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Grand Traverse Herald, November 28, 1895
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TRATzasE dcrr. oraio) tra.yvrbe oowtr. kickioan. novekber ss.
Grand Traverse Herald
City Drag Store.|
"W- B’. TT A T?iStTT ^
V111«A« Prapar^ Tor I
Bo *ron
orted te a prs»«teM «n« Kw*
^TOCmSItTEBMIi apeW. Conte. iMd oU artteUm «»aU|r
HoowloS rum
Aooo. all Piro
f"-,',.:z - r
Real Estate
i„. i.r„;i-,?;rr.'.mric;
-I don't Mwwbtbihb dotaa'i
i t jail j HafaBtr on wiiba blank faca Tha » bat o'lba ■roatdTwiir'bf^r^brate^
'.aid IKWB. after Jmnrr. going
for lba|
Iba 1 lurkay
lurkat laDldoaTiibara."
_ for
baaoaoaaced If liroa n bnad'a gi«id aaoagh to—
idflb limr tolouli at thr rranbarry.
inbairy. .
j puaiuaalr
-Oaa of the girf. mu>t akv. than il't jaai a. good to ba.~
■aa ~>^r jbaea brsiugbi It up.'
-»tall,.liaa Iba padding Bkely i
Epfiitfe E^leliAn^c .
Fire Insurance
mKHtVT. CAWrut
Cold Storage.
Vaai OoU Butraga biilldfag e<
Id UniOB I
TR.A.-VBR*iB cinr, ,
Iiandtaawna Appla iBd PBWUOrowan:
Do iot aacnfiea pouiHlrat quaUty applaa and potatoaa at praaaet phcaa.
ir they Id« Urgaly made br oommiaaioB Ban and dmtten who wiah to l*y
1 supptlM at low taua. After winter aata lopricea wjll very likely edvenie'
> doable pranent flguraa.
1 wUl atora Petetoea and daliaer them on baud eaia, any Uma b
lay let, for 0 centa per^msbal. Wbeo teraaia do all the hasdliog. in
uL I will store potatoes for 3 centa par buthal. 1 will atora applaa fo
snu per bbl. brat Booth aod five centa each soc«aiding Bonth.
will atora and eeU produce for one half the adaanoe Is the mkrket price.
_____ __ InatasUy whan
Pare Dnies aid Pateat Medicine
a D- a. SaaMk
Jiii-IT fs.-u?.' ■ii.rr/r.rr
BMIallMr yoai tHawdahlp sad falmuAgt
to nhrinkiDg aa well an
d. a MOBOAH.
iTe ooee handling.
-BB—ofc.. Bam. ■ ano n~>
The People
are just beginning to ap
date good sweet l)air>- Ustter at aoc. a lb. at the
Butter Rooms
Carpet Cleaning,
and good fresh meats chlap.
the lowest prices in town.
I offer fur sale at a baigain i
V. a OKATIM, Vrapetet
f timn«<»owrnBf wg»B. ■» w
ap. WlkW
sonsntt m cmwramL
<Mba M Ba« M«hU awaaM.
Tbavum Cmr
• • • MIOW'
ChoicePancy l)air\’
Fair to good.
Common to)fair......i6io
fair.........i6 to 17c
i;c | SpOIl^BS
Fair Prices,
Cheap Homes
Pioneer Liverv,
SOFT AND SMOOTH.....................:... :
................... ALL SHAPES AM) SIZES, j
.^nd see the Magnificient Line'of
Woolens now on my counters, such
a line as will gladen the heart of
the man who needs a new Suit and'
has a laudable desire to get one.
In addition to this large assortment
to select from, I will give you the
finest workmanship, a perfect fit
and a price that will make you
buy. TR« ME.
rw teaema auwHaan Taua.
uamuim PQiiu HiBL
D hetto wUh
tommcB ate u—r uaa b
ptew.w tmay. to wfu to e<
t toOk. fine OWpk. htothy dl- ery
I make e
......... .......... dewended to tke lel
a Isidy to iavestigate
I hetorkej a noble apeeiasea c
H'Bi- aafiaimed
‘ lid. was - ■
pudding bus
baalanait to lAa pantry'.
llepar artel ne-erer lOsw iwtulti.- . ialethntltespnrsrs
, a wbulr (stuod of rraam
ns I anaie sang, under her beenth.
, dinner.
• ba crird, 'and hara'a tha ^ugar
The l-ulkhend. w bi.-b had b-en ebaed iilnwn.
' not fa
fastenni ttir night
belurr. was
_ : Vmi, ve
t aa tUiiil I aai:'
w wide .ipi-a. and it was unly Uu rv•Dl mat Ibe oremisiv. hail tewn eiait- up the tbkkeal
If aweau
ed l-v a tbirf
I am Btekl^ib
jr.t.1 thra
Mrs Ki-sseudeBsuil.lenly reinemheml
\aaar ound.
night bai< been robl. aad hoe-1
-------------fkira. at leaglk.
i* dinglv.
• Tbara s an.iihar
-mabarricis lio rigba 1.
"Itoopau It. motbar."
lloTa For
oi so r.iu imn slooa tha ra
rrl close iswidr the bulkhead.
taadra. who waa putting the bnishing
I upwtalrs and rbangr is r dreiam betoa
The? were truren.
touchoa, hiad.eaaaha bad t-ofU uak"Ah. thi, BUfe lagolng lohe-yaat
II hare h> fall tack IIB t tel old
Otoie bath
ireiv.' aaid Ik-ra later uu. a. abf puur**Mra'Faaaaadaa cni off tba and of Ibf
ubave Fannie, as they |
< brraevuDil attempt inbiaglaacdUb in tto fiiat piacr.
Mte V*! rnden. euuj,
roerlopf aud draw out the lillar.
"lletter not leavr it ko naar the ‘
asabe wraril.rrli
• iiaar lar!" slia aaf laiinad aflai road
llora waadrwoavd fir
r thr table," warne.1 her mutber,
ripening, an.I only an luan siaira.
lag It. aud llivii la-gan to ra road it
Alao U
Aa the word, left her li|w miip
sik bini He'll be aa amc bound lag back.
"»bat is ill- aau.d Kaiiuy Kaweni'
ID tyith a bmtr armful of wood tongh—"
dan. iMimug^Ui tna d.s.r tint lad to tha ^
waa* «m.b. a i^laab. and
' Aaa b'lied bvC aald I rml
..ibor baa
'elit>r. fhlll
■ •• - - •
"I'll let you
yuo tar
bare a pair of ■
Ibrougb tbekltebenaad let la
ma palleu. m.
waw bar wraa to waali tbf ialira
aald I hilip {tboac horrid.
........ .......
Ibei ba-------------■
Ir/.mtLvou might he moreeareful. ••Tbey'll be tender."
•I the h______
ip Ftwtwndrr, wb.. wasdoiug •ottialhiog
till 1'
hiAill them."
jitel spnUed aod not fit to alga!
Jrare Uiinga hanging
Krad Kcaaendan, w b<* bad bran atiidV'
■■So. It wuuldn'L"
. "lUie ibr.t hiarbed anylblngelm
off theui.le
tu iu algf
-ttell. said bis mutber. reluctantly.. -‘Sis
I should tbiaa Ibak sraa
get kn.aked
"don't kill but one "
111 g'l'big ar.iuuii
the lab
•liter lUil. relirred ll
"TItel wouldn't brabite aplereto' -Ail is not luat then." mid'FbaalS,
-"1'ii.dog'a delight to barkand bite.
fatuiiy f uriuw
.te.ll.V b, r-dilmg aloud uv
m.v,11 folks"
Inadl? "fUll. I think perbaratt wonld
Iwgao VaoDie.
bfr .iKmliifr,
' I dimt caru, aaid Mra. >rtondrn.|br well to gel the f^ks^a hi tha
iff, la a II
"Aad the pltfhrr that goea too oftea
"I’l.Mi Xir-i*.
I bavf plauotsl
pdBlWeaad fottoaU
b> the well galbeea no mciaa." ea-*-*
.prud rliaidit^Kilig |i.i> with ,.m.
f'red. - e
llesides," aald Fred, nKSMuagiayly, ^ "Tbere'a vniaT one kaochiag.** —tj
lot fiuiriilfiil to ba'vr lii.' eiiiue. plraw
end telegram.
Vour affectlimale
fj VM*K »'i,i:..i iu,\." .
a. i,in a realgeed tone
She relumed very acam. "Onr |ach
-kluUirr'. pafal.vaeil. " a.lde,l >'red.
No i'hilip killed one of biadaarly bp- haa ebaagei at laal." abe eried JnhUanV
illeU that had just begun ray- Iy. "Hrv Wilkfw baa aral aa thedw
•itf'rea'll paraljited."
"TbaDkagitiDg 1
dressed it. asd gaaKalortery la the I ewatifalltopl^
-Nil. it !>□ 1 that." aald Mra, }'.■wwm•
er you rear Jid aee. 1. xA at IC"
's that sqnasb 1 saved?''
-Tbat'a nice ' aa. i Ddrm. "bat It
iBly irvilig t.itbink
trd>y^ fills to gap made by tboss dajfUig ail lU. Iflatl.e left uu my m.ilhlie waa^ooe a long tlmir and relari
■AA. wyre y.iu aaeing that?" aaid
rd eiudly-baDdisl at laau "Not acral
(-red. inoocentl?
"I thought It warn "ItooY raeiu yoonelf oear trifioa,
Iwrry hi be had in Ibla rrerlaaUng om
ne old atufl Otel you wanted eaten_____________
dtv. |iul set____
food ua to tehla.
goiul diuui-r. b.ii
i h.iraetown" heexplaiued
while lorry to padding oat to Tpw-liuiwuai.' .|..uaii.itied Mr. f.-aaeo-l - I ir,-nie w.m- I did the daaaage." h
'ton—pig. aald Itora
mr. Theo. when yoa hare iiflaad
den. aa ab.. |wua..d.
liidde,! reprwlaotly to Ikira.
•;iora. couse here a mlnnte. mUed ' y.mr compm-ure. aad aaa amile aad he
* l bad ptuijiifil Ui have a very plaib i j,. wiioeLbing to make it up’ "
a. leaarndea from the pantry
wU| anBounce to
.imm-rThank.*’i.ing l»ay J •■Vea." an.were.1 lh«a euud-aalnrei
"Ho amell of Ibeae oystera." abe mid < kaaqaeu"
r'”"- P'aoa'- iy. -cbop tbi. meat while i fol up the aaaionaly. when Dora obeyed "Am [ • -1 anppute there'
the, apoilvd. or la it my toMfiualioa-1
miirito*. wk
rhat.is tlie worst of It. said Mra.
’’Ibe mime was miinl and atewed
' l*e»i me' They dim t aerm just: rmdy
Keaarudfii: witliarurful iaugb. 'Tbert ' tele in the aftemouu. ao<] all Uie Kaa righhdo Vbev- .aid lajra. "Waita
-j'nongh'i Why. 'Ite' a eartoUa
have been so man) large bills h> pay seBdeb prsigmy ujuat taste <L and frit- mlnate, and I II find uul for aurr." ahe ' teasL" lanrbaa Puale -OiekM me
this month mat I baven'l but just su k-iae it. and add this, that aod the uib added, and Uking the bowl abe relnmaad^/l^. temd iHC
lylour .-eibs to buodi me wees with
er. hi impwiee 1'. aod taste iingatn. wJ hiibe kih-hen with it. aadset
"l\el.. get trusted, theo.' kuggtated till Mrs i'eiawndea declared that It to Uble in a matter-of fart tray.
Mr. 4'«a>wnuri.. xvitb a Iwinkie in bu would U- all taated away.
!a> they re>e went to bjuk al thr fire
I I ncte Evabder waa iatradaead te Ut
luftaoUy defld^d it would, and she ear‘ ?>h. mn'l 1 have one? Iiegged
' alenra. garv each a haarty tead-ahake.
Sever" drvlamt Mrs
den. neil the agate-ware kettle cuntaining
"1 suppiaeso." rrlurard llora. with
w Itb almoal tragic empbasi
lade j it into ti-e pantry aad set it by the win
wrilaasumcd air of relucUace. "If
-a we Were married | .low. whlfb waa left open a lew Inches yon'll rat a as ills, wuboat any lam had arrer viaited bh rrUUem hefwe.
ler buy ao.vibiug I I Then Ibrv ale aupper. al
or fondiairnta '
Mrs Fv—radea kmhad fioahad. aad
fouldu'l [oiyteaab for. and my mind >. j Mrs Feasenden pat...........
right then.' said Fnvl.
sUll made up -X.i i
Ibe pudding. U.ra Ing th •large
' a furh'aad
> In the mil
‘rgrsi oyster w flh
\ JlJh*dllA‘awrtotomly*toraa
■ ngup heraewing aii.l speaking
Ibe sponge
Ibr bread,and tbrjcsanTej
fitlohamonlb, "baeegOfa -'tklng waa perftel of >1. klad. aha
fnllv. I D.letvaadiTwtllhsve loUsf family went hi
m.in..at he hastily left to '
to remember paat triaU aad raui as he and, us.In the middle of the night the fmu
t.m laughed.
-It wa
-Mommer feels lad just the same. ; ik Urking of the Krsaenden dog-i*“ ‘
oommenkd I'niiip. canuiseraliegiv
lined in the sbert. awuae Mr. f'e
u m dh-r.' abe called
thaa aanaily a
who aw.ikraiid saUird tolh
'Voo. Ikr
Mr- Fmaiodca u«k out I lis pocket- thing seeniel .|uiel. eaiepling the dog.
bouk and aniptla.1 ita foote Its on the I be roodudi-d that thr hm faithful
table. Tbfra wasamasUgi Aamp. k|i|uadmped bad made a mistake, and
e oaly auspkiunrd they ware lad.; *’*After tol*toy all ml la to aUU^
aqnarr iufb ut csrurt pii
I went tok in hod.
It w neevaaarr we aboaU be;room ton while, aad toa Ihwa aad
I elastic banda. ai
When Mrs. Yrmendea entered the •are. "Bid
“ I ........... ............... -J—dir.
Kaanie. al toir aaele'a raqatel. walknaw.paprr . lipping. three
Ihraa coppers
foppan and (mnlry Ibe next morning a heart reo• «ell. 1
a torea oo.^.rtb himto to slatkm. vbera ha
'ding algfal met her eyes.
A pane of doubt of It ' said f
aaklagawry kiaaad tom good-bye. aad dwlaiad hn
gia.I. 1 tbre>gtesa in the lowml row of Ibe lower
■ oridli gcssls
endow, "murmured k'abuir
i aasb. which had to vsveks been held in
began Dura- ^'^Thii to^'TLtohed'l^TSi
•luite ail.' said Mr KeaMmdrn. i place by a few tseks only, had
i4abed tbrdollar towarii hw wife | or here jarred onl. and aomr ci
Mto. to to
•tamed thr otber prei-ious relics l bad
inserted it,
Fanale. cumlai
tu tba pocket-book, joining good-nal tikruug'uredly ID the laugh that went around ' luiooe.
the lamilj circle, sou then betaking;
rs dog." cried I'red , coming.'
la alaeiy-case* oot of a haadrod a
uimaelf again to bis paper
; wmihily, pu.king a
1-aa.l- *ly
,,u,,atory like tbla wwald bore onpih to •
"That will be some i-'ip. aaiJ Mrs |ncblte hair from Ihi
vib. j
' .; aatoral aad puaerfal eioae. bat hal^
lurae.i al.i-ft In the kettle
"I'd jest enjoy
iracUiiursl. bar fa-sr
V pUft
•it^t -ii.'.lyM
.'.I.'.lyou baaa put
A Chapter o
"iVtau fan U-wriiiug'u. tot
New YorV' nairipd Mr» fr.
>1 prrplrvily, a» aba aom
; am oar
ar aide aaB-ibcD tbr utbrr
bar bu.Iwod bad just b
I from tbf
be piwt*s<Ib..c
light tud out aoiMftbi^- a
kinginsidr.-auggasted Jdr. ■
a. as ba unfuldad bis arfiliug
..r!,u L. 1
TioasaFiold faints
TTr,1 -f* S’ljo.'t axuo.
Especiall>'adapted to small articles vhece a good
paint is wanted.
.11 s ..,xojSd'td:'“,'?“i.t.s-,x‘
bisitlug him '
'Kvrrj d-ig
"We ought to hare
muttered Mr I
— , M 1* VAC a
Bid FhUip.
il^begiastolookasH 1 might
"And Initea podding, aud plum pad-1 have atehanea I
diag. lyd grapes salo Dura.
girla.-Bld Mr
gieeamimer tbr mooey in onr banks.',ten.' 'look Do BDamfaUy I
pnd tmsi to luck to t'bnstuiaslalare. bat set the
he*Uhle. to 1
"Oh, B-g" pKiteated Mr. l.-oenden my brmkfaat and g
"I oouldn'l Ulnk —'
' helombrtahtaaler tov family
"Oh. yesyon cx-ttld.'came -n a cbo-I bad Sveovered its
rat from her offiqrriag, as Pbilip made I Kesaeniira tmly so
wy might a.
to the cnawV
cnawv Ilor the imiiks—
I well
as -cry.
lbe^dc« ^
the .vvers toddried on; I donbtlcat eaj-jyvd b;
io.- cbise! aud hammer | There were f< .“‘Jtet.'^Tth a
rred haab
"wbrnb torniars-e to slits la the ' suflicieBl qoaat
with "wbrn
IV>m cleared a pla-e on thr labia. [ for to diaaer
- Btekr short' < ■ '
, ,,, bird aot being qilte ^ to to
«bt to
mark io color, toy had It tar dtaam
said Mm FcBvudrn. when to pile of that day. aad to foarU was haraad at
dimea. akkeU and -praee had been black at to biackcal hat rrer th
eoanud. aad abe>ad admitted to ad of. ihroogh Fred's lUlag
lUiag to tterr
eqaacy of the sum total..
" Voa matt' cried to Imakewaa ooe
> soueiBlbe kilctem lolcll b^
■aa. while Fred atked. with mock Sr
eerity. if to thougbl to was doing
right to trample on to noble iai[mltes
with to Inrkey.
bo to took it protettiagl; and lay ,
o^e^half^^lg^jdMolag^l *, koar taler
>at« Done
Deaeem Walhm mtar
moraiag. aad right after I nalrfiii i «ut of
(Vtlad np her tlervoa and set ahoat; .,^p..nu. wme no
Bskiag to ladiaa paddiag. which was ferthwilh packad ap
to firat tbiag cm to pmgM, amf,
odhmad aod
La a
__________ ______ a khag hark U________
I »aT stand IL yoa|“"
ea hUarm
hU arm IV
M oto^
.tor, aad. to
, taolrBlly soriuwf.l. oaly a III-1
“i I
Oepoar^lato to ocackiath^lBBey.
"rSIe^haa tot fvelinf of Bdaom and
aging that ■ aot akta to pate." aaid
. j Imra. bavl^ 0
'lauhttitvtc for a
; school I
rameof aOad
" Tbit. too. will paia,'
■Oh. che-r ap. mothi
were all sllUag ahemt to Bm
am. — n
lie declarad H s
"Freeioaa UUit map.'aaid Dow. *T
a aa to lau bar to-day.’
I ell. anyway. -U might ha mona,* '
coaiar It aaU
'•Yea. tadaad.- Bid Kta. rimilia.
«ThUe wr areaUipaitel to BchaUar.
Mrs. F^Madea't
amaaed tot to
-It M BCM train tima yoa'd WUer
to aparv-Hh. two .. aadchaagayAardM. Fan aad I
twoof to apple eaadoto rate all nghL’'Bld Dan.
wbca to dtearr was waU aadar way
I vreloomr aa toy Ba ha.~ to aaid. to
natil to maal had , ube bw to deaeoa to to -t-^
a. boidlag n etenfmtly hetwata her ; i. eerr
atcbml ,1— omktaaJj^^
LBlwCpwtfh-------- -' -
iis^cUy. they aayr
r a night of it',
e FmaeadeB. I be’ieve you'd
we didn't have any Thanks
nnar at all," burst oot Dors.
"And onions aadoysti-rs and olives.
r Bonth uiUl yoa
1 Chamois skin
Good Fits,
> **
---- ________________ ____' ouuu
ST k^*S
Number 235M Front Street.
O. P. GarverS^
tevnrht ibanapaad
p«tr,» ■— -'-■ -- ------------pla^Woe
tbftatilo -.....................“?•
tbrn. it«P
b ““
likaly te- bpmw
• of glanwrrr twailv ■
‘ot'tbo rooHwc^han
hat tbrrr wm- loft May liat^
\Vber» »ro they at tit* pmaat Wrfv
dbh^op Uic utilo aiMl bnru oEtTiBg biu.
^ brr ipruu
I ihiiJsthar'Ud,.,'
te-riBw^BgtbvIatil'f'wl^IpBtba •.
, promptly. 'sD;r BOOT tb»a a oat arraoi - Uha
Nat akiUDis^ pias baf.wa I'nUwo uil*-olo Krai
" fried Itora. borrrbtui
OteJDly. bclorad
Sxm rail boar
Whru tbokilcha^wwataojctor agmlp..
falterad Nr*, tesaaaded.
r faalivr b«l . -Biag hraaaUiu
iK.ra t.i making; parhaia. it wouMu't look .arv wall
>J of drlka>-.
lka.-wa." rrlaread aimiib.
abiiaaba barte!f|
'itf isiufsa ii uiuMn'i. aaiil lv«ra. in
Mr abter. wban tw
|•.wr>l.y| l^pul OB ibaaloea.Ibr'Baal al l.ma of .s.oau-tuin
tta ll baaa ona luwalb
lifr^ abr
a aiiaaab lor Iba ; for auppar kaaigbl atdl tba utbaa f.w few nui
braakia.1 lU Ihaai.ianiug
it • itb my piatvinr aya."
• \ou oae lur ibai poadara.! aufa'
I for ibr .-ranta-irim."'.br md "It a in
I a paprr }»g tirwidr ibr .pi.xi Ixata •
lal up bau^ful wbal »a do with Iba rl<lnr aatay two kmaow. atad I baauad
! - Al; right.-aaid IVlra. I v« found il. lurkay -irauviliingabould bappan b> tbarewtforbaaakfaatr"
jbiil IbtfCa laa'i anoogh. I'll'hati- tu., Ibal. i-'i.iuM gi.anp
-Thau u'.ll wa kara Iba iMcdoaa
l.al us iioi ancifipata.' >aid Vanala. brown lurad.'
■ ’’TanX did*
land ihrUoa
,tbr .lor.! .^ruaraataua
on olhaa
at aud sin
ar .In^ aant IVi lip d .wn .vliar f.w iha lima to maka bte-ulf.-'
•;1 doo-r .uppo-wo
I paij.liDgk,'
fnaa (S' III-of Iko III
>I»W) oboul tb«-*<|iuib pb. arr ap tlwrr <>ir mlr kevp- akiteoB hb •dipM Uma M tb*kl>
lol diMO
■ -W>l„ ____
A Song or TbaBkiglTiu.
y to L.onB ea laapravvd Fan
Turr MMDtenfu,
Kta Fim.niri.
waathava to taMgaemBnfH
••FWw aaate FOnaibr.’ bM Mra Foaanadta. "Bh iBth Boaa aaoy aaddaalyatlaaL It aakB aa aad to (UA
he will net he wItt as tkla yaor."
hB, tar a taw ateotoa
She roitevid him te to «lal^ raiB. -
Grand Traverse Herald
tolbnitBr tbalr labatra; aUeaa loo
(boBBt aadaaaat.aad
• •aalijnid be boltond t
OeaHwiwd/nB M poor.
Bi tbc Bonb eod «( (01
lot Bear tbe drat
Of it BP tor a Beat Baricet
TBO*. T. BATS& XdttorBaaia. -orweabaU perbb uf c-ariue-j
etaaatt aonb.
A haaMroae reel
him be eraa rirbtaad oSerad to
' fBcle ^dadrr ba> Wft we twraty I
bln Ibe ClaeisaaU tcralaat. Oa.
biMBod dollan." nid Mn Henredea '
OM. ena aaaioaa to eoe It aad
Todap eada the deer aeaaow.
red a<
The mt etared
a b.w for foil tbirty
takea to (be rratod eaWaaoet
Bra. PieiBe baa row* to
brt»d hM .bi|ip«i «p-M*.
b M r. Hi^eadeo a-need
work tbb whiter..
sore of IlM fooda
bn eye* with i >b haiwU; Kooole fell ue
He eetdeaU; ballend It irae aa be
OufyiDf brr face is her
J. J. Habbell. erf Haabtee. w
ricbt. W«
al.wMl: beaiitk
ooald aol be I»dac«d to go ioahie.
Iowa Satontop.
ad la<ra'a.(cwtore
.(ewtom: while
-Her boBc at Rabia. bear Adriaa.
Mr Uwlnaalel of Inke Aaa i
tbe air with
Hred leaped-------------—
- aa
- exallaal wbtx.p aad wai ariied by Imlup,
tmo laat Soadap.
etbUoaeot the aadeirKmad rol
afh. ot Pesri Lake, waa la Whuabook bin aad irrilahiy Wle hm
aeoreaot aUeea ceekiac freed on
Mra l.a,ieed abeller aad food at bee bone,
Harlb. of Kaaaoa. baa mond IB- •eadea. half Unf*of. bad errinf.
aad naa; Boat (brilllar loeUcaUoe- to tbe eiatell borne.
"tbe Uwyer ea.v> tbal bet-fr, l os:le
earred ia ber aoble.worh of aldlac ibe
ol Almira, wia tbe Enndrr nioe here hr wa> >Dlen3tn«
fiMwt <rf Mra. Uiay Wrdap.
U IIM BaviaBd aeld •> bIm b
m lleb>aaiiD b borne afala: baa
nllmdtioB; UikravalM ^ Ukra
■ I'or naarpeara aberteeoted BBob of
D away anme three yean,
omi aak (or <,«e7 tcMko. oad the ued io ber tine toaktlap the refafeea. {Ooin Mary VViliobee wa» bone
tkotemacMniaef Um I'BlMd Stotea iar to toebelUe. Kp.. aad CtBclaaati.
beracbool Satnrday and Suaday.
b*B had pa; tor aukiar«.we tot
0..CW Bbaioaaof tbealBoat deafer.
Mr. Snydrr. of ^•adillac. furner meet, w, nad.. the lw-« ol e.e
(baa tba; oapht to bar* bad'pa;
fearleBlp facinf dearer where the ly erf ireiaat. waa io Iowa leal week.
atrotwaat aea woald aeareelp dare laBarlaad'a carpet taotarlaa are 1
Mra S. Jiirtanl. of LelaOd. b t. ..
-------------lufberdanebtor.Mral. (1. Shorter. 1 «P ao__^e.pen..ee Th.oka«.> ...f
psar (be aalc 10 tbc I
••Coroerr iweatp Jearaahecoadocted
tolaa were 111.100 ;ar(U; (bb ;car
.Safa baa beea eiaitlef bb ata- ‘
I I tell eon It waa m'l l.w
aehool tor tbc cblldrea of refafoe
tioj. wwo m.400 jarda: a fala
.bel. and the Nurrbea fur ibr bnt?"aatd Mr. I'eaw-odea. tiluatob
Haodiedaufthepooe colored peat week.
411.100 pmrda. Ketblsf lUce tree trade. eUeoL
r aaafuina^j- sod cbeerehildrea w«e ibaaecnWei lofecbTe
Bat boa aboattbe Bcoi abooa(bi
Capt. Aofer. of Wbcoaln. atoppol
il.' said I'red. remiuiai-eelly.
at tbc Traaieieiil lioaae Saturday and
ban beoa boa; BUblBC tbbannc
livMa her knees and
Inpoaaible bad It eol beea for
lOOpardaT Tbe; weteJd.e.
rraad and auble womaa. At ibe <
iMr. Xoreo. of IhnpLrr. atopped orer
Tbore eren 10.000 tom^on of
Inr of the war aereateca of her paptb laat Tbondar erenlnf al tbe Tree
aiy in'adeersity.''said
aalbted la defeaar of tbe atan.
■u will see cue ahlne la
.Sorrb Broa. aad Ulubaw Broe. and
il Kauaie. "and if you
•'Mother Uarllaad at iBce be
(iecL ruy bare killed
dear* aad are
the narkrt aad bciof
>e of tbe moat aclln aaH-ealoable oat to-day- Who no beat tbaU
biffest turkey they ee fot
BBtlaBd-alroa awv fna « aa
aaaiurp, ooank ’ Mr. JeUeriee. of TraTeiae City, waa
it. Buely roasted
oor are aoBctbiac to do ao taa
aaddariar Ibe
delu-i-'Ualy stuffed with a lake of
bare the leal df-tbe week U. buy p'l»
aBocd to fOf Bora (baa d;bt oCBto a
bope la bice were tbe reelpleata of ber loot: at pr.-.eBt price* oooe won'd eell froTJ. on the Teaiirt- b.ard to qw'rrow.
al oae o'l-l-K-k prwiselv ■'
eareaad aeraLaf.
-Wefu.” retorued l•hl!ip and I'red.
•'Sbe nrraahed tbe freednea’* reU.1
aad aa lU raergetlc afral
-yiel a peck of cranherrie«. too." said
. «Bl la tbeataUtoBau Oea. B
abeeblud .Sew t>rie«a. .Vehbad'^Ka
: Rut the U.va were already ...« ..f the
A. Alter the flnt delccata-at-larcc of too Boaro »»> ““f
placeai.ei,oose Md half way dowa the s^t
Iba ropaUlBa partpof Mlsbtfaa to Ibe dertac the eeeenel pereocalloo aad al- tanerml of bb aunt at,EIk Uke ynler■atloaal cBceeatloa aeit pear. Itba alBoat iaeredlble banbblpa
•^We nolke Ibal Mr. Varfia.>n U able
BMlar raeoralUoB of oBlaeal eerelce
-She waa oar of Ibe moat aetln
to br al«uBd afain. after a loaf aprli
(o tba perlp- bad * eiadieatioD dee Oea.
nenr tboae eeecriar tbe eaubibhof eiekaoea.
Alfar la eiew erf tbe eoarrllcna attack
leol of the aUte pnbik acboul tor
diK-*>et're.t at abuit three
»>aok Samria baa recorered from the
Bade bp beaator Sbermaa la bb laulp
lildrea at COldwab-r. la wblcb abe
effort of tbe monpa.aad bpreparinf o'cl<K-k Wrdoei^y afl.riuwa in the!
Maaad book of abaaecrf all proniaeai
to aton OB tobb fara oa Booed lake. rooms orer 'fbr lndr|u-odeot otter, aad
’ BM of IbaUattwoor tkree deeadea
iwlcie for fowU will fie* dimwinf conclusk.iis from ttac*'buire ool-,
vba ban aot eapportad tbe eeaator la BatafC KhooU a printe loaUlaUoo eaeaearly all a ebaaer to have moat tor- nmna of snukr tbal roll<-d op fivm tbe .
seeded by tbe eUte poWlc ecbool.
key (or ThonkaflelDf. and we h.>pc tbnrfleord huikliof it is srfTe to essrrt' ■
••Motber HertUadb a»ery eanteet
Tb* Ceaiory lor ib#<omla«'Ymr
tbene who bare an ahoodanre will nr that the najurily uf the iubanluule of
worker la the tcmpcrmrioe reform, aa
ilUafe were of the onloioa that! Tbe'eolory Majrocine eelebrotea it.
nenber tbne wbo ban not.
f of the Aoirrleac ealooa.
plaul would srsio be rtslu.-ed
rrweniceuial Io its Nusrmber ts
The tamers arouad Barter C
_____ tbetaadlDf her aft. abe b I
It sue with aa
aabewaad mollro im-lal.
Tba Raral Piwb b a baadi
banataipped tbrir wheat toTra<
honor of the
iBf ber powerfcl aid to all the earioaa
aoMUp paMbbad atAUlaaoa. 0
aiy by nrlind luU inalead
baullaf will Iw dlttculttoewtini
drrswol type, with new hmlina'*
llaca of W. C. T. f- wort. What a
to tbe nkx-k aad ms.-biBery until we
(ha latareatofaawapapara aad a
, and it apisrwn In a uew and arlie
It In with teana. So afain tb.
praad aad aoble life ehe ha» Ueed. aad
cuter Atlhuufli Ibr t'rnlury ha>
f^an aaban. ia a iweaat eu
bone U taklof the pbee of onimol fel li c.llecti-d u-erth.-r afulB arid Aad
wbotta BtimaU tbe food abe bi-hrd au Bfe llist is uousoal anoaf
"Where'wr'rr au" I util (br rrpalis
(bvB waa b pUBBBt rsteieeoe i<
i euuliuue
Hbaia aad tba toUowiaf baae
len b <|Ulte • demand for noce
le youthful ei
.•himierired It. I
(alaad a
ball-toee oat of tbe
tocul wojd and lufs at tbb place, pairs of news cases av^ a lew falli-ysi
a that has t
MW HrmaiJ balldlaf. which b eall^
and a lew food meu would And steady
. t • ‘
2^ tout n ctkW. 1 'umsfunc Tbctdii j~> " Pr>fu( tbc avct>~B
Sri. an owd-ii-ic
- ta-k J the ha-xeuact <4 the ibr^ ton jurf ptM.
>io-B 'W rwy PriC -« the mra anS
25 wumro wts.) hi.t njJc lac lu'i-e> .1 to nanJ'.
TV ttocj-. «-.e« u>« -kcattocri,
2ri bapreued tr.m irtvrn to nsmb ushihe nVc
25 I.C fto -Boua- lU Ki>a«v' *ba-c b a wet
Sri (4 lidcl Town Ice (br Wriy i4 Ibr uh.de
bcU d pers-to-hl'lncraKcc. AtsI «ct « bu a mnd KKl v>wc of b
2;; own. teJ s-nt> OK w«b tocusw aiM truv oa lU (wPk i fwa to
n-S the t».r
R a > a
dah ■ ks Hrv.'uns.
2^ the did. oesvptroi.
25 R a B«h.S
IO« U.-V1CT 1 uclj c'iiJ.”
a-..w-toe.to..B. 4toto.Ceor.moBB.
^ THEY Must Go
Weddhur belb bare takea a Inch
Tbe jlafle of tbe alelcb beUa bbeaid
Harry WilHamaoa voBt Saoday la
Tboae wbo were aot at ebureh Ben-
Tba BotoUi b raoatrlatcoapllaieai
■IT BoUaa eowlaatlp tron pcblhnItoaatfl onrlU ooaat.7, botwe
doB ipCBk of IbaB becaaee H b a matlar is wbbb we are a»re dlrecUp IoiMBMadIteBibe UsBAUircBae>a.bnl
p ifhapa we abaU ba pardoeod tor naiaf
Moa fcoB a pa„o—00
tbraMa. Vadn tba bead of "A Hick
iCBB weaklp."Tbe Baral I’reaa
••A Bo<hd:nBat>7iw.aUp 1
MBe to tbe Botke of Baial I'
MiaUfaB b tbe UaaBb Taeri
dap mbeed a doe aermoo.
The Bar. Mr. WbllUker fliled
C.ntT^liobal palplt Siaaday.
Tbe Mliaee Alice WlUbmi aad Cora
Prtebard were la town Saturday.,
Tbe Cbrbtlaa Kadearor aoclety 1
fin a cap eoeial la tbe ecar fauira.
Cbarlle Jopal aad Walla Qobe made
gpinr bailacn trip to Sattoat Bay
Bedroom Suiti
Sie oo
1 havr a laivr slock and somr u{ thrm must co ]
to make room (or m) lioliday goods- ;
,r;;i „
raioruf A SI. su.. sm-na'lb.
ri:; sSrSSifi:
i>e. soil astsslau.e aa.
I ms; add
0 uiy t
‘‘sV'^lrf '**'* 1*1-*?.* J"'-"'
" ■'■u.iia
h any f.-riu
.n.l'fesIf tn-ui.lol
For ml bl
,.™ ..asi
■ 3
,\ tiiu-iKiliohcd, double top
work Bear our aidiBf. a« tben are a
Bumber who dealn to fct wort of tbb
kind doae.
i'alrbaakab taklBf bb burk(. K. i'al
to mill aad <-a>aat&>n
pacts to sell the Boar lailead of ocl Uuf
(be fiwla. if mon of tbe famera
would follow bb example, they would
ban more food feed aad more money I
The llfbt demaad alU small price of
polatoew B maklBf eery eluse timew tor
Uume oblifwd to ratae muoer. hot the
low price beliw tboae wrhu bare them
to buy. and there will br Ibousanda of
boahrlsfcd to slock, aa feed b ft-ae^
Sew Varb.
V-cttterrn retf**frftfK%ftr(^r'
The largest Piece
• BBdil Bow^apar oOoa. Tbe other
artlaU rafecTBd to waa aceompael
BBlalatBre boedBlIe of tba dial pafe
«< Iba IUbalu. mxl la<te ia alaa.
BcB^toMOB. apae which waa the half
(OM portrait of Ole BoatniB. wblob
J' IP Astor Place.
. K.-'S";?.;;
. 1......I Bchaul sciK-iji
— cli-cjv-musi lil.ssi
Tom UoaloBaad wife lean thb week farm aad has mond Into our part of;
>tu;,n * lB*p.p-i» 1
. ' for their borne la the dtp. It b n ' Mr. Hammond-a bouse. IVc are well. disease nukeihc s .mkcofukiuKix-m
y. tmUH-Iy
you -u tUr oult t.si
ntaia Mr. DomoucheUe.la :
.< pimsrlul su.rics^by firlui rifi.r.m.
I. pmeot .
lem to BP that tbep will be mimed.
irh.Hhrr*.«mntd h. l.a--rer srriUro.. a scries of aril- , luf a.i.!iiy aud f. rum'.,
neifhborhood. and hope be “J j
imrf resi
resefa that cics ..11 ilic freai uaral enfaf-m, ols->f flesh au.l *pt>-iitr
I blood______
yeclode to_______
VIicliifaB ab'oe
ol the most woo- Xels.-U by Laplain Alfred 1 Mslisu. people were cure
Tbe lifbt »Bow» which (ell last week S^. ha* msdr
isUsm rs one ol aulb-r i.l "luIluraiT of ise* rpw. r up ' 10 1*'h from sv-ms.-t. tr.«it..c*
Tba Otter Cmk Bw mill baa abut
abb of twdrd pafBcrf atfhloolhelped the deer hunter* to capture a I
rs-w of tbe l.Wl, 00 Historythree brillmul artk-lr* 1.0 : u~- of Stoart s tiy-pepsia t
Two or thm doHin (or x *4 Hone
own for a aeaaoo.
aa aaab. aad of tbe alaaty-aia
- - l*B and beanU- 1
i.slicsubicb bare Kumr. couiribulcd by Man-n Craw-, iiruffisU sell them, fun sisrO |wcl
few more of those belpl.
Attomep BuollDf of Empire was la
Balx^^toBr are takas op wlibadanv eSret
shslerer uoos it.
ifoed. and superbly il.uslialed b.r las. ufr si M cuts or usaileO 00 n-ctpl 1
t shslere
town Monday on boalnem.
ilr. Ass Smith, who Csideaat Green-' laifue. who luade the famous W,.rld * ■ (uu-c by addn-soluf StuBei Co.. Me
UaiBiaK BcBtlp of bOBC
tort tbe emke last Satarday,as be shot
EuWer Broa. caufhVafoOk abed eel
castle. Indisus. wbeic br is, wu
wu\l1 known,,
known, ; Fair pictures lU Tt
K‘S:;:.n,\:tb..r ,
tbm fine oooa in less than oae honr.
I ol arliclee
••Tba BOwabelsBlded Isto depan- la tbrir pound net a week or an afu.
Thb makes 10: he has killed siocejie
D ul - Siber
Siberia and the Kti
B. W. Ibp"
«*"• waa a bop. Some parUca from Elk
aad the Muunlaiueers of ,
ic itbeMuuw
aaaBla.ba wallaaBiBeb of tbe abcBifI the •
laBacna nadiac. tbe lattv of wblob b pj tbe blackamilh ship al Aral tbm Rabid* socuiwd o Aec buck on the edfe Rheumatism, wbrnb tbc tnaliucc
. Oe-I
mane pfavsiciaas tailed lu rcl
*U eraU aelaetad aad abowa a tarefa] wlntn.
oltbe plains one day laat week which I1 hare'also-used
hare also-aaed ararlv
ararl: rx-erv kouwu ' Sunlr\ aa^ the >*U K J* lllarr
There was a apelUnf oonteat at tbe
tafard tor tbe wbbea of tbe imdw.
blood retneile. but they 'di.l me Alrioa: a series of papers.
drrmed SOS poonda.
00 «>od. a* Thee dhl not seem to . minblraiiou of ib. I iiies
the Bfwi dapartBinb oae whieh b aot Flatte acbool boute Wedneadap ennTbei.
inf In wbkh Kale Marfan caam off
reach my csae-al all. Homibly my coo- .sutca. by Dr. AlbeetMaw.
Albert M a
aftoB aaaela tbacoanlrp weekip
.soeoBtain uafiaf Ibe y lai
un and tbe eelcat to m;
ly sulimBf*
tury <
papir-oBart soby.s
;fmi ouniberol
Benjamla. tbe eouaiy eoBmbAnd FirateCUf Oiaggd Gtwdd
<}«arse Carter ^S»e from Ulea Uayen
-. wa* rblUafacboob la tbb r|.
eat week to bant tor weabon. He ae.loanr's "l.ite to Kapoleoa.'
pllUlp aad pidBMdlp wriloa aad el
wealth of iliustrsti,
mrod one the Brat dap. and retnraed clnitp tbb weekStop into W TRl-BTELLD aad pwawrttl tod tbara. Be alaa
Mad aadB.beadlara-ladlrmUar t
AddleJopat waa able to be oet to
oiiBst Intersstii
Grmd« Flour that V
aataraaa'■Stato.'-HoBc.'' aad “Vgr- >ome Friday.
,e ,-.*4u-ifrr to
Tbe aeholan of the Aral acbool will ebercb Soadap.
-M aaotfaar pa«e are traad'
is^power, and bis flaal
itold opUsf I
rood*. WefiatoorioiaraBfewaitiSa^
lamay frieedoto Hufk Oimbaa
flee an oBtrrUlnmenl Thuiwdap
Kotaa,will be plraaod to bear of bb recorery
aad -Tbe Lodrea.(Toile a Bumber from thb rleialty alwreaiMiadaab aie fino
teaded tbe weddlof reoepthn alSulibacnptioo frxiui
darto loneb wRl be aereed bp the acbol- toe* Bay Wedaeeday olfbt. All report
uf tbe members lor tbe past
- -OtBad Tianeaa Beirloa.- Tbec
afood Ume.
U'-ntbs. from tbc befiouiuf uf paailBua toom each polat b placod paAsk WalU Cabe about tbot wlld-caL
mn*', hmuiry
darataalleapbaadiar ladhatiacibe
Caliloraia Vapeelod Prtebea.......................................................................... UaMB
Mr. Joyol aad daafbler Ualtle letl
otolBlIp (roa whbb It oobb. aad all
Moeea Aaa. Lraox. Ameriraa timer. Jaaoa. Mote Oaaaa.
hoieday lorCblcafia
(be Uama are traded aecordlac to cIk.
Mbs Alice Ulllb Torp sick a
Diarmaa soap*..............................................................................................'«* bar
Mba ' Cora Prichard rialtad at Mr.
Tbe whole abowa tba nsalt of eaiefol proaeat writiaf.
•dlUaf afUT'Ihe aatur rMcbca tba
A food manp rabblu baee bora
uor acbool be* orfaaisad a literary
aoeiely. IVoa Edna Urabam. rke-pm.
1 olaec the late (all to aaow7
■•Tba two p
Beat (aataroa. and
(Hire Kerca: Sec. (Irace Vaa Holdl:
Tbe AsbiBf at tbb place baa
Tnaa. Aonb Vae Hoidu
loataraa wUeb maat add Balartellp to B»eh belter than laat Booth.
the Hfitir’o popularity, aiwtbe deMRJohn JohaaoB b eaj-.ylaf a eUit with
Tb* BaatefMedluBA
a. a-7
appreciated when I atatt
ywlBOBtt doTOtod to ••The Youac
Bother from BLafhaB.
VUbA” aad "Homaaad KaTB.” eoaGlU'o lo
l>r. Sasebe’s
Bat they ain't the kind o madlBB* .
Bwtad by Hia. U. R. C Balaa.
to Uke mv i.’LT'ot ^^mmif'ia
tlona la tbe sraoda'
and f,
“typofraphaUp tb* Uubau. b upto- bwtbe Uth.
I You Bmy'uS^aboet^mr dodferu aad
tel* ia snip Toapeet. aad u printed oa
SUbbotUtookleareto thb plocs
■Mra food aawB otook. and tb*
-iat MI ad-1
mrcruditiou when S.S.8.' buii to taj:;
OB Monday (or * journey to tbe ^|)pC'
wort obowB lb* «S<vt to foodB*
.V '*t* raeommen-lrd lo me. aad I mau fu on ladeflonciy.
refioas ul lahpemlnf.
wara tae
•17 la lb* haadt to ootopeteai ps
(bat I bed ]j,u,
little bopg,
bopc* of
« any
any * \ri it i* ceruiuiy itue,
Tbe tarf* Alice Oill loaded at
be frouad.
Bcdiciae beoedmew;
me. •1 ................waa tooe *i
ock here laat Wedaeadar. She b
a and your cBconraped. hi:>»aver, wben after Ukinf „
!■ Um BnuLD ofiee. aad wltbaclrcn- paeted dxm to lap up (or tbe
' three bottles 1 «** shle to asore mi
natwithin the coxy
Mleatol.M(i.aBdaaadeenbiiif pat‘ riiitalaTm. In
d loUkc tbe Bed- tomtocunsompiK
eanfbt .
le parlor alw'a aflaw,
' icioe aad befo , lodf was shia to walk |», of appetiu. L.
rcaafa aa iadkatod. Pablbbar UatB
sad aad a
and srbeu I bad Aaisb i mays accompanies pour difistiuo; m
«aa eortaialp (aol eoateatod with tbe
1 CO oae cuscu ootUea was able to fct
of so-cailed heart dmeaa
wit „ -Wxu Oow* M-ou ta «>.s.oo.=
bt to a *eoaatr7 pwbllaber.' "
{ abo« aa of old.
but luiupie (bla. tbe heart
TVe farmer an Ibcpalated aifn
I bad bee* aaferiac for paari with a iwiapHiwIW to iiaimia, radlaf with
"I bale beea hale aad beani bow for j. abuie tbe aumuch aad t
' ' tarn ai
ParalpaM. At the aolVitatkm to a friaod. 1 «r(ad tb* QayduBw. aa<ba*«iwuUara.y
—a. yrarl
the apae ^ two yTai*.withcmtaaew«ato a return .u^a to faae* la the stom.ra. frveo V,
eeisW oort bewedt from iti
a aae.
aau. Idmira
I dcain tom
to wife mp (rtoart bad atoaboi*. wba
. raaaa ii
I to the
.fie di*ea_.
diaeasc. .I will ................
aeeee cease to i tonaMuo*, bail difestod fuM*. cauaca ~
_„lly wiaa.
i raae. to try tbl* ta
iff alBtoh to tba Ule and work to
lb* tesraat to lie ,
ba. ■ hae* a
‘■Aaat Lura Harllaad.” wbo duriaf
A with (all diritHtmi ft
ad (or that parpm*
WrWia la thb dtp sritb her bob. J.
•rbe aapu; --Plcaoe I ail rail all whom rraj^
la a late letter Di
■Btml. to fct rtiB to pom aa
B. BarQaad.aBl oteca
bb death
Ole Aademoa ha* opened a reitaraat
to psraratafa dae p*a far ai
Hra. Harllaad. baa a mdeawidetorulo la tbe tlertoop boUdinf.
m BB. Lort Bra fat. Tsaami
ad rotwratheold
Mfu. E. J.Tock sprat loot wart rl<
lady and adBbtbor wort
iUaf bee brother in Tiareiae Clip.
Kpe Jordao aad E. A.'Voiea to B
ptia bar* beea opendlaf a lew dap*
to tb* H. C T. U. erawratkm bold bee* toara oa ba*lB*B.loot wart ww tbc preoeMe to-Htobor
Aftor latt alfbf* beut; oaow t
Leon SarUaDd.Utboufh tf po... Jaka BoSi has kladlp cleaiwd (k* tai
to afU. patab* ta aoopi; to foot a* (kb BoratBf with bb «aow plow.
BwaptohaHtbatOfa. Beralad
asUra aad tooara* otar.art oaeiaa
htodlp bsliora la oeaiafbor that b* b
Gloves —
■ S.
For Absolute fure Spices,
---------- .-.-.,1
S:SLr:r.-s.:: ::
BotTA'l^l^rbl'toer^ci’^Llat a. ad-1
Oaalv b-rooex*.
Boixtla. S±a«.
D®‘ Oxydonor ’
Self Treatment
"•JX-TSTuSl-j”- -
ailaararlp a
0*4*7 iBporttal la-, tbaa aoooaaa.
or tb* tarn tbraa-l A fiaadrato'
aeaatarr. 0« Wadaartap I ffilaf rblekaa oapp
■ iBllBf oh* f*4* a *at7 lBtereBUBC*ThaalnclriBf Day
DoS' la tb*
tl acbool ball at ^
dl otberklada
other klada wtibcaar.
with case.
rtor( talk la wbleb oka told how tba; flaltoB* Bap aadar tba ____ _______ __
For that la wbara tto BaliJiad* tb*
» 4bM {ladi** of St. HVhaal cbnrrt.
i4o. firWront Street.
In Buying a
F-esh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Bc|
dtotoHt ato »Hl AtmiffB «• SmA
News of the Week.
Tfck Btatmeot U Bade v> refatr a well
of^ iHiiA iav oo'tbe arw'M^er drfaed raacr. Mr. tiak-b will oar bta
balldlnr. altpped mad IrU fn>« a boa beetjadgraa to hriac-op tbe
oatbe fooneeoU) atorr .rVidar Born- Mne <|W*U0B tbe artt
lar aad fell ebrM atoria Vt ibr roof of
aa adjdalar beUdlar.
Hr wa.
bir Biarlrd aad. altboorb lUII
Tbr foot and atooU
bai a aUn ehaare for reeoreijr.
1 bdWM of U wUowen___
Prank ToBpkiot of Oirard. plaatol a
plnokM; hM U wfdow.
Balm of Ollead tree f ftj’aii ;ear« afo.
ilb roaar eon pulled op tbr twijr. liilr ba.' directed tkal tbr ra^tatioa
Hifliwo tar'll fiBMUoat ftboot ■ wberrupua hl> faUirr itnnrd blia with forthedUInrcrtioauf bidre Ur applird
»Ui a«a tke rccoBt poU »~r <•
It and arala art tbe treedo tbr rroaad totbebidreof L.at—’ —--------laCOTvrjrUlMOp.
it tbrirrd wooderfallraad ba« rrarbed
nni part of Soul
> lire Ural Mr. Toiopkint •rill e>r
Mr. HeOmekraoT t
■m busU
be eoaetroctlon of a arrr boor.
a keep tor
IWedM'tlatbe propt
Ue fu of the U>la(.
U’bilr a Mi^ Rapid. lad; rrai .
A rood Mor leekr cktemi il AdrliB
At l»ad<m Ibr (Irralnr New. pnbprrfmlr »me.l. end
are tboorbl lo birr bora <»ck«d b; bed alwaja brra prrfrrllye.iua.1.
Irtter frua Hnrlle. a .Ball
tbe rmat aertbqiiilre.
r thr Afrbanfrontier.
kle. Ibnl tbr
Al l/otb«r Cater Floiaa «w laAnrccr
Two Little Children Made Strong and p
S Well by Dr. Greene's Nervura. |
„„„ ..
Klian. bU recond pob. to amarr for a
Mr. Brrlar Trier, a piooeer of Hart,
e rnnninr with [ prrBanrnt AfcbaalU
dropped Dead Ttaondar laoralBC from
bi» a he
.. Anreprrt in;n H«,dou durinf b
bort leUara wblle awlar wiod.
1 l.l. I'rt. ■ KupUn.l
Mlaalr Ktelaer. a MLadomatie. wai
batched aeaeeira br a bijt Icicle wbkii bniin* it: prr.ou. and Injurinir t-iu l^>on«,B» Lair brrn burned aUre.afreat I
ta falliar atrock hrr oo tbe bead.
^rlo..l.a.bornal..ntr?.nr.,,..., - N i>.iinl«T ..tl.U .ul.JrcU hare been in-'
Joba Hn^lrof Uarbuo, wbllr rabbit
baoUar. aocideaullr ibM fainalf iB
At lawton, Roec-i Karir;. tonr t™p» ' K..l««l, »Iw aco-Bpinird |•rIBcr-Vat-[• tbe rrolaaad k aot capeeled i
kid. Bi't wilbarciy wrt..n. ac. .Jrnt' rx".*!* <* lb.» ofeion of hi. rUll wl
TnrwUr mumltif wliilr pl.rlnir wirb Kn^lind. i. to U- Wlurrd a. w>oa a |
llarrv Smith, about ihrwBir'arp. Tlir
*’eb,ii. U li. r.p.-.tod that'
Utter pnt h-.Ul <■! an a> and .im-k ' ^'«''•alUb KW. blinl.. H «lU br punudifonnr tUrlr}- a-roM tbr Irfl
"I. md ibel
b-will br WnivbI
AMra Klldab.e(PeB>Mi.Ma1oea1 tfar}- leatbrraad a mr dull ax atrd ' r<l from .trel>ai.i.Ua.
le f.«/l from brine cut rntirrly off. L The .iluali.ui iu Turkre n
tbr >ob of paler a*
loaeb il U bedly rut and broltod
Thr .ulu
InaCbioro aweBB fur »tv a rr««k.
llBbar wolraarrrlrlBrbaatm of anlrrT»ity arr lm» praciicellr
troBble wear ibe boo. Hear orraaea. tad The metirr ha U-ro aar
for w«ar lime. Il waa at f
tbe rearlt of I
.1 to afll late, taakine Kalam
It iaalUyedthat NIb Alia Pkmrrd
of MaeoB vbo loat ber roloe tm jran
Till- i.jiniue'wit
.oir.-rioe to ihr dr.-
at tile new shoe store.
Thc^i(^^Vr Also Kcstoml to lloylth
by That Grandest of All Modicines. Dr. Greonc’s '.\orvara
Blood and X'orvo Kemedv.
Are you in need of a cheap rig? If sa here it is: A pair of felt
hoots, four leather stays, and a pair of first quality, high buckle
and heel Perfection Overs at $2.Q0; or, we can make a eqmbinatioD of lumbermen's long tufted Ifoot sox and a pair of first quality heeTHurbn Overs at $1.76. Buy our combination rigs and
you wm save ifioney. MAKE NQ MISTAKE.
, '
Men’s Suit Sale! ;
....it. .1111.... .b,.b> ..ubh. Ufo.'ihirTl it* !!lf ,Cbb..T orcbrit
J ■ 'i'
‘ tbeaoBBdiorof Iberodf.
UeanU btrertb. tbr llroloB Harlior
lad rrbo aecldrolallT ibot k> uealk hi.
bBtin^ onBFBDioa. Rbrs Ireland, 1. tbr two Umr.U. rrr»ldrnl llarorr. .if'., „7. . ,... '777 , .
•firiof anil ■
a J .V. mVL ii..
(taatlc with rrief and- tbe loauf bU Chicago .hivcT.it>. b„ lo mlid thr
»l.U' which ;
reUbllUiine ..f a grrai pwiemdualr
thouaad. from dralh and
MaCal IncBlUa b feaird.
nolrriaily llkr th.ee lo .h.r«..ny. and ^ Xi' „X«,1
FkrwrU JaBW Mead, ared «o.
prrarm Borr u opl*^ nxrl 'of bia
ibiitioi. may br !
wbOa teUinr 1 tier at U
. Tbe enirrr.Hy u irb^lso fumi»h
rrruf thr AntirnUi '
WM atrarh no tbe left U
/ ~ i
n"'* henitbv chll-' rrffaliinp .l.-rp ►Ir.mr nrrvr..
traak. fractarinr t
ippieBrame were.
^ ,' sii-nwl.
Cbarlrh II Stout.
drra arr what wc all aant. ana how u. limlo and Ih.l
cibanere for raoorrrj are allB.
National lUnkpf the Ilrpublic.
.krrpoar lilllr ■■nra in fr<><ul farallh U a.ritalltr. wbleb all chiiarrA ahuuM '
.ja widow of tbe late
rmnol lntrrn.1
'(.H'lly at,
le , bnndrrd Ariiirnian. arr .m a ,
an at;r<l
(TiildiTn arc p.-«'ullarly liiblr I
Bl Micbola
iibewaeBlo n b, tbr alrikr at Whilrnrillc. Mop., breauw.
._..-uu» i1ienr,icri: thry l>rcuBe nrr<
Ihrir empl.iyrr refiitod-tai ,dUrhaTTr'
near Mira, wbee
■lurlrr ..f a .•.•ntnrj— ..p,, rallrw. fmfjl. era* and irritr
. and faMlUd oat w
,'f.u- iwrutv i... year, lo Iw
a ^.lr.•p
In' raacl—.iL
rtai'l—ISL . pie;
pie: their nbrbl
»lr.'p i» not
md c
aliu an
A arr difrnl br rlill,
la^ Iru...c MehoU. HaRa/.iiii'haWubrariatr
but ih.w t-a. rrrtlr..
At Mrso
i-'wapra rarh me
ly. kilonir ». l-.uue mr-apr,
month tanhr,»i,i, ui »i<U.-. lui.rmuror taftI ill ttr ir l.;..,l and iirrt'^
i. Haall'e roideacr. flndior tbr flrr It Tillr. Ky.. c.vrd in M.
--------------.ilr (if
... tl... land. „ br*an .Ki,o.p ,0-1 wahrlirrdand u il-1'frr.brd I vbildfvli. wh-wr |.Ir
tbe faiBBre low. piaerwl oo krrnerB' Jloweed kaBafrena Ic .
.-..n.'u.liaatfiiy «ith It; jn thr m-.mUc. Thry t.arr ail irrrfrn-jrii-w.Mr iukdr»ir..iii:
Aa csplaakio of rroet foroe Mlowed.
abd tbe Ctrl WM arriuBaJ; beraed.
-MrA forty too Brtror frll Thutu.1.v •
N«-ai » all ..f tbr j.'ail^ tot apprtiu, (Trow thin ami pale, ii.ik Jfn.ll.I Illr.lleinr
■ "I
iier.ouv f.w
.,r l..ury.-ais.toU>at|
A PUobrr faraerr bae tbr h<Boro< BirbI ua a farm i.r«r Kenod |r..,a , • biW-'ii >• prrij'b
hildr. ii'r III
; I .-ouiil .h^n.'tlii^i.’ 1 wen I J..dl(r.Trnl
hilUar tbr irM wblir dorr IbU eeaeoe Obio. Afarrurrha.dll fall and found .‘ 'wpujB.
lU.wt.w., A,It n-mr .-.mid .h.'lp mr
it bailed in tbr pr.mou eiu> tbr rwrib ''T'"
.!*»>' Matfr'i'r. Md ..
Ha t«a. Beek aad
anmnd lUiu-nliv butd.
. t••unk.lolk. amung Ihrm. Tbr h
wblu. while tbe bar
ri'i ‘if,".
n 1. iwrf..
■m X‘lf*‘to he.li(“r-
. .
SBltii obierato^.'^hlu dU I f';!
coerred a nrw eomet In Uir r.«iMrlla-1 ‘
..u'eew.tnl Hr
i„ r.
nerr.m- ami
rbronir diaaw-r
mast Sew Y
, I ily. lie ha tbe
il.e w,,rld-aud tbu.
e,.ren' ia the TVauU
« rat .-xp.-iii'ni-'e The pr. al rep-
>due ap
. tbnaeandi
Tbe wrlal *U.ri» reprr'
" I* a eU.rr of Uuy.
It the Umr of tbe
} MiBfal
bUl/.ry of tbe tlmea
boe Irarek -'vir the w-enra
tiZ u,r i.^i^^nr’;;:^
tbe blinding ai
|L hot «eh en.v.
kre aadalMIlwaaLre. Kinm-lan j |l»pWl 'luck .t Son
ih,nhi. m,Mi. ii|.' will cure and thr
Successor to Host * Ksrtos.
Bankruptcy! Bankruptcy!
The well known firms of Kutnsor, Bossnfield A Co„ of Dstroit, wholsuls dsBlsra Iz:
Oent's Furnistaing Goods, snd also the XUton Hoeiery Co. of Chicago, wholssnls dsnlsrc
In Hosiery. Hsts. Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Mittens, Mackinaws and sfaetoiwee,^*,^^
and we have been lucky enough to secure theae two enormous stocks for Isas than 40 per .
cent. W9 have placed these goods in our atore for pablie Inspection and for quality and
prices we will eclipse aU of onr prevlona efforts. SAt.B 00MMSMCB8 WXSmBffSAT
NOVZMBEE SOth. 16M. Just to show yon how easy it Is for na to down onr eompstitm ^
look over this
.. their a>e'k.
Si'e* IVlenum, a Heatnr man. ra
\ ^ The
irgrat apple
.orphard in H r
............rer* l.iJl
> Kreraanl.
A farmer rarlirand lliwen k b
«^-b at prealoi weig
Hug ekderaitlthe lai.wt lad anmi
'the genu awine th
al.uund aU.
Alma. Kifteec ,fa->al
farm, i>f A W. Wri
u'.her fan
fr.ua the .
A Had At.' funner, in hvh.ng wrrri
tbr wbmt w bi.-h h<' ba* , U.r.,li„ hint.
bat fnnml it/all of whit, «..riavab..Bl'
half an iBejrh.og. w hich arr
.rr rating
eating the
grain. He >«v. h it h.'ha nrrer a
igiu feel anVtwo Inch
any w.wm. like ib "i. tof.iro.
Tne li .ugla, 11.
A Culdwiler breeder of dne he
...f uttwIibV
of VI
reported t» hare luat Si.iar. w'ui
illagr. ha hurTraWd it
atoek by allege.] b.« chulrra.
roliL. Sumrefthrm w.rr of mam
II k report In New York that Eng ' “
Ih ula. thr .ampir frfi at the o«ae
Ikh farming peoplrareonniag to Ihl. _rcighilig Hrr paund.
eounuy iu larger nniato-r* tEian rrrr.
tVblta-6-h l>,un.,.o.h.pprw.roualy.
;« 'r for .-ranb-'Timr
'briiStt.a draro of a big ,-rop nrxi yrar.
ikrujit priw .
r. worth IfiD. bankrupt price..
-Men'* hsary all wool mitla, call akin fand
'l»itikrui)i pfio"..............................................................
Extra hearj lumbenoenk uadecirw. tally
1.60, Unkrupt price..................................
MriiK all w(io1 Sootch slome, trurtb dOi-.
bankrupt prit'i'......................................................^
kIcn'H .'amcl hairr nudenresr , worth 16c.,
baokrupt price
Men'a all wool sweeten worth bfiO, haak.
•MiSsm' Saxony milteas, extra fine, vonh
40c, bankrupt prion................................................
Nen'aextn fine wool ew««ten.8wlts0aadls
mske, worth 3.00, Iwo'tnijitprioe...................
Infauk' all a’ool Ixxrtira, wurMi 50c.. baokrupl price.........................................................................
Men's doobls texture sU w6ol ma#bfa.»ntb
worth JOflO. bsnkrupt price................................
AM '
Men's cxln bewry blue flaokcl shirts w«Ul
1.60. bsnkmiH price.................................... ..
A larv# lot uf'Oien'n all wool asaurterl ca|«,
B.orth .’lOc.. bankrupt priers................................
«.l.‘rt^" «d '^rolt^nUro'’
Hak-I tototbr to*t f.,-tbr n..p
at aU iiaaca by bk artrbkor'e
•Wabfwiaad hk«Bfda. bM to
'aady berome eo
Nlehola i
liSiai tore*—HebMitol a ^ I ^^TW roroaatl^
iianlj that maay
a S4> kowk aad
wkb mwn
' Blw at Muaevw <m May ;< next, (be "* t** eorrlring to ■* are barely ab
d totaia «*'
^ aroatrareatb blrtbdry
oa baekwheat end la awe dktbr oora k womptly a
: B* vow.
■ ’’ trWto
- \ ietaria.
indli'aluio i.t lTe'.'onudeoew.lie- A Urh'S
ItUfe I.A of men’a all wool eot, worth
v'onBdrtKw.-He. he w,.; AM
■■ be I
■from « to 40r..baokntpt price. . . 13c. 14c. 15c
"■an .unSdraoe.
,ety of the h.^. kleu's extra besvy box. worth fully 50c„
benkrupt price..............................................................
Samuel Anderson,
aiAheautrfoi lot of m
worth fttim
fniu 1.00 to
k 1.60, henknipt
ba: ■
exWmr d^aLha“ba'i. I
>nd telle .of it a en
............---------------------1 Ttodrmtb ia Gratiot Coabty__________ilralof bnelinf-nad
a .wide and mleader*' MrefI arly thir m ■nth that uhrop aad : fore
fore tbe winter »
KluKiit# flcral d.a.gn*. k worthy of <aul# dir I f.w w ml nf watrr
ha more .l.aulneue
............ ha
Mv-imb' Hat
Hat be will hare tbe.
ite ba»k. ,*r''*'
*>“ f""®' raia.farm-r* ia Mv-irnb',
,1*17?”“ p'raarr to older pc-^le a tbe
: dren'u book* w ill In tbe little oaca
daoMi Hw«gtau.atoraerlMagaaar
ne BHtkb abip Lad llraoey k aow .
SalUeM >M feaM dad Is
' vrw IW day* oat from Haaafbal for ,
h^ MtorT^ : ““ fr«wkA, aad II k t^ht tb^t *
betd reayoaJbU fur bkdemke Wr tbe
‘.rpboua »hkb
rocaaer'e jary. >U bad >am dniaaed ,
»P ‘•'only after ube etsrted.
bk loaeasor ia tau froteeaal unim
Tbe emfraeof Cblaa ba)ert srrlrnd
■| me
tbe auuur
Auulir raaet
“ "*’*• •
TSe ^
Ijsdicd' all wiu>t Saxony tDitlans, worth .'iOc.
bankrupt price................................... ..........................
A Ixsautiful lien of ladies' (aacisatora, worth
Yroui 1 00 to 1.-'A), bankrupt price................
.\ large l<A of boys' aaaorteil cap*, worth
SOc., baokmpt prira........................ ........................
TWrwBtaMilil bold at Sad Jaefcn
barwod to tbr grouBd aad tbe gseata Hlcburaa.
Tbr only
^ year
year Ibt tbr
pertod wto« th# relnfall r
amlwMino aad tbralte
Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
Have Gone to Pieces
le aame time atiruglh' M'a”nf‘’{hr“tonSeil
t« the entire^ ey.Mu. wmiderfol medWne.
ilthfal eula'tothr'.
’■ff thmu.m Iwkr Mi.-hlgei
■*~,th»l.H*l <USrku<9 fr.
r» paid Ip “* to <k1 1. Iiwl.
^ who
*r * xto_f-
' |*wi. will S.n-
llpbtfnl poem. " The Iiream | alBlng.
While Kallk iia». of MMkeroi
oepart^ fa the feaeral of bar______
l-eUlngill. tbe wild a
Mary, abe Ml Aon ataiia. bBiatiag a Rirer mounUlna. io M.n
UesAeaBM. Ber on coodltloB k aui fonnd dradrib h» in .
...-I ........................ .. ‘*'1 .. .
iMat alnriea. Alb.-rl SUlirna. niewe
HetUnr*" ix
arly period of tbe war and h
"(Tiri, and. the W.mderfol l.amp'' na
-- “-W w...g m eww*.we MM... r rwieT alito* Iked ale
alone among Die • ild ani- oneot Ih.'gii'at .u,-ee»wv. et tbe pat
inak of tbe Wke Hirer m.iontalua year, ba writlen another tiewy Uial
ba erer toe>n lamed regard- promlMw much. In "Siiidixid..-Smith
bad .her eJobiar Bearly all bararel
bk life bel.weo
bum bee body, aad bad lo to rolled la
Ibeaaow. Beeaeay k doabifal.
At MBBlIb. Cbarl
ria swllMT'a M-year
tUngfll had hnomle.lgeijr a >>ah Ihai gn-amt uf a-a-fariTig ad>
Md eoa
-ktngamr a rktoua
rich gold eein. bat uerer to
y. uianr,. Sindtod. and
— Uu_ _______
fnu and
BBMealy grabbed b) tbr .Yv'luaeed lu Icntlim. tb-ingh be
the .■..mplUalhme that tbia Iwiog*
efaBBk td Boh WM tan a^^rty of huntenanne (jaaru
ab.ot ear to Imagined. Ttaew are
, eapualaf tbr eord,
I liui a few of the frwlaea.
boy'e mirejy.
UentnSHt-Maprtaaarffrlneer !*>>e eoali^ ynar el.(.K. will to giren in
t. hkb k a Mtire of the.
toirtbem aea a
xienl, , .
a aft-water Mnl .
BT HaBoork
Ink plain the girtl
Hatne Beaaillul Creailima
rigai.cm imerreta are; Errr} I rar
Ibo^l Chat It'
aoo aa
il aeema
trvai the p.-er and
aroipaa if thr iwrto-
Aboae C.aia. bare k
S^^whkb Cai
growth and
Br alUDlr.1.
frmah WayUnd. of Mariot, o. rr-1 *>-l
o< Irltrr* wriilrc to jo.iDe!'*”'
alrkt Mra. dnaehoa. of TmOb. wann arr aleh. rj.r that
ddred cBto tbe railroad track aad wm aii'rd a letter from a HaHiBorr albir-' trypl' from'saiu.ei l.y H.iWrl l..ui,! If
-now .l.•,c^il>e tbr pietur- rrtal
iidrrn » rriordiri.. Hr.
killed, ber bead helac urrred froa her pry aakjng him bk rrlaliombip to I
bod>. A yoanraoafoaad ber corpw H'lUlam Wayland. wbu morrd U> oi.lo < <',r|ar life ..f ibi'lammle.1 miuin.'rr in Orrri
■» afro Wayland rrpltod that hi- huWaml home, an.l (.'ire iotrrr»iinf bl.»l inri(r..rBoland.
the Bent Boraleg.
tbr itmn'e e..n, »'hrn'up,B (hr ,t. | portmiu of hi. n .1 cr miinrn. Ilud- TbI, wonderful remedy. i« abore all
A Bbtt OBh BBB k ■t arrcrml attir
Heine, nnd it>
now writn. him that b* I. thr
be faalldiBg bk own crib
aborr Uraey
brir to tbr H'ayland .wutr iu UniT' I tb-s X|iprared iii
1 w.ml in thmiaand. <il home*
bk B^r. aad tfaea orer'
oreriaadfnf tbr
1.1 Jame, MA.itrnlurd al a lallllon.
' | wriir for 4i in
..................... ........................................... $10.00
................................................................. 1100
................... ■'......................................... lAOQ
................................................................. 20.00:
................................... .............................' 22.00............................................ .................. 25.0$ •
from 25 to
nor cent, less than cost, but rather than to bav^
..cheap iroixls Ifl supply the demand we concluded to clean bur stock and giw otrt-"''
|Wtrons the btnvfil during the existing haVd times.
Xrrrura in all nert
infanta and .-hlMreal
rod »e« larB rmpror;-in bnltb and
•trelijftb errry day and hour.
aesee wm obaerred ir- of Van B.'rr’i :i7K™rk:i^ rt'rrX
niat. The atom ,Ctakmn. WBedretroyrd hyfl„
Note a Few of the Reductions;
I ala. lixee Iwolilll.
, w.aV. ami run .1.
r Hr .i' -rcr- N—
r r.iur.ly
|| .l,.i
Igttal tbal l.-Bum.lbeU
Ibaakfcl rouuph.
wru and »lmtip afraiu.
and they are li.
derful rriD-.!..
'Ilrt.irr. I (..it,
Tbora la a poaalbllHy ef a woo
tae M KalkMka and with dne ferou
of hard tlBbar wUUa two Bllr* of ibr
eUlaca. The ana la had roada Tbr IVedne^ay
BBB^ road ayatoB
children. a«M oar and four.year*. , ir.ru whet I.u*
Uvn prorl
proriilr.1 for thek |
liu* luvn
OO Mtn'n Snits to close in inUl siie* (princijKilly small sizes.) A Umanza for tboae that ^
can l>c (jtied. Do not tlelar as they will n»t last long at the prices marked.
tv ? ?5.75 Suits formerly st>Id
itw 7.75 Suits formerly sutid
iriiiT.-“n.^ n>to^^' Now 8.25 Suits formerly s»»l'd
'oTi^wksi. N. w! ^*'’"'
Suits formerly sold
12.50 Suits formerly sold
bin ii.'r iwoiXtJtw 13„S0.Suits formerly sold
ir.ly that 1 (lii.uj-hl I would irv iu Af
ter llir )1r.t i-.itCe I fed n-ffeted. en 1
oned a eniiple *»f I.Titl". m.ir.' au(i ana
[I am a i n;hi anil.
Vtbank. Hr.
ilirrrur, -N. rrura tw th'«jf..»l It did
lor dowaonaoxiBalof tbe cold walber. Tdo ahnt down tt'edaredejr aad pnatratad with rrlrf and may bruoB.fmJTtbri^iSe wrlta’^^^^
alxFVidap. (Hbera wUl rider at------aitwl. of Uir lanruBiV. while it ba ,
la loTBlnr la tbe k« alifa I
Mia MaryHoarnof liayarifr. \T.. irirrBloiu .rra.lrr* many worU that
oOBplrtad bi'r lunib rrar lat «r.-k h,
leil wbrUimLr wunJ.I
•unJ.I n-i
n-Biaiir j
A lew daya affn OedCrer Kiokra ul
If kbe bad ber life to lire bad for U.PV ...erra lar
Ol—< Baeaa townaUa. fonnd a lain
fl--. and It). aM 4.
lied. "N'o. in.lrt-d ’ <n K'os.yal .'hii'lrre tVbrii
laager than aiatrlc i
of tbr l•riIl.-o..■^ Wal.
Traverse City, Michigan. J
N. B. • No old good* at FrMk'A obw ktore.
‘Mra. CorarllM WUIUma. ao a«rd
widow of AdrUa. wm atmek br a trol-
(al^m killed two^rnu^ bB^y
S 118 Front St.. Wurzburg Blk.
At Mam tbeS-jeer-oU aoo of Mr.
abd Mra.te*t ttealibair bad hb rjr
pat cat br tar falllsr of a fair of
abaara, arfaich be rra irrlnc to baag
W. C. Lalbrop. a Jackaon alrn palm,
er, irw bolaunr a ladder, irbeu a rnHc
pHne book and Ueklr abore fell on bl.
fcf^. frBclurlnrbU aknll. HU rrcor«7 U donblfnl.
baplul la Adrtan Mo^ay m
nSop roiey of DetrolL
Mdlrt took Ue white and
'\lva.()yA\'5y\^ -
UdiM-all (Tool fine csthiMie boee, fuUy
worth ®c, baokrupt price.................................
Boy*’ fine woolea
Mes's jency orerabins worth
Men's extn heary etrirtly bone essde. fait#
tens. Wurth 66c,beokrupt price____ ________
Men's extn beaty wool pants worth tfiO,
bankrupt price...........................
Hen's wthd paeto worth
iffjf* ............................
Hen's duck costs, wool Uasd. worth lAO,
bsnkrupt price....................................
Cbiidrea'ssll wool boee worth Sfttk. bm*.
CUldtVD's^ woo) boee. etlk heel sod tfMk'
worth 85c. bsnkrupt pcie*...........................
Funeral Directur.
■ '
To mentloa aU tha bargains ws place on sals would Uks up too asoeb spaoa. Wa aali.’
thaattandonofthapabUolngwaaraltotbaabevaatoek as fiaah. aaw geoda. fhO CMi^
that bavanavarbaaaepaaadwiiicheemadiraot from tha mllli W> IhtIIs a»m jhuilj Iri
caU and iaapaot oar otea. Wa havahlradaxtnfbrea to wait on tbaraah-fim«o»afl»l.;
n'ox.iuw.# .»V»,:w«7’uiuee'.a”ia'
j Wilh a stock of Funeral Supplies second to none, and a prac sarvad,attha
lmM)tical knowledge of the profemion.
profession, and w
with a lady assisunt;
when .wanted, we arc prepared to attend to all details of the
profession in a practical and satisfactory manner
Telegraph and Tdephone ord«« promptly attended to at
all hours, both day and night.
WILLS. AM0ER80K. lluagM’.
TtaialtcUiswatfItaaiaBid '(
Grand Traverse HeraW
•mo*. T. BAn*. Htw.
fTcaUr tk»l bb MWM llrta* »«1*U>w an is far away Baftaad.
o< aU wUl b* ealMdad lo
,* l-rba.wa.bor.at Xaat Lat
IteBon U»d
ton. Vvkaklra. Baftaad, Virratabar U.
«Hn4« WIlUt «TMla«»l
Wa* aaltad la ■arrlaf* U. Ba.••mUL
I«B OB doac*. IBM. A abort
Tk« Ta«<Wi’ Qiib n)9«d
tbar aflar Ikdr laarriaf* tkrj Irll f »
tMwtlaff pnifTM rrUty m
.•artelaediof atl-bUadelpbla. Tbc>
Ik* Pvk PUm pvlorv
apeai a faw jrmia la I'anaiiplraala aad
M. Prude UMW7 MsUtp
IMawar* la wurklafat taralef aad
>1 iUf«o- wllk a frtud led for VtallaoU V. balld
a MwalU, bat aol aaoeeadlaf, ti
* Clab will apdaf ol &a be cane to Kortbport aad
I Haed*r »n«fsaoo *l Ur** that aaaiBer be worked ter Poi aad
o'^oek with Hn. E- U CortoU.
Buae aad looked oerr tb* cumaUT; feel
C. Uoa«d*rwM*Uo lk*r«d
efasKWI ••iorabl* tarprtM HaUrdaj
itwret Uw
tw OtMMow
■iMHalMud bu:
aaBbarof Ik* poaaf paoplefrooi
Ik* aaplBB far* Mra. Oaaiabbr a
plaaaaat aarpr«**
«P**« “PP"
Pridar BifbiAaaada Hlea;U O- T. M-. wUl bold
aa oU.fa*bloo«l apelllaf aebool la MeXaMfB ball btardar aeaalef
whieb allara iarlted.
WUl MMdorf wUl bare doable :
■Bate [|------ • - bb alilaealb Wrtbda/bMaaMolaplaaaaal aorprbe fir«a Us Prida/ oa tkat ooeaaloD
dap Hasaleb wa* aaotkar (aeorMl
Mwlal Prtdapeewuaf. aaaBlwrofhb
ffiaada ftrlBf b
a dallfbUal aarfwtaa. Hrorraaal
a( Ik* oeaalDf.
Tha doaaUaa parlp aad tea coat aappwftraa bp (be CoafrefatloBal rbofth
AUaDcdelp UoDdapalfbt tea. a ffrat
Baeas Uarlaf tka *ra)laf a aoakal
aad m«*rp ^ofraai waa «a)ope>l.
oa a p~r.
e>w* vbo ara larsber* aalaa tka
B aoddeatallp.!
Ko ooe kaowa aa a rale e brre Ibr artl>
ebw fo lo. aaeepl tkoar who hare fouad
plaw wbere tbep are Deeded. Tbe'
wriur of Ibb article, who b e laeBbrr.
auw tbe Basra of leo other
It euaflirU wlU lone of oar
dBlp oerrled. waa refereed to oocD |aa>d laeellBf BDlea. fled .
I reqat^ed bp t
■slitee no 1‘obUc Dfhiiuf
l•rllllaoot ■■ rratdrouof <hr Pint' bolwlll fo oerr U. te re
Ibr Beat • ee*
Werd.lOBopoliiK^ W Aahno Be <'oo-■ biB
Thra'-ee reuj1atl.B leae
tbr f.dloa >er pea aad up eo o, ei»:
... .
Veu-AbirrBra Morraa
aaea-1 tirrillcb. Staiih, Kjaelba.
. . MB of Which Traearae Clip b
. ButloaofiT^q^B
pnmd. for Is au Iowa b tetter urfaol'
d work doae bpiuwosco iban la carrird.dM k
ulp aprewd u I
below, baa fone be addlof liopriwebcbU UII lo-dap 11 b B modal farm.
m lor the winter plentiful u uaual.
IIU wUe'a beallb fatllBf. Be aoW the
erea a», the bamlful werparr will
farm aad want lo Hmpru. Ilelaware.
te mliaed. or If it te. tbe bleatedbnplof a ebaafa of cllmair woa«.l>rool flrluf alJl more Iban w.ke
atll bar, bat ahe died a frw paera after
adi. terwell in fab "ViaJon tfl Sir
Ha bad eafafsd la urmU«. bat bla daafbler • baaltb out te- Uaanfa^" well ipaket I'brbl aap:
li« food aad pearaof har.1 loll befla. "Sul wbal wc flee, but wbal wr •
alof to te felt bp Mr. 1‘pboa. tbep
Tbe flit wltlnml Ibe fleer b b
tboBfbtbaat todUpoaeof Ibelr place
I'bo fiera <it hlvtelf and bb <
afalo aod aoBae bark lo .Traearae Clip.
' feeda threw.
Illmaelf. bb buBfeHof aelfbbor.
aad Me."
. I'pbur. Ulaal-pbe
.1 apeelalUaa tbatj
M K. C.^M
P sUranlea
pod tbair edarwrt
>r WM wall roeeleed.
ra'aaae ap >»• ce.preiire eaarraaa.
TV flpap aoelal fleu bp Troeorae
Bap Hire L. O. T. M. Hatardap ceulaf
telaf attended bpbteai
wu larfBlp aumdad aUd afraataaoMaieolallp.
Amoaf tb* faaluraa of
la rallflOB ba ioaaed to the Motbo- ant Saedap will te "The Truaure. .if
(ka aualaf wars sflpap weddlaf aad a dUt cborcb. alwapa attesded
(be Snow," and In tbr reeatof. "Hie
* be ooaU aod pracUoMl ^amlhr wteablp (nilldreo of lariel at Hlaal. or
•aM UUroaL
| g, baliaead the Ufa on* leA
toHbcae whubeep hbCdrarnah Tsebar. Iba old-Ume
dul lo do with the life la tbe uaf Than. y. 1-.I at-.p m
with Traeaeoa atp Ibaaire foera, will
te led bp Mim CWrrle ltn..<lfi»t
jmt; -nie Model IVaprr." The public
KuaqwaldrBt tultlua limlpal4
aad darlBf tka *T«alBf two Saa aalaoItoBaflua It C U. Taraor aad qnr*ttoaa bp all praaaet carrted o«l
l>(Wi|iri idea.
A "Itorlcmiu
Maaka-- eaaaad sfood daal ofami
tout. MiB. Wm. Haold toklaf flr*t
frtaal^ Mr Baald Ika bo
TlMfr ruaal arsra (ba M
Thus wko aUa^^ tbs p<
ofTrtlbp- bp tha Puttee COmpaep
MtoiateffB Utaad Matardap algbt had
aiaiatraab Tkueuhtog part
■adaa urofol atadp of Da Maartor'a
tootm aterp. aad arearp part obowad
parioettoa of Saiata
Mabel AiahaewTHIbpwuall tkalooald
ttfod. aad bar boaatp'addad groallp te
■e uftha fire deparUu.'lit.
"'reUiiun Ilf Ihe ae.rapaprr mi
tetter lablr lor itieir uae la
' uonmlfam ^ Aldermaa Smith, dulp
Bi.iraof MHJocil priuredlBfa wa
Moeed bp Alderman M.wfao that the
peiltiim te fraeird and that a auliabir
Ubie be proelded fur raid oew.pwper
Mutum earned
. ,d llapid^ b
rnaval... . 111. Mi.u . S'oe «. 1W..I
Mr N.Hir, . .
r,. Ihr
.M,i|rrr.i..d I Kh •'ark I-la.e Bad will allrud tu enp ur;
t« iw ,
.Il.dihe C'lin-.r 7>.(iw>^ l id..- "*
Clothing, Pants, Cloaks,
Hosiery, Caps, Underwear, *
II sboald te preparod te lake pan.
Hurd last Bight IVoMlrawa aaa
y. I- H e E fur all tbr p.uing peo
aaiborlied te bap for oarb balldlog
l of ralarracB books for aaa ple at S:4Sp m. bab>rol,"laBip baart
laaocllu with tba aew Amrri- r ghi wUb thidr Imadars. Mr. ifad
Mm. Tplar. Mamtera skiml. a”
man teJUliEDd the busluoaa me
aaab art ate aa follows: Sterp af our TuradaT^hL
mrelleg of tbe Indira' Ald.toUralilrp, Muru: Americao ilbterp
Stertca. « Yola., Pratt; Hloriea of Amer- olrtp nrat IVadeeadap al S;JO p. m. will
llktcirp, Hodge; Uirat Book la te aa impnrtaal one. Tba utgeet will
Keerp upMt of the
Amaricaa lllaloip; MonlgoBie'T'a H*- te -That Bop.'
U. K. ilbbirp; Mootgomarr'a problem will ba proaeBted in sborl papara BBd thru talBUte talks. All ladlni
are IpTited te te prtwral te unite with
aubtp. Hltejimr umia to
telag wrma tpdp who
alUSilad the aoclelp with -thi
Haadder'a IVaahlngUa;
tbaOoloqtaa, Uiftla; Bopa of'Ih. Cufllo; i Thaakaflvlng
7 o'clock
Innk ap
Ilbterp; eerBiag
Chlldteas' hkwics la Amrriun
fbUdraa's hiurloa in Amertaaa I-KTl ^araa of tbaalu troai tka Blblo. Trackera' amtlag follows the pmper-a
which wi* will
Hargai;ins, am h as were never before known, 31
tiiitterem lines here, at
Bailable DrpOotda. Carpet aad OtotbtofHoua,
; 227. 22§, 231 FRONT ST.,
The Latest'
Wall Paper!
Designs i
TuKinpAai^kiim. I#
III aU their gli»ry have Iteett received al
ThU Design we'd hardly |jj
^^tommlttteun/b.m. aBd Aci-ouate............. ....................
ml fur wall {tajter. Imt ihe lurkevd' clawA, celery and mince piei are j
" *->
i» date aii
r'd give you cause to be tbatik*
aei uiidi-r »I,^
pruriamnaol Act No ;l.uf the ■■oldi.AcU of the Slate of Mu-hlgao. paawni
bp tba l*fblaiur» at ib tegular ac»al. )o In the prar
amt. wtirri*aa, (hr
I* ful, riot Only Ihut vou could cat turkcy and miocc pjc but you conM paper your
.. i.Rl.-l.l
vil. on lhi> p.ilh
«if tbr vote, t-aai
cl<3'. im aaiil irtopiwiti.in,
.---- -
at Mic.t rlrcliuii in imid
te aaid r.-lut>irp<M-ati
We have
--.■-.-i'kv.-' *
l.tf-.ulrluclluu inra.-h ofaa-d ward.,
e befute Ibb council.
lubl. I Iirivf.irr.
thi.^all with the ven-patvst wail |»per.
.'Bvii *
Ruotn Moulding
to match
.vour Paper.
f rTt.:
■ .r:nvas::'".
rq .iru^ gjsi
drfrated at saU clrt.HiMi,
ijorilp ol said roirs tei
agsiaet it aad Ihsl said clip
lule inourp-irated woodvr i... .,____
der which H wu loeurporated
an.l bp wl
luaj-intp against
LEFT! by buying a poor grade
lullowiag^rkaud nar Tute.wu:
.ldrrmeB\NurgaB. Uobba,
___ andJahr.____
Hr—Iifl. Bp the eoaaroijjPtbr'
Trarr^ Ol}
foMowIng )w and nap
yraw-Aldernirn Mie-rai
nreilick, Smith. Kpw-lka,
UarrlMiD aad Jahra s
larieT, b ui
It of the «
e clip are m;
_ _
of floni^beoause it's a litUe cheap
er. Buy the "Best" and yon will
always be right. Mfig by
Steinberg's Grand Opera House
___ aald Oral Uou Hlah Cto’*uTmi'irsli'v*
ycfii ihc Imiotil of.
,\<>u II Itiu! .ilLihrough
i thi
**'» t“arro»~ al
•** and
*t ailerr band tell triueau.l .juai- ^
•e deltfhted large ««li- '
t*<*' ‘*'*’1'
in hi ,n'**aD on bulb Ibe
eaoe* Iruni o^n
a* •esagall
parUcularIp otroag
uiaat u Ihe
A Naw Orgaauauon.
OiyaBlaalloo U hardlp the wordJfM
draatoUaar la malrlag that tba oealral
p(a to waaa<w'ttoB..with-tba.Bm*tbr te
Igarn of tbs plap. Thus wbo bad
akuld apcab te the dcaoou
tberaof. u luond bp him.tetbeo
ba apokas of. f^lt b ooe of the aim
bp Hec II. Ito hot aeclact
ell, arte the proper e
datp. bul oooBldar
TWrf^ to
te te ippiml of tba broad, trm a^rii
whatbar pu hboold aol ba eBmIlad
ad of tbeeaatorp. Tba Kaadleaoumg t'hrtallah people aad worhvm
tlBlId woe origtoated bp- Indp
vnL illaufa teaapibat Maaa^r
CMkeuI Proooadinga
•totobarg hu glaaa aoiktog a
Adioaraed regalar marliag ol Clip
utloul BBd aa ioteruUoul
patram that kaa bau mor* aolopad
ooBcIl held Id Cuiuieil room Kov. to,
baBadoraec Tba Oklld la Amarlm hu
Maellag was ul1ad
te order bp tbe
Hr. aad Mm J V. MllUkra. Mr. aad Ito boadqaartera to Phlladslpbla. Mm
ll ESDAY. DEC. 10. 18H.V
Mapor. Herrp Hi
Ho. C J. Btoite. Mim Uatm. Mr. Uo|. Vica.Prmidcat Cuitu telhg Ito |
I tTcBeal. Aldri
iderau Morgaa. Uobba.
lap.aadMr. aad Mlm llamiaoad.gBte prmidral It (a compmed of
bmiih. Kpealka. Kaapoa.
Biaasbaa. Braacliaa map- ba formed ^
Grand prwliirtim vf (hr hiiituriral aUegury
tBbart I| U
ianu.*^ a^ tol^tlag bald Moe
IU u U. I»w W Hr .U Un. Mini aspwb«rs.aadmap bar* tow mmabem
I T. last aad al lui rccularmaatlag wan
kaa. (e (ba mamhara of (be Coogroga^To^iamr a mamtwr II la oalp
(toaai C. X. aaolotp. over au aiemtaii
0,1 J W Mflhkrn la behalf of tbe Baailrlba'irtwo
. I loam Meo a Amuetottoa. asked that the
lea larrrormuu.
lanrr or amall. ka.
Haa bu
*Bd -O''eii,
u«ai, toSjToiii Woito Hiito 1^
maa are csnallp rligiUa. Barb Braaeb ■ •
of Ike gruaedi
_■ss^s.aqj^i'T- ‘ "f
p Aldrr^m
jus(,z^tumed from Chk.i^o w here we •lucceeded'in purchuing 3
for spot cash, an immenae surck of
3 ‘
tlial Mba 1'. ■'
wl u l.itean:
tiiafahe altei
ueb wuek al
olbrr Ubrerp m.,oc. te bit la f.c l-.o
nrvfuud f..rlhr iiufliate of bn.k.
AlaoUial Uir botincteo'tbe l.ibrare
teoooduvteil UDifrrlbr prrteul rule,
and rafuUtbmr
for your benefit
:i as wx‘11 as ours.
ara brl>«fle|r
drpartlaeol teexrhal
H Kurthrup will pn«>'h
Irrk waa. .on mTeaebcrra' reelaw claaa for tbr b*ar6t
doly carri.-.!. onleml
leml t.. draw a
will te Ibe rbbpel Belt Hua.lap at t in p
of Ukwc cipeellBf to
inerui food fur a
Nundap'aobuul will fulluw Uia preach- rant ou Ibr r
atarted tba tint of the
___ _________________________
frwmmar. clrll fueenmeat and Ibeorp iBfaiploe.
api.cial rircllon w.
Tbe lllfh Hehcml Idteratp anclatp
bald aa lateruUnf mMllaf Kridap
Tu-Blfbl ibri* will te a apeebl
Tbe nret refular macliaf TbaakBfbliif arrmuB.bp the paal
w^ te IVldap eeoaln*. Itewmber <1
."\rhal Ibapniplei
tba people uf Traee
The paplb of Mb! Adamh' A Ul Clip oufbt te te Ibaoklul for."
fr^a awd Wlm Oueerl a fJi frada
MoBir aereiec a* ^ u'clouh p m.
flee a alnflaf drill tefure tba HebuilTbe NuBdap arreluaa will ba aa uaui
maaten' t:inb uadrr tbr dlreotloa ol
buadapaehuulatli:Sua m. l-mtetaliif at lii:lu.
toUaf the (i*m of a debate u te Mlm Ulagham. the epeelal Icuber uf
That atodp waa oalp Intr
The Junior Endeaeor will meal al
•batkor CbIb aboaM be aaaesad bp
ate the acboub bare thb bl
Ika Ukllad btoUa. Home brlfbt srfa
y. I'. H. C. K at fl aad prearbing ai
■aata to tbe aOnwaUea ware made tap aad Ibr pwi^ maaa bp tbe pu|dU
J. W. Trarb. J- ft. Hatebla. W. J. Mill earr fratlfyiaf.
Tba atodp ol Ibreauae and preeei
ar Md r. UcdUr. wbUa Urn a^
Hub olwmlafkHiadtaeaww bu awaWMAa of tba qaeatka ww ablp prow
c-b lateTMt amimf the popite
too bp IVaaldrat IV U. Sjirl
bp B. L. CdwaM* aad M. IV. II
<-ul1rfe saadap al lu:Su ■
wmiA. la tka atooane of B O ladd ThU m.albdlpblbirb waa lakca
p in
A baartp loYltalluo ■>
•lUMrad UrwuMr. TarwM wuealied aad aeatmimUiaiarlel feear will
lad bi all te rlilter or kaii
•VO. aad fu
.Itoflalk OB atadlad. One food eltoel of tbb euarae |
altaadp amm, u la aaeeral rooma
aaarip aeary child tetafa lU own
folluwa tba.BUT
drlakinf cop. karplof it lo iU doak..
luaag men. huaiama mrn;'
and Ike apread ofdbuaoa b la tbb
Trmala te
wap frullp lauraad.
I b 'l Kam'^
tbe beflanltif ol the paar Ibe
teof HiB.
t of KdBuUoB eouel te upend
u to tha afUTBooB aad tbe
Beraia Moatagoe leadrr.
Ikip. and
teteaaad te •sou lor hooka aad
Iks r^lar mautof of firia telwrCB agteol In and It invited
tka Beaatof.
fWrtaara ter tea aebmUa
able '“Vr^N^te IVepre.
Tkavaaek City, Uii h . No'
Thb b trae of tbs earloaa ebureb aoekatlaa aad aotablp tror of ibe Meoaeo- T..iAr H;...(«UWr, Br M-B-.r „«,l 'K, “*rdrr«o'll*rp.o ..ffrted lo male
^•.«aaoM.^..waH/.,/Tnirrrw ( Itp
' »a1d ekel.aafr walhoul .eiprnae lo tte
last I'bIob. tbaawtalcbao bdlar orliKAl.kaaa:—I an direcled bp tbr clip
faBtaad workiof aoelrtp ratate, aad
RiBro of Truatrea to reaprettollp re. I Hnrrd bt Aldrra»e Soilih that'Uw
wboar work b Ike pear muad. all other quralpoar Uou.aable lhai> u. ap|a>lol prupua^iM.a ..f AlOcruae Moreae te a.~
Mr P. U Mrbra>Hl<' II Kioc apreial
aprcial orpied
orpird and lUt h
he aad >\re (bM-r
u-lufaa lleaprea te rui|>Mii
aulllaiT to It.
im If Piai are Bt toapp..iol Ibear rachaopT M.,ihm> i
waa wllk diflleultp Uiat tbe falli
.lahraua that
rmrs. n ia uodrraoaai itial Itep t klo.ed bp Aldert
r of the Itro-a of Ibb article waa
ertx vilhiiut pai fr*>m tbe clip clip c*
! |»ai,...al cif u.eo.aliNfeol I
aplbbed. aad. la tact II baa beea
I of Ihr Hrr Urpani
« of Mr. llrpaat ao.l
Jao. Berber ud Ibrp bdpad
Mured bp Al
fladalocaUuo. Ua aeUlcd .« I w a.iwa
lltiiia te franted aad
taad aad afurwarda
aad C. II KlOirteapp..
ilul) carried, ea>BppF.irnl
a wap pdiromro lor lae A>>l>
..n ,
Moetd t.p Aldmaaa »m:ih tbi
:b ’emri .Iboal pap from tb, , ip. woii.u
authcwlMd to order ceoirler.
Ate. 1.1 ..urvl.^ a
l*etllUin of
I, . _ ^ auiuterinp wtamp fte «"e. IB h.» oftl....
Buch u we.
a4^lBlaf froai Mr. Ucloaf. Me clearalj
appoint Ie—«
naaaVeflrlDf b put for ISip aod Bade w Bice asd aa food
lent ttalobman of •
—‘'"(Ir.d^ET^Mdrrm.a Morraa Iba.
te I'hrlalmar dapaarr cluar a
pa'd bp tbe elli, pa. reed irnmoliun
u tberr b la Idwiauw to., aao
kief ll-»prr» te autU.w.i
du V oarrled aa.d jirliliiui aaa^d on
tbebuperand prcaoDtowaar Mr. Ilea
hmins tbe lirceaaar) aleifrU
lia fur
illopoB H
Thadatafor •■ftmtrpol the War“ U
Oaa. M. aod Iba pnvram b aacasdlafif lalarMtiBf. All tbeoldaoldlen wlU
aa>0f Urn aUrrlDf war aoBfa. J.«aoa
Oa«la. .alWBpaa beorlte la tbb elip,
wO) be fTUl to bb Irbb abetehea. aad
a ■nbor of fa«ap aperlalllaa bare
bSM arrsafad for. Albvelber tbe aa-
Ilfbb OB corarr CoIob sJ^EbbU.! :tS elljr clerk oe or beCoe
'‘PoBtni of the War”
HEiiiiEh & La,y Co.
slight cold
|leadsto........ Sounds a greet deal like the b^tnntng of a patent
) medicine ad. But we only want to aay a few words about wo) men's warm ahoea. If all women knew Just how wann and easy \
J on the most tender feet are theee 76, 86. 880^ $186 and tL6Q
» Felt Bboea, we would ha^e fewer of them—and their wearers
\ would bare fewer colds, touohes of rheumatism, etc. Such shoes
\ are generally sold at $1.26 to $2.00.
Grand Traverse Herald
a W. Fmi hMlatMl tk*
teia telMlBf ud h otoTlBr bl> rnM*7
atoek ibrre. TW tacrcMcd
!»• bta oppCinsBli; lo h»«dt« Imaler
____ ______________
‘“■^***‘JS5?SlS£‘ “•**
K. F. Dam* erf Northponi <e< of tW
■m f>hlU BU to wlOe ta Utn r.|
•>*«• IMI l£* «*Ur la
bar bu loWMod SI 1, lorbB bjr B,ta»l
odriec lo advenivn.
dl’Wt Koiiicn* ran. bclMio Kloh tSS
ad ODOU nr «v dajr* In ^1 for bMUa«
hi* wlla. Th* fellow Uiub Uc w d*r».
aad the fsowal fealioc U tbal b* «ol
oS with a lidbl aauurb punUhiaeal
Our annoimcements are substantial bargain 1
truthauly told! Our nlnimn j
i are always big~but it is a recognized fact that
M we substantiate our claims
the merchanU* dise. If we didn’t, w^ouldn’t say “Money
ill back if you want it.” '
J. W. aLAntn U aow orcaprlac the
eallr* (rauad dour, of the (leraanlae.
Hr.aad Mr* drtharHollaaback bar* Mr*. /*p>B hiewarl. of £. tiphth bt...
bolhUaf oa Fnnt elreet with hh larre
aad fnaeral eerrieea will be bald hvtn |
been rUIUor at -Itrllalre.
Widttrf fanllara.
I at ooc oVIock thia afb
I lira. Hr Klmlwll. of AdrUa. la tbe
bo balll at ooco o
meBberut the tlaaaab UBb. !
Ifueal of Hra I*. L. tJrirUa
waa the dm daalh (bat baa j
\\ S. Kelly U BBkloc a lw*U»
•u deal of Tbaokaflriar work I.
break, tbein rank* daoe their
throupb Otaio aad Jill
Thr ____
I laerohaai. waa in llie rity Taeeday.
Mra J <1 Kanudrll reureed ycaUri w<wk la the way of eendio( u
' day fnuu a week'* rlall la Manutee.
-----------------------------i ■ Mra J W Slater haa beaa eoleruiallvaat BcBber of Trarerae Bay laf Hra Harry Hrinr* of Ktk Baplda.
ISnrUaepeoUlly reqaeabri
lo be preaeni ht aaat rrfular rrriaw
laiarf. Her. Id. a* ateniaaUOB of odieen will occur at that lime.
r Bradley, alcwanl of the Sew brr
altooUee work
A full stteadaaoe la
asylum, waa a (ueat at the .\ortb. [
doatrad._____ _____________ C Mlrhipmo asylum TuBdar. ,
rioai tdBriUbl* omaiietioa*
Ha*. Haunt MMin.i, wkinrbuabaad
-nn .truck by a < d W M. train
theanwalac by lleltorr'a (ael.iry Hn.
•100^ **. lew. aad laauaUy killed, hae W-
State Bank.
laah one of the Beol popalar harplaB I
>atrr. Inaddttiuallla>wia|.j d latrtMe lerideat owairad atU.
le. a haaattfa) aad talaalod I Oral Wood Dttti taebar Taw^ Bon
rooaf*]«aUo«it.t.wUlBah*her drat I ta|. eaaalUac ta th* death at cm* <
Btoaoe ta tbl* alt;, henral Tfae- the oBplorm, Joka 8w«*rt. a yaoa
rttr pawfd* hare alnadr bad (be I bob loreiHeea 7*ai* old. «a* Borta«
pleaearcol baariof HtaatiaUaad «oa- lor whea bl* eeat caochl tha law ahah
alder bar oae of th* taeal nadore aawJaear the waU aad he waa Urawa
before the poUic. Veeal Buele will be 1 atoahd Ihlrtr <w fonj Ubc* befcoo the
oe the pnVTWB b/ Hr. I BaAlaary ooald be etopped
keldr. e tenor eh.er roko ^ rapid terdnUoa.
• I
ped IrooihwSWy.. !>,».
d the lOAt
tVU^I^I^n aaniooi
eaniDuacd etoaoe
atiiB of aarliaaoeeall orer tbe oouati?.
^ .
hie head wa* herriblf
Ra/ Chatvh baa pB* to Chlcafo.
ad. acarl/ all bu rib* aad both
Uarrp liibU leH Frldaj for Ulifiw
bc^ra. baeJdee Inicroal lajariea.
«a iroB ______ I Tl^ OKWI that could be done we. to n(hpt. Webb
Here hie aufteriacea* (araepoBiUe. I
aadUepiteof bia terrible laJurBehej
MlM Ida UaraaU haa
li^cred natll ereaiac.* beiB( able to |
:ruwB fllj.
apeak aeorl; all the Ub*.
Ha Bade
E.-tlal'. UilIlBd* baa I BBonhihi*
hi* hone with hi* paiwal*. Mr aad'
Ui -c ' .
W Home
W made yarn
held Hoadey ercai!*. Ihe
TraiuTBi « ily Baalacea Men'* aaeoclation wna tbe drat of lu kind to In orraalaed lu (hr aUte. end war No. 1. <b
the rolls of the Stale aaeua'telioa aa
Ions at that aaetw iatioa bad a lif& I'oMtairr who uaiUe thryin'tles of <l*y Ibr Iraterae
---------------of the
udi tank
................ nbsHii tbe uBly one left in the a
| edlb> of tbr IVostwra waa in the city
klou^y DUfblt meeliUd abowi
i'raak Tsrker. tbe popular ar’tor.
our ordanlaaliua i* rery murk alirn.
la larpely Uiniufb the efluru of thia
In the oUy yraterdey hrranflai lor hU
week nIUe I lly
wo^lioa tbal M,reraJ b« faclorira
hare liean located her* duriad the laM
»**» Boaday
^ Nunelx^tprfu»lH>y'saiul men’N sticks,
m mitichs. etc. .All colors'diul strictlv
^ all wool.-}ictnis<h«;.sLei:i.
, Great
Kui*a A1W1..V. who left Trarerwi
City arer tea yean aco. aadbaa^Bea!
UrlBf la iierrey, 111., for aome iiBe.'Bra
haa retaraed lo amk. thia hi. hoB*. «•>» at Bate, aad heraUter. Hra
ipyiar the bouse *1 J?i ‘'uoi of this city
prairarf reewaie* haaU.
Viaraeea Oat auw haek. B
Circulation this week 2,300
MbMBW (rf Ttkdar'a Herald.
at work of this kind now that Bi
show (ood rraulte in the near future.
The qufwtioa of a I'ourth of July r-ellomUon fur IsueeaBeup aad |i
Waablufton atruet. wbtcb be built be/'
11,. Special ^u*.
nanluoualy dpcldeJ Ikat Trarerae
| Hr Timoker Im. oot yel daiah™
ily Bust calcbrete. It is a llUle early
|•hualiI>•urk on the special .wiMua uniered by
I talk much eU>ut It. bal K. U. Hchare forBr-l a parWiAphlp hi the the oHiocil, but il ba. p,qe <ar etw
>y. VV. I tlnllwud T. J. Uoet.wer*
telloriaA boriaees. ami Bill occupy h> ahuw that tbe Ocuttw will rear
appuiated e oomniitte* W look tha
plraaaai refiius la the : Auud way.iairer a..ttv aad proUbl^
up fully and report at a
Toaaelier Uock. Both of ihrae «eaDw ' <>'1 <aooh if aay abort of s.Mo At
lad to be called not later than March
1 ^ib.ra. and tbe aa euBpleted tbe r«luraa ftvm wa
Hit Beat. Tbe whole Hraad I'raren*
partaaiiihip i* a food one.
are.** follows
redioa amy det ready W cuBe to ITar(kty July t. iwc
wae also derided el tbB Beeline
'^to hare the aanual banquU ear
profraB will beta charde of Hra U.
i January, ana Jacob I'urUeh. tl. C.
II Baald subifct. Bar)y KiKlIth Hun.
.oe..iib.Q..iTO.j..ipi,.i,.-! .jj,
bwa. John aad Oharlerf'-^^ey.'' '
Ilamlltea.ill. UoaUgueairi L Koberu
,e Iblrd^ad fourth ward
uunBittoe on program. Thamemkarsol
Tuz Scst bllaaardcrftheseoaon struck ' eomple
TBe additions lo U
the city Monday Bight, and eldht inch.mi
eaafnaow tell before mnrninc There
K.ery bualoa (be l> rel. bitel up to
• ^
^,Trarer»eaty sboulc
wide epreail, e heavy | tweans gare ;.lsf aad the presenl bgUi. ewmcialion. Apply
aaowtall bring rapiM-led Ibnmgb the ; ores will chow an Inunaa* of nearly or
en. pnaidcnl.or U. B. II
aad aafarauath as Tsana.
‘ quite Uiv ia the last cirhtewo moatha.
d plwemrU Uwlheriiw
IbeJf M. A.
A ■hiedliiplipUk.
l«4l U' (food TH*W.
Sl'iSaftlSu fwara
I oocuimnu Jonipiug yusi In time lo ea-'j
cap, going down with th* wreck The |
hat IkM haa Bo( beaa pc^Ua oalU
Tha laniraiil iadlUlaa tordo-
iihf (ha Borh aMoM by (ha B«w ofBo*
hae* aided
oBlerlally la
hri^lV hbM( (ha dealrad ehaafa- a*d
l( b with a «oad deal at pleaaarv (ha(
for *rreral
Forms Lodge.
Hiaa Haui.in L. Caaiwat.i. danghwr North H
I Jodg* J. K Uaaipbell of Elmwood
radaeUoa ^ prlea lo Ode DoUar par
F*ar. IllahaUmdlhl*
BiU ha racairod with ■
(Bly hr Ua praaBil
! TTT chance for some of >ou women who
i- hahil)- with your needfe |o save
mcthinK on the cosi of, your child-
if >-ou hare any de«re lo ieam Ait
Needle Work, we will teach )-ou free. ’
Come before 11 a. tn. any Tucaday «r
Friday—until further notice.
.MefcHir) will drop
rid*'* bther tWlardey. Her. H f«ch.' »*”»'»“
Ho oOctaUng. The weddiag wae • lags will all be brid in the High nehool
raty qalet oa*. oaly the Immediate rel mwewbly room, with thr excwptioa of
the Friday erening
renlug m
maeting. which
TUleJ left Monday mornlag for their
^ Ur lb* t
tha Bculd
bUI ha aaal fatara hoB. la Chkago.
Mra Till.,
‘T‘"? “
toralini jmt tar Oaa Ualiar (a aay ta Bell Kanwa Ui this ritj, being a 7
aMni* la tha Uaitad Btatea, Oaaada gradoate of th* Trar^se rity
had has amay wnr. trieade her. who “*
* !«•''«'“' ‘>*inh«r. bal a ta.
ar Hamaa. poBaia p^- Hem
---------- --- ------------------- ^ j^^Uier. aad the lecture will be one all
crihara Bill raaalea (heraaiaf Ihtayear
aUuuld heat. Admieeion will be free
IheBsmbmof the asaocieUu
traa. To aaeh Om Dollar paid aew
1. DKohica and Ctapt Tlekaer
all others aa admimiaD lee
hare )a*t haoa planed la coBBaad uf.
Bill aarry Ue paper to Jaaaarr I. IM
Its will Ur charged.
e^ti*lratloe Arm, her. emi P~P—, '
A( thia pole* th* aoih Ba*( h* paid
nuB T lo » ■o'clock Fride, erratng a
Bake anneUp^raoiieigB: -AHTaagh ]
BdeoMa. By thia radaotloB la prka
eplion will U teadcred to the visitboth the Indlee are young, they hare
tha Bimnj haaeBB tha craatoatallorv la the vharcb {Briora. to which all
haoB-prlat.tl Baahly la MiehUaa.
Ctapl. Tlekaer has been la the held for areiarlted ll U expected that tbe atlendaaoeof uAchers will U Utneea
Tav Morthpart oAoel rap*** itiU-ha ten yearv workiag lor three year*
Norfolk aad SuBolk. Kaglaad. ami t_. one aad two hundred. Krarty all the
i«*l of the tiBN la New Vork City, Kaw ^Bcelings hare been held at Cadillac.
«H. i
Upland they are looked forward
Janey. CnaBeetleal. Chlrago
trolt aad other potato In th
Ctapt Derrick has bean in tha
work la thta eounlry lor saren
__________ _____
rrrweCily with It* p
be thetostUme.il the ''tfoeea
>CB In thta ciy, with (a-; ‘'“J" ^
MondayeieoiagiareHsmsa to a
. b**ty call the memben of thi* aoeietv
gathered at the home of Ber. E ll
Kellocv. where Ur. and Hra Ormchy
speadtag (he aighu (ahlag tha
genUe lady quite by *ar|wlBe. After a
half-hour apeat la frirbdiy greeting*
Hra Eellegg arid that when .be was a
enaairy echool ma'am aad Ur girls dri
nol behave well aU used to cal! U
to stead oa the floor, aad aa lUy
thought Hra (Wmibv waa aol behaving
well IB Iraring them, she taouM ask
ber to stead oa the Auur ulweee tU
■Briars, qrhere all the sebuc^eould aae
ber. She'then prraented her U the
name of the euriety. with a dainty volame In white aad gold, emalrielng U*
aatograpU of th* ladles present, and
an elegant gold-llaed card recrir*
ly and beautifully engrared with
of tU eorieU and date of pfwueah. .Hra Ormsby rrapoaded la a Brat telp’
eitoue aad gracetnl mnnaer. spaakiag
of her love fur lUaorieVy and lu bob-.
here and gieiag aaanraoce of ber abid
ing loterrat in their welfare TU
|may led by Mra Fowl* then rang
with Boch feeling, -qiod U wlU you
till we Beet agatt.' and Bee Ur. Katworthy eouplr to our Bravrnly
er'seare. Uratefalgood bye*
epritca and the company aspnh.___
.all to meet agaia till glad han^
Haodny aoratag.
aoridentoocamd at la
IWs Waal -Uiehlgna Wraehlag Co. Monday, renalUagte tha alBCBt iaa
•"7"““, „ ,
haatoMadlta taala Uka th* Araka. had dealhof Edwin Baton. Hr. itotet was
tawlag a* Newman Ctorah'land ami u*1Sr*
h* allaaUy xnW* hwny.
he and another BOB rawed dowa a BB-'
Krapoara. Snpt. U. T Blodgett.
wktok la felliag
Uler tree, la grlUag oat
r of the larger tree Mr. ItoMe
Kraf. & E Hnrrey. Bm>get directly andra the aotaU on*, which
straek him oaO* brad, brraklag hta
Eagliah la th* -HahUr rk-u-A. mM
B^. Be only breathed two or Urew
Mary U Trsrta. Brad I'Hy.
after halag hit.
Bis paraato.
■’---------■- ---------- r. Mia Iraey E
who Hr* la Uraak Newaygo eoaaty.' UUJa. CtadiUae.
d eama to AlBlra
, rainai n-Kxuu. ■ o'cixua.
Toaoday togottha body.
Mr. BaUal l-aciura. Praa. ta. U. Spany. BO* ayoaMmaaadaaay Aaa qaall- CaUaga.
Ura aa^ waa mUtraraUy raapratad ^
.. .•An-hitox nontho. *:»
^ To our Crockery. Carpet aud Furniture department we
JUat added an interesting and very
complete stock of
-that is it will be a "cold day"
when an>-one in Traverse is
able to shota you undent'ear
in as large quantitie
good, or even duplicate prict-s
we /quote jou.
We do the
underwear business for this
region. This "underoeartalk''
applies equally well to ulsters.
rcoatE suits.
These are
specialties—going to sell
a good many of these "special-1
ad. are going to buy them—
it may be you-
MeluM. - . .. w
isessw lievMi isBi. . m
Onr SATlngA Depurtaieat
•Aoca/rr vamicaa^ma.
kM| l«Ml IM H Bat 111 III In CM
---- llnlS:^-
* ■
tha paUM,W«HMiCkMtottoE Tte
ties" in the next thirty day-s—)■ ^
some of the readers of this
iLoarahra. Sapt. a F. WUaira. CW-
Thirty degrees in an jiour
iBtharwaaroryloBhBiMt axpantad
High Bohool UMora Ooora. wUl ha
H. C 0o»B bUI gira hta toalara.
girra by the AUe* Bayraoral Ocraaart
‘ThaUMeltha Ftaa” naft Tu«^y
CoBpnay at Braiaborg'a (IraM (tatarTth. llBill ha aaraathing al a norally to Traraaaa (Hy
Tn Falghoa HaambetartK 3. peo^teriadl^naUdora Mta* Altar
rani ahntdoBa bat algbt tea ooaph Bayraond. who ta esBoadad to b* OM of
arte to pat la a lamrah (ha
“* •■«*» ‘“r the more gealel akic*
‘•'“J hewaaea of anuthara CalUcw
briuDging to the Kish CvaialsriM^
Hrmsby haa been a member of
and xuou.iasi wblleUsb fry
.e^; lh» Wooiaa'a Foreign Mlealonary bocieredding of Him Iriphi* Harrieoa sad
dumped without warning
The ten '
*'th the Metbudial church
Ur. Harrell EaaUBe, which will take
JBseengenin the pnrldronr that night
hll the twrlre yeara. and ter
in til. Jamee eharcb, rhic^gu. Hemmt of the! llmeanbabBr both la the
eocieiy and tbe dielrkl --------ii-
! jn ,6 idchc* wide. $.49 the yard. \
•Tirtx display of rare and **- '*»• *“ '•>«• the long brulge o.,
qeielte bloiaome woe made bv F. U. “‘•''luma uu the lliicego A West,
•--------------------FaJae. owner of the Booth Side Uraenthr swlub luea got la a,
A F^waU Q.ihanng
alJ. W. Mllllkcm'e store yester-1 h>"<y »od toraed thecvii-.q, before lie!
la additkuuto benuUtuI potted
.tan raenlt it i..n | hate been honored riUseaaol thi. plm*
BthemuBH Id ereiy rarlety nod :.*h» “^‘-w and Uwik a homlloug plunge;
'•»» twelve yenra compelled by
ylfaUlag health, are about lenriag t
i m '' ■‘-■•"'a
tUviiwua has bought tbe well >
A Berrow Ecc
drilling *PP*ntus of b F. Ferrie. end I Trareree lity bae Bern. lyuKBpml*;„»,ay.
pnI* patting down a wall oa the rear of a! lapetllluti of the terrible
lolowacd by Mr. FerrleoBEuI Eighth asler. by whirhwcar with lu eerea-j (*« buaineB toco
theBoaidmaa Are werd teen passeagera Ivfv the high brklge'te i. u. help Ti
bolldiag. Ur. IVrrls aud Mr. .ami ploi-ged ioC. Ike rlv.r wui.y fret! surrouadiug eounlry
Interewtcd la the aew , below, leriy.og ell b. rteeih Ha Mob-’ ellgibU to memberahtp who is ioV
dsy night as the pwss,ngrr traiu
A MoMaeTtta^ draw*.
A Molh kf o HlMuer
Some call it •'Linbey Woobey." CbO
it what >-ou wilt, .it's coosidered «
splendid J5C hhinin): by all judees of
such K'oodv We're overstocked with
it—Hj cent* the yard.
Clothing Co.
There are more new thinae In toy* every rfmerm ♦>—. |a '
any other clasa of Kooda. Our aaaortment to new, very Urge ^
and waU aelacted, and to therefore the repraaentotfve Toy :
stock of Traverae City.
* :
Thto additfon oompletaa in every detaU onr Crockery. Oar- ■
pet end Furniture depertmenta. meM-r it e veritobto Santa
OiauB Headquarter*. We extend e oordial invitation to look ne over. -Take time by the (bro-Iock" end kiww what yon ere after whan the boUdays come
' NMh«olp«pil4MndteiLU
sn ^1. -----------------u
Attt- )mu. m'UUw (Xhb lb. v>p
oJ »ilh orrt»t»V ^ *»* >**
toi«: rraddy Ask*;.
A. W. (tfkCiMd k U* paw»wnr
Be. li. lialde «1 Loaas
Baft at Ibk plaaa Uat mmk.
Be. Mr. HowdI la^
H«ada7. W. capelhla ta tha mmt ■ guumtlj abk whlb ia
loloaot ot .
...... ^wwnwmmmrwwnn
rr.'i.rfrrc. .“S —^^■d'-K'-srr.S- "■
I wban ba ba. baca raiarrd u aariataat
..1—« du.' Mr*, r. Cola
day. afur
baailu a i Tiaraiar City Friday,
u>>ylac a
ir*-------— rblt wilb bar paraau. Mr.
.cold. .«o..*ch«g .-.cu..,..
Friday araaia^. Dec. «.'it*-' hAw" j. p. TtlloUoa aod bUl TilU.t-[ Mr. Uhluke orcapiad ibe pallia
itetlBC of dlakrata. raelutkma aadaaeh klllada «a* doar dariaf'lba tba <ooy-l rhati-b Saaday laora^
alaflB(. ddebaloB 10 cu. Tba eto-j owlay ta thr tadbp.Miii.ui of ibe.------.Htj I; i*r
aer. nunoac
(it. ir.w.
la to «o laid tba pi
So #ag.b eaaa at ibe HaBBll City
lar pattor. See
ilurlbuleo 1 Mi- Myru H-.t.ie. «h« be. bora tbr |
•rbaol boaa. Boraay
tar aa we kaow to ooaiply with lb.lraw.lof
tba'ratal of her brother l> F “■-‘r “O I'telj
theiUlbr f)r«a.ld IMef
Iwife f^^ ibr pat. .ew areaa
cUaf bald at Loot Tre aawaeboolbw.
badoneai.-ou *Dif W.io.i
S. l>- Voeburgard Joba Bowdaa bare i Wedoaklay for bar hou.e la KaW
ao.l a.
aiiy fc
floeaiea'i ai»ic4 BCr.
tba bead water* of the. The regul.r Tk*QhNfi«>og
aad to orfoalta a siaday aobo.^ foo. .
Baar -vaLxt.
the worU f.o
— be
• heldialbeOoag'l.
river aboat forty bIIb from 1 will
ion of tba aaiBsd aelioula; lilrialayr
by Her. f-S.],l,uer
re.elied fr.iB the B
a two
boatiag aod day to. iiag..coadururi
, _ ...................
..Irar Laba. lauif Lake. Codac Hao.
j tvhiliaao. p«»lor of tbe M F. ehurub. i WBbpook ot Bowue.
. ia»y
Howard b. ti. dbuicl Ka 4 aad U»a
Mr. aad Mn. A. P. Baaito* o( E»- TW Tb.oaear»elw:lo*.aer...folr^y*.
piia aad tL Naab of M^ aif a^> towa: Frratdaat. J. B. Baraey. Loo*
ouei>UEbl U.t waek. break- kr.rj wiod wblcb, wa. blowing fr..» . .qJ i k,.,. lOTt it k all ital i.cl..«ed
pilre relunoeo. |v«,
t-rice 15
ro .-eou.
tenu. twr
IW bu.
boa. Fu>
Baatep-at Um Halfway IxMaa.
Tr^ Vice lf*.id«it. MarTWlllobaa.|lUa
the Donb, wbkh prereou her Iron, for it 1 hare b.wa trebled »,th p,1»
.t.Ov..-«. *uA. F
Cedar Koai Secretary. Hate Uirmley. I lag a wlod
al tU.
Thandar. He. ta.
Qnadpa ‘HndaU b «c(; low.
mut bsBManralalaodlorUa r
Hlrmlay; Treaaarer, Mca-^raa Baat.
Loaf Laka. Tba apiril. mbrad la a
raryaarioat way. whloii c.^ aa to
Dr. Pimltakaad wMaemUadoa friaada tbiak to pray, aad to bellere that if
we worked locetber aarocally wa
ta towa yaataiday.
HariBBtioa oa raaaar* b opaaln* ap Bight aeooBpllah that which we ban>
abaly witb tba ebiaw of balb. wblcb loag dctlred. May we ban a happy
liBaaboewaaoma together la i^lb.
eaaaaoar tbeafhu to baea back
Albart Ooaky b abaat ta parabaM a belbnof that there U a great deal
alarisg aa ia oar faoee wkleh wa bare
plaea of Uabar laad of Mr. SeboBbarr
to do for tba falfiUBaat ot c«r duty ia
leetad aer tba foot of Una laka
Wa boril aol lay witb food ewaa. tbb earthly path■<»b. ibbaaowtrUI go off aftar a day
or two.- farlt probably baa «
iMla witb at aaUl April. Tbaaaow
Maow tbraaiaabaa daap oa tba Ural
I« b hartealaf to fcm » U»
BapatB at* golog oa at tb. B.w bUL
arapariag far Ibe wiaUr-i work.
Mr. tad Mra WUI Baal bar* aorad
OT their taiB (gipotll* tba Qiaage ball.
Dliab a Mena ba* retaraad from
taB Datroil wbera be baa bean
Mr. and Mia. ArcbW Mmaro bare
■orad toto tba boaae jaoOTtly eaoalad
Alban Johaiaa.
■aearal fcwB tbb Tidially att
tbaoharltf eaUnataBOTI al Blk BapIdi laat Tberaday arealng.
Tb* aoelal bald at the ilraage ball
Taaaday araaiag for the Freabyterian
BlBbtar. Mr. Mill*, wae ea)oyad by
•OTry oaa preanv Hlrte-•«
It looh. Uk* Icfftag to *o*
aOTBOTofldgiHraaBael haapU*
oa lb* BOTar. lot.
JIOT Flora Myan wa* baried
MOT^tnOTtbaFriawda-ebareb. Bar
Brolbar BodgfW aadwKabata
ad late oar Bidet tgala. Waaiaall
fiad ta walaoa* tboB
TkOT MdUlU aad Mr. Ooaa* bare ibe
Job of eatUag M.WO of hardwaod and
W B»d* ot hloekwood lor i>e1«rCd(.
“:'bt™r*:;rr i;.:xT.'i:ax' v,v;.
Stere Metfoaer baa luat owe •
aorrel bortoa. which lacToa blm In bet
ter abape for tbe winlar. (oua li
buy feed for.)
Mr*.Faoole Skater of Cedar k lary
alck. Sbr wa. in TraTaraaCIly helpiog
care for aoma of bar rektire. who wfrr
III with typhoid farer and abe
Johnnie i'bepla. n Col.lwaler k«. ba.
tor a )olBt dkcoaalon.
A carload of callle. touatly eowa. wlU 'left Hr. lit*’and gone to bia m.
beahinwdframtbkalatkm today aod who. it k aaid. had aent kirn tU to pay
peaare. He baa baeo a charge of
aaotber emf oo* week from today.
People are aeUiag tbalr alock relbar the Btale fur a unBhrr of yean.
Tbe friend, and nelgbbnra ii
than buy feed for tbam. U looka aa
tbougk wa tbould hare a batter tam- ridnily of W- r Uanuaford. n<
Heoaonk, will ba aurry to tears of bk
laa here before long. b'OTriy oae-half
ill benlth wblcb cornpek him lo glre'
lb* cow* ia tbk aaetioB hare brea aold.
Tkayare lm> ibla for the block and
anpplie. Bad picture IraBe.. and
go ioto OTaaed beef and aa.
ly of iba eowa are in milk aad tba had added book* end mimic.
Jot Laplow aad Mb* Uey OOTkilB aaddao alopoiBg of Bllkiag will leare
1. Uanuaford. k with him.
detaatlag wx-iety ba. beeo
WBa aahad laBarrlaraal '
flaabaprin Cedar, and bat Saturday nigbl
efibrkride. W* aU wbh U
tl wa. dstded by tbe Judge, that hang,
•wahappylU^ .
TbaUdba-AM aedaty «f tbb plaa*
tog ahonid be tbr pafikhmesl lor mur-
Mrt Jl^k
Hta. CMaa. Peak b saUa Mak.
Ona. Bbodaa kkare from Jaktanarille. Fla.
H. Urawaa left Bataiday to the haaV
Otto Howen dron to Tra*BOT Cl^
apOTtlbtardayaadtreaBarry Doari af Fiaakfiwt nbikad i
day te Trerer»e City.
U BaarMb bat Mafday.
Fred Aaleu rklled Tiarena Cky FriIrria Maiwy of Trerarea Oty rialted
HlOT Hot* Kelly IBM Saaday.
MMn Lama Hatbaa^ baa
Cka* A Ow
OT tbalr new BUlBOTtHnaday a
Hn. Howard M<
■b Oark Tkilad at Mn. (bo- Oark'n
Mra D. & HMotbot «Wiad
■ they ykilad tbe
OU Hre. TwnBln k hsB* abb.
F. I. Haha k ot tba skb Ika.
tb. FiaUck baa Bored lata bk a
a B. lOTha and inba aaff are’hoBa
WiU AbUot h« bat a a*>7 relaaUa
Bar. Hr. Oaaanr bw Baaad U
boB* wmbcU5JaB**Sl.tirend I
by tbe afinOTUre were >ocb thi
Jadgtw iguud bcorat men) eoaa
deaux. hcyeral piecea of mu
Bore teUlag nad rated a
tagly. C. A Uanaaford k {wcalOent. ■ lt» glrrn. Tbu*e preacnl u
Mimin Fmmi tVllMm. Father
Tbe aeat debau wUI be oa “Tb
Jereie lobu. Julk Miller, WlBU.Ire.1
ila of Are and water dkUncUaa.''
Uulcbinwn. Nellie Frikxoa. Flureooe
Hregdon. Fanuic Steele sod File W
ipanreke the Buau.
Ker. k
Ue. tba Mewre. P. S. Whitman. 0«u
Hia F B. Chaau of Ttarerea City
Lrelie. Chat. Webb. UaDder Bum.
rkiUag friaada in Iowa
Willkm Burnell. Joe and Artbar UorWill Saabora k in towa. the guaat of dmox. LontwuipbcU and Sam I'orlar
hk beulbar John Saabora.
.nd wile.
Tb* barge Alior M .UUl lay at tbk
peet fur avrrral
avraral data
dare bat weak.
1. L. Ibmt wnaa
rer Blthoai sarslac eymp
Uwumt for Trerma City lo-day
It. Weak or lluurrr SpeUx.
Mr*. Ueo. ttattai* Ufl to-day fur a
,1 fu^ Flsueitat
rkit with triaada la Trararer City.
art. ISnklor kuacwPalpltMemof U
>1 breaib. Brellug u( Fret
Hn.Jtthua Brae* left Friday fora
^IB Jeaak Myan k rialUv at
Him Slatb OwOT npOTt teutday
aatey witb Hk* Fkweaca AakttArrii eurvl. trenbre b tba CreawoU
dtool. apeat Sunday with Prot U C
rkit wHb Maaik ia Trerer** City.
FattB of Trerar** Uty rWl^
friend* b Iowa Sanday. .
Point quml Sunday witb Mead, b
Flewalllag. lOTrber,at
awBSouth HUlou. apaut huturday in
Dr. Fox of tbb, place left Friday
Hk* Spangler eatertabed tbe rbetnrtc ebm Monday erauing at bar reneOT.
Tkrenport of
a o:
Mr* C. D. Towoe bat weak.
Ja^ and Frank Walter* toturoad
ram St. IgOTce Tbanday laat with Are
Fcaab Howewaet loTran
Honby lo tuba an OTmpad inrew par■ori to the aayluB.
Mra F. H Moore and OTreu HiU*
augbtm bft tbtniday for CoUwul
'bure they will remub until uti
Xuw Yrara
Mia f. K. Mormun and Hot. Artbar,
Whim wure aaltrd b marriage
Ml*.* Cupp road
Ob the Ub of Ueceu^ k to be brid
camp Are by Woolirfy Pel li ASorthp.u-1. at W o'elock a- m.. in
lows ball The plan k teSr all-wbo
bring 1 baaket filled with edible.
rca«lyprepar.-d'f.« the table. Among
tbr exerciwawill be .proking. mn.ir.
local and ioatruiucnlal. p'.psiingol the
liU.-rt.r.,rtc.. etc. Friend,
borne and abroad are -uirdklly invited
ingkupcewaud by tbk iU'
atilutioo will bare paiwed into kktury.
n«d left but a ruemary. C.me the
aod help bi make tbk a peauil oue.
Imal Friday creaiag wa. tbe ouca
on of a very plearenl party in tb>
parlun of the tVaukaxo.. gireo by lien
Campbell to a uainUT ol ik friend..
The fore puri of the rrcniirf wa. de»oJ gran, aod wx-ial ei>] rymepl un
til ten o'clock. « ben all repaired W Ue
dtoiag rexiin. where a templing loncb
wrred. after whicib the cunfmoy
returned to the parlor and ll.leued to.
abort program <*.u»i.l.iig of iwn reciia-
tbk placw Sanday.
B. Haber of Boeisa. Wk.. Abo
Lndim' HuMfii aaciaty of tbe MF cbarch will Baal witb Hre. Albert
Baroaa. Friday. Ike. eU.
Tb* Ladire'Aid aaciaty af tb* 0^1
abnrAwm amet Tbared^ Dae. «tb.
Oaa. SaOTBlUar bM OTwad iBlo Joba i W the
of Mrs. Baagsr.
kit Mat Iktarday
bewa saryateb bat Boning far Trey**** Cfty. where ah*
laxpacu to ramala far aaearal wcabn.
and KekOT Wyogg, Hre Jama. Miller pf FreBOTI. Mkh..
are eatUag kg. far Mr. WrUnre.
aretend laat Muaday
Two tbirik of tb* welkin town ore j of her tuber. Mr. lOTi
M WIU Tiw dry l<w tbe wan tot good aOTbiag bui Tbe primary OOT IntarmediaU de[yanBOTlawlll hnt*amrekaaUadaaaCarrerasddnogbtar Mn. day trier,
ja cf Trseaie-. City w
Va. RHgnnM^BOTOTtaBhit'
Ita r . F.A.C.K
faU by «re0M. eiwi.bm* ba
lean and Kwrem mat tree. Addre
Hike MadkaUk. Bxban. laA
k«k«o».t,M.u*ulB tuna.
25 inch Jackets
iaFIrn* aad all .a, mset rea ma^riak.
Our$8.00Cloa)u are not worth $9.00 :
05.00 :
18.00 :
But thejrrethfl BEST TKlat-^ovii lo taifl or ;
any otbar mu-kot. They^eU oil - tholr owm ‘
; meric We charge yon nothing to look ot tho ;
! line, but may oove yon o few doUoro.
Union 8t, South Bide,
>na. company or 1
1 City » llb.rul'tir.t obuining there. li.-.-Dw from tbr Mayor or the City
rk of mid rivy. who are hereby *uiiied to imue the eame. for which
.... ube ibere .ball be paid by tbr prraou o'pt'reou. w wbiiui mid II
t«w fllttf ctrwa C«rt hi lU Han IW
tai IB!.
Proiided. b..wr«cr,
the perw>n dealriug a Ik
M,ugbt .hall l,e a wort .
Bay properly be esi»uruge.l. the May
or and Clerk may. io their diM-relioo.
graot aaid licenae tree, or charge
Uien-for any anm Irea tbau tbe atuounla
bcMlDarur oaiDol:
. Ffrat-For tbr bn.inemor occopulk*
of hawking, mlliog or p.'ddiing good*.
,or luerchaodim pu Uie .trecU or
JCrepe etyrylbinv k tkr War <ti
Seomd-For the burioi
. ing. mlliog or cuBramlBg
, , ,
:g<ud.. warm. book, or other property -^
mbing ui4 HMtlug PoniHOM, StovM, HffW Vre* oflM y^wr Sto^ffb. BaCrigUMtws,
good., ware* merebaodi
on tbr .trerU or in any auac o:
bnildiag. tire Uollar. per day.
Fourth—For tbe bimtsem of
Builders’ Hardw^e, Mixed Painfw,
Fishing Tbokle ofErery XFMcrifUon.
thirty day.
Ian per day 1
„ _____ Lpuanee of m
rldfd that the loUl aoe,—. ...
-------- lirenm f«a ahail sot. io any cmae. ex-|
oeed tbe asm of two boDdred dollar*.
.t,r*. r
and pn-ridad luribrr that .nob iredrr..
conllour io tbr mmr bo.iocaa.
______ .J reouiit
Bar after the ooB-------------------------t flreal year, provided .nch good*.
SB or men-baodlm bate been .me,,
for Inxr. for iwid AmI year, imia
ueil may. in ilieir dk.retiooc dedisg npoo tbe satnre aod mb) per.
MBcy ol mu) bu.iu.m remit the
>le or any pari
'be lieeam fee.
■aid in puraaanre hereof.
ProviM Innber. that tb I. ordinantT
aball not be eua.trned to prohibit tlie
Bk witbont lioenac ol asy art
fseL food or feed lor s - —
And provided fnnlOT. U
or lo any wbolcOTle mdveWt t
to tbeir nganu io aelltng by mSplc I
ratnll deakvs.
or BOBbar Mvss- ■
OT of tbe VUlag* :
me c.j m m.*sy rapasied.
15. FvreyviokUaaorMIsre
ly with tb* pruvkkam of tbk
a. aball ba OTskbed by a Aim:
ecdiOT “w bsndisd dollar*,
ka ImpOTltka of meh An*, lb*
noon may make a fsfthav
that tbe daadar oa tallsre
Ilsn to OTF
jaU of
An* be iBprk-wed » tb*
' eoantyr snUI U..
tb* xasm
BbOTgtaOTSpkkapgillMiinl bnr* anUI fartbar noUa*.
On aottage pnyw maaMag wiU be
OT Prenk Btxby'a TbaiOT^ •reOTag,
Disease Kills
Dr. MHes’ Heart Cure,
Cures Heart Dlseaae.
Storm Coats Z
EUmiBltiOII Ol
apok* bare a <x>aple
aigbUkat w««k ou MonBookB.c
log fuoatdereble eadlemeul. T
faltbfal aeal lor Elder lornbl. who
apnhe io refatatkm Fridey erculag
Mr. Muaaer .poke at the Hpwrhag*a»ol
bouaekatanmlog. He baJ left a peoF
oaitioB bore lor Flder Corakb toaigo
ii^^^it-L-r^ir: EHHi-
New stock
we herd of.
Try»o.aotli;|U.iu.'Nie.u,e.l ll.uu
The cb,ckea-p.e .upper g.rea b.r the pile* gre* *oree until al-oul
Miv F. 11. Kiugriey. who bad
mtb. ago 1 uwd
uwel the I’yramd
Fyra»ri_ IVe
lytic atroke«urat*yrarago aad ^ Ladle.' Aid wxicty la.1 Woduieday B
in.tant 'i...
and eua Cure. ’It gare alniwt
not lolly .BOorerwlrwoBteeda eerioo* ; night wa. ae eacellenl
and Ib.rehren free tnim-pilea
fall OB the dotw »tap aTew dayi ago bat Well patruBixad . by tbe larmbei* of ainre.-llev. -'a«. H. \Ve.br,*.lr
y, .Lien j .. u .n
both eburehm aod uiber*.
b oacb better sow.
el tbk plaoe .UUe that
rbe Bewe ecbnul dielrict. two and .a
MU-b , in .F'ekiugof the Prraiuid Pile u». u.
w.,.-, --•..v r.If mile* eoalb ot Iowa, baa cumpli- the water is ilrnod Tretriee Bay k at Cnreuy.: -A rear ago i *'W C. C ivi-1 «*o. aklA* J.v/' /■**»
inchr. lowrr, by lar, n. Mamillon s . Vpdlanlt. Mich .: c^t
witb the laU acboul law aad rree'led ,lbr prcMmI Uioe
i-' *-- -■
nhw dag pole apd tbe .tare aad
.box of lb. Pyrats'-'
aM S-, .
made tbr fuHowiag .tatcmeel to rue i u,r PW-r. u. L a Co kMripee float proudly from tbr lop la Umeul hUllr»\arri»*l here if l»«l.
H. t. a Co b^i
TrarerBe City Vday. -1 bare beeo U-ouUe.1 h,r iwcn
weather, the pride of the Id
a«U oftbatpartuf tba coiiuUy. Monday, lueetiiig hi. wile- who wa. on
way fruni Italrult aud Algunac. at
which plaur. .be bad been vk.Uog for
puxt fuur weeka. and muniing Smilb. ami got a kui of the Pyrasiid ' ,>a,.,arka..
fCure. Tbr ooe*,x o.dace..rditifi
Flla Habar baa got ibrougb working hun,e Tureday.
illiectioo. aa.. io toy ea—a perfect
at S. U Cbt*'. nod rateraed hcooeMr. Ed Bjlow. wbo bsi been rm
e. ana tru'.penl w
Allle SBltb wHb a little friend uaw I ployed by Copp A Wretonof tbe Sortb
a. of the trouble ba.
bi courjoee-i
il from town Friday and rotoroed
Ailhougb a romparall.rit' ■"••* '
IbaJ. Flaaden wool to Tiaroiee City
peur Mm Co. fur tbv part your, left U.t
■neb that all
yeatarday to look ap a Barkat ' - baadaj.
Wednoaday for llig lUpid* wliere be edy.
Tager Brea, are leadlog e^ with will atteuiUbr FerrU luiJm trial ichuul
{oare limber atuff to be abfppad to
•nuaud .ijwr i
A. Uolba^aod
Ifyrui a>k him at
for .ix luooih* or looger.
Saa FnacMoo.
ealBg from a rl
League inviled the Y.
'^‘'pamphlet rtewriUng Uie canae and |
Oeorge Tageu k going to .ehool in
I’. S. C. F to amiat tbrui iu prepariug , ore of Pile. M-ut free by addrmeingi yCiet iw>'-M" i>o >-..c»
tba SlereawB dklriet, boardiag wHb
J. S. Fairbaakaof the WUllam
ararj eoU'rUinurnl to be gtren in the l-yramld Co . Albion. Mich.
................... —
■ebook b auying beredariag ibadlpb. hk iirolher. John.
U. F. church Tfauieday creoiug.
ltaajamid*haa reWmad bouie
iberi* aplderuie at that pla.e.
wmmitteee baring -it iu etaaigc
Mn. F. Ilagadora aud daughUr after *D nWoor of four yean aod .1
early in tbe week and arranged a Trarerec City ou Tbureday and Friday : t.,
ol mbu- ...wiuiioi.. x: ...
Maud aad Mb* Mlanie Clark apeel Icaea of orer a year.
pnyiam whicb pre(ukea lo bearery
Sebool in tbe Anktbuchlar dklriet
SoBday at Tiarwee City. Tbay weal
IntenwliBg one.
A. P. lis.i, Se.-retary |..........................
Beat Monday with Mk.
rer to attend Trilby.
Tbr mreling of tbr Woman'. Club
naie Wolf aa W
Katbaa Aadiwwa alippod froB
bald with Mra. 1« t lloxUr Toreday
Btere Mc«a*er baa put Id a feed mill
tlarday. diatocatlag bk right oboaleraoiug aa. exor.-dlngly intereating.
dar. TbadkloOTlioowa* fodaoedaod at Cedar aod run* It by alaam. which Papm on Iwaoglclioa'. FTaugrlluc
wm-be a good tblog for the farmer*.
a k BOW OTBftrUbla.
riMd bj Mewtaui.a Joo. Sut.
Joitloe H. C. OaU k
W. C. HoBlellh aad hmlly
Hox.le.'cba* ti rkicy aud
own Salarday froB^ikiMulOi
llatnr. tjuulalios. by each of the
rkll relatlra* Hr* Merelellb * *kter. Tomnle Shnteraad CUrellelle llcwwere giceu lr.un the
■jsr.’ ■'--ESiSSfu
Tbkoedinanee at
S^^IOTYbamy of Trii*are* Oty
the 71b day Of Nov,
146 Praot StTMt
Forest Favorite
The latest tuid best
Oak Btoye oat
GoBtiiDS tbe Best Ftttuns of
lU otbef StoTts in OBO.
jmmi’ DEPAinniT£^
* iM OM Folks.
smli la Ksu York. UbIm
sUk Uaacrai Washisrtsi.
GSrT}ls«‘l^ tswkd^th ^bssd
tka. a «l»r
--------------- --
kM W (M.
„■ -r- ,•______
um X**
vt l>
of >bkh
Ike iarb./.
irrxs at
sbkh Ik.
"" " “
NOYEMBER »8. 1895________
[HarpersMagazinelu^m «««»!?”• «!
Ub War*. EH
Um Wsarlfa- a>4
{sHIM‘Bi<k*Tl ^'’a^anri'•*M.k*!!M'ii
sats: i»,i, »od lackLifa.
fal^iar Ikdr btsA.lo«kr blast. Ur
.IrtH koy. psdBd us ilk. roa-c *rr. . .or. ’ is-a -erd
tl« “
roar Mlrs;>r t>>isl» far a
.aaruia, ,„svutiao.,
______________ ____
*Our life aim is to suit our customere.
i. J|i|
fuve with our business.
a task ro«
tsd a» •••>« sUmus rust
As far usr fasr.r«"-«k^ taij. br Is a
-------------TbaaklAs kiadaoaUs ska
wrtMs far ktia. IM.
Whsts arsaUoat otkef mUs kurws AM »>r.rasn aad
•uirt Hs'U UU ru> raBt^'Sk'
: 3r,.ru:'
Innh . a oor iniUra and'ktarmoi
ii i. .be
BsiKsttk.. sirs •!
.-.IS,;'!: Sir
Tnder these conditions we ask >'on for part <rf
,; ■ si; ;»
We have just received aJotofsmoktd
be sold close.
H>Kt‘l.l.-..MSi. ./.AS
^ I II >hl-uk'|.WL<.hLt
^ I M .f.Phk 'li-r. .t:
Corner Front and Cass Streets.
I t'oSscr rv.e .....i ...l-s niw. t. tJie l.l
l.k A Mi JlHtK.
Harpers Bazar
.....“.......... "'Hk'
I bauiwev
anl •» >wp
_ j
. .
,•■ ■}
IW.P. m .u.r.. U>. Ip.-I.kl, fa aarl.
____rr 1... I 1. . .trikpp.g. .1... ul ^.LueUmlllte u.r, r.. Wii.i,,. lu Jen.i.r. •
----------------- ~
Carriages, Buges, Cutters, Sleighs j
. . .......
lel.rlLi- I.V..I..1 Bl.v.pii,,ii ul th- wtlbir.
3air"allX'>*lu.''ir t.vLi-i
On Batuvdej'^h. *l|^y of jM.uafr. *
Tkr V .Jp.mm.il .1.. lU/.Ul te.l. . lib <hr
kiw N.iu.urv I..P J.uupu. ..I ewrb sear.
'^Kam«^'ill.j’.i'i!j|kem*dr^ t*.w-.db.e
^ nfa^u nuu Ibl^^vewiw
HtKI'dk'a Uv.xr.l-Sb '.p.iv >far
Hxal'bk'c H</.ai>
tUKI'eK'Kin .vbl.VHIA
V. & A. PETERT«t,
SUU SL, pp
Harpers Weekly
<b>..wl.llL,|*t, lui..ri.ipl kp Auuwip.iw
............................ ..
lu irip:. Julig
K.IipIp .l.■■wI lAi. ••■■d r.ip.'., aipd«p...riu... Haiutdey. Ue Ut day c> rabraaiy,
ed llir.piiyip lip. W..
np.hv'U n.rdip«
Im, (. ..p..ka tri|illir...rli -lieCa IhPUpgip Sw,
lke..p.lul>ii-r.il lie , • fa,> welv d-u-ntedaM l|-l..1r.i;d |p, lUfu. P Z.v(lp..i<u.
..pt.Llrk.ISe.,1 ■ Ikv.lpirl .T.U., i„.ri
utm driienB>p-.P. I.ilrai.l Lnie.w altidir
iisL..*-' 11
Food and Eala Rtabla la Ooaaaetkm.
anitak lUUfa at Omu bbt VtakUvtat
Best Black Goods
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Best Liven In N«rtbero Hichigao.
ewlb bu lliteredllpr *-> l.-.k* and tbr
b X. Umlii, ■
iHH.('ua»Mb.l.M. .ruund llir n..r.J .lU U
l.dk...*l.and< -mp-pI h. abl1Br> .ill nn,.
-'Ob* for ruo. rrarral. sod uor fur ami aeOrr, in'l
bad a posy
abadca. lnelud'io( -rf
MsesedoaT ^brarr falluss la Ue buapifal, ' pul bMllb Bail I h>bla<-k. w.»rtb «.'w a
In ■■■adli.wmfa.iHlil.i.puilp lu i-pllllcwl mr'lilFrrrat man." lu-jnlry nnd uk-w-rra'
, two prrttr *"Aiid ulurkrys wan ptaeod ai.
ICPM (be wLt.kI.l ..It ■1.1II1..1- t,.li..i.
li-.n bas pn.ted 111 lihra-lrr'a Nel-ea
llfaliaer fa is-a Irulv w'.Hi.ierful
Itraatifnl m'lktui
--------.1— sill-----------II—-----------oar ' Ucsrral ll'ashlarloo odnaerd and
l.luviuu II.- WKLKI.f .Hike e..eel.|lr
II ame inMibir.: ..!, b as
Koveltlea. I
.... ride, aiilenits mental drdld -UK- Ijaally at su cenu a yani. '
rlfalltr. tlrapuadIUtaborpr.lV»»“.«Uy"fc«““- UelrrOboysw.Uaamllr
■Bcy and (rarral deMllly of eiUrr ses
ceary aew abode nnt fur Ur fall bm. ek.wtMpuu.u-lv.-fd eve ul >1 ......I >e—I
M uya -Talk to lilUs Uadallas' tbss
rursale by all Trgemr Illy druirylBU
auo. povltlve toi- value.. brauUfiil
"Tblaanay wiU aerrr b«- tr- .-dilBI ____________ _______
1 dgsT ilkr bar aarb HyaoaUaaya —.........
(o.id». M ioi-bea wide, at Sic a yard,
of stMw»ii..nsb Jr
tUatoasagfk. tatifyoasaat a. to daead'UA^^at
Krea In Ur must arrrre easea of kiuble <widib mixtorea aad taacy *'
boyr of y Mr toifeifalC^nCir^
eJtlM. ren.rally ould at »>aad
ni srtUaloMloMvlUt'BUal doM h lar. lou hare Bruurht thr on
.prain or braise, cot or bare. Tbooua*
lu- liwlric IM (lets alUM-4 iDsfaal ratU bo^fal two teUrys lustn
ayosgtoir- PlaoMpalUfa la
« iachea wide imported Imperial Serylief It IsUr ideal famll '
ose. aad I Uaak joo lo tbrir asi
ra. all wool, ia black, navy, .-ardloal
Yet Ual day Ur airdyr srol lack
and all tbr laVat .badea adrertfacl
ibnjgfb Ueaaus-drifu. aad ibe Isiys
Hrrloaa trugbirs cumr from tbr nrp. Incli) paper* a. a biy leader at owe.
Sbo Isat Urlraier ' '
r.-l uf scuuyh. Ilr. IVuud'a Norway
rrlatry blasU talked .
I'lor hyrap is a perfes-l i-ur» for couyb’s
UsaaUeairtsla.su of Dfasa
ly of Urarlf-socriftrl
elny inao'^fa."*
aadruJds uf all suru
t> Iw
Irluy lurkry „i
im^ b^dsy of
> Ur airk brracs
Erer7<la<-symt>t.Msofdi(MUrr dfakSia U« UQs* saTtUadasp U borr
in Traverm:.
bfers-a.-id slomacb. dlatrrM after
Aba fans* hosyta almost to Ue fTOrod
mUb|[. buralay al pit of atomarh. dull,
> ia. black CrepoDa, II yuod* iriUmI
aad nuaof triad saaU ill Ike air
P in. Mp-halr I'lynrm. 7fa- r.«d> >
slU UUfa MrtielM of Mu>s that (lib
never fails fa wmsd Inmblea uf Ufa
I in IVimily * ViytirM for---------TSejd
lata Ukr iylaf diaaosdt la Ur i.-klr
..U^.urj^..»lutha Call.
an. black Crapoiia.fl.;.-p value ri<yd
“« V.,
btv is j-
Wall Paper
Eaat FreM Siraat.
Picture Store I
ema^of thraralp^ tioaW II. ad.
Hfa IMi «aa oMriy eoa
pfaiad. Bsd M be m Ua Ubl dosa tbe
d'srbshlad bla upoasd. asd a bey of
Ui OS. a(r cia* ta wlU a psF of Iq
C ta tarlwya are barb, BaUasr oxMslaad Ue rialuw. shtse lusd was
^Mwotad byaa old-laUlased. boac
aadr SMBfarter taaaeb aa eslasl that
boUlay tat hit oya was fairly rfaffatfas ■■isi.id slU SB aaolMBa•km of MifalacUoa aW aaU ap hfa
last iofabad drsafaw Ik AsAfstr. Wfaera or* tta tartar
-lyssltamlatba boltaw aa I tsaa
alast.bat Ury ar. astal ata asdUa
OsS phyrtrat feeUayt. Ukr thr tslihfhl
aIrfalisralM. I Iboorhlef sbo* w.
Ml^haallfSta-rUma-i fart al d.-as s tafait
■*Tha* ss’d (irt a tsrkoy farOosaral
If a mta >• ae> frrilat mil aad rirerom
failinflv t-urrd br Ikma'a ’uialmenl.
tbr aurrst apeelflc for all ifabintws uf Why nuApome and inapect oar laiye
UeaklB. _________________ ^
liar of fall and wlnfar traab tabrtn7
M e dUppUy a mo.1 brauUfal a.
Me Mamba*.
Folr)’a lluoeyand TardvM iion-latm tl Ua plra.n r fa»buw Uem.
> perf.trm iinra.-lrs It door n-d vlaun Heavy flcpwce-lined Wrapper Cloth
I.arye line dark printed lAmbrka i: S'
a---------- lA.ir-,, andiie
sstbma.' Hut*U^M rtS^fa’pn'iT’
f.jrt aad n-lu ' '
rifa eu^rfa •
lilaodard friaU ......................
.tapew It U .wrfal.oly wurth Iryli
Up<m anirlrd ur Ihreatrei ri aim
«*.................................r..; and
dread dip-Maea. :.p.c. tv i;. Walt.
"r‘wp-5 t'.'i'Ti'sti'fSsrr.ii,-*!’
Ladies' Underwear.'
An rlryaaWeevy ribbad. aieely flaac
Ml Veata aad I'aau. marie of Mirct
ByypUaa Cotfao. rayalor prl.x i.te.
f..r only............................ ........................ jfa
;i dox. Imdma' I'aloa lialu aa efaatk
ad yartaanl,
fr. auiT remedy U tlie llialc
ire. tiaaraafaed ur
reluadnd. MUaia aad CblUWa
apm-ialr .
Mra'abMvyhhlrfaaad Ilrawara. nama
aacInihiarabMgaaak WeiM mrarU
let aa ripjaarr. ur abea yoa tepel
at Ue each.
g ord.l r-utalay «m, fakrad. a - nf Fuleyfa
- •_____
ia time
General Blacksmithing.
rare* rR
AVheels. Wagons, and Buggies. -
»&ta uay of O-toh-i. A. D. li«>6.
All Work Warranted.
..... H
HuMV asd Tbr. It aeeer tklla 4<fa.
- E- W alt
____________ -IS im
SMwin. ~V,:.
M ntara sUbost Uaoetal WuUa(-' <Mr umedj.
vovir patronage.
Un Mulnxmey--MIkIr. fwbrrr you
Ue trreaadi . - .
Tbis was Bopssy task, f.s Ibr |ur
nill^PluU<apra.hl(b akprmoolKr
«“«»'“« »'•“* •*
•'" "*
aad fruot faimmed with Thibet
psrpusc uf rbeatlnf ll asl.iartue uut.. . Mn''Mirr.smrt '"-And
lamb fur. tbrir real value Sl.s
»u...w.ww._r r--~—- ttos a dlaner.
: Oklri l'*"*>oa. stHea /.u
Haifa., kepi hi. ehrok oa Uir aOb ’’jiU.rOF*^-I sasaluaj wid .ui.
._____________ .... ..oi
riAeelurk and aaib-d
. A (ratirmaii sMyirinr a llltle taiy
Alraady hU band bad Ittousi- fasinu ».mr praauu Ur other day Tbr «i»d
hat', kta if rat. sAfaUe trurrsr puard and hi. Onrn ■uuUeraald
MB sriw H food a MUor
-S,.w wl.al arr yu.i (ufaiy fa ay
atbio’s d
IMdar. Msr*vaoU
kera 1b If
: Wlih rhird.sh shuplu-ily tbr Ul
tar. aad tafars UhrlMaa*:
frIiMW loirtred up lu thr (ratlroia
"^/hl!iTf*fl*tb« ahoald r-l i.
fac^ai.d ^lled.
oar sbul” br rarlaimrd. 'I'l.si «
DakB E«roa-I Uoo«hl I susM
- Vrs. said An hir. --I abould admin
srlta fasdar- I r» *»
■ aauklbk fa be a Sfihlirr. t»<«rr)-a aword aad
Uaa I. aay. Ttar. la aa tskooi now
ala at hfatatiyet.
hud.li-oiy a sbip (ua aad It^ ■ay OM-D UnMiyh tasifar s. tars bad «phUcTla bm aad like fatuBil rsny tiir utyli tbe sssls
ainunulat. shrrr tbr
sledtwul.. <>ap..iir aad
ara aot orar it ya*. and aiftat of ■)' aad bri-r.-II bad dinl away .In '
' like brns-s siU our
aUaoiMafaa bar. bMa labr. assy. was ronulae sub all bk. o^lybi
w price luuyurafaraoa atyliU and
Itas rrasiUMlH Uata sbes aUoul abu.lluy at tbe lop nf Ins ruler:
__________ „.
atrir'Uy up toTlatr Hllllaery.
■ sa.UMi igaia. 1 a. rfasy dosa H^lai^ia^ir .lur fur tbe si. k pa
klodJiny.«a«r ynadafaVUnltra la Homs
' ' . Hutlon had tfan.wuduwr.
Moly. aad staa'l oom back I sill
-IVbal d.i yi.u aaolofa Uytat?'' ii
bbfua. ai
wasdasblak Ibruudbllx
................... W. I
•|HTrd his loidhrr.
aaow losa
Walk lor llau. all rorrret Idraa.
•I a. a-f-r-a-i-d _________
<a Ue r llArJ-kiuynsad Uylai.
......76c. tl 00. •!.&»,
■ ■yrlalt. I had
U( Urbryi
^rya. sl.ije thr <ribm bsd^ al
ita. were tl.M fa
A OrasBlBC baeiei't.
naif dl r. . .•l.48and«a48
■y CtbadM.
Iiir -kHicb ytlWreur. la a sorIhy'’e(...b. Uu
Ml at r«d
siuple of shat push and .-oerjry,
. . I«Ukrra boslaes. prupre.lu,.^ a ,U I
fata* aadafatMobof pipoMa. Aad
buf s rvtraord Urir atrpa b> Mm
U I dU aol hap. a ysed Uia. oaoilaf ,_____ slU
sltb rn
AMaUaliHlsflrMaad boyanasd aol >oyable botdeas
bordeas Tbe luebe.rc
............. IsaaiU. _. .
Mfaul by Ur li«-fln amid yrurr.l rwilg-rsi.U w.lh mr parents k
joiriDC, sad tbe nrht itsy llolUia aai
. ..rrl.nlaMlmmai fa bsbis frwad hararswO tlir fansiw b>>r~
faisin.-ss. IK.-I i.-uored lo lUuir i mk.
teaa Has Batma-I saal lo srtfa a
. nbrte I t«->smr f.rraiau in thr
pnatiiip buuw-of lispr A
loUarlo Um Unaui «aoM EUal doM
Mha I. ay«aala. I aa a UUIa boy
UMM rdibr. My III- work La.
fa0 yean otd. 1 caa*l sriic ray rood
kera rrry i-.4i'liiiiB( and t sai-llB(( and.
iWluy tbe yaard. Ihr
aa ay oasU. fa sriUi« far as I tare
as a lewult. my hrsith irari- «iut aod 1
knike d-iaa oilb nrrsuu. rh1iausli-uj
sMaafasdar-. UaM a BMB took bia tbaB Us arirblsira. It
mud sl.iipJttii.iM I was Ik su. h a .-00
/(a-tbts.daya bat baa
d.uw th It I a-.M.UI k»l Bleep ulllll h-din
a .tolr Ua. Waaa't ta
■■tielybor eaclaliaed - HaUinc _ pirli'ly Worn uut. tuy appetite fail^
J 1 r.MsU.aa..tol.h
wtUtaf Uyaaaasaald U sm.- I cbrrrllT, rfalny fruoi fait srlUny fable
sbea Ur tsiys euterad. uiuRlad to eyas ir I ilkl t-al. AixulTw.i lu-.nilis
tar. yut • Idf «•! bmmI Torn Mid be
I niasd sub fnsl.
-n'bal d
IV aitrutiim was dirretrd fa
ptoy. Wiu aeotatyUla* I saat bla
riiri-lrrs Xerrr V'lfaUser aad 1 wnto. Wtaa I fo lo ay praadaal 1 ^y
imlrd b> In it ii had a s.aidrrful
LIOB. Sbu carried, as did AawHb tar Tabby Ml aad two UtUa biv
If.-cl lu. u,;. ii. a frw kiifhls •
dtrs. ooe ul thr turkrys uratly d>4ir
10 pel .11 tbr sl.-rp
Ttay look )Ml a
gp la sbllr by Mra I’eyloa. ;-HVr, ai'priiie
Ule returnr.1
return-- ' and
-- ■ beoame
as rarlhaa JaU aad JUl. Hyp.
Ti» nuu.'.
We. will
Salmon. Halibut. Drietl Keel Bacon,'Leaf l^rd—all to
. otT
We are ia
If there is some things that b ‘
agree to sell as rheap as the cheapest, quality consider
I ilearrr ia bla<-k aad aarv ( I
aervi.Mbl« llmcle hrrye
• ,-i
I'iar Ih-rllaCurl II. pucir. navy only u i-.
I'fmaa llh.lb. aiyle aad >I“»'IV__^
Ins.oy sj
not right WF will be glad to make them so.
tJM »< lb> Max tUa«s rnr >4IU«
Is MBMlsi l4ir IS MV'- o«si U,»» sad
«ns-mr7 os. .d . SM kSs lo«o ssd
■ ■
................. -"'■“■■‘"■‘"ir:-^
IVyvm Arstbir*
-nil«t.js. f..r tnrj-«—r I k- roe .• lulloa.f •• I ha.1 . Is.1, UmrtoiA i
'.•a.s bi
. alaci, 1
aa. .»u-tl by m. U|. i
vasnl th. lf.T- k-.i..nr ii.b.Wu:I>
; ««|I£du..J l-,m. but efurtnr___
W-.« bbn .tid tin- I. -.1.
hiia.-ls. rialrlil sai. Ia«i Han w Ui.n
Asdr.u ssvhr.1 bii.. aiibs •«p;.l.« 1
b-rB iu ilsi nadUi«<, t<» }«rs
Hr bst.l'.v dsr.d t-T-i -Tin uhasn ircaiiion ws. aflrtttni orti.
»« lb- l.K.rf il.. b...t. f.,c l-.f .*1 . l.taK--•ill), bind) itAjmd. and dUstdi
r.rbt«iiBC tbrrain.-. i.. l lu-.-..uid i>. I: i,. fsuAn
1 sa> la a M sl-l*- sbli.
Btt.d hi> .-artisii) ra ~4l. I . u~- Ur | f„i . i.,i „l UsU h Khlia-) 1‘ilU sI.njI
..niprr pnKaull.«
alikh I l.a.1 fa.ld I lurr uu.l i..s
Tb. trasl Ibrnuirb Ibr SB.rw adik.igt. t.ig... uf Uaw. and ll.r idlb bai.
Ur triad ia bi. !.«■, ..... tr'rtbBr^.„,.,.„i .i| n.,
.^d tn-iOr TTs-iv
mrr l.w ili» bnt h»al»f.
b.dlifaC . «.a» ■ msrki.] ImjdotrinnK riflil
. lb.Mirbl'rfib. M1.J-.-I..I Ibera .lit, am. tad Tt bas .-.Bllnurd firbl
lli-« k-pl l.luj Irx.m turtilur*—-b ' .W Ikus Kldjirt l-ilb an-tbr ripl-l
this. siU Ilia n> .ibtrs fsttiaf H.la. in ibr rirbl [dan- surds. otsArbiiB pa>b-B
, 'Fur Mk br all dtairis — pcW. W orata
lack by leeb b. dnrrrd hl«-lf a,- Hallrd Is F.Mct Milbuni li, , BuBaki.
faUruak. A.«.sllrs..t., b-.-r.B-l. S Y . si-.grtiu f.« Uar i* KriuasbM
rd hrtainrt thr Im. hall afraul b. [S-Vr ■!».t. ■— ..t.^
bl4bf..l aroao.lit. lr.1 br;b.M.;d dis-; — ,---------------- ------------ ----------oiTrr Uai tbr l.lrils l..d
fart nrayrr. m a
Hut shea be did l-u. U.r a^ that. | a.ln.1
b,.t loulb.-r sh) sbr bad sa.
h.sirb Uelurkry. .rrJ ios|.i.-s.u.ly ;
,t. j
f.s «.i».-*.i of
a.-ti»r.UeT sett-.1.11 a«i«r Ih-brr ; dis.lari.riHV
"Wbr.Vala.na. I dido t
rlea. aad b« bt-fa. to prrpatv » --s - ■
r. .
“VJ.r^T™“;;.zr.a72.^™ X’lTJaK
al's dIauT. hcltua.' vtaarrsd Asdrr*. .«. „muj , diardrt srBrb. if isrtc^ij
•Ifro. oanra-bU. W».sk r.«)-br.
di*,* |«ba,. iM^uabb And
r«B Btr pkk •mlruar Isrkri. but th. i..« d.«l lb. cut* —ls* i ukt ii*» sed
uaaors srr aaslB«lr.«
I-r ■<. nb.) siisl iKbns Mr :
ritiar *oboi«,- BiAbMMU, 1^ I
-• 'v'^’
IsgSMfS: J- ‘Hi II l.»™Con,^orsan Things.
AT U?kr7SlL"rf“i.‘kW^
A. «1U| >1W m tmritej ■
______k.-i-l— l—r: I
«o Ok wiMUStf Ud >aa'll
tim. •suor
sU W«
Omnia Vincit Amor,
pt»(>k sufar sHk k«sd.>s-
Fee Men a< Soe**ty
Wk.i 1. ■hvu.eeiam-.MvpmMra eaU
It runs disases n a per-
-J?~rtaji I tssis-i^«r
ma. »*.* I. I IWIUH miaviamaiaak fawel «UI rrlwvv tk-ev.gl. «i Mev «d ul a Ir.
Xar.jra will alMwi n-rmiaai pm Mt» far
rnoriTAbu: pabmivo.
r <M w vua'iM mpiawMafae. w. im p
Uee ij 1I.V .ivmM MevHeW .w.-fpM- ,
New Shop MrU^ 8f
'------ -I”--------- -
U k«a*. ud. aa U>a H
Ilk tb* 7«M». aba Md
fml bad drtliwl apart,
had dtad raoaaUp. iMataf
bar tneadh baan atnwfla to heap tba
Um daar. bat bar owe mtafcrtoaoi had abMirM bar Bind ao rraad poopurtba. and araa a ai^t to d-a*. a^ alw la Ua
Ha Htoriaa la Oatarto tboy »«to for ^
eoBpUlalf that aba bod lltUa pUoa fur taraaa cOdaa hoad thaa Blllp a
Ka>« a wbaap o( >07. aad aaaealbl a alaeUra aStora. raorpk^ria lb* alarlEb
■la a
.If ta tba kdr ebair wblcb Tbaak-;»» ‘‘‘» -etbar.
iraa oal for hia. bad boldlac ^
Tbaakfil'a cam loaokUa kapttba
a ap tdhb* obaarfal blaM af lb f«uf* la a atoto of bl
a of aaffrac*. aaavdlar to Kdltkal
. la taww«. lUt.
>d of a»^. ujnoaaaL
Otigu of tba Nav Eaglaad Thaabi
■•Iba." And milp drew blaaelf ap . agala aad again,
We Bad a deep footprlat la Xea
"Vda aa Ift like tbU > anbantllM. tbe hope had to atop. tbe.
Earlaod. la tbe Bralaauaa lb* col
Tbere'm lea pour eblldnn down to tbejtarkep aeeaed bardlj wonted bp tbe
oDiato of PI^BOBlb -le^oiard u«rlber'
nototp fnra tbU pear, aad klr- Walker, i en«>aBtor. eo glgf atic be waa:
Oirj bad onimd »»>• »»<*>“
what aanaga tbe lara. apt be bala'tl At laat It wae over. Thaabfel watch,
labucv (joTorenr KrmdPird •cal
got ao 'tboritp toirU ap ao Tbank»M Hi* bappp ooapaap going hofc-
win dioae. tu go rooad aad ter - hat j the teael. Inog after lb*} were ool of
folk* woold gire toward* glllia' Via a , eight, ebr eat with fulded bande gonlng
Thankegiriu dinner. We want ea to' afur Ibea.
UerbuuM -a* lo a elate
ta*eaBret.rat*one.-Wrkep.;n-craa- ut wild dlpocdw.
There were three
brrrp aar«,'n'onlia*. V pudkln-ple. | eharp denu In tbe oarTwl leg* id 1h»
•o'apaddln-chnehfoUo'taltln^'n’ a,dining-,
iWllp dwell long aad Inrlnglp on
Itoa of the ThankeglTing dinner.
.leaaing plaa poddlng
Joehaa, ber
f to ha»e aU.,tboee pet caL. had takea to the wuuda aad
thlnga pooTorlfr- aid ThaakfOI. look- abe heew It-oald reqoire a gnat dal
lag kwalp at the poorlp-clad child. . ; of diplomacp to bring bla ta.-k again.
-No’a, nottbUpar. but we bar* It had been a baep. annloa d*r. and
bad oa am* par*, father'* dad.-n', abe wa tired tma h*a>l to fuoL liul
the rant'* high, n' aulber don't git. ttore wa a etruge warmth In Thank-.
aaekwaiblD-aow. Hut ebeape tblnge ful'e beara. aud looking back upua lb*
algtal be a good dal wora. Tatn-l a dap. »b. Sit that IL wa lb. plaaatIboagb wnwapwrllkelbeaebildra. eat on* tbe bad known for )-*ar*. She
We're goln’ to bar* ame fried liter, bad uttcrlp forgotben her own trunblet
We ala l poor.' he adde.1 eionllp
In looklag after the oomforl of b*r
(ioaebowTbaaklor.gla.B- needed jgaaU. nnd tbk waooimcioa of ha.em an anuaa*! pinsaura.
wlpln^aeb* looked atUUIp. who bed , lag giren them
Tbaakfal did aol bear tbr wbwUe
bln Bottaer'nrpee.
aad otur torcelfal- lof the Uooalac iralaoa tbellrbietop
eee opened
I tbe door aotUjr. baitaUnglj. ba'tabe
(h4r •
dan roaalaad aatll
•■Hoir aarfa aball I pat down for! did «ot b*ar. Tbaa UIHle knell dova
TtoakwiTlac, bad tba Hula
pear-told Ulllp.UklBgdavKOirDtUejbealde ber. and Mlllie'e eolce aald.
WhbM; wu bllTo vtlb iBlareat la Iba
■taapof apeaellfroa bah»a8^bear.
j treauloMalj.
nalit tendap. Thaalr waa rad
Tbaakfal. ,r*e been eo
folbagltdaflte canto .«otbrr
laat wttblbaodorof-alaeaaaal. ai
Hon'l fl>u Uke me liark
glee tbo and abe told abe fae radpou-d
prnirra. aad peapbte alamarlw i
Aad wiib HllUr-a araeamaf
Tbe bard Uaaa aaMad oalp to bare
neck. Thankful felt that tbe dap bad
tMoaead aaerr <aa-a appeUU and
Indred beea a bleaaed one.— r>omp l•to■
bant of generaaltp.
pllallV. aad Mr. Hodpea. the eatotma
Blllpalacal bouaoedoutot bi* eeal I
aaa aatborlgr fur lb*
at tbe aanlfleanceof tbe gift, and be
aad teamed with the whi,
The following >f«r 1
aa* eeaaoa. after tbe abandaat
Arowd tM Editor'd Table.
TtaBktal Bean lleed right la tba
tor of lb* rilkwa, aad aaaj an aaa
Mroa bad aoaaalud bar iadgaaat la
aBdaaakaar.toTorT. fraaa bar gardea.
walled la aaap a paairp lor the grand
tatbepwlaaibf. and eraip faailp far
a^a areoad bad bar raolpe fw plai
padding, wkkb had baaa glrea lar hg
Oorwpto Ueaahaw’e wUa. and bad
bees Uaauadardraelpe fa Tbaaka-etog ptoldlaf. la hto taallg. lor p.
/^akfal had helped ibaa all. aa tLep
rdtotrad.Bnaareaadao lato. bat ah.
had goaa aboal with a atora look da
hw iaea. aad wlib ao plcotoal tboocbto
•dor oUto aba waa bora. Ue dbg bad
alwar* haaa aaeradip obaereed. ai
Tbaakialh hoaa. Ttae -an. wbea
the dlalarroea table had to be
toroad bp the kltebaa toUa aa
UgbWtaada. to aaka rooa tor tba
Urge faallp aad tbe UTlIad ga
Oat the aaabar hal gtodaaUp gi
f laa. aatll. for peart. Tbaakfal
^pt aeabrrt of partba eountr-fara ebildrea.
Loaf alter Wlly'aelordj flgore waa llanaeau
la Kraojir tbe women teacher* elect
eatof aifbl. Tbaakfal *at Idlp
women memboraoe all beard* of oducafolded baada. gadag Uto tbeflre.
ttaowrbto wltblaber.
deaUaad to obaage tbe ea
ibaaktul I iedlrectlp for aeabecu of tbe booae of
Cuald abe. too. Bat
that Uingawera 00 wora
lo Norwap tbap hare achoot auffrogc.
loal bar eaall depoall In tbe bank.
1a Ireland the women role fur the
harbor boaitU. poor law gaardUna and
falbepoad barerpM'
gol ap froB ber Ulnet better than abe lo Hrlfail tut aimlrliBl rffi-rn
Bov toba.a Bappp 1
o bare eo macta to do that there
BOdlae fur morbid Iboaghla
To aeeer tbiak tor a mnmrnL tbi
p» are not attraclirr. aad to mal
piiiraelf look at i hanaiog at potalbi.
br a> contldrrate of the hap|
of albert Ibet it will be refleeb d
back to poo a* Irpm a
aeeer permit poerw
old. for bp valtieating
ig all U
the gra.we of
boart. brain and budp. age e
np<« poo.
belirrr that a Hfa-work ba
..mdoat forpuu. tbatit iaiM
and to du that which poor baa
for poo.
lunorrowor In j.'p.-Th. l-mllr.'
Free, aad Whai'ErotTbodp Want*.
1‘artecl h**Ub aad tirenglb. to dar
aad to do. that'* whai pou want an,
a know lu llrm-a tore -ny I
I il. Ilr lin-rnr. of Ji tVral Mto SI .
,w Vork I'ltp. I- lb* mial tuccreafui
tpecialitt In llu w >rld in coring nerr.itit amlcbnmicMitcaw- II* It alto
the diacorctrbof that wonderful mrdicloe. I'r. IJrcrnc't Scrruni bbxtl and
re irmedp
II* bat rtUblitbed
arbable aptb-m of letter curr*,
pondrncr. bp -bich pou can write'hii
about poor rumplaiDl. tclUqgJu*! kio
pou feel and aUUng rai-h ipmpWi
from which pou are tufferiug. U. wilt
■er pour Icllrr. I'epwlbiag pour
Ihuroughiv and telling vou a ear*
-wnp to rrgalu bcaUL aud ttrcnglh'
And lor all Hu* p.-'U hare .nothing U.
II* girr. mutt careful altenllon
rrrp latter, aad d.-.'Hbre cm-h
totagr of nor
that medium you .-andop 'Ur Iradiiq; *1,
________ Voor good, are aelcctod bp pesqil* of I
adiatanre them
to gir* MaU Urdcra tbr rer> lew* ol eeerv Ihiog.
large eapecirncc.
■•KU l>ti'**io*si" lor inforaiaUoo abml coat, tlj'l* «od
w to.thipg.tJt. rUt, ruli* for -.If Bl
»i|r "Special" This Week\
Th. WhohulB Stock ol
kuttnauer, Rosenlleld & Co.
Priee’a Is equally succenhd fa pas
tries and bfacute. You sec It's of perfect
JMrtty as proved by the HigheM Award,
Workfs Pair *93, and GoU Bledal, Callfanda Hldwtater Fak *94.
Tob simply ciBBOt afford to mtss this ifftriBiity.
Men's aid Rojs' Clothing, Men's and Ro|s' faraishiags,
Ladles', Misses’ aad Children's Underwear. Hosierii aad Cions.
Bl about one half the regular pricee.
Bee our 76c. Horse Blanket Our 86& one
cannot be beat Better grades at $1.00
and upwards
Ontwt rnn nad te StnnU.
Tr»T«r*e City. XielUcMt.
oaka. MilliD.Tj
3 Combs without tooth
are of no ralu* wbatore
ore arericlp a*}' better.
u. iMBao.ami.) ibepneeaedlWPa^A
will be takea at tlM fwaaeat FrtBN.
tiataerib* now.
J. 0-. gOT.T.TT>A.‘»-^
Agent for Grand Treeeemk Heart* and Laelaaaw QauMBa.
keep the
a Cleanest,
' Nicest
stock of
enm Burn mta always makes.
2Sc., 50c. and 76c.
8. K WATT,
mary SMUI
A few lines of Gloves and Mittens
to close out at less than half value.
will give you an endleas amiaunt.pif Com
fort and Satisfaction*-'
a* can be made.
ScorinTtft Queen bves la nne cod
Mary. So does her “ land o’ cakes.”
But the dde may craa the^acaa to
America, die land d the dainty aid
wbdcaame griddle cakei diat Br. PllCI’t
An Opportunity Rarely Presented.
i Combs w ith good tooth
Cam« and Bee aae.
■to^Bini-toV. Mpaaa
•to CMnlaatoatar’ I
eaeoia* n*^ JP«ly bp POflO'S txriUCT CO, »6 Fifth
bat it tod baoa U aplu of ai
pad halt. wkUb tolrip littod op bla
omU eap Bto giap. tbioadkara eoat
M Mato aUitoi U It,
I Combs with poor tooth
TW glri bad eaaaad bappp aad eoatoatod. aaUl tba altp people ap at Uadaeab had eboBea to be aunetod bp ba
IBOttg laae aad wlaeiaw wapa. TVep
had fawHaatad ber wMb tbatr (torito cd
eilg Ufa and «1 tbe art eebooU whet*
ha toleat OMld b. caliJeaUd.
Ttaktml had watched tbe ao
toaaa, aad tba farwiag dUaaaU
the girt, aadeba knew what tbe aad
Whaa tba al^ paopU wat bach
ttair hnaai. HUUe wail with tba
and Thaakfnl oald good-bpe erftk
etoadp eotea and eraat haA to the old
Ula. aad ao OM knew the bluamaa
That Wlowto a alow fata, dap* aad
Blgbta af balplaaaaa aad paU,
tht tatora a hariag to aroepl tba aalariag vriae of aa Igauraal
Thaakfalb alioag aaallwUa
vbae aha beard a kanc
I* th* &r meabei
aul hariag aap other clnlma on
TZT CatabhH
oatlag bar dlaacr, with ao ena|aap
Tba paat pwr. an Tbaakfal looked
btob apto iv aaeaad to hare broagbi
aMWagbottroabUaadloto A haab
towUobaoatoof haraoaep bad beet
dapariUd. bad faUed. aad other laepev^
TWi MUUehadgtae awv
------------- The lap tbougbl of Her
ered in tbe mom approrod wap.
] aquare mile*.
Mde Thaaktal'a heart aora.
a angrago rule* la
Uarip. Tbaakogiring morning, a lit-' Mnnicipal u
e pnaiioelnn of rM-bcmded bop*, led New Zealaad.
wMar.toUeawlthbaraani. bb
p Widow Ibtore. wended Ue wep
a aaaal poaag girl, aad U the feg
■aattoof baatap.ohabad gtoera In toward Thaaktul'a home. UUIp OMant
to be deraroo*. but. Jutt aa the/ paaeed Uodi. and IHlcalra lalaad. In tbe a
to Thaakfolb heart aa no aaa ani
the kluken window, Thaablnl bad tbeiBr. bare full women aaflragr.
Ba bright praise.
In tbe liomlBlonol Canada w.
. braagbt aa oawatad auftaaa .Into opened the oren to gire tbe tarkrp
Il lap la full rlcw. In all iU bare muaieipal euCragr In errrp pruri
Tbaakfnl'a taea.'had ba dalatp toaeb-
MdhIag tat tfwbU. aad aba had a>
ttoaktolaea la ba baai
WOUNDB. bruises, rheumatism, and
bad been fur a long I aebefcoo.
pou- Ue make, a tpeeiaUp of coring
He bad gun*. II waali •e. Hut bad abe lor all electlrr oatcere and on all
oatlenU Uirtiugb letter oorTrap.odence. Mra'a uod Hura' Clutbiug. f-u
HrrcbaDl Teiloriog. Hr
not tooto for thank ilaea that the aattora
You hare no fee to pap and poo don't
In finUnd ihrp rote for all electing hareto Ica'rr bom* H*rr it tbr Iwtl
m poaaj
lonltp poo «tcr had to get
tornlltlUUme? Ifabeaowl
on accept or reject it?
In Anatria lleogarp tbnp «ut«. bp
11. might But tbia toader amaorp keep
bar kearl freon being ijulu the wither- proip. for all eleclirp ofioera
Inl ruatlo and lUlamaUa tbnp hare
od thing It wag?
prirllefB of doing eo il^looal eleci
Now that Tbaakfal wanlnaeeftor
uwd. there name to mind aaap UtUe
laaa tor gretiwde which ahe bad ail
wkeaed b*rara.
Uow Uep grew a* parUeaent.
iBtbe Madraa proridenrp ■
abe Ibooghl of them, arerp oae tUadlag oal clear aad beaalllnl. a gift of a Maatep preeidmep. Hladuat
alba who arrer fcwgeu blachlldrre! wown cnervlae Ibr right
At length Thanklol an»r. and, go- In all aunlclpallliea.
lag toba deab. ahe wrote In a Unr., loalllh* ouuntrlee of
oU-laabioaed hand, an iarllaUon to ;3e# can do ao wherer.t
Marp lUtoiatamtm* wHbtbrnbapAmall unp aelUee The Huatlai
take''Tbaakaglrlng'-dinBer with bag. | Ing the wbol* of tbeir real AtUn poaTba* aba weal out aad ordered Ue eraalooa and carrpieg with lb*m ererpi^rgret Wrkep Mr. Hodgaooiild pro-' where the “mlr." or eelf goreroiag rUIAfur that her kitobra rraa a ! age. whnrrin rromen who are bemdnat
of uaaual acHrltp. i:reaberriM '-------‘-.i*. are
.. paraitted to rut*,
hare mBalclpal eaffrmge la
pla aad eake baked
intoodon>Btrlcbae^.*nd jelHa quir-I (Upe Oolonp, which mica a bHHob
foL halUlag kgb'
wtoto ptoT oea. ■
-irif ttov toraaalahalUa. tbk dap
IR'Fl'M'O V -tuH).
New York Tea Co.
Sell. r»l. M ** t*. IWt* *
No 228. Front Street. Traveme City.
•Remember the FrxUt Season will soon commence. It has
been the rule in-Traverse City for Sutfarte go up during the
I fruit season, so look out for higher prices in Sugar, except
I with us. We are going to be on the contrao' side- Corn
icing Satnrdny, June' 18. we will sell
Granulated Sugar..................at 5 cents per pound
. White C Sugar.................... at aH cents P«r potmd
If )-ou want to save money bu>’ yxiur Teas. Coffees. Spices,
and Groceries of the^-New York Tea Co. Remember we are
not governed by any combination, we'set our own prices and
will give you 16 ounces for a pound.
Traverse Dity Sanitarium.
llbnowrip Elm', SnadMrium.)
Frool flli'M*.
(enltnnlMSana. unauesawi.
riUia efftad aad
edth*tre. TrTU.
Front Strm.
Traverse City. Michigan.
Brosch’s Meat Market
Choicest Meats. Poultry and Caine.
Fresh. Sdt and Smoked Metfs, SusagM Etc.
TRATzasE dcrr. oraio) tra.yvrbe oowtr. kickioan. novekber ss.
Grand Traverse Herald
City Drag Store.|
"W- B’. TT A T?iStTT ^
V111«A« Prapar^ Tor I
Bo *ron
orted te a prs»«teM «n« Kw*
^TOCmSItTEBMIi apeW. Conte. iMd oU artteUm «»aU|r
HoowloS rum
Aooo. all Piro
f"-,',.:z - r
Real Estate
i„. i.r„;i-,?;rr.'.mric;
-I don't Mwwbtbihb dotaa'i
i t jail j HafaBtr on wiiba blank faca Tha » bat o'lba ■roatdTwiir'bf^r^brate^
'.aid IKWB. after Jmnrr. going
for lba|
Iba 1 lurkay
lurkat laDldoaTiibara."
_ for
baaoaoaaced If liroa n bnad'a gi«id aaoagh to—
idflb limr tolouli at thr rranbarry.
inbairy. .
j puaiuaalr
-Oaa of the girf. mu>t akv. than il't jaai a. good to ba.~
■aa ~>^r jbaea brsiugbi It up.'
-»tall,.liaa Iba padding Bkely i
Epfiitfe E^leliAn^c .
Fire Insurance
mKHtVT. CAWrut
Cold Storage.
Vaai OoU Butraga biilldfag e<
Id UniOB I
TR.A.-VBR*iB cinr, ,
Iiandtaawna Appla iBd PBWUOrowan:
Do iot aacnfiea pouiHlrat quaUty applaa and potatoaa at praaaet phcaa.
ir they Id« Urgaly made br oommiaaioB Ban and dmtten who wiah to l*y
1 supptlM at low taua. After winter aata lopricea wjll very likely edvenie'
> doable pranent flguraa.
1 wUl atora Petetoea and daliaer them on baud eaia, any Uma b
lay let, for 0 centa per^msbal. Wbeo teraaia do all the hasdliog. in
uL I will store potatoes for 3 centa par buthal. 1 will atora applaa fo
snu per bbl. brat Booth aod five centa each soc«aiding Bonth.
will atora and eeU produce for one half the adaanoe Is the mkrket price.
_____ __ InatasUy whan
Pare Dnies aid Pateat Medicine
a D- a. SaaMk
Jiii-IT fs.-u?.' ■ii.rr/r.rr
BMIallMr yoai tHawdahlp sad falmuAgt
to nhrinkiDg aa well an
d. a MOBOAH.
iTe ooee handling.
-BB—ofc.. Bam. ■ ano n~>
The People
are just beginning to ap
date good sweet l)air>- Ustter at aoc. a lb. at the
Butter Rooms
Carpet Cleaning,
and good fresh meats chlap.
the lowest prices in town.
I offer fur sale at a baigain i
V. a OKATIM, Vrapetet
f timn«<»owrnBf wg»B. ■» w
ap. WlkW
sonsntt m cmwramL
<Mba M Ba« M«hU awaaM.
Tbavum Cmr
• • • MIOW'
ChoicePancy l)air\’
Fair to good.
Common to)fair......i6io
fair.........i6 to 17c
i;c | SpOIl^BS
Fair Prices,
Cheap Homes
Pioneer Liverv,
SOFT AND SMOOTH.....................:... :
................... ALL SHAPES AM) SIZES, j
.^nd see the Magnificient Line'of
Woolens now on my counters, such
a line as will gladen the heart of
the man who needs a new Suit and'
has a laudable desire to get one.
In addition to this large assortment
to select from, I will give you the
finest workmanship, a perfect fit
and a price that will make you
buy. TR« ME.
rw teaema auwHaan Taua.
uamuim PQiiu HiBL
D hetto wUh
tommcB ate u—r uaa b
ptew.w tmay. to wfu to e<
t toOk. fine OWpk. htothy dl- ery
I make e
......... .......... dewended to tke lel
a Isidy to iavestigate
I hetorkej a noble apeeiasea c
H'Bi- aafiaimed
‘ lid. was - ■
pudding bus
baalanait to lAa pantry'.
llepar artel ne-erer lOsw iwtulti.- . ialethntltespnrsrs
, a wbulr (stuod of rraam
ns I anaie sang, under her beenth.
, dinner.
• ba crird, 'and hara'a tha ^ugar
The l-ulkhend. w bi.-b had b-en ebaed iilnwn.
' not fa
fastenni ttir night
belurr. was
_ : Vmi, ve
t aa tUiiil I aai:'
w wide .ipi-a. and it was unly Uu rv•Dl mat Ibe oremisiv. hail tewn eiait- up the tbkkeal
If aweau
ed l-v a tbirf
I am Btekl^ib
jr.t.1 thra
Mrs Ki-sseudeBsuil.lenly reinemheml
\aaar ound.
night bai< been robl. aad hoe-1
-------------fkira. at leaglk.
i* dinglv.
• Tbara s an.iihar
-mabarricis lio rigba 1.
"Itoopau It. motbar."
lloTa For
oi so r.iu imn slooa tha ra
rrl close iswidr the bulkhead.
taadra. who waa putting the bnishing
I upwtalrs and rbangr is r dreiam betoa
The? were truren.
touchoa, hiad.eaaaha bad t-ofU uak"Ah. thi, BUfe lagolng lohe-yaat
II hare h> fall tack IIB t tel old
Otoie bath
ireiv.' aaid Ik-ra later uu. a. abf puur**Mra'Faaaaadaa cni off tba and of Ibf
ubave Fannie, as they |
< brraevuDil attempt inbiaglaacdUb in tto fiiat piacr.
Mte V*! rnden. euuj,
roerlopf aud draw out the lillar.
"lletter not leavr it ko naar the ‘
asabe wraril.rrli
• iiaar lar!" slia aaf laiinad aflai road
llora waadrwoavd fir
r thr table," warne.1 her mutber,
ripening, an.I only an luan siaira.
lag It. aud llivii la-gan to ra road it
Alao U
Aa the word, left her li|w miip
sik bini He'll be aa amc bound lag back.
"»bat is ill- aau.d Kaiiuy Kaweni'
ID tyith a bmtr armful of wood tongh—"
dan. iMimug^Ui tna d.s.r tint lad to tha ^
waa* «m.b. a i^laab. and
' Aaa b'lied bvC aald I rml
..ibor baa
'elit>r. fhlll
■ •• - - •
"I'll let you
yuo tar
bare a pair of ■
Ibrougb tbekltebenaad let la
ma palleu. m.
waw bar wraa to waali tbf ialira
aald I hilip {tboac horrid.
........ .......
Ibei ba-------------■
Ir/.mtLvou might he moreeareful. ••Tbey'll be tender."
•I the h______
ip Ftwtwndrr, wb.. wasdoiug •ottialhiog
till 1'
hiAill them."
jitel spnUed aod not fit to alga!
Jrare Uiinga hanging
Krad Kcaaendan, w b<* bad bran atiidV'
■■So. It wuuldn'L"
. "lUie ibr.t hiarbed anylblngelm
off theui.le
tu iu algf
-ttell. said bis mutber. reluctantly.. -‘Sis
I should tbiaa Ibak sraa
get kn.aked
"don't kill but one "
111 g'l'big ar.iuuii
the lab
•liter lUil. relirred ll
"TItel wouldn't brabite aplereto' -Ail is not luat then." mid'FbaalS,
-"1'ii.dog'a delight to barkand bite.
fatuiiy f uriuw
.te.ll.V b, r-dilmg aloud uv
m.v,11 folks"
Inadl? "fUll. I think perbaratt wonld
Iwgao VaoDie.
bfr .iKmliifr,
' I dimt caru, aaid Mra. >rtondrn.|br well to gel the f^ks^a hi tha
iff, la a II
"Aad the pltfhrr that goea too oftea
"I’l.Mi Xir-i*.
I bavf plauotsl
pdBlWeaad fottoaU
b> the well galbeea no mciaa." ea-*-*
.prud rliaidit^Kilig |i.i> with ,.m.
f'red. - e
llesides," aald Fred, nKSMuagiayly, ^ "Tbere'a vniaT one kaochiag.** —tj
lot fiuiriilfiil to ba'vr lii.' eiiiue. plraw
end telegram.
Vour affectlimale
fj VM*K »'i,i:..i iu,\." .
a. i,in a realgeed tone
She relumed very acam. "Onr |ach
-kluUirr'. pafal.vaeil. " a.lde,l >'red.
No i'hilip killed one of biadaarly bp- haa ebaagei at laal." abe eried JnhUanV
illeU that had just begun ray- Iy. "Hrv Wilkfw baa aral aa thedw
•itf'rea'll paraljited."
"TbaDkagitiDg 1
dressed it. asd gaaKalortery la the I ewatifalltopl^
-Nil. it !>□ 1 that." aald Mra, }'.■wwm•
er you rear Jid aee. 1. xA at IC"
's that sqnasb 1 saved?''
-Tbat'a nice ' aa. i Ddrm. "bat It
iBly irvilig t.itbink
trd>y^ fills to gap made by tboss dajfUig ail lU. Iflatl.e left uu my m.ilhlie waa^ooe a long tlmir and relari
■AA. wyre y.iu aaeing that?" aaid
rd eiudly-baDdisl at laau "Not acral
(-red. inoocentl?
"I thought It warn "ItooY raeiu yoonelf oear trifioa,
Iwrry hi be had in Ibla rrerlaaUng om
ne old atufl Otel you wanted eaten_____________
dtv. |iul set____
food ua to tehla.
goiul diuui-r. b.ii
i h.iraetown" heexplaiued
while lorry to padding oat to Tpw-liuiwuai.' .|..uaii.itied Mr. f.-aaeo-l - I ir,-nie w.m- I did the daaaage." h
'ton—pig. aald Itora
mr. Theo. when yoa hare iiflaad
den. aa ab.. |wua..d.
liidde,! reprwlaotly to Ikira.
•;iora. couse here a mlnnte. mUed ' y.mr compm-ure. aad aaa amile aad he
* l bad ptuijiifil Ui have a very plaib i j,. wiioeLbing to make it up’ "
a. leaarndea from the pantry
wU| anBounce to
.imm-rThank.*’i.ing l»ay J •■Vea." an.were.1 lh«a euud-aalnrei
"Ho amell of Ibeae oystera." abe mid < kaaqaeu"
r'”"- P'aoa'- iy. -cbop tbi. meat while i fol up the aaaionaly. when Dora obeyed "Am [ • -1 anppute there'
the, apoilvd. or la it my toMfiualioa-1
miirito*. wk
rhat.is tlie worst of It. said Mra.
’’Ibe mime was miinl and atewed
' l*e»i me' They dim t aerm just: rmdy
Keaarudfii: witliarurful iaugb. 'Tbert ' tele in the aftemouu. ao<] all Uie Kaa righhdo Vbev- .aid lajra. "Waita
-j'nongh'i Why. 'Ite' a eartoUa
have been so man) large bills h> pay seBdeb prsigmy ujuat taste <L and frit- mlnate, and I II find uul for aurr." ahe ' teasL" lanrbaa Puale -OiekM me
this month mat I baven'l but just su k-iae it. and add this, that aod the uib added, and Uking the bowl abe relnmaad^/l^. temd iHC
lylour .-eibs to buodi me wees with
er. hi impwiee 1'. aod taste iingatn. wJ hiibe kih-hen with it. aadset
"l\el.. get trusted, theo.' kuggtated till Mrs i'eiawndea declared that It to Uble in a matter-of fart tray.
Mr. 4'«a>wnuri.. xvitb a Iwinkie in bu would U- all taated away.
!a> they re>e went to bjuk al thr fire
I I ncte Evabder waa iatradaead te Ut
luftaoUy defld^d it would, and she ear‘ ?>h. mn'l 1 have one? Iiegged
' alenra. garv each a haarty tead-ahake.
Sever" drvlamt Mrs
den. neil the agate-ware kettle cuntaining
"1 suppiaeso." rrlurard llora. with
w Itb almoal tragic empbasi
lade j it into ti-e pantry aad set it by the win
wrilaasumcd air of relucUace. "If
-a we Were married | .low. whlfb waa left open a lew Inches yon'll rat a as ills, wuboat any lam had arrer viaited bh rrUUem hefwe.
ler buy ao.vibiug I I Then Ibrv ale aupper. al
or fondiairnta '
Mrs Fv—radea kmhad fioahad. aad
fouldu'l [oiyteaab for. and my mind >. j Mrs Feasenden pat...........
right then.' said Fnvl.
sUll made up -X.i i
Ibe pudding. U.ra Ing th •large
' a furh'aad
> In the mil
‘rgrsi oyster w flh
\ JlJh*dllA‘awrtotomly*toraa
■ ngup heraewing aii.l speaking
Ibe sponge
Ibr bread,and tbrjcsanTej
fitlohamonlb, "baeegOfa -'tklng waa perftel of >1. klad. aha
fnllv. I D.letvaadiTwtllhsve loUsf family went hi
m.in..at he hastily left to '
to remember paat triaU aad raui as he and, us.In the middle of the night the fmu
t.m laughed.
-It wa
-Mommer feels lad just the same. ; ik Urking of the Krsaenden dog-i*“ ‘
oommenkd I'niiip. canuiseraliegiv
lined in the sbert. awuae Mr. f'e
u m dh-r.' abe called
thaa aanaily a
who aw.ikraiid saUird tolh
'Voo. Ikr
Mr- Fmaiodca u«k out I lis pocket- thing seeniel .|uiel. eaiepling the dog.
bouk and aniptla.1 ita foote Its on the I be roodudi-d that thr hm faithful
table. Tbfra wasamasUgi Aamp. k|i|uadmped bad made a mistake, and
e oaly auspkiunrd they ware lad.; *’*After tol*toy all ml la to aUU^
aqnarr iufb ut csrurt pii
I went tok in hod.
It w neevaaarr we aboaU be;room ton while, aad toa Ihwa aad
I elastic banda. ai
When Mrs. Yrmendea entered the •are. "Bid
“ I ........... ............... -J—dir.
Kaanie. al toir aaele'a raqatel. walknaw.paprr . lipping. three
Ihraa coppers
foppan and (mnlry Ibe next morning a heart reo• «ell. 1
a torea oo.^.rtb himto to slatkm. vbera ha
'ding algfal met her eyes.
A pane of doubt of It ' said f
aaklagawry kiaaad tom good-bye. aad dwlaiad hn
gia.I. 1 tbre>gtesa in the lowml row of Ibe lower
■ oridli gcssls
endow, "murmured k'abuir
i aasb. which had to vsveks been held in
began Dura- ^'^Thii to^'TLtohed'l^TSi
•luite ail.' said Mr KeaMmdrn. i place by a few tseks only, had
i4abed tbrdollar towarii hw wife | or here jarred onl. and aomr ci
Mto. to to
•tamed thr otber prei-ious relics l bad
inserted it,
Fanale. cumlai
tu tba pocket-book, joining good-nal tikruug'uredly ID the laugh that went around ' luiooe.
the lamilj circle, sou then betaking;
rs dog." cried I'red , coming.'
la alaeiy-case* oot of a haadrod a
uimaelf again to bis paper
; wmihily, pu.king a
1-aa.l- *ly
,,u,,atory like tbla wwald bore onpih to •
"That will be some i-'ip. aaiJ Mrs |ncblte hair from Ihi
vib. j
' .; aatoral aad puaerfal eioae. bat hal^
lurae.i al.i-ft In the kettle
"I'd jest enjoy
iracUiiursl. bar fa-sr
V pUft
•it^t -ii.'.lyM
.'.I.'.lyou baaa put
A Chapter o
"iVtau fan U-wriiiug'u. tot
New YorV' nairipd Mr» fr.
>1 prrplrvily, a» aba aom
; am oar
ar aide aaB-ibcD tbr utbrr
bar bu.Iwod bad just b
I from tbf
be piwt*s<Ib..c
light tud out aoiMftbi^- a
kinginsidr.-auggasted Jdr. ■
a. as ba unfuldad bis arfiliug
..r!,u L. 1
TioasaFiold faints
TTr,1 -f* S’ljo.'t axuo.
Especiall>'adapted to small articles vhece a good
paint is wanted.
.11 s ..,xojSd'td:'“,'?“i.t.s-,x‘
bisitlug him '
'Kvrrj d-ig
"We ought to hare
muttered Mr I
— , M 1* VAC a
Bid FhUip.
il^begiastolookasH 1 might
"And Initea podding, aud plum pad-1 have atehanea I
diag. lyd grapes salo Dura.
girla.-Bld Mr
gieeamimer tbr mooey in onr banks.',ten.' 'look Do BDamfaUy I
pnd tmsi to luck to t'bnstuiaslalare. bat set the
he*Uhle. to 1
"Oh, B-g" pKiteated Mr. l.-oenden my brmkfaat and g
"I oouldn'l Ulnk —'
' helombrtahtaaler tov family
"Oh. yesyon cx-ttld.'came -n a cbo-I bad Sveovered its
rat from her offiqrriag, as Pbilip made I Kesaeniira tmly so
wy might a.
to the cnawV
cnawv Ilor the imiiks—
I well
as -cry.
lbe^dc« ^
the .vvers toddried on; I donbtlcat eaj-jyvd b;
io.- cbise! aud hammer | There were f< .“‘Jtet.'^Tth a
rred haab
"wbrnb torniars-e to slits la the ' suflicieBl qoaat
with "wbrn
IV>m cleared a pla-e on thr labia. [ for to diaaer
- Btekr short' < ■ '
, ,,, bird aot being qilte ^ to to
«bt to
mark io color, toy had It tar dtaam
said Mm FcBvudrn. when to pile of that day. aad to foarU was haraad at
dimea. akkeU and -praee had been black at to biackcal hat rrer th
eoanud. aad abe>ad admitted to ad of. ihroogh Fred's lUlag
lUiag to tterr
eqaacy of the sum total..
" Voa matt' cried to Imakewaa ooe
> soueiBlbe kilctem lolcll b^
■aa. while Fred atked. with mock Sr
eerity. if to thougbl to was doing
right to trample on to noble iai[mltes
with to Inrkey.
bo to took it protettiagl; and lay ,
o^e^half^^lg^jdMolag^l *, koar taler
>at« Done
Deaeem Walhm mtar
moraiag. aad right after I nalrfiii i «ut of
(Vtlad np her tlervoa and set ahoat; .,^p..nu. wme no
Bskiag to ladiaa paddiag. which was ferthwilh packad ap
to firat tbiag cm to pmgM, amf,
odhmad aod
La a
__________ ______ a khag hark U________
I »aT stand IL yoa|“"
ea hUarm
hU arm IV
M oto^
.tor, aad. to
, taolrBlly soriuwf.l. oaly a III-1
“i I
Oepoar^lato to ocackiath^lBBey.
"rSIe^haa tot fvelinf of Bdaom and
aging that ■ aot akta to pate." aaid
. j Imra. bavl^ 0
'lauhttitvtc for a
; school I
rameof aOad
" Tbit. too. will paia,'
■Oh. che-r ap. mothi
were all sllUag ahemt to Bm
am. — n
lie declarad H s
"Freeioaa UUit map.'aaid Dow. *T
a aa to lau bar to-day.’
I ell. anyway. -U might ha mona,* '
coaiar It aaU
'•Yea. tadaad.- Bid Kta. rimilia.
«ThUe wr areaUipaitel to BchaUar.
Mrs. F^Madea't
amaaed tot to
-It M BCM train tima yoa'd WUer
to aparv-Hh. two .. aadchaagayAardM. Fan aad I
twoof to apple eaadoto rate all nghL’'Bld Dan.
wbca to dtearr was waU aadar way
I vreloomr aa toy Ba ha.~ to aaid. to
natil to maal had , ube bw to deaeoa to to -t-^
a. boidlag n etenfmtly hetwata her ; i. eerr
atcbml ,1— omktaaJj^^
LBlwCpwtfh-------- -' -
iis^cUy. they aayr
r a night of it',
e FmaeadeB. I be’ieve you'd
we didn't have any Thanks
nnar at all," burst oot Dors.
"And onions aadoysti-rs and olives.
r Bonth uiUl yoa
1 Chamois skin
Good Fits,
> **
---- ________________ ____' ouuu
ST k^*S
Number 235M Front Street.
O. P. GarverS^
tevnrht ibanapaad
p«tr,» ■— -'-■ -- ------------pla^Woe
tbftatilo -.....................“?•
tbrn. it«P
b ““
likaly te- bpmw
• of glanwrrr twailv ■
‘ot'tbo rooHwc^han
hat tbrrr wm- loft May liat^
\Vber» »ro they at tit* pmaat Wrfv
dbh^op Uic utilo aiMl bnru oEtTiBg biu.
^ brr ipruu
I ihiiJsthar'Ud,.,'
te-riBw^BgtbvIatil'f'wl^IpBtba •.
, promptly. 'sD;r BOOT tb»a a oat arraoi - Uha
Nat akiUDis^ pias baf.wa I'nUwo uil*-olo Krai
" fried Itora. borrrbtui
OteJDly. bclorad
Sxm rail boar
Whru tbokilcha^wwataojctor agmlp..
falterad Nr*, tesaaaded.
r faalivr b«l . -Biag hraaaUiu
iK.ra t.i making; parhaia. it wouMu't look .arv wall
>J of drlka>-.
lka.-wa." rrlaread aimiib.
abiiaaba barte!f|
'itf isiufsa ii uiuMn'i. aaiil lv«ra. in
Mr abter. wban tw
|•.wr>l.y| l^pul OB ibaaloea.Ibr'Baal al l.ma of .s.oau-tuin
tta ll baaa ona luwalb
lifr^ abr
a aiiaaab lor Iba ; for auppar kaaigbl atdl tba utbaa f.w few nui
braakia.1 lU Ihaai.ianiug
it • itb my piatvinr aya."
• \ou oae lur ibai poadara.! aufa'
I for ibr .-ranta-irim."'.br md "It a in
I a paprr }»g tirwidr ibr .pi.xi Ixata •
lal up bau^ful wbal »a do with Iba rl<lnr aatay two kmaow. atad I baauad
! - Al; right.-aaid IVlra. I v« found il. lurkay -irauviliingabould bappan b> tbarewtforbaaakfaatr"
jbiil IbtfCa laa'i anoogh. I'll'hati- tu., Ibal. i-'i.iuM gi.anp
-Thau u'.ll wa kara Iba iMcdoaa
l.al us iioi ancifipata.' >aid Vanala. brown lurad.'
■ ’’TanX did*
land ihrUoa
,tbr .lor.! .^ruaraataua
on olhaa
at aud sin
ar .In^ aant IVi lip d .wn .vliar f.w iha lima to maka bte-ulf.-'
•;1 doo-r .uppo-wo
I paij.liDgk,'
fnaa (S' III-of Iko III
>I»W) oboul tb«-*<|iuib pb. arr ap tlwrr <>ir mlr kevp- akiteoB hb •dipM Uma M tb*kl>
lol diMO
■ -W>l„ ____
A Song or TbaBkiglTiu.
y to L.onB ea laapravvd Fan
Turr MMDtenfu,
Kta Fim.niri.
waathava to taMgaemBnfH
••FWw aaate FOnaibr.’ bM Mra Foaanadta. "Bh iBth Boaa aaoy aaddaalyatlaaL It aakB aa aad to (UA
he will net he wItt as tkla yaor."
hB, tar a taw ateotoa
She roitevid him te to «lal^ raiB. -
Grand Traverse Herald
tolbnitBr tbalr labatra; aUeaa loo
(boBBt aadaaaat.aad
• •aalijnid be boltond t
OeaHwiwd/nB M poor.
Bi tbc Bonb eod «( (01
lot Bear tbe drat
Of it BP tor a Beat Baricet
TBO*. T. BATS& XdttorBaaia. -orweabaU perbb uf c-ariue-j
etaaatt aonb.
A haaMroae reel
him be eraa rirbtaad oSerad to
' fBcle ^dadrr ba> Wft we twraty I
bln Ibe ClaeisaaU tcralaat. Oa.
biMBod dollan." nid Mn Henredea '
OM. ena aaaioaa to eoe It aad
Todap eada the deer aeaaow.
red a<
The mt etared
a b.w for foil tbirty
takea to (be rratod eaWaaoet
Bra. PieiBe baa row* to
brt»d hM .bi|ip«i «p-M*.
b M r. Hi^eadeo a-need
work tbb whiter..
sore of IlM fooda
bn eye* with i >b haiwU; Kooole fell ue
He eetdeaU; ballend It irae aa be
OufyiDf brr face is her
J. J. Habbell. erf Haabtee. w
ricbt. W«
al.wMl: beaiitk
ooald aol be I»dac«d to go ioahie.
Iowa Satontop.
ad la<ra'a.(cwtore
.(ewtom: while
-Her boBc at Rabia. bear Adriaa.
Mr Uwlnaalel of Inke Aaa i
tbe air with
Hred leaped-------------—
- aa
- exallaal wbtx.p aad wai ariied by Imlup,
tmo laat Soadap.
etbUoaeot the aadeirKmad rol
afh. ot Pesri Lake, waa la Whuabook bin aad irrilahiy Wle hm
aeoreaot aUeea ceekiac freed on
Mra l.a,ieed abeller aad food at bee bone,
Harlb. of Kaaaoa. baa mond IB- •eadea. half Unf*of. bad errinf.
aad naa; Boat (brilllar loeUcaUoe- to tbe eiatell borne.
"tbe Uwyer ea.v> tbal bet-fr, l os:le
earred ia ber aoble.worh of aldlac ibe
ol Almira, wia tbe Enndrr nioe here hr wa> >Dlen3tn«
fiMwt <rf Mra. Uiay Wrdap.
U IIM BaviaBd aeld •> bIm b
m lleb>aaiiD b borne afala: baa
nllmdtioB; UikravalM ^ Ukra
■ I'or naarpeara aberteeoted BBob of
D away anme three yean,
omi aak (or <,«e7 tcMko. oad the ued io ber tine toaktlap the refafeea. {Ooin Mary VViliobee wa» bone
tkotemacMniaef Um I'BlMd Stotea iar to toebelUe. Kp.. aad CtBclaaati.
beracbool Satnrday and Suaday.
b*B had pa; tor aukiar«.we tot
0..CW Bbaioaaof tbealBoat deafer.
Mr. Snydrr. of ^•adillac. furner meet, w, nad.. the lw-« ol e.e
(baa tba; oapht to bar* bad'pa;
fearleBlp facinf dearer where the ly erf ireiaat. waa io Iowa leal week.
atrotwaat aea woald aeareelp dare laBarlaad'a carpet taotarlaa are 1
Mra S. Jiirtanl. of LelaOd. b t. ..
-------------lufberdanebtor.Mral. (1. Shorter. 1 «P ao__^e.pen..ee Th.oka«.> ...f
psar (be aalc 10 tbc I
••Coroerr iweatp Jearaahecoadocted
tolaa were 111.100 ;ar(U; (bb ;car
.Safa baa beea eiaitlef bb ata- ‘
I I tell eon It waa m'l l.w
aehool tor tbc cblldrea of refafoe
tioj. wwo m.400 jarda: a fala
.bel. and the Nurrbea fur ibr bnt?"aatd Mr. I'eaw-odea. tiluatob
Haodiedaufthepooe colored peat week.
411.100 pmrda. Ketblsf lUce tree trade. eUeoL
r aaafuina^j- sod cbeerehildrea w«e ibaaecnWei lofecbTe
Bat boa aboattbe Bcoi abooa(bi
Capt. Aofer. of Wbcoaln. atoppol
il.' said I'red. remiuiai-eelly.
at tbc Traaieieiil lioaae Saturday and
ban beoa boa; BUblBC tbbannc
livMa her knees and
Inpoaaible bad It eol beea for
lOOpardaT Tbe; weteJd.e.
rraad and auble womaa. At ibe <
iMr. Xoreo. of IhnpLrr. atopped orer
Tbore eren 10.000 tom^on of
Inr of the war aereateca of her paptb laat Tbondar erenlnf al tbe Tree
aiy in'adeersity.''said
aalbted la defeaar of tbe atan.
■u will see cue ahlne la
.Sorrb Broa. aad Ulubaw Broe. and
il Kauaie. "and if you
•'Mother Uarllaad at iBce be
(iecL ruy bare killed
dear* aad are
the narkrt aad bciof
>e of tbe moat aclln aaH-ealoable oat to-day- Who no beat tbaU
biffest turkey they ee fot
BBtlaBd-alroa awv fna « aa
aaaiurp, ooank ’ Mr. JeUeriee. of TraTeiae City, waa
it. Buely roasted
oor are aoBctbiac to do ao taa
aaddariar Ibe
delu-i-'Ualy stuffed with a lake of
bare the leal df-tbe week U. buy p'l»
aBocd to fOf Bora (baa d;bt oCBto a
bope la bice were tbe reelpleata of ber loot: at pr.-.eBt price* oooe won'd eell froTJ. on the Teaiirt- b.ard to qw'rrow.
al oae o'l-l-K-k prwiselv ■'
eareaad aeraLaf.
-Wefu.” retorued l•hl!ip and I'red.
•'Sbe nrraahed tbe freednea’* reU.1
aad aa lU raergetlc afral
-yiel a peck of cranherrie«. too." said
. «Bl la tbeataUtoBau Oea. B
abeeblud .Sew t>rie«a. .Vehbad'^Ka
: Rut the U.va were already ...« ..f the
A. Alter the flnt delccata-at-larcc of too Boaro »»> ““f
placeai.ei,oose Md half way dowa the s^t
Iba ropaUlBa partpof Mlsbtfaa to Ibe dertac the eeeenel pereocalloo aad al- tanerml of bb aunt at,EIk Uke ynler■atloaal cBceeatloa aeit pear. Itba alBoat iaeredlble banbblpa
•^We nolke Ibal Mr. Varfia.>n U able
BMlar raeoralUoB of oBlaeal eerelce
-She waa oar of Ibe moat aetln
to br al«uBd afain. after a loaf aprli
(o tba perlp- bad * eiadieatioD dee Oea.
nenr tboae eeecriar tbe eaubibhof eiekaoea.
Alfar la eiew erf tbe eoarrllcna attack
leol of the aUte pnbik acboul tor
diK-*>et're.t at abuit three
»>aok Samria baa recorered from the
Bade bp beaator Sbermaa la bb laulp
lildrea at COldwab-r. la wblcb abe
effort of tbe monpa.aad bpreparinf o'cl<K-k Wrdoei^y afl.riuwa in the!
Maaad book of abaaecrf all proniaeai
to aton OB tobb fara oa Booed lake. rooms orer 'fbr lndr|u-odeot otter, aad
’ BM of IbaUattwoor tkree deeadea
iwlcie for fowU will fie* dimwinf conclusk.iis from ttac*'buire ool-,
vba ban aot eapportad tbe eeaator la BatafC KhooU a printe loaUlaUoo eaeaearly all a ebaaer to have moat tor- nmna of snukr tbal roll<-d op fivm tbe .
seeded by tbe eUte poWlc ecbool.
key (or ThonkaflelDf. and we h.>pc tbnrfleord huikliof it is srfTe to essrrt' ■
••Motber HertUadb a»ery eanteet
Tb* Ceaiory lor ib#<omla«'Ymr
tbene who bare an ahoodanre will nr that the najurily uf the iubanluule of
worker la the tcmpcrmrioe reform, aa
ilUafe were of the onloioa that! Tbe'eolory Majrocine eelebrotea it.
nenber tbne wbo ban not.
f of the Aoirrleac ealooa.
plaul would srsio be rtslu.-ed
rrweniceuial Io its Nusrmber ts
The tamers arouad Barter C
_____ tbetaadlDf her aft. abe b I
It sue with aa
aabewaad mollro im-lal.
Tba Raral Piwb b a baadi
banataipped tbrir wheat toTra<
honor of the
iBf ber powerfcl aid to all the earioaa
aoMUp paMbbad atAUlaaoa. 0
aiy by nrlind luU inalead
baullaf will Iw dlttculttoewtini
drrswol type, with new hmlina'*
llaca of W. C. T. f- wort. What a
to tbe nkx-k aad ms.-biBery until we
(ha latareatofaawapapara aad a
, and it apisrwn In a uew and arlie
It In with teana. So afain tb.
praad aad aoble life ehe ha» Ueed. aad
cuter Atlhuufli Ibr t'rnlury ha>
f^an aaban. ia a iweaat eu
bone U taklof the pbee of onimol fel li c.llecti-d u-erth.-r afulB arid Aad
wbotta BtimaU tbe food abe bi-hrd au Bfe llist is uousoal anoaf
"Where'wr'rr au" I util (br rrpalis
(bvB waa b pUBBBt rsteieeoe i<
i euuliuue
Hbaia aad tba toUowiaf baae
len b <|Ulte • demand for noce
le youthful ei
.•himierired It. I
(alaad a
ball-toee oat of tbe
tocul wojd and lufs at tbb place, pairs of news cases av^ a lew falli-ysi
a that has t
MW HrmaiJ balldlaf. which b eall^
and a lew food meu would And steady
. t • ‘
2^ tout n ctkW. 1 'umsfunc Tbctdii j~> " Pr>fu( tbc avct>~B
Sri. an owd-ii-ic
- ta-k J the ha-xeuact <4 the ibr^ ton jurf ptM.
>io-B 'W rwy PriC -« the mra anS
25 wumro wts.) hi.t njJc lac lu'i-e> .1 to nanJ'.
TV ttocj-. «-.e« u>« -kcattocri,
2ri bapreued tr.m irtvrn to nsmb ushihe nVc
25 I.C fto -Boua- lU Ki>a«v' *ba-c b a wet
Sri (4 lidcl Town Ice (br Wriy i4 Ibr uh.de
bcU d pers-to-hl'lncraKcc. AtsI «ct « bu a mnd KKl v>wc of b
2;; own. teJ s-nt> OK w«b tocusw aiM truv oa lU (wPk i fwa to
n-S the t».r
R a > a
dah ■ ks Hrv.'uns.
2^ the did. oesvptroi.
25 R a B«h.S
IO« U.-V1CT 1 uclj c'iiJ.”
a-..w-toe.to..B. 4toto.Ceor.moBB.
^ THEY Must Go
Weddhur belb bare takea a Inch
Tbe jlafle of tbe alelcb beUa bbeaid
Harry WilHamaoa voBt Saoday la
Tboae wbo were aot at ebureh Ben-
Tba BotoUi b raoatrlatcoapllaieai
■IT BoUaa eowlaatlp tron pcblhnItoaatfl onrlU ooaat.7, botwe
doB ipCBk of IbaB becaaee H b a matlar is wbbb we are a»re dlrecUp IoiMBMadIteBibe UsBAUircBae>a.bnl
p ifhapa we abaU ba pardoeod tor naiaf
Moa fcoB a pa„o—00
tbraMa. Vadn tba bead of "A Hick
iCBB weaklp."Tbe Baral I’reaa
••A Bo<hd:nBat>7iw.aUp 1
MBe to tbe Botke of Baial I'
MiaUfaB b tbe UaaBb Taeri
dap mbeed a doe aermoo.
The Bar. Mr. WbllUker fliled
C.ntT^liobal palplt Siaaday.
Tbe Mliaee Alice WlUbmi aad Cora
Prtebard were la town Saturday.,
Tbe Cbrbtlaa Kadearor aoclety 1
fin a cap eoeial la tbe ecar fauira.
Cbarlle Jopal aad Walla Qobe made
gpinr bailacn trip to Sattoat Bay
Bedroom Suiti
Sie oo
1 havr a laivr slock and somr u{ thrm must co ]
to make room (or m) lioliday goods- ;
,r;;i „
raioruf A SI. su.. sm-na'lb.
ri:; sSrSSifi:
i>e. soil astsslau.e aa.
I ms; add
0 uiy t
‘‘sV'^lrf '**'* 1*1-*?.* J"'-"'
" ■'■u.iia
h any f.-riu
.n.l'fesIf tn-ui.lol
For ml bl
,.™ ..asi
■ 3
,\ tiiu-iKiliohcd, double top
work Bear our aidiBf. a« tben are a
Bumber who dealn to fct wort of tbb
kind doae.
i'alrbaakab taklBf bb burk(. K. i'al
to mill aad <-a>aat&>n
pacts to sell the Boar lailead of ocl Uuf
(be fiwla. if mon of tbe famera
would follow bb example, they would
ban more food feed aad more money I
The llfbt demaad alU small price of
polatoew B maklBf eery eluse timew tor
Uume oblifwd to ratae muoer. hot the
low price beliw tboae wrhu bare them
to buy. and there will br Ibousanda of
boahrlsfcd to slock, aa feed b ft-ae^
Sew Varb.
V-cttterrn retf**frftfK%ftr(^r'
The largest Piece
• BBdil Bow^apar oOoa. Tbe other
artlaU rafecTBd to waa aceompael
BBlalatBre boedBlIe of tba dial pafe
«< Iba IUbalu. mxl la<te ia alaa.
BcB^toMOB. apae which waa the half
(OM portrait of Ole BoatniB. wblob
J' IP Astor Place.
. K.-'S";?.;;
. 1......I Bchaul sciK-iji
— cli-cjv-musi lil.ssi
Tom UoaloBaad wife lean thb week farm aad has mond Into our part of;
>tu;,n * lB*p.p-i» 1
. ' for their borne la the dtp. It b n ' Mr. Hammond-a bouse. IVc are well. disease nukeihc s .mkcofukiuKix-m
y. tmUH-Iy
you -u tUr oult t.si
ntaia Mr. DomoucheUe.la :
.< pimsrlul su.rics^by firlui rifi.r.m.
I. pmeot .
lem to BP that tbep will be mimed.
irh.Hhrr*.«mntd h. l.a--rer srriUro.. a scries of aril- , luf a.i.!iiy aud f. rum'.,
neifhborhood. and hope be “J j
imrf resi
resefa that cics ..11 ilic freai uaral enfaf-m, ols->f flesh au.l *pt>-iitr
I blood______
yeclode to_______
VIicliifaB ab'oe
ol the most woo- Xels.-U by Laplain Alfred 1 Mslisu. people were cure
Tbe lifbt »Bow» which (ell last week S^. ha* msdr
isUsm rs one ol aulb-r i.l "luIluraiT of ise* rpw. r up ' 10 1*'h from sv-ms.-t. tr.«it..c*
Tba Otter Cmk Bw mill baa abut
abb of twdrd pafBcrf atfhloolhelped the deer hunter* to capture a I
rs-w of tbe l.Wl, 00 Historythree brillmul artk-lr* 1.0 : u~- of Stoart s tiy-pepsia t
Two or thm doHin (or x *4 Hone
own for a aeaaoo.
aa aaab. aad of tbe alaaty-aia
- - l*B and beanU- 1
i.slicsubicb bare Kumr. couiribulcd by Man-n Craw-, iiruffisU sell them, fun sisrO |wcl
few more of those belpl.
Attomep BuollDf of Empire was la
Balx^^toBr are takas op wlibadanv eSret
shslerer uoos it.
ifoed. and superbly il.uslialed b.r las. ufr si M cuts or usaileO 00 n-ctpl 1
t shslere
town Monday on boalnem.
ilr. Ass Smith, who Csideaat Green-' laifue. who luade the famous W,.rld * ■ (uu-c by addn-soluf StuBei Co.. Me
UaiBiaK BcBtlp of bOBC
tort tbe emke last Satarday,as be shot
EuWer Broa. caufhVafoOk abed eel
castle. Indisus. wbeic br is, wu
wu\l1 known,,
known, ; Fair pictures lU Tt
K‘S:;:.n,\:tb..r ,
tbm fine oooa in less than oae honr.
I ol arliclee
••Tba BOwabelsBlded Isto depan- la tbrir pound net a week or an afu.
Thb makes 10: he has killed siocejie
D ul - Siber
Siberia and the Kti
B. W. Ibp"
«*"• waa a bop. Some parUca from Elk
aad the Muunlaiueers of ,
ic itbeMuuw
aaaBla.ba wallaaBiBeb of tbe abcBifI the •
laBacna nadiac. tbe lattv of wblob b pj tbe blackamilh ship al Aral tbm Rabid* socuiwd o Aec buck on the edfe Rheumatism, wbrnb tbc tnaliucc
. Oe-I
mane pfavsiciaas tailed lu rcl
*U eraU aelaetad aad abowa a tarefa] wlntn.
oltbe plains one day laat week which I1 hare'also-used
hare also-aaed ararlv
ararl: rx-erv kouwu ' Sunlr\ aa^ the >*U K J* lllarr
There was a apelUnf oonteat at tbe
tafard tor tbe wbbea of tbe imdw.
blood retneile. but they 'di.l me Alrioa: a series of papers.
drrmed SOS poonda.
00 «>od. a* Thee dhl not seem to . minblraiiou of ib. I iiies
the Bfwi dapartBinb oae whieh b aot Flatte acbool boute Wedneadap ennTbei.
inf In wbkh Kale Marfan caam off
reach my csae-al all. Homibly my coo- .sutca. by Dr. AlbeetMaw.
Albert M a
aftoB aaaela tbacoanlrp weekip
.soeoBtain uafiaf Ibe y lai
un and tbe eelcat to m;
ly sulimBf*
tury <
papir-oBart soby.s
;fmi ouniberol
Benjamla. tbe eouaiy eoBmbAnd FirateCUf Oiaggd Gtwdd
<}«arse Carter ^S»e from Ulea Uayen
-. wa* rblUafacboob la tbb r|.
eat week to bant tor weabon. He ae.loanr's "l.ite to Kapoleoa.'
pllUlp aad pidBMdlp wriloa aad el
wealth of iliustrsti,
mrod one the Brat dap. and retnraed clnitp tbb weekStop into W TRl-BTELLD aad pwawrttl tod tbara. Be alaa
Mad aadB.beadlara-ladlrmUar t
AddleJopat waa able to be oet to
oiiBst Intersstii
Grmd« Flour that V
aataraaa'■Stato.'-HoBc.'' aad “Vgr- >ome Friday.
,e ,-.*4u-ifrr to
Tbe aeholan of the Aral acbool will ebercb Soadap.
-M aaotfaar pa«e are traad'
is^power, and bis flaal
itold opUsf I
rood*. WefiatoorioiaraBfewaitiSa^
lamay frieedoto Hufk Oimbaa
flee an oBtrrUlnmenl Thuiwdap
Kotaa,will be plraaod to bear of bb recorery
aad -Tbe Lodrea.(Toile a Bumber from thb rleialty alwreaiMiadaab aie fino
teaded tbe weddlof reoepthn alSulibacnptioo frxiui
darto loneb wRl be aereed bp the acbol- toe* Bay Wedaeeday olfbt. All report
uf tbe members lor tbe past
- -OtBad Tianeaa Beirloa.- Tbec
afood Ume.
U'-ntbs. from tbc befiouiuf uf paailBua toom each polat b placod paAsk WalU Cabe about tbot wlld-caL
mn*', hmuiry
darataalleapbaadiar ladhatiacibe
Caliloraia Vapeelod Prtebea.......................................................................... UaMB
Mr. Joyol aad daafbler Ualtle letl
otolBlIp (roa whbb It oobb. aad all
Moeea Aaa. Lraox. Ameriraa timer. Jaaoa. Mote Oaaaa.
hoieday lorCblcafia
(be Uama are traded aecordlac to cIk.
Mbs Alice Ulllb Torp sick a
Diarmaa soap*..............................................................................................'«* bar
Mba ' Cora Prichard rialtad at Mr.
Tbe whole abowa tba nsalt of eaiefol proaeat writiaf.
•dlUaf afUT'Ihe aatur rMcbca tba
A food manp rabblu baee bora
uor acbool be* orfaaisad a literary
aoeiely. IVoa Edna Urabam. rke-pm.
1 olaec the late (all to aaow7
■•Tba two p
Beat (aataroa. and
(Hire Kerca: Sec. (Irace Vaa Holdl:
Tbe AsbiBf at tbb place baa
Tnaa. Aonb Vae Hoidu
loataraa wUeb maat add Balartellp to B»eh belter than laat Booth.
the Hfitir’o popularity, aiwtbe deMRJohn JohaaoB b eaj-.ylaf a eUit with
Tb* BaatefMedluBA
a. a-7
appreciated when I atatt
ywlBOBtt doTOtod to ••The Youac
Bother from BLafhaB.
VUbA” aad "Homaaad KaTB.” eoaGlU'o lo
l>r. Sasebe’s
Bat they ain't the kind o madlBB* .
Bwtad by Hia. U. R. C Balaa.
to Uke mv i.’LT'ot ^^mmif'ia
tlona la tbe sraoda'
and f,
“typofraphaUp tb* Uubau. b upto- bwtbe Uth.
I You Bmy'uS^aboet^mr dodferu aad
tel* ia snip Toapeet. aad u printed oa
SUbbotUtookleareto thb plocs
■Mra food aawB otook. and tb*
-iat MI ad-1
mrcruditiou when S.S.8.' buii to taj:;
OB Monday (or * journey to tbe ^|)pC'
wort obowB lb* «S<vt to foodB*
.V '*t* raeommen-lrd lo me. aad I mau fu on ladeflonciy.
refioas ul lahpemlnf.
wara tae
•17 la lb* haadt to ootopeteai ps
(bat I bed ]j,u,
little bopg,
bopc* of
« any
any * \ri it i* ceruiuiy itue,
Tbe tarf* Alice Oill loaded at
be frouad.
Bcdiciae beoedmew;
me. •1 ................waa tooe *i
ock here laat Wedaeadar. She b
a and your cBconraped. hi:>»aver, wben after Ukinf „
!■ Um BnuLD ofiee. aad wltbaclrcn- paeted dxm to lap up (or tbe
' three bottles 1 «** shle to asore mi
natwithin the coxy
Mleatol.M(i.aBdaaadeenbiiif pat‘ riiitalaTm. In
d loUkc tbe Bed- tomtocunsompiK
eanfbt .
le parlor alw'a aflaw,
' icioe aad befo , lodf was shia to walk |», of appetiu. L.
rcaafa aa iadkatod. Pablbbar UatB
sad aad a
and srbeu I bad Aaisb i mays accompanies pour difistiuo; m
«aa eortaialp (aol eoateatod with tbe
1 CO oae cuscu ootUea was able to fct
of so-cailed heart dmeaa
wit „ -Wxu Oow* M-ou ta «>.s.oo.=
bt to a *eoaatr7 pwbllaber.' "
{ abo« aa of old.
but luiupie (bla. tbe heart
TVe farmer an Ibcpalated aifn
I bad bee* aaferiac for paari with a iwiapHiwIW to iiaimia, radlaf with
"I bale beea hale aad beani bow for j. abuie tbe aumuch aad t
' ' tarn ai
ParalpaM. At the aolVitatkm to a friaod. 1 «r(ad tb* QayduBw. aa<ba*«iwuUara.y
—a. yrarl
the apae ^ two yTai*.withcmtaaew«ato a return .u^a to faae* la the stom.ra. frveo V,
eeisW oort bewedt from iti
a aae.
aau. Idmira
I dcain tom
to wife mp (rtoart bad atoaboi*. wba
. raaaa ii
I to the
.fie di*ea_.
diaeasc. .I will ................
aeeee cease to i tonaMuo*, bail difestod fuM*. cauaca ~
_„lly wiaa.
i raae. to try tbl* ta
iff alBtoh to tba Ule and work to
lb* tesraat to lie ,
ba. ■ hae* a
‘■Aaat Lura Harllaad.” wbo duriaf
A with (all diritHtmi ft
ad (or that parpm*
WrWia la thb dtp sritb her bob. J.
•rbe aapu; --Plcaoe I ail rail all whom rraj^
la a late letter Di
■Btml. to fct rtiB to pom aa
B. BarQaad.aBl oteca
bb death
Ole Aademoa ha* opened a reitaraat
to psraratafa dae p*a far ai
Hra. Harllaad. baa a mdeawidetorulo la tbe tlertoop boUdinf.
m BB. Lort Bra fat. Tsaami
ad rotwratheold
Mfu. E. J.Tock sprat loot wart rl<
lady and adBbtbor wort
iUaf bee brother in Tiareiae Clip.
Kpe Jordao aad E. A.'Voiea to B
ptia bar* beea opendlaf a lew dap*
to tb* H. C T. U. erawratkm bold bee* toara oa ba*lB*B.loot wart ww tbc preoeMe to-Htobor
Aftor latt alfbf* beut; oaow t
Leon SarUaDd.Utboufh tf po... Jaka BoSi has kladlp cleaiwd (k* tai
to afU. patab* ta aoopi; to foot a* (kb BoratBf with bb «aow plow.
BwaptohaHtbatOfa. Beralad
asUra aad tooara* otar.art oaeiaa
htodlp bsliora la oeaiafbor that b* b
Gloves —
■ S.
For Absolute fure Spices,
---------- .-.-.,1
S:SLr:r.-s.:: ::
BotTA'l^l^rbl'toer^ci’^Llat a. ad-1
Oaalv b-rooex*.
Boixtla. S±a«.
D®‘ Oxydonor ’
Self Treatment
"•JX-TSTuSl-j”- -
ailaararlp a
0*4*7 iBporttal la-, tbaa aoooaaa.
or tb* tarn tbraa-l A fiaadrato'
aeaatarr. 0« Wadaartap I ffilaf rblekaa oapp
■ iBllBf oh* f*4* a *at7 lBtereBUBC*ThaalnclriBf Day
DoS' la tb*
tl acbool ball at ^
dl otberklada
other klada wtibcaar.
with case.
rtor( talk la wbleb oka told how tba; flaltoB* Bap aadar tba ____ _______ __
For that la wbara tto BaliJiad* tb*
» 4bM {ladi** of St. HVhaal cbnrrt.
i4o. firWront Street.
In Buying a
F-esh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Bc|
dtotoHt ato »Hl AtmiffB «• SmA
News of the Week.
Tfck Btatmeot U Bade v> refatr a well
of^ iHiiA iav oo'tbe arw'M^er drfaed raacr. Mr. tiak-b will oar bta
balldlnr. altpped mad IrU fn>« a boa beetjadgraa to hriac-op tbe
oatbe fooneeoU) atorr .rVidar Born- Mne <|W*U0B tbe artt
lar aad fell ebrM atoria Vt ibr roof of
aa adjdalar beUdlar.
Hr wa.
bir Biarlrd aad. altboorb lUII
Tbr foot and atooU
bai a aUn ehaare for reeoreijr.
1 bdWM of U wUowen___
Prank ToBpkiot of Oirard. plaatol a
plnokM; hM U wfdow.
Balm of Ollead tree f ftj’aii ;ear« afo.
ilb roaar eon pulled op tbr twijr. liilr ba.' directed tkal tbr ra^tatioa
Hifliwo tar'll fiBMUoat ftboot ■ wberrupua hl> faUirr itnnrd blia with forthedUInrcrtioauf bidre Ur applird
»Ui a«a tke rccoBt poU »~r <•
It and arala art tbe treedo tbr rroaad totbebidreof L.at—’ —--------laCOTvrjrUlMOp.
it tbrirrd wooderfallraad ba« rrarbed
nni part of Soul
> lire Ural Mr. Toiopkint •rill e>r
Mr. HeOmekraoT t
■m busU
be eoaetroctlon of a arrr boor.
a keep tor
IWedM'tlatbe propt
Ue fu of the U>la(.
U’bilr a Mi^ Rapid. lad; rrai .
A rood Mor leekr cktemi il AdrliB
At l»ad<m Ibr (Irralnr New. pnbprrfmlr »me.l. end
are tboorbl lo birr bora <»ck«d b; bed alwaja brra prrfrrllye.iua.1.
Irtter frua Hnrlle. a .Ball
tbe rmat aertbqiiilre.
r thr Afrbanfrontier.
kle. Ibnl tbr
Al l/otb«r Cater Floiaa «w laAnrccr
Two Little Children Made Strong and p
S Well by Dr. Greene's Nervura. |
„„„ ..
Klian. bU recond pob. to amarr for a
Mr. Brrlar Trier, a piooeer of Hart,
e rnnninr with [ prrBanrnt AfcbaalU
dropped Dead Ttaondar laoralBC from
bi» a he
.. Anreprrt in;n H«,dou durinf b
bort leUara wblle awlar wiod.
1 l.l. I'rt. ■ KupUn.l
Mlaalr Ktelaer. a MLadomatie. wai
batched aeaeeira br a bijt Icicle wbkii bniin* it: prr.ou. and Injurinir t-iu l^>on«,B» Lair brrn burned aUre.afreat I
ta falliar atrock hrr oo tbe bead.
^rlo..l.a.bornal..ntr?.nr.,,..., - N i>.iinl«T ..tl.U .ul.JrcU hare been in-'
Joba Hn^lrof Uarbuo, wbllr rabbit
baoUar. aocideaullr ibM fainalf iB
At lawton, Roec-i Karir;. tonr t™p» ' K..l««l, »Iw aco-Bpinird |•rIBcr-Vat-[• tbe rrolaaad k aot capeeled i
kid. Bi't wilbarciy wrt..n. ac. .Jrnt' rx".*!* <* lb.» ofeion of hi. rUll wl
TnrwUr mumltif wliilr pl.rlnir wirb Kn^lind. i. to U- Wlurrd a. w>oa a |
llarrv Smith, about ihrwBir'arp. Tlir
*’eb,ii. U li. r.p.-.tod that'
Utter pnt h-.Ul <■! an a> and .im-k ' ^'«''•alUb KW. blinl.. H «lU br punudifonnr tUrlr}- a-roM tbr Irfl
"I. md ibel
b-will br WnivbI
AMra Klldab.e(PeB>Mi.Ma1oea1 tfar}- leatbrraad a mr dull ax atrd ' r<l from .trel>ai.i.Ua.
le f.«/l from brine cut rntirrly off. L The .iluali.ui iu Turkre n
tbr >ob of paler a*
loaeb il U bedly rut and broltod
Thr .ulu
InaCbioro aweBB fur »tv a rr««k.
llBbar wolraarrrlrlBrbaatm of anlrrT»ity arr lm» praciicellr
troBble wear ibe boo. Hear orraaea. tad The metirr ha U-ro aar
for w«ar lime. Il waa at f
tbe rearlt of I
.1 to afll late, taakine Kalam
It iaalUyedthat NIb Alia Pkmrrd
of MaeoB vbo loat ber roloe tm jran
Till- i.jiniue'wit
.oir.-rioe to ihr dr.-
at tile new shoe store.
Thc^i(^^Vr Also Kcstoml to lloylth
by That Grandest of All Modicines. Dr. Greonc’s '.\orvara
Blood and X'orvo Kemedv.
Are you in need of a cheap rig? If sa here it is: A pair of felt
hoots, four leather stays, and a pair of first quality, high buckle
and heel Perfection Overs at $2.Q0; or, we can make a eqmbinatioD of lumbermen's long tufted Ifoot sox and a pair of first quality heeTHurbn Overs at $1.76. Buy our combination rigs and
you wm save ifioney. MAKE NQ MISTAKE.
, '
Men’s Suit Sale! ;
....it. .1111.... .b,.b> ..ubh. Ufo.'ihirTl it* !!lf ,Cbb..T orcbrit
J ■ 'i'
‘ tbeaoBBdiorof Iberodf.
UeanU btrertb. tbr llroloB Harlior
lad rrbo aecldrolallT ibot k> uealk hi.
bBtin^ onBFBDioa. Rbrs Ireland, 1. tbr two Umr.U. rrr»ldrnl llarorr. .if'., „7. . ,... '777 , .
•firiof anil ■
a J .V. mVL ii..
(taatlc with rrief and- tbe loauf bU Chicago .hivcT.it>. b„ lo mlid thr
»l.U' which ;
reUbllUiine ..f a grrai pwiemdualr
thouaad. from dralh and
MaCal IncBlUa b feaird.
nolrriaily llkr th.ee lo .h.r«..ny. and ^ Xi' „X«,1
FkrwrU JaBW Mead, ared «o.
prrarm Borr u opl*^ nxrl 'of bia
ibiitioi. may br !
wbOa teUinr 1 tier at U
. Tbe enirrr.Hy u irb^lso fumi»h
rrruf thr AntirnUi '
WM atrarh no tbe left U
/ ~ i
n"'* henitbv chll-' rrffaliinp .l.-rp ►Ir.mr nrrvr..
traak. fractarinr t
ippieBrame were.
^ ,' sii-nwl.
Cbarlrh II Stout.
drra arr what wc all aant. ana how u. limlo and Ih.l
cibanere for raoorrrj are allB.
National lUnkpf the Ilrpublic.
.krrpoar lilllr ■■nra in fr<><ul farallh U a.ritalltr. wbleb all chiiarrA ahuuM '
.ja widow of tbe late
rmnol lntrrn.1
'(.H'lly at,
le , bnndrrd Ariiirnian. arr .m a ,
an at;r<l
(TiildiTn arc p.-«'ullarly liiblr I
Bl Micbola
iibewaeBlo n b, tbr alrikr at Whilrnrillc. Mop., breauw.
._..-uu» i1ienr,icri: thry l>rcuBe nrr<
Ihrir empl.iyrr refiitod-tai ,dUrhaTTr'
near Mira, wbee
■lurlrr ..f a .•.•ntnrj— ..p,, rallrw. fmfjl. era* and irritr
. and faMlUd oat w
,'f.u- iwrutv i... year, lo Iw
a ^.lr.•p
In' raacl—.iL
rtai'l—ISL . pie;
pie: their nbrbl
»lr.'p i» not
md c
aliu an
A arr difrnl br rlill,
la^ Iru...c MehoU. HaRa/.iiii'haWubrariatr
but ih.w t-a. rrrtlr..
At Mrso
i-'wapra rarh me
ly. kilonir ». l-.uue mr-apr,
month tanhr,»i,i, ui »i<U.-. lui.rmuror taftI ill ttr ir l.;..,l and iirrt'^
i. Haall'e roideacr. flndior tbr flrr It Tillr. Ky.. c.vrd in M.
--------------.ilr (if
... tl... land. „ br*an .Ki,o.p ,0-1 wahrlirrdand u il-1'frr.brd I vbildfvli. wh-wr |.Ir
tbe faiBBre low. piaerwl oo krrnerB' Jloweed kaBafrena Ic .
.-..n.'u.liaatfiiy «ith It; jn thr m-.mUc. Thry t.arr ail irrrfrn-jrii-w.Mr iukdr»ir..iii:
Aa csplaakio of rroet foroe Mlowed.
abd tbe Ctrl WM arriuBaJ; beraed.
-MrA forty too Brtror frll Thutu.1.v •
N«-ai » all ..f tbr j.'ail^ tot apprtiu, (Trow thin ami pale, ii.ik Jfn.ll.I Illr.lleinr
■ "I
iier.ouv f.w
.,r l..ury.-ais.toU>at|
A PUobrr faraerr bae tbr h<Boro< BirbI ua a farm i.r«r Kenod |r..,a , • biW-'ii >• prrij'b
hildr. ii'r III
; I .-ouiil .h^n.'tlii^i.’ 1 wen I J..dl(r.Trnl
hilUar tbr irM wblir dorr IbU eeaeoe Obio. Afarrurrha.dll fall and found .‘ 'wpujB.
lU.wt.w., A,It n-mr .-.mid .h.'lp mr
it bailed in tbr pr.mou eiu> tbr rwrib ''T'"
.!*»>' Matfr'i'r. Md ..
Ha t«a. Beek aad
anmnd lUiu-nliv butd.
. t••unk.lolk. amung Ihrm. Tbr h
wblu. while tbe bar
ri'i ‘if,".
n 1. iwrf..
■m X‘lf*‘to he.li(“r-
. .
SBltii obierato^.'^hlu dU I f';!
coerred a nrw eomet In Uir r.«iMrlla-1 ‘
..u'eew.tnl Hr
i„ r.
nerr.m- ami
rbronir diaaw-r
mast Sew Y
, I ily. lie ha tbe
il.e w,,rld-aud tbu.
e,.ren' ia the TVauU
« rat .-xp.-iii'ni-'e The pr. al rep-
>due ap
. tbnaeandi
Tbe wrlal *U.ri» reprr'
" I* a eU.rr of Uuy.
It the Umr of tbe
} MiBfal
bUl/.ry of tbe tlmea
boe Irarek -'vir the w-enra
tiZ u,r i.^i^^nr’;;:^
tbe blinding ai
|L hot «eh en.v.
kre aadalMIlwaaLre. Kinm-lan j |l»pWl 'luck .t Son
ih,nhi. m,Mi. ii|.' will cure and thr
Successor to Host * Ksrtos.
Bankruptcy! Bankruptcy!
The well known firms of Kutnsor, Bossnfield A Co„ of Dstroit, wholsuls dsBlsra Iz:
Oent's Furnistaing Goods, snd also the XUton Hoeiery Co. of Chicago, wholssnls dsnlsrc
In Hosiery. Hsts. Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Mittens, Mackinaws and sfaetoiwee,^*,^^
and we have been lucky enough to secure theae two enormous stocks for Isas than 40 per .
cent. W9 have placed these goods in our atore for pablie Inspection and for quality and
prices we will eclipse aU of onr prevlona efforts. SAt.B 00MMSMCB8 WXSmBffSAT
NOVZMBEE SOth. 16M. Just to show yon how easy it Is for na to down onr eompstitm ^
look over this
.. their a>e'k.
Si'e* IVlenum, a Heatnr man. ra
\ ^ The
irgrat apple
.orphard in H r
............rer* l.iJl
> Kreraanl.
A farmer rarlirand lliwen k b
«^-b at prealoi weig
Hug ekderaitlthe lai.wt lad anmi
'the genu awine th
al.uund aU.
Alma. Kifteec ,fa->al
farm, i>f A W. Wri
u'.her fan
fr.ua the .
A Had At.' funner, in hvh.ng wrrri
tbr wbmt w bi.-h h<' ba* , U.r.,li„ hint.
bat fnnml it/all of whit, «..riavab..Bl'
half an iBejrh.og. w hich arr
.rr rating
eating the
grain. He >«v. h it h.'ha nrrer a
igiu feel anVtwo Inch
any w.wm. like ib "i. tof.iro.
Tne li .ugla, 11.
A Culdwiler breeder of dne he
...f uttwIibV
of VI
reported t» hare luat Si.iar. w'ui
illagr. ha hurTraWd it
atoek by allege.] b.« chulrra.
roliL. Sumrefthrm w.rr of mam
II k report In New York that Eng ' “
Ih ula. thr .ampir frfi at the o«ae
Ikh farming peoplrareonniag to Ihl. _rcighilig Hrr paund.
eounuy iu larger nniato-r* tEian rrrr.
tVblta-6-h l>,un.,.o.h.pprw.roualy.
;« 'r for .-ranb-'Timr
'briiStt.a draro of a big ,-rop nrxi yrar.
ikrujit priw .
r. worth IfiD. bankrupt price..
-Men'* hsary all wool mitla, call akin fand
'l»itikrui)i pfio"..............................................................
Extra hearj lumbenoenk uadecirw. tally
1.60, Unkrupt price..................................
MriiK all w(io1 Sootch slome, trurtb dOi-.
bankrupt prit'i'......................................................^
kIcn'H .'amcl hairr nudenresr , worth 16c.,
baokrupt price
Men'a all wool sweeten worth bfiO, haak.
•MiSsm' Saxony milteas, extra fine, vonh
40c, bankrupt prion................................................
Nen'aextn fine wool ew««ten.8wlts0aadls
mske, worth 3.00, Iwo'tnijitprioe...................
Infauk' all a’ool Ixxrtira, wurMi 50c.. baokrupl price.........................................................................
Men's doobls texture sU w6ol ma#bfa.»ntb
worth JOflO. bsnkrupt price................................
AM '
Men's cxln bewry blue flaokcl shirts w«Ul
1.60. bsnkmiH price.................................... ..
A larv# lot uf'Oien'n all wool asaurterl ca|«,
B.orth .’lOc.. bankrupt priers................................
«.l.‘rt^" «d '^rolt^nUro'’
Hak-I tototbr to*t f.,-tbr n..p
at aU iiaaca by bk artrbkor'e
•Wabfwiaad hk«Bfda. bM to
'aady berome eo
Nlehola i
liSiai tore*—HebMitol a ^ I ^^TW roroaatl^
iianlj that maay
a S4> kowk aad
wkb mwn
' Blw at Muaevw <m May ;< next, (be "* t** eorrlring to ■* are barely ab
d totaia «*'
^ aroatrareatb blrtbdry
oa baekwheat end la awe dktbr oora k womptly a
: B* vow.
■ ’’ trWto
- \ ietaria.
indli'aluio i.t lTe'.'onudeoew.lie- A Urh'S
ItUfe I.A of men’a all wool eot, worth
v'onBdrtKw.-He. he w,.; AM
■■ be I
■from « to 40r..baokntpt price. . . 13c. 14c. 15c
"■an .unSdraoe.
,ety of the h.^. kleu's extra besvy box. worth fully 50c„
benkrupt price..............................................................
Samuel Anderson,
aiAheautrfoi lot of m
worth fttim
fniu 1.00 to
k 1.60, henknipt
ba: ■
exWmr d^aLha“ba'i. I
>nd telle .of it a en
............---------------------1 Ttodrmtb ia Gratiot Coabty__________ilralof bnelinf-nad
a .wide and mleader*' MrefI arly thir m ■nth that uhrop aad : fore
fore tbe winter »
KluKiit# flcral d.a.gn*. k worthy of <aul# dir I f.w w ml nf watrr
ha more .l.aulneue
............ ha
Mv-imb' Hat
Hat be will hare tbe.
ite ba»k. ,*r''*'
*>“ f""®' raia.farm-r* ia Mv-irnb',
,1*17?”“ p'raarr to older pc-^le a tbe
: dren'u book* w ill In tbe little oaca
daoMi Hw«gtau.atoraerlMagaaar
ne BHtkb abip Lad llraoey k aow .
SalUeM >M feaM dad Is
' vrw IW day* oat from Haaafbal for ,
h^ MtorT^ : ““ fr«wkA, aad II k t^ht tb^t *
betd reayoaJbU fur bkdemke Wr tbe
‘.rpboua »hkb
rocaaer'e jary. >U bad >am dniaaed ,
»P ‘•'only after ube etsrted.
bk loaeasor ia tau froteeaal unim
Tbe emfraeof Cblaa ba)ert srrlrnd
■| me
tbe auuur
Auulir raaet
“ "*’*• •
TSe ^
Ijsdicd' all wiu>t Saxony tDitlans, worth .'iOc.
bankrupt price................................... ..........................
A Ixsautiful lien of ladies' (aacisatora, worth
Yroui 1 00 to 1.-'A), bankrupt price................
.\ large l<A of boys' aaaorteil cap*, worth
SOc., baokmpt prira........................ ........................
TWrwBtaMilil bold at Sad Jaefcn
barwod to tbr grouBd aad tbe gseata Hlcburaa.
Tbr only
^ year
year Ibt tbr
pertod wto« th# relnfall r
amlwMino aad tbralte
Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.
Have Gone to Pieces
le aame time atiruglh' M'a”nf‘’{hr“tonSeil
t« the entire^ ey.Mu. wmiderfol medWne.
ilthfal eula'tothr'.
’■ff thmu.m Iwkr Mi.-hlgei
■*~,th»l.H*l <USrku<9 fr.
r» paid Ip “* to <k1 1. Iiwl.
^ who
*r * xto_f-
' |*wi. will S.n-
llpbtfnl poem. " The Iiream | alBlng.
While Kallk iia». of MMkeroi
oepart^ fa the feaeral of bar______
l-eUlngill. tbe wild a
Mary, abe Ml Aon ataiia. bBiatiag a Rirer mounUlna. io M.n
UesAeaBM. Ber on coodltloB k aui fonnd dradrib h» in .
...-I ........................ .. ‘*'1 .. .
iMat alnriea. Alb.-rl SUlirna. niewe
HetUnr*" ix
arly period of tbe war and h
"(Tiri, and. the W.mderfol l.amp'' na
-- “-W w...g m eww*.we MM... r rwieT alito* Iked ale
alone among Die • ild ani- oneot Ih.'gii'at .u,-ee»wv. et tbe pat
inak of tbe Wke Hirer m.iontalua year, ba writlen another tiewy Uial
ba erer toe>n lamed regard- promlMw much. In "Siiidixid..-Smith
bad .her eJobiar Bearly all bararel
bk life bel.weo
bum bee body, aad bad lo to rolled la
Ibeaaow. Beeaeay k doabifal.
At MBBlIb. Cbarl
ria swllMT'a M-year
tUngfll had hnomle.lgeijr a >>ah Ihai gn-amt uf a-a-fariTig ad>
Md eoa
-ktngamr a rktoua
rich gold eein. bat uerer to
y. uianr,. Sindtod. and
— Uu_ _______
fnu and
BBMealy grabbed b) tbr .Yv'luaeed lu Icntlim. tb-ingh be
the .■..mplUalhme that tbia Iwiog*
efaBBk td Boh WM tan a^^rty of huntenanne (jaaru
ab.ot ear to Imagined. Ttaew are
, eapualaf tbr eord,
I liui a few of the frwlaea.
boy'e mirejy.
UentnSHt-Maprtaaarffrlneer !*>>e eoali^ ynar el.(.K. will to giren in
t. hkb k a Mtire of the.
toirtbem aea a
xienl, , .
a aft-water Mnl .
BT HaBoork
Ink plain the girtl
Hatne Beaaillul Creailima
rigai.cm imerreta are; Errr} I rar
Ibo^l Chat It'
aoo aa
il aeema
trvai the p.-er and
aroipaa if thr iwrto-
Aboae C.aia. bare k
S^^whkb Cai
growth and
Br alUDlr.1.
frmah WayUnd. of Mariot, o. rr-1 *>-l
o< Irltrr* wriilrc to jo.iDe!'*”'
alrkt Mra. dnaehoa. of TmOb. wann arr aleh. rj.r that
ddred cBto tbe railroad track aad wm aii'rd a letter from a HaHiBorr albir-' trypl' from'saiu.ei l.y H.iWrl l..ui,! If
-now .l.•,c^il>e tbr pietur- rrtal
iidrrn » rriordiri.. Hr.
killed, ber bead helac urrred froa her pry aakjng him bk rrlaliombip to I
bod>. A yoanraoafoaad ber corpw H'lUlam Wayland. wbu morrd U> oi.lo < <',r|ar life ..f ibi'lammle.1 miuin.'rr in Orrri
■» afro Wayland rrpltod that hi- huWaml home, an.l (.'ire iotrrr»iinf bl.»l inri(r..rBoland.
the Bent Boraleg.
tbr itmn'e e..n, »'hrn'up,B (hr ,t. | portmiu of hi. n .1 cr miinrn. Ilud- TbI, wonderful remedy. i« abore all
A Bbtt OBh BBB k ■t arrcrml attir
Heine, nnd it>
now writn. him that b* I. thr
be faalldiBg bk own crib
aborr Uraey
brir to tbr H'ayland .wutr iu UniT' I tb-s X|iprared iii
1 w.ml in thmiaand. <il home*
bk B^r. aad tfaea orer'
oreriaadfnf tbr
1.1 Jame, MA.itrnlurd al a lallllon.
' | wriir for 4i in
..................... ........................................... $10.00
................................................................. 1100
................... ■'......................................... lAOQ
................................................................. 20.00:
................................... .............................' 22.00............................................ .................. 25.0$ •
from 25 to
nor cent, less than cost, but rather than to bav^
..cheap iroixls Ifl supply the demand we concluded to clean bur stock and giw otrt-"''
|Wtrons the btnvfil during the existing haVd times.
Xrrrura in all nert
infanta and .-hlMreal
rod »e« larB rmpror;-in bnltb and
•trelijftb errry day and hour.
aesee wm obaerred ir- of Van B.'rr’i :i7K™rk:i^ rt'rrX
niat. The atom ,Ctakmn. WBedretroyrd hyfl„
Note a Few of the Reductions;
I ala. lixee Iwolilll.
, w.aV. ami run .1.
r Hr .i' -rcr- N—
r r.iur.ly
|| .l,.i
Igttal tbal l.-Bum.lbeU
Ibaakfcl rouuph.
wru and »lmtip afraiu.
and they are li.
derful rriD-.!..
'Ilrt.irr. I (..it,
Tbora la a poaalbllHy ef a woo
tae M KalkMka and with dne ferou
of hard tlBbar wUUa two Bllr* of ibr
eUlaca. The ana la had roada Tbr IVedne^ay
BBB^ road ayatoB
children. a«M oar and four.year*. , ir.ru whet I.u*
Uvn prorl
proriilr.1 for thek |
liu* luvn
OO Mtn'n Snits to close in inUl siie* (princijKilly small sizes.) A Umanza for tboae that ^
can l>c (jtied. Do not tlelar as they will n»t last long at the prices marked.
tv ? ?5.75 Suits formerly st>Id
itw 7.75 Suits formerly sutid
iriiiT.-“n.^ n>to^^' Now 8.25 Suits formerly s»»l'd
'oTi^wksi. N. w! ^*'’"'
Suits formerly sold
12.50 Suits formerly sold
bin ii.'r iwoiXtJtw 13„S0.Suits formerly sold
ir.ly that 1 (lii.uj-hl I would irv iu Af
ter llir )1r.t i-.itCe I fed n-ffeted. en 1
oned a eniiple *»f I.Titl". m.ir.' au(i ana
[I am a i n;hi anil.
Vtbank. Hr.
ilirrrur, -N. rrura tw th'«jf..»l It did
lor dowaonaoxiBalof tbe cold walber. Tdo ahnt down tt'edaredejr aad pnatratad with rrlrf and may bruoB.fmJTtbri^iSe wrlta’^^^^
alxFVidap. (Hbera wUl rider at------aitwl. of Uir lanruBiV. while it ba ,
la loTBlnr la tbe k« alifa I
Mia MaryHoarnof liayarifr. \T.. irirrBloiu .rra.lrr* many worU that
oOBplrtad bi'r lunib rrar lat «r.-k h,
leil wbrUimLr wunJ.I
•unJ.I n-i
n-Biaiir j
A lew daya affn OedCrer Kiokra ul
If kbe bad ber life to lire bad for U.PV ...erra lar
Ol—< Baeaa townaUa. fonnd a lain
fl--. and It). aM 4.
lied. "N'o. in.lrt-d ’ <n K'os.yal .'hii'lrre tVbrii
laager than aiatrlc i
of tbr l•riIl.-o..■^ Wal.
Traverse City, Michigan. J
N. B. • No old good* at FrMk'A obw ktore.
‘Mra. CorarllM WUIUma. ao a«rd
widow of AdrUa. wm atmek br a trol-
(al^m killed two^rnu^ bB^y
S 118 Front St.. Wurzburg Blk.
At Mam tbeS-jeer-oU aoo of Mr.
abd Mra.te*t ttealibair bad hb rjr
pat cat br tar falllsr of a fair of
abaara, arfaich be rra irrlnc to baag
W. C. Lalbrop. a Jackaon alrn palm,
er, irw bolaunr a ladder, irbeu a rnHc
pHne book and Ueklr abore fell on bl.
fcf^. frBclurlnrbU aknll. HU rrcor«7 U donblfnl.
baplul la Adrtan Mo^ay m
nSop roiey of DetrolL
Mdlrt took Ue white and
'\lva.()yA\'5y\^ -
UdiM-all (Tool fine csthiMie boee, fuUy
worth ®c, baokrupt price.................................
Boy*’ fine woolea
Mes's jency orerabins worth
Men's extn heary etrirtly bone essde. fait#
tens. Wurth 66c,beokrupt price____ ________
Men's extn beaty wool pants worth tfiO,
bankrupt price...........................
Hen's wthd paeto worth
iffjf* ............................
Hen's duck costs, wool Uasd. worth lAO,
bsnkrupt price....................................
Cbiidrea'ssll wool boee worth Sfttk. bm*.
CUldtVD's^ woo) boee. etlk heel sod tfMk'
worth 85c. bsnkrupt pcie*...........................
Funeral Directur.
■ '
To mentloa aU tha bargains ws place on sals would Uks up too asoeb spaoa. Wa aali.’
thaattandonofthapabUolngwaaraltotbaabevaatoek as fiaah. aaw geoda. fhO CMi^
that bavanavarbaaaepaaadwiiicheemadiraot from tha mllli W> IhtIIs a»m jhuilj Iri
caU and iaapaot oar otea. Wa havahlradaxtnfbrea to wait on tbaraah-fim«o»afl»l.;
n'ox.iuw.# .»V»,:w«7’uiuee'.a”ia'
j Wilh a stock of Funeral Supplies second to none, and a prac sarvad,attha
lmM)tical knowledge of the profemion.
profession, and w
with a lady assisunt;
when .wanted, we arc prepared to attend to all details of the
profession in a practical and satisfactory manner
Telegraph and Tdephone ord«« promptly attended to at
all hours, both day and night.
WILLS. AM0ER80K. lluagM’.
TtaialtcUiswatfItaaiaBid '(
Grand Traverse HeraW
•mo*. T. BAn*. Htw.
fTcaUr tk»l bb MWM llrta* »«1*U>w an is far away Baftaad.
o< aU wUl b* ealMdad lo
,* l-rba.wa.bor.at Xaat Lat
IteBon U»d
ton. Vvkaklra. Baftaad, Virratabar U.
«Hn4« WIlUt «TMla«»l
Wa* aaltad la ■arrlaf* U. Ba.••mUL
I«B OB doac*. IBM. A abort
Tk« Ta«<Wi’ Qiib n)9«d
tbar aflar Ikdr laarriaf* tkrj Irll f »
tMwtlaff pnifTM rrUty m
.•artelaediof atl-bUadelpbla. Tbc>
Ik* Pvk PUm pvlorv
apeai a faw jrmia la I'anaiiplraala aad
M. Prude UMW7 MsUtp
IMawar* la wurklafat taralef aad
>1 iUf«o- wllk a frtud led for VtallaoU V. balld
a MwalU, bat aol aaoeeadlaf, ti
* Clab will apdaf ol &a be cane to Kortbport aad
I Haed*r »n«fsaoo *l Ur** that aaaiBer be worked ter Poi aad
o'^oek with Hn. E- U CortoU.
Buae aad looked oerr tb* cumaUT; feel
C. Uoa«d*rwM*Uo lk*r«d
efasKWI ••iorabl* tarprtM HaUrdaj
itwret Uw
tw OtMMow
■iMHalMud bu:
aaBbarof Ik* poaaf paoplefrooi
Ik* aaplBB far* Mra. Oaaiabbr a
plaaaaat aarpr«**
«P**« “PP"
Pridar BifbiAaaada Hlea;U O- T. M-. wUl bold
aa oU.fa*bloo«l apelllaf aebool la MeXaMfB ball btardar aeaalef
whieb allara iarlted.
WUl MMdorf wUl bare doable :
■Bate [|------ • - bb alilaealb Wrtbda/bMaaMolaplaaaaal aorprbe fir«a Us Prida/ oa tkat ooeaaloD
dap Hasaleb wa* aaotkar (aeorMl
Mwlal Prtdapeewuaf. aaaBlwrofhb
ffiaada ftrlBf b
a dallfbUal aarfwtaa. Hrorraaal
a( Ik* oeaalDf.
Tha doaaUaa parlp aad tea coat aappwftraa bp (be CoafrefatloBal rbofth
AUaDcdelp UoDdapalfbt tea. a ffrat
Baeas Uarlaf tka *ra)laf a aoakal
aad m«*rp ^ofraai waa «a)ope>l.
oa a p~r.
e>w* vbo ara larsber* aalaa tka
B aoddeatallp.!
Ko ooe kaowa aa a rale e brre Ibr artl>
ebw fo lo. aaeepl tkoar who hare fouad
plaw wbere tbep are Deeded. Tbe'
wriur of Ibb article, who b e laeBbrr.
auw tbe Basra of leo other
It euaflirU wlU lone of oar
dBlp oerrled. waa refereed to oocD |aa>d laeellBf BDlea. fled .
I reqat^ed bp t
■slitee no 1‘obUc Dfhiiuf
l•rllllaoot ■■ rratdrouof <hr Pint' bolwlll fo oerr U. te re
Ibr Beat • ee*
Werd.lOBopoliiK^ W Aahno Be <'oo-■ biB
Thra'-ee reuj1atl.B leae
tbr f.dloa >er pea aad up eo o, ei»:
... .
Veu-AbirrBra Morraa
aaea-1 tirrillcb. Staiih, Kjaelba.
. . MB of Which Traearae Clip b
. ButloaofiT^q^B
pnmd. for Is au Iowa b tetter urfaol'
d work doae bpiuwosco iban la carrird.dM k
ulp aprewd u I
below, baa fone be addlof liopriwebcbU UII lo-dap 11 b B modal farm.
m lor the winter plentiful u uaual.
IIU wUe'a beallb fatllBf. Be aoW the
erea a», the bamlful werparr will
farm aad want lo Hmpru. Ilelaware.
te mliaed. or If it te. tbe bleatedbnplof a ebaafa of cllmair woa«.l>rool flrluf alJl more Iban w.ke
atll bar, bat ahe died a frw paera after
adi. terwell in fab "ViaJon tfl Sir
Ha bad eafafsd la urmU«. bat bla daafbler • baaltb out te- Uaanfa^" well ipaket I'brbl aap:
li« food aad pearaof har.1 loll befla. "Sul wbal wc flee, but wbal wr •
alof to te felt bp Mr. 1‘pboa. tbep
Tbe flit wltlnml Ibe fleer b b
tboBfbtbaat todUpoaeof Ibelr place
I'bo fiera <it hlvtelf and bb <
afalo aod aoBae bark lo .Traearae Clip.
' feeda threw.
Illmaelf. bb buBfeHof aelfbbor.
aad Me."
. I'pbur. Ulaal-pbe
.1 apeelalUaa tbatj
M K. C.^M
P sUranlea
pod tbair edarwrt
>r WM wall roeeleed.
ra'aaae ap >»• ce.preiire eaarraaa.
TV flpap aoelal fleu bp Troeorae
Bap Hire L. O. T. M. Hatardap ceulaf
telaf attended bpbteai
wu larfBlp aumdad aUd afraataaoMaieolallp.
Amoaf tb* faaluraa of
la rallflOB ba ioaaed to the Motbo- ant Saedap will te "The Truaure. .if
(ka aualaf wars sflpap weddlaf aad a dUt cborcb. alwapa attesded
(be Snow," and In tbr reeatof. "Hie
* be ooaU aod pracUoMl ^amlhr wteablp (nilldreo of lariel at Hlaal. or
•aM UUroaL
| g, baliaead the Ufa on* leA
toHbcae whubeep hbCdrarnah Tsebar. Iba old-Ume
dul lo do with the life la tbe uaf Than. y. 1-.I at-.p m
with Traeaeoa atp Ibaaire foera, will
te led bp Mim CWrrle ltn..<lfi»t
jmt; -nie Model IVaprr." The public
KuaqwaldrBt tultlua limlpal4
aad darlBf tka *T«alBf two Saa aalaoItoBaflua It C U. Taraor aad qnr*ttoaa bp all praaaet carrted o«l
l>(Wi|iri idea.
A "Itorlcmiu
Maaka-- eaaaad sfood daal ofami
tout. MiB. Wm. Haold toklaf flr*t
frtaal^ Mr Baald Ika bo
TlMfr ruaal arsra (ba M
Thus wko aUa^^ tbs p<
ofTrtlbp- bp tha Puttee COmpaep
MtoiateffB Utaad Matardap algbt had
aiaiatraab Tkueuhtog part
■adaa urofol atadp of Da Maartor'a
tootm aterp. aad arearp part obowad
parioettoa of Saiata
Mabel AiahaewTHIbpwuall tkalooald
ttfod. aad bar boaatp'addad groallp te
■e uftha fire deparUu.'lit.
"'reUiiun Ilf Ihe ae.rapaprr mi
tetter lablr lor itieir uae la
' uonmlfam ^ Aldermaa Smith, dulp
Bi.iraof MHJocil priuredlBfa wa
Moeed bp Alderman M.wfao that the
peiltiim te fraeird and that a auliabir
Ubie be proelded fur raid oew.pwper
Mutum earned
. ,d llapid^ b
rnaval... . 111. Mi.u . S'oe «. 1W..I
Mr N.Hir, . .
r,. Ihr
.M,i|rrr.i..d I Kh •'ark I-la.e Bad will allrud tu enp ur;
t« iw ,
.Il.dihe C'lin-.r 7>.(iw>^ l id..- "*
Clothing, Pants, Cloaks,
Hosiery, Caps, Underwear, *
II sboald te preparod te lake pan.
Hurd last Bight IVoMlrawa aaa
y. I- H e E fur all tbr p.uing peo
aaiborlied te bap for oarb balldlog
l of ralarracB books for aaa ple at S:4Sp m. bab>rol,"laBip baart
laaocllu with tba aew Amrri- r ghi wUb thidr Imadars. Mr. ifad
Mm. Tplar. Mamtera skiml. a”
man teJUliEDd the busluoaa me
aaab art ate aa follows: Sterp af our TuradaT^hL
mrelleg of tbe Indira' Ald.toUralilrp, Muru: Americao ilbterp
Stertca. « Yola., Pratt; Hloriea of Amer- olrtp nrat IVadeeadap al S;JO p. m. will
llktcirp, Hodge; Uirat Book la te aa impnrtaal one. Tba utgeet will
Keerp upMt of the
Amaricaa lllaloip; MonlgoBie'T'a H*- te -That Bop.'
U. K. ilbbirp; Mootgomarr'a problem will ba proaeBted in sborl papara BBd thru talBUte talks. All ladlni
are IpTited te te prtwral te unite with
aubtp. Hltejimr umia to
telag wrma tpdp who
alUSilad the aoclelp with -thi
Haadder'a IVaahlngUa;
tbaOoloqtaa, Uiftla; Bopa of'Ih. Cufllo; i Thaakaflvlng
7 o'clock
Innk ap
Ilbterp; eerBiag
Chlldteas' hkwics la Amrriun
fbUdraa's hiurloa in Amertaaa I-KTl ^araa of tbaalu troai tka Blblo. Trackera' amtlag follows the pmper-a
which wi* will
Hargai;ins, am h as were never before known, 31
tiiitterem lines here, at
Bailable DrpOotda. Carpet aad OtotbtofHoua,
; 227. 22§, 231 FRONT ST.,
The Latest'
Wall Paper!
Designs i
TuKinpAai^kiim. I#
III aU their gli»ry have Iteett received al
ThU Design we'd hardly |jj
^^tommlttteun/b.m. aBd Aci-ouate............. ....................
ml fur wall {tajter. Imt ihe lurkevd' clawA, celery and mince piei are j
" *->
i» date aii
r'd give you cause to be tbatik*
aei uiidi-r »I,^
pruriamnaol Act No ;l.uf the ■■oldi.AcU of the Slate of Mu-hlgao. paawni
bp tba l*fblaiur» at ib tegular ac»al. )o In the prar
amt. wtirri*aa, (hr
I* ful, riot Only Ihut vou could cat turkcy and miocc pjc but you conM paper your
.. i.Rl.-l.l
vil. on lhi> p.ilh
«if tbr vote, t-aai
cl<3'. im aaiil irtopiwiti.in,
.---- -
at Mic.t rlrcliuii in imid
te aaid r.-lut>irp<M-ati
We have
--.■-.-i'kv.-' *
l.tf-.ulrluclluu inra.-h ofaa-d ward.,
e befute Ibb council.
lubl. I Iirivf.irr.
thi.^all with the ven-patvst wail |»per.
.'Bvii *
Ruotn Moulding
to match
.vour Paper.
f rTt.:
■ .r:nvas::'".
rq .iru^ gjsi
drfrated at saU clrt.HiMi,
ijorilp ol said roirs tei
agsiaet it aad Ihsl said clip
lule inourp-irated woodvr i... .,____
der which H wu loeurporated
an.l bp wl
luaj-intp against
LEFT! by buying a poor grade
lullowiag^rkaud nar Tute.wu:
.ldrrmeB\NurgaB. Uobba,
___ andJahr.____
Hr—Iifl. Bp the eoaaroijjPtbr'
Trarr^ Ol}
foMowIng )w and nap
yraw-Aldernirn Mie-rai
nreilick, Smith. Kpw-lka,
UarrlMiD aad Jahra s
larieT, b ui
It of the «
e clip are m;
_ _
of floni^beoause it's a litUe cheap
er. Buy the "Best" and yon will
always be right. Mfig by
Steinberg's Grand Opera House
___ aald Oral Uou Hlah Cto’*uTmi'irsli'v*
ycfii ihc Imiotil of.
,\<>u II Itiu! .ilLihrough
i thi
**'» t“arro»~ al
•** and
*t ailerr band tell triueau.l .juai- ^
•e deltfhted large ««li- '
t*<*' ‘*'*’1'
in hi ,n'**aD on bulb Ibe
eaoe* Iruni o^n
a* •esagall
parUcularIp otroag
uiaat u Ihe
A Naw Orgaauauon.
OiyaBlaalloo U hardlp the wordJfM
draatoUaar la malrlag that tba oealral
p(a to waaa<w'ttoB..with-tba.Bm*tbr te
Igarn of tbs plap. Thus wbo bad
akuld apcab te the dcaoou
tberaof. u luond bp him.tetbeo
ba apokas of. f^lt b ooe of the aim
bp Hec II. Ito hot aeclact
ell, arte the proper e
datp. bul oooBldar
TWrf^ to
te te ippiml of tba broad, trm a^rii
whatbar pu hboold aol ba eBmIlad
ad of tbeeaatorp. Tba Kaadleaoumg t'hrtallah people aad worhvm
tlBlId woe origtoated bp- Indp
vnL illaufa teaapibat Maaa^r
CMkeuI Proooadinga
•totobarg hu glaaa aoiktog a
Adioaraed regalar marliag ol Clip
utloul BBd aa ioteruUoul
patram that kaa bau mor* aolopad
ooBcIl held Id Cuiuieil room Kov. to,
baBadoraec Tba Oklld la Amarlm hu
Maellag was ul1ad
te order bp tbe
Hr. aad Mm J V. MllUkra. Mr. aad Ito boadqaartera to Phlladslpbla. Mm
ll ESDAY. DEC. 10. 18H.V
Mapor. Herrp Hi
Ho. C J. Btoite. Mim Uatm. Mr. Uo|. Vica.Prmidcat Cuitu telhg Ito |
I tTcBeal. Aldri
iderau Morgaa. Uobba.
lap.aadMr. aad Mlm llamiaoad.gBte prmidral It (a compmed of
bmiih. Kpealka. Kaapoa.
Biaasbaa. Braacliaa map- ba formed ^
Grand prwliirtim vf (hr hiiituriral aUegury
tBbart I| U
ianu.*^ a^ tol^tlag bald Moe
IU u U. I»w W Hr .U Un. Mini aspwb«rs.aadmap bar* tow mmabem
I T. last aad al lui rccularmaatlag wan
kaa. (e (ba mamhara of (be Coogroga^To^iamr a mamtwr II la oalp
(toaai C. X. aaolotp. over au aiemtaii
0,1 J W Mflhkrn la behalf of tbe Baailrlba'irtwo
. I loam Meo a Amuetottoa. asked that the
lea larrrormuu.
lanrr or amall. ka.
Haa bu
*Bd -O''eii,
u«ai, toSjToiii Woito Hiito 1^
maa are csnallp rligiUa. Barb Braaeb ■ •
of Ike gruaedi
_■ss^s.aqj^i'T- ‘ "f
p Aldrr^m
jus(,z^tumed from Chk.i^o w here we •lucceeded'in purchuing 3
for spot cash, an immenae surck of
3 ‘
tlial Mba 1'. ■'
wl u l.itean:
tiiafahe altei
ueb wuek al
olbrr Ubrerp m.,oc. te bit la f.c l-.o
nrvfuud f..rlhr iiufliate of bn.k.
AlaoUial Uir botincteo'tbe l.ibrare
teoooduvteil UDifrrlbr prrteul rule,
and rafuUtbmr
for your benefit
:i as wx‘11 as ours.
ara brl>«fle|r
drpartlaeol teexrhal
H Kurthrup will pn«>'h
Irrk waa. .on mTeaebcrra' reelaw claaa for tbr b*ar6t
doly carri.-.!. onleml
leml t.. draw a
will te Ibe rbbpel Belt Hua.lap at t in p
of Ukwc cipeellBf to
inerui food fur a
Nundap'aobuul will fulluw Uia preach- rant ou Ibr r
atarted tba tint of the
___ _________________________
frwmmar. clrll fueenmeat and Ibeorp iBfaiploe.
api.cial rircllon w.
Tbe lllfh Hehcml Idteratp anclatp
bald aa lateruUnf mMllaf Kridap
Tu-Blfbl ibri* will te a apeebl
Tbe nret refular macliaf TbaakBfbliif arrmuB.bp the paal
w^ te IVldap eeoaln*. Itewmber <1
."\rhal Ibapniplei
tba people uf Traee
The paplb of Mb! Adamh' A Ul Clip oufbt te te Ibaoklul for."
fr^a awd Wlm Oueerl a fJi frada
MoBir aereiec a* ^ u'clouh p m.
flee a alnflaf drill tefure tba HebuilTbe NuBdap arreluaa will ba aa uaui
maaten' t:inb uadrr tbr dlreotloa ol
buadapaehuulatli:Sua m. l-mtetaliif at lii:lu.
toUaf the (i*m of a debate u te Mlm Ulagham. the epeelal Icuber uf
That atodp waa oalp Intr
The Junior Endeaeor will meal al
•batkor CbIb aboaM be aaaesad bp
ate the acboub bare thb bl
Ika Ukllad btoUa. Home brlfbt srfa
y. I'. H. C. K at fl aad prearbing ai
■aata to tbe aOnwaUea ware made tap aad Ibr pwi^ maaa bp tbe pu|dU
J. W. Trarb. J- ft. Hatebla. W. J. Mill earr fratlfyiaf.
Tba atodp ol Ibreauae and preeei
ar Md r. UcdUr. wbUa Urn a^
Hub olwmlafkHiadtaeaww bu awaWMAa of tba qaeatka ww ablp prow
c-b lateTMt amimf the popite
too bp IVaaldrat IV U. Sjirl
bp B. L. CdwaM* aad M. IV. II
<-ul1rfe saadap al lu:Su ■
wmiA. la tka atooane of B O ladd ThU m.albdlpblbirb waa lakca
p in
A baartp loYltalluo ■>
•lUMrad UrwuMr. TarwM wuealied aad aeatmimUiaiarlel feear will
lad bi all te rlilter or kaii
•VO. aad fu
.Itoflalk OB atadlad. One food eltoel of tbb euarae |
altaadp amm, u la aaeeral rooma
aaarip aeary child tetafa lU own
folluwa tba.BUT
drlakinf cop. karplof it lo iU doak..
luaag men. huaiama mrn;'
and Ike apread ofdbuaoa b la tbb
Trmala te
wap frullp lauraad.
I b 'l Kam'^
tbe beflanltif ol the paar Ibe
teof HiB.
t of KdBuUoB eouel te upend
u to tha afUTBooB aad tbe
Beraia Moatagoe leadrr.
Ikip. and
teteaaad te •sou lor hooka aad
Iks r^lar mautof of firia telwrCB agteol In and It invited
tka Beaatof.
fWrtaara ter tea aebmUa
able '“Vr^N^te IVepre.
Tkavaaek City, Uii h . No'
Thb b trae of tbs earloaa ebureb aoekatlaa aad aotablp tror of ibe Meoaeo- T..iAr H;...(«UWr, Br M-B-.r „«,l 'K, “*rdrr«o'll*rp.o ..ffrted lo male
^•.«aaoM.^..waH/.,/Tnirrrw ( Itp
' »a1d ekel.aafr walhoul .eiprnae lo tte
last I'bIob. tbaawtalcbao bdlar orliKAl.kaaa:—I an direcled bp tbr clip
faBtaad workiof aoelrtp ratate, aad
RiBro of Truatrea to reaprettollp re. I Hnrrd bt Aldrra»e Soilih that'Uw
wboar work b Ike pear muad. all other quralpoar Uou.aable lhai> u. ap|a>lol prupua^iM.a ..f AlOcruae Moreae te a.~
Mr P. U Mrbra>Hl<' II Kioc apreial
aprcial orpied
orpird and lUt h
he aad >\re (bM-r
u-lufaa lleaprea te rui|>Mii
aulllaiT to It.
im If Piai are Bt toapp..iol Ibear rachaopT M.,ihm> i
waa wllk diflleultp Uiat tbe falli
.lahraua that
rmrs. n ia uodrraoaai itial Itep t klo.ed bp Aldert
r of the Itro-a of Ibb article waa
ertx vilhiiut pai fr*>m tbe clip clip c*
! |»ai,...al cif u.eo.aliNfeol I
aplbbed. aad. la tact II baa beea
I of Ihr Hrr Urpani
« of Mr. llrpaat ao.l
Jao. Berber ud Ibrp bdpad
Mured bp Al
fladalocaUuo. Ua aeUlcd .« I w a.iwa
lltiiia te franted aad
taad aad afurwarda
aad C. II KlOirteapp..
ilul) carried, ea>BppF.irnl
a wap pdiromro lor lae A>>l>
..n ,
Moetd t.p Aldmaaa »m:ih tbi
:b ’emri .Iboal pap from tb, , ip. woii.u
authcwlMd to order ceoirler.
Ate. 1.1 ..urvl.^ a
l*etllUin of
I, . _ ^ auiuterinp wtamp fte «"e. IB h.» oftl....
Buch u we.
a4^lBlaf froai Mr. Ucloaf. Me clearalj
appoint Ie—«
naaaVeflrlDf b put for ISip aod Bade w Bice asd aa food
lent ttalobman of •
—‘'"(Ir.d^ET^Mdrrm.a Morraa Iba.
te I'hrlalmar dapaarr cluar a
pa'd bp tbe elli, pa. reed irnmoliun
u tberr b la Idwiauw to., aao
kief ll-»prr» te autU.w.i
du V oarrled aa.d jirliliiui aaa^d on
tbebuperand prcaoDtowaar Mr. Ilea
hmins tbe lirceaaar) aleifrU
lia fur
illopoB H
Thadatafor •■ftmtrpol the War“ U
Oaa. M. aod Iba pnvram b aacasdlafif lalarMtiBf. All tbeoldaoldlen wlU
aa>0f Urn aUrrlDf war aoBfa. J.«aoa
Oa«la. .alWBpaa beorlte la tbb elip,
wO) be fTUl to bb Irbb abetehea. aad
a ■nbor of fa«ap aperlalllaa bare
bSM arrsafad for. Albvelber tbe aa-
Ilfbb OB corarr CoIob sJ^EbbU.! :tS elljr clerk oe or beCoe
'‘PoBtni of the War”
HEiiiiEh & La,y Co.
slight cold
|leadsto........ Sounds a greet deal like the b^tnntng of a patent
) medicine ad. But we only want to aay a few words about wo) men's warm ahoea. If all women knew Just how wann and easy \
J on the most tender feet are theee 76, 86. 880^ $186 and tL6Q
» Felt Bboea, we would ha^e fewer of them—and their wearers
\ would bare fewer colds, touohes of rheumatism, etc. Such shoes
\ are generally sold at $1.26 to $2.00.
Grand Traverse Herald
a W. Fmi hMlatMl tk*
teia telMlBf ud h otoTlBr bl> rnM*7
atoek ibrre. TW tacrcMcd
!»• bta oppCinsBli; lo h»«dt« Imaler
____ ______________
‘“■^***‘JS5?SlS£‘ “•**
K. F. Dam* erf Northponi <e< of tW
■m f>hlU BU to wlOe ta Utn r.|
•>*«• IMI l£* «*Ur la
bar bu loWMod SI 1, lorbB bjr B,ta»l
odriec lo advenivn.
dl’Wt Koiiicn* ran. bclMio Kloh tSS
ad ODOU nr «v dajr* In ^1 for bMUa«
hi* wlla. Th* fellow Uiub Uc w d*r».
aad the fsowal fealioc U tbal b* «ol
oS with a lidbl aauurb punUhiaeal
Our annoimcements are substantial bargain 1
truthauly told! Our nlnimn j
i are always big~but it is a recognized fact that
M we substantiate our claims
the merchanU* dise. If we didn’t, w^ouldn’t say “Money
ill back if you want it.” '
J. W. aLAntn U aow orcaprlac the
eallr* (rauad dour, of the (leraanlae.
Hr.aad Mr* drtharHollaaback bar* Mr*. /*p>B hiewarl. of £. tiphth bt...
bolhUaf oa Fnnt elreet with hh larre
aad fnaeral eerrieea will be bald hvtn |
been rUIUor at -Itrllalre.
Widttrf fanllara.
I at ooc oVIock thia afb
I lira. Hr Klmlwll. of AdrUa. la tbe
bo balll at ooco o
meBberut the tlaaaab UBb. !
Ifueal of Hra I*. L. tJrirUa
waa the dm daalh (bat baa j
\\ S. Kelly U BBkloc a lw*U»
•u deal of Tbaokaflriar work I.
break, tbein rank* daoe their
throupb Otaio aad Jill
Thr ____
I laerohaai. waa in llie rity Taeeday.
Mra J <1 Kanudrll reureed ycaUri w<wk la the way of eendio( u
' day fnuu a week'* rlall la Manutee.
-----------------------------i ■ Mra J W Slater haa beaa eoleruiallvaat BcBber of Trarerae Bay laf Hra Harry Hrinr* of Ktk Baplda.
ISnrUaepeoUlly reqaeabri
lo be preaeni ht aaat rrfular rrriaw
laiarf. Her. Id. a* ateniaaUOB of odieen will occur at that lime.
r Bradley, alcwanl of the Sew brr
altooUee work
A full stteadaaoe la
asylum, waa a (ueat at the .\ortb. [
doatrad._____ _____________ C Mlrhipmo asylum TuBdar. ,
rioai tdBriUbl* omaiietioa*
Ha*. Haunt MMin.i, wkinrbuabaad
-nn .truck by a < d W M. train
theanwalac by lleltorr'a (ael.iry Hn.
•100^ **. lew. aad laauaUy killed, hae W-
State Bank.
laah one of the Beol popalar harplaB I
>atrr. Inaddttiuallla>wia|.j d latrtMe lerideat owairad atU.
le. a haaattfa) aad talaalod I Oral Wood Dttti taebar Taw^ Bon
rooaf*]«aUo«it.t.wUlBah*her drat I ta|. eaaalUac ta th* death at cm* <
Btoaoe ta tbl* alt;, henral Tfae- the oBplorm, Joka 8w«*rt. a yaoa
rttr pawfd* hare alnadr bad (be I bob loreiHeea 7*ai* old. «a* Borta«
pleaearcol baariof HtaatiaUaad «oa- lor whea bl* eeat caochl tha law ahah
alder bar oae of th* taeal nadore aawJaear the waU aad he waa Urawa
before the poUic. Veeal Buele will be 1 atoahd Ihlrtr <w fonj Ubc* befcoo the
oe the pnVTWB b/ Hr. I BaAlaary ooald be etopped
keldr. e tenor eh.er roko ^ rapid terdnUoa.
• I
ped IrooihwSWy.. !>,».
d the lOAt
tVU^I^I^n aaniooi
eaniDuacd etoaoe
atiiB of aarliaaoeeall orer tbe oouati?.
^ .
hie head wa* herriblf
Ra/ Chatvh baa pB* to Chlcafo.
ad. acarl/ all bu rib* aad both
Uarrp liibU leH Frldaj for Ulifiw
bc^ra. baeJdee Inicroal lajariea.
«a iroB ______ I Tl^ OKWI that could be done we. to n(hpt. Webb
Here hie aufteriacea* (araepoBiUe. I
aadUepiteof bia terrible laJurBehej
MlM Ida UaraaU haa
li^cred natll ereaiac.* beiB( able to |
:ruwB fllj.
apeak aeorl; all the Ub*.
Ha Bade
E.-tlal'. UilIlBd* baa I BBonhihi*
hi* hone with hi* paiwal*. Mr aad'
Ui -c ' .
W Home
W made yarn
held Hoadey ercai!*. Ihe
TraiuTBi « ily Baalacea Men'* aaeoclation wna tbe drat of lu kind to In orraalaed lu (hr aUte. end war No. 1. <b
the rolls of the Stale aaeua'telioa aa
Ions at that aaetw iatioa bad a lif& I'oMtairr who uaiUe thryin'tles of <l*y Ibr Iraterae
---------------of the
udi tank
................ nbsHii tbe uBly one left in the a
| edlb> of tbr IVostwra waa in the city
klou^y DUfblt meeliUd abowi
i'raak Tsrker. tbe popular ar’tor.
our ordanlaaliua i* rery murk alirn.
la larpely Uiniufb the efluru of thia
In the oUy yraterdey hrranflai lor hU
week nIUe I lly
wo^lioa tbal M,reraJ b« faclorira
hare liean located her* duriad the laM
»**» Boaday
^ Nunelx^tprfu»lH>y'saiul men’N sticks,
m mitichs. etc. .All colors'diul strictlv
^ all wool.-}ictnis<h«;.sLei:i.
, Great
Kui*a A1W1..V. who left Trarerwi
City arer tea yean aco. aadbaa^Bea!
UrlBf la iierrey, 111., for aome iiBe.'Bra
haa retaraed lo amk. thia hi. hoB*. «•>» at Bate, aad heraUter. Hra
ipyiar the bouse *1 J?i ‘'uoi of this city
prairarf reewaie* haaU.
Viaraeea Oat auw haek. B
Circulation this week 2,300
MbMBW (rf Ttkdar'a Herald.
at work of this kind now that Bi
show (ood rraulte in the near future.
The qufwtioa of a I'ourth of July r-ellomUon fur IsueeaBeup aad |i
Waablufton atruet. wbtcb be built be/'
11,. Special ^u*.
nanluoualy dpcldeJ Ikat Trarerae
| Hr Timoker Im. oot yel daiah™
ily Bust calcbrete. It is a llUle early
|•hualiI>•urk on the special .wiMua uniered by
I talk much eU>ut It. bal K. U. Hchare forBr-l a parWiAphlp hi the the oHiocil, but il ba. p,qe <ar etw
>y. VV. I tlnllwud T. J. Uoet.wer*
telloriaA boriaees. ami Bill occupy h> ahuw that tbe Ocuttw will rear
appuiated e oomniitte* W look tha
plraaaai refiius la the : Auud way.iairer a..ttv aad proUbl^
up fully and report at a
Toaaelier Uock. Both of ihrae «eaDw ' <>'1 <aooh if aay abort of s.Mo At
lad to be called not later than March
1 ^ib.ra. and tbe aa euBpleted tbe r«luraa ftvm wa
Hit Beat. Tbe whole Hraad I'raren*
partaaiiihip i* a food one.
are.** follows
redioa amy det ready W cuBe to ITar(kty July t. iwc
wae also derided el tbB Beeline
'^to hare the aanual banquU ear
profraB will beta charde of Hra U.
i January, ana Jacob I'urUeh. tl. C.
II Baald subifct. Bar)y KiKlIth Hun.
.oe..iib.Q..iTO.j..ipi,.i,.-! .jj,
bwa. John aad Oharlerf'-^^ey.'' '
Ilamlltea.ill. UoaUgueairi L Koberu
,e Iblrd^ad fourth ward
uunBittoe on program. Thamemkarsol
Tuz Scst bllaaardcrftheseoaon struck ' eomple
TBe additions lo U
the city Monday Bight, and eldht inch.mi
eaafnaow tell before mnrninc There
K.ery bualoa (be l> rel. bitel up to
• ^
^,Trarer»eaty sboulc
wide epreail, e heavy | tweans gare ;.lsf aad the presenl bgUi. ewmcialion. Apply
aaowtall bring rapiM-led Ibnmgb the ; ores will chow an Inunaa* of nearly or
en. pnaidcnl.or U. B. II
aad aafarauath as Tsana.
‘ quite Uiv ia the last cirhtewo moatha.
d plwemrU Uwlheriiw
IbeJf M. A.
A ■hiedliiplipUk.
l«4l U' (food TH*W.
Sl'iSaftlSu fwara
I oocuimnu Jonipiug yusi In time lo ea-'j
cap, going down with th* wreck The |
hat IkM haa Bo( beaa pc^Ua oalU
Tha laniraiil iadlUlaa tordo-
iihf (ha Borh aMoM by (ha B«w ofBo*
hae* aided
oBlerlally la
hri^lV hbM( (ha dealrad ehaafa- a*d
l( b with a «oad deal at pleaaarv (ha(
for *rreral
Forms Lodge.
Hiaa Haui.in L. Caaiwat.i. danghwr North H
I Jodg* J. K Uaaipbell of Elmwood
radaeUoa ^ prlea lo Ode DoUar par
F*ar. IllahaUmdlhl*
BiU ha racairod with ■
(Bly hr Ua praaBil
! TTT chance for some of >ou women who
i- hahil)- with your needfe |o save
mcthinK on the cosi of, your child-
if >-ou hare any de«re lo ieam Ait
Needle Work, we will teach )-ou free. ’
Come before 11 a. tn. any Tucaday «r
Friday—until further notice.
.MefcHir) will drop
rid*'* bther tWlardey. Her. H f«ch.' »*”»'»“
Ho oOctaUng. The weddiag wae • lags will all be brid in the High nehool
raty qalet oa*. oaly the Immediate rel mwewbly room, with thr excwptioa of
the Friday erening
renlug m
maeting. which
TUleJ left Monday mornlag for their
^ Ur lb* t
tha Bculd
bUI ha aaal fatara hoB. la Chkago.
Mra Till.,
‘T‘"? “
toralini jmt tar Oaa Ualiar (a aay ta Bell Kanwa Ui this ritj, being a 7
aMni* la tha Uaitad Btatea, Oaaada gradoate of th* Trar^se rity
had has amay wnr. trieade her. who “*
* !«•''«'“' ‘>*inh«r. bal a ta.
ar Hamaa. poBaia p^- Hem
---------- --- ------------------- ^ j^^Uier. aad the lecture will be one all
crihara Bill raaalea (heraaiaf Ihtayear
aUuuld heat. Admieeion will be free
IheBsmbmof the asaocieUu
traa. To aaeh Om Dollar paid aew
1. DKohica and Ctapt Tlekaer
all others aa admimiaD lee
hare )a*t haoa planed la coBBaad uf.
Bill aarry Ue paper to Jaaaarr I. IM
Its will Ur charged.
e^ti*lratloe Arm, her. emi P~P—, '
A( thia pole* th* aoih Ba*( h* paid
nuB T lo » ■o'clock Fride, erratng a
Bake anneUp^raoiieigB: -AHTaagh ]
BdeoMa. By thia radaotloB la prka
eplion will U teadcred to the visitboth the Indlee are young, they hare
tha Bimnj haaeBB tha craatoatallorv la the vharcb {Briora. to which all
haoB-prlat.tl Baahly la MiehUaa.
Ctapl. Tlekaer has been la the held for areiarlted ll U expected that tbe atlendaaoeof uAchers will U Utneea
Tav Morthpart oAoel rap*** itiU-ha ten yearv workiag lor three year*
Norfolk aad SuBolk. Kaglaad. ami t_. one aad two hundred. Krarty all the
i«*l of the tiBN la New Vork City, Kaw ^Bcelings hare been held at Cadillac.
«H. i
Upland they are looked forward
Janey. CnaBeetleal. Chlrago
trolt aad other potato In th
Ctapt Derrick has bean in tha
work la thta eounlry lor saren
__________ _____
rrrweCily with It* p
be thetostUme.il the ''tfoeea
>CB In thta ciy, with (a-; ‘'“J" ^
MondayeieoiagiareHsmsa to a
. b**ty call the memben of thi* aoeietv
gathered at the home of Ber. E ll
Kellocv. where Ur. and Hra Ormchy
speadtag (he aighu (ahlag tha
genUe lady quite by *ar|wlBe. After a
half-hour apeat la frirbdiy greeting*
Hra Eellegg arid that when .be was a
enaairy echool ma'am aad Ur girls dri
nol behave well aU used to cal! U
to stead oa the floor, aad aa lUy
thought Hra (Wmibv waa aol behaving
well IB Iraring them, she taouM ask
ber to stead oa the Auur ulweee tU
■Briars, qrhere all the sebuc^eould aae
ber. She'then prraented her U the
name of the euriety. with a dainty volame In white aad gold, emalrielng U*
aatograpU of th* ladles present, and
an elegant gold-llaed card recrir*
ly and beautifully engrared with
of tU eorieU and date of pfwueah. .Hra Ormsby rrapoaded la a Brat telp’
eitoue aad gracetnl mnnaer. spaakiag
of her love fur lUaorieVy and lu bob-.
here and gieiag aaanraoce of ber abid
ing loterrat in their welfare TU
|may led by Mra Fowl* then rang
with Boch feeling, -qiod U wlU you
till we Beet agatt.' and Bee Ur. Katworthy eouplr to our Bravrnly
er'seare. Uratefalgood bye*
epritca and the company aspnh.___
.all to meet agaia till glad han^
Haodny aoratag.
aoridentoocamd at la
IWs Waal -Uiehlgna Wraehlag Co. Monday, renalUagte tha alBCBt iaa
•"7"““, „ ,
haatoMadlta taala Uka th* Araka. had dealhof Edwin Baton. Hr. itotet was
tawlag a* Newman Ctorah'land ami u*1Sr*
h* allaaUy xnW* hwny.
he and another BOB rawed dowa a BB-'
Krapoara. Snpt. U. T Blodgett.
wktok la felliag
Uler tree, la grlUag oat
r of the larger tree Mr. ItoMe
Kraf. & E Hnrrey. Bm>get directly andra the aotaU on*, which
straek him oaO* brad, brraklag hta
Eagliah la th* -HahUr rk-u-A. mM
B^. Be only breathed two or Urew
Mary U Trsrta. Brad I'Hy.
after halag hit.
Bis paraato.
■’---------■- ---------- r. Mia Iraey E
who Hr* la Uraak Newaygo eoaaty.' UUJa. CtadiUae.
d eama to AlBlra
, rainai n-Kxuu. ■ o'cixua.
Toaoday togottha body.
Mr. BaUal l-aciura. Praa. ta. U. Spany. BO* ayoaMmaaadaaay Aaa qaall- CaUaga.
Ura aa^ waa mUtraraUy raapratad ^
.. .•An-hitox nontho. *:»
^ To our Crockery. Carpet aud Furniture department we
JUat added an interesting and very
complete stock of
-that is it will be a "cold day"
when an>-one in Traverse is
able to shota you undent'ear
in as large quantitie
good, or even duplicate prict-s
we /quote jou.
We do the
underwear business for this
region. This "underoeartalk''
applies equally well to ulsters.
rcoatE suits.
These are
specialties—going to sell
a good many of these "special-1
ad. are going to buy them—
it may be you-
MeluM. - . .. w
isessw lievMi isBi. . m
Onr SATlngA Depurtaieat
•Aoca/rr vamicaa^ma.
kM| l«Ml IM H Bat 111 III In CM
---- llnlS:^-
* ■
tha paUM,W«HMiCkMtottoE Tte
ties" in the next thirty day-s—)■ ^
some of the readers of this
iLoarahra. Sapt. a F. WUaira. CW-
Thirty degrees in an jiour
iBtharwaaroryloBhBiMt axpantad
High Bohool UMora Ooora. wUl ha
H. C 0o»B bUI gira hta toalara.
girra by the AUe* Bayraoral Ocraaart
‘ThaUMeltha Ftaa” naft Tu«^y
CoBpnay at Braiaborg'a (IraM (tatarTth. llBill ha aaraathing al a norally to Traraaaa (Hy
Tn Falghoa HaambetartK 3. peo^teriadl^naUdora Mta* Altar
rani ahntdoBa bat algbt tea ooaph Bayraond. who ta esBoadad to b* OM of
arte to pat la a lamrah (ha
“* •■«*» ‘“r the more gealel akic*
‘•'“J hewaaea of anuthara CalUcw
briuDging to the Kish CvaialsriM^
Hrmsby haa been a member of
and xuou.iasi wblleUsb fry
.e^; lh» Wooiaa'a Foreign Mlealonary bocieredding of Him Iriphi* Harrieoa sad
dumped without warning
The ten '
*'th the Metbudial church
Ur. Harrell EaaUBe, which will take
JBseengenin the pnrldronr that night
hll the twrlre yeara. and ter
in til. Jamee eharcb, rhic^gu. Hemmt of the! llmeanbabBr both la the
eocieiy and tbe dielrkl --------ii-
! jn ,6 idchc* wide. $.49 the yard. \
•Tirtx display of rare and **- '*»• *“ '•>«• the long brulge o.,
qeielte bloiaome woe made bv F. U. “‘•''luma uu the lliicego A West,
•--------------------FaJae. owner of the Booth Side Uraenthr swlub luea got la a,
A F^waU Q.ihanng
alJ. W. Mllllkcm'e store yester-1 h>"<y »od toraed thecvii-.q, before lie!
la additkuuto benuUtuI potted
.tan raenlt it i..n | hate been honored riUseaaol thi. plm*
BthemuBH Id ereiy rarlety nod :.*h» “^‘-w and Uwik a homlloug plunge;
'•»» twelve yenra compelled by
ylfaUlag health, are about lenriag t
i m '' ■‘-■•"'a
tUviiwua has bought tbe well >
A Berrow Ecc
drilling *PP*ntus of b F. Ferrie. end I Trareree lity bae Bern. lyuKBpml*;„»,ay.
pnI* patting down a wall oa the rear of a! lapetllluti of the terrible
lolowacd by Mr. FerrleoBEuI Eighth asler. by whirhwcar with lu eerea-j (*« buaineB toco
theBoaidmaa Are werd teen passeagera Ivfv the high brklge'te i. u. help Ti
bolldiag. Ur. IVrrls aud Mr. .ami ploi-ged ioC. Ike rlv.r wui.y fret! surrouadiug eounlry
Interewtcd la the aew , below, leriy.og ell b. rteeih Ha Mob-’ ellgibU to memberahtp who is ioV
dsy night as the pwss,ngrr traiu
A MoMaeTtta^ draw*.
A Molh kf o HlMuer
Some call it •'Linbey Woobey." CbO
it what >-ou wilt, .it's coosidered «
splendid J5C hhinin): by all judees of
such K'oodv We're overstocked with
it—Hj cent* the yard.
Clothing Co.
There are more new thinae In toy* every rfmerm ♦>—. |a '
any other clasa of Kooda. Our aaaortment to new, very Urge ^
and waU aelacted, and to therefore the repraaentotfve Toy :
stock of Traverae City.
* :
Thto additfon oompletaa in every detaU onr Crockery. Oar- ■
pet end Furniture depertmenta. meM-r it e veritobto Santa
OiauB Headquarter*. We extend e oordial invitation to look ne over. -Take time by the (bro-Iock" end kiww what yon ere after whan the boUdays come
' NMh«olp«pil4MndteiLU
sn ^1. -----------------u
Attt- )mu. m'UUw (Xhb lb. v>p
oJ »ilh orrt»t»V ^ *»* >**
toi«: rraddy Ask*;.
A. W. (tfkCiMd k U* paw»wnr
Be. li. lialde «1 Loaas
Baft at Ibk plaaa Uat mmk.
Be. Mr. HowdI la^
H«ada7. W. capelhla ta tha mmt ■ guumtlj abk whlb ia
loloaot ot .
...... ^wwnwmmmrwwnn
rr.'i.rfrrc. .“S —^^■d'-K'-srr.S- "■
I wban ba ba. baca raiarrd u aariataat
..1—« du.' Mr*, r. Cola
day. afur
baailu a i Tiaraiar City Friday,
u>>ylac a
ir*-------— rblt wilb bar paraau. Mr.
.cold. .«o..*ch«g .-.cu..,..
Friday araaia^. Dec. «.'it*-' hAw" j. p. TtlloUoa aod bUl TilU.t-[ Mr. Uhluke orcapiad ibe pallia
itetlBC of dlakrata. raelutkma aadaaeh klllada «a* doar dariaf'lba tba <ooy-l rhati-b Saaday laora^
alaflB(. ddebaloB 10 cu. Tba eto-j owlay ta thr tadbp.Miii.ui of ibe.------.Htj I; i*r
aer. nunoac
(it. ir.w.
la to «o laid tba pi
So #ag.b eaaa at ibe HaBBll City
lar pattor. See
ilurlbuleo 1 Mi- Myru H-.t.ie. «h« be. bora tbr |
•rbaol boaa. Boraay
tar aa we kaow to ooaiply with lb.lraw.lof
tba'ratal of her brother l> F “■-‘r “O I'telj
theiUlbr f)r«a.ld IMef
Iwife f^^ ibr pat. .ew areaa
cUaf bald at Loot Tre aawaeboolbw.
badoneai.-ou *Dif W.io.i
S. l>- Voeburgard Joba Bowdaa bare i Wedoaklay for bar hou.e la KaW
ao.l a.
aiiy fc
floeaiea'i ai»ic4 BCr.
tba bead water* of the. The regul.r Tk*QhNfi«>og
aad to orfoalta a siaday aobo.^ foo. .
Baar -vaLxt.
the worU f.o
— be
• heldialbeOoag'l.
river aboat forty bIIb from 1 will
ion of tba aaiBsd aelioula; lilrialayr
by Her. f-S.],l,uer
re.elied fr.iB the B
a two
boatiag aod day to. iiag..coadururi
, _ ...................
..Irar Laba. lauif Lake. Codac Hao.
j tvhiliaao. p«»lor of tbe M F. ehurub. i WBbpook ot Bowue.
. ia»y
Howard b. ti. dbuicl Ka 4 aad U»a
Mr. aad Mn. A. P. Baaito* o( E»- TW Tb.oaear»elw:lo*.aer...folr^y*.
piia aad tL Naab of M^ aif a^> towa: Frratdaat. J. B. Baraey. Loo*
ouei>UEbl U.t waek. break- kr.rj wiod wblcb, wa. blowing fr..» . .qJ i k,.,. lOTt it k all ital i.cl..«ed
pilre relunoeo. |v«,
t-rice 15
ro .-eou.
tenu. twr
IW bu.
boa. Fu>
Baatep-at Um Halfway IxMaa.
Tr^ Vice lf*.id«it. MarTWlllobaa.|lUa
the Donb, wbkh prereou her Iron, for it 1 hare b.wa trebled »,th p,1»
.t.Ov..-«. *uA. F
Cedar Koai Secretary. Hate Uirmley. I lag a wlod
al tU.
Thandar. He. ta.
Qnadpa ‘HndaU b «c(; low.
mut bsBManralalaodlorUa r
Hlrmlay; Treaaarer, Mca-^raa Baat.
Loaf Laka. Tba apiril. mbrad la a
raryaarioat way. whloii c.^ aa to
Dr. Pimltakaad wMaemUadoa friaada tbiak to pray, aad to bellere that if
we worked locetber aarocally wa
ta towa yaataiday.
HariBBtioa oa raaaar* b opaaln* ap Bight aeooBpllah that which we ban>
abaly witb tba ebiaw of balb. wblcb loag dctlred. May we ban a happy
liBaaboewaaoma together la i^lb.
eaaaaoar tbeafhu to baea back
Albart Ooaky b abaat ta parabaM a belbnof that there U a great deal
alarisg aa ia oar faoee wkleh wa bare
plaea of Uabar laad of Mr. SeboBbarr
to do for tba falfiUBaat ot c«r duty ia
leetad aer tba foot of Una laka
Wa boril aol lay witb food ewaa. tbb earthly path■<»b. ibbaaowtrUI go off aftar a day
or two.- farlt probably baa «
iMla witb at aaUl April. Tbaaaow
Maow tbraaiaabaa daap oa tba Ural
I« b hartealaf to fcm » U»
BapatB at* golog oa at tb. B.w bUL
arapariag far Ibe wiaUr-i work.
Mr. tad Mra WUI Baal bar* aorad
OT their taiB (gipotll* tba Qiaage ball.
Dliab a Mena ba* retaraad from
taB Datroil wbera be baa bean
Mr. and Mia. ArcbW Mmaro bare
■orad toto tba boaae jaoOTtly eaoalad
Alban Johaiaa.
■aearal fcwB tbb Tidially att
tbaoharltf eaUnataBOTI al Blk BapIdi laat Tberaday arealng.
Tb* aoelal bald at the ilraage ball
Taaaday araaiag for the Freabyterian
BlBbtar. Mr. Mill*, wae ea)oyad by
•OTry oaa preanv Hlrte-•«
It looh. Uk* Icfftag to *o*
aOTBOTofldgiHraaBael haapU*
oa lb* BOTar. lot.
JIOT Flora Myan wa* baried
MOT^tnOTtbaFriawda-ebareb. Bar
Brolbar BodgfW aadwKabata
ad late oar Bidet tgala. Waaiaall
fiad ta walaoa* tboB
TkOT MdUlU aad Mr. Ooaa* bare ibe
Job of eatUag M.WO of hardwaod and
W B»d* ot hloekwood lor i>e1«rCd(.
“:'bt™r*:;rr i;.:xT.'i:ax' v,v;.
Stere Metfoaer baa luat owe •
aorrel bortoa. which lacToa blm In bet
ter abape for tbe winlar. (oua li
buy feed for.)
Mr*.Faoole Skater of Cedar k lary
alck. Sbr wa. in TraTaraaCIly helpiog
care for aoma of bar rektire. who wfrr
III with typhoid farer and abe
Johnnie i'bepla. n Col.lwaler k«. ba.
tor a )olBt dkcoaalon.
A carload of callle. touatly eowa. wlU 'left Hr. lit*’and gone to bia m.
beahinwdframtbkalatkm today aod who. it k aaid. had aent kirn tU to pay
peaare. He baa baeo a charge of
aaotber emf oo* week from today.
People are aeUiag tbalr alock relbar the Btale fur a unBhrr of yean.
Tbe friend, and nelgbbnra ii
than buy feed for tbam. U looka aa
tbougk wa tbould hare a batter tam- ridnily of W- r Uanuaford. n<
Heoaonk, will ba aurry to tears of bk
laa here before long. b'OTriy oae-half
ill benlth wblcb cornpek him lo glre'
lb* cow* ia tbk aaetioB hare brea aold.
Tkayare lm> ibla for the block and
anpplie. Bad picture IraBe.. and
go ioto OTaaed beef and aa.
ly of iba eowa are in milk aad tba had added book* end mimic.
Jot Laplow aad Mb* Uey OOTkilB aaddao alopoiBg of Bllkiag will leare
1. Uanuaford. k with him.
detaatlag wx-iety ba. beeo
WBa aahad laBarrlaraal '
flaabaprin Cedar, and bat Saturday nigbl
efibrkride. W* aU wbh U
tl wa. dstded by tbe Judge, that hang,
•wahappylU^ .
TbaUdba-AM aedaty «f tbb plaa*
tog ahonid be tbr pafikhmesl lor mur-
Mrt Jl^k
Hta. CMaa. Peak b saUa Mak.
Ona. Bbodaa kkare from Jaktanarille. Fla.
H. Urawaa left Bataiday to the haaV
Otto Howen dron to Tra*BOT Cl^
apOTtlbtardayaadtreaBarry Doari af Fiaakfiwt nbikad i
day te Trerer»e City.
U BaarMb bat Mafday.
Fred Aaleu rklled Tiarena Cky FriIrria Maiwy of Trerarea Oty rialted
HlOT Hot* Kelly IBM Saaday.
MMn Lama Hatbaa^ baa
Cka* A Ow
OT tbalr new BUlBOTtHnaday a
Hn. Howard M<
■b Oark Tkilad at Mn. (bo- Oark'n
Mra D. & HMotbot «Wiad
■ they ykilad tbe
OU Hre. TwnBln k hsB* abb.
F. I. Haha k ot tba skb Ika.
tb. FiaUck baa Bored lata bk a
a B. lOTha and inba aaff are’hoBa
WiU AbUot h« bat a a*>7 relaaUa
Bar. Hr. Oaaanr bw Baaad U
boB* wmbcU5JaB**Sl.tirend I
by tbe afinOTUre were >ocb thi
Jadgtw iguud bcorat men) eoaa
deaux. hcyeral piecea of mu
Bore teUlag nad rated a
tagly. C. A Uanaaford k {wcalOent. ■ lt» glrrn. Tbu*e preacnl u
Mimin Fmmi tVllMm. Father
Tbe aeat debau wUI be oa “Tb
Jereie lobu. Julk Miller, WlBU.Ire.1
ila of Are and water dkUncUaa.''
Uulcbinwn. Nellie Frikxoa. Flureooe
Hregdon. Fanuic Steele sod File W
ipanreke the Buau.
Ker. k
Ue. tba Mewre. P. S. Whitman. 0«u
Hia F B. Chaau of Ttarerea City
Lrelie. Chat. Webb. UaDder Bum.
rkiUag friaada in Iowa
Willkm Burnell. Joe and Artbar UorWill Saabora k in towa. the guaat of dmox. LontwuipbcU and Sam I'orlar
hk beulbar John Saabora.
.nd wile.
Tb* barge Alior M .UUl lay at tbk
peet fur avrrral
avraral data
dare bat weak.
1. L. Ibmt wnaa
rer Blthoai sarslac eymp
Uwumt for Trerma City lo-day
It. Weak or lluurrr SpeUx.
Mr*. Ueo. ttattai* Ufl to-day fur a
,1 fu^ Flsueitat
rkit with triaada la Trararer City.
art. ISnklor kuacwPalpltMemof U
>1 breaib. Brellug u( Fret
Hn.Jtthua Brae* left Friday fora
^IB Jeaak Myan k rialUv at
Him Slatb OwOT npOTt teutday
aatey witb Hk* Fkweaca AakttArrii eurvl. trenbre b tba CreawoU
dtool. apeat Sunday with Prot U C
rkit wHb Maaik ia Trerer** City.
FattB of Trerar** Uty rWl^
friend* b Iowa Sanday. .
Point quml Sunday witb Mead, b
Flewalllag. lOTrber,at
awBSouth HUlou. apaut huturday in
Dr. Fox of tbb, place left Friday
Hk* Spangler eatertabed tbe rbetnrtc ebm Monday erauing at bar reneOT.
Tkrenport of
a o:
Mr* C. D. Towoe bat weak.
Ja^ and Frank Walter* toturoad
ram St. IgOTce Tbanday laat with Are
Fcaab Howewaet loTran
Honby lo tuba an OTmpad inrew par■ori to the aayluB.
Mra F. H Moore and OTreu HiU*
augbtm bft tbtniday for CoUwul
'bure they will remub until uti
Xuw Yrara
Mia f. K. Mormun and Hot. Artbar,
Whim wure aaltrd b marriage
Ml*.* Cupp road
Ob the Ub of Ueceu^ k to be brid
camp Are by Woolirfy Pel li ASorthp.u-1. at W o'elock a- m.. in
lows ball The plan k teSr all-wbo
bring 1 baaket filled with edible.
rca«lyprepar.-d'f.« the table. Among
tbr exerciwawill be .proking. mn.ir.
local and ioatruiucnlal. p'.psiingol the
liU.-rt.r.,rtc.. etc. Friend,
borne and abroad are -uirdklly invited
ingkupcewaud by tbk iU'
atilutioo will bare paiwed into kktury.
n«d left but a ruemary. C.me the
aod help bi make tbk a peauil oue.
Imal Friday creaiag wa. tbe ouca
on of a very plearenl party in tb>
parlun of the tVaukaxo.. gireo by lien
Campbell to a uainUT ol ik friend..
The fore puri of the rrcniirf wa. de»oJ gran, aod wx-ial ei>] rymepl un
til ten o'clock. « ben all repaired W Ue
dtoiag rexiin. where a templing loncb
wrred. after whicib the cunfmoy
returned to the parlor and ll.leued to.
abort program <*.u»i.l.iig of iwn reciia-
tbk placw Sanday.
B. Haber of Boeisa. Wk.. Abo
Lndim' HuMfii aaciaty of tbe MF cbarch will Baal witb Hre. Albert
Baroaa. Friday. Ike. eU.
Tb* Ladire'Aid aaciaty af tb* 0^1
abnrAwm amet Tbared^ Dae. «tb.
Oaa. SaOTBlUar bM OTwad iBlo Joba i W the
of Mrs. Baagsr.
kit Mat Iktarday
bewa saryateb bat Boning far Trey**** Cfty. where ah*
laxpacu to ramala far aaearal wcabn.
and KekOT Wyogg, Hre Jama. Miller pf FreBOTI. Mkh..
are eatUag kg. far Mr. WrUnre.
aretend laat Muaday
Two tbirik of tb* welkin town ore j of her tuber. Mr. lOTi
M WIU Tiw dry l<w tbe wan tot good aOTbiag bui Tbe primary OOT IntarmediaU de[yanBOTlawlll hnt*amrekaaUadaaaCarrerasddnogbtar Mn. day trier,
ja cf Trseaie-. City w
Va. RHgnnM^BOTOTtaBhit'
Ita r . F.A.C.K
faU by «re0M. eiwi.bm* ba
lean and Kwrem mat tree. Addre
Hike MadkaUk. Bxban. laA
k«k«o».t,M.u*ulB tuna.
25 inch Jackets
iaFIrn* aad all .a, mset rea ma^riak.
Our$8.00Cloa)u are not worth $9.00 :
05.00 :
18.00 :
But thejrrethfl BEST TKlat-^ovii lo taifl or ;
any otbar mu-kot. They^eU oil - tholr owm ‘
; meric We charge yon nothing to look ot tho ;
! line, but may oove yon o few doUoro.
Union 8t, South Bide,
>na. company or 1
1 City » llb.rul'tir.t obuining there. li.-.-Dw from tbr Mayor or the City
rk of mid rivy. who are hereby *uiiied to imue the eame. for which
.... ube ibere .ball be paid by tbr prraou o'pt'reou. w wbiiui mid II
t«w fllttf ctrwa C«rt hi lU Han IW
tai IB!.
Proiided. b..wr«cr,
the perw>n dealriug a Ik
M,ugbt .hall l,e a wort .
Bay properly be esi»uruge.l. the May
or and Clerk may. io their diM-relioo.
graot aaid licenae tree, or charge
Uien-for any anm Irea tbau tbe atuounla
bcMlDarur oaiDol:
. Ffrat-For tbr bn.inemor occopulk*
of hawking, mlliog or p.'ddiing good*.
,or luerchaodim pu Uie .trecU or
JCrepe etyrylbinv k tkr War <ti
Seomd-For the burioi
. ing. mlliog or cuBramlBg
, , ,
:g<ud.. warm. book, or other property -^
mbing ui4 HMtlug PoniHOM, StovM, HffW Vre* oflM y^wr Sto^ffb. BaCrigUMtws,
good., ware* merebaodi
on tbr .trerU or in any auac o:
bnildiag. tire Uollar. per day.
Fourth—For tbe bimtsem of
Builders’ Hardw^e, Mixed Painfw,
Fishing Tbokle ofErery XFMcrifUon.
thirty day.
Ian per day 1
„ _____ Lpuanee of m
rldfd that the loUl aoe,—. ...
-------- lirenm f«a ahail sot. io any cmae. ex-|
oeed tbe asm of two boDdred dollar*.
.t,r*. r
and pn-ridad luribrr that .nob iredrr..
conllour io tbr mmr bo.iocaa.
______ .J reouiit
Bar after the ooB-------------------------t flreal year, provided .nch good*.
SB or men-baodlm bate been .me,,
for Inxr. for iwid AmI year, imia
ueil may. in ilieir dk.retiooc dedisg npoo tbe satnre aod mb) per.
MBcy ol mu) bu.iu.m remit the
>le or any pari
'be lieeam fee.
■aid in puraaanre hereof.
ProviM Innber. that tb I. ordinantT
aball not be eua.trned to prohibit tlie
Bk witbont lioenac ol asy art
fseL food or feed lor s - —
And provided fnnlOT. U
or lo any wbolcOTle mdveWt t
to tbeir nganu io aelltng by mSplc I
ratnll deakvs.
or BOBbar Mvss- ■
OT of tbe VUlag* :
me c.j m m.*sy rapasied.
15. FvreyviokUaaorMIsre
ly with tb* pruvkkam of tbk
a. aball ba OTskbed by a Aim:
ecdiOT “w bsndisd dollar*,
ka ImpOTltka of meh An*, lb*
noon may make a fsfthav
that tbe daadar oa tallsre
Ilsn to OTF
jaU of
An* be iBprk-wed » tb*
' eoantyr snUI U..
tb* xasm
BbOTgtaOTSpkkapgillMiinl bnr* anUI fartbar noUa*.
On aottage pnyw maaMag wiU be
OT Prenk Btxby'a TbaiOT^ •reOTag,
Disease Kills
Dr. MHes’ Heart Cure,
Cures Heart Dlseaae.
Storm Coats Z
EUmiBltiOII Ol
apok* bare a <x>aple
aigbUkat w««k ou MonBookB.c
log fuoatdereble eadlemeul. T
faltbfal aeal lor Elder lornbl. who
apnhe io refatatkm Fridey erculag
Mr. Muaaer .poke at the Hpwrhag*a»ol
bouaekatanmlog. He baJ left a peoF
oaitioB bore lor Flder Corakb toaigo
ii^^^it-L-r^ir: EHHi-
New stock
we herd of.
Try»o.aotli;|U.iu.'Nie.u,e.l ll.uu
The cb,ckea-p.e .upper g.rea b.r the pile* gre* *oree until al-oul
Miv F. 11. Kiugriey. who bad
mtb. ago 1 uwd
uwel the I’yramd
Fyra»ri_ IVe
lytic atroke«urat*yrarago aad ^ Ladle.' Aid wxicty la.1 Woduieday B
in.tant 'i...
and eua Cure. ’It gare alniwt
not lolly .BOorerwlrwoBteeda eerioo* ; night wa. ae eacellenl
and Ib.rehren free tnim-pilea
fall OB the dotw »tap aTew dayi ago bat Well patruBixad . by tbe larmbei* of ainre.-llev. -'a«. H. \Ve.br,*.lr
y, .Lien j .. u .n
both eburehm aod uiber*.
b oacb better sow.
el tbk plaoe .UUe that
rbe Bewe ecbnul dielrict. two and .a
MU-b , in .F'ekiugof the Prraiuid Pile u». u.
w.,.-, --•..v r.If mile* eoalb ot Iowa, baa cumpli- the water is ilrnod Tretriee Bay k at Cnreuy.: -A rear ago i *'W C. C ivi-1 «*o. aklA* J.v/' /■**»
inchr. lowrr, by lar, n. Mamillon s . Vpdlanlt. Mich .: c^t
witb the laU acboul law aad rree'led ,lbr prcMmI Uioe
i-' *-- -■
nhw dag pole apd tbe .tare aad
.box of lb. Pyrats'-'
aM S-, .
made tbr fuHowiag .tatcmeel to rue i u,r PW-r. u. L a Co kMripee float proudly from tbr lop la Umeul hUllr»\arri»*l here if l»«l.
H. t. a Co b^i
TrarerBe City Vday. -1 bare beeo U-ouUe.1 h,r iwcn
weather, the pride of the Id
a«U oftbatpartuf tba coiiuUy. Monday, lueetiiig hi. wile- who wa. on
way fruni Italrult aud Algunac. at
which plaur. .be bad been vk.Uog for
puxt fuur weeka. and muniing Smilb. ami got a kui of the Pyrasiid ' ,>a,.,arka..
fCure. Tbr ooe*,x o.dace..rditifi
Flla Habar baa got ibrougb working hun,e Tureday.
illiectioo. aa.. io toy ea—a perfect
at S. U Cbt*'. nod rateraed hcooeMr. Ed Bjlow. wbo bsi been rm
e. ana tru'.penl w
Allle SBltb wHb a little friend uaw I ployed by Copp A Wretonof tbe Sortb
a. of the trouble ba.
bi courjoee-i
il from town Friday and rotoroed
Ailhougb a romparall.rit' ■"••* '
IbaJ. Flaaden wool to Tiaroiee City
peur Mm Co. fur tbv part your, left U.t
■neb that all
yeatarday to look ap a Barkat ' - baadaj.
Wednoaday for llig lUpid* wliere be edy.
Tager Brea, are leadlog e^ with will atteuiUbr FerrU luiJm trial ichuul
{oare limber atuff to be abfppad to
•nuaud .ijwr i
A. Uolba^aod
Ifyrui a>k him at
for .ix luooih* or looger.
Saa FnacMoo.
ealBg from a rl
League inviled the Y.
'^‘'pamphlet rtewriUng Uie canae and |
Oeorge Tageu k going to .ehool in
I’. S. C. F to amiat tbrui iu prepariug , ore of Pile. M-ut free by addrmeingi yCiet iw>'-M" i>o >-..c»
tba SlereawB dklriet, boardiag wHb
J. S. Fairbaakaof the WUllam
ararj eoU'rUinurnl to be gtren in the l-yramld Co . Albion. Mich.
................... —
■ebook b auying beredariag ibadlpb. hk iirolher. John.
U. F. church Tfauieday creoiug.
ltaajamid*haa reWmad bouie
iberi* aplderuie at that pla.e.
wmmitteee baring -it iu etaaigc
Mn. F. Ilagadora aud daughUr after *D nWoor of four yean aod .1
early in tbe week and arranged a Trarerec City ou Tbureday and Friday : t.,
ol mbu- ...wiuiioi.. x: ...
Maud aad Mb* Mlanie Clark apeel Icaea of orer a year.
pnyiam whicb pre(ukea lo bearery
Sebool in tbe Anktbuchlar dklriet
SoBday at Tiarwee City. Tbay weal
IntenwliBg one.
A. P. lis.i, Se.-retary |..........................
Beat Monday with Mk.
rer to attend Trilby.
Tbr mreling of tbr Woman'. Club
naie Wolf aa W
Katbaa Aadiwwa alippod froB
bald with Mra. 1« t lloxUr Toreday
Btere Mc«a*er baa put Id a feed mill
tlarday. diatocatlag bk right oboaleraoiug aa. exor.-dlngly intereating.
dar. TbadkloOTlioowa* fodaoedaod at Cedar aod run* It by alaam. which Papm on Iwaoglclioa'. FTaugrlluc
wm-be a good tblog for the farmer*.
a k BOW OTBftrUbla.
riMd bj Mewtaui.a Joo. Sut.
Joitloe H. C. OaU k
W. C. HoBlellh aad hmlly
Hox.le.'cba* ti rkicy aud
own Salarday froB^ikiMulOi
llatnr. tjuulalios. by each of the
rkll relatlra* Hr* Merelellb * *kter. Tomnle Shnteraad CUrellelle llcwwere giceu lr.un the
■jsr.’ ■'--ESiSSfu
Tbkoedinanee at
S^^IOTYbamy of Trii*are* Oty
the 71b day Of Nov,
146 Praot StTMt
Forest Favorite
The latest tuid best
Oak Btoye oat
GoBtiiDS tbe Best Ftttuns of
lU otbef StoTts in OBO.
jmmi’ DEPAinniT£^
* iM OM Folks.
smli la Ksu York. UbIm
sUk Uaacrai Washisrtsi.
GSrT}ls«‘l^ tswkd^th ^bssd
tka. a «l»r
--------------- --
kM W (M.
„■ -r- ,•______
um X**
vt l>
of >bkh
Ike iarb./.
irrxs at
sbkh Ik.
"" " “
NOYEMBER »8. 1895________
[HarpersMagazinelu^m «««»!?”• «!
Ub War*. EH
Um Wsarlfa- a>4
{sHIM‘Bi<k*Tl ^'’a^anri'•*M.k*!!M'ii
sats: i»,i, »od lackLifa.
fal^iar Ikdr btsA.lo«kr blast. Ur
.IrtH koy. psdBd us ilk. roa-c *rr. . .or. ’ is-a -erd
tl« “
roar Mlrs;>r t>>isl» far a
.aaruia, ,„svutiao.,
______________ ____
*Our life aim is to suit our customere.
i. J|i|
fuve with our business.
a task ro«
tsd a» •••>« sUmus rust
As far usr fasr.r«"-«k^ taij. br Is a
-------------TbaaklAs kiadaoaUs ska
wrtMs far ktia. IM.
Whsts arsaUoat otkef mUs kurws AM »>r.rasn aad
•uirt Hs'U UU ru> raBt^'Sk'
: 3r,.ru:'
Innh . a oor iniUra and'ktarmoi
ii i. .be
BsiKsttk.. sirs •!
.-.IS,;'!: Sir
Tnder these conditions we ask >'on for part <rf
,; ■ si; ;»
We have just received aJotofsmoktd
be sold close.
H>Kt‘l.l.-..MSi. ./.AS
^ I II >hl-uk'|.WL<.hLt
^ I M .f.Phk 'li-r. .t:
Corner Front and Cass Streets.
I t'oSscr rv.e .....i ...l-s niw. t. tJie l.l
l.k A Mi JlHtK.
Harpers Bazar
.....“.......... "'Hk'
I bauiwev
anl •» >wp
_ j
. .
,•■ ■}
IW.P. m .u.r.. U>. Ip.-I.kl, fa aarl.
____rr 1... I 1. . .trikpp.g. .1... ul ^.LueUmlllte u.r, r.. Wii.i,,. lu Jen.i.r. •
----------------- ~
Carriages, Buges, Cutters, Sleighs j
. . .......
lel.rlLi- I.V..I..1 Bl.v.pii,,ii ul th- wtlbir.
3air"allX'>*lu.''ir t.vLi-i
On Batuvdej'^h. *l|^y of jM.uafr. *
Tkr V .Jp.mm.il .1.. lU/.Ul te.l. . lib <hr
kiw N.iu.urv I..P J.uupu. ..I ewrb sear.
'^Kam«^'ill.j’.i'i!j|kem*dr^ t*.w-.db.e
^ nfa^u nuu Ibl^^vewiw
HtKI'dk'a Uv.xr.l-Sb '.p.iv >far
Hxal'bk'c H</.ai>
tUKI'eK'Kin .vbl.VHIA
V. & A. PETERT«t,
SUU SL, pp
Harpers Weekly
<b>..wl.llL,|*t, lui..ri.ipl kp Auuwip.iw
............................ ..
lu irip:. Julig
K.IipIp .l.■■wI lAi. ••■■d r.ip.'., aipd«p...riu... Haiutdey. Ue Ut day c> rabraaiy,
ed llir.piiyip lip. W..
np.hv'U n.rdip«
Im, (. ..p..ka tri|illir...rli -lieCa IhPUpgip Sw,
lke..p.lul>ii-r.il lie , • fa,> welv d-u-ntedaM l|-l..1r.i;d |p, lUfu. P Z.v(lp..i<u.
..pt.Llrk.ISe.,1 ■ Ikv.lpirl .T.U., i„.ri
utm driienB>p-.P. I.ilrai.l Lnie.w altidir
iisL..*-' 11
Food and Eala Rtabla la Ooaaaetkm.
anitak lUUfa at Omu bbt VtakUvtat
Best Black Goods
Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Best Liven In N«rtbero Hichigao.
ewlb bu lliteredllpr *-> l.-.k* and tbr
b X. Umlii, ■
iHH.('ua»Mb.l.M. .ruund llir n..r.J .lU U
l.dk...*l.and< -mp-pI h. abl1Br> .ill nn,.
-'Ob* for ruo. rrarral. sod uor fur ami aeOrr, in'l
bad a posy
abadca. lnelud'io( -rf
MsesedoaT ^brarr falluss la Ue buapifal, ' pul bMllb Bail I h>bla<-k. w.»rtb «.'w a
In ■■■adli.wmfa.iHlil.i.puilp lu i-pllllcwl mr'lilFrrrat man." lu-jnlry nnd uk-w-rra'
, two prrttr *"Aiid ulurkrys wan ptaeod ai.
ICPM (be wLt.kI.l ..It ■1.1II1..1- t,.li..i.
li-.n bas pn.ted 111 lihra-lrr'a Nel-ea
llfaliaer fa is-a Irulv w'.Hi.ierful
Itraatifnl m'lktui
--------.1— sill-----------II—-----------oar ' Ucsrral ll'ashlarloo odnaerd and
l.luviuu II.- WKLKI.f .Hike e..eel.|lr
II ame inMibir.: ..!, b as
Koveltlea. I
.... ride, aiilenits mental drdld -UK- Ijaally at su cenu a yani. '
rlfalltr. tlrapuadIUtaborpr.lV»»“.«Uy"fc«““- UelrrOboysw.Uaamllr
■Bcy and (rarral deMllly of eiUrr ses
ceary aew abode nnt fur Ur fall bm. ek.wtMpuu.u-lv.-fd eve ul >1 ......I >e—I
M uya -Talk to lilUs Uadallas' tbss
rursale by all Trgemr Illy druirylBU
auo. povltlve toi- value.. brauUfiil
"Tblaanay wiU aerrr b«- tr- .-dilBI ____________ _______
1 dgsT ilkr bar aarb HyaoaUaaya —.........
(o.id». M ioi-bea wide, at Sic a yard,
of stMw»ii..nsb Jr
tUatoasagfk. tatifyoasaat a. to daead'UA^^at
Krea In Ur must arrrre easea of kiuble <widib mixtorea aad taacy *'
boyr of y Mr toifeifalC^nCir^
eJtlM. ren.rally ould at »>aad
ni srtUaloMloMvlUt'BUal doM h lar. lou hare Bruurht thr on
.prain or braise, cot or bare. Tbooua*
lu- liwlric IM (lets alUM-4 iDsfaal ratU bo^fal two teUrys lustn
ayosgtoir- PlaoMpalUfa la
« iachea wide imported Imperial Serylief It IsUr ideal famll '
ose. aad I Uaak joo lo tbrir asi
ra. all wool, ia black, navy, .-ardloal
Yet Ual day Ur airdyr srol lack
and all tbr laVat .badea adrertfacl
ibnjgfb Ueaaus-drifu. aad ibe Isiys
Hrrloaa trugbirs cumr from tbr nrp. Incli) paper* a. a biy leader at owe.
Sbo Isat Urlraier ' '
r.-l uf scuuyh. Ilr. IVuud'a Norway
rrlatry blasU talked .
I'lor hyrap is a perfes-l i-ur» for couyb’s
UsaaUeairtsla.su of Dfasa
ly of Urarlf-socriftrl
elny inao'^fa."*
aadruJds uf all suru
t> Iw
Irluy lurkry „i
im^ b^dsy of
> Ur airk brracs
Erer7<la<-symt>t.Msofdi(MUrr dfakSia U« UQs* saTtUadasp U borr
in Traverm:.
bfers-a.-id slomacb. dlatrrM after
Aba fans* hosyta almost to Ue fTOrod
mUb|[. buralay al pit of atomarh. dull,
> ia. black CrepoDa, II yuod* iriUmI
aad nuaof triad saaU ill Ike air
P in. Mp-halr I'lynrm. 7fa- r.«d> >
slU UUfa MrtielM of Mu>s that (lib
never fails fa wmsd Inmblea uf Ufa
I in IVimily * ViytirM for---------TSejd
lata Ukr iylaf diaaosdt la Ur i.-klr
..U^.urj^..»lutha Call.
an. black Crapoiia.fl.;.-p value ri<yd
“« V.,
btv is j-
Wall Paper
Eaat FreM Siraat.
Picture Store I
ema^of thraralp^ tioaW II. ad.
Hfa IMi «aa oMriy eoa
pfaiad. Bsd M be m Ua Ubl dosa tbe
d'srbshlad bla upoasd. asd a bey of
Ui OS. a(r cia* ta wlU a psF of Iq
C ta tarlwya are barb, BaUasr oxMslaad Ue rialuw. shtse lusd was
^Mwotad byaa old-laUlased. boac
aadr SMBfarter taaaeb aa eslasl that
boUlay tat hit oya was fairly rfaffatfas ■■isi.id slU SB aaolMBa•km of MifalacUoa aW aaU ap hfa
last iofabad drsafaw Ik AsAfstr. Wfaera or* tta tartar
-lyssltamlatba boltaw aa I tsaa
alast.bat Ury ar. astal ata asdUa
OsS phyrtrat feeUayt. Ukr thr tslihfhl
aIrfalisralM. I Iboorhlef sbo* w.
Ml^haallfSta-rUma-i fart al d.-as s tafait
■*Tha* ss’d (irt a tsrkoy farOosaral
If a mta >• ae> frrilat mil aad rirerom
failinflv t-urrd br Ikma'a ’uialmenl.
tbr aurrst apeelflc for all ifabintws uf Why nuApome and inapect oar laiye
UeaklB. _________________ ^
liar of fall and wlnfar traab tabrtn7
M e dUppUy a mo.1 brauUfal a.
Me Mamba*.
Folr)’a lluoeyand TardvM iion-latm tl Ua plra.n r fa»buw Uem.
> perf.trm iinra.-lrs It door n-d vlaun Heavy flcpwce-lined Wrapper Cloth
I.arye line dark printed lAmbrka i: S'
a---------- lA.ir-,, andiie
sstbma.' Hut*U^M rtS^fa’pn'iT’
f.jrt aad n-lu ' '
rifa eu^rfa •
lilaodard friaU ......................
.tapew It U .wrfal.oly wurth Iryli
Up<m anirlrd ur Ihreatrei ri aim
«*.................................r..; and
dread dip-Maea. :.p.c. tv i;. Walt.
"r‘wp-5 t'.'i'Ti'sti'fSsrr.ii,-*!’
Ladies' Underwear.'
An rlryaaWeevy ribbad. aieely flaac
Ml Veata aad I'aau. marie of Mirct
ByypUaa Cotfao. rayalor prl.x i.te.
f..r only............................ ........................ jfa
;i dox. Imdma' I'aloa lialu aa efaatk
ad yartaanl,
fr. auiT remedy U tlie llialc
ire. tiaaraafaed ur
reluadnd. MUaia aad CblUWa
apm-ialr .
Mra'abMvyhhlrfaaad Ilrawara. nama
aacInihiarabMgaaak WeiM mrarU
let aa ripjaarr. ur abea yoa tepel
at Ue each.
g ord.l r-utalay «m, fakrad. a - nf Fuleyfa
- •_____
ia time
General Blacksmithing.
rare* rR
AVheels. Wagons, and Buggies. -
»&ta uay of O-toh-i. A. D. li«>6.
All Work Warranted.
..... H
HuMV asd Tbr. It aeeer tklla 4<fa.
- E- W alt
____________ -IS im
SMwin. ~V,:.
M ntara sUbost Uaoetal WuUa(-' <Mr umedj.
vovir patronage.
Un Mulnxmey--MIkIr. fwbrrr you
Ue trreaadi . - .
Tbis was Bopssy task, f.s Ibr |ur
nill^PluU<apra.hl(b akprmoolKr
«“«»'“« »'•“* •*
•'" "*
aad fruot faimmed with Thibet
psrpusc uf rbeatlnf ll asl.iartue uut.. . Mn''Mirr.smrt '"-And
lamb fur. tbrir real value Sl.s
»u...w.ww._r r--~—- ttos a dlaner.
: Oklri l'*"*>oa. stHea /.u
Haifa., kepi hi. ehrok oa Uir aOb ’’jiU.rOF*^-I sasaluaj wid .ui.
._____________ .... ..oi
riAeelurk and aaib-d
. A (ratirmaii sMyirinr a llltle taiy
Alraady hU band bad Ittousi- fasinu ».mr praauu Ur other day Tbr «i»d
hat', kta if rat. sAfaUe trurrsr puard and hi. Onrn ■uuUeraald
MB sriw H food a MUor
-S,.w wl.al arr yu.i (ufaiy fa ay
atbio’s d
IMdar. Msr*vaoU
kera 1b If
: Wlih rhird.sh shuplu-ily tbr Ul
tar. aad tafars UhrlMaa*:
frIiMW loirtred up lu thr (ratlroia
"^/hl!iTf*fl*tb« ahoald r-l i.
fac^ai.d ^lled.
oar sbul” br rarlaimrd. 'I'l.si «
DakB E«roa-I Uoo«hl I susM
- Vrs. said An hir. --I abould admin
srlta fasdar- I r» *»
■ aauklbk fa be a Sfihlirr. t»<«rr)-a aword aad
Uaa I. aay. Ttar. la aa tskooi now
ala at hfatatiyet.
hud.li-oiy a sbip (ua aad It^ ■ay OM-D UnMiyh tasifar s. tars bad «phUcTla bm aad like fatuBil rsny tiir utyli tbe sssls
ainunulat. shrrr tbr
sledtwul.. <>ap..iir aad
ara aot orar it ya*. and aiftat of ■)' aad bri-r.-II bad dinl away .In '
' like brns-s siU our
aUaoiMafaa bar. bMa labr. assy. was ronulae sub all bk. o^lybi
w price luuyurafaraoa atyliU and
Itas rrasiUMlH Uata sbes aUoul abu.lluy at tbe lop nf Ins ruler:
__________ „.
atrir'Uy up toTlatr Hllllaery.
■ sa.UMi igaia. 1 a. rfasy dosa H^lai^ia^ir .lur fur tbe si. k pa
klodJiny.«a«r ynadafaVUnltra la Homs
' ' . Hutlon had tfan.wuduwr.
Moly. aad staa'l oom back I sill
-IVbal d.i yi.u aaolofa Uytat?'' ii
bbfua. ai
wasdasblak Ibruudbllx
................... W. I
•|HTrd his loidhrr.
aaow losa
Walk lor llau. all rorrret Idraa.
•I a. a-f-r-a-i-d _________
<a Ue r llArJ-kiuynsad Uylai.
......76c. tl 00. •!.&»,
■ ■yrlalt. I had
U( Urbryi
^rya. sl.ije thr <ribm bsd^ al
ita. were tl.M fa
A OrasBlBC baeiei't.
naif dl r. . .•l.48and«a48
■y CtbadM.
Iiir -kHicb ytlWreur. la a sorIhy'’e(...b. Uu
Ml at r«d
siuple of shat push and .-oerjry,
. . I«Ukrra boslaes. prupre.lu,.^ a ,U I
fata* aadafatMobof pipoMa. Aad
buf s rvtraord Urir atrpa b> Mm
U I dU aol hap. a ysed Uia. oaoilaf ,_____ slU
sltb rn
AMaUaliHlsflrMaad boyanasd aol >oyable botdeas
bordeas Tbe luebe.rc
............. IsaaiU. _. .
Mfaul by Ur li«-fln amid yrurr.l rwilg-rsi.U w.lh mr parents k
joiriDC, sad tbe nrht itsy llolUia aai
. ..rrl.nlaMlmmai fa bsbis frwad hararswO tlir fansiw b>>r~
faisin.-ss. IK.-I i.-uored lo lUuir i mk.
teaa Has Batma-I saal lo srtfa a
. nbrte I t«->smr f.rraiau in thr
pnatiiip buuw-of lispr A
loUarlo Um Unaui «aoM EUal doM
Mha I. ay«aala. I aa a UUIa boy
UMM rdibr. My III- work La.
fa0 yean otd. 1 caa*l sriic ray rood
kera rrry i-.4i'liiiiB( and t sai-llB(( and.
iWluy tbe yaard. Ihr
aa ay oasU. fa sriUi« far as I tare
as a lewult. my hrsith irari- «iut aod 1
knike d-iaa oilb nrrsuu. rh1iausli-uj
sMaafasdar-. UaM a BMB took bia tbaB Us arirblsira. It
mud sl.iipJttii.iM I was Ik su. h a .-00
/(a-tbts.daya bat baa
d.uw th It I a-.M.UI k»l Bleep ulllll h-din
a .tolr Ua. Waaa't ta
■■tielybor eaclaliaed - HaUinc _ pirli'ly Worn uut. tuy appetite fail^
J 1 r.MsU.aa..tol.h
wtUtaf Uyaaaasaald U sm.- I cbrrrllT, rfalny fruoi fait srlUny fable
sbea Ur tsiys euterad. uiuRlad to eyas ir I ilkl t-al. AixulTw.i lu-.nilis
tar. yut • Idf «•! bmmI Torn Mid be
I niasd sub fnsl.
-n'bal d
IV aitrutiim was dirretrd fa
ptoy. Wiu aeotatyUla* I saat bla
riiri-lrrs Xerrr V'lfaUser aad 1 wnto. Wtaa I fo lo ay praadaal 1 ^y
imlrd b> In it ii had a s.aidrrful
LIOB. Sbu carried, as did AawHb tar Tabby Ml aad two UtUa biv
If.-cl lu. u,;. ii. a frw kiifhls •
dtrs. ooe ul thr turkrys uratly d>4ir
10 pel .11 tbr sl.-rp
Ttay look )Ml a
gp la sbllr by Mra I’eyloa. ;-HVr, ai'priiie
Ule returnr.1
return-- ' and
-- ■ beoame
as rarlhaa JaU aad JUl. Hyp.
Ti» nuu.'.
We. will
Salmon. Halibut. Drietl Keel Bacon,'Leaf l^rd—all to
. otT
We are ia
If there is some things that b ‘
agree to sell as rheap as the cheapest, quality consider
I ilearrr ia bla<-k aad aarv ( I
aervi.Mbl« llmcle hrrye
• ,-i
I'iar Ih-rllaCurl II. pucir. navy only u i-.
I'fmaa llh.lb. aiyle aad >I“»'IV__^
Ins.oy sj
not right WF will be glad to make them so.
tJM »< lb> Max tUa«s rnr >4IU«
Is MBMlsi l4ir IS MV'- o«si U,»» sad
«ns-mr7 os. .d . SM kSs lo«o ssd
■ ■
................. -"'■“■■‘"■‘"ir:-^
IVyvm Arstbir*
-nil«t.js. f..r tnrj-«—r I k- roe .• lulloa.f •• I ha.1 . Is.1, UmrtoiA i
'.•a.s bi
. alaci, 1
aa. .»u-tl by m. U|. i
vasnl th. lf.T- k-.i..nr ii.b.Wu:I>
; ««|I£du..J l-,m. but efurtnr___
W-.« bbn .tid tin- I. -.1.
hiia.-ls. rialrlil sai. Ia«i Han w Ui.n
Asdr.u ssvhr.1 bii.. aiibs •«p;.l.« 1
b-rB iu ilsi nadUi«<, t<» }«rs
Hr bst.l'.v dsr.d t-T-i -Tin uhasn ircaiiion ws. aflrtttni orti.
»« lb- l.K.rf il.. b...t. f.,c l-.f .*1 . l.taK--•ill), bind) itAjmd. and dUstdi
r.rbt«iiBC tbrrain.-. i.. l lu-.-..uid i>. I: i,. fsuAn
1 sa> la a M sl-l*- sbli.
Btt.d hi> .-artisii) ra ~4l. I . u~- Ur | f„i . i.,i „l UsU h Khlia-) 1‘ilU sI.njI
..niprr pnKaull.«
alikh I l.a.1 fa.ld I lurr uu.l i..s
Tb. trasl Ibrnuirb Ibr SB.rw adik.igt. t.ig... uf Uaw. and ll.r idlb bai.
Ur triad ia bi. !.«■, ..... tr'rtbBr^.„,.,.„i .i| n.,
.^d tn-iOr TTs-iv
mrr l.w ili» bnt h»al»f.
b.dlifaC . «.a» ■ msrki.] ImjdotrinnK riflil
. lb.Mirbl'rfib. M1.J-.-I..I Ibera .lit, am. tad Tt bas .-.Bllnurd firbl
lli-« k-pl l.luj Irx.m turtilur*—-b ' .W Ikus Kldjirt l-ilb an-tbr ripl-l
this. siU Ilia n> .ibtrs fsttiaf H.la. in ibr rirbl [dan- surds. otsArbiiB pa>b-B
, 'Fur Mk br all dtairis — pcW. W orata
lack by leeb b. dnrrrd hl«-lf a,- Hallrd Is F.Mct Milbuni li, , BuBaki.
faUruak. A.«.sllrs..t., b-.-r.B-l. S Y . si-.grtiu f.« Uar i* KriuasbM
rd hrtainrt thr Im. hall afraul b. [S-Vr ■!».t. ■— ..t.^
bl4bf..l aroao.lit. lr.1 br;b.M.;d dis-; — ,---------------- ------------ ----------oiTrr Uai tbr l.lrils l..d
fart nrayrr. m a
Hut shea be did l-u. U.r a^ that. | a.ln.1
b,.t loulb.-r sh) sbr bad sa.
h.sirb Uelurkry. .rrJ ios|.i.-s.u.ly ;
,t. j
f.s «.i».-*.i of
a.-ti»r.UeT sett-.1.11 a«i«r Ih-brr ; dis.lari.riHV
"Wbr.Vala.na. I dido t
rlea. aad b« bt-fa. to prrpatv » --s - ■
r. .
“VJ.r^T™“;;.zr.a72.^™ X’lTJaK
al's dIauT. hcltua.' vtaarrsd Asdrr*. .«. „muj , diardrt srBrb. if isrtc^ij
•Ifro. oanra-bU. W».sk r.«)-br.
di*,* |«ba,. iM^uabb And
r«B Btr pkk •mlruar Isrkri. but th. i..« d.«l lb. cut* —ls* i ukt ii*» sed
uaaors srr aaslB«lr.«
I-r ■<. nb.) siisl iKbns Mr :
ritiar *oboi«,- BiAbMMU, 1^ I
-• 'v'^’
IsgSMfS: J- ‘Hi II l.»™Con,^orsan Things.
AT U?kr7SlL"rf“i.‘kW^
A. «1U| >1W m tmritej ■
______k.-i-l— l—r: I
«o Ok wiMUStf Ud >aa'll
tim. •suor
sU W«
Omnia Vincit Amor,
pt»(>k sufar sHk k«sd.>s-
Fee Men a< Soe**ty
Wk.i 1. ■hvu.eeiam-.MvpmMra eaU
It runs disases n a per-
-J?~rtaji I tssis-i^«r
ma. »*.* I. I IWIUH miaviamaiaak fawel «UI rrlwvv tk-ev.gl. «i Mev «d ul a Ir.
Xar.jra will alMwi n-rmiaai pm Mt» far
rnoriTAbu: pabmivo.
r <M w vua'iM mpiawMafae. w. im p
Uee ij 1I.V .ivmM MevHeW .w.-fpM- ,
New Shop MrU^ 8f
'------ -I”--------- -
U k«a*. ud. aa U>a H
Ilk tb* 7«M». aba Md
fml bad drtliwl apart,
had dtad raoaaUp. iMataf
bar tneadh baan atnwfla to heap tba
Um daar. bat bar owe mtafcrtoaoi had abMirM bar Bind ao rraad poopurtba. and araa a ai^t to d-a*. a^ alw la Ua
Ha Htoriaa la Oatarto tboy »«to for ^
eoBpUlalf that aba bod lltUa pUoa fur taraaa cOdaa hoad thaa Blllp a
Ka>« a wbaap o( >07. aad aaaealbl a alaeUra aStora. raorpk^ria lb* alarlEb
■la a
.If ta tba kdr ebair wblcb Tbaak-;»» ‘‘‘» -etbar.
iraa oal for hia. bad boldlac ^
Tbaakfil'a cam loaokUa kapttba
a ap tdhb* obaarfal blaM af lb f«uf* la a atoto of bl
a of aaffrac*. aaavdlar to Kdltkal
. la taww«. lUt.
>d of a»^. ujnoaaaL
Otigu of tba Nav Eaglaad Thaabi
■•Iba." And milp drew blaaelf ap . agala aad again,
We Bad a deep footprlat la Xea
"Vda aa Ift like tbU > anbantllM. tbe hope had to atop. tbe.
Earlaod. la tbe Bralaauaa lb* col
Tbere'm lea pour eblldnn down to tbejtarkep aeeaed bardlj wonted bp tbe
oDiato of PI^BOBlb -le^oiard u«rlber'
nototp fnra tbU pear, aad klr- Walker, i en«>aBtor. eo glgf atic be waa:
Oirj bad onimd »»>• »»<*>“
what aanaga tbe lara. apt be bala'tl At laat It wae over. Thaabfel watch,
labucv (joTorenr KrmdPird •cal
got ao 'tboritp toirU ap ao Tbank»M Hi* bappp ooapaap going hofc-
win dioae. tu go rooad aad ter - hat j the teael. Inog after lb*} were ool of
folk* woold gire toward* glllia' Via a , eight, ebr eat with fulded bande gonlng
Thankegiriu dinner. We want ea to' afur Ibea.
UerbuuM -a* lo a elate
ta*eaBret.rat*one.-Wrkep.;n-craa- ut wild dlpocdw.
There were three
brrrp aar«,'n'onlia*. V pudkln-ple. | eharp denu In tbe oarTwl leg* id 1h»
•o'apaddln-chnehfoUo'taltln^'n’ a,dining-,
iWllp dwell long aad Inrlnglp on
Itoa of the ThankeglTing dinner.
.leaaing plaa poddlng
Joehaa, ber
f to ha»e aU.,tboee pet caL. had takea to the wuuda aad
thlnga pooTorlfr- aid ThaakfOI. look- abe heew It-oald reqoire a gnat dal
lag kwalp at the poorlp-clad child. . ; of diplomacp to bring bla ta.-k again.
-No’a, nottbUpar. but we bar* It had been a baep. annloa d*r. and
bad oa am* par*, father'* dad.-n', abe wa tired tma h*a>l to fuoL liul
the rant'* high, n' aulber don't git. ttore wa a etruge warmth In Thank-.
aaekwaiblD-aow. Hut ebeape tblnge ful'e beara. aud looking back upua lb*
algtal be a good dal wora. Tatn-l a dap. »b. Sit that IL wa lb. plaaatIboagb wnwapwrllkelbeaebildra. eat on* tbe bad known for )-*ar*. She
We're goln’ to bar* ame fried liter, bad uttcrlp forgotben her own trunblet
We ala l poor.' he adde.1 eionllp
In looklag after the oomforl of b*r
(ioaebowTbaaklor.gla.B- needed jgaaU. nnd tbk waooimcioa of ha.em an anuaa*! pinsaura.
wlpln^aeb* looked atUUIp. who bed , lag giren them
Tbaakfal did aol bear tbr wbwUe
bln Bottaer'nrpee.
aad otur torcelfal- lof the Uooalac iralaoa tbellrbietop
eee opened
I tbe door aotUjr. baitaUnglj. ba'tabe
(h4r •
dan roaalaad aatll
•■Hoir aarfa aball I pat down for! did «ot b*ar. Tbaa UIHle knell dova
TtoakwiTlac, bad tba Hula
pear-told Ulllp.UklBgdavKOirDtUejbealde ber. and Mlllie'e eolce aald.
WhbM; wu bllTo vtlb iBlareat la Iba
■taapof apeaellfroa bah»a8^bear.
j treauloMalj.
nalit tendap. Thaalr waa rad
Tbaakfal. ,r*e been eo
folbagltdaflte canto .«otbrr
laat wttblbaodorof-alaeaaaal. ai
Hon'l fl>u Uke me liark
glee tbo and abe told abe fae radpou-d
prnirra. aad peapbte alamarlw i
Aad wiib HllUr-a araeamaf
Tbe bard Uaaa aaMad oalp to bare
neck. Thankful felt that tbe dap bad
tMoaead aaerr <aa-a appeUU and
Indred beea a bleaaed one.— r>omp l•to■
bant of generaaltp.
pllallV. aad Mr. Hodpea. the eatotma
Blllpalacal bouaoedoutot bi* eeal I
aaa aatborlgr fur lb*
at tbe aanlfleanceof tbe gift, and be
aad teamed with the whi,
The following >f«r 1
aa* eeaaoa. after tbe abandaat
Arowd tM Editor'd Table.
TtaBktal Bean lleed right la tba
tor of lb* rilkwa, aad aaaj an aaa
Mroa bad aoaaalud bar iadgaaat la
aBdaaakaar.toTorT. fraaa bar gardea.
walled la aaap a paairp lor the grand
tatbepwlaaibf. and eraip faailp far
a^a areoad bad bar raolpe fw plai
padding, wkkb had baaa glrea lar hg
Oorwpto Ueaahaw’e wUa. and bad
bees Uaauadardraelpe fa Tbaaka-etog ptoldlaf. la hto taallg. lor p.
/^akfal had helped ibaa all. aa tLep
rdtotrad.Bnaareaadao lato. bat ah.
had goaa aboal with a atora look da
hw iaea. aad wlib ao plcotoal tboocbto
•dor oUto aba waa bora. Ue dbg bad
alwar* haaa aaeradip obaereed. ai
Tbaakialh hoaa. Ttae -an. wbea
the dlalarroea table had to be
toroad bp the kltebaa toUa aa
UgbWtaada. to aaka rooa tor tba
Urge faallp aad tbe UTlIad ga
Oat the aaabar hal gtodaaUp gi
f laa. aatll. for peart. Tbaakfal
^pt aeabrrt of partba eountr-fara ebildrea.
Loaf alter Wlly'aelordj flgore waa llanaeau
la Kraojir tbe women teacher* elect
eatof aifbl. Tbaakfal *at Idlp
women memboraoe all beard* of oducafolded baada. gadag Uto tbeflre.
ttaowrbto wltblaber.
deaUaad to obaage tbe ea
ibaaktul I iedlrectlp for aeabecu of tbe booae of
Cuald abe. too. Bat
that Uingawera 00 wora
lo Norwap tbap hare achoot auffrogc.
loal bar eaall depoall In tbe bank.
1a Ireland the women role fur the
harbor boaitU. poor law gaardUna and
falbepoad barerpM'
gol ap froB ber Ulnet better than abe lo Hrlfail tut aimlrliBl rffi-rn
Bov toba.a Bappp 1
o bare eo macta to do that there
BOdlae fur morbid Iboaghla
To aeeer tbiak tor a mnmrnL tbi
p» are not attraclirr. aad to mal
piiiraelf look at i hanaiog at potalbi.
br a> contldrrate of the hap|
of albert Ibet it will be refleeb d
back to poo a* Irpm a
aeeer permit poerw
old. for bp valtieating
ig all U
the gra.we of
boart. brain and budp. age e
np<« poo.
belirrr that a Hfa-work ba
..mdoat forpuu. tbatit iaiM
and to du that which poor baa
for poo.
lunorrowor In j.'p.-Th. l-mllr.'
Free, aad Whai'ErotTbodp Want*.
1‘artecl h**Ub aad tirenglb. to dar
aad to do. that'* whai pou want an,
a know lu llrm-a tore -ny I
I il. Ilr lin-rnr. of Ji tVral Mto SI .
,w Vork I'ltp. I- lb* mial tuccreafui
tpecialitt In llu w >rld in coring nerr.itit amlcbnmicMitcaw- II* It alto
the diacorctrbof that wonderful mrdicloe. I'r. IJrcrnc't Scrruni bbxtl and
re irmedp
II* bat rtUblitbed
arbable aptb-m of letter curr*,
pondrncr. bp -bich pou can write'hii
about poor rumplaiDl. tclUqgJu*! kio
pou feel and aUUng rai-h ipmpWi
from which pou are tufferiug. U. wilt
■er pour Icllrr. I'epwlbiag pour
Ihuroughiv and telling vou a ear*
-wnp to rrgalu bcaUL aud ttrcnglh'
And lor all Hu* p.-'U hare .nothing U.
II* girr. mutt careful altenllon
rrrp latter, aad d.-.'Hbre cm-h
totagr of nor
that medium you .-andop 'Ur Iradiiq; *1,
________ Voor good, are aelcctod bp pesqil* of I
adiatanre them
to gir* MaU Urdcra tbr rer> lew* ol eeerv Ihiog.
large eapecirncc.
■•KU l>ti'**io*si" lor inforaiaUoo abml coat, tlj'l* «od
w to.thipg.tJt. rUt, ruli* for -.If Bl
»i|r "Special" This Week\
Th. WhohulB Stock ol
kuttnauer, Rosenlleld & Co.
Priee’a Is equally succenhd fa pas
tries and bfacute. You sec It's of perfect
JMrtty as proved by the HigheM Award,
Workfs Pair *93, and GoU Bledal, Callfanda Hldwtater Fak *94.
Tob simply ciBBOt afford to mtss this ifftriBiity.
Men's aid Rojs' Clothing, Men's and Ro|s' faraishiags,
Ladles', Misses’ aad Children's Underwear. Hosierii aad Cions.
Bl about one half the regular pricee.
Bee our 76c. Horse Blanket Our 86& one
cannot be beat Better grades at $1.00
and upwards
Ontwt rnn nad te StnnU.
Tr»T«r*e City. XielUcMt.
oaka. MilliD.Tj
3 Combs without tooth
are of no ralu* wbatore
ore arericlp a*}' better.
u. iMBao.ami.) ibepneeaedlWPa^A
will be takea at tlM fwaaeat FrtBN.
tiataerib* now.
J. 0-. gOT.T.TT>A.‘»-^
Agent for Grand Treeeemk Heart* and Laelaaaw QauMBa.
keep the
a Cleanest,
' Nicest
stock of
enm Burn mta always makes.
2Sc., 50c. and 76c.
8. K WATT,
mary SMUI
A few lines of Gloves and Mittens
to close out at less than half value.
will give you an endleas amiaunt.pif Com
fort and Satisfaction*-'
a* can be made.
ScorinTtft Queen bves la nne cod
Mary. So does her “ land o’ cakes.”
But the dde may craa the^acaa to
America, die land d the dainty aid
wbdcaame griddle cakei diat Br. PllCI’t
An Opportunity Rarely Presented.
i Combs w ith good tooth
Cam« and Bee aae.
■to^Bini-toV. Mpaaa
•to CMnlaatoatar’ I
eaeoia* n*^ JP«ly bp POflO'S txriUCT CO, »6 Fifth
bat it tod baoa U aplu of ai
pad halt. wkUb tolrip littod op bla
omU eap Bto giap. tbioadkara eoat
M Mato aUitoi U It,
I Combs with poor tooth
TW glri bad eaaaad bappp aad eoatoatod. aaUl tba altp people ap at Uadaeab had eboBea to be aunetod bp ba
IBOttg laae aad wlaeiaw wapa. TVep
had fawHaatad ber wMb tbatr (torito cd
eilg Ufa and «1 tbe art eebooU whet*
ha toleat OMld b. caliJeaUd.
Ttaktml had watched tbe ao
toaaa, aad tba farwiag dUaaaU
the girt, aadeba knew what tbe aad
Whaa tba al^ paopU wat bach
ttair hnaai. HUUe wail with tba
and Thaakfnl oald good-bpe erftk
etoadp eotea and eraat haA to the old
Ula. aad ao OM knew the bluamaa
That Wlowto a alow fata, dap* aad
Blgbta af balplaaaaa aad paU,
tht tatora a hariag to aroepl tba aalariag vriae of aa Igauraal
Thaakfalb alioag aaallwUa
vbae aha beard a kanc
I* th* &r meabei
aul hariag aap other clnlma on
TZT CatabhH
oatlag bar dlaacr, with ao ena|aap
Tba paat pwr. an Tbaakfal looked
btob apto iv aaeaad to hare broagbi
aMWagbottroabUaadloto A haab
towUobaoatoof haraoaep bad beet
dapariUd. bad faUed. aad other laepev^
TWi MUUehadgtae awv
------------- The lap tbougbl of Her
ered in tbe mom approrod wap.
] aquare mile*.
Mde Thaaktal'a heart aora.
a angrago rule* la
Uarip. Tbaakogiring morning, a lit-' Mnnicipal u
e pnaiioelnn of rM-bcmded bop*, led New Zealaad.
wMar.toUeawlthbaraani. bb
p Widow Ibtore. wended Ue wep
a aaaal poaag girl, aad U the feg
■aattoof baatap.ohabad gtoera In toward Thaaktul'a home. UUIp OMant
to be deraroo*. but. Jutt aa the/ paaeed Uodi. and IHlcalra lalaad. In tbe a
to Thaakfolb heart aa no aaa ani
the kluken window, Thaablnl bad tbeiBr. bare full women aaflragr.
Ba bright praise.
In tbe liomlBlonol Canada w.
. braagbt aa oawatad auftaaa .Into opened the oren to gire tbe tarkrp
Il lap la full rlcw. In all iU bare muaieipal euCragr In errrp pruri
Tbaakfnl'a taea.'had ba dalatp toaeb-
MdhIag tat tfwbU. aad aba had a>
ttoaktolaea la ba baai
WOUNDB. bruises, rheumatism, and
bad been fur a long I aebefcoo.
pou- Ue make, a tpeeiaUp of coring
He bad gun*. II waali •e. Hut bad abe lor all electlrr oatcere and on all
oatlenU Uirtiugb letter oorTrap.odence. Mra'a uod Hura' Clutbiug. f-u
HrrcbaDl Teiloriog. Hr
not tooto for thank ilaea that the aattora
You hare no fee to pap and poo don't
In finUnd ihrp rote for all electing hareto Ica'rr bom* H*rr it tbr Iwtl
m poaaj
lonltp poo «tcr had to get
tornlltlUUme? Ifabeaowl
on accept or reject it?
In Anatria lleogarp tbnp «ut«. bp
11. might But tbia toader amaorp keep
bar kearl freon being ijulu the wither- proip. for all eleclirp ofioera
Inl ruatlo and lUlamaUa tbnp hare
od thing It wag?
prirllefB of doing eo il^looal eleci
Now that Tbaakfal wanlnaeeftor
uwd. there name to mind aaap UtUe
laaa tor gretiwde which ahe bad ail
wkeaed b*rara.
Uow Uep grew a* parUeaent.
iBtbe Madraa proridenrp ■
abe Ibooghl of them, arerp oae tUadlag oal clear aad beaalllnl. a gift of a Maatep preeidmep. Hladuat
alba who arrer fcwgeu blachlldrre! wown cnervlae Ibr right
At length Thanklol an»r. and, go- In all aunlclpallliea.
lag toba deab. ahe wrote In a Unr., loalllh* ouuntrlee of
oU-laabioaed hand, an iarllaUon to ;3e# can do ao wherer.t
Marp lUtoiatamtm* wHbtbrnbapAmall unp aelUee The Huatlai
take''Tbaakaglrlng'-dinBer with bag. | Ing the wbol* of tbeir real AtUn poaTba* aba weal out aad ordered Ue eraalooa and carrpieg with lb*m ererpi^rgret Wrkep Mr. Hodgaooiild pro-' where the “mlr." or eelf goreroiag rUIAfur that her kitobra rraa a ! age. whnrrin rromen who are bemdnat
of uaaual acHrltp. i:reaberriM '-------‘-.i*. are
.. paraitted to rut*,
hare mBalclpal eaffrmge la
pla aad eake baked
intoodon>Btrlcbae^.*nd jelHa quir-I (Upe Oolonp, which mica a bHHob
foL halUlag kgb'
wtoto ptoT oea. ■
-irif ttov toraaalahalUa. tbk dap
IR'Fl'M'O V -tuH).
New York Tea Co.
Sell. r»l. M ** t*. IWt* *
No 228. Front Street. Traveme City.
•Remember the FrxUt Season will soon commence. It has
been the rule in-Traverse City for Sutfarte go up during the
I fruit season, so look out for higher prices in Sugar, except
I with us. We are going to be on the contrao' side- Corn
icing Satnrdny, June' 18. we will sell
Granulated Sugar..................at 5 cents per pound
. White C Sugar.................... at aH cents P«r potmd
If )-ou want to save money bu>’ yxiur Teas. Coffees. Spices,
and Groceries of the^-New York Tea Co. Remember we are
not governed by any combination, we'set our own prices and
will give you 16 ounces for a pound.
Traverse Dity Sanitarium.
llbnowrip Elm', SnadMrium.)
Frool flli'M*.
(enltnnlMSana. unauesawi.
riUia efftad aad
edth*tre. TrTU.
Front Strm.
Traverse City. Michigan.
Brosch’s Meat Market
Choicest Meats. Poultry and Caine.
Fresh. Sdt and Smoked Metfs, SusagM Etc.
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