Grand Traverse Herald, February 04, 1897

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, February 04, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


traverse cm*. OBAl«S TaATZBSB.OOUNTr, KICHiaAM. l>'^tUART 4.


1 Grand Traverse Herald




VftlBg* PropM^y for 1

-Wflwutr no timt.lh* dojs
of Wg drMr>- wtSUag for
1 u pa^ Our
loog IreiniiiK und Uioroogh
(viaMtjon with tho modern
make it niiDereamry. TVe
want your prearription trade.
Uiveiiaa trial and we will'
merit y<>ur trade.


I. vrerBZBrRo

1 «mn6 BOSBISS dose,

•A .



*‘*5JSS£ ulU vS-S'«Te'«7Sr«'



^ tl L L I. WldlK, WMtU H.«1.

sa 'ii.'atrr.v.’a

hO ekltf Mm i KkoMr* of
' h*Tc •***») liOM 1
[ttol |Ml*( (to irar


u Pi>r><-, • Bi)r«*d
(D*ii* illT f .nrri
— •:—.............
. - lUatin* la Uia nortb-rti pan si 4e
It kbr
«M a hararduBB MmImb ib

PnHtTMi m tto tiMiani

• Ail

.,1! t.

■■ L-


,1.^ .. M... kB.wtoO

tk.- 1..-.. . l*ck !

■^SSrrlS'r- :
«.y I.A'A->tl«|.-:. ~.


WAV* t*BBl !Bt<> tfcr Uuudri’ kB»lBB»< sr
Ihnoltinr»!K M-rtk...... Ur*. .'iV m«l»B'A*! coscernnt —>k* ll«IUn *m«cd y«»trr'’•O- dByoABAB frmi*l»rnt v>.d»r. iboBfh
^ I .1 lUiv W but A pa.h i*ut.
Tb* frplt•k- '•» .lAlid ltAliA.1. Al.w W.nild .aak* *
'(ml.l. ,-.-i AS it
”> >ke
Sa, Yivk
Not aloBS
.m* k
*«•'ibanl.. put
........ ..............
tn.M. »ko' bA*r tkr 'kidrsalhA. bat
llkA' V.'-H.Vnli.c'd tk* l>r.r.. l»lU:lir«_' p;a.» a Tlie ••. .•.• II AH.i u-.- l| f.s>ucn.
pit■ ska alMi r«e kmAll kUiraa that
>'>• ■•k:l
l,. .liAlrb A .t.lir
d..riikr •,.4l i. U.'I.i.-Di, .Mr

.«.B.. b..n I k-.*I urn..u» i »M>» ii
irrstiutnl luao aaployby -ii.d
.tub l«-iiK-►..111.
Am.TicMs mdrnilr ..oBAida
*,orF..y inr
a-* o>«.u» of a Utrliki»a.


' rrri B.f.i;.-.iTn, uiy tut
' k>«i tM
' i :> aakc
fh«i^ feim sA.*tVi lilUel-



■*let la ihr tAa Irrrsd
aftw M*r «*nW to •
h» bonle*. *to braTcif ripo •*'. <rt*d M • kifta altlMfa. W


thU p»n.-r«->lt* It. *,{(.«*<
rtblnr tkkt'il I kim I* it. iB dk
. I'll u>l b*r MHPftlilnr
• lb»t t«irk«r «*»»*• a'k'iiitr
BT noul*. M* trr it I ui-n I
t «r*t B rkK, <*old Bt>* »ulllrN« <Uj |


fB:: O. P. Carver
Real Estate

£ose &Son,


Car«'« Bit**.

y to'Lmo oo laprov«d Vannst

with rapidi^.


tcuv ■**»*■- n


" \




. ti.iAjr rA.irpi *.iai


' ■

At »A. >ir*'w AkU rnuy.

ti tt. rat laLto. Ml rat rat ak JA r«t Mk .wt }f. iO. i!'. AM .-4a 90. .'b M
_____ _



Mu» F*Wa Tufk.y.


Fire Insurance!

■ R^KiSfforiWiSi-.iiw's;

0(«nar0>Hiriatb« dnia lla>. V«n
^1 |vi |n< .tiAl nm FAll lu>.







•9. •! Ua aM
«At,cio'‘i>TA ik»aMC«d
Vr b/mU.
FT AA7--bF»»



And Gyster Depot 1

miTt'>>>nx>vMi-«BAr s«»i*


nmy.. «rik

Dr. J. A. SnydeTjj





II in nved^nf i

Chest Protector
Chamois Vest?
ubmaI autoim

(Krn ■» a..f




Carpet Cleaning.Works

nwramw lA MAAlr A *wiAf»n.

SoETcyor and Civil £o|tiflct
m«lAllk.A«A.WA|..BC*. FOOUAUAlk.

In lliwp 19th Mmtury daya of bur­
ry and worry almijet ei-ery one
needy a Inxalivp or ^iver n^mbdor
to uuniiteract the efTi-cto of hurried
eating <>r a et-dentary oeeu|iatioii.
What you want is aouunhiirg effectii-e, but at tlio same tiniV genOur J-ittle Liver PilU U
wliat you want—stnall, aafe and
arUve. 50 doees‘iu i«nU.


sxsPBrrwujco. zjyt-tTOOZST.

Merchant Tailoring;
irs^lass Merc
All parties dcsiiiring any-thing in
will do well to call upon ih<? undersigned,
ll inducements are beir^g offer^ to all imeh.

Wait': Drug Store,


Masonic Block.

Telephone 90,

We can supply you. Now ihen; if you w.-im to save money'
letussell you a soc. 75c orSi.oo Oiamois Skin."' Then take
I look at ouMitade-np stock and make one yoiirsi-H- .
Yours for health and «armih.‘

Brosch’s Meat Market


ntovT STMit;

pood Goods,

Choicest nteats, Poutlry and Game.

Fair Prices,

S>c7w:l Xxi. SeetsoA.

Fmhr^lt afld Smoked h^eats, Sausages Itc.




V. ssuDom\

»ranni«tT. B*. ;

’tut Flowers,
Floral Pieces,
Bedding Plants,


t .juii.i-mv'.. 1. 1 H

la scf ►Oi*.--Br 1. .nl ,u

...p- Ioika" su.J-V'-* I
.Igti. -Ilrr.-1 fc.u t r-'iu.K' kiUAlAil-’.
- Tlirrr'A
lirrr'A ,v..i.r ...u-o Ti.}




rurd tatof au Vt>Ubw«.
Ankrtil lor it. rn tobuu.

.1 And I
h. U bc'F.: u...:
ik* in the.Ft
TFAu;t.-i ll.






127 Front St.

' . '

will receive prompt atteotion

wwi/aiit Iw.'ll is towt

•*iinv. l•h-lol^g.iA 1-.


•Tssias. " kdu A psFly of Wa
asw-iiM'iiii.Frn si the ehaeBb.

BF .odBl'Sly I..Apwd BM..
a tl.Ai bs WAA carsd.
.biBl iimv before ke had
i;y tolpl-M. hrwAA able t«
Af'ei A tolrf ttoiAkaA-irlBR ATT, ice Itoe
with bisi b- itorbui

I-V.if tiyii.}- I.. V-PIA1A t.v b.A

iuk.B- wilknik.
ilk mu. tv.
tFkptl'- o' l'‘C an'
TakiaK Cola.
r.ii' .luufUs.ii.
Why do we tshe o
All l.Ak..1^p- ; let III.
i.ipblrr whirh i;?--riF.I
..-esldi- a
d by EUAiiy U
tki- --'IpUnKt'i.B mrir rtHi-.aEAA’ikF bAVeU
a 1—a k.
we BAAsriateUF tektag of
Uy I..F. I
.11. t!.F .
r. .Mill W'lili a low AtAlr si ike lsa|KrA. ny '.r.ilit'y Inj. ii-l.iUki:
Tki* tA B.jl ioFTTCl.
WbeB the
W. kiBA..rin...-ri..
-if AOd c-h.-nto.iMilwsrk
A'ra.A.ptore I- very v>ld-frreAlMr—bal
Wjiv.i'to- rrs.l.-lM>»'i''"l'i;-b<'"i
Irj AMde'cAr, we aeldiMB UkAMdd. O*
..■.'Wt bli-lF'FBd Ike n'h.'T liArd. wkna Ike air lA Isaded
•O.At y...ii.i: S-bk-rt'-A c-Kl
.l.'l1 ................. .,r •lUi.-l!l.t
•ll.M-Bl.t n...--.I

I -ii.MFn VA. n.. ..ppiBdar «.;► i;'-*';rto.


i'Ar« MB-r ibry liArt >pi.Am

'JStS^XSiu thr -bi^l

r nffOMO Si toll -



raark-t Afi.'FJoU; iii
((.me doty Be A bulvh
waa is

Ber auri□ faith.-


If .rail.<D —V it* glow
..wn.-yr. lid fuel aIao

:Eh“ v>.u rtvSin 'l'ia'..r-r.Fu,

1... -n- u(. .
'^!5rA'*D;Ar.k I'Ad 1-v.sbV a " i«i-(«.
.- IB tl.-rv.A-l n.vlit
ibi: IbrkV.B'r F.'Ar*. AEi.l *br »A.l In ■'
i. oun-d tOAMklvof
.MB 1->."
lo «B« ut i'AF.i»U.|. Mill p..'"-l»
li-Atineltr wMe.i-li'iA'. h»F
:bl. eaiilABAOnn H Alk-r
lUw.- fA-i. I.A.T Bif:»'ki'y
'■ ,
c„ue..i h.-h-Ad r,,.Ai..n
Vreaw IW.«-l'...M I.'f-k
i |.jk lliui is tliC K'--ll....*e 1.. . .. ..
;-Aul'MiA- l-.Ald
HuraiUI..H 1H«- ,
I'd nto loMr my-elf ■—.■* rii.'i . lliMZA.’bat 1 ll -At ...It A'V.Md I MU. 1
.1 yeur.. lliev fooBA UiAim-lre.-Ire;i.M.i o' .Uv Ojr hturain^'kA «»' <
u Dvauf AudbFrrg..k«oF.-» t'l
nir dAV and aii-bt I'.ira to*l.
Ayid lIFlp »F eu IhAl .BFAiy- -a. ■ 'J-..U Alld I Ail. piS-h 11. SB' *.« «a
if IK'F a'r
Ftsp. rAlM.
the rey ipr ll.iiB.siiFiK'el.noeeA hk. ., ike
re fr>-r'B
ISiAA I'c—d -pilvlaily — -ti* ».
VM .‘err.
6rr -(-.IIAai lincJ..n and tor.j-..; »S
. .
.. w.eked i..
rwr'T.VA,»A-A inSA.Ah 'Iripc i,--t
•e- an.j Aer.'■•o»ere8 "Ith peeapirifnr; ra«'aii-.kiiik'-iki- babiv »f lii "./
« oa JuBe -M f>F Iramr wrou la


!;.T !


The na.uraT tewperaUr* o'tbe bad*
■-.AAtiiiained by ourrrei ooirilloBLaM
hitip. tberrforr. If tnra. Abe
lirnper (.•>! ACMLek
Mlel.FlhiBir itoellalBi
israa d.jw*. tb
isAl hrAI t- aU'
llty tacbllllBr i*STB*l
.1 "fiMnce.

t'srea of Rabii.
>nr pli<iuWT*ptora Sad ae UtU*
eui latkAWAyAOf pM«BBk>*.
n (key Ineade tto Selda «

.im-e ni'tnurht. ali'h'^he^erra raeter ...Afke.1 oBl/l
..j-Aptof of t.e lav- M. de
ir.i- uaUiAiAbeB Ueo'eK'M
re. Altti ibe-i.-nikle A.--jdeot
■ft liioi d.t.-iae-l for life, a
i,d de»pAirla|;ly:
- ---------m.'Fr . . _____k ...

F At >M d..Rt«e.:.'to lell b..w curiuo. ll I


add yuur'
Ue-Bu'up owh.-;pliA.*nt b-w. .-.o'.B.'e,!
Tb- pany ’
«■. I >bsl. pul.ileTen fonad .1 «preeAAi»e to Uelr teau .

• ’■’j’* '

. I ,. hA*e any .mim. AA'
here ibi. ThasliA/, IB . Imiat Irt-io
.11 AB-1 <K. -I feel Able k. IM,'T.pat »el

i.iAb'e olbem fuffet
Wbeu tbe .


---------- 1-------------------

Odd AA tt raay aeeBi. I'orttoBd.-a*., la
iBA*U't Ser.eF.l.,(lt,r Ah..wert eklHiag eaourb


ilOB AAirt to bus

Sel»e souf
. m.i
BF .•iherAUasUc poet, aad yet IlMSt .
M- ea.lero FAlFwra.lT— '
lilroAil rovle tsthe P

The n!dv-t •
Ihv** T-naV.'KM '.’n Ou.'atr^joM AAbe I The keeper of a BhAFraa^y iflikeelty ' werld la
iisruk at Her• It bApp-aed ar AAidcAUvIy
'Of ttaedad. -a Aaialiv Toney, baa oral
■ tout
lUt Ito tto
led.d U'Ht.v up« MkF.'-M'i.U
' V. tbe -•irAtiSc jOBrBAl l.u Nalor*. a..,,,„oy,
____ ^ asd baa bsM pnrtsetbU> neatafy.
AA AroQ*ed
l*’Huf tor rab-irA. aaa
.1. AB<)'f....i.a I... I'AlAwity AO lillie .p.-iBieo -rt AB vd.o.. -A.eun.-F whirb,,.., bT frAijAMteoaUBp
....................... n of.plwih.
It to_
1 Job came iB-a ThAcb.t:iTliiit
ar*wl«rl‘. tkal AbFB »f died bf fril revenVy dorintf a
-to-c - ,,„;n „( pia« ato to ioatoAtto BsM*|B*d tof<«-ui..a>Is-IHdil Hull I
leader lU rarliaBrat.
i l•.A'tol..^. .a tto AAB.* e..uBtrr. ».
rader oT
c.t U.
IMT of Ike t;ar>>Ab|AuroA:.
1 he aredef
Efcry Midler kBowa th*( a ton*
»*C|.,.-.A.e -"A" -e
Aautber .
.oaa Mr KareABCb. I aUbw ►tated
htated Ikal.
us fallia^r.
•wiU *ot etep OB a ■
a'ab: ab' to aiB'llu
bem. I’ve inl- *'pici<
*» »‘-|whu died* ermpleof year-, aro. waaI plenli'uli,* -pr lied atrr a eoi
caealry » a irobper bro— dtotootofc
Ikoni wilbsal arraa of Ifi^a. aa.l w.ti. able ateaof ou<
-d b- laatl lie >1111. U to .dsto Ihto
*. J’"'- |a» .Bdnaiitakl# will AEi.l ga.
• The lahaWtoi
inewbslFAqjAdroa willpMAse* Ua
|ao -•onlnvFd u> keep *» n.i.1 .tium : ly pAibered op
eone sol an.' ■■* •
l-x-id irriti
»itbust doAto bia totoa
-onlof Ai*bt'»ikAt be becaDF a i'eri:.i- 1 it MadeeivUie
. sBlrlUsBA aad |
.1 "I thiBk be war-h.
Kerupe and
- I.____________
look-like ll.'" —
held, l.blil ..kl Age. A,
• Asaple of [ I
-Ab' l'*t By A'pieioDA wboatoir 'll*.
liag place IB the priilnl aad ao-.aI
/e. Snimrt
.ff klA eouBtry. asd. ia Abon. ac- ihe-B^a" which
•Well! I niVt Ik. iideal Iwy o: ike
lAA Bu.-n work aad eoywed a- tkeferto <.t..
,dow Itoae'A in ibreroudA Bear
kappinr-A wllh'kl- poor u.iak ..f ira st alllet
r AA Bu«t raeado who baT* lb. owub o* u.
lUwbFrof limto
emA rlee* Is AkiUto 1 ^
*hB*-to latnatsd hw Ab
vul fifty vvana^s lad ..faixieee
r la. Men Y.iek. .itoMieh di-aipaand tod laflaesee. waa ledlak.
■raploTer..wA»iof tbe Iktoea faaily.
*b4 ee*l«ieei to iw., haowBAA laFOM.mirAeul.
deieeled; tri.

' ~ r lickea » -------------- fuu*d to tto
Boat arid B-MBUiaa of the dcaeet st
jirai..w^ ..Ane«ithar*»k1.rri^
-Idoa'i tolietenad raeae. rar whole T«TUFy. wbera tbe Aotl ia «*li»reo*A___ TbelBAlJa*.
aad. rypASusA.
__ .------------------ciwaad, » e*k am «BSetfar froa bcttdw
life to be b a kstved by lb -ia of
r* r. ______
. ...
. r->w«
A_ o* tto_---------tarhey wtoI abOBi • .. --Jo^t T
I'a polar »**T ff-‘® bore to aaUlAi tto prbbif*. fr..ra which it to to debility, .w*«to*ed powet* *to torafieiwooB whtD I Are -Ira (
le A freab Atari."
toward tb. liabertwok o i
iaioa that tae l>«
pBOrable nd aboof Turkrotaa I Ul to nriag thta eliaa at dlMHua
. that gobbler...
toriar doM iroto la«»d*'^t?to'tto*d*Aen

Idlar to tto



Traverse City, Mich. liwU^tiT

Ordert^or Job Printing left at the


iBg Aluy.or tw/i AtAFr.i»t hiiB. A»d hlkj'-’"
IrilUldk . J.I'F*?! St bilB wftliaul Bk-Foy .
>!•>• «PI-r«.w sf kl-]";;;,



I l.t.BDA A
kykri........... k.V
kri- par.-.;.-, .
.•anil .KB -I- k • no
-f oar ,o( :i,»
u-ii;l.i--io<'4. e. o



bA -k AS- i
T- n.ruo rii,..i*k u.
luk n WA> B.v larkcy. an
» ratlB' A 'rbABk-k'iiii.'

•Alb.i.j-^iBli' ill.' l.•'U►-•. w(iii.'.r‘
fnn(i uulk'd .lonn.ll'i' .;..uoi'y r
titilArd li'.iA...-UJIBI,. to (
•1( ..«. I Ik. 1
. I'.ids
..A esrili- hb. -.1'l.i U>
UkF W b'u.y l>.' I. H- F »>
•robblrr A. 'll. I FA I’ctt

, ,ir pJBBip y.mnc (
^red. but liiA end
TbA«U*JriTiiir day.
"AllhutiBh It'd

TkU nnirhl la

-Ai.t -n.- i.r Uir PA—.-ll
t...'.l> BlrABJin'fl
r>.' I -Aid. but Ik..}
b-up-mry. a
I'll -led t.. Ur ri-|H'Vikliir rrr
AiuAi.'.- n.m. link.- I«K
............................................awin ll
St Mil<<UK}
U K} I ..Min
..uaIii !•
niiKU.--I.( aiir .-wui.lo .*FU aRot Ito fwldB ^ --l Urrii-Ini. Till 1 u
u A<v In Ike «<-A|..f Itoralnatal roa.
V.U1 ki...n wbAl I
U... r.rly l.rfklnK dl
Ill rat ha* |«Awed A>a>. U VAlBitiudja'
k.. ,y..B d.-u'l. ail'- j.-t. ■a- luy tH.-.—BiBIAbn- B«r
im-Ai. vHkJ'd .B.iUirkBi.tuiwi' t Anwkl by ...............
.wVtn.' bri- U.u.ifu-5j.'ur Uu,. J«> .■* ymi m*y .• ll it. -hk-h twd Istbr littl.- .
Carso While at Pr*y*r.
.(vAiSn-A'urtot fn.n.
Jrei.-r ..I I.. « lur 1*«, Ike r.a.l.rrAt totonoB. I'a.. Wwin H. SbAoter.
' 'Vl.v |.l..irl>r— ■■
i>.A[k«l An «DcAp.-.'lrd har-.'
hi!.' Biu-adiait^ f**.taI serrkr la
.u k.f.pMiil. Thjr7.A.’AB' t.r*F lur
HVihr.'A (‘kaeisk SM
in'iben «'tU-r tnr oni ir mii. Iml
-■nokoB irllk>*rBlI
A k'u.ii..; ir.>id''rr't hA.i
i I'l FiwnxtoR WsAtbCT.

Ifin need of either store ^r. window awnings I would like to submit samples and prices
“717^7” 1
Plants for Decorating
before you order elsewhere, as I believe I can•L'^yuto’-.SrS^S''
TEAvmx onr n.o&&L oo.

Ak A pi-Biiy |«T •<*«.

liA. J

±:;r srr

Tbrsr i1a-.a Ivf.Frv'I'hAiiAJii.viiiR MiV.a-i -ngto-'a ibr ►rr. .s- W dak

Good Fits.


ito a

•siUrT*. »bo Buy a
lAUd lt.-in.utyy«WABV
prrAcrr. while -Aenib
• A.':n>‘ll-il in AFTAA Bp tO
.....................iBtrly ynatB

n.'l^.Mk I'l..

nu-lfod v.MW AlldAV f!.rf^-tndy;lVTt.jn,.
ituil Ae x.'jr I.A. I—«l.» b.vp ll |ui
'►a.Ml'FM. Al* I drikt—t It And y.-* l..k'k I i«»itFik]
I'F ■lAlA.lAAt -Blllh'l
hr' tl.iSfk
B.-r i».Aei
ei w.jin.-.lrd
w.jin. drd, Itotiiikdy
Itotiakey "
•fton- wA-kili-k." iuU.r*..-» A
•i.liB»ri.i ouH th. n Mi« I'.Jj n.nrrl .ml

■l PAJ air la l.-r f.r.1 f..r a i.a
luikejk 'iurW.l (-At t' rir UuAd* .'fl .


»r«.. illtoop
u a

'* Al.lul4 .>

- »e A.-la it ' ri«AA <w .to

Opmlb. bnlomBlaktanddAT

yr. B. ^IVHtk-YT^.

.—-- --- - Not FoU YaI-

l...L,ln,.' Tb'

l\l A^k
---«lirr.'k oir-iorkri J...:..H.""lA>i Btuhi.'" ^->d f'bin-U-

sta Ffoot at- .•*.■—.k. ,\..F.i,A«>
TrA'-FW ' ■!>

. ^•SK'm%.5v’« •

w«r*Bta. tmi.

,rk» ivk-jririBi,-.;

"U k.".'

£ojc aeo

IhrUM o.^.rf floni
Able -U. tM.. 1 evr«.

' -W,'.,!. lijTIA.II.

. UAlljiivplp-, 1

Umilll’S "i. WMI ‘

TbrOrtrlBAl Oraa Wao.

Ai'i*’.Tj!.kertftl . llilnr;..r
ur.*i.|itr-'. ABrt her ltr>l


r »f w«-w w W4« wv ■«•• i*cw toto-nTTer w«'w«-•♦• w>-w »•• w*'w


1.-; '■At »!.,„1, p.Yk,^..r ti.r.-..i.l..i.o AB.Ip-ni It Ik lOl.l tu.. •b-baeofi-y.l nri; lut.itbr ora'er ..f ,

"Ye». -r-rAtBe
i-V..'. -»aki eu.wW* l-iHl.
IhAB I r*f«i-V’
iio.TA*d iVsce V • Wi Bilk-tbur Mi>. Tnpp.
•■Ttiey'rr *► trr a 1..| O .tieb-ck a>- I
t»cr AT*',' MtM.I-.-ld: And joi. a
lo.-ii uicii.Mi«eo u.ii. 'uaj., T>ii»c.r>
Arpdn:.<liulbAiplt.iiJKAt.>rB‘-o. Ikabl
l-.-u iLrLk A"..'"


lb,y W. as' 1-1..
crtr iry ,1 »c-a1u
aiiA-h . .'odd'iii'
k I F!..ubt

H'to Todd waa toiBAlthe rirkl toaodlj,
ibeMA.Iy lad tottatoaa
k«r wrath k*e



.lae.'aad ih-y pm ItL^‘uTll2iw-Srrti21 Tto ,S


*ftd taatsd rrwl

he hwl ***ll.T decided Ural Job WAAjfc^ ^^ weiffbt to e*rry; a defect, a

'.paru ut wto
_____ tto traeeiee. bnrarkl boar «
^•touty of thto a^totoBce *■ Isar Ufo
•A inn. It bad (aIIcb >b a *howw le
ttoria aad to aald lo hare eseemd the

S^ato Ht£^aad*tiM ISaU--k -to©

- JfttoeMtoUtlm.

mt aea. WrUa Ua ialewill e©Uia yoara***
. %• wil/eVB yoa wfoTTS


OHjM»D TBAVroite Bmuj) gESRPAHT 4,1S07.
I Traverse Herald



Ball, ertui IM Uw amuim twiyt* erf
Uw prlvlleaed edoMo*
Mve BOO yean afn. Be wa» a «w)(Ota.
UMarankaBaicbM. to thi a|daka

He Boy, lie Lover, the
Soldier and the

utioa (bat
^ ijari at tba Hrla-

1 They
. gare
ap tba eooaa.
______tal d«Ured that tba (aatiawait
WM a) wretched aa-iba gfayme and got







_________ „_______Altar
coaMtast ucatscaA bate, ay
1 Bif*d Bte (o aatank to a tv
(begUad. AttUacrtiicalBao-,
»cm . frMSdmcoa»»e«d«d SA.S..!
aad btyiog a^ a dcc]>mtcd pc^

. laritr, who bad
r« Ibe awmd and aalfcrm. obediraily
weBtca <m toe
Tbey were fire waaka
tbe -oyag^
dnri^ which tfa» 'yoong
majer «rf militja made a pt
•atirai erf bi. knowledge of
M which be bad atadled Ibe

o" •<1"'' <rf

•d hia merl
le of bi.^


npaiiy ai
DBmb>'r''f 110.
Tbe BiivD. <rf edoeaima al Ibkl time
ere rerr limited. eap>via1ty in ibe
orb, audbubpona teaching.-fogetber
itb ifaat Bcpjaired fmm (be “bi-dge
itaof tb<i "
dolled ia
and .orreylDg. Iiul he oarer wak enuremm wiih nini* ibao Cbasmatardiuary braoebe. of Kngii.b. Hiaortbogtaphy. Jile bi. motbat:a. waa fit firet
enremelr defertne. bdl by petaieteul
ivariice imd irmetani labor be finally .

Immina] anriRsmeot

d<M. Howperaon. etannig to««te. of *,4Bcnllv.
dwo, tlnee or foot hoBcired acre, can‘be mit

wa*gn«ii«i!< Al T» i.srr -nvt\n
•djaoest to ii» faooK, lAd the mrf look
’T^bTa traditfOB that Joba, tnei tie. tba lowly dwelling anon being obl»wboBi Ooetfe dwnoded. bad bean aamad to ailira. 'Mra. Wa.hington and
ksl^rtad by Jaaea 1 la l<n: bat. if b« laaida aucneedid in teinoriug tba
■bbawaanot kaown by hl( llile. If be fomitnri-. and wbrii bet bnabaad 1
bad BBT, aad fala bindo did txa (blak tamed fnan tbe field barfoanri dine
aay tba laia <rf bia 00 lbl( ocnaat Be prepatad for him in lie' kn.ehen.anairad Drosianea aa a fleld oBnr ia rade cabin near
At ba ovoed aumber
aaiata la Staflord ooonty. m-ar Fredriefcabarg. beramored bia family ibi
or. A canain Bam WaabliyttBi erf tba
• (0 a dwelllDg Tery almilar lo ibe ■
Oeniiao btaaob <rf tba family, wridag they,
t. wht<b atood on Ibe lafi
ia l»44. aayi tbe fint AmarSoant <rf tbe bank
e RapiMaDiKiefc. abora
aama «ra waaliby. and bem be alecpblaff. within *tgbt of ibe low
oealda't aea wby they came to Amwkw. Eight bawyyeat. were pamed beta, t
Tbatabowf tbe CDotinantal
only leal aormv being tbe death of t
ear eoaatry at that tima.
yoangett danghuv, Mildred, oalil. ia
HOBIB to ba bald ercB now_tbat we are ITtS. the father of tbe family waa aadof impatlaDoa only ai wa eoDtribaK to deoly^tobad away at tba early aga
tba waallb aeeking Bubllity. wbatte in
tbe (bv* of (nde ptodoen or beaatUal
la 1891 waa boa Angaatloe Waifatagta, wboaa fatber waa Iwwraaoa. boo (rf be beqncethfd ibe eataM at Hontlng
tba onglaal OolGoal
AI tba age ererl. now kaown a) Moonl Venoo;
a( It be marrleil a Him Jana BoUar, lo Angoatibe, tbe borne funs at Wake­
who died ITI8, learlag twoaooa—Law- field; toGeorge.4be lauiia xmd boom
mea aad AagaaliiM. biw waa laid to where tbe family iheo lived, and to ivirfa
real fat tba family raott at Bridge'! of the other aon. a farm of HOA iv
creak, and 18 moetba. later, ia March, eetea The ioenme and tuanagemyst
ITIO, ibawldowar married Min Mary all (hkae propemea were given lo I
Ball. Tbla lady wa) tba yi
mother nntil the acaqLecam of age.
Mary WmbingtoD now tliowrd tbit
tbe coefideuce ol her boibaud in bet Id•elllgenoe aod bo-ineM ability waa not
Bdaplaeed. 8be al uncr onumed the diraetkiB of aSaira, derbriiig all lier eotrgiea to. the wrilaro <rf bet familr and
tbe mana«emem of tbe vwi eeuVe. Her
ctuldiwi teanxd (be ndimenu erf tbair
limited edeeatico at tfaeir motber'*
knee, and afterward acme of (beat artge
aiBiKed by private
Edward Evemb “ia nsqueatloaibly to
be added to tbe list of eminent bmb
whose ctaarsctera ba^ been mrfidrd by v
Biotber't infitence." Now, while there
la no proof wbetever of the anrecOMae
of thia am
. .
1 did have a
tbe amaaereeat. end pbyaieal exerelMB
oa Well sa to the moral) of faerebitdm.
tbeve wm nevcr% bosM atayiag yoatb
who owTd lew to bia motber than
Oeorgi' Washiagtoo did to bm
tovedbiaiaudwaiMifGBdaf bitatbsl

«aa ptetar. with • large «
left bank (rf tbe Bappwtmn
bat it dam not appear that
la oalh. ber aeqairemeBW woe
w is tbe way erf book leaxalag.



•ebey la tbe king') Eaglitb w ^ ia
Writ, and an late w 1T«0 we find te
arridag tbe toUowiag lettar:
^Dys eauwwaa-TM.

laigl- Block (rf iRarena F.-aihi-r
turTeytng b'i« broth- , wlnh.h wa*^ very agt»-i
liana of wliicb, aoca- '
Throaglr roch bacd
•a proptTty. bi. plan
lely drawn, atili exi
• l..dyu,
Ml fuiigne. H.; kepi
TOir. an odjareul ei-Tate heloogiug
till..- year, he’ vi.« f ngaged ,
Mr. William Fairfax, wboa- daughter.
CD t.puiih it yx'ry
Anne. Lawn nee bad married. Tliore be
met the largeet loaded pnipth-tor in ptoStaiil'-tn'acximri-l«im;tran. ofwthi
liuia. Lord Fairfax, a relotiri- of hia land in the then uuii:liahi'iA>.I fetlile
axvDtric iudividaal. who tMIotx «• came miRiriort with rode.
boat, a B
liern diaappoiniec
ia|roTlng In.lint . and the kn'roieig.- be
id au became a n
tbe widat gf.
. propeniM m‘fi
Amerina. Hlak—-----r—---------him a n
all tbe land, 1^..
lying-taerwera-tbesFplotsar- made
r. It wi
qaired a enrveyor’* licoDee
a for diatancM


loreeman.bip, aod as emBBaianicj
to-tbe hOBuda. Flndiug Geage a
•nla! campanlon w wrl! aaagood!
locnrate aarveyor. be emplr^ed him ‘
Ibe approximate extent
o help a
rf bia illimiuble domain. They became
e Enghab
iotimately aeqaainted. and
lord faeid in great respect tbie .
aad vigotoot frame, okar
le eye. bo
e farther ude <rf the a
ridge, and there be waa iaitiated inl
(be Mila aad evea perila (rf a aarveyor'
life in (be fnnet. Yeara later, it it n
laled. even xfier bb qanidus protege
bad become Umona aa Ibe greet BevololioDiiT gineral aad bad reeeieed from
Hie noble lonl'toansirTmas Lord OorD-'
wallii Ibe ew-ord aortMidered at Tacktown, tbe DOblt-lnsn waa atiU liviDf at
bia lodge in tbe wiMcTBeas
When Coniwall delivered ep bia
•word. Lord Fiirfaxwaa soyearaof age
•od will a ausA loyaliat. in whicb
ebaractcT be wonld liave anfleted many

It i.s needless to say that it cost more to pro*
duce these excellent garments.



Cheap Homes

TTnion Street. South Side.





all kinds and sizes.

Farming Lands ; J

BoUrond C<>a.plcteilrhro«gh t’nucr/

Do not go Wsl
learn e bit Miebigaa olf^ irfWlligeal
You can oo better with lew
money aearer. borne.
Imad. ricb.dry and gci.tlj rnllinr. i
TlmWed mainly with Sugar Map>
Sock Elm. Bawvrood. AiJi. Keech
I Hemlock. cU-..*!!-! are well wab'crd by
! lake. riTi-r. aad brook..
j Strong «Mi». hne cetgi.. healthy ellwhw.Uasd ehurchea, iotenigent
iA.irn> atata

on*- of tbe pxe«!ut(jm>f til. will and waaj
V. rnon in !
l•.^( bi.eilale of Ron
tbe ev.-nt of Ibe di-aib of lii. Infant
daagb’i r. an only rhild Thii daoghter
died lie- Mhiwing y*v. aad tbnvGeorge
WariiiiiKi'.n became aoh-owner of Ibe
beBUlifBle.tuee, which
Im's and will c-uiliuae
iiiKri year, of
aud Ib^ liappi
of bia
bl life. .
.1iiUjr.!lcof thi«periodof
Au ioier-.i
wbeu b.1 waa anr-!
hi. ■!' .

reyiug l>ndi V..rf«-.lM,d._en.t.
I'airfax'* landi

:o BXCOXfl.l l II.

stew Pans.
Bread Pans,
Butter Jars,
Water Jars,
Stone Churns,
and eTeiythin$r in tbis line.

mm M

•\V, S. l!OW.4R!>.

It vrat tii.t alirt d.nher. an.V they
fouod Ihr Dnle girl crying pilmnialr ;
to lieraelf.
Iwroril. Ii
II Had
1.10 i*M*a
i*~*B a
a good
goo dinner..
asd al..- hud .wiei, heartiK. ,
•“ "o roueo" for ucr
Iller. d*
irmth .
"Wbat iX ibr mailer,
d. !irT'her
srr |,
dik. ti.T uiiiil quit*' cvwiilly iu*-ar B<*- ev Bokrd .rtaioibetioall.-. The tears
ryvnli. Clerk ensety. Vo. It la tbe were rnnnine. and ebe mmld hard­
hh« managed to aob out
cabin'ia wliirh Warinngtrin lirwd a p«- ly apeak.
Iion of Hu
bat abont IX foe) finally: ~OU. mv disDer aebm so bar]
, I whh that I did not Iwve It-"
Mjaare, ruhliimug bat two ronrai, ow tbsfii
au fllir. Ill wliicb tbe young maakepi ExentaioB Bates (0 rashiagtea £
faljiu.lrsnieDlA It aiaade abont XM
iiridOesml Daaiel Mbtgan erf Kevolanonary famw The manor bonae of
Grrvuwav Coort i« (till hn poeaewion of
rairfox. bl
bni so relaim- of tba Lord
a I-nirlnx.
Fairfax of V

aucuaiilul the' I’reeideaUal taao- guTmiirin t'e-remoalea March ttb, the .
hns Arlxir R K will avll exesraioa
ticket, from all etalion. toWa.hlngtos
aad relurn at-me fare th' rmod ,
Tickrl.will be Mild March l.l |
;;nd aad Sid. limited for relarn Ullarch -th
S «w.

Corner Front and Cass Sts,, Traverse Citi/.

Entire lot Pur Coeu end Bobee offerml et e reflootlooef


1.MBU Wool 1«P Bobw Bt Half Me*.

lire crarnril th--tn-lpoR
f Vo.irta tbroil^
ld(T le njt reporta, wo. a*. I'lig anil rlii
liT a. that of Olga Nelheraole la

XAtl'l «Tl tiToev,
tie iatrr. tbrongh the rc'iigoarioD of bia
brother Lawn-are. tbe appoiotmeat a.
Sdlnuai of tb.uaute millda. with (be

wbiCh be gralcfolly irmembertd.
ee learning of the bsmiliatlng aarreadebe (Old lo bia valel. "Well: Jnc. yon j
may ae well par me to bed. for if) now
blgbtimefor metsdic." Aod die be {
did tbortlyafnc. •gfi'waa boried in tbe|

l-wacettcr or r»r ahd Xnrh.
i«»'e lived In he 1«0
; ex A),l. hill Iherv i« u. retvmi of a
I-Iro b-,*-’ft. ei.npo'd »'-M ep-

Bmb in tbe fb-ld. wfaerebe paraed the'
aommi t (inie, mud al Moent Vrraoo.
where liia winre

.££51 Distracted

Some exwrpw from Waebingtte'ai
•AJonrualof MyJonr.'
„ mi* o.'i-V roiwios voTAtir.
Mooutaino." bgna a
Bi-iwm-o t.eotge Wa*hingto)i and hi»
bad eniered biaaevin-; bf» bvo'ber Lawronre exl«.-d a prealteenibyeat. irill give na a glimpae ol,
«™*r attsetoeot.
bia life al tbla lime‘
‘-w.d to (he Wrot Indlaa duriug tl* famoiit aiegi of Cartha'
ma Ol Ibe y|msieb maiif ondrr Adlira] Vernon, and wben.belhad r.1
bigto np ye River. We wenl (bnmgb
e^beaaiilnl arovea of Sagar Treefc
— ye be« part orf ya Day .u m>.
med la h
miring y. Land.••
lid bt
“March 91. 1T4A—Early tbia Mon-i
1748. Uw year erf *« fatber'.
iiw one of oar Men want oat witb yw'
death, and ftta that data Gecege wa) a
.Onaa aad turn retoia'd witb two Wild;
viriwaaodalmaat a raottanitTeidrat al
Toxteye: we (ben weal tv oar BaiiDees;
Monai Vernop, Sharing edeb (Hberta VJ
laa nS three Lots At rMBD'dtocaT
view) OD military manhia (wwrporv
Camping Plaee.

• 15B Pnrt •txaak

Tnvfino Oltj, Klofalcao.

iesolts !»8U&«Ba

Inventopy Sale.

arieoee. and from Jwo of them at leait.wbo had eerved in tbe W.ei Indie, witli
hU tenher. he took hmmue is tie-tan'of
war. Ivoomiug proHcieatyn the military
xaanaal end expert in (be nee of tbs

■S^‘«mw Themwamibooh•

wrtWIW (a ram lam I <Ma ammr yoallHj
aMa()eswmi«(a vmraiaat rvcird rorynel
asdtm (aaitx mm m I dmi mtp wlaom tbe
ChlDilai a«w mb aa me lee the! I oewr
kSfW wtam Uw mm or when tu rue. • > •
Tsar mnapimier.
Hast WominoTim.
Bat, wbMber Hx weiee good “apell<g as, tbe wa) erMeatly a vary aV
Mextra msidea wbea la bet (mod, tt it
Aewa Xhnagb Uw mtdiam <rf on old ^ _


$1.00, $3.00,
$4.00, $600.,
$6.40, $7.60. 5


the Lodging i-T ndher to cold for r
lime of V-arlh.vAneTiTliadmyC'lol
them like a S

’ ">““■«>' Sh-xi'or any Uung eh*
Tberr eawta no nliabla lifa drawn ^
Biantii t wttl
pnricrting to-beaatbeaitir. liketboaerf jaabk \K«.-isl.i
Vermio. MitiBa .woi-k- on acetmni of it. Thi. neeurveiihe
(lie ridiciilnaa Werma. “(he fiddling Lire. Flra>. A-c. 1 k-m gludinmdai .ba. iM.-n U*'kcJ up'di ■« prtrridi iitlal, aa
paraon." hariog bean proved miwonby : (a. niou a. ye Liplil wa. citripd froti ‘u gave bim mn»<'in further exof cndeDR-. iuoloaing. it i.^ieedlbaa lo ; '•• 1 I pnl po oiy Cloth, laud la.v loi nt; pnoire dnnug. Jfae Ke^utiniary war.
when hia ofBoeiii and aoldiora were ft»lay, that (rf tba ^rry n»w
.Omipanlona. Had we hot be-u rer
tlVdna-nwi'fa tbi> dread diarnaa.
—-----------' ( I am auto »••• «linol)J tort haf
.liowcver. h>- did Dot inb-nuit liia enCHAFl'ER la •
ah-p'd mueli that Night. 1 Hoade
triea ill bi. journal and
; ProihiaeuiittoSlirpn frotn.iW tici
.ahreW-d obarvationa tap
George applied himacU ardenllr 10 ' forward rlio-iag raili. r to .lep jn y
bi.Madim omlcr a prtTate inatroetor. oj.-u A if before a Fire ..will appratc that I
‘xpi rii’tex'.
Cite Miner William., and in twoyeaia bereafier."
I .tw«teiii-o oblaiiK-O no benefit frees
had become an expert aarr. ycr. M<*t
Ttb-ni xt day
IVderirk Town ; H- voyage imd reumb.1 to I... borne.
of the line at tbi. aiageof hmlife war
“Trarrll'd n
iie-ion.tvecIrA Oh
bankerf ibH Poroiaar, atamt
at Huniing OrvfV. 111 (he com-, wli
------------r. IT.SX- only 1-1 eapin■y of hii half.iirnther. LawrvDi^ a




_ if.-i-'Ss:

K itw flrat. laai and only
h^waa................... .........
Ami'iiean eolaalea.
bmiixl.. later in fata military life,
mivrird cfien and far. bait the extent of
bi« Viiudcnnga wk«eirmmvrihi-d. Like
tiie old irtagivwach <lrlTiir who bed drtvlu 40 year, cverihe tame biad (ndr
tiid^ a day. be -coal'i elatm to beja
greet travelar—in one etninty.

H-'Wia an ualbnonate ita toheeipowO to the amallpni. vhtrh be tonk lb
"Ibe imuca] way. “ aad waa ill three

abaadabiv roamed (lie wood, aad
field.. It wa. au.idewl bumeforaboy.
bol tliait firntpom. who (aw tbe lighfon that Febroaiy morning In Ita*. wai
ow deetined to paM many of 'hioboy of a uiolber 'ooliritode. baagoaeaktray
••LightAI inip a-'Kucai A bei l>eing
Dnt he waa iiaiie erf mind and atrcaig of , wood a Wnd'Diaa aa re n-«t of my
boo) yean at ihu apot
Una mcnlDg la AprU. ms. wbea body, froan (be fim the popalar leader ,
afnpixl myrelf tvry orderly
ilior afnp<
who apprwhGeotite wai 8 yean of og ye
rerabomiBg refoK u tba gartaa
■ lnwwnl.r. iiCDOt,
. ^-hcp. .0 bty ^Viyrir,- I found i.'
Chametertttica aaatauma 10 tna cna«
poi a linte Straw, lunti-d to-

nil ebatea wa> Rtatad by fall MwdA
arbo atn^ that be wai a "raty Bradatt, Wiber FaraoB." Hovarer. tba PoritBBt lOt bold of bti lieinc. aDd be
am driTaa to aaefa alraiti that two of
blf tODa. Lwwnnoa and Jobo. •hiofU'
OB beard a raaal tor Virpaia.,^
baadrad and forty ytwra afo they aatUad la Wcotnoreland coonty, Aatwan
Pepa'oaadBndca'ocraefca booBbllaita
IraoU of land aad aooo ajgaaM kBoarn
aa aaoowral tanaos, (taacb ebanbnea and RaeUaaws ofataadlDc la tbeir


IA Real Hood Renud',.

m.king 1 loBg alay a. j mate and the catoral beaaiM of ifac^ja-;
r Imid. l-m of the iobabiunta be .aval
. blood remedy lorreal blood tr^de.;
•How wrmdnful that aonfa petjple, - .hould be in debt and not abl-10 in. i H com the moat olMtnate
.11 .k.
.. ..Scrofola. 1-xfema. Cancer, Rbc—--------


To ckMe ont balance of slock os haod we mate ^
tbe»e extrem^]f_low prices.



Tba fiiat. tba lati, <rf fala

•sBMBpI for. ralbar tbae aa lawrert ib,
tba Bwttar erf bio liaaapa. aa erlaoad la
AHnplyto a lauar from Uw “Uanar
CiBf <rf Am." Sir laa*o Bnrd. la
ItM. “Tbif la a aab}eol (o wbleb. I
eoDfaiA I bare paid raiy llttla adnatloa." 6(111. Itli known that bi< tmaadlaia EaclUh aaeeatut waa the Rea.
Lawiaaoa Waahlagton. fallow irf Bt>HBoat. Oxford, and oaa tuna rector of
Portalfta la Smn. wboo tba Perttaa
pwiUaiaol eiamed traa hii liriiic oa
‘tba aeon that be.wM-a eaainKe baqaaaiat erf ilaboiuaB. aotooly falBtaelf

I aarrlea (a whXA ba

tic tba ealaiRFaMBt began to dtaamar,.
ap cai a pike al Iwoand now h 1. rntirTiy gooe. tboagblam
doo bridse, aloa«I vicb Kima other id
not tbroiqrb with
If rbi) ba ao—if
Ibon n»«ai<M (c
Mary Bait v« deanoded mni nrb iioEonne Ah7> MAsnia WAtcHiMtTos.
laaoioai aBentiy—(ban fan aldeat an.
Uaorpt. came booratly by faU bastd of
Mtowblebbehadatuiaed. and. ‘iSdChriiirtu. like apamrl <rf Diig.
oppnnin and aaeotoal dlalikaof BWamazing to local ramer.nnnked a pipel Call., df hB|ipy be that j(tu tbe Birtb
aanbical iaatitntlooa.
garmna. at Bridgetown. Ibe capital tL'irccwm. to tbe knile pax
It will be aei down aa rank bereay. nemrecl tbe Firel .Tbcre'cVahingwonld aogar
of Barbadca. George ^w probably nu
arfee a( tbi> laie day. to deay that IM make it pam off to!.ra*l< bni a good

- •icalpertanonnce—(WTragvorr*.
Bmtber'of Waafaingloa waa an angel in- ftevard: A Doablmm i< my conttant '
arrty Day tlml 'the
the SWeather will
Id Harr Wanui(Ma'a faaUy Bibla coraale aod that be owed all bi( gremIt
(atlll exiaanlttbe follevlas noy. la
her goidaace in i<la oxly yoalb.
...................... faeta
.h«w '


Ol the Knile.

od fpv a aaa rorage. Lawtaaltyp
rraioe'a benMb
ordered bim to abi

Wat Tyler relea^ ta

• BHboagb tbo Eocyel
BiM. Id ItaUMadirloD.
aueeeuy e< Vai
raAHwloB «■» be
Mfartbor twck (ban bU rnat-(nurfeatbar.-rMltlaostalD tbai <bero«a
(oaxaloBleal tna an drireo deep
Mo^liobnU. TteevldeDKlicoDalDdntbatll bM ben followed back
aoniwotedly aa far. at Inal. ai (be tba roond. acboolbey band (rf bat eldaat
tweUtfa ontWT. brt »to al« tna that
“tba teoealoiy ef Ccetta WaahinRtdB
•Ueeaiie Vaabiactoo, 6n M Au(»li a tnattar <d paatar iopeataDn to tba tiaa and Maty bu Wife, waa bora ya
BMOaory erf bio amwaioro than to tali
h Day irf Febraair (SSd, nev.atyla)
ova. He tbrawa book tar gtaalea cloty . ,^|.». Bboct II) in tba HarelHA and
waoBaptlaadOD ibaldof April followFin baodrad yean la kias bii^lad
BriUb] failed (e prodooa a eama (bat ,^be bonta to which Anjnwtiaa Waabaaald arA wetaly aenpan wiib iblo lartn bad takan fair bride via a aery
B»ode« one, yet it ranked well aiDoo«
Virtiaia fara dwelling erf Ibal
period It had fnr tooma (be only one
wlifa any approach (o ornameDUiiou
beln« ibe “iiWTr rocn,''vhwb bad 1
Uateb til'd clilnneyploco. A niaaaa
opnad opoo (be nver fttal Tbo yoond
wife f-iOBd already tbna Wr boelwod'o
(voaooaby bt» flt.i wife and a
"W aarraala. whllaaboot th.- enm
inn wai er«y en.leoee
irmio fanner
Tbe Wadnagtub
bene fans lay alooK (be f>om
aboot a mill', part <rf i( (till nrered
agib primeral fun-i. between Pope',
•Ido* of tba boBoa BaitBnd is tiM and Bndae'o cteeka. TbaHrerbere wa.

warta filly ipoktB. aad
r. then ta bwonnatta
bead to

jfe i-

la abac
ad a *i»«^ eooplW vtao (Ui:

4«awr 9f “7ke J
'^Tratdttu Mi


oalabr.hw at bMvat

aw ntr ese rttant ct aevewa
bewB»tb»a(Kb* oT WMUBCtOi
IIM bm olaisvd, wd vrith a al>»

One of the main objects of takiD? inventory ik to ascertain if the
business has been a profitable investment The result withy us far
the year '96 is very gratifying, but our profits consists of not ready
iready cksh but of odds and ends in all of our departments. We have
f cTci.-.gev.r.w.fv.iDet.'®^“®^®^®‘^ ^ couvcrt thls merchandlse Into ready cash even If It
[brings us a less amount then the cost of production.

Wc auttcipate to Invost Id OUT bulldihg moro tbEttwhatthOTe Is of
!ready cash at ouF disposal, hoAce we Wiu not hesitate to cut our prol.

• 'its for the past year by making saeriflees in our differentdepartm
[especially in odds and ends of overcoats and winter snits in under*
Uarw, i wear, woolen suitings, in fact everything pertaining to winter appar*^jela.
We will take particular pains to wait on you during tiiMbnpso■oart.^ (apeetally a
■ RciViiie
paid lor lonarv nefiMt. Thai bk lifa ia Poiiaiiar and be bisteU rrmiy
*»*®® whether yon buy or not We retain our large force of help
tbewaod)vraiDotallfBB.rvx.-BUKiagh.lIwk. be ywlded (o biw f-------• Restores
____________________ bewoodivraeDotallfBB.
ikely that
| who Will take pleasure to show you our specdal bargaink
a gotag awijr tram ^th hk gtaed pfayaiqtw and hit
love, ai>rf»a(>»«rf
dlivA reoecii
^ ^bibTec doa waa Dot mgalr- for oankBr qmita. be enjoyrd oe^mo- |( * aoeom
ulL“SS! Our cloak sale is stiU going on. We are offering, winter jackets
«f e IMtrr-wbicB Mary Vaafaiagtem
a lellvr written (o'
[and capes at mid-summer prices. It would pay you ^ make an In- *
a afmr be
__________________ )ba field WI__________
wagma.! r“ -vvu crutmam_^^a|^' vOTtinBut for uoxt yBBT. Call in and
anrf be oonvinced
oonvineed vonrsalf.
“SiaceCtolober laet 1 bavepolelep-d] >a
Bgood b
lO matter bow I b”y') motber waa auaUiTablv cppoaid |


il aba ei

Bsiasisr,£-““"— “rSTX


b»w« Un»e Sigba (w fxmr la a Bid. ( ^

rittabet SwHay Straw. Foddit m BaamMa. I
R« (t* wbfah—.i.-m^HmLw(»iml



W m. atj

H aaM . wM bam* ar m.



QBAWb TOiLygBBg HEaAM FtffliaPARY ^ 1»97



Sbmto toWbcdeWo^ Hi* Obm

= «M at nn] TscWa; Blfht.

Br I>r. Oitwinb Karrm.
UVWD lamirui i^
IMIUU7 kUUd *U1* tfriTiac W Onad
tn) ef kb twa oa • XMp UlL Tke
.lad csMated iBlo tka dltek aad wM


H. Oiacr. OUaaa. X.T- an-—

dl of the aiy of Tnt^ rUy.
na. oe Dacombae CUk IM. aatitlrd
BB ordiBaaea rrletlra to bdHard toblas
mM aaUok houma to baratw
1 to read ae followa: ThataUi

.*0 tk. bpoaa of
BoBBau, a aiBtli^ La»^ cooBg.


tbra* it) of aa
fdlaaaaa paaaad tw the OBBeUedtka
ay of Trarn^ Ci*T. Droembar «at
.(*6. aad aalilled aa ardlaasea lalati'a
to bOliard Ubira aad tBtlarhooaea
Ba It Bdaiaafl by tka CooBdl mt
Tneetaa Otj:
i. Tba flrat arctloB of as «

---------------- —,
ItkaiBofu aUy aad tor whieh Boaay 1
I or iia aqairalemt or aay aback arooaat-1

Now then, here are some bargains—bargains for all kinds
o^ purses—read them over.

‘ weak ooooM^y taUed ba^ay.

,xar tka boor of lea < loi o'clock ia tka
I aftarauoB of aMk day aad
liar of tk* aaxt;
; I o'clock_____
ie the

II ]fou d^n’t buy sofneone will and thus get the benefit


•ad ia toBT>Bd iB«RTfca dm rrpart sf laJofT to t»>» nrenpfordcaid. Tbootkar da; tka
•BMsk erapbrlCooU •aalka oo*h» loBV ioat tabb; *Blk«l tale tka aaw
Sm BaaUB Harbor.
lioaaaaad iuaped lala Ur. BaBBaUb
At Adrlaa. lira
lap. »llb
^ W. fall <hm tallar bad akart); tiOB
Stvwardi diad of bar laJari<B.
BroWB aty. Lalhar BonjAtoa.
14. waaaocidaalallr abot bsdar
mi by buararttiibba with «
' HaiBata«aahl|kAllaraB «DBBt;.
raaolyar; OIbba to bat U yaan
aad both ooav Iron rau»toaOBrMBcariipUBUd la ika KjW
bla faaiUtoa. Tba lada trara ptayias
Ika ••«--------i—.i~ of UandB*' wllb
yoochtoa a. tka .ielUa. OIbba
ka did not know tbaiarair
pBreaU »m a
MataarlBfaad darova Ibairaowfin


At Hi. a.|oaw
-r-k lailuara both rooattiK
farca. They bad baaa Idle far •
.4—a, aad asipUiya. are plaarA
' Six ha»>lred aad tkirtaaa boy. are
•srolMia tka blata IndBalral
of the bnpi

-glMen’s overcoats and ulsters, 15, 16, up to $20,
choice of all $14.00
Men’s overcoats and ulsters, 12 to 14, choice of all 9.00
ulsters, 8.50, lO to 11,
choice of all 7.60
. choice of all 800
overcoats and ulsters, 6, 7 and 8, choice ot all 6.00
'“"“SSSK jMen’s overcoats and ulsters 4, 4.50, 5, choice of all 3.60
^3f^jK;Men’s overco£(jts and ulsters 8 to 3.40, choice of all 2.40
Men’s rubber coats, regular price 1,60 to
3.50, your choice 79c to L60

thto ordiaaaca

..... .

ar>paabout btobodyaod pu
aatf op by Beam A a paUay
wkkb tka rope rea. Whea 1
taodr frOB. ^a floor tba rope broke.
^ Ike boy fall to Ue floor, braakiaf

Tied oa
• Thrwii

a* loat___ __ _____ rlewof the later-1
. lor Iharaol troa oau

tVbile Bap. Chaaberlala to raidiac
hr birh bat aoimBcr ie the larlela.on*. Aid. Emtuer. of Uraod llapld... la
cBdaetlar a eramde airaia.ta BamiBia are
bellaTca expeetoraiia«
10 eaploy forty


BatbrSHi^ b^*^

laruB or aateoB* owalac. krapiac.
laiar or toTlnf aaatrol ofaald bllrd tablee or.pool Ubloe dnrfar






ireriie.'litlert Hit S>.. Xe-y.»t





tbr liiqr
by tbtop_.—. ■
' Su 1.: T.toord


tVr do karrby
lahuuld bcopproaod. aad wiU Uviir--------------------------------------------------Onaa Beaba of MaBlop wa« iaeUbV 'duce
;CnuaciI of tbcCltj ...
aa ordlnsocr lotbalcffoet.
Aroaod tka BOfllOB
1y killadi HaiBiday by balair f«br<l Wrdof keollhapprore. tb.Idaa.Bl
riak - _»0ti» the mb day r<( Jaaaary. 1
a balldlf that h. W.L ha.p.aA
.aaalljrodej;;. ..

H C. Di
T be pul U> practical
A. W. Bi- »rJUi.aty
la irffaTBoa ^‘byrnnl?^ it iato a cola atoimce
At Waiywa. while
totolh?* at^Riklfllrt________
to raid___
U be;
The bowl-aad

baadia factory




9 Cook asd wile of Elba towab.-t^liu.proof wuBan at the
ro IllM pareela ul a Wo-poued dm»t —.uu.'
aoiae appear with laoipa ia —
akip arc
_____Tbequrareat feCture to th
ft beeBka ail record*
Khnau appear ocly in tba day tiBe a
,,ogoct:£ita AXti reor/tioKtaheaUic fanUM to actarad Botblof o
sra la dmpalr. •
he arm by thoae 00 Ibe ooUlde.
of hooka seu. out iOi
tU fert froB tip to t'p of
VuUa •aaoaalioo wa* oaoaed at Elk
, aad the taps •
Bri^ Tbto^to a e«rT Ui»a.apeeio
toe f'riday bv Ibr bona of Ja&ie* M able to ret
iJiUaiary rueoior awar while at a fax
Hra. Pcaiaao of Ckeboycaa. ac-d to, eral. Tlie three occapaau were throwa
Isaac F. U------------------------_________ ,.. . ,.”'a*lMe''^isw
died Wedmaday. UtetBliy a
lascBlor of a ebaro daaber
L Hbc bad pleoty
pleat tooat. a ITOOd
e the karse sli> be.liad kai
ita. and eBj-.yrd bar foacl, bat
foarBlanlat are required to: I'ora pet a*.. ae«
-. .
BUtrctaloKdaacbnraUctba.-------------- ------------A
At tBaalac. the Dlan-oid malch
20 to to mlaulae with tba old daaber.
the HadwD ni«b achuul threw a piece
nf pboepbora* loto a troacb leadlac Co
•aeroUry of rtale Weda.*Uy aad pto.1 the waate pip* la the ialimtory.
.d bto wh<
a* ti^^alar waa larned off
off U
alraaeblae leb^as.wo
•t ItostJOi
laolled. aad fora line It looked
43iarlasBckraskollbabUr<>. becaae
be redoew
itlcbtaaed aloe year* ar>. and l«-l hto
. —............... key. 1
—u— oaeday tbto week hr eeddraly
or to years of afe. tall,
nralMd It, aad to oow oae of Uic kap- preeen
ard aad allrblly deal.
Tbebaalneea Baa of Holly are eery
proud of the acbleeeBeaU of Ua J. U.
At Poatlae. Mra- Taylor, a ^ral at
Illelzplckle eonpaoy.
The eompaoy
located in Uolly lem than a rear afo.
aod baa elrradypaid,
. Herfaeaey akirta to Ibe fanuere mad laborm|r neo of tba
ram waaaeorc
rn and »l-lnUr.
The.r bnnrbl
....bnabetoof apple, at flftaaa ee>’** •
Tba Her. L B Ddl'ato of faiBlO*- faaBdrr.1 ponodt. They had a COBtract
taa. Oakland cooBiy, wm »lrk aad .nh- for r-.’i acre* o(
rsand receleed]
abla to preach Saaday. Hia ecerre-

' “«•



These are extra cheap; just the tbiog to wear over a coat in winter to Jteep:i>utxotld and tor
rainy weather.
■" *-



SSfi'S*' •

tb^i? i iirprsu%.

||The greatest value for, the money ever sold; full length.

g-l large, full sizes, sold last year at 50c; we have a large
quantity pi these awlul cheap -




Blled hto pS?t


triead wbo eras witk her aad enjoyed a
able at tba same time, baa sard Ue 1
clty for «l.<


STSm’S L*“


.rikt"!.unirC !


thaa aar oth


ItaBd'dud'i^tkrlr^wiu We£(^


- erare potoua'^ for Ballca.
VarBei* la
tka oooauy report Baay i*arabif piw-

I end xhe slartod-ui

HUMEtValter. the two-year-old aoa bf Wito
liam PrUal. of Money, Ba. died in eoneulsixot t'H^ as the' raaoHof friebt.
.Jursday r*eaio; MAirarct Colley', a
plarBBta. donned a b ideosa falae face
deb.bacanaa the felloe tooted and raa iato the I’riest raaidrnea for
the pnrpoa* of Irkrbtalny Ibe child.
She auiseedrd an well that Waller l^lk todly
Tka Chlearo *
T™**aoy ny beffaa the aaBoalln-narreat
rhicb retailed ia deaU.
Dnriac Uie beary atona a ooople of abattcrad. In the B
.'ceks afo Wntkuu BenhAB. a proewBomaa as ^aivnas,
. OB* CtamAiM. Kaa.. farBer. Blai^ two
er polaB, They aaploy troa floe cow. which be anapoeed had been
stolen, a* a., trace of UicB eouU —
Jdla^ Samek. a Wood'. Coraera
ttotnrdny Hr.. HeakaB harlat
teBBT. was foaod fraxea to death la iweasloa to use tome
tome hay from a Alack
tka aaow by tniaaea Friday (norolap. whirbbad btownorerdorlaxa
Ba waa reiaralac traa Shiloh hitoxithe ndMlng aaimato.
Wbea tooBd bto bead waa
ladead. bot the oi
allra and
Bftkia slaa laebaa of Ika tracK.
wilhnul water exnctly S
■cad V- diedaoddaoly ot heart dtoease.
A temble traiMy look place Tnce•rUla bar aoo. who roae a dairy and day nlchl at tka kame of Oeertre HadiU«bA with bto widowed Bothra. want vte. x»ear Jefferaonellle. Ind.
be taws to denser Bilk, lie left her Med-»oB
---- —u
been out
out worktar. Hadlta «xaaUaal bmltk. bat tonad bar dead ___ betep *lek.
Whc. .............................
an bto ratarm.
she hrcmniit epplea for the cbildeea.for
' feiDlly cupper, the .cbildrca eatlnf
b tweliar oa. wblli
tooari^ia barfara
dlknee they ate
■ mattk of BallcTiaa
........ ^ Tnmdaj
An>4. la Boathi aid.
------------------------ embers manafrd .10
re old. I.ulu.
-------- Byrar*
B year* v...
aape. bat the flaBaa oeertook 1
takrn aererely^l
' raadassaiaa. A atraofl attempt
.Mde to rascoe ber.
, LwwtoBayler.of Soaeraet. BliladslI aaaed ehlldren were d^.
Idurlar ibenlrhtand tke boy,to
yUl. HraMadltoatoatooID.
*l B.wto. —.n... Hiw . r.



sold for $1.60. for only




.. ^s.sru.*





Stock taking ba$ developed a great many goods which we will close at.less than actual cost.

A heavy, black 7-8 wool pant
A lot to close,, including goods at 1.26, 1.60 and 2.00, your choice
One lot, including heavy kersey goods, your choice
Men’s extra heavy all wool goods, only
Men’s superior make and cloUi, to close .


Here is where every buyer goes away good ratureA When you can buy well made, ftUl
8'zed clean*goods for the same as inferior make why not buy them? Our stock ie made np of
the very largest variety, hence our bargains hit everybody.

One lot men’s suits, your choice of the entire lot. where only one or
two suits of a kind are left, every way desirable, including 8, 9 nnd
$10 suits, for only........................................... - 6.96
One lot extra good values, including best all wool goods from 12 to
16, for only
One lot clean, desirable suits, 6.60, 6 and 7, will close at choice
One lot full size, the best we have ever shown for the money—whole
suit—your choice
- 2,46



A am. Barr uwo sii
out anew' la eatt Fn
Tba peeple at KUaa witaatsad aa on Alert era called OB b I act at eecort for
ickt Wedarsdar
WMlaad beantifol alrh
Ibr mall* on acooui 1 of U,« fear of
...---------------------------.^toraoca ia the akape
Accord Inc loUieofBclai report
»ned, there bar* been i.n
he plarne in Bombay aad 3.... ..
.r»m that dtoease
At Karachi. ...
caset aad M4 dralhi froB tke plafae
___ ____________nracre
bare brea re.ordrd. At ro«Bah there
faBlllarly ksows m bare
.bad CO deaths and b
frw ,
___ _____________________ iUMoadto al- oda.



£l^Ihe'wM di^.
Kliniad ripi'r^
tnm bmn dlbrnaa wttkont Baklar a

rre akr.

Short pants for ages 4 to 12, sold at 8Sc, will close lot at only



only 26c

seryicable goods, classed as cheap, at less
than manufacturer’s costs See them, only
- 22c
to t.p.n
One Int.
lot, fivft
five to
ten rioTiAn
dozen, will
will nnt.
not oM.Tr-ir
carry thf
them over - 29o
Another lot, the greatest bargain of all, is a lot o| extra
heavy shirts only, price last year $1, to close


MiaelaeB yidnable bora beioaffiac to


ijTo close out every
Jacket we will sell these heavy wool, wide collar

1%V wife of Garabcd Atoadoriac,
Krery —---------ictnriar eetarpriaa
J-etonkey ArmeuUn. has arrinsl in
- •
^Shc---------------------------- pottlnE lb a
who. sriih ber. narrow., . -r.
er at Maaitomassacre in which nrarly
srarly I s«J« t.-s..Ij. Uit», .S^o-rir »-l«s wwk.sal
. whip Booket
of wood, .lipmJoa tbr sidewalk and in
Wyiwto raecawrhereelfaha reptarad ...leat capacity there. .1*0.a branch ea.
fewyrars. in |
tabltohmeot at Uarioa. Osceola ,-oaaty.
• WidTeBHof bar
wd a oomferM.I.. Cbraeaur. of h leBior. oa. the TkeA. .1. I'talllipa oompany. onanfae- u'bis fortane. Ilnr Kell ^t
liBtdarofJaoiiary.killeda blocraerr larrra of aoow ehoeel* aad
use not dared to rr
kes br brn tofore
(hatBaaaured <K feet ia iooftb. Mr.
wife onlof the
It to aald, masn-




: SSSSSi, '

lUr dlaeorerad a flold
l-kear that »ma(W<
t pore copper
__ ______ ..Bad a T«
forty iaebra thick — Miy ^aaiv
laatbelawtbe aertaaa.
A We


Such a

. fiBia akosa ai

Farm for Sale

' JtSisru^Tiii


' K'XTrKJS'S'""

. btaa. Tka bird Is as domeatic as b
a. aad abides la the kltebaa. Al
OB the hack of a chair
. ’talk# Boralmc. with aserriaf
mtf.mimmt him oot ot bed.
■ayBoad Cook aad Charles Cbanpell
Ocaad Bapids boya. tonad some dyoa
a^ cartrldrsa aad thmifbt the«
Boald kaee acme. faa. They plarad
•haaartrUcBoa a rad-hcA »to«e
•aw BOBaata tkera eras a
Ible ex•edlato





Al Baaloo llarbar tba Banm-y fell
14 flawraaa baiow taro Moaday nicoL It
•a thaaeldBl
thaoeldBl waatberisikatyielBity
Hftmn. TmdBeartetlaaef
' «pa BBa « laBialarad. TW otkara

tAir ratidci
Mexico, tb. operatira eoloay CO the
Faelflc ccatt. a few yean txo. hu juat
arrired at Cbihaakua ia a dcatltuU
ceadlUoamBd to araUac to pet hack to
tke ITaitod Siatra. He .uvet tkal tke
few oaloatou ramaialac at TopolabaB
po are eadrely wlU
port aad that they

______ T Oor BtbM lioiton Bmid Mr

Known as the Oeorge Murray farm, four mil^
south of town on O. B. AI. R. R. Ninety acrea

An extra good variety. We are offeriog the be$t values for the least money. on. lot *^
I be beat,” full suits, see the value in these at
[One lot, your choice. 3.25. One lot containing suits orally sold at 6,7,6, at



nice pasture on bottoms, ^od frame farm
lot. your choice
house and a very good-bam with baaementjOne lot. your choice
for stock, corn crib, horse bam, hen bouse and
wU* BU«U. ^o.wvr
$8,000 takes
it. Will take city
P«>I»rty u part pay.


B. a. M;oiM3-.Ajsr


8.60— One lot your choice
2.60— One lot, very fine goods^ yonr choice


are choice bargains worth Ipoking alter.

Hamilton Clothing Cok

STraverse Herald

«»p«>.ew»i>»q»«ytni. ,




Bemblteea Oena? 0

' ** .. ....

■nMUy BUI. who ha* ioot a

*' 'i all araUrilei to ansnd.

MUtofBadlttotre*.aad tl

n be fsoad Ue eebool Ua of U* dieto woald Bot be netertolly i«
xonfoenerleri^ llbept^,------teraaeh a taa to U Ue erBQt oi Ue
teaeiBl feed, aad Uae dosway U Una
with a tart* part U set Ua srhalaot
Uesoollsd ■•eute'-taa.
Thtrenay b* oowuutknsl <w Isgal
ebleeaoo* W Uto ooorae. bat IfUara
aotUea Utoto arbscaUs ii
neovaboald go. Uerill Uea be
directly ead Inaadtolaly be^' *lytaxparar.
' -

lalemt U Ue uz payeia at
Tbe UadUlee Orarea we lake fron Ue
CedUUe Newa aad Ei
Tbe UU) U« tar Idee. U Cb4Uwas i»«.*II.W.
The priaripsl
luatoweiw; 6ebool.«$t.toi: city, nV
ra; sute.
eoaaty. ST.eM.
b* auened ealoatloe was >l,»9.<«0
sd Ue uz was nrot os each •1,000.
The MUl UZ for ue« In Trmrorse
Ity was •ST.fieu. Tbe priaclpal
ea* were: dcbool. ».'e^»H e«; eily. laeladlBC Uleraet. •SN.’MlH?: eUt*. *4.?U.««e: onaiy. • ftbe----------- ■*
d Ue ua
talBalloa was •S.Ki^tri'. aad

Be Hae Telno Ue Harald-* .Adels*.
■aa Aatoaio. Tta.. Jao. M.-W.
bjaa arrived here yesterday (r
A astil
Be be* eaaeeUed his eootr
iriUi Uw lecuue Baaacegseav sad
« aa leetarCT, with t
roMlM* eseertisa ef a few .pUsca be
wlU eWletUsoweseeerdU aaiwer
M pneatair Isriutkia*. It to said that
hto Meads adetoed blabs was lajar. .lar btopellUealehaaawbr leetnHnp.
aad tbM be qalt cs Uto aoeout.

Mleblsaa to boaorad U tbe aleetloa
of Oaa. B. A. Ugtt le be Ue secrslary
af war U Preaideat BeElsIey's eabtoat.
Benrdicat cf party Ue pt»ple ef MiUIfaa are pnnd sad bsM^. Oea. Alfer
to 4 aalltad and worthy.

5-ur-"* ri




for business.

_______ .,b"^:ti'’;:.‘ti;r;^


..a I

Wurzburg Block.

Traveree City. Mich,

,*tTuefr h T*’*

iad ' arse City brooch of U* Cabaa Learuer one Who ha* r»n«
MjA New Ybrk dtoaaUb U Us Grand
Mpa J. L. Giiitia.
Bapld* Denoerst uy* faraaehc* are be.MiaaSansa Ur..

isssr-" s:S^:^i:?.r.rar


, Kaaolailona
In the deeU of Mm E. R. kneeUnd.,

I eoDdoetlarof laasn
“5; iu dlreelion. Why vronld Uat ai
'lao a rood *arf<at><« for
f' Ue old aetUenHI of UU lerioa to teUow oat?
Two weeks sro Ue LUisaersat..—
leA^adUatifanordinaaoesbonldbe paseiSJled oederinr l*dle* to remove Ueir baU
»W at places of anawmeat. it Uonld also
.iMiiUkroadenadtolseladaelwrebto. Tbe
!2Jjbo*rd of direetomof Ua Coarreratlftnunr alcbuieh at Baoeock has Jnat passed a
-wjrmolotloB tothla*fleet.asdUeV. U.
^ C A. also advertised «• Ue card* asits Snnday neetlnr that
raid be reqneated to a
rh bats Tbe noveZKi


inberr's Urpad^- WedacMlsy.


Fifty XtoUai*.'

rahipa for
1st vice president of tbe Traverse City ^
dollsr* each, If sold tolor
iTv March
Womsb'a Cwnrtery AaaoctoUdn. that 1 Ut. Vf<- utTfr U<eM sl*Uto
orrmniaalioa IdrUUsUlha* lost oBe'vnsbl* IS to aeepre larrer rernii
,, . Btlendance la ttonble wbat it was oar
“ “ ; .rear afo and oer piwseol qaartert arc
! ton afflku to aecoinmodsW the tnehesa
r we : Icr sttendsnee.' If yon are intereated
Km-Irrd. Tbet In Ui* n
I' sC once, aa tvr shs!l not .nBlianc
oaUfy trnour appreciatioh ol
Hon sa tbe i thla offer beyond March tot. ''j7.
work 1
prime mover tn iu
orrsniastioo snd j & 3w '
Cnaa. B lkx;KEaaT, i'rbp
a orrai
lainr that hei ilrvp inurrat and
>Mt work had such tddo wUb
notices fron the pme eontVrn-ioT tbe New Ann CalLiumllTbl .hlar. we 1
nzn and-; “‘tT'S^ned here on Hondzy znd dethe'^flc’rncc Vf her awi
znrtaiz- lighi^ on* nl lh* .'----------—----------life
wilt loBT be
. • wllllonr
frit by UI' all . ! Ibsl
ibal wt ever
vr« had
bad is
ia 1ibr'ibralrc.
Th^t wt olltr uiir dwptat arinpathy ^Iber. M'rr Hrilb'a New Theatre,
to Udie wbo bare lost the prvaeece. sa: Boston. Maas.
tar to mortal tyt uaa sec. of tbe devot-! ti„
bu dtllrhltd. ■
ed wife, the lorinr tnolher. ■ Ue trot
and Ihri’ltd both roanr and
airier and uFIrltnd whose love .never 1
crowded llopkta'. theatre to
failed, but ftvliar atrcmrl.r the a»or-; ijn,n._chiraro Intdr Utaa.
ance Uat ber love to Uoat she lored ;
eanhlr. land thr cnlerinTof the.hravTo isov^ oho orw ee'liae leu. 4imn
tnly envltonioTnt. and ibsUn the baa-; fkane-sn4 eeMSor pn, ii»i. o,,.
py hope of fotore reonioo,
______ „
-----------becomeabutsB aUirlion that,; .'
■* a Mae. 4so W.aaia ato raauir.
■on fade la Ue bleated radiaacc 1 1 An-bi-. Krb.c___________ ______ ______



...oioa Ruenaaver. et Snttona I
■peat Sandsy wiU hto noUnr la
- W. C T. D. held Uelr nec
,« enontry last Tnraday stbome of Him ESv HeUseken. aad
ilnadiar tbe Bafevorable .
I of U*
kt^^lea ef U4||





for the Y. P. 8 C E. amev
liar >»‘'8lneerity—wlib
oet-e eelf. wlU aUera. WiU God." Pa
Mr*. Jamra KeU.
ClarsBO* Scott raves party to a nanber of hto yoaor fri«*da Get Friday
UralLA. OampbeU toaa Ue ald<
I. L. Dane i^vsd I
ban Travand City.
trUor Bofdean epea
paresu la Uto place.

: £ SS'p.'S&l.'CTSu'S

* Best Satarday at Ue Iowa ball.pron' lees to be a neat pteauat affrir. A
prorram will be nmdered at lihIO a.
n.. wbiohtoaeleUowe:
lavocaUon-Kev. tT. U. BartbaL
Mnsle. Solo-Frank Dsvto.

U U* death of Rlcbaid Cooper.
Charlevriz, Jan- a. Ue Oeaad Tiaveree
TvrloB laaea a well-Vaown,
Mr. Cooper was bora la Ba|
l*3!,oonlarto fiocheator. N. ¥., wlU
bto paraais when bat aa laUat. la Ue

Real Estate Trensfer*.
nteoMto froQ,' Jso. riioVe* *. la.'lo.
mralUe4ejB.O L*44,Z-»»wro(Dra4.







Well, we should say so. Enough for everybody., An envelope
goes with every valentine, even tbe penny ones. The stock is
fresh, the prices right, the styles newest. Just come and see
them, that's all.




^ M. B. HOLLEY , .Maiiafier.

Succtawors to Holley it Uilliogs. ^



Some Flours

Jjf Make good bread ocoasionaUy, but our ‘‘BEST” J
^ gets there every time, always reliable, never
[ slips a cog. You run no risk in buying it, as we j
2 guarantee every barrel sold.

Hannah & Lay Co. I



I will have my Spring Opening Feb. 27, and will be
prepared ti> shoif the best line o#Buggies. Wagons, Farm
Implements of all kiiids. Harvesting and all Jtinds of'be found ip'lhe dty. Watch for .innouncement
next week.


Horses for Sale

$tate Street

Review of Ut Year-Wn Eae
History of the Olfi Paopleto 8
m B A. CbmpbeU.
Dinnar wUI be served at IS :
prapellor. aad dnrinr a trip op Ue laHr . hich Ut earn of IS caate t
■tapped eome Une at Krarar Islaad. charred- De aot mlm Iv Ukinr Ue piece be relarned there Ue
aezt sprinr aad rarared in Uehiar- la
ItUheapeaed a store at Uuto Trav- day evraisr to atlead a play eaUUtd
"Ant in Ue MlreetB." which was rivaa
erae. bow Uarber aprtzra. U March.
ISM. he narrtad Marietta Orar of Lit­
■ay be nodlficBtioaa add*
to«a.aBd be placed Ue •I.MO tle Traverae. It was so assy sratteT to plae*.
ret narrlfd In Uoaa days,
assatartor. Tb* Hn.
*eho<M~at imnaa.
eat Jaatka lived at Cheboj
bea very favorable to
Saaday with ber noUcr at Uto place.
far many rrawni, bat It to poralbl* trip vraa made Ahaaledaad Udlaa
The O. A fi. aad W fi. C. will riv*
aaeha UweoaU be
P«ap- fcj »»y «* **>»
n eatenaiameat aad dlaaar at U*
ae roads at Uat tine,
la Itor Mr. toWB hall OB Feb. tfad. AUsrclaril
Cooper ratoto a troop ef ladlaas tor Ue adloattesA
elril vrar. bot they were aot railed Into
Aawar Ue social avaan of Ue post
week was a vtrv plaamit WrUday
Ue field aad hto
Tb* Bnhavi Ulaks the two per
party riven by Adeltort HcMachen to
la Ua pnaaei cbm ahoald b* made eae aothlarIn 1««T he removed to Char- a aanber of hit trirode Iset Friday
Foeapareeat.. aad If Uto ebaat* was mada
thaaparhapaUe Unit at fiLtoO woald tola Haase, where he ba*
made hto bona, well Imewa aad hirkly
Mlaa Honzi*. who hto haea
r her broUar. O. F. BazMe ____
BatU* eortoaa abjeclka waaa* to mpeetod aoioaly by hto
fha praoeal bUi to U* dtopoaitioa of Ue people, bet by' tbooeand* of toavelm tarasd '
rr UortoU.
Be was oharlE
tasoo ratoed.
It olUnalely raaa to
.ty fcrelrkt yranaqd baa:
•ho pvtaary eehoei lalrot taad. We
fadlaveUe taz eo ratoed eboaU r>dl- ■tae* held Ue oHcaof Jedreef pro-^
MsUy law Ue ocBtlaraai faad «<Ue bate, depaly U. 8.
Mtoertomasi a.rnnry spsHal ap-,imltloaio«paMtoIrt.
IftaHac to r*. Ue waaUir

be all rirht.

$18.00 FOB $ 7.76
$88.00 FOB $14.00

' V I'.'.i'* > ill"diM'Jhck«u. .Com* fit ODc« ifyon wuU to porohM* fi ■
rood wtmp chofip-youni got It hero.

I 18 Front Street,

DaaU of Biohard Ooepar.

pdeawaad esrpocatc. oeer aadabere
•lAdd- 1%st to. Ue eaenptkiB Unit to
pissed at tLSOO. Ibis, la brief, to Ue
Wteat of Ue Mil. bat l4seope 1* nacb
eridar. Tbe bill to eery erad* Is In
pnaeat elate. A well rcralatsd IsesoM
taa was fseored by as-Ooe. filch and to'
faeerad by Uie. Harree. Mr. Harr
baweter. Ulaks it woald be bsUar

$ 6.00 FOB $ 4.00
. i'OR $10.76

Co's AU add. alao Ion SO
; Parvy tUaasb's SM add^



bcserlslM S^XsUir

aiatatiln Ue fold stasdard. Mra
. be be riaaur by naey Billloa*
say nloalatkia baa yet rseealed.

Ladies’ Plush Capes


plao* ttoaday.
IS .Hr. HswldBS.«fUel>Bi
cyeloae passed betweea Uem.cattiar
a paU a nUe wide ihroafb U* forest
aad pUlsr the trato la the wUdeet
• ekUdrea enjoyed a rickt a
Hr. Bawklas sreea wmI
caUiac kto way Uiwafh Ue nUe of


I New Verb Bab.
ditouat. pats H la tbto eray:
Bara are tbe ■rares takea i
reaseds cf Ue uaasaiy. wbi
Ue adahitstratlea «f Ue aattoiaal
deaaBei also* Hr. Oereiaad wSar
^eastodat la INS. Tb« are.alsrUiac

Blear aedacdaadsr
8e » appears of Ue rest saw by
wblek Ue aailoaal debt ba* beea inwimd
wiliH reesatly.
nesatly, nor* Uaa
rood Ue drdeieeveaBs Hraaercd
deceit praeUerd aa Ue
eoaatry, alnoai



. ■arked. heea a poor hvslaeet ianoV

BeiweeBUe«l*d.dlMl«beUby Ue
toeassry wbea Mr. Cteeelasd becase
Id Ue
held by
- -•
• - »ee to
• *10T.*lir
Un^btob to all Uere was to •
w Ue tlM.WO,000 reoelrad I
Is wild dorlBc Uit adalaUti

W J_NTrEE, 0003DS.


““..... SeSiSlnS.*


Sow; fit tkiE etMw. OB hU

-u/ht*. t
m t T. LUdwa....
Uroafb to Traeacn Oty. ealy a wild
ladtoa traU.aad 4warUto Ueydroea
IM Friday avaaiar.j osear »ln|*n fUMBl to EuU Beak
BUtaaa had af catds. 19 hlUa aad
wbo are as fbUows:*8l Wd MIMna T
down dala For asorfy slzty nila
U C-Hra. SeUle fiaaton.'Iniaori
Ueyaw aotoraof
r. C.-Mr*. Haty Badd.
F. K.—Mr*. Bobs Bozri*.
I Fimak brikny to Wm.
lOtaeS.eee. 1*. 177 a. r » w—*N.
B. E.-HTS. BUaUe Portw.
Chap—MiB. Ltozto Porter.
W«_ CIM.1IU so UfiA
I. ft. Aodrew.. eU «T
Tbsy bad aseocal
Serr-t-Hrs. Mary Ssalir.
I*, w
Boa Oaa Blrbt.aUrritd*wUd atom
HIstTM at ArwHla Viola evu. : ..
, „ , ___
Lewrte to t
ana aa as Uey wars esapto saar

Adapted by Ue Ladies' LOwary Asso-1 aw s. ase. 0. t S9 a.
datknea UedeaUof Htoz Uertrade | Baasab A^Uy
A Uy Co. to B. J. M<
Wlnala; part of e
bad effeeu fren a eyeloae. hot Uto
windfall, pad A SUU wl
to old set-Jcfs aa the "Treat wind tall."
wmU of ribarnaa aad ezteadiar for iova wblebbsd
■ ff"
forty. miles, shows Ust t^ese thlar*
. Gertie tVianie.
' aoruiw«*t*rB_.mei»- fore be it reeoli —
Bannah A Iny Co. to
1 U Ue cariy part of Ue eeaUiy.
That la ber dcalp we lose,
Foote, lot n and es ^ t
as fll.tooBeac
by ber reoUr and anteldU Ilf
nd ailcht come arsle.
p. L A Os's imh add—>400
There L s aoUceaMe dlCcrsaoe U
drared benelf to tbe hearts
" Reliable l>rv <soud$, Carpet and Clpthing House.
Travente City. Mieh. i
,Jdba Leavell to Hestcr'U. Leavell,
wbo knew ber, sod opsclaUy to Ust
j* eoaaty Uz. rreaily faroriaf
Hoyae Falli has ukca a ertoe sup le family circle wblcb. since ber Bother's parcel tasec. IP. irs a. r 10 w.~BI.
Trarene auaaty.. The'seoa^y Uz of
tsrtinr a town park, aad other oerU deaU. sbr bad solovisrly
Wczford eoaaty tote Oil OB each tl.ouo!
ilr we mourn fora joaog
Tb* Mi
1 g
That, wbilr
raUkhlraa tawas wanid do woll«o
of eslaalioa. while Uzt^ Urasd
lOyeet short, we yt-l rrjoice
jj, Steinbev has
atI last aoeoatoed I *
Tracars* Cjt^Tu* lifeapperesi
TraTwn ooaoly to bat a WBe
I,-new AmeiCallot Ue Une slip by oaUl bat few avail­
^t other bomb to
-------------- Hsrniimape. e
•a.oo os Bach »loou.
Of coarse .the
able slu* ar* left, aad before many
lopeaal hto.Opera Uoaw 01
rsu per oeaL as^ie* Uroorhat
yean these toe will be roM.
. apa- 1 Feb », for two nlrbU WiU
all Ue tswaUlp* U each ooonty •
need will IZBresae more sa
by with tbto
asUeelUetotCadmae-aBd Tra<
loan the ------- .-----------worbl ..........................
.. .
InvenUoii will be
tbs years pobyaad Ue tows rrowt
ivlny eemce to fill Ibc muUcr's
icr's place . foand
found Bdl
aieeaty. sad while Wczfort cooety
lUslrbiKBei aad
I cert 11*11
farmen erer* payler »« oo eoaaty
That Ucs* reeolnllons be placed up-: dci-e* Ue
■U'of saloaUsB. Orand
ca dbr reoonto In ber metoory.
Tbe BspUel eharcb et Ealkaskd
Moa M. E. «i'
me oeanty fartsers wars payl
msimtocopr fa ea AmeriOa
loan iavenUoni.5
ehlidreab choir.
Why would
Bed it to so far sbeed of ell almilar debatatriBeoTcrtLOUeo each tl,000.
that be a rood plea for son* Traverse
viwa for prodorinr oi
Oaa lum that helped eweU Trares
City eborch to take ap? (toi
ir trade first qsslliy KI'BIIKK CtmltS only, aad Ue prke to Ibe ^
Clty-e city Uz In ina was Ue porch***
All tbe letesl iniproTraM-ata lioowr<tO'4)
beanUtnl eopraao ralea
• a* uUerssak for sc.^<ad Trade rood*. We do aot draw yoor at- , ' '
—— Are earUe and other laporscience bare l•ean added to tbe marni ' f
h>0 away friwa a rw"' srtlcle by potliar ont Itwdets at iatertor A®
foead In boys. Who kaowi bat wbat elsUoB OB Ue deaU sT Hta. K. E. scope, and lU repraduclioea are so life I '
____ picseaeBt InproteaieBto wade U
e rood* Make nu niatak*. lbs new Uoe etorr
Cyril Tyler to KaeeUnd.
like Ust It la Impeaaible to describe its 11
aad addlUens nude UiU Bre dqnrtsulijecU accurately. . K.ery aresr. will 1 ^
hidlar hto Ulent* 1* oar city?
WacBZan. Our lleavcBly FaUi
. which to DOW Ua brat c<|ulppcd
be foand clear sod hstural In move-( ^ ^

aad best Snaaarsd Bre departmcai
I meat and ezpresslon. Prices of admU-. « %
WbUe Travarae aty't wlUwt disei- trofi n* oar deei
Ires li cesis, adults lipenta: ^ ^
asy la U>* sUU U a city of 10.000 peopatlea Uto wialerUkas tbred beau
And yet. a.....................................
tea oeal seppeia and eban
Pelsskey has a "Van(pr*stloa Traa- faithful mei
Tb* Old Bsltablt and Orirlnal Bboeman
eatoe."b*s jnstrotuaqalet and pa
^Thair'whlle Wl deeply looam her
Of fine prearmee. meraetlc.
able sfier a baby show, aad 1* a
times dramatic,
istlc. thr
tfai speaker
boldly plnnrlar Into the r<ddy na
promoted to a birbrr sphere of naefnl- nrovfj himiwHwortl,
Iky of the OBtoe i>f
of s poaluy show. LeU have a poultry
Lorator. wkiirh term be -- Brsphical'jThe Senau AlUr Hanb 4U
Tkst Ue msaiory of ber fill
and Idefiard aa
Ulk oa I
ebarscleria■how to*: We have Just as
inselfiab llfeabsll iaaplre ua s
rasbHi.Ts of Henry prooce
ehiekea* to Us sore a* Ue resort dty sal le evny rood work.
ha* aad Ury caa eaekk Jozt as load.
That we ezlcod our lorinr
ercolnr. b.f I
o ber fsmil - *
• Let's have a Uowl
Hsiidv. OI • Pslrtck llei
mdest Uinr*
reaolatloni be placed; .......
Eat ssy'one heard aboot anr Trav
. ito in loeiar Inenory of :

«aa J. Uapa of Cbkiaco. eeerelary
Ua trsaeary. If Hr. HcKlaley awl
UtsUerappoiatMUaswellbe wUl
have fermed eae at Ue ablaat aad


Prices Suffer


The E. t. topic tor i____________ .
.. Q. Faller to Botvard Wbiliv.
.•swinrto'Tbe^totollnUh.'- Isa.
aatoU WUMazeeborr. alao Mans
k Daria.
^I »0, Oah BsIrbU aid W«W


■ea. B. O. OraworoC Hoaroi
bMS Mp>iatod«i7G«». PisfT« dair?
•ad lead ocaaaiiaiaaar.atMl the a<^laaUea wm prompUy eoafinaad by tke


a Snfliras at *1 tna

FisM Ub-by U* LUCoasr.


Traverse Cit.r. Mich.

During F^niaiy we will idl you a man't i '

At Pioneer X,very Stable.

B. O., 3-ioia.i.ebox..

thfit has no ^ufil—sold everywhere at Lif^ices down to bed rock on all fihoo. ■>. < I

I Will have a fine car toad of heavy draft

borsoB Saturday moriiinz. The b«t and the

obeapMt horaea that were ever offared for sale

liK m'tr^'SSSl^aS: in'Traverse City.

Como if y ou want bargains.
AU Unda of BtoeZ taken in ezohango for horaea

B. iX. 3td:Om3-A-3a-

I It pay* to trade here
and ^pU hfive fovnd it out.

FincofiiaH Mios. Old BToiic.


I'traverse Herald
Tuesday and Saturday Evenings Only.

Cbpt.-^ Kt. J. V. Malal
aiy Km rtenA t»a<
Obet—Sr Kl. F. O. Beal
B.-mr EL Bat HeUey.
Imx L. Ctbto. U» UUte als-yrar^ pattlar la ma* far
K.-«lr KL Lawrawe DeZ
old dooghlor of Mr. oad Hn.B L.«w ____ __________ e.. aad alUwavh Ua 0
Traaa.-8lr KL J. T. Bau
tl*<rfHoeKwOe>tr».dM jiilir«iyet mal opaaiat MbadfarPeVr. be
alrMdydaiwaaatbwloaaa. Bart
ColTla, of Waated. baa beae aDCB«ad
HU Thttty-FOQnb’Tav.
•a aa aaaluaat la the boUdlar. aad
1 Oarb. of ^toabay. temarty «d
Mr. Staiaar.WMaakar».i*aeUar aa UU elty. wrilea.tbe Habaut aa AoUowa:.
Mtooof tl>«lr«/th wod^ou
"I aaa aa eetloaai ilaa la t^ Bsabaa baea Tery aaeeaaafal ia' bla poet
Li> of peraeoa who bora takaa Ua
aatarpnaaa, ud propoaaa to keep to paper tor aboat Uir^ ycaiB. New U
TJl. llbMuo
ry* Mr.
Iro. Barue Cbirls w^I tskeeptbetr, the treat Dt tbla. Be wUl abo dee.
rmoiy aareaa me rlrbt I aabrwidwoe aiTrartru City for awbllo. tiaaa bU real eaUte ^
for It ia 18M, aad bate beam a
e Hr. ColTla wUI eitrW' is Um
that data.
loaa nan dallar for tbla yaa/. IMr.
my thlrty-foertb eoMac,
At U* Woboo * Oob PrUty ^'Koted ot aaoeai, aet maaa«u wry
at ooiraroBOi bt the liible" U tbr rabjcet to cmaafewdayaacotbatbabadoot yet,



it ioebu ia dteaelrr
JO larbaa hiyh. and Baku a
tome oTBaaesta> CaibCUJfa I'utjtrr. aaotd aev
of ibit rffion, dM Haaday at the
a«c of nt. Bb« bad bare 111 «ltb the
yrlp for name tUaa. bbe Iforra a baabaad aad aU childraa
Poaaial aarroea «rr« held yeatarday.


.a woeSan can bardie


«. to wbem the marreU id
_____ eeau eaatary deiliiatioe i
Uirnr oolnowa.
With wide .opaa
mooUi be watched Mr. Barry, ud Ue
look of wt^r la ble«yea fare place
lopl^. Pioailr. aaoaa ta UapreaaBoe
rr^t eprrow. ^ tirtoed acr~
floor to Mr. Mflley. aad ia £la
qualat ladiaa laayaa*e wbitpered.
■ What haa tbaiataa doae, that yoo neeUon rtaf. PilbeaB will yire
bare to keep him tied opr Mr. Barry klbiUoa of taacy thqoiiay. laaladiaf
.her of diBealt fekia. The admUka atlll reoOTarlny.
tloa will be ts aad moeam.
Paraoaal aad ^aL
K. K biraar
ia >Cbl«co as boai-





tale," where .money back if

count ol high jmc*.

Tb.'> art- oartainir

you Tcanl it ia thd I>a*i8 and

quality ia there; the aen iiw

>wu>inea*u> (lie

i* tbare.


If the color you

Trant i* there, then yon may
i-onaider yooraeif fortunale,
Buy an) be beantifully gownedpt leant.

Tobeautifv it i« her
chief deligbL

-To awiel brr

we ari- making pn.-ea on aaeh
curtain einff. rue*, carpeU,
laoa. chenille rurUiii*.
that aaaial materially in ar--

The love

...............g that object.


of a lady U more roin-

of mnalin «a*h .cartain

inenied on than i* a maa'a.

in. aiKrtbi'r .beautiful

Tiial exjienaive g.oda me not

trait io woman, but ahe duea

UM-Miearj' u»a.H.-ure a pleaa-

not lore bar rbildtvn leaa be­

ink and altrarlire|>erM>nBlity

cause alie buj-a the 10 to 12

in d.-mimBtratnl erery .lay by


purcha..Hi ol our

ol.l puea good outing


nigbt gowna

lb nad




10c drew fabde*

made at SBc iuiUead of pay­

in plain, brocada and plidd

ing 4b or SOe for the mater­


ial and making tbmb^raelf.






Clothing Co.

tlm>-4t JaekKw. March M and »l,apS

tifildra IHili-Cofdia.
Vmia*. Mar»kairi’rkx.-.
.lui-Hcn OF cpBieT ii-s«fTi»Ti


i.ic'ir':-.r.'iri:’' g ■:

Circulation this week ^175

Tu (kUeiie ladle* arc Ulking oflAr t»abont half Anlahed. Ua Friday
Aormlag an aanUlarj to the branch rf j tbe Jnry Iw the m»* of Jna Trombley
U*C M. B. A organixed here. .
! »*- D*. C. J. Knedand. trrapnm an ca*e.
—. ■
. rretamed a errdict of'ao caoae foi
*T**‘lion. jnod Ur Cerdict ha* giren eery
•mamst in Ue *ooU part of bM Fark
Satorday they
nwnat bnUding now oeeapkd ah
- awaiCcd A»«' to the plaietiff la Ua cane
>idhall. __________________ ^
' of Wdi. F. HaiU* ea. E»om Laadle «L
B. a. Boaua' dilacla mill. a<
- land, bar^ Satarday mornlag.
Km. wbl(iki*V>tal.ltiBU«Bel|


ty tfoud;

Frid.^ereaingexnerten« -«U^. 5^
bm m,», Thacker"u alwafa
t next atlraetloe oa Ue Hlpfa ehrla In the Caltod Siawa.
Hebool LacUre aoaraa it Ua lectare aa U* r>«*t fora few day* of Tbo. F. j
Eeerybcriy . cordially iaeited to at- g~
in q'ulok order. It I* h*rd te tall
■|*alrick bleary, aext tVadpaaday eeaa- ColliBk. the aarlum chef.
iag. by Major L. I- Uaady.
Ilaady it a brilUaat orator,
or. aad. baa LeaU HoUidny culebrale hMAtU birU- frcqoenlly.
Aayflaiarday aflareaoa.
After a gay
perierl commaiid of b^ anbj.
time at Ue midepoe of bU nareau.Dr: nad la-,—...... - —
laetoiw will wiUontdoabt be oaa
.... ................. —--------------- --------.
I and Mr*. UoUlday. Uey woand up Ur Anlag. and rfcpiiraa laCn'iU tact aad, eight aoctrtie* bring well reprr*'-o>cA,
tbo bmt Uiar* ia Ua eatire courte.
j good Ume by n *Ielgh ride.
, ■* wall a* quickae
' ‘ nearly
Airing ,'Ue
WiudAk IUtu>. Uc CaAIllar bailer I Mb*
• {charck. Aa ii
Chicago laai flatard*y honprata earpriw
maathly aaurlar prayer
aadamoBC oUer parabaae* procarad
yeeealag by U<
»iVd tu, And a lowe aleag U* entire' meeting of 'the 1,-ieal I'nlan will be y~
material for a mammoU eleel boiler of
and the Tbree yoarUra 1
' lint with belter .erTioa Uaa Tiaearae ^beld at Uia Friead*- church next Soa.
haedred kor*e potror capacjty,
[day moralag at Toclock. Rre Bowwbinb hr will oomplele In bla ahnpa In «pnlod W. her
lard Moom. Imdcr.
UUcIlTfor the (Hal l>iU factory at twe deb*.
Clty.-OirfilMc A'rw. * CtOneofUe p
-The I'ree-Bt and Katurc at Coba " i» T~
r Ue Maaba waa Uat oa Tanday of'Albert iiiBlU by t^ ladlarn. aapabM> title of *a lalerMtiag and import.
FnarT-nve day* ago tbe Beaxui eeealng when a Jolly party gaUered ati llabed la Uc etete paper*, ban raeited
SI article thal will appear la tt» Fek
aoUcad tome Aaeiample* of Wagner Ue home of UeMiaw* Minaaad H*miF{ may romqlic had temgiq aterim'of life >oxryFonitnfro«lheprD<.f>lr Fidrl,^
I MichDraa in lor early part ot Ua, T). Firrra. ckalrmao of thr Cobaa l’rr*»
applea from W. Iliaat, aad raid Uey OampMOnboaU Ualoa atrecL After
•alney. The Uraad Rapid* Frem <f Delegatlon. It i* an able and imparwar* good for alxly dayi longer
Mr. Ueir arrieal Ue door* of a a
lial aceoaat of the pregrrt* am! prra
cat condllton of Ur ( iiban reTolutinn.
Um O. VuaoAC tot 7a>r~bM Hrant now bring* oUer ample* from _____wen thrown .open aad Uey alj.
Ue aame luiof apple* In inch perfect lodo]godlBTr*ll*aB.quadrilleaaBdt*ra]b*rlS«iU*r*perieBcm.wiiha ekatch
Mcaerr* Magaxine fur February fZ
- at Ur log ,hou»* on Long Ukc. The|^“'
omditloD that Ue Hi;)uu. I* willing
will oenteiD a*e* po*m be Itodrarci , •
prtroH Journal add* it* mite to Ua Kiidlng.
illrtlrated by fiiieer llrrf.tM,
to extend UegooA heepiag time anoU,f»,d>W»dtotothtoAyrcnj'iobceacei of pioneer life a* followa;
fallow*; {since
Since tbe
Ue pabliuaUoa ot Kipling * :new
er alxty daya The apple* arc merely
........................ afory af Ue dlte^^iar-;*»!«
- • of
- p^irt.-TbeSewo
m*. -TbeiteTee Sea*." Ueie
TKwnian Ko. M bw Jut bM« pot well barreUed and kept ia a pool plaea.
intereat in him a* a port. g~ .
H. Newberry, a former Tinretae
mretae Ulj
uu" ^1,5,. t),,o In
to'to Or. U. A.JwtU- aralbl i«rten.
..,.larly ** Ue port of the *ra

.paalliTlBgjTuyenrtagu. pobliabedla ti
W- U. tfmoxool UatrolLpranideatof realdeat. bat tor ac
ler HuiALii'ealtete ai'od of aa old >-,ltii
Hrv /oiia Taft BtTne baa wrltten-^^
W. W. Barra aad 1. H. Ugrig hare Ue Uirhlgan'C. E raloo, ha* Jart ay
Iter tragedle* id Ur aame cuuatre.
for the Febraary M Xlchol**- an artignatod a patent on a ta*h pointed M II. Holley one of a eommltne.rly forgotten, la Jane. l-ti.
.-le abort "Willie mod Tad LlBcoln "l^^
iteeofUree U> be known a* Ue -Baa
bjT*. aged reapectleely » aad I"
Wbll* Ibapreaideat'* *oB* warr heiagi^^
aoa* of a piuaecr Umlly be the
." They
Tntn^tehlUotMr. and Mia. F. Fraacieco agi
la Ua V^bll* HuBte. Mr*, liarar'*
Fraemaa. were loat ia Ua wui—- -- broUer
oromer waa
wa* Urlr
weir mvt
mewv InUmate pixy. y~
•epoatoAlceU KorrlaLnplew. at i-~g Lake, died Satorday ' •'»J“ Unronghly adrertia*
le all oeei '
aod abehrraclf. then . young
C. Raodetica la UeataU Ibeeamla
another o'd »ol»crlbrr to
j i**W loT^'lrt
for ^da^. but
HakALP. In IMS. while Util
Mary E. Wllkla* la eagaged m w
a Mr. Tayl
•wranwoonnly. Naw.York. be beudl Aq^*t
iklBg *ketchr>uf ‘New 4
it In the w.>
of Ue Orand Traeer« region, and eeat
^1 U> go from her aqa'a to
tor a copy of Ue llenu.K to learn njrre ' ^rr diugl
T«S TrmceraeOHg Iran Work* baa! I'lmriTeoart adjoarned batarday
tkraanotiy. Be waaMtlaBcd. ram* ' long a* abechoae. Iher* wa*
aentraeted for l.«n.0Qii feet «f lamber; u^rch a, oa accoanl of U* beginning
! of l.telna*w coanty conrt. TheeAlea-


a)>|ir«iiU]tv. doraiik*

put iu a line o! aervea. equi­



« of the hnOar aorah ailka at

The home is
woman's kingdom


W*W> »• »

8ilka baTe atwaya been
eat aida.

a gooil jKircbaae al tba ptir^.


;«.“of Ue”iT<7 lirr. ipAr* So




umg unUl funner UO.
tice. “ It’B h genuine
revelation even to the
poorest purse.

UTTla ilxrmoa.apd Nba Kiaa Bar*
>*B. of Baraana. O., reacbetf here Fri­
Afwn ii

day ia anewar to a teletfram aan-ioBolsg,UedeaUof UalraanL Mra K R.
Ti'sniiAt waa Caadlrmat day.
wbetbar.Ue bear taw bU a^oi
Frat. and Mra. C. T. Orawn rare a re- oalle. er oar eeary minuu aud a bait, j
■at U a eesnd quettioa. The aaa tried eaptioB Friday arepiap for the teachera
bard toebiaa botallEbthaie kept ba- iaUaclty acbooli. ioity-eae iBBamtwaaa ItaadUn aartb. ft b tafa U
and a dellphtfal eTealar 4aa ap. and ihe phone* afterward dlaeooaay, bownrer, that -we will bare
Beeted. When kali a doxaa Hay Bp at
alx waekx of winter weather before
;lbr aamo time it k aal Ue caafml
Uaiaatot March.
TheChrf. aad oteof Ue beat kaowa j


bargains are adVertia.

sec Cannot be barrtd on ac-

«baietiie iinmi.n Buticed of this ad. and contUi-

State Bank.
SSi'. — .'‘SiS


ed yon an- eore it'* no *iairy

a mate to Kowitfa -tbeni we


ptenta made can be relied on;

46in.'Vidaai>d all winl. For

No one is barred fr<m
c a making all the money
they want to at our
^ {Inventory Sale, comB ulmencing with the deite

can alwaya be oblaint-d in all

first duty.
To be beaatifhL

protnotm ia'economyr-ricb


.TuaTfarerar City Larabar On aiartad aptklt weak, movta cvUar lo Ue
Mra A. L. Aldriob ofChleace It rialV
T of Ur Eyoa. Beecher 4. Ky-i - year tbao tkrlr unal aatlom. Of'nt lac old friaadt here.
heary otdmi the aeatoa .wUI laat
MImBoae ShadakburoM toYptlfar ioui Ur fall, aad aa aaaaaally
laatl to eater ibe KonnalH
will be employed.

Oapt tVc^b hu brea op from <Maaapied by W
W. J. Hrll.aad will op<
»kt llkeoldtlmaatoaaethe l<
o^IM tbit creek oe buionela Ue book, ttalloacry aad wan
Hra. b. K. Walker reluraad ta
anil aqui
qua^ timber comr lato Ua c
piper boxlaeat March ItL The A W.
pari wreb or twoaad the teoa ul MImloalbe Atatof the week. .
Walt MIy. I'd are already beyiaalay
E. K. ^aaeltof Laaiiac haa beea
work OB Ur' atore lillinyt ’ The loy week are maklaf the n
’UiUac BU hreUt'r. L. M. ileeartt.
ratlua itattaeoae. UeaaWa room U
PiEteroM* iHn ■««*». *- TT.CI i*j.
aa wdj u farmen. look happy.
Mr. aad Mra. Bon Uall Kara a eery
larye aad baadtoiTF. *'
plisaaateard party liatarday erealoc
•Will Baaaa waa railed br Shermai
‘eqntaled to be praaabl aeat
balorday by. the terlou Ularaaot bU
. day of two tor bit tlock.
NalwTday acaalay at 7:30. iaalallaUea
of om»ra •nlll take place. Hrmbeca father.
MUamillBcateuiraedlrom Old MUMere R. R. Ta.B.
T-rdleded that >]aanorly ^Ufoare
aiaa the Aral ot the week after a ahort
There teenu *to be mm trtiU Uao
BOW payable. A cordial laVlUlloa U
pitry ia the propone.! ektanaloB of F.
exUadad to Tialtlay Good Tampiera.
jf i" M. By- from lliiaykioa Lake to
Thk Uoyae City etcreapaadeat of Ur abort t)me
TraTrraeCity. lyembemirawboareparlUiit Jordan reicf^rke aayt: "Hoo.
Ir. aad-Mfs-A. B.xaUal.
ehx'iny'Unre teacuot hardwood CMt
M B. J. Meara. of UiU.plaer, aad Barry
Mra. f»lrack wat ylrao a dallybtful of here aridenOj know-what Uey are
Marxhall. of Trartraa City, will petna
crprUo party by a aamber of Vir abuDL , The latint deal that ha*
ia the aear (atare.
rlaade Saturday'Tepiny..on thrucca. to llybl U the tale ot all Uedi. B
They hare alrtuiy purAanad Uc ma- aiOB Of her birthday.
railroad compaay't Umberad laacU ea*leklaety. ^
. to 1- ffitra 'to-morrow of brre Ui Chat. McNeal and LoaU[
Ti.r party
Tax iJrapbic. E. Hartlry publitber. eeralny at vlie City
jhaadi. H. J Moryan of Tfarerte City '
MdretO TriideU. editor. It a aew pa- latdeaof Ur I'lroaette
'!**• ha. Iiad iaepectora bury la UUTlcialty
pa^ at Haabm. The copy before at U a [ to be a deliyhifcl affair
tbr pant two weekt and oUnr Armt
J. eolama. mafaxiae form. It
The Uftle folbaof Ue OmyreyaH”:
reqalru a
kloae the
to go isto Ur aewxpai
WIUUe'F. 4 I'. M. braack
thrmxelTenpn.ud, aaUeyalwaymdo.
' .
lakbrne timea.
Atipiyfa load of yeiioK pmple dboTe]^„^|y
K Mlcbicaa railway pameafi
down to 0<d Mitaioa yeaterday afterrUUoa hat craaled oaa fan I
pom aad were, with Mime Old Mi'xtioa
Ue roaad trip, to Ua Michlxaci CU
ijfrleDd.;, theyaeataof MU* Walker at


to knuwtbat there-ia
one more where good valore'

Tbe Talae ol wbirb in

HenriMtaa at 4So aiv great

Albert SmlU. Ua ladlaa eapUra. wbo
■at tiolra from kU borne aear Sllrer
Lake. UU opaaiy. Jaly tS. |Wli. by
-Chief WbiletaoL'' when aaly Urre'
yraia old. will lectare atUraafeBaU.
ToeaAay erealay. Feb. K. HewUitell
t yeare of wild adreatarcs aad
bairbreadU eaeapea amsor Ue ladiaai
aad bU afterlife u a cowboy.



n good deal
to most women

.Economy Ian
dWeatic virtue,

Hra. Hartia baa apest raoorerad from. Aa be aai at the
awUeb board. »ith ibe talepboee ra-

---- —_

m . iillih i



'anspu*** of Ue Hem'* Banday Becnli

Wg. Enna.» bring, to
HnnxU' C‘-“' ^ «*• CongrefatK—l chwah laat
a big banket ot baaaUlal enow apd**;®"^ eeeniag. Ueeabjeetof bla adlalbelng. ■‘Americaa I

OoLOVSt. Kaxioa.wmof B. L. fiaoTJ. (U*
tam. U laid op wlU a broktn «»« I.mqfgie fm wtaltk. Ueattaiameal
larol of
boma. MBMd by a fall while trylag to 1 pow-*ri aad tbe incIla.UM to diwmard
maeh an to a rapidly moelag eleigb.
^ a,d«riag qaalJUaa of aattoaal
Taoc trill be abox Mclal at Ue[gr<nUMoa.—CndUiae Krwa <nid Erpiaa*.
Undlan aabool b-aae on Friday etca-1
waaaaad dar for Tmreeat
tag.fabraaryinb. .TheFTooeedawm c.ty paopto. In Ue morning Ua Con
U npplM on 1^ organ parahaa. Had ,
aad pmiar. war,
Btmom spMlty by
Tu B. Anderaon Co. baa remoeed Ue friend* who aUeaded Ue faaetnl
tiom Ua baUdmg on Ue amw of-of Him Uertie Wloato. la Ue afterOman aad BisUatrartato Ua briek aooo a*ot
bnllAlv Jaat on* door north.
Tbe waa that
fcat Boor ia aaeapim by Ua nadeeiab-'wblab iara* held from her late
tvmkaMMbmaatnadW.B. Andaraan ;4encw . Tba floral oOeriaft at boU
. wUI ua Uaaa«mdflaar<

a conUawma aabaeriberja'and falU- bat her body »
moath afterwa:
fnl friend ot Ua lfmaALT» e»rr *iBce.
arid abort thr

* not found anil:
Captain Makaa wjl kar. a papdrin
.whea.twa* diacoe-i fobrnary Certu^ on "-V*^ ‘“..‘t' SEZ
.lOartera of a mil* Battleof Copenkagra ' Tkb wjH' be
that ake bad left I Ulaalntad with mapa and wiU aUrrIeg :

wi begin Ui. W^.the publicUon Vk’^
f a aplandid aeriea
aerie, of artielmon
artielmoa Waab'-1
Waab'- \
at a ri-mert life U^iae praaent.------------Imeat*. deentarl to tk« halllr of TralalUgioaandUe Waiiblagtoo family to-gannraUon know. ouUiag abooL
akoetly be pabliUed in Tba.^ran kboot *eT« weelu.
It b c^- j
---------^--------------------- I
righted and-i. wTilWa by F. A. Ober.'


the ardl knowe aoUar
T^e entire, gar.i*»w4 by <*r
wiUbep '

calaabte I g... p. OKtiia. *mw. .
r Ulaatn^.

kiag te«^
I Laat boaday Ua Jaat CE
Tbb bbatUy begiaaiagot
Inriution to Join ariU
led anil
lOULDeriilgieeiMiaal Janior faiOB. aad a rmy
af good UlBg* Ua Bn
tUayear. . >
ble meeting arm* held. Tbe Jonlor.
arc doing a fa* work, aad no cmc of
MuTted nt Petoakay
Ue ehorch aurietiaa haa more Jiee. an-iM(i| CipU.
Hr J. E Jonea and Him FrancM E.
Uotlaalle membma.
Hanhali war* married nt U* it
Inmdnj eeaa-:
ranawoop ruaru, ■
ot Ua bride', ymrenu Wadi
parformtagl A Voeag Pmiple'* I'atea Cbriatlas
lag. Bee.
Ua eetemoBy In Ue praaenrt af rcla-; Eadeaeor Soeirty ba* baen orgabixad
tieea aad latlmate friead* of Ua eon-. at tbe Fernwood Cbapel wlU Ue fol­
llwidert—Haade Young.
VJaa Frca.-AbbU Klaeked.
The aboce Mtke will be af Intereat |
to many Trnrene CUy people. Mbai ftec'y-HabeUe Oraeaoogb
"Ftaahle-Marahall being well-known! Tr.aB.-«at«au moa
Uroagh her long realdeoo* ben. Mr.,
Lookoat Oommittee—Mabelle <
apcniTT rwrxctixKP
Joan alao made many friend* daring nangh. BarUa Spranl. Arthar Ztai
UeyewbtqiaBllB UeamployofMc- mak.
Prayer MaaUag-Abbla BItCkam A
Coy A Ban. aad la Ue cudy aad atffnr

OnrSaviosB l>epRrtiDent iSZ



, “Sold again,” says Cy Prim, when he
finds paper instead of green goods in
his grip. “Sold again” is w^at you hear
from people when they patronize some
Cheap John instead of going right to
“HANNAH’S” to find the best In Cloth­
ing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware, Grooeries. Crockery, Carpets and Fuiyiitur«. Onr name is a guarantee for
quality and honorable dealing, and it
would be unbecoming to ourselves not
to give the best prices. We ^ve .our
customers the advantage of the low
prices we get on account of the quanti­
ty of goods bought. W e invite compar­
ison of both goods and prices.


IMS hnlllM tt 1 T MCmiI j

I la Ua pattalBca T^ BEnain t
wtU 4bhM ta en^Ulittnii



awAwn TRATERSg matAiai

a. 1807.

^eaiw ^tot we^ os aetow

erriUcb.WU,Oeak.Kyieiha, Imi«a


jTrseecee Qlytht aUayle min ban baes taktaCm
idOttoVn^ WehearltwUlaa^
masm ayafa Feb. lei.
WtaSeU AUea ia happy


keport of any HuthaL'


_____ d tba a>lartaiaBa>rIrt*aa Batv
day at Katdraaad lay that It waaqalta
aaearata fl»aa« t aapby tba h^
lalaat of that plaaa aad waa eallad
ABnap the Braakara.


Good ilatirUac aow ud lof* an
MorUf IJTrty.
Ow. WlUota* !■ OBt anla. M U
•M T«7 ia*U j«t.
Mf*. A. Konta Bad* a bwtimtm trip
*• TnvmJ^OItr roWaarD. O- Bkon«r^ Mka rialud at A- 1
Baallaaalle-i. at Laka Aaa.
C S. SocriaJapatUaf laaaloric'.
•adar tar Ml aa« aUacU bUL
Will Oara^aa. of Tratrataa atp. liat
a r>^ Iwraa at D. 0. Shoitar^ faod
taara Hatafdar aorBlar'

. Woeda ooald aoi aosa es aeaoaat of
loan! at Bvplra.
Bat Ua aapmandaataaddaaM Backer aad otkeia
ilkad altar Saaday aeb^ aa tbrlr
B.aa that the tlMw

Joba Ba^loata bataa ^ lime


Amelia Marrim. of (folea. Ja
t th1a place.
J. U. Kcober te boldloc roelral
k Erdt e»mc home from Traey with a Bae borae Uit Pricay.
ooaot of cordiroad
> daltoaa Bay Ibto

Past Hook asd Ura A. r. Aadanop


Zaeh. t:l«-ir.

a of aekool at Olaa


r. Otcar k aajarlv a riaU froa bU


Mra Oavra WlUiasa aad aea. of
PtaakteV bM baib rUtiaf bar paraM. Mr. aad Hia. ^ Patara
Tba -Wafrarlaa Utatmiy Qab.”
tba Ti^ paopl. te« aU^, la
Biiailiiilit riwftitloa. Tba; aaat a*-

tetaidv dtrbl **

B. l-VaakHat^nmalaad a aiarlac
Tbad. Cblklaa had the BjIafartaBa U


I. McLMfbUa waa at .toa^airt
___ ^ma Oaldfarb ia eWtiv Waada at
Trmeerae City.
Alaa. Campbell of Si
I ton SatBiday.
Ed D«aa aed Afpla Smith of Toba
■ere la to*e Friday.
Sophia tV.tkSeaqmattetarday aad
^aday «Ub frioada la ton.
J. W. Blatw aad wife of TtaTocaa
CfQ were la tewa Saturday.
Paalea BidlteotSoatb Mlltoa Uaaa.
acted baeiaeaa la Iowa Sathteay.
A M. CbaSar aad hla aUtor Mabel ol
BalUire were ia towa tetorday.
J. 1. McLaaf hlla left Tamday mom
laf for Laaaiar ea bvlan. Ue will
retara Friday.
Arthur Hiller of Charieeola ta elerb
>y la Halcem'adraprtoredariaB tbi
beeaoe of T. E. Biley.
Bee. Mr. Baahae of Tratetie
pnarbed la Mr Miller'eplace Sei
the latter belar detalaad at '
lat nf iUaem.

OaeM I'rlaaanA 'Jote Balarke meat
Baedoa yral^at. Aerc^ Uey '

■t tea manad (re« tVmr-


lolkt. HL. temaklay
KmlOorbeu of Joliet.:
,M rntd-wialeretalt wiU
Herrtem aad Umlly.Mr. aad Mra. Cbaa. Fife aad Ueir

Elijah AmeliaqelUdlek.
Hra. Cbaa. BaroU aed Kiaa Ida ^E^^^eyACo. are lamheriof to
Behm. who bare eUitad at TrareneCity for aomeUBe.Teloraad boom laat
________ Mr. aad Mra L B. Mortaa riaidad ia
Emplra oa Ua Hat.
H- Bretbertoe eialtod at aeoryc
Udtcheir* SaUrday.
MayBeld Seeday.
^Hn. Aeil Cyde ia Ul. Or. Gatm of
tepire leJa alleBdaaea.
EllBoytaed HalkUejtai
Ian to Jo* Anaty.
Baa Poleer aad bVcd lieeB
bsallarlaraat HayBrld.
la Amea baayoae to Platte rleer
»w cedar lo|^ for T. Barry.
JL liowermaahaaa )ab of lonlaf
ear the rleer oa the Siamder lot.
t Ueorye UcoUertoa of Bmp
U. McLlQn aad Daeld Deya are baal- eiaited friendi ia PUUe Wedaeaday.
lay I<«1 for Joe Aabty. three tailm
-Baawall A Browa. well diyyria. are
mtb of ton.
f at work at Jacicton repairiay Mr.
Bert Saell. who ha* beea la ladlaee SWabrIdye'B well.
eome Ume. paid hU pareaU aed old
laday. Jaa. StU.i
trtead* et tbl* plao* a »l»lt Ue weeh
of the Msaon. the marenry rafia
paet aed retaraed Mosday.
ThM U St- Caadlema* day. Accord,
Hr. Clyde retnrard from Fnakforl
lay to tradltioB If Ue .bear aeea hla Thnrvlay aiyht. cplled bomt by Ua
•hadow we can eapert e torn of I
euddea Ul|paa df Mra Clyde.
er. if hr doa'l. we will yet
Hr. Shiria of Fimakfort ia bow
wtelber aay bow. We do eot know lay ia Ue ahlayla mill at Aral, la
wbeUcr ub applied to orery bear
of Mr. Oatraader wko baa acoepi
pmlllaa la Ue mUl at Keaaea Cilj
Tbaplay.‘'Toay UeOeBTld." yi’
Xortbera Hleklyaa M aot the went
SaUnUy elybl at Ula place by Ue place U lire la aa Uaatorm aad eold
Arhnin* Debatlay •oelely, waa well
niT of laat week deamhatrated.
ed aad apMk*
apeak* well for on
n-bUe Ue mercary dropped to
talent. Uoa ‘
rtp° below uro la many plaaca aooth
aad aonikweat of oa It waa oaly
becept potetom ead Uene
pected oa I
yood old •

‘fUv^fct araak.
Ira J. White ia quite aerionaly
rd died at hla boae la
Ertek Weil* ia elerklay for Emmett
laal aaardaa araaiac
it taaafal watea
Mr. McWeUy vMIted the aebool laat
la^ Utaly
Loy* aad ablayie timber ii comiay I:
qolte freely.
Jote Shaw baa yoM *» Sllyhta i
J. T. SanUall of Ttavetne Oly wai haal loya.
la wn laat week.
^ M_r.^ Mr*^ te?‘*
Will Btewater I* bnyiay loye to Ue
iBvemiUofC.T. Bon.
Aademoa I* banlia^treod
J. O. Ciotarr ate w^ of Kli
>y Ula wlater.
drove oeer W Or. Walter'* Sttaday
>oarl Sama
III have BO trouble to aee bit ikadow


Qiai|i Boat la back ayaia, yoL. ..
mwh to J. U Oibba U tba akla^

Hbaea Daley Koeb aad
eWUdftosdeaadrelaUiwlaUeea Saaday >vtant^oa the late traia
Sbetaaa Ber* aad Imfle 'Koch atbisdte Ue eatmtalameat ah the BparitacBehoalhotee Satarriayalybtflma


Baurday oeeaiiiy to attete a acbool
Tbe K. fl. T. M. Wat of Fife Uke
rUI ylve a flf^ eeat daaee Feb. ISU
.or Ue benefit of tbe family of Sir
Kaiyht Frau wbo bad w be wkeo W
Uo aaylam for treauaeat.
Tte Good Templera' eleewd Ue followiar oSeert at Ueir laat meeliny:
C T. Ed Fraaklla: P. C"T>>Kl;Gardaer: V. T. Mm. Wm. Loop; Tieaw
Katie Wolfi Fiaaaeial Seeretery.
Loep^ H^^. Edaaj^m^telU
Stereury. W. W. B
T. T. Criepea: Gsard


The awa are baprotiaf
aaow by banllay laye U the saw mill
Mitt Unit Gee. wte bat bees q.
WIU Farmlee belearfarStplot ate |iU. b improriay.
Bottlar laady bo brild oa H la Ue
M. Gay left Monday to Oadlllae
a visit wiU kb danybwr.
Tbe ladies of tba Ccayn sU loelelj
Tbe mill bvaaentUny tblaylee Mop.
^ ylve a *e^ at Oraaya hall------ - day fur a Graad Bapidt firm.
Rev. Betbee of Travere* Cityoo
Wm. Tompklai aad wife waat ta pied Ue pnipli at Ub place Saaday.
Tnvteae Rty to atWad tbe taaeral of
Mb* Grace Wood from Elk Baplda
Mm. B. B. KacaUad.
mteeaabortatlloB reUUve* hcreWi
lea aad Are
' -ed Wealch who baa beea at ToreT
yiee marie )•
sate Aldeafora eoople of we-' '
Dr. Tbompaoehteanllto J. Bobretaraed homrwlB' -U*t week toatwteMm. J. BabB. O. Wlaaie aad Lottie Carry I
orU ate Mrs. CromweU'i baby. boU
laat week for Westwood where Uey
rich WiU U yrippa.
peet to work doriay tbe wlater.
Tbe ietlsUebarboraa..
J.C. Shearer aad family
ynat sUiactlae w Ue ym
te Mr. ate Mra. WiU Friak allot
ate some that are sat eo y
. orU Mlltoa atlesdte ebnrek al
r Iboas wbo hare akatm bra ■
, place Saaday.
to Ite beat ol Ueir aMUtiea
Kell Mean weat w Old Mbeloa
Thuraday to yive Ue report from aWlc
yraaye. he alto reported at'Tn-------nty Batiudty erealDy.
TlcUou W la yrippe are U
to Ue tllaea* of Kev. Miller
a<M to meoUoB UM vreok.
ate Her. Bewilt the faaeral aerrice
Tbe Ltelm' Aid eoelety m
for Hr. Deea which watte be held SnaMrb C Shea.-er Tneaday p. s
da^ra poetpoate earil two weeha.
Mr. ate Mn. J. r. Frlakvl
mak-a pareaU ta Baaks lael
Tin - Fimak Bodiln ate LewM
B^la drwvc w Traecna City Mesday
aeal* Oannpoteaae*.
trilb eete pcaa lor A. J. Bton of
Then b qnlte a eaU te fat <
ate aheep.
Das-I toyet Ue mUr eapper f
LUlie Hortea-s aUonl at Grswa cleaet
day siybt atC. ll. BotleabaekV 1
Febraary tU.


W. L. Frisk drove W Bellaira Friday
«IU Mn. B. D. Frlak. wte bae bwa
Ue pan two moatbe with
Meada at Ufa plaea ate tea tocovmte
bnlU aaOeieat to toiara w bar bema.
Bov. F. Bichard't boras raa any
ase day Uat week, orertaraiay Ue
oattm ate Urowlay boU him aad hit

Fraak FMbwwtatteLriaadMoaday
EamoaFeaemaa madaa trip te LeteaJ
TrambaU teMwaml-

Mim Mamie Oerdaa of Emptee sailed
oa frttada et Ula bary Saaday.
Jbm Daaa aad Mr. VaaNostraad
ateted to iteate Toteday te ateate


a. It. A
U. Am

H. Flfa eallad oa Mr. aad Hrv B. L
mof leeovecy.ead mote yoe a*-‘- “
Allea Uettame time.
Elte Allea cam* aaar beaoy baraed
eot laet Friday moralay Fire eaaybt aad 4iyewi*e
wniu iadimte* thia
by tbe tune pipe where It yoeelhrwayb
tteeeUley. It'made aa nyly leekUy
[.1.... wb^ it bnroed aad n* die- lerUy npoe Ur dicewrte aad btood maklna
eoeered inat la time to eaee Ue booee.


Mn Hiettew.


Dtaenaaioa by Prls- C. H. fibre.
SUeol DfadpUac—C £. Maaiyold.
Vc reqaeat tte teaebera a* to at
psadble te taeUe tec patraat at U '

may be deceived once «»r twice.


S'.rS'^S.'." -

It is our experience

that yoo persistently refuse to he constantly deceir•

Our policy and practice is to give yon bargains
EVKKV n.KY in the year.

Not once w twice in the

year but any day you c<>mc into our store we. will
^arantee that we can give yoo a bargain , that you
can'i gel elsewhere.

We make a business of looking

up liargains in the Furniture line. '

Motiot carried by yea aad nay eola.
n'sav—Aldermaa llobba. Goodrich.
Orailick. SmiU, Cook. Kyeclka. Imrdie,
Bbd Garriaoa.
Stetement mai Pay Roll. Board of,
Pablic Works.





. \J


Hoard el Pnblie Works.
By Joux T IlsAKi I. Cbsirmas
A. W. Ri. slui. Clerk
Moved by Aldermao SmiU (bat Ue
report be accepted sod claims be or­
dered paid aa rreoioUM-Dded.
Motioa carried by yea ate aay vole
lliibbv. Goodrich,
GrclIIck.Smith. Cook. Kyaelka. Lardle.
ad Garriaoa.
Moved by Alderman Goodricb Uat
UeCIty Clerk and TreasneCr be BoUoriied to transfer from Ur eoa iiyeol
fnad anOb teUecrodli of ibeOiy fates

Th( CtlitoAttd SpkeUlUta.'

Hotel Whiting
TrsTarM Citg, Xleh.

..... .......


telarle*................................................... »i<«
MovM by A»lermsa Goodrich that
Uc malter.-f aceeptlnc Mr* Katherine
ibwaboda a* a permaoeol cte ekary« .
ate tahiap a
b-rateaari lot

k Rubert't broUm Saaday.
-Ir. Barkia* and danykwr. al
ritited vritb Hr. LawtoB Snada
Hr. aad Hrv Konttoay. of
Gk»- W. ^ao.
Editor Cooley war out of tevra MoaTbited friends here Saturday ai
linn. W. HlrSAM.
. ,
TiioMAK Canaan..
^*Koward Moore v<te la Maple City
Hra Lina Hayar.beyaa Uaeblay ia Meaday.
JimXI'k HoniK.
tht Kelnaa dbiriet Monday. We wbb

ber every toeecea
lie TOtioB of Alderman Smith, dnly
tek Mo^ay.
A load of yoany pecqile from UU
; carried, said pelltiae waa referred
^W attCTdtejte^^ltny at Ue Rice
I tbe Committee oa Police.
days laal week.
’ Mr. Mix aad family are econpylay a ' iVtilira:
Tbe fOllowiay offieen wpre elec
ptyt of Ue paiMBtye.
' r-i lAe Ifi.nrmitile. lAr Mo|e/r onW C
and istwlled for Ue'entniayyaar.
f rite Clip u.r TrwTw.
Ed. Denamore and wile were TravSIlybl'a teal. No. UTt
TM City vlaitora Thurteay:
Commaodei—LeoB 0. Vaa Llew.
LJeoL Com.—John HombaByk.
Joba Cluff expects toyo to.Beaton la.
'Mid ipeBeclfull petition yonr UuaerB. K.-Jerome Bobbiaa
Ub week to rcmian a while.
F. C —Cbaa T. CederaWae.
Every oae U bactllay te yet their
UceUda ol taxes lo March...... ...........
Cbaplala-W. U. Tremate.
Ic^ dran while there ia toow.
MauviiAi Wixxix.
Snryeon-Heary Hoffman.
R. Flaker weat to Traveme City Sat'
City Tieaaoier.
M. at A -Edward Kewbervy.
irday. remaininy over SnadayIri M. of 0 —Jten Stone.
Hored by AldermaaCook Uat jbe
Roaie'Staaley looked after the
p.rtIGoa be yranted,
while Mra Oeatmore wcettoTraVerae
IfaBL—BiramA. Barnard.
Hotiok carried.
Piehet-Wm. Soffela

A’G?ilfci*fi!^?^ 'The i

-------------------m boya tern Uaa tea mcatte

Meet TOnr eye aed ear every pauiog- day. aed yoo


Mr-Sayer-laimp«n>a«al Uladat*.
Mr. VeWcUy riaitod acbool So.
U L Clapp baa foae W Kalamaiao
oa Seabniy 4* drawiny woad
Trarerw City.
. ,
Dadd aad tern Kelly arc eattisy loy>
aad bloekwdod.
Cha*. Mootayne it drawtay wood to
Auyual SeleoB it doiay chorea at
Cha*. UarlaBd-a.
of City ConScit i
Dould Wllaoa baa immmcBeed workrb. 1. I«»7. / .
lay to Cbaa. Moataynb.
Meetiay waa ealjte W ord^ by
Chai. Kelle aad .lohn Carroll are Uayor. H-'C. Da»l*.
Unllny loyt to Trarerae City.
Cha* KdoKiBdaaad Jae. Warrea.Jr..
Urelllck. HmiU. Cook. Kyaelka. Lsrdic
weat to Sliyht* Hoaday u> nek..
andNiarriaoB ^d Mayor II
Frank I>eBcb baa yoae to thowood*
Uietrie* of laat reynlar'j
wiU hia Wan Wa did aot lean where
read aad a]
i TraectM City. Jao. 5*. I8»?.
V- »ir! Monxrwair, >te'Jfnt'"r >ind O
lulpb Moauyne aad fUorye McCray
r..ii.»i7 „f tht flip of Tmprrvr <'k
■e banllay Inmber from Ur*lraweille
t>>—We would r<«preifully
The Ladle*' Aid will meet at Ue aak tbai tkc fire Wiepheue offered Ui
heme of Mri. FreaeV Tliutaday after- the City by tbe Hlcbiyaa Telepboor
ndoo. Feb. ll. .
.............. Park aekoel
Chea. liarland' ia buyiay l<i*» <» 'Ue l.olldti« BtiUl a telepli DC i* artel
. 4 W. M. P. 4 I. tallroadi for
; ofjUe Cil
Very reapeetfully.'
a liraed BapMi Srm.
lloaKii or Eurca-niis.
BcAL litrland aad Lawreare Carroll
Df tbl- City of Traverse City.
eat u^Foneh. with thrir team!
By A W. Ktrjitali, Clerk.
. Smith, r
Moved by Aldermta SmiU Uat Ue
There vtill be a "novt-ety"
the ehnri'fe iiere Friday or^oy.
.. ________ __
Motion carried.
taffy easdy will be aerved. The aortal
will beyiven uader.the anapieev of Ue

-. .. .
Good Templara.
-f lAr-Cki
The 'followlay delcyatc* from (be
lodye here to dblrict Iteye t. <). G.'T
That a law ba* been laid don
tiTravrraeCity Monday aad Taraday
abonld have oa earth
were Frank McMollea.B<-Uf Mooueuv.
Hayaea aad
Upry Uanklot. peaJe. yuud will toward mea. iLu'
Claude Fleeb aad Iklle Kelly aleo atAnd whereaa, peace ha* aat always
rviyoed in Uie "Volnaleera " la Ur
After a llayerley lllneee little KUel
psht, but wiahiny to have peace la Ue
Parker died. Jan. 2<i. at Ue borne ol
■ •
Warren. Sr,
Therefor*, we. U* eadenlysed nol•1. lurtble I'blid, and
ly way* endeared hrf diera. defeadrra aed frieada of the Volvnli-era at TrtvrrM- City, do hereby pe­
her. She wa* not
lid. n pare little flow- tition ynur Bonorahle body. to appoint
(.ir allow to be apkointedi a apeebi
tbat BOW blooms la our KeUer's ynrPolice teaaabliDtbe aforeiiald work.
Yoord for Bumanlty.
deUnreT by Rev. Mr'^'ealh^ wa*
J. W .Xowj. Capt.
eery toocBiay.
Jaaict (.ilavK. jiec'y.
Wm KoxxkCi.

1 qnlte rick
Oaslel Myon haa poretet*
part of Ue time.
John 'Redbird kai beea laid op aU
wlater wiU a temc lecKaatna last Friday
Hr. lomaa aad aoo Ltwlt have rose Bohool ia Uc crealnp.
te Good Harbor to work.
E ric ate G ildle HmUaw. of Pleaait Orare. virlted their auav Mn.
Chaace. a part of last week.
LitUe Fluceaee BereheTd te* beea
Stae'ey * Yoony have the frame op
very rick, bat i* a litUe better sew.
to as ice boute aad will erect a meat
WilUam 1^. from Sotteot Day. wS market aa tooa aa poaaible.
vrittiafi wUb Ue Sllbbett boys b
Scboolmatler Bryant took’a load
hUackolara lo Ue tpelllar school
Edd. Rasaett ate Daa
Myen bave Eait Kaaaoii laat Friday oiykt.
>d np thrir team aad talma a job
Mr. Yoany it htviny the upper part
>d haoUae to Hr. Nelaoa.
afklettoFe aniahi--l off and will more
blatamUy in as eooa at it ia head.r.
feneral tnraontbaa h
Libble Deaamora was la I
- .. -jnda.v.
We nodcretaad
Deoamore will snove ha.-k oa her farm,
Uc road* ia tome places, bat ther la Roy will not attend a.-h.wil
<re MOD WokcB ate travaliay acalo wbllton acconnicKpoor heallh.
Bnfat Backer bad, tb« miefortoi
•Oraedma- Redbird iraa bortte is loBC on* nf bia horse* the other day. It'
dropped dead in the barocaa. Mr. Beck­
er I* raUer unliirlneatc wiU horsea
amoBC Ue Iteiaat abonl here.
There li a larye qnaaGty of floaUac lillls O'
foe ia riebt oa Lake Micblsao. bnt
th rather a pecnU^ it BoUinr solid at yet. ahboairb
oee little folki who are Ue fortnaate
faxidcaUily drew bit I
Inllr vraichioirevaiyciol^^U lo ace sharp az aad cat bis Uamba
bow tooa Ue ioe vrtU be. lafe caonyfa Uat he bad tp have I>r. FralicI taken
to veatnre eat npae.
few tUtebes in il.
Hra. KaUc Calebat. who BO receatiy '
Mra. Ireae Batcy bat yoaa te
^!a^ to' virit her daaybto
diphUeria, wa* a former rmldeat of
" Ion. where her laUm- now reoldea.Him'Mamie Aldn
mod haa relative^
tocleae herecteol
will tmrret t
Rev. Mr
end el
ate 0
Do onr SebooU Meet Uc Needs oY Ue
Mr. Mania aad Albert Crala kariey allboa
Imea ta IVi^rtay to Ci
baaud to tte laal two vraekt are remember her. belay etey^aboal Ue
an'^Geo. W. HeWeUy.
Tba torprite party far Ue te
teeeaUrMim Ida Barker wa
T^e Character M Uc Teacber-Cera
W. Cox bavlay kacaed wbo h
I. Prkhard. Riatalcv.
mlaable fox boate. Ue mat
Tbe FrvparatioBof Uc Tcachrrto
yet late ooort aalea* atUled:
Saw loyi are briny tealad to t£e mUl
ie Worb-Mra CM. Baker. Mayfield.
ioor paper of Jaa. !$ aboold lav
ItecnmioB by Jamca IlamUtoa. elm <
Hr. ate Mrs. E V. BiUeamc down
CkUd Swdy: tu.Rclatioaa te
■ akidt ate yet* $i.Si iattaad
from Ur city to a few daya.
^t^ try
caaie Rare, Son

Mr. VaaYteaal. a( TbammaavlDaF apeak* wrif to UeFotaadCblaa. Wbo
SBtoJ^Mmte^ttowaA^ta- mabeatlU Tbcy were bradatets
teaad by W. ttotea af Uaaw

Jonn Benin.

Beport'ot Vator Weirim Camimloa:
TraeoiMCliy. Mich.. Feb. 1, l*«t.
cerrirr (enEinc permaarnt virility ta eeoy To the J/afiorublr. Uc Mapirr ate riryl
tnril te' 9h Cily o/ Tmirrae C«p.,
“'uta'naUy’SJiS antrltiont thaa maltAteiaeatriru. It dor» not naralyar the aefvet,
Ur Water Seppli-.Commitfee.
bnt Atei them mb twaith It ia bteef
ibta cte liver »ll FmalMoaa. II i> lawmi- bare aodi^ tbe followiay UlU aad
lalcd-br tbe weibevt Momachv
It d.' - wnald romimiaeBd Ueir |iaymeat. aame
r lor work aetboriced by yoor
bot aule ftabbt; a*e1eM fu. bin mn>«
mieoetb and heilihy BeTTt*»ee. ll ia
. ._;ttee ia Uvealica' ■ ' •
*> .
saly prrfavi innrortat for eorpnlebt peoj
Bl* lleiwIV mperby. rvrry Ca. Ite.
•• la ibe wvr ofaSa I ww lak-n »«b A ; -deVvae.
^ravpaa Tbeee vas
'aw! a oetabl nhob' t
.ihiac ibal '
J W Hilllker......................................
FolyhamUfy. Co.................................
I vai treated by tb<

K* >“
ime bat era a* evtief
H C liavia. Cbaitma
W. W. Sami. Secretary.
>ae.wllc<n It awiaoi
breaa u area ebtnar
Moved by AidMmaa Imrtie Utt Ue ;
*rS^l*£<5S: Mei,.; report be aoceptte and claim* be orderDIvowv* ate .aar bottle at tbe rieaiani Prl.

thSTS fate

alley Beach who loat bia bead la Ue
Siataatalaylemill Tboae ahioyle mill*
arc awfnl Uiayt to maUlaMoy meat
head* aa we kaow ay rrperieamWeUonybt we areie harlny a h
blluardbereUil weekaad cold n.
bnt yire it np after readiay of l
eonUera conatiM of oer atau that i
bad It mlldiT i d0B>t bcliere we kac
what a real'liUmard la here la ilrmad


aiy Ordiaaaee; ape at. Am trim
Fe^yniltyaBdmaeapynladlo e

Ona Day Only Bach SonU.

OonBoltation and Bxfi


and Strtotlr

To YoTung, Middle Aged and Old Men
Oa moUdrof Aldermaa SmlU. dnly
mrried. (tencll adjooraed.
A. W. Rk-K!
I HlOel*«'’”>?-.
' A drownias man
ISC lor a lortbod of re*
•ould mjiiire day*.
doosa’l vraal to bot*r wit
that la r-iiarte lAewcel

.nu IKaFMFhSj
its beaell.-Jtl cff---ri.
Ihakcra^re of-1
The Mount Lei
ferine » prodnci
Shaker Dieralire Cordial whl^T'rld
The very first dua

DRS. B. S. & CO.

. jwiay to thrir nnbouo.lea coafideace ] j
. •Drsw t d»rt
in it. that Uev have pot 1» rent aam-, LiOCK 1>0Z 10W>
pie bottles oatbe market Theae oaa j
' e bad thronyb aay drnyyiat: and it
-111 repay the afflicted lo invest the
rifilay >acn aeccMry to make a trial. Mr B.>ar bj umt bbrCrr. »r Tr»nw iKr. n>' reomr tev'Mrrua oraaij.iam aiiav pve
tti'i.tna, u, t; r >-md.-<iar
H.-r. MM im> mrt. » lar nii WTraxHiv on.
TheShakerDlycaUveCordi •
V rra'Joy the stemack ate
dicretUon ef fi>od.
I tkr’ac?di)
il i* the
of Coatoi
or, 0:1.



Did Too Ever
I Traverse City. Jaa. *t.
Try Eleciriv Bitters aa a remedy
IA* n..... .
fArMopofiirart Clip yoor Ir.iublra? II nol. pel a bottle i
C..SB0II .1' lAci'lipof TVopcrar iTip. ate Ito relief. Tbl* mediriae baa t
found to be peculUrly adapted to Ue i.
G>;arbKnKS-1 will sell yon Ue stove relief aad cure of all FMtale G)mand pipe brloeyiay thereto, no
pUiatt. exertii
E'aiwnid Araaoe H-iomry
.flneoce in yiri
irinysli _
buildiay for Utv* dollar* ate
tbr oryaea
If .voo
you hare Lima
Loaa ol A]
Apprearly reply. Bierato
I Gte.
Gu. CMbtipi
CMbtipalioo, IL-arts-he.
H-arta.he, Faie
bpella or ar
arc NVrr.ius. SIlrpIrM.
JoBxA. Cena.
riUble. Meli
Moved by Aldrrmae Caoarick that: Diuy Spella
Ue atorif be pnrehaaed at $3 aad Uat I
' ynaraoteed by ita uae. Only i
the pipelb* ordered repaired.
.U at h E Wml-saod J G. Jc
Holloa carried by yea and nay vole
I'v Drap »tnr.-s.
aa tolloria:
Yeaa-Aldcmca Hobbi. Goodrich.
Oreillck. hmiU, Cook. Kyaelka. Lardle

Report at Com. oa Culms
: City. Mich.. Jaa. SOU. lt»7.
T..IV H- n'mib'c. lAc Mopor ond I'Up
ConoH itr Ihr rilp of Trnerrac CUp.
GianiAikK*-We. yoor eommitiei
aa'iina aiid AccoeaU. wonUl respect­
fully ra^mmete the payment of tbe
foTuwlBr7clrims.**ame^haTjo|f bcM
duly exafUed by ua and foaad

Anas A lol'. vvr> av hki
Jobs Iteeatr.JvvuafTvaiarr .......
Hiral* k*aD*w-j?5s*3ira sstfr

r. C r.ilhrtl. Jaauary.aaiafy
1 L a P Oa. Ucbl far taa. IIW
eannxo pnrp.
Tr>w*w.BarKa«k.amciaiPl« '
Tiar DcpAktKOft pntp.
C Oravrvs. Xasasrp valarr


-------OH ALL-------


MMniBt 86 |wr ent off am OIM of coodB.
•is We will not bore >-ou with a long song and dance but will give prices to suit^onrpockefbook:

0c! *°fcrr“.......(.:...


. ■; 28c

Mtn'M good J«tMy shim

27c ‘
*”.5uSX.‘*~'..r7..”r: 23c
^ 'S5SM .

ya'eUoeUUa PM


T. tT- SOST?,
1st Front strut, FtiadrlchBlk. -

travaiu City. Wtla.



-giumnt H

Om r«u} L*tt«r Wn»T».
. (klMd.
Drr « IM.
tK*tfSpno»-I MS ia Uw firat raadar. I wsBl to Ket lato thr »wuad
nMert7 •(»«!>»«. «fcB.rU«~l
fo to acbool in Ike wlaler as4 wncItaHB la tba BBioarr to tears my )•»
Uawk 1‘urr.
lUla boy 11
IlKah EM*i«b.! am a liUla
aad UreW

to whk my la
wrtu awry will. I bare a pi
wlU aleae aytetwrlor tbia tl
Dub .Bonoia-I tboa«hi 1 would
write la yoo aad tell you oiy aya. I
aaaoTOByaaraaU. I aa ia Uarper-a
ifdUar ikd wrillaf.
My Uacbrr'a
BOM la Mlaa Liiaie tlllia. Hy two
oMt«a- aasee aie Uoaie aad Kwa. I
•Mtalaaa. Voar Mead.

Dua Knrrea—1 thuuphi
write aad lell you about oui
aa la the third trade aad alsdy Aral
orithBoUa. aad
thtak 1 eu gel
Ihroark. Uy teacher I. Mia. Wheat
Myteaeher laecryhiad. 1 apeak lay
aiBBTT lo work: 1 ooald aoi fo u.
aehoal. Uy Bother died whr. 1 wa.
'—I am It ycora
Beat 1 had ihia
WM lo faalp ua bolldlat a large heaae.
lUraoaa .aalllarmoa a falrb hU.
It k IW bet fi«9B the lerel of tha hooar
letMlerelat aaBalI.rirer below.

tar lUa yaar, will aaye Ua

Dua EfimB—This I. ay Irtt letter.
I helped at a great aaay Ihiag. Ia.t
er. 1 learaad M Bilk, gud aad
loo. The Boat exeiti^ tiae I
aer dam day
Ml MSMtiMdlkelet' hake ia la the aarsLag. 1 alwaye want
! the diet <ma up aad draaaed. !
By wtaet onult mrao. ik> Imrbarian.
VMrfrtad, ^
dOMS. for uo BBch baale. I drqp: trac»mif new. with aluic-i ihr rejMBrMU ¥r9>^>
Ute batten book pad Crnoie grafaa’ lor
<>* Uphtninir? Again .nit again tm


WHEK nr WAirr


eplnc n-nb-nd me aim

mt-v. I ha>v ^ittit humlnvl. >.r .i.-lUc i
v.rfcnei <>jJ> Iniag u> fiul nil. I I'lij-r
pap. WUl giro aach ou
■ uie. liav.-l.4J li.-lug .iiio--« i-U-r. «
aa a half dollar'fur baiag qoiek
co.ii’..d I.e i;i Im-toe.’ 1 twl
ii|. I.
DaaBSraT«i-l will write a letl
aactrglBf all the year round.
•leiiulr. nrirr boiling be n-li- i. utow >
.OB. I an roisf to aebool'aow ^ I
na wlUgireuaaa extra peoaeat | ,h,
.-tgie.;' i
frbiid’okl iiwal>aiI%>m.Kvti>rv |>IHan U tke Imrtk crs4c. Ou- taacber i
aoil lhi-\ InwAor oa- a aoitl.-I goofl
Tl.-iWhKl. oedtoappnnd (i -m ii.v.ln. <
U 'Dot* Wheat, tike is a hies
aiel ib. lphv.Uiigol myhbln.. toi.'iin.teacher and the firea lu hard leaaoaa
an learnlag pleee. for Cbrl.tma.
^ •“WW I •'an te '^l■ re a flar aad It la red, while aad
th you all a Merry ChrialBaa aad i
ig. iiiuii.' hut Itnao'. Kklmt l*ill> l•.w
Ogr (>oIc It real hirk. I alt
yj Kew Year.
ik.:e- mure K. ituiv Bi- hvl Ilk- u i-i
eloae by the atereaed keep real warn
tilin' tlwD .11 lb.-utlKeihiii|.->l li.iM-Tru-l
M Use We hare a pictare oJ
-hioue p;.| Mac... I ho.1 not h.4 uu<
(>ew|re tVaahlartea hi a Urr* fraoM-.
r-uifcmv 4 Uw jmiii .>r t-le-dlnc .1...
Iuk,nic.ilien '
We bare :4 acfaulpra la our aidioul. I
PllrX.te. ime ». inn
. Kklm-r niKheMb-Iw .11 .Ini'
EniToH—Aa I could Dot ge U
raew-I will cleaefor ibU llaac. an rood
th. fol- m
1‘rie, ,%n <,ou. liv nail. Inen F-n
cburph today I wUI write to ynu l am
Kg* II.
Hiaaia Boama.
-iltet l.-r >!llt.nrn (.. . Ibiflil... X, V
itilonnct of tl..- 11.1gnlog te achool. My teacher . oaBe i.
ap-ol. he-tto. InlUtlState* RemeBl.v
leoft»M-.ti.elo-i:,c.t:e X;the naor. 2L.ia'g. ami take no ollir
Mtaa I'areoiia.
1 as laethe large geoiB Kt.itva-^1 hare not wrIUea to gnphy. enthiutlc. rraamar. phyeiolto

the iluau< before. 1 tkoeyht 1 wool
twy aad epellliig. The pleaaanleat part
gie-u ■.lau.iurdbf thekh:
try IL
I will write aa Bach aa t eai
my racatloa wa. my trip toTrmeerae
altfaoDfh I eaoBot write rmy aach.
City te the fair—papa, inainaia. myarif
am la the tbiid yimdr
Uytasb*..tittle K;knolmate. \Vc left bum.
ihr iioui. hmUitreed ii um..rig
eeiy (»gd to Be. Three are alatae
n lhrvci of tile DOrtlio-vaV. The
dock in the BcraiuE an­
Wbidan lo oar aeknol wl>e>t they a>
nr y<V”'^'e <-010010 Ol the wuHi
te City about « clock.
all eoBliiy. My teacber'a aatac li Miat
freely te tbc
eery nice weaiber, b
UuleTillle. The beat time 1 hare bad
till..ns. (urilief niinliue.i,M.-r.'
. Tbc BOOB abone le-igbt p.
gv,ji|inni 9ir toh7matte0.-T.-rall tha year U yolajr to achool. I harh
wc weal dying aloiig. aiagiag aad barov, ~-o iU loUl The'r ebi.-t the
tiBc to writa aay Bore. ao
lag lot. of fua. I Bw Bueta fruit thhi
IV. uo.l ila-'euV.r va> dwrreihtAyehyem
t rety aide aad I thougbl the achool
, .l.iv later, n lieu Ti-ir.v rea. lied
■Ibit WB( Joal graad, andae were
.leficl.l..tmTnuoi| Uire.-oulk hail
IM of other thing.. Oood bye fur Ul.
In .\lm-k» se.rml .veatw
tlLe. AgeJlyear*.
lieuleitont on evplontion t^m
(irovisioii.. . He rei>h<-<l on toward ii
tea te your paper I
i« tUeiiiriit.rr.liieiagrati<in«e«ert lionr,
I would write Bhd let you liAw bow
.Wln-i, to- reu. lnvl there bJ- fli.n.l the inUaaa Him lT.Ti4.-lttaoi^bl I •
amcaUlagaloDg inacboal. I am i
bls.-.iuithe 6|lb grade at premiol. I bad write .vou a little letter
.iiiganil ii.dabomilw
-e.u—rr. Ib.
te .tay out of arbool tba biggetl part kuM kuw 1 .prat the .
,,„Tof aiuinik..!- g-rJ.
; i'k s'll'-ir.J'eVni lo'-a homfi.r
bu. ^a^'to rrle.
. and
appa .
of Ibia term hod all of la.t tern, but I
tlirfiiigli V“ •
ou ot fan »Hh my ■
and >11 far orphutlr "
waal tu make up fur it till, wiater if I
papa take, tbe llr.Htl.n. anil 1 like t
a. lieeouM Jc-grr. eeiv not i|. .-.nnuto'- B'-e. a Xc
1 hare had a good loBg i
the little lelterw 1 go lo v^boc
nivaltcei xvitli Iliem.f-<lolilen Ito.vw \ he eel..--,
hare bad a goad time ttaia aomi
bn-r:. loiigue ain-nc.
1 alody feprth tcadci
tnl aa though I had better atndy aa eeery o»y.
all i.ui -.o. ^n o. bn
■p^tETTir EXPtWflffENTS.
acne, geograpky, language aa
bard aa I oaa while I bare a
apelltog. My. teacher',
er. name
I. inm
TbUUall tor Uiia tike.
the . I1II.I . tuWl.
Buck'ento Arnica
c her rery bovIi
Dura Wbnl
pkamii. uiui la.V j.h-l
C-A. Mi ll
man.' ............... P|iin ,
r* H»gr
■eto I bve a little canary bird
lii.-.rl by contra.ting l.ijr.
, (Iruii
11 broagbl from By grandpa', at
III hnji.N r..nm of a vet;
la RniTiia—I bare aerer wrjttea Chicago la*l fall, and he .tog. all dky
•ins. fort
V..;dl'-f.ft'. vlii.l, ini aiWfw-.
M tba Haaai.P before. I go to acbaol loag. and'br Ilkca teiaabcBBoiM like,
d p-mitlv.
ir» .-lutoin.tllifKr'tu.s l.cel. ,
-gi- III. k>
day. lam in the fourtb grade. tbk le-wing Bacblae. * I have Iw.i .: . i-uni | l-> a
.1 l.-U-«r J
lelodynadlag.^thBcUr, gntomar, brolken. Adolpke and Willar^. and
pby^ology.gaqffapby. apelliagand I ikey both go te Mhoul with ac. lam
lie hn|
did itody ortbogntpby. bu'. do not ahy glad tfatt CbriatBa. to ooBlog. I wl.b
I bare had Baay good tii
aao* would not forget aboal
echaol tbU term. My enatBate’i
Be. Tbto to ByAmlcUrr^to 1 will
in Ueryl Lather, We hare aaai- good
Unra together. (>er trarber tw^sUy
. For IntoaU aad ChiUreo.
good:-hm-wpBiUa-Llnfe Ttttfe. '



le-KMlM me..I*tk



' .>i"£3?ii2?u

.^leS'i:^ '




iim «^a




i-.vvr <■
ibrajoT. 1607.


lamaC.Wich .iMe. laiwa
Daaabum^I am gohag to aril
yuatowllaea I aB waU aad 1 hope
ysa are tha BBO. I am gaiar <
yoawhatagood time I bad thitlait
■■■■ir. We did ant bare aay picalca.
Oartehod had a taffy pall iaalKridoy
Oighl. Thta k the flr.t tUae fi«t I
mwr wrote to the Houi.t). I atedy la
tha third Radar BOW. laBwrlliarte
ym at aeheoL 1 *a sot thlah
M*»RW MrHaoaitlalaad.OtB., B«
I BDm>a-l tboogbl I
a tha BKBaLO- aieh. ow. i;.
Itoaa Ki.iWB-1 thought I '
write alBoe I here aerer wrilieah.
to echool eecry day aad .tody

_fUtrjwould write te yuii.'
wnUea cnee before,
ihg achool at oar
Blgbl. W. all had
BiAer'a aatne to Ur. UoraeU- i have '
hrotber; be i» 13.y*ar»olil aadtitoi
aBeiaWlBDlc. He aad I pl.-krd iihwt
II of BBBBa'. blaekberrln Ukt abe
to the IUaxi.1.. I have
welgbi 10 Ib. and i on I have alitUc
black and white klltcu loo I ri' «>
eehml every day. 1 have dve atudlea.
Thenard three ou-re week, of Khool
mrB. The ..heat time 1 had laat
gerwaatoaM-hooXptcBic. There
teboUn from ibn* echool. prvaI woald like te have Sasla flau.
bifag Be aoBc Mdr ooBbe aad wnne
gtoblag you a aterry On
Age HI.


ple.t-er. an.'



, The' MX.ti.iiig, inng-araling, viilnv:<d the rieulv ,-ni pine are all eiaUxI.e.
Itr Wopst's .'soew.y Pine Syrup, li e
vvr.p|gD n-B.-tly-for .-..nghsatKl .-..IdI IndIgrMiur. ' ii
atoua-'b. Ilii-r I

..-wi^iH.. lun.-roe^iin^ito. we* iv
meat will core tie- w..p,t
..r Itch
■ing k.’i-s ttii-re vvvr w«s. act d-it at
•mml in.lanlly
i car. nf snlTerinv i.
•l.-ve^ in w si.i-!c night ito-i lk»t.
Illntment fonn dealer
'. :>

^UKTUAOK SALK urgai-hT ueiaa


re owaey to the tareaefa d Aiaeriea

“^GhjHed PLQ^S


did laeteeBBer. . Ltook great pleaann to cartog f<w ear liiiU mriu
he wa* three day. old be got a aw
aad could aer walk for some tli
would helphlateget on ktofnt aad
TCkrer-i cm. IHW. )•
rub kl. leg. Ko* be to well aad e
VmA* Mm. lUTxa-l thouyht 1
bread aad appln tros ay baad.
wrila to you aod tell yew'bow I am gat
aaBc to JohaeU: he to ato Bootbi <
tlagBleog. laBalRhool.
I helped at every thing that waa d.
tha taanb grade aad ay ledcherb
OB the farB. ' }>ew 1 am gelnf
mum k l>«ra Wheat. Then are iwe
tehool. We are all learatog plee^a for
tg-doBreeholbnlaoB^echool. 1 ooq
Vhrtouaa.. Year little friead.
Botgeteadheol laateeBotee. i had
OttoF. Franraa.
alay at h<aw
help papa la the del
I BB UirteaB yean old. W ell, 1 germ
1 wUl hare te cloee ay letter,
.Dxaa E»ii»a-1 tbought I
Riut iUmu
e|^le a lltUe letter te the Baaacn
eui.i.>i cnr.Dw »
For peu 1 haer a dog saaud Orm
n aeeer writ- and a colt aaBcd Maody. I ban
tea to tbelixaauil will write BOW. I feed the cbirkeaa aad go te tehool
go « the (toBBll City echool.
My every day, and foratedle. I have foarth
teeahar'.aaBc ia Mia ycmlc. I Ilka her reader, vithtoetlc. geognpby. apeUlag
wwy meek, j .lady nadiag. artihao- aei toaguage Wbca I cobb boBT 1
tte. toagtege. gngnpby and apelltog.
■eippapa. Wc have tweatyt read to the learth reader. ' Than are
lar. to echool. I bad tote of
awaelylaur aeholaie la our ruea. I
gtaodpa wa. h«re troa Chi­
BB alerea yean old. 1 ban oee Meier cago thii laBBcr. Fourth of Jaly er*
aadtwohrutherw Hy etoter'i naae to itayed dowa Iowa all day. loag aad
taaa aad By hrMherto aaaB arc Oargood Uaa
I go te Saaday
eaea aad Dea. I weat he-ry(^ oa.
Suaday la the ubbr aad 1
day teat eaBaer aad wtd.-d I. Ue
alidlac dowa hill to the wiater. 1
aaoh aeorty all day. I bad a plcaaabt ,a> glad that Ckrtolaea to noalag asd
tlaa. I apeal the Fbarfh of Jaly at 1 hap* that haBteClaatwna’I target
nielmka. I ban a pat eat. 1 c I her abool Bt. Ihadtoteoftaatbto aamEMg Baa. aad I haet a large Spaabh aer eaitog gnpo* aad plekiag «ppiM
aad ekarrtoa^ aattog thaa. TW* to
an A Merry OKtolBU aad A Happy aUlcoathiakol. Oaodhya.
Jtew Twt.
uood bye.
ABotra WimJi.


---- -

' :m-medy hu lii.-sprain, aaij bitilst^^^teal. Vi whli'h 'Uiev art- eon.iai.tly Ita :
■'ltr. rboBSi.''>itl.

and gnegraphy. I as la the dftb grade
aB4.thenla another girl to By grade
lame to Beanie McCnalg; abe'l. ay
a. Aad ay aaal mate and 1 bare a
gnat deal of fua. We ban a gnat
aaay good Ubb together aad wa h
too Back fuD tor aayihtog. Uerai
to Sank Wiagt aha to fall nl fua.
baee loto of fua up hen
weuld (rieed.. Well; I gueaa tl

wriMoB loyoB. My teacher', at
HkaTilUe. 1 bb eight yearn dd. I
M te tha ueoad part ol the Uiiid
reader aad U Ilarper^ tret aritbiirtie.
I aa u page two baodred ia ay Ulrd


wl-h .ln.V'iant-.,


litsiKiKKH'rt NOTICA stan'-.t


eebool to rary aaiall' ibla letrwyawold aadatady raadlBf. wrlU«. had ageodBBgy
acbalaraa few
faegraphy. iiBmag.arHhBetic.>i^tga aad drll-goreraBeaL
W'e bare lael wlBlcr.
oaorly ou Booth td eehonl rPfinWag.
I lira <B a farB aad hare pluat)' to da.
lulu-i. aicH-Imr ». •»
batltbloh IbU tea eery Bice pUee to
tx Euima-cl will write te U
Kaui.n. I will dm letl about ay
n ludt ciJtiD..
My teacher', .naaa to
IaleU.M<ra.. Dw. It. im.
L I'a in tbc Mooad part of
Doaa Bocroo—1 will diwp yoa a fr
third raadnf. oa page two haodred.
UoB to-day. 'We hare a oioe echo
leteoa It. apeillag' oa page nS;
hacaaodUanaiaftflMearboIara. Oae book la arltkaellc. page ul. Hy atoday wa aU wul dowa to 1-latl
,t!T-Ile«ie hu written three letten te
aner aoaae oadar braaefaB to tri
IlKUi K. ao 1 tboaght I a
Mb ackoo) boaae wlu. aad bad a reij. write loo. We bad aa eatertaiB
flaaaaat tlBa. 1 am fonrieaD
the lltk of Oeceaber. "tiraadpa took
•Id aod la the ath grade.
1 i
IIMUI4. lurawhUt. bat be doea
Bot Uke it DOW. 1 baee two al
lagaad laagaage.
Hnale aad Elate. I Buat cloacae
Your friend.


Are tbc Best 00 Eartb.

me By letter ae<
Hattu. I'aw.


oa. pt and 09 Wood and Steel t
. and tb* Celctanicd No. 4a meet aU rcquiienM
l^nk Oat for fm/uUoaw wad Bay OaJy 0/the MegnJag DZfrer A

The Evening News,;
“TlE«EiT lin.f«BCmiIL" .


L gtm.A si-ooit.
vrllfaood b


It bapiwaed that the mtui
mtei ' atwv'
fceja a tioiue of oil an.-s,rke.l, en.l f».tenfd by a wiretoi renaia panof the
naeb-nerii, llWB.inreeielsnlu.e.OiK'
evceliigtlie titeoghttulrai beiookhlmtril to a xltaly of lUi lioitir.
ahiu. Itveoc.
aonld Bakr I 91 tul anil nblay.
and a aocUl laadve aBoag lito com- ■ not gee ni Ibr nilT
aeratebed bto bmid end Ifanvchi hard-. '
er. Theahtothtokinggasealinlliaal
reroll. Hrhadalaii-.luilu.ewc.he,
BahtogedilT Tbto tail |>m aa op|<o^'
Htolty, and he M been wantiag fv,
UaBtdiately he ifVMrted the hmgUU 1
• |te ae a wmM ga late thp aanww4




i Perfection in Quality,
I Moderation in Prices.
^ Ta-.p 15*1.111 |«il H<wie>- i).-n|i Synip
# lJiui,wli-al per eack ...................

rriday. Apr.l M. IM7,
C< l.ite

$ (io..l.s,rup.prrtfal....................................
^ -.14UUU \



$1.^5 trSi


The Evening News, Detroita


.xitiak pnr pound................
off."— je r IteOUti . .
rtm.l* Jl .lied < ►d- ......................
Saturday—i: pudnda On


t Kl. Om-m-'


, A
' 5
:. f

. _____

Lveiy Saiutday—Sa poantU ('Sm{Br..
Ohe»w jter pnood..
'obaoco. fine c •
Tea par pooud
Dar Ii aeat Tea to a wiaaer.

ti orf }
. l.uO i
..96. SS. EOoiidlOe


imSTB ID NRBinBI t. L|


N) tea.rBmae^.Oen «l. BM.


•'Ut>*anrM teTfUd prmrtorawrv. realDded om «f • cupti <>( teU«a



■nad'tboa ib> ball irar la iu lieb color
buttaMltbad wirM. of ooasroBd an lueoa
A canp chtlr of aah wa* eoabofrlt and^r^w rob
... . lljioeMl irltb plate brawn, while aa oU_ _
keepe'laebloaedrnober r*>ni«ol la a coal of
leTalldlll. itlttbbrreaualbarto'raw aaibvaad yellow raebloM with
«ae we baec. 10 fiMoB. to Iratb « bradn^ Tbo oBnalat lor the book*
wblobU tbeBoot
Boat IbaaoUfol VbiaK.eaoe were while BoalB eoeerad wllb
BMdr *bd oUbT oe bietarertl^
bk* tart'"~
oo rarth tofiee. te^tbe a
'b<« "orwre" dateteo. The laeo earroalyci
, lolae of the window were looped back
••Ooodwlte. l>ejBte baea thteUaK
-a toe 4e
IT perpoec bai bpei
[ with yellow ribbon, and jnel boUde (be
_____________________ _________
jwritlny deaha pcaeb baebat. painted
(Uahtef baa «oaa rary feoA tUe
I -It lea foollebqoeetioa.'t koow.prio-! browB and yellow, lerrad admirably
etila. -bal what U to be du*e nboot It* j for old lettare. waate paper, cu ,Tbe
Vo^*U boaad lo be hard te feu
Why aboold we cry oat a«alntt that i room wae perfect
Yon nerar noticed
Beerytblac ta eore to be eery do
wh(rh tlee in erery boaaa bean.which nay one thlnr. bat the effect of (be
baa Ineaaette it arirht of erery bo-' wkoleyoncaa neeorkirow nalraa you
The oraTlay (or. ayntpathy haee each a north room. Whaiaoald
.... ..... _u,.c
raaorthraom Would be
ylariny toraaentboBe
aey: Klftaaa ponnde of
ralloa of tui
And Bbe teeed him there with n I not eten the beet In ne. could Row tlar. twrniy cente; one poond of nw
.wltbeul it ee that the ernelnr for It umber, fottv orav*: one rUoo of Ite»W^, braband dear, oaa weald itall^ eeeae only e port ^^'ke fi^iaf era- eeed nil. furty eeote: Japoak^nnd^op.

hir bMTt *S5 b<
^ !««« _


W.L, I



ROYAL—the mon celebrated of ajl
the baking powders in the world—cel­
ebrated for its
leavening strength and
purity. It makes j-our
cakes, . biscuit, bread,
etc., healthful, if assures
you against alum and all
forms of adulteration,
that go with the chrap;

^ UCii.’.,-. ~ i...... .1 ...p...



The absolutely pure

;U am*
omt omt.
om*r. PortiiOR
Vor«mm of
of <*rp«t.
’tetkawv Otb«W« OM AM«‘ lar it. >01 Uc ri^Df ol It. tkattkeiU
.w-|bn><r«. trlth ro>k»r aad bBbI
Imbic Itao.
eilUlBorte haar at (b* 4ooni obo la
IIU of rrory
HtrteoUll brt^t witbkptowi
am>-: atnU«kt M4k tbo otbOT dnpod back to







t .r..rv.v'rnii ■»* .



Apofcrl Rrnirdy rorCotstiphtion. Sour Sioiiuch.DiAtTtioM.
Woras .romulsions .rowishMssandtOssoFSlXEP.

n. m.i*. ra«.t. ek ai
yNet^^ Mod rieb wheat waa ably I after all."
pet^Mrp, one dollar we^te# earpet.
■■^atalal. certainly." eald rriecilla; at twelee aadi nae-balf ewau per yard,
Aad what If wbiat It <mly ^ff.
I "aad pan of the rrawlair prpoma la ■»: pg tg. makteK a total of >4 at —
.■k.*«» •• I-S'- «!■
(le loaf ai wa both am well and bat the frowlnf te whet direoUeav t«prr
Toward eclSebnemor toward the bet :
Utr to wear oolhtef *uiud to thr
The Old Black BUk
I'm aotnieona to worry nUt—
' Irr te net When ----------------------------It le toward
--- ,
men Applet are Plenty.
work at bead.
ni,u.h **k ihatU.parU.v worn may
lacol* matter h.ow famptiag. he made to l.*ik
-a* good a. BrW
arw " ffi-dtM
ok "I*
: «»-' ■«-- - ■■
■ llii toward the beetlo; cheap ni Uit year, it te well to etndy •hoB each a»are kaowB to f»dr, , late ireaU-d'thu* .BIp carrfnliy.
' '
a wabaee loeadei
Of. cloUiirg will kerpil mgwrtoliie a, ,|g ,ti,rbw^
ne.ermpaiby iifurjmr purpoaee. and idi*crenl w.y. ,ef bprete*
Stood by daeh other wbnterer hHell: wrdoaoihtre Ureeek iterernre lief faenllbful iNit. Tbe followlsf blau luog limr. BOr bhoold carv • b> rapratod. uolh *tfir» vilb
K« *10 i-.Il
fivin one alone.
i( Ui*rr aft- gi ale »puU n-teorc* .
Six beya hare called tie 'Intberi and terell.
Ereryoneof likv
.arr ii m 4 I-: r
e* aad gloree that arr not too rabtaug with a plr.-r uf the eilk uig^-o ! •

porpceeie drawn tone. "■*
' aad reelpat from 0--d Ifuuretrcpiav
are therefore timely:
(ear waeh. lougur. lu uy anthr.aaphtha, ut In dilutodj___ ,. ' . .
Aad all «t thas tletef and dotef
' ipfn-y b<.thr inctoanl metubrr.
1 we lire on '
IVB 1*T eech pin-e on a IJ'*’'.'*'*•'"5 •
well. '
; There are many rarietka of applea to'
oo erer Uiiuk bow a craaipro fi».l
We owe ae man a penny, my drar,
Bind .
dip ■ -wfl wad of old '■
ertf-cunaeloae plane.___
Icboar (rum in cooblsf. aad many
ompAoird wilbB.haeklra aim-r.
Aadhuibof oelorinf and well aad hnrU and oar hardthipa.
e. the dutiei
ut coukiof them. A' fr
freat riani
can uuc iblnic grxad. IkoaghU. riitf *r and uratrr. •ira’in.-d .-Aen-.
are too frail of I
10 perform, thr d,prad* on lb* way they an
;-.WB kpruuliOB 1« l:i» *bt^
llt^wairr iB whu-h .a parr of. b;
winch onr lorr Rbeihrf tliey are palatable or
•tanera. We caanol care Ul» erarli
AU tb lab how won watea (at aloBf -!
. that 1 know. >o lony t> wlf and a '
Up thr mraOing. for u.r hou»rwifr ,^<1
rub will;
Ion »lr.|bo* ou wb.
cotae* ararerto actual earBing
V lh« right »Idr. uaill it i> >
te(ere«bi aad ambition* rale In o>. . Wr ' ,ato a tin baela oa tbr atorc. aUwed
Be Ailed hte pipe with a pleaeaal
at-hrr. laradiag -U>kA
\Vhr« *n irdeiapeurd ro'l nijd
we ream , a.d eweeU-ard la a baphturd way.
Bred net br irkiomril taken te lighUy aud-muolhii .-u a rauad riii-k; ..
our purpiaee afteaer ualeM'. whra tbr l.nd dirhrd with eomc puniun* etewml
hb .wtle with a taader mriBC omure. we atk nareelrce. *Abat ' i.^rt aad fcard Inapt rrmalalnr Take
onr'iiiat telwoorihi -rtiiBm Ihr ill- r


... ■ \'.t


VmSUBlt Sigoalart of




br.w.11> pit «p te maela knka mly. H
b *.t aiU !• kUL Bral *Bra »iT<m W«a
m uytetif *ti* m tel pk* w pnmW ibu M
li-JMI H gmfato-TOl aaraw vraypm.
PM- ««-teilLdyi*^D-A4.T4-UA.

MDpL“ufrdrru*lr;^.D,p.A ::

e,iTiS'ei»,p - Mr
tt Ibri mey tad It '
the fruitt te it^hel dort jn.tior ta
fTiwtlU beat. wi
Applra tboiihl atwaya ba o
jelI^r<fitBtiiefl<H^poUtva.^Thr'B^'’lD a^iaia ur eartbeni
|ahe ph-krd up her
aad rieiaf. .Urred with a
Pnaalltt aa4 t.
I fore ferlnf. fur thie reaeoa—they are
I ruler kaadled. nod caa be parad thio>—"J believe." laid HtecilU
I arr lUe fiaeet fUeor U next the aktel;
My north Room
e ernriaf lui:
I bruUae anil apecln ooiae oot rawler. II
- ^apathy, wbleb te the aoei
Boat dnudl
driudlBd. Bef carpete are alwayw a borror to devp-r«rcd. It U eawlor taken oot. and
aBara la Itte, aprlaf* from a dnire
le. Tbe elariair colon aad naaeanl there U no daomr of learlaf a bit be
aanalB eartato of our plcaalnf repuin-,
klaJ tu ehuke the eater, ae there n
tliaa rapntalinai ae cheerfal marlyre. i Joet why I (OTpereri way carpet rap* Kbra the apple te eliced.
aatbasa. or poUeaUaTwllda: a> calou'will arvrr IWibly becaoMTuui.—Timwt elloea at Mare
€ eteUae of (ale. Tub aever taw a ; It waa tbr curtom to tekr all Imt thr
-•’tiaariTow or olker we fetaloafr


rcetea and wpn^ on
u pata bae foae It

red a.........................................
Liny of the rertfte uf (hi




... ...



htodarate“Ul ate Aalah." aha told; “yoa
it:.’ ■p''“ offcottvr. oa* eapfnl of aagar
to to (atarrupt Voo were.fuia
.Sbjeettoaylila-------Cto what aatldy boaee wiva .
Mend hltcheni. have toI do wllb a cn
Ibevr. Tbea pnl thr other ahutlte I
_------- ................ .................................................
' id' they

a thraagb the olh*r half, and beat »p j pje aauoe al» or right guod-*i^ tan

rrfSiCpii^r*„-r,:rri'iisr.d.'.'tL.iS:" ■
'kecpra^thtegaaboat aa.

"WeH yon arr wearing two pte-va a I



Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

GhicagoWest Alichigaii



u*areib*prop!*>» kaadte yaungbi

Hest Livery iu Northcru Mik'higaa.
f r**d and Sal* BtAble te Omnactioa.

'P^leptron^ 79


bweel Applra and Cream,
Ua The
nte alek baby
bob] aever Umika f
19 a UrKr-rot^d therrafler ewrat apple* in n pnddlaf-ditb. ec
ed. When done rvoieve the afia. p
rapatalloa a* a auB.-rer I
layvrif tucitloa'fabrlct...
It le nut afraid, a* <
r Ur thr bif while ballwTpfad- ■a nfUMdlwk. aadterve with cr
id' flavured
"-------- with n
Atbaltf Itac
aublaf back and tired flnrvK
hould 1 do with tlirm? 1 wc^ld
aadared yeUarday. Tbe beiay Sfrala I rather have e bare flaor than a rap ; fill eaviUt* withbaiur,
. m Will not know bow tick they have ! earpet like thuae 1 bwd eraa. One -dm.T ! mef. bake aaUl niariy
bM kae^baUUMlavalldaamoaf i»;i took tbr
and work h> jt ,.*«rp.-i cold, (rwit with white of eff aad tofar.
auy. I drpp>UadA.b"tnjiD<
brawn alifhtJy 1
________________ :■ t aald~ITtaeilia'*
brad weadaepteaaoaf the catbdon.
■t aee yoa have Jou of bro<
AriI* frllten -Two beatea aft*,
el bor divaa. bar baate ateapad ^er ' where are vobr coiim.?"
one eopful uf *• •el milk, ihiM^cup
U-"bau ftiadUa. the baby d<te eat ' "That Itall, u.vpitbbahaded yelhaaw. doat not reaMabaa. ft livaa la
^S’on den t aaaa to *aA Ihat yon
*^f>( SiU^lia aetai^^WUd doe* waat a etripe wovea uf eeveinl ahado.
l>^ epplva- k'ry te
aMraaMmbar.aadefooaiBe It Uvea ia of two eoUuaf
lhaamaem. Weoafbttodueo too.' . ■•CertateJy. 1 do; aad.- further. '
Baked Apple Charlotte.—Piece
waat a atripe oa r. ' •ad d( twd
be all liehi''*' of buttered bread loraetcata
brntdlha: tbeeraler
the l■.tcmu of a bnlteTed mould.
to the lour.
ppieeovertbu. eoHakUng will
rthlBf bard aad .
■ I never beard of adeb a Ihlefr
aad clBoamua: thea add aaothei
"I am aot at all eertaia nay oae ever
ayer of the hread, aad *o oa aatU tbi
. / have had their day, abd eerved did. bat tbey will."
thter]parpoaa a thief* we have had
■ I* the Uird breadth to ba plate, Donid 1* luU. Cover aad bake elowly.
Old Siylr "Pan Dowdy.•'—Cover tbi
toaaBUtowarWwiUi. aadlada way alior
IjMA Ibey beloof to tb. ralaee of
"No: when the (bird breadth U Kittom »f a paddiof-dUh with pared.
woven i want at leaet aa inch of warp Awed apoles aa loch taick. Kpriokli
oat. right te tbe eeator. aad a| nckercracnbehairaa taeh: coatia
an aboal an. till they crowd cmr
iBtU (kedUh te full. apriBkliaf eu|
Uew a* thickly
wo have ao plaoe left
Uy«f. Hake oar hour, th.
|gr Ihebaai
•tUaL We are like aat^
cvTcred wjlk' a plate. Eal
----------- ...ea, with I________ ________
kyaad-by we do aot evea know bow
"What do yoa want the thread* eel
linked Apple*. No. .—Wipe andc
to aaka oar way throufb tbe debrt*
a doxra apple*, put iato
■ato a pnadiagpnddl
Bad ocataeloB. Weaeed awfal rovodlkb. All thr cavUir* with *Bgar; takr'
tomaaaBUatralfbtfora sew
a tabirapwafal of batter, the aaae of
dour. rwbMnootb. add balHaf water
‘■Bat, hWlla—" I aaid atala.
enuogh to cuvette appla.
RrteaUla waved one of bar deldly
rave aaytfalag ' nutai^ over and bake atowly.
like that; j


,----- .
- I —iw
covert-u wiiti
iWDU per »jwol lU.itead ofdunr
r. oa|HT.
oaiwr. A» you
ye roll il
Apraa* wear luui-h loiigei.if tkCilirui“ lok imoolb onbtoward
embtoward em-h i
I . tar •o-lrkdgr *b<ai;,t dm' and then Ur rrr\ carWul to*makv4 .cfi-aJiV. ;aad tb keep tbr. odgr* rv,
' Hull .frarteailT «nr brrwHi oo af<
arMi to be of more durable
* abiubnr. Irarrag Kmallrr piri.-ea. au
Ibaa the aaraod wear of Bor a
time rrqulrrd tdgri a
• 1*1.1 l-iu Ihr Uht pin-e n» Uir»e!^g«
pet to thr wrtrrr will mead many ut *„ ,t , onr..ll. Thru pul pwsy in
Ihr g*rmrn.t. to'n uj*. - Th.-o- a,n ,, ai r. warm>!*«• for arvrrai d.ii. or
n-th mradlag arr .Dot oflrn klroBg , wr-k. until ruilrrlvdrv. Tbra if il
ough for rarprt rag*
Tnr hrtl.-r j,,. Uren l•^<•^r■rl^ haaillrd. I. . . thor.
•ce* will hr In order (or
jr pairbr.,
p*irhr>. apj
ooglil.r daiai
daiau lusl aud almKiILIr rolIrd,
Bguod lOgralB w.ll br m»n- *.l*.(*c- u ,h,.pld . i.inr ,,fl laiUou. aud imi
'dall Ihlngaoonaiderwl.cheaper the
.I...'.-------- tkrrbihvurte
AbinvurteA-r and
<-«>!i*h ll seem* for grown foiUv
iingviHod by iraaiog.
earr three rornei*.
»lv lachcaraAh
.acbcarnAh ’f„irpii*
'f.,*ils I* to rmo ai. •
. when caught why am n.n. I
ll *ilk mu*l be danjpeord
Mae the enried prraon of ijito-k
•r. Try a .-naif pirre *
.Ill regret id that jira'g, and if "uu-r
i-r dura'aol
dura not spot dr <ti»<ti»- -


by ul.( U>. t-o .h?i-; ™* -lO O,' ‘"I -PP'« -

|Mte (2 flu. Few of aa ever clear out
iaaka olthadtettvaateg thteg* of Uti ___ ____> only dlffen
la acAar that a bettor actloa may uk. ahnt^ Ur.iagb oa

-|>iog up ibrir.rA|m
Scolding only .adite to tt
'Tribanr ’ aaya, the
forluae.hul Ibrhabilual •iN-iA'.rr ouiHit
in.-Ill II, iri-ommr'ndrd
U) Bad aomr depriTBli-m toln.UAt iftkal tnllowiag
will makeup thrlmw. and leaAalgia Heat
Ural a frpr«taa
taklBg.—Ko'iii J'-‘irn..l.
^ cl.iih; then wcl • mr
. , .uaful of I
.. .
. lay ibefac. .m
Canng for U;blKma
wrap'lb.- hrad in Hauiivl.
A boa of ribbon, to which one mac
J when retrimmiog ■ bat or boaerl.
sWl 1. Oghla Vk .ogra.ri .r tLrrer wbea wwotlag a tni for Ike aack or curprtibwi.r .A.BVrbirol rug* (,>r lai ,
0- a baw (or ilrA-uratiou. 'i> a rrrai ,p1ui-*w
r a 'b tbe ......... by frtegirq,irenlrncv
unra t;,,. ,.„rprl i-al l.iach. w IVaorl.v Uu^may harvali
-------------------<f ,l.>ob..'c tbr fringe pan with aamiic of
ahe eaaretiwaB bli uf rare OB wbat abv/tari .vrItePn and tie ibc fnapr te
.Iraady ha*, and takvA advantage of an' g,„„; rd towmla
Uit,b tbr ravelinr*
uaaalimal aalr u> add a yard ur two aiI lu.k laMCMand tavirti Ibru betivrra
new ribbon to her ilorw
n,,. i
When ribbon te ukra fram a dnwv
bonaet. It ab-mlil be amo-rtked a;
There u ao Oood.
t. all teWa-aualird. all raacitv rip-n
Botblng jo*t a- gAsaf a* Ur.
prd topireei . THv ribbon* ah«a1d'hr I in/ * -Ww lVic-«reiy/ofC..n*nmpt*OL,
—----- -1 .wllb a warm iioa. a pl.e-c of
logbi. aud L-.MiA. an dumittid .land du
dean cloth bring laid ovyr Ibr ti ll permit thi dei'.e 10 lell you a«nr
ribboB to avoid ai^v ^WAible Mmifih- altwtilole. II.- will not claiio there l>
• uvlhlogVltor. bjl in order to: make
•hlnyr appraraace
appearaacA- that Uir
the llIron giv-.-a
Arirtit fie aity elaim -anmelLing
ribbon ahoqldaiumv* be prvaevd I
Vou want lir.
.mlbe wrung .We- If li.ere ate —iled King'* New l•i~'.>erf^ bW-auM- yoa

*1 kh. A.v„,T.l r.AA.-T .trn.t.
A.rani ka,.,!.. Bir*.

eraiii fiapids & Indiiii E. i


^ gL A- PETERT'y'4

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Eta

Horseshoeing and General Repainng Done.



m.aiili rail llrm ai'.und i
I of .liB rardSoard; do
p., ,U affrcllora .>f Tbotet.
them up te limue-paper. aad pnl tbvm , j-ij;;;,,'
IB a biix tkat yon keep for that par- I
-poae. II y-oi wraito on tbe outoidr of | Trial
the pai'kag. adrtorlpli.oaaf (far eoa i j„ ,
teat*, il will *avr you a grral d.-al of ' i___ _
While ribbon abon
wrapped la bine paper, aad ii w.
then tarn rellow
Velvet rib'*m. i(crw*b»d.ahoii'd,he'
irrated in the (ollnlflng way: llrcab
It carefully, to remove all dn*i; bare a .. .
hot flat-iron, a-.iv. r it with a w#l-cloth. ,
Ik'ea hold the velvet on It. the ba.-k
»ld» aeaitheclolh. aoihav .Ike vteain ; p,.,.
Ihnnigh Ihr tille. fAVIo-ii.g it,»,....-. .........
toalmAwtitiorigiaal braoty. In f,.,.i-i-r-..'•--e- ii.,.,.i ■*log to pift H avray, (old it liglii.v, pavbid cruahiog ihe pile, and hmra ll* ; i j.» * . « f.
PleuAou OwoAAO, 8a^I paper between-the jhs^ J-i'i;-'^
r..i- 'a»i '.itLL*
i®*y City. Detroit, HowKlbbnni cared
laat mnchloBg.e.thaaif.pnl awi
ub Arbor. Toledo sad
all tbr wcleklra te ibcin. aud th
care will aa«e much fnlure «
.I- '
polntt BsAt And South. Close

*ioST*TwV. •


Stale St., «or Uiiioii.




Bargains to the front



thk weak. We bare marked
a low pno* oa a IM of good*
to rioar out aarpla* aUek> Tbe yvar'a bhriaaa* MMt ba
aqaartd up at (bte Uata aad
(or other reaeoa* It it daalrw
bic to aoavdrt thiag. late
nady c**b.
If kaooklag a

connection* At Copemieb with

^ "You most have aome ob>rdt in >U ' Baked Apple Bolla.-Roll biacali
tkU|___w*dld JOB mind telllag me what cruat out very Uite; oo ibla *pi
pje* cut quite thte and flar;
NatataU. It te (or my norib roam. -dirngk. aotbatitwUl form a
-----------’• and
■a ao .aa
peBelrato*.'evan in aam- | roll,
aai place la a BBi
hav* had toaoatoadtseoatoad W* at* afraid
aad tbe our window te akadrri by Ladd a 'AitUe water.' augar
rid'* jadgmeat Wc waat it a trae.
>e. I havrpalalad
haw paiatod Ue cailteg at
a aad bake, berrr te allce*
M know why
-*------never . richh aream.
aream. the
the aide
aide walU
wall* aa bright
brighti with
> with butter
butter and *i
weaiidafl la briag groat wriina, givat
rratl yellow, and Ue baae-boarda raw urn-: liqoid ........................... ........... ................
dr-1 her. wlU a au.pirlon of yellow. eBOagk augar. a braUo egg. aad a plat of
lain I to glvr a golden Uni to rvllev* the ' log water ponrrd over Ue
.why they look the hatUe-bow the •ombtrara*. I have aarii eurulnr of aad niter: flavor to Mate,
vellow. and UiSfiirBltarr te my writ'
tat de>k of arbT^aokiaM- of the name
To thrae wa* adde
Home Bawtegthat hiatory wall* to raeortf te lb* oae material, aad aa argon aad cabinet of
_ .....................
^ faet of victory or AateaL hnecea* black walauL I* It aol plain that a i ,1'erhap* wiU the time gained (ram water. TBI* mutlor,
ordai^: whathmaadU ar did not carpet all the hura of tbr taiabow 'oUer aoureea the' accaaloasd hired
Ak WWat he became. bb( what he aaf- would be. to toy the Iraat. bad ta*ter" avwlag may be dohr at home. ~
t»aapA«.eful ef'aaltaod a t*r
that te an
I wa* aot aatteSed that 1 could iffAird th* woman wbo -dAudrt kaiiw
mlor; that Mali It nay other, nalll 1 rrad of criariag will Had a.way If ebe will.
Having a Alt sugar were added. Tbe
browa with japealea aad lye. -tea ’ giod-pattern and a plain dcaiga, let
eTrall. Agiple*. bring muck
cewu worta will color tea TnQBda.‘tbe: nrr take bceabear* la hand to preve
lady aald: an 1 got tea ceat*
rent* warU
waeU of: Uat ••What
"K-hat maa baa done can by *man
onaiderably more tngar Uau the
had aank ao deep la tbe eaahloaa 1 japoaiea. It looked to me woederfally uedaoe- OarfaikiUlak ba*t to
•oaol Baed' (ur aprieota.—>..a
•mly maght pan of her proAle "Kev like catoeba or catch.
1 waabad my ' leri gooda good-of thrir kted. i
•r atlad what btetory dora or doo* aot
hitol. *1.
aaaodrtbat wllli
all Ue drag wa* d^
Ao, or what Ue judgmeala of the teerld
1. leaving Blaewo .
May. I« we. a* hamaa baiag*. have a.
te ruga. Tbe 1a 1y ai
1. akirto to tboae < imea who depend oa
. Awarded
a tk* color te juat i
Atelteajt^^lay wiU each oUte. aa
. .aad Inf grace, teeware of a faabioa that or
I'al raaBlU.b*tateadeavo^ We
lIUoBof the idrala which |baA la Ue dye. added eopperaa aad uoaned Into looklag eiUer new <u
awve gwvcrand In aasthat-a life. It k . put theta oa the (race to dry when I dlSereat to atyle. Shan aaylUag... .
MaOBAateece,ordteclllBgaa aorraw jhad tbeabadel waatod. Itwaaafaal proaonaod egect. elm yoa maat dia-'Mihb^aeu alewe, er faatlfyteg oUera jeolar. a neb brawa. )ntUeUlag.
t .-anl it* half woea. or be kaowa
th tWIr wraag way* of dotag. H.emBB-lput tea pound* more te It aad n came by .vonr rIoUiag
■pie of rimdt* lighter. Jtilll
^|^«^«*Mndteg- IltehruadUa^f.wU.*^pteofrim^Itehtrw.
biaad^ wearea
arrare. iarc nevra oBt ef
marh dye left and I told mv date, and glee baltor ____
am door neighbor abe oeald aae ii If iy good*, which often mm
■Matereal dtraetioa aaoUer meant abr wiUed
SuBee to My ahe eolored yoar money for qariity. i
epnorb for a bed room rarprt wlU Ue atyle.
ilariag (wo *Mr* of yel-' Uaoda may be mad* ap a* amart a*
I bav* an art aqaar* of: uac cbouae*. bat a* tbev are to be r*-'
-kdMraagUto comfort while itlifm. rag earpet u* my
r pnekat book
bi^ (ortmde made arreral
arrerri time*, ptea uo ithd garwlany oihw kiatli far my "yaller room." tare oack Hma ia kavc Ua*
aa old lady rail* It.
I sire a* doaatetaat irlU geamiaeBaml dt
Tnree week* taUr I raealvad a vbit j I* gaaaraUy kaoWa that cloU of a very
(ram my carpet wrarer.
"1 caut* oa I Sac Uraad doat aot glte kaog aarvtre.
Parpoae toarabow that rarral looka." 1 aer stiS eloU wlthriaod wrteUc* mad
leracha. la miUteeey let te. matorU
AmmUdddarier tmralkow.aad rat ae lYiteteUe room aa the aaw it. 1 Imva'begaad. Ura wear it aatll
ApMt Crwie Crmm cTTirtv Ponte.
.0 bow tbe wall* have barn treat-; ford aa I
1-or batter.
Mimt people
---------OBly oar own aoramalailoBa hava
awaapad na. W* do aot waat aympa


X. AK.E. By.
Oen'l Para. AgU Tuteda

EitmiDilioii of Teacbm.






Tba carpet. wUh
la a gte garMcat tea te a
V ah« yaUowaad Mwtra hatdar, i Moraiy aaw am*. BodMahMHd boM-

.......... ......................................

•aetme, .'in: eurrat.ioeM. pat*ial"C aad

SOTXtlx Biae.

Oaala. Ofooax*.



i> a*etM* «<*a*la?«?'te*tor>uai wUl te
ante ter (Mte «ra*i eentBeaM. ate m
mat. tor I Hite rmde. act le mu teiew m

B4KIN6 Liebig

........ ..
40 YlaJa

aboald DriXtey baylag. Oood
groeartaa ar*. aot alway* a*



•0Re‘ .•


dag* qaieUy Uta
aboold baa ll

The aerie* n' tvl lie Tl'aairsilOB* vt U*
:fZ II toaetel*
A.I l.raoO rravaraa •aun/, lot t*e






ra Extract of Beef.



That tbe best place to buy anything ta the line of Hard­
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire, Bam Door Hasgen. F^int.
Refrigerators. Ice Cream Freezers, Gasoline Stoves.
Fishing Tackle, and in fact emrythm^in die hardware
line, b of W. J. Hobbs. Coi^ aod she me and I wOl
prove this statement.


For Quick Rotum*
146 Front Street

TraveneOty, UicL


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