The Morning Record, May 06, 1900

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The Morning Record, May 06, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nsnun m



rb* tJnehwdMd
for Fifty VflM.

■AyBoXTABD or PEittB
BMpworVmiBB BalMTai Trtpto Al>
Uaaoa la Boropo BmBM World.
Barlla. Way a->B«parar^wmiaa, to
ropeatoc tto toalth of teporar

MtrMtokritowattotraaaaa is M a tolpto aniaaao Tbw«b «<Ma
~ aad dalocod wlU orM.
aloa, to aald tto thias
CraaffMl WUl Tit «• Or laaVava pawoao hare Uttorte
Bo added thata
Mpto alUaaeo la aow ngardad aa tto
^hW MTh>
AmH' rwd of tto poooo of tto world.
hmitm Mtya-mnaai

Fourth Ymt—No. 9ST

TO oovrBBBvoi oowwnm


at tto oani dtoaar,
Mato Mr.Maftoiac- PraatoJoaoph
Mia tto elatt a( tto Aaatotoa rator
itofUak Paapto natowMMA M iMit ■aalfatoita frMaanaaa tto aaroW


Tto Bom Hoa-Coaeptred in BoBate
apMol w Tto Mwelae kaewd
Waaklaylea. Way t—Tto arsy aplASlBAFfMdiO
' by tto aaaau
■ of toprama eeart Bkowe tkat ThaiBday.waalahBBap by ttotowa
Tmad by FepalM l«w
dtaadd oaat to eeaforoaao. TtoBaattryotTUbfUp
d OB tto foraaUwapLav.VkMM M Banlt of
bill. Ito
Tea Toan’AciUMea. WoeUrod ToM

▼i|M Zilt bealaey at B. 1

WindBW Shades

Wido OV Goods
For stores and bay wlndoxvs to match.
Lowest prices in this part
of Michigan.

Topeka, Way a—Tto Kaana rallnad ImywtnrMlod to poke yoerteea
tki^ e pair el oer •Toe-preor'
law. ttoreeolt of tM yeata PopoUat
■exMttcT MBoadaAOo.
ayiMtton le Kaaaaa. waa daMatedmv
tatoathAMa. Lortltovta'
today by tto sBteaaNr OHM MMittMiidtirqfMl
•Mvtkvm p«rtofato aatoaetai te SortoeoafaMeatoBivor Ooo^t Fire
mOm. Tto topnariM praraDa
a Sridfo Baraod aad TalaoMo
iaarat Kaaaaa wltboat laBroad laws,
lka» Oaaanl Baatar,
Property Badoororod.
bet alao plaoaa tbe Popellat party la aa
toa laft taak. wOi paak aa lawart Ma.
ambarraasloy poalltao U tto aUtaMorolOf
Itoiac. iMtaad of toaplar la etoa
Ckkayo. May &—Fire oo tto tarlaae The party was bom la Kaasaa aa tto
toaah wttk'lto mIb aolama. It la
raaalt of taU-rallroad ayitaUoa aad
ABTHTJB 8. HOBABT. BMid«nt Partnar
mak 4oabtad *tottor Hobarla wlU of ttoObleacoriror at Tklrty-ooroatl
U Ike loB tbe raUraad qaaaUoa has baaa tto
litoeaia to fflaa tto Boara Battta at
Storoa at Big Bapids and Traverae City.
bar yarda aad paekloy booaea la ttot priaelpat' aUla M<M arar alaea Ita
Kraoaatad;la tact fa«
ttot tto Fadaral troopa laUsd making vlelaliy. Tbe fire woa oaoaed by tto
ttora Maap toUa*« tto lyalUoa of oil cmpted lato the riror
Boar policy aatU Um TraaaToal U froM tbe paekiny boaaaa Tbe-fire dcrmfihH will to to Uanaa tbe BriUab partseat worked eererel boore to eoa
Ooarl Bom BalldlBy OommlUea
bycawtUa oparatioBaon a larpe aeala flaa tbe blase to tbe river enrfaoe. aod
Asrarded Oontract to X&liny bios.
It la atrooply pcohabl# that BaberU barely saeeeefed la dolay so. At
Should have one of unr strong
wUlaeak to croaa tbc Vaal rlrer at a time tbe plaaU of tbe Aaylo-Aiaerteaa
polat of bla OVD aalaetion aod ae< that PaeUDyCompaay aad Libby. McNeill
Tto balldiay eommlttaa of tbe ooor^
A Libby ware aerionsly tbreateaed. boose yeoterday awarded tto eoniract
•f tba Bom.
A new sbipuieat of tbeae
for the yaolt fixlarei to Ibllny Bros. A
Tto TraatTaal dolantoi are Rolaf to Tbe brldye at Thlrty olath alreet
Amrlea «>lUo«t .lUoaloaf- They ex eared efter herd tlrbtloy?
Ererard of Ealamasoo. Tbe price of
-tbe world's fhinouR $:t.50
Strictly all wool.colors fast, perfect made,
poctaotblBC at WaabUytOB. at proatheeoalraeiU«850aad tto Improredouble seat, taped seams, ilooble aewed,
aboes for men.
oat at all ovooU. Tbay will appeal di
it will be placed in tto'-fwaUaJm
knee* are doubli-. patent waist band, long
(oeUylotba people by methoda aoa
Bodiauiy. Tbe abaldWaad ^meat
ahank bnttona.
btyoaalethoaoof Moodyaad Baakoy.
will be tto Glob^-Wameeke aalt
Ttoir real hope la that tka atreafth oi ;rtady Oaaalay Vlre-FoUtaf Amoof ayatam. wblab parmilaVpt sUybt adthair caooa aad tto aataral aynpathla
dlttaa of apaaa wbaaavar'oooaaiOB daThere Pertlea.
Sneb clothing as only Benda aella—11 JO
Of tto Boaooa will wake poaaibU .tto epwlal toTi.* Morelac Bacwre
la. Thlsatyla is tolny aoad la
12.00, $2.50. $a00. $4 00. $5.00.
• of a ytaat waro of pablk foolBoy'a ahirta, collars, ties, underwear, etc.
Hereae. May a-BeyMttatloo for the court boaaea ato pabUe baUdinya aU
wUob wUl owoop orar tto ooeotry
Everything new and fashionable.
oomlay eleetloa wUl beyia Saaday aad oTOr tba country qslta| yoasmlly aad
Md ooapd oay yoma>oat to bow
tto boards will ait UB' daya. In ^ arc aepaaially adapted to tba pnrpoaa
arards tto Baraaa boards are oompoeod
Leadea, Ways (eopyriybtodl—It U
Working Qlovee
Drees Okwip
tber of mernbm of tbe aatloaal
•dlMealt loaay what enbjaat Boat
la alao other words ^mombers
widely aayayaa pabUe attaatioa la
tl perty to'
toaator KUUkaa Treparlay to Balarya
6raat BritaU aad Berope at tba praaUVB on tba baarda. Oaloa DamosratBia BnMnaM Blook.
aatatooiaat. A weak baaoa parbapa
ioa aarrlad tba aaUre boarda of two
H wUl be tto war ia Sootb Africa, bat
Bon. 3. W. MUllkea baa bonyhi tbe
dUtrieia, while tto Bepablloaas elected
Sec the swcllest line in toit'n—It’s HERE. Still mor«
today tbla Is Bot tto eaae, altboayb
only one member in the entire eliy. McBsa property. tSK feet froataye oo
Lvd Boberta baa yot well alartad oa
W’aists recaivetl yesterday.
la tto eosntry dUtrlcta. bowerer. Bo- Oaae street, oppoalta tbe eacine bouse.
wtot tto bUtorlaaa will probably dc130
pablleaaa bad better Ineb. and in
aerlba aa tbe yreat mareb to Pretoria.
tba whole aty. Be- street front foot.Tbe Heumana buildtoy
Two thlays tore yreatlyitoaalBad the
porta fromoltaar proTlaeea tore not will propably he moved acroM tto alley
aapopalarlty of tto war la this ooaa w<-put on sab- at
made tbe aatbaalltU very inbllaat, to bit lot. and Mr. MiUlken will, in Uie
.SQcfor$i.J5 values—in about twelve assortments of
try darlay tba laat few days. Oaa is
future. bniliHaa addiUoo to bis
Ask to sot* tboui
but they sUll say they aye aore to win
tto laeraaslay aaliybtmeot of '
colors—Two clasp ladies" fine Kid Gloves—See them
Ml block, soxcs feet, thus
erory city offiro, aa reyUiraUon boards,
pabUc Bled In reyard to tbe American
whlebare sworn to perform tbelr lay bis entire lot bsek to tbe alley.Tnis
auitode toward tto war, aod the oiber
duUaa boncstly. will act also as elec addition to bU room U made neeeasary
M tbe dleyust aad IndlyoaUoa over tto
by a laryely increased trade, aod
yoreromeat'e explanation of tbe pobll- tioBboarda_________________most have more II »r apace for yoodsRELIABLE DRYGOODS CARPET AND CLOTHING HOUSE.
cation of tto Splon kop dUpalobea.
Borne of tbe more boneet eorreaponOPFICBXS ABE OHOBXN
doBU aad aewapapore are at last mak
The U-Wler le Fioe Fooleeer.
B- S. Ball Jut Cloood a Deal for t
lay known ae yeatty aa poMible tbc
Board of Water Commlaalooan I
X<arya Traet of Timbered l^d in
Mvtb aboat Awarioaa pablie oplatoa.
First MoeUny Yeaterday.
the Upper Pealunle.
la addltton there is a yrowlny roiama
Tbe first meeUny of tbe Board of
of ladtpeadeat peieoaal tesUmoBy as
News was received in tbe city lest
tottostroaytta of pro-Boer sympathy eveainy that H- S. Hall and Frank Water Oommisslooars wu beld yester­
»1.M.»1.605$1.76, $8.00.
day at the borne of Oareaee L. Wtelck
»B elMMS In tbe Uoltad Btous. Smith bad jutclooed a deal in K
$8 60. $3.00. $3 60, Ud
An oryanisatloB was effeeud, with
It U Impoaslble to lyaore Max O'Bell's York for a larya tract of Umber lam
traak etatemeat that tbe andli
tbe upper peolucla for tbe Oval Wood
B. P. Wilbelm-secreury. Tbe bulneaa
tkroeyboat Amarloa on bis recent lee- Diab Oo. Tbe
Pare tear were elauet Baaolmoosly ia the Dodye ntete. and eompriaas in all of tbe eomtnlssloD for tbe year wu
eympelhy-with t^ UlUe repobllch about dS.OOO aeree,located lu OptonayoD Ulked over informally after the elec­
tion of ofiieera, aod tbe eommiseion U
atrayyliag to preeenro lu Indepea- and O^bio ooBOiiee.
now ready for the butlneu that oondeaee. Tbe feet tket Amerieaa opla
IronU them.
Ion is not eaealmeMsly. or 'even pre
poaderelely, on tbe side of Boylead la
YoUrday's Baaa)Usn dcorcs.
tto preoeat war. ia eauloy more beart- Betlfleatlon of Bay Paanoefou Micaat«elsl loTbe Kornu>c,lUMnl
•oareblay in ibM ooontry than EnyBoy. Kid Shoo...................$1 86.'$1.60:$1.76 Md $2.00
Uahmen have ladelyed la for a loan KervMl 10 Tut Uoshiiu Rs..<>sd
MU«.- Kid Shoo...............100,1 86.-1.40, 1.60 ..d 1.76
^^ma Aa lony aa Briloai'were able to
Wasbloywn. May S—The convict
Ohildron’e Kid Shoe............... . . .90c, 1.00,126 and 1 40
Cblcayo ..................................
'ey ttat the wbola AayloBaxoo wartd ottbeadmUistntlontbat tbc sen
lotohf. Kid Shoo.
36, 60,60, 76o »d $1.00
^^provad tba policy in South Africa, would not act dnrioy the preeent i
People ere not ooateet with tbe
Menefae.Ctonce:Babn. Wood.
theconaeions. nnaffectadauddea roal- clou of oonyreea ou tbe Bay -Panneefota
clow-yc’iry melboda of Uitir yruod'
Old I,.di..'.Wlde Ihu,t 9ho«, . $1.26, $1.60 «d $1.76
fathers d*ys
^ iiatlon that Buylaad may stand abM- treaty yoverolny tbe coutmclion of
Old Mon’. Yard Wld. Sho«i........ .......... 2 60 and $3.00
When they waut aeytbiny, they
s lataly ^ooe as reyarda moral aapoort the Nlearsyuan canal, found iti first
CbBbronyh. Bcbrlever;. Budbofl. want it alOBW. end iho telephone is
la bar qaarrol with taa Boers U mak- oBleUI expc.eaaloD todsy' ia the alyniaf
ways at hand for (he mee«are.
» lay Bayllshmta think.
UUkfabuta word, aod a momeot
so ayreeaent ezteodioy the tlate
.limr. u> plaee tb<- borne aod office
Ibln wblcb ratification of the treat.'
tbe residence aod store. In. touch: aod
wmu, Clark; Dobobue. UcFarlaaA one
lat -be exebanyed to April &. 1901.
call mav be Worth macy moolbs' J New store
242 Front Street
laataed of Auyut 1.1900,
Iml Ooverameot la PbUippInea Pro.
Buudredi. and even tbonaands. are
mslyated by Otis, ia Very Xiberal.
WOr.FOB DAVtS"wrtfanftjrMcUoir.; Dohe^y. Wer- at yooreall. ready todo your btddiny.
wllbonl vexatious delay or cnisnnder
aotvlelw Tbs torslsx BmotC
Waabinytoo. Hay 4—SecraUry Boot Beportof HU Aaplratleaa for Yloa
a 'phone today "
bodey tranamittad to tbe eanaU a copy PreaMaatUlWomluatloa Unwamatod
Of Oeaeral Otis-order of Mareb t»tb. apodo) tsTbc UorulBf keeerC
IpOO. promulyaUny mulelpol Uwa for
Waabinytoo, Way a-Vloe prwtdea.
Patten, OoDdinc; KatoU. tlaydan.
Ito loaal yovmnmoot df tba PUlipplna tlal ymlp baa reaebad tto aUly atayo■BBlslvMlitlti ThrlsTTs irsTSTyl iheral. Today ItU mmorod that Webstar
fltsiay alBOit oompUta oonvol to DuvU. lately assUtent eccretery of tto
loaal vovoraBaat.
Interlar. will torn tto «
.......................... 14 II
Kanm end WUacmri BepnbUeaa eonWlUar. Stow; KaUnm'. Pew«s.
•OOD BTAXB FpB BTWBf.BBBT. TsnUcaafaraacondplaaa on the aat-

IT mWltE>Da



Old Reliable City Book Store

Your Boy


Rough and Tumble Suits

poimcs IN CUBA

We*make good enry soli dot rigs


Waists! Waists! Waists!


Special in Kid Gloves




Kid Shoes

£•; TIME

Kid Shoes


This is an Age of Hurtj-

’I I

Frank Friedrich



I ;

iooal Uctoi aad wlh have a very aab
Tviy BMaoeat's Foar-Teor-Old Von
at the
^btropoUtan Baadieep aad $7,fi00.
ThU b snapodal nubs ItorUBx toeonI
waimatad. DavU is not a eandUata
far viae preMdant or any other poUUeal
Baw York, May 7-Porr» Balmoath
fioor.yoar.oU. Bthalhort. ridden .by
Jotoay Waksr. won tto Motropol
toadicap today. Bax. aaoawd; :
Isadrad Stas Wockare
lUrd. nMOUtoia worth r.MW to
Want eet oe BlHka.
tbe winner. Twenty tbo—iid people

» .«*
WUaos. SplM; AbmI*. SpMr.

Bavguea of Cboleca.
apeelal ui The UoralBX BMorC
Bombay. May 5-Tbma has be.
amiona oqybrwk of cboAara aaMag tbe
naUvBattto Viaiifaa famlaa raUaf
wevka. Tto daattoavani^ 40 aday.
•twrisl t»Tb» Mermluf RsmtC
Two bw'rtrH wativea boeame panic
Leselle. Ill- May &—The sine works ;«trieki aad tied..
oftbu dty closed
aftmom oa'
It of a

Vket Ul our yooda ora aaw. no eld.


* Tutnaed by tne eompaoy.

fiMllr ciigltul
an Mnrray aod MaeM tbe far famad I
JrlabcomediaMwbo-play at Blala-1
bvr^ Otaad next Wada«day.May 9. •




pi»« u auoity
yMterday was our mllltoeey dapartii«V_Uwasa record b«.akar-the
larged yumber of aalea wa aaw bad
the plaaeure to rvoord. dwell b
atltw priaasdidit deeodnbef
perebaalar. Tto Beaton Hion.

Want a

Fine Dress Shoe?

If you do you should buy the ‘ Superle
Shoe. They are strictly up-tordate in
every way and give you the very best of
service. They fit the feet perfectly, and
consequently are perfectly comfortable.
The price ^3.50. . For sale only by

McNamara Block

S)S Diioi Stmt




. • .



onni MwiiB<
•Mtteflm teMMiMd A Utf*

9ATBfB omr




. <Sm T BATSf un> W. Bi«nr*
J. w. KAwn. warn tmt umwmgrn.


At too iMl ■ootlar of too oeaaeU a
a of Mayor SaBUtoa.Tbo
I ttooly aad woU dcroooloUeo
oorrad- Mayer HataUtoa too fflrea too
>. aad wfcUo orory oaMOtIro nakoo ototakta Mr. BaBUtea
sado fow. Ho hu ffron too oAeo
afnaldealMpmooal attoatloo aad
Mdo tbalBtorooteftbo taapayon hlo
ova. dorotiar a iW*
of hU
Mm to too baoiaoM of too city alto
oat eempoBoatloo. He boa rUttod otoer
aittoe aod y^aod aiaeb laformatloe
valaoto oar own people aad derley
aa-iro year bUaaporrlolon of too |eUy'e
aCaIn baa tooo eoBoeloBtioiia and fair
laovoryoaa- noaatoa may be aald of
toorotlriacoBolalarallof wbota bare
aarrod too elty well.
Tbo laeoBlBf adailaUtratioQ wUl
tad BBOb tefdo aad tbo roUriac of
daato bare loft iblafo la irood ohapo
le bo takea np by too ao«r one
aowly eloeUd atOBbora of too
wo BOO of rood Jadtmaat aad with
too M BOBbero Mayor A. V. Fried
rtoh wOl bo ■aaiatod by wire couD^llora
no Bauoeii oppoood too olootlon of
Mr. Frtodrleh. tot wo toliere bo will
aaart orory effort to wlaoly oondnet toe
aHaira of bio ofUto. Ho will bo eon
treated with Dtaay dli
tot bolar a saa of food boalaoB jodyaaat ereryoeo oboold aeoord bin tbo
aoatdoaerdmo aa ox>eaUro who bao
baw too cholee of toe pooplo, to too
UfbrotofiM la tbo Bnaletpallty.

BarriyBoeb«WritM*f toa Xdio pt
Osab anab BeldSen to too

Slater’s House Furnishing Store

wiiTket tomorrow

All the Advertising
in the World

2?^>ture’s cur


Now 75c a Month

wsMtoto Manny aad Muk u
. laat aliaa

Fresh Jlir
and Sunshine

ad 0*. toe XatoPda
Th« L O. O. T. Me* htUi ui o|M
A party of Oormaa fanawa dlroat
■Mtiaf iMt
from Ike Pbtbortoad ramtoad BLyamaa
Lany Dotoor bao }Mt reoatrad a tot- Baarcrlolaad. aad wlU make their
Tha HMrUtMMt look
tern o( •
MrlMv pvV. oad o rocr
arawd tor trato hb brother Uarray. to Softao botoot tbora. Tboy will bo toltowad
' Fbllippb
«w proMit. Oror «a woo lokae i%.
by a laryo aaabar iff etbaea. aad tbo
Are better than medicine
troto tbo laitor aro aa feUowt:
no (kMBi toad KMO •■korl OH
Oattoa Iff tba, tolaad will rapidly
Baoplod. Noyreo toUad. P. I.,
for the ba^ and the price
la treat ol too taUtotealto MoUac
• March Ifi. tvM.
TbU Influx of iBBlyraOaaU'eai
of two trips for a doctor
Dear Bretbor—I am walli aad barn byaxlaaairu adrutUnyoarTtodai
pay for a Go-Cait. I
boon to yood bcaltb oror atoee 1
«tlBo put by Pr. Zayalder of Bt.
have a large line at $3.75,
nr* ■olaoUtoa by OaBflrt Baad.
bto*.- Wo were at Oaotollaao ter throe
MA The aatoral reooarnu of the
VtoUa Holfr^PoMa Martlaak.
toOBtbo.batabe«t a BoMb ayo wa
$4.00. S4.75. $5-25;' $7-25.
Ftea Daot— Ma Larkina. BatHa Mooad to Ibb plaee. wbto* tba work to poktoy toib adrertluBeaU. wfU
$7.50, $8.25, $8.75, $15.25 and up tb a beauty
head*. *
Bake t^ Ulaaflo aBoay toa Boot
for $17.50. Lbave 18 different styles of baby
droM - Fief. H. H.
p«ou af tba yreat tokaa.
I rtoolrod a totter tka otkor day froa
carriages from $4.00 up to $29.75. A small
Oooiyc MeOartaoy of Cb. A. iff toe
DM Baddaaly Tutarday.
Vtolaaele itoyd. i
nird United sutca lataatiytotottoBed
payment down and the balance a little at a
Herbert Atdrito died yootoray at
aaar Manila. He told of too doato of
time will supply the baby's wants, and you
■illlMea ^ Taato
Qoartat. Boy Btorta to MaaDa beapltal. ItwUl tbahaaMOfUoaaraato. Mr. aad Mra.
will never miss it.
ima OaaBtoffhaB. Boato Falybai^ bo a aad Mow ^to kto parato. Tboy L-M. Aldrtok Iff Wort ToatoMraev at
FkMMiBlcriK yidaBoMor.
can't oay that I yoiblB tote too U. A
I only etooo lui Tharoday, and hU duUi
Daat, laolraBoatal ~ Mlaaio a
aray, for I aerar fare klB oaa word^ wua oboek to bto trieado. Ibo
MabM Brown.
aaeoararemoak I am aony Vkat bo funeral will ooaur from tbo ruldec
▼aoal aal»-^M. Woraer.
oror aaltotad. bat wbat to to bo. wUl bo
Liyht rotraakmaau •or* awrod dr
lay too oroaiay.
A fow doyo altar we
of oar BOB on yoard.'wMt to oloap at
Tboebopol to tboBuo^oan Oonjon.
120 B^roxLT
Btybt, aad toey pat Ub la Vba yoard Parte, arerted to too memory of toe
be«M aad to a few doyo ho bod bto
Qraad Travoroo Ooayreyatlonal Ai Utol. Bo yot IIS 60 (one Bontob pay)
aad SI da^i to tbo yoard boow,
aoolatloa la Bo»l-Aaaaal BoMloatbo toot oaron days to aellury oonfiao•eod Bpeakor. to bo Proaoat.
aeat wito oread and water. Ho yot
The »to lOBl-aaaaoI oonresUoa of off Ilybt. If Harerbsppaao ayato be
toe Oraad rraroiM Ooayrnyatioaal ao- will yot it hoary.
■oelaUon wUl be beU la toe Ooayroya
Two BCB tba other day i;ere taken
tlonaltooreb In toll city lOBorrow
Cuald U6t .ell a diMatiatii,d cu.toDUT tb.
oat of toe yoard booea aad aeat
and Tnooday, and promleeo to be a oaa- Iloilo They bod boeo In tbo ynord
D^.^UM ^>0.1
pair \.a
of nu.aa-B
shopo without
tbe firat pair pave
tee of nnunol laterMt and profit. The bonoo for elyht mootho. Tbayeyot
the best of BaiiafacUyD.
ooHion win open tomorrow orealay eoart Bartlalod that day aad yot oae
Lisun now to the following
talk un- htwr
with a oormoa by Bor. E. 3. Baryooo. year Id prbon at hard labor and a bob
from our customrTs; "Yciu sold me tbrae shcH-swbleb will be follow^ by a eomi
over a yiNir ago for tl2.0U
S2.0U and am
toll.aradUtaoBorablo dtoebarye froi
n still wfariitg
ion oarrlee.
them. I want nnother pair just like tbem.”
too army. They will reeolro no pi
The reporu of toe rarloa* cbnreheo when they yet out of prtoon. and toe
Mow if this is aatiafactory we have these S2.00 shoes in all
la too dlitrlet will bo tbo finttolny yoTemment
A Cure for Constipation.
'omment will
^Mptbe^- to S^n
styles for mon atjd.womvD. in blati and tan, bntloii lace atul congreas.
at toe oodolon Tneodky momlay. Two Praneieeo
Tr .1- _____ 1.

koebeo and no fa^or.
fn^or. Goo
eannoi' rearm. It uu nilBloc ><>7 bcmllta. pay mm117 pair wamtDted—If the reader is weanug a pair of oor
Itnportanl onbJwU will bo prooentod at be any too canfo^ wbat bo -doea to fiMiaiad
mr rotnhlcltoc.OnC 1 min cliid In costom-mi
lade shote pleaw- acknowli>dKi- this fart hi your frieiidi, and
tob ooMloD. “The Maklay of a SerBon’ tbo army. It to a poor plaoo for ~ toyUaiilCoierr klDf bMrewomlmiribrer.
kodUaUaAar tn'lns manrixbrf niidIHnw
md them to buy their footwear of us.
EOT. J. F. Crane, aad ••Dlffenli toayh ao military law ii more ntr
Your favor will be appreciated.
ProbloBi of too Mlolitry'’ by Bor. A. than aril tow.
M. Brodlc, D. D.
1 bare booa on oaly -a eooplo of
Bo*. H. 8. MUU will proooBttoo nb- ■■btkeo>' otow £ bare been bore. Tbo
•aod'i^. s'
135 Front Street
iooc of Bonnoalo Academy at too loot “blbo" tkb eoBpeay had I waa on ■5^
PracUoal Shoe Ken
afUrnooa oetoloo, to bo foTlowad
an yno|ri daty. opeaal dnty on a blecaaaddmo, “Not Thoorloo bat Oondl- da plantaUon. The tokoryenta oeot
tlOBi.” reUUny to toe' cbereh btilldiay to word toat they would like to come
opeloty. by Bor. D. Ooehlln.
to and talk oarrendor oror with
Tbo finodoy oehool eonforonee at
colonel It be wonid protect tb'em.
toll eoooloa will be preoldod oror by
cent them bock word that toey would
Ber. WUham Bwlny.
Tea slnato
no protected and about r.0 of them
Ulki by Bor. W. A. Brockoroo. Jobo
eoBO In Doe afternoon
White Aod Prof. C. H. Uora will ,bo
Tbe eolona told them toe aorrendorfollowod by a yoneralodioetiMlOB c
woald bare to be anoondlUonal aod
‘OeadUloo and Noedoof Oor BebooU.
tbey wonlan'i'birr It that way. 8o
An addiwM oa Home MlMlobo Id
they curled baek to tbe moonuino ai
Mleblyaa by Bor- W. H. Warren, D. D.
6 o cloak a. m'^Caonel Bynee to eomwill bo too principal foataro of the
aand of B. DVod E |compantoe curb­
orealay oewloa
ed at 10 o'clock that niyht and
found toem la tbe moanulne. All
J. E. Hoodarm paoood toronyh the wore aotoep- It woo Jut yetiloy day­
break aad tbe boyo killed eeroral ol
eUy laot aiybt on bta way to the clrcnlt
them aod captnred meet all of ibelr
eeartln Ohartorolx.
to all. end yot a lot of ibelr
Mb! Bello Wlbon of Elliworlh, b
The ynu were Mauoera
rUtiny Mbo Mary ilaoter.
Bemlnylona It wu a yood
Mra. L W. Boao of MaaeoSooa.and
Mbo Omtmde Ooob of Bly Bapide. are baal. Take tbe enemy witboat a yon
they can't do ui mneb barm. They
rbltlnytoo family of K. U. 8milb oo and
do run arouod with epean and bolu
8Uto ctroet.
and If they can oUp up behind a eolMr. and Mra. J. F. OlUbple wUl loare
Itboui be'
Thai you’ll b. pl.-aat-d with—
.411 kinds aud cylore and all
Monday lor Bookrlllo, III., to romaio

Mr. Patebin May Bold Oror.
la oOBBOBtiaf apon too work wbleb
will dorolro npoB Mayor Frloorleb, tbo
■i«Io yootoixay eutod odllorialty that
bo oronia appolat o noBber of tbo
board of adoeaUoa to tnooood J. A.
Moore. roolfDod.'-wbli
adtaBporartly by toe ..
3. W. Potebia, wbooe tom esplreo
Moadoy." The Eefle
erldenUy in
error la reyard to tbU. ae toe appointaaatnf Mr. Patebla waoiude to fill
too raeaney oaaood by toe roolyaatioo
at Mr. Moore, wbooe term would sot
tore expired natU o year boaee.
la prorldloy for too Qlliay of tacaa
Ateo 08 the oeboot board Title r.tocUon
aeroral montoa. Mr. Ulllbple owoi a
a.eftoeohartar. prorldot: -Incaa
my fri
betal at that plaoo wbleb be expe:u
>xr DtcKXK
a raeaaey la toe ottoc of a minbei
>. ^K.^Slxtb Infantry, Neyru
IcMid bwd, too OBBO obalt bo dlled by
appolatwoot by toe eonoell. wbleb apptoyad
i oball be antil too aoxt aoSr.
Boalbo. bu otoarad o peoltloa on the
seal oloeUoD aad notil bU ai
buratamod from Oalltoraia aad la
otoamor Obarlerolx for tbe oammer.
ready to ruumo ber pruttoo.
alaotod and qnallflod." .
ofn.*u to tbe new "
Ohartot PeUroon retoraed ycaierday
Mr. Patebla waa appointed on too
blo-k will not be
tato day of AprU. lueo. aad' aader tbo
tbe iStb aad until taat time ahe will
Mlai Maryaret Anderaon -and Btlph
ahartor. it oppoora; may eontlnae a
MOBborof toe board of ednoatlon until Aadotaoa want to Nortbpori ywUrdoy
where Balph bu ebarya of the fnnorol
*May. IMl.
Xb« re»l show
Howerer. Mayor Krledrlrb can ap of Mr. Wiloon today
Mlu Lorena i'enDlaytoa and Mlii
polat a nenber of the oehoel board In
to* place of Aldeman Eognd.alooo Bon Bunley camn to from Maple City
moBbor of that body, oboeld that of- lut erenlny. and will opend the day in
IMal decide toeoadno bio eSorte la toe city.
J. A. rennloytoo of Lake Ana, wu
tooooaaellaadylre lOBO other yood
Xh&yratw tht> nr
collar*, cuff* and
ma a obow on tbo board of edneation, - to toe dtp da buloau rutarday. . .
uiiSy Bend*'*?
Anoott Bartlett of Nortbpdrt, wu to
toe city yutarday.
Oor XiUixiery
Mtm Uertnide Montayae left yutei
ion t
day for Chtooyo and Eanuo Cily.wbere
tb»< ever bofora.
no BoaUBoai 1
•bewillmakean axtooded rliit with
^oly Do
Tbe propoelttoa to bold a biy two
daya' Poartb of Jaly oelebraiton i* elty yuterday.
Mlaa Mabel Gleaooa went to Beadon
Boettoy wlib yreat fo*or and reoterday
yuurday for a tmU with ber brother
a larye aamber of buetoow men aaoDrod
T. J. Porurot Uland. rcyUiared at BfsUy crlgiaal
their eapporl of toe eaurprioe. Bert
arc Murray aad Mack, tbe far (amod
MeCoy aad C 8 Oarto will uke bold of toe Hotel Wl
The MItoe* Qill of Norihaorkwofe la
lri*h oomUlao*. wbn play at Stetotoo nutter of ratotoy foadi and tbo
toe city yuterday.
j b^ry * Oraad next Wednemday.May v.
iMBOBM of loot year to tbto dlrMtlon.
Ml** Lotti* HellIm*r of Morthport,
BBano a etUI yroaUr oneeau tble year. I
Why takt chanaei
Tba oataoerlptton Itot of too ooatfa ildo
ot ba*toy u uio leu daatruble *eau
bao boon ptoe*d to too haado of Mat B.
when yno can yot very eboleo ones
t bto oU bocM.
by tol«pbr,otoy*omorrow. for Mor
Tatonu, who will buUe that end of
Hto* L«to Orotur of Rtofnley 1*
ah* project.
opeadlny Sunday tn toe clt* Ue yuut
Tbo flroworka laei year ware eoaood- oTMlB Blbel Oibb* of Wut Biybtb
ad to bo tbo Aa«t arar oooa la aortb- strut.
Mrs. Dr. BooanUiAl-Tbompooo bu re
arnMleblyaa aad it I* deelyned to
taraod to too city altar an extendod
asaka a opocUl foatar* of too dUplay trip toroagb tbo woot. SboUraadyto
fiMayoarlfitk daeldad to
roMBOborprullee- Bar omeo to in
> to beto*y*B*ral too Park Ptou hotel.
PraakODOdrlcb rotoraol lut alyht
AaMt*. Tkavecw City to Ue eootar af
aartkan MltoifAB and too aaaouau- from Now York whoro be bu boao aa
uaat tkat a dauaartrattoe i« to take
a. M. Dams af Hertbport, wu to toe
ptoaowUlbaraeatvad with ffaaatal au- elty ytoUiffay.
tkr«i«haat to* Uraad TravI^. Mlto of Maston. to to the elty

Mfiphofts tfBonw BonlBg

Party of nnaan Paraon Mar* Arrlr-

Thi mlihow
tou yon doMt waa^i bIm to Mur­
ray aad Maak to'WiBBiyna'a BaU"
aaxt WoStoBay. May *. at etaia-

to^priVete fkmlliee.
PATAble monthly In edVAnoe.

Obas. W. Mernll
■atk*pboMNo.lM. d^.PruaiSt

S- :F:R^-vr A -nt

You Can Depend
Upon It Every Time

That every line of goods - every suit—every garment
—Is of the right sort-eensible—dependable-fashion­


Bicycle Belts

cau'l help it-Tht-y'n* uiadi* that

Iloubis breaslati, bluv serge,

widths of leather.

Sail at 37, ,70.

anil 7.7r i-ach.

silk faced coal-(to be worn with

Bicycle Caps ''

duck trunsvrej sells at $7.5U.
Tile single breasted coat Hod
vest, blue st>ri;«-. a splendid article
for fi.50.

A big stiKik of all aizss. aud
the greatest variety of-colors—sell
at 2.7 and

Till- light gray serge, sinifle

Bicycle and Golf Hose'

breasted' -a great seller--nt
nn l S7..70

l-'nim 4Uc for a good gradu to

SkeleUm cuBt,pWiib Iruu-^vrs
tilt- nnislVlatwrnte at $1.50 a pair.
to mutch- most eoiiiforlnble cloth*
iug (iir summer

sells at ?7 .'lO

Suminer Neckwear

Will lie very popular this year

A great Bto<'k to select (rum.
Tb<-Knglisb Si)nBr<>r :m-the IiiU

Golf Hats
in the place of llie golf cap. and
sellu fill $±.7li.

They're le-uuties, and sell nt

•lU and T-'h-

.V great line of lui*

perinU III -*iO. 7-')c. il.lNi and |1 ,-*)0.

The 1900 Crasher
I'onieii in black, blue, slecl.
side milriu, pearl, ivdar and otter,

"Little ladies' Overails"

and eellalfor $1.00. $1.25. «1.5l).

The cutest thiags in the world
(or the “little ladies" from '2 tod
years old- -sell at -‘lOi'.

Keeps the

Stiff Hats
No great sUk-U to select from

little Mile's dresses elebU.

- The

Bicycle Saits


No Udit dispiny of suits to
seie«-t from.

Nell at

$7 00

and $7.50-

Bicycle Pans
In dark, H^t and nedioB
abadM. in cheeks and stripe.s, at
12.00, $250. $2.75. $3.00 tbe pair.

Pearl in light and dark

bluk'^n dll,iel>t

widths of brims. .Sells at


Binl $3.00.

The Colombia Stetsoi
Is the great popolar haL
Have it ill wide and narrow briap,
mide in black iiod light tan« attd *
aells at l-i.OO tbe hat.

Tbe HaDDah St Lay Mercantile Co.



Brofltlaa. ■
B. W. BiMtb k rldtor a aaw OohM




* '





' '■

■•■• ■ .-f/?


A P. MaSirnkty Bad aa latorielMn
KxpaileMoTeetardeyTtefMM of teMtoU tkftliPMto
^ajn ta*v
B. P. McOtoakey. ebef at tbe Uttto
aM 4a'a Tvirtan mi 4WU Ottr, baa baaa
Tkvem, badas exportosee yesterday
r MaaaaaMaf tba*aalb «(
that Bust have been mora totersttof
IhTMMflea^i «<
Hobart AUriah.aMaflbair Mtebaia.
4a tm pwt«tf Um WMit.
than pleaeast. Beie «iUts a 4beeLmmvi baa raalraad bk paat. aad yesterday be yot totobk
*ftaa wawO a^flUaata tertta job
little canoe OB Vbe river, end beyan
ttoa to Iba Btora o( b. Baa4a * Oo.. aad
wiUtoaaa ferbla boM to Ml. iCMaa.
Tbewentber ftablnyfiewa tbo owoeB. It k told
aflaratoUtec a <av 4ara«llh Bma ■boald not prereat bk hnrtac e poehed that wbto be yet back ef tke Botel
a SIrkUt a
mbto. lie bstome toyritiil to a
■aaaf Jtarriaaaeaatj. It platoltf Ua
•bow before bore Aooe n crest deni of eeeeertoUoa sritk oobo of tbe tody
OaMIfanbar mUm.
a»?al aatiea Waafhl la tW LaMrta
. for K. Tbe pie- CBptoyee ef tbo hotel, aad focyot that
al^ aaart Mta UtkM baMa Mawallli Oa. wffl
tone ni« ae wooftertnl tbnt they bayrae to a canoa. .Me wep roBtoded
(MMiM a«wto«a 101 a
MfMbadiefaaaab Marita, la
enr fiworlpHeo, Tba pnendo of Ibo of tbe fact that be wee aotje iUoborgy
4at«aa«WMialaw 4an Mara Ito
Mr.aMMia.M.V. Baa»toy arara■VPalaM Mm te lha sayMala. Bar Jatotor«W4»«rrtoal a( a BtoaMOb •owor of tbo Belrntwn eray. tbo re- after, for tbe canoe etraek a BBC. and
rlowtf tbe troops ntTHBpn.tbe en- Mae WM spdUed.
.................... ........ awar
ptootoo of tbe teryode boat, lbs
When be paddled ap the river to tbe
■Mar «M flaaad aa 4apoall to a baak
OarU Ubbar a< tba Sauaas Bay
UtUe raws. He tallow eBptoyoe,
aai aalt la aaw braarbi la taaataa balaC Satooaa Bay. aaw to ibis oily of tbe irocp todeo treeeporte. t
dertnldnoMny »lotnren.end tbe Boot wbo baew «f tak aeeldaat. ynel^ blB
Jaiiaaatl Sar.lba aM
ytordyloialaBarM for bk atooa.
woodecM tbtov of nll-tbe AsMm- aritb a sbower «f ifya. that addod
ftatoat vaaliiac that
fdaM^toUtoad. Mra. M. B. prr
nll eUdtodtbe
maeb to bk apptotoBoa. ab«M aarbaa fart at tha Marato
edBkntloonnd tbe
aalataaMibatiiahaaU afato larari
■airy 8anry. flaiw at Wb.
Ibe tnasy iCentorei iirin.
l» bar. TbawMiar waa la bart
Maltoor's laatory. .baa raalcaad bk
bop retaraed from Cbliforato aad k
■iiiai br Mr. Marlto to faral
ready to roam me her praeUae. Bar
to nil
It kn Jem of one
Tbafsaoralefllia. Walk will ee- all
ofQpss to tbe new Frank Frtodricb
Tke adTOCBye of It
otbB-tbeatrlaar tbk aCtoraoeo at fcto o'etoek at tba
block wUl not be.ready anUlabOot
MlebaalOarry.a i
otoeBOtbembasdnaUI tkatUmeehe will
teM Baptos ft Xafttoaa raad. «aa Coorntaltaaal ok arch. Bor. to Coob
uyrepbe show yeaoee tbe best tbentribe at PaHi Flees. Trlopb<^'9 both
' ftoaOy tojaraa rrtoay aflataoaa to lia oOelattor. The pall baaren will
oel featnree and nleo tktays tbnt ena
ba M. C. OrUtt. F. Tbartall, W.
BfaitoBaplda. Hi ■aaeantoft eS
not be otberwke pat on a s aye. aad
aar wbUa suktac ap a Irato. aod to MU^. B. MUk. C i. Bboar aad Oae.
tkd7 &e.
see tbOB as antocnlly ud reelletloaUy Whfit tluy
aaoMiaaaaar faU mador tba wbaola.
ae U yoe were lookiay el tbea to as
B. B. liaBk aod 7. ft. Loraarar waat
Boto lap WM aateffaadbadtoAa
open field. Tbe tbooyfat of looktoy at
t Btelnbery's Uraad next Wedni
balf hoar tolar to a boapltal batora aay dMOpr at Mlteball's yoaurday aod
pietnroa never eaters tbe bend. It k
of tba ■smban of bk famUy aoaU broarbt book a ftae baabat of flab to
tbe real llrlny, Bortoy tblnytbe
raaeb blm. Ba was &o yaan old, aa
C. M. Parker. B. O. Oampbcll. Saa aeea, and nbeet it all k wrapped tbe
oraartoboad Bwiiabman, aad Icarei a
Ilaa, Wm Bobba aodO. F. Cbreer weat added ebarm of adeaUfie myete^ that
the OsUnary Mob boaM at Carp nroasea ifaoeybl aad stlaalatee edneaBaaitoa eoaaty aspariCaead a aorara
Uoa. Uk aiBiOP ticket to tbe beet
oao»4tom Prktoy, abeal ibraa ia4aa Lake yestarday. to pot oat tbalr thenIre in the land, with a trip aroandi
bariac Callao. Tba fanaan oUl ba rardra for the aaBBB.
tbe world thrown In.
WUlkB dhalU of Kaawiek. died last
datoyad ooaa tim to tbalr sartor work
Tbo ettraeUon eononneod at Steinasafwtlt. Bhaaradshaapaod toaba Dirbtattoeaceofaoyaaia. UoUarea
bery's Qraod for Friday erenlny. May
The e(ieaB aboottor raUtry of Mycia U, ktbaiwonderfol. witty, wayykh
Tba Mtoblraa Saad Otowata'AMalad tbs Waada fi
faito of 100 ft ForiB was opoa^ yesterday, and a wblBO. oatitled -Who k Wbojl—^loh
i. 1
larre crowd was auraetod both after- k joetly termed ' a ena^ratof wit and
hnsor, prodaelny a freest of ripplloy
yarpoMof raklar aarar b4at aad able- soon and erealar.
Melieoa B. OoUer baa filed apetlUoa toaybier aod Berrime^t." “Wbo k
lOffODHaaad. Tbk will ba\ba
;atoMpt at raktor aaad aa a 1 . for dleorae froB HaBael J. Orotaer op Wbo” k tbk aeaaon prceea'tod by Fnaey
of tbe oriylBal
mSB to Mkhlraa. fttl tba aaod oaad tba rroand of eraally- She asks the and 81. John and a company aamberby Mktakraa faaiortoa k aow iMortad aae tody of ibBr fire year old aoo Barold. toy M of tbe beet ferae oosedy oolebrlBar. doatob Penalnrtoo of Fifth lias. We V* pr°°‘I^B'Brytb|ny that
eras eomaay aad HoUaad.
Tbara nay ba torror boyi tbaa tba atroat was ran down by a bleyolkt yea k new and ap to date In tbe Iloe of
aoo of Aaraat HoiBbitr.of OUbaru bat torday aad bad!/ ahakon op, beatded taaderllle UimBloyA Tbe motive of
wa tbtak aot at bk afa. althoarb raoelrlar Moral bruka*. Be was oar- tbe plot k famkbed by the fact that a
Wvlordseaaiy aoQ krary orodaetira rylny a eaok that eoaUtoed ks area. lawyer named Hartland tbinke be
needs a partner. So be invepk ooe.
Tba boy k dra yaara old aad wairbs Two of O-aa ware not broken.
WUaoo Pinkie, yardmaeter at the naodoy him Memo. lo tbe proyrqm of
ObyaMdi-Maoloa Trtbaaa.
the men who invented fun.
Tba iatUtattoa to ae Bioy Ueallilaa Para Maeqastw yaoda. bad two flnyrra tbe piece be k aecnaed of tbe Border
prcscDtinf; that joyoue
fldtbo atataoftbararaltokU dalkery eraabad yaiarday jrbUe Baktoy a of Mema. and. aa he cannot prodaee
him. thloffs look dobloee for awhile.
M"*iai baa aaaaad a lorlral of tba ooapltoc.
The Woua'a Belief Oorpe will oerre Prom tbk epdny all the ridiculous
MOM aot to hara oaaairy toada
Tbe production k
aatoad jMt aa ara tba atraeta to toa a tan oant sapper stBrenye Uall Mon­ eomplleatlona.
-altiaa. Maor tamarA ara aaleeUac day erealsf froad toTo'rlaek. Tbe eqolpped wlto baavtlful eoataaea aad
apprnprtata aaaaa for tbalr farat aad pablie aad boelBCto aan are tovltefi new aod elaborate scenic embclIUbBeate.
and wiU be waltod oo proaptiy.
maa to
' Tbe aeabereol teeBoyal Circle will
Madaote Phiaey.--wbo k prineepal Till- niue old favoritoo and wvrral
ptoaai oa tba hlrbway for tba ooaraa
bew ouee m a caat of irr«proacbdirectress of Hbaaey's Anylo Italian
meet at tbe Odd Fellows bell
tooaa of tba rmral maU earriera.
aMr merit.
Traiplny Lsneioy Bebool of London,
Oarid MaTbfoa.‘.bk wife aad IHUa
Bnytond. was formerly ballet mUtrees
MUd.aatUara aear OrlrlU. apper pea- of Mrs ftldrtob'o oon aerbori.
A jslly party ooaeietiojrof Beale Pal- to the tote Blr Anynstas Harrk duriny
toaaU. ara mkator aad it la toarad that
Kbnm. Mere Wriybt. Frances Hlyirias. bis Ooevcni Garden Opera eeaeons. 8be
thar parlshad >o ibe raaaat foratodi
Never.lhe same ahow twice.
■airbbora wbo waat to look tor tbaa Bertbe Barley sad Tioa Boaeer speat alao held tbe earn; position witb Her
yMterday at Sabin fkbiny. They bad Hejeety's Opera company, and the
Umi tbalr boaae d^partad.
a j>:iy tlaw. aod were jatoed by Bari yraat ballet productions of the Crystal
Oartor tba past yaar tbara bare baaa
aaieM Bra alarm to ftaa ftrbor. laaladad
to Ika eaoaaa'ara elrarattoa. parlor taaoe la dlspoemK of tke eatables. berbesband Allred Fbaoey. are oow
under enyayement to Charles B. Vale,
■atobaiihraiadttoMstptat oa tba Tbe naaber of fish eaenred k not
wbo Lae enyaged tbe famons Pnaoey
tabu, airtor of eiraratta bona to sooMotloe bat been-receleed by Baabere troops to appear la hie new prodneWoD
taat witb rat }at aad ftoytor with
r *'Booaerlaober'’ olaaa. Low -vi. of -Tbe Bell Eye” and Cbe fildonia tronpe
Prices—^to. .>0, 75c; box aoato.
made its American debat srith
OUatord. a rUtofa to tba soatbara tbe Unirersity of Hlebkyan. of tbe ao11—Now on tale at box office..
■Deell'e Aneiion" oompeny In Cb
part e< at. Jaaapb eoaaty. baa tba dk nnnl Beettoy, to be held to tbe tow
eayoln Jenoery. Jity Opera Hooec
ttoaUoa of boldiar to Ita nkds| a tblaf boUdtoy. Jane 19. IM». Jobs Wood of
tbk city. J. J Twaddle of Tbeae, now Monday nlybU
Of tba arlftoal rarlaity. Bk atatboda
aroaoral. Albert Braaal. a faraar, In tbe eUy. and A. A. Seetioes of SaiOPPIOBR8 BT.BCTBO
badjaat dakbad aatUar oat half as tons Bey, ere Bembeia et this ctoaa
Tbers will M theatre parties from By blneoto l.iterery Society Last
aereot yoaar (i«u troaa. bat PHday
■orator wbaa ba waat toto bk yoaar
ortoard be waasMaad to dad that will ntteed tbe perfocmanee of Mnrmy
Tbe followtoy officera were elected
aroryooa of bk Mwly plaatad troea and Hack lo ‘ Pinniyan'e Bell" neat bytbeLlneola Lllecary eocletj last
bad been oarefally dar up aod carrtod Wednetdsy. May 9. at SieinbWy'i eveuioy:
awO. Tbara k so claa to tba tbkf.
President—Frank A. Walton.
Kcdl^raraor Lae.a praatdaat of tba
Vice prcBldent—Look Rlrdeall.
•toto HJoaaar aMlair. k maktorar•lJ.KKlvv.iHnt. Mr. Mniiyelrt*." told j Recordioy aaeretary —Chaa. Beanir.
raagaaeak for the oostor aaaaal
1 Trtasorer—Alnan Bailer.
Mr. ManyAeskUutaccreUry — Bayene Pack
■aottor to be held to dear. The Bern
bonklp ot tbe eoeiaiy bae eaao redacad jtlrlK ynjfUp. A »>Hi- uf
dfHllj bills, b.3 K.9.H.1vd 1» frviii ,.r
Tbin] aod bi-st odition of that
by doatta to oaob aa oKlaat that U will iiiui ll.-n.-.-^.l.
lli-n.'e'lilv imilTiirMi. Tba* yuliuy . Cowe»P<»d>oy eeeretarybe aaeeaaary tow yaar to Bakaaosa moil Kuillci. '
vapid, yosritit; aa<l rulUckiDt:
'HIIU fur y.vD- ■m'vvO daosblers*
ebatur* to tbe soeleiy to order to i«rctary — Frank O.
araitiUBaBbaraUp. it k atotod that vpi'liix I'li.ib.-- utul tKinneiK. 1 |ir<- Wriybt.
aiiDM-?" KuUI hi-.
U k aaaaaeary to eoatlBaa tbe aodaty
-Ve*. nialled tliv oM nun. -But Is! Parllmeatarlan—Orton 8mltb.
to order le p
«tkaracordi already
nuy uf 3<Mir .l>n-lnrM>t"
i Seanrent at arms—Georye Dcltx.
“ll Ik 1 lUK- .-.Ki..- t.. n«k you 1f Ij
obuiaed af tbe pioaaar dtkvatoftbe
nm tek<- »nv ul iIhm.- .Iniiirhirral
Torta^a W:tnsso.
alata ae well at to e»BpIato tbe hktori*
tcoee safferf^ wm endured by
aal work.
The ..Id null. r.vK- wlUi-S Mnllv.
Tbe Head Creek eebool boaae recenUy
•Takr>" I... .-x.-lnliui-a -Wl.- """leaa T. L. Martin, of Dixie. Ry.. be-




3^. BonsOul'Ttomfin

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House

May 9th

Will receive
a warm welcome
at our
child’s department

In the way ot
Fancy Colored VestB.
handsome Veetee S jits with
Fancy Vests,
Fancy Shirts for ages 6 tp 10.
a little boy should wear
in our dhild’s department.

and MACK

Hnnigan’s Rail

let Po!

Rn lQ!iti

lei Duts!

Tou laughed ReforeYon Will tell This Time.

Clothing Co.




Tip-Top Woathor
Top Coats.


Friday, May 11
The Greai White Czer
of all Fud Shows....

baraed i» eappoeed to have baaa aet oa
BfO by irampt.wbo stole waeU aad oil
4e« tbe Wabato railroad ItoreB
traiape bare beea aiTMiad. bat aot
oaMolaat eridsaee has bato obtofaad to


t isl. and mk«
was nearly
ibea tried Dr. Rlny's Mew OU*’**«••“
"jeovory wbieb yave insUni relief.. 1
I have used It to my (atnlly tor four
l.OM Ires lo |ytore end recoBBead it es tbe yreateet
I remedy for eeoybs.
I tbroot. ebsot end lasy
etoc tbe worst oonyfa,
proven's bat afasolniely '
A Womao’s Awfal For.I
an ayrooBaot wbarnby tbsy wUl take
,uoa. Price
------- >0e aad »l. Every boiH.
ttatorday afternoon oa to tbe faure
| •‘There Is oolv one dunce to »*vs|l‘'»Wsl bottles
lOe at 8. B
A Btooy Point oorrmpoodeat of tbe ifSl"'L
■ Ukdeto Under toUe of e yooee owned '»- «SiikJ'a5ii2r“u2!r‘'hf hiS'^jlSniTMilig Cd!i»-Llltl, Titot.!
to tbet vicinity tbnt k to ytors old.
tried incore norof a frixhtfol eoee ofl^
r:—-------------------stomeeb troaWe and yoUow JsBndieo.j»W totOailllBy
A FaM Btoyolo Eldar
Oali sttmae bad forsed aad eba con-! low prleae on ladka.'mkeea and ebUBedlam priced —-imed

' drop's


. '1':

IF*?.—?» onmdber


If. • wonderfol otoBaob. I

'jiS. 1^.


MwLw^at^tbo ‘'■Sm
I, tUak Of Boai»-H paya
TMato aU ferae|of aeii— aSlI

|« f. U Mm tea n M PrjauT

y and plctore fnmlay |


Whoi^Who Rainy Day Skirts
Introdociot' thoee i*omi<fellows;

la Eicelleni Company

25 Higb Glass Artists 25


0» tt

BMpmln MW-Llttl. Itrm.
IvyrytUag M AdTOtiMd
la too-pirforBpnoi
Morray aad
Merit sad tbbk root eoBpaay to
••^nlyoo'e fMl" next Wedotoday.
I^»- aintotobeira Omad.


r (or tote at ts eoata

You need one these days. We have what you
want, and we know we can please you in style, quality
and price. You can't afford to be without one when
Qft buys a tfood CoVen Overcoat, well lined
and good fitting. buys an all wool Cuvtrt Top Coal, in all
9U.OV the leading shades of tan. wdl made and
perfect htters.
ftO buys an all -wool Tan Covert Top Coat.
W.UU si,;, lined throughout.
KA buys a (iray Vicuna Top Coat, velvet collar. neatly trimmed. ver>- swell.



Elaborate Scenery.
Beautiful' Costumes.
Prioto-36, 50. 75c: bn ooale,

The Biggest Snap Ever Offered
in this City.
relieved an agent of one of >lic leading manu­
facturers. of alf his road samples at such a sacrificed
price that vve can sell garments that range
from $6.50 to Sio oo each for only................. V^*570
There arc only a few of them, so you must come
early if you wish one. They are all of the best quality
plaid back suitings and arc elegantly made and perfect

The Boston Store,
Glass Bloch

Front Street


CMOTOH avnom topat.


10 $MO0t 0ro0i£i

kii. y • U.I o«i. owu* .«■ ••>1

___MB WIitA •# T«r Bjiiip, *»»
beat ooocb moadp oa OBtb. cma* a coid
fa«adepifttknfatfaoa. »aadW«ta

tomenvw aonlnf

KMUMk kw

««r MMd Md pMrtetfe M^ .te
rutlna of tto *t Lomi*




tetaikm««l toBouMlk.


tnifaj MTTteW. PrWHkiBr M W-M
kaUhitki aoralac.



of MBlW MTViW-

fo Mwrap and Maak next
ij. If pen hanat nln

SB'K'S'Jli.....: ’■


MTnrt^.t..AirBODB WAMTB.

'TKT- :;:vT.szw^<

rw.MvIaa. Onwaaa
'•»* Bar*
aar* ma«
mmt hr
(•raaaaaa lahler cm* t rgPJJZ-


Oo..of OUmco. «>*k u <

J. A. *. a«U. D« Itotoifc U.:
Ma OlkM. OMMa. to-. J- •■
tofd. OtMVfUte. XU.

rSdM iavlIatkM k «Mada
to aMMd thM MrrlaH.
m a liaiT PMMr.
OhaiAoaegmvoCBtatkMd Wad»
Tiliir Mt*kM MfoOm:

B°SS;V«S£jr-=” ST

CWnca; raab PhOUft. OraMea. U.
noa«}M(talo oMalB wiBialoai U ■. AUHO&SadtDattMd.

wbwtt. Moarwlr.

Mte tto pwtktM of 90.000 kMhak o<
•ow fa ■•» T«k. 10 ko toadid »a • i»
MlaUfaa «t^ Oa.. anU pofaWw 10
Ifafokfa-wUak mOo Mxi wook te dtellp faritad W thaoa aarriaot.
eanfa. fWdn^M^oJ^
firafiT TiMwror Oob«’a «ab ttOenat Tolatrican araaapUoaTbnn••Ipli to daw on dl0.m.
dap annfat fa Moaoow w Praaldaat
QooMVfaWria boo ooBtribolod SMI
Harpar of tba nnlnnltp at Obleato.
fofanoaadUoprtoM of Wafai »»
i and bU partp. Tbtoud tald tba parfa
fklana W tb« lUoatoo kom Otu«ra
Swfa 10:100. m.
Thaaa. ••UoolaliBad PrlrlUfoa.”
, that ba nenttad that bla afo pnofad
InnlfatfoaO. Aoothw Oitawa On
ad tba poaalbllltp of a riUt bp bfai (o
Baodap aebool at IS n.
nUof fud WH opoBod at 01a«ow
C. E at 0 p. to.
tbo'Unliad StaUa.
rriday. aad aboal ww oobBaraoo 7:QU p. B.
' wUl afac a arioat
Tilt Sas Praoekeo board of beiUh
Tour beat fralfapa* poor ooelal pool.
aarvleckw dactdod that It ao fartbor ontbraak aaA
A ..iordlal loTiUtion to tba pnblio W UoB or bnafaeoa aoeeata depaod lanrelt
on the ae'fiet acKoo of roar atoDaeh
.of plarae oeean la Bonolnln baton attend all thoM aarrlcaa.
aod Hnr. D*. King** »«• I-'f*
April to. all qmaranlloe wlU bo rrioed
ffire faenaaed etrenfftb. a kaen, clear
M tbo BoraicK of that data. Mooday
brain, hfab ambiUon. A SS cent bos
«ui ba the toih d»r tlooa tka ^dir.
wlU make too feel like a paw bafap.
Sold bp 8. B Walt aad Jaa. O. JohnlaMoaae. Tka roatiotof UtUnf tbo
«aanntlaawmbaalBpla. It wUl be
taanlj withdrawal of roatrleUooa to
Mandorat sse. aneb aa an cold tba
thtpploff aad traaal.
world orar at 50a. Forty pnttarba W
_ - - U.. «:««.
ebeoaa frtmi 8. Benda A Oo.
Port Tanpa Oitj, Pla.. baa a “earfaw
baU" to a oaw fora- Bo mala oolorad
Pnpar maoUnc Tbsndar aranlaff. 7ut nupsekod
«aa b allowad co Iba ainou of tbo
AU an eordfaUp farlt^ W tbaat at tba Haw York Stan a nlaa Una of
alfa attar 10 e'oloric p. m.. aalon ka baa
BadiaB priead triBBed bate and
apanafaaadbplUTac DocBpaap.
aaUora. Mfl St
otaan an Jallad aad daad fa tbo poltoa
aoort tba beat daj.
TUa Saadap wUl ko tba Twelfth anAtOla^w. iba probiblUoa of Iba nlnnaip of Mr. Ooeblla'a paawrata.
T« Otf m OaM mi Om D*p.
teporiatloa of oattla (raw Soatb Ab Banaon aad anrrieaa wUl ba appKnrilaWtbaoaenUon.
rake Warner’a White Wine of Tar Sym •
. triea baa aaaaad eoaoMnatioa amoac
AU an faritad. —.
ibe beat eoo^ remedy 00 earth, 25"'
abtppan aod bataban- Tba priaaa ol
at noon.
rnnanl of Mn. Walla wUl ba at tba
aa«U aad abaap ban adranaod W tba
t:M p. B.
ShOBldtf BrWN


rpOR aaLB-BartM.el..... ______
f caBcuDOCfchlilrMy.OTCcUjma*
»n/. J. tr.
1T*L wa*fT*i»-r»r I

■'Finnipan'a Bairetabeuid to bare i Inp ei>eeialiiM aod all the feaiuna o_.
bean bollt. hardly wriuen. It Is ope cxoccU to aae in a show of ibU kind,
r anil rr*>hBraBi of tboac rcbielM of atare prodnetiora ‘ while tbc BODpirUnr esmoanp of M cr
cuitU. eventlilBC I WDlrw. lacladliu that morea alonx w tb ibe clock. Wfaat; more people Inelodei many well known
kU»]«. <-<r created a laogkTui pear woold cau>a , and c'-ercr arilcu.
eouater. cheWlnr. talJe*.
r»t Buniro.
fpO TBAOa-rar M»r lo*» » lam »>U>. build

AUjB. Baeaah a bar MUdlsr
1700 naLS—Leum aod tZ. Mock M. of
J} HaBBBh Lar^'a. l«h Add to Trarcnc

A ntBQAlX-lD H ioM let* cm rrocl
ccr* Irvit Icrw.altoalcd
peon BAt^TaaM^
ebarahorvoe Brawert
f ear slla tor cur propan, Applr

----- '-wofChriaUanEa-

50c and Tie at S- Banda A Oo.
■ fa aaoordaooa wilb Oaa. OUa' ra. ^uaatWba allowad to ntaraW tba
tadlaa. "Ten mb josp an It tzwpia an
half boor lalar.
UaUad BUtaa. the war daparamai '
lb ont It will ooB« OP amUfair ererr
At 7;80 a aonf aarrlee far Map.
aotf ordara Fridar rallerfar bla, W
Tba foUojrinf BoUeal praftaia ^1 Ume." OalBon-a BlaaUe Floor VarnUb
■W Uka aflaft Map t. iba data find bp
6 B Wnib
Ada^ Moaaaa Prof. Hont'a orebeaeaa. OUa tor bla aallfac. Tba orden
BurpiniBg Ooflrt-Iilttlb^Tbwa
daalfoaU Maj. Oeo..MaeArtbarto
aaad Uao. OUa la oomnaod of the diria-Hear oa. O Father,*' Laalla Btf And BATben' Cobts
Ant^tp. "I
loD of faa Pblllpplata. Brant Maj.
n«u and aprona. onion made, at 8.
ttaa. TTbeaton la daalfaatad w noeead
Benda A Oo.
ttea. Haedrtbnr aa ooaafaaadar of the
Barnom and
TkMllp.-&n ibowaad taaB.aBplopad
Offartory, ' Ara Maria.” CheraWmbp tba Staadard Oil Oo. aU anr We
aoeaUp. baae had tbelr wacat rriaad
AntbaB, "Laad Me. O Lord.” Towna
Wparoank Foraareral dapatbe ofViolin aolo. ••Onnionfa.” Bohm—Prof.
lean of tba nrioM eonpaolaa tormlof
the Staadard OU Oo- ban baas la eoaIfananl Mareb troB SanL Handel—
aoItatioB la tba «ata^fioaa Tbo
Prof. Hont'a orobeatra.
mlaa ton fato aSaot mmadlawlp.
A dbpateh Iron Borkam talaad, fa
anaoK ini*iaco>ai.t cuuacai.
Iba north aaa. aapa tba lapfar of tba Bcr. Chu T. BmuJUcler.
adtbttoatlltSOFridap Borefar.
HfaaBUIloB doUan'wertb of ahtpplBK M ondar oaaatrnCUoo on the fakaa
Aapaelal troB Bad Bloff, Cal., aapa
■ Iba north peak of Mt. Ln«en b
thonebi w ba fa a aUta of aeUrltpBoBblinf noleee and m bearp oolnan
of sny atnoke coma from the BOonUfa.
Tba aOBtract for snppipfac the foramBent BllUarp foroea oa the Ameriaaa Token with beef aoppllaa bna been
awarded U Jack Dalton, the noted
. Ataakan pioneer and axplorar. U Innlna nbont
Two Chfaaaa naaa. reload at
ban bean aaltad in Haw York for
l^nd iBportntlon fa ribfaUonof ena-

£ity Opera House
S STenlsga 3

The Famooa

Klioe Ginemitograpbe Co.
eatra faux .
'iWlre. Detroit.

Conar Waablngtoa atrael and BoardMonlac aarrlee aad aarmon at Kr:30


ir'w’diiMain lo drap^^a
,fri. It acta dlnctlp,a» tba
d mnoona narfaaaa of tka bpalOB. Tbap offer one bnodrad doll
Iwany anaa It folia Wean. Hand

Fw kuim imnthMi is to Fijniui

iMpMltt 0<a>.-llttl. I>vm.
IknUbtan » OdMI




li. Bnnitlul-TbntBS

faMratoistd tram teluo.Bteud to



zat_w®ribo^*rrithaU wi
eatdtUnct ter sea tbm
BM^aMMdot tbo'ortfa^ eiotb-

BB nadllp be ncanlMd

r^ta“^.L__ _

••Pmm Var*.' -laAlaa*-' nad fPartWa" la Ml


Dr. BoNathil-ThBmpM&

l-”M*la«'c miBcBataBnUarOec. .1
t baar ar B BpaalsA liw

‘VFiidtrwwr EbppixiMi'’

TOO And at B. Baada A Oo.

baa rataraod from OaUtorala aad M
Tandy to naama her praoUaa Bar
Sbm fa tba new Freak Friedrich
bleak «m not be ready aatU aboot
thaRtbaadaaMl thatUmaabawiU
b'atParkinaaa. Taiepbona P.both

BasAa wants a bright bey
•istoispcaraof are. Mutbaru-•
falto^ pbUta fa
in aad neat of appaarnaoe.

laroBrcoGBCr. •« r«*Hr. SMkwa aaltad
dmacd. aiawpad cstTlop* t«^ *. Wallac*.
ermcral aacmarr, car* Of Ueralas aceoni.
171.AT TO EKNT-at SZ*. par»cr I'Bloo aad
f ArTaalh atc«et>. Ia<)alr* .up atair*. T
Q eUlaoB.
rVOC WANTiB«»rMKWo(aarkiB<
elaoc (-omnaBi** or 10 bar* bOBar.
rm eall on K. U Alire room t
rTCni>Ul..Co. blork.Tnronr Olir-

Factory Prices Prevail


Now's your chance to place a high grade in­
strument in your home at a nominal
cost. E^y terms.

Funeral Dlrecter.
T*>plioacP.'o I

189 Front St

N. B. 8TB0N0, Manager

Gonuienciii£Tliiindu,Na; 10

>0 at ilJD a. B.
tBcrioan .War. Boar-Rrltlah
Sondap Bebool at iz i
War. FitzJeffrleo, Jeffrlaa-Sbarkey
Brenlnir aarrlee nad aoTBW at T.
Ffabu. Sapbo BeprodncUon. Pauloo
A cordial faritation axtandad W all
r»BT HETBOotar.
acr. j. a. Btwydr, pmw.
The third qoarterip maatfaf ol the
oonference pear will be held.
Spaniab-ABerlaao War.
Sermon at 10:30 by Dr. Can
which tba aaanmi
Boar-BrlUab War.
par will ba admlnl ..
Lore feaatat 0:U.
Saadap acbool at tba aloM
Paaaion Play.
loralnp aerrloa.
Prioaa. lo. SO aad JOe. SeaU on aalc
Bpwortb Laacoa at C:1S p. n
There will be no preacbl^ a
at Pmt Uffloe Wednaaday Bornfaxthe arenlag.
Ladiea admitted tree at openlox per
All an moat aordfaUp faritad to at­
formanee when aocompanled bp one
tend the aerrioea.
paid ;io-oent Uekat.
Thara U morn cafaarbfa (bU aaoUon
rusKM cnvimt.
PBOOBAK poa xaraaDAt
•f tba conntry than nil olbar dlaaaaaa Ber.BMeUf Joow. pe»w.
potweetbar. nad nntU tbalaatfaw
anreh, Ov. Oak and FUth atraata. l—UbcMW
pann waa aappoaad w ba faewaUa
t. suit. iNt, >ni nad uaSondap ackoal at 0:41.
eao (Inc at Saatiace b>
ooDmi aa*ner i 1 lair*rlac of BfiahUb
PnUic wotahlp ll:D0a.B.
a B. prapar meaUnc af e:» led bp
ad toanl ramadiaa, nad bp conatnnUp
OarcaMMr ban la eaap.
faUlof to onrawltb local traatBaai
a*nrv ai.h. SM. ZM. S
.tya* Voluw<
nroownoad it inennbla Soianeabna
bow* •aUtkeben
prono eatnrrb to be n oonaUWtlonnl
b. Pte«*uaceeeie*iatcaapnaiaa
dbaaae, aal tberefon
e. WaMdvar*^—--4-n**t»w Min w bef«c* loavtac f.
Wtloaal tnatnaat.
tap A
bare. Boantaeuirad bp F. J
laaiiT diUI*.
«e.. Tblado. Ohio. U the «lp^ o
Talrr drlD*.
c. Art'Ucrpdi
Maw York Sion. U6 8t


Cbbrlaa Mnmp and (HIM Marie,
baewa w taau an Mamp aad Mack,
tbM parUealar Arid. Mamp aad
wUl appear fa t&M dtp at Stafakarr’a fa
Mack an loot Btalara It teqoiraa
Oread Wadneadap arnafaf. Map ». qoMk. lOart JodfBaat aowadapa w
when Way wUlprataai tbrir popalar
atd famna eoandp, “Fiaalcac a Ball.” dMeonnd, aeldoa created fa fareei.
A Bare faddeei fa a parloraaaea faewhich probably anjopa tba neofaUoa
oe> for a fmaap ritol harfaf Bada more people laocb
loa dUanx. Mamp
a koBtrooi
y .w , and Maek bare been int.. ___________
than any
ataUa aad
eaot Uaea. TbU Bakca the wond! tbap bare aiodlad Ibcoa dataUa

critb the
tba Ir»Use tbte oooiadp hai baeo «
Wiabll that they made ia ■■Ffaalfaa'a
bat each aoeoaedlor riiii i
il-{ Ball” a breezy, bripht ard eptertafaiBproTe oo put raeorda for li
lor farce, oot a claulc or a pi ebloM
... tUe notore U to be prored freo , dra
a bos oSee ^udpolab then iodaad | The

rtawtuall e!
puag Aswey-s

Aamrieaa Oag
Wa mages ■ w aw sab)sci Is eksegc ae thl>


Before, and perhaps never will again, show
such values in merchandise as we do now.
1000 yards fine Cotton
Covert Cloth, in all col­
ors. others ask IZHc, yd

Best Calicos, in all the col- r_
ors of the Rainhow (best Ml:
made) per yd................. w”
'2 000 yds extra fine Cam­
bric. new patterns, new
colors that will wash
Bay this inetaad of Percale

Big line of Shirt Waists,
a very pretty line to
choose from, up from.
Ladies’ Neckwear, don't
fail to see our new colSun Bonnets, In all sizes
and colors, at 26 cents
^ and.......... . .v...............


Specials in
Men’s Suits
ExtrAordlnanr BarsAlnA, at


26 dozen New Wrappers, CHm
for ladiea It won't pay nHR
;you to make them. If koB www


ThiA iff the plAoe to bsy your


and Caps.


at au '
• -B
1 •MevYeck aaral


Heliahle Pry Ooods, Carpet and Olothing House.





le Personality of Porto Rico’s New fiovernor.
cmr of Aaerte*'* »K«CMfat
Ranc AfUr mu b* te* rliaibcd
lb* pelUtrAl lAMcr. TiMt UdA«T ha*
iMidi^ him In the noierDor'a i>alac* at
tlu Jttan. Hr i« •till a yeans man a*
imbtlc men so. 7^ have the hlsb boner
at bMW the «m rlrtl torentor of tb*
Mtabd at Porte Rice la Indeed *n esvtoMe dMJnetion.
A* anoMnst aacretary of the nary
CIwHm Hcfbert Allen baa alrMdy dear


elbair* In wirt trylnc ’ U>1* t*e» sovemor. a deer**»d »la\e to : le* He went In Anbeml rollese and |
much be down'i
doean-i know 1■ mu*k-. pUyins tbr .-ello with raw MIL wn a ckise student. He still hwks a W j
b»lnr. with bis «
alwal the Wand where be I* tn be aa* : aod a man who rn>>y> all the mile on* iif
. btuad roc
.me' nrWler of tbUw* political. He : tial pttAMire* and Ukei
■ corrraor «
1* alreodr UvUltw tbe aedal. potltkal ovtdoor athk-Uc*.
and IndostHal prohlesi* of that Ions
Here Is a UtUr IncMenl which abuws hul was. defeated by WIHlaiu B. KnsdMnufbt taUad whleb Cnrle Ham baa \ Hr. AHen's kn e or reronn: Wben he setl. Tbal uws bis oeiy reverse—a mer*
nnder hM wm*. and be Un'l sotns I was InrUlled at Waablnstrm ns aastet- eplaode to show tbal be was not Inbn.
to oult wnUl be knows all about It. j ant aacretar)' or tbr naiT. be walked manly InfaUIhle. Ih im he entered (be
lower bnose of tbe Masaarbuseiu tq
That's bis aatnre.
i Into hla new oOke and a
Uinrr and two yean Uirr went I
»d that Mm. AUen. tbe i looked aronnd. He didn'tt like tbr V
tbe state aenatr. Illnce then bU aUr
of tbe
has been eoaUnoaualy tn the aneendaiiL
He Is a man who wlU be beard from
at tfaeae two moms
AHbtmsb Mr. ADen la sever ^ok*
fnmltnre. bcokraaea. dost Uden piaBa, aerlptA typewriter* and a hundred and aa an emtor. be Is one of Amerks's
public weskcm On one oi
one other tblnss were rleaoad out. aoHaloe
ha rWtad Fredertekaburs. Va_ far
ol. labeled and put In tbeir proper

latlve atadtjof the town of HafMns.*’ write* an Amcan coreeapoaident. "wbere there are almost A««a KaOis abarlns the alese aloos wltt
the white Inhabllaocs of the town, the menace oT shot aod shell does not
acera to Interfere In the sUshteat desroe with the even tenor of native life. Dny
by day the)- have their dances and celebrations, and even weddlnss. aa tbs
e which I amt srodlOS
seodlns Will
will show,
show. This
Tbl* l»l« a snap shot I t.>ok of a recMt
- took plsco
style I which I
Hafekins »_____ _____ _____ The
anis. It wan
IBS)' be Judsed
from the miuutr escort and the number of a
•. ami one would t»r\rr believe that the place where such tblx«»
i place was surrounded by 6.W) IW t* ami that any minute a hUSshell inisht pul an unpleasant stop to the proe-wdlnss. nte only
dred pn|m<lI shel
unusual feature of the affair was ih- slmu»ir*/of tb<- weddint bn-akfoM,
up chiefly
ch’ ' of...........................
su»j«crt, w
. which. 1 have cwry r
A\ .««llt\rt WAIMK ) Botail
TUK KBVa C ' niMi.iv.
The (luulat hwklOR old bunch of keys ' miv -r the . m^*h«d i»-<semi-ins a
i shown in the ncromponyuiR llluriratlun
r-1 lUi-bn-l'-wrll. tb-. Eallaitt her
an-the k •> s
the old eity sates of the «f .'iBfekmE- If e. 1-c.t ler.rr but sautetown (if nuhim. ■ It war thin bunch of . A-.haiii. t-wl s.rur.--l t-v him eom
hInIV-H.' key.- thut wn» pn-*-.lil<-3 l-il
JUumn V4cti,-ria on the occnslon -)f h.-r ;
I ricenl visit I- Ireland. H»r maj.-sty

tfea post, will earn ev>n penny
Mary. Tlie PeaponslWIItlss arc «rtai;
the duties are arduous. Porto Rico Is
was called up to the White He
was toiUUysly quesUoned as
be wmM like to manIpuUle tbe dessof Porto
MmMir with }oy. .. .
obd Interewt*. and be knew
Cpvemer of a broken down Spanish col«»y wouldn'c exactly And time hea\7
<« hla bands.
It Hr- J
man. Hr tbaaed....... ..........
and tmeltxws rwlls to the winds. He
wns alri-ndy at the h^ad of a ble Ann
enpaiied III tbe mantifactun- «f wood
prescrv-atlvrti; he wAs prssIdrM of ahank: be was dlrectnf of another honk
be was interested In hal( o doxon paper
fltetorie* -hts buslneaa (ymnscUons ramIftsd out over half a continent' Rut Ur.
accepted the president's offer,
a lover of hard work, and It
struck him that IVirto Rico would be
Just the sort of Kambollns proand he
There was only one pUce wbrre they
wen- sorry to know that Mr. Allen wap
ffolHK lo be tbr Porto Kican kO>i
and that was in the navy deiwrtment.
He had made himself very nseesaury '
that eaUbllahment. HI* Judymenl Was
Mways *ood; his executive ability u
aTway* in evidroce: hla insenuity «
afwbya to be depeeded opon. Bql.»
Mr. Allen «11l i
dUpa and tiaval bases and a

r-llal -tis rite* of the Asbantlo, a
. Cart. I- sald.Bl one time to have hnMM
i* met wt the city tbuiiudary by the 'recvi-iavie for human blood when aaO^
In aeconl,........................
jflee* werv made
to Aahanli--delUCA
d may-ir »f liublln. whu. ...--------—-----------------------Ih on nnebrnt custom, hand.-d ovn t..! what this xrvwsome and historic lUflR
. dlmuieuish- d visitor th- frc-dnni of ! bon-l look- like may be judeed from tT
‘avvvioiuirylnk little illuatrutlon.



dick of danclec beets,
db the mae brown skinned Porto Rican also leave iw
Md try ta find out how he can be ted behind him.
to fact, the «x-aastaUnt nscirtary is ab thsns lhin«a :


places OI- slu>w-U away. It was not uu- I th" pun*-se "f iiiukins an address at a
til the last bundle had lieen .leared '(cntenary Masonic csU-bratlon. and, thiaway that this tnlin with the mania for StIucIiuiI isp*akt-r »l the day hailnx
' failed to iiui In an ai-iH-uram-*-. Mr. Alwas borti M pen eonsehted I- deliver the address asChaili
Is.well, the "ftplndle City. ' iHaned t- the BeiilU-man In qu.sil- ii as
I year* as»
be said he was folne to be ■well A* the one for which be himself
1 tt*bcn a
>r when be prew up. Be Is ' had been pat down. Both were received
doctor, too. but one of dto- '■ w iih crcAi favor, aod hr was obllprsl to
j.later repeat one of the speeches.
ookmle* and net of diseased b








~ SU

When the Bud Ul« nn* were pourinn whcll
ed eittsens of that town took the be—
ft the rtrcumelancc*filrcumsiancc*. Whenever a ahcli would buret both whltce and blai-ks
rould rush to llic spot and *i*b up any frnitmrnU that could be found,
hem 8* souvenir*. Here Is a pletnre of three (IcfectUt- shell* that wire tilrvcd
ihlbllioD at Che Kimberley
E the sIcRC and f
whlch these eteej n
The plcti
ilh break up wben the ehante within explode* them.
« of deal


. 'tillltuUbs Whleli ih- lbiti-1- -HI ..mer hud to U-x- when th*
Jk-uift .\frl-cii .ompalBn had shown tb- u- ssity for a lar«er forw of moBOt*
ssicll of
■ ‘
d infatuix in ih- tlcM «k« Ih- Imim-dUtisunl T-mmv fi-m the tuck streets at Isimlun Is not aJIciflelher at home on ■
b--ri.i-, an-l lii- r.- was Hill.- Itim- f‘>T Rivin* him tenirihy iralninir. One of Uw iB*
: »ver<-inlnK Ibis dllTlcultv war the atumpt to train TotunRl
.tik.ns dcr.nic bis lohK voyim- -ul t- the t'api. Of course thU could not b*
don-' »Jtli >rnl liorsfs.
n i.amb-r ofdnmmb.. Mcr- made fur the diflereat
a».- (if
(II llx-s- (Ii- li day the men had a sioc
<>f rcavuln* iralnlaC.
ad of pr
..r tb.T. i-ali-nt sl(x-ds under the (wsK^ eye of a
liiE on




sun ased In the American .navy, like all tblact rtM.
r a (-enalB number of rounds bsTe been fired the rtflUw
or !«•* Iwrt It* pr>wer and aitmrocy. The rea­
im-c a yrar Ihe Caua-liab Indians wi tt: - Vukoi
Icwlly I ..
-'i 'hTMi-m- l>urtn»th> wintci th-*e Indians
ihscartliou for their
• fi«-l. Ourlnx the Mwsotu- » hen they fall t.
herd ih(-re U always i
want wQd sufferlna anM-iut ilMw nntthern i
«-f ihr Und of the ' alfl na*x- l arv. oh ih- whole, a hanlw«rkli _
y*-e. ub4 wben taken In hnnd by- the Cunadlun xovemmeni wCnrials and «tven
» little start »n Ilf- ihiy main- v»Ty kitod w-n-km.-n as whalefK mlaera. MimoD


amount (

ls V*n ir»ur- and c nsequeBtly t
a limited numh--r « ■
:. Ruuked. of cours<. . the number «f t uls'that may be fired from I
' pensive ayMem. .
When the Boer-Rfltlab war broke oat In titmih Afrk-a. prut Ibwlly all Ibe I ncwlsg tl-v erniral tube round which the KUn I* bulH up. To do this, of coBtP«.
these heavy fighUnc monster* have to be unsbtfiped. and tbb ts no llcht taak.
poorer ■^sa nl ultlandeiw In the Transvaal losik refum In tb. Unx'lsh (*dony
1. Mo*l of these refuiees have souRht teoipwary home* at Durban. j ‘.IS may be iadged from the ocene In tb* accumiMnying lUusimlbm. u-bieR
of Naul.
enjt*f«d In landlB* a 13 Inch thwndern- from ».
the aceompafiyiiiR lllusiialloti
the I..................................... ........................
‘ ertibe-r 'T«.- .'U - vtlon* and rwoeirt."
t Battery mrk. In the eeasbli- suburb rtf Durham



«w Uipt«
.1. <MU
Or m (■'u' « »ui* M:
SM«0 U Mrs. 1 mj.
nw sr«<r brtMir Os <Mt
«( Ite Uste tiiMCUc an*
TW 0*d hMtf am tWf»

* -

(kn^Tniasr mm
tMs sot In late bSMS tftr rSM
1h7 tfslM tlwiii* «BT MurtarfMk
W SJa^ ««• aUck tars k> M
Ir mirr (kr cnat ■rtSMsi
Ml pakspr K hM-d fer t caUa OmI
V» tbt lUMr'* (IitMc UiKW.

Vmrr U mm •« Jasd:
Oil. m ak* Msr M tahm,
I ffV r°s —Ur tkTMk m UMtw tm
AaC Us^asl l*>«ia«Mrt r4*imt

f« at aha an* to


iiroMir to _ .
-1 rmeoAtr.” r«wuM U«rto. ’that
^ bad « mr 9*toaan. to« ratto «ad a
fbarmbu mik. 8wi«SMc. too. abr vaa."
•*DsrfHto wooi Utk eim*.” aald GaltbooiliUiar^
“i oflm 1 let nr c

(rate. Tbe piopcklor uT tbr li .
«4 at the door and baarfod In. «M smt
napm, tbc extra aprrlal «t as ercainc


m km mO,

to), ak. ki ato( Uturaim:
**to*^“r’uiij iSTtof ""
-«alk *M Kaka ta »


•eder to (Ire

«tor 1SIM om w*r ml vsh

* rrM Car

. atattinc

It mV little pUce doi
D old bouaebrafier
8am7. wiib •»------------------------l
cDOpte of anrauw. ami I'm a* bappx.’
aau Gaaaol.
Oaaaolsne,. silb drfiance-“a. bap
P7JU the dartre loiie.^

"Uut rou aaid jost d»s befor
*'He bar a luo( rnr t» cbme.” reauui*____
cd Ute olbir man.
i ‘'Doa'l arxuc so. Mapau-." brc(rd Ga*
*«tlK. mr dear Marso.’' arxrd Wa|nrr coisnr. with teatiuesa. “That wai alImpatleBtJr. ‘V o'rloek ia 8 o'elork nod wars four falllns.
not an minutes paM."
nan wbo s
“Walinrr.’' aah'................................................
«M down, there's (uod ibap.

peoneit eomrortaMe. Thej- won t aerre
dlaner notU ma ring, and there's noth*
lac OB iwnb to worry afaoot. Besides.
Qaarolcne lirn down ia Snrrer. roa
hnaw. On<» j-oii (« on the BoiiUiireM'


Walner did not aaswer for

r pnwentir. "If yon
Bomedmes in mr
uot quHe

yon want to atart » M fetcUaf
pbUntUmofiy.’' ramaxtad U» retired
tmebr.^ maid. "Ittat pinnae fonsd a
Ctiibfarai(n(e4 girls that Urn in board­
ing booaaa Tb« txbjtct at cosm woald
be to provida some prirate. paifMly
kid engaged girls
mid natertalb their .(weetheaita.
Y’oa've no idaa of the need of snob a
pJaoo. AiibingiareDow, odarlyerery
■bnapokn' hadicJot maid in Knw York
elcy IS obUgod to roonivo the licaitM fel­
low Id Uw world in n bonrdiug taom
parlor, nsicaa of omi«» abe is flatting
It in which case the proaenw of the
three or four other hacliekr maids who
are flattlag It with her ia anything hot
•Take my own case. Al the time I
dadded torenoaneo the pomps and raalrlMof the girlbacbelorwoclU Iwaallriag In a boarding boaao. 1 learc yon to
imagine the trials and trfbnlattou that
Harry and 1 underwent dniiogthc peri­
od of onr engagement XVo had almoIntely no place in which to spend onr
predoos orenings together «x«-pt the
pabllo parlor, where we were liable to
Intermption at any moment"
-Dr Jore. I can’t stand thUl’ cried
Barry one ereniag after a tortured'half
hour of dt-raronsly silting ob oppoaite
aides of the room aiA conrersing abont
hliakespeare and Ibo mnalcat glasaea.
‘Tlii< ia worse than hades. I’ll hire a
Itall if tberr's no other way.'
"Wc finally settled it ^ going way
op town each oreniiig to auiuo friends
of my mother'a who kindly lent their
room for the pnipoae of oar
Irswlng roc
bowevec. "Otberwlae, though, all -dot
courting would liaro bad to be done aft­
er marriage. There arc more casM lika
otoa in Kew York city than you might
snspect IC'i drendfolly hard on sweethearta. Yea, if eome pnfaUc spirited in•Uridnal wants to immortalizo blmielf
in the iianio of mairimody, let him or
berfoond ‘The Engaged (iirls’tf-lnb,'
towhose honso all tbu betrothed yonug
people that Hvo iu boardingbonsw
rroort. IX-pcnd upon it, it'a a charity
that wonld lake. Tbunsandtof saflorlag
boariling himso ronplcaall ov« the city
wonid rise np and call<1i pbllanth

I Skeie was a knork at the door.
"Yon want ronpanr. Walnn»."
*Mr. Caeeoi(ne.'(eiiUencM.*’
"It woqld he tnore rtjecrfnl," aekoowlTrita."
ederd XValmer. "if there were some one
. “Balrr answered the proprietor «t the cUe lo the |.Iilaer—witne tne, 1 meau. to
plar and
be about the :
Berve the dinner."
I “That was •berTvlnuihles
rberOkJombte* alway
always bad
' The new arrival strode Into the room the poll of na." remarked Uaynr.
wHh tbc lireesr -manner of one who Jobsunreburc. wilh ft-n real w
■mows be Is late and bas dccidrd to de- about the place. I used lu think
feat reproofs by ebeeriucaa. lie shook ibnea of the way bU sister used te ply
bands with the other two nee. aaid up stairs w-hen wc foor wen- sinoki Khi
aemetblnc caustic about railways, assor- the diaias room and bow one by one
ad them bath that Ibey looknl as younc used lu idlHi <var ciran away and atroll
icVqor island.
at erer. hn«‘, tbeer la uothlac gratUea up stairs to listen. Ik> yuii remember
men who bare passed the ace uf 30 ao that little tirrtaau aunr she used to (Ire Vliat Waa PMma bya mriy toNoaseh ef
mnch as to be told they look as younc «» nsr
] TV thn'o^iuen Lununol llu; ulr awkIn I8BS thv gunboat Partridge
"Tfaeie's uu doubi about it.** aaid Wal- < wardly. as men du with wh<Ka slucing is
wr, a loothinK bU thin hair and (iane-; pot a strong p«dal.
I or othenviao of t
tbc mirror, *ibai ba^orhoodj "1 us<d to slag it lb) scir," said Moyne,
id on lim
_ a keep a man wonderfuHy youthtnl.. “ant at that itiwrfnl |daec. and somehow
Mow, If we bad married"iLsmall coral island (duo by sou feeo or
-Don’t talk of it," aaid Gascolcne. with
• ay iu tbu Curibbeau sea. Un arriving
a of ail at Bonendor it waa found oeenpiMl by
• abisor.
GOICW. wuai Tuc n-si isusv
-The worry of a wlf^•,• said Walmer the 8ontb Afikmn irouldc. ' I Buppoae sea birds, especially boobies, in cnor.................................a man’a a*e.Kntcer has no c-ar fur tniuir. Walmer, m«ns unuiUr homo hnts wVro also obwhat arc you (UnkUig about T
ixBVc ia aerved. Un lauding and entering rbo
*X>uly alwul Uk- ease that I ha’
hand Josi now." replied the man ut
oi Uw largest bet tho fultowiiig pirtnremci
at the fltvplnre. "i ibbk. if yoU don’t the g*» of tbo explorers; Half silt
- "Tbat’a the objeetkm," aaid (hr other mind. IM like to write a note while I half reclining, cm a high (rest Ic U<d,
two men.
I tblnl
partially anpportr-.l by a makeshift
-I anppato ire have mtMh to be thank- • •<{
<t want to acribbh- a note, tOQ.” said rrnteli. wasaonii tbiiiKrigid and angular
ft] for,*' aaid Uaync. “Let os say, Gaarolrac
wilbiu a moldy cottou sliirt and cm
“tltoce It appears to Is- ibe eoiwct
Two rtisty paiuilkins i
^fter the rboke dinner the three wen do."
. said Uayne. “I may abo as ' tronsers.
aril write one.'
bad tiiiisbi-d l>u l
I*teaently em-b
- and. baviiic sta .
en t» table. Ilchted l>b clear
. srith a aby air.
| Is-d wero the bonro of n baud, nud _
the candle to the olben. Th .
ibeit; -I'll port them for you." mU
, unniU-r of laud crabsscortled nVot. Tlie
ahair* back, and eadi found a rrat /or
It d.-eHned tu avail ibetm
r faot.
of your bis
with “*>•« “Wy
fonndpocked and
offer. -Tbeu." said W^almer.
"llcea writloc___
Homu auiptj
r aritnl antboriiy. ".re’ll
And 1 Mlted in woodoi boxes. «omi._«npty
trnah, haten’t ynn, Oaseolcner
"•ve’H kt Frit*
I’rits do h.h
oned ' crnai bottito were fonud near (bo oggi
’ that excellent man was agalu s
............... ....... ........................... unit-' tmd a box contaiuing papers which
-Had aa< tr two hooka oat.ting tbc letters to tbc pUlar box.
I »liowod btro lo bu a Dnickmau. Bo had
-Wonder wV reads tbem."
TVre aecfned -m.- .restralat iu . V'served j„
iu ,he
tbe wilitta
-Goodaeaa only knowa.t the
Tbe medical oflieer w

1.1?" ■


**^5011,"’XValmer cu
-Tre seen aome very fair oolkes."

oner with ^rvat coercy. and!
“>at It belonged to a Iml under
Ibcy toM-each other aiu-edole. which Ud 5*^™ of age. In ai^or but Was
e ebanee," said Oas- they bad told U foiv. h-ft uut j»lau of fomirl ilie body of an old oegra Tho
these anecdotrs and laagbitl uproartonsly ! story is ctebr euoogb. Tliowcll bnilt
"Bot lenBy.- »nmd Walmer. “tact of
thee told more, with e>iual want of' ptii showed that tho mod bad coiuo promatter b you're- makiac
Gas- I
- , — a . name.
'fT'ry took ibelr aeeond cigars.
,u ,tay awhile. The empty boxes
eofame. Yon-re
Ton'rc a
o lorti)! m
Tboti proviiiuus ran ahurt
nlM to talk rUmi you.'
-t thlaL Gasolene, yon •■uabt to apol- leotly. He still held the p_. . .
oglar." said klayne. "I'ni only Jnat bark lag now nearor to the Ugbi. reread » f} liirdi' eggs. ,atid waU-r wa* apparently
In iMden. and Than- been spared mnrk
I plvulifiil. lieu cannot llrclongou ugga
of tbe aanuyano. of oeiinc yoa brroma
* juil brackiali water. Scurvy tunrt occor.
ftmoo.” ’
"BreDiblnsr iTkd Uayue. "L«ak at: This is tliv liecn-l uf tin- crotch in (ha
"Oae dorso'l feel any fbe happier for kis."
j .-sbm. Dismse had cripplud baton it
K." said Gaserdenf. "I live in a valley
"Uead It out." said Gaseoigue eum|M»- •
,j,„ y^^^g umn TJiis axplanaIn Borrey. atul ebecks luiatile dow« from
. Londaa a Ihile qniekrr than they did.
_ ilio roaxaiing *0 RODud, y«t
*^Bol Chair
• •WeU." -Id Gaar-oiene thonkhrfntly. Uayne. TV newspaper tremWed. "-Oa ' mpimreutlj so simple, ti* to waku ona
-after all. tbeie yon are aD akoe and no -tbe 10th Inst. IdeatrBaal Bosworib of tha rxvlatu ou rv-a.liiig it, Snn-ly Ibis ia (ba
one to ohare yoitr rrouhles and doolde Eigbieeptli hamara ia Mia KIsa Cbcl- $vay of Zadig'.—Loodou News.
Tbr (Vinelng goldra boy wt«( alawnr p,. nrwoaa Saytla’* IMvrovrrr^ascoine sighed.
-Of whatr deraam d Walmer ahavp.

■“ijtot a bad aama." iroatkrd Walmer
•rltleany. -Qaa O '
“AB (he *ame.“ i---------------IW a littk awkwaidlr. *’1 M|


They art Nobbr Hats.
They are Hats of ^ality.
They are Shapely.
They in Hats better'thaa


other good Hats.
They are fnllv gnaraatced.


They afe sold bv Beoda.
There are more Newland
Hats worn in Travers
City than all other makes
When you buy a Newland Hat you bay tbe
World's Best *'001011 Made", remciqbcf that,

$3.00. $!S 00. $1.00.



Fashionable Outfitters.

Onnarol WhMlrr's
"Wa hare »a emptro oat (hen In the
FMlfin.” aayt Osaanl Jon Wheeler in
(bn May "asteam," "with arary powl
UUty of graat dtralopmeit. Haring
low awnro
tba raadan of flonoato (bat (ha areblpalago la ahowlng new Ufa and path
vadar lha admlnktrarion of (he Oni tad j
I saw eridnneas
M ovary hand of a ehanga In affairs
for (bo bo((or. Wo ohoald cefulnly
hold tho islands, (ira (hem a mIHury
for awbllA aed (hen ainoa(a(hamto (ho dailM of c.rll gof
oramoal. Timo alona will (oil bow
CM show in lb s
rtloo; but, aatU each darolopmaaU
an appnnat. wa ought to gorarn and |
proUct (hem. Tha vast maixrity ofl
(ham an not hootUa at all. but only
hoekward and aby of Amtricana. Tha
fightiag WM dona by tbooe who had
B0‘. Vrn informod c o '.'■T (• lo onr
(no nHaaioa. Ula olmply wondarfnl
bow rapidly all aro being canrarwd o
o«r flag wbo ban bad (be high parpoM of tho Oaltod Stot^t explained to
sfcM.. Wnwant (bo btneflt of their
BWkat.of eoone, and it wonid bo a
poor oplrilod Amerlean wbo would
deny onr right (o Uila now. As a marko( for coal alona. 1 doubt If than U
noygnator in (ba Urient. U wonid
baaonawiaato relloqaisb (be groat
opportaoKiaa for irada aa to abandon
(be nalireo at tois jooeioro (n breoaae
(hapny of (be naUona. Tbe woral
admlnUtraUon wa cn'.d gire (bam
would be belter than tha boat they
would receive al me bands of any
Other power.

gnipstsing Coffeo—Little Taveitt;


N±eia.t oxO-y

Monday, May 7th
Amarlos's Orsndest Spaotsole


Sixteenth gditton.

New This leer

...Tods of Massive Scener;...


and unusual

Gorf^eous Costumes.
' Original Light Efccts.
Specially Imported Features.

Bao nlwoyo be«n tbe beal- is now
Ibe beat ever.

reat Berord—Future Guarantee
y. w-yovoi- Timely
Prices—SI 00, 75, 50. 3oc.
nale Friday inoniiDg.

SenU 6a

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap

And none are poor gtoek. bonp an you know is better allar
Ibeijig eK«l. Everybody who nses soap know the standaid a»ak«
eysee the oame on the frrappere. We will give yon good vaL
>c, lOc. iic, 8.5c and 60c per cake.
Keep the KIdseys aad Uver!
Healthy. Active and Vigoreiis by Usliiff


XA. S..S'

i Itte nmaalug to Icm that Barai.
L. Mam^. fltoUi»l% S.’
iwbeo jwt maenriug from otoearity. y., writaa: ’’Liver
r CwAer Plro.
w _____ fjocnlariy wmcipated that bi. birthday pnro htood were the bnan 1 f|
U tmnk b h. ool the number of men „ooid «m,a to be noted omonn other to- mn.
My fac* waa, OOftrod «tfl,
e dl-abkd la the
markable oTBUUi lu ai«tteriobU oariy

ri£-: “



^J^T^d tbe languid. Slotted ^I- ,
if .-•tixeua
citixaua g«>_
v*pap.t uieulu
uiai li) nil
«( apring canaa mlaery to tbe l^y.;
»"*>*•' ‘"•'l’ nvwiipap.-r
Iceilimate tuijoini-* tbe
tbc jioblle
pnblle wonid t- Tlicrc la oalr one moani of making;
and that !■ through tbc
Iiavc lca» noMW to ojuiplaiu rllber of
Iver—(b* filter* of tb*
inaccurate or iuipiuper ui-ww—Bhrl'
font Connuit.

.»lh,P.BOO. G.,l.
I. —- •ihort time that *ays; "Fto (ay own affair*
ttnaerre them, fait way of bccouiag on i
30.onn tarn may Tboroa* a KompU or John "■
^Bu, and
For exanrok. a c«rp« of Sn.U
the woaUr aaked Mayne •»- laae in a day't S|*( 10.000.
amber, withtwt Iwtuc
L ->
th. wM
*T otoMrid oar that toe wt
tooaM toey k-c roc^erth of their aomWateor. ’'What k ywar a
bev my. from .TflOR t.i d/DO mea-la tha
canrae af half aa bear (heir maemla wmdd
anrclr he deetroyed.-Captoki SaBatol
lataroarional Monthly.



rd ev-"ri> "'her nrrroo*ly. an
occorrvdtomvIlialniteWKpaprrroportdroppev] Uw imirnal on the donr.
rr wo* a lintuau being, v.-tio. liki- otber
"That Hork'$ ■tupped."
.topped." *ald
.aid Walm
...... ................ r guing.' ...
coignr uDMradily. "I waoi «n ratd a nl luokiug lilt living by dlligvut
fairir cariy train from WaiericH.,"
and lliai lu- wa* Uivn-foro not to bo
* irvnuil a* au ouomy of mauklud. Sinoa
Mppow. •aid MayiM- droponn.'Btiy;t
,uat •ii«tiv. rT i bavM.miuluo
have no
Mature mtkea oa extra rtort «a tba
Each of itH*”«»■• 'lonk
r.-»pmid or | ^
u» rid the blood of lUUaprttlto.
U tbe proprirlorrdo« -tali ae be paid
hi* ihaR- of Ibe '
I eaarmoo* amonot of labor.

-I forgot srbat l was golac to say."
declared fXiBrotcne.
Walmer looked at Gaaroienr rery i.i.
oerriy, but '*•.i7VLT.„
m.T. “ 1
hMd writ du...........................
mitrroriien standI.i_i.
oa their M...
two 1..^
legs. "PK.
eemt of llqneoro acemed m bare got
. ftto the head "f the notrrnekerm. and
they were onabk to romaia uprbrta.
Mayne tbe aflenre Iqr asklag the
two men when Jembtes was coming home
the Sodaa. Walmer. nt tbe bead
«( the tahk. BusbH a IHUe. tor no ohfftona iroson. and said om yet; old Jom- approval.
"Prot tb
Proprietor ..........
1^^ _.^ney rolro. -beforo
you go and foegH 'em.’
of tbr beat war c<
"Mr dear." eold Prilx. takii
lovnil hod ever bid.
from hb pocket, "it • ver* cxlrnardlnary.
“ liked JornWaa." oak
’Xk^roy my tedder.
TbcT an aar lo i
Priu, and do not
“Fancy thair
^Thc awetnekecB toU tifirily off the U- danrins
over hU -Hooldrr.
%!y (he bye,- aaked Walm« at
hreplato. “wtot waa Him Cbolmonto*^Btoa.^iSd Gamoigae and Mafte to-


Irtlea. I leer


Commencing Thursd’y, May 10
The Famous Kline’s


Hopkii's ThBatre, Chicige; WnKerlud Thtitn. Oeirah.
«.B Wsr; Vfts.MklM./aftHi nm^ M«te; PwlflIan Flaya; 8^0 Baprodnetton from
Hathonole prodaettona.

PrioM—10, BO, SO oenta.
aamaliiat aad Icaparo
-ah "*1—«

LadiM admitted freeat opeaiag perfarmane* when aeotMapnnitolbyonepaidaOcMitmhSk.
^ Semi on a6l«WedMaday moraiag.
DoBotooeioatidthiaeompeBy with thv cbMpa^tneby
pktan ebovfl that hara e^dbMlMca fie (Huptf hoaMS.


r«r WiyiT II ■im



««r «M Mn

adS hr
vttM ptmt. .
ns «a> 4.r <>.*? ««• .c.4H«M fekh
At t» U>W k«itM IW imMi.
IM tMf4 r.l«« 1l-<r .«•••< UlfM
rrm Mr ttm^ .,... ••.



FT tW <Dttbto«4
«r mrweU aad budru. aad 1 »ade ba«a Vw(w rmr the Week ■aefatadr npT
to mricstr
ftom the doacema hr Uew. 8. (I. Porta..
cree.-tUrt. I». Wdh
1. wWi •«« 4l*«iJw. fot
agt aad ka»M mj lwrt«. «a U» ^otk.
CkiteUas rroirth U befc Uloatnted
“I frand the pm nrmtutr ara* pa» aE
bwMaa bM. hM no to tha aeamt bo«ae tat itu; ijaniL»c uf -mtL‘ Utxnrth «T the
aad <alkd for help.
taNd.” In aia pnnUe Jeaan llhn*
■ aa ac» oatll the w«koa« th» klngilota of God to n tnan wb«
■ho&d <»« rt-ed Into the ground and,
.......... ............ ..................... ff myoTrrkavlng It. thocid go abost the dBtkn
««at BBd vrappM) K aUM the Dttb fam of Ufe, alMitliig at tOgbt and worklBg
a»d bapf ehafiii« ihr baad. U. iwior. «lrthe Pdt-U ntraawWIc growing
cnlitioa. U lUr naBSOMd. It wa> toi>
daifc tu MW Uir fiwiar^w. lalt I cuuJd aev------------------(hat ibarr wa> a smii caah oa the fata- tiUde. thoa the c«r. Uw« tbe fuQ con.
bMd. wharr
the jtgvd h
trUrb U barreatnl.


i« M* oeu in«ki
wVtflMd Wl>d«

e*o6 loeklM raUoNiuiB nttro; i>t in
«kc vIdM of luM a duini lam vae eoid
UMrtue, with
M biae coated brrtbrvn. Imt refrahiiag
Baaw paetlripailag In tbe dUc-asrioo.
-J beUere la gtrin* any ow wbo -

t Utterly
aSd ai^iTwbita tbe anow fell thick and
a Bad
tad tbe wtod bowled------------—
bowM a dolafol dmtari
W.' 1 had one of tboae terribly long
kaaia that nai down to Ibe rive
Wke a niaa half tbe nlgkt to git ro
Tbe saew toy some iitcfaes deep
granad. except -where It was swept op
tale wreatba, and tbe dying di...............
ad me to that 1 conhl hardly
ig or freme.
_jd to keep
arer longed for Ibe and
“1 don't ibhih I arm
that nlghR.
•t tbe watch a« mnrii
n tbe force
Bealdea. I i
and wm
datra lionsea along my entire
tbe wlad had a rimr sweep up fr«« tbe
"Well, It aiM mtllug toward
a'riork. and an hunr mure w.nild let me
tree aurt ratlrir me l« floond«-r liack to
tbe ttailoB boose and ibaw vat.
“1 was only a short dislaace from lUrirer. and I (bungtai that I would ioirt
aUmt reach there nod back by mldal^t.
"I stuppid a tiMHurni uwh-r the la«

bat MW aotblac add ^ad

TV aaow bHaded me
MX ace ten yards, and there were aa
mot* gas lamps.
•rU ewo that I tail a Ut a
gar ybo mast ndoeniber I wi
SMB oo tbe form in tbosp days, and
*ete was aameihlag myrtrrious aod
jmtTiag abcwl llw wbulr basiaooa.
“It didn't «s-nr ta nn- thst tnrrglBrs
maU be ulourhiog slung iVl bmdy
Mtcr cm sorb a night, but
T frit qVer.
Then 1 last ran as fast as I «\>onMn
*e dlr^ion of t>e soead. 1 could bear
aa footralls. for tbe anow deadened ail
aaaads. and fur iVt rea«iu my
*^TV rood Ml rapidly as it neared
tbe riier. and I was almust oO Ibe
wbaif Vfore I knew It I .-onlU hear
i-ninHiliig by. driTru alosg
t rurreul. and U made
'SnilVr tu «E—k uf Ihr fate s< any peer
mealUP- whom areldent or dlwlgti ahould
eanaign tu that awful fluod
lagged Ire.
had hardly <
-- thought


2 Si.z.Ti-^:^s i




r.'llbc Vd'SeT:^ -u J^^
been naaliletu Bad w.irk. been taken sihk
and was starriag- Hbr druM all know)ete of timl rtp-adfu! lUgbt.
•Thru abr turned 1«T Idg Mack eye* ao

the planted seed, by law.
which be liad Do coBtriil, to ~«'
fruliajre. Tbe aanie law bolds good la
tbe ■plriroal wurid. Alan may plant
and water, but tiod euly can glre the

Iter'll'fur be
cwuUul frip
™i lUelf.pUced
,,„.ir TiUeed there
there by
br God'a
TmV v«1 ~
“ I1 •« tvaeed
*ars oniiiag Intu
d tV nl^rirate. tumtag' U<»ly Spirit it will not V retarded or
m me. *h..w du vou know: adrtuicod by >¥
the «■"undue ■.”c«
onilely and
this 1s tV youu* wmunn you saw lomp j worry of X'hrbubui workers wbo have
iutu the riwr? IHJ yn ewer sw- ber • planted the need. Yet bow many do
fan- iH-rurrl!*
! worry lest the word of Ood tuay not
•• ■No. sir.' Hid 1. •
, . ' growl Vl us do otir part—the plani“ Tbea you can't swear that this Is |m_aBd then leave r,-aiilia with God.
tbe Mnic ii^iur'
j 2. Cbrtatlau growth Is by an orderly
"•\b" ^ the M
with »' taw- “KIIWI tbe blade. tUen the ear:
sift uf r^. -It M-ems (Vt tbete Is *«tT that tbe foil corn In tV ear.'
a« .um.-ie»it proof to boM ibis young Tl.ere la natural law- In tbe nplriiual
woman, and «• 1 sbstl diarUanev her, world. G«l always worlca In an order
You ban- done very well ullierr. But ly way. The car <>f corn was not prowhat Is to beeiuuc ut her? She U lou. 4gct<tl In a dtij. No wBa Is a aalut of
S.-II.I tu u .baritable to.tUuikm.'
|‘erf.s-ii.>n I* aot attained at a
...... saM I. 'I knew . airv <dd lady ,
result of orderly and
wV W.I1I lx glad to giv.' ber a haaw an-1 progrraalvc ilcrelopiurtit.
to she «ati du l«3ter.'
ls-:irtug ta the SMQf
•The uutglstrale looked slrwigtal at roe i
ak Christ's dlsclplea.
fur a
minute. n> It
wanted- ti ^
•ad lay Vari. and iben V rtouk me, bearing fralt? Have the Wade and the
I Ibcbajid aad said:
• war appeamlJ Are wC iirocrvAalng la
•• -All right, ) oiiug, Brins the; olalallan chara<rter and w rvlce, and
rt lady to see u.e this aflenuon.'
• -w*U we V full eoTO by flic VfreatT
told my
wmrnxd tu thi- frii-udli-ss girl, wuu auv
-went wiib inr ta eonri ewd bad a talk «!><> then Vve an open roluntary dinwllb tV maglsttaic and Voagbi ber ettaaion of the lople.
Officer Kitxruy aro«e. yawned aad
nj; uj. y. p; j«-. gji. i-iT; Hog.
surt.-d f.w IV stair, amid a eVraa .rt ^ jj.y.
Iv. 1, 2: Math, l

snaMMionrowrlr. os*« PtaoM.Bril Ok
Newta. lUriSenev.Bce.BcIlSSU; a«wW


All aiarae Itatai (• a raaflBBOIIaa wt
tbe ■•eeaeat Artlelti.
Krcry sign seems to i"dui to a biggi-r
r, BUM and g*
roluuii' »f Imsiaem In llkNi than In narydisM
dS»SMS. Jid-p >ne.0:Nea. I
tbougb It ae,-uis nlimwt Incredlhle M* Opera
iVi tlmt should V tl»- .-as<-. for from
rcqiuns iiiBd.' in nwiwxt to last year's
busUiess It is evhlcm lliai h large nnoiHOLUDAT. gradnais TareaM
bet of the iiilIU and fai-ltxlc* of tbe
- -“-laanaaMBrig. *ra*ta
country, were inxed to Ibeir utoiuat ca­
pacity, nnil the demaud fur labor In al­
most all srvlioiis of Uic enuntry has P.^‘
■ f aad a
been greater iHan tbe Hniqdy. Tbe
by Mr. .1. J. Miller of
ITovIdence. the vh-«- im-sldciil of
Iron nod nlixl concvrii. In rv»iM>ct tu the
couditlon of affairs In New Kagland
aigilles fairly well to iliu ciwintry us a
whole. Mr. Miller rays'
"Ooueral liusincM coadlliuns have
nut Uxn *> «r«wl In N. w KiigUiid In
years. Our male Is ii ixrfcrt lilve of In­
dustry. bikI mills that liave uot Ixen ID •eB'tandcklldrsa'sdVaataaspMlaUy. Ofoperatbiu* In ycaiw nn- now ruiiutng
Mam* Brown' &r« box'full Idas!. Wi Icxtlk-s IV iuauufac
1 topers of our nuie an- d.dug a grrat
"Yes, Isn't II awfuir
Blffc* Bontam -saaae.C; VH. li\ ^
; bnsiuesK. ami It I* u faci iltal sour- „f
•Tlial Isn't the worst of it."
!our txttoii iiillls an- m> fllleil with or-I T a. MABTIN, PhysXIaa ana sarsesa.
"vvbst i.y
"Bbe fits lir-4'U-Ttdand llain Healer. den. that ivy are nmulng nlghu. ^
(-.nidliluii of things ilini ha* i
-o»«* bin: restaaata. Ka. n.
with ttar’a Wife.
valhHl 11. yeara."
aoOTT VeMrinary. a.rgMn. Z
If llib kind uf thing k.H-l» up. thc l^ Morsan'sBam TnauitaenMn ri nl
Criiuwmlxak-Wbu wrote "Unis
latest Ihiug h. fnx
wltl In- lluil fm- trmle I* tu-«>.W by the miVtata. v^phaostaw A
"l^say__wh« wrote -1
••ountry ill .inl.v to give the working ;T\B PBgO TILT. Tetenaory Morstao au«
IH-upIc n rosi fn.iii the anlw luVr iu .
"For gnudness' sake, i
whlcli the} Imti- Ihvu cligiig.-rt cv.T .Biieei. QaedbofWto8r»oa«Mca
*ev yaUaata
XltV «
sbK-c ihc hlngh-y Inw bn.nght Imck ’c^' trfi at taodbarmW or siMa-a sals
bu5lu«-«s ..ctivliy ni..l ix..«|xrli> tu the
~Aml I raid llay-John Uay."
cenulry- Then- Unt any likelihood.u,.
-VHil-'-YooV.-es 8«nicsmaa
Iiowcvcr, Hint the ixupli- will he no “.
------------------------B..*i..u.s for a lung va.^ilon wltVul M^J.SiT-^SSriSJtt^l.r.'SpJK
Klubb-TV w.Mdeu luUI down IV street |uiy llmt they will vole for free trade.
street. Batb xlspbnacs Ma SSL

l.a;l p«- l»- »-•«; n JV-E in. 1K
“j uerer';veo luaM ... engUx.
------------------------' Slubb-B'oiHler yuii Vdii't ran
*br Bobodlev la tieweew.
i whiff of Ike hurtling wool.
To V nobody In heaven: How die-: IVfm-Tbai was lmp..asiblr. it
- apimtntlng I1 aomidst Bat suivly, one was amoking a cigar be Vngfat <
“Nulbiag Ixejune
««I7 ^ «2 rays, wx aball all have maosioB* and traln.-Chirngu Newa
wi-ll awl b tV prettiest gill 1*
■ nviirnR an
- wai all ^
Bt>d thrunes.

sbe dunm'l rbaiige her mind."—Buflsta have gpros and crowns—1 metin we swtH-i r»nng Iblng.
I trim go In heaveu. UId you uot read
“Well, wbnt is an rntai«-i|Mit<-d wuin^
I BOZUPttaiac.aVut wortts? iVorka ttmt auT'he deniand.-rt.
.. ..
"TT? T
________ ■ are to V wniught on earth? Works
who c. .I.anxu Vr own lead

panien. but barnxmi sputters are of BSore ^ tacn* ®f >V
Ktxbl origui. As u rub. iVy are sop- i noDielblng raid alwol works Uial are .
« >aa»r«xlateA Adi
p'.ini by dcusli.v SKciicIt-s at the reqiKwt ' like wood and hay nail stubble, that | "Mike." said I*lo<ldiiig IVir. “here's
keepi-n u hu fear Ibey are get-' ate easily etKssumrtl In the flame? And p»e«x iu dr |ia|xr a ni«u dat sgys '
;: Hag ihr worvi of a Istd deal. Tbe pro. il r—...............
fnr dedu Dutliiu at all!
,i^,, ug, p,jd atid allver »>» intajail
".An rit
ylt be'* kiekiii." n-juioed Meaaprieioruf aroaori nut farfromTeuihaad
..rwiona stooea wltlistanrt the' "*Aa
■>' «le trouble

j iri and enlisted Ibe *
MM Vann-udiug wail.
1 «f spottm. TUSde’V »»1 or emu os. ...i
V bunted suffer kma. iVugb they rf„,rflrighi workr-Wosbli.cmo 8t.r.
“ImagiV ull IV •eurrow. all tV de- , sUgxrrvr.
der suspicion a»* fVronelvca raved. y« oo as by ffre.
------------------------II IV temir a.ri all tV aalfering aad a Vlf the ha
_ the
__ <me
— long
, and idayed tV
__ _____
tar gl7.50. ' Jost raved! Tbat Is aD. Just rafely ,
Tfce Wnrage Dnrhelor.
wall a.ri you will Jet an ides •( IV •»] |>ca V was pniuirtly placed oader «rtmitlrd Into beaveq!-Epl*<-o|»al fli*
“1 wonder." raid the rada fount
taatror iLal inul poMPisduo of me.
• ■ arresl.
' Mmler
elet* taxnler. “wh>
... (Hr I was gidag down ; "U, was aa an eight boar sblfi at
set on marrring
-. . - soldilleror
taBI a. K-> Stwat s speed. Tbea right iu tbat." mailed tV proprielar. "If Vd
osictataioc taiaiieoi nii
.‘'•'They like 'em lic-anse they Vve allined. A suldirr's Arsi
teat uf ox 1 sam a tigorT with liaads hare ihmugh IV day. tV ptaee
u |t rlgbi
pna JudgnH-nt flaally• fvadj
n-ady IIiK-en
waugreti-bed .o.-r IV water.
: wuld have briuaged to him fay rioaiag ^a Ihe bVilorlriil facto as act down la ,<lnt.v i* <dxdi
r." raid tV loiearr ha<-ber l■tb-aert iBUeb a. spirita
aad tiim-.
the Billie merely beeauae as yet they :ior--l'
I always sail
. aad bli^ri
bi.Md wiu'miT. raiiSiy a Vri-nvi with pockSST^'chlw '1‘vr
TblQk !
*-•-*aoald o.wr. me.
rt. in uta«. And eve. tbea. V
"Bid you lovr «x tbea a.
TIUI tV old folks .-aioe from a poit uf saya. ihry get fV brtlrr of him V roll- “ol- •« *• »l“' ■««'«'
W«U the i
telaad wW VasVe. an- eommuo as ja, op their sleeve, aad mretrtiag stray «Oo rrady aeceptaace a* actual facta of, -Ttai, yoa lore am ameef
•nttas aud death wau-Ixs and all man- roia* In (hr folds.—I’hUadtdphia Beeord. tV eooelBBbtiii of Bible rrilka. Fee- “How eairi?"
wrof bnrriUe tbiags are eurontoB talk.
------------------------. QDeoily tV mull baa betti that tbeae; "Darling!
I when I raatr"AU
IV Wood<-unlllag
mere uninUns
optnleu* hsew
bare Vil
bad tn
to hr
be ■honul
altentl ' "I tneoii
Vf-in- me. aod thki
■Die up|i krf-in... ... a yuoDgruopte artlag mighty within oereral yeara to roeei tlx vhrwa
VyViil raai
heann-ndlag wnU Bounded tor all' hiring
hiring «i
oiw In-a. day." v^ea an obamer
nebobira or oewly dlaruveml
roed to (V ■
te work! Uk.- tV wail of fV baasbee.
uT (Aior
a. Kaa. "T^ weal atara
*u ,bi, i» |q .ueh a state of
•Iluraril KasrUsed 10 wear a full beard
TV nerl lustaat iV Agwro
baldiw vwrt ottes Vu4 BoJibai It were well on tuootert imlau
-didn't vr
tea.-----------------the wall Into-----------IV river.-----smlllrm and eoohw al each other
to aaspeod jodimeot.
Many con-! --V^^
•Yra. I IIixlhxe V did.'
T had -erer beard of IV batahe. ee ,fc,ogb each bad fooad a aare CM
aerratire arbobra are now fladlng
"| wnoder why V doesn't
any othrt oaixraatoral Ihlag dolag tbu. p^ar.
-They ________________
rasa tooad a seat—___
b tV______
aVde fanll with aueb as etewe to pat down' “Ob. V proVMy fooud a raarx and
otad I ttwaag i« the wa« ta oa laaumu
- a fM
^ ,
a irae. and
facts aad
and eoociraloa* wVi.lmraed to share bimorif--Chicago
tWr. apra .V irr. lay
The ^
,»g they Mt there,
there, fsedlag.aatetalte
feeding, aa AeAnlie facts
I iB I « brio tVI pier made
ms4* «V
te *«•
te **■'
era- oori: MVr
^gher «o,ra
pepo.ra out
<mi of
of ao paper
BOBn^ bag
ba* are mr-re>T lafervocea.
- - Hocne
Hotae day
day lV«e
tbera Tie
ited op thick aad ^ „,ola* up i.> each other like a rash ocbolan wW And tbeaaelres onHraray. aad h bad
bed |ted
He'd Tab* Ura
>t0vd sad froaea solid.
roUeky killen up te a hot laffib.- Ws tombed In tholr worka-Jewlab ExMrs. tilrgb—Bogvr?
“I Joaiped over opou tV te wf^ a
,v> •woaid ehy. a little bit
teaffiav'ls IV rtt'iJiral aiTambtagwiAi !
Uirgto-Oh. gn to - ‘ “
lavs raved me.
{ Tie looked op la a arit asaonOag way.
[•; corerttg ■inrti itood oa IV worse oMa,
T rataed tW term iuiu an
M mock ai to eoy: Toa poor «M woodea K«eBbte« that
sang girl or a eblU. The
tagpr j foil yoa aevor eajoyad a lenv
up fnaffairy
vany tight.
Ike tbia. Ton Mvev emrlearad ate a i *■"***
wants ta gtaa ov
•Hi lay timp la my anra, aad mt Arm > uiMrid du.' Xteh
pMMlteref«1rale to jrao rV aim-li mart poj ■ fox terrier pop.
v«g tte tta Bara <Ui« vna | Mpm mA a tSteM^Mbaaaa Ov iw' <« <Ae beOsr oMa. - Bobort} sv-Be dure, dmw
M Ivr WeO. tbea IT
i oor oU eat aad rix



nkuf anhaa J>
gee Preoaot Poller.
Scar Totk awaa o«i
Since 1M» ihia (»nntrr
U** tMO. for -blafa Iba f
Sine been Urine ntiAer a ntronglr pro«»tlre tarllT. Kor the moat part tbe
d«». and th> diu«l^ f*J« hl« bair
pratectlon ba» l*een denounced by tbe
bv Ctaf.
antlprotwlloalata aa ertiaalvr. For
‘■IlHloI ,Ii Ilareey there7“
two nilmlDMratloiia we hare had tnro biadlagas amitj W> gold
••.***. Uarr«T‘« not with ntr aar
Iffa alleged to U- an bigb aa to be ctaar- ______ 1 tbo aloib Wadh«a. HaUa
WUat rap I do for >«nr'
rlaed aa “protection too mart." Tha
••Nothin*. I alvara #« mj Hiara of
him. and 1 don't know the brand." Abd
(hr -raateoier" would rim: off.'
lieen brief, and tbe very last tariff, un­ •omen amklag fertaBca UUnff often
• phone." a der whb* we are new ahowtpg aoth
tberr? IIe'«« the o
es In oar exports and «s- laklag Often nmoog in
bar «h«reba»
pectatly oar exporta of i
oaAlBlABaMatad friaaaa. Wrltatm U
OBalBlABaMB-------------rralir d
cooaideted the wont tariff we bare
up Ik.....
er had tram the free trtMlc point of
don't think 1 could hare held eat
_hT." before the drugglri eooM get
Tbe auwer U Cbrtet and Bla miklaMar Bare ntlaatea when the people ten; the sun 1* tbe batnaa heart; Uk Ibrohrt aarins tbinga. "wtU ran kbidlr ▼lew.
aftorcmrteT* BuirwpiBiliiiwi. wUeh
■me. 1 Ipat ooaariunaoraa aa the latapa
luart of tboaa
Thla fact cannot be too atnagly em- yoanaaattaodtoriffbtat you boas.
tubed U *!• fare and hnrw notUa*
phaslxed. Tbe hope of kaortlag oat a AMtmB B. A. NbarM. tt But rifparr BDtS I woke up la tbe hotpitaL
prateedre tariff U tV teaU of moeh of UMtk atraoc btlwaw Braodwny A
•Tte doctor tedd ate that tlx dri had
tbe aniladmintetnuion artlrlty. Said
the end of the world. When at the aetM^Ji!^**”"SCBDAT XXCDB8I0B TBAtm
and exposure mad the woand ond coming of Christ the barreat aban j
du I kaowT Ilarrer knows, Mr. ilamlltoo Mabic wbeo la Lowdl
rcevntly. "I fear I aball Vre to rote
keold prere fatsl. He aaU the poor be gathered la. The onl7 place where
bim call ate when he cornea ia."
Aiw was «aariated. as If starred.
M. A B. B B. B.
tbete la any dlUculty la tbe IntarpeetaAfter ten mlnutea: "la this Harreyl the llcpnbllraq ticket again." "Why
"Ton mar betlerr 1 was sorrr for the Uon of tbia nacable ta In reference to Ob. I want llurrer. Uarr bim
TrsTena City to Mnawtea on tV Wdo yon nay fcarr V was naked. "Be>wlaff oatca aalaai oibarwlaa aoUSad:
the man who pdanta the eeod. It moat a gallon uf that
IV IS aad rt, Jaae 10 and ti, iaiy r
this lalqaltons proieetire principle." be
net let aw go untU auralng. wb«i 1 re- refer to botb'CbrW and Ilia tnlnlrtefa.
dn. AagastSaadlO. Vptembar t.
mtkiS^ replied. Bryanhun wat‘ worse, tn bla
tamed to the statioa and teporied mj It cnaot be aakl of Chriri that He doea
aad 10 and Oaioter M.
rase of stletuplrd salride.
not know how tbe need growa. aor can
own. Gonel Tlew, tbnn protection, but aot mneh.
raTrai___ _ .
The luea wbo agree with Wr. Mnble m.. arrive at Mutaua Ha- m. Leave
■•WeB. it was three weeks befotr 1 wan It be ___________
^ Goeas
_____ ___________
mbl of nau that be _gaUiera the .^oo ^
l*U adrertlte fur .......
' hanrat: Itenrc tbe mao who plants the can't do busioeas ailbout that lloimeot." are the men wV have always conald- Haalstee at fi:M, arrive Travereg City
and terilfr sgalmM tbe iKUe gin i aao .
loelode both Christ and
t\iM-n it ratnc i<. where the druggist en-d protection at a “Irtlghtlog" princi­ • lOr-m. Tiekeutt rtiaed trip. Me
ple. -nmy are pot Imperialluts. but banage allowed on tbeaa tralaa.
TnUtA from IfaaUtee on altamaM
tiu-y are to. help the ItepobUcsvliig dta- [ ass again because tVy hope that ex- Soodays Hay e (o Oetote t.
H.W. Cmmroaaa
took him back , panalon win foater free trade. This F. A. HiTCMU..
f« at lean a year.
| k-ei It ta Ma uatnre to grow nnaldcd sad iui-resssd his wages fiO per ec>>u I
O P. A
antlallverism an<1 antlaiiareblsm
TW-n 1 raw tbe littie girl, ray bean 1u,an. Tbe aeed innut be {danted; It Thea Han-ey went tV rounds amJ^^urt^ut; i ^ wbat inHaeuee them,
' «»*“'"
luirvcried. >'Ul It posaeaaes
xhe mie friends wbo
CAROS♦V femtnw of tV Utile body 1 bad taken .
priiKlplc of derelop- -ping ”l" tor him orer tV triepbone.
bare been. IToleetlOB
m«-ni aoil groirtb. Aflet_tlUL*>»« The dniggist sleeps »«-lk aod llan-ry't
od «f htnc-^S5 vi?r^ ^et^r^^3e!^-d I'>*at«l tV aeeft fTS^eSd^re eVapiun. wmd la ... uroaslon.l o,^
ia a S^l/taTv r^ CklM ta i l-u« tttaleas for him ^ hare worried jubt to allay su.plrioa--l> l>ee dering It. The tariff liaftus vl>ody In
ihU country In any way. unless It lx
Wgbli-ned ami eriT) now and U*en sob- day and night over Its ^wtb. He waa Press.
sueb folk* as Mr*. Jnek'OsPltux, who
irantM to Import lullan viUas Into

Ug. b^ kipd plant. Orowtb niuii lake place tareMaaKacIiUseltH. I,ewen iMnm.l Cou- TswataM Ma.utt
y like a
; ..pcctJve of tV planter.

“Or let ’em diwwu.'
•Of course you n
. mbat they deamre.
A frowa orercan Fitamj's faer. but
^alekly dbappesn-d. Thru, fur ibe dm
itoc Jataiag la tbe euurursaliuu. he said:
fur Wd a
™..rrL,c.™.. ,
•Toe are !««*• ricbl and pwrtly
arrobg- After sb yuor growUog about ta Tint
Ilf eoDSulniiix-u »U| m S"> —
Mlddas tbeiT It cat one uf you that
be exauituathHi la hi., t.rivatc room. Important mnhu conecrnlns CbrifUan
WOQld not risk hi* WW* tu san- a woaian. . ___-fNired toMi tlx wbnle sti'ty. ami growth.
rU teU yon at s-xpreieo-s- of inine that Ibe easiest way 1 ei.uld pul it made it . 1. Ctaristtan growth ta not depMldCBt
may rob op the sofu-r sbh- ..f some W black fur (be giri.
I upoD tbe sow er of t V need. The man
“Tbca tv laagtstral.'
- • her.
iije Bcod. That was his part.
»h*Ws story, for he was a quiet, earneat fellow, wb- a#ld.Hi. eonirihuted
maeb of tbe talk.
"It was while 1 was up lii a Uitanide
rlri." eaatinued Filxray. "that tbe



Work la hot I e Ootr War •«





; £&s'srwjss^Z5«

. VRCD ■oasg. hard VIsb a.
Keierool ot tbe Rale.
\B tag. toeposer haeglag I sperUl.;
only 2ie. Dew texiUe mill, wi-re i ' .oerkgmstmBM^. ucanood
tabllsbi-sl during the .v.-ar which
________ __________ ___________
IM Yet we |xr- ir'' p^’tao-T.'wlUi'W w"kVb^ On. t«
.-clvc ID that fart no caom- for Ineon- rroat.trrrt.TraivfCuy.aiih.
solalde sorrow, n..- year Ixfore 17*.'
acHOflKLDW drsos ■abiac nertavs.
ruuudivl. while IV rix-OfO for tv M MSaemta CaioeHieet Mro phoor ICt
year pretxdlng shows IM. TV ........ .......................... ......
giiiu shown by tV-oc Ogures Is tberafur.- eeeo to In- steady, bul even If it.
flueiiec of ncpuMleou iwllel.w uu the
Bouie and Int on Bait Bond avenue,
naiioital Industries. IWfuie the advcDl; prior f950. small payroeat -dowa, VI
of these |ralleles through the eV-tlon |aee* roonthlj
of McKInlcT ami a sound-money con-i Honseaad >ol on Webiter atrael.
CTeb* the eloslng of,mills, iiui tVlr terrace.cUj water, aewer, furnace, aad
opening or establlstmieni. was tV nsu ' 1»r* harn. This ii a Vrgaln.



iVi linauelal bilL Vre's i■ Vulth t
Dlngley. who stniiA the r
teetioD after Ihst mhu-rabU- tVIfson tar
Iff and. like linVri Morris, '•enuse.l tV
sln-am of national rrv*Hi" te burst
IVn-ftaiu. F.xii-ratrtl In hi. ttay by
the nmblnklng i-Mple wim IxHeve timt
tVjia.v i.i roialu a market is to give it
away, v now {oiBaes im<i hisinry a* a
national ixaefaetor, and i V puniVr of
ttea wbo have «lone tVt mu atanost be
ronnteil on the Angers of five baada.—
I*hlladelpUla tnqairef.

' .;.7A U ftipptn 24 ilMre.
o -m-dveiiuaUWAnsERS Wuit;
. Of' 'Fab 8THVT- (or thU Ciital disease. If toLeo thoi'
My aud ID Umo. it will core a <ms<. i hotuu, aad (o“ the cuurh that lul. -.LaGrippe Y. udver (Mis In gUr
iel Prioe.]Vmnd -Vo

rare birgain
Bouse ami lot oa eororr Bust EigbtP
■traetand Boaa.moBtbly psymoata wrlP
Uko this.
largo let. Ane loeatka amaH pay.peat
dow*. Vlseoe ou auy paymeata.
Alao tom-eboicc lott la all parta of

uty upora noose a.oea.

John R. Santo.
Eiaeial lasamea.

I Wa'sbarg Block



Prof J. W Cbauaaa. eptlaiau. reeeetlT locatwl 'a tCta city, will V Id
hWeffiee at tbe Botri OolamWa. U
Brat work of eaeh i


uimu cupniiEs KBUttsmEim


MMMra W Sisvws. any taaWr Oo


’ P«r
fth»t I4«A IM Um^U


ic«f>rrtct>(, im, t>r c. B. Lfwu.)
«'«U>rr kictn. Ab»w loot* «aM brUad.
MMi M mioa
ire «rar shaK- mod tkc d»o(
L ■■Mi I
_._dn ••r wiuki* aiMiic tkc <hB1 uiit,
“No: ■titkhi of that am.
Il'a atnM
r« (kinklu aboat nstda tnr
or autbia or otbrt iwxC '!(«•
ttaa. bttt 1 daa'i me mx v*) rWr.*'
''Wkat 'pran lo be tbr tiMUrr
“AipBMal. paiy-arKrinrat.
I'tf M*
•«rhk aiM] lAipiMR bec> far tbr fam 3D
MCI* aad brra't paM ae IfiwIbb lo
Wea. MaMir jrmi ber notkH tbit 1 ait
barr emr alchi aad •ioal akaarir opca
■r baad. 1W trat of '<« «« os aboat


tbat TboteM J(«rr
S «• an dm at wl cf
dot cowl tw tknwa ikat wa hart dM
AbA rewula. *ad
Ou* wH OnyikC a. <a wwd
that autad Ur bran ■« Um uka bori,

______ __ - atta»brtT7 dKateaka.
wt woa't_prvm ran. How abeat
______ Aban* riu\ gae of tbc iaaoek
K tbe cuvalcn. aad wo «aai io\a««
hav ygaattad.”
*«a«p^ «B fm- iradr.** lapUta AbaM*
Sabbat for aar af'in 'ns.**
“Bat Toa’To gw to t* cmm- aaf or
t’atbar. aaiaa aa a aua 'abv aaaa a dogBgbL*
*^bat'a a p'tBi. Kat»—a atiaag p'int.''
ari tba deacaa a>be bin tbr alorrplpa
b hia caaa. “’.Nobod; rrrr aeaa a 'dap

Ttel Ml Uk« i^hlin who. b inBt.
Ttaa'wa way rate ite 4v oril WM.
•w U tteMgi ril tea Ihriwg dm
Vfw mate a. Mart b) yea

W.-W BoCUar daw that «r m bam
That teoMte Ur auaWlar I. a baa.
A. an aaaM iwbII
Am haipad Mwa wri Bad bmUm mat.
Than mmn Ctei day aa wmeteaa kaO.


“Mabbr we odkht dodga araaad that,
■o.” aafa Eboa. *Tmt wa’ae aanalatr
gw to know
•* wk
vhv you auad ca Jbr ailrar
......... Il’a abat
vkal tbry
ibpy Iimaa of rhal
iatataw-tbat la the altaU of tba Cahed
BtataaI an- at aufc(>-«i
>iah(>-«ad yon cas't
XaarfXb Vawm.
rib wbro Ibafa tbr
ap> ou
oa bar bind Icga. Aboar, aad aak> ,
«bar ywBi aUad. It way br that iIm- fate
-Yoa at« goteg away aa aowr aafteaa
of.aa^.lF,.^^y«.^.wFr.’’ 1,-^^
a. 1 w»t««




The Waukazoo House!

For Sale

brnma « tbb paeloala b fuedy Oar
bealeaw. Oea Iba yaer roael. Baud
Urarj U aceaeUee wttb tba howa.
JteWa Mde keoare a eapUcaUee.

•round whnr ii lovr wa. guIn on. bb<
brt uty Imote Im- Waa al Hnakri' Hill. At
(9 bla dyiu Ibar I ran't aay.'^'
“Bill yon uii.Kt aay. Von'ii cui to put
b liibt br |»urrd oul hi. IJ<iud tbar.

114 Front St.

BMdr aunCbrr purrbaa.- or tw-n.

*^i dun’i foll.-r.“ aay. In-, “ai d you
caat uiakr it foUrr, and mil.-., Aburr
baa p>l n idaU.wiu al««vr hog. Iw

_rra farr
was giurrally undmluod ibui
' liah Bllllnga u anird tlu- win.- ofliir. and
fe wa. Ml Ibal Ihla rtruin would drrldr
abingn. Tbar waa route ar.lti-rlB talk
•Iwut Mari Ilamui. Uu- Ibw-r war and
fW- prirr' of ralf.Una, and Ihi-n Eno.
Joham npraka i.|> bihI aaya:
“I think I'n. right in wi.vhi


bat Intf-rrolr of Ibrw I'uitixl SlaU-s al
lull I'm wUlh
brart. 1 thiok I
aland rottortKl.
,- dead right and hr. aiadr
• atfoug p-int,'- aay. Denoon PpoboM a»
W wbaefcs bl. ranr a^u a crarkrr barX
••Aod. bariB tbr bat Inu-roM. «< tbr
V^tui Htair. at bran.’’ rouiinur. Bbos.
•M brbnoTM u» lo go a Iwtk.- «ilow alwMit
«« next raaiatabir and an.- Ih.i br U a
•tUB (tpicurateiWr of-thi- gn-ai a«d ^o>
Biadr .kBirrica
• abliria riiamnlr lirfon- On- world. Ob
briteir of my Wlow patrlota of Jaricbo
1 aria Abnrr Jemr. wbar br. otaada on
Hr Bccdat


•ri wbruho

Fin Insuraiicii.
Is li. A. BnOdtac.

k in^hr i ~

, /\lDDLETOWN.0.

iodly rrmrmi-rr I ^jrant
iBinrupca for yra. and will gire yoa
pmmBt nud earrfui attentios
Only the
rrliab'e stork ioauraura eomp'-uif-a repmented.
Batea Terr low.

hone ’3.

• Talk r.lxmt act^r
then v«y riuwf ami rrgnl.rly.
not art mg. dear.
Ifs quite
••Oily."’1 uid la Ibr lO'.*! matter of
haWral. an^ d... pruy. gu mi with your fa« way, “my msB’. in tbi- r.»m now." I
ImHu Uia« dark grutlnnaD and b» wife
“gn you wiid In-rorr." .h<- rrpllrd pet-,
aro ntcblng n..“
(Utly .
W. wifcK I
“Vr.; i>ol thi. time I*ui rigbl- Kow.'
without turning Piy brad, for I bad look
hrrr. I'm going 10 take blm wbrh
br riar* from btrakfa.l. You wilt arc
“«*fJ “>c w>tu>«nte of ibr ink
tbat bU wite ■bww not go U|> I

’Z'T.- ^


aad aho ba. on quite a ihni, ding tiot.'
“Tmi a
1 -daW..




-,nu„aa o ram

I have placed a tliiid chair ta
ly barber ebop in order to accoob.1 M OVIATT. Prq».
>4 iqahrrrapiayca.

firud Rifldi t uoiiu li.



ies iSssBstI

First Freeze

l2 if hbr MUM. '. .)U llfr **uitera 10 your 'hcli".’’
. All fell vul a. I rXfNrtrd. Our dark .
friend wai. r.-ih.i w-ltli nn..' Iikwriing di- {
hotel, all Ihi- timr wr are do'
rrctly nflrt. *laii|«>d hi' lii.nilkerriiU-f
bb faiv aiul.fv. hi. «if.- followii..“Moat iikt-Lv." I aaid. and I went ■« But aa lb.) it-a.-b.-ri ibr dwir I followed]
' *^**h- tny luocb uml uiy (binkiug. tbr and pn-ll.-rt-il i»> ti -l|..
»hi!r. ter ihriN- wa« n- crni in the bo“Ob. it ir lo'ibiiiu'." h. xiid1 haMily
haMily |
"Tbi. wrr!.i..'.l riitnat. -"
“IVin't mv-l-eite.
Winpai»u." I At reaidem pfe—same «* last year.
i and Ibrrr ua» im .uu- «li'- rot.ld by 1
H»*a larseqaautltToii hasd.
**ui- Btarlr.1 M-drulb, and bU bsad
I <>cMui|hillty I.
Im- niadu up .w >li.gulanl.
makp a apreialty of ear lou
1- that aftrr- went lowanl lii- lairkrl. bm I pinned
IVr had a
n tbc Ink.'
o'.'lork ti
I aiiothrr huleU him In an in.tniii
11 anDed.'
i-ryT'" I. .Ti..l.
n dlnnrr.. and in tbr
'Pboaea, Ka 7.
, r.vo..m 1 only Jum lookr.1 ia at the bU-' Aud 1 Uintel him bark ini., a rhalr Jort
lu-adrr of Ib'gQlate
Hard room hrtetx-having one cigar In the a. I tell liand. on ii.y-*li..«M.-r. for a
aaoklng room, wbrrr «ir dark nrfehbor momrnt rr.- tb.-y wrn- .nmeb.d away,
WrangiT-'Vliat did yoti da with bla wa. taking no aftrr dinarr-oap.
“Wbat d'ntw*ihi- «
- “A uorra
IirudtT of Ui-giiUlura—Well, wr atmag
■ m.» priaonrr.
that u|> too —<Tiii-4Bu Tribune
about lb«- dblricl. IniMlng CMilly to
-Tlii. man is rnad.
“Hrlp:"' br
In rrird
.And it wnild hnix- l•rrn trry
“No; an-." I raHl a» 1 clapiTd on
^Wouldn't A«m HIM.
pli-aum it wc bad bad uotbing to d- thr bundruffs “nind I.. ini.i m that
'1 >«r that a rollar and cuff truM baa and 110 antiou. ihourlite
Bin of ibra.- jctaiti. Thr arid I pnl in y’«r hand
born foruMul.*' rrmarkrd tbr (dBeebridrr 1 had plrntjjag Ibm night ha. pmiy w.-ll tak.-n It all
wbo wa. noted for d.dng thr ~bnas'**
Tbrn wr im* mir'vat. by Ihr cMch off.
Iiook hrrr. rir; a dark c>-MlrinaTi
«nd had a ronpb- ..f day. at High Wa- aurh n yon N-.nnn-d to U- ateajs- bn.
“Bul tbat'i nffri-t you." rotin-urd ter and two tm.rt- al Gld«im-rr. facidi-a MnUb nails to Mmw hi. Mark Idoud.
indnlglnc in rM-urriona
Still no Im-h. Tour, fail in Ibiil iioriimlar."
hU runaiitin-ni piouipii)bnd mi-i at mr lirat
Hi garr tip
up UkiUkr a liunl-, l-it li.‘ l^^y
I--o[.lr V
“H.1W aor till- .ntiir ns wa. furlonA. and I teuml aft.
"It d»-a'l iui Imir pidiliral |mrty cob hotrp wriv
•rr d..»i|i?
Iw-r band, that ii:.d Ik-ch ni-.n my
lara."—fhlrap. I’.r.i.
j we m-rr. w ibnt w.- uiadr
uadr arqiiaini
l•■.MiIlC a
• -----------------j afirr the ix- bnd thnwrd n lllllr. i^onldrn. niMl toy wtf>An Aid Mender.
}tbr rider loiirl.i. tn-ating u> In-ncrnU.iit- tiny n-v.d\rr iJn- bad 'ii»«rh.-d nway.
Th-’t allrninon wv wrrs- wrll oil <>ur
ly. On- yoniigi-r lu-ing diapowri tn andlr.
way Iui. k to i»«ti. wlli. i .s.uplr of lorol
.-njdying li
for Oily wai. lh«r«iucld.v rnjdyini u. gimrd uE..iii*l W) pria»nmaniK-r* - •n—well.
cr’a coniw. nu.l tu-sl d») my cbirf.aaid
t siitliiv that lliry '
the w»>rk
tewu orll i1<-nr.- Hnllal-.
ami tes.irt.- irrrr
, prrfrrtl) natural,


-lobeaoQ Flock

Third Chain
/fo 0/1 CA////fC£SSAPt

Cieir Ice, from Boanliiiii lake.



$1.00 a Month

J. A. Jackson


1 ■sssffsssasas .ess
i “ssBsssaisssascB
w«..fKa«<->Biwo ;r —






and Repaired

Satisfaction Guaraataad

"Na). pap." oaya Aimer .
.uBh a urw .-Mi-r awUiatrurk ii. I w.- uiy wn> rlrar.
■Bd tbr niiiiil I'lii -Ui-ted ronatahlc I'll
bring luy lolliMwr.- to l.-ar ullh Ihr giitmwH-nl (0 l>n|Mt ynnr aalnrj.
num. p.|*. I'll la- nrwnul i.niMrrrr night
tiK- riwud."

.t droimd town that
Abncr J. _
. . .
I bogw and
gWn Into iwlillr.. ami iliur
i< ctMal
dcAlottaU.. Soim-folk, atv}.-.! that
iiai br.
«&«>r hr’d 'doar falH} wril in Img. be-'d
I riglil aa a |a>l<iii-jnn. but
m-r wa. um- of lln- douWhil




“Hr utn.1 hn.


S', .s zt iis s warranted to run a Fua
.«! season without REnujN&-


hr ht Md dH>) at BdiAt HIU.

Billiard Hail


“UlU I'la p4‘tiBaiArr of Jeru-hii.” aay.
l.-'and if. tSuirxx (or
talk poIUlo
..................... IV) luw' tbU iob of
. ISfiXin* ifrar. 1 dobH know wiiat
VtMiid l«roai<- of lur."'
"But t'Bi a.kiij it u. a iiutmiim
MlI fana-.
gap-*'Im-totw ou. ’'t'lJ «V.-tr I. the BirKila to alBlHl by dm-.’’
Mr ncivr to Icll., Tvo
a fr*«t*d 9t
- -■
~lf> a p’ilitr yrlU lb<- draivo aa br
yourn. and bi|)> )oiirt got ir •bHp
warra his ram- around ami kiiotka off
.miial'a tbr Munrwr danrinrr'
hate. "Ifa a p-lnt nBd a
thrv.“I wouldn’t da.l atart Iu to toll .vou, a.
iind. by )lugo. if BIB] Brrrr atndkd ii|. .ui It.
Wbat don't tag. ain't Mir ni-n 4.teial.b-r
• aoocmi Ibi- poaloBirv .b«'t tuni-vni nr,
1 tell sirty for AUnri—I know- be lay.
yon kBow."
1l till ag'in ae. Bat bow ronld 1 tril ibat
-I wt; bul 1 thougl.1 you ailAt at U.b Blllliig. would alw. xanrt pot and
kaat Lnnir wb« Uaar.M> wa..- Whm I
boar Uafa lUlUaga. KaHi Broil. Edm
end lb.- Rwi «r -c-u. lalkla aboat
_________ _______...
Moaror aod faia ducurd old dortrinc aa
VA riMlM of Ihr armrau.
gnu aj yon pk,«.. J, makr. n»r blUn
N,-.-ini; o yuiiWB nrgiv Iiw|-tiik aloug.
nad. l>'y..i kw>« duyihlag'afaoni frrr nppoHi-d by a rmteb. a trn•ytidr. paj.r
tuUr.nd alallon aabl to tbr t
t ■‘I'kgipdr:
UHii buay In Ibe giorriy port.-r:
anil IBalofti-f. I d.Hi’1 r> Inio outiMr
“That teilow ai.-m. I.i
1»- ...........
• llil wua
“N... Mill."
"Bnmi- liiiiiB.
1 rrrk.iH i
I... atnir'k l.y lighlnln
imrd. bill yi«l how I ruu't aay.*'
m b'u Irf Ire *
. . r. : p.l to Hud .on aU about downr-AllBiil
tbrM- Ibiuga. uml bo« aw I guin
-Hr aaka AbiHT, fc^n aon of di-ar

doii-t yon go I. “•

■mated a^
“U.b ia iiuny



..v_, maui naJctiinr.
up n» louichl
“w; aic.
Vou amt ,.H
gnod lady roll
tit to youim-lriw.-'
inil ..11 t
up m thi- l.iirl wira
tni- *b-.-j.y Itttl.- ti.wn at 4
Hm- wr had * u-H.
■t 1». bn-akfaxed. and at
tvi-ll ill llir luiddlo nf
fur nil In.inntliMiK wore
- 4? ™



Good Line flf Joielir

Eiqiira at

I hadobaw^ It bffoTF.
After bc«aktaW I Ul a rlgarWtr. ati>Jl^
botol aod IWo tbr cbWD'

'ti... <
m h..n «..
night when
w,- r.ilTt-.l Oll.r
grd inr l.i CO -awaj from tin- birtrl nr.t
day. m.l 1 iiu-n.!-.-.! b<-r I w..ii!d if tuot
nut ..klhnpwl..
v|.-pi a Willi, frr iliiiiLing of
I b-i i:
thongii I
1 l.-kid a.
uannl wlii-ii Mr wu: ih-wii t-> l.nnkfaKt.
Bill in> witr.di-l nut. f<-r b.-r o. i. I’lukod
rod. iifd »!>■- < of u'bi-ailarlir. "You
.-tv t-iday.
») in natbln. Inn wr’.l lik.' 1.. lii ar fmtn
drarl" she Biid.
«-nira|i »
“Wall and
1 n-i-linl Oierll.v.
.-oui■d'm aW. alaudio |
Ir^Tthc prnvi-r- panlnn h-iug Ui b.-r |>Ial^ and
•• i
•hr bonr-! .tillly in nr i<.uk ••■ir nrati.
TUrn I ui>ll.-«d Ibirt my nlte hardly |
tourbod 1..T Im-nkfii.t. wbihi L bn.tily
iwalluwoilI a C’U|i of Ira ami a bit nf dry
••Fit and ponn-,1 out 1.1. iif-Mood aatOr j
»>at loi.-l;. ink.-, dt-ar.
kfar rrird. |■llitlt^nc out of tbc .-offix.- room
I .aw our gi-atlr:n.-iu frii-nd i-iiaa .Miurr'a.”
wiodus- at tbv gUnclos wal.-r and lb.„„a
u.f„r.brfrm- taking
taking IbU |4arc
II at Koukrr Ililir“Nnaii:
-xiueuH.. uimI. ■■ ■terp blue MN iM-youd. “V..11 will barr opptrito bi» lady, who lonki-d a. uim
to work, rf rour*.-. But Ini't it nierr to ,ban>'‘ ami l-ao.-d f..rwaixl and aald
Ih- IKth of April
...... .............. ..............................Kill of JuBr. I
im )mI ttvo. UHiutb* nbrail ou tbr life[ wblaporcd.
■l-aal IdBu-Mi uni] aaka Ibi. rroud of | -

I bare hbd mj boiUins
r«b«i tud pot ia goea
abgp« sud- »m now ready
to receive bU ^petrone.


wr^.iarled with a fair aDouat of

... ....

“Bnt lM.a
l? LMi wante In run
N<- blaarlf. abd bi-'d ibraw
nr down in a inlnit."
AlHXT an-tiM-d k. <-umTrm-.l am! UUlbew tbat I fi-ll uorn fnr hliu. and aftrr
tbinUn it ori-r 1 rniya to bin:
''Iwok iicri'. 'Aburr Vou Iwd s grral-

bad that alght it

srs,...... r'r

y«n kl...........................................
It d^rtio
OD that mxird and »in • v. iy lion-:
TImr *>•» a p««l drni -if •■uthuaiai
amiinit. mnl it Inuknl aa if llu- t-niM* «
fur bwcal and all
Kii.n n

hlOBRw U.Rtriur. ll>r p.ld aiasdanl.
; ailirr. fiv<
naiU' sud
sud all
all tbnl.
tbnl. bin
bin II
I. tiaiU'
«^l Blit In. I'rr g..| lo Diis iu 10 git
•W'. I warn, lo give b|. bog. and gn
^^pdilira. jt^p. yon tonal help me


b tbr roar, drar
“Seoandrrl vtm bBk hoao dafra^laa
qabt cottDtry rlrrxyi
dla; grttiag tbrtn
te hiTom In
a bogna
bank and ralBlag Ibrui. Hr baa bad
long ioaiug..
' I an pal on 10 bowl
Ub uat.” '

tutib. «|II
.... In-.....
. -tlir
'»|,j •floor ullh bl» «rni-.

‘•TflAT> a t- IST. KMo.

beauty di
liatd to I
» agabi.

'.,P01l6 8lKBESSt6MI-

Cigar Store


you got an KuUla
pba. oo parly pUtfonuT Haia't yoa far
aaatbie or ag’ia auotUar
“Vra. I’m for aaatUa. I’ai ataodhi pat
•u my grral'gTaadfatbFr.’'
“But that-, bo p'iair dM»u tbr daaHi. -Why. by Jioiru. If Oo-rgr Waabtgloa had aland pat ob bb kmt-graadItbrr br'd iMWrr brr Mn brant ofr
~.tiMl wbal nlanil yoor grral-gtaodfatbFt*-'jiHi. Rdo. Ui a krrrfni way.
“Ill- dhd at Itunkrr IlHL*' uiy. Abw-r.
ool UU
“Vrw. air. bi- i«uird vai
bVaH right

/ >


•acBUd rrrnlDg artga atetiauaiT.
; beforr dlnarr, aa I espoetad. obt Wr*t
! ladlaa Mnkl aad Ui Udy arriroA. a»d
•gr wUe le^rd danm.
“Ob. that BaDr Ac aald.
b follawiug Bs about Aaiortttlly. -Wbat abaH
«« dor
“>'otbbg,“ I aMd. -IM Um follow.*’
“Bu bb wife are >a to bate Mr. daur.
ad It mAf it ae a
“Let tbr Mbt bale bar bualia^ it
would br tborr anrihlr.’That e>-«sliig. for tbr flrri tiaw. ow
dark fiTTud oCrrrd we a rigar ia tbr
•Moklag roein.
“Oar of my «
’’ br aaMt “from my
Mtalr iB C’4iU.*
“iBdrrd:" I aaid. Aad I aawkrd aad
prabrd IL
•Tou SBd it too atRMgr br taU.
“Oh. ae! I tblBk h rz^nbiie.”
amllrd, ^wtd hia tarth ai 1 Iv
la bb «faab, ta

ID every reaped.

. "Z, iZ'i



Judge—Wbat'* tbr rbnrgr. nfti.s-rl
Ulb.vr t'*-itr(ii«sl lo rvtirr 1
rarfi-w, yrr bMioi! -S*-w York Joaroal.

Hid ymi mran to us dal y.Mi duui- gib
llir dr lublrti 'kav I ■ln-wu<.d»- neat an
bau'«>uwr-'a.krsl Mr. Fni.tii. finkiry/
Ml). ainwerrd
like, lo look at
iloni gmd elo'f-.. Iwt I Un't gw inter takr
10 ixatraek l.-r bi-’p Iib) ‘mi foil de ro.’
•r my lite.’;-Wo.Wngtoii War.
ttoaaratte Heparter.
Bbf—I alwa). H>cak out wbt-n I hart
‘‘YB^Vri" ten Ibr trouble
.......... .. llni'
k bi-n volt Ii

U that

Xa ■rrwr For Blm.
Tbr Biwr. haw eoughi our of Ihoar
ronug lingllah lird. who go on the

“Dobtry baa Jinrt h
llotMTr for hk wife.'
VVr»: hr aaid SOB


Tbe Pere^irqiiette Riilml

lugust Patanitai

limlurly iiirr to brr.
It mil-, and it wae
But rvi-r< Otii
y ryr« to tbr fart
til) w ite wim oj.It wa« at Wbarfii . rr. wbriT- I bad
Millir IholIKlil ..f twins ..II nil- riBoi «t-o»
at luM. an ti.mlid Mnjiiig In the bmr!
who put iiir on Ibr qui vivr al ..nir. far
Ih- was v likr iny man xv.vnid be if hf
had riir-Iy si.uv.ri and had bi. liolr
<-of<n>|-|>ril vrry -hurt. Hr wa« in tl:i-.r
B aa
fiN- isWiui nl «Uii:ic-r. iiiid t «n. fi.-ling
cvaitertaldy ismtlunsl that 1 wa
ling warmer" that I had onb-rvd a iiiiit
of rUam|>Mnu- In ririii niy brad -win a
aouir otir arrii'isl latr. amt ray wife te nt

nii.i) iN-upk- again, dear."
dW ho|w- wtj had left tbcau
"VeF. I
^^b*iri u'w-rr- I Mid roolly
waa right. 1 thought br wa. ’.dlowOnt
»« aboni."
"ou nolii'.'.l it. drat?"
'm; dark luuih flattering kUait the
enndtr. am
and b|. wife doexi’i Hkr It."
“Oh! Von ai-r .-verything. ilrar.
h I iroukl.’’ 1 re«ili.-.l. “Br
' make aay uipi—my man'
♦he room."
she whUjauTil.
___ _ r« »uro of It."



Next to Eagle Office.
JwOninrnt Waa r«nBrn>ra.
A n-rlalti CMimsli.-ilI jusli.s- -d
IH-ai-r wi-biiu: ............—
t“ briug .............uu ;«t a
ariu rr.n.iill.-.! llir .tettilr. -.ud f..und,
thal suit, -f xn li .1 < Imra. irr migld lo-1_
bruugbl ».-foiv ;i:i; j.i'Tkt ..f lb"Wtjj!.
Ji"' >T
"WtJ!. th.-n.
th. n.'" lli<-'i:-M
lb<-'i:-M b--.
bthr laM-iiijsi-li "
Rtraightwry hr u.a.1- ..ul n writ nmnuM ,
iaadteraary .m.l .icmsl it. .
Oti Die day vl
irial thr drfi-nd.-iut |
aiipeami wlili .^.mlsrl. H-fb g.-ntb-mrIk U a little early to talk about ice.
■l unnaniMlly ............
t'w ••onstil
bot wr bare a larEe anpply ppt «0 for
.. Ill ..ftbr rt-urt
our cnatolnara.
lu.liv. •Mo you
We wilt fnntitb famillca. thU anm■•Why." detmu-le-l
deny that
tbi I tiu a justuv of the iwaroT’
mer, with lee waahrd «lean aad pat In
The lawyer would not rontr.t this the retiHgeralor. for «l 00 n Bonth—
point, but orgiK'd lliat .mb a i-uontnic- and won't uk to bd paid in adnoee.
tlou of tte- law wa» ngalm-t all w-nv und


two crnllriurn »nppew him governed by any iH-Rsonal eonridrraii'Ui.. “1 will tbin forr." be' added
irelollv. “render jndgrarnt againat ni>aml then appeal to Ihi- lopenar


i.o. « 11 as^sr aa tata aa.
a aay ter. waiter?" I »
m after I waa.cipping 1
.. bcdatnprncd
lal^ aml left Hhmatter. dearT* aaid

' “ *^*^C A irCKKAT. t
D.O. P. AT-A- O


“No go." 1 aaW. "I’m all wroeg. That
«■ not my m
I waa so
Wharfirw ho.H next day ^nS^w^
drlm to —
Kit e-t Head. Dot ttlU no InA.

Md Writ no

Mn at Uke’a Head, by tbe frito. Hri*
iTlrilon were amn plratlful. aad tap

“But the mlMbirf of it waa," aaU Ihr
' attefward.
juaiin-. reUiing
•that wb.

«aaa Are Xot t
Mrs. Wnbh-JoUn. would yon refer to a
gan at femininr?
Mr. Walib-l abould think aoi. Maria.
Mn. Btnbb-Ana wk>' not?
__ a:... .
______ __



: liS

KiSSSS :!£?:!

bvCklcago .






I is|
l/Bk^ApMa. ’

I ill


unsns in iMnuiTBBi LI

Best to be had is
tbe citj is at
Bee NBiplee is window.

mnapunatloo <
“» »«•“* « ia
“ rulteetinc a MU
Will t-sqilr rt



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