde Iralamea. tke
rs-enterud with ber dangntm.
She | world Itself bus not yet doae ta'klDg of
sppearadanxioiisaadwamed.seelriBg them and
ia tbe faceo
ibebaadaetor oat to iBBodiaiely p'y ibelrceola
bla wiU earweat qnaatioBa. aad Ksd a death so
noUced tbs ooadacaOfalso hadanalrl
LoadoB ..n—
te —alee
twain slk---------aUea
------lag la words of bemy niBBanocn -I .emy aad sorealewa the other.
TheaprreraUytbisfat^traiawflat v^raboat larawly Bllaa of asw straota
jrSi: _________ SiCliJS
tsNsd atlU Ml pea flat
4. baorerhsardSla
th«a aaaM baa a
a,lanhU«y.n4MHt. UwaagM^STw
* »ply -aarly aU
mU How
..-ulpW ...
BetbodUabeeoer. a
furmadlaad salt* >
la Oaliea la Aaatr
la a rraarkabls
whias has a
_____ a of wboB bore aerer ssoa the
light ef dsT.
It b kaawa aa ths CUT
HUirtea of the raeagea
c^tbe BaU Klaea. aad ia auaafafl ardsr“white asls." cobs troB the earabar al baadrad feat belaw tbe wtha* sarof tbe Aaatfaltaa BasesB alMydacy. laoc. tlbaalutewabalLthMraai
eaasabl} reoB. aa wall ae a benattfal
charA daeoratafl witt etatoea. aU ^
beraplaoed with a eoveftag meaM^ lag faaWeaad fata the seta irj-Malliilargajy at atocl aad eopper.
thotr ad rack salt. It baa
trork, baiag earrUdoa la tbc
srea. llrM wM
of tbe I Bbcr. does bol leeaal
the atraotore ia aboal raadyUfoUte
aoiaalactdiadieidalla thna ar fsar
QrandTrtaTeiae Herald and Trayerse CSty Traaaoript. Oomedidated. UarchtS, 1888.
STVte a>*
yt»MilJSl'toXoitf0|*Tm Bo-» 22i'SL““*~ .......................
M««V >itM «c WIUM tto »M.d "ue^'A«.riw........................
«i Ik* •■■r*Ue MUraU" Alnlnste A^Mste........................
K rsr.2r::^r:rr::i:
of >oo»s0«
ibW. Tbon «■■ u
ibu4 ItbU »bo kMl
____ _______ ._____ . bb4 tk*r «U
uTUm of tko dWIofoo. roeitAtioB*
bb4 bobc* Bad rMBlrvd lltaW or w
taWk «rblgk W Mldoa off*rod
BO woU ao •
fallr cfnaiMrVr. Deidc«. oao of tk*
owMn of tW CBBtaU *bo dlroetod tt>*
mdortloo daelBfod that Ihli wa* '
boa> bo o*n bMo tbo pWoo to bo
Poa^-Wbra a^T tyWcB of b«>ka
er **y t«*t book baa boo* adopMd
tbrr* oa* b* ao ckaay* for >•* yeara
Ptfib—Sekeol dlelrleU whWb ar*
Uooed by Hr. l^bM tWt tk* Fn*t. B*w eperaUay **d*r tb* fr** text
td Qcrt b* aatborlMd to
boob Uw. or wbWb d«ri*y tb* prcaast
ytar adept th* fro* tost book tyttoB.
Alto**o XII.........................
dariac tb* year lOM •ball dorld* by
Hotia* carrWd.
■ Batorlty rot* adt to odb* *ad*r tb*
Solaa Urre*d«................
W^to*. of tb* act of IWT. am *xTnrerw City, Hleb.. rob. U. I8M.
oBpt from tb* pro*WkM* of tk* aew
Oo* AatoeW Ulloa.........
re Tbx IWanf uf EdiieetWa, Tm>»-y»
Clip. JU<(* .
mxtb-4'bof* arc aow la oporatloa
lataau l«b«l....................
^Obim*«M-W*. yoorCoatali
taabal II..........................
Mh^a'*^ U
[oat for
ayetoa* to reeiale la foree aad at lb*
taa* iiB* •*«• op aaotberi
lor lloert*la that
ptof tbeBpaaWh
a*oy «rrc bi
r* *1*. aad b»or Teacbw'r PV R.U. r^bmarr. I
boo* rofltlrd
Jean***' aa/ mil. rrBraar/. If*/.
.tor ax AiMiiwEri aow,
Ip aoir roiaalalDi to ibc
/ E <trrllii-» C«_ laawnal .
Viral.—It wiTu'd o*e*a»iUi* •* lari
i^'Oxpaaar (or ikr purfba** of eatimi
Trar.rwOi} lr«* Wert*. >*va‘r*
■«»,**• book*.
II t L Mw*. Co. nt.oww«J tWcoBd.-Tbr plao of that law la a
rrxt. rvBo.
Bofalar **001101 o> tioard of Edocau Bxuor of oxperlBoet. aad wo tball
Uaa.lMldiBcoaDvlIrooB i'eC aary ». TtanrM nu b"bw I'o. >1^ .
< v< bam amplr UiB* <0 adopt lu [f w*
’Jg dralm after aorlay it triad la oti
w** callad tj order by W.
WB.C.C ran.Ts, 0
-r. no. ir.c oTrC trieac men..
A a*.
out" condition anti
nedis'inc ij^/undt-d on
taoiiok —* ad.ipiFd
1 BOt h* b>Dnd to DM tie klarU a>-l»clr
Horod by Mr. VHodrleh that the rr- i br tbo Stale Board 1 ■ Bloat we au deair.
part b* acr-eotod aed claiiat br o«or ■
.Firwt.—ThI* It- proTirtei
I Irn of free MXl booki la ll
UE.srL>:uKS- Yeor eomailtlo*
’0 I SreuBd.—A maj -riiy <
oltUeijiial■ a. apparatu* and aopplira cub- ,
ora et the diali
t»«rT- , u, p,t Ib* law lo opera
.. .
the law* yuTt-mlay the .
I Third;—Th* bulk* are rbiawn
chaee of text bnnkt 10 tni* •late.
I llictriel Board aari whee oa. r wl'ecl.d
il*i. The law ol isxv pmridei that caet>.ii be chcayrd fur fire veara.
■ ay aebool dittrii't may adopt a tyntem
Fourth.—The broke twIiiBy .to lb*
ol free B zt Wx'lta I'a lb* tulluwloy diAtrlrt but aay prraoo ecu parebace
braBcber. (inbdyrapby.
bdyrapby. MlUay,
apelUDy. wril- ' from tbr diatriri •uch books ac br 1
lay. n-adicy. 'y*->yraphp, amfamrlic.
yramBar.iinclodiay laoxSaye loatuax.l
Kifth.^'oteid* of the
BttiDDil aad »lal* history, cieil yoy- branch**, booh* mu*t be nmrure.
orBoieul. aad [.tyiloloyy and byyaae- prlrcie *>r-a>.r. the aam* a* anw.
tVbra the kiaU of bwka ba* bare
Sixth.—Thr b»iki maoi br luraii
adopted a ckanye caaeot W atade for • I a price BoV-yrraUr than tbr
dr* year* A msl wily rou- of lb* Isx. -holeaaV price of Mich b-a.k-: bb-I
pariny rlrrtor* i* rm]uli
fi>r* coulracllep fur in-ik*. ihr tt
lo force la aoy
. di
, kax a rieht u> adrirtlM f.w hida.
gencrai IjssituJc sumiiitJ t.p
the l.;n:i! i.ir phrase—
“that tired feeling."
Vourtb. —"e wou'd loo* 1o**l coolrol
f II and br »ohj*ci to i“ir will
< B.wrd la I)i*,»rl*«ii,.a of ba
jj,' Vifth. —SeBT'.y alt yraded t.rbool>
»a la tbeSUU all! d*dd* ayalatl tbelaw
!«y ol Ir'Jf. aBd Ibue It -ill reasit tl
MeilOB carried
Miired by Mr. Bouad that the pr**land Cur acboale
appoinltbry* '
anall tb« braoe**
hers of tbr Ihiard. lo laresllrat* a* to
eliU remain fro*
IS, per capita mat nfedomtioB io Ihr
Hipb school aad r*Bon at oezt reynUr
popular'u^e of a-spring
Wilh the coming of the spring season eonies l.in;i .lor. tU-biiiiy. 3 “dragged-
«W ta ymiap ib* law Ibu oiwratioe. 1
akrnbnokt be** brra ch woo tbr
uBdr'. lb*y Bty aoi.k* aoltod la tk*
Baad MrNalh a Cu. aei»
A W oic-erfd. lr*«eiM> •«*
is , .
kb baoka a* tbay are aad
Th* rooolpu foribeti
•I»7t Bad for Wm all
Tiarorw City. Allcb., Fob 73. IIM.
MWd that u>* total w
7>i lA* Boom K/ Cdaealhm:
•lU. ft woold b*
,___ ^0 to aea
UOTTLaaBi; Yo«r Commllte* 00
tbo todlrklnal
tb* litlli UrouDOtaad Balldiny*. U> wbom *<*■
iotkt ia tb* oailo batu tb*r* ha* bt*o
rrlerTOd tbo natlcr of purebitiof
aomi ahaai* dao* It tra* pab!Wb«j obriBical dr* •tllo(oUb«ra. faatlor "■
•rat itWrl**aatWa.
Bwh oo* —
•elrtd Ike lacloeed bida aad to<f*U.
yated lb* workiai of ttaia woold rr
od tk* ■■Itri." ta*
Bm(Ib«i a* Prtao* ObdllotM. Alfi
i to be pnrebilawd tbrouyh vbr
HoaiB a* th* I "
Byeot. Ur t>. C D<>v
pacity. with rlor top*, a
tbo t*BO to b*p aerd ia the bulldlaye
ready f.w *•*.'*• lolloai;
for 0»k iWrli liuildiny.
Bor l<oartIB*B A*e BiiUdlar.
eforCeatrai Baildidy.
t for KlWwood Are. llafldinr.
B«0»W.tb*imue*' W**bMWa*b» ...
The Thing for Spring
‘£2Sd-P#pn*. I»r*aia aad
'tw t rail. il>Br cap Bat ostia.. I
:‘or 11*11. aiDf ap .S*M 'atia.
W. Smilb Pretldeat.
l*r»MBt. HoB>bera HoSaU, Moor*.
wao U Chari* of MW* BIscbait. *rbe
*>** Bb(r aoWiiad bj tho other UBCbor* Hybat. Mebola Ullhort. yviodrkh.
of tb* OoBtral oebool la oukUr K a aad Beoad aad W. W. dallb. Pretl-
t r«tlay arltb oa«b dlatrWt btard aa
* Bat pro.
lb*»» wMlluUto
w»» UmU tp crltWWo
«lllBl*» OB
WWW tboro
■ Btfbi. Wot aW^tlfeB roBffk ----------„ jm
Bin* ««tB werBBC ud tbo OmMI
Itriakd* It
paiflo rnm
|MBB« B( tho 1^ tWirWad «U>
To Purify the Blood
from the gross elTfcts of th* faitv I'ootls of wintiT, there is no medicine
Mulioh lost by v*a aed Bar rob.:
Y***—M*m»wrs 11 Inert and. Rourd
NsTs-%t*mbrr* Medan. Moorr. IThb'. XThol. aad Friedrich.
M.iirtl hr Mr. liilbrrt that Mr l-rbii'
act IS •till cdu-inl-t-* lo compof’ r- ■
esplva r ».i of edaeallOd in th* Hipt
kcbuol and mporlal nexlroynlar marl
Motion rarrird.
1‘rr'ptawd amaadaieBl of parayraph <a'i
of Sec. 3ofduU*t nt miBrnltl*-* ie
bT-1*w« and order of boalB*** of th*
ll-Hird of Eduimtron of Tra'or** rity.
foraieh yi a will froi* 00* to too 3 yt': To prepare a report o the leacbers
box Firr £iiiBfDleb*ra at lltoi rarh.
whom ihrv wi.iUrt r**.i nmrBif to Ifob. Trareiae City. We belirro you
riBBlrrrd for the^ersMi
kaow tho otorlu of Ihlt oxUayulebrr,
ee Brod bo oadoreeairB t froB B*.
reyniar meetiny Id tb* n onib of AprI :
wo treat that tko lew prir* obd*<I
ktatlny ai*o tba sai*.i t b* attarhed
to Ib* p-sllion of ,,..h.
oaablo et to faroiab yuo with wbal
tl whlrh iicnyo* Bood. Your* rrepecifuUy,
,,----------. . ._ Hioical---------- '■
Ib lAe &A00I Boom of tAC f.'frv •(/ rmrdent m iior m^mlrd"n Feh"mI|T>“ nX
erne fUp. if Wi..
tiiucTUBBS—I herewith tabiait
Liah MCh ba Jt“A^TthZbted“y ' IWrt ofV<T^'lu“iibatm'und,-r fbr
po*al tuaupply year (nnri iiiy aebool al Uteenlo.
I oMe»T. raa bo pur.
balldlDya with -'Uuthiway'
rr Ikic l%wparea(xor pspll* lacy
p'^ fx"*.. diacount irom I
tek bead firs oxtlnyulabera, aa
M bm k* fruo lb* ditirict aad cvalraci
.... rlevlora of the ditirlrl by a Ba] >r- ^ E.yhth.-A ra»>orlt.r *r
One fBllrp <B parity
l;r role may din'd llir tchonl b-i*M lo
(aa* pay* Ift) pulkhrd
a<l**rlt>* for bid* before bnrlny tko ac> aacual rlrctlus
* commune* from lb* fir„lie of th*
|*pt«s. ea^....................... |1S»
look* £icb dkl/lct mey eelr't book*
l-hlreral.T of Miebinn lo riad *uof OBcb kinds as ll thinks beet aod tbr
**h.'oS h*fo*, ,h* rinsed of .hr sehon!
Add fooBl.'ktl plailDy.oaeb ect.
tbus ehaaaa arr to be purchased
rekf IB order to rrness our diploma m"No.
Throe ralluo mr director on Vebmary Ul each
• pacity (ae* pboloyiaph)
brlireiay that the aaia* will hr a la^ons with the^uiorrrally.
year Tbix It^he only free text book
kayfoy of mun.y to tbr patMi s of our
law Id the aiale
Sd. Under the preaeot law raeh eta aebool*. aad a *. ur/e of •alufadloa to
Add for elekei plaUoy aaek act.
dent must prerid* his own bonk* or his toacbon aad nnpl s *iik*
’ Ricarub.
''Pao*''—Three yaMon c*.
llrspn-tful'v ronra.
parratc or yuardiaa most do so for
rd of Feiuca
pBcltr (ler paye It) Japat rath hits. proTi'trd, ikat indiyrnl pupils
aball bar* books famiiked ibras at the
exproc* ol Ihrdtxlrieu This featunHoyod by Mr. Moor* ibal th* report
DIa. 8 per eect.
I* not B,;diS'-d by tbr law of l-uf.
b* *cccpt''<l and su
*t*|« be Ukm a*
Add for nickel pWUoy.eacb W.OO a
Tl*r prraeBl law allow* th- Board of is OFCersary to briey ike matter bofer*
to price fee pohahed eopper.
.facatioo nr district wboul board to the p«>plr.
-dtaadard." Na »—Six rai
wiyualo Ue klod of booka u b* need
Motion carried.
.1 the scboolx.—aaefa dl*lricl actlay
Uored ^ Mr liilbert that th* quew
aeparatrly. roder lb*
10 prrwrnl
prmrnl law tb*
OB of tbr luruUniBE ftee- V
hied otxozl books i* ►uhjrcl
-bool Krade*
Dia. 3 per conk
at any time at the will
nil of Ibe di*l
kubmiit.d to th■e
Add for oichel platley each W SO
aBnual apriug e’rclioo tu be b
• w (imi
April «Ui. I
aod that tlle clerk
O for Ik
iB'tracled to orepare
1-a.l t
le pricaaa “Staa.SpBUiuy. ReadI
a* ri.julrod by
lotioB cam*<l
loeed by Mr. Friodrii-h that ’.mu.;
yolabei»’ («e* pay* »)
Sutra. Ciril fl lyemmenl of lb* foltod copha
port of tb* outuoiiie* |
pnlUbed eop’pri ...............fsoo
SutM. Ciril tloyoramay^of Mlcblyan. »|.h ,
L*«*80aDdtt,prr< It htf tlSG.no. Algebra. I'hy
ordered prioud ai^ cirfuiated am»^ j
Mclral pitted, ael.
of writing bu»ka tball be
uxpa.rem of th* city.
Tbo abn*o to bo dolirrred f. o b
I of C-mtnlnainnrra. 'I hiacdUard
iitiun '-arrii-d.
‘miai** City ia any quanUly dotlrrd.
immiaaiouerx will cosalal of the
Tom. (kah a* per ditenoBt uamed
Board of Bdscatina U«yth*r
ta tea day* afur rooeipt of yooda.
itaroc County Schoul Cummi
O O. Miujta. Aitent
on to be appolotod by the goi
It ahall be Ibedul.rof the
Ttarera* Qly. Uieb., V*b. IS. IMS.
and to teree far a term of flee rear* of Ibe *crer*i *chi«»l bo
WboB Ihla board of coam^aaiooen hat
1 -erep dally, a tbr doe* of
-Soaoo a act of book* or adopicJ any
all th*
XI book* tbrr* can lie ooebangy fur
ukc ht the hcb.e.:» ancl.i
period ol Sto .t.-an. *zc«pl tbat all t 1 rerouee. upua the f-..lh.wifir murniog '
'.—" —... the publicatloB t(H! du.l from all *.-b-Ktl fornl-.ure
abo yes fDlloaitx offer:
Will fnrelab fuor tbrao-yalloo n»- of I'byxitt. llUtorlr* and Ueogi
11. Tu waab tk* fl.iura uf Ihp achnol '
ektamtarttt.OOaBd four S-yall. oei> tball ktipulaU >kat tald book* aball tm rooma, ball! aid alairwara doriag each I
fordSt OO. Yoa docldr wbicb cite roo rd*i»od *e*rvJ*T»e yeanaa diroetod by yaealioB. afid lu waab all doom. wi*. {
r, bald Btacfelnet to b* aiade of
dowa aod waioaccw-iof wbaa neiea0. *l>h Ull Birkel plsu eoteriac. tbat aaid booka mt* bo fully
aar.T or wtioo directed by the aupena. |
daU. t'odor lb* aow law roull
aad lu fact e-koletale price* ar*
m To *i>iuine daily into tbe cia. !
d hr Ike
but are
Geoeral AyooL
ditloB uf r'l-etiaad ariual. •idewa'ka >
apeeiflrd aad flxed by con tract between fcBcea. aad aebool yard* aad keep tbe '
' Tr*»ot*^ty. Feb tt. -W.
tk* publlabaraaod Ib
KiB* In good coDd:ti<« and to rrport
Idlnci C»mai(i(er1||r'ih<
C»mai(i(er1||r'ih. Bwtrd 0/ £.1- iniuioaen; and lb*
tD.. qf TVneerce
r. /.i.
tu Ue anporlDlendcot any needru ro- im
C'Uii.eidet that aueb board tball ael In any
OxyTU.KU—I tnbaili for year cob- t-a»c coatraci wiib aay author, pub pair* or injary dan* loaoy kchool prop- I ^B—
aidoratloe th* lollowlay ffynrea of ib> Imhef or pubilabcr* fur ta* forBlahin
er all T
idenlte ,
Fir* Xzlloriixhar. The differ, manakcript copj-rigbl
eboul pa
r.Jii a I
belay la ibe outward appesraocr
aball br laid to tb* pan
k* IB the Public bcboola of t
at a price aboe* or lu ezooaa
‘%^?op*o lb* bBildlDg* at 8
'iag. which oball lacludi
wbea directed and to romaia lo eharg* 1
profit lu retail
rtai: dealer* Is
In such bc.k. of of-tkra bbUI Uo arrira! of tba loach i
DBiarly: Fur* kpetlinf
Tor a firxt reader, 15
VI' To keep all walk* upua 1
*: for a aacoad roadei'. S.t oralt.
•ohool premlar* claaa aad la »ood o
ird reader SScooU; for a fou.tb dltloB.
roadrr. 43 cralt: far * fifth reader. Od
ceeii: fur aa trllhmeiK iM-madiate. all fuel dallrrrod .
30 ceata: ar ihmrdlc, mmplelo, ft ceala. boiMinga.
dnatrTapl j . primary. 3S <eBta; reo(T*
VMI. TucoBaolc w lb Ibe auprrio-'
oby. compirt* wceali. EaolUh gram teadaat mpeeliag tbe character of tbr
work to b* do**, and. aa far a* p-i*ai-'
ble. carry rat all anggeatinB* irlalira !
nl .VkhilnpT. rseeaui hirhor Bbyainlncy. Iq^lb* car* of ibr aebool prop-fty.
T3 ceata: riemontary history of t'aited
State*, snreoia: tnracampicio bbt iry
a woiata ackc Ihlc qarctkal Row mocS -if Ibi rniud Stale*. T3 c-B>k: for a aoBgm holwreo the nflior uf the »op- !
tboarbi aadetodr cb* ilrrctrc to it! It ic ciril gorrrrmrei of the rsilad Slate*. rrinteadeat and lb* achooli roapeetirw !
aaMial. A wooiin hair* to thiak that cBe
I ceata; for a ciril for*
11 jiaitor* at aocl
aocb tim<
ll yrowiac fcy hr diy Iro ebartniai: tad
lehiyaB. 33 erata: a’rrbra
altraciirc and yoothful to brr hnebaad'e
iB«y not be enrarod
in their
dutir* I
ryot tkiB ia tbr dtyr of rmnebip.
.. .
tk* achool tiuild'Pg*
akall be
A wonaa acy clwar* rrtaiakn ehami
•Bt*;,copj -b>»k*, 5 eenU *■
direeUuB of Ue Board
aad the riraeftr ai<d fteikacci of rnetb If
B*fi>re tbit eommiaaluB ci
Ae will Ukr the proper can of brr brcJth.
■Btract it »o»i adeort'a* tc
‘H’Ib, b. Kr, lYWriU U.I U» ralr. SA tmtaeadaoi petreniarr of ill-bcalth ia
>mpi*tc text boukt and a'ao foe man- b. UopW,
wooers it dsr to wrtkneac and dtwace of
icrlpu, aocb Bollee to be eonliraed
T twooiy OBO eonareBtle* day* ia two
rily paper* pabUahrd ia tbU Nisi*
1^ maedy for all divert of lki> aatate
iriar Ihc larrem rlr.-a'atloa and la
t* B*-*p*D*r la rwoo'*' firealatioB
catbeaereev It preecryec ia a woraaa ■a eaeb of tho cltle* Naw York. Phila
delphia. Cioelaaati. Cklcaro aad St.
equal to Dr. Ayer's S.i;sa]t.irilla.
vitalizes it.
It not only ekanset the blood, but re
It piils'a spring into the step .-ind n sparkle into the eye that
betoken health.
It restores the li>st .ippetite, imluees lefre.shing sIocp,and
reduces the linhilitv to dise.nsc be nculrali*ing the tondltions jcssential to
the development of disease germs.
Always Ask for Ayer’s.
prr|wi4Uuo Uial au
ium|ure aiib A/n'. S
. » MM.K. M. !>.. IWuiU-ii.
0 f cacoci »pL-ak loo highly hi iitaiu of Ayci*» SxT.j[unll*. from ti^kocc. 1 CXB
■eCDDiiucad it aa Ibe heal kpruig awikuae.”
IsAAC S. &PAkKS.'.rai*«.', Ky.
* I hare mwd Arei'r Sxrtapuiilia ia my farndy for year* and bigh^ imwmend 11. A*
aa;’r»( nediciae.'u l.xaoo«{>ML'
A. U .\lClfUl,s. ^eiy hi.. Can.liait*. Ham.
- tyrr'a Sa/v<|>ai ila hit been b bDeMhold CTrnpaninxi tn out family
toe yi
,p(il. It lime. I4> m’> •yauua.ybea n aa ra.(.;lcnl xpf-iiic,
.-/io»4 my opuiMB.'*
At a bUod nwduuiie, it bj
It. K. WILIU.!,
l-hilaiklpbU. ^
•Ayri't Sxiuparillt ia iriiknui an eqiul ata Idood puri&er xnd tpring awdkiur.aBd
tannoi have (iruae cmiueh. 1 haaw waicbrd iit eflecu in chfurk ca.e*. artwm .Whey
treaiiDcal wax of bo aruL and bate beta xtiODiJua at'the tcult*. NB whet bimal
BiedirJie'tkxi I hate etwf uwd, and I Kate inrd them all, ii ru ihDiou;h in ua aettun. aad
ade^ta ao etaay pennaneat cure* a» Ayu'a kaj-aiianlla.''
Ox. li. F. UF.FRII.I. .tu2u.ia,'AI^.
S'-rst-';.-*. :”iS,
8tr*BCth of Oar Navy.
Th* Uailod Slat« bat ala* hatUr
*teof thaiiatelaB. Spalohit***
Date ala* Bhl^thltoeaatr; bat Ut
hoary nat aad M7 taenao baturr
naa. fbM ala* ftrat olatt battW tbip*
ha«« aa aroraf* toaatf* of toaethUr
onr 11^. Th* dtatraetWe of tb«
-Mala* ia BaT**a harbor I**?** ' '
OBBatry «lth oaly ob* **0000-.
Ifhtlacahlo. That W tb* Taxaa
ooaMdaftaa* araicdai raiaeW
PBitadttaWiWtInmc. Spalaha* do
*w**WataUo< thUktad. Spaia o*t
BBMhtnlhaDaiMdbUtoBUtb* a
tarof 1arp«Wh*ata.bBV.IaklBC it
imrru aran
t taooouM
.................... ■*-
■■■■■" hOM
We Open the Season with a
r, Sr
Special Linen and
White Goods Sale...
For One Week, Beginning Monday, March 7.
.r,1 ■
Importers and manufacturers are asking a big advance
on all kinds of Linens at present, but as tve largely antici
pated our -a/ants in this line and fortunately jiist secured a
lot more at old prices, we are in a position to give you some
extremely big values.
NOW is the time to buy,
when these are gone.
No more at the same prices
All the new things in White Goods, such as Welts, Piques,
Dimities, Marseilles, Etc.
.. t.tit
.. i.tu
nana's ^
“Payorite rreacription ~ W aetd by an i*.
...............dralyt* ia mrdictec*. “ '
a*i»* .....V
.. i.aon
• IS
,. 1.000
^F>^ iboU-txavl* k raapoaa* to
:tt,r;n7tS.'^rm:±.r. ^
lb* Board o
mlaabwiar* esda. and lb* poW1»t
tofuralab Ibohonkm toditirfeu ... ..
; •‘.ealeraatariteewoBiefSOporcoat. bo1 low the price* xuiod la tbelr eoatiact:
' and the rotal daalora can add so more
i <Laa tklt.Surwrremt lor their wr fit
I Ibaa talliag Ibaoi at prices BOX t* 1
d lb«* aboee ap-clfled.
Oder tble law tb* auto Aes* Bot
parrhatc aay book* sor boeom* Habit
I 1* aay for any, bat all purebaaoa are
- raadc oiibor by dlatricuar be boob
nwtwamT* Hedk^aWmUri..'
Oa alt book* faSSkbod aad«:
**?”^*^ ibit law tbo rrtall price matt bo plala-
One case of India Linons especially cheap. Also all kinds
of new things in Laces, Embroideries and Wash Goods.
I St
“ The Kind that Cure*.’'
lo clear
your blood of all impuridn:
make your stomach, liver, and
kidneys righi, and your nerves
' St
Then > ou are well.
Buy a bottle of D.\N.\’S from
your dealer, and this guaran
tee goes with everv bottle. —
Isn't that a fairotfer?
All OrucsIMs Kmp It.
Wilhelm Bros,
N. B.—All Winter Garments to close at Extremely Low'
Qrand TraVenw Herald and Tiavtoe tStr Ka:
■a ara three tittle tUa«a arklA
V arork Ikaa
f the Week. S.!
rMBfob*W«belil* kMf«adUbM
MT«r iW him u«iiW* aotU
He uffns BMta p«la mn mad walla
wl^ dIOindy.
i. o jj.. s
hrfMDT parfrcily bealthy by eetar De00 da wtia alowfd Wlifa Muir Early 8j»et».*tb* (asoea
»w»f SB old earpeU___
aad otb»T
____ dvart*. liulr plUa J. 0. Johaa«^
r «-<i
Aa oUl iraak ba bad aok area la Baay
yearawaa ao btary baooald aoi cDora
laaldawera kaadlnof all«»r«rlafaB aiyi tfaa
ita wtf* dor
Ika aaal twaaty yaaia, wbllr dry wi
la tba joak baalaata
Be xar* *
i baawAbraa rl«ht {
baa ao raaoUacUoo o
Ur anary.
^ j.ts.ooq ibaa h* i^_a (awda^^a^
:. W. EdBoadtef Ourgo
aUppad mad Itfl whUa naalaf aad
tnnarrd kla ktp. '
Ur. R«bL Jobaapa. ct SaMla <^k.
alalaa 10 kara »
-------- .-..-u.
fkrv «a»llta. Inwi Haary aad W<
.vnUalaa Vaa Vo'ka. ac«d alar raar. .
-Od wbo Hare wHb kta parrnla al
lirmad Bapida. Uea la the Boitrrwor’h
hwpiua Id an oaraeaeioat ooeditiao a.
“ t rraalt of a BMSt paeoliar a<!cldrDi.
a lad waa pUylny la Ue
ova yord'aa^^pTuor oDo f
dar Uie reiy rarra uf the boi
lar ibe reoeot IDowibk wiotar wraih.
ar a Up ieiclr bad poihrred al ttir t«d
ofaa carc^oat aed Uli frll ditn.apon the bead uf Ur
Tbr Il-Ic1.
poaadaor morr and
/'a A. Jaakowakl ia ocpaeiilac a tbebrad wilb aafflri
fKMdiae eapcdiiloBtoatantroB Jacka btoakaU aad rt
M.r-l, in
'aoB Merck
U bnylap
all lae
MewfooodJaad dap be eaa dad. for
Corloaa blicklpaa GlraciEga
aee la Ue ftoxee paid reptoa.
•It la aliaope wbat a rarirt} c.r ar
TbetiaaltSie Marta Kem aetlawtra
lea oaa fladaio librarv br»kv' re '
Ue wheat crop of Cbippewa eouaty for
Ida: at &0.OUU beabale, aad aeva
irkrd Ura. Ira Haraun. Iibrariea of
enp will oa acarly doable Ual la H
tba Royal Oak l.adira' Mbra-r a» <l
TwDBllle proead et.ouo brubele i
. tn (far KIrmlophem Il-cr tr..- rrpoTter Ur uUerday
sia.-rMr- H.r
While UtUap a cake of toe la a wapbaa bald Ibal oflloa ahr bar found
a« at ffUlo lAke. Oaklaed ooaoty.
braur IMre fell backwerdaaad a’ae lettsta. pbotoprapha and ma'y oihrr
piekrd op narooecloae.
tie lira la a erticlaa. bat the prcalex lindrtfali
ceirrd laat wrrk. •rfarn »
in prrrobecka waadiaearerrd aaMr hle.lrn Is
earea of a bot.k
Tkr rinbtful.
that poiataea are polap
owaar, a mi'lral of Clawixm.
r-»n :
UeaprlBp. asd loaUad
toned aad tbr llbrariaa la awaitlcp ilir
atorad la oellara eazt wiadfall.
tsirojilawl. hf. &■•*>
V Bcxiaprtaf.
lafo Wackottl-------- -------- , .------ieteae aada aad eared ato.OOO.
A eow dVnod by Ideal Daria of Drcheprllla.f................
- •'----------.......... a. f*»» hi
day. TeU sakv a
apw la Uree yearm.
At SapiB •r lUaUl Oattm>a.acM
Bbulaaee oa Ue way (i
AM la aa_____________
ary'a boapltal.
the depot to At. Mary'
Mcfnm AuAabla
Area Meat of Boyal Oak aataadChda■BB. wbo area biud ta w eye. wee
Bated la ta< Dead by a calf the oUer
ey. aad Ue ladeeiawtloa wLlch eat
I baa dratroyed Ue elpht of tbr re•ialapeyr.
Clothing and
Cream or Wheat
TTiee ODUoly in
Owlap to BiTara Id eeereernem Jodpr
------ ------------- -------u .
rapidly, and toOD far bony a ri^i, i
...................................atlfrfaooee lalaraiinp Ur word "cerprolrr in fron
' rkl Ueaeid. .TMPaadUl aauufaopkl
IMBrot aad luakiory auBae
iapof »ll.<no.
aBatraetortWEeare pettlap
bar la Harsaeth
are kerlBP a hard Uiae to a-.
Three dollara a day. wiib <
board tor boU maa aad faoraea.lt be
lie eltrrad fer tease.
licatA and delicious
WIc. but In addition,
Rluten. (8 one of
Kraocit I,
'OILY iy\,i
li a^r..n,
V/ I u 1
FWlMBBa ara balap elrcalated Id 8aatraaklap tba drala oumsie•
• r dredped
— tweoty
oat for a dlataan
sUaa. BboDid UU be deae. It iwoald
■akeiboDiaadaof acreaot pood
lap la-ida oat of wbat U bow worthlcoa
bwas ->y pTooad.
Kia. Elslra Laa. wbo Urea oo brr
U PokapoB towatbip. la orar Tu
- riddeo
- yaasold.
aod baa aerer -yet
a railroad ubId or beea in a larpe city
hha bae tired orrr forty Ora yeas la
hoeae. aboat alx mllra frao
Dowbplac. aad baa bera to that city
bat lorioa la tea yoas.
Herdret tbiapt
in ihr Iiuum*
SBtsfythinp. to krrpcl
•n nm clr.mr<i
An- mu.lr rl< >;<
attor a Usr romr U be ar„-plrd ; ►
roe-’ la.|uifj.lUr p-oba« cmc ]^
bi. city rrrraV tbr fa-t iht'
lap Ue peat Ulrlero yeas of os. W
1. Wrtrt I lia h''wcver, b> Ihr I jmi>ut tulhor, ^
li, I1...I r.ny mtl Kl
- id, ttrn In tpileol
ID t thib-.i
Lillis,'!. II lioti'iii.nlt arc ill-li'
lloa. II voa wish l<
Ircint ttlirr you Ibotild older >c
OvercoaU oi
Whofi.r at yets h»t< IrJ I'l nxiJry la-CuJlom
T.;l..i.ne »ni arsr (tlM 1» picaae la Miteriil,.^
Slvlf <T V,-.. kmin-hip. A --BOieN” tuil «ill cost ^
youlcsJ’lijn the bind of uil-virc Ihtl mikrt^
nm cowardiv. Fverjr Fettus QuarantdOd.
joo pBtieraa to Qiouse frtra.
TTA-iMiiXrTOisr 03.r0XH:T]src3- co.
I keep tbe beet grades.
I keep a large asd^^^ei
It will pay you to eee my etock.
BeAdie'a. Eght tn price, quality and etyle.
Bobee In almoat every variety and price and stock
large to aplect from.
Trunks aa low aa $2.00.
Itabol Arsalroar. alpht cp'storat
the Bell tpUaboee wzchaopa al l‘on
■awa. derided Uat lees wet eon,ipwlu WilllaBEdsmdaoa.
croboMTer. wbra tb.-could
l» «ra« ft
i-T-'claa v>
And now for the Next Surprise:
20 Per Cent Reduction or One-Fifth
r— '
From Ait Other Goods on Our First Floor„
as you enter the door, A few exceptions will be noted, as for in
stance, New Spring Goods; but otherwise our main stock on first
floor, as Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Underwear, Jack
ets, Pants, Boys’ Goods, Child’s Goods, Suits, Etc., Etc., wiU go for
16 days at least at 1-6 off your hill as it is made out.
it is Easily Figared. No Humliiig!
All These Goods WUI Cost More Money Next Year. .
Traverse City, Xiebigan.
• ISS Prest ft.*adt.
This 20 Per Cent Reduction Sale commences Monday next
and continues for 16 Days.
area. r-n>mpt i
Mead hto life
erllyaramt to beer a'nidt Bn
All wf k. r tacturle*' ar. ranalof. laeladlap
KladlBp Uree
bew »er< r-r-.al
ly loMl^ there, bedd when
pelaeder tall headway tbry > ill eu
play Me sec All ef Ur p.wer for
Uoae faelorin to eeeerrd fros Ua Si
JateU rieer. aernia which Uera lea’
Mr das at Uet piaae. Tbr dam d, eeiapat.Mo bnstpewrrat low water.!
aadaaealy aunof ttrtala Bilbard. r
to plaely left for awra factorlee
Come, Here are Bargains!
You can find any kind of Glove end Hittea in stock at
U droadad Canada Ulatla by plaatlap a oertaia aerial la lelartae toeallUs Ba raraaae todlral.-r
abonaret aotll aricetiau hare paueJ
Ilreaya Uat hr haadrnotatratod tba aaoeraaef Ur plea a* far at
. ha to oeaerraad blmant. haring eo!i-
as indicated last week is now on. The Red Tickets are on Men’s
Suits, Boys’ Suits, Child’s Suits, Ulsters and Overcoats’ and when
ever a garment is found with one of these tickets, the price has
been reduced from regular selling price from 26 to 60 per cent
(from \ to Hoff). We shall close the lots in three weeks, if present
rate of sale continues.
At first sight““KrS.‘.'3
IS I',-.
coo wUlaadsillcd toprvbatr by Jodpr
Melatyra, not oae baa rrer brro bnv
kra aad funhrr. dariap Uei tin.- oolr
Uree willa bare beea . ffrred for pro
bate before bin that Is baa oot admit
ted aa pood aaralld- A baodrrd arrila
raaa Ur Ka!t aalde to oaa a
MrapUlre Eooord
1 ____________
------ -■ at^l^larUat^iy^k by
R D. Tompklo* -of Dearbnrn.
'Aeparpoaeof Ue aaaoriatina
to Utaop
___ , .............
a record
of parr
ShropShrop- meat noted l.aolrr In tiw t I. u--.
• eheep
-he ra
rallrd Ktatro bd-I
yeasi-ld. kepla record of
aeeelDesol* Ca
Caaada. aed sasb.-sbip
fato haoIiripfrOB Ki3< to let'' lerlnalcr
■ bepeatoall.
Thto record ahowr Uat durinp tbrar
Him. ioha 0n«. aa elderly lady of
Mr. Tompklat killed
' ' MIdlaDd <x»Dly, DMl wiu a
heas. 3 wvlrra. aad will ci
la p itliop none
paaoUar accldaav
wood IdIo Ue weed bo>^y tbe kitebea
IIJ lorkrra. dock'aaed i-'.l
ptaaa abr attack a pan taaaplBp »a Ue wiUoat aesbar.
4' faib••IL The pan fell aad waa dieefaarped.
aelll.d In UebowoM.io of IVkia
Ttoa ahol eaterad tbr old lady’a Irp.
if 1*131
aaMapb wooed whlcb will piubabiy
|chaeped to Kacklie aad Ura to Dearoften OD-1 bora. Wbra ha Bst bepaa buailep,
Uadly sakta Ua resack Uat
It hka bai I Ur. Tospblaa aard a pua i
- • ■ whrta jasny.^aaji a Char-1,
Dr A 5‘w^Vi *'*-*‘- Thro hsmr tba pill
•fObScaTWry ooaa^. formrr^of. aa^clUwlap t^s Ua can l-«k. Soar
ObeaUr. Eatoa eoaaty, kowrrrr. a
■aUy sairlad a whole fasily of aia]
ha hoa sarrled UfM tisaa Hi. w
: Lake. who.
tkeapb oaty- » yeas of ape, por ilrrd
. ef life aad tried to tODslI aaleldr by. lead.
lyiapdowe oa thr Ice
i lylop
The two lerprat raceani iwlt pan* it, ;
OH thr lake, with Ue UerBtmrW-r codir world arr hrlap sedr In Uar»l>-r|
eMsably below frerilap. Wbra foead
>r tbr H. <). I'rtrra coieptny.
Tin.. ..
rr Jl> frrlia dlasrUr and ••ilrrl biph. i
Al Colderster Ricbard i>blbbt. a
yoamp saa aboat n yoan olapr. eup with a MUl welpht of r.oo vtoa. Et*-h j
pad eo a rally aail. which pesetreled
aa orrr
flurt three frrl Intip.':
ktofeni. Heaearly loatble life by the
Weed potaoBlnp tbat followrd aad wUI makiep Urer mMraof pipmp in rarb i
geUioapbllfeaeripple oaaeeoaBtof
IhcM ffealapof Ueaaklr. i
A sui-prise to everyone—an attraction that will draw from far
and near, and everyone will go away fully impressed with the
advantages we offer.
—•anaifrJCrL'ecd ftetvarm <r_
........................ a. which they
W I,aekny the baabaod waa arar in
aaob rut aad asetbered Ue Uaar.
Mn. JobB Daae. wbo reeldra foar ilics clalsed to br
ianea tasU of Ai. Joarpb. elaiiat to
.■aeeiawaa heir
heir U8300.000nowdepoaIM la Ue lUak el Bapland.
mamty waa loaaad In bar praadUUer
to tba iiftUik parerasrat yrart epo.
Our Red Ticket Sale, as anuounced in last week’s papers, has
developed into and will prove to surpass anything we have ever
";:V3 •
Iratl m
Sales A Red Ticket Sale.
One! a20PerCentDisGeutS|le!
Town and country people will do well to take this in.
I bni r. iiiihIi- I ritnir.-ui
mi*-. wliHl i! c«»» you. Kt*-r\b -.i)- k
rsyeboa. Had* oalr by Ua
t. A mm ca. iaalai. Msa.
hto wheat crop eatfl be roaM pet a . artola pairw
weA ^ ao’d Ur-o
bdeaooad oaa acat the a< xt di
m Ual br totoblli
orbey^. aak eoar local ticket apeai
! fur a ticket ela fr. t I'. M. B- B
*—ntleat tesla eerriee to a featus e:
a F. MeaiAxa.
- siTKiays*.
and alri.-ilj
bid'll grad.-, auil you Can !>uy il for
i\r pnynirDle
They are not merely “tpW bi<-j tle* for $60," but Ih.» are
Ixolutely tbe yery beel Hry.-Jpa (l.al < an be prorlocrd io large
iiHDliiii>«. Ther ate the bii:bi‘e1|K<i
_ fall
I $sa
We bare a
liue of . li.Aper
FirOO Wheel i„tb.-city
W.- oaa eait ai>x on. V fkner ..r |«..-ket book on liicyclML
Look crer our line Woiv bay inc1 will Bkre^-nu d) per cent
J. W. Slater’s Bonse Famisliiiig Store,
Yroot SiTMt.
Traveraa Clty.Xteh.
We Want the Money,
We Want the Room for Spring Goods.
Hamilton Clothing Company.
Onaid Ttairaem Hbrold and Trarerae Oltr ttanootipt. dopadldateAMot^h-t,
9 Herald
•.T.SATM.Bdttar> I
« kM
tilkwi* MtlMnaUMMof Ike Hoe
rmrj HuMli m keede^ M eU«td the
taMnl ewotaeotbiewHo Mn. Asa
4. Haaeab ' Lea« betore om o-dMk
the iVMlee. rafM ead Uef* keU ea
)he ■aia Aoar
ilM Md eTM 4he
wUe eWnray
epper baU* •*» ee«>PM braaeneef people wbe fpUiatad toperiUtlaattokM ot raepaei.
■aadrade erata weaWe lofaU adateetgaaaderalud la ibe opea air UU the
ne aereiaea. vbkah erara T»7 eaUBB
aad faapraaltB. er**a aeadaeiad by
Hae. O.TSlaat.raetaref Oraea Eptoaapal abareb. The ebaal aad byaae.
•'AMdaWIthHa.'aad "Lead. Uadly
Ufht.*- aaar by Hn. A. B. Holliday.
bUee mibola aad Heaera. B. B. ffblu
aad Balph BaelaUaaeaod Waderiy
tad to <<aR7 oat the MaaUfal aad e
lantBf aerde ot Ibe Bible raadlaf aad
prayer*, whUe la b^ i«B»rha Mr. Stool
lM*ad Ike haaite ot all a* be tooke ot
tka Uteaadedbereealy to fo a
M|W aad boUb daedt Ibaa
that Ike epportaaltlee ot Ibe aartb
iUe eaa e«ar.
Be apahe of Ibe
hardaUpaaadpriTalUiae otybe early
■d iaf
BormUod tte town to tee aa
ysara. kept by tte Oasn
atoetdatoyatoa at tte oprlay aaa
~Btelto, i* n taltooB:
to attoad all tea oeaaty eoaraatto
laUWlMbay tram oat bat dear
bo bold darlaytko year, aad totalty
hn ban Bteo ao to ibo aasbm af dal-' flraafla*; ioaomtaat Maite UU.
IMO. from Pabrasjy ITU; waati
arateaoaeh Mwathtp-wlU baaatlUtd
rrmUlayat ifcMa.matetRM.
Oam maaUar at b-40a. m.
Monad tte narw
to at Ua Bapabltoaa aoaaly aeaaaa- Hatah M.
Itoaotoho bald darlBC.tte aaatyaar.
IMI. free* >euB*y fteJ; Beat ateb jaator
At tea eauly eoaroaltoa bald Fab. IT. HarakWte.toe*. tren,^braary UtU
April tte.
TUOp. m.
fororofl^^U *
ratamr cwtiatB.
UM. fran Fabraaiy Ittb:
{ho toot proa
awan tew* aa* ^ tBofO. Pi
BiUsateaolBte;***. m.
iiu, fran Jab^ary mb: wnt aai
Haratoy aarriaa, U a. B.
Aaril Mb.
Jaater Badmrui 1 p b.
iMd. fran Jaanfy ttih; wnt eat
oklpa at oil tea &
Braatoy aarrlm T p. a.
April tik.
raeltoao to Uraad Troranooouiy
Beay tarries ot opoalay.
IWT. frea* Jaaaaiy MIki
AUanaordlally toriud.
April 14tk.
ter. P Cart Us, *a«w.
Hanb mb.
Bapday oarrion:
UM. from Fabraaiy Mtki
l«:M a. b.
April UU.
Bale qoartoti
Saaday s :baol at etom of Us a
toy taTTlea.
Jaalor C. B. t p. B.
T, P. M, C, B t
un. fm* Jaeaary nUi waat eat
Breatoy tarrio si't o'eloek.
April tl.
Sr.'- is
^:= ill
“Um Mm- PMWm in Mr^l# Cans to Mr Sljh.
-____________ ad. Katara,"
n af lb* N, B C, triabUy to orBclawm tad It a* adcaatayc to
ooeaalt oriu bm^ brfora erdorlay,
Ai j
boBc drsBlayo. Ul Boardiaaa arnec, !
Our Half Price Sale
Tb* aew trail of Ua Oraod Rapid* A
fadlana B'r. raoalay arerj- Ksiorday
And ChildrAD'B
un. fraa* Jaaaary UU: waat oat
aad ntbers drslrtar to roach their dec-1
May 4U.
tlaaiioe-batarday atrhL wlthoot losiay |
U74i from Taasary UU; weal
Horalay arrriea at lO-.H a'doek.
.a day's llaa. It srrlm at Graad Rap
Hay lU.
ids at lU;to p. BI.. la Ub* for coeaKl-:
BIbU aebaol at Doha.
,, ' ioes to Cblmyo aad Drlralt, Tbis trala
int. tram Jaaeary UU; weal
ynay paoplr'i prayor sacUay,
, laarm TraraiaeCIly at IM p. D. *rcry ,
April mb.
'ini. from Psbraaiy Urd: waat oat
April MIA.
0«-l fM«
TKiim. free* Jaaoary UU: wnl
1 Pst.
'OIISSTI Esj-ro*. Mica.
BTsaecucaL cai-BCB
April ttrd.
tor. a aslsSerr. Psslor.
U7I. rte tee.
Oo*U Ron.
U70. from Fobnery I4U; rrap
Prracblay. loibi a m.
Chrstar Bartooo, aaoUor old pioaaor
Kaoday acbool. It.
April ttrd.
of PeelBoato toWB»bl^ died ot bU
iMO. ao trt.
im. payiai a keaaUlal tribete to lb* doaoaotHoplotea Toraday
O •strs*s*sslea*n,ln.i sssi s*o.s,.tIIs.
Mbertoea irhlah alrnyi atod* Ik*
bl* ass l«**U ear Tl**r brss.1* Lubrn-atii,/
f«B*ahar*B of paaoeand reel, tke doaeaerd died aad eleeo that lima Hr.
Oi;« ssd <lr*sM, on s lltrrsl l>s>l>.*** prou>. !
nowsRP on. a uaaa«( a>,
Itat. no ter.
aatotaadaBoaiaaialleae. bal ai
CW*»lss4. Okls ;
lea boo bna aowoll. Uoafck aot
UM, fraa* Frbrury trdi
taf dead* of ebarlly •bleb Bad*
tortoaaly olte. ThI* roaurm oot of
k»*t happy war* ao email part of tba oldmt mldoot* of that toeoUty April mb.
•*.J (- CsFwss. Pssisr
UM. from Jaeaary UU;
Mn. HaaBah^llft. la eeaalaaUa Mr. who baa lirod then aboel *» ynra
Sarrima as follow*;
■toal ap<*a boo! oleqaaaUy ot Ua Tbo dooraiod wo* IT y*ara af ay* April tau.
anoa sad r.calao, March Cdih
Horoioy terrier. ir:lua. m
uat. fro** Jaaoary mb:
«l*a*ef Uta'a day, wbleh M bat Iba Hi* feMral jwill tab* plao* today
Uacpsl rerrk*, T p o)
dawB ot all that la meal brlybi aad aMralay froB U* boo**. B*r. H. W. April MU.
Yooay prijplr't serrice. 5.U p n.
list, fraa* Fcbraary lak wool eat
baaatiW la tka Ilf* hryoad.
SalU of Old Hlmlaa will oBclaU.
Bible scfauolr rrrry huoday at cborab
April nid.
Attkaoadol tb***r*lem aa epporit lltna ■ .Osk Park Chap. 1 J p B.
IWT. from'Jaaoary tut:
taailp waar**ea to all wbe wlebad to
I Wltaaasloy ood prayer srrrloc ea
Dr. A. a Bpiaaev. of Detroit, else
April nad.
teak aaaa men apoa tk* fao* at Hmproprir'.or of Keed City Sanitarium, i.
dl»d at b*r boat to Hayl
tut. from Jaaaary Hat;
_________ I ’nsradty ereoiays at T:M o'cluck.
Baaaakaadtor aeaHy bait aa boar
---- ------- -------where Ic wi',1
Teewlay «>ratoy of hemoirbay* *f May4U.
lh*laaffllaapa**«9 tbroefb lb* a
only to yi»'0 «‘‘t
tb* bowaU. eyed U year*. Bmldm bar
y 10 cuosult him
UM. fmaPebnary UU: wr«t eat|
.acoan arrm.m.
. that eaooot see him at his riamtarium.
hoebaad »b* .laara* two toa*. two
»®‘hI p«T. a. y peusTh. i-s.i..r
J The doctor has so much faith hi the
brotbar* aad two sUtora. Tb* foeenl
UM. from March TU; waataot April
mneitoy at lo a. a>.
,oxpcrieoce he has had in trcatinn
: ebrouie disease* that he rrill rive one
Praaehlay at l
ini, from Hareb Ul; waat oet ArcII
'BOalh't trcsimenl and oiedicioe free.
BMay of wboB kad driraa I* tram df- tad»y.
Saaday school at i: m
ley. will oOtotota. Uadertakar Will B. lotb.
Mm or tvaalT rniim aroaad.
Jaalor Lracueal 9:10 p m
un, frcM Mareb UU: waat oat
A kollambl* ImUr* of lb* amaably AedaraoB will yo ap oa U« ll:lt trato
SpworU Leadoe at 1:49 p m.
All that he ask* in return I* that
April Ut.
wMlheUrnaaBberpreaeatirbehad today and direct tbr faa»tol.
rot willbta'e to tlicir friend*
Tbarsdsy erchioy aerrlcc at T;J
os^t* ol.
obuiord br hi* treatmeot.
UM. from Joasary MU: west oot
<er year* looked apoa Mra HaBaa' '
Hra. MartaM. Billot Maptotoa. aa
All forms
form* of c
chronic disease* and deApril Ttb.
BMy o< U* MoeaaUlm M wall a*
old ploaaer of Uio ooaity. dl*d
• formllle* treated. ... ____ __
If»4. fros* Fttanary I4U; wnt oot
lotto la tk«dr Uem. aad who ilaearo'y VTodatadty of dyepepala, ayrd U yrar*.
bad saeh eirtended rrr>eBriow to a list of Ue bayUe •
Hareb *U.
J' ‘rieoce lo the treal-nem of CATARRri, .
toeara*d a tree baoetaetor reat.
DMoaood ba* lirod
lay prlcrt of yraUrday f6r yroorrir*.
ion. from Ffbrwy tod: was
fdtoly ted ate fltaa ter aharitlB ikal year* oad leom Baay wara frioede
1^'- ■ OI5BA5ES a* the do.-tor. He AriduApril UU.
aady tBdbaaeaeaakBaelUeaeald ra- to Boara her lorn Tbo faaotol
iated 87 years
from ______
Clerelsnd, j
UM. from March tth; weBtoat April
aaal tka laadar earo *k* kad amalfmi- held from Us OydoBoboryb oeboel
|w*.«issr,rrrw?;.s? as
All the ChoiceBt Garments. Bi^ht in Style. Haterial, Fit. Etc.,
po at One Ha'f Early Prices, to Close Out at Once.
Steinberg’s “■.IJtr"
DR. sPimiEr
$2.^98 SALE
New Detorture!
ad lot ikoaa tom fonaeau ikae bar- boats Friday aoraloy *i II a. b., la
efaaiy* of Ralph Aadomoa.
MiB. Baaaah waeamambB' of the
Wllllata JobBaoa. ea* of Ue pioerem
Wam-t Clab aad Ladlm Ubraiy Aw
un. from Mareb Ird: waatoat A*^
jrfe“-----sESlE-"'- ■ ■
„ I ThUexperlenee, combined with many
- , I years' study In the best hospital* la ’
' the cooulry. and eiamininp sod treat-.
,■ lay thousand* of'chronic cases, hi*
. .prepared
ilm toenre when Ue reneral
reaeral I■
4 practitioner failv If..-.
Hare ...
yoa been .:.1,
sick [
for year*? Are you dUeonraced?
Call sod see am.we rrill tell you wbelber
baa froseo Afun
taatod teamtb
tka tpaetoai parlor, aad wm
reaad.d aad oorarad wlih a gimi
taatoa at tba Boat boaolUal flei
tte aaptamtoe af tympaiky fro* a
fttoado. ABoaf tkos wore aaqatolle
lend pdoem froB Ike ompl^m
Baaaab A bay Maraaatllo 0a„ tbe
Bmia bak aad tko doarlaf Bill,
a towa alaotar of ptak aad araan ream
fraa Ik* Ladlm* Ubrary
tte dak Bowen of lb* Womaa*a Cleb.
yaltow aad whlto
aaaaat at trafrmal ramoBkraDae* from
Moadi ia €htoafe,OraadBapldt aad
AitteeoBolattoa of Ike oonBoatoe
atttehcBmalMC ptweemioa ot eat
kaadradlaawfoUowadtte kateal to
Obkweod eomatary wbar* Ik* tool
toM tarrlac* won k*1d.
Tb* pal
kaaiBi wan Uom. W. W. Built
Bartert Mnla«w*. B. Oartaad, B F
WUkato*. Jakarewtoaad A. F. Oos
apaa. all a*aoolal*d lor maay year*
wito Mr. Baaaak la oka* Um af
frtoatohlpaadboMaeao. W. 8. Aadcf
.MB WBO (aaoral dimtor aadtteaw
atoekai(*of Boa. W.
UlUen, F. Haailtoa
Aad E. O. (tompkall. '
Amoaffd^ mambonat tte family
aad nlatlem pnant won: Mr. aad
Mr* J. T. Baaaab at tbto city. Hr.
aad Hra. i. T. Caaaayaadooa Parry
ad Obtotffo. aad Mr. 'aad Hia. 0
W. «arda*r of Ik Paal. Hlaa., Ute
Bdto Baaaak at Blndala. QL. aad
Ufa. O. B. Irtok. Boward Iriok aad
W. HaiTUl at tki* ally. A. T. Uy■ombB of tte firm aad Mead ot mo.
ttea kdt a aaamry, aad hto teaybur.
Mra. Floyd aiaeh. of Cblmyo. arrimd
m Batarday. atoa tba Boa. B. W. Bay
at aad Ik* Boa. A. K. Dooylmrty ot
Bk Bapldi. ./oka W. Slodyott of
Onad Bapid* atlndad. -.................
Ua (atkar, a A. Btodyou, a ______
Maad af Mr. aad Hra.
aaaM eat atuad kaeama b* ia apaadIvihaanator to Florida. Maay totoftaa*o at
ohip by Arthur Mortio y**tord*y otto
ood Ut foBOroI will ba held I
Platto tebool heoae tblr laoraii
at 10-40. Codortakor Will b Aedoroe
will bars ebarye.
Cotoa Bible Olaao.
The Uoloe B.blo Qom U yrowliiy
BiibartaodaBUoals*B. Seroa dlffar
oot charefae* are rtareoeatod ii
BeBbartoilp. There are rryelorly
Umdirtolouof UeeUm with Urre
dlSareat toaoUnyi aaeb week, Meadsy
arntay'al « o'elack to tbe Btpttoi
eh (for a taosU). Hoiday ptwrat 4 o-cloefc to tb* Frtoad*'
eb aad Hneday aftonooa at 4
o'clock la tbo Baptist ohoreb.
Brrry oa* toureolrd la Bible itady
laiarltod. Quito a aaabor bore joload
to do Ue work at bom thooyh oot rapaettoy toottoed riyolarty tbo Brei
layo of tb* elaab Tb* "SByrmiio
Bbaato*- wUl b* forakbed Uem OKi:
la March, oaoe.
I yiroo. four
Uan pot at all.
DariayUeaaoie period It baa laft
Uateyaeara tlsm to Harrb iireni
four Uwa* la April, aad /tmr Umm
“lo ISMUs
day*; IMl. r.
by tte Boaraafotoaypbraaoa. ITbatorar tte torn, tko oeto fnad leoipi
aata artih yratofal oapraeotoao af appradalliai
Ttefaaouwan oardtoUy
tetorlatoad aad yraatly oa)oyad tte Mla*m.aaW*datteayaod Thaiaday.
Harsh aU aad laU. IBM. A praBtote
p el tea faod fart* aad bio
If You want a Binder or Mower, Buy the Best.
■“Than Kvef- Before. ,
Our New Stales of Mouldiags, the New Uat Boardu in Colors.
Kver} Ihinp proves we arc Up-to-Date.........
«■ B IIOI.LEY. Mauser. | |
Good Time
siioivs oi’ rs?
^T'HIS bcinfr lictwcen seasons.
A we have many lines of Shoes
which we close out at great big reductions. ' Just come and sec what
you can do here. Several tots of
Ladies' Pine Shoes. $4 sfades for
$2: « for
at small'priccs.
The Popular Shoe House of Traverac City, f
U^b“.to^«HlTt‘U. Worid"' E^wriUtt-'rynV la^'tVXd
SAlaAroontA, 127 StAte Straet.
Wall Paper
Window Curtains
You O&n
Always Find
■irUin BIL
I aiot la’iB* Uallsd list
I Remember, we cire a written rt:**‘'.....eiomreevc
. .....V caoe .-.f PILE Sand
we f
Bate tUi TwlM ate Tkiakft Onr.
Fbaalaytoe. roeal daal by Parlor Pnof OMy year*, aad tr Wwcblldraa wba
•l^toa aad Ada MoatyoBtry
will lose Btos U* BoUrr whom Ion
arm failed to po act to Ucb to aaeb
otoftof by iteMilroyatbartoy.
OT* Baaaar*.
toato retraabBcau addad to tbe .other
Hmalrad. That a oepy of ibam rm
plmearm af tbe eraatoy. WUto Ikle
wae a llaoraddlay. ibenwaaaearUatoa of ItotottepraotieU aaaoe. bat
tte mteiBad paetor aad bit wifa wan
Mn A. X Pbstt.
praatatad wlik toe brtybl ollror dalMae. V. X Brcc.
Wurzbnrg Block.
At a apwiial B*eUayof U* Udle** srop.in;.’rosaUUi7o< rli srno. vllsVsitsbIr
Utoary aaaoclaUae.eoarraad Salerdsy. bixLiny. msswr e.* hUrSa liws th* oris>-|. be toaad at
Bat. aad Hn Howard Moon ploae- Fcbraary to. at Ue Ubrary tooB* tk*
4slT7ls* aa s sasU ml* as* am af iSa earal
. jBBsaa. It la with aiaeara r*cm plscaa lor rkh-kr* ralati*; alaao u wsrtat
Uat w* bar* Iteroad af Ua death of as* soar lorsIM.m tSa last ow {arwarli
oar frtoad aodarabrr of oar aasorla- p^-taartwaw. terpwr|^™*
kaatraemry of thato marTtoya. Tbo Um. Mr*. Ana A. Uaaaab. Uaraten
early part at Ibe eroolay wae dw
Aaaoload. That m dtslra to Uto
oaate to yamm aad tidlewad by a
Baaaar to rzpram ear aorraw at b«r
tom w OB* of oar^teBj^ apd alto to
PoUloe* p
te. E. Nettloton. Plo^re« di Smith
ADd W L. DooglAA tuAkes
*1^; cure you, rrc^will tell yoa whtt reUef
• I we can gire yoa.
£W-Remember, one monih will be
' ibiolulely free—medicinea, auri;ical
sperallona. and the bcueiit of all our[/^
“ skill to all who are too poor tu-pay. 1 ^
Our methods of treatmeoLi* all that ii, (9
^ kaowQ by all the schools, with the aid ^
af electricilT. that most wouderful of i "F
all iirtots ia I’sralysi*. Loai of Power,
Hheumaiism. and all diseases of the
nervous .y.lem. fra early, as tty
office is always crowded.
S. K.-C*sc*rB. Tiw.r., mood S*4 fin*
9r IM.CSW. crrMbr anew
]. (row S lo ID asrr wiiKo.t tb* baits F*w' **d o'lrats ais.**** of alt lorw* trestsd ••*.
If ;
I * n >n* cso b* esreC >i nsr H*sluHj<s. v*l,S
_ a I* ra*rr*ol IIm mi ol anlwsl •ti'i.snr.r
days; l«A«. ST day*; lOM. S!
days; UTO, TO dry: UU. M days; UTi.
•«4ay: UTt. lOTdays; UT4. 114 days;
IDTt. 1« day*: 1IT8. n days: UTT, IM
days; UT*. ant frama; UTO, M days;
lUO. pot frrtim; lUl. lOd day*: lOH,
pot frasaa; ISM. Tl days; IM4.1« dity*
lUJ »l day; l*«. II day; IMT. U
day: IH*. 104day; IMO. todays; l»*.
nday; ini. an dsya; lan. 1C day*.
I«M. e» day*; UH. It days; uei.
day; 1*M, IT doy: un, ll doy.
Tbra* dates all rolate to tb* w.
OTB-of Ue bay aad to that portloa
it riaible froB Tmtuet City.
dowB Ur f miiar to aaaally later.
ThefollowloR date*, prior u I
re froB U* roeordt ot 6. R Walt,
taken from hto owa aetm.
Morefa 14;
1. Beadlteyospol tbroayfa at
IMl. OOlM.
ritUay. It rrlll paad aboat oa beer
UU. fraar Harsh lOU.
*d a half.
IML froim Hareb Ut: waat
t. Flad aab}mB ta Uo teaptota April OU.
aad aaalya* tbe keek.
IU4. from JaBiary MU; mal
». Koto lb* aaa*
April IIU.
ylrea to Cbritk
Oad word* aad pbram*.
IMS. from Jaeaary lOU; waat eat
Draw a lie* oa ifar sheet toaytb. April MU.
wise to reprcoMl tb* Ilf* o' Jmat aad
U»T, from Jaaaary mb; rmt
Dtark ft oS loto dlrialoar for lb* eblld- April WU.
heod. yooU. poblle alakuy of Christ,
from Haroh tU: waat
aad iBdimto erer aaeb tbo ebaptera Hareb MUwbleh yira Uc aeeoaat.
I^w BPoUer Ito* leaytbwiso of
Okloaco ■arkat.
tb* abcai to npreaent Ue pablle mlitChuafo. Harcb't — Wkaal—May.
Ulry of Christ sad diridr It loto per »I «K; Joly. Ole; 8*pl*Bbar. Wl»*:
iods. Draw a porpoadkatar liae arpo- Dommtwr. TTK-cratlay Urn* prrtete. aad tbra to tb**c 'Cora-Mareb; MXc: May. MtoeHc:
too wordor two U* Joly. llXe; teptowber. llfc«ISJ<c
Oata-Mareh. M.Xc: May, MHeHc:
pHaelp*) rraat ot each period.
e. Notice •real* aot told to Mat
thew or Hark.
Qiand Raptoa, March l-WbasU aie.
^oto yoa r ^orito chaptoT aad
CarerlU rama.
And $6.00.
; 'tJee; a
'.ot Anstomy ai
‘i Homeopathic
aaatottoa aadttaaladlmattoadad la a
Former Prlcei. $S 50. $4.00. $4 50. $5.00, $5 60
Haskell’s Bookstore.
iMarcIi Clearance Sale is.OnI
at T. J. HOST S,
I Snits, Overcoats and Ulsters
Popular Clothing House,
i No. 124 Front Street
Friedrich Block. L
i 1^*^*
e' toecM 7M wo>ld
Grand Traverse Region.
jTMtiM at Aeact
__ _
. “ui-ius;- i i-ar- ~ s.ss'.u.-i? r• BBtU F.b
>i ABd luaUy drora i UaeSc recllAtl9ft„
Tneem CUy U^^£y. '7"'*'
~ ! "P"** *“l »“h pani^l'ia^jiri^iMd !
Bal«y. r* '*
' .l«M b. leaked by «ba tahaHtaM atj
a reaia,A.W. lWt«laf
***^ ** Tr«*«»* Catr
[„jS” ‘ ..fs^
r4M >n» n>a B. wa..ek i ...u
F«r*>»ee t, a O LM-,
^^U.Tl«4.T.lubl. mw .
ErenU t
Dell FAlrkABki I
ClI; Ua tniii.
Ur. Md
the proBli
Kortaport Uepansaat
r.b te
The Brlilel loaW job a
McUoa i
flee; WlUo^toouhlp. U flat
flalehnl uxl
to Tr«r*rw
peatar, aupc^aiaadoBtef tba V
; »r» Aeaday acbool, »bo, on
•<<"<»•*. ooald aol be preatai.
>d> all laal woea. ia aoir betiar.
■ Jobs UiMB dapoeltod fa
J.a Bdltoaa________________ _______
_ .
a loaofai
‘•J i' “
0 ttbrriff. to OaiTlaJ
•tr-h« a«l lac imalieltka aad ewWIy
i.ir In IV l.rawle ol the etiw
In ablrk . r lotaruuyunb part. Her
IW «taMn
e ala.yeeprkrnt bar m
Ur. La»lo»,
ta wall atteadad.
I rarraabmeBla aid a aoclal ineelop
^la. Basa Da Lane oi L.al.ad cator ■
"'edaeaday aadta the foeat of bar'
d eoBf eerriieeled t.
otJtod toVhT'bitli a?‘hta*’SlU.' Zto I
—“‘"r ta qu.u ill with oaar.1-1
..l.Knli. k
w ^ 1
--------------' PtjTfari—- - ^
cilivr > l-iidr< i. I..
I.W ai>d aorfcad lMi«
' *u k.ai. licv-ed Urr
a. Ur. Fima laqotr0.1 ■>. .ouid eara ae a oobdriaw
-dm,k. that trs* I '
il ra'.el him tn.oi
S.^ta*. Xo :■
Mlaa Laitr* Voice left laal waak for
.................. lay to reaeaia her Kbool da ' I**.'*!
l^lllac ■ bi,^. M.endar pirl at U-r^7tv«ihi
• ;, of ead o.-.r.'B«.l.ee«dUtaaMy o^*lH«
iMt Of iha*wJ!rk.*boTu ba
“air. and a Jm.fa (attHly |a Iba teiaJ
;i>ett^ *T>ra eJk--«aB«oodt«».9riihl
.dj. aba vae qaamtl^:
• lib tu Jetxa.
«<0. I.tally, aad eka ewm. i
ird add—*sf.
itk .red btir llaoatd^rabM
tnodtul Iiilas, and bw He
--------- .,m. Ml Ireiik ao.l fntrtaoA wooU
hair a art BtttU
HaBborrb ta Tb.iota.|'
>d in The rougb bat tbaa
in on.. lU.dywtll««rerbae.
ir'l* w'lji**’^‘
UtiL W. Meholla called oa Mra .
Baarall TmeU la drawlar potato
to <fT»wa.
Reaa Kreartb
» Anaa hope, •aacl dcatloo, lore, roaerrertlo
Uel.eanof tilir. I'ler atteadad
the Old bappiaeia. Draiae. Berey, irod't p>.>c
place dal
at I. I-. KoiM- rKolka' Beeepiloa ,a ti
M^thuncbif^ em^'^ioi^i
Tba E L topic ti
eeraiu it ' lurried U
Wb NlehDllaaad farai!
day with R. Pblllipaaad
bath II
1 Huaday
aa1 work "
» Welder.
IVhat U the right way to ioelruetire ulki derlar Ue dfc and
ikbathUader. bTaad ta-wt eecellent bd.Ic. b.'tb la.trXnt
alandToeal.rradered bv hi.
la t: E topic for Muaday areoiar i . At < O ' lock Ur CarBaa had loAnte
... -What it a proSlabie sabhalhr'
>“• ho«e la Trararaa Cue. Vblln
Luka in 3. If. .lubD IT.M-i,. l^er,
freatly regralled that he coold !
lontbe with ua la ihr aeeola* keaaina.'
........ .
Mtrpriaa lathe
hryeaaodai.ea.Uba8iilloek.Ur '
Ur. Joha FatoaB bad Geo. OraI ker and wile ul
a feople'. I
•d «• frieede bare oa# day laat week.
Kiraey Hoyt iSoacUl tluardlan' to ^b'' H’nn* ainl the FU
hoBaaTladle.t al.
lod'.olar. <'.‘*'hd.
U lor
tur yearL and Tltn
■n Jl I ;s or IV W—pi-.-. -;V
"Bi ThlrVeBth
place to p
»> n.tny carrou the wat-'eadKlilte rutpoodrd by Ibrowlag
_^ . ,.
be mrUe* bat ibex aranod aeID Uberty tUM and aMflowa
.5*'•' ' ■‘i“
T.,':,' »>'k?H l.a OoV nb
tbe lid nnill br hiqta^ for aiwcy.
r "Ur. Flyno'.' Kliilr do Dmi all f«
, ^rabkllsChr, to Oappna d nerleeb bad un. wid Ml.-rty •iieM
Tba irniueno-or Hull llouwwai Ja_
Coaocl.it ,he»iBDiug leioat. iimU fall la Ubwty
l“-.T* J*,”?*
'^7'" ^lor
Ferry llaooab to Uaaaab
“»l » aac J<. t :: a, lfw-»i
huyi and girl.could kmra boukkaa|>lag ai
oibar tiling., to that they «uM work ta
tbe Doe office, do. II icwro and get MUiieh
at 85 or IP a week. tlB.ci a Ubulc
to Ubony .met Un K^eny-a
lEalpb Cbae el all ta M
Thanke to Mra Mililkaa’
Mr*, tieddle dallb Irfi laat Tbareday ■ »uie*w^''ld ^r«\**w^'Mec^
alaur. Ura J R. Tomllaoe.
Ur. Llcoey oudr Trarerae ^ly a “‘F*' “<l ‘eart'a'r *»^r ”fr»2i*7;epdi ]
Ur. Md Uia-J dalbyofeearatkaod
Friday, where the will receir. Brd!cal I
Mr. and Ura. II Olbba of Traearaa II Ub waak
C. D. HunleyrBadaabaalBeB iripu
Mdly. Friday.
il> Fraaklle. wife aadjwe children
l^'^A'of .:h«it
whinb wti eipnrt.d to
IO bring wnadtrftilrw
tatm. lor tl
.11 iDTanstaiil of iO aaaia
L Aotoalo. tbe itallaa
ki Kai.e..
Two Happy WaadlBg.
Flynn, ha^tu titaV
lad by 11 Ooa'of thr bosi bmppy waddia.
and l>rtmtle girl oeol to tbakladerfarwa
|tulaaa[cad ia the mrai dl.tru-u abnut llld wn. U.lgl.llniil.k.tbemoBwoodWHTrarrrae riM waa tbat of II. rmau
' king, nui .d oBOi. aad little etlaka aod
bod kuw flower, grow aitd wboe tba
(Waaelburj of Loog [.aka aod Ubt
dnlia Fraakr, oaugblar of Ur. aod
jjO^lay Blakaloy b worklpr Cor
’ n?ST,'sax;““““^'
■Uia. G Fraoke, who raoide about two
Mr. M^Iey aod dabbler. Urr. | Ika aoepica ol the W C. T V. l^ij Behrf U to youo* paapla froB Ilible
WyBaa. wcattoOmraa Tbanda.t.
I e'ary ooa lalapealed la the life of tblt.i«ody aad SoodayacboH attaadaeea lallae Math ol tbe aat Iub. Tharr war.
lOtl gueau preatul who witarwwd
liar of Ultnd wet ebltiar
Frealeat woBcn the world -I U Eyon.
Ura. Cpoley. Spader of laat I *“*“
haawn. pay bar tb.- tribute of I Aatbrm by cbi
the erremoay, which waa perforBed
Wat. Urea tsse ap aad tiayad at tbe
f ^
; your proaeort
Tbaradir oLcfat by R,.. Ii. Cochlln
power botnt Moaday Bicbt
u-larly cnereBlioa of
Ure. narwaaddaugbler-le-law, Ur.
Ihit place baa a I . T*"* '
ABoag Ar gaaau were a large bub
will be bald atVaba
John Uaaat ol TraeerM C ity, attoadrd
. butterfly wblcb ! iJ'* •“
ber ol frieadi. Iroa Trare.-ae Uiy. Th.
the fanaial of Ur. Citt, Tuaadar.
llmr Iw wrn Hyiar about ’**y
bat bad aa arllflcial
Hr.HBlthBadUr.BtBBtoaarermBld'■ride aad grooia raoelred with tb. coo '
P. liras. Mra Bertha Wmlch.
lymplatlat Iba saw BddlUoB tTlha
gratulaUoB. eataoded a larre ouBber
d Mr. Lowell Sour..
.............-................ ... lolendiBClol.,
.ofTaIuableao*uaefolgifu The wedC. U Earaa. frea.
hotaa of Dr. aad U>. Payn. Wad
rllorlDg to 1
Uw. Htr SrhaiBK. Sa
: dlag tapper wat elaborate aad «i
odyacooooo hbe Ic
dayaeealDC A pleaaaoi Ume b
liatelT r
ord itar buiurfls at
jearrad, while thr hotpiulily of
di lenolned if puaail
Bible to walc'b I
jpareou of tba bride waa freei.i
lotarlBe ber dlaapj played. Amoag the gifu reeeired by
polBUneoC asd alao delight ^hro oa
" School
wbo alArtcd I retarvlBir to tbalr Kboob aaiil Turw r.wchioir hoBif oof afurajonafGr bee-1
. , .w
for the hlQsdlka Uoaday b
Loae l-V. ...T .
'!•«' <>» a
day Borslag.
. Oar aaheol Uoeber.' Ubi Urnie
Ur t.ao who baa parebaaed tbe Bill
.• t-.k.....
..... Jl^r groom. The property It tlioaled
Mr..Diroe oritatberarilflcitl
■' .-e-i
at Lalaad b bury brutfuMf the Bai
fly to blghl) BOW lhal.be willooteeeo J'^
Uaallog called to order bi^»' l»OF Uke a#d will Bake
.e ooealog
ooBBlog terVioe.
loan it to ker frirsdt
forwble hoae.
■e lad by
■ M B. Raiacb
Tbe recrpiloB teadered tb. aged peo
o addroat t Welcome wa. girra by I Tbewtddlagof Mitt Little Zimaerpie of Noflhporl aad eiclaiiv by the
________ ... .... litpcmdad I
•« Thoiaday, ai
to tbe aiormy weather, bat the al_. h^ortk League laal Satarday patted m. by the Preeideoi
Ue borne af Ur b. ide. wat a eery pm
aftly for all pwwol Tbe
daooa ban baeo tleadlly IscreaalBg ever
Paper •Tbe Uodal Saadae Hehm>l." I ly affair. The ceraaoay wat perforaaiaoe.
waa mild aod although ibr
-.w.i n.'iS tS'„7‘S;"cr.'r'
.^75,.K7."VE:ii7'" ““■
Ura R. D. rriah b rbUtaf frlaada
The bilear. ra<« noe of ihelr Baalcal
eBlarUloBaeu here Toiwday nVbiol
laat week to a foil bnaae. Afu r the
BlertalaBeat thrr farabhed ica.ic
JS515:7,E‘."‘ •“
Wh<BUS Thar
ra Ella CMl, whn baa beea ill for
paaltwo week*, paaaed away fmia
ilT.v Friday aecain,
Mhe wat laid U> rc
Ua Cal
Mra Uil
..latiy Bbaad io oar eoanoalty aod
•apaeWly io iba tbered iMhgoe Uoei-'
•ly af which ^a waa a BaBbar.
Iba oonaliy wyre eery poor,
the raorat ttorra., It did eol
mo.101 the ■•gueruofhooor"
frodpltaadiBg. Some, boweeer. were
drlaloed oa accoaor of lilaeM. omoog
whoa WBA '-Graadma" Lralle. wbabat
bees fa poor beallb for aoae weak.
Xr*t to Crandiaa Corlit. who itBloatyihree year. old. the it the moat aged
perm.o io Ihligmrt of IhecovBtrr Sbr
uluriy.oBa oa Ibc xntb of
aetday after u........
ehlMns la Blbworth.
. T^-*^**’
E .evl„77f.;r, j:5'.7>
Tuaaday aigbl'. BMeliag ol tee llaa
and; I eae Callage Lyoram waa well atlaada
ad Boeb ioUTMl waa abowa ia tb
Upward '
Priead likei
- - - :Srr,“
But Kitilc laughed and reatUued ta
iw .Urk. at Maggie fUSarty wbai Iba
'• by Ir ■- - -............................................
lb) htr■r none of Hail
. . .,ou KllueriyBB.,-.™
atyera i.iWlo a-uaylo awaytn
ate.-'aeld Klllle a ebam.aopbti
One day KlMy Flyoa waa Dot aaBica
Uatom. A wnk went by, andAeVM
not teeo al Ua doBClog elaaa Ute Flyva
aald Ue dido'i know wbam Ua waa bat '
gorawd Llw.eold rc.ie back wbtB dha
for Ue aert taraj lae folJowlag o«- got rrmly
Liberty einet baM la awa
ar» ware eleetad
lllBclalwayttaldKIUltnyva •
I woBld pane in a bad mid Ur. Ffyea hU
PreaidrDt-Fidwmxd CleacaL
Um chlUrrti to prortde tor. Md,
Vioe Prta.daal—Bert SmedUy.
--------- had no Mom to wmb la
<iearrtar7 —Uia. Kropp
Igrv-Mngafur Kittia
ye»r. a
liy. and Liharty MeaM
The aewly elected officer, a
bad tliowt fiBUMteB
IB Ur.
FfyDB’i EJttia
Ur Flyae had bars
ny^l?*^irtU £S
Daa Klag, efBaplro. .jilted frtaada ' Sli.Jtlng^^^n-^'^*""'
hBa Ualilolday'
' haw
Uat Batarday. ■■ - ------------------ ,
*^«»‘'»r, TrraiS^.
. .1. m!
M t»arr*V pf~«S5
loat lllarw of
•aallisma bat_______ ^
•ami yeara aad It U
BDrarr Bay ha doabUnl.
Mra. Ray etued a eerr aoo^Mfnl
Ura of aabord lau Friday with aa eghlbUioa that wat ea] •) <3 by aaBaroat
•prautora. aebolara fruB tha Millar
her. Mrv Ray,'
abe baa Im.;
ChartaaOlbaoB. wif*
M. wbo ataiyd ia a corcred
. rtfall-ldrUe aaaU.
sfw.-.i 7rr„r.,r..7’\~:i' 57.7
UmDmkar^OlaB Hae.., ta..MI"«~«-e.wwi‘*^rw.,-.
Hull II...1W ...cant to firing the payer
Miiue day and dM Dot BaBB
> be taken unawarm.
•• I m a.b.inwl of, cm. KitUa. that I aa."
ltd Mr. H,nn • Tbcre'. Uaggl. tUfinyapoiii luibeelaBni aad wlU b. aarai-htr »i t WM-k -,1.W day like a lady, aad
yua do Io ..dcia antblo bat l> a taboy
andiitaylBaodflghtloactbaHnat. Tea
Imti ch. Diiieh. Kitcta." whkk WM
Kw, ihtf. wbtt w. do. Klcua nypB."
11 waa tuggetled by Ue Pre.lde0l U I
iHmadlata ralaUrea, aad at Ue
7bai waa Drwt Pi Klilii FiyBD that pat
make touae ebaagea la Loag lAke aod 1 Ue oosclaalon tbe party ut dowa ta a dlScraot llgl.i upon Hull Kobb aad tba
g^ elaboraU wadding
xlirrdUara KlnlaWadalaoH
IliBoot of parpatital BOtftm, aad
... orberl'fewatlolmMdaM
Tbat olghi fnund bw rnrolM aa a Ba»
a aew laaoclaUoa to be kaown k> Ue' U« oocaaloo wa. 'br large suabarof bar of lb. Hull lieuai dabet^ cHb.
loU liouaadM no* lapiwea U»
‘r '"'•><** •'■icb Flyno'e Kltllaeai
A. Jacktoo. and Mr. Redcl.ll war. .a'.
** racBeoicea of Ibe oc- of Ll berry gtswi
d l.y-Ur chab
Frit, left oa Ue
for officer, o!
aoBocU afurBooB Uwla for UeooBoala. Wla. a^IJberty tirwd aaldl^l^t
waa and qalia a lady. Elula Fima HtR
played and Cuugbi with Ua oblMira oa Ih*
iirtMor auiaaedbinalf by laachlag hw
: brother, and MrtB. ber Itual lira Mam
•There.BO amof Umn ladteaMBaD
Banna*. College Lyceum
le addraae by G<« Latllr.
B^earal froB Xortb UUipa atteadad
-p by Ree. S Steele.
ehureb at Hoolb Ul^
Ulltoa Hund.y
Huad< night
daeolloBaJ aerr-ce
Mr. K. A CaBpbell.
.1 b.
Oarpaalor will meUn
k Dtri.
there aaoUer
•f tke ykar. Kae P.
Owing U tbe Bear complrllou of the ‘
W. U Fnakaad aoB LwaU drotetolomraa OongregBtu.n
Coagregational ehureb lhe‘'"*°'
t appolBied acoBmJuocuaudiil Pobb wijitaa tw Mrm SaiU. whlvh
eoBBU of the Ircaturcr of Ua I
V Ur. tThliBaa.
•...nc.og COBBllUw.
tv. kerawlul “rrl'a’.loa by FraacM Woolaev.
fflre their report at follow.:
i Solo. Mrm Bell. M'lltoa.
elected, tir
1 Voar eoBBltlae
BBitlae harlag eaaaf
eaamUedl AddraH by tVm. Roiaell
£rS7:2.r5; .',“wr je;- ^ r'SEMr
• faUwmd MadoDOa ..
lull IlouB. aod Uia. Flyna
I" k*" and tea IbaB, bat atood iB
Milk-, wl 0 opmly HdlcoUd U
nJ all It# I
lift the rru.-™. Once Ua had
mlmlon Sunday KhoDl. bat aouU oam be
led uignagilo. Kbedldo-tUhaUj
*-•............... ..
_ _ tter-.r.e—™
k_ Uarefara he wa- Ue
grratar aaB W.
w lire to are
________ Mday,
■eUDy-dradog. la Ue Faitm to emiy Uoaaaad Ubab-
faHowlng prograB
I*ebBU—ilrw.lnwL That w.
is.js.rj ■ ■™r5sr
>BBiM«a dad Ue boohi
etear pm laui
S Wuxitat.
U." erm to tanrlda for htr (mally <ff
eiotll cblMroB. tod It laat H be woodartd ti nioch II tba poor wosaa. mnw
tlnnallyrerriied ber rpIrtB wlUadnpHa
“•/iClBBaat aad MIb HolooBb
la the U tb. old «r.U-way
gcaaral dbotaloa Bach laterr.t wat!
bar bracbert andM
—a I
tniaen.,tti QymDt 1 tbovB OB boU tldB,
ber, bagglBg
fm panalea aM
*>ked bar nioUer aad
and Liberty
Uheet; *B
wilag report of tbe tut. by Hr. Porter, which
Mr. toeeUy j
by Ue te'kcocmoiioa w.. gima by C B. Btiea
Elute ■
wat aot brUrmd Uhdtty
MUa Baraey caplaioad bow Uh :roaa-d.bHBgo, Ue 111 e aad works!
wiBty Bight eoBpeU tor Ua auu -ofJaBea Raaaal Lowell
_ _
____:r.'Sl;7 ‘SLXTECrtE
EreBiag aeaaioB
■nc.—... 6J!i,'i;“riEYf337i;,E'~~
criuc-t report, aad tOBc ealoaWc la*>• ««»day ibt Boratag papM M
darteatioa oa Ua debated qoaaUoo.
: thh^^ronniBiaf
Tkatepicaelacted far aart -m—llad_ta.M«
Mr Olbmmttet----- Uport Epwcilh L-agae rateruia-' ta the
aa ffir aa Vitxieia. mad w^ •
ffl»« *» boaor of the riUxaat of I Pay
iMalaaaa towothip who hare alutaed
•jaUaadatartforhoeae, ak^M oe-|iSLS"*^.5if **'"**‘'~**^
---------- —•
Th^t***" PteaHoa for boU >« Ua daepatt fruh_________
lo2la<ip«i» iha^ beMdt «d
*" *Mwp.ghi,
arand TraTerae Herald and TiaverBe City TranEcript Coneolidated, Mdrch S. 189g.
I Travene Herald
F State Bank.
i! V
adtlararaa bar tiawerar r-
Loen uun aspcBUCAH
Circulation this week 2,400
AMbdaBlaaoaaarsaadnb'da arr
nqeMUd to saal at tkalr tell >Vlday
iTtoMwaottestadUal U^ Psbrwary -rssslpu ssdv Ua DUflry Uw
U Jeatea Brows'. Ooian wsa dnolsd
wtU raaU BM.OM.toD. white tell te is
lo Us WUl of Us CBS. of U. Cl
msrkad sastrsal with Ua Psbrssry
Iplada^ >te epsTStUi ot Us win. Bobari Brows ot HI. Plasaast to tepply Os. efChlar.ta. Steoe)
Win Be. y. arUte Bsmprtom panto*
Ua otksr tosmtertrsmUtodtotftat.
sf UardsU ate BUir tewasbipa.
e UP city
Us dtoWielPOtad U porebsst
a hto 1
saaaUiy of saysUaa. white atfiwfalc
cotapaaj ahU 0.01
Hr. Smith a
•TO. OfUlsBi
OUST WlUlsm T.
«tavur- BaWetoUtroBThtWlMUd
««a iveaad tmlj br daapanU cSope
y Heed U Ucste
Tte tnsamrar. Lonls Boter,
H Ur. SlayMr.
BasMa. tel whs esma te Ula dly
mid. did set appro*, of tte parslfbt ysais acu-' Bisea Uat
lase SBdrstaasd to pay tte
C. H- 0b«1( »ad Jaha JaBp. »be *tUma aeUlsf baa baas bsard sf Wills eUlm. Ussrb tte romda ahowad
«mM tta a«(kC0Brt o< Mk««M rerbraUsr.
Bt will ^rs- tbsdlatrialaolsd far Usporebssi
•Manle DMf^tUkTOk. Hdalafaut
eUts say iaformatlea wbleb may late
BslsnUy aUbtal 10:11 tkrjaiy
frsB 0o«n Tr»««tM. ba*» ratanad.
to tbs diasimry of bis brotter-. w
rte s rsrdin la (a*m of Ue pUlatlB.
Hr. C^rla wm kaaorad U bales ehotca
teodls. Be la •laylac at tbs Lm*
wsrdlar Ua eUlm of too
birk ■aaaaeor-____________
moettiartsin as.
talerda; Joe Pedlaeki of Odar >nf
Dsatb ol a Tuba Plea
raaad a brabea ero vklle ai work
akiddier Icr. Bh em, waa raaftt j
Jsha Baylar. aasUsr piotear sf Us
bsiwoaa two l«ra aad hadlj fraaurad i .
uara“«»a • samt Urwtf Orssd Traasesa rsrUa. dUd at h
--aeualbo-. Dr. H„,,kU, .at tk.'
v.oa. oa Friday, after
aed to wlU tbsm (led spaed
The Uadaya-Ulaamolfrlpps foHowwl I
bsari rail.Ts. Bla wMa aarrlrsa. b
party isrloded J. 0 lASfworUy. Ckas
W. a aaanaalaeaad U. t
chlldiwa; Ua oaly child,
0 Carrar. tV. W. Hlliar. Darld. W.IIIbb
d lo.eoo boakcli at I
atent It yean aye
8 I
and Lerillaa. Wm N»>». A. I. Ursady.
Brews of KUbars,
W. r AucasUae. t K Kraal, TkoBaa ■ayler ol Yuba, aad Beery II Saylarol
pnaa paid waa U aaau par baakal. Tha
New York aad Albert Sayl.r of Ohio
HcLanrhiia. Bafh sod laswa Boyd
baler loaded eo eara (or
ate two alaWn
Bator. bmrdlBf Ue wsl. tb. r>'d
S.w York Tbs oldest hroUer Harj b..urrbad • rroop pholofispb take.
•aaaasl daTi are Mrs C J Keaalsed
Vmict for PiaisuS.
>OBt to OarratariUa. O. wbara abr
Hr. Saylrr waa 'i yean of age.
Prod W r Thayer of Uraad Itapida.
>sa eallad aaaemat of tha aartoaa
aad bacl bsei a retideat of lbs eooaty
lease ot bar broUiar. II H. I'dall. a life taanrsiic. afsal. bronfht .all ia
Prldap. Dt Kaaalasd reoalaad a waa- JuatiO.
(uBsral was held fraa Ua Yuba
aafs bSBoeeelsr Ikadratta of tbaau(- arai.ti A W. Hoaro. of Urs<
tba amyool of ibraa ptealaaory ckorrb Bnoday Boralaf at 10:Vi.
Haalsr JUIpb AadsiWB had chsefs
eolaaciraa ie pS3 Boot, lorrtbar with
Tha latal raealpta of the aleatral
of Ua (uBsrsI arraafemsaw.
aaolher aota. f jr a praslaia lor
parformaoeaThareaaj'elrbt ■raratrie
Tax Title Deolalon Rseeraea
rba pretla wlilbaaaarly aito which J™'"" •
Iks Iraaaarrof Ibr Hmv »oU had boao paid pre»loti»iy Thayer
of KosrUad aad Cole <
folaia Ua
jallrradteat'^ moaar bad bare
Tbb was oaa of iba' oo
Hull ted tpeaeg. which waa tried
■ raaerd hy biia to the ooapaay aad
eeaafal aaianalaBaou la a di
Circuit Vourt jof lirsnd I'nrer
I Mooror atatrd that tbs pullry had bsaa
way aaer flrea la Trsarrae City
eoBBty before Judge Corbett laat .Inly.
I canerlrd Ix^fora tha yra' bad raplrad.
ycslsrday reeeranl by the Supreme
for jury brforc which the eSM wat
Court, aed a dc-ree draUrlef R oralaed
aira rapalra are balof made la 0.1.1
r,odrr«l a rardlcl la taror of tha
and Cole aaUlied lo Brs-alxlba lawrrat
Pellowa’ Hall by Willlasi I'haoiDloo ; pi»io,nf ,w»,diu, t«< »*
la Ite lou is .(QaalloB
and t i. Darla When Balm.-i Ibr
__________ _________
Thu cate wa. opoa a bill Bled la
will praarat a rary prrlty appaar- ’
ebaoeery lo ijolet the title toalx JoU la
aipht at
oVlock. K..
city, opoa w>lcb Koeelasd aad
Mn bte
I ,-«nla .addral, took a aoUoo that
Cole held a lax title lor Ue tax of Isut.
Tba Saw .York A New Jr..-y |.r„.' f'W b.ca of poldro oorrau'waoiri 1
Ibicb ww decide! by Judge Cor.
daoa Co . which U rapraaaatad Kara pj | rrry plraaaot to d.Dy with aed olf^
ie (aror t( the drfaadaou aed
HcK.aoa.od fur wk-.u A A *•»“"'
ProB-bIr aalartamm.at
Tweadle A
HcCoyASoaparcba»l.TTa.,i.aDtlH..i*“>>»»’'-‘»'‘y''»‘*« hloadlka afar.
I .1.. I_..
I...P .......Malaa
Harry UOa ratersad U Pu
H. aamUwuttaOcste BapUa ee
Pnsk J. Oobbsef ftodUlae. wu la
teeity ytbtarday. f
W. Uarraes ef Urste Bapt^ to la
tte eity ee bamuu
E. 8. PraU wut U Buxula y-ralrr.
Htoa Baatrtoa Ptel^'M Baraaaa to
'laiUag Him JtokUag.
Hra. Jsa Bataar laft ‘neraday it
Stoll bar metbsr at East Jordu. John U Kelly of Bast Jordan, wax Is
, city ytalm
elSiH* old frlradi.
Hra B. E. VwFtoet ate dangbwr
teea rautpsd from a elail ia Ursad
Hn. F H Aabloa ate Hn John
Wngbt raturssd yeatarday from a rialt
' , Itetana
Edlior Bamsrv aad Puatmuter Kewkirk of Cestral Uks. ware ia tks cue
SB bnalasm Friday.
MiBSleaad Boas Wsod
left for Ihirollaad CItesMd tmteray ts T
MTUrcr of Oerlar. wax la tba elti y
terdac and regixtered at I'srk f’lace
B-uaUal of Ua ft-xi..
Si.M. left for Nsw York Thorviay Is
psrrbus a quablitv of apriag foodx
-tael.n of "I'b. Fair." bax ea
gaged Jake Anapacb of Dalroit. ao ex
lo taken poxiuoo
la hit atare.
Hra. A. 1. HarlUbd waa Called to
lirmad ftapidr Bslurday OB aecuunt of
Ua lUarM of bar Ml nlier Bbr retiirs
Ur flrat ol Ua week.
K WilhelB rsiorsed from a^rebaaiBf trip la New York I'riday alfbi. aeipsBied by Mr> tVilbrla. wbo Bet
biiB la liisad Eapida.
Cbarlaa RoaenUal baa 'fc.e lo
New York
her botbaod wk.- ii
eilT p.rcbaaiar fjo.tr bbr
will be away aee.ral war k,.
Fred l.yocb, lisrinerly postal clerk od
■a M d N R . la back at bir old p'a. r
>r a week duriaf Ur abwana of Hr
Crlaptn wbo i> uklng a rarstiMO
Hra Cbte Burkett and ton Haral.l
have relueosd Co KaM J.»rdao afier a
thrae weeks ri>it with Mr» Burkrti ►
ysruu. Mr a..t Mra J Hewnoo
former Trsrrrsc Cllt
»1 Ue caa. U Ue Boorem. Co.rt.' B I
SWB wealward at oaee before aome
HtelH.ndCbaa F. lloll were w>UclU. paat i wHr.
her fello-* gobbled all Ue Bafrr*>a tonfocd.fe.daau.
ThI. prac.lC.y |
Das Whipple of !Slaiwn<al. iraa In the
r Ihrref.irr made berried arraacw dccMea the ralidlty of tha us aalo lO
I Jouph Vcaeltky -|raret Uix muroiog
ally ymtarday racrlrlor eongrjiulaeaU for Ur j lureay aed lelefrapbed Ula county (or the u
for Cbtcago. wbere be will engage in
bli olaalyaichlb I. rlhda.v f.ir paraag.'uo a ilaacnahip (roai
Bug Uc Ola Hymns
Ibn.lnim- Mr and Mr» Vcaal.k) ha*e
Hr. Whipple la bale aad hearlv aadjn,. lU «li: jjlo Charlea O. Career
TkaTrawMOliyLaoibarCe lacalUaf M0.«MSisa(oI IK isoh maple (or
Das Date. __ ________________
aayahe kaaeaaer rojjyadbfilar baallh I
,| o lAegwortby at baatCla
The wxiai at Ue ttoagregalloul I
waa one of
yean and bt" mam triradi wbo
ddHap this winter, lie axpAle xobompany Ifaani to tha Copper riror church
. Hta Ellubath tMaall. widow of iba
with Urm.Mcjcxx ID Ur.r new
eaury h>
(I ysaurday n
ebarv-b ersoU of Ur
lata Hajor Ualaall. Ima base rfaoi d a
Uraadwaa ea;>y»d by wrersi aua
BMsIna o( W ea a aetetk.
.1 aad daBgeur of
deed people Aa larltatloa had beeo;
TKt ladlea of Loaf Lake barr ojada
Will Iccraiaa MaDharaaip
. AlbartOlobaasky waaltoUrsad Uap
txwadad to all mrinben tod allrnil , Feloakey
haedaoseqolltwblak will be Bold by
Durlor tbla eiaolh Trarai
.m Hcmday to taka aa anmieatwa
tkkaU. tba prooasdi to hr darol..l to a ! Trot. So. «?!. K ii T. H.. will radooa aauof Ue church to came (or ao old-jaaeadlsg three week, here
(aahloaed alag, aad far eew aa bonrjPareaU. Hr mad Hn Ju:iu> '•in.,
feed to rahalld the hooaa of i> -SWII. ' iha rata of Ue ertranea foa la ordei
tbe good old bymoa were auog bylbe'berg. They weretecompanled by Mr.
Oa the tnt of Hsrek Peatmaalm wbleb waa dnwoyad by Her tbla win-1 mduca a larfa claia
Wbaa all Ua tioksu are dUpsed ! Tbi. WBl baa lailialad- ni
mriobrrm large aodieace. uader the leaderUip of Romntkal wh. Hooped here oa hit w.j
MaB rawadad Ite fraa drllrarr aarrDr. 8ayder. with aa asUutitam and from New York
Uan aas wot la tbe atale duriaf
kaaoB teaih UslesalraatloTklitaaath of Ua wtnaiar a.sber
_ _
past year aad baa mtee the largest rinalaioat unkaowa to modara c
time. gregsltet. . Variety waa git-n
Ttelf^t TrarcrM City Lodfe. Ns. Tl.
Ctea. B Hemy.acaat^tka ». BVMterday aiirrnooB after ir. regu
and appropHaU talka by Ksr
A t.. haiaoU bla aa^tks Uaack to K. of P., will bold a rafslar- coaero- It to Ue aaplrallon of Ur membrn of
lar school acaaion Ue Junior Lyceum
Cochlla. C U. H,>ru aad Hr. C
Iks saUMT of Ite Boo rsllwoy lias, si Uoa sad Msfar tte raak ot Pagr opoa tbe ten U> brlag tbe membenbip op to
held lu mnci iig. Aflrr roll-call and
Uirty oaedldatsa Tbir larpe claaa U ISO by tbe Hrtt ul Jaaa aad
readiag of ilir ailnulc> Miu Trarto
rr In the creolng the parlon j ^
It etforla aad areeral parpose tbe rate la reduced. The re
reedrrad a rrry delightlul eocel eohi
CksilH UsstOB baa Issiod Ite propUrowa upra and as informal |,
duced rate will preeall oaly duriof
flna biographical catty, "ileorge
«MT f'wwriy Us Wsst Bids rra«>- addiUmal aew ateaibtea will naier Ue
tbla moaU aad Uote dealrlar u profit bandUaklag and good social tlne't,
tetec Bbd arill go Isto Us boalnsss ot slam bsfore all Ua work to doafente.
It to mpaelally daairad Ibdt all mem- by the adeutafaa of Ue order Uoold followed. Light relreahmeau werej^ Jj by Hrrry AUea. lollowco by an
BwtelsashortUmdhaad la tbdir aameealoaos. Tbla will aerred, and tereral aerelticr. I:
ban te praaseL
I abstract. '-Klectrlcliv In Ue HouacWlilU J. UPsrss ssd Him Tsoy
protebly be the last lime that aueb ad----------------------- ,------- -------------------- jbold. 'by Abl-t Blarkaa
Next wsa a
Bawl rrsrs morrlsd Bsedsy otwrooeo
ooe Ulng. Ue phota^aph. of'
IMrtul . V.it."
Tsetagra **ill te offerad fc
kpJoaUesB M. BrowsalhHrtsUsoss
Of Uou praminl -ere taken, and
of laitUUoB tor Ula Wat.
alaa btotaiy. The profnm. la ebargt
OB teiog dernloped lu a dark room
M WaUlifloo sirosi
at Hn. C. T. Orsw. will r«npr|i.e Ur .
Uany New Usmbara
MivOaUtsTbsekorlstlooUs U B. fniaarlBf aahjeeta: "PeUr Ue Urasl." I
liwurk of Hrv Uillikea.
Satarday aigbl warn, baasar oceuioa
* I Hosdoy otoalBB for Dayus. O.. Is •■Iewte,SBtloa of ChrtoiiaLlly.- "H.w
iir proud
wu a delightful ona and Ue
for Tisrerac City Lodge. 1.0 H. T., No.
aiw," sad "61. PvWnbutf. Uemten
Tbe niw^rof mrmben elected friendly feeling atanlfaxtad bi all will
m illssea of bar mot bar.
leat." by Mix. Ida Laiopbcii
rs mjaesUd to earns preparsd to dtaIM bolpaly Tl appearrd tor ialti. toag linger la Ue ebnreb.
Tha AnoB ijnaru-tgare t-iia* delight
aas Ua waur anpply qaeatlon.
liar moaUly msstlac of Us
plaaacd aad
aUoa Tbe initiatory erremoalea
il keleetios. which were Ihoronghl.r
carried out by Usadamm J li. Jokatksrsaraaa mssilafTaesday alght
esjoyed by the aodleoi-e
soe. J. tV^UimhsB. W Tburull. R. L
of Ua ropabHcsn city eoismillss la tba Large erawd. After tbe e«
Tbe queatioD (or dlKwu. e wax
Corbett. C. 8 'TraelA C. J Bbear. C T
of B W. HaaUafa. It waa da elaborate teaqnet wax partaken c
'Rasotoed. Tbxi old maid, are of mure
UrawD. A Elag. A U Ferry. Him Iaa
ta bald Ue dty ameeatioa (or tbe dialog rooms. Than ware Too
•■ABfoaiVTlms.’- a aparkllar bleb
basest to the world than bschelorx. "
MiaaChapla aad Hiaa
dtamoasaady wlU Pita sad WabaW te UsaomlaalloDof esadidaWs (or city tat dews Ie tbe tablas. Tbe feut
Tbe dlKnimloQ waaxplrlud and much
«ha DadiBf roles, will te the attraetioa oScaa, SB Tseaday ereeiof. Uarcli IS. furnlUed by W II Kiruiher
ilere.t wax tbuwo Him Ux, Buying
reed b) tbe member. Aa ImprompThe ward (SBcatm for Us el'cilas of
MBiclabnra Utsad AprU lU>B and Hiw Hande II iberu .o were
Oua Plucky Woman
I pregram wugleea. which Inclodcd
dslafslas to Us cxietmilion wlU te
bcbxif ef
t will be a aorprite to a greai maty
recitatloe In coatnme by Him Oarrs
IS Hooday ayealBf. Harrh u
>. aad M lm Lettie Maifla and U
Itaro ihai there to om womaa ia
O’Neal'aad a oomlc diali«ae by four
learu 0,ir for whom tbe hsrdUlpt Lulv CaiSpbrII rapreaeBlcd ibo male
Aa axekaage make, mnch of tbu fact
Thera wen eight etallon
tbe Alasksa csnniry bax no lerrora. qaaBtlir.
UM Baa. J 6 Boydea. a Kapilat dt- preeebi from tbs Lake Abb ladga
The jedgea reported in fa»or of the
and wbo lx about i jluee (or the maces
etsa at Kalamaaoa. baa officiaud at
lodge la working tor Ue garel
ItTfaasralaat Nllaa daring Ue put to blockoffereA.y the Urate Chief Tem ot IboBxaadt of eager geld •eekert. uasasUy oaraalaad. wH.I
/ears. Bar Dastu r4thlin ham baea plar of ibe tuts and li is qulle praba- atteoded by maxcuiioe i-rmpaaloe. Yri
'-party l« Hartaefb'a daaelsc aeadamy
■ f Ike popular and w'Sl knows P*J
pastor af Ua Coagragtl.nul tenrab la
tbU city tyill be again
rirUay oasalaf. Tbs slab aembsra U
local milllnan. will aoes be on her way
thto eity alas yean sad daring
ail'd aa iba banner lodge of the
tbe FaciBv coatt as route u Cook's
tima kxj psrisrmad too Barriagc
Tbe plocky lady to Him 8hepOTbs telldlBt for msay pasm ki
s aad oB'tiatad at Marly
Othoere of Haanab R.fiu
The 'Trarerse Bay Ulee? L. <i T M
I. atotar of Hra. J. B. Martin. Mtot
w Ite aid Pbl lipa Houl at Wa
ra waa a large atumdaene i
to preparing for the long aad dewlfig Circle, will eiaii Mra II irton
Msly Bead as a lambarmto'a boardisf
snamliteaapaclnted by Ua local drill ol tbe Baaeab Billaa laat night arduoua joaraay wub all tbe energy
dooroe CcBire Saturday
tease, aaoi ksrssd to Us fToud BoaW. C. T. I! to arrsage lor a memorial aod teditiooal lateraat waa
dixplayed by baadrsda of hardy men, ladle, are to meet with Hr* t K -vou
Tbe raaigoatloa of I___________ aad ibosgb she gore alooa tbe will set
tsreles. for tba utional praaldeat.
aad Hn Uada Moaroc Satirday
as B. Willard, npsrl that tbsy Fred. Curtla. wbo baa goto to aIuVa lack the'wlll aad plack serumry to
■ a'clock a m aad bring rafreabrdaad
tte 0 B At.tetUsoBlp eteafs ea dsam It teritable ts potUoa. Ua
kch her ilcaliuiios asd ultimately
Us bfSMb wUl te U Us sasslar trsls
ag aaUi Uarca boU. Ua day approfit thereby. Sbe left oa TnmwUsb will bsrastlsr Issao at 1:01 p. m palaud tor tbla psepoae by Ua Natloa- be Bilte at a apecLal eleciioa to be Jield
y tor Haadee. where the wiU
Wedora,I^eTealBg. Caplsla Hcai W. C. T. U. board At that ilm.
atolt ber alxl r for a few days, i bea ete
nsralam will be bald Uiwagboot tbe Iptoab appoiajpd Ueaae-eommluloaed
itart lertbeeeut
Ilia her laArUsr lASC. who was ssrtasaly laBlccn tor uW year at (oUswa:
eoaatry. aad aa apprapriate program
uatloa lo. lake ay a claim and u sa
tarsd ta Ua ataes mUI at Utarlookai
Ftnt Nargeant—C It Corvla
te gtaea by the local aaloB.
gage mea to work it At flrxt. howteat wosk. waa Waafht kamt Taaw
Seooad Sergeant—H. I Rupp
aka rxperlx trcBghge IB eewlBg.
I Habbell. chlft raglaecr o
Third Sergaaol—C. H. Been
wkich tberatoagrui demaad at
limes and gsldei opponaa‘tlsa are
Baorta Edfar. as SBploys at Us
.Fared (or womee whe bare tte sem
Fir*i Corporal—Bert Wilhelm
•sal weed dIU tastsfy. had ooe «t bW for tte laying oodkof
IS bcare Ike bardtbipa asd diaoomfefri
buds hsdly laeatatad Hooday. ia aas
Third Corporal—O Tbomaa
at tte wlrs^ maablsm.
Dr. BaU te arsnsd by tte New
Jersey Prodace Co. Tbe alrsclsre w
Fosrth Corporml—John Ash.
day drsamai Ua wooed.
r IrtaadalB TnreneCtty aad all
aad base a capacity
PlfU Corporal—O. Kyarlka
with her aseoeax la bar uadertakTte William Owoa eomaaay. wkich 40.000 baabeto.
It will te louatsd
ercHnx depimu «t ^
xewarU. xM
lag. ate alibsugk kar braw to erawasd
tea sppsarod asrarsl Usisa la Ula oily abort dlauses aosU ate west ol Ue
with lock, aa wklu ax .aew ter yaan
tottaadscdpUya.hasb.sa bsskad tar frelgbt depot.
arh BOI a* maay at te ka*e I^ued
a Uraa-stokW aofartmsat la Us Ou
TksterM OUy Uat. No. IM. K.
ksr-rlgor aad ter detcrmfutloa wtl.
Opats Bstes bafUalsf AprB ii.
M-. tbe eUmt local teat, at Iti
bri^ gralUylag rawarda 8ba rxpacti
A eary picataat waddiag was aolsm
ttcnirr rxtxctLtro
. Tte SOI
mullag dsndedtoradaecUe ra
IS laaea ite enui oa a atwmer (oi
iaad 8aaday aflsrseoa at 4 o'clock i
iaftlatlue (or Urac day. for Ue
Ctook'a Islet. April lOlh.
U's botas of tte b-ids's brwUar. C
aatlas Is prUtad U Us prossMIaft U peu of eecnrlag a large claaa ot
darwau. os Waibiagtoa strut, tl
■an There will teaepecisl re
SBMhsrsslamaasdsbo.ldhor.te by
.iaa teiog Him Ida i
tatday udtwuiy twoM bm ecb'ori"" Pfmia.i«i c. a i
efs* 8aUrda> sight tut Us purpose ol
sasry pslrss sf Ua poblk wigtea.
ly ate O P Haghra
males aarp-iaed bar at bar team oa
Dmacr.m ■.S.HaU. lu T U
laostelag lbs sppltosUeu ate arrssgWbluclond The aatamuy wax
Oaltad Blaus Dislrtoi Altorssy G
lag tor lafUsttao. Dte°(T Dreat CtomOoasll.nMTMd Prldsy (ram Otsad mateer tFOossor to so* Is tte city toraacd by Be*. U. Cochlla ts Ur preast Ua Imatrdtota ralaUeaa Hr
Ha eompUud arrasraweata
wUI fire bla sttesikm to
ate Hra Bi«tea IcDaa tbs a:90 irsia
to ktt>B tbs dsUss of kh oBet
yeatarday afWrsMS (sr Ueir faisre
Qfste BaftososUstmsd Harsh.
borne to Wblfcatoad. Hr. Bagteatoa
eetesetor ea ite C. A W. H. tetwoea
Tte mUstrslabdwtmUsbroai of
A Heakagos sad to wall
kuwB ate blgbiy rupaotad la tbla
Sboald remind yon Unt te died
alty. wbsre te aarete u C. A W. H
with B BsU. beenam te refsate le take
lOWte U. Tte HUof
arUI te
yardmtatsr (sr sum tima aattl trsasaayUlBg to raftoee II.
If te had taku
hsea atrssg. ate well mtesli
Ua data ___________________
torrsd last (aU te Us tsetbars part o<
nayUlag at sacnelou at omr Byrap
u upabU 0^,^ Usge aad
Tar ate Wild Cherry, which Immsdlsto
I aatertalasuato wUI te greatly ad ibsreed
Bsa. W. K. Wrtfbt psrtsrmsi Us
DcrUg Ite yean Hra. Bagtea tea
III immy Tbsrtdsy ossalsf whUh ded ta by Ibsir talasv Tteqsanst to
Hsrtball OaoMTOB ate Him UasU mmpassB of Waltom Orsy. tnt Iraar raatdcd tera ate bu mtea basts ef
be earn Unmt Uat CMSsd hto desU.
CtaHm tllss. assate taaor: Vsrlia
mAtraibam: Tin ■inwi iin partsra from tterlty w
; If you
jape looking
! for a mill that can supply you anything fiNimj
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will j
try and interest you with samples and prices, j
Hannah & Lay Co. j
i‘5\ve '\)[)Vvv\e 5oodis SaVe"
"iRVe l\.4iV)aTt\aqe sA
SipecvaV fnees attii 'DtscoiwAs.
‘btiU ta the beat owortaattp
mtt tiaue tVits ieaKm_.
*"iVie extra taiacemeata o^^ered are ^or pour beaeVit.
"Keai Syrtaq&ooiaopeataqeaeTpdap. "BaTiatafTteea
oa xobat NOtater Sooit are te^t.
. .
Stitt Settiaq
SVitrt NJatata
tw SHowtt
^bovi\ a
Crarpcl *5\v\s
■Better £»ooV. 6mt SVocV Oiscr.
» Z'bz
turn mu. . .
UttMtHlUttmkl UiMIlt].
. iHx
OurSaTiaga DepBrtmeat
SilK} tafiiB NarunKit I T«j Iff C8B
Washington's Birthday
a &oo4i 6\ve.
AD. 'KLvVVvKexv
dcmUtmti &\.\ acx.t vattk, eVoAtiq
Saturiaq, T(X.aTc.\\ \ittv, at 9 p. m,
that loves money will al
ways buy at a place ,where he
knows he can get the best for the
least amount of cash; so be not
only buys his
here but advises his wife and Mends
to always do the same. We al
ways give the best bargains in
Shoes, and that the quality of our
goods is better than is offered else
where is now no longer a question.'
A glance at our stock and the pric
es will at once dispel any lurking
doubt you may have. We call es
pecial attention to our line of
Winter Goods.
The prices and goods are tmapproached in the city.
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.
Cash .Grocery
Consalt Tbese Prices
i-.r'cSt w"£»""2
lay and be pr»|
•,.111. All cordially laTltod
W C T i: will bold
fcapal leciprraoca merllof
Frlead*' L-bor*b oral Suoday araolay
, collecUoB wUl ba lakaa for tb* IoId.
The baaqnrl wblcl
b*ao*plea*of Uv* I
, a oomplev
wWr. prearal aad a daioly rapaat w..
A »bortjrf<rra« waa reader
ed. and r"«*f»^P*'^. f«o''»C ‘bat
Ibat they had hero blphly Mterlained
Paalual* Townabip buuday School
J. U Olbh., aoaoopaalad by Mlm
arioo aad Muior Harold, waat
arara* City FrUay.
A. J. Cola weal in BIf Bapid* Friday
aaa bi* totbar. wbe i* daaccreuily
■ OIIMBi..
10:00 Prarer aad addram of waleoma.
ier U ir. Hokltb.
Baappoaae. F A. FraoCh.
Soar. Swedirt Saoday aehaol
BeclttUoo, Mr*. Mary Hhanay..
(Iroeral Sunday *ebool work. <
fltaa U Anbla.
Wa ara Vlad to My that Mra. ijalcby
The drat CBM of meaalMreported
tbto .lehiltyi* that of Mto* UacoLa.
that traiw foiac bn BaBaafordW
baadad laatWa
.1 ad}alalaf towaa
oraar of WcUerioa. wb
Alaaba la a few wnek*.
las a tow day* with triecd* I
I publle Mbool ibMrrad H'asblaS
___ birthday. Tb* .WUn» frirad.
toratbar with tha oblldrca coaUlbatad
B.4I to tba orraa land.
with lllai attMk of
Barry BItoaad wtttaspaetlo :
smatUm at Ibe hp'mr
of BaaBn-Darto ha> baaa 4>lta lU. bat to ela to aitepdlnr p
bald at tba bane of Unt Frad Oil* pc
, Friday arenlar laat. Abent *0 yoaay
peopla ware pre*eat.
n. Batoa.
Soar. Swrdlab Saaday aebool.
BactuUoa. Hia* LIula Olda
Saar. *<* lltUa rtrli.
Tb* relation a t*Mber bran i
ria*. aa<l Ue oommoniiy at lar
Hr*. A. E Braloard Am i
from a ua <daya'rtoillo ber *<
,. la Uraad
Oraad Bapid*.ley Inekay.
dlaa MeDonald
elcoad ber
MIm Mlaa
McDonald hM
ha* elated
aebool at Cadar Ba* aad to
IV. Fr'.ni ■'Irrei
\V, imi»! r.i.vt'i tin- -1.- k -.1 SI,
l..iu-<-uiv nmri- r—iu. an-l thv .•iiliiv l.d mu«t ta-aoW
in 30 Day# I Lit -I.Kk .-..n.i-M ot l,*-l «ra-l.- Staww it. iduli,-.-. Cbil.lri-i.V ami .MmV .ixe.
W.- I,r,
,m’ -f tli.- sir--- lm:.iiivbe. ilV-Dlv llita al-wk nmat u’>'- U-ml ih<tb.'B P-all
I-Bt \ f..i
l-.-n-iriI'wf-irl'-* tlK-w 111.-'.-nr.- eumt--KliPair--. wlii-li Fill )*• w4.Hot Flint
Ih.N «ill l-rii,;;
Shops, Coin Toe. patent lip,
worth $3 50 for___
a. aad dtad ta tUrt/ mlaataa
MitoWUaaa bmtto
I wo
ladies Ten Shoos.
M. HondPiwon’s mak«
regulsr price $2.60. for ,
50 pairs ladies’Slippers,
regular value $ 1XM. goes now
- *i
................... 48 and
1 4o
Ladies' fine Shoes,
all want some of it. You who
are unable to go there canat least reach
OTJR STOEE, -as all roads lead to it,”
and save a portion of your wealth by
bujring your Footwear of
eold before at S2 60. must ffo
Children’s Slippers,
I l»
24 pairs ladies’ line Dress
Shows. iBco or button worth
$1.76. ■^low
1 OO
50 parts ladies' Shoes,
24 pairs ladies' Heavy Grain
Button Sboes. worth $176.
for •
Always the Lowest
in Prices....
orno ^rre^nlred. It ^ goare
togiee cerfaet aaltofaclioa or money
refuadrd. Price Itcenu per boa. Foi
tale br J. 0. JobaaoB and 8. I Walt.
and qualities and values that will bear com
parison with
r tb*
The Best.
GrVad^BapTd* teta^ay oigbl with the
apaadlag her etcalloB at beiia
leati aoMlbl* IM. of time: eommenoiag
Him Maud. Qark of Biagbam. who
It is getting well on toward the close of the
season and we have still a few plums left in
every department in
ShppB with heslB, sIsps from
1-d 10 2. worth $1.76. for
24 pairs Children's Shoes.
bli.ck or tau. lace or button.
coin toe. worth $1.60 for.
48 pairs Men's Fine Dress
24 pairs Misses' Coin Toe
Shoes, sizes from 12 to 2.
worth $1.60. will be closed
out at
Childtea’s Slippere.
48 pairs Misses’ Dongola
Suite. Unde
Undersuch as Men s Overcoats. Heavy Suits.
wear, Overshirts. Glovee. Sox. Caps. Boy'’ss and
Children’s clothing. Boots and snoes.
Shoes. Ladi«
Capes and Jackets. Furs. Heavy Cashmwes.
and M *uoh It to not ub:* to any form
Flannels in lact everything pertaining
" - 'Win-;
of diaeaie exeepi by toe of two war*
Tba fir*l way to from Imoerferl arlioa
ices and
ter Goods, which we have cut in p-i<
of tb* kidoryt Tb* arooad way to
from carelm. local treatment of other
Wlien we mahe a cut on our Already Low
a. Ohio.
IV* are aaxioaa ta do a liltl* gnod
Prices, it means someJhinQg. It means you are
laallby oriae frea aabcalthy
B. W. HUtoratOobaetaw. Haw York,
__ Lblakofae
iblakof aepIre*
to the ebi*f can** af bla
wha bM boea toying pdtMoa* bare lor
star or bettor way lode It tbaa by
bl*a It to eomlortlag to know
aBmUm*.ba*r*tarBad boma.
ta* klaato Uoogb tare
talk. It will navvou to come 100 miles to t
Dr. Rilmar'a Swamp-Boot falfill.
peaomoBto and
Mto Jaaol* Bar*, wb* hM been aa_______
Wtob 1a qaickly eariag
raring bladder
laag Iran
a Wr* Uaat follow said, as neve
- ttorerleallBU
tb* rental la tb* BapUtt id roriaary
It oarraeu Ire- neglectod eoUa
da J. U. 3
ebweb. Ml HaMay far Peal
)ds Ibeen sold so cheap.
have goods
4 bold unaeaud
Jbm* Denato aad wlto Ware retomad qaeatca
or »liagl
' '
kivlei We are re<‘ceiving heavy shipments of New'
hMB OB exuadad atoll ta Uraad Rap- aeaidiag
orbadeCeru fo
every day..—-----------and must make
U* with bto ooa. aad ta Haw YoA ataU. wlaear brer, aad
- room
ad oeereimm tbatca* roffre ki ntoWi h •pMU >a*ir • •** Taaeu Spring Go ds
(klaaaaal i remity el bring aompellad
them. AcompaiiB-Dn of our goods, and a
W«rd bu Jaat nubad u-'et the U gel op k» Use* dorlag tb* algbl
r.1 'U'rniV - glance at our prices will convince you tba». as
duttaf Mra. Tbaa. Bopteta* nt Hay toertnalc Toe. talld aad
rea»,jvaa* *»■*■'*»« 'SlUire urelto I. iWary eflaetef Dr. Kllmar'.
Kilmer-. Swamp Boot iire<re<4nak M»*. rwre a*" xreim. iu-ia always, we sUJl retain our tepuUUon^as the
It •laod* tb* higbeat ,g4-gj::.-rr:jsr-"“ "i,Kf-rjr-iS-JSiiSi-. tomwa realUcd.il eaiaaof
givers of best values for the least money.
•dtbtonUag*. '
Ibe moat di*
II ym Bard a madlclae
jMto. IbeataTur-oldaM of Mr. and
Don’t miss this opportunity.
Attar y«aia of anluld aelfertag
yoa aboaU Ware U* b*.t At dragpile*. It. vr. Pareell af Calla«t**IU*.
gtou. tfly beat* aad ea* dolUr.
Yours Respectfully, ‘
YOa may hare a Maple bottle and f-a.. WM earto br a*leg a atagl* box of
ItoWItf* Wlteb a*«l Sblre. Bhladtothe bnpttal at Aaa Arbor ataa* Daa
24 pairs CIrildrea's Gtaia
24 p'airs ladies' fine Vici Kid
14 pairs Mae's Tpo Calared
24 pairs Children s Shoes,
sizes 6 to 8. worth $100,
5J Plirs, Job Lot, ol Babies’ ShOK to be Clnsal ««l at 12 l-2c i Pair.
244 Front Street.
IIBrosch Block.
Traverse City.Mjch.
A thrill of l*rT.wl*«*perif-BC*d whea
a bramy enugb of aroap aoundi ibmagb
tba boa** at algbl. Bnl th* lerror *ix>b
rbaag** to rellrf altar On* Miaal*
Gxtgb Car* bM b**a admtatol
Kafr and barmlm* for childrea.
■ sacJi-iJiLrrL-drij:'!;
TraTeiaa City. Micb
To Make Room lor Imoieose No* Or, Goods aod ClotWoB Stod
Saturday. Fahniarj SC. aad eeery Sat. AtMdaaay barebaM pattlay an bM tmea rtolUag bar ala% Hra. H. U nrday
thereafter uakil ferthar nelic*.
Smith, raiurnad borne Moeday.
loB Ito paal WMk.
tbe Uraad Bapid* A lodlana will ran a
Im Balth bad tba mtotortaaa to loM
lorlog Mackinaw Oiy In tbe
•M-fbtoaooD. arrirlng at Uraad Bapid.
10:<4 p. m
Tb* arrieal id ihto
[r. Bo)______ la Grand Bapid* will b. la^Hlme
A Allaoto BoDday.
at af Mr. aad Gem r* aad Pottv Clarke-tooeompa- fareoaorciioiittoClklearcand U.-troil.
Hr.Belaa wMtbr fasMo
ltd by tbe Hiaae* Oalt* and Myrtle Betnrvlag irala will laara Uraad Kap
Hia. Lat Smith oaar SaadaySooday
at r;lS a. m . com
MiB.0 LAltoatoaUllqattaolekiwa -Ilia atueded tb* daaaa *1 Elk Ban- Id* ***17• S
• •. F*bruary ST. rwnaUg
td* tb* M*A A good time It
hopaabawUtobatlar aota.
Joba ttoylar died Friday. Fab. Utb.
HMtia and OaUto Alien attaadad the ! after
aa lUaeM of oaly two week*. Mr. time card* o
■mnaaradaatBb RapldaSayler wa* aa old aad highly rmpaeied toU B A I araatoor
■ imir.
Baatf* BMlay of BaiWdprdaa atollad cIllMB of ihto blaor. baeieg moeed
* and Tirk*t A
B AU^aad blily orar Saadmy.
bar* from N(w York la l*T« Ha latret
id Rapid*. Micb
AaoUv death amoar at. Mr. Jaba a wit. and other relaliee* aad a large
taylM. Bto (aaaral waa bdd at tha eirel* of frlaed*. Uto loaeral w*.
Tfto ebatM today aad arml
iKg malady: to^dara
------------------ T tbdr laat reapaeto to
abort by lb*
. u* of On* Minnie Coogb
Car*, wbicb to wtoo tb* bmt ranredy
rlth bu Imly
kaenra tm-rronpaaA all Incgaad broacblal tranblaa- -
- 1
Is Estimated at
Tb* aaranM or au
me* Joeea. uf tbe drug firm o{
Co.. Cowdro. la. la *peaklag
of Dr. Klag'a New lltoocirery. tay* that
la*l wiour hi* wile w'aa atinekad with
l^llrippe. and ber mm grew *o Mrimi* that phyaiclan* at Cowdec acil
l-aa. oould do notblag for-ber. U
Mwmad to derelop iato HailT
lUrlog Dr King*
Dtocoreryin *tore and •elllng 1'
ll.be ViokabulUf borne, and t
.urpri** of all abe began to gel belter
.’rom Brat doae. and a bait doraa dollar
butUe* cuter' '
King'a New> DiMoreiT for i
d Cold* to gi
lloo. Coogh*--------------yit. lUclri
aad Jaa. '
lohaaon-a Drug Sioeea.
better atltato wrlUof.
Yukon Basin
.are ^toea boay tb* i
■ame men atoe WMlbor aflor tbr
The Gold of the
Suds. Bthrlaad Flomle Ukerlos.
BMlratlunv Fairy Urabb. Cbaril*
BuckiaB-a Arnica S&lea.
■ ■ SJEwffiKT'BE
•ii! it ke t-||.KnilHte. Uv.iD
T .*.. i.u.*.*
Sli.N-e for 1.06
^IilmMioo. Hi** Aiklaaoo.
The DorcH aocleiy *
Soar. Old Mii*loa »rkool.
Hr*. JoMpb ArmtlroBf
RacllatloD. Ml** Hell* Kelly
Soar Arcbi* *cbool.
barrtaaa will !« bald ae I Saadai
Uew'lo.r<‘*t>d keep tbe beet icier,
ir. Cation eat la ibe Saaday Khool. Mra UeVol.
mcralas at Ua 0*0*1 boor,
will ooeopy the palpit
Jliaeapwloa. Mr* Sherman.
tVbal ■hallwa teach la oar Sunday
•boulkV B <1 Ladd.
,B.2b^~U?*be‘'7i^i lo?*?howh
Soag. Swedtob Sonday aebool.
aad oebeol teoadt la tbe aaar f.
J. W. Uood aad Eraretl 11*
Maatly oocaecled ibelr r<
Pl^l* aad Main atrNto by a taleymph
.......... 1.46
>nr M..II - t'h..-.^lM..,l.\.iu
T .. . l.«.v
Sl„-n.f.ir 1.60
Cor. Front and Cjss Streets. Traverse City.
Mr nod pratoa Mrrtee. lad by
Bee. H. W Smith
Boom to tooa da bora aaotbar caoar-
•nr l.vli.e. I'b.-e-d:!!.. Tu^
A. S. Fryman.
''*nimMU>B. Mr*. Mloer.
of CUud* VaadrrrorB.
The o*e of a Saoday kcbool is a
■ Mr. aad Hra Arch UIbba droaa down
Hr* Tbompaoo aad aoa Percy aad
Mra. Frank Sawyer.
▼iaitlBKal Aon Arba
waaka. rataraad bomc
Just Received and Put on Sale..
--------WMmpl.M U>.
Jack 1
Torkiah Bath
Mettled CMtile
Ont Meal
White Clover
JapAn Lilly
Pine Tsr
Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.
Another liood. to Pr.'pirl .a
Pays for the Herald for
o-cru loINHJ IS:
Mr* Faatoo aad Hi** CUudia B*ll of
S^^ey called aa tola
■obt. Qariapd max bom* iaUrday.
marabir ta aamp tha oa±t day.
Jaa. CUmarty, Jr-. laboMafram
E Fine Baby Robes.
l,ap Rolics. Blankets.
Gloves and Mittens.
Vb*Ua ei
Hn. !l«nto eboM
ebo- Ito -TO^ 4»y tor
UMla OUte tao* I* ««T •*<*(.
^k‘^tnck*^l^ bbd
Mr qsiiUaC bM
li wu a r«ry aarrow
aarra— *Mapa
r. eoim ato« * «yl«f tf*» »“ "*“• Moray tbay mid an all r>U«t Tm«Uy b.io* Mr. »to ^
ctttOivta•lowly, toprorta* i|B«y* «Ui •«BlM~ry tb* M^bon
»J dorTMloa'*M*
Hr.. Cleacat aad aaa rl*IMd Tra*
OTM City bitarday
Mt^tb* ualV of Hoary
Mr*. O. "W. Prallcb ba* a •••' Klaball plaao.
rl.lt b« aaal
ItbraiattaUoUwWIcb -*» lb* ••“• iB Cadlllae dnriay ber raoaUoo,
crftbrbrida The ooaiaiij took «p«
MM Oobiaaoe eIo*«d hyr .ehnol FH
day and wiU^.^ad bar raeatioa at bn
Before another advance in lesther.
SXXX CoSea............................................ t .
• Ita. b*M BollHOau..............................it
Cider Viac^
arad;«bVUU ....
____ reTablaSyrap
t« ,
. Ml
Itseliwbaat Flnar. per aaek. ...
Cora Meal, per McW .
Beal C.ear Fat I'ork: par lb
Swin'i Heat Bacan. per 'b .
Wilrer Leaf Inrd. per lb. ..
Choir* PlrolcHaB'. pee lb
Arm aad Hammer Soda
No 1 Leap Cbioioey
This Lady Bsjs Her Toilet SoapeflJh.
jB at Cadar Baa.
laltmaa of Cadar Baa
» a waab with Maaalr
HMt e( tW< Umm wreaBd W«r«
•T< .eld ot»« M«l«f tbolr POUIO.A
Him WA» B*ro*T »P0«*
tr* IMI -Mb lo tto Pollw Mdfbtor-
Hta H. H. Martla li tUHn. lioaa OartM mad. a ba
Ma to BOcawaWr TborWay.
Haary Tbayar baa foae to Pomooa
•amadUMtof mtbMa Mlehltaa
Bamaaa VasdarbooT* farm Lalbar Maey -apt to Trarataa City
SdTrrTBtott aad tbo oblldrtaar- today.
CUada Vaad*itrora of Trararaa City
f------- Vbadarbocrf. la rMpow to a
.eat baada; bare.
^^Tim aaaoaaelar tha falal lUaam
Tb* India*- Aid will meal wltbMra
Tboiapaoa tbi* weak.
Him taala Mary apaot- a tow day^
la Tra.i M City rawaUy.
c Uiil u aa< '
kf Klairalry
p iiaoo a. pear
Hra Hopklaa U daercmoaly ill
aaamooU aad tjpboid lerar.
Harry Wlddleiiiib of Oraod SUfdd.
apaa of aarrtad* bocaa*.
apaal a tow day* hrraa waab or
md yooMa SAt-S MONET thereby:
Ur. JMkMMr*aM«u<sT ibirltoj Mn-BolUM-tattorktaUaiMb
■Pra^ nMtiac Mxt Ssad^y o*MiM
M«a(tk«8aB4*r «ctooL
r. ft(BI)sbO
k( Bl)«b Ogx'Ac
Mi». J»eol>Bln»Wy«Hrf
I TW* Ii*8i«*'
Ii48i«*' Aid iBCl-11
L. 8U^l UWartoy
K Uiv N«U to MW tar Mr* d
»«. E«to J-M to* •»
pamphlet both arat tree by mall, npae
r*Mlpt of Ibra* twawmat otamp* toeeeareoatof pMtageoath* bottle- MeaUoa Uraad Trantw Herald aad trad
yoar addram to Dr. Kilmor A Co . Blaghamto*i.» T. T^ep^aunolibto
raab. pimple*
y tbto tamaaa reiaedy.
OTCubMGt. looaei
The Boston Store,
TnvMM City. U
New Binder
and .Mower!--— -
Call and sec samples »>efore bojiag;
It is Ibc lightest running;aDd eaA,
iest Eo haodte of any Binder ^h1 j
■ Mower on the market. Come a*dy .
find dot for yoarself. We are al*;
waya glad to show gooda.............> • •
Don-t foiyrt that I Iiata tbe bsAl ISna of BPOOIKS
erer dio«B in Tcmtotb City for the ntooBjf................
§ •
Qrand Trayerae Hgrald and Traverse CSty rranaoript. OfmwrtHdated. Mai^ 8, 1€08.
Tb* AnofOamlaff
le t«op*r daralac of
1 art Uat eaaoot be
ABonr UK Boaue* al Ue oorkt r>i. .
tbr Mkbiraa fonadfr eoraiwDp'an be '^
luim.1 Hr. Am Marini. Ik bat litAl •
la Baltic Cnek f* orer 1*0 p«*T». W\i
boooiWaad letpcOed bp all wb..ha^wli
hia; Mcb U tbr aua who aakr* lUxd
autnaret. be apt; ' I bare had Lidie-p *
CriMiblr for rcora. aad h ba> tnaik ia> ?
BXe Bbecable. The havp iMiii.p, i,,,-- 9
earr la mr baatara. unde ror «■<•.
I ?
ban berocnaprUrd lobe Ic i- '
Icea CDwiJdja I.e
•K aa k«d
kn* a> nii>- di.i • at a *
krrWcaTefBlIpaaddrawiar Ueedpe* Une. Uir
Ur rrwn
rTW-d pab
p ' «a»
- "
frwa a.t IbA. 9
eloeaip tecetber. bat aot eotbapoeer. whldiI k>mdUir..«
kiaidUir..* fell
te at lirxj^i a lia> '■> I
ap. If there b aor oap "
waabeiurtva tbouick me ta'ilw
braa^it bwk wbea jva
of lar kidorva: atio'Hliaeot vl Btiik'
hraU It do<^ apala. Uj a Cieek ko.-« bow ba.1 I waa I
A flee aewiac aUk b oaad
tara wooira e'ulh lo pr*terB» lo a
waol. wbicb would* wot be etnor
CBoe^ ealea* Ue tkteW or raTrtlDC
OM to* eaeraa.
Wbea tbe cletb b
•hkAeBoorh eWramr toeoaeeel Ur
allk threw belw«a'lbe tam
■ aad Ibacc
■rtbeeloU Brclaab
bmlfaa ....
'roB the edf* ■
■a aide of tbe^aw.
eW raa Ua oa
A UaaM Cab* Baclp*
Aa Mlowtaj coke recrpe will be
bW bulb
bulb _____
daltaala aed reoaoBlral,
MSM*yaaiir bwt'
■ “SKS^'sri-.
add two-lbtrda of a
hw berbalftad * brap■i«r taiowbl
I of bakior powdw.
_______ _______ _Bd Uoa or a lOBJ, loeh-
"i.C'i-s.S.i'sr.r.",-.::, I
I. aad prei* ll
>T# Ue cotloB
ooe tidi. or eree lure U bed. ilir
eottwao llrbl aod dclloate.
Cut lo
Bow 10 Aaaae Chlldrao
labeaiaUe. I wore
two aad aprtad i.-iacoraor bIb* dlllor
Inl that poo do out n|.«i0a coaBaoLlr fur llu'
Qoara aod topa of All daeriplioov
betwerwUir bTeraaW on lop.
that a aery
mbef tbrr broufbt 1
Wh-T. J
If 7on wtafa
«Mi lo Bake at
a laoxu o iiurd :*ra aopleatirol auwadaeatbalAlldreB
tkc tiU«
1 caught the aBgbtwd <
. orod orrer be at a loia for aaaai
■lllar. aa* Ur white* of
wnk *Mlir
>tk b preaard perleev anight to me klda^* ai
Webareoot for7..ilra. kowrn
Ueoak*. raaerriaff Ue 701k*
of Ue ^a w.tl be Lori I wa. ^deUed U tr.
aujroiy dap* aod loop reeaiepa
rht aUe ^;A
t place
piaee of j o<.v
a.-y HIK
Pllh. aad pm
p •oii.'* 1 "l.t’
otbrr w*7 b to aa« Tolksef two ; farco. whra Mother war oflea bralerec elolk b oanallp d
. aad oee treapooaful leaoa ra- with ‘-Wbal cea we dooowr’ aod "leii oai aad diagooal auichea-moc .
laieg wiU,,.iivr atrrrr A tewBooUft
_____ _ aad 7<.n bare a aba cake to *Ai uavbaito plap." , ll b poaaible tkai
• I UreaJt of tec oioU. Toe'•opaod>«ad. {I„v, ndirulrd t» idea of beitiL
Urrear* cbildree alaiiarlp aiioaied
with beerraB.
CM «P>1« pl« »4 eteMtl
•Bgeet ^uh-Ur. aod brlag able to work at I
For aaolbar rhaaffc. aeaaee thecakr wb<«e Bolbera Bap b* thaekfel lot
teao now
All the loogwtaadiag paii»
Y«ar Aw«rad en»au »>d law
aoae bleu how loaomae Ibtac ruaog
iBlrea11| c-ne,
e.v.,r. an.I the fortorr trace* of kidi
Yaar dalan'aBcal food
* I -rb rs (cFiind la mp arinr h*er
W.p back la the "Lour Apu." wr
Wlb piece of
. ; i-nn-l ( hare rwomarod.d Ikw
la eiBiatj aa a
cr.< 1‘illa to laanp friradi
Mrl at I war, aad la rrerp raw
aaep famllle* of them. >BttdeLt lo po
Tahir ci'Ptat cearn,! p wn
ll iTtH'l ili|.\ iimrcjl a* hrurflcial
KfJtMIbattlaf farrolaten
wlU ffioper or aalBeff.
Bake la peu palateatowa. 'Ibep were made top< mih* fold*? ll I. true 1 .at U
• u'/, lur
• fkiiicr.v
lilt aouHl
V rl>...
air ii.ijn
Kiilorr iInilt
wuuhl be
• tioppisw, calllar. to chorea, etc., wait tlwap* made ie Ue
paailoaqoick orro.
1* aimrp
acr. r—
• •tea lA f„ mr al almod aot prirr.No Balter how olcr a nke la. It will we did the Ulkiae for Ibeia.
ui. but ihrp geloeral.p
F.ir aalr hr all **!»». price S
be apoiled ' If tbr lelop U bard aad were moallp ficorea eat from fatbloi.
ID Ur F.»i.-r Millnrni Co., Buffalo. N. V .
Mo *70001
woBblT. IlsboaldbeaoriaBdereaiar,
Ilv coulog off a^frw lachm aiwou for'ilic
- I'.'IT llrmcmbcr tbe PI
llkabholce coafretloB.
For Iki* take
rod aoil oar iidr all Ue
dr Aoa'r, aod lake 1
ooe capful preoalalW1 rarer,
aorer, a
add flrS elotfara Bade frcai briffDI paper
e k rill bealirrrd.
.hi.i. eitinif Ueeti.U. a , •---------------bull a
freeh aurl—.Si .......... ...
firm/r nii I
tbi T were pochi
-hair*- or -Urradi ' Foar, rrrp al
0* ■0*007'* plaloo* Ukr* aa
ir of oor
e bruaght forth
Ip at Brat, latoil
•h daw OroM MooBtola d*7»:
t;ff. aa It
r: doeot brat
ing ruoin unuaiiv look* at if it bad boru I '
>l*d lOOM !lko 1 ■« *oU>or
Ul tUBd
_* auotber farontr ei.ited hpa cidoii.
. 1 laake Ue Id
Tu eVar ll upi-k'
I Uaa ea tko wlodoa «m.
e few Biauln t parlla'lj oc*ol. then aauv meal.
<luloklyand c ta’..naMp, rpn-ad onial
f AboBdi>-B*»»l brolbar
infofbiuof f
•lawapaper anl pilrunii*:l pin ,* of j ton
WM*b* koow* m kwp »**tUI;
CBoagb U aprrad oa Ue cake.
| aud tbr r*U
good* or lie Iig ibal are wurui aaviuff I''’
AW iboM MIbitb we M rntofol.
u.--— oearip a tqoare of Bakrr't. p clam aad
Uuiigb i gaUer lue other pinvi for Ur ' ...
I. "Jollo.Uj
rioluaaauceraBd place la hollfroiil me
The ehildreo will
melt, ^t UU aod Doe-I
baodp for p cki:
lobiUelclog ja»li llica U^re waa Ibe laaklor of plclor
Thi* b dr. I bM>k*.
book*. Ceidi
Caidt aud bright plclur
aad whcii Ihi
AadMwel KooHeoit. *ir.
YM* boodit *erfM the *00;
.—- woWenU rerp ffbr. lo
A lotelp earamrl iclag 1* made la ra-1 though
Be Dotdi oallqeo. BOrSwiuer.
arilp tbe aamr wap. ualp oatog map'r
buokcarr today ia.aa old leaUrr. smoiiU roll* a.n.o.ilmg u.^iL
.«k. Bllrd with aleel
anger lailcwd of graanlai
gTeaelatec). Chop a
irrd b.w
IVrap ihr wo.)lcn piecea in nr
I aad n
to kaep frum the moth*, w.
Dams on tbr uoidnlr and park 1
TM** Bade
tree blDo Bilk:
once In pour -pirce drawer. '
Bake Ur Iclag Ula aod diocolor ll.
I Baofca aiailr of bright naprr cambr - tbr n«mr loU* lislof c i.TlrcIs
Tba addilloB of katloroot loeaU enme adrerlUiog cards aed pirtai • will know «| a E rin-r lehrc. oi
Bake* errp rh-h frosting. Crath Ur [ egt from frsil raos. aada dirt of pas
utert -.Seim..I
plrcea.aad »prlakle orrt froatiog oa | will keep childrea happily
Im layer,
layer. iUrn
A bo* of '
.. .put on a lltllr more • ■ long tinw
Lit Ue Cblldren Help
ne*|b riMda **7 deer ■«■.
. BU Ur l»prre
arrao many steps i . br
For tboM twia booM «r* ataad
> bring arrrrd Ariwngr
huusr. Uerriasu niui.h
FartaHar tbriee per dlM
la 00 tup uf cake la row*
j *.-rtn
t cbiidcTB of a larger
psrti.u:arlp where there, sr
Of thbr falBO* oat of haad.
Bake a drhcloaa orange rakr., gn.wi
■eoaorvaUaf faaatoa
twe or*ag**i Ur grated rind and I
It h
Ban Mat a* of oar riftl
. of on* Bixrd togeihrr.
I’at* b
utdBpoonfol of this mixture iBUlfar.ont
cake, and a teoapoonfi
loUrr dtp. it winloeaimoai
be alBOal M*e
ill sed . h-n.
I We'll eatlt •qaare or Ua*.
r'iclDg- I’. el thir oUrr ' a oew
U y sre Irarainc to br usclol. to be 11
........ ............. ... .arrful to got off all the V We I
On-alaglW Ihrir liira go.»l bous.krrprrK, 1
rdssUasU Isiisrt utuiosa
white perl pcmible wltbem breaking
thing . ukeo from Abe ' Iddrocp H^od.~ to abureall. thiyarr mskiog hglA.-t
sn I.SW oBersC uc
c srportue.t,srportue.t;- of sscunsc
WM «a oarr* oar ^ aW Moea.
hr Uln skin which sriiTsnnds the O'aa rntenaiaiog as. well
moUrr's w..r«, and »hr win br
____________ -Jaffa* rtold.
fur eblldtea a
lirad and m-wr cheerful wbrn rrri
ctag Ue cake, arraopr ao Uat each crpliog Ue rerp liui* unra. aad It p.
.giesscTctlslhc CsnsCsn West. UM ten.
■reU»B will oome u tbr oeolar of a. aurprtsing aomrticor* how ere* tbry
ofNo. .l.srewtwsl,
reeofake. Mare oraoge* map br • will get hold of Ue Idea. HoUerwill in Old-Fashioord Remedy for Bainrldrd la Ue aame maener and put on | beer lo act aa iearirr at firal. but IbnaHoaltb Claba.
a more artlatic wap. aceoraiag to | will sooo be able to carry It oa amoog
An old-lime but guud rrm^y to prer'afaecp.
; theauriTc* with mother aa ampirs lo
Domioora are rrrp pretty foi cbil- ease of drtublfol words
Hake cskr in long tin. 1 Thli is ihr gamr- Tblok afawerd nade bj elerplng Urer l*rgs ouions ii.
in the World.
lleU) obirog piece*, freat top ean . of one spllaWe. a bich baarerral words i ifusri ul rum. or until tnu slrrnglb i>
&*«ds.su',ut«tu>w,<i.«1 in sSundsDw
from Ur Trgruhi'. *ed apply
Fw«l«fsmp*i»w*ac™roir., mspi ssa Igll
aod wlirn icing b
i'L ll and one ihal
make lioea and doUwitb a amall braab wLI not br
td loo r^diip.
In iog it to l^
dipped Into mrlied c'hocol
locolate A wuod atead of tell.
- Ur word, tell one
awt b* wid of tke frtauat ka^of all a toothpick will du
• for thU porpoae if.....................bpme Wiu It. aed require
IsTrndrr oil 1
baMa atol-boalU of bod7 or nted.
tat band.
pour word bp gi - - •'
.. plan* Ob ,
Ir&Dithjn* of tbe words Urp Itatek
OatoU BdUtowanaow opatoBoIr pet
rtt warm pour
Fur lasuecr. you thlak of tbr «
«aal boaett aoebtia* aW life leoaraaoe
Uc followibg aance: Thicken one roar. Tel) Uroi it rbpmra with m
la*bad^_jaad7lBl bow lo keep oa.-e pint biMlIng water wllhoBeUbleapoon.
Washutc El
wb'tre pun bop Uiags? "
MUb.,^^ oel7 thUk of caBbllBf nl Boar robbed to e fccbouU
Th*«mi.untof «i
. . _
artth th^ld Baa with tbeocTtbeto iillwculd water: add a small luaip
rr*gr h. u-rh.ild on su-hing dsr 1
bnUerca Bcaat copfnl grraulatr.'
much larger than Is ore. >ssry
S.'.. kffH a prii* la the eeeat of bU ooBlof.
gar and owr trasp.uuful lem-'O ex
aak.d anulhrr
clotlirs tarn, a gr-at drai .(
Ab aalmaal ifaeraeot of the doi- Thrrranltls a ricb and driiclou*
(riettoo. Th<} sh.iii.i1n.it t.ra..Hs.d
. FlcatbwaofUfeaaoiWaflBetteld for am. aad oee wblefa 1* caiily prep
Aod a,. UD. uaiil oar anggeats wt
IB an much a at. r that ihr s..sp e.'. s).
«aaoka aad their aaieanal paaaea.
1« wasted
11.11 Ibe cl.lb.s iighiij,
hari»g Brat soaped Ihrdirtlrsi p.iriioo»
Tea Salt Rub for CbOdraa.
’■la BllUaoi of dollar* were paid for
Ibraurceesfal garsaer map be tbe aod folded them togcU. r sn" than put
Varionaaanitarlom* aad'piivate bna- leader arxt timr.
0id7 oaa maodj brae Bafllah
Uem Into thr «*icr.-.'si.<.i,.i
|dlal* are oaiag Ue "aalt rob." aad it
'The most ainnsing. aa well a* iaiac7.aWlbe7 apealkioed par
-alag ao popalai Uat many stia tif.Hraiorr of Ur garar, I* th.
BllllOb to adeartlae it.
What a plaa
Tbr CbiDet.s Imre agod (nr rrrrp dl»baib rauWubmrnU are adet
orersai'y of Ih^r fladimr dcBnilioas
tetbopoofedltoee aWeecBorkiod. Uslagltata apectal atlraclloo. ll
ris«., erra f..r mumps aod mratUa
(or tbrir words. Try this aad you
ad tbfB. tool Whp. tbqr are dealt oat ia*lai guod for well people aa lor aick will br surprisril al Ur brightom* o1
od the drai aloteo aW eeea Krowrla* «ra, te Ue meat refreablng of all Ur
bath* aed rvba crer iBeented. only ■
Uka atapteartlelea of «oar.|Mrk
1 lueif. aed
Mow tfcb Bodldae * »i
__________ —____________ opuD Ue akin
and eumpirxioo.
WiU all Ueae Tir
pearalWb tj*. Tbo acre pn
and maU six polatots: add oor egg. 1
the BorofoB wlah «o,aad tfaeopoa are ura. ll te Ue aimplest. moat eaaliy
maaaged of all atmilar mrasurr*. aad gill of milk, hslf a leaspot.nfui of Kali
lirat all ual
can b* tekeo al komeeari y aad te Just and a drift of orpprr.
"Bow la rear BOtborr-aU* B7 wUe the Uing for the oldar children, aa It rrrp ligbi. i’lvk aod tcald Urrr-quai
ter* of a puend of bouclrsa cod: dr*l
la eerp atraagUcalog.
ad a flribaok lath. oDwitrr.
Putafewpuuadaof eoarar aalt—tbr aod prrae prrfrclfp dry. Mi* oar UbU
■Xlh. aba I* aot taaUec wall bow; abe
>a get. ara-aalt np pre- spisiefnl of botirr and two of floni
flcdVlThlis IlsTvaswiit. Rhsi.lj Ns.Is- Lciahaaiotootof har-Hedleal fMaeoeerr'
earUen Jsr asd ^jar add one plat of milk and alu on atoe
rtsst lUtrsilllClran. UT,r'.rscii>r Kialp. pro.
IB It to pruduaeaaort of uaill boiling, adding a ball aaltsp s.
dacwl hj. Cr-y.-i ss S..sr, iti« ewst edarure
Ilreaer a smsil puduing
rouogh todiaaolre Ur of pepper.
JUffbt aa waU. er better, take Uqaer
atl^purtf^ sod bsast^DC sssp te ^
betakraopio disb. llee Ur bottom aad sldre srltn
atoalffbt A dlraator of a aear bp Iob- salt. This Bboeid
bandfateaed rulibcd
rlsklp oerr tbr tbe potatora Add ibe cod to Ue cream
bar aaBp told'a* raalardar bow aa eoUre
aaoceaod fl'U^Ue erntor; ootct Ur
of Ulisniiaxikm aad clogxlBc
o( teal
Ibdba la hb eapiar jraalad
U> bare It robbed oa bp aooUrr per- top with a It.i.-k lavrr ol masked puu
•oa. bataap oac la ^Barp health toeeand bake nntil'a al-w browe.
can do it fur berirlf or bimarif errp
flaked Dtab—Mix wiUoaa plat of
1-hte belag doaa. Ibc cold. Bnelp ekupped beef Ua same
--- thing iL - iborougb
doucibg of amount of coukea ebupaad pulatoea
water, preferably
'and a Melloae UblrepooBful ol butter la a
rakWag with a dry towel,
frpieg pan; add Ur meat and patflucs
rffret bf eUlion, freabara and and motetea with oa* aad a ball cup
a Brlaklag Ua
rd llfr te (ell iBardlateiy. aad fate of atock. Mixuotil keatod: ataQhaUrcadaa* Uetalibp texture of Ue skin and ioa( it that U* BBP. who waa abig. ereaaed elaamea aad brlgbUea* of tbe ton to taste, aad tarn into a greaaad
tokiagdiU. Bake Ulrtp miai. hnwv lalkiw. got cavtag draak cm It: eomplrxloa iweil Ue leaumuoy lb tat- asoderatelp quick oren.
or uf Ua ull rob.
MMp «f*j. ia taei.
For pcNibg cblldren ll te beet to dralo
• Bella—Cut pie m*u ie
t bae* aaeer taken adaa* of BadlaUe off tba aalt aad add two ubiespcoafnlr
-about toar Incbra. Wash ibr
in H paara. aaiU*^ ba«* mp wife, bat □ f pure bap rum to a batio full of UU
lap half a roll of
ter of each square, fold
ApplpwiUaa.fi flaonrl sage in tbe ceutrr
oarabtldraabaatogo Uw wap el Ue
rp wlU a Torklsb towel. Carr Ue pasta orer aad bake well, tlaraia'i.
WerU. aad aodo oar good wetk. Wbea
1 br Ukea Uat Uere la oot to.'- WlU parstrp aod
- teed to Uc ti
f poBBg Baa 1 iraa takea oBt of eeboot. muefa aoll b Ue water, aa iB mav im
high oBV.^:ale.
Hiacrd <
sirasrrator'draw air
kaTiaglnagltdoblaa; ap bUer aaU teilr the leader skios of aoiM cbiulree.
no, toagaL or any
Free Homesteads
.i" “.Ik,
ZZ SK.'-iT
B«t wiwus csvvjss-ar—
plaoe of Uc aa*>agrs. sod. ifprrferred. twe amaiiei
e roateau of a aaocepao Uould sqaarra of pastry may be need, Ur
rottok. oaleeaUtorrvipr rxpreaslt mrat beieg laid 00 aae. aod Ue oUai
a to Ur eootraiyi witaoal a eurrr isrd asacoeer.
CatIDau ll InoT taMsOu l» (.
Meat CAkra—Chop flee ooe poaed of
Duad ateak from which all Ul has
Uoe. act wbrn Uat steam I* allowM
wen rem.wed.
Bsatob highly wlu
tofiU Uekitefaen It harm* U* walU
jsll. prpp-r aed ooloe jaicr; ahapr
aad (araltarr.
Mr>roe«r it ImMrt* UgkUp into cakeaaed bruil orer a clw
tbatasail of oookiag. not to Ur oar
oom, but more or Ira* to U* wbul* BreUree or four miauiea, haelagUe
frying pan bitsiag hot aad wiping orei
wbat it ofua graphlcaUr. if aomrwbat tta aurfaec a piece of fat to Keep Ur
- eat cakrtfrom aUckiag.
anklndlp cmllrd -Ua boardtag boast
It taralog Ue eakea Uep Uoald oot
ad w."-Acw For* Purtpierced wiU a fork, at tbe obfeci to tear Ueoetaidc quickly, to kaep la
Ur jcicea. Tara oa the aiars aie
a eaokiag. teas tobrotra allorw.
Sigtioat Honorw-World’a Fair.
Hcrre wiU maitr* d' hotel batter, FflAHitLiw M«ryr»r.M A
* C0..eM<aaai
.. ........................
UtacU aad rbaauiteB.
aadr becreamlog qoartor of a capfu
Gold Modal. Midwinter Fair.
Prokop Kpielkn,
ol batiar wiU a tolupooefel of tolt. Xohs Brestan,
ao* laroalpaotapaapUl cxplalalag
Ki*. X.M Oaniele.
half* aallapoonfal of pepprraadadd J. Faneeb.
. U* •bjeeb of Balalca Btoiurciab.
Inga toaapooafalaf lameo Jaica.—«rWaablagtaa. D C. Ibay dala amap
Mid BO. bolO*« to......................
AOam* lor U* Utu* Oasa
lamsi wrur? issTr'ui.'.iin-iscc is< >'s>
Oar of Ur prrtUeat litUr ifamrtfcir, wy
Ir bp.
sas Kiato. m 1 E iL.-surum wivv
bildtratecmlled U* .-wool ball." Th. suXituEeu ii.sK.ss<tsss«isdH»j.»g« .as
ebiidren arc tcatod aVoaad a perfeetly *sfl w* tsKMSarmvi.- r.ma—lt'lsu3s<r
. aao la KarU ABartsa Brelaw aape ba
tmooU topped ubir. A liltl* ras .«»»* elts BSrwt,
aaofaaaad U* bmltp of tw o«*cag«
wool te (armed Into a tight toll end
«0Ba*;aolpl« aooh
e'aesd la Ibeeeatrr of Ue Ubia lAr
childrea thee
woU. A ootad daatn.________ _______
ward IL each <m* icyleg to drleb it
tUwof U* 'baoUaa ls"1j^ and
fra* him off Ue uWr. if pcaa.bls. aar
ffaaWosieanal gaad bcalU **mU*
the rhild who bllowt it to pa* his
right aid* aad fall <m U* Boor te rx.gBltaBB«U*irw*B*a.
caaad from Ur table, aad etaad* ia •
oMamabllaret H«gi
llee bp U* wall Eaeb oe* wbeallowt
th* toll to pa* bp aad (all an the floor
Boaat alaplp to baba I
ratlrc* la Ilaa Tbr laager U* hali te
.d balac preparad tor
ketoM u* toWr.ewy eo, blowing
anhnrda* paaMbI*. Ue Been nwBing'
ataalip bea.ficial UUrar5cirir"o'r*
EunlJiitiiiD ol Men.
Utu ' .
Trrib, arntr Crvja Cterlb.ialt
. I .c. nod fStiMkr; at I A>B K
■ m—r. »
Q,»»c aapM
' u'l'.'i riii.Vi.ta.rr am-r
The Celkbrated SjteciAUCs.
I Hotel Whiting
TuAvrHitt Cm. Mich.
FGIDir, MlS!;il 4111. 1838.
Oar Dap Only Each KoaU
a Free and StiicUy
I Tralss (r. s srs TTaterse cur aa
! a-.Ttarsrw .-.i. t 4* s a _
SIS. <sr<irss4as|.iu-ai t «s a
; aUKI.Axeri.T-an-rWau ’
ivea. M.s«. Cs^s
' .r
VSH'i: v:
iosrmstEit El
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
:l,..sl ■
DRS, B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
Traecre* aip ■iek.
K. ■'#11
1m did not know wheUrr I wa* worU
fbUre an
e wbp bar dabghtar
waatad lo BarTp
poor conaampUre
wroU. Tba. belag atang wiU proapaetiTe bllaro eeerp wap. lad a* to
laesugau Ue aableet of bealU lawe
and we bare aaear had a*eh troabl.
aiaa* oeapl wlU Balartoea feraria
U* Udiaa Twrltorp. and near Ue
Oraad Sltdr. Ute ebva.
Bet a* w.
ODlpdraak BlUred rail waur Uere.
owbrnlip did BcH *a«ar maeh. Ifa
ew own bolt U w* are eick Ta Ue
pare air and watar of Oraad TraTeraa;
pat. o**a hare ll reqalna eara mat u
H. D. ALLKY, Proprietor,
WeatFroa BUect
Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, «
:cr:«i, rirti'™
We arratAll tlaea peeparea
pmbUe Uebeel U U* ^
aarkei la Ue Uae of HoeaBeata._________________ • rra. Oeplaff., Poala.
ixwia. *1
etc. Oer lice of DeaiCBe b Ue lauet aW we__________
apretel 9
idtwf preeeated bp ear eaataaeie.
a qrerlaltp of doiaa worb t
10 that oorpalroat ne raeoBarad
Wo dMle the Loweai 4
We erect work aapwbcre. ^
I -1.
' «*■; *•; w-»*—
Thcccpm daraartrfwooV
^ g, A.^ PE-TERfy^^
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.
Re Painting and Upholstering.
■ s
r rmon,
Kt. PIbmrbJ OvoMo, 8afi.^
nmw. Baf City. Detroit, HowffU. Ann Arbor, Tolodo Bad
poinu Eut And Sontb. CIoM
connectiona At Cop«BlAliwltA
M. A N B. By.
Oean'Faaa. AguTelada.
Cheap Homes
rd. s
IWC ai alubr riaailsstuiss.
rslrradrsslr si !*« Kswk SM Asxsi
EISSRIU irsrSsrs IS ia» pnwsry rmdrs <
enj or TlUs«» scbecls ss ose eu asw rrrstw
airraJ»*siao«ls?tf*»pis^Br**Ul k
Advertise in the Herald—it pays to do so.
TJ^r^c:;.Twn;:f**rwU.ao.to tal. h-..
fl^l^csat. IS aay srsacs
Farming Lands
Kcrrix c.-ORAT,
Do not go Weat it fle^ owtO pa*
lavawtat MkUgaa aflU* iatoUlfWt
tmera. Ton can oa touar aMA l*M
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
Land* rtefa. 4jp aad garitp nmag.
nmbvad maialp with B^ar Hafft*.
Baek BIb. Baaawead. AMt. Baaah
■«eta*lc*a«*wia fertbac. a w.«
H Oliait. LtrgM and Best
A Fan Onp* O
M tHtor Fnvte.
Et. amnar MIS. Msvn. a*.
TKwarrsowr W tk« to
Best Liren io Nortitern Michigan.
James N. Gkiete.
a, w mrmowAM.Arrsi
Traverse HeraM
^WinrwPBaTvmg^i p»n»tr<*x
Sanitary Plambere
Wow tomw tUB* to bay A cheap fun,
eaay payanste
Qoo4 locatloD. See partial Uat below.
and flonse Beaters.'
la. lead eiu br lb
for Ua
Hllla. I-oj
I-OB^ ripea. Ete.
Si"™' O.’ P. Carver i
SUkhAlS W.000
r............................-•—---------- --aaeseaitkwtogsl pear. Cist cel SWA
Attorn^ at Ibw,
«’e. I1«-^ eow- ■ w li et B w k 8««t. to t se » w All iaprortd: Ko balldlsf*:roodsoUi«bMf
IibIabcc M U»r At 7 per. oeet.
Ko. lU-M eer««HolaejtM>eL wt;e'u». All Usber vrtth
Maple. Beeeh APd Bealoek. Keer OIn L«ke. Will eeJl for teoa.
P. <i of A • k Sect. M 117 U. Abeoi eo inproTod. Pts* locAllooi M
road. ItaU UBd; loAB. Hrra M roar ebasee—oatl; rco.
lunzLs. oftAm tun.
naxsTBs, vBtTiLAioa m.
Oorrs of Awnle
■Dr.J.A. Snyder, Real Estate
.M, Insurance.
b tbe parlor
ualmapd tearless aow
■to her ytuopdsutbter
Tbe wibUows .-raekl.
Tbeii w
iDU> pitTOo- «ai'». as
fsee prew wsaend •treined
Trsrcfs? cur, M Ira.
Ofll(l|lLLl.MMIItW«IUB..«l Btek-
miles south on east side of tlitrrr I.akr <lcnd lasd, rrry drsirabir.
' iiltiraliini aad can br.boDfbl rerr rwssooabic
by liuoum .>i.-li<.ul House.
tSood fsrm. smal orebard
rred. food dairy lertu
I'oo be biupbl rifht
A-rrs brer Msyfield. pcssj land aod i-ry cheap at t-V'>
lerrs. 3 miles rssl of KiDf>.ry. il Ub.lrr rood rultlrstion. <lood frprrs. pood
. -amr houv. will w.|| cheap or trade for city property
•n seres limlier bear Cedar Rue. Other pieces ju>t as dm
"Patients anil long SuWering.'
a. BbrS. Osist—Olv. Kick.
W^D'CAXJPJtU^-Psrseiiiisl u ptetwu
Real EfiUta Bxchanye.
But manj' tietif}' that mui-L .if (btoog enfftfrir^ of a rhromr form le
partoanentlf amt enfriy i-iirtnl el
the Elms SAiiatoriani. ooriK r IGib
ind Union StA., TrBv.r~- l ity.
kli<-h. And morf. U y»u Imv.
[*iles nr any IteeUl ttnul>!>'. Kidui-y, Bladdi-r, ur FtmAlo Wr-Hknisw;
ynn will nake DO msslAki- !■> conanliDKELKS. Tele}>b..m-i:<:'i
Office in Sanatoriam. ('ousiiItA.
tiOD moms in McXainara’a store.
Potatoes and Apples Wanted.
A Bw sole e> tbe ssei b»w Sssiaee puio.
sate ebeep si tbe
Carpet Cleaning Works
latest Ideas'soil IppliaDses.
taecesttw u swell a Kwiariau
Sarreyor and CItU Eaftioeer
■ueseeuedaUkleas, waewsta, essauUatkisa.
luportut to Pro^rt; Bolden!
aad orltbB- ap tba laakarca UU
tba aat^eat laoka like an eld
Bgyptlad Bamay.) pet ap by
wltb an ti/t optwcT oa tbe ead of
thaaab'aaw. la tba paat we bare
pat V a Wffa' BBStsar of her
F.M. PAINE. Florist
e^ dead
leekSi« piaMna, to tL great
I detlcbtetOwoaMeasariwboaay:
; '’Thaaa.Afcaliawartka bondred
; of tboaa atek pUtana-
; OoDd work aad adaiftt baaiMM
I Mattedi ■rUltriaaeofyUBa.
Bicfcle Snfiiis of til KImIs!
abte prioa.
at ZI5 Front Street
eaMtaoUyaabaBd. All woek doae
penapUe aad wall at eery reaioB-
bpriag dtylee of Woolens now
OB aala which wUI be asade up
io tba Latasi StylM. sod at
track Law Prices a* srili surprlas
no W. EleeanUi SL
Kow la Uw Mae togwtyour bicycle
enameled aad pot In good shape
"Merchant Tailor
'' I
kMlthy kmktag peelxaiu la tbe
plM of akUy aad
' AO BLurn ssr...
tboaa Blciatiag aheap Jobe'a U
tbeU -dead rl*a-a«ay acbeaea.-
Traveree City, Mich
scnptkms ai* aiM by ayweU.
Ali mAil orders rer«irc prompt
ptetuaa (made of cheap
rmeoetora that aooa fade out
ailleT.DrMaisr* Is a.
laaaAfclBgaevanlof ber aaparb
aoMt of tboaa cfaaap oolored-
l^noW tKi^?
'Sboold Sleep Eight Howa ~
Ir Jasee Sawyer, trbo bM lalaly
a dis’-oaiulac oa leagartty Ib iM
'mincbaB. rtgbUy flui
ip by Ui
urn.llos is It duwo y.jui ' si. fire, bsniis apd fB-'c aero .corch,0.1 llisi 'l would celura le a frs
mcirucy 'of sleep" aa oas b)
way, lao
.tips oeedful u> Baba a maab
Baab daya
"Uiaot smolii
I..OC la tbe laad.
what la 'eaSw’T^*'vs'uk'*anV'
cu-ui-y" ' Sir JaBB dedaesit aa owe.........................c.jrredan’.lVmi!damcdrl‘bird'i.f Ike iwcntyfoor
luor be.-boar*. ..
rtasper. IS llicre. J loi.' and i he I the fasp nf eopii..a r
Hick in
leal frtr',1 slioa.o iu|Biii.sl tuc' back toi shat’MslUiew Araoldcalled tba "aea
" ••
n.h.in.wercseimDd bouodrouou ifc, p ,u.c. He was ti
B-n long la o.
and Tye.
«..oid ibet orter ,o,nj m, (tct., as hli diapsoai. proved
rings, this nmnaat Is probably aei
<W, b,,.ood all doubt thsj.the y.>a..p lady
one IB partu-Dlar laddie.
Hist li.-rr fo
too lunch. Hot some of ^ graataal
le englo.-e r g.-oe losd'.'
• big stood. 00 gel up a pow.
..okresotour day bare doae with
Uiuuirbtshr sras co^.'h.uv and
ml of smokr.'wben they set 01
ju.rb Itas than eight boera' alaep.
i| ber hot
Hr .'sB«s Legga. prwtieaor of CUaright I
^ llere X. J s ailciuion
ilrawB to a . fur, .Ifugg.iog lusdly to rri
...... w...
cae. iu tbe I nierrslly of itzfard. wba
igs.oBgihe giueer
At ih-luoulb nf tbr raselrrf '
ricBly driwocd parti .U'
basjust died, ml tbeageni »t. aran. it
platform—a oiother.
was rewanicd l.y is .aid In tbe bnbit of rtalng at 1 a. b.
hsod oneoaufMcr s .la nty *
t-r of tbe bBsrI. anil allnw.ui himself only flee hoan of
aoolh. r s joui g
sleop. H'uuel. the (amoua eaglaear.
w slcotlger
bsugbiiiy err«l. wa.kr.
for a considerable part ef bl* Ilia weekbehina them
As the Itiilei lesk.p iBg .10
■rntlriBsu was paciug up and down sid nearly twenty-fonr boara a day.
o-d happei b-side ber mill -r. the I midst •
friend, nnd aaaUtaaU bare lafl Uoa
h.uc eye. glauccd up 1 Id met'f.mDds.
le .uriril l..r his hat and coal, ns) mg record that be hardly eeer araal W
“t's gray^o^ .c g./.mg Idlyoo o fr..m bauds b
le w.intd g.i lw.'k to thr si.ire aitb Be bed. aad yet aever aaemed Urad or bat
sroieO hi berprutu win ; wretch!s
of spirits Afur working tbroogh \
. suii.rd ibr..luatkriiy and' Aad u m h.iti tbe tl.
pnrt of
ul Ithe aigbt be al •
*-■be seated, as there was s..me mistake
tbe baBy fraturn bruka lub. crept s.. bLugnly.. al
as bis daughter did not oeed a ejfiis a' artochalr for t
re. radiant gladaess. uhilr lue ; iheiUF- ilwy were uursi
at early dawa
was ready far ibo
praaent, and Hioord 11 w.ul.l be a 1
bead nodded coralally. ' • A few yard. m..re:'
blr -iv> A- DUel,
lime before she d.d
At Hr.t I
-1eld. wbowwU
iprehnul that
jerkf-om it older M.ter as sbe cangbl, itse li'.i. mad spurt, aad .tbe blar:
I tbs alet< o(
It fiiBlIy
up iwsidea >heei nf shall
was a tact. aaJ tiibralur. wbieh lasted focr j
1 wsirr. ari.i VOe rhgiov. .ll.ipo-' up.I ialrodoc-.l him to the doepir. who ia
during all tbai-ilBh alept lour
. the floor id bo.
. cral'of tbe lweoty4oar. Be Ured
I., lounbe mom
to the age of m —RrttlaA AtssMiBJ /ein*
^ be‘o1d“
l'?a‘'‘ •'
than tbe sens
iKtor aad I mI«1 Um
Well. U.th lb
bedside of the girlI aall night- but il w
a.-I until the follow
rad ccr
Ir.y noil
was aa awful Bice boy. so llirn
TbsD they passed out of beanog.
Sad. slier waieklng IHriu rater
Cennt Bertmad. wba laoewlly dlad
tan adraaeed age la Paria. waaa
eti eucenuic man and 10 OM o( Ua
reocBlrldlies be aeeribB kla leaf lib.
Kagnlarlv oaceayearbe wooId Uava
d fully re- bis b.ime. go U a Huiet bowl, bataka
d told ber birnsrif to be^aod smy^tbgra^Jbf^
Three years lain she 1 s marriert.
wife aad
bat hie aerraaL wh*
ip, my b.11
It. tbouast : aa hr menl ru.aiag in .u-I; riesperatioo
But ws musia l be u~ lirklish oier 1 a UaslT glance over his kbi.u hlei,showall
their top-loftiaewa
II ts something to I ed him tbe older sister headed blindly
be s mdlionaire whra you oom* to ' up the tracks, straight f u tbe burniug
think of it: Wasn't that baby a daisy.: w..>ts
■ "iih aswift lam Ned caught
Id say " and Ned's lace clear dar.d girl . I
V Di9ere&< Ntltone Eat
Sea the oov weut oaeu lau. lae : a.oeg as he ..ace m-r- staggered
r Lag'isb are adautird by at
, while the iraiB polled Slowly uul
Il hope of safety
idice.l fureigners to be tbe ____
a tbe great depnt- woaad amiisd
To see a
.acre and settled down w lu j uraorib. I’reseaUy. loading bimsell
u I apefi and penodUali. Ned start-____
,.......... hopelll«k,d_ Wbi-etbF|,,^,„|„';„,,„„,^ .cefai eating
on bis usaal rouad, soon e»ittiii,g ' t»- rc»d grasses beckoaed deris.n
wbavior of H
acniss ate wee friend of Ibe plat feria. ] the flsmes rusblag to s
gs.e s
Again besmiled pleamnily at the little , Ned Isng biinaelf d.
I weap.Bs ni.ea bs .-uasldsrs
-ad ibi
lace lifted ao bright.r to greet fi.ai. -v>:ck g.s.ice around
er moseoareajrut than knife
I frankaeas hr mf tae . eag.ner' a
the ! there in Ih.
; wilh them the ..ae so.l cnly rhi
i case* wl
lads. 'Cad that ha Bad not beea ferg.
f .leadliest peri
J tbe little Nona
ilcngesbU fcnTle i'l
ailed- fasciaated
-aiog a
-as oa had beard ber call
,y tkal Is lerrifyli
- rusbed op.'" '
by herdalaly sweetness,. sod at aad
ig horrible b as
by sbe grew restless from
rat ol’all.aad
redoprd Ibeai.
IbeBS. s sbaet of um i,.,, his
ad rising oa ber knee* .a search of .miouieii eavedoprd
Wat« Colar PortralU In rrplaw
146 F^pnt Street.
portrait^ Artist.
KutlbiM-. Wo. wrr
i^oucl.iug al.irp li.e
set !ip..l m ..osc;
Sed. tbe sew Iraia boy'on
lalb road, cliicbed lutotbe c
chat wtlb hts frifod, tie .
CrosACut SawB . .
Axes, Ax Hand es..
Skidding Tongs —
Loading Blocks ..
Air Tight Stoves
Box Stoves.............
Oar Stoves........
Building Paper etc.
A"."'” rtf.
—Honey (o Loan
o ibe.wt
,\t tjic cold storage. If I'armcrs at
a distance/ wish to Joad at other
points and make up carloads I will
huy at any station. Write mo what
yoii have to offer. V\ ill huy cider
Crowns and Bridges, apples. Sweet cider and apples for
Vltallaed Air for Painleas
w^aaaj^. wsaibstt
I made a .iighi lUdcoia. th^ party atonp They were forta'aatA
■ncewbinp aa ncaae steaBcr at 8kac
n o.y iioper.
way. aad reached Sealllr Bueh saoaeg
lilt I thus kn.
inao they expacled.
Hlaa Kellar U a pretty braaaUa.
Ilchi'r bollt. a litUe uadar OMdlaai
. ,
! her hi,.tress had die.1 i.f «he Wl.t mr height, and has eatreBcIy wall-eat
■“ e‘“aV ■
<l»-b>r sa’d it was 'typhoid Balaris'
Her ryaa are deep, dark
ann with , n,,o
for the deaOi certificate,
n. and the pretileat talafi abaat
-aud found that the servant was right
Ahe kas a taale tor proper droaaM
and bs. a chic air aboal bar.—A. Luvia
,sbout.r« ... freoilcall.
o speak
" jBir. and
Travkrsk Crrv. Mjoh.
•. Keller
!35 rRlI.fT STREET.
When either a Chamois Lung Protector or Vest
will be a necessity. We can supply you with either, but
you can economize and yet hat e something just a.s got»d
by buying a chamois and making one Good values at .W.
?>0 and If' rents.
_____ hSr
E.'-Barat.a;.*: °
Johason Block
T^■ aoa»3ct*Ab^obPjoj«.
atOa»3Ct*Al. TBOMPKOH. _oawe
.ou laarTT me tt I taka *o« to
•er tbc iaer
vaua was Ured of iha.aasathe aallBitad eartetyof KlosIkr prub. sod Ibr Idea etrwek ber jAt
(iphl ' tie efreed la becoae Uta-Hodf
arrleed eatrlr
■'V.L. uee e*ee Autd." » Id ttr. ft..
piaiD > TLs.h;.. r,
Sedpsirk Ibre paid Braed
h.-.yblsB.I u.it ..ore
iheir trsii.pielath.B, which roatly
aeanl that be csttv Ihelt pmeiaiooe
■ ble r..i h.r s dee.l p. item
At di>t
retit^ t^.sVe.uT oi ra.t tbr old (rmtlemai wkiUihrt silketl orrao almreJde of
Ike » .••'.
They were eeUTBaly farto.
uatc iu s't > '-top up tbr rieer aad aeraea
dead, tut I '.bi>U|tbi l•ettrr —
• the pas. without accldeat- They had
I hie coat in resdioisa'upoo
the beat dog laaa la the ooaelry. aad
i Nod waited
natte ,lb«^-si ■, i,** their liae. They were M tfoabI Dawsrd oni
dashed lb. Irsin
SIS..U.. shiies.m
P’-ft' P" witb letl silb Ibr cold, end Ue woeuaa
; lb^.uch the dr
u. F. •Je
'‘yw wh'sl ih'Ughi I n.>iice.i a'sutoilthe ulp fully as well aaaar of
Must her
•1..I u. tempi bar by baaplaf aa
el..ee her. bat she ooly l_aarh^
tie. aad fiaaliy
oa the
thr p'
plaa that
be dcfir.
. - - .____ -___________
silb bis ea.uabie taam of foortewi
fi<v- waCMraeiOB bseeiabar J« «iU
s parly of dlg-rt^g Vfco had just Mtd
"I..1 me la'.s Noaa." lie esid ij.iie' ,
- Vou sill bsre en.u,rbto hwk sftet ' ,
, TourwH •
He . e I his bsltds to 'be .„
little one. who elstaboied upon the eesi
and olunp c.orulsitr!} to bi> ma-s
! There uerard strenplii in ible younc
Imj with bis frena fearleesuess «ud
Doctor’s Prayor,
. Neo'tWppetl l.> b. r .;dr psle. rr»olee.l
Bosmees CardsT"
TraTcns Cltjr.
KocX>ead.‘B«t Drue.
.4i ■■■UB0. oea toe vmaa
Do poa taa that
la ibawriare
(Ip . onward.
lb (b> mUr eiri la ber arBaP- asked :
Uw Wklel aad driad-ap
D Certlr. thr wrll-kaowa avnb____■_________
walked «w Bllaa ba ba
ilBl Aodahnrkiv paal ^ oedrtpakrr, of a Press rrprceeau —
Barried. aad
hm that MO BlMa M
---------- -------------_jd
an>ae gnm
‘ ier aad darker
- oaljl.
Tba flrra
.t brr*'
Ue Umla
' otbei.
otbei. Kal vet tbrtr wae
nra u coob
DO ib ^orhlaldaarrr. Oalp. oa ahrAd.
oot IbrnTa kta cab. the eotrleaef
iaad tbrlr diaUaaUoa tka araraatlafea
frainr abook bu brad, as wiu kalll
•afurbar ;ctir in eirlUiaUoa. beatdr
n>a Baa
brows hr rlaaeed Wk at Ibat wall of!
oar of tbe ptoeaoB la tbs taaoM
es.~ amweiod 1
dbrfiafa. aad tbc woue was a
rtln. - but her parebU bad a dn
___ wte bad daUfbtad tba
tbc prret forrsta
fomta on
ril brr sidr. ibroorb
1 pbt.ic-iaa tboafhlsiie was dea.L' i ararts
of tbe
IUawaao Blam wlU bv
wbii-b oipbl br Serb’and r^laaas'
It was sbnrtly after I o^erd up sty r.iter daaclac and catehy wan.
fire, as oar afuraaotbrr
aaotbrr lenr nltfbtp
os tbc N.irth >.de. whrc , l.evoard Sed<wick. of WyoaiM, aad
Boaarais frll rielims u Ibr baB«ri saribluhioeot
rrroJnp a alorh dressed old ‘
Lou Keller, of baa Krmseiaeo. a»How loot woold 1
: au 1 r trdaiSeaUleoa tbelaaiaUtaaer tnn
uribtd ' I'.e kioadlke. altar baela* Bada lb«
wsi SAfety lb Hindi
on '"'A
tkst .“A'*..'...' t.." Was lap out aaer tbe saow for
raster aed fsstei
le Is tba ec
su-itiat desperaleli
.r ibsi baeeo
of ^
Me tu.d me be desl
w boi. It wu ,
■ .t.lli-B, -nocker. bVuker. «„re deiwi- '
Keller Iwachl oat RLOM, lha naalb
-■■■“1—• of her iiuse moatbs' Ufa lb Ua atlaloc
Tbrt Bade tbe trip oat to fM
there are ao alatoLtswsoa. but because that m
:t say Asdfwtch ciHitd wia hia
. eessdrs> pradvf
Itajksnd forth went '
sue had efiMB or twaaty tally
Brosch’s Meal Market
Choicest Meats, Poulttn and Game,
S'o"«v'l ±A Baaaon..
U* W. rgsBVJat dear went Eagle OBea.
Trash. Salt and Smoked Meats, Siusagss Etc.
taaali. and era him bfi
________ .. apeak
Jaat bafaea Uta
Onrtaaos began tbe eeige of Paris tlw
coaal weal to bed and tbe aareawt,
proring me to bit Inboetlowa. lali
e great eeeata codag ow
one day tbe httad peorrd so bad the esunt i»
learned Ibat Puns wsa
iagiag oat of^S»^^2
paced —the _____
floor. --C
'What rboulO a BerUasd do
^stopped, exclaiming:
Potato Boab.
In nearly all potato socUoM (lu senb
was rspoeUIiy bad tbs pari saaaaa. ta
some places causing tbc rain of Ibo aw
tire crop
Tbfsdieaaee b ooaflaad al>
.... .c.
mrml roUraly. In lU worst foraa. !•
auils la wkicb lima or aabea baea bsea
tvnb an eag«^ wbteper shs leaaed wrapped dase ia ahawis aad ooau. |
,*-1,used eiieosieely. or wbera tbors la :
Teriohermother,suc6a-''ridofea- Uiakiug all wat lad^ over
I („r«cr lor eagelablra. and aoBel.
cvrasidermble decayed TagetaWe BAtMr
■••ty Io tbe gnat eyes that Urs oil-1 It passed, a >. luard of (re
And tbe I
. .
in tbe soil. Expert growem aow
*- - a
t rompraheesise
glance .grass sull. waeed around ibem its fin
msa, after
wkat enrion..
back at tbs U.-y. nodded
a smiling eon- gen of iriumpaanl
ebopiiicku. ibsl tbe best wsy te eoabat IbodM.
te to treat tbe potato batort plaab.1 the
sent, bo Ncan went dancing d.iwB tbe I n'ns it a mirnclr'
a form of in.p>Bei
shat diffi colt
The col seed piriato le pUoed far
atalr to ber new friead, who received the steady b. si o'the burning 1
to Bse.pulsie wl
ber with boTtebdeligbL'and after tbsi'frigbtfal V inuasified bv tbe l»
tbeta was no lack ef cntbralling ol tbr omertrd tan
tTaet i
a reached Mrs tj
■ lopped beside Ned to sar. "tVr
muolhto'te sad w.
kindness In who. Wbri le heard all from Ibe
a steak welgbing
ipped Ned'i
tk :ng a eerv sharp keifa
bimaclf that ibtt
silenlly. eiw.ag ti himself
e aaemt la'o lour of five
N..I woeb IB Itself, bat spoken with ' boy'a folnra abonld be in i
each of
great .
>0 winalBgaeordlallty that tbe bov's care
Bto bl
bwt aweiled within bla. nod Be 1
Bst tke reward dearest
-iersd at Uni Tba Graalis
tkongbv "Krafa people are not ao bad. heart was wbenal botsr. 1
'awtber" lor* bla Into ber am»»»(! ■■«-■*,, in li said a^ d m the EaTbs next dty tbe train stood ready 1 wept blessed loan of >oy oeer ibt
^stt lr-i____le
stee wbeo. to btesnrpriaa. Mra UilBsa.Boblc ^d
of berrde Iralamea. tke
rs-enterud with ber dangntm.
She | world Itself bus not yet doae ta'klDg of
sppearadanxioiisaadwamed.seelriBg them and
ia tbe faceo
ibebaadaetor oat to iBBodiaiely p'y ibelrceola
bla wiU earweat qnaatioBa. aad Ksd a death so
noUced tbs ooadacaOfalso hadanalrl
LoadoB ..n—
te —alee
twain slk---------aUea
------lag la words of bemy niBBanocn -I .emy aad sorealewa the other.
TheaprreraUytbisfat^traiawflat v^raboat larawly Bllaa of asw straota
jrSi: _________ SiCliJS
tsNsd atlU Ml pea flat
4. baorerhsardSla
th«a aaaM baa a
a,lanhU«y.n4MHt. UwaagM^STw
* »ply -aarly aU
mU How
..-ulpW ...
BetbodUabeeoer. a
furmadlaad salt* >
la Oaliea la Aaatr
la a rraarkabls
whias has a
_____ a of wboB bore aerer ssoa the
light ef dsT.
It b kaawa aa ths CUT
HUirtea of the raeagea
c^tbe BaU Klaea. aad ia auaafafl ardsr“white asls." cobs troB the earabar al baadrad feat belaw tbe wtha* sarof tbe Aaatfaltaa BasesB alMydacy. laoc. tlbaalutewabalLthMraai
eaasabl} reoB. aa wall ae a benattfal
charA daeoratafl witt etatoea. aU ^
beraplaoed with a eoveftag meaM^ lag faaWeaad fata the seta irj-Malliilargajy at atocl aad eopper.
thotr ad rack salt. It baa
trork, baiag earrUdoa la tbc
srea. llrM wM
of tbe I Bbcr. does bol leeaal
the atraotore ia aboal raadyUfoUte
aoiaalactdiadieidalla thna ar fsar
QrandTrtaTeiae Herald and Trayerse CSty Traaaoript. Oomedidated. UarchtS, 1888.
STVte a>*
yt»MilJSl'toXoitf0|*Tm Bo-» 22i'SL““*~ .......................
M««V >itM «c WIUM tto »M.d "ue^'A«.riw........................
«i Ik* •■■r*Ue MUraU" Alnlnste A^Mste........................
K rsr.2r::^r:rr::i:
of >oo»s0«
ibW. Tbon «■■ u
ibu4 ItbU »bo kMl
____ _______ ._____ . bb4 tk*r «U
uTUm of tko dWIofoo. roeitAtioB*
bb4 bobc* Bad rMBlrvd lltaW or w
taWk «rblgk W Mldoa off*rod
BO woU ao •
fallr cfnaiMrVr. Deidc«. oao of tk*
owMn of tW CBBtaU *bo dlroetod tt>*
mdortloo daelBfod that Ihli wa* '
boa> bo o*n bMo tbo pWoo to bo
Poa^-Wbra a^T tyWcB of b«>ka
er **y t«*t book baa boo* adopMd
tbrr* oa* b* ao ckaay* for >•* yeara
Ptfib—Sekeol dlelrleU whWb ar*
Uooed by Hr. l^bM tWt tk* Fn*t. B*w eperaUay **d*r tb* fr** text
td Qcrt b* aatborlMd to
boob Uw. or wbWb d«ri*y tb* prcaast
ytar adept th* fro* tost book tyttoB.
Alto**o XII.........................
dariac tb* year lOM •ball dorld* by
Hotia* carrWd.
■ Batorlty rot* adt to odb* *ad*r tb*
Solaa Urre*d«................
W^to*. of tb* act of IWT. am *xTnrerw City, Hleb.. rob. U. I8M.
oBpt from tb* pro*WkM* of tk* aew
Oo* AatoeW Ulloa.........
re Tbx IWanf uf EdiieetWa, Tm>»-y»
Clip. JU<(* .
mxtb-4'bof* arc aow la oporatloa
lataau l«b«l....................
^Obim*«M-W*. yoorCoatali
taabal II..........................
Mh^a'*^ U
[oat for
ayetoa* to reeiale la foree aad at lb*
taa* iiB* •*«• op aaotberi
lor lloert*la that
ptof tbeBpaaWh
a*oy «rrc bi
r* *1*. aad b»or Teacbw'r PV R.U. r^bmarr. I
boo* rofltlrd
Jean***' aa/ mil. rrBraar/. If*/.
.tor ax AiMiiwEri aow,
Ip aoir roiaalalDi to ibc
/ E <trrllii-» C«_ laawnal .
Viral.—It wiTu'd o*e*a»iUi* •* lari
i^'Oxpaaar (or ikr purfba** of eatimi
Trar.rwOi} lr«* Wert*. >*va‘r*
■«»,**• book*.
II t L Mw*. Co. nt.oww«J tWcoBd.-Tbr plao of that law la a
rrxt. rvBo.
Bofalar **001101 o> tioard of Edocau Bxuor of oxperlBoet. aad wo tball
Uaa.lMldiBcoaDvlIrooB i'eC aary ». TtanrM nu b"bw I'o. >1^ .
< v< bam amplr UiB* <0 adopt lu [f w*
’Jg dralm after aorlay it triad la oti
w** callad tj order by W.
WB.C.C ran.Ts, 0
-r. no. ir.c oTrC trieac men..
A a*.
out" condition anti
nedis'inc ij^/undt-d on
taoiiok —* ad.ipiFd
1 BOt h* b>Dnd to DM tie klarU a>-l»clr
Horod by Mr. VHodrleh that the rr- i br tbo Stale Board 1 ■ Bloat we au deair.
part b* acr-eotod aed claiiat br o«or ■
.Firwt.—ThI* It- proTirtei
I Irn of free MXl booki la ll
UE.srL>:uKS- Yeor eomailtlo*
’0 I SreuBd.—A maj -riiy <
oltUeijiial■ a. apparatu* and aopplira cub- ,
ora et the diali
t»«rT- , u, p,t Ib* law lo opera
.. .
the law* yuTt-mlay the .
I Third;—Th* bulk* are rbiawn
chaee of text bnnkt 10 tni* •late.
I llictriel Board aari whee oa. r wl'ecl.d
il*i. The law ol isxv pmridei that caet>.ii be chcayrd fur fire veara.
■ ay aebool dittrii't may adopt a tyntem
Fourth.—The broke twIiiBy .to lb*
ol free B zt Wx'lta I'a lb* tulluwloy diAtrlrt but aay prraoo ecu parebace
braBcber. (inbdyrapby.
bdyrapby. MlUay,
apelUDy. wril- ' from tbr diatriri •uch books ac br 1
lay. n-adicy. 'y*->yraphp, amfamrlic.
yramBar.iinclodiay laoxSaye loatuax.l
Kifth.^'oteid* of the
BttiDDil aad »lal* history, cieil yoy- branch**, booh* mu*t be nmrure.
orBoieul. aad [.tyiloloyy and byyaae- prlrcie *>r-a>.r. the aam* a* anw.
tVbra the kiaU of bwka ba* bare
Sixth.—Thr b»iki maoi br luraii
adopted a ckanye caaeot W atade for • I a price BoV-yrraUr than tbr
dr* year* A msl wily rou- of lb* Isx. -holeaaV price of Mich b-a.k-: bb-I
pariny rlrrtor* i* rm]uli
fi>r* coulracllep fur in-ik*. ihr tt
lo force la aoy
. di
, kax a rieht u> adrirtlM f.w hida.
gencrai IjssituJc sumiiitJ t.p
the l.;n:i! i.ir phrase—
“that tired feeling."
Vourtb. —"e wou'd loo* 1o**l coolrol
f II and br »ohj*ci to i“ir will
< B.wrd la I)i*,»rl*«ii,.a of ba
jj,' Vifth. —SeBT'.y alt yraded t.rbool>
»a la tbeSUU all! d*dd* ayalatl tbelaw
!«y ol Ir'Jf. aBd Ibue It -ill reasit tl
MeilOB carried
Miired by Mr. Bouad that the pr**land Cur acboale
appoinltbry* '
anall tb« braoe**
hers of tbr Ihiard. lo laresllrat* a* to
eliU remain fro*
IS, per capita mat nfedomtioB io Ihr
Hipb school aad r*Bon at oezt reynUr
popular'u^e of a-spring
Wilh the coming of the spring season eonies l.in;i .lor. tU-biiiiy. 3 “dragged-
«W ta ymiap ib* law Ibu oiwratioe. 1
akrnbnokt be** brra ch woo tbr
uBdr'. lb*y Bty aoi.k* aoltod la tk*
Baad MrNalh a Cu. aei»
A W oic-erfd. lr*«eiM> •«*
is , .
kb baoka a* tbay are aad
Th* rooolpu foribeti
•I»7t Bad for Wm all
Tiarorw City. Allcb., Fob 73. IIM.
MWd that u>* total w
7>i lA* Boom K/ Cdaealhm:
•lU. ft woold b*
,___ ^0 to aea
UOTTLaaBi; Yo«r Commllte* 00
tbo todlrklnal
tb* litlli UrouDOtaad Balldiny*. U> wbom *<*■
iotkt ia tb* oailo batu tb*r* ha* bt*o
rrlerTOd tbo natlcr of purebitiof
aomi ahaai* dao* It tra* pab!Wb«j obriBical dr* •tllo(oUb«ra. faatlor "■
•rat itWrl**aatWa.
Bwh oo* —
•elrtd Ike lacloeed bida aad to<f*U.
yated lb* workiai of ttaia woold rr
od tk* ■■Itri." ta*
Bm(Ib«i a* Prtao* ObdllotM. Alfi
i to be pnrebilawd tbrouyh vbr
HoaiB a* th* I "
Byeot. Ur t>. C D<>v
pacity. with rlor top*, a
tbo t*BO to b*p aerd ia the bulldlaye
ready f.w *•*.'*• lolloai;
for 0»k iWrli liuildiny.
Bor l<oartIB*B A*e BiiUdlar.
eforCeatrai Baildidy.
t for KlWwood Are. llafldinr.
B«0»W.tb*imue*' W**bMWa*b» ...
The Thing for Spring
‘£2Sd-P#pn*. I»r*aia aad
'tw t rail. il>Br cap Bat ostia.. I
:‘or 11*11. aiDf ap .S*M 'atia.
W. Smilb Pretldeat.
l*r»MBt. HoB>bera HoSaU, Moor*.
wao U Chari* of MW* BIscbait. *rbe
*>** Bb(r aoWiiad bj tho other UBCbor* Hybat. Mebola Ullhort. yviodrkh.
of tb* OoBtral oebool la oukUr K a aad Beoad aad W. W. dallb. Pretl-
t r«tlay arltb oa«b dlatrWt btard aa
* Bat pro.
lb*»» wMlluUto
w»» UmU tp crltWWo
«lllBl*» OB
WWW tboro
■ Btfbi. Wot aW^tlfeB roBffk ----------„ jm
Bin* ««tB werBBC ud tbo OmMI
Itriakd* It
paiflo rnm
|MBB« B( tho 1^ tWirWad «U>
To Purify the Blood
from the gross elTfcts of th* faitv I'ootls of wintiT, there is no medicine
Mulioh lost by v*a aed Bar rob.:
Y***—M*m»wrs 11 Inert and. Rourd
NsTs-%t*mbrr* Medan. Moorr. IThb'. XThol. aad Friedrich.
M.iirtl hr Mr. liilbrrt that Mr l-rbii'
act IS •till cdu-inl-t-* lo compof’ r- ■
esplva r ».i of edaeallOd in th* Hipt
kcbuol and mporlal nexlroynlar marl
Motion rarrird.
1‘rr'ptawd amaadaieBl of parayraph <a'i
of Sec. 3ofduU*t nt miBrnltl*-* ie
bT-1*w« and order of boalB*** of th*
ll-Hird of Eduimtron of Tra'or** rity.
foraieh yi a will froi* 00* to too 3 yt': To prepare a report o the leacbers
box Firr £iiiBfDleb*ra at lltoi rarh.
whom ihrv wi.iUrt r**.i nmrBif to Ifob. Trareiae City. We belirro you
riBBlrrrd for the^ersMi
kaow tho otorlu of Ihlt oxUayulebrr,
ee Brod bo oadoreeairB t froB B*.
reyniar meetiny Id tb* n onib of AprI :
wo treat that tko lew prir* obd*<I
ktatlny ai*o tba sai*.i t b* attarhed
to Ib* p-sllion of ,,..h.
oaablo et to faroiab yuo with wbal
tl whlrh iicnyo* Bood. Your* rrepecifuUy,
,,----------. . ._ Hioical---------- '■
Ib lAe &A00I Boom of tAC f.'frv •(/ rmrdent m iior m^mlrd"n Feh"mI|T>“ nX
erne fUp. if Wi..
tiiucTUBBS—I herewith tabiait
Liah MCh ba Jt“A^TthZbted“y ' IWrt ofV<T^'lu“iibatm'und,-r fbr
po*al tuaupply year (nnri iiiy aebool al Uteenlo.
I oMe»T. raa bo pur.
balldlDya with -'Uuthiway'
rr Ikic l%wparea(xor pspll* lacy
p'^ fx"*.. diacount irom I
tek bead firs oxtlnyulabera, aa
M bm k* fruo lb* ditirict aad cvalraci
.... rlevlora of the ditirlrl by a Ba] >r- ^ E.yhth.-A ra»>orlt.r *r
One fBllrp <B parity
l;r role may din'd llir tchonl b-i*M lo
(aa* pay* Ift) pulkhrd
a<l**rlt>* for bid* before bnrlny tko ac> aacual rlrctlus
* commune* from lb* fir„lie of th*
|*pt«s. ea^....................... |1S»
look* £icb dkl/lct mey eelr't book*
l-hlreral.T of Miebinn lo riad *uof OBcb kinds as ll thinks beet aod tbr
**h.'oS h*fo*, ,h* rinsed of .hr sehon!
Add fooBl.'ktl plailDy.oaeb ect.
tbus ehaaaa arr to be purchased
rekf IB order to rrness our diploma m"No.
Throe ralluo mr director on Vebmary Ul each
• pacity (ae* pboloyiaph)
brlireiay that the aaia* will hr a la^ons with the^uiorrrally.
year Tbix It^he only free text book
kayfoy of mun.y to tbr patMi s of our
law Id the aiale
Sd. Under the preaeot law raeh eta aebool*. aad a *. ur/e of •alufadloa to
Add for elekei plaUoy aaek act.
dent must prerid* his own bonk* or his toacbon aad nnpl s *iik*
’ Ricarub.
''Pao*''—Three yaMon c*.
llrspn-tful'v ronra.
parratc or yuardiaa most do so for
rd of Feiuca
pBcltr (ler paye It) Japat rath hits. proTi'trd, ikat indiyrnl pupils
aball bar* books famiiked ibras at the
exproc* ol Ihrdtxlrieu This featunHoyod by Mr. Moor* ibal th* report
DIa. 8 per eect.
I* not B,;diS'-d by tbr law of l-uf.
b* *cccpt''<l and su
*t*|« be Ukm a*
Add for nickel pWUoy.eacb W.OO a
Tl*r prraeBl law allow* th- Board of is OFCersary to briey ike matter bofer*
to price fee pohahed eopper.
.facatioo nr district wboul board to the p«>plr.
-dtaadard." Na »—Six rai
wiyualo Ue klod of booka u b* need
Motion carried.
.1 the scboolx.—aaefa dl*lricl actlay
Uored ^ Mr liilbert that th* quew
aeparatrly. roder lb*
10 prrwrnl
prmrnl law tb*
OB of tbr luruUniBE ftee- V
hied otxozl books i* ►uhjrcl
-bool Krade*
Dia. 3 per conk
at any time at the will
nil of Ibe di*l
kubmiit.d to th■e
Add for oichel platley each W SO
aBnual apriug e’rclioo tu be b
• w (imi
April «Ui. I
aod that tlle clerk
O for Ik
iB'tracled to orepare
1-a.l t
le pricaaa “Staa.SpBUiuy. ReadI
a* ri.julrod by
lotioB cam*<l
loeed by Mr. Friodrii-h that ’.mu.;
yolabei»’ («e* pay* »)
Sutra. Ciril fl lyemmenl of lb* foltod copha
port of tb* outuoiiie* |
pnlUbed eop’pri ...............fsoo
SutM. Ciril tloyoramay^of Mlcblyan. »|.h ,
L*«*80aDdtt,prr< It htf tlSG.no. Algebra. I'hy
ordered prioud ai^ cirfuiated am»^ j
Mclral pitted, ael.
of writing bu»ka tball be
uxpa.rem of th* city.
Tbo abn*o to bo dolirrred f. o b
I of C-mtnlnainnrra. 'I hiacdUard
iitiun '-arrii-d.
‘miai** City ia any quanUly dotlrrd.
immiaaiouerx will cosalal of the
Tom. (kah a* per ditenoBt uamed
Board of Bdscatina U«yth*r
ta tea day* afur rooeipt of yooda.
itaroc County Schoul Cummi
O O. Miujta. Aitent
on to be appolotod by the goi
It ahall be Ibedul.rof the
Ttarera* Qly. Uieb., V*b. IS. IMS.
and to teree far a term of flee rear* of Ibe *crer*i *chi«»l bo
WboB Ihla board of coam^aaiooen hat
1 -erep dally, a tbr doe* of
-Soaoo a act of book* or adopicJ any
all th*
XI book* tbrr* can lie ooebangy fur
ukc ht the hcb.e.:» ancl.i
period ol Sto .t.-an. *zc«pl tbat all t 1 rerouee. upua the f-..lh.wifir murniog '
'.—" —... the publicatloB t(H! du.l from all *.-b-Ktl fornl-.ure
abo yes fDlloaitx offer:
Will fnrelab fuor tbrao-yalloo n»- of I'byxitt. llUtorlr* and Ueogi
11. Tu waab tk* fl.iura uf Ihp achnol '
ektamtarttt.OOaBd four S-yall. oei> tball ktipulaU >kat tald book* aball tm rooma, ball! aid alairwara doriag each I
fordSt OO. Yoa docldr wbicb cite roo rd*i»od *e*rvJ*T»e yeanaa diroetod by yaealioB. afid lu waab all doom. wi*. {
r, bald Btacfelnet to b* aiade of
dowa aod waioaccw-iof wbaa neiea0. *l>h Ull Birkel plsu eoteriac. tbat aaid booka mt* bo fully
aar.T or wtioo directed by the aupena. |
daU. t'odor lb* aow law roull
aad lu fact e-koletale price* ar*
m To *i>iuine daily into tbe cia. !
d hr Ike
but are
Geoeral AyooL
ditloB uf r'l-etiaad ariual. •idewa'ka >
apeeiflrd aad flxed by con tract between fcBcea. aad aebool yard* aad keep tbe '
' Tr*»ot*^ty. Feb tt. -W.
tk* publlabaraaod Ib
KiB* In good coDd:ti<« and to rrport
Idlnci C»mai(i(er1||r'ih<
C»mai(i(er1||r'ih. Bwtrd 0/ £.1- iniuioaen; and lb*
tD.. qf TVneerce
r. /.i.
tu Ue anporlDlendcot any needru ro- im
C'Uii.eidet that aueb board tball ael In any
OxyTU.KU—I tnbaili for year cob- t-a»c coatraci wiib aay author, pub pair* or injary dan* loaoy kchool prop- I ^B—
aidoratloe th* lollowlay ffynrea of ib> Imhef or pubilabcr* fur ta* forBlahin
er all T
idenlte ,
Fir* Xzlloriixhar. The differ, manakcript copj-rigbl
eboul pa
r.Jii a I
belay la ibe outward appesraocr
aball br laid to tb* pan
k* IB the Public bcboola of t
at a price aboe* or lu ezooaa
‘%^?op*o lb* bBildlDg* at 8
'iag. which oball lacludi
wbea directed and to romaia lo eharg* 1
profit lu retail
rtai: dealer* Is
In such bc.k. of of-tkra bbUI Uo arrira! of tba loach i
DBiarly: Fur* kpetlinf
Tor a firxt reader, 15
VI' To keep all walk* upua 1
*: for a aacoad roadei'. S.t oralt.
•ohool premlar* claaa aad la »ood o
ird reader SScooU; for a fou.tb dltloB.
roadrr. 43 cralt: far * fifth reader. Od
ceeii: fur aa trllhmeiK iM-madiate. all fuel dallrrrod .
30 ceata: ar ihmrdlc, mmplelo, ft ceala. boiMinga.
dnatrTapl j . primary. 3S <eBta; reo(T*
VMI. TucoBaolc w lb Ibe auprrio-'
oby. compirt* wceali. EaolUh gram teadaat mpeeliag tbe character of tbr
work to b* do**, and. aa far a* p-i*ai-'
ble. carry rat all anggeatinB* irlalira !
nl .VkhilnpT. rseeaui hirhor Bbyainlncy. Iq^lb* car* of ibr aebool prop-fty.
T3 ceata: riemontary history of t'aited
State*, snreoia: tnracampicio bbt iry
a woiata ackc Ihlc qarctkal Row mocS -if Ibi rniud Stale*. T3 c-B>k: for a aoBgm holwreo the nflior uf the »op- !
tboarbi aadetodr cb* ilrrctrc to it! It ic ciril gorrrrmrei of the rsilad Slate*. rrinteadeat and lb* achooli roapeetirw !
aaMial. A wooiin hair* to thiak that cBe
I ceata; for a ciril for*
11 jiaitor* at aocl
aocb tim<
ll yrowiac fcy hr diy Iro ebartniai: tad
lehiyaB. 33 erata: a’rrbra
altraciirc and yoothful to brr hnebaad'e
iB«y not be enrarod
in their
dutir* I
ryot tkiB ia tbr dtyr of rmnebip.
.. .
tk* achool tiuild'Pg*
akall be
A wonaa acy clwar* rrtaiakn ehami
•Bt*;,copj -b>»k*, 5 eenU *■
direeUuB of Ue Board
aad the riraeftr ai<d fteikacci of rnetb If
B*fi>re tbit eommiaaluB ci
Ae will Ukr the proper can of brr brcJth.
■Btract it »o»i adeort'a* tc
‘H’Ib, b. Kr, lYWriU U.I U» ralr. SA tmtaeadaoi petreniarr of ill-bcalth ia
>mpi*tc text boukt and a'ao foe man- b. UopW,
wooers it dsr to wrtkneac and dtwace of
icrlpu, aocb Bollee to be eonliraed
T twooiy OBO eonareBtle* day* ia two
rily paper* pabUahrd ia tbU Nisi*
1^ maedy for all divert of lki> aatate
iriar Ihc larrem rlr.-a'atloa and la
t* B*-*p*D*r la rwoo'*' firealatioB
catbeaereev It preecryec ia a woraaa ■a eaeb of tho cltle* Naw York. Phila
delphia. Cioelaaati. Cklcaro aad St.
equal to Dr. Ayer's S.i;sa]t.irilla.
vitalizes it.
It not only ekanset the blood, but re
It piils'a spring into the step .-ind n sparkle into the eye that
betoken health.
It restores the li>st .ippetite, imluees lefre.shing sIocp,and
reduces the linhilitv to dise.nsc be nculrali*ing the tondltions jcssential to
the development of disease germs.
Always Ask for Ayer’s.
prr|wi4Uuo Uial au
ium|ure aiib A/n'. S
. » MM.K. M. !>.. IWuiU-ii.
0 f cacoci »pL-ak loo highly hi iitaiu of Ayci*» SxT.j[unll*. from ti^kocc. 1 CXB
■eCDDiiucad it aa Ibe heal kpruig awikuae.”
IsAAC S. &PAkKS.'.rai*«.', Ky.
* I hare mwd Arei'r Sxrtapuiilia ia my farndy for year* and bigh^ imwmend 11. A*
aa;’r»( nediciae.'u l.xaoo«{>ML'
A. U .\lClfUl,s. ^eiy hi.. Can.liait*. Ham.
- tyrr'a Sa/v<|>ai ila hit been b bDeMhold CTrnpaninxi tn out family
toe yi
,p(il. It lime. I4> m’> •yauua.ybea n aa ra.(.;lcnl xpf-iiic,
.-/io»4 my opuiMB.'*
At a bUod nwduuiie, it bj
It. K. WILIU.!,
l-hilaiklpbU. ^
•Ayri't Sxiuparillt ia iriiknui an eqiul ata Idood puri&er xnd tpring awdkiur.aBd
tannoi have (iruae cmiueh. 1 haaw waicbrd iit eflecu in chfurk ca.e*. artwm .Whey
treaiiDcal wax of bo aruL and bate beta xtiODiJua at'the tcult*. NB whet bimal
BiedirJie'tkxi I hate etwf uwd, and I Kate inrd them all, ii ru ihDiou;h in ua aettun. aad
ade^ta ao etaay pennaneat cure* a» Ayu'a kaj-aiianlla.''
Ox. li. F. UF.FRII.I. .tu2u.ia,'AI^.
S'-rst-';.-*. :”iS,
8tr*BCth of Oar Navy.
Th* Uailod Slat« bat ala* hatUr
*teof thaiiatelaB. Spalohit***
Date ala* Bhl^thltoeaatr; bat Ut
hoary nat aad M7 taenao baturr
naa. fbM ala* ftrat olatt battW tbip*
ha«« aa aroraf* toaatf* of toaethUr
onr 11^. Th* dtatraetWe of tb«
-Mala* ia BaT**a harbor I**?** ' '
OBBatry «lth oaly ob* **0000-.
Ifhtlacahlo. That W tb* Taxaa
ooaMdaftaa* araicdai raiaeW
PBitadttaWiWtInmc. Spalaha* do
*w**WataUo< thUktad. Spaia o*t
BBMhtnlhaDaiMdbUtoBUtb* a
tarof 1arp«Wh*ata.bBV.IaklBC it
imrru aran
t taooouM
.................... ■*-
■■■■■" hOM
We Open the Season with a
r, Sr
Special Linen and
White Goods Sale...
For One Week, Beginning Monday, March 7.
.r,1 ■
Importers and manufacturers are asking a big advance
on all kinds of Linens at present, but as tve largely antici
pated our -a/ants in this line and fortunately jiist secured a
lot more at old prices, we are in a position to give you some
extremely big values.
NOW is the time to buy,
when these are gone.
No more at the same prices
All the new things in White Goods, such as Welts, Piques,
Dimities, Marseilles, Etc.
.. t.tit
.. i.tu
nana's ^
“Payorite rreacription ~ W aetd by an i*.
...............dralyt* ia mrdictec*. “ '
a*i»* .....V
.. i.aon
• IS
,. 1.000
^F>^ iboU-txavl* k raapoaa* to
:tt,r;n7tS.'^rm:±.r. ^
lb* Board o
mlaabwiar* esda. and lb* poW1»t
tofuralab Ibohonkm toditirfeu ... ..
; •‘.ealeraatariteewoBiefSOporcoat. bo1 low the price* xuiod la tbelr eoatiact:
' and the rotal daalora can add so more
i <Laa tklt.Surwrremt lor their wr fit
I Ibaa talliag Ibaoi at prices BOX t* 1
d lb«* aboee ap-clfled.
Oder tble law tb* auto Aes* Bot
parrhatc aay book* sor boeom* Habit
I 1* aay for any, bat all purebaaoa are
- raadc oiibor by dlatricuar be boob
nwtwamT* Hedk^aWmUri..'
Oa alt book* faSSkbod aad«:
**?”^*^ ibit law tbo rrtall price matt bo plala-
One case of India Linons especially cheap. Also all kinds
of new things in Laces, Embroideries and Wash Goods.
I St
“ The Kind that Cure*.’'
lo clear
your blood of all impuridn:
make your stomach, liver, and
kidneys righi, and your nerves
' St
Then > ou are well.
Buy a bottle of D.\N.\’S from
your dealer, and this guaran
tee goes with everv bottle. —
Isn't that a fairotfer?
All OrucsIMs Kmp It.
Wilhelm Bros,
N. B.—All Winter Garments to close at Extremely Low'
Qrand TraVenw Herald and Tiavtoe tStr Ka:
■a ara three tittle tUa«a arklA
V arork Ikaa
f the Week. S.!
rMBfob*W«belil* kMf«adUbM
MT«r iW him u«iiW* aotU
He uffns BMta p«la mn mad walla
wl^ dIOindy.
i. o jj.. s
hrfMDT parfrcily bealthy by eetar De00 da wtia alowfd Wlifa Muir Early 8j»et».*tb* (asoea
»w»f SB old earpeU___
aad otb»T
____ dvart*. liulr plUa J. 0. Johaa«^
r «-<i
Aa oUl iraak ba bad aok area la Baay
yearawaa ao btary baooald aoi cDora
laaldawera kaadlnof all«»r«rlafaB aiyi tfaa
ita wtf* dor
Ika aaal twaaty yaaia, wbllr dry wi
la tba joak baalaata
Be xar* *
i baawAbraa rl«ht {
baa ao raaoUacUoo o
Ur anary.
^ j.ts.ooq ibaa h* i^_a (awda^^a^
:. W. EdBoadtef Ourgo
aUppad mad Itfl whUa naalaf aad
tnnarrd kla ktp. '
Ur. R«bL Jobaapa. ct SaMla <^k.
alalaa 10 kara »
-------- .-..-u.
fkrv «a»llta. Inwi Haary aad W<
.vnUalaa Vaa Vo'ka. ac«d alar raar. .
-Od wbo Hare wHb kta parrnla al
lirmad Bapida. Uea la the Boitrrwor’h
hwpiua Id an oaraeaeioat ooeditiao a.
“ t rraalt of a BMSt paeoliar a<!cldrDi.
a lad waa pUylny la Ue
ova yord'aa^^pTuor oDo f
dar Uie reiy rarra uf the boi
lar ibe reoeot IDowibk wiotar wraih.
ar a Up ieiclr bad poihrred al ttir t«d
ofaa carc^oat aed Uli frll ditn.apon the bead uf Ur
Tbr Il-Ic1.
poaadaor morr and
/'a A. Jaakowakl ia ocpaeiilac a tbebrad wilb aafflri
fKMdiae eapcdiiloBtoatantroB Jacka btoakaU aad rt
M.r-l, in
'aoB Merck
U bnylap
all lae
MewfooodJaad dap be eaa dad. for
Corloaa blicklpaa GlraciEga
aee la Ue ftoxee paid reptoa.
•It la aliaope wbat a rarirt} c.r ar
TbetiaaltSie Marta Kem aetlawtra
lea oaa fladaio librarv br»kv' re '
Ue wheat crop of Cbippewa eouaty for
Ida: at &0.OUU beabale, aad aeva
irkrd Ura. Ira Haraun. Iibrariea of
enp will oa acarly doable Ual la H
tba Royal Oak l.adira' Mbra-r a» <l
TwDBllle proead et.ouo brubele i
. tn (far KIrmlophem Il-cr tr..- rrpoTter Ur uUerday
sia.-rMr- H.r
While UtUap a cake of toe la a wapbaa bald Ibal oflloa ahr bar found
a« at ffUlo lAke. Oaklaed ooaoty.
braur IMre fell backwerdaaad a’ae lettsta. pbotoprapha and ma'y oihrr
piekrd op narooecloae.
tie lira la a erticlaa. bat the prcalex lindrtfali
ceirrd laat wrrk. •rfarn »
in prrrobecka waadiaearerrd aaMr hle.lrn Is
earea of a bot.k
Tkr rinbtful.
that poiataea are polap
owaar, a mi'lral of Clawixm.
r-»n :
UeaprlBp. asd loaUad
toned aad tbr llbrariaa la awaitlcp ilir
atorad la oellara eazt wiadfall.
tsirojilawl. hf. &■•*>
V Bcxiaprtaf.
lafo Wackottl-------- -------- , .------ieteae aada aad eared ato.OOO.
A eow dVnod by Ideal Daria of Drcheprllla.f................
- •'----------.......... a. f*»» hi
day. TeU sakv a
apw la Uree yearm.
At SapiB •r lUaUl Oattm>a.acM
Bbulaaee oa Ue way (i
AM la aa_____________
ary'a boapltal.
the depot to At. Mary'
Mcfnm AuAabla
Area Meat of Boyal Oak aataadChda■BB. wbo area biud ta w eye. wee
Bated la ta< Dead by a calf the oUer
ey. aad Ue ladeeiawtloa wLlch eat
I baa dratroyed Ue elpht of tbr re•ialapeyr.
Clothing and
Cream or Wheat
TTiee ODUoly in
Owlap to BiTara Id eeereernem Jodpr
------ ------------- -------u .
rapidly, and toOD far bony a ri^i, i
...................................atlfrfaooee lalaraiinp Ur word "cerprolrr in fron
' rkl Ueaeid. .TMPaadUl aauufaopkl
IMBrot aad luakiory auBae
iapof »ll.<no.
aBatraetortWEeare pettlap
bar la Harsaeth
are kerlBP a hard Uiae to a-.
Three dollara a day. wiib <
board tor boU maa aad faoraea.lt be
lie eltrrad fer tease.
licatA and delicious
WIc. but In addition,
Rluten. (8 one of
Kraocit I,
'OILY iy\,i
li a^r..n,
V/ I u 1
FWlMBBa ara balap elrcalated Id 8aatraaklap tba drala oumsie•
• r dredped
— tweoty
oat for a dlataan
sUaa. BboDid UU be deae. It iwoald
■akeiboDiaadaof acreaot pood
lap la-ida oat of wbat U bow worthlcoa
bwas ->y pTooad.
Kia. Elslra Laa. wbo Urea oo brr
U PokapoB towatbip. la orar Tu
- riddeo
- yaasold.
aod baa aerer -yet
a railroad ubId or beea in a larpe city
hha bae tired orrr forty Ora yeas la
hoeae. aboat alx mllra frao
Dowbplac. aad baa bera to that city
bat lorioa la tea yoas.
Herdret tbiapt
in ihr Iiuum*
SBtsfythinp. to krrpcl
•n nm clr.mr<i
An- mu.lr rl< >;<
attor a Usr romr U be ar„-plrd ; ►
roe-’ la.|uifj.lUr p-oba« cmc ]^
bi. city rrrraV tbr fa-t iht'
lap Ue peat Ulrlero yeas of os. W
1. Wrtrt I lia h''wcver, b> Ihr I jmi>ut tulhor, ^
li, I1...I r.ny mtl Kl
- id, ttrn In tpileol
ID t thib-.i
Lillis,'!. II lioti'iii.nlt arc ill-li'
lloa. II voa wish l<
Ircint ttlirr you Ibotild older >c
OvercoaU oi
Whofi.r at yets h»t< IrJ I'l nxiJry la-CuJlom
T.;l..i.ne »ni arsr (tlM 1» picaae la Miteriil,.^
Slvlf <T V,-.. kmin-hip. A --BOieN” tuil «ill cost ^
youlcsJ’lijn the bind of uil-virc Ihtl mikrt^
nm cowardiv. Fverjr Fettus QuarantdOd.
joo pBtieraa to Qiouse frtra.
TTA-iMiiXrTOisr 03.r0XH:T]src3- co.
I keep tbe beet grades.
I keep a large asd^^^ei
It will pay you to eee my etock.
BeAdie'a. Eght tn price, quality and etyle.
Bobee In almoat every variety and price and stock
large to aplect from.
Trunks aa low aa $2.00.
Itabol Arsalroar. alpht cp'storat
the Bell tpUaboee wzchaopa al l‘on
■awa. derided Uat lees wet eon,ipwlu WilllaBEdsmdaoa.
croboMTer. wbra tb.-could
l» «ra« ft
i-T-'claa v>
And now for the Next Surprise:
20 Per Cent Reduction or One-Fifth
r— '
From Ait Other Goods on Our First Floor„
as you enter the door, A few exceptions will be noted, as for in
stance, New Spring Goods; but otherwise our main stock on first
floor, as Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Shirts, Underwear, Jack
ets, Pants, Boys’ Goods, Child’s Goods, Suits, Etc., Etc., wiU go for
16 days at least at 1-6 off your hill as it is made out.
it is Easily Figared. No Humliiig!
All These Goods WUI Cost More Money Next Year. .
Traverse City, Xiebigan.
• ISS Prest ft.*adt.
This 20 Per Cent Reduction Sale commences Monday next
and continues for 16 Days.
area. r-n>mpt i
Mead hto life
erllyaramt to beer a'nidt Bn
All wf k. r tacturle*' ar. ranalof. laeladlap
KladlBp Uree
bew »er< r-r-.al
ly loMl^ there, bedd when
pelaeder tall headway tbry > ill eu
play Me sec All ef Ur p.wer for
Uoae faelorin to eeeerrd fros Ua Si
JateU rieer. aernia which Uera lea’
Mr das at Uet piaae. Tbr dam d, eeiapat.Mo bnstpewrrat low water.!
aadaaealy aunof ttrtala Bilbard. r
to plaely left for awra factorlee
Come, Here are Bargains!
You can find any kind of Glove end Hittea in stock at
U droadad Canada Ulatla by plaatlap a oertaia aerial la lelartae toeallUs Ba raraaae todlral.-r
abonaret aotll aricetiau hare paueJ
Ilreaya Uat hr haadrnotatratod tba aaoeraaef Ur plea a* far at
. ha to oeaerraad blmant. haring eo!i-
as indicated last week is now on. The Red Tickets are on Men’s
Suits, Boys’ Suits, Child’s Suits, Ulsters and Overcoats’ and when
ever a garment is found with one of these tickets, the price has
been reduced from regular selling price from 26 to 60 per cent
(from \ to Hoff). We shall close the lots in three weeks, if present
rate of sale continues.
At first sight““KrS.‘.'3
IS I',-.
coo wUlaadsillcd toprvbatr by Jodpr
Melatyra, not oae baa rrer brro bnv
kra aad funhrr. dariap Uei tin.- oolr
Uree willa bare beea . ffrred for pro
bate before bin that Is baa oot admit
ted aa pood aaralld- A baodrrd arrila
raaa Ur Ka!t aalde to oaa a
MrapUlre Eooord
1 ____________
------ -■ at^l^larUat^iy^k by
R D. Tompklo* -of Dearbnrn.
'Aeparpoaeof Ue aaaoriatina
to Utaop
___ , .............
a record
of parr
ShropShrop- meat noted l.aolrr In tiw t I. u--.
• eheep
-he ra
rallrd Ktatro bd-I
yeasi-ld. kepla record of
aeeelDesol* Ca
Caaada. aed sasb.-sbip
fato haoIiripfrOB Ki3< to let'' lerlnalcr
■ bepeatoall.
Thto record ahowr Uat durinp tbrar
Him. ioha 0n«. aa elderly lady of
Mr. Tompklat killed
' ' MIdlaDd <x»Dly, DMl wiu a
heas. 3 wvlrra. aad will ci
la p itliop none
paaoUar accldaav
wood IdIo Ue weed bo>^y tbe kitebea
IIJ lorkrra. dock'aaed i-'.l
ptaaa abr attack a pan taaaplBp »a Ue wiUoat aesbar.
4' faib••IL The pan fell aad waa dieefaarped.
aelll.d In UebowoM.io of IVkia
Ttoa ahol eaterad tbr old lady’a Irp.
if 1*131
aaMapb wooed whlcb will piubabiy
|chaeped to Kacklie aad Ura to Dearoften OD-1 bora. Wbra ha Bst bepaa buailep,
Uadly sakta Ua resack Uat
It hka bai I Ur. Tospblaa aard a pua i
- • ■ whrta jasny.^aaji a Char-1,
Dr A 5‘w^Vi *'*-*‘- Thro hsmr tba pill
•fObScaTWry ooaa^. formrr^of. aa^clUwlap t^s Ua can l-«k. Soar
ObeaUr. Eatoa eoaaty, kowrrrr. a
■aUy sairlad a whole fasily of aia]
ha hoa sarrled UfM tisaa Hi. w
: Lake. who.
tkeapb oaty- » yeas of ape, por ilrrd
. ef life aad tried to tODslI aaleldr by. lead.
lyiapdowe oa thr Ice
i lylop
The two lerprat raceani iwlt pan* it, ;
OH thr lake, with Ue UerBtmrW-r codir world arr hrlap sedr In Uar»l>-r|
eMsably below frerilap. Wbra foead
>r tbr H. <). I'rtrra coieptny.
Tin.. ..
rr Jl> frrlia dlasrUr and ••ilrrl biph. i
Al Colderster Ricbard i>blbbt. a
yoamp saa aboat n yoan olapr. eup with a MUl welpht of r.oo vtoa. Et*-h j
pad eo a rally aail. which pesetreled
aa orrr
flurt three frrl Intip.':
ktofeni. Heaearly loatble life by the
Weed potaoBlnp tbat followrd aad wUI makiep Urer mMraof pipmp in rarb i
geUioapbllfeaeripple oaaeeoaBtof
IhcM ffealapof Ueaaklr. i
A sui-prise to everyone—an attraction that will draw from far
and near, and everyone will go away fully impressed with the
advantages we offer.
—•anaifrJCrL'ecd ftetvarm <r_
........................ a. which they
W I,aekny the baabaod waa arar in
aaob rut aad asetbered Ue Uaar.
Mn. JobB Daae. wbo reeldra foar ilics clalsed to br
ianea tasU of Ai. Joarpb. elaiiat to
.■aeeiawaa heir
heir U8300.000nowdepoaIM la Ue lUak el Bapland.
mamty waa loaaad In bar praadUUer
to tba iiftUik parerasrat yrart epo.
Our Red Ticket Sale, as anuounced in last week’s papers, has
developed into and will prove to surpass anything we have ever
";:V3 •
Iratl m
Sales A Red Ticket Sale.
One! a20PerCentDisGeutS|le!
Town and country people will do well to take this in.
I bni r. iiiihIi- I ritnir.-ui
mi*-. wliHl i! c«»» you. Kt*-r\b -.i)- k
rsyeboa. Had* oalr by Ua
t. A mm ca. iaalai. Msa.
hto wheat crop eatfl be roaM pet a . artola pairw
weA ^ ao’d Ur-o
bdeaooad oaa acat the a< xt di
m Ual br totoblli
orbey^. aak eoar local ticket apeai
! fur a ticket ela fr. t I'. M. B- B
*—ntleat tesla eerriee to a featus e:
a F. MeaiAxa.
- siTKiays*.
and alri.-ilj
bid'll grad.-, auil you Can !>uy il for
i\r pnynirDle
They are not merely “tpW bi<-j tle* for $60," but Ih.» are
Ixolutely tbe yery beel Hry.-Jpa (l.al < an be prorlocrd io large
iiHDliiii>«. Ther ate the bii:bi‘e1|K<i
_ fall
I $sa
We bare a
liue of . li.Aper
FirOO Wheel i„tb.-city
W.- oaa eait ai>x on. V fkner ..r |«..-ket book on liicyclML
Look crer our line Woiv bay inc1 will Bkre^-nu d) per cent
J. W. Slater’s Bonse Famisliiiig Store,
Yroot SiTMt.
Traveraa Clty.Xteh.
We Want the Money,
We Want the Room for Spring Goods.
Hamilton Clothing Company.
Onaid Ttairaem Hbrold and Trarerae Oltr ttanootipt. dopadldateAMot^h-t,
9 Herald
•.T.SATM.Bdttar> I
« kM
tilkwi* MtlMnaUMMof Ike Hoe
rmrj HuMli m keede^ M eU«td the
taMnl ewotaeotbiewHo Mn. Asa
4. Haaeab ' Lea« betore om o-dMk
the iVMlee. rafM ead Uef* keU ea
)he ■aia Aoar
ilM Md eTM 4he
wUe eWnray
epper baU* •*» ee«>PM braaeneef people wbe fpUiatad toperiUtlaattokM ot raepaei.
■aadrade erata weaWe lofaU adateetgaaaderalud la ibe opea air UU the
ne aereiaea. vbkah erara T»7 eaUBB
aad faapraaltB. er**a aeadaeiad by
Hae. O.TSlaat.raetaref Oraea Eptoaapal abareb. The ebaal aad byaae.
•'AMdaWIthHa.'aad "Lead. Uadly
Ufht.*- aaar by Hn. A. B. Holliday.
bUee mibola aad Heaera. B. B. ffblu
aad Balph BaelaUaaeaod Waderiy
tad to <<aR7 oat the MaaUfal aad e
lantBf aerde ot Ibe Bible raadlaf aad
prayer*, whUe la b^ i«B»rha Mr. Stool
lM*ad Ike haaite ot all a* be tooke ot
tka Uteaadedbereealy to fo a
M|W aad boUb daedt Ibaa
that Ike epportaaltlee ot Ibe aartb
iUe eaa e«ar.
Be apahe of Ibe
hardaUpaaadpriTalUiae otybe early
■d iaf
BormUod tte town to tee aa
ysara. kept by tte Oasn
atoetdatoyatoa at tte oprlay aaa
~Btelto, i* n taltooB:
to attoad all tea oeaaty eoaraatto
laUWlMbay tram oat bat dear
bo bold darlaytko year, aad totalty
hn ban Bteo ao to ibo aasbm af dal-' flraafla*; ioaomtaat Maite UU.
IMO. from Pabrasjy ITU; waati
arateaoaeh Mwathtp-wlU baaatlUtd
rrmUlayat ifcMa.matetRM.
Oam maaUar at b-40a. m.
Monad tte narw
to at Ua Bapabltoaa aoaaly aeaaaa- Hatah M.
Itoaotoho bald darlBC.tte aaatyaar.
IMI. free* >euB*y fteJ; Beat ateb jaator
At tea eauly eoaroaltoa bald Fab. IT. HarakWte.toe*. tren,^braary UtU
April tte.
TUOp. m.
fororofl^^U *
ratamr cwtiatB.
UM. fran Fabraaiy Ittb:
{ho toot proa
awan tew* aa* ^ tBofO. Pi
BiUsateaolBte;***. m.
iiu, fran Jab^ary mb: wnt aai
Haratoy aarriaa, U a. B.
Aaril Mb.
Jaater Badmrui 1 p b.
iMd. fran Jaanfy ttih; wnt eat
oklpa at oil tea &
Braatoy aarrlm T p. a.
April tik.
raeltoao to Uraad Troranooouiy
Beay tarries ot opoalay.
IWT. frea* Jaaaaiy MIki
AUanaordlally toriud.
April 14tk.
ter. P Cart Us, *a«w.
Hanb mb.
Bapday oarrion:
UM. from Fabraaiy Mtki
l«:M a. b.
April UU.
Bale qoartoti
Saaday s :baol at etom of Us a
toy taTTlea.
Jaalor C. B. t p. B.
T, P. M, C, B t
un. fm* Jaeaary nUi waat eat
Breatoy tarrio si't o'eloek.
April tl.
Sr.'- is
^:= ill
“Um Mm- PMWm in Mr^l# Cans to Mr Sljh.
-____________ ad. Katara,"
n af lb* N, B C, triabUy to orBclawm tad It a* adcaatayc to
ooeaalt oriu bm^ brfora erdorlay,
Ai j
boBc drsBlayo. Ul Boardiaaa arnec, !
Our Half Price Sale
Tb* aew trail of Ua Oraod Rapid* A
fadlana B'r. raoalay arerj- Ksiorday
And ChildrAD'B
un. fraa* Jaaaary UU: waat oat
aad ntbers drslrtar to roach their dec-1
May 4U.
tlaaiioe-batarday atrhL wlthoot losiay |
U74i from Taasary UU; weal
Horalay arrriea at lO-.H a'doek.
.a day's llaa. It srrlm at Graad Rap
Hay lU.
ids at lU;to p. BI.. la Ub* for coeaKl-:
BIbU aebaol at Doha.
,, ' ioes to Cblmyo aad Drlralt, Tbis trala
int. tram Jaaeary UU; weal
ynay paoplr'i prayor sacUay,
, laarm TraraiaeCIly at IM p. D. *rcry ,
April mb.
'ini. from Psbraaiy Urd: waat oat
April MIA.
0«-l fM«
TKiim. free* Jaaoary UU: wnl
1 Pst.
'OIISSTI Esj-ro*. Mica.
BTsaecucaL cai-BCB
April ttrd.
tor. a aslsSerr. Psslor.
U7I. rte tee.
Oo*U Ron.
U70. from Fobnery I4U; rrap
Prracblay. loibi a m.
Chrstar Bartooo, aaoUor old pioaaor
Kaoday acbool. It.
April ttrd.
of PeelBoato toWB»bl^ died ot bU
iMO. ao trt.
im. payiai a keaaUlal tribete to lb* doaoaotHoplotea Toraday
O •strs*s*sslea*n,ln.i sssi s*o.s,.tIIs.
Mbertoea irhlah alrnyi atod* Ik*
bl* ass l«**U ear Tl**r brss.1* Lubrn-atii,/
f«B*ahar*B of paaoeand reel, tke doaeaerd died aad eleeo that lima Hr.
Oi;« ssd <lr*sM, on s lltrrsl l>s>l>.*** prou>. !
nowsRP on. a uaaa«( a>,
Itat. no ter.
aatotaadaBoaiaaialleae. bal ai
CW*»lss4. Okls ;
lea boo bna aowoll. Uoafck aot
UM, fraa* Frbrury trdi
taf dead* of ebarlly •bleb Bad*
tortoaaly olte. ThI* roaurm oot of
k»*t happy war* ao email part of tba oldmt mldoot* of that toeoUty April mb.
•*.J (- CsFwss. Pssisr
UM. from Jaeaary UU;
Mn. HaaBah^llft. la eeaalaaUa Mr. who baa lirod then aboel *» ynra
Sarrima as follow*;
■toal ap<*a boo! oleqaaaUy ot Ua Tbo dooraiod wo* IT y*ara af ay* April tau.
anoa sad r.calao, March Cdih
Horoioy terrier. ir:lua. m
uat. fro** Jaaoary mb:
«l*a*ef Uta'a day, wbleh M bat Iba Hi* feMral jwill tab* plao* today
Uacpsl rerrk*, T p o)
dawB ot all that la meal brlybi aad aMralay froB U* boo**. B*r. H. W. April MU.
Yooay prijplr't serrice. 5.U p n.
list, fraa* Fcbraary lak wool eat
baaatiW la tka Ilf* hryoad.
SalU of Old Hlmlaa will oBclaU.
Bible scfauolr rrrry huoday at cborab
April nid.
Attkaoadol tb***r*lem aa epporit lltna ■ .Osk Park Chap. 1 J p B.
IWT. from'Jaaoary tut:
taailp waar**ea to all wbe wlebad to
I Wltaaasloy ood prayer srrrloc ea
Dr. A. a Bpiaaev. of Detroit, else
April nad.
teak aaaa men apoa tk* fao* at Hmproprir'.or of Keed City Sanitarium, i.
dl»d at b*r boat to Hayl
tut. from Jaaaary Hat;
_________ I ’nsradty ereoiays at T:M o'cluck.
Baaaakaadtor aeaHy bait aa boar
---- ------- -------where Ic wi',1
Teewlay «>ratoy of hemoirbay* *f May4U.
lh*laaffllaapa**«9 tbroefb lb* a
only to yi»'0 «‘‘t
tb* bowaU. eyed U year*. Bmldm bar
y 10 cuosult him
UM. fmaPebnary UU: wr«t eat|
.acoan arrm.m.
. that eaooot see him at his riamtarium.
hoebaad »b* .laara* two toa*. two
»®‘hI p«T. a. y peusTh. i-s.i..r
J The doctor has so much faith hi the
brotbar* aad two sUtora. Tb* foeenl
UM. from March TU; waataot April
mneitoy at lo a. a>.
,oxpcrieoce he has had in trcatinn
: ebrouie disease* that he rrill rive one
Praaehlay at l
ini, from Hareb Ul; waat oet ArcII
'BOalh't trcsimenl and oiedicioe free.
BMay of wboB kad driraa I* tram df- tad»y.
Saaday school at i: m
ley. will oOtotota. Uadertakar Will B. lotb.
Mm or tvaalT rniim aroaad.
Jaalor Lracueal 9:10 p m
un, frcM Mareb UU: waat oat
A kollambl* ImUr* of lb* amaably AedaraoB will yo ap oa U« ll:lt trato
SpworU Leadoe at 1:49 p m.
All that he ask* in return I* that
April Ut.
wMlheUrnaaBberpreaeatirbehad today and direct tbr faa»tol.
rot willbta'e to tlicir friend*
Tbarsdsy erchioy aerrlcc at T;J
os^t* ol.
obuiord br hi* treatmeot.
UM. from Joasary MU: west oot
<er year* looked apoa Mra HaBaa' '
Hra. MartaM. Billot Maptotoa. aa
All forms
form* of c
chronic disease* and deApril Ttb.
BMy o< U* MoeaaUlm M wall a*
old ploaaer of Uio ooaity. dl*d
• formllle* treated. ... ____ __
If»4. fros* Fttanary I4U; wnt oot
lotto la tk«dr Uem. aad who ilaearo'y VTodatadty of dyepepala, ayrd U yrar*.
bad saeh eirtended rrr>eBriow to a list of Ue bayUe •
Hareb *U.
J' ‘rieoce lo the treal-nem of CATARRri, .
toeara*d a tree baoetaetor reat.
DMoaood ba* lirod
lay prlcrt of yraUrday f6r yroorrir*.
ion. from Ffbrwy tod: was
fdtoly ted ate fltaa ter aharitlB ikal year* oad leom Baay wara frioede
1^'- ■ OI5BA5ES a* the do.-tor. He AriduApril UU.
aady tBdbaaeaeaakBaelUeaeald ra- to Boara her lorn Tbo faaotol
iated 87 years
from ______
Clerelsnd, j
UM. from March tth; weBtoat April
aaal tka laadar earo *k* kad amalfmi- held from Us OydoBoboryb oeboel
|w*.«issr,rrrw?;.s? as
All the ChoiceBt Garments. Bi^ht in Style. Haterial, Fit. Etc.,
po at One Ha'f Early Prices, to Close Out at Once.
Steinberg’s “■.IJtr"
DR. sPimiEr
$2.^98 SALE
New Detorture!
ad lot ikoaa tom fonaeau ikae bar- boats Friday aoraloy *i II a. b., la
efaaiy* of Ralph Aadomoa.
MiB. Baaaah waeamambB' of the
Wllllata JobBaoa. ea* of Ue pioerem
Wam-t Clab aad Ladlm Ubraiy Aw
un. from Mareb Ird: waatoat A*^
jrfe“-----sESlE-"'- ■ ■
„ I ThUexperlenee, combined with many
- , I years' study In the best hospital* la ’
' the cooulry. and eiamininp sod treat-.
,■ lay thousand* of'chronic cases, hi*
. .prepared
ilm toenre when Ue reneral
reaeral I■
4 practitioner failv If..-.
Hare ...
yoa been .:.1,
sick [
for year*? Are you dUeonraced?
Call sod see am.we rrill tell you wbelber
baa froseo Afun
taatod teamtb
tka tpaetoai parlor, aad wm
reaad.d aad oorarad wlih a gimi
taatoa at tba Boat boaolUal flei
tte aaptamtoe af tympaiky fro* a
fttoado. ABoaf tkos wore aaqatolle
lend pdoem froB Ike ompl^m
Baaaab A bay Maraaatllo 0a„ tbe
Bmia bak aad tko doarlaf Bill,
a towa alaotar of ptak aad araan ream
fraa Ik* Ladlm* Ubrary
tte dak Bowen of lb* Womaa*a Cleb.
yaltow aad whlto
aaaaat at trafrmal ramoBkraDae* from
Moadi ia €htoafe,OraadBapldt aad
AitteeoBolattoa of Ike oonBoatoe
atttehcBmalMC ptweemioa ot eat
kaadradlaawfoUowadtte kateal to
Obkweod eomatary wbar* Ik* tool
toM tarrlac* won k*1d.
Tb* pal
kaaiBi wan Uom. W. W. Built
Bartert Mnla«w*. B. Oartaad, B F
WUkato*. Jakarewtoaad A. F. Oos
apaa. all a*aoolal*d lor maay year*
wito Mr. Baaaak la oka* Um af
frtoatohlpaadboMaeao. W. 8. Aadcf
.MB WBO (aaoral dimtor aadtteaw
atoekai(*of Boa. W.
UlUen, F. Haailtoa
Aad E. O. (tompkall. '
Amoaffd^ mambonat tte family
aad nlatlem pnant won: Mr. aad
Mr* J. T. Baaaab at tbto city. Hr.
aad Hra. i. T. Caaaayaadooa Parry
ad Obtotffo. aad Mr. 'aad Hia. 0
W. «arda*r of Ik Paal. Hlaa., Ute
Bdto Baaaak at Blndala. QL. aad
Ufa. O. B. Irtok. Boward Iriok aad
W. HaiTUl at tki* ally. A. T. Uy■ombB of tte firm aad Mead ot mo.
ttea kdt a aaamry, aad hto teaybur.
Mra. Floyd aiaeh. of Cblmyo. arrimd
m Batarday. atoa tba Boa. B. W. Bay
at aad Ik* Boa. A. K. Dooylmrty ot
Bk Bapldi. ./oka W. Slodyott of
Onad Bapid* atlndad. -.................
Ua (atkar, a A. Btodyou, a ______
Maad af Mr. aad Hra.
aaaM eat atuad kaeama b* ia apaadIvihaanator to Florida. Maay totoftaa*o at
ohip by Arthur Mortio y**tord*y otto
ood Ut foBOroI will ba held I
Platto tebool heoae tblr laoraii
at 10-40. Codortakor Will b Aedoroe
will bars ebarye.
Cotoa Bible Olaao.
The Uoloe B.blo Qom U yrowliiy
BiibartaodaBUoals*B. Seroa dlffar
oot charefae* are rtareoeatod ii
BeBbartoilp. There are rryelorly
Umdirtolouof UeeUm with Urre
dlSareat toaoUnyi aaeb week, Meadsy
arntay'al « o'elack to tbe Btpttoi
eh (for a taosU). Hoiday ptwrat 4 o-cloefc to tb* Frtoad*'
eb aad Hneday aftonooa at 4
o'clock la tbo Baptist ohoreb.
Brrry oa* toureolrd la Bible itady
laiarltod. Quito a aaabor bore joload
to do Ue work at bom thooyh oot rapaettoy toottoed riyolarty tbo Brei
layo of tb* elaab Tb* "SByrmiio
Bbaato*- wUl b* forakbed Uem OKi:
la March, oaoe.
I yiroo. four
Uan pot at all.
DariayUeaaoie period It baa laft
Uateyaeara tlsm to Harrb iireni
four Uwa* la April, aad /tmr Umm
“lo ISMUs
day*; IMl. r.
by tte Boaraafotoaypbraaoa. ITbatorar tte torn, tko oeto fnad leoipi
aata artih yratofal oapraeotoao af appradalliai
Ttefaaouwan oardtoUy
tetorlatoad aad yraatly oa)oyad tte Mla*m.aaW*datteayaod Thaiaday.
Harsh aU aad laU. IBM. A praBtote
p el tea faod fart* aad bio
If You want a Binder or Mower, Buy the Best.
■“Than Kvef- Before. ,
Our New Stales of Mouldiags, the New Uat Boardu in Colors.
Kver} Ihinp proves we arc Up-to-Date.........
«■ B IIOI.LEY. Mauser. | |
Good Time
siioivs oi’ rs?
^T'HIS bcinfr lictwcen seasons.
A we have many lines of Shoes
which we close out at great big reductions. ' Just come and sec what
you can do here. Several tots of
Ladies' Pine Shoes. $4 sfades for
$2: « for
at small'priccs.
The Popular Shoe House of Traverac City, f
U^b“.to^«HlTt‘U. Worid"' E^wriUtt-'rynV la^'tVXd
SAlaAroontA, 127 StAte Straet.
Wall Paper
Window Curtains
You O&n
Always Find
■irUin BIL
I aiot la’iB* Uallsd list
I Remember, we cire a written rt:**‘'.....eiomreevc
. .....V caoe .-.f PILE Sand
we f
Bate tUi TwlM ate Tkiakft Onr.
Fbaalaytoe. roeal daal by Parlor Pnof OMy year*, aad tr Wwcblldraa wba
•l^toa aad Ada MoatyoBtry
will lose Btos U* BoUrr whom Ion
arm failed to po act to Ucb to aaeb
otoftof by iteMilroyatbartoy.
OT* Baaaar*.
toato retraabBcau addad to tbe .other
Hmalrad. That a oepy of ibam rm
plmearm af tbe eraatoy. WUto Ikle
wae a llaoraddlay. ibenwaaaearUatoa of ItotottepraotieU aaaoe. bat
tte mteiBad paetor aad bit wifa wan
Mn A. X Pbstt.
praatatad wlik toe brtybl ollror dalMae. V. X Brcc.
Wurzbnrg Block.
At a apwiial B*eUayof U* Udle** srop.in;.’rosaUUi7o< rli srno. vllsVsitsbIr
Utoary aaaoclaUae.eoarraad Salerdsy. bixLiny. msswr e.* hUrSa liws th* oris>-|. be toaad at
Bat. aad Hn Howard Moon ploae- Fcbraary to. at Ue Ubrary tooB* tk*
4slT7ls* aa s sasU ml* as* am af iSa earal
. jBBsaa. It la with aiaeara r*cm plscaa lor rkh-kr* ralati*; alaao u wsrtat
Uat w* bar* Iteroad af Ua death of as* soar lorsIM.m tSa last ow {arwarli
oar frtoad aodarabrr of oar aasorla- p^-taartwaw. terpwr|^™*
kaatraemry of thato marTtoya. Tbo Um. Mr*. Ana A. Uaaaab. Uaraten
early part at Ibe eroolay wae dw
Aaaoload. That m dtslra to Uto
oaate to yamm aad tidlewad by a
Baaaar to rzpram ear aorraw at b«r
tom w OB* of oar^teBj^ apd alto to
PoUloe* p
te. E. Nettloton. Plo^re« di Smith
ADd W L. DooglAA tuAkes
*1^; cure you, rrc^will tell yoa whtt reUef
• I we can gire yoa.
£W-Remember, one monih will be
' ibiolulely free—medicinea, auri;ical
sperallona. and the bcueiit of all our[/^
“ skill to all who are too poor tu-pay. 1 ^
Our methods of treatmeoLi* all that ii, (9
^ kaowQ by all the schools, with the aid ^
af electricilT. that most wouderful of i "F
all iirtots ia I’sralysi*. Loai of Power,
Hheumaiism. and all diseases of the
nervous .y.lem. fra early, as tty
office is always crowded.
S. K.-C*sc*rB. Tiw.r., mood S*4 fin*
9r IM.CSW. crrMbr anew
]. (row S lo ID asrr wiiKo.t tb* baits F*w' **d o'lrats ais.**** of alt lorw* trestsd ••*.
If ;
I * n >n* cso b* esreC >i nsr H*sluHj<s. v*l,S
_ a I* ra*rr*ol IIm mi ol anlwsl •ti'i.snr.r
days; l«A«. ST day*; lOM. S!
days; UTO, TO dry: UU. M days; UTi.
•«4ay: UTt. lOTdays; UT4. 114 days;
IDTt. 1« day*: 1IT8. n days: UTT, IM
days; UT*. ant frama; UTO, M days;
lUO. pot frrtim; lUl. lOd day*: lOH,
pot frasaa; ISM. Tl days; IM4.1« dity*
lUJ »l day; l*«. II day; IMT. U
day: IH*. 104day; IMO. todays; l»*.
nday; ini. an dsya; lan. 1C day*.
I«M. e» day*; UH. It days; uei.
day; 1*M, IT doy: un, ll doy.
Tbra* dates all rolate to tb* w.
OTB-of Ue bay aad to that portloa
it riaible froB Tmtuet City.
dowB Ur f miiar to aaaally later.
ThefollowloR date*, prior u I
re froB U* roeordt ot 6. R Walt,
taken from hto owa aetm.
Morefa 14;
1. Beadlteyospol tbroayfa at
IMl. OOlM.
ritUay. It rrlll paad aboat oa beer
UU. fraar Harsh lOU.
*d a half.
IML froim Hareb Ut: waat
t. Flad aab}mB ta Uo teaptota April OU.
aad aaalya* tbe keek.
IU4. from JaBiary MU; mal
». Koto lb* aaa*
April IIU.
ylrea to Cbritk
Oad word* aad pbram*.
IMS. from Jaeaary lOU; waat eat
Draw a lie* oa ifar sheet toaytb. April MU.
wise to reprcoMl tb* Ilf* o' Jmat aad
U»T, from Jaaaary mb; rmt
Dtark ft oS loto dlrialoar for lb* eblld- April WU.
heod. yooU. poblle alakuy of Christ,
from Haroh tU: waat
aad iBdimto erer aaeb tbo ebaptera Hareb MUwbleh yira Uc aeeoaat.
I^w BPoUer Ito* leaytbwiso of
Okloaco ■arkat.
tb* abcai to npreaent Ue pablle mlitChuafo. Harcb't — Wkaal—May.
Ulry of Christ sad diridr It loto per »I «K; Joly. Ole; 8*pl*Bbar. Wl»*:
iods. Draw a porpoadkatar liae arpo- Dommtwr. TTK-cratlay Urn* prrtete. aad tbra to tb**c 'Cora-Mareb; MXc: May. MtoeHc:
too wordor two U* Joly. llXe; teptowber. llfc«ISJ<c
Oata-Mareh. M.Xc: May, MHeHc:
pHaelp*) rraat ot each period.
e. Notice •real* aot told to Mat
thew or Hark.
Qiand Raptoa, March l-WbasU aie.
^oto yoa r ^orito chaptoT aad
CarerlU rama.
And $6.00.
; 'tJee; a
'.ot Anstomy ai
‘i Homeopathic
aaatottoa aadttaaladlmattoadad la a
Former Prlcei. $S 50. $4.00. $4 50. $5.00, $5 60
Haskell’s Bookstore.
iMarcIi Clearance Sale is.OnI
at T. J. HOST S,
I Snits, Overcoats and Ulsters
Popular Clothing House,
i No. 124 Front Street
Friedrich Block. L
i 1^*^*
e' toecM 7M wo>ld
Grand Traverse Region.
jTMtiM at Aeact
__ _
. “ui-ius;- i i-ar- ~ s.ss'.u.-i? r• BBtU F.b
>i ABd luaUy drora i UaeSc recllAtl9ft„
Tneem CUy U^^£y. '7"'*'
~ ! "P"** *“l »“h pani^l'ia^jiri^iMd !
Bal«y. r* '*
' .l«M b. leaked by «ba tahaHtaM atj
a reaia,A.W. lWt«laf
***^ ** Tr«*«»* Catr
[„jS” ‘ ..fs^
r4M >n» n>a B. wa..ek i ...u
F«r*>»ee t, a O LM-,
^^U.Tl«4.T.lubl. mw .
ErenU t
Dell FAlrkABki I
ClI; Ua tniii.
Ur. Md
the proBli
Kortaport Uepansaat
r.b te
The Brlilel loaW job a
McUoa i
flee; WlUo^toouhlp. U flat
flalehnl uxl
to Tr«r*rw
peatar, aupc^aiaadoBtef tba V
; »r» Aeaday acbool, »bo, on
•<<"<»•*. ooald aol be preatai.
>d> all laal woea. ia aoir betiar.
■ Jobs UiMB dapoeltod fa
J.a Bdltoaa________________ _______
_ .
a loaofai
‘•J i' “
0 ttbrriff. to OaiTlaJ
•tr-h« a«l lac imalieltka aad ewWIy
i.ir In IV l.rawle ol the etiw
In ablrk . r lotaruuyunb part. Her
IW «taMn
e ala.yeeprkrnt bar m
Ur. La»lo»,
ta wall atteadad.
I rarraabmeBla aid a aoclal ineelop
^la. Basa Da Lane oi L.al.ad cator ■
"'edaeaday aadta the foeat of bar'
d eoBf eerriieeled t.
otJtod toVhT'bitli a?‘hta*’SlU.' Zto I
—“‘"r ta qu.u ill with oaar.1-1
..l.Knli. k
w ^ 1
--------------' PtjTfari—- - ^
cilivr > l-iidr< i. I..
I.W ai>d aorfcad lMi«
' *u k.ai. licv-ed Urr
a. Ur. Fima laqotr0.1 ■>. .ouid eara ae a oobdriaw
-dm,k. that trs* I '
il ra'.el him tn.oi
S.^ta*. Xo :■
Mlaa Laitr* Voice left laal waak for
.................. lay to reaeaia her Kbool da ' I**.'*!
l^lllac ■ bi,^. M.endar pirl at U-r^7tv«ihi
• ;, of ead o.-.r.'B«.l.ee«dUtaaMy o^*lH«
iMt Of iha*wJ!rk.*boTu ba
“air. and a Jm.fa (attHly |a Iba teiaJ
;i>ett^ *T>ra eJk--«aB«oodt«».9riihl
.dj. aba vae qaamtl^:
• lib tu Jetxa.
«<0. I.tally, aad eka ewm. i
ird add—*sf.
itk .red btir llaoatd^rabM
tnodtul Iiilas, and bw He
--------- .,m. Ml Ireiik ao.l fntrtaoA wooU
hair a art BtttU
HaBborrb ta Tb.iota.|'
>d in The rougb bat tbaa
in on.. lU.dywtll««rerbae.
ir'l* w'lji**’^‘
UtiL W. Meholla called oa Mra .
Baarall TmeU la drawlar potato
to <fT»wa.
Reaa Kreartb
» Anaa hope, •aacl dcatloo, lore, roaerrertlo
Uel.eanof tilir. I'ler atteadad
the Old bappiaeia. Draiae. Berey, irod't p>.>c
place dal
at I. I-. KoiM- rKolka' Beeepiloa ,a ti
M^thuncbif^ em^'^ioi^i
Tba E L topic ti
eeraiu it ' lurried U
Wb NlehDllaaad farai!
day with R. Pblllipaaad
bath II
1 Huaday
aa1 work "
» Welder.
IVhat U the right way to ioelruetire ulki derlar Ue dfc and
ikbathUader. bTaad ta-wt eecellent bd.Ic. b.'tb la.trXnt
alandToeal.rradered bv hi.
la t: E topic for Muaday areoiar i . At < O ' lock Ur CarBaa had loAnte
... -What it a proSlabie sabhalhr'
>“• ho«e la Trararaa Cue. Vblln
Luka in 3. If. .lubD IT.M-i,. l^er,
freatly regralled that he coold !
lontbe with ua la ihr aeeola* keaaina.'
........ .
Mtrpriaa lathe
hryeaaodai.ea.Uba8iilloek.Ur '
Ur. Joha FatoaB bad Geo. OraI ker and wile ul
a feople'. I
•d «• frieede bare oa# day laat week.
Kiraey Hoyt iSoacUl tluardlan' to ^b'' H’nn* ainl the FU
hoBaaTladle.t al.
lod'.olar. <'.‘*'hd.
U lor
tur yearL and Tltn
■n Jl I ;s or IV W—pi-.-. -;V
"Bi ThlrVeBth
place to p
»> n.tny carrou the wat-'eadKlilte rutpoodrd by Ibrowlag
_^ . ,.
be mrUe* bat ibex aranod aeID Uberty tUM and aMflowa
.5*'•' ' ■‘i“
T.,':,' »>'k?H l.a OoV nb
tbe lid nnill br hiqta^ for aiwcy.
r "Ur. Flyno'.' Kliilr do Dmi all f«
, ^rabkllsChr, to Oappna d nerleeb bad un. wid Ml.-rty •iieM
Tba irniueno-or Hull llouwwai Ja_
Coaocl.it ,he»iBDiug leioat. iimU fall la Ubwty
l“-.T* J*,”?*
'^7'" ^lor
Ferry llaooab to Uaaaab
“»l » aac J<. t :: a, lfw-»i
huyi and girl.could kmra boukkaa|>lag ai
oibar tiling., to that they «uM work ta
tbe Doe office, do. II icwro and get MUiieh
at 85 or IP a week. tlB.ci a Ubulc
to Ubony .met Un K^eny-a
lEalpb Cbae el all ta M
Thanke to Mra Mililkaa’
Mr*, tieddle dallb Irfi laat Tbareday ■ »uie*w^''ld ^r«\**w^'Mec^
alaur. Ura J R. Tomllaoe.
Ur. Llcoey oudr Trarerae ^ly a “‘F*' “<l ‘eart'a'r *»^r ”fr»2i*7;epdi ]
Ur. Md Uia-J dalbyofeearatkaod
Friday, where the will receir. Brd!cal I
Mr. and Ura. II Olbba of Traearaa II Ub waak
C. D. HunleyrBadaabaalBeB iripu
Mdly. Friday.
il> Fraaklle. wife aadjwe children
l^'^A'of .:h«it
whinb wti eipnrt.d to
IO bring wnadtrftilrw
tatm. lor tl
.11 iDTanstaiil of iO aaaia
L Aotoalo. tbe itallaa
ki Kai.e..
Two Happy WaadlBg.
Flynn, ha^tu titaV
lad by 11 Ooa'of thr bosi bmppy waddia.
and l>rtmtle girl oeol to tbakladerfarwa
|tulaaa[cad ia the mrai dl.tru-u abnut llld wn. U.lgl.llniil.k.tbemoBwoodWHTrarrrae riM waa tbat of II. rmau
' king, nui .d oBOi. aad little etlaka aod
bod kuw flower, grow aitd wboe tba
(Waaelburj of Loog [.aka aod Ubt
dnlia Fraakr, oaugblar of Ur. aod
jjO^lay Blakaloy b worklpr Cor
’ n?ST,'sax;““““^'
■Uia. G Fraoke, who raoide about two
Mr. M^Iey aod dabbler. Urr. | Ika aoepica ol the W C. T V. l^ij Behrf U to youo* paapla froB Ilible
WyBaa. wcattoOmraa Tbanda.t.
I e'ary ooa lalapealed la the life of tblt.i«ody aad SoodayacboH attaadaeea lallae Math ol tbe aat Iub. Tharr war.
lOtl gueau preatul who witarwwd
liar of Ultnd wet ebltiar
Frealeat woBcn the world -I U Eyon.
Ura. Cpoley. Spader of laat I *“*“
haawn. pay bar tb.- tribute of I Aatbrm by cbi
the erremoay, which waa perforBed
Wat. Urea tsse ap aad tiayad at tbe
f ^
; your proaeort
Tbaradir oLcfat by R,.. Ii. Cochlln
power botnt Moaday Bicbt
u-larly cnereBlioa of
Ure. narwaaddaugbler-le-law, Ur.
Ihit place baa a I . T*"* '
ABoag Ar gaaau were a large bub
will be bald atVaba
John Uaaat ol TraeerM C ity, attoadrd
. butterfly wblcb ! iJ'* •“
ber ol frieadi. Iroa Trare.-ae Uiy. Th.
the fanaial of Ur. Citt, Tuaadar.
llmr Iw wrn Hyiar about ’**y
bat bad aa arllflcial
Hr.HBlthBadUr.BtBBtoaarermBld'■ride aad grooia raoelred with tb. coo '
P. liras. Mra Bertha Wmlch.
lymplatlat Iba saw BddlUoB tTlha
gratulaUoB. eataoded a larre ouBber
d Mr. Lowell Sour..
.............-................ ... lolendiBClol.,
.ofTaIuableao*uaefolgifu The wedC. U Earaa. frea.
hotaa of Dr. aad U>. Payn. Wad
rllorlDg to 1
Uw. Htr SrhaiBK. Sa
: dlag tapper wat elaborate aad «i
odyacooooo hbe Ic
dayaeealDC A pleaaaoi Ume b
liatelT r
ord itar buiurfls at
jearrad, while thr hotpiulily of
di lenolned if puaail
Bible to walc'b I
jpareou of tba bride waa freei.i
lotarlBe ber dlaapj played. Amoag the gifu reeeired by
polBUneoC asd alao delight ^hro oa
" School
wbo alArtcd I retarvlBir to tbalr Kboob aaiil Turw r.wchioir hoBif oof afurajonafGr bee-1
. , .w
for the hlQsdlka Uoaday b
Loae l-V. ...T .
'!•«' <>» a
day Borslag.
. Oar aaheol Uoeber.' Ubi Urnie
Ur t.ao who baa parebaaed tbe Bill
.• t-.k.....
..... Jl^r groom. The property It tlioaled
Mr..Diroe oritatberarilflcitl
■' .-e-i
at Lalaad b bury brutfuMf the Bai
fly to blghl) BOW lhal.be willooteeeo J'^
Uaallog called to order bi^»' l»OF Uke a#d will Bake
.e ooealog
ooBBlog terVioe.
loan it to ker frirsdt
forwble hoae.
■e lad by
■ M B. Raiacb
Tbe recrpiloB teadered tb. aged peo
o addroat t Welcome wa. girra by I Tbewtddlagof Mitt Little Zimaerpie of Noflhporl aad eiclaiiv by the
________ ... .... litpcmdad I
•« Thoiaday, ai
to tbe aiormy weather, bat the al_. h^ortk League laal Satarday patted m. by the Preeideoi
Ue borne af Ur b. ide. wat a eery pm
aftly for all pwwol Tbe
daooa ban baeo tleadlly IscreaalBg ever
Paper •Tbe Uodal Saadae Hehm>l." I ly affair. The ceraaoay wat perforaaiaoe.
waa mild aod although ibr
-.w.i n.'iS tS'„7‘S;"cr.'r'
.^75,.K7."VE:ii7'" ““■
Ura R. D. rriah b rbUtaf frlaada
The bilear. ra<« noe of ihelr Baalcal
eBlarUloBaeu here Toiwday nVbiol
laat week to a foil bnaae. Afu r the
BlertalaBeat thrr farabhed ica.ic
JS515:7,E‘."‘ •“
Wh<BUS Thar
ra Ella CMl, whn baa beea ill for
paaltwo week*, paaaed away fmia
ilT.v Friday aecain,
Mhe wat laid U> rc
Ua Cal
Mra Uil
..latiy Bbaad io oar eoanoalty aod
•apaeWly io iba tbered iMhgoe Uoei-'
•ly af which ^a waa a BaBbar.
Iba oonaliy wyre eery poor,
the raorat ttorra., It did eol
mo.101 the ■•gueruofhooor"
frodpltaadiBg. Some, boweeer. were
drlaloed oa accoaor of lilaeM. omoog
whoa WBA '-Graadma" Lralle. wbabat
bees fa poor beallb for aoae weak.
Xr*t to Crandiaa Corlit. who itBloatyihree year. old. the it the moat aged
perm.o io Ihligmrt of IhecovBtrr Sbr
uluriy.oBa oa Ibc xntb of
aetday after u........
ehlMns la Blbworth.
. T^-*^**’
E .evl„77f.;r, j:5'.7>
Tuaaday aigbl'. BMeliag ol tee llaa
and; I eae Callage Lyoram waa well atlaada
ad Boeb ioUTMl waa abowa ia tb
Upward '
Priead likei
- - - :Srr,“
But Kitilc laughed and reatUued ta
iw .Urk. at Maggie fUSarty wbai Iba
'• by Ir ■- - -............................................
lb) htr■r none of Hail
. . .,ou KllueriyBB.,-.™
atyera i.iWlo a-uaylo awaytn
ate.-'aeld Klllle a ebam.aopbti
One day KlMy Flyoa waa Dot aaBica
Uatom. A wnk went by, andAeVM
not teeo al Ua doBClog elaaa Ute Flyva
aald Ue dido'i know wbam Ua waa bat '
gorawd Llw.eold rc.ie back wbtB dha
for Ue aert taraj lae folJowlag o«- got rrmly
Liberty einet baM la awa
ar» ware eleetad
lllBclalwayttaldKIUltnyva •
I woBld pane in a bad mid Ur. Ffyea hU
PreaidrDt-Fidwmxd CleacaL
Um chlUrrti to prortde tor. Md,
Vioe Prta.daal—Bert SmedUy.
--------- had no Mom to wmb la
<iearrtar7 —Uia. Kropp
Igrv-Mngafur Kittia
ye»r. a
liy. and Liharty MeaM
The aewly elected officer, a
bad tliowt fiBUMteB
IB Ur.
FfyDB’i EJttia
Ur Flyae had bars
ny^l?*^irtU £S
Daa Klag, efBaplro. .jilted frtaada ' Sli.Jtlng^^^n-^'^*""'
hBa Ualilolday'
' haw
Uat Batarday. ■■ - ------------------ ,
*^«»‘'»r, TrraiS^.
. .1. m!
M t»arr*V pf~«S5
loat lllarw of
•aallisma bat_______ ^
•ami yeara aad It U
BDrarr Bay ha doabUnl.
Mra. Ray etued a eerr aoo^Mfnl
Ura of aabord lau Friday with aa eghlbUioa that wat ea] •) <3 by aaBaroat
•prautora. aebolara fruB tha Millar
her. Mrv Ray,'
abe baa Im.;
ChartaaOlbaoB. wif*
M. wbo ataiyd ia a corcred
. rtfall-ldrUe aaaU.
sfw.-.i 7rr„r.,r..7’\~:i' 57.7
UmDmkar^OlaB Hae.., ta..MI"«~«-e.wwi‘*^rw.,-.
Hull II...1W ...cant to firing the payer
Miiue day and dM Dot BaBB
> be taken unawarm.
•• I m a.b.inwl of, cm. KitUa. that I aa."
ltd Mr. H,nn • Tbcre'. Uaggl. tUfinyapoiii luibeelaBni aad wlU b. aarai-htr »i t WM-k -,1.W day like a lady, aad
yua do Io ..dcia antblo bat l> a taboy
andiitaylBaodflghtloactbaHnat. Tea
Imti ch. Diiieh. Kitcta." whkk WM
Kw, ihtf. wbtt w. do. Klcua nypB."
11 waa tuggetled by Ue Pre.lde0l U I
iHmadlata ralaUrea, aad at Ue
7bai waa Drwt Pi Klilii FiyBD that pat
make touae ebaagea la Loag lAke aod 1 Ue oosclaalon tbe party ut dowa ta a dlScraot llgl.i upon Hull Kobb aad tba
g^ elaboraU wadding
xlirrdUara KlnlaWadalaoH
IliBoot of parpatital BOtftm, aad
... orberl'fewatlolmMdaM
Tbat olghi fnund bw rnrolM aa a Ba»
a aew laaoclaUoa to be kaown k> Ue' U« oocaaloo wa. 'br large suabarof bar of lb. Hull lieuai dabet^ cHb.
loU liouaadM no* lapiwea U»
‘r '"'•><** •'■icb Flyno'e Kltllaeai
A. Jacktoo. and Mr. Redcl.ll war. .a'.
** racBeoicea of Ibe oc- of Ll berry gtswi
d l.y-Ur chab
Frit, left oa Ue
for officer, o!
aoBocU afurBooB Uwla for UeooBoala. Wla. a^IJberty tirwd aaldl^l^t
waa and qalia a lady. Elula Fima HtR
played and Cuugbi with Ua oblMira oa Ih*
iirtMor auiaaedbinalf by laachlag hw
: brother, and MrtB. ber Itual lira Mam
•There.BO amof Umn ladteaMBaD
Banna*. College Lyceum
le addraae by G<« Latllr.
B^earal froB Xortb UUipa atteadad
-p by Ree. S Steele.
ehureb at Hoolb Ul^
Ulltoa Hund.y
Huad< night
daeolloBaJ aerr-ce
Mr. K. A CaBpbell.
.1 b.
Oarpaalor will meUn
k Dtri.
there aaoUer
•f tke ykar. Kae P.
Owing U tbe Bear complrllou of the ‘
W. U Fnakaad aoB LwaU drotetolomraa OongregBtu.n
Coagregational ehureb lhe‘'"*°'
t appolBied acoBmJuocuaudiil Pobb wijitaa tw Mrm SaiU. whlvh
eoBBU of the Ircaturcr of Ua I
V Ur. tThliBaa.
•...nc.og COBBllUw.
tv. kerawlul “rrl'a’.loa by FraacM Woolaev.
fflre their report at follow.:
i Solo. Mrm Bell. M'lltoa.
elected, tir
1 Voar eoBBltlae
BBitlae harlag eaaaf
eaamUedl AddraH by tVm. Roiaell
£rS7:2.r5; .',“wr je;- ^ r'SEMr
• faUwmd MadoDOa ..
lull IlouB. aod Uia. Flyna
I" k*" and tea IbaB, bat atood iB
Milk-, wl 0 opmly HdlcoUd U
nJ all It# I
lift the rru.-™. Once Ua had
mlmlon Sunday KhoDl. bat aouU oam be
led uignagilo. Kbedldo-tUhaUj
*-•............... ..
_ _ tter-.r.e—™
k_ Uarefara he wa- Ue
grratar aaB W.
w lire to are
________ Mday,
■eUDy-dradog. la Ue Faitm to emiy Uoaaaad Ubab-
faHowlng prograB
I*ebBU—ilrw.lnwL That w.
is.js.rj ■ ■™r5sr
>BBiM«a dad Ue boohi
etear pm laui
S Wuxitat.
U." erm to tanrlda for htr (mally <ff
eiotll cblMroB. tod It laat H be woodartd ti nioch II tba poor wosaa. mnw
tlnnallyrerriied ber rpIrtB wlUadnpHa
“•/iClBBaat aad MIb HolooBb
la the U tb. old «r.U-way
gcaaral dbotaloa Bach laterr.t wat!
bar bracbert andM
—a I
tniaen.,tti QymDt 1 tbovB OB boU tldB,
ber, bagglBg
fm panalea aM
*>ked bar nioUer aad
and Liberty
Uheet; *B
wilag report of tbe tut. by Hr. Porter, which
Mr. toeeUy j
by Ue te'kcocmoiioa w.. gima by C B. Btiea
Elute ■
wat aot brUrmd Uhdtty
MUa Baraey caplaioad bow Uh :roaa-d.bHBgo, Ue 111 e aad works!
wiBty Bight eoBpeU tor Ua auu -ofJaBea Raaaal Lowell
_ _
____:r.'Sl;7 ‘SLXTECrtE
EreBiag aeaaioB
■nc.—... 6J!i,'i;“riEYf337i;,E'~~
criuc-t report, aad tOBc ealoaWc la*>• ««»day ibt Boratag papM M
darteatioa oa Ua debated qoaaUoo.
: thh^^ronniBiaf
Tkatepicaelacted far aart -m—llad_ta.M«
Mr Olbmmttet----- Uport Epwcilh L-agae rateruia-' ta the
aa ffir aa Vitxieia. mad w^ •
ffl»« *» boaor of the riUxaat of I Pay
iMalaaaa towothip who hare alutaed
•jaUaadatartforhoeae, ak^M oe-|iSLS"*^.5if **'"**‘'~**^
---------- —•
Th^t***" PteaHoa for boU >« Ua daepatt fruh_________
lo2la<ip«i» iha^ beMdt «d
*" *Mwp.ghi,
arand TraTerae Herald and TiaverBe City TranEcript Coneolidated, Mdrch S. 189g.
I Travene Herald
F State Bank.
i! V
adtlararaa bar tiawerar r-
Loen uun aspcBUCAH
Circulation this week 2,400
AMbdaBlaaoaaarsaadnb'da arr
nqeMUd to saal at tkalr tell >Vlday
iTtoMwaottestadUal U^ Psbrwary -rssslpu ssdv Ua DUflry Uw
U Jeatea Brows'. Ooian wsa dnolsd
wtU raaU BM.OM.toD. white tell te is
lo Us WUl of Us CBS. of U. Cl
msrkad sastrsal with Ua Psbrssry
Iplada^ >te epsTStUi ot Us win. Bobari Brows ot HI. Plasaast to tepply Os. efChlar.ta. Steoe)
Win Be. y. arUte Bsmprtom panto*
Ua otksr tosmtertrsmUtodtotftat.
sf UardsU ate BUir tewasbipa.
e UP city
Us dtoWielPOtad U porebsst
a hto 1
saaaUiy of saysUaa. white atfiwfalc
cotapaaj ahU 0.01
Hr. Smith a
•TO. OfUlsBi
OUST WlUlsm T.
«tavur- BaWetoUtroBThtWlMUd
««a iveaad tmlj br daapanU cSope
y Heed U Ucste
Tte tnsamrar. Lonls Boter,
H Ur. SlayMr.
BasMa. tel whs esma te Ula dly
mid. did set appro*, of tte parslfbt ysais acu-' Bisea Uat
lase SBdrstaasd to pay tte
C. H- 0b«1( »ad Jaha JaBp. »be *tUma aeUlsf baa baas bsard sf Wills eUlm. Ussrb tte romda ahowad
«mM tta a«(kC0Brt o< Mk««M rerbraUsr.
Bt will ^rs- tbsdlatrialaolsd far Usporebssi
•Manle DMf^tUkTOk. Hdalafaut
eUts say iaformatlea wbleb may late
BslsnUy aUbtal 10:11 tkrjaiy
frsB 0o«n Tr»««tM. ba*» ratanad.
to tbs diasimry of bis brotter-. w
rte s rsrdin la (a*m of Ue pUlatlB.
Hr. C^rla wm kaaorad U bales ehotca
teodls. Be la •laylac at tbs Lm*
wsrdlar Ua eUlm of too
birk ■aaaaeor-____________
moettiartsin as.
talerda; Joe Pedlaeki of Odar >nf
Dsatb ol a Tuba Plea
raaad a brabea ero vklle ai work
akiddier Icr. Bh em, waa raaftt j
Jsha Baylar. aasUsr piotear sf Us
bsiwoaa two l«ra aad hadlj fraaurad i .
uara“«»a • samt Urwtf Orssd Traasesa rsrUa. dUd at h
--aeualbo-. Dr. H„,,kU, .at tk.'
v.oa. oa Friday, after
aed to wlU tbsm (led spaed
The Uadaya-Ulaamolfrlpps foHowwl I
bsari rail.Ts. Bla wMa aarrlrsa. b
party isrloded J. 0 lASfworUy. Ckas
W. a aaanaalaeaad U. t
chlldiwa; Ua oaly child,
0 Carrar. tV. W. Hlliar. Darld. W.IIIbb
d lo.eoo boakcli at I
atent It yean aye
8 I
and Lerillaa. Wm N»>». A. I. Ursady.
Brews of KUbars,
W. r AucasUae. t K Kraal, TkoBaa ■ayler ol Yuba, aad Beery II Saylarol
pnaa paid waa U aaau par baakal. Tha
New York aad Albert Sayl.r of Ohio
HcLanrhiia. Bafh sod laswa Boyd
baler loaded eo eara (or
ate two alaWn
Bator. bmrdlBf Ue wsl. tb. r>'d
S.w York Tbs oldest hroUer Harj b..urrbad • rroop pholofispb take.
•aaaasl daTi are Mrs C J Keaalsed
Vmict for PiaisuS.
>OBt to OarratariUa. O. wbara abr
Hr. Saylrr waa 'i yean of age.
Prod W r Thayer of Uraad Itapida.
>sa eallad aaaemat of tha aartoaa
aad bacl bsei a retideat of lbs eooaty
lease ot bar broUiar. II H. I'dall. a life taanrsiic. afsal. bronfht .all ia
Prldap. Dt Kaaalasd reoalaad a waa- JuatiO.
(uBsral was held fraa Ua Yuba
aafs bSBoeeelsr Ikadratta of tbaau(- arai.ti A W. Hoaro. of Urs<
tba amyool of ibraa ptealaaory ckorrb Bnoday Boralaf at 10:Vi.
Haalsr JUIpb AadsiWB had chsefs
eolaaciraa ie pS3 Boot, lorrtbar with
Tha latal raealpta of the aleatral
of Ua (uBsrsI arraafemsaw.
aaolher aota. f jr a praslaia lor
parformaoeaThareaaj'elrbt ■raratrie
Tax Title Deolalon Rseeraea
rba pretla wlilbaaaarly aito which J™'"" •
Iks Iraaaarrof Ibr Hmv »oU had boao paid pre»loti»iy Thayer
of KosrUad aad Cole <
folaia Ua
jallrradteat'^ moaar bad bare
Tbb was oaa of iba' oo
Hull ted tpeaeg. which waa tried
■ raaerd hy biia to the ooapaay aad
eeaafal aaianalaBaou la a di
Circuit Vourt jof lirsnd I'nrer
I Mooror atatrd that tbs pullry had bsaa
way aaer flrea la Trsarrae City
eoBBty before Judge Corbett laat .Inly.
I canerlrd Ix^fora tha yra' bad raplrad.
ycslsrday reeeranl by the Supreme
for jury brforc which the eSM wat
Court, aed a dc-ree draUrlef R oralaed
aira rapalra are balof made la 0.1.1
r,odrr«l a rardlcl la taror of tha
and Cole aaUlied lo Brs-alxlba lawrrat
Pellowa’ Hall by Willlasi I'haoiDloo ; pi»io,nf ,w»,diu, t«< »*
la Ite lou is .(QaalloB
and t i. Darla When Balm.-i Ibr
__________ _________
Thu cate wa. opoa a bill Bled la
will praarat a rary prrlty appaar- ’
ebaoeery lo ijolet the title toalx JoU la
aipht at
oVlock. K..
city, opoa w>lcb Koeelasd aad
Mn bte
I ,-«nla .addral, took a aoUoo that
Cole held a lax title lor Ue tax of Isut.
Tba Saw .York A New Jr..-y |.r„.' f'W b.ca of poldro oorrau'waoiri 1
Ibicb ww decide! by Judge Cor.
daoa Co . which U rapraaaatad Kara pj | rrry plraaaot to d.Dy with aed olf^
ie (aror t( the drfaadaou aed
HcK.aoa.od fur wk-.u A A *•»“"'
ProB-bIr aalartamm.at
Tweadle A
HcCoyASoaparcba»l.TTa.,i.aDtlH..i*“>>»»’'-‘»'‘y''»‘*« hloadlka afar.
I .1.. I_..
I...P .......Malaa
Harry UOa ratersad U Pu
H. aamUwuttaOcste BapUa ee
Pnsk J. Oobbsef ftodUlae. wu la
teeity ytbtarday. f
W. Uarraes ef Urste Bapt^ to la
tte eity ee bamuu
E. 8. PraU wut U Buxula y-ralrr.
Htoa Baatrtoa Ptel^'M Baraaaa to
'laiUag Him JtokUag.
Hra. Jsa Bataar laft ‘neraday it
Stoll bar metbsr at East Jordu. John U Kelly of Bast Jordan, wax Is
, city ytalm
elSiH* old frlradi.
Hra B. E. VwFtoet ate dangbwr
teea rautpsd from a elail ia Ursad
Hn. F H Aabloa ate Hn John
Wngbt raturssd yeatarday from a rialt
' , Itetana
Edlior Bamsrv aad Puatmuter Kewkirk of Cestral Uks. ware ia tks cue
SB bnalasm Friday.
MiBSleaad Boas Wsod
left for Ihirollaad CItesMd tmteray ts T
MTUrcr of Oerlar. wax la tba elti y
terdac and regixtered at I'srk f’lace
B-uaUal of Ua ft-xi..
Si.M. left for Nsw York Thorviay Is
psrrbus a quablitv of apriag foodx
-tael.n of "I'b. Fair." bax ea
gaged Jake Anapacb of Dalroit. ao ex
lo taken poxiuoo
la hit atare.
Hra. A. 1. HarlUbd waa Called to
lirmad ftapidr Bslurday OB aecuunt of
Ua lUarM of bar Ml nlier Bbr retiirs
Ur flrat ol Ua week.
K WilhelB rsiorsed from a^rebaaiBf trip la New York I'riday alfbi. aeipsBied by Mr> tVilbrla. wbo Bet
biiB la liisad Eapida.
Cbarlaa RoaenUal baa 'fc.e lo
New York
her botbaod wk.- ii
eilT p.rcbaaiar fjo.tr bbr
will be away aee.ral war k,.
Fred l.yocb, lisrinerly postal clerk od
■a M d N R . la back at bir old p'a. r
>r a week duriaf Ur abwana of Hr
Crlaptn wbo i> uklng a rarstiMO
Hra Cbte Burkett and ton Haral.l
have relueosd Co KaM J.»rdao afier a
thrae weeks ri>it with Mr» Burkrti ►
ysruu. Mr a..t Mra J Hewnoo
former Trsrrrsc Cllt
»1 Ue caa. U Ue Boorem. Co.rt.' B I
SWB wealward at oaee before aome
HtelH.ndCbaa F. lloll were w>UclU. paat i wHr.
her fello-* gobbled all Ue Bafrr*>a tonfocd.fe.daau.
ThI. prac.lC.y |
Das Whipple of !Slaiwn<al. iraa In the
r Ihrref.irr made berried arraacw dccMea the ralidlty of tha us aalo lO
I Jouph Vcaeltky -|raret Uix muroiog
ally ymtarday racrlrlor eongrjiulaeaU for Ur j lureay aed lelefrapbed Ula county (or the u
for Cbtcago. wbere be will engage in
bli olaalyaichlb I. rlhda.v f.ir paraag.'uo a ilaacnahip (roai
Bug Uc Ola Hymns
Ibn.lnim- Mr and Mr» Vcaal.k) ha*e
Hr. Whipple la bale aad hearlv aadjn,. lU «li: jjlo Charlea O. Career
TkaTrawMOliyLaoibarCe lacalUaf M0.«MSisa(oI IK isoh maple (or
Das Date. __ ________________
aayahe kaaeaaer rojjyadbfilar baallh I
,| o lAegwortby at baatCla
The wxiai at Ue ttoagregalloul I
waa one of
yean and bt" mam triradi wbo
ddHap this winter, lie axpAle xobompany Ifaani to tha Copper riror church
. Hta Ellubath tMaall. widow of iba
with Urm.Mcjcxx ID Ur.r new
eaury h>
(I ysaurday n
ebarv-b ersoU of Ur
lata Hajor Ualaall. Ima base rfaoi d a
Uraadwaa ea;>y»d by wrersi aua
BMsIna o( W ea a aetetk.
.1 aad daBgeur of
deed people Aa larltatloa had beeo;
TKt ladlea of Loaf Lake barr ojada
Will Iccraiaa MaDharaaip
. AlbartOlobaasky waaltoUrsad Uap
txwadad to all mrinben tod allrnil , Feloakey
haedaoseqolltwblak will be Bold by
Durlor tbla eiaolh Trarai
.m Hcmday to taka aa anmieatwa
tkkaU. tba prooasdi to hr darol..l to a ! Trot. So. «?!. K ii T. H.. will radooa aauof Ue church to came (or ao old-jaaeadlsg three week, here
(aahloaed alag, aad far eew aa bonrjPareaU. Hr mad Hn Ju:iu> '•in.,
feed to rahalld the hooaa of i> -SWII. ' iha rata of Ue ertranea foa la ordei
tbe good old bymoa were auog bylbe'berg. They weretecompanled by Mr.
Oa the tnt of Hsrek Peatmaalm wbleb waa dnwoyad by Her tbla win-1 mduca a larfa claia
Wbaa all Ua tioksu are dUpsed ! Tbi. WBl baa lailialad- ni
mriobrrm large aodieace. uader the leaderUip of Romntkal wh. Hooped here oa hit w.j
MaB rawadad Ite fraa drllrarr aarrDr. 8ayder. with aa asUutitam and from New York
Uan aas wot la tbe atale duriaf
kaaoB teaih UslesalraatloTklitaaath of Ua wtnaiar a.sber
_ _
past year aad baa mtee the largest rinalaioat unkaowa to modara c
time. gregsltet. . Variety waa git-n
Ttelf^t TrarcrM City Lodfe. Ns. Tl.
Ctea. B Hemy.acaat^tka ». BVMterday aiirrnooB after ir. regu
and appropHaU talka by Ksr
A t.. haiaoU bla aa^tks Uaack to K. of P., will bold a rafslar- coaero- It to Ue aaplrallon of Ur membrn of
lar school acaaion Ue Junior Lyceum
Cochlla. C U. H,>ru aad Hr. C
Iks saUMT of Ite Boo rsllwoy lias, si Uoa sad Msfar tte raak ot Pagr opoa tbe ten U> brlag tbe membenbip op to
held lu mnci iig. Aflrr roll-call and
Uirty oaedldatsa Tbir larpe claaa U ISO by tbe Hrtt ul Jaaa aad
readiag of ilir ailnulc> Miu Trarto
rr In the creolng the parlon j ^
It etforla aad areeral parpose tbe rate la reduced. The re
reedrrad a rrry delightlul eocel eohi
CksilH UsstOB baa Issiod Ite propUrowa upra and as informal |,
duced rate will preeall oaly duriof
flna biographical catty, "ileorge
«MT f'wwriy Us Wsst Bids rra«>- addiUmal aew ateaibtea will naier Ue
tbla moaU aad Uote dealrlar u profit bandUaklag and good social tlne't,
tetec Bbd arill go Isto Us boalnsss ot slam bsfore all Ua work to doafente.
It to mpaelally daairad Ibdt all mem- by the adeutafaa of Ue order Uoold followed. Light relreahmeau werej^ Jj by Hrrry AUea. lollowco by an
BwtelsashortUmdhaad la tbdir aameealoaos. Tbla will aerred, and tereral aerelticr. I:
ban te praaseL
I abstract. '-Klectrlcliv In Ue HouacWlilU J. UPsrss ssd Him Tsoy
protebly be the last lime that aueb ad----------------------- ,------- -------------------- jbold. 'by Abl-t Blarkaa
Next wsa a
Bawl rrsrs morrlsd Bsedsy otwrooeo
ooe Ulng. Ue phota^aph. of'
IMrtul . V.it."
Tsetagra **ill te offerad fc
kpJoaUesB M. BrowsalhHrtsUsoss
Of Uou praminl -ere taken, and
of laitUUoB tor Ula Wat.
alaa btotaiy. The profnm. la ebargt
OB teiog dernloped lu a dark room
M WaUlifloo sirosi
at Hn. C. T. Orsw. will r«npr|i.e Ur .
Uany New Usmbara
MivOaUtsTbsekorlstlooUs U B. fniaarlBf aahjeeta: "PeUr Ue Urasl." I
liwurk of Hrv Uillikea.
Satarday aigbl warn, baasar oceuioa
* I Hosdoy otoalBB for Dayus. O.. Is •■Iewte,SBtloa of ChrtoiiaLlly.- "H.w
iir proud
wu a delightful ona and Ue
for Tisrerac City Lodge. 1.0 H. T., No.
aiw," sad "61. PvWnbutf. Uemten
Tbe niw^rof mrmben elected friendly feeling atanlfaxtad bi all will
m illssea of bar mot bar.
leat." by Mix. Ida Laiopbcii
rs mjaesUd to earns preparsd to dtaIM bolpaly Tl appearrd tor ialti. toag linger la Ue ebnreb.
Tha AnoB ijnaru-tgare t-iia* delight
aas Ua waur anpply qaeatlon.
liar moaUly msstlac of Us
plaaacd aad
aUoa Tbe initiatory erremoalea
il keleetios. which were Ihoronghl.r
carried out by Usadamm J li. Jokatksrsaraaa mssilafTaesday alght
esjoyed by the aodleoi-e
soe. J. tV^UimhsB. W Tburull. R. L
of Ua ropabHcsn city eoismillss la tba Large erawd. After tbe e«
Tbe queatioD (or dlKwu. e wax
Corbett. C. 8 'TraelA C. J Bbear. C T
of B W. HaaUafa. It waa da elaborate teaqnet wax partaken c
'Rasotoed. Tbxi old maid, are of mure
UrawD. A Elag. A U Ferry. Him Iaa
ta bald Ue dty ameeatioa (or tbe dialog rooms. Than ware Too
•■ABfoaiVTlms.’- a aparkllar bleb
basest to the world than bschelorx. "
MiaaChapla aad Hiaa
dtamoasaady wlU Pita sad WabaW te UsaomlaalloDof esadidaWs (or city tat dews Ie tbe tablas. Tbe feut
Tbe dlKnimloQ waaxplrlud and much
«ha DadiBf roles, will te the attraetioa oScaa, SB Tseaday ereeiof. Uarcli IS. furnlUed by W II Kiruiher
ilere.t wax tbuwo Him Ux, Buying
reed b) tbe member. Aa ImprompThe ward (SBcatm for Us el'cilas of
MBiclabnra Utsad AprU lU>B and Hiw Hande II iberu .o were
Oua Plucky Woman
I pregram wugleea. which Inclodcd
dslafslas to Us cxietmilion wlU te
bcbxif ef
t will be a aorprite to a greai maty
recitatloe In coatnme by Him Oarrs
IS Hooday ayealBf. Harrh u
>. aad M lm Lettie Maifla and U
Itaro ihai there to om womaa ia
O’Neal'aad a oomlc diali«ae by four
learu 0,ir for whom tbe hsrdUlpt Lulv CaiSpbrII rapreaeBlcd ibo male
Aa axekaage make, mnch of tbu fact
Thera wen eight etallon
tbe Alasksa csnniry bax no lerrora. qaaBtlir.
UM Baa. J 6 Boydea. a Kapilat dt- preeebi from tbs Lake Abb ladga
The jedgea reported in fa»or of the
and wbo lx about i jluee (or the maces
etsa at Kalamaaoa. baa officiaud at
lodge la working tor Ue garel
ItTfaasralaat Nllaa daring Ue put to blockoffereA.y the Urate Chief Tem ot IboBxaadt of eager geld •eekert. uasasUy oaraalaad. wH.I
/ears. Bar Dastu r4thlin ham baea plar of ibe tuts and li is qulle praba- atteoded by maxcuiioe i-rmpaaloe. Yri
'-party l« Hartaefb'a daaelsc aeadamy
■ f Ike popular and w'Sl knows P*J
pastor af Ua Coagragtl.nul tenrab la
tbU city tyill be again
rirUay oasalaf. Tbs slab aembsra U
local milllnan. will aoes be on her way
thto eity alas yean sad daring
ail'd aa iba banner lodge of the
tbe FaciBv coatt as route u Cook's
tima kxj psrisrmad too Barriagc
Tbe plocky lady to Him 8hepOTbs telldlBt for msay pasm ki
s aad oB'tiatad at Marly
Othoere of Haanab R.fiu
The 'Trarerse Bay Ulee? L. <i T M
I. atotar of Hra. J. B. Martin. Mtot
w Ite aid Pbl lipa Houl at Wa
ra waa a large atumdaene i
to preparing for the long aad dewlfig Circle, will eiaii Mra II irton
Msly Bead as a lambarmto'a boardisf
snamliteaapaclnted by Ua local drill ol tbe Baaeab Billaa laat night arduoua joaraay wub all tbe energy
dooroe CcBire Saturday
tease, aaoi ksrssd to Us fToud BoaW. C. T. I! to arrsage lor a memorial aod teditiooal lateraat waa
dixplayed by baadrsda of hardy men, ladle, are to meet with Hr* t K -vou
Tbe raaigoatloa of I___________ aad ibosgb she gore alooa tbe will set
tsreles. for tba utional praaldeat.
aad Hn Uada Moaroc Satirday
as B. Willard, npsrl that tbsy Fred. Curtla. wbo baa goto to aIuVa lack the'wlll aad plack serumry to
■ a'clock a m aad bring rafreabrdaad
tte 0 B At.tetUsoBlp eteafs ea dsam It teritable ts potUoa. Ua
kch her ilcaliuiios asd ultimately
Us bfSMb wUl te U Us sasslar trsls
ag aaUi Uarca boU. Ua day approfit thereby. Sbe left oa TnmwUsb will bsrastlsr Issao at 1:01 p. m palaud tor tbla psepoae by Ua Natloa- be Bilte at a apecLal eleciioa to be Jield
y tor Haadee. where the wiU
Wedora,I^eTealBg. Caplsla Hcai W. C. T. U. board At that ilm.
atolt ber alxl r for a few days, i bea ete
nsralam will be bald Uiwagboot tbe Iptoab appoiajpd Ueaae-eommluloaed
itart lertbeeeut
Ilia her laArUsr lASC. who was ssrtasaly laBlccn tor uW year at (oUswa:
eoaatry. aad aa apprapriate program
uatloa lo. lake ay a claim and u sa
tarsd ta Ua ataes mUI at Utarlookai
Ftnt Nargeant—C It Corvla
te gtaea by the local aaloB.
gage mea to work it At flrxt. howteat wosk. waa Waafht kamt Taaw
Seooad Sergeant—H. I Rupp
aka rxperlx trcBghge IB eewlBg.
I Habbell. chlft raglaecr o
Third Sergaaol—C. H. Been
wkich tberatoagrui demaad at
limes and gsldei opponaa‘tlsa are
Baorta Edfar. as SBploys at Us
.Fared (or womee whe bare tte sem
Fir*i Corporal—Bert Wilhelm
•sal weed dIU tastsfy. had ooe «t bW for tte laying oodkof
IS bcare Ike bardtbipa asd diaoomfefri
buds hsdly laeatatad Hooday. ia aas
Third Corporal—O Tbomaa
at tte wlrs^ maablsm.
Dr. BaU te arsnsd by tte New
Jersey Prodace Co. Tbe alrsclsre w
Fosrth Corporml—John Ash.
day drsamai Ua wooed.
r IrtaadalB TnreneCtty aad all
aad base a capacity
PlfU Corporal—O. Kyarlka
with her aseoeax la bar uadertakTte William Owoa eomaaay. wkich 40.000 baabeto.
It will te louatsd
ercHnx depimu «t ^
xewarU. xM
lag. ate alibsugk kar braw to erawasd
tea sppsarod asrarsl Usisa la Ula oily abort dlauses aosU ate west ol Ue
with lock, aa wklu ax .aew ter yaan
tottaadscdpUya.hasb.sa bsskad tar frelgbt depot.
arh BOI a* maay at te ka*e I^ued
a Uraa-stokW aofartmsat la Us Ou
TksterM OUy Uat. No. IM. K.
ksr-rlgor aad ter detcrmfutloa wtl.
Opats Bstes bafUalsf AprB ii.
M-. tbe eUmt local teat, at Iti
bri^ gralUylag rawarda 8ba rxpacti
A eary picataat waddiag was aolsm
ttcnirr rxtxctLtro
. Tte SOI
mullag dsndedtoradaecUe ra
IS laaea ite enui oa a atwmer (oi
iaad 8aaday aflsrseoa at 4 o'clock i
iaftlatlue (or Urac day. for Ue
Ctook'a Islet. April lOlh.
U's botas of tte b-ids's brwUar. C
aatlas Is prUtad U Us prossMIaft U peu of eecnrlag a large claaa ot
darwau. os Waibiagtoa strut, tl
■an There will teaepecisl re
SBMhsrsslamaasdsbo.ldhor.te by
.iaa teiog Him Ida i
tatday udtwuiy twoM bm ecb'ori"" Pfmia.i«i c. a i
efs* 8aUrda> sight tut Us purpose ol
sasry pslrss sf Ua poblk wigtea.
ly ate O P Haghra
males aarp-iaed bar at bar team oa
Dmacr.m ■.S.HaU. lu T U
laostelag lbs sppltosUeu ate arrssgWbluclond The aatamuy wax
Oaltad Blaus Dislrtoi Altorssy G
lag tor lafUsttao. Dte°(T Dreat CtomOoasll.nMTMd Prldsy (ram Otsad mateer tFOossor to so* Is tte city toraacd by Be*. U. Cochlla ts Ur preast Ua Imatrdtota ralaUeaa Hr
Ha eompUud arrasraweata
wUI fire bla sttesikm to
ate Hra Bi«tea IcDaa tbs a:90 irsia
to ktt>B tbs dsUss of kh oBet
yeatarday afWrsMS (sr Ueir faisre
Qfste BaftososUstmsd Harsh.
borne to Wblfcatoad. Hr. Bagteatoa
eetesetor ea ite C. A W. H. tetwoea
Tte mUstrslabdwtmUsbroai of
A Heakagos sad to wall
kuwB ate blgbiy rupaotad la tbla
Sboald remind yon Unt te died
alty. wbsre te aarete u C. A W. H
with B BsU. beenam te refsate le take
lOWte U. Tte HUof
arUI te
yardmtatsr (sr sum tima aattl trsasaayUlBg to raftoee II.
If te had taku
hsea atrssg. ate well mtesli
Ua data ___________________
torrsd last (aU te Us tsetbars part o<
nayUlag at sacnelou at omr Byrap
u upabU 0^,^ Usge aad
Tar ate Wild Cherry, which Immsdlsto
I aatertalasuato wUI te greatly ad ibsreed
Bsa. W. K. Wrtfbt psrtsrmsi Us
DcrUg Ite yean Hra. Bagtea tea
III immy Tbsrtdsy ossalsf whUh ded ta by Ibsir talasv Tteqsanst to
Hsrtball OaoMTOB ate Him UasU mmpassB of Waltom Orsy. tnt Iraar raatdcd tera ate bu mtea basts ef
be earn Unmt Uat CMSsd hto desU.
CtaHm tllss. assate taaor: Vsrlia
mAtraibam: Tin ■inwi iin partsra from tterlty w
; If you
jape looking
! for a mill that can supply you anything fiNimj
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will j
try and interest you with samples and prices, j
Hannah & Lay Co. j
i‘5\ve '\)[)Vvv\e 5oodis SaVe"
"iRVe l\.4iV)aTt\aqe sA
SipecvaV fnees attii 'DtscoiwAs.
‘btiU ta the beat owortaattp
mtt tiaue tVits ieaKm_.
*"iVie extra taiacemeata o^^ered are ^or pour beaeVit.
"Keai Syrtaq&ooiaopeataqeaeTpdap. "BaTiatafTteea
oa xobat NOtater Sooit are te^t.
. .
Stitt Settiaq
SVitrt NJatata
tw SHowtt
^bovi\ a
Crarpcl *5\v\s
■Better £»ooV. 6mt SVocV Oiscr.
» Z'bz
turn mu. . .
UttMtHlUttmkl UiMIlt].
. iHx
OurSaTiaga DepBrtmeat
SilK} tafiiB NarunKit I T«j Iff C8B
Washington's Birthday
a &oo4i 6\ve.
AD. 'KLvVVvKexv
dcmUtmti &\.\ acx.t vattk, eVoAtiq
Saturiaq, T(X.aTc.\\ \ittv, at 9 p. m,
that loves money will al
ways buy at a place ,where he
knows he can get the best for the
least amount of cash; so be not
only buys his
here but advises his wife and Mends
to always do the same. We al
ways give the best bargains in
Shoes, and that the quality of our
goods is better than is offered else
where is now no longer a question.'
A glance at our stock and the pric
es will at once dispel any lurking
doubt you may have. We call es
pecial attention to our line of
Winter Goods.
The prices and goods are tmapproached in the city.
The Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.
Cash .Grocery
Consalt Tbese Prices
i-.r'cSt w"£»""2
lay and be pr»|
•,.111. All cordially laTltod
W C T i: will bold
fcapal leciprraoca merllof
Frlead*' L-bor*b oral Suoday araolay
, collecUoB wUl ba lakaa for tb* IoId.
The baaqnrl wblcl
b*ao*plea*of Uv* I
, a oomplev
wWr. prearal aad a daioly rapaat w..
A »bortjrf<rra« waa reader
ed. and r"«*f»^P*'^. f«o''»C ‘bat
Ibat they had hero blphly Mterlained
Paalual* Townabip buuday School
J. U Olbh., aoaoopaalad by Mlm
arioo aad Muior Harold, waat
arara* City FrUay.
A. J. Cola weal in BIf Bapid* Friday
aaa bi* totbar. wbe i* daaccreuily
■ OIIMBi..
10:00 Prarer aad addram of waleoma.
ier U ir. Hokltb.
Baappoaae. F A. FraoCh.
Soar. Swedirt Saoday aehaol
BeclttUoo, Mr*. Mary Hhanay..
(Iroeral Sunday *ebool work. <
fltaa U Anbla.
Wa ara Vlad to My that Mra. ijalcby
The drat CBM of meaalMreported
tbto .lehiltyi* that of Mto* UacoLa.
that traiw foiac bn BaBaafordW
baadad laatWa
.1 ad}alalaf towaa
oraar of WcUerioa. wb
Alaaba la a few wnek*.
las a tow day* with triecd* I
I publle Mbool ibMrrad H'asblaS
___ birthday. Tb* .WUn» frirad.
toratbar with tha oblldrca coaUlbatad
B.4I to tba orraa land.
with lllai attMk of
Barry BItoaad wtttaspaetlo :
smatUm at Ibe hp'mr
of BaaBn-Darto ha> baaa 4>lta lU. bat to ela to aitepdlnr p
bald at tba bane of Unt Frad Oil* pc
, Friday arenlar laat. Abent *0 yoaay
peopla ware pre*eat.
n. Batoa.
Soar. Swrdlab Saaday aebool.
BactuUoa. Hia* LIula Olda
Saar. *<* lltUa rtrli.
Tb* relation a t*Mber bran i
ria*. aa<l Ue oommoniiy at lar
Hr*. A. E Braloard Am i
from a ua <daya'rtoillo ber *<
,. la Uraad
Oraad Bapid*.ley Inekay.
dlaa MeDonald
elcoad ber
MIm Mlaa
McDonald hM
ha* elated
aebool at Cadar Ba* aad to
IV. Fr'.ni ■'Irrei
\V, imi»! r.i.vt'i tin- -1.- k -.1 SI,
l..iu-<-uiv nmri- r—iu. an-l thv .•iiliiv l.d mu«t ta-aoW
in 30 Day# I Lit -I.Kk .-..n.i-M ot l,*-l «ra-l.- Staww it. iduli,-.-. Cbil.lri-i.V ami .MmV .ixe.
W.- I,r,
,m’ -f tli.- sir--- lm:.iiivbe. ilV-Dlv llita al-wk nmat u’>'- U-ml ih<tb.'B P-all
I-Bt \ f..i
l-.-n-iriI'wf-irl'-* tlK-w 111.-'.-nr.- eumt--KliPair--. wlii-li Fill )*• w4.Hot Flint
Ih.N «ill l-rii,;;
Shops, Coin Toe. patent lip,
worth $3 50 for___
a. aad dtad ta tUrt/ mlaataa
MitoWUaaa bmtto
I wo
ladies Ten Shoos.
M. HondPiwon’s mak«
regulsr price $2.60. for ,
50 pairs ladies’Slippers,
regular value $ 1XM. goes now
- *i
................... 48 and
1 4o
Ladies' fine Shoes,
all want some of it. You who
are unable to go there canat least reach
OTJR STOEE, -as all roads lead to it,”
and save a portion of your wealth by
bujring your Footwear of
eold before at S2 60. must ffo
Children’s Slippers,
I l»
24 pairs ladies’ line Dress
Shows. iBco or button worth
$1.76. ■^low
1 OO
50 parts ladies' Shoes,
24 pairs ladies' Heavy Grain
Button Sboes. worth $176.
for •
Always the Lowest
in Prices....
orno ^rre^nlred. It ^ goare
togiee cerfaet aaltofaclioa or money
refuadrd. Price Itcenu per boa. Foi
tale br J. 0. JobaaoB and 8. I Walt.
and qualities and values that will bear com
parison with
r tb*
The Best.
GrVad^BapTd* teta^ay oigbl with the
apaadlag her etcalloB at beiia
leati aoMlbl* IM. of time: eommenoiag
Him Maud. Qark of Biagbam. who
It is getting well on toward the close of the
season and we have still a few plums left in
every department in
ShppB with heslB, sIsps from
1-d 10 2. worth $1.76. for
24 pairs Children's Shoes.
bli.ck or tau. lace or button.
coin toe. worth $1.60 for.
48 pairs Men's Fine Dress
24 pairs Misses' Coin Toe
Shoes, sizes from 12 to 2.
worth $1.60. will be closed
out at
Childtea’s Slippere.
48 pairs Misses’ Dongola
Suite. Unde
Undersuch as Men s Overcoats. Heavy Suits.
wear, Overshirts. Glovee. Sox. Caps. Boy'’ss and
Children’s clothing. Boots and snoes.
Shoes. Ladi«
Capes and Jackets. Furs. Heavy Cashmwes.
and M *uoh It to not ub:* to any form
Flannels in lact everything pertaining
" - 'Win-;
of diaeaie exeepi by toe of two war*
Tba fir*l way to from Imoerferl arlioa
ices and
ter Goods, which we have cut in p-i<
of tb* kidoryt Tb* arooad way to
from carelm. local treatment of other
Wlien we mahe a cut on our Already Low
a. Ohio.
IV* are aaxioaa ta do a liltl* gnod
Prices, it means someJhinQg. It means you are
laallby oriae frea aabcalthy
B. W. HUtoratOobaetaw. Haw York,
__ Lblakofae
iblakof aepIre*
to the ebi*f can** af bla
wha bM boea toying pdtMoa* bare lor
star or bettor way lode It tbaa by
bl*a It to eomlortlag to know
aBmUm*.ba*r*tarBad boma.
ta* klaato Uoogb tare
talk. It will navvou to come 100 miles to t
Dr. Rilmar'a Swamp-Boot falfill.
peaomoBto and
Mto Jaaol* Bar*, wb* hM been aa_______
Wtob 1a qaickly eariag
raring bladder
laag Iran
a Wr* Uaat follow said, as neve
- ttorerleallBU
tb* rental la tb* BapUtt id roriaary
It oarraeu Ire- neglectod eoUa
da J. U. 3
ebweb. Ml HaMay far Peal
)ds Ibeen sold so cheap.
have goods
4 bold unaeaud
Jbm* Denato aad wlto Ware retomad qaeatca
or »liagl
' '
kivlei We are re<‘ceiving heavy shipments of New'
hMB OB exuadad atoll ta Uraad Rap- aeaidiag
orbadeCeru fo
every day..—-----------and must make
U* with bto ooa. aad ta Haw YoA ataU. wlaear brer, aad
- room
ad oeereimm tbatca* roffre ki ntoWi h •pMU >a*ir • •** Taaeu Spring Go ds
(klaaaaal i remity el bring aompellad
them. AcompaiiB-Dn of our goods, and a
W«rd bu Jaat nubad u-'et the U gel op k» Use* dorlag tb* algbl
r.1 'U'rniV - glance at our prices will convince you tba». as
duttaf Mra. Tbaa. Bopteta* nt Hay toertnalc Toe. talld aad
rea»,jvaa* *»■*■'*»« 'SlUire urelto I. iWary eflaetef Dr. Kllmar'.
Kilmer-. Swamp Boot iire<re<4nak M»*. rwre a*" xreim. iu-ia always, we sUJl retain our tepuUUon^as the
It •laod* tb* higbeat ,g4-gj::.-rr:jsr-"“ "i,Kf-rjr-iS-JSiiSi-. tomwa realUcd.il eaiaaof
givers of best values for the least money.
•dtbtonUag*. '
Ibe moat di*
II ym Bard a madlclae
jMto. IbeataTur-oldaM of Mr. and
Don’t miss this opportunity.
Attar y«aia of anluld aelfertag
yoa aboaU Ware U* b*.t At dragpile*. It. vr. Pareell af Calla«t**IU*.
gtou. tfly beat* aad ea* dolUr.
Yours Respectfully, ‘
YOa may hare a Maple bottle and f-a.. WM earto br a*leg a atagl* box of
ItoWItf* Wlteb a*«l Sblre. Bhladtothe bnpttal at Aaa Arbor ataa* Daa
24 pairs CIrildrea's Gtaia
24 p'airs ladies' fine Vici Kid
14 pairs Mae's Tpo Calared
24 pairs Children s Shoes,
sizes 6 to 8. worth $100,
5J Plirs, Job Lot, ol Babies’ ShOK to be Clnsal ««l at 12 l-2c i Pair.
244 Front Street.
IIBrosch Block.
Traverse City.Mjch.
A thrill of l*rT.wl*«*perif-BC*d whea
a bramy enugb of aroap aoundi ibmagb
tba boa** at algbl. Bnl th* lerror *ix>b
rbaag** to rellrf altar On* Miaal*
Gxtgb Car* bM b**a admtatol
Kafr and barmlm* for childrea.
■ sacJi-iJiLrrL-drij:'!;
TraTeiaa City. Micb
To Make Room lor Imoieose No* Or, Goods aod ClotWoB Stod
Saturday. Fahniarj SC. aad eeery Sat. AtMdaaay barebaM pattlay an bM tmea rtolUag bar ala% Hra. H. U nrday
thereafter uakil ferthar nelic*.
Smith, raiurnad borne Moeday.
loB Ito paal WMk.
tbe Uraad Bapid* A lodlana will ran a
Im Balth bad tba mtotortaaa to loM
lorlog Mackinaw Oiy In tbe
•M-fbtoaooD. arrirlng at Uraad Bapid.
10:<4 p. m
Tb* arrieal id ihto
[r. Bo)______ la Grand Bapid* will b. la^Hlme
A Allaoto BoDday.
at af Mr. aad Gem r* aad Pottv Clarke-tooeompa- fareoaorciioiittoClklearcand U.-troil.
Hr.Belaa wMtbr fasMo
ltd by tbe Hiaae* Oalt* and Myrtle Betnrvlag irala will laara Uraad Kap
Hia. Lat Smith oaar SaadaySooday
at r;lS a. m . com
MiB.0 LAltoatoaUllqattaolekiwa -Ilia atueded tb* daaaa *1 Elk Ban- Id* ***17• S
• •. F*bruary ST. rwnaUg
td* tb* M*A A good time It
hopaabawUtobatlar aota.
Joba ttoylar died Friday. Fab. Utb.
HMtia and OaUto Alien attaadad the ! after
aa lUaeM of oaly two week*. Mr. time card* o
■mnaaradaatBb RapldaSayler wa* aa old aad highly rmpaeied toU B A I araatoor
■ imir.
Baatf* BMlay of BaiWdprdaa atollad cIllMB of ihto blaor. baeieg moeed
* and Tirk*t A
B AU^aad blily orar Saadmy.
bar* from N(w York la l*T« Ha latret
id Rapid*. Micb
AaoUv death amoar at. Mr. Jaba a wit. and other relaliee* aad a large
taylM. Bto (aaaral waa bdd at tha eirel* of frlaed*. Uto loaeral w*.
Tfto ebatM today aad arml
iKg malady: to^dara
------------------ T tbdr laat reapaeto to
abort by lb*
. u* of On* Minnie Coogb
Car*, wbicb to wtoo tb* bmt ranredy
rlth bu Imly
kaenra tm-rronpaaA all Incgaad broacblal tranblaa- -
- 1
Is Estimated at
Tb* aaranM or au
me* Joeea. uf tbe drug firm o{
Co.. Cowdro. la. la *peaklag
of Dr. Klag'a New lltoocirery. tay* that
la*l wiour hi* wile w'aa atinekad with
l^llrippe. and ber mm grew *o Mrimi* that phyaiclan* at Cowdec acil
l-aa. oould do notblag for-ber. U
Mwmad to derelop iato HailT
lUrlog Dr King*
Dtocoreryin *tore and •elllng 1'
ll.be ViokabulUf borne, and t
.urpri** of all abe began to gel belter
.’rom Brat doae. and a bait doraa dollar
butUe* cuter' '
King'a New> DiMoreiT for i
d Cold* to gi
lloo. Coogh*--------------yit. lUclri
aad Jaa. '
lohaaon-a Drug Sioeea.
better atltato wrlUof.
Yukon Basin
.are ^toea boay tb* i
■ame men atoe WMlbor aflor tbr
The Gold of the
Suds. Bthrlaad Flomle Ukerlos.
BMlratlunv Fairy Urabb. Cbaril*
BuckiaB-a Arnica S&lea.
■ ■ SJEwffiKT'BE
•ii! it ke t-||.KnilHte. Uv.iD
T .*.. i.u.*.*
Sli.N-e for 1.06
^IilmMioo. Hi** Aiklaaoo.
The DorcH aocleiy *
Soar. Old Mii*loa »rkool.
Hr*. JoMpb ArmtlroBf
RacllatloD. Ml** Hell* Kelly
Soar Arcbi* *cbool.
barrtaaa will !« bald ae I Saadai
Uew'lo.r<‘*t>d keep tbe beet icier,
ir. Cation eat la ibe Saaday Khool. Mra UeVol.
mcralas at Ua 0*0*1 boor,
will ooeopy the palpit
Jliaeapwloa. Mr* Sherman.
tVbal ■hallwa teach la oar Sunday
•boulkV B <1 Ladd.
,B.2b^~U?*be‘'7i^i lo?*?howh
Soag. Swedtob Sonday aebool.
aad oebeol teoadt la tbe aaar f.
J. W. Uood aad Eraretl 11*
Maatly oocaecled ibelr r<
Pl^l* aad Main atrNto by a taleymph
.......... 1.46
>nr M..II - t'h..-.^lM..,l.\.iu
T .. . l.«.v
Sl„-n.f.ir 1.60
Cor. Front and Cjss Streets. Traverse City.
Mr nod pratoa Mrrtee. lad by
Bee. H. W Smith
Boom to tooa da bora aaotbar caoar-
•nr l.vli.e. I'b.-e-d:!!.. Tu^
A. S. Fryman.
''*nimMU>B. Mr*. Mloer.
of CUud* VaadrrrorB.
The o*e of a Saoday kcbool is a
■ Mr. aad Hra Arch UIbba droaa down
Hr* Tbompaoo aad aoa Percy aad
Mra. Frank Sawyer.
▼iaitlBKal Aon Arba
waaka. rataraad bomc
Just Received and Put on Sale..
--------WMmpl.M U>.
Jack 1
Torkiah Bath
Mettled CMtile
Ont Meal
White Clover
JapAn Lilly
Pine Tsr
Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.
Another liood. to Pr.'pirl .a
Pays for the Herald for
o-cru loINHJ IS:
Mr* Faatoo aad Hi** CUudia B*ll of
S^^ey called aa tola
■obt. Qariapd max bom* iaUrday.
marabir ta aamp tha oa±t day.
Jaa. CUmarty, Jr-. laboMafram
E Fine Baby Robes.
l,ap Rolics. Blankets.
Gloves and Mittens.
Vb*Ua ei
Hn. !l«nto eboM
ebo- Ito -TO^ 4»y tor
UMla OUte tao* I* ««T •*<*(.
^k‘^tnck*^l^ bbd
Mr qsiiUaC bM
li wu a r«ry aarrow
aarra— *Mapa
r. eoim ato« * «yl«f tf*» »“ "*“• Moray tbay mid an all r>U«t Tm«Uy b.io* Mr. »to ^
ctttOivta•lowly, toprorta* i|B«y* «Ui •«BlM~ry tb* M^bon
»J dorTMloa'*M*
Hr.. Cleacat aad aaa rl*IMd Tra*
OTM City bitarday
Mt^tb* ualV of Hoary
Mr*. O. "W. Prallcb ba* a •••' Klaball plaao.
rl.lt b« aaal
ItbraiattaUoUwWIcb -*» lb* ••“• iB Cadlllae dnriay ber raoaUoo,
crftbrbrida The ooaiaiij took «p«
MM Oobiaaoe eIo*«d hyr .ehnol FH
day and wiU^.^ad bar raeatioa at bn
Before another advance in lesther.
SXXX CoSea............................................ t .
• Ita. b*M BollHOau..............................it
Cider Viac^
arad;«bVUU ....
____ reTablaSyrap
t« ,
. Ml
Itseliwbaat Flnar. per aaek. ...
Cora Meal, per McW .
Beal C.ear Fat I'ork: par lb
Swin'i Heat Bacan. per 'b .
Wilrer Leaf Inrd. per lb. ..
Choir* PlrolcHaB'. pee lb
Arm aad Hammer Soda
No 1 Leap Cbioioey
This Lady Bsjs Her Toilet SoapeflJh.
jB at Cadar Baa.
laltmaa of Cadar Baa
» a waab with Maaalr
HMt e( tW< Umm wreaBd W«r«
•T< .eld ot»« M«l«f tbolr POUIO.A
Him WA» B*ro*T »P0«*
tr* IMI -Mb lo tto Pollw Mdfbtor-
Hta H. H. Martla li tUHn. lioaa OartM mad. a ba
Ma to BOcawaWr TborWay.
Haary Tbayar baa foae to Pomooa
•amadUMtof mtbMa Mlehltaa
Bamaaa VasdarbooT* farm Lalbar Maey -apt to Trarataa City
SdTrrTBtott aad tbo oblldrtaar- today.
CUada Vaad*itrora of Trararaa City
f------- Vbadarbocrf. la rMpow to a
.eat baada; bare.
^^Tim aaaoaaelar tha falal lUaam
Tb* India*- Aid will meal wltbMra
Tboiapaoa tbi* weak.
Him taala Mary apaot- a tow day^
la Tra.i M City rawaUy.
c Uiil u aa< '
kf Klairalry
p iiaoo a. pear
Hra Hopklaa U daercmoaly ill
aaamooU aad tjpboid lerar.
Harry Wlddleiiiib of Oraod SUfdd.
apaa of aarrtad* bocaa*.
apaal a tow day* hrraa waab or
md yooMa SAt-S MONET thereby:
Ur. JMkMMr*aM«u<sT ibirltoj Mn-BolUM-tattorktaUaiMb
■Pra^ nMtiac Mxt Ssad^y o*MiM
M«a(tk«8aB4*r «ctooL
r. ft(BI)sbO
k( Bl)«b Ogx'Ac
Mi». J»eol>Bln»Wy«Hrf
I TW* Ii*8i«*'
Ii48i«*' Aid iBCl-11
L. 8U^l UWartoy
K Uiv N«U to MW tar Mr* d
»«. E«to J-M to* •»
pamphlet both arat tree by mall, npae
r*Mlpt of Ibra* twawmat otamp* toeeeareoatof pMtageoath* bottle- MeaUoa Uraad Trantw Herald aad trad
yoar addram to Dr. Kilmor A Co . Blaghamto*i.» T. T^ep^aunolibto
raab. pimple*
y tbto tamaaa reiaedy.
OTCubMGt. looaei
The Boston Store,
TnvMM City. U
New Binder
and .Mower!--— -
Call and sec samples »>efore bojiag;
It is Ibc lightest running;aDd eaA,
iest Eo haodte of any Binder ^h1 j
■ Mower on the market. Come a*dy .
find dot for yoarself. We are al*;
waya glad to show gooda.............> • •
Don-t foiyrt that I Iiata tbe bsAl ISna of BPOOIKS
erer dio«B in Tcmtotb City for the ntooBjf................
§ •
Qrand Trayerae Hgrald and Traverse CSty rranaoript. OfmwrtHdated. Mai^ 8, 1€08.
Tb* AnofOamlaff
le t«op*r daralac of
1 art Uat eaaoot be
ABonr UK Boaue* al Ue oorkt r>i. .
tbr Mkbiraa fonadfr eoraiwDp'an be '^
luim.1 Hr. Am Marini. Ik bat litAl •
la Baltic Cnek f* orer 1*0 p«*T». W\i
boooiWaad letpcOed bp all wb..ha^wli
hia; Mcb U tbr aua who aakr* lUxd
autnaret. be apt; ' I bare had Lidie-p *
CriMiblr for rcora. aad h ba> tnaik ia> ?
BXe Bbecable. The havp iMiii.p, i,,,-- 9
earr la mr baatara. unde ror «■<•.
I ?
ban berocnaprUrd lobe Ic i- '
Icea CDwiJdja I.e
•K aa k«d
kn* a> nii>- di.i • at a *
krrWcaTefBlIpaaddrawiar Ueedpe* Une. Uir
Ur rrwn
rTW-d pab
p ' «a»
- "
frwa a.t IbA. 9
eloeaip tecetber. bat aot eotbapoeer. whldiI k>mdUir..«
kiaidUir..* fell
te at lirxj^i a lia> '■> I
ap. If there b aor oap "
waabeiurtva tbouick me ta'ilw
braa^it bwk wbea jva
of lar kidorva: atio'Hliaeot vl Btiik'
hraU It do<^ apala. Uj a Cieek ko.-« bow ba.1 I waa I
A flee aewiac aUk b oaad
tara wooira e'ulh lo pr*terB» lo a
waol. wbicb would* wot be etnor
CBoe^ ealea* Ue tkteW or raTrtlDC
OM to* eaeraa.
Wbea tbe cletb b
•hkAeBoorh eWramr toeoaeeel Ur
allk threw belw«a'lbe tam
■ aad Ibacc
■rtbeeloU Brclaab
bmlfaa ....
'roB the edf* ■
■a aide of tbe^aw.
eW raa Ua oa
A UaaM Cab* Baclp*
Aa Mlowtaj coke recrpe will be
bW bulb
bulb _____
daltaala aed reoaoBlral,
MSM*yaaiir bwt'
■ “SKS^'sri-.
add two-lbtrda of a
hw berbalftad * brap■i«r taiowbl
I of bakior powdw.
_______ _______ _Bd Uoa or a lOBJ, loeh-
"i.C'i-s.S.i'sr.r.",-.::, I
I. aad prei* ll
>T# Ue cotloB
ooe tidi. or eree lure U bed. ilir
eottwao llrbl aod dclloate.
Cut lo
Bow 10 Aaaae Chlldrao
labeaiaUe. I wore
two aad aprtad i.-iacoraor bIb* dlllor
Inl that poo do out n|.«i0a coaBaoLlr fur llu'
Qoara aod topa of All daeriplioov
betwerwUir bTeraaW on lop.
that a aery
mbef tbrr broufbt 1
Wh-T. J
If 7on wtafa
«Mi lo Bake at
a laoxu o iiurd :*ra aopleatirol auwadaeatbalAlldreB
tkc tiU«
1 caught the aBgbtwd <
. orod orrer be at a loia for aaaai
■lllar. aa* Ur white* of
wnk *Mlir
>tk b preaard perleev anight to me klda^* ai
Webareoot for7..ilra. kowrn
Ueoak*. raaerriaff Ue 701k*
of Ue ^a w.tl be Lori I wa. ^deUed U tr.
aujroiy dap* aod loop reeaiepa
rht aUe ^;A
t place
piaee of j o<.v
a.-y HIK
Pllh. aad pm
p •oii.'* 1 "l.t’
otbrr w*7 b to aa« Tolksef two ; farco. whra Mother war oflea bralerec elolk b oanallp d
. aad oee treapooaful leaoa ra- with ‘-Wbal cea we dooowr’ aod "leii oai aad diagooal auichea-moc .
laieg wiU,,.iivr atrrrr A tewBooUft
_____ _ aad 7<.n bare a aba cake to *Ai uavbaito plap." , ll b poaaible tkai
• I UreaJt of tec oioU. Toe'•opaod>«ad. {I„v, ndirulrd t» idea of beitiL
Urrear* cbildree alaiiarlp aiioaied
with beerraB.
CM «P>1« pl« »4 eteMtl
•Bgeet ^uh-Ur. aod brlag able to work at I
For aaolbar rhaaffc. aeaaee thecakr wb<«e Bolbera Bap b* thaekfel lot
teao now
All the loogwtaadiag paii»
Y«ar Aw«rad en»au »>d law
aoae bleu how loaomae Ibtac ruaog
iBlrea11| c-ne,
e.v.,r. an.I the fortorr trace* of kidi
Yaar dalan'aBcal food
* I -rb rs (cFiind la mp arinr h*er
W.p back la the "Lour Apu." wr
Wlb piece of
. ; i-nn-l ( hare rwomarod.d Ikw
la eiBiatj aa a
cr.< 1‘illa to laanp friradi
Mrl at I war, aad la rrerp raw
aaep famllle* of them. >BttdeLt lo po
Tahir ci'Ptat cearn,! p wn
ll iTtH'l ili|.\ iimrcjl a* hrurflcial
KfJtMIbattlaf farrolaten
wlU ffioper or aalBeff.
Bake la peu palateatowa. 'Ibep were made top< mih* fold*? ll I. true 1 .at U
• u'/, lur
• fkiiicr.v
lilt aouHl
V rl>...
air ii.ijn
Kiilorr iInilt
wuuhl be
• tioppisw, calllar. to chorea, etc., wait tlwap* made ie Ue
paailoaqoick orro.
1* aimrp
acr. r—
• •tea lA f„ mr al almod aot prirr.No Balter how olcr a nke la. It will we did the Ulkiae for Ibeia.
ui. but ihrp geloeral.p
F.ir aalr hr all **!»». price S
be apoiled ' If tbr lelop U bard aad were moallp ficorea eat from fatbloi.
ID Ur F.»i.-r Millnrni Co., Buffalo. N. V .
Mo *70001
woBblT. IlsboaldbeaoriaBdereaiar,
Ilv coulog off a^frw lachm aiwou for'ilic
- I'.'IT llrmcmbcr tbe PI
llkabholce coafretloB.
For Iki* take
rod aoil oar iidr all Ue
dr Aoa'r, aod lake 1
ooe capful preoalalW1 rarer,
aorer, a
add flrS elotfara Bade frcai briffDI paper
e k rill bealirrrd.
.hi.i. eitinif Ueeti.U. a , •---------------bull a
freeh aurl—.Si .......... ...
firm/r nii I
tbi T were pochi
-hair*- or -Urradi ' Foar, rrrp al
0* ■0*007'* plaloo* Ukr* aa
ir of oor
e bruaght forth
Ip at Brat, latoil
•h daw OroM MooBtola d*7»:
t;ff. aa It
r: doeot brat
ing ruoin unuaiiv look* at if it bad boru I '
>l*d lOOM !lko 1 ■« *oU>or
Ul tUBd
_* auotber farontr ei.ited hpa cidoii.
. 1 laake Ue Id
Tu eVar ll upi-k'
I Uaa ea tko wlodoa «m.
e few Biauln t parlla'lj oc*ol. then aauv meal.
<luloklyand c ta’..naMp, rpn-ad onial
f AboBdi>-B*»»l brolbar
infofbiuof f
•lawapaper anl pilrunii*:l pin ,* of j ton
WM*b* koow* m kwp »**tUI;
CBoagb U aprrad oa Ue cake.
| aud tbr r*U
good* or lie Iig ibal are wurui aaviuff I''’
AW iboM MIbitb we M rntofol.
u.--— oearip a tqoare of Bakrr't. p clam aad
Uuiigb i gaUer lue other pinvi for Ur ' ...
I. "Jollo.Uj
rioluaaauceraBd place la hollfroiil me
The ehildreo will
melt, ^t UU aod Doe-I
baodp for p cki:
lobiUelclog ja»li llica U^re waa Ibe laaklor of plclor
Thi* b dr. I bM>k*.
book*. Ceidi
Caidt aud bright plclur
aad whcii Ihi
AadMwel KooHeoit. *ir.
YM* boodit *erfM the *00;
.—- woWenU rerp ffbr. lo
A lotelp earamrl iclag 1* made la ra-1 though
Be Dotdi oallqeo. BOrSwiuer.
arilp tbe aamr wap. ualp oatog map'r
buokcarr today ia.aa old leaUrr. smoiiU roll* a.n.o.ilmg u.^iL
.«k. Bllrd with aleel
anger lailcwd of graanlai
gTeaelatec). Chop a
irrd b.w
IVrap ihr wo.)lcn piecea in nr
I aad n
to kaep frum the moth*, w.
Dams on tbr uoidnlr and park 1
TM** Bade
tree blDo Bilk:
once In pour -pirce drawer. '
Bake Ur Iclag Ula aod diocolor ll.
I Baofca aiailr of bright naprr cambr - tbr n«mr loU* lislof c i.TlrcIs
Tba addilloB of katloroot loeaU enme adrerlUiog cards aed pirtai • will know «| a E rin-r lehrc. oi
Bake* errp rh-h frosting. Crath Ur [ egt from frsil raos. aada dirt of pas
utert -.Seim..I
plrcea.aad »prlakle orrt froatiog oa | will keep childrea happily
Im layer,
layer. iUrn
A bo* of '
.. .put on a lltllr more • ■ long tinw
Lit Ue Cblldren Help
ne*|b riMda **7 deer ■«■.
. BU Ur l»prre
arrao many steps i . br
For tboM twia booM «r* ataad
> bring arrrrd Ariwngr
huusr. Uerriasu niui.h
FartaHar tbriee per dlM
la 00 tup uf cake la row*
j *.-rtn
t cbiidcTB of a larger
psrti.u:arlp where there, sr
Of thbr falBO* oat of haad.
Bake a drhcloaa orange rakr., gn.wi
■eoaorvaUaf faaatoa
twe or*ag**i Ur grated rind and I
It h
Ban Mat a* of oar riftl
. of on* Bixrd togeihrr.
I’at* b
utdBpoonfol of this mixture iBUlfar.ont
cake, and a teoapoonfi
loUrr dtp. it winloeaimoai
be alBOal M*e
ill sed . h-n.
I We'll eatlt •qaare or Ua*.
r'iclDg- I’. el thir oUrr ' a oew
U y sre Irarainc to br usclol. to be 11
........ ............. ... .arrful to got off all the V We I
On-alaglW Ihrir liira go.»l bous.krrprrK, 1
rdssUasU Isiisrt utuiosa
white perl pcmible wltbem breaking
thing . ukeo from Abe ' Iddrocp H^od.~ to abureall. thiyarr mskiog hglA.-t
sn I.SW oBersC uc
c srportue.t,srportue.t;- of sscunsc
WM «a oarr* oar ^ aW Moea.
hr Uln skin which sriiTsnnds the O'aa rntenaiaiog as. well
moUrr's w..r«, and »hr win br
____________ -Jaffa* rtold.
fur eblldtea a
lirad and m-wr cheerful wbrn rrri
ctag Ue cake, arraopr ao Uat each crpliog Ue rerp liui* unra. aad It p.
.giesscTctlslhc CsnsCsn West. UM ten.
■reU»B will oome u tbr oeolar of a. aurprtsing aomrticor* how ere* tbry
ofNo. .l.srewtwsl,
reeofake. Mare oraoge* map br • will get hold of Ue Idea. HoUerwill in Old-Fashioord Remedy for Bainrldrd la Ue aame maener and put on | beer lo act aa iearirr at firal. but IbnaHoaltb Claba.
a more artlatic wap. aceoraiag to | will sooo be able to carry It oa amoog
An old-lime but guud rrm^y to prer'afaecp.
; theauriTc* with mother aa ampirs lo
Domioora are rrrp pretty foi cbil- ease of drtublfol words
Hake cskr in long tin. 1 Thli is ihr gamr- Tblok afawerd nade bj elerplng Urer l*rgs ouions ii.
in the World.
lleU) obirog piece*, freat top ean . of one spllaWe. a bich baarerral words i ifusri ul rum. or until tnu slrrnglb i>
&*«ds.su',ut«tu>w,<i.«1 in sSundsDw
from Ur Trgruhi'. *ed apply
Fw«l«fsmp*i»w*ac™roir., mspi ssa Igll
aod wlirn icing b
i'L ll and one ihal
make lioea and doUwitb a amall braab wLI not br
td loo r^diip.
In iog it to l^
dipped Into mrlied c'hocol
locolate A wuod atead of tell.
- Ur word, tell one
awt b* wid of tke frtauat ka^of all a toothpick will du
• for thU porpoae if.....................bpme Wiu It. aed require
IsTrndrr oil 1
baMa atol-boalU of bod7 or nted.
tat band.
pour word bp gi - - •'
.. plan* Ob ,
Ir&Dithjn* of tbe words Urp Itatek
OatoU BdUtowanaow opatoBoIr pet
rtt warm pour
Fur lasuecr. you thlak of tbr «
«aal boaett aoebtia* aW life leoaraaoe
Uc followibg aance: Thicken one roar. Tel) Uroi it rbpmra with m
la*bad^_jaad7lBl bow lo keep oa.-e pint biMlIng water wllhoBeUbleapoon.
Washutc El
wb'tre pun bop Uiags? "
MUb.,^^ oel7 thUk of caBbllBf nl Boar robbed to e fccbouU
Th*«mi.untof «i
. . _
artth th^ld Baa with tbeocTtbeto iillwculd water: add a small luaip
rr*gr h. u-rh.ild on su-hing dsr 1
bnUerca Bcaat copfnl grraulatr.'
much larger than Is ore. >ssry
S.'.. kffH a prii* la the eeeat of bU ooBlof.
gar and owr trasp.uuful lem-'O ex
aak.d anulhrr
clotlirs tarn, a gr-at drai .(
Ab aalmaal ifaeraeot of the doi- Thrrranltls a ricb and driiclou*
(riettoo. Th<} sh.iii.i1n.it t.ra..Hs.d
. FlcatbwaofUfeaaoiWaflBetteld for am. aad oee wblefa 1* caiily prep
Aod a,. UD. uaiil oar anggeats wt
IB an much a at. r that ihr s..sp e.'. s).
«aaoka aad their aaieanal paaaea.
1« wasted
11.11 Ibe cl.lb.s iighiij,
hari»g Brat soaped Ihrdirtlrsi p.iriioo»
Tea Salt Rub for CbOdraa.
’■la BllUaoi of dollar* were paid for
Ibraurceesfal garsaer map be tbe aod folded them togcU. r sn" than put
Varionaaanitarlom* aad'piivate bna- leader arxt timr.
0id7 oaa maodj brae Bafllah
Uem Into thr «*icr.-.'si.<.i,.i
|dlal* are oaiag Ue "aalt rob." aad it
'The most ainnsing. aa well a* iaiac7.aWlbe7 apealkioed par
-alag ao popalai Uat many stia tif.Hraiorr of Ur garar, I* th.
BllllOb to adeartlae it.
What a plaa
Tbr CbiDet.s Imre agod (nr rrrrp dl»baib rauWubmrnU are adet
orersai'y of Ih^r fladimr dcBnilioas
tetbopoofedltoee aWeecBorkiod. Uslagltata apectal atlraclloo. ll
ris«., erra f..r mumps aod mratUa
(or tbrir words. Try this aad you
ad tbfB. tool Whp. tbqr are dealt oat ia*lai guod for well people aa lor aick will br surprisril al Ur brightom* o1
od the drai aloteo aW eeea Krowrla* «ra, te Ue meat refreablng of all Ur
bath* aed rvba crer iBeented. only ■
Uka atapteartlelea of «oar.|Mrk
1 lueif. aed
Mow tfcb Bodldae * »i
__________ —____________ opuD Ue akin
and eumpirxioo.
WiU all Ueae Tir
pearalWb tj*. Tbo acre pn
and maU six polatots: add oor egg. 1
the BorofoB wlah «o,aad tfaeopoa are ura. ll te Ue aimplest. moat eaaliy
maaaged of all atmilar mrasurr*. aad gill of milk, hslf a leaspot.nfui of Kali
lirat all ual
can b* tekeo al komeeari y aad te Just and a drift of orpprr.
"Bow la rear BOtborr-aU* B7 wUe the Uing for the oldar children, aa It rrrp ligbi. i’lvk aod tcald Urrr-quai
ter* of a puend of bouclrsa cod: dr*l
la eerp atraagUcalog.
ad a flribaok lath. oDwitrr.
Putafewpuuadaof eoarar aalt—tbr aod prrae prrfrclfp dry. Mi* oar UbU
■Xlh. aba I* aot taaUec wall bow; abe
>a get. ara-aalt np pre- spisiefnl of botirr and two of floni
flcdVlThlis IlsTvaswiit. Rhsi.lj Ns.Is- Lciahaaiotootof har-Hedleal fMaeoeerr'
earUen Jsr asd ^jar add one plat of milk and alu on atoe
rtsst lUtrsilllClran. UT,r'.rscii>r Kialp. pro.
IB It to pruduaeaaort of uaill boiling, adding a ball aaltsp s.
dacwl hj. Cr-y.-i ss S..sr, iti« ewst edarure
Ilreaer a smsil puduing
rouogh todiaaolre Ur of pepper.
JUffbt aa waU. er better, take Uqaer
atl^purtf^ sod bsast^DC sssp te ^
betakraopio disb. llee Ur bottom aad sldre srltn
atoalffbt A dlraator of a aear bp Iob- salt. This Bboeid
bandfateaed rulibcd
rlsklp oerr tbr tbe potatora Add ibe cod to Ue cream
bar aaBp told'a* raalardar bow aa eoUre
aaoceaod fl'U^Ue erntor; ootct Ur
of Ulisniiaxikm aad clogxlBc
o( teal
Ibdba la hb eapiar jraalad
U> bare It robbed oa bp aooUrr per- top with a It.i.-k lavrr ol masked puu
•oa. bataap oac la ^Barp health toeeand bake nntil'a al-w browe.
can do it fur berirlf or bimarif errp
flaked Dtab—Mix wiUoaa plat of
1-hte belag doaa. Ibc cold. Bnelp ekupped beef Ua same
--- thing iL - iborougb
doucibg of amount of coukea ebupaad pulatoea
water, preferably
'and a Melloae UblrepooBful ol butter la a
rakWag with a dry towel,
frpieg pan; add Ur meat and patflucs
rffret bf eUlion, freabara and and motetea with oa* aad a ball cup
a Brlaklag Ua
rd llfr te (ell iBardlateiy. aad fate of atock. Mixuotil keatod: ataQhaUrcadaa* Uetalibp texture of Ue skin and ioa( it that U* BBP. who waa abig. ereaaed elaamea aad brlgbUea* of tbe ton to taste, aad tarn into a greaaad
tokiagdiU. Bake Ulrtp miai. hnwv lalkiw. got cavtag draak cm It: eomplrxloa iweil Ue leaumuoy lb tat- asoderatelp quick oren.
or uf Ua ull rob.
MMp «f*j. ia taei.
For pcNibg cblldren ll te beet to dralo
• Bella—Cut pie m*u ie
t bae* aaeer taken adaa* of BadlaUe off tba aalt aad add two ubiespcoafnlr
-about toar Incbra. Wash ibr
in H paara. aaiU*^ ba«* mp wife, bat □ f pure bap rum to a batio full of UU
lap half a roll of
ter of each square, fold
ApplpwiUaa.fi flaonrl sage in tbe ceutrr
oarabtldraabaatogo Uw wap el Ue
rp wlU a Torklsb towel. Carr Ue pasta orer aad bake well, tlaraia'i.
WerU. aad aodo oar good wetk. Wbea
1 br Ukea Uat Uere la oot to.'- WlU parstrp aod
- teed to Uc ti
f poBBg Baa 1 iraa takea oBt of eeboot. muefa aoll b Ue water, aa iB mav im
high oBV.^:ale.
Hiacrd <
sirasrrator'draw air
kaTiaglnagltdoblaa; ap bUer aaU teilr the leader skios of aoiM cbiulree.
no, toagaL or any
Free Homesteads
.i" “.Ik,
ZZ SK.'-iT
B«t wiwus csvvjss-ar—
plaoe of Uc aa*>agrs. sod. ifprrferred. twe amaiiei
e roateau of a aaocepao Uould sqaarra of pastry may be need, Ur
rottok. oaleeaUtorrvipr rxpreaslt mrat beieg laid 00 aae. aod Ue oUai
a to Ur eootraiyi witaoal a eurrr isrd asacoeer.
CatIDau ll InoT taMsOu l» (.
Meat CAkra—Chop flee ooe poaed of
Duad ateak from which all Ul has
Uoe. act wbrn Uat steam I* allowM
wen rem.wed.
Bsatob highly wlu
tofiU Uekitefaen It harm* U* walU
jsll. prpp-r aed ooloe jaicr; ahapr
aad (araltarr.
Mr>roe«r it ImMrt* UgkUp into cakeaaed bruil orer a clw
tbatasail of oookiag. not to Ur oar
oom, but more or Ira* to U* wbul* BreUree or four miauiea, haelagUe
frying pan bitsiag hot aad wiping orei
wbat it ofua graphlcaUr. if aomrwbat tta aurfaec a piece of fat to Keep Ur
- eat cakrtfrom aUckiag.
anklndlp cmllrd -Ua boardtag boast
It taralog Ue eakea Uep Uoald oot
ad w."-Acw For* Purtpierced wiU a fork, at tbe obfeci to tear Ueoetaidc quickly, to kaep la
Ur jcicea. Tara oa the aiars aie
a eaokiag. teas tobrotra allorw.
Sigtioat Honorw-World’a Fair.
Hcrre wiU maitr* d' hotel batter, FflAHitLiw M«ryr»r.M A
* C0..eM<aaai
.. ........................
UtacU aad rbaauiteB.
aadr becreamlog qoartor of a capfu
Gold Modal. Midwinter Fair.
Prokop Kpielkn,
ol batiar wiU a tolupooefel of tolt. Xohs Brestan,
ao* laroalpaotapaapUl cxplalalag
Ki*. X.M Oaniele.
half* aallapoonfal of pepprraadadd J. Faneeb.
. U* •bjeeb of Balalca Btoiurciab.
Inga toaapooafalaf lameo Jaica.—«rWaablagtaa. D C. Ibay dala amap
Mid BO. bolO*« to......................
AOam* lor U* Utu* Oasa
lamsi wrur? issTr'ui.'.iin-iscc is< >'s>
Oar of Ur prrtUeat litUr ifamrtfcir, wy
Ir bp.
sas Kiato. m 1 E iL.-surum wivv
bildtratecmlled U* .-wool ball." Th. suXituEeu ii.sK.ss<tsss«isdH»j.»g« .as
ebiidren arc tcatod aVoaad a perfeetly *sfl w* tsKMSarmvi.- r.ma—lt'lsu3s<r
. aao la KarU ABartsa Brelaw aape ba
tmooU topped ubir. A liltl* ras .«»»* elts BSrwt,
aaofaaaad U* bmltp of tw o«*cag«
wool te (armed Into a tight toll end
«0Ba*;aolpl« aooh
e'aesd la Ibeeeatrr of Ue Ubia lAr
childrea thee
woU. A ootad daatn.________ _______
ward IL each <m* icyleg to drleb it
tUwof U* 'baoUaa ls"1j^ and
fra* him off Ue uWr. if pcaa.bls. aar
ffaaWosieanal gaad bcalU **mU*
the rhild who bllowt it to pa* his
right aid* aad fall <m U* Boor te rx.gBltaBB«U*irw*B*a.
caaad from Ur table, aad etaad* ia •
oMamabllaret H«gi
llee bp U* wall Eaeb oe* wbeallowt
th* toll to pa* bp aad (all an the floor
Boaat alaplp to baba I
ratlrc* la Ilaa Tbr laager U* hali te
.d balac preparad tor
ketoM u* toWr.ewy eo, blowing
anhnrda* paaMbI*. Ue Been nwBing'
ataalip bea.ficial UUrar5cirir"o'r*
EunlJiitiiiD ol Men.
Utu ' .
Trrib, arntr Crvja Cterlb.ialt
. I .c. nod fStiMkr; at I A>B K
■ m—r. »
Q,»»c aapM
' u'l'.'i riii.Vi.ta.rr am-r
The Celkbrated SjteciAUCs.
I Hotel Whiting
TuAvrHitt Cm. Mich.
FGIDir, MlS!;il 4111. 1838.
Oar Dap Only Each KoaU
a Free and StiicUy
I Tralss (r. s srs TTaterse cur aa
! a-.Ttarsrw .-.i. t 4* s a _
SIS. <sr<irss4as|.iu-ai t «s a
; aUKI.Axeri.T-an-rWau ’
ivea. M.s«. Cs^s
' .r
VSH'i: v:
iosrmstEit El
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
:l,..sl ■
DRS, B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
Traecre* aip ■iek.
K. ■'#11
1m did not know wheUrr I wa* worU
fbUre an
e wbp bar dabghtar
waatad lo BarTp
poor conaampUre
wroU. Tba. belag atang wiU proapaetiTe bllaro eeerp wap. lad a* to
laesugau Ue aableet of bealU lawe
and we bare aaear had a*eh troabl.
aiaa* oeapl wlU Balartoea feraria
U* Udiaa Twrltorp. and near Ue
Oraad Sltdr. Ute ebva.
Bet a* w.
ODlpdraak BlUred rail waur Uere.
owbrnlip did BcH *a«ar maeh. Ifa
ew own bolt U w* are eick Ta Ue
pare air and watar of Oraad TraTeraa;
pat. o**a hare ll reqalna eara mat u
H. D. ALLKY, Proprietor,
WeatFroa BUect
Traverse City Granite & Marble Works, «
:cr:«i, rirti'™
We arratAll tlaea peeparea
pmbUe Uebeel U U* ^
aarkei la Ue Uae of HoeaBeata._________________ • rra. Oeplaff., Poala.
ixwia. *1
etc. Oer lice of DeaiCBe b Ue lauet aW we__________
apretel 9
idtwf preeeated bp ear eaataaeie.
a qrerlaltp of doiaa worb t
10 that oorpalroat ne raeoBarad
Wo dMle the Loweai 4
We erect work aapwbcre. ^
I -1.
' «*■; *•; w-»*—
Thcccpm daraartrfwooV
^ g, A.^ PE-TERfy^^
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.
Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.
Re Painting and Upholstering.
■ s
r rmon,
Kt. PIbmrbJ OvoMo, 8afi.^
nmw. Baf City. Detroit, HowffU. Ann Arbor, Tolodo Bad
poinu Eut And Sontb. CIoM
connectiona At Cop«BlAliwltA
M. A N B. By.
Oean'Faaa. AguTelada.
Cheap Homes
rd. s
IWC ai alubr riaailsstuiss.
rslrradrsslr si !*« Kswk SM Asxsi
EISSRIU irsrSsrs IS ia» pnwsry rmdrs <
enj or TlUs«» scbecls ss ose eu asw rrrstw
airraJ»*siao«ls?tf*»pis^Br**Ul k
Advertise in the Herald—it pays to do so.
TJ^r^c:;.Twn;:f**rwU.ao.to tal. h-..
fl^l^csat. IS aay srsacs
Farming Lands
Kcrrix c.-ORAT,
Do not go Weat it fle^ owtO pa*
lavawtat MkUgaa aflU* iatoUlfWt
tmera. Ton can oa touar aMA l*M
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline
Land* rtefa. 4jp aad garitp nmag.
nmbvad maialp with B^ar Hafft*.
Baek BIb. Baaawead. AMt. Baaah
■«eta*lc*a«*wia fertbac. a w.«
H Oliait. LtrgM and Best
A Fan Onp* O
M tHtor Fnvte.
Et. amnar MIS. Msvn. a*.
TKwarrsowr W tk« to
Best Liren io Nortitern Michigan.
James N. Gkiete.
a, w mrmowAM.Arrsi
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