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The Morning Record, July 22, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
gBOI TWO S II ;h;^'
teabMM of Oon««f% Xm.
vartMBttblaMalBCthioafb Mlatobr Wa bam two widaty nm
aoMB, OM treat Bbaac at Sbaafbal
aad tba etbar Iroa tba atomy of
Toro up tbo Trook
lO^TiMMBUd to baUaaa tbataaatbar tfort wlU ’
MfhbftrtoaiUhtMM L«».
b -maiataa Oo.«ar.
ioon iWBMWi l^MBM 0( B«M
A affari It tba aatfrairtb el tba
VktohOlfwtiPni^Mt «f Mm
EaM«r aadPro- oflhaOoaoapdlayateh.
Kay Oeat Prtaaa Taaa Bit Bead.
Park. Jaty tl—Tba Ihi
■ teOhlM.
tboUlaatOUaaatlatparlaladlet. a^:
■fMUi ^ a«.iDt Bi«M.
»flboaidtiria|tn>aato ba aa lafa^oaa
aad aiaktar eoaudy otyaaUad by
icBtPl. Jb]7 n-V)U <^lMM
PriaetTaaa lodaealva. ba «riu pay
tto teuovl^r
mmi-. *‘A M«pM. iwtfltr th* It wlUblabaad.*'
Sbaai^at. laly tl-'l.t Bear Cbaay
mMfol tbt ConlfB aUliUw ud
I »t<:M arriaad bare tbla aoraiaf. PraTioaa
to bit arrival Iba ioraiiB aoMaJa bad a
tkO «(MrBSSB bom U*
H«lklaM fellowt: 'la tb* l«p^l atatUay aad apaad lo
adietUnad oathe MadofUa tisxb lotlaa wltb bla.
aooa. iaiy M. lo amal aad paaU tba
Plaaate BoUatof PakU
aruBlaals who mardarad tba Omaa
Ttoa Thla. Jaly is vto aa«-yii«4
Blalatar, it waa oMatmad that fens Jaly w-Wbat la to ba doaa to rallava
aatalf tba laeMaUoa aCroadad faj aa to PaklowlU badaddad toeurrewat a
tta oUar alatotm bad baaa allMUaa. taaaUaraf tba a
aad tbar wara aUaatoae Jalyii?^
ParU. daly<l-Toar c
rad %
tbaarltmu aaeratar/ at
Ta Kaac. tba (ftlaaaa aialalar, tadaj.
ngardl^ aartaia daaaada aada hy 71ffo»tu TrMtmbiit to Obo
■^liMtia woald ba i
* Tb^
y mM ba bad no Idoaht that
1>7B«1B1U Ooaood Vroek OBd
ofOowlo's roUowon.
Z«eal Ovaraaar cd “CBdatiaa OatbeUa'
Park. Jaly Si~Prlaaa
Baary o«
Ortoaaahaaappliadtetbafbaaab yeroTBMtforloantoamola Cblaa la
Bob brbe aoaabardod H Wltb Beatoa aayeaeaelty. aadbk appUeattoa
probably be yraatad.
lk»« >MbaioM» U tbo Oar BcpUodwltb Smnl Sbou aad One BlyOatbiarUa
bale of rlothiay wiU peaUivoly aad
batorday. Ja? Uib.*8M biy IT
Tbe Beatoa Btora
aatraton Uakaewa.
8t. l«ala. Jaly tl-^t 11 o'eloeb,to>
mi^t two Ibaoalt can wva blows ap
arltb dyaamlta by aahaowa partiae.
wTodhadiad tba track
tora ap. bat ao paweayata ware hart.
A CbMtaaa araaaa ear waa rotUaSlioes are the very beat ready
eyyad ^ a erowd of aaaa wbUa riialin
to wear oboes for woman that
IwlayaveBaaaadabeta waroArod at
money can eecnre.
I from tba ear. Mra.
AbaUKellmter was hit la tba left
They arc made of the
tbiyb by a ballot aadaarloaaly laja
▼ary boat and moat oaraAiUy
at WIiolesaiR
The City Book store
Our entire line offered at Cost
to Close. We have a line assortmoat. Now Is the time to buy
them cheap.
They are made .by the
moat skilled woilman.
etya to Look tato tba Labor
Doflvar. Jklf *i — Tba oxaeatlTa
of tbo Aaartoaa
of Labor adjoamod fiaally today.
aadVioa Praaldaot
OTkaBall wUlyetbBt. Lmk towa
a tka atrlkt Amo. Next
Wedaaaday thoy wlU mat-otbar
efUaewaatlUaa ia Ckka^ aad
taka ap tka baUdlsy trades loekbat.
Cbar^'-Otrippodef BkOlolbiac aad
byBaadaytba aataraaea U reqalnd;
that to. aa»Wla paataettoa aad aaUra
Daabad wltb «ar->dUa«ad to Sava;
Ifbar^ el anaiiai^Uoa wltb U.
Baaa BaaposObU ter DaatbaelVwe
PlabaB. tbaPraaabai*brt«at Ptkla.
Ibaaavaaarroaiibaaspaatada rayly
Oblldm to When Ki AlatlaMarad
WMliaaMOaB U. Piabaa blaaalf
prsyata Zaataad oC Kadlaal AM.
Haadadtbafthabadaa daabt aa to
w The Monlw baeeia
tba cw»iiMi o< Iba iHayatib ra_ 0.. Jsly tl—Oyraa B
-aalfad by Iba Uallad I
1 to bars bacB PoeUar, leetl eratsaar of tba -Obriat- Pilot Boat Baalk Bliaek by a Lai
laa Oatbalk abareb.*’tba aawa of tba
tbaa of tba Doap Vaar tba
of wbkb Jobs A. Dawk.
loadoa. Jaly t$-Tba Aaoday i
of Cbkayok the htad. waa stripped of
letbs Merslsf BMSrt.
MBklar^ard to tba Ktaattoa la bkekUlaybylafortotod eUlsaaa to
Baa Praaekea. July tl-Tbe pUoi
CUaa. Tbaadilariak taitba Baadap day bad bu body daabad arltb tar.
Tba polka tbaa rtaaaad fooUtr aad beat Boelta was atraki by a larya
papanaradavotaOMtly to ai^
afkr adaaparak atrsyik with tba wbak last al^t eC tba Pataloaa UaKKr tba aaaaaaUy
^ 'Kiel
mob aaeaaadad U plaalay Ub Is tba laada, aad so oodly damyod that aba
Mda aad tafaCbB to attadi arada
aa Ualtad Btataa Mlaktar Oiayw^ Kty ptlaoa. wbara ba ivm ytras aradl-' aaak U ftra bean. Tba boat waa
eal attaatlea. Ba waa aat aarkaaly lay tba swalk wbaa tbora earn aoaab
aa tboa^ tbsy bad hit a rsaf. Tba
Toalybt Poekkf waa tatoa U a ear- ^lot raabad to tba olds aad oi
KWatar Ooafark] aaanya k aet a
gaaklaa aaawar to Saarotary of Stata rkyo to OmiUaa. wbara ba boardad a wbak tally M fast leay. It rams
trais. Tba aieb rasalaad areaad tba aitbbaybataaaad tor a awwastbad
tbaa dartad oft. Tbo orow were
jail till a lata hoar taaiyht, saUl
MB ea tbd>taaarity rtf LI Baay alaeaa that Poekkr bad ampad tbaa.
roAkrkaaldtebara baaa mpoa
r Mara tbaa aaa of Aba Baaday
stbkfbrtbadastbaof twoabildras la
kaaygaatad that U Baay O
Aka baU aa beataya.
bad"pmyir'amti aa. wbmaa Ibafa- TwotbroMti la ]|orth Bakola KOM
Fourth Y« -No. 1002
Oeapara Will Oe to «t leak aad Ckl-
Bat Tbk
Aa Fraoeb P
Ooaets Bk AttMtloalb
. .
nim M. dBitt dde
tyaMbataaeadlatlar telaate
Urti mlybt baas baa laandbynadkal
plataa that tba data of tba adlat k Jaly
ivTaKaac, tba OUaaaa
PaMrat BaaaiMaakk bad
Piaaea, dadam ha baa aarrabaratlra
Barrow Babai
advIaM ap to Jaly tL
BklU dkpatabaa aiy that tba Oar- apMki w the karain btowd
Llvorpeel. Jalytt-Tbalak at Mss
paokat LUy, wUb MO
telB«alnef tba
beard waat aaboro daitay a toy tbk
lanyard to tba I
tleaa aad tba laiMama, wblab ba k ' raoea at North Doa^ Oraat
■Uayad to bar# diat rapertad. Tba aaeitOMBt provaUad aad may wo
Oarma aoaaal wiraa that tba yevar- * - kd. Tba naiiiriyrn warolai
aerkowdaalwiatbat ba yaraoatao aalsly by Ufa boats.
aaab aawa wbatarar rayardlay
atamlV of tba layatkaa or a Mat
Baalayat Waat PoUt Has Ik Xlkadraatayaa tor Ua Baaara. ^
aftvaeaaiaaaivadtba laUowlac talayiaa treat Adadral Banaear: "Itoa Mesial le lbs Mocalaa Bseoa.
TByaadlla aalfhberbeod bara baas
W«t Prdat. N. T.. Jaly tl-Tba
troabla yrowlay oat of tba pi ' '
Waablsytoa. Jolyti—^ sarydapartarastbaa roaalrad tba fatlowisf
nl Baaay. datad
A by tka eoBwaaalTbka yaatarday:
daab Tbe eadak wars deprlrod of
"TiasTala k qalsb Tba lataat lapart, troa Ranlaa aeareaa. aajt that for baUaa bear aad
oa Jaly 11 the layattoop at Pakla wars eoaSsodtethaUiBitiof the eaap for
atm beldtsy oou Tba raUabUity at aa iadaftaito period.
tbk latoraaUoB to aaeartala. Majw
Btyaa, Oapt^ Koraa aad BeekkUlar
sad Pirat Ltaotaaaak Lawtoa asd
l bj Bat•ahoafM, tba WMadad Nlatb lafastry •atSeraralft
odtba aailaa eeqa.. akk ara aew ■awial w The ksralac lassta.
aboard tba Belaea. I azpoet aboal M
Etkbart, laA. Jaly tl-BIx paraeae
waaadad aaa aad wlU tbaa aaad all to wbebadpartakaaef diaaar today at
tba raaldsBaa of Jabs Taykr. were atfkar tbeaaa
taakad with rMaat aaaoaa attar aatwOt ba aaat to Oblaa at oaea Tba IMT paddle, aad'darakpad UIbms
----- ■— wOl aet U oeajaaotlea arttb aaaaadbyaUkbotoaeow wbkb had
tbar^alar koopa. aad will aU m- baaablttaabyaattkaaahp. Thajiartartally to AMataala aeotrtbatka to
ataetad wOl raeoTar.
' tbadaaWna tp oaad bo largo a teroa MBMOBIAL BBBTZOM POSPOBBD
efkarlaaato Oblaa wnraaebadat a
Oawal B^weei aad OoL r. L. Daaay.
• ■■Ill I 1 aad ehlaf qaartnaotar
•terki otPAbiaWaaMara.
Tba mrtaaa wOl ba iwKlii
tbarkttaaoCtba PaMa
ratbod to OblM aa Iwtaa paaKWa, vbkbwaraloban bOM htod isBt.
aavaial saw mrlaa atatkaa bartay Pbskto^.baaa boM peatpeaad. m
aaad,aaaadiAM tolaCbka-
Baoh Otbar la a pMrfal Stn«BM
baeekl W The Kefsiac assort.
Bt. PaaL Mka.. Jaly ft
aawa has raaebad bora of s torilbk
daol wltbp
oooaty, jaat ew tba -Uaa
k Bertb Dakota, batwaoe two B»
whkb raoaltad la tbo
doath of both MS. Tbora wars ao
ays rrttaaaoas, aad tba bodka of the
aeoM tkaa Utar by
Ureayb a haySald.
trayady ooaarrad.
Brldeaeaa were faaod that tba atrayyls
woB tba aaaa had baaa or the
frartol aataro.
eascuiiethoaortiat assort.
■atioaax. ixasca.
Beatoa........... ......................
BkboU aad BoUlraa: Orlfitb aad
Leading tUioe Hoi
Watch this ipaoe erary mom^aa
aa it will have
hare iaomathing to intaraat
yoar potaa.
Long Distance
Cilintt, Sirit Sn. ■arie,
Mackirac Islaad, etc.
Good Seivice.
Prices Cilt od TaD Goods
352 piirs men's aid lidits' Tin Shus iid Oifords, Raw
Tons, Row insls, wiy stylish-IO nw«nt- oil.
384 pnirs mnn’s and ladins' Tan Slioas and OifordsSenial stylns-25 |wf cam. ofl.
189 pairs moa's wamaa's, aad missas' slioas~|.2 off.
132 pure women’a lace and
button aboee n
. . 75c nair
Pojiular Hioiite Rotas.
OcAaaaaad 1
& CO-
Many Big Bargains
Haw Store—MB Front Straat.
to Pay 10c
The Tiaadlng Shoe
Bonaa of
For Pig Taila. bnt uoa
I bbra triad
MrTaaaa aad Bpks; Patkraea aad
aardaaraatBaydga: OearaadOee-
MOkr aad MaAUktv; Parkw aad
....... » •
last od Oa Xd^M Tnaad off far Bood
Xaat Kl^
At U aTMdbk laat sa^ aU tbs Oaiap-
Baoky MaaMilaTM.
sotkoa have baea mda with tbe
lam Bhar Bustria Xdyba A
Pig Tail
I hoTa eema to Ithe ^oondtloM
kn that 5c trill buy 4 fitiiclaaa, deliriona amc^. Trj
one and yon will nerar pay
lOe for a PSg lUl again.
The Price, $3.50.
■oMWlmdlaB' CAney
lattmi tha M riklot
i fwha heaa aorfalad la
tlyaar. at ptaraktaaaa.
ThalaOewi^lanMrmamhm 1
tam eadar tha Bowma at Ookwood:
M» Manae Balm. Br.. Mra■iMaU.Mfa.BitaayMBe.Mra.Wm.
efBOt.Mrw.J4K. Btaa. Mre. UbWa
Gnm. Mie. Jaha
■aUv. Iftt. Jaha A. Miy. Km. Maiaalm Wlaala. Mrs. Jaaa AhfiBoa, Mre.
B. a Aabtaa. Mie.|B. B. KaaelaBd.
Him Gartrede Wlaala. Mie. T. W.
Bfowa. Mra.IMrylBaaaah.Mfa. Mm
Baaataia.MlaaMafyyHadfM. .
JedtoJ-Kho Attiilii
eadtha IM
areiaMB o ta wla. aiM the
tiaa. Sea Sew.aaat Bla Lai wtth tha Biee that hat an
wBl make hath
BryaaVertyfaad Meads lha Smtp
The twe taaam w U pareAa oa tha
hythaBeye’ Bead, aad aayoaa that
wen played
a ahoald aot mha tha <
aalMUthathaatraeraato maha
aere that tkare wemU ha laMaliat
-jadah Twlrlam bare akallai,„
afertha datmaiea.aad
tha wtaaiaB team, aa that'there h
. hawaaar, waa aot preapaat lor more leiltflat 1
irntdodte J. O.
fir maneoafottable to QM.an oil itoTe tbaa a wood etore
I eew Maim aa a faU
"PeUW*.- qaoted oar of tbr party.*
^la hot wettber. I hare a (oil line, from t •mall 9 boner
Aadfadmemharof tha paiW «t Bryaa. mtkre atranfr hadfrOowa.*
^p etm Qp to A aic« large 3 boner .:A&d ovoo. Blue Rame
“Wrll. I sboeld Mr w,.- brake in
hoalaff lahaa aU lha darfeaa'«motlsla
Heal. Tfae^ are pernetly aa(e~-Bot aa aaelt daBfter to
Urn to tha prirUkgea. casalamaatA ala. ^ atrentrr. “if yen ^ t bHlrre It.
operate aa a lamp.
• “
ty doriii* tha
ItlaqelM probaUa that the fataa eom^tloo ere hare arranerd la
war^taadrarteaUy Ifeorod. alaa aaWbck of Iwadlaf ea Ooert Beaaa
*Who la her tbry aakrd aftrr the
other dalarsta woaid ha«e baae ar- atrenarr
Will Baria Booa.
had trfi.
The PraettoAl Boom FurstohAr
d aomebow or otter, bet theea
“A Kanus Oty boM krrprr,* nnmmaaa tha work ot betldlav tha
tt brersd the daofera that taper- Bermd the only man who knew him.
atwalkiaroaoitha ooart keau
aataiad. tha aoomlttaa oo bolHtha aambnr thlrtaaa mod proesidad
ii^ aad CTOuda »m ha^ tha »atk
oflamatatiht ffto»«a..TUa warh aalmly (o tha beatoare of tha asaaOa«TbaaearanUeo wu eaUrd to order
wtUbadocahMkadar. ndar the d:etto'eleek aad W. H- Umlor idiaaaa
neUM ettha
I lihTe bad my boUdiim
A. V. Prladrloh wm
It It lha With at Maaihan Walkar
reboiU aad pot io
Danow. that Baparrlaer JohB Kj- oaleeted aaeretary. Toe followimr dcl•bape and am bow i^y
^ataa were eeleetrd to the stale, cooahoald taka thaj Baavrltiaa.
to receire all old patron*.
freahont’. aeoatorUl and rcpceunUOwlhf to vat praM at aaraciaal b«a!tens Couth. Aathma.
Mr. KyMlka hat not jat daeidaa Ure eonrenUoac:
tie eoerrntlon-Jndra J. Q Ramsartathar ha eaa attaad to thto work.
d«n, Mtyer «. V. Frtadrieh. D. fi,
Tha ea^aat walka aroasd the baUdMiMnUcn. B A Pirntt. Z. B. Braat. ' I \
li«hrabaUitbaiU by B. Swatt. who
Conamslooal eonvraUoe —B. L.' |
See nmplM in window.
haapatlaab atar walka aboat tha
Pp'srnr. W. 8. U^, D. C. Bntehlar, > j
eltr. The walki Uadln^i ap ta tha
B. McNamara, B. C BelUr.
j |
Bcoatorial aonraetioe—Peter Wenbery, Jehn Wlibalm, Certle Fewiar, I i
John PsttbsBBrn. JcaipbSledcr.
\ \
Rrprrtr^itftlre eonrantlcn — M. W.N
J. W. Ballaek of TompaooriUr. baa Underwood, A. WilUkcr, W. W. Wasarehaaad the 6epymUh lOonrler from der. A. K Fairbanks, B. B. Carllile.
Lea B. Palmer, tot Bra years Its editor John W. Brown. B. 8. fihrpkerd, W. B.
aad pehliahar.
The •paper will be Frsnkltc. C. A. Bcfber. Chat- A. Bdy- ,
I. 1,. A. BnUdliw.
printed at Toa|wonrUe. bet tasnad
from the Oopemlab posioaot as hare
A elarer ropne worked off aome ebaap Caned .Oat the Fire Oepartmcet ThU
bnsa watehei lor void ea aema easy
I yesterday. Be daloMd to be la
Tha aatlre Are drpartmwt wea hnshard leek, aad wanted to raise aoma
tied ont of bed tbit mornloy at t
y. leralaadit.
o'deek by tba rlny of tta telephone.
The Ace <
i yuterday it- ChtofRinnle went ta 810 Sontb D>U,eal*ed »00 tsatofaaw
I m street at the call of a lady who
Tba refular auatlajr ot the (Berks uid that a eras/ wosmn had been tUOnloa wUl oeeor at the C. A P. fc baU Uay w the porch almoavall Blykt.
lomoirow «r?elt|, Allmmabom are
Bennip fonod a dronkea s^ntw with
Bffed to bs preeaaL
paporee. The iRtaw said. -My man
C. K. Parker aad tarn ly. B. D. Oamp- coea i raehabaiown with one mote
heU aad wife, aad W. J. Bobbtand
family hare BOoa to tbr Oeloaary Clnb
bonae'at Ch^ Late, to apesd'a tow j f »^WJ
'•»" *»“ ’
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
k« .....
•■•‘“TS-,. "•“rSKS-
Ski AaUKMH to tka OuMratia
jHMaMl aaanBtioB -ji Cauai OU7
•tftfkad a plMfera with a
Imm. alaoa<(W aUvar Udo^iat:
•■iaattka aasaalra whaila ia maIte. U waa hard aaeaifc 10 laipari u>
- «ha aorasaal aaaslaat Ispalai 10
•rtUrdVhlaily. bat It
^thaDtsMratt of Oread Trararaa
.Be«t to be had ie
the city ia at
■tk. Sasaa REMEIIV^
Thera ware thlrtaaa pratsht.
ThPprarM’blalaalask/thirtau. Tht
«(Wd Trarwaa Devwatt ahoald bare
pnitad by the raaalt of toar yaua
^P, aad hot paratttad a psatlbU
dhpaaaitrfatataplay acalait them.
Jfiii tktf forcot all aboat It, aad tailed
'toaadioU that there ware at laaat
Mrlaaa prauat They aoaU bare
verriad aloar prauy wall with twal re.'
•■ttfcaraieaobetp tor It bow. aad
arhaa Bryan la dataatad, tofathar wHh
tta other eaadidatea on tha dektl, lha
DeaoeratUat^BBCBBaBtwUl hare aa
mmm to ahtft tha blame to tbr
afeOBldaraatthaOraad TratWBO DiktU-ALTeushaa aaooaaead bU ItMhUao of ratiiW from poUtloa altar
lha Kaaaaa ttty oonraatlaa. Be w>l:
mot wait lor the Berambar rjaetmaat
Meo'slpek aad tha iteond at three
The laelpelblce -.11
wUI _____
play a______
fa mi__of
ball today at Ospemlsn. araios*
tbs teem of that nlaee. Bhrsobtryer
wUl bs io tba box.
B lod-.aand hla am.
am, of (Ri'caBO.
- Dr. Biod-.aand
cast51 oeer 10 poeada of bats and plkr
hu mal^y Tas yellow jtuedies. Be
••as treated by the best doctors, but
wiU>oa^^e6u_ Theahs wasWlsM
to try B:cct1c Hitters, tbe wonderfcl
atomseb and Herr Temsdy, and be
writes: "After tsklny two bottles 1
wu woolly rueod.*’ A trial prw*e> iv
snateblesa mrcit for all stomach, lircr
.end k.docr troabies. Only tocta Solo
! by A E. Wall end Ju. O. Jehasen.
Tbs bleyele 0' Joe Eauky wss sioieo XtSW DlSCOVSry fOT BiOOdlt(t ntrtat from tb« psesayeway be
tween Sainbare's Grand and Bnence A
Bixbnry's drey store.
'y-SVfX IMICS. i&e Orest Canea I d sesses of ’be »Vir
Contact aod Secoanacy
ih gwuk^litftsniiattlSs.
' BeparlataodMtt ot ' tha rarloee
laeeihai of tha ehmteb ware chaaen
- Mr^icalUtlo and PaatoralW.
■ema MUaloa-Battia ikaakUe.
Ohftouln Bodaaror—Rom KaUer
73s-**.«. kimatt Co.
•aaday P<Aool-Uoyd O. But.
Tha aloilof laarlnn of Ua day wa* •
halpdel forelpa miaaloa eoaferaaee.
PlMailiil hr »IM Blala Siaolay of
Mapla oity.
praaMaat of tha
WoNBh‘1 rorahte MMoo heard of tba
piOriy maatlaf. ▲ aoT eaJoyebU
■Mlal aad lHaraty pteprem was
aftm, had a aBbataatial otarl^ takaa
•w «»ledlBB tamiaa nkarerr.
TkaMeBaMhf tk^eartarly i
l^wBl atOM wtth'kha aarrioa th%
Good Line of Jofolry
Fire Insurance.
tola troa that Praaldwt He&t&lay
A boy by tba name of Tbomaa bad
Eer.6 SalaWyrcUtssd ycatarday
IHB BOtmUlUadthe rato power la an the rad takaa off of two of bis fiarrrs from pomoea.-where he waettorielt
todlaarlmlBaU maBBar. Baeaaeiraar- oa a stamper at tba beskat fulory yet- bla wlfr, who li U1 Mrs. SsUbery U
lalaBlaa arerarOarelaad apaalalty. teiday. Tba mseblne wu folly pro- n eeh better, at d will retarn to tbli
1 city Wednesday.
Sheriff Blmptoh wosld like seme one!
> relsra a
•aed Sapart of Work of Frlaadt the
' I fr^B7s\if i. A."H’iiariy cf Leslnyioii.
fhatTaar-SapartotaadwU of
Tba Onlnaebla will take ont the Arst;«!,. •ben tb*y law ne was lorclnf
ThabiialBma aamIno ot tha rrlaadt
qeartarly maatlor elotad yaeteMey
of^fBOOB. The beitneae of the
oaad to lodlaaa Taarly Maeila/ a
Blahmond. In Saptamber. Vary ••tl>toelBry raporta ware rtrao ot tha
aotloaa braaohat of ahareh woric.
Taatardayb eaealoa opaoad with a
daaettooal BMtthc. Bar. J. O. B.etoid p'eadhed a powerfal aarm:>a. ai<i
trotfollowed with aesa rarr hrlp'u
arorde froa B r. paaela Blott uf
Maple Ci-.y.
Toe toUowlac dalecataa aad altrr•ataa ware aalaeiad to auaod tar
pearly mactioc:
DeUcataa-BareU/'Joaaa, Betel:.
EJaworth Oarfea atd
Imaaoa Tbomaa
. Altaroatae — Jobs Adama. loa.ak
yjBMta. Loratu Staolay aed Aaao '■.
amaa kaptdsr^cb.
A Gboe for $3.50
Selling Wbeels
It’s as ontnral for cheap ehoaa
to seek the barKaio coootcr aa it
ii for water to run dowo bill.
.Did you ever sec aboea with
baod sewed wells oir the bargain
Of oor bapd t^e aboea (aod
tbat'a the Gray Bros. Famoos
Woman’s Shoe) we are ciapecially
proad—They eell at (3.50 aod are
a dressy eboe for particolar wo
men. They are made on a “inao.
Dish” last aod made in vici kid.
boxed and Teloor calf.
la part of onr bnaineaa. We
talk wheeta beoanae we know onr
We aay tu tboae who hafan't
boogbt and who are looking for a
wheel—we can please yon. '
We carry different grades to
suit all eoatomera.
’ We are now selling while they
lakt—the regnlar (40 flabibler for
$:». N’lt brtCBuae iui defective,
but we'd rather sacrifice tbe price
than carry it overi
Same with tba Ladiea’—(40
Hi!)bsnl now C43. Tbe la-.OO
Ajax now $2.3.
Goodoess-for $3.50
That'»{what yoAcet when you
buy NcIbod'b **CaBtom Fit”
Tbeae ve probtabe aboea to
boy, fur they wear well, look weH
and fit well.
. Tbe three popular toes are
the Stanford, tbe L^-il and tbe
Poritnn. ’
They are tbe equal of any
aboe that ia made.
A coatomer who baa won a
pair over a jeat aaya “they are
tbe.easieatahoc I ever bad 00—
don’t tire my feet one bit"
S6 aay they all.
Toilet Necessaries.
W'e carry a aplemlid line of
toil t goodiFn aoapa we iw-ciii at Savon
Lilas Blanc at -V: tbe Jap Uoaa
tic. Violette de Parma lUc, I^ar'a
Scented Sic.
kinds of aoapa.
■II (erfamea we have all tbe
popular odors at 40 and 50c tbe
Florida and Laveodar Water
at S-'k tbe bottle.
A lar.:e aaaottment of tooth
brnsbea frcKn 10c up.
' Etbyoul Tooth Paste aellsFat
25c, Bnbifoam 2k. Zonweim 25c.
Shrek te psy fer the Kiaialt fUM
m chit sanntctltn, weeU asy
that yee base
Skat u a^
as Mttakt'» berclB
• nuzly
sscicnta chnt •• hate
■asim kwa it*ia*tht
- teaebta tc tt.^het^u W.
trat^ano « is struialy
a eety 'uadsaBs
hasdsewt ftass ef.fsrait
uu am
MaasMbF aU wk_________
MemwemmeleMr- Betennh
N. E. STRONG. Manager
The HaDDah & Lay lercaoGle Co.
[ pOfiMtfiMP NKW*
Mte teua BaliaMa «f tete,
t*r8*Uooa tejr pwteday «a atMte
tea laaaten wautala bate ad teat
BpwattelAagaeWni Dtoea« teaaU
OhiamA to AbmIm Bvpport
Adaaptatba ttady of teo ChtoaM
WDBaai B. Xa* Dactoras tbs latoai adwodarteaaatWtof tea towarth
i i( Ua teria Caatnl Late tea fn\a( tea
BHisB tnU h* ahargad.
CHuMChtoararaatha Mast Bw
I 4rbe». •aak tor »y*a, Utw te aaj fo
to tariiad to Jsto. TW
aeate ea a pwapwtw trip ate if
•atad ^
at a
haroas Bvaat ef tea BOte Owtary— riatowma
tet»n ar* to M* Ukiac te aap ll
r Friday. Jaly R.
Utf* pf’waaaatly.
I to Bo. m.
M.U rnamm, tW »fUkU ktar* •< Bar W. T. Wate*.*aa|ate tete^ Aaeriaah CUafihaa of BitcaMoa
^wrOriK’wfin^ u tktwmikm «■
gieaa to Mtoa Data
mate** • cuMtet Cterlaa CtetoUaaaaa af ItaaMi
Batoa B. Taraw Am laaafvad^ flaidaar of tea Ittoitary
togtoUar aa teafhtoaaa >ab)*atfor tea fat mtMat. “lb*
•aa at tea Whltiac yraiarday. . Oa^ WaUMi Mfta. «« ■iliaa Will Jaahaaa of Wayftald. la te tl da*B*toa.fraBWnUaBS. lwe.aaada- Oeagrapfcy of Chiao* with apitol
«fte Ml ymn, ate feta ««« wUt, tew •Upto qalia waU rohraiLi to tea pratoat ttaahl* with
■Mte MViaMM, wtera Itey «fU Oaetf* WiUoafhapte
kaowa kara. havtor U**d ban last
yaar wlte ktoasphaw. wall* Las. tea
a>aa la tte any pa
Of Fiaat strsat.
la date al Otate
Ciaada Palwr of tea ponoteaa la
Tba writ* to aa Aaartaaa sitiaaB hat
apateiar Ut rieatlaa wlte Ua paraato
haateavatodaotaaaalyorar tea world. WaaltoPlay VlaMn of Thaarrow^
tei, M wtofc te ted
mtatal tar at Boult C:iy.
•HMttea.te*tvataiW «Mk amU
Bros aad Walr OadoUrU ara rWUat abdbaaaMsBhasaisetoaa awBalaitoa
a. Fartwejaara
«HaUtktatefiteaal^ laaniait tte nlatlws ie tea-cUy. Tteyaiaaaaaof
. a Md*.
hswaa tawalary of - tea ChlataeggaDr. Gaootlau of Blk gayid*.
Jaly n, IPM.
ttoafa Waahlactdaaadto tearaagUy
Mias Bards Alta dtaiate^ tea
A awraC awatipaa tel teaa ivpertad
Beads * Twirlsta hrraby chaUwes
«a tea alala teard a( teaflk {fua Waad uraad from a *«lt with rateUtaa at faBQlar with ecailUopt to Chtoa. Tba
tea wtoam ofli aaday'e hw* t aU gaaa
Tba Tlatte
TO C. O. Tvraar. Travataa Cfty, Mtoh. hatwsBB'th* Xcdependaau aad larirc'teahtetetwteaterad aa As Bahia
blss, to a gaao for gta a eldr. at eoao
I. WlUtoB 8. Ua. alteoagh of Chlaaa who aaau dowB with tea dlaaaaa A MODXrPLBABAVr VBODiao.
aaa paraatagr. bora 1a tea Dettad Ua* to be aetaally agreed apoo.
•I ttedayafiarteattoTteCBans'* 1 wniu
[testtoacerwratoftte tCarrlac* of Klaa Stelte of ABortoa, rials to bo aa
f W. L. Otlaa, a proaparcM taarehait
ABariaaa. I have basn baok to ay
Mabel Aarterap to H. C. Astsll.
ate prepristor of tte plaatte alll at
aotbar sooBtry aavaral tiaua 1 have WWt IMIW Mt Wt Mt MI Wt to( WMM «
Ortoerllla has a board whiah waatoraa
larltotlOtt* haea teas rMslrad to tte
looked for thto praaaat eelrago for ihit J THE BTAQE
aaaatly MTsa ftet la Idorte aod whao waddlap of M a* Mabal Borterap. aad
ttreo years past.
' tetostaodlarlt drafa os tea Saar. Kaaly B Aawri. »bleb «U1 taka plaaa
Thaec-eaUad BassTaaraanitaaraat
Oahaot*aalradtend*»aa-offert froiallatea
U st'a- eour > at Ht
daw of Chtoeeo. which awUy dwell
itaitaa laaaaran batrsfCMa to peaa Plao>aot on W< dbMdey. dapait lat,
aroaod tee eapltal provlaeat, asSbaa
-A Wm* Wo*u». ' the daUeloaUy
aaafraak. altboairb he takaa rraat dt It eVoea. A rroopiioo wUlte teU
Taag. Shea Si aad Ctol LI. aad they fnnay fe-etol conady. by Wafrel
prldala hlt.hlrtata appeadaya M* tesadia’ely attar the eo'anoay at tea
TartotsaadMoagollan*. Citrke. wb'Ch appsertat Btatobenr'e
Dallas thiaki te poasasoaa tea leavast' teae < f B tr '..od dr< o. < S >nbrop.
sot by the Chlsaata proper. Three
haard >a tte world. Mt rnrptUtfO mb '!
•» Boaera are drtvea Into anxiety by teclr OrudoaFrldeyev-alog. Aagaii l, to
theeaseplay whieh was ae uiba’Paal Krarar.
: hoae eftrr Aorntt 19 n at VIeteterg,
ganormU and tea anU forelga faeltog to tesUeally Bealred bare abaat a year
L.P.Boatt1>fPr*doeiabtd a^aa-:^^’ * “OtV «*«* Mand. o' M W: forted Into teea, by tbrratttto faet.
ago. It aflil be prsMBlad thto sea»»
thadowagar eBpreaehaa her hand to
totheasmeeieborsw'BsasB a* lest
aappMid to te aiad. Tte ahaop 4,.'««<»'’. '
‘»d V*‘
They want tec old feabloo vale, yaar. ud the eat', w.il bs an exeepvteopad algaa of hydrophebisand Baal-1
abaolato aeaarehy. Look for toeiaaor lloaaltretroagonr.
lydlod. 'Taoydidaoi haaitete to at* OISUKE of DUKES.
Chan Yan Boon. Bang Toa Wei and
teak him la tea pastaiaa. bat teisg A/U*aiaw wsm
oUier ewsrt oOelale degraded. It
Seveagala completed a aarasBfal
' wwb did B9 bana. Wbae tamte
H-n a
Bbowa teat tU Thrtar dynasty to prej- week's eagegeBeat to SwlBbarfs
a was they
laey wonld
wonio etew
eaaw at sllekt.
suea*. f J Wa nay uoie a
u> uh adleod egaln^tba Chtoaaaa Fropar. Urud bctxre a fair slaad aadtonaa.
■ Eog»*h f.-cliug a)x>Bt titlri of which
Thty did not waat tea ooaatry rrlora- Tbetloatogperfarmanee waa folly ap
we bare uercr recn a roasouable espla»r a* a bora* teat ‘'ertba.’*
ed and ebrtoUanlwd, to fear teat tee to tba prevlent ueellaat raUrtala-..........................................likes
Mta. B. J. Baltb of WaUad L.«ke. tea title of c
t Uw ableet Chtoaee pr^er woald regain the throne
V hae a baa teatneaaUy hUlad aatrsak- pom to poUtice have been dokee. bat The Cblseaa proper ar* ratrietad froa
Xtdevad Ble Lag.
te aaaki. ate teas praesadad to awa.'- tobeadilake welshu Instead of Ugblan' orruin high cfllece, aa awjer gaerals
low lb Bat before aaallown tbs tall tog a man to the great noe for power. aadadmlraU. The Tanai«and MoaP. 'A Deaforte of U Gruge. Ga-.
iffereo foreix moaiUi with e irigbtatm Head aad aollsd aroand tea haoh That* le a wMoIy diffneed tnstataaioo, gollaaa are ooapared with the aoUae
tea origto of whlob we caanat traea, to tee Koraan period of Baglaad.
•ask rspsatsdly aad attar It was la tea
Backictf't Arnica Salve wholly eared It
teat a dnke U eure to bo a little etaplA
arap.teebrMBtotte*h*awte agltat- teat a brilUant dake is. lo feet, an In- StoM tee opentog of tee Tartar dy- to 8ve days. For aleor*. wcnnds.plUi
tedaraloaf Uss by tea uiolrwiar poadbility. TtetiUuieapoeitlredraw- aaaty Ll Hug Chug to tee 6a)y Ohlae- It's the beat tsive lathe world. Cat
hack to tboDake .it DeroLiblro, aad a au proper who held tee efflea of vice
have been roy of Chtoa ud chief ooaseclor'to the
Jobs O'Oormav, forserly of Sagf- Dake of Derby wonld
tercae. eo hevetove the lew. Thera
■aw. hat how looatad at Boeklaad. Is dteciibed ae a “Rapert of debate.
The Dake of Argyll, who is an total ar* three McUoat-of Oktoeea at pres■afclarUgairtas aa to tea wharaom Front 8t-, _ XslapboM tM
laetaal athlete, woald here been tar
hsatsot Margt* Porbaa, whoa* naldea noro gompleU'ly rooagnlaed at Eerl of
. which I
■••a waa Ka«iri* VNeU. fomarly of Argyll, and we are not eare that tee
Boaklaad, bat sappoard to bars tleeo dukedom baa not Impeded one or two
teBartaewwlthla tba last tea year* promlring poIitlciaD* to the booao of artata end MoagoUaBS.
ThaBoma, who sash anU-toralgn
Tbora la a aiaa earn of otooey awaltlag lorda. Certainly a dake rarely rtae*
bar teroagb the death of Mary O'MeU thero onlew be hae becotne known to aectoty.
tee ooaony before teo tiUoonnbiri him.
The Befotatoto. Who wmot chrieUaaadBoteiaad.
It it that tho rank ovorpowert tee pop- ity, opu doer, aad u 1
At MoikcfOD three ehlUrca wer« nlat imagination Ull men oeaae to see
aalacky Tharsday. M>oala. tte fcer
BoteaChtoaBaaa pcopri’Oto teoae who
fateoUdaagbtorof F. Btaplaa. felt happen* to tee case of kings—or It it
dweU aoath of th^. Yellow rlra. As far
aad Woke hw left wrist. Mathew teat men can never forget tee qx<clal
ae the trcablM have artou yon don't
Bs^. fMr years old. tall and broke rank by axrytog It in tee rimpier and
Bore tomtliar title ef "lord?"
bear aub of tee eoate and dost bear
fcia aollar boaa aad Charlie dtcad. son
Ko poor eioept a (lake i« invariably ofltaanil-forclgnfeailag. Batittokard
iDl Maaacar Biaad of tte Staadard Msl' by the title which marioi bit totcUofUalBtara. Becaaea tee people
laaht* iroa Worki. fell lato a barrel
I have not an Idne of the trae and eitlMoa o( China are raled aadw
erplaitatioo. hat we kno*
‘aaihr^hle arw. '
That ia just what we
end M re controlled Into teaptoUoa
Tte tally 0'7 Tlneeatje • citlssa kal earl wboaoeepted adi
are doing for yoa
eaeler than reform
tote heavily to p
' Of teat plaee tee dtooorered a aare for
when joQ parebase
The aaiaecre cf tee fmigB a'ntotar
test even a maitiBU like Lord Britoihatobaecobab'.t. It I* ataiply hleek bnry, who woolil alter hit nek w lit to tee mat berbaroOe cveat laj the
yoifr Fboda of na
pepper oorat, ehewlnir whieh will da tle, wonld find that tee oorooct of present Mth ceatary. Boping tee war
pel?* ooe of te* daeiia for tubiMt. - etrawbmy Iuotm acted, to a oertato shnlleasee ud China pny her ladcautent, St an t-xilogatober. while if bto nity to tba fonIgB powan, tor the loaa
eon nmv mtcml tee boot* of oobbocw of so Buy lu. to the beet plu to
WUlBaine. eaehler of tee Beetoa ho woald have to nrnggle agatott eoae
- aboot a place to boy
follow, if . Chira traata to extol as a
•tort, ie toklag hi* waatloo pad la tocaplleeble wi ight. The fact it one of aatioc. It to oonearned to a riot act
. jroor groceriee
the very odde«t in the whole of tbu odd ,
elaWag at Wbiwbail
there ere Chlncae fighi
Bareay aad fawlly of trraad
Its reality wecuu'ttolu uodcuU what- Jag os the fotalgn aide trytog their otBapid*. oto rotou of B. U. Bxaakaa
'«^r. Tooay
"tbat i»adncali>piaian”-laoat to protect foraigneta. bat art
Mhe P.
- .
: I*
a that no one to I. vrrwht'.Bad by the anU-forrign force,
wfll arrive thto morning for a Tiril oar d»r*noedooo«-i*r.—London Spec-| yi,. chlnaM reeldcnia of te# United
SpM-1 yheChlacae rvtidcBiaof tlir United
Aad we will do the
wlte Mm. Cha^ Boaanteal.
Mtataa of Anwrtoa, are all aapportlag
real. Wr will make
A. W. Jtbraat Md family beta
[>rpMr‘« Ctilr^o aterr.
th^ Bcfomied party ud wut pMC* to
tarnad from a fuar day's trip nenad
yoiirdinaer ifttiafytor
• which he wtmU .... Then ho goM to ragotoat Sanday. Tbey all. swore to
ing both to yuar ap.
0 Wilhalm. who to apploytd aa Cbleaga Ucroiito:
pttite and to your
hear arms acalesl the Bosnn
a clvi'. eaglatar for the O. B A I to
"Thi:rt-wiu uiice a prominent iwm to
Bo*, moat of them fcer ifaai they may J
apasdtod Sasday ia tee city with bU Chios«<>. who, lib* all uta-m ont these,
___ be mxUrestM^ to
Onltod dutci
. noMau.
bad a vt-ij
v<-77 cxalK-tl
<.'xal(<-<l •opintuii cd hi*
in I>(kla. Tb«rr to
He died, anil win. ;: hi- tn-sohwrhtot-te^ rinjethia
B*v Howard hi .ora of MuWn. fersal homo bo loriiuil atost hiiu with wl-cra I get a point of ebrUtton Uw in
aierly paeiof of ih* Priaadt cha.-co in
mariraunwite and arid tn teo attend-' betweeo. As tea. a chr aUu nation we
$k«*Uy. u attending tba qaarterl,iwed the gate for him: ere non combaUatr. do no« »eB r. ta:
.^t oar grcKcry for
, ...rily.tb
Mtoa Olive Cook rtChtergo to rialtlov caga Eu
tbia wet^k.
Unlied Slalea of America that we hdic-
HutlBfl Utiimbaiieli.
Saying Money
BIw.rd Uacrivv of tee M AB F.
"Xtoo attendant «Tfd tbo Chicagoan
raUmad. wua a pariy of gaaau. «r,« • •wood, and tee.:
Thto la't
to toe city oa a apeetal train ud took
Atoatr at the Park Fiaeevyratarday.
Triklmt Mp'
Mrs FredBeaor aoi son Harry r>-' Marrit—1 think I’llapring into heihg
tWBid to terir boats U Uraad Bop-d. «boat now.
jwaerday. after a visit with Mrs h •
Jane—h'nmmcr gtrea to teat eort of
IM^h#r*o*,J.J.Hhler ,
F. B Motel ha* retotsad fra a baitncaatriptoCAdiitoe
: uytblhg higher tbu a'coantete, bol If
aavaral day* la tea cdty-
ah* may *u»* day be ^tow*'*
Va* UalCitariaT
Marrsloiaoeii of Mrs. Bau 3.
ha* wtated to-
a-„„i „f nnenniiHlii
* Marica s*aart, a Iradteg drag, gist ef Maaate, lad. Shaealy wrtobod
WOpoudawban bsrdaa^trrto York^ luwnaaldebeBWtaaMdte. Than aka
Mf'ICtBfsW. at.A
1 doo't
LalaUoB*gut.waaUth*etoF«abm- verte* ibr u*aal nil.- aad c
iiwi be u in poiitir*
Mr. aad Mr^ Briud Doaglaa have
- thMS£’H%>alNe caaea. ud to pot. a to Manealou lor a abgrt ririt.
A. W. loaad weal to OMdtoe yastar • -Mow ror
boUlBloeat&F. Wait aadJaa.
dbytoWdoatoaboawarhierteaatw' ~Vk,. br hritove* teal luurlou Ut” ?
d?^ *
, mg to co^oc-tec to hcrite.-*
^G. Joba**-* drag *
■n. Ooe. K. «*<
AaahSM «pr a ristt vrite bar
Ji- IT
Uest Fad"
Child’s Suit
la more popular
and practical than “brownie”'
overalle ever were—
■Well made of good material
and sell at 60c a salt.
Hamilton ClothiflgCo.
10,000 SEATS
Ulhl.r i,}jMlat«l7 Bmd anil ijan Froof Cuopin'
Tbe Only Beallstic Frontier Exhibitlop
in the World.
Special Sales
Milifaty Tournamsot—ladian Village—Meilun Hipinilrom.
iBpali] tnataCosaa BUtn
Bin Trlbti or Flittad Jiliui
Horses Tri»|ie et GeinlDi Bedodi inis People
Nani ol lialag Batfalo!
WO.U..S. to
' Blgia. III.
iig te* btet of ears, bat tear* to
ily a teanas ef bto gatttog wvlL
. At veiy low priom
to oloM out lot* irti*r* there
are onlr one or two
of a kind left.
Hare's a ohanoe
for motbera to aave a dollar
or two.
Saving on theaa s^nnta
to a dlaeouift of
from one-fourth to a third
of former price.
■»? rrce.ve your pr<.j
. Xoria Vewberry Billl Very Sick.
Lwia Nevbtrry. who wa* reported
*• very 111 to CaUforaU aaaa UB* ago.
li toatUllB*
bat alight heps* of bto 1
». ..
Two-PiiGt and
TbrnH^ete Saits
® * “•**• »•"
r Ilrlor.
Fuic, focolored J«p.n
Xarap, «Uh bar WoeCrfU r.auaf gbaotloi'.
The Mohav.: Cremaiioo RoaV Ranch Cowboys
Daring Lady Riders
Weadetfal Bolus Tbioweris
Mexican Yaqueros
Five Bands of Music
Bi; Toit Groctries
Grand Street Parade at 10 a. m. Daily!
^ One Ticket Admits to AU.
Ladies’ and ^hltdren Our Special Core;
Today’s dollar baja aa tnacb
»» next week's dollars —
perbspa twice u noeb.
Stopdons idTBOce iD ETerytMig Save Pricn
tea, per lb.. 4oc.
Beadle Block.
Tiicas Radi:(dJar nis Day iil Data Oily.
26 cents.
Half Xan EicifsiOK oi lU Riilraali to Triiarsi tltfj
al3L-.-'^', . i-M
'V'V-' '•■;r'.
•t6ok thi wnOHO mewc^ic.-
ItbMoii tait to _.
tbM » BM wbo to* bMB ordand br kdo
‘.£ru“r«r=^ ^
« to}mM«.
am WM
trbo bare atodtod tfao
m* to umb u. mi. torisc
«>Tldud MMydnj^ mm MMn^uor MM, gMUm UM mm
AUf aLiHtUM. Mr.OtoTtoBla
Mr. OtojtoB ia BOi
■ ow^ froa bit boaa to
Ooto^ wMb
X*ar ho«uMAtt rotora baao.oad
M lolbor.
to flam too tod o
roUrood toro.
—iHwmti’ wUb tba dlroot «nUl ba faU
MoHoticbifopd mod broko bit Ug.
wUeh oatUod bla tor ooy aora elinaporforatoi. Oaraworortof ba»ot
• tobot dock bond 00 Ua tmaa
«horto*aU.o!tbo8««tbar» MleblfW
^ToMortoUoa oeapoap
», ud roa to Ua poaittoa of
' took. A wotou who had koown tba
M raeognlaad blm and wroto to faia
•Ptbar. who hod nooa of tba lotoarW
.rarity Atonaalha mtnhar atortod
town Uo tar waatoftar bar boy.
bv Jot OB at loot ftodtag hi*, oow a
Mn.waaol*eat hyMoria^ Atoboey
deaao'tknowwbothar to ^ttooa oa
wkoBthaOhorlantoer go boaa to
foUar, who tong ago rograttod bia
rtilwfiWl«rethal U IsTtUd will aoidi
tba wboto booa <a op '
- '
oat toUk It nttot than tba aadictoo
tba doctor The deotb noa) toti
kind on BcMroU/ boadad. "Took ttao
A mu orrirod a bU boaa ti>a otbor
gtoDciog OB tto botcoB
MW o ^le ct hqnid tbat be hod baa
sdWTd to tbo^towr to toko.
•Tbot looti Ilka the atnfl." amid ba,
"bat I'm not sere. Aa 1 wa loektoc op
tba aaUw 1 aw bdtind u old abalf o
biM bottle that looked m If It hadn't
been toocbad for >700x0 It told 00 It,
«olpfaBTteAoi<l‘ Kowthat bottlaon
tbatatda lobka asdcitV like tba ooa 1
dank out oflott night, bat aUll 1 ban
u idem tbot tbe ttoS down to the oaltor.
ia -wbat tba doctor aeona for ma. 1
doi't know how tbadickena it got down
th«« when H'a aeant for me to toka.
« bow tbit bottle tbot twi’t meant for
matotakagotontbUbareoa. Bnt i’n
Icrwntotot-------I'll throwtUa atsIT not of tba win-
MdwordW. Groan el Berth Jodaoo.
tod..lafrodooUytorwtogtobooa. HI*
todybaguto OHlfy to-^parupttbla
iigrM oboBt two yaorfmgoAn or*y of 10.800 man ooold ba trooi•Htod fiMe Ba^aad to 0blao,to«to
~-------W. LawBOO.' Ua Boaton
■pparMffnotowbo to ottaodtog tba
IMO ot Dotioto. Odmltaod tbot ho fora
VAOOOIortba X*w«aw ptak to Top
Wri>.ltotetot.o(lP ■- «■ mete-
Paw «0«a Vto Auror book to OMrto.
HmTiitotlybado ftowto to Dto
•rOaPtototoibon. ». A. Boaa
■nlietoaa,tboeldMt toasbor of tba
MBolaMn.'to to hto owabmirod oad
j. mm /f i0C/£rr.
Mr* Benady wm obopt trw bar
toMoehortttma TbandOf orutog
■odM bar ratom alio woe BTtotly ovptood to tod ttet bar honp wp AUsd
pl^toktoffBU ena* of thtof*
____ aty.
Blthoonrprtoawu tba
ryoIMp Booody.
fridoy atoBiof o party of yoBog folkt
war. daUghtfally ptortotoad at tba
batoaodMtotoaMoenP Waablagton
PBot. tba eeoaalp batog bto mb
ware' rooelMd. Doloty 1
jiMOte T0C mom
Ito - naMMh Cigar .Paawry, Sit
Oak* 61.
t*7—UlaU Prad. ut Soath DiritoaA'.'
t». *■)
0- Btolord wfU arraah
JSu^^enning. TM pabVto an
tnrited to all of tbMO towlem
rmoT pmnnwTrT.y.a.B)Mey, M«er.
XCe qnote tbe abore aa a epectowt
brb^ Indeed it to more than that. It
ompeodlnm of pretty ncartx all
rgnmeDta odronced to' tnany
DeBK-'.:titf paper*. How tnncb troth
there U to U MO be rery aaallr oocer-
tttoed by brtogtog It*
a-Jlhaycr. B. L.. aan« Bom a^
Waibtagwo, Sto.
UT-WaUaEigmaaOa. Batoai fM-
-The Two M.. . Tnsia'’ ^
•g t8
0,- oeme alOM. bat wlU 'hrtag
—edloMwiih ■
‘Tif-Loeabart.W*. H.. D. a B.
Pruk rHadriek hloob. •
i-Baanatt. i. T.. Tit Ti««t Bb
below ie a ilat et tbe OPtog and ee 1-
Iba Blble-!iiP AdaptattP
cootnct with recent todnatr}*! blatory.
Tbartoay iiitotog at
tet—Thoami. Gao. W-, Baa. •» B .
By a “prohlWtIn" toriff we ore willOakSL
Inc to bellen that tbe writer tnaona a
All an teritad to ha prw
Otoar Farit per bb . 1
Urlff high eoonsb to make ImporttOon
Soar Pork per Ih.
nnpMDUble aa cwnpared with home
ghertOBt Fora.
,Mt a.a*leMfT.FaaMr.
feet haaltb Natarah tara« gm of
Soth a tariff war put
'Kj phnlMl boMtye
bautreemea waU wbotoa
Church P oora* of MtotbaadWadaon tin piatee a eery few ygac ■*«>• ”u
I or phyriMl
- ■ - Moaalain \wm.
» 71
WM not a pipbIbKire tariff, for a greot rorib atraettL
year dragglau
deal ot tbe mcrrbandlae wax Imported
1 10
ran. BOI «.»mna; U« .1.0nlUou to BUit the queatioB U whetber
tbe luarkit-nieauing ito- buylUB mar
ket. of eounr. aa that U what tbe wrlt-^ at 7:S0 p. m.
<if Um- alajve meaaa—waa narrowed
A cordUl laTlPikm la «i
aU to attend theM aerrieaa
to poninir u|. tto- doU» <« «»« Plate*.
at: State Street.
wo* the fact Before
The conlrary
Oau par bn told ^
ptmea or mnirTIP- market thi- eonrre of
Cora per bn .'O.e
rrieea told In Orange bal'..
Potatoc*. per b-- ■Then bo oantlonily went down atain
oday ariiool at 9;4S a. *.
Salt par bb;
» .
mamifanun- iwMiUe In thli
Bran per IOC.' ..
the market wm broodenod. V<- atilt
... hnried to doe ........
BoekwbMt no*r Per
Udm rargeoD bad done ill* bnt and tbe had the Wrtoh market If we tand to
aoTiMa n*TWori
earonor-* yibyriciaa bad mode o com' arail oureelv.e of It ud added to U
waa thla r*|)ldly dpreh^lng AmeilMn
plote toTestlgation and aoiorer.
I tanaoopai.1 pcacwIt lan'tonlychildnn who tnake'*— market The effect of having each a
puuutrr^iBOOa»-WlU> beet*
blander*. Oortort will toll yc.o chat they broad market wa» worn appan-nt The
nAaxxBPDt — Wbbu -•Ueellra. Bnrt ee
to label o bottle "Lotion, For pricM went down. American compeUD weooa BM or ritr*. Bli>sl«._oetor ato
ttoD bad a demoraltolDg lonoencv P
______ ________
_ of lu being dnmk. If a patient the BUld Velab conom of malnulnlng
Lgaarrimand aannpat l«:W
meUJt bottle of oOrratiTe aobliniato to price* at a conacrratlve and comtortt^
___ ______ ki. ..
pot M a falmi on bi* great t
ay School at ll« m.
to BdJoat Itaclf to tbU end and In doing
Vmpar aarrieM at •;» p. m.
■o experUsneed considerable diaaate
Tp year* ofierwprd a doctew ..
A eotdlal laritaUoa ptpdad to all
^e ooagbmixtoretobUn. ud tbenba That tPded. It to tme. to "narrow- tto
by local appUcatloM. m tbayewni
goto 0*1 hnnU np tbe oorroaire rabU- amrket bot not eooogb to Injore tto
mab tba
portioa of the m
Brr.y.S-toriM. Pa«w.
mate bottle, play* ihraa card monto with bojer'a opportOTiUca. for tbe real mar
There to oaly oaa way toaan dtofaea
and that la by <
It and tbe ooagb mlxtnre, get* them ket bad been tranaferred for Aoertcu
MoraUgpetoaat KkUa. *■
i.to Amerleu aoB aadpon aatbocoogbly mtoed ap ao tbot be ou't toU
Smaday aebool at t< ■■
jl^rtknw gTMt enough to ptnBranlng aarriea at 7:M p. m<*a from tba otber, and tbp wbp ba
fpl* that tlgbtoa* acraatba cberi tbot Ttoeteoorwpta.
. iKsnsKXTwoMrr csui^
flamed yoa ban a 1
tba doctor told blm obont baewallows
Now about the ttnat part of It
impart^baarlBf. aadwben It tornBar. ■ or* toawdr. PMUr.
opart o( tba oorwriTO anblimatoand te* the protocUve featore wm pat
Saaday aarrlOM Praaehiiigal I0:« titaly riotod d^ana to tba raaalt. ud
Ipraa bto widow to ecdlaot tba Ufa into the tariff on tin ptotea tbelr pro..*pd7:Mp.m
tMoraaP By no oocidut to tba 000^ dncUon in Wale* war controlled
■ —it to.Alway* the
tbat fixed ^rlcM and d^
foranr; slaaeaaaaoatof
sUaoaanoatof tuaneaoaad
—New rock Bar- tatod tto policy ot tto k
oomalre pbUmato.byeatarrh. wbiah la noftalng batu
don't donbt tbat that comblnatton a
SbmtdooadlUos of tto bw
mnH of pnrioaa and C
bpte* of Ohtowo. btod oMarodtu.ooo
mu. iMMoopypolbot bo baa
^daogoed toiHft aa tba aatoa of
•0 towor BMBtol te •M.toO. Bo
tW-‘'haaf. Dr. a B.. tUi Oak Bt.
tto-BoH. B. d. A Beoa. m
gb-BQllkar. Vat i., «U B- BtowH
aer.Bewler Jean- *•••
fibaxeb.Cor.«tohand Rftk ato
Spday aeho^ at •:«&.
■toorb to OftotoHCtt.
M^ttorooktoir for
ThMadewtogPW Pbotofbn Itoto^
bap apmatod ap IG tea B«th«p
TECnvt 8V8TP*.'
ntoltit than ii wy carbolic oc3d or
mma mfitM tiMboMthto iMca
•linn., h.. ki. MMi <D v»r <k>
t^lWaobMl. B* Mm
m M7 otha aw« «<
'Tbaro or* oW onr «0 at Bdga
tto many boa»-Uka
Mmforii of that peaty naort. Ao
aaMt airinU an Mra. Abbey and two
graadebUdru. tba MUav Biohmu.
■caanaadaoaofCUaag«.aBd Mr*.
GOlHpiaaBdabBudMra. Dalaao ud
• mdandaorMOf Datroll. MtoJoUa
VitMStrlek aad MUa DowrUa* who
BaeagoM to Ua^Obaaaaax UUada.
■IM nupatrtak wQl rates lateUn. d! V. Sallb aad aana ot
SMtoge. ahoffad at tba Park Flaoa
jiiHiMiy OS thtor way to anaart
Mis W. W. . Bamu of Am Arbor,
toakdiaaarattto Farit Plaea yartar^.goiag os to «ha raaort at Old
Woodbine Cottage
kPlusui Rooms. SkifrUw*
am. B. K. TiKBLnr
Me OP nu* e( MH UP to Wertto era. a eoom of bnris^ tbat waa
toatloed to enrne lo
C8*bti:^ •»
on toTOgna
ocMrioB tto adivaon of tto ‘Sanii
Many eBriou t
PMOg tbe foraign popatotip of aerto- rmady. A* tto denJopmeat of tto
omKkiUgpatoadaUyto aoeUlmat. manotactan here appeeacbed or perWbp a Vtoaeta ooople gat mar- tope temporarily exceeded tbe limit
riad, aparriaga orr ioeMgh ride to tn- of tomand prten eoSered. With tto
reboond in nw materiato tbe aeccari. The ooaplM an not paokadto- ty te aome adrance ia tin prieee begetoer to pa wagp « atoi^ bat aadb
- obrioo* bat concerted acdon
t to to toaentlal to tbe etep. Tto
irilow and hto ^1 bora p Indiridpl ,
Jig. tba bridapd groom tokiag tbe toad ,
pd the othen folloetip like a fnnml of aoeb agieemcnt did not precede
bnt foUowed and at aome dtounce tto
of matarlato. with a maxtbaprnrMJtobMbap riding tebonii. imwn flgnn curiderabty below m
danoa Pto tba tatlTltlM
nrieea dsargad by tbe Weiah comblnaTba PolHtdm bora a cariop wad tlM brtep tba American tU Indoetty
ding peton that to
wsi cncated. Wa oaad not go Into
tba plan
an aente caleototlon of wbetber tto
wedding praapp Aflar tbawaddtog price* Bboald to lower or blgber. SnffoMt followa a danoa tbat oanadinM Ilea It te a fair diacnaalon of tto tariff
toaP la to U boot*, and arp longer. QOMtloo Inrolred to aay that tto levyTba eUM -boaoc to to dapa wUb tba Ing of tbe protectire tariff oa tin platea
brida„pdlbto to dadded in-* onriooe broaght about the eatabltohlag of tto
nauMC. The mother of tba bride takn tin maibet in oar own conouy. with
bM plaea in om oorner with a plate in prtCM now te eereral yeara lower
bar Up. whleh aba tofcaa rary good can than befon. when tto market wm u
•ball ba bnlll after tba pUn of p eat- a foreign country.
Aa to tto furtber point of employmeat. it may be conceded that all loan in bpor boaad
doririe* lo tto couatry have tbelr ebb
owp moat pnU oat a ptooa of aUrar and and flow In Uiat reapect and that compdMTor to oUp <x break tbe ptop by bloatlon*
snmetli—---------- '**
throwing their moocy npp it. pd ply
tiKM who neooed lo chipping or break we Inriat that tbe effect of tbe tariff
ing tba plate an allowed tbe coratad bM been to nnae tto tmnafer of a
tomp Let tboaa who think It awy to greet indnelry to thla country ud to
break p lrp*tP0 plata try it Few give a now emptoymeDt to muy thou•uda where aucb employmcDt did not
thing te exlal before. It U foolUb to btame tbe
ip to f76 tariff for the fact that tto acale of emor 1100, eron wbere tbe crowploymeot abrink* at timet. Bather let
pareattyae poor m a cborto monae.
o* approve a *y*U-m that tenda conit may go even higher when tto bride ia •tantly to rnUrre the opportunltle* for
pretty ud popnUr. All tto money goer
to'tbe bride, and io a baekwooda oouby #50 to I'b will etart a hgppr <wipl*
nicely la bonwkaeping.—Detroit Free
It* whole blatory I* ao reccift
and emphatic a* to be ea*Uy vcrlflcd.
In Japu It appear* that one facte and It win aerve a* a *ppclm«*n of many
Mlerlng into tto oboJ» of a danghte- tbat have taken a almlUr cour*c. being
transpUnted b> Amerku toll by tto
in-law it bar akili in nl»i« ailkwona*
1%an U man to thU thu appm* on InflneDce of tbe "Amerleu ayRem.-
tto aaxfaoa of tto atataasenl, te it I
that tba thread ,apaa by a eilkwi
imUr and anpin proportioo at tto
worm baa bout ragsUrly ud eaiafally
fad. Tto proapaotira motber-in-Uw
ometnlly and
garmanliorttoatoitteg faridh. Jodgtng
of bee qaalifioattocw by tbair wmdia<*
Tbit tema aru man Ateord tbu the
womu who arid tor aon tooaU aanr
many a wemu wbo oanU not heap b*
bonu dnwacinordac.—New TcA
Preatdeat McKinley bu a
iss-ttssr "—rfw
s«t (Mated toM-
to ewto by^b
tarrb) thatai
Bet. W.TWeodheaee.Peeler.
Catarrh Care............... WMnnia^fn
F. 1.CsmTAMi..
k Co.. TDtodo.
AUeerrieee la Ladto*'Ubrary baU.
Freat atroct.
B. T. P. 0. at 6:11 p. m. Mtoa B
lAite. TwflMjSHptotttnBplato
Bard laadar.
IV totitwiileoMa ap •aalUag arar*
Bwtoter pnaeblng avriea wOI }m Mma-’'Oalmub Blaatle Floor Varwlab
raaamad ant Saada?, ^ SB Walk
Tba oaator dtolrM to aaaat all tba
ttMtoMatAnbitaet Daaah ofloa TbmThe tdttia IST«tB-op
bn laritad to aUthaaa
otuia towSsUear
' akUmSe***-
si-k« '
• “J!T
On.. Jan. IV IMS-
and blood paritalta. 1
baaitato to neommaad it ■ tba nw
pote te whld it la weed.
bat It
fr.OOXxtoTHoB toHUgam rUMand •nlaaabort Umaae
touotfaU tofftoatha giwatet Mtia■
Maiara via O. M. A1.
Jaj. Cimtcura*
OaJalymb. Alao low rate to To
[adtaoa MadlelM do.
Aak yoor draggiat.
OKW»o KAdsoran-OalM tm, *!■■■.*
TTon OAU OB sxteai
Es S. OimpMl k Bom
Will ban tbrir oOm to tba hard
ware atore of V. J. Bdbba baraaftar.
whara all tbOM torinb boatoea* with
tba firm cucaUnpinr tba* 9t» tf
O. F. A.
Notiecte Bartors
hotel Tranna Olky. Mleblgu. on July
utb.lMD. telbaporpoaa of a»~
Ing aU penona who i«aa«
___ auto^llhtoSura^)
<lQlrAiby^^^*IS.^P«hllcAelaof Hi
Wortli 50 to CiOc
jr TOC WAJ<7 iMBnwRaB^ i^*y.aiR
TsIUllg VublwM
te aala by tba W. V. EimbaU Co.
Diaalatioa NoUea.
Ht»a«l»y*irMd h«-*e» AlpMa* PWna
At 413 Soatb Onion atnet te boaa. aad W. a fv**BaB that lb* 81* Of oieesia
Oarmu water roUa aad baktog of all
ktoda at 6 o'eloek to tba morning.
Qo to E. 7tss8a.Uu (hmu bsksr
Detrolv Mich..
Wentoftater*. naOer lM«* at taw^tote
Worth 75 :
d Into beMEN’S
tween tbe L*nlted Sutea and rortognL
TM* enable* ns to export to Portagal.
the Axorea ud 'Madeira UUnda at
Tbe kind that Bold at 12J W
ratca of duty aa low m tboae accorded
One and 2 of a kind in brown
to uy otL..
16c per yard. Many amallpieoee end black. *11 rtxce in the lot
,,----------BraiU tto following Amertcu T»rodof abont 15 yarde each to select and they eold at from $1.00 |o
Bcts: Floor of cereaU except wheat
oat quick. ThejwiUgo^
$2j00. , Now go at 49c.
a. Now et 9c.a fard.
com. wheat lard, grean. mineral oUa
ud tbelr prodoct*. reaping mowing
and tbn
eompreoring bay ud
Cwtomer—A table d’bota dtonec, in- Idowa ud puta of *och mariito^. 1^
W.».Duayli tawtoiag at BdgaLOTS
g a bottle of good wtov te T6 Rrsment*. Imidement* ud tooU te
euB? Tea'that'* cbMp ODoagb tort 1 tto arm. for factoriev agrtcottara tad
worth np to $6ii0.
2 30c nsde, at
Some ol om
for aay
any wtov
win* and I out
dost can te
Mr. aad Mti. J. FtMar rptesad to afford it How aneh will it bawIteMt
# bestow MsttiBg,slwayi«dd
) Bt 85 and 28c, now at Idc.
No old stocf.
Waite^ru da wbat'a right wiBi
I of MJlwBilfcea have
Hemp Carpet 18|c.
yoo, boM Too oan- bare tto dinner
Child7«.'tl«di«|- ud
BUolHo*«y, I Come to o. lor ,«if Sbirt
p«r priM
Vv tSa
^ hara^ witbont tba wine te 70
Cbioago TriboiM.
extol q.JitT,.U0c.p.ir.____________
| g. joet. UtUe bettor llto. .t the olta-gieiM.
Suits at
One-half price.
Foreign VUiMr-l am t<
Mr. .Ootbam—Ob, partaetly.
h^ud U devote to butocM the
totoolety. and ttoyhardly anr 1
~Maw Xotk Varidy.
down tbe Amerkan flag « BawnlU
It WM mtoicd to Ita place onr tto
Parifle by PreaMeM McKinley.
THK mvBMnrG bkoobo. aPTOAT. JULY aa
isoq-pabt two
a meureis sn aarao naMma
t ar PBMufc tfea rmt or
**• *^ •»« ttatiaod »oe.o«^ tM. tb* CUDMCItx tai
mad ««wal caacnon
sr to ux otkor twUdtna
' «!■■■« BTeiM orauM.
•a CUM. M« tu >oan«
*i trtpl* Um of fonuted to the -teiportol btdldUw." rtleb U to- ,*bo eoior here." for the peaugr lor u. t-idta. harrtu*. ^TuSl
hou«e> olottr the roate of bu proretif
mun be <<h»ed. bad abould *oy -ptcr1.-.T Tom" be detected «lih M eye e.i
ortrS or eret^ it !• abot but liwtan'.lr
lu- uaicbful arehero attached to the Imfuard.
f. n-ithhi ttia COSH of mfTtrrVs.
live the onperor. the e*npreaa domacer
and the numeroaa memUn of the ro>U
family. Intludiaa the prlncea
locea of
blood- ilere the emi-ercr pu>i
.Uj-i bU fee*• lart In the pavean'.a
:a and proteo« ordained by decree.s tbouaaada of
Id and paMca hi. da>-.
Atnnt tbe time tl
aerlutlOD. broken only by the
tic reccr^loa. trtaich rare|<- ktcia vtna^U of lia Clara In’the triild. .. it irti>*be'^^Um^uCl°^h<wnor
murv tb:n ten mlnutea and bis'. Ultt of v^inc S.M «on» of coal, iriu, a lynctta of *<, f.et. a »»am of « fSfwJS
lb.- temples and garden. »-l(hln the
cob'-rptlm of an old ahlpmaMer. Artaln Job*
Ir.-nment of the surrvuadlna Im>
Croeley of Taunton. V.aaa. «rtio SlTlbeen knotvn a. thv projector of bi(
tcbooaet* for many year*.
the maasarrea the past
recorded arc to be added e'lme In verr
rwai llmni, by which the blood thal
rourswl In vein, of royalty ko. Klaloed
the lavrnH'nl of the •'tranquil |«lare
of heaven •• and that the quietude of
•eaHh » lalare of rcp«*e ' ha. hern l.ro.
ken !•} ut 8\-alllDy crlee for merry-. There are fnarble court* aod-brlde«..
pillared i»nirea and gulden Hied t«vi’.lona Rarden. tniera.-vroed with fuuntaln* and oanali. nouer tx-d* and artl-
«alia. aecui
cred from t..c ..
Donhem capita
a phenomenal
allualed a. It U
within it. sate
aquare mika. ii
taaioiar wall t.
by 12 cate, and
: population of}..
Tbe city la 4
aecUoiii. compn
Ur and Chloew
bUBlnaa. U tra
Oon. are attuat.
popuiona dJviBlo
the taapralal CIt
dIzikUM la dft
• plaa and eotUy puuir nuiMlnc*.
Within tbia acaln l. the Iply of hoUe*. Kln-rhlnc. or the Forbidden City.
roDUtnlnc the moat tAerlalrad tradlUoaa of the Celeotlal empire, embodied
la the poroon of tbe emperor and mabrined la the temple niche* and
Bcrvu xtmmm.
The Pnrpie or Forbidden City haa _
dreunferenee of about two miles and
ita mamlvc walla are pierced by four
patm. cacD aurmounieo ny a lowe
in dlddsd Into throe parts by ____
fwaUn* from north to oeuth. ths’wboln
if/-■ W 1J|‘! ’ '
New Knaland and iVnn.ylvanla.
IS 1. aald that tJ^.eia.* of ve.»el» Rot it. name. l» the iroprotnpto riarula*
lion of a .mall b.^ on th- launel.lAR of II..- Prat ..f n. kind at Gloubeaiep.
aiaao. S.»me doubt [a-a* expreraed ae to the I ehavinr of the verael u rara
reached the water, but a. el.e alld in eaelly .off the «ay» the boy yrllsd ooL
"Bee her etOon! • And a w^hoor.er ahe un. alwaye after that.
Rlltch. a Denver Udy who la very fond of peU. I* tb* p(««C
;an«ato.>. Mr. Elltch formerly had two of tbeac
pri-.'au- soo made e.pecUlly for Iherh. But one of UmOO ;
. alcVenea and died,, and. tbouRh It U a «mMnlI|f accepted fart that kancarnoa arldom thrive alone, the remalntnc asiJ^i^SwS
to have retained Its Rood health and aplrtu.- The accompanylat lUuaUttM
sj^from a phoi>Mrraph ahowlnc the atranre pet and ita owner.
'1 probably be denIM (hat tbe
n who fought on the held of
Waterioo hoa departed, never raor
return, but auch l« the fact, atvon
s EngUkh auebortty. The laat
I esr «f tbe Wa
of th; ftw agalBst Intruslea 1 spne lu
terloo army,
-------- ten and the eeLieutenant Colohoota Tbe yellow turreU of tbe
sprtngtlma once a year. ♦hsloMtsh
no) Hewitt diod
secluded city can be men from one md faced emperor leaves bis iMieitl
In im at tb«
of M. but
Twa waooBb ooM paoii nrairA.
there U atm a
baov saRAii w^ob.
Whoa Inquiry baa hoeb made Into tbe
eurvivor neverMiCin of tbe ao called IdoU or "«odi"
Lady Sarah Wilson, of Mafeklag fame. i
tbeleas. At the
fooad anoiv the black people of Amer
la quite noted for her danrins 8h* '
age of an evel
ica, aa In tbe Waat Indies It has been
n-altaea with ronaummale .yrace .and
:M years. Iher
noted that they came from Afrirs In ah
ml^t be taken as the exeoi|.||flca‘tlon
'I* a man living
RMt every inatance. African superaslIn EngUnd whd
of the poetry of motion. Tall and
tun li rampant, anpadally in Haiti.
drove aoms
■Hpbt, yps with a well proportioned Hs. where the mounuin peaioea are still
French priauBure. She also look. io the greatest ad.ponced In the depths bf barbaHsm.
era taken, at
vaotage on horseback, ridei well to
•nd PM>rr BtienUon la clven to the rtrea
Waterlo-i from
e^obort" or Borcery than to the teachhound, and la a cai«ble whir I-*d>Dover to CanSarah ha' good featur-*. but her com-'
t-rhury. but the
T*bu.- . sv.... ■ W.B mtiKi
avuB, me
plesion 1* not her atrong point Slionly peraon vi ho
fwmr beint painted while and tbe tat
dr.>stes q ltb-extremely good tart.- nn l
waa on the field
ter black. If a native of JUlil wlabea
H certalBljf one of ih- amart y -ung
t..n It. • batlU
i-uglng i* a woman
tn revenge himself upon an enemy, be
marrl-tl women of the day. whil- of le, nan„. I* Ilarban•a Moon, whose tstakas oot tbe bad god aad sticks Mm
late ahe ha* BmfHy proved that »h- ha* th-r, named Jor.-e.
eolor eertwU sf plas la the parts of his anatomy
Inherited the talent and • [ilu. k ' long gi-ani of th- itiv brigade
.1 whose
assorlatcd - with the ducal houiu- of
D i^in.
UaritM rough.
Once a year only are forelfner. al
lowed to invade the preclncu i '
Forbidden cuy. and that la at t_.
nual audience vouehaafed the "barbari
an" dlplomau. when tbe i
j^wh: CHUwT rATHCii vtki EKman ■
Student* of Ihefreakaof borsdttF
find an Iniereaiing alody ia “'
arendamt of the great Duke «f Wdi^
llngtfut. hero of Waterloo yd ram
quisber of tbe still giswlsr
for It ia a atrange fart that
family haa reoambled Mm. f
who diod lb 1N%
and net one baa that dlsUnguisMag M«
aai organ of the agMlino eartety whM
grve him the rather Irrovstwat Pl^
of "Old NoraKll
treat haa bpen the departnrs fMM
•ecognised Weiiinirtan type
Duke Henry, who died on tb* Itb ft
June last, bore ai '
popularly kn
lew Duke • WellliigtM, 1^
Arthur Charles, like bis
Netlher of the bear*
beai shown In thl* picture suited out In life with the iniecfamoue. pert^ps, but they bad their grealnca. thrust u;.m
e found himself up agalnsi a railroad trac k one day at Ung
ft a thing of that charaeler. he started c
f tlea 1
- -....... J cent.notwuhtuodlng the
llu-t the train wasa ntled w-lih
w-|ih CanadUn blu.-ja>
bluc-Javkot* who would i
one of bis nwcles a* not. Me slmpt; took hli ii
ready got off the rail* and let the train go by.
pe mmher of the onfonunate baby bear. ala> shown here was shot In
the Santa Roaa mounuin* of Mexico, and » ben but a lew days old the cub was
lb-Which he destres that enemy to snffbr. Then he burle* the idol tn the
ebrth or nsbe* and bide* hu time, it :
usually bappeas that thf victim of
Urts feilcb. cbiled •obfah." or African !
wUchcrafL hears of the charm that
«. for u.i —, „ i,,,-.i
tbUs atch-so strong I* the Inp.uenee of
hU bsllef In hto mlnd-and eventually \
dies. Tb* "obcah ' man or witch dec- |
tor. to f gqMt personage In the West i
Indies, but be has to keep s sharp I
ttoikaut tor tb* ‘■baekra." er white
Man. wbose tow* h*
th* *ex Of tbe.animaJ Is not given—was taken to Ireisad and brought un in
the *oologli-al gardens of Dublin. Il happened that about that timber most
graelmis majeaiy Queen Victoria called there and
T»d. Voh ^
beariei. took ii on her kn?e and fondlriJ It IT* i siie^io A?bcrt^
ward when ht was an Infant. She also f-d It and c.^ ua
thing" but It to doubtful if tbe cub apptwclaied what tbe English palters term
•;thto proud privilege which many human mothers would wet foTielr
b!,D Kixe PRRRFRirS rROWM.
Wlio bad nnllmited poa-er and cuMd
The former ruler of Ashana King have hto subject! denpltated by a
save or hto hand. He had ao attack
of what has been called "the swelled
^d" Just previous to tbst visit of the
wmish from the Gold Coast and
ib^ht bimaelf quite safe in hto strong
hold IM mile* from the aca. But hto
Uogdom was Invaded, himself taken
prisoner and aeot off Into exile and hto
•way nnd coneeMM ‘blt**tS \5^J|
sown arna captured by tbe Invaders
Though be and hto people alood on tbe
vary lowest rung of Hviiiaatlou's lad
der, y*t they had some degrM of pro-;
flcieiUT tn weaving, pottery naldag
nnd la gold nnd stiver work. wMeb bad
la movaLlr ghidewnyi
th#^l!cyi to re- Crencrwl Badea-Powell. who nw kM to
”****« *hnfqi to-CMS* or towar tb*I hto
-------- n
- “rar
nis capital. Kumstol.
«ar^ and not halt had tor i
-'■ir'|/ V|-fkT,irV ••'.t.-ki -'
grandfather, hat b*es mlJltary'ln aasss
, and though for a long time *■
pay aa a lieutenant colon*! In tbs
Grenadier guards and with a son-ns
ald-de-camp lo the governor cd M«v
Zealand, haa revar sees aeUva scrrlcn
*?.*** '*'* ‘®
“t" fs nou! guec'n’f>id'o r^ to ihe Held. He wma born In UM nnd
hat three aons and two dangbtsto
•»>* perforrvd ti-.a( ret; m land Though he fail, heir lo 14 Utlts. whleR
sorveylnx that baa come doa-n to us as "rutting a Dido" «h* were beatowed t.y different countrtos
upw hi* dlstingutohed great-graodtother. be may cbooae to be known s^
There are all sons of people
Of Sicily and Italy and east
forrigiu-rB as well as the cl
iltuatlon. soulhweil
wnde It a atompins gfl.und
;-;u" ™'-
-r ; u:
vn-.j:e alo'it li. a csst-JX"
““***™“* T># Women dr«s
•.••.•.' I isJ, url
an J. nxiuaily Mw-adri-.
Tb* Rate department of Pekt^ Is adfirially kno«ru as the ’tsnng-U ko
kwob. kuttg sfalh matoo.-or b
inr tHawLiv wiu «nh ncct moytmttJL
Am tbi Dtafley taitf law H b worth
b saya tlw New Tark MaH and 8x-
lyiMJiBt licKl^ wlB «U la tte
tarty oRMBd by the fne tnAera tbaa
that whlA paaaeA oaigea Jnly «.
UPT: nne ercr eo needOy eonfosaded
ItB ihimliB. nor baa any anw so bap-
iarrlnn {«t>cr«M aad bIbo I
«tte iBBiBrtBl lata
pUy eufpilaed Its eapportera. Ibe eftarts of Ksapentioa css be mea dear
m AmerUan pcopfe.
ly ^wB by a few eo^arboos be
nrtacd la In atwdy and......................................
It deaU with tbe fmare life, of eoarea.
la O^Ure leac^tfe. aad.tbe taak of
------- aad ranl-
S^OirUt proves co^oslrdy that this
cA to ASC.iaiMl, bat a lar«e propor-
It M os
tb* wnog SUb.
BaproAtaUB MAe. saA It b
vbkb It oBfbt 10
prcaot eoodltkns and
tbm U ao
tSea of tbb was obtalnod by tbe Clevelaad polbT of artUiid bonds lo time of
pMce. The balance ateadllj dedtoed.
bowercr. ai«i at tbe ootbteak of tbe
^nisb war la l«« 1< bad fallen to
•nSJU0,<B2. since then we bare pass
r -iiapeflal
t in tab r
ed UintBsb a war Inrolrtny the expend
iture of «33S.OW.OOO. yet tbe cash la
tbe treasBry o« May 31 of tbla year
aaMooted to CSW.CVi.S3.'>. wKh tbe
moral'certeidiy of a still fortber Inen-aae. In Jlay. 1800, tbe itoremment
TiH-.itepobUcaB admlabtratloa b
tbe das7i-n niBBy. t>ot tbe failures are
iPW. Id «!.* brisi majodly of asa It
rrcetpu emounb-d to «U.«MS.n7 and
tbe expenditures to f3K.t2S.Sl2. bat In
b Aolnc nut oaly tbe Hsbt tblna. boi
tbe onl>' tblns poolMo naAa tbe dr-
May. -1000. tbe rwlpts were $45,106.-
OR. and tbe exp
cBSstaiH'*’*- Aad ondrribefneral title rflinpe- mooo. abowttj* a fundoa for May tbU
ilalbtu*' tbm b a lot of nlaor bsoa yor of Ct.K10.033 as aitalni.t a deddt
opn «-btrb tbe attJtoAe of tbe Drtaoc- of *3.7«JfT5 for tbe -----------------lacT b jnat ae anreaeonaWe bikI Joet
lib four years ago. Or. to draw tbe
as Inslun-rr as apoo tbe main poloL contrast on broader lines, there waa a
Wbal otti-r folly
iwu/ to exalt Acnlnaldo as
•• aurplus
umpim of
oi 303.330.142
eUii.ouu.iS- tm
of God.
He served
Boney ra<
e of bis God.
. an tmheHeaaa jn a
bat il:ey atv
snd tBiiffbi I'.v ooe
wlio kiu'W and by the must leniUr and
enni|ia<sbmiiie of all liiiinan Is-lnga.
Insteeil of irylng toexpUsiii tltenra«-ay
of Ignoring ibom lietaos*- ili<-y are
nnplpB-.ani 1<-I ns proOi by ibrni and
by trust In God tbryucb fbrlst .siiwpe
to $S(J7.3^ia5_twder tte
fiands and ImiHistors.
Tlx-y ask foe
iticy i.i !vjy imad. IrtH mry Intend
liny iH-or. Th.-y i.-ll ti!t«.iiN-stor1re of *
woe and siifT.-ring wlilrli would well a ,Mewia> tai»iire>«uap; Meat*.
m«it lu-foiv Gtsi. GinI will iMddusre-ig^’L.**^**^ °****~
spoasibU- fr-r llic iqiisirtniillU-e t<
Whh-li He plai-es Itcforv os.
.'A* poll tax ts nuvi-r iiopular.’* ays
■ •* New Haven Palladium.
kind ortax“lVi«iiularr asks the
aaA.i.latforms an- not Intended for tbe
\„direct tax lUa^
door, so may wc sollafy the tt*ihi*or#l
nixl spiritual aasu of the needy at
,i„.,«.m.,:.," nrii-
HeieeeiUt Co Block-
our doors,
pnATCa tlECTlXO.
this Impnriam pnml'lr. Then have n 'eoelr Bio.-k-_____________________________
fiw and voluui.irr dlsousNlon of tlirjy *, THOUPBOh H.U okPv.l .«i.-
ntx-iiot bur-
pbaa of U s,^0M«DT tbojopic-.
palley. To the
Ae^ed by tblm. Tbe rv.ison 1. |iat they
a aDver shield wUh a sTwidy disregard
,^jnrtrt.-s. ral^Aimvlof fset# and posalbUltles. To the east. *^'*“
• jr-
. tbe aUvev side must bo farefoUy con- ^
Maled «w ireeicl a. of amtUlm^- “
tome, whnr a.
j , ,
wi.'r.7rd! «•«<«"
^.. . .
protvi-tlvc .arS\s
tariff Is a
a bum*-
Tbe imlp'.t Is ncii, a |ila<_______________
mi-nt. Slii U llilllge dlsgtiUf Hie cliurch w &. mABTI(«, PejeirlM end ssrgeeo. Ofl
and lower tbe dignliy of H»- pretft-Uer J.
8..rlmisn.-.s. eoh-mnlly. dlgnliy and
'igood rommtin s.-:iw gre prri
,bj .^b.
for HuM.n nthl wciu.-u ortlliiarlly geweeUcey-U.t» tk. y.y.«s.t
HiUTvh for comf.irt. cons.ilaH..u
demand “t tb- I—I*,
Tiny pp-fer Ve-.fiitUttry 1
nomlnatkin of MeKInloy
p thi-li itTusrt.Hip>-s k.viily amtis.^
trf the pp-Nldi-nt H Mid: i
,,^,‘-,,1,7 paihs and faring I =f’l ‘hrir baited to slu and th.-lr l >vp
n«KiKmNlWI»l«>. iYg»ld«it' f'’f rtaUtroui-u.-*. nw-aU. u.-.Uo Hip ir-'nl
In vveiw sltunHon -f n'.itf--laHoa cl tl..-wM of H»-fltsi
ceoltnnanee cf the Republican party in
jmirl.u and the np : rfl "'.-Ir I t.- f.-r Hie nib.i lnt.-niutU>d
‘ t"V:? s
anrti a Jury,, and Hieif U no «Upgpr
In nt-k‘ng the
misletl bf
by the efforti
efforts of ______
that |t " ill In- misinl
INwiiar to ImlorKC the llepuldlcaii ,artar
IVOkVTntic mntwtlnus. sjK-akers
ty fur Its re<-"pl of liiis!n-?»A in\»»ri'riiy.
pewajeperN to Iwfog Its mind and to
'■•"■■■“ .....................
Vifli-si «ra. JIKn-'ahd il«-rv huiiv sireeL
one ni.'i.v w-i»!; I.. 1 :;.4ude Hm- |«..r from
Hu- liias:d'l-T-l:l t hcrvli of wM-li lx- b
J ui.-i;t!-< r. I-'", he fn no stii*e liiterpi
Ihe mhoUi-fa »n-l iiia>-:ll.'
_ ., T^0rfKSo(k.*tie rroTi
t»l«TeotieeKc-*I. ____
City. Mtek.
fan- H e fart, as i«-y exist.
Aad that Is why rre«ltl.-nt MeWnley
re 1 lirted.-Colomdo Eprings
, Bnflslo. Srbrr. ITT T>i-e< isl s-.t»eV'S,
H;t-,.Hp«i fj-i.-nd Hit- jHKr i:;an ha». and iBj>vyrAit«y^»urgjr.
I hlladeliihla,M.llicd.sj^
|trt..lNTlty luu always
exiNtvtt! In
will a« In IIS ln-n|is.:ty to
jwrty as ...............
pri^-rly imimige our pn'-ll-- affalrv
r 'TIh' sHvtlCtli <‘f the EfJWtdleVl pbt-
aiMland cpl.-ind cotton at iMm-sii'-iid- ft>rm. tbi- strength
tag Aate« 111 l«M BUtI l«no will rvmtnd dates that
,ai n-presem li
It .ii-l the uaanlmaoatb>-ni farmi-rt of tbe lnt{m>i<-uj«-nti liy w-l:li
w-l:U wUMi Itrih
la the rali-.e of their stajde pr.Nlael, the .-IlNTUbllean |art* ai i muiuvipiiithat has taken place tmdi'r Hie Bepolr will Insure a nn-iv Vvvivplnu vlrtorj*•
...................... "
Han was glvi-n for SlrMirti-r and prosfTlK, CvrwpiTftt.
jM-rtty Id IRdb
leaked at the llrpHtdleon natfoaal etWv.ibtl..ii hi- rhtlail.-lphUi tbal gt.iOQ.(«i>>iitf> has liet-n |iald by .\n»erieaM
to f.iTvlgn shlpoWBrrs during tbe jutst
STi jeer* end that during tbe next 23
yi-ars fC.mj.mi.uou mon- wilt be paid
if Hivrv Is n.1 ebaiip- In our, ablpplng
Uwn fuUy JosHBed Ihr |ilatfond dvniand for rrmnllgl U-glslaHon.-
Rotber BiM-tellsCle.
VB^Tp »*' ***"**
alveet lloar of rrmyee.
in a wt-n I w (11 If ii.-r.- I* Mt luiuu iw
rcflle the Tp!r:i‘“ i-l-jmvs. how 'ht-*-iUiil
in:., ilw os-on-t of Ills p:i
troe'soute.- and
Fnapal Director.
whom Is ihe one
•t flPSctIb felon Birwt
Op*c nllBlgfeiMonkyvs Phene Xe. 1
f-tui.fulu t-f all trw
vh' tv •‘0 r.iur h i» ever eC-eklug to un
lialluK «5itn;s- u- ruder tbem.eonrand pinfaiH-. bow high the priv
llHXe of t -on-..vraHns them anew In
l-myiv lu hotiui-ae and to G>xl.—lUcbard irbi-nevix Trench.
CloMts Cleaaiac and
Piassiaj EstablishrneBt
uieuilietN and
ei’tiverskias eomr* TTy*ht«-
from <«o miH-L mntempbHon and deFurther
o fitile activity. --------------
Xc ana Pront OlrMt
IS'ifIfs lire losonom
ttyffahave a dwemac.ato k .
____- ftocr moeths mf this yi-ar were
C&,414.hr7. an ineteaaeof Jiwasn over
tte coarvspoadlBg moatbs of tfiSO.
net* -U no .-^arageaent fa^ w
----Ttmse Meve Ck>ma*«.
A MlMoori farmer loot a $500 dtaOMofi
ring tbe other day
. wblle eogaged
. _
Conriesy Is (far peaspert to a
ta feeding bta eblcketia. - Dantag tbe We dooble the power of our Ilf* wbea '
___ _________
Demoeratlc edmtaistratkiB tb* we add'to In gifts nofalUng eonneer.
^ ^ diamond* to toot aad Tbe’wortd tiwaye begradgM
a boor.-Onlraraatist Irtidrt.
“Uneetla Rest”
g:i vtpk ef «li
Uyoa wi]l'
i-t jbav
DL uomEn
“Uneeda Beat'? Cot'
1 meet the requIrenuU of
E Rt»rKWonii
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
HIRDW009 sues
gidewalk Lumber is all alaefi.
vrlion. whWi will aioae l.ria? it Iciek
gud iwoev.
liUvw.- l
comu.milou wiih IL'u
Said horse to
N..™i« t.
j ’
Honere avili be at my barn for the balance of the a®ason. and for tbe purpose of introdudeg him terms tble see•on will bo *1800. WUl bo ttor^ ttftir July 20th.
end .rhlltSfr
hfttcr.: luto i:e m.. .
BA-U’ahocc.Xortccro -pbo-ic K
DIewllr In the Pelplt.
tb....»! D-»»-~«-b™d*.
tb.t m* nor.. M. Importoa by H. W. Dtin-
‘ ‘ '
a. Hi: Hvti-xUi. 1-3. ,
It. m-.- It 1- l«Tb-
be a tret
If j-tar'i
j-oar't vlertloB
cleciloB U going to
Tbetr l» not a....
fair mintled. lioavrt
Sod IniiHlgfut Jnry in the world but
would d-eide. apoli a iruibfiil prrsi-ntatloD of Hip facts, that the Intercsta
of 4lie American ppopJe trqHlir Ihe
Luke x. 2V:iT: t for. xv. VS; f.at. vl.
r.d«e«tt.. iii«nH.w of en bullJiT, n incitor of prosiMTlty and n
I'.lVf'L';!! “
eundus of Ipjomv
■” hini U • gneraatoa that he la a good
neve«ihc pastor road and oxponml 0,
then to present a cobereni and honest
Sno Indloiduttl, bright b.y, 16 httnd. high, wdght 1.360.
----- carriage, a great roadeter.
Kon<T9ComMfromoneoftbe beet families of coach
horeea ever fmported. i have t
1 France attached, Which will Uk* too mueb '^ace to pnb-
each <ier doing Ihd work opporltc liU
‘other'fellow pays or that Is paid wtlh-
•tiii.j. it tb. De-<«r.iic p«nj
the largest importer in America
—.,-.0--;^. 1
» That ts Paid hr the Other Pel.
Me. end If It were poeslble It wonM be
Amrnctlve end calamitous beyond
« who a.b>P iQ UilSk.
eplrilunL l-nvc jui nllar demands -upon 'I)%5eiiiiieeTe
us. N«-g!vrI uf tlicM- Is an iDib-x of a ner
chaniru-r that Is tut fbrlrthin. N<-g
by^ «f tlH-sf wUl npnit In our arraign-!
laad If l)e did not sto^ to think tbrt
■BCh a wbokeele revolutioD of econon}- J
te condltiuna and methods Is Impoal-
X bnv« pnrehaMd tbe fine tn^'d Conch SulUon Honere, *
„ g*aerm!p^ii«wec janjcrtad from Fronooby M. W. Unntanm of Wnyne, lUe.,
_____________ .. _
wbeiiier ihoir nools t>c uiiiporal twiAbe banishment of 'truau- from
irsey ehs OemeeeUer e>
luuuen te eeuecus..
literally a. to demand of us a response
from every |,ret«iMli>d needy one who
bvt they prupooe aoiblng that U pracU- _
was tIQ2.822.2t>!. For
cableawl that would stand the laiofXjwll. 1«». U was
Ufl !in (IM Putt) ts w «l- SKOUI H lid ICL
Union "'ode Hot*. $1. $8, $3
Indiscrlmln^. charity usually does
iDorc'^nn tun gesNl. Tills tojile and
,md.. contention that the en-
first quotlon to In- sulied 4s. Are lliose
St our doors ntsNl.v? Every tieggsr who
ap|H-ars al our doors Is not a I.aunis
party tooB"*
Wnau tbe amc In- yntaon^jonnau tariff In 190S. rose lo
atoerrity Is appaceoL They are fertile gi^,o23-m2 ptider the Ulngley mcaala wboieule dsaonelatlon and threats.
ybe imbince of trade In
—>.I|| I r
*10.00 mit, cot to.......................................
*700eU.cot to...-...................................
Cnion Made ClotUog
tnent of the ne.riy 3i our door. ' Tbe
apiieari iN-f.ire ns. Tlie vast majority
of «be lieccars at our doors today art
-• •
from tbe wrath to <sirae.
Ilesldes dealing wllb sncIi great and
trenieoiUiiK truths this jiaralile baa
Hie tn-at-
. ^ tbe attttndc of
- -
BOT-s suns um Pull
IIS .duel to............................
lib .bit. el to................. ............
110 anita ent to.................................
anita col to............ ......................
atey be Usrd and anph-nant tnitbs.
Ibis lllusirailuu are not to Iw Ukeu so
ttiblUlioa biitUls pamlile even of tbe
wirke.1. 2. "Ae tmntsbm.-ut of the lost
is iiotrtilve and sTwre. 3. P'ntmv pun
ishment Is of et»-mal duration. Hiese
ImaU for an altack npoo tbI character jcimeat of tbe iMngley law would min
aad the honor of tbe AmerlcBD war detrade Is W answerwl by
.---------------- » the people of this country!
that our exports.
1. Tlic- coosclnus exlsb-no- of both
nv(«l nod ciiMived. There Is no ati-
there U in picking op every trivial; nojMO.Ttn. while for May. laoo. they
Aortcotulug of admlnlstratlen, tbe
fiT.SSC.uTS and Uiat. too. In
onall auionnt of spoiled snpplU-SL the that our Imports last
Porto Uleo aa ao fojnstice and a cruel- [ ^-holly to the Ulngley tarllf. Tor May.
ty to that Island!
Wbat demagogy \
nwtun» reeelpts aiuoanted to
and the deep cutting of prloee on
________ He lied oot'repented.
ed a (wldsb. woridly life, as U proved
by bbi neclert even of a poor, needy
beiKsr at Ills very door, tTirirt's refeiriires to tbe fimire. relieved of all
mpatiHoi. Vhat Jmeranee to claim that n,oiiths ending May 31, 1900. aa against
^ Plllplno "natloD- Is fighting for Ks ,
^f C27A52.C70 for the II
« Uberty. tvbat a disregard for facts >n i joonths cb<!|Rir May 31. l80a
AownnHtig tbe civil government ofj These striking n-eulU are dne almoat
■M in Ltsaon. and making these the ^ jj,p
Our Granil July Clearance Sale
batter pmrf of tbU tl^ tbe tart tbst
' ' • oot >uu soy^M of tboe b-
nie well knowa teshionable outfitters have made their reputa
tion by eelUug BETTEK OLOTHIHQ than the other fellowe -It’e
oiu- conetesl doing things - best” Our contipually introducing
new Ideu; oar selling new goods so cheep that keeps the iordlnery clothiers “in e stew ” Just now we are creeting a whirl wjth
tty ta a rery deUewte .
(TMl tnitba. relieved of all of tbe^lraOT
of tbe parable, stand oat clearly and
«a the oatmtrtti bMb.
■ Tbm U aot «a« of tbs nsta Una
S. Benda & Co.
LaxarM U the moat strikiaa and aabana ^ratde mt Cbrlrt and tbe oae
where mod of all caatton mart be ex-
{wrable U a warelnc acabM the
Ice of Mammon and Intended to show
Chat -we cannot eerre both God and
which preraUed fosr yean afo.
Meramon. Tlw rieb man waa not cosOb May Si. ISMX for example, tbe demiMid becacae be waa rtdk. bat bearaOable caata In tbe twasary amooat- canee be pUred bU rlrbos la tbe pUee
n« Demeciacr b
Union Made Shirts, 50c
Union Made Overalls, 48c
«be Waek I
,t hr Uee-A a. uoyta.
1UfW.-lhr wrtir « or Ow.-u*. erf. »»
The parable of the rteb man aad
Afur tme yaan o< aapertaaoe «•
wbOe ta abeerre baw abadatrty tbe (0-
tfUit ct Aswrl
lar yoa, and will art* V
Bataa vary taw.
■4aneeMorw t« T»*wer*- riMv t. omber •*«
We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
Anti none are poor atoek.
beinp aeed.
Everybody wbo
t^oap aa yea know is better al^T
naea foap
when they tee the name on tbe wrappt rw.
know .tie blaridartJ
We will give you good val-
Ifb- 25c,
tL'v. 85c
S.V and
end 50c
fiOe per
ner cake.
UM for.'V
oc, 10c,
WM: ^
The Up-To-Date Photographe?
! Fiaa Ilia at Pkanpapl larian. Hlirpit if 111 XiiA
l» i I.
r;iE ^^oKs^^•G Rr.c.ttfh.sPXiiAV ji,-lv a. i. ■■
,— ,
^iBfSB GCBTAINS. . •outhern industries. <
VMOW UOHT SNO um lumwu
MttOa^m butt aad bcmaUM a«iet
Btaajr «f tbe
alto at» bdoc opeaed at
nipMlr at potalbb-. and tbe proepecU
art that tbe wwUj'a annaal ompot of
dtUXXMlOO Ism of coal asd aboot O.UOO,ouo toot of iroa win be wonderfaOr
iBcrtaRed dartac tbe seat few jeara.*'
Tboae wlio take note of tbe wecklf
baak cb«n&SR pf tbe eoaairr mar
bare Dodeed tbe wonderfal lamatet
made )•/ tome of tbe tootbem rItlA.
Tbete lacrettRow Tance froia 40 to »o»*
. (bau luo per eeot ll|oee of Baraoaab.
\4ot exaapli-. U-Uif IM t«er cent amatar
j for IbrI wcTk Hum for '
j'injt W|<ek
I tbe pn-tiout reor.
i-t'k of
mvm naamr.
Isdaiirfail aod floaDrlat retxitatkiD
ItabPd ibodf* and oih* nbkt cenatnlr | iDsl, Id tiM- niurw of lime, brine Itrcat
tea a Ttirr «RcoDveeitoBaUalr.. Tbe i {•olljlcal ebaDcet. tt U Out too wncb
I la Dot I
, bowhope iliti tbe day wIU Toiae
rrer. tbe etomrlerftfle feataw l>Hn« j tbe lodURtne. mil rarry K>tMBt that
tbe manuer of Uusliv It. A ttont ^ij, rtTwHmily tod fowver break up
w ritx la plare.1 la llw celllue.
tbe De, wbin. a lone cord will, doable aormry. for It b uoJer UepabUctDlRin
tatM'l depi-ndt. A lorpp, <wn-b*M lookR ufieinate. expaad tod
tlioBM >- tied arouDd tbt : th^ve. n.em tbouM ' already
Itliered op potllbn
portion of tbe two hwapL jriHn
jeiHinsfa IctstrortlaR la tbe derelopment
nts dewljcu would alto bi- fouml a if iboMalli-under tite preteal admloltalDple and eCeetlre way of ireBtltyt a j tmtUio to Siriea that iecUito Into lln»
—lall arrtrway
. „
I * •ipanrlod nod tbe wWer uarketa
eaiantton will att8 many UII*. ttalnates an.l laodlaea. ] tin, tj,,
n*. 2 It aaolbiT uuroiiiiaon ttyle., core.-Katw^t fliy (Mo.1 Journal.
ta tbe ticnal way. elrioa. liowerrr.
Uttk- more fnl’m-n la d-pib. mttins
otit a tiuaU wniirirT-l.- lu tb>- middle of
tbe top and drawltu; tlilt to a piliiL
Oriel triudows tinrelJeted by dreiM-ry
.pecteot a
Ab easy luetbod <rf tivatlDf ibem la to
bare a •mx-.iialun of aliii|>l.- twaict tu«ptnded from tbe riDya of tbe iwlc aud
dlMppeariny behind tbe lonjr rartalna.
Tallt may l» InirodueHl at tbe anylea
' and cord* and
taatelt b<>re rlee a llffbt aail
HferL Wb. re cconuray It thidied both
may lie dlNtienM-d with.
Pig a abuti-* a little morewtyle and
variety. Jhe eeuter la drawn up wlib
tbe awagt throw-n over the pole at the
aagle and tbe tail tlKiwInc briilnd. In
tbit eaw> it It Imt.^r .to .Iraw up tbe
t tide of etch twac wpamiely. platl D|< the tall nn.l attacb
tbera to ui»> nunihiu- Ifhlml lit.- p.lo.
Tbe ceoler nf tbe tide wiiidotvi may
be irraied wiili eord an.l (am-It In IIk>
■ame way at tb.- n.tddl.- .me If d.>Blred. TI.e latt drtm can 1- carrb-d
•at In nudras mutlin or la nciy nf Hit
W Nucb UN wcioL Mwge
or tai*»try.
AUboneb tbe mudrat iii.miD may b
CCru. tbe friur* ti.-.-d n>'i u>-e<-«Kari1.v I'
aalf rolun-d. A dc-llmlely tinted
barmeny with ibe |.n-va<UDS tints
aronod tbe wladnw wonhl be quite |mtmlolUe.
IMien Joining ibe colling twagt and
UQt of the wlndowa, lie- btcdi of tlw
former nml On- front of tl.e latter
•bonid In? pUeed PwetbeT. , Tbit will
und.-m<NNl If a
"U I* a iJi.llr.-abl.- far-l." remarkt tbe
Albany Journal, "tliat already tbe Brynnlte iH-wri.uiM-n. have dmpiwd tbe
l*orto tll.■n tariff Jaw, urer whleb tbey
were making a Urge and ruuN|.lcuoua
fuat but a few wcekk ago. That no
fnrtber attempt win U- muite to nae U
a -campnlgi> iRtne it iilaln.*' If tbe
mocreta rontliiue to dir>p Ustua that
• worae than ttaeJeaa to tbem. tbey
U aooD be without a (dank to aUnd
Our Itiiltiatriet are ffnaiieblog under
prutecllon. I*nwi)erliy It promoted by
IflO cent dolUra. tlxpaiintloo -I* a fart.
and Uh- Aiiic-rican flag
imw-wloriR. By
r will Invite and
d UlWti I
It teentt dimp-r and Win
to paste tbe
Ibey can *.v them wb.-n having their
erenlng Rcioke. They tbow tbe actual
price at whleb wool and sheep weff
told In XVytuuIng In given y*«rs:
lb. y. o. A
over a pole, wben It will Iw Noen that
each altenu.ie »wag pr«%<-DtR tbe <it>|iotlte tl.le to it.e m<>m.
A pole It not Indltpenaable; a tdaln
lath win be found cheaper, and It win
•err*, quit.’ at well. In tuch
tbe dra|NTy would bate to l.e tacked t.i
t ratx or \t
S.liH. .-T.,...
roB AS ouiij. winhow.
with * Cld. it would impruve the
'll.nil Uix plaited
Mlled Uadhig.
Wlevi frilling .xrialus.
Ibould In- .-ut li. I. -JB Oirijn al«ut s!“
iBChet bre«i.l. J..in.-I log.-iber Rnd h«-ihB>ed along .wie *U-: the fulli
may Im- aa>Thhig from
Vbole a.ldltU>pal. It l*\« t«llvu* j<dP
to tnm down al..<u h.ilf an ln.-li .m tbe
Ibe frill and draw it
It np.
fiber tdge of ib.then aibtehluc It lu (W rnrt.-iin by
band. Tboae. however, wlm liavo a
aewtog uutebitt* with rrllling attacb• meat can enor0Hiu*ly ndtuv the tabnr
tt m leir of curtain* and make very
even and Bttlfoi n frills.'
Orecoo .ngwrr*.
IjHe-jf BdvI.TA fribi Urvgi.n fbdw
illicit th.- II. lii^’.lh-nii jilurailtles lu :hU
.b-il.u* ir t!i;;l »:..te w.ve .
ilargi-r ilint at first j. .rt>-.l. Tie- He- j
i pnMi.Tii. .-aii.lidut" t t c’'.wmor had a
Tpliirai;?. ..f UKKC t!;aa
exa.-fit ii:e .auH- jih « w.-is In U«e\ i
K..r .-..ivi-SHiiwn III- e.>u.li:r..Nl plural
lity of He- tw.. Il.-pul.lu;aii .-au.lidatct
- was alH.ii: li.rsa*. or 2.>hs' im.r.- than
the liluralltv given P. tb.- .-.iiii.- can.ltle In IS; v
In ,!,
It »b-.ul.l ,1
nqm ti.in-r.d al«-. tl-ni In lsf« tl^re
was no fusion t4 ih- ep;H •it.'.in v«we.
pjsw.1 to till- R:-|raMii-an* funrcd at
cuu.ph-te a fusion as w--is <-\er made.
BesIcbN. this. Mr. flrjanlhad mi.V a
four i.f On«rn a few w.s-ks Ufure tbe
oi Conie.
Tbe kvernge price .-f cuttle on tbe
farm was f]CC> jer trad on J«t I,
IS'T. .'n-rt l- f.-iy 1‘ivtsh-nt Mclvinley
w«* Itumcrrap-d. At tire l» glnrdng of
tbla year eati> were worth fS> j.rr
head <.ii I'.i- farui. The Incnnse In the
U« ihtTH- y. Sirs has 1t»v> T*i per cert.
sn- from the report* of
lbed. iiarttu.-t:: ^i-grlenliurv and n
be acc-jrt.-cf r«H a
al sulaiply ttdlable.
Tbe Haase ta tba llesncd Tvna.
Tbe faeat-d t.'tii. is a Irylnr teaaob
for the stay at borne butist-keeper.
Boeschuid dat
beeonie mot* to A«rteg tbe aammer
PVode ke B*»a lte«naF«la*t.
lte*^t^f*-t few women undemabd
Tbe exchange of oM ben Is under tbe
^ tR htb
goU Mnnrtart! law per new lAods heapMm. VvmIng * per rent Interest. • a» e^cTMled ,
»».r<n«V. and -hat «. :ar ^Ited--P aud obtsiA. intimd _
famUblng that ta nmr* suitable fur tba n.onv«>hn.
haated acaann. wbat a boon to tba
•aAceper to
,o be
b, aide
.N. to
.. dHpHH.
wbuae prraent eoudltlr.n ta a
I tearNvarU.f with tbe dual eidpeace and civIlixaUon
; lacUng material: One-caa'dkardiy r*«b
world. «UU bolds fast
toe how retreablag a barely fumlabat
to tbe Bryan Tdea of f*e* allver.^^^amfvga la oa a bot. daaty day.
t.«a FprlttgaBanitogtaB.
"T\/rn H
n» CcAtvteg lancnfrti. frott &
an4Bll7 vftncs Sanctel tad ta«wM OP. j -r-«l npon pauiibpd ta Use Cbbac»
•*] ..-'-atac PMt. It TCC7 t»<Btfctni U
nidd dPTriopoMt of wrmi ladwMta i» tbe MOtbm ruIm:
I, ttmM etiuiDlr 1» tbt MctidiM
-j»o far at Ow mauBfactiiriac oodoek,
wadart tt taeoooter as ogtjr aiavf^tiaag aim tppetrt
4tr. reoatdPrt^ tbe Knot Ttrtpty ad
jj,/.vuftlde It It
fntt7 «««•>» fabiVt armlUlile tor
$r.wiw}Xa. U now aoluc Into
aaaaMT aaa To aaiae ImH a few. wt
UMtaatrlea la tbt y^rth
n mn -rrS gb-r»
After a tborough inventory of Summer Goods throughout the different departments, we were -surprised at
tbe amount it involves to be carried over if not dtsposedThts season. We invested rather heavy last spring, anttcidating advance in prices, whereby we own oar goods away below par, but it crowds our space, also financially fn
consequence. We must unload without delay. Our gain is entirely'yours, as this sale embraces all up*to*date
summer goods which we place on sale today at our low net cost, and in many insunces below. Our last sale dem
onstrated to you that we advertise solid facts and when we announce a special sale it means baigains, and'savings
in dollars and cents. At thissale it will pay you to supply your immediate and future wants; Here we state a few
of the many items reduced through the stoae.
mm $n.oo u
All 7’c Shirt Waists reduced
Tbe ereot of tbe avsaoo.
At. iinmcrcifnl alasbinv of pri-va.
Our entire atook of MBN'3 'UITi ANO OVEBCOAi‘8. ooDfUtincoaly of Tbe light coiurs an.riigbt weishta.
Prices rauifiog np. to-$ln. Oholee for t&la Sale at $10.00.
l.OfO Cbildrea’a Hoita, etrictly np to-datc, tHqiMsliDir of Yeatee Snita, from 3 to years of au-. - piece and 3 piece Saita.
maooiab BiyW. np t j 10 years of age: all go without reaerv-^ at
a diaeonot of So ^r cent.
Cbwee of oor entire at jcb of Bicycle Suits at $3.96.
Fine Fancy Madras Soft .Sbirts, detachable cuffr. «1.00 .
qnslity. reduced to.......................................................................... 76c
Extra (^nality Fancy Percale Bresa Shirts, detachable
cBffe. $100 quality, reiluced to................................................. 76c
Fancy Sijb Bosom SbirlB. 81.25 quality, reduced to............ 76c
Fancy Sift Bosom SbirU, T-5c quality reduced to----- a ... 46c
A lot of Light Color Neifligee Sbirts. best Percale, 50c
quality, reduced to............................................................................ S8o
A lot of Men's Gray summer I'ndervear, to close, per suit 85c
AJ! Si .00 Shir: Waists reduced
All S1.50 5hirt Waists reduced
AU-Si-75 and SiXiO Shirt Waists reduced
All S2.25 and St-.=i0 Shirt Waists reduc^
Ail S5.00 Shirt Waists reduced
65c and 75c Ladies’ ^Neckwear reduced
Si.oo Ladies' Nddewear reduced
Si.35 Ladies’ Neckwear reduced
$2.2f Ladies’ Neckwear reduc^
Twenty.five per cent, discouni on all Straw Hals, and tbe re
maining light color Fedoras.
Oor entire stock of -50c qi^ality Summer Caps, reduced to. 38c
St.50 Fine Fancy Lawn Fronts reduced
$2.50 Fine Fancy Lawn Fronts reduced
Fine Fancy Lawp Silk Fronts reduced
Figured China and Satin striped Silks, our
price 35c and 39c. reduced to....... ■;---All Silk Plaids, all silk Dresdens. our price
7fc. reduced
Brocade Silk and up-to-date Foulards, our
' price 75c.reduce<l to................... .............
Extra heavy I’ancy Taffetas, in stripes and
checks. Fancy Brocades and extra quality
Foulards, our price. Si; reduced............
Fancy Silk Muslins.Silk Ginghamsand French
Pique, our price, soc; reduced..................
A Qp
A Lot of IOC Fancy, Fringe Ribbon reduced
A Lot of Fancy Ribbon, former prices 45c and' ORl
50c. reduced to per yard..... ......... ............ ^OC
prices up to r-c. reduced to.......................
Fancy Pique, 25c Quality, reduced
1 Or»
1 Oo
X V/L/
1 OlZ
1 fCp
. 0q
A lot of Factory Remanams. yard wide Percale.and Dress Ginghams, to close at per
Fn a
$2.50 Parasols reduced
$^03.Parasols reduced
^ QQ
$4.50 and $5J» Parasols reduced
g QQ
Entire stogk Ladies Fancy Hose
Reduced to 39c.
A Lot of Rrgandies, former price lOc; reduced to....................................:.G.;___
A Lot of of Dimities and Lawns, price i3c. reduced to..................'•.................. .............
A lot of Dimities and Lawns, price 15c reduced to......................
-A lot of Fine Batiste and Importeil. Organ
dies. ranging in price from i.Sc to ;sc. reduced to-. - • ...................... ..... .........
All White Pique, including the best up to 35c.
to close, at per yard............................
Austrian. Dark Skirt Crashes, importeil. price
25c per yard, to dose at............................
Extra wide good quality .Madras, suitable for
waists, dresses and men's,shirts, our ijJic
quality, reduced to.....................................
Extra quality Madras, mercerized stripes, our
regular 25c quality, reduced to . • ■.........
Yard wide extra heavy Percale.'worth loc.our
price, to close.........................................
Fancy Pique. 15c quality, reduced
25c Fancy Embroider^ Bow Ties r^uced
10 15c or 2 for............ ...............................
A Lot of Organdies, price 5c, reduced
$1.00 Parasols reduced
.All 35c and 45c Shirt Waists reduced
A lot of 82.00 and $2 2-5 Udu-b' Fine Vici Kid Shoes, to
A lot of L«lie«* BlackiVici Kid 5Velt Shota,' $2 .50 .joal, reduced to ...........................
....................................... $1.0$
La.lies' black au.l tan turned Oxfonlr.?! -*>U .|iiRlity. rt-du< 10 per cent, dieroiinl • □ ail Summ.-r Footwear.
_ .
Sbo-s for iiirn. wom-n nnd -hi*<ir-Ti.
Lvdies' and -Miss'^s’
in black at;<l nu
Id |>cr c-nt disco^iut ou ail I.i^'raia and Vwlvet (‘‘irpetf.
Caoi'-e of oiir Ii-nI
Mniliou'. including apto 30c per
J anl. Fu- llii< e;>.-! iat, j»er j ar.i.,
SrECZAL-.^ roi;« of V*-;v\-t (’arpet, to elo>.‘. at per
Best-50c and
60<-quality re<ln<-ed to, per double roll.:.. 36c
.F.- lucain ndn-ed t-j
........................... ................................... 26o
.^ddi i..ual lu p.-' ~ent, discount bn entire stock of Wall
To clop.-ih,-r-meinii.g etork of Liolie#* Suit*, np to 11-5,
............................. :................................................................... $6.98
One lot of La-lir^' and Mieaes' .Jackets, valnewnp to $-i.6C.
redne.“d le.
$2 93
One lot of La Ji-o and Misses' Ja-kett. mines up to W -50.
............... $383
o^^dies' ami Missea' Jackeia. minus np to
Choice of onr entire lot fli CiiMn'- B .Jackets np to $-5 'r'
rt^noKi to
$2 26
Choi,» of
lot of Pl.W Sk:n«. op to f«.>0, re
docod 10...............................................................................................S2.BS
Choir- of oor
Pat«emllals, np to $32. reduced to. ..$3.50
.411 others n-doce^ acco-di i-ly.
Tlxe ZBostJon Stiore
Q-Xeiss BXoc]e
Fro23.-b S-fci'ee-b
■» WQBi HO aucomnn onn
• OMicirr ouc to a woman.
»• sNti« UtcM
to toata'J
tea M lifKa
a catw a«
oriMM Bor>
jm euMM erMar a« ■ i».
TVCst t.
00. kM*.
▲ modcrt UKU card tacMTotk*
h«l dev «f B teodMQM kriek bOM to
m. Au'B BTBMM. MV Om H«mM
Mbtnwe e« s botd wMch
• vusiaa’B M«« cod eflOru to
MCkNatoc tbe bBfdeB> cd otbw pmcM.
AaMDg rrftaol eod c»i7ts:ial nmawt'
to|B (be g»>9< of tW( bostf, »tldi to
Mikri tbe Bam boul wd U'opes to
koto Aen ksd woaeu. tnjjr b«Te » eu^
aoAB and gjo^ fare tor tctt little i»ara
~ at a tbealrr rvu. aa<i If abe baj^cm to
toetrtweJiHgafainrt <at« with ma emftj
yodtobook abe taaj bate tbe aaAe ao' OABAodatioai te BOtbikg at all B&til
tomoe eaiDntH tbe bocel^ Brt a ehaHtoble loMtoatios.
An^raieaUe poiMAlcai'
■-*r SWEETMtatOBIES. :!
'..— A
A*McrinA^eiw tot a Butt tootaila tbe other eaee.
00^ eeaitb. Bat.
no eU Aca vai <oj^
Bseeociiig a
todge of tbe aepreoK <»an. om or too
Taatie and trv.-
, •«■ Indeed, opew tbe n»aaaer o*
«tto« tbe I Uroai .dei«iU. «ocb o«
aae’e KpOUt^ f«t being ovUdreeMd.
j„,nj Iii.ll, „p
lalntniM. a rv. i.al nf tto- nsh-Hrm^^
iN'Itic .Jiscmd Iti Its tamed 1
that TTCTk* Dcmb
d there v-A faa-no ia
tbe bnrdeu of htr acBipi cne messago,
.ithat of Ikive—cvi n Ixfur.i bet Imart bad
lcw>«a iw lueaiiing her toico bad speion lore. Th.-roitw of the girl siihtig at
tbe piano was lijce brr ;.-randni(«hk-r'>
badbctu. It hnotedcbcmlf iii ibehcarti
i..!li rcpHi-d.
oto! rlsit. and she Vm^*"*"* oue of tbe
'It b.ga:i like tbU; Back
I hope never anin 10 tee sorb a
mite oompany wb«e ambitioas in art' wbro Jim Fisk waa cm
? "r derilisb ferocity as sboae from bis face.
bad occaslim P
m titeratora Bare not yot been realiaed Fall
Of eottnc all this took place In a secoad.
wwom oat witb tbe
bat even then 1 knew »V bullet bad gone
MtotinM. Bbe pays wbaterer abe can af.
In tbe morning I was np to arc tbe
rtae. H being a fad of mine
when afloat.
At qnite a tiatnber of
near Ibe roil on tbe port aide
conafaeratde of n iplaab in tbe water be
JP««« *«^rd
the roil, while not af toe bone. There anat pivetn eboat,t leaned •
„|j „„
the becdr cried m-drekband be^w. who
waa in a twller position to see. The rignt
■vyA- Fial
ir hotel,
V to a eleit tbere, "oocoplei
I all its own. There __ __
Mmte' and actors' fnad* and cbaritobls
we do not feel that
waaro ooodoettog, a olmrlt,.
. ..Wear.
■ borne for bratowockan who bare earned a rest, and for am
tfttow edsoatod pcawms wbon preeeni
utble them
■ upper
there, btogins far out. witb ^
— •k— ——• •'•nUguant hah
old ___
b.“ ind lieard marked
,ca fnr
..N the
”Bc nil rnshed
on gaining
A steward mt
tome alchcmr of tbo aonl. old age,
which baa dreainwl dreams sees in oue
^ li^bt tbo dro.vns of the
:r...v ^
that iVri-^. The orijnu of wliatls cal
tto -orirmatioa' of English
It is 1
oatot. amtii almoot
eurronnd- ,t™b.«Iy ot th- man was semr.^ n day
toa*. wo found tbcae eultcrcd pcopto.
merder was dunmitt-si. for It
rilf were called suceotefnl writer*,
was murder, the bole la the b.-nd havlag
been made by a teculyer bcWI .at dose
iropecial fi.-id toing 1-------,-------------------------tbe m°rit
merit ' range.
range. .As
.As |
| waa
was saying.
saying. J-bad
J-bad forgott. n
tetery. lut they aec..: .' tbe
at one*
T u-nba
We naked no It when I■ received onJers
k after a
It I bad b
ftoebed look «i tboit - a . a face aod
aapkJog rootn-and diiJ not
riridly obrerrej. but ia the aonib of Euroiw ityras by n« means strictly obterred.
“In Rome, where the temples were
aKwilytunirfintochorchcs.il is scarccly to U- troerf. thnugb llf.-r* war —
Uinly .
inditiou with rega
bec=a«- Ibe l.-sri. «l arc
John Jostin
t.-U* us tbat at old
isttn inampiiil
Petcr’a. Home lerirtrf Ig Coastso-
1' tiered
ecterod Ibe
(be *alo-n
*alo.i t heard a cry at tba ttoei. tbe chnivh was eo thoroaghly orientated that at th* egulanx. when the groat
'Tbesu aod ^mllor axperionoM open- . farther end and 1
doors were op<'i>*.t at sanrisc. the first
ly. The oaloon
- M
_ toy *T«
t«“to .
great need of a hotel dtrttotoapa
hurried -roy. ahlniag thri>dto
thriMlto th.the gr
groat porUl.
Ite oars, and after many disoourage- dcserir.1 an.1 dimly lighted- 'I hurrirf
irii upon the high altar. Of
a 1 aUrted. It was eight years ago forward, not e*|wcttog b
1 k;
>1 when
given u
me a wealth of 'ao wt% uartled
w-ben 1
I non
w that have given
of blood
nnbag la a pool
» niom bumming:
Now e.tUn.E i«widcorrtoRK-Ukeshadowa.
iug to sijuio dot
abe knew. wa« a
of tbe honsobold, Tbe word*
like thadows” ran throng;b tbo aged
womu'i bvod when the 1
luuu,. suu cu<.
w. .... —v
cbild'a tbonghtlesaness which bad left
-i____ t
t-Ha .nAii ef
bar alone for a moment. T^ .pcII^
tbaploadtog WM&waa npon ber.
life was torticd beckward.
ed as bold as ynotL. this sby old wommi. who two Inter* before bad been
afraid to protest against the ovcrcborgc
of a cabman. She beard ber .tangbier's
Reps and tbe child's in the room above
ber. and. thrilled with the mcsmcriccBchantnKDt o( tbe Foqg. she bream.
at the whlR table now appe.ro.1 an.l wrfooni he bad been
„,i*cd. or. rather, slashed. aero« tbe
fitoMiingiarious Nlltout wbotwe pertovitt^ ahead UftbeirUmOTtog^^
neek. ib* cut ezu-adiog down tu>ls righv
Jt was^ w^krf
Moagnttlan: young peraou of
•mdtoeancOTOTa; noble
m wbo lacked bat one
tool Of getttag °»MT- i
*M CMOT are M widows wbo after
9vaaf oowfert M afieetwe ere toiowa
u»‘ >» w
words wonid ease a throbbln
among the keys, pretending to bunt f«
_ ___
_____ of tbe _
toe air. _
arid tbe words
'm toclt owa reBodtcee wilbont
Aa 1 lay nybnrloe your dead bcs.-t. OoBgtaa
tkteclas. (kTCglas. t«Dder and trea
And wb»® the beard tbe horrid croak
.k- ___ _
»------- L', ' " - j ,’L. V---------a-------- J
God pitted ber and wot tor
gwet Ukn HUto
exrlaimrf tbe Uttk
',r;z'rr. "?.s
U;lta. m. uia baa ehalr enr te Ofwi
Ki^te e:*t ^m.WatejMkuM^rlor cot
Pere Marquette
oootQ aot^x. -
bung In the closet.
They si. mid be
y„|rt,.d In buriinittal line* rather than
.............. . »
Is always tuwkrd l.-nglliwlse
First strrtch tic garnn-ni out
th<- full wliltli. ilu-ti (1bul.li- li d./wti- _
heir tin- li-iiglb
of die skirt, tln-11 donlde It
_ ,
l.-ugtiinisc foiil. III.- only on.- tbat :Lro55!i*
. , _.j,
sDoUHI IK. maui
-------------------,1.,,,. ^u^ta
the llliea tiul folds of trt-ar.
"Mow. what U a horrible exampter"
MkedtbeyooBgeri boy. lot^tognp (ran
itmt' a
oomo KORn.
"Ssr,, :.:.: ';S VViSia
KSSKIS; :::-;!SS»!a
..tssr,'’ ”“':r.!£:3
a,;;':™.: ■ I "’liSis
------ AAgroV
Trororos 6<t*
il as inwrtlon « foulard of n^iwlto,
nomewhere. perhaps « -xerywbere.
Mn’s cortumea.
e of tbe
Hand painted gown* artelegant faslilon* of the acason.
white "
with thin gowns by ymmg wunen.
wbeet sbap*^ Ail
r.A P. IL Dtpet
The bolero is an oft repeeted tale, yet
it is ever growing to favor. The BusSian bolero to tto rentoo with raririeunea. adminipg df-tbe modified looae-
eaeaked off Ihe book ''
toK “ibc «roth*v'eqrite way.jand Tto algrin, and you’U find any oBoaM of
wur«_^ turn.’ yg# kMW."-PUladaI- -m.
uapoUi Joursal
pUa PreM.
iiiJ I"
a S 111 W s e>:i »
lose I u II im «
lUta , « » II M; (D
That It la a nt-anoD of lacx-1* undonUIt may be at an cWIn- robe or on a
WIsaTy te gnuow.
________'to beroclf ItTsilencc. 8briooch- there It to
«d tto pianissimo pedal cf the inrirnToulard gowua for general all around
Bent; Ibco. as her bands upon tbe-keye
the most usefnl of rll the eea-
.bbb, b-i-b. a,s5s:.ssJd‘'u.^“wtrri.^J^cu-s-iMb™
ptored in bU henA
. -Wb.« qurothteed *s to bow H haprroed. he cnold only leU ct that as to
iboni to enter tto paaaage lesdtog
- bnrolpg nsnsatkte arf realiaed that
oM Bteo with while hair and beard.
' wrapped to a long. Ught garmeot ***
' paabtog by him. Tto fcalfe witb whkb
In Par!* cli- rrj color Is the mode. It
look* pnnl.'ularly Iwnutifiil Iti ct.-in- d.^
din. .•s|»‘<-telly Ti tn-n
wrapped ill a consumiug louping to try
irrnngi-d 1i
if she Muld not sing Ibe cld song agaln.^ nlalt*
plait* with
of pas«<-ni.-n|erli
Sbe'tiptncl about tbo room, and clrsev.-ry one.
togtbedraTS and looking ever behind
Lace colored glotxra arc I.- d.-nil.-r <tJ.
ber. tbe circled to tbe piano.
tbe sd.nIc dy.-d to esartty th.- peculiar
Sbu wished toeing out'
Out of old lai-.-, 71*.-y art- xery l..-c«>mthat was in ber bea.-t. to put it into
tog to tbe hand, softer l-wklnp than
ber Ups.
words and let it
id w
» acoond b«. she moai^:
B^naturo. Arouml my Ublr b^
•Mhmd gentoav who wot* hall mad.
■MtecdbylbelosutlaaOTOf tbelr own
1 ®«dc In this Inatoorc "of white gauie.
| With long CheDlilC Cltda.
8be rote as^sho Said tbit, ami witbout
^uioos. Tbvy arodikeebiidren to me.’
CuTK-tmek agate!
n, 1. of I..,-over a band of bUck vrirrt lied into a l«w on. tbe bust, while
„ ,4,^ watat. Com. pletli.g
And tho stOTy tbet tbe tong told of i
Duet cloeke are an all Important Item
lorerawhobad met under of ones sumnN-r sartorial economy.
wise wninab Is sbe who baa a
tberwOTaud bad known '"tholoTopf a
day. tto loro of e Ufa" Wbai
Whai B
a twirl
twirl bandaome dust rioak and makes It do
*""ll rrrale.1 a grt-at deal of ex.-i!.-:te-nt
the time, and tbe papers were foil
I^..b..we»M---------O lov.. will yon n.-r.T
eketrbed. This la made 'tn
in |uik- I
ings »j
It. A t<
of blaek. by Uie way. is IntrcNluced lo
^ «U the l«t gowna'iodey. The bolo-
.■ Tbe
girl recalled
a tweet old aoog, a peaeefal. eunuwful when occasion
muster at a dost or trovcllng coaL Thr
ditty oor grandmotbera
mori important ot tbew ewts are to
OosU ye roiDF Uck to me. Donglaa. Doiwtoa.
k;. .'7*7*
d nnd'abe was writhIs tbc.kd llkntcin I knew.
empire style, tunslly of taffciaa. with
tu rsllhrcl. *n luTteg.
Me was a I'4l-«;fsi.hrubw..loTteg.tonelaaDtMl.a
ricli rccero and bandsomc aasbes tied
DungtoN. teudrT and
apbndic murdenr. and abe was also the
round the figiin-.
I*arls|pnncs with
Tbegirl sang on nnHlshetbtmgbtito tbelr proverbial in-nsc of fitneua bare
yonng woman who.■had“tunc”to“‘tec‘5I)^
bad clung
the preceding day. I bad tired her grandmother, end then
uelcctnl foutarrl for tbe umts. Vblcb
tbe stool she eald
ght of my .langcr.”
Whirling around
they wear on llie short trips to tbe e*"What about the' white hair and Uarn gayly:
n vogue.
position, wlilcli a
doslerr broke in Kenton. w%oae pipe
"WgH. grandma, bow do yon like itf
had mne out tbe meanwhile.
Baren't 1 improTMl in ten years?"
In East BlvTcatb
Tbi-n- Is a strong siiggestlufl of tbe
(.Qipire period nlmpt tbe fuuianl drcee
tU.T prepored
.......................... . .. thing to himself
B.r this time the ‘■'J;*’’''
bWhclI.V tei..t.l1iril'lc.
We Informed _ Are you
1 bia grealcoauH to prac« and reatfnlneOT, suggested JJp ,,Jl”^.'",7^iI^"w7iiad'#<^
Kcnion. sllm.iag
toe Maa^f^ hotel to ma AudSe^
Ven gkro to^
Uni. (llobc iva,
- ward, bare to Now York, it came to me
s« pass<-a:'Ws were found an'' " ■ '
again wlto striking fom. In a wretek- sweriee thr description. A seen.! seaccb
Wreagty Bollt rbereb.
•d mem in a tenement bonw 1 (ontid an
was ntedc. every twawnger Mng scrutiA teindca rorresp.nid.-nt wriiei;
Med maririan and CompuMr in his tost
lUxcl. T>..-u all hands were Inspertcd. Stephen's.
Stephen's. Tal»«t
Tallot road.
in,I n-ltb 111.- sam.- rt-snlt. On rearbina
rearbing nart.-.
perk, Is
one of ,Ki>«e
eburebrs which
wbirb arc
rt ider e!li.Trs were sta- described c* t«:ug 'wrongly built.’
4 *• "D«i't seod tne to an almibonse." ‘
die gangway, and as the other w.ml..
«-ml«. its rtiams-l nnd alltr I
tlen.d sir
■ebcggol. 'Letwodiehtre. I
filed lash.-tv alt were figaln .______'at
place]'at th.tin- .....................
w<-»l end ...
inslrad of ot tl-..to tbe cold, and Uiooo old bamUM of I^,.j.-ied v
B.it no cast—ns dem.unli-d 1-y III
marie.'pointing witb a trembling fin- ,j,j —otlrmi
___ was found wearing white *nd the lno.-r and cuief cnirancc orv
te 10 tbo rude obulf abote bUto.1 fill.''
itid b-arii. Tb.-n the lewt was gir- tbe <-a»l cud.
No i-liurch rroc.cd
.0 a second <>r.-riinuIiog. with Ibr forraer England
the n-r>n-mation has t
•h»d» tnroed idly from leaf to leaf in
O" portfolio and sang by piecemeal.
Tbe elder woman only asked that sbt
keep on ringing. She ofliy asked
kTOT on f. Aod ber dreama were all
dins klltrd wliito silk i:<usllo fiintlsbcs
tbe undcrslet'Via. it is u rather ethkIng cunfectloii dotlgticd for boaUug
Tbe womaq.
women, bcbioii
behind me Mopiwd
Mepiwd of fancioa
tbe ringing of tbe child sent duty. Cone are the days when a dreary
Tn^rning from the wiadow. Mdyiug tbrongb the aged Into! The' garment conaldtwi good or bad enough
out tbelr
a "On anotberoecaslou a friend wanted
aetoe writiog done, and a putdiaber reoommended an antfior and bto wife wbn
i«h,;„.pi. p„u. .k.....,,i.,..k
dona tb^^teSOTAy atri toto . «a^
After him I eproag. but found
the door locked.
I jnmped agalast It. «»egni eobbed onti
T the
D rnl>ed orer a
white luoutei-llnc Hblrt front.
BCE* Ctrl' aASiTaarrn.
Krrt nty. KIsbte
Tbeyonng shall wo Tisiune. and Ibo old
eball dream dreams, saith tbe propbiL
Bnt wbea. by some magic ci a Toico ot
hot nd‘7«'^ireV7T“!^ir;5'"‘wi;b
U did not give way entirely. With
tee to Uie hotel
rpvi-ais 0 klllisl i:utlcrski:i nnd is eqpiplrtcl witb 11 lilack snibi l>nn.l with a
ibe toccniU/wttb her resonant roiee.
did this child, ia her gtamimrtbet'seosL
Shu caug tho simple ballivils cf Ibo
day—"Lost Night," •TboClaas of the
Wooden Sbooa. ” "Margamic"—and
asybe soug bpr motliei, to wbuai thu
eiiKiDg was OB old story, alippcvl oat of
tbh room—taking all ber yean witb ber
--.Tul^andlitowasallbnt yonib
m greeted »e. and 1 saw that
the oceapaat was aiiilag np ia ber berth.
Tbe wiadow was
to Whkb toe
hean aila^wL .
p„,nimg ekritedly. They were re- ^
open, «w
and wiia
with aeaat
aroat c-----------.
conrteay .1 -----------rushed
«"‘»«‘hecagl^ineenwbile. •" acta '’~''
MT foil rotes (OT boOTd. and I
mV Wt (ut.thla.
! could bear the natsenger*
^payfiill_ tatoi t«_boat4JMi5jj«T. mnttered «>im one at my left, erying out to one another and rooijlag
Sits:‘Ilf” .—r'".-.
»!•'••<»**• fnrtului: an nmlulating d.wign
of thi«) \ri;<i binrU her ami set tbem
pnUiiu: iaicbo to fact own swtel Inag^ that ecofd fiml no words. «od only
:~r —"--f----------------------------
• warm weloDme
awaits ber on ber soo-
ime. bytb. patroo.,
of black sntln rlMHiii. tlic Idm-k satin
may to-
s;,««»», b.™on»«oin.n». i-r»~
and ortentatioB has 1.0 place.
rteere as U-longtog to a t:------"
Tbe doer opeou softly, nod a tweet! writi r.”
deer, hot a. I turned again I eipcrirnccd
flaeed woman eniera. In a inaMer fall > » "Is
In ibis sporadic
li troth
“«.Brr««t •I'W'k of njy life. for. benddC obann and tact fbeaala tbe ucoeaaaryiJ
kyli-Mr. Hy<
Jj liyll-Mr.
Ilydr imaineM.
rTcumb.>nt guard was fbe
«Mtiooa. and tbe caller is larited to '
It ^____.__ o*d tn^n the linen iluster with a wit*,
oerikitt day. Mean*'
Mse again on> a certkin
knife upraised. 1 let out a
While bOT frertentiala are
tardfnlly in-'
^1 that oogbi to litre rroched tbe mala-
............ ,
where hospitality aurt elwplicity dwell |
Inat Dov it ii tt»- A t mfile. tbieadrd
Vifti cbesHk- at tbe edge and with leog
Aetcbauli o<
ebenllle taasi'lB. nlik-b Cngitob tromen
adraaeed age
uaattotbe aeft^iaw mat affect. 1: •mnrfiahlj-peettj-nuBea
,A- _,~Z—^—
nn of The
the .beat
____ Hirer
KiTor ajye^slw^
u.-t be
“^?r": ... u~.. b«»ort «uh «.™.W IJ.«.
with tbe afair. hot
T^.*r?”**rMSMy_NNM3rti,nd tW ..vr Utlit pink or Uor
cot oot. Toe
nerer s
M» *och
erovd. Altboub-tbe boat
Itantto Unljted. ao ooe wooW .
ait pai
ips that
alode. TbejemWi «-»•«■ ts:r«nrly agiMade of tOk tn ibr fnnn of petals of
Utrd. and morr'd to obu ordf.-» la pairs.
s tbe
rare loavee in pale evton to niaicb tbe
day saw no abateOKot ia the
bteide bet Mt tbe attber’e mottot.
dteaU • f the oU man who bad rantohrd
r tbe clrennifanBM of tbe balo, tbe
It la **W atoo that boge white featb-1
aocan j 'i'ieir. Ooee. wtro Judge 8. tp-______Utteniug tritb a glotr of pride, tbe
(ipse novi
boas arm cast tb<>ir wiftenlBg man-1j luSS
proeebr ; two ronnr<trrm oa the fortrard -^a—
I giri'e Toioe wtkt MW
• <ck.
• I■ n.:ir<
ieed that or----------—k-.i ««*.
«. oxer many miamer gon nae wbUo =
—4be graadiunber traa a riaitor at tbe
T bia tup.
tbeebanaaof wblfilteeorl.lackttne !KS^t5.tJSariJ(’.i3rSS*aS
borne—liftouiu^ u
as oae
oae who
who bean
lu'i j.« «»er miss tbe iJd lUer be. In hy«m<-i. and one of ibwn. oaa.-arniag bonae—listouius
boas wiUi titi.v lilu-b ribboa edjNw wfll
asUH’tUifeNfuswai uimrOteene: of taf bkottir. eliitg: to tip anu all day WMeealllng la a loncaonn pli
be rarionslr ul!Ui«rl.
liuBi' ATppiog
nppiog b'-t
b-t .Setitib tad t*-' loeg. And I most
admU tthat I felt a Mt.tbere
e tbiuking,
tbiukiiig. tfaiaktot. tbinking.
auii-c liuoii'
Best admit
Tbi‘ sJwvr wttli iilouse alrcve
Yos te«'. t bad pessrd did thia dear cld eon!, of a day wi«i
KcDbiag oU yarns. Jita bad rrfertnee to
7 Ti
ng I aritw Ihe lureri but I evulJ in ab ____________________
______ b. Na too, h«i«.t Up, pluo b.S.11,«,
bon eiy answer; ~>i<N as nnxb as yea fore. Oaly in tbe former eo«-the agusy
<d tbe Boot peenUer toombere Is oar oldsi ■wi
«s.-s r .-f-. r J apjNT
[leoed oi«B bare eotnc 10 all the more lerribte becaiteEu- was nu.
ne Sion- pi-slfftlBg.
*«B.^as tlw ■Jsiolird
eng., '^a^cnrrr.jrith d^nwn r.-v
geFT.d kitit.N'..
res." I mp-Hided. "Tbat war oSdals
ULiijae. Imi derukl of all neUnena; no
I iu.Ji iuii llttk- part la ihiwe t‘n>Im-.iel r.a:cr>w. yon krorr.
It was a^ e<-edire*. for I Tr':m-jo»--nd tbe past tad
pr.ttj ralcwa. cud I wUb oil rrin-.inal did not look f.-r csiy solutiaii of lUv 1
r difficult in 1
proMir.:* VI'•-r—r.!liiig tuns little barm.” tety. A* niiriu drer, i/a again ihr
”J».i yni; «ver mi i.<-roos any eaiwN as increased." Who ocytl wai the l.uj
, «koM wbo an 1
MApht-"r«-.J 2. thos. Art down by Dryle trery eye. Aronil wotibers guarl.p]
Iltoaai fmij aamJugmioa.y
1.1, No,.|,.;k
.trwbwr asked inorc ivaiou-i«it» of Oh-Uuai. uLiU tb*
Aconrtly old eecileiuaii <,p<-'ni tbei
redilii.c hi, p:|w. Altboagb 1 nil pasAecser. t<> b (nTwin aloiost liudilhd
toonl door to tbe 1 ■ ilr l-raiawker I i.im J::;t, til.- K> join and mys>lf lie waa tugrtber ia tbe aolooa. I l"-lieve e few
Who oumA for tlio Ctoi t :. • and lx»w*, post till-p oue of life. Tlirre «ild «Ti>t»l« wb<>M' staternora* opened off from the
».T. w1i . liad .-Bly tlieittst lolirelB. Ka,v,a dW ryflre, but
ot an eye 1
toe oallcT lut'i tb:i imrliir uitit
triil atti-nd j ">i« “'H T- ' " « nu.w. red
”1 hare
D sW-p ,1.
Ibr'insboul the night,
latlcR] that NiFs
liTPt ici- ■
'"f ' »•'' ' rtr-roely ptmil.ng affairs
“Ai.mgg almut
alioui 22 o'tliN-k I OilemiiaoJ
tor presontly. A vt'iy pK-a-a
tliot lAiIkiAl all efforts of Aolutlnn. affairs t.ic
a little iKAmt
iKAcit abooi on my own
^eteionof ibebiKd is tve.lrori sebiinj,;
• ,,
ye; maderl.nr
ina<Jerl.ar I'ro
trifle, book.
b^k. and.
snd. Flil’l'ing
Flividug on ss..t,e 'sneaks
Tbeo- pnrl.iri mviu im-, j,,„ ,
,,.11,.^,.^ m ,i,i, .Udue- j*ith
,^.‘.1,., ia my I snd. I w
% witbdnfBinalitr *,,.1 AOctaUllty. 1
....... ..
„ i„iUiai.i tnsn to
t,.-e prowled a!
k i1e.1ir?i
hut of cotttw.'be
1to> plain, sstulantial famit-ai
rd 0 psKAas
kwanl. Jf a man e«;iM possess back M the cabin,
A. I was
toiBetlsberttof luo. ie; tbe'wfll Ihninb-, the qniik iut.iltl.s) ..f bia lloUues. be enter it I nmiTilvr.-d it w,
!•*, but ^ tbWnigh wbiib tb.
•d laagMlms and U»ks. tbo pwtralu I
tbe iiigbt Iwforo.
.V ^light^^wa. dimly
Xi^eiw m.
jtm nuw i«4>; wUA
Vna Xmttt d M en.
a»J ttr. °> teto te9 ttea «.
Vte» (S>r; te< tie U«te.
an ton ter mr •• mte.
(too BOOM <■ toqolred » five 70a euto7 (btee.
Ya«yto«t bare bralue. and
Ui^ loan be bo^ bor«ta. that are
iidlitd and pulidttod br edaeatioa aod
aalwre. f« tbe h«el ie crwidocted I<*
■, ■atbot*. mpeiciatu', UBcItin aod neniba of ottor profeealoiui vbo find ton)-
ted. Iron |1 a weak to «7, and sympa
tty and notorial aid, where poerible.
OT* uUmM to b« to ber work.
aniT ran TO
I ^IMaee
batettearto 1 took tbe e^iuio aeidr gad THt MEUMJY CRANDMOTHEN 8AWQ !
ntoted the Bordereau Fail BlnrlM
pait of tto '
^ T,., ju
a.-a'.s, ~~
«to^» »» oto^ weiaa
■. w oojnmnwAM.'iy??55ite m.
gBOI TWO S II ;h;^'
teabMM of Oon««f% Xm.
vartMBttblaMalBCthioafb Mlatobr Wa bam two widaty nm
aoMB, OM treat Bbaac at Sbaafbal
aad tba etbar Iroa tba atomy of
Toro up tbo Trook
lO^TiMMBUd to baUaaa tbataaatbar tfort wlU ’
MfhbftrtoaiUhtMM L«».
b -maiataa Oo.«ar.
ioon iWBMWi l^MBM 0( B«M
A affari It tba aatfrairtb el tba
VktohOlfwtiPni^Mt «f Mm
EaM«r aadPro- oflhaOoaoapdlayateh.
Kay Oeat Prtaaa Taaa Bit Bead.
Park. Jaty tl—Tba Ihi
■ teOhlM.
tboUlaatOUaaatlatparlaladlet. a^:
■fMUi ^ a«.iDt Bi«M.
»flboaidtiria|tn>aato ba aa lafa^oaa
aad aiaktar eoaudy otyaaUad by
icBtPl. Jb]7 n-V)U <^lMM
PriaetTaaa lodaealva. ba «riu pay
tto teuovl^r
mmi-. *‘A M«pM. iwtfltr th* It wlUblabaad.*'
Sbaai^at. laly tl-'l.t Bear Cbaay
mMfol tbt ConlfB aUliUw ud
I »t<:M arriaad bare tbla aoraiaf. PraTioaa
to bit arrival Iba ioraiiB aoMaJa bad a
tkO «(MrBSSB bom U*
H«lklaM fellowt: 'la tb* l«p^l atatUay aad apaad lo
adietUnad oathe MadofUa tisxb lotlaa wltb bla.
aooa. iaiy M. lo amal aad paaU tba
Plaaate BoUatof PakU
aruBlaals who mardarad tba Omaa
Ttoa Thla. Jaly is vto aa«-yii«4
Blalatar, it waa oMatmad that fens Jaly w-Wbat la to ba doaa to rallava
aatalf tba laeMaUoa aCroadad faj aa to PaklowlU badaddad toeurrewat a
tta oUar alatotm bad baaa allMUaa. taaaUaraf tba a
aad tbar wara aUaatoae Jalyii?^
ParU. daly<l-Toar c
rad %
tbaarltmu aaeratar/ at
Ta Kaac. tba (ftlaaaa aialalar, tadaj.
ngardl^ aartaia daaaada aada hy 71ffo»tu TrMtmbiit to Obo
■^liMtia woald ba i
* Tb^
y mM ba bad no Idoaht that
1>7B«1B1U Ooaood Vroek OBd
ofOowlo's roUowon.
Z«eal Ovaraaar cd “CBdatiaa OatbeUa'
Park. Jaly Si~Prlaaa
Baary o«
Ortoaaahaaappliadtetbafbaaab yeroTBMtforloantoamola Cblaa la
Bob brbe aoaabardod H Wltb Beatoa aayeaeaelty. aadbk appUeattoa
probably be yraatad.
lk»« >MbaioM» U tbo Oar BcpUodwltb Smnl Sbou aad One BlyOatbiarUa
bale of rlothiay wiU peaUivoly aad
batorday. Ja? Uib.*8M biy IT
Tbe Beatoa Btora
aatraton Uakaewa.
8t. l«ala. Jaly tl-^t 11 o'eloeb,to>
mi^t two Ibaoalt can wva blows ap
arltb dyaamlta by aahaowa partiae.
wTodhadiad tba track
tora ap. bat ao paweayata ware hart.
A CbMtaaa araaaa ear waa rotUaSlioes are the very beat ready
eyyad ^ a erowd of aaaa wbUa riialin
to wear oboes for woman that
IwlayaveBaaaadabeta waroArod at
money can eecnre.
I from tba ear. Mra.
AbaUKellmter was hit la tba left
They arc made of the
tbiyb by a ballot aadaarloaaly laja
▼ary boat and moat oaraAiUy
at WIiolesaiR
The City Book store
Our entire line offered at Cost
to Close. We have a line assortmoat. Now Is the time to buy
them cheap.
They are made .by the
moat skilled woilman.
etya to Look tato tba Labor
Doflvar. Jklf *i — Tba oxaeatlTa
of tbo Aaartoaa
of Labor adjoamod fiaally today.
aadVioa Praaldaot
OTkaBall wUlyetbBt. Lmk towa
a tka atrlkt Amo. Next
Wedaaaday thoy wlU mat-otbar
efUaewaatlUaa ia Ckka^ aad
taka ap tka baUdlsy trades loekbat.
Cbar^'-Otrippodef BkOlolbiac aad
byBaadaytba aataraaea U reqalnd;
that to. aa»Wla paataettoa aad aaUra
Daabad wltb «ar->dUa«ad to Sava;
Ifbar^ el anaiiai^Uoa wltb U.
Baaa BaaposObU ter DaatbaelVwe
PlabaB. tbaPraaabai*brt«at Ptkla.
Ibaaavaaarroaiibaaspaatada rayly
Oblldm to When Ki AlatlaMarad
WMliaaMOaB U. Piabaa blaaalf
prsyata Zaataad oC Kadlaal AM.
Haadadtbafthabadaa daabt aa to
w The Monlw baeeia
tba cw»iiMi o< Iba iHayatib ra_ 0.. Jsly tl—Oyraa B
-aalfad by Iba Uallad I
1 to bars bacB PoeUar, leetl eratsaar of tba -Obriat- Pilot Boat Baalk Bliaek by a Lai
laa Oatbalk abareb.*’tba aawa of tba
tbaa of tba Doap Vaar tba
of wbkb Jobs A. Dawk.
loadoa. Jaly t$-Tba Aaoday i
of Cbkayok the htad. waa stripped of
letbs Merslsf BMSrt.
MBklar^ard to tba Ktaattoa la bkekUlaybylafortotod eUlsaaa to
Baa Praaekea. July tl-Tbe pUoi
CUaa. Tbaadilariak taitba Baadap day bad bu body daabad arltb tar.
Tba polka tbaa rtaaaad fooUtr aad beat Boelta was atraki by a larya
papanaradavotaOMtly to ai^
afkr adaaparak atrsyik with tba wbak last al^t eC tba Pataloaa UaKKr tba aaaaaaUy
^ 'Kiel
mob aaeaaadad U plaalay Ub Is tba laada, aad so oodly damyod that aba
Mda aad tafaCbB to attadi arada
aa Ualtad Btataa Mlaktar Oiayw^ Kty ptlaoa. wbara ba ivm ytras aradl-' aaak U ftra bean. Tba boat waa
eal attaatlea. Ba waa aat aarkaaly lay tba swalk wbaa tbora earn aoaab
aa tboa^ tbsy bad hit a rsaf. Tba
Toalybt Poekkf waa tatoa U a ear- ^lot raabad to tba olds aad oi
KWatar Ooafark] aaanya k aet a
gaaklaa aaawar to Saarotary of Stata rkyo to OmiUaa. wbara ba boardad a wbak tally M fast leay. It rams
trais. Tba aieb rasalaad areaad tba aitbbaybataaaad tor a awwastbad
tbaa dartad oft. Tbo orow were
jail till a lata hoar taaiyht, saUl
MB ea tbd>taaarity rtf LI Baay alaeaa that Poekkr bad ampad tbaa.
roAkrkaaldtebara baaa mpoa
r Mara tbaa aaa of Aba Baaday
stbkfbrtbadastbaof twoabildras la
kaaygaatad that U Baay O
Aka baU aa beataya.
bad"pmyir'amti aa. wbmaa Ibafa- TwotbroMti la ]|orth Bakola KOM
Fourth Y« -No. 1002
Oeapara Will Oe to «t leak aad Ckl-
Bat Tbk
Aa Fraoeb P
Ooaets Bk AttMtloalb
. .
nim M. dBitt dde
tyaMbataaeadlatlar telaate
Urti mlybt baas baa laandbynadkal
plataa that tba data of tba adlat k Jaly
ivTaKaac, tba OUaaaa
PaMrat BaaaiMaakk bad
Piaaea, dadam ha baa aarrabaratlra
Barrow Babai
advIaM ap to Jaly tL
BklU dkpatabaa aiy that tba Oar- apMki w the karain btowd
Llvorpeel. Jalytt-Tbalak at Mss
paokat LUy, wUb MO
telB«alnef tba
beard waat aaboro daitay a toy tbk
lanyard to tba I
tleaa aad tba laiMama, wblab ba k ' raoea at North Doa^ Oraat
■Uayad to bar# diat rapertad. Tba aaeitOMBt provaUad aad may wo
Oarma aoaaal wiraa that tba yevar- * - kd. Tba naiiiriyrn warolai
aerkowdaalwiatbat ba yaraoatao aalsly by Ufa boats.
aaab aawa wbatarar rayardlay
atamlV of tba layatkaa or a Mat
Baalayat Waat PoUt Has Ik Xlkadraatayaa tor Ua Baaara. ^
aftvaeaaiaaaivadtba laUowlac talayiaa treat Adadral Banaear: "Itoa Mesial le lbs Mocalaa Bseoa.
TByaadlla aalfhberbeod bara baas
W«t Prdat. N. T.. Jaly tl-Tba
troabla yrowlay oat of tba pi ' '
Waablsytoa. Jolyti—^ sarydapartarastbaa roaalrad tba fatlowisf
nl Baaay. datad
A by tka eoBwaaalTbka yaatarday:
daab Tbe eadak wars deprlrod of
"TiasTala k qalsb Tba lataat lapart, troa Ranlaa aeareaa. aajt that for baUaa bear aad
oa Jaly 11 the layattoop at Pakla wars eoaSsodtethaUiBitiof the eaap for
atm beldtsy oou Tba raUabUity at aa iadaftaito period.
tbk latoraaUoB to aaeartala. Majw
Btyaa, Oapt^ Koraa aad BeekkUlar
sad Pirat Ltaotaaaak Lawtoa asd
l bj Bat•ahoafM, tba WMadad Nlatb lafastry •atSeraralft
odtba aailaa eeqa.. akk ara aew ■awial w The ksralac lassta.
aboard tba Belaea. I azpoet aboal M
Etkbart, laA. Jaly tl-BIx paraeae
waaadad aaa aad wlU tbaa aaad all to wbebadpartakaaef diaaar today at
tba raaldsBaa of Jabs Taykr. were atfkar tbeaaa
taakad with rMaat aaaoaa attar aatwOt ba aaat to Oblaa at oaea Tba IMT paddle, aad'darakpad UIbms
----- ■— wOl aet U oeajaaotlea arttb aaaaadbyaUkbotoaeow wbkb had
tbar^alar koopa. aad will aU m- baaablttaabyaattkaaahp. Thajiartartally to AMataala aeotrtbatka to
ataetad wOl raeoTar.
' tbadaaWna tp oaad bo largo a teroa MBMOBIAL BBBTZOM POSPOBBD
efkarlaaato Oblaa wnraaebadat a
Oawal B^weei aad OoL r. L. Daaay.
• ■■Ill I 1 aad ehlaf qaartnaotar
•terki otPAbiaWaaMara.
Tba mrtaaa wOl ba iwKlii
tbarkttaaoCtba PaMa
ratbod to OblM aa Iwtaa paaKWa, vbkbwaraloban bOM htod isBt.
aavaial saw mrlaa atatkaa bartay Pbskto^.baaa boM peatpeaad. m
aaad,aaaadiAM tolaCbka-
Baoh Otbar la a pMrfal Stn«BM
baeekl W The Kefsiac assort.
Bt. PaaL Mka.. Jaly ft
aawa has raaebad bora of s torilbk
daol wltbp
oooaty, jaat ew tba -Uaa
k Bertb Dakota, batwaoe two B»
whkb raoaltad la tbo
doath of both MS. Tbora wars ao
ays rrttaaaoas, aad tba bodka of the
aeoM tkaa Utar by
Ureayb a haySald.
trayady ooaarrad.
Brldeaeaa were faaod that tba atrayyls
woB tba aaaa had baaa or the
frartol aataro.
eascuiiethoaortiat assort.
■atioaax. ixasca.
Beatoa........... ......................
BkboU aad BoUlraa: Orlfitb aad
Leading tUioe Hoi
Watch this ipaoe erary mom^aa
aa it will have
hare iaomathing to intaraat
yoar potaa.
Long Distance
Cilintt, Sirit Sn. ■arie,
Mackirac Islaad, etc.
Good Seivice.
Prices Cilt od TaD Goods
352 piirs men's aid lidits' Tin Shus iid Oifords, Raw
Tons, Row insls, wiy stylish-IO nw«nt- oil.
384 pnirs mnn’s and ladins' Tan Slioas and OifordsSenial stylns-25 |wf cam. ofl.
189 pairs moa's wamaa's, aad missas' slioas~|.2 off.
132 pure women’a lace and
button aboee n
. . 75c nair
Pojiular Hioiite Rotas.
OcAaaaaad 1
& CO-
Many Big Bargains
Haw Store—MB Front Straat.
to Pay 10c
The Tiaadlng Shoe
Bonaa of
For Pig Taila. bnt uoa
I bbra triad
MrTaaaa aad Bpks; Patkraea aad
aardaaraatBaydga: OearaadOee-
MOkr aad MaAUktv; Parkw aad
....... » •
last od Oa Xd^M Tnaad off far Bood
Xaat Kl^
At U aTMdbk laat sa^ aU tbs Oaiap-
Baoky MaaMilaTM.
sotkoa have baea mda with tbe
lam Bhar Bustria Xdyba A
Pig Tail
I hoTa eema to Ithe ^oondtloM
kn that 5c trill buy 4 fitiiclaaa, deliriona amc^. Trj
one and yon will nerar pay
lOe for a PSg lUl again.
The Price, $3.50.
■oMWlmdlaB' CAney
lattmi tha M riklot
i fwha heaa aorfalad la
tlyaar. at ptaraktaaaa.
ThalaOewi^lanMrmamhm 1
tam eadar tha Bowma at Ookwood:
M» Manae Balm. Br.. Mra■iMaU.Mfa.BitaayMBe.Mra.Wm.
efBOt.Mrw.J4K. Btaa. Mre. UbWa
Gnm. Mie. Jaha
■aUv. Iftt. Jaha A. Miy. Km. Maiaalm Wlaala. Mrs. Jaaa AhfiBoa, Mre.
B. a Aabtaa. Mie.|B. B. KaaelaBd.
Him Gartrede Wlaala. Mie. T. W.
Bfowa. Mra.IMrylBaaaah.Mfa. Mm
Baaataia.MlaaMafyyHadfM. .
JedtoJ-Kho Attiilii
eadtha IM
areiaMB o ta wla. aiM the
tiaa. Sea Sew.aaat Bla Lai wtth tha Biee that hat an
wBl make hath
BryaaVertyfaad Meads lha Smtp
The twe taaam w U pareAa oa tha
hythaBeye’ Bead, aad aayoaa that
wen played
a ahoald aot mha tha <
aalMUthathaatraeraato maha
aere that tkare wemU ha laMaliat
-jadah Twlrlam bare akallai,„
afertha datmaiea.aad
tha wtaaiaB team, aa that'there h
. hawaaar, waa aot preapaat lor more leiltflat 1
irntdodte J. O.
fir maneoafottable to QM.an oil itoTe tbaa a wood etore
I eew Maim aa a faU
"PeUW*.- qaoted oar of tbr party.*
^la hot wettber. I hare a (oil line, from t •mall 9 boner
Aadfadmemharof tha paiW «t Bryaa. mtkre atranfr hadfrOowa.*
^p etm Qp to A aic« large 3 boner .:A&d ovoo. Blue Rame
“Wrll. I sboeld Mr w,.- brake in
hoalaff lahaa aU lha darfeaa'«motlsla
Heal. Tfae^ are pernetly aa(e~-Bot aa aaelt daBfter to
Urn to tha prirUkgea. casalamaatA ala. ^ atrentrr. “if yen ^ t bHlrre It.
operate aa a lamp.
• “
ty doriii* tha
ItlaqelM probaUa that the fataa eom^tloo ere hare arranerd la
war^taadrarteaUy Ifeorod. alaa aaWbck of Iwadlaf ea Ooert Beaaa
*Who la her tbry aakrd aftrr the
other dalarsta woaid ha«e baae ar- atrenarr
Will Baria Booa.
had trfi.
The PraettoAl Boom FurstohAr
d aomebow or otter, bet theea
“A Kanus Oty boM krrprr,* nnmmaaa tha work ot betldlav tha
tt brersd the daofera that taper- Bermd the only man who knew him.
atwalkiaroaoitha ooart keau
aataiad. tha aoomlttaa oo bolHtha aambnr thlrtaaa mod proesidad
ii^ aad CTOuda »m ha^ tha »atk
oflamatatiht ffto»«a..TUa warh aalmly (o tha beatoare of tha asaaOa«TbaaearanUeo wu eaUrd to order
wtUbadocahMkadar. ndar the d:etto'eleek aad W. H- Umlor idiaaaa
neUM ettha
I lihTe bad my boUdiim
A. V. Prladrloh wm
It It lha With at Maaihan Walkar
reboiU aad pot io
Danow. that Baparrlaer JohB Kj- oaleeted aaeretary. Toe followimr dcl•bape and am bow i^y
^ataa were eeleetrd to the stale, cooahoald taka thaj Baavrltiaa.
to receire all old patron*.
freahont’. aeoatorUl and rcpceunUOwlhf to vat praM at aaraciaal b«a!tens Couth. Aathma.
Mr. KyMlka hat not jat daeidaa Ure eonrenUoac:
tie eoerrntlon-Jndra J. Q Ramsartathar ha eaa attaad to thto work.
d«n, Mtyer «. V. Frtadrieh. D. fi,
Tha ea^aat walka aroasd the baUdMiMnUcn. B A Pirntt. Z. B. Braat. ' I \
li«hrabaUitbaiU by B. Swatt. who
Conamslooal eonvraUoe —B. L.' |
See nmplM in window.
haapatlaab atar walka aboat tha
Pp'srnr. W. 8. U^, D. C. Bntehlar, > j
eltr. The walki Uadln^i ap ta tha
B. McNamara, B. C BelUr.
j |
Bcoatorial aonraetioe—Peter Wenbery, Jehn Wlibalm, Certle Fewiar, I i
John PsttbsBBrn. JcaipbSledcr.
\ \
Rrprrtr^itftlre eonrantlcn — M. W.N
J. W. Ballaek of TompaooriUr. baa Underwood, A. WilUkcr, W. W. Wasarehaaad the 6epymUh lOonrler from der. A. K Fairbanks, B. B. Carllile.
Lea B. Palmer, tot Bra years Its editor John W. Brown. B. 8. fihrpkerd, W. B.
aad pehliahar.
The •paper will be Frsnkltc. C. A. Bcfber. Chat- A. Bdy- ,
I. 1,. A. BnUdliw.
printed at Toa|wonrUe. bet tasnad
from the Oopemlab posioaot as hare
A elarer ropne worked off aome ebaap Caned .Oat the Fire Oepartmcet ThU
bnsa watehei lor void ea aema easy
I yesterday. Be daloMd to be la
Tha aatlre Are drpartmwt wea hnshard leek, aad wanted to raise aoma
tied ont of bed tbit mornloy at t
y. leralaadit.
o'deek by tba rlny of tta telephone.
The Ace <
i yuterday it- ChtofRinnle went ta 810 Sontb D>U,eal*ed »00 tsatofaaw
I m street at the call of a lady who
Tba refular auatlajr ot the (Berks uid that a eras/ wosmn had been tUOnloa wUl oeeor at the C. A P. fc baU Uay w the porch almoavall Blykt.
lomoirow «r?elt|, Allmmabom are
Bennip fonod a dronkea s^ntw with
Bffed to bs preeaaL
paporee. The iRtaw said. -My man
C. K. Parker aad tarn ly. B. D. Oamp- coea i raehabaiown with one mote
heU aad wife, aad W. J. Bobbtand
family hare BOoa to tbr Oeloaary Clnb
bonae'at Ch^ Late, to apesd'a tow j f »^WJ
'•»" *»“ ’
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
k« .....
•■•‘“TS-,. "•“rSKS-
Ski AaUKMH to tka OuMratia
jHMaMl aaanBtioB -ji Cauai OU7
•tftfkad a plMfera with a
Imm. alaoa<(W aUvar Udo^iat:
•■iaattka aasaalra whaila ia maIte. U waa hard aaeaifc 10 laipari u>
- «ha aorasaal aaaslaat Ispalai 10
•rtUrdVhlaily. bat It
^thaDtsMratt of Oread Trararaa
.Be«t to be had ie
the city ia at
■tk. Sasaa REMEIIV^
Thera ware thlrtaaa pratsht.
ThPprarM’blalaalask/thirtau. Tht
«(Wd Trarwaa Devwatt ahoald bare
pnitad by the raaalt of toar yaua
^P, aad hot paratttad a psatlbU
dhpaaaitrfatataplay acalait them.
Jfiii tktf forcot all aboat It, aad tailed
'toaadioU that there ware at laaat
Mrlaaa prauat They aoaU bare
verriad aloar prauy wall with twal re.'
•■ttfcaraieaobetp tor It bow. aad
arhaa Bryan la dataatad, tofathar wHh
tta other eaadidatea on tha dektl, lha
DeaoeratUat^BBCBBaBtwUl hare aa
mmm to ahtft tha blame to tbr
afeOBldaraatthaOraad TratWBO DiktU-ALTeushaa aaooaaead bU ItMhUao of ratiiW from poUtloa altar
lha Kaaaaa ttty oonraatlaa. Be w>l:
mot wait lor the Berambar rjaetmaat
Meo'slpek aad tha iteond at three
The laelpelblce -.11
wUI _____
play a______
fa mi__of
ball today at Ospemlsn. araios*
tbs teem of that nlaee. Bhrsobtryer
wUl bs io tba box.
B lod-.aand hla am.
am, of (Ri'caBO.
- Dr. Biod-.aand
cast51 oeer 10 poeada of bats and plkr
hu mal^y Tas yellow jtuedies. Be
••as treated by the best doctors, but
wiU>oa^^e6u_ Theahs wasWlsM
to try B:cct1c Hitters, tbe wonderfcl
atomseb and Herr Temsdy, and be
writes: "After tsklny two bottles 1
wu woolly rueod.*’ A trial prw*e> iv
snateblesa mrcit for all stomach, lircr
.end k.docr troabies. Only tocta Solo
! by A E. Wall end Ju. O. Jehasen.
Tbs bleyele 0' Joe Eauky wss sioieo XtSW DlSCOVSry fOT BiOOdlt(t ntrtat from tb« psesayeway be
tween Sainbare's Grand and Bnence A
Bixbnry's drey store.
'y-SVfX IMICS. i&e Orest Canea I d sesses of ’be »Vir
Contact aod Secoanacy
ih gwuk^litftsniiattlSs.
' BeparlataodMtt ot ' tha rarloee
laeeihai of tha ehmteb ware chaaen
- Mr^icalUtlo and PaatoralW.
■ema MUaloa-Battia ikaakUe.
Ohftouln Bodaaror—Rom KaUer
73s-**.«. kimatt Co.
•aaday P<Aool-Uoyd O. But.
Tha aloilof laarlnn of Ua day wa* •
halpdel forelpa miaaloa eoaferaaee.
PlMailiil hr »IM Blala Siaolay of
Mapla oity.
praaMaat of tha
WoNBh‘1 rorahte MMoo heard of tba
piOriy maatlaf. ▲ aoT eaJoyebU
■Mlal aad lHaraty pteprem was
aftm, had a aBbataatial otarl^ takaa
•w «»ledlBB tamiaa nkarerr.
TkaMeBaMhf tk^eartarly i
l^wBl atOM wtth'kha aarrioa th%
Good Line of Jofolry
Fire Insurance.
tola troa that Praaldwt He&t&lay
A boy by tba name of Tbomaa bad
Eer.6 SalaWyrcUtssd ycatarday
IHB BOtmUlUadthe rato power la an the rad takaa off of two of bis fiarrrs from pomoea.-where he waettorielt
todlaarlmlBaU maBBar. Baeaaeiraar- oa a stamper at tba beskat fulory yet- bla wlfr, who li U1 Mrs. SsUbery U
lalaBlaa arerarOarelaad apaalalty. teiday. Tba mseblne wu folly pro- n eeh better, at d will retarn to tbli
1 city Wednesday.
Sheriff Blmptoh wosld like seme one!
> relsra a
•aed Sapart of Work of Frlaadt the
' I fr^B7s\if i. A."H’iiariy cf Leslnyioii.
fhatTaar-SapartotaadwU of
Tba Onlnaebla will take ont the Arst;«!,. •ben tb*y law ne was lorclnf
ThabiialBma aamIno ot tha rrlaadt
qeartarly maatlor elotad yaeteMey
of^fBOOB. The beitneae of the
oaad to lodlaaa Taarly Maeila/ a
Blahmond. In Saptamber. Vary ••tl>toelBry raporta ware rtrao ot tha
aotloaa braaohat of ahareh woric.
Taatardayb eaealoa opaoad with a
daaettooal BMtthc. Bar. J. O. B.etoid p'eadhed a powerfal aarm:>a. ai<i
trotfollowed with aesa rarr hrlp'u
arorde froa B r. paaela Blott uf
Maple Ci-.y.
Toe toUowlac dalecataa aad altrr•ataa ware aalaeiad to auaod tar
pearly mactioc:
DeUcataa-BareU/'Joaaa, Betel:.
EJaworth Oarfea atd
Imaaoa Tbomaa
. Altaroatae — Jobs Adama. loa.ak
yjBMta. Loratu Staolay aed Aaao '■.
amaa kaptdsr^cb.
A Gboe for $3.50
Selling Wbeels
It’s as ontnral for cheap ehoaa
to seek the barKaio coootcr aa it
ii for water to run dowo bill.
.Did you ever sec aboea with
baod sewed wells oir the bargain
Of oor bapd t^e aboea (aod
tbat'a the Gray Bros. Famoos
Woman’s Shoe) we are ciapecially
proad—They eell at (3.50 aod are
a dressy eboe for particolar wo
men. They are made on a “inao.
Dish” last aod made in vici kid.
boxed and Teloor calf.
la part of onr bnaineaa. We
talk wheeta beoanae we know onr
We aay tu tboae who hafan't
boogbt and who are looking for a
wheel—we can please yon. '
We carry different grades to
suit all eoatomera.
’ We are now selling while they
lakt—the regnlar (40 flabibler for
$:». N’lt brtCBuae iui defective,
but we'd rather sacrifice tbe price
than carry it overi
Same with tba Ladiea’—(40
Hi!)bsnl now C43. Tbe la-.OO
Ajax now $2.3.
Goodoess-for $3.50
That'»{what yoAcet when you
buy NcIbod'b **CaBtom Fit”
Tbeae ve probtabe aboea to
boy, fur they wear well, look weH
and fit well.
. Tbe three popular toes are
the Stanford, tbe L^-il and tbe
Poritnn. ’
They are tbe equal of any
aboe that ia made.
A coatomer who baa won a
pair over a jeat aaya “they are
tbe.easieatahoc I ever bad 00—
don’t tire my feet one bit"
S6 aay they all.
Toilet Necessaries.
W'e carry a aplemlid line of
toil t goodiFn aoapa we iw-ciii at Savon
Lilas Blanc at -V: tbe Jap Uoaa
tic. Violette de Parma lUc, I^ar'a
Scented Sic.
kinds of aoapa.
■II (erfamea we have all tbe
popular odors at 40 and 50c tbe
Florida and Laveodar Water
at S-'k tbe bottle.
A lar.:e aaaottment of tooth
brnsbea frcKn 10c up.
' Etbyoul Tooth Paste aellsFat
25c, Bnbifoam 2k. Zonweim 25c.
Shrek te psy fer the Kiaialt fUM
m chit sanntctltn, weeU asy
that yee base
Skat u a^
as Mttakt'» berclB
• nuzly
sscicnta chnt •• hate
■asim kwa it*ia*tht
- teaebta tc tt.^het^u W.
trat^ano « is struialy
a eety 'uadsaBs
hasdsewt ftass ef.fsrait
uu am
MaasMbF aU wk_________
MemwemmeleMr- Betennh
N. E. STRONG. Manager
The HaDDah & Lay lercaoGle Co.
[ pOfiMtfiMP NKW*
Mte teua BaliaMa «f tete,
t*r8*Uooa tejr pwteday «a atMte
tea laaaten wautala bate ad teat
BpwattelAagaeWni Dtoea« teaaU
OhiamA to AbmIm Bvpport
Adaaptatba ttady of teo ChtoaM
WDBaai B. Xa* Dactoras tbs latoai adwodarteaaatWtof tea towarth
i i( Ua teria Caatnl Late tea fn\a( tea
BHisB tnU h* ahargad.
CHuMChtoararaatha Mast Bw
I 4rbe». •aak tor »y*a, Utw te aaj fo
to tariiad to Jsto. TW
aeate ea a pwapwtw trip ate if
•atad ^
at a
haroas Bvaat ef tea BOte Owtary— riatowma
tet»n ar* to M* Ukiac te aap ll
r Friday. Jaly R.
Utf* pf’waaaatly.
I to Bo. m.
M.U rnamm, tW »fUkU ktar* •< Bar W. T. Wate*.*aa|ate tete^ Aaeriaah CUafihaa of BitcaMoa
^wrOriK’wfin^ u tktwmikm «■
gieaa to Mtoa Data
mate** • cuMtet Cterlaa CtetoUaaaaa af ItaaMi
Batoa B. Taraw Am laaafvad^ flaidaar of tea Ittoitary
togtoUar aa teafhtoaaa >ab)*atfor tea fat mtMat. “lb*
•aa at tea Whltiac yraiarday. . Oa^ WaUMi Mfta. «« ■iliaa Will Jaahaaa of Wayftald. la te tl da*B*toa.fraBWnUaBS. lwe.aaada- Oeagrapfcy of Chiao* with apitol
«fte Ml ymn, ate feta ««« wUt, tew •Upto qalia waU rohraiLi to tea pratoat ttaahl* with
■Mte MViaMM, wtera Itey «fU Oaetf* WiUoafhapte
kaowa kara. havtor U**d ban last
yaar wlte ktoasphaw. wall* Las. tea
a>aa la tte any pa
Of Fiaat strsat.
la date al Otate
Ciaada Palwr of tea ponoteaa la
Tba writ* to aa Aaartaaa sitiaaB hat
apateiar Ut rieatlaa wlte Ua paraato
haateavatodaotaaaalyorar tea world. WaaltoPlay VlaMn of Thaarrow^
tei, M wtofc te ted
mtatal tar at Boult C:iy.
•HMttea.te*tvataiW «Mk amU
Bros aad Walr OadoUrU ara rWUat abdbaaaMsBhasaisetoaa awBalaitoa
a. Fartwejaara
«HaUtktatefiteaal^ laaniait tte nlatlws ie tea-cUy. Tteyaiaaaaaof
. a Md*.
hswaa tawalary of - tea ChlataeggaDr. Gaootlau of Blk gayid*.
Jaly n, IPM.
ttoafa Waahlactdaaadto tearaagUy
Mias Bards Alta dtaiate^ tea
A awraC awatipaa tel teaa ivpertad
Beads * Twirlsta hrraby chaUwes
«a tea alala teard a( teaflk {fua Waad uraad from a *«lt with rateUtaa at faBQlar with ecailUopt to Chtoa. Tba
tea wtoam ofli aaday'e hw* t aU gaaa
Tba Tlatte
TO C. O. Tvraar. Travataa Cfty, Mtoh. hatwsBB'th* Xcdependaau aad larirc'teahtetetwteaterad aa As Bahia
blss, to a gaao for gta a eldr. at eoao
I. WlUtoB 8. Ua. alteoagh of Chlaaa who aaau dowB with tea dlaaaaa A MODXrPLBABAVr VBODiao.
aaa paraatagr. bora 1a tea Dettad Ua* to be aetaally agreed apoo.
•I ttedayafiarteattoTteCBans'* 1 wniu
[testtoacerwratoftte tCarrlac* of Klaa Stelte of ABortoa, rials to bo aa
f W. L. Otlaa, a proaparcM taarehait
ABariaaa. I have basn baok to ay
Mabel Aarterap to H. C. Astsll.
ate prepristor of tte plaatte alll at
aotbar sooBtry aavaral tiaua 1 have WWt IMIW Mt Wt Mt MI Wt to( WMM «
Ortoerllla has a board whiah waatoraa
larltotlOtt* haea teas rMslrad to tte
looked for thto praaaat eelrago for ihit J THE BTAQE
aaaatly MTsa ftet la Idorte aod whao waddlap of M a* Mabal Borterap. aad
ttreo years past.
' tetostaodlarlt drafa os tea Saar. Kaaly B Aawri. »bleb «U1 taka plaaa
Thaec-eaUad BassTaaraanitaaraat
Oahaot*aalradtend*»aa-offert froiallatea
U st'a- eour > at Ht
daw of Chtoeeo. which awUy dwell
itaitaa laaaaran batrsfCMa to peaa Plao>aot on W< dbMdey. dapait lat,
aroaod tee eapltal provlaeat, asSbaa
-A Wm* Wo*u». ' the daUeloaUy
aaafraak. altboairb he takaa rraat dt It eVoea. A rroopiioo wUlte teU
Taag. Shea Si aad Ctol LI. aad they fnnay fe-etol conady. by Wafrel
prldala hlt.hlrtata appeadaya M* tesadia’ely attar the eo'anoay at tea
TartotsaadMoagollan*. Citrke. wb'Ch appsertat Btatobenr'e
Dallas thiaki te poasasoaa tea leavast' teae < f B tr '..od dr< o. < S >nbrop.
sot by the Chlsaata proper. Three
haard >a tte world. Mt rnrptUtfO mb '!
•» Boaera are drtvea Into anxiety by teclr OrudoaFrldeyev-alog. Aagaii l, to
theeaseplay whieh was ae uiba’Paal Krarar.
: hoae eftrr Aorntt 19 n at VIeteterg,
ganormU and tea anU forelga faeltog to tesUeally Bealred bare abaat a year
L.P.Boatt1>fPr*doeiabtd a^aa-:^^’ * “OtV «*«* Mand. o' M W: forted Into teea, by tbrratttto faet.
ago. It aflil be prsMBlad thto sea»»
thadowagar eBpreaehaa her hand to
totheasmeeieborsw'BsasB a* lest
aappMid to te aiad. Tte ahaop 4,.'««<»'’. '
‘»d V*‘
They want tec old feabloo vale, yaar. ud the eat', w.il bs an exeepvteopad algaa of hydrophebisand Baal-1
abaolato aeaarehy. Look for toeiaaor lloaaltretroagonr.
lydlod. 'Taoydidaoi haaitete to at* OISUKE of DUKES.
Chan Yan Boon. Bang Toa Wei and
teak him la tea pastaiaa. bat teisg A/U*aiaw wsm
oUier ewsrt oOelale degraded. It
Seveagala completed a aarasBfal
' wwb did B9 bana. Wbae tamte
H-n a
Bbowa teat tU Thrtar dynasty to prej- week's eagegeBeat to SwlBbarfs
a was they
laey wonld
wonio etew
eaaw at sllekt.
suea*. f J Wa nay uoie a
u> uh adleod egaln^tba Chtoaaaa Fropar. Urud bctxre a fair slaad aadtonaa.
■ Eog»*h f.-cliug a)x>Bt titlri of which
Thty did not waat tea ooaatry rrlora- Tbetloatogperfarmanee waa folly ap
we bare uercr recn a roasouable espla»r a* a bora* teat ‘'ertba.’*
ed and ebrtoUanlwd, to fear teat tee to tba prevlent ueellaat raUrtala-..........................................likes
Mta. B. J. Baltb of WaUad L.«ke. tea title of c
t Uw ableet Chtoaee pr^er woald regain the throne
V hae a baa teatneaaUy hUlad aatrsak- pom to poUtice have been dokee. bat The Cblseaa proper ar* ratrietad froa
Xtdevad Ble Lag.
te aaaki. ate teas praesadad to awa.'- tobeadilake welshu Instead of Ugblan' orruin high cfllece, aa awjer gaerals
low lb Bat before aaallown tbs tall tog a man to the great noe for power. aadadmlraU. The Tanai«and MoaP. 'A Deaforte of U Gruge. Ga-.
iffereo foreix moaiUi with e irigbtatm Head aad aollsd aroand tea haoh That* le a wMoIy diffneed tnstataaioo, gollaaa are ooapared with the aoUae
tea origto of whlob we caanat traea, to tee Koraan period of Baglaad.
•ask rspsatsdly aad attar It was la tea
Backictf't Arnica Salve wholly eared It
teat a dnke U eure to bo a little etaplA
arap.teebrMBtotte*h*awte agltat- teat a brilUant dake is. lo feet, an In- StoM tee opentog of tee Tartar dy- to 8ve days. For aleor*. wcnnds.plUi
tedaraloaf Uss by tea uiolrwiar poadbility. TtetiUuieapoeitlredraw- aaaty Ll Hug Chug to tee 6a)y Ohlae- It's the beat tsive lathe world. Cat
hack to tboDake .it DeroLiblro, aad a au proper who held tee efflea of vice
have been roy of Chtoa ud chief ooaseclor'to the
Jobs O'Oormav, forserly of Sagf- Dake of Derby wonld
tercae. eo hevetove the lew. Thera
■aw. hat how looatad at Boeklaad. Is dteciibed ae a “Rapert of debate.
The Dake of Argyll, who is an total ar* three McUoat-of Oktoeea at pres■afclarUgairtas aa to tea wharaom Front 8t-, _ XslapboM tM
laetaal athlete, woald here been tar
hsatsot Margt* Porbaa, whoa* naldea noro gompleU'ly rooagnlaed at Eerl of
. which I
■••a waa Ka«iri* VNeU. fomarly of Argyll, and we are not eare that tee
Boaklaad, bat sappoard to bars tleeo dukedom baa not Impeded one or two
teBartaewwlthla tba last tea year* promlring poIitlciaD* to the booao of artata end MoagoUaBS.
ThaBoma, who sash anU-toralgn
Tbora la a aiaa earn of otooey awaltlag lorda. Certainly a dake rarely rtae*
bar teroagb the death of Mary O'MeU thero onlew be hae becotne known to aectoty.
tee ooaony before teo tiUoonnbiri him.
The Befotatoto. Who wmot chrieUaaadBoteiaad.
It it that tho rank ovorpowert tee pop- ity, opu doer, aad u 1
At MoikcfOD three ehlUrca wer« nlat imagination Ull men oeaae to see
aalacky Tharsday. M>oala. tte fcer
BoteaChtoaBaaa pcopri’Oto teoae who
fateoUdaagbtorof F. Btaplaa. felt happen* to tee case of kings—or It it
dweU aoath of th^. Yellow rlra. As far
aad Woke hw left wrist. Mathew teat men can never forget tee qx<clal
ae the trcablM have artou yon don't
Bs^. fMr years old. tall and broke rank by axrytog It in tee rimpier and
Bore tomtliar title ef "lord?"
bear aub of tee eoate and dost bear
fcia aollar boaa aad Charlie dtcad. son
Ko poor eioept a (lake i« invariably ofltaanil-forclgnfeailag. Batittokard
iDl Maaacar Biaad of tte Staadard Msl' by the title which marioi bit totcUofUalBtara. Becaaea tee people
laaht* iroa Worki. fell lato a barrel
I have not an Idne of the trae and eitlMoa o( China are raled aadw
erplaitatioo. hat we kno*
‘aaihr^hle arw. '
That ia just what we
end M re controlled Into teaptoUoa
Tte tally 0'7 Tlneeatje • citlssa kal earl wboaoeepted adi
are doing for yoa
eaeler than reform
tote heavily to p
' Of teat plaee tee dtooorered a aare for
when joQ parebase
The aaiaecre cf tee fmigB a'ntotar
test even a maitiBU like Lord Britoihatobaecobab'.t. It I* ataiply hleek bnry, who woolil alter hit nek w lit to tee mat berbaroOe cveat laj the
yoifr Fboda of na
pepper oorat, ehewlnir whieh will da tle, wonld find that tee oorooct of present Mth ceatary. Boping tee war
pel?* ooe of te* daeiia for tubiMt. - etrawbmy Iuotm acted, to a oertato shnlleasee ud China pny her ladcautent, St an t-xilogatober. while if bto nity to tba fonIgB powan, tor the loaa
eon nmv mtcml tee boot* of oobbocw of so Buy lu. to the beet plu to
WUlBaine. eaehler of tee Beetoa ho woald have to nrnggle agatott eoae
- aboot a place to boy
follow, if . Chira traata to extol as a
•tort, ie toklag hi* waatloo pad la tocaplleeble wi ight. The fact it one of aatioc. It to oonearned to a riot act
. jroor groceriee
the very odde«t in the whole of tbu odd ,
elaWag at Wbiwbail
there ere Chlncae fighi
Bareay aad fawlly of trraad
Its reality wecuu'ttolu uodcuU what- Jag os the fotalgn aide trytog their otBapid*. oto rotou of B. U. Bxaakaa
'«^r. Tooay
"tbat i»adncali>piaian”-laoat to protect foraigneta. bat art
Mhe P.
- .
: I*
a that no one to I. vrrwht'.Bad by the anU-forrign force,
wfll arrive thto morning for a Tiril oar d»r*noedooo«-i*r.—London Spec-| yi,. chlnaM reeldcnia of te# United
SpM-1 yheChlacae rvtidcBiaof tlir United
Aad we will do the
wlte Mm. Cha^ Boaanteal.
Mtataa of Anwrtoa, are all aapportlag
real. Wr will make
A. W. Jtbraat Md family beta
[>rpMr‘« Ctilr^o aterr.
th^ Bcfomied party ud wut pMC* to
tarnad from a fuar day's trip nenad
yoiirdinaer ifttiafytor
• which he wtmU .... Then ho goM to ragotoat Sanday. Tbey all. swore to
ing both to yuar ap.
0 Wilhalm. who to apploytd aa Cbleaga Ucroiito:
pttite and to your
hear arms acalesl the Bosnn
a clvi'. eaglatar for the O. B A I to
"Thi:rt-wiu uiice a prominent iwm to
Bo*, moat of them fcer ifaai they may J
apasdtod Sasday ia tee city with bU Chios«<>. who, lib* all uta-m ont these,
___ be mxUrestM^ to
Onltod dutci
. noMau.
bad a vt-ij
v<-77 cxalK-tl
<.'xal(<-<l •opintuii cd hi*
in I>(kla. Tb«rr to
He died, anil win. ;: hi- tn-sohwrhtot-te^ rinjethia
B*v Howard hi .ora of MuWn. fersal homo bo loriiuil atost hiiu with wl-cra I get a point of ebrUtton Uw in
aierly paeiof of ih* Priaadt cha.-co in
mariraunwite and arid tn teo attend-' betweeo. As tea. a chr aUu nation we
$k«*Uy. u attending tba qaarterl,iwed the gate for him: ere non combaUatr. do no« »eB r. ta:
.^t oar grcKcry for
, ...rily.tb
Mtoa Olive Cook rtChtergo to rialtlov caga Eu
tbia wet^k.
Unlied Slalea of America that we hdic-
HutlBfl Utiimbaiieli.
Saying Money
BIw.rd Uacrivv of tee M AB F.
"Xtoo attendant «Tfd tbo Chicagoan
raUmad. wua a pariy of gaaau. «r,« • •wood, and tee.:
Thto la't
to toe city oa a apeetal train ud took
Atoatr at the Park Fiaeevyratarday.
Triklmt Mp'
Mrs FredBeaor aoi son Harry r>-' Marrit—1 think I’llapring into heihg
tWBid to terir boats U Uraad Bop-d. «boat now.
jwaerday. after a visit with Mrs h •
Jane—h'nmmcr gtrea to teat eort of
IM^h#r*o*,J.J.Hhler ,
F. B Motel ha* retotsad fra a baitncaatriptoCAdiitoe
: uytblhg higher tbu a'coantete, bol If
aavaral day* la tea cdty-
ah* may *u»* day be ^tow*'*
Va* UalCitariaT
Marrsloiaoeii of Mrs. Bau 3.
ha* wtated to-
a-„„i „f nnenniiHlii
* Marica s*aart, a Iradteg drag, gist ef Maaate, lad. Shaealy wrtobod
WOpoudawban bsrdaa^trrto York^ luwnaaldebeBWtaaMdte. Than aka
Mf'ICtBfsW. at.A
1 doo't
LalaUoB*gut.waaUth*etoF«abm- verte* ibr u*aal nil.- aad c
iiwi be u in poiitir*
Mr. aad Mr^ Briud Doaglaa have
- thMS£’H%>alNe caaea. ud to pot. a to Manealou lor a abgrt ririt.
A. W. loaad weal to OMdtoe yastar • -Mow ror
boUlBloeat&F. Wait aadJaa.
dbytoWdoatoaboawarhierteaatw' ~Vk,. br hritove* teal luurlou Ut” ?
d?^ *
, mg to co^oc-tec to hcrite.-*
^G. Joba**-* drag *
■n. Ooe. K. «*<
AaahSM «pr a ristt vrite bar
Ji- IT
Uest Fad"
Child’s Suit
la more popular
and practical than “brownie”'
overalle ever were—
■Well made of good material
and sell at 60c a salt.
Hamilton ClothiflgCo.
10,000 SEATS
Ulhl.r i,}jMlat«l7 Bmd anil ijan Froof Cuopin'
Tbe Only Beallstic Frontier Exhibitlop
in the World.
Special Sales
Milifaty Tournamsot—ladian Village—Meilun Hipinilrom.
iBpali] tnataCosaa BUtn
Bin Trlbti or Flittad Jiliui
Horses Tri»|ie et GeinlDi Bedodi inis People
Nani ol lialag Batfalo!
WO.U..S. to
' Blgia. III.
iig te* btet of ears, bat tear* to
ily a teanas ef bto gatttog wvlL
. At veiy low priom
to oloM out lot* irti*r* there
are onlr one or two
of a kind left.
Hare's a ohanoe
for motbera to aave a dollar
or two.
Saving on theaa s^nnta
to a dlaeouift of
from one-fourth to a third
of former price.
■»? rrce.ve your pr<.j
. Xoria Vewberry Billl Very Sick.
Lwia Nevbtrry. who wa* reported
*• very 111 to CaUforaU aaaa UB* ago.
li toatUllB*
bat alight heps* of bto 1
». ..
Two-PiiGt and
TbrnH^ete Saits
® * “•**• »•"
r Ilrlor.
Fuic, focolored J«p.n
Xarap, «Uh bar WoeCrfU r.auaf gbaotloi'.
The Mohav.: Cremaiioo RoaV Ranch Cowboys
Daring Lady Riders
Weadetfal Bolus Tbioweris
Mexican Yaqueros
Five Bands of Music
Bi; Toit Groctries
Grand Street Parade at 10 a. m. Daily!
^ One Ticket Admits to AU.
Ladies’ and ^hltdren Our Special Core;
Today’s dollar baja aa tnacb
»» next week's dollars —
perbspa twice u noeb.
Stopdons idTBOce iD ETerytMig Save Pricn
tea, per lb.. 4oc.
Beadle Block.
Tiicas Radi:(dJar nis Day iil Data Oily.
26 cents.
Half Xan EicifsiOK oi lU Riilraali to Triiarsi tltfj
al3L-.-'^', . i-M
'V'V-' '•■;r'.
•t6ok thi wnOHO mewc^ic.-
ItbMoii tait to _.
tbM » BM wbo to* bMB ordand br kdo
‘.£ru“r«r=^ ^
« to}mM«.
am WM
trbo bare atodtod tfao
m* to umb u. mi. torisc
«>Tldud MMydnj^ mm MMn^uor MM, gMUm UM mm
AUf aLiHtUM. Mr.OtoTtoBla
Mr. OtojtoB ia BOi
■ ow^ froa bit boaa to
Ooto^ wMb
X*ar ho«uMAtt rotora baao.oad
M lolbor.
to flam too tod o
roUrood toro.
—iHwmti’ wUb tba dlroot «nUl ba faU
MoHoticbifopd mod broko bit Ug.
wUeh oatUod bla tor ooy aora elinaporforatoi. Oaraworortof ba»ot
• tobot dock bond 00 Ua tmaa
«horto*aU.o!tbo8««tbar» MleblfW
^ToMortoUoa oeapoap
», ud roa to Ua poaittoa of
' took. A wotou who had koown tba
M raeognlaad blm and wroto to faia
•Ptbar. who hod nooa of tba lotoarW
.rarity Atonaalha mtnhar atortod
town Uo tar waatoftar bar boy.
bv Jot OB at loot ftodtag hi*, oow a
Mn.waaol*eat hyMoria^ Atoboey
deaao'tknowwbothar to ^ttooa oa
wkoBthaOhorlantoer go boaa to
foUar, who tong ago rograttod bia
rtilwfiWl«rethal U IsTtUd will aoidi
tba wboto booa <a op '
- '
oat toUk It nttot than tba aadictoo
tba doctor The deotb noa) toti
kind on BcMroU/ boadad. "Took ttao
A mu orrirod a bU boaa ti>a otbor
gtoDciog OB tto botcoB
MW o ^le ct hqnid tbat be hod baa
sdWTd to tbo^towr to toko.
•Tbot looti Ilka the atnfl." amid ba,
"bat I'm not sere. Aa 1 wa loektoc op
tba aaUw 1 aw bdtind u old abalf o
biM bottle that looked m If It hadn't
been toocbad for >700x0 It told 00 It,
«olpfaBTteAoi<l‘ Kowthat bottlaon
tbatatda lobka asdcitV like tba ooa 1
dank out oflott night, bat aUll 1 ban
u idem tbot tbe ttoS down to the oaltor.
ia -wbat tba doctor aeona for ma. 1
doi't know how tbadickena it got down
th«« when H'a aeant for me to toka.
« bow tbit bottle tbot twi’t meant for
matotakagotontbUbareoa. Bnt i’n
Icrwntotot-------I'll throwtUa atsIT not of tba win-
MdwordW. Groan el Berth Jodaoo.
tod..lafrodooUytorwtogtobooa. HI*
todybaguto OHlfy to-^parupttbla
iigrM oboBt two yaorfmgoAn or*y of 10.800 man ooold ba trooi•Htod fiMe Ba^aad to 0blao,to«to
~-------W. LawBOO.' Ua Boaton
■pparMffnotowbo to ottaodtog tba
IMO ot Dotioto. Odmltaod tbot ho fora
VAOOOIortba X*w«aw ptak to Top
Wri>.ltotetot.o(lP ■- «■ mete-
Paw «0«a Vto Auror book to OMrto.
HmTiitotlybado ftowto to Dto
•rOaPtototoibon. ». A. Boaa
■nlietoaa,tboeldMt toasbor of tba
MBolaMn.'to to hto owabmirod oad
j. mm /f i0C/£rr.
Mr* Benady wm obopt trw bar
toMoehortttma TbandOf orutog
■odM bar ratom alio woe BTtotly ovptood to tod ttet bar honp wp AUsd
pl^toktoffBU ena* of thtof*
____ aty.
Blthoonrprtoawu tba
ryoIMp Booody.
fridoy atoBiof o party of yoBog folkt
war. daUghtfally ptortotoad at tba
batoaodMtotoaMoenP Waablagton
PBot. tba eeoaalp batog bto mb
ware' rooelMd. Doloty 1
jiMOte T0C mom
Ito - naMMh Cigar .Paawry, Sit
Oak* 61.
t*7—UlaU Prad. ut Soath DiritoaA'.'
t». *■)
0- Btolord wfU arraah
JSu^^enning. TM pabVto an
tnrited to all of tbMO towlem
rmoT pmnnwTrT.y.a.B)Mey, M«er.
XCe qnote tbe abore aa a epectowt
brb^ Indeed it to more than that. It
ompeodlnm of pretty ncartx all
rgnmeDta odronced to' tnany
DeBK-'.:titf paper*. How tnncb troth
there U to U MO be rery aaallr oocer-
tttoed by brtogtog It*
a-Jlhaycr. B. L.. aan« Bom a^
Waibtagwo, Sto.
UT-WaUaEigmaaOa. Batoai fM-
-The Two M.. . Tnsia'’ ^
•g t8
0,- oeme alOM. bat wlU 'hrtag
—edloMwiih ■
‘Tif-Loeabart.W*. H.. D. a B.
Pruk rHadriek hloob. •
i-Baanatt. i. T.. Tit Ti««t Bb
below ie a ilat et tbe OPtog and ee 1-
Iba Blble-!iiP AdaptattP
cootnct with recent todnatr}*! blatory.
Tbartoay iiitotog at
tet—Thoami. Gao. W-, Baa. •» B .
By a “prohlWtIn" toriff we ore willOakSL
Inc to bellen that tbe writer tnaona a
All an teritad to ha prw
Otoar Farit per bb . 1
Urlff high eoonsb to make ImporttOon
Soar Pork per Ih.
nnpMDUble aa cwnpared with home
ghertOBt Fora.
,Mt a.a*leMfT.FaaMr.
feet haaltb Natarah tara« gm of
Soth a tariff war put
'Kj phnlMl boMtye
bautreemea waU wbotoa
Church P oora* of MtotbaadWadaon tin piatee a eery few ygac ■*«>• ”u
I or phyriMl
- ■ - Moaalain \wm.
» 71
WM not a pipbIbKire tariff, for a greot rorib atraettL
year dragglau
deal ot tbe mcrrbandlae wax Imported
1 10
ran. BOI «.»mna; U« .1.0nlUou to BUit the queatioB U whetber
tbe luarkit-nieauing ito- buylUB mar
ket. of eounr. aa that U what tbe wrlt-^ at 7:S0 p. m.
<if Um- alajve meaaa—waa narrowed
A cordUl laTlPikm la «i
aU to attend theM aerrieaa
to poninir u|. tto- doU» <« «»« Plate*.
at: State Street.
wo* the fact Before
The conlrary
Oau par bn told ^
ptmea or mnirTIP- market thi- eonrre of
Cora per bn .'O.e
rrieea told In Orange bal'..
Potatoc*. per b-- ■Then bo oantlonily went down atain
oday ariiool at 9;4S a. *.
Salt par bb;
» .
mamifanun- iwMiUe In thli
Bran per IOC.' ..
the market wm broodenod. V<- atilt
... hnried to doe ........
BoekwbMt no*r Per
Udm rargeoD bad done ill* bnt and tbe had the Wrtoh market If we tand to
aoTiMa n*TWori
earonor-* yibyriciaa bad mode o com' arail oureelv.e of It ud added to U
waa thla r*|)ldly dpreh^lng AmeilMn
plote toTestlgation and aoiorer.
I tanaoopai.1 pcacwIt lan'tonlychildnn who tnake'*— market The effect of having each a
puuutrr^iBOOa»-WlU> beet*
blander*. Oortort will toll yc.o chat they broad market wa» worn appan-nt The
nAaxxBPDt — Wbbu -•Ueellra. Bnrt ee
to label o bottle "Lotion, For pricM went down. American compeUD weooa BM or ritr*. Bli>sl«._oetor ato
ttoD bad a demoraltolDg lonoencv P
______ ________
_ of lu being dnmk. If a patient the BUld Velab conom of malnulnlng
Lgaarrimand aannpat l«:W
meUJt bottle of oOrratiTe aobliniato to price* at a conacrratlve and comtortt^
___ ______ ki. ..
pot M a falmi on bi* great t
ay School at ll« m.
to BdJoat Itaclf to tbU end and In doing
Vmpar aarrieM at •;» p. m.
■o experUsneed considerable diaaate
Tp year* ofierwprd a doctew ..
A eotdlal laritaUoa ptpdad to all
^e ooagbmixtoretobUn. ud tbenba That tPded. It to tme. to "narrow- tto
by local appUcatloM. m tbayewni
goto 0*1 hnnU np tbe oorroaire rabU- amrket bot not eooogb to Injore tto
mab tba
portioa of the m
Brr.y.S-toriM. Pa«w.
mate bottle, play* ihraa card monto with bojer'a opportOTiUca. for tbe real mar
There to oaly oaa way toaan dtofaea
and that la by <
It and tbe ooagb mlxtnre, get* them ket bad been tranaferred for Aoertcu
MoraUgpetoaat KkUa. *■
i.to Amerleu aoB aadpon aatbocoogbly mtoed ap ao tbot be ou't toU
Smaday aebool at t< ■■
jl^rtknw gTMt enough to ptnBranlng aarriea at 7:M p. m<*a from tba otber, and tbp wbp ba
fpl* that tlgbtoa* acraatba cberi tbot Ttoeteoorwpta.
. iKsnsKXTwoMrr csui^
flamed yoa ban a 1
tba doctor told blm obont baewallows
Now about the ttnat part of It
impart^baarlBf. aadwben It tornBar. ■ or* toawdr. PMUr.
opart o( tba oorwriTO anblimatoand te* the protocUve featore wm pat
Saaday aarrlOM Praaehiiigal I0:« titaly riotod d^ana to tba raaalt. ud
Ipraa bto widow to ecdlaot tba Ufa into the tariff on tin ptotea tbelr pro..*pd7:Mp.m
tMoraaP By no oocidut to tba 000^ dncUon in Wale* war controlled
■ —it to.Alway* the
tbat fixed ^rlcM and d^
foranr; slaaeaaaaoatof
sUaoaanoatof tuaneaoaad
—New rock Bar- tatod tto policy ot tto k
oomalre pbUmato.byeatarrh. wbiah la noftalng batu
don't donbt tbat that comblnatton a
SbmtdooadlUos of tto bw
mnH of pnrioaa and C
bpte* of Ohtowo. btod oMarodtu.ooo
mu. iMMoopypolbot bo baa
^daogoed toiHft aa tba aatoa of
•0 towor BMBtol te •M.toO. Bo
tW-‘'haaf. Dr. a B.. tUi Oak Bt.
tto-BoH. B. d. A Beoa. m
gb-BQllkar. Vat i., «U B- BtowH
aer.Bewler Jean- *•••
fibaxeb.Cor.«tohand Rftk ato
Spday aeho^ at •:«&.
■toorb to OftotoHCtt.
M^ttorooktoir for
ThMadewtogPW Pbotofbn Itoto^
bap apmatod ap IG tea B«th«p
TECnvt 8V8TP*.'
ntoltit than ii wy carbolic oc3d or
mma mfitM tiMboMthto iMca
•linn., h.. ki. MMi <D v»r <k>
t^lWaobMl. B* Mm
m M7 otha aw« «<
'Tbaro or* oW onr «0 at Bdga
tto many boa»-Uka
Mmforii of that peaty naort. Ao
aaMt airinU an Mra. Abbey and two
graadebUdru. tba MUav Biohmu.
■caanaadaoaofCUaag«.aBd Mr*.
GOlHpiaaBdabBudMra. Dalaao ud
• mdandaorMOf Datroll. MtoJoUa
VitMStrlek aad MUa DowrUa* who
BaeagoM to Ua^Obaaaaax UUada.
■IM nupatrtak wQl rates lateUn. d! V. Sallb aad aana ot
SMtoge. ahoffad at tba Park Flaoa
jiiHiMiy OS thtor way to anaart
Mis W. W. . Bamu of Am Arbor,
toakdiaaarattto Farit Plaea yartar^.goiag os to «ha raaort at Old
Woodbine Cottage
kPlusui Rooms. SkifrUw*
am. B. K. TiKBLnr
Me OP nu* e( MH UP to Wertto era. a eoom of bnris^ tbat waa
toatloed to enrne lo
C8*bti:^ •»
on toTOgna
ocMrioB tto adivaon of tto ‘Sanii
Many eBriou t
PMOg tbe foraign popatotip of aerto- rmady. A* tto denJopmeat of tto
omKkiUgpatoadaUyto aoeUlmat. manotactan here appeeacbed or perWbp a Vtoaeta ooople gat mar- tope temporarily exceeded tbe limit
riad, aparriaga orr ioeMgh ride to tn- of tomand prten eoSered. With tto
reboond in nw materiato tbe aeccari. The ooaplM an not paokadto- ty te aome adrance ia tin prieee begetoer to pa wagp « atoi^ bat aadb
- obrioo* bat concerted acdon
t to to toaentlal to tbe etep. Tto
irilow and hto ^1 bora p Indiridpl ,
Jig. tba bridapd groom tokiag tbe toad ,
pd the othen folloetip like a fnnml of aoeb agieemcnt did not precede
bnt foUowed and at aome dtounce tto
of matarlato. with a maxtbaprnrMJtobMbap riding tebonii. imwn flgnn curiderabty below m
danoa Pto tba tatlTltlM
nrieea dsargad by tbe Weiah comblnaTba PolHtdm bora a cariop wad tlM brtep tba American tU Indoetty
ding peton that to
wsi cncated. Wa oaad not go Into
tba plan
an aente caleototlon of wbetber tto
wedding praapp Aflar tbawaddtog price* Bboald to lower or blgber. SnffoMt followa a danoa tbat oanadinM Ilea It te a fair diacnaalon of tto tariff
toaP la to U boot*, and arp longer. QOMtloo Inrolred to aay that tto levyTba eUM -boaoc to to dapa wUb tba Ing of tbe protectire tariff oa tin platea
brida„pdlbto to dadded in-* onriooe broaght about the eatabltohlag of tto
nauMC. The mother of tba bride takn tin maibet in oar own conouy. with
bM plaea in om oorner with a plate in prtCM now te eereral yeara lower
bar Up. whleh aba tofcaa rary good can than befon. when tto market wm u
•ball ba bnlll after tba pUn of p eat- a foreign country.
Aa to tto furtber point of employmeat. it may be conceded that all loan in bpor boaad
doririe* lo tto couatry have tbelr ebb
owp moat pnU oat a ptooa of aUrar and and flow In Uiat reapect and that compdMTor to oUp <x break tbe ptop by bloatlon*
snmetli—---------- '**
throwing their moocy npp it. pd ply
tiKM who neooed lo chipping or break we Inriat that tbe effect of tbe tariff
ing tba plate an allowed tbe coratad bM been to nnae tto tmnafer of a
tomp Let tboaa who think It awy to greet indnelry to thla country ud to
break p lrp*tP0 plata try it Few give a now emptoymeDt to muy thou•uda where aucb employmcDt did not
thing te exlal before. It U foolUb to btame tbe
ip to f76 tariff for the fact that tto acale of emor 1100, eron wbere tbe crowploymeot abrink* at timet. Bather let
pareattyae poor m a cborto monae.
o* approve a *y*U-m that tenda conit may go even higher when tto bride ia •tantly to rnUrre the opportunltle* for
pretty ud popnUr. All tto money goer
to'tbe bride, and io a baekwooda oouby #50 to I'b will etart a hgppr <wipl*
nicely la bonwkaeping.—Detroit Free
It* whole blatory I* ao reccift
and emphatic a* to be ea*Uy vcrlflcd.
In Japu It appear* that one facte and It win aerve a* a *ppclm«*n of many
Mlerlng into tto oboJ» of a danghte- tbat have taken a almlUr cour*c. being
transpUnted b> Amerku toll by tto
in-law it bar akili in nl»i« ailkwona*
1%an U man to thU thu appm* on InflneDce of tbe "Amerleu ayRem.-
tto aaxfaoa of tto atataasenl, te it I
that tba thread ,apaa by a eilkwi
imUr and anpin proportioo at tto
worm baa bout ragsUrly ud eaiafally
fad. Tto proapaotira motber-in-Uw
ometnlly and
garmanliorttoatoitteg faridh. Jodgtng
of bee qaalifioattocw by tbair wmdia<*
Tbit tema aru man Ateord tbu the
womu who arid tor aon tooaU aanr
many a wemu wbo oanU not heap b*
bonu dnwacinordac.—New TcA
Preatdeat McKinley bu a
iss-ttssr "—rfw
s«t (Mated toM-
to ewto by^b
tarrb) thatai
Bet. W.TWeodheaee.Peeler.
Catarrh Care............... WMnnia^fn
F. 1.CsmTAMi..
k Co.. TDtodo.
AUeerrieee la Ladto*'Ubrary baU.
Freat atroct.
B. T. P. 0. at 6:11 p. m. Mtoa B
lAite. TwflMjSHptotttnBplato
Bard laadar.
IV totitwiileoMa ap •aalUag arar*
Bwtoter pnaeblng avriea wOI }m Mma-’'Oalmub Blaatle Floor Varwlab
raaamad ant Saada?, ^ SB Walk
Tba oaator dtolrM to aaaat all tba
ttMtoMatAnbitaet Daaah ofloa TbmThe tdttia IST«tB-op
bn laritad to aUthaaa
otuia towSsUear
' akUmSe***-
si-k« '
• “J!T
On.. Jan. IV IMS-
and blood paritalta. 1
baaitato to neommaad it ■ tba nw
pote te whld it la weed.
bat It
fr.OOXxtoTHoB toHUgam rUMand •nlaaabort Umaae
touotfaU tofftoatha giwatet Mtia■
Maiara via O. M. A1.
Jaj. Cimtcura*
OaJalymb. Alao low rate to To
[adtaoa MadlelM do.
Aak yoor draggiat.
OKW»o KAdsoran-OalM tm, *!■■■.*
TTon OAU OB sxteai
Es S. OimpMl k Bom
Will ban tbrir oOm to tba hard
ware atore of V. J. Bdbba baraaftar.
whara all tbOM torinb boatoea* with
tba firm cucaUnpinr tba* 9t» tf
O. F. A.
Notiecte Bartors
hotel Tranna Olky. Mleblgu. on July
utb.lMD. telbaporpoaa of a»~
Ing aU penona who i«aa«
___ auto^llhtoSura^)
<lQlrAiby^^^*IS.^P«hllcAelaof Hi
Wortli 50 to CiOc
jr TOC WAJ<7 iMBnwRaB^ i^*y.aiR
TsIUllg VublwM
te aala by tba W. V. EimbaU Co.
Diaalatioa NoUea.
Ht»a«l»y*irMd h«-*e» AlpMa* PWna
At 413 Soatb Onion atnet te boaa. aad W. a fv**BaB that lb* 81* Of oieesia
Oarmu water roUa aad baktog of all
ktoda at 6 o'eloek to tba morning.
Qo to E. 7tss8a.Uu (hmu bsksr
Detrolv Mich..
Wentoftater*. naOer lM«* at taw^tote
Worth 75 :
d Into beMEN’S
tween tbe L*nlted Sutea and rortognL
TM* enable* ns to export to Portagal.
the Axorea ud 'Madeira UUnda at
Tbe kind that Bold at 12J W
ratca of duty aa low m tboae accorded
One and 2 of a kind in brown
to uy otL..
16c per yard. Many amallpieoee end black. *11 rtxce in the lot
,,----------BraiU tto following Amertcu T»rodof abont 15 yarde each to select and they eold at from $1.00 |o
Bcts: Floor of cereaU except wheat
oat quick. ThejwiUgo^
$2j00. , Now go at 49c.
a. Now et 9c.a fard.
com. wheat lard, grean. mineral oUa
ud tbelr prodoct*. reaping mowing
and tbn
eompreoring bay ud
Cwtomer—A table d’bota dtonec, in- Idowa ud puta of *och mariito^. 1^
W.».Duayli tawtoiag at BdgaLOTS
g a bottle of good wtov te T6 Rrsment*. Imidement* ud tooU te
euB? Tea'that'* cbMp ODoagb tort 1 tto arm. for factoriev agrtcottara tad
worth np to $6ii0.
2 30c nsde, at
Some ol om
for aay
any wtov
win* and I out
dost can te
Mr. aad Mti. J. FtMar rptesad to afford it How aneh will it bawIteMt
# bestow MsttiBg,slwayi«dd
) Bt 85 and 28c, now at Idc.
No old stocf.
Waite^ru da wbat'a right wiBi
I of MJlwBilfcea have
Hemp Carpet 18|c.
yoo, boM Too oan- bare tto dinner
Child7«.'tl«di«|- ud
BUolHo*«y, I Come to o. lor ,«if Sbirt
p«r priM
Vv tSa
^ hara^ witbont tba wine te 70
Cbioago TriboiM.
extol q.JitT,.U0c.p.ir.____________
| g. joet. UtUe bettor llto. .t the olta-gieiM.
Suits at
One-half price.
Foreign VUiMr-l am t<
Mr. .Ootbam—Ob, partaetly.
h^ud U devote to butocM the
totoolety. and ttoyhardly anr 1
~Maw Xotk Varidy.
down tbe Amerkan flag « BawnlU
It WM mtoicd to Ita place onr tto
Parifle by PreaMeM McKinley.
THK mvBMnrG bkoobo. aPTOAT. JULY aa
isoq-pabt two
a meureis sn aarao naMma
t ar PBMufc tfea rmt or
**• *^ •»« ttatiaod »oe.o«^ tM. tb* CUDMCItx tai
mad ««wal caacnon
sr to ux otkor twUdtna
' «!■■■« BTeiM orauM.
•a CUM. M« tu >oan«
*i trtpl* Um of fonuted to the -teiportol btdldUw." rtleb U to- ,*bo eoior here." for the peaugr lor u. t-idta. harrtu*. ^TuSl
hou«e> olottr the roate of bu proretif
mun be <<h»ed. bad abould *oy -ptcr1.-.T Tom" be detected «lih M eye e.i
ortrS or eret^ it !• abot but liwtan'.lr
lu- uaicbful arehero attached to the Imfuard.
f. n-ithhi ttia COSH of mfTtrrVs.
live the onperor. the e*npreaa domacer
and the numeroaa memUn of the ro>U
family. Intludiaa the prlncea
locea of
blood- ilere the emi-ercr pu>i
.Uj-i bU fee*• lart In the pavean'.a
:a and proteo« ordained by decree.s tbouaaada of
Id and paMca hi. da>-.
Atnnt tbe time tl
aerlutlOD. broken only by the
tic reccr^loa. trtaich rare|<- ktcia vtna^U of lia Clara In’the triild. .. it irti>*be'^^Um^uCl°^h<wnor
murv tb:n ten mlnutea and bis'. Ultt of v^inc S.M «on» of coal, iriu, a lynctta of *<, f.et. a »»am of « fSfwJS
lb.- temples and garden. »-l(hln the
cob'-rptlm of an old ahlpmaMer. Artaln Job*
Ir.-nment of the surrvuadlna Im>
Croeley of Taunton. V.aaa. «rtio SlTlbeen knotvn a. thv projector of bi(
tcbooaet* for many year*.
the maasarrea the past
recorded arc to be added e'lme In verr
rwai llmni, by which the blood thal
rourswl In vein, of royalty ko. Klaloed
the lavrnH'nl of the •'tranquil |«lare
of heaven •• and that the quietude of
•eaHh » lalare of rcp«*e ' ha. hern l.ro.
ken !•} ut 8\-alllDy crlee for merry-. There are fnarble court* aod-brlde«..
pillared i»nirea and gulden Hied t«vi’.lona Rarden. tniera.-vroed with fuuntaln* and oanali. nouer tx-d* and artl-
«alia. aecui
cred from t..c ..
Donhem capita
a phenomenal
allualed a. It U
within it. sate
aquare mika. ii
taaioiar wall t.
by 12 cate, and
: population of}..
Tbe city la 4
aecUoiii. compn
Ur and Chloew
bUBlnaa. U tra
Oon. are attuat.
popuiona dJviBlo
the taapralal CIt
dIzikUM la dft
• plaa and eotUy puuir nuiMlnc*.
Within tbia acaln l. the Iply of hoUe*. Kln-rhlnc. or the Forbidden City.
roDUtnlnc the moat tAerlalrad tradlUoaa of the Celeotlal empire, embodied
la the poroon of tbe emperor and mabrined la the temple niche* and
Bcrvu xtmmm.
The Pnrpie or Forbidden City haa _
dreunferenee of about two miles and
ita mamlvc walla are pierced by four
patm. cacD aurmounieo ny a lowe
in dlddsd Into throe parts by ____
fwaUn* from north to oeuth. ths’wboln
if/-■ W 1J|‘! ’ '
New Knaland and iVnn.ylvanla.
IS 1. aald that tJ^.eia.* of ve.»el» Rot it. name. l» the iroprotnpto riarula*
lion of a .mall b.^ on th- launel.lAR of II..- Prat ..f n. kind at Gloubeaiep.
aiaao. S.»me doubt [a-a* expreraed ae to the I ehavinr of the verael u rara
reached the water, but a. el.e alld in eaelly .off the «ay» the boy yrllsd ooL
"Bee her etOon! • And a w^hoor.er ahe un. alwaye after that.
Rlltch. a Denver Udy who la very fond of peU. I* tb* p(««C
;an«ato.>. Mr. Elltch formerly had two of tbeac
pri-.'au- soo made e.pecUlly for Iherh. But one of UmOO ;
. alcVenea and died,, and. tbouRh It U a «mMnlI|f accepted fart that kancarnoa arldom thrive alone, the remalntnc asiJ^i^SwS
to have retained Its Rood health and aplrtu.- The accompanylat lUuaUttM
sj^from a phoi>Mrraph ahowlnc the atranre pet and ita owner.
'1 probably be denIM (hat tbe
n who fought on the held of
Waterioo hoa departed, never raor
return, but auch l« the fact, atvon
s EngUkh auebortty. The laat
I esr «f tbe Wa
of th; ftw agalBst Intruslea 1 spne lu
terloo army,
-------- ten and the eeLieutenant Colohoota Tbe yellow turreU of tbe
sprtngtlma once a year. ♦hsloMtsh
no) Hewitt diod
secluded city can be men from one md faced emperor leaves bis iMieitl
In im at tb«
of M. but
Twa waooBb ooM paoii nrairA.
there U atm a
baov saRAii w^ob.
Whoa Inquiry baa hoeb made Into tbe
eurvivor neverMiCin of tbe ao called IdoU or "«odi"
Lady Sarah Wilson, of Mafeklag fame. i
tbeleas. At the
fooad anoiv the black people of Amer
la quite noted for her danrins 8h* '
age of an evel
ica, aa In tbe Waat Indies It has been
n-altaea with ronaummale .yrace .and
:M years. Iher
noted that they came from Afrirs In ah
ml^t be taken as the exeoi|.||flca‘tlon
'I* a man living
RMt every inatance. African superaslIn EngUnd whd
of the poetry of motion. Tall and
tun li rampant, anpadally in Haiti.
drove aoms
■Hpbt, yps with a well proportioned Hs. where the mounuin peaioea are still
French priauBure. She also look. io the greatest ad.ponced In the depths bf barbaHsm.
era taken, at
vaotage on horseback, ridei well to
•nd PM>rr BtienUon la clven to the rtrea
Waterlo-i from
e^obort" or Borcery than to the teachhound, and la a cai«ble whir I-*d>Dover to CanSarah ha' good featur-*. but her com-'
t-rhury. but the
T*bu.- . sv.... ■ W.B mtiKi
avuB, me
plesion 1* not her atrong point Slionly peraon vi ho
fwmr beint painted while and tbe tat
dr.>stes q ltb-extremely good tart.- nn l
waa on the field
ter black. If a native of JUlil wlabea
H certalBljf one of ih- amart y -ung
t..n It. • batlU
i-uglng i* a woman
tn revenge himself upon an enemy, be
marrl-tl women of the day. whil- of le, nan„. I* Ilarban•a Moon, whose tstakas oot tbe bad god aad sticks Mm
late ahe ha* BmfHy proved that »h- ha* th-r, named Jor.-e.
eolor eertwU sf plas la the parts of his anatomy
Inherited the talent and • [ilu. k ' long gi-ani of th- itiv brigade
.1 whose
assorlatcd - with the ducal houiu- of
D i^in.
UaritM rough.
Once a year only are forelfner. al
lowed to invade the preclncu i '
Forbidden cuy. and that la at t_.
nual audience vouehaafed the "barbari
an" dlplomau. when tbe i
j^wh: CHUwT rATHCii vtki EKman ■
Student* of Ihefreakaof borsdttF
find an Iniereaiing alody ia “'
arendamt of the great Duke «f Wdi^
llngtfut. hero of Waterloo yd ram
quisber of tbe still giswlsr
for It ia a atrange fart that
family haa reoambled Mm. f
who diod lb 1N%
and net one baa that dlsUnguisMag M«
aai organ of the agMlino eartety whM
grve him the rather Irrovstwat Pl^
of "Old NoraKll
treat haa bpen the departnrs fMM
•ecognised Weiiinirtan type
Duke Henry, who died on tb* Itb ft
June last, bore ai '
popularly kn
lew Duke • WellliigtM, 1^
Arthur Charles, like bis
Netlher of the bear*
beai shown In thl* picture suited out In life with the iniecfamoue. pert^ps, but they bad their grealnca. thrust u;.m
e found himself up agalnsi a railroad trac k one day at Ung
ft a thing of that charaeler. he started c
f tlea 1
- -....... J cent.notwuhtuodlng the
llu-t the train wasa ntled w-lih
w-|ih CanadUn blu.-ja>
bluc-Javkot* who would i
one of bis nwcles a* not. Me slmpt; took hli ii
ready got off the rail* and let the train go by.
pe mmher of the onfonunate baby bear. ala> shown here was shot In
the Santa Roaa mounuin* of Mexico, and » ben but a lew days old the cub was
lb-Which he destres that enemy to snffbr. Then he burle* the idol tn the
ebrth or nsbe* and bide* hu time, it :
usually bappeas that thf victim of
Urts feilcb. cbiled •obfah." or African !
wUchcrafL hears of the charm that
«. for u.i —, „ i,,,-.i
tbUs atch-so strong I* the Inp.uenee of
hU bsllef In hto mlnd-and eventually \
dies. Tb* "obcah ' man or witch dec- |
tor. to f gqMt personage In the West i
Indies, but be has to keep s sharp I
ttoikaut tor tb* ‘■baekra." er white
Man. wbose tow* h*
th* *ex Of tbe.animaJ Is not given—was taken to Ireisad and brought un in
the *oologli-al gardens of Dublin. Il happened that about that timber most
graelmis majeaiy Queen Victoria called there and
T»d. Voh ^
beariei. took ii on her kn?e and fondlriJ It IT* i siie^io A?bcrt^
ward when ht was an Infant. She also f-d It and c.^ ua
thing" but It to doubtful if tbe cub apptwclaied what tbe English palters term
•;thto proud privilege which many human mothers would wet foTielr
b!,D Kixe PRRRFRirS rROWM.
Wlio bad nnllmited poa-er and cuMd
The former ruler of Ashana King have hto subject! denpltated by a
save or hto hand. He had ao attack
of what has been called "the swelled
^d" Just previous to tbst visit of the
wmish from the Gold Coast and
ib^ht bimaelf quite safe in hto strong
hold IM mile* from the aca. But hto
Uogdom was Invaded, himself taken
prisoner and aeot off Into exile and hto
•way nnd coneeMM ‘blt**tS \5^J|
sown arna captured by tbe Invaders
Though be and hto people alood on tbe
vary lowest rung of Hviiiaatlou's lad
der, y*t they had some degrM of pro-;
flcieiUT tn weaving, pottery naldag
nnd la gold nnd stiver work. wMeb bad
la movaLlr ghidewnyi
th#^l!cyi to re- Crencrwl Badea-Powell. who nw kM to
”****« *hnfqi to-CMS* or towar tb*I hto
-------- n
- “rar
nis capital. Kumstol.
«ar^ and not halt had tor i
-'■ir'|/ V|-fkT,irV ••'.t.-ki -'
grandfather, hat b*es mlJltary'ln aasss
, and though for a long time *■
pay aa a lieutenant colon*! In tbs
Grenadier guards and with a son-ns
ald-de-camp lo the governor cd M«v
Zealand, haa revar sees aeUva scrrlcn
*?.*** '*'* ‘®
“t" fs nou! guec'n’f>id'o r^ to ihe Held. He wma born In UM nnd
hat three aons and two dangbtsto
•»>* perforrvd ti-.a( ret; m land Though he fail, heir lo 14 Utlts. whleR
sorveylnx that baa come doa-n to us as "rutting a Dido" «h* were beatowed t.y different countrtos
upw hi* dlstingutohed great-graodtother. be may cbooae to be known s^
There are all sons of people
Of Sicily and Italy and east
forrigiu-rB as well as the cl
iltuatlon. soulhweil
wnde It a atompins gfl.und
;-;u" ™'-
-r ; u:
vn-.j:e alo'it li. a csst-JX"
““***™“* T># Women dr«s
•.••.•.' I isJ, url
an J. nxiuaily Mw-adri-.
Tb* Rate department of Pekt^ Is adfirially kno«ru as the ’tsnng-U ko
kwob. kuttg sfalh matoo.-or b
inr tHawLiv wiu «nh ncct moytmttJL
Am tbi Dtafley taitf law H b worth
b saya tlw New Tark MaH and 8x-
lyiMJiBt licKl^ wlB «U la tte
tarty oRMBd by the fne tnAera tbaa
that whlA paaaeA oaigea Jnly «.
UPT: nne ercr eo needOy eonfosaded
ItB ihimliB. nor baa any anw so bap-
iarrlnn {«t>cr«M aad bIbo I
«tte iBBiBrtBl lata
pUy eufpilaed Its eapportera. Ibe eftarts of Ksapentioa css be mea dear
m AmerUan pcopfe.
ly ^wB by a few eo^arboos be
nrtacd la In atwdy and......................................
It deaU with tbe fmare life, of eoarea.
la O^Ure leac^tfe. aad.tbe taak of
------- aad ranl-
S^OirUt proves co^oslrdy that this
cA to ASC.iaiMl, bat a lar«e propor-
It M os
tb* wnog SUb.
BaproAtaUB MAe. saA It b
vbkb It oBfbt 10
prcaot eoodltkns and
tbm U ao
tSea of tbb was obtalnod by tbe Clevelaad polbT of artUiid bonds lo time of
pMce. The balance ateadllj dedtoed.
bowercr. ai«i at tbe ootbteak of tbe
^nisb war la l«« 1< bad fallen to
•nSJU0,<B2. since then we bare pass
r -iiapeflal
t in tab r
ed UintBsb a war Inrolrtny the expend
iture of «33S.OW.OOO. yet tbe cash la
tbe treasBry o« May 31 of tbla year
aaMooted to CSW.CVi.S3.'>. wKh tbe
moral'certeidiy of a still fortber Inen-aae. In Jlay. 1800, tbe itoremment
TiH-.itepobUcaB admlabtratloa b
tbe das7i-n niBBy. t>ot tbe failures are
iPW. Id «!.* brisi majodly of asa It
rrcetpu emounb-d to «U.«MS.n7 and
tbe expenditures to f3K.t2S.Sl2. bat In
b Aolnc nut oaly tbe Hsbt tblna. boi
tbe onl>' tblns poolMo naAa tbe dr-
May. -1000. tbe rwlpts were $45,106.-
OR. and tbe exp
cBSstaiH'*’*- Aad ondrribefneral title rflinpe- mooo. abowttj* a fundoa for May tbU
ilalbtu*' tbm b a lot of nlaor bsoa yor of Ct.K10.033 as aitalni.t a deddt
opn «-btrb tbe attJtoAe of tbe Drtaoc- of *3.7«JfT5 for tbe -----------------lacT b jnat ae anreaeonaWe bikI Joet
lib four years ago. Or. to draw tbe
as Inslun-rr as apoo tbe main poloL contrast on broader lines, there waa a
Wbal otti-r folly
iwu/ to exalt Acnlnaldo as
•• aurplus
umpim of
oi 303.330.142
eUii.ouu.iS- tm
of God.
He served
Boney ra<
e of bis God.
. an tmheHeaaa jn a
bat il:ey atv
snd tBiiffbi I'.v ooe
wlio kiu'W and by the must leniUr and
enni|ia<sbmiiie of all liiiinan Is-lnga.
Insteeil of irylng toexpUsiii tltenra«-ay
of Ignoring ibom lietaos*- ili<-y are
nnplpB-.ani 1<-I ns proOi by ibrni and
by trust In God tbryucb fbrlst .siiwpe
to $S(J7.3^ia5_twder tte
fiands and ImiHistors.
Tlx-y ask foe
iticy i.i !vjy imad. IrtH mry Intend
liny iH-or. Th.-y i.-ll ti!t«.iiN-stor1re of *
woe and siifT.-ring wlilrli would well a ,Mewia> tai»iire>«uap; Meat*.
m«it lu-foiv Gtsi. GinI will iMddusre-ig^’L.**^**^ °****~
spoasibU- fr-r llic iqiisirtniillU-e t<
Whh-li He plai-es Itcforv os.
.'A* poll tax ts nuvi-r iiopular.’* ays
■ •* New Haven Palladium.
kind ortax“lVi«iiularr asks the
aaA.i.latforms an- not Intended for tbe
\„direct tax lUa^
door, so may wc sollafy the tt*ihi*or#l
nixl spiritual aasu of the needy at
,i„.,«.m.,:.," nrii-
HeieeeiUt Co Block-
our doors,
pnATCa tlECTlXO.
this Impnriam pnml'lr. Then have n 'eoelr Bio.-k-_____________________________
fiw and voluui.irr dlsousNlon of tlirjy *, THOUPBOh H.U okPv.l .«i.-
ntx-iiot bur-
pbaa of U s,^0M«DT tbojopic-.
palley. To the
Ae^ed by tblm. Tbe rv.ison 1. |iat they
a aDver shield wUh a sTwidy disregard
,^jnrtrt.-s. ral^Aimvlof fset# and posalbUltles. To the east. *^'*“
• jr-
. tbe aUvev side must bo farefoUy con- ^
Maled «w ireeicl a. of amtUlm^- “
tome, whnr a.
j , ,
wi.'r.7rd! «•«<«"
^.. . .
protvi-tlvc .arS\s
tariff Is a
a bum*-
Tbe imlp'.t Is ncii, a |ila<_______________
mi-nt. Slii U llilllge dlsgtiUf Hie cliurch w &. mABTI(«, PejeirlM end ssrgeeo. Ofl
and lower tbe dignliy of H»- pretft-Uer J.
8..rlmisn.-.s. eoh-mnlly. dlgnliy and
'igood rommtin s.-:iw gre prri
,bj .^b.
for HuM.n nthl wciu.-u ortlliiarlly geweeUcey-U.t» tk. y.y.«s.t
HiUTvh for comf.irt. cons.ilaH..u
demand “t tb- I—I*,
Tiny pp-fer Ve-.fiitUttry 1
nomlnatkin of MeKInloy
p thi-li itTusrt.Hip>-s k.viily amtis.^
trf the pp-Nldi-nt H Mid: i
,,^,‘-,,1,7 paihs and faring I =f’l ‘hrir baited to slu and th.-lr l >vp
n«KiKmNlWI»l«>. iYg»ld«it' f'’f rtaUtroui-u.-*. nw-aU. u.-.Uo Hip ir-'nl
In vveiw sltunHon -f n'.itf--laHoa cl tl..-wM of H»-fltsi
ceoltnnanee cf the Republican party in
jmirl.u and the np : rfl "'.-Ir I t.- f.-r Hie nib.i lnt.-niutU>d
‘ t"V:? s
anrti a Jury,, and Hieif U no «Upgpr
In nt-k‘ng the
misletl bf
by the efforti
efforts of ______
that |t " ill In- misinl
INwiiar to ImlorKC the llepuldlcaii ,artar
IVOkVTntic mntwtlnus. sjK-akers
ty fur Its re<-"pl of liiis!n-?»A in\»»ri'riiy.
pewajeperN to Iwfog Its mind and to
'■•"■■■“ .....................
Vifli-si «ra. JIKn-'ahd il«-rv huiiv sireeL
one ni.'i.v w-i»!; I.. 1 :;.4ude Hm- |«..r from
Hu- liias:d'l-T-l:l t hcrvli of wM-li lx- b
J ui.-i;t!-< r. I-'", he fn no stii*e liiterpi
Ihe mhoUi-fa »n-l iiia>-:ll.'
_ ., T^0rfKSo(k.*tie rroTi
t»l«TeotieeKc-*I. ____
City. Mtek.
fan- H e fart, as i«-y exist.
Aad that Is why rre«ltl.-nt MeWnley
re 1 lirted.-Colomdo Eprings
, Bnflslo. Srbrr. ITT T>i-e< isl s-.t»eV'S,
H;t-,.Hp«i fj-i.-nd Hit- jHKr i:;an ha». and iBj>vyrAit«y^»urgjr.
I hlladeliihla,M.llicd.sj^
|trt..lNTlty luu always
exiNtvtt! In
will a« In IIS ln-n|is.:ty to
jwrty as ...............
pri^-rly imimige our pn'-ll-- affalrv
r 'TIh' sHvtlCtli <‘f the EfJWtdleVl pbt-
aiMland cpl.-ind cotton at iMm-sii'-iid- ft>rm. tbi- strength
tag Aate« 111 l«M BUtI l«no will rvmtnd dates that
,ai n-presem li
It .ii-l the uaanlmaoatb>-ni farmi-rt of tbe lnt{m>i<-uj«-nti liy w-l:li
w-l:U wUMi Itrih
la the rali-.e of their stajde pr.Nlael, the .-IlNTUbllean |art* ai i muiuvipiiithat has taken place tmdi'r Hie Bepolr will Insure a nn-iv Vvvivplnu vlrtorj*•
...................... "
Han was glvi-n for SlrMirti-r and prosfTlK, CvrwpiTftt.
jM-rtty Id IRdb
leaked at the llrpHtdleon natfoaal etWv.ibtl..ii hi- rhtlail.-lphUi tbal gt.iOQ.(«i>>iitf> has liet-n |iald by .\n»erieaM
to f.iTvlgn shlpoWBrrs during tbe jutst
STi jeer* end that during tbe next 23
yi-ars fC.mj.mi.uou mon- wilt be paid
if Hivrv Is n.1 ebaiip- In our, ablpplng
Uwn fuUy JosHBed Ihr |ilatfond dvniand for rrmnllgl U-glslaHon.-
Rotber BiM-tellsCle.
VB^Tp »*' ***"**
alveet lloar of rrmyee.
in a wt-n I w (11 If ii.-r.- I* Mt luiuu iw
rcflle the Tp!r:i‘“ i-l-jmvs. how 'ht-*-iUiil
in:., ilw os-on-t of Ills p:i
troe'soute.- and
Fnapal Director.
whom Is ihe one
•t flPSctIb felon Birwt
Op*c nllBlgfeiMonkyvs Phene Xe. 1
f-tui.fulu t-f all trw
vh' tv •‘0 r.iur h i» ever eC-eklug to un
lialluK «5itn;s- u- ruder tbem.eonrand pinfaiH-. bow high the priv
llHXe of t -on-..vraHns them anew In
l-myiv lu hotiui-ae and to G>xl.—lUcbard irbi-nevix Trench.
CloMts Cleaaiac and
Piassiaj EstablishrneBt
uieuilietN and
ei’tiverskias eomr* TTy*ht«-
from <«o miH-L mntempbHon and deFurther
o fitile activity. --------------
Xc ana Pront OlrMt
IS'ifIfs lire losonom
ttyffahave a dwemac.ato k .
____- ftocr moeths mf this yi-ar were
C&,414.hr7. an ineteaaeof Jiwasn over
tte coarvspoadlBg moatbs of tfiSO.
net* -U no .-^arageaent fa^ w
----Ttmse Meve Ck>ma*«.
A MlMoori farmer loot a $500 dtaOMofi
ring tbe other day
. wblle eogaged
. _
Conriesy Is (far peaspert to a
ta feeding bta eblcketia. - Dantag tbe We dooble the power of our Ilf* wbea '
___ _________
Demoeratlc edmtaistratkiB tb* we add'to In gifts nofalUng eonneer.
^ ^ diamond* to toot aad Tbe’wortd tiwaye begradgM
a boor.-Onlraraatist Irtidrt.
“Uneetla Rest”
g:i vtpk ef «li
Uyoa wi]l'
i-t jbav
DL uomEn
“Uneeda Beat'? Cot'
1 meet the requIrenuU of
E Rt»rKWonii
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
HIRDW009 sues
gidewalk Lumber is all alaefi.
vrlion. whWi will aioae l.ria? it Iciek
gud iwoev.
liUvw.- l
comu.milou wiih IL'u
Said horse to
N..™i« t.
j ’
Honere avili be at my barn for the balance of the a®ason. and for tbe purpose of introdudeg him terms tble see•on will bo *1800. WUl bo ttor^ ttftir July 20th.
end .rhlltSfr
hfttcr.: luto i:e m.. .
BA-U’ahocc.Xortccro -pbo-ic K
DIewllr In the Pelplt.
tb....»! D-»»-~«-b™d*.
tb.t m* nor.. M. Importoa by H. W. Dtin-
‘ ‘ '
a. Hi: Hvti-xUi. 1-3. ,
It. m-.- It 1- l«Tb-
be a tret
If j-tar'i
j-oar't vlertloB
cleciloB U going to
Tbetr l» not a....
fair mintled. lioavrt
Sod IniiHlgfut Jnry in the world but
would d-eide. apoli a iruibfiil prrsi-ntatloD of Hip facts, that the Intercsta
of 4lie American ppopJe trqHlir Ihe
Luke x. 2V:iT: t for. xv. VS; f.at. vl.
r.d«e«tt.. iii«nH.w of en bullJiT, n incitor of prosiMTlty and n
I'.lVf'L';!! “
eundus of Ipjomv
■” hini U • gneraatoa that he la a good
neve«ihc pastor road and oxponml 0,
then to present a cobereni and honest
Sno Indloiduttl, bright b.y, 16 httnd. high, wdght 1.360.
----- carriage, a great roadeter.
Kon<T9ComMfromoneoftbe beet families of coach
horeea ever fmported. i have t
1 France attached, Which will Uk* too mueb '^ace to pnb-
each <ier doing Ihd work opporltc liU
‘other'fellow pays or that Is paid wtlh-
•tiii.j. it tb. De-<«r.iic p«nj
the largest importer in America
—.,-.0--;^. 1
» That ts Paid hr the Other Pel.
Me. end If It were poeslble It wonM be
Amrnctlve end calamitous beyond
« who a.b>P iQ UilSk.
eplrilunL l-nvc jui nllar demands -upon 'I)%5eiiiiieeTe
us. N«-g!vrI uf tlicM- Is an iDib-x of a ner
chaniru-r that Is tut fbrlrthin. N<-g
by^ «f tlH-sf wUl npnit In our arraign-!
laad If l)e did not sto^ to think tbrt
■BCh a wbokeele revolutioD of econon}- J
te condltiuna and methods Is Impoal-
X bnv« pnrehaMd tbe fine tn^'d Conch SulUon Honere, *
„ g*aerm!p^ii«wec janjcrtad from Fronooby M. W. Unntanm of Wnyne, lUe.,
_____________ .. _
wbeiiier ihoir nools t>c uiiiporal twiAbe banishment of 'truau- from
irsey ehs OemeeeUer e>
luuuen te eeuecus..
literally a. to demand of us a response
from every |,ret«iMli>d needy one who
bvt they prupooe aoiblng that U pracU- _
was tIQ2.822.2t>!. For
cableawl that would stand the laiofXjwll. 1«». U was
Ufl !in (IM Putt) ts w «l- SKOUI H lid ICL
Union "'ode Hot*. $1. $8, $3
Indiscrlmln^. charity usually does
iDorc'^nn tun gesNl. Tills tojile and
,md.. contention that the en-
first quotlon to In- sulied 4s. Are lliose
St our doors ntsNl.v? Every tieggsr who
ap|H-ars al our doors Is not a I.aunis
party tooB"*
Wnau tbe amc In- yntaon^jonnau tariff In 190S. rose lo
atoerrity Is appaceoL They are fertile gi^,o23-m2 ptider the Ulngley mcaala wboieule dsaonelatlon and threats.
ybe imbince of trade In
—>.I|| I r
*10.00 mit, cot to.......................................
*700eU.cot to...-...................................
Cnion Made ClotUog
tnent of the ne.riy 3i our door. ' Tbe
apiieari iN-f.ire ns. Tlie vast majority
of «be lieccars at our doors today art
-• •
from tbe wrath to <sirae.
Ilesldes dealing wllb sncIi great and
trenieoiUiiK truths this jiaralile baa
Hie tn-at-
. ^ tbe attttndc of
- -
BOT-s suns um Pull
IIS .duel to............................
lib .bit. el to................. ............
110 anita ent to.................................
anita col to............ ......................
atey be Usrd and anph-nant tnitbs.
Ibis lllusirailuu are not to Iw Ukeu so
ttiblUlioa biitUls pamlile even of tbe
wirke.1. 2. "Ae tmntsbm.-ut of the lost
is iiotrtilve and sTwre. 3. P'ntmv pun
ishment Is of et»-mal duration. Hiese
ImaU for an altack npoo tbI character jcimeat of tbe iMngley law would min
aad the honor of tbe AmerlcBD war detrade Is W answerwl by
.---------------- » the people of this country!
that our exports.
1. Tlic- coosclnus exlsb-no- of both
nv(«l nod ciiMived. There Is no ati-
there U in picking op every trivial; nojMO.Ttn. while for May. laoo. they
Aortcotulug of admlnlstratlen, tbe
fiT.SSC.uTS and Uiat. too. In
onall auionnt of spoiled snpplU-SL the that our Imports last
Porto Uleo aa ao fojnstice and a cruel- [ ^-holly to the Ulngley tarllf. Tor May.
ty to that Island!
Wbat demagogy \
nwtun» reeelpts aiuoanted to
and the deep cutting of prloee on
________ He lied oot'repented.
ed a (wldsb. woridly life, as U proved
by bbi neclert even of a poor, needy
beiKsr at Ills very door, tTirirt's refeiriires to tbe fimire. relieved of all
mpatiHoi. Vhat Jmeranee to claim that n,oiiths ending May 31, 1900. aa against
^ Plllplno "natloD- Is fighting for Ks ,
^f C27A52.C70 for the II
« Uberty. tvbat a disregard for facts >n i joonths cb<!|Rir May 31. l80a
AownnHtig tbe civil government ofj These striking n-eulU are dne almoat
■M in Ltsaon. and making these the ^ jj,p
Our Granil July Clearance Sale
batter pmrf of tbU tl^ tbe tart tbst
' ' • oot >uu soy^M of tboe b-
nie well knowa teshionable outfitters have made their reputa
tion by eelUug BETTEK OLOTHIHQ than the other fellowe -It’e
oiu- conetesl doing things - best” Our contipually introducing
new Ideu; oar selling new goods so cheep that keeps the iordlnery clothiers “in e stew ” Just now we are creeting a whirl wjth
tty ta a rery deUewte .
(TMl tnitba. relieved of all of tbe^lraOT
of tbe parable, stand oat clearly and
«a the oatmtrtti bMb.
■ Tbm U aot «a« of tbs nsta Una
S. Benda & Co.
LaxarM U the moat strikiaa and aabana ^ratde mt Cbrlrt and tbe oae
where mod of all caatton mart be ex-
{wrable U a warelnc acabM the
Ice of Mammon and Intended to show
Chat -we cannot eerre both God and
which preraUed fosr yean afo.
Meramon. Tlw rieb man waa not cosOb May Si. ISMX for example, tbe demiMid becacae be waa rtdk. bat bearaOable caata In tbe twasary amooat- canee be pUred bU rlrbos la tbe pUee
n« Demeciacr b
Union Made Shirts, 50c
Union Made Overalls, 48c
«be Waek I
,t hr Uee-A a. uoyta.
1UfW.-lhr wrtir « or Ow.-u*. erf. »»
The parable of the rteb man aad
Afur tme yaan o< aapertaaoe «•
wbOe ta abeerre baw abadatrty tbe (0-
tfUit ct Aswrl
lar yoa, and will art* V
Bataa vary taw.
■4aneeMorw t« T»*wer*- riMv t. omber •*«
We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
Anti none are poor atoek.
beinp aeed.
Everybody wbo
t^oap aa yea know is better al^T
naea foap
when they tee the name on tbe wrappt rw.
know .tie blaridartJ
We will give you good val-
Ifb- 25c,
tL'v. 85c
S.V and
end 50c
fiOe per
ner cake.
UM for.'V
oc, 10c,
WM: ^
The Up-To-Date Photographe?
! Fiaa Ilia at Pkanpapl larian. Hlirpit if 111 XiiA
l» i I.
r;iE ^^oKs^^•G Rr.c.ttfh.sPXiiAV ji,-lv a. i. ■■
,— ,
^iBfSB GCBTAINS. . •outhern industries. <
VMOW UOHT SNO um lumwu
MttOa^m butt aad bcmaUM a«iet
Btaajr «f tbe
alto at» bdoc opeaed at
nipMlr at potalbb-. and tbe proepecU
art that tbe wwUj'a annaal ompot of
dtUXXMlOO Ism of coal asd aboot O.UOO,ouo toot of iroa win be wonderfaOr
iBcrtaRed dartac tbe seat few jeara.*'
Tboae wlio take note of tbe wecklf
baak cb«n&SR pf tbe eoaairr mar
bare Dodeed tbe wonderfal lamatet
made )•/ tome of tbe tootbem rItlA.
Tbete lacrettRow Tance froia 40 to »o»*
. (bau luo per eeot ll|oee of Baraoaab.
\4ot exaapli-. U-Uif IM t«er cent amatar
j for IbrI wcTk Hum for '
j'injt W|<ek
I tbe pn-tiout reor.
i-t'k of
mvm naamr.
Isdaiirfail aod floaDrlat retxitatkiD
ItabPd ibodf* and oih* nbkt cenatnlr | iDsl, Id tiM- niurw of lime, brine Itrcat
tea a Ttirr «RcoDveeitoBaUalr.. Tbe i {•olljlcal ebaDcet. tt U Out too wncb
I la Dot I
, bowhope iliti tbe day wIU Toiae
rrer. tbe etomrlerftfle feataw l>Hn« j tbe lodURtne. mil rarry K>tMBt that
tbe manuer of Uusliv It. A ttont ^ij, rtTwHmily tod fowver break up
w ritx la plare.1 la llw celllue.
tbe De, wbin. a lone cord will, doable aormry. for It b uoJer UepabUctDlRin
tatM'l depi-ndt. A lorpp, <wn-b*M lookR ufieinate. expaad tod
tlioBM >- tied arouDd tbt : th^ve. n.em tbouM ' already
Itliered op potllbn
portion of tbe two hwapL jriHn
jeiHinsfa IctstrortlaR la tbe derelopment
nts dewljcu would alto bi- fouml a if iboMalli-under tite preteal admloltalDple and eCeetlre way of ireBtltyt a j tmtUio to Siriea that iecUito Into lln»
—lall arrtrway
. „
I * •ipanrlod nod tbe wWer uarketa
eaiantton will att8 many UII*. ttalnates an.l laodlaea. ] tin, tj,,
n*. 2 It aaolbiT uuroiiiiaon ttyle., core.-Katw^t fliy (Mo.1 Journal.
ta tbe ticnal way. elrioa. liowerrr.
Uttk- more fnl’m-n la d-pib. mttins
otit a tiuaU wniirirT-l.- lu tb>- middle of
tbe top and drawltu; tlilt to a piliiL
Oriel triudows tinrelJeted by dreiM-ry
.pecteot a
Ab easy luetbod <rf tivatlDf ibem la to
bare a •mx-.iialun of aliii|>l.- twaict tu«ptnded from tbe riDya of tbe iwlc aud
dlMppeariny behind tbe lonjr rartalna.
Tallt may l» InirodueHl at tbe anylea
' and cord* and
taatelt b<>re rlee a llffbt aail
HferL Wb. re cconuray It thidied both
may lie dlNtienM-d with.
Pig a abuti-* a little morewtyle and
variety. Jhe eeuter la drawn up wlib
tbe awagt throw-n over the pole at the
aagle and tbe tail tlKiwInc briilnd. In
tbit eaw> it It Imt.^r .to .Iraw up tbe
t tide of etch twac wpamiely. platl D|< the tall nn.l attacb
tbera to ui»> nunihiu- Ifhlml lit.- p.lo.
Tbe ceoler nf tbe tide wiiidotvi may
be irraied wiili eord an.l (am-It In IIk>
■ame way at tb.- n.tddl.- .me If d.>Blred. TI.e latt drtm can 1- carrb-d
•at In nudras mutlin or la nciy nf Hit
W Nucb UN wcioL Mwge
or tai*»try.
AUboneb tbe mudrat iii.miD may b
CCru. tbe friur* ti.-.-d n>'i u>-e<-«Kari1.v I'
aalf rolun-d. A dc-llmlely tinted
barmeny with ibe |.n-va<UDS tints
aronod tbe wladnw wonhl be quite |mtmlolUe.
IMien Joining ibe colling twagt and
UQt of the wlndowa, lie- btcdi of tlw
former nml On- front of tl.e latter
•bonid In? pUeed PwetbeT. , Tbit will
und.-m<NNl If a
"U I* a iJi.llr.-abl.- far-l." remarkt tbe
Albany Journal, "tliat already tbe Brynnlte iH-wri.uiM-n. have dmpiwd tbe
l*orto tll.■n tariff Jaw, urer whleb tbey
were making a Urge and ruuN|.lcuoua
fuat but a few wcekk ago. That no
fnrtber attempt win U- muite to nae U
a -campnlgi> iRtne it iilaln.*' If tbe
mocreta rontliiue to dir>p Ustua that
• worae than ttaeJeaa to tbem. tbey
U aooD be without a (dank to aUnd
Our Itiiltiatriet are ffnaiieblog under
prutecllon. I*nwi)erliy It promoted by
IflO cent dolUra. tlxpaiintloo -I* a fart.
and Uh- Aiiic-rican flag
imw-wloriR. By
r will Invite and
d UlWti I
It teentt dimp-r and Win
to paste tbe
Ibey can *.v them wb.-n having their
erenlng Rcioke. They tbow tbe actual
price at whleb wool and sheep weff
told In XVytuuIng In given y*«rs:
lb. y. o. A
over a pole, wben It will Iw Noen that
each altenu.ie »wag pr«%<-DtR tbe <it>|iotlte tl.le to it.e m<>m.
A pole It not Indltpenaable; a tdaln
lath win be found cheaper, and It win
•err*, quit.’ at well. In tuch
tbe dra|NTy would bate to l.e tacked t.i
t ratx or \t
S.liH. .-T.,...
roB AS ouiij. winhow.
with * Cld. it would impruve the
'll.nil Uix plaited
Mlled Uadhig.
Wlevi frilling .xrialus.
Ibould In- .-ut li. I. -JB Oirijn al«ut s!“
iBChet bre«i.l. J..in.-I log.-iber Rnd h«-ihB>ed along .wie *U-: the fulli
may Im- aa>Thhig from
Vbole a.ldltU>pal. It l*\« t«llvu* j<dP
to tnm down al..<u h.ilf an ln.-li .m tbe
Ibe frill and draw it
It np.
fiber tdge of ib.then aibtehluc It lu (W rnrt.-iin by
band. Tboae. however, wlm liavo a
aewtog uutebitt* with rrllling attacb• meat can enor0Hiu*ly ndtuv the tabnr
tt m leir of curtain* and make very
even and Bttlfoi n frills.'
Orecoo .ngwrr*.
IjHe-jf BdvI.TA fribi Urvgi.n fbdw
illicit th.- II. lii^’.lh-nii jilurailtles lu :hU
.b-il.u* ir t!i;;l »:..te w.ve .
ilargi-r ilint at first j. .rt>-.l. Tie- He- j
i pnMi.Tii. .-aii.lidut" t t c’'.wmor had a
Tpliirai;?. ..f UKKC t!;aa
exa.-fit ii:e .auH- jih « w.-is In U«e\ i
K..r .-..ivi-SHiiwn III- e.>u.li:r..Nl plural
lity of He- tw.. Il.-pul.lu;aii .-au.lidatct
- was alH.ii: li.rsa*. or 2.>hs' im.r.- than
the liluralltv given P. tb.- .-.iiii.- can.ltle In IS; v
In ,!,
It »b-.ul.l ,1
nqm ti.in-r.d al«-. tl-ni In lsf« tl^re
was no fusion t4 ih- ep;H •it.'.in v«we.
pjsw.1 to till- R:-|raMii-an* funrcd at
cuu.ph-te a fusion as w--is <-\er made.
BesIcbN. this. Mr. flrjanlhad mi.V a
four i.f On«rn a few w.s-ks Ufure tbe
oi Conie.
Tbe kvernge price .-f cuttle on tbe
farm was f]CC> jer trad on J«t I,
IS'T. .'n-rt l- f.-iy 1‘ivtsh-nt Mclvinley
w«* Itumcrrap-d. At tire l» glnrdng of
tbla year eati> were worth fS> j.rr
head <.ii I'.i- farui. The Incnnse In the
U« ihtTH- y. Sirs has 1t»v> T*i per cert.
sn- from the report* of
lbed. iiarttu.-t:: ^i-grlenliurv and n
be acc-jrt.-cf r«H a
al sulaiply ttdlable.
Tbe Haase ta tba llesncd Tvna.
Tbe faeat-d t.'tii. is a Irylnr teaaob
for the stay at borne butist-keeper.
Boeschuid dat
beeonie mot* to A«rteg tbe aammer
PVode ke B*»a lte«naF«la*t.
lte*^t^f*-t few women undemabd
Tbe exchange of oM ben Is under tbe
^ tR htb
goU Mnnrtart! law per new lAods heapMm. VvmIng * per rent Interest. • a» e^cTMled ,
»».r<n«V. and -hat «. :ar ^Ited--P aud obtsiA. intimd _
famUblng that ta nmr* suitable fur tba n.onv«>hn.
haated acaann. wbat a boon to tba
•aAceper to
,o be
b, aide
.N. to
.. dHpHH.
wbuae prraent eoudltlr.n ta a
I tearNvarU.f with tbe dual eidpeace and civIlixaUon
; lacUng material: One-caa'dkardiy r*«b
world. «UU bolds fast
toe how retreablag a barely fumlabat
to tbe Bryan Tdea of f*e* allver.^^^amfvga la oa a bot. daaty day.
t.«a FprlttgaBanitogtaB.
"T\/rn H
n» CcAtvteg lancnfrti. frott &
an4Bll7 vftncs Sanctel tad ta«wM OP. j -r-«l npon pauiibpd ta Use Cbbac»
•*] ..-'-atac PMt. It TCC7 t»<Btfctni U
nidd dPTriopoMt of wrmi ladwMta i» tbe MOtbm ruIm:
I, ttmM etiuiDlr 1» tbt MctidiM
-j»o far at Ow mauBfactiiriac oodoek,
wadart tt taeoooter as ogtjr aiavf^tiaag aim tppetrt
4tr. reoatdPrt^ tbe Knot Ttrtpty ad
jj,/.vuftlde It It
fntt7 «««•>» fabiVt armlUlile tor
$r.wiw}Xa. U now aoluc Into
aaaaMT aaa To aaiae ImH a few. wt
UMtaatrlea la tbt y^rth
n mn -rrS gb-r»
After a tborough inventory of Summer Goods throughout the different departments, we were -surprised at
tbe amount it involves to be carried over if not dtsposedThts season. We invested rather heavy last spring, anttcidating advance in prices, whereby we own oar goods away below par, but it crowds our space, also financially fn
consequence. We must unload without delay. Our gain is entirely'yours, as this sale embraces all up*to*date
summer goods which we place on sale today at our low net cost, and in many insunces below. Our last sale dem
onstrated to you that we advertise solid facts and when we announce a special sale it means baigains, and'savings
in dollars and cents. At thissale it will pay you to supply your immediate and future wants; Here we state a few
of the many items reduced through the stoae.
mm $n.oo u
All 7’c Shirt Waists reduced
Tbe ereot of tbe avsaoo.
At. iinmcrcifnl alasbinv of pri-va.
Our entire atook of MBN'3 'UITi ANO OVEBCOAi‘8. ooDfUtincoaly of Tbe light coiurs an.riigbt weishta.
Prices rauifiog np. to-$ln. Oholee for t&la Sale at $10.00.
l.OfO Cbildrea’a Hoita, etrictly np to-datc, tHqiMsliDir of Yeatee Snita, from 3 to years of au-. - piece and 3 piece Saita.
maooiab BiyW. np t j 10 years of age: all go without reaerv-^ at
a diaeonot of So ^r cent.
Cbwee of oor entire at jcb of Bicycle Suits at $3.96.
Fine Fancy Madras Soft .Sbirts, detachable cuffr. «1.00 .
qnslity. reduced to.......................................................................... 76c
Extra (^nality Fancy Percale Bresa Shirts, detachable
cBffe. $100 quality, reiluced to................................................. 76c
Fancy Sijb Bosom SbirlB. 81.25 quality, reduced to............ 76c
Fancy Sift Bosom SbirU, T-5c quality reduced to----- a ... 46c
A lot of Light Color Neifligee Sbirts. best Percale, 50c
quality, reduced to............................................................................ S8o
A lot of Men's Gray summer I'ndervear, to close, per suit 85c
AJ! Si .00 Shir: Waists reduced
All S1.50 5hirt Waists reduced
AU-Si-75 and SiXiO Shirt Waists reduced
All S2.25 and St-.=i0 Shirt Waists reduc^
Ail S5.00 Shirt Waists reduced
65c and 75c Ladies’ ^Neckwear reduced
Si.oo Ladies' Nddewear reduced
Si.35 Ladies’ Neckwear reduced
$2.2f Ladies’ Neckwear reduc^
Twenty.five per cent, discouni on all Straw Hals, and tbe re
maining light color Fedoras.
Oor entire stock of -50c qi^ality Summer Caps, reduced to. 38c
St.50 Fine Fancy Lawn Fronts reduced
$2.50 Fine Fancy Lawn Fronts reduced
Fine Fancy Lawp Silk Fronts reduced
Figured China and Satin striped Silks, our
price 35c and 39c. reduced to....... ■;---All Silk Plaids, all silk Dresdens. our price
7fc. reduced
Brocade Silk and up-to-date Foulards, our
' price 75c.reduce<l to................... .............
Extra heavy I’ancy Taffetas, in stripes and
checks. Fancy Brocades and extra quality
Foulards, our price. Si; reduced............
Fancy Silk Muslins.Silk Ginghamsand French
Pique, our price, soc; reduced..................
A Qp
A Lot of IOC Fancy, Fringe Ribbon reduced
A Lot of Fancy Ribbon, former prices 45c and' ORl
50c. reduced to per yard..... ......... ............ ^OC
prices up to r-c. reduced to.......................
Fancy Pique, 25c Quality, reduced
1 Or»
1 Oo
X V/L/
1 OlZ
1 fCp
. 0q
A lot of Factory Remanams. yard wide Percale.and Dress Ginghams, to close at per
Fn a
$2.50 Parasols reduced
$^03.Parasols reduced
$4.50 and $5J» Parasols reduced
g QQ
Entire stogk Ladies Fancy Hose
Reduced to 39c.
A Lot of Rrgandies, former price lOc; reduced to....................................:.G.;___
A Lot of of Dimities and Lawns, price i3c. reduced to..................'•.................. .............
A lot of Dimities and Lawns, price 15c reduced to......................
-A lot of Fine Batiste and Importeil. Organ
dies. ranging in price from i.Sc to ;sc. reduced to-. - • ...................... ..... .........
All White Pique, including the best up to 35c.
to close, at per yard............................
Austrian. Dark Skirt Crashes, importeil. price
25c per yard, to dose at............................
Extra wide good quality .Madras, suitable for
waists, dresses and men's,shirts, our ijJic
quality, reduced to.....................................
Extra quality Madras, mercerized stripes, our
regular 25c quality, reduced to . • ■.........
Yard wide extra heavy Percale.'worth loc.our
price, to close.........................................
Fancy Pique. 15c quality, reduced
25c Fancy Embroider^ Bow Ties r^uced
10 15c or 2 for............ ...............................
A Lot of Organdies, price 5c, reduced
$1.00 Parasols reduced
.All 35c and 45c Shirt Waists reduced
A lot of 82.00 and $2 2-5 Udu-b' Fine Vici Kid Shoes, to
A lot of L«lie«* BlackiVici Kid 5Velt Shota,' $2 .50 .joal, reduced to ...........................
....................................... $1.0$
La.lies' black au.l tan turned Oxfonlr.?! -*>U .|iiRlity. rt-du< 10 per cent, dieroiinl • □ ail Summ.-r Footwear.
_ .
Sbo-s for iiirn. wom-n nnd -hi*<ir-Ti.
Lvdies' and -Miss'^s’
in black at;<l nu
Id |>cr c-nt disco^iut ou ail I.i^'raia and Vwlvet (‘‘irpetf.
Caoi'-e of oiir Ii-nI
Mniliou'. including apto 30c per
J anl. Fu- llii< e;>.-! iat, j»er j ar.i.,
SrECZAL-.^ roi;« of V*-;v\-t (’arpet, to elo>.‘. at per
Best-50c and
60<-quality re<ln<-ed to, per double roll.:.. 36c
.F.- lucain ndn-ed t-j
........................... ................................... 26o
.^ddi i..ual lu p.-' ~ent, discount bn entire stock of Wall
To clop.-ih,-r-meinii.g etork of Liolie#* Suit*, np to 11-5,
............................. :................................................................... $6.98
One lot of La-lir^' and Mieaes' .Jackets, valnewnp to $-i.6C.
redne.“d le.
$2 93
One lot of La Ji-o and Misses' Ja-kett. mines up to W -50.
............... $383
o^^dies' ami Missea' Jackeia. minus np to
Choice of onr entire lot fli CiiMn'- B .Jackets np to $-5 'r'
rt^noKi to
$2 26
Choi,» of
lot of Pl.W Sk:n«. op to f«.>0, re
docod 10...............................................................................................S2.BS
Choir- of oor
Pat«emllals, np to $32. reduced to. ..$3.50
.411 others n-doce^ acco-di i-ly.
Tlxe ZBostJon Stiore
Q-Xeiss BXoc]e
Fro23.-b S-fci'ee-b
■» WQBi HO aucomnn onn
• OMicirr ouc to a woman.
»• sNti« UtcM
to toata'J
tea M lifKa
a catw a«
oriMM Bor>
jm euMM erMar a« ■ i».
TVCst t.
00. kM*.
▲ modcrt UKU card tacMTotk*
h«l dev «f B teodMQM kriek bOM to
m. Au'B BTBMM. MV Om H«mM
Mbtnwe e« s botd wMch
• vusiaa’B M«« cod eflOru to
MCkNatoc tbe bBfdeB> cd otbw pmcM.
AaMDg rrftaol eod c»i7ts:ial nmawt'
to|B (be g»>9< of tW( bostf, »tldi to
Mikri tbe Bam boul wd U'opes to
koto Aen ksd woaeu. tnjjr b«Te » eu^
aoAB and gjo^ fare tor tctt little i»ara
~ at a tbealrr rvu. aa<i If abe baj^cm to
toetrtweJiHgafainrt <at« with ma emftj
yodtobook abe taaj bate tbe aaAe ao' OABAodatioai te BOtbikg at all B&til
tomoe eaiDntH tbe bocel^ Brt a ehaHtoble loMtoatios.
An^raieaUe poiMAlcai'
■-*r SWEETMtatOBIES. :!
'..— A
A*McrinA^eiw tot a Butt tootaila tbe other eaee.
00^ eeaitb. Bat.
no eU Aca vai <oj^
Bseeociiig a
todge of tbe aepreoK <»an. om or too
Taatie and trv.-
, •«■ Indeed, opew tbe n»aaaer o*
«tto« tbe I Uroai .dei«iU. «ocb o«
aae’e KpOUt^ f«t being ovUdreeMd.
j„,nj Iii.ll, „p
lalntniM. a rv. i.al nf tto- nsh-Hrm^^
iN'Itic .Jiscmd Iti Its tamed 1
that TTCTk* Dcmb
d there v-A faa-no ia
tbe bnrdeu of htr acBipi cne messago,
.ithat of Ikive—cvi n Ixfur.i bet Imart bad
lcw>«a iw lueaiiing her toico bad speion lore. Th.-roitw of the girl siihtig at
tbe piano was lijce brr ;.-randni(«hk-r'>
badbctu. It hnotedcbcmlf iii ibehcarti
i..!li rcpHi-d.
oto! rlsit. and she Vm^*"*"* oue of tbe
'It b.ga:i like tbU; Back
I hope never anin 10 tee sorb a
mite oompany wb«e ambitioas in art' wbro Jim Fisk waa cm
? "r derilisb ferocity as sboae from bis face.
bad occaslim P
m titeratora Bare not yot been realiaed Fall
Of eottnc all this took place In a secoad.
wwom oat witb tbe
bat even then 1 knew »V bullet bad gone
MtotinM. Bbe pays wbaterer abe can af.
In tbe morning I was np to arc tbe
rtae. H being a fad of mine
when afloat.
At qnite a tiatnber of
near Ibe roil on tbe port aide
conafaeratde of n iplaab in tbe water be
JP««« *«^rd
the roil, while not af toe bone. There anat pivetn eboat,t leaned •
„|j „„
the becdr cried m-drekband be^w. who
waa in a twller position to see. The rignt
■vyA- Fial
ir hotel,
V to a eleit tbere, "oocoplei
I all its own. There __ __
Mmte' and actors' fnad* and cbaritobls
we do not feel that
waaro ooodoettog, a olmrlt,.
. ..Wear.
■ borne for bratowockan who bare earned a rest, and for am
tfttow edsoatod pcawms wbon preeeni
utble them
■ upper
there, btogins far out. witb ^
— •k— ——• •'•nUguant hah
old ___
b.“ ind lieard marked
,ca fnr
..N the
”Bc nil rnshed
on gaining
A steward mt
tome alchcmr of tbo aonl. old age,
which baa dreainwl dreams sees in oue
^ li^bt tbo dro.vns of the
:r...v ^
that iVri-^. The orijnu of wliatls cal
tto -orirmatioa' of English
It is 1
oatot. amtii almoot
eurronnd- ,t™b.«Iy ot th- man was semr.^ n day
toa*. wo found tbcae eultcrcd pcopto.
merder was dunmitt-si. for It
rilf were called suceotefnl writer*,
was murder, the bole la the b.-nd havlag
been made by a teculyer bcWI .at dose
iropecial fi.-id toing 1-------,-------------------------tbe m°rit
merit ' range.
range. .As
.As |
| waa
was saying.
saying. J-bad
J-bad forgott. n
tetery. lut they aec..: .' tbe
at one*
T u-nba
We naked no It when I■ received onJers
k after a
It I bad b
ftoebed look «i tboit - a . a face aod
aapkJog rootn-and diiJ not
riridly obrerrej. but ia the aonib of Euroiw ityras by n« means strictly obterred.
“In Rome, where the temples were
aKwilytunirfintochorchcs.il is scarccly to U- troerf. thnugb llf.-r* war —
Uinly .
inditiou with rega
bec=a«- Ibe l.-sri. «l arc
John Jostin
t.-U* us tbat at old
isttn inampiiil
Petcr’a. Home lerirtrf Ig Coastso-
1' tiered
ecterod Ibe
(be *alo-n
*alo.i t heard a cry at tba ttoei. tbe chnivh was eo thoroaghly orientated that at th* egulanx. when the groat
'Tbesu aod ^mllor axperionoM open- . farther end and 1
doors were op<'i>*.t at sanrisc. the first
ly. The oaloon
- M
_ toy *T«
t«“to .
great need of a hotel dtrttotoapa
hurried -roy. ahlniag thri>dto
thriMlto th.the gr
groat porUl.
Ite oars, and after many disoourage- dcserir.1 an.1 dimly lighted- 'I hurrirf
irii upon the high altar. Of
a 1 aUrted. It was eight years ago forward, not e*|wcttog b
1 k;
>1 when
given u
me a wealth of 'ao wt% uartled
w-ben 1
I non
w that have given
of blood
nnbag la a pool
» niom bumming:
Now e.tUn.E i«widcorrtoRK-Ukeshadowa.
iug to sijuio dot
abe knew. wa« a
of tbe honsobold, Tbe word*
like thadows” ran throng;b tbo aged
womu'i bvod when the 1
luuu,. suu cu<.
w. .... —v
cbild'a tbonghtlesaness which bad left
-i____ t
t-Ha .nAii ef
bar alone for a moment. T^ .pcII^
tbaploadtog WM&waa npon ber.
life was torticd beckward.
ed as bold as ynotL. this sby old wommi. who two Inter* before bad been
afraid to protest against the ovcrcborgc
of a cabman. She beard ber .tangbier's
Reps and tbe child's in the room above
ber. and. thrilled with the mcsmcriccBchantnKDt o( tbe Foqg. she bream.
at the whlR table now appe.ro.1 an.l wrfooni he bad been
„,i*cd. or. rather, slashed. aero« tbe
fitoMiingiarious Nlltout wbotwe pertovitt^ ahead UftbeirUmOTtog^^
neek. ib* cut ezu-adiog down tu>ls righv
Jt was^ w^krf
Moagnttlan: young peraou of
•mdtoeancOTOTa; noble
m wbo lacked bat one
tool Of getttag °»MT- i
*M CMOT are M widows wbo after
9vaaf oowfert M afieetwe ere toiowa
u»‘ >» w
words wonid ease a throbbln
among the keys, pretending to bunt f«
_ ___
_____ of tbe _
toe air. _
arid tbe words
'm toclt owa reBodtcee wilbont
Aa 1 lay nybnrloe your dead bcs.-t. OoBgtaa
tkteclas. (kTCglas. t«Dder and trea
And wb»® the beard tbe horrid croak
.k- ___ _
»------- L', ' " - j ,’L. V---------a-------- J
God pitted ber and wot tor
gwet Ukn HUto
exrlaimrf tbe Uttk
',r;z'rr. "?.s
U;lta. m. uia baa ehalr enr te Ofwi
Ki^te e:*t ^m.WatejMkuM^rlor cot
Pere Marquette
oootQ aot^x. -
bung In the closet.
They si. mid be
y„|rt,.d In buriinittal line* rather than
.............. . »
Is always tuwkrd l.-nglliwlse
First strrtch tic garnn-ni out
th<- full wliltli. ilu-ti (1bul.li- li d./wti- _
heir tin- li-iiglb
of die skirt, tln-11 donlde It
_ ,
l.-ugtiinisc foiil. III.- only on.- tbat :Lro55!i*
. , _.j,
sDoUHI IK. maui
-------------------,1.,,,. ^u^ta
the llliea tiul folds of trt-ar.
"Mow. what U a horrible exampter"
MkedtbeyooBgeri boy. lot^tognp (ran
itmt' a
oomo KORn.
"Ssr,, :.:.: ';S VViSia
KSSKIS; :::-;!SS»!a
..tssr,'’ ”“':r.!£:3
a,;;':™.: ■ I "’liSis
------ AAgroV
Trororos 6<t*
il as inwrtlon « foulard of n^iwlto,
nomewhere. perhaps « -xerywbere.
Mn’s cortumea.
e of tbe
Hand painted gown* artelegant faslilon* of the acason.
white "
with thin gowns by ymmg wunen.
wbeet sbap*^ Ail
r.A P. IL Dtpet
The bolero is an oft repeeted tale, yet
it is ever growing to favor. The BusSian bolero to tto rentoo with raririeunea. adminipg df-tbe modified looae-
eaeaked off Ihe book ''
toK “ibc «roth*v'eqrite way.jand Tto algrin, and you’U find any oBoaM of
wur«_^ turn.’ yg# kMW."-PUladaI- -m.
uapoUi Joursal
pUa PreM.
iiiJ I"
a S 111 W s e>:i »
lose I u II im «
lUta , « » II M; (D
That It la a nt-anoD of lacx-1* undonUIt may be at an cWIn- robe or on a
WIsaTy te gnuow.
________'to beroclf ItTsilencc. 8briooch- there It to
«d tto pianissimo pedal cf the inrirnToulard gowua for general all around
Bent; Ibco. as her bands upon tbe-keye
the most usefnl of rll the eea-
.bbb, b-i-b. a,s5s:.ssJd‘'u.^“wtrri.^J^cu-s-iMb™
ptored in bU henA
. -Wb.« qurothteed *s to bow H haprroed. he cnold only leU ct that as to
iboni to enter tto paaaage lesdtog
- bnrolpg nsnsatkte arf realiaed that
oM Bteo with while hair and beard.
' wrapped to a long. Ught garmeot ***
' paabtog by him. Tto fcalfe witb whkb
In Par!* cli- rrj color Is the mode. It
look* pnnl.'ularly Iwnutifiil Iti ct.-in- d.^
din. .•s|»‘<-telly Ti tn-n
wrapped ill a consumiug louping to try
irrnngi-d 1i
if she Muld not sing Ibe cld song agaln.^ nlalt*
plait* with
of pas«<-ni.-n|erli
Sbe'tiptncl about tbo room, and clrsev.-ry one.
togtbedraTS and looking ever behind
Lace colored glotxra arc I.- d.-nil.-r <tJ.
ber. tbe circled to tbe piano.
tbe sd.nIc dy.-d to esartty th.- peculiar
Sbu wished toeing out'
Out of old lai-.-, 71*.-y art- xery l..-c«>mthat was in ber bea.-t. to put it into
tog to tbe hand, softer l-wklnp than
ber Ups.
words and let it
id w
» acoond b«. she moai^:
B^naturo. Arouml my Ublr b^
•Mhmd gentoav who wot* hall mad.
■MtecdbylbelosutlaaOTOf tbelr own
1 ®«dc In this Inatoorc "of white gauie.
| With long CheDlilC Cltda.
8be rote as^sho Said tbit, ami witbout
^uioos. Tbvy arodikeebiidren to me.’
CuTK-tmek agate!
n, 1. of I..,-over a band of bUck vrirrt lied into a l«w on. tbe bust, while
„ ,4,^ watat. Com. pletli.g
And tho stOTy tbet tbe tong told of i
Duet cloeke are an all Important Item
lorerawhobad met under of ones sumnN-r sartorial economy.
wise wninab Is sbe who baa a
tberwOTaud bad known '"tholoTopf a
day. tto loro of e Ufa" Wbai
Whai B
a twirl
twirl bandaome dust rioak and makes It do
*""ll rrrale.1 a grt-at deal of ex.-i!.-:te-nt
the time, and tbe papers were foil
I^..b..we»M---------O lov.. will yon n.-r.T
eketrbed. This la made 'tn
in |uik- I
ings »j
It. A t<
of blaek. by Uie way. is IntrcNluced lo
^ «U the l«t gowna'iodey. The bolo-
.■ Tbe
girl recalled
a tweet old aoog, a peaeefal. eunuwful when occasion
muster at a dost or trovcllng coaL Thr
ditty oor grandmotbera
mori important ot tbew ewts are to
OosU ye roiDF Uck to me. Donglaa. Doiwtoa.
k;. .'7*7*
d nnd'abe was writhIs tbc.kd llkntcin I knew.
empire style, tunslly of taffciaa. with
tu rsllhrcl. *n luTteg.
Me was a I'4l-«;fsi.hrubw..loTteg.tonelaaDtMl.a
ricli rccero and bandsomc aasbes tied
DungtoN. teudrT and
apbndic murdenr. and abe was also the
round the figiin-.
I*arls|pnncs with
Tbegirl sang on nnHlshetbtmgbtito tbelr proverbial in-nsc of fitneua bare
yonng woman who.■had“tunc”to“‘tec‘5I)^
bad clung
the preceding day. I bad tired her grandmother, end then
uelcctnl foutarrl for tbe umts. Vblcb
tbe stool she eald
ght of my .langcr.”
Whirling around
they wear on llie short trips to tbe e*"What about the' white hair and Uarn gayly:
n vogue.
position, wlilcli a
doslerr broke in Kenton. w%oae pipe
"WgH. grandma, bow do yon like itf
had mne out tbe meanwhile.
Baren't 1 improTMl in ten years?"
In East BlvTcatb
Tbi-n- Is a strong siiggestlufl of tbe
(.Qipire period nlmpt tbe fuuianl drcee
tU.T prepored
.......................... . .. thing to himself
B.r this time the ‘■'J;*’’''
bWhclI.V tei..t.l1iril'lc.
We Informed _ Are you
1 bia grealcoauH to prac« and reatfnlneOT, suggested JJp ,,Jl”^.'",7^iI^"w7iiad'#<^
Kcnion. sllm.iag
toe Maa^f^ hotel to ma AudSe^
Ven gkro to^
Uni. (llobc iva,
- ward, bare to Now York, it came to me
s« pass<-a:'Ws were found an'' " ■ '
again wlto striking fom. In a wretek- sweriee thr description. A seen.! seaccb
Wreagty Bollt rbereb.
•d mem in a tenement bonw 1 (ontid an
was ntedc. every twawnger Mng scrutiA teindca rorresp.nid.-nt wriiei;
Med maririan and CompuMr in his tost
lUxcl. T>..-u all hands were Inspertcd. Stephen's.
Stephen's. Tal»«t
Tallot road.
in,I n-ltb 111.- sam.- rt-snlt. On rearbina
rearbing nart.-.
perk, Is
one of ,Ki>«e
eburebrs which
wbirb arc
rt ider e!li.Trs were sta- described c* t«:ug 'wrongly built.’
4 *• "D«i't seod tne to an almibonse." ‘
die gangway, and as the other w.ml..
«-ml«. its rtiams-l nnd alltr I
tlen.d sir
■ebcggol. 'Letwodiehtre. I
filed lash.-tv alt were figaln .______'at
place]'at th.tin- .....................
w<-»l end ...
inslrad of ot tl-..to tbe cold, and Uiooo old bamUM of I^,.j.-ied v
B.it no cast—ns dem.unli-d 1-y III
marie.'pointing witb a trembling fin- ,j,j —otlrmi
___ was found wearing white *nd the lno.-r and cuief cnirancc orv
te 10 tbo rude obulf abote bUto.1 fill.''
itid b-arii. Tb.-n the lewt was gir- tbe <-a»l cud.
No i-liurch rroc.cd
.0 a second <>r.-riinuIiog. with Ibr forraer England
the n-r>n-mation has t
•h»d» tnroed idly from leaf to leaf in
O" portfolio and sang by piecemeal.
Tbe elder woman only asked that sbt
keep on ringing. She ofliy asked
kTOT on f. Aod ber dreama were all
dins klltrd wliito silk i:<usllo fiintlsbcs
tbe undcrslet'Via. it is u rather ethkIng cunfectloii dotlgticd for boaUug
Tbe womaq.
women, bcbioii
behind me Mopiwd
Mepiwd of fancioa
tbe ringing of tbe child sent duty. Cone are the days when a dreary
Tn^rning from the wiadow. Mdyiug tbrongb the aged Into! The' garment conaldtwi good or bad enough
out tbelr
a "On anotberoecaslou a friend wanted
aetoe writiog done, and a putdiaber reoommended an antfior and bto wife wbn
i«h,;„.pi. p„u. .k.....,,i.,..k
dona tb^^teSOTAy atri toto . «a^
After him I eproag. but found
the door locked.
I jnmped agalast It. «»egni eobbed onti
T the
D rnl>ed orer a
white luoutei-llnc Hblrt front.
BCE* Ctrl' aASiTaarrn.
Krrt nty. KIsbte
Tbeyonng shall wo Tisiune. and Ibo old
eball dream dreams, saith tbe propbiL
Bnt wbea. by some magic ci a Toico ot
hot nd‘7«'^ireV7T“!^ir;5'"‘wi;b
U did not give way entirely. With
tee to Uie hotel
rpvi-ais 0 klllisl i:utlcrski:i nnd is eqpiplrtcl witb 11 lilack snibi l>nn.l with a
ibe toccniU/wttb her resonant roiee.
did this child, ia her gtamimrtbet'seosL
Shu caug tho simple ballivils cf Ibo
day—"Lost Night," •TboClaas of the
Wooden Sbooa. ” "Margamic"—and
asybe soug bpr motliei, to wbuai thu
eiiKiDg was OB old story, alippcvl oat of
tbh room—taking all ber yean witb ber
--.Tul^andlitowasallbnt yonib
m greeted »e. and 1 saw that
the oceapaat was aiiilag np ia ber berth.
Tbe wiadow was
to Whkb toe
hean aila^wL .
p„,nimg ekritedly. They were re- ^
open, «w
and wiia
with aeaat
aroat c-----------.
conrteay .1 -----------rushed
«"‘»«‘hecagl^ineenwbile. •" acta '’~''
MT foil rotes (OT boOTd. and I
mV Wt (ut.thla.
! could bear the natsenger*
^payfiill_ tatoi t«_boat4JMi5jj«T. mnttered «>im one at my left, erying out to one another and rooijlag
Sits:‘Ilf” .—r'".-.
»!•'••<»**• fnrtului: an nmlulating d.wign
of thi«) \ri;<i binrU her ami set tbem
pnUiiu: iaicbo to fact own swtel Inag^ that ecofd fiml no words. «od only
:~r —"--f----------------------------
• warm weloDme
awaits ber on ber soo-
ime. bytb. patroo.,
of black sntln rlMHiii. tlic Idm-k satin
may to-
s;,««»», b.™on»«oin.n». i-r»~
and ortentatioB has 1.0 place.
rteere as U-longtog to a t:------"
Tbe doer opeou softly, nod a tweet! writi r.”
deer, hot a. I turned again I eipcrirnccd
flaeed woman eniera. In a inaMer fall > » "Is
In ibis sporadic
li troth
“«.Brr««t •I'W'k of njy life. for. benddC obann and tact fbeaala tbe ucoeaaaryiJ
kyli-Mr. Hy<
Jj liyll-Mr.
Ilydr imaineM.
rTcumb.>nt guard was fbe
«Mtiooa. and tbe caller is larited to '
It ^____.__ o*d tn^n the linen iluster with a wit*,
oerikitt day. Mean*'
Mse again on> a certkin
knife upraised. 1 let out a
While bOT frertentiala are
tardfnlly in-'
^1 that oogbi to litre rroched tbe mala-
............ ,
where hospitality aurt elwplicity dwell |
Inat Dov it ii tt»- A t mfile. tbieadrd
Vifti cbesHk- at tbe edge and with leog
Aetcbauli o<
ebenllle taasi'lB. nlik-b Cngitob tromen
adraaeed age
uaattotbe aeft^iaw mat affect. 1: •mnrfiahlj-peettj-nuBea
,A- _,~Z—^—
nn of The
the .beat
____ Hirer
KiTor ajye^slw^
u.-t be
“^?r": ... u~.. b«»ort «uh «.™.W IJ.«.
with tbe afair. hot
T^.*r?”**rMSMy_NNM3rti,nd tW ..vr Utlit pink or Uor
cot oot. Toe
nerer s
M» *och
erovd. Altboub-tbe boat
Itantto Unljted. ao ooe wooW .
ait pai
ips that
alode. TbejemWi «-»•«■ ts:r«nrly agiMade of tOk tn ibr fnnn of petals of
Utrd. and morr'd to obu ordf.-» la pairs.
s tbe
rare loavee in pale evton to niaicb tbe
day saw no abateOKot ia the
bteide bet Mt tbe attber’e mottot.
dteaU • f the oU man who bad rantohrd
r tbe clrennifanBM of tbe balo, tbe
It la **W atoo that boge white featb-1
aocan j 'i'ieir. Ooee. wtro Judge 8. tp-______Utteniug tritb a glotr of pride, tbe
(ipse novi
boas arm cast tb<>ir wiftenlBg man-1j luSS
proeebr ; two ronnr<trrm oa the fortrard -^a—
I giri'e Toioe wtkt MW
• <ck.
• I■ n.:ir<
ieed that or----------—k-.i ««*.
«. oxer many miamer gon nae wbUo =
—4be graadiunber traa a riaitor at tbe
T bia tup.
tbeebanaaof wblfilteeorl.lackttne !KS^t5.tJSariJ(’.i3rSS*aS
borne—liftouiu^ u
as oae
oae who
who bean
lu'i j.« «»er miss tbe iJd lUer be. In hy«m<-i. and one of ibwn. oaa.-arniag bonae—listouius
boas wiUi titi.v lilu-b ribboa edjNw wfll
asUH’tUifeNfuswai uimrOteene: of taf bkottir. eliitg: to tip anu all day WMeealllng la a loncaonn pli
be rarionslr ul!Ui«rl.
liuBi' ATppiog
nppiog b'-t
b-t .Setitib tad t*-' loeg. And I most
admU tthat I felt a Mt.tbere
e tbiuking,
tbiukiiig. tfaiaktot. tbinking.
auii-c liuoii'
Best admit
Tbi‘ sJwvr wttli iilouse alrcve
Yos te«'. t bad pessrd did thia dear cld eon!, of a day wi«i
KcDbiag oU yarns. Jita bad rrfertnee to
7 Ti
ng I aritw Ihe lureri but I evulJ in ab ____________________
______ b. Na too, h«i«.t Up, pluo b.S.11,«,
bon eiy answer; ~>i<N as nnxb as yea fore. Oaly in tbe former eo«-the agusy
<d tbe Boot peenUer toombere Is oar oldsi ■wi
«s.-s r .-f-. r J apjNT
[leoed oi«B bare eotnc 10 all the more lerribte becaiteEu- was nu.
ne Sion- pi-slfftlBg.
*«B.^as tlw ■Jsiolird
eng., '^a^cnrrr.jrith d^nwn r.-v
geFT.d kitit.N'..
res." I mp-Hided. "Tbat war oSdals
ULiijae. Imi derukl of all neUnena; no
I iu.Ji iuii llttk- part la ihiwe t‘n>Im-.iel r.a:cr>w. yon krorr.
It was a^ e<-edire*. for I Tr':m-jo»--nd tbe past tad
pr.ttj ralcwa. cud I wUb oil rrin-.inal did not look f.-r csiy solutiaii of lUv 1
r difficult in 1
proMir.:* VI'•-r—r.!liiig tuns little barm.” tety. A* niiriu drer, i/a again ihr
”J».i yni; «ver mi i.<-roos any eaiwN as increased." Who ocytl wai the l.uj
, «koM wbo an 1
MApht-"r«-.J 2. thos. Art down by Dryle trery eye. Aronil wotibers guarl.p]
Iltoaai fmij aamJugmioa.y
1.1, No,.|,.;k
.trwbwr asked inorc ivaiou-i«it» of Oh-Uuai. uLiU tb*
Aconrtly old eecileiuaii <,p<-'ni tbei
redilii.c hi, p:|w. Altboagb 1 nil pasAecser. t<> b (nTwin aloiost liudilhd
toonl door to tbe 1 ■ ilr l-raiawker I i.im J::;t, til.- K> join and mys>lf lie waa tugrtber ia tbe aolooa. I l"-lieve e few
Who oumA for tlio Ctoi t :. • and lx»w*, post till-p oue of life. Tlirre «ild «Ti>t»l« wb<>M' staternora* opened off from the
».T. w1i . liad .-Bly tlieittst lolirelB. Ka,v,a dW ryflre, but
ot an eye 1
toe oallcT lut'i tb:i imrliir uitit
triil atti-nd j ">i« “'H T- ' " « nu.w. red
”1 hare
D sW-p ,1.
Ibr'insboul the night,
latlcR] that NiFs
liTPt ici- ■
'"f ' »•'' ' rtr-roely ptmil.ng affairs
“Ai.mgg almut
alioui 22 o'tliN-k I OilemiiaoJ
tor presontly. A vt'iy pK-a-a
tliot lAiIkiAl all efforts of Aolutlnn. affairs t.ic
a little iKAmt
iKAcit abooi on my own
^eteionof ibebiKd is tve.lrori sebiinj,;
• ,,
ye; maderl.nr
ina<Jerl.ar I'ro
trifle, book.
b^k. and.
snd. Flil’l'ing
Flividug on ss..t,e 'sneaks
Tbeo- pnrl.iri mviu im-, j,,„ ,
,,.11,.^,.^ m ,i,i, .Udue- j*ith
,^.‘.1,., ia my I snd. I w
% witbdnfBinalitr *,,.1 AOctaUllty. 1
....... ..
„ i„iUiai.i tnsn to
t,.-e prowled a!
k i1e.1ir?i
hut of cotttw.'be
1to> plain, sstulantial famit-ai
rd 0 psKAas
kwanl. Jf a man e«;iM possess back M the cabin,
A. I was
toiBetlsberttof luo. ie; tbe'wfll Ihninb-, the qniik iut.iltl.s) ..f bia lloUues. be enter it I nmiTilvr.-d it w,
!•*, but ^ tbWnigh wbiib tb.
•d laagMlms and U»ks. tbo pwtralu I
tbe iiigbt Iwforo.
.V ^light^^wa. dimly
Xi^eiw m.
jtm nuw i«4>; wUA
Vna Xmttt d M en.
a»J ttr. °> teto te9 ttea «.
Vte» (S>r; te< tie U«te.
an ton ter mr •• mte.
(too BOOM <■ toqolred » five 70a euto7 (btee.
Ya«yto«t bare bralue. and
Ui^ loan be bo^ bor«ta. that are
iidlitd and pulidttod br edaeatioa aod
aalwre. f« tbe h«el ie crwidocted I<*
■, ■atbot*. mpeiciatu', UBcItin aod neniba of ottor profeealoiui vbo find ton)-
ted. Iron |1 a weak to «7, and sympa
tty and notorial aid, where poerible.
OT* uUmM to b« to ber work.
aniT ran TO
I ^IMaee
batettearto 1 took tbe e^iuio aeidr gad THt MEUMJY CRANDMOTHEN 8AWQ !
ntoted the Bordereau Fail BlnrlM
pait of tto '
^ T,., ju
a.-a'.s, ~~
«to^» »» oto^ weiaa
■. w oojnmnwAM.'iy??55ite m.
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