Grand Traverse Herald, February 11, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 11, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Grand Traverse Herald
■ fATBMti oar,



S~ •. •. ■ .«;:s






MoM7 *o Lmb oa Inprovad r«rm*.



.................................................................. WICHIOAB.


A '
O. P. Carver

uil Out tter ht •MBpoudaa

CAPITAL *100.000

imndoU^ uA

frMi the pvM

Rose A Son',

i «niL uBW Nan Don.


Real Estate

Business Cards.









-------------------- --------------------------------- =. F




Fire Insurance!

11«l K A aUtor'^Or^ ■»

II «M ]oM arhst ron reU (ur,



noW fki^?



tohnton Htnck.




TrmrrnrCItr.ftltk |



«Moas, r.-a, awaB^f* Sd'

And Oypter Depot!

Dr. J. A. Snyder*




_pmat ■« aanMAH nacK,


V. E. nitem. fnf.
- Are you In need of a

Chest Proted'tor
Chamois Yest?
A .
In Ae«o J9tb oentary dayi of
ry and •onT-Ato"B~^*’*>y

■ Uaatire or liver tTgdatot
Carpet Cleaning.Works noflda
to oonnloract Uie rffecta at bnrrM

We can supply you. Now then i^ii you want to save money
let us sell you X50C, 75c or $i/» Chamois Skin. Then take
a look at our made-up stock and make one yourself.
Yours for health knd warmth, '

‘ JA&. a. JOHNSON,


Merchant Tailoring.

All Mities dniring any*thing in th* line of first<lass Merc
Mting or a aitdeotaTy occopaticn. ant Tailoring, will do well to call upon the undersigned,
Wbat )-on vast ia aomeUiidg ef- special inducements are being offered to all intending p.u
*—*'re, bat at the aaine tune gen. cnasers.
Oar LitUe Liver Pilla la
vbat ydt want—Moall, eale and
SsTTeyor aod CItU Easlnecr Botivei GO duFca SB cent*.
l> aM rMtfcrr BmckUM.


Wait's Drug Store,

Telephone 90


Brosch’s Meat Market

Good Goods,
Fair Prices,



Choicest Meats, Poultin and Game.
S^ow-x iA ^TttBpax.

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Satisiges Etc.



Cut Flowers,
-Floral Pieces,
Beddfng Plants,


. . -ss:::




K> J ilUiBiMBI-U. ko'l ir*ti
ina uB tbr .b>u<- w*ii.'4 **» admirlDC
lu Sbc pr.^Kiriiun. wkrD I fcpsrd * r*l
lleulkUrm **(>4i mliiliD* aiuatot
lb* mill- atopp- u ju.t baliiBd nr. *Bil
le* * Tuk-c wni.b BBBuusn-d • .hiry
1 cnoaectluD "Hi till' m*o*toB.
A |«Mli>*lur«d l.^klag.iM (FbU"
B1 "B> klUIBC UB B luBg (BTn WBgllB.
K-bBBta u.ixi u brlBK lh*.cwlBU«"
{ran lhatirld -irtbr avpix fr.>n,U"
a dappi.
I'be ki
ireaibri them pix
-----------al*aya uaed fp-'tbal. 1* UV •
trdly »o.
, . au fit II
X dead, an' akr'd
. bi
............. laaUpr* of a perU
... S«"‘sd U, "riur.
and evruinly If I bad brao la
doin' iJ
nakiB’ ae' Ukin'
Kurapran race *aUbllakla( Uaolf OB
hrar'dl "Wrll. nu." Iau(ka4 U,
BbviJld kaer kept to , my "b
aa' abi
tkr aoolhrra ahurra of U, ModiUrra■ It
du prompt Berner
Ibe&Um, "Ilk me waa.of. iio c-ai
1,1a unrie had (diir'toUae on the poor
pean-ribr Vaadala la NorU Afrira.
«u no oU'r mp- hkady aod U
ijoeac*. aad I ai.i like awrieB, ai
.rm ak'aUe'loKrd liarry'd like (rr
1 U* llul(ariaB* caaae to U, baaka
Hut tola timr «*• di
be ak uauBUtU-hi
r, brr ukeureof bimaa' abe "ui kora Utef «a*
Ur n*nu>"ln>ia Ue ktill etmor
lie Ur d," It. an' ler-morrer "ux
pFuBUBi'laliua aad.|urar aa>a] l"an(
alealine'a day an' ahr Uou(ht' Uey'd
Wal. I jr«t rOalda t uy rr
of Uat part of the r.mairy- so i load
etl Ibe wheel In M-klad aad climbed In
jyii'lf "lib Ue drlrar.'^
-lioin'fur. be ye?"
"Wrll. Irlead. 1 don't knu" je>' boa
pluirpox tbe old I’oxfre place, the
uncilplrnllfnl. We "eat I:
tar. I'm out for fnn ukia( my eaca
WaJ-ir I'.MHT place;' yx*. air. aa'..
Uadeai-y to retain elmlUr cil­
»trr diaUaee a
iloa OP ue "bral. partly bevaui" 1
- d (BI it'l«*a the, poor farm, Ibb
ia maalrau4 by Ua
u walralall of;'
Wal. kbe kep' er UlKtu'
"ant to be out .'f ^oora and partly be' .laofB farm
caoae I ka,et'l the money to lay out It OB 'boot Ur nlcr room they 'd (ul Sued
fer him and pr drorr ia. an' ake uid
"dbo. aeu". Wal. ya kea ride "IU .hr
br puty In aum.
me fur'a t (o. an' tbrt’li u,c yer "keel m'er, but 'I "ara t like
Ike lit
Una' w,U yra
le-b'Unt bada't noan' I ocle-b'Un
"I'm eurt you ara rery bclfi liody Ur Uk' krer ai>a'- Wal. I cara t
ef 1
—- and rl(bi (bera 1 had ruck a apell tell ye noUtO' kii" 1I .felt,
of eoP(bln( Uat the unience *• - hed'wh-,1'alrrakarrahlr'tudaoan my
siion braork-,
"aa flaUbed. .It aia-med ao inany 1 ra UlBkln' kao" ebe'd feel "beo
. ........ ...ra tbe >i____________ __
lu(oateiUBalerIy. and Ur Srut thla*
tar peeor tbou(bl of tbe traar and i
•hr faaund aunt
mlfnlloB be(aB It flowad (o' i
"Wal. I fct brr Ur bold Uer bnu. I kpa". Uh- a"lfl "alra rau(hl me aad
OB fail ci,ulmre. bul in bja (ram
- end kaa «Uad lb, atata.
bwtonly aoo(btlu ueeai, and
_o' I weal rauuol Ur tber aid, door, dawn I Went lo"anl (be fell. I tried
laronaia, b
II "U so
ab' I(Ut*nliraMi*'llr*0 J'jr*' laid
r. beye?" aad he Uwkid ..ut all'ihe cried, Womra rood, and Urn 1 •,( np a yell
alauf cry. "hrUrr It'*(o-id o,"a or mad* tke eaayon echo, aad my pa
sad- They'd cry orrrerarddia'Je*'•'
I kaitened U ai
lae eoB(h au.
I^ptek rr. rr fuB'al
Wal. Ui*' Beaa ake
” *«^Lrm ^UrnaiVlad
4 ter heat'l.
faeai'l. Vra
uid abe d tlx It up aa' *0 abe (at 'em and (bra* waaa'l any
hrard uld i-..naumplioB, the klndUej
a aad they "rat Ur bed prily euuti. ealloa for me (baa
ar, aeow. "Ut keu-kln'. 1 twl I "osld- -UI Uer old man wpra't "at aa' h, mid eceoe.
Imal b, abonU bara tom, aaeb duUoy
whirled and il,U, tradiUoMof HoMBlAbe'* mr|e
■;'i be. Herd out ball aiy day> ef I fard- couldn't are 'em. bo Mli' Itran uid. I
___ Bred amupd
t beep krrrfal VO ateraClearer ikem I a'pou abe wurnlrd ur (it er knit
day*. Ih, anaau of Ue manyrod PruL
abool a hundred dmi I'-atBrid. or U*U)rao(oUera*l^
"Orkelfbin I ain i 4ln fuel.
,( kcarirt fer'r ei
mailr pruldmU ara osy crlurtca. W* '
-t bull er u, Vi
a k,
b, karWl
kaeWl ake bed cm' Uk' a rwh
It -a*. jut
joat bl(h
bKh moo(b
m^b to aniar at 4 o'clock la Ue moralaff to M
dipbUer.r aUbnld gr\
It of walra. and I hear baBtlB(.
eerr (it traer't.
ViiViih dot
an' Uke keer of him frr Harry'*
It "U ao dark ou eeald
rcr Mil* aeemrd to be bardly ara oDr'a band, wbea wa cam*
ter DoUia' «iU them ihlno ’'
le. an' the boy * name'* Harold, an'
I looked at him ui raw if hraujok
a amarur a hi*pae,er Uougbl ra
to a (Teal wood-pfl* wbrae a bey «*•
Ctnd of
in', aa' 1 'xpral old Jo Fllat bada't juoci:tii>n aboard
iny. but Bot a Malle on hia faue aa b- what
-----------< a
uwlar wood by U, Urht nfa laaurm.
emet»mcy. for to ap
„ui„m ai al(bl by U* *BM raU
aiwke ef hU rtulh and Uc uperrUlnl.v
ref bed no ai. b or TaVaUae'* they'd
r him aa be won't never enrin hf,
of kla recBTrry from either of Uoaedl,
and Urre la Uemoopllrht at U* aamo
ler.aadJuMul "u ai
Ibd be really Ulak blBnelf a
' a'prUIn' er one I calk'lato. 1 till
place waa Ueuauboy uwte( wood
1,1 (u a pdbeamubrduaU, r
youD(9an‘.'I cnold put tell.
er lovin'rr creUr •* Uel boy ye aera that iBMly apot am Ua oUaktrto td
>". h. awuof U*l lariat a* coni *» thaUerut.
-'iiaTea't you bad aay of Ue dleeaan er aer.'ra beyin(*a(ar krarU fur Ue
d from tbe took of bl* maa■• ^Buo «
“wS?l*“*teolJ*uy't 1 hM.
When made er irar *he d ae,ra «r com daoa n tan( had It dropped *-|Uarr over my
Jaoe'e beby b«i tber chick o*
here Ira (It Ue aM man oat'B Uer bead. Th, raat of II 1 am aot very
u',“^ eald. eboaetly. •Te*
fwr^baoaae; no, tir. not by er lam( coeaciona of, bnmou by U, tio>* k, brao toeel
I work tor »
dowp't yeUie'a ter lire il Uc
' '
had palled
oiled m,aUora*^y
aa' ni be pixened el Uem blamed pox
i,lB( la U. ...
dlda't krlch III, Uer'.
lull yelk,
li, atopped to tbiak. and waited «* wu about aa aur baar u I ev.
^ aad (et aa a<
bllaur* "UX autkla' Ur ara. »a' 1 ala t loB( that 1 naked U Raruld'a wife wrat to be. hot brbioufbtau aruood alt
"Vrtora to Ue eoboeir'
ue,er (olu„r't yiian' 1 ne„r ah,ll. hackT
ao. aad 1 waa qalu u (ood u —
llkeicbmme *omr"hefe* ,e,t
i>b. yas
Wal. abe Maau
"AboBi bra mito* yowder pear tba
icick * ake (aonod Boat------ ...
while. JancnyalVa rknpuiiii
"Thai waa a narrow earap*.
ra money aa' ware t la Ue poo,
■lew yona( folka don't h,, rk,
"How Boebdeyaa (ci (ar laiHaf
nar. but tb, old aua woolda't bear
my(TPB'Uer wnttwraer hundred an'
be aerer bed It an'I uy It'a ik« ra- to'l aa'mbe amt tor b,r tbiafa aa’ tkrr' "^Id'^rwu' aaodd fellow wbo
••Tb^ pay tM^-dra eeato a ee^*
tk,y bt nao". aod MU' Uaaa ab, uy*
malaara Ibrm pox."
I Iboarht U tlm, W bnnr tala mind
jTr^blm ull'iTb?*>U^ U*to
work racy oarty^ lata.u Ur eiory b« wax to ull, ao I oaanal- up in Urt boy. Follmiaid wbm r
dlda't turn to brfora tbe day waa e
ly Baked If b, waa praaonally acqoalnt- amt Harold off hU heart "U jut HI
Aad aa w* rod* away tb* writer eaea
aad (Ira me U* worat Ilckie( I e
ed with ihelamaUaofUegTrat hoou
demi II U# world wifi rear fakar (ram
(ot la m, Ilf, (or*rarla( him ao.
WaL 1 abopld aay't I "ux. I -rnt Ur
Uatboy? OwrtoareedallUemaiiB
aebool W,tb the old man. bul I ala' —O'xid BouadirrptBe.
ea. bot Ura* are aot btouriiaa opoarh
aoen bimfrr y,ara. li, ab,t kinulf
forwaairly to obraatol* U* (BOara*.
A LU* Not to Ua* at Fi
Bat U* lad'a veto* waa ebewry aad Ua
St. ValealtM aad BI* Day
A new HI, uvla( draira fiu nu at
old by (WO y,«r: am air. b, ain't."
It. Valeatia* wu a prieat of Borne. srra. iBvmtod by Hamoei C KUdK. I*
* Buffered martyrdom la U* Ulrd
' "FUat:**Jo ”(1181. an' 'twu a
BUtorUu differ u to U*
ItMmaamr. too. I do* 'as pome brtur
erar uma
* nlaclBf
placlB( it
BtrTO. ouara
oUen U
la it wu ae-vra wmiouoi
aa ertmalon
eitenalim ladder .rtaUra, imna.
II, rap 'ra U, Kk
?f~, towr^r
(tee lb?h*
that he waa bebradod <m ply ooaalau of- a.
erarybody waa Iryia' Ur#ll U, bul of Ue l«U^ Vrbmary.
U»*nd tell* »*; lar l«wm atxed
a w**,*
bim aa' b, wonldu'i bo* nodulia'a Uat bU life wu oa, af ain(aUr virtac.! aay helrbt draired. wiU a art ba
wiU •obedy. aa' bka baooMkeepar aba aod kb deoU brffttlB( a enlak
Hi* from tto op«ra oxtramlty (« Ue ,
tba boaiOMB for 'em."
bar, tto aamo ppportaalty to to aarad
■y of Ul*(ad-;mto to jamp Into.

■lie moat have a rrtod dral of
a* do Ue laafaleato «d U* cnM tfttoa
weoUapalrof toa(*told
to ra* aoeb a larr- olace.''
^weliuic ai
Whoa aemeoa* ba* jamprd
' futiril
- - - tU POL aay ataUrooolofy
' ef 15 Went
(to rood bixbop 1-------------------Wux 'boot tba pe ip'iy. tbet U in or
Uulr or ao emeoetto* wKb U* prae- Ue tone* claw pp train. Ua* brla(la( arbo bae U
Ueea to whieb Ue MU of Frkmary ha* U* lut aod lu oacapaat to tto (rawad. arorid aad

.""Irar •"«'^»l«*Sniy*ltomkk|x»e*»loB "kra lt.era«l u



HAMfitc Block.

Good Fits,

(bo ladM teeo M he aawiid «ea
leaaad Bboard Iruraewsra iboa rraol boifkL H eraeU ho Hoky U bora
rbt o(: aad U letun of aar U Bloat too uBeb. Be be ■adelbe .
ra eeeiLj^eBoUta^^ty a pUUers dooM, aad (be wkob Bay
eiaad U (bo aUMt eibllo (be laAdra
frou Bua J*iMid. raalBriar a uodm and BBchfaery eaa be ebUud one ike
bop* IbBt hla tura ui(kt airal "iU>' eUrwBlk.
Me ratora
Maay a kaUfiU loeer
>k platforra loay aSrad aQ
«aa*d eoarare eo
day to —--------- , rralUiinr.ahraey jadnraow
traaa iadetaiU periud.
MtiaiuB. a learBMl U^eelar of tbr "lib ih» oibe,. aialauSTuenra »Sti
early part ut the la>l raatary. (I,ce tb*
plaUorm.aeU aeaa eatrareoL
(ollu"lB(araa«oio{tb, pnaeipal rarable
» of
ut Maadiar
etaodiar tbo
tbottuade o«
raooolra of Uie day: "Oa tb, era at III.
ipda.—.Vra I'orl Un-nld.
c ea, tbet (raat pieea ra uo
Valratlar. tb, yooBf tolka fa Kagtaad
aa' Ibel U" boau ost. U
and bcniiaad. by a eery aarlmt roeBorao Talk.
relebraU a littir fnllrml
letla, re twira tbaa orar
l batur'B four year, araoe be pfual nembra of maid*
laalde aod
and (mrhelura
(arhelura lean
la orarioadlac U a
d oaur Ue kUI place.
Tb' old !(,t loyeUer. ra. k write*
wrilr* bi* ur bra.
bra . ran*
. Uk, t ur died, aa' U, doctor h, < t>o. or aotae Iriraed oam, op>a oepo
W ,^.
•d Ut Ua U
1 bim Uri low laod wax rkomalieky I rau billru. wbirh U,y mil up. aad . u pra U,ir bmmU. Ituyu.«f«e(ei>Ui>~. .
hr',1 batter maxy unU aa’ uld Major ' draw by war of lo(a. tb, taalda Ukiap [ be rapeclally carefat Ip timdl^ tb*
■ra he wal line' oo U, nil] aad the men'* bllUU. aad U, mm tbe; eelU-o lUtle lack of }od(m*at ba*
Berao^.rMraiei. ui-ra'**
Iftwridrac* klUral him )rat la tlia, ur i maid'a. u that rack ,ooa( maa ll(bt> ■ raiaed maa, a Sne kune.
a*a era u. ttai u »>**,.
bad eeweral. u w liedme 1
le.t CUal he, bia place. Jo Cliat b, apoa a rlrl (kat k« rail* hi* ealrnUne. | If you Bud you bare Ue mack toad
Vbr bra., ^le.lf"d'•^•
mad, ra lmr(iB oat, aa' "kat dew y, ' aod e^k of (br (Irl* opoaa youu( man ! for tbe coll.•thro" {.rt of il o* bofoee
tfaiak. I bat
Ue'alat-BOtber maa
. "bum abe rail*
bera. ' by
By Ula
ibb meanr
MB. ; ke 1* dlMOamfed.
diaeoorayed. l.el hb mtadtoa
beItai* U"P
. '« Hwould
IwuHld er doae
dos. It. B,'oack
Br'oarb 'bu two ralBEliare.
bal the Bua earn* oerd U> work
by Blow d«(rara.
(B tbra aickl: yra. air. ia tbar , etieke tabUr to tb, raleBliD, wbo f It yua bare a nua la yuv eualoy
BrIrani. BMrn'JB.lira "rafter.
al(bt. (lae day b, "*r Uier' aa' tb* ; bae tallra to him thaa %be ralraUa, to . that I* tioiid aad aaraooe. bee* him
Brat be wara'C H, (real IB Ike bll. I wbem hr hae iellrB ~
I *■'•7 tram culU lirafBtra* a Wralaa' ereiTbody (abbed 'buol K. but (be 1 Aaslhrr old cuetoBi *r*e t
- (Tblrb ekmira 11" u*i 1
ductur he eut it richt by ullia' 't he'd I opra the wiadow early ia ih, i
(ut (rr Buweer die. Dul I rrakua't aa-'aDdtb, Stai anmaT-riral peraoB ot lb,] leeBlr* 11
SdeMeby kladaeae
J.witj o, 'piaioB "ue 't he'd better ' other *rm wboapprarrat. "*• the dra-.aad Irmaera ,«rry
. .
y U
(O bear
<lW. fclraage huw little nu eumc itlord boel«ed u, wit,
Krasllee. to' them, aad tb, ralBialioa
i-aiioa will
"111 be eaoiJy
' Uferarai. iBlraiii"..
tolke kdo be: yea. eir. aia'l It aaow?" I ue. era, prorwrty dreulrd bwbIb «ould ; aad eaereMfully aecvmplbbed.
1 araured biui It wae. aad he looked I aeenredly b* U Uw riffht placr un that [ I>r|ra oaly bhort dutaarra Sf«L act
> aeluoiUird that I Jad(*4 be "aa [ BoralB(.
tar rBoo(h to tire tbra ie the IcaeL
Md to Ulkia( aad r*reieiB( au aaw | (or oiaay rrare pul It baa bn-o tk, , lai-iraae Ue dieUBce a IllUe aiaey
,F. eeep Uini(b V* did aak a (|ura-I fukloa to ra-od daloty un»U>aB of pa 1 de.. and yiw "ill laaare* prampk fro*
.oa aad •oeminrly expecUd aa aa.-! pra-l*ee. dra-.-raled "iU braru. ftu-..,dr,,ra.
• er. I meoUlly a(r*ed V. keep.atiil. lo,^-kBuU, ru- . - Ilk all kindrot Irara-' li.«'| alUmpt to traU Uk call at all
-Wal.loB(ia Febaary I "U1 dewa. , likr <ibuUIn-b« Ib (lit end dlrar let.: bbUI hr la It (»udnmdlUoB aad tall o<
.B'laoUlB'lu de aa' J*Br I tray, but Ui. .-u.tom 1> u-ualmael< life. It yoa waat him U drralopa atyi*
IU(oadf*rneU be auul a"ay aitb Uierra r»olral lbnui"l,ra ’ aod arlioa. aad be (II to pot oa tt(
, bad tkoeeb • ihrairairf jrer. bera i-Bran
. -___ .
aa' I (aeaa 'iia. ad' I (lit a*>" with rxrkaa(ir( daintr (itu and ' laarbel lor a (ood prior "bu edoeattbrr did alei(b weU er tera aa' er. trader mrauffea. a BDi-h nn-ik-ran.iblr od.
iiratireraralyi .Biranr, Uel
pla.-e (orcumtura. aa' )* dae'l k„ aod uU>farUiry wayrnl rxprraniari Thr yiraar i-otU abotild be kept oo a
u-r keeper tui'kia'ia aa'crtackia' la. Urir draoilua.
. (rauad door. Il mut bodry aad Ireel.
aa' (biB- l.krB drier tbrr rulL bfU
Altaoat aey pretty fill U aulUbl, ti.
l>.>a t ac(lrul i.>(lmerary bum* *B
iaar ah, uy* "hal'd eld U-bblB Ulak offra at Ih, BhriD, ot St Velralier. but, Ue tarei. "erhera tad dHrat*. a brat
t drleia'uff Ue, eidlaa' I
the Il«l. H-iika. pirtore
OliruUi w. Vel.aiie-Ideelar' Itobbia U pkotoprapkn. rasi .-aara. porae.. Jr«e
ra (ira Uem o
pot,. ey, ric.. are
•arrula. A mr
uyiB'. 1 eotUerby Uradi-po.
drpu. aaealrotlar
aa ,*lretla,‘pr^'al.!.
It U(|iiliTuV ! u^’^ra^iMp^Ta^d^w trafu't^
m duwa I out (TB'ly
I'lyrll tra
•r Uh- nui..m
-1 la'
iaU year»
yran eo(i,e
torirr atireralay be In ,D«e(^ hetUr cmdIUea U pay
drapu; il burtraadrartiieara place to party oa thr 11’U
.... of
' ('eW.iary,
"fbr.iary, prearel-1
piearol-lyoo U . . . - .
•" ,r k,m(ra er "ailin''round.'ib( Vacb (ajr.1 -itb an
aa appmprUu;
appmprUU ; Tb*
feoliak tiy U
Vra1.uHkil7tbm ra
I* m.
I "arn'l er Ukia' o*
antiee, ’amraBir of i beakaaon.
i thla time by drlv>a( <
It 1 U-l Ur aid'l ra pjotirr
pjotlrr "omaa 'n
-I kbuul
kbuuld jot like to kao" lb
iiB.aUtr 'B(oi.affro
. .... -B Urm csta. She uUlthrU
uUl thr Wyrar old na(e ut the
leraau Itubbla Vdua part of kb
Ml bra• boy "rU bar.
her, *□'
aa' I koowed
kaowed h..Id. alter read!
readlnr id,-abiir, "
a "kal, dueapotprarr bim U be
hrn> cut It iBTored her oaff to be (hryouay men Uniik liu—aury t» )".yoBd
■Dpd u«etuIora>
UBrtuIbeu. A y.niBC
y<>uB( boru
baru oflea
------- ^tae bed erbux'D er ba(. aa' eeed ealratinra b- Ueir »"eeltartr|,. due, thla Sec if hU leeU bara But
A Valuabi* Ykwnuix.
-Ue telked er apcll "iU Iber drapo thrv don't krap oe ra-ndlB( IbeiB after
bla ebiwka Bor* by hiBimla(
■•Saj. •tranerr. 1 vauld ull r« rr louler. aa' Uiea hr i-ciiiie "eU her . Ury're marilral
tVouida'i the alee* .barp if Bo. flfe Uem Bowth.
aont to Biy (ram an' uid abe "ua er like It. doo'l yoo Ihiakl' Vub bri they : Ibriy. doaiy beddlOF ia not ealUbla
(idB' ter Uer l‘.«re plaoe. aa' be> j: "i-uldl
"ouldr Anri
And araa't
area't tkay
thr, belle,
belter tbaa
tbaa for a liraae "boar nmt laduirad «iua
tba ouuitr]' oa aij ok-;-cl<-. 1 bid JiMi tiioiiykl I'd Uke her Beeta'B I "U (u-'
(shaa . "kal dura
dora a aad luauooa.—brlftteil.
MMrd MK^ugb'Uir
rulijrr ut
;*"eeUrart rl.i fora frilu". ami juati
0—, 11^ lu<rr.>a tbr.|>ui*kLH» i two»i
■ laeewbat a alfedut": I'll "ail illl I le
Clunsi* Bud UoramaBt.
agT.«> hr.nlUul h.-u--, with* «icc
J aead my raleatia,' —Ex-,
"Th, moat inpwuat faciiir In drtraa look aa ailorpri*^ U rial nor.
driTrnj lr*4lBF
V<e itoii.
ipeard my e;
oilalny linra of morriarnClu^a well
*tk *od u}i til ta^ jx.ihrro p>*' ti'iB>. 1
(•oralble "kra he Uid. "ilai
w kiiviB • ta'matUiii |>l*cT. up turn In
Tba LaiOBd oi SS- TaMUaa.

VlllaRa PrapMkp For

rlfono(oereUBtl«B*l» aadl-


----------------------- ^ ------------------------- I *owt lur CMn"*adj.
ur U*
■DBlk *««d tkcf'BUU. MT evt 'Bor*^
Ur rr ^'tkuat Bar BBBk. M'br bmb'
aa' (oli bi(
Jo. aa* Jo k* io)4
AaOuai «•>(*•#«.
biu *r ba Bnu cr^a'Ur aiiij ibat
war b* MOda't bora, briof bU "U*
MO bi«. «a'ibor
aa'lLaeadodwolb JoarUlUa hla hr
aren't eoai- klua.U. aa' Han7 k« j*a>
off aa' uerrM U« (el aa' ereat
Ur lira ia that part e, Ike keat]r.
ibc,' aie't aera, beea a» brae
UaBierar^ be dlda't aerar


etM • aeeci^. W< (t It iapert-

(D I j
N -^ =

r.FZS&UABT 11. 186^.






H*!!! need of either store or window awn­
ings I would like to submit samples and prices
Plants for Decorating
befoi% yon order dsewhere. as I believe I can .«:'ax''.'.;”'£.'-ds
r*t ib..i«7 fxM>
TBAV18SI OITT HiOSAL 00. ftirnish better goods at a less price than any yoe. becMaroi
--oru you. aana( liven

XdbpbeMlM fmalMBab



iS.TSs'ts-aiis.'ii.t'o; .JS.T3~o.V^2?SS.‘^‘
,«.b™ui-.B.ra,,«.tavui,i.raWra all Ue yrar*. know aU aboni It. boaiaeuc^Copidaad dymm Foeeibiy ferUe axtrmlna toddor. *y t

traveling salesman.

127 Front St.


' Travwse City, Mich.

OiUara Iw JotiPrinUng l«n at Um

wUTMStf* promi

aad eu (fee me all U* Uttla pedataef
totormt Uat yonsro, 4oik*mi(bt be
Ukaly to (ae(et.
rl(bt. *trma(er.
atraafar"Wal, 1 (am* yra rl(bl.
Wal. Je^lBl to had ra aapby. ra
amart yawa( maa a* you'd meat ofor
ae*. aa* ct oearwJa'to'd Ubaly ffiv
moacy. aa' k* wai pep-tor
him aU tto______
y*. Of mra* I baltoeo la
BOW 1 tally*.
Jove as' allI Uat. bat tato-t or bad
r oM
aU jaarfacUoa* U er plae*
Ido* tor
______ Ue'edrUtUemowto.
It earn'*
• •
maoto baady, ltaUy*.aa' ao aU «b*

Uat It la (to imiea wbew blfda ebeoa*
Uetr matea, may ba tto rri(la of Ui*
Afaia. it baa baea eappmod.
(tot It may bara erifltoUd from tto
laet Uat Uc Lnpcvmlia Feaem ef oaeWat Borne, to kooor of Fka aad Jaao.
vrar* boM la Febraary. aad Uat

topae of a Irvar a poworfal epr

efOfpMaoopded fYirfla at owee aad wa preplm Bv.
_ ________________
a tto masbla* to Oraaaa artn care yea.
Ua baratof otmotar*. to tovaady la
■■For ao*"* cHlata g» i nid (ttbar
earn Uore are llvm to to twadd
SS* oaoe*. hewrrar. it eaa aot to i«r toaa aUattos tomfritUal Maa»
toowbtHmw oaoatrbto U* baOdi*(

RttlanUw ttmmUa daffWMttbn

Tie B«]r, Uk Lover, tie
SMdla mi tie




oaUnOble •
Late la Katoaibw of tbal year Ibo
»o aboadmaad
lawioaa uinir i
tbrii bard wa poet, aad
■a ooToral eUgltdo' Uebt <d lie oinAoBroticn Ibty MiJod
ipoory with yeaacldowa tborirer. Wnalaftaa woo ibte
fael w boMaDyoaoBlBity I reloaood troa orecy oblUtatloeaad boo.........................
la tbo w
<y. to«d le wlad ap all aSaInla emwea
emola Mia Paoetland.
ooldwt life. OMilIm all
awaod a dae stale aboat It
WakfMd. II !• rolotod that wbw
r>mt«e rotaraid tnni Barbadoa la
Ifil, bo addrooood o loltortobrrfoiba,
I be ws elected o rept*'
Q to ooke a proPrednak ocoaiy la tbo
bli daafbla-la VlrRinla aoapmbly.
mb|y, and wbilo A bli
way to lake fair acal
tbo"WblIe Boaae."
bii becrotbed. aad Ibeir morrlace e
BcdeauitoadaaUMetbafdoaaoiy, Hi
t. la Ibli
U woo la old Sl Prtra'o cbaitb—
wbhb bad bran l^t ta KOS. at a coot
of Ht.OMpoaad* of tobocr».^tliA> tbe
of Ui belond tmvlsea.
Bee.'Ur. Mooram nnited in marriacc
1 muM bai bow feafi
tbo wcalCby widow, Uonbo Doadridee
„ Frracb aad BaflU fori
Caitlo, aad Coloael Ueoice Waoblac<• ibo «Mia« of Both
too. Tbe weddiM woo a cnod aOair,
Awttak Tbo 0>il7
atteadod by all
wifbtem* «entry,
tb« coeetpor in fall dreaa of acarlet aad
cold, a decs awsd and bac wig, wilb
oaaia. Ao yol «
orerral eOoera ct Ibt ruyol naey and
D borcad tbaAlb
coloaial army aad awiabm of tba 1^A MKETIKO or WaBHIKOIOX AVD MASTSA CL'aTIS.
br Ibo nd iBdlj
BM Ibo rnaeb,
Tbo bride wore a white aatla qol
•.bodallM «iib
tataooiat aad'hoi
petticoat, wilb bcary eonlcd whije illk
died tbo alcaekbta Foci DeqacBaw , >nuscy la Un wlaiu. wbra. I baiopGrtanl of the
tboMoinatbo i
oTcnkln:rlcb polal loeemllleai bigb
ladloa trlbM aa<
a <d white oatlo, with dlaBoro bo VBI lanwled by tbo allied | Aad vbot did I p i for ItT My
AiorrtD SAbaa*
Fnoefa oad ladlaaa wbo cewipeiM o . borne.
I wu tbea appolau
TUI nr
r wieaisaiua.
bal wcreuiableiotiredcat j trldinc pay.
poy. to
»o eoodael a baadfol
<d tbo ’ bopo of a teoaoatlOD of
fto Tliili
BWtotbeOhlo. Wbel did 1 prt by cnad o.alrace. aad era if ] c
ws ant fs boblad la tbe
reirrabac uitb tbe boa* | (ball
tball Wby, after
potrinciayaelf luoao.
lu«oi> » altimim in niy for
tnattra 9 nrb toimrut. (or
wore a
no (d war.
■IdAnbie expeaoo la e^nipplnc and praTbe r- iily of lbe"neru parent'
OoriuK thiibrkf eaiapoi|ra-wblota!aiducBoaeiaBrlea• for the anpalcn. t BOI two prranted. b« la all probabUi eoat 9 blae cloth lined with ted «lk
(aaaot lieooiciidrnd a rery-OBoeoBofal | woW

ly wai aaforcnble ia (bollRbl of Mb.
■Woobiugluo 1^ otrsck^dcrllliat
badnyeam- ooqoem oocentorra. AneonUnc torloblowof ibeoi
or. la otbCT a) trailKloo. tbie larir woo narriM to

(Ioa'4, auder'a citlwp of Vil1.iaui'>tnii8. la wtalcfa
Ui%llnc to not*. WM Diode oe tbo 4tb ; prraeooo of as order fito bona I tbea | u>wa obe oora wltb.-ied ber rrlcwtM
ofdB]y.adoymod.'niriaoraUetl yean weal out - a eoloalcer With. General' ^(to,',uino,pb,| r«».,iili)u.byi

19 by tbe decUralioo id ricblo of Brodddrk aad loot all lay benee aad saa tie.-iaK h9 lu a wMow.
rery eoloairu wbo wse la (be ' anay oUnr tblaga"
golloBl WBTid bio owdrd lo
ntl to TolloaUy dtdBDdinc tbe
Tbio wu act writiea ao ■
aad obeWM ra otenom. by chi«ria
impIolB-ltbotobefoliiiMl dead away.
o> proof
u tbe folon Palbnof Hli Onatry
II trratmeai or neglect, M woo wpreirmloded
trying timeoof doabtlen
m be-wc
bpialoB WBO dirided a« «
belt raid to bore iadiled l<i tfaio aomo
.................... ............. ..... glrL Thry aronwlly tuownirhid to reoaflo
a lotto writleo to hu motbo
alio Ibo peot.allboopb
allboogb iboe
Iboe l.nodoobKd
tbe coloelra. Be wo* by common
Braddock d<4«at m appinoe bti o
—ticity. ■ Anolb'
ao ellcible t
I greoBded fean for bio oofoty.
boa Ibo EaftMi la to
I of the troopoat
taiao aad Ibo 000.
ipraboatlobetalnd Ulao o uwoe of tbal qeoialfaoBOr oftea ao qnile oo M Mid iebu aoio
ll «M la Oclobor, im. (bat [Mb- few frootier defeaw, bet obooi Italo time 'Oo bo fooDd io bio epiotka and oald to thi. noimer <4 tin- litbro09 of Tlfctaita, ODoabt
amlgxed from Ibe bore ployod tbr^ bio fomiUor caa^ uww, n-nuar oo
___________ _____
aad (Mdofll- Toiulione:
cr to ooad vitb a
ran ef {aoriedoJ (ranpo olMmId have ao
"Ai I bore beard oIboo my arriral at'
»'• keee lewe ir*i«rarrat tfc
• wbe.Mrrin,,wl.hrim.o.ppoia.rd tbi. pUra a cin^oitiy j^t
> be iadlgaaBtly roatgiied my death
deal and dyiug apeecb, 1 take
eorlieat opjiartnultyoferatradiollDg
a of tioaiT oblimUoeo aad aodf rias
(rimmingo. e waimon*t
a with goad graea retiro diet aad of aararing yob U
am ao dadoi (n>a a (anber adwoe
9 KuddrniilcnNl while ootlu and obra aud

Ah. a-to'a m-', tbal 1 .bmkl
ao.i ruo™
. angutred state of MuoBI yet not mm)aed tbo loti
latobariiiar eUiaod by (be Eofliob
km- bo.-kI<« <■! gold. Hi* boir
001 ty L.n(.baa>i aiab'd. I'Ol .n.'mT.Srelvi.n],
' ”----- >- ' Erm tbOBch tom\ly L^rc'> iBtoa 1 f.-f.i
oan. After il bad taaa nioly <«oRd Vtrooo oad doTole blmaelf toUieagri* tbe all powrrfal
tbicklf pnwdercd and drawn back
inaae'l (M ftMalMpl
deoce I bare been prnlrated toyond all
to aoowai it *m at ImI a^eplod '
oar, aud by hiaeidi'baBgaotraigfal dps
WoAliclOB. al lb« (Ibo Ini II ya
award. There wwe three biweiifol
1 itaongb dsib ws brell^ ay com^wbo rode wilb (be bnde
Vo booD goodcridmoa ia tbo oeroatie
V Uona<*e»efy*
lo a coach di
bat tbe objeel of lliio cSsiion wu a
ag (beippareat Mgirel
pootllioDi aad oolrlOen and rarratri
te a oabhoanwi. I
a cortege 9 Ipmaii'n. aninug wl.......
lat. allM with oore of tbr
ws Ibe gmmi. moaflitu] apoa bio tborM faailWo at Vtixtola aad aim pwuugbbtrd'Churjter.

' if ri^.



-pp-ss- b:;s£“'Ss.-£

‘bens lo dieeharreeedcoDUaBcdtodo
•o Ira tbtre BoatbA. then it begaa to
beat. Icogtiaocd tbe tacdiciBco while
loagernatil tbeCaacer ditopp- ared n>.

baorliat o
Ibaa vltb Ibo Eaallob ooloniota* TTwa
MO blfb Boaotolao (a eroaa deep rlrOBtofsri aedoaot foim la paaobaU,

Cancer is a blood di«ca*e. aad <m1} a
jb ^
WoS*rm>9^asd ntw^iUU ^
BxoeatlycnrcCoBcer.ScrofaU. BetoA.'
Rbewauiiem or BBT ctber dieeawoftho '
Scad lor onr beobg
oa 'Caneof
Blood ~--------mailed free to
addrroo. I
Sirift Specific
So.AUaaU.Ga. |


ana great laei 8bc aererfildrloe to tbb ‘

IB aadertakiataf iblo ebotactor, for
n war at tbobrsiBimvef viator. B
did ihA naeb ibe InnUen of Viiglal
aetd-Kocrabn aad oily oooaood
d (bo laM<

r. DariDKlboane parted II tbep



Bo bad BO lataatioB at going b
al a plaeaeolM lb•‘■ilar«lorio(T(mD'■ wboB. In ibe apriog of ITU. tbe Brill
aaa et iboa tood at Wattlagtcie at a geiMral. Biaddock. wbo hod beea «
dtMaaeaaf aaly It pam laiaadlv u
kUlMB.Hltalaiwaob.d.aadb.wao ibo Pmrh, larlted btm
. atoM'
atoMaalBdaaddinnNd. Vaobiactoa'aeaapaakn.a b
aad lore of dgtaiing'
■' MMdOiol.vaol9fciUlafibonbmaatoB iba opK bat tblo WariitacMa
Tbe aloisy of that
«aaU ael allow aad m Ua Ina, polga G tbal of almoat eosyocmfllol
Jon Ufa bad baa JM- briwoM sTogs aad tegolw troopa
wbOD for tbe trot time tbey ore breagbt
fbarfa) of Metboratinaptapea Ibalt
• Ibe ragociooA ytmng
Mm. Ibo two *«|d(Bn paobedaetapa rammoad o tUffraMtnbrwBfb (bo eald DoeeaiberBUbt
■ad ta lU Boraiaa Mbod tbo AllofhHr flwa. yiadiag it flUod «tlb
naaoaa, Ibo Britiab rcgnlaro, ia tbe
•oaWat loo, fBoMBd tt betof <i«a« wckdocf WaoUnguxi, "rui befrae tbo
BM(.ao (bebad bopod, Iboy vorbad Pmeb and Indiana like ibeep before
aU 4v. *‘wtab only CBo poor Inidiet.-- doga" Men Uma ball ibetr BB '
•tibeballdlag of a raft, apoa wUeb. wm kilW 9 wooadrd. aad tbo _
IboMI toorate tboy alloaoptod Ibo oral oosmeadiag bimoelt mortally
fOMgoad (ba rlT9. Tbefleatlacte
with dlOcBJly nrriod
waoddttat fartaaolywub tW rapid from Ibe flelA Keiuly all___________
aartoat. aad wboa ia aildowaan Wadi- oBran w.«e fcilie.1. aod WaobiagKm
ro«lac WBaalmooi tfaeoa^oOes of diaiiaotiimwbo racopedTrum Ibo field with
Hie Bad b«i9. Here. f9 tbe third timo
bio filwd. tbo' two tadoDiloblo m Id bU abort eatrar, bio life ws la ImpooBd4oblilor BlcbtoaoaltUad.lbo miaODt peril, s be bad two b9we abet
aold bolBC 00 low tbal tbebaidy from OBd9 bin aad bia raatwsfoar
frnaHnniioii bad boifa foM lad baadt tlB9 pitaeed by ImUeB. Hli eeal ws
badly (naea. la tbanaalag. Inaem. abuawoy aud wufoond, 80 yeoraaft' (boyroaoVod tbo <wattafaoak(d Ibo erward,t>poa tbe tile of tbo field cf bat­
, «Hoa. Boearlac a boiM tren a oetibw. tle. Tbroogboat tbe terrible eoalst be
r ON oat for
' bit CTiBiagr and aemity. aad
■obaig. wbieb be waobod ca (be ' io fala wis
r fatwory, JT&A
| triratino of tbo didealad
caela]rrp9lc«lbambiekmWM;(ba(|aBgenlbu-o(m oori
TOaag easmlorica9'o ladosUablo aa. opiritdeeply tmprosad^ p.blic tPiad.
tmpikai. Jadgamal aid p9sr9aDeo' aad atmr tbo fr9Ul9 ws ogUa
made mstfsl ael cely to bit tal- | loti aainloeM Unmgb Ibe wllbdrdlrl«i *0 tbe EaglM ef tbo ; al <d tbe rogalon bews appolaiedta
Ao onoBli 9 Wo*- : eintaorid tbo millua talaedl9 lcad»
MgtOB’orwiimanliMBcaA reglmratws feaoe. TbreayewnofardeestoiKolmbad. 9 wbieb bo wsamdoraamdla
ws amdo raoaod ta lowed, dm
dnnag whirh be raiood facee<
. taeotqlBg Titlaallr tbo earn- matatolaod .....................rd9dieoipllao
atb 9 Ua eelomd Id oaubliabod o long liar
lor 9 taallw
JbiorWBeh.maaa- prate, tbs poTlag the way fra
f9 tbe
while, hod oneiad Part ilogaoone. ta. ceealaal redoetiaa 9 Port
•rl Daqaeoao.
• - ■
• idiBKobowam. bo balled S CbeOrstm
90 sl^ed oa a morn ebarml^ Bald erm tufiertlnpa bet be wros to bio
fcr aasmcaats." Makiag a fraaod broUmr Aagsaa. 1. 1168;
io little am

agalo npoe tbr tmm I bora dam.
<lbaok ape^wshoal
lag ooBered mwe* ia ay pricu for­
■adewt. te
ta which
wWch ha
ba b9
bad taae. bemdeo Impolrlaa raw 9 ibe hoot

am 9 pratJlMvl^. 0-

lu Wsbiogtao'r boon aud brane witb
olnceriiy ttaot admitted eo doobt s

f tbo Udirawl
I wbom fa« "tpratod lo polotan-ol tbal be blBMclf abaold I
We migfat ewull tbo oblidlis.
Mra WaofciDgtoD la draoribed s
"KI leblr, pretty klDd 9
lagtou ws on-lbo potat 9 pre^ooiDg 9


a pbse wbieb liaki Um morodracly lo,
otbon 9 bla kiod. refeUng tbe oft t»- j
doalonUoD tbs bo ws eolg

G byau nieauu a DOttra fd aar]wln

*°voo*^**”- TbeoQipriiingihlnBUIbal
wo ae^ gmm ^ ^
men-lbol an kaown.

BwnMthU td tfc, I T*m Trail*, lu tboee Tireicnt ’'fraged
^fbU wfhS! »«!«"'■-ertOri » Wsblagioa, Uo9
• **"»• of lafidebty apoo on lainauto

ID tee

^looat 9 falo dooghty dradt. wo'


wbo wrote—to •'amoot
yoB aad anbrad yoar mind treei tbo
T acaoaat of

not UM ws ID la c 6. BBO WO OaBBOt
fra wi
beliere wUt tbe tmogbty Uenlomia afion blm. Itwarmoooe'obeart to
“■l-fecied to—ihot bli -•guteral" would
oorer tint tbii yootb 9 bigb
and ioTlDetal^ will aleo wS' ,,, r. ■ haraeTca lagiwtDadeblmwUa party u
i an iatiigac- Many chants bore ben
to bu fellow
Like ore^ yo^n m.a of poctA. Waob**•"’" Woiblagtoa. tmt moot

dun. .She ws tniell aud well formed,
moircaily, fond i>t ber efaildreu. be*
ttniprted aod oboliiieie."
ln(liou."sabews m»l abeordly term­
ed; "Sbecomblnee iiiaDoucammaa de­
gree great dignity 9 .menner witb themoot piesiug affAbility. bat posess
uoair.king iiioriu ul btouiy.'' Tbii io
crn> way 9 sying tbal obe wstar from
good l.oklug. Ami Urn 1st .BrrlTor 9
prsl.iugliia'o life gaanl dncribed Mra
Vo-bincKm 00 a''obort. atooi beat aad
gKul liiile womao."
One tbiug It ri'ttaiD—Martbo Voiblaglou .pooiosed huotewifely qaallltra

Full Details GiaaiyGlvoL
A BfiOrofid OffldAl'* Btperteic^

cocaraiir and aAiiauag
Goerge Waitaington. fonkmluly sa
yeOBg man. ws oou at wboa atruigcn
la pooolDg woDid tm to look. Be
ws e frac and oTer la bio olockiagi.
finely proportraard. nalwart, boi not
oionl. weigblng oboel 100 panada ~
baode and (rat were
u larger blofoi
dub brown a

Union Street. South ®de.

This Is the VaclLage—

Wasbiag Powder

that cleans everything
quickly, cheaply and




-............Uabab-B II la la ny'panto M
aeetdrono to tba 0M» sala. 1 Mad; bol U millury ootnoo, beaoauoaploted ^Itb ;
Ifct amaiaaBO b |r
I sra ■> by tba aao' plramro a Tlrtaal retlnnicnl totbe£a-; '


rememberit Itcontains

-stv-s; ~ K.”r


! It is nucdlefiK to sar that it co«t moiv to prodnee these exceUeot garmeat&

A Real Hood Remeiv.

laghm would d9 bare bras a grraidra
figore la biotoiy if be had ueeer mar­
ried. bat bad lemoiord the aelf cvalered. ianlutiil figore that eotpre appataotly laleaded him to be. Bull, fan ambi- !
tloaa were uni raoC aad be wrote abort-'
ly ofUT bi* monioge lo a kUMama in
••I am DOW, I bellirra. fixed io tbia 1
apot. wilb an agreeable fuinuer fra life, I
aud 1 bop.' to fiud mon bopplorao io retimm-w Ibao 1 vT» expraieucod Ir •>at llio (>riili-'o bcDM-. whciv (be cooplc Nride aod balling world’'
’ P*'“
f** ** BUflliiahod It la poni9 rolaatriTa. poiaird ly alladed
to “
(NnulauMl innaiibi dBrlnklbcamion 9'
. TO ux iQirri.n;r4i'.
» liaorge'o biATt w
Tbe Icgii.letDni. 9tiT which, I
•priug, tliey K-Dorrll to Uuoni Venran.
Fifty 991aia.
TbU nioJTiage ws (be IxvlnDtag id i
The TrareraeCIly Oaoiaes College
Sera See awUmllcJ ocboUrablra fur
’HWUDi to ride in .lix> floab,
fifty ^naraeai.-b. If raid tmlore March
rbtonicied Uuil then two (
Alda," >1 appean, aerer .
chilcin a of furtoao erra had _
eoaUc uo l« oevnro larger raoaia. Oor
tbe felicity 9 being propn
rery ■ riootfIlfW'Wiaul. Woohiagtrai atleodaDce b double what It ws cma
■dto Ibe d
I and doby Wmbiagtou, ud tbnaapradl
fean 9 bi
brnl i«-aa-d tbi'liaad aadxmc-lhird Ibe
loot of yumii
f'lrtuDi' Ilf odp 9 the wnollhiun wmara
held tbal be ws eatllled to a
OABra* WAoaiRTIdl.
ID Virginia and Ibd- rboniM wbieb bad lag atUodaBoe. If you are iolerroUd
lUM ibaf nOgbl ba
imuty^Mtoad U ne by Aete obonctra and to pool tbo rroi 9 tala ex- :
modi' lu-r tbe n lcniiig h'llc 9 Ibe Tiro call at oace, u we •.ball oc
n'gal roan at Williaaiibotg before bra tbbafrorbeyaad Merck lot.
M/«ra Id Ibo poimin lu wbieb b« took j
6 3w
Cii*« K linear
lincarBAi. l*rep.
flidi niorrlBgr wrtv i>o«r in rirbiA
onalu fiw wbieb be bad ID
iachaotloQ. ,Bo wriuo tobio
bliOQi. NbehedtbcoliTiDgtwocblldcba
9 WaohlsgtoB for
rbo tugs blm 'bol to rUlt ibo 9o aUnttw^^Mw -------------- ot a I wnarTowiy aiaeid it. thire ia tbe fa- by bur And bniUmd. Tb>y wer« takim


: $1.00, $3.00,
$4.00, $6.00,
$0.40, $7.50. H

framed that my fatW bad died fros
tboaoae dfecaac* tbey oald I maot die,
u beredHory Caaccr woo iacarable.

•irS SsixSSii;--rv.;..■Ml

laabvai bloyalioal aaiore, Ma
aaoBBta aad bli dorMioa ta irbat bo
Qaa^iorifl bb daty. tbal be at 9na
flioarialtb Ibo tdfor aad aotoatapeo


• To dow ont balaoce of Block <m imt^ we Buke —
these extremeljr low price*.




Abb _____ k. R. will oell exeaialoB
■U (Wim
(WiE all otaUoDO mWaobiogWa
aad relura atose
fare for tbo nmad
trip. Tiekeu will be raid March lot.
:od aod Xrd. linilhd for retars to


all kinds and sices.

Milk Pans,
, V
Stew Pans, .
Bread Pans,
Butter Jars,
Water Jars,
Stone Chums, ]
and eTerythlng in thb line.

I Corner Front and Cass 'StS:, Iraserse City. \



Obtained by adYertislng
your wantoin the Herald


■ ■ iiS

A perfect banetaoa, rarefnily dnstd
aad'nprrUy uoauud. bo ws iararln
bly aitaDded by a fine iooklag body
eerraaL' Afira tbe Braddock defeat it
ws a toldierly oolratd maa aamed

XDTTXilliTaMunincSSpwMatafffltsteeMoffood*. , -

Oaring tbe

" ■— <*

— di—d 1

tale }rauim] 9 hU. wbm. bal little




eld a )em aadraa
' 9 bio oblUtis. bat
well bted or loosodoe bte fooc. figwre or
e bimnlf ip tbe oetiBii baoraaUoatU.


We will oot bore you with a long song and dance but trill give prices to soityo
Men’s wool sox

traoM. aadpt
wooM tarabUekU lar

r 10 bio

>g trbmd 9 bb, wboa* ho ad-,
J Cn*calbed.WaofaiBgtCB
>-Orar fietda.”
••My plara9tooid»ra at pmat b tbeflaoeoa9
ODOBBOBM ta which be woo to
I bw LradMtp'A wo'iota I might, wM
Aboot mi
wo Aad him writing;
ploaM.ily,.ihora'o.aeray agraoabio ITU,
yoram lady Hera tatbooametaBao—tbo
«« Mra Woo





r Oono wUto Mtoetlaw art cee«;
try Dr.



-tUi Front street, FcbdriehBlk.

Trararramty, wra.



:#ii!iaT.D FBBHiTAinr

lay l^jin



toralMVMuVoo^ '
OMf* MrUb, wbol«TM •
mmi ■«• ^4ran. *w kUlrd hr
1^ UM mmr lUn Koaday.



4m withMt ioad er drlsk.
wld and haarer



’ refrinntor taetary.
ed atKortfa Oi«—rille.


It M "r"^ :s? ^iriSrffi

week. By Hoaday’e mall they ncelrcd ardata lor orer t.iao rririrenton.


towad the aalmatb toafa* Into tte
Ifa. Baditot the-haU-eatoa—ream at
bee— Whitt had atnyadawM taem
ama. bat teOadtoAlaaoear the paa- Uemme of wCSi taaot cKaa. ba­
be— mi—ai by<Ua Hamalme
M-toftteChrk -MofOao—aad
erttine ofthe
____________________ .tto Ufa o<.
Salf*tl^ ChrtoUas' haai— ban ____
Beaty Ward Baattar to lafridly d
harped. Suoay petrola. bla^ )aekaU
AfUrapaadlarmackttma la dlyfflar aad marine* an am del* la the »U—la
far a'a»«allad^ie-etna—n oa bto of Cbaca. The wenblp Alpha- hfarm, Val—U— Kelly, of QarkoriUe. be— ordered to C—le. A royal yacht
ha* b—a ant twdeport —tayeea. B—
lad., taaad SS.7S.
Uc nyilalloa oeec the aatom at
and UMm to reported (ram every
aad TiUay*. The aattaari^—yam
pbeae Uae eoatirctlar hto oBm wU
when arc eryiay that tteCbwthm
the boaaMotallbtoeoaatry pati—b
proclaim; a aal— wlU
J— ghri^.J-Wcbtiar , Joe^
exp—wd la
l^lled^l—iLahaUoftbe'^t^ el Syria.
dtotriet of Uleeosrl. tojtod to
Araaad Ue ReytoB.
BulJordaa wanleaB atoelrie U^t
laat aad will not r—t MU ope ia aeAt yebraekaCIty. fin ebildr—, :
are raiarior fraarirhltofUt—a year
broke aroerh tta toa while akatto
WUd —ta nam theatr-u la Urtoatrtr, OB Ulrti ef ChartoToU. and amaU chUdr—
a Ue city. xtay at home after dark.
a dnwaed.

A Mearoe oMoty womaa hrid her
bead arm a Ink la a eae-ralloa keroeae theoll from niair loab The weather
Id, aad before the rot
.............................. .her hand waefroiea
badly that it any hare to come off.
lete C. Jerama Cany,. ^f
of Mil1
Ttt le
Laat eeanarr aChelMamaa took a
d Uet bto body ekoald
rhaiKW la a reSeaBd drewa Aae koree.
e aUm iLnld '
*1 LM-«.
.*• which, howrrer. waeaotof mach an
to him wiUutui a rehlcle to hitch It to.
• ^t^Zd^avt of Mllh »r«d hta.
coapleof wrrhiarohc toekaehaaca
■oU Kmlla. »»id M^li^ ta Ow
i aaother nflle. aad baa drawa a carried oat.
tadeome caller to r> wlU the horae.
Ml— Kato fay Ewiac. wba won dtoS^y^«>eSro/hWM>thef»ho»a
Aa aakaawa malady to hllllar boa- Uaetl— aa "AaDl Katie fay.” the
dtmto of abccp la Oaea^aad ad)acoat foaader
ef the flnl
childr—'■ home f
eooaOm la aootheni' MtohifaB.
In the Ualtod blatca. to lylar at a boepital
aome localltim eatirwBocta bare died to Toledo, Ohio, 111 of
fcOlad lb* ulaal and captured tbra and tanner* here eeBernd Acrerc loeaen
_________ tetopertlow well ed—oced la y>
Hn. Leel Vaa Waaahatg at Deealar nlarlyriralent in the aorthera Mrt oi
D strian ol ilelrk belle aow la
lOiaadaaaalUwhlebeQBtala U.oiUi Caceoeaaty.
p-e«-l0B of Ckarln U. Kloddard. of
At UttA^OB, while Onetor Keeaaa, Kairle Do bae. to to., attract mora than
;!i;^ A.LamdaP*arUil>lr4«U<«
ared in. wae rnrarwl
boldlar hto
eaal amooBiof atuatlha b—towS^ebaiMia.
theraUcesf WtocoBBlB'e *1rirbAi Oetea. tha loar^ta^ld twia
atreel car frirhlened them.
They no lar daya. Mr. Hloddard bellcr— tt«t
Why e( Mr. aad Mn. Allaa Bay»ood.
Jn7teaad <Uad ia bed ttaaday oera- away, oatobiar and earrylar him oa they an IM yeaipold, aa near — be
tbeloarac for halt a block.
Uc frit
laf. OaMBakaowB.
PI*The price of potatoae eeeia* to be
leektacepailUle. la TaaeoU eoeaty
At UeatoB Harbor leadinr fralt
«iarto«oealaabaabeltelarreqeaa.MtMa to ao> briar |i^.
Ue KorUera I'helfir mllr
The bride la a oeddlar at Ida, Mon: aad report that Crawford peach—, both KeBBett. af Ortblar. Ue
ranaato. laat week, ware the aanw
k—kept Ue caael localioa
. Areawhiehherawitber woraoaaatw- the cold. <
b- broarbt -mpl- which erld—ce
. nareeeaekiB tarty yean arc.
rwtottoe harr lire In • aaSeleotlora Uehirbralaeof Uelad.
twO'tblnto crop.
Al LanaldM (ar»a O. K


M«a.aBd aleo, raaraoirr w nice MO
MW of taa the Ant aeaaoa.
data Profook ri Bed Aae raa a pltrt•ark talo hie 1<«. A eat etach IM

Work war nauBed at the Oread
Baeaa naleh'factory Hoeday. rlriar
OriPlWMet to a lante aanber of boye
aad cvto aad eerarai Mk.

■■Joe' Kobmlub of Harlnaw. bae a
ha—dram that—red bit life. Joe wae
c—Inr the rirar Prtday where eumc
bad been at work aad broke
Ue weal
- n^ld^y^
-(irriaaetely door to a tarre
r. wbleb
be had b—a earrylar.
which acted-I
Hie pr—ereer aad kept him akore
ter anUI kelp ear
k MItJar. of Biohficld. wae loadlye wbeci a Irrer Bew orer Ue load
Hirled Iteeir ia bto la bto bead orer
the rye. Uc hea been--------------------------- ,
hour*, hat may roooTrr, A. A. dklaaer.
alao o( Blchfleld. went orer e lewd of
twlad hayaed anrlj^^ hto llfremU-

t-j *w. Tha^^*< * •nitUe |«» I* my
k—I u4< Ue»4 * a—|4ri< wieck ri
nr 'u.-u«-r wll. I «x»deir—id tomwd »»d
■ wnu. M. M—*—*>01—1 eiulmr ktoa.'i >.c.r .rtr leih

-I ■.^I I). Onr—'• Ner—rahtoodaa4
—ri4n.. il . i>J 1»t.-wi*t>till*w—an
'-M -X ; iJwcr—t*T



•etohx el —lea a
uw*r«—eey —>*—•
olyverbae—*ee«riw >h— <he h—<e<

" 3r?7«S“v4S.?ff

I • WWlUi » W«.l U~™. __

B. or. 3d;oiiC3-.AJSr


C Smyar. wbollr— fire mU— a------«Wt ef UicbSeld. beard aa eaaloelaa
la bto hoaae. Wbaa be arrtrr^ there
ha taaad the atoreplpe Mowa Into
ptaam andaeaUerad allow theplaoe.
ly be— —piftlnr la thto rlelalty of
laata ea whleh tb« ^------------------' -

* W*r* teep * tor— uta d. VOBMAM. P-atta-c.

^Petotty i^le claim t)(at ^
faen'e Bolhl^'tolow^b—taien
Tbeaew kardwoad I
of IW JohaxoB A Co­

Cheap Homes

er lad—tiry
r Ctodll'--*-ty.

WkUelrylayto reearer a pall which
e had dropped Into the cwtera. John
etllll laToIualarlly west la alter It
ed ibe Ice <»ld waUr nearly killed
im hefore bto cri— tor help khjayht
I. II. Ilartwol! mimd laid a boo— at
dr'n a few day* ayn end after Mart-

na1;f a million acres

flKltlFaming lands

tartey of an exaloratloe ol Ue Alaaka
yoli Held* made laat ■omraer by a narty ariilmt by Ue bar—a. ■■.Su(U..|eot
data.” Prof. tVal—tt—y*. "weraaecar.
' tocatabitob Ue arcaea—of a yeld
t lan mil— la toayU la Ala*ka.
whirh eaten tbe Urrlbwy near Ue
montb erf Porty-Mlle mrk aad
w—iward acre— Ue Voaboa n
tbe lower ramperto.”
.a J. C. 11—laerof Iroutoiaaa —ya Ibat abonl Uu.oMi pet^le a
d—mate la Ue nurUw—t partuf b
aUle. owiny lo had crop* Or ha* jo
r«c*I-d a dtopatek fra- Ool. I'alye
Baker, editor of Ue New Orleaaa pa-

»«■“ r.w-t»


j TO

•r—ry of the hott—Idey leicrkDCM lowini.u.''*aidthe
old lort.-orolnFlcal memher. >• tbrelabruti.r lu blow iiiy tin-ir raid fioyrn
xaiupilu.- their chUlnJ fert,*ayvU
• I a *> bat year r axkrd a yoong meb
“In tbe yrer 1«5*. . The* hioraltiff
opeuerf cloudy .end it locked IU.c rain.
Then at about auoa. it cleared off and

.. .



£^*a mlUlra ^1—*'
>A -ble 1
ire —■
tlrrly laadeqnste lo meet Ue awful
dmtlMUoa aodUat—refnl ianallya___________that not to— Uaa 40,—. cbildrcQ here beca —adeerphaa*
by the late raa—acr—

c r i-irtTM-mirirB.. Mu*. i»-



Hotel Whiting
.TrAversa City., ^ch.

WEDNESDir,, MAliefl 3.3, 1891.
Oae Day Oaly Baeb Kpatt. *

ConduUatlon asd ExamiittUon Frae and Strietly

■ p.j f-ushk-ve<'n.fa.p».ijwi*
Wc thr uaueruwsro. Us.r
r. 1. Cbror, turthrto-llklr.—^ brUrrr

Herald Office

Ud 61—1*11! utUr leemny out *— «Ulx>

To Young, (Middle %ed and Old Men

mmm. ;i

Note Heads,


DRS. B. S. & CO.


>r m,w— m, p—w-



Dellcjous Crackers—

We carry a larys eariety et
plaia and fancy eracheto; tte
Ibadncl ot Ue very b—t bok-

i ■ '"


fratt. eriep aad appritotay.


artoa mad -a hiyhiy raaommead Ue— for


thy. rtob-

ac- aad fla*or.
Spadal aU—baa to diiaett^


A eompartooa of mw atoek
of f—eeri— aad —r prtom

acnx-feb. Sldlie.

' OT,;Sr*sir'*™‘'“^

Oaa'h O-xooegr.

Book Work,
Wedding* Sta’ry
And *ny end^yery kind at Oommerolal Bad
other prinUnc.


Et— tbe Tallar— — tt*
A dtopaitt from Bmakay
mkay —ya ttat
—tww nv w —■ ew«— —*
tt* baucr rlemw amoay lb* peopl* at
India are brytaalar lo feal tte piack
at tt* tamla* Many are eclUay fdr_____
kc are—SHardtotrem to terribly ,.i.. aM>c u u. w—wi —<n—* w —u

Bill Heads,

!**n ulecc wUb * eepitol ol
T*X—MUu and w*U e—w*.

1 Lock Box 160. '______


Letter Heads,

nellbfire—• an* hxue a


SiSL? K'&SZ-Sf”

lAurxii (-I'MWIN* Xu—tofT.

. Tbt CeletTAUd SpwUUrti.

Huw'* Tan- .
We pder »nc''uui>lnsl tjulton Bmrd fur



■iMaill i^ii


if Tioreix. which apMir^^ Oeau.ix Ibe aierkn darter to. e<—toe <— eoa de plaar of ”'n>e Doeh- «boeM/4X A.Vfl J**t<»V«/OA*.
. Ctoe»P«r«(*rLLI,—w ......................
tari »« lucere.

the sti

raurt tf-tmibT^


t *0,dryer—, iitx,hH'li I
rrrfl of Ihedey.
Jay. "Kieo'

The Preach —Uaet ha* derided
9 prohibit tbe lasdlay ef met'. — rilP—ettow Tm.e,».tol.twt.
baadtoe from plaem in India, which
are lalected with Ue playae aad
naVlEKBllCITt' BfTAU.ll
aleo —tabitob a epeclal qaarla
ayalnat tmrelen trM each part*
u —esU be etottoei a nxHwtm Uu ibe


..Ul r-


0 better with lempaey Dearer borne.
• Land* rieb. dry and y—tly rolllay.
Timbered malaiy wlU Sayar Maple,
a-k Elm. Ba-wood, Aab. Boech.
Hemlock, eto.. and arc weU watered by
lake* riten aad brook*
Stroay ibil* fine crope, bcadUy
J mate. Khoolx and ebarebea. tatrilb
. poptflatloa, miaLaly from faetera Statae
T— Booh* Hapa. ele.. addrma



—T*a1ra HT

TOTAl. IltMM ttolMlEXTe...

n^hl failed to briny rclkt.ah
)uk In o
lay tiw
the ev—iny
tSr citireiii of I'ti—.liHiny by 4holr
op— wSodowK —inly kubluy for e
breath of freU xlr."
“I'.ul l.nw ilu TOO mnemher —«
rtly-whet toolc plBcr — lourayi-T'
”ity-ronnrcti«y it witb on e«en,t of;
blitorii-al loter—t which I* notllkriy
yver to pu*x from my tuliid.'*.
“And whiot waritr'
“Tlie hxnyiay 'f old jAiO
which took jde—at I'barlextf—'B. Va. fit
lx DOW rhxrto<it«n. XV. Va.).
Sd day of Dcccmher.’llik8-“


I-", r"

ToTAt exit'to'ij'-T tioudtnx... .. .


Itod IhS‘toy. ,A tSIS?..

pei^^—r^ tfa WlM alm^to^
aae—d totel. Ax Bra of Ue drowaed
m—were kaowB take werklay la ttto
lerel at U* time af tberdl—etor. U le
axpeeted that ttair kadtoa «m be reeereted eooa.
Bmfal-to ta tta Uttte hamlet at






HirttobiB aLVuimr.

TOTAi, IB.X.M......................... j:! -; -.;:;.;. " ........


Oioat alarm to felt at Copetai
e—ttoc of the approachiay of tl
daa, Ue yr—tbtnaal feaet of
. Tewfih ftetta. tbe T
toh mlatoler of torriya effaln, hex reThto wtel- toa bettor oaefor th«
Some of the borttooUanl aoetottoa a—nd bto family to a place of —fely.
' mlBaneathe Oerebtenare tbmtbe la Uc lake ebon aeweb belt an
ahditto irported all ofthe w—lUi—t
lay ow
. .
Turkiare prepariny to follow b
plao— la Chi—p where ^
may dlipoae of their
Ue lalereealloa of______
The yrowera claim that —
pr—eat ayatcin Uere to no iadi________
la ttercUlay eart to ttlp aaly -towted wlU fran of U* >—olt of Ue ap, (rail. — Ue reUr— reoelnd by Uem araacbloy opmtioa by wbleb It to
. are la—riably baaed oe Ue low—t qbo- hoped to remore Ue baoy protsrber*
—ttooi tor ooBiBoa yiad— of ladlffer- aa— trota Ue he—I of Ue exar. ban tl
a!wSmto —errlnil prodaoed the f—liaym of
cBtly packed frail.
O At In* Blrar a woman plaaad a
KUI •b-iW'b.w uullllcl W uxiuWlwm tlxnel
If —mciblor nnexpected do—n't kapmwAto—due W- Ul. —d rWblc W Acr—
pea Ur pleU et peach— la the lake
l<ort Darwla. a_____
— frtiU bell next *04000 to likely to
. —aid aloar and took ahoat ewythlar
SoaU Aariralla.
wax ala—l
—eb UephraoraeBalerop ot Wt
. la tto boa— er—pt the eook atora aad
y—r. But llutelajary to frail bade _______, wiped out by one of Uoaef—r; tto tamlly ‘
w— —ed by Ue re—at eenre w—U- ful borrioan-wkicb periodkally *tr '
Ue oaut of Aaetnlto. Nd line w
Moat waaal tntaito arimol ba^ uii ‘ttore** ^-^****y
?'■ 1—t. A dtopalch —ye Ue town to ywacTnmday moralar .............
tlcaUy deetrayed. all baildtay* belay
me dameyed to a eoaeid—abl
elUer b—pe of raiae or nty (mdlr
____ bat la the irylo— when at
per a—t of Uc peach crop of Ue____ da-a^ Tbe raiatall Monday
to prodaoed the lar—Uratloai mad* by
WUle wbaal remalaa aaaeU latte Uc rmweia ebow Um la)ery from cold
A 4ip|mttt from TaUk—d. Aalatie
etoeab-a. b-aa are ^ar a kM
Koaria. cayx Ue yereraor ef tt* traae: mto U fat— eoaaty. Thr— baadred
Berne foarer ■—nan eye the Maae- Cbeptau lerriloriea reporuaa oaUreak
paopto la Chartowe aaA.I.ow la the
I Uc plxytM et Keadrh
rid miae. near Cry*1*1 falls, wa*
Soaded. tberoof of the mlae. wkicb
w— ellaated aader Ue bad of Ue
Mlcbtya—e rirdt br—klay Uroayta
■At Bart, althoark aaow to a t
Torkleua reyioa. A dtopaitt
Aaaw. tar—an era etlU dnwlar hi
tlally Mall from Bombay lay* that tt*
Some time
MSofkmtotoof pr----------------------- Low ahoat *W«); ----------------

Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co.



Oiamptoa. of 0am aty. to oae et
The at—mcr City of Arya, whl
—rl—t Imporlemaf Uo—arhbred wrecked oa Cape Vallaao. por
pooltry la Hleblraa. He re—Btly im- eoaet of Oaliria. Spain.—rrtod t*
pQC^ tw—ly bead Irum farlaad^aoBUatlar .oLho-e ^ tta 1—dlaff priie —ro. TbliV-two of the
___ i-poruti— c—etotad of 1..
MUoreae. black' Waaaled red naiaa.
Aylebnry and I’akla Aneka aad Coratoh
tVhUe' Mn. r-dattok BayMida of
fatter towBxbl^ Vaa Barea o—aty.
wax aeUlar wood la the kilch— atm
her dathlar be—me Iraltod from e lln
eewl. WlU rr—t pre—aee ot mlad Ue
womaa nmfaed oat ot the boa— aad
plaared Iah> a uow bank, from when
ehe wae reaeaed la each a twdly ka—ed eoadlU— that it era* at firai feared
abe bad uxlalaad total lo)nri—
The prlaelpal enat each y—r In
Coloma to Ue uatqae aaxaxl mldwlaler elel^lar —1—1 and ladnatrial
eaiada la wkichnery man. wooua
and child la the a^hberhood lak— aa
re part. The rrrr—»■ Sett ‘
____ leryer U— erer befora aad i
nklcle Uat eoald be drawn by h.........
or men wae p—ed Into eerrtoe- After
marebtar to Cok-a'x atoter rillare of
Watareltot aad paradlar iU prlaelpal
-a Uc proec—I—retnrwed b —• the aneual feaet wae apr—i

Hr. aad Mn. Ja*. AebVy beU bad
Uelrleftarau brekea add their'baby
^ badly lalared la a raaaway------re.

eereed M a aertlnr place of iVoaulraala Iwtotawre ala— la».
Ihe ol?*U*to a^a—UHOettP" psWlSed
by Ur ladiaa pupil* *t the Harbor
Spnor* cnar—t, and to taken by the
e np«I.MMi.U
ItUop ot Rome and h** raecireJ Ue
approttUea ot Ue *uperior yeme—I of
. The BcvrrU<T ot the inbrlnr he*
—at to the BeDBles reparl by Prof. C. the K—Dciuaa order aad oU«t biyh
U. Waloutt. dlmtnrof Ue yeoleytoel omclala of Ue church.


I ^OMSmMMjrhanSam

Fai>m for Sail

Knojpi M the Oeorge Murray farm, fburmllM
soiithoftownonQ. K.ALB.~3L Niniety aorea, .
twenty acres of river bottom
iccQiioDinoinimMaB. land*improvede
river runs through the length of ftkrm,
irwir ♦op rdjrr
nice pasture on bottoms, good frame faim
bouse and a very good bam with basemsnt
for stock, corn crib, horse bam, hen house and
tool shed. $S,000 takes it WiU take city
property as part pay.
T* — r—' w

The llelUlre ladepeodeni ia ap—b-;
loyolaaurprtoeparty. —ytUryouay
lady in wh—e hoaor It ap* yirea
■■WBikeri Ib upon M of her frieBda."
Rather B rimbly welcomr. we *h<nild
la-oay aiieraooa. Ue leetolaUre —y. eapeelBlly If Bhe wefyked ranch.
b»Ila are In rniav and a —w. etnetare

John DiTto of heath LyM fell from
Cea weanblae oa Baoday laet. elar- a lead ot hay. apoa a wire fciee. which
larlBtbatraeaBaarhto hcne.
wa» eoD>rn1eally near. The fcltbfu\
a. C. Draw pal l.SM buahala of harhe iworhl him hy the tlaek af hto
>r* aad—rad him from braeh.
e OBck OBtherrooad.
Mb the Twt barlar beca awlea.
. Qlaa MaMarUa. fomeity a Ballai
. hay. toraporladtobareeoldbto law
yedy wae enacted araia
■the old trared;
Uip. aearUrayllar.Wed:‘i Sta aVoid Mae acar Victoria. B. (
la rr'>re lowauhip
1 «oaaa^keyBdleaUlorW(.000.
aeeday wbea Seelry tVabeleyk ..bou—
I Iraraed. toycther wlU hto two
Idr— ared i and 4 nap—tirely. The
bated the frarful oMdili— tbere to
lafir^n' tbetrfertaae oftote.CM*^ father w— at woU la the wtada.
1—t year'a dronU of foor mantha It
. toimWareletlreawplla bto |dea-re
ffbloely killed Ur yrowloy crope. bat
Ue atr—au dried up. —tUe died, and
At IroBWood Ue Inppior ladnetry. tbe— Uat aarrlnd hr—e eery l^r.
Mill— •rethma'nadearttacMry at
a— recy profitable, to aow an a drTimU. Mo, dubn Ul—ea. p
.liae. owiar to Ue lacreaM la Ue
■men. iouk e kur— awey from
Cath Amartoa aatealaatboy eaa be
ad of boy* Kriiiay ct.niay -at
Tbr marlea. Behcr—
arr.Tc It to hto boa** aad killed It'for
ter. mtah. Buakrat.tea end oo—eio
Martla PrltAaid. mi l«. oraa la- ly e lynx, bear or wolf, bowarer. are food, tlieaea wa* OBI of work, abd
: Maatlr kUM'al Urerae eaaip. near atlll trapped lo Uto eounly.
Serenl with hto wife and fuor chlldrra ware
. Sam Bto team no away. Urawior
ere went oat of bula—e Uto wla- Btarrlae to d—U. The b—oc belanyet
him and- Ue loai. Hto paraala n•- - ---1 d-ter. who allowed It-f
larye he—r It w— la«>
Aaorel Id— will be carried oat Ue
bay* were dririay it arooad I
...1*^ cummer by aU
all Unad RapMe
OW Bib—
eikea til— aelied tl
, will
barter aeobooaee.
The bey* wbo folk
which they
will make
ttolr borne, aad
klll UeABlmal.
UeABlaia]. cut off
wlllaall around lo Ue diSerreteam____ ,-xrter BBC'
aad atort to.roaat it.
mar reeorte oa tta lekee. rlHar loeal kladtjiianer
------^ wh— am
eoacerU at —ch. They expect la Uto -n told Ue pol
way ta make eaanrb money to keep Uet be aad bl*
Ueae—Ir— duriaff Ue eamaer, aad lay tar Uree dayv '
win ban Uefanal Ue trip lalo'tfa —t tor month*

M.T U« b-. «U«1j 111.

B. 1.™., ...



. ,



_____faoto Pea- Atopatoh

m-: -T^.-----------Sl'3U-=si'^-s^“r.




Big stock to select firom and good
work done-


Traverse Herald


1M.7U; ^ahlafWn, lM.Hfc Odla»- BaU a»


ScwaOcoTHMlntRmivi V'u« «•» «r M


. ilaaaaH •*** piayad by
Kb WUhriai and Mlaa Di^ira.
Tba pt«vaai thwyhoKt wan -aeiy
will ba________
r tb WB* llalanad I* vrttk far It. nltborlw
•t LMUac miij U tk* wMk tf ^ t
the toWBhl^
To Hoaa th* Oapual.


bald Hoaday araniny at Ike laail>tehad Op by lha Llauaar.
pany to^ bold e( Ike BatiB.
of Oa>. narrb. in Datrait.
beBmtnyad layBJ^
AaotkB bUlabMtte bt aetk
*b*n a reaataUon *aa faaenbly
<B*' Ihnt will maot nrlth <nm aaaaor
■rod to naka an aftart to mo*
waraefnalBnln- U ta * MU
U cspttal from La^ny to Detroit.
Ml TirlBctkB ta KMilyaa.
• proinmlUaB. If oada. wiU I '

~HS«S5-Sri5iS —

baUdlny. le a flaa park pa tb* rirar
troat, a fiaat eaoraetka baU to be
buUttacoanaeUaa. AUthitlaba
br DetioA. wUkoat eoat to tkettau.
UMcialaied that Detroit U oor
aaatantly laeated than 1^ iMlny tar


sss£r ■'

oUepropoaad ineon* I

SS'?i!r^';55r.rt:'ir!.‘t: 5:ks

Cnele Uor


Tbrr f*rl UM Uef mn

•1 W UK ofieUl OMBt at eketont
*oUe. aa folio**: HrKlsIcr. m: Orjaa. ITS; Robvt. *71; S«*«U. lt»: VataoK. >7. Tb* rtea ptaaldeal Ui«
Ik* elaeUoa of Me-


ad or no rnilraad.
_______ .'froB tbe dock at Old HioaUa, 1 .woeld aayyeet Uat the road I




datn for tb* p
e'tbe fro* eileer ticket at Chkayo. ha*
alUred kill Bind Bosewbat ralaiira to
freeeolaay*. la a Utter to tha Chicnyo Trlbaaa ha By*;
Inat fall'* election wne not n elctory
fora yolcl .aUndard. Tbe party (bet
w> iBUrprctt It makraa Bbuke. ll
WBaaproteet ayaiaetellrer moaoi
alliaa, ayalnel a poealbU unaonod
roBcy. aynlnet nnquaUeed le b
Tbe party that felU to rocoyniar thb.
in By jadyment. will naka a yrcaiicr
inlilaka Ttana* wbo onunad a ounUaaaaoe of thia ooolrorcray nntU oar
pany or the other la au aeerwbelined
with defeat that furlhar reaUunce >•
ImpsaalbU. are eo chaapiona of their
ounMiy'a wclfarn. whether tbeytnaliae It or aoU
Thlt b a flavfaotod abaadoaei
tbe alrUea to ana IdB, and U aa
eqaally namhukable rebnke t

V Tha eoropaaa Sitaattaa
iMUUal aUaatlan ia qolw rrave .BrTU'
wIMf latbefiratp
atpaaralla Boi^ Tka n
adherent of the ailrer parly to btoak
liakvaaad Baaaaera* ia tha
aWay from bla BoorJoya. l,ony before
>ea Ume to nominate anoihs
• laar *oo(ht
> and draft anethar aatUeal plaV
aUlB tha lalaad. and bar ruaboaia
•Tend will c(
haa* baaa aaat to tU aeenc ol action.
Tubr ia piwparad to dabad kar bendredaoi
ftfhu. and the Po»en think firaata
•dera wbo aia *o a
hat overauiKKd bar koanda.
ntlerly li^peaalbU lor the eld Una
UCB*tofaf*BwnritfroBld badlBCKlt to Btlataln friendly ralatlona sembera of lb* oryanlatioa to dad
abcller within tbe fold are admly layaaaac the tarrer aatlona. and
lay tbe foundation ter the o
paaaaia la halnc broa^
Id* A'rctiino Prem.
BUla tu Senator OomU.
Woman-* CTnb
Amemt tha bUU Intndnead in the
Tk* aBtloB of tbe Woman-a Clob
nanU tbia weak irera lb followbv >>f
Pridey afteraooo waa epeaed with
acriptnr* rendlay by the prcaident fol­
& ail. loaathorUaUa
lowed by e abort boalace* Boetiny. A
el pita
dtrnlar letter wna read before Ue elab
Id la* raZatiaa to tha
aaklny -the ladlealouke aetlea npua
U* ooauat* and peUtloB tkA.ley>eUtnre ta paB npon bona* MU K.
wonwa open


Uc Braecb Jarm. etc., to Ue Pair'
yronad. theaca to town. Ue depot*.'
the qiine etc . a* Biy bo oooaldered beat by the;
- -i foerVeWaUnel Blew.
that i* Bnythlaybolpleainnl. a* the ^'^hl*
-Jld require the Uylny odiI And Eware re.- auretir Mu.
LUteaer know* ta hi* coat, and mlyht ___ opealni; of bat a mile or two of;

■ . M. n- Iktn.aewroad. Tbr whole llae lobe adopt-1
•telly. CBB** aaiieat Injoiy
ad M a townthl^roa^aD^carTfallyj
that oar Wy fir* la

term, ihonyh the yrip haa kept a noB
ber ottbe amalier cbildrea oot fora
abort rime.
Tbeaealc. . _ ................. .........................
ty-*la. aieetcoa ol whom are ukiay
tbe rrynlar ooaiaaa, and the rnaalader


hatetoeoldeupu) the crnler road, ao! , The piny "Thq l^rlcl,

piHMilaliun....... ............. .
BMwBed ealualiiiB of tbr whole v>wo-;ro^ .
•hip by UelmproTemBUla aocilon.
A. ti I’alrbsaln went IO;Cenii*l
BOW Of mrrriy er.Binal ealue.
J.ake tu die. where be -leteadB to work
Theabr^rBcla'rtlcharewiU- hi. framthe real of the winter.


.b— ■! .


. ..I.,____ .

J__________ ________

maaatratB that byUb radacUoa of
U* peariem aycnelea, Ue coat afdbbarriaypeoatoaaBa baradaaed by at
tBit «in.eon per annum. Tbb'exneo«•* cedor trill yo Into efioet Sept. I
■ext, IttcseenUaa hnrioy bBB poat.
pmMdMUlthal date la order Uat so

Wboierer Ub caa be redoead JbMb
mneh ICB iMOB* yU be laqabnd
. make It pay.

r taUBUB they will befa»ariB&-__
. toBBialola a nmd from tb* Mart mod
wU be aarranAded by aoU MctaoBi* a(

^ 4MHI amr York. bMUi-.FIrilaAalpktB.

to select from in the city are found at Fnink> Net
Shoe Store. We show the new lasu and new toes of 5
the season. Make no mistake.

Tb* Old Bailable aad Orlyinnl Sboaman

I i s Front Street,


9. blkS,

Wureburg Block.

THE ...


Wall Ppr Season



Traveree Oi^. Mich. S



at Will,

1 l»c here. We are prepared for it a.s never before—Stock—Prices—
G Patterns—Stylos—we want Ui show the goods. Don't expect you to buy now— 1$
1$ you'll d'i that surirnuf Inter on. Remember thiF—ooUide parties quote prices on
# single Tolls—we don’t, ours are all double rolls.
• fP

^ M. B. HOLLEY. Monager.


Soccrasors to Holley A-BilUngs. {


iI Make goodSome
bread occasionally, but our “BEST” i
gets there every time, always reliable, never
[ slips a cog. You run no risk in buying it,.as We j
guarantee every barrel sold.

Hannah & Lay Co. I

nb'a UI add-

«m.‘o.'B. llerUiro*. pMUir.

Un T. T. a*T»:
MvItair>-tr-I eoeloae a paper <»a
Uialny tpme MyyBUon* on Ui
of a railroad on Ue Foalntnla.
am eery mueb Interoatod la Uo
ae of tbe eabjeet embrneed U Ub jj—^
------ JohBlO:M-M.
or and Ulnkltof UeytBleat Im- dbll} laritod.



The Uemo» of the moralar and iloo.'
ereolny aermoa* oextSaaday will be
<j. E. A t. 1 B.-Co. to C. W 1
raapccUvely. “ValU Ue Mrotnre of vwh of .ic'k. iMo. a, T :: X. E w
*eeccB.~ and ■■Special CbaaMraUo* few



> Bow nnder ranatraotloe,
l>reacblBy Suoday at ft:M a. B.
,Tbe railroad b aar* to eame
time, and wheo omee located aay miaJn'aior C. E 3 p. m.
lako af locatloB bb not be rooUfied
y. P. A.C. E i:l^^m.•
amaya rntnllad be aeCToeUd. ai
thUk Ur qneaUoe aa I prmantHof Ua . P^Iny 7 pm.
Prayer meerUy Thnn^y at 7
Band that Ur
b aa t^portone Ume
ime to oooalder U
A H. tVal.axB.
Ml** Uatr* la robB of deepBt
aerniny la Ud chnrch parlot
X w.utxs't ai-a4)aanbxa.
WM repTBonUd Bachel waaplny iur
Tba'moothly HuIbm mertlBy of Uc
aportanc* Uat eeaa
o^yteyaUooal C E aoe»y waa held
Id UBe boril Ume* which doael at Ue
W. MlUlk9l>eareal
ylreaneoarayrateol loBcwee
dayamlw I prtieeded by a tony aarelee.
it b a matter ol freqow
freqoeot coa<
parpl'e aad yallow ailk, who far*
doll Urn.
~OBlbly U«M
- edallUmmaod
planalay ncunUan.
Inter are adapted to
Ic a candid and
Hia. Patehla Bay froB ■■btW oarefni conaideratiM of Ue oabjeev
and reprtMafed Uat bBoUtnl qa
InaOBtome of white aad laeondor.
A oharmlny Bebakah at the well
Before any partlea m be.lodaeed t
waa made by Mka Stelnbery In a
be project I
wiritkaveto bra*tbflrdu(
du( Ue
tome ol ted aad yrcaa, wlU hv an
oradociBC caparity ul Ue rood whea
j^npo. brri^tdeT.
belli. TbepaymeatofdirideDdeartoT

•d teyitcampbUmcCa
ramiialot UerMbaad roaotd* from c
Ua nyeoeba dlacoaUsood.
Thb order ooBioIidatB Ue MlUlyaa
oKb at Detroit wlU U* l^laaapeib,
lBd..4>aro.aad UatraitUu Ioob IM


yardeoa, tl
:be bli

lutriilwitk Ur drilE U. Dagyet to K J. Moryan. «7S;,
ladea orebardt rrdi
and trail wonld frrt off E rod of lot 14. bik 10.01. L. A [
oate perfume of ftir
nakr a aerne appealing to eriwy aenac Cu-a. 7nd add-souo.
and dwelllay ,1oog in memory.
3. 11 Moaroeton A. Blnyham. >1,
I of aw k. Sec. 75. T 7S N. K I7w—S400.
THE CHDRCBEBtrayaa. lou t


Traverse Citj-, Mich- ^



ma. comtny oa Friday.
Mim U. L. Uarrsy. a frmdaat* of Ue
7 of •Uaale;
llcT Tl
acbool Uga weU aad yarai
milay moalcal lalka. CU* I* idal
by Uc moala company of t
ylrea to Hia. J. E Martin who had HardettoACo.. wboae book* and
odt are Id OB here and IneUerMlehl
Snt da} of Januiyof abcb year the prepared the literary proyram. "Kotod, yen aebeola.
•a of the lUbto." wm Ua eabjeet
bHilkanta for ooanty oCeaa ahall anbfor Ue afleraooa. aad aa ewery
alatlaf th* aatalmaB aa
Ion Railroad.
paeUd. It bad bmn Admirably handled

Aar radaeUy Ue raambef
ayaadaa In Ue United S
oiyhtaea tonloe. The object ol Ueori
Aar iatoeSaci a very larye uvlay U


Rdliafclc Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing Houitc.


b the bill ai
;oUc read.
I. it would be the yreatcal ooi
■ to the yrratBl osiobrr.'
l( U Bk Bapida
rreticr part uf llir iahabiBoln dl
IVniaaula now Utc alooy tbe lie
Ue telephone road. The number will;
be Incraaeed-B* population Increawa |
bps bei !B qnita slck^^t
sad the proporUon. will aol be lea., Dob Haatlnya
. I la
*>•»»* now.
41b The mnnlny of oleciric car* ^Imoal ererr one la
alosy Ue like proposed would mean, yrippe now-a-daya .
withoril doubt, -lb# oecupall.iti of Ue • . Walter WaUim bB i
whole frontaye of both .idea for pt
lesal fire mUca out from thr city, with
„ , /
r 'of Elk Bapid. Ti*itod«t
oomfoAable hou.ea. «.tlaee.. enrdeo. .
IbeOth ioaV
and orebi...........................

young people went to
'tber olyhc to attend a
. marred and aurprim party.
he laying ol1 a rnllroad
tbrculUcraa.idlyfrey rr- ^ Nrn.^
airty jneior* nnd the yrndontlay clane
it I
.u doing. 111. oDly neceae« yenr will be na Inryn Unot Inryer
in P^^-ot >
«ary to dt-iee frow Tracerr* •Citr
. blark.mlth Uop
MaU-l baa a nei*
Acme to rraliae bow utterly a railroad
and it keep* llert burr
-nr eiybth ytndo* hare
between the nnd tad the a '
i>»*; ponndlag early
and late to do Ue work Ual--------Ur raad (or driiinc purp-oc
BOW erery acre of .bore of
aula la of ralue. at Irail
thing went wrony wlU tke mill
nek. n-.|uiriog the aerek-pa of a
uadance yet ki
1 Ur .bore |i
ainUeUlyh Khool
Ut from TraeersaCityu adjust
iluelera (or «
all well atarud
ISth. The rlcli
tbe atndiea of Ue Mooad aemBtor a
bank, uirprivi-d bet oa the Soih inat.,
re dolny eaoelleal work.
that briny her blrUday. bhe ret
bar.with few rr«lAr3r.-«or im
The literary aoelelyaraaaeTer la bet
a onaber ol preaeaU. AU rep
■r ahapa than at piaaent. aad Ur
pruyram laati-rlday mebtarab
the beat qt U* wlnUr.
Many of Ue room* ara preparing
simple enerelsB for Llneeln's birUday dolqne la Uemallerof lu bcanlHul ruinity from eklldbood. briag
drire.. Thr Br. twonkl Ur
'’F a'l-ho
and WaUlnytoB-a birthday
■nmtnil of the rli
Feb. n.
aad nodulallai
.Uea PBootlay of U* KorU rolliby
Ue Ibto* aa ayed I
■ ~ ‘ ara* held bright, allractlrr homea: glimi
iretkrr and a aiatcf to monra hi* low
allhcr hand, of the brliUt blue
beta Friday aad U* proyram anrnnye.
ler. Mr. (Ireea preached the fobrri
of Eaatand W*»thay*andaomel
1 Wuriam.Uary church Sat
Ue aprlny aoeUny at Cadillac briU at once, nnd finnlly of
______fWlf; tu ahcrli.taoce
the *bo«
April : and >.

The apriay tbcbUob trill be tbe week of Lelanaw aad .Anuiis oonatiB wKb
Real Ettata Tronalare
their wr>^rd hill*, eultiratcd tarm^
------------- Tki,,iii
Ur chaaginy coll
RW-ea-J trwB r-b tieWb II. loHaal-*.
a* extra week in Uo wiator term, bn Uc yrowiny
<ru-a..b-e b) X 0 U<W.B.*lx-r..l IMe
U* fall term waa ahortoned Ue i
diatnaer the............V ■ —-I. ■ C- .V. Powell to IV, J.J-'rame. lota' *»
laoythof Ume. o* aoeoaet of Cbrlrt- while ciww at hand

To Ik* Lovaat Blddar.
Xanaat po9Ui<da»a an aathlay if not
nniqa*. Uan I* U* Utaal Idea fonanIntad in a MU by a E. Wmi*«e.
wall bnoara popnlUv andMatradaecd
In tfcaatauacaaUbySeaator Saaen.

in attalodc*
ba aeeompaalnd by a eertiSril check '
-ter SM. oa aa aarnBt of yood faiU.
TWb Uda are to be opened by Ue
UorlS aad roaaty olerk. ‘ Tbe aaooaaatal i^tBnt win Uan be peratllad to ea. tiroprB. Fatohls. Walt. T. U. Heuaad HiBUntcareepaeUeely. Uc
aoaa4nto Uceoartbonae, o-hlle Ue
•U AepnriM will ba laUiMd ta Uc ladlB belay expected wyoeB from-Ue
lawtrlpllusa yleen whnt ohnraetoti
laere meant.
Bew I. Unt foraaehemef Umlifila repreBDtlny HnVy Mi«da)ene
*Mha OOQBU fornot^lny; Ua loaraat
Ur*. Marti* raclted OBlertniBlayly
from LoBylallow'* "Divlaa Oaaam^la."
Ohaay* la FanaioB Oftea*..
Attar raecB Mm. UolUday Bay.
•■Oald* Me q -nmn UrBt Jahoeab.•BBC* Uat Ue pcBldeat hat tiynod. andUeOUTB
M U* reoommoBdaqoa of taretafy of

Value Is $12.50.

“•qd.’ltwoBldbe*line«nwhicbthe|"'^»“- L._________ ^^
wkdlr lowniOiip coold ayree Thoaa^
lUinyoBlhelioewonld haTertaalec-;
i-ie care pBalny ibclr own bonaen, tnk- [
al'KHIT citr.
loy nnd Iratiny them *t tbelr eery ! HpecuJ Cgrmpeeawire
Frl- ill


Hr.CoaaU baaalao noUeadabUm
haa* a^rwe eonn r^orta pi)aud bj
o otir autale
ttanUle; nlaoaUltfor Iheomal
book*, an InatOt to our Banhood.
Sen of an aptaarfM oUaf* a*^l
lanace-to onr home*.
tooU auyyaatloa* were,acted npon
.•mbly and tb* peUtion* will
11 be
iBi to tunalay br tbe

$7 25

We'll sell you
’ for

Z D.,B. square cut styles^

b condllloa ae to width, grade
ta. etc., to make it firat claa* fc
■o Ual we woold
rrfeeUd road an

Napember need spall UoBlock of fire
meed np to
ia Jaat aa even Urt* Bonth* to4ay
laonnded. The "Uy
plyBoralpyof Sot
and Ue bb* afternoon a bornioy
be road aad F. Aadaraoa. <
chlnney eallefi U* company oat ayala
51 y all im i^ukaba Tow*; i B. Barth. Omcaa:
To-d*yU r*b. 11. and dorinyall Un
■0 "T n <1 ____ _
ilBc tbore baa bcea no alarm. It b
the loeyBt Ume alaea Ue fire depart
road would

■ •• •
'oehee: Dto
■neat iue been workiay nader IB prea yradod
reaul aa.ieo ben
li« tValioo:
Ue towBTblp ,
f. F. UrTbearyumrolaiadamrof eorndlcnl '
f. B. KerAlony Ue line of enmity to anii
•d llnenrr:
____________ rfected hlph- ■ r
Ue Uatoaer noticed a bit of Uooykt
:h Uonened dUtnace. for dally | y
Ernel, tVUUamabsry; KrU Bj
lrwiae*a~tu oUer day. that miyb
enally idaalt is Ue Iob of a yood boree
Thooyh Ue aoB wn* briyht. U* wind
line of boisB waa bitch
«d alony the enUra froat of-the Mer
enotilaCoBpnay'ablyatore. Tbewan
f the aon eat the
Tcfnade roof to ruonlayln a atcady
tha* the eare* tronyhi
ooald carry off. and a abower
Ua cold water *** ponrlay down os
hacki of eoTeral horeea. One In
particalar bed tripd w yet ant of ^e
way.bnlBBSlW UK>akert,aBd the*]
*M*t troeainy drop* oBBe ia a neady
from tu neck toft* taU. The
paor aalmal wae abaklay and la
to ylre a eerloo* cam of alekncM. Aay
baa tried a odd obower bath
twa mlnole* eaa appreciate
the feellnc* of tbe horae, hitched there
far an boor or more.


new read from tht* polat to and peat:
Uray-e and Konlnyne'a. thence aoaUerly aa acorly oa tbe top of the rldre ■

e Did yon eeerwnik aJoay tb*
aaaared attnet oa a dark atybt and and
. deal} ■tapdo*pU>loapUoa' '

ooBBrantcatiaa 1* Tb* Micblyaa Fanaer on Ike aata* aobjart and lakiny eery
mneb tke tnotc view of tba caae. Col.
Detand. bo**Ter. oalU aOeatioa
tba fact tb* ootutltBlioa cipraaly
*■ **
ptofaiblu itb* na* of apacldo taa
a>* for the ytaaral expeaaa of tb*
aBta. boob ra**BB* a'OHid, tkaretore.
ba*e loya«aa*all tba briaary
land. Tbit. aatkellnaAUi baa before
VM. IT. UK. X 11> 'Ise*. lx tk< l»f*xr •< aaU. ««nld b*aU>t8bl If each addi­
tion to tb* tnnd *ooM make a perniaaeat radaetioa 1» ad^ taxaa. bat Ui*
fact la tbIa bat Bet been tha'raaall
beratofor*, and it 1* not probaMa that
ll^vonld be now.
Tbe flr*let*plabetal(eBb loebany*
tba oaMloUoo to Ue brereo* Cres
epaoISc jaa<n. Uka na Inopae Ur, <
be applied to tbe yeneral eapenee*
tba auia. thnadoiBy away with the
euu tax. parhapt eaUroly.

•artklMT r>lBii>r r>r>eBO. ud tbe b
taltQr «f the Epa»u*i (oldlen end U
Mtntw Vwp poUle •enilauiot m
Mto^lj UkS ever witk tke Ctebeu.

won Ik* b
Bar* la a
cleqacatloB. Bep Diekiaaoa.ot
eoanty. baa yie** notlee of a blU for
ooanty taa of Moaalt oaall Meyela
tbamoneylobaBBMllBballdiay Ucy
a* track* at bad ^ota oe ooantry
roada. Tba Boacy I* to b* coUaelcd
by *om* ooanty ofioar.

■Hlally toriu

the Ealkaak*
ncm. uaa. uraacen, tae
.proaloB * boat liotr)
lay Fab. I*, to meet bb aoldier
mad eomradea wbo may wbb

«•—» xn. X l> • ■ . ki lUe Btev. Uw Wlu. IM UX-k W UM. le UR


IkK BU. M X krler. IX *x .be—





thiB month ht^ a good man or (
woman’s shoe,,

OurBoy’s Shoes i
Wear wen. Prices 98o, $1.26 and
$1.60. Try tiiem.

Are You Looking
Por good 'children's; shoes? We
$^srAbout our line because they
arewearera. Seduce your shoe
bills here.


B •-

T1 a


■ IT



Ii j(



State Bank.

BaaeroMM fn*



lac, while otoera will c«b;ti«lB. The> e»er;tolac<*
Petaake; ledfa haaalao beea Udtod
aad a Aae Uiae la aalielpatod.
tee of toe Kortoera Hkhlcma Aejlimi
ter U^ toeaae. with a part; of frlead*
will arrite OD toa Ido p. b. if. K. A I.
Baha the ofltolal
Tiall af toe laailtoUea, aad will re■ala orer aaUl Satatdd;. Th
mlltoa eoealau of Bepreeaatatl


o. a.-------

htobiloe of

A Lay Co. toe SC-faatapoa whkh '
■1; atood the Star gToemf bolldlac,
adjolalec kb oka Beat Barket beildiBC, both deatroyed by Uie Wp dre


■oe M feel
aad Mb. Kmiaau. of Harbor well ea toe oc feet froat oa Suto atreet
epriaca. hatr baefi epeadlac toe wprk
•dbtely is toe rcar.acrcee the '
wito their old llB* fHcDde, Hr. ead ley. HtoBcbaow beiacpoi opoa
Hra E U Gaapbdl. Him. Wini
rrooadaed work will becU> toa :
lltad here la Uia early dan.1. l|o<vb danapoo tbehaadaoae brick block,
Btcb^Athar ctrihood wae epeat
toe Aral to be belli oa toe burst
Beareia. where eeffcaUie" amoBC tor; which hwbada dbw>Ute look all
Y. fttokirk. of Wajlaadi Bdi
' ”
WUUaM of Mlaa: Lewie o bett, of toe Hotbobi. ebt aaw noch of toe wiatet. Thb-bloek wtU h
toelde hbtor; of too bleed, toot froat. -two etoiiee blfb.'
Aeoea: Biehard I’earaoa, of L'rtma;
Baa-j. Coleia, of St Chariaa.
fret, to iw AbC|d sp to dae ahape ter
teacher aatoac the Isdlaae, aad
______ Tbe buildlac
d llch# ___ -l; lodce raoBe.
Ti» TraeBree CR; Floral Oo.'a
I I»»t7«^'uicht
oa'tot eUeTae to
hooaaa were aeaer prettier toaa toe;
Cite i
are tola wlator.
•Dt «l Th.
eaaaea beaaa la Deeasbar too daae
toa wlsierwv toe part; cites i
toeaa (racraat floweni bate beea
Pit; Opera hall Frida; ettstoc b; t
Hr. Vroeeb
baaldea 3M daaea ordered from Ormad ladbe oftoaPiRBeUeclnb. The k
will abo build ahaadwiae
Bapida. Thera haa beea a cnllf;iBt
elahoratel; deoocatad la Japaaeec
rrowto la the baalaaat etar alaee^^r. ct;le. ^to nabrellaa and a profseius oa tbe (itaie elreet lot tor hb
UoRar took hold of It. aad tola iaap- af plasu. aad the Mace wae
of toe buUseaa.
Altofetoer tbU will
ar;, ia <f>lte of toa oloaa Hlaea, trade
preu; rafraehBeatr
It (or both ei
^ iul doeMad otar lait Jaaaar;. orckeaUB of aatea pleoaa. seder toe
and will alert Is foo^ eUpe toe n
ipaa; b prapanaf to oahe a
dlrwtioe of Prof. Hartaun. farsbhed buUdinc of toe esUre burst dblrici
eepedalt; Bae dbpla; at Baalar Uaa.
totpirisc Buelc.
It wae oee of the whkh wUl be all built up tob aeaeoa.
-Taa ^na« Baaah Jgort 'heaerMd few fttU dreaepartba of toe wtotar,
kdtbeladleewcreehanstofl; cowsaaBltartoB.-alto^h aol aoBplatod
The Death SaA
L Altocetoer b wae a tar; bapp;
unwell aioactoa<
Msa. A> xa aaaTucarur
leaaba. and a creat
Bar, prOTcd a eaBeeae fi
i. Ansa Kratoebrll died a
Major Band;b lecture os ratrick
W*1 ao waU lOced that tweaU*
of berdauebtor. Hra C Uemaiae.
Htmr; at the Graad laat atealac
atobt bataalt*ad;aacac«l rooa
oa TueaiEz alchtof tob week. For orer
fine, asdcacitod murb'ieU
aer. Oaeparto of eirht
fort; ^aare Hra KratoobTll had been
The eubjret iualf b aa Inepiriac
ladiaaa wiU arrlre to Jaae for a
■p aad of Trar-bit. Plato arc betaf made aad Major Head; b a poUehed orator,
( her death will
for aa addllioa to he bollt earl; to toe capable of briactoc oet toe beat Ideae.
pleeaaal BemoHcBoftbe
ap^. aa toe hotel Beet be OBlarfad to toe cboioeel laacuac*- T here a
old UBce when all who llred oa toe
a toe acBbcr who i
eborea o! Uraad Trararae ha; were
iataadiac to ivead the e
(riendaand aeichbora, to toe plosecra
who ar. now crowlnc ao few to
Uoiiad appeal for the
eof toe
berm, aaeaeb; one they potoarer totho
, which
eoeited i
woBdar that It U Bbdtof totor wito ■
dlB benodForty-three yearn
a ^
toarbto and ha; feter patieato.

toeeit; •
U Badtoc

Paraoaal aad SdetaL
Seoatar Corell retaraad to
OiTto BatBca haa retaraad to Bataaa.Ohto.
Mr. aad Him. P. BaaUMa w«t to
Qraad Bapida tob Boretoc.
L. C. Aeeard, O. B. A L afftot
laekiaaw, epeM^^NaiU; with C. E.
H. K. Batoall wait to Cblcafo the
liat of toe weakaftcr r»de for hb

Oreulitioti this week 2,175
Tn iBdba- Aid of Moaree Ceotra
toffiflea aae;*Ur npparaad valea4hw aoetol at toa pBtaatoc* Feb u.
raaac Bam wm tatribl; hart whOa
dWBilif tofi Bear UnwB Hoada;. A
•BMP hoDh altoptd. brtBkiBr bb aaMasad ttBTtoC toe flaah badl;.

TlOrt; frieato of Ur. a^ Him. O. W.
HeWeto; rata tb
Salarda; ataalaf.
Beth MoOrntt wUl eatertoto a aeBbar
of Bb UUlc triMde Oatarda; aftotaoaa
- ihoaorothbUito Mrthda;.
Mba OlUe Hotcaa wai fltah
.jaralDC aarprtaa party h; a larce
amBbar af hm trlaada Ta«da; a


le Qaraa at;
a at toa at;

•nm* MoOdtoT. of Tracaeae Cite,
hae beea craatod aa orlftoal pctoioa
Bt4 Jeha B. CttoBatoa. of Bardlek-

bar Wrtodv Taeada; wito a tai; ptai■ arm he held to t; part;.
PUi; aMiabcfitf toa U. B. ekareh
drwteoattotoah^efUr.aad Hit.
E L. Parmetor. aaap BlachtB Tatada;
ataatoc. aad aaie;ad a happ;
4ae. Bu:« haa jaat obtatoad a pataBt
whaUhaariveaetort. laHhlac «•Mr
>a tob Itoe. Ibr; wUl be
, partHBlarl; aarrletoble aa heat; farMn. aad will atlrmct Btaeh attoaUoB Bapida. left ;aetonlar
toroQchtoeaaatolatoehepe«( fc«a»
U. Bantito raealTad artara tojarke
The roasc people alwt;t daelara
HaMr^kUe waebtoc at toaBniat that feraceaalaacoadUBe toete b
■tokt'b A beat; deer fall oa klB,. BotMacMiaaltoatbltattoehoBa of
mbtot Urn badl;, braakttc bb Hr. aad Hra. i. K. Uaatoa. aaatti af
Aaaldar blade aitooeUar beaaBadto- toe dl;. AaaBberdroteoat «rida;
IbHiar totortol tojartaa. _
Bd apeot a dallcbtfal ereaL^.
Hr. aad Him. W. 0. Baldaaaad liula
Srmr BoBher oil toe Baaatolaat
Oatoa beeqaeatad to Bahaa apedal Hbi HazcaietaaBeap fras CbdlUae
■•BtM hapcaaaat at toa BaaUapot toa laat (f the week for a tbit wito
the aoeiat; at Qraa(a hall Taaada; Capt. aad Hta. J. V. belalodi. aad
ia the Ptroaettoclab part; FiUt;
MthBadtoaUbaafaU a
Tn UdiB- HcKlalaraabefLeac
Uha wiU fitaahaakat aadal at the
Uar Uha Tewa hall Pah. ». Tbare
WlQ'baa eptato aada«aaBa) r»4
Haa. TVa Baaa; triaad wfli ha datoi^to bajiacaBac. Etar;aaaboef

Uooall; rx>d. an^ the eabjecU o
iml^r,^lnmenu well ehoaen to


rectos a.
Iowa to what waa then
e SokeBlan eetUeaeal.

to Vhat we are trying to give yon in this tA- Not nil the store news,
that to.imposslble, bat enough to interest you. if we can, in
ticular^store. In addltioD to the items below we advise you rtiH* our
WHITE OOOD8 SALE has commenced. Beady-made HasUa ?pderwear a strong attraction.

Unless you have al­
ready avaUed-yourself

Wllo wanted
a~. w»«. o.'

of the bargaine offered

aaidtoeUBwe are hard mod we Boat; Tu taee mod othee e
.lus and eur- !«^«Wp»« 'I««to
Bnafamad wmmtad to keep ..i- atuff we
ofi’ertof at harrato lo »«»P Uopla.

in our haU page ad. in
last weehe' Herald,

SBAflON to now


pro^88 at our store;
And people who
wise are sa ving money
by taking advAntage


Would be wanner and pwalbly ai
IB ti;Bto eaa do Bueh aaM Cbr- ,
lyle. A cuad Basy other people
Hmom make that esBe reawrit me they
rer toe hmrcmlna we oBer. eoeh as :
solatd; all wool Ulasket tm
tioadforths BOBcy. BO doebt
Hetter oata at better priece aad relaUvelyjmal as cheap.

Our Stock
■of Jackets -

The Icy Hitt
drrn's Bitteas at ICe analaply c«>d.

dally low prierw Ako a few tolUfaw-a


IsBot as larce as it was. but they fit,'
perfectly aad are faulUeas to atyle-j
Pw Shirk b very dasltmbk a*-.
Oa account of UesBaller quantity we tarlal Jnst now.
We offer a cobLoU
U( OrcasOeods have to CO Jnst
baverrvbvd toe price ud markedvff wool. atiHc.aad it would todiSiemIt
toe tolac (or eeboel dreaaee. akirte. (roB fil.iM u>U.‘ei frva tbefonuer low to lavcet e
waUla. etc- We make a dbooaat of
prieai. Uou't |wsa toesa.
ft per eeat troB reBnmnl prioea to Bake

Our Beninants

of it

Olothlng Ob.

kifltoc him alBoal lasUatly—eo qui1y that toe llsce with wbU-b be •
drtrluc Ifa* horuB atill n
handa. Ur.'Ill. banla»ii'wmt abomj
yrari old andlrarca,a wife aad
efaildrea.' (kmat cyn^iai
' atoy b fill
Ue faBllj to toelr terrible i
' t.agiri. wiirtJj .
Dostel wQrog. oa'.'old aetUer-Mr
kicreley. died very'tuddeuly a (aw
dan SCO. without am; prRi.
Be bod heed at workiu'toe Borule*.
and CBBe iC onsplatotof ol nut feeltoe well. lie la; duws. aad diedfna
few Disnlea.




MnlMEnJ lEMi. . mm
OnrSavioM Departmeiit


We Hay Not

aeveaty-five eeat Oormet far uue.
Be toe
went by
Uave iakrmeted yea In toe marladapted to medma (
esreIMt roode few
oue IkBs BeoUomed. Do set etaymwmy
r. eieT Yard aad a short ouruet but eke* a lone wabted
^ I oo that acoouml.
We have pleat; of
Is abortar than oaaal (roa
I to beitea. A barcato la the]!


eleppad toto toa adjotoiac rasa be
droned dead ae he paeaad toro^Erfke

MAM a tMd Bcm IBd-s fsod

You'll wmks toe baby.

Old Cloak

turti back to U and
tell you truthfully that


roold bay now (or 4»c Jaat aa cood as eloaed oaV Prloa
she pa^ (l.tJU for last
Uoe. A little lot at IZ'.e (or
draw, and aocb barfalss are mot lo U Csrtalas b worth look iiv after.
had ever; day. Be eoaaaakd mod
wea happy-we too.

read it again. We can Honey

Jaaee Cole, a (ioneer of Crrswell.
died Frtday-«f pleorby. afkr a very
ocbril.boBe wae f.-ee la all toe
brief Ulpeea Fuse^
try-elde. a fact which wa* weU takes
8<sda;. Beleana
o aarrled
adeastace at. ae tbe reBCBtoac
dauchtan .
. '
jolly food tlBee will toaUf; to b .
rray-balred clUtcn who^taa yoUBC aad
Eractai Howard: oae af theplosc
ca; forty naru oc*of liouth Srast. died a few dan ■
Hra. Kratoebrll waa 17 jmn of act
as SB eld meldier, aad tbe fumeral
at tbe Ub« of her death, wbkk -wae
was held at.Wexfard. to cherre of toe
palBlcB aad ce«Uo rouw «« aleep »
- A,E
the eat is her chair.
She learea three danebtere, Ure. C
Sylnster Croat died quite snddrsl;
UcTBalse^ ktre. I 0. Wtosle aad Hre
at Haul Friday.
Be west; yeaiu of
Aoau aad Whluwalar Sasda; aebeoU Jobs puBB.and (our eoac. Jaha. Enoch.
aca aad lad lived Is totl rlclali; siaca
will be bald at Yuba on Utarda;. the Wewl and Freak. Basycraadehl
hbehlldbood. hetoc well ksowa
»7to da; of Pebraai;. li»?. The data asdMTeralcreat-ceaedchfldrea. Fua- hlcWynepected.
b wroBC oa toe printed prornB whleh
HIM rums
b ouV The oOBtaalloa b to be oo 8aV
Hiss Cora dhlllUc ot Use Lake died
arda; tba JTto, Borniac. afteraooe
Hoaday-of eonauBipHoa, at the afe of
rTeatoc. n» oo local Uba aboet
aerTlceawere^held at the
a half bear tottor thaa euadard.
Prieads' ehmrehat Lose Lake’ yesterSnada; acbool people osbm.
Bi^LD ree
ka; aftcraeoa.
wm bepratidadatarsaartoechoruh. deeply to Udra of tbe death' of Perr;
E Oardser. wbiek oeeacred i
i-cnoBtoaotd child af Ur.
Cbaa. Roacstoal'a Puroaeee.
boBC at Noulncbaa.<tok. oa
ad Hra. Waller IPace n( Lose Uka^
Cbaa. Rnaeaihel hae Jakt eoBpletod a da; aftanoon. Febraar; *to.
bnelsaae traaaacUoa that will aake Gardser, wboaeace wae 41 nera. had dkd Tseoday of pMaBosia.
HNS uinac AmrixTT.
naAchaackalB toa plane for hb beea la poor health for toe l«at (our
Yeatcrda; be parehaacd Boatot. hot bad bees -able W be sp
'Mia. LonbefixUett.>Botd eetlkrof
troBHra Tboa bhaae aad heratotor. aad around attesdtoc (a kb irark us- Orawa. died datarday a(t«rmoea at toa
Joaephiae Baua. toe Mtea feat waat
tbe tr; hoar afhb death. Up Bai­ afe af 4».
of Ue aewl; aesaliaa person;, aew
da; be bed beaa fdellBC aDwaall;
“I ml Ej
.pled b; A. Lasew^;. paplap
-n aad about three o'clock to the
per .fraat toot.
Thb wS! af.c.-aeoa be etartedtocet hb horae
I hlB a 40 foot froat farbb balld- to drira lotoepaeloOoetehb Ball
toc. taabUac bla to laake la aflMt
wbea. aa be amaefroB bb chair aad

departBoat aur*. Tba chaace to
plaae will dela; the eoalraet tor balldHr. OardulrwBabtn fa EacUfoed.
toe far a few dan. bat it wUI be let ac Ohio. Oet. 1. le». la IBt be eaBa to
paaaible. aad
March let jijrmad TraeerM aad for-bob; ^oare
i b; Mkreh
wBfewm ;b<
loed oa toa cbb- 'Wopled. aad athb death eUU owaed
tbUbC- /
a rmluable pleoe of pcopert;. Joat
of toa praecatel9 UbIb. U ItH he
Bead; (ar Buatoeea.
Ok BoetrsB aaaaot keep oet of toa ir;Bt to KcAUacbaB. Ohio, to eara ter
batal bneluaB. Baba typical laad- hb
lU to their old aft aad hae
lard, ae Baa; thoaeaad funk whojiaBilied atoba to look ^ «alu
Mopped frantlBC to Use at toe latoly; larce ptapBty laieraeu toera. , Mr.
The Ooactecatlaaal Jaeian wm kata baraad Froat Straat Bom eaa loeUfy. Bardaer had a beat of Weak wberorar
Bcasedoy. balara Ipac. ha aUl be raa-|bawaei.aadbawBaaaeo(to«eebaar.
•atatda; afurtowa tros t to t o’eleak. alacaWcaaPhoulwhhto wUI oaearjty. wbolaaodlad bob Itdoaacm r»d
aad hate latltod toe BapUrt Ji
Ua ooraer oa Froat aad Park etraeW; < to Boeit. He kaeae a wile, oae daacbto Beat with toaa. The eodal b far bMjBtkbanhbhaodlsaadaaeoa-itar. Ufa. Jaat Peleraaa. of tob eit;.
BCBbtea oel;.
Bodata aooBofbboU caataBcn. u'
The Caacracatiaaal C E aodat; will
I. A BcBtaneoa.
celebrate itateatoaaalfartai; with a
E Rlc»ardeoa. of Laac Laka. moaaeW MBortow etaalac la the chareb
a af J.-----------



The PamMbeOaae.
rtod PaiBelee appeal oat
atcaad baforc the caeeaaw eoor
narada; b; Odell Cbapaas, af Ot
phe appeared for Toraer A Uetea. of
tob edt;, I'arBelab a attonen and I
AUorae; Ueaeral Ha;aard aad e
Pioa. AU-; Potter, for toe peofla Tl
whleh wDl aet be citaa fi
•e de;e ;et. wUI be looked for trti

toa wbak bojldlac wito aleaplaci Pah. Mb.
• la all toa toWaa aloac toe M. A E. he eat at toe piaaaaaM Is the hbtoe; roaaa. Tba ftrM fiacr b aeatl; arWB.rharlBi toccU; aditar, ww oftoatotoet;
raacad aad fined op to haadaoae
BTacBlBr amaclac lorbMMada-1 Baer; Babto waa fear nan M lai- Chapa, aad toe saw haul aad reataaary hb; biUbb.
Thb vU cite arday aad be aad Bfiaaa af bb IMtla isat «m baapoiBlarMepalac plaae
aeeeae Ot; eebiiribire aa etaalac Meade bad a ter; bbt; psrv ia beatay a baacr; Bae aad oaytarar
■B dritoatad at T p-B. vtlh taU eroftoeascMiaa. TbeatutBxw wad

■ Bf«aM»>.B.


Uk»a^. L. V%nUf\m.ot tk*B«pBfelkui.rM(toOna4 S»*«e. wWt

^ i

parfaetlWht. la ether totba. whsa a
powarfalUcbIbeawad. U haa
need will be a aedal at toa Oaatoa
eeheol haeae to-iaercew ataatof
raba Boaa; for toaoecaa faad. aad
etar; ope baordlall; totitad. '
abelala, aetaral of whleh hate beao held
porehM^ ly Wf»».
kb wtotar. are larcal; attoadad. aad
I Kyklka. iuh<r «f Prokep ly ra*ar;ae>a;abbaaaita.
sM vltk ■ Hri0M uaOUal FiiOraace hall waa tolrt; wdl tiled wlUhellcbtodctetyBetardayal^
•UMlar lac* OB U>
Taeada; ctMlac aad tot aadlab«e
A MaBeat Oab.
teased deep!; totorealed to the cwr>
A aew Baabal eoebty. kaowa a> toe
Ipc batwccB twol*c«.enu
lee toU b; AlbertBaHh af Bb wild
Tiateiae ai; Glee Oak. waa orcaabad
u4braBkla( tk* bOM.
tarae asoac the tadbae.- Tba
Taeada; otaalac whh » awBbara aad
W Java eld. irhIA aak*
toe fellow lac-eSeare:
ezhIUUoB otfaaertbaottoc b; Prof.
PTB.-C P. Heater.
Vba Prm.—J. .T. Baa
^ ladba of toa Bdbf Oorpa wlU
8ae>-H. E BallvCite a tea eeat capper at Onagt BaU.
Traaa.—W. J. Bitoba.
Hoada;. Feb Itth. froB foar aaUl
HbHbI Diiaetar—Plot W. E Sufo'clock. Tb^ will alto hata oa
« to « o-dedc. A alto oReriar wUl be
ml* freak boeM Bade eaad; aad pop
tokaaaru A eonliaV laritoUaa leas> eleh b a
p a. foUbwt:
TbU b a eoataabat plaae to
XcBded aet oal; to all toe Udka of toe
to. Dr. A. H.
c«t joor eppper. aad toe ladlae hope
kbM toaU>
I >to«r ladltoto
Holliday, Dr. L J. Tadi
, P. B.
Parke. Daa Loodoa. Saomd toaer,
Jaa. Keboe. W. O. Braaacr aad Hr.
E Bale. Wb. Ute. Dr. J. A
Beatoa Barbor laHoaaakc; attoadad a Bcoiiac ^ C. A
|nn aarij TartUae af paacbaa. aap
hanv. Dr. Q. A Holliday.Chat. Vad-.
aaplopeatt Onod BapMt Che
lyOaerforda. aa baUf aatlralr kUleA
er. Yni Lyach.
Plrat haiw. W. J.
Brat of toe
bjtoe laatodd wave, while earieUaa
Bitoba. Ealpk HaUebt Dr. W. O. Uir
were adapted proteetlac acaiBkt the
-bai few bode. Alt
Ciae. H. E Holla;. U P. Tltae, W, p,
twD.etht fpre UU. a* belsr!
toe Unad TraTeree r^toa U (roe from
Crotecr. AaooDd baaa. C F. Beater. I'.
iUraetl; detriBeatal to toe iatareeb of
aa; each uoebla, aad fralt bade ea far
Whltsea. C. U- Carlb. K. «. Dar. . I. Hr. Ktooe wae
tola wiBtor are la aaaelleat eaadlUoa.
toalrBan af a lobb;;lBC ooBBlltai
eh b
tobic to hate I
rtualaiat •
OapL 1. F. D. fiBlth. of Sad Jacket,
any oRy. aod
d with the
toe laleat ooatalaed
Tas Eaatera Blar lod(a haa aanptod ralcraed hooB to4a; after a ehort
lo tobboe Tcaterae City paopb aallcl.
alaaltoUiiofroBtoe Kalkaaka ledfe
hh daaebter. Hr*. W.
pale BOBC ter; eajenhle Ubcb la the
to attoad aa aBBiTeraaiT aaeattai
Aadanaa. Oapt bBlth hit had eharpe
of theBed JatoctaAdOalaBet patarlor Baa; ;caia aad pal b
TEa New Broach BIpA
at Toledo, lloorkloa aod Lake
Praak Bitwclf hae boocht of BaaBah








“Sold acain,” says Oy Prim, when he
finds paper instead of green gh’ods in
his grip. “Sold agam” is what you hear
from people when they patronize some
Cheap John instead of going right to
“HANNAH’S” to find the beet in Cloth­
ing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware, Gfoceries. Crockery, Carpets and Puiriiture. Onr name is a guarantee for
quaUty and honorable dealing, and it
would be unbecoming to ourselves not
to give the best prices. We give our
customers the advantage of the low
prices we get on account of the quanti­
ty of goods bought. We invite compar­
ison of both goods and prices.




». Storar. ——

_____________ 2*r.UT“-^

,to«0tuaffar Hr.

Mach waa 1
ADoaea boot


Joba Henoaald U Boatsr

of bb


Tabla-^Uad TWfarC Cbnto Baam. Jaaeph-ChriattaMaa. Bato 8M*- —•>■>->- «-o eaata per
I ter Ito 1
riHda7 atMoea. Fab lato. ««
-a«ii boU aamiaa* la bwOr of Waab


wat Ibea read b; B BatM;.
Tto banetoe were ao elearl; abowa ^
^ preaadae fall; coeered toat die___IL.
•St ■arinl

, aato toat to* taita


Ooimty Baada; BobooJ Aaaaolat



M !«»>*’• 4tai


,u wheel baadarStaflort walked to Tra.t ^L;U KalAbt. el Hode*. ta b
Ot; aad took Hoada;. Dabota.
Leal Webber drore or« to Traearae
at; lael e^ tlall relattoo.
•aeiallr-. I'raceede(i«-

B«r ^tar bM a coM.
K«^ Tfjhotj U dimwlw >«»»
Hr- aad Mi«- Htco* di«*« to »■>'


n. lto«F«rr b« aU «l to. Wai**ltoeare attack of ladaeara.
!■( ttoi to eaa <to.
Oeo. Hart kwt eae ot kU botaea laat
C Oftert ato A. SUaaUaalltor ,te«
Ratarday aad porebaMd oae of J*bHr web «l» to
a abort maeaa Hateblae yeaMrda; to uto ita place.
rtaak Kwirte* bart bia ioai S**** Paearto eeerto* were held at Ibe H
Hlto Ada Uaaaa of'Wbfie Oak. lepbaAy wbll. loadlnc Itoa.
wai iDterred la
B«sto. SUatoB ot W«to«la.^ bbM •tolUm to» paBdparaota. Hraad Hra. O. U Klcbwaoa.
er% Mn. Jaeob Wli
of lore IB tke yard apd toe; eoaUaer


may be deceived once or twice. It i» onr experience

C eoaecBtloB at B
I b; K. WItbelB.
by Ito CaapbcU.
' - torUe claaa.' theyear. Not once’or twice in the
year Iml any day yon come into onr store we will
lleport lorlUr llravM
loaU eadlBK Keb. SU.
KutatocBt. Uarraret MclBtoeh. Hay
U-leta*h, Jelia* Slarbock. Thrreta

^hltoiater anti Acbc. tea aehoola.
Hl*^uS*Sd'uSw.«eaaohaoui r.


SrtSeld, foartoe.
aboat KS wae reeeleed froia tto backet tcbooU. ^ H haraer* piraldeat. aod

«p(Btad to to pweaav

Bmir 8adto ha.»o*ad bla

CB or tto *Beli«e*r a* the; were Wed^etov“>b 4U.
baodeoDie aDd^wariD, Aa;^ ibe W*pt«t church
work ol Ue comiix

»t. Ttobodety to tb*ok Uow
oatalde ol Ue ««*«> erbo w> b'bdly
Bi*i>trd Ihe'B boU la brio(ln( toUeto
aad baytag Uea*-________ _

V«7«»«beltoae- la toe pelcbbof.

• Tba »0r-baada ^ board al

;eeterda; aad Mttlad t .
Uiaber pot Into the rieer.
elek with tbe grip. Harj. tb<
Bee. Hr. Redpath of PetotoW. 'BeT
Ur- Hartaeae ol Lanalbe. aod Bee. Mr
•aho-tort^to^J* ^daVtart Miat. Cota Kbilllar died tbl* Bowibr Jewell ol Itmia. told .eeTleea at Ur
l•^e.bJUr^aB ehureb here Salarda;
e (Teat wBerrr lor oeer
erralnr aod Soada;.
Ttoetllarre oooncll atUeir neeUaf
UMceealBitafaeptod Ueaalooa b^d
elJ. A. DePlaot;lor Ue ;ear tx^a
Ha; let Beat. E. I) UoS ato J
oo»b axBBoa

Oeoperac* Co-

Bh^b" MoBda;. at oae


acecleed towakhlp.
MiUl. wbleh wae told Keb. S. at J. J- Kllw; U is It ap to blewiahera.
Ue towa ball. oaderUe aa.plcee of eetUas out aaw le(* aad Barkct wood.
Ue Ladlto Aid eorfrtJ. wae a eaooeia
Pr. Fraiick, of Maple CTty. le leea
qaite ofleo at oar barf OB prcfBilanal

toUaa!_______ _
atra>4 whki wa* laeeteto. B»kS».1S la all. The; aU bad a loro';

Cart Ora; «ekaalla(la«a lor J. W.

Hr*. J. D. Kllw; retaraed latt Taa»day fruaaarxtraelrt eteltaBoar '—
TrateraaClty^od*. .
W. L. BaawllD(. of Eaal Traearae,
Btade hi* Oood ll*rber friend* a ^eaaaat eltlt laat w**h. UU a(aia. W. U



"yi^'Xr^oUr^-^Bltte. o
IDIJ. coa*iHlB( of Ue uWcer*
late aeauclatloB aad the preaidrau


taereaa trmaBau,

outer Siarbaok,



Kostor da;* tourbt. :

iltead*aee 4i«.' Aeerage <Ully atteadaacc -.-o.
, .
ael tardy for the term of flee

^■ly toUeaUtelorUe mpport of

can't get elsewhere.

We make a business of liking


Ilka. Daroada^

Whole BDwtor earoliod
donug tbe
toy. a
ceutt; taBBuer* owd oo rally d»;
u-rai. SIAeerage daroUiaeai.. S4 *
an order of II W to pay bto ISC doe
Total attradaBcr, su«a. Hay*
H. E.U-. tor po*V*gc
vp. A.erage dally •Hend.Dce,
Tbe Mikleil
aukjecl of ?a!ly
rally day era. iol^ I Vbitot* during the i, rm.
■rponed >nr l*e
. Prl-.a
doeed by E o. Ladd aad takea up by
14U.IK M UoKlOX,--'
Jay Pa**a«* droee toTraeana Cll; oUen. V*.tcd to bold a rally duyiog
tba uomla^an
”l"w*BeB'jaBta yUalartotaa toUretcepT^Trieer^ City bold quarterly
id your addrtaie to IL K. Karklen :
dayeeeaior. •
aoaeraUoa* It U dBirabl
D. F. Uo»»l* Bade a trip to Trmeerae d»u* of BeeUagaabouid n
Clt; laalTaraday.
«ille.airiowJ->a..fUrir larrtU. (
Mra Abbott aad top Ueqr(e druee
w*a prepared and autmiued’ by J. B. Th«w pilia ar,-.-a-y in a.d>-in and bt*|
Uelaad TbonuUy oa bu.loa**.
lUraer with Uc *ugge*Uoa Uat It to parUjoiarly efr.-.nir.. la the, cur* of
Hr. aad Mr*. Chria- Oeitt-of Ulapd. adupt^ bj- tbe tooaahlp towKialioa Be JTiaUipaUm ,u,l hick ll-a.lifhe. For
weregneaUia towa laat,week.
l.ici-r Iroubln ll»-v have i
Kraak KtltorV-haad wife ol Traeerae
pror.-d iu.olu,l.leThey are I
need to W t«-rl.-vll.r fr«H- fro«
City dioed at tb. tVaobaco* Suad.e.
foilowiag date*. April 10, July lo.- *»cv every d*lelertou» auWanw-mad to to
A ouBber of tb^elt ifco* of UU place
purely vegetable. They do aol weaken
atteaded circuit court at Lrlud last
> Gr^D l«ke, April
by their aclina. bul by gitiug'toue to
.1^.,-). aad towelxgMlIy invigorate
Ida DaeUaod JeaaleSloeer ’’"wbitolntcr and Acnie. Hay i, Attgthe avatem- Kegolar hire '
d back
Gin * l**er a»d

‘laat 9btSold'bc J.G. JohaaiB.

NerUpon ItapartBBBV


Safety =>"4 Saving
- jWBer*ofengiBB5Elir’'e~>« Tbit laeo«Bpa»ahJa
J 1«1*T feeder obuiB boU reaulla.
aod gieateatgiadlaf
Bpacity. Save*tiait, fuel. Boahle-e»oa«y. Tto..

TT ^


LI. 9. Injector

^^:s:g“.^^^-d Garflrtfl. May

MtoJeaBleStoearwill lege* for her
hoan Id rtarl -------------------- •'■— *^.}firld'aad* Faiadlae. Jaae S., Sept.
Mra. Ua LefoBtae* ead tbrobhildrea. ^'I'l^inwUr^nBeTl'. Sept. 1«. BocfTraeer.* City, are eUlUag ----- B tbU^lace.

wcddiagriiwiaol^^jaorie^ A-dVCftlSl

wonra u-o-d to IrMie i


“tb*c~ City. April snA
Tbeflaaocialqueatiaa waadUcsBed.
aad Ue uw
Ue ooll.«Uoa alito *»''
aUhed by Ucalaueugdto'nl a*
aa beiag
beiag Ue o
vGoa. If
iBdwir ta drawlBf Wa lo*a to Ua
helpful lU
a* Ike aialeVvquaaUea
egala Hr Itoeald. batecleela flae
nest Gbc aad clay a IllUe loDger.
"p. Barae* la acala raekewed oa tto
AlUoogb »e oaly hare froB < to 10 during Ue pa*t week.
oUJpod-HarhorAf^ b; lachia of aaow at preaeat wf are bar- Tbe K L. readiag circle dro»a Into Uongbl^-^ .
the .-.onlry laat Friday erealiig and
Warn* VaBaao f'
Upwgh tbe lowaahlp ■
mer with B'tu aad FraaeU Woolsey.
inibertW SBpIra li eltiliB(
ABertoa.dBd eearytody le happyJ. W. CllfU- of Tr*,»er.e City. wa. li rak-iag-f tht. ataounv
le UU aalfbborbood.
The « 11 W. LomberCo. staned ap
Mr. Brow I* aaadlar tto ta(* doa
their bardwood mill'laet Wedaewlae
JJn. 0- Bbortto* Haaday.
- ,,
to 8ehomtor( at a Heel; rato. ,
,,lete Ckevaa. of Uv oouoty ha* beea
WiU W. KUber. ol HiMhaia. aa flier HceJan>iB
Beer; ooe U Baklfif Ue beet ace
aad (teoeral mBaager. Joe Trem*
The C E topic for aeatAunday cTcn- ■“‘IggeaU-d tbit at l.a.1 o"C of
tto rood elel(blii( eawadanMaple City, head **w7er, aad li.
nly vlli-era to preaeat at it
Haeter Ben Bot»be; Bade Traearae •OB. of BihgbaB. cbief eagiorer.
it; a few boora* ^.It yeelerda;. ^
Walter llramaa.
*^Tbc*'pr4taeB't^r^liBg tbe Bred <
UU*c* Julia Chase aad Ebbb BalUif larger eaccutive f^-^ado^ to
aeeau to get Ue beat of (alUfactkm
all pbe way aroand
Jogs Tbai-KUy. when Uey retaraed boBe.
lelBg P- Baraea’ toaiB.
fiNvB Uaraa who
Amnag Ueviail
atteaded Uc Old 1 •oWea' ItecepUanwen
Hr* Geo. Crakef. Maaud Ura.
Mra Uavia. Heaai*
Tbe loga an ^Ing ap ia Ue aUl ^t*. ElU OaBpbell* gave a party laat
Fride.T evenlarf ia bo.or of her Sunday
UnrBvld Saoday School
"mm le vuebotil a^ M. Viaeburtl
Hr. HeMaana. of TiaTarae aiy. b la acbool claw ot boya aad Ur aoclely of .|^Uuc
al the
U Sileer Lake Lvaa' ' '
at Traearae City
aiio^. b.
id at
Earaeat Worker*
Tbeyouag proplc
ilicBl eburcb. Keb. C, 18S>T.
Hn. H. K. UffBkBBB ha* ga«*
appeared to kava a right Jolly tiaie.
HedUog called totoder atloiW by
Ttaearae at; to ^aad a few dor •
Mleau UllU aad Maggl* BarBraof Jaato McCallyv b
RefreahneaU were aereed
Ue pivaideal
' Tto toareb aortal told iBOtmagahaU Maple at; elelted wlU tbelr pareate ■eleea La Ur. Fealoa a
Heben laat totarday a>d Baaday.
•atorday olght wa. qalt* a caeoBa.
1 place of Mr. Slasley.
TtoraUecaroelyabooaelBOld Mlabkb JaBca Pklltipa
Tbe Old Folk*' BeoepUoa oa Satni W. SBitb. afu
tWaU B------------------BtordBoa.
who retarae to HoaU
Hao bat where tWa U ooa or own
* brief, bat hearty and wholeday laat wa. largely alieaded and la
while aa toato for Ulaadaaa Joir
..._____ ... •'
Mra Btok wiU "U grippe.'
every way a great anaeeaa The day
tied addrcea ol >
Haa ttaele Walker gmea a aar^ W*
bi-te*. wmaty prmdeat. napoaded
waa Bae aad Ue elclgMag good. There
.Mtoy Bight. Qa.uaDOB'toref Ue
ibwaaal earocal Bmaaer.
of toBor ',
Adas HoBrich had bb aakle prrty were Ulrty-flee "guBta
wByata arerc tram Traearae City.
noittUon by I^ub Campbell Ur Aral
aah Ueir aggregate age to
rrage of e little over
topic of Uc p
Tlilttngeeeeie totoUeortorW^
totofog‘’“li/*‘K2^too«^“'b-* - yemra. aa
-atiuiaud that there w
toy. Yoe bate to get ap early la tto
year*. It
bet be wUl haee e pntty aoee
pertoaein attee
MewUg If yoa CBteb aayooe at boBe.
torafewdaya. He aaye he will act go
bfllna. W W. Smith. C H F,elea. J
ate tbe woadaaatll after dayligbt lb *aM'*l?b^H»e of l(ibe peogram. whl
pfimipa. I,evl Muncy. R. Ibncy,
WlUteia: Etv. Mr. Favr.t*aau aaf :
Lnlie prealded aad gave the addi
mdy to Beat oatU wa baea agoo.
A avlecl readiag waa tl
welcoBe. Id addlUoa to Ue put
by Mb. Lru. lirvkel nlil
_ _
WlU blB aad hb BoUef aaGl a rea- HcaU mad Uo vocnp luteou of
jiv7.e|^igiB ^S'^plrtl^^i^tol^reU
ZZk ato Srtd bealde^ baa
pecteble badtiB*. The vialtora raperl Bato to
Ue old potple
to. aUlaUreewwta^ Tb
eeeaaiy UL
wery pleaeaateeaalag. It wae Ue
Ur alw> furalabad Ue la.luliilrrmitaioD qf — le Agaaa Lcmraad ot Tiari
•Mto «ba aariy latUanal
lelvegaary ofbUblrU.
r rTfreahiacaU aad auombility.
Unut c
Afterai«>B avaali'O opvovd wlU devr>
Dnairl Wilcox, oae of Ue ploaeeia of
Ule ngioa, waa buried ooc week ago tereourae wat c
n led by Emannal Wil
iceday. OaUenoraiagDfUeJlet be table* were fine.
got ap In Ue Boraing at hb aeaal
auatUal waaUer a»d toa alalgUag.
Ua>e aad did bUBoralBC chorea. Alt^^_^5fp^ta saklBg
coBlag toto Ue hoate he laid be of ahoea each to Ur oldeat (eat'-----I not feeling erell. Be laid down and oldeat lady oeeMt. Rev. 8

I_U mlllM oI OH.U <M
H eWtiac her father Oaah CeoakblU.

gnarantfjc that we can give yon a bargain that yon
up bargains in the Fnmitnre line.

alooe aod aiaoe Itoa
uWe hae been Ibrac or fear dollar* ^tl^a^lire'J^uaera. abbool.


that yon pernifltently refnM to be constanUy decetTed.' Onr policy and practice i» to give yon ba^nins


“*^e flollW mil lynma to to to
Ue ptople dralnto Ibelr pocket 1
■o ttorewaeaotblM left-toboT
It wa*_____
wa* oerialal;
U. It
_ . no feoll


Meei yonr eye aod ear every posstog day. and yoa


to-OM** Cnawr.


m/ partook of uSr b«aUfol eopper.
maa; dadlap baaaoM. ormorea. applea.
f»a* o(o;alera. lorke;. cbtekan. oaao'wlebea aad Inrenr* too oaBerooi t<?
We boUerr the; bare a wldr


“‘B^UatCo b; Kelli* Haywood.

bUdlaf »«i *0
toalto* aae^abat Ue B. 8. workwa o
lurka of EJb EaftAab2 OMoaioo «o .ma at Ir------- “ uUreoM
The faa«al •«»»«« of ia»« B- Boeler
piaaUebl ii enaiatll
paler «IU
wlU lb*e^ra^dMldad
u?^eea WttoTitoOBiwdi; aee7
U( for totter a«Uod*. to Ue aow
After abOB S of wUool.lacreCMa IIU bo,^ UA
aa hoar aad a ball Ue baelpte were we aa; bare aa aaotoaUoa la eaA
all aeH. aereral roBBla* ubcwb^I towaahV bet for Ue preaeat we mto
_ . K y. «awaubaabaaav»to Ul
orcaaieed ae follow*:

-drs£S“X~ - u«Jr^-'t-SW”Sras:&u a:;jrr,nXJi2rr^.f.


In the Herald leads to ProsperiQr



i-s S.'S'



Saturday, Feb. 27.


t All the farmera axe invited to the opening to ^
^ examine my new line of Harvestiiig Machines, ~
Farm Implements, Buggies, 'Wagons, Bead ^
- Machines, etc. I am prepared to exhibit the ~
^ most complete line ever shown in the city, z



The farmers are all invited to Lunch.


Trareiee (Sty

a Hebwarbara, b TCiy

Oa laat Thai
laa^la eblt--------. WlU a
, aad preoeated t
.anatllal pictar* wh----------------’'to

[: ■ STJKJ loss's

ui toe t. u. u. ..
MMM iff,,
arday eraulag. The fmewlng ofl
war* tseullad tor Ue eaaalag qea
C I.—CUode Fiach.
B. J. T.-daf^ Hay
F. n-Mra.
-rrae.-Mt*. «. I

U. H.-ltoy.Grabb.
V. T.—Hay Uayae*.
U.—Iraac Bawktka.
Cbap.-C, F. PalBer.
tto-y-Mabelle hoalagaa.
A. to-Caa Hawktoa.
Org.—W. iL Hawktto-

Hicblgaa alxleea year* ago aad aetUed
Fraak .Davit
Ue recogallino.
la Graad Travrne eonnly. He w<
___ . aoae of bb '
to Ue aouUera part of the atate a t
acpaaV oaplraeaat aad larr
" 'clock.
.Itagrreiag Uatofthrfoor
bb Kiagaley trirada Tbe taaernl a
. wkiiib haVe beha given the
Tice wa* beld U Ue BaptUlobai.- ________ cerululy Ue beat. May Uey
F>b. Sad aod Ue laterBcflt la Etbp- oontieaa a* to prove la all Ue future
gnea caBcWryyear*.
I. O. G. T. laat Bigkl laaulM
acflcioL aarogr.
Uowiag ofioai*^ Ue
art of KorUport poblk acki^
'*^T.-HbeC. Uaad* LooBfa
oaUcadlag F>b i. mf;
V. T.-Mr*. Dr. Featoa.
ofdbyBUugbt.KO. Ko. of puplb
B.S.-HbeClaadb HeU
led, SOS; gtrl* »t; b^ lU; a*F. K.-1
etj^ aUea^aec. 1^^

««d!tbdoe. .
___ beaaUfal
arark. to Mbe Itoae
toagkt oar acbool laat year,

Ur. and Mr*. Wb. E. lUe
own laat >-rtday.
TbeEaetHv beoly
ar a* Oregoa Cnek.
Boeaee PblUlpa. oor
toTbr, b
lalte BBdto Ue waatlter wlUakard

of ladies' button, solid. Doogob Shoes, mnoing from 1.50 to i.mpn sJe fw 98c
Alotof ladies’and .Misses Fell Shoes in lace, button and congress, and beancifuUjr em*

i^i-pdi, .r sdr.

.... “"tsss.-


Literary coatmt to Ue a<


lay GarUe. Fred AColter. Fraaeb Lcelie. BdIU BewlAwa.


Jt.'ali UiBg* eoaaldend.
I tavorable for the occaewa

rbomaa. EUyl Raagvr. Lauie Kelao*
EigbU Grade-Oharlg* Ranna. La•Ha Paefa. Omb Peteeaea. WalM

woald .poll Ua toBDlifal.
Mb* Htaerra Roger* b aaklegber dleplaj and utteaad baadeneee beaket I
Maaal rbllat TKar«*eCity. vblliBg
Mr* WIU Lot* aad a boat «t other

Tagir Hroa. ae* gaitlag logi la
Irr-----------tot M Uey eaa: aeare^aboatlO.OOOelear loBbarperday
a-Meartaebaala troB aUl toatetto

stock.----------- -- -

- do not hgure probu nor even costs
n this sale and we have concluded to put such mercbandi on our barvain counters aod aie

___ „1B Uktb Parker.
G.—Kto Oarrie Spaaldlag.

Bectyaaeb aaxloaato doarkat be
Wean, 11 rigktgladti
aaa ea Ub aaew to fear of a tareak-ea
H. W. Berriagtoe areal to Eaplre ^tob I Ue wflUbb
aad Pwt Uwelda Ue flr«t of Ua week.
Mr. SallleaB la teUlag hb aaw to
anae laat week
aca. BebaaelaryeatoakofUiaber
**t4a*le AraoU b at work to EaUar
' M. Uerrtactoa.MleeSaa>aabaTlagr«-

Odds and Ends.

gone. Our tai

grie. U: boya. SI lUeerafe aU

Laalaaaw Co. fair laat fall



«o’-rj.sJ': rz

____le tore laat SeBday.
Hia. W. TraeU of Tiaearaa
▼WtlBg at tor pareatal bcaop.
Mia* MarUa Maho eialtad, at Ttaem City eo SaUrday ato Haaday.
Mka Ida



UarU*. Hwl
SbIU. W^b

(ted orhngalarty

Another lot half wool. 1H j-ards wide, plain
Another lot of Surah Silks, goo<l weight for Iw.

'‘““a ta of

for 17c.

SUk Ti«, rfd .. Bdl'. old
tor 7St
Ic^^ah. of Dnas'Gooda principally of BeD’a atAdc. all

A few odd
at hjf of its former price.
• of chiM“'-=••'


. ^ be sacrificed bdow costi^ pn
-ercoats, retnikd bjr the Conker <

0, all go tor S'*.26.
*****"a few more weeks and our counters nill be cleared for spring amvnls. If priM »re


the boston store.

HtuMCbt^lv. IUkiWr«M7«iUTbij an rota* M ban • (Mrtotaai
I tboafbt I MeaU wrha acalB. I
liMMoarHbM'baBM. WiU.lf««a
Betbaraaa7Kbaol Mat ab>IbanaoMiaitAwriM u^mmiiiiI
•attdM. Utbto deaaMfM Wtbi »ar, a. t ataTwl at baM aad balpad !
. MbaAMMTbiliriQ wrtwifiM »MwMa I had a W7 pMaaaat Uaa!*
aiWa. H7 twa itotara. Bla aad Ida. I
Mtai ttoai. M ««ed ^
as a rtolt fraM Cto^Ce aad ai
. oMha aasaar. aad ate r
Afa 11.
Cb^uDa JAoaMi.





teiaMoa-Ai mr^ur to writ-


■eaaaai aaaartiia m oCt lady te



a _________
____lae caota aM


lljatotapldaraMM a Wptbda7 b*rtodof.lluJ^t.^-«iaiapS^^”^"«^^

wblMIwulbn^Ui tut
Um IwisilatbieliaaiaM
afhl t wtwid
itTMl rarad*. Will I fM
Uaa ta irriu.
|bpetklU«K bar Moe to
I wtoh 70a aad aU Ibc HauLO srilan
a pUfftil- Owd >9
Htfpf Sem
Vmr. Goodb7.
_________ LvcT Bbov>.
1 liaala jaar frtaed,
' SOPUA DAao.DiCu Mai. BATsa^l naud Jo wnU
tXmkm. iceUMhooL titadfiMiiMlak*. Mba.BMir. UM.
iM^tiar. »aw> drawlM “d
DaA« Braroa-t .tbaarbt 1 wod
^3I«. I h»*i ttoi eUek« podt aad
wrha te Iba M«.y 'aa «a ware 1
•MMifDoaitoptor l»Ulbi<
writaatoUarlorlahwaa^ T<pda7 to
TMaUMMdanvT- OiWb,.
WbltUar^ MrtbM7JokB Oraealcaf 1
Fraa Vnuwi liiMB
a ptoea ta leara aad ta ^aak. Wa
bar'aaaa to Hiaa
Du« Mm. Batm-I Oawht I «inU
OIM. 1 fo ta aebaal aod''J like tmy
' wHu M Um RaL4U>n I bill
miHM biion. I r> to icbcal; mj
aaaitoMtoiB. Bsmaos. I wTtUar. apatUar. lannaffa'and goorapbp. . I Uka all Mp ttadtot vaip
UbiWTWTd'dU- IbAntwoitoton
kava facoB learaiac baw ta
•ad «MT teotbM. FwpMI'
wriM a latter. Wa have a caL dof,
Mn> MM MdiUtUieill. Tbi
lift. eawt.baraaaaadeblriteaa. Tbto
flMMl ttoM I bU WM plchilf a«w
MM' HrtoUMtorM(ii«laariDO«(b. > all tor tbto tloia, ao pood hp.
YoOT tmlp.
MfpWbr*. troiarMMiiUlitrtoBd.
Apa II.
HAaOL UcQabt.

otUpiw fiW■6om

OoatiBLiA B. Daoo.

areud the dwalllop aa if the fox were
there. Tbe whlii. after drawlnp the
pipatp bUok. Imoeked at the cotupe

ALi> that poo woald Ilka to have all the
UlUe folica
At there U ao tebool
todap I will WriM to poo.
Up pvandpf tamo Vk etoll at the drtt of Ueptrm.,

mM f^blr have«nU.hutl„.
doer bed not. t
liie luotlse isosserlsrommuloatedto ' '
praadaoB had pooe «nt to work In fhe' '**' 1>«>'>I> b.v ■

"‘'b o

'I'. ,2' ut'rr

j. -

bed-ridUeo Old *”
woman, who praleated with sehnamee

I" aod oul throupl- a boleie the
When .he Bt.l. berarlf inside




iai taUw8a»AU>Ilbmrbt I woold
Mtco. WikaiiwrMtMieboaaii
oal7 thlrt«« jeaaeal. I
' alAtaof Cklitoraia.
................... -Jtbas’“"
arMbcoL Wian writii«'a Marj
Apreat. aarinpe
Wa bad a vary eijopabla tte Upj
loh lacnaaad leafold wbes tbe aow''
iMUMlMtdaf.UtoaboQt CbriilMn
w rni|<lo>-iiiri
Uula pap dap that poo aaal'Ma a loop :
« irtU aow taU 701 «bU I did tbto;
•oil. all
Umo apa for a Cbriatwaa prvatwt to }oat bepaa
MMMir. I MM( U Faaeb aad itarid |
I wiat to TrkTvni city

to 1^.' If ite



sr£;".,'K ? ~

ioeuad up. I had luariie veep Uua lv end '

BatsmlaT Un TbUd Dap of Apnl


AIM1.S iw Hawsan.


uu-nprAn.T um»

F<^aale I

repatt a petnlon. for ie w- enwetlon. oMbepooroId-lade.»«l«Tnt i stride, ‘>.v
firp- -nw pnmp^mke. .ix
I^ekadoppo- onder the bed llkea llper. Moiv hiMindt • »<'«hrt »
•, ?! Y-. ao(e apeoufoet^U.
Upitotor Olivahaia daahed In: Usera wae a aoeme and o" '
tbe kam Awa« lad take ao other.
Uo. a Uoa C.oeht a PIUm.
pet dove. We had a pleaie thlt tom-! worrr under the bed. abrlekt from the
Ad Lnpitoli nfliorr sun abootlnp lbmer aad bad two twiapa. 000 for the | P«>»'“><1 that l.y on It. furioue
olderpaoplea»dooefonhelltUefollu.|^^^^ ??“' houndv-and In a oentip lit Somn1ilAnd..tfrira. Onenipbl
■raid awlapai hiph •• tbeMower |
of rilrer'aid ^^a'lVon
haa cm the traeo- I thlok tha the old Itdv reallie that tbe hounde had
tauat UilBp that bappoeed tbU! pot killed 'ker aa sreil ai Use fox. 6be
pi(r to tha alaeUaa of HcKIalap.
I aU!l promied aolemnip tlsal Use fox
wtoh all mp plapmalea thoapht the '
•><>< have entered the ooiupe be-------- ' I n lo Mhool »t the Hedpe ***'** Hie‘door bad been xhut all.tbe

u, -..w.

Pocked the mercsiry .11
to wa.v In bad Isefn not fbroinrh I’J »oi
Tblnkltx. In tiu cblldita
or. hat doss'D tbe eUimueT. 1^ 1 Hun c
lU crij) tor tbe man'a
It a’ould eur. bn Who
lold lady .uffered DO ham; indr^the i abcuU, .
wh’wd tbe pillow inAt the iuiirral WUUr-.i
DSAS Waa. IlATwa-t tho^bt I woaM;
wiUi m prlre..
' .Pmanl) wU to Mn :
oarow Ow It IM I
«’■« hnbbab did her a world ■ atead. nud a
-T».».ohm»dAr for
WriM a latter to tba llKaALB. Tbto to
«'bn the
tba drat Una I hava
aehool evarp <1
wo. aenl up from the farmto tow
la Utoa Allea
I am la the third roader aad
klamripf. •
Ilarlnpa ST
verp jaacb. I ttodp raadlBp.
etodp wriUap anUimetie and apelllap.
wr of remly-madeahoe, on bosd. ^
.“M.s. Mappiea>.Lr<l llw pirlat llj
saUc. vrriUap. aprillnp. paoprapbp, Hp Matnma ha. beea^.lck f.w a loop
9b. In Uwabaecce
-.w.u. tsr^
^ !'"'•‘A’:'■?* ■■••••>'- let acww^
bead h.>n uh. ii was Npkt at d ft»e‘nn
of the
buas,. waa 'usm
nlwli -.wan.
phpalDlopp aad laifotpa. I wUI tell time.
Tneber-a Lan Attewtit (• Shaw*
1 baae three .l.ten mod one
to ta. appraatlce. AD« «. Is-^rx'yS‘4Sr‘-~?At.x. b aoemm
T.WW/ <>• U r.UM.'
pao what I eae do. 1 aaa wat
tt pin raid ni
toother; their namn are (iertle. Addb.] .
teacher of the
wipe dtobaa. iwaep tba flaor tad
d II. aod the 1 •Mcne raW H. Boeb ‘“nn": TTito hone teY flt asp of
^nnaad WlllU. Mpommla — OP ' fin. primarpTiaiirtto;;
have tavaa atotara aad loor
to my plane aad atapad a weak.
«p „ x. H sv.. , ride to pise nsibortora) ailjy an.wefs: . Then Him M^nba
a*l.e<1 tne.and iMiil ta.aiiclHto.Uappla
tarotban. That to all I
teacher', name to Hr. Erana. 1 will tea.on in idiyeiOlocp
Krklay after^. mid n.e m
to the I0]> of the cthia ,
aopoodbp. I hope tbla will act
tall poB what 1 can do. 1 caa waak aod noon, and to lllimtn'
te the Jeswot) from scoimw ii
' BacklnY Areta Solva.
wipe dtohe*. twoep iba floor, make ■ U/pv < IsW Aston.,
ipniypupllawaaa I
-rt,, „
lire.- mU her father, “t
Turn But IUi.rB la the world fsw.
“"’•i »h'.sv.eri.i^„.^ u,;
bodh help iron and atadp mp leawm. «"»1‘ 'x>.^
____ .on renld add ao wdL C«U. Unitora. twrea. L'leerA Halt
Bad aomeUmea 1 can tom mp thlop.

sou knowItsraalSTBheum. F.rvt-r Uoraa. Tetter. Charaed
•aouinl lonp a
antaad tha floor.
I waa over to ^
but notluap bt
kb. 1i j

maaaiaa aad auped three weeki;
nt •him
leaau He would onle
------------------------------I or (K> pa t raqnlred. It la poarootoed
oan aaw aad erochek 1 haee a little ,onm occ«lon.ny. bet 1 notleed tbiA
1 .lomach i. very mneb ; like a {topive perlael aUafactlon or moaep
QaAfi Haa. lUna-I thoB(ht that
loed ankle If you .uffer fraia
from any
any' rafuadel
rafoaded. Price
Price » ceau par box. For
eoaAie: ahe to foor moolhaaid tba llth on -chart <l..s.~ a. tbe ctildnn
waald write a little letter. I'm twelve
of thr-wympU>ms
dyapepita. your
pour I aaU hr J. O.
H. Joh.
dohnwtn and S G
he-wymptoms of dy.peptia.
B Walk
, Tomm.v siu aleaya theft.
at Ueormber. 1 will uU poq what I bara 1I.T.
ack to tired
It Bred, a crotch. |
. — —aU aad I ra ta ate>l wbea
for peta. A oriL a dopasd a bitty. that
Xhu Onuonaoitr
uuet relieee .1 of all work fori'
Ote Thi
We muU
than it aa7. bat wa are barlv
saa oay of F.braary, laB7,
Rare to a Bame for Barry Foate'a little
Lnrad to Ita aatu'
tieaaaw. I fa to8aBda7 lebee!
O et tae —
One Friday oar kaaon eoDcrmrO the
'-CBteUe EUiabelh.
-r Care .Bl
Wa are Bolnr to bare a
head and bnin.
Kwn lnp
■■aWleel Sa O ~ '
lore fur the pirliifea:i |>laoed bitnssben dlpe.ted ouMirte ..f tha badv. aad rrvai -era rail .Ur mr
Cbrtotataa tra la aor ehanA. I ban
< «~w. tw skeram M 6nti
,icb will aid the dipettloa oi‘ other
he could pet a pood slew of tto chart which
i> IS. rwBi—s a——hsd — •—4
three pet done aad tweatj-two chickM Wms^M.. Bess Vewk Cl</.
and tried loi« and hard to Impteae upon foud. that mar be mkeo with Iv .-»cli
ana a|»« I aa eniraadap Una t
him tbhl bto bead rooiniiied lila brain. I b^roduct to the hbaker llipeaUee Oor- bin*"
ft M.en «M eeaU Mtmr liul lltlk
aB7 dap. I haeeabirbrote aad I
really thonpM that at laat 1 hmi made
ei] '. (>e.w tlmlw r.reU II-B.rr.a tte.
have • etoMr Uat to aarvied aad hat
The tihakem kare ntiliud tbe dlpeat- ■Musslu, X /.
Sn impraaloB and aaw a piram of In- ive prloi-ipie. preswal in plaata for the'
foa chUdrea. aad their naaa are
telllpeoea on hto dull little face. At a.DufAciure of tbto article, and iu
rioatU. Oap. Bap. aad Bjip UeOafrp.
•nneam haa been traiy pheaomeBbl.
1 bavaapalrefikai
aod 1 aa r>la«
You caa try U-fssr the aosninal .dm of.
a akaUBff oa tba i irdaaa laha 1
lOcenM. aetample bnliln are Bold-bp
all dnipptou at thto prioo.
Tnwr» us/. Dw. It. UM


Idaaat rotoaebael;
uataMtotaaabnr Ma. Sbetowriv
I bora > aaa wriu Ia7<>a
BBMTaar. 1 fa ta Bia<U7 aebaol aad
Ukalata. f^aa bad Iba beat
■ tbtoaaMMir pta7tac wttb .7 •
OalMaad wbas I waat ta aaa ai7«Taad■a itote.


- Dub Mm Eatbi—I tboacht
■•aid wfha ta tlM niBAi> aa I
aaaar wrtUaa baiora I go u aeboaL
. Ftwpat
«wete«B;tbairaaMaaaraBaaaaa aad
mag, aad a UMlaaalf; bar
ThaMMiplaaMaiUMl bad
^ rhtlac laat

• a UUla ba
'alBbtteltoedd.aadhato tba awaat-'
«M hah7 thallaaariaw. t^ota-^'
SmbM Mbaol beua
Wa bare
Mhalan la aU. 11 boTa aad i> flrla.
IbalbM Makaa aa alad food. U,
«M&aitoaaMatoDinWhaaL TWato
t«a I MB tbiak ad Mrtbto Uaa. aa faad
. V^



•dteaaaAacaadlnadaaMef IbaUtMa MMn aad 1 thoacht I amid write
•Mlaa. lira taaeboid avtardap.
laad la Iba aaaaad raadar. I Uba sp
Maatoarvarp ataA; bar aaae toHta.
' QUharL IhadaepbeM tlBaUat^i
Mr fad^ ta Tiavwaa Qlp with »
I teva fa
«M aad a HtUa
mrtotei a dtaaar baabaL a hac «<
. HMiTb^MMOtbarmtia thlafa. 1
-wO alaaa bp flvlac mj afw-7 paan.
bw« latv. luea.. Dee. It. M.
Bub BHMa-l ttoafat •’ tmU
•ntM a laaiar to tba Hiattn. Wa ara
ta wnta a MUar lor oar laacaare laawm t»dap. I an rdaf ta a^oel aad
ItOMilvwpwaU. I aa la Iba Ulb




Bha OhU river and moved M llpai
ooaatp, iBdiaaa. aaar tbe ptawot vH'
Ufa at^UatryvIllA Twa ytmn after
DbaB Kbb. BATBa>-I tevht I woald
rito do the Ubbaui aa I hava motor
writtoa bafora.
I po to aehoel bow.
Hp leaebarY aama to. Dora WhMU I
atadp foarth iMdor. artthmatle. laat. poopr^hp. apalUap aad wrlV
I hava eu tootbar aad au ala
tan mp brother to alx paan old and
tutor to thraa paan old. I thilk
I Meat pleawat tblap that bappaSad
-tiBMMM wa
Eaat Bap
Mr. Bhilaoa'a
to apaari tba dap. -Wa look oar dlaaen
aadkadloMof fas plapl^lslba wator. -Darlap vaoitloa I balpad Mp
Mamma with bwwarkaad ^lapadla
■p piap-baoia 1 thlak up Uttar to
aaoarh ao I arlU aUaa. wtoklap
pmi all a Ueerp Ckrtotmaaaad a Happy
KawYaar. Ape 1 paan.

T« lahBU tai aiUraa.

UkiBp ap their ramdanae bara the
mother wf tha riitnra pntideat died,
a laia bla father married Um.
itomh dohite tba atapotothar u
whaae Uflaeaea ba vraa Urpalp ladabtr tba formaUoa of bla pontblnl

ASaeMlea of the Dnltad SUtas Oir.
ooit Ouertof Vital iBlanatto

thair llvM *-TbeacUosot ihelnitod SUtaa Cir-'oil. the
care for enmpaod
Ipo eara
eallCoart of Appal, la rererriap the.allottoi
Jl other teat;or1oap
dectoioo of the CIrooll Coen uf the
ortbers Dtotri.-t
Dtotri.t of Saw
New Yoik li
la the
aeof The N K. Fairbaak Oom]
Tba R W. Hell Mfp. Compaap.

Balap alnap aad rlporetu Abrakam
aa veep aaefol U aealtOnp bla Ute
•atbafana. be alaa blind o«l to ate
farmanwhaa haeoold.
Bit earip adaeate waa wp Umitad
ao far aa aobooU wan aoBoerBad.
was vary toad of nadlap aaeh



lap I W acoompAahed wooden (Totomj'e Uaw hasinp rvaebed; bla). 1
ailed os Tbomu to tell where bU
brain wwa He pave me a IiIahL look
and lemAlned .ileniI tried apahy
and pw ibequswtlon inanOTlier form.'
-Sow. Tomii.>-.- I aald. -tell Ur.
H------ W'hattoloynarhrad.'.
The UttU baud .hot up aud Tommy
la that dtp ba mw the alavaa. Uk I fab-ly toared out: -A tod oold.Dkab Bdctob—Tha Hebaus baiap a tU thoapht the aUvaa that tbe mao oa I
TomwaleoM rialtar atoor home t tea tb^ ttapaUlp Aatboat U tkolr .ijaif^ »« «» P«Wi*-Ch.c.poT.».a.H.».
ettan from mp Tiavanm Ollj woald one dap be tba pnaldeat of the ’
A ao Itewhtlwoeld wriM a UBltad Slawa ajid aroold help aava tha
abort Uttar wbloh t hope to aoe U
■aw a Wrx a« Hra Omt* MoOt Ooimo
prlaL We loft Trareraa Qlp a peat
r from bto UbBtoaippi vqplUttle Bmlmn lUpo/.
M leth of thu Mooth aad Bad tha
Oaea on a tiuie a )iariy uf men were
cUmbU hveqBlUaehaape after
far Donb is the auctie repioc. at rkrtotmaa lime, and Ihtp couk) uot' help
tbinklnp at their fami lie. at boiue.aDd
a baaaUfal auahlap dap aad than to
kmpiup to be with them. Fur they
hardly aap proapaet of aaaw for Chriat.............................................
would not do
to li-bomedcic.
maa. Hp baba wbUh I broophl “froM

1 atadp raadlac. apalUarip aad writlDc- i
Utoa tap atadtoa vary Macb. Up
«Y aaaw to Uta Olda. To-dap to
WbltUarY Witbdap a^ wa bad aom
Mfdiii Wa bava tea haraaa. a
teaadaeaU. I helpirith thearork
Mhte la the aeraiv. tbaa go ta
Wbuab Cdatt.
tba waaL" aa tba boyi bare aap. ara
qelM a wotermeat Uom aa tbap baidtp hava aaew etepb to aaa them.
CtoAB Uaa. Btna-l te«bi U
araald wriM ta tba Bbbau) at I bava Coaaaaal to a dt7 of abaat T.ON lababtta«M alMatad oa Uka bU
■BM write bate, tfataacbcot
an thioa rmllroada bara. a caaaiap
aawpdap. Uptaaebarb aaar to Mba
faetorp-oIlaploolBodoorahopa. aad
.:aMBMB. I Ilka bar veep wall. I have
an wIU aeoa have tbe boat harbor oa
Laba Brio.
I Uka Ooaaaaat woU
eaaopb. bat U I waa back U Mkklpao
>U up Tra
waa pood
a I bad to wbaa I


ef (UatorOil.

paan ef apa. tha family moved ta lUitfifo aaUllaroBaamaUtarmaaar Daaaton. aad la tbto Balphhorbood Atow
baa made bto Bnt pablle apaaob.

’ I work, eo they

Dub Hm Batm-I tbaarbt I
Maid WriM M tba Ubbaui. I hava
, Mrite bate 1 go ta aebaal. Up
. .BlBdMBararaadlM.wriUataad arithMUe.
Up Maeharb aau to I
: Saaat. (UbablMvarvaeab. t w.

ta oar idaaa U it .
f Ctoiltfai. aadaaatM whb
■ UWahabp. 1 teva far prM a d<«

Harkla. lteda.DMktoaBd MIctM.

badataadaaar TbavaraaQU- Wbaa
wa Brat laft heua wa bad ta pa lb
KMdallvIUa-tba dalp dtp U oar
oaaotp-Uahaek. llwaavorp
aad I ww imdpaad walUap :
Ibatek roaebodaaaadlaraa Bitt to
aoa IV It ataraiad droadfoUp aad I
pot eeU bate wa roaebad KudaUvUU
nalot ItwaaqalU pUaaaav Wa arriaod at Ttarana OtP at
alpbl ableok. Tbaa wa waat aa ta
- ioa; waa VOI7 tte aad waat to
■ap. Ctoa Mlaidap mp aaaU took ai
carp Uka to hatha. Mp IHtU oaaaU Maaaa Utoa tobaU ibawaur. I
weal batUap at Bartkport aft* a
loaalp trip ea tba water. I bava
aiator aad tw>


■asardaj the Snl Day of ApetL


t-'iEsvslSsrj&Ste'S '


■owder packapr,
packape. aot
«** »y™P
Jsu.sTsr r-rirj'w
aa.arm The^ K. Falrfaanl
Falrbank CobPun blood aad a pood dlpaalUa are skfU^ra—M
ikrtsMel KKAwsas.. imskw fMnttott■any of prolectloa. but alw> the boaae
D UMmnee apolDat dtoeaM .and aal- k^k^ osW^|ias‘|ra«JJsras». .ras* ka —
l^pen of the laad.
Hereafter they feriBf. BardoA Ulood Bitten keepe
will aot to aanoydd with tbe kpurioat the blood pure, tbe dlpatlue perfect. wIesM. uu eliua I...I. —issnin .uuu.ean
article lalllnp uader tbe colon of "Itold
sswscr iw. sta Ik* .wss— ,|u w im m>mM4
Vaahlap Powder.'
Bivaara aot
Jadpe Laeomto la kabdl
iltip ta Imlia- thee area proll
deetolOB auupded awaral..
Duaa’t Olataicat
tom la tetaelp .uted facu
U which
CASiUe^swTBWt*^___Orranjoe.equal iaterest for tbe kouaekapera.
ssaaufactuTvn aad baaiaeM mea eweeeailv. Uemld:
•The judtv who beard the oae In
the Circuit Ceurt wa. .ironr U theeoavietioathat there sris aotaolmllaHiv
al. nl.led to deeeiee aap buyor of ord|.
Btry prudeasy; that there was on
prrof Impailino by any .Inl'arii:
tweea the pkekapn
We arc aaak
rack Ikeuine cdaelosloo.
Wbea it lx kerae la mind that artlriee
atle kao.
,1 appar.
p mrkapF whirl ^coot^as
It toqu
. cnoeeirable
______ _ .
t. mail
rwlail Mlaler
.daler who kepi
ofs aad defend
pd tncvtber oa tl
off lhd~nae forthe
mirbt easily aim
ether upm aa aasuspectinr.purchaser.



irEiKyirSiMh -•—






at the apeof:..lB tha pear liir. ha |
'sba little Fwkimo chlldrro around ' al peb'ic. certainly do Botbrrlabya.wa. admitted ta tba bar.
-J them had never esen hrtad ofa Chrtoi- eimllatlnp the elements . f vh.l-d-.'pu
He was iaaoparatad pneteloftbe ^^. “id ito men of ^ahip-.
tlaltad Stataa Uarch 4. Udl.
Be wa.'
T 5-.?’ *
' »W* <«

taarixteth peotet.

WtoaTtor^fo®*^ <■>'
*» araume,! that for aoi_.

U»S On. Or<»f B^r ora-or O. koalw OUw SSMO.

A—«^.^;2Sry.Tu;'u:?’io‘^t^ U^S:iC;it!^^^

; araU® Uhda lor thrav expiOfvn wen i unclive drrm bat U oae reoembilap
of the tree line. Bnt thep their competilor'a
Aod when H apharbor. vma coptand bp tho ooatedor-; ook bouw of tbe.whale, - wairsia aad 'paan that .oeb oompetrtoe baa expeadata aad tbaa tba cIvU war bapaa. Praa-1 other aaimalA a^ tied them lopeiher,
eptrarde erf Iton.ono (a advrrtUitr
j a - to make a traak^ih hraote.

■ thetne. ACbrtottewith- '
Oua Mm Bana—I tba^t pan
WMldUka'to kaawwbatasieatlmat



[Stirring: Events

r who U arefal ■
node aa Its owa. bat who puU
ap Uatayleof padtacpaoalmlthatoaed bvoBe.otlM eompeU. .
asHUr la tba m'brkat. that oaawrpa'.oa dcolan wbo parobase from
maihtsetaerr In--'er to sell atmall
tocMwamen aecnshUd todelapc a


• Detroit News.
k MUM tm «• BBfB of MUMsim tta
IMM SM Ml tt. WoiH Bl « « «M.

Dari-WatUM Powder
, bar held iMoa a la rvmp mariiat a. tbe
! oarpr-g. then hta b
liar the 5 K. Fairbaak Comaaay to
pratM thdmaelvts aad tWIr palraaa
a .to tha tribota
totefha bMCatribota won ■ptitodilato

ttoa ftto

kossa-Stoytm ASM tk' ra *ww i>—rate

i Perfection in Quality,
1 Moderation in Prices

S'. ^


galon pan Eoimf Drip Syrap................. .
lof^orbeat par m^.
GoodHy-^^^pyGBl................. ............

J4 ^

i Soop-IO.H.I
■■ llfllldS-ffM.....................
\ WbokCod&d
___________J&di pot pound..............................

................... .

Prtday- April ta. IMT.

to ,
to <

Cotfee per ponnd-s.............................................
Keraome > a per sal....................................... .................................. .j... lie
Spoo^tBoUed Gate....................................
Ererr Satordar—2S poo^ Oranakt dSoRU..........
. ^ery 8.tnrday-tt poondi C SoMf. .................................... LUO



, *^obMoo,fiM cat, pot pend,....................

<Hv« •


For Quiek Returns






eeMt of tke Itoy kliAca^ •><
ftkMota ttowee of iom fcr Mm, to
Mt MUMtokertOBhud.


The absolutely pure

la tka Martfnaaad bake far

X* iTAUAccncm.

--------- -----

to mtoakHMtfalkeflreptoeo to of

Jwt ^S^SStr eyHlhl piaMV*
.«hM U» <M I to«« ki>c^ iS Mt

SM* Men ■» at UM. I «r

to *r Mut. for • wwm like tUK
Aad Ibc7 eow to^pl«M^«mr.

- *■ MaalBafitMarapaafarrad.

laeSuvrrarde. qaHe iarUlble hat tor
tkeeMkewkkkrtonfiovaBre baUt
oa a ftloee pUttoa Uu«e « fear faM

Add to aboata qoart <4
tka baataa yolks
of tbraa afta.-half a .
- n Bis
• all
" well loralkar.
lalo IHUa aafcat fratlMr
in eklll aauaa aaaalora. fclaoa ikto to
tka oalj polBl Bkaaa varaik to to ba: hl(b aad alaadar. aad plated aery a>
kad. CHw, eaa eook by tbto fin. U to aath other.) rab tka tope with aa|
tna. bat the daawad upoa H by lu
orraara to ol tba alirktoak aad a tormal
dlaaar or tapper arolaM llaalt .wlU
K.'ieua am.

Si U? faa.uj


; aaatalof

8eaUaptotefMllk.addhalf a eapfal ofyaatl.aroaa.balfofaeaha.dtoaolrad
-- to
aapfalot water, aad
floor to aakabatter, raise orer airhC
to tbaBoralBfiaddaaepfBlof aapar.
.atolac, thto a aeaat eopfal of abortealofi. a wall-

^i^tat the lUllaa

A>d tkav Biiii^lBklr BaeBer, wkn» II tor
tor pnatrrlag the jtleet and fitror ot|e tataiwo
tba meav oblla rededec the Beat ob- fionr to i
darata ^aalitr to teadarpeat. Wbaa enln Ul! eery licht. Uea Bold afalB.
Itoeh Morn at tba dawalar of day
heawatofi to daBaaded. the talaoBa- roll lefa balia, aet la ahallow paav mat
Wbae Mora aw Uatwork aad tora.
too aaar lofcUar. broib orer wiU a
•araoat. aad ttortoa. aad rhyowa.
little BolaBae aad Bilk Blsed.
be had. aabdtel aaada red-hot UaB rtoa UU eery lirbi: aad taka
■atm fioatlof hm*d
■ tba taBt bad<.
asnas waasT at-msp.
-htoaadBfek dura was Iranwd

ROYAL—the most celebrat^ of all
.Ac baking powdw in the world— cd- •
cbrated . for its .great
leavening si^gtb and
parity. It makes jwir
fcakes,' biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration ,
that go with the cheap
, brands.


oouro pocra-


. oFEvsar



tkw ilW^imldn't wsat blip U yo tbronyb
to Ua eheapte city dwcl
wlUoBlteeU. Dot I mar' - X ‘
kltebep to amall, too SBall
TeaUlaUoo aad fnUe bear..._____ ___ 'tase aay ocesaloofor Uc
X thtok, atM all. I like a daaa kltto- ol trerb. aa waablnp; bat for eookiof a ary hilarity oeer------------- ' to
' Uc
ao mn^
way of porrow and knaiaall
• bettor Ihaa.aay oltwr n>
Aay oaa who boA area n ablp'a kltebIt te^alias btaiaa to raa a aa
OB OBO aadeteUBd tbto. Tbe eook a»
BBB ETnlu for Brain Workan.
ktlebaa. aad fraoa toJLag^msa
ba alanda before hto raape to wluln
Hr Sophie Iw^. Ua Koyltota food
neeb of ell bit atoree, fur rows
epaclaliat. aaya In apoaklBy nfUe petowS^tStoalltar A. tor^wia. dreweti end aheirn Itlenlly line 1
vuliariliea of earkraa foods. UaV
wells from floor toeeiJtoy. little ub
t BB limUaat aad fioaroloat a
Blaacbad almonda yire Ue klyber
arm or brain and anaeln fond; bo
toaa, for toitaaea, as|wetlH
heat or waste.
wbaa Bot WBBled. end eerry larh ol
'naary Beat, aad to fild oaa
tValouia yira nerre or bnla food,
floAr end well apace to mad to rood bdfiBBtatoto aad Baptdiaa.-C
boat aad wi

m___ _ ,


■Mwytoto^^‘tto aaUou^Bl^
to tba feet that oor yaaaR filrto an
apMtof tkatr cyea to tba ln>U that
her attod kaaltky aad oeoitorubla' To
tba cdoar. atnactaataot Ua edtolaf
to bar loeiar saal apd boay
halMa, we wMawlt the kitehae of Ua
(Btan.-lfsBoa lUauxs. ^
aa ournas kircaks.

It wta boraed flee years aao, aha
' laid, hat 1 naaeBber partaatTy well
UajnatAri^na^Ue M-to^kwthe dear to U^h^'m! ^
ttteaaaa of Bodara fealaa oaa e-

wa aeold aaar two poat keulea at
owaa. Kaary Baratof two Baa hroaRhi
la Ua flreat fuar-foot lace, esd wlit
UatoerowbareMtehad Uea orereo to
thaaMtooaa bataesa utocreat fire
did toot fm Ua flraplaoa. for wa al<

Ttoaa wan Ua days whea Tha._
OBtoabla Kaw itoctoad tarB-haeae.
wlU in old-behhBad kliebae .aad
iftototi.^t aaltwmawhaawa ware
m naun kmsaa.
TW Barltoh olty kltaboa to ar
aan d^'—M tW the Aourtc
baami.aB4UebBratocofaofl w
■Bkto aaetoraalaoafliet wlU taw
C?to bla^to^^Uy aad l^MflTto'bi
. baadtod. aad yet tto aeerace cook
aadM paaalbly paaaan. aad aalSa anaWooMy at Uaaaw raacta aad Uc
Laartna Utobaa' sIo«b cndaally
aahtoc Uelr way toto Sactoad.

beriny a pen madr fur her.
iped «mr! ............................................
“‘V “‘“O'*,aod
bod if
l< it doeb
Tbrouyb a csrprntcr wr plaoi
wfUr bowl Otre bolliny water a lew
wbicb to made
- wtu
_ Ihr Asia
_ roBBlllt
tUrTiny ouDhieatly aatll
lytbwu "ap'd ii bai' bioyn an^h ; Riinatre,
ro Arparau- parla wLep
t.' •
The True Bemedy.
- ! ,w. XI.Keptor, editor Tinkllwa. 111-.
m<l to Hte by I.
-rbirl.'' >ay>:
>ey>: -VVe woa't keep liuoae
They oaa be meae plain aa mlse to '> "I'kirl.*'
lew about two dellan. end fifty nela I wltlioul l>r. Ktcy'r. New Dltcorrry fen.
After taetiay
I on
»a. muUrrewill
foiiy)----* ■•-■*•
kow Uey erer yot liiey witbont it..pi
.feiefyol Ur true remedy
end Ue .relief to fe< Ur I
to! Hr Kinyto New Dtoeorrry.
eloer tor a few
_.>rU itaw...
ukeiu plaee ...
ii ..... .w.....
In Aummrr I bad It onloB the laws, at in it wr hare .a rrrutoand
aarv cure
ruin and aorv
aad could be atto-ndlny to my dallm for Couyka. Colds, n-booptoy Conyh,
todo<ir*acidaUUbarrUby inslyhl.
It to Idle to experiment wiU
Now wr bare
it to
.. Uc
-. kiuiay
siuiay fonmfonm. oUcr reuwllrs. ereii if Uey arc urged
aud I ran awure any oar It leiweB. Ur
cart of our tiaby rery much —Ncirctnl
Bow to Malta a Mast fibertcaka.
-- ______ bealdea to ^aranteed.
Oaaof our farorlle maUudt ot naltir nreerfaltoliiMti-fr. Trial bottlra lu
eent^ at S. tl. tVaifa al
cold meato to a ujral tburlcakr. kf
ernat like btornit pertaapii otioy a
tie Borr'butler, dlride In halve*, had
roll afaoavBall as ineb thick, pnt U to ‘ The . quantity ol bananas akipped
a btocult-pao. aprvad with butter, roll from tVeat Itilla nod nUer pnrl* U oat Ur olbrr half and.Jay or
railed dtale* now ainnanto to 11,
flake in a hot oveo. Hare Ue____
cr If,
xalned at o







>a> yei.

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Chicago —
. .West Alichigan



Best Livery io ]
rnsfl BBd RbIs tlBMa to O
S»Mb tfaUa bt Obbu hA StBktowuto.


Carriages, Cutters, Sleigbs, Etc.


Horsesboeing and Geoenl RepaMsg Done.


sute St, BfiAT Unitm.



^^Jntor"*^B^haeM ,place to rite. Whea
u all yroapad about Ua oaaM are aboat leral full, place :
' kratad oseo aad tmk
-aa aida bad bade for Ua aarbuara Thto will aiakt
IB Ua aoenar was a atoBa taay*
y a low rixrf.
roof, w^
lll■^hal^llll^^ by
anartix maiB x au
aanM off Uo ataam and flama of
aaaklBf. Ttea saaa a tort of Ua Ub
far ImhW broad, aad yryai aau for
baUM- Tba anal UUto bone wan dw
ootad ipjrtaiietid maata. anokad aad
. oalUd. raUdnar ba» aad tuayaea bamICsm^ ^wo
toffwafBolaUy.-Ja tVodps Aadtoai. aw««t milk, owe deawrlawoMdl

aad Urn ahakiay etolepily. t.ead-s<it>t
addiUon of imaciaarT at- aboald perer be ased.
l>ad depoalt,
even to mtoatoqaanUUea.
r and t.did aa a rtotept potooa.
’lay to Uto

a la^ oBMot of piaia'


____ _____.-«ao (Itlaa
baUol tbe machlaa aad
work Ue treadle. wiU kto bev whUe.
ype yoide Ue sro k
Vo^ ehlldcea van be laoybVto aew
r ,atr^bt eeema atone It Uey llret hmra'
. :' to
' ' 'by
“> tnwd r
-. to
_ wot
... Urmded. «r to
of i »j“ "Bohlpe
Utosra CBl of year. Tbcy will aot
latoa Ua f.ewt.ocUp pail wlU a onror flpdceldlar Ueiaaektoe partioalarly
tiey baeeoaly Uatto
plana to a kettle of eold wator. pnt oa
Tka Fbrto kltebaa-aad Uto to wrlv Ua atose aa anna at mixed aad boU
UnT'chUdrea ^ It aad feel •
liB aftor oa linnsnUnB of Baay—to faar boars. It Bay appsar too ikln.
Hot toryn naoayh to allow of llBliad bnl to la woL Tkb mlxure aboald not
nuMBiat. OifkailtoBaUykl.d nee'qnlu fill Ua form, aa it aboald bare
botateafbeseflttoUa ehUd.—Mean
Aran MMbm roam, aad It baa abto- eoum> to ssreu.
asrell. itoe water
- *
XoWr aa tpoot lor atocaya ef Bay tort, boll ■qelto to U* top of Ue form. ..
Tbw^tot ftaura to Ue yreal ebimaey. muat aot boll away, aur eWa Mlloy.
mlU Un Ultd ubto. ar iamawork. to Toaerrell. BBmU^Udeadni to a
- «ktoA faembartoaUnrieaa akaptd
Ua Wladow
l|ll liff lor the ckarana.1 fire are tooad.
n«« la no aaad to think of Uktoy. to perleetahape.

Mil NO


Me PlMAABt, OWOMO, S««iUAW, Bat City. D«troU, How•U, Ano Arbar. Toledo And
points Eflflt And SodUl CloAO
conbectloii|> At bopemish with
C. ft K. B. By.
W. B. BsmrBtt.

dry Uetop.*ad"towllli2r *^ *“




Eiuilutloi if Teutoi.

^ To clooo oot At HaIT Prl^ lot Far Pifring OIotar And


!.‘L‘SLlL2:iT«S :

Lot aU Wool ^ SoboA At BAlf toe*.
Take advaataBe aT i . .e Rpectol Bairflim Tba
offared in tb« city.




xvnwM Ottn Kitoims.



Miss Maria Parloa


ffeClryCBanrfTntor.Ebwdto. IW
•fw. ona kaW toanyiiaXal ^ nU.


Satire lot For CoAta And BoDm oflhrod At a n

. Onel Pan. AffC Tolodo.


.kta^aaflroUkMwatokto erafu so




__________ X.

T^leflionq 7151

^_8L^ PETERTy^
6niid Rapids i Indiiu R. R.

My 1~ lljM rnanliiy ab^lin Ai,|o, Rrapea
grapes an taedlay aad blood
Hanr Uirbap Abu,
parifyiny. too rich lor tboae who anffar
from Ue llTCr.'
bbkp or taEXTiK arresaae
Tomatoaa. ktyberaam or brain food
Von will admit Uat U la opHa____ nsd waste, no beat. Dtey

Tka Mlabaa woa a arpaimu boots.

_______ .U_




a Blew.pan with some cold grarj
yen bars It If aot uai' kvidl -iral 1
or water, neoaoB well with birtter
salt aad thlckan with a llUIr fl
imer natil ready for uae. 1-nt
_ At 'oo to beat before maklny___
cake, aad whan It to dope, split the
<Bka.-toyUa under half OB n warmed
platter, ynat to Ur meat aad ynim.
what priie will yon arMura Ue
put OP toe top cruet aod scad to .Un'
waato of labor. Iba waste of fuel. Ue Boaele faod aad <^V; ao beat
ubie immediately.
wpatc of hcBt, Ua waste of coBtorl.
Applaaanpply Hte bifbar arm
Cold chirkeo,
chirkeo. torkey.
or real.-ia eei^
the watte of tamper, the waqie ol auacle food, pnt do pot ylec auy.
aloe, and a amallarunaBtity Uan one
bealU. Ua watte of Bmallty aad an .
IVnnra afford Ua hiybeat'aarra ^er
r eonldpoaaibly terra la say oUrr
brietydne to tbe waaU upna wfatoky brain food, anpply bent aad waau. bnl excepUny na a kmelet
which to ayalB due to lack of well oonk- are not muacle feedtoy. Tbay akoold alee Uortcaka..;-NelwM.
ed food? 1 am fully aaUaflrd Uat Ue ba aeoldcd by Uoat wbo anff^- Iraa
' ' gill of Uto couDtryto In taelaa
Draati^for Poaliry.’
s arseoa' wbaa turkeys sqd
-lyoodirUa Itrer to c
are so yenerwlly Barred/.rt* dtoaer. the fallowlaywayreatioas for Ur
1 Mu ImJ
l iim flya are exeellest food.
drenalay catribnudone of Ue
for lark dl
I>ried flyseonUln aereaBod a
render* may ba uf aorrtoa tc the hoaterlea A tbe ecosumy of Ua Mtekca. fo^
Ue Hear^^kr'ue diraatoysa asnal.nnd.Ue
Tha yraat Btjority of amaU freU IsatUlBCju*! brlurrstuMny UJ to
tea It?—uiwABP Aitixuos.
teed traiu are laxaUea.
key add on* tcsspniafnl of bakii
All aioae fywiis are ooaaldorad to I
powder. .. wlU make it Ilybt detkm
tojarloaa for tbcae who suffer Iroaa tl
aad dlyeallL..._____
ible. a aurpriar
to all- ...
baea not tried ur taated it —NelecML
LrBoaa and toBstoas abunld aotbe
XHttoIra oaa Ubleapooafal of lard, oaad dally in cold weaUrr; Uar kae«
nan ubltmoafal of anyar. ome iaa- s Ulnalny asd ooa)iay aflaet
apooafnl wl salt aad one oake of lamBstotoa are sUBulatioy to proportlsw tkm'^wUl te raltaeed 'i Imost: Imiaedi.
preoaed yaoal In a plat of am...................
aod add oaa pint ofwarm Wl
Wbns cat flowers b<
HedUey. ■
Ua wbola Uorwnybly aad odd floor
Rannlay Tba Bawlny Maebian.
. frequratiy ba freabesrd by clipunit to tUffeaon^U Bold. ’
(any teoBaa find It aot oaly waary. play off tbe coda and dlpplny Ue sterna
lay, but p^Arely lajarioua to run Ua in hot water for a tow mu^nla
riaa orer alybt la
Whea patltorawayailrrrwnrc that
kaaod half aa hour before pultiay
pot to nw-all U* tiBed.i nut pryry u do Ua family aewlny. Sot
It rise lu Ua nans U
art ayo I taw an article by a won
loci toaprinklr a lew tto^ bit. ef oamaearly twine Ua oriylaal bulk, aad
phorynm ia eweb eshe before mUiny It
who said her litUa boy tat oa tba flu
behind Uc BBchIne aad worked it by up;
** *
tbe tod coapaeaiur Ua traadlea and
balsBoa-wbrel. Be aolouly belpad hto
'This - bairaad baU" wmlbrr acta
mother bat anaaed blsaaeir baylaylcy cant tostlaylpy A simple remedy to
plnl^ acalM mUk. oaa
TUBBlay a train aad Ue aaeaa- made of stole bread softraed with yood
gaapooBlnl of nalt oaa cake of
strany eineymr. Hied oa Uc eorp o’
to salt hlaaalf. aa Uey onear- lilybt. After two .w three applleatn
aaaad yewst bUr tp Un whole
_____. flour till Uadonyk to an Ulck
Ue com na easily be picked oat.
na It opa ba atirrad wlU a rauan. not
tahaa ont Ue tderaasA. tuo.
qnlto stiff anoayb u mold
Let It ^
rtoa anyytaUoa ainor readiac Ue arttola
Caiatea and boiUra are caallj aad
---------- ilyki. In Ue oKnlny add oap. aod my cbildrca are all aaxlaBa fart
tura at Uc wboel.
Wa aameUaw





Thee h^ll
aruand inu line. Thai
re to yo to Ue deotlet and let
II holB aad hammer till hto
yreal pelphal^ a





Tkef wUl ]
mecalB. S-iae of Ue sew on«
me to crooked, like as ant, and



MOW ....Sw, ..

to a Rosaa kltahn. where throufk
Oaa aad oaa-kalf eupfela of wba
tba wide wladow oat taw roaea eUab- taro larel leaapooBtalaot haklac pow­
A Beady Cookiac Ajwoa
Ollro tbc wladow ylaB rcqoiTwa to
lay hlfh. aad heard the alpbltogaUa der. oee eupfel of Bilk, oaa bntea
‘teelenacd. bat it la toe cold nod Ua
acc. oaa-kalf taaepooafalol tolv oae
alarcatofi; air an fall of froat that It don not mb
ofr Belted botlar; Mis
Mia <
a arssisa'kimua.
----- ...^. lb*
wiU wabrmlao e«c wlu Ur Bilk, poor it
laoaal eJolb: Bptotae it
rUM away to More farUle fiddt.
to erery kllcbeo of th^ alddle eW oree the floor Blued wiU U« »Uer
111 and
borM tot to a faUle chata.
aad rubUe
ruhUe ctoaa
« aad to ail cotuceeof the piaiantry. dry BetrrieU. add Ue Belted bouef bebeekaad astaodtor toUe 'botloa wilh^flim dil
. Allerwanto.
iwill befooede aolld brick eUBeUre,_____
' heat tkon^ly. Pear the tatter fUe akin back bed truat. It will re-Thu . Belbod will pi
nlreaboat four yards of ceBbrie orIhaa soap end water.
built entoal Ue wall aad wlU a Bat Uu
to that fetera of noaitoa brlcht,
ibikc sBall dried frWita. oock
ah auto* atnnter
top. tbward ua hollowed oeoterofjnke
losbaB. elUooirti
WboB Ua eraeksd tkloct an Made Uto. froB Ue Isterlor ^ea. e-swad llt-^
BU or berrin. Ua Mtaa
_____-..jaWe-forUe wear and
tiaaperurca. perhapa 'rlchlaea lacbre
a onoktoc: mtoe'ww, made af way is to tarn Uem toto a coUadrr
1 woadoTutMifhto »U1 arar.
deep. wlU apraiap a foot equan. A
ooaUrra boBeapao oareral yfara api. ooarae
--------- oicre.
oicre.---------------nod atoad -------------it to a <1*'^ Pba
Mot a Joyful Evaav
. COM altkar too toos or loo tola;
aodtoaot wornoui yet. It mo-i be ofoluaa water. Tooroofhly i
Or wUl^^t^ aUaatknmdh tba.aoal. rosad bole from lour to eia tocbn la.
made perfeeUy lone aad easy likra fruit ta-tweraatka baada, aad/'baBCr
diaawtar to cut to the top of raoh of
ebild'a aacyuB aproe. to Ual it can be Ur we« r aa ultra aa Deeded. Kiaallr.
Bora oaly to read Ibaai at they trait.
eat htoiaalt scslM Ua correst femle.
orer a drew WlU
mfort. to : L.ild
bold up t.................................
the rraeel cuBtaiatoc Ue frail
h eomfort.
K. A. »nua,o They an called boralllae. Tbeec
lea Potion Uet Ua sppe
indlspcaa-:aaj lurxina cold waWr.
ell tba atoree Uc peeple of Speto
' ‘ly-a first looU ton Bel
ly wardrobe, os It ensblra. — «aean u»fels end dry. '
kbaw. Chsrecal to Uebtad to tba
X 7atoatiaa.
• to CO toto Ue kilcbro wiU ibe u
Bills, feaaad to a white beat by
Mice will pot iefeatipaatrire where
ffban MaSBa to Her Baby.)
ofnabes or by Ue Uny feelle <wbel. dieloree belweea ,a laUw aad t BoralMf drraa well prutecUd, sod at a piecea of cum Umpknarc laid about,
lode, bed
all food to Uoa cooked eblef.
■deata'a Boiler reedy to receiee tUII- aad Croton buca flee froa afarirre
To tka SwMtaat,
ly to aambrooe
imbrooe carlkrciware
ollas or
atrewn wit£ coarea aalt uaed to frrrse
better tMB
tbee wearipc
weariiic a ahabl.j
atsbUy d^reaa
dreiA to
for >^ream
pou -KiMisa -L. -AKUWAU.
Tb^^caa^or ^abuulf
abuuld be
u A caixuiE axsTi
dOtot to
WiS?ttoTlf"the UU nera ^are ! ^r,
1b a^atkMtoawaataaa Widb to
. . . - - - - - ble to be.1 fully cenrred.
Wa pened lale Ua kltekea
harry up atnire to ; peortratinc ■
Ibaobaatollka tka fink flB tka leaf of opeaed frvB Ua Ihoer rowa.
tbe Unw aeriua ip- g^-kcr. an<f.
Ud irali*. The cooks shofllcd
about opoa Ueto queer twjnt^^eJJi^
Till- mualard mixed far erdioary. nae
, U<aMlilv«ArJ.<v<>ii'U..
at Ur table to vw billiac fur eold
Beasra sod atlrrloc anodry
Kor UoUsre.
Beau to aaadwk.bea. .Ure. Uucola'a
to qoaer-looklBC paoK opoa Ue red.bol
"No Jdoct tee that It'
Hy' haky at the aRe of one year area fonaula for* aucli it *a tablra|><ioofal
There was a row of brick
the ,• ___
raaces which radiated a fleree heal,
' extremely acUre. to Buebl to
Uat abe
....auRar worked io
•hM^ fUrle"**®! Bl.l U. Ihia two • ■'
aad beyoad there wsa ea Iron eooktac
"SyapaUyl Vtbat <orr
....... ............................ ...........ra of arrowy raace alto iBl bat. Dai-'k of Uii was a
■ ffw harlec hto Aral tooth
tor pOr of klndllac wood reachine half
ha o|
lum'id^ I whip InloUe rrtBBHTiBtotBrr'i^addiBi
If luloc uTo a w^^lhatb as flad M tka. toarb- way li> Uo diatry oaHtop.
bin aad odd kUchre parapkeraallk flU.






nta will \


ruw. e«Mh.'...:.

Oaly a half-drtaaed tkoorbt will peep
VoB aad tore fron IW bldiar plaee:

Wh«au!a*^7ttodaitotB to alow^ ad Ue n»B. and dithTa ol.oaioo
rarkwa Icb familiar coadlBeata
4ke Ublae.
Orer a chopplec
knar rows of fowls and ducks ■
Ctoa I ehooeta far the baart at BV dear to s>aa corieu way to that Uey aboae
aa tboach Uey kad beta earolabed.' A
' Aad what words taalfiaBs that will whole |dc baas bnida Ue fowU. Ua
t berlDC Ue aaBe eurioaa Utoy
doBiy hihait.
That arlU bear aU My lota, with a tow
ag,-u>deat meat
To tba DaaraA.
Ihe Trocot,
The Baatl
A auir'antTciiu.'



Says “Use
Extract of Beef.”

Bk toto,


That the best plAM to buy anything is the lifM of Htfd*
ware. Nailt, Barbed Wire. Bara .Door HAoven* Paint.
Refrigeratofv lee Cream Free^ Gafloime SttiveA.
Fishing Tadrie. and in fact evetything in the hardware
line,bofW.J. Hobfaa. Come and aae me aad 1 wiO
prove tbifl Untemeot.


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