The Morning Record, May 19, 1900

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The Morning Record, May 19, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





B«t »«»ofti et
f Oonilctiag.


dky «to
Ibtal Vwtoa aai I
■rMM to ib« Mentac RaaM>«.
Maw York. May l»-4Clar a vaAl
■UkOTtlaa kaltoaaa tka arMitMlaa
aa« tka tatarwUoMl katottoUaa a<

BHiiim, Mmt Wsrornm v t» me

By tka torMofaMIr
w at aaahMatt, aataa


BaCtaapoway pniiatHW*

a«MW. MMsi TkM IlM
Mf WBM«]
f*<■ Mrj i»- lB««irte •» lk«
It «M imnti ttoi If
MjtUw arflMd U *ml4 »ot b» fflna
OTtntO •:«> e>doA tUi (tetwtfay)
Lamim, M»r !»-«• ferBRl mraURvad kH }Ht bM I
tamwaltiac *or ko*rt ekwrad ud
«»Yid t&8ir kau Md kRBdkmklah.
PrMari».M»rI«->UI« o«oUny asMUMd that a(MR a
Mt tka aUf# of Mafaklar kM barn
. Hay it-'At 0:18 oUosk tcMdattba
•aa tbat tkara waa do aawa fa pabUaa*
tioB raapaetlat tka rayort that Hafak
lay bad baaa rtUaaad.
AtOiOOa aatte «aa yoalad at tka aa oOaial, by tba Load
M^ar, atalAaf that Mafaklay had
baaafaltead. OSelalaat tka Haaatoa
, that tka aatte araa
Mnaat. Oa tka atraaytk of tka pa­

fatara *01 ha aattlad ky aa arWratlaa
aatoaaaadof aByk
AU ioakoaMafh ate
lUy. Thla aattlaMt i
tOOjOO toaaklaiato aloaala 0U«alaa4.
Oalatohaa. Chieaco, ladlaaardla, Obaiaaay aad alaawkaf*. «t »keto ahoat
Stt.000 arae.000 baleaclay to tka aate.
tbaraalbalay aea aalMitoaa. It ate
tadnaeUy afttea 100.000 wortMn fa
aikar braaakaa of natal tradaa.

Pteoria. May Jt Yia Loraeae Marqaaa. May n—Eaaaot reraraca U tba
Orsaya Ftaa Stata boTa had a dapraaalay a«aet o» tba Boara. ‘Ibara to ao
loayar say ooaooalaaaat of tka taev
Year eorraapeadaat baa raaaoa to bcUera that the BearaartU
itbaa aakfor paaea aad tba y<
•d year eerreapoadaat to lareka hto
by the UatoadBlate.
Tn-^— May 1*-Tba feUewtay balIstia waa toaaad by tka war efiaa, dat­
ed Maw Oaetla, Friday:
••Maw OaatU waaoeeapled laat alykt.
Today tka whoto aaaoad dirtotee aad
third oaralry wlU ba eoaeaatratad
Bara aaal BBoaatad forac to
aapet»«"*U toroaoftba eaany aad
to raanara aaUrar."
Preterta.May n~Uto raportadihat
Laadrpit aad etkar odMala wara takaa
Daaakaoaar. May 17-Ballar aatarad
r at 10 o'eloek tktonoralay.
Tka hoaato of the Iowa* wara fooad
aot mack danayad. owlay to tba
aympathte of tba Bear lakaWtanta. A
keaaaaiHattlayapraltwaa. kowt
dwtroyad. Aaamberof rabato foaad
at their hc_..
way to little danacaA Tka Boara
aurtk of New OaaUa ara faUlay aaak
00 Amajaba.

AaOw«rBmployM8hot mad

OoTkmor Smith B«rokM HU
AppolotmkDt to Sonato.
to Padoaa aad lUrtla Kayiaato to

aad Hlthta Pipalaea of tba Sxaea

Waahlaytea. May Is-Tho aatte of
Oeraraer Bnlik of Meataaa today,
ravelday tka apteatnaat of W. A.
Martla Maylaato to tka Ualtad Slate aaaata. to
rayardad kara as wlthlo tka poi
tba yoToraor aad ao cfTMtoal barrier

Wbartoa Barker Otaliaa to Bava Baaa
Oiyaalaar of Oatopatya Whteh
Bltetod Bin.
HpaetA) lu Tbc Moralac BMar«.
Waabiayte. May 18-Wkarte Bark
arof Paoaay
data of tka nlddla of tba road Popaltola
atena to kara baaa ika oryaali »r of tba
whtok nada UarOald tba B<nadidaia for prMidaat la 'M.
Ba «ya tka caaipalya bayaa la to. a
yaar botea tka eeataatte.
ate that OarBald waa a party to tka
Iron tka b^laalay. *ot-

hto poaltte la tkto

Fitry Pio<
i AUssad
to Corns f^m Agulnsldo.
Baaaad Witkoet Aetboriaatte of
Ooactea aad Uryaa Flllplsoa Bet to

Dowa *tkolr Ama—Oaaaral

Saateo Baa Sanaedarad to Yaiud
I Meralea BMorO
MaaUa. M ly le- Tba laanryant yaato tta
AmarteatyoatardayatBalaoeata tbe
proriaea of toe aana aane, ftt nUc«
Borth of MaaJle. Ha prontoad tbe Amarieaaoommeadartkatbe woold aee
bto laBoeaee oa kje foUoware to
doea them to taro la tkelr ama aad
Maa<la.Mayl8—A flary loeutreat
p^xiatataloo. dated May 4. to beley
widely dtotrtbated la MaaUa, printed
la tbe Tayalo leayaeire with a SpanUh
traaeUtloa.andparportetoheTe been
toanedby Afalaaldo, from Pollllo tolaad. oee of tbe PblUpplae yronp, ea*t
of Laaoa. It eayi tbe oommtoaloa appolatadby McKnlay wae appolaiod
wtikoot tka aatkorlution of ooayraaa,
aad that it eanaot treat oS:.jlal^ It
I PlllplBoa not to aarrendar^alr
at the Inatiyatte of tka eonmtoate ate oa promtoea wklek eoaynn

evr JTeti..

Oar up-to-date patterns and tbe low
prices tell the story.
We have something entirely new In
plate mouldings and photograph mould­
ings whioh we are ezolusive on.
Call and see them, and the new way
of decorating rooms—they are stunners.


Hiw» J4 to 20-price., »5.00 to 4I5.00.

Boy’s Suits
Hera's a stock of faigb standard—each an assortment of
reall; nobby suits not to be foaod oatside this store—Baits for
b^y’slaee 3 to M, fsney silk or flannel Testa, $2.50 to 9100.
Three-piece suits for boj Is. age np to Hi.

Tara aelra. kid tow. black
ate akoeelato91.00 m pair

Sample Pants Bale Is On

Wonisi'sSl.TS Shots


Maw broad tom. laea. flaa
kid nppan ate kid Upe91.86 A pair

Tun Sole Shoes
Eatra flae ktd opor'r.'kld
tlpteadthe llirbtmt rolrelmer« laable aleo tweoir other hard•omee'ylnal the (ame prl^—

9198 s pair

Men's Dress Shoes
p-ioolar eotor—-*err a
more then we eek—


For rt^lsr $l-2‘> styles, made like cuf. of good .juality percale. Today only at this pric


$8.00 a pair

Tbe Laadlay Sboa Beoae.

■ ■



To those who apprecluR



«»»s«s»»«« sssssesssa «s»s«»

I Mid-Season MilllperyOplDg

Baatlaya, Mich., May Ift-A. B-Smlth
of Hope tewaatalp, waa arrated today
to potooo bto
rlfa by patting Parto ynaa la bar
PteBae Melaod Awfal Stroaytb la
Mdielar. He'laftft yoara old aadaba
Femlee Btotrlte
ia77. Be to a proalaaatate wel!-toI aeetel w Th* awalec B^eota. ^
tefaroear, barlay a lam farm aad
ikaetar, May »—Tba Ooardtaa'a money at Inloreet. DomnUe
to reapoaalble for the act
oadaat. Vaaykaa Naab, eabte
from Hydocabad that' ek^ara
apraadlay taat la the f amiaa datricta.
la 00a dlTtoioo ts Canlae eampt are atXATtORAX LKAUL'M.
Mkay tk---------•------ -•
n< raiae el Uiee. Uie MIrpkeer l« ledUOejera aad 1.000 vtoUma la Oodkra
It (arlUtalM bu.iMM a-d doni ever
wautof daji
“I fear appalUay tea of Ufa to laarlI< MU you le U>i>rl roujneeteaUoa vlib
tbe East. Si.uia aad Me lar West


Young Men’s Suits
Cut and fit as perTpct as uerebant tailor garments -Tbe; were
all built U> a



Our millinery
millmery trade oinoe last opening has beSn exex­
tremely favorable, altliough the whether has been somewhat
asaiost ue. We are assured that'a good many hats are to be
sold yet, esjieciBiiy
esjiecially luose
those of
tbe popular price.
or lue


« We have made up a large selectioo of Midsummer Hats $

for this Special Sale and have figured them
dowa to a Mlaimom Price.
AH of our Pafleru Hats left , from our laat sale, we
have reduced io price to almost half, making them aocesaible
to purchaaers of limited means-Rather unusnal so early in
the season, but onr determination is to dispose of as many
hats as possible during this sale. We have confidence that
low prices will do it.
Everythiog iu this department, including W’alktng
Hila, Sailors, Flowers, etc., is rwluced for this occasion.

' Remember the dates-Map 18 aad 19.
Cut Flowera lor the ladles on this occaoloo.






eerdlay tea Maw teU.
Spwul w Tb« Ifarate btoora.


mail • iiki'

City Book Store

Kot odda and eoda, bnt
brao' new gooda aad all
aizca in erery lot.

raatte aa saaayar of Joka Bkamaa'a
ntye- Barkarto aeeooat of GarflaU’a aoaataatte. walek be.laatota to Cbaryad with Attamptlay te PMaoa
Ua tr«a ktotcry of that laaarkabta
Hto Wife with Porto Oraea.
eonraatte aad aonlaatte, toylraa la
apeclAl w U« Monilac becorC



Srf ■oataaa Baaaftor
ftoyoftbOonnltteoa BteitoM.
beetoi to n I HMte acMn.
Waoklaytoa. May Ift - Tka aaaata


liOOdao.May 18—la the Hoaaa of
Lorda today tka Marqate of LaaaabUl to
rolaater aot, to aaabla tba yeverateat to call o^ TOlaatere la Una of
Croaln ate Shaw; Pbrte ate Ftokdaoyor tor aarrte ia aay part of world
Tb ka Flood May SS.
■ of aa laraote of Briltok tatrlEala at BaBele ate at I
Baa. O. J. Dtokena. ekalroma pt the
Tba kUl paate oa ito ftrM read■ifaWiai atota ewtral aomaduao.
few toaaad a cdU ter a moatlay of tka
limir*----- to ka bold ta the Karte
* Beoaa at Oraad Bapids oe Taaaday,
Ite cd. the plaea aad daU of tka aiy naat aft Banted
_TT_----------- OTSfoattewtUr
Baiaad Ktet Blyht.
•peMU w Tto MaraliW fttocera.
St. Iteto;..
Barttord aty. laA,—Tba My atraw OtaokteU..
TkaMyrtepoatoea bridye la the
Mew York. ■
world to koAl^ eeaotraetod oa tka Tyaa board aad p^er bca tetory of Ua
UtOly Papor OonpaBy,
aMBRAb mAoca.
for tba Spaalak goraanaat. Jt wfil
•«*bteaof laad. wa dootroyod by
be 'a te eeaUeae aad to aapabla of
Sratoalykt. IlMlenk
p it,ooa ii
VOO.OOO ea kaUdlaye aad ooateto.


EDormons Wall Paper Sales


Nr OMn liNSbftMgiurryuii

«hartfere Vattod State wUl aot to■ay Baylaad Baad Yolaataara. Aetarataa la Soatk Atrtoa.
Btoetol to Tea Haeane »eonan
Waoklayte, May l»-1ba eakiaat
Mm aftaraooa deoldad that tka Ualtod
Slate weald aot eoaalder tka fernal
pte of tka Boon for latarraatte.
do otkorwte mlyht lawrira tba Ualtod
f with Oroat Britala.

Yourtli Year-No. 948

tltaatjealaat. |«aM towtat-Kon today daoftdad fte pram ftka raoalatte
•raaa ate Oaiaa Mok BatfrW^ to
A dark aot atetad to ftka aaaatr.
▼lalaaaa-iteotel OAaar Bteak. ■laatar Ohaadlar. ekatrena et
laotot apoo ftaklBy ap
ftka raadatte te «
Steti « tea tan morrow, kotera tka a
Taatetey Wara raWa trmai te dark ten tba aetlay yeaaraor of
Meataaa an praaaatod. aad wkM
tkooaofteaaUalaan preaaalad to tka
aele] to Tbe Itoniar ante.
aaeaftatkarowUlbiaatotte to nfor
8ft. Loala. Bay 18-Tbo atraaft oar
than to the eoanUtao oa prirlteoa
earikara aad Utalr aynpaUiwa
Up to tba p
dark wlU thoa roaeala with ftka eonaUtkaokeoUay baa baaa deoa by tka
mltte aatn tka aaaata aoia oa tka
TraiMt Oob anpleyoa orefiotia. bet
ceoelatte or tka aaaata adjoeraa.
theetrikera teok ahead lathe game
today. A neternaa ea the Uolade
Areaaa llaa. aanod J. B. Blekardaoa,
waa akoi la tka bead, dnyyod from kto
ear aad bratally baate. A epaeial
a OB tka aana ear waa dragged eat
aad baatea to laaeaalbUliy.
Brcry attempt to operate the Vaadarlater. Laelada abd Oraad Aeeace
liaea prorad fatllr. Palrolano Porter
akoi la the back of the bead while*
aetlay aa yoard 00 Jeffeiaoe areane.
aa air yoo balor need. A aambor of
arraqto bare baaa ondo, aaeoay than a

AppUatad taFJaoaetW A. Olark
of Koataaa-AatlOB Bald to ba Lryal



Alfred V. Friedrich


tedd w Tto ItocBte BMwd.
Baiaaa. Moat., May!
BnlU retaraad today- Bto dial ofi
dal aat waa to reaoka tba a
of W. A. curb to tba tfaltad State
by Aetlay
ls tka Loadaa ateata. •ibatketaatk- Bpriyyt. aad to aana la hto ataad Mar
tla Maytaak, aa ardaat Daly adkar&a wUdaat

AtlOaUeekadanpar waa pat «a
tba jabUBtiea by tba war oflea. wklek
AMteadtbattt bad raaalaad ao la
teMtteottbarallafof tka iaaf balaaytMrad dty.
Loadoa. May li-Lord Bokarto'dlipatah ahoat tba aaptara of -Oonnaad
aat Botha*’ flraa aoMaasa to which
Botha to BMaaV aa tkara ara aararal
oteara aaiaad Botha ia tka Boar army,
oaa el who* to Loato Botha, eenaaaad-


nnauri tm



1it in Icel
Now 75c a Month

U ■ .ftU,

>mhy Nor


to priYmU bmillM.
PB^ablo monthly ln«dYmaoo.



Black and tan, welt and, band turn soles, (3.50
For sale only by

Cbas. W: MerriU
Bbftk •yktesft Be.W. 4is W. Fit St.


McNamara Block



tgmm MoaMimo sboobo.


•! »h* Lithwn
BoM to
bU taaubr •«k«otC^
*•“ *~BASxn- tovtobotoPM- «»»■■■ o*rrim to
.» .wk 0. a*
llMC«r- lstoh*a tba »aUte «m «• M ^MMd
•fttfcU«;OUhiM»oh». Th»
LmImm bM bMB C«i^ 1> pop-

Ito*. T.
9. W. H™*, »*Hor

-sAwaxs•» Ttmwm Otf.

to^ that «»■

7 to M 4«T«to4 tU <TM
tHBTonir d«9

[ iiww« ••••MtoMi AtoraM* W«* tbM pvt7 »e f»ls aoBtrol efiba
MTCtmMBi. itwosM attnapt to m•^•Utob tow mda bwwws tba Uaiwd
« BWtoa Md Bwop*. M that arwT^toC
wsbo^v«itb tba ahw» mmt It
pi rwtoM w woaU “bo mAo la Oormamj. la^aod or any eihar
Tlaaa." ntbw thaa la tbo Uattad
Doa^ Mtfot thto loot dartoc tbo
WBWalca: Boaalor Joaw. obalrma

«diDoat to tbo P«»to
t^s bUt to rotara Uo da^
«a oajrar laportod tobm that tolaad -lo
tbo ptfoow too* whom tboy woro ooJlaetod.” Tbo oapar inot boa paid
«U7.tsl o( tbaw doltoo aad If tbe
Moadatoatof tbo DomeeraUeoei
bad B«t baoa cppaood by tba Bepabli.----- thoa bo woald boro oaaaod tbo
rotara of that oaat to tbo traall



PMoral of lAto WOllaao S. Parinr
iBtyoly Attoadod Toatorday-la
TrltoBli a ef Sorrcwlay Prtotoda.
no faaoral of tbo lato WUltos J.
yaoiardoy aftoraooa.

aad m rooidaBoo oa SoordB
waa tUad wub aorrewlay totoado. wbo
ouHtopayalatotrfbow to tba
^(Md. Tbo body lay U otato at tba
heaMfroBlOtMtmi o’cloek. aad a
bootoftboaowhebad torod aad boa
It to • iHvtto MWPtaf oradtbodooooooddartay Ufa toob a
^ forlvtohon te t
toat look at tbo roBalw
•teaaA. AInttoMtai
TW tofol tribatoo wore profaw aad
___ ■ raaolro the boat attoatfaB. aad boaatifal. Baktay a eoaeplota beak U
all the ooBforto that aaba a «to|t .to tbooeraaroftbaroeB when tbo oaaTraovwatyaptoaoart. Tbatatartor hot waa Biaaod. ABoay tba ptoata
vBlkaooBptotod wit weak aad tolar ww a btakaa wheel, aaat by tbo
ostbooatoldawlU bo owboUtobod hy banaf ibaaoaatol aad tba alty o«
aa attrootlTo ooat of patob
___ TbaBaBbmof tba Maaaakw
pt tba old mat lDdyw.wwaUaa tba totoada of
MOO did BOt
pat Oto oat af B aw aad daaybtor la eraad Bapida aaat
bat altboayb
laallfal roaaa.«araatlow aad aaUa
torawbUobalBBtaalabUWad a yood
Tw fOTBar aoaaeU of wUeb Mr.
arkar ww a Bcabar. attoadod tbo
(BBoral la a body, wdid atoe tbo toty
eOciato A loryo aaBbor of ~
aloo triioat.
Baa »d Sbaet of tbo Traoarw Oltf Bod Tba Boale for tbo ooaaaloa >ww tu>
Blabod by a qeaitat oowlotlay of Mro.
to Om Otab.Oooarrcd Toatarday A. U baeboat* Mra. A. B." Bolllday,
W. 3 Bobbe aad Prod Boator. a P.
Oarr'or. B.-B. Kawload. A. A. HoOoy,
A. P. GaaoiOB. C. W. Aahtoa aad B.
H. Braekaa aetod w pall baaibre.
Tbo foaeral oarrlooo ot Ibo boow wore
wdaetod by Bee. D. Ooeblto, wbooo
ebereb tbo dreroaed waa la iba babil
of ottrndioy. Mr. Coeblla apoko with
, tat tad tod doop faaUay of tba Ufa of the daoaaaad,
aad «f tbo qoaUUoa io bto ebaroetrr
W. P. I
that bad oadaarod blm to bit frii
A .B P.
Bo opoko of bto loro tor boBo aad howo
Ufa. ot bit freak. adaMOBla^ aat—
efbtoDdoUty to ^ frtoado aad
oeltoltadofortboiMtlntorooto of
city. Bo paid a ylototoy trlbato to bto
BBor aad bwlooM lotoyrlly.
Alaryooeruyo totlowod tbe body
p. a I
to Oobwood otBotory, {whore aaothor
B. O Sawyor...
oberioerrtoo ww bold, and ibe
salM wero told to root.


The Msdawabantoo tribe ot Sloea
Isdlaaaat Maodota. Mina., waa too
hmr praporiny to pat la to* oropa
arkaa tba tadlaa a«aat mma aroaad to
payltt aaaaltlaa. aad aqaawa ware
BMttotbaaywey toraoalwtha bobTtoa U alMwfc floato boUt la Ksw
Oelaaas at a oMt nt ba*e baaa
gMdteDMwfaraaaxhlbitioa tom.
'aefitow'^UieabpaaBtto mnhlia.
Kaa. for toe next amet teU. Tkcy
«a^fi(atalaetrfefio»Mballtto toe
•aeld. ______________
A Xe« Gtoar Brain.
- Tear bwt faaUBye, year eeeial poep

wttlBakaVafiMfUba » aaw balgy.
•ald^A A Waltaad Jea G. .leba

fkwk BMaTkiniif bts
Bowen Me at toe nwateta of%.
moto. OrdBHBe

Ifero ap-to-dato thaaorar. "OrlBW*
OoUar Dwr.- tba yrwt tarw naiaady
that to BOW to Ita ctoto yaar dl waaeB
wtU ba aaw for tbo drat tlaw by Tror
aty a«n00Bwt leran next Satarday, ;rboB It to to bo proaaatodat
Stotobaryto Oread. laaUaw aad alybb
Jaa. B. Maekto, wbo to feaww to tba
ebaraotor of “OrlBfory.Ba Boy.'lMade
tbo Uat of playora aod to fortaaato to
bartoy for bto load ay aopport. Mb a
Uotttoa Saatord, tbo well kaowa cobo.

WoBrato Ktoaioeary Coaerptloc.
A wry aoaoaaafal aaaatoa of tba
Oread Trareroe Dtovrtet Wobob'i Poraln Mtoaloaary aeelety baa eloaod at
Obarlavolx Mra B U Eallayy. Mr*.
M. B. WtlaoD. Hr* P. A. Bldred. Mi«.
. Itaa and ^r>- John Powto attoadod
OStore woro oloctod for tbe eaooiay
yoorae follow*:
Prroldeot—Ifro. A L. KoUoyy. Trararoo Uty.
tat Vioo Prooldoat—Mro. J. C. Orownboayb, Poiooboy.
Oor. (toe—Mrr. M. A Wllow. Old
Bee. 8w—Mr*. P. Bldrod. Ttarorw
Tiwoawf—Mtao Varooa Bmlth. Prtookey.
Poopto’o Work—Mra.
Sop^ Toner Po(
Donato. Lake City.


^HERS U so M that is as seat asd clean and
A fnrnishes the room as nice as an irM bed- they
are dean, neat aod strong. I have a fine line—orer
60 styleA and all sises-from $3 75 to $30.00-AI1
colorA 1 have springs that are made to fit the beds,
so you don’t have to bo^er with any slats. 1 also
have iron beds ior the little folks, with nice high
sides and woven wire bottoms. Come in and look
them over. Cash or paymeatA
, ,

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 TxoxAS Bta?eot.

A Very Special Shoe Sale



Du not confoDod a special ahoe sale which
the newapapere contain—but bear in mind that
oar trathful stateuienta of redoctiona made are
tar BQperioT and far better than, can be foond
eiaewhere—notbinK can prove it qnicker than


Whoopiix Cough. Aai

.......;; ;;

A Wosaa’a Awfol PerU.
•Thoro to ooly one ehangtojo rare
yonr life and tbot U ihroofh ao opor
lion" were tbe elarlllnr worda bra
by Mra. I. B. Bant of Use Bldro. Wii
from bar doetor after he T '
of 0 frlrbtl
__________ eaed yei:
Ooll itoofo-bod fonaed i— — —
euatly grew «owe. Thee obe boyw
to nee Bleetrle Biitore wbieh wholly
cored her. Itk a wcaderfal ateweeb
Wa. tba aadaealyaad. do bareby llwr aad ktdoey rasedy. (torrt
ayreatoroeand Ibo Boaay ea a U
Sack Onv Oaoybt Violator of PUb oaatbotUapfOreaaek Warranted 8yWalt aad Jea O. Johoaoea. droyytob.
&av at 4 CCleA Taatorday Kora- rap of Ttrw It Mia to enro yonr eooyb
or eold. Wa alao'yaaraatw a l» oant Sa'tlea Oraas
bottlatoprora aattolaetory or moety Wboleaato or retail, qaart or yalloa.
Dapaty Oa»a Wardm Marti Oaw rafoodad. 8. I. Walt, Boebee A Bon- W. A Miller. ISl Prant atreet. Mcyata than at all boozo of tba day or bory, JaoMa Q. JobnaoB, P. C. I'boBp- Ooy’a old etaad.
■lyht. Taatorday botbUmi ba waa oat
byoo’oloek. aad aboai 4:M bo waa
dowB by tba boy. Qadoaaaoi davou
■U of bto Una to treat flaWmoa.
Paal Wiaowoeki woi joat Uftlay
bto aa« aaar tbe GreUlek docM. aad
«W protopDy arroawd, obaryod with
wlay aoM of tUayal moab. Harior been
oaaybt la tba aet. tbaro wee notblay
do .bet plaad yallty. wbaa bo wee
kraaybt batoro Jadye Bobarta. tbo offawo banar boaa oonnlttod laalde
the city Uslto.
Jadyo Biborto Ut bla oS at Uybt
A poatfbto. ylrtay him tbo B-alaaB
iMOfttO, with yi.n oooto.

EOT HlkliaRlt

_ . . rwtortoCiSfi^i^toftoOto;


Ctoicaao roporto that alao traak Ueo
aaUnada»m ooatraet. tbto year. U
•Md aoro tboa for aataotoralaal haproreawato aad roU- day to WUltoB Bottaad Unto Wobw,
i^mg otoek- That ' ciw. —^—■_— both ot Mayfield towoablp.
,.rt«r. 0«n>l IMfUlV. U .till
BtktlBf for tooee work for tbo wofo Tba realdoDW of A- T. Peek
Waabtoytee akroat to belay reBodalad.
OBwa raealTOd tta firet party of
• botwoaa aorton ywtardw. «Tba par^ a
leaa party from OtoctonaUr
t aad tbo The Miebtyaa Talopboao Oo- to eoatotbattbo fonaor i
aldarlac the propoaltfaw {of astondtoy
tbalr line to Toba.
Obarlaa Bala aadiDara OaBpbrll rtoItod the firs ot Ooaaott A FaaatoyioB
OM ▼otoraaWUlTon Story of Sto l letertoebaa yeaUrday.
Ufa and ddvoatarea to Wonaato BcBllry Swwn to drawtoy plaw for a
ItofOeryoaMHoPboroea Poet.
fioo aaw rwidaaea to ba aroetad oa
WoMo’a BoUot Oorpi bare oi
doodad la delay what ao oso tooe baa
oeordow. aad that to toyat Uoelo Dao
Inttar from Bart Adalk'
WUppIo to ytre a loetaro.
btooowtfal Ufa. Soaae tine ayo bo Kra, A H. Pope baa iwalred a latter
•onwtodtodo tbto at a Uaio that troB bar Votbar. Oaorye Bari Adalk
It to then, and tboy. larBariy ot tbto plaea. now Baaayar of
tiadtoy pwt at Tealto Lake, Bnttob
haw wloetad Boat .Moaday raialay. aColaBbla.
for tbo Badaoe Bay Oo.
Tboy boro larltod MoPboraoo Poot to
partte^to witb tboa la a eamp flrr, The tottar la filled with totamUaydaaerlptiow of tbe ooaavy. tbo nBotcaadobaro tba treat of hoarlay
ot whieh eaa be
what la dotaU tbo aiory of Doele Doa'a
whoa Ik la atatad that tba
Ufa Aoappar wlU ba faratobad by iBiylaod
aaaraat pwtoAoa to eoa Boatbto jsartbatadiaa of tba eorpa that oraatoy. aay. whtoblaaaada bydoyatodt.
•adafaroyoodUoia laaapaaiad.


Oodtoay BayotroB. lorBwIy otork
la tbo aid Proat Street loaoo. aad wbo
m praprtotor of tba wall kaowa
Bawordto Ina at Qtodotoao. wao kappayaiarrtod raowtly at that ptoeo.
wbo to Uykly BtoiBid to Olidatwo.
no waddlay ww tbo oeeootoa ot yiaat
faattmiwtBdaatadthoplwaaat foa*
tarw ww a ym of SI»troB tbo yaaoto,
aadoBpleywettelBa. Oodtoaykw
•aay frtooda la Praeotw Qlty who
will ba clad to Mayiatalato hla am

ConaumpUon, la


tfdHUN f^EDY'

Great Bargain in Woman's Shoes
—Reyalar linra and aome odd lots’worth np to $2 .V), in well made,
durable, atyliah abwa—every pair folly Kuaraoteed—for street and
dress wear—in the followiDK desirable kinds:—Yici kid and dong^ila
leatlier—with heavy or medium weight aoles—kid tipa, plain ur per­
forated—silk and leather top faring and ailk stitebine—fb 1 A A
all aiisea from 2 to S, in C, D and K widths......................... 9 i *C>9
Come and see tbe men's aboea we sell and guarantee,^ tan and
bl*ck>ici kid. coin or plain toe—choice $1.48.
Great vaiaes in Oxfords for everybody—88o A peir.

A, 8. FBTMAM, Practical Shoe Man. 18( Fnit Stmt

Ladies’ and Children’s
Summer Underwear!
Anticipate your needs—prepare for the warm summer
days that will surely come—No firm offers greater inducements
by way ot qualities and prlces-We’re showiog the greatest val­
ues ever given to an Appreciative public.
Jersey Bibbed Vests
A good wearable ribbed vest that
we’re selling just now for 5c.

Bibbed Vests
Better values, better wearers, finer
goods, and these are toe.

Fancy Striped
It's a beauty, in either pink or blue,
nicely made, for i2>ic.

Winged Sleeves

Jersey Ribbed Vest, something very
good and very popular, at 15c.

That's one of the newest things this
season. Ladies' are sure to be pleas­
ed with them, especially at 25c.

Bibbed Vests
A much finer grade made in either
long or short lengths, and both sell
for 25c.

Badies* Drawers
An excellent article, made in ankle or
knee lengths, finely finished and the
price is only 25c.

Balbriggan yesta
One of the finest garments that's ol*
fered and we ask you only 50c.

Union Suits
A most complete line of summer
union suitA filing ior $1.25. Sixxx
75c. Soc and 25c.

Ohildren's Undeiwear
At no tii^e have we had such a line
of these goods—stai^at 5c.

Better Grades
And finer goods that can't be touch­
ed elsewhere at our- prices of from
.IOC to 56c.

Ladies’ Blach Hosiery
A line that has never been equaled
in the city, and these prices sell the
goods on*sight—10,
15 and 20c.

Extra duality
Black hosiery that are as fine as any
we have ever shown, and these are
only 25c.

ohildren's Hosiery
An immense stock to select from and
goods that are strong and well made,
sell 25c down to 10c.

Boy’s Knee Hose
special attention is called to our No.
iq boy's knee -hose. They have the
quadruple knee, reinforced heel—a
regular “knock-about'' hose that are
the best article on the market, out­
wear any other two pair. Better than
the Celebrated Black Cat brand (made
^ by Cooper. Wdb Co,1St. loc, Mich.)
and they only cost 250.^-

store open Tueiday’s and Saturday's untU 8 p. m.

le Hafinab & Lay Hercan|$ Co.



«emt ram.


Sopu'lntaadaat H ra l«f> eesterfay
WcAofBoardafPabUa WmhsiaOar- tor South Boardmaa, whera he adframad tha Ealkaaka Tsteter. A,,
ryir t oat laaMeUoM a( OcaaeU—
melatlan laataeaatog. Babaaaaotbor
tddram (or thia aeoaiag. "Some Priae Tka«trlk*»« M- g.taer »»« ^! *a,l «ni«»«.u » ibeir *anJe« U pc*The hiai^ cfpahOa srerhahavebaea plm of Fyscamogy Apptlad.'’
kMB «m1uM ot Mtf (teatu It wort-.
. ^tcb of a stirdra Mt vbM
aarrying oat tba taa raetloas of >h9
lariatUAt^rtMoH vithtlail ferat.;,, iBU-wlRd U> •nmwiMl Uw-imak ol »
Mrs. A Bvaaa waa aallad U Beaeer i
- I «■•<>- XtJrij terge trte. Tbe i
aland ymlerday toaUsad her daughter
atrocUMi of ciepela patha In dtasraai
«Mn of to p«-Mt Md a fln Ao" i^»rd .npponed bJ
‘to C. a Batiar who ta vary alofc
4iv on HtWf^nyt. Tfet MrfM* aB«aj ^ ^ rammoe tiat c-rm If It irm dce- part* e( iba «dy. Thay oasa two patha
Mrs Omta Dtattl of Oraad BtelA*.
b«Ut,tbat ara bateg aaed mfM a to par aaat ad*a*«a with ao n- otadTr or ramrortable. wblcb It Is not,
lavislviag r-latirm aad trtote la tiu
<Mttoa la boars
TUa. laaVM tba soiur orarr rorni vooU be prefciaUe.
wbk-h a seat at thta kind (or sicrk aoaa.
Lato Sapartar acppar fUstrtet Iras fcai Ihe
~ Dsage
. _
MiaaFloraaov Morrteoaof B k Rapto.
Is aobject both fnm wMithcr sod war
Tba worii thaa (ar baa baaa partially
la toe guaat of Bra. M. B. BUIa.
SDd tear U rotsgb. therefore the Itoet
iparimaataL Jaat what will btrt
W. B. A BMkt. a waalthr aoUtor s> of the ancewtioB are sturdy sod tbs MUtbcaaadaoltbaaitytooat koowa AH. ndcerdofLtlaad,waa ta Ua
elty yeaUrday. •
fmntU,WM twaintd at AUacaa woadtbkk.
aayat witk'cartato^, aod tka palbt
Bit Mia la I*. Mi thay a For the sraa Inch boards wOi prob- that far built hara not re^mlrad any M. A. Cnlvar of Oeiar ww to Uf city
i»r be aolttble.sod. althoagb the flat
atita mrrfai a paar afo to
kaaey eapeodltira.
AMMkarfmtthaiAot ctoaa tMr >lew which farm the aeat might ,ba
Mrs. 8 J. Cos raturte to her home
OBMaat aa altotaap aitlaai toat thap tblan^. It will perfasps be beat to aaka baUtonea.I and:a«bataBUal may ba
kBapida;---------- -----------------------tbrm eqnsny thick with the srma Tba
A path oa Dlriakm atianl from Frost «yMra.M.A.Oartiao(Oraad Raplda.
opri^t aopporto, ot cottrac. are nneh
Biitari KaltowaU ol &e»al Oak, thicker, sa slao the plecaa which sop- to Randolph wna tka first ana baUt. after a vtett WlU Mra. A B. Bartoy of
•arftahai^btt haito oa a mU. Woai port the arat oodemrath. Inch boards The Mbar, from Tranklla atrtot io UUelt).
psIataUfitrMapidaat ba aap toaa arui probably do (or the back.
Oarfiold a*aaaa oa Waabtogton atraot, ■ Mra. John Reaate aad Mra.W.J.
Aa4o tin conatracllon. the llrat thing
Post have gone oa a elalt to Waxford.
Rev. O. M. Oarral WMt to Clartoo
,. At
WdUaa Btplaa. a toai< oeceaaary will be to select eight piece*
Tboehiaf;faaltof the patba thus far
of anitable sqoare cot uprlghta Tbeae
laf acrtaaltoM Aaator, ^ ba«
i ^ul
will be cut
Mrs. Fruk Welton haa gone aa a
(Wadfeerafariavto aaka i
aodtrlUtthen be chamfered iB the way raugb, aad that tbey ara aot bard visit to Bcatoa Harbor.
Aatowat ol bis flasaala]'aow
' shewn In (be llloatrailoa. The kaoht aaougb to prcTOBtcatitogaatbatnaem
Mra. Bills Bamadeli of Man'atM to
I shore the nprtgtls at the back cooM aartly cram ibtm from euUtog ttarw
riaiatgbermolbvi; Mra. C Uermatac.
Par tba ftrat tea to tba kaowladga. ^ turned If a lathe U at hand or conid ap badly.
Mle.or Ferrant, abo la aaacoiated in
M aha
a.a —IS a QoIbbdis ' probsbiy be ent out roughly- with tba
la oonaeotion with the d fitonlly aad
le lomber -boklneta at Olan Baveo
iIiussImiis ■^fsiss tusr fl uI AilaeL t\*hen tbeae standards are
tpanaa of aonatmeting tbeae paito. I
«r|ib D U. Day. waa 1« tba city yeatar-'
baa been soygeated that a eiiy erd
Impoaisga lax of oae day CO boslaeaa.
■ aida, apppiita Port Baraa.
JuM ph Bewett, landlord of tba hotel
dollar a year oa each bleyela riddea lo
' W. H. Maaeban al Oatee. deil
tba city, this (end to be aaad-to fit tba at Cedar, waste tbe city yesterday op
tetoaar «(tba Orand trank, attampt
boalnem and nport* everythiag ra«batraau tor tha ua of bieyelee.
ad ta b yard a •onagnrato and bnd hU
Ing al ibai place.
would oartatoly add materially to
lagoatoff Hadtndnoonaftnr.
JibcB Kennlog. tbe olga* dealer
faada that would ba aratlaMa foa-i
Tbaanlmcaliy wtUgatlia lagaey of
•aa to tbM dlreotion, aad tba plaa is cf arand Ra^da. was Is the city yaa•1.000 (or tfeaasiasUahinaat ot a traa
by many who terdvy on hla way boina from a aorthbad at Ike hoapitaL Mrs. Aaat Traad1 to batter patba for the ernlriawaU made tba prorialoa in bar wllUhat |
Frask Waltoo. reprosavting WUliam
bnr Mpbaw aontaalad it. Upon Uklng !
Rorilaaderof Omad Raplda. was in
tba taatlmony Jadga Kiana admiilad
AA.toLJdLtouto MttoCaLS3M.l.toipkk .the dty yesterday.
te will to pcobaia.
Dick Moore, rcprraenlter the PeerIraa Marnfaeis'lngCo. lo Detroit, aod
Tba Elk Ripldaoamaat paopla hate'
A. B- Hessen. wboaelU New'aad bau.
byaaaraUogtbaaraakraaatag from
Patnnaoo laka to the poad aad thanae
Tbs tcaebera of (bo Elmwood aTraaa were bolblin Ibe city yesterday maVlog tbeir third spring sales ot good* to
In tba bay baaa aoablad to lower toe
school wen moat daUgbtfnlly antai
malar la tba laka M loobaa. It will
ulned yesterday afteruooa at tba home 8. Becda A Co.
Lena ard Clair MeClury are io ibe
BOW ba only a abort Uaaa until wbara pieces of wood, one ruanlng from each of Hra. A Howard on Elmwood aToona.
W» Ibn ~
ol -owr U«o
comopoodlw Tba astortainlng ladla* wen Maadame* elrv from Cedar vlaitirg tbe family cf
arUlbaplaaty Of dry marl ready to ba tusdard sgalnM the tree. otbc-s''loln- B. Howard, B. Van Dyke. F. Bldrcd, J.j. take-.
Mrs J B.Kellev of Bmt Jordan, aad
aoarartad Into oemaat at the new, ing
B. C. Stllea, W. O. PooU. 8. C. Danow
t tree and other longer onea again
» Bit. arr In the eiiy vitlllug tbe
F. OtckandA.B. Bconatv
family of Mr>. 0. B. Vsndervort.
Jsals KotdMOB a raAdaat of He-' Jo>n»W
'«•'•'«»« ««««lanla
Tha taaebara were welecmad In
gaoBM who does not ballara to banks;
exactly on a level, and most pleasing way by Mrs. Bldred..
kaptkUmoaeyinhaahoe, and whan |
junctions might he fitted In each dtlnty rapaat was apraad, tba tables
How Thi-7 NsnMd Her.
ba sreka ap after a nkgbt with tba boy* , pam. t,y means of a dowel,
bsing deoorated in ptak and whiu
Apfn|>n<i. nf <|i,- wiiiuflo wlici** unmo
raaantly toond that tthe shoo aad tna , This proem Will also Ire snIUhle for Wcl.e Ibe ladles were parteklng of the nt .\ rJrai-*- ws* KU'iil!.iiir«l Iti
Suiuln.v liroi-on 1-*li«u «>f
•too la beak notaa It <
rafreabmants, aeTeral arery enjoyable
ilie in.N.ii-l.iiie tvimiry ivllx ilir
G , hrackets undemeqlh. llefoc*. of coarxe.
aalretlona ware *rendered on tha pboe- lovviti;:;
_K.. ■ uU these are gined up or fixed In any
'-.lull NtnliliiiiN .nut bis wife. Ar:mltia
Mraslie., whiit wax val'ir to tnr boUMnparawa the Blli Rapids and E«anaba ; ge^jassary to Insmi the wooden hocks
The a*Tenth birlhdar of Mias Beolsb for uir to rliri*h'0 ilier young kUI.
Una of ataaaara has opened tbo osaton oMbr seats. The cottini; of these will
CoToll's Sbatland pony was celebrawd L.-i\-n I 111 Jim; 'Naiiir tbix liaby.' Jim.
wlU tba staataar H. tk Fiekaad*. thi be qnlie alniple. Tlie lower rail in the
ii< ‘li»viri ux bow Ik- an’ Arimiltn bus
BaHburv whlob ran into that per- btrtt bad hettpr not he In one piece with yesierdsy by a “pooj" par’y. uboni *S ha.l .
I- iroiililr 'iMiiit
lit getting
1 biil.y. II.'
tot yaar barlag baaa umaalermd to the other iwn. hot
setwrately pud of brrfrktCsh<lpiogtomahetbedaya
pleasant on.. Tba poor was tbe eeaw r bow Hr wiiiit.xl to git a <i.Tl|>tnral
anotnar routs
Tba Piokaada U a <
uPof attraction, and was gaily bodeekrd nun.'. Ixit ilisr w.-i'ut non.- In Hip ImmiI
-rntoMar lU fast long with u faet
•»>1 «
Uilng-Tla. Uie pUiciug Iti'iwsItlon of with riboDS and llowara. A dellghaul from C.-m-rix to ibp cml of lli-volubaaia and ta raiad at Alif.
Tba the fiat anus-tbe flat pieces (or tba
rloDK wbat siiliod Arkiiliin. So we
time wait et i lyed.
sot down to win b ibo b.vuip>HK>k.
boat baa Jaai aoma from tbtOiuoU drr seat will hare lo be pul on.
aiv'.’ at
A moat deltgbUcl oeeaaloo was the come to 'Amar.lii* tJraev.’
dnak wbacn aha baa bean IborMghty ;
Dieotloa one of the most pleasant
’but. piirrou.’
aoundivl jiowprriilll iiimy.
•rarbnalad and mbuQt at aa aapanaa polnu of this arrungeuieui. the amts reecpUoo tandared Uia Senior clam aed lUl.VN .1•liiu. 'ibar !■i iii'lgliiR.r
I.lgp iJiilb v
In tha ball aad appar works nt abru* ' are made whler at the ends, so as lo be tbe teaebars of tba bigb school
-III' ll
iiiir.1 firaror t»<. Hinr
•H.000.b«ldas a tborongb orarbaaliag ' able ‘to carry a cup and aaoerr or pl|«e arealBg by the memben of tna Janlor
of tba eaglna and aaebla«y.—Bik . or book or anyihiug else which requires claw. This baa beecme an anooal cat- iliat tlinr wa nt...............
«tini 1.1 MiP k.iii liiM'ttlpmi'iit. S.I

i putting aside for n munieni. Uneu of txea. aud •
Bapaoa rrognaa.
xinii !•> .-all llir l.:il*y' Aun
Ami ax Kin-b xbt' was luuilf'O.’'
R. E Pualar. departaaaat aoaamaader \ p^, „e|prted., A Imd color would not d-ligbtinl
i^tba <j A. -R . hat aakad iTaaldaot > he
. Itw It will KN lie \
Montagna hall, wbern tbo
Aagall of tba U. of M- to aaa bla led* J to select any bright hue. and ao rater
' anOs to miratolag tba atblatio aad Into mmpemicrn with the colors of the was held, not baanUfaliy deeoratad
•for >ha occasion, sfiats tad benting
porting elnbaot that toatiiatlOB from Oowera around.
■iii.l Mrx. lIrrU-rt «'ver liad o.*maklag a bmilant display. Flower* cuTT.'.l. BP.'.ir.llng i« Mrx, llrriwrt.
“dtoratlng" memorial day.
■aooB relKwfis.
also played a prenioant part to tbe diii'iiig ili.'ii buiH'.vuioon. wbib' .-rn**At a barn ralalng la Jamastown one
Baean fritters aupidy variety
lug tllP Atbintl.'. It wax hruogbt
aaatioo foil. Btlataa B ekard had tbraa meon. Cut autc txvad Into wodcmtely decoratlom.
alMiiii I
Strawberry lemonada and wafers
fibs brokaa. was lajurad lataraaUy and1 thin allces. reuwve the crusts and cut
' tba allces Into two or tUrw pieces, drop were aerred from a booth daring tba
■ay dla.
ipnsr irntnlillii.r nii<l ni»rl>UI x.
(hem into fresh tnllk nud k-t (hem soak
Aetiaa preparaUooa ara In progrwa ]
Kn>'h intivi'inmi •<( ihi- xblp
After a fioasocial time, which everx prodiux-il o gronii from ili.'in. amt each
et Joyed, the foUowlag progsm was noixv on iHiiml il.o vpxm-I nu inUlgaaal raanloa ol tbo Bortbara Mloblgaa I
N-tw-eb two iPleces ot givao:
nant prniext.
•oldUrs’ aad UnUora- «iaoalatioa ai|br«iA Press the pi« .-* of bread flrm- _ Violin 8olo-lliu Bea»ie Falgfaam.
At Hip eiiil of Hip lUint tbir Hip Pont'
poMT. after n-'xiv.-niip from a luicb of :
•■^Ish Is Angaat.
i ly together, dip these andwlchea lota
Addrraa of-Welcome—Ctorlea Sals- tbP v.'xK.'!. Kibl:
Ho mora wlU the gay aad foailes ■
U-p*. President of tbe Junior
-lipnr, I liBvp otip r.-ivor to axk.
AlilskaB _____ _ _ .w- ' very hot fat and fry tlicnj to a delicate
fioii'l -|M'ak Id nil- ng.ain .»n bonr.l HiU
OnUwatar cntcasu
ii... rpit>#.i-> rtv>n. <i.«
Vocal Mo—Mias Urace Baa
r.-iK-li -iMiiv. or 1 xbnli
airing aagaubla la
Reapooae for Seniors—Robart Walter «1il|i miiTI
throw lu.-xpir o\rrJi»ar<l.”
(aaaoca. Aa iroo-tiad
Frealdeat of tbe elaas.
"lly Apar." mI.I Mrx. Ilprlifrt. with
pawed tbejeomi
Recitation—Riley Cowan.
her Bi-xl'xicli .if r.'lj''f xlnro Piiil'arkTidMaftaaotBbtorarto or M'daya leady: then pile them upon a heated
Response, tor tbe Teaeben—Mim ins. "liiniik y.iii: I'vp Imh-h wanting to
oxk you ilmt Miiip favor uiyx.'lf nil
tmpriaaemant. or both for ownaea of platter and aerre at otH«.
ponltry who ieiiltreapaaa la lAaaiesot
Fieno 8o>f-Ml*a Edna Mcffatt.
Coatoatc For Osit.
or ruin eibar^aoplek proparty.
Trio—Mimm -Lotus Nisn. Oydia
The atimetlre golf leisiaine lUontrat'
Three yaara ago Mr*. Samoal Oorbto, ed la of nary Idoe cloib with the aklrt Eoanig^od Belle Belveiaoa.
A Soldlerh Suffering.
of Unloo City, lost a gold band ring ctB la daep bnttlameoia laid over grean
Mr rater McFarland a vet r.p •■(
Tbe City Opera Beuaa eat tbe eeen* tbew
aba bad wora for many years, aad (ba
■ P V! eig a’. Bate. N. V.f
of a vary enjoyable aoeial party last
maat thoroogb aaareh tailed to reveal
SVP- sipce tv- W»r I WH .
I X pSPomat-sman-t kidney f
1 be event was given by the
lla wbaraafioota On Moaday last aba
I thovirrt I-ebnald d e at A
Qraneraqband aed It was tbe tost
was palling dandalloaaMt by tba root.
0- ''has-'. R-Idxpv.l.lvpp T

giTeabyltaatergaalxattoc. Thera was pills m.
of me afia'
> .
wbao abe notieod aomatblag bright ap
a large company present and Prof. term Ires than tbrre mnehs V S!_
M«rtangb*a ofabcatia farnlabed da- drnrri'-«or D-. A. W, -:ho*p e Mrx
llgblfnl mcslc. Prerioas to tha
lagoOKa frativitica tha Craaoaat aad
Boya' bands gave a eoneert at tbe antra^.totba opera bouse wb<cb
Matolof triad worth In Dr. A. W.
Otaw^ narra aad blood pIlU Tbay
grnatiy eojoyad.
Tha mothen of the
boya of tbe baad aervod laa cream on
(be ataga darter tha dano*
Utto. Or AW. Ctaaaa’a narra aad
ktod^Uadenot atlmulata bat halld
•B waauMsd narroas ayaioma by faedPlan* for (he (lr*t ItOMlan orlbodos
to tka Wood aad aereas. » ooalt
cfanrrb of St. Nlcbolaa to be built In
S^egtou or Or. A W. Cbaaa Mad. On..
Sew York bava been completed,
Bi^o, H. T.
will cost gftkOOO.


1 Aa A«rM«M. fiM* !• WkM <•

-------------- -------------r voodvotkm who
amuAAt AtaiuA ML W.M I uk« • drU«lit la adOiu* im»e eomfom

Wet Weather
- i

For external use
to keep dry inside, keep
the wet outside—
A Hackintosh wlU do It
(provided it’e a good mackintosh)
ranges in price
from $1.35 to $16.00—
Our $4.00 coat
is a wool Trecot, and
a good one.
Our coateat $1.36
and $1.60
are welliworth more money.
The time
is sure to come
when umhiellas and
Kacklntoshee will interesgyou
very much—
When that time comes
we’re ready
to show you—






// soeierr.


$3.00 $3.50
PiMfCC ^


gw a




Tbe^e are our leaders—made bj shoe makers
of reliable footwear, ^old by the Old Re. liable

Frank Friedrich,



BE. ewinm, I

Don't Pay Higli Prices

IS ioHiiiaeiSMtKia sivn.
iimi Man

Wto*aMlaarraaaO.»an*t (wgallaa.
W. % mnar. Ml
atenet. MaOvhtodaiMd.

TWMmi a Witaaa.
tatena auEaftof waa andar»d by
wftaem T. L. Martto. of Dtete. Ky.. boforo be
tola otMm: “I


tbaw IrkV .»■
_ w V.V— ——
r wbieb gaea toetaat rsllaf. i
need It ta my faally far foar
I can Stladlpa. gratiemra and ehlldd reeomma»^ H aatba greataot
reqiedy (or ao«ba, colds aad
raa wlib beat abeeaat lower priem (ban
and Mne pMld. Tbe same tartan com- throat, t
any oUaratara In town.
SB tbe waistcoat, otct wbkA U a stoo tbe
igatetog aaatiy aad qa>ekty «
__ _______ ______ , bottia
tbe abaei wHb a large aUrrr bntten.
_ aawd. Trial baSllea Me at S. E
The CTpe la of ddnr rwrerarMe twead.
WAt Md Jaa e. JobMaah drag atom



New Store, 242 rront Street.

Two Days
Friday aod

Oil of the ordinaq.
75 lidies' tailor mule sails at 7Sc oa tha
dollar. HI ara aew aaf ap-to-iiata.^is
saasoi's loads. Hwafs first la hariili


The Boston Store I



y a£nofTtiewML§x
/# 9M0fT iramBt j|

A «ftO iiMiwM tftWTto wbfth— ftlwftyi
. hM wwtaenhlB prtto in thaclMs
Md ot bi* etoftb absTno fae* ^|Mftnd
to lb« ooftDtyooartrooin* necntljr wllA
lb of Twy OBbftsoMtot faftftiA,6r97 toMBd tfaai be met

TkiMW npimilllin lr iteAMrtau

•MwHUa ft fftw

toMttod to kDov vby be didn't g»
■tored, aad fifthly be ccraltod bait a
a of tbaao in a oorecraadnUtbea

tor Ik* iaur


a kM*. am-OT
~ ■ttomw
w trim.
trim, Ihrr
ihrr Wfwf- toi I
Cwr M • dm* to
mil n
A fc Ok kwraa to»n>: « kr.
> tot hit b« • (dm .d k.

emwiiuto ftr

eoocicoa bare been ootwitled to a mat*
trr of pcdltleal atr*te«y tiy tbe abrewd.

rr aad ^otoker BepoMInnA aaya tba
togblmmUftDd bad a
Kot toot acoibabaAerl Tbe Dtoctey tariff aad tbe Sfiantob
toto the baUt of tollinf him ( war taaaa art tfcether aow. prodortoc
—iHU lfltoftto»»4ft
that be (the Uwyerl bad a maoBtoto
Erea with an
WMto IwMHftg ft“»»ii«” pw tkftftnr eya Tbetowywdida'tuinditMMbwbat amyof dSAXWo D to tbe PbU
pvftfftvpMftf Hto. SaaMkOftTr. to Ua barbar lbm«bl of bit eye to loog aa
nOftM^ k« ktokftsd fttol ftklMfw ha ahared him aatiafacaortly. Bat bar1 Ibe latryar'a aya time wben tbe rrrvane will bare to be
totoftlftkitoil thMIkft n—toi «w«
|lMM o( Mfft. AM BftU. <rko hft4 4lftd
redneed. aad tbe Uemomtlc poiitlelaai
iwpMy. naMWftOMWft wQlkftM
M aMb«tei« Cftpii^
I ift to toftnfMtftn ptftC ftftd


laruar ano tmoa la avaita, anm mat*

mtetoka tor aCn. Cter. «rto to fttlU aUr*

lac a otto «1ib the nitar. woold esplato
that It WM beoaaaa be waammiaglmd.

to thft MW totottottoto

ae that ba did not know vbat fie «aa

A laltonM froaa Kaptof. B«adaa.:aboaL Matwa weat m tbia way for
MCetto that aa the etoamar Koytof iwaafc or ao, tba barber toaUUnc that ba
Wadaaaday aifbt wm patotof tba waa aMaaoritad a*«ry ttaw tba tawym
Maae Qar^. a maa mtm ea tba daak tookad aqaarely at bim. aad tba lawym
aftoT W ^WT^b^lSr -if'tookiilorcrMtodibaitbamaamertam
^ boatoeai wai a dodia to axeaaa tba oa.
•ay OMaaaMt Marl will tbael.

tlatoectaaapatto tbe eaaa^
r tba ahlpto a
V bowtarar, (be lait time the barber abated
boMk Aa toaa aaeapad to a boak Ua lawyer caatotner. Lraalnc orerblm
A differ
ff<* bowmer.tJ

WbMtba frtoeaOan
waa toaad twaira of

boarded, it after be bad ftolabed. be aalced If ^
M beard had

lawyer iboacht a tnan woold be escwm

toetadtac tba ble few cnttiiiR tba throat of one who
Baameriaed him. The lawyer aaid be
daad.' Tba root wars,'

lad baa alnea dlad.


of wool growera

_____ _

bare Urber bad

' that tba
I into a perfect


^ t.~i notbinR will peranade bfn> thatbedid

arbioh baa beaa made to ttala anaatry. ^ ^
Raw York baa

^ aabecomlag beard w

prorlded for tbeear- aittlog down to ai>ybarberohair.-~Cbi-

rayofa n-fooleaBal from Laka Brla oagoTrlbana
«D tba sea.

Tba Idea la to flml boatt [

UO (aet long and aarrylng 1000 tona.



who rode on
aflbecamottbe NaaaaaElaetrlc-^l
foad Oompaay of Brooklyn, baa t
•warded fttoo damagea for UJariaa


Lord'^eirii eatlmMcatbattho'>11nlng alow" at tbe earth in iti daily

aaiead by being eat apea by a "rary


^ contnry.

fbtmaa." Tbe tet oma bad bacnakand-1

Tbe main oanae of thia

ing> had lent kk balaaaa aa tM rmalt tbe frictiou oanaed by tbe tidea. which
oCa aaddaa appllMtUa el tbe braken., act at a bnk^ tbe aetion of wbioh baa

a waa aakad Tbaraday alght


•MamniBg tbe repori that there had 1


tbe eqaatm.

Other ranem hare aim. to be taken la-

. Asa* Era dMtha from baboaie plagM.toaooobnl—m. foresample. tbelncraHO
ta that city tba yaat waak and that the' In tbe aiae «(tbe earth, dae to tbe fallteat bad bean aorpcMOd by ibe on it of meteorlo daat, which. If de'
"I will nelthtr pMtad at tbe rale of cue foot in 4,000

Be Balds

BMim or daay ihia report."

Tbw ebaatry laalyi
meat prpdaeie. Imriag oatabaap aad
than an
all tba raat of tba world
Pfrntrlpfl Tba amooat wae nmriy
*ni.mii«iu. u.rot aop,„lu-

?**P^.*”?“.**?^*°* **“ ohaerrad re. tardadoo by itself.
I a pb.

1 aa tbe annnal
growth and melUug of anerw and ice at
polaa la UtrodnotBg irregniaritlea
into tbe problem, tbe growth at tbe
p»l«. br«l«« ».u» Ii-n ib.

.jat^ MTw arw tba foondatloa of the
oeewii. accelerating
eora ora »e iow«»hoo o»
um earth's motion, and the melting, by
g to a rata of ”•****'*
wat«. retarding iL
All rmlroadabara agroad to a rata of ■
xgainet the retarding ftjnra then haa
MS fara for tba roaad trip for tbe Bo- «« he taken Into accoont a probable ws
oat Phtladalphla.

befog gatbarad

'oeleratioo. dnetotbe gradnal sinking

by tbe ^^*

byoo^ng. but thia Lord

lM.lboardofbaaUhofH.w York i-*
teaaie that t .ooo more daatbt from ieof the rwtardatton due to tidal frlo•araxtbarsoeearraddarlag ibe grip 2;;^



Febroery ,

profmacr Newcomb has declared from

Sbaodariac iha eorraapaadtog ptrloj

aatronomical ooosidmtioos

nflaai year from tfca tame CMee.

earth wnt alow and lost Mren aecooda


A Ps. oart to waked ui. bstwemi IRSOand I8«. and then went
oVo^m!a ^b,^ fart and gained eight eecond* betwwm
•raatiheeUlsofoae IiM dltebjt
,t,eia ,«d t«T9. changes of rale explicatemagafsattbemiateof J>ba Skifa*.

,,,, t, pooible ebangra inibeearth'a




"eatartaoUr iba old
" *

■ T a graat arable In

pariofabrea ymra


The great Fri-urb actorFebvre bae an

Slatm are now brtag maaataelorad la

„wtloo or a droam that eome day the


Taay wUI be ?3 feet io cl--

w.gecf errery oonutrywlll eprab the

IS at tbe bam aad gradnaliy

langnage of blewonnlry with a perfect

c l« 40 feel to elreamtaroaea at the •mnt and an acadenilo nniiy.
They wiU be MO feet


high aad

that very thing, the verlefy of aMMita.

dor. ben. Horaee Portor. aad ibe Uali

BogH*h eo polling to* foratgBer. Vio Into any of the first flam
comedy tbraura in Loodnu. An actor
Bespeaka«eEogllsh. Anotha

aosi aboai «0.000 aplaoe.

ad biawe eommimlooer gaoerwL Perd -1

go tbe atage. Be siswk* a second

nod W. Pack, paritolpaiad Thertd»y ;epeciei.

A third and a fooitb harea

la tba exeeeleae of iaralog ©ear the , third and a fourth Teriety.

oxhIWt kaowa



the though, at the Comedle Fr^ise otm

a__________ ear- kltobaa for dam Jaeuwt- i

»*«* *° **


to« ibe
the WM
.a of
af oora
aa*. as
as (x>d
fiai Md
aid for
far Me
th. , “»«*»" ..rh with LU IndiTidoal ae««i
parpoaeoflaerraelagexporta. to

th* j

aspoaUloo aaihorltlaa.
la Rewtoo. Mast. a


rtranger would find itdUScoltiopoee

hlmwlf. to take hU b<AiriugL
maa'e Ss

waa blown oat of bia band,


bill of my rlxlti to London
he ^g with tbe Prtnee of

aad Uberatod U at ibe plaee wbare the

On one

jeemed In iWu does not pam be-

treaaory abore tbe needa of the foretn*
meat. Tbe Demoerata were mnrh tak­



‘nJ^STbr-lSSSt’Ti*! «»-

eanbr 1.^ ..-TJ
stinrtirely lia«ti- ,1
llttlo i^sHB Ibe t>.muh
In liirie irwrk iK-gnn t.' . . .
Rhe wa* wt to w i|dug di-dte., to dusting
room* and to sewing. Rhe did whatever
*fae wa* tanclii. luitlenily. without tear*.
Bat the .ln.>|> bf (he sen-itive mouth
grew gn-at.-r, and (li.-r.t un-*u l>*>k of
bopeles>ne.« in Ibe prrpie ey.-s wbieh
nthiugever hanisbi-d.
1- Vlnicglinr
Wliat tl

uamtri<-ie<l euuiiH-tliluu with ilui ]iroiI
of Auierieou IniNrr. The foreign
eapltojlst 1* fn*- to conte into lUI* eounmd provi.h- work f»r an additional
imlH-f of .tiuerli-on workmen, hut he
rxidoli the -tmerltWB
the .-xpenso of Atnerli-nu lalxir. llencc
dor prolet-tlve (xdh-y for tie prolet-UOD
vf Aiurrieau lalxir.
«2*oO Tbtoos af Urc.
Nearly KJ7.ta*>.*im' wa* adil«I to the
anHiimt of savlag* banka' <lp|x>*iu in
tbe state of New York in It&ill. It looia


never bad luoy-? of tbe goo-1 tbtoga of
life than they hare had dnrlng tbe tort

«« -■«


ThAre was no .-iirio.itf felt ui*.n thi
y s. ,-ni It
w-vl1 utlsti.-.! way and let
amid soHflhiliiv. warve fur lark of (ha
foe-1 of bimiau love.
• There wt*. n.-i far from the house of
tbe R.-arffK a certain eullra* seltirment
r siistaioe.1 Iby a number
________ h -*rd by Ibe
merest ebaoee of tlx- eiLslrnei; of Lena
Boiiir. But to navb ber was a taak aa
difietih aa that uf (he Prime ('harming
to find tbe Bleeping B.-auly. Tbe th-arffa
might easily have tbougbt IhemsHrea
Ct peraoit* to angiuent tbe wurkiog foira
of o^aettlenexl. but Ibey would
nlUH (bat they could be Its benhave admit

year. In pruteetlve tariff, thoogb.
with p^U-cilvw tariff wages to vogue.
It Upu^Ue for tbe people to bare tbe
good tbtoga of tire and to bare at tbe
r time a aurptua left orer from
their earninga. llte thing to look ont
for DOW I* that tbera nball be no monkejME with free trade again to bring
b^k tbe daya wben baUc accounu
melted away Inrtrad of growing.

(tonal eatw on tM maeMt. It to ♦«>r— Mdiuooe and aaag with fina - eafaot,
bSSJiSyiTttelteJrio !to!U^:"BtoABt«raltooMWooJdn'l8tayln
A tovtaor toeanody.
(BiBgriiafaL It aets dlrratly on the CorLDatruii Tribona
BIX hundred Idle paper mills. If Ibey
Mood and mooooa aorfaaai of tba^COD poosihly nldalD help, abrah) t«c
tom. Tbar cte ona bandrad
aUrIcd and make idles of money while
aeabrlafra‘wanyaaao it teUatoaora. Band for
’ wi nnd tmttmoniala Addram. te<* tem labor, a liQle nap at my lowering tite prk-e of paper. We *ugr. /. fneSB? A 00 , TMado, O. deab,"aelda man. ' Idiramed that I gnt tbla ramedy torteod of the proWM emoking. and that 1 M awallow- 'pooal to enrli-b the few tbrongb rob•d a lot of amofca 1 awoke otmehiag Mng wage earners l>." free trade, wlileb
WaM*t that kind of eorloM?"—Kow ■wlndlito tbem out of tbeir Jitoa-OOBtral
(B- L) Jannml.
York Bon.


b*«e ev.-ning. »;y mn.k- oa

eotiuiry. • uiiiloy foreign wurkuteu and
then be free to send the iirwlm ts uf tbe
IKHtrly |wld labor uf (b<-M.- foreign
futimry to etil.-r hito

It bain't been an economical year ci­
ther. It i* pretty ufe to aay that the
people of tbla (ountiy as a wboto hare

teltoi^to^i^ with loaal tiaatmeet mateod tbe monanb. with mveriiy.wd
It toeoraUa. tWenaabas MmlngledwItbemL'-Admceiebtbam
mlarrb to ba a oooatlMttOMl that they ara
tog tfarlrtlma away.

dark Mm- eali- ., and her hnir wn. kept
ahavsl Hom- i.. h-r head In order (bat

.kmericuu w orkuu-u.
What we do ohjw-t to la that be
sbuuhl keep Ida .-ai.llal lu a f..rplgn

la MU.

rajotoad thebet*«»»

Tlie m-arff.

The eye* of Lent gearff were of the tall, eracefol ylrl »lih r
ippealing pa­
color of purjde eiolel. hot they h^ed •«iba
cr punilt
ipon the world in nineh bewUd^ thn*.
tenfor tbe resBon (hat ibelr obsi^- der lighi sbrrehii
-n hn>wn
• vnpph-mentrd by aa audTue w«« rollnrf
bi-r bend
in *n>noth
mrasaite. In <-tber words,
(he littli-chHdbraid*; ber enoitdesinn bail ill
and the poor fh-nioerary loaea one
bad nn voire with whU-b to spi-sk ber d«-li<-sr.T. en
ADore hope •<! polltiml capital, ^e thooxlita and n." beanne by wbich (be decl. tbuugfa
Bo«>r war. liacnmi. Catir d'Alene. Por- tbuBgbts of others i-ould resrli
hat *be
to be
brr. 8be artuall)
ally 0
o Uleo and now the war taaee—what
of s bic fatnily. and all of tbe etmeyln):
.- b
. lily with o rrithal eye.
. .
... d
d<- e«d luT SMsnn- r a> *be cm-lyd tlirtn wai
r wltbeut |.by*iral
lO array of blighted uileulaiiont thia
fpcC Tbrvwen- ind<-ol a rnbusriens faoi- anything hut rrlneine. .Vud. while ibey
lly. Inulligent. frticsl and indiirtriuus. wu'tid mil bare ii-sl tbst wi.nU yet to
For the bemiHTut-y thie ianie of tax
The nrirtbor* Ihi.uxbt Well of tbem. raidily a erii.ciiiB ,aliitn.le »«. what the
reduftlon I* doiildy •’luaJi-«1."
One Mr».*Rrarff had the ni>ma«iun of l*-tPB Srarffii would have exp«-«tiil of tbi* uoI>i trKwraik.- onran IVOiew 'roi*. with •tbe iH-at hn««-ke. -*T in the blo.-t. Jo- forsunal...
mon> «Ml than dtkmHIim, haa been aepb th-arir. a eootraeiur fur oraamenial
J'wrph Krarff «a* toeved to aomrtbinf
howling for a "nnH-al of the atamp stuoework. w as atx-uiiiitrd a auereafol Hke *bame f..r liU Ions *><-cle<-(.
"I bopi- .»«u bare <*>Bie lu stay. Ix-ni
taxm." Tbix
lieanilfitl. It la and fine workman. TUc 1«y* sud (riri*
were bright at w^ool. Tlwy wer* seat be wrote uti a *be.-t ilf IMP
of 1TT<i add affunlr
to Ibe tiinera fur pfaysiral derrlupment thanked him,wilb a kiss nn bU eh-ek.
chaiiee to cow|«m* 1‘nwUlent SIcKInley
n llint
the Hi-arff* *taned
at tbe aarlieai (maalbh- age. and they eharminclT giv—

Ceorge III and
Mr. Br^-ao—not
Ilf them enuld bavv
luong tbe pupa* of a in amaa-ment.
AgulDAtdo this time, Imt anuiher Dem­
ixilar anmng tbe well donr-awrihing *•• *i*>u(i
ocratic hlol—to M'sehtnoton. Hut tbla
"1 wrtald like f> bare my uld
do flermar
y«'» 'idenar.
'l•l.■a«^.•• ab<- wn.te.
>r tfaen maid make y<»i
oreiraBer organ I* denouncT-d aa a kloreOTer. every o
Httle «ld
old ro-Hu:
rn.Hu: Ynn
Tnn shall have
ba.r aonrtier. aad tb.Httle
babUlng fool by a Deamcratlc contem­ mn*lc nt sontr >
frnnt mom ba.ked mure like the mital- a larger nae." her father r.-plh-d- But
porary. wtairh boTly reminde U that
clans' praeliir r.»>iii at a theater than obr iu*i*te,l upon the uhl unr and made
tlwec atamp taxc** art- iniernal rerc-nue
Ib* pariur of a family.
to-raelr at h.un.- there. ITie family weat
taxes and tberefore iK-mcM-railc taxea
But while •the ttearffs appeared to hare to 1>«1 that i.lght with miitgled feellnga,
and that tbe Domtxrary muut liend ita a DumlMT of virtu.-, awl to be chief no.oue wbi.-l. wt* tbnt ..f the dilBdeatruc-tlre eoergW not againai tbeu. eltlaeua of wbi. b any .-Ity migbl be culry of the si(iia(l»ii.
Tbi. Iramiful
bol asainat
the calioua Republlian Ibe fa.-t n malne.1 that Ibere was giH eould not b.- bidd. ii as tb.. *e.-mingly
They balf willed ehild lisd l«vm. 8.. far fraa
praclW- of taxing foreign gvoda to a eeciain hardness al..ot them.
f<mnd It liu|***.iblr t» foiriv,. ineapabili- loirnding np..n (be family, abe kept raihproieot .imcrl'en Induairy.
ly. whkb ther seemrti to r..i.f..ui>d with rr ex.lnslvrly t.. b.-r ..wn r.«Hn. which
Bo w ben tbe Uepubllraua In rungiraa'
Tlie 1*iy* invariablv >|>nkr abe bad tilted up with a diraii. whirh sbe
lore to repeal jbeae "atamp laxea" aa | with mnlempi of a aeb.a.luiuir «f their* made iote a 1«nI at oigbl. Slid with the
0 lunger neeeaaary thira l» a pleaalng i wbo was isTw. Tbe girU oiM-uly rum- brnch and tools of ber-woodetittloc craft.
proapecT Ihat the Democrata will re-j
ilH'lr trii-iMl» whu were On the wall, with Jl* fresh liut of eWd
s sbe used
alai It and deiftand tbe reicniioo of the
who ws. out of work, and many a s|*-<-imen of her el.-rerbandilaxea on Anierlcon linslm-a in order
t.i lie Irritat- ernfl. There had lieen rahiii.-t maker* in
(hat a redu'-ilcm may bv made In tbe and ill. wlf.' wii. more o|-i
rd than *>in|iiilh.-lh- if on «f tip- ciris Ibe tL-atir family, one of 'wboni was fataxea on foreign Imainc-n. Tliai would
«a> found (.< W ni In tlo- iii.irnlug and molts, sii.t anisi. w<-re nut unknuwa eibe reoiN-uIng tlie tariff taaiie with a
Mor—ver. in tbi. way. JoKcpb
not aide to p<-rf.irm InT .hare of the Iher.
vengc-anee. Brarff was an artb-t iisi. So there waa
huu-odiold duties.
• ibl.
S.. l*na. with the piirpl.- eyes nod the ability to give n true appnvi
T1k> longer The Joonial liv.-* the
profoiinder gn>wa Ita admlratluu for ear* wbirh woiikl m.i hear and the w-n.i- work, and tin- R.arff. I*h»i
(be truly odoaeal ^lieuxM-ratlo ginitu tire u)«Hlh whi.-li nil.-nsl nn anh-iilaie If (bey bad not a geulna in th.-ir midst.
w..rd. came a. au un-iK-akal.U- niurtlti. a1-ater. when Ih.- new. had gone al.mad
of bUiudrrIng.
tl..n to tire Searff*. She hadl.-eii *ueh n Ihut ll.i. origiDiil young w.s.l .-iirver bad
pretty bal.y tlut at brsl »!o- had be.n come to town. Ih.oe who bn.l
Htiun. begat
l..a.le mo. h of. Iml nbei. ..........
of her work at .vrtmn exUil.i
of ber mlsf..rtune. wa. msde n-lhing to e,|i. Mu *.ke.l to join aIt -wU-ty of
r>f h'-r
'•evlnrra WTka Rave Moarg <•
more wa. said nl-tul her- Flo- wa. kept the srts and •Taft*.-raft.. Riorie. of
h-r beau'
i-ani'e] ty
in llH- Uekgroiind. Ml.en enller. came,
tJ and ■pirituality
.pirit-tality ai
and tah-ut w.-i,l ont.
to m:
Tbe fn-c trader* an- lu ti^nbit of abewasbOKlIed into an iipiM-r .
apirallng to «-)au prejudice-ii^iinklng a. sbe wa. a singularly ■•aiii-m ehild,
Ujton the t.-awy of her Work. A Ihiliethe unjuid tatint that the pruti-rtirc more and more she was left by berM-lf mian eiivl.' «VB« open to her. nn.l »
in a rttoin at the .-od of (he up stair* ball,
tarlff i*
i» Mio^nion- fur
for (he
the iMtielll
Ix-uelll iif the ea|e
whl.b bad l«-n ~h «|Hirl f-r her. Tb*
lulUt* Uiati for thill <>f the IniNin-ra.
The IluJ
place wa* warni in wloi.r atul cool in tingi<isbi-d t
rowd.-d t
Ituf there i< uu tarlfT <»i <ii|>ltal. Any sitmmrr; lutr. |-nl a.m- ll.e win­ hall ro.Hn 1
fun-lgui-r who desire-* to hrlug hU c-apl- dow that the I'liild might he In uo danger gowing.
Tb* R.wrtr. b. gnn to tulk mneh of tbeir
Isl Intu thin cuuntt?’ and e*tahli*U an of falling om; tbe room wa> thoroughly
„ »-«« h.ik- rister and to mnke capital even of tb^
tleaDi-<l on.-.- a wwk, and lenn
iDduatty lu utllllM-llllon with the iRiIl
Is-ine w-ell difiieullie. • iind.-r i wliH-h six- worked.^
tries «-*inldl*he<l In ibl* iviumry by «l III
' *
H for fri.-...
They eut.-red
Int.i n i*Uiu sUBV«-«l.-J Ay
____ .
A few t.
other cuidtallRia Is at IllM-rty to do eo.
...............-.rrtsd her father to build a Miidlo on the ha.-k
ber. hut abe a.-enied Dot
.Vo goterMiiient oltlrlal will demaud
_ .......... h.-r relative*
vntrred from
In then
from him nii.v duty uu his enidlal. *:<H> ______ _
Zl" lTl.h.iool t.. ti.rritc^ the stre.-! and whet.- she eoiild .-mertaia
ev.-ninc when »Ue ph-osed. .ktid
weleouic biut w luHi he tviUJi-* to tbla Rhe wr. in *a\l!L.- (i.x-k* of

margin during the year just )«*(.


when the faaillr hi
and were iditlna la the parior. amonc
tbeir nioiilral laHniRienlA
"Kbe waa an aaxioiir li> dee yna a aat*
prlM-." aald tbe attendant, "that I ronld
■ But dray her."

dlrlaloD. Thaa the eredlt for Inlliaiing tbi* retreurhiaeat goM to. tbe
party of the natlooBl admluiatratlou.

OB tbuugb the pea^le of the rtate bad
been making coda not only meet, but
had made them Up by a good wide

pntH««ter. hNd «sUl .tba tea few i
My yaan dMM

ty. made a joarwry of 3Wt milea to aee
her danahier. and ahr retonred with to
awewhat pamled took qwu her face.*
Lew waa frnwioy rapidly. *b» mid. aad
ctmM read and wrbp aad do rerrlac la
wood, broidea M-k-tac aad dahriag aad
Tbe fhtrff* opened their
eyre, bat were more or lea iaeredaloiM.
BekMea. It dida'i maiief: the ebOd was
le to then.. Tbey dMiked area
Ihlak of her.
yeara weot by. aad ooe day, la
If with an attendant froM the
.. .
Blade ber
ce at {

en atMck t>y tbia^tnit they did not dare
to realat It. Tbe

aa alley, aad there tbe mao tooad the delpUa Ledga.

' WbsA " artted ibe Ung in tbe play,
"oratbom Bomaa dtixoie doing over


formation sa to wbetber tbe war reronae atl U rreatlac a anrplna to the

mu bad lost Us mamaj. Tba papar-,epd tbe fonlfiratioDe and it only
htow down iboatraai aad araoad lo o i^okon betwwn Freoebmeot’"-r-Pblla-

Tbara ie mors eatearb to ible aeetkm
of tba M—tiT Ihao all otbor dlaeaam >i.___

I doty doto.' At the met of ._w
Mra. Hrarff. by eome be>

Bat tbe BepaMleau bare p>t abend

Intending to timke it Auierh-au .-flidlaU
to add it to the Mehe. UUd mwilir.-c* of
(be ettUDiry and to um- It to eiiritluylng

It Ja aald

that Mra. Carrie Cbap-'

maa Can to tired of tbe maay }«etb at
ber ex|ienee and atoa tbe paragraptMTo
to quit. A few >eara ayo there wu
a yoniur

m-lnit la a Uttli
town to northweetm UlnHWil Bhr

waa a very anprrior peraoa aad Ml
_ a creat Care
(bat abe waa coBferrlai;
npon the hoi pollol when abe coade-

.b., .b. M, b„ ,.a

<M Omr calWd b Hm. tot kMt
' to toad b Mto. to tk* hr*.
Wto« avltow vuwd la to kuwd
to ardaw *r«a eaJoM l»pl»,
wkr mr ato* to iM dmr'
Ttotok rack awa plan a Uiail
Trt aark I. aeddid to a» dir;
I tad Hla k«B a ram W kartt.

taxer" ay for uee to tbe natloBal elec-

of them. Qnlu noexpcctedly Chalnaan
Payne af tbe eomulttce on ways and |
meana. tbe BepoMkan leader to tbe
boIlB^ totrodnred a reeolottoo enUnc

I was talkWale.

a vwd. • tMk. « nllt. •
tnu «t* « to>« pgt ('aeWt A
Mokt ea Ckt rktp*. a«t peftR^t I
I and tot txfi t rewt A kwru.

bad plaaned to raiee a ‘■down wlU tba

country hrluging hi. cu|iiial with blm.

Tbe Urgmtemokastaeka whleh bevel
m bass maBaUetarad la ^


brr aad pUted ber wtore toe eeaU bare
toMmrtiuB each aa to cirea to tbe deoL
Tbe S.AHb were fiad to he rM of lUa
orUrjlBx tocaiobraB
.. woold be poaaiUe
. .
toe booae wlthoot rCiutaDi fear that they
woold MMoiiBtrr Ibai dreadfol little creatare.
Tbe tamOy t___ _______ __ ________________
rlalt brr oo.e la ihne tnooibm bat they .
tbeBurlTea of tbe oMorta'
aily. and Lena, arbea tbe brief raeatfaa;


........ ........................ ...
. . aato wdliode of
her raom. And when, Uler murii adroit
I. she gained the eounent of
itber to visit her, itoe found a
yet murv aerloaa ohslaeir In Ibe vallM
snsph-inn of this timid wild etrature. who
bogged her prison sod feared all humani­
Miss .MIpon brougfat fiowvra sad
pot them lo I.eoa’s room and went away
with a smUe.
She- Wt sweets In the
ly and
oalniT—blocks and pieces of bright <
«t pletufea or tbe paper Japaoei*- flo'
that open to whiter. Finally sbe c
to tba room and aat there sewing on-------pieces of gay embroidery ar patotlag or
■ •

And at last, exuBdeoee

acwaiwper dM aot priat It U tidl
when printed at alL
Flaally a yoi _
to elerit to ane of tbe atorea. He aBo
and Mlee AacHlM Otwa
wouW*rattU*^Mr k than ber 'own.
8o abe married Um.
Mrs. ArchlbaU

A aman UUle lad down at OaleaIrarc. Kan., arbe bad been taken to
Kanaaa Ctiy. where he aaw and graatly admired tbe bright unirorm and
prompt delirery of mall by Che poai*
aeiaad with the Idea that
-onld be tbe pnatmaa.
Bo be aeeretly aei-ured a large bOBrile of eld love letter* which bad been
reertted from numeroua yonng fUIowa by bl* luniber In her girtbood
days, and he trotted out briskly, leav­
ing a letter at every home io town,
tlah-iduirg is enjoying the swMtcst bit
of gnsslp iliat It has lu many a kwg
year. And the Iwy. uh. w-hi-re is bet
HI* mother I* abort ooe pair of sU»l«er* and one ohlnglr. and the boy’#
eblef amhiilnii now l* in find a soft
place on w hich to sit.



Liverlril Wnint—Me Ind. the ca»
rUge wail* niilxxit.
IxMvl Flir Jo.her—Without whntT
"Wilhniii h.-rscs. me Ind: ’(Is as
.............—4 hhtp> Itn-urd.
Rrown—llovv di.l Smith luntinge to

Jouea—Nu: but be'* simply rolUnc
In aflluentv.—t’bh-ago Dally Newo.
"I've just bad a letter from our ccoWbat does he wantT'
He say* be enn t mnke a hU iD pub.
life MulcH* Home of ua start a lot
of iMItieal nuDor* for bim to deny."—
•hlcngo Dally New*.
Wederly—I aiippoae you have aenr
given marriage a tbougbt."
I. yen. I bare.
Wederly—Tbeu why are you otlD
Rlngletoo—Reeaiise I bare gltoB
marriage a tbongfat.—Chicago DaOa
A raat Blcvcto Blder
WlU oftOB raeal ve patofol ea ta.apeatoa
rbruisea froaa aeoldenia. Unehleo'B..
Arnica 8a:*a, win hill tbe pain and
heal tbe Irjnrv.U'a A»>e cyelUfa frlerd.
cbaflpg. chapped banda, >or«
llpa. berna. Ul*«*a and
ei'e* Cora

’MoBhKb" SalU have dfasrer anppor!er*. Bee tba eomplau line at Bia-




■]^p»wiv TO Loan-j-^

James a BelMrts.Oia HUsloa. MIeb.


also mas «•

(, WAMTKO - Pot a
' (ioc-a «sg** sod ao washing. riOToa
.. sad mwc.

T OWr-PrtdayMoym*. a
±J devm.^ura^y pla.^


nabs; ale


glan.v-. «.f ntidisguls.*! affe<
reu>aii»*l. so far a. the Si-arlfs were c.
certpsl. remote, ali.-n—no satellite, but
beautifo] star, moving pr.xidly Id IU own
orbit.—Kt. Taul rionix-r 1'
name BeMlah/nrwiB
The Kighlli hu.-niw Rt.e Kins'* Royal

i S2;

___ all r*___
i*a(s- awall fs
iD.luir* of Cbsrie. Prorh

F'’siss!?.ru?" as

•*' Vf.’

tb.- rwoid
being w-nra alr-nt the wni-t
er the right slmuld.-r. Thi......................
B^mnrnlinii <if Ibe gallant mndiiet ef tbe
reginii-ut at the battb- »f Saragns-a,
when tbe belt* of (he Rpani.h etvnlry
-fv ■eaptiited. TLo nickiisine of "Crosa
• "
ilwav. slick to tlx- regiment.
^Tl'" officer*
a and
to have
cek of tbe
wbat it railed a flash o
neek of tbe coats. The regiment nasd to
wear pigtaBa until about -tbe year 1807.
ipj*x.ilk.n Is
tb* .npi*>silk.n
1* that, having
tained tbem after other regiments hsd
dlseatded them, they werC allowed to re­
tain tbe flash .<n tbe coat collar
' ‘
mark of diBlInetion.
Ooe regiment olwaya wear white
plumes In Ibrir caps In menjory of their
gsUautry at Rl. Loris in 1T7B. Tbe men
^uche<l*tbe white feslhet* from the hau
pot tbem ■to ‘’-’their
of the Fi

a-flou*« aad lOT eo BmI eghth
ran don bMooea oa law nma
loon Verty.



|roa aaLa-itouse aad u
N Ihhoad Bebewlsstro

w'ESr^rte- vi.-uivs ■
wMb. (aqalre».Labnr«sir BeoOTOT a^W

vtOTs baUdlog for m aaaL«-T^w»ty»e^traU^ara^a^^
defeated tbe Blkfa army at lUmmlggnr.
Tbe ■‘Boffa" enjoy the prirltoge ed

• Alasaat Momao.
*V>h. George.” tearfolly exclaimed Ua
wife, meeting him at tbe door. "Ihat parit you bn

^-i'^dS'r*kaow. He wopT tUi me.
Wbeo 1 ask btan wbat tbe trouble to to
t awran dmadfaHyrs-CUcago Tilto


—-----------1, a,,.


ssswarsis *»


AU Jbwia of tv. ry doaerifttsa. art prahltotto




iDBft ItOfiKlKG RSCOSD. SATUltDAti'MAY 19. 1900


CrMf BeeaHe KepMed reOm a Bom
■elliod *t Pereli
a U. Bbennaa of 8|
«pt The BepoblJcaa haa. be brilent,
perfected a plan for fcrciag the growth
of almoet aap form of plant life to the
extent that the fcenlla of arreral peart’
pragrem bp natural growth are aceemptltbed In one neaaon. The plaa U
altnirip to «nM»*T directip le the roott
of the pUnt, tree or ebnlb the riwmleala needed In lie growth and that
anre the growing thing the trouble of
extending lla roote o« tbrou^ a broad
^lace of grooud for the aeinral eoercea.
To thee eopplp the nutriment Mr.
SfaermsD empb^ n nten*U Into which
the cbumleale are Mipiilled from the
aorface. and the storage ehatnber be' wtUi a (bick growth

mMt mwtk or Htd*.
m cMr
t¥dr cMItv (*
-------- “t
Urn oao t»m vkn«MMr


ttmcli Hm iNlt «lif A* U«M «i«tabK ud
. MMac M dMfwta aittw frpa t)»
- iMMte «rnMrtor sMMnwe of « mtt It teportut te 'nooDM alw tkN
-tt* bHt oOteu to wlBdotr ctwDinc
«N M( tlvan
<V iboM who
.;»ti* hhrt« or hiBttw »t tbt talk.
. .OftM. With pl»V of wia the wla^w
------- 4M/ faU thm^ lark of tight
nit partteolartj appUta
w ^
It brtag typfdt#
•rtr ohfwNdhw par Otaaf caa ■
r he ntbbtd eraa la



tdtt it eompottd of ollre oU. oaa
«met: ammoala. oat oaacr; Umt. two
aaaota. aad water, car oaoce. Tbit
' ahoWd meko a thick paete. mad wetrr
aad ammoala map be added uaUI the
ragnlred eoaoMrorp te ailalard. The
paote It to be amearml over tbe gtam
aad tba wladowe cleaned In tbe ntnai
- wap with hot water and the cnstamarp
' cStna iMthere and cloiba Drp whlt<
tag ]• an excellent pollth for gUai aad
oup be empiopwl after tbe ptRe and
waahlag or tren wbrro tbe labor of tho
pa«U It coaolderod too great.
pwMitaanp dML caked bp the ptMMTO hf atmoipberie molRure, baedru
la tho cornerx of the Hsb. Thlsaboold
: ba nmarod hp a narrow bUded. aharp
potamd wooden knife, which conld
hf fOahloMd OBI of a piece of Arewood.
Beawtlmna paint or puttp dla&gvrro
the margiaa of the patma. Okmolro
aama erndo bicarboaata of poiaoh ia
hat wttar aad aataraie the |wiat adg to tbe glaas with tbia It abonld
ala oa nntll uearip drp. Then rw
■a It with a woolen cloth.

I have bad mv baildiitt
ipbailt ki^ pat ia good
a^pe aad am dow r«p^.
toreceireaU old patrooB.

Good Line of Jofoii^



The Waukazoo House
XTax^tlEmoiet^ actoft.


tbep Alter tbibngb the ~marUse............
Sbermnn bat alreadp accomplt^ed
material reenitt with hit larentloo and
hat tniereated ae\-en1 prominent borm
Urulturtsta and pgiiculttirltta During
last tummer the preeeu wai tried on
a Qneen of the rralrie rote bmh. TWo
bnshc*. eacli a pear old. were taken for
the teri. One tlat wat planted under
at farurable natnral eondltlont at poa- ■e»-» obS eaiMfva’s dlsossss a srseUJtT. OT
olble grew to tite height of three feet
g B.n.;ato«BBaiwto^
and bore nevrn blaMonw. The aecond.

s22% S

> aad the aatwa ChtpHtM. urn. %
rm-OMhu mmaam o.
(Ne of the headeomo otmetaraa at the greet Paa-Amertma Kxpoemaii.
which It to be bold le Batdlo frma Map 1 (p Nor. l. l«!. wOl be the Etbaol5P bflfldtag. It will contain an eahlMl of nattettal lotereet te til Amerfrane.
Bthaologp le the ecleace Which treou of the dlvlaloa of tuahklnd Into tacee.
their orlgta. dUtriboHoa aad rvlatloiu aad the pMtilUritiee which cberacterlug wll
g the ronalrtee of North and f
America. Thle wUl be
pemllarip appropriate for the rmm that thp Ezpoeltton it a ran-Amertcan,
or Ail-Amertcan. ereat. aad ereepthnag of Inteml coaceralng the varioue natteat lahabltlBg the aew world dlecorered'bp Cidanibui wUl be rrprreenird
hp as latereetlag exhibit in BoSalo when the ExpeeliloD'a gatM open ou iler
1. IWl, Strange le relate, the nKwt InierretlDg exbiblli ceacrrulag eereral
oountrp. l*erD. for

, . It It obTfono that the mere orieaUfle
«M mtaat adopted for deaalog gleoa
wladoira the hotter aad brighter win
bo tho offort. for worn gleat can acror
ho aotMarteiT. for tho emiebet will
boW tho dirt.



t «ow* ia a ntOo ^raportloMN

That. If Tet7 ctaaa ieethtn aad water
aioae an oaod. the wmt will he to
krithw aa aot to be palpable la a bnndrodpean. If. bMrerer. (lin/do«m
at* owd. the airt UnbodiM la Ues
, r.c iWU tab down aad onatrtt the cteat la
ao llM. Tboae who know oBTlhlac

wlU BiaterioH/tpprecktu thie bManiw the deUeato glaaa
eUM fl . iwoM atPitiaiy to that
' fronad to tie doelrod
ahapeo hp i mmbod aot rorp dltatah


rtEOiNS (>Ui«tE. ■



_ . . bore
2.(KJ0 blataotiiL Tbe bush was loaded
With perfect duulde roeet of a deepeoetl
color and a marked fragrance. '
bush wat hartl}' and. having Mood
protected during tbe winter, glree
promlae of even greater reaulia daring OoBnUc Boiaola b; Iht UtMt BBS oasi bpthe coming acaaun. Tbe growth of IS
feet was necured in three months and
abowed a record of 1!0 Inches In m<
noe her InBnencr tv hare exhibited In her aectloa the remarkable coUeeUon dspa This U a case of where a man
of Ptrertan anaguJlIet now owned bp rariout Ai
might alt op bis plasu and grow -W
■bade fast enough to make It onnec> stBbtM
. win
will W
to proai^y
ptototolj st'Pi
.|i.Bdto to- MtotoLIVING ABROAD.
wurp for bim to more out of tbe aon- T—i&M-p. lit.
llghLIt u not a* Amp m it b eMBroip
FnveHte roods of Ptonto.
stmt. IWllilrlephAiMNc.MI.
It Is more ibaii I'.Oiri years since phi-


tm oin. BiAion po» ii. cb;^.“3iK;

iraiahad a»d beat kop
poaloMiIa ia reofff ta
pear roeai. Oohi
Ltrorr IB <
i with Dm boMi?
Batoa mode koewa oa anpUeatUm.
____________________ R A. CAMPBELL


Fire hisiirancel'
Ia Ia A. BoUdlng.

i dwelllBg, Slock, et^ws
bern. or aoy other prrp rty iosaral .^
kiadjy remember I want
to write
iMBracee f r yra, and will glropow
froRint and arefnl-------- - “ ily the
citable stock lamv
Bates rorp low.

lOM 73.

Jobus-W B'laek
loM>i>lieni l>ogB'n to spcculaic about the ronki) uoftax.bsNiflni I and house palm
of tbfiigi In Korofie (7 a iiltle bit of food of planiH and wlut we may term f Irg. ape paper base iP^ajiiOrtali^^H
gutrasierd.. Wttla
NmWmI Kane «r DsIitimoN
■■digestive’ {.rw-esM-s.
Um THUkt Oetroit Hv Had Oavaro{tloua." laid Colonel W.
t'baiimanaf Knowledge, hut It U auly during tho
lAKp TfKINti —
arah:r l.aog Kiauak.
Utter half of thia century that really r>oei
At Low PiicM.
Aftbongb tlic UIcbIxau Dalrpmen’e MJoorn^ "broad
clror and dcAnlic nmloiu conccralii
>. sraduato (raoi the

fWHl su).pH
Idles of the vegetabi*
itol Ills Volrarallt »r
Ixample, t^an in anp Aratri- world have U-eii generally aocepted by^
ttiU merning. does not upeulp
wrial atuiBtioi ■Ivsn
trees tT.OO. Ollier tree*
J dUeaaes pseotlar Ut
political prefen-nrea
“ '
lud out iClCDIIAC I
still'■>7 "vrow. 1 funud
As Tar as Is known.
nd rcaldsser Sll Bar rMiaonable.
See lu on comer of
I stple in Undon
the cbaracter «f lis 1
simi. At
I bcinir from i WIBa.o.^ troB. I
>' bmdneM . that to lire in godd
t l»daiilcai cx|M
Front ami Union Sta.
04 p a.
d In Ugls- 1' w ns dearor a good deal thi
mu Tti
g Ibeir* intermits nud u
mforublp in New York.
*'Tu he KperiAc, 1 wciitAo tho Sarop,
pUm .
luaue lu
In luc
(be iiuiiui-Bi
polUK-al uw
the best
Desi ootei
hotel In UB
tbe grest
great mctropol
willow branch wldcli weighed Ave
and ordered a dinner not
pounds, lie kept the wlgjlc covered
r„ado.. a. a J .t'SiTSj:
Up and daily watensi the cartb with
ArriTBlBaS depsnuw ol irsios bI TrsTBrst
nluwatcr. .Ificr Ave years' growth
tUir. In «S*et Om-wbrr ITlfe. IISB.
Its In Waohiugtiui nut noted for their the willow was taken up and again
cbeapaeBs where that dinner would weighml and was found to have galnrd
tus S. Stearns for tbe
t 1next, governor bare c«s» about—conalulp
Ifll pounds. The earth in the jm)C was
ffssos :ssE£fl2fiASaes
more than «U. The bill broaght__ dried and weighed and had lost onb'
of Michigan.
Speaking prlvale|p. Mr. Haven aald; ' called for £S. iv f lU in Aiuerioan cw- two ounces.
:q rep opinion, ilie nomination slrenld ronry. Of, ermrea there was a smalt
Knowhslge was not yet aulDclentiy
.) to Mr. Stearns, lie has given thi- ttxtle of wine, bnt It was iuuoreiit of
oBIce of secretar}- of stale ibe l>e«i
»i bus- ioe, as llKllb(■rlov^ monvyuar (ears will advanced lu enable \>u Helmont to
IncM adfotnlsiratlon It has everr bail. make thow branlifnl UrItUhurs giro
and I balleve be conW be irnstcd
pon anp ice with pour drinks. 1 don't
clnalnn that the Incivasisl weight of
wont to ever buor again (if Enropeau Ibe plant was due to the water which
■am roe Tailor Oewwe.
«lt bat anp 1
The propm choice of headgear It one
> ilw governor- clmap living. Ifaaiuyth. I ran lire bad been supplied to the rieda He
It go?. better lu thle coon Up ou I.-m reottey therefore bKiked this ei|>erireeiic
,«t the airo potatn of drew, naln tailor
■ada aatlog aad negUgeo cettumoa cnor for two terms, and1 1 tbln>k iba and hare a ton of ice adapil i want as stipportlng the tlieoyy which he had
people of tbe et
eadpr at
and do- it gratis Y’on map be shhi to lire uver advanccd-vlx. that plants riHiulrrd no
■IroUB of trplng mime mher kind now. thereon a little tm
food but waiar. Stephen Ilaica adSteams le a wcsieni UIcbIgan man,
ranced the sniijeci a great step by Indi­
and It strikes me tiiat aecilon of ibe limit himself in
e”—Memphis Com cating that of the Increane In
atate is enlliled to recognition" * • • mercisL
weight of pliinis was derived from car­
—The Kventug News, DeirolL Feb.
loop. bon dioxide In the air.
It wai at a large partySv grutlcroi
1 Bbeallbr Kbf TBBkB.
bad the tulsfortone to break a Blm
Little Lena, who was stauding near her
mamma, raised herself on liptuu auc
eating houses and hotels, made In view |
panp to hear;
“And one of tbs borrowwl unes tool” of the fact that within a few months '
K. «MiMEa Talk* -r AutM a asMCM
Later in ttw evening the bostem gave Paris win 1h! crowded with visitors. I
TB«4 Aw w. Usio baa pBrlor r«r lo Orwac
WbeB He
Km«b br Waa
one of her little daoghl<>ri a nice appla Tlicfic kitchens, which arc Invariably I
lUpids, BBd •iW|>tiic CBr BBd eoBi-p «rWB.:
Veaie aaO Par* a Hith TrlLala.
BsyMa wChItwee
“Now, give pour iniauma a klHs, In the laxcuient have not even tbe '
IVbIb srridBg bi IdDp. a. bu sltw-aer Oil.
primitive fortu of ventilation. The J
“What do pon think of Mr. Kleai_ there’s a dear, ■' said the child's nnclti.
eluPBU toHrsed ttopidsBud eucp pwl
I a candidate for tbe Ueimblicau uomluseBrCblracoWGrBod n«rlii.^rh»trcs‘*rre not allowed to wlurti sho'a ceilings are usually leas iban eight feet
from the Aoors. many of them being 1
union for BUT.
painted bur faoe.’’
TasluBiT.'lBf Bl««<p. a bssebb'r rBr P>
“Sboiibl be h
luilualrd and electWBXPsjoO'sPd KspMsBBd ftiBlr cBr Ur»B.-.
LitUe Paul was sent with a bnncb of below thcKtreei sewers and drained by '
OBrUste Priaskrj.
ceasiiools. The kitchens are cramped
0. B. Ht'BkAY.ASFBI.
“there Is no quextlon
D bul be will di> bis Aowers to Ibe manager's wife on her very often to an extraordinary degree,
o. i. iAx;xwoou.
anilre dutp as far as lies lu bu )hiwand ill them aix- crowded the larder,
the hot stoves and the r>s>ks. wliB their
mUllaerp. The
Ladp—Well, tup ponug man. what
ohow aafe atpleo In walking aad outing laborand n-ork for ]nsi taxetlon of the
opoo waiting for now*
round to rvglsior ns high as 140 to KID
hats. Firm In. a
_ aofi nar
sailor, with apnt^ propertp of ludividiinis and ro^ni'
**■“’ "----------- ■ ■ I was aot ^,0 ask
irlng shown himself eniluwed for a piece of birtliday oako. but wait degrees r. In this frightful atmos­
tad otlfc hud: eneoad. a bUck atraw dons,
oofiia oouni.
phere men and women work from 6 In
ullve ability
aUllli to handle
tbe of- Ull J got IL—Tagliche Kuu.Uclian.
torbaa nrlth allk and wtnge for ^ral- with executive
the luurulng,until lU o’clock at night.
tora. and. tUrd. a new lightweight fatra of lari
Qllh only short Intervals
.•rvals for eating,
hat all atnw area to the trimming, t^re U ao doubt lie wontd aafe?y mnI
- tiC|*(B.e. It Is for
flltle wonder
tect the affairs of tbe state of Michi­
Ar Ord lUplA*. VMbK 4 1»p. 11 0>
Rooking chairs of the siplea preralling liui none
which la gaslhlt atraw tied la a bow.
L< OfS BApIds.
gan In a business like niaiiutf and uve nowadops are Uvliered to hare bcou in- that there Is an abnorreal mortalltp
to 1^- romrennwcalih uiHD.r^
Jimnug rooks lu r.-trla. and that most
(if dollars. veidiMK (-very rorruiit and
Of the deaths are caiwed from tuberenoonro Rokn.
la racantlp been perfected unjust measure and Mocilunlug and mentioned bp Venerable Bedo:
and gastrv hepatitis.
on now at««o Insarians that thep do
hp which niriaa la glren a luatm ab aiding each and every advanced Idea
rkr ' A a
A“to!„!.“ PM I r ts
ire ohain with wooden clrclra on tlie
the Interest of the state."—Ray (ilp
maat agoal to that of Bilk. Tectanteallp inth;
IW «
Jaa. Si. llkSi.
legs iM which swap back and forth in
It la kaova aa Harcerlsed cotton, bat Trihn
L>Ord>B|>U* Suip'r
snob aert that li woketh one sick to be­
It la aaM aadar maap allaaaa.
IMSp, t lXa<
hold tbem."
tho talMC Itoaa eollara aro mado to
bans desert by means of a canal 00
paoi twka arowad tho nock Uka a bellevca that Jnsius K. Picama___ __
Tenpota were tho inrenUon of eltbcr mdee long from tbe .Mlantlc, that the
lagton. It the best candidate for gar- the Indiana er Ibe Cbinroe and a
project la lin|>ractlcab]e. He malnUlns
hat iha tallon bare tba ornor among all the good ones named. oooenaia antiqnltp. Tbep came to En- the i-aual cuiiM not iHissibly fureislri
•H q«a
of Aaaa aad a abort Jacket aa • • • He stands a well
enough water to ron^wnaaie for the
candidate, a............................
u in that latitude, The lake.
ttOB. and ae
s tbe qts(«n of Lonis laigc or small, w hicL would be formed
B. P. itOKLLkR. A
P. A
XVL gave a n
to Marietra. O.
would soon Ux-ouic a pit of salt, and
Is Kuy.
■klrt walola are bolU of Ri
that would U-, the rod of It. The cor-'
*MO. CBOiM to arndeaaoa. aad dped ab
“We bare
they aald to tbe ~~ udent makes tbe unanswerable
great war critic, -to offer you the com­
•aot to a hattor uaL
orariQg sea wau-r without getting
mand of Ibe army."
Orowna of foliage and brims of Bow"Why. renlly." be exiMWlulaled. --f There it an encape for tbe water bp
am Dwhion mom tetehlag Uttlo toqoca.
n>e BepabUrons of Michigan wlU
TdBo aad straw, ertsoUne and chlffoa make ao uilsiakr In eelevUng Justus hare nut had lbs experience to exact erajioratloB. bul none for tbe percently qualify we fur eo great « rcspcmslA Bteanw. proeeut acen-tnry of slate, hlllty. I—
irge enough, and If lu water were
ird bearer. He
“h'Or months." they' Ton fresh and not salt, tbe project would
gnet the office of ^veraor, and glra
be pnctkablc, bnt aa things aro H
- MmiiiriF ftMa and pipings of rriret as administration of which we amp
_ ---------OOKhl
MIk. aatta or clKh are favored trimxlntlngoul tbeir errors.''
■loga for cMh eoatnmes and oepoiau OM boUeres In rondnctli* stale aOalro
"Yes. yes. of ronrm." be admitted.
gormoato. TBqp aro gueraUp of a ID A knolnem maaner—Ingbom Coa»‘ afs —
dlfferem. yon know."
tp j^a. Jas 11. UKKk
Of euurae tbep knew, bnt tbe aston­ meUl hairpin, saying that ahell or boos
«oikor aha«a of tho cotor of tho gar.
ishing feature was that be should ad- Is Bueb
inch better, and that many women
IBaoU Mat ftiahkm of ocorta with
bare anffered maeb from nervou jicad•'RraUp. Mr. Suiate.’’ the,
ache, never dreaming that tlie conas
The frail giri gasrd atoadllp at __ lay In that tuefnl little meUl hairpin.
peortlmii tbUorowi^"
big ttrapplag feUuw with the oak What proof of ibls'-Popnlar BcIsMee.
••Why—er—npoB lap wordl 80 1 stick.
havw The boua pom Uke raiOBHa
when I am with pon.
Agalh her high pitched rtdee rang
The HatH
“Tn won ralllBg me (hoi olMa
Bbont to introduce a new kind of foal
rent prmnntion ponr Ume ts.ralaablo."
no ha new freight atromera.
Mk*..itoalSl.j erf
Then be drepfisd tbe ertek and roa;
"WaU. eapndomn’t allowM toiw
It was not a ihrenteMd tngodp. 1. Bteto of a aemlfluM petroleura which

Fruit Trees For Sale


ertod Sipidi » iDdliiit R).



Gigar Store

Billiard Hall
For Sale


laqiiite at


114 Front St.

Tlie Fere limgette Rtllrotl













uiBTB in nimumi LI




First' Freeze

Gleii In, fton Btarimai lata.

$1.00 a Month

oiio'riro frotaaM tarn jmm

la impoctoff from Bnaa to iBiaa «tx»

------- ------- '■“‘Si J. A Jackson



■Ssse m

ornoLAX, rmocnooras

____ .ahr^haMawMaa ttaa a( T» OK Hanrable. tha Xnvar «ad 0%
«a aia atffl taU4i^
CbwMdl af' (ha City
of Trtutr^ca^
Of iktOMMUeftteOiV *f TMvmm wa*i aa Oa oU plaa b^a A»a Utr~

ix’TSSirirjrsass: ssr-.r^.ss.


.Itoad h* Aldw^a I
f atdawalk to raalad

iWMMlte that la thapaataao
Ua paai taa
to ardor tha anaatiwailBa ad a
la aoaaaU
7. »M.
■iaaaearaliahaa baaa taeai^
It toa walk an tha tito toa ad
»»««« hr AIM rataA than haa ban arpndirl oa oar
V. Madrieh, aam.
atfoalB aaarijr tet(r-«fa tbnanad 4 '
I addltino. ~
llMtacM, ttaat* lara. It ii haaUtett^ to thiak h
' Naya.nonp^
im*. gtater. Salib. E«m^ Boaad.
and Wrifht.
nboal Wa par aqaara
OarrOo^ aa« V^or ahow to «ar mm9f aa^aadrd. Wa
7b (h« Hanefabia. lha ifavar «ad CWy
aaaaot aho« ana aaa hieeh mt trot
MlaaM of adj mmi • mmUbh h*U
AivUMtk^M tUf 4, l»oo, wtn tmA
taUaman: Wa. year intomltta a ,faaaadWr%hv
7b (ha Boaorabk. the Bapw and dtp'
ra aad -aiaa*
Maaa, iwho wan toalrato
■ovad^ Atdi
i Oaiito
OeygW the City
rnaerai 0(^ araya
a of thla ayalam of i
*“oiSSS^%Lfmtot lUTer frtodrieb
to lanaUfaw »>»•__________________
ba dtraaaad to atoa
of tha diy elark aad troaaafor napoet...ant water woiMaayw
i 4o ael ■aaltea tUa tot la aay
patiro Um HoaoraMo, iba OttyOoaadl of
fal^^naort^t art
. ..,toattoaada!aaafw>alaa,
TravaraeOUr. Oaaltaaaa—UlaaAav
laeatoa adkydraato, ato. to tha aaa
,______ Mhad a eL_,. baordondlatmtofletatva aad ala
aa wail aa a ptaaaara laeaab*at apoa
■ ihartniahaMdihaatoaa It Oob^e hle^^l^ (4) Beaaah. L«7 body aadSadttobonto’M'iM^ of the Board of Water
m» oa aaiarii« apoa the daUaa of a»p
of tharitytokaadtranarar la tiat aadthaaeaaeU
atraltoaadraad aaaUaa

to ebalar aad adriaa irith
with roar
Motto aarrtod.
. .. ^ja avtataly arrlvad wbaa
IWaaraUa body m to bow we «
waAoaUhhaacaearoUpUaaf raad
Moved hr hldarmaa dmlth Uat tha
-pfBMola tba waltars of oar alty.
f W.SU.tT. I
Kaayaa. Boaad, WridU
waklaf to a mora paimaoaat aad aaoa- aetitloM U craaiod aad aldawalka
1 a» aora that ovary ■eaibar dt tbl* o^eal
a lha Ftral a
ayalaaa. ■athorleok hana^ar
. aaaaau had taa aily-a bnt latomu at toqaallty Uaa to faaatttr* Nearly
hnrt, aad aaab balor the aaae. It it
Vary taapaottally,
vttoi the
Motto earrled.
' nryanraUkl that wa aboald aet ia tho yaare ban alanad tfaaa the ooa«Bcnna aanaomATi
W. W. SmUh,
tiMlaianly afa^ tba
baar-Bsey a
ad tea aaambara ot tha oaanan. oaa
tha aow_______ ____ _____________
amiu. Kanyoa, Eomad. Wrifht
lac theI haroaa
W. J. Parker.
(ramoaA ward.
tbat tha htena enuhar U racardad aa a
- ahad to oar eavarai
Motto carried.
•orb. tbat valaabla aad timely parahaaa. aad yav
r mal^ad aad i
Dated May »tk. 1900.
Uayatf JaetoaCarad a»a coty aaoaa ap to thla time, aot a wheat haa haaa b (hr---------------------------- ----------Oa motto of Aldorman Kanyoa. iba toa^UrtsyKadaT~Sml^Kaayeit,
Of peat advMteaBsat la oar alty'a de- laraad oa thla valaabla aad timely
COUHOU u/ (hr <'lty of Tmeerer (
parahaaa. It aboald be pat to work aad
NBon woe rocalvod aad ordered Sled,
HotoTW.AUmh Kaa^
^ty Troaaorar^ raaori to momlh of
ThU la a rrawlor elty aad
itto bo laatraatod to L ..
I roaoaeaaad that atloaattwo bloeke
' '
daadoa motto ol
lyriqairataoBllBuod Mpro<
ofmieadomxidrgad be baUtaaana
. . ._ ..alycirrlad. waa rt tignte aa to dealrabla locatto to parka
beappaae with Ita aatarlal
aad report at aext maatiac of tba
at piatibla aa a bafflnalap- 'F«« eitT wa?U tody to toUd a dwallto oa W. oelvad aad ordarad plaead oa tie.
Tale tot bat a.a d >i
ao m baa all tha maeblaary aad mater­ .........................
Ibodi ■
Motiu earrled.
ia’ aeoeaaary tor thla work aad I an
Oa motto, daly earrlad. tha MU*■ora tbat wbaa oaei a aUrtUmtla
twar lu toe o*«t
the food work wUl fo oa. ao that la a
M. I. Smith.
Travaraa City. Mto.. May S. 1900.
nr la i
ar^aot aaaeMi'.y far
Bamlu’?mamW of Board ot
(aw yaare oar city, with <ta baaatifal Tb U>« HonornMe, lh< Mayor
•a ia
publte oaUay Nj enditijo
I ■
Wa do baraby oartify to Iba Ooaaell Water OoaamMaieaara, wttt OharUa J. tbke Waracr’a Whiu Wine e« TOrByrtt
hebeatcoagbramadj OBoaftt. SmiI
rwuMdiy «•/ (ha Clly ttf Trnvarea City. of SAld eity that Iba following la aa ne- RMolAad. snraty.
laiportaat to a
t elty bhiata
bhiab U looblH aataral aarreaadlare, will be traaeMichigan;
tor inanUhluiaa «Vof saw iodaivn f wmad iaio oao of the mut dtilfhttal
earava aecoasl of Iba onat of ropaira oo
Fa’gbsm. mambor of Board of
tflabifan, traly "The Pearl
aad faetoriae. thao a low rata of loaa
1 mprotlally rrqaeal year parmll to
Water Ooaamlsaleoera. wlU John T
10 It laoor daty thorefjra Vo ae
bal’d a anall tram* bare niSOTaot to
aadle. aoraty.
athar. U la
It ia tba naitor ol
watobfat aad vif II
axpenaa thereof, aad lha atoal or
tot at No. 4
OUroBoe L OraUiok. mambor of
itiaa aoar
axpaad tomaoii to taha a l poatlbK
pUoa where aaA matortal waa aaod or Board of Water Oommlaatovra. vritb BaittoQNam
’oara traly.
t, aapaelally to alraagan aom*
d llrbton tba pt
atamVidi'Bialab aod...................
labor parformad; aUb tha aambor ot Victor Patartyl. inraty.
r. C. Daamood.
- ...___
that we____
- made. ao
awh^oitoa or tatoU. oaaK nrgallaa.
' 'a bordea wbeivver
wbeivvar UiU may be p
paa- lOf to oar ally,
Oa maUca of Aldermaa Smith, daly QW. B. 1^. Ill Promt atnSl^
To (ha f/utiombk. (hr Mayor omi (Tly
wuboat datrlmeat ta tba eity'i permaaaat imarevemaata ee oar mail
oi<>(aI wUboat.......................................
por(VintcKot Itu' ri>v of TVarerxc City.
■ la keeplBf
' . i ' ' ar ataadiai
bMt latrraala.
toea herainaftar aamad andertba bead
r tba eatorpna'BC aitlaaoloar
For e edit of car c>ty at thla nma U amoof
Og. ▼. i. J
«Mte. Oily tot iiainp Proatatreat
: I.tb/aad^
lUk aai.4 0
vaali .
today, lo «
Mrwl totaa*
• 9ei U inpptli 14 iMn.
north alda of 9ib alratoon 1
eeatialMet oold at a pramlam:
Mock «. B . U A Go's Ut addltto
Vo tootodv eqaab WAsmBin WHira
K let tbU tot Ini baa beaa to baal fraval oa ooe •
tadhaalltofl ayala aaotbar r~
Said dwelling to br aAx44 toot
IKB OP Taa 8mn> (or tkk tsrrlIQIO rxvrevi
:>oM walks aar«aa
I a poaltioa to li
iiorintticb. to noai nbont tl400.
OMlDg Wit
.M fatal dUraoa. U Ukoa tbnr*
mioa mat a pay day Now tbat wo a
aa Ilik^athaaOdar; oUvr
apoetfaUy ncbmltted.
BrewB.'dhs famoni dcqiMQ. ba did
gbU ood ta timia, ft win care a coao
BO Jsffvrsaa atv-'uei ElwwaaC aa
eoasw 10 vbe'foiore.
VTMii :Mth oa I'Btoa lOak aa Praot:
A P. B ••
Smuo. ood to> (bo aougb (ko( totI'ou waior wjiii- q-iMVloo bat.ariPlBauePraut ...................... .
wa LaCMppo It uarar HM to gtv«
tatrdtoeia'ecleor ibe people forarv- Pcfclie Worka beI (dlrastod to fnrolah to
Keay^daly ..Irawlax rra>*l to craaawalka .. .
B motto of Aldari
tote^va." aatd Wash Porker, an old
aoew.iacaaac a«ar la BalaaWwtb
ar*l y«4'0 patv rbcetiy vxaaadada tba oonneU an aatlmata of tba prokbbla
lad. tba paUtiona
time Nevadan. 'Ha inrltad blmsalf to
of oavlac Froat atraat
at andaxpi
eaaaidrrablfl earn for aa axprri'a rapor
my traraling companion oa n two
.■{^[Lac VBto asi(' ■ mbaw' atvMU
atroai to Park atraat with
oa iiiie >at<J s:<, all Sntlly vu m oaiiai from Uelonatroat
OlaaBlocrtoBawalav ..........................
CduiicU of (h« Ciiy ol TVotrrar C'Un Cuuieg
s' warm Journey. 1 was storting
iterlal at

Ira oo Ptwol aUMt...........
la t»c pois>4ae*of tbe pretooi plabt
uaa. a----------one morniiig with a wugnn and pair
Drawl I c tiwv awai ......................
fai.f t k bivr--. don Q>-. ealtle tbi or tba eoBBeil may
%laanio* ...........................
I hope tba acancll
UanUamaa:—Yonr peUUonaib. oitiofborsaa from n lltiU miulng settlamaltar aor will it t > aettud ooUi rv r.
tana and uxpayora raalding an Cypreoa
It known tbi-n ns Ooldcrup As 1
• uB Vsiwa .........................
part of oar «>ty ehall o<t (uruitbi^l witi>
•at raapectfully petition and loltalt Puuin« BirBri Clrt orvr w«al wtB«
la opposite tba hotel a large man
oporetid euiU :i«ot <o>i>ir i>i wt ar.
VoloBmuaal brkdav ...................
■tr>v’ and also toib Other atroata aa ia yoarbonorablabodytoaoldawalk to
aad at
stondiog on tba rcranda balled me and
It -ueta low ratoe a« will eoable all your
(ur viUrw^a as4 auiiwtar
JjdgmvQt are miat In need of it to laid on me aontn aide ot Cypreaa UraUiiW
10 ilder
ildera to aw ibr aaaa.
t( I wu going (o Virgmia City.
raa Bcaidof Pnbllc Worka baa charge atreat brtwaen N. Ulviato and N UrocPBl rvaair . . ................... .........
“ •
worb< qti
yua. and be Mid:
of all pcblie Improvamanta ot every Oedar alreeia sod also woald like to Krv>lac rnioi. rsi,.B.Ca>BAOd Park
I ut ibu ucpayera.
oaoaiti. d*u a
. .
** 'I t«rktwi ril po along with yon.
haacrlptloo rsoept water worka aad
the aame-atreet gravalad. and
the o
oDoeii adootad a m
••■rmSambrouii.'hvadd«l. 'Maytoo ov^ that tba m m wra toemi • .-biol Improvjinanve. While it la an your oeiitiuoer* will ever praya alk arrooi Lata awaav oo
yon dioi't have much txuiddanoe In
J. J Sbler. Ranaom Walton. Joeaf Ofurai
areall >io all lo Vbeir p>wer u> have Vit indapandeai body roeeivinf Ita ordare
_ J idttot* haaniig my uaiun, bat I rackon FBTUdKBY AND BAT VIBW, 8UM>
antea xwadad to toe ouilylaf da aad InatraelloM from tba oocDcU. ills Kobant.CbarlaaSindelar. Sam Wintt, mxrlBrupcMiuffuam aiato ptpr
lUal. bowavar. that tbaoa two tobn Smith. Tom nwvmglr. W. J.
wa'll travi‘1 along togatbui alt right'
DAY, MAT mb.
trtevi, e. eooo aa pracilaab:-. Oboold
1(0^^^ aik^aik
abanld work toy dinar la barm - «aUoo. Joaapb Boesak. Anna Moravee,
••Well. Uierauasu’l onvihiug to be
Trsla will laova Tiavorar Otty at • a.
lb#P«vdl*«'ta tJ porcbese the plaat 'ly.Ilea

(or<'4»rU'a>Mvwalk .
aad 1 believe aineb food would loaaf FaJ'arak. R. W. GralUck. W. PlUI«r
Dram Tax rubM.t lo duwp fTOBaAt.
aald bnt‘All right; Jntnp nboenl.'and
leave Bay View 6*9 m
D ■prill) Ilf apoD tba rood talvo of iboaa
i au Bau Brown, wiib a caarwibmi In hii m.u Batoralog
Who eu-vwd tOia ra«luiiOD tba pa ipir mall If they woald oeeuloually meat toor. Jue Stantk.
Blayrira aorriad flea.
VI----------•1 Mcreivpatk...
'----Tba petiUoD waaen motion rafarrad Wmiauiigu>ii
voted toe b^daaacaMary to pnrobaaa lofornally « codibU with each otter
Krllr'a li
band and fa)> pUiolv bniging nnder bU
lorefareaae to mattera pertaiaing-to to tba eommlttoa on atrodu nad aid«- Johu
Hapair* laMdi
-'■aae prr-'-nt pleat
AetiogO. P. A.
COOL came ool lo Iba wagon and took bU
alka to report at next loyaiar maeiWuiie iblteiuDBll l« BOt boaed by in landed or prapwad Im irovem <aia
aeat beside mr. He {tTOved a civil
1 advise tba adoptto ofao ordlaaaoa
any ra* .inaoo pawrd by a pradadlof
» »i HMUgh oompaulou. and wa got throngb
Travaaa City. May «. IMO.
eoaooli oaverioelaat. uoiar vaaaa elr rvfalaUnf and catablltblag the Una
A. \r. Rickard. OUv OUrk:—it meata HI a to Virginia City all rlgbL with nobody
A XmiM aomoir for «tia as 96 opalt
aa«ktaaaaa.-l (ael tbat waare la doty
aaab. Will ba moOad poatoga M
.M >vad by Aldormaa OarriaoB tbat killed on tba way. Ha bad token aloog
bound 11 carry oat tha ap rlt of tbr araited oo any atraat. aoihorlly for lag held by water aommiaatoara. J.
cnrMcipteftbaprMa. AAdrara.TW
bottle of pn-parvd rocktallsaud 1 had
raaola mq rtferrwd ti.
I tharaforr which la yraated la Title-KI. Bee 111, W. Mtlllken was alaeiod prcaidenC £. toe auiamant ba aeoepted and alalma
Haraidr%wvana Oty, Miab.
»ordered paid as raeommeedad.
•oriaa -y rdeanm-od tbat tba Biard of tba elty charter. Thla it aapaelally > Wilhelm aecralory.
_ box of cigsr*, an that iba time passed
aeadadoQ onr mala baalnaaeatroela.^'^ ^
•* ipaavfallyyoara,.
Motion eaniai.
of ffatjrConiniatioi •tbadlroeatMl i
rather aoelably aa wa made onr joamay
Tba city U still wiihoat a park.
B. P. WUbalm.
Vest. Aldarm'u Moalagna, Baatlag
tJ tba couBcit al iba aa l.aat
Sladrr, bmltb. Kenyon. Ronad. Witgl
day pittlble. aa attimtie of the eoet of With ao maay otkar ImprovamsDUida"Wa
and Garriaoc
lor Tiaeatia Oily. WUUatoA.Bapor
aztaad at the wainr malos w 0»k •usdlng attotto. it may aot be
Sandy Springs, about half way to Vir­
Nayi. none.
boa aroorad tba Bboto atodU pppealto
Park. Farawood aad to oibar dialricte deemed beat to make aay ~
ginia Citr. and in tbe coarse of tba
OO file and V
Raeoivad. Tbat tba waUrOMmUak
ibaBeaalOMamblo. ood U
DOW w.tooot £ra proteetlot: aleo ao vs Mndltoru at ibla time
uing be told me aonietbiiig of bis .
be. and are hereby anthor xid and <
tor Vfk trade pbolntlmata of oust of main oa Froat 8V. ecrpoaea-bat a park located aaatrally.
. the **MotioB^lod.
life and advantareo. Uuu thing in make and aabmit to tbUoon
betweeo UoloD and Park atmta, aa) llbniaamall oaa. la aoec.____
dial thee '
Hcnlar tbat 1 remember ww tbe way ba
aotbotoar alramaamty ba Improve'i city U aadly la naad of. Bsearsloclata
vltitora coming to onr elty
ca'.lmata cl tbaaxcanaaofaaltacla p:pa came to start ont on bU career of ki
taU yae'.
did BO place to rest or refraab tbamacd tna axpeaae of laying 1'

-w nsod Ihit tha maoey
tug. I dou't rt-calt wbelbt-r it was
malna In:
tsa drat raptlre of toa< piaoi >vlvec t wou’d advise tba oonneil
UaaUaman:-Wa. tba board of public
Texas or bliasonrl tbal tbUArat affair
________ __
__d the wei........ .
ao/for tba axtaulooe aad raaavaik. ■akavhlt matter
I reeomnaad that the Bcaaad”part of worka of Traverae City, would ra- tba city, aa In thvlr^dgmantaae moat happened, bnt it waa when be was a
beraUodbytba lauanea of boade io
Like avanne. firom Union aiiaat to tba
oeadlng tba aam» and alaa report tbe halking young ft-IInw, green and chick­
aoeb maonar aa 1* praaerlbad by tl
■Qteraeetlon of Savaoth atraat. iaatead BrodbaghO baamplnyedaa sexton of amount oaadad to neeaoaary rapolra to en heaned. to m« bis own worda in
ebartor Itiaaot Jitt or rlyht tb
of bring need aa a ^nmpl^ greand to tba eity cematary to the praaant fiaeal the machinery, etc , of the water works telling IL Thera was a certain gambler
tba eat of tba • zteoloDa of ma pr«
year at a salary of gSTS payable In
in a town where be waa atoying who
eat wator worki sboold iM paid for o
a*poaea and tbat the board of public
^ Moved by Alderman Kenyon tbat tba oaed to bally and abuse him wban they
' >r» o
of tba 0 aot. This pa
of tba earn lor*
orka to directed tc at occe Improve mohtti: also that John Kelly ba aic- raaolution he adopted and passed
d nc
ool be mvda to pay t'
oama together. Everywhere and whenev­
'eratlOD ebuold
foreman of street labor and
«nd beautify thla plot ot gronad by ployed aa tc
Motion carried.
orkt whi
er tbe gutubler saw him in a aaloon hi
grading, aaading and planting of shade
YsAs. Atdarnsvo MonUgnv. Bast nga- woald kick him about and drive him
?reea. 1 am aatlaflad that If this ia dona
Aedar, Smith. Kenyon. Round- Wrlgbt
tame brartlta »a raeelra.
out o4 tha place. Otw day a man i
It will not oaly ba erj -yed by our own
and (lArrlaoD.
It wai elalmad by aom
friendly to this gambler said to Bam:
Nayt. none
tha anrcbaae of tba preaaot plant, that people tot will ba a great eoDTaaleDca •abmiUed.
" 'W'by do yon atond all this abaoa
Tbe mayor made tha following ap­
it wonld clear tor tba eity aboat a<rbt andaplaeaof real to exrtfaionUta
g to
(ran that gambler? Take this pistol and
pointments of city < fiacra:
B< O. P Carrar,
a in artDdow.
City Attorney—B C. Otvlm.
tbar>ext time taa crowds yoo kill him.
A. W. Rickard,
City Soginaer—H. F. Nwibrnp
elalm will ba raai:/Kl at fiat, but
"8am look tba adrioa and tba ptolol.
City Marahsl—John Rennie.
doabt tha plant win bearlf-toaiainlng. ______ - . atraat may ailll be need In
Chief ot Fire OaparL-J.'bn RmnU. him, instead of neaklng away and
paying ah expenara. laclcdiog intaraai tha fotara if oeeaaioa damanda It.
Aa tha ebartor prribMaa that tba Mommandatlon ba aaoeptad azcop
AaaL FLra CbUf—B J Fnlgbum.
on tba bonda vjtad to tha pnrebaae of
tba matter in raferenoe to toe ampiu;
looking sorry, he obot hU tormrotoe
Di> actor of tbe tioor-Jobo WUbali
' Q thoaa that may be b- aunaal appreprlation Wl cball
it of John
Jobs Kelley.
drad. After ha bad ttaos got bis band In
UaAlVbctHwr- Jnllua M. W’lbeloL
aoe/toaxonaiont. reaawala a’od re- 0«aard by ihae -uuell ia tbo minth of
May. It will ba neoeoaary to give ImlaoB. s> (M Ow»k l-slaa OwaM.
Mrmbar ot Surd of L'brary Trnawas killing men came easy to Sam. and ba
pairs. Tnarefora^b^
racetn----- matter of tp
tMrabaaOla. I
Qtde a long aeore before bU own time OprasUBlaXi.
for tbraa years—Slvln L. Soragua
waur work! madiaia aoaotdvrailon
aapae-ally if any mendailon ba accapled and adopted
Member of B»ard of Ui

pnrpoaaa w.ll not locreaaa tba laxaa of
AmendB^oarriad by yaa and aay
'w and pormi
t work la to ba
to fill vacaney—Chaa. A. I _
"Tbongb, aa I satd,wamadaoar Joorpdartshan tbia year.
Tha charter provides tbat tba board
Mambar of Board ot ^Ud‘^F ’
nay togather all right, 1 knew ii would
UsnUamen. 1 daatre a safe, carafal
of waiar oomalMiuorr* aba’l taavo tba
H to going all
taka tuo little lo aet thlnga
Srnlin. Wrlgbt aad Uarriaoa.
maaagi mart aad control ot tba water andaconomlaaladmletolration and do ^^ay; Aldermaa Biodar. Kenyon and
wroi« (or me (horongbly to vijoy
Mijoy Sam
Moved by Aldarn
works a iba manner and lo the extont
Brown's Bociaty. 1 wasn’t sony to aet
appolntsenU ba ot
pruvided In the ordlnanea passed by
(Mlflaal motion nt amended wai
him down at the Primavsntora ealoon an wart a< aigaew raaWMa fiBia. Piaai
tbaeoaueU.and tbat the eoanoll ahaH
Motion oarrto.

wart g sraaiabr
Moved by A’dvrman Smith that tba In Virginia City, where we took a drink
provide by ordlbanca to <h i (otabHab- far tba adnboomaat aad praaparity of I Yaaa, Aldarmad Mhatagui
ruo. Baatlnf*.
(ogeUwr. shook bands and want —
Maw OAoa. Sorkbaa Slo*
BMai of water rates and im maaaer ot our alty. ^ ana cemmand my aarnaat Hladar. Smitb, Canyon, Run
jund. Wrlgai board of pnbilc worba ba rtqaoatad to
New York Boo.
buUd tba walk adjaoant to pramlaas different ways
awaactog aad ccl eeUay Ue i
aad Oarrbon.
^'^BovMatfally aobmlttod.
of Qonrad Weialar oa tha aai
I woald momwand that tba water
Alfred V Frladrleb.
Fraaklln atraat at tba aealhL__ ...
rataa or uxb* collected by tha clerk
To (he i/uiu>nit4e, the V«pur. anti (‘Up nar of Sigbtb and Fraaklla ntraoU
or iroaanrar of the oiiy.
fbat a
OibpmihHip Oiirv-WanMF^
Council of the Citp of Ttannoeri^. within ton days.
Moved by Alderman SlaSar that tba
eaani be given to those who pay by
WWtoVnM «f Tw* •fPMpt
Uatb of the moa b in wbleh tae WL... mddrvaabaAaaapud aad ordarad fliad
Motioa earrtto.
^MUIL BETAir. FioprUanUamen: Wa. the nndaralfBad.
Year. Aldarm-n Meatogoa. B------- ... bast eongfa mnady oo catth, corao a cold
a aad that tba water and
rataa are pnysMa
sod that aama ba laaerpe
raaldaaw aad taxpayam. raapaetfnily Slodra. Smith. Konyea, Bonnd, Wrlgbt •a one day if tokra in time. IBoadMlca. $1.00 par day; apooml rM99 hg taM
baturoid^ (ram aaab premlaae to vlU iiai proaaodlafi ot tba
Mtltlon yonr beeerable body to order and Oarrlaoa.
wbleb tba water ux baa not bean paid
Motto earrled.
Nays, noaa
at tba and of tba month in which wa To tht llomtrabU. tht Magoroad ('tip Rma atraat gravalad trai . aib atrayt
I Haaaah avanaa.
Moved by Aldarman Kaoyoa (hat
water lax la daa. FbU plan will do
('ciunril of Ote CUp qf Ttunarec ('ftp. oath to
wboo wa adjoarn, waadjoara to mast
away wiw tba nvoamity and aoaoyMfriiAmn;
May 14 1900. at 9 (Petok p. m, al tba
aaaaof eollaetiag from Doasato bonse
Ueotiaaaaa—I, tba aadafalgaad. fa>
oonneil room.
aad will be a saving of exponas to tba apac fnity paUtioa yonr beaormbla
Motion carried.
eity. I reeommaad tbat new and ade o.My to ordor tba eceatraetto of a
Hxaaah avanaa, oi
Yoaa, Aldormaa Bantiags. SUAw,
quata water muine ba laid oa all straeia
Coy's old ataod.
Ikon (ba want aUU of
Bmitb, Kanyoa aad Bonad.
batoaany pormkaant alroet ImprovaNays. Aldermaa Moatagaa, Wrl^t
meataara mads ibareon.
,l pta.._______ __________ aad Garrlaoe.
lodelaa tbat aotoa dcdvlia agraa
feat wide and 149 (oat loag and
Moved by Aldermaa Bastiaga that
meet tooatered into with tl. D Camp- e coat abont 90e nor aqnaro yard.
-tba matter of eeaairaatloB of latorol
beUax to tba vims wban tba water
Rama R MoCati.
Fioyd Smith. D. B. roe- aawar oa Wabatar atraat from Eallraad
works plant shall ba tniaad over to tbe
O. C. MoSsA
tor, Uast Bi^irom.I. Wm Bondrlckt,
avanaa to Fraaklln ntraot bo rafarrad
elty. 00
ao 1that no anaiBmaiTy tatmt
Blrfcktln. Adolpbaa "
Bowaua. ”
Wm. to tba
Imnad far To tst Honornbla tbe Mayor and (ha City D 8l...........................
C'l’HAcil qf (ha City of Tronarar CUy, onpi
ODpU. Chaa. Boaaall. Friu Baiarlebs.
Motioa eorrua.
I plant, and also
a pnrabi
Bataa, W. L. Brown. F. O.
ml. T.
_ _____
Tha msyje i
i tba loUowlag
at tba SIinpervlAora may kaow wbathOaaapboU, W. O FoeU. A. Abbott. A.
Oamtlamva:—!. tba uadoralfad.
aaieaa tha water p'aat or tba
.. to aaiei
Wayi ood MaoBs—AldaroHaKaayoa.
aoaeitaUy patitto year hooon-.. Blmiadorf. W. J. OUvla, P. Veamo.
maoey pa d■ to

aoeb action la takac It la a qaeatto body to order tba oourtroetto of 4 F. W. Saab. B W. Smith. J. K. Salter.
Hevad by Aldarman Oarrlaoa that
whatber the olty mlgstaot LavUib a-mMtsidavralk oaths oaat aide o)
year's taxao oa thb property, or lu COos atraoiaad tba aortb tide ot lOth thai part of tba potilto relative to tba
ClaUaa M AaoHraU —Aid—aa
matter abentd rw evrook. adlaboal to lota M aad tl. btofc gravel^ of HUMraeC ba graotad
-D. B. L. A Oc.'a Ut addltto. «al«
**Trato»9 ci^boT raalad a aliv ralkwbtafaat wide aad Itt (aai
par aqowa VadH. amUb.- Koore*. Boobd. Wrigbt
whoM Ito MBda M Utoraabi MM tag aad to aoBi aboat
WHiar 41iw IMb.


. v-si,.




_ 'iW

^iiii .



T* tap* « OM -m 9m 9m,


•UeC FriMrtteMMH







Pebe Marquette


II» «

Bmld OfBtuj Cook Bopk.




Best to be had io
the citj is at


Fiieial Direcitr.


Haullmantel Hotel

John R. Santo,

Fine Wood

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes

Nnuicii ffiNUM
SienralkLnmlMrUl >U«U .


JOHN F. OTf ft OOa

■MR «• Tram* onr UMhw 0*1

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