Grand Traverse Herald, December 31, 1896

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 31, 1896


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


tbr mamerr at »MdU aiad | ~ t"

Urb ^ H paper. cm«aAM«
tbi tariaat to Iba BMllal N« M

aqaarea. Ladtaa toeh tbaar cute to ba
laall-aiied •ate-eapdr. aad aelad it
fia^utlBc tor. aad ibr*w -pecfartlT toeely.'' Se rwi ww ibr
■witUarV aaUeted for daa»adtbal tkr atoUoMr iMBd it de- .
r Ibraito aesaeb
f WAA BM dl&alty.
ikB. br Bred- ,
•waa tlmacbt, the
idra al aa rarelopi pieread thaatotktoT< w op ^'lonrliiBriySrMrd la a>aa by carri^ off tbr ^bm boaun er'i braia. Ur bad tbato eat by a
rmpiaUaBtaiPrad for Ab« ar »f b» cIbb. Bad bi. ibUlad baad prr- ar^ pla^ aad^cyt WM tbe
:i»adytbiebaac«.prany Irft wbea iret f"PBrd furlbrafrd dnetor a drllcalr
! 10 ihr ilorr: bat rarely .----- •■- -----------------------------------------------■>. .
operatloB tbat
to aaaiitoetata tbear Proto
lau faeciaaiacB caear tbta iadoctor Alwmyi.***}- ••11*'“
iT^or portaai braaeSof tbeatatladtoT batopi'i'Y df bnllrr or Uid. for it mraat a ' So. yon Me. Doctor Bra
£^Uae\^ilO(> aad kiM> u
u old
aid —____
bia " jail Ibr aoBr.
like ae. ud nerrr Urei ul uUia«
nriBory of Ibr • roortire" lo •wreiraH.
lewtrylec Wr^y lar tar>rrklB( ABpatioBU Af hii adapted BaUrr'>
Wbro iBby Joba arrlred. Bee
How Boyaae an Uhaykt.
•r boeir l.w the corrrrUon of ki>
*"we?l”lel mr• Wll yoo Ibr itorj of hb j
h'Tm^ "iLd to
laaBf^ Ufr. asd
loay rerral tbe lacprt
^ ^ paaaeei
naaacei for
lor a
eoUc aad a?T taaby'a j ?••»»
bit toadi
lio that toav ot Ibapi an
ill! and aoaadly br...
brrmle.1 If br iraA Ml;
why br layi. -| «Wc All l->J0u.-------- IMootopA^ to b*l>v
darUat" la a I
A Mmnrr day wai fadiiur pate ■ able u. keep -»o«'i o.
tbferirra Tbe eery dread of delaeiBtry. wbiefa i> -b • baib of ali
raalful iwiliebL and Uir 'ured'woi^ Brrpriaal srood haiaor.
toabcA It bald lor tbeia to bald
ArrebuBreani tuuad. Masy uf
Maar-» Tbe New,Verb Trlbaae
--------not Tirratork., bat thr per
,iiare early B,ora.aif f ' • • - baby Joba all JJir rejected iffn-iie
•ly p-iatrd aaaoooaat of lomr of
fniaca of flowm U ba» couatrrfr>lr>l — waya la wbleb aaeh toea (M tbraAt work la thr bnck-yi
_w ; orrtelolr hire draplicd aay aonal
or o Brw ...WB^My
.t «o. •elm lato caatody.


MOiTBiY *ro ±a0.a:n.


* l^eil

b i^^&^i.rss.rr^^’s;:-

T«*VCM( City. - Miohi**

^y~ —.—•
'i,Si I^Jn^'

fire Insurance!
-- .............


■ ■-......


prompt, cakful



raADAOs K/ack •
rf»rrr»rCil^. fflet |i

Oera«r Vrest ud O

L)o ^qIi
■p- g t;AMiyPJ.-y»r «»t^l to yro>»l»'




irwor-- old Vl

' I h&70 «pplM lor oalo lo any qnantlty from a buahol to a
ir load, and in priooa from 20 oenU a bnabel up.
‘I will atoro apploB in barrels at 6 oenta per month or IQ
snts par barrel for tbe season. PoUtoea in' lots pf 1000
bgah^ at S oenta per titishel for the season. I have Bweet
Cider for sale In any quanUty at 10 cents per gallon. Includ­
ing barrels.


tWMMOkoabvlo •<


jD‘^‘ asiK'.'fe's.Ki:

And Oyster Depot

J. A. Sny^,
------------------ 1





uffrc 111

— .tre'yan in need of a
eaMAdM «o t'om

Oonofol ofirrm..


type !

Chest Protector
Chamois Vest?


Snrreyor and Civil Engineer;
li£nu BoUAiw.’ri

: Caroatiuiis •■<


We can supply you. Now thenf if you want to sace money
let us sell you a 50c. 75c or $1.00 Chamois Skin. Then take
a look at our madcup stock and make one yoursell.
^’o'u^s for health and warmtli.

lae FmovT.qnxsr.


Merchant Tailoring.
^rties desiring anything in the line of f)rst>class Merch
Tailoring, wil] do well to call upon the undersigned, ai
special inducements are l>eing offer^ to all intending pur


: alwayt
iBrlU to me of............................
bald w
«. wiia iMubrd elpU»A. to ,plu
'to bral likea Qtol'
; letter ia ttar Nrw Orlcaai Til
(prlmj »«rk. liMlifS ele*« to o«- «'»'
u> tk«P whoM <-ioUM bmd b«-ii,^J'^ o.T*r lorr>l
were the tiflicr. at B B»blnfU'o,
ibydoyo.idfct rrrr UdUea coaieiaiaf
____ _ Alor ■
il> of the CAll
can irllfraoi
tell tram thr I rrfuiari of »
■ruBcewea wrrr rua_____ baadllay cj the caOlootA
oocy fur ihr I
aiy kaowB
baowa ^- Oowm
.nr ot IbcM
rn I^cr^Be«r..h ijk. I lebUer belt Aad Hea bad looy
a bloMOBi
laer-ketUr tor Uir
>»f. lab-.catbkt'wai alwiya larrd Ic
alar. I la ban. er wayoo. aod toaay a alytat hr'


L.«tW filioA.

»bu OajI sat
— k‘-

don't -no lAll m____ tiinip-ruo» B«BJ.

>». Th..-»...u.-’™™.-l,i.fl,. TU.


li ihp wor»l only ' B »liehi ai'Hlifi^stiun brio|r rr

beaa relrsAod troto Charltotowa prtaaa
»mr tltar briorr.
Tbr drlrrUm ooatlolad that the
taxa WBA pniad of btoarfariooi calllBK.
and bad hrpi tbene areoeala of hil
" '.........
li, ®» be lt h»». lo ruu wub B chil*'. quiek pepoepuoo. ■» piri- ■b«' BBHie iMbs ba tsiub. cbrro..»ll, , ■uik. So lara arm they aftbla ttot
»► "°«
Ap«Bkiwr. i«AM«.li»|ruiiABhJp tb«y «mtod \ia>. aad by aaaM of
A Ion; ipall Wforr br't turr)t kp
■ lriila<t'A dMDAO't,. »IU A liipbiBsd fr«iu it
Monk h obtAlBwt B
to biA b«el»"'
plBiri dmitbr bBd rtBulToS lo bar« > plind of the nuKk dorr tbit n«aA ibr
pmAlBP thpBi >tni bB'drr. hBd mid»B for«tAof crmnii A.ii
Alter aiafrivbkrrT la Bow Ywk.
Ben-»r bBlUc th»o .■oinri.'.n »nd Kpn'i, KthAn«l ..ib ei,» n. IruitMh^ir dili- yean ayu. the deUeUraa potieid
Ibk homr* of Ibc- parly, a row of
liiT bad bc«B
ot iuB.'tii.e. BBd'fi.Hi« llit.w*
Thrre arp kuBdrd. o* tbr priat af a bare tool la Ibc daat c«
whobp Croat door, wery^
^ir rm«> aad o l.-n baby Jrts had loit Ihp flar piu- 1>.pm' ciiU. ind vr.-ry oapof tBrn van
hr top of tbe eafr.
ErideBUy Iba
littK port-hL-A,
inc-likc, chrrHui , ..'a > ,□(. Aheb-'.-tiwd ll«a of itpa'iinp I- poMatopfrilP.!. an tbpy arp chnalcal birl badrlltobadapoBtaraateto rxAbady
KTodi-d Ui tsrry oil tbe ■'•linpi'undA It dot«a'l ^y Bay IiNierr iBlaa loBr buxn oe a ibaU oretted.
bad bpoo tbe u-rr> r ..r hm l'> um- real tniit Nyrnpt for Mida wa^
lie footpnat abowed a drfaraad toe.
tbppoba all of Ui-b cAn ba iBlImtpd
ad wbra oar ol the delacUrat mw it
Ijoioxly lalkiaf. AO^in Ibi-doorway of
Bim tn ibP
eor-' artllclal
rthrn or bv oiixiarri. of r
r^'iwadlap alia
onr ta old Aoiaan. whiM Kiiir. drSaaf
"VTaU. Ftoh Daly waa om of Iba
fiCP aid not birr thr .-ffr.-i of sui.-krn
rcate ADd pleaJmy i
of ao ITAil.
inrnt cotom^lil _____
aar. aaibow "
little frilo'v
ad, with wi1dr<lfra-.
iio'v , lup way of AB inifl'-ldl lUrorinf ii ra
rUb Daly wai lookad-ait aad aoraa"^i'lird
*rrn>» »y •.birr ryiry
■:• hr njullrrr>1 ■
.-.aif.'Biaq biiold rap. hr tbe pric of raaiUa braai
laa aad
likriy ’^••Yo^^Jihto^ to work ata Job Ilka
.. >d. kouwine kiW biKlory. wr euuld .•All rni" aaif.'t
ud' sad
lad iraik
UBAk iI to dnre them nai of tbr
that with rearehoaieS.' tbi daueUea
aol dear it ir. turd •!.
to Sr iprrd.
lafectariny aald. aad Daly, fiadlay blaaaU ia tt«
Irll UelW wtib Ui. wlfr Bad le tbr yard, bdH
d dad.
flad, tito-!
il ol
ot baniai.
nil uf pior applr. o
tnlli. owned ap aad told who bh ■■podl''
e llro. hiA.btAia Ulird wilb All Ibr uolil ikorouyUy tired, aod
> prar. ai| of appir. oil uf rakpbrrry.
I drraBh of woiiih Bad bippiarw ••rll far raeafk away tu rreU.
Aurrii* «M lo»ecurr IbrBi
lap la brr fac . karricBto tbipoticrl
... . Thr
___ rkraUto
.-.'mUlA koiiw
kouw- how to couater
bit wife h»d dl»I ot -Nhip frrrr
lied Ifrit
I frit....................................
liellcaoiil. which lAthraoor p'la
aad wkro Ja>- -latioD aod triJi brr b.ffhly-paiiilrd
oaly a werV fra n kunr.
la the aaUi
lie of
.. lotir
.. _....
milk. They atou make
and hiNlitilrf .. yrar-oid boy liadrd ielrol«ronSil..threrr^ol.whula-vnpl
of ladia. tbrstoaaya ipaetoeli may be
HIT a bit of ^ild wa« -Um'U hiimro to laa^ tbr arrr>t ai' chrk- acid, which Ia
•f a botcbrrw iruliqr • ftea ot
A rreeat icb
.. ..
Id ttar iky.' and hi. ooDBAthr bar I. found, and. with all ' Inaiia
Ue hit kaadi aad eat^itiatwe
heart wit ai brarr ai thr konbrt
I a^uokr of bte katto. beU. ^
. bar to d>tbr bollc acid Oar of tbr' remedlea I
olonde that Acre Madiav Ibr palliap
yool aod
id rbeamati.m ia xalirylle
• Lara opiD Ibeai lO'luriouhly Lhil br lutr dnaaoded.
T'ur arwaiprrad qoirkly amoay the alao It id rrrr Bar
A-iroely ibcllrf
ibrllrf IU.r clluiiuf!
I a-Arorly
noya, and yoor felhcr. Ibrn a buy like
Fonorriy il a
ut Ibr lub uf Br<xe.>iiy krrpe Lbiag>. Mill, ,'iia'r raaoiby tom-with tkr tad i wiateryTocB plaot aad
baada are boay ia ahapiay it.
■ lay. BOd Joe fuuao a totordiat' -.u-ry lliil eilrred mr oi try aod aarc . rarirtira of a liiuiia. aod war eery uoal Soue carproter bold* wlU hSyraat
. . ..AC. Bkrrr fur a bit extra he ba.1 tkr Hra from tai h a On and v r went to ■ ly. At prearnt it U Btodr by the toa. I rUr boarto ba S caUlay, aod Ua
ibc arvtckcd biiaeand fuuou
f.iuou Ui.t Ilea and tocairrmriy efarap-toorbrap. in
boy orrd for whilr hr wax at work,. ihc laraer baodlr. bS toob m wall
Aod. belDf d tbri^ fcUuw. lu a fra bad eut rclurO'-d atul llrldyrl firia le : fact, iaaamueb aa it la frroly rmployrd WiU hS tom aa WlU kS fiayara.
yean bi- bid urrd i nouc Uttlc >ua Of
TbS am of «M (ret to aaaSt Ue
----------—fully hid lea i
.-C. I I.cri>ig ilhad an little effect, we picIt klllaUir tocteria that pruda.-r dr- baada in their labor S pot, Spwaeor.
.tontly wurr,
to brr tbr diayrac' that wogU ’ compnaitlon. bwl lo thr atoiaarb it de- Ur mne rmalt of praeUeoebot It S
11 mark joy AA
Itarll to her
art awn boy lu bare a !, ati
atroye the diysUrr fertBrato. Bad oe part doe to Ue (act Uat U* HtBAon
iiykt feel is a toirrr “took I-ttach itael'f
la dlfterppt (ros eara la is a^to•
.naif orulbrr ia
That i
' to tbataoroaol It la iaiariOBi to btoUb.
make ber warcraad we qnkki) bryyed [
*Tto”rrippP. Ikal fuc uf health that
*ne^k^^tt^HlBdae. aad Uaarbriayaeu much uf huarvacke. bruunbt nrrloyire liim le aa. nod allow oato'
CIltBblny E
rn of Ue faaok of Ue fiaoL psre tor kirn lilbodt tomliliny her a»d
Joe a diffrrrtittaiapeto tlial oryu.
..._ .............
Blrpbaato are able to make 1
for eo aouorr kad Bnayri McKaddeo^
Ur tom^^T^ ^^^SMMwSlit^
I way up aod down owaatalna
Ihoa BOtify tbr p.nice
brea laauulcd lo IBr lick buardii
Tbe yreat ue <u to meead (raaly la
the arxt day [ tbr>'oyb a ruiatry of iterp cliffa w
bouae keeper'a pla^. tban ahrraauli
aod aa
U dlnwiloBB. ari tto fiiat aad
I.. Q Bro wai broByhl to oar home. • ' moira would aol dure to reaun
fiyurr. erra where mra '
find' paaaaye difflcall
,'Uiprr, rayyed, forii>ro little *
atory waa Their Iracka hare beeo fouad upoa the
u. bia bcert thrauyk irrmbllay with (ear that
aioeb aeirmat UabwofUa ton
re a new ^ rrry aommita ..f iBOBataiaa orrr aerea
the atoniacb of tbe aciirr Bra. who
ad two laeSm at Urir artrasltlpi
WBA ber Tictim at oace. fur di-luyr ol
The anlcalatlsi of tto Up S aSo
lircukfaal. a bath aad cicaa clothto. I
la tbeae joameraan elepbaal it ofloa
uir Bad cake wpold bnnra boy tbronyh
and a lony afle'riioou ia the play-nxjm. i coaapelled to deKead billa aad tBoBB- pacBlsr.aod US raodsa Itaaaisto
ctiaaed all (ear array, and made blta ' ula aldia whl^ are almoat preelpitoaa aarUetomlB baodliayUaok)aMaky
oBabllay tbe Hladeo toaHlaa aqaatbroayht 1 lerrr tbxt waa ao catrfully ueatle aa eloac aad laayb a* merrily tA TkU It Ur way In which It la done.
Auy of Ue boya vaUered atoiui me for
Tbe elephaot-a flrat omairerTe U to
aunrd by^ridyvt. that the wai cua■
kBcel down cloae to thr decllrlty. Oae
aldertd qaite iadUpettaablr to Joe a -.tariri that niyfal
A lawrer drew np papna. and 1 call- liwe ley to tbea eautiOBaly paairf orer
bappinrar. aad broad thr niU Bridy
ed oa Joe. whea at work, toaiya them. Ur riye Md a ahart way dowa Ue
el were maTTied.
raufolly Uaoked ua for the-alopr. aad it br fiada Uerr It aoyood
jI UeraadsBlora laqr« PoV
inlrre.1 we badI Ukca
UkcB ia h>»
bir deaolute
dotolute tpil
rp>t (or
for a firm foothold be
br toram
form oar ---------- booae aeaa aeksd to pas jady
amai apoo a suaecript for aoeUs
hiid. and cheerfully aerawleui Ue by tUmplay into Ue anil if it U ■
Il tbeapi^^blt of rarirty aa coa name ^t yarr Bee aafely iato our nr kickiay out a (uollay It It to dry.
•epiny uatfl be waa
wat IweatytoBe
» hca br
be i. aure of a
yood ‘f^iluu.Id.
'%• trulay. iaSaa be had bayaa
ited lo bia Aral wife be could bare urepinyutil
um too
bS raadlBf, asrdwaa ant op. aod
loo quick ^bad -we —
bera. •-'•a.-.afor j Ue oUar jeer l-l. ----------a. A—
. _____be pel fm lua____ Ue rsitor prorad to to Ua author
Hr bad bad ao aerd of ttar Iralbrr
larry aad all tbeeiraaoa to oo aac tame work orer ayaia wlU bU feeL
bell ia brr day. aad coiafqri i
irafrtiipda. dto hprriad,mu>»d Ben to be mimed alroady. and tarlaytay boU foreleyi a little la adliatoi aad piacr were alwayi
an a few daja Hrtdyi-t told Joe that eaoce of Ue firit foothold. Tbto Uarea
ABCC. with alwayt "a lliilr la
star waa yoiay to yiee Hen uaoUir ^ placm all rmdy made (orUe biad
a raiay day."
le Ue dmk aod bad aconUy door ao
So, with oerer a paay of rrmorar. br
Now.-braciay bimaelf ap by bit buye.
tea bS collar wu adslttod. dftor
nabuckled the bell aad laid il in tbe
atrony. (ore* leyi, be drawt kU biad
e eaU waa OTS-. n U
Up af tbe jablUal Brtdyet. wboar arr Ben bad bad laaocb triala from Irym, firat one and Ura the other. f*re^ the lltofory cdtk
daaciay eyri Joe thonyhl were bnyhl .ler. kad informM her be bad alyard fally orer the cdya. where tber oecnpy
wiU the prropecl of koorohold IreaiUe Ant plaeiB made by Ue foe« fart.
are., lo he happily went to LU daily
protoll, laklay with.him lo much of >>y UCff quite A yood character, told of Hod- raedt all the way dowa. rly»y. kaeel
.tbeian>ly •«>■ failed
|J«T time "ilb »k* two al^ |rya
"Ob. yaa. 1 ban yaoa at sy writHUtrtto Bridyet wai dated with
loy aniB Joat fiaSbad aosaUiaff
.yaod (onaae. but the rUloo of Miiue;ieti
Ue oUcr day aod asrtod it eo Iba
w Uieya la^hto (aroroalyW-1
,Tj ^d^Uit*?i^r uLafSiJ!
roaoda Bat. Otaoi Seot: WhatS tbo
_ it waa for Ue boy a yood Ibul I
taappaaeaosaidloLarbodaso'b,- «ri .b. ™ off fo. ■ 0.7
kpow (won aboat the aobjaet, S Mb-


b,v.T.'r“. s;™-:,


it: |

moadt aad eome 'I
aid aad pearl aetui
tolae-ahelJ cocnb. t

.«UR( OmlKutdFmkf t«mtii|.
! MtW^laaMsBt.



Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

The Clipper BicifGle

•cmat faraUhiara coo.d complete tbe
da; a ibopplay
Uacb famhllay of tbe yema la ber
pocket aod deelarioy to bemll ber
ki^oem la Ukiay that yood-fer-ooUlay Baa aad treatiny his llkf ber awa
-Ua sesoiy ol a aooad wtoek aa, a
yood-hy ia Ue soealay WBA alteyeUer
aarolled h« poekayea and daaaed a
ertamoa wnaper and aose jewelrr.
Ue waa ao AeWh - 1 wiU kemU that
Ue weatoataac
limUe rockto oa

for business and pleasure combined. (Htm
-.1 Ua BceUBy wbea
universal eatisfactibn. Call and see it Bold by ^ hirM a h i'"f eold^Mppar." aad


yiB eradlay tbea iapedeal lettaca
taoBAtiac of hit aaploiu aad of bia eaay
nespr troa their clatcbto. Tbear lottrn be Beat lo duiaat potato ta br
taailed aotoe of tbato abwtod: bat the
letrrtieea omead the* all bark to'
thanblya. aad by aM by amatod Ua

*A‘ti^aewaanbbedlBa New Vvb
aa. aad tbr barrlar. beU« ehaaad
lwapr.'lcrara.da.ppadtba aakebal
.. whii'b ba eanlel bliyklL Atoar
with thr tuuLA
wereSrrml aew«.
aewi.-w— there
tarrr werearrirai
'•'YppiOK b».-U lO uow lo oil ibki piTn w (be nM >u frAeroBor
------ Ob looklarihcoronr. tbapo-'
Ib-e foaad that they bad oat tblay ia
a. each of tbew oaatal^ aa

-k" “I
OJ.P .k.‘.


’jack of my roeker, amde her ym krr '
teeth la aoyer. aad abr marched away ,
darkUlayc '


mpoiimi marempea noaoojowa

o the redeemiay ________
- ...... which tore beea mladiraeted.
_ yrowaup. moeented to racoiee _
. ......
It la resarkable how ao maoy eaeel■ ecled. maay larye first
la lotA of sewral thoaUr atory nf bit life familiar to Ues. mod at a I
they dM aot look lor perfeetaoa. aod | Tto cm
did oot yet it by dOT meaoa for the coa«n pm
haMlof deerieiay didat deerlop la a' nceieed which hate ntoimmly
day. Bor waa It eared ia-a abort time. . mMiroeud.
Maay a U«k amlyaed waa allowto to [ For iaataace. if a firs rom oat of anwall while to weal awimmiay ariU | Stooee aad haa a qtoakUyerrf eakalUeboynsear.aad saay a lasc chick-[opm left orer. Ue cdBaoman Uala
y bruak
. . will to draws oear tto
patlaoee. la a lapye seaaare. waa i edym imtead of a law pea a<
............................ 'mta»;beiaysadc <seaU emeple^ ■»
the doctor would aty. "It p
to it are aaap woya ia wUU unalopm .
to MoUed for haiUrm poipaaea. i
U a 1st ot all Ue peesUar ^aea w
«ma m we drire. aod
made Swoald fill a hook.
rally Mad aod affeettoi____
Ooeday the doctor^ wife quite loS
bfwpalieoce.aad m a paBto>-meat pat of iak. whiSaooUar kadatoryrqi.—
■- Uai horrid loom
of Ue Uty that bad beam badly disayid by


Uctoet that All bit kard uroed mooey
waa aqaaadand. doamt lead to make
a UrU sad «y eoly aaU Ulaya aa we
Uki to re^i bat aooayk waa a^ to
sake Brid^ row to to aeaa wiU bis
aad the «»f“ »


Ira. aodaUM ^||jsrii1 wlU a M

Tto yoTOTBSeaL of oooiaa. loam
' BoUlay la Uaae traaaaettoaa. It hM
bMd alnady paid far the esoalopaa



____ _

------- -

Uaakslly at Ua deU oe wbtob ba .
aad mid: •■PosIMy n.’-MaSto.
She had yWdad to the faartoation
Ue aew wiou ton. aod wa* at
aat a oaU aheto of Ua man adsead. Her hnhaad waa mmk mod
wly. aod Ueylind act eo r»omta

wa* rdM dowa to tbe aiab (ar aa
Hto raoched ap to tto gn horoer
aad laid:
M oadmUabodtoMlf ttoaPS
saattarabalspyn fo onrkm Put-______ .
The totomcii at Balt Uha CWy.tba .
eofMal ot Vtob, k. ipp^ertSp 1m

abiafte Bill at Cedar
■« and iBjnm anay
tlM^of OraaL
Jaaatr B. A. OaOoUsr. a woil- , ^ u. ' H. D. KlikirdiiB A Co.
Bowa eUiaaB of NorU^
Jnatt. Mia BllM Soia. aa
labB addtuU w kta tun mad cum
lUler of Alolra towaUla.
JaaaW. Me] BlMMoada Cedar Baa. iBBch reoBB-Bay Xawl^ cl HasUa
JaaaM. Mra X M. SadU of Fata
Oct-ts O U.HlUarboyaPnf.aMteat- lateent la Ua Basbr AtB of EaaLear loke aad arar rrteraa. afed as
Jalp A JasBle Fortoa ^ Bast Baj.
and repair abop of J. Pataader.
Kor. IS.
U C bklBBor Mila aty
'^rV Wat. B. Blair, dd raddasl
ewt acBod lo Won Lockhart.
KoT. Ift. W P. KeWaey lakMoatlra
nnofTBeot of bmIc boBaa—Joha
BMUaatof Maplotoc
UrZoaUapowtaharBaBabopoa UnloB
Jelpll. I). C Bra
rtraea—Arcble Oriatt opens a fanrbt
For tt paara a raaldea
»bopnaCbB»tr«et.-B. B UiaBopn
^Jaly It •
apbolofrapb falirry on Front atreat.
Roe. sr,. LmW yfsrllnr ol Kinfsler
atarte a BMt market oa Bast El^lb
_ir J.A.
J. A bayderrei_____
^Aac 1. ^9 Xamarrap. afad tS. ______
denul ^ion toUe
Maikhaa block.
r«-open> ble ft
**aS*s—Mra J- 8. Cbsaa. sf^ H.
u beildlBf.-Jol
Aw. It. Mra
U.' UuffBaatar. a
YohUh aod Peter UormnU atari
factory In
Is Ue
Ue Urellick block.
Bafbee A lluzburf
Aar. »u. Edward Aasorfa. afad »•>. anrtoerahip lo Ua drnf bseinrea
Dae. ts. Mra. E. M. Daniela and Ban.
a pleaaar of Ua rayloB.Uept. A Mra. BaariatU Booo. airad SOB A Soo f«t back la tbeir old o»artwa. repaired after Ue fire —B. AndereeabayaW.J. Mil.....................................
D. Alley bsye Ue Inlere
e in Uelr Barbie and g
I Ur dtp.
Sept. tt. Maad lAacaatrr. afad I
te Clly Laabar Co
Bapt-n. Mra W W -iaraard. afad
Ua Brat MV
maple fioortaf lor
n. at Beetoola. One
I addltiop U Uatr
Uan Ifl bolun-wwaabla.
iBtoa. old MV
0=1.7. Hoo. UarMVIi
„ laadlof
________________ it'ol Willlaeu.
awad u. Faoaral iOet. ll, av
>B. i; Kmldenaa
of L. H.
iBodad by orer lOo MeBiban ot I. o. U
ti Old
___ of tbe firal bei u bo|it ai
F. aad frirsda, from Trararaa City aod
burned. Lc



SiiSkiiW.'Ss;::.r«ktl. CWnCwttoM4«l» Anr
Iwb41e OulM.«M«kure(>r.

. **r.
Dr. J. W. UhsUM aai
Mi> BMi* Hill. M Milw.

'^'n. Uwri»UBkl«ttcr.(rt UkF
AmV ud Him J4UM U Bawm. of

Kmm> We»^ of bd JoekM.—B. C
tad Him tUrf
jiuSiBoirUod pev^H*
iniMB kxl Ml« K.Ue


Of f^.
Md Hte Matbu rBlrbBBtu.-B. T. £dwards BBd Via Bortha Aawar.

“*JdT?»-**OoM^ “•*»• o*

tor. ft. Jaa C Uaffatd. afed I*, of
•or. 10. Edfar MiddlBtoB of NerU.
ior. It.

Mn^^iuip XeUrlrk. a|

"Xewl'li^^oa Clark, a plooeer
tbe eoBBiy. arad TV. of paralyaia
Nor. to. Fiaak J. FaraoBa afad J.M.Uitcbeaok.afad4l.

aad Loais iBBls. of IMrolt.

RaawHB af Coder Baa
Dae. K. Wa. X. Irarla. afad So, of
'd.c ft Jew. Fsarlcb of Norrlirllle.

*^*?or'lrrls DlplsyW Hta UsIU

Mra B (1 Talar. afo3*’tt,
Osaao. Bart JobBM Bad Miss Fbb- at HanoaUaa. FtraeraS at Tiareiat
bU WolfaL-Rswue Btelardsoo mad
Mia Boa CkBsdjr. of Nsol.
OeLSI. MlaCbscai Kaola«d«
OoarvtS.Bv.^r-ofMoataUc. Tlwjr
Bl wnai oaaaoM.
wtU aabstboIrfBUirs' ”
LabBUn A Woolf diraolrr
Hr. Woolf wntlBaipf In:
ta feed ttora on Union airrel.
Jnn. 0. B. A Haallan of Mpara bny»
Ostn. WaltBrEalbaBdllka Ua
irdraf atora buainoMiuf KlnaldoFallla BWuirdtoa, of Xathpert.
(M.M. .HiaOecBL.>BltBBd
baya UalsW. Calvsr. of
dsriaBw^ whsTs Ua]
• Eratl Is Ur
Bf batlueaa.
Dv?a Bollaabaeh. of KorU
BiafaatofUe Aaarican ExpraM Co
bare.—Tbe Plano Hff. Co. of tt'ral
PnllBnn. Ill. laakMUk
___________ BOO. of L-____
Xor. » Fradariak Faber of tiUrar
talBuac^wXoT. »>. ioks Origa .pleaaar of
eatira aacota floor of Marnnaa wocK
“ ’bar. of Ckarle
aad Uta Ells CalUos. of Te...tia B A. Uaat
will bare ekargr
'‘tSt'lT. wniCrlap sad Mia Clsra of Ua boaiaMa
BaUs], tieU of WlUiaoubaBd.
Feb II. W.J. UMI aMlfaa bUdrj
Dac. tt. HUn J. (iUaan aad
aooda alack.
Fab ti. Chta BoaeaUal bays Ur
Dean. E a. BrdaaadVIaO.
W. J. Ud I stock of dtp foods
. fia H^U.
of Man^l.
Faasu bhattock Htf. Co. Ineor*
Jaa. & Kaifht aad MUs poratod ariU PIAOOU rmpllal ttuck



oltL Jaha Eaiisof Csdar. arad

Will baud at OBOa
Harek «, Aldrteh A KBboa^•o^

atora UrlrcloUlay boose to Xlodlllac
Marok 1C. Potato Plaster Co. b^na
Dm. r. - Mrs td^oaios ot Urawa —ork la tbe new taslorp.
Am BBddsalT ot haart dUais. s«ed n.
Harek >1. Dr.CorUn rsBOTM wiU
Dsa. fd. a. Siala. aa cdd rsaidaav
bUMUy loCalUaroia.
■ -«BS.a»ad7T.
A*i.l- H.JiJlU*»_opBoa-rbkydr
ad fawcal rqialr aSop oa Fn«l
Oaa.«. UUbertCBaFBoUi.aaroBBafbat bnyn fall earttoaai faraar of lataaT^
Uedrof kmof Haav
Jaa. It. Slebaid K. Bara^
tt. A wall kaowa ploaB>r of Ii
aad faUtr a< OUbsrt gojaakU.- _
vU IfccTla.of RerrtBrillZa^ ti.- Us past few day«: Mra^b.Jc
B. W.
X W. Osy.aidnatarof UU --------- I^Cbioaco aid .......................Caddy
_________________ _________________ alorr
Jaat raaaloB. Ue Baurprisr fioueip oc
capIraJ. (Halaberp-t atora east of Ue
ilrand, Ua Art Baaar
Freat atr^ pad 1
UaruM corn an opbolMerlnr a
Jaa-tt.; Hib. Om K. bekell
und band tiora roraer Union at
Bartlau, Bfsd tt.
Jaa,H. daddaa dsatt of Tbca-flas atraatn. lira. E!im A Pakl >
AJWBaU.ot ksart iailBiB. at %safs
r. lA KbnUoek Hff. Co. decide
BBoa fToBsda for Uelr factory, no
**wSit. Mrs AddiBoe WWta. BB a
old BenUey Bill aiu aad beftn work.
•atUar of Laalaaaw SMBtf. afad 70.
baaioel Anderaon Co. anperFaA «. Kalsoa C. 8bara»a. a arar
A Aadenoa -X Son. and Ue
sataraaaBd (dd rsUlsBi of Ua dl].
dbndek battdlBf It lenaed for Ue an.
DoacaM Ckralakael. a plo- darukinr oMablUbBenv-Kenney A
' lem leaee etore toraerty ooenpied
.. aatrof..........
d UrbUr ra^aetad
ddriob A Cbercb
„,ir. M. H..b. Trerelt laaaea Ue
Oolal WbllUf -Ur. Tedstan of BaBls:of„*Uao«..Bir^Bit aty loMtM bsre.-Hr. and Hn.
, Fob. It. Mrs. A. D. Cooper, afsd
- Fab. i;. B. B dlolaoB. aa A-Ubm Oeo. Haraball of Ue Xatlonal '
ItJiBt of TrmrsMB q». at lAhsAaB.
Mlaa Well
^Fa^tV Mra. Marp ll. Btarta. aaat
__ iseorpoenied
w capital
etoek-Tbe Blley 9
"*M^*»"'%k Thnwpaia, «l>
on Frontaad
old. of dipbUkrIa.
«d brsaka frosad ter aaw bnildiafa
Harabt. Tbosat Fotartpl, Bra
•M. W I'nderwoad aad W. II Ualor
STB a law pannerahip.
liaiab I. B. B OeBaW, of Exeslaiar
Hay »»
Howard WbU
at Bmrl dlaaaM. FabliAer of Fife
Uka'sBnt paper, and wall kaowa la _____ ._________Ua
U BanaoB aad (>. W Lardir opes a
Ua rafli*.
atora for wbolaaalr and ratnll trait
^^^BaUeriM O'Natl.

____ _



JoB. lUraU. aa old real

' •MarUM. Albert BUaaaa of Kla
4a7. a aaUraa ol Uw Mexlna arar.
bun disMM. afad TS.
Marob It. Mra. Adalla Cook, a (
aaar^^ Mapla atp.wl bean dtev

Mn. Uarrtal FUMora.

Nor I. KaOonal aad plate alertkm.
Uraad TreTcaae rapablkna hj TM pla-


*'^*{o**^IrriBir Brown, bob of Mr
Bod Mra FfaBk Brows of HaplBtoo.yiiwmBB of TrtMM Cll;.
Jbb« M. Cha*. a. HoBltoa iWd MtaB Mra Mary Braakalt. BbUer n{ Mra A
.^B|Bl ler Of KlnfBlay.
jBBlBbiac Mosmo.
/mto. J.T. BBOBBkaadMW BliitC Hoff.
F/dwIn Ii. Walt. Kloftlay.
■ A.
UcV fj. Hn
d W. Roaaoiaa, a ploWb1I:o
«rof Mra FTaak HaalV

'iar. U JobB ouwd liiBB

« Ue eonsly frean.
Om^ 01<fdrowd
ed alllLla'ner.
at CUk Plar. '

Cole A ^'laek. bay B. B.
Baaeb .Hotel
ogM^by Mra.. BobV Uelfaadorf ol

Ktre. A Loa A. COBBlnr* and CelamUalaM np at Bowen'Bai bor for
Ue wleler.
HzaaiJ) t
a aeeoBot of Albert doctor** prcMrlptloe b alway* Ua
bBiU. wbo
•a aiulen by Indii
a tkrae ycara ol4____
- T and b^ at last at fola-"'
Loot Lake.
Nor. 7. KI.IUU people pnrtirlMte la

BatauAtboS Any

Sapt IS WbltetemporarUy n
Mra Era Wllbels drowsa ben
bUm- Lokr.

of MrKialey'e
I Nor. itH.
itil. U^d Trerme dlatrtrt
-ial>ierts1 A
bo and llpworU
Oct. :j. Wklle knaUar near Kiafeerling beld
is Firet M. E
" rkureli '
ey Claode Patnam aecideally ekooU
Not ft. Trarci->.r CiU High N.bool
. a ehoit time afp
(OoVbalUenaplar>fir..>uBros home
gfoond, drfeallag Cad.l.uc
drBtly ebooU Mel
;nd«l{aUdd*oM'n^^.-Nor. 37 V~'s;rtb
Northern Uicb
brlwolerMi City, tbe < •nod areeeaiUllsc Ue I ________
Banlera' dlub
hiddt J day.'eraeloa'
____ _______...
.•&r 17. Ed. .Newberry, a Swed.
Dec i< i.
1. iBlrrrallBg and largely at
yeare old nod porter In Ue F
(ended a
mi-etlagof Uraad TrararueCo,
Uxnee ble life U Ue
fin- which dretroyt Unt part
ol Fi
Dec It Trarrne City AtMetic:
Ciaiion urgunim!.
' 'Dac M. FrankJlcereenearly IdIM
l>er. ft. Ray bl
by telllnctlBibrr while working in a and fnrxplirable
rxplirable uphraral.
well at Fiff Lake.
Dec. 17.
Creeceat letki
Dec. «S. Cbaa Ba.rBM of Einpira trip and
■d dock it clreM for Uee^-m
killed by a faUlaf tree. Be wot 7.t
yMra old aad Imto> a
Dec. fl. John lueht
ebry . >r Sortkpiirt
bunllnr aocidrotly aboou him.
aelf. dylnf belure brip ran cbea him.
a. fini.
At li.u erne ilir Brat CBeellnr ol Ue
iUcblke pmentkcneoe ikrfil
I FerBcn' InttlldtC befine a
r»' eraefaB —H. ImHiiIJ elected of beeiaraa wee lo elect Bend oBlore

preeMen- ol Pint NAIonal bunk. A
Feb. II. Uoae el Uaq. Clark is Hay the anna nl •ueeilnk
fcl^townablp dcBiroyed wlU ssnrJy
Jan. 21 . UBurleriy uretinc of dit
<i T. U.-f0.nlwort.>V eeeof Uoo Martia. seer alOD ber
boBBli City, baraed with oeariy all
JnrydliafrteB In Ue Flo.iludswUDia Ineared lor atit.
' kuitvf EllBbeU Mciiill ra
; Peb
Jobs'Finber sear Monroe
Centre luaca bit beaae wlU nearly all
Iraranw City CouBcil No
lu cbarlrr from ilio Uraad
Feb. et. Home of BaU <Hbors tf
I hold, lu Brat regular iaUfean Lake borned. No ioauranee.

Hareb ft Conrad Keiep Hrawiag Ca a
March 21
Coapaay called oel by
■ra at Win Jonra' naloon. No damace.
Congregatloanl eburv-b celeHarek 2A
U. Acfaombrrg'e fiwuo
U Ur.1 Ulro
Ulru of
el a century
hardwood uUI at Uoud Harbor baraed
.. MirhiguoiMaple-Luoii
Uaple-Luoiber Co.
froend. loaarad
Sio.uiu tinck aad
1. J. J. KekeFatl
00 by Bill Israred l« Plooo.
................................ —oyrr. cigar maaul'
•pr. s. Beaidnca ol John Bofrra
faclurcr'. afrnt. robbrdol H.7Un.
leewlck burned with nenrly all l
t'rU 10. Ceeki KoiUBk braach of J!
C. U. organir.<NLby HobciBlao laclira
0 loaoB N. T. UlUe'e
Apr. 17- »lto-----Feb. 17
Anneal l■>n^uet of T'rarhoeee: felly iBeured
one City llueiarB Mrs'. AreacIsUoaApr. IV
Fire In BaeUa Hlorc doeai
Feb. IS.
W. H. Moyrr
Kuuu damagr. cotereri by iaauraaes.
Cfaaisrd wlU 'being an uccu
Apr. Ki Barnof Joa IbclU of Bu .
Hay bnraad.
I.oea filVi. Koptatot-

I will arrive Pridayl^with a -oar
of flne]draft aud'general purhorses. No better can be
"?=3;^jSS3i.«»..™'found. Call and see them at Cut-0.7,™
ler's bam. I can save you money. '
from view.



that theydrynp

Ibe mnm'w lu the t
“^ngtbert^ '
i.figuriiig Copper-colored
arc buebtdtcataoaiof wore.
. follow. No M*oer baa Uc
ken oa the fulleffevu of (hi*
powerful drug than that aupplcnca*
and cla.tii ityof Iheyoini. give* wny
lomaimar.., bv the racking ■
rbeam*li.oi. Tlie form g»adlly.


forUe eaaclac year, molllig in U«
elertiun of all the tifth-eW nl'the pretIobi year In t body by eecIsmaUnB.


. In lit eminhutfl tafi dmuttawlnal
Sy le*iurr». wh-i lu readm. who liwlu^ the incwi imtod'

Ue ^iKorcry of Ue fact'that the mer­
er of Ue iautloo to reelect the old olBeJra OTucelemallon wa. blmw '


)U ongtaal antrka.

are ol isr l«i «uth9f»;.^on*pecl-'
It wa.-decided tomert OBoe in two
wcek.on SaturrUy erenlag.
'bubjecl for dbcoytloD lu xi meeltag.
•'Are weeaUarrl wiihoer .IjiR'oeoti
of frnlt tbie eesMa'.' If nm. why' iiol?'
On inotloB the club 'sdj'>ur>>nl for
two Week..
Y '
, Wm. D. ll»\..Seer.-Ury

tvrreViccta The'a '• IVcgfc.*, ol lb* World- pv«.'
clrji, nrhlly proportioned y.ew el the kisury pf fh. hemu ■
T»cr et rjrst lb« current menlk.

- "5

.Jr.____ __ ____


•" sr,:

Lion V> d-i • .- but '. :<n a-.air M.rK.llin)e
grow a little .-Itpo-r pura.lrl (ban ulh
.-r., w'hirh I i- -j'lir.. ITnOBing ..i-t
~injr ind..T»'u.l.-ntl> ..f ihr .-nnaiogAla.uL L.-c|.iug Ih.
•. look lor
dlfticalt with piser. cm l.iw.
•Icog ibclinatli.n upwar.b. .burV-o

i^rnia. Rbc
Rben- j
Illuod 1‘oiMm,. nerofiAa, Rclrnia.
ca>-e a lurg.-liiuli turn lawn Uftca off. inaiiam. <'aiicc-r. or any uibcr diM-u
If youbaveablooil
wait until the Wound wavjo-. then of ilic.blood
eane, lake a rein.-dy wliicli «
paint it. wbi-d. Wii: |.tvvent n.Umg
Injure you. I’.-«arcof lucrcur;
N-iiiii.l wniul Will .uppjrl liinia do violence lu j uur ay.leni. ''

U.SO. '.

Entire lot Far Co»ta «nd Kobe* offered bI a reduction of


Xot bU Wool Irap BobM M Hulf Prio*.

lilt- city..

^or*w'ka on bUmd and Mtio dU- .






} Not the
Largest and Best

Farm for Sale. {


Bedrool Suits, Parlor Fomitore, Eas^

yrain of salt is
wantiug luempbssize sod
• perfect tbe flat-

■IRtt KAT.
,Pnrv, wbnleaoiiie,-an rconms
al luaurv. Sold evcrvwbrte.
Take no tnbatitni'c.




Gome from Dollars Invested at our Store


H«rd- LB.SILTQa)^MM,e.J

-------------------------M, cbonla Jia HaUland atrsek by a C.
Aug. II.
Llgbulng dsaagvd Mr*. | '
WIU -. Hattaena'a boure la Fvrawvwd and '
.—LnwrnsceA Bbepnrd dlBolra
bsratd Wb
Ixmp'a barn near File j
raUp, 1^. Lawranee easUBBlaf
Feb. M. Mr. Fransrn
Imke - frarerre «« l.umbrr rw eem-'
_ ..alMB.3cola A Viaeb dkaolra billed by 4 falling limb.
picua bralock cat of T.aua.u>u snd',
parteanhip. Mr. Vlack eoeliBilsf Ua
Hareb It la a fit of asftr lonsc abat* down (or Ue traaon
-; «
W1BM.-A. C. MsfhwB praiBrM lo Daw^ Aagell^yeB^^kllU kb wlN
April A Mra.
Aag 2fl Ureal Hoaday NcboolRa'Iy.' «
IBM Msat BsrbM b Nail^ botal
aatllrr of Tiaatv* v»p aiaeo laai.Aug 24 Couaty woebera' iMtiiaie *
Mra Wat BMWeab. afad *4.
laigely aiteadeA
SsUrday MarbalopBMby
Mareh U)
Ang 2r
Laelasaw ronaty Y'.P. 8.1
WoBssbOr——~ '--------------- -**■*- Daabi JobnaoC X eowranUos at NorUporv
. EepL l-k- PoBoos Uraags M Old |
AprtlU. W laulS^ot Witt"akti tkla city. *
- tke c A W. M- badly




Q.«. Oorall «< Tnrarm
A Kymer

°£^ca^*1utb«saiml firiMspmtj


Ill by tlicpiKU' iaii*—incrciif)
lah, Biid ll.c^^ull Be above ocl.

We offIT a vegetable,
pnwerful Inlt.cll.-. i.yct UarmUnm in
ererr way. For tifiy ye.r* ta.dd. K.'
baa lireu curing I.Uud diMraapp- from
the moat tu the wildeat c*.e,
otlrr *11 other irr*lrai-.>t failed. It U
gn«rant.-od pi.relv vegetable, and one
miihI reward i. offered fur
f to till- cumrary.
It i. a feat
Iv r..r real bled troubles.
.tubby liuilw Uruiigk tor bale uf llm{

“i 2806ii».ii^_

W. B.^Faaaarog Tiavene


I New Years



iignli'Cance thii i> ttulorwriiiea oi done
liiieuchout the world.



longing to A Fiaeb arar
ifv Imkr.
dasiged H. B ehorch at N, . . .
BOB andaboekadUelaallyof K C-msaatlralat Iras.
Aag Id fihatuck Mfg. Co. b^ln j


in rrgmrrt -b. preoinr.
r iiuinatur..< .ip

ST? p°gKaa3.Kr;ri:g-r:


tnd ...0*1 .- r« heofta an carefully renewed.

er R£V!tvs wiU ral»» nothing oi gre.i

rndtT llu* Irratuiriit. It i. but aabuh
tiep iron. Vipftr and W-.lth tu a pair
of CTuJdir*. With thU wreck of the
ky.trmoflen cuoic* falling ol the bait
and eyebrow^, lo*. of huger axil*,
in rerly Hpriag .ay about
and detuv'of the luiio- a rotidition
February In UK r.-gloo- •«.-iliug newt burdbir. Till. » no ovrrdlawe
- bod. and puehitnr ge<.wth .. ihr| [.Iciure, for the world ttwlnv I. fuU of
ae liobbliiir
l.obbliiir iiirreiirii.1
.I.rre-liti.l w
W rr<
rrf ha
ontagiou. in.-'-l !'...~n U the meet
Tiblcof alldiaeaw., oiid ha* been
• call.-d iliec.if.cof wan-: -9
I1.C db.-urrry uf 8. H. H..
ll h.K ulwoy* baf- i b
u... Irave* ,4 : =0... th,.
M.a ..Vd c...,
nd it i» in Uii»
rohry. I-... iomtf.i j --g... ,lt.-r ii,r earetbui tlw
Irev.wlall mbi.l'Iw • J.iile ti>. eatli. I potaeb are lua.t cu.m
M-.x.nind. »now o.r.ifleraMe .-u-olu -1 »be*r dray,-, are giv.-n i
Lii i-tl.n-i
..................................... ..
c. doer* 111 ail
tu v.
----------------------------------------------- poiwm. Whil 'hile.
.li»Uibv'.-l the lOuta
breah»*7urtU again. ■»uaching *omc
dcl.cxic urgsru Imiurmly tbs inuutb
and throat.. filling
lillInK «
thro, with eating
.. si.asiv.jf r.-biu.
K. ilfl.r
.riblcdiwa. .
le »-...ic ill Ollier
, Hcr-fol*,


ir. 71.
K^Uknn aty Con<
Imm, f22t. .No Inauraace.
Jeae 30. Elreuic light wlrea caoie
Hpr. 77 '.Uinriet meeting of Eran. fire aiUeraaldeoseof T. T. Baftm..
nt Ke.
Y. I'
A. at
Ixjea >l.'«- Inasrad.
Mar. 77. Hig day f<.
July 31. it. I> CaapbaU'a Wf new
lluwtrrd. b.
barn at tillrar Lake burst wtU nil tu
ml tai... ou( by lira:
ooatrau. Lob. Ruou
..yer.un.rl L. H>-'
Jar. 3<.. IV/n.
Ilolldlng on A. .Vorouy'e aiore prap- Johaa of Mr.sbrrry.1
rry.towe. Pa.. fo>
rrty buraei ndjuUlng bulldiagi tar -■
lalM impriauB
•loir 3>. 1‘arkar Hroa etora illfl
Jaiuagad by fire.
„r.. 1. .,E*rly clcmtar B>
Ang. II
Anndard OU Co's wi___
houB baraed, caueed by cxpludlBf
lamp Um. fiSdu. la.nrad.
Aag. M. Depot at Fife Lake baraed ^ u'
Uepobllcan vile elirtion
loU^rMad.-L. McNorWe ban
jrpllos of 11 C. Uaeb.dorn
!. for mayor.
beet. 4. W. Huau’ Utegle mill
7. Charleeoit .luA Is Icr
Aea. beraed. Ua>. «TW> .No iatortncc.-Dr. M S. Drewuoe-n mill at
Ue dock.
Kingeley berard. Loea »^. No laApr. to ler Imeeatayand aurlgaesranM.
lon b'fnlly opened.
HepC It. Huellasnul bnildlag. oeApr. Ifl Hopereieon. beglni a threr
dny.apecblaaMinn. "Pannera'llome"
at lotrrloehen •truck by lighttiing.-,
kio by firm No InaaraaH.
Flonrbblag Pingrrr dab orgiDlrrd.
bept. Ift. Ural Wood Dbb factory
Apr IS.
W. R <
orgaoited at
half deatroyed. Loee balween Atu.OW)
•ad Partly Iswred.
SepbTS. C M. Allra'ahenaest
iti’on. Hoa.'^al'’ i•'l)oBtid1*tiV
baraed. No laanraara.
> gaUerlBg la Ue aeraiag.
Oct. ft. Krospe bulldleg damaged lo
Amertcan Volunieen. tun
Ue exteel of »W0. end C. W. Holbelmt'
: f Uelr urgaaizalloa here.
freoery .UKk «7IM. HoU Insnred.
May. I Arbor day oWreed by city
UcLB. n. J. Horrtn't tirary bsra and cooolry a-huolt.
calekee fire, bet la exilafalabedHetore
May ft 7.. FoarthaaaaBl S>cri
s Miebigaa I
?re dmtroye M. tV. Ni
__________ J tn Oak I'nrk. oeeapled by
I. U. Kerr. Lorn on houre filTiU, Inr Be^h I
ared for Kuo. Hr. Kerr's Ism fisuu. ‘"mv”«
T IndUntp
laauradand hole.__
H. Cbeaekb booda dnmafad
■ial>usday. '
AMat Frontatrekt fire de-^
Id borat for.
utroya H atoraa Loaa I
unre. «
lag Oedai ilrert. Hotuee aad garden*
Noe. 17.
Jao. UillU'
e m^Ul 'si
^IfB^rasd. Lob. I
Maj^SJi!*' Met*rlal Day rxeremre' at
oeme^ jtad taty opera ball largely
Noe. 21. ' Cbaa Cpaslo-a bars la
SonU Uraat burned wlU all Its eonJnor 3.
Uid'NrUlere' Aaao. bdd>
testa only the aelmal. being
Isnr* meetlag lo Clly opera hall.
LoBB nol. eorared by U^tlTUO
June II.
Woauo't Ometrir Im
provcmenl lAaw oroaBlnxi.
De^l7. Nowmas Clark a bera la In­
land baraed wlU all Ue eootenta la- I00mes>brra
June It
Foitarba* orgaa t.-d a
elodlng koraea ratUc. etc. U>m. tToou.
Jane 71. tibhop Ilicbtrr confirm* a
clareof Iltatnt Franenehureb. I
----------- ------------------------------- m an
July 4
llnnd vclebraUua. m> Arvi
doM of Isndnanm--Wb. TreBblay, a pe-iplr la Ur city from all orer Ub
Cam A Crelaer'a mill at
Klnfclay. InalaaUy killed by s fiyi^
lint steeling i-l Ue auu
Firet lain! aecMeol eear — aavlam bean la Uov Bleb la atlead
earring In UU^
Ub alll.
............................. Bannonta.trnekbyn
July iflTo.- Big ramp meeting ol Er
log at Ueitner'.
aod angrllral Am i.atK.wwtck.
me fractared.
July 23. B
a Ur
ibard Horrb at
Ewl II..
Iby. _
ibaoaail nratiag
Jaa. 2v. Wm- HcDoaolil
________ __________ilally
ehigan IVffl
I’ret. Amo. held at
Uimu faimrell in UelaftarBasd
Ue left a

The - Leading Aiticlrx of toe

Monit.' rrasem tftf impurwm ftm at the hen tn*g*:io«BOcba'
r ». I are hrar wi.ii-r in racTr 'pwt e« the wort*. Th^ newret
Clror.oleg.eal recerda and ether depanmnu corapM* the
cerulnly that the readw el the Kmfw

Bally le nd., the bone. at ..
crepUuC.- u.i.l hrlplet.iit'U. ’ pn-ma

Urmark. c.f.joeriifa A'ckerst IVn:
hula Fi
Farmerw' ' lob lu.-elliig.

new trial!
Ueys. Haw BlU aad handle tseloiT
Feb. 2J
of Emmet Bafadorm at Fife Lake
tVilllunuburg buiflarited
ilrcly deeUvyed. Imaa fieuuo. Ko
Feb SS.
I). >i. liammond'e
near WilliaBebiirf brokro into.
JUy lo. ^^rlB bBtiU's barn on Wmt'
Feb 77. Mr aod Mra E Nisla cciebraie ibrLr guUra weddOig.
May 17 l.lgbulnf struck aad beraedatyloa barn Lob, tlMkr. No lo_ .
anrance Six eUrr boiuse etraok and
.lira aeuuad fl-wof Mc-Namura Mock
fiftoii damage dase to Boerdman BIrcr.
Electric Light A Power po'. pUaV
rrwe City Sondi.r Hcboul
May rJ. H. H Palcipbcr'e houM on AaaoeUUnn hpLd.
I. I>
It. Hrri lueetlng.
(Vaeblngtan elrxet baraed, LoeafilWO,
Micl.igun « -b cur bring.
loeurrd (or BI2UU
for point. In
Hay 2t. Aaylaa oolUfe ginek by

be Wood BbloTa-C 8. Cfartaansagm | prominent tumtr of «ft— Boy.
............... - MBTFramah «
bsildl^ os Frtsl towsUip baraod uteU ia a

cmtnrt ol fr.« Cnc!;s‘,-.reo: mg world, ttt rkaBd le call
"abwivtl, it,..- •t.ui-ftgfcV kMw el the hnia'.*^
'•ictvaltmhk..: » iJ -.ndiveniuh:-.. • u s trolumly kliairti«d
• If. hrr.c!y p:«i4ni. view*. *,-cartwma


Jane t.t. Dr.
tarlBB to Caltfi
Jaly ft Doyl
art bsBr.
Jaly I'l Biley Bween Co. .
■ew baildlw on Freet itraat.
Crbaa't markev
Jaly M. Tf. Dill - Lake
- •
FeK s
Wwtley Wadr I
BBnsyUah botel.—P. U'nnbarr and Lskr Abb fay a talllBf tree.


e llt.i.palilie, it.y,.



n you want an Ulster buy It here, your saving ia $6.00. K you
want an Imported Melton, taUor-made, you save $8.00 and yon get ot
us a $22 Overcoat made t7%otacbild*, Baum A Stern for $11. To
make a short Story of It. we give you
• t
’ i

60 Per Cent Discount on OvercoAtS.
Come and look at them. Our wlnddar.Ttali and next week, offers many
suggeetiona for a New Tears present Kertey Pant*, cheap at $1.40,
now 88c. $2 Eeraey Pant*, aow $1.60. Aak to aeo them, they will be
shown you with pleaaure.

T?_ tJ- SIOS1',
Th* Popolsr OlotUer,
184 Front Street, PriadriobBlk.
Travati* City, Web.'

A( Hcrrl«.M»<UM»Ud old M «( K1bI*7 HaatM mad
. U* «11K' poull».e<»l»o« tfcn mr- Moaroa.
pM to eooi tA«ai.


2£SSu"isirarr5K’i:!r:ir- “•
goxu from CApotOtra. HnsUi AM<a.

'. afiBT rtBBinBr

WUtUia it. BmU.
» hJariAbloje.
iatafp apoo that «.«»«•.
I. wklUArlHac
ii <U«j>tCol.

alaa bollataU lu A

t fcarfal
t fro«

hia Mb Mrtbday.


Htasotbar ba

taberba with bar two cblldraa-

' HvWT ttc^ra. a aunbrr ol
B«A UuB Clob at UoUaa<j
aa«B«a />f tbinr fl*« fooar
anra^r ti< SffVt forCaba.


aad wbea aba ratorttad Cbarlea aw

TO Tcan____ ...
bealth. died

•avatar, probabi; of baart
aad <ngoe lact«7. •
aad a balitiiir talil. ■


OAiwl Bobart

At Adri.o. «bll« hoatior Audar. aamwl; M^^bBar tapalad oa tba
ban-* botW b* Md4aah Onvwlar biaaalf flat oa ibofraaBA.
A crovd od


_.jt that If^ iiiaBaM eaded far tbe
poytaeak of tba Tarkkh d^««|re

a ordlaaoM relative
________ I of the em]^ woold beeome
aad Miiay boome
leaettabk. DaBed&aff farther Uform.
Be Uenmlaefl by tbe OmaeU of
Abdol Bamid that tbe ear bad Traeeeaa City.
' *
aimaked hk penom) aafetyaad had
BBi 1
That alt raama aad
yayed himeff to matalata tbe lelbate billiard labka or pool laWea'are
I'a aoptomacy, la eeaal ef uerrre hept. whereat pi-raooe a.e parwitlcd.
by tbenwaer er keeper thereof, k
play, aad for wbleb moaey or iteeqaltLIUla Hlabaal Ana aad bk aialo^
V, remafimd ebdaraip. Mfaeiay U> alert or aay AecK or eounler la lieu of
taeat U aay mcaaote of matrel. mooer >• paid' or iwwlecd, uball be
otbprwiM. hyt^powerv aleaed oa the dr»i day of tbe week.
•ooatola. arar Hbaaii.irla, Pa., wbora b tbk tbe 1__________________ ___ .
Mly rtlled daikv, ^ '
te enndiUoa irf tbe Torickb emplio hooroflwalreo'cloek I. ...
laewl Ibe throae sad caUpAale ia Im- of Mcb day and auu eceea o cloek I
each Otber’u a
rack, elaaoad
.lineat periL Tbeieapoa Abdnl Hamid tba muroiac ul tae ue»i uacoie
Tbe wiDd waa h
■emarked ImpieMirely; "I may be the dayi the playlop of Mliiawu uball
lay or»r tbru. _Jtbe«aowf
aut of tbe Milpba. bat I will pmr be________ ________
tbe cblldraa
frith aMaatelrf
»d khadlrr.'
two ^Udrea ctartad oat
Tbe V
control of Mid billiard la'bleu
liattaaa traoa aad -------waelOBC Ctrmtnaa-------D*^ MUl
.• dar>a« .
Haw H
ao far that '
reeeatly raceired
new m
A aaarebci
ittlnl ■
two pratraU foraaa.
I and dooruof
ST Uoyd »w bla MtbBr a
ly aa MtBTBl Aa Ufa b* bBftalBlB u


Hard 1
i a-r^»u Jbm-‘:d;T‘lia“'‘uM«

DartaylbelalMrpartof Ual week a
pair of fiMll naavataa toaki were r.Uo».wki brtmmj^'T.are u,
to |>
f^ad br Ur. Braaaar an) O. B. Wll
liar lor all kladtof mu
Her were oa aeollectlay trip
nenk. Mi
Cbarlcy tba Siradr,------ ,,-------------- Cal.
------wevka ayo "aa foeCa oa tbe baaeb
■Mr "brre tbeir boat cana aabora.
Uartla'a soie waa brokra 'aa If by a ■hrik. parto
blow wlU abdar aad it 'll tbooybt cvvurad.
Awlay to i.
t tbe Swadc. wboae aaoK la eot
tbaaoilUeylaal taaka <
iwa; qaarrelad wllb Marttp aad uwred.
•IDO fUwan^
It will lake abort *.u"
«kad bin orarboard aad
■kr iewl.'...IIU>.pu|-i«»U>" |Ue<
akippad opt. ' Martla bad told frieada
that be waa afraid bia
iB. director o
one time kill bln
report to Ik
Tba slyaa of retaralny praalpHty praportay
raaalte of ex.
>re alraady belay aeea^AJp^ la^t^ tbe treoea
!• luUeti lulei-uuQr,
- jtly coodacted at the
perlmebt_ 'eSaVr^‘
IpbU, mkv with
with a riair to In.
■real prodp-U oow faetay broeykt to PhiU^lj
tbatplaee. Tbe Alpena apool eonaaay proul^^ the qoality of the aiekel and
_____I eoina
Ibe report in auk
kao" mnilpy fall opacity wllb
iBOe will abaw that para aleaLanid
dera ahead
Tbe Alprae boop aad
toe toft and ttmllyht, for
baBdleconpaayw-m elan ap la a few
________ nlAel
daya aad tbka laaltutioa will enploy a
laryc aomberof mm dariay the wla^llfbe^ISiBat aaTubaage
im. The Moeach Uaeery, oee af tbe
___________eroolaaye in faeor of either
laryMtof lu klad la aorlbera MlrbiOITYOKIIItlANOIt
vaa. baa yradoally brea iacreaBlay iu uf tbe meUU anyytated.

’ia^e*Hrbt by bir

•II plMlfod VI rvBHfTi tbcir baU at •
poiwiecavnalairrDUitiiry atlMd.
Haaan, bad bu lay brohM by
blab frua aa oppootot la a frlrady
raiM of foul
fool ball at tbc
lit acbool rraai

vbicb ia aaablac a luralioB la •raalcre
**Tb)ooi O I/f«ry cat a rtrll barb
bkkcrfy Ura at Htriana whleb h*
tbiDba ia ibe lar***t la tbr atata. It
«w At. frat U> dlaa«arr aad TO faal to
Um flrat ll«b


'■“.Ss '^sr^^^ys'■p


help for tbe IM> tew avalba, aad U«
wmrv faetoi7 at IVtoabcy baa baw ran- vaHnaa other faetoHra. racepUay
' alar fall tgraaiaw plaetioB. aaaonaw -af «Ula.araalaaat raaBlay
D kumaafom u rwked the Kirmlnytif baftoalar part, weak Uay wUl
______________ .. anyer traio Ko 4U at
pal la rrtim timr

aaeaateni city who Oababa rtrat bridye. tweaty-'
Ullali»»ia|:hrrl.lhabnybeioof AllUae claimed b> bare a pav mUM from Mrmphk. Teno.. a1
pnau nia fnrpd. Koy l*ir^. bivkr
_________ lepbooe which ha dealred to ocloek bnnday aornlny aad twenly
Iluee were lout. Thai number of bodlea
la errry hoaar free- Heexpaeted
SSSber'dor^cibrff^loM U» 4*)ki P^'lam
hare beta raeorered (rum tbe wreck
darire hie lereaoe by
aot farther CMich may aweU tbe Hat
^l«r aad br»t.
the iaatrameata peany-la-tbe-i
Tbr wrleklu rcyardedUAl^iwo-llc^w^t ebiBM.
IBM. When a peaay
peaar waa dropped
Aloaao A»«y.
ef BIktoB. falluatorbiawajroB
aid riny e bell lb the eeatial othce. moat eertalnly aceomplUbed by the re«» bU •ayboBaSalord.
Saturday Btybt
d IbekparAtor woald make
mkpp. Tbc doclon
Sd^aeAo'rru brokMi.
rtioo. It k MUmaled on U
at upward nf >.<»i pboaea >
•hop*Arbor, at Ua ooir«ally boa- Iplaeed there, from wbleb the compaay feet below. The ........... .................
I Would yet a reYEBiie of 36 per eeoU
aboald each phoae areraye Are Mila
aad *uo badly*
few. a
kla acnall child wb^bad day. Tbk would
BB arrcTBly boraed. TM child la rw.
lowhrrr In tbe United SlalM peoed. It k net kao labd mayaerri
a tbe whole wo
be aaeertaiaed ]aal bow many pa
___ _
.. ;onad who
yera were <a tbe IralB.
Moat of i
■neater aye than Mr. asd 1------------------ were mlnem aad realdeaU of mlaiay
Biller, who lire foar mUie from Elk. tow. a la tbe dktricl who bad round
ton. The man baa OMB tbe paualay ol trip holllar tlckeU aad were reUirtiine
luT yMfu and kk wi(p iu but two y«
V. thelrtiocaeu alony the t^pe of the
‘"F; H^iaybaai mineral mllrou.
Boy UoBaOr, ayouoy man IV yaara hU junior ,They lirr In u little
kyood enonxb. tbeyuay.------- *• *

bard, and '
At Goeatartioople ao Iradrf.
of twenty- ^ elybly-eeren yeaS^ey itaaed yrartiny amaealy to ail Am
hare bean
nan and
aad •wifa Tbe buebead aUaprlaOBera except tboae aeale
B man
IB Echo towpabip

•• Imy yet. bat tbe to dMlb for murder. '*'
a pretty huky
i i, very fMb eaad their panloeh leayer.
rkiyan tame aaotber in
■ vl Dan
Cb’enlla ex-Judyr ifoodrldye hu
CUbM maty, » > waa 107 yMra 1
-aab-. Ue dkoorery b written a.Irtter uUliny that erer^r day
made that tba paremeat need for the
>tate Mpllal b rich in yold and a
ntml prorirc-eunf In
oMt k oa font to uk» op tbe
»that Ibe goueminert
• eriUcai onadlUoa. a. tlir remit of hb mataadextrMt tbe yold.
coy with the •liaa
left Iry belay ubatlen-d Tbnrada.
A delWBtiae af.liloux fodlaai tram
' afiernooB by bk yon beloy aecUeatalCrowOMkayumey. irttb WkUs^houl. tbetai
ly dkrharyed while hantlny
yiren oni by flrmu
At (Iraad BapuU, a flru of florlfta
that make a up^Uyof exporting geo
«ll*d aa order tor flee duien earaa- aboal yMo.oOii tiom the yoeerameat.
uioe Kagikb Chrlutmaa plum paddlDyu
thmu for Mru. Urouet CurreUad to be
to Rrllkbm the world orer atiow that
aeal to her uaeie. Milford Oarama.
fully T.ui.cmii pnddiBga bare been ten
■ erbo UM4 amrrtedatJaekium tTodam- "bile crowded wldi^pe^k Jatfiraln^
Aoy alybl to Mka Jeiule IVlayle.






At ISirtlaad. ate recent eateidaiamat at the oprea houw., the tadka
Hammoitd waa killed, two oibcm
tataUy Injored mad etybl or laa atban
a la tbeaadieoee applanded
dy aad off

be loimt toUl of ahlpmenU oa
The minlmam weight ha
iTOpoand* aad tbe maximum

___ dMl

of excilamert



waa kiltad whll> Mllay dii**ThiiIiISr™lmt”a«^t'^
bk bode waa badly boraed. Tbe- tree


ad to dMtb orSraa killed by the tree.



AfaiBy them tab band waa tmdly poi•MNd. Tbr anlmak bad been nnalny
aaooy la^a auiaaefa. and in ablanlay
Ihmn^t^igkoo waa iraaaferreU to the
At WlUiamatoB Friday larennon
abort 10 o-elock. Freak Ueeraaor. a

aacb. Ilk death k aaorit
to tbr ebemical aeUon of tbe appU oa
the eoateata el a dkordered etomack.
Hra. Maryaret MeCloakey ef hkrmiayteo towauhip. 1^. baa jam ealebtmlad bar lOTlh birthday aulreraaiT■rkableold lady. Aa aa'
Sba k a remarl_____
tndiertka of heraetirlty abe apua
ukein ofyaraoatbklalert auofrera.
ry of her birth. Mm
midit at a primlllre t(

hit bod^- The ballet come oat BMr
tba left aide. Uwaaecaae ol dideT
bww it urat loaded. UkdouMfal If
While Keurell Tncker waa reCaRiiay

romored that in eaxe of war all the
Bneopean powaru will aid# wHb RioiB.
TbarTlu peabablr bowerer more talk
tbaa reality ia tbia. CongrcM bai tak.
•B BO farther action yet on tbe GamerrenalrtioD.
kt St Jobau. X- F-. ofltelaU report
_ the goreramenl tbai the her­
ring fiabery at Fortaae Bay. amlaly
' taken by Americma veaaeli. ia a
bllnre. aad that ibouMndu of
' Whom 1a tbaluici^

An ordinaaee Mlablitblag Are dkvrieta prondlng for fire urardau. pee•cnbiBg the dulica ■( fire wardesa. aad
repeallag ordinaaee S.» » and f>o 36
u formerly in foroe in the yillage of
Trarme t llySMichiga

*'S*c'l^ That the City of Tmto
Citr. MIcL geo^and tbe Mmr here­
by U dirided iSU) S Are dkuwia to be
kaowa iwapecurelu aa ditlricu bo. I.

pool lablu arc kept uball be
aad free frum all obutrn-tio
aadeTerylblar that Miall

Editor Me

r.iaatlpatkm Bad Skk Ucadaeaa. aad
aa a yeaerol ayakm toair It hau ao
rqaal" Mra Aeale Hlebl^ TO79 OattayrUn>eeATc..'Cbleayo. WM all raa
.lowe. eoold art Mt aor dlyMt food,
bail e Imcbacb* whirb aerer left ber
aad felt tired aad weary, bat ala bot­
tle* of Electric Blum reatored her
her atreayth
I'rieMWceaUaad PL.
4 R. Watt'a or Jaa C.




Far Hooka. Mayo. etc., addnaa

•I 1tableu are kep-F aorta
•for rating houi*/tamed
aay mUarsBV
«tino wiih ' uurh/tableu.
u ef
of all ao
uueh reuiauravu
Tbr wtodiiwu
and raiing boaurt aball be uuohuirucl
oduoatloaomii of alal tl«w ..I ih,
iulerlor Ibr.rof from onUlde the buildlog in wbleb t|vy are tarried
tbr flrut-day OT the week, on
- jDday. and
I___ - after
Ire ocloek lu Ibe I
. --yday and.nnUl mtc
tbe morning of the next

■ um.-.rjSSifiE'S

IgOC-gClAX xx!l’ AAor/Jf^J
Clear Peru |irr Vbl. auv

SSS-vAe-e. ■

ii«- fiSl.tSSK

5 k"Sr* “ ::

Ererf riolaf'on of o
to comply with tbe pri.»iuioai
erdlaaner aball be Bnuf-.hMl wi
exceeding ten dollaru and
Mention, and in li>e mipoaitioa of
b Boe and ctwu tbc court mar make
..jrlber uenieotc Ibul the offender.
OB failure In par ineh flue and eoet*
be impriuooed in the oounta-Jall of
Ornod Traremeeountt aolH ’be uasoahall be said, Bot exofedlng fiflreo


.... -

BuiUar guiw tf TVenew CWy



OuM.«u. t.p.rbu.|a»">


Butwr.ser B
acau peeduaua

— .aU*

— 3.
ISdiBUBce NoBjber 6-- ■
f.irmerly In foroe in
City. Micbig-

Dded lo tbe O-oneil by the
Chief of the Fire Department and uball oaooe relaVre w lartain peruon*
beBeemed'dpl.t appiiried wUrn uneh abroad upon the uiroeu. aileiu
meoamebdaliuo la cooUrmed by a ma-1 pabile gr^du of Uir CKy uf TiaurrM
lenlj uoteof tKConncil
It la hereby I .iiy. wbicn OfcHniBoe wa* pauwU by
----------------------- .1^
itv of IrarrrueC.lj
ttment of more than
n io each of uald diulnr
4. Tbed
erru. al.ui'U cw pobl.c
II be M epeciSed Ip Ihiu ordl-1 upon lbr
te cut of I'mierue City,
________nd .uoch other dntleu aa tbr , ground, o
iriog the mootbu Ol May,
Mayor.'CuAioeil, or Chief of tlie Pirr | Miebigan.
■ y, Aucu-l. JWOlemher. ciclo
Itepartaaeht may from to Mme to i
lime '
N'l.Ttiohrr tfur Ibe boor ol
require. Tbe fl'r warden, uball rvc-ire
nlvr o'clock pm
■ OeiwmbH
one yMr; earb warden to bold ofliue art. March aad Apri
nolU blk uneoruaor U appolOUd.
.e'gbl ocloek p. m . Uie
------ ---- aacb ed b> the pareni
-______and be k hereby----------ilbor---------------------------------------, ucraun or rlae le
to make a Ihurongb laupeellun
Upeellon of ; charge
iharire .if .omr
•••o»r peiuim
of good
mlldiata and pn-miuex within
Within biu . cfaar_cl-r
char_cWr and abure
aboTu tbr age of uixio
diauietat Iraxt oner mcu year, and to i ,eara wi.ile io tbe Pureull of anj la
written report to tbr Fire fyl buulneau. rmpicymml or oecuf
liagattenuoo to any danger- lion
iuea which be may Hod
X ; M:r V Tbr flflh uection of the t
Each fire warden aball Iroia'Idiaance Bentioord in the prucoedi
____ - Ume impect aU 'chlDneya. uection la hereby amended to read
pipei. atorea or flare witbla bU reapec-1 (ellowx: It abell be tbe dntj^f i
tluadiuwiclaad aaoertaio lf Uiry are Chief of Toiler of atid City olTra'
' eoadllloe. aad if any of them iiy dunag the mouba
Mfr condi- Jnly. Aagoul. September
ire fooml >■< liim no
beunali uotitir,
mber. tuhare lue
pruprr.y w
reu-’or tinea tbe rin^Bg of tlie Cau. utrect
made safe 1 aoniic bell or by each other bell
be fOBod.
uBCb-oWBrral nal ax he mpy regard rultable
____ _______________ .....or refuae to.ddriog Ifie mortb* of IVeember,
aomply uelth tbetnder of tbefire wa','-| acy- Fcbrnary, BarcU an-l Ap
aa be ia herebr empowered lo pluee . uball be biu doty lo deaignaie
aaebehimaey.pipe. aiore of flue in a of eight O'elock'p
o'clock p m m like mabi
, Str i . Thlu ordioaaoe uhail
r. tkeb of M 1 fire wardena to'. ITert in.twenty dar« after iU |
hereby anlboilad I ^adeinn any xuvb ealioo.
ra. or Sneu wK^ch
.We do hereby
n biu jadgeoent ai anmfe and uuch | goU«

*1.. *us2i’


Car 6.
Tbiu oidinauca ahall take
Iffrct la twemly daj* after






Sale & Mug Stible.


UiMcai.. gw> mart Wen at Park I



! uiime aball be re-1 the !iat^'
-- aocordaeee'
eritb direeUonu to be giren by tie Are
warden, sad any peraon aalagthe Mme
after being ao codneidBed and before
• ! uame aball be repaired or reeon
uCled au herein proi

~ but X Said Are urarrteaa aball Fee
Uatallaabmare property taken care

raeii i-or wast

I will be iit Traveifle City on Sat",;'“:urday, January 2, 1897, ■with as.^
fine a car load of horses ever seen
- here. Prices to suit the times:
" Come and see them at my bam.
r, 'W^ill trade for stock of any kind.

Details Gladly Given.



Dr. Ides’
Heart Core



m MB oo battar with lam
loadx rich, dry aad really rolltaff


ed away in oa nnuafe eond .liou U
Lbr three lank urarked ao aacnaattaliy
'’■H^*^ttal"n»?of Ue eapr uball prompUy notify ttw peraon
that It k protaUa more maebiBM will
peraoBu who--------------------•*- —
•IcatM fell off aad hr jumped dowu t- hr built Tbe macbinM are tweaty- tain* who arrired in N'eweaatle while to uiore uneb auhet wbere they will or
»>e feel long, and arc bMkd by aaph- be uraa there rerifled Ue report Uat mte nod it It hereby made nalawfai tn
eeiay U«
Iba At tbe Mew i> fed iato tbe bop. Ue bUad wax Bkalng.
utor any inch axheu io an? place or ia
koi«i tnbtu bMd I One a
any muDBeraot arprored 1^ he fire
uf air that rayktm non dcyiwM Fab- err of a raceofUiled meek
aad both ley* broitea.
of tbe itit^cure
oaad Uem in IU b-rrhy Iiiude f e dnly
H. Haa> d'Eajoy. who foand
The St Joarph rirfU'k 1 •rally alire
me of a rtoit
rUit to tbe lndo<binrae;
At bkalbyrille. lad . Welk Skreu Ue coaraeof
wardcD to inutruel all
wllb miBDOwa at Ibe {
Tbeb'reeeb explorer aad bto axay br h.iildme or e-n-iroc^ ax
Tkfj keep eloar to tbeaimre aad.are la ueaa taken auddealy ill aad Dr. C A
chlmneyi or floea. Uai Ue Hme moat
aacb ran Bumbm. that they crowd one
______ Ur poeareaor ol a e
be plaulerrd hr them iauUe and out
wantbrr out apon the baaV.
M. d'Eajoy Myu the .
from Ibe foo-xiatlos np lo wh -rr they
(akl plarta alouy the atrMia ore arri. placed. Tbe apex pslmtM at about
dweiunrat tbe people coauiuted
aoaly inenaueakwoed bytheUnr fl>k fMr iBcbM directly below tbe right ul a long, aamiw. tannel-like hot put tbr-nrh the reef of the ballBiag
. ahqwlay op aacllon pipea or ao Uilekly alapU. brtweM Ue elgbU aad BiaU madeof dry trarei. Tbe tail, we are and ifintvnc'ed in uneb a m«n,>er au
lu uecare the greatoei pi'otertlre
eorerkdr tbe acreuma at tbr moolka et rika. mahlag a dkplaeaaMat of faHy
tlx lacbea to the rigbl aad three iaebea Mid. to not Uu only pecnllarily of ^ioxt file and for the par]M of eo
tbe pipea aa to rmrert tbr wate<
below Ue normal poaitloa of tbe heart.
and aU ploM
**At Uakolt. Mra Albert Ktbroeb. Itx moremeau mb be plainly naan by d'Bajoy baa acea in tbe ueltlemeaU
baue rery aeoraloated .ankle boaru.
ayad 4b. waa probably taullr barard remorlag tba cloUiBg.
losing like theapur of a cock.
ahwrtly after lu o'clock Tbnnday nlybv
A polar bear la Ue Bamnm meaag- tbe Bcigbboring aatloaa tCMt Uesaa e^^gtnrfac^lmreTua^^M. and
OB' peraon Hi-irgaidiag tbe diraeuoo
Sbe lyllaulerp while readlay la front
asd toxtreetloo of-Ue fir* wardeaBhull
tlro *m2e ^^!*Tiaradey**ThV'mCe
Mople. who bare belleeed by the aaU- br l^h'e to Ue poel.hmriBt nrouided
bean weigh one asd a half pooadr
w the kiaeiaat and m
band wax in bed aad heard bar each aad are Ue alxe of galare ptga. or to bare oernpied prim tlrely
for •*’'
whole ladoOilaeae peaWala.
.yrnpamt Irt^.ere^uua^^
They are mow white aad cry Ube ahllAl httblin. dariag Ue terrible algbl
ito^Ue uUyMl
■k^hU^wm* Mriodaly baraed” U drum. Tbc poreau ware bupo^l from
. ' .-..petiM; AntiMlag UaX
of Haaday and Monday morniag a bog
II asT aad
pAtUay oat tbr flamM.
lariaad iMl
____ _________ jiy -.."out. tod palMkikM
at Caxtie Ulaad. iaCooaly Kerry,
tloMOf Ue pro ____
TOUaad tbe female
BeprcamlaUre CbamboHaia wli
tee and of all otbarardlaawre rrl- taxtarieBOtter-—1 »■ a. If 1 vobM fall,
tndaM a bill for aa apatr aeoia
atiye le tbe fire prateeliae of mM City were trwiaxar mi t-ka Axait. rrefrUlaf
oMcaia fall balplag U
•mmal acbaol. to be kcaied by a
VTwto ton hit:. :r lanm>F.>Bi aMooM
within 'taeir rwtpertire dtotrleu
unam of bog. a mik at
I—***— of flee iron tbe appar pas'll
^MreaulcUly. KireplFw BtoatxptraUxtr
raariag lihe the oomi
wblU they aball bare Bailee or kao
k MM« kwo that will demte a
m. 1^. aid VuaaelBv U*
and fcoride for tbr amunMdatk
moat hktarical goa urell
—, Aroogb Fleak
JO . Any yMatlos or taiiare or
ftu papik. The slate k auked b
od ahoadaoed la lew. to Valley, aangtylag poat. Ue-eoream
Mala «lii.a«< Iw rapiMH tbe drat year, comiay t
- again, prarlag. it tooald. eowv. BbMpaad.kiakneaadtbe debRestnts
rto of boMM iau Ua U)re of Killarery. besaaiMbTa to i
baadoood ii
FmiptollTlaglaUedtrveUmla whkh gineaadtbe.
mad Mitw
tbe^ alUetoaoMlaghare fl.d aad latbelmroaK
_ ______ r_______‘‘f
*•' »*'
• ' ma;
may make a tarlber jodge tir. MikF Mreatotv dmerSird mr ma
Ud p^. who are aMTehiag for tbafoart
StoT^arrlriaroaaHMM. Lord Mtbr
mreit^ aeateaev t^t UP pffeadereia aMO^taax I wU
KMMrebMMMBda^ardaaofgaard>|b11iag - .
.m te WeoM Mtoblga^ aauee-1 Wfa>
•rexT^treoM vtU bean di—ta wfll
tag Dt. Mflar Mdkm. Utbry
^!y*lathe Vi- aatDumU fine aad aoataabaU ba paid.
- -•
Ua term
farm of
S^wl w^m^lag tiiate.
BM of Ibe oUool town
Flriamiat aWT aat apaaafi a parW
urfll —---------- ondMtba toreod oa
•uathaaai bwA


“‘“'7 •'“k tla«Br Maple.
•w.ej'.Eacb Elm. Hamwood,
‘ Bealoek.
labM. rirm and brooba
Htreog uoik. fine erupa. bMllby

alM<u.u>«VV4 e.iu.-.u
Ula I, m «l» ! Crew Bulw ui
• I-Ip. ,-uiurTUI •aril all sn ui<
J.arii .. 1 c -ii

do hereby cerlify that the f>bn
Bi.c.S^W fire diutrlela ahall em- goleg ordlnano wu* poMed by Oh
t& following territOTT reapec- Connell of tbr City rf Tmrerve i ilj oi
itie II« day of Uecember Ixik.
Ii. C D*vie. Mayor.
A. .W- RickMj,
Difx-lct So. i Uial i-rmtory now known
H-rk________ lird-at
aaWardSo eofuaidCity DiatriciKoh
tbaiterrltory now'koownaa WardNo J
AS oilimitNCK.
of Mid City. Ihalrict No. 4 iltal tern,
tory BO" koofm a* Ward Ko. 4 of Mid InordioaBtramrodingSecliDB I aad
section t ul ao uictiu«o<* relutire lu
City. Ultlrict So T. that territory bow
. g.,<ng abroad up-.i<
Warn No
S'u 9iufMulOuv
uf Mid O
known a» Ward
aiir..v and
. Inandfureacb ol t_
,lricu tbe aiu Coeocil uballa
toioed by the ( ■sell ol
- wardeu. Thep




'umou jitauauua^aM w


- k^mated that abort 4.doo people

Blair VaiTOw wandered array from
_er bone BMr tiermania, >*a. in tbe ipoB Ue colcmy.
illaeb Kuriat. Monday mamiag. and all
usee of ber uru lort. A bMuy aaow
had ftllrn. and a aeorebiay, pony or- Hon. report
OMiraciion by rol
yaeUeil by ber father art onl. The
af tbe daaa Femaadct ia1tracbi of tbe ehlld-a feel weir followed fiD^famuoaax
lax ther
- - - -home al
ialo a bur'a dea. There Elule waa Inuoa Crnxoe'. Tbe mealer clalaii
pnt _
bk ...
ley ibtouyb
, the
found Irlag aaleaa A bear came out bare Men tbe cataatrsphe '
ottbe hoU aad wu killed. Tbe bbild
_______ ___
Thgreport w
ea credence at the Ume be acieotifle
■ aainual.
RekauSerlay from ooBcna- had sol been lajnred by Ibe beut.
B. bnt Ckptain I'ourellu of Ue Britaka of thr brain and ialeraal kjorlea.



The Eostou Store
To I* jjicketl up b>' tnoni«d merchants arc always after the season. Eveiybody it anxiow
tj> tmload. and special pnees arc made to cash purchasers. That is the time we .are atriedy
n it. We have bought S.tOTo worth of merchandise at this late hour, fully 30 per cent below
,-alue which we are ready to unload to barifain seeken. We can only q/UMe you an item <4
wo lo ifive an idea what inducemAils we offer to increase our after holiday trade.
' A 36 inch silk and wool Plaid, handsome for children's dresses, at 3^ cents per yarti. ;
A fancy wool .Novelty Dress (ioods. hiffh]^y^r^ exact imitation of $aoo (oretga. SOo4*>
(or 10 cents per yard.
Black fancy Brocade Mohair, handsome for ladies'skirts^ I3}< cents per yard. Indies' wool ribbed Underwear, fleeced lined. 25 cents a pleoe.
Mens all wool black Sweater 48 cents.

Men's ■all wool Tiveed Suits, neatly made, for ^Sa
Choice of our !><>; Cloaks and Capes for S'-SOIjadies'Moose f'love Shoes, all sf^id. 98 cents.
l.adies' hne Kid Shoes, patent coontere, up^to-date, $1.35.
Misses' fine fiid cloth top Shoe $txx).
- ,, Special reductions made on odds and ends of MMlinter itodc. Tbc TV^fl*r«m. wd
can wait on you courteously wbeder you buy or DQt.


'W’.axasvro* azooK^^

» qt iwt —* tt.
■M ,oA bX A.


thM Um7 «M‘tbM U7 •«
n* DMDoermc lUkM > Dim
Tbc 0(m»a BapUU Dmc
mAc» dlMOMf?. .T»toto wortkyef
aoM. is MMlt.
jMt wkM Um pMpl« k»«c bMB loar
laftw. Mr. MeElaMr «m tiMUd.
Than Maid lo b* w> dosM of that.
' Bahad tow «00.0a0aaM
Mr; Bryam. Tbc DaaeerBi
and }a« how be got



th# atata of MfcUgw aad aa^
Ztw othar rtalaa. fat» a pop.Ii.Uc

Kewttat'a had. fhetta. thara ware
too Mag Mtai. (for thcfood of tb*
•Wbar daUowa' I la ■ora alataa tbaa
lodhM. BaitbbtaagTMtdiaeorafT.
•ad hr. r*a tba DaOMorat oiwdtt (or all
For DaUan aaa Oaua!
WnUam J. Bi7»a kaa a parfoet right
4aMtarlbalMtar«Md. b.1 ia doiag
M baahoalddrepaU tiwt boata .beat
tb bah« daaa -far U>a good of the
-mmo.” ItiadaMforaoBar. )aot a.
•BjeteBaBdowlL BabaUowlBC
. U>^f to baaaadlaat a. tba HrliW
abalafaB ar tb* haardod oimib arF

te. U» e—l>f
___ _

Water ai
Iba Bpwoctb iMgbli. ilitoa. B- Baate f >
■■tel pnvrBfa wfll ba ^raa. lalarOoh baildtog -ocamplad bp J. C> b
aptfiad wHb f^laga bp Mba JabarllBgo.
Bill. Caav. ^torit. b
laaebar ofatooBUoo la tba ool..J. Sbk... .
pipe. Pat oat wiUaaUl beam
-----------_. .. _. -Fred Farraak
lagaatBeatoaU. Tba pMgmai prapitgcret to that eoaatrp Fall partica
m. m. Knmpa bandiag.
SaaUael-Prad ttor.
baa to ba rarp aatartaiaiag.
irtefiba trip will be girea apoo apPicket—Fhaak L'^or.
Wmtorw Tba PeraalM bad a peal
iPlkatioato priodpal agaaiaof the C
i A W. M. aad D. L.te N. Byaor to
Uiae Cbrbuaaa dap la tba
tiao DaHAra.). (i/P. A.
Cmaamplpa dropped
baU. A 'feaat of good tiilaga wa.
Pat eat with -Bax' axttogaltbar.
aarrad at aeaa to aoarlp 4»
Ladp Lleat. Coia.-<ABelia Croffar.
Oct. SS. I p. B. M. Chraab'. dwallMew 'Olaaaia. i
Udp Record Keeper—Frame Oagr.
aad tbalr (aaOica. oo beaaUfollp daeolag. CBMa. ebiBoa^. Mo water ate
........ .........>B wBl be fmed to tbr
rated tablia. aftarwbleh tba - —
dUaraat eoaraia of the BbatocA Col. hit m am A. Uagwortbp-.
ware laatallad tad addraiiM a
Udp Cbaplaia—Ida Kaat.
^ Moadap. Jam. 1. lavt. AU wbr
Oaaw, toeaadtoip.
aafarml of tbc High Ooan oAe
w^ to irapre tar the apdag axani .
aatioa woell do wall ta eater tbear
Iba araalag a grmad bait wma baU,
l^or. II, 1:IS a.-a. bat half of
■ oaea. We woold rearaale.
wbleb wma nacb cajopad bp Iba
I. Krawn.
tODretodeetaairapidip aad
Moeb aa Proot StnaV it itorem Ctea
rowd paaeat. tWlog tba aval
tboroeghlp aa aap aebool in thr auu
BBkBowa. Oaa Ufa last. Walar aM.
II) raevaa*. uui«.l; «o. I"
lacbaas waa aarrad and It wma
or reload tbr toitioa. Oor SbortbaaiH. TdO p. m- A. Bold.wcrto'1
aad . Coamareial Ato^eata raporlall;
oar before the daariag »w
dwalllng. Ctea. ehlBaep.; .Ko water
art tbc aqokl of
baring tbr a.B>
TbaakamadlbUrfrtaada rrll
tome amooDt of toa^cti^. Call m
W.—Aagna H_____
taraad to before Bidtbalr aaaaal -browM" tbb araaiag ia
W. t. Krlaoa.
Bight to-aigbt. Dfaamber will ba tba
C. B DmatKI.
_______ —Jam Uerchic
tbUr lodge W»aM
lip BOBtb thli pear witboet m flra.
Hr. aad Mia. Lota surer
A. wUI beaaea^bp Iba reoiad tbara
Nouoa to Tazpapara.
attncUaaa at tba-Crmod. Mr HUrer
Booeirer—Jake Forlacb.
»rr beaa tt cmlU ia lean agalaat tt to,
I will be at Bp ofice Oariag tbr
baa aasp friaadi datlag froca tba
looth of Ileeembrr. law-, aad Janalaaide Wauhaiaa-Uea Tbirltor.
of bb raUdaaea bara aareral paara ago.
rp, !*.•:, from 8 o'clock a. o). ootil
Oouidr Watebmaa—P Foostoin
who wiu be ^ to know of U»
IrVi o'clock a. m and from 1 o'clnct
ebeaiicml cagtoa ooald bare baa. aard
Itoiicau loe Urmad bodge—Jake
Bern ba aad hb wila bara aiat wit
>. n). antil 4 o'clock p. to. to ro-rirr
mtlt. if the dtp owmad .rneha Ulag. Pnrtaeb AUenato. E. BooBito.
thr etolr and coantp tozcaae-MAcd la
Cbi^o aad otbar Itwllag cltirt la
amrlag bemrp bllU-for water mad danAUAliVA BIVK. KU. IK. I.
T. M.
:ity for the rear 18-rd. aad xoch rut
age bp water. Thr eagiae bae beea |
---------------■■ *—'the preaent fieua'
All t^ cbUdraaaad graBdebildraa
and uapaid..
oat four llBea, at Ibe J. J. Baker Ire.'
r Hr.' aad Hrm. doha Wright with a
Herald HaildiBr. Howa .NoApril 1. wkara it wtt OMd t«r the firet
(aw (rlreda aajopad a maiea ,Chrbv
tbr Pleicber Sre. where tbr rirar
BB. dap atSpiWlbrk. tbalr prrUp
Loij Fin. Keeper-Mim U lleainlib
Mau-ouk Witgm.
elow that It eo.ld .Mtb. eaad.
Imdr'u at A —Mn. m. aolirpbadk
FaatoaBla baaM. wlib aa
tba Oral Wood Diib fwlorr lia. aad
-Urm tVta. Haakm ChrbtOM dtoBB .ad . UM (all of
big Pro,
treat fire.
It ba. paid
lAtdr Picket-Mrm
Irm Jao. Dcitt.
Fhpaitiaa-Ilr. W.
UBaa orar, to tba
tfolidav ralea oa M. A K. E. B B
ilaelf B
B. Thlribp nwebod the ■‘goldaa age'
fare for tbe rouod
two 8rea ■
of Bflp pbiard.p. aad Him Tblrlbp toIH« to all poiBU no thr line and a
The Bredeparttoart wataarar 1a batpo^UOD cootirctiog Unp>iDBikh>gai
ntad . partp of eoagaatol friaodc to
tor ahapa than at Ue preaent time.
A«lp Mb aalrbrata the ocoHlea. A
Bowbern a mao. Are el when atop
boeaUfal laadMOa wal Mrrad. ml '
the COB atreet engiae boase aighU.
Ubo ^aat to ptemmi eoDrcnml
aad laclodca boaUs Cblaf Deapna aad
Tb. garab broa^t with tbea> m b>
drirer. P. D

BBC roelriag abalr u . gift to
aad oec book and laddarelapa
Tblrlbp- _________________ __
‘ tdp^^____ _____ _______
if aeh.aac U. TMn, r u w-»l.
! PwtialDaub BeU.


. .

Wo wish you all a happy ami ])rospcrous
Now Year.

I Julius Steinberg,
Your pry Ooods, Carpet and Clothing Merchant


gafaed darlag tba lata laMthabla
tiew ^waaba •
Holaaa dbpmtcb atatad that
^creb <d that dtp triad to aagoUmta
far ea. e(bb betaraa ia tbalr wiafar *
aaafaa bat Hr. Biraa wmaiad t3:oao
ud tto amalttar tboaght It too Ugh.
Tba HbuU> Mtad bat dM wot pablbb
Boea J. Stodmaa to.J. D Stodn.
a'ABdaniB baceoBidlad .tottoCarda of tnaaka.
tba itaa M tba liaM, doebUag
oti .s aad t. aoc .1, T s: a. r n w-»l.
lb matbaaUdtp. far. efaa ap to that Ub of barlpl. of wbleb b* barbed
ttoa. wa waia aot wiUlag ta baUara
Ber. D. OockUii. aamr.
|loK. bl
tIbtMr. Brpaawaaaimplp Wmdiag oo
aaeab to Alfred rmnpeea
boat prapar Boettog of tba pear tbli|^
• hb •otertav gaiaad aa
|iot 13. Blk I. Frrrp HaBaab'b tod addMbdldata
Tbata aaeat bow. bowat 10:10
Eiiward Carrnll to Alrz Carroll, a',
OMTi to ba BO doabt that tbb b traa.
laek. lect. Ti'tB, r ici w—»4c»).
, AaAUaata.OB..dl^l^o(mfawdapc
BoDdap aebool baglaa
__ -M
Carnll to-! J. Carroll, Bk
t 11:41 a-B. tfabolaraahtodd all ba of aei, . lev 4. T is a, r lu
BodUa ahippad boat Trai
praacBt toatorttbawo - M. Uriaa HaUa aad Altoada Farni b
l^carp A Canto, w*. of aw k. aec 13
Mi ^IbatlaabewdBl
___ Blr Uaa. wbo MDMU^totba'aaplaB. «. .
Jaalor CfartoUao Badaaror at 1 p at . T ST a. r ir w-*Stii'
________________ wJtb W.J. Brpma to
Of the latter II wne
daltrar aavlbaf laetaraa to
taWM e(tbaBOBtb.bwaaldhb tolar«a to tba raatara. *a aaatiaa ipadl- adbyfrtaaA. Tbto doea not toelndr
CM b ripriiiiitadaa bartog bea^t toe total BBBbar of dealhi to tbto aae’‘idd*
^ bBttbatdaaU^ottba------- •— •- Uoa. brlag Iba report of t^A; Aadet' .T«7 ooe on 'What »od ba. baM to „jo,
Ba tba paat pear.’ ^bt from tba
W. J. Uanllloe to John llanilvoo
«hfa. Obb. b what baeaMB of Mr.
heart. Prepare f<w tbia atoetlag and
eSofaak.ceeJ. TSTo/t ;■ W.-tl
ring aoBe oae with poa.
Wood Ulab Co. to Aatboap «•
a daUaia aad CM H daaeUab
The rhetor anaaal aaeUag of tbe etoe.
118. blk a. If. b. A Co'A Sad ad' - It BM ba dbttoatlp aaderataad.
cborcb will oceor aeai Teeidap at T p. [ -WT:
haaim. that bablad IbO'dsUara aad
_ o(' oBoen
S Back to HeajanlB Warmer. ge‘.
•Oaa of tba eaaloato. that baloaga B.
Aaaeal reporta
at tbto
tbto time,
U». KoiofMH.«c4,Tsie.rllw-t4.«.
aaab b tba aaMtladad aa
.. Uamsetoat-dapaef Ibatowa
aoctoUea are taada at
ladip baataa maa U baeoa
aad tiie nlUag of tba hoart bp Uie meaiber aboald (aU to be at tba aaaaal
ad Iba UUWI (ttalaa. Tt
Bigbt watab totbaraadlogof maaoi
J. Hoigaa tolieo. F Harrp. tb•Taatarae*- tor wUd> Hr. Brpaa aalb
a la charebia- Before tbc dapa of
• niof e Wfretot lot V. blk IT. Trar
htMalf aed bb -aaaaa,’- b to toalada
area Clip—tsioo
.1 Da> J.t.Tre—r..
•ftp -afpMrmaeaa." la flttp laadi
I of tba Beadap
wbp tba prBcber aboaU Bake a boUe- Bealor i
Oao F. Manap o B. J. Worgaa. pad
aiUB to (baaoBBUy. at totorrab
tto beard of hlaBalf before bartottog
if Annual MoaUng
, ^k- MS . alao part of m I. o'
two waaha. Ibtaaoratoga ptetod
It laa aatoaaoaaow
irlatBaa feaUral at that
, IbTtt a,
twapamia.aadUlbbptoa werkt w
thaeMtoeoftba-tbeabptartoa el
todlB will aareeoM of tbalr goad tea
»ae Iba eawuaat b to raa a gaar long baraatraagadtoaTold it Jaat aa (ar aa ceataappara troBl toT:»jp>. a Ettrj
Special rate* toCanaaton poloU
peatihle. aad hare boagbt apace I '
odp eordlallp Isrited to eaiop tbalr
Bac IT. It aad In. relara lloilt Janua
:ew Yaar’A^pper at tba cbarch. 4
iho tgatba of Ab aua b a
adrertlaiag eoiBBoaof both local paTtb. Oae fare for roaad trip.
pBa. wbm aanooboanMata of totcreat
The offoiDg tiaadap Boralag will ba
bV<todbaUaL BpaMofUtar
Phone IS.
C E. Mi miat. Agt.
for BlaUtertol leliaf for aged aad dtoablad aiolatara. of wboB tbara aca aararal to.Hleblgaa aaadlag help at tbIa
eatlp. For aeraral paara tbe BaaALD
baa tbrawa open ito oolasaa to all tbe
csoacB oa cvbbt (acmtiari.
Irraapeetire of enad. for the
Barrioaa are bold to K. 0. T. M. hall
jrift-S .VTEf.vnEAO, f*r.,,.rl(for...jd|foa«Bn.
aawSEwal^Irtp iMT'aigbtrMrf'BtTM
a of tbalr regalv aoUoea, >t 10:lv erarp Saadap.
QoarteriF BaaUag. (toadap, Jaa.
Tbe -eboreh SnV
daflatod. wa
aa^ eolBBa’ baaooBc to atop nod people
tan to U4o aaa what Saadap baa to
Friday arentogwaparlaaea aeatlag.
!^11 vara tba
Blora far tboB abd wbal otbar tolar- T:10 o-eloA.
Bod aip rl
BatlM tbe paaloraatop baratogfte.
Brarpbedp oardlalJp torltad to atTba otbar dtp pver* bare
ad tba mw plaa aad Ibe ebarcb ed*^waa't rota tor paa la tae
BBa baa oob. to raaato, bat aot m
aataaelar ataiaaU atotlaa
•kr o.A«anaiaa-Pi
iaato, -aalaaa poa
•'TItot Witold Mag dap Baa oat.*’
la lltolr BtohelaM aailoal epeaUI»,
Bid Mr. Brpaa. appaartegoa tba plat'
«BB. -LMBagTaaptbabaadaltb' r^arta Ua (oUawtog Brea (or IPK:
Jaa. a, 1 a. B. Davata'a eblakaa
SaaM bw pat Bkad Mr. Bipaa
eoap.-^ Oaoaa aatewa. Walarw
11:41. Soadapaifaod.
; baapldiatui eaadidata foar paan
W»ei beaailtoi pie
Fab. 1. TtoO p. B. Wm- Hoadph raat p. BL,Jaalor CalOB.
hmm. bat he bM armllad blawilf
I AleoLaBlerc'r Uoade
l;tl. B. T. P. C. prayer BaaUag..
IdaaoB. Cbaaa. eaaktog. No w.l«
Tdjo. aaealag a
Fab. 1, a:ll p. B. J- Farlaeb'BBtBca.
aaBpalga otMtOO^ pro., tba aaraaeapM by JaUaa CbBpbaU'a bardraataaBetBprl^'-aap.Hr Brpaa
Tba fallowlag eOeeia ware aiaetad
waie-Blodt fitmt, eUmaap. Ke
^nllag r'eram. r
■at wrrtowa. ar^ paapb'e rtowa,
perfect dclAtl.
to tba Baadap aehool laK Saadap (Or
^ '
Bfdara htdB^oM tba pao|dc wfl
Don't fail to see this Double .Attractionfite-B- WllbalB.
. aeaa to tew Mr. Bpxas forwbatba
Uw Btere. Watw
Bae-y-O H- CroM
Hareb BO. t:lt a. B. Oao. Uaaa-a
goyta.1 CbT Parloes. . as, 35
Ubrartoa—C- A. Oaraatl.
dwaUtog. oeeaptod
dad bp Bar. W. A.
Hareb tt. S:ll p. aa. Job. KallTa
bUldiag. Bnafad a. aaloea bp Wla.

What Grade arc They? j
SrcTielow wljitbrami you ar^ fiijii';; (or ami you
save money.

Wt- iri'r a list

What quality they are.


I UtibU-rO.

Tha Old Baltoble and Original Sboao



I Thaw Out!
Be Liberal! Be Happy!;


Every father and mother knows that to-morrowds Hew Tears. ,
Make it happy for your own and the Uttle angels who are lees j
fortunate, and Vhen you give, give of the “BEST." manoCaottu^d ]

jjj only by





Sapipa ball whbb praBbB ta ba
thTtoto of tbaaartB pat baM. Tba

■ EKir*

Tba M*a>l
Otar tia .............


To know' ^
How muelv money you’ve got I
to but we do want you to know that we can and do i
§ give Inore honest footwear for your money than |
ai any other shoe house in Traverse City. Every-1
‘- body who tries us, says so. Good shoes, low (
prices—they do the business.

I NewYea^atthe Bookstore.
All^ams, Toilet Sets. Medallione, Oard'Caees. jjo
Work Boxes, Smokers' Sets, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Necktie Boxea 4k
Mamlksrohief Boxes, Glove Boxes. Glames, Dolls, Books. Bibles. G
Testaments, Writing Hesks. Scrap Books,ManicureSete. Framed G
Pletares. Photo Frames, Jewel Boxes, Orest Wave Ware, Black- G



Alfred V. f^riedrieh



AprajS. ttoo p. B. Ki
dwalltoc.. -

Hannah & LayCo. i



Traveree City. Mtch. ]




B to tba abareb aBfeaa
IW(nM»*aa a’elaak.
r faUMrad bp a goad aaalal Ite. It
wfnbaaMaaataapparaad Iba pabflttogaafaalbtoUtad.
TteaBaS^TaatlSo. g;i. C.e.T.
M.,tPlllgiaaUi(aanbauBal baU to
' «^BMpapBabaUibbi
- BMttebaathdgatod.
Tba gaaaa atp Bb^ Oab^^l

Wurzburg Block.

I I 8 Front Street.


leaw fMaaaaatewm.

W .


! NV|)liiii.;Iltll>lATCo...


• 'rbl- - - • •


makes and te



- s=r^

i>f different

"rnstt: thTa in yo|ir hat."'











KMxa Lrnma, w*m la » tar dankbr. Hra i
rears old. aad «aMa (aakia. M tka
■WertaaatefcllfaM tar M at tar
rat of Ita Prsaktart lebaah, with bar
taM«HtbHm.CB.Pla%« tMaw
tanhtar. Bsttal. baa bara sp»*l«f
wia b« Malar. Hra Oaa.
T. Uman wamU Uta
■ «rtaratara«^kerscM
Banaarhaayaaa to Bly
te ttair taarl ata a^tad r-^-” Bspitatataksa
AaraMwteUactaek tarswfU
— iraabeimataad
J^b D
a brer >y laWby Ms. kaim.
b fdAtaytkCbbtaa taabr
b eaeeHay foad raoM eeaMUy bTtaytare

ItllAa. Mrs.


State Bank.
tiyjytTusa-rsm b

S.V auiltes-BestataarS

.Clmj)>tla,i thil week 2.300

lar at Mta Bai<hUubpap(b.b
wbbh mil tta afeUdraa lalBsd.
Anoay tta talldira wta.ameh
a Stay''b a ahmiaaby araaab
Haward Macyaa. Pbraaea MOta
Uar »—*—• BataB Haaara, Ctarb
Arciy. Laeba Pawtaa. Pay Daataray,
Btaa Ma>tb. Basab CbkaW. Harisa
Olbta. A eaaabc partottta |
sraa Ita atofta aad raaya soli
by ialba Bsara, Laib Oraa ai
rarst MoCatt.
Hra KbysablMladasba A
lariraltta aad laid tta ebUdiaa aa lalaiaatby alaphaatstory. T

Death ofE
tkraacb 1
r aeelals irtll ba
Eli)ah Stab, wbo baa baaa aa bratald.aBd tta first wiu taylraasc
Ul tor Ue
U^for maayyaars.aads
tl»s aasfeatb.
bat frw waaka, paaaed away
Tw eesatr oaeaa are b
wmtn at tba adrasesd ays of
ad find ay tsasrallr. la
I laasas. bsslda bb wife. Baa ebilta aa« ast of aoeatr oOebls. arta
sa. tmsar Hbta, Hra J. i- Gray aad
rill saasa Italr datlaa tta bat of tta
la. W. J. Hillard of tkbelty. Mrs.
mr. KbartV^aioa haaMpttatadC'
Pratt af Praahfart aad Mra Pisd
W. Atatoi. aadar abarUT. aad f. D. Colbarm of bat iardae. Impraralra
Marria. dapetr.
Cleric Kawtaa has
bald at tba Plisl
apyolabd B. O. Udd aad J. U OIbba H. B. ebarcb Waiamday moraby.
drraUaa. aad Baylatar Ladd tat ^
Hr. dtau traa bora b (baada.
b W. A. Ifawtoaf 'j. 8. Moanie sprat the yrsatar portkm of hM »(* ia
tba roiud^laba lie waa married b
aad Oarria Braadfoet depatlaa.



They are Mr aad H?^ Da
ford, eaor Battle Croak, aad eaary bdlratioo poiow to bar IdeeUty aa
The alary af bar dtappaaiaam
nmaatie oar aad f»aaad yrrat ai
Btaatal the time Ibraaphoot rasi
8ta waa tta das^torof Joba Daaa
of tta towaakio of iobratowa. wbo.
harby a Urya faoUly. year
adoptloa ta Joel Baaaa of that riebity.
wbo h aan lirby threa mllm fioas
Itwra b Joly. itST. wbaa Alloa waa
only tbraa yrars old. that aha myabri-

rahy dsoday
OBl bto tba

1 tba close.

Ha fi

aba. a Uay tot. waat
^aariay.aa Hra Baira
ksppoaes. UI mart bar bthar. ;Wbra
be ratarmad wilboet bar asarob waa
made ataryabara. tat aba was aaa
Kaliyioma earricaa wars briarbald
the school bouaraad Hr. Eaaas hi
ried tberwaadyara tta alarm, dear
waa immadlataly baUbbd aad kept
op for two weeha At tba aawa aprrad
people came from all d
slat b thr aaaeb.
titoraa ware elcaad
b UavUa Orsab aad all aoluBUrrad
ttair aarrleea aad coatiosad i
weary ararcb. Tba fact that a
child waa Imt b tba waoda amooy the
wild aalmalaaad ladUu waa so appral to rrery motber aad father aad as
aad at home
formed aad placed b ebarya
of raptalaa sod proeoadad le llaa srlthla taucblBydlataooa of each other aad

HMa Oraoa Braydoa baa baae rUUay

I. Ibsa. editor of tba Kewayyo fiOb a rWt b Pt Waysa sad Chbayo. praaWaaL Him Uartra nra a dallrhV
Of tba elsamatortmtaa. Umtara-a
Mbs Praae PaUar bw taea spaadby
ssuirMter tta
oatba laraatloB. Ita Grand ka|^ Huaui
.. ab.
1, Bothlac ao raal aa tta
Hr. Hhaw tallersa tta bolUays with rsbllrsl at Labs UlaaadwritiBtaot Lamb aad hi*
wart tlraa bj Hra C. J. Kaaalaad.
Hr. sad Mrs B. A. Pieuapaat Cbriat. Mra O. O. C^l aad Ura Therull
ftimra rtonlaa tba
aa ia Abb Arbor with Hr. aad Mis. aad' aniaeto from bb worka wan •ractotor. aad It aaami bard to raalim
. A. Pratt.
that oaa b eariad at a caoalratall pre
taair Bra tall io ta tatd b Krwayyo
•aalatlea of aaiara aad awlloo aad not
3. ■-tHtaoaofLakafUabvaadl^
i Hra H. Mrala- *
**** at Ita «ral tblof "
Tba ciaamatotta boIMpys with bb dai«hiw. His.
* ky mpba will ba tboara bafnra a Traerraa
•aaad bbt wtataa to fbpt.
J. C. Moiyea.
tta mambim of tta dlrbloa. Hba Cliy aadlenoa aaxt Tmaaday aaaalarCtas A. Webb of tta OwMrat. wbo
Hr. aad Hie. Pied Bawaid. a< BsUb raata btaatUnl alamber aeaf-1’•baa
. - - Tba
-- Sllaara
- -- -blch-elam
- - - - mmakml
waa bsrrW Dae. IT at CtasppoUa
, ayrclalUto. bafia a tbraa alrht raraqaalra. rkdiad with rtaatirb bara the
V-W. PattalB fara a akatob af i'^^^***.'*


lal Of tta wash.
tta work of Ita Ormad Bapida Udba'
Mra Cbaa Haiphy. of Kalkaakv baa LUarary elab. aad aa informal dberabaaa sbitlay Maada b Ihb elty aad b Moa iaUowad oa attar rab)arm. ~
Latbaaw eanty(mil of latormac
A TCBT prauy daabta wrddlny taab
MbaOma LaPorys ratarmad to
pbattatardayasaabyattbahabs of
Ita •bimb AUdrea,- yomaf aad
^Wa TetadaB attar a start rWt
Mr. aad Hrs Waller, of Blbwood. Ita HhrBWaallSn.
aad llbaqatatkmwhirhbadttabral
esairmetiar parUaa brlay Jaeab A.
Ura iota bmdabr aad dan
Uma, Ita AUdraa ar Ibetr paraab.
Wllbop aad MIb Ptarm Maud Waller, Mbs Uda. of ribk an tta yab
Krmy ora af tta UtUa oara waa wlUaad MeDsaaU Boslaaad Htaa KaUit Him. M. B KlabaU.
« to do Bomothlac to aoMrtala. aad
May Wellar. Bar. II Cbablia oStabtlay.
M raaalt waa adaHShtfal ptap
Hr. aad Mra B. U Ttataar. of Ormad
A aabbar of rabUab aad Maada wars Bapida bars beta statin
part af wUeb waa Imprambta. Hta
Jmlla BiUladi had ebarya (to tta atue
Oaa of Ita prautai aad
Hr. aad Mra
P. Baddsa aad Mbs
Haddra. afOraad Bazars statby daliyhifal faatoraa of Ita proffam waa
Tn Haasuikaa
rabtisas aad Maada bara
rah malkiwaimBL Tta Uula.
of Ita baatbyof
Mr. aad Mrs L. C. ftattr bass rs- ■at at tow laHra. rack with a licbtod
abiloa «f ElacsUoalsta to ta taU b taresd ta Graad BapUa attar a Irtf
a btfeaa Ibam. aad with laatr
Aaa Arbor Jaaaaiys Mrs-Martal
daya wlU Mra E A. Ctatar.
dalaly aeatamra aad bri^t Imppy
asb Las. liirbrTly of this eity.'aad
la Tadfr lataiead to lam bmhBdttoaaBartaaafbraBllfBl
tar of tta wobss'a departawat of tta Cbtaayo Tsaaday to waba
attbaChicaye HrabalOeUaya
TTn mraira] part af tba patrmm taProf. C T. Orawm baa baaa attnd- eladad a atoUa aoia by daeh Pwry.
baaUn of tta Stab Ttaatan' pbaa aoto by Lab TWtaar. dari by
at laaalnibbwaab. ra- tta Battoabary abama. mmy ky
araby Iasi alyhv




Bob. ata Kb. V. H. fmm kwa


1 .


Wears showing a line of Turkey £sd fast
■color Prints at S
a yard,.
A line of dress style Ginghams, Just in, 4Ko.


All our remnants and short lengths are now
measured and ticketed and offer some good
Our Red Hot underwear still on. sale at 1$q.
Heavy fleeced goods sold atMc last season. <

of men's and boys tn>
Bte^ has been all that
jwe could wish for. and
I demonstrated to xxs
that such a liberal die*
count on new, season­
able goods is. appreoi-

Our stock is most complete and we guaran­
tee values and satisfaction.

MuuM • • • mm
■KKnuetfnimm. - mm
OnrSBTlHgB De;

Mgpmrr vnueaiM


Munev back If yun want It
is the hasU.

| atOd by tbO DUbUC.



d of tba wark

We can meet you on that ground.
Our early purchases, oarsfully made, are
practically all sold. Our late purchases were
made at a time when manufacturers were
closing up their stocks at wonderfully low
prices. We can give you the advantage of
Fkncy choice styles that were $16. $18 and
$$0 early, we can offer you at.......-$11.75
Our $6 to $9 lines we offer oorrgponding
values. You'll miss it if youpkssusin making
cloak purchases.

We Still have from
one htixnlred to one
hundred and fifty _
t6 ba yl<
men'sand boy's ulsters ^
rwaafooad waa aaarr bran),
form, brly Seaday moralay bor hna- aad the bay sib lodloos search was which we
hope our|^
baad woks, aad beard bar stir. Aa ba rsleptantly sbaadoaed.
baksd at bar aba aa^rad. heart failors
Braaa liaad aa Ua taakaoftba prices may close out in B
baby tba saoaa of bar aaddaa dralta.
dayr. B
to bar former';
Thai{in the riclolly ammll bmada of ladbaa. aHmtktyaa lor tarbl. The
examination of ^
obitaary bra bora haadrd ,M>m« ouawra and rottawattomira mad
'oeeraioBBUy Horoea from tbr moi-ib. theae wiin>e apprecia-!^
lAa May Bawyor waa barm la Frait- tba trlta mfaoatola yooac Smith. Tba
prat, Mmabayoa oomaty. Hbblcaa. day that Allea dirappaared ibara ware ted both by the cue-^
April a. ms. dbd at tar bom* b fraah bbof primu of ladUo paataa ridOrawa. Oraad TrarmnaODmaky. Hlok.. dea dowi to tba oraak to wawr. -Taaaa tomer and ourselves.!^

Bob CharA of OUsaye ft rMUay aU
rlaada ban.
His. A. Kbybae)<7iiwafi£'bab
. wayaa taab. frob whbb oD wiU ta
W. A. Clark. adMaaWa. rtalbdTbrdallrsrsdb
isa last sraak.
1. 3. Plw weal to Maibnn tta
U M. BuspTTiaar
------ -------'
, aaw qaartats la tba Prisdrieb Meet bat at tta weak.
~ U. iteabaaa riallad b Bay aiy
aad W. C A B. A. Oaasatl are aioriay
toAqy btattaateratabas}B*tr
Baiph Bnwtak. ofHl. Plsnaat. Is
rUltiay W. W. MUlar.
armdsi yra. » mo.. I» ImdlaM dlaapprarad aboot Ua tima
Lrri PnabytaaMbebs •freb Oaa,
Uara apala. Tba
way far s Bbert rtaU.
lerad to Orawm b tbo paopir Anally trlUad dowa to tbr «mMrs. K J. Haaatasahy aad aaa are
apriac af law. wbara apae Hay i. m>;..
rtatUay b Balaiaiwio
that tbr ladbaa awla Uttla
tta WM amlud b marriafa to ArUar Allea.
a Allea Omwford wfU Mare i
W. Uoeimr.
Mra Dean baa bara Is
Tn Hoya- Bead, as ta Ihslr aaaoal
Bm lathor dbd derbr bar biaaey. aara wtu Mr. Smiib for tbr paal
Laoa Titaa baa baaa rWt>ay fW.
antab. yara aaopaa air aaBcartChriatBarririar to monra tbair tam arm tbraa maaU. aad ha will go to IbtUr Craak
baa bormlay tbai waa baob' aa)oyad. aad Mra. Clark at FIbl.
Mbs Addb8blth,atnmaktort. tas hratbara. tbraa tHtora a mothar aad tba Arat of the iraak to aaa bar. From
ta tta attaracoe tbay dbad wlU tba
bar oeaipaaba af oaa hrtaf yrar.
tbara ha will yo to Cblearo to tell the
Mrs. B. B. Daaab bta ratarmad hew ‘ ntotaaad waa aa braarad mamtar of happy aawa to bb "wiemam tbur '
don Kt-BTS. esybsar of tta Drway
■Urar Uka Ulra Ka a«u. E O. T. H. u Darlar tba yaan of.Hr. Smith', capBOBth^ rtalt b Ksitaaba,
Stare Chi's, tastory at Cedar, dird PriEras
tbara Vara lomr mora whita ebll' Hit. B. Wriybthapbaaa aatsi
4ar. aflerablaf Ulana- Ba waa
aot wordt ofebaarwara rrar apokaa draa la Ua camp, aad ha bopm latraea
lay Mbs Proal of Prmakfort.
years old aad taasb a wtb aad lltUa
Mra A. P.- Baayfa has taaa sWtlay aad atmUaclraaWbaokoB bark tba team aad If poralbla raatora them to
Mrs. W. O. Heldaa atCbdObe.
ttair bamaa. Tta praeUea af tuaUaf
caiAs Bsrao. of Ulaa Hataa. ws
aamary baa ttara baaa addad chlldraa from tba "StoUa" aad tsklap
Mbs HIMboiah has base rbttby
.Btaatty klUad by a falllay tree at
aaalbar Ibk. Imbalaf the worthy pra- Itam to Ibr Cbaadba alda to ba bald
His. 8. 8. Barmatt at taka Aaa.
■ taw's ea^ aaar Eaplra Cbrtataba
Hta Mabel Uyaba baa beta apaad- eapldf "OaaatoothanaayoB womld tarrasaem waaqaltc csMaaiTtly
■ tacrmlnB*
ysais oU aad by tta raoaUoa at bat Jerdaa.
that tbay Aonld do aato yao
riadoa by tba iadbra at lhaUmai
Mbs Mary Aldaa. of Bread Baptta.
ahlldraa wara atolra. aad fraqoaatJy
lay war# trmjiad far blaakau. "AraTaabbatoaTrtbaaaaettata ttaer- I« TblUaybbabbr.Kre Bbt desk.
an a Olab.
tta Ttasrraa Oty Ath. -a btaraatiac mratlact bara btaa <
Ibf. of Patarabbry. b
bsad loohi forward to rblUay Hr aad Mb- A. V. Prtadrteb.
Hr. Smith faaU aary vratofal to'Joha
bald tobwaak. Tta oaa' Hoaday afiMBs yuBb of baakrt ball Uiis wbler
Mta Ida Boobar ctaaa baba bob toraoea waa la ebarn of Hra
Thar- Palclpha.-. tbimorb wbora afforla he
' tatweaa It aad tba aawly oryw
Bly BapUabstwaakteraataat rblL toU; aabbet. Ctariaa aad Mary Immlx waa idaallAad aad bb mothar aad albJUatoe Mtaoate AUlrtle aboriaU
P. M. Hriklrfc bat rataraad Aftar IhS raadUd of a paam by the ar raUUraa bara foaad.
B. r Wowaa. loeal ayaat of tta
Sbadatd OU Oa.. baa raoelrsd a tas

We AiUy realise that you expect to buy Ibr
much less price than early in the season.

Y.. b Pibnmry.

aad Ahead Paettatahaa
aa. Ipjarirara■ebtiaa of tta aork of Ibeaa pa­
brobyhtoa parpers dortay Ita laU caaipaira. It
aeysw mmm sii-i. rsoorruii
him helphaadsoar baolc. eoalalaby eats of
“s taaafroa hla waist dowa.
promlaaeUp ooaaarted with these
alerayi chaary. mod bb whib
pypacs. the bsss of tta baaqaat aad
briybt faoa ware famUlaratall
wpsaaaa to tta toasts.

Lai>an M tta paarr bsuadb^tha

r ^

oa hbraporiaaooaatain
dbra. aad bb draraiptba of tta white

Mray pa^a wbo aaPsisd from Iko
rarayaa of the lodiara b tta early ‘u'a
aad 'flo'a Bararal paopU bara writlaa
to biai. Utlakby that aba mlykt ta
tbair daayblm.
Mr. Saiilh has talked
aith some old oeoaia wbo katw him ar
aa aetlr*. hard-worlrin was. Hr. •Pab Paea." aad b eartab that ta baa
«UI aaaUaaa lu atatUr Baatian Kelly bad
at bat foaad tta (attar aad aotbar of
tbraaybttawbtarsad tta Bast basl' for Wwadf aad family, aad had itawa
tta littia ylrl. wbo was takaa to dar•MaUas rrill ta taU b tta wtat wmid ta aaramplbbad kara by
abatlbaaaaa lima that be waaalolUdba'. IdbraiT parieri naiadar


* '

Albert Swllb. wbm loaraatbstsry
was yiraa b tta Hraat.n at
has bara laetariay thronk tta

IT will ta b isot.
1^ aad Hra bbto kbarrad tbair
aldsB waddlay Pebraary tT. aad
a Oral Wood Ulab Co. wfll start -I'ceat atraat Maaday. wbaa a
acaaioehaa toft a aaiy happy maa
loayfay w doha Warmer, attar
badry bay ntk,U>dk ttbiy their bsads W.U the oamtadaa aad frteada wbo
yraelad tbata therm. Be will be miatad
from the Pest bars, bsl ha waa ready
aad waitin to aaawar tn tba rami
from tba mat Bayood. wharPao ^ay
widealdaeralk W Uardalb*s fralt.
ed-inrsbatndra bara already yatbsred.'
bators they wars stopped. It Is a
Ba will bd yraaUy
ral that tbay did aot break aoM «
Asaaooaatodttasaddaatbof Jaba taapbtayUadbpby wbdowsalday eharta. of which I
taabayof Kertbport wHI ta foaad la ttair raab or bjara tbaBiilraa b aay
ipod tbroayh >»><>* and waded
--------a,,, day
— day. They
tta Sorthprirt Prpartateatoa nth pays.
A SsdOaB Daaibcanted boras
la aad ymaa for tlyaala
'HasToa Gorau. wmiasraea MsaA rary aad dratb waa that a
Brsry day hnadrads of eiotbars waUad
daadsy moraby of Hra. A. W.
taaru for tba rtlBra of
Mw aad bar hbabaad atteadad
1 Wallaee be baeh
TBwars unaiadayab llMaad

Now for
the clean-up.
To begin with we want to sell every garmuit
we have in stock.

ttaiaaord ofBarrtace Ucesaaa taaad
Daabaroaarys Bally.
at Ita oeaatr CM'S ««et b br tab«
It will ta ssea by tta ButsLD'a r
ttatedtatraar. Oelj IM tare taea
rdof loaal rraatofer IsM, yliaa
taaed^afslaet aaeriy »» bat yiaf.
aaeoad pays of loMar* pap«- »»
Tn TnaMrlrfa ”)(dlr asaltar" boay old laoldaab hare paraad away
asad as a CbriatoM aoarrair. aarrta dorin fbr ytar. Tta bat
rt tk^L^fnasiatl'M taiaad by Its aa»a. M Gao. Kelly, wbo dbd at hb i;
i aoeld aot be aeijwlalay M tbair da tta Paebaab. so Chrbtaa’ > tay.
yaara Hr. Krily ra
■aar Meads to bant that Idltara
Hooffc aad W. B. «ats*l^ tad lor_ad Oiaad Trarsrsa la isst. aad waa
ttarari'lrat aalUars wba bare
a rarberebla aad t»aa oa the atafa aa
that taibby cab ba badeaasc
ita iMa BIU KjM.
tta Oraad Trararaa rayioa. Always

‘I'aa DatrcBt eoaraal taacsra Beat
aof7 b tta aoamir prepared by
paper So enaBaiaorata tba dbaar yir*


r Mahal aad Gladys Cn b sattrs aaa-

Tni }ai7to taa aaatad Wb. ■
•SB. sharyad srtlb binlays dear ta



Clothing Oo.


Here is the chance of your life. We have decided
. to give our customers a BENEFIT, and one
that wilfbe appreciated.

January 1st


February 1st

In our Crockery, Curtain and Furniturp Depts. on
all cash purchases we will allow a discount of

20 per cent, off from retail prices.
Just think of the almost endless line of goods,
which this comprises: Furniture of all kinds, Crock­
ery and Glassware, Lamps, Cut-glass, Silverware,
Fancy China, Japanese goo^. Toys and Books, Car­
pets, Rugs, Curtains and '^ades. Couch Covers,
Screens, Pictures, Wall Paper, Lineoleum and Oil
Cloth. This is simply a clearing sale to get ready
for our inventory in February.


a^oat alaetad'

-b*-. ■*!’
Hr.^ Ufa. Nath aad La-la had
i3bM.eWN« (rtoMb la aad aoaaad
blra. UbWa Diafiaa aad B^art





m Sm 1

____ -, —,
nwmrj ammm wwi
*“ "«*«

w!**M£i’*?irwSK i*lr «~t

HI- DaLeat b apaadk
tloa at bOM ia Lalaad.
■a blai tbb -lalar.
Led-iC did baalaa
Ur. Md Hr>. MahB of
•Ubboritood laal Ho
^^jarjrtW^oUb «Mr daocBt^.
. aad Hr« H. Viakoa
, oxaat UaplaCIt; laat -----------MlMM 14* Baba ud Martla lUixild I


o■I atar ■aMieHTitic. ranan wtui
da M Ub place a far daja
alM to her hoaa M Bomt. Uk>b-



be tbe death of

ue piaoa laat Baturday.
Joba Joba— aad Prrrle BoaaeU ara ‘^UeyWr aad a-b lattn ta« a
t bona for tba boltdaya
Ur. Moe b baallac aotd wood to tbe* oat of -bat b kaoara aa the aryek*
a ebeer to la-boriaf aaa.
Nortbpon fro* hb^boe
Llate Uke aeraaip
r. aad Hra Barwa lataad to cook,
A coed daal ol rabbit h^u* b baThe Chrtat»aa rarreboa la U
-later, for Joba Kl1-y. -bo b or carried oa about bare «»adaya
opeelar Mbf la tbe KartaaU booaa

.^■SS'.Tu.'UTAll'S.* K

toad maar of the roaajr |p>«r>«




We are aorry to aay
BO bettor. Laat -ark —
i-te—rapbad for. ai they »,>»«••
roold Bot lire. Hb brother arrl..~
■«t Tbotaday aad foaad hi* a little
*1?e eleolioo <f» olBodre iB

aa belac Ba*d op batter

waa prl«Dlpal of tba aeboola bar*
raaiiairSd all
bb old frlead. -- day* at Tramaaf^lyr * ,
riad to tea btai Wa araflad to aou
r. a»d US. Paarbora apaat Cbrtot
that ba U harlac rood aaeeaa la bb ____, at Barker Creek.
tehool whara ba b loeatod ao*.
Tba axarebra Cbrbtoaa Bra at tba
abareb -are a aaeeaaa la arer7 -—
Mra. Bertha Wealeb'reUraed froa
Traeetec Oly Friday erealar
t?l»*hVrblj aotIrtSJid*”lie
Balkirk. -itb bb faa^ trt^a^

C- 8. Allaa aad party hare baea Ula
M d^‘Sbl^‘W'aare-1 at
w-a ball tVidap -M a -ell auaai— alafootibeloxeathepaet-n*.
aOalr. fWm -U taroad for aboal
Jobn Bocrtt b elritlat bb old^
oae baadradaad all -eat awa; wtU aad fiieadf la Chaada; -U! eblt
that tall faaUaf.
loath or Bora.
lade Btee.' CborchDl baa add bb
oiaa aad lot here to Cbariey Baaa
1 re-*a-|ir-a-doe.
Hra. A B Brataaid b DO- alealy
Tha hrida b a -all kaow.
laaebarofUtaad Tl
-a faal tafa la ala
Ur. aad Uta. H. H. Fita baea aweof
to Trmrerae City, —bore be baaap<*>____ _____,-------- loch left uwt
I tbe Oral Wood Web factory
apead a fa- daya la Hll-aubaa.
’ at bb^Tw tbUr trianda at Fhrav
a. Howard.
• -ortb.Mlob..durlaftbe ra«aladarol

ri 5si.“=s^? '



er. ».,* vam^^

• Uiirae-



**8^1 Ix^odon Pcwl^ enu red

that k-reUy
tion -

A*drtW FWrbaaka la Mek^ l<«<
O. A. Clark aad wife apaat Ckriauaaa
IWa-aa adaaaaatOwl'IUrtlafa atlMdOlaa.
HM Vlaaia Aedacaea k vWtiar la
Chitatitta Birbt.
«^Mffiavki& •ra»y«i»lawUkA. a Maah aad -if. apaat ChnalmM
tUandb «im-lar«eaFte with Mra. Saab-a paraata Bear Kal-


lea v. l.r.-,

« baiof preaebed by Ree U-.
»lor of the r.*AreoU'>“»‘
111. teat clioean
caaloo -a. "HuBer IllCe cbil.

aoQ «—ce reoo
rb->ok1cta. esady. nata. etc., fi
-ordk of eympathy to them In their
..yiia eoauanea pia ap««ial
neetinn at tba U. B ebunsh.
Dr. Kaeelaod made a mitmlanai
trip to Sataalt Oty yeatarday.
To-nlAbt Alban Boiltb. tbe "ladlaa
aaptlre," -111 rin u aa aotortalaamat
at the towa hall.
Mm. Jeatoo la Itiu qntte feeble aliboaffb bar health I. mneh better tbaa
It -a* a few eecafc. afo
Prof, aad Ura. Uanlffo'd hare r*e
n frtead* ia the aoothem pan of the

Tbe ataal foe the aew kridfB ow tba
Bart Kontm aad -lie ata dlaaer
Ua^atoe at Uayai -aa anlnadcd be— •
-Mb A. & Play'* tbaUr- ,
EEto, tne .at*,*™..- uep..o-e.
ta-daya BKo.
Aan* aad Joka BraoaAwd.
U rlklllnA fneod. Bear Uraad Baplda
tMr«—ubw, 9aat ChrM*aa at C. T.
Aar^ (kaiaar of Ooftaa la-nrklBff
aUte are Ttalllit frirtda
tJuT. Fray aattlaf aUarla bolu
Trarcr* Oty raeat-Cb
a Crotaer.
d—a. One
Boodrean aad tesU^.
etaro borne..—----------. CM* Satlaa naaa bo*a t<«B F
Uka. -barabs baa baa* at-orb.
Om-ce Backer ia bo*a trom
for a khort eteatioB aad looke
uveiwi of bU
e— ■other..
behind a. BeeAmiller'a
AM --■---------aa*a bona tra* LeataHro. Wm. HeCaUooAk of H.Ufa —
MBiar. III. klAT -Itk a* -III V
bort, bat -« hope foe kl* retnrp to aa
t tbe elaaa at Ue acboal year.
Hra Chapmaa aad IlUla daaffbtae
Tbe Alrto at the -Bed Bibboa aub"
te a elelAh rid. oae <!•? ^»
>aah. Hlaa LeoaCri>t*r —• e"v-“'“
Hra. Balia dadd la ao batter.
r lb* ea**ay aad bandied ttr liaae
rlUeoataMle skill “
---------•- —
Ueyd Boat, arifa aad ehUd. ara
. doaea ei the rlri» *.« —.j
apmi^ the boUdaya at Maatoa.
** ad that merry loL 'Tka boy. tooked
tha aidewalk -Itfc aa c*^
' oa their-nafnl


Bd-la tiray la ho*e fre* Marinein
U. K. Nelaoa


bnUdlaf a


Jaa Kilmorray.Br.. ba* beaa .loil*
Ur Ik ffaininc at piraenl.
Thcae atleadiag -ibool ia Trarene
Uy are boaw darihff rueatloo
Tbe Chriatmala tred at Mr- Ilaneon'.
raa ffeeaUy eajoyod by all pre-nL
UUa Bama Clone of Trarerw City
rlalted at Jaa. Kilmurray. laal week
Ur. and Ura. Halil, dridia of ManlM are elaitinff relaUeea aad friead.

They -5S|


Srfarilll^'Trilb"^^'^^ and

cta£u2rVisr'^3SSr “Ss^


Ura hakar of Fraakfort ia ruitiar :
« paiaaia.
panaia. Ur. aad. Mra. Tbaa .loba
Uiaa Ailea Uimy U ba*c from Uif; ‘
Elaold*. apeadlDC cacatbw -Hb bei, ^
parcotakerc sraaa-ood bar laat'Wedea-.,
pnrpoa* ‘of entUac —odj,
day for tb* POT««
for the achool. Su :.
A load of Hood Tcaplan rttiicd 1 m
,'nnrm City 1. O «- T. halur.layi«
CTealac. They report a very pleamoi |«
Isa. . .
Qnitrannsberdf Areblc people at-1 •
tended the quarterly baaiae* aieatiBr 1 ■
lac of at U E. ebareb at < Vdaaaburr. > •
The enruUmeat of Archie


' ’mtoI araeo-plalalaAofbad^'
r. aaa —r». i*. o. ..yakoop'.
aad aora throat, anaalhlnf Uka fa.
waaobMTvad. Tbelr friesdt
grippm bot mo^laKaario*-a hope.
Hra. Ida Kl*baU, -bo baa baaa .... _:«* a plaaaaol aorpriae aad
•IWe -01 baoattare pcaiw *^
cert here. Sunday. Ucc- S«.
mrUac la Tracaeoa CI9 far aw
S^apeadlac tba fanlldaye-ir
.near shake, a eelcry diah aad a vase: •‘^u‘S?.™at-7^lt»-rta.b.
l*-| Boperiaiendeal—Afae* Kelly,
iecreury—Kraak UcHalIrn
rreasarer—Hr». B K- Kelaon:

t^i'KTL:? wTa^*s;E:i


j^’to^tetouTtea -bllT““^
I -BBt to eoriaeta*iaM ta laal

rt Ijr K.-U OaroUoa. bat did aa


.^r.i,!N?ST,i'SS Sf/ faSy.^T

Jaa #lat*»»aadla*Uyte-tChri^
with Hra. Wlaten' pareaW ia
Baakv retaraiac Satarday.
•Oraadma Prlah ha. «*» to Bit*-


S3th. ratarplat Moaday.

Tfaay «•-

a r'~------- - aCatr.
crowded aad *aay had to a
drtate taa* te Ma brathan ba -lU
aWI and draw Jaf. daria* tha-late.
Hr. Bead hariait bo^ttha-H of
aabof Hsa. It-lUkaheaU thaUaber



ESjk- 7f-IU .tart Mraie tbi.
Tbe ereoiar* are Tueaday aod
tri^Tu.,H«Un^aa^Ud^ day. Tkla Kbool ba* 1



rafaoaMafe-day. o

BoWard Houra ye^y^Vt
■M's «■ Saaday aa tbair-V be La*f
C. W



'■ r.'.T
the ' — —
I Porur-'
.kern foe;'

... ;,iu ss-.T,;i~ ii.

Ttie .-eremony-a. pcr-|lbe .-amp -yu.t north of her-..

'I*" "'r'iitl

' * ” '—

ji s{-r™aV,'ffir c. itv


The holiday rush is over, hut we propose to have another rush by placing be.
fore the people certain lines of HIGH-CLASS, doeirable and attractive goods,
marked so low as to bring instant attention from cash buyers.' Our center conn
ters ore loaded with a large variety of good merchandiee to oloee before Inventory.
Each and every article a genuine bargain.

at 26 cents
46 inch black Serge, the 50c kind.
- at 26 cents
Plaids and Novelties, the 6O0 kind.
at 26 cents
Black Crepon, the 60c kind,...................................
- at 26 cents
Fascinat(frs, thfe 60c, 76c and 81.00 kind.
at 26 cents
Wool Eiderdown, Persian lamb style,
at 17 cents
Misses 26c black wool Hose Wool, Silk and Cotton remnants cheap. Htmdreds of other 5

Some late arrivals bought cheap. We have divided the ^ !.!
principal portion of our stock of Jackets into five lots at the


out IvS 2 I'l;

Alan a nice variety of CAPES greatly reduced in price.

-WX3 OS'B'SXl B02£S3 TaTTTfcg A'p'ic- a -rar.-wi ‘V.AX.'CrSS XXT
Hr. aad Hr*. ne**at hare aaoa and
hU -ff» TfaltiPff them.
Mtaa (Ala* OrsTMark I. riaiOac Htv

Orpaafat-ZUla Frisk.
Tba atdyaar. Ite. with I* )aya a^


....______aad bauar la
laat Taeaday reeamr.-I
iawmtinr affair (roa> L...
booth -a. boili at Ibcaidr
vhi,.h —aa decora'
pip.and bontlqr I
ucIm -kieh war*

ClbTHING Dipt.

J. D. Wblt* bad Iba aitlra last
W*thar *«T aMHauaUc fur laaa-

AJ\Sapi.-B. F Bara.
8«rr-0-« BabbUl.



iU«b-aariS^-iMtetha fatal*.


riureu.^ ,..ivr
M..-rlff ofKru . IkKiUl
ofTbi*. pli^T IbJb -ri
___ _____t—lay eernia*
the Irid- - m-itber. Mru^
l-a-lcr, Oeo. j„^ph .

le -ho ha. been ari ; Frank V.

-ifa. anJMrt M. K-Chaadler ofllantonia.
Boar* enliH«i "baTlor. Iea.1
**.'• -Reat. liilie eleeper." "1 kaot
-hat a«aiu me." -err road •’
raaeral. aad the mUe body -a.
away la Beaaoaia cemeU-o'

.place -etartadai ab.*l -.t-talhe attei-ona .
-hlrh eritbabalPenrior rtde.-bbh ba b>ri
.iralt r..»ed of'Walter Voice, u. bant f-a
—a. a rabblu
At >1. o'.-l.ok hUnoapppearV alara—d hu "Ife aa-1 >!•' avil her .. I
The ball-n.-ro-dad. '____ ..... Walter ktarted out u> look (or kl*.
rrer, that ao oue could ee}oy tt ae the? : Tber follw—ed lb* i<*d astil Uieyi-ea*
.,tber—lee here doer .The
,e~-al« .u. a plac- —here tber
befiTc I Icadiay off I- the elcbl. uhi.-b thry .
ere all taken h«<(
__.aau- in I followed ami aooei nuut- upua Hr
Be to br^B aad tin
te —ere ablbrd to a_____ Keerv . I.M-kr) Inac apuo bl. bark, -buuleat
nalnurd W ba happy, bo—ere
reiartol (>n town for help.'
I. *ct^-w there IVheh tba
fteaelar bi.
rja-l. they Wan a> oA* la
ta'rmed by lire K. Msltfaof

.1 -ill looe
Ir. aad Urt. Poole

-h-b S3*^ad embalmed

.. W. Peek -aa saddwly takeaobe
alcbtlaat week with adatlc rbeam-bbtowtheaaawboboafht tboae tb.'.o.ibal^l^t^'^e.’^.;^^'" UMB-kllecm dutyaa -alehmaa a^
a oblifad to call ao*e oae to tak.
-otaloaadUBOtaaaaetlohaj^v po- ChattMioorv Taao.. aod b fealiaf
mneh batter tbaa —bea be left
hla placal
A wry piMaaat and rajoyabla tlm.
ad Mba
3 ttTtaberabaUdaa iboMapokaa of Joale Btapaenaoa. uater 01 jeia. A. C.

t>r.Bblrtonaad-Me,wm Uv'.V^

.rulb I

STwr. Horlbolta axpectad borne ibelrbomr.- Tbe) bar.- two week.
; racaOoo
SSalT^t t> anperieoca..
A .--Ibeir ChrielniaKarl ^■e^riB aad motbar drorr to lx. | Thr Ulbera- mee
• larda^TealiiA.-hu-h
■oath* .AO a hrt|r«t IllUe boy Of rat* land Thmaday, rruralnc Friday.
I eolrrlAlnmenl
tmiily dad ehildborxl loaooew
U» Campbell and »V* lb«no. dro.el -»•
t, . baer bcca a
D*u^ la iU Bieibrr'e anae. ba:
cbildrm did
be "little uoe b aafe at borne ta-------> oa hlfb."
The litUa se* ol ^'■*'“•5' ■
reacepth-nallt -ell -lib
oaebLac ebed lU bripkiaeai (or
Ulet' Voi.-r.
baa Wb i
.— .. ^eerae City.i art li*e la tbb ■world, tor ai
— - -------------- ‘—1
Mr. aad Mnc .1,0 Il.tnr. «f
aUeelioo^ w» aaot tkla
; plan - bb to Ibaok the

d’nibTna'ied the bader peltbnhaa
aUottbefraAT^Blbndof hope. Md In

o*jr* **

abaad It la tattla. tbo- «o Cr tbat
jotber and Baebel Ha»UU». of Uke
peioa U tbay
Aaa. BiMt Xaaa at D. U. Bbone
Bdto Bart .aid b. Iboorbt b^
h^^e Pr. aabatoe- ^ -era

... .



Tbe CbrblBae
be r«*a«herY

potaaeiDC b aattiaf ta. bat -a hope
Alban Tborabaw “d
Kf*4* aaeb b eot tba <*M.
City, rblved at S WhUaery-a aad C. F.
Oria Hoile baa leatad bb far* aad
re-a1l'a laat Saurday aad Baaday.
dubbad hb l>oalaer> aad-bow baa foac
I Cbrbliaaa tree at Cedar to tbe —ilberB part of Ibe atau to
e—a wELu ed aeaetoB balar aold at
•are oa Cbrbiaiaa are aad e^tbewlBlor -Uh Irtende aad rel
aad eld folk! tao.




Ueta»l*ayol»Jhool bef.-re Oie boll
daya Tbe teacher treated her n-bool
to A -ell ladea tree, r hich with lU oraameaU aad llabud caodlca
too. Mr. Amldoa —ai Barrtcd ai
.eiy preUy elfbt
................ .. .. "i.“7aO.Tr.“*‘*Am'td«n e.e^b.* 1.
—ae rleee «blob|
Ik*, aod lael. bat
Claaa hl*a>U
rraatly to the

tba laat two -eeha.

^ '


..rirbbore aad

Hr. aiU Ura Bobprta of Tweataa
air bare baaa TtalOaC Mwda Ban a

tbea aaob rritb a Uf tarkaj.





araalaraad apaot the Uaa Ull the
___iboan of tba ■or*ta» taiT P>^
aatl;. Uaaela* -aalbe oedarol the

- Wbaloefc.

d.. .
byaa eda.
ROW all

3iV«i4 ^

____a badly eptaioed aaklr;
gmT«oeta«M>lar lor--------abter Ha«r^ -U1 atop at Btara Horka better.
Jolca Uraoe bad tba Abl
Aaoaberfroa tbto plaoe a»U*^ tbb —later
-orlraakad eolob hb ba>
tha Cbrbawu eaaretBaa at lU.^tetar Barae. aad *“”yI palalul -ooad.
OreeA loot Kridap eraalBCC^^re'da^Mid W atkk to StoUaad
rbiU loerar.
iylaf oral to Ibe take ebore.
baaa laaeUac
Mr. Bro-. of Proeeaaool. b Am1b«

Ufa. flacw Mtad bar artaol wllfa a

J. ’

lot your friends go without a
Christmas present because you
l-Z'eKf^d-.} have but a little cash for 1 sell at
^SS.EI^SSdRiM’lKrK i one price, cash or iiayments. and
that price is the very lowest. I
have the finest assorted stock of j
Christmas furniture you over saw
-and so chea)) you, will wonder
how it is made. Don't fail to call'
and look it over.

r spMi Cbristao* oi tU» plm.
aaoto* *l Ux
» CbrlatOH
.nib.« “d ^Id. for Ibe -iaiar.

J. A. BmOM •p«Bt CktkM
• '’^hBTCm 019.

B .


lallaar— baa aold to aer«e of
aad to J. BalUeaa of Cadar.
m -aiea a *Mbrt ■beaUhT |
eaa hat alaa parebaard —bat
.. jaa tbe Sbrrtdaa forty.
. Baaaat baa aold bb ialanai ia thr
tl^ebia^»ho dro. Of Siaelry d Eaaeat to Tea
Yoaara of Oleo Haeoi. Mr. Yoaari
bfiKipr bi n>^<rf^'^errt?Fer«te i
—m Bova to tbb place abortlr.
Tbe oSeaca
brtlthr r«ee ead

tcoa aad arery oae -aa baH>y. »* *“?
taMlrad oaa or Bxra praarab --1U
L- Mr. I^«>le. -bo -*a_eipaeted


0«L Wtdrtf

Uad Browa.-ferstrlf ol tbb
bare etaltlar triaade la aad I
BapiaOltrU -Joa TraMla bar* a )oh
tba twaiap aboat a alia aor
lUan aad «>U aaMOiaa -o

r. Hba OoaUa. Nahb.



The goods we offer in this sale are certain lots to close, ^
and the prices we quote in nearly every instance is belpw ^
cost Of produotioiL

atum TBHVEBmEgKmift) PEOEMBgB 81,1806.

i nus ffiPAEnrar


I ate a Uuie UaA
A» bmam I
aad white Ua«y.
Hy >
4 Ihta BaMT. W tel tnl
AtBlthtahe leehaan
I waat lo Ika FMrth: tkM dsr
ban for tear the «<
that up:
«u i to tte laUy aad oar «
nHymT The other day a had hey
a pieea.
Pleaaa mmd bm
w no aad took-a aad triad Waoeer


PatBL BaiAPTr.

. Stove

_ -ktnterraeaitUaptotha wt

to aebool er«y day.
Hy toaoh
iMaaekHteBahhan. I Ilka har r
I rade boraehacfc lUi aaoa
aa I will fdoBc for thla Una

ars i«n BMM kmm»
■•mBam aw all «k* Ua«.


KvwiB—Aean^ •><. u

Oar T««B| L*tMT Wrttm.
«r« hope, dor etiildm. that fOQ uU
kv* noirsd 7«or lltUe Chttetoa*
Itywi hra act. br turt ah^. let at
Afwr UiU iNfft-ataat lo..
wook I men were rrcelred tram Ue
(oUoiriDK wHten:
. VaiM mar*?- AIMoa. lad.

,Loc7 KrowD. HapletOA.
Uuo F. Fartaer, Hattoat Bav.
Rrnaaa K Patner, 8ouoa< Hap.
UtriT 1‘raU. iBlaad.
harab WlBf. laland.
a A.JIelatjra. lalaad.
Lawk Clark. laUad
Back/Mania, lalaad.
Bra McQnalf. lalaad.
EUle McVa^. lalaad.
B»alf Mrt^iaire. lalaad.
Mama McMahan, lalaad
HabrJ Pnao. Inlaad.
OHIO IVaae. laland.
Johaie A. Clark. Roaor.
WlUia Clark. Htmor
Beryl Luther, CTj-tial City.
Mlaole Hawiirh. Troratae CilT. ,
Memaa Potrafka. TrareiM diy.
' Bltej Potrolka. Trataroe Glj.

Data KwTua—! Uoapfal I woeld
writs. I tew yaur taritetlOB la tha
llaatu. for little pirlflorrrlte. I po
to aebool craey day. ianjaatlallM
ftrat ruadhr. Tbe tblnp that pleased
an tha moat kat aone ales ambeoldeiy
■hat nyAaat
ly Aaat Harpant ia Udia a^
tens for ayU
ly birthday. Ape. a. /
Bsua Emnn-l hid a raal'^ tia
thb aastner. I wmt ^£nplrc tba
eikof Jary.sod wheawa cates bona
arahadaonaBiuwerka: Ibey watw rsal
-aisa. For pete 1 bare a cat wbcad
aane te ttel. aad two dope oaned
BpoRaad Borer.
From yoar friaad.
Alukle. Mtok.. aer. te.-ltet.
' Daaa totroa-l tboapbt I woah
mite you a letter (o-day. I an la tba
teooDd reader. My teaeber’e sane
>U with Apom ISriaa.
Hr. Joaae.
rawberriet aad ebirriee
I pane I will, cl.
Data Eanua-ihad a rery alee time
dbta tanner. My altur from Ch
•H oat hen to rkit. aad bar Uttle
haMettbayanroaleatc. 1 had i
aealheai before. . We had quite a few
atplaa thla year aad I had lou of faa
pteUaptban. F'ltin yoar friaad.
LoFiat Daxtekn.

Daaa Hite Hitt.*—Aa I eaaaot write
olaaa Foe. pete 1 i|aee pok a dap aad
•ati tba dup a auM k Keen. I weat
dawB to (be hay tbk aonaMr with
papa aadhad a boat rtee.
I Ilka ny
hook that you aeaina. TbwItalL
FatxB Uuc.*i««aia<..





It I did erraada Bet
the mol of ny work waa.Iaklap eare
at ay teator Cora: the k aow eipbt
. aaaatha -old.. 1 lire oa a farm.
- eaoatst WlUieaad Ray Cktnfocd eane
hi aea ne aad I had a pteaaaat tine
pUyiv etIU ihete I hare two akten
noreaoa aad Ferae bteSdn tbe baby.
Your little friead.
t-UAMU k Kutaeiar.
Ihua Mat. Bat»^1 tboapbt I weaM
mitoyoa a few Uaae. as Lbra.aerer
wrltua batoaeo before. I^towteool
•ow. Hy Mkcbrrk aanak Hr. Braat.
a^ I Ukc bln rary oiuob. For patt I
hare a yallaw aad white kitty aand
laa. aad a Uuir wbfte boa saned
Hally. A lady at Maplo avy teU If
nannaaroaM tabu na oat then tint
■ha woaM pire ne a white daek. f
woold brlap na
mUo nynM. aa ny bi
tetea. Bek tlyaaiuold: Ian7.

Of (ho aeectal atepa teadlap to thr

rfl you!

lajha^ ^ am By

• f<w It. PW out tbk maos
tatl pea after K. Bufke esute a rdC
•*» idlh the right rmpeo. aad ht alHra
;atla tad aete. rriU Bar Uke ekaff Mote
right tot
tbewlad. To per iVktdbws toh. tech
lead aad'
trbe k tedkadVe of kUary dkordm. a
<T>.' idtred their by aaune: Uawa lo bb
wanilnK> aad take op tha wrapoe. mter
hel»c.' >ltmn k rdiafrand with tlliru
•miy who erpoct to loppon ibF partr't itui <m Bi« hr imted Iw faaad bf nae.
eaadidttr* eaa hoaoraU.r-ul.e fwrr'ia u>H.»BrirUtdkran. teMn iatnrlne
peoreedloful aad aometinro
only ubbee naarai are earwllnl OB a
carefoll.T kept Iktof reeierr*lwr1 raen*
“^r'^Cbartea a tfeOw k a drama ne
bert of the p^y are alkFUrd to <oir.
the M C R a, aad laaidra at U; lea
la tome rana of the <-o«BtV.v. |i^ ErrV ferret. Jaehun. Hkh. flT'nva:
tlcnltil.r the tpaiael.v tetiled yrpknr. -1 liarr autrral f<rr a loop ilmr Inoi a
lattcad of tbe aaaeue there l> ■ rrpulte. kidney atel blwlder dkwdrr which bn at
rioB.'wKh ballo<-bo\— tn4 iar|we.~ itmr* rrmiered an lacapaMr of unrfc,
In each pirritK-i. eonOueted, bow- kaer breo at thr bnapftal tor ray omaidalel
, raiirely Hr the po*r?Sjr whieb a aial dkcharprd ft» there aacurrcl. hOi
the old ennpkiat U terarteUy nme
tork again, fenw tine ago 1 bnni of
of then Iwo ua^^lt^in
lliwn a Eldary Kik. awl 1 topaa lakinp
. rr'ert the peiii.ur. 1
polltiral'dirialocn— the ward ia a ciIt, ' rrinal
the touo err tnwaahipiB the eonmn
DUXdi improrrd. aad 'hr
IDT hark teh cBiin.|y
h-ft mr. mv pn ml rmdltlnn^aiurhin.
tc.vnl luouU
1 *m
oMime I.. |e wllb..ll
dlrldoAl <ate baAunf6rthn>h^ lathe [Hcnl
Ihwa'aKMarr Pilk.1 tUak oteenahoukl
choice of cmxrdiclateu.
kte.r wLuia raluaUc mmdy .. _
Tba diAteirt eoarAalinu ueitalls con
For nlc hr all dnlcT*. prln SO crDU.
Boniieelftotherboiceof tuodeUruteMtHnl by Fnater MllliuTe Cu , Buffalo,
•od <u'0 alternate* lo the ualiolul r-on N V . anic arn.i. for tbe T S. Remrne
lihe», iir\er)brl--u, It brr Ibubaaic.'/Aioa'a. aad tekr oo otter.
teeolioo k tbe drat. 1


AUdayIrraa UM la the hoaaa aad at
aiphtahahreopht neareryakeUtt
bed aad aha let na aleop ia tha hoai
aJphl. .1 cloae mow aad yea wl
Myape ta ta
wrfriead. '
! yoa a few llaaa I p« la aAoel
ha Una wbea Ihwela aehooL
beeatotba Fbartb of Jalp.lM
Illua Hat. Btrawr-I thoapht 1 would
day aebool rally aad aehool piaak. 1
liked tbaPoartfe of July baat. I an la write,loiaelleatu.- Tbk k ny third
1 wiU loll you what I hare ooae
ahaUpaae aadwaanpcdap lopeta
taUBor. Ia the aprtep I went to
thawood.topatborHay-flowei». Thii
auiviaer ny manna, p^ nyaeU, a
roji, u6iy.
tady'aad her daapbtrr wtet picktap
JUiX'-etToa BtUATT.
wbartlebcrrtea aad tteynf all alpbl on
the plalaa. Papa eaapht a let of lab.
Data Maa. Btno-I tl
tboapht . I
snoop then rrat a Sah that looked like
would writ* a knar to-day.
lay. (To did
pold. 1 weot to Elk Bapldt tbk eon
Bothaea aey aebool o^.Thaakaclri
•er to eee the faraace aad e|^[ ’
aoroa Friday. I bad a. alee tine
The Foarth of July we
Thaak^rlap. My falhor bad the aae
west to TraVenw City lo loe Ue pan
ahd a half of hk father't
rcworkt. 1 west lo the Sonday
term. ! waaap there about half the
aebool telly. Our boaday aehool ,<nly
Uma ThUaamnarJ picked up l.:7}
ao- eoeored wapi
ouaheU of poutoea. Hy falhor had
aorry It ralaed ao hard.
S.4U biMkali of potetoaa. aad
l>ae day pa aad mytelf west fkhlsp.
acre of polalocs for oumleo i
loaupbtltpecob. The prouad
pot 79 baahola 1 paraa I will cl
ere^ with aaow sow. Ipo.lo
I*, eonorralop ibr prinripal jMibiM!
uiia tine, ro pood-bye.
eeaeyday. My Ukehat'a name I
,|i>r*tioa> at iuae. No( iofre«jo»iir|> It
Wiujr Lon
■1*0 nlatni the ranJIdatea rorcunpm*.
Ik.AB Mat. Baraa-I tboapht I rrouk noUc. pwtprmpby. writlap. prunnar
write a few liaat lo yoa. aeeiaa tbai aad eaelllup. 1 bars two bretken.
Iran to write.
1 pa hareBotlalwa.ball wteb 1 had ol
totcboolaad tey atadln
I thlak ny letter k pettlop leap
eaeoph. eo I will elcae for t|te.
tap. apolUBraDaphytlelopy.
with Ion to- all'tha Baatu- yonap
Uw third reader. I tike lo po lo aehool folkt. f?on yoor friead.
like ny tneher reiy nueb.
teaeherk aane it Milt AUoo Poa.
•ettl baretwonUaad adc« I
Anar. MM.. Dw 7. IW
Borer: he k a bip dap. I will eloai
DUAB Mm Batci—I thoupkt I woold
try aad write a letter lo the fluuut
aa 1 hsrr Barer wriuea before. I pt
to aebool at Amr- My teocher a uanr
Data .Un, Btm—Tbk k my Bn
k Mka Alioe Arery. I like bw rrtj
Uor to the BnuLb. I hpre aol
I atady rmdiup. arithmetic,
looehoi)] rary miwb. My teao
pwrpruphy. laapoape aad wrtUup. I
Lima Hortoo: the k aico. The |4no
r waot to aebool oaly two uma.
thlap to ne happeoed o
aad .that 1 west la Trarerte City- ^
ttplrlap day last is racatiOe.
am la the fourth prade. I am elarea
fmn old. Hy papa k a ihiaple wear­
darty forme.
traa. nnal aad Erro
er aad I hara alwuyt lired la the
Muck aad date
weoda. aad ao I aeror had at
!.*foroaa. bad
to pu to aehool. 1 llrad at smart nUl
pood tine aad 1 thok they all did.
umnrr. that k alar niln '
an eight yoara old.
aaka. 1 did aot like Itetbei
•L. Bar* FotnjM.
Lj.a>nia4otpetoaeheol. I ooujd
-out flahiap.
Hamate canpl
Uka« Mbs Batfu—1 tboophi aa
a foot loop - There were i
bad aerrr writtes to you before
two botllm lirod tber* aU ehnmei
would aow. I an la the Fourth pradc
I yoa I doB't waat to lire tl
mod f atady peoprmVhy, ariUmeUe. apala. I hare as seat aad a eo
Htelltap aad prmnmar aad we
who lire laTrureruhaty
My h
arritiap eroey aooa. 1 Uko ny te
k at Cedar bpriopm wheal lire th
eery muck: she k reiy kiad to tea. Bar Wall, ter pru I harr a dop aad a
aaate la Mka Hanie Oetdoa. There aad two birda. 1 bare three dalle aad
an II acbotan is oar school.
». i Ilka to lire la Trarcree City
rery nacb. My oepaia was lo an ne
a few weeks apo. I bore ao brotbm
er akirr*. bat woald Ilkq eaa rery
nacb. It wilt aooa be Chriatmaa aad I
roader wbat 1 will pet
BaMaer.bpr T.ina.
DCAB Mat. Btraa-I thoapht! would

whola happy year: Than la only oar
WByiobar«leaai.-b. Bapood—bo tor.
taf. troa. oMlaat. pore Kladod. ktad
to arory llrtap tbiay. aarMat to laorn
and UUifal la all yon hara lo po The
Boareryoo fcttodolarall thaae thlapr
the bapplar you will be. Aa for ;
editor, the lapolnf to lore erety
of yoa UlUbeoewyaareoBea-apalo
)f ahaliraa. doaaooaieosaaay? That
doea aot aahe a bit at dlffei
draia. Ben or there. tbeoUll lore yoa
}ot the aamevheeare ot itaat.
abf aapaela to lire, aad la already plan
Biap the good Umr we are pok
tert artz Chrtatnae! 8o sow,
hpe to 1890. and weloaaie 18»t:


wiped no at Bico aa aha cooM mad Ihaa


thftt will keep your stove pipes free from
rust aad make them look like n^w. Stove
4 blacking in solid, paste, or liquid form that
will make your stoves bright as the sun—
and shoe polish that will make your shoes
A as blight as the above mentioned stoves.
4 AU for sale cheap.
f .

Jaaaary C. IWT,




Horsesboeing and General Repairing Done.

-e niwa.v* rl-eirrl la a "plruldra-

riRLP oiAaRAM roR niAi.L



II,.- I;an.r An played by thr




. li.Faiel II. Ibe-teur

hpueter. loninHy dif.
When all are ui po..Uoa the pkyei
.trike. Ilw licl! toured It. trying to
ire it wilb.'i Ihecrele. If he.l.euc
-I..1 in ri„.
.he player at R
hla rtlrn. ilrire.. *hr hall rnuard C.
I The purer o. I . if the ah... U- .e,.uraW.
aeu.1. the toll tn I), if I—.ihle. The
e fora larticulurcaudi-periul -plant,,- A* the
hr plailnem ol thr naon. ti haicver inatei.c
jivenorthe.le|.Vn'er lefi frr-e

Slate Sti. near Union.

OaturUay. the tail, uay ol J. • aaty. la»7,


. 4-



Far Infutj Md CUUm.

top beea dlgeeled by tbe Wpmmka.

ruiaa. anlda. or
uy of the other aocideuUl BaLa* Ukato Fear.
u. to (ome to tha hsmu todr, Dr.
■aa TtocblldreaaU
More than a aeore of years ago aqqara Tbomsb'Eelaeteic Oil pirn almost te­
tnaa eee dm te their gad ckv-lr or .mall poll
ll was a |W|telar I Bteot raltef;________ __________
Iona AUV aWMALO Mltefthat Mute Claot would am fo,- outdoor pamemLapUa.l.
i A bottle of Dr. U'eod'a Xerwar Pise
i ever, iievrr bee« played la thia conulry. hyvap te tto bouie eavea doeton' bill*.
hashaobaleap line ■ttton.
Ttolr fethar aad toother tet ap a
Tto ganw hoa MtoroftfarrhatueiorWoUl wUltsUyou
of r»l»- •"«l oBere ta eieelkat ---------------wbatididttki snsr. Iwaathack- loarUteathatalphtteTtectothtekTOf
for iruiaing lo a maatciy' te aan of ooor' *. coldA, er leap



luo .Ht-s are rrwreed.

aaarrulfhbeld he-


itifal. You ask at to teU
wai the neat pleaiaatlblv that Mpd. Wall ny auama WBi si^ a^
better aad t Ihlak that was the
i pltanal thlap that happamd to
na. I pe to aehool had bar*
taaehsr. the Arte naa •—
woBl toyet. WeharatTaeho_______
the tall, bat they do aol ail eena. «a



Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

■ — ir. Mi




Each of the iila.raninua he«in'pi-d
with* mallte.'ar hi>ioqi t. a ho. kcT
■tick ore polf wh-W. TlM-reii
aity tor ualfonai'.t among the player'.
One nay prefer the aiail'i. aoolber a
irtedatirk. .

write to you. 1 hara wrltlaa twh
' raiiar there i>
an polep to aebool. My teaches-------Arcai«-Mlf*..Ke- ». l«
j niiy one eaiKliitne.
liuAB Mm BATua-I UwQpbt
It Ida Oooriat^ IWuJer'*^ naeh.
I When llw p
- an'Ift-tha'third mder. We bare 9« would write JOB a few llaea to-day.
1etn,«wu*y i.reA.dei.t
I won
eholan. ^cjtarea hinl:'bk
that they will dad yon
, the aai.c»...omn,lira lukw
dt bopaU
I the rha.r; bot after rliai eter.vthliig !• I faiU
thr IBU,
Dick. I bare a cab I hare a play*
-IL Oar sel of ilte .telepaire.
' ' ' '
iMioae, but I caa aol play is It baaaaas of Koeenber. Our teacher-, aamc ia
bareadoU. Wr.peto Hr. Jeaca: to karwy paod uaebar. of I cunatructMig the "phiiforniOflh. b.”l^t’il.e^.xt’!d.pV
Boaday aebool My prsadna k eon- Our aebool was out for TbaakapIriQp. uell knofm lo require a deurripllon.
lap dewa to slay with oa tbk wiater. aad It wm out Friday toe. ■■ our teaehmod I aai
waatodtepo to tte aebooi maatera'
la all other |,
elnb; bold at Trararm City ta tbe C«b- Inalton.
pla^ It in fl. 'her Inae the- 'wlaiiiap ;
■ the ,dayer oa tbe oppoalta ;
teal aebool bulldlap. Tberr arc forty- ,it« rote te •uflicteni.
All thla . rUlwrale
la I aide renrr.1 u hoai the toll I* pa'iB* tto ^
_____ aeboUfU la oar aebool Kow I
drumed .ore.*,, r.. for
imh ; ma'terr-'of the hull.
will toll you ny atodlea. la thr nora, Ba«Bae.Dn.r.inp
hen i The hill mo*> never he tonyhed after ,
lapoaeol nyelBAan eoonadral. We
her I l{- Ii
* drireri
nmn li
Dua Hat. Btna-I tbonphtT would
read oat of a book mllad Tbaor; aad oaedidaus for olber oflwe* are named
nte to you at I baru aot wriUee for
PiBctko of Tcachinp. I tore arithtew aaDuaJIy. tbe importaan of tbe com.
y repeal hk '
yuar. t\ e bare M leholan ii
phyteelofT. hktory. caopraphy. teabag coareebon kapparent. It to.
bool. Hy teachar-t aane k Ida
lakcB j earn to periect the .y .lem, .Noi
tl eiTii
If Ih' hall paeuM herun.1 the limila ■
laopaapa a^ oral
elril gwrwr
Ooortade aad 1 likoberrery naeh.
util U40 was the plan of hnldli.g na.
Iradc Widdk It k u
ttody raadiop. apelllBp. Banbara aad
rather cold tkk norolap. add ibeaaow : JJ®
lapa. At roeett 1 hara lota at tea
eriilekcd by forci
oo tha pfoaad tat it k aot vWy. ^
acrib, i.
lodmotber's aad 1 bad a alee tine deep. Ttoau h abtetep «>•■ b«t H; tteteu. Specif
; cealualnp. to the iHlIvidual
ny coQuiaa.
Itepa built aktw daea aol etay.oot »«iT '<>«»• I
lota of barriaa aad toarriea thk aan-1 the primaries hoacter.
aFUybpawaadtbaaicaat Unet
a hole, the todividaal
aad pkkad ap about elphl hu-i tha ban
la the aonner wen pityiap ia It
baabokofpotBtotathklall. Oac; rotors te
nydeUi mad ny kittle.
aet on e large grmiiij, five na a emallee
oan sod I an plad, for Chrktnae
oae Tin- fact that IT enn to play m1 OB
oes he here. I will elose'for Ibk
toad of deelariap; -Tbe primir?
rWa wlU papa whaa to Uttod hk acta, k tto pivot of Rfoito.-^YauUi'i (tom- rmiph rr.iuiid. wlihoai ib« evec lawa
Uan by withiap you a Kerry Chrietnrer»»ery, for ero.|uel and leBat*. b of
nat. Yeurnuletrlead.
Imporranae.—Bottoo Globe.
Ape a
Aura Ttnaa.
lhat my teattor pare
Saltu u tbe world for' “
awrunut. MM., dk. 1. ini
m. derea. L'lcer*. bait.;
Data Hn>. Batci-I tooapbt I wool
oae. thtre feet high at Yha .boalder
older. Baada. ChllbUtea. Cora*.
■rite yoa a few liaat at I beard that ■Ipht. but I did aot aa. I wkh .FOB alH
threw two coil, about lia tody. BnipUoaa. aad poaiUrrl: ____________
waated ot to. 1 pe to eeh
par. I poem I arUl claac BOW. aa ny Tto b<« tetuplv flauened out and la a «r DO par required. It i, puaruued
erury day aa
llkeny teacher r
Bteute wa. a-atrip of rneau aofhiap *« F*** frrfoet ealktaetloa or money
naeh; hit a
a k Mr. Braaa
rto.aake-a.abol.adfoo3 '"*«»^- Fnoe M oaatt perbot For
wUl tell you what mj tudiet •
lonr.^iere“^.;^ to'o hr J. .1 Jobaua aad? E Wall,
lo to twelve
feel long
A EoKOkaa.
readlap, arltbneUc. pooprapby. pn
ta. yri it cru.bcd Die feme* of Ha
’ rfetioi aaa U>oi
...----------Bow Sasia Otea* Cama.
' mu wbo ba. ie hie p^ae-ioa tbe Mabare two ducka,
italeriaeM.T. r D.
eJoik and Juniper of a.roolie who waa
My tnt-e aane k
WBA aeartap Cbrktmaa aad 1a a ' owallewed by a boaeoneirictoratyathe
Took, aad aty dop-e aane k Biaala. I
tula tumble-dowB hadaa te a bock ®lotb* «ete kcoited aoiigbily lhat they
pet bone, bat abo died. Hy
there arete four little
•>»"«*• The
Coatea Anotba* tbe eattetlltUe baby


I Corner Front and Cass Sts., Iraversf Citfj.'i


•rcr aaw.
He k atarly tea
Idoowaadhak pntty. cate woaldatfawpetiaam
rplokad up MU baihtet of
ttVi|^l. Uood bf.. .Yoon


riwni: a Ay-t^

leaai of •<> advuupe. It foud —
te —
the , “My boabaad na.; .wv i.eoi »■ mowu
Tan ttoL like polf.
If. it adniu

ofI varia-lfeomhk ten. aol aaothn-wa. unlap
lap tto wboloUIUle heaae looked aa uoo la ito a>eu af
■grooad played'
I ,
oa hk Ua- ^ U' u>4( twobotUeuof Bor^
Ihoa^ sooM ftoiy had baas at wac1|. I oeef.
arferd k •o,4W
Boi ea- dock Blood41 -tenaad II dkappeamd.
Hek eonplrtely wpU.Hr*. Wn.
' s^l.Chrktana ae»ti
tto ton Of .be pouad de. htrby. Akru. fttoCe., X. Y.
w Bait of ctothea for aU
niwt be laidlout
out aaw
a* aearlr
Eeaena te uy part of tto body k teTVdkf
ten^lartto ^ Dau'a .Otetnui
tdCtortoyaad a^dteur.
I* “t"*
[Steady lor aU ltdite
Whoa tto rkUdiaapatapttay w«
ipir. ttoapaaerbaarailphll
That Oaterrk la a Lpaal A
dUat feapat u*
dMaw^aUbeaboutabtofyuid *
■» **wv"
, todla»etet.ttoothefaoftb-'- - - ^
•«?-« Irr Woak.
M tto aquies arooM to aae yard I
V Uaayoltora^aatafplayter »
ia batwaak. Mpyaa arfil |

A great
Mrtmpaad pood Hoeto aad
Java t'oflae 4»c.a pdaod. tVe
aall it; Why? Beeaear peopie wut it. They kaow what
it pcxid—aodo we. Tbe flanr
k ladeacritaable, aoeh aa yoa
bare dreamod of. Barer fouad.
neat* ibe brala.
tto body ITeparm oae for a
bard day* work. Beau thr
tired Berre* wbea loll k over.
Why attempt to denwibr itr
A rate teak. Tnl it then you
will agree with aa. -Xarpriae
-oar loterlor wlib a eap of It
ta for lea w* bare the hacat

aoVLtli. B±A».

Jaaaav •.



OfiH'h Q-gooei-.

iM noHT •nsst.

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game
yerwl a-o.-BooH03a..

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Stuuges Me.


That the best i^acr to buy
lutheliiKof Hu4.
witre. Nailt. Barbtxl Wire. Bara Door Huigert. Psint,
Refrigentort. Ite Cmm Freeters. GasoUne Stovet,
Fishing Tackle. »nd in fact everything in the hardware
line, is of W. J. Hobbs. Come and see me and 1 ^1
pron this ststemenL



Brosch’s Meat Market

Tblbpmchb iMABnr 4.)



Bi^ «< an M Uanaii* S




tba fata tea lha aaat aUa. aai
ttaaafh lha fata frta tha waM aUa,
all iharMiteaad. taiwhaatba air
Id whita fc

braaal/ttaad ir yaar tada aad
porcrty wllb yi*. ■»aa talk paUlta
■a Maw TaA Varata.
with bar, aad yoe *ul aaea ha tar,n>a«TaVaoo».
prtaadat baraapahillUat aa that aaV
Jaetatwtll taetban. 8ba aW Mady
irir7aara«pap.a«li« wfda th
Tte aU 7«r bPaw tM» aoM
aay aaaatloa that aha aay ha eoapaa■dItiKla. WhMttalBBtBo
IpaAla. la tart da bar aapty hoMr.
brappad tala At paablkt pasita a<
taa CEa b tba graaliat Waaatag *a At tbm aaw dpyt abali <amt aad r
IABmt Taar ataadapt aarMt apt
blad aawv
Fatbtr am ^>a to laaaklad. Wateb tbea. O t,ord. the gata haloar!
aad tapi Wteaaacpan wUUptfft- aa. d Joy-at-pl. Joy aatfUt -aa;»a-a. lha
NT of ear toad; ibo Throarh aomaar gtaaa aad wlaU

Tha-Vvv Tav.
Tew^McM M«H». to
oM Hillim, IP MAPfrak »Ub pa

•PwrittM ^al. b pl»v* •

' Itta tpptaataat W tMtaa tto( (Mi

aharadwltb tha haak deer paipkber. | ataMarad •
ApU at taaibalht parM yAr.wilk Tbara waa taaderaattyiBfathy to aaarr woa»a ttaU
aeUeta.arataaai«a<irtatarilatan ' aad wbta tha lighttatnaO tratat thai
yaa iMPna »■ kao» that all tbaaa
liaiatalghthaaldaa r»tlaaapkk had >f. a........ *■

’•Lot ttata tetiBetwpaaaaet raltara

Tbka ktart Witt tta day'aad bagta


Tha toUowtag treat aa



LMda haad to the feartal.
' 'UBdabaadtottatmptad.
. l/tadahaadtottadeaMtag.
' Laadabaadtoaoatota tbaihadawtoBda haad to ttaatadaatataebao].
LMdahMdtettoaa erba are eftaa



ooly oar oa altfaer aide, a wblla-haind
with Baft hrewB cyea, a whjtabairod waBoa wUh tyaa ,of
gray. .There wan dayt aow wbaa
they ao laagar waat ■haak aad forth,
bat tba lore that lay betwaeo waa like
I. warn. Alaiag Ilgkt alwaya
laal there waa a day wbaa oat
At br Aa olhv-a tada aad fait the
talttful baadababaldgrmoold, aw
tba lortagUgktdleoat of tba tiaadeyA that bad boA troa ao maay
yaara. aad there wu aoAora aay hack
doer aaighbor.
oow ooe aita alooa aad tbara to ao
, aay gAig haok aad forth. Tha
white jote toeloaad aad barred, ttr
path growa om with gran, aod tpagtod Witt Che boahA that hare already
gmwa aaniA the way. Bat aPehr
ta tba grv twilight, lit oaly by thr
fltokariar Ira ftaahA tbara aerBi to
growaalottbaAadowaaloriiig fan.
a warn unA eown n bar Aoi "
had aUttaatrtotall olalaadar
her bnd aad
whtopan aoftly. "I an coming
Walt for pe at tta gate
AOB toaelghbon agato''!Sbcrr
allaaaa lB^all
might talto aad time to a
B. C. g.

wolf IroB tta doer.
■ iMd a head to tha loal arathad Witt

LAdakaad to the tAirten
tgkttag hto AttlA okBO.
Load a haad to tboA mpA
Um tte eon aridoB AloA
LMdalwtaw yoBtar paoplaiAoA
haAA an aeU aad rapalUv.
load -a haad ta Uma w:
noadtaga an alaodUy paUtag tham

aakA tha Sew Vrar for aome i





The arta-rhalr to the fiiAlde dnwa;
The eluth to apmd. tta lawpe allghV

t aAAaA^oaed: A aaawerad aofl
aad low.

word of Blee Bay mak
If aay Hula w
a iffo tA b>
It aoy
any IliUeioe
UiUe loag of nine may eukr
kepwladga thra raffloa. New
fAr?- f cried;
AA crrtteqeeaUA iotoellonn died
io^‘T »»'• f
Tbaanwertw. ••Say^ At .rrmaB- Aad^ro^t lo





“ri>. .V

To all oor bram Ad haoito
Oh. yAreonew.
Briag akin of bln.
Aad ABUght to tte Uadr
Ob. Sew Year;
To age Ad bniwl'w yoctt;
la Ood'e white light of troth:
Cta. Sew Year,
Be tror year, .
■ TpAlotheeoil Adtaa:
A beaeon-ligbl
Tbatta ttenigbt
Mankladnay icbktotbeel
Arianni iVnrillutt.i





Dr. Klngb Vew Dtocorary for OoB- lag Ike iiwr Ml atwee u<
Tbto U U I bein nedicine ‘4a the
rorld .for a I Inm* of Onigh* and
fold. and. (I It C.'ni.uiLplioB.
Ida to goanSLcid
It will care Ail
I duappolni. It ha* ao cinal.fur
IVhrtoplog Cough. A*thiu*. Ua> Ferer.
Pne^oein. Bronohltu.- l.a liripor,
0>ld 111 Ihc Itcad and fur FiKiiKmipUim.
It I* Afc lot all agra. p'l »*aol to lake,
aod. abi>rr all. a lucx- cure. It !• alwan well tn ukc Hr. King'* Sew bite
Pill* In ciit.necti.'O with . Or. King a
Sew lliv-rir.-ry. a* Ui--y ragalate
bine Ihp alomacb and bowel*.

aeMtaga etoewhera. that tte obaaB „«o,e ftataaed ta Moh to*. -Tbe table
towtaaalag batwaaa tte® and bome ! waa Int paiatad with-----------------id ttaa with wbttaM
iwimag cap.
ShahadMterod ttnthoBcwitt
le praeMaaa®
bright bopta tor the hat cap
t IwahaU t
_________________________ B height, tta
of (ralUoa
bath may ta.BltOB wkUe aaatad: AU
tte aiuaaiWB hr tte bath, powdar.
arttat Itwaafallta ttahriaofBtoarr.
Bar wonllh wan bet dream Aak her
wtata farmrfo wUa aaadnd. aad bv a amp.—ffor Veet net.


ifi'iitmg ■



■u-ai g.HB

West Michigan

tVr are city h<-a<biaarlcfa:(or eercy thing tn tt*
Ctoncra aad Cbnera ttapply line. We bae.- a Ka fd Cbnrraa. i
klnda; plaUa aad paper, all altrw..onAtAtl.v on han't. It don't e<
macb toraDBAnieta Ad oBke Toor uwn pi.-U>re,x .tbll aad •

lioiaad^^____■____ «■

.o. 1% ..


____ mobcT. Trial
8. B Waif. Ad .1
drug .ftrea. Bcgnlai

Maaonic illo-k.'

tlM: S:. Ji!



llmBC KanMK BI


toiur (renit-

ZIT-S rKkAW Mt-R 1* apMitIreewt*.

i”'!i ^ as-t'

jyi«UC1U BcttodcHno



$7.50 buys NO. 20.
I ibia ---------------------iiuarosii-Dt.
n affi-nl 111 lit* willi.............—
----------- — —.
and iiroix-rtv ti-M-it. it will add innitv yi-nra tn yngr Ufe.
Ibi not delaj,'
bay now.
i* kept f»r Mile at iv'K Mili.Rk's Drag Hlore. Ay«t ddor '
- "•
iioffiin-. aod by





FromllDr. I. I89E te Jan. I. IS9f, il Kill be solil al hall pika.

Oenoral Dnler for Wettara Ktaalfoa.*

\:l 'fsSu ^



ta® h,

Mt.V>RMAIlt, O'WOMP. 8b^naw. Bay City. Detroit. Howell. Aon Arbor. Tolado and
polnuEaataadflooUi. Cload

MlUAOW* of Copte*
have haea aeto





•iMB PB.
BnaB DoM.
FOR-fotutting It Substitution
the fraud of the day.

kirbccTi^ ! Sct you get C^ITT-S.

ttoae mea who are (ereTerflannUug la 1 . , ,
oor taeea tte text* of Sv real ta which Ask foT CaTtCt
I. --------------------- *0 to *wak. to the
ckor.-hea wm
read ttto text they
would dad 0
would------------------ ---------------kitchen wn^rk beloa|ri.~mld Uta. BaLtdiftr-

Good Fits.

f Deal where a dullar bnyb the oiotL 'Every Saturday i

Good Goods.


Fair ITices.

a Klto.OnnatoUdBMar...41 ta
\ talkmCCMgar.

Insist and dehtand

• Carter's Little Liver Pills,


Cut, Flowers,
Floral Pieces,
Beddiug Plants,



Plants for Decorating

^ aiEj«r^


AptocGi^OMBorTmtirPtaUto ta<

TalaffatoalOB Ta............

j twhev* uta cine •


Goa l Faaa. AgU Totodo.

1 ttto text. br. I'koclw Badb-I



c.mutcawoop.- t A.-.-iWitoiM*.



Leek Box BM.

allghtly aniilay it AToa* her eyes. The
*plan waa followed and It worked like a
chan. The Sr® night the lady »l<-p.
They alio iriicra Duocu bom Dyyptt.
j COBllOCtiODS at Copomiah With
abehad aot done (nr aeceral rennthr [ndigeni “and T.O Hrwty
At the end of that time tte nankin bad
J (or Pixcincw, Kaoica. Drowd.
a. ® w » —
become dry.
By weuieg it agam •'
atoBOe went tualeep. Ad. iimiuii
ratotothcSxle. TOBKULItTR. They
to aranw her la 1


Traeer*i- f.ty, Mid


Hulaunug S|i>rii*.
r A who haer leachi-d
: frirniu. who bare li
irr .Ml the otter aide. Arc they,
liarewo luat ttem? Teu tt
b. They '
■aa DO. There ii

And I

ae-6w that yet («0A4-T-tak4^


in the Une at i
eeary kladly word amt
aotl deed
Kor nuetythiflg gleg/kaok..
One copfai of bolter pachad.frmly la
a pound
Four cnpfali of fltmt make
•nr pound Ttra copfai* i>f granulaleel

ij^rhud tbat porpla load.
on.-eaHtbr Tark. aod‘Sea
Aogfaar.- tba PereUo: wkat eboold b»
dark before ux. there will ai
Bettor? -Say Aneb. Aneb.-tto.'
___ • coiue tn oa an lIlumiutiA I
The Anb cried. The Urrak cald. Tbto diBlpalea ttedarkne
U ny SlapbrllA ' TbA ttdly booght
d by UBM-i n friMia>.

II m'irtotericr
mirtotericr spinix."?
they Bot all
J tike nolo ttto oriental make but one (anil).
(anil), tbnae
Ad ttoae ia1 lieaeen; and.
■d fi>r o. w
lorrd a rarrd
Laarallaa for tta Aanda.
when .they I:
tiAreltaa to a einpla |
i.—Jf.irn A. Llnrm-rt.
Thoao who
' ____________
.CAben deatkoBM.

----------troablad with haade that eaally batnnaels oa Hcoac Pianta
oattad Ad chapped le eoU
Glee the planu a bath of tahacoo
______ mwUl fiadUreryefeclual. It watarODct a oootb Taken fieeceet
aoftaA aad whltaA tte band* after packlgr of tnbao-o. put in a pall, and
they bare been watar-eoaked or ebap- poor abouf half a gallon of b>;ling wa­
------------------------------------------ ----------------- .1
I (ram
lacndr; oremUar work.
ter over It.
When tbto to coolad Door It off and
dUnta cnlil it to tteeolm-of wAk lea
if aleohol. oaa-fosrtt <
Dip all the plAla iota ttto. completely
Itar and one platof wata
cowering them. Ulttendrjaqd Ura
ott in ttaw
repeal the procA*. .. . daya. then alrata Ad add to tte
lea they ha«e ddried.tte aecoa.'
glyeortae and alMboI which haea been
thDcooghly »i .
liouily ntaad tocct tto gl.ecortac. water entii the tubaepo to qalu wa»h-;

Vr. or. If perofriotettrlpla
tarred, tte —
“*I^W treeted in tbto way will eel-!
.0® bare au Inieet os them. Neither |
will ttoae that an- grawleg,:
pmraalM* *el,li>m attack 'a \
tte paraclM*
—idaaderanrh c_____ ____________
•. healthy<l
tie CA be placed la a dtoh of wan
water, or aet (or a moBoet oa ttk regtotar, whoa It -will beooma war®
A Swedtoh aereanl on
eaoagh to flow readily.—RouattoU.
her Dtotrcaa waa iraubtod with Meep-1


OHtwto to yet «p ta M ttw tooto taly. A
toAoddlikwlb Iteab altar aaiBi wad

kt tor; that ttinea oa high,
igli&eelngta tteakyaad i-bU.ireD, bone and

lUfel tbiagi we t
Tbaleldewe haTe'iilled. Ur glOaw
•, hare willed;

LedA with grapea. a gardeoer’i an.
Itanog to hto feat awh nan. aod thow.

Do Mt fpiMt ttat af »




•1 ttto Mat
Ood'e win to loer.'
-iliia.lny ri/Crrn.«n.

ilAC eo. they qArrelKl ae to wAl tba
nnl ebAldeoaatot at. Tba Torit
-Aum;- itar Anb. '-Aaeb:-___
I^toa. "Aaghor;- while ttr Uraek
laetotad on ••StapbyUoe.- While tAry

my aoal wnid «ry M^ -Bappibwa. a
htod hbahaafi abd a happy boBiT
rtaorn, eaoeoraga year wtrop Ttooy
batttte paacMthat badtooR


|S”“’ ■ ^

Tbare * eo nucb that aeecr cone
la Edwin Aroold'a PearU of Faith
there to as AtVerntaleof fAr nea. DeAaie. Core. iDetead of our doinir.
aa Arab, a Hanian. a Tnrii^ Ad a
“re’n alwnyi Jail ioeaaSi.c Ui do .
/; .v.iN,jjirr

Setndhtaan a papn read before tl
ParoMn' lutltata by Hn. Bath Dana.
Wa will takf U yon ptooae. ti
%atna who hake narriod tatatai
Tb«y lean lAred to the aane tolly
Witt tta Ana oppartoaltiaa. One beglA Ufa with bat lliUa of ttto erorida
’ WA aware of bn b Abaad't


^OoJrt win to de ­
note 1 Akcd. "to tbara ap nore

I cop of .bottar...........................- .
nade hnT^'ttM^ to e
kla Tbalr.homa to happy ^
Tha cna UtUa aottaga waa aaw 1
the ettar pretty bona waa being '
WUUng haad* hare proridod waye
1 cop of water...
oa tta BOM tat. aad wbra bott i
naamfor mtaBd roanattaa aad
eran waraad and tiled wItt tarteg all tta otedara meinilarry to U^taa
Uta It ena a abni tight Iron CBa M
ttr etbar.
A oarrow wladlng patt
Sfdtaa to Utta- -^.-^-tet Klngt
AM aatjlad ttaalf batwaA tta gwdA
Id taat Att atrim for tte
beta aad tta carrantbaabaaoa eittar bapploan of tta otter.
Aak bar what
hUa ta tba gata ta tta gar«A waU.
nerb wile aaeta and aba will laU
for BaklBggood boya.
.erhtob waa for tba neat far* a gate yea a hUa bAbaad aad a happy*
and yoa will hara q .
BBly ta aaaaa, A M awaag. anlal
good cake.......................... Promba S(:U
ta aBdfnMttawtadbtaw. Aa
i woald Botexehaageit
rrceoed aa ia the ordinary ralaa (or
. i
‘ U WM orarabtfiewod by tba
Mhe-Batrtac. patting In the aota taat
of nil. The r^tan ahoaU be aaodod.
.taoi grewtag trrha which tta y
,bAbaada bad plaatad ta tta aoft apring
mraatoga with naah aalghboriy balp
the CEpaetaUoB ; iomd to permit alektag tatteboto( life baleg one golden dnam of para-j tom.
Bake in aeqearc famt (or oea^rw aad awaag ttalr taM Madrfto diaa. Bat bU early adaeatMB had beea »entoBoe la alleiag.___________
BeroA. wnattaefntoty
A toaaatlee*
A Batting Tab)*.
■prtag. aATlat aad gold to Octabar
4aya. Tha lltaca, which
atUpa wbai -the glrta* act then cat.
•hahadbaaaibo^taotSMegaawan-Bade plaa
M|^tom, .taatt. -^y. .to
rrlage. e^eto^■aA
of taadloB aUe. eoatalalag a
od to before Barrlage.
........... .....................
be draBadair^d-ataridiawar.
bad tta toga

tab aplaMbAon^ rtny a
■ipo,- aa*.^ atbar caaA with


Soma rale of Ufa with wUA to galda j

raS^Arorrd water (rm^atag
*t. The krtUe oaeda tbraana (rrqaAt
....------------------------- r.
,t »y ou
and thoroafh rare
ng It aln




The bawtb^^we^. tka fin bright.
ran asuACE <.r Tea ana ra*i

•_ .

Tba Baek Deer Naicbber.

fpMfifato.eltogtag to ttalr nett

Tbo Bother ta- bar oSn beta* th
MtA^: aad abaitk wA a«bB}i
lA acta
>1 eharaator. aad makA tta b^ wb^
UW for bar geailr rare, a ChrtoUaa

l-poa OP atUI Thy grata to
Balp at la faith aareea to
Per (roB
aa aaaaaa. aaka

lad a mty lyar^ot^

meaA af nppert before Barrlage Ad
tahartttogBopatrlnaayhenelf to detAAlnad ta be a baipnato ttroagh
Ufa had both raalielag that It will
rcqaln ttalr oonMnad efforta ta nakc
a bone, each appraciata tta noUra
which pionptttoAaSona. Adore to
pntaet cynpathy with all tta triato
aad perpIealtiaeoflllA The hmbAd
qiaada hto araBlaga at bone, node hto
Inadahaad tathapredlgal atota^ ; amtlv paper alood. and If aba (alto to
bnllfoto A pwaloA A tbn of '
( tte intricate ptoblrn of
prodigal kreihar.
fcralgBntoataaaartta procaedl
tta toat aanloa he explalnt tha
lag. If aot Apattastly a ha weald

4h^^planAa(bloon aad I
Bd tta air wUbfngnaoato tba Hay
■a>a aad Aada a badge of gtany
Om tta UMla path, ttroagh tba
tahno fata, aadar tta trcA aad llto.
din yaataf Aothan erAt lade aad

-AA AhAldeUB eilAtaA I waitthe BBStodAT '
SoAmetaoamJ^hA tamo

Wa ask ThW tail Thy gUta to peer.
Per aow. to-day. wa ooly kao*

________aadar tba alaia with tba f«l. toeahlag aprreb. aroa wbaa tatatfata baaawr weald pat teraga. tlb. Iva^tagof a loflag. balptal praaapdi lag aadar hto owa aorrowt aad haBUor Aoald ha atap ap^ Oaa of tba gnaV. frmtbaathar. Tba awm perfoBa of ^ taUooa. He aald-naaghtara of JeraaatbMpr thateaa earn, tboagh. bto
aa (hay wart aarrtod ttroagh. aaloB. weep not (or aw, hot ralhar
mUaa that tbaaa aaw haftaatagi aaad tagml armlato baag om the gala I weep foryoaraelrta.- fle tadaad aa■etwailtni Mow Yaar'aday. To aa,
08 allbB-idaratood baaaa aatara. <Halar tarar
' taaa Cmladga-i haaatlfal pewa baa
« aay of thr a
am for-1 an' wlm
baM a lorataUee aad a aoaataat balp.
TP waba la tba Baratag with a dell.
wrrt all aaewy white, aad tta
. tery Maaa at yaataidayh Bbtakaa
taeawf tta oaa who baat arar tbaB; BtoanWa, before they ted taalt oltt
aad hndaab aad to throw ibaai at
•arroeadlega. nerA la thA
pale -with grief. Mr haw two
aaea aMdadlUtba anltaattheaght;
____ j. ta a dariiaoad'wdta. laid tta hArUforthatTA Aoae. A few kind
••Broiyday toafraah beglaalag, amy
.de er a lltilr (erbAraaec win o^
ihtalag dowrra ta tta haa^a aad ^
ameblba werU ■adeaaw," tbbb
IB the way to a tood of aaaehlbri ta
tba aidaof tha alleat farm that atopt
ta Baba amy day a Hap op tato tha
iooardarkaAdbyrtaaAof dJ
ttataatalaopoa -Botkarh bad.- Ah:
taaar, para air efl^ barber llta.
1 aaaeitobmtyaadyA will laal that
day woBid hart beea tar harder to
h. aad ban thb dear ppoB by Iwaft.
harehaaBiDtad thioogh hat for tba Ufaa Area ktad bAbaad aad a ApU wlU ba good lor yoar aeaL
iloetag^of ttaamaot tha py boma that tta key note ladrod of
.»Smy«ay taa faedk baglaatag.
haA dnor aaighbor. tha taithlal baari Arttly AppiBOA bae baan fomod tad
■my Bora b tha world Bade BOW.
arbtoh the waarr bead reatad lathe -alLatoa will AaddAutoyn."
Too who arawwrypf aorrow aad ata\ i"^« tha'TaakatUa.
, ^doBatlBBatrooUa came teodoA.
Saa^ta'haaatUal bopafaryoatooBuradfor worda. ttaa bowaeothA ^ tar aa aad a bopa tar yea.
lag tha gaatla tooeh. tba.qatot frea••AD the paet Ihtaft aiayaataaid «r
Moa. tba laader look that aald. "I gardlag earinta kllAA ^acUoA to
|At A bJ Atay Jttoegb it appa^
- nataakaaietaaaaBdthaiaaiB I
hBOw It all. dear. Be eoa>(
wlUpaaa.ctolmtag.ta A deaoud Bpe^lly aad
Taatarday-a arroia let yaalarday oom:
Aad ao tta yma <aBa a;
enclAlrrflyto ttelatarABof BrtA—
Taaltadayh weoadi whiob taartad Tha AUdna who had ptayad logatbar aadbABtotrcA It to eftaa tbea
be Utaca grow to ha boo aad pleat detaiU of kltAu labor tAt
...------- arglacjod., TA At wa
Aia baaladwttbtta baaliag wUeb
aad weat oat late tta great
r eoasplr-Aw Baay A
wide werid. (folat day* <mmt
UUla path, brokaa oely by tha
»«rtalirliy pew to a part of toram;
of aoftfWBtaataoa ttaalaptol At. to iu^raoalal portiA.'wltt u
■aaad ap ta a abwf whtoh Ood bolda
o~~.tooeJ filling op aA aaddaa boll,
Uiaaa who waat ataag batwaaa thr lag A thr arad rrquirta. If arery
gatdea bada grew alow aad alowar bOAakeapar who raada ttto pamgnph
Witt glad daya, pad Md daya aad bad
ahoeld go twelght ta bar kitebn. lift
daya wblA aom
A katUa. aad carrj It to tta wledow
Thera osaaUBa wbaa

. aBUvUiwiBsiawittttMrWpoaa
- . aadIbadrbUgbl,
_ _ _ _

“I know aot wbare hto totoe
Their froBded ealma ta air;
I Aly kaowd aaaaot drUt


wc hare a SpnciAL Sale.

Halt Kwk per pJaad....



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