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The Morning Record, August 09, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
U Hose OhMag
(Hiu fnxFKflrfOfos
ir AdTMMon PtfktBis P
wiM la.
Oiiiiid Wtoto ttkm AmeUhrn tmi To««M * ■•ttiMMBi «f tiM ItmU* kr
Danadtv tint AIUm M VinBtttad
le Sator (kvlUl Oitj Va4m Rat of
tnm to Brlac Awa^
0»»<*«1 lotlw Utnim**tmAi
' WMUartea, A«ir. if Muimr OenLi BpacOkooradtota^Uktodtopateh
’ to WllltoM m^at^ Mortaa
Loodee. thatCtOaa aaat ficbi If the
fonlfa troepe eoailaM to ad«aiwa
Bitaattoo nrf pFoearioea aad li cup
MarOtaMadodatatteofww. Tba
ad^atotnttoa hu ao«(ht \o taka tka
Chtoau terarBrnaat at Ito ward, tkat
tkara to aaarehp la Pdda. aad It ku
ptoiMdid ao tka thooTT of Ito rktktto
protaet Ito nlatotara arataat aaaraktoUe
attaeka la Cblaa. w wall aa oa oar awa
aoU. Bat OoGCor la kto Bcaura ataua
Mteto tkat tka drlBfoa tka laffaliba
oaotbaaa. aad tkat tba Cblaau gotanuaat taatoto epee tka
iMvtav PakU aad. u a auttar o<
eplBlaa.kaaapaika Uttar weald ka
flutaik daatk. tkto ■tagi fna
Oatar Uaau tba forarBuaat a
altawatlra to a pUa of faralkU roUa
kp «M of tka aray.
U Boar Ckaac uya this adaoBM e
PokU BHOM war aad Okiaa wUl dgki
UCUaadaaUruwareB tba Daltad
Htatu. dlpleuatlc lataraeatw will
atop aad tka praaldoat naat kaad Ua
qaaoUoa orar to ocagfau at tba war
auklarpewor. Tkaatata daoartaaat
ku foaertad to orary poaalkU laaau
to pUu tka docBaad of. this feToramoat kafora tba dataeto (eranuMOl
Tka adlet of Aagoat s. roeatrad to
day. graati to the atUtotart froo oosmaBtoatloa with thtor ce«om<
Tkaatata dayarttoaot ku takaa advaktaga of tkto adtot aad oaet a oiabar
It to a
toatUlakU to ooa
iaiyartal i
1 aad plau tkto
dotoaad U tba kaada of tka ouparor.
Tka aam dauad hu kon pUoad
U tba kaada of Mlatotar Wa.
arltk tka raqaut tkat ha traaaalt It to
kto goToraMt. Tka atato dap^auat atoo out tba proaidaat'a dotoaad
to Oootal Oaoofal Ooodaow at Bhaag'
kaL to ka laid kotora U Haag Ohaag
aad to ka ooBnaatoatad to other rlaaroya that they Bay Botify tka dataeto
goooraBaat of Cblaa. whathor that
ka tka aaporor. oBprtM dowagar or
Prlaoa Taaa u dictator. Throagh
tbau rarloos aoarou It to asaamad that
wkoovar to raaeeaalkla for eoadltloaa
la PaUa wUl ka aoUdad of tka doBaod
of tkto geraroBOBt. whleb aut ka
conpHad with to a*^ war.
V?ublBgton. Aag- •—Tba iBaad(ata ranlt of tba aaauga troB Ooagar
bw kaao aa laportaat adkmaatoatloo
Butaa to the goi
I Cblaa, dcUraradtbli araalag to MUtotar Wo
LlagFaay, the Oblnau Blatotar U
Waablagum. In addition to rapruaatlag la vary aapbailc Uagaaga tkat
Cblaa bu Bot umpllad with alltoa'
ooaditloBs lool^f (o an BBlubla aatUaaaal. u laid down by Praaldaat
McKinley In kto Uttar of Jnly tt. to
the OBparor In ruponu to Kwaag
La'aappulfortba prealdeala aadUttoa, tka BOto to aadaretood to eaatain
a BOW ooadltloB; U aScet that Cblaa.
ia ardor to akow her good ttltb toward
tho ferolga. aUtotaia In PekU aad
thotr goromBtaala. ahall paraut a por
tion of tka alllad foreu. araad bat
aadar a flag of troea. to oatar PakU
aad taka ftOB tka Isgatloas aad the
city tba tocoigB Blatotan and other
fotoiga oaeUto, atoaloaarlaa,
woBan. ekUdraa and aarTBntt.kaMigad
for aauly two BMatka.
UbbI^ tkto pad otkB oeadltloBs
uabatoaotaa autoaklt arrmagMoat
of tka dlAmua katwaon nkUaaad
tba powosa. tho Onltad Staton gomBMtkuagaU lad tka wag toward
ondUg tka trookU U whl^ CkUa ha
kaeoBa Urolaod. Tk fartkar teat tka
good falU of tka OkUana gowaBat
ladieatad la aa
tha iBporUl daetu roaaiTod ky MUtoterWathtoBonting. that tka aUtoteu nan goaarnBut will ho aSetd^
gotootory of Btato AAaa Hto i
to UM
MBtod vmilMlUr loM
to aalra*. ttoo ootr dm•ifoMBttoOoadaow i^Bli^tortoiaj «w «ko dtooototo sa^oMd le Ooo*
tw oad talcaod to iMt ttot coed
fatth of
vUahOoodaeorwM dlroetad lehafo
BcMh Lagatfaa Baraai flau n.
The Bagaa. Aag. a-nia feralgB effiu today raulaod a aaasnga fraa
PakU whkk to.kallaaad to bo aathaa
tic. It kean a talagfapUe data of
•‘MaaBTaaBi. Ang. «. i:4S a. m ."
asd aaya tka Dotob lagattoa wu koraad Joaa «t. The aUalnter aad aaeraury
won atm aafa whan tba dtopaieb wu
aaat. bewarer.aad hoped to ka nUarad
U a fortalgkt.
Valdanu Orgad u OouBaadar.
BerlU, Ang. «—The Lokal Aasalgor
stotoa that tba amperor hu appoUtad
Piald Marshal Oonat Voa Waldsenu
totbscbUf oOBaaod of tba Oman
forces la Cblaa. Tba CBporor talagrapbad Plaid Maiabal Connt Von
Waldanu Ang. 6. uklng hiB If be
weald go to Cblna aad If be, tka aaparor. nslgbt oropou hta to tka pewen
Mdar of tka alllad torau.
Aslagu rogards tka uUetloB of 'Waldarua u oqmlraUat to
d rota of coafldoau U
Oarauay. Waldanu Uft BoBoaisr to
day to eoefor wltk tka KatoaratWUkalBahoabr. Ha arlU aall frou Seaea
fH'OkUa Ang It oa tka OarBoa waraklp
Oonatau Waldamaa ia aaABOttaaa
waaaB.foraarlyl^tot Mary Lea. Whoa
Lt BorrUd her oka wu tka wi
dow of PriBM Pradarlek of BskUawIgj
HoUtaU. whoa aha jnarrUd Morgu
BUeBUyaad had raeBvod tkaUUaef
PrUeoto UnrU Ton Knar.
Tba fonlgn ofiee ku a dtopateb
BB Saerotary BnaUw of tka OarBoa
Ugatioa at PakU. wklek eBma by tka
way of Tblnnn Ang. 4, which nys:
"SUM Jnly <1 the altnatlOB bu not
ehnagod. Than hnaa baUBaorgmBlud attaeka aad ao ahall flra, only ridaaboto. IWhaaltkof tha isgaltoraon to eotoparulraly good aad
rooetarlag. Ooedu. tho
a wu woBBdad whoa
VoB Kattalar wu killad. to n-
Ha WoaU OaU a Spaetol BoBtoB aC
niBgiu la BattU tha WUpptaa
Piahlus aad AlWw tha fHiptauto
Hark OiU Thair Owa DaatUj—Ooto-'
otoBtie ttoadtiptoa warn OgUtoUy
Bpiaal.iatU Moniae BaeorCdag
i« appftolag HlUUa Jaaalago
Bryaa aad AdUi Btiiuaga of thatr
Laatieu ky tka Kaaua Oty aaaraatien. Tka but wu swaliari^ hot
tba erowda braaad It aad Military Pwk
'karo tba progTaB wu aarrlad eat wu
baoeauof aeruh.
Baaator Joau, chalmiBB of tka daaot uroiooulM, After the proltoMpniy
proeaadUgo Baaator Joou Utrod
who made tka a
lU aoBlaatUa. The keynote of
tka nddroB of tka fru BllTor ad'
tha ae-eollad pnrnBoont iunc.
BBtidBparUUaB. nad tka addreas
iBut entirely darotod to that tbeBe.
Mr. Blekanlaon opened by lUlndUg
to the anaalBUy with wklek tba bobInatioa of Bryu wu made end then
aeomd Ocaanl Booaaaalt.
Mr. Blehnrdaon -daeUra
ItoB wu the pareBonnt toana of the
lapalga. net made u ky tha pUt'
fens daeUntloo, bnt an ndalttad fact
Ea daeUrad tkat tka aetlon of ooagnai
U tha Parte Blenn porUltoto.
Tba nply of Bryaa wu long aad uhautira. Ha noeirad an aatbnslutle
Bstratloa and U partUd:
to adroeata
try to eoarUu tboB'
Im tkat tka go! ataadard isgood;
bad to tka gnaakaek anaowuakaa axeau^ girlag naUoaal beaks
tnd ot tk^Upah papar^^.
a Uok at
Oitr Window
A new auorbnent of Tauhen’ BiblM ]nrt
recaived at the
AndyoD'U aM how low
wa hare marked oar nm*
mer footwear to cloae it
todies' Oifiris
The dAinty, g^ltth ahapea—and the/'U wear toa
They were *160. now wa
. aell them at $1.0a
All sizes and kinds at the lowest prioss in
this part of the state.
tolits' Stoss
Handaome, trim atyles—
black and tan—we bare
rsdnoed to $1 98.
Notice tbs
t2 Tao boss
For ladiee’-r-cloth trim—
stTliab and eerric^ble—
redticsd to $1 86.
When You are in Deep Water
lotics all tbs
Otbsr Bngaiss. Too
Then we‘re sure you'll
boy if you have any asc
for a p&ir of show.
Traveraa CiU's
Leading Shoe Uouae.
From Your Desk
Sapumbn St^aa -HXWIDZA" PATIBBSie ara now
hara—Aay alia, my atyla, lOo.
75 ceirts
-- -Otwou tba two to kaBgBora aad i
laaaa. who. Is t
id tkaeenatry upon the ssaU ax(OoaUnnad oa third page.)
roT s lot of 1 sad 8 of s klad, trsluss $1.00
to 81 60.
0SSD those Shirt WslsU St 76o P Bsttsrdo
so todsy.
wish to meet.
OommsDdo ci 600 Boats Xsn> If yea BKE paopU, yen eaa’t do nay
men then talk wUb tkaB. nad yon
scu ths Oity
a do that from year ewa ofiee. with
Urge uriag aSaetad by tba talaFaara Balt tkat Haaraaos of Baaay pberne aad placed oa the credit aide dl
May Baeoaraga Bmigkan lo BaTolt the ledger.
BsTa yon one la roar offlu?
British Osnison Badar OolOttsl Hosts Osptarsd
paetol loTU tfarnlu OMarJ.
•oa. Da Vat ku Blndad Oapton aad
konad tka. Vaal Bloer-Oaaar
Xltckaaarh Peru to U Pnnolt
anciii lo Tn MoBsn* Kacaan.
London. Ang. S.—Tha war ofiee hu
tka loUowUg from Lord Bobarto:
PratorU, Ang. 8.—I fear EUad’s rii
garrison ander Liant. Coi. Hoan hu
baw uptnrod after tan daya' nslaUBM. DeUray. laaniagef HaBlltenk
approae)> to Butankarg and aaaUg ao
cknnu of oaptnrlng Col. Bndan-Powall.
bnrrud to BUndk rlrar. BaBlltea
hu reported that tka flring U tka dl>
rsetlon of BUndk rtrar ceaaad yntarday. aad -Hoare had arfdanUy barn
eaptnrad. Bamatea left Buienknrg
tkto Boramg krlagUg Badea-Pawell'i
fonaa with him. Da Wat ccBmancad
eroaBlag tba Taal rlnr ywiorday.
r to BOW in pnnnlt Matbnen
who to on the right bank of tka Taal.
hu ovidaBtly OMU la ooatoctwith
Da Wet’s adraoM gaard. u kto gnu
won hoard ky Kltekaaar tkto Boraldg.
Fourth Tot—Mo. 1017
ip-IDERIiLISl Take
Bz7«a Hu Bpokgn on tt*
Pretoria, Ang. ^A Boar eoatmi
eoaatotUg of BOO man and two gnu la
at Pyramid Hill, algbt milco aortk of
Pretoria. Soentt bora appeared clou
to tho Briitoh oatpoau at aigbv Than
aae nBaulaeaa bare, it bplog
Uran^t tkat tkara to a poulblllty of an
atteapted rifiog by tba knrgbara. u.
Mragad by tka aaeraaaa of Boon U
irma. MUitary antboritlu era vary
'iglUat, bowarar. aad are^ pracaat^
s takaa to maUtela order. Fdrtbar
olnfoRaBaata an being daily added
to tba foreea aarroandUg Oaaaral Da
Atoarieau Sabaerikod $66,000,000
to BriUtkBxeheqaarLoeBbntoaly
$88,000,000 wUl be AUoltod.
apMlel u let Haralra S«aerd>
New York. Ang. B-Barlag. Magua
Co. today aBaeaadBd tkat flts.ooo.ooo of
tha MW BriUsb exebaqaer loan Bad
sn aUottad to anbaeriban U tbs
Daltad SUtae Tha total aafaaerfpttou
U tbto oouatry exeudad 6SS.ooo.ooo.
JeUr CnaspUg Party.
A caaplag party to taklag aa ootUg'
at Trantu BalU oamp. faat Bay. Tha
party eoaatota of Mr. aM Mrt. J.JX Pntodoat wm Boenlra Tbam at White
Onanaan aad Muter Balpk GreoaBobu Bext Weak.
BOB. Mr. and Mra K. AUaid. Mr. aad OpeaUltelUllsrnkac Seeord.
Mrt. J. C. SmllksMtoaKa^laSBlth aad Chatda. Aag. 8—The pnaldnnt'a next
Mareu SBltk. They osput to atay trip to WoaUagkn wOl bt Bade Thonthru or fear «o^
doyorPridoy of next wnnk. He wlU
probably be oeeaaapaatod by Mra MeDaalhHMn.res
naUy asfl nmila aaaoraTdaya.
Battle. wlf< of Floyd Pox. died at Satarday be wOl outora the Oabaa
bar koBt oau ViUUBakarg of k^
dtoaeban u tha WhluHa
tioakUTaaodv aighl. ngadHy^ aad OB Saaday ha wUl attaad raatoorUl
Baaldu ku huhaad aad UttU boy 6 tuaral aeratou U boaor of tba Ute
yearn old. nka Uaau bar fntku. Biraay
Pago, oaa atoter aad a UttU kako 6 KiagBaBbartof Italy, for wUebnr^
■BaataarahalagBOda by flanm
Boatha eld. Bor taaoiBl win ko bald
tkto BcraUg at 10 e'eleok from Fhra. tba lUlUa ntoWmdor.
tba Tealdaaec. The Utai Bsat win ka SitT giiwsMal Wag
Oakwood MBatoiy
kto Utoat aoag, -How Daway took
wUlhava ^
$1.48 SI.48 $U8 $148
That's the price on a line of
Ladies’Slack and Tan Shoes
Clothes Cleaning
ud Pressing Parlors
ClolB«<eAn*! for u4iUI»>r»U
Korthrrs Pbocrt1* r*.
We are closing: them out at $1.48.
We give you a large stock to select
• trom—not old etyles, but right up-to-date
t goods.
I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Tailo, but oinpe
1 hare tried
Pig Tail
I bare come to the eooclaoIfin that 5e will bay a fixst.
clooo, delidooo smob. Try
<ae and yoa will nerer pay
lOe for a Pig TaU again.
Leading Shoe Houae of NorthernfMich
Ifg Stiff—J41 ftOBl Snit
»»•«««««•««« »a««aHiHoa «»«««»
•RLD 18
IS ^
The prices we have put on our tan shoes
arc selling them rapidly. If you hurry
yen'll get a bai^ain. From 25c to $ix»
per pair less than regular price.
[ Front Stre.1
■aaaaasaasaaaaassxHtHO «««««
' TJ"i-.’:' ---'■ff'-
7-5:^.-'^= ■■
THKiKaainiG mbcord. thorsdat augost 9.1900.
flmjgi wtrtws fiM
«a voBvuio nooBD.
I.«. 9am aM» 9. m. rnammr
InmbM fl Ttotewnl MyH Otoato UteMnad Olay vAiahHa BeUMUi
wSt (tenpnt HanlBv tUa Wnak.
wmHixwaUwUA ftatoiii Btnai
Aim .......... .
M (bn fte.
irnnal Myalia CMS WM hoMlnM •
M.towhkhnplMMng yeofna
flCtoahMsMbv atoaha. and yaaamimrtelMnWda.aM «< May ontta
~ teattfamwhtt tehaBoawwlD
ftonli tiMl M M kto n (toll
nainrtit material to mlxwtto
Vted atone tor tte ettyatraata Ba
•(*• CMt wm onmp nnt and «n> wOltiyAahart, apnea near tea atew
jaynteHwMfcalnte Anar iliiwf*. araeter on Waat Prant atoaet aa as
ThoMwhotoBsot otoy n wM wHl
nlMt,arhlte te haUavtotoO) taBtoyaaiong aa paoMhia. nafl a vary aaltaatelaetorfly>
Bto wBllayatote
ttmotoatonrad. Aa many an fanrinahai afaadtetor.
tAaaplamaptote landywt* anualayaref enahadatenaandi '
Ihoir onmp teuipuff* VMnflny mecnlac. ttthorotghly with tea attaat a
Theoa who expect teapMd part or aD
natU tea atone k thacongUy laibai ..
to tea day. aad upea tte toptewlD
to notify B.L Knapp at L.
adaUyar of Saar aentbadd
M te haliavaa vriU mahaastosed
atraat aad vary aabataatlaL
[fi. Otetoaa Klist flovMy lajerad
by a Mt Tonmday Horaiac-HarrawSaeapo lerOthore
Mfu. Oartea Flint, an aged lady of
Sprnoo etpoot. waa aerionaly Injured
by a Ughtaing holt that atraek bar
yeatarday morniag about
alxo'eloel^ Mr. and Mra. Siadsan T..
Wbiteomb and telld, who alao Ura In
tte boaae. had a nairow aaeapa trom
Mijary or daatb.
Tte bolt entarad the boaaa throagh
tba ehlianoy. and playad teroe
4mm to lb* PUUppta*. Tbto of throafh tte honaa. taarinc off tte
•MTM BMM (tel tlM «or ateu te pUatarinf, Icnaaning tba ttmbera in
firtod ud tte WBj rMllod. Will te tte walU and ateUarlnff tte baao
MpUIa tew (bU CM te dose? la! boaida In tte parlor. jUalag room and
•ten MX oeMlUntloDAl prorSMoi
B«rteu Urrltcc7? I(
I in tte oellar at tte
ng atraek the honaa.
«7 tb#r.«
and ate waa randarod laaanaibla by
4oMB dcalMt ateadoRlac tanItotT. tteaboek. 8ho faU aeroaa a tab and
n*( qoMlkn hM teas Mttiad esM racoirad other lejariea (ram her (all.
tor all. Malboda ef adaalatolratloB The othara who raalda la tte honaa
la (or party dU- were not awan of her lajnry antil they
IwMoea. bte to daay a (i
beard bar meaning, and gdng into tte
by traatjr aad rallBad by ooacraat U eollar, they found her lying aanaalam
to bolray upardoubU ICBonuwe od on tte floor.
«te pewara aad (aaoUau of fforani- Bte waa tttea to bar rooma and with
diffienlty bronght baek to conaelonaDr. Holliday attaaded bar aad
bt OM braalb tte Dasoeratk orator
at oonaldeTably improrad laat
•rlU aaaara hU tearara that MeKlalay
bMwobaakbcaa. that bait a eraatara aranlog.
Mr. and Mra. Whlteomb and tbMr
•MtroUed by tteaa aroaad him. aad child
warn in the bedroom adjoining
vllb tte aan broath wlU aeeM him
dining mom thron#h which tte
€t >hablBt the rapoUla to pbeca In (ha
Uj^tnlng paaaad whan tte bolt atraek.
Mdar.to araeta tbroBaee tte r '
Mia. Whlleomb bad baea at work in
tba dining room bat bad been called by
How (hat Mr. Bryan baa baaa ome- ter hnabaad Into tte bedroom unUl the
bad paaaed.
tfy appritad of bU nomlnatlOB, te will
ha rMtoTcd of a aarera aaantal atraln . TtebBUdingUlaauredintteagaoey
■ad (ha ladlanea of hla oamppiga amlla of a P. Oarrer, who haa ordered tte
proper repain to be made at the ex«01 bMbad prafaaaly abroad.
pence of tte taanranee company-
ihnetlag OontcaU (or tba Cbariaroix
Trophj Cnj) and Qtb«r Prlaea will
he Inaittag Today
tteahootmgtoannwant wUebhat
bean looked forward to with oonaldcrl^lnterMtia thla otty. will be given
today nnder theantpleea oftteTravana City Bod A Oun elab and prallmi-
ndanU and Bik Baplda Team
wUl Play BaU TbU
tba Twelfth ttnet Fark.
'The game of baea baU today be.ween the Indepandantt aad Blk
B^ltda. U looked forward to wUa a
great deal of lateraat. aad a large
erawd wlU te on the grouada at S;W to
aee tte eontaet. The Bk Baplda team
wdUteaoma warmooateatanndnrait- elalmato'teoaaottba faateat in thU
togaport. Tte rivalry tor tte Charle- part of the aute, aad with Kit Canon
atoa trophy epp will teepirlted aad la the box, and with auah old pro(ba Charlevou taam vrill mate daaparaa Darby Welch. Eddie
ala afforu to win u back tram Trararaa Egan aad Berman Brontberv, they
atyabeuld beahletomateaay team play
The local elab baa made alnbornte hall.
yrapnratloot lor tbaeatartnlnmantof The ladepeadeau have been
(ha vialtlag ceniaataala and tte Trav. atraagtboaedby.tte addtUoa of ^1
maOity mambatawUl mpkaevaryet- ' Defeadorf. tte hard hltUag UUle ehorttort to make It plfnaant for their atop of the Twlrlen, and If the balU
faeata. A grand ataad haa been helU paea between third aad eeeond. they
an the abooUng grauada. where a nom- will hare to be juat In the right apot.
iMl eterga wiU ba made (or aeata. TbU will allow El. Thtrlhy^to play
■ntraacoto ttegrannda wUl be free aaeoad where ha ia at bU bcM- Third
and baaoa will make ragular iripa to wUI probably be eovered
tte graunda in Ume for tte eontmta Joe Bhreabergar, of tte Invinciblea,
Thaaa will ba enelUng aad Travarao while Wlaoie. tte hard bitting out
people aboald not mim ^toeaaing fielder of the Twlrlera, will probably
have a plaoa on tte team.
teveral of tte ooatedtnntt
A flee game ia ecrtaln. and no one
eandy arrived. Tboeetrom Charlevoix aan affoad to mim tte ehanea of leelag
who arrived la«k liaat eight are, P. M.
■«re, preheat of the elnb of that
uaaaf atar work behind the bat:
ally, Oeorge Beed. Dr. Anld. Barry D. hieTtegamewfUbeealladpramd^
Lnte ana A. O. Cteloapte.
' Tte Beat Jordaa eoattageat whleh
arrived oa'tba aMte train eoaalatt of
Or.8waat. .Fraak Mnrtlaak. William the OonlllliTei dv k« Andee li the
loDEvet and lilghoM range of
Bonnard and Profamcir Hteholaa.
monetalnir in the work). It extenda
nfllltion to tboao 3. D. Plttpatrick wiU fom TUrrh dri Foogo to tte lethmna
•onto from Cbarlaveix and Dr. Warron of 1‘anama. and althoogb acme of the
ftwetetJerdan. There will bo otteca peake ut tte Blmalnyai are blgtec;
they ate net aa nuaeerana
The morning program w^ begin at Coogrew win te aeted to eataWtah a
' PnUoak and in the afltoneon at 1 natloniJ park In the aontbern AUegaalea. protebly in the Blue tUdge or
Smoky moontnlna North Carallaa.
Pravantad a Tragedy.
Story of a Slava.
Timely Infermatioa given Mia.
Oamga teapot Maw StraltaviUe. Ohio. To be bound head aad toot for yuan
amnftwalTw. a frightful oongh bad by tte ehalaa of dteeaen ia tte wont
tom of atovaty. Gmwga D. WIT'
of Maateaater. Mleh., aaya; “My
haa been aohelpleai for flvarean —
aha eeuU not turn over ia M aloac.
r own wwr." TWa
r for female dlaaaato
nioelef ita power to eon nil toroat. qa^ (
Steto and tang trenhlaa. Only ste aad
•L eaaianieed. Trial bottlca lOe at aaddloyapallB. ft la a l_______
B.B.Waltand.faaO. Jehaaonh drag wank. aMdy, raa-dowa peo^ Dm
gwaatoad. oely Me. 8o'i hy A
Mhlt aad Jaa O. Jehaeoa. dnggMi
Isihuit OcPlgt ffllMW
Boa. aad Mra J. W. MUUkan loB
hmalghtferSow Tark, vrhara tew
•lUjoto tbnir aan JaM aad aftm
parahaslag goods than they will go on
to Baatoa and pertepa other Sew
Bnglaad dtlaa.
Frank Martiaak. who eama down
from Beat Jordan yaalerday
gno club wlU apaad a faw days with
tte famUy of Us hrotbar. J. B. Martiask. tba jeweler.
Fraak T. Biles of Morris, til., U la
the city In tte Interaem of the Sprague
Collecting Aganey of Chloago. Be ia
an dd (liesd of John Varly, he and
John tevlng.-teen aeheolm
Mim Oliva Fornla to vUlting hm
parante nt Matelnaw City.
Mr. aad Mra A. J. Maynard have
goes to Detroit on a vlalt.
Mim Grace Clark U vialtlag ter
mother at Long Lake.
F. V. Daria, general freight agent
tte Para Marquette, waa In tte elty
The two cb^drta of Alderman Qarriaoo wtei on n visit to Eaton Baplda
Mra Jamas Oaantlatt raturaadto
her.boma in Milan yesterday after a
vlalt with her eon. Or. J. W. GauntUtt.
Barry Bi^pand Mra. Jaba Barmar.
who have baaa rieltliv tte family of B.
Lyon aad other relatlvca te the city,
have returned to their home In Centerbntg, Ohio.
Cterlee Jeffries returned yeeterdiy
from Carmel, Ind., where ba has been
for some moatba
P. Poaalag aad wife of Leland ware
at tbe tVhltlng yesterday.
U S. Bamadell of Manktae waa at
Ue Park Place yesterday.
T. Pbelpa of flooor was is tbe
city on bnslDtet yesterday.
Mra. Alva StUl of South DakoU U
the fuest of her brother, B. W. Bubball of Washington street.
. B. B. Anaeratm retnrned from
a vklt to Cackdalast evening.'
F. E. Terrell went to Grand Baside
laat eveslag.
Mim AsiU Phest. who haa been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. 6. Heumann
for a week, returned to her home in
Milwaukee laat evening.
B. T. Bunllngdoa, a bulncas man of
Bentonla. stopped at the Park Place
Barald C. Jobaaon of Mavraakaa. U
shaking bands with fricode la the elty.
Mra Degan of LpkeAnn. her mother.
Mrs. Wing, of Manlatee. aad atoteia.
Mia. Nutlall, of Mew Orleans, aad
Mrs. Trimble of Manistee, were la tbe
elty yaeterday, with tbe ehlldros of
the famCiee
MIm Olive Persia has gone to MaekluawCUyforavlaU with herparesU.
Mlee leer Berber, a Bell telepbene
M Von i(
‘Fagged Out,”
neidbyDruariwa Pr1eeSe.ate»a t
9. W. J. Oalnrae ad flten
MMh B aWMnff hm MnntatoBann
You Gan Make
Yourself Comfortable
Bn Ana Bmila. nCtteWtocWo-
Thii hot rather, at a ray
by baying one of our easy bwn or potdi
chair, or rockera at a big reduced price.
Onr $1.50 porch-rocker for $i J5; oar-$2.3s
large arm rocker for $1.75: our $3.00 lawn
Morris Chair $1.35: anicc lolding reclining
chair, that you can lie full length m, for
?loo. A full line from-a good strong,
srcll made camp stool, up to anything you
srant in lawn or camping-goods.
hyhmenmto. Ctors Beear. e< Bsnth
to 'Two Mmry Trnmpa.- arrtoed toAte
W. B. Kellqr B to Qraad
piEnt nEiiMwawM I
■r. Oamge A. Buiswwa ate Ktoa Han
nah Chariette HnhbeU Quially
Married Uat Might.
A quiet bat veiy pram ««dUag took
plneu laat evening at the home ef Mr.
aad Mra B. W. HuhhaU at Ui Waahlagton straat. which naltea thair
dstoTMto. MBs Hanteh Oterlette HnbhriL to Oaorga A Barrows. Tte eenatm-iao ntom -mrmmmx.
moay wm perteraad by Bev. J. A
Bratey. to the prearaea ef abont tUr|y
of tte Immadlata ralaUvaa aad friaada
of tte eoatnettog parties.
Ttereofa to whi«b tbe
took place was benntlfuUy daeorated
with fiowen aad tte teldal party stood
under a bell of evMgraans and wUta
iaemt at 4ie StmU CbIob Stnet-'*
The bride was banntifnUy gowned to
Kartawre Pb«a Xe.lW. Belt PbOM BU
dove eolored aatla an^ earriad wUte
rosea. Mite Minnie Bsbball, slater ef
'Tbu offer is good only fora
the bride, acted as bridcamaid, while
short time.
Alva D. Tyler was best man.
Many beautiful aad eoaUy preaunta
Unde from soy good picture.
eragtyes tte happy coaple. After
tteceremonyn wedding laseheonwas
Mr. and Mrs. Burrows will reside to
this city. A host of friends win extend
ttelr eongratulatioss and good wlehci.
Fooeral Diraetor.
(FiieCraroi Portrait
“Bag-time Liz,” one of the leading
metical nnmbers beard to “TwoMeiTy
Tramps’* ia a mneleal and comedy nov
elty that weU deeervet the name, being
full of eatehy mnele. gratmqoe easternIsgund le a laugh prteeeer as long as
the aiiieu presenting it eoneent to re
main on the stage.
Dont Be Fooledi
Fin Insum
L. L. A. BoUdiag.
To push two dollars of value into your one
dollar, for It wasn't Intended ^r it—but we do^'
promise to fill every comer o^ it with best of
values and satisfactory goods.
The coolest men
in the city
art squares
These last few hot days bsye
voro dothing purchased here—
We do sell the most satisfactory
clothing—no matter what the teason. We’r% selling summer eJothieg now-a-daya at prigee never be
fore reached for good valiiee.
$5 suit for $4.00; $0.50 suit
for $6.20; $10 suit for
a splen
did $12.o0 suit for $10, and a $15
suit for $12.
Just nspa<-ked the handsom
est designs on the market—The
new Peraian colorings and con
ventional designs — prices from
$T .‘>0 to $9. New Smyrns Bugs—
any color to match your carpetsy
sell from $2.2-i up. The finest
stock of Draperies ever displsyed
entirely new colorings — sill
from $l.f5 -to tl.'3.00 the pair.
These are the new fall deaigns,
and a call and inspection is (he
only way to fully appreciate this
great display.
Thinking of buying
a nice carriage?
These are the headquarters,
with the Sn«^ tiae tj aelect from
in Northern Michigan.
Our open buggies are couoeded inI the lead—They are upbolnphold in different kinda and colstored
ors off materials and ael) from $48
to $48.
Tbe top buggies aU bavs the
patent drop top and apring back
seat, and sell from $45 to P‘>5. ^
Our surreys are made with
different colors of wood worA and
the fineet npbolstoriug. Prices
from $75 to $90. Yon can save
from $5 to $15 on each by bnyiog
We’re unloading
furniture every day
And such beautiful designs
and fiuisbisgs of tbe wood. A
car load-of chair stock. Tbekitchen ebsirs are selli^ at $3 for the
eet of aix; the dining chaira for
$5.30 for six; bedroom euites from
$17 up; singledreeaers from $9i0;
chiffoniers from $6.75: s great line
of conches from $6,75.
Bemember, we will coatinne
to do as ws bare done for years.
If ydh cannot pay the foil
aa(Duntin-q;»^ oaab, we’ll toke it
in “little at a time” payments.
Step in and eee onr new
The Hannah & Lay
MBNAattle GonpBBy*
hil EsttW
Burtts IdifeHtaaai
an^ the Mii«aePiwra»aafca waU—
at dttfaba^'a Oiaad toalght. Auff. A
aptoawralMtta Cbaak. lihmawMIlalter paranto. Mr. aid Mn.B.H.
~ aahm. fil Wahawr atoaet
Mr.aadMn. Dntton aiCbimra, are
riaWag Mr. aad Mra. «. Dag, TU
a A BBtoBton A Mmiten Btoek.
T^Jwawa&mgTO/THugsRAY. AiTwrer 9. mo
araflamta MdBtoliM Datosll
S. at P. WiiM^
nalBlphtealfyttoaaad HtoUi*
fOtmttoato frail dial papa.)
or moMOAn
MfHtoa, Wm. V«k»t.* itoator
flfiiM.«M totoUr to)m« «toO«M«Mpitov to tawi
• Mtto I
«ir*«Mtor. Soto
Mk to^
»artoi to ttoMau tart
. mqriftooftaitotaa—<tto
«(1ba ya****tw«sel MOW*. ttaUpn MW ntott M toit MM ptoM to tka
AtBvrtoTflto.a'STtor 'aU tolUef
Wm. BtaMU dtod from tki kta
VWtkrnrnomMmnihmrcdin toika
n*. Bimiar BuBUtas wemaB
kBMtoBSd. Bke qatmllrt .wltk km
kBttad BBd WCBt BW07 to«Wt B
Formtarm bto toofrortor eoatoiorBklopnpmtpBBBrWklnemBro. Ttxf.
tormma bB?o tom bmBrt mu BaUd'
toff foBom Bsd erepB Bra balackars'
ttagiBBdlalpi ntoww toba paaaMe.
Atthto«ma.MOaBt.OBrtto at BMIla hasMbt tola toa aita at pattttoA
aaato of MtohktoB. to BBBktoto ai
wUpato BatraH aa kadtoAbtolto
at Mr-Oantothreipk•atthaatoto laada to a bhUaftkad
maajat tkatodfsa'«1U tohaatoitB
tha amjoritp will
taadaisaddtaKkkipBa to tohiM MB thaa
aedtoarp totaraat to tka aaprami maattop tkla paar hamaaa at tkamailldaay
of W. D. CUiba of B
paalttOB of aaprama kaipar <
BBd aaaU, a poaltkB whlto
papa * feod
mtorpBBdlB tookad «pm aa omto
wbmh to attaebad oaaeidarmbla hcMr
to tba ectaalfatloB. Mr. CUcba to a
eaadldata apataat the praaaatkaapm
of raoerda aad aaale, k. U C Whlto of
BatorUle, Taaa.. Who haa bald tha pe-
tMatoaSpUappaMtoiato OahaTtoa
___ _____
wttkaptetoaBTaiiiipaad Wadsat--aeatoitoad..»w.akbp
aatopOT. wlUba a blp
paMpmaatotka toaariia Am1>
itocp.aad tka
todgamaaltop Bt DetcaM to pitotii
to lh» MM
wHtor* MMdfM to ftottof 9
tktoMMh. n*«tonMw»«0Ttov
MitottokteaM iwiur uto tk« fy
ta tka heffllaat aapnw at MM
■obacto to tka praad bam a( PMd Baawin ba worth baar-
• Uttla ladtoa bepa add pap.
■ ara to tka aaeand aeU
OsaoftkBWppmt mtoatral attraat* “owmtkmtkaatoka tka toaam of
. raattaplhaamnof tha Inatp bf tone tkat arm atraek aartkara Mkklpaa WiU ^pmr to thto dtp next Wadtha
aattoa of tbit dmatrp.
• ff t* C* ■ ■
^UJt bj^^teta^O^d Btatm ■aadapalpbttoa Up tat oa Waat
Proatetraat. Tbeehowto baadad
aatlp a^imitato tba tomiSaBOB.
toa brotbere, baet
tba MpaWlean
MphSkan partp oipbt to kaowa amaaamcat pro>etan la tba
etata tha podttoa aad drtaad iu bat it
matrp. Th«p wUl brtop a oeapaap
mail euaet tha BBb>aottaom to pro.
all-eolorad artiata.
•top 70
pamk. kaowa aa‘■The New aad Aato the extent of_________ _
Itaa who wonld hare thto aattoa deatSoath.” The AUeatowo MotatopOall makee thto fordble anppea
■aparttop the attraatioo
"If pen mimed eeclap Barritoa Broe.'
blp eelered mlaatrcl ptodaetloa of
*'Tbe New aad Aedeat Soatb" last
Blpbt. nader their
theatre on the itatioa lot, pon mimed
aa elcpaatahow. BarrUoa Braa. bate
decldedlp the hmt atopm. danoera.
cake walken. and the haadaomact eoe» of up chow on the road."
S^tnberg'8 Grand, Thursday. Aii^. 16.
For men.
youth'i or ohUdiw at
regtilar velum.
All on our front counten.
For dress
or every day wear. ■
$I.ne, $1.60, $2.80 tor xooda
worth up to $4.00.
These are fret bedns reduced
in numbers.
Don't be the last to call
B. SoBBTla of PUlBdalpUB, mad M ito
OatoUlB HbU at CoffaprUla. Kbb.,
marrUd Bt Pauakaj Mudar. kalar
tk« ealalBBtlm of a roBaaea. Tbaj
arma aBCarad aoaw tlaa aco. bal ha
4U Bot kBow aka had arriaad at PatoaIt I* uid of the lair «bali'e Tirit to
kap. Ba waot tbare far a tew dart'
London, of aldrii manp tocldrnti—
raataod aacldaBtally mat haran tha
• picmrcaanc—ere »ilU remetnatraaU Tbap wara ao orarjopad that
iN-red. ihiit notlilne Impreaartl lilm eo
tkarwaat rifkt off aedfot mairied.
mui-li ao 111.' Mub drive for whicli he j
hat acalBBt tha adrtea of bar para&ta.
wai> takcu from Die linnk io iti<- UkItridcr road. wKli ilie unl>roki'n Unr of
JohB OfoallB. BB aaroBaau arat kUihouMM op Ixiih oidpii of till- road.
ad at Otuwa Beach where ba para as
BeeaBtios Taeedap. The baUooB
The erection of urn: atmetnrea and
BpaboBtt.oM feet. Bamtl^tka
■l>aiia on old one* lovi.iml an outlap
a BBd wae parfonBiap os tka
r S13H.(00.000 m Greater New Tork
bar at be deeeeBdcd wbaa be loat .bto
Utc pear.
bold aad foUabmt:t.ao4 feat iBto tka
It Bolpad Win Battlea.
watm. Be wsb tBotaBUj killed.
Tweatp-nlaa ofieere and men wroW
Ittoeald apremlBa&t Bllmladprafrom the front to mpthat foraeratchee.
aeatip aaterad as lee eraam parlor to atUoe for maap pean. lotcrmtoOB- »l«r
- . apoa
ear of empire i
bralfce. cate, wopada, eore feet and
tkat towB BBd ordered lea eraam toda tore with Ua attendaoee of the Ualtorm ooaeidar not mlp tha effact of ImperUem OB tha Pillptooe. bot tbep meet
n the world. Same for baraa.
for hetaclf aad pet pap dep. The pro Baak of MiehipiB at the blpcseampealeatote Itaapoa
' leaad .pllee. 25e
7Se aa boi.
prietor, Bot apprcMttop thic method ----- It which-------- ---------- saUoo. We caaoot
caanot repadtow the Cnrenarantaed.
■ Sold
bp S- E. Walt
of ehowtop ktcdsrai to domb aalmtli the eapreme lodpe meatlap. Bripadier ^dple of aeff poreromaot to the ud Jac. U. Jobcaon.
Oeaaral W. B. LoosU of Mtcblpan, hae PhlUpplaea
ratBTBcd her BMBep.
prtoelple here.
At Battle Craak fm aboat a jear the
If we bare aa imperial poltop t
See Socker7
Woaiaa'e Lcapae baa expartmentcB rUltinp hU rarions eommaode and mnet bare a torpe elaadlap armp at t
the drafted Datchmao
with whet ther oall a “boob day raet, " arorklBp up rathselaem for the Detroit aetaral and aeeeeearp eomplemeal.
wept, thii evenlDp
lU and whUa,ae Nlehipao The eplrit which w:U laeUfp the ford
hatop a place for worklap ptrle, who
Steinbprp't Grand.
ble uDcxetloB of the PhUipptoe toeaa oOtalB a peed dlonfr for 10 ecata to the home elate and ehmld be liber- lude wUl joetUp the eoUore of other
BBd ratt antU tha work hoar comtotonde ud the dominatloo of other
aeBcre. Aboat 7t per dap bare taken bam hampered bp toe feet that, com- peoplea, ud with warm ot oonqamt we
At preatip rrtuced pr'occ- Tbeae are real.harfatoe.
a of the eehrmaa^ tha laetl- parlaphlicblfaB to Ohio, ladiaaa aod eu expect a oenatn. If not rapid
totlOB BOW papa expeBeea. althoatb It Iinaoto. Mtohlpaa hae ut bees aa acA lot ■XpoBJ ra* lamp. .
IlMeach A lot of peekn drtnklar cups___
lie oMh
:t a larpe. pemmaut tnereace to
jour «b
...... . mrcaob A let of blrycle tKv tape, hot of U roll* . .Mvarse BOt orlpiaated {ortbepvipM of
repnlar armp to toWaded bp the BeA lot of parr*) vamrn .
»io6>cm,'l> AletofMorrie wrenebn...............it.tBrvaeh
matm ao atteadaoca of aaarlp 700
pnbUcaa leadora to not a mere matter
to camp. He hae dcflalta reporta from of eonjectere, bat a matter of tact.
.......... ISevacb : Lot of Mojcle aaddlre, feed euee.Hc. IIACaocn
•A war of eonqneat to ae aawtoe aa It
mpaaim plrUiplbepamber of
to nariphteoDt. A harbor and eoaltoir
•tattoa to the PhUippinr------ ‘
A lot Of pedal* end handle beta—pood once—cbeuer ererp
ipaalee aad promtoed atFour y;ood s<.H.'onil
nrl band Iadi»$' bicfcltfs. SIO.OO each.,
wordtop to Oeaeral Loomle ... ud aneh a eonoesdoa eonid have
flipttoK totto wrwtwr toc wrWMWWOr
been aeenmd at up Ume wlthoat dlfflA }oUp crowd amambled at tba borne are ea tollowi; Boweea, No. 1 of Jaek(In Private Oars)
of Mr. B. W. Smith laat eraBlop to aoB, SO; Oraad Baplda No. «. >S; Onepo
l/to not aeeamarp to owa people lo
aalabrautha Urthdap of Mtoe Blaa Na 7. St: KalamasooNo. 9,<S:Adrala ertarto wadt with them. Weearrp
« trade todap with eroiT part of the
aadOaade. The pnaate were Will No. 14. M: LaBalapSo. It. M; Apollo world ud our oommerce hat expanded
Wrlpbt. Ploreaoa Ftorto. Bdu Smith, No. ssotAlWee. SO: Oaladtha Ho. to
- of up
Laaa Smith, Altae Droa, Barrp of Hltoe. IS: Bapart No. Si of Aa Sable.
an eacp, h
Otoppar, Smle Shier, Baida Beadrieha, SO; Meeoa Ha Si. 10; ‘Thiaa Rlrern Ho.
to aet fordi to the Dem
Patohtoa Dap, Wrap Blaehbara. WUl 44. eo; Owceee'lCe. 4S. 40: Ftoar de Lie ud it to aobmttWd w!i
_______ h WiU Praam. CUnde Smith, Hfc as of Detroit. S5; TwiaCltp So. 54.
»n peopl
Oaade Bepaoldr. tharlie Crowtl, Joa of Buloa Barber, SO; Trarerm OUp rmerredlp udorae. If elected. 1 efaall
eonffrem to extraartlaarp e«aIMOB, Joe Baelpaol. Clara Baalpaol, No. Sft. 40: Midtoad Ho. 61. SO; 8u eonvue
1 am taoporaWd. ud
Bdcar Oolc, Mareaa Smith. Alexa Ut- Jotaai Ho t/t, SO; Wapae Ho. M of De
lla. Charlie Beadrlck, BcUle Smith, troit. St; Detroit He. 55. S1-. Sapiaaw.
flret, to eettbMerUe Beadrleke, Will Beadrieha, Mr. BuUop aad Bap Cttp report that Itoh a auble forin of poeemment to the
Phlllpptoa toludi joet ae we are
aad Mie. B. W. Smith, Mmlm Bermaa tbep will be to camp with a blp mcm- mtabuehlap
a etable form of poi
Smllh. Darid Brkid, Battle Plcffer. barahlp but fire ao dedaite aomber.
Hlatowell aad Alpcaa both bare aew
Oareoee Martla.
Opera'HoQSM Too Small
lee ^reem aad aake wara aerrad aad oommaim aad are prepared lo'attead.
to the Cabaai; ihiid. to protect
allenJoprda^caaaattraalBp. A toilet to force. Slice. Aa Sable aad Detroit duee
the Piliplooelfrom ontoide towrfercaee
aet. ao aothoftaph alkem. a raae aad will fcro'kh toade for the Mlehlpaa
at we bare protected the repuL ..
j a book were left for Mtoa Blaa. while esesmpmrauOeatral ud Sooth Acoerica. ud are.bj
/ Ohode reeclred a cuff aad collar box
the Mooroe doctrine, plodpod to pro The Best SiOEort, DancBrs,
aad a book.
Tmwrtap'e Bam Ball Mamaa.
tect Oaba.
MusiolAns, OomediABS
Bptclel u n* BorBUc hwerd.
GorerBorTbomae of Colorado, aotlMr. and Mra. Du Loodoe eatartatoSed Mr. SWeoason of hto oomlutiOB.
ad meat deliphtfmllp met ereatop la
UTWxau LKaaerx. ^
Sweeaea replied to a ahortar apeeeh
OblCBpo......... ......... ..............
I 10 1
keaorof Dr. aad Mra. 0. B.
Of the Colored Baos
t 10 i thu that of Brpao. and devoted
larpe aomber of frii
Dareia ud Chanac; Onh ud Mor- eidamble time to ImpertaUam. to tha hoam aad oa the taotUal tow
«Bd the ereatop peaaed rerp ptoaeaat
mebnp ••••>.......
to all.
Itortapthe <
PhiUlpI and (rOoBBOr: WiUto
waaiaadcnd. Mtoa Grace Cuatopbam
' BBd Mn. Samacl Qartoad ptopadaad
Jadpe P. F. Swlnp of CtoelauU to a
The oolp Ocforooo Cathednl
Mtoa.WUhelm aad Mra. A. H. BeUldap
C«mt at the Park Place top Ue reel of
___ me Clip............................
4 I
Cbnrcb Choir travelmg, reodering
Cktoepo ..................................
6 II
*M<ito of tka eeaatop wae epeat
Mn. O. H. Waldo. Mn. B. A. Sebo- "The Holy City” Pulmt, etc., at
Lee ud McMcbm: FBtwtau -ud
toa tows. wbandeUeloaa refrtekmuta
pcr. Mtoa Sehoper aad MUe Oenrade each performaoce.
BBd Maaler Waldo Sehoper. paaert
thraoph thedtp pmtardap oa their wap
from tha rmort at Omeu to theU
horn* to Chleapa
At oooo, halting at tb« comer of
apnatoratand tba mamv OA^a ao- Dlpptoa
B. J. tAwlert aad wife aad B. B Front ud Union etreete, where
OfUta af Ithaea atoppad at tha Park the compuy of cake walkera, in
In view of the fact that the riae in pnee of coffeee has
nsmpaetortapa tbalr erap to tb* fall drett coatitome, will give u
idea of the famone "400” walk.
made it necessary for a$ to raise prices also, and realiziag
Mr. BBd Mra. A A SamMr aad two
The attention ot the pnbUe,
that some of oarenstomera woold not be willing to psy
Ocvalud .
etaOdraa an at the Park Ptoae, aa ladiee'especially, ia cal
to the
the sdTBiieed price, we havA added to onr line tbeae grades
Oruto Bad MsAUlatar; Bart ami roBta to the raaortat ~
magnificent wamrobe and coatoBand to this trade we cu recommend them.
A A-Da'
es worn bj thin OBmpany.
^wato inch GaL'' dewa m the
AdmJtAloB TwdaoAd to 86o
Tte Mtome Baaker af Oalambai tre jtadlSe.
taidap to tba naerta tamt the bap.
OronDde at the. comer of Front
ni^antaFptor with Mn. Siato of
Up4(Ldate Grocer.
■aet Fret Btnet.
and UaIod atmeU.
— »Uttc tUk u.__________ __
New Phone 149.
OH Phone 350.
Toar bleed gam tbieatb POBT bedp
Peiformucea at 2 and 8 p. m.
Child’s Crash Suits,
Men’s Crash Goats, Vests
or Pants, Straw Hats
All put into the
special sale to clean up
entire stock at
26 per cent off regular
Hamiiton Clothing Co.
SpOcial Sale of Bicycle Sundries
frfjrrt /«soei£Tr.
City Minstrels! At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union‘St., Near Front.
^/<twVN0^NciENT S
' (
The Up-To-Date Photographer
1 Fine line of Photograpli Bunons. Enlargiee af III Xiafr.
...... .. . . _ .
iDd tlie Greatest Cike fillers
You can see that
we are always looking after
your interests.
Note what we offer you
Traverse City,
Wednesday, Aognst 16.
fto UMO Skwn-eppaatta BamOMaa
; ,'a
MlaOirCaA- lotor. Km.
Tto Ttoirttoa %p. sto adUtoiy
MMljteM «rm to ttotottMtiM TtoOotoTbMplaiamajdyud amt
ww<u. —* ■lime rant a Bwt Bay laat ualagdaitbm^ tto. ^^tod •good toto. magy of (to
w.Mr. Dm^ arbyttoaaot.
•ouHi« tto
^ I'M ■'ll, totta vtf I
• ttoplay aa
a to a teigu erewd
Bgto *■■«■■ Matoatt i
OaivMttr «( liaakk. wan ■
to «to fBtoa* at a toawitr at L
OoL Barry Blrnmatl w02 appear la
itUtorola. aad w&l to
MifoacUrtoadMtto «alMr. «to bTttobMtanacaltalaat. fWlowtari*
Pamp Braaiaj. a Vbftaia »wr*—
•yttotoatliv^a atoui f«va ea
ayacklWaaoalacB Lato toawMkOlad. Ttor
tooa Mnand aad totk «ara
toatk. Yto Itoaeata <■ a larf*
■MavakaMTatot. aad «aa nemUj
......................................... iby
JtoaaaJ. Efll.|irnHiita< tto Gnat
Borttova raUread.
ItotoltaaoTiadiir toa reaa U
tttoaltotoadaeentad tba lavMter
af (to Main to aM^'
«a*. W. B. VarW*
> kil
kiUad ia OUaa.
awteac tbaaaef thb
aaaa tto oriclBator k{ a rakad latiar
L. OUacar of Daem, OoL. toa toaa
toaackt to SlooBlaftaa. m., bia
» by
It aad frtcht U tto boU-ap
^ fobbara ea tto XJaioa Paetfla,
Bago. Ool.. Saturday alchi. la whleb
to. J. Pay of Aatolm. OH. «aa kUlad
kyaatok OUnfM fonaarty Uvad at
A raver (tot a CbUaaa eoaaal la
•oUrU baa baaa kUlad toa aat tto paotoa of ObUa to talklaf atont waaAflar a eoartablp axtaading orar (0
raan. darlac tto laat it of wbleb (bay
larry tbroa
atoaaa weak, Oarria H. Aadi
Vert AtklaaoB. Wia., aad foka B. Cam■laftef Jaaaarma toaa ^ mar
ried. bat withoat am totldg aaca
aaah etbar—for boU aia bltaA Tto
d tto ceremoay.
Baa. Oaerta Seborb of Brantoa. an
«U Mand of tto brlda aad groom, la
aka bUnd,aad tba malda of taoaer.
Kto LUtle Eaata aad Hlaalo Daaahaa.
•ae Ittowto aigbOam.
Baaldaa »0 paric malaa aoea to to
Martad for Ohlto taara araatttoPratodio. Saa Fraaeloeo. toar wifoa tralaa
•fMwagoaaaaeb. with fear malaa to
■ aragaa. Tbaaa ara randy to to ta'
•attofrtotaaaaaana atanmablpa
Ktody to raaalaa tbaai. qinadara baa
toafcaa eat amoag tto bemaa
At Bamberg a aaaa of baboate
glagaa baa toto dlBoemad oe a raaaol
to tto barber. AU peatlbU praaan
toOM toaa baaa takaa to preroat tto
i^praad of tto dlaaaaa.
XgAtovUi of Jamm Laaaaoo. died
TamliT Hght at tbalr heeM aoar Baa4ea.efd»pey.agadMyaam. Bm'
bar baabaad aba laaraa oaa aea. two
daagbtaca and a UttU toto IH meatto
Tbafnaaralwai to told at tto Intaml town baU today at« e'oleto. aadar
Urn dIraettoB of Balph Aadaraea.
a to Oared
lora ia oaly ea
•ad that la by «
Danfasas la earn d by aa laflamad eoe__________mm
Ualag of tto BaedlUoaaf
______a taba. Whoa tbia tuba gala laBamad you toaa a rumbling aouad or
^ Imparfaet baariag. and wbaa it la eaSlraly oloaod dAam U tba lanlt. ad
aalam tba la&ammatloa ew to takaa
oat aao
aad uis
thla mm
tube irsww
iw It
BmadlUos. baariag wUl to '
fertver; alaeeaaaaoatef Maareeaaaad
^eat^b. whteb ^ Mtblag bat aa
Wa will glre one bnadrad dollan tor
■ay <»ae of daafams (oauaad toeatorrh) that eanaol ba cured by Ball's
Oatarrb Cure Sand tor clroulara, frua.
F.d. CBt;nr .1 Co.. Toledo. O.
Bold by uU drugglsu, Tte.
Hall’s PamUy Puls are tba boat
Botlce to BleyeUata
Until further not
tbTimtb'Sdar ^'wm'prat'atrM
<toy. a gaatUMa od aolor-Otoa. W.
Ofiaar Kalfarry. oaa
tto deaatr. D. Medvoy.
ScbaaMlacbar. a dtaftad
«. T.
ar of OaoTfa
—If to Ida Pml
tforah MeUctia, dowo oa tto Baytan Chlaaaa Blaeaha BaatoU.
riac Praaeatatioa—LMUa Balfi
uoddaaa of Uborty-Marla Marlaa.
Maada Bradlay. Slater of tto ^y
•^Oraeo UcAroy.
Prof. W. 8. SUffana wlU preaida at
tba piano.
A aambar of Sna apaelaltiea wUl ba
Latrodaoad by Barry Elmmal. Gaorga
V. foyea. Pataraoo Slatora. Blueba
HaakaU ud C. W. Jofea.
to tba opera hanaa wiU to ts and IS
eanu. The play la put oa aa a toaadt
to tto Poreataru.
Oneofttomoat plimilng faataraaof
ttoplay will to tba
bumaa flag by <00 llttla glria.
Tbia Wto a taatara of tto Q. A.
t at St. Fanl aadereatad
altfi fj
Is but one color gor tbc social paatrboard more Id demaml In anmmer eren
tban In winter. Tba card U gray
wtdte. medium fblrkiieaB end. to be
bowerrr. and some persona taslst npon
old Bogllab letterlag u more etogaat
ttoa any ottor. Tbe latter la my
expenalre. wbicb helps to make It
choice aad exclusive, an Importaat
point wUh certain people.
Tbc correct sise for the rtalUng curd
eoftavod' la block or <dd English let
ters U 8 3-10 ipcbet by 214. For a
young lady. In whatever style the engtavlng. a amaller. alae. 2% by 214
tncbea. Tbe kid and vellum flnlihed
card la now In high favor with smart
people. It ia highly essential that the
card envriopo should match and. above
all things. III tbe card. Notblog de
termines cardessDcas and want of
taste In amall things more than the
ragnlatlon slae visiting card lost in aa
envelope letter sheet
The wedding Invitation of preaent
prehrence-ls in tbc aame gray while,
with vellum finish, note sheet
by 714 iacbea. ladoalng envelope
by 3(* Inches.
Mourning cards and stationery are
with width of border to conform witb
toilet, which ia regulated by the.near
ness of the Itcreavoment. Oruy, black
banded cards and alatlonery are used
but tbe latter
l it ts very trying
to tbe eyes, therefore Injnrlotts
write on.
Tbe latest dinner card is in cream,
with gold beveled edge, or In color to
match the dinner dtaMiutlons. us Indi
vidual taste Inolluea
For young girls sod etbrrs who af
fect tbe fanciful lu atailoni-ry the
present seasou fumlslies a bewildering
llne'lo sclert from. n«.->chlo green.
cardlnaL Iris and tbe dull ugi.v brown
of the ktoki an- a few among the mul
titude of new shades which atv t
poor usle as th- y are distressing to
tiebold. .ts Tklde Talk rema^ in
conclpsJon to the foregoing notes, cnltlvated taste IneUaca lo white, cream
or violet sutluuefy without regard to
tbe ever changing whims of fashion.
tor toto by (to W. W. CmtoU Os.
Mm'S DMitor 8pw M tto M*
A boy airtvod a( (to toma et Hr.
atoMis. T. a Damw. a'OtiSbId
lA 17 ato IS; togtsatog a< S a. m.. otoaiwto
Tto Muhlgaa Talapbnaa Co. toperta
aMSgawof AM mAaatten la Jnly.
Ingatol4jaaahar of Si.SK mE Bwbwtoat view par bM...
■unto aasMoeinATni
aerlbanoa Joly <L Tto Bow Brio
ProdAlaariig.a Batoa Ald-«maam»
Baata. U. & A.—trot
OoL wniard. 0. d. A.-Idaatiom
^8«itemsMta« ^ WaiM* W.
O.T.TT.wdltotoMtolto 9mmk K
toato (toa Afmnaato t:M a^
lompBiy. rapBcm a aal gals of l.iit
la Jaly. maktor » Settl
la of thla
mam oa Jaiy <1.
Mr. aad Mia. M. 0. Dodga wUl laavo
today for BaBato. H. Y.. whara Hr.
Dodge goes to leek aftor balraktp latarsam tor local eUam. Bafoca (toy
ratara (hay will visit (liaiHa Palls.
Toroato aad other ooatora potato.
Tto aonth ^da ladUa of tto Pirst
Matbodlst eburto gara a voif^aaaut
lawn aortal aa tba Uwa la front of the
ebar^ last oToalag.-which waa largely
Dallelons tea eroam aad
sake were sarrod.
baa applied tor a
dirorca from hlawlfa.Bva Brownell, on
tba grounds of deaortloa and lafldeUty.
Ba U U years old ad aba 24.
Tba annual pleulc of the Praabytarlu Suday sebool was told yaatorday
at Bast Bay. A large number attandod aad had avoiy fine tbae.
A little baby sraa laf t la a aaat on tba
front of a Ueycla yaatorday oa the
aeutb aide. While tba mother waa
ahoppiag the wbaal aad toby faU
late tba atraat. Portautely tbe ebild
•as BOt hart.
Jamoa J. Bakor et tba flra dapartnaol is BOW taking bia raeaUoa.
The BUm wlU have a good time on
the toy this ovalag. Tbe ataamer
OolamUa wlU start from tbs dock at
t:S0 o’rtoek aad rataru aema tima aftar
n o'eloek.
1 on tba
toy toBorrow BlgfatwUlUava tba deck
at 7;<0 o’clock ebarp.
TtoladUoof AmaadaBlve Mo. Bit
will glTC a mtartolamat aad sappar
at Pomtan ball Prtday ovalag.
«uUt will to diawa duftag tba avalagMr. and Mia. Matt Olamp et Elmoedtowaabip. are'(to panatsofm
MariT Tnmpa" aia
to arriva la tto eiw^
elwua^ dteport tbamartvac witbtba "
bargbOraad eparu
Sr. W. /. Bgttn t
Yon little knew wba flrnt wa aat
That aome day yoa would to
The lucky fallow Pd eboeaa to iak
Pay for my Boeky Moatola Tua-
Woodbine Cottage
PiMsui Rooms. StodK Uwa
M2 State Street.
anUsM* tu WasBlBtVM stMt WMSt
and «bildi«s's cisassw a ■a*«iaUr. Ota
beats: UlaUa-m.: t to 4 asd T M Sa '
BaU ‘paoa*. Xertbare 'pbaac Ko. t.
T-aa. a. a. rnooD, oso* is a«v TobmIisi
U aieek. OaUs Msvarrd praainlr dar
Bicbi Xaitbfa-pbeas.a;
0c«. Ke
I na. a. j. aoarr -vatcriaarT
UortaB-afiam Traaudi'
atle SBltols bra)
•I aad
il ealU
GnilRipUit iuUttlRl.
7*of tu
For arrirsl had A
ra of sratso M TrS'
a»Ctlya(Atloe.la< leeWuly IU.WB.
S83& n 6 9 gsser
pre?« wpvm aad par^jjr^tbl.
G"S;S':aXTEO-Xe. ms. e
raldaaananiier tbc Catiaraitr at
bamtnQBtW(0a.B. aad troa I
MoUoa to Tba Payera.
a alaetrte*l^t pels oa Waablagloa
atraotBsar tba
the O. E A I. railroad and
sot it OB flia. Uttla damage was done.
aau OB gXrBaXOg-Heaw
Oa aeaout of the rain, the Oeagre [IPOK
X aemlaad.kaewaa* ibeaHSa
ty aabool picnic, whieb CSCarBaUarcaae. WIU aeU «B ■ooUlj WoraaehaaMlor racaal let or aaaUar
was to bava. taka plaea yaateiday,
ruB. Baater. oa premlaca. or C. K
~ BiliaBCtMbiacCe-a
was poatpOBcd uUl today. The mamtore of the oeboel and their frloada
wUl lavs ea tba beat thla morning balp. apikiratiUcardoaci.
at 8:40 If tba watbor wUl permlL
W. B. Aadaraon was callad to laterloetoa early yaatorday moralag oa
Tbrtas roUatertbceoUoeUoaot aatool aad
I aad apMlal sawsiiaaau for ib* Bre
irarda cl Ibt cli^oi Tra'____ > car. Kiebiraa.
bar* boas pUi^d la mf baad»
II tor
oevamUKorvatbirlit. M». trow 0 o'clock
OBtil UJDo'eloek Id tbo forooeee oad frwa I
o'clock BBtU « o'clock la tba arwmaea of oach
dar. aod oa Tu soil ay craaiBf of cacb eack
AU taaw paU baloca Sepimter Ics.
8 S8 C • SB
b^uraiSd^lir^M^to a»l
oaUlOeWb^Ui-aMaoltf ef^DDCPcr ecst fee
eoUaetloe oUl be ehartod. Oa all laaaa re.■alaloc oDpotd ea October Uu o poaalir ol
too per coat for eoUoctlee o'U be«Mrt*d.
OBM to Herald baUdior.
baUdioK. i..
roen 1.
"—SB '__________
^^S!SaJi1rtBsjM^S^~^ ■■bJMjriwp^ toa
cUtohU; aloe dthtaeoyfreai Oread Bsptdo.
TralaorrtnaciulAr'p ■. bmparior ear
If yon «
o Lelad yon will findIthOt
’^TT&pedA BMt” OottAffP
WUl most tbe reqplremats of s deIlgblfc! vacation. Beatifnlly local
Plsbleg aad boating tto best Is Moi
era MIeb.
Lr Harbor Sprlods'
J. W. Slater has retaraM from Elk
Rapida wbera ha baa baa a few days
Mr. Slater bat tba order to tornlsb the
aad a-awr.^Ball ra«b. ba)aao«ra«r aar<m«u.
b>f)ulr« or Or. S»wftT at oOr« or CB tUi airart.
Buya that U wUl be a vary pleacat
place wba they get It tnraisbed.
tokca abent 400 yards of carpet aad l$0
yurdaof Uaolaum. They are paying
oapedal attratton to tbelr beds which
are all Iron with good eprlaga ad mattrvosot with the beat of uU wool blak
eta ad Uva gooaa faatber pUlowa.
ad maade. r Tbara
MoutalB Tm does. s»e
a that price'Id boa«
Tear attaOoa la eaUod to the rule
le of water tor aw' ‘
la regard tothauaeo.
it Ic
bava a
aatpla apply of wator tot capaae
----------------------Do net leave
hydiaats opa or beac nmnlag
mla attoobod. D wator la
rnaalagta thla • way tbc water will to
tntod cB aad (matok or ft wnx me
MADB poa TtoTOO OS agalB. Partlas
whohave acapaid wator ttxara resnaaaioi^atAP.
qaotad to call at ofltoe at oaca and
ilydacaa Mix with aktla mma. Brteg yew laat ractopt
ag. aad fill tbe space
left by tbe yoUcs with tto mixtaru. *“^^Soatd of Wator
roonding It on top. Place a roOed
fillet of aochovy on tbe top of thla add
crisp lettuce aad serve with tnaj^ fi.p.0Aapb«U&8oai
aalm In a towL-BOaton CooklBf
Behobl Magaslae.
BMb utepboBM Xa ■!.
ttoa. Kxpcrlcac* BBBrcaaaarr Wr
fot|«rtlc>ilars. riorkACo.. 4tb ki
SU-. Pblla . Pa.
tu Proat sC. ' Telspboae 804
T. F. Hunter,
Hueter t Baumbaueh.
.Fire Insurance..
Boatb Valoactrarl.
UCna-Tbc aonb H of
ercccttee II ton B
eoaau fobo Vcrlr.
K . B-lSo.
t4b VroBH
Ik. LWaln
' ooixo Moan.
Bl post.
' quirk
- propmw iasniable.
I wut w srritotbc
I. and will give you
____ a1 attoatioo.
neat rsliabU stock tasarmec compaalcc repreesatsd
Bates very low.
OUT ktbd IB SM
X elMceoapaaltc or 10 buja
^oBar, let a
(araeaU oa U. B. AUra
McreaaUIoCo block.Tratcr
KoUee to Coetractoiu.
Bids for tbo baud 1^ Ota brick aebosl henoa
Wmaoa. On., Jaa. M. 1900.
Or. C. 0. Waraw. Dear Sirs—I base
and yourOampoaad of Brea Ovua.
Utogtuat oawmreaiu aad blood msri.
■. wUb ooMltot roaulm. 1 do not
toiltata to rsMiamaad it tor (to wvoaao ter wbteb U la aaod. im oBoeta
■rainaatort tiaaaao aaalfatottotlt
io tto gruatast aat
OBCDoocKonkpen vber* you will iiaaaog^
list loTrararM Uty M 4AS
tokc ibr*ieoa«
2 to tor KrobU'
wltb •irsBcr r
4top. Bl
ToparUoaofSeriBOfaaiauoIoM lo>a h
Uc rouod inp will be mode. -
SfiSAB SSSfiSefiS S8
^taiaad a'
■lalatoir* Gtaad. Aug; 0.
I ■mOrimiA'a Bartte
r Vaimlab-
. ESS::
auxT—amau___ bvUdlec
aa kaamtf at «10 Uakm upon
-aaieeas F.
X dolali atrml (»r laaldtac*
a-Olary-SIOR. Aare
atraat, has baa | rohaaod by
rating Attoraay Prod H. Pratt,
F. A. ClarT aad Oaorgo floyt sprat
ymtaiday flablag at Mayfield.
A toby boy baa jest arrived at the
boms of Mr. aad Mrs. WUUam Eoxbarg -nuua.,u...ra. ». ar«a ...Idi
of Watotar straa.t.
a Daloa atraat to Blm
■ad a Boat Proat atraat from ttoG.
B. A 1. E E to Boao strooV Bo obo
cm two liard bolkd eggs Into halrea
ie rlAa fastor than six milaa pm hour. lengthwise. -Kemove tbe yolks and cot ' s to 8 o’clock la the laornlag aad tram
s to 8 la ttoattornoca ad ataootber
the rouiMUug Bide so that the egg wiU ttto^cxe^ wba_
OUf Whel&owg
aoeaet Ana. ICU. Floa* aad •paciSeaiioao
viuiMoe,^a> • •
- •
r*ocrrlh(tba rl<bi
"Itosaeatoal b.______aa«taimtoh baadotar
CD per coat of the coat.
KoRbm Fbaao 111.
Ar Ord Bopldo
At Petaokay.
Bay View
Koarloc Brook
unm ID mniiinn 1.1
JohlM BMk
sslABo-staak am.
John R. Santo,
GsshsI litirun.
Wnraburg Blodi_________Traverrs Oty
For Cooking or Fnnuice Puiposes
HUlWBN cumiRS REuon snreirooD
BUmndk bmiilNr u Ul rdM
. t. TroniM Oity l.aabW'Oo
toho XiBism *i
sn p.ar. M. Dopwi
MjAk OuMaa jnys Lo
^— -------wtmo
sa i
1 "^S*
OTT & 00 |K;?ws-'ra,'S£'«i
U Hose OhMag
(Hiu fnxFKflrfOfos
ir AdTMMon PtfktBis P
wiM la.
Oiiiiid Wtoto ttkm AmeUhrn tmi To««M * ■•ttiMMBi «f tiM ItmU* kr
Danadtv tint AIUm M VinBtttad
le Sator (kvlUl Oitj Va4m Rat of
tnm to Brlac Awa^
0»»<*«1 lotlw Utnim**tmAi
' WMUartea, A«ir. if Muimr OenLi BpacOkooradtota^Uktodtopateh
’ to WllltoM m^at^ Mortaa
Loodee. thatCtOaa aaat ficbi If the
fonlfa troepe eoailaM to ad«aiwa
Bitaattoo nrf pFoearioea aad li cup
MarOtaMadodatatteofww. Tba
ad^atotnttoa hu ao«(ht \o taka tka
Chtoau terarBrnaat at Ito ward, tkat
tkara to aaarehp la Pdda. aad It ku
ptoiMdid ao tka thooTT of Ito rktktto
protaet Ito nlatotara arataat aaaraktoUe
attaeka la Cblaa. w wall aa oa oar awa
aoU. Bat OoGCor la kto Bcaura ataua
Mteto tkat tka drlBfoa tka laffaliba
oaotbaaa. aad tkat tba Cblaau gotanuaat taatoto epee tka
iMvtav PakU aad. u a auttar o<
eplBlaa.kaaapaika Uttar weald ka
flutaik daatk. tkto ■tagi fna
Oatar Uaau tba forarBuaat a
altawatlra to a pUa of faralkU roUa
kp «M of tka aray.
U Boar Ckaac uya this adaoBM e
PokU BHOM war aad Okiaa wUl dgki
UCUaadaaUruwareB tba Daltad
Htatu. dlpleuatlc lataraeatw will
atop aad tka praaldoat naat kaad Ua
qaaoUoa orar to ocagfau at tba war
auklarpewor. Tkaatata daoartaaat
ku foaertad to orary poaalkU laaau
to pUu tka docBaad of. this feToramoat kafora tba dataeto (eranuMOl
Tka adlet of Aagoat s. roeatrad to
day. graati to the atUtotart froo oosmaBtoatloa with thtor ce«om<
Tkaatata dayarttoaot ku takaa advaktaga of tkto adtot aad oaet a oiabar
It to a
toatUlakU to ooa
iaiyartal i
1 aad plau tkto
dotoaad U tba kaada of tka ouparor.
Tka aam dauad hu kon pUoad
U tba kaada of Mlatotar Wa.
arltk tka raqaut tkat ha traaaalt It to
kto goToraMt. Tka atato dap^auat atoo out tba proaidaat'a dotoaad
to Oootal Oaoofal Ooodaow at Bhaag'
kaL to ka laid kotora U Haag Ohaag
aad to ka ooBnaatoatad to other rlaaroya that they Bay Botify tka dataeto
goooraBaat of Cblaa. whathor that
ka tka aaporor. oBprtM dowagar or
Prlaoa Taaa u dictator. Throagh
tbau rarloos aoarou It to asaamad that
wkoovar to raaeeaalkla for eoadltloaa
la PaUa wUl ka aoUdad of tka doBaod
of tkto geraroBOBt. whleb aut ka
conpHad with to a*^ war.
V?ublBgton. Aag- •—Tba iBaad(ata ranlt of tba aaauga troB Ooagar
bw kaao aa laportaat adkmaatoatloo
Butaa to the goi
I Cblaa, dcUraradtbli araalag to MUtotar Wo
LlagFaay, the Oblnau Blatotar U
Waablagum. In addition to rapruaatlag la vary aapbailc Uagaaga tkat
Cblaa bu Bot umpllad with alltoa'
ooaditloBs lool^f (o an BBlubla aatUaaaal. u laid down by Praaldaat
McKinley In kto Uttar of Jnly tt. to
the OBparor In ruponu to Kwaag
La'aappulfortba prealdeala aadUttoa, tka BOto to aadaretood to eaatain
a BOW ooadltloB; U aScet that Cblaa.
ia ardor to akow her good ttltb toward
tho ferolga. aUtotaia In PekU aad
thotr goromBtaala. ahall paraut a por
tion of tka alllad foreu. araad bat
aadar a flag of troea. to oatar PakU
aad taka ftOB tka Isgatloas aad the
city tba tocoigB Blatotan and other
fotoiga oaeUto, atoaloaarlaa,
woBan. ekUdraa and aarTBntt.kaMigad
for aauly two BMatka.
UbbI^ tkto pad otkB oeadltloBs
uabatoaotaa autoaklt arrmagMoat
of tka dlAmua katwaon nkUaaad
tba powosa. tho Onltad Staton gomBMtkuagaU lad tka wag toward
ondUg tka trookU U whl^ CkUa ha
kaeoBa Urolaod. Tk fartkar teat tka
good falU of tka OkUana gowaBat
ladieatad la aa
tha iBporUl daetu roaaiTod ky MUtoterWathtoBonting. that tka aUtoteu nan goaarnBut will ho aSetd^
gotootory of Btato AAaa Hto i
to UM
MBtod vmilMlUr loM
to aalra*. ttoo ootr dm•ifoMBttoOoadaow i^Bli^tortoiaj «w «ko dtooototo sa^oMd le Ooo*
tw oad talcaod to iMt ttot coed
fatth of
vUahOoodaeorwM dlroetad lehafo
BcMh Lagatfaa Baraai flau n.
The Bagaa. Aag. a-nia feralgB effiu today raulaod a aaasnga fraa
PakU whkk to.kallaaad to bo aathaa
tic. It kean a talagfapUe data of
•‘MaaBTaaBi. Ang. «. i:4S a. m ."
asd aaya tka Dotob lagattoa wu koraad Joaa «t. The aUalnter aad aaeraury
won atm aafa whan tba dtopaieb wu
aaat. bewarer.aad hoped to ka nUarad
U a fortalgkt.
Valdanu Orgad u OouBaadar.
BerlU, Ang. «—The Lokal Aasalgor
stotoa that tba amperor hu appoUtad
Piald Marshal Oonat Voa Waldsenu
totbscbUf oOBaaod of tba Oman
forces la Cblaa. Tba CBporor talagrapbad Plaid Maiabal Connt Von
Waldanu Ang. 6. uklng hiB If be
weald go to Cblna aad If be, tka aaparor. nslgbt oropou hta to tka pewen
Mdar of tka alllad torau.
Aslagu rogards tka uUetloB of 'Waldarua u oqmlraUat to
d rota of coafldoau U
Oarauay. Waldanu Uft BoBoaisr to
day to eoefor wltk tka KatoaratWUkalBahoabr. Ha arlU aall frou Seaea
fH'OkUa Ang It oa tka OarBoa waraklp
Oonatau Waldamaa ia aaABOttaaa
waaaB.foraarlyl^tot Mary Lea. Whoa
Lt BorrUd her oka wu tka wi
dow of PriBM Pradarlek of BskUawIgj
HoUtaU. whoa aha jnarrUd Morgu
BUeBUyaad had raeBvod tkaUUaef
PrUeoto UnrU Ton Knar.
Tba fonlgn ofiee ku a dtopateb
BB Saerotary BnaUw of tka OarBoa
Ugatioa at PakU. wklek eBma by tka
way of Tblnnn Ang. 4, which nys:
"SUM Jnly <1 the altnatlOB bu not
ehnagod. Than hnaa baUBaorgmBlud attaeka aad ao ahall flra, only ridaaboto. IWhaaltkof tha isgaltoraon to eotoparulraly good aad
rooetarlag. Ooedu. tho
a wu woBBdad whoa
VoB Kattalar wu killad. to n-
Ha WoaU OaU a Spaetol BoBtoB aC
niBgiu la BattU tha WUpptaa
Piahlus aad AlWw tha fHiptauto
Hark OiU Thair Owa DaatUj—Ooto-'
otoBtie ttoadtiptoa warn OgUtoUy
Bpiaal.iatU Moniae BaeorCdag
i« appftolag HlUUa Jaaalago
Bryaa aad AdUi Btiiuaga of thatr
Laatieu ky tka Kaaua Oty aaaraatien. Tka but wu swaliari^ hot
tba erowda braaad It aad Military Pwk
'karo tba progTaB wu aarrlad eat wu
baoeauof aeruh.
Baaator Joau, chalmiBB of tka daaot uroiooulM, After the proltoMpniy
proeaadUgo Baaator Joou Utrod
who made tka a
lU aoBlaatUa. The keynote of
tka nddroB of tka fru BllTor ad'
tha ae-eollad pnrnBoont iunc.
BBtidBparUUaB. nad tka addreas
iBut entirely darotod to that tbeBe.
Mr. Blekanlaon opened by lUlndUg
to the anaalBUy with wklek tba bobInatioa of Bryu wu made end then
aeomd Ocaanl Booaaaalt.
Mr. Blehnrdaon -daeUra
ItoB wu the pareBonnt toana of the
lapalga. net made u ky tha pUt'
fens daeUntloo, bnt an ndalttad fact
Ea daeUrad tkat tka aetlon of ooagnai
U tha Parte Blenn porUltoto.
Tba nply of Bryaa wu long aad uhautira. Ha noeirad an aatbnslutle
Bstratloa and U partUd:
to adroeata
try to eoarUu tboB'
Im tkat tka go! ataadard isgood;
bad to tka gnaakaek anaowuakaa axeau^ girlag naUoaal beaks
tnd ot tk^Upah papar^^.
a Uok at
Oitr Window
A new auorbnent of Tauhen’ BiblM ]nrt
recaived at the
AndyoD'U aM how low
wa hare marked oar nm*
mer footwear to cloae it
todies' Oifiris
The dAinty, g^ltth ahapea—and the/'U wear toa
They were *160. now wa
. aell them at $1.0a
All sizes and kinds at the lowest prioss in
this part of the state.
tolits' Stoss
Handaome, trim atyles—
black and tan—we bare
rsdnoed to $1 98.
Notice tbs
t2 Tao boss
For ladiee’-r-cloth trim—
stTliab and eerric^ble—
redticsd to $1 86.
When You are in Deep Water
lotics all tbs
Otbsr Bngaiss. Too
Then we‘re sure you'll
boy if you have any asc
for a p&ir of show.
Traveraa CiU's
Leading Shoe Uouae.
From Your Desk
Sapumbn St^aa -HXWIDZA" PATIBBSie ara now
hara—Aay alia, my atyla, lOo.
75 ceirts
-- -Otwou tba two to kaBgBora aad i
laaaa. who. Is t
id tkaeenatry upon the ssaU ax(OoaUnnad oa third page.)
roT s lot of 1 sad 8 of s klad, trsluss $1.00
to 81 60.
0SSD those Shirt WslsU St 76o P Bsttsrdo
so todsy.
wish to meet.
OommsDdo ci 600 Boats Xsn> If yea BKE paopU, yen eaa’t do nay
men then talk wUb tkaB. nad yon
scu ths Oity
a do that from year ewa ofiee. with
Urge uriag aSaetad by tba talaFaara Balt tkat Haaraaos of Baaay pberne aad placed oa the credit aide dl
May Baeoaraga Bmigkan lo BaTolt the ledger.
BsTa yon one la roar offlu?
British Osnison Badar OolOttsl Hosts Osptarsd
paetol loTU tfarnlu OMarJ.
•oa. Da Vat ku Blndad Oapton aad
konad tka. Vaal Bloer-Oaaar
Xltckaaarh Peru to U Pnnolt
anciii lo Tn MoBsn* Kacaan.
London. Ang. S.—Tha war ofiee hu
tka loUowUg from Lord Bobarto:
PratorU, Ang. 8.—I fear EUad’s rii
garrison ander Liant. Coi. Hoan hu
baw uptnrod after tan daya' nslaUBM. DeUray. laaniagef HaBlltenk
approae)> to Butankarg and aaaUg ao
cknnu of oaptnrlng Col. Bndan-Powall.
bnrrud to BUndk rlrar. BaBlltea
hu reported that tka flring U tka dl>
rsetlon of BUndk rtrar ceaaad yntarday. aad -Hoare had arfdanUy barn
eaptnrad. Bamatea left Buienknrg
tkto Boramg krlagUg Badea-Pawell'i
fonaa with him. Da Wat ccBmancad
eroaBlag tba Taal rlnr ywiorday.
r to BOW in pnnnlt Matbnen
who to on the right bank of tka Taal.
hu ovidaBtly OMU la ooatoctwith
Da Wet’s adraoM gaard. u kto gnu
won hoard ky Kltekaaar tkto Boraldg.
Fourth Tot—Mo. 1017
ip-IDERIiLISl Take
Bz7«a Hu Bpokgn on tt*
Pretoria, Ang. ^A Boar eoatmi
eoaatotUg of BOO man and two gnu la
at Pyramid Hill, algbt milco aortk of
Pretoria. Soentt bora appeared clou
to tho Briitoh oatpoau at aigbv Than
aae nBaulaeaa bare, it bplog
Uran^t tkat tkara to a poulblllty of an
atteapted rifiog by tba knrgbara. u.
Mragad by tka aaeraaaa of Boon U
irma. MUitary antboritlu era vary
'iglUat, bowarar. aad are^ pracaat^
s takaa to maUtela order. Fdrtbar
olnfoRaBaata an being daily added
to tba foreea aarroandUg Oaaaral Da
Atoarieau Sabaerikod $66,000,000
to BriUtkBxeheqaarLoeBbntoaly
$88,000,000 wUl be AUoltod.
apMlel u let Haralra S«aerd>
New York. Ang. B-Barlag. Magua
Co. today aBaeaadBd tkat flts.ooo.ooo of
tha MW BriUsb exebaqaer loan Bad
sn aUottad to anbaeriban U tbs
Daltad SUtae Tha total aafaaerfpttou
U tbto oouatry exeudad 6SS.ooo.ooo.
JeUr CnaspUg Party.
A caaplag party to taklag aa ootUg'
at Trantu BalU oamp. faat Bay. Tha
party eoaatota of Mr. aM Mrt. J.JX Pntodoat wm Boenlra Tbam at White
Onanaan aad Muter Balpk GreoaBobu Bext Weak.
BOB. Mr. and Mra K. AUaid. Mr. aad OpeaUltelUllsrnkac Seeord.
Mrt. J. C. SmllksMtoaKa^laSBlth aad Chatda. Aag. 8—The pnaldnnt'a next
Mareu SBltk. They osput to atay trip to WoaUagkn wOl bt Bade Thonthru or fear «o^
doyorPridoy of next wnnk. He wlU
probably be oeeaaapaatod by Mra MeDaalhHMn.res
naUy asfl nmila aaaoraTdaya.
Battle. wlf< of Floyd Pox. died at Satarday be wOl outora the Oabaa
bar koBt oau ViUUBakarg of k^
dtoaeban u tha WhluHa
tioakUTaaodv aighl. ngadHy^ aad OB Saaday ha wUl attaad raatoorUl
Baaldu ku huhaad aad UttU boy 6 tuaral aeratou U boaor of tba Ute
yearn old. nka Uaau bar fntku. Biraay
Pago, oaa atoter aad a UttU kako 6 KiagBaBbartof Italy, for wUebnr^
■BaataarahalagBOda by flanm
Boatha eld. Bor taaoiBl win ko bald
tkto BcraUg at 10 e'eleok from Fhra. tba lUlUa ntoWmdor.
tba Tealdaaec. The Utai Bsat win ka SitT giiwsMal Wag
Oakwood MBatoiy
kto Utoat aoag, -How Daway took
wUlhava ^
$1.48 SI.48 $U8 $148
That's the price on a line of
Ladies’Slack and Tan Shoes
Clothes Cleaning
ud Pressing Parlors
ClolB«<eAn*! for u4iUI»>r»U
Korthrrs Pbocrt1* r*.
We are closing: them out at $1.48.
We give you a large stock to select
• trom—not old etyles, but right up-to-date
t goods.
I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Tailo, but oinpe
1 hare tried
Pig Tail
I bare come to the eooclaoIfin that 5e will bay a fixst.
clooo, delidooo smob. Try
<ae and yoa will nerer pay
lOe for a Pig TaU again.
Leading Shoe Houae of NorthernfMich
Ifg Stiff—J41 ftOBl Snit
»»•«««««•««« »a««aHiHoa «»«««»
•RLD 18
IS ^
The prices we have put on our tan shoes
arc selling them rapidly. If you hurry
yen'll get a bai^ain. From 25c to $ix»
per pair less than regular price.
[ Front Stre.1
■aaaaasaasaaaaassxHtHO «««««
' TJ"i-.’:' ---'■ff'-
7-5:^.-'^= ■■
THKiKaainiG mbcord. thorsdat augost 9.1900.
flmjgi wtrtws fiM
«a voBvuio nooBD.
I.«. 9am aM» 9. m. rnammr
InmbM fl Ttotewnl MyH Otoato UteMnad Olay vAiahHa BeUMUi
wSt (tenpnt HanlBv tUa Wnak.
wmHixwaUwUA ftatoiii Btnai
Aim .......... .
M (bn fte.
irnnal Myalia CMS WM hoMlnM •
M.towhkhnplMMng yeofna
flCtoahMsMbv atoaha. and yaaamimrtelMnWda.aM «< May ontta
~ teattfamwhtt tehaBoawwlD
ftonli tiMl M M kto n (toll
nainrtit material to mlxwtto
Vted atone tor tte ettyatraata Ba
•(*• CMt wm onmp nnt and «n> wOltiyAahart, apnea near tea atew
jaynteHwMfcalnte Anar iliiwf*. araeter on Waat Prant atoaet aa as
ThoMwhotoBsot otoy n wM wHl
nlMt,arhlte te haUavtotoO) taBtoyaaiong aa paoMhia. nafl a vary aaltaatelaetorfly>
Bto wBllayatote
ttmotoatonrad. Aa many an fanrinahai afaadtetor.
tAaaplamaptote landywt* anualayaref enahadatenaandi '
Ihoir onmp teuipuff* VMnflny mecnlac. ttthorotghly with tea attaat a
Theoa who expect teapMd part or aD
natU tea atone k thacongUy laibai ..
to tea day. aad upea tte toptewlD
to notify B.L Knapp at L.
adaUyar of Saar aentbadd
M te haliavaa vriU mahaastosed
atraat aad vary aabataatlaL
[fi. Otetoaa Klist flovMy lajerad
by a Mt Tonmday Horaiac-HarrawSaeapo lerOthore
Mfu. Oartea Flint, an aged lady of
Sprnoo etpoot. waa aerionaly Injured
by a Ughtaing holt that atraek bar
yeatarday morniag about
alxo'eloel^ Mr. and Mra. Siadsan T..
Wbiteomb and telld, who alao Ura In
tte boaae. had a nairow aaeapa trom
Mijary or daatb.
Tte bolt entarad the boaaa throagh
tba ehlianoy. and playad teroe
4mm to lb* PUUppta*. Tbto of throafh tte honaa. taarinc off tte
•MTM BMM (tel tlM «or ateu te pUatarinf, Icnaaning tba ttmbera in
firtod ud tte WBj rMllod. Will te tte walU and ateUarlnff tte baao
MpUIa tew (bU CM te dose? la! boaida In tte parlor. jUalag room and
•ten MX oeMlUntloDAl prorSMoi
B«rteu Urrltcc7? I(
I in tte oellar at tte
ng atraek the honaa.
«7 tb#r.«
and ate waa randarod laaanaibla by
4oMB dcalMt ateadoRlac tanItotT. tteaboek. 8ho faU aeroaa a tab and
n*( qoMlkn hM teas Mttiad esM racoirad other lejariea (ram her (all.
tor all. Malboda ef adaalatolratloB The othara who raalda la tte honaa
la (or party dU- were not awan of her lajnry antil they
IwMoea. bte to daay a (i
beard bar meaning, and gdng into tte
by traatjr aad rallBad by ooacraat U eollar, they found her lying aanaalam
to bolray upardoubU ICBonuwe od on tte floor.
«te pewara aad (aaoUau of fforani- Bte waa tttea to bar rooma and with
diffienlty bronght baek to conaelonaDr. Holliday attaaded bar aad
bt OM braalb tte Dasoeratk orator
at oonaldeTably improrad laat
•rlU aaaara hU tearara that MeKlalay
bMwobaakbcaa. that bait a eraatara aranlog.
Mr. and Mra. Whlteomb and tbMr
•MtroUed by tteaa aroaad him. aad child
warn in the bedroom adjoining
vllb tte aan broath wlU aeeM him
dining mom thron#h which tte
€t >hablBt the rapoUla to pbeca In (ha
Uj^tnlng paaaad whan tte bolt atraek.
Mdar.to araeta tbroBaee tte r '
Mia. Whlleomb bad baea at work in
tba dining room bat bad been called by
How (hat Mr. Bryan baa baaa ome- ter hnabaad Into tte bedroom unUl the
bad paaaed.
tfy appritad of bU nomlnatlOB, te will
ha rMtoTcd of a aarera aaantal atraln . TtebBUdingUlaauredintteagaoey
■ad (ha ladlanea of hla oamppiga amlla of a P. Oarrer, who haa ordered tte
proper repain to be made at the ex«01 bMbad prafaaaly abroad.
pence of tte taanranee company-
ihnetlag OontcaU (or tba Cbariaroix
Trophj Cnj) and Qtb«r Prlaea will
he Inaittag Today
tteahootmgtoannwant wUebhat
bean looked forward to with oonaldcrl^lnterMtia thla otty. will be given
today nnder theantpleea oftteTravana City Bod A Oun elab and prallmi-
ndanU and Bik Baplda Team
wUl Play BaU TbU
tba Twelfth ttnet Fark.
'The game of baea baU today be.ween the Indepandantt aad Blk
B^ltda. U looked forward to wUa a
great deal of lateraat. aad a large
erawd wlU te on the grouada at S;W to
aee tte eontaet. The Bk Baplda team
wdUteaoma warmooateatanndnrait- elalmato'teoaaottba faateat in thU
togaport. Tte rivalry tor tte Charle- part of the aute, aad with Kit Canon
atoa trophy epp will teepirlted aad la the box, and with auah old pro(ba Charlevou taam vrill mate daaparaa Darby Welch. Eddie
ala afforu to win u back tram Trararaa Egan aad Berman Brontberv, they
atyabeuld beahletomateaay team play
The local elab baa made alnbornte hall.
yrapnratloot lor tbaeatartnlnmantof The ladepeadeau have been
(ha vialtlag ceniaataala and tte Trav. atraagtboaedby.tte addtUoa of ^1
maOity mambatawUl mpkaevaryet- ' Defeadorf. tte hard hltUag UUle ehorttort to make It plfnaant for their atop of the Twlrlen, and If the balU
faeata. A grand ataad haa been helU paea between third aad eeeond. they
an the abooUng grauada. where a nom- will hare to be juat In the right apot.
iMl eterga wiU ba made (or aeata. TbU will allow El. Thtrlhy^to play
■ntraacoto ttegrannda wUl be free aaeoad where ha ia at bU bcM- Third
and baaoa will make ragular iripa to wUI probably be eovered
tte graunda in Ume for tte eontmta Joe Bhreabergar, of tte Invinciblea,
Thaaa will ba enelUng aad Travarao while Wlaoie. tte hard bitting out
people aboald not mim ^toeaaing fielder of the Twlrlera, will probably
have a plaoa on tte team.
teveral of tte ooatedtnntt
A flee game ia ecrtaln. and no one
eandy arrived. Tboeetrom Charlevoix aan affoad to mim tte ehanea of leelag
who arrived la«k liaat eight are, P. M.
■«re, preheat of the elnb of that
uaaaf atar work behind the bat:
ally, Oeorge Beed. Dr. Anld. Barry D. hieTtegamewfUbeealladpramd^
Lnte ana A. O. Cteloapte.
' Tte Beat Jordaa eoattageat whleh
arrived oa'tba aMte train eoaalatt of
Or.8waat. .Fraak Mnrtlaak. William the OonlllliTei dv k« Andee li the
loDEvet and lilghoM range of
Bonnard and Profamcir Hteholaa.
monetalnir in the work). It extenda
nfllltion to tboao 3. D. Plttpatrick wiU fom TUrrh dri Foogo to tte lethmna
•onto from Cbarlaveix and Dr. Warron of 1‘anama. and althoogb acme of the
ftwetetJerdan. There will bo otteca peake ut tte Blmalnyai are blgtec;
they ate net aa nuaeerana
The morning program w^ begin at Coogrew win te aeted to eataWtah a
' PnUoak and in the afltoneon at 1 natloniJ park In the aontbern AUegaalea. protebly in the Blue tUdge or
Smoky moontnlna North Carallaa.
Pravantad a Tragedy.
Story of a Slava.
Timely Infermatioa given Mia.
Oamga teapot Maw StraltaviUe. Ohio. To be bound head aad toot for yuan
amnftwalTw. a frightful oongh bad by tte ehalaa of dteeaen ia tte wont
tom of atovaty. Gmwga D. WIT'
of Maateaater. Mleh., aaya; “My
haa been aohelpleai for flvarean —
aha eeuU not turn over ia M aloac.
r own wwr." TWa
r for female dlaaaato
nioelef ita power to eon nil toroat. qa^ (
Steto and tang trenhlaa. Only ste aad
•L eaaianieed. Trial bottlca lOe at aaddloyapallB. ft la a l_______
B.B.Waltand.faaO. Jehaaonh drag wank. aMdy, raa-dowa peo^ Dm
gwaatoad. oely Me. 8o'i hy A
Mhlt aad Jaa O. Jehaeoa. dnggMi
Isihuit OcPlgt ffllMW
Boa. aad Mra J. W. MUUkan loB
hmalghtferSow Tark, vrhara tew
•lUjoto tbnir aan JaM aad aftm
parahaslag goods than they will go on
to Baatoa and pertepa other Sew
Bnglaad dtlaa.
Frank Martiaak. who eama down
from Beat Jordan yaalerday
gno club wlU apaad a faw days with
tte famUy of Us hrotbar. J. B. Martiask. tba jeweler.
Fraak T. Biles of Morris, til., U la
the city In tte Interaem of the Sprague
Collecting Aganey of Chloago. Be ia
an dd (liesd of John Varly, he and
John tevlng.-teen aeheolm
Mim Oliva Fornla to vUlting hm
parante nt Matelnaw City.
Mr. aad Mra A. J. Maynard have
goes to Detroit on a vlalt.
Mim Grace Clark U vialtlag ter
mother at Long Lake.
F. V. Daria, general freight agent
tte Para Marquette, waa In tte elty
The two cb^drta of Alderman Qarriaoo wtei on n visit to Eaton Baplda
Mra Jamas Oaantlatt raturaadto
her.boma in Milan yesterday after a
vlalt with her eon. Or. J. W. GauntUtt.
Barry Bi^pand Mra. Jaba Barmar.
who have baaa rieltliv tte family of B.
Lyon aad other relatlvca te the city,
have returned to their home In Centerbntg, Ohio.
Cterlee Jeffries returned yeeterdiy
from Carmel, Ind., where ba has been
for some moatba
P. Poaalag aad wife of Leland ware
at tbe tVhltlng yesterday.
U S. Bamadell of Manktae waa at
Ue Park Place yesterday.
T. Pbelpa of flooor was is tbe
city on bnslDtet yesterday.
Mra. Alva StUl of South DakoU U
the fuest of her brother, B. W. Bubball of Washington street.
. B. B. Anaeratm retnrned from
a vklt to Cackdalast evening.'
F. E. Terrell went to Grand Baside
laat eveslag.
Mim AsiU Phest. who haa been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. 6. Heumann
for a week, returned to her home in
Milwaukee laat evening.
B. T. Bunllngdoa, a bulncas man of
Bentonla. stopped at the Park Place
Barald C. Jobaaon of Mavraakaa. U
shaking bands with fricode la the elty.
Mra Degan of LpkeAnn. her mother.
Mrs. Wing, of Manlatee. aad atoteia.
Mia. Nutlall, of Mew Orleans, aad
Mrs. Trimble of Manistee, were la tbe
elty yaeterday, with tbe ehlldros of
the famCiee
MIm Olive Persia has gone to MaekluawCUyforavlaU with herparesU.
Mlee leer Berber, a Bell telepbene
M Von i(
‘Fagged Out,”
neidbyDruariwa Pr1eeSe.ate»a t
9. W. J. Oalnrae ad flten
MMh B aWMnff hm MnntatoBann
You Gan Make
Yourself Comfortable
Bn Ana Bmila. nCtteWtocWo-
Thii hot rather, at a ray
by baying one of our easy bwn or potdi
chair, or rockera at a big reduced price.
Onr $1.50 porch-rocker for $i J5; oar-$2.3s
large arm rocker for $1.75: our $3.00 lawn
Morris Chair $1.35: anicc lolding reclining
chair, that you can lie full length m, for
?loo. A full line from-a good strong,
srcll made camp stool, up to anything you
srant in lawn or camping-goods.
hyhmenmto. Ctors Beear. e< Bsnth
to 'Two Mmry Trnmpa.- arrtoed toAte
W. B. Kellqr B to Qraad
piEnt nEiiMwawM I
■r. Oamge A. Buiswwa ate Ktoa Han
nah Chariette HnhbeU Quially
Married Uat Might.
A quiet bat veiy pram ««dUag took
plneu laat evening at the home ef Mr.
aad Mra B. W. HuhhaU at Ui Waahlagton straat. which naltea thair
dstoTMto. MBs Hanteh Oterlette HnbhriL to Oaorga A Barrows. Tte eenatm-iao ntom -mrmmmx.
moay wm perteraad by Bev. J. A
Bratey. to the prearaea ef abont tUr|y
of tte Immadlata ralaUvaa aad friaada
of tte eoatnettog parties.
Ttereofa to whi«b tbe
took place was benntlfuUy daeorated
with fiowen aad tte teldal party stood
under a bell of evMgraans and wUta
iaemt at 4ie StmU CbIob Stnet-'*
The bride was banntifnUy gowned to
Kartawre Pb«a Xe.lW. Belt PbOM BU
dove eolored aatla an^ earriad wUte
rosea. Mite Minnie Bsbball, slater ef
'Tbu offer is good only fora
the bride, acted as bridcamaid, while
short time.
Alva D. Tyler was best man.
Many beautiful aad eoaUy preaunta
Unde from soy good picture.
eragtyes tte happy coaple. After
tteceremonyn wedding laseheonwas
Mr. and Mrs. Burrows will reside to
this city. A host of friends win extend
ttelr eongratulatioss and good wlehci.
Fooeral Diraetor.
(FiieCraroi Portrait
“Bag-time Liz,” one of the leading
metical nnmbers beard to “TwoMeiTy
Tramps’* ia a mneleal and comedy nov
elty that weU deeervet the name, being
full of eatehy mnele. gratmqoe easternIsgund le a laugh prteeeer as long as
the aiiieu presenting it eoneent to re
main on the stage.
Dont Be Fooledi
Fin Insum
L. L. A. BoUdiag.
To push two dollars of value into your one
dollar, for It wasn't Intended ^r it—but we do^'
promise to fill every comer o^ it with best of
values and satisfactory goods.
The coolest men
in the city
art squares
These last few hot days bsye
voro dothing purchased here—
We do sell the most satisfactory
clothing—no matter what the teason. We’r% selling summer eJothieg now-a-daya at prigee never be
fore reached for good valiiee.
$5 suit for $4.00; $0.50 suit
for $6.20; $10 suit for
a splen
did $12.o0 suit for $10, and a $15
suit for $12.
Just nspa<-ked the handsom
est designs on the market—The
new Peraian colorings and con
ventional designs — prices from
$T .‘>0 to $9. New Smyrns Bugs—
any color to match your carpetsy
sell from $2.2-i up. The finest
stock of Draperies ever displsyed
entirely new colorings — sill
from $l.f5 -to tl.'3.00 the pair.
These are the new fall deaigns,
and a call and inspection is (he
only way to fully appreciate this
great display.
Thinking of buying
a nice carriage?
These are the headquarters,
with the Sn«^ tiae tj aelect from
in Northern Michigan.
Our open buggies are couoeded inI the lead—They are upbolnphold in different kinda and colstored
ors off materials and ael) from $48
to $48.
Tbe top buggies aU bavs the
patent drop top and apring back
seat, and sell from $45 to P‘>5. ^
Our surreys are made with
different colors of wood worA and
the fineet npbolstoriug. Prices
from $75 to $90. Yon can save
from $5 to $15 on each by bnyiog
We’re unloading
furniture every day
And such beautiful designs
and fiuisbisgs of tbe wood. A
car load-of chair stock. Tbekitchen ebsirs are selli^ at $3 for the
eet of aix; the dining chaira for
$5.30 for six; bedroom euites from
$17 up; singledreeaers from $9i0;
chiffoniers from $6.75: s great line
of conches from $6,75.
Bemember, we will coatinne
to do as ws bare done for years.
If ydh cannot pay the foil
aa(Duntin-q;»^ oaab, we’ll toke it
in “little at a time” payments.
Step in and eee onr new
The Hannah & Lay
MBNAattle GonpBBy*
hil EsttW
Burtts IdifeHtaaai
an^ the Mii«aePiwra»aafca waU—
at dttfaba^'a Oiaad toalght. Auff. A
aptoawralMtta Cbaak. lihmawMIlalter paranto. Mr. aid Mn.B.H.
~ aahm. fil Wahawr atoaet
Mr.aadMn. Dntton aiCbimra, are
riaWag Mr. aad Mra. «. Dag, TU
a A BBtoBton A Mmiten Btoek.
T^Jwawa&mgTO/THugsRAY. AiTwrer 9. mo
araflamta MdBtoliM Datosll
S. at P. WiiM^
nalBlphtealfyttoaaad HtoUi*
fOtmttoato frail dial papa.)
or moMOAn
MfHtoa, Wm. V«k»t.* itoator
flfiiM.«M totoUr to)m« «toO«M«Mpitov to tawi
• Mtto I
«ir*«Mtor. Soto
Mk to^
»artoi to ttoMau tart
. mqriftooftaitotaa—<tto
«(1ba ya****tw«sel MOW*. ttaUpn MW ntott M toit MM ptoM to tka
AtBvrtoTflto.a'STtor 'aU tolUef
Wm. BtaMU dtod from tki kta
VWtkrnrnomMmnihmrcdin toika
n*. Bimiar BuBUtas wemaB
kBMtoBSd. Bke qatmllrt .wltk km
kBttad BBd WCBt BW07 to«Wt B
Formtarm bto toofrortor eoatoiorBklopnpmtpBBBrWklnemBro. Ttxf.
tormma bB?o tom bmBrt mu BaUd'
toff foBom Bsd erepB Bra balackars'
ttagiBBdlalpi ntoww toba paaaMe.
Atthto«ma.MOaBt.OBrtto at BMIla hasMbt tola toa aita at pattttoA
aaato of MtohktoB. to BBBktoto ai
wUpato BatraH aa kadtoAbtolto
at Mr-Oantothreipk•atthaatoto laada to a bhUaftkad
maajat tkatodfsa'«1U tohaatoitB
tha amjoritp will
taadaisaddtaKkkipBa to tohiM MB thaa
aedtoarp totaraat to tka aaprami maattop tkla paar hamaaa at tkamailldaay
of W. D. CUiba of B
paalttOB of aaprama kaipar <
BBd aaaU, a poaltkB whlto
papa * feod
mtorpBBdlB tookad «pm aa omto
wbmh to attaebad oaaeidarmbla hcMr
to tba ectaalfatloB. Mr. CUcba to a
eaadldata apataat the praaaatkaapm
of raoerda aad aaale, k. U C Whlto of
BatorUle, Taaa.. Who haa bald tha pe-
tMatoaSpUappaMtoiato OahaTtoa
___ _____
wttkaptetoaBTaiiiipaad Wadsat--aeatoitoad..»w.akbp
aatopOT. wlUba a blp
paMpmaatotka toaariia Am1>
itocp.aad tka
todgamaaltop Bt DetcaM to pitotii
to lh» MM
wHtor* MMdfM to ftottof 9
tktoMMh. n*«tonMw»«0Ttov
MitottokteaM iwiur uto tk« fy
ta tka heffllaat aapnw at MM
■obacto to tka praad bam a( PMd Baawin ba worth baar-
• Uttla ladtoa bepa add pap.
■ ara to tka aaeand aeU
OsaoftkBWppmt mtoatral attraat* “owmtkmtkaatoka tka toaam of
. raattaplhaamnof tha Inatp bf tone tkat arm atraek aartkara Mkklpaa WiU ^pmr to thto dtp next Wadtha
aattoa of tbit dmatrp.
• ff t* C* ■ ■
^UJt bj^^teta^O^d Btatm ■aadapalpbttoa Up tat oa Waat
Proatetraat. Tbeehowto baadad
aatlp a^imitato tba tomiSaBOB.
toa brotbere, baet
tba MpaWlean
MphSkan partp oipbt to kaowa amaaamcat pro>etan la tba
etata tha podttoa aad drtaad iu bat it
matrp. Th«p wUl brtop a oeapaap
mail euaet tha BBb>aottaom to pro.
all-eolorad artiata.
•top 70
pamk. kaowa aa‘■The New aad Aato the extent of_________ _
Itaa who wonld hare thto aattoa deatSoath.” The AUeatowo MotatopOall makee thto fordble anppea
■aparttop the attraatioo
"If pen mimed eeclap Barritoa Broe.'
blp eelered mlaatrcl ptodaetloa of
*'Tbe New aad Aedeat Soatb" last
Blpbt. nader their
theatre on the itatioa lot, pon mimed
aa elcpaatahow. BarrUoa Braa. bate
decldedlp the hmt atopm. danoera.
cake walken. and the haadaomact eoe» of up chow on the road."
S^tnberg'8 Grand, Thursday. Aii^. 16.
For men.
youth'i or ohUdiw at
regtilar velum.
All on our front counten.
For dress
or every day wear. ■
$I.ne, $1.60, $2.80 tor xooda
worth up to $4.00.
These are fret bedns reduced
in numbers.
Don't be the last to call
B. SoBBTla of PUlBdalpUB, mad M ito
OatoUlB HbU at CoffaprUla. Kbb.,
marrUd Bt Pauakaj Mudar. kalar
tk« ealalBBtlm of a roBaaea. Tbaj
arma aBCarad aoaw tlaa aco. bal ha
4U Bot kBow aka had arriaad at PatoaIt I* uid of the lair «bali'e Tirit to
kap. Ba waot tbare far a tew dart'
London, of aldrii manp tocldrnti—
raataod aacldaBtally mat haran tha
• picmrcaanc—ere »ilU remetnatraaU Tbap wara ao orarjopad that
iN-red. ihiit notlilne Impreaartl lilm eo
tkarwaat rifkt off aedfot mairied.
mui-li ao 111.' Mub drive for whicli he j
hat acalBBt tha adrtea of bar para&ta.
wai> takcu from Die linnk io iti<- UkItridcr road. wKli ilie unl>roki'n Unr of
JohB OfoallB. BB aaroBaau arat kUihouMM op Ixiih oidpii of till- road.
ad at Otuwa Beach where ba para as
BeeaBtios Taeedap. The baUooB
The erection of urn: atmetnrea and
BpaboBtt.oM feet. Bamtl^tka
■l>aiia on old one* lovi.iml an outlap
a BBd wae parfonBiap os tka
r S13H.(00.000 m Greater New Tork
bar at be deeeeBdcd wbaa be loat .bto
Utc pear.
bold aad foUabmt:t.ao4 feat iBto tka
It Bolpad Win Battlea.
watm. Be wsb tBotaBUj killed.
Tweatp-nlaa ofieere and men wroW
Ittoeald apremlBa&t Bllmladprafrom the front to mpthat foraeratchee.
aeatip aaterad as lee eraam parlor to atUoe for maap pean. lotcrmtoOB- »l«r
- . apoa
ear of empire i
bralfce. cate, wopada, eore feet and
tkat towB BBd ordered lea eraam toda tore with Ua attendaoee of the Ualtorm ooaeidar not mlp tha effact of ImperUem OB tha Pillptooe. bot tbep meet
n the world. Same for baraa.
for hetaclf aad pet pap dep. The pro Baak of MiehipiB at the blpcseampealeatote Itaapoa
' leaad .pllee. 25e
7Se aa boi.
prietor, Bot apprcMttop thic method ----- It which-------- ---------- saUoo. We caaoot
caanot repadtow the Cnrenarantaed.
■ Sold
bp S- E. Walt
of ehowtop ktcdsrai to domb aalmtli the eapreme lodpe meatlap. Bripadier ^dple of aeff poreromaot to the ud Jac. U. Jobcaon.
Oeaaral W. B. LoosU of Mtcblpan, hae PhlUpplaea
ratBTBcd her BMBep.
prtoelple here.
At Battle Craak fm aboat a jear the
If we bare aa imperial poltop t
See Socker7
Woaiaa'e Lcapae baa expartmentcB rUltinp hU rarions eommaode and mnet bare a torpe elaadlap armp at t
the drafted Datchmao
with whet ther oall a “boob day raet, " arorklBp up rathselaem for the Detroit aetaral and aeeeeearp eomplemeal.
wept, thii evenlDp
lU and whUa,ae Nlehipao The eplrit which w:U laeUfp the ford
hatop a place for worklap ptrle, who
Steinbprp't Grand.
ble uDcxetloB of the PhUipptoe toeaa oOtalB a peed dlonfr for 10 ecata to the home elate and ehmld be liber- lude wUl joetUp the eoUore of other
BBd ratt antU tha work hoar comtotonde ud the dominatloo of other
aeBcre. Aboat 7t per dap bare taken bam hampered bp toe feet that, com- peoplea, ud with warm ot oonqamt we
At preatip rrtuced pr'occ- Tbeae are real.harfatoe.
a of the eehrmaa^ tha laetl- parlaphlicblfaB to Ohio, ladiaaa aod eu expect a oenatn. If not rapid
totlOB BOW papa expeBeea. althoatb It Iinaoto. Mtohlpaa hae ut bees aa acA lot ■XpoBJ ra* lamp. .
IlMeach A lot of peekn drtnklar cups___
lie oMh
:t a larpe. pemmaut tnereace to
jour «b
...... . mrcaob A let of blrycle tKv tape, hot of U roll* . .Mvarse BOt orlpiaated {ortbepvipM of
repnlar armp to toWaded bp the BeA lot of parr*) vamrn .
»io6>cm,'l> AletofMorrie wrenebn...............it.tBrvaeh
matm ao atteadaoca of aaarlp 700
pnbUcaa leadora to not a mere matter
to camp. He hae dcflalta reporta from of eonjectere, bat a matter of tact.
.......... ISevacb : Lot of Mojcle aaddlre, feed euee.Hc. IIACaocn
•A war of eonqneat to ae aawtoe aa It
mpaaim plrUiplbepamber of
to nariphteoDt. A harbor and eoaltoir
•tattoa to the PhUippinr------ ‘
A lot Of pedal* end handle beta—pood once—cbeuer ererp
ipaalee aad promtoed atFour y;ood s<.H.'onil
nrl band Iadi»$' bicfcltfs. SIO.OO each.,
wordtop to Oeaeral Loomle ... ud aneh a eonoesdoa eonid have
flipttoK totto wrwtwr toc wrWMWWOr
been aeenmd at up Ume wlthoat dlfflA }oUp crowd amambled at tba borne are ea tollowi; Boweea, No. 1 of Jaek(In Private Oars)
of Mr. B. W. Smith laat eraBlop to aoB, SO; Oraad Baplda No. «. >S; Onepo
l/to not aeeamarp to owa people lo
aalabrautha Urthdap of Mtoe Blaa Na 7. St: KalamasooNo. 9,<S:Adrala ertarto wadt with them. Weearrp
« trade todap with eroiT part of the
aadOaade. The pnaate were Will No. 14. M: LaBalapSo. It. M; Apollo world ud our oommerce hat expanded
Wrlpbt. Ploreaoa Ftorto. Bdu Smith, No. ssotAlWee. SO: Oaladtha Ho. to
- of up
Laaa Smith, Altae Droa, Barrp of Hltoe. IS: Bapart No. Si of Aa Sable.
an eacp, h
Otoppar, Smle Shier, Baida Beadrieha, SO; Meeoa Ha Si. 10; ‘Thiaa Rlrern Ho.
to aet fordi to the Dem
Patohtoa Dap, Wrap Blaehbara. WUl 44. eo; Owceee'lCe. 4S. 40: Ftoar de Lie ud it to aobmttWd w!i
_______ h WiU Praam. CUnde Smith, Hfc as of Detroit. S5; TwiaCltp So. 54.
»n peopl
Oaade Bepaoldr. tharlie Crowtl, Joa of Buloa Barber, SO; Trarerm OUp rmerredlp udorae. If elected. 1 efaall
eonffrem to extraartlaarp e«aIMOB, Joe Baelpaol. Clara Baalpaol, No. Sft. 40: Midtoad Ho. 61. SO; 8u eonvue
1 am taoporaWd. ud
Bdcar Oolc, Mareaa Smith. Alexa Ut- Jotaai Ho t/t, SO; Wapae Ho. M of De
lla. Charlie Beadrlck, BcUle Smith, troit. St; Detroit He. 55. S1-. Sapiaaw.
flret, to eettbMerUe Beadrleke, Will Beadrieha, Mr. BuUop aad Bap Cttp report that Itoh a auble forin of poeemment to the
Phlllpptoa toludi joet ae we are
aad Mie. B. W. Smith, Mmlm Bermaa tbep will be to camp with a blp mcm- mtabuehlap
a etable form of poi
Smllh. Darid Brkid, Battle Plcffer. barahlp but fire ao dedaite aomber.
Hlatowell aad Alpcaa both bare aew
Oareoee Martla.
Opera'HoQSM Too Small
lee ^reem aad aake wara aerrad aad oommaim aad are prepared lo'attead.
to the Cabaai; ihiid. to protect
allenJoprda^caaaattraalBp. A toilet to force. Slice. Aa Sable aad Detroit duee
the Piliplooelfrom ontoide towrfercaee
aet. ao aothoftaph alkem. a raae aad will fcro'kh toade for the Mlehlpaa
at we bare protected the repuL ..
j a book were left for Mtoa Blaa. while esesmpmrauOeatral ud Sooth Acoerica. ud are.bj
/ Ohode reeclred a cuff aad collar box
the Mooroe doctrine, plodpod to pro The Best SiOEort, DancBrs,
aad a book.
Tmwrtap'e Bam Ball Mamaa.
tect Oaba.
MusiolAns, OomediABS
Bptclel u n* BorBUc hwerd.
GorerBorTbomae of Colorado, aotlMr. and Mra. Du Loodoe eatartatoSed Mr. SWeoason of hto oomlutiOB.
ad meat deliphtfmllp met ereatop la
UTWxau LKaaerx. ^
Sweeaea replied to a ahortar apeeeh
OblCBpo......... ......... ..............
I 10 1
keaorof Dr. aad Mra. 0. B.
Of the Colored Baos
t 10 i thu that of Brpao. and devoted
larpe aomber of frii
Dareia ud Chanac; Onh ud Mor- eidamble time to ImpertaUam. to tha hoam aad oa the taotUal tow
«Bd the ereatop peaaed rerp ptoaeaat
mebnp ••••>.......
to all.
Itortapthe <
PhiUlpI and (rOoBBOr: WiUto
waaiaadcnd. Mtoa Grace Cuatopbam
' BBd Mn. Samacl Qartoad ptopadaad
Jadpe P. F. Swlnp of CtoelauU to a
The oolp Ocforooo Cathednl
Mtoa.WUhelm aad Mra. A. H. BeUldap
C«mt at the Park Place top Ue reel of
___ me Clip............................
4 I
Cbnrcb Choir travelmg, reodering
Cktoepo ..................................
6 II
*M<ito of tka eeaatop wae epeat
Mn. O. H. Waldo. Mn. B. A. Sebo- "The Holy City” Pulmt, etc., at
Lee ud McMcbm: FBtwtau -ud
toa tows. wbandeUeloaa refrtekmuta
pcr. Mtoa Sehoper aad MUe Oenrade each performaoce.
BBd Maaler Waldo Sehoper. paaert
thraoph thedtp pmtardap oa their wap
from tha rmort at Omeu to theU
horn* to Chleapa
At oooo, halting at tb« comer of
apnatoratand tba mamv OA^a ao- Dlpptoa
B. J. tAwlert aad wife aad B. B Front ud Union etreete, where
OfUta af Ithaea atoppad at tha Park the compuy of cake walkera, in
In view of the fact that the riae in pnee of coffeee has
nsmpaetortapa tbalr erap to tb* fall drett coatitome, will give u
idea of the famone "400” walk.
made it necessary for a$ to raise prices also, and realiziag
Mr. BBd Mra. A A SamMr aad two
The attention ot the pnbUe,
that some of oarenstomera woold not be willing to psy
Ocvalud .
etaOdraa an at the Park Ptoae, aa ladiee'especially, ia cal
to the
the sdTBiieed price, we havA added to onr line tbeae grades
Oruto Bad MsAUlatar; Bart ami roBta to the raaortat ~
magnificent wamrobe and coatoBand to this trade we cu recommend them.
A A-Da'
es worn bj thin OBmpany.
^wato inch GaL'' dewa m the
AdmJtAloB TwdaoAd to 86o
Tte Mtome Baaker af Oalambai tre jtadlSe.
taidap to tba naerta tamt the bap.
OronDde at the. comer of Front
ni^antaFptor with Mn. Siato of
Up4(Ldate Grocer.
■aet Fret Btnet.
and UaIod atmeU.
— »Uttc tUk u.__________ __
New Phone 149.
OH Phone 350.
Toar bleed gam tbieatb POBT bedp
Peiformucea at 2 and 8 p. m.
Child’s Crash Suits,
Men’s Crash Goats, Vests
or Pants, Straw Hats
All put into the
special sale to clean up
entire stock at
26 per cent off regular
Hamiiton Clothing Co.
SpOcial Sale of Bicycle Sundries
frfjrrt /«soei£Tr.
City Minstrels! At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union‘St., Near Front.
^/<twVN0^NciENT S
' (
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iDd tlie Greatest Cike fillers
You can see that
we are always looking after
your interests.
Note what we offer you
Traverse City,
Wednesday, Aognst 16.
fto UMO Skwn-eppaatta BamOMaa
; ,'a
MlaOirCaA- lotor. Km.
Tto Ttoirttoa %p. sto adUtoiy
MMljteM «rm to ttotottMtiM TtoOotoTbMplaiamajdyud amt
ww<u. —* ■lime rant a Bwt Bay laat ualagdaitbm^ tto. ^^tod •good toto. magy of (to
w.Mr. Dm^ arbyttoaaot.
•ouHi« tto
^ I'M ■'ll, totta vtf I
• ttoplay aa
a to a teigu erewd
Bgto *■■«■■ Matoatt i
OaivMttr «( liaakk. wan ■
to «to fBtoa* at a toawitr at L
OoL Barry Blrnmatl w02 appear la
itUtorola. aad w&l to
MifoacUrtoadMtto «alMr. «to bTttobMtanacaltalaat. fWlowtari*
Pamp Braaiaj. a Vbftaia »wr*—
•yttotoatliv^a atoui f«va ea
ayacklWaaoalacB Lato toawMkOlad. Ttor
tooa Mnand aad totk «ara
toatk. Yto Itoaeata <■ a larf*
■MavakaMTatot. aad «aa nemUj
......................................... iby
JtoaaaJ. Efll.|irnHiita< tto Gnat
Borttova raUread.
ItotoltaaoTiadiir toa reaa U
tttoaltotoadaeentad tba lavMter
af (to Main to aM^'
«a*. W. B. VarW*
> kil
kiUad ia OUaa.
awteac tbaaaef thb
aaaa tto oriclBator k{ a rakad latiar
L. OUacar of Daem, OoL. toa toaa
toaackt to SlooBlaftaa. m., bia
» by
It aad frtcht U tto boU-ap
^ fobbara ea tto XJaioa Paetfla,
Bago. Ool.. Saturday alchi. la whleb
to. J. Pay of Aatolm. OH. «aa kUlad
kyaatok OUnfM fonaarty Uvad at
A raver (tot a CbUaaa eoaaal la
•oUrU baa baaa kUlad toa aat tto paotoa of ObUa to talklaf atont waaAflar a eoartablp axtaading orar (0
raan. darlac tto laat it of wbleb (bay
larry tbroa
atoaaa weak, Oarria H. Aadi
Vert AtklaaoB. Wia., aad foka B. Cam■laftef Jaaaarma toaa ^ mar
ried. bat withoat am totldg aaca
aaah etbar—for boU aia bltaA Tto
d tto ceremoay.
Baa. Oaerta Seborb of Brantoa. an
«U Mand of tto brlda aad groom, la
aka bUnd,aad tba malda of taoaer.
Kto LUtle Eaata aad Hlaalo Daaahaa.
•ae Ittowto aigbOam.
Baaldaa »0 paric malaa aoea to to
Martad for Ohlto taara araatttoPratodio. Saa Fraaeloeo. toar wifoa tralaa
•fMwagoaaaaeb. with fear malaa to
■ aragaa. Tbaaa ara randy to to ta'
•attofrtotaaaaaana atanmablpa
Ktody to raaalaa tbaai. qinadara baa
toafcaa eat amoag tto bemaa
At Bamberg a aaaa of baboate
glagaa baa toto dlBoemad oe a raaaol
to tto barber. AU peatlbU praaan
toOM toaa baaa takaa to preroat tto
i^praad of tto dlaaaaa.
XgAtovUi of Jamm Laaaaoo. died
TamliT Hght at tbalr heeM aoar Baa4ea.efd»pey.agadMyaam. Bm'
bar baabaad aba laaraa oaa aea. two
daagbtaca and a UttU toto IH meatto
Tbafnaaralwai to told at tto Intaml town baU today at« e'oleto. aadar
Urn dIraettoB of Balph Aadaraea.
a to Oared
lora ia oaly ea
•ad that la by «
Danfasas la earn d by aa laflamad eoe__________mm
Ualag of tto BaedlUoaaf
______a taba. Whoa tbia tuba gala laBamad you toaa a rumbling aouad or
^ Imparfaet baariag. and wbaa it la eaSlraly oloaod dAam U tba lanlt. ad
aalam tba la&ammatloa ew to takaa
oat aao
aad uis
thla mm
tube irsww
iw It
BmadlUos. baariag wUl to '
fertver; alaeeaaaaoatef Maareeaaaad
^eat^b. whteb ^ Mtblag bat aa
Wa will glre one bnadrad dollan tor
■ay <»ae of daafams (oauaad toeatorrh) that eanaol ba cured by Ball's
Oatarrb Cure Sand tor clroulara, frua.
F.d. CBt;nr .1 Co.. Toledo. O.
Bold by uU drugglsu, Tte.
Hall’s PamUy Puls are tba boat
Botlce to BleyeUata
Until further not
tbTimtb'Sdar ^'wm'prat'atrM
<toy. a gaatUMa od aolor-Otoa. W.
Ofiaar Kalfarry. oaa
tto deaatr. D. Medvoy.
ScbaaMlacbar. a dtaftad
«. T.
ar of OaoTfa
—If to Ida Pml
tforah MeUctia, dowo oa tto Baytan Chlaaaa Blaeaha BaatoU.
riac Praaeatatioa—LMUa Balfi
uoddaaa of Uborty-Marla Marlaa.
Maada Bradlay. Slater of tto ^y
•^Oraeo UcAroy.
Prof. W. 8. SUffana wlU preaida at
tba piano.
A aambar of Sna apaelaltiea wUl ba
Latrodaoad by Barry Elmmal. Gaorga
V. foyea. Pataraoo Slatora. Blueba
HaakaU ud C. W. Jofea.
to tba opera hanaa wiU to ts and IS
eanu. The play la put oa aa a toaadt
to tto Poreataru.
Oneofttomoat plimilng faataraaof
ttoplay will to tba
bumaa flag by <00 llttla glria.
Tbia Wto a taatara of tto Q. A.
t at St. Fanl aadereatad
altfi fj
Is but one color gor tbc social paatrboard more Id demaml In anmmer eren
tban In winter. Tba card U gray
wtdte. medium fblrkiieaB end. to be
bowerrr. and some persona taslst npon
old Bogllab letterlag u more etogaat
ttoa any ottor. Tbe latter la my
expenalre. wbicb helps to make It
choice aad exclusive, an Importaat
point wUh certain people.
Tbc correct sise for the rtalUng curd
eoftavod' la block or <dd English let
ters U 8 3-10 ipcbet by 214. For a
young lady. In whatever style the engtavlng. a amaller. alae. 2% by 214
tncbea. Tbe kid and vellum flnlihed
card la now In high favor with smart
people. It ia highly essential that the
card envriopo should match and. above
all things. III tbe card. Notblog de
termines cardessDcas and want of
taste In amall things more than the
ragnlatlon slae visiting card lost in aa
envelope letter sheet
The wedding Invitation of preaent
prehrence-ls in tbc aame gray while,
with vellum finish, note sheet
by 714 iacbea. ladoalng envelope
by 3(* Inches.
Mourning cards and stationery are
with width of border to conform witb
toilet, which ia regulated by the.near
ness of the Itcreavoment. Oruy, black
banded cards and alatlonery are used
but tbe latter
l it ts very trying
to tbe eyes, therefore Injnrlotts
write on.
Tbe latest dinner card is in cream,
with gold beveled edge, or In color to
match the dinner dtaMiutlons. us Indi
vidual taste Inolluea
For young girls sod etbrrs who af
fect tbe fanciful lu atailoni-ry the
present seasou fumlslies a bewildering
llne'lo sclert from. n«.->chlo green.
cardlnaL Iris and tbe dull ugi.v brown
of the ktoki an- a few among the mul
titude of new shades which atv t
poor usle as th- y are distressing to
tiebold. .ts Tklde Talk rema^ in
conclpsJon to the foregoing notes, cnltlvated taste IneUaca lo white, cream
or violet sutluuefy without regard to
tbe ever changing whims of fashion.
tor toto by (to W. W. CmtoU Os.
Mm'S DMitor 8pw M tto M*
A boy airtvod a( (to toma et Hr.
atoMis. T. a Damw. a'OtiSbId
lA 17 ato IS; togtsatog a< S a. m.. otoaiwto
Tto Muhlgaa Talapbnaa Co. toperta
aMSgawof AM mAaatten la Jnly.
Ingatol4jaaahar of Si.SK mE Bwbwtoat view par bM...
■unto aasMoeinATni
aerlbanoa Joly <L Tto Bow Brio
ProdAlaariig.a Batoa Ald-«maam»
Baata. U. & A.—trot
OoL wniard. 0. d. A.-Idaatiom
^8«itemsMta« ^ WaiM* W.
O.T.TT.wdltotoMtolto 9mmk K
toato (toa Afmnaato t:M a^
lompBiy. rapBcm a aal gals of l.iit
la Jaly. maktor » Settl
la of thla
mam oa Jaiy <1.
Mr. aad Mia. M. 0. Dodga wUl laavo
today for BaBato. H. Y.. whara Hr.
Dodge goes to leek aftor balraktp latarsam tor local eUam. Bafoca (toy
ratara (hay will visit (liaiHa Palls.
Toroato aad other ooatora potato.
Tto aonth ^da ladUa of tto Pirst
Matbodlst eburto gara a voif^aaaut
lawn aortal aa tba Uwa la front of the
ebar^ last oToalag.-which waa largely
Dallelons tea eroam aad
sake were sarrod.
baa applied tor a
dirorca from hlawlfa.Bva Brownell, on
tba grounds of deaortloa and lafldeUty.
Ba U U years old ad aba 24.
Tba annual pleulc of the Praabytarlu Suday sebool was told yaatorday
at Bast Bay. A large number attandod aad had avoiy fine tbae.
A little baby sraa laf t la a aaat on tba
front of a Ueycla yaatorday oa the
aeutb aide. While tba mother waa
ahoppiag the wbaal aad toby faU
late tba atraat. Portautely tbe ebild
•as BOt hart.
Jamoa J. Bakor et tba flra dapartnaol is BOW taking bia raeaUoa.
The BUm wlU have a good time on
the toy this ovalag. Tbe ataamer
OolamUa wlU start from tbs dock at
t:S0 o’rtoek aad rataru aema tima aftar
n o'eloek.
1 on tba
toy toBorrow BlgfatwUlUava tba deck
at 7;<0 o’clock ebarp.
TtoladUoof AmaadaBlve Mo. Bit
will glTC a mtartolamat aad sappar
at Pomtan ball Prtday ovalag.
«uUt will to diawa duftag tba avalagMr. and Mia. Matt Olamp et Elmoedtowaabip. are'(to panatsofm
MariT Tnmpa" aia
to arriva la tto eiw^
elwua^ dteport tbamartvac witbtba "
bargbOraad eparu
Sr. W. /. Bgttn t
Yon little knew wba flrnt wa aat
That aome day yoa would to
The lucky fallow Pd eboeaa to iak
Pay for my Boeky Moatola Tua-
Woodbine Cottage
PiMsui Rooms. StodK Uwa
M2 State Street.
anUsM* tu WasBlBtVM stMt WMSt
and «bildi«s's cisassw a ■a*«iaUr. Ota
beats: UlaUa-m.: t to 4 asd T M Sa '
BaU ‘paoa*. Xertbare 'pbaac Ko. t.
T-aa. a. a. rnooD, oso* is a«v TobmIisi
U aieek. OaUs Msvarrd praainlr dar
Bicbi Xaitbfa-pbeas.a;
0c«. Ke
I na. a. j. aoarr -vatcriaarT
UortaB-afiam Traaudi'
atle SBltols bra)
•I aad
il ealU
GnilRipUit iuUttlRl.
7*of tu
For arrirsl had A
ra of sratso M TrS'
a»Ctlya(Atloe.la< leeWuly IU.WB.
S83& n 6 9 gsser
pre?« wpvm aad par^jjr^tbl.
G"S;S':aXTEO-Xe. ms. e
raldaaananiier tbc Catiaraitr at
bamtnQBtW(0a.B. aad troa I
MoUoa to Tba Payera.
a alaetrte*l^t pels oa Waablagloa
atraotBsar tba
the O. E A I. railroad and
sot it OB flia. Uttla damage was done.
aau OB gXrBaXOg-Heaw
Oa aeaout of the rain, the Oeagre [IPOK
X aemlaad.kaewaa* ibeaHSa
ty aabool picnic, whieb CSCarBaUarcaae. WIU aeU «B ■ooUlj WoraaehaaMlor racaal let or aaaUar
was to bava. taka plaea yaateiday,
ruB. Baater. oa premlaca. or C. K
~ BiliaBCtMbiacCe-a
was poatpOBcd uUl today. The mamtore of the oeboel and their frloada
wUl lavs ea tba beat thla morning balp. apikiratiUcardoaci.
at 8:40 If tba watbor wUl permlL
W. B. Aadaraon was callad to laterloetoa early yaatorday moralag oa
Tbrtas roUatertbceoUoeUoaot aatool aad
I aad apMlal sawsiiaaau for ib* Bre
irarda cl Ibt cli^oi Tra'____ > car. Kiebiraa.
bar* boas pUi^d la mf baad»
II tor
oevamUKorvatbirlit. M». trow 0 o'clock
OBtil UJDo'eloek Id tbo forooeee oad frwa I
o'clock BBtU « o'clock la tba arwmaea of oach
dar. aod oa Tu soil ay craaiBf of cacb eack
AU taaw paU baloca Sepimter Ics.
8 S8 C • SB
b^uraiSd^lir^M^to a»l
oaUlOeWb^Ui-aMaoltf ef^DDCPcr ecst fee
eoUaetloe oUl be ehartod. Oa all laaaa re.■alaloc oDpotd ea October Uu o poaalir ol
too per coat for eoUoctlee o'U be«Mrt*d.
OBM to Herald baUdior.
baUdioK. i..
roen 1.
"—SB '__________
^^S!SaJi1rtBsjM^S^~^ ■■bJMjriwp^ toa
cUtohU; aloe dthtaeoyfreai Oread Bsptdo.
TralaorrtnaciulAr'p ■. bmparior ear
If yon «
o Lelad yon will findIthOt
’^TT&pedA BMt” OottAffP
WUl most tbe reqplremats of s deIlgblfc! vacation. Beatifnlly local
Plsbleg aad boating tto best Is Moi
era MIeb.
Lr Harbor Sprlods'
J. W. Slater has retaraM from Elk
Rapida wbera ha baa baa a few days
Mr. Slater bat tba order to tornlsb the
aad a-awr.^Ball ra«b. ba)aao«ra«r aar<m«u.
b>f)ulr« or Or. S»wftT at oOr« or CB tUi airart.
Buya that U wUl be a vary pleacat
place wba they get It tnraisbed.
tokca abent 400 yards of carpet aad l$0
yurdaof Uaolaum. They are paying
oapedal attratton to tbelr beds which
are all Iron with good eprlaga ad mattrvosot with the beat of uU wool blak
eta ad Uva gooaa faatber pUlowa.
ad maade. r Tbara
MoutalB Tm does. s»e
a that price'Id boa«
Tear attaOoa la eaUod to the rule
le of water tor aw' ‘
la regard tothauaeo.
it Ic
bava a
aatpla apply of wator tot capaae
----------------------Do net leave
hydiaats opa or beac nmnlag
mla attoobod. D wator la
rnaalagta thla • way tbc water will to
tntod cB aad (matok or ft wnx me
MADB poa TtoTOO OS agalB. Partlas
whohave acapaid wator ttxara resnaaaioi^atAP.
qaotad to call at ofltoe at oaca and
ilydacaa Mix with aktla mma. Brteg yew laat ractopt
ag. aad fill tbe space
left by tbe yoUcs with tto mixtaru. *“^^Soatd of Wator
roonding It on top. Place a roOed
fillet of aochovy on tbe top of thla add
crisp lettuce aad serve with tnaj^ fi.p.0Aapb«U&8oai
aalm In a towL-BOaton CooklBf
Behobl Magaslae.
BMb utepboBM Xa ■!.
ttoa. Kxpcrlcac* BBBrcaaaarr Wr
fot|«rtlc>ilars. riorkACo.. 4tb ki
SU-. Pblla . Pa.
tu Proat sC. ' Telspboae 804
T. F. Hunter,
Hueter t Baumbaueh.
.Fire Insurance..
Boatb Valoactrarl.
UCna-Tbc aonb H of
ercccttee II ton B
eoaau fobo Vcrlr.
K . B-lSo.
t4b VroBH
Ik. LWaln
' ooixo Moan.
Bl post.
' quirk
- propmw iasniable.
I wut w srritotbc
I. and will give you
____ a1 attoatioo.
neat rsliabU stock tasarmec compaalcc repreesatsd
Bates very low.
OUT ktbd IB SM
X elMceoapaaltc or 10 buja
^oBar, let a
(araeaU oa U. B. AUra
McreaaUIoCo block.Tratcr
KoUee to Coetractoiu.
Bids for tbo baud 1^ Ota brick aebosl henoa
Wmaoa. On., Jaa. M. 1900.
Or. C. 0. Waraw. Dear Sirs—I base
and yourOampoaad of Brea Ovua.
Utogtuat oawmreaiu aad blood msri.
■. wUb ooMltot roaulm. 1 do not
toiltata to rsMiamaad it tor (to wvoaao ter wbteb U la aaod. im oBoeta
■rainaatort tiaaaao aaalfatottotlt
io tto gruatast aat
OBCDoocKonkpen vber* you will iiaaaog^
list loTrararM Uty M 4AS
tokc ibr*ieoa«
2 to tor KrobU'
wltb •irsBcr r
4top. Bl
ToparUoaofSeriBOfaaiauoIoM lo>a h
Uc rouod inp will be mode. -
SfiSAB SSSfiSefiS S8
^taiaad a'
■lalatoir* Gtaad. Aug; 0.
I ■mOrimiA'a Bartte
r Vaimlab-
. ESS::
auxT—amau___ bvUdlec
aa kaamtf at «10 Uakm upon
-aaieeas F.
X dolali atrml (»r laaldtac*
a-Olary-SIOR. Aare
atraat, has baa | rohaaod by
rating Attoraay Prod H. Pratt,
F. A. ClarT aad Oaorgo floyt sprat
ymtaiday flablag at Mayfield.
A toby boy baa jest arrived at the
boms of Mr. aad Mrs. WUUam Eoxbarg -nuua.,u...ra. ». ar«a ...Idi
of Watotar straa.t.
a Daloa atraat to Blm
■ad a Boat Proat atraat from ttoG.
B. A 1. E E to Boao strooV Bo obo
cm two liard bolkd eggs Into halrea
ie rlAa fastor than six milaa pm hour. lengthwise. -Kemove tbe yolks and cot ' s to 8 o’clock la the laornlag aad tram
s to 8 la ttoattornoca ad ataootber
the rouiMUug Bide so that the egg wiU ttto^cxe^ wba_
OUf Whel&owg
aoeaet Ana. ICU. Floa* aad •paciSeaiioao
viuiMoe,^a> • •
- •
r*ocrrlh(tba rl<bi
"Itosaeatoal b.______aa«taimtoh baadotar
CD per coat of the coat.
KoRbm Fbaao 111.
Ar Ord Bopldo
At Petaokay.
Bay View
Koarloc Brook
unm ID mniiinn 1.1
JohlM BMk
sslABo-staak am.
John R. Santo,
GsshsI litirun.
Wnraburg Blodi_________Traverrs Oty
For Cooking or Fnnuice Puiposes
HUlWBN cumiRS REuon snreirooD
BUmndk bmiilNr u Ul rdM
. t. TroniM Oity l.aabW'Oo
toho XiBism *i
sn p.ar. M. Dopwi
MjAk OuMaa jnys Lo
^— -------wtmo
sa i
1 "^S*
OTT & 00 |K;?ws-'ra,'S£'«i
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.