Dublin Core
Honest Opinion, June 05, 1919
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "Honest Opinion" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Lautner, Edward (1867-1930) and Coxe, Thomas H. (1874-1936)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
- 5 cents
WO a.
. .in.
•m* ^ «t the Johnson Ci«w Editor HonestOpinton:- In your last Is
F*,ctoiT *d not strike for better weges 4ue you publish an artiele “Hay Pay
«s eHegea by the press reports^ ^ More For Gas". In reply to that-rUcle
that it is either raise,soil or go
_i cut shortly broke ! desire to say that It seems nttut the Wilhelm laiforallcorpotaGons of pubUc utfliBlock. The stoteAent thst they sre ties to unload dead horses on a dty. The
gettingtoo much, or even enough, a ol d saying iptbal all eorporalloos ar«?
ridiculous as they are not being paid soullew and that might efiply .in this
wbat the men operators encore and ____ Eome time ago when things look
unUllheydothe other Traverse City ed rosy the managen of this concern
nanuftetirersoi cigars must be handi were anxious to get control. It Wasn’t
<mestion of considering olhcit
capped. if the girls can do the
work they ought i^-get just as mu^ _ the city’s IntereAao why sheuld
per hundred
as is f«d the thernowask the citizens to consider
men and until the^y do they are being theira We cannot see the consistency
unjustly treated. The girts allege that, of a city ehterttg Into a contract wilg afbe sectetaryof the Chamber of Comm- corporatioD for a sUpolated term of
erce and the cahdy makers were «- years at-a stipufcled price wilh.no
BponaWeforthecutln the first ptaee
of lowering price regardless
as'Uey elaigted the wages were too of the smjuat of profits to the con
much for the others to compete with. cern during prosperous years, and in
■ Uot-if they can’t pay decent wages il reveiaes, to be asked to make up the
>3 lust as eksy anJ perhaps easier for deficieney. And as for buying^ th^
them to move out aa it U W the Ubor- pUnt thsfs out of the question as. aciing classes to migrate. Ther? is nobody ence has advanced so rapidly, in electri
ha, any itrings
on then
and -cal appliances. Gas will be relegated
it is thU influence that has put Trav in the nesr future as was the ke.-osene
erseCltyouthemap to the cheapest lamp and it might be well for the man
labor town in the state with the poss ager of «ur City Electric light Plant to
ible exception of Grand Rapids- « »s make some comparUoD agrinst gas in
also these same mfluenees and these
—e reasons tha* has* kept Traverse
back iDdusirially.' The employes
. O...V state that the stotement ttiet they
earn from *15. to *20 a week is also an
absolute falsehood and there never
bad been but one girt who earned that
ameunt and she only once. The aver.
• agethevsay has been from *10. to *i2.
I The Dummy |
twtsr a Wt tr.eaatiy In their saddles
(Thte coinmn te devoted to the chatter
as th y rode on.
of those vtto come in contact with the
Indian Cigar sign a
at Litflefields.
Ttomas had no lessee; but bis ryto is wooden bead r
no me is
To get the tacts yb« must
foUoa-tng the
"/Vllff m
human fonns against the cliff.
appeoaeh Tbe Dummy when tbe moon
; an luatant he wav.-re-l
‘ Slid the hour isrtgfatasbe speaksat no
ing.on alter the outlaw* .end rrt^
otter time-J
Then awtoglne W»
be gslKved bsto to
Suspended, bound and
along the abeer fa« of the «U®-
1 in the
ut Is to be demalii
re <W tbe gtatemeut to the Effect that '
t was always a money maker as moeh .
at its untimely end as it ;«1w:.vs
Why does it disappear? Of.
course income taxes have nothing to
do with it and neither bas the fact,
that locM community builders have
and ate iovesting their moBey else
where while they ihrfeck “knoekef’’ ar
tbe otber fellow and gel redln tbe. face
extolling the worth of ibemselvesThe.
elasateat of qlassy gold brick manipuiati
ty of offering *500 reward for anybody
thatODuld inVenta wartieSs cucumber
owes ill the lillsterlng desert
or seedless pumpkin, or anything aloDg
Searface and his evil pels
their saddles and laughed wlck^T them from above; his la^t w m in that line as they figure this end of
The Con
held iU regular
the business and resort trade U the
at' the futile Btruggles of «>eli^ha^
meeting^Monday night with all mem.
thing on Which Traverae City must
IW ricCUns. 'Ste
bera prerent except Mr. .Longnecker.
Uve. That is^e big hews of the day
A petition was read and reterred to
and tbe fellow that was telUng it ought
haVput Dick out of tfie w-ay fw
gtariment of health aitd wetfare
»ood and where shortly there would
to know as he said be was up to thqm regaiding a noisance at 617 W. Sev
fie no evidence to tell the'tmte ScarWitt athon
petition of the vetemns of tbe
face was In an almort merry mood as nM B< It wet^ "nthn a huUet from and oould get do aatialaotion.
preference to setting aside
aside a
ho led hte murderous band out Into the
opinion tbe chief aim of the C. ofC.'
* ' fortte maintenanceof .
was to tell otber people bow to spend the plou in the
cemetery set aside for
T told yon that tbe -rime wOTid
their money and wbeneveer there sms
soldiers was referred to Health, and'
come when sre would get even.;urith
any credit to be derived to Cop it all
Welterw departmeaL A petition from
those trouble makero w^v
When ftilure
hstbe his swoHen wrt^
Co.Svithregard to raising 'rates
result tte^ always lay tow and give the referred; to a committee of tbe
indlan to place the net
____ ______
“I rediod
^ other fellow tbe blame. It’s a great wholete deeide whether the matteby tW* time they with tSey had «ald neatb Teel- Tn this ^ •»<!>"
game and they hold tbe trump cards. ha, merit and whether it ttall be refer
home and nilnded ttelr own barinesa. . roUIWy Hh"rt rime a« ww Mved
They never had a chance wltb me PMly. who. UDC«n*clous ot -Kh
It's a hot bed of civic, patrioliam aud reb to tte voter* at a special election.
from the beglnnlnc. and I beat them going on. buns limp In
community buUding when the otter
to everj^bel. Furihennore, we r“”“
H WSK nn anxious nu«m.‘ut for pick fellow foots tbe bUlsbut a regular grave Aa inereasd from six to seven dollars
a day was granted city teamsters. U
aloft at iKc «u-!> -’i.1.h1 yard w^en money Is required there.”
now p.f>s ph'ces ..f that rag In
was voted to pay the anoual dues to
clntchi-8_aud It wouT be long b^m .Hvi vnii ineaaured tbe tll*r:<"‘T i-hB
the League of Midugao Municipalities
we have tbe aeveoth and last. Then mu«t fall
amonotlng to fifteen dollars. Report of
for tbe troasnre and a mW Ufe *«- reived at the bottqm by *“« *«• *“
“I beard that. Mr. King:^ the Gas the Police department showed ooly
be shuddered at tbe riak to wb^
ever after."
Co. made the state^wnt ttelhbc^igbt (our arrests tor tbe mouth. On. recom
“Hurrah for Scarface *pd
that the company either had to betpcr- mendation of tte police chief tele
Merchantt and canvasers. druggists, ”v. ■ Spurring their horaes deeply tney got her down and revived .ber very mittedto increase-siasjwtes, or go phones on East Front street were dis
physicians and dentists, hardware men rode on their way' with boliteroua ex- Son ahe would nndoubt^edly
broke or the city take it over. Well, pensed wit% Mrs. William Love, Mrs.
tr:n the ex, qsure- to the btiste^ what’s the matter with the tetter plan?
aid grocers, insurance men and sales ultlngi over their soccest.
beat Etd the sqnreelog of the rope The Electric Light pUnl has notreis ed J.B. Martio.MrsJ.W;0*UDtlet and Mrs.
man, editors and managers, clerks and
Meanwhile TomaA
A.S.Rowley were appointed special
ftanographers. laborers and housewives Cloud, had not been idle.- Dnieen b/
rates, owingto the wsr, but has cut police without pay to act as a board
"Hurry up. Tonum, ond use extra
intellectuals and pinheads all congre ths other*, he had watch^ the ^
them and there is no prosprel of »
gated at one time or another at the tret visit of the renegade fodlnn to the care to maktos tlmt hlaoket fart to raise and yet they are maktbg money. of censors on moving picture films.
of Cass^and Front streets test camp of tbe outlaws upon the m-qa- the aiakea." he commanded as they The reason U that it is publicly owner Action was taken -permiUing the pay
bent to their teak. Tomas nodded.
meat of buia to the amount or.*2(U '
Tuesdsy andteteoed to a lecture by aton when the renegade tod offered
to -Aow Scarface where Rod CToud
"Too no be afreld Tomss wUI make and the tame ^ory will apply to al
Meriin E. Valleau. the announced was buried with hU piece of -.he fi«. any mUlake. He have aqoaw dovro concerns if operated in the tame way; for tte.upkeep of tbe comfort stat
ions to tbe Old Settler* Building.
Peof^es Candidate for President of the and tod iprtsntiy suspected ttot^^
here to k
H« ** «*» **’'“*'®*
Jottices of tbe Peace Pardee and Han-U. S. on Health, Happiness. Reason. other Indlsn was .up tp -soow tr -nen- *0 ahe fMl Into It soft as a feather
Moviky spoke at leh^ on tteir part
Truth -Knowledge,. Uberty. Love, e»T. Knowts« that he t
frwBjhe^vangof abtrd.-.
“Did you wtk* ttat both Mr.Friedrieh to. tte fining ofauto apeeder* and bott
and Heaven. Some aubiecl
and Mr. King atetod awoAago t!tet incited that they were wo8 wilWtr tbe
keeowa# -•>
rdtoe anticipated was tan cents ^
tbouaandand Mr. King ttes said
She rolled portly over
tat did not clrer to Aa tbe amount quoted would just cover
would have done credit to Kart
tbe extra labor cost whieh was nttat
Tims rode Into tbe
and' hair longer nml more unkempt
etpectandy. a cry of horror rose from Ihey werelookingfor; Now Mr. Frie
than that of Coxe be held forth for wuie tbe artiea were :
their Up*.as the head of a great mou.i- drich says ttat he did not have a
qulcklf took up the treU.
is guye
neariy two houra. Pinheads
on the desert a huge volture wtnged tnin Won appeared right beslHk Polly chance to tee Mr. King or tte raiae
I and i
wtald have been put at ten. per cent.
its way above him towart'^he clltt. —almost on top of hhr.
Justice of Peace W. H, Pardee fccLs
the eud heard more history httn ttay followed hr a score of others.
DKtt and tte Indian kept ttelr Why then did Mr. Friedrich also say that be bat been unjustly used in betog
d ioto a aiBular space
“Ah r said he softly aa he watAed h'-ads.
'Bie forinpi- "Uttched up B ten centsper thousand and what do
at any prevtoua time. It any farmers the great bird circle about to
rifle and a* he ftred- »he Won with a they intend to do with tte extra five ■censed of parttelily in fhe assesdment
were present they got an idea of how narrowtog rirclea.
snarl withdrew It* hea.1. Tontos a* per thousand now renueatod? la that of ftoaa. Thb paperheUeves in abso
lute justice to all parties and will right
tte snobs in the city class and regard devil* wtiq wanted to dlrturb the quickly sent a lariat, to tbe_^lff.
tqrepreaeot ..velvet? Farther
all wrongs whether il refer* to action
them xhen il comes to knowing things. grave of my ancestor have l«en up to where It caught Srmly about a project
that it bon develops that (his company
thb paper or not It would appear
Slrsnge that those who feed, the amue heap bad busing But Tomae ing rock.
used to pay its men the magnificent
•Did I get hlmr crle.1 Dick, lowep
.................................} t. —
woridahould be ridiculed by those who win find out He wfll watch where
sum of *2. per day and now were asked
i of^tte violators is
e iupney t
would starve without the knowledge the vulture allrtt*- ■“'* **•«" >**
to pay *3.50 whidi in itself b enough
bind tte a
required to raise crops, and the bardto
eye upon the dreUng denizen of the
We have repeatedly said
enedtoadsof toil possessed by speh sky he rapidly approached the «>ot edge of tbe cliff. PI’do' In hand, and men rather than to tte corpeuation.
with a knife botweeB hie teeth. Dick
thst speeding ahould be a jail offense
as Valleau. Dress him in a Prince rtiat tbe bird hovered over.
sprang to the r.q>e aud was up the Mr. King says that ’the men can get
Albert give' him Jt- shave aud a high
Fnrtherjiyet out on the «and*. Scar- side of ahe cliff to a llaah. thoee.below five dollars outside but they, tbecnrelve andthere is tm .iponlHuaqship «t' U'
of otKr arc
collar, put htovon a stage surrounded face looking backward ihrongh hi* standlDg with rifles ready should the
willing to lore a dollar and a half
irautoiiU want to sport' with 'tl with hot bouse flowers anrf the aud ffeld-glRisea. aaw the bIrJa, and an evil imn again api>ear.
^acji for the privilege «f staying here,
n lives well and good
t.:'ience would be of the elite and they grin spread over his featnna.
Snarling above the glrt-a body Ko.vl ^hat'sa-tairit werth whileand if evid
would fall over themselves to grasp
•rfske a look. -They have--rialtor*.“ the ltr.D as Dick gained the ledge. He enced by the C. otC. assn organization : otters should not be tte victim of ibcj:recklessness. Aster as Mr. Pardee;s
made one rt>rin* a, I*'**-«
his hands while^the news paptrs would heAsto' handlng^the glasses caught him to midair. This gave Dick would furtiub
concerued we can find no tavoritifiu
devote columns to a task of doi
time to unsheath hit knife. A Wo’r existence.”
"Great God I The vnltorea."
tod Mr. Hanslovsky aays that he
justice. But just because he
assessed the *20. flneasd is willtog
tarmer.look^ like one and acted like claimed Screweye. and he nod the oth from the anlmara paw robbed him of
IIS use. -but not before he had f^
one he isridieuled and made .the but ot ers shook their beads ominously, at
■Hiere'a milUousto gaa. No, that to eboelder the blame, if there it any.
though the thought of leaving thalr
does not mean the kind used by the but he-stayed within the lavr- A copy
rimpa anb plo headt who if they
McUms to be eaten alive was too bulleti ended Iti eareertricky
Mr. Pardee’s records ihosv ag
haU the knowledge poak^ed by this mocb to stomach.
Dl.-k ten terty picked np hlf wife.
horny handed son of toll, would swel "•Deep dyed vHlatn* though Screweye mcnHfuIlT im-"'nsclOB* but. not even mouthy community building k— follows:
and burst like a Stuffed toad subjKted
Apr.UFred Mfltcloulslde iAaDj*5.00
acratch-d by the Hons daws, and low
to interna! pressure. Iq..tde background looking nnt of tiie aide* of their eyes ered *er to earth. followItiF down the of A. V. Friedrich that in normal timet first offenre(returned young eoMier.)
May* Joe Obcrlto(local nunjtlS.Qp.
were motor fiends" who toqled^ttie at Scarface with Ulefavor. While tter lartaj She «as quicklv revived, and thatamountean be made of tte Jund
boras with demoniacal glee as they had no compunctlqnt at thought of ahU? coffee was betog prepay. you bum to your stove* in a thriving aeoond offense, waned previoas tu
their enemiea anffertog an onpleaaaot Tomas told of how *carfare bad town.' Now I do not believe that any tndarrest.
______do when bearidgi the ( •
death, the______
thought ..
of the .gtri banr robbed hb father’s grave of the sixth one wiU have tte audacMy to accuse
MayU'EdAmtsbuechler(near city)
thinkinf ot tba ill breeding that tu<^ i
course exposes. Is it any wonder the tog there to midair and food for vnl-1 piece of flag- and ulien he learned ol thb geotimntn of betog a knocker and *10.00 first offense.
farmer is turning to NogrPartisan Lea torea even while ahe lived made them Dick’s conbecHoo with tbe flag, hf yet It was he stated thaf^tonnmerable
May22 p. aow(outside man)*I5.0D
gue policies when those riho live off
empty bouses to Traveree’Clty had put firstofreose on two counts county and i
him and with bis permission can- h—
the gas companyin danger of bankrupt city. ,
nothing bnt ridicule and contempt
, But if there would be milliohs Ir
May 24 Edgar Copelandiontsidemairi
the , raiment be wegrs even though
thriving town there— ou^t tc fiaoe first offense. .
under it lies the knowledge aqnired
in it ill Trav.
May26N.T.Sorehsoa(Ctdillac man
Irtwi yearn of study. From a hiftor:
etty dpring normal timet and »I Just liaOO first offense.
ical. educational and health atandpotot
wonder why the corporatiou don’t dig
He'says that tte newspaper stotiestbe JeeWre is better than most e.ven
-down into past dividends to tide them are abeototely
without fbunf
dta high priced Lyoenm couraei. No.,
over the present abnonnal times to that t^re was no dtocrimlnatioi
he whs not a Socialist. Just a mao
stead of asking tbe pubHc to bo tbe that no city caSea were bought
Shat baa aeperaled the wheat from
digging. I’ll bet it's juat becanae they
the tares and realizea that be
dfato’t think about it and now that t
isomethiitgto soeietyand is spending
eall ttelr attenttou to it these stock THE TALK OF THE TOWN
bis own money to do good for tte
holders surely wont be ontdone by the boor quality and pried* oo
and be wUI succeed tbe doofceya
men wboere willtog to lose a dollar second hand furniture and
abb a half a day jost to breath tbe air
I to tbe contrary
aboea. Alaorepdring ahoes.
of Traverae
whallheygotand not-as stated^nore.
The otter employes also received m
tterease although they did not strike
for it Industrial unrest is being felt
even in Traverse City and the pillows
of low wage advocates are probablyharder than utual these beautiful sum.
•mar nights. Those who believe in put
tingthingsin theirowo pockets ratter
than in the pockets of those who. do
♦he work might Hooveriie to make
ends meet by-say ualng a last year s
model Umonsine and bornteg a. Utile
Is to give the
people of Tra
verse City and
' vicinity the
The Best, ih
• M Prices Th»t Are
Of Benefit •
Cottage Cheese
Fresh Daily
Harry L. Caulkett
814 S. Union St..
CilT.. Phone 66
“I read ahigUy educatioual and enUghtentog article ou the front page of
a local paper tbeottcr day to tbe efRct
ttatamotorihduatry waaa thing that
towns. If the write? would tel)
ut aomdtttiv we didn’t know wewonld
be truly thanirful to him and it is more
than notable ttat 'ht didn’| mention
YOUR veal
and^ultry now
Get tbe preset high prices
Caulkett a 314 S. Cuioaat., ^txphanefi8ot29l.
a WniM.a.v
kills tbe beat goose even that lay a tte
goldenegga. Wflat we want are ’
facts andnet foreignjeMnktiM.
AU work guaranteed.
4*5 A 416 South Vaioa Street
- 5 cents
WO a.
. .in.
•m* ^ «t the Johnson Ci«w Editor HonestOpinton:- In your last Is
F*,ctoiT *d not strike for better weges 4ue you publish an artiele “Hay Pay
«s eHegea by the press reports^ ^ More For Gas". In reply to that-rUcle
that it is either raise,soil or go
_i cut shortly broke ! desire to say that It seems nttut the Wilhelm laiforallcorpotaGons of pubUc utfliBlock. The stoteAent thst they sre ties to unload dead horses on a dty. The
gettingtoo much, or even enough, a ol d saying iptbal all eorporalloos ar«?
ridiculous as they are not being paid soullew and that might efiply .in this
wbat the men operators encore and ____ Eome time ago when things look
unUllheydothe other Traverse City ed rosy the managen of this concern
nanuftetirersoi cigars must be handi were anxious to get control. It Wasn’t
<mestion of considering olhcit
capped. if the girls can do the
work they ought i^-get just as mu^ _ the city’s IntereAao why sheuld
per hundred
as is f«d the thernowask the citizens to consider
men and until the^y do they are being theira We cannot see the consistency
unjustly treated. The girts allege that, of a city ehterttg Into a contract wilg afbe sectetaryof the Chamber of Comm- corporatioD for a sUpolated term of
erce and the cahdy makers were «- years at-a stipufcled price wilh.no
BponaWeforthecutln the first ptaee
of lowering price regardless
as'Uey elaigted the wages were too of the smjuat of profits to the con
much for the others to compete with. cern during prosperous years, and in
■ Uot-if they can’t pay decent wages il reveiaes, to be asked to make up the
>3 lust as eksy anJ perhaps easier for deficieney. And as for buying^ th^
them to move out aa it U W the Ubor- pUnt thsfs out of the question as. aciing classes to migrate. Ther? is nobody ence has advanced so rapidly, in electri
ha, any itrings
on then
and -cal appliances. Gas will be relegated
it is thU influence that has put Trav in the nesr future as was the ke.-osene
erseCltyouthemap to the cheapest lamp and it might be well for the man
labor town in the state with the poss ager of «ur City Electric light Plant to
ible exception of Grand Rapids- « »s make some comparUoD agrinst gas in
also these same mfluenees and these
—e reasons tha* has* kept Traverse
back iDdusirially.' The employes
. O...V state that the stotement ttiet they
earn from *15. to *20 a week is also an
absolute falsehood and there never
bad been but one girt who earned that
ameunt and she only once. The aver.
• agethevsay has been from *10. to *i2.
I The Dummy |
twtsr a Wt tr.eaatiy In their saddles
(Thte coinmn te devoted to the chatter
as th y rode on.
of those vtto come in contact with the
Indian Cigar sign a
at Litflefields.
Ttomas had no lessee; but bis ryto is wooden bead r
no me is
To get the tacts yb« must
foUoa-tng the
"/Vllff m
human fonns against the cliff.
appeoaeh Tbe Dummy when tbe moon
; an luatant he wav.-re-l
‘ Slid the hour isrtgfatasbe speaksat no
ing.on alter the outlaw* .end rrt^
otter time-J
Then awtoglne W»
be gslKved bsto to
Suspended, bound and
along the abeer fa« of the «U®-
1 in the
ut Is to be demalii
re <W tbe gtatemeut to the Effect that '
t was always a money maker as moeh .
at its untimely end as it ;«1w:.vs
Why does it disappear? Of.
course income taxes have nothing to
do with it and neither bas the fact,
that locM community builders have
and ate iovesting their moBey else
where while they ihrfeck “knoekef’’ ar
tbe otber fellow and gel redln tbe. face
extolling the worth of ibemselvesThe.
elasateat of qlassy gold brick manipuiati
ty of offering *500 reward for anybody
thatODuld inVenta wartieSs cucumber
owes ill the lillsterlng desert
or seedless pumpkin, or anything aloDg
Searface and his evil pels
their saddles and laughed wlck^T them from above; his la^t w m in that line as they figure this end of
The Con
held iU regular
the business and resort trade U the
at' the futile Btruggles of «>eli^ha^
meeting^Monday night with all mem.
thing on Which Traverae City must
IW ricCUns. 'Ste
bera prerent except Mr. .Longnecker.
Uve. That is^e big hews of the day
A petition was read and reterred to
and tbe fellow that was telUng it ought
haVput Dick out of tfie w-ay fw
gtariment of health aitd wetfare
»ood and where shortly there would
to know as he said be was up to thqm regaiding a noisance at 617 W. Sev
fie no evidence to tell the'tmte ScarWitt athon
petition of the vetemns of tbe
face was In an almort merry mood as nM B< It wet^ "nthn a huUet from and oould get do aatialaotion.
preference to setting aside
aside a
ho led hte murderous band out Into the
opinion tbe chief aim of the C. ofC.'
* ' fortte maintenanceof .
was to tell otber people bow to spend the plou in the
cemetery set aside for
T told yon that tbe -rime wOTid
their money and wbeneveer there sms
soldiers was referred to Health, and'
come when sre would get even.;urith
any credit to be derived to Cop it all
Welterw departmeaL A petition from
those trouble makero w^v
When ftilure
hstbe his swoHen wrt^
Co.Svithregard to raising 'rates
result tte^ always lay tow and give the referred; to a committee of tbe
indlan to place the net
____ ______
“I rediod
^ other fellow tbe blame. It’s a great wholete deeide whether the matteby tW* time they with tSey had «ald neatb Teel- Tn this ^ •»<!>"
game and they hold tbe trump cards. ha, merit and whether it ttall be refer
home and nilnded ttelr own barinesa. . roUIWy Hh"rt rime a« ww Mved
They never had a chance wltb me PMly. who. UDC«n*clous ot -Kh
It's a hot bed of civic, patrioliam aud reb to tte voter* at a special election.
from the beglnnlnc. and I beat them going on. buns limp In
community buUding when the otter
to everj^bel. Furihennore, we r“”“
H WSK nn anxious nu«m.‘ut for pick fellow foots tbe bUlsbut a regular grave Aa inereasd from six to seven dollars
a day was granted city teamsters. U
aloft at iKc «u-!> -’i.1.h1 yard w^en money Is required there.”
now p.f>s ph'ces ..f that rag In
was voted to pay the anoual dues to
clntchi-8_aud It wouT be long b^m .Hvi vnii ineaaured tbe tll*r:<"‘T i-hB
the League of Midugao Municipalities
we have tbe aeveoth and last. Then mu«t fall
amonotlng to fifteen dollars. Report of
for tbe troasnre and a mW Ufe *«- reived at the bottqm by *“« *«• *“
“I beard that. Mr. King:^ the Gas the Police department showed ooly
be shuddered at tbe riak to wb^
ever after."
Co. made the state^wnt ttelhbc^igbt (our arrests tor tbe mouth. On. recom
“Hurrah for Scarface *pd
that the company either had to betpcr- mendation of tte police chief tele
Merchantt and canvasers. druggists, ”v. ■ Spurring their horaes deeply tney got her down and revived .ber very mittedto increase-siasjwtes, or go phones on East Front street were dis
physicians and dentists, hardware men rode on their way' with boliteroua ex- Son ahe would nndoubt^edly
broke or the city take it over. Well, pensed wit% Mrs. William Love, Mrs.
tr:n the ex, qsure- to the btiste^ what’s the matter with the tetter plan?
aid grocers, insurance men and sales ultlngi over their soccest.
beat Etd the sqnreelog of the rope The Electric Light pUnl has notreis ed J.B. Martio.MrsJ.W;0*UDtlet and Mrs.
man, editors and managers, clerks and
Meanwhile TomaA
A.S.Rowley were appointed special
ftanographers. laborers and housewives Cloud, had not been idle.- Dnieen b/
rates, owingto the wsr, but has cut police without pay to act as a board
"Hurry up. Tonum, ond use extra
intellectuals and pinheads all congre ths other*, he had watch^ the ^
them and there is no prosprel of »
gated at one time or another at the tret visit of the renegade fodlnn to the care to maktos tlmt hlaoket fart to raise and yet they are maktbg money. of censors on moving picture films.
of Cass^and Front streets test camp of tbe outlaws upon the m-qa- the aiakea." he commanded as they The reason U that it is publicly owner Action was taken -permiUing the pay
bent to their teak. Tomas nodded.
meat of buia to the amount or.*2(U '
Tuesdsy andteteoed to a lecture by aton when the renegade tod offered
to -Aow Scarface where Rod CToud
"Too no be afreld Tomss wUI make and the tame ^ory will apply to al
Meriin E. Valleau. the announced was buried with hU piece of -.he fi«. any mUlake. He have aqoaw dovro concerns if operated in the tame way; for tte.upkeep of tbe comfort stat
ions to tbe Old Settler* Building.
Peof^es Candidate for President of the and tod iprtsntiy suspected ttot^^
here to k
H« ** «*» **’'“*'®*
Jottices of tbe Peace Pardee and Han-U. S. on Health, Happiness. Reason. other Indlsn was .up tp -soow tr -nen- *0 ahe fMl Into It soft as a feather
Moviky spoke at leh^ on tteir part
Truth -Knowledge,. Uberty. Love, e»T. Knowts« that he t
frwBjhe^vangof abtrd.-.
“Did you wtk* ttat both Mr.Friedrieh to. tte fining ofauto apeeder* and bott
and Heaven. Some aubiecl
and Mr. King atetod awoAago t!tet incited that they were wo8 wilWtr tbe
keeowa# -•>
rdtoe anticipated was tan cents ^
tbouaandand Mr. King ttes said
She rolled portly over
tat did not clrer to Aa tbe amount quoted would just cover
would have done credit to Kart
tbe extra labor cost whieh was nttat
Tims rode Into tbe
and' hair longer nml more unkempt
etpectandy. a cry of horror rose from Ihey werelookingfor; Now Mr. Frie
than that of Coxe be held forth for wuie tbe artiea were :
their Up*.as the head of a great mou.i- drich says ttat he did not have a
qulcklf took up the treU.
is guye
neariy two houra. Pinheads
on the desert a huge volture wtnged tnin Won appeared right beslHk Polly chance to tee Mr. King or tte raiae
I and i
wtald have been put at ten. per cent.
its way above him towart'^he clltt. —almost on top of hhr.
Justice of Peace W. H, Pardee fccLs
the eud heard more history httn ttay followed hr a score of others.
DKtt and tte Indian kept ttelr Why then did Mr. Friedrich also say that be bat been unjustly used in betog
d ioto a aiBular space
“Ah r said he softly aa he watAed h'-ads.
'Bie forinpi- "Uttched up B ten centsper thousand and what do
at any prevtoua time. It any farmers the great bird circle about to
rifle and a* he ftred- »he Won with a they intend to do with tte extra five ■censed of parttelily in fhe assesdment
were present they got an idea of how narrowtog rirclea.
snarl withdrew It* hea.1. Tontos a* per thousand now renueatod? la that of ftoaa. Thb paperheUeves in abso
lute justice to all parties and will right
tte snobs in the city class and regard devil* wtiq wanted to dlrturb the quickly sent a lariat, to tbe_^lff.
tqrepreaeot ..velvet? Farther
all wrongs whether il refer* to action
them xhen il comes to knowing things. grave of my ancestor have l«en up to where It caught Srmly about a project
that it bon develops that (his company
thb paper or not It would appear
Slrsnge that those who feed, the amue heap bad busing But Tomae ing rock.
used to pay its men the magnificent
•Did I get hlmr crle.1 Dick, lowep
.................................} t. —
woridahould be ridiculed by those who win find out He wfll watch where
sum of *2. per day and now were asked
i of^tte violators is
e iupney t
would starve without the knowledge the vulture allrtt*- ■“'* **•«" >**
to pay *3.50 whidi in itself b enough
bind tte a
required to raise crops, and the bardto
eye upon the dreUng denizen of the
We have repeatedly said
enedtoadsof toil possessed by speh sky he rapidly approached the «>ot edge of tbe cliff. PI’do' In hand, and men rather than to tte corpeuation.
with a knife botweeB hie teeth. Dick
thst speeding ahould be a jail offense
as Valleau. Dress him in a Prince rtiat tbe bird hovered over.
sprang to the r.q>e aud was up the Mr. King says that ’the men can get
Albert give' him Jt- shave aud a high
Fnrtherjiyet out on the «and*. Scar- side of ahe cliff to a llaah. thoee.below five dollars outside but they, tbecnrelve andthere is tm .iponlHuaqship «t' U'
of otKr arc
collar, put htovon a stage surrounded face looking backward ihrongh hi* standlDg with rifles ready should the
willing to lore a dollar and a half
irautoiiU want to sport' with 'tl with hot bouse flowers anrf the aud ffeld-glRisea. aaw the bIrJa, and an evil imn again api>ear.
^acji for the privilege «f staying here,
n lives well and good
t.:'ience would be of the elite and they grin spread over his featnna.
Snarling above the glrt-a body Ko.vl ^hat'sa-tairit werth whileand if evid
would fall over themselves to grasp
•rfske a look. -They have--rialtor*.“ the ltr.D as Dick gained the ledge. He enced by the C. otC. assn organization : otters should not be tte victim of ibcj:recklessness. Aster as Mr. Pardee;s
made one rt>rin* a, I*'**-«
his hands while^the news paptrs would heAsto' handlng^the glasses caught him to midair. This gave Dick would furtiub
concerued we can find no tavoritifiu
devote columns to a task of doi
time to unsheath hit knife. A Wo’r existence.”
"Great God I The vnltorea."
tod Mr. Hanslovsky aays that he
justice. But just because he
assessed the *20. flneasd is willtog
tarmer.look^ like one and acted like claimed Screweye. and he nod the oth from the anlmara paw robbed him of
IIS use. -but not before he had f^
one he isridieuled and made .the but ot ers shook their beads ominously, at
■Hiere'a milUousto gaa. No, that to eboelder the blame, if there it any.
though the thought of leaving thalr
does not mean the kind used by the but he-stayed within the lavr- A copy
rimpa anb plo headt who if they
McUms to be eaten alive was too bulleti ended Iti eareertricky
Mr. Pardee’s records ihosv ag
haU the knowledge poak^ed by this mocb to stomach.
Dl.-k ten terty picked np hlf wife.
horny handed son of toll, would swel "•Deep dyed vHlatn* though Screweye mcnHfuIlT im-"'nsclOB* but. not even mouthy community building k— follows:
and burst like a Stuffed toad subjKted
Apr.UFred Mfltcloulslde iAaDj*5.00
acratch-d by the Hons daws, and low
to interna! pressure. Iq..tde background looking nnt of tiie aide* of their eyes ered *er to earth. followItiF down the of A. V. Friedrich that in normal timet first offenre(returned young eoMier.)
May* Joe Obcrlto(local nunjtlS.Qp.
were motor fiends" who toqled^ttie at Scarface with Ulefavor. While tter lartaj She «as quicklv revived, and thatamountean be made of tte Jund
boras with demoniacal glee as they had no compunctlqnt at thought of ahU? coffee was betog prepay. you bum to your stove* in a thriving aeoond offense, waned previoas tu
their enemiea anffertog an onpleaaaot Tomas told of how *carfare bad town.' Now I do not believe that any tndarrest.
______do when bearidgi the ( •
death, the______
thought ..
of the .gtri banr robbed hb father’s grave of the sixth one wiU have tte audacMy to accuse
MayU'EdAmtsbuechler(near city)
thinkinf ot tba ill breeding that tu<^ i
course exposes. Is it any wonder the tog there to midair and food for vnl-1 piece of flag- and ulien he learned ol thb geotimntn of betog a knocker and *10.00 first offense.
farmer is turning to NogrPartisan Lea torea even while ahe lived made them Dick’s conbecHoo with tbe flag, hf yet It was he stated thaf^tonnmerable
May22 p. aow(outside man)*I5.0D
gue policies when those riho live off
empty bouses to Traveree’Clty had put firstofreose on two counts county and i
him and with bis permission can- h—
the gas companyin danger of bankrupt city. ,
nothing bnt ridicule and contempt
, But if there would be milliohs Ir
May 24 Edgar Copelandiontsidemairi
the , raiment be wegrs even though
thriving town there— ou^t tc fiaoe first offense. .
under it lies the knowledge aqnired
in it ill Trav.
May26N.T.Sorehsoa(Ctdillac man
Irtwi yearn of study. From a hiftor:
etty dpring normal timet and »I Just liaOO first offense.
ical. educational and health atandpotot
wonder why the corporatiou don’t dig
He'says that tte newspaper stotiestbe JeeWre is better than most e.ven
-down into past dividends to tide them are abeototely
without fbunf
dta high priced Lyoenm couraei. No.,
over the present abnonnal times to that t^re was no dtocrimlnatioi
he whs not a Socialist. Just a mao
stead of asking tbe pubHc to bo tbe that no city caSea were bought
Shat baa aeperaled the wheat from
digging. I’ll bet it's juat becanae they
the tares and realizea that be
dfato’t think about it and now that t
isomethiitgto soeietyand is spending
eall ttelr attenttou to it these stock THE TALK OF THE TOWN
bis own money to do good for tte
holders surely wont be ontdone by the boor quality and pried* oo
and be wUI succeed tbe doofceya
men wboere willtog to lose a dollar second hand furniture and
abb a half a day jost to breath tbe air
I to tbe contrary
aboea. Alaorepdring ahoes.
of Traverae
whallheygotand not-as stated^nore.
The otter employes also received m
tterease although they did not strike
for it Industrial unrest is being felt
even in Traverse City and the pillows
of low wage advocates are probablyharder than utual these beautiful sum.
•mar nights. Those who believe in put
tingthingsin theirowo pockets ratter
than in the pockets of those who. do
♦he work might Hooveriie to make
ends meet by-say ualng a last year s
model Umonsine and bornteg a. Utile
Is to give the
people of Tra
verse City and
' vicinity the
The Best, ih
• M Prices Th»t Are
Of Benefit •
Cottage Cheese
Fresh Daily
Harry L. Caulkett
814 S. Union St..
CilT.. Phone 66
“I read ahigUy educatioual and enUghtentog article ou the front page of
a local paper tbeottcr day to tbe efRct
ttatamotorihduatry waaa thing that
towns. If the write? would tel)
ut aomdtttiv we didn’t know wewonld
be truly thanirful to him and it is more
than notable ttat 'ht didn’| mention
YOUR veal
and^ultry now
Get tbe preset high prices
Caulkett a 314 S. Cuioaat., ^txphanefi8ot29l.
a WniM.a.v
kills tbe beat goose even that lay a tte
goldenegga. Wflat we want are ’
facts andnet foreignjeMnktiM.
AU work guaranteed.
4*5 A 416 South Vaioa Street
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