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Correspondence J.C. Goss & Co. Sail Makers and Riggers to Julius Steinberg, July 1889 (3 pages)
Typed correspondence from J.C. Goss & Co., Sail Makers and Riggers regarding the installation of a fixture for Steinberg’s opera house. Only partially legible due to missing bottom right corners of all the pages.
Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, United States
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J.C. Goss A. Beck.
J. C. Goss & Co.,
24 Woodward Avenue.
Sole Manufacturers for State of Michigan of
Costigan’s Air Space Boiler and Steam Pipe Covering.
All Kinds of Bunting Flags
On hand. Telephone 1430.
Detroit, Mich. July 21, 1892
Julius Steinberg, esq.,
Traverse City, Mich.
Dear Sir: -
I hardly know what to say to you about
your Awnings and Fixtures. We do feel that we have
done all we could in our power to fill your order
as quickly as possible, and when I told you that
the goods would be shipped I was sincere about it.
From the representation of the Machinists, I fully
expected everything to be ready at that [probably: time but] I
was mistaken, consequently I deceived you
kept at it and worked carefully and ear-
matter until finally I got everything
you. I hope by this time you will
, and find that you will have a
job. You must be very careful
brick to take the side st
J. Steinberg, (2)
which are wood with a hole bored in them to
receive the stubs. You will have to Drill,
take a piece of gas pipe a little smaller than the
wooden plugs; file some teeth in the end of the
gas pipe and turn the teeth out a little (the same
as you would set the teeth on a saw) you will then
have a fine Drill at very little expense. With
this you can cut into the brick, tapping it lightly
with the hammer and turning the drill at the
same time. Let the man take his time and
sharply but not too heavy, and it will n
long before he will have a hole cut out int
of proper length and depth without
the brick in the lease. If the
a little large, shave it down
J. Steinberg, (3)
with a very slight pressure. if the hole in the wood
is rather small, bore it out nearly the size of
the stub so that it can be screwed in firmly, but
not enough to strain the brick. I think the rest of
the pieces will explain themselves to you so that
with a little care, I feel satisfied under your
directions, everything will go into its proper
place. I cannot close this letter without once
more expressing my regrets at the le
this job has taken to ship away. I
discouraged at taking anymore such
you will not blame me much, as
will, and I shall have to excuse yo
but it has been a source of great
get this work out.
J. C. Goss & Co.,
24 Woodward Avenue.
Sole Manufacturers for State of Michigan of
Costigan’s Air Space Boiler and Steam Pipe Covering.
All Kinds of Bunting Flags
On hand. Telephone 1430.
Detroit, Mich. July 21, 1892
Julius Steinberg, esq.,
Traverse City, Mich.
Dear Sir: -
I hardly know what to say to you about
your Awnings and Fixtures. We do feel that we have
done all we could in our power to fill your order
as quickly as possible, and when I told you that
the goods would be shipped I was sincere about it.
From the representation of the Machinists, I fully
expected everything to be ready at that [probably: time but] I
was mistaken, consequently I deceived you
kept at it and worked carefully and ear-
matter until finally I got everything
you. I hope by this time you will
, and find that you will have a
job. You must be very careful
brick to take the side st
J. Steinberg, (2)
which are wood with a hole bored in them to
receive the stubs. You will have to Drill,
take a piece of gas pipe a little smaller than the
wooden plugs; file some teeth in the end of the
gas pipe and turn the teeth out a little (the same
as you would set the teeth on a saw) you will then
have a fine Drill at very little expense. With
this you can cut into the brick, tapping it lightly
with the hammer and turning the drill at the
same time. Let the man take his time and
sharply but not too heavy, and it will n
long before he will have a hole cut out int
of proper length and depth without
the brick in the lease. If the
a little large, shave it down
J. Steinberg, (3)
with a very slight pressure. if the hole in the wood
is rather small, bore it out nearly the size of
the stub so that it can be screwed in firmly, but
not enough to strain the brick. I think the rest of
the pieces will explain themselves to you so that
with a little care, I feel satisfied under your
directions, everything will go into its proper
place. I cannot close this letter without once
more expressing my regrets at the le
this job has taken to ship away. I
discouraged at taking anymore such
you will not blame me much, as
will, and I shall have to excuse yo
but it has been a source of great
get this work out.