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Grand Traverse Herald, February 28, 1895
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
.•rz -
-I ** lui»'liT«d ftruOkMJ I VT«r
>«• v.«ne.'b«(>«aid •uanhm'l truai OMrtoJ lipk »r h« Ml. or ^ k.
>i «*»«iUnrlj u«lwkB0<rs trMl.! Tbr ktc* «<«. JmM ABm^
hjurk I IWorkt I br^tbr .U., -W h.. tack^ •^TSuirii
t M ta..T«B' » Wl,,;
^ ■ujiy. M
i»e ^ •rwa. tkot I MB
•'^p-rvo. 1
I lUak." sn I
»bii BrfM lo-ordB hi«. 2l M
•IBQU thBt r«a ki
alajm d.ma OB lb
.tod far awa\
kUU and wood., in tli
BomU. Block.
Pkmeer Livery
• ulttUii._
|wt«elpt* that wobU
Drug Store Goo^s
Stock of Trusses.
Jas. G. Johnson,
AajtaM la the
*• *fc« i« b-bS^-
tb.l >uir. >h.>ar a Bffwwbir
B aui.l lltDBrr WBB B-X^xklB'
I wuatldB't
or lioi at all
wrt tbrrr bappir. u I
fur •l-otBDr
r.« wa»,bl»aa«d iB wiu. Them., a l?uu................. |> ad>4Bce oor .tep V' ’ ajilwl «llb bh-.l asd H-uoir j« di
UHinah. When I lia.1 uonr-. mm-ti w.wk ‘ 'h' “‘■<>«
ihBl mumio'. if Uim •e.l haa twluuca^l ward, anjr f, ■r in ibr wa; of ruurt ; ulatr
And Ibe BHunlirbl and I
U> as.Tbndr—rlar. It would harr an-m ' •Ixi*—harmB fur IL brio ttobtirt'. and Matrr Hinklej
•eutreralbaa I
.-.liiBiB dowBaad .•at OB ibaldtar o
ad like a .irol Ui mr, 1 dida I u..i.<l il. >*«>«• that bad
for it «a» fur o>t Jotah. ai-l lure wBal u. du uitb.a* 1 oftro
. fcBl (ell off aa I
aakaa labor lik'bl ;ik’blaadar
;tk'hl aa dar
baal*Bd. Ji«iab AllrB, »uw. ic
ril-ed me out »d the wafuci.
I waa )<al a thiokin tbi.. ______
' Mecuortot on !>..« t havem
Among which let us call your attention to our ver>night hare mar>
IbiDkiB lhau Ibuutfh I bad jeat luld Jo- lafia. aa I
rn.l.n- .wer the «\c
. fr,.ia awn>u- ..f datj-.
that he "rd. but boagWk
Andneerr auuld , , _ e __
and h
Balj ll b. kMgad U ba.AkM’L Atlar
uaTTted-nrw -had aot luer i aaaiet; and UtMbIr. t-readia' ererr
broke ihal p.a'kri dun o’bv luca'lB ^ ^
- ■ - il there frti
ffrtpped holt o( mr eef.v anl. and drv*« : une ata>u« theeWraal hllla.
ID' aa if be iBe along up to Uie awreiage-altar
I reerlaatlB arma Utah ' a a-buldln' M
AnwBff which mr be fooBd the new Ao>ert.wB Silear tVo—
ainkia; ihali
•■- ool, leu.
-‘le hull «a\wld (or laalib'loer that waa wrappin'
ihiuiTB in^
. .
a eBrtety of bhoBlder RtBoaB. (or ladiaa and reaUeai.B
helpin' tu tmward by llxaw eery )oya Thoagh I
Cbll OB B. (or a book o( rallable rw»ipi.
^ rw}.. be. in that low gratia tune, and
1 patient aa a lily,
atraigbl aad U|>r,.-iil i
.... (or ouloriof......................
waa a IIII.ohm
te77>aidi,tth*«kmr thkta%M
aork lor Ibrm r.m I
aick. Ib the long
boura brf.irr
»dwaatugat.iwi-.i---------- rrr
"Yon are.
' that lured ;>hi. f.ir though ha had (nap- .
•Kar. 1 • 1) a t yon tall a.e that agiD.
o( lU bandl
lla' oerr the
ped me up eoBaiderable .aappiah. and
bat ia good tor yuutnalf
ukf "he ahoul.l carer round In :
rBin'L ai bI2R Front Street,__________________________ Travei>ti City.
» my own mind.
I waa
raataira In bia
rt 'em in their old placm at the .UMe.
^d If
if I didD t waul u.
Ui mend It.
it. I ...uid
f ufwbKnin' and foolin'
let .1 aione
round. I marneil that feller
II luokid la Ibe
And ha.l Ibmrr.^l ii down In the .vr.
amt n.-> other iraaon.
of the tenpeal.
I<«l4 hboa'ui w.
.. _ . any other
— -• .Uw-m oau paiaeu
nee, and .iamme.1 the d.air .-..nai.ler- hea*.u»
f.w there waaoT
able hard uben be ueiit ..ut aim J maa>m. only jeai ibai, why I iahuald
i>m_p barhi^iuBd
knew thia alight pettiafa nea. waa only o»»fT7
own aad heightthe light bubble, that ruea aUirr the
' ‘b
aparklin win.- I knew hu luee for me »«•“•
-----I cat there u Be
lay clear and unre and aparklin ..n the enuu^ U. wither him
■e by both, and eu m
eery depth. ..f hu aoul
e Uraaed thaa Vaj
I KB. a aeiiin' there lionkiB about
>a bent with mine u
It. a lbinkiD how true lore, anrh aa
cufin and urrr.ipmgi
IniiDe an.I bu n L'l“nHe.l a earthly ea
imu ahared my auguiah, ant
' latenee-whva ali -f a au.l.len 1 heerd a
bat I gi
brSlod me, and I aaya
lit in by
And one of y mr neigbl
d aUBda np cm
And a tall alim f.-ller en
.r"“f •ellei
i aurl O gi.in'unt. aad I hare gut [
t aacred height
my bear!
lered. with ligl
n^tr M TartBtr M MmM LHw
and a patient deteriDiUed cuusleBan..'
gilda it.
onto him
A i«rt ,.f perai.lenl l.atk t..
Ibimght mrbby
fellrr-a b«Ml cm <Brtb
-........................... be inrned a«-t' v"« .me '
round by IriOea
llalikr fau
CBodWme aa that
TRAvtRse Cm-,
I atop yonr impadeot
talk, or Il.doea'
. doe.'' (a>
a'| .aw I will ewer baee
ta> yun
huller U. Jtuiab. M’hal .to yoa ! It repaired B|ue*
•: 1.
I think wbat waa a • puw-1 waalwrlib another feller? Uo | patr him I won I bare
vwi'll belirre It be .«uu a'puae I'd awopJoalah Allen (oralljand fouled with—out BW
' than aut down when
that e»ee .warmed on the i
"He'd look better Vi me I
fur jOtaer
Jothor feller that eeer walked
walked cm CBrlh.
heaaya to mertghl there, m the ouddie r‘obe?
I if be bardaH a tooth left in bb bead or
fureaoun. and^ right bi^y face—the
e of pure gold (rum
el Ia> a hair ua hia aimip. Aa luag aa Jflniah
mby i Allen baa got body rBcmgh left to wnp
he, right ther.. in broad daylight, a^
yun I'paae he woald luuk
runn.i bia auul. and keep it duwa here (atherte a month or UK than Maid
dc aa ; runmi
withoolbluah.no anything
------—aya he. ncBe—d.>
;oa earth, me heart ia bia'B. ererr mile
tbla morning, mutu. u. aee gwd to me aa Juaiah Allan doea?*'
aaotbar amBth. Bad w am.
"And 1 would thank the Beighhun." ! of it-Jeat u hr ia. boa"
a fellcr."
Thia total ti piaaaaBUy locBf^ la tba eaBtihl part ol tbB «»y on Tna\ Stranv I
I je« made out
Md IB MB of (ha b«Bt S t .OO BBd S1 .SO a day hnoMi in ih* elty.
"VJ.*u'r ly paralyaed by i
M ..arlmUBg yemth Mapa nil U
affaira al.’i
e a feller'"
me ui the beat ki I old nnd wo e oot? tVbBt if be la a gie. I
■*Tta ■
.JAM (h. bBBldMk,
c ia alwaya kind o’epiodlin’ i
dids'l know hni
h) the apring ..( the year. Some mea '
____ __________ _____e worthy.
____ __________
oouid Bell you one
w intor harder Iban nthera He ia a lit- bat aomewhal lengthy." •ajl be. In a .
hay. I. getting my tongue hnri
a (ellerV
Von aak me at my tie tUicky. and braatha bard, and hia tone of palu
"Narly bIm mlBaUB|
-Oa the ■ 'Ttlkil mr Amt
luy B
Sale ABoanliiiil stable. Complete
loora to t..BdrrkiU«aAalMBM
WhBt dlSr.
• -
—.................. .
. *“ ^
iio Ub pcBlBB iroM M Yob
will be piBBMd with It.
^ laaai
.’if ‘ ‘ff. ^ *>
atfoarkarawaaa d
rusfr i*or
0. Bostrom,
r»aS:«aS“ G(W Fits.
««?SS=Jw Good Goods,
Carpet Cleaning,
Funeral Director
EttiiiiaM irtadnn.
a ^’aS’naaUaaa ^J^ff^****
tBAin AUXlK.’Tjai^
' PE)48IONa
SttWE. AA«7Chains. Wedgts, Stc
laa Froat StTMt
Tr»rerM Cl^, Michiema.
Meri aaamiaaUaa la |- |ri|n|
of keeping warm. Hugging a
stove IS one way of keeping
warm, and it can be done lit:rally in the house, but when
lut in
... the weather—well the
illustration indicates how pre
posterous it is. The sensible
way is to go direct to J. M.
HueHmantel and order a warm
suit of clothing mttde to y&mr
measurt, when you will be not
only warm without tanking a
stove, but will look comfortable.‘sensible and stylish. This
wiU be done at 215
Front St. by
J. M. Hueiimantel,
■ aaa.roaaaaa
,ee bean carryio'rouad for vearv
aak me to Duv a feller?Vca.l didn't know but you would
-ant onr
I hare gut the beat kind
■•ni let yon know. v.mBg mao, " aan
I, -I'll let Ton know that I bare got a
feller of mr own. na good a one aa waa
eerr madr. and 1 haer had f .r iwentr
yean aiui urer "
Wall, mam anyt hr with that anddy determined wav nf hii'n
a feller
that yon hare had f.ir twenty vrar.
be out ,.f gear by thi. lime.
of gewr ' eaya I apenhin
iuull be .nit of gaar. y
••H. young mao if I hear anr 'n
nrh apenchea .ml of ruur bead ’
, aaya he. ia that patient war of hi. n
"It ain't my way b. run down asrhody
elae'a felleia." '
hadn't brlu-r try
agin in thia baaae.. • aae. I warm!/
hadn't Set ter irr i.^i.
heallhr (ur r.m ''
em't be t
■'Can't I aell yon
lent, mum*
1 h
but be will «ime aroaad all right when agio on bulb
weather moderaUa.
Aad mebby be too harty; I did not
they Brant U. Inal and iaainuate aam- nrigfaburbou.1 to make omaenaiuoa ur |_^
thin'ab..«t hi. bein'w Uid. aad loain' bn>iU; I merely atatad that I got «>“
■--------- - ~m
'T"'. . .
-bat they aaid-lbat yonr
Bnl Ml let you know, and I'll let feller didnt work eood.t_ ._T
“*e neighbora know that I didn I mar.
' liuln I work g
T 'bai mas lor hair
Soe I didn't erlUer, yon. wh
him for teeth. aBd a few locka didn t work good:
" • handful
teeth baa nrm la It of yoar'a or the
no pnwrr oeer that lore
That luee I gaem he ta able In lay by
■“'t' me my from the rery depth, of rtaya ■( be wania to'
>* “O' “f a
Y'm are laburin'oBder a
what mmr .
thouaand "
: mam.'
< to get Aowa
>w« Iowatowa; whaa
whaB M wbbM
'I hale I diapuled yoa. mnm
'So. I ain’t laboriB'usder no mla.i^,^r• hia tina patlent.look
I dare I ‘
...........................................—---- ---------•- IB yoar M ■Bn.ycBBBBiTMiaB-B
oamBBd woBAar wimwfm'
r waa that I b
if aucb lelleea. Iml ail paid
We make lei- and wk
leia far different t
isaya t. aarkaali.-kly. gjrin'him .lailr . guia'ruond tu i
* p*eruio' look. "I koo»e they d.. Tea d.ia't—and wh
area'em "
watch my Deig
'“'J make at(aehcBMiu now Uic time, to gad out every minate they
Aad^hw ■—•very differenL . Yoata i« old laabioced eel down-whea 1 cWB'l find Bathia'
It Will give cnil BBUnlT after a while. . nobler to do. I'lJ aprod mr time talkin'.
What will yoo do thear
aboot befl't IMth and IrtUawawd "
--------------------------------My atlaehmeni wUlbevarglee ooL*
haya be. lookin'aa amiable and pa-[ BdW to mil a BnraaOBtafthaWMHI
"Hut. muoi—"
tieat aa a (actaer-clcrth rag-baba, ball
bBl I
KaBriy all sMhe In mmimBlm bBM
"JCv. yoo Bead
one I teoaMs with thair hcBBMhSZ^ 5^
I aay it will u
It la a . with the oolic
I fall late the wmfr.
It M aa* MW ta
______ heaeanly
i from'
"Yob doB t aeem to gl^ m^mm
air, yuB can't aell me another atterbhearMlygtfl.
gift, drufgrtd
i got them osL bat (hm la a RmA amb-------------------------------laaaBnnaad
Trae love I merely wiabeU to remark t
My BttaebmeDl
ia aa Brm and aboee,
1,^ —
w nut aoagbt afl«; ltoomea.and wken fig over yoor (.lla If yoa warn
endarin'an the rorka. and alwaya baa
Haballow, the
Talk aboat lore giv tn."
biwB. and la one not to be buught aad > ■>
land telmvo helalMeU.
:Ua' old-lore
er growaold
Talk ^ CHi. bow barala tndlgaaat
- laioUmciByaod ia '
day*oTi^ mum. but tbTrmmtta.dd' Thai which
------- .. ..
& '"
»” ~w- iwwwa
Fair Prices.
,.i2r .-r;,";
A Word to the Wtee fa SaffkfaiM,
BriM 70V Job Yitetfag to the HeraU Offke
oewtal aUaebmania of all klnda
I amhe a apeedalty of my (elleta. Yuo'd !
better let me aell yoa a feller, mam.' I
daelacc (or't. my firat ibooghl waa
tarahlmHgfat —
door la hh (at---------------thoaghV—I am a member of the a eet-1
Talk al
die an
which I'
"Wal. .yM
I let yoa
t light b bore--
dr'Si'.'run i
1ST ggff «—iiu«iuu.
• You aaed aot repeat y
Boaa thrcmtasdefaiM*.
WhM (Uab
'•“ 1 thajgU.
I ap hia l4 -PIB ■—
• ‘
ra may be
>; teC.ttfl.t'
imt U^ ; y
£»«• '
>\,kaw daB-tkaretheMmeluohin-es. It la|walm aaAm (ha. hmai mIa fcwaw
or the
thtnga.- eaya l.:j^Bgcm(W«(haraaA d«r
' ‘
r^. -it b cme of
! mast eivtno?'^’ci<"SJ ' JtTI
Ithi^. I Bveraae.h
mea ofkla eondacrt.
Aad U
laller* I doat want him
I aad bemadiam
to fill ataralty aa hwll MBoar.ilaad
hemadiem ewowgh
CBM do It. why. 1: aay diffeeaBV 1 waM him )en aa be M. asdoUtimcBltBaH^cmMBllha
and oU t|mcB ttaalf AcmM all ha gatb_______
Itacmr. Aad ao I begaa.
t-dbrnra loca^Mm.
iBca^^ l«mU.
1 bmU. K I eewd ap
Bp asd
and eastwad
eerntmod latf>
Ib^ ae
M ammU a
(taa ^
Saya 1. warta' my right
waited ta. Hb laa«h oemM ba atarp- kemgla. aad. each a MoUb' owe ten.
ap. whathe-sMaad bow obm aomotimaa.' anya 1. Maatoaly. aa I
•aowwht (I oeee how aiwt o'-------Bot la. Asd.......................
:<w erhhiwdeBr(a.prI_____ ,_____ __
. asd pam* tnaMw Sowara M H. ./bM I MrrM Wm: asd bow «___
lU hBvBS
havB - Aowmaatrlght
1 oeald
cm the
tog of Ua haU head, M' a (cbIUb' vtoe
ad hie forward. Or I bbbM
M wIM IBttta.' tf I WMtad
ithMte. l«eaM
^Md aambar. IdMt bsear. U *m
MbbU aak me why. rdaaQycm ytos
tba* I dWatbsow wbma Wm mm
lo wbal klad of (raJu iibara la
tm ud «li4t wfrtiM to Ml oad
1 •»>**“ p~*
1 Whra 1 do Dot bare le aet Uakea I MB (
•a a day. and baea done
t aad ael the alakea Vt bee the and
harruaed ia a llrbU aUalrfat-loaUi bare aboald be Med. I Ulak tbe r*r Tt-niUr hamiara (iir'iale at the diSrr-
a S eeola la atamej to
atraellua. of raeda lhaa L
tko dob 1* tliat wboiirTcr th« dob dar'e Ubur ae perfarmad. 1
four etforto mb raaeh ao fartfaer. 70a tbe wurk erell.
rua iriu-ll..
- lothUibeeevUI;
Wm 11- Oab mm mfumU , MpU mX a OMrUof of the slab Jn^h
be aboat aa aaay optai-iae aa there arc rraatly eadaea tba 0
k, lan. Thot MM lb* el
duteeeal oiea- 1 hare auae ooly (u«r
enlMloaaeerUlii abW
h'ldHj <11 yM«» oMkia^ of rrOM aeed tor a (eaeral crop:
ed Mj
W Um elab U|e
U» iMl aMV aa bfaodolar-Me maid, ia
bObl the ■fMMb)Ml fer «iM-12^
Karly ur Jaae.
he iMdM Raael re- alau at larfe. be eoabled 10 ptu>
aad tbe AitUe or baedtab dorer. altb 7.^‘oeirod «U MoraTolMthae aa;
beiiar laaalia b; awiiai la tbe
ooe Wf tbe a«oaBl of hlfb- ticaoUiy. I'or tbe laal fra fMnl bare
»»• "«^<‘*« !
__ ^
artall orer Um ecoatr; fol- aray taan ao* briar
ol theelob.
Hat I aroold gu Barb farther.
vovid adopt tbe Coaaty ayeteB. tboa
enibll^ the parple to Bark oel aod
aaublub a fe* leadiac Jtaea of road
SrlSL JTS. l!?L
ofthboooala are «apl«« throorb Um eaUre ooaty. aad aa faal
(the beae«t of that ooe nhtahe bm4* aa peeeUMbUr Impruer
^ roMla
pitMadIrthaladlaMaidbTr thaaol-!
thaaolihiak mof fanber
erlib tba ead. Aral, to Mtabliah t«ay
MMoftha •arafim.ea the Waad
la thtadIrecUoa oamrrMir7
rradM. rrea at the rapeaw of a alirkl
I oft
a lell obatber the dab b
, Jb,
M «M MCld lllaalaa. aad It M (tatad
aad prepare for praedlhalau IhatMia theaeptacM bora
or hot.
ilQ|f abere rood fraed
UlMloa aeirbborboud «i. ai«l alotber poiau om the fleld or
«U MMm a» baarlarr Tt.
aoaa tbe law dorer. ae it npeaa aboottbe MOM tioM of Umoib.T aad If cat at I
^ the projBr lime sakea aaedleal bay,!
! »>«l H lateoded for feediac abeep or
•««»■ oe Ibr farm I prefer tbe early
I kiad of doerr. Bet la aoy eaae. oalria
H h lalended to t>r cut lor aeed. a lirbt
mlature of Alalke dorer olil brasad-a. .1 make, aa eacelleal hay
rearrally reialaa Ita dark grr^m'
color, ebu'b oiakca It Bore eatable
146 taUitU.
a (aeeeateaaf reUabUlty. too AfJllJ-
le (ba*lMe to»rd»*M
I" ooaalaaioa I »IU aay 1 hare at the 1
-e.t '*
t. E. rLGENFRlTZ 4i SONS. Moi
! Nursery
re ii-i>
with elurer aad llBOtbr ia Ihr fail 1
P^“‘ «
adtably craabed, aad be- with wbMI. re-eeedrd ia tbe eprioc
*™lt *blPI«» <»»"<*«>‘!rla tbe oonatniillOD of rMd. dotaataa- with doerr ao.l harrowed io. aa vu per wbieb erlll ^ U> proer that auaMlhlaf | t^llj qb the Macadaai plaa.
ITiUi a crotof Ibr dorer waa wiaWr killed:
71 a^-rcaMcded wllb four iiuarU tirno^fhMd
>ted tbe Irolt rruolar later-1 proper antea thal bo
Ihy. arliweeded wilb dorer: eaeelleut.
riM folloeeiof
followiar la tbe amooBt I
r Coaaty
U-rLd tmmr
a of tha (rv wwbrili that
L MvribUy therrport fro. Eer. J"'
ih.o(Hartbpart.erb^eraaMM ‘*** '
Wt*l«vMtnKt ead) year a ouBbcr of ollea
of aueb peroMaeal blcbway'aod'aot
um iaereaar tbe bicbway tax bryoad what
we hare beea eolle>L-tiu« aauoal ly for
■t «>; tbe paat 7o ui 10 yeara.
’• ”*
la wiDtera likr tbe preaeat. wilb our
oainylir.ii. »• acrea aeednl <• Kb .aia.
ooly a roediuui MU-b but ifood for w.
dryaaMwn 11 acre* Mraltd w ilb wta
le»^ wheal, the gaual B«turae>f dorrr
*«<> UiDolb) «er.l -aa u-d. follv 3“
...... -
la i*M aliboBSh aa oft year lor fralt fo»Mla.U.eCooBlyay.laBwlllhrofaa- Aa clorwr 1. ILe Kreat ferlilirer. there
'\\ foeeata. W
iJoe lo the hwallty where Mlab- >• ^ daairer of faroiera w.wlac too
1 hax- paid teadollaraa
boabel lor th<- —-rd. aa it wa> one of the.
aaloter-. Bait-harn and loaad it rliraprr lhaa
ripej hr do wlthonl It.
^i*. AffapM wece fioiriar aad lirmad Trmreiee
la aderrilalar Ibto re!T*
. *.**^L?* .
woald fu e lusur
towarde ooapeoIf welL
nmiri *w<j^ aa a fruit rrawinc ooaatry. moMUop the Ux payee for tbe i
_*^***“**“*‘'**J'-|||(>1 be fully rwUBatrd. lint it le errtata
ouUay •>f oomatruetlor rooaiy
lb Mtlaf tk*; that wherertToor fruit baa hewn eahite
tipoo tllia •rubje.-t
ad ahowa It orated a aarprler
'f.mcB.^r. P'^ 0Mr.....,M-,
raare Vlaltor. a
tbe pnple looked oo tbe map
J ; turpeatiue. the -.U.
aad foaad that lirmad TrmeetM waa lo
. ia hrM. Mr- rrUismL wma the talllade 4S* aad tbno look at the fnlL
aaigr mull -ircuru aa n-ratda tobacco,
h It aay wonder U>at wmdc of tbe bmi
purmfia,' aaafelida. MBiphor and many
r. aodlB fee
ru'Oob.M thrir frolM
fruiuwe reornrheri Umi we iBlated
oibrr alrootr amellin( aubatanm. Milk
haraataatttmtaW p
ramd aaklap Vuur urpmaixatloaouplii ehouid ala<r Iw kept at a dtrlance froB
riMMloraStla'few- Bnetlap of Uie elab Keb I
eerry ryOatilr'.olwlaocr. aud milk
to t- aad iBiMt be. to biuch with tb,
iaftble aoaalryoaeo{|ll«o l-arBelew had Jaat rwto
which haa ah»d lo a >i<-k rooia abould
Hlatr tirmafte onrualiaUoo, aud
radaslv fefftoaa ia the j Krw Vork wbrru be w It loatleod
M druok. The power of milk
Wlere eaa derow a portloo of yoar
b laaUtate with a a
Ubora to m, bettor purpoe. tbaa by ao
“ t"*"'
1 Sw two year* aad la that adlceUae of fruit Hr. i'mraalne ai
endMror to cx,OT.nSrBl.W Uranpe “*•
•‘MUia. Miloylaw.
"Tbe fioedoB of oar applM fniB
mrwu was a earptWe to ibr brat fraiiMB tbwm. botloeee apeetmoM of
FSh.1. isn. I Hatdraia- Ulaab. Alexaader aad rail
^tfesisU—is y rwaoed ml aa aaray' Plndoe ta ftebrmary wlUnmt
jrare la kewplaf aad truadlad
tafkridri «u
rtaoM-ITT tSTftrrftTrd. !**>"»■»»«>
la W> Mothara.M ba-|
-------- ----
«< 'aH~ad aarprWd
•ft»bi I tod wheo our
.............................. alTrur-
wtU beaseciMity
Isssua «< papaUUM. Coesy Alld
•■a spas iha aanh aassUta
UMutaaft Maaf sarUbi
■iA Martha teal aad yo.
As# asfsor ssMSaliM tha fsodae*as« tsodoad uAa Cboiwat. yMr
teM. is «M waM what port you eaa
%allplwlathe fTUBd druBBcd feed^^tka hMia M Bawyaaaaa
hril StuG JMSS ytueeal wmala. to a
|l gil l llbwee lot a rmlay day. aad
tyo. toaa^b. a, mlpa of Meabh. He ema eay withoat
aay iMf of eoatrodbUoa that Ibb
tbe eboterat collceUna of appba ekhlbI at tbe expoaiUoB- 0
ebow. Mr. PrtaideaL tiw etoey b eery
oearly troe tbal the Uallod tiwiee
iwawy ta ha tiwa.
>ta the world lo frmlt powlop.
Maw aad the rra
HkMraa hmu Um I'olted Htolea.
a ta Mbit are
lirmad Trareree bMU Ulchipma.
Ihe IVeiaaoJ^ Farrarru' Clax bMta
Uraad TracfTMCu. .
1 will heft prmiiBl a lew polaU for
ooBildermUoa wktob I ibiak aw of
rltol iBportaaee eapeclally lo thoar
, who arejaat beptaalap lo r>vw frmlt
L The IomUoo of Um orubard.
kthasoppiyaaa aadwa^maif
OOS. prsatar lhaa the aWllly Ir
ty H «au> the tact ttotlhearai
Hs ^ tb pwdsrtba b ItBltod
tbMsueaUoo of rood uooaUmcUoa
r hraltii aad
I baVT BOW beeo ia the acUtr <|ar ! »“mr adrior b. —
am of road eoaewuetloo for li yeare. loBfrvKy i» found lu au old aad un
bare 4lwoUd Bueb Use aad moaey We^titled prial
1 Takr adrior fr,.m
o»cr e^ bryood luy awe—Ml taxra ooDe. oonault
(Whkib 1 bare paid chnrrfullyi hi Ual your rtipraUoo lohi your i-inUdeoce
cloB of toprurniDeela. I ahall oot be place younelf at lu di*p,nal. lUwnInit
with yoo Baay yuan loopr h> worry to a<> eupirreUaa from ynur palate,
the food pooplr upoa tbia >ubje<-t. bat 1 wbicb t» pTMly and eeiSah
< Aroid
wooMeeleem It a Murue of much plaaa 'aU'bonka oo dirt aad al-ep
are In By decllalcuf fMn to rumlbe, with thr wmdowx open
t. Take a
aad they Oeelarad they
that the oooDty of tirmad Trueerw .IfIcbeerfnI elcw of your aarrouadintra
•d. aay. wooder etroyk
e a> pwlble b, du
bad bad mo Um we aomld pow ealtb
AUire all, eroid
MapatSoMt frmlt en far ec
rinlul chaapra In your modr of life,
MOW rsoMrhi wew made al the tirmad
tor wbeo a orrtain art of rmira baa been '
BapUa fair. BaWeOaek. iBoalof aad
followad for a aoBbrr of yn
tbplMw. Bat Um ctowalop wporl rerapw-Ully aa ape I
eeirad wai ia IfTT frow the eeaWOBlkl
toattraipl U
la force ubedleore
miadaipbta. It
at J. a HOBTUX.
•er all la Um ball
la plriop By riewa oa iheaboee aabItiune
artlatl,- frame* lately a*
Ormad Trmrerue (ralL lleru b wbat
Jeet,.baaed apue ao experUaae of oecr
IhleapariBleadealof tbe pooiolofkal
forty yMW oa a fana. f boh aomlraa
departBMBtMU: -pruBlaoet ia tbbapwith coorar. heary white lane that
al the oatart that 1 am a cemak oa clopolatadwithwfaiw roamelaod tu>
riraltaral hall waa the oolleeUoa of the
rer. I do but expect lu oieel the riena
Paalaaob ftarowre* Oab of
”«• pfWUt a«aMH bappUad laall TrurerueCa Mlob. ItOBtaraoe
tgaMBweBi bemaehea of lodaaWy. lee- twMty-flre or Uibrty emriatba of appjM
rfal depot of prrleeOlllMM. iiBBieHsI, Saoarial or apieaaabM thal la isrfiid la Uoai la the rmltre ooibeUoa
>sp FM*
tU ty a epeelmao that Bbowed the boat
Hd, bri la wUiA the doM
r ymar fw aU U
fraj. tb.prMtMwrafUwlrway. oo
of all By buoreru. bat where I nay be
Is ofTor t hopetubesorreeted byotbera
of rxperiaoce ao that all may he b
Hew m Sesd—Oroaod properly pre^
pored for aay aowod ertjp H Is poud
aaodlUoa for Hedlap prim.
poal H yean 1 haru prowo
ortirt aad aa boM TarsBen
kaoW that thr Mil ta alBoet ualrersally for llaothy hay. ha suet prow aa
litUr nloeer aa —Ul kerp fala load Irr-
ed wjth pid: aad thrir edpra i
OMUop of abrilac. aad lay torchoa law
BpOB iLCUltlnp the lace lo form mlln
at tbe carmen aad lie uonotbly: tbea i
plar the law aecnrely to tbe a
palBi the eatire fimae whlW. let It dry.
pUd the adpra mad pick out the Sow.
Od Irarra ia the leer with paid poll
Ulc aa UBotby exhaosU the aoil: buli
r fanocraMB afford in pn>w timoiby |
Tbe 00)0001 of eloeer to be
ra BBri be dewnoiaed by tbe bmTHOUSANDS
baaed upoe the htad of aoll abd tbe
dlapMlUoD br wlabra lo moke of tbe
Cloeer aad tiionUiy. like
wbML ore lorrmot aoil that liaaa mix
tore of clay, bat can be prowa ca ararly all klada of aoQ. (>a ay fara. which
-leaer aad >k
■t. TberarieUeeloeetooL which ia
ta clay looB. 1 bare aowa aboot tbU ' at laet aorceeded la prudurfltp ■
two paru tiBOtby tu uac dy which rife, tiially cum that
' IBOD. bat rutrruirly anauylBfr W
~ ...............................
ia the macly
reduce tbe Umothy ood laerroae the reSTed'^tnJd rr^wd mod
clormr. for UBotby. like winter whraL.......................
tall pUuL
ta Ibr lunir aoupbt for rrmcdj «
eooalder the boat UBe to amd frooi
cmo. be deproded npoa at a rrauia.
Ue Snl U> tbe Biddle of AuroaL Uee rarr There ore toasy rcBrtlira wbici
elorer aad UBotby put a aUwop plrr rril'/. bot aoeb relief la oaly utm
prowih lo atoad the lipur of wlalor, $mmy aad Ibr ttoablr aooe ceturaa. aa
bad ur UEOrar tbaa ever. Uul the PyrakoU will eo* forward In Uw
ald File l ure aUad* pracUrally afuar :
aprtop ao ee to rtoad olBout aay aaa laxiiapcurr. It out <u>ly rirm
Batoa tormaara oaoaUy eow 'mrdlaw relief bat the rrlirf ta U>«
d with aooM otbri^ urop they
wainoy Ihorataoo otbra crop lo mw
at Sweet Nprlapa. Mo., wrllea briefly p
at Uiat Uaa.
Sow yoor ^ M aad to the pnlul rTpmnllaf btaoirprrlolooei put It iB oaBlealyMyoadoyaor eoce with FllM be eaj-a: I coeaUer the I
1 aritapmd U ariiee wkMt ood rsollse mroru tioa It tbaa Pyramid Pile Cure witboat aa eqoal '
Itcand Bwle leaa thaa thirty dayo. I
« at pruaML I take a deep isday* or BMJrr lu be eair
la the labor ood deaOay of yoor mip of hay Ma beeal fr«)B Hood Iran iha TOBMly
d fully cmrmd Be before
mr eoadlUoa Uiaa U wrtUapyua
---lapyuo- I eao aow ray I oia rurad
Hat if It ta top dry to
aow la Aapmst Ihea auw to wheat the
toMBi) P dmerrra <L
Seat ofSeptaaber ood aeed witbfoor
He qaoirfrTUB tbtapeeUeraae'u lelIhr to eh»w oor rraden bow pna
. rMBMy a.'U aad atau that tba
the spriop ood harrow ia aad fallow
I estWB) uteulUemUapbberehard.
they eaooot al) be ripbL
I Pnialap Aad thb iBjulna a
fsoM oritea: M to prow wU<
; M MS Bhot hM at prodoria yoo oalSSSka lOisB. yoo Most sudy yoor boriOSMM yoB mUI Sod ynsBilf la the
mrnmml Itae ladtaa wbu ihowWha:
He MoaoMt
«Ma PM and rmtonad Mtih a laop . .. Arid
MloharhaCarm >oa. oiri
yea ora paimoiapa oeMa war* to a;
$MSNhi tohsd'hlM^ui^^tod pMdcM
■Xtaa Mori MUtols goMpasd me to
SM to BhMiJtolBadaap ooi oo*-—* -to*uaa.tanto«eMt «y or-
I m |0H ritt Psi MS ffoMtor
•Mtor ppoi taHMtostotBiaitat ............. .....
Mgr. ItossMps Mi PMptosp- ModporilssaM ToaoU koow m
kook- p^ito. rPMaii.a.to.M mS-
witkarattorUposPhte. Tke oddllSua
afnpoaadariptoHMwOl beofi.
IL No^lMviUptaaMohowIta lapimdleale aad coa be aoto la ril mm*
■CactaorhaadpraaMr kMaStttooM Wiu perfect aafriy aad wtih the oriorthat a raw will follow.
Phyoir Poeur. lUsMor heaSMi
_____ ptwKriba it aad oae It la oU Mwe
M or iBSBdtoMly oflar.
of puTiT^ereraw lo the daapM aad
tyofaaarptMlaperatkra. ..
»aws>8eie.--lka«efartka lari few
koto pola or toeaaeualewee of |
-- -------- ------ „
■ar.oa it ooran
fkri doifi
It P ti?)
. OB ^ ossa to sM •IMtoaD.*
■Breaking Home Tics” ,
Plumbing, Heating:Sheet Metal Work!
:r cualomcra for tile many years ibst ara |Mt that
«c do not wsut to break one ailigle tie that hm baud
Wtabing all ■ prosperaiu and happy Ne« Tur, .«•
■ball aim to make it m> by supplying Drasa. Ob^cala. Etc., of tbe bigliMt aUndard o( parity.
Stovdii Ksofteii. Pumps, Pipes and Fittings.
nATtEB On, HieB»A*.
^es,Uk,Etc. I ssu:r^sjSu'y"nSJi.sr
The! W. ThorteH's U the place
to uve money.
All latereciad aCould aaa tha< II- Journal
He is offering Bargains in Canned Goods. He it selling
ever>*ihing at Rock Bottom Prices.
aaaed Appica worth ate for.
snwj FonemosT a mt utr.
To Be CoRliniieil Until ManUi 1
aed bM fa
Dr. Cir«en«'8 Nemira is the Bes’t and Surest
Spring Medicine. Mr. Crouch and ^itor J. C.
Gerd, in the Daily Hampshire Gazette. Give.
that tba laada
This Wonderful Remedy a Glowing Tribute.
aoaaaM br tie petrUad fareat be aritb-,
aala*. aa beeeabad aM
-atbata-maM iMu. Tba
i ^,iwas;s«!:;si*s2=:
ritMBFIavMi. Aijr
_____ aMlhaiblth
bkta. Tba mcimb----------- Mab eei
boMTT aM eeeldMtataed
& f^Mb b—^Mr~tbTa
«M at
The Great Dissolution Sale
dratra fro* am<7 aaUl tba adrlfabUiUbe fabUaoabar waj
-leatooMbaafo Mi^
faraarbw^ loat
at wiellilMdn aad aoa..
tf «»• BraMk •amatf poor
mboMmIb leUet.
bb iittia be^MdToead lt|d tba epfadatarlav •( a ioBMa •biA arM* bad
bearbt la a Cbiago fareltera
____________ ,—• tMw
• taalaai.«MwU
llaaUfalMteitraMMaaMdtDfa tba
t tt.v>blle
nr taefalba aqaare. aed. aeeord-)
a tba toeoaorfal. an ooaared hf.
ca of treae. «o*a of wkleb ateeaere
oaar tvobaedied faetla leagth aed
fr<MB arrea fa tee feet la dkoaeter.,
a that -xetbmrioalqi aMhwa an dartrojrlac
tbaaa bagrtreaaaad Ion br blaatlag
fa pUeea la aeanb o< cnalaU.
tba 1
pceaa.To aaka lla ^bllr park woaU
irtr rmeaga wbUaba
a* tberr an ao aettlara ,
apoa It'
»edrrlck Douflaa. ibr.aofad tread- |
far aed dlploaeat. died a fr*
falaalae briar
briorc T o'clock WadateidM
eight atbU r Odaon la Aaacoat^
ar aed for ft»n *llad the Ardtle aa^ aabarb at Waal
_____ ___
___ .egfaa.ol baart fallare.
...............................alia, wbere be marII a daatb waa rttllnlr aoaapei.-lad. aa
d. bel '
»..jlag — - •
Ik.ugla*. a
miwaoikmarv. at lludoMirllle. »our,i_ Xm-kaboor T«lb-rt <»aBlT
molbrr I
fatbrr waa a wfe
aran be .
> hr Iranrd
h*^ aral to llaliii
11 br aticha' hTX'aalfa
has inn. far
' r bait
a eeai
iterj'.~aBd It
time for fa per
week, aed be we* cmplofad laaablplaipol___ ...________ ______ _________
: a* iM M «9w«w aM* lor hmr
Mr.Mdan. AafemritaU. IMw
■ y»y^ at ail naii glvf^ *bt>
rard. la Seplembrr, ifai. be ded fmm
Balllm-rr aad made hte wa; u. New
Haeor hewaat fa Xrw Itcdford, '
Wbere hr married aed Herd fur
thraagran, aamorling hlmaall
br da; labor ooibdwW
' rharraa aad '
rba> workabo|>
there I
changed his aao.___
■me fa_____
Uc bi
prcTfaakJ; bren c-allcd Mmda, from tbr
aamcof bbold maaler.
> bb pflorfa lor
am l.lc
J. foafar libadca. at ITiUmga. I
rjaiCB(rhfadl7Kla((^k>. Hal
rM^^Ua daeontki. of tbr onWr
- ^ ww ■ MfaW <d tb*
•I___ ■____■
Ini W« -
Our rraad tucceu of this sale isTdue to oelliuK arst^!la«a,-waU
mode goode for less money than other houses 'ask for shoddy goods. .
Eomember that our stock of Clothing conoisto of choice selecUons of
! the noted manufacturers of fine clothipg, “Rotbachild, Baum ft Stem.”
' Every garment flU perfectly.
5Si^u:s:xrwTr,,s:iE.r ?£i£TE
Who* MUtafo^id iatbiwoodrat
♦Ifawilli, rmtr. Ima V—d»rpool
«m«wM fadfafa
m faw.
fa ^ b7> UJU
ua«-.VfaKa totw a vifa Md IbTM AUdna
Will be continued until March 16. Owing toIUie
inclemency of ythe weather' during February, and
wishing to give the entire public an .opportunity to
buy first-class, well made goods'; at^issblution Pri
ces, we concluded to continue the sale until Mar. 18.
of I
.M ia abIpolB. .
pay baMar ibaa em
Wo have yet a few choice bargains left in
WbU*______ _
iM«ror Al
Utroafb tba
tbe I'ailad
I'aiu liut«
M a^odM
Narrure bitml aad arre rrmrd;. of' time health.
oa bUwmy fa Karlasd. wba
ba win
SW wUawt of Ibna nOlMd mm be raaalred a> a roral miat.
i> alwara bera an art
II ao.l t'll; affalra. In
'«b»«*fabwardt.daaUi la a Tolado
- «l^c w^BCT^SJ^i£.
man ,
MM Ellae TleVla of Uealo. Hotlrr
M Am Arbor wraab aaar Haoiberf a
g .lays he waa alway
ttldUmaaonatr. Ohio, hr *14 fa be tba aaallrat
Aal! Slaw^_ hoebt;.
la |
Bd,v„^ j. c. tiere, uKAhm leadlag .oa head a-Mp with bia rlui|iieBt ora
■ ■' ■ >Telo|Md«omaaoow]iTlar. »hr
Bcwapaimr. pereoaaU; ioreaUgtted the ' far3' the pn-ming
Uumgb tbe New Baglsad eUtmfarl;
roldaadmalchabal twr
raa cit; h
farU of
woadarfol •arc. and bb aLote '
foar ;eara.
Lmrge audicaaes we#e at-; '
alcht iioaDda.
;«an In lu go.
a died a( bb betea la
core asactl; aa tbr; uceurrcl. cruireBt. ao#al tJie laat clcctluo ba
Htm. Mr. Cruui-b'a own worde.
rei.ed tbr largmt rote for aldoraun
Wbtta woririeg la tba woeda
lag la tberditoriaUn fall:
reel hbl.
hail. "
Hr 'ia a .a.ntracUw.'
and dar
ala Ibfatneor
M bblaot waa —bail, aed li
ing llir (mat few year, baa bull! facne
■tit. Tba bill
MoUMt wUabwaatba oaeaa
leipaaaa apraaltf of»!
of tlirbii.al b.mi-w La tbe clt;
for aloUllua
..----------- .
adoB of Maab^oB
aet of tbairiaf oet
wlBM — foaad I'rfav h> ban baaa
*Uaf boraa ateak far
d bnraaa, pai4; drrourrd, lag lalinmt ilrltala. aad la. IMT bt«BB
Kiwheaur. K. V.. tbe pablliwthm
ttlM flatahal Ocb—Mb baa a troBi
■Kiederirk boaglam' tbper." i
MM ofbbowp. II b erovM arttb
a of AlUe^^'. *p^lrd llUe afterward chaagrd to "The I
bbat (Mga all tba wv «P w
ilaeboea win daiidag laat C
■Mbda, aad tba alala dab oofafaMkia■ la Atlaato mod adfalaio
•ra bdfali that baMa tba ftaaat poad
Krvan ri
ddttakfadM earth.
nia. He wi
SSeSj^Sy^ IX-iS.'
a mnllrior
If- a,
Mr.! that will cure ami kerp
ker tbru well.
____ _about it. aad
: The word uf -tbia
a wtd,
n Idrlv-know n
asoag tbe tbouaanda of tealluiusbla [ g.iyenimrnt i.RU-ial
d renownwl..........................
mediciae. ahueld
ahoel.I liavr •.l..-a>ewUvciri
mJ addX wldel; read or give with tbe pabliv. but whi-n
ban this oar coiblog rd to Ihi. the fa.-i that tb
|>aper i>! ll.r tiia-h.- .(_________
aUadlog. n
edlbirlally for llu- truth of ever; snwtl.
Its editor atalea tbbt he baa per
vava. la allv iavratlgated
Ur.Cruarb, bcoaid: marveloua rurr. Ui.-re abtmfd be a
WbUa far bodv of Mn KuwdaB.
did not feel lam; ilalioii 1,; tbe pe,.|.le Ui luw tbRgreal
wonderful curer
llam|>faa, 'K 1..
'aSblM%MBaaardaaiba««fa?tlMa. roan old, of Bridfr Ilamirtoa
lor burial .
Turned dlBrolt; Mr Douglfa. went tag aa when I .Tlirvd: had noenertp- ol1**^ ilr.a i.e a Nervura
,e rriiirdi
a lq<-l. au
- .. .. ----------- — pbralciaa. mada
Ir a
that thiarvmedy
laat atfampt irUb a b*n x
to lwdoubi'e.1.
Iw do
Me then eetoreed to BO
“ apaeUle
BppeUte with
With which fa rrg'aiu
tTg-aiU h.ngrr
“righ^o-a tli.we who nac it
alrengfa ami earrg;. la this condt- rarer that It
and b Iraa tbau aa hour tl
•aa wlakiBf abwi tbr room,
IloB 1 worked along from week to week.
UuB of hia paper.
f *mmJm!i^MmhS^^ ^
began la INU be <
PWUMl Uap. la the Oambtxlasd taoua- l.loeoln tbe ei
laat weak, (toe waaaaaedMur
aad tba otbar Kela;. The latter
d^’idod to
--------------- ■-_.
~ek a
laat dmidrnl
employ fa^rh
abort dtalaaee from bb famir.. Tba
BBow b tram dftree fa aigtairee leehaa
ladder ahtMilg aad cm a Irtel lo tbaCembarlaed mouaIM^jbt faeb A inrd^
- mttamnr fa
al «1. Mrg. •
L. baa dirert
■rmt^m aad driver; of Ijaoeum li
ABBOaofat. farad *0. IMm »ftl> bU
a rirpcemlirr, UTO, be breaa
oartoad of prm
r the .Sew National Kra i
dfatltafalaI tbr
mialuf <1
«aa OM W Iba Nt atr
la Hbbltaa.
TUa b tbre
tmae baa (xmirlbafad I
' IWr
■tout toraAajb beet la
tbr a
Alllaora pUalatkm. aaar
MewrUrlaaaa. laat bafore tba tdg aaow
V Whea ibej' did eot ntere east
;‘^Pgri,"s^s‘s s‘.’s‘55ejs*s‘x:s.»
IbroMb tba Beowdrifta. tba loer imn foMd froaea fa
_______ ______ a* fan. Daub Ha-
«. KMd.0f Mattea. haaapaaob
________od adaofae t.OOOtreaa jaa* eofa’f IM (Me boartat and hobaefr laMb
_e aeraae eold arubfa.
r SfaMt _BtUaktbeirtrata
^ M» baa* aarfaeatr ibJand.
A inU-Mda AUofM aan teak bb
a MoMreld latbarorertha blUafatba
At HbliMandar. Wb.. tba tfatdaom
ef e D. Hayfard waa daatroyad by Sra.
aed a ebUd aged « jaaia waa beterd fa
TwooldmehIMrao triad fa faba'
Id tea wladow. bat
wan vaahia fa do ao. -TbatlompM
the grcmadaedaroaaad
oa AatfatSaar.bat tbr roof fall Wfare tba; aoald fate tba HtUa cm.
: aiastsK’rKfju?*■ ‘•'ifsS'.isrp.-C'S.js
■ Ul-"SSu2',n.?JlJTK
Via Baakm, tbowa to Km York al
sad Btmfaa aad Mala to
. _
._wa^ bight aba Ml Boattm tor Xew
Tortlte carrot Urn favemmea. wha,
wtn aoa that abr fata to Nm Yurk via
«ba ran Btvar Um. Wbraobaarrivoa
fag ware
1B4 Front Street Friedriyh Block.
uyoeli HlhM Sew V.irk ■ ity
when, to m; great Joy. I fouaA u
aavrellaaevex I waa io toy fife.
____________ ___
grand tue.lical di--->vrrv i* the n-rulluf
! furthertiior*,
n ____ it fa."
It t It waa made fa care, and it d.nw that hr ra
cure! h'ooBC naed be afraid to use lu" aay lioie
letter, givrr. alsa.lulc asauraaer of
aad ueUrhbort. the brnhat-lsl a.-lioa of tbk wonderful
g. Jteiwaea S.Qun aad d.ini
r^lD tbeir medtoinr
aa tba
tin aaooaal of tb« falinrc of the crops
and the ravagea of lornau ia Harman
_____ ___
TKAVt.anF. ctTt Ht.rsit «ARK»rr.
Caat Afr^ a severe famlaa pravalla In
flr^ bBrneTfttim bia
diab of bolllBg grease.
The taagatioc of a fort at Takao. Isl
A diapalch from Virnaa mv« lb
and of f'nrm.wa. enphafcd. killlag :.««
Chinear toldlera and woaading ban- tirrarir prroona irerr froten to dealfa ._
HalicialDtwodaya. ThrarrafVjKMfhdrada of ulfai-ta.
er eootlaaea tbroogbout Central KaA diapalch from Odroaa Bays that Iba .
e. The Uke of Zntlt-h aad the
fawn M Koalbau aaar AsUwhad. rar-l,
them half of tbe Uke
sla. baa bcca dmlroyed br an earth•Btiral; froaea over.
Laei I«r a
oaupevia, .dj.
.ddf.v. jer la. .ure
WWea Wiowr '
Here is a Chance to Save Money
Ws OABBOt mmitioB aU for i lat of spaoo. but bare a
.fSSSriS Sno:
|e j ►
MEN S Wool Rjb d UndtorT j^o, pri«
;; R,^Un,d ::
Just Received, a beautiful line of Sprtng
Novelties, comprising Fancy Dress Duokihgs,,
, Percales, Fancy Sateens and beautifU apAvig
Ginghams, and Teasel Down Outings, which
wiU be sold from S>4c. to 12J«. per yard, way
below regular retail pricee. We are stm
making room for our
which our buyer is shipping from New York
and Boston. Our prices in Winter Goods,
such as Clothing, Ladies’ Capes and Jackets,
are bottomless. Also Dress Goods, Yarns,
Blankets, Comforters, Ladies’' And Men’s
Underwear, are positively lower thaw man
ufacturers’cost. Ji Price Sales are not in
it with the
MEN'S Overcoatb,,.
MEN S KeneyPanis..
Immense Spring Stock.
z fsr
___ ___ _______________ lan'araUn
war* foaad bmaaatb it aad tbe
A liUlr Maiuac cat M baaUag brr
wayanaad tbr worM witboat the anA
V fitg
W atlacbod fa
- «S,Ma«tMafam bateeai bar lath- paedllarc of a eaaU
' falta
tbe afac^
^MiMbStStbiMreboaefaf do- a easd arowad her aacb
■<bme aa btmrd a
rid- r
Nearly 50 per cent, on the Dollar
ad1. <• the aatboeUy of the r
tlalln Hev. who was govaraor of Dar- mi^ Ba Haifa that the goeeramant
ir wban uiadtm ^aa killed, and evor
Mn. Jobe Haea. wbo lltna..
S) (■ptaringtbe
tbe tows of San
■ec baa bran a 9Ptivc aauag tbe ________________________tabsbltaau. fb
Balatdara, m.. hMCallaabalrfatl
if^dtals. ia rrpoeSd fa bare faeapod Hama baa beea petaonally In command
bf ISa death
of of
aa aa
lUKb U Al
WhaacmlywyaanoM__________ _____ and almost fa have raaebad tbe lullasa of the rebel toecen for tbe peal few
bm HaKar. (be awar from -SooUaad
weeks. A aamberot aoldieea bare beea
aad loeafad la tba gold SelM of AM*.
■ 100 RmmM gioo.
larreaud for I nsuhortUnation
Hbranetobolh died aed bb rat
.aO^rtiidaMi^.iiifa pipyd
of them, by order of the /
Ifattraeb of tbr bop. He dbd
tbaa ago. laarieg ha aatale eg III
and Ikai iBt-aiarra Hall's chtarrh
aalasUBople. the laleai iaielliaoa There are aUUea beira I1t._
Ikr unit iwaltlw rare kaavs a. tse I
' d from Mooah of the penMlaaaaoia. Hlebigae aad
amoeg wbom tbr oatala wUI br dirl
TlMk OeMtaallar VIctonfa dted at
bbbOfaa la Mlam. Ha*. Wedaaada;.
lawaaaboatwgoanold. Bewaabora
la tba loabe blaedaaed u a yoeag arna
Vwh pwt la tiw Oraak nbrllloa. wblcb ■
rmalud la tbe iBdmdasea of Umt
faMfry. figbUaf aad^ar the leadecahlp
> ibaa afara. fall deed tbaradar afMafaaBomnV He toak part la Um
famemn baUlc uf Aagsat so. mst. when,
by a sight attack, taa Uraek army of
MO^bMUao'doeb, bed with aa—' l.MO daalroyxd ibe Tarhlab force of
Vtrfarsfa alwaja maln: le Mb lMd.«bUtiaB tbr brack, d.
1 tbal the acewptad hlatorUa i>l
that rvaat were iBcurraot aad that Be■faWMIty. ad
' hllatthrbatidaothbowBmaa.
«d IfafaAMi---------------------------------------Th* ItOMdalpUa Braerd faUaetl
old womaa wbo waa kaewa fa hat
il pley tbay b
rrfaawd' fa latnml It fa aay ba___
• fMfadMdalbeb<9'aaateu.
Wbora abr kept her moae; waa a myabory aadl obc oaine fa dir a few d^
Tbo« a tborougb aoarcb waa
anf tba pramiam wltboal diaelaa•bMt the efak aed aboeldera «l
naally. wbea
Bar pervaU lag UmbUlag piece,
hmt to a taaormleed left tba «Uld tbr bod; — being praesrrd far barUh
a puraa plaalnr na tbe «dd woman a aUc
waa sMkad, which did not lie aa eloaa
fa the ablaaaaaeb pi aatare g
do. Wbae tba^aafar waa n>
If you have not yet attended thielgreat slaughter'eala you should
do so at once, aa we are getting broken up on siaea and you oannot
afford to loose your chance of being fitted.
i **^““*^ *^‘*’^'''••••ure
Hats, Fnrnislilq; Gwils, and Man's, Boys’ and
Clilldrnn's GimMng,
The editorial cuUmu of tbe NorthIl» wife. al». nerd lb- (irert
Hall; llaupehirt <>a- Nt-rtura bluud aad urrtv rrmed; to
■ lagc. aoil. like her baataaoil.
^ g no.
Special low prices oo all PluAh Oaps awi
IpslitiM redBoad u prapoi
■•ok SeaHk It will pay you to look os one bofocs baying.
and if you will call on ns we will cmiviaoe
you of one fact, that ifyOur wages ate low
we will make it up for you on what you
want in our line. ' Call early while the bar
gains last and the selections are good.
Yours truly.
anaA.-vyRS3B cut a.
M mt Uto'iHtoitk»«jaL''iM M
•l.««.«M.«li, •
te ^ ikir
• toto*« >k*M Mm*
ra..aflra wMak Wlilihj-^bJ w« baV^adfeOrinak, to Tilhi^i wHl *a
rawatorad. IWtoarto^^raptca
«*i*»l*to k
•-------n March ath aad nh. la tk* lato kb clkat*. aad tor tk* par-
> tk* w»aB*.
aBtfkt baaoraprad. darar Ua.
a larto tUra-Blattoa mm, ba B. He wOi atw be pnerat at the *c
Ktoaad (rora tk*-&to ctol the laai.1
mot w*BB traai only two toaba <
patodiatkeracattakn wkileUtola
tte pMpto. «• t* M»Wr««*hMp toUiv tNB
Haw Data* tor U>v Bala*.
MltMMl TtvmiMrk* «uii-<aw «t>M.iii.«n.*toHa( «.*«.•
For Borar Keekata* Baractoea. on
«rwfc<w tdmif oeu *ad » toll «< aoi« tk*» »
* Itk. April ladaadMak. tke
M. aad b. L.d X. UarawUI *t_
CMI. to rato. to • alvto
I trio csearebra tkheto to polBt.
.'tmmf^ tM* whMLtevWm M) »• WUI*
1^ rn*l- ^rto^
Iftk* r
' retkBtheea aad tfratera Mata* at rary
tom ulmU k*. toku p*.
i4a«M myrn k* MM
A^acent. lor pinanUaB.
:i kn Ik* Mil to kk •*•
■rtMvdroMk to Ik. ton omd
• city', a-kil* It
ntotlM-koMfer 0Mb fktokv^Mrteto kM'«> 0«l*v
r be tke bi«ral
. liw*«>a «rW*
H tor Ike pla^ttet ran b*
The aniuB raeetlnca brrea Mat week W^SeRT^
■ ' —Ikto ^-iHo*
k*«1*irniil TWfnMatoptocraf*. laacia** A aeaUafot tbceleb ..
«proela, ac-Uaeadraran Tlw
be k^ld aooa aad tke raaltar to eatrad
• arc tea-1 era
ant aMpeKLlT
•kkk tk* mUm d*pMto for It* .■- lap aa lavltatloa at
’ijlAlii M «k^ *kMM k» ■
aad abo to tke taaaar.
pwt trad. k»ra ahraalM toil) ran faUyd.eidBl.poa.
aadeeeiy alcht e
to ik* rara* Vmt toditodato to^^ ' aiauac to V. K. Harray. J. W. HUIIhatf.
0« ■■■■ II W
record fur Ike week. |
■nil4* kXIty IM rfXM. *( »
I).‘ U. Day. a*B Oariaad aad J
ap p) Ikk writloir. u( Ibrar wko
ram* h*ra *at *krmkMi. ud W n
. wUI attoBl tke baalaara a
poblkly tooebt an interrat In ChrUt, to'
kra iBcrrawd * k**dred
to toe :
•a followa: Mooday airht. tkree: Taew j *>1
day Bipht. twelte: Wtoaradar Bl|rhV!
ratoUf fora
tolUw ral— I* prof-rtT. «*►
Thi Baaaak Bide*.
>. *ad to I to( ratora I* Boto«*«a we«riltra-^to«*M Ik. PM Um «
-------- tke re-otvaaiatloB of tke bUIrftaeWetaraU,,
>«*tt^'TbkraoHk*n)otHy|trratof d.bt *kd <
^ eoBpaay *ora* rood work ha* braa
n k* tHik >o pni*p*M of Mtemrat
diraa. aad at tk* pnawnt raU of . _
to^t. nk.k'tkraradltkNi Uratec
M Wrauc
rara Ike praapeet b brlrkt tor droi^a(
W*dinil*y’» rra* IVn* rraeltod m | frotto ra. Xo moutt vhat lb*
Into to* drat *aeaal place la tke a)
oMm Ik* akora traato t7P*.arai tr*,areararafarlk*«rrat*baar* that ka.
KatfsBcBlyca are beiap
MlBUtoWntowfb.«aUowlBV*n>to '>bl«to Ikaa tkraa jrrar* to
aalradat eecry merUalf
;tom«*ofiraarirafro«th.»otopn»•ear* aad aeBbraa b a* follotn.
»to to* dkaMkto to tk* rapaWtoB pnaa ^rriraltoral pMp. to tha toorid
CkplatB-Jra. V UelBtoab.
wtto ^r. ttodbralhad ao to- to to Ub nrat dkooatoitod If ato lb*
nm UaBt-Pre^ D Canb.
to buM.« it aadntood that I Mt ralaryU*. It U aot tk* tonaar
ibBrad Ueat—JoBeph Kiaraea.
fthaaraead-jatoo* that to aaSeriaf frua pr«arat
IV.*ld*et-J. W. UaBDea
a* veil a* oaadittoa*. li; caflrz arUua hb pu*Jaa A B...U to S B Watt e^, of lol
Vice tyca^arara WlBBrr.
l tk* ra*)-irit}r to tk* pi>- ertr b inara <1
c. bUa-k t. Tracecaefuy **■■».
.^1 n|-|-r- ate to fam to poklbi- aaa Ibaa to
Auditor licueratto tV. I". Stowe, at.
itok. aadt akall tto* to aabrall the{a(ricuUureai
to tk* papa la rapjiaf to; capital expaada
9r. Badlara I vaa oaly dafcadiar rap-; Hcaltar* aad )>»
tall* aad capital
. charitT
atof Bad «* Jadkiai? coraaKtoc. tojabrlaktor
aupruaprntp Boat bcplB vllb
toMklarackatoaraa. Ibvaca ratber at to
Annual Clearing Sale
■rwrthlBC Is mM tot COST Ain> X.B8S TEAS 008T.
kBTd to bdUm tbsM prteM as rataUBtUl tests. .
bwt CsUeooa
St 8.
SBd 4K
Bast Oatiac Cloths worth np to IH
Tbs bMt
id Cotton, fall ysrd
▲ tOQdSnlt of Clochss, »on<s.fbr
-wldo....................... St 8^ snd 4^c s ysrd
................................................. «U0
Bloschod Cotton, psrd wids. Fralt
Snito that wsrstSAO snd 87.00 s»HM
at tbs Loom, Xconsdnls, ste. st 6^
A telr OTsreost for $8A0:8«.00 OrThs boot Tsbls OU Cloth st 18^ s yard
.................................. nt «8A0
«p^ir» witot «)air*
Cobs snd tosUbs tbs bonsBt ofthsss prioss st
BsUsbls Diy Goods. Csrpst snd Cletbinc Honss, ,
■ F“£.S.iifarjT'.
Hiit> to!
da^JMhaM<»ratoLap..r —1;;^
TE,A.1TE!ESE Cinr, kdllOH.
. ikaMatoOMTiaitoa.
tkO^Bite M
Mar, bartar »
coodB «m vm.
tk«t IB o«r erdtot
, la tke Battor to p
eiallp vtMB <
fanevra tkriraelraa, ara tk* toot poralblc ■ubooto ip wbldi to Uan> tk* brat
raoouaip ol fara prudacliua. I'rum Uic
• toraa aoa. H* ha* onry itaallftra«ik la at klB ka-tk* kl«h praUloa
vWk.«toH •>»<«■••» Oil.
■kpr W. aaUarMd to Utoad Rapm IkdCtarlwB. UatoOcpof Haakafia totoi aaraad farraaaat* to tk. eyh
toUurra. all map lean1 »rli*l to
avtod aod a hat to practice
rrara vbkh we prraeat Ite tke ouaaU
wailoB to tke teatltat* b iauaded to
draa cat tk* eaprrieaura of the (ara*f*prraeat upuB •*•- |-tjr 1i pnainti il
»e aak th.ac prraefit to HaaatioB
tk* writm aad aprakrr* wbra th.p
^ra prraeated tkelr rlrwa
tkaraaa arairaed tkem. aad tbea to
pira tkelr rbva aa4,*zp*rl*oce «ur tk*
U. i^wL y. K. Tbnraai. Ben Wl|.
k*lB. Mart Wiaale. Bm. WilbriB. &d.
,WalV M. Valoaatoui.
------ I Are YOU going to paper
that room this spri
>*,- .n
.land ooo«ia. l,
J. J I Bid to t'B
*U u aatl li. bl.a-k
panirae* to ta* ••
K. F. Wetaktor b. I mlor A Itol.-ipher.
rr iB.ia»Tl*T».
•t IM. <toh,lir«b<'- ■<i'l -Sr.'^
m. B s aiwwai. raraw
Kdwin " lUu-h u. Uarr'llni.
Cbnrebwill be bald neat (tonday at •- tort uf lui i.
URbU a a,, in toe new ball oeer M.Bln••Id-S'-'
Cae-> bnrdwnra am The pnblW b
f .'l'wr. ltarwb.8«>
i. A t<r*:ii
eutdially iBtolad—ntohject lor neat
SuHtay. •^raB.-dtonmn-. with Sk^
^ j „
Teat. John l i
Are YOU going to frariie
that picture? ;
urc m lua.lro ^
In tlikbrblt add toSumiClij -;
The Praol AecoBiusWa
• will be held' I
m.» City. Merab ?»:•». A An* ptorraa
T^r eridrarr •■DDiraiira to esar
a.. t^D nrerarad aad lb. m.unii>e •"
to praer .mr claim for
ba* M praparad airf the meeuat WbeelerVXeree Vilallaer
lira* to be one of the rarat nij.>yw.c. Fllok. e».|Kalina.tcr. New liar.
PullotriBt toe pteaUeara adJrra.
erarkeld la toe .toW- One dra.
ea. Cbininbiaua'^lkim
CblBinblnu* roBBIv, Hhio. nara.
wa. a paper by B. f. Ladd opoa -BaHy and
yeaf* afp> 'l wa> all ras
oat towa'fare will be rli
down, bail nu »treo|rtti u. work, ww
k'analiiclii tbbtevloB aad early Ib- rallraaSa makinc il a very U
Ibticaa dran.y ID da> lime and wakepraratoa* to It a* a (araiav eoutary.~
•ortetyptan to'wndi (ul at
*l Birbt.
Bicbt. aod
and frit aboBt
aboat a*
a. un
J 11. Muatu* ftoloaad •ritk a paper
aad Bberable-a* i iwuld fral and
oa th* raoi* rabjert. and tanBrk'* aor*
SatecB durhn
esnSD aarTBBM »
■aad* by ■>«•«« U. ». (brapbeli. J. K.
Ountoa. Jedfe RaaBdell and otbera.
PrraotiiBC Btoralnc aad e
b there waa no hrlp
rip raiept
rarrpt h/korp
The aext *ab>«it iraa-Tbe Haaiaaola toe raaal hoar*. tO.-Su a. at. ai
a* qaiet aa puaaiblrr 1 iblak tb
('arraria' Oabaad lla laBoaara la aUa- Sabtalk arttoot n«ia.B
didB't eapeet b* U. live lac«. J »m>kr
' iryln* b pateol »rdirlBr. but ibr
alallkl tmlVcroiriaB in Ibb ooaatiy.'’ Badinvor at « o'clock p. at -Cbrtol'a
...tor raid BO isteotmc-'
“lietoodofTrarblnr.-totbeBablecl ' helpm. Maiaal .leralil;
paf* to to-day * HeatLOr
Tho Bweltnc torn took a
.. .. - for
.L>r oerrrdulraMa
aAaraooa. aad *ta -joal twi
eSn-t from tbr lir.1 ulir of
It aod ..rating
» ha. barn an- to imprnvr la bepliItb. I'hiah 1 utod
bultb* aad I brlWe
rs and toe iato
We^n FIX YOU out and
do it right?
' '
wolx. we
leJ 1-U.I. t.,r .air <w lo
.m— beltolur-iai
FeaMK M. Pa
!v,ir,-s s„~ru‘',K,
Fsmcni aiMl Fruit Crvu'
b* It bot or -ooJd. we ara rary apt to lar. Morulacmekabal I0:»0. The
[V. Wbeeirf. N.-rre Vitally.
NBadoy nl^t raaeUiv At Y o'clock baa | medWinal pn-paraiioo wh.cb o
tbiah aad aay. that Ik* prraaai '
•aap" or ■‘kol apalV b tke rary valdrat bora toe raaaM s< awakenlar a drain . <*<1 to help anv nerve dbunlrr ur
dnara condition of fanalth sold by alt
lytoUev lor|^
Traverav rity UrurvlaU— Kerry uor.
««ry kpt to fortrt toker aiatlar
pa" or ■■apalla’'
Tke BntaLO'*
A ChB.p Trip to JacktoBTilie
A party (•< ladir. aod rvetlrura
Tha Handveekoalhaa becan with
riof orifBDiuel to Iran- Aon Arl»
ararsa»lteUrrat. HoarblMia m.
atorday. Marrb Kith, for a two week
V. r. n C. S. raerM at V43.
•ip to Jm-^BTillr. n*.. and rarar
the pan?, whk-h will WIimiWd
TkaJaBlorCB.a»*taatSp. m
a»nty peraun*.
». will bare a privatr )»uii*c- >•» tor.«ibi»ii» wour Iwwibc.i.
Dartay Prtraaf7..lnt. tberr am 11
itaaBraatT praovara.
Irrtar tUrfay
• ilac and .Ire, '
teya wbea tkeraerekry wak bnlnw an, Iwder.
throarb___ _____
The ladlea
ladka aldi
aid mmitt, bad a c<x>d be a«d f.e ateeplna
^ rcBBi-AB. laat
atHra.J. I). Joha-. poara dular the *U:
■ate for Ibe ruuod '
.m Copeotito
eill be only *71 n
wi!l inrludr kM.ar.aiItto-._.)eoi*
uwEi-Baru. ■
.Dd »w.l. fwr toMMaMt .MI «■» ..tor
Are YOU going to curtain i
those windows upstairs?
.v, . o,^ c.
• lerwMr rae* aadv rnra
wnK tw
“f “ra* n* Urwed
‘■"'’•d*'' **» L M. Hman 1-1-------- , M-4
“«* Hae.Cari.nu* i.
Mrnm liwrj
— '11^
Good, Reliable Shoes at Your Own Prices.
\i.....«............... ;;
craatiaf lotorraL
Much (twd b
r Stop, w
•.•mh «l
Our Stock Must Be Reduced. '
Prices Completelj' Paralyzed.
Bm. ar.K wnc*i.p<
tj of Iwroly thr
Irat Snndsy evealnc with fueneea actIra aad two aaLulste mrinban.
raro I*UBM,-aad
SS* ad to. usd orar baM la toe raanty.
were elcytod:
)a*l at raro: »th. only l» above. Sd. 3« fallowing
Ika BBAAintoratopraralDocBrly to
> -MIm ITnra CbaMabovci
■ska raaratoaBabriafraradD..
nto. e> above; n>to. *« above. Tbr - .Cor. Sra.—M kto tarrir J. Steward.
staasd pan A •.« of Ika papari that
Rre. Smt-M. «. raleipkrr.
(nUoarlBd date* are all balow m
KM arad aa-tey ara firaa.
teasOaU, toa MUaat. raU la <omMar.l .
Mar.i. ..
is» toe paater. will beheld next Stiaday
nine. Sabbath
Sabbato •wbool
Bxnlac aad avenlnc.
a«^Hb tmd nrallBra.1 Rf tor laWBMr.
after toe caarninr arrvke.
l8» hara aasvBMd dor toe irarpoaa cd
SBi^aoUc tonaffbra. aad rMaf *»lly iavitod.
5sr■ ■
. P. Vrarl. P—ter.
Bevival eerrlw itill cuetlaue
' -* UrelT Intereeti^iaanlfratedaBil.
are Ma( raced.
MeeUaf. are
« that every evealns at 7;So o'clock.
SBd fo* tAsraal hard Urara arhieh
pMUMdUetoarpartaofto* eca
It will ba at
ksaa foltty resekrd aa. Fkrracea who
: • M sMcidakl. far toe Aral tlra* U
mato ^n Fabrnrary. na>v
imar y*ara Ssd ltdiam*l«.to pay toair
ra«Bt-*BT. iws.
Fab. U h 'wa. f* above. Fek 4to toe
y aaralartaadUrra Ufa IWt
raaentry raacked
FSk. bto Bad ato toe birbrat waa
Tke mun
tMlowiaf daira ara
BB talaaillmralii a* nr^w-r- 7«aba*a. .•>*
/..a mi asopl. -
raa^ paUdora aad «raB. bm
Write K s
Within ths nsxt 60 dsys, rs(srdlsss of cost WoW. if yon
want soy good, bonsst Boots^or Bboss st Orsst Bsi«slns.~Ss
,* < qaick shont oomins. for ws mut mors thstn r^idly.
144 Front st
THE "BEST" ^ *
ve Ifi** to* lowaat
M Aim
;;y. .
moEs 11
Is always the
flannafa, Lay & Co.
$15,000 M of Shoes
Of the best makes going at prices i
rd ot You
take DO chance of gcttiiiff chenp. sbodd7 goods. Ws dda*t
keep them. We gusrsntee every pair as repreaentad; <
refund your money.
$4.00 Shoes go at - ..
S.OO Shoes go at- ■ - ...
2.00 Shoes Ko atBiOOBho** go at....
14K>8boes go at. .. ,
*a.»8 ' $1JU^ Shoes go at. .. . . $ 98
1.00Bbom go at. ..
i.m1 8Se SluM* go at ...
i.es! TBeSho** go at....
1.18 ! Me Shoe* go at---- ,.
mArm-n »ng« <rf
The Greatest Shoe Sale on record.
ODrue Gtete-t Slxoe
. Otand Trawrse Herald Supplement, Feb. 28,1895..
' Tte HmrAld Takas ExeapUnas
aab>rct, • Thr baral Offeriar.** ibeir
The Waelt of tectorta to a tows la aanwat atteotloD. Wa ahalt baraafter
WtdlDf ap aafaalaaUal lmaiaaaa bloelra be kaoaa aa the Kpaurtb Lca^*>. aad
^ aod Aar raaidaaoea caa ba droaoDStfa^ ud to our readan aayjdaj’ tn a trip to bope that naajr will aaltr with aa In
I Tmeteae CHt. wU^
poll- mak^ tbr aeoetlafa of the rreat«»t
: vy <a luAtlaff ladaalrW wllbia brr | food to tbr prvitaai aamber.
weat fb Ulioob to lire after thd death aooop wheo i^y Unh weet V» Tkavoraa
of her boabaad. b rery ill—aot expwi- City.
E. V. mu b Hlowly UaproelM m
A young nan from Hetoaker baa ur- health; glad to heaiHu
gaaUed a writing acbool to begin Feb.
We beard; uf a good ^y cellaiv
;7tfa. for b»tk afternoon and evaaiog. freealog daring the void —that bad
Twelve evenlaga for $i.io per fcbol^. never fruaea hefiNv
wlth a redaction to fnmiiiea of two or
We are glad to bear that Jane* Car
Hk t4Xi. io tbe faoc of the fact that
aa a abipplkf polat la either wtater or Friday, wberv they bare beea foe aae> more who attend. It will be held la llle. erbo b a patient at the Traretar
•aotaeer. a» ooaipared with thla poisU oral BuDtha. deUiard by abckocaa. the acbool building.
! city aaylam.^ geu.ng eery much belher faclHtita are very lofrrlor.—fVuiiJrl<e«ikUatlU quite, weak, the remaia*
Our kcbool vlo^ oo Friday. Feb. SSd, ; ter of hU malady,
,/<.r| Erprew.
Wbat the KaprtM wiya of tlur beoe- der of the faailv are ao a» to be about. to the re«ret of BeprlJ ee^ oDe lu the { tfoite p lot of lof. pre Wtof hpplep
dtelrlct. but p> ooif •!< moplb. pckool j to the bp; pkorr for rpfUiv Dept uup
Ato of Travvrae City faclorfip* U very ^
W, b.1 0»
Uk. r.».p.
• ,“P“
-.> • 1»» "I wp. eoled we puold bper uu pure. » e (per to tbe Tlmecrw Ctl; Eumbrr fo'.
oulta. It fteenk
hope the voter* of the dbirietNaill | mill,
tk» to tk. ro««oo«- to OP, hu^bor.
ride UD the freight Uala. All are glad wake up to the neorauty of tV ‘•uhl
We do BOt wbh todU|»rmce the IVaokto a-elvooir tbeca back aad booe their Pipe ppmtb. for ppotbee jbpr.
_____ ________ k«>« b p.
fort barbnr, bt aay i
. but the
ahare of aickirew J» a
facU are that the harbor at Traverae
MbeAaaa Siropmof Ttavarm Ut.\
ae paetor for the remainder of the
City waa upea thia year, catlrcly free .
vbited with her parenu Uet Soaday.
HAriJl CITVfereme year and are also <
froea evea floating iee. aoaM tlaae after afraid
Jacob llyer b wurkiag Ibr C. B. Malt
Ihr I'raobfurt harbor waa vlokod to
Wllbar K IVuwel) la vUltlag relattwa be eHonld hold a eerie* of revival meetI Inge. Ub word* have the rigbt ring
rec« the great T. A A. boata Traverar in Clerelaad.
Albert Mebert ha* gone to Slight#
they■ coane from the heart and reach
latj bo. now hwl > 4oJU^ p<t up lu
u.., Howbrd Mpurr. of Mbatoo. otlb
the heart. We peed p .rrep. work dope
bvbor, obllp Fiubfoct hu ha.1 mppjr pd op frippdi. boro Ippt »cpk,
hppdrnk of tbopmpda. pod frx, it wr 1 «,». Hrtllop who i> ppp pick pi the here aod It >eem» U> be tbe nnlraraal Idanalng. where be baa hm for i
belief U»l Mr. M«rer b the man todo
■OP), helleee rpporte. the Iple .lortw boipe of bee pop. 1. ip.pie better,
time vikitiag with frieod*.
hpeepo ailed the hprhor a(p|p pith; M,o a. E lietumoreapd pop. R„v.
Fierce and chUdrea. wh*nu>d thpt p Iprae PBOppt of Bpppj wpee Trmercpr Cll.e eUllofp Wedpepl.y.
ippot he eapeodpd to clear It fpreurl Mr. pnd Mro. Edd U.ik hoee hpd p died after a l%ag aad painful lUi
Plva lor the lp>t three weelm. hpre te.
Ub faneral waa bAd la the eharob on
tamed lo rrmveree aty.
lorreo •»< eCPPK. Thpie wpp peeer p ' epry ptok bpbe. but hup p pre POO epSanday.' Feb. 74th. at tbe time for
PIPTIP hoooo b«p tbpt bdpto eopid not; iprulped of lu reeorrr)'
The permoe was |
lie Pt'upr doekp Ip mfel;. Apd jet no | B«i. .Mr. Hperle.'bp. trpdered bb re- morolag aervlee.
drpdrlpf hpp beea respired, po btpph- |pl(pptkip p> ppptor of tbe Copfreap- prem-hod by Rev Mr. McKinley, of Al- j
Mplerlipp bpep bpllb pnd po PMOej i ttooml etiureh. k. Uke effect Mprch Sr. den. a former paabM- of thb cburcb. aw i Tbe Young .IVuple'a
eppepded ppcept to buildlnff dockp
Mile. lleohiDpee cl,oed p .pcveMfpl
pbopt MM.fpet lopff.* Tbe llKPPf.l> mopt: term at m-liool Ip tbe tirpndj dUtrlft gi-lbt Maywb M^. Irangwortfay leavea ; Snbjt^ -The aTu of
Ipkr nerpUopp tp the putemept thpt Ippt bVidp.c. pod 1. pow pttei>dii« a wife and flve^ children, beaidea a| School cUmv* fVlday afternoon ter a
great many more dUUot rrlallrra to j period of Bye werVa Mba«terdoaw{)
tkp hprhor fpcIllUrr of Tiaerrpr CltJ pehuol Ip Trperrpe t itj.
; reinm te her home in Oaekama.
prr iofreior to thorr of Erapkfurt op j Ijmt To.~Uy p erpj ple^uppl Ume monm hb Iciaa.
Mr. Van Tawwl wa* vary oafortu
pnj other Ukr port op thpt .horr.
wpp hpd pt lkeh.,pirpt Mrp. Edoprd
cKHAH mr>.
; bate. Last Mimday while hrlplag h
HrraU t'«M
tPMM ap^B
: load
Iqga arc
be BaipfWhi
slipped WOU.
aad. leil,
fell, Ibraakiay '
r ’
Grand Traverse Region
------------«'rro*a aav.
.dlnoer wa,aarrv«J.ufwhii‘b all partook
ioartllv. The reaoU of tbe day a labor
•vam ■waa*ft»ar quiiu quilted aod ■ ab^ut
"The tree* are aaked gruaalag.
a ait earpe^ raga«ewrd.
Shall warn with leave* hr hinging, i
l-vt, -«th tirmndpa. Il.dgin* w** «M
The birdie *d«>wirtB«mnlag.
year* old. and wunehow tbe ncighbum
Shall a’ he blithely dagiag.
foand it out and piauorMi a *urprbe and
And rvety flower he springing. '
pound kOh-ul for the afteraoua snd
Jack Ut4>ey drove to Traverse City ; eveoingc, Tb.»e who attended in the
oa bnslneM laat Saturday.
I afternoon were the ftirtuoate one*, na
The lltmaa UaDdaentertaiaOkeat ha*, the *u»rw and ruud% were ao Imd by
twee piwtprmed nptll after Iwnt
| night it made it almost impua*iblr u.
Howard Kebl n tnraed la*l Sa^erday j get there. 31 were preaeot aod qnite a
Horn the repabtivao oonrentioo in De>.aamber of ponod* were taken to tbe
gorthy cuopl«s
A aarprlar party aasrmbled at Ole'
Lanooh laat Monday rveolog and » iinKi(if iiiffviii!iiin*****'^ **'*
rprj nrJojTPbl. More wp. mwpi.
m™. White bp. •‘beep Rplle .ilk with
Tha lafflahe prupbe.; that ..pripff „p.pig|,
l^latwp la lour wre.k. Tbe; are bw
Xbe Imdia.' Aid ptept thi. w«,k with
Mfhalaff <" <»>a>r to towp with bupkeu.
Th. r»r of Mre. B. A. Wler. the
„ ,ud to k. .. tbpt Mr. timok
wBik Pt KlIbetdrbcBpp reportrel
„ i. ..„p.a p„iu.
iBrt wepk rrepltad la depth Suafp; ■ „ ,bw1p;. a, Trp.erer l it;, wp. Ip
- .-jpru Muadp; meppunp; loop
!>•«>»«■ Twtipffwtth irippdppitki.
*"•*** *“*“' [ hU Irg in two different plaosa.
Mra. R li jao started for Cana^ to*
day to rikit with herparraUMr. J. bl««m.dp of Treeeree
I). B. Oraadall went to tiraad Bapi^
I bnsloea* yesterday.
, i-ridpebWpphioffU..-. birthday Mb.
,.o T
”'.Tr.ee™e'„,u,.„^,R„^ b;.dM«ht b.
CHy. U vUiUttg at I. Ksnsuo a
q. ||
Tbr wp.th wipd I. thpwlar the wow
Mr. ppd Mn.. Prpph «n>wp mRui
rer; fppti we b.ve rlppipb enow to eU; petllpd Ip their pew Imwmp .
.pare wppe pf it
„p, L|„i, Porot
Tfpeeipp ITtJ
Mr Sptlo^. of TrpTepwCily.pod Mr. ^pt Spluidbr ppd Mppdp; Ip thb
MIlIrrppd Mr. Vrepier. of lAke Aup. pipe.
were all ip towp Ima Thpredp; op bpp.
The IWrt; wicktl pt Mb. ArerTh
■ IPPt eeepipff wpp all 41. ppare ilRpllap.
tiolle Pl.rire PMembtpffe hpeeffapa iThe pppppr eopdpted of heap hrpd
to Mr Spy,-. thI. ereplo; to pprprbe bokt beprp. piTpreep. kpk ppd kol;
Ihep.. The eiollp. pad orffpp fprplph 8pp„ pf ihe pepUeiprp Pppeprpd b
POPtPPM which did indeed topph th.
Frank Spilth, ol Trprrree 111;, wp. : hpprb of all. Two bppkpttpb of
OPI toJ. H. Hrpy'. .pmpooootIpR ool ppi elolhrp rempla to reprk the •mr
the sheekeltt to tbe men fof tbe <»vnl havoc of the iday
Ihsb Co. to-day.
---------Mr. Rtebardaop abd dppffbter. of i
Hpttr.ptoppod at the hotel Ippt Tbotp-1 PwpkHiA.iii,ii.iiip.i
M. at .
da; eeeplor pp their wp; to AptrilD ' Johpnie Wepleb b op the alek I'bi
poopt; with p team
I thb week.
b; Bee Mr. Theobald.
tVe pre fflpd to brer that II. Carmb ; Mim. teater llalleobpek ppd Mrp J
They inb«>] to have the church neady
IdOttls Hernette who livas with chprl. of Eopff Ipke. b pypio impetw- ■ Edrejoy. of Sopth MUipp. hpre bper
lar ompptlp^ the pprinif.
i Mfp It \ Ibtop. hap pope to Aldep op p luff after belor pick w> Iopr thb wip.: ebitin* Mr. pnd Mrp. Georffp wpplpk. ■
A pkrt; of tn pareop. drielnp .m the .RIP
ter. pad bope tor hb ppeed; reporer;. ; Mr. E. l■prk. of Elh Bppbb, eUlrel
Ipp f»ai Itattpa'a Dp; lo Northport.
r„ r, Tbeobpld d.Meered a tem.
P. A.Chpreh recelredp telrffrppi op wltk trleiidp pt thw plhpo Ippt weak,
arhaa ogpoalt* 1‘asbawbatowa. broke
iramw lecture in the ebareb Monday the 13th that bU mother, living ia th*
Mfa. Sbermaa la rialtlag flrtcate ana
threagh. The bovars were in the water , raalag.
part of the atat*. w*» serloaaly rela^vaa ta Trarerae Cltg.
lor Uiree qaartm of aa boor aad wrir. ’ Mr. and Mrs. UeadSr. of Ttaverve
Mr. aad Mra. David lageiaoll w!
by the ambtaaev of Bome Indiana, raa- i City, made Mr. l%a -ker * people a/vi>it a^ Sbe died tbe mciraing be arrived
thar*. aod be returned laat Tuesday
South Mlltua. called oa friaada at thk
oaad with dlAcolty. With tbe esce|>* j laat wank.
place teat Tbomday.
it seemed-quite lonenime bere^ last
Delaved Cormapoadeaee
Mm Elalr Carry fa bowe tram Bli.
. Mo <*** *** aerknaaly lajervd.
week wbeAvr lud no paaarnger tj^ns
for iwo-daya.
B#r*ia VcTMiaaa.T.
r*b i>
Mlm Fraaefa Honm spent a eoaplc v‘.
Wb m
Knmur says Mia .\llic lirown baa
St. Valeatiae’s dayhrviagbt n* *<ne days of laat week at Elk Raplda.
The UdlB'Ald Rodet) meei. wlih , |.H„ heir top lpr«e ppm of wane;. lorely weather.
Miss Uasie (See visited at Elk Bapld-^
Hip. Chll Thandp;. A Ipiffe pttepd- We bope It b trap.
Tbe buys aad gIrU have been impruv- Inni «rcek.
PD e b dadred.
Re.. l-bplApId. of Trpeere. at;, oc. log the evenings of the past week or
WUUam Curry hm rataraad homi
Tbe I. a a. T-p of Iplppd held pp pgpled our ppipit both aiorplBff pad more skaUng oe the bay, bat rather | from Bellatre.
patretalhBept at the K o T. M ball evening. Feb. fTth.
think this snow will in a measar* spoil
Mim. Elmer WeakA and UCUe daagb
tea eevAlag.
i a good ataay woe glad of sbe wind tbe skating for s time.
ter, TllUe of Torah Rir«r. efailed rafa
Mva J. 4«. Avery araa e^.led to Tm*- aad rain Sunday oo Sunday. a*dt lowQuit* a quantity of ice fa being pat Uees at this place laat werit.
nna. Friday teat, hy the Ulan* <*f her ered tbe snow conaidermbly.
up from tbe Imy and mill dam.
Some of the buya f
alatrr. Mm. PerUBa.
I^lel Scofield has had a eeUmadnm Allee ha* so tar recovered i hood went to Elk
Sntuday aad
Aaoahar aneidaat oeemaAd laat Hoa*V «o*e Ume with the grippe Imt fa reeov- from her recent illnras ss to make a eaipyed *ome fine skaUng oa Tmvem*
day. H- C. Hart alipped and falle|«riag. th«««fh aot^yet able to be out.
vfait to Mm. Eddy Sewoomb a who. by : Bay.
teaakigg hfa aoUnr hrme and shaking
We hear It wbfapered anmad that the way. has beea quite poorly for th* i Qnite a number tram thU aelghborhim ap la gaaaml.
Mie Bpworth Idsagoe are getting np aa ' pamtwowceks.
i hood aUeadad the eoaemt fftvua by the
\ The Saaday eveateg meeting will be • eatertninment
We hope they will
Our teacher. Mfas Emma Beaton, bad ’ Orpbem Ladfaa' Quartette at the BU
i Tad by ffamr Cteagfa. All are ooedtelly ' saoceed.
froaT<p.rtpeClt;ippkipRhpr|Bppidp ppptp koaap oa Tharedp; at
^laviledto be prvarat. also to flee the
We hear Mm. Maggie Worden, who* ariait from Wedaesday to Friday after-! teat w«ak aad aaemad teea>iy iL
•R.f “z:,:ri^'::;n:i‘.:rb.t::
■far. wlU bi bM Ml«bl
■rfU^hrdowfattrOrdM'«< tiM
Trsr «m br a faetara Ihfa arastv
at T;M at UWarr InU. by Pn^ C
tb* fnm»- laattMta.
■or wrtT v<ta cbaailiat aapartto iDfatrmto “IW BalallOb of Sei0 Afrieiidwrc.
T«i» MM Ina-«fa4 aww ptmr i
^ CbUirailALaBddBttrNr.-KrUr fa
kM»l«r tk« w»Ib 4on is cnM ttepa
r tb«* 4^ of ^ MKl faird-
Tu ladteoa. arbo aia the bat ol
■aathar pn^bafa. mf that o|«laf will
a. wbef* tbr air fa BO full of It that
a bm la fact w wall u la aaaw
> iMr waxlca. aad tbr^ ara «lna4f
railtav oat lhalrataokof baakeu (or That 1* trulya*hucklnr coeditioD of
afUin> tmt BO woree IbaB eifa
Bb. KawToa baa dlMoatlaaad th<- Trenraa City, where a party of yaeaf
people cau oot pat tafether witboat
*kllr thr very air
Tba baildlfat oecapled by aparbioir
ToatatraatbB baaa Icaaaid by. *eioUI1atr*wlth brlUfancy,
BB wbo will Boec hfa tailor A Oi>aitJBK7T*aT catanaleBBai
aek at
Ihayam bofa,
the Bapifato)
eharek. Uf«e a
ar* praBelevery aifbtaad 1
^ B. bUar*oordlall7 laaltad.
adadtfaaaa wlU ba abaryad. The
oda to be aaed toward* a* arhoul
Bau fa vary low with HWary.--------------------- -Tn Bar. Mr. Piyr. who ba* barolat
iBiBlac. loablar orrr the feaond Id
lotard to the paaB«r of Ibr prohibli* BUM*.
tai aafaater* elab Mat whh MiB ocy aBBadBoet to the cnaatitatlaa,
wfll apeak opoa the aobfact at the Haptfat eharob tbfa e*eeia( Grarybwly
.Oftulitfon this w^^,30a
Mb faifa* id Babahab fadr* amaa a
H llBigfaaraaplirMtbbfafadta
Mabb Naioux Ufa ha* eauBeaerd
odlUaraWoBaB'alfapartaaBt is the
day adltkm of the MaafaW iBlIj
Haw*. Mm. bee pBBali Beah Uleal
w a writer, aad tbfa drpartdwni will
be oaa of thr Boat popalar fraiore* of
the New*.
t Stale Laacar of Rapublieas
Ctobadld a wfaa tbfacaad a r»d thfap
at^lfa.Ifa^t BBlIag fa»t week wbeo.
B im BCTfaB fa tba Cbibolfa n afaefad HoaTIfaCT l>f»y-»!r-Itowor*
b yBBrdaj aaibad Iba bapfa- ^dbdUfae pnakfaal. ItaMaaaao ao.
aa aoUl Iba IMe aleotkBa
rt to tba falaat data'll
Tai Tonifafatdnb baUaa fatBe^).
If BBtleS fa
ITaoa partom Satiday oveafap. Ifa «aeala of OnL ami
Mm J. D. Mllfa^ Tbe.nest BaiUap
r. which laid bfa> ap
will be at tba hcBa of MIb laabel
HaiBB^d The elabfact praaaotaa.
C. 1* Mronb, a brakcMa OB
ii^faf a toer nBcaip (be bmnUfel
7* a. K'hadhfabaad MI7 a
taka* of Ireland.
b Rldea to tbr bea<0 of thr city aad their wlvm
It fa dealyned to It l the people know
« oMhe alB* and work of
company. A dellrbUol profraB fa b*Iny arraafed by Mm J. U. Martin. MIb
WilhalB. Itr. aad Mr*. A. H. Holliday,
thr Hoy*- Band urchcBlm and othem
The atleadanrv will be airtctly on inrttatiou.
Ma ifai. Mas, J<»i!r«clhi9iAi<. whe
ere married at ManfaUe Monday,
pave* larpciyat
tble weddi
1 Tacaday
aday arenlap. Taotr *
hoadrad pDort* at tbe recop-
There faa lacyv alack pt lo^ oa band
aadwerk wUl he mpidly peibed (or
mbaeaforBed in
aeaan) aalrhboriar cltfaa tbfa wietcr
aad thr 700th* asd BaUaB* are haaiac
craatfapertoetof la What Uad
aebaa* woald It ba (or Tkarafae CItp
joBOt folk* to (all la llaa?
oempled the evraioc.
I* Mr. Ooodrieh'a artlelr oo Coanty
11^ rathe IVaaaatSrrtan. cm aaeoad'
paca. lb* word anaallad at tba botl
of aolBBiB two abeaU be rbaiir«l
raad amaadad. Tbfa taain. a daeldwl
ehaacele.lb* naaBladcrf the aenlaaoa.
bnpad tbwa wUI ba a fall b
m a WBabrhatBcddhfaha
irtba fa«fap4 Sobakab tadfa Taaada»*l^t.__
Tbfa Buiaalut Cab
. wMi Mm a r. Cbrftr
aft—ara atto-cloob. All
fa fafa wark ate coedfally faritad.
. Ttfa (iBaral of Mr*. E. A. S«
MbfadfatfaCoact^aUoaal eharob
paifaaa MiBdap by Kar. P. Coebifa.
, .•‘JasB." aaa af Iba atoat aaiarfateM« a>d kBaalap of tba play* Bared by
fa LtrtroU.
Mm Joa Vote* ha* 1
aad Mm j. A MoKoB
0. L. CooIiar.ofCaatraJ Lake, wa*
Mm Cba*. Bean, havafbeea
A..V. UoapbMoka faBlea-trip ap
h* <i. A A I. fal* areek.
MIb Mabel Haue raleraed Satarday
em * week** vfall lo llettviA
H II Lowi* ol Elk Sapid* w
Travene City vfaitor yraterday
MIb Blaokaa ba* bom. calartalalap
ia Hattie Dbba of Horfar-wt
Editor Chaadler of the Elk KapkU
PrrpraB fa fa tbe city fafa week.
Mm J. B. Mania left Tnaaday
pivc aa aatartaiaiaeDi at Hantoa
Mfa* timoe Karri* h** poAe back to
Kip lUpM* after a Bbon vfait bare.
>vfa I* attoadlap tta *tata'
aertinp of far »'o(eclar*«t LaaMap.
Bev U. S. borttanip to celled to
Umad Bapiifa Mooday by tbr death of
* Bother.
U. A. Coveil, wbo ha* bees rUiUnp
8. Trevatt. leurard to Hcldiap Hoa-
Mr!ud.Mm W. A uiUetto. of Mayfield. bav* baaa vtaUfap Mm B. Hr-
e Iralre iea»im v
mut too far ahead.-
Tbfa ^Ltlcali
■fabUj II Ilililif
Ufa *
Oa. I. A. Tb
party of aJpbt]
wbajM all '.^SimraSiaiggtoB
year ape enjoyed a «r^ (COB
Inb UrAad
Utaad ........................... nailiaBU
■aplfa to Masieofaavpaelal oar. A
aaeganr CTSxcafcAsa
ibB aad beBieat waa ImU Mat
MU M iBisIlMtfitailaM
Ao Elegant
Black Silk
a yard—
Handsome Lines
in othsr qnmUttss.
Plaids and
6 to 8yards.aa ample pkttenl.-
AS^es't»a^mns JoMts«
ar4 very desirable. HowsinOhMs^ IM Tmw.
J- W. •VTTT.T.TTrm'T.
iimmmmimwiiimmmmmiMwmimmti ;s
Reduced Prices =
. 2
- "to*
WiU not tear ont
......... ..teav'
aM Or.MlMapfaU.faqato dato
60 in wide.
Wasii silks Will not fear miL
* and
1 to rvellse a* it tbonld iu obUpaPmta fa the Bboid are raqemtod br
Mr. Haa. to make a movable (aetival of
the tobeol librartea to araieh Uielr
irlil bcmkfaat faa party at ftfb
it feel, awfelly wilted dow.
■rfaaaadfaalrboBBeaadfiBd far ilacr. and dfaarr wlll.be pivae at the
IL and if It eae be forplvea
a*ylam. aad far trvwdM of fa* town
will never do *o apeia.
dia. VoL L Part t. It wa* drawaTrota
>r tendered the pweet*. who will
tba Ubrary aboet Thaakmrlvfap aad
Pomona Ovaap*. P. c/a.
in a epecfal car provided (or far
It fa freqaeatle March macaUapwUl hr held atjf
Ufa and U t^id- tM j A
ly waatod far rnfmeacB.
Thk mertlop of the tVoama'* Clab I
A. r. ila*T. I#
AIOMO- BLACa. far favraur of far Friday waa in rharpr of Mm 6. S'. ; aired.
AiM Potato Plaator.tofae aripiaator Henton Able papeiaon mrtoo* phaa
prl yoer pvtaBl#
of a famacr whoar preat Berft He* la
brier* Irevlep if
Moeta-! fa^i^I at Norrfar^ All work paan
tbr faet that It wfll plv* tbr rw|Blr*d
North-: aatrvd<1 E. Woonr, Prop.
of bmt with aboet half faa M pue. Havlfaaa. Ucen. Ati
otdiaarily mod. Hr.eBlark plaaaed rap and Kprapaa- Memorial raaolatioB* for CbaHott* Eateram Hrowe
fareaor (or hfa
■Uvrapeal (or liraad Tmv- f
Bd. Mm tfm. Banld aad Mm
Ca Abeat
mat fil.OUU
fil.ouu wUl be leqnirad f
aad doB not latrod to patrat 11.
exelBlva eoelrolof *
ovrll wvtv dee ed
t delapatea to ; to aaenrv
la a reeral botly cootaelcd ocatorl.
■reatioB to be held at ImaMap. j
oal eoalBt fa theSroior daa* of thr Haibh » aad tl to oepMi«e a (edera- _ ^ iBfp* tmafaaB c*
UWtaiy ooaree ia tbr I'aivvralir of
of Michipna IViiBaa’* Clnfa. The .
MbMpOA. Jeba B. Imatarrof Tmerrae clnb derldtd to meet heraeflB in' Mon** Hearaa Avr.. Ikrtioit. Mirb.
CUyaadJ. B.ncbB>ao( Ufab woa tapiB haU;________________i
the Snt pfaca with a Ue. Mr. LeatHclPTOB I
aw'* eBay Weed* bare wHl coapratn- paKv (or her little wB. DoaaU. Teee- ih* Bev. Mr KBwr. tw u
lato blBoabfaw^lAraarved aaerom
n thA‘-WB* the perfeefam , •
le. The
O, H. Ih^^^^^fBrtS^TMich . fa la of a pwid tiiae.
tba el|y fatba fatareelatrftbr l>awr of thorn *n*^ ymr old.
Ml Hyetfa OttlA alodpr eabrarlap
faemofaet* declared it
■at eeKfakle aftBiKwa* they bad |
alieady aecniod ibe bcbb of a aaBhrr
wav Unnap the KfteraoM the '
B of far dip aad tbrlr.wlvvw. aad baafaD wwivbII wriphed aad amvenlr :
I each mother wltb"W liltlo :
a leapr wUI be laeliMMd bar*
r Bad weiptat oe *bc aide and |
abort time.
of the other
reverve- Mm d.
« Tbr Sdi^Bb Pciathip aad UUlr boy wa* thr haavitat aaf Mm W.
.lamiivBi, - BB
Cki. aad wUL fa Marab. be- C. UaU-* boy the lipbto oee prtoeeV
^WleaUoe of a BMtbty prrt- Twooftba kabifaettotad maeb atBte iataeato d tba arAafof toafaB (roB their mlB aad ptaeU
b. Mr. Toaap. of tbr Co..
aad aabrahM qafal. faUeh
Oht Savings Department
1 Temdayaa bfa w*y toUmad
rkaWe la amh poaap abO■MUifa bay mtn BBlBlal for tbr
AMlfif wortu Ba. Sawyer, wbo
hawarty wttb Dr. Jarrfa. baa hao
' ler a year or Bata, bat to
tatara atawatoTtavanaa^. to aa-
We offer choice
a ya*-,I
Mr. aad Mm K. H. Seofield bare reicaad (raa aa aatoadad vfait la Keat
a fatbaataalwwbaa tba <mt-
the world. 60 in wide.
a IfaMBfawalraV fa* fa<b*-
;ly Brand. The beet in
a to far delipbt of far patieafa. I,
DfttrasyfaB. &rp-{
Silk Waists
We carry tbe, Prieat-
W. W. KairabUd ba* been eeiertafa.
i'numrfli. Sept, of lap Mr. aad Mm J. P. KalRhUd. of
Ihibllc Inaireethm. will be|weaaBt at Boyne CUy.
>iua* aad loclore la the evenlar Mfa* Lyerb. wbo ba* beea vfaltfap
.mpUcmwllbabirti - In addl- hir brofaer bm. rrtoniad to Hip Baptluo to tbfa a lery IntercaUec prorraa. id* yBUrday.
beao-piVfSrM forth* day. Ad- ' Mlm Etta U-Naal wa* aaU of honor
raaoed pupiUaod pauoaaoftba toa- at faa Rarvir-Hoepb weddtapel Kallanaw Coenty *cboofa a* well a* taaeb. Baahe last week.
oovdially invitod to attend.
Bobb* A Alley.
They wUI find mneb of mine and later. The latMt ebaap* la baafaww firm*
e*l >a far meetinr.________
haveryplBweatoBetoebroelrlv. no- '
TUK repuUlioas ward oommliuee mat tlap a^lt doaa. far ieciee** in afar and ▼
pruqwrity of aa *trmdy fioeriahlnp!#
it afaht and orraniied b
beafaem W. J. Ilobb. ha* Joined for- 0
Muocue chairman, and
bra wvrvury. .Itwa* left wifa tbr ev* with H. II Allry.a yooap bnalacm , A
ward eoamitlee* toaeleet plfpve for Baa from Aabeta. S'. V. They have : A
from Babl A Sea of lleUoii \
boIdlDf primarto* and. with the city
cOBmiUee. to call (be oooTroUoB. the. ,fae l*Dbocal bardwar* *tock. which ad-, J
tlBrtfaimodliir upon the ac-Uun of Iba dad to that atody oe haail pIvL them f
•litare.on the new city charter. It ear of tb* latpaat and beat *^* of f
■tore* aad baedware la far city. Thry
(boeyht br»l to wunewhal antk-l_____
mavbr will afao aoBtinne far plasbiop bo*i- A
1 fail way. a* theti
ecB. They will remove at one. to far ^
•bdi^ betwvaa the pM*apr of far
baildfap formerly ocrapiad by Hr.
Md the timeofele..-Uon.___
THKeetertaloment clren by far An- boral for a baidwarr ator*. Mr Alley {
dalaala ttaii>o. Mandeliii aad tiaiiar fa a pracUml bArdware maiI. aad far if
clnb Tbuiwfay evesinp wa* one of far arw roBbfaaUaa will provr 1
of far one fa aimy raapacL
appraAb Atfaot Apolopy
ofatlva ooe. bbI the rerre and Bwinp of Tbe iUahU>
tic wa» irrfafatible. aad celled-----------------,ue.t appiace. «a*ter Karl ^
maadolin playinp we* partlco-1^ it, w„t ^*^1.
lariy well doer. The eatertalnmaet, boaaea—laut VnA'r Herald.
Tas Ir^fafatlre boiiM- aaylnD rom-
Kfac baa beee obUfed to portpoto
btoe far MoBday March atb.
Wpearaiittl* later fa the m
«( ttadaalbofhfafatbar, atUka St.
r tb* MBplaaa of (be tToBaa'a blab
MbrtdfaTbBdap after-
a tbe lead a* pralecllv* e»|.
\ and «BCb i* faeir mpHt faat it fa *afe to
Ferdlrt tor farm wee praetor popefartty la fa* fatara.
now bloekadB Ual
whcBBaaAdMtanaaa. '
f a*fa» baU Mdagrofoafa* anB>
wuoa*of brtapin aaovea aad fa
icr-bu; at thCamf tlar bar oUaetory aerto arr aBailad by odoca whkb
far varirty faat perfuase
maaeMriararv bnUlrnp to inerraar far
mm of b«Baa plaaaarr. c ravvae
rrvrr. Hpht aad nmif.irtaUc. dneay
and retlreiy free fruB odor ' la
far larprr woBee'v v
b to Mr a^bam A earloa* IIV
UafacMaataftbelBBiBal prove* tbal
c* Beat ba totally tarblar la *sIttoa. far tbar* wwv tblrtcea at
tba fabU. tbwv waa oaa eaaaat otair
aad Iba a«alr wa* rl«*B oa ^ay.
*tfMMo«faUov«lt7*ett wMlfav a cb<ra« etaaa amoar tfa* r>
ol hfa cbareb with i
Wbdala^____________■ ■
Tba Mea fa to faalUaifaa tba
ltafa.AiJci CocnnhMntlrDod m yoMTfolktwUb thcaoaraaaad fa the
ebanA aerriora aad alao faetea*. t' Safarday.
taka a poaiUoe
■Id be
WUbarfawwell n
wiU«aJ. B.
I nrMfab l.aBbat
tbiec to iDUndoc* la avaiy ebarab' Sbtarday.
fa^wmt.p-,b, rood
fa far eoeetry.
Mr. aad Mm Imt
SxATfi Bank.
Ko ebant* ^
It fa
Lumbm’s RuUiers
»Lumbennen’s Socks.
Ming Co.
Lumbermen’s 2 bkl Arties S2.20 red. to $1.75
Lumbermen’s2bkl Arlics 2.00 red. to 1.00
Lumbermen’s Heel Hurons 1.50 red. to 1.25
Lumbermen’s Heel Overs 1.35 red. to
Lumbermen’s Heel Overs r^JS red. to
Lumbermen’s Socks • • 1.00 red. to
Lumbermen’s Socks - - 1.25 red. to
Lumbermen’s Socks - - L.50 fBd. to 1.25
The Hannali A La; Isnitile l|
anermactac »T Me paartatte
I aooa to! the mall imcram-ltbaaat
WlthMfamny to bto far^ aad eem<t while eomiap oa Me ier from H
aa^ bto vrfac work. Dartac Me
frlb'^ hr.hu beM ceutacoat timber
ao boHd a hara oa bit farm.
Mil bapt
--------------------------- -by the Kiapeley tbme were aeeM. Ure Alt Joba of
Bleb afaoDi oe Me ttoatb of Our«e Mtoplan wbowu'oaeof tbelachtom
pamupne oa ber rctam t>^ tram • , .
etolt 10 trteoaeia eoolbeea jJtcblfaa. | “J* *•“ to Muj^w^ftaw.
laloM, weter M berwatol
take to bto owa
ratbwia lluec
aad .papg.
borne oqrdur a____ _____ __
Ucorce Broderiek. tbeiefme be It
BoctoB- UcmAUi-Wroaly war to! lAooola. Krb.. M follows: "After trrv
ftmolmt. Ttat aaarbaUreaad tear
witbla brartap of a rlporoo. eall. all ■
u it wa
! lap other mediefbea for wbat aermed
ee we .moore tba torn of oee of o
t4tlilaaL. •rritfaa'b; Foor aamber who had eo................................
e prip. aed
«t. of thto pita*.
It b lh< r«rb OBT of o> bjr hb craUrDM of
Pdrm of William Kaoa. "Oh. , corery aad
atMe ead
w • of• tero dart Me
afely If oot cuiBtortablT I
tut Mluior of bb Irtur: "It b cUfai- MDCcrai>dBot>lrM»otUt*. Ttaia> dfelluUoD mfel;
~«lfh «>tlrelr left them
raW frltad* »r khall rrcr ctariiO)
Tbr WooianV club met wiM
Mie. W.
•1 Ital Utelr. the Cnaadm'. WOnca
WiM Mia.
;he wilboat it bereafirr u oar eaprri '
of bin. aad that '
euvw prueea
prueea that
that it
it curea
curea where
where all
* raor
Mfad dbroat uxl Ul fuW
Head oar moat bcanfrlt eympatbr vi IL JuboaUm f'rb ith
a poem aaUtled. „ trmwliu fail-- -sJpo^» F W S
ia'parnala aad frieede to their prest
liw^barch aeataw taraaad
da like the o^d . reaa (imte lorn.—Why
-Why Iaot pire t
u aad •urTvw.
Japan, i'hi.a and Korea were read aad
la tbr coBBaaStF frerrallF ' N'ov. I
pT«at aulwlae . trial, u it
f. E. UamihiM-. Hrtoelfml
diiAUmed. after which it wu dreidta
wbbtouria iaUkat..U>r
Mm I‘
to dn»p that Mibjiet f.w
e a lime mad I *
tbat the abo*« to a otbiakr.
u aolotot. amialed
take up tbal of Me llawal
.la. Ulaad. at
tbere taa faaaa a Itfalr
Baraea ahd S. '
----------------------------- -‘f.™
Craudim arr aot to Uanr
rciml bu.Ufol •“*
aad •V*p'.ri4^"u
FARMEB^ who are urkiaf to htathere era*, aad all there »ae. aad b.!
--------------_^,ioe peaprt.to uofa
Amonp Mem were ter Mnuelna Mould po S.10M; The
ul.ji.1. preui
cose froat a laaa ertto to aot. aor aens-j
Monhpon Depaftmut
orereiu™ ‘
—tkdden Veara.- iWhea foo and I 0»re» ata <,>ea.«.t UouU oCera a mlllwere
bu bam^ member of tbecbmta'ia j aeamd
eou.e Hmeeie"imrllne I >m ‘OO •'Tea of farma at W-Wi a.d M.uuaa
t«iq>- |•rltlci^ml CiUe^ Mr» I>. F lloxIbb place, bot to a member of aaotbee I
4,^. ,,
| ««[•
the clou of ,<hla half r»le eacui
ruraluD. to pn an
M-: Gi-»praphi(*l IhwcripUtai an«i Oi- ,
braach of the Hetbodtot fudly.
hat lut
. , week.
taMrr Steele took rnuruH. Ne
ai.ee be tame. Bow .early oae year
s-bnrebra Hoapitabir
nal u^^Jcc. apeak- ^ f'lae H-hns>U. ami s-bnrebra
K. J. Peck Tieited
a«^ be bu bee. u*ed u a briither it) Thotwrtay.
rreamdok Me inC^“*ltii'u.!*r‘V*A’.
ChrUtbyputoraad people aod. beiep
Bert Fe.lo. lit ChkapirU bere rtoltpreuolwlM u laat .Tear. ,
. sir to W C. lUXKananx. ti. P. A.,
the other diarcb. be bu iepold ,
•w 00 the Olherabure Rer. Cim inuti. 0‘
ooeapled the pulpit wbroeeer the paaIHck Tboma* aad Geo- V.*r dr.ne to
;Haribort. Mrv. Martha BadJ. Mm
-------------------------------tor eoald not do 10.
So m.rb hu tbto Trarrrul ity Sslarday
KUaalwM Eebl. Mm Middleton. Mm ,
AueJUu a Umca balea
r. Haautt. He alwi re- -' Taa But Suva m tor world far
L-bery Chau aad family wtoijpd bh
Mr. mMI Wn. C H. wm
». Mi 1tn.Wmnet I
feMq^Mcktalkfettiat brti
*«■ SoBtkIlMiteaostiw befar
i t*i «(r<Mfar !**»• -r>*toaii
■ka IM WliUuM FMiv Bltkt■ fhv hii tad lack ta «<Ulac
■ MWirttawtoitotaataa.
Wni Ssbr baa eetaraed. barfaw
I--------bto marb at Hapte Ul/.'
data taou of HapU cit}- di
tareapb tbwa laat maek to Ulaad.
VtodaF'mataa u* thiak
both maiaher. aod people did not Imow parento lb Tmeerw (lly Imt week.
tat that be wa .amembrroftbe U. E.
B. E.“Ctau and Mr. Fe.toa of Tmi3. Miiuma.
ebareh bet*.
r«r City dnnr ialo biwo Mto afterr. ebareh. fife take.
' IfaMab.^TaHa of Empire
itaata* fawBttafaatofttaoeok. caftata far Traeena Cttj bp *aj of Let^atapadarCUF. ta HataaU tiuM ap Imldc of tWMtHnr bama tbe lamberinc 1
- Ita eaeada araold bare to atop m
I—latu ttalT tota woald be fa
A. P. HoapboftbeTraaaeript to ^
■tor. ChambnrUla rWted Prof,
ard of taKoyacboola Friday. '
Mta Can ItotteDOeld of hpriapfleld
to a atodeoT of the bJpb arhooi here.
Hr. ^lapadom to ujoyiap a etolt
tihm bto moMer of UanaeUTllle.
Mr. WlUiama. ■state loetaru c
1. «L JJ. <>. T.. lectacedat Mr eliurah
laat euDinp to a larp* aoUleace..
Kee. Butape eialMd Traeerae t3|y
lui week aad wu fortoDaie eaeepb to
be MOW Wad for teerral iioora.
Mra. Woa Itoetbolomew of iloBeer.
inly, bu been auyinp
' Wm.' tat^aad wife bare reeseotly
rcturaod tixta Sparta. Kut Cobaty.
wbeee they were called by Me aick.
of Hr. Ixiop'. tater.
Wm. Orepnry tvturata laat w
from a etolt toJifaad Ra^du and other
pol.u ie that eitflBlty. Mta Mln.lc
Ovk took bto poalUra in tbr store dsriaphtoabaoDce.
. Mm. Miebola teturaed yealuday
from l^la.d wbec* abe hu
itiap dannp the wintor. ' ftbe left
Uen^l'ta J^uamer Indtou three,
we^apotoUy. '
|lr->Mtaer bu bnlli blrna a'eirb la
, Mr. BoMem la baajr haatie«
tta Ploaear Co. abtpped a toad il
taa Imrdto'a tarw naavar from him
Mtmaa^ Maablap bto eatter.bat be
W. Ralah taalaam M
.iffaa Waaem alare hw retaru
^■dMB Mp to Itaearm CI9.
Hn. Afaem taa retaraad to bar
taia,lata Vlaw<M<an,a(iarai>rDta%ta etolt with MW Vaa Naatraa.a
& )L Dapb •aator to eajopiac lota of
-MMtair tramftaB Lakethto wteiar.
a kept baaj
ilkk wMar hMWIat
«ta. aad la
iMaof trorkawa^.
__________________ ig paew abop tbb
l^itm toMAwBl talarta •ooarh
|<«a«ll Ma wata meal jear.
I tatir
■Otoa of Oao. darter ahd Pal
. wahi tefflaa Baeato tatM.
A.A.italthotftabkfart TWthiitar ablar. MIp. Pata taek. laat
to Mac a
ta laabar <aaa|a
Mr. aad Mta. ■amaauif <Hea Haeaa
MgritM.da^teratthto ptaec laet
• of Bmplr. towaaUp
---------L. Hacar attudai the aaeotoaMaaa> Klacatog laatWarda^
Ifaamr Crfta Beltaer drore oal from
Upta talaiday torrtolt bto atotor.
■ta LalaTewapiadhubam. etoit■ IMMiiI faTraemuatyafawdapa.
Sta Oau VMcaptf iiltchia eWiod
• Wtotaa Terry wt to Cleuhad la
<r aaklacUdiacali ^^1'-
oombm died at Me home of ber pe
loraiBr with
eampUmi. Sbcwuoaly married
Jaar eod wu in pou health Ul
spr wu rcaipned u tbr ead
wear and ere. eelecUed tbe
abr wtobed Map at ber feacmL
u robeertedMU wiaur while
orkW berr.
oeph a •
1 .~u,
Who were unable to be S">. .B^-Wa. taee^ Vlcrm Salt
Grandma i U,mlv Cbllbtolna. C.ima. aad all Skla
>v» ...h, Th, p... *'™'
eeensiur cb.i.ied of 1 *’"*'"*
Ulan-U Mm
brume ape.', A let-!
He here .h.,
Gun of (hr l>Jaod .if M.ilokali. u her.
tor of lhankawuread
from Father ule by SC E. Wait and J. U
leprn. arc l•olBtod. Mr*. IV. II
V wholiade one of Me happy
IMH>. Orm-ription'of Msrinlain.
It May Ou a>Mucb tar Ton
and Voleanoo. «f. lUwaii. Mm Jno ,
obaldlUy will nexer apain Join u uo
unile in prs>os>uorliip thmr wiwttnp. to
preal ralur and intervst-to them,
aad altbsMiph tb.y arr not inteoded fsw
pleawm- aTs^e .vet aprenl deal of 50joymrnl nrv^rily ' rc-»ulu fijim a
paMeelnp of Mom- wbswe tirteu ae>eimllar and who taka- an inU-re>t in ih<aabjrela diw-uaM-d
Th.-rioL will meet
Tnmda.r ereninp
I'lWiaenee sif C
. 'Vri-lr^
Tk'r aeerre.b>rm.>f Wednuday a
TJturtdny made Mmr iniertatod lB t
Hid Folk.' Ueceptiui" tear Mat
-unidbea failniv.
Thuraday uiphl the wind wu bl.>
Inpi tbe air wu Ailed wiM Ayinp uu
led it i
■fhCatamMyMMfah talac broackt
VhtataTtatelp^Z^aad to
I Hea?j Weight Suits;|
I Overcoats, Cloaks,
Dress Goods,
■ i'-
i Wilhelm 'Qros.i
The etrongest attraction in this county. The grentest drawing
card em before the foblio.
wu tittle peuapecl of eomlnp. but here
and .toWach irouble owm ita' preal
No donVt luny were drlaine.l Mat •uveau u a care lor Ahur>r iruublm
would have come
When the writer , Me fact
it to preparad
>dfor dim
v..„ g,.
>e.l foil aod pood cheer mended oradviaed iw any oMer__
Tbe Aie.’ Itrto aot a cure-all,
i-atl. bal for any
btodly Ibe
aped. toiddU-aped. and vhildren alike ! atomach trouble l(
tndtna .Curita in her coaelyBftfa
year beaded U.v lut of the -Gniat. of
Honor - ' FaMer Steele in hi. Apbty■ hiMi ...niee neeithen i'r.B<«ni.
Mint u^top next
Men (raedma
Steele, ^ta on U> her uteoty nlnM
blribday. and au on. until quite a 00mpany wuw
limit St 1*1 ily yum to uy ooMlnp
manel .are. It to'p^^red in tabTet
rfoim, pJeaunI U. Mate, coiopoard
TepeMWe and fmil muncea. pore pep**“
Goldeo Sul. eeery ooe of
ePectleely in diputiup Me
, food uleo. Merebf^Giip and loeiporallnp Mr weak .tomanb:
usb: red
nic'a eti
waoydiaeaar. but y.
' r.r£.s~.c".s
of Mr many pre.r balrrd pnraU wbo ; oe aaaiat In Mr di,
food. That
had no- reached Me allotted ape.
' i> exacUy what Stuart'. Heape'pai
The ball wu beiutifnlly decorated
<•“Me diputiee
>1- «pp. t
. hey will dlpcat t
-ibar Me atomach i. in wot
r <e not. thereby nonritbli
other., wboar hair, weir w hite and|i. utnn-'. i-nre for any irraknrm
will MWO be foaeted In Mr three aeore | peraon. run down in Arab and' apneUto
aad ten yum The entire Mere table* ! J*'"' MbleU build np Me atoih^and
were Ailed wiM Me middle aped. Wto.
whkb Me Mk
wita'ma a more plouiup aiphtr*' kbimach eanoot di. they ineruae the
rewrni*“w of puU-lcJoice and
Horlburt 1
- ...y mod moor watery
feemed u t^ouph tbe
dli-tion of Heaven mated no Mem.
Stuart'. Dyapepala Tableta can I
tablca were Ailed a aemiad aad in part I found
at all drop .torea at SOrta. p
Mird time. Goite in eanuain aod j-tacl
New Era.
of. Assigmnent Sale of W. J.
Bell’s entire foshionable stodk
of Dry Goods.
I Golden Oprlunitles
are swiftly passing away. Oyer
96,000 worth of this meritor
ious stock already Bold. Prud
ent people knowing tiwit such
chances occur biit once in a life
time, and too good to last long,
are'makingthe most of this very
extraordinary—the cheapest^
sale of high standard dry goods
ever known in this county.
Sweeping Sacrillce
pfHNtf ■km'V Mi tipFt, okT imp
rcedminpto the mill, prwlty
MtaFbaok Ic«mhamtoMn>dlBpa
fawdayawlMaa Sbe to the pneat of
Mra Sdwarda. .
; Too OBBBot affitrd to pma# th*.
m Tmi •tfwt. epfodti MBtefa
' aboee aero thto moraiap.
f Honor." hut II
‘ One trial will proreonr aUtcmeet. . I*ricr only M>c lor
for larp* bottle.
At J. G. JofanauB'* and S. E.
•• iValta
ronb'. den,M byMmninp.and a o
for JuUce'name. Friend, and re
tieu were Mere end eacltomen Am
blph tbatMeuerctou were broopbt
foi.r. •' i*.;tv,w, v/ .
a Mr Hill «de e
aneirerury. ile » waitinp
, s.-rere Kld^ Uwubie 1
itinp amt rudj. Ihirinp f..r many ,yut.. a itb' iwTeee pain, in I
ire all Joined bi. Wk aid al~< Ihalhk blaitarwu!
Ihia ud yet precl.iu
br uid he " afft'S*'*- He tried many u called itWIn alnpinp-'luUw.s
oy ana #y. ,
without any pood manlL '
and remarka w
y Mr*. Steele.
.p.. hr j^mu, Meueof
Be*, llnrlbnrt and >1
eeccr. tnbem Kli.-trie Biiten and Aimoil relief at
wonld have apoken. and we bad expec uavv
EleclrU- IllUet. K eMkclally
j thank, to the taapue fsw the picaaui
» ami arn.iar loUeUtuemr*
U-breb-etM. IU
' patberinp arranped by Mem. wbU-b
a J login M ito Huiaemr Court tm ito pbde
, - Wu rmpondmi to wlM bur
FeMay•«, Ibrnrdk-Uon
Mm Jm Vokp retarnrd Mto after*
poodly patberinp wuuon hrukea
noon from Timeeeu City, wfartv ahe
ViaM Traiww-CMDir
wa. miled two werka apo to attend her and Men we wondered If friend, ha* I Thu. it U in life, >jy and md
payety and moominp aaceued
mother. Mra A. A. timlM. in- bVraeri- isp piern np all thunpbt of peuinp
ou Illoroa
Illoroa. We arr aorry to learn from
lid atili.ta kept away.
Joy all we can in life and yet heed Mr
Mm SmiM to no better.
Ely soon M donbla were
e re.wlVlr»t.
m aficr team srrired
d brinplLp old admonition, "lie ye alao ready.
younp'. Goe lady uId
Id her Buband
Mm. John Howrll’a Inat Wedauday umc in *l nine .Ccloek uyinp "I mstcwetiqon. where Mey enjoyed a pond
nelphbon am dippiap out road.,
tffaaer and a few hoan
and if ynaMinkyouconkl pel rra<ty
u are'll try and pn. Swift prepand Btomaoh V
foor e'clork.
■u tspan for Imbinp that had nut
Sturfh Dyaprpwa Tableta._______
done ycatorday, beuauu Mere
Tbe third lorlore of the onnraa pu
dud In theworhahopof bto fatbeedalaw.-a U While, lut Friday attofnoMi. while all tbe taHlIy were from
bitae raerpt blmwelf aad wife,
bimulf aeeidenially wu the eerdici <d
Mr. aad Mm W. Uoldre aad Georpe MeconmeCt Jury- The deceaaed _
married lut Komnber to asm White,
Haul went loEIbB^Mtooe
aad May loet (hdr way i. tbe wild yaaeceat danphter of o. L. White.
- wait back 10 Blk Ba|d<to Tbe fonacnl sereicu were held in Me
apalB and then Inuk a
H. B. eharch lut Konday. condneied
day rehtaed borne after a.prrtiip from by tbe Bee. S. Ktrcle.
eald aad fripbt.
<Haad Comba. wife of taUe I
taoo Maacoad maap ak
Tbe Vi. C T. I'.met laat Tnewlay aflemoM iHM Jim ItompbMl a(
TbeiTtaebem' AmIsUod of Lretoaaweooety: will meHat S.ttoao Hav.
Marrb eM.
Mta Mianie Hllltoid. of .MinneMU.
Blfce'of MmH-. K Glll.toatlendlop
ubool at MU place.
The Imdta' He.rdt Society will
seat Friday afternoon wIM Mn. Kate
Wilaoo. of WilaoD CoUape.
Mr. SUbbim.' ahinple mill ia oeaHy
rrady for boainras aed the whirr of iu
mwawUI iiiMm liiUpht i?l oar ran
Mta lladie tame nrtomed fesun
Tmeetu nty Sunday, where Mr ha»
bee. for tbe past week rUlUap frlendrWllbur Gill and family and Mra. Kreerlh of (llll'a Pirr atteadrd tbr
folka’ rreepUo." In Mr town ball lul
dalleeeed by Bee. H. Abraham i.i Mr
I hall lut Wednudar eteoinp
Owiw to Me neeere storm Merc wu
tat n temper attrstanee. All who
were bo lortnule u to be peceent exj. K, BlmaDtoimproeadaDU-do
pccu a blph appruiattoa of Mr lectnritMatotao.laroot.d.
The mill owned by Mr. Brtotd will er u a apeaber and bU aUlity to dto<3ta"PablieOploino.be mined tbto weta to Old Htabm.
Mr. Brtoiol wBl moee bto tolU
Ita towrM leeturr of Me eoem
Cedar Bn after be to tbroapb here.
tofiemi by Ute Hoo K. R. Pattenpill.
B. 8. Walkm to petlisp up a Isepe of tanalnp.oor elatenperintemlrol of
quaUty of toe ia hie aew lee botaw.
Pabilc laitrueiSoa. Maicb TM. at Me
lya. MiltODWUIaby to quite alek:
balL Kooae cae afford to mta Me
■f berall wiBies> aita- rai* iqqiarMBlly to bmr Mb able
apmbar.forlttooorthat doiw aot
droi* tbe atape
to OB Irery-otlen. The ubjeet uWlod
day. Ueeayabetaeaniihrli I little to "Ita Prime Factor* of a Good
WU" :
Ocbool." .Admtalon,:% ce.U tor adnita
Mr. aad Mm Chariey Bam wee* down and » cwota isircbadren.
aod ^ent a eoa|ta of daya wiUr hit
Kimer tTbItoomb wa. fonnd abet
Tbr Ladlm Aid
ak Heaukey'e u apokee of last week,
bm at the Ber. Mr Priab'e
wu a etey picauat tlam
Mn. aritm ol H^tea. who ii
Mm Hkbael MeHarttay. who bu
taaa in pd* healM all wiatce. to ptao^
oat a little oa plipmnt daya
OeecpeltoriMr hu opeata a bay sad
bed afar* ta Mr Edwarfa balldlap aad
BmtltoWc^p.,................. ........
Pay mot* ta ynar pnaaarim Hma ytm
of Ladies’Ja^bts.
in this
lie department
at exactly H
ofL Complete cleari^
of Drees *
Is. Everything
in this de
ment to be dosed f outfre-1
gardlesB of cost Those who
come early will oaptore the'
cream of the good things.
New York crediton say ihst!
entire stock must be dosed, onti
in 30 ^ys.
PRATT & Davis,
Itm nto, ttrMtefBMd cm imte
«M.ri4likMtlMcMBlchl th^
■UlWMBrWtW. IWM7«0C*d
W Ma, WItalUka dcf»-taeM«
kSB owabMp. Ivfll eba* hf
a •thtrade.aadar<«b«>>^*''MB«l
I <1 Hto BahMtt. She b tcrr ktad to j
------------------ -. rr.„^,rtrir the taaar ila» <d banw newt that era <d to
Oar arrltlBC taaehar a. aaae b I
. Swato. Oar drarUc toeher-a I
nr-^ Se Ipokcd to Tba Detroit Bmoao Kian Maada M to ^
lebMtoBaar. Oar alarlar teach-'
is tcu
e^d abociU po head in bead arith yoar bcaa pan
a b Mba Mela Oaa. Tber
Dua Hw. Ban»-t mm m llttl* rirt
tmo a^m halt yMoU aad I w«
*wr «0«HM to ■«. Mr rnsdi
•ad paad— H*« la HaM. Hleh.. asd
th«WfRb.aDdto|ip<>laUd Iftojdo
TracnaOUr.lbe. It. ntt.
matmmm Mtolalto pa|xrf
Daaa Haa B*rt»—Ae I her* arrlctaa
I alU wflw a leuar
twice to the Yo
aaWiaMarh. I aa alaoat a. Mr ••
Otaataaad ahalalcreaad ahalf/Ma echool aad bareeH mbaed oee dap pet
I han Urht «r1r hair. ihb pmr. Mp ttacber'a aame la Mlaa
ha«« mf fmfm wriu to m*. 1
•MUldaraa'ahaM aj pala. ibaraa
,«M. Ma Maa ia Pbm; a pM dot
«kna pat ato ' I fo w. aehaai;
I «01
MaPT Tann.
a Maa. lurpa-l ha?a lataadad
IM a latter to tbr I!kum< for a
leap tlaa. bat aa 1 r<> to acbool tad I
•akaaaMclMaatooaadeoof —-eceyoar.
aaa i iiae
have to pnoUaa aac>7
<lar. aad
d no I haraaot tuoad
' tlaa to irrltli^.
■mar. I (bae. bora
al* to a torcto»bat
^bat I lam better
I dW aot tolI hardlrJ^ell
>t I aoald crrlta fom • letlpr.
Dua toiiM I nad la thd, tiM
Bdiui Otbto UoarlaaeWraad 1 like
rack. We haee R lohMar* la
«Ma Waal*
Fapa gmn Charlla
WaarafMarto hare a
wt* laaaaUptoacrfgfaaadte fdaat
a..to...ad.eareb<.r »«•«■
Salmmm la to cafaMaa. Wa fM
■oatlo^eahaad alar.
pa* atahmhaaaeeaaawa pot I
■ WadMlkatPaappMatehagdla *
Bbaa Mm. Baraa-Aa mp fan
wdM*w*aa affiw to to Bai-------1 *wg* I ^to*«4a totoaa.
Mtow'l toaaaU iffD toa
M Wayiaiiaa. toaertof aad to
teABBacToa-Aa^lto ram of to
bopt bare ba^ wriilap I thoopht I
lowriteafewliaaa. lam
• to toHaacraael ban aarar
Moi. Mp taaehar-a aaaae b
ArUfae apar. I Ilka blm rrrj maeb.
lUbahar rarr
I atadp raadlap. wrIUap. atoBlw. Uaaw*. Mpfawtab
toBwatoaad paapa aaii paoprephy. FbbBUtabara
1 Mba to read to U
u to thbfaa UbadWMaat. I drew moat
I atoto pea a at to atoipaia wllh mptootherb daea.
tmr <M*Mi aad a hawr Maw Wa haee tea bciraia. bat 1 doe't like to
..tarn I wmabaafartUaUmw
dfiee bomaa aa well aa oaea We had
TwlTPaato. .
fanp-oae *f. bat pa eold thlrtp-oea
at thma. Wa hadtodriee tom over
Mr. Ofewbkhbaboat foartoaa
■Bda MwlMW-latoalltila fM silaa. Tkbballleaatbtshoi. Iba■wfaMwTWtodM. I WMI toawaa
astot or to little bopm hare help
Ba tHMafaTtoa to toll m haw aa* to writs their tottan for thb b to
Ma va haw wi* to tohSa paa
tot I eaa do. eo I will eloae far tbb
m Wapattoataafabaff tobc
Itoa Wiuoa.
ffaafaaad top ta* aewta. Or
■aMNIw a« Mato Mtoh.. aat Irp
*ao«toa «B*afrtMMlaad 1 amaad
Mfaa Mf «*»w ——• ItoAiatB BBAABspala. Bebool bad todraeoa
|>atoala»aifayhatoiaadahadhw aaaaai cd to wbooplBp eosrh■ Itowto tore Hw IwQlwrtoa 1 ffo to tobaal I atadp
'TWea were Maeaa eeheli
The taaebarb mma was Mb. Ors
OMto. I IHced bar eery maeb.
old to Fourth of Islp; wra
aame m
1 wbk pou alia
JIrfto «*i
;«e PMl to 1
a hea
lutelp tbe brat remedp for all duraera
ottoTfanmt.Cbaalorl/OBpv Dealera
ithoritod topeareotee It to piee
tpetl)i>p. rooprapbp. laaraapeaad peamaaablp
Uur Icauber'e name te Mba
Amp Collbaoa. o! LOllbtoB. Hi*.
Ickr her quite well.
Now I will tall
iroo wbat I can do. I <«e ewee-p to
ffmir. waab tbe diafaea pel la the wood
aad do maeb rmirr
E>ir pru I bare a
pet cal and a pel cnit; to kit
bame b Toap aad. U.e o.lt'a aa
I would u.it write lor a price
becaimel raabot w rite'a pood ruuuph
letter. 1 am <writiup at praadiaa'c be
d^p. I haee Itwo llWe Mctem amallrr
thao mpMif.
Era b T pedn old aad
Bale b » reara old. Era's Wrtbetop b
Heat. 8th aad Elale'a he||L nth. aad
miac b the :tth of Noe. I am V pimra
For a prrarot 1 bare pot aa aatoffcmpb albam. Mppraadpa lake, to
BntALnawd I delipbi lo readlap to
little lettcea. Urandma had a alee Up
pullow imt aad it i«cae wa ead ible: it
tell la to well aad waadroweed. I
do woader whp Nmul doat write aap
offer la tbe Hxaerj) I tboupfal I
try aad era wbat lack I wool
For pau I haeeacbtwhcwe i
Tommp. Our aelpbbor baa
qalet little Uaok dop whoae i
Wfabkera. alibouph be has aot mop.
Mp friaad. Ablpall lUrl^. b
Dr KermoU'e Maadrakt Ibi:abet eou h.ra btea lo*inc for if ..
went ^'.HiiOK tol will tooc up
•.sHmj. Xlveyouenap|leturaOIll■Al'
tDr dipeatier or^aaa Tbep are
Cish Paid In Rides aad Puts
tiolrr.. icoiertl
.ORESSE') t-r -
Atlas Soap.
y vl:
simp, UK!
II jj.
— kU, :lfe5r
~~5%f 'r’.;s4S :
Spring Gurry Comb
iCIoekSprinB Blade. Boftma Bruch. Fib rreiy Carve. The
[Only Pcifrcn Ci
.omb. t'Kd by L’. a Amy aad lr\'Baruam aad
•-orc'peufti Circuata.
cum. and Lcadhig Hanemea clf the M'orid.
l our' Healer for IL Scmple^mailel pem raid^r'i,
i arito«MfCMS«.ir——
dap. bat to moat I .i»^xa EtUrim—I Ihoapht 1 would
it baa thiatod thb toll b i.wu la oee | write to to liaaAi.ia I am polap
id Bol pntodap. I
dap. It b a
■ill Ml
i ii
Aod mAlu aU atylM of CoUbiB and Hriiim
.leltwe_ ,
BiaaaDdilappp Kew Year.
-Yam pdar trirad.
I Ape 13.
'Ktmx Raxdau.
Tbe laacbiDe
t«Mk 1 a«<M« far thto itoa.
L-H 'G£T our prices.
■akm two mmt to eew rarim
aeu to rarrp them awap,
a aa* wapoo ripbt with the
Caul A. Be ttux.
Iw i
OCTDOIT. Mieit. *
H£;Horse.Biankets. Plush and Fur Robes. silfiiiil'li
Chbaba tor eipbt moato.
•W«B*eBwaw feWtoa.1 thea
wmMwUm. 1 4e aat fo to aa.
IWfM I kawaaaw wtoaM wMto
Mar aaM a UMa Idf prbM amw to
Jte. IBaeatwatoaMawaadwato
. Mr.
are Maafc. Oman aail
OiaMlb -1 batoaa* wheat aama to
»VW. «f **to to wrilfw *w tot
I pc.M «aa a aeoTM ai
1 toto^.
DsaS Ebtroa-I pu to Xm'TU
d la to a
reader aad atodT *
dred Hera were lot. I ecmld tel
aad tocrersl eth«r
erer au moch more aboet it. I
to Mra.
Mp taaehmb
would make mp letter too loup.
KmeBiefa; abe b
baaacaU takpl"””
ai**MaaaUhBhahaffpp. I tUBh
totWbP to iaacMtoaah. aa I wUl
jbw ha.toWaf top aaM aad wa
The Evenlos New*.
ace: I like ber^ well. Now 1
like to tell poeVoot dp peU; 1
had fear cate, two old aod two litUa
bet I oalp hare ooe now: mp
prcal blp labbp which waa the rraatact
r oe« died.
I ebe-Mp. Dr. Ureeae. ol
two little
lo I ... ------- Sk. \ea York Citp. wt
tbiek tbep had the pHp.
apecUlbt u e
to loae them. I hare a few rhlck- laad ehroele '• - aea. mab____________
thep are an tame thep mo alto
alto,1offer: He pl< . puc to prlrllepe u(
c ol
>f ebaepr,
chaepe, Ihruopb:
Ike liUlr lamia, bet thep woo'll
leUer curtrapoodlap anp eppa. 1 bare pot two pipcoBa:
eoda- Write him J'nat bow pou feci aad '
ibep are white aad rerp pirttp. I bare what cyrnpioma IrouMr pou. Ucwllli
a caaarp bird: be bae bent ehaddiap hU
■ thoroupblp, IcUlap jual what
featbrn eud doe't alap aap
TOO mod bow to pet atroap aad
mice hfci awert auapi rrrp maeb. Vow
flul alteatloe to
Hepirra toamat
I tell p<pu I eae'l'bardlp wait nii.til rrerp letter, bad i
« ba e
epriapooawtopaUierartiataa I lore tioaa ao clear tot pou oadenl
I belIrTo mp letter b actlp what pour oumpla
•treadp uw leap, eu 1 meat
me. aad bare eo d..
thb time. Yobra tnilp.
to pu)'. The Ductor mAkraa .apr- ,
Ekba tkai
lip uf traaliap petIcoU Ibronpb let
' icc.aad ia bariup woo-,
Bcb todboorareruf!
Hcea Maa. UXYm anii Hew«»n T<
Dr. tireeoe-a
remedy. If
. ...bi«<d ead
Poum-1 taw pour hied «dto la to
at oa
I will douUHahALi. aad thoopht 1 woald write.
Iraa be eared.
Hot wbea I came and tot dowa to write
Uee Itt;
1 ruold not think of moeb aaUI 1
l Aiarrh staiu leira
Ito tbiak mp papawmeaM
Daaa Maa BaTaa-Hp papa lakea
haBRULhaad lawpoer CbrbUnae
peer la it ae I thoa^t I would write.
wosld write aboat tov He eaWe lire ia to ooBBtrp aad bare two
-Mr papa taha. tha aalUa to po to achool. Tbb b to flrat Ibtod Id the aprtnp of IMl la to Brat
tot baa baaa warm acooph to MIchipaa to three SMato. It wat tbr
aa to po aep. I bare oae abto: abr b
D Into MrpiDla lie w
of Aleaaadrta. to —time —-tot
to luo Mwv.ae
w.M .Ml
taaia. Walfaaaaatoia I woald lotaaffaa
lo , u>r takiap
mar we rather ffowme aad berrie.. C^ Kllaworih wa. Ullad. atoo at
Mftartoaaaatoathaala tba oMp.
iairfaa. arDtrerlll.aad
WaUha «aplar*
KlaUetlce abow that tbuuaaDdx of in•pifaatoebTcwt'Bttobmni^BM
hb feat, and ebUdrea pearip die o/ ou-ai.
blaek. Ijevetd
Elmer a* a i (bnT laoDtfaa expired aad be ealbtad heaDoua eroap, Wr do sot eaapprrate
wbea weaUtetoteeerp.iDeuf thrae
far HarcpAUaa'aUwlr toother.
torala and aererd dariap to wl
iaDocenta could hare been aaenl bad
war. lie waa takes prbooer at
Mr tottor b peulhp top. w
Fblep'a Hooep aad Tar been pleeo thru '
«htur Ul Atbroa la to tall of Ito* aad IB tliae. Cas pou afford to be witbuul
etoto^ OaM.]>ik
it la pour bouacboldr s. E. Wait. I
waa a priaoBn- Pt AadatanDrille
aeocaatoeaMeaal^aaefaa Dior
place to elide OD two hiUa. iioplap
tbb wlU Mt dad lb wap to to waato
will daaa. tolUap mp ape.
which b atoea pcaia. aad with mp
wlahca to poa and aU to wHun
of the BKBahD 1 will aap
DEAF*?^:™ ”"'
•^lW- aa...b:''i1ip.-5
E’±-iii-b Ta?oee
ib-anniyf—-r I
- ^—°T»“-
ttatatuu latowrWtwtktoaa mp
BHime. Oae. IL UN.
Dua Maa BAtaw-Aa I raw yoer
iM.toB. Ihaaep-UMbMptotortol fctod effar ta to BPBAUt I thoa^ I
ifafll aat haapaaraUtlUaaBtrhtoth woald tip aad write you a few Itaaa.
1 fotomtooiaecepdapaad bare aot
baaa tatffp pat Wa hare
#to aat f Miami wUlaopy it off
•farys to hi^ to AWa aad to
aiad yiagu to AatluBa Safferera
Falep#HocMT aad Tar piece quic
asd peailiee rcllel to all <mara.
8. R WalL
Bha Would be a Baenip U
bar face waaa'telrecreid wlUi pimplra
aad blotcbra. How eftea we brar thb
I •SivBOUCC.ssaua.
»ra m
SsriSSiisSs^iSS '
waving purchased the stock of O. E. Bou^hey A Oo..
I will conttnus to carry tbe lar^st stock of
Cheap Homes
Farming Lands
RoWruid C'emplawd Ihrou* CawUr
baffaaffu M. fftporitomt an.
Tired, Weak, Nervom
ConM Not Sleep.
toba*^ofoarapd>«- Weialmd
a pate hmu Bor. I«th. It la altap feat
Mffh amt tofawbdahp toa fato.
Wa MB fataff Wharfsatoa* Chrfat«M tarn aW ^mk Cbrirtmai piaem
JIM tejh^Thto to far fa*
UfM MMtal3fw*«. to IbP-
Dr. Miles’ Nentae
AA MM. MAna-1 tofit t waaU
«Mb tototoaauM I haaa aaam
writom toffaraX Ipotoatod. t am
Star Groc^
The Place
toother who b e eear> nU aada
end • abtor
biepaaiaold: aheblatolUfffa
H, Mp little Uothar has beea to
tarawra. You caa do better with leaa
Bwaey ararrr home.
Uade rb-b. dry aad fftoDp roDtaf.
Timbered malaly crith Supar Maple.
Bock Elm. Itomwood. Aah. Bauch.
Bemkoek. etc., and are waU water
Htroap aotla. fiaa aropa. hastthp «
nr I'JzLE ciT'
latofafa MfafaO wad waa toarp pea
wwatobwwhwaMMatopaa. 1
iBWaaa toator to pearaoU ..da
X as
p laTMSKsr.
toPirraa AKuea.
praidmi totbtopuaraold. ThbfaU
wubtouttotopfftBBdpa'aa* atapad
week, at Kiapalep, Urn of my pesadmalleea wllb.w. I lUah a prrUp
aaw far Harep Alim a brotor eroeld
be Oapletd. Cat aap of to pcaap
falka toll aw to aame of oldeat dtp la
to world?
Odau Uxtex.
.IICLAS enal liyMi t bdliii'I. R.
them a iha!?^ tsc
tMd bp 8. t WAIT. rirnppbL
I hope I will pal
Btoa aa to wee I hop.
faraBtoWItorMahalhafD Ip<
It Cans."
.Br tarn is:-"Ti siU ib nq tasi pids it be lowest yossiUe yrins."
1 wUlasUTOu a Waeron, Oarria^, Buggy, Plow. Harrow, DrUIr
Seadw. Onlttvator, F^pd Cutter. Wind-mil], Binder. Mower, Bake
or mnjthing s^ in 4y line, for leea moneythan any one else.
■ Cali and see the goods or write for desc^ptiwe catalogne.
Oonicr state aad Cam Streata
M Grocerin
- ;-'j
ftir ^'Blfies,
(— bBBtoyPBy hNiDr toU. Itopa
todhb*'thtovatW aHehtoPt aaa«blaBafahetoorai
«»y. «htr« It ia yaPtiMa. la to. hara
tba thiPCato ha*
t«Wb driad. thpp BBBdpd. Pttor «hM
IhvPMyhaalprahpd. K ■■ tiiany.PBd'
ItoBad. iy>PMd.|—P fdaaaofUp-j
aa ppdar tha hela
dan pp aarabUy
MMa.Bdv eaallawfleatPBda,
abaa Ihay pra dpaaad ap pad kept
Uaa of oar airiot alabero. ahap
jpahod bar boa aha foopd Uow for
tha aalndfa adyaa tofathar pak^baa .
BOt to
to aarapr^
ppyapy .nt-'poaiaa to tha noIUtodeof bar booaakaoptoy caroa, nid. “I foam ay book
a^ orar ay floor barrol. pod •rbop i
cap I rtao a taraa. pad thaa lha work
yptto eiBthBBtod pad thnelraatwo,^
^t«da wbtla I tbink arrr It pad roatltohto# la tha
mtt It to OMBtury "
daiBtoapad aaUabctary »ay aCaa.a.j-:
ppd to leto thpa a aaak li
Hhr »w oar uf tl.r Dual toil-butdaa.
M«1 yUla*—ato^
aod yrt
plwayi ha tonfoUy
tonfally da^.
daraad. oa-^
. „ eaihpa^'aaya xbaK 'the
u.e rlaryor
rtomr a.ral'
M alwpya
bra' h-'*aa'^ lliU
l^to>ta«»i^ U«»« ^aa^
Ihraorld Ip brorta tbat bara
flppwhltoflDoda. tofppu-clothhp. oto.
stotha flaoaitaapflaaa.
liaroettoe ‘
'W.PDd ecaraairlll aotdha ^
berdlatiaa olaaa aad
of Od4» r^ Eadt
oary abort Uaa.
to orary i
tar keltle. opo to adTbrrr ara faw thiuya that ara
>p ptoaaoflho atPtorUl aa-'.apptaya aaa thto otbprwiaa trpata ap--------------- ■—todara. ; tartol. pad aot bpra dirty rtoeyar ollb- eayleclrd. or that eaiita atora aoaoyao<«. thaa tba blu pad arnipa of
oaadthaordtoary rlndeyofUio
. tbat B-'.-upiolalr about a buuac.
ofdylora. onrhpad tba edyaa
I arilat to tba Natr Yurk badyrr.
toflatbarto Thryfloa.eloaaalitobaa. it
aata wall | Tbtaa that atr raluabla ara oftoa
ry. to bet
rtoaabito : pUowod to r» b> waata tbruayb
baranao af
dropar ylora-Baadtoy. — —---------....bBo«B. to i
tba bralda of dl«araot eoloaod allka to : aprtola. or aaall-poo. A bllara to dia-1 Itaaaeaa. or rlar pra panailtod to beWhas aheab btcb to "KO," to lha
tonayhtha-ator.tolui -onehtoto
Mi-OMM ■«■ M»aaw» nB *W. W
' BiWM ll»t
msjMrM • **-wk > •
bafoaad oo ihr aatloowoBOlafa of all > rrimlaala batwaao tba two aay aub-1 auma uooaal-Ku of aooala.
toa patlrDltutba eDOtpodnatlay | of yBttarriay atotb. or
air wUb ajuntoapbora otaatopll-po* hotpitpl. or, j tbr llllanay op.if H.r r..«u. to arMch
•oyar-abapadplaeatbatynatiyalapll- on the otbar baod. eBdaoyarUia baallh 1 tb.-y ara aU.rrd
Thr U»i plad
•aatboarark. If tbaytoaalaar-am-a ip»d llao. of mpoy of hJiaafcbbpra It | prorldr tarya t»y> for all plrraaaad
lha oralorcf tha baod. laba a ptooa.'to to fact, aolaly for tha porp«»e of da-, r»i>ho.; ooiu*. alik .od m«lapph.«.ld
fro. Ibp anwrpart H poadbla. plaeoiddlpy tbU la^kwUoi potol that U,.( l. kept M-pprpto
to tbaaouleo bpy.
a pa.-katft- -.f cpinpli-.r
>abole.P3d buttoobola IllD Phyatoippto papplly callod toaor <
plptw with apry floa awail aUtobaa. A i of nrlealla.
, Pipe or tea. tbould altraya
*» aom»i
Wbaa tba flora bayiaa to pox-paa rnlr, oa^od aoo»Ufl«a-two
pall toaoawtpl plaoaa. tad ahow iba aaoh epidaial. ooeoraaeh yoar-lbal U
wUto of lb» Idd. theo tba Wd Itaalf 1. l» tore fbr poy oaa to meb adalt Ufa
MBdloy laa'''^^^^^ baaloy coalrartad -IL Thuaa
ttPHdnrrl na-(«bo aaaar bad Boat aajoy au. .
alaca It la prbbpbla that
TbflM*r« toUapriaff coodfl Th«y wUlhUbA oMd^ warn
»*. Do yon know vhm to bay tfa«m ud tm7 thm
xicbtf OoBWtoBdtoMOfltoBdwowlUMUyoa.
AMWI4 tte Editor** Table.
W. Ite.ta
enAirkMirtMBaM iahM« •<>
If wa ara
* * ^onK erTTtn Muott
Closing Out Sale Fur Overcoats.
Ooz33.e asicL see B,txnxt At.
TMATnaB CRT. nox
A few Goats at $6.00 worth
A few Coats at $8.60 worth -
< $l$jOO
. AlBoafowotbonof diffanat klnSa Mow OBSt. VM
bwtopportoalty srar offarsd to g«t a Far Ooat lilr
Uula moBfly.
White Lead
Oor. Front aad Obb* StB.
^ to tr>' a can |of
First Pruee-^tad
Condensed Milk J
New Y9rk Tea Co,
SUMxnr* OU «aa<L wn daar to V«w Opeep Bpbm.
The beat food for Babica.
■ oa will DC
lelightcd with
■ ■t•Ol'ALtTY
hasnstokeoaf lor,,
dmto of Uuc a
sihl. r
at boas bas bapa.oar wkick has beaal>i><»
^oa with
dlaeaisad at ooaa leayth to tbraal^*"!'
payta. th>t,parbaiip tbr axpcrtoaoe ylr-'^
aa belmatayyiresoBe aew saj
Uoos tu tba reader.
the old ways of lashtof tbto pi
PlPPMae a ffD^ tOM paoyt* knit Ip wbieb to flt fur ape oaabc ttbto. to
.iMT^ »MaippM.y
aid of aolaisas. cr auyar aad yaa
pnAiaWy wall haowa to all, also tba tbcB. na ba clalB bto lady-lore.
Ue tbto. yoov woBoa. aad you •
way of Boktoy It with tba
pas «f aeUaboBytator tba drucytot: brtoy OB i
that «ply yoa eaa efleet.
Ito It.
«Pi«lkBPlfeMpnBe tDPCha
tapt po aaurely.|»asaaew way
and yOB wtH Bake for yooraalf a trae
dipB to hart toPJto Uttip bat.
tba other day ttwaato
AusboBl a.1 a yaed boPM, aad will
ft—Ithaatopll hayJaahptoPto*
lay It to the battoB of a key or erosk. bara taraad a aoal Cbriatward.—ftotdra
\ amm------------------ —---------j------i
Wilhelm. BarUk A Co. i
1 BipsBzLL afl«i*
Brosch’s Meat Market
yxos.t Stareon, fTr-a-vnox-ne OA-tsr
..... ....................
■ jUoodU^ipaB...........................IB to
Choicest. Meats, Pouljry and Game.
yowl lA. SecHBcm..
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.
TVLrPBOKl (Mabkkt 4.>
1-. A. EARL
tbe Serpent’s
Plumbing, Steam Heating. Furnaces
Aad all btoda of Tla aad *baM Ina Vatto
Beoaaworfc a Seteaoa.
ni—. M—I..,,.!-—kkjtowigw
|aald toBB. "IrrUlocrarpatter aloayl
totbewaytbepraracABsrieaahoaaa- ,
haapar doB. I will ftopp. .y bane . Cmg {||1|
Here I Am Again!
Pumps, Iron Pipes and Fittings of all Kinds from ^ to 4 in.
TApnNO Of Mama both wood aho moMs
iaara bc.U
nad aad baapatapw
PtopB Oippiatotod Sayar » tbafur tto jCtoeea. p* poaad.
io« novT fracn.
._____ .___________ ik_ki.
■■ih ltoMp.PBMappPaD^of.pupQi% BWtp Wr>. ■pM^ h ■! BPPtly.
IflP toDMIhp kBPP.PU0B UpUuIp
lBi*r. HoBwilkMnMPUkMnfpay
taUMMatbp •BPehtpptMP. asU^
lapbllMpi pptypiBPP l^thpT. WbM
•plnPOwara PDlbBltbal^ oftb*
.'Ifttea^pMatototBtoip pptoiy.
Tbe Greatest Ghence to get Clotbiog Cheap
prrman. 'it l>areiurre|iaint
sequel lo
itm auyoaUaoa
potoat j the dberd.-r -Voath's C
----------------------cmtd cm betor ta oaajuyal bapplBtam tbae
fUCona BOa Mat. Otrtol
Tiw ia b^pa. to bet if we wairt to apnU
«e% i« wtM n.e* food wl«« tbe way to do It ia to aeuld tilrip yoa oftoa slay. ••Tha lip. that
s' fiw orary lltite trtfla. Aaotbrr tpaA llqbdr aball aarar touch nlor ^
ftp tW«l
thM ••■h* MMt
srpy to aiBdl the. to to aeylaet tiay you tniiy ba pMe to put tbr soay
tba., or iyaora tba. aad iwllttle tbem. lato praetloa. May you also bars tba
eplry out tba spyBat rap BBPt reoDaBbar tbat wblla,
|hr«BlfM«rtt. TU.iriimy i»- weara^kdllay the. we are toorhtoy.l toy. "Tba llpa that tbac-h tobaoeo aUll
b Blae. the llpa that u
looarariflib pad lord-li
jimpura pad probaa tboayhu shall
iB.ylBy’tbto t a. aot bltHay at asVer toaeb aUae. tba baads that
««l^ MMrMPirto dM
by bad habits shall aar.- clasp
aift. Mia»Mi <rf«s«M.’
the'feet tbat tmd to torbiddea
•bp. ■—Pllf io tkp
• B
tnlM et ikt yeaaral way f waat to brlay
paths Bsd reaadar with bod coapaay
bar bsBrto' aa all that we
oar Blade toward aad aae ]oat.wbera aball acrar walk with Bloc, the maa
Ilybtly of Bother iw eaearrrastaaiL
ibill BBiirttP MppBd MdItenpSy
toyir of God's bouse aad of his people '
--- BlPbba la tbto Ispartaat laattor.
I oftaa Ibtoh.U it were aot for tba shall Bcetr be rnlae." Ito Ibis, pad you
; 't« mrnd ar Pith PMl v>l
will aot bare to "repeat to leisure " be'
a*#BM« ttokaippt plflpt t^Mhv watchful aad etritUlBy ora
CPtoS of aa m-coaaidered Burrlsya.
&Z«mp. «pM«r
BI.....P arir. of oaia bara orer os. a
Ba flrB. Hake tba yoaay .aa te-^
M AMbIb* • •-k Mb Whp. reoald lapse tolop stale of
farm aow. If ba will aot saeod his I
: %fcbpli mtirn^ ppwfpd Bert yo»r karto. V total darhaleia. too. aad tbe blaaaad moibara. al irsya-oow to wto yob. he will out after i
«*4d PMBhUy tP PBd DM ..M.
DoBst ert tbe same refialay. aaMlIorattoy to- babaarroDyug. Hat a t^fa rpler upon
yMfealf. Makeyouraell s prtoa. aad.. M*«V»^**Mi«Baa*lukptatiM.
’e hreatba There- if tha ynony map lorea you. ba will do
.eeakppM PaPMMBUaC »pll whM
OwappBk p—UMpd. or ir yoD pr. fura. tot aa rrilboal daUy. pad with aaytbley to wto tbe |wiae
Ip tbe days of rbirelry the tody ymvr
tPPPhp PBPW tknad.
Bb>» IteaMdl >MaRs. raeall oar duty torr loeeraailkeDscarf. aad bade hi.
tbBWkppPMDtt BP ycBPtMp. pBd ea rearda tbtaa yaaUa
yo lortbaad wto bar by deads of ralor~
«P*M^ WPak P hBol Ip year tfciMd. bltbtal Ba.baea at
The kalyht weat forth to battle la tbe
MNa ta phUdNP^i
Bbiae of bis tody-lore, aad to ber eaiae
te^fBlBP «rqrihpt
did raltoatdaedsaod for ber was ready
wlU allow.jtodla tilrU. taahe tbtoaaodcra aye
;o!ehirplry Glra the saaaar for yuur
iB^bBdDPtDMtkpbMtianp. Dpd«-
idpbtr dtcTtotf akiU. er wbatorar to dealrad to ape to ield
rto^ar.aad ibua to flU ap.wUh
rato water, aad set to
paraua who told laeof this
1^ Mo told BS of aaolbar. whtob
to BP. bat MJ
ba toBlUar to oUara It was to poor
aatM.aad wbaB
-yim —hiHB haplaSbaM- •bay Itodsaabad tor SOBS Ub^ UU all
tba }atoa wto aiuaulad. to pear tbto
1 will sell ever>'thing in this
his line at ^s
than manufacturer's
s prices. !
8M Pnmt flUaat.
tf »i*pwtie4k* •
SUt* St. near Union.
r UrC
kru.vuj M. u.c
Ulade'inwards Ua. U qvlle diffenst | dlarpM may barealeadeary to ealaryr
it was to
It of tbr lympbatle ylpads of tha
wbaa leva sraa yoaay.
sd UiMaalTM by years of
tie all oar baey ar. palatad
•aepMra. It Is well, tben- traatod with appropriat toalca. ’*
fora. for os b> docasioeally Ukr our
la Ibis rayard. to raftoet oa dU^
“ pnoder 00 (ran. ,
tba.Mob. wa a r BipkiBC
mrt oar wir. orer ayala.
We will flad that they will like U
uk, ki k».. ....k.. ..ppi,':
Jan ap «aKaa arrr tber did.
brsBt and to antar easea lyruoloal b>-1 dortoy tbe tiotr lo arbicb then is fenr,
wards oar dar<itr<l partoarm. pad bit
la ' tar
t atfooldretoplp to lied
I sad I Aaaiotoeat writer OP thraab>«et ra-;
re due the.. Onr pl> |«
A. H. PERBY, Mflugrr.
I vh.wl.I ba aalf-rri-
wptebbl ofioblld sbooTrSTaimtod to stay to Uia,^triCtIv
l»m ,o™
To make room for onr spring fltock.
7 adalt bad oiPDy ti
A Mao'a Slda
Woptpa Qoankm. p^ad to Ita c
often ftrsts molt to |irqMrr a
lo ney wpya a wib la a
to tba city of Ulpale aa a
house l»r (rjk.inting that hia been
IttoPMD. Bat tba troobU
luiiiU'd'm tlii-fir-i p!.i.e«dli ch«-a;>
flad oat Wbarela wa rtyntorly pfiar tba opaaiap of tbr ioK-,td)-mixad pji(;to. than 'it uuuld
a tab# P wife's alaly- (pat pobuoU.
trattoai. aapadally after wa bara baaa
b'otwitbstpadlay tbr fraqarocy «f IO ha\c painted it taice dilh atriclmsrriad a few years, m* a nuttar of freqorory of ablcbca-poz. pad Uu< o»ueoarto. Jo. aa we takr tbe saal'iyhl Ipi mUdataa of lucootaa. It sboold not
the daws pad imlaa aad tba
wa bedlsialtoed aaet wlnpoataoua. Tba ^^
Tto rnui Uh oI FisliH Tfidli n tan Enr Stan.
pAINT cracks.—It
^ UMam.
Builder's Hardware.
Building Paper. Refrigerators,
“Reliable” Gasoline StoTes,
Garden Tools. Iron ud Nails,
Hose and Sprinklers.
Btovei^snd Tinware.
Sale iFeed Stable
atmte Stuooti.
Spedaltj of caring for Farmer’s t
feature u tbe Sale Department, which win at sli tiM
be kept fnUy sapplied witb fin« driren and geaenl parpose boraes.
yet hlowpy pad nd. Tba yraat Mable
BOtimrUealar aaouyh ,
aadibqydo out do
General Blacksmithing.
.-Io. 01, F-r-int Strert.
Fr«sh, Salt and Smoked Meals, Pwdfl%
: ]$
.•rz -
-I ** lui»'liT«d ftruOkMJ I VT«r
>«• v.«ne.'b«(>«aid •uanhm'l truai OMrtoJ lipk »r h« Ml. or ^ k.
>i «*»«iUnrlj u«lwkB0<rs trMl.! Tbr ktc* «<«. JmM ABm^
hjurk I IWorkt I br^tbr .U., -W h.. tack^ •^TSuirii
t M ta..T«B' » Wl,,;
^ ■ujiy. M
i»e ^ •rwa. tkot I MB
•'^p-rvo. 1
I lUak." sn I
»bii BrfM lo-ordB hi«. 2l M
•IBQU thBt r«a ki
alajm d.ma OB lb
.tod far awa\
kUU and wood., in tli
BomU. Block.
Pkmeer Livery
• ulttUii._
|wt«elpt* that wobU
Drug Store Goo^s
Stock of Trusses.
Jas. G. Johnson,
AajtaM la the
*• *fc« i« b-bS^-
tb.l >uir. >h.>ar a Bffwwbir
B aui.l lltDBrr WBB B-X^xklB'
I wuatldB't
or lioi at all
wrt tbrrr bappir. u I
fur •l-otBDr
r.« wa»,bl»aa«d iB wiu. Them., a l?uu................. |> ad>4Bce oor .tep V' ’ ajilwl «llb bh-.l asd H-uoir j« di
UHinah. When I lia.1 uonr-. mm-ti w.wk ‘ 'h' “‘■<>«
ihBl mumio'. if Uim •e.l haa twluuca^l ward, anjr f, ■r in ibr wa; of ruurt ; ulatr
And Ibe BHunlirbl and I
U> as.Tbndr—rlar. It would harr an-m ' •Ixi*—harmB fur IL brio ttobtirt'. and Matrr Hinklej
•eutreralbaa I
.-.liiBiB dowBaad .•at OB ibaldtar o
ad like a .irol Ui mr, 1 dida I u..i.<l il. >*«>«• that bad
for it «a» fur o>t Jotah. ai-l lure wBal u. du uitb.a* 1 oftro
. fcBl (ell off aa I
aakaa labor lik'bl ;ik’blaadar
;tk'hl aa dar
baal*Bd. Ji«iab AllrB, »uw. ic
ril-ed me out »d the wafuci.
I waa )<al a thiokin tbi.. ______
' Mecuortot on !>..« t havem
Among which let us call your attention to our ver>night hare mar>
IbiDkiB lhau Ibuutfh I bad jeat luld Jo- lafia. aa I
rn.l.n- .wer the «\c
. fr,.ia awn>u- ..f datj-.
that he "rd. but boagWk
Andneerr auuld , , _ e __
and h
Balj ll b. kMgad U ba.AkM’L Atlar
uaTTted-nrw -had aot luer i aaaiet; and UtMbIr. t-readia' ererr
broke ihal p.a'kri dun o’bv luca'lB ^ ^
- ■ - il there frti
ffrtpped holt o( mr eef.v anl. and drv*« : une ata>u« theeWraal hllla.
ID' aa if be iBe along up to Uie awreiage-altar
I reerlaatlB arma Utah ' a a-buldln' M
AnwBff which mr be fooBd the new Ao>ert.wB Silear tVo—
ainkia; ihali
•■- ool, leu.
-‘le hull «a\wld (or laalib'loer that waa wrappin'
ihiuiTB in^
. .
a eBrtety of bhoBlder RtBoaB. (or ladiaa and reaUeai.B
helpin' tu tmward by llxaw eery )oya Thoagh I
Cbll OB B. (or a book o( rallable rw»ipi.
^ rw}.. be. in that low gratia tune, and
1 patient aa a lily,
atraigbl aad U|>r,.-iil i
.... (or ouloriof......................
waa a IIII.ohm
te77>aidi,tth*«kmr thkta%M
aork lor Ibrm r.m I
aick. Ib the long
boura brf.irr
»dwaatugat.iwi-.i---------- rrr
"Yon are.
' that lured ;>hi. f.ir though ha had (nap- .
•Kar. 1 • 1) a t yon tall a.e that agiD.
o( lU bandl
lla' oerr the
ped me up eoBaiderable .aappiah. and
bat ia good tor yuutnalf
ukf "he ahoul.l carer round In :
rBin'L ai bI2R Front Street,__________________________ Travei>ti City.
» my own mind.
I waa
raataira In bia
rt 'em in their old placm at the .UMe.
^d If
if I didD t waul u.
Ui mend It.
it. I ...uid
f ufwbKnin' and foolin'
let .1 aione
round. I marneil that feller
II luokid la Ibe
And ha.l Ibmrr.^l ii down In the .vr.
amt n.-> other iraaon.
of the tenpeal.
I<«l4 hboa'ui w.
.. _ . any other
— -• .Uw-m oau paiaeu
nee, and .iamme.1 the d.air .-..nai.ler- hea*.u»
f.w there waaoT
able hard uben be ueiit ..ut aim J maa>m. only jeai ibai, why I iahuald
i>m_p barhi^iuBd
knew thia alight pettiafa nea. waa only o»»fT7
own aad heightthe light bubble, that ruea aUirr the
' ‘b
aparklin win.- I knew hu luee for me »«•“•
-----I cat there u Be
lay clear and unre and aparklin ..n the enuu^ U. wither him
■e by both, and eu m
eery depth. ..f hu aoul
e Uraaed thaa Vaj
I KB. a aeiiin' there lionkiB about
>a bent with mine u
It. a lbinkiD how true lore, anrh aa
cufin and urrr.ipmgi
IniiDe an.I bu n L'l“nHe.l a earthly ea
imu ahared my auguiah, ant
' latenee-whva ali -f a au.l.len 1 heerd a
bat I gi
brSlod me, and I aaya
lit in by
And one of y mr neigbl
d aUBda np cm
And a tall alim f.-ller en
.r"“f •ellei
i aurl O gi.in'unt. aad I hare gut [
t aacred height
my bear!
lered. with ligl
n^tr M TartBtr M MmM LHw
and a patient deteriDiUed cuusleBan..'
gilda it.
onto him
A i«rt ,.f perai.lenl l.atk t..
Ibimght mrbby
fellrr-a b«Ml cm <Brtb
-........................... be inrned a«-t' v"« .me '
round by IriOea
llalikr fau
CBodWme aa that
TRAvtRse Cm-,
I atop yonr impadeot
talk, or Il.doea'
. doe.'' (a>
a'| .aw I will ewer baee
ta> yun
huller U. Jtuiab. M’hal .to yoa ! It repaired B|ue*
•: 1.
I think wbat waa a • puw-1 waalwrlib another feller? Uo | patr him I won I bare
vwi'll belirre It be .«uu a'puae I'd awopJoalah Allen (oralljand fouled with—out BW
' than aut down when
that e»ee .warmed on the i
"He'd look better Vi me I
fur jOtaer
Jothor feller that eeer walked
walked cm CBrlh.
heaaya to mertghl there, m the ouddie r‘obe?
I if be bardaH a tooth left in bb bead or
fureaoun. and^ right bi^y face—the
e of pure gold (rum
el Ia> a hair ua hia aimip. Aa luag aa Jflniah
mby i Allen baa got body rBcmgh left to wnp
he, right ther.. in broad daylight, a^
yun I'paae he woald luuk
runn.i bia auul. and keep it duwa here (atherte a month or UK than Maid
dc aa ; runmi
withoolbluah.no anything
------—aya he. ncBe—d.>
;oa earth, me heart ia bia'B. ererr mile
tbla morning, mutu. u. aee gwd to me aa Juaiah Allan doea?*'
aaotbar amBth. Bad w am.
"And 1 would thank the Beighhun." ! of it-Jeat u hr ia. boa"
a fellcr."
Thia total ti piaaaaBUy locBf^ la tba eaBtihl part ol tbB «»y on Tna\ Stranv I
I je« made out
Md IB MB of (ha b«Bt S t .OO BBd S1 .SO a day hnoMi in ih* elty.
"VJ.*u'r ly paralyaed by i
M ..arlmUBg yemth Mapa nil U
affaira al.’i
e a feller'"
me ui the beat ki I old nnd wo e oot? tVbBt if be la a gie. I
■*Tta ■
.JAM (h. bBBldMk,
c ia alwaya kind o’epiodlin’ i
dids'l know hni
h) the apring ..( the year. Some mea '
____ __________ _____e worthy.
____ __________
oouid Bell you one
w intor harder Iban nthera He ia a lit- bat aomewhal lengthy." •ajl be. In a .
hay. I. getting my tongue hnri
a (ellerV
Von aak me at my tie tUicky. and braatha bard, and hia tone of palu
"Narly bIm mlBaUB|
-Oa the ■ 'Ttlkil mr Amt
luy B
Sale ABoanliiiil stable. Complete
loora to t..BdrrkiU«aAalMBM
WhBt dlSr.
• -
—.................. .
. *“ ^
iio Ub pcBlBB iroM M Yob
will be piBBMd with It.
^ laaai
.’if ‘ ‘ff. ^ *>
atfoarkarawaaa d
rusfr i*or
0. Bostrom,
r»aS:«aS“ G(W Fits.
««?SS=Jw Good Goods,
Carpet Cleaning,
Funeral Director
EttiiiiaM irtadnn.
a ^’aS’naaUaaa ^J^ff^****
tBAin AUXlK.’Tjai^
' PE)48IONa
SttWE. AA«7Chains. Wedgts, Stc
laa Froat StTMt
Tr»rerM Cl^, Michiema.
Meri aaamiaaUaa la |- |ri|n|
of keeping warm. Hugging a
stove IS one way of keeping
warm, and it can be done lit:rally in the house, but when
lut in
... the weather—well the
illustration indicates how pre
posterous it is. The sensible
way is to go direct to J. M.
HueHmantel and order a warm
suit of clothing mttde to y&mr
measurt, when you will be not
only warm without tanking a
stove, but will look comfortable.‘sensible and stylish. This
wiU be done at 215
Front St. by
J. M. Hueiimantel,
■ aaa.roaaaaa
,ee bean carryio'rouad for vearv
aak me to Duv a feller?Vca.l didn't know but you would
-ant onr
I hare gut the beat kind
■•ni let yon know. v.mBg mao, " aan
I, -I'll let Ton know that I bare got a
feller of mr own. na good a one aa waa
eerr madr. and 1 haer had f .r iwentr
yean aiui urer "
Wall, mam anyt hr with that anddy determined wav nf hii'n
a feller
that yon hare had f.ir twenty vrar.
be out ,.f gear by thi. lime.
of gewr ' eaya I apenhin
iuull be .nit of gaar. y
••H. young mao if I hear anr 'n
nrh apenchea .ml of ruur bead ’
, aaya he. ia that patient war of hi. n
"It ain't my way b. run down asrhody
elae'a felleia." '
hadn't brlu-r try
agin in thia baaae.. • aae. I warm!/
hadn't Set ter irr i.^i.
heallhr (ur r.m ''
em't be t
■'Can't I aell yon
lent, mum*
1 h
but be will «ime aroaad all right when agio on bulb
weather moderaUa.
Aad mebby be too harty; I did not
they Brant U. Inal and iaainuate aam- nrigfaburbou.1 to make omaenaiuoa ur |_^
thin'ab..«t hi. bein'w Uid. aad loain' bn>iU; I merely atatad that I got «>“
■--------- - ~m
'T"'. . .
-bat they aaid-lbat yonr
Bnl Ml let you know, and I'll let feller didnt work eood.t_ ._T
“*e neighbora know that I didn I mar.
' liuln I work g
T 'bai mas lor hair
Soe I didn't erlUer, yon. wh
him for teeth. aBd a few locka didn t work good:
" • handful
teeth baa nrm la It of yoar'a or the
no pnwrr oeer that lore
That luee I gaem he ta able In lay by
■“'t' me my from the rery depth, of rtaya ■( be wania to'
>* “O' “f a
Y'm are laburin'oBder a
what mmr .
thouaand "
: mam.'
< to get Aowa
>w« Iowatowa; whaa
whaB M wbbM
'I hale I diapuled yoa. mnm
'So. I ain’t laboriB'usder no mla.i^,^r• hia tina patlent.look
I dare I ‘
...........................................—---- ---------•- IB yoar M ■Bn.ycBBBBiTMiaB-B
oamBBd woBAar wimwfm'
r waa that I b
if aucb lelleea. Iml ail paid
We make lei- and wk
leia far different t
isaya t. aarkaali.-kly. gjrin'him .lailr . guia'ruond tu i
* p*eruio' look. "I koo»e they d.. Tea d.ia't—and wh
area'em "
watch my Deig
'“'J make at(aehcBMiu now Uic time, to gad out every minate they
Aad^hw ■—•very differenL . Yoata i« old laabioced eel down-whea 1 cWB'l find Bathia'
It Will give cnil BBUnlT after a while. . nobler to do. I'lJ aprod mr time talkin'.
What will yoo do thear
aboot befl't IMth and IrtUawawd "
--------------------------------My atlaehmeni wUlbevarglee ooL*
haya be. lookin'aa amiable and pa-[ BdW to mil a BnraaOBtafthaWMHI
"Hut. muoi—"
tieat aa a (actaer-clcrth rag-baba, ball
bBl I
KaBriy all sMhe In mmimBlm bBM
"JCv. yoo Bead
one I teoaMs with thair hcBBMhSZ^ 5^
I aay it will u
It la a . with the oolic
I fall late the wmfr.
It M aa* MW ta
______ heaeanly
i from'
"Yob doB t aeem to gl^ m^mm
air, yuB can't aell me another atterbhearMlygtfl.
gift, drufgrtd
i got them osL bat (hm la a RmA amb-------------------------------laaaBnnaad
Trae love I merely wiabeU to remark t
My BttaebmeDl
ia aa Brm and aboee,
1,^ —
w nut aoagbt afl«; ltoomea.and wken fig over yoor (.lla If yoa warn
endarin'an the rorka. and alwaya baa
Haballow, the
Talk aboat lore giv tn."
biwB. and la one not to be buught aad > ■>
land telmvo helalMeU.
:Ua' old-lore
er growaold
Talk ^ CHi. bow barala tndlgaaat
- laioUmciByaod ia '
day*oTi^ mum. but tbTrmmtta.dd' Thai which
------- .. ..
& '"
»” ~w- iwwwa
Fair Prices.
,.i2r .-r;,";
A Word to the Wtee fa SaffkfaiM,
BriM 70V Job Yitetfag to the HeraU Offke
oewtal aUaebmania of all klnda
I amhe a apeedalty of my (elleta. Yuo'd !
better let me aell yoa a feller, mam.' I
daelacc (or't. my firat ibooghl waa
tarahlmHgfat —
door la hh (at---------------thoaghV—I am a member of the a eet-1
Talk al
die an
which I'
"Wal. .yM
I let yoa
t light b bore--
dr'Si'.'run i
1ST ggff «—iiu«iuu.
• You aaed aot repeat y
Boaa thrcmtasdefaiM*.
WhM (Uab
'•“ 1 thajgU.
I ap hia l4 -PIB ■—
• ‘
ra may be
>; teC.ttfl.t'
imt U^ ; y
£»«• '
>\,kaw daB-tkaretheMmeluohin-es. It la|walm aaAm (ha. hmai mIa fcwaw
or the
thtnga.- eaya l.:j^Bgcm(W«(haraaA d«r
' ‘
r^. -it b cme of
! mast eivtno?'^’ci<"SJ ' JtTI
Ithi^. I Bveraae.h
mea ofkla eondacrt.
Aad U
laller* I doat want him
I aad bemadiam
to fill ataralty aa hwll MBoar.ilaad
hemadiem ewowgh
CBM do It. why. 1: aay diffeeaBV 1 waM him )en aa be M. asdoUtimcBltBaH^cmMBllha
and oU t|mcB ttaalf AcmM all ha gatb_______
Itacmr. Aad ao I begaa.
t-dbrnra loca^Mm.
iBca^^ l«mU.
1 bmU. K I eewd ap
Bp asd
and eastwad
eerntmod latf>
Ib^ ae
M ammU a
(taa ^
Saya 1. warta' my right
waited ta. Hb laa«h oemM ba atarp- kemgla. aad. each a MoUb' owe ten.
ap. whathe-sMaad bow obm aomotimaa.' anya 1. Maatoaly. aa I
•aowwht (I oeee how aiwt o'-------Bot la. Asd.......................
:<w erhhiwdeBr(a.prI_____ ,_____ __
. asd pam* tnaMw Sowara M H. ./bM I MrrM Wm: asd bow «___
lU hBvBS
havB - Aowmaatrlght
1 oeald
cm the
tog of Ua haU head, M' a (cbIUb' vtoe
ad hie forward. Or I bbbM
M wIM IBttta.' tf I WMtad
ithMte. l«eaM
^Md aambar. IdMt bsear. U *m
MbbU aak me why. rdaaQycm ytos
tba* I dWatbsow wbma Wm mm
lo wbal klad of (raJu iibara la
tm ud «li4t wfrtiM to Ml oad
1 •»>**“ p~*
1 Whra 1 do Dot bare le aet Uakea I MB (
•a a day. and baea done
t aad ael the alakea Vt bee the and
harruaed ia a llrbU aUalrfat-loaUi bare aboald be Med. I Ulak tbe r*r Tt-niUr hamiara (iir'iale at the diSrr-
a S eeola la atamej to
atraellua. of raeda lhaa L
tko dob 1* tliat wboiirTcr th« dob dar'e Ubur ae perfarmad. 1
four etforto mb raaeh ao fartfaer. 70a tbe wurk erell.
rua iriu-ll..
- lothUibeeevUI;
Wm 11- Oab mm mfumU , MpU mX a OMrUof of the slab Jn^h
be aboat aa aaay optai-iae aa there arc rraatly eadaea tba 0
k, lan. Thot MM lb* el
duteeeal oiea- 1 hare auae ooly (u«r
enlMloaaeerUlii abW
h'ldHj <11 yM«» oMkia^ of rrOM aeed tor a (eaeral crop:
ed Mj
W Um elab U|e
U» iMl aMV aa bfaodolar-Me maid, ia
bObl the ■fMMb)Ml fer «iM-12^
Karly ur Jaae.
he iMdM Raael re- alau at larfe. be eoabled 10 ptu>
aad tbe AitUe or baedtab dorer. altb 7.^‘oeirod «U MoraTolMthae aa;
beiiar laaalia b; awiiai la tbe
ooe Wf tbe a«oaBl of hlfb- ticaoUiy. I'or tbe laal fra fMnl bare
»»• "«^<‘*« !
__ ^
artall orer Um ecoatr; fol- aray taan ao* briar
ol theelob.
Hat I aroold gu Barb farther.
vovid adopt tbe Coaaty ayeteB. tboa
enibll^ the parple to Bark oel aod
aaublub a fe* leadiac Jtaea of road
SrlSL JTS. l!?L
ofthboooala are «apl«« throorb Um eaUre ooaty. aad aa faal
(the beae«t of that ooe nhtahe bm4* aa peeeUMbUr Impruer
^ roMla
pitMadIrthaladlaMaidbTr thaaol-!
thaaolihiak mof fanber
erlib tba ead. Aral, to Mtabliah t«ay
MMoftha •arafim.ea the Waad
la thtadIrecUoa oamrrMir7
rradM. rrea at the rapeaw of a alirkl
I oft
a lell obatber the dab b
, Jb,
M «M MCld lllaalaa. aad It M (tatad
aad prepare for praedlhalau IhatMia theaeptacM bora
or hot.
ilQ|f abere rood fraed
UlMloa aeirbborboud «i. ai«l alotber poiau om the fleld or
«U MMm a» baarlarr Tt.
aoaa tbe law dorer. ae it npeaa aboottbe MOM tioM of Umoib.T aad If cat at I
^ the projBr lime sakea aaedleal bay,!
! »>«l H lateoded for feediac abeep or
•««»■ oe Ibr farm I prefer tbe early
I kiad of doerr. Bet la aoy eaae. oalria
H h lalended to t>r cut lor aeed. a lirbt
mlature of Alalke dorer olil brasad-a. .1 make, aa eacelleal hay
rearrally reialaa Ita dark grr^m'
color, ebu'b oiakca It Bore eatable
146 taUitU.
a (aeeeateaaf reUabUlty. too AfJllJ-
le (ba*lMe to»rd»*M
I" ooaalaaioa I »IU aay 1 hare at the 1
-e.t '*
t. E. rLGENFRlTZ 4i SONS. Moi
! Nursery
re ii-i>
with elurer aad llBOtbr ia Ihr fail 1
P^“‘ «
adtably craabed, aad be- with wbMI. re-eeedrd ia tbe eprioc
*™lt *blPI«» <»»"<*«>‘!rla tbe oonatniillOD of rMd. dotaataa- with doerr ao.l harrowed io. aa vu per wbieb erlll ^ U> proer that auaMlhlaf | t^llj qb the Macadaai plaa.
ITiUi a crotof Ibr dorer waa wiaWr killed:
71 a^-rcaMcded wllb four iiuarU tirno^fhMd
>ted tbe Irolt rruolar later-1 proper antea thal bo
Ihy. arliweeded wilb dorer: eaeelleut.
riM folloeeiof
followiar la tbe amooBt I
r Coaaty
U-rLd tmmr
a of tha (rv wwbrili that
L MvribUy therrport fro. Eer. J"'
ih.o(Hartbpart.erb^eraaMM ‘*** '
Wt*l«vMtnKt ead) year a ouBbcr of ollea
of aueb peroMaeal blcbway'aod'aot
um iaereaar tbe bicbway tax bryoad what
we hare beea eolle>L-tiu« aauoal ly for
■t «>; tbe paat 7o ui 10 yeara.
’• ”*
la wiDtera likr tbe preaeat. wilb our
oainylir.ii. »• acrea aeednl <• Kb .aia.
ooly a roediuui MU-b but ifood for w.
dryaaMwn 11 acre* Mraltd w ilb wta
le»^ wheal, the gaual B«turae>f dorrr
*«<> UiDolb) «er.l -aa u-d. follv 3“
...... -
la i*M aliboBSh aa oft year lor fralt fo»Mla.U.eCooBlyay.laBwlllhrofaa- Aa clorwr 1. ILe Kreat ferlilirer. there
'\\ foeeata. W
iJoe lo the hwallty where Mlab- >• ^ daairer of faroiera w.wlac too
1 hax- paid teadollaraa
boabel lor th<- —-rd. aa it wa> one of the.
aaloter-. Bait-harn and loaad it rliraprr lhaa
ripej hr do wlthonl It.
^i*. AffapM wece fioiriar aad lirmad Trmreiee
la aderrilalar Ibto re!T*
. *.**^L?* .
woald fu e lusur
towarde ooapeoIf welL
nmiri *w<j^ aa a fruit rrawinc ooaatry. moMUop the Ux payee for tbe i
_*^***“**“*‘'**J'-|||(>1 be fully rwUBatrd. lint it le errtata
ouUay •>f oomatruetlor rooaiy
lb Mtlaf tk*; that wherertToor fruit baa hewn eahite
tipoo tllia •rubje.-t
ad ahowa It orated a aarprler
'f.mcB.^r. P'^ 0Mr.....,M-,
raare Vlaltor. a
tbe pnple looked oo tbe map
J ; turpeatiue. the -.U.
aad foaad that lirmad TrmeetM waa lo
. ia hrM. Mr- rrUismL wma the talllade 4S* aad tbno look at the fnlL
aaigr mull -ircuru aa n-ratda tobacco,
h It aay wonder U>at wmdc of tbe bmi
purmfia,' aaafelida. MBiphor and many
r. aodlB fee
ru'Oob.M thrir frolM
fruiuwe reornrheri Umi we iBlated
oibrr alrootr amellin( aubatanm. Milk
haraataatttmtaW p
ramd aaklap Vuur urpmaixatloaouplii ehouid ala<r Iw kept at a dtrlance froB
riMMloraStla'few- Bnetlap of Uie elab Keb I
eerry ryOatilr'.olwlaocr. aud milk
to t- aad iBiMt be. to biuch with tb,
iaftble aoaalryoaeo{|ll«o l-arBelew had Jaat rwto
which haa ah»d lo a >i<-k rooia abould
Hlatr tirmafte onrualiaUoo, aud
radaslv fefftoaa ia the j Krw Vork wbrru be w It loatleod
M druok. The power of milk
Wlere eaa derow a portloo of yoar
b laaUtate with a a
Ubora to m, bettor purpoe. tbaa by ao
“ t"*"'
1 Sw two year* aad la that adlceUae of fruit Hr. i'mraalne ai
endMror to cx,OT.nSrBl.W Uranpe “*•
•‘MUia. Miloylaw.
"Tbe fioedoB of oar applM fniB
mrwu was a earptWe to ibr brat fraiiMB tbwm. botloeee apeetmoM of
FSh.1. isn. I Hatdraia- Ulaab. Alexaader aad rail
^tfesisU—is y rwaoed ml aa aaray' Plndoe ta ftebrmary wlUnmt
jrare la kewplaf aad truadlad
tafkridri «u
rtaoM-ITT tSTftrrftTrd. !**>"»■»»«>
la W> Mothara.M ba-|
-------- ----
«< 'aH~ad aarprWd
•ft»bi I tod wheo our
.............................. alTrur-
wtU beaseciMity
Isssua «< papaUUM. Coesy Alld
•■a spas iha aanh aassUta
UMutaaft Maaf sarUbi
■iA Martha teal aad yo.
As# asfsor ssMSaliM tha fsodae*as« tsodoad uAa Cboiwat. yMr
teM. is «M waM what port you eaa
%allplwlathe fTUBd druBBcd feed^^tka hMia M Bawyaaaaa
hril StuG JMSS ytueeal wmala. to a
|l gil l llbwee lot a rmlay day. aad
tyo. toaa^b. a, mlpa of Meabh. He ema eay withoat
aay iMf of eoatrodbUoa that Ibb
tbe eboterat collceUna of appba ekhlbI at tbe expoaiUoB- 0
ebow. Mr. PrtaideaL tiw etoey b eery
oearly troe tbal the Uallod tiwiee
iwawy ta ha tiwa.
>ta the world lo frmlt powlop.
Maw aad the rra
HkMraa hmu Um I'olted Htolea.
a ta Mbit are
lirmad Trareree bMU Ulchipma.
Ihe IVeiaaoJ^ Farrarru' Clax bMta
Uraad TracfTMCu. .
1 will heft prmiiBl a lew polaU for
ooBildermUoa wktob I ibiak aw of
rltol iBportaaee eapeclally lo thoar
, who arejaat beptaalap lo r>vw frmlt
L The IomUoo of Um orubard.
kthasoppiyaaa aadwa^maif
OOS. prsatar lhaa the aWllly Ir
ty H «au> the tact ttotlhearai
Hs ^ tb pwdsrtba b ItBltod
tbMsueaUoo of rood uooaUmcUoa
r hraltii aad
I baVT BOW beeo ia the acUtr <|ar ! »“mr adrior b. —
am of road eoaewuetloo for li yeare. loBfrvKy i» found lu au old aad un
bare 4lwoUd Bueb Use aad moaey We^titled prial
1 Takr adrior fr,.m
o»cr e^ bryood luy awe—Ml taxra ooDe. oonault
(Whkib 1 bare paid chnrrfullyi hi Ual your rtipraUoo lohi your i-inUdeoce
cloB of toprurniDeela. I ahall oot be place younelf at lu di*p,nal. lUwnInit
with yoo Baay yuan loopr h> worry to a<> eupirreUaa from ynur palate,
the food pooplr upoa tbia >ubje<-t. bat 1 wbicb t» pTMly and eeiSah
< Aroid
wooMeeleem It a Murue of much plaaa 'aU'bonka oo dirt aad al-ep
are In By decllalcuf fMn to rumlbe, with thr wmdowx open
t. Take a
aad they Oeelarad they
that the oooDty of tirmad Trueerw .IfIcbeerfnI elcw of your aarrouadintra
•d. aay. wooder etroyk
e a> pwlble b, du
bad bad mo Um we aomld pow ealtb
AUire all, eroid
MapatSoMt frmlt en far ec
rinlul chaapra In your modr of life,
MOW rsoMrhi wew made al the tirmad
tor wbeo a orrtain art of rmira baa been '
BapUa fair. BaWeOaek. iBoalof aad
followad for a aoBbrr of yn
tbplMw. Bat Um ctowalop wporl rerapw-Ully aa ape I
eeirad wai ia IfTT frow the eeaWOBlkl
toattraipl U
la force ubedleore
miadaipbta. It
at J. a HOBTUX.
•er all la Um ball
la plriop By riewa oa iheaboee aabItiune
artlatl,- frame* lately a*
Ormad Trmrerue (ralL lleru b wbat
Jeet,.baaed apue ao experUaae of oecr
IhleapariBleadealof tbe pooiolofkal
forty yMW oa a fana. f boh aomlraa
departBMBtMU: -pruBlaoet ia tbbapwith coorar. heary white lane that
al the oatart that 1 am a cemak oa clopolatadwithwfaiw roamelaod tu>
riraltaral hall waa the oolleeUoa of the
rer. I do but expect lu oieel the riena
Paalaaob ftarowre* Oab of
”«• pfWUt a«aMH bappUad laall TrurerueCa Mlob. ItOBtaraoe
tgaMBweBi bemaehea of lodaaWy. lee- twMty-flre or Uibrty emriatba of appjM
rfal depot of prrleeOlllMM. iiBBieHsI, Saoarial or apieaaabM thal la isrfiid la Uoai la the rmltre ooibeUoa
>sp FM*
tU ty a epeelmao that Bbowed the boat
Hd, bri la wUiA the doM
r ymar fw aU U
fraj. tb.prMtMwrafUwlrway. oo
of all By buoreru. bat where I nay be
Is ofTor t hopetubesorreeted byotbera
of rxperiaoce ao that all may he b
Hew m Sesd—Oroaod properly pre^
pored for aay aowod ertjp H Is poud
aaodlUoa for Hedlap prim.
poal H yean 1 haru prowo
ortirt aad aa boM TarsBen
kaoW that thr Mil ta alBoet ualrersally for llaothy hay. ha suet prow aa
litUr nloeer aa —Ul kerp fala load Irr-
ed wjth pid: aad thrir edpra i
OMUop of abrilac. aad lay torchoa law
BpOB iLCUltlnp the lace lo form mlln
at tbe carmen aad lie uonotbly: tbea i
plar the law aecnrely to tbe a
palBi the eatire fimae whlW. let It dry.
pUd the adpra mad pick out the Sow.
Od Irarra ia the leer with paid poll
Ulc aa UBotby exhaosU the aoil: buli
r fanocraMB afford in pn>w timoiby |
Tbe 00)0001 of eloeer to be
ra BBri be dewnoiaed by tbe bmTHOUSANDS
baaed upoe the htad of aoll abd tbe
dlapMlUoD br wlabra lo moke of tbe
Cloeer aad tiionUiy. like
wbML ore lorrmot aoil that liaaa mix
tore of clay, bat can be prowa ca ararly all klada of aoQ. (>a ay fara. which
-leaer aad >k
■t. TberarieUeeloeetooL which ia
ta clay looB. 1 bare aowa aboot tbU ' at laet aorceeded la prudurfltp ■
two paru tiBOtby tu uac dy which rife, tiially cum that
' IBOD. bat rutrruirly anauylBfr W
~ ...............................
ia the macly
reduce tbe Umothy ood laerroae the reSTed'^tnJd rr^wd mod
clormr. for UBotby. like winter whraL.......................
tall pUuL
ta Ibr lunir aoupbt for rrmcdj «
eooalder the boat UBe to amd frooi
cmo. be deproded npoa at a rrauia.
Ue Snl U> tbe Biddle of AuroaL Uee rarr There ore toasy rcBrtlira wbici
elorer aad UBotby put a aUwop plrr rril'/. bot aoeb relief la oaly utm
prowih lo atoad the lipur of wlalor, $mmy aad Ibr ttoablr aooe ceturaa. aa
bad ur UEOrar tbaa ever. Uul the PyrakoU will eo* forward In Uw
ald File l ure aUad* pracUrally afuar :
aprtop ao ee to rtoad olBout aay aaa laxiiapcurr. It out <u>ly rirm
Batoa tormaara oaoaUy eow 'mrdlaw relief bat the rrlirf ta U>«
d with aooM otbri^ urop they
wainoy Ihorataoo otbra crop lo mw
at Sweet Nprlapa. Mo., wrllea briefly p
at Uiat Uaa.
Sow yoor ^ M aad to the pnlul rTpmnllaf btaoirprrlolooei put It iB oaBlealyMyoadoyaor eoce with FllM be eaj-a: I coeaUer the I
1 aritapmd U ariiee wkMt ood rsollse mroru tioa It tbaa Pyramid Pile Cure witboat aa eqoal '
Itcand Bwle leaa thaa thirty dayo. I
« at pruaML I take a deep isday* or BMJrr lu be eair
la the labor ood deaOay of yoor mip of hay Ma beeal fr«)B Hood Iran iha TOBMly
d fully cmrmd Be before
mr eoadlUoa Uiaa U wrtUapyua
---lapyuo- I eao aow ray I oia rurad
Hat if It ta top dry to
aow la Aapmst Ihea auw to wheat the
toMBi) P dmerrra <L
Seat ofSeptaaber ood aeed witbfoor
He qaoirfrTUB tbtapeeUeraae'u lelIhr to eh»w oor rraden bow pna
. rMBMy a.'U aad atau that tba
the spriop ood harrow ia aad fallow
I estWB) uteulUemUapbberehard.
they eaooot al) be ripbL
I Pnialap Aad thb iBjulna a
fsoM oritea: M to prow wU<
; M MS Bhot hM at prodoria yoo oalSSSka lOisB. yoo Most sudy yoor boriOSMM yoB mUI Sod ynsBilf la the
mrnmml Itae ladtaa wbu ihowWha:
He MoaoMt
«Ma PM and rmtonad Mtih a laop . .. Arid
MloharhaCarm >oa. oiri
yea ora paimoiapa oeMa war* to a;
$MSNhi tohsd'hlM^ui^^tod pMdcM
■Xtaa Mori MUtols goMpasd me to
SM to BhMiJtolBadaap ooi oo*-—* -to*uaa.tanto«eMt «y or-
I m |0H ritt Psi MS ffoMtor
•Mtor ppoi taHMtostotBiaitat ............. .....
Mgr. ItossMps Mi PMptosp- ModporilssaM ToaoU koow m
kook- p^ito. rPMaii.a.to.M mS-
witkarattorUposPhte. Tke oddllSua
afnpoaadariptoHMwOl beofi.
IL No^lMviUptaaMohowIta lapimdleale aad coa be aoto la ril mm*
■CactaorhaadpraaMr kMaStttooM Wiu perfect aafriy aad wtih the oriorthat a raw will follow.
Phyoir Poeur. lUsMor heaSMi
_____ ptwKriba it aad oae It la oU Mwe
M or iBSBdtoMly oflar.
of puTiT^ereraw lo the daapM aad
tyofaaarptMlaperatkra. ..
»aws>8eie.--lka«efartka lari few
koto pola or toeaaeualewee of |
-- -------- ------ „
■ar.oa it ooran
fkri doifi
It P ti?)
. OB ^ ossa to sM •IMtoaD.*
■Breaking Home Tics” ,
Plumbing, Heating:Sheet Metal Work!
:r cualomcra for tile many years ibst ara |Mt that
«c do not wsut to break one ailigle tie that hm baud
Wtabing all ■ prosperaiu and happy Ne« Tur, .«•
■ball aim to make it m> by supplying Drasa. Ob^cala. Etc., of tbe bigliMt aUndard o( parity.
Stovdii Ksofteii. Pumps, Pipes and Fittings.
nATtEB On, HieB»A*.
^es,Uk,Etc. I ssu:r^sjSu'y"nSJi.sr
The! W. ThorteH's U the place
to uve money.
All latereciad aCould aaa tha< II- Journal
He is offering Bargains in Canned Goods. He it selling
ever>*ihing at Rock Bottom Prices.
aaaed Appica worth ate for.
snwj FonemosT a mt utr.
To Be CoRliniieil Until ManUi 1
aed bM fa
Dr. Cir«en«'8 Nemira is the Bes’t and Surest
Spring Medicine. Mr. Crouch and ^itor J. C.
Gerd, in the Daily Hampshire Gazette. Give.
that tba laada
This Wonderful Remedy a Glowing Tribute.
aoaaaM br tie petrUad fareat be aritb-,
aala*. aa beeeabad aM
-atbata-maM iMu. Tba
i ^,iwas;s«!:;si*s2=:
ritMBFIavMi. Aijr
_____ aMlhaiblth
bkta. Tba mcimb----------- Mab eei
boMTT aM eeeldMtataed
& f^Mb b—^Mr~tbTa
«M at
The Great Dissolution Sale
dratra fro* am<7 aaUl tba adrlfabUiUbe fabUaoabar waj
-leatooMbaafo Mi^
faraarbw^ loat
at wiellilMdn aad aoa..
tf «»• BraMk •amatf poor
mboMmIb leUet.
bb iittia be^MdToead lt|d tba epfadatarlav •( a ioBMa •biA arM* bad
bearbt la a Cbiago fareltera
____________ ,—• tMw
• taalaai.«MwU
llaaUfalMteitraMMaaMdtDfa tba
t tt.v>blle
nr taefalba aqaare. aed. aeeord-)
a tba toeoaorfal. an ooaared hf.
ca of treae. «o*a of wkleb ateeaere
oaar tvobaedied faetla leagth aed
fr<MB arrea fa tee feet la dkoaeter.,
a that -xetbmrioalqi aMhwa an dartrojrlac
tbaaa bagrtreaaaad Ion br blaatlag
fa pUeea la aeanb o< cnalaU.
tba 1
pceaa.To aaka lla ^bllr park woaU
irtr rmeaga wbUaba
a* tberr an ao aettlara ,
apoa It'
»edrrlck Douflaa. ibr.aofad tread- |
far aed dlploaeat. died a fr*
falaalae briar
briorc T o'clock WadateidM
eight atbU r Odaon la Aaacoat^
ar aed for ft»n *llad the Ardtle aa^ aabarb at Waal
_____ ___
___ .egfaa.ol baart fallare.
...............................alia, wbere be marII a daatb waa rttllnlr aoaapei.-lad. aa
d. bel '
»..jlag — - •
Ik.ugla*. a
miwaoikmarv. at lludoMirllle. »our,i_ Xm-kaboor T«lb-rt <»aBlT
molbrr I
fatbrr waa a wfe
aran be .
> hr Iranrd
h*^ aral to llaliii
11 br aticha' hTX'aalfa
has inn. far
' r bait
a eeai
iterj'.~aBd It
time for fa per
week, aed be we* cmplofad laaablplaipol___ ...________ ______ _________
: a* iM M «9w«w aM* lor hmr
Mr.Mdan. AafemritaU. IMw
■ y»y^ at ail naii glvf^ *bt>
rard. la Seplembrr, ifai. be ded fmm
Balllm-rr aad made hte wa; u. New
Haeor hewaat fa Xrw Itcdford, '
Wbere hr married aed Herd fur
thraagran, aamorling hlmaall
br da; labor ooibdwW
' rharraa aad '
rba> workabo|>
there I
changed his aao.___
■me fa_____
Uc bi
prcTfaakJ; bren c-allcd Mmda, from tbr
aamcof bbold maaler.
> bb pflorfa lor
am l.lc
J. foafar libadca. at ITiUmga. I
rjaiCB(rhfadl7Kla((^k>. Hal
rM^^Ua daeontki. of tbr onWr
- ^ ww ■ MfaW <d tb*
•I___ ■____■
Ini W« -
Our rraad tucceu of this sale isTdue to oelliuK arst^!la«a,-waU
mode goode for less money than other houses 'ask for shoddy goods. .
Eomember that our stock of Clothing conoisto of choice selecUons of
! the noted manufacturers of fine clothipg, “Rotbachild, Baum ft Stem.”
' Every garment flU perfectly.
5Si^u:s:xrwTr,,s:iE.r ?£i£TE
Who* MUtafo^id iatbiwoodrat
♦Ifawilli, rmtr. Ima V—d»rpool
«m«wM fadfafa
m faw.
fa ^ b7> UJU
ua«-.VfaKa totw a vifa Md IbTM AUdna
Will be continued until March 16. Owing toIUie
inclemency of ythe weather' during February, and
wishing to give the entire public an .opportunity to
buy first-class, well made goods'; at^issblution Pri
ces, we concluded to continue the sale until Mar. 18.
of I
.M ia abIpolB. .
pay baMar ibaa em
Wo have yet a few choice bargains left in
WbU*______ _
iM«ror Al
Utroafb tba
tbe I'ailad
I'aiu liut«
M a^odM
Narrure bitml aad arre rrmrd;. of' time health.
oa bUwmy fa Karlasd. wba
ba win
SW wUawt of Ibna nOlMd mm be raaalred a> a roral miat.
i> alwara bera an art
II ao.l t'll; affalra. In
'«b»«*fabwardt.daaUi la a Tolado
- «l^c w^BCT^SJ^i£.
man ,
MM Ellae TleVla of Uealo. Hotlrr
M Am Arbor wraab aaar Haoiberf a
g .lays he waa alway
ttldUmaaonatr. Ohio, hr *14 fa be tba aaallrat
Aal! Slaw^_ hoebt;.
la |
Bd,v„^ j. c. tiere, uKAhm leadlag .oa head a-Mp with bia rlui|iieBt ora
■ ■' ■ >Telo|Md«omaaoow]iTlar. »hr
Bcwapaimr. pereoaaU; ioreaUgtted the ' far3' the pn-ming
Uumgb tbe New Baglsad eUtmfarl;
roldaadmalchabal twr
raa cit; h
farU of
woadarfol •arc. and bb aLote '
foar ;eara.
Lmrge audicaaes we#e at-; '
alcht iioaDda.
;«an In lu go.
a died a( bb betea la
core asactl; aa tbr; uceurrcl. cruireBt. ao#al tJie laat clcctluo ba
Htm. Mr. Cruui-b'a own worde.
rei.ed tbr largmt rote for aldoraun
Wbtta woririeg la tba woeda
lag la tberditoriaUn fall:
reel hbl.
hail. "
Hr 'ia a .a.ntracUw.'
and dar
ala Ibfatneor
M bblaot waa —bail, aed li
ing llir (mat few year, baa bull! facne
■tit. Tba bill
MoUMt wUabwaatba oaeaa
leipaaaa apraaltf of»!
of tlirbii.al b.mi-w La tbe clt;
for aloUllua
..----------- .
adoB of Maab^oB
aet of tbairiaf oet
wlBM — foaad I'rfav h> ban baaa
*Uaf boraa ateak far
d bnraaa, pai4; drrourrd, lag lalinmt ilrltala. aad la. IMT bt«BB
Kiwheaur. K. V.. tbe pablliwthm
ttlM flatahal Ocb—Mb baa a troBi
■Kiederirk boaglam' tbper." i
MM ofbbowp. II b erovM arttb
a of AlUe^^'. *p^lrd llUe afterward chaagrd to "The I
bbat (Mga all tba wv «P w
ilaeboea win daiidag laat C
■Mbda, aad tba alala dab oofafaMkia■ la Atlaato mod adfalaio
•ra bdfali that baMa tba ftaaat poad
Krvan ri
ddttakfadM earth.
nia. He wi
SSeSj^Sy^ IX-iS.'
a mnllrior
If- a,
Mr.! that will cure ami kerp
ker tbru well.
____ _about it. aad
: The word uf -tbia
a wtd,
n Idrlv-know n
asoag tbe tbouaanda of tealluiusbla [ g.iyenimrnt i.RU-ial
d renownwl..........................
mediciae. ahueld
ahoel.I liavr •.l..-a>ewUvciri
mJ addX wldel; read or give with tbe pabliv. but whi-n
ban this oar coiblog rd to Ihi. the fa.-i that tb
|>aper i>! ll.r tiia-h.- .(_________
aUadlog. n
edlbirlally for llu- truth of ever; snwtl.
Its editor atalea tbbt he baa per
vava. la allv iavratlgated
Ur.Cruarb, bcoaid: marveloua rurr. Ui.-re abtmfd be a
WbUa far bodv of Mn KuwdaB.
did not feel lam; ilalioii 1,; tbe pe,.|.le Ui luw tbRgreal
wonderful curer
llam|>faa, 'K 1..
'aSblM%MBaaardaaiba««fa?tlMa. roan old, of Bridfr Ilamirtoa
lor burial .
Turned dlBrolt; Mr Douglfa. went tag aa when I .Tlirvd: had noenertp- ol1**^ ilr.a i.e a Nervura
,e rriiirdi
a lq<-l. au
- .. .. ----------- — pbralciaa. mada
Ir a
that thiarvmedy
laat atfampt irUb a b*n x
to lwdoubi'e.1.
Iw do
Me then eetoreed to BO
“ apaeUle
BppeUte with
With which fa rrg'aiu
tTg-aiU h.ngrr
“righ^o-a tli.we who nac it
alrengfa ami earrg;. la this condt- rarer that It
and b Iraa tbau aa hour tl
•aa wlakiBf abwi tbr room,
IloB 1 worked along from week to week.
UuB of hia paper.
f *mmJm!i^MmhS^^ ^
began la INU be <
PWUMl Uap. la the Oambtxlasd taoua- l.loeoln tbe ei
laat weak, (toe waaaaaedMur
aad tba otbar Kela;. The latter
d^’idod to
--------------- ■-_.
~ek a
laat dmidrnl
employ fa^rh
abort dtalaaee from bb famir.. Tba
BBow b tram dftree fa aigtairee leehaa
ladder ahtMilg aad cm a Irtel lo tbaCembarlaed mouaIM^jbt faeb A inrd^
- mttamnr fa
al «1. Mrg. •
L. baa dirert
■rmt^m aad driver; of Ijaoeum li
ABBOaofat. farad *0. IMm »ftl> bU
a rirpcemlirr, UTO, be breaa
oartoad of prm
r the .Sew National Kra i
dfatltafalaI tbr
mialuf <1
«aa OM W Iba Nt atr
la Hbbltaa.
TUa b tbre
tmae baa (xmirlbafad I
' IWr
■tout toraAajb beet la
tbr a
Alllaora pUalatkm. aaar
MewrUrlaaaa. laat bafore tba tdg aaow
V Whea ibej' did eot ntere east
;‘^Pgri,"s^s‘s s‘.’s‘55ejs*s‘x:s.»
IbroMb tba Beowdrifta. tba loer imn foMd froaea fa
_______ ______ a* fan. Daub Ha-
«. KMd.0f Mattea. haaapaaob
________od adaofae t.OOOtreaa jaa* eofa’f IM (Me boartat and hobaefr laMb
_e aeraae eold arubfa.
r SfaMt _BtUaktbeirtrata
^ M» baa* aarfaeatr ibJand.
A inU-Mda AUofM aan teak bb
a MoMreld latbarorertha blUafatba
At HbliMandar. Wb.. tba tfatdaom
ef e D. Hayfard waa daatroyad by Sra.
aed a ebUd aged « jaaia waa beterd fa
TwooldmehIMrao triad fa faba'
Id tea wladow. bat
wan vaahia fa do ao. -TbatlompM
the grcmadaedaroaaad
oa AatfatSaar.bat tbr roof fall Wfare tba; aoald fate tba HtUa cm.
: aiastsK’rKfju?*■ ‘•'ifsS'.isrp.-C'S.js
■ Ul-"SSu2',n.?JlJTK
Via Baakm, tbowa to Km York al
sad Btmfaa aad Mala to
. _
._wa^ bight aba Ml Boattm tor Xew
Tortlte carrot Urn favemmea. wha,
wtn aoa that abr fata to Nm Yurk via
«ba ran Btvar Um. Wbraobaarrivoa
fag ware
1B4 Front Street Friedriyh Block.
uyoeli HlhM Sew V.irk ■ ity
when, to m; great Joy. I fouaA u
aavrellaaevex I waa io toy fife.
____________ ___
grand tue.lical di--->vrrv i* the n-rulluf
! furthertiior*,
n ____ it fa."
It t It waa made fa care, and it d.nw that hr ra
cure! h'ooBC naed be afraid to use lu" aay lioie
letter, givrr. alsa.lulc asauraaer of
aad ueUrhbort. the brnhat-lsl a.-lioa of tbk wonderful
g. Jteiwaea S.Qun aad d.ini
r^lD tbeir medtoinr
aa tba
tin aaooaal of tb« falinrc of the crops
and the ravagea of lornau ia Harman
_____ ___
TKAVt.anF. ctTt Ht.rsit «ARK»rr.
Caat Afr^ a severe famlaa pravalla In
flr^ bBrneTfttim bia
diab of bolllBg grease.
The taagatioc of a fort at Takao. Isl
A diapalch from Virnaa mv« lb
and of f'nrm.wa. enphafcd. killlag :.««
Chinear toldlera and woaading ban- tirrarir prroona irerr froten to dealfa ._
HalicialDtwodaya. ThrarrafVjKMfhdrada of ulfai-ta.
er eootlaaea tbroogbout Central KaA diapalch from Odroaa Bays that Iba .
e. The Uke of Zntlt-h aad the
fawn M Koalbau aaar AsUwhad. rar-l,
them half of tbe Uke
sla. baa bcca dmlroyed br an earth•Btiral; froaea over.
Laei I«r a
oaupevia, .dj.
.ddf.v. jer la. .ure
WWea Wiowr '
Here is a Chance to Save Money
Ws OABBOt mmitioB aU for i lat of spaoo. but bare a
.fSSSriS Sno:
|e j ►
MEN S Wool Rjb d UndtorT j^o, pri«
;; R,^Un,d ::
Just Received, a beautiful line of Sprtng
Novelties, comprising Fancy Dress Duokihgs,,
, Percales, Fancy Sateens and beautifU apAvig
Ginghams, and Teasel Down Outings, which
wiU be sold from S>4c. to 12J«. per yard, way
below regular retail pricee. We are stm
making room for our
which our buyer is shipping from New York
and Boston. Our prices in Winter Goods,
such as Clothing, Ladies’ Capes and Jackets,
are bottomless. Also Dress Goods, Yarns,
Blankets, Comforters, Ladies’' And Men’s
Underwear, are positively lower thaw man
ufacturers’cost. Ji Price Sales are not in
it with the
MEN'S Overcoatb,,.
MEN S KeneyPanis..
Immense Spring Stock.
z fsr
___ ___ _______________ lan'araUn
war* foaad bmaaatb it aad tbe
A liUlr Maiuac cat M baaUag brr
wayanaad tbr worM witboat the anA
V fitg
W atlacbod fa
- «S,Ma«tMafam bateeai bar lath- paedllarc of a eaaU
' falta
tbe afac^
^MiMbStStbiMreboaefaf do- a easd arowad her aacb
■<bme aa btmrd a
rid- r
Nearly 50 per cent, on the Dollar
ad1. <• the aatboeUy of the r
tlalln Hev. who was govaraor of Dar- mi^ Ba Haifa that the goeeramant
ir wban uiadtm ^aa killed, and evor
Mn. Jobe Haea. wbo lltna..
S) (■ptaringtbe
tbe tows of San
■ec baa bran a 9Ptivc aauag tbe ________________________tabsbltaau. fb
Balatdara, m.. hMCallaabalrfatl
if^dtals. ia rrpoeSd fa bare faeapod Hama baa beea petaonally In command
bf ISa death
of of
aa aa
lUKb U Al
WhaacmlywyaanoM__________ _____ and almost fa have raaebad tbe lullasa of the rebel toecen for tbe peal few
bm HaKar. (be awar from -SooUaad
weeks. A aamberot aoldieea bare beea
aad loeafad la tba gold SelM of AM*.
■ 100 RmmM gioo.
larreaud for I nsuhortUnation
Hbranetobolh died aed bb rat
.aO^rtiidaMi^.iiifa pipyd
of them, by order of the /
Ifattraeb of tbr bop. He dbd
tbaa ago. laarieg ha aatale eg III
and Ikai iBt-aiarra Hall's chtarrh
aalasUBople. the laleai iaielliaoa There are aUUea beira I1t._
Ikr unit iwaltlw rare kaavs a. tse I
' d from Mooah of the penMlaaaaoia. Hlebigae aad
amoeg wbom tbr oatala wUI br dirl
TlMk OeMtaallar VIctonfa dted at
bbbOfaa la Mlam. Ha*. Wedaaada;.
lawaaaboatwgoanold. Bewaabora
la tba loabe blaedaaed u a yoeag arna
Vwh pwt la tiw Oraak nbrllloa. wblcb ■
rmalud la tbe iBdmdasea of Umt
faMfry. figbUaf aad^ar the leadecahlp
> ibaa afara. fall deed tbaradar afMafaaBomnV He toak part la Um
famemn baUlc uf Aagsat so. mst. when,
by a sight attack, taa Uraek army of
MO^bMUao'doeb, bed with aa—' l.MO daalroyxd ibe Tarhlab force of
Vtrfarsfa alwaja maln: le Mb lMd.«bUtiaB tbr brack, d.
1 tbal the acewptad hlatorUa i>l
that rvaat were iBcurraot aad that Be■faWMIty. ad
' hllatthrbatidaothbowBmaa.
«d IfafaAMi---------------------------------------Th* ItOMdalpUa Braerd faUaetl
old womaa wbo waa kaewa fa hat
il pley tbay b
rrfaawd' fa latnml It fa aay ba___
• fMfadMdalbeb<9'aaateu.
Wbora abr kept her moae; waa a myabory aadl obc oaine fa dir a few d^
Tbo« a tborougb aoarcb waa
anf tba pramiam wltboal diaelaa•bMt the efak aed aboeldera «l
naally. wbea
Bar pervaU lag UmbUlag piece,
hmt to a taaormleed left tba «Uld tbr bod; — being praesrrd far barUh
a puraa plaalnr na tbe «dd woman a aUc
waa sMkad, which did not lie aa eloaa
fa the ablaaaaaeb pi aatare g
do. Wbae tba^aafar waa n>
If you have not yet attended thielgreat slaughter'eala you should
do so at once, aa we are getting broken up on siaea and you oannot
afford to loose your chance of being fitted.
i **^““*^ *^‘*’^'''••••ure
Hats, Fnrnislilq; Gwils, and Man's, Boys’ and
Clilldrnn's GimMng,
The editorial cuUmu of tbe NorthIl» wife. al». nerd lb- (irert
Hall; llaupehirt <>a- Nt-rtura bluud aad urrtv rrmed; to
■ lagc. aoil. like her baataaoil.
^ g no.
Special low prices oo all PluAh Oaps awi
IpslitiM redBoad u prapoi
■•ok SeaHk It will pay you to look os one bofocs baying.
and if you will call on ns we will cmiviaoe
you of one fact, that ifyOur wages ate low
we will make it up for you on what you
want in our line. ' Call early while the bar
gains last and the selections are good.
Yours truly.
anaA.-vyRS3B cut a.
M mt Uto'iHtoitk»«jaL''iM M
•l.««.«M.«li, •
te ^ ikir
• toto*« >k*M Mm*
ra..aflra wMak Wlilihj-^bJ w« baV^adfeOrinak, to Tilhi^i wHl *a
rawatorad. IWtoarto^^raptca
«*i*»l*to k
•-------n March ath aad nh. la tk* lato kb clkat*. aad tor tk* par-
> tk* w»aB*.
aBtfkt baaoraprad. darar Ua.
a larto tUra-Blattoa mm, ba B. He wOi atw be pnerat at the *c
Ktoaad (rora tk*-&to ctol the laai.1
mot w*BB traai only two toaba <
patodiatkeracattakn wkileUtola
tte pMpto. «• t* M»Wr««*hMp toUiv tNB
Haw Data* tor U>v Bala*.
MltMMl TtvmiMrk* «uii-<aw «t>M.iii.«n.*toHa( «.*«.•
For Borar Keekata* Baractoea. on
«rwfc<w tdmif oeu *ad » toll «< aoi« tk*» »
* Itk. April ladaadMak. tke
M. aad b. L.d X. UarawUI *t_
CMI. to rato. to • alvto
I trio csearebra tkheto to polBt.
.'tmmf^ tM* whMLtevWm M) »• WUI*
1^ rn*l- ^rto^
Iftk* r
' retkBtheea aad tfratera Mata* at rary
tom ulmU k*. toku p*.
i4a«M myrn k* MM
A^acent. lor pinanUaB.
:i kn Ik* Mil to kk •*•
■rtMvdroMk to Ik. ton omd
• city', a-kil* It
ntotlM-koMfer 0Mb fktokv^Mrteto kM'«> 0«l*v
r be tke bi«ral
. liw*«>a «rW*
H tor Ike pla^ttet ran b*
The aniuB raeetlnca brrea Mat week W^SeRT^
■ ' —Ikto ^-iHo*
k*«1*irniil TWfnMatoptocraf*. laacia** A aeaUafot tbceleb ..
«proela, ac-Uaeadraran Tlw
be k^ld aooa aad tke raaltar to eatrad
• arc tea-1 era
ant aMpeKLlT
•kkk tk* mUm d*pMto for It* .■- lap aa lavltatloa at
’ijlAlii M «k^ *kMM k» ■
aad abo to tke taaaar.
pwt trad. k»ra ahraalM toil) ran faUyd.eidBl.poa.
aadeeeiy alcht e
to ik* rara* Vmt toditodato to^^ ' aiauac to V. K. Harray. J. W. HUIIhatf.
0« ■■■■ II W
record fur Ike week. |
■nil4* kXIty IM rfXM. *( »
I).‘ U. Day. a*B Oariaad aad J
ap p) Ikk writloir. u( Ibrar wko
ram* h*ra *at *krmkMi. ud W n
. wUI attoBl tke baalaara a
poblkly tooebt an interrat In ChrUt, to'
kra iBcrrawd * k**dred
to toe :
•a followa: Mooday airht. tkree: Taew j *>1
day Bipht. twelte: Wtoaradar Bl|rhV!
ratoUf fora
tolUw ral— I* prof-rtT. «*►
Thi Baaaak Bide*.
>. *ad to I to( ratora I* Boto«*«a we«riltra-^to«*M Ik. PM Um «
-------- tke re-otvaaiatloB of tke bUIrftaeWetaraU,,
>«*tt^'TbkraoHk*n)otHy|trratof d.bt *kd <
^ eoBpaay *ora* rood work ha* braa
n k* tHik >o pni*p*M of Mtemrat
diraa. aad at tk* pnawnt raU of . _
to^t. nk.k'tkraradltkNi Uratec
M Wrauc
rara Ike praapeet b brlrkt tor droi^a(
W*dinil*y’» rra* IVn* rraeltod m | frotto ra. Xo moutt vhat lb*
Into to* drat *aeaal place la tke a)
oMm Ik* akora traato t7P*.arai tr*,areararafarlk*«rrat*baar* that ka.
KatfsBcBlyca are beiap
MlBUtoWntowfb.«aUowlBV*n>to '>bl«to Ikaa tkraa jrrar* to
aalradat eecry merUalf
;tom«*ofiraarirafro«th.»otopn»•ear* aad aeBbraa b a* follotn.
»to to* dkaMkto to tk* rapaWtoB pnaa ^rriraltoral pMp. to tha toorid
CkplatB-Jra. V UelBtoab.
wtto ^r. ttodbralhad ao to- to to Ub nrat dkooatoitod If ato lb*
nm UaBt-Pre^ D Canb.
to buM.« it aadntood that I Mt ralaryU*. It U aot tk* tonaar
ibBrad Ueat—JoBeph Kiaraea.
fthaaraead-jatoo* that to aaSeriaf frua pr«arat
IV.*ld*et-J. W. UaBDea
a* veil a* oaadittoa*. li; caflrz arUua hb pu*Jaa A B...U to S B Watt e^, of lol
Vice tyca^arara WlBBrr.
l tk* ra*)-irit}r to tk* pi>- ertr b inara <1
c. bUa-k t. Tracecaefuy **■■».
.^1 n|-|-r- ate to fam to poklbi- aaa Ibaa to
Auditor licueratto tV. I". Stowe, at.
itok. aadt akall tto* to aabrall the{a(ricuUureai
to tk* papa la rapjiaf to; capital expaada
9r. Badlara I vaa oaly dafcadiar rap-; Hcaltar* aad )>»
tall* aad capital
. charitT
atof Bad «* Jadkiai? coraaKtoc. tojabrlaktor
aupruaprntp Boat bcplB vllb
toMklarackatoaraa. Ibvaca ratber at to
Annual Clearing Sale
■rwrthlBC Is mM tot COST Ain> X.B8S TEAS 008T.
kBTd to bdUm tbsM prteM as rataUBtUl tests. .
bwt CsUeooa
St 8.
SBd 4K
Bast Oatiac Cloths worth np to IH
Tbs bMt
id Cotton, fall ysrd
▲ tOQdSnlt of Clochss, »on<s.fbr
-wldo....................... St 8^ snd 4^c s ysrd
................................................. «U0
Bloschod Cotton, psrd wids. Fralt
Snito that wsrstSAO snd 87.00 s»HM
at tbs Loom, Xconsdnls, ste. st 6^
A telr OTsreost for $8A0:8«.00 OrThs boot Tsbls OU Cloth st 18^ s yard
.................................. nt «8A0
«p^ir» witot «)air*
Cobs snd tosUbs tbs bonsBt ofthsss prioss st
BsUsbls Diy Goods. Csrpst snd Cletbinc Honss, ,
■ F“£.S.iifarjT'.
Hiit> to!
da^JMhaM<»ratoLap..r —1;;^
TE,A.1TE!ESE Cinr, kdllOH.
. ikaMatoOMTiaitoa.
tkO^Bite M
Mar, bartar »
coodB «m vm.
tk«t IB o«r erdtot
, la tke Battor to p
eiallp vtMB <
fanevra tkriraelraa, ara tk* toot poralblc ■ubooto ip wbldi to Uan> tk* brat
raoouaip ol fara prudacliua. I'rum Uic
• toraa aoa. H* ha* onry itaallftra«ik la at klB ka-tk* kl«h praUloa
vWk.«toH •>»<«■••» Oil.
■kpr W. aaUarMd to Utoad Rapm IkdCtarlwB. UatoOcpof Haakafia totoi aaraad farraaaat* to tk. eyh
toUurra. all map lean1 »rli*l to
avtod aod a hat to practice
rrara vbkh we prraeat Ite tke ouaaU
wailoB to tke teatltat* b iauaded to
draa cat tk* eaprrieaura of the (ara*f*prraeat upuB •*•- |-tjr 1i pnainti il
»e aak th.ac prraefit to HaaatioB
tk* writm aad aprakrr* wbra th.p
^ra prraeated tkelr rlrwa
tkaraaa arairaed tkem. aad tbea to
pira tkelr rbva aa4,*zp*rl*oce «ur tk*
U. i^wL y. K. Tbnraai. Ben Wl|.
k*lB. Mart Wiaale. Bm. WilbriB. &d.
,WalV M. Valoaatoui.
------ I Are YOU going to paper
that room this spri
>*,- .n
.land ooo«ia. l,
J. J I Bid to t'B
*U u aatl li. bl.a-k
panirae* to ta* ••
K. F. Wetaktor b. I mlor A Itol.-ipher.
rr iB.ia»Tl*T».
•t IM. <toh,lir«b<'- ■<i'l -Sr.'^
m. B s aiwwai. raraw
Kdwin " lUu-h u. Uarr'llni.
Cbnrebwill be bald neat (tonday at •- tort uf lui i.
URbU a a,, in toe new ball oeer M.Bln••Id-S'-'
Cae-> bnrdwnra am The pnblW b
f .'l'wr. ltarwb.8«>
i. A t<r*:ii
eutdially iBtolad—ntohject lor neat
SuHtay. •^raB.-dtonmn-. with Sk^
^ j „
Teat. John l i
Are YOU going to frariie
that picture? ;
urc m lua.lro ^
In tlikbrblt add toSumiClij -;
The Praol AecoBiusWa
• will be held' I
m.» City. Merab ?»:•». A An* ptorraa
T^r eridrarr •■DDiraiira to esar
a.. t^D nrerarad aad lb. m.unii>e •"
to praer .mr claim for
ba* M praparad airf the meeuat WbeelerVXeree Vilallaer
lira* to be one of the rarat nij.>yw.c. Fllok. e».|Kalina.tcr. New liar.
PullotriBt toe pteaUeara adJrra.
erarkeld la toe .toW- One dra.
ea. Cbininbiaua'^lkim
CblBinblnu* roBBIv, Hhio. nara.
wa. a paper by B. f. Ladd opoa -BaHy and
yeaf* afp> 'l wa> all ras
oat towa'fare will be rli
down, bail nu »treo|rtti u. work, ww
k'analiiclii tbbtevloB aad early Ib- rallraaSa makinc il a very U
Ibticaa dran.y ID da> lime and wakepraratoa* to It a* a (araiav eoutary.~
•ortetyptan to'wndi (ul at
*l Birbt.
Bicbt. aod
and frit aboBt
aboat a*
a. un
J 11. Muatu* ftoloaad •ritk a paper
aad Bberable-a* i iwuld fral and
oa th* raoi* rabjert. and tanBrk'* aor*
SatecB durhn
esnSD aarTBBM »
■aad* by ■>«•«« U. ». (brapbeli. J. K.
Ountoa. Jedfe RaaBdell and otbera.
PrraotiiBC Btoralnc aad e
b there waa no hrlp
rip raiept
rarrpt h/korp
The aext *ab>«it iraa-Tbe Haaiaaola toe raaal hoar*. tO.-Su a. at. ai
a* qaiet aa puaaiblrr 1 iblak tb
('arraria' Oabaad lla laBoaara la aUa- Sabtalk arttoot n«ia.B
didB't eapeet b* U. live lac«. J »m>kr
' iryln* b pateol »rdirlBr. but ibr
alallkl tmlVcroiriaB in Ibb ooaatiy.'’ Badinvor at « o'clock p. at -Cbrtol'a
...tor raid BO isteotmc-'
“lietoodofTrarblnr.-totbeBablecl ' helpm. Maiaal .leralil;
paf* to to-day * HeatLOr
Tho Bweltnc torn took a
.. .. - for
.L>r oerrrdulraMa
aAaraooa. aad *ta -joal twi
eSn-t from tbr lir.1 ulir of
It aod ..rating
» ha. barn an- to imprnvr la bepliItb. I'hiah 1 utod
bultb* aad I brlWe
rs and toe iato
We^n FIX YOU out and
do it right?
' '
wolx. we
leJ 1-U.I. t.,r .air <w lo
.m— beltolur-iai
FeaMK M. Pa
!v,ir,-s s„~ru‘',K,
Fsmcni aiMl Fruit Crvu'
b* It bot or -ooJd. we ara rary apt to lar. Morulacmekabal I0:»0. The
[V. Wbeeirf. N.-rre Vitally.
NBadoy nl^t raaeUiv At Y o'clock baa | medWinal pn-paraiioo wh.cb o
tbiah aad aay. that Ik* prraaai '
•aap" or ■‘kol apalV b tke rary valdrat bora toe raaaM s< awakenlar a drain . <*<1 to help anv nerve dbunlrr ur
dnara condition of fanalth sold by alt
lytoUev lor|^
Traverav rity UrurvlaU— Kerry uor.
««ry kpt to fortrt toker aiatlar
pa" or ■■apalla’'
Tke BntaLO'*
A ChB.p Trip to JacktoBTilie
A party (•< ladir. aod rvetlrura
Tha Handveekoalhaa becan with
riof orifBDiuel to Iran- Aon Arl»
ararsa»lteUrrat. HoarblMia m.
atorday. Marrb Kith, for a two week
V. r. n C. S. raerM at V43.
•ip to Jm-^BTillr. n*.. and rarar
the pan?, whk-h will WIimiWd
TkaJaBlorCB.a»*taatSp. m
a»nty peraun*.
». will bare a privatr )»uii*c- >•» tor.«ibi»ii» wour Iwwibc.i.
Dartay Prtraaf7..lnt. tberr am 11
itaaBraatT praovara.
Irrtar tUrfay
• ilac and .Ire, '
teya wbea tkeraerekry wak bnlnw an, Iwder.
throarb___ _____
The ladlea
ladka aldi
aid mmitt, bad a c<x>d be a«d f.e ateeplna
^ rcBBi-AB. laat
atHra.J. I). Joha-. poara dular the *U:
■ate for Ibe ruuod '
.m Copeotito
eill be only *71 n
wi!l inrludr kM.ar.aiItto-._.)eoi*
uwEi-Baru. ■
.Dd »w.l. fwr toMMaMt .MI «■» ..tor
Are YOU going to curtain i
those windows upstairs?
.v, . o,^ c.
• lerwMr rae* aadv rnra
wnK tw
“f “ra* n* Urwed
‘■"'’•d*'' **» L M. Hman 1-1-------- , M-4
“«* Hae.Cari.nu* i.
Mrnm liwrj
— '11^
Good, Reliable Shoes at Your Own Prices.
\i.....«............... ;;
craatiaf lotorraL
Much (twd b
r Stop, w
•.•mh «l
Our Stock Must Be Reduced. '
Prices Completelj' Paralyzed.
Bm. ar.K wnc*i.p<
tj of Iwroly thr
Irat Snndsy evealnc with fueneea actIra aad two aaLulste mrinban.
raro I*UBM,-aad
SS* ad to. usd orar baM la toe raanty.
were elcytod:
)a*l at raro: »th. only l» above. Sd. 3« fallowing
Ika BBAAintoratopraralDocBrly to
> -MIm ITnra CbaMabovci
■ska raaratoaBabriafraradD..
nto. e> above; n>to. *« above. Tbr - .Cor. Sra.—M kto tarrir J. Steward.
staasd pan A •.« of Ika papari that
Rre. Smt-M. «. raleipkrr.
(nUoarlBd date* are all balow m
KM arad aa-tey ara firaa.
teasOaU, toa MUaat. raU la <omMar.l .
Mar.i. ..
is» toe paater. will beheld next Stiaday
nine. Sabbath
Sabbato •wbool
Bxnlac aad avenlnc.
a«^Hb tmd nrallBra.1 Rf tor laWBMr.
after toe caarninr arrvke.
l8» hara aasvBMd dor toe irarpoaa cd
SBi^aoUc tonaffbra. aad rMaf *»lly iavitod.
5sr■ ■
. P. Vrarl. P—ter.
Bevival eerrlw itill cuetlaue
' -* UrelT Intereeti^iaanlfratedaBil.
are Ma( raced.
MeeUaf. are
« that every evealns at 7;So o'clock.
SBd fo* tAsraal hard Urara arhieh
pMUMdUetoarpartaofto* eca
It will ba at
ksaa foltty resekrd aa. Fkrracea who
: • M sMcidakl. far toe Aral tlra* U
mato ^n Fabrnrary. na>v
imar y*ara Ssd ltdiam*l«.to pay toair
ra«Bt-*BT. iws.
Fab. U h 'wa. f* above. Fek 4to toe
y aaralartaadUrra Ufa IWt
raaentry raacked
FSk. bto Bad ato toe birbrat waa
Tke mun
tMlowiaf daira ara
BB talaaillmralii a* nr^w-r- 7«aba*a. .•>*
/..a mi asopl. -
raa^ paUdora aad «raB. bm
Write K s
Within ths nsxt 60 dsys, rs(srdlsss of cost WoW. if yon
want soy good, bonsst Boots^or Bboss st Orsst Bsi«slns.~Ss
,* < qaick shont oomins. for ws mut mors thstn r^idly.
144 Front st
THE "BEST" ^ *
ve Ifi** to* lowaat
M Aim
;;y. .
moEs 11
Is always the
flannafa, Lay & Co.
$15,000 M of Shoes
Of the best makes going at prices i
rd ot You
take DO chance of gcttiiiff chenp. sbodd7 goods. Ws dda*t
keep them. We gusrsntee every pair as repreaentad; <
refund your money.
$4.00 Shoes go at - ..
S.OO Shoes go at- ■ - ...
2.00 Shoes Ko atBiOOBho** go at....
14K>8boes go at. .. ,
*a.»8 ' $1JU^ Shoes go at. .. . . $ 98
1.00Bbom go at. ..
i.m1 8Se SluM* go at ...
i.es! TBeSho** go at....
1.18 ! Me Shoe* go at---- ,.
mArm-n »ng« <rf
The Greatest Shoe Sale on record.
ODrue Gtete-t Slxoe
. Otand Trawrse Herald Supplement, Feb. 28,1895..
' Tte HmrAld Takas ExeapUnas
aab>rct, • Thr baral Offeriar.** ibeir
The Waelt of tectorta to a tows la aanwat atteotloD. Wa ahalt baraafter
WtdlDf ap aafaalaaUal lmaiaaaa bloelra be kaoaa aa the Kpaurtb Lca^*>. aad
^ aod Aar raaidaaoea caa ba droaoDStfa^ ud to our readan aayjdaj’ tn a trip to bope that naajr will aaltr with aa In
I Tmeteae CHt. wU^
poll- mak^ tbr aeoetlafa of the rreat«»t
: vy <a luAtlaff ladaalrW wllbia brr | food to tbr prvitaai aamber.
weat fb Ulioob to lire after thd death aooop wheo i^y Unh weet V» Tkavoraa
of her boabaad. b rery ill—aot expwi- City.
E. V. mu b Hlowly UaproelM m
A young nan from Hetoaker baa ur- health; glad to heaiHu
gaaUed a writing acbool to begin Feb.
We beard; uf a good ^y cellaiv
;7tfa. for b»tk afternoon and evaaiog. freealog daring the void —that bad
Twelve evenlaga for $i.io per fcbol^. never fruaea hefiNv
wlth a redaction to fnmiiiea of two or
We are glad to bear that Jane* Car
Hk t4Xi. io tbe faoc of the fact that
aa a abipplkf polat la either wtater or Friday, wberv they bare beea foe aae> more who attend. It will be held la llle. erbo b a patient at the Traretar
•aotaeer. a» ooaipared with thla poisU oral BuDtha. deUiard by abckocaa. the acbool building.
! city aaylam.^ geu.ng eery much belher faclHtita are very lofrrlor.—fVuiiJrl<e«ikUatlU quite, weak, the remaia*
Our kcbool vlo^ oo Friday. Feb. SSd, ; ter of hU malady,
,/<.r| Erprew.
Wbat the KaprtM wiya of tlur beoe- der of the faailv are ao a» to be about. to the re«ret of BeprlJ ee^ oDe lu the { tfoite p lot of lof. pre Wtof hpplep
dtelrlct. but p> ooif •!< moplb. pckool j to the bp; pkorr for rpfUiv Dept uup
Ato of Travvrae City faclorfip* U very ^
W, b.1 0»
Uk. r.».p.
• ,“P“
-.> • 1»» "I wp. eoled we puold bper uu pure. » e (per to tbe Tlmecrw Ctl; Eumbrr fo'.
oulta. It fteenk
hope the voter* of the dbirietNaill | mill,
tk» to tk. ro««oo«- to OP, hu^bor.
ride UD the freight Uala. All are glad wake up to the neorauty of tV ‘•uhl
We do BOt wbh todU|»rmce the IVaokto a-elvooir tbeca back aad booe their Pipe ppmtb. for ppotbee jbpr.
_____ ________ k«>« b p.
fort barbnr, bt aay i
. but the
ahare of aickirew J» a
facU are that the harbor at Traverae
MbeAaaa Siropmof Ttavarm Ut.\
ae paetor for the remainder of the
City waa upea thia year, catlrcly free .
vbited with her parenu Uet Soaday.
HAriJl CITVfereme year and are also <
froea evea floating iee. aoaM tlaae after afraid
Jacob llyer b wurkiag Ibr C. B. Malt
Ihr I'raobfurt harbor waa vlokod to
Wllbar K IVuwel) la vUltlag relattwa be eHonld hold a eerie* of revival meetI Inge. Ub word* have the rigbt ring
rec« the great T. A A. boata Traverar in Clerelaad.
Albert Mebert ha* gone to Slight#
they■ coane from the heart and reach
latj bo. now hwl > 4oJU^ p<t up lu
u.., Howbrd Mpurr. of Mbatoo. otlb
the heart. We peed p .rrep. work dope
bvbor, obllp Fiubfoct hu ha.1 mppjr pd op frippdi. boro Ippt »cpk,
hppdrnk of tbopmpda. pod frx, it wr 1 «,». Hrtllop who i> ppp pick pi the here aod It >eem» U> be tbe nnlraraal Idanalng. where be baa hm for i
belief U»l Mr. M«rer b the man todo
■OP), helleee rpporte. the Iple .lortw boipe of bee pop. 1. ip.pie better,
time vikitiag with frieod*.
hpeepo ailed the hprhor a(p|p pith; M,o a. E lietumoreapd pop. R„v.
Fierce and chUdrea. wh*nu>d thpt p Iprae PBOppt of Bpppj wpee Trmercpr Cll.e eUllofp Wedpepl.y.
ippot he eapeodpd to clear It fpreurl Mr. pnd Mro. Edd U.ik hoee hpd p died after a l%ag aad painful lUi
Plva lor the lp>t three weelm. hpre te.
Ub faneral waa bAd la the eharob on
tamed lo rrmveree aty.
lorreo •»< eCPPK. Thpie wpp peeer p ' epry ptok bpbe. but hup p pre POO epSanday.' Feb. 74th. at tbe time for
PIPTIP hoooo b«p tbpt bdpto eopid not; iprulped of lu reeorrr)'
The permoe was |
lie Pt'upr doekp Ip mfel;. Apd jet no | B«i. .Mr. Hperle.'bp. trpdered bb re- morolag aervlee.
drpdrlpf hpp beea respired, po btpph- |pl(pptkip p> ppptor of tbe Copfreap- prem-hod by Rev Mr. McKinley, of Al- j
Mplerlipp bpep bpllb pnd po PMOej i ttooml etiureh. k. Uke effect Mprch Sr. den. a former paabM- of thb cburcb. aw i Tbe Young .IVuple'a
eppepded ppcept to buildlnff dockp
Mile. lleohiDpee cl,oed p .pcveMfpl
pbopt MM.fpet lopff.* Tbe llKPPf.l> mopt: term at m-liool Ip tbe tirpndj dUtrlft gi-lbt Maywb M^. Irangwortfay leavea ; Snbjt^ -The aTu of
Ipkr nerpUopp tp the putemept thpt Ippt bVidp.c. pod 1. pow pttei>dii« a wife and flve^ children, beaidea a| School cUmv* fVlday afternoon ter a
great many more dUUot rrlallrra to j period of Bye werVa Mba«terdoaw{)
tkp hprhor fpcIllUrr of Tiaerrpr CltJ pehuol Ip Trperrpe t itj.
; reinm te her home in Oaekama.
prr iofreior to thorr of Erapkfurt op j Ijmt To.~Uy p erpj ple^uppl Ume monm hb Iciaa.
Mr. Van Tawwl wa* vary oafortu
pnj other Ukr port op thpt .horr.
wpp hpd pt lkeh.,pirpt Mrp. Edoprd
cKHAH mr>.
; bate. Last Mimday while hrlplag h
HrraU t'«M
tPMM ap^B
: load
Iqga arc
be BaipfWhi
slipped WOU.
aad. leil,
fell, Ibraakiay '
r ’
Grand Traverse Region
------------«'rro*a aav.
.dlnoer wa,aarrv«J.ufwhii‘b all partook
ioartllv. The reaoU of tbe day a labor
•vam ■waa*ft»ar quiiu quilted aod ■ ab^ut
"The tree* are aaked gruaalag.
a ait earpe^ raga«ewrd.
Shall warn with leave* hr hinging, i
l-vt, -«th tirmndpa. Il.dgin* w** «M
The birdie *d«>wirtB«mnlag.
year* old. and wunehow tbe ncighbum
Shall a’ he blithely dagiag.
foand it out and piauorMi a *urprbe and
And rvety flower he springing. '
pound kOh-ul for the afteraoua snd
Jack Ut4>ey drove to Traverse City ; eveoingc, Tb.»e who attended in the
oa bnslneM laat Saturday.
I afternoon were the ftirtuoate one*, na
The lltmaa UaDdaentertaiaOkeat ha*, the *u»rw and ruud% were ao Imd by
twee piwtprmed nptll after Iwnt
| night it made it almost impua*iblr u.
Howard Kebl n tnraed la*l Sa^erday j get there. 31 were preaeot aod qnite a
Horn the repabtivao oonrentioo in De>.aamber of ponod* were taken to tbe
gorthy cuopl«s
A aarprlar party aasrmbled at Ole'
Lanooh laat Monday rveolog and » iinKi(if iiiffviii!iiin*****'^ **'*
rprj nrJojTPbl. More wp. mwpi.
m™. White bp. •‘beep Rplle .ilk with
Tha lafflahe prupbe.; that ..pripff „p.pig|,
l^latwp la lour wre.k. Tbe; are bw
Xbe Imdia.' Aid ptept thi. w«,k with
Mfhalaff <" <»>a>r to towp with bupkeu.
Th. r»r of Mre. B. A. Wler. the
„ ,ud to k. .. tbpt Mr. timok
wBik Pt KlIbetdrbcBpp reportrel
„ i. ..„p.a p„iu.
iBrt wepk rrepltad la depth Suafp; ■ „ ,bw1p;. a, Trp.erer l it;, wp. Ip
- .-jpru Muadp; meppunp; loop
!>•«>»«■ Twtipffwtth irippdppitki.
*"•*** *“*“' [ hU Irg in two different plaosa.
Mra. R li jao started for Cana^ to*
day to rikit with herparraUMr. J. bl««m.dp of Treeeree
I). B. Oraadall went to tiraad Bapi^
I bnsloea* yesterday.
, i-ridpebWpphioffU..-. birthday Mb.
,.o T
”'.Tr.ee™e'„,u,.„^,R„^ b;.dM«ht b.
CHy. U vUiUttg at I. Ksnsuo a
q. ||
Tbr wp.th wipd I. thpwlar the wow
Mr. ppd Mn.. Prpph «n>wp mRui
rer; fppti we b.ve rlppipb enow to eU; petllpd Ip their pew Imwmp .
.pare wppe pf it
„p, L|„i, Porot
Tfpeeipp ITtJ
Mr Sptlo^. of TrpTepwCily.pod Mr. ^pt Spluidbr ppd Mppdp; Ip thb
MIlIrrppd Mr. Vrepier. of lAke Aup. pipe.
were all ip towp Ima Thpredp; op bpp.
The IWrt; wicktl pt Mb. ArerTh
■ IPPt eeepipff wpp all 41. ppare ilRpllap.
tiolle Pl.rire PMembtpffe hpeeffapa iThe pppppr eopdpted of heap hrpd
to Mr Spy,-. thI. ereplo; to pprprbe bokt beprp. piTpreep. kpk ppd kol;
Ihep.. The eiollp. pad orffpp fprplph 8pp„ pf ihe pepUeiprp Pppeprpd b
POPtPPM which did indeed topph th.
Frank Spilth, ol Trprrree 111;, wp. : hpprb of all. Two bppkpttpb of
OPI toJ. H. Hrpy'. .pmpooootIpR ool ppi elolhrp rempla to reprk the •mr
the sheekeltt to tbe men fof tbe <»vnl havoc of the iday
Ihsb Co. to-day.
---------Mr. Rtebardaop abd dppffbter. of i
Hpttr.ptoppod at the hotel Ippt Tbotp-1 PwpkHiA.iii,ii.iiip.i
M. at .
da; eeeplor pp their wp; to AptrilD ' Johpnie Wepleb b op the alek I'bi
poopt; with p team
I thb week.
b; Bee Mr. Theobald.
tVe pre fflpd to brer that II. Carmb ; Mim. teater llalleobpek ppd Mrp J
They inb«>] to have the church neady
IdOttls Hernette who livas with chprl. of Eopff Ipke. b pypio impetw- ■ Edrejoy. of Sopth MUipp. hpre bper
lar ompptlp^ the pprinif.
i Mfp It \ Ibtop. hap pope to Aldep op p luff after belor pick w> Iopr thb wip.: ebitin* Mr. pnd Mrp. Georffp wpplpk. ■
A pkrt; of tn pareop. drielnp .m the .RIP
ter. pad bope tor hb ppeed; reporer;. ; Mr. E. l■prk. of Elh Bppbb, eUlrel
Ipp f»ai Itattpa'a Dp; lo Northport.
r„ r, Tbeobpld d.Meered a tem.
P. A.Chpreh recelredp telrffrppi op wltk trleiidp pt thw plhpo Ippt weak,
arhaa ogpoalt* 1‘asbawbatowa. broke
iramw lecture in the ebareb Monday the 13th that bU mother, living ia th*
Mfa. Sbermaa la rialtlag flrtcate ana
threagh. The bovars were in the water , raalag.
part of the atat*. w*» serloaaly rela^vaa ta Trarerae Cltg.
lor Uiree qaartm of aa boor aad wrir. ’ Mr. and Mrs. UeadSr. of Ttaverve
Mr. aad Mra. David lageiaoll w!
by the ambtaaev of Bome Indiana, raa- i City, made Mr. l%a -ker * people a/vi>it a^ Sbe died tbe mciraing be arrived
thar*. aod be returned laat Tuesday
South Mlltua. called oa friaada at thk
oaad with dlAcolty. With tbe esce|>* j laat wank.
place teat Tbomday.
it seemed-quite lonenime bere^ last
Delaved Cormapoadeaee
Mm Elalr Carry fa bowe tram Bli.
. Mo <*** *** aerknaaly lajervd.
week wbeAvr lud no paaarnger tj^ns
for iwo-daya.
B#r*ia VcTMiaaa.T.
r*b i>
Mlm Fraaefa Honm spent a eoaplc v‘.
Wb m
Knmur says Mia .\llic lirown baa
St. Valeatiae’s dayhrviagbt n* *<ne days of laat week at Elk Raplda.
The UdlB'Ald Rodet) meei. wlih , |.H„ heir top lpr«e ppm of wane;. lorely weather.
Miss Uasie (See visited at Elk Bapld-^
Hip. Chll Thandp;. A Ipiffe pttepd- We bope It b trap.
Tbe buys aad gIrU have been impruv- Inni «rcek.
PD e b dadred.
Re.. l-bplApId. of Trpeere. at;, oc. log the evenings of the past week or
WUUam Curry hm rataraad homi
Tbe I. a a. T-p of Iplppd held pp pgpled our ppipit both aiorplBff pad more skaUng oe the bay, bat rather | from Bellatre.
patretalhBept at the K o T. M ball evening. Feb. fTth.
think this snow will in a measar* spoil
Mim. Elmer WeakA and UCUe daagb
tea eevAlag.
i a good ataay woe glad of sbe wind tbe skating for s time.
ter, TllUe of Torah Rir«r. efailed rafa
Mva J. 4«. Avery araa e^.led to Tm*- aad rain Sunday oo Sunday. a*dt lowQuit* a quantity of ice fa being pat Uees at this place laat werit.
nna. Friday teat, hy the Ulan* <*f her ered tbe snow conaidermbly.
up from tbe Imy and mill dam.
Some of the buya f
alatrr. Mm. PerUBa.
I^lel Scofield has had a eeUmadnm Allee ha* so tar recovered i hood went to Elk
Sntuday aad
Aaoahar aneidaat oeemaAd laat Hoa*V «o*e Ume with the grippe Imt fa reeov- from her recent illnras ss to make a eaipyed *ome fine skaUng oa Tmvem*
day. H- C. Hart alipped and falle|«riag. th«««fh aot^yet able to be out.
vfait to Mm. Eddy Sewoomb a who. by : Bay.
teaakigg hfa aoUnr hrme and shaking
We hear It wbfapered anmad that the way. has beea quite poorly for th* i Qnite a number tram thU aelghborhim ap la gaaaml.
Mie Bpworth Idsagoe are getting np aa ' pamtwowceks.
i hood aUeadad the eoaemt fftvua by the
\ The Saaday eveateg meeting will be • eatertninment
We hope they will
Our teacher. Mfas Emma Beaton, bad ’ Orpbem Ladfaa' Quartette at the BU
i Tad by ffamr Cteagfa. All are ooedtelly ' saoceed.
froaT<p.rtpeClt;ippkipRhpr|Bppidp ppptp koaap oa Tharedp; at
^laviledto be prvarat. also to flee the
We hear Mm. Maggie Worden, who* ariait from Wedaesday to Friday after-! teat w«ak aad aaemad teea>iy iL
•R.f “z:,:ri^'::;n:i‘.:rb.t::
■far. wlU bi bM Ml«bl
■rfU^hrdowfattrOrdM'«< tiM
Trsr «m br a faetara Ihfa arastv
at T;M at UWarr InU. by Pn^ C
tb* fnm»- laattMta.
■or wrtT v<ta cbaailiat aapartto iDfatrmto “IW BalallOb of Sei0 Afrieiidwrc.
T«i» MM Ina-«fa4 aww ptmr i
^ CbUirailALaBddBttrNr.-KrUr fa
kM»l«r tk« w»Ib 4on is cnM ttepa
r tb«* 4^ of ^ MKl faird-
Tu ladteoa. arbo aia the bat ol
■aathar pn^bafa. mf that o|«laf will
a. wbef* tbr air fa BO full of It that
a bm la fact w wall u la aaaw
> iMr waxlca. aad tbr^ ara «lna4f
railtav oat lhalrataokof baakeu (or That 1* trulya*hucklnr coeditioD of
afUin> tmt BO woree IbaB eifa
Bb. KawToa baa dlMoatlaaad th<- Trenraa City, where a party of yaeaf
people cau oot pat tafether witboat
*kllr thr very air
Tba baildlfat oecapled by aparbioir
ToatatraatbB baaa Icaaaid by. *eioUI1atr*wlth brlUfancy,
BB wbo will Boec hfa tailor A Oi>aitJBK7T*aT catanaleBBai
aek at
Ihayam bofa,
the Bapifato)
eharek. Uf«e a
ar* praBelevery aifbtaad 1
^ B. bUar*oordlall7 laaltad.
adadtfaaaa wlU ba abaryad. The
oda to be aaed toward* a* arhoul
Bau fa vary low with HWary.--------------------- -Tn Bar. Mr. Piyr. who ba* barolat
iBiBlac. loablar orrr the feaond Id
lotard to the paaB«r of Ibr prohibli* BUM*.
tai aafaater* elab Mat whh MiB ocy aBBadBoet to the cnaatitatlaa,
wfll apeak opoa the aobfact at the Haptfat eharob tbfa e*eeia( Grarybwly
.Oftulitfon this w^^,30a
Mb faifa* id Babahab fadr* amaa a
H llBigfaaraaplirMtbbfafadta
Mabb Naioux Ufa ha* eauBeaerd
odlUaraWoBaB'alfapartaaBt is the
day adltkm of the MaafaW iBlIj
Haw*. Mm. bee pBBali Beah Uleal
w a writer, aad tbfa drpartdwni will
be oaa of thr Boat popalar fraiore* of
the New*.
t Stale Laacar of Rapublieas
Ctobadld a wfaa tbfacaad a r»d thfap
at^lfa.Ifa^t BBlIag fa»t week wbeo.
B im BCTfaB fa tba Cbibolfa n afaefad HoaTIfaCT l>f»y-»!r-Itowor*
b yBBrdaj aaibad Iba bapfa- ^dbdUfae pnakfaal. ItaMaaaao ao.
aa aoUl Iba IMe aleotkBa
rt to tba falaat data'll
Tai Tonifafatdnb baUaa fatBe^).
If BBtleS fa
ITaoa partom Satiday oveafap. Ifa «aeala of OnL ami
Mm J. D. Mllfa^ Tbe.nest BaiUap
r. which laid bfa> ap
will be at tba hcBa of MIb laabel
HaiBB^d The elabfact praaaotaa.
C. 1* Mronb, a brakcMa OB
ii^faf a toer nBcaip (be bmnUfel
7* a. K'hadhfabaad MI7 a
taka* of Ireland.
b Rldea to tbr bea<0 of thr city aad their wlvm
It fa dealyned to It l the people know
« oMhe alB* and work of
company. A dellrbUol profraB fa b*Iny arraafed by Mm J. U. Martin. MIb
WilhalB. Itr. aad Mr*. A. H. Holliday,
thr Hoy*- Band urchcBlm and othem
The atleadanrv will be airtctly on inrttatiou.
Ma ifai. Mas, J<»i!r«clhi9iAi<. whe
ere married at ManfaUe Monday,
pave* larpciyat
tble weddi
1 Tacaday
aday arenlap. Taotr *
hoadrad pDort* at tbe recop-
There faa lacyv alack pt lo^ oa band
aadwerk wUl he mpidly peibed (or
mbaeaforBed in
aeaan) aalrhboriar cltfaa tbfa wietcr
aad thr 700th* asd BaUaB* are haaiac
craatfapertoetof la What Uad
aebaa* woald It ba (or Tkarafae CItp
joBOt folk* to (all la llaa?
oempled the evraioc.
I* Mr. Ooodrieh'a artlelr oo Coanty
11^ rathe IVaaaatSrrtan. cm aaeoad'
paca. lb* word anaallad at tba botl
of aolBBiB two abeaU be rbaiir«l
raad amaadad. Tbfa taain. a daeldwl
ehaacele.lb* naaBladcrf the aenlaaoa.
bnpad tbwa wUI ba a fall b
m a WBabrhatBcddhfaha
irtba fa«fap4 Sobakab tadfa Taaada»*l^t.__
Tbfa Buiaalut Cab
. wMi Mm a r. Cbrftr
aft—ara atto-cloob. All
fa fafa wark ate coedfally faritad.
. Ttfa (iBaral of Mr*. E. A. S«
MbfadfatfaCoact^aUoaal eharob
paifaaa MiBdap by Kar. P. Coebifa.
, .•‘JasB." aaa af Iba atoat aaiarfateM« a>d kBaalap of tba play* Bared by
fa LtrtroU.
Mm Joa Vote* ha* 1
aad Mm j. A MoKoB
0. L. CooIiar.ofCaatraJ Lake, wa*
Mm Cba*. Bean, havafbeea
A..V. UoapbMoka faBlea-trip ap
h* <i. A A I. fal* areek.
MIb Mabel Haue raleraed Satarday
em * week** vfall lo llettviA
H II Lowi* ol Elk Sapid* w
Travene City vfaitor yraterday
MIb Blaokaa ba* bom. calartalalap
ia Hattie Dbba of Horfar-wt
Editor Chaadler of the Elk KapkU
PrrpraB fa fa tbe city fafa week.
Mm J. B. Mania left Tnaaday
pivc aa aatartaiaiaeDi at Hantoa
Mfa* timoe Karri* h** poAe back to
Kip lUpM* after a Bbon vfait bare.
>vfa I* attoadlap tta *tata'
aertinp of far »'o(eclar*«t LaaMap.
Bev U. S. borttanip to celled to
Umad Bapiifa Mooday by tbr death of
* Bother.
U. A. Coveil, wbo ha* bees rUiUnp
8. Trevatt. leurard to Hcldiap Hoa-
Mr!ud.Mm W. A uiUetto. of Mayfield. bav* baaa vtaUfap Mm B. Hr-
e Iralre iea»im v
mut too far ahead.-
Tbfa ^Ltlcali
■fabUj II Ilililif
Ufa *
Oa. I. A. Tb
party of aJpbt]
wbajM all '.^SimraSiaiggtoB
year ape enjoyed a «r^ (COB
Inb UrAad
Utaad ........................... nailiaBU
■aplfa to Masieofaavpaelal oar. A
aaeganr CTSxcafcAsa
ibB aad beBieat waa ImU Mat
MU M iBisIlMtfitailaM
Ao Elegant
Black Silk
a yard—
Handsome Lines
in othsr qnmUttss.
Plaids and
6 to 8yards.aa ample pkttenl.-
AS^es't»a^mns JoMts«
ar4 very desirable. HowsinOhMs^ IM Tmw.
J- W. •VTTT.T.TTrm'T.
iimmmmimwiiimmmmmiMwmimmti ;s
Reduced Prices =
. 2
- "to*
WiU not tear ont
......... ..teav'
aM Or.MlMapfaU.faqato dato
60 in wide.
Wasii silks Will not fear miL
* and
1 to rvellse a* it tbonld iu obUpaPmta fa the Bboid are raqemtod br
Mr. Haa. to make a movable (aetival of
the tobeol librartea to araieh Uielr
irlil bcmkfaat faa party at ftfb
it feel, awfelly wilted dow.
■rfaaaadfaalrboBBeaadfiBd far ilacr. and dfaarr wlll.be pivae at the
IL and if It eae be forplvea
a*ylam. aad far trvwdM of fa* town
will never do *o apeia.
dia. VoL L Part t. It wa* drawaTrota
>r tendered the pweet*. who will
tba Ubrary aboet Thaakmrlvfap aad
Pomona Ovaap*. P. c/a.
in a epecfal car provided (or far
It fa freqaeatle March macaUapwUl hr held atjf
Ufa and U t^id- tM j A
ly waatod far rnfmeacB.
Thk mertlop of the tVoama'* Clab I
A. r. ila*T. I#
AIOMO- BLACa. far favraur of far Friday waa in rharpr of Mm 6. S'. ; aired.
AiM Potato Plaator.tofae aripiaator Henton Able papeiaon mrtoo* phaa
prl yoer pvtaBl#
of a famacr whoar preat Berft He* la
brier* Irevlep if
Moeta-! fa^i^I at Norrfar^ All work paan
tbr faet that It wfll plv* tbr rw|Blr*d
North-: aatrvd<1 E. Woonr, Prop.
of bmt with aboet half faa M pue. Havlfaaa. Ucen. Ati
otdiaarily mod. Hr.eBlark plaaaed rap and Kprapaa- Memorial raaolatioB* for CbaHott* Eateram Hrowe
fareaor (or hfa
■Uvrapeal (or liraad Tmv- f
Bd. Mm tfm. Banld aad Mm
Ca Abeat
mat fil.OUU
fil.ouu wUl be leqnirad f
aad doB not latrod to patrat 11.
exelBlva eoelrolof *
ovrll wvtv dee ed
t delapatea to ; to aaenrv
la a reeral botly cootaelcd ocatorl.
■reatioB to be held at ImaMap. j
oal eoalBt fa theSroior daa* of thr Haibh » aad tl to oepMi«e a (edera- _ ^ iBfp* tmafaaB c*
UWtaiy ooaree ia tbr I'aivvralir of
of Michipna IViiBaa’* Clnfa. The .
MbMpOA. Jeba B. Imatarrof Tmerrae clnb derldtd to meet heraeflB in' Mon** Hearaa Avr.. Ikrtioit. Mirb.
CUyaadJ. B.ncbB>ao( Ufab woa tapiB haU;________________i
the Snt pfaca with a Ue. Mr. LeatHclPTOB I
aw'* eBay Weed* bare wHl coapratn- paKv (or her little wB. DoaaU. Teee- ih* Bev. Mr KBwr. tw u
lato blBoabfaw^lAraarved aaerom
n thA‘-WB* the perfeefam , •
le. The
O, H. Ih^^^^^fBrtS^TMich . fa la of a pwid tiiae.
tba el|y fatba fatareelatrftbr l>awr of thorn *n*^ ymr old.
Ml Hyetfa OttlA alodpr eabrarlap
faemofaet* declared it
■at eeKfakle aftBiKwa* they bad |
alieady aecniod ibe bcbb of a aaBhrr
wav Unnap the KfteraoM the '
B of far dip aad tbrlr.wlvvw. aad baafaD wwivbII wriphed aad amvenlr :
I each mother wltb"W liltlo :
a leapr wUI be laeliMMd bar*
r Bad weiptat oe *bc aide and |
abort time.
of the other
reverve- Mm d.
« Tbr Sdi^Bb Pciathip aad UUlr boy wa* thr haavitat aaf Mm W.
.lamiivBi, - BB
Cki. aad wUL fa Marab. be- C. UaU-* boy the lipbto oee prtoeeV
^WleaUoe of a BMtbty prrt- Twooftba kabifaettotad maeb atBte iataeato d tba arAafof toafaB (roB their mlB aad ptaeU
b. Mr. Toaap. of tbr Co..
aad aabrahM qafal. faUeh
Oht Savings Department
1 Temdayaa bfa w*y toUmad
rkaWe la amh poaap abO■MUifa bay mtn BBlBlal for tbr
AMlfif wortu Ba. Sawyer, wbo
hawarty wttb Dr. Jarrfa. baa hao
' ler a year or Bata, bat to
tatara atawatoTtavanaa^. to aa-
We offer choice
a ya*-,I
Mr. aad Mm K. H. Seofield bare reicaad (raa aa aatoadad vfait la Keat
a fatbaataalwwbaa tba <mt-
the world. 60 in wide.
a IfaMBfawalraV fa* fa<b*-
;ly Brand. The beet in
a to far delipbt of far patieafa. I,
DfttrasyfaB. &rp-{
Silk Waists
We carry tbe, Prieat-
W. W. KairabUd ba* been eeiertafa.
i'numrfli. Sept, of lap Mr. aad Mm J. P. KalRhUd. of
Ihibllc Inaireethm. will be|weaaBt at Boyne CUy.
>iua* aad loclore la the evenlar Mfa* Lyerb. wbo ba* beea vfaltfap
.mpUcmwllbabirti - In addl- hir brofaer bm. rrtoniad to Hip Baptluo to tbfa a lery IntercaUec prorraa. id* yBUrday.
beao-piVfSrM forth* day. Ad- ' Mlm Etta U-Naal wa* aaU of honor
raaoed pupiUaod pauoaaoftba toa- at faa Rarvir-Hoepb weddtapel Kallanaw Coenty *cboofa a* well a* taaeb. Baahe last week.
oovdially invitod to attend.
Bobb* A Alley.
They wUI find mneb of mine and later. The latMt ebaap* la baafaww firm*
e*l >a far meetinr.________
haveryplBweatoBetoebroelrlv. no- '
TUK repuUlioas ward oommliuee mat tlap a^lt doaa. far ieciee** in afar and ▼
pruqwrity of aa *trmdy fioeriahlnp!#
it afaht and orraniied b
beafaem W. J. Ilobb. ha* Joined for- 0
Muocue chairman, and
bra wvrvury. .Itwa* left wifa tbr ev* with H. II Allry.a yooap bnalacm , A
ward eoamitlee* toaeleet plfpve for Baa from Aabeta. S'. V. They have : A
from Babl A Sea of lleUoii \
boIdlDf primarto* and. with the city
cOBmiUee. to call (be oooTroUoB. the. ,fae l*Dbocal bardwar* *tock. which ad-, J
tlBrtfaimodliir upon the ac-Uun of Iba dad to that atody oe haail pIvL them f
•litare.on the new city charter. It ear of tb* latpaat and beat *^* of f
■tore* aad baedware la far city. Thry
(boeyht br»l to wunewhal antk-l_____
mavbr will afao aoBtinne far plasbiop bo*i- A
1 fail way. a* theti
ecB. They will remove at one. to far ^
•bdi^ betwvaa the pM*apr of far
baildfap formerly ocrapiad by Hr.
Md the timeofele..-Uon.___
THKeetertaloment clren by far An- boral for a baidwarr ator*. Mr Alley {
dalaala ttaii>o. Mandeliii aad tiaiiar fa a pracUml bArdware maiI. aad far if
clnb Tbuiwfay evesinp wa* one of far arw roBbfaaUaa will provr 1
of far one fa aimy raapacL
appraAb Atfaot Apolopy
ofatlva ooe. bbI the rerre and Bwinp of Tbe iUahU>
tic wa» irrfafatible. aad celled-----------------,ue.t appiace. «a*ter Karl ^
maadolin playinp we* partlco-1^ it, w„t ^*^1.
lariy well doer. The eatertalnmaet, boaaea—laut VnA'r Herald.
Tas Ir^fafatlre boiiM- aaylnD rom-
Kfac baa beee obUfed to portpoto
btoe far MoBday March atb.
Wpearaiittl* later fa the m
«( ttadaalbofhfafatbar, atUka St.
r tb* MBplaaa of (be tToBaa'a blab
MbrtdfaTbBdap after-
a tbe lead a* pralecllv* e»|.
\ and «BCb i* faeir mpHt faat it fa *afe to
Ferdlrt tor farm wee praetor popefartty la fa* fatara.
now bloekadB Ual
whcBBaaAdMtanaaa. '
f a*fa» baU Mdagrofoafa* anB>
wuoa*of brtapin aaovea aad fa
icr-bu; at thCamf tlar bar oUaetory aerto arr aBailad by odoca whkb
far varirty faat perfuase
maaeMriararv bnUlrnp to inerraar far
mm of b«Baa plaaaarr. c ravvae
rrvrr. Hpht aad nmif.irtaUc. dneay
and retlreiy free fruB odor ' la
far larprr woBee'v v
b to Mr a^bam A earloa* IIV
UafacMaataftbelBBiBal prove* tbal
c* Beat ba totally tarblar la *sIttoa. far tbar* wwv tblrtcea at
tba fabU. tbwv waa oaa eaaaat otair
aad Iba a«alr wa* rl«*B oa ^ay.
*tfMMo«faUov«lt7*ett wMlfav a cb<ra« etaaa amoar tfa* r>
ol hfa cbareb with i
Wbdala^____________■ ■
Tba Mea fa to faalUaifaa tba
ltafa.AiJci CocnnhMntlrDod m yoMTfolktwUb thcaoaraaaad fa the
ebanA aerriora aad alao faetea*. t' Safarday.
taka a poaiUoe
■Id be
WUbarfawwell n
wiU«aJ. B.
I nrMfab l.aBbat
tbiec to iDUndoc* la avaiy ebarab' Sbtarday.
fa^wmt.p-,b, rood
fa far eoeetry.
Mr. aad Mm Imt
SxATfi Bank.
Ko ebant* ^
It fa
Lumbm’s RuUiers
»Lumbennen’s Socks.
Ming Co.
Lumbermen’s 2 bkl Arties S2.20 red. to $1.75
Lumbermen’s2bkl Arlics 2.00 red. to 1.00
Lumbermen’s Heel Hurons 1.50 red. to 1.25
Lumbermen’s Heel Overs 1.35 red. to
Lumbermen’s Heel Overs r^JS red. to
Lumbermen’s Socks • • 1.00 red. to
Lumbermen’s Socks - - 1.25 red. to
Lumbermen’s Socks - - L.50 fBd. to 1.25
The Hannali A La; Isnitile l|
anermactac »T Me paartatte
I aooa to! the mall imcram-ltbaaat
WlthMfamny to bto far^ aad eem<t while eomiap oa Me ier from H
aa^ bto vrfac work. Dartac Me
frlb'^ hr.hu beM ceutacoat timber
ao boHd a hara oa bit farm.
Mil bapt
--------------------------- -by the Kiapeley tbme were aeeM. Ure Alt Joba of
Bleb afaoDi oe Me ttoatb of Our«e Mtoplan wbowu'oaeof tbelachtom
pamupne oa ber rctam t>^ tram • , .
etolt 10 trteoaeia eoolbeea jJtcblfaa. | “J* *•“ to Muj^w^ftaw.
laloM, weter M berwatol
take to bto owa
ratbwia lluec
aad .papg.
borne oqrdur a____ _____ __
Ucorce Broderiek. tbeiefme be It
BoctoB- UcmAUi-Wroaly war to! lAooola. Krb.. M follows: "After trrv
ftmolmt. Ttat aaarbaUreaad tear
witbla brartap of a rlporoo. eall. all ■
u it wa
! lap other mediefbea for wbat aermed
ee we .moore tba torn of oee of o
t4tlilaaL. •rritfaa'b; Foor aamber who had eo................................
e prip. aed
«t. of thto pita*.
It b lh< r«rb OBT of o> bjr hb craUrDM of
Pdrm of William Kaoa. "Oh. , corery aad
atMe ead
w • of• tero dart Me
afely If oot cuiBtortablT I
tut Mluior of bb Irtur: "It b cUfai- MDCcrai>dBot>lrM»otUt*. Ttaia> dfelluUoD mfel;
~«lfh «>tlrelr left them
raW frltad* »r khall rrcr ctariiO)
Tbr WooianV club met wiM
Mie. W.
•1 Ital Utelr. the Cnaadm'. WOnca
WiM Mia.
;he wilboat it bereafirr u oar eaprri '
of bin. aad that '
euvw prueea
prueea that
that it
it curea
curea where
where all
* raor
Mfad dbroat uxl Ul fuW
Head oar moat bcanfrlt eympatbr vi IL JuboaUm f'rb ith
a poem aaUtled. „ trmwliu fail-- -sJpo^» F W S
ia'parnala aad frieede to their prest
liw^barch aeataw taraaad
da like the o^d . reaa (imte lorn.—Why
-Why Iaot pire t
u aad •urTvw.
Japan, i'hi.a and Korea were read aad
la tbr coBBaaStF frerrallF ' N'ov. I
pT«at aulwlae . trial, u it
f. E. UamihiM-. Hrtoelfml
diiAUmed. after which it wu dreidta
wbbtouria iaUkat..U>r
Mm I‘
to dn»p that Mibjiet f.w
e a lime mad I *
tbat the abo*« to a otbiakr.
u aolotot. amialed
take up tbal of Me llawal
.la. Ulaad. at
tbere taa faaaa a Itfalr
Baraea ahd S. '
----------------------------- -‘f.™
Craudim arr aot to Uanr
rciml bu.Ufol •“*
aad •V*p'.ri4^"u
FARMEB^ who are urkiaf to htathere era*, aad all there »ae. aad b.!
--------------_^,ioe peaprt.to uofa
Amonp Mem were ter Mnuelna Mould po S.10M; The
ul.ji.1. preui
cose froat a laaa ertto to aot. aor aens-j
Monhpon Depaftmut
orereiu™ ‘
—tkdden Veara.- iWhea foo and I 0»re» ata <,>ea.«.t UouU oCera a mlllwere
bu bam^ member of tbecbmta'ia j aeamd
eou.e Hmeeie"imrllne I >m ‘OO •'Tea of farma at W-Wi a.d M.uuaa
t«iq>- |•rltlci^ml CiUe^ Mr» I>. F lloxIbb place, bot to a member of aaotbee I
4,^. ,,
| ««[•
the clou of ,<hla half r»le eacui
ruraluD. to pn an
M-: Gi-»praphi(*l IhwcripUtai an«i Oi- ,
braach of the Hetbodtot fudly.
hat lut
. , week.
taMrr Steele took rnuruH. Ne
ai.ee be tame. Bow .early oae year
s-bnrebra Hoapitabir
nal u^^Jcc. apeak- ^ f'lae H-hns>U. ami s-bnrebra
K. J. Peck Tieited
a«^ be bu bee. u*ed u a briither it) Thotwrtay.
rreamdok Me inC^“*ltii'u.!*r‘V*A’.
ChrUtbyputoraad people aod. beiep
Bert Fe.lo. lit ChkapirU bere rtoltpreuolwlM u laat .Tear. ,
. sir to W C. lUXKananx. ti. P. A.,
the other diarcb. be bu iepold ,
•w 00 the Olherabure Rer. Cim inuti. 0‘
ooeapled the pulpit wbroeeer the paaIHck Tboma* aad Geo- V.*r dr.ne to
;Haribort. Mrv. Martha BadJ. Mm
-------------------------------tor eoald not do 10.
So m.rb hu tbto Trarrrul ity Sslarday
KUaalwM Eebl. Mm Middleton. Mm ,
AueJUu a Umca balea
r. Haautt. He alwi re- -' Taa But Suva m tor world far
L-bery Chau aad family wtoijpd bh
Mr. mMI Wn. C H. wm
». Mi 1tn.Wmnet I
feMq^Mcktalkfettiat brti
*«■ SoBtkIlMiteaostiw befar
i t*i «(r<Mfar !**»• -r>*toaii
■ka IM WliUuM FMiv Bltkt■ fhv hii tad lack ta «<Ulac
■ MWirttawtoitotaataa.
Wni Ssbr baa eetaraed. barfaw
I--------bto marb at Hapte Ul/.'
data taou of HapU cit}- di
tareapb tbwa laat maek to Ulaad.
VtodaF'mataa u* thiak
both maiaher. aod people did not Imow parento lb Tmeerw (lly Imt week.
tat that be wa .amembrroftbe U. E.
B. E.“Ctau and Mr. Fe.toa of Tmi3. Miiuma.
ebareh bet*.
r«r City dnnr ialo biwo Mto afterr. ebareh. fife take.
' IfaMab.^TaHa of Empire
itaata* fawBttafaatofttaoeok. caftata far Traeena Cttj bp *aj of Let^atapadarCUF. ta HataaU tiuM ap Imldc of tWMtHnr bama tbe lamberinc 1
- Ita eaeada araold bare to atop m
I—latu ttalT tota woald be fa
A. P. HoapboftbeTraaaeript to ^
■tor. ChambnrUla rWted Prof,
ard of taKoyacboola Friday. '
Mta Can ItotteDOeld of hpriapfleld
to a atodeoT of the bJpb arhooi here.
Hr. ^lapadom to ujoyiap a etolt
tihm bto moMer of UanaeUTllle.
Mr. WlUiama. ■state loetaru c
1. «L JJ. <>. T.. lectacedat Mr eliurah
laat euDinp to a larp* aoUleace..
Kee. Butape eialMd Traeerae t3|y
lui week aad wu fortoDaie eaeepb to
be MOW Wad for teerral iioora.
Mra. Woa Itoetbolomew of iloBeer.
inly, bu been auyinp
' Wm.' tat^aad wife bare reeseotly
rcturaod tixta Sparta. Kut Cobaty.
wbeee they were called by Me aick.
of Hr. Ixiop'. tater.
Wm. Orepnry tvturata laat w
from a etolt toJifaad Ra^du and other
pol.u ie that eitflBlty. Mta Mln.lc
Ovk took bto poalUra in tbr store dsriaphtoabaoDce.
. Mm. Miebola teturaed yealuday
from l^la.d wbec* abe hu
itiap dannp the wintor. ' ftbe left
Uen^l'ta J^uamer Indtou three,
we^apotoUy. '
|lr->Mtaer bu bnlli blrna a'eirb la
, Mr. BoMem la baajr haatie«
tta Ploaear Co. abtpped a toad il
taa Imrdto'a tarw naavar from him
Mtmaa^ Maablap bto eatter.bat be
W. Ralah taalaam M
.iffaa Waaem alare hw retaru
^■dMB Mp to Itaearm CI9.
Hn. Afaem taa retaraad to bar
taia,lata Vlaw<M<an,a(iarai>rDta%ta etolt with MW Vaa Naatraa.a
& )L Dapb •aator to eajopiac lota of
-MMtair tramftaB Lakethto wteiar.
a kept baaj
ilkk wMar hMWIat
«ta. aad la
iMaof trorkawa^.
__________________ ig paew abop tbb
l^itm toMAwBl talarta •ooarh
|<«a«ll Ma wata meal jear.
I tatir
■Otoa of Oao. darter ahd Pal
. wahi tefflaa Baeato tatM.
A.A.italthotftabkfart TWthiitar ablar. MIp. Pata taek. laat
to Mac a
ta laabar <aaa|a
Mr. aad Mta. ■amaauif <Hea Haeaa
MgritM.da^teratthto ptaec laet
• of Bmplr. towaaUp
---------L. Hacar attudai the aaeotoaMaaa> Klacatog laatWarda^
Ifaamr Crfta Beltaer drore oal from
Upta talaiday torrtolt bto atotor.
■ta LalaTewapiadhubam. etoit■ IMMiiI faTraemuatyafawdapa.
Sta Oau VMcaptf iiltchia eWiod
• Wtotaa Terry wt to Cleuhad la
<r aaklacUdiacali ^^1'-
oombm died at Me home of ber pe
loraiBr with
eampUmi. Sbcwuoaly married
Jaar eod wu in pou health Ul
spr wu rcaipned u tbr ead
wear and ere. eelecUed tbe
abr wtobed Map at ber feacmL
u robeertedMU wiaur while
orkW berr.
oeph a •
1 .~u,
Who were unable to be S">. .B^-Wa. taee^ Vlcrm Salt
Grandma i U,mlv Cbllbtolna. C.ima. aad all Skla
>v» ...h, Th, p... *'™'
eeensiur cb.i.ied of 1 *’"*'"*
Ulan-U Mm
brume ape.', A let-!
He here .h.,
Gun of (hr l>Jaod .if M.ilokali. u her.
tor of lhankawuread
from Father ule by SC E. Wait and J. U
leprn. arc l•olBtod. Mr*. IV. II
V wholiade one of Me happy
IMH>. Orm-ription'of Msrinlain.
It May Ou a>Mucb tar Ton
and Voleanoo. «f. lUwaii. Mm Jno ,
obaldlUy will nexer apain Join u uo
unile in prs>os>uorliip thmr wiwttnp. to
preal ralur and intervst-to them,
aad altbsMiph tb.y arr not inteoded fsw
pleawm- aTs^e .vet aprenl deal of 50joymrnl nrv^rily ' rc-»ulu fijim a
paMeelnp of Mom- wbswe tirteu ae>eimllar and who taka- an inU-re>t in ih<aabjrela diw-uaM-d
Th.-rioL will meet
Tnmda.r ereninp
I'lWiaenee sif C
. 'Vri-lr^
Tk'r aeerre.b>rm.>f Wednuday a
TJturtdny made Mmr iniertatod lB t
Hid Folk.' Ueceptiui" tear Mat
-unidbea failniv.
Thuraday uiphl the wind wu bl.>
Inpi tbe air wu Ailed wiM Ayinp uu
led it i
■fhCatamMyMMfah talac broackt
VhtataTtatelp^Z^aad to
I Hea?j Weight Suits;|
I Overcoats, Cloaks,
Dress Goods,
■ i'-
i Wilhelm 'Qros.i
The etrongest attraction in this county. The grentest drawing
card em before the foblio.
wu tittle peuapecl of eomlnp. but here
and .toWach irouble owm ita' preal
No donVt luny were drlaine.l Mat •uveau u a care lor Ahur>r iruublm
would have come
When the writer , Me fact
it to preparad
>dfor dim
v..„ g,.
>e.l foil aod pood cheer mended oradviaed iw any oMer__
Tbe Aie.’ Itrto aot a cure-all,
i-atl. bal for any
btodly Ibe
aped. toiddU-aped. and vhildren alike ! atomach trouble l(
tndtna .Curita in her coaelyBftfa
year beaded U.v lut of the -Gniat. of
Honor - ' FaMer Steele in hi. Apbty■ hiMi ...niee neeithen i'r.B<«ni.
Mint u^top next
Men (raedma
Steele, ^ta on U> her uteoty nlnM
blribday. and au on. until quite a 00mpany wuw
limit St 1*1 ily yum to uy ooMlnp
manel .are. It to'p^^red in tabTet
rfoim, pJeaunI U. Mate, coiopoard
TepeMWe and fmil muncea. pore pep**“
Goldeo Sul. eeery ooe of
ePectleely in diputiup Me
, food uleo. Merebf^Giip and loeiporallnp Mr weak .tomanb:
usb: red
nic'a eti
waoydiaeaar. but y.
' r.r£.s~.c".s
of Mr many pre.r balrrd pnraU wbo ; oe aaaiat In Mr di,
food. That
had no- reached Me allotted ape.
' i> exacUy what Stuart'. Heape'pai
The ball wu beiutifnlly decorated
<•“Me diputiee
>1- «pp. t
. hey will dlpcat t
-ibar Me atomach i. in wot
r <e not. thereby nonritbli
other., wboar hair, weir w hite and|i. utnn-'. i-nre for any irraknrm
will MWO be foaeted In Mr three aeore | peraon. run down in Arab and' apneUto
aad ten yum The entire Mere table* ! J*'"' MbleU build np Me atoih^and
were Ailed wiM Me middle aped. Wto.
whkb Me Mk
wita'ma a more plouiup aiphtr*' kbimach eanoot di. they ineruae the
rewrni*“w of puU-lcJoice and
Horlburt 1
- ...y mod moor watery
feemed u t^ouph tbe
dli-tion of Heaven mated no Mem.
Stuart'. Dyapepala Tableta can I
tablca were Ailed a aemiad aad in part I found
at all drop .torea at SOrta. p
Mird time. Goite in eanuain aod j-tacl
New Era.
of. Assigmnent Sale of W. J.
Bell’s entire foshionable stodk
of Dry Goods.
I Golden Oprlunitles
are swiftly passing away. Oyer
96,000 worth of this meritor
ious stock already Bold. Prud
ent people knowing tiwit such
chances occur biit once in a life
time, and too good to last long,
are'makingthe most of this very
extraordinary—the cheapest^
sale of high standard dry goods
ever known in this county.
Sweeping Sacrillce
pfHNtf ■km'V Mi tipFt, okT imp
rcedminpto the mill, prwlty
MtaFbaok Ic«mhamtoMn>dlBpa
fawdayawlMaa Sbe to the pneat of
Mra Sdwarda. .
; Too OBBBot affitrd to pma# th*.
m Tmi •tfwt. epfodti MBtefa
' aboee aero thto moraiap.
f Honor." hut II
‘ One trial will proreonr aUtcmeet. . I*ricr only M>c lor
for larp* bottle.
At J. G. JofanauB'* and S. E.
•• iValta
ronb'. den,M byMmninp.and a o
for JuUce'name. Friend, and re
tieu were Mere end eacltomen Am
blph tbatMeuerctou were broopbt
foi.r. •' i*.;tv,w, v/ .
a Mr Hill «de e
aneirerury. ile » waitinp
, s.-rere Kld^ Uwubie 1
itinp amt rudj. Ihirinp f..r many ,yut.. a itb' iwTeee pain, in I
ire all Joined bi. Wk aid al~< Ihalhk blaitarwu!
Ihia ud yet precl.iu
br uid he " afft'S*'*- He tried many u called itWIn alnpinp-'luUw.s
oy ana #y. ,
without any pood manlL '
and remarka w
y Mr*. Steele.
.p.. hr j^mu, Meueof
Be*, llnrlbnrt and >1
eeccr. tnbem Kli.-trie Biiten and Aimoil relief at
wonld have apoken. and we bad expec uavv
EleclrU- IllUet. K eMkclally
j thank, to the taapue fsw the picaaui
» ami arn.iar loUeUtuemr*
U-breb-etM. IU
' patberinp arranped by Mem. wbU-b
a J login M ito Huiaemr Court tm ito pbde
, - Wu rmpondmi to wlM bur
FeMay•«, Ibrnrdk-Uon
Mm Jm Vokp retarnrd Mto after*
poodly patberinp wuuon hrukea
noon from Timeeeu City, wfartv ahe
ViaM Traiww-CMDir
wa. miled two werka apo to attend her and Men we wondered If friend, ha* I Thu. it U in life, >jy and md
payety and moominp aaceued
mother. Mra A. A. timlM. in- bVraeri- isp piern np all thunpbt of peuinp
ou Illoroa
Illoroa. We arr aorry to learn from
lid atili.ta kept away.
Joy all we can in life and yet heed Mr
Mm SmiM to no better.
Ely soon M donbla were
e re.wlVlr»t.
m aficr team srrired
d brinplLp old admonition, "lie ye alao ready.
younp'. Goe lady uId
Id her Buband
Mm. John Howrll’a Inat Wedauday umc in *l nine .Ccloek uyinp "I mstcwetiqon. where Mey enjoyed a pond
nelphbon am dippiap out road.,
tffaaer and a few hoan
and if ynaMinkyouconkl pel rra<ty
u are'll try and pn. Swift prepand Btomaoh V
foor e'clork.
■u tspan for Imbinp that had nut
Sturfh Dyaprpwa Tableta._______
done ycatorday, beuauu Mere
Tbe third lorlore of the onnraa pu
dud In theworhahopof bto fatbeedalaw.-a U While, lut Friday attofnoMi. while all tbe taHlIy were from
bitae raerpt blmwelf aad wife,
bimulf aeeidenially wu the eerdici <d
Mr. aad Mm W. Uoldre aad Georpe MeconmeCt Jury- The deceaaed _
married lut Komnber to asm White,
Haul went loEIbB^Mtooe
aad May loet (hdr way i. tbe wild yaaeceat danphter of o. L. White.
- wait back 10 Blk Ba|d<to Tbe fonacnl sereicu were held in Me
apalB and then Inuk a
H. B. eharch lut Konday. condneied
day rehtaed borne after a.prrtiip from by tbe Bee. S. Ktrcle.
eald aad fripbt.
<Haad Comba. wife of taUe I
taoo Maacoad maap ak
Tbe Vi. C T. I'.met laat Tnewlay aflemoM iHM Jim ItompbMl a(
TbeiTtaebem' AmIsUod of Lretoaaweooety: will meHat S.ttoao Hav.
Marrb eM.
Mta Mianie Hllltoid. of .MinneMU.
Blfce'of MmH-. K Glll.toatlendlop
ubool at MU place.
The Imdta' He.rdt Society will
seat Friday afternoon wIM Mn. Kate
Wilaoo. of WilaoD CoUape.
Mr. SUbbim.' ahinple mill ia oeaHy
rrady for boainras aed the whirr of iu
mwawUI iiiMm liiUpht i?l oar ran
Mta lladie tame nrtomed fesun
Tmeetu nty Sunday, where Mr ha»
bee. for tbe past week rUlUap frlendrWllbur Gill and family and Mra. Kreerlh of (llll'a Pirr atteadrd tbr
folka’ rreepUo." In Mr town ball lul
dalleeeed by Bee. H. Abraham i.i Mr
I hall lut Wednudar eteoinp
Owiw to Me neeere storm Merc wu
tat n temper attrstanee. All who
were bo lortnule u to be peceent exj. K, BlmaDtoimproeadaDU-do
pccu a blph appruiattoa of Mr lectnritMatotao.laroot.d.
The mill owned by Mr. Brtotd will er u a apeaber and bU aUlity to dto<3ta"PablieOploino.be mined tbto weta to Old Htabm.
Mr. Brtoiol wBl moee bto tolU
Ita towrM leeturr of Me eoem
Cedar Bn after be to tbroapb here.
tofiemi by Ute Hoo K. R. Pattenpill.
B. 8. Walkm to petlisp up a Isepe of tanalnp.oor elatenperintemlrol of
quaUty of toe ia hie aew lee botaw.
Pabilc laitrueiSoa. Maicb TM. at Me
lya. MiltODWUIaby to quite alek:
balL Kooae cae afford to mta Me
■f berall wiBies> aita- rai* iqqiarMBlly to bmr Mb able
apmbar.forlttooorthat doiw aot
droi* tbe atape
to OB Irery-otlen. The ubjeet uWlod
day. Ueeayabetaeaniihrli I little to "Ita Prime Factor* of a Good
WU" :
Ocbool." .Admtalon,:% ce.U tor adnita
Mr. aad Mm Chariey Bam wee* down and » cwota isircbadren.
aod ^ent a eoa|ta of daya wiUr hit
Kimer tTbItoomb wa. fonnd abet
Tbr Ladlm Aid
ak Heaukey'e u apokee of last week,
bm at the Ber. Mr Priab'e
wu a etey picauat tlam
Mn. aritm ol H^tea. who ii
Mm Hkbael MeHarttay. who bu
taaa in pd* healM all wiatce. to ptao^
oat a little oa plipmnt daya
OeecpeltoriMr hu opeata a bay sad
bed afar* ta Mr Edwarfa balldlap aad
BmtltoWc^p.,................. ........
Pay mot* ta ynar pnaaarim Hma ytm
of Ladies’Ja^bts.
in this
lie department
at exactly H
ofL Complete cleari^
of Drees *
Is. Everything
in this de
ment to be dosed f outfre-1
gardlesB of cost Those who
come early will oaptore the'
cream of the good things.
New York crediton say ihst!
entire stock must be dosed, onti
in 30 ^ys.
PRATT & Davis,
Itm nto, ttrMtefBMd cm imte
«M.ri4likMtlMcMBlchl th^
■UlWMBrWtW. IWM7«0C*d
W Ma, WItalUka dcf»-taeM«
kSB owabMp. Ivfll eba* hf
a •thtrade.aadar<«b«>>^*''MB«l
I <1 Hto BahMtt. She b tcrr ktad to j
------------------ -. rr.„^,rtrir the taaar ila» <d banw newt that era <d to
Oar arrltlBC taaehar a. aaae b I
. Swato. Oar drarUc toeher-a I
nr-^ Se Ipokcd to Tba Detroit Bmoao Kian Maada M to ^
lebMtoBaar. Oar alarlar teach-'
is tcu
e^d abociU po head in bead arith yoar bcaa pan
a b Mba Mela Oaa. Tber
Dua Hw. Ban»-t mm m llttl* rirt
tmo a^m halt yMoU aad I w«
*wr «0«HM to ■«. Mr rnsdi
•ad paad— H*« la HaM. Hleh.. asd
th«WfRb.aDdto|ip<>laUd Iftojdo
TracnaOUr.lbe. It. ntt.
matmmm Mtolalto pa|xrf
Daaa Haa B*rt»—Ae I her* arrlctaa
I alU wflw a leuar
twice to the Yo
aaWiaMarh. I aa alaoat a. Mr ••
Otaataaad ahalalcreaad ahalf/Ma echool aad bareeH mbaed oee dap pet
I han Urht «r1r hair. ihb pmr. Mp ttacber'a aame la Mlaa
ha«« mf fmfm wriu to m*. 1
•MUldaraa'ahaM aj pala. ibaraa
,«M. Ma Maa ia Pbm; a pM dot
«kna pat ato ' I fo w. aehaai;
I «01
MaPT Tann.
a Maa. lurpa-l ha?a lataadad
IM a latter to tbr I!kum< for a
leap tlaa. bat aa 1 r<> to acbool tad I
•akaaaMclMaatooaadeoof —-eceyoar.
aaa i iiae
have to pnoUaa aac>7
<lar. aad
d no I haraaot tuoad
' tlaa to irrltli^.
■mar. I (bae. bora
al* to a torcto»bat
^bat I lam better
I dW aot tolI hardlrJ^ell
>t I aoald crrlta fom • letlpr.
Dua toiiM I nad la thd, tiM
Bdiui Otbto UoarlaaeWraad 1 like
rack. We haee R lohMar* la
«Ma Waal*
Fapa gmn Charlla
WaarafMarto hare a
wt* laaaaUptoacrfgfaaadte fdaat
a..to...ad.eareb<.r »«•«■
Salmmm la to cafaMaa. Wa fM
■oatlo^eahaad alar.
pa* atahmhaaaeeaaawa pot I
■ WadMlkatPaappMatehagdla *
Bbaa Mm. Baraa-Aa mp fan
wdM*w*aa affiw to to Bai-------1 *wg* I ^to*«4a totoaa.
Mtow'l toaaaU iffD toa
M Wayiaiiaa. toaertof aad to
teABBacToa-Aa^lto ram of to
bopt bare ba^ wriilap I thoopht I
lowriteafewliaaa. lam
• to toHaacraael ban aarar
Moi. Mp taaehar-a aaaae b
ArUfae apar. I Ilka blm rrrj maeb.
lUbahar rarr
I atadp raadlap. wrIUap. atoBlw. Uaaw*. Mpfawtab
toBwatoaad paapa aaii paoprephy. FbbBUtabara
1 Mba to read to U
u to thbfaa UbadWMaat. I drew moat
I atoto pea a at to atoipaia wllh mptootherb daea.
tmr <M*Mi aad a hawr Maw Wa haee tea bciraia. bat 1 doe't like to
..tarn I wmabaafartUaUmw
dfiee bomaa aa well aa oaea We had
TwlTPaato. .
fanp-oae *f. bat pa eold thlrtp-oea
at thma. Wa hadtodriee tom over
Mr. Ofewbkhbaboat foartoaa
■Bda MwlMW-latoalltila fM silaa. Tkbballleaatbtshoi. Iba■wfaMwTWtodM. I WMI toawaa
astot or to little bopm hare help
Ba tHMafaTtoa to toll m haw aa* to writs their tottan for thb b to
Ma va haw wi* to tohSa paa
tot I eaa do. eo I will eloae far tbb
m Wapattoataafabaff tobc
Itoa Wiuoa.
ffaafaaad top ta* aewta. Or
■aMNIw a« Mato Mtoh.. aat Irp
*ao«toa «B*afrtMMlaad 1 amaad
Mfaa Mf «*»w ——• ItoAiatB BBAABspala. Bebool bad todraeoa
|>atoala»aifayhatoiaadahadhw aaaaai cd to wbooplBp eosrh■ Itowto tore Hw IwQlwrtoa 1 ffo to tobaal I atadp
'TWea were Maeaa eeheli
The taaebarb mma was Mb. Ors
OMto. I IHced bar eery maeb.
old to Fourth of Islp; wra
aame m
1 wbk pou alia
JIrfto «*i
;«e PMl to 1
a hea
lutelp tbe brat remedp for all duraera
ottoTfanmt.Cbaalorl/OBpv Dealera
ithoritod topeareotee It to piee
tpetl)i>p. rooprapbp. laaraapeaad peamaaablp
Uur Icauber'e name te Mba
Amp Collbaoa. o! LOllbtoB. Hi*.
Ickr her quite well.
Now I will tall
iroo wbat I can do. I <«e ewee-p to
ffmir. waab tbe diafaea pel la the wood
aad do maeb rmirr
E>ir pru I bare a
pet cal and a pel cnit; to kit
bame b Toap aad. U.e o.lt'a aa
I would u.it write lor a price
becaimel raabot w rite'a pood ruuuph
letter. 1 am <writiup at praadiaa'c be
d^p. I haee Itwo llWe Mctem amallrr
thao mpMif.
Era b T pedn old aad
Bale b » reara old. Era's Wrtbetop b
Heat. 8th aad Elale'a he||L nth. aad
miac b the :tth of Noe. I am V pimra
For a prrarot 1 bare pot aa aatoffcmpb albam. Mppraadpa lake, to
BntALnawd I delipbi lo readlap to
little lettcea. Urandma had a alee Up
pullow imt aad it i«cae wa ead ible: it
tell la to well aad waadroweed. I
do woader whp Nmul doat write aap
offer la tbe Hxaerj) I tboupfal I
try aad era wbat lack I wool
For pau I haeeacbtwhcwe i
Tommp. Our aelpbbor baa
qalet little Uaok dop whoae i
Wfabkera. alibouph be has aot mop.
Mp friaad. Ablpall lUrl^. b
Dr KermoU'e Maadrakt Ibi:abet eou h.ra btea lo*inc for if ..
went ^'.HiiOK tol will tooc up
•.sHmj. Xlveyouenap|leturaOIll■Al'
tDr dipeatier or^aaa Tbep are
Cish Paid In Rides aad Puts
tiolrr.. icoiertl
.ORESSE') t-r -
Atlas Soap.
y vl:
simp, UK!
II jj.
— kU, :lfe5r
~~5%f 'r’.;s4S :
Spring Gurry Comb
iCIoekSprinB Blade. Boftma Bruch. Fib rreiy Carve. The
[Only Pcifrcn Ci
.omb. t'Kd by L’. a Amy aad lr\'Baruam aad
•-orc'peufti Circuata.
cum. and Lcadhig Hanemea clf the M'orid.
l our' Healer for IL Scmple^mailel pem raid^r'i,
i arito«MfCMS«.ir——
dap. bat to moat I .i»^xa EtUrim—I Ihoapht 1 would
it baa thiatod thb toll b i.wu la oee | write to to liaaAi.ia I am polap
id Bol pntodap. I
dap. It b a
■ill Ml
i ii
Aod mAlu aU atylM of CoUbiB and Hriiim
.leltwe_ ,
BiaaaDdilappp Kew Year.
-Yam pdar trirad.
I Ape 13.
'Ktmx Raxdau.
Tbe laacbiDe
t«Mk 1 a«<M« far thto itoa.
L-H 'G£T our prices.
■akm two mmt to eew rarim
aeu to rarrp them awap,
a aa* wapoo ripbt with the
Caul A. Be ttux.
Iw i
OCTDOIT. Mieit. *
H£;Horse.Biankets. Plush and Fur Robes. silfiiiil'li
Chbaba tor eipbt moato.
•W«B*eBwaw feWtoa.1 thea
wmMwUm. 1 4e aat fo to aa.
IWfM I kawaaaw wtoaM wMto
Mar aaM a UMa Idf prbM amw to
Jte. IBaeatwatoaMawaadwato
. Mr.
are Maafc. Oman aail
OiaMlb -1 batoaa* wheat aama to
»VW. «f **to to wrilfw *w tot
I pc.M «aa a aeoTM ai
1 toto^.
DsaS Ebtroa-I pu to Xm'TU
d la to a
reader aad atodT *
dred Hera were lot. I ecmld tel
aad tocrersl eth«r
erer au moch more aboet it. I
to Mra.
Mp taaehmb
would make mp letter too loup.
KmeBiefa; abe b
baaacaU takpl"””
ai**MaaaUhBhahaffpp. I tUBh
totWbP to iaacMtoaah. aa I wUl
jbw ha.toWaf top aaM aad wa
The Evenlos New*.
ace: I like ber^ well. Now 1
like to tell poeVoot dp peU; 1
had fear cate, two old aod two litUa
bet I oalp hare ooe now: mp
prcal blp labbp which waa the rraatact
r oe« died.
I ebe-Mp. Dr. Ureeae. ol
two little
lo I ... ------- Sk. \ea York Citp. wt
tbiek tbep had the pHp.
apecUlbt u e
to loae them. I hare a few rhlck- laad ehroele '• - aea. mab____________
thep are an tame thep mo alto
alto,1offer: He pl< . puc to prlrllepe u(
c ol
>f ebaepr,
chaepe, Ihruopb:
Ike liUlr lamia, bet thep woo'll
leUer curtrapoodlap anp eppa. 1 bare pot two pipcoBa:
eoda- Write him J'nat bow pou feci aad '
ibep are white aad rerp pirttp. I bare what cyrnpioma IrouMr pou. Ucwllli
a caaarp bird: be bae bent ehaddiap hU
■ thoroupblp, IcUlap jual what
featbrn eud doe't alap aap
TOO mod bow to pet atroap aad
mice hfci awert auapi rrrp maeb. Vow
flul alteatloe to
Hepirra toamat
I tell p<pu I eae'l'bardlp wait nii.til rrerp letter, bad i
« ba e
epriapooawtopaUierartiataa I lore tioaa ao clear tot pou oadenl
I belIrTo mp letter b actlp what pour oumpla
•treadp uw leap, eu 1 meat
me. aad bare eo d..
thb time. Yobra tnilp.
to pu)'. The Ductor mAkraa .apr- ,
Ekba tkai
lip uf traaliap petIcoU Ibronpb let
' icc.aad ia bariup woo-,
Bcb todboorareruf!
Hcea Maa. UXYm anii Hew«»n T<
Dr. tireeoe-a
remedy. If
. ...bi«<d ead
Poum-1 taw pour hied «dto la to
at oa
I will douUHahALi. aad thoopht 1 woald write.
Iraa be eared.
Hot wbea I came and tot dowa to write
Uee Itt;
1 ruold not think of moeb aaUI 1
l Aiarrh staiu leira
Ito tbiak mp papawmeaM
Daaa Maa BaTaa-Hp papa lakea
haBRULhaad lawpoer CbrbUnae
peer la it ae I thoa^t I would write.
wosld write aboat tov He eaWe lire ia to ooBBtrp aad bare two
-Mr papa taha. tha aalUa to po to achool. Tbb b to flrat Ibtod Id the aprtnp of IMl la to Brat
tot baa baaa warm acooph to MIchipaa to three SMato. It wat tbr
aa to po aep. I bare oae abto: abr b
D Into MrpiDla lie w
of Aleaaadrta. to —time —-tot
to luo Mwv.ae
w.M .Ml
taaia. Walfaaaaatoia I woald lotaaffaa
lo , u>r takiap
mar we rather ffowme aad berrie.. C^ Kllaworih wa. Ullad. atoo at
Mftartoaaaatoathaala tba oMp.
iairfaa. arDtrerlll.aad
WaUha «aplar*
KlaUetlce abow that tbuuaaDdx of in•pifaatoebTcwt'Bttobmni^BM
hb feat, and ebUdrea pearip die o/ ou-ai.
blaek. Ijevetd
Elmer a* a i (bnT laoDtfaa expired aad be ealbtad heaDoua eroap, Wr do sot eaapprrate
wbea weaUtetoteeerp.iDeuf thrae
far HarcpAUaa'aUwlr toother.
torala and aererd dariap to wl
iaDocenta could hare been aaenl bad
war. lie waa takes prbooer at
Mr tottor b peulhp top. w
Fblep'a Hooep aad Tar been pleeo thru '
«htur Ul Atbroa la to tall of Ito* aad IB tliae. Cas pou afford to be witbuul
etoto^ OaM.]>ik
it la pour bouacboldr s. E. Wait. I
waa a priaoBn- Pt AadatanDrille
aeocaatoeaMeaal^aaefaa Dior
place to elide OD two hiUa. iioplap
tbb wlU Mt dad lb wap to to waato
will daaa. tolUap mp ape.
which b atoea pcaia. aad with mp
wlahca to poa and aU to wHun
of the BKBahD 1 will aap
DEAF*?^:™ ”"'
•^lW- aa...b:''i1ip.-5
E’±-iii-b Ta?oee
ib-anniyf—-r I
- ^—°T»“-
ttatatuu latowrWtwtktoaa mp
BHime. Oae. IL UN.
Dua Maa BAtaw-Aa I raw yoer
iM.toB. Ihaaep-UMbMptotortol fctod effar ta to BPBAUt I thoa^ I
ifafll aat haapaaraUtlUaaBtrhtoth woald tip aad write you a few Itaaa.
1 fotomtooiaecepdapaad bare aot
baaa tatffp pat Wa hare
#to aat f Miami wUlaopy it off
•farys to hi^ to AWa aad to
aiad yiagu to AatluBa Safferera
Falep#HocMT aad Tar piece quic
asd peailiee rcllel to all <mara.
8. R WalL
Bha Would be a Baenip U
bar face waaa'telrecreid wlUi pimplra
aad blotcbra. How eftea we brar thb
I •SivBOUCC.ssaua.
»ra m
SsriSSiisSs^iSS '
waving purchased the stock of O. E. Bou^hey A Oo..
I will conttnus to carry tbe lar^st stock of
Cheap Homes
Farming Lands
RoWruid C'emplawd Ihrou* CawUr
baffaaffu M. fftporitomt an.
Tired, Weak, Nervom
ConM Not Sleep.
toba*^ofoarapd>«- Weialmd
a pate hmu Bor. I«th. It la altap feat
Mffh amt tofawbdahp toa fato.
Wa MB fataff Wharfsatoa* Chrfat«M tarn aW ^mk Cbrirtmai piaem
JIM tejh^Thto to far fa*
UfM MMtal3fw*«. to IbP-
Dr. Miles’ Nentae
AA MM. MAna-1 tofit t waaU
«Mb tototoaauM I haaa aaam
writom toffaraX Ipotoatod. t am
Star Groc^
The Place
toother who b e eear> nU aada
end • abtor
biepaaiaold: aheblatolUfffa
H, Mp little Uothar has beea to
tarawra. You caa do better with leaa
Bwaey ararrr home.
Uade rb-b. dry aad fftoDp roDtaf.
Timbered malaly crith Supar Maple.
Bock Elm. Itomwood. Aah. Bauch.
Bemkoek. etc., and are waU water
Htroap aotla. fiaa aropa. hastthp «
nr I'JzLE ciT'
latofafa MfafaO wad waa toarp pea
wwatobwwhwaMMatopaa. 1
iBWaaa toator to pearaoU ..da
X as
p laTMSKsr.
toPirraa AKuea.
praidmi totbtopuaraold. ThbfaU
wubtouttotopfftBBdpa'aa* atapad
week, at Kiapalep, Urn of my pesadmalleea wllb.w. I lUah a prrUp
aaw far Harep Alim a brotor eroeld
be Oapletd. Cat aap of to pcaap
falka toll aw to aame of oldeat dtp la
to world?
Odau Uxtex.
.IICLAS enal liyMi t bdliii'I. R.
them a iha!?^ tsc
tMd bp 8. t WAIT. rirnppbL
I hope I will pal
Btoa aa to wee I hop.
faraBtoWItorMahalhafD Ip<
It Cans."
.Br tarn is:-"Ti siU ib nq tasi pids it be lowest yossiUe yrins."
1 wUlasUTOu a Waeron, Oarria^, Buggy, Plow. Harrow, DrUIr
Seadw. Onlttvator, F^pd Cutter. Wind-mil], Binder. Mower, Bake
or mnjthing s^ in 4y line, for leea moneythan any one else.
■ Cali and see the goods or write for desc^ptiwe catalogne.
Oonicr state aad Cam Streata
M Grocerin
- ;-'j
ftir ^'Blfies,
(— bBBtoyPBy hNiDr toU. Itopa
todhb*'thtovatW aHehtoPt aaa«blaBafahetoorai
«»y. «htr« It ia yaPtiMa. la to. hara
tba thiPCato ha*
t«Wb driad. thpp BBBdpd. Pttor «hM
IhvPMyhaalprahpd. K ■■ tiiany.PBd'
ItoBad. iy>PMd.|—P fdaaaofUp-j
aa ppdar tha hela
dan pp aarabUy
MMa.Bdv eaallawfleatPBda,
abaa Ihay pra dpaaad ap pad kept
Uaa of oar airiot alabero. ahap
jpahod bar boa aha foopd Uow for
tha aalndfa adyaa tofathar pak^baa .
BOt to
to aarapr^
ppyapy .nt-'poaiaa to tha noIUtodeof bar booaakaoptoy caroa, nid. “I foam ay book
a^ orar ay floor barrol. pod •rbop i
cap I rtao a taraa. pad thaa lha work
yptto eiBthBBtod pad thnelraatwo,^
^t«da wbtla I tbink arrr It pad roatltohto# la tha
mtt It to OMBtury "
daiBtoapad aaUabctary »ay aCaa.a.j-:
ppd to leto thpa a aaak li
Hhr »w oar uf tl.r Dual toil-butdaa.
M«1 yUla*—ato^
aod yrt
plwayi ha tonfoUy
tonfally da^.
daraad. oa-^
. „ eaihpa^'aaya xbaK 'the
u.e rlaryor
rtomr a.ral'
M alwpya
bra' h-'*aa'^ lliU
l^to>ta«»i^ U«»« ^aa^
Ihraorld Ip brorta tbat bara
flppwhltoflDoda. tofppu-clothhp. oto.
stotha flaoaitaapflaaa.
liaroettoe ‘
'W.PDd ecaraairlll aotdha ^
berdlatiaa olaaa aad
of Od4» r^ Eadt
oary abort Uaa.
to orary i
tar keltle. opo to adTbrrr ara faw thiuya that ara
>p ptoaaoflho atPtorUl aa-'.apptaya aaa thto otbprwiaa trpata ap--------------- ■—todara. ; tartol. pad aot bpra dirty rtoeyar ollb- eayleclrd. or that eaiita atora aoaoyao<«. thaa tba blu pad arnipa of
oaadthaordtoary rlndeyofUio
. tbat B-'.-upiolalr about a buuac.
ofdylora. onrhpad tba edyaa
I arilat to tba Natr Yurk badyrr.
toflatbarto Thryfloa.eloaaalitobaa. it
aata wall | Tbtaa that atr raluabla ara oftoa
ry. to bet
rtoaabito : pUowod to r» b> waata tbruayb
baranao af
dropar ylora-Baadtoy. — —---------....bBo«B. to i
tba bralda of dl«araot eoloaod allka to : aprtola. or aaall-poo. A bllara to dia-1 Itaaaeaa. or rlar pra panailtod to beWhas aheab btcb to "KO," to lha
tonayhtha-ator.tolui -onehtoto
Mi-OMM ■«■ M»aaw» nB *W. W
' BiWM ll»t
msjMrM • **-wk > •
bafoaad oo ihr aatloowoBOlafa of all > rrimlaala batwaao tba two aay aub-1 auma uooaal-Ku of aooala.
toa patlrDltutba eDOtpodnatlay | of yBttarriay atotb. or
air wUb ajuntoapbora otaatopll-po* hotpitpl. or, j tbr llllanay op.if H.r r..«u. to arMch
•oyar-abapadplaeatbatynatiyalapll- on the otbar baod. eBdaoyarUia baallh 1 tb.-y ara aU.rrd
Thr U»i plad
•aatboarark. If tbaytoaalaar-am-a ip»d llao. of mpoy of hJiaafcbbpra It | prorldr tarya t»y> for all plrraaaad
lha oralorcf tha baod. laba a ptooa.'to to fact, aolaly for tha porp«»e of da-, r»i>ho.; ooiu*. alik .od m«lapph.«.ld
fro. Ibp anwrpart H poadbla. plaeoiddlpy tbU la^kwUoi potol that U,.( l. kept M-pprpto
to tbaaouleo bpy.
a pa.-katft- -.f cpinpli-.r
>abole.P3d buttoobola IllD Phyatoippto papplly callod toaor <
plptw with apry floa awail aUtobaa. A i of nrlealla.
, Pipe or tea. tbould altraya
*» aom»i
Wbaa tba flora bayiaa to pox-paa rnlr, oa^od aoo»Ufl«a-two
pall toaoawtpl plaoaa. tad ahow iba aaoh epidaial. ooeoraaeh yoar-lbal U
wUto of lb» Idd. theo tba Wd Itaalf 1. l» tore fbr poy oaa to meb adalt Ufa
MBdloy laa'''^^^^^ baaloy coalrartad -IL Thuaa
ttPHdnrrl na-(«bo aaaar bad Boat aajoy au. .
alaca It la prbbpbla that
TbflM*r« toUapriaff coodfl Th«y wUlhUbA oMd^ warn
»*. Do yon know vhm to bay tfa«m ud tm7 thm
xicbtf OoBWtoBdtoMOfltoBdwowlUMUyoa.
AMWI4 tte Editor** Table.
W. Ite.ta
enAirkMirtMBaM iahM« •<>
If wa ara
* * ^onK erTTtn Muott
Closing Out Sale Fur Overcoats.
Ooz33.e asicL see B,txnxt At.
TMATnaB CRT. nox
A few Goats at $6.00 worth
A few Coats at $8.60 worth -
< $l$jOO
. AlBoafowotbonof diffanat klnSa Mow OBSt. VM
bwtopportoalty srar offarsd to g«t a Far Ooat lilr
Uula moBfly.
White Lead
Oor. Front aad Obb* StB.
^ to tr>' a can |of
First Pruee-^tad
Condensed Milk J
New Y9rk Tea Co,
SUMxnr* OU «aa<L wn daar to V«w Opeep Bpbm.
The beat food for Babica.
■ oa will DC
lelightcd with
■ ■t•Ol'ALtTY
hasnstokeoaf lor,,
dmto of Uuc a
sihl. r
at boas bas bapa.oar wkick has beaal>i><»
^oa with
dlaeaisad at ooaa leayth to tbraal^*"!'
payta. th>t,parbaiip tbr axpcrtoaoe ylr-'^
aa belmatayyiresoBe aew saj
Uoos tu tba reader.
the old ways of lashtof tbto pi
PlPPMae a ffD^ tOM paoyt* knit Ip wbieb to flt fur ape oaabc ttbto. to
.iMT^ »MaippM.y
aid of aolaisas. cr auyar aad yaa
pnAiaWy wall haowa to all, also tba tbcB. na ba clalB bto lady-lore.
Ue tbto. yoov woBoa. aad you •
way of Boktoy It with tba
pas «f aeUaboBytator tba drucytot: brtoy OB i
that «ply yoa eaa efleet.
Ito It.
«Pi«lkBPlfeMpnBe tDPCha
tapt po aaurely.|»asaaew way
and yOB wtH Bake for yooraalf a trae
dipB to hart toPJto Uttip bat.
tba other day ttwaato
AusboBl a.1 a yaed boPM, aad will
ft—Ithaatopll hayJaahptoPto*
lay It to the battoB of a key or erosk. bara taraad a aoal Cbriatward.—ftotdra
\ amm------------------ —---------j------i
Wilhelm. BarUk A Co. i
1 BipsBzLL afl«i*
Brosch’s Meat Market
yxos.t Stareon, fTr-a-vnox-ne OA-tsr
..... ....................
■ jUoodU^ipaB...........................IB to
Choicest. Meats, Pouljry and Game.
yowl lA. SecHBcm..
Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.
TVLrPBOKl (Mabkkt 4.>
1-. A. EARL
tbe Serpent’s
Plumbing, Steam Heating. Furnaces
Aad all btoda of Tla aad *baM Ina Vatto
Beoaaworfc a Seteaoa.
ni—. M—I..,,.!-—kkjtowigw
|aald toBB. "IrrUlocrarpatter aloayl
totbewaytbepraracABsrieaahoaaa- ,
haapar doB. I will ftopp. .y bane . Cmg {||1|
Here I Am Again!
Pumps, Iron Pipes and Fittings of all Kinds from ^ to 4 in.
TApnNO Of Mama both wood aho moMs
iaara bc.U
nad aad baapatapw
PtopB Oippiatotod Sayar » tbafur tto jCtoeea. p* poaad.
io« novT fracn.
._____ .___________ ik_ki.
■■ih ltoMp.PBMappPaD^of.pupQi% BWtp Wr>. ■pM^ h ■! BPPtly.
IflP toDMIhp kBPP.PU0B UpUuIp
lBi*r. HoBwilkMnMPUkMnfpay
taUMMatbp •BPehtpptMP. asU^
lapbllMpi pptypiBPP l^thpT. WbM
•plnPOwara PDlbBltbal^ oftb*
.'Ifttea^pMatototBtoip pptoiy.
Tbe Greatest Ghence to get Clotbiog Cheap
prrman. 'it l>areiurre|iaint
sequel lo
itm auyoaUaoa
potoat j the dberd.-r -Voath's C
----------------------cmtd cm betor ta oaajuyal bapplBtam tbae
fUCona BOa Mat. Otrtol
Tiw ia b^pa. to bet if we wairt to apnU
«e% i« wtM n.e* food wl«« tbe way to do It ia to aeuld tilrip yoa oftoa slay. ••Tha lip. that
s' fiw orary lltite trtfla. Aaotbrr tpaA llqbdr aball aarar touch nlor ^
ftp tW«l
thM ••■h* MMt
srpy to aiBdl the. to to aeylaet tiay you tniiy ba pMe to put tbr soay
tba., or iyaora tba. aad iwllttle tbem. lato praetloa. May you also bars tba
eplry out tba spyBat rap BBPt reoDaBbar tbat wblla,
|hr«BlfM«rtt. TU.iriimy i»- weara^kdllay the. we are toorhtoy.l toy. "Tba llpa that tbac-h tobaoeo aUll
b Blae. the llpa that u
looarariflib pad lord-li
jimpura pad probaa tboayhu shall
iB.ylBy’tbto t a. aot bltHay at asVer toaeb aUae. tba baads that
««l^ MMrMPirto dM
by bad habits shall aar.- clasp
aift. Mia»Mi <rf«s«M.’
the'feet tbat tmd to torbiddea
•bp. ■—Pllf io tkp
• B
tnlM et ikt yeaaral way f waat to brlay
paths Bsd reaadar with bod coapaay
bar bsBrto' aa all that we
oar Blade toward aad aae ]oat.wbera aball acrar walk with Bloc, the maa
Ilybtly of Bother iw eaearrrastaaiL
ibill BBiirttP MppBd MdItenpSy
toyir of God's bouse aad of his people '
--- BlPbba la tbto Ispartaat laattor.
I oftaa Ibtoh.U it were aot for tba shall Bcetr be rnlae." Ito Ibis, pad you
; 't« mrnd ar Pith PMl v>l
will aot bare to "repeat to leisure " be'
a*#BM« ttokaippt plflpt t^Mhv watchful aad etritUlBy ora
CPtoS of aa m-coaaidered Burrlsya.
&Z«mp. «pM«r
BI.....P arir. of oaia bara orer os. a
Ba flrB. Hake tba yoaay .aa te-^
M AMbIb* • •-k Mb Whp. reoald lapse tolop stale of
farm aow. If ba will aot saeod his I
: %fcbpli mtirn^ ppwfpd Bert yo»r karto. V total darhaleia. too. aad tbe blaaaad moibara. al irsya-oow to wto yob. he will out after i
«*4d PMBhUy tP PBd DM ..M.
DoBst ert tbe same refialay. aaMlIorattoy to- babaarroDyug. Hat a t^fa rpler upon
yMfealf. Makeyouraell s prtoa. aad.. M*«V»^**Mi«Baa*lukptatiM.
’e hreatba There- if tha ynony map lorea you. ba will do
.eeakppM PaPMMBUaC »pll whM
OwappBk p—UMpd. or ir yoD pr. fura. tot aa rrilboal daUy. pad with aaytbley to wto tbe |wiae
Ip tbe days of rbirelry the tody ymvr
tPPPhp PBPW tknad.
Bb>» IteaMdl >MaRs. raeall oar duty torr loeeraailkeDscarf. aad bade hi.
tbBWkppPMDtt BP ycBPtMp. pBd ea rearda tbtaa yaaUa
yo lortbaad wto bar by deads of ralor~
«P*M^ WPak P hBol Ip year tfciMd. bltbtal Ba.baea at
The kalyht weat forth to battle la tbe
MNa ta phUdNP^i
Bbiae of bis tody-lore, aad to ber eaiae
te^fBlBP «rqrihpt
did raltoatdaedsaod for ber was ready
wlU allow.jtodla tilrU. taahe tbtoaaodcra aye
;o!ehirplry Glra the saaaar for yuur
iB^bBdDPtDMtkpbMtianp. Dpd«-
idpbtr dtcTtotf akiU. er wbatorar to dealrad to ape to ield
rto^ar.aad ibua to flU ap.wUh
rato water, aad set to
paraua who told laeof this
1^ Mo told BS of aaolbar. whtob
to BP. bat MJ
ba toBlUar to oUara It was to poor
aatM.aad wbaB
-yim —hiHB haplaSbaM- •bay Itodsaabad tor SOBS Ub^ UU all
tba }atoa wto aiuaulad. to pear tbto
1 will sell ever>'thing in this
his line at ^s
than manufacturer's
s prices. !
8M Pnmt flUaat.
tf »i*pwtie4k* •
SUt* St. near Union.
r UrC
kru.vuj M. u.c
Ulade'inwards Ua. U qvlle diffenst | dlarpM may barealeadeary to ealaryr
it was to
It of tbr lympbatle ylpads of tha
wbaa leva sraa yoaay.
sd UiMaalTM by years of
tie all oar baey ar. palatad
•aepMra. It Is well, tben- traatod with appropriat toalca. ’*
fora. for os b> docasioeally Ukr our
la Ibis rayard. to raftoet oa dU^
“ pnoder 00 (ran. ,
tba.Mob. wa a r BipkiBC
mrt oar wir. orer ayala.
We will flad that they will like U
uk, ki k».. ....k.. ..ppi,':
Jan ap «aKaa arrr tber did.
brsBt and to antar easea lyruoloal b>-1 dortoy tbe tiotr lo arbicb then is fenr,
wards oar dar<itr<l partoarm. pad bit
la ' tar
t atfooldretoplp to lied
I sad I Aaaiotoeat writer OP thraab>«et ra-;
re due the.. Onr pl> |«
A. H. PERBY, Mflugrr.
I vh.wl.I ba aalf-rri-
wptebbl ofioblld sbooTrSTaimtod to stay to Uia,^triCtIv
l»m ,o™
To make room for onr spring fltock.
7 adalt bad oiPDy ti
A Mao'a Slda
Woptpa Qoankm. p^ad to Ita c
often ftrsts molt to |irqMrr a
lo ney wpya a wib la a
to tba city of Ulpale aa a
house l»r (rjk.inting that hia been
IttoPMD. Bat tba troobU
luiiiU'd'm tlii-fir-i p!.i.e«dli ch«-a;>
flad oat Wbarela wa rtyntorly pfiar tba opaaiap of tbr ioK-,td)-mixad pji(;to. than 'it uuuld
a tab# P wife's alaly- (pat pobuoU.
trattoai. aapadally after wa bara baaa
b'otwitbstpadlay tbr fraqarocy «f IO ha\c painted it taice dilh atriclmsrriad a few years, m* a nuttar of freqorory of ablcbca-poz. pad Uu< o»ueoarto. Jo. aa we takr tbe saal'iyhl Ipi mUdataa of lucootaa. It sboold not
the daws pad imlaa aad tba
wa bedlsialtoed aaet wlnpoataoua. Tba ^^
Tto rnui Uh oI FisliH Tfidli n tan Enr Stan.
pAINT cracks.—It
^ UMam.
Builder's Hardware.
Building Paper. Refrigerators,
“Reliable” Gasoline StoTes,
Garden Tools. Iron ud Nails,
Hose and Sprinklers.
Btovei^snd Tinware.
Sale iFeed Stable
atmte Stuooti.
Spedaltj of caring for Farmer’s t
feature u tbe Sale Department, which win at sli tiM
be kept fnUy sapplied witb fin« driren and geaenl parpose boraes.
yet hlowpy pad nd. Tba yraat Mable
BOtimrUealar aaouyh ,
aadibqydo out do
General Blacksmithing.
.-Io. 01, F-r-int Strert.
Fr«sh, Salt and Smoked Meals, Pwdfl%
: ]$
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.