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The Morning Record, May 30, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Bobort* wtUXatcr iohMAMborv at Boon Today.
la Oraiid Baplda OaaaaaM. VhUa
Forry Took n«a Varda.
OfMoJ mTS» K«r«lnf Baeard.
9«k«a JsMilMi O0SMti-
Fourth Year—No. 957
poll FOB imi
Om KiUlon Thao Benybt U Veat Tir.
yiato-Baylaad Xioaaa Oood
n«Mial u> m Mwsisa aaooae.
Oaa TtoeoMad Bahsto Baneaadad Nav/ Yerii. May IS - Ayaata of the
aliaa yovaramaat hara erdarad I,*
Tows of Oatarmaa aad Atlaehsd ■0,000 teas ot bUamlaoas eoal la Woat
Fwty-Alrd lafaatry from Ttoaahaa
Bay la tha Mlyht-Only Oaa Ababtalaadoeal from teytaad, Praaoa
arlau EOlad - Btnaty laonryaata
bat ahlafly from tha
Oaptarad aad Town of Parvla Bnra- dnt aamod aenatry.
aoUant Work of An
OB iBland of SamBT.
Otaod Ban^ Mtoh.. May l»-Tbsn
was a hot tlaa at tha B
wlik IMMl ••• rnt^
hara today aad a hard aad blthar
tVB*QimT-V« mmrn 'm^n Bmb fi^t batwoaa Uo Tmrrj aad StaarM
taroaa is tha aaroral wards. Thara
bj«ra« >b9M
XaT.ooo aotaa oast aad aaaaoal
oaaUootodoa aoooaatettha
aW u taiw a
amvial eoataok Btaaraa, hewa«Um« rMM giceMaUot an
» oat wiBBsr, aasorlaf tha
dalarattooa ot oaraa wards whila
Farry oaiitarad firs wards.
apMtol w Tsv MwalBc Bmm4.
'a^aui •• n* MmiM tMoH.
Manila. May so—On Anrll SO, 1,000 Leader of BabaUion la Vaaanala OhptiiTii— May so—Tba war to vlrtaaltared.
ibato aarronadad tha town of QatarIjorar. ttoaowalialaama laadtofMebCroayMrapaeial aormpoodttl
laa. Island of Baaaar. Dnrlay tha ■peetol toTM Hofalsa aMord.
atPralerto.wktohwaa aaat trem tba Minister OoDC«r Bsqasste a aiyht they day tranehaa and nttaekad Oamana, Vaaasnalv May ss—Oaaaral
Boor aapilal Maoday aad raealnd hara
Captain Oooka'a eompany of the Forty- Bamaadaa. the nvolntloaary laadar.
at 8 o'oloiA Taaaday aftoraoaa. aaylac Oosrd at Amaiioaa Lagatloii. third volantaar infantry. The fiyht haa bean eaptond by tha yoma
laatad Ull daybreak, whan the nbato toreea. Tba revolutloa to ended.
tha Boon had dbaadoaod furthar raatoUaoa aad wooU ImBudlataly aaa Bitoatloa Doelarad to be Sarlooa — wan diaparaad. Captain Cooke had
one kUlod aad ona woandad. HUc
tvpaaae. roar hoars latar aaaa Lord
Mr. W. H. Ooodspaad. the Uoa Cof
Daayar that the lUriaa Onard mand bnriad 180 Filtplnoa.
fee aaleamon. to atop^ay at tba Botol
Bohan's dtopateh aoooooclor that ha
He »ya vba mla of Lion Cof
Ordered Prom thS Newark Oanaot Major Allan of tha Forty-thisd In Whltiny.
fee to rapidly Inenaslay. aa the people
fantry, hat baaa aoontinjr for a «
wlthoBt oMxalUoo sad woald soUr •at to tha Oty Bafaly.
aomato knowlto dnadrinklny qnallIn tha vlelnity of Oatmalayaa. Ba l«a
tha alty at aooa today.
SowUI u> TU Men:«« kaeord
aneeaadad In elaarlny the valley of
Than to aa aader aaetloa of TkaatWaahlsytoo. May t»-Tba altnatlon nbela, but lost Llauunant Evans, and For J«n« lOirribM to lo Frjaut.
Tsslars who woald Inap ap a hopaloas
one oorporal killed and four wounded.
otratrla U tha and. hot ittoaowradapartiMat aad la raaponae to a Drtochmanto of the Forty-aanond aad
yarded aa alsaat esrtalB that Pratorla
»t troinVlnlatar Oonyer a marina Thlrty-aavaath volnntoara Infantry and
wlU esptulau within slaw dayi withyn^
Amarithe Blevaath cavalry marebad by nlyht
ont farther rasUtaaoa. In fact tha last
hoars of the Booth Afriean npnbUe ean layaUon. Tna erulaer Newark to and burned Parwln, <P|iMn) tha->aad
hare baea raaahad aad llttlo ramalna stTakn and If tha railroad to Pekin quartare of Colonel Utllaa sod cap
has baaa tied op by rIoUta then to no tured so Intoryento.
Thlny-aeveaaayt.to hasl dowa the flay.
other way fur tha martaaa u'raach anth Infantry to atill pluauioy the rab.
Uadoo. May tS-Tha foUowtny tr
Lord Roberta'hai baaa roaolTSd at the Pekin axaapt by a marah aoroaa the
aoaatryertoproaaad ap the river la
Either method to oon
aldarad daayaroaa The daltoany of
thtoana.--------------------- ------------ tha aitaatlaa (or this yovaramant to to nturnad to Tarlae and brouybt In to
8 laBuyaato with ss rlflaa.
•yyoosd. Tharsworaao aaaoaltlaa-ao
far aa 1 am aware la tha main aolaan protaat Amarlmaa la China wlthont ac
aad aot many. 1 trast. In tha oaralry oporatlny with other powara. It baa
aad mooBtad lafaatry. The anany
did not azpoet os aatU touorrew aad only walled tha apparent naaaaaity for
haasaotoarrlad eS aU thalrrelllay Inndlny troopa to taka abaalau poaaai- XlBTBO PBraOBB Shot TBBter.
atoak. WahaTapcaatostoaef thajano- Moa of nortbarn China, aad If other
day ID St. Irooia.
dohaaaoabary aad Na powara land mariaaa it will offar an
tal. aad Pratorla aad Klartadory by axanaa for Baaala to sand aa army from Atlampla of Trnaalt Co. to Hon Cara
laUway. JohaaaaobBty to roportad Port Arthur u Pekin, probably with
tha oonaant of tha Ohlnaoa yoramn
Htaaltod la Bariona CoBMqaaaaM
'■■ ' ■
qalat. CTO
Mo ulaoa.
baaa lajnnd. I ahaU aauuaa the ooa
—Two an Fatally lajnrad.
Black kid. plain bUck cloth
uadant la tha asralay. aad if. as I
apMlal W Tb« MemlM nMorU.
tope, corruyated solre.
asyaet. than ahoald ba ao opyeattion.
IT Peek Charred with On- 8t. Lento. May sr-Tha attaapt ta
I ynpMS to Qatar tha town with aU tha
CbocoUte kid. kid topeopen tha north aad sooth lliua of tha
tfoopa at iLMoa."
lavfnl Malhoda la Dtopoatay of
medioffl height.
eompany preelpltotod a aumPratorla. May
rla Loranao Mar
tpaot to Bxblbttore.
Chocolate kid, pUid cloth
har of rlota today durlny whtoh alavta
qa«. May s»—The Boars hSTS oaaaad Bpvclat U> Tba Herolaf Bword.
taaStf .farther raatotaaoo tothsad- Waahlaytoa. May ss-Advlaaa from paraoaa wan shot, two fatally aad a
imbar of-othara pn ballovad lohava
Chocolate kid, extra height,
eaaaa o! tha British troops. Than to Paris ladlaato many unaatlafaetory dc
yood loasoB to b^lata that tha Traaaplain brown cloth tope.
at tha axpoaltian. Sonu thair nanui aot obtained. On aonth
nlata to tba atUtoda of tha Fnaeh Broadway alone aiyht wan shot.
BMfottotlooa for paaaa U they bar* not antberltlaa toward tha Amarioan as Odifomia sraave, two mao and on
•Inndy taken tha flrat tUpt In that hlblta aad others to tha atUtade of tha Towar Grove avanna one. B. B. StildlnaUoo. Yaatarday they mads Anal
ot 60 Tarraaaa avanna. Chloayo.
laqaMaa U rariona qnartart by eabla, Amarleaarxhlblto. The atata depart whan hU wife raaldea, and Harman
tetHey it any bops mlyhtatUl ba aatar- ■ant today raaalvad a oomplalat from T«thkc, wan fatoUy woandad. fitkara
tainad of halp from friandt abroad.
aa Amarleaa axhlMtor maklay aupt shot wan Gaoryo Laaaataa. Albert
May t»—Tha war ettea has aarlons aharyaa of blaokmall ayalaat Waekwiu. Wm. Oraaaaman, Dolly
aakad Lord Bobarta If ha aaa land 100,aad thoaa aaeodat- MltohaU. JoM MeCMUay. Joba Daek000 of hto troopa In Bayland baton tha ad with him la hto
ar. Frank Yanyar. J. P. Btoa and Mar
Tba dopartmaat do« aot feel warraat- tin Bnrka
ad la maklny pnblte tha aamaa of
eempUlaaats at the praaaat time aer
tha aharyaa. bnt U to adarittad that
Q^varnmont will Bnlld Ona If Arsor they an aariona aaooyh to eaU tor laFradHX.ne
Oanaot ba Boasbt ata Baaaoavoatlyatlon.
d Bia Ova LUa
able PrkM.
Briefly atotod. the
Tmurdny Afternoon,
■piBiiluTU Monied aerert
Pjpaler Shoe Hooee.
that tha Amarieaa dapartMnt at tha
Waahlaytoa, May SO—By a veto of asposltloe toaUotlayapaeo to thahiyh- navelal le The Heraiax awiBnl.
lOTf to ISt tha hooaa nfasod to eoaanr sathlddara and anapplylay tha it- Grand Raplda. May s»-Oraad Bapida
It to tha aaval eolpla to thair paraonal
aa ahoakad this afuraooa by a tiayaa bill dlraatlay tha a
dy whtoh addad another to tha nlnady
lamyllat of
taryoltho aavy to balld aa armor
yiyto taatery If bo cannot hay armor
elttosim, Fnd B. Lnaa. oseratair and
tar Bioo a tea or lass. Uataad It Doclsloo of Mafaroo ao Dtoplaaalny to ■aaaynr of tha Luap Fnraltnn Co.,
has voted to eeaanr with the amaad- Chloayo Bporu that Ha wsa Mcarly took hto own Ufa by ahootlny blmaalf.
Ho And a revolver bnlUt Into hto head
Boat ylvlay tha ooerotary aitberity to
Mobbed, but iavad by Poliee.
boy armor at a raaaooabla pries and If
thronyh the month. lU health hai afapKlal u> Tb« Maraiac Uvronl.
dtotod the daoeaaad for aoma Uma and
than ha to to hnlld a factory tor whleh Ohlonyo. May IV-Eld MeOoy was to thto to dnt hto rank aot. Be wai
ylvaa tba daetoloa la the aU ronnd
«4.000.000 an aopnprlatod.
yaaraof ayr.
toot with Tommy Byan at Tattoraall'a
□•LAVUMTBBZO BT •‘■OXtBS.*’ toniyhl. 'fhe daelalaa to nnpop<
Bpoetatocs nnmband naarly SD,000.
Bafaraa Boyaa was aaariy mobbad.bat XIavid Ward, XalUmUIlonaira. Fai
bared and Vaaqnlabad.
Away at Orchard Xrnka TaatorSycelel tc tot Hmlaa BnarddayMprnlay.
iBpbBml&Xt Ii'on Moant^n
Lwdoa, May SO-A dkipateh from
Bseholta la tha fourth rd^. Bar.
Datrolt. May S»-Darid Ward, tba
and other
Bhnayhalaayv: ‘-The livorlal troopa Alaxto Jeffrlaa. fathar of tte paylltot. luabar kiny of this auto aad probably
aaat to dtoparoa the •‘haem" ■
the riahmt man in Miehlyna. died at
hopaloaaly ontanmbarad aad aavoral
boM.at Orchard Imka thto
haadnd kUlod. Thoaa aot kUlad or
■oralny. Be wae TR year* oU. and
imiaii^ j^aad tha “heaara" la a
lenvm aa miata mUmatad at AM.OOO.
Vbw Lineo
I<ov KtoteB
Ward was a vary paanlfar man. Ha
Taatatdoy-a Baaa Ball Beeroa
Bald Jk TBo TaUay Olty—S- Phad aoma up troa poverty, aad ha
aavar loat hto aaeoath apsaaraaaa aad
AMOKican Loaoua.
laaoaan for hto potaomal appearBa wae vary eloaa la hto d«l
Oraad Bapida. Mtoh , May SS-At tha
■satiny of tba Bapnbltoaa Stoto Oaa iaya,. and aavar let a
BewaethamMtaxtaaaivaewaar af
tral Oommlttoa held ban today It wm
BatoL Bnahlay; Patloa. Wllnoa.
daddad to bold tha B^hltoan atoto ■band laada la tha atoW, both of
boavaatlea In Grand fiapids on the STth piaa aad hardwood. Ba waa waU
Bt;Bart.8ptoM of Jana. D. P. Markay of Port Bmroa known ta navoeal la thto city Md
was aalaatad ■ act aa towpnrary chair- when a yoany man waa a aomipi nl» a<
Pmiy Hanaah of thto elVDatidt
handnanoasL utascra.
qnartara far the oMto eaatral eoaHIOBT BXDB FAHALYBBO.
Ptttabnry-Ohioayo rtia.
Me ether anttooal laayaa yamet ■IttaaaadtbatoUowlayoBoars wan
I aaa At ladtoa, yentlaMa aad ehUdmr
DeThe aatt Uqreto man hat made hto
u with beat ahooaat lower prteaa than,
wot^. Daaato B. Alward; OpMtol to !%■ Moentoe Saeavd.
appoataaea at Pateakay aad whaalsaaa
Bay athsr ato.*a ta town.
Cbastm. Bnylaad, May S»—Mra. Bapalriay aaatly. aad qatokly dona.
an kept hiV maadlay paaatarnd Mna. B.aOmiyarofGraadBapl^.
Qladnleaa. widow of WOUaa Ewart
Tha oM mathed of pntttoy hrekaa
QlnAataai, tola a ortttoal anmiltInB,
fiMB la ths path of tha nawsary whaaP
tront wtodew?
tu Fnat BtreM
------ FOR------
All Sizes and Kinds
Genuine U. S. Bunting Flags
At the Old BeUable
Seen the New Ties?-25c, 50c, |
jleaee tb<‘ boye-.-they usually know what's what iu the tray
lothiiig—have ideas of their own.
Beede Cee Pleese Them Every Time.
The qaality, style, finiib of our boy’s clothing plesses all
ooocemeo—“parent, boy, puree.” Our prioea are never higher,
morcLoften lover than the other
;her fellows.
Ttro.pieoe suite......................$1.50. $2.00, $2.50 to $(>.00
Three-pieoe enite.................. r2.50, $3.00, $3.50 to $7.50
Knee Ante, with donble seat........ ............. 50c to $1.50
All the latest patterns end “reel wool"—if vessy sa
"Union Made Clothing.”
‘‘Uniou Made HaIa**
!■)[ of These Styles
We have bought the entire sample line of a leading
manufacturer at 50c on the dollar and beginning to*
morrow morning we will offer jou a $7.50 'Suit for
$3.75; a $10 suit for $5; a $15 suit for $7.50, etc.
Ladles' Kid Lace Shoes:........................98o
Men’s Batin Calf Bale............................ B8c
Boy's Satin Calf Bals......................... $100
Ladies’ Blach and Tan Oxfords.......... 76o
Misses Box Calf Lace.......... ................76o
Woman’s Kid Button, ......'...............76o
Serge and Oarpet Slippers.................. 860
Woman’s OU Qraln Button Shoes...... 970
Men’s and Boy’s Working Shoes.........98c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Oxfords
at.................................. .60,60 and 76o
Get them of the Old BeUable,
Minute Rates
New Store
' Upper Peninsula
»««aRH6a aaaaaaHKaaanAtoaaHMHMi
In fuUj utiafled with tfah vaar, atyla and m
fit of our
Don’t Pay High Prices i
J* *5
842 Front Street
$a.OO Shoes j
We hare a handaome aaK>rtioent of both ladiea* aad
gents sboea for yon to aelect from. > Orer 90 dilfereat styUa
that sell at this prioe.
W« have the black, the tan, laoe aad battoa, light
flexible eoles—heavy soles for street wear, roaad toes and
pUin toes—in fact almost any style you’d And in a $S riioe;
# McNamara Block
iasHSMtHiHaa «a«««a«a«« »«aa««
fB0»00BA>B or aouns
Mra. C. W. Aabtea Second a Tory It
iUrfU. bUciuriUi •!«»•
Ed. Watt and Samal Otbtn Bnrt
Mr >111
•!<»•< XXU'
Slanrle ebocka la tha KMwi.
Mn.C. W. Aabtoatoeka Votocrapb
nAvnn art - micbiqab
BUwk Taatacday.
Hnday dariartba aallna that la oar.
Bba waa la tba
tl» l«o> Ito* •* »0;^
In tba WaaMl. block ter con. tine by yard watch Inf tba aeUpaa wbaa it waa
OIUID T»4V»1«* limiUl.
rtMtrirtty. which baa nada Itaalt fait n(T«tadtbatab. takoa photo(npb
tertnawaya than on. and baa bean of IV Bba aoaordia«ly fot bar haa^ T.
»■ «i»™'
nrtla(Ua;a«7 aboeklnf *aa^. tha baadb oasara aad made tba axpoanra.
8ba aappoaad that tba plate bad haaa.
Mat aaran ahoek bain» noalnd by
X W. HITO »M» "* »»«€«•
waatod. bat apoa dawto^ar It teaod
Bd Walt yaataiday aftaraeoa.
la aoBM way tea alactAe H(ht wlna tbataBaapbotefnph bad «aaa takoa
tooMlw »t Ua k04ttl»» »«rt» o! A. U
tbi aeUpn. abowlac tha eloada with
«nsa la eoatact with oaa of tba watar
firm la tba old KaWbtaofPytblaa
Ttara wUl b* I
Ow ot tba atranca^ thlnca abont tha
ball, and tbna the mrraat waaeatriad
to aU yarta of tba balldiaf. Bnry pbotcynph to the fact that the ana,
BecanBc you hare soar xream for your coffee. You
....................... totara a taneator wtMk appaara la. tha ahapa of tba
tnkaadrlnrwa^la dancer id iaaai« eMoantnooa.to antlnlyblaek. Mnshould hsTC a Refrigerator of Ice Box. We have
^ Thoaa now bata bail nnltemwiUba
Aahton to tha anTlad of aU tha local
inf a abodt.
both and they are the kind that is guaranteed to
lnap«*b» lbl. Vt.r~
tor bar aaeeen in oV
Monday a)(ht Fraak Paine. wkUe
dnwinc a paU.o^^wta^ tmn a hydnat
keep everything nice and sweet A good refrigera
nM«lUb.aBaattaffo( tb. U*K
U» M~ll 1. iO~ ww «a »»
tor IS a good investment and costs bnt very little.
tern Bank KnJ«bta ot PytWaa tUa kaoakod ^boat Un toot away, the
Mtot wminr (after the propoa«w—
e^ln,tordrm. AU *«nb.»anrt- pan of waterlifollowad bln aad r*w
Bnt are yon qnlte ann yon beUew In
Ua a thoronrhlbapaan lltUe abort of
aartOdto.be ?««“»•
•acood loreT
Mia B. Jlakllnf. tba laaabrt of pen- iananloa.
Mr. tVoodby (a widower!—Certainly,
A talaphwia man took hold cf a tan- ny dear. Sow anpjwae a man buya a
.Sipitn ua rtty atbooto. tn. U..
ThaTnTWM av o«d»k u* ■•»
oat to hie laorrow. and waa «lytoo pound of iorar: it is aweet. Isn’t it?
Mlaa tVUlIn*—Yes, of courae. But-------■ wHh lha atuu4a ot Hmk». dbb. whleb waa irinn to ^ by tba (Udtoletl-l^lwltboat walUn(fora
120 Faroan-b Sbaree’b.
Mr. Woodby—And wlion thal’a (ono
Oood A Karar. whoaa prapoalUon to BopUaoftba Blmwoodannaa aebooL printed Inaltetion. Sennl olbera betai7 ew watw- •orka b«da wa ^ MteJiskllBC wry »««k appnrtataa oana eonrinead that then waa too he natnrally wants anuihor jionud—I
and the a-cond iwond la Just as sweet.
«»ptad.aThia faallafto DOt coataad
tba (1ftlailMOitj offldala. eithar. ai maa;
nr.WUl Lockhart baaUnndanlto The aoda fonnteln waa tell of 11 and
pcoaxlaaai atUeu uka aa naoh prida
paopla bnapad np acainat Itinall aoru
of rooaa In rnnk rri«lrteb'. new
U Ua elt7'a eradU at 1b ttalr own; asd wblab ba wlU tt ap aa dantnJ p^lora. of Blaoea and It waa aboekinf.
lAay Batarallj raaant Iba aticftatioo
Yeaterday afternoon Ed Wait made
J. W. MUllkenbatwa wlU be eJond
Bitta bond bayara to taka a n»rt*a*a
tbanttteke(ofcloalnr tba elmltby
M Um watar trarka pUnt. Trarataa all day todayhold of a fanoav Ma wanted to
The Pen Marqaetta train d.a b« let go. and tried IV bnt the tebeet
aty doaa not bara to (iaa mortfacaa
To those shoe buyers who take advan
«■ anyumr aka ewna and bar boada at 10:16 laat nl(bt arrlTOd at t:10 thia atnek woraa than a porona plaater and
tage of the various shoe snaps we offer
BlB(. «
It waa
waa delayed by-wbooia.
an eraditad In tha Ananelal markala mornlBC.
-------• be toand that he needed h«lp to nleaae
from time to time in these advertisehit bold.
Snaoa. Good A Mayer made a da
In —
I, HWl ha
uv Anally aneoaeded
----r-jff- ments.
pntt of ItUwith their bid. aa an aylhu hand away be fell to the floor. . 4aM0 of rood faith. And 11 la qnlta MdtopaaathawaahOBta.*
^TURE’S coR^
Us iray ha atroek hie back haaally
AlUhaJawolryatonawlU cloaa to acainat a bu aad racUmd no aewa a
Ukaly that they wlU ataad a rood
abaaea of loainc tha awmnv
day, aona of tha other atone alao. teniae that it ennaad
nnnnd him
rmnl Inconbln----Sho« at........... ....................................f 14*. *1-1*. **«
A Curs for Nsnrou$ Hsstfachs. H.nJaom.
Oi^ aork Btekord anrela tha-brokara while othna will rtna iron 9 to » and
Good Weariog Boy’s Shoe* at............................................. $1.48, $1.18, 88c
VMiaaoa'dnriBC the rt»t
ypatatday. caUlar their attaatlen to atlll otbwa tnm 1 to Ii all thYtronbln was at
Theeaw. ofaU
Children’s Shoes, extr* good wearers, in red tsn sod bleck 76, 66,48o
tbatwmaof tha traaaaetlea. aad ia
a and
tba matter waa
AU nanben of Oonpaay M. an ra- last dtoooTvnd
You win recognise shoe bnixuliis when yon see our enstom made
fete ewanaiaaUoa ba toU than ia qnaatad to neat at Onafo ball thia
ramadied at onoa.
children’s shoep.
__ , _ . __
•lalaBafltthf that tUa dty axpaata
MralB( at 8:» o'clodr. » atart on the
tbaa to keep thrtr partof the eoatncV MTcb wltb tba 0. A. B. pnnply at 9
lattMatliur in no nacarUla tarata that
that dapoalt la atlll in poaeaealea of
The Eababnh lo^ga will (in an in lotal Aeaaaamant of the aty aa Olraa
tWerttyandwUl prohaWyatay ban if
Ibay break faith with thia nnalolpal. eraanaoeUIattba Odd Fallowa baUto tha Board ot Baview Is
1^. Tbb la tha firrt Ume that tha tonortow ni(ht. Tickata will »S8.716.818.
bMda of tbtt dty haw awr haaa qaoa- drawn f» n qnlU and aona laea,
The board of reaiew baa adjaumad
ttenad aad Ua ofiolala ahoold not haai- rood pro(nn will ba (Ina.
nnUl after tba Memorial Dsyracrctoea.
CaplB, of tha Tnnraanian will be
tnta to iBproaa the* Atm ia qneatlon
They will meat acato Friday, aod
with tba fact that thia natter U a bna ban today, and dtBtrlbntkw to tboaa
» «haerilnd ter than wUl ba- eantinoa their work.
The aesasamaot. rolls as sent to
rinatonaa altar ana
them (ire a tout raluation in the ci<y
SncEBTany Bat qnlrkly ««« .. .xnctoaa- No oopy wUl ba allowed to of $3,:i6.»16. of which 86.699.790 i* rahl
•laar to tha Boar noroys that tha adaad 81,815.417 U peruonal property.
telalstntloa oonld not do morn than li tba copy to taken.
The flfurr* hoT* bean aompleted by
»lMdy has dona to brine abont paaoa
Treseraa Bay TwV Ko. «6. E- O. T. Saparvlsor CIcTclpud for tha flflb
USonlh Africa. Tha United Btetes M. bad an nnoanally pleasant Una teat
ward, and are a* foHews; Real eilste,
gownmaot acted ptenpUy whan ai rraalnf. the oeeaalon ba n( an lUtla8*04,096; peruonal property $6,6S.6;
opportunity eflarad.throach tha appea tlon and aoelal aeaalon. Tba oecaaion
total. $770.0*6.
nada to tha rapmantatlraa of the rai was (icaUy oujoyad by all praaanVand
lorn naUona at Pretoria, and waa the after the evamonln of initiaiion. a
itadrii-r.>»rii-> niue.
OBly-BaUon which did aev At Its oSar
An Inii-rcrtlue littb- IhoU it ihiof nad toUoB waa than courteously d«AU the barber ahop* in the city will arni|ili ou "R<...miuc." wrltifu by Colby Eogland no further oppor- elote ihU afternoon at 1 o’elock.
oofl BadMi-l’i-wall of Mar.-kliij: fame.
tuity to now oCarad.
Dealhii; wlili qiilokni-toi «if**-y*-. niiU rpPater Oalkatt was badly ahahan up
markluK lUat vudiiuuu arUM- ami a lit
and quite aacarely irjered Mondaybya tle reit«-tlou will oft»‘o
lUmjt's cnatons raoaipta laat
runaway aecldant. UU team run usray. iiKist likely iMlute to look for
March amounted to S616.675 aa oonparund ba was thrown out of the wu(od my..........>loDel
........ -liadeu-l‘o
rtl with $646,168 in Mareh, 1699. Under
asd badly brutoad. thou(h it to thou(bt followltiR story:
'-Ouit- 1 was liariuK a match with a
Spontoh mla the larceat March raealpU that tba injury will not raanll aariow
ehlkari lii t'ariiuierv iia to wblclito*-4i*
TO* $699,416. in 189T; SO that their
t-ould *»•»■ furtliesi. . Ilf p.iluted om a
rMotfl haa been beaten by S210.0M ter *^Mra. J. M. Leonard, mother of Mra hlllKldf Mome diciancv off. and asked
tbntnoatb under American adin'nlaGreet big bottle ManxanIf 1 i-ouUlI ...Tav* ......
how M.......
Dieuy <-attle
Enongh for a whole fam
O. P. Oarw Of thto city, who died at
there were> mxluc on U. 1 cai'isHi
bar home U SnmmltCity Satnrday.wa* by• nsKJiiR
ily for a dime—ckick-D, bonll- illss far 15c—the Qneen’s tell
Id ftiarirt of thp faille. Now. I could
Bawauan inporu from tha United
' - kuoniiif:
— the LitUe Deviled
Ctntealaat February ware $i.4e7.95l.an yearaedd.
(Toe, and a box of corned ham ion, mock turtle.
f Id fbarK
of $460,000 orar the aarraiaTlOcTof'Vienna sausage with
Olives, s splendid relish for 15c.
pMdlac leoath In 1690. Fron all other
tiai.i a. .u,... .........
aauer kraot at 10c.
peutriaatba imparls amoauMd only
oittif. but tbf cowherd war Itcyond
to $666,676. balnc $600,000 Ian than Id Twanty-Ilftb AnalTanMy of Mteh- him. »o Ilf Bare It uj. aud t-oufcsaid
Tomato catsup 25c, s bottle
ican W. C. T. D.
blmN-U defeaU’d.”
Just unpacked the bi^jest
of best chopped pickles 2-5c.
; Tha Twaaty-fifih Anneal ConaenUon
Xn aaareiiy of iaaaaa for Damecratle
Cksf-rter U ■H.ndwrtllDa.
AU the work done for you
or •■Silaar Annlaurcary" of tha Womchow chow from 10c to GOc, and freshes* sell today for 25c.
AC to abowD In the
-Do you iH-llcvf there 1* au.vthlDB in
except the serving—One iwnnd
an’a Chrlatiaa Tumparane* Union of
ot the landara of that party to lo( the cUliu that iwn> cliaraeier* are
can angar loaf baked beans for Durkee.Sslad Dressing 30c to Big bananas at 20c dozen, new
tha Stela ot Mlchlpan will be held in alruwu In their haudwritlugV’
the Boath African war and otkv forPetcekey Jon* 6-6. 1900,
6c;VanCampe pork and beans
-Yert M Hi:iD who always writes hb
lemons 25c. oranges 30c.
A aery flu* lime U aaanrad. a* an name so limt it can be read at a clauw
at 10 cents.
exaaUant pro(iam baa been arranrad has not yet arriv.-d at the point wl.ere
taon BotscAMiao, a fomar Fillbe thinks the worid can better afford
to American
ptBO imnur,
will be prua^hV and a Imre* nUandanoa to waste lime working orer puule*
Something that’s good —
eoawatrnty. haa appealed to Acninaldo
than that br should put forth an extra
For sn after dinner smoke
Everything freeb daily al
to nrrendar and end hoaUllUaa.
effort, no liiaticr bow email it would
Canned chipped dried beef 15c,
the candy counter — Creamt The Traverse Belle, Jonah
potted or deviled bam 5c, Col
from 15c np — chocolates, 30 Chico, Dew Drop, Yoma, Oom
ombia salmon steak 15c.
Xa tka Xaqaaat Oaer tba Death of Mrs.
kinds, from 15 to oOc—mixed
Paul, Joe’s Leader.
Otto Dewitt.
candy fromioc np.
In wanaetion wlih the tteclc death
«l Mra. Ott Dewitt near Mabel it ia
Uaraed that the followlnc chare* waa
jteaatetheJarybyJnaUoeA.S. Pray,
To serve with Cocoa or
who bad ehaira of tha Isquaet:
Drives away that bad feel
Absolutely the finest that’s
coffee — Cheese sandwiches at
••eaoUaman of tha Jury—You must
mads — HcMonagh & Rogers’ ing — The Banner, Clausen's 15c the box, or Champagne
Bad In your fladlnca bow Mra. Otto DrWirt Mass to her doath-Oanaa, whan
lemon from lOe to $1.50—van- Pig TaU, LaBelle Creole. Gen.
They are unnecessary. So is a pair of tin cuffs
Wafers at 26c.
aad whara—from tba facta in tha eaa*
iUa from 15c to $2.00.
on a marble statute. Yet, so far as mere usefulness is
Arthur, Our Governor.
“Bon can Sad whethm her da*ib
mMda*tothaaacli(Moaef any perconcernfd they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any
■ec or pareoM. or whatbw purely
Mrtdntal without teult of anyen*."
thing else for that matter. .
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
We Now Place On Sale
.A., s.
You Want ,
The Good Things
And we axe here to supply you with them. We
are the Universal Providers of this northlregion.
Our grocery department is always in the’lead.
A Good
Baked Beans
5c Cigars
For Supper
hr Y. L D$mui Sk$M g« U ?riBU1
Two Tails
To a Horse.
A WMsanV Awful lariL
••Ibar. to only one dsante to ear*
jov Ufa and ttat to throu(h •» op«»
Som hm dorter after b* bad rauuy
AUrtonrthnd termed and ah. «o>
Wh«n we sell a package of goeds-oi-*-car load,
we invariably guarantee'evtry ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some
thing particularly palauble, and we ask you to step in
and look us over.
BAsT ewantend.
y»M—d1 Av a. lohnocM dincftoto
Xh. UM CoCrt knrtlws ha*.
^teliriildV. «ploItt.c
m that ohMrt. hnt drta
A 10 cent
!5c • box. Once in U»
Cream of Whsat 15 oeuta— •Rftinina
Fonld's Whsat Germ Meal 15c
Hand sorted and put np in bow new »itbOTt-8o wilk
Qoaksr Boiled Oats 15 esnta— Q^s pound i»cka®«farl*i©- iMko-r Prt «
Bbrsddsd Wheat DKseuit 15c Red Ribbon brand dssnsd enr- Cniiir .t SSb, SwUsCaTUT
—Psttiiohn’s Breakfart Food
la Sic, or TobMOO SuiM «t SSt
ranta 10c.
Store Open Tuesday's and Saturday’s Until 8 p. m.
The Hannah & Lay Mwiflle Co.
XHB morning RBOQ^RD. WEDNESDAY. MAY 30.1900
t xomvuia «soobo>
Mrs. C. W. Asbtan Second a Very Ttoa
Mlaotrlc Shocbo la tbo Mniuin
Mn.a w. AabVmtaok
Bloek Tutordap.
Monday dast«tba aeUputbatleaarMattan ban bau kept from doUaau tatolp mp nniqna. tta wu to tba
to tka Maaoola block toraomtimbp yard wnt^toff tha aoUpu wba It wu
olaatrWtp. wkl^ ku mada Itaalf fait e^taetod that aha takaa '
tomonwapa tbaa oaa aad bu bau
uttor In aemp
mafar. tba bandkaamara
,t tha Plata had baa
mat aamo aboek bator nealnd bp
rutad. bnt npoo danlopiar It foand
■d Watt putardap aftamcoa.
la aoma wap the alui& Ucbt wlm thata tea photornpb bad aaa taka
.Am to eatoet with oaa of tba wator ottfeadipaa. abowtot tha denda with
plpu la tba cdd KalrbtoefPptbtoB
Tbara wUl
hall, aad tbu tba eamal wueantod
OMof tha
la tba teat that tba raa,
lor tbatblid to aU parta of tba balldtor- Bwp
' to tarn a tanut or wblebappaatB to . tba abapa of tha
Because too have sonrxream for your coffee;. You
itlnlpblaek. Mra.
tbaa na«» baa bail nallc» wtU tabs a drtok ww to daaror of nodrshonld have a Refrigerator of Ice Box. We have
Athtoa h the urlad of aU tba local
lmMK> ud. rfwT—. toraahoek.
tor b« aneamto ob.
Monday airbt Frank Pntoo. wbUo
both aed they are the kiod that U guaranteed to
tolar tbla Ana ^etnn.
dnwtoc a paU,pQFatartrom a bydrat
keep everything nice and sweet. A good refrigera
n«,«UlbaaaMaUatof tha UaU doaod tha dralt to aom way and
tom Bank Kalrbta of Pptbtoa tbla kneabad rahont tan feat away. The
tor ta a good investment and costs bnt very little.
enalnflordrm. AU omabaraanTt- paU of walarSltollowad him aad ran
MlM wmiDK (after the proposi
,Mtad to.ba prcaeat
him a tboroarb^ptkm llttU abort of tot are poo qalta aura poo beUer
aeeocd loraT
Mta B. JitkUar. tba taaebar of pra- Ismanioa.
hit. tVoodbp (s wIdowarV-CartolBlp.
AMblp Up tba eltp acbeola. wm tba
_ tsIspliiMta mu todt bold cf a tea- lay dear. Now wiiH>c»a a mu buys a
...Iptanlol .™r, b».lU.l»«.l— ut to bis loerrow, sad wu mly too pound of ruumr: « l* awaei. Isat UT
n™i •"
Miss WUiiQS—Ya«. of num. Butiao B'roaa.’b Staxxyt.
Mr. tVoodby—Anti wli.-n thsfs pot
printed toeltatioa. Semal otbara be_pU>oIlh, *1
HboJidcUar wp «aeb appm
s eoBTleoad that than wu tw ha naiursUy wants anothi-r {Mwod—
moeb alutridty rnaator aroud lodaa ad tha socend iwnnd Is Just as sweat,
Isot UT________________ ^_________
Dr. WUl Lockhart baa laaaed a aalto Tba soda foutala wu taU of It ad
of room la Prak Priadriekb new bloek pupla bamped op acainat it toall aorta
whlohbawUlAlapu datal parlora.
1 plaoea ad itwu sboeklar.
Yuterdap aftarnooa BdWalt
J. W. MUllkabatorewUl ba akwad
tbamtsiake(of eloalor tba drealtbp
oU dap tedap.
Tba Para Marqutta trala dae ban taktorbddofafaoeet. Sa waled to
Ut ro, ud tried It. bat tba faUeat
at 10:45 lut Blrht arrlrad at *:10 this
To those shoe buyers who take advan
B«nlar. Itwudalapadbpwaahoata. etaek woru tba a porou pUster ad
tage of the various shoe snaps we offer
be toaod that be Beaded help to nlaau
one iutamtb of Sparta ad aaotbi
kla bolA
from time to time in these advertise
aorta of Grand Baplda- Both tba G.
Wba ba Anally soeeaadad intokinr
B. A I. ad T. 8. A M. tracks ware
hia bad away be feU to tba Aoor.
naad to pau tba waabata. ’
hla way ba atroek bia beak kurlly
All the Jawalrp atom wUl olou to- araiutabos aad roedndaowmaa
dap. UBS of the olbot atomatoo. tonlu that it ceased him rmt Imoa
A Curo for Nonrous Hoadaehe. Handoome Miaade’ Shou at.................................$1.48, $1.10, OOo
whUa otbara will elcu from 0 to I and
TsoUoos'dttriar the rrsfdftbad^
P«r elfhl year* I ■atn-r«d from connJpa. Good Wearing Boy'a Shoe* at..............................$1.48. $1.19,98o
atm otbara from I to a.
Thaeaua of all
UoD ADrwTerv oenroa. bea»<'iM.U>elM»d.
OrtM Duua.y teMiD* three <U)i> al a lime. Children’a Shoea, extra (^ood wearers, in red tan aod black 7C, 68,48c
All maaban of Oompnap M. an n- lut diaoonrad ad
qaatad to mat at Onafa baU tbla nmadlad at ooca.
Tou will recogniae ahoe bargaina- when yon aee our cnatom mode
bat Ml too bad an eOhei. Htnre 1 Ue«an
taklaiCMerT KlDV I bavt cnaU}'Improved cbildren’a shoep.
aoralBC at 5:ao o'eloek. loatart ra the
la tNBtb.Midom or oerer have bradaebe.
taaea falord iii deab, and M d<w4d«dly
with tba O. A. B. pamplp at ^
Well.~MnK K llalrb,Temple,N. H.
felerv- KliiKrureeCoiwtlriatlunaodalldla.
eaeoi uftbe Nerv ea, Htomarb. Urer aod KlO- 135
Practical Shoo Man
Tba Babibab lodra wUl rlra u lea Total Aascasmat of the aty u Gina pcra. HoldbrdnmMo. mc.aodMe. 5
•eaB aoelal at tba Odd Pallowa ballto the Beard of Bertaw U
>aorrow airbt. Tlckala wUl
dnwn for a qnllt ad aom laei
Tba beard of nnew ku adjmaed
rood prorna will be r*»n»Oopin of the Tnnmala wlU ba antil attor tba Memorial Dsy excrclacs.
bantodap. Md dMrtbathw to thou They will meat araio Friday, and
their work.
who ban sabaeribad tor tbaa wiU baTha assaMmeat. rolls u scot
riaatasu after tba eoaaoaeenM
them rl*e a toul nlnatloa la the ei'p
uoreteaa. Ro eopp will ba allowed
ro wltboataaaaah bainirpald la wba of $5,715,815. of which to.Sto.TW U tcbl
ad 81,515.417 U petoona) property.
tba WPP la tnku.
Tba Arum bsTc baao eompUtad bp
Tnram Bap Tut. Ko. Ue. E. O. T.
Sapartlsor ClCTelnd for the dftb
M. had a ooaauallp pleuat Uaa Uat
ward, aad are u follows: Bwl eslsta.
areolnr. tba oeaaalon ba nr aa lalUs
$864,095; pemaal property $5.2SS
tton and aoelal realm. Iba occwIob
total. $870,085.
rmUp Mjoped bp all preaat,ad
attar tba eannonlM of toltlatloa.
Ad Inii-raiillnB Utth- Uok Is ibi- moB
AU the barber abopa la the dtp will ocn>|i)i **u “R.-.IUI10C," writt<-u by folclou thU afiarnooa at 1 tWoek,
MM-1 Hsdeii-ruwelj of MafrkinK fauio.
iH-alliiK wIili ■iiilrkiii'KK ofOfjv. aud rp
i^tar Oalkeu wu badly abakao
ad qalta uearelp Irjarad Mooday by a msrklui: that conirnuu seoM- sikI a littie icfltK'iltiu will uficn sUBib-'^t the
rcaawap aeeldal. Hia team ra away, uwmt likely |»>iuis to look fur ilie ene
ud be wu thrown cot of the
my. <\ilunet iiadeu-l'tiwcU tells the
ud badly bniud. tboorb U Is tboapht followinB story:
•tJu.v 1 wji* hatiiii; s match with a
that tha laJa^P *^111 ^ot malt sarioiu. shikari
In ('sshuieri' v to whiohm us
could see furtliest. He puluted out a
Mrs. J. M. Leonard, mother of Mn hillside miuie dlKtamv ulf. aod asked
If I could see how nieDv cattle
O. P. Oarm Of tbla dtp, who died at
Enough for a whole fam
Great big bottle Manzan*
irrstlm: od 1L I eo|i|N<d him
bar boms to SommltCltp Satarday.
by nskJiiB blni if lie could see the lunc
bwlad Mmdap. Daceaud wu tm
Id chance of the <.-anle. Now. I could
la a box of Uneeda Biacnit ily for a dime—chicken, bouil illas far 1.5c-tbe Queen’s wdl
paan old.
Bd. WaltnaiSamaa Olhsra BaooleW
ttot ttaatV ku
•nolbar Ant ala« foot baU plapar la tba
,Ma oftbabootWaakatJ.O.Uar
eijju) nAvxsn bseaux. ^HS^ParOr-np. Haba baa^
U. nna bafan and aaaala at tba pool—ar—
T. B*«» *» J- W. Haot- ttOBrfVanrtarandaad, Halaaaaloa
* «. Baj—■
—* llMifwOaofaV. JararaaataadaaararaM
OB tba wriat jraataadap wbfla ttUnf
bottlaaattbabotttlic»wkt of A. L.
T«7 »rop«l» ■■WtWl
TkaTnwM CUty eOfllAla m
yTl------■ wHh Um AUltvde of Mimw.
Good A lUyw. wkoie pr^ialUoB »
k«7 ow w»t«r wwta teedi wm •«■
«»pua.aThU tMlImt* not eeniMd
M Ika «ltjr cffidnU, •>Umt. w babj
pvOBlMat eltUMi Mka M maoh prid*
la tk« dtj'a endil u la iMr owp; and
th«T antwnUx mat tha ncftntkw
fld tb« bond b«T«* to taka a mortcac«
«a tka watar worka plant. Trav
atp doat not ha*a to r>««' martC'.
«■ anythlac aba ewaa and bar bonds
ara andltad la tba Aaaaetal markaU
wltk balnc flnt elaaa aaenrltlat.
eaaara. Good A Mapar mada a dappait of IBM wiik tbrlr bid, aa an erldwaa of rood faltb. And It ta ^nlta
Ukaly that thap wUl ataad a rood
ikuaa at loalar tba asoaV
atp Clark Blakard wiota thakaokars
ppataadap. eaUlnr tbalr attwtia to
lhataraaof tba traaaaetloa, and la
Maaounptatla ba toU than la
flaUBaflkktthat tbla alty aapaU
thaa to koap tb^ part of the oatraet.
lattBatlat ia m aaoortab tanaa that
tkat dapoalt la atUl la poaiiaala of
tbla eitp and will probablp au; bora tf
Uar braak faltb with tbla asnalolpalMr- Wa Is tba drat tlaia that tba
baada of tbla alty baaa am baa ^aaatleaad and tba efielala ahoald not bealtata to Impma tba« Am la qaaatira
with tba foot that tbla rnttar ta a bu
BacarrAar Bat qalrkl/ aaad
4aar to tba Boa aropa that tba ad•lalatraUa cald not do mora tha it
alraady bu draa to briar aboat peaoe
UBoath Afrioa. Tha Uoltad Sutaa
fOmnmat aetad prompOp wbee
ppportoGlty aaorod.tbroarb tha appul
■ada to tba rapratattUrea of tba rat
Iona natioH at Pretoria, and was tbi
'"'Mdlp^tion whiebdidaet. As its offer
of nMdisUon was tba ooortaonslp dc
•liaad bp Borlad no farther oppor
tanitp is now offered.
uUuna reoalpta lut
Manh amooatad to ISIS.ITS h oompar
ad with St45.4«8 la Manb. 18U. Uader
Apalah rale tba tarfut March reaelpU
wan tm.tst. ia ISST; ao that their
roaord bM bera butoo bp toio.ooo for
that math ander Anerlea adm'als«»““■ -............................. ,
BAWAUAPiespom from the United
fflatulMt Fabrnarp wan PI.eaT.OSt.aa
iaaran of »I50,000 om tba eatroi'
pOBdlarntonthlBltW. Prota all other
peutrlMtbo laiporta anoanted oalp
toStU.tTS. balnr KOO.MO len than Id
tm* oeareUp of isasa for Damoe
eauialipilBr l* obown ta tba enr«
oftbafcndaraof tbatpartp to lor ta
tha Soath Atrka war and other for-
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
^WuRE's CORfe^
You Want,
The Good Things
And we are here to supply you with them. We
are the Universal Providers of this northlregion.
Our grocery department is always in the'lead.
aad whom-from tba faata la tba
••Eoaeu And whatbar bar duUi
•Mdutotbanarllrnauef nap parUB or paraoni. or whatbar panlp
•■Mdatal witbaat taolt of aapoao."
A WauM’a Asrtol ParlL
toWteoanbaretafrlfbtfai oou of
W»tebadJto.O. Jnbiiua dnffrli
thalimOeCu buHara ban uau
tp toera. aad an upioUlar for aad
oam that aboou. bat dou
A Ck>od
toatp-Tlftb Analmurp of Klebira W. C. T. O.
hlmN-lf def<-At
Tba Twaatp-Afib Aanaal Coa
M’B CbrlaUaa Tar
tba State of MlchUfa will ba bald to
Patukep Jona 5-8. ISOO.
A rarp Aaa time Is amorcd, as u
bu bau arranrad
Sana BcaacAuuio, a former PIUfor tka araot. Map noted apukara
plao leader, naoocUad to Amai
oomalrBtp. bu appealed to Aralaaldo will ba pcmht, ad a Isrra atiaadam
to awradar and and bwUlftiaa
S- :FR"2TVC-A.3Sr
ta tba Xaqaut Om the OuU of Kn.
Otto DcwlU.
Ia omaoetloo with the Mri« Autb
-«f Mra. Ott Dewitt aur Mabel
laamad that tbs foUowi&r eharra waa
ffra to the jorp bp Jostloa A. 8. Pnp.
srtw bad ebarra of tba Icqaat:
"Gatlamu of tha Jarp—Yoa mwt
We Now Place On Sale
hf W. LDi^iuiShNi litiTfjnu'i
“Do you tM-lieve there Is auythlas In
the claim that men's cliarscicrs are
slfown lu their handwriting
-Yes. A unu wbo always writes hU
Dsme so tliAi U taa be read ut a gtauce
has no! jet arrlvi-d at the polDt where
be thinks the wo|dd COD iH-tier afford
to waste lime aorklng over pu^ea
than that hr should put forth an extra
effort. DO matter bow small It would
Two Tails
To a Horse.
Th*y are unnecessary. So is a pair of tin cuffs
on a marble statute. Yet, so far as mere usefulness is
concernfd they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods opw car load,
we invariably guarantee*every ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less an the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some^ thing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step in
^ and look us ov«r.
iHib lltO, nioN 143
JiTSc, and a box of come4i ham lon, mock turtle.
at 10c, or Vienna auuge with
uoer kraot at 10c.
Baked Beane
Tomato catonp 25c, a bottle
for 96c — the Litlle DevUed
Olives, a splendid relish for loc.
Just oDpacked the biggest
of best chopped pickles 25c.
AH the work done for yon
except the serving—One ponnd chow chow from 10c to GOc, and freabesk sell today for 25c.
can angar loaf baked beana for Durkee,Salad Dreaing 30c to Big bananu at 20c dozen, new
6c; YanCampe pork and beans
lemons 25r. oranges 30c.
at 10 cents.
6o Cigars
A10 cent
For Supper
Something that’a good —
For am after dinner smoke.
Everything fresh daily at
the candy counter — Creams The Traverse Belle, Jonah, Canoed chipped dried beef 15c,
from 15c op — chocolates, 30 Chico, Dew Drop, Yuma, Oom potted or deviled ham 5c, Col
umbia salmon steak 15c.
kinds, from 15 to 50c—mixed
Papl, Joe's Leader.
bandy from^oc np.
To serve with Cocoa or
Drive, .way that b«t teelAbeolntely the finest that's
coffee — Cheese sasdwieba at
made — McMonagb & Rogers’ tog — The Burner, CliniKn'.
15c the box, or Champagne
lemon from 10c to $1.50—van- Pig Tail, UBelle Ciaole, Gen,
Wafeia at 25c.
ilUfrom 15c to 13.00.
Arthur. Onr Governor.
Cream of Wbut 15 cento—
Foold’s What Germ Mul 15e
Hand sorted and pnt np in
Qoaker Boiled Uato 15 eentooie pound i»LkM«n lor ISJe—
Shredded Wheat GBwmit 15e
Bed Ribbcm brand elaaand cor—Pettijohn'a Brenktut Food
ranto 10c.
25c a box. Onoe in the
bouse never without—80 with
Aaaho^ FBsto at 20e, Aaebovy
Oiviar st 25e, BasrianGsviar
at 35c, or Tobasoo Saace at 25c.
store Open Tuesday’s and Saturday’s Until 8 p. m.
The Hannah & Lay Hmtile Go.
bM r«iMd n.ow Md ft bol
Mom to too sow tows «ai tok* ptoM
Wfttov Baopftr e( BftUwta »■• Wttoft
l^brfttttoftaftlMrftowUp. FfOMpvmtIIBliM, bowftw., prftTftftMd ftftp tvU
t%« OMinJ aifb ftobool bftiidtoir ftt
iMkvMfttoftehbrUfhtfttocftftd thft
Ml ton ft Me beto to t|M ftopoto.
Tbneb tbft tofttom ftftd FftpO* mn
to ttft bftUdtof. as on »M h«rv
wUftbwftitoUMbftbttol fftftwtoc ftt
»«V7tbtar,to roftab, b«t Mm ftstoul
htfft UUto aportnn Utolp vbM
knftffootftftltpoftfftd it of Mm p
Mn. WbUofttritot thft ftftlBftl Wftft
MftAWftrftP Mlfft, tbora bfttof oe
Utohtor«eftl]bftadp4ft>d of oom
•toftod to MW too wlrft. ft ibftppt
IkMftftftliotrieUcht win had toUn
•into toft tip tolfft. ftftd of oofttoft tb«
tolftUp ftft ftooB ftft it tottftbftd rthft win
U wftft ksoekod dowa bj thft ftboek.ftBd
Msftft thftft ift Tftfp. cftatleoft ftboot bittof ftt ftnptoto* ftsoftpt iu food.
ClUatoa Brewp, ft HpaoroU boy.
Wftft dfownfd to tbft riw ftt Oladwto
•ftftdftp. Hlft>elothftft<w«nt
toftrlnrbftftk.ffTbftrinr* • drftmd
ftftd bU body p
Tbft fttftU lln fttoefetoftltory___
skahftftbM^ftoUBftdtorco to HHUdfttoftnd*
^ftftdan. Thft
toft tfMbU etoftden beyond doobu
Thft borato effftctftd were on city dcllwy.
Afttofd J. fltolth, tbft yoftoc mo
wboftft Byfttorlouj
kto botoft to Detroit erftfttftd ftoafttbtor
of ft ftMUftUon toftt: wcftk. hu writUn
Uft atvtber from Mew York elty. wytoc
hft ift down tb«rft.bftTlBC • rood Ubm
•■4 wUI be bftck booMin n few dnyt
Hft k wftU ftoppllftd oltb Boney. -i
dU Bot Mil yon;i Wftft eomtor far fanr
ynwonld Mt^ftt BM eoBft,*’ writae
thft yoftftc mas wbo doM.not eftem to
roftUH tbft ftaxlftty- be bne ennaod bta
Bfttoftr ftM friftndft.
Mra. B. Ooodrteb. wbo baa been
apeadtof ibowtoterlnOMlftoftift with
b Oftpturn Hade at Imk* daa
bar dftftcktor. Me*, a B. Atwood, k
expected beam tbe tost of the week.
Tftfttorday by Konaft Patca and
A. J. Doyle bftft r«M to OMeafo to
■rftbftoefoodi far J. W. MUltkeB.
Moryu I'aic* and Cba
bftft rOtsTBOd
tram ftft eiUBdftd rkit to tn Aafftlaa, mod* ft ftfttoh of ft My flab to Uk» Ana
to the abadftpreBfts Diaro asd Bftato Barbeim, GaUfacBto.'-to Baft Lftbft City. Utftb.ftftd vioftft effort* of ]
aty. Hft. no bad ft dftUrhV-
fftl trip.
& W. WbftftlfttownttoBfttMftCkftftk
ywtardfty ea bftftlBftto.
Mift. a 8. Tnvk k ntortolktor atm.
A. D. IfaCftbft of Pfttotofty. wite of
Oftptoto MoCkbft wbo kaow to toe
Mre. Mary A. KMlofr woat to Mfta.
ton yaaterdftj oo ft rlfttv
B. B. Whtto wftBt to MftBOftion yftfttordfty.
Bftr. and Mfft. i. B. Baam ban yon
OB a rkit to tbft old homo of Mr. Baam
ftt BolUftd,
Barry Ocaa toft yMtorday fara raeattoft to Iftdianft.
B. MaHamarft toft yftfttorday faran
•ztoodftd Malt at Cbakaa.]
Mn Percy M. Holdawortb ha* yone
to Jola hto bfteband at Fl«woaftc, a &
d tory* nambor of bar frtoBdft ware at
tbft depot to ftoft bar off.
him Grftftft Obftttordon baa foae to
Bftftd City to rkit bar eOBalna, tb*
Mlftftto Uwk.
MltoJaanto Barrfty. wbo baaepent
Ibft winter in Doe Anfatoft, Oaliiornia,
arrlrad ytoUrday ftftftrnooB for a rkit
with ber ektar. Mn
Benmann of
Wtot Blyhlb fttmt.
Prof. CT. OrawB of Mt. Ptoaaast.
formerly enperintaodent of tbe pablie
•ebook of tbk elty. will arrlr* on tbe
M. A N. B. ibk moraine to dalirer the
Mn Wftftbtoyton Pound baa ratorn•d from an axtoDded rkit to trioBda is
Oraad Bapida aad AUecaa.
Bobftrt Paaltoft of Bay City, k io tba
elty OB bBfttoftftft. Be will make bk
borne here to tbft snr fntnra.
O. F. Oamr rotoraed tbk morotoy
from a rkit to AbkoU, led.
Waltor of SnttoBt Bay. k to tb#
a 4&2 poplk from tbe public fteboole of CbU-apo''
V«pbBftttlft..of BftUlft Orftftk. wna receoUy on account of more or lese
coBtftfloaa dlfteaan
robbftdof ftl.ooobyft <
A man onUUir blmaelf
A Card.
> of BatUft Iftftt DcWft, the enderalrned. do bereby.
•fttobftr. Oft Tbnmdfty Boftekftire atked
BfttUfttodrlrft«.blm to tba oonntry.
whiftb b« did. Aft they Bftftred town ap of Tar If It talk toenre your eonyb
fftatofttoft • ts-eent
they were etoppod by a man, who wa* r oold. We atoo .tUfaetery
or money
token to Battlft>a borne. Atririne refunded. 8. B. Walt. Burbee A B-atbfti*. bft arranead to pay tu par »e«k bery, Janm* Q. dohneon, P. C. I'hompfar board, elaimine that he wa* rirh
ftftd bad ftM.ooo with bim. Be opened
ft Mb box and ahowed fold oolna and
ftlfto ftftokft tbonebt to oontain mnsb
anopy. Be tald be wat afraid to pot
toe money to :ibe back, becaoM be
ftoftton't draw it out when be wUbed
Bftttto, to aboo bU fiaitbr bow ftaay It
wu to draw money, went to tbe bank
*ad broftyb hoaie ftl.ooa The eUftafer
ton ftftld be woBld pat bin many in
toe bask and alee take BatUe’e back.
Bft eot tbe tbdnftftsd and dleappeai
Kow it cbaoced that Pro Booo P«M
Uep, while taking a ttroU. fell to wiib
Vo» populL
“It alwaya make* me tired." be aald,
"to eee your name to print Ton an
each an Infental bnmhnit: You never
tpeok for anybody bat yonrtMf. and
yon know ur
“You mkerftlde fraudr* hotly re•ponded Vox Popull. "You never ad
toft fttoclft neeniloB of tb*
toot” vocated a public mufttois' to yottr life
Btb captured by TWm Wrleb. Paly« aad that wat for anylHxly't good bot your
©wn. and every man of aenae fcuowe
•ftbtoy OB LakftABB
durtoy the few boun that they bad to
.tt-thk Juncture they were about to
wftlt between trfttoa. Tb«y bad eanyht clinch, when Verliat happened along,
•ftnrftl ftiBBU pike, when they booked and they both fell upon Mm uiM yave
him a aavetft tbrs»h|pg for betos tba
■y. They ftftecftadftd to toftdtoy it, Btofett Liar m Earth.
hewftffti. ftftd foftftd Mmt It wb* » m«ftCat* are greatly reneraied to Per
kftlonya fast maaftared 4S toabto to sia. Tbe feline frleadt of tbe abah
Iftftytb ftsd waifbad UK poued*.
nnmber fifiy. each having Ita own atTba boy* regretud that they could teBdant and b apecUl room for meala.
BOt brtoy tbe fla heme with tbam. but
they bad to yo on to tbe aeutb. They
eoldtho monator to A. E. JaekKmsf
Mllwftukac. wbo waa on bk way bou'
and wanted to abow .the people tber*.
one of tba wonder* of nortbarB HlebtoftB.
Mra. Cbarlea dMftder*. ii mUaa waat
of Alma, wftt atnwk by llgbutoyMosday mornlBg aad iaatontiy kiUad. 8ba
.waetoklBgia tba watblny from the
ttor. flhawftttoyaaiaold andae old
mtowtoftba eottBly.
Oeart.ooomaftftraidUowiag to tba
Bra wbtob^ud to tba Haw Beak
; toftttoftbaCklametAUaelftattoaSua.
day Bigbt. Tba manacamaBt ftaaided
to alaaa down all empt tba aoatb
Bftftto and tba Amydatoid abafta,awtog
fa toa gfta from tba flr*. which baa
fasa fa ftU park of Ua CAlamal
toBBbbas* part ef tba Haelft. UacaBM ba told bow locy tba flro wU! laat
or baw laog toa man will ba told off.
Tba flra may apeoftd fa other parte of
Oftt to tba family ad Matthew Taaoa«ar. aad ibay hBaa baas ^aanmito• ssaa tsaar rntm.
btofafagbrnaadyoBaanh,------ ---- ,
faSMdvtfttoHtottea. »«MI0sto'
Whsn every chugs In wtsthsr an.
shlM ua to bring forth something new
end -Joat the thing*' to meet demende.
Flannel Goats
and Pants
Opera House
Steinberg’s Grand
Arretted by Obkf Baula Tatowday,
Two fakir* anyayed to tbe cmle of
•paetaetoa bare pottos tbemeelTet Into
;troubto. They are to euatody eharyad
with atWmpUng to etoal tba waieb of
Dr. Aadema. They mat him on Sttta
•traet, be aay*. and while one aoaybt
to Intoraat bim to tba apeeuelaa, be
elatota Mmt tba other aoaybt to awal
thftwftteb. The poUoa war* sotifled
and tbft pair ftrrcaied.
Flannel, Serge
or Brilliai],tine Goats
and Ve$ls
The Best Repertoire Compeep
on the Read.
uc-‘iC-iate eom^ica and dramaa. tbUrtnaraad with apeelallles by fltfttclaaa vaudeville artitu. '
Ttha •( the Ttrrihto Turk.
The Pulun of TDrkvy rltct at d and
nfirr drroitns ibe wliolo tnorniny to
work wltb Lit •vcn-Urkft.'drrrKkf^U
at noon. After tbk he Aket a drive
or a row on tbe lake to{bk vatt park.
At 8 be dlnea, and a^uset blmtclf
The ideal aoit for the hot deye
coming—made by the nobhieet teilora
in the pew etrlpe flannels.
Obarfad with Attempt to Staa'.
An eleborete dfepley in grades.
from $l.dO, $2 00, $2.60 up to $6 00 end
$7.00. You oen be fitted both ee to
goods end price in this department.
Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
I Brand Triple Bill:
on sreat occaitnnu. b* rlrblj- embroUImfl and
blnzlnc with deenratlont. There are
over 4on ra.k* and tcullloni employed
In tite liuiMTlal imlace.
Durlni tba third Qoarter Of IFm tSe
rainfall In Kneknd wat 2.0 tnebea l>eItjw the aveniBe for the
elBbty-four year*, and the trm|>era, which wat cxitittive tlurlny all
111.- three tnontlit of the iiuarter. wat
;i.3 decree K. nliove tbe averusc for
the iirevlmii 12s yeara.
“The Girl
From the Bowery”
Olio of speciftltiea. and the
comic oper*;
“Sweet Sixteen.”
Beaerved iMta on tale at the box offier. Telephone US.
Popolar prieee— 10, SO and 10 eenti.
i&veaX Sviccess
At Pitot, John Kltoltogar dlad at the
•oftaty boaaa on ikiurday, ayed ?s
TMto- He wae the youByaet of three
Mwtom. all of whom were tomatee of
toft ftoanty beaea.
Tba iftMdasM of W. B. Page of
Howard OUy. wftaatrnek by llybtntoy
ftod barsari Monday. Tba oaeuw
Bftrrewly aaeaplny with tbalr live*.
Arthur Jeffary aad dansle Jeffary
ware uattod to mairkya by a Grand
Btoae JnaUea OB flatarday night. They
war* Biarrlad aoma yaara ayo and
divofcad. butbftvaaaaelnded to try U
Tba Ontftd Bftvftn Trlbasa aaya ili
araaocoodtharathat tba awaara of
toa aiaamm- a S. Parka war* obUyad
to go fa Maakegon raeantly for man
faufttoadtbe lambar cargo of that
■Up. Tba S3 men aaenrad far tba
work raeaivad 8< a day.
Our Resoontos
are M SInwR
: M
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Becanse we are up with the times and get the latest and best improve
ments in shapes and stTles.
One of the best ever offered for fl.OO is
3\v^ ''CT^SC0'
—The corset that cannot break at the waist line. We have the exclusive sale
on this corset, and we have tbe first one jet to be returned to us broken at tbe
waist Itne-and this is our second year.
For 50 cents we can give you some very fine and shapely garments,
and our 25 and 17c articles have not been excelled for tbe money.
The great demand now is for the
C.00V SimmeT C-oTsd
And we will take pleasure in showing our line at 25, 35 and 50c. '
<•0 Do not hes.itate to ask to see goods in any department o^ our store—We
are delighted to show them.
Are in great demand, and we carry a lull line in two grades besides the satin
: back.
*■' “
.\T Jl'ST
1 /
/ 0 Raenlaf
S»\U\s *5\vvtv^s
Bnt not trifles, aad great care is taken to have the best always at the lowest
I prices.
New goods coming in every day in all departments.
Onr dress goods buyer, Mr. iDoyle, is in Chicago this week, looking op ;
goods for bis department.
CoMiy in early and get the choice things. It will pay yon to keep your
I eyes on ns from now until the 4th of July for bargains.'
Sale Baglas
May 31.
We consider ourselves very fortunate in securing
from one of the foremost manufacturers in this coun
try, their entire sample line of Ladies' Tailored Suits
consisting of all the newest shades and styles. A
sample line means one of a kind and many kinds. We
want every lady in Traverse Ci tv to pay our cloak
room a visit during this sale, especially so if you are
in need of a suit.
■\De “SaW *50 'iJoni IVWV SVwes
: Quite often, and we have g^ reason to. There is not a gibve stock in the city
: so complete and reliable. If yon are not acquainted with'onr line it is not a bit
; too soon to find out We will give you the best of service and fit them.
Of Best mekes—lest colors-^are
up-to-dete in every weyj-Prices, 60c,
76c, $1,00. $1.26, $1.60.
tlN EDIT FOB B.00.
tlN son FOE ETH^
1I.H son EWi»»,
lEN son FOI P.00,
1, > ran opportsnlOr—do not mlu It.
Rtllalrit Dnr Boots, Carpet t GleiMigEaiM
'.r'mi j: ^ i#&!
UmPhLoidihg sue
Tbe Ikte of a cold, backward saaaon baa left os with a mammoth stock on our hands, and EV^BT DOLLAB'S WOBTH ^
HTT8T BE SAOBIFIOS). Our doors will be Closed on Thursday, Kay 81st, to enable us to prepare for this grand offering. We
deem it wise to grasp this, the mid-season for our unloading sale and face the situation hefore it is too late.
This store will be open again Friday morning, and positively every article and dollar's worth of merchandise in the ^
-X lit i«nir KCip i«r ivri«ti«ri«r
m tM0K\
tMOKT STomet
'''ifMBheppBfi are pUpinir tovec
it tb* eoitOB STOP la lb* HlnlMlppI
«^ t*.
'Alfa perUoak of tba provloM of Po*
< -UoadehOB-Taoc oraja a alaM
e ' (• bMMr tboB ateotdM Morohp OBd
ouardor U B^rMAIac U tiw prarUN of
naBtraatlOB bp tra of iBBbar baa
fc -SB iBBaBdlHiy aoHona is WaablBf%<tBtBlB. Ob lbs BBMmpUoB tbBi Iba
• «BBb tlmbor IB tbB natonabBd por«fB.«0,0Bb.000.000fBBtbboa bSBB dBBtropodBiBBa iBBbariBg hBCBB. Tbls
•moBM wobM BBpplp oil tba aasunUU
of tbs Ooiiod •iBtBB tor two paart, aad
a avmlBBofOfllpTteaBlaB tboBaand,
« BBS a daod loBB to tba aUta of gso.*• 0.M0.
for tba erst Uma OB raoord, tbactar
tsHlad tba atamban of tba Kritiab ambsaBptedlBBBroatbo omaslonot tba
s •BOB’S birtbdap laat wasli. Tbla In«.'»tBttBa la ragardad aa of grMt politi
Ab aatomoblla oimad bp a mlaatral
wn-upaop, wbtla balag ran abont
K !laa.WlA, bnmad Snndap on aa« .at of tbs gaaoUna aatobing drc.
V or aaambars of tba eompaap were
bHraadstaaralp. Laaa,»l,0O0.
I'walao BriUab snbjaels bars baan
H-Ai^riKtoad U Paaaaaa, OalBmbla.«riibtrial.
ttBroBi*B.tbs famoBS Apaeba Indlae.
moMBpaaltd tba aoldlaia from Port
'itoOklakaaa. aad l
Pi ittiaUabBab. Tbls Bsoatp ba baa
a >iaUp aaoB a« pokar. Meat of it
• .aafrorntbaaeldianaad aoma from
a. tadlaa tradsra, who laberod aadar
• l■prMaieB tbattbapaoaM baal tba
o eorradakla. U waa apoa tbs adalaa
« ispialB etaBah Uai Oaroalme mads
tn.dBpoilt. Baaapaba wUI naa Us
an >aap is adnaatlBg Indiaa ablldrai
- - gams Tooaatlp Oaroatme won ovar
•i a
Ut. Baa. Jobs Heoto, tba aged
y* . top Of tba Boosbb Oatbolio dioaaaa
I. AagnsUns. Fla. was strieksn
«B I in Ua pulpit of bt Karp's ebureh
« Mlagbenp, Snadap.
' aa paaaangam on tba slaaplng oar
.r ralaNa 1 ofUa Mlmonri Paelde.
EaaaM dtp Mobdap alpbt.
Wd up aaA robbed between tberd
Slalla. bp a lonabaodik Be got
a «p witbont much plnndar.
f-iorida. OaorgU, booth Carolina and
V glnla have mads Jeffaraon’a 'tdrUJnlp 3. a legal bolldap.
• . A. Orapbaal, a farmer living near
F a.UL.tallaaslntarastingbagstotp.
rs .ue eight months age a epelOBaeec. rad OB bis farm wbieb, among otbir
eie-eaga dona, blew over a straw ataok.
ae.i at Ua aama Ume two bogs aipatart-iAlp dtaappaarad. Ba aaarebad U
W4>« tar bis porkam and fiaaUp ooct'n ’ed that Us fnrlena winds badaarrt -I them swap. A tew dap« ago ba
•> • mevtag tba straw ataob, and to Ut
e-vwlabmant foand nndamaaU it Ua
«w> mlaalBg bog*. onaUlva and Ua
«H erdapd. Tba live beg was said to
be ia a frlgUfal eonditioa when reb-»«ed from lla
I nt, bat WM able to walk and la i
d igwall.
Prnaata’a mlalatrp ordara atrfoteranP- vMoBottaloeasteabaek dmn
bililp of fBllarB. Tbo rrolB U from It
to i( iBohBB to bBiffhti thtrB btb bo in■aeUlB tbB flaUilbBr# bta bean no
wlBtar kmiBg, and tba ground U aa
full of molatnra as it can bold. Twen
tp -two boabala par acre is tba Kansas
raoord, altbongb manp baliere tnLs figbaa been cxeeadadand if<
bold aa tbap ara now Kansas map
maka a na» ofBdal raoord for tba BBraaga plaid of tba atata.
Mrs. B- D. D. King doad i& Mawport.
K I.agadM. waaadaaotndantofUrd
SiarllBg, Iba rarolnttoBarp baro.
Wt W< K
Manager Wilhelm bM eertalalp book
ad a winning attraction In the popular
Irving Preaob ooropanp, which will ap
pear in tbe Cltp Opera Bonsa for a three
nights' engagement commencing torow night. Ula being Ue fifibanceesetnl seaaon of Ula eompaap. Mana
ger Kjpoeh of Ua eompanp promlaaa
Uaatrs gears a treat in tbo line of
Tba digBltp of tba Ualtad Stataa San- adp. Spatial care bu baaauksala
Bta was aorp mnab raffiad tba otbar Ua aalaetloa of Ua arUsu In Ua aom
pang- Partlenlar pU^'bavTbaaa tak
dap, bp tba mpitartona appaaranosef
en In Ua spaelaUlal avargUlBg balog
a buttarSp wlUlat^a ebambar.
BOW BBd aevBl BBdlatrlaUg up w dau.
Patt Work Pro
aad Banda's Twlrlam.
Providing raiadoaa 'aet apoil tba
grenade tbia aftarnoon Baada'a Ttrlrlart and tba Bigb aeboel baaa ball team
wUl emaa bala at Ua TwalfU atraat
park. Tba oontast promiaes to ba of
than nanal InUreat aa Ua taaass
are abont avaalp matebed and boU
re vary stroag.
Tba Twlrlara are aapeelaUp strong
in Ualr atiek arork aad azpaet to do a
fawUiegBwiU Ua ball la that Una.
ELmball, who toaaas tbe ball for Uam
la no amaUnr, having formarig drawn
a aalarp for bit talent in that line.
‘Tba atodaata don't elaim manp atroag
potota bat Uep aspaet to ba on Ua
gronnda whan tbe game bagina aad
tbap ara oonddast that a few of Ua
plapart aapwap will ba
near at tba dnlab. Tba Una np of Ua
arm be:
Banda's Twlrlara.
I...................... e .....................Brawn
n.................. p ....................KlmbaU
Wllhalm. oBpt .
.. Davaaderf
Moveug ..........
.......... Uaaa
Babbsll ............
.......... Brlggi
... Bapaalda
Agora .................
. Blaekbam
BaaBoo ..............
... Bvaratti
MevBk ............... . rf............... MoUUlte
MIlIlkBBBBdMBrrBg will olao plag
with Ua BIfh tcbeol.
To defrag axpaasaa a tmall admlaaloa
will ba ebargad at Ua gate, to oaoia
for all atndaBtt aad it eaau for adallt.
Ladlet are aepeelallg Invltad and b«U
wUl be reearvad for Uem In the grand
stand tree of ebarga. Tboaa who attund
wUI see a good, clean skblblUon of
feat baU.
Tba game will be called at 3 o'clock,
Earlp ArrivaU at Cdgewood.
loog Ue earlg aammer arrivals at
Bdgewood will be Mra. C. W. Beldea,
Mim Bel^en and Miss Lund of Chicago,
who are expected Fridag. to oeenpj
UeFIlsgerald oottage. Mrs- "W. W.
WUUamson wUl site arrive Uls week,
and Mr. and Mra. B. Cnbmaa wUl
oeenpg one of Mine Lewie' oolugeA
•too Bewaid.tlOO.
Tbe rMdera of this paper wm be
leased to Imtb that Uare Is at least
as dread dlaaaaa that aeianea haa bean
bla to care In all lU atagae and Uni ta
.atarrb. Ball's Catarrh Cue Is Ua
onlp positive care now known to Ua
sedlcU frataraltg. Catarrh baug a
reqnlrea a SonBall's catarrh
Onro is taken Intacaallg. aellag directIg npoa Ue blood and mneoM aartSMa
U uTapatam, Uarebp daatioging Ua
IS dlmeae, a^ giving
mgU bg balldlag np
UaooaatitnUoe and aattattag aatsre
have ao maeb falU la Its euatlva
newera, that Ueg offer One Bondred
SeUm fur-------------'*
Compasp M will tnm out in full force
todsp and jolo McPherson Post In Us
memorial exercises. The graves of the
eoldlen of Ooupsnp M who died In the
eerrlee of tbelr counlrp In tbe late war
win not be alighted and tbe mounds
under which Uep rest will be covered
with floral emblemt. Tbe gmves have
baan msrxad wlU Ua latter M eo that
aUl map daaignata Uam from olbara
Memorial Dap now haa a dsapar algBiflOBBoa than ever batora for Ua
genagar aoldlara and Usp will aator
Uto Ua aplrlt of Ua oaeaslaa wlU U
for maap paara ba
aatmatad Ua eld eomradas who foagh
IB aptu of Ua UroBtoBlBf waaUrr
so maap gears ago aad who now fora
Inat avaalBg a good BBdlaaaa lUtoaad
tba grtai O. A. B.
toUa praaBBUtioB of "Tha Village
Vogaboad" at StalBbarg’t Uraad bp
Brgaa'a eamadlaoa Tba plag waa
roadared la a varg plaaalng maanar,
and Ua aetora ware treqnoatlg iatar- Bxarelaes In Benor of NaUon’s Dead
rnpted bg applansa. The
Todsg—Tribate of tbs Living
wall reoalvad, MUlar aad Brgan
Heroes to Uom who are Uoae.
la rag time being Ut most appreciated.
Tbs king cf pbologrmphrrs in poslog, lighting, draping sod arranging his
subjects for Ue pmeti>‘>Dg of his truly wonderfol srt, pbotegrsphp. Mr.
Soper hss secured ibe Photo building ofposltethe Hotel Columbia on Front
street and has remodeled it and pot It in order tor suletlp up to datd photo■dlallp Invited to visit hie stndlo and teat his abllltp aa an np to
date photographer.
Out store iuWt he c\oss& a\V Aaii
to-4aij to ohseme
Tbe exerdaeela honor of Ue nation'i
eom!e opera aad vandevlUe wUl be baroic dead will ooenr Ue enUre dap
todsp. beglnnlDg wiU Ue decoration
of Ue graves at B o'doek, aad eontlnn
lag Urongbout Ue entire dap.
At« o'clock tbe procemlon will b.
formed at Orange hall. Beaded bp Ue
wmwmwwS Crescent band, under eeoort of Com
if and with Ue dtp eonneil >nd
The taacbsrs of Us ‘3ak Park school
-are vary pleaaanUy entarulned yar- Ueladiea ofUe Relief Corps In ear
Urdag aftemooa at Ue home of Mr. rlagea, tbe old veterans will march to
iterp where tbe services of Ue
and Mra Henaa of Boee ttreat. A daQ. A. B. ritual wlU Uke plaea.
Ufhtfnl time waa aajogad bg
At 1:30 la Ue afternoon, Ue parade
Dalatg rafreahmaats ware served.
will fvm at Ue O. A. B. beadqaarterc
Oaa of Us pratUasl aad most bappg at Oraage ball, and headed bp tbe
aoelal avaaia of tbs aaasoa took plaea speakar, Ua ebaplala aao the Bopt
last avaaiag la Mnrtangh'a daaalag band, wUl march la Ue following
aaadamg. Tba faaeUeB was arranged ardet:
bp tba Blghflabeol daaelag a nb la
Oompaap M. MsPhenon Poet. Wo.
^aer of David Jlskllag aad iBfl Mlsaas maa'a Belial Corps, oUar erdara parLaU and Mprtfa Millar, daughiara of tldpatlag. aad Ua eohool oblldrea
Oaarts Millar. It waa a farawall partg frea Ue various baUdlaga. TbsOres'
oaat band will land Us ohlldraa.
ffivaafer Ua parpoaa of Imprat
Tbs Uae of marsh will bs from Us
apoa the boaorad ponag parpla tba
IB la wbioh Uag ara bald bp Ualr oorasr of fltau and Cau streeta, watt
faUow atndaau la tba High aabool. OB flute to Ualoa, north oa Daloa to
laspliiag mnite and a large eompaap Front, east oe Front to Park, south on
of Jollp ponag paopte who have baea Park to fluu, asst oa flUto to Boardavoans. aad aoaU from Uere to
tinted MgaUar manp m>otba la
eloaa oompanioBshl? formed Ue right Us eonotp grounds on Waabtogton
eemWaaUoB for ae cxtramalp pleassnt stTMt, In front of Us soldiers and tail
BeeasloQ. The Mlssea Miller will soon ors' monument where Ue memorial
leave for Cbsrievolx where thep will addrem will be given by Bev. W. T.
remain daring the summer season, and Woodbooce.
In ease the dsp Is cold or stormy, Ue
Mr. JlekUng will go to Flint. All three
are verp popniar la tbe Central bulla- parade will be omitted, aad tbe aerIngand among their large circle of vioes win be bdd In Ue (Sty Opera
bonae. Mrs. Dspton will have charge
friends In Ue dtp.
of Ue music both morning and afterThe Blue BIbbon Club of Ue Fifth
grade of the Oeatml eehool, which U
All are invited to partidpate in U«
tonghtbpMiee Lulu Bushee. held a exercises of the dap in honor of Uoae
delightfnl meeting laat avenlng at Ue who gave Ueir Uvea for tbelr eonntry.
home of Mr. and Mra. Peter Wursbnrg
on Front atreetlo hmior of WUUrd
old Usi-ltelor saps that unlp tbe
Warsbntir, ooeot their number. Thep
badamoet^lghiful time. Mr. and married soidk-rs are acgualuied with
war Id all lu horror*. ^
Mis. Wnrxbai* and Willard proving
If tbe arerage man ever thinks of his
moat axeallent boats. Qamea aarved wife as an angel it is because tier
paas Ua Ussa verp plaaaaatlp natU feathers come so blgb.
a o'clock, wken Ue party eat down to
Lore St llfst sight 1* all rlgliL but
deUctous refrmbmeata, i^ided bp wbst a girl waoU Is a tuaa wbu will
Mm. Wnrsburg. After eapper a very lore her every time he sees her.
Sometimes there Is morevne gvnetpleealng ptogram was glvan. Abont
iltp in a kind word than there Is In
S5 Of Ua elnb mambam were preeei
Irlng a dollar to a public ebartty.
HAd Washlnffton been a poker playthe suck of chips he accumuUted
A westrm Colorado poatmaatar
wrote to tVeshlngioo clti': -n«aaa with bis llnle hatchet would barec<»ns
except tup rralgnaUon of p m of tbe Id handr.—Chicago Dallr Kewa.
gorenient at this town I baf been
TerUred a Witaesa.
elected ) of tbe peace A ecboot come Buffering waa eadared bp
nlsaloDer, said duties preventing me
from Wtln off more than 1 chaw hp witneas T.-L. Manln, of OixU, Kp.. beforabegaveUtseridenee:
“1 eon^ed
trpln to kiU Ur« birds with 1
Addreaa F. i. Obaaeg A0a..Tolcdo,0.
"bats ara bow fortp pearl button
f> mctaa la loara, werkiag np aballa
ua best.
I ontad from Ua river bada Moarlp
C«BtU7 Cook Book.
1. •> paopU ara amplopad U Ua faetorA limited nambar tor tala at ts erato
4 .lone.
ooBb. WUl bemaUad postaca n^
t M prasaat wbaat enp ad Kaaaaa
V' -wa will ftad aaarlp OBa-tblrd of Ua
V ted Plata*, aad at praasBi Uara U
eeihlagla aigbt to anggaat tM iomI- fit. V. h Offlai. OporattTB DutUttr
Their Onves to be SUewn wlU Flow 'An eaiinenlly skilled and accompliabed artist. A wonderful and
thurouKblg <]ualitied phototrraplier.
ers Todsp.
•A Fsat Btcyda Bldar
mUoftoa receive palnfnl en«.apr.
orbrntaea from aeddeata Bncklen'a
Arnica Salve, wfil kill tba pain and
baal Ue Ir jorp.It'a Ue tyellat’a iriead.
Ooraa ebaflar, Uapped bands, sore
lips, bums. Dlomn and dloa Caro
gwrantaed. Oalg tie.
WaU^.Jas. 6L JAaadw.
PostolBoe Houre Today.
The ooatoffioe will be open today
Decoration Dap) from 7 nnlll 9 o’clock
a. m., and from 4 nctll s o'clock p.
There will ba a morning dellverp made
by Ue earrieia.
br pb»M tadsy. No. ilo.
io Sire U trtw« (a
-!•- ana laiai aiseose. u lecoD uior■ughlp and In time, it will cure a cane
0 24 hours, and fo> Ue cough that t<4>ws La Grippe it never falls to glva
•oUeL Price. 2So and son.
Udies aid Gents Tiiloriig.
T. A. Cbnala, eounellor for Ladlet
and Oento Tailor Ms4a Oarmants, wUl
glvs fls dlaoonat on any gaatlcmsa'a
aalt or orereoat from bow nnUl tbe
flrst of Jalp. That will make asp
prleet meet nap aompetlUea. 4N
SnU OaioB street
U «bs MM
^DOWBTO amriY^naeuts vsieasi^fL
ewix S4LI-S
r aevvBlb 4trt
rrcsi street.
City Opera House
r OHT-Oo rmb etreet bettrMO HevK
U WoSevonb. 4 llfSt bsod rtos. dto
•euie*. aevsrd for eciore to thli <
DOB H*LX-Nev mili-h Bol»leln rom. rtre
C r«o-«uk{. sivee t« -tu4r» milk s d4y
ille sod eMf Bilker, le.iolre of
nOK SALX-Oee (mod
Thursday, May 31
And bis Jolly Company ins reper
toire of tbe latret comedy ancceaaco
'iwfcedSr^Slrh** *
8AIX-Q<«4 tbr«« year old wore, new
High ciaas Singing and Dancing.
Specialtiea at \every performance.
Rich coatamea and a^ial scenery
for each play.
a Bowvr IO crrv
. Mra. moor. S9
Tbnraday night they will presmt
the fonr aet oomMy entitled
XonSea'i non. rtodor lean at iM> rfflre.
“A Runaway Wife"
Prices..........-10, 20 and 30 cenU
ban. Urava. or adrlac Frau k Daris.Trar«raa
a aALX-aean awl h
K borva. Ijm ntcbi.
wy which gave InaUat
Jf. I I jkOB ett^Twwrafty^y^
e aaed it U mp.........................
family tor foer
It as the greatest
eeagba, eolds aad
ebest aad
rnvMih suasla. laqalrs sy smlr^
stop Us woe
woevt eoagh, and
O ObUboa
prevanu bat
rr YOC WAirr laaaraaea ef aor kla4 U
-l«a lOea___ __ a rliki rrsiiiailTi nr In boy a aoeac, a
Wait aad Jaa. U. John n't drag storts
accompanied tjr an escort with
ona paid 30 cent ticket, if reaerred
before 6 p. m.
Sea^ on sale Tneoday.
W. B. Nelson bee laaeed Jaa. SebaBeUfsabop. Nc. 441 to 4is «Mt Frant
street for a term of yaare whara ba
WlU eoedect e flm cImb hUriciU.
BB and repair hailnf |1aafeaae
. JflgaapasiaUy. WeaoUolts WW
flrnasavsry one- ,
ciwwTuwmM row thi otaom ; 4' SiVSlSirJrr-1
Of mtftmof TASTt.
m to a—to a— •« to *T*:
Btoo Lrto <—t pa«toe —
■Mir— mm*
TIWButclaf-------------------iVtcw— f—ton,* lUt to AtMt th*
«m tIUM »t aoU- DIM MtOTtBC. «a«
■ tawbScbA
mn AMMt that MPpUta tbe ptoM.
Btm It to Dol alwv* poialWe *•> •a’*
■ autd IB »T«7 room of tbe boo—
* Btor tan—■ Ttor »n—.
▼a; h«*b. nrr taitoi
Mtoa Ulr am U «nto.
't M w n •<*—kb (tok.
Mr Ian «f*l M u4 to—.
M W* MMIar-t MB wia anas.
Mstoa M u ««to. to. toto;
Ian *H rto u M
-*1a m. Ow V«fU.O ChaMU P. aMto—.
' » Why tM giaacb
tWerr Pa—pporta* to B
> Vr—-P—otoaa War.
M«v people bare v—dared, aad ootwithout rraMc. wbr Napoleou III plunced Ftware toto s war wltb Genaanpi
ha wa> bf aor of tbe
Crtat powara. Yet at iba dtot tbe e«pefpr'a tuna waa oaa bC proud e—fldeaee:
tt wai oalr too lata ha dlaaormd that
be bad bran orarraaafaad br tba aiaa who
tba baua of bis aaistauce. hit arch
But Xainleoo III was uaUbar ao bllud
Mr at
ae raab aa ie aeaarallr —ppoard. Ha
•or tba refolar mantel iiMwna a cblm*
M7 ai well, and It to oalr tbe anperior
rtoaa of modern booaea wbkb are npplied wttb op— llrepUc— to ererr
loom. It to ab added eipenae which
»»-ny feal tb(f muat do wllboat ereo
wbaa boUdlng a new bouae, or then
m*j Dot be a cbimneT conreoleBt asd
aa axtn eblmner m—na extra mooer.
and tbto perbapa la tbe reaaoo why
BUtd daalera keep on hand a food
Mock of ornamenUI abelrea wltb mlrlon and cablneta for decoratinjt wallk
91m old faobloBad mantri waa of
martde, either bUrk or wbKe. pUlo or
> a plain
r In Tba
Bon—bold. In manj- caaet tber wert
BOt onmmHited. and toda^ they an
•onaliy painted tbe color of tbe wood
work. wblctrtlr— them tbe oeraUaoca
•r tbe wooden mantel now aeon.
It to frequently dealrabje to coorert
tba ptoto abelf Into a cabinet. This to
by DO means dltBcnlt If tbe baae to of
style and tbe abelf ample and
brand. Tbe akrtrh here shown aiU
fire an Idea of what may be done In
tbto way. Tbe aimpter the dralfn tba
better UaU wlU be shown, and as far
at possible oae sbould be choaon that
wiu coofonn to tbe lines of tbe baae
and ma^e a onifonn whole which wlO
ba ptoaalnf, and often tbe r—nit la rery
Tba daalcn here abown to a almpla
one. which may be worked out In any
wood to match tbe baae, tbe princlp^
axpaoM belnc tbe berried mirror, for
which plain wood panels may be tublUtntcd If desired.
One can often make a chance in an
old mantel by means of a cabinet
wbkb wUI be fnlly at dralnble and
le— expense than to tear out tbe old
maolel and replace wltb a new one entlra. If there to no rablnet maker at
band. It may be ordered from any man
tel ■MDSfactorer. and In ancb a
pbotocnpb and fnll deeciipUoo tboold
•eeompuy tbe order.
h» MU h a lev tokc. •<fW aotUar.
ft* wtt I—be ctoraed aqato to sneh Im
T»bIb srtll Mbm*^Tii1fi
- haatmed aete— a' week aco to______
But y—r she added, raltoaf her b—utifnl eyes to ba (ace afaln. “I have not
_ . MMharra rt dUA 4*2to atobw solBtB, M-M. M. M, »t.
ttoM.” CtolM'a Ktoatto Ftoor Vbi^
!v crowded, but they
tent In w(lvb two
a srere already seated, both deep
cigar when you can get
totom.BW bu.....
On the lonrney down aa extraordiatTr
and somewhat lodleraoi lacid—t occur
red. Tbe two xeDlleiaen--furelfDera evid—tly—were ^acvaaluf tbe boraluf
qnratioo of tbe Sour—tbe prospect of bostlUties between Frsuee and (iemany.
aan: apread with a paste of aoft aotp
and powdered chalk aod ann it; aeak
la bottamUk and ran.
atua.-U frrab. uae akobol and
(la—, or ■— iaveUe water and i
Palat—TurpenUne for coarse foods,
biaalii or aapbtba for floe.
Onaan-Mototeo wltb atronc amMia vat— lay UotUof paper over
ABd iraa dry; If tUk. nae chlorotonn to
(—tore color or cover wltb powdered
rraneh chalk aod lroc.-Oood Uouae-
blffaly probable the two excHed**'pJiti- eeata. Ftold run. H to Ifi.
ctoaa would come to blows Wbartoo
Means forward to separate tbeaa. It waa
tome llllle lime, bowever. before be suc
ceeded In pacifyinc ibea.
Tbto tocUest. Joised to tbe scene at the
SUtha, waa evUently too much for Uae.
neccutloa Day Xx—r^oaBBten on
Vlaeeat’a uerves. Upon reacblas Dover
tbo O. X. A Xshe decUred that abe felt too a-eak and
OMUid onr-tbM faro botvoea all
tloed to fall blm. Had mailers lurued
atatloBS srtihln 150 mlton <M alBrtlOT
out sa he expected tbe kwor of the strutsafely point. TIekoH oo anio May M and *0.
fie mlfbt Usve been vastly different.
for rataru unUI Mnytl. nu-St
in tbe mMoiM." whispered Whar
ton US be Uaceied by her aide. “It U
Tbe prltne mlulaier of Burlaad drove
ItabsU PUB 1 alwaya pioane.
*54 tf
> baste to tbe fon-ltn oBi-.- late in tbe
afternoon, for tbe uialler whieb eucafed ,tire ttot 1 abonld rearb I’arto early la
hla attention at tbe uionieni was oar uC the tDornlnx: otherwise"—
T* Owr* • MM Ml Om Dap.
preasint and vital importatiee. He bad
“Go." ahe muruiand falally. “Yon .•ake Wmmer'a White Wine of Tar S)-nijn« returned from oo oAHal visit to bave been most kind aod alleative. As the best cough remedy on earth. 25
WlndBor. where ;
for me. a rood nlxbt'a rest drill restore
bone tbe fate of
rccetved tbe aanclIoD and slcnalure of
-When abaU I see you againr
her majeaty. '
>C. In
in P.
Paris. Oh,
aehlDc tbe foreltn office be —• tboM wretched men: They
rhey bave
quite cs u. BitOWN. ausrasy nns Ctoeassllm •tbe secretary on the stairs, and Bpaet me. Now. do not
ot mist your
yoor boat
tucelber to tbe private my aceoiini.
SM eeavsTOSBlag. tUPrsalM.
aceoiinl. (Uoodby till ti
aoiD of the laltei
the treaty
Tacking hto>-totiTinrb..bag unde
li tbe table, the
am. Whartowstepped onboard tbe
-la tbe mesaeOL
bto Bind agisted by conflirting emc
TOcpbroc Mo-KD.
-lie U waltiaf here. When must be
Tbe follotnag morning tbe secretary
for foreign affairs reached bu oBlte ratbtbeei
earlier than uioal.
uioal, for tbe
the papers had
be declared at an.* i
d to him that war bad already
-It baa received her maiesty'a sanc been declared. Tbe French emperor, retion. tbenr
lytof apoci tbe tdesrapUc rummonlca-It baa. It wIU rnme as a awpttoe
tloo wh^ had reacbed Um tbe cveoiof
lenoaay, oo duobt. wbew It U ma
known, bat we are bound by motivea of
Boose Bisia
Interest and policy alike to anpport tbe
Frencb in this atraftk. Sacked up by
Baflatid. France can acarvrly fall to be
•TV .vet far d
■mss Bloek.
virtorloas. and tbeu we can dictate terms
D minister s
0 Eorope.
T\u- A ■• BOLLEDAX. graSsMs *^ts
U CsIvorsUj. uaeelsIiSMMBMg. ’PbM-Bat BlamariA-doea be snspectr
tbe hi
ss. oBm IOS. rssSdssM 10S
Tbe premier paused before replytnc.
premier blmaelf.
was tbe one point upon wtk-h be did n
-We have teen either tricked or lie*
feel qolte secure.
trayedf" said the premier excitedly.
-No." be said at leoftb; “tboofh be to Bead tbto.' It bat last reaebed me from
rer OB tbe alert, on tbe wateb. I tblok ■ emperor of Franee.”
we bare effectually blioded bim oo this
le laid a telegram on tbe table. Tbe
move. But this mrmrufrr, ran we rely
imuBlcatinn was in cipber. but ibv
npoa kimr
eroderiag of it was writteu underaeatb.
think I can aoawra for Mr. Wbaritaiord the atartlius announcement,
toB. a man of uct aod rw
“Very well. I will write a dtopBtrb i
CoosteraatioD tvlgovd in tbe foreign uf-. MeanwhUe------------------------’
le we B ..
Bey that morning. Mi-ssap-s were flash aosp.M Tsisoboos.n.
with the emperor by wire. Infonninc blm ed to Dover, to Calais, making anxioat
that car mesaenfer leaves for Tarii to- inqalrlra for tbe missing an-sseuger. It
nlffat with tbe treaty. He will then feel waa found that be liad rt-acbed tbe latb-r
bis poailiuD aervre and ran art aerord- port in safely, but tbm- all trace of him
Br)l -phone. Nerthcra phoBC Mo. 1.
was lost.
It was too late, however, to remedy tbe
An bourUater Mr. Spencer Wbartoo evil, war having actually been d<vlarcd.
England was forced to withdraw fp>m
the position whi<-b tbe proiKW-d to take
> him the arcret treaty.
With regard to France. She was com
-1 need scarcely impress upoo yon, Mr. pelled to remain ncutruL wlik-b was preWbtrtotk,'' ba said, “that rbia la a mattn etorly what Prince BUman-k detored.
leqnlvlnc the atmoat aeerrey and dispateb." TbU document mast be placed la
kerward was It
tbe emperor's baods tomorrow morning
r what proved MtboSs. Omj or nlf SI esUs premptlj
-a may be fatal."
ftancea tbe ueaaenger bad dlaappeared.
seen tbe treaty safriy aealed Then, strangely enough, news came of
up In tbe measeager's dtopalrh hag. tbe him from America.
pretoler went home, not a little telleved
It appears that he bad U-en lirlaf DCS -OMcs SMI te Wstl-s twng «ei« M Csles
at baviog p>I this weighty matter off bit there under an assumed name and upon
ttiod. Added to thia there waa tbe (deas- bto deathbed told bto story to a friend.
Ting overreacbed Briefly it waa tOt:
eonaetousBraa oof bavii
ore pbcM.oBce Ul. Vrisgs:Mortbora phono
t'pon reaching t'glato it bad oeearred rcsiSsoro. 111.
•trenoona efforts to aeeure tb<- aeuttall
to blm to examine bis bag in order to as
of England.
certain if the treaty was safe. He open
Meanwhile Mr. Spencer Wharton lin ed h and. to bto botror. found-blank !«•
gered at tbe foreign oSre. never truatlag
' precioas dispatch bag out of sight.
swking at tbe bag more earefnily. be MKXU HOBaX. hsiC Sslob hsC hmiso p^t
'bit bsaty journey to raria waa not alr that it was not really bli.^but one
togcifarr without its altraetions for him.
In fact, be waa impatieat to be off. to get half lore labels ubicb covered it Tbco
this state mtoaloa ever, ae that be migbt
him. rronts>reet.TrmvsrMC1ty-Blcb.
bare a day or two la tbe Frencb capiul.
________purlc .
which be iatcaded to devote to purely train to Dover and another subatitated
penonal affsiia.
In its pUee.
And Mme. Vincent—ahe wbo bad won
Jnat as he alighted from bU cab at the bto affeeiloaa. wbo bad repelled or en- .iiMU Al home from NIC IDs. m^C from 1
station bis atieotlon was attracted to a cooragrd blm. to auil her puriHoeT Too
froap of loungers and one or two gria- tote be saw that she was one of Bli WfBIC LtaOS-a Mrs PrascU u mmi^
nlng porters. In tbe center stood a lady
t’s secret emtoaaries. It flatbed,
wbo was being lobjected to tbe abase of acrooa him that the acene at tbe aution.
a drunken cabman. Just Ibeo Mr. 8|
tbe qaarrel In the train, were all prear- phOBcSS.
............s attenlion was en WIM aCBOPlKLDU dtSM Baklac psrtors,
gaged with tbe two foteigners Mme. Vin- ML MB Bonis Vnloe SUSCl. Nrw^oMlSt.
rat bad rtlected tbe rtiange of bags.
Tbe srretetaed mcaranger. knowing the
-Mine. Tiacentr be erted In amam
eoacqoencea that would ensue, was
-You in EagUad'. 1 tboagbt"ifitb to ttoapalr. He vowed never to
.atm to England. Dtoratoing blmaelf.
be made bto way te Havre, whence be
eBbarkcd for tbe United 8iatea.-Penny
OPP Esrtsv Boss*.
wlth a slightly Pictorial Magaalne.
fWeign accent, -what it is to behold a
An B«rpUaa aterw WUcMer.
frtendl This man is grossly Iniol—L Ha
baa lest one of my boxes and decUreo
An Egyptian atm wheeler to buUt to
never received it. What ami to dor
' aboals
' ' abd rapid! of tbe
float over tba
-Leave me to deal with him," repll
Nile. There is DO gol _
Wbartoo. tritk rlsinf Indignation. pevy Iron laddera to her engine room, f
jM go Inside. I wtU jedn yon in a me- •M baa no brtd. everything being cartfed
U were at kigaampaiatbto grade, naag
work a aiirialty.
He renndir berated tbe cabman for bto giDca. Indeed the steam cylinders be
iBdrilltv. but cooM get Dttic oat of htoa. axpooed. OM oo either aide and a little
Vow CMBm, Markham MloML
TBe mao dedared be bad nevev area tbe forward of tbe very primitive looking
•tan paddle wheel, srfairb looks more as
box. and Wbartoi
U It betoaged to some agricuhnral imptoVltb taking the i
Bent than a MeamMiip. Tbe reasoa for
tened to rejoia Mi
“Ab. bow gratefnl I am to yon. mj tbto to that. aUboagb nearly a hundred
Wendr abe said, raising her eyes to bee fWt long, ibe only draws about 1 foot r
companioB'a face with a look that tbrfU- Inebea of water, eonneqaeatly abe baa »
raboilt and put in
•bape and am now ready
tu receive all old patrons.
First Freeze
Cleir Ice, fm Boardman lake.
S-:r“j;is;."=S'K=rr^ ,.DODI6BDSIXESSA6IOI.
1 have hkd my baildiiij;
$1.00 a Month
At wwideDceB—samo aa Inat year.
Haro laireqaantliyon band,
make a iqwetaUy of car lota.
J. A. Jackson
BMk’Phoees. No.
Fin InsuraDCG.
Ia L. a. BoUding.
Line of Jeweli; Grui HipKh d miiM Rj
5,;r'““w-,Sii;.'S:;s.;TS“ si GoodIlIXiDdsof
c-vj’iisissusrszMi.’o. i£s'jts.ssz''si^.v;
Now 75c a Month
T MMI Brt tMt y«
«( •? iVA*
to prlTBte famUiM.
PBjBblB monthly in advanoe.
Chas. W. Merrill
l^b 'pbonaa No. IS4.
410 W. Front St.
..Fire Insurance..
1 !!
IWrSAp m. uwlnkM p*ri»f csrse OratS
If yon hara a dwaUing, aloek. atwa.
STB. or any other property Inaarable. KspMs. nix) ■Ireplar «sr ss4 rosch UrsaC
kindly remember I wank to write the
for you. and will give you ClBBSUIenraDS Ksp>d>siii)n>«-k soU ■Iset
iBgrorCMcscoloOrsnd asptus nnil <-ss1rcs>
d careful
To^s srriviox s> ■ A o m. hss eSslz car Ft
rnyMteOr^Kspi-lssnl rhsir rnr GrroS
Balet vary low.
c L. meuyoop. u p a t.a, ums4 anatos
looa n.
Johoaxa Block
Best to be had in
the city is at
See sampiea in window.
John R. Santo.
Isiitil lisiriies.
Wnrahaig Block
The Waukazoo House!
Iho bMt turutobda and bcM kapt
boMB OB tbto paulMaU to ready for
boMaaaa. Opn tba year ronni. Good
Usery la MBBaetloB srith the be
BalM aside kaowu on appUeatlau.
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
SUmralkldualMriB aUslaM.
JOHN F. OTT ft 00
asin ts Zravana Ottr IiawSir Oo.
The Fere lirqsette Riilmd
aomo eooTB.
ttS3eS£::f““- ““l 1
I S ■ I PM I Psr. ; a ■
bvcwoncu......UOOwlltO I PM I r B
ar o^tepids' I sr^j s soau
LvOtC asptSs I siup! T !A
Lv trsvsrwOy.
ar BUBspIds..
Lv BkBapIda..
ar TrsvsrasOr.
Fine Wood
iBkatalBS can ba removed from
«Bto pooda by ruMdBt with tbe yolk PBttor
«( BB SOT bale— waablac- Scorch caa
"uow lonnnate: i am muruisg uara ISO degrtra. What wonder they at net
be nowTud fram mnaUn or linen by
•NlrtOT Iho jBtoe oftwo onloaa. <mn •yaeif. I eoarrsa that I draaded Ibe ttonre fatot away and are brmigkt op and
toaiBry. but Mw 1 aball travel with an
teVoMes cC white Map. two obbcm MW
afmi. far 1 kraw there to a (rtosd at
•r •iBac'a earth and coe-balt plat «t
arrival saS Ccronsrc of iiwins si Trsrom
CUr. Is sBs.-i Us> rru. pia.
■ ia2
SSSB3 issBsasflflSsrs
of tbe great llaera whieb
ply te tbe far east wouM be only toe
■lad If when going tkraagh tbe Bed eea
ara te It on my reenrn from raria.'
are gelng.M they eoald brtag tbrtr eoglM
■teOTir. an hatosd lustkv and caaM
warm; blfh words arose. I'tually one of
tbe dispotaaia aeemet] to lose complete
e—tral of bhuselr. Spriafinc to bU Tree
' ' labed Us newspapra Into tbe.elhrr'a
toMoirtnc Btataa.
Coffee-Lay tbe atalned portion of
tbe doth orer a bowl aod pour boUlas
water tbrooffa It
Fitilt—BolUoc water at above; If In•ffaetnal, rub wltb a aointloa of oxalic
add and rln— In warm water.
lak.-Dlp la boUtne water, rub udtb
■alta of aoerel aod rtnae wdL
BltoxL-B—k In cold water. For tick
lac and tbM yoodi make a thick paate
of atatefa and water. Leave till dry aod
bniab off.
Boorcb.—Dip la aoapanda and lay Ja
ana. It dbera are not mneb Injored.
dip repMtedly In -ttuated aoli
of borax aod rtnae.
For baying a 10 cent
te yon I
I. aa I hoped It would aSui
pottery with aa old faablooed t—pot
Ibera are no “cm and dried" ralw for
the— fORilabtaca except that there be
Dot too many of them.
Have You..
Bat bow
It that yon are
_ sdT
.. 1. theufbt
yon bad eettled
down la Pntia and loidced forward to tbe
■Imrari of trr|m 7— when I had traas.
acted tba bnOTiii which takat ate acroaa
waxTti cancotr.
peoalbto. A candleetlck or candelabra.
• choice bit In pottery, a picture and
perbapa a raae, or for tbe dlnloc room
MAY 3n ’'»"n
LaestssO. p. a
imsm UD KmusTm L L
THE MORt)tK& RSCORD. WBPKgsDAY, >tAT 30,1900
Oriels «f thsMteth.
dawatothe peaea»t ttan BoMteyhai
Httar hi Elcnlnc Bae««-1 bat oaly axiatad by
ioava to pesMst Is pea tba foUewiag Uwo. aad ama alwaya stood* apoa the
Rrt»«a*. tossAliff poa wUl daam U dead bodiaa of miUiem of Chrtettea Ata UmmUj Dm to Smw Dto
wortbpofrimia tba oolaaM s( pour martyn. It haa ao vltaUty to Uva ef
ntngtMfirt al tha
pap». that a qaasttea whteh maap itoolf or give to its proteeton and
brlaOp la a pahUa wqp. That ia aa to
thatarlffinofSaMlap. Howit baeom band the Oodot Baavan has gk____ WtotoCaatoHiwimiidfcy toaUtoto
ohaOTvadaaabolpdap.aadapoa what hla paopto a day, a Sabbath, aa a aeal
*«datloa it alaada. 1 ahaU at thla of hla eraaUve power that will eadnro
tlMt vsfp brieflp psaaant tor aoBaldar- to all eternity, tor the Lord so dcolaras
atlaa Jaat a few teats oat of imam of
apoo tbo sab- la tha hrieleat manner. I have pnaenud thcae teota tor tbe hoamt eoaiaet BOW In qiMatloa.
It U nsnallv the fct
kidaqpa aUeh Aral
Firat, In oedor that pon map fallp •idavatioadt -all wbo may rrad thorn, get out of or^, -and
Bdarstaad Joat how the Lord r^aided tnoatlng yon will pot away prejadiee hewlactacs and nrtoa
ariaoty iinabTia
Ban wovahlp, from whtoh tbe Sondap tor I have not declared my worda bnt filters of the blood the kUaeve week
pr^ly origiaalod. Pleara ao« Bs^ thoao of too Lord, in whom y« profeoa
S:tS, IB. Ton will tbore leans that of to beliovn. with a tew biatorleal facta.
do get tired and casae poto to lha
aU the abomlnatioaa of Pagan wor- Now in oaao any lack wisdom to know back,
St, aad nalem alteaded to wiQ l«ta
ahipa this waa the moatoffanaiva ia tbs tbe troth as It U ia Christ Jeans.
aigbt of Qad, hoooming moat promi- 1st him ask of tbs Lofd. he will give to
naat aaaong aU haaUtan and Idclalnma all snob liberally and npbraldeth not
Dr.-Chsra'a El:idaee.«Jv0 FUto Mrike
aatloas B. C. HBl. fianday Is atUl the
at tbe root ol
.J tfoaUe by maklag Ike
D B. Wright.
kidoeys stroeg.
■II. kcafthy aad Hforana
wild aolar holiday of all pagan ilmo*.
They cute “ '
Soa any atandard Bngliah dlotloaary.
diabetes and rindullm of thalH^
IIU Kiprr4<t»-r.
Israel's flrat idolatop was the lloenUont
as well M (towto
I'Tau ninp-toriin-ii-r. tli* wif«- of
wjfahlp of tbe Egyptian sen god. Se«
Herr lliug*ttTui<-i<-r. tin- boa i.-uni-r,
Exjdnt SM le. A. D 58 on* of tbe »a* uliarmay t«- n-niKsl—lu put It
erase they make it posalbiTror Uw ta
In the DilMly—a vlruK-i. .iii<l lu-IJ HIuukut- enjoy in old age tbe comfort aad veto
ebsreh at OaUtU. Ual. 4:8. ». The un-ii-r <u aoNuluu- *iiliJivikMi.
they hare so wdl earned.
tesUval of dnnday, like all other tmtlTill- lluu Uiim-r n-lunii-<l to tin- fam
Mf- J- D. Brightman. Ledyatd, N. T.,
yala, was only a human ordinanee. The ily I'liriit.in »1M- I'veiili^ lu u
« to its
drat early tether, who wlthont donbt
•mill iH-uvr )><>»i|M>ui- ail liiii-rvu-M- At tim i'could not Ntralgfatra'ni^S
applied the term Lord's day to Snaday, witli 111* lK-ti<-r Imir
II III* <-uunilUiii
free tn
«ras Tertnlllaa. A. U. 200. They then
terrible paina Mr. Atol
Tbomai revommended Dr.
W. C
!>r. A. T________
n *i*-u<i lIu- n
obesrved dnnday, or the first day of the
Kidaey-Livrr Pills •<•o bigbly that I tried
week, with offerings for the dead and
> eoUtely free from
Tb.- n.-xi morning III* «ir.- .-alkMl tbem. rad i
eroBsing tbe forehead at a token of re
barfcscbc sail kidney d
iijiijui-miiil. ami I
Dr. A. W. Cbase'.Vid^Llver
CbsK-i Ei
mombranoe of the cram of Cnrisl. Do ill-^•l^'1-ii huiltiu a II
ae pill a do*e.
do . as
. cenU a boa, et all
Oorana, C. H. ttecl J. A. D. 221. The aiiil^lkl not uIkIi lu dktlirb Ikt idnui
daUrrx. or Dr. A. W. Cbam
Cbaae Hedtoias
liii 111* ri-iiirn.
Ant Law tor the observande of Sunday ■••-rK
-tVli<-iv ilkl you (•■•'•■iir' xIk- <!«'- Company. Buflaio. N. Y.
ON a day of rest aod wjnhip is b/ C >o ■ m.-mik-'t.
etantloe. at that tins heathea emperor
• in 111.- .-nci- wlib til.- lions," be rrof Borne and ana worshiper, dee Juam’ I.1I.-.I iiovkl.v.
"fowiinlt" lil«».vl Mr*. llUigNtcr.
matory, two Republlea, page 248. dylniclrr. u lili n look a* uui rubbvtl of bi-r
vester. bishop of Rome.
tuRt ■lue*
bestowed npoo Sanday the UUe of
R.wmiai lioaeutb VuImi atrwi.
Uwd'a day is A. D. 32D. Boolesiaatteal
Hiatery. chapter lu. pp. 738, 740. The
apostasy in the ebristian ebnrcb made
such rapid progreos that by A. D. 338
the Sunday and tbe Sabbath were cai:ed sitters and both days observed by
many as holy days, tbe one ibe7Ui
day Sabbatb ordained and oomnamied
The Ceiefcraipd MPMlall*i. Formerly of New York.
to be kept holy by the Lord of Ueaveu;
tbe other, the Saoday of pagan origin
and commanded by man to bs kept
trilX 8K AT
Wbieb will yon obey, liod or
man as a means of aalvaUoc? See
Sotul 'W'laj.'blaa.g,
Beley’s history of the Sabbaih. chapter
2, page 2. aeea s, ». alto ebap. 3. see.
4 aod 3. Then as we enter upon tbe
Ofltoe Bonn teem 0 a. m. to • p. a. One day Miy aaeb moath.
dark age*, from A. D. :.3S on down, tbe
annala of Roman history alow bow fast
the chnreh look the reiaa of the aUlr
aod caotml Ibe pat^e of many de
creoa and laws tor the entororinent of
the acccptaoce land obeervanoe of the
Snnday at a holy day for rest and wor•hip.
About A. D f.io strong perarcotlon
eommenecd againat all diawiDtera to
the Catholic faith and capeeially tor
tbe not- brarvance of Sunday. Then
came tbe wbippieg. tbe fines, imprkonment. paoUbmebi and deato in
every c Derivable manner of torture
By the laqnlation It wes decided
whether tbe dlmeoter ehonld receive
death by the bt-beadiog knife or be
torn ia pieces npou the alretcher. or
rest upon the rack, or conautne away
to red hot keiUee. or by burning out
the eyes with hot iron* aod palliog out
tbo tongue with, rod hot tonga. All
these fiere suffered by many tbcuiand
penons, from tbe gray haired father
and mo'Jter lo tbe yonug man and
malder. Snob are facta and the moat
aoenrate blatory abowa that not less
than sixty milllona of eonlastnk Into
mai;^yra' gravea or tbelr ashes scatter
ed to the wtode aod mingled with the
dnat—all tor wbal'i’ That Sunday |
should be accepted aaa holy day to
oppoeitioD to tbe Sabbatb of Jebevab.
all tbe outcome of leglalatloa tor laws
to compel tbe obeerrance of Sooday as
a day tor reel and wonbip. Thla ia all
the glory there U to the record of Sun
day laws.
Tbna we flod in co brief a sketch of
historical facta that the Saoday which
U today ao extenalvcly obaerved by the trvai all CHanmc. KXRVorH, bbIN ee4 BLOOD Diwmm apes tSv tewev eeleeUli pHaetoo-called ebriaUan world aa a holy day. pir*. *ad mitlt* hlB to ibr ruil eoaSScoev o' Ibv »aici4d crerywacre.
Dr. ChMetKIdwy-Uw Plllt
^Wk^toyto aSJnSS JS
OpprrW. l*ft bMl- PMI
ExiM^agB CW.
KMDdlBii •( tlM> fn-at Kbvnrlc Tvwrt «d4 lonUoiC oonli. the visitor to the I'afi-AiDoHcsD ExiwiRltSon. to be bdd
lo BnlTslo from Msr 1 t« >'ov. 1. llKil. wlU bare before bin Ibe PUxa. or sqaare. & bcaQilfal o|m-d sjace 330
0 by SOO
fw-t. on t»M- o|»iiosIte. or nnnik, side of the I*Uss will be the Pn>pj1*«. or uoaonKtitaL eiitrsncos. oonnr ted by a
ciined rsdonnado 2Hi» f«-t toag. A Ur*.' btUldlnc at the left. Ml feet long and 52 feet whle. with lower lU fe^'
biicb. will be OM-d for rtataurant pOTtmw*. Thi* fonua also tbe raatera entnum- to tbe 3lhlwaj-. or plvnan e ground.
wlH-re the rlalior may Bud a o.illeetlon of oorel enterlaluaieats that will a>lonUh the moat eo.n«.-Jb.r
IHm ily arhm* llie I'lsaa from the nemaurant liallillng l» a rAmianlOD Mrtieture. funning the entrance
tbe Su*
dlurn. or athletlr fleld. where sr..ti(1 peoj.le mg' be seated to enjoy the high ilniw aibletle apona.
e wall O|i|>0Nlt0 tbe e
Tbe window aide V'TKThwu wa*
mado lo withattmd tu fnry and to pro- therefore usually '-t—.................
id <£uiMile talik-a QUod
AH UNMERCIFUL NOR5E OOO THAT too* moro geMwoaty tbe dumb animals row mirrum aud
Aiu«lV«'a, while simple
. wbo tnfftt easily with tbelr mMtera between tbe wlmftiwi,
Tbe signal aerrloe it raudertag aid In ilraiierhw iind chrve'daluty wl
ai«iN completiHl that end of tbe opart»-aad What TeirlUe
ment. M'Indow aeuta were euDNOiiiH‘Dl>
Tbiai. T%e, Ar. c«n B. a- a—
wrtanec- In tboeo
e aud hlR dainty
Ooe-witk All Mae** cwn, ibag Are ukewithtatob
, om gave eanful deslgtu for
and proride more intelllgontly for tbeir
In tbelr pubI time of need, wbioh U rare to come.
The blUaard. ai the plain n
BoL with all
' the bilnard temainannoononered. It ii i window seats an- ntber aduilnsi for
at43m. U onorly
1 tbe
<•— Bake
of their unusualneiw tbau for
oue wbo faai uot (ixperienoed it QenNorse
from wboae kingdom It any n-al iiuTit they may iHinu-xs
swtod in the great storm breeding renscfnl arth-Ie« of furnllure.
lolly a
•wept on arctio blaata along tbe vast
Items From Toaie Talk.
its forafront Is apprebonlorel nncbea that atreteh eastward from
The housewife is suppUitl with maoy
tbe Kocky moeutalua. with no foreat to
bcautifni aud InlKir saving retiulsltca
deeolatlon and SDfferlng,
break Its farce, it bocomea a domon of
in tbuHe days.^ i'a|H-r dulllvs Iiavc
death.—Detroll Free Pnm
the air, seoond only to tbe cyclone or
reached high ari in texture and beauty
banadoindcatracUreneaa. Thomolitnre
of design. Am instauii'. the latest are
Ugronodai between mlllatoaieA batt
exact UuliatluSiH of linen with bomDuring a Mvere haibtonn in tbe slllohed edges'nud Isirders, the latter
ed with bnllotltke <!nergrorer hundreds
of miles of level plain, aud finally, Himalayas our native gardener broagbt perfsrt cotilee of klexlean drawn work.
tranaforfbod into yeasty aloQt by Uio sof- out a batebet and plaoed iL edge up Tbe coDvculeuco of ibU laco iwiK-r
''tenlng effects of lower latitudes, falls in ward. iu the garden, to“cnttbestarm.'' napery can scarcely be cNtlmalid. In
bleak ahowca on the ranges of Tesw as he aaiiL Catlln, iu his “Nurtb Amor- all sixes—round. s>iuar\- anil oral—they
loan liidiauA” dcncriboe a ooremoDy of suit every imrpiisc and dish fur table
~ --...pad No Man's Uud.
tbo Maudan InBians, in which batoboU servh-c. Vuder salads. Ice* anil csikiD
iBck of cheat
aud edged tools are sacrifiood to the
the breriiy of tbe winter aci
they arc quite as im-tty and scarcely
: prairiiw oontrlbnUs to make Ibe settler's ' 'Rplrit of tbe waten" to avert a roenr- dUtlngulshablc from art llueii. without
oabio a poor refnge. Wbim tbe blitaard renoe of tbe great delogo, of wbiob tbo the trouble of lauud<Tlug afterward.
oomos, ovi-ry resonreo of fuel is fans- tribe has tbe tiadlUmi.—Nofaa and The |ia|H-r dollies. «-Xqui*lle os they
banded, and it in faced with a grtm de- Querlea.
are, nay be obtuinol at a prkv which
turmioatiott to see It tbrongh.
warrants once using and throwing
Bnt tiot all are prepared even ao well
away, which U a great ailvantagc.
as tbe settlor. Occasionally a belated ffhelr
A clever hostess not long slue<- outraen Pramere «t Clewalaa.
emigrant, eu rente clliicr to a cboaon
Id her rc|>utailun for oiiiAriity by
.comclaim i the froniler < toward tbe
plulnts of tbe ixiur wi-orlag qualities of serving terrapin In Individual chafing
a tiny sjilrlt lamp bansins un
bopoi lo find old fricmli and bcipen, is lace curtain* us rompared with tbone der each one.
caught by tbe blast Ho may bare a that ''lasted for y«ars In the times of
Al ladk-s' luucln-ons little loskets of
tiny stove iniido tbe canvas loptMd prai
Idtvh l«rk at •■ach cover hold
rie aohodner, but iU beat can do little ten luslst that tbe qualliy has deterio candled cherrk-s or ctj-aiu dlpp^sl Alagainst tbo power of tbe storm. Sbel- rated and that there are no such gootla
merla grajics. tlnvirii-avcs arc In
torod by tbe low bluff of some ravine or made aa those beorlng date of 40 yean geniously foldid In honi of plenty
wator course be may weather tbe drag- ago. many of wbh li are cre-u yet In a sliap<'s and placeil on tiny fiat plnira
giug boon of soffering. bnt tbe obanoes more prescDUble condlllon than oor
ut glass to hold unhnllcil siraware that team aud driver will be found own. that have pasa«>d tbrougb purbapa
I many
a ghastly monnment to tbostorm king's two or three cleaniuga Id
■ I'nkolstered Farsliarv.
Tbe resMD for this Is more tbsn any
The farmer who has bnrried 10 or IS
le artkies and in-nt the dust
milee to tbo uoaroat vinage to eeonre other oue thing Ibe difference In tbe out first witli a thin t-aiie. then mb the
rappHoa for tbo Impeoding vislUticai prdciws of cleaning, says a leading
Qg nil over with dry bran and
is often overtaken before tearhing his critic. In suburlian localities, where a flaum-l. This is a tn-nirocnt iltat
waiting family and perishes on the road, tbe moilent profesMlonal curtain clean ahould not in’ denhsl upliolst<-n-d fur
for DO uiatter bow wt-11 i>e knows tbe er Is unknown. It Is altogether probable
ig Cl(
path whuu the bticaard rages bis way that tlie ourtalns IsKt a* long as ever.
is as that of Uio mariner WlUiont a com- They are can-fully washed under the
|sTBoual,su|M>rTlslna of the huu*ekcepChocolate In matiufactuttsl from tbe.
er or by tier own liands. are put upon
At tbe tnirle ■
tbo eutllere' children ar« gatberad from the gnrn to bleach and when sufBclcDt- finer kinds of cacno sci-ds, with the nd-.
a territory oovering many miles in ev ly clear nre rlns>><] and .sinrebed. not ditlon of arroaroot. sugar and t anllla
ery direction, the bliasaril brings terror loo SUIT, for that might cause them ta fiavuring. It Is rolled luto n paste oni
to the pnpils as well as to ttn-ir pareota l<reak. bnt Jmn enough to make tbi'm hot i>Iates nnd <asl In molds In tb«
Kcacno In impiasiblo mitil tbo Inll look new. Tliey are tlitvi ni-ntly and sliaiM- of sticks or cake*.
oomca. and awful pomibllitloa lurk in r>-gnlarl.r plnm-d down ii|m<u the parlor
Ibe boeam of tbo storm. A Dakota eann-t en<l left lo dry with locked
acboolmlstrcM failed to dismiss ber doors to kM'ii out Intruders and open a-tUi r
t rlbbou, are c
•ohulars in time for them to reach windows to let In the air. When taken
borne and found faenelf and them pris- up. they are almost If not oltogetbcr
cners from a blUzard's approach. A as good Imiking as now and have suf
Happy 1* the youth aho.se crop of
night aud a day at least wuie before fered Huh- If any injury during tbe wild oNts Isn't Wurth hurvcsilug.
ber, during which ber little chargee priM-i-sN. Tri«li-d In this way tam
Some women fancy they Iwle flat
must be protected. Deliberately $bo' boured laeo curtaiUN will lost until the tery wheti all they bale U the awkapportioned tbe food remalniog in tbe owners am wearied with seeing them wanlnes* of tbe flatten-r.
dinner paila divided tbe larger bays around and get new ones for vartoly.
Nothing worries a girl mon- than tb
into squads to keep tbe Are bamlng
Tlie modern process is very different. din-nrer that the man after her
Jly, and when da'rknoss came put The curtain 1* put Into a large cal heart Isn't after It at all.
. onnger pupils to sleep on tbe bench- dron, with s<-areely water enough to
All the world'* a rcallstk- stage and
• ea Then
tbrongh tbe bltta night she cover it. and Is boiled in 'the atrongest many of the actors are c»iu|H-lk'd to
■aug, declaimed, told stories, invented blearhing cbemlenls. ' It li slightly step aside lo let the trains go by.
When a m.-iu Is too proud to beg and
..games and kept tbo frigbtonod ehildroo rinsed and stlOly starebitl. If it Is torn
amttaed and ebeured as beat she could. or tbe thn-ads are. broken, a seeUon of too iium-st to steal he go«-s out and
Tbe following day pamed much the uet lace Is dippi-d In thick sUrcb or bunts some other man who Is wilting
trust him.
sama but still no abatement of tbe ]>astc and laid over tbe broken spot,
It is not tbe height to wlii.-h a
•term noranyreacuA Tbe aocond night n biefa has been inrtly riosed by being
was dreary indeed. The children cried drawn logetlier with vi-ry fine thread. Is advanced that make* bhu giddy—
it's looking down with i-nutenipl un
tbemselvui to sleep, hungry and oold. Tbe m-t is then pressed upon tbe enr- iboHc abo b<’l|>rtl biu up.—Chicago
With her own bands tbe teacher bndee lain with such force as to unite them Dally Newa
up desks and blackboard to feed tbe ro- like one fabric. Tbe curtains are than
tarions stovA With morning oame a tlried, foldnl and aeot borne to be put
A man has to find time In order to
about at tbe door as tbe MtUen tbovellost IL
«d away tbe now, and then tbe plu^
Tbe les-* some people know tbe mot«
girl to whom tbe obildixm owed tbeir
they try to show off.
Tbe windows to the drawing roona
lives showed ber womanllntas—and
A child can a*k a qitestloD in ten
In the days nf Chippendale and Sbera- thousand dlffvn-Dl ways.
Tbe loos amestg stock on tbo plains bff lon were tall and narron-. They were
The man who holds four a»«es carries
eaedi blloard is appalling. There is leas act between tbe deep revcala wbieb things with a high hand.
expoonre of herds and Books now
iKib't get into the habit of reUUng
your troubh-s to your relations.
in aorllor tlmeo, yet every soaaon oanaes
tbe dmtraetlon of tbonoauds of bond of
A man must be very much alira In
oMie and sbeep on tbe range* and in
order lo be a successful dead l>caL
tbe snsheltord oerraU hercral yean
Even pbutograplier* are unalile to Indn<e tbe |H>ssimln to look pleasant
agadaring tbe beigbc of tbe Texas cat
tle trade, a bliisard in wrotera Kansas
early in Oeoember deftroyod more than
bait of 300,000 oaUU that were being
fasrded on tbe open prairie. AtooeraUeach of bl* inisiakes ne<
ever coupleles
way station, after tbe erkrta, 86,000
bis eJuiyilon.—Chlcagu Dally Newa
bideawere eblpped. at another 10,000.
Oae ranchmaa found bnt IS' beadalive
When Ibe Boera mobilised tbelr
OBt of T,600 that had beru grailng'beforces it la tsld thst they only called
fot« tbe catMtrepbe. aevtral bnndiad
aanda s a nf betdets also per- coDtalaed tbe folded abnttera. ray* out tbe first levy, of men between
PuraltuK and Dacorator. Tbeae win- aigtatOMi and thirty-four, some 23.OU0
dowa"gcoemUy gave spoa amall troa in alL The second k-vy would con
sist of those between thlrty-Sro and
bakonlea, and tbe ortbodax
«daaa drawing room «< tboaa days aaaanapabteafbeartafs
*a(na* MMiMnl.iaU|« te- ttlaad ttew aach atMMbM «««tw
' P« U^loriiile SUMS ^Fryoui
Fuieial Dirteitr.
ConsDltation and EiamiDatioa Free and Suictir Ceifideilial.
Nov President ortbeOttniiii ledicalInstitute Go., lnRoNiui,lck.
Thursday and Friday, - June 7 and 8, 1900.
for rest and worabip. In oppoaltion to
tbe 7to day Sabbatb. has no divine
origin, bnt U an toslitntloa of tbe
Catholic ebureb, and which they claim
aa the mark of tbelr power, and inprophecy a power ia repreaenled by a
beast, aa the empires of Babylon,
Medopeeala, Greece and Ba-nc; then
the forma of chnreh powers aa pagan
and papal Rome, and many otbera: so
the Roman ebanto la eaUed tbe beast-see Rev. I3:ie. 17. in. The istb verae
aaya. "Here ia wisdom. Lst him that
I nndentandtog eount the hnmbar
of the beaet, for U ia the oomber of a
man. and bit nnmber le alx handred
three score and elx." or 60C. This
nunber epeUed to Roeun eharaeten
gives the title given to the Pope, vis.,
vloervgent or vUsor of Christ. Next
read Bto. JOtoand nth varera of-J4th
ehapur of Rmalaltoaa. that yon may
aadersiaod the threatentoge of Ood to
^m that iweeive tbe mark of tee
beaat or the badge of hb power, which
to the Sanday Sabbath oommanded by
the Roman OatboUc ehnrob pnd ae
eepted by tbe Protestant ehurehee. In
rt oppoeiUon to tboeommaadmaa-a
ofOod,aadtothaobaervaaeaaf it yon
rimply declare the Pope aad the aathority of the Roma ehnnh to ba
Oalerrh, UU-MU or tbe Krv.Ber. Nosv.Tbroei aod Lubr*. D/ipepSi
brtav, Xldory, U'rr, BUddrr.Obroblr Fraal* bod Sriobl OIMaese i
WMViSbUibvorvf-r fbllvd In ibovvbud. of CMM iSbl bed bees w_____
Mboy pvoplv aivi dvbib vrvrr yver wbo wKki bare been teeieroS le penmi asona aaa may
pibOM Ihvir rumlb Ibv hbodv of rxpvna.
IKPOBTAJrr TO X,ADUCS-DB.OTniAJf. bOvT ywet.iiperteam.has Mmemeil
DMCtUSauiO BABd earns la every erne
t SMl bU O
“A’^MJ^Allf’AJrD poamr*
P08IT. _ ovu
tor the bwtulcSoeu at early vie* bad■ lUe BB■eeroov cvtUUibl
ASrBBCCRSter an eremeW ..................
OBBa nbrboiebd enied wltSeei peia er Oe.~i bU delicbte dlbocCrfb |iirn11ir W;
bbz. pealUvbLy rorbd. be well be tBSeI dlbWAe** Ubt reeBlt frow ycBlhral M„ .! iSe bzebee of WblBrr yvbrb.
Caiwar. rfli^d pymiee ef
eed perwbMwUy cores by thi
aipericr taO«A...d Iram'Ua tetaaay Prinl^SPX Iftt
to'ipveB. Peteem raieed le bee
IS Aer wtk.glvtagi '
Bobort* wtUXatcr iohMAMborv at Boon Today.
la Oraiid Baplda OaaaaaM. VhUa
Forry Took n«a Varda.
OfMoJ mTS» K«r«lnf Baeard.
9«k«a JsMilMi O0SMti-
Fourth Year—No. 957
poll FOB imi
Om KiUlon Thao Benybt U Veat Tir.
yiato-Baylaad Xioaaa Oood
n«Mial u> m Mwsisa aaooae.
Oaa TtoeoMad Bahsto Baneaadad Nav/ Yerii. May IS - Ayaata of the
aliaa yovaramaat hara erdarad I,*
Tows of Oatarmaa aad Atlaehsd ■0,000 teas ot bUamlaoas eoal la Woat
Fwty-Alrd lafaatry from Ttoaahaa
Bay la tha Mlyht-Only Oaa Ababtalaadoeal from teytaad, Praaoa
arlau EOlad - Btnaty laonryaata
bat ahlafly from tha
Oaptarad aad Town of Parvla Bnra- dnt aamod aenatry.
aoUant Work of An
OB iBland of SamBT.
Otaod Ban^ Mtoh.. May l»-Tbsn
was a hot tlaa at tha B
wlik IMMl ••• rnt^
hara today aad a hard aad blthar
tVB*QimT-V« mmrn 'm^n Bmb fi^t batwoaa Uo Tmrrj aad StaarM
taroaa is tha aaroral wards. Thara
bj«ra« >b9M
XaT.ooo aotaa oast aad aaaaoal
oaaUootodoa aoooaatettha
aW u taiw a
amvial eoataok Btaaraa, hewa«Um« rMM giceMaUot an
» oat wiBBsr, aasorlaf tha
dalarattooa ot oaraa wards whila
Farry oaiitarad firs wards.
apMtol w Tsv MwalBc Bmm4.
'a^aui •• n* MmiM tMoH.
Manila. May so—On Anrll SO, 1,000 Leader of BabaUion la Vaaanala OhptiiTii— May so—Tba war to vlrtaaltared.
ibato aarronadad tha town of QatarIjorar. ttoaowalialaama laadtofMebCroayMrapaeial aormpoodttl
laa. Island of Baaaar. Dnrlay tha ■peetol toTM Hofalsa aMord.
atPralerto.wktohwaa aaat trem tba Minister OoDC«r Bsqasste a aiyht they day tranehaa and nttaekad Oamana, Vaaasnalv May ss—Oaaaral
Boor aapilal Maoday aad raealnd hara
Captain Oooka'a eompany of the Forty- Bamaadaa. the nvolntloaary laadar.
at 8 o'oloiA Taaaday aftoraoaa. aaylac Oosrd at Amaiioaa Lagatloii. third volantaar infantry. The fiyht haa bean eaptond by tha yoma
laatad Ull daybreak, whan the nbato toreea. Tba revolutloa to ended.
tha Boon had dbaadoaod furthar raatoUaoa aad wooU ImBudlataly aaa Bitoatloa Doelarad to be Sarlooa — wan diaparaad. Captain Cooke had
one kUlod aad ona woandad. HUc
tvpaaae. roar hoars latar aaaa Lord
Mr. W. H. Ooodspaad. the Uoa Cof
Daayar that the lUriaa Onard mand bnriad 180 Filtplnoa.
fee aaleamon. to atop^ay at tba Botol
Bohan's dtopateh aoooooclor that ha
He »ya vba mla of Lion Cof
Ordered Prom thS Newark Oanaot Major Allan of tha Forty-thisd In Whltiny.
fee to rapidly Inenaslay. aa the people
fantry, hat baaa aoontinjr for a «
wlthoBt oMxalUoo sad woald soUr •at to tha Oty Bafaly.
aomato knowlto dnadrinklny qnallIn tha vlelnity of Oatmalayaa. Ba l«a
tha alty at aooa today.
SowUI u> TU Men:«« kaeord
aneeaadad In elaarlny the valley of
Than to aa aader aaetloa of TkaatWaahlsytoo. May t»-Tba altnatlon nbela, but lost Llauunant Evans, and For J«n« lOirribM to lo Frjaut.
Tsslars who woald Inap ap a hopaloas
one oorporal killed and four wounded.
otratrla U tha and. hot ittoaowradapartiMat aad la raaponae to a Drtochmanto of the Forty-aanond aad
yarded aa alsaat esrtalB that Pratorla
»t troinVlnlatar Oonyer a marina Thlrty-aavaath volnntoara Infantry and
wlU esptulau within slaw dayi withyn^
Amarithe Blevaath cavalry marebad by nlyht
ont farther rasUtaaoa. In fact tha last
hoars of the Booth Afriean npnbUe ean layaUon. Tna erulaer Newark to and burned Parwln, <P|iMn) tha->aad
hare baea raaahad aad llttlo ramalna stTakn and If tha railroad to Pekin quartare of Colonel Utllaa sod cap
has baaa tied op by rIoUta then to no tured so Intoryento.
Thlny-aeveaaayt.to hasl dowa the flay.
other way fur tha martaaa u'raach anth Infantry to atill pluauioy the rab.
Uadoo. May tS-Tha foUowtny tr
Lord Roberta'hai baaa roaolTSd at the Pekin axaapt by a marah aoroaa the
aoaatryertoproaaad ap the river la
Either method to oon
aldarad daayaroaa The daltoany of
thtoana.--------------------- ------------ tha aitaatlaa (or this yovaramant to to nturnad to Tarlae and brouybt In to
8 laBuyaato with ss rlflaa.
•yyoosd. Tharsworaao aaaoaltlaa-ao
far aa 1 am aware la tha main aolaan protaat Amarlmaa la China wlthont ac
aad aot many. 1 trast. In tha oaralry oporatlny with other powara. It baa
aad mooBtad lafaatry. The anany
did not azpoet os aatU touorrew aad only walled tha apparent naaaaaity for
haasaotoarrlad eS aU thalrrelllay Inndlny troopa to taka abaalau poaaai- XlBTBO PBraOBB Shot TBBter.
atoak. WahaTapcaatostoaef thajano- Moa of nortbarn China, aad If other
day ID St. Irooia.
dohaaaoabary aad Na powara land mariaaa it will offar an
tal. aad Pratorla aad Klartadory by axanaa for Baaala to sand aa army from Atlampla of Trnaalt Co. to Hon Cara
laUway. JohaaaaobBty to roportad Port Arthur u Pekin, probably with
tha oonaant of tha Ohlnaoa yoramn
Htaaltod la Bariona CoBMqaaaaM
'■■ ' ■
qalat. CTO
Mo ulaoa.
baaa lajnnd. I ahaU aauuaa the ooa
—Two an Fatally lajnrad.
Black kid. plain bUck cloth
uadant la tha asralay. aad if. as I
apMlal W Tb« MemlM nMorU.
tope, corruyated solre.
asyaet. than ahoald ba ao opyeattion.
IT Peek Charred with On- 8t. Lento. May sr-Tha attaapt ta
I ynpMS to Qatar tha town with aU tha
CbocoUte kid. kid topeopen tha north aad sooth lliua of tha
tfoopa at iLMoa."
lavfnl Malhoda la Dtopoatay of
medioffl height.
eompany preelpltotod a aumPratorla. May
rla Loranao Mar
tpaot to Bxblbttore.
Chocolate kid, pUid cloth
har of rlota today durlny whtoh alavta
qa«. May s»—The Boars hSTS oaaaad Bpvclat U> Tba Herolaf Bword.
taaStf .farther raatotaaoo tothsad- Waahlaytoa. May ss-Advlaaa from paraoaa wan shot, two fatally aad a
imbar of-othara pn ballovad lohava
Chocolate kid, extra height,
eaaaa o! tha British troops. Than to Paris ladlaato many unaatlafaetory dc
yood loasoB to b^lata that tha Traaaplain brown cloth tope.
at tha axpoaltian. Sonu thair nanui aot obtained. On aonth
nlata to tba atUtoda of tha Fnaeh Broadway alone aiyht wan shot.
BMfottotlooa for paaaa U they bar* not antberltlaa toward tha Amarioan as Odifomia sraave, two mao and on
•Inndy taken tha flrat tUpt In that hlblta aad others to tha atUtade of tha Towar Grove avanna one. B. B. StildlnaUoo. Yaatarday they mads Anal
ot 60 Tarraaaa avanna. Chloayo.
laqaMaa U rariona qnartart by eabla, Amarleaarxhlblto. The atata depart whan hU wife raaldea, and Harman
tetHey it any bops mlyhtatUl ba aatar- ■ant today raaalvad a oomplalat from T«thkc, wan fatoUy woandad. fitkara
tainad of halp from friandt abroad.
aa Amarleaa axhlMtor maklay aupt shot wan Gaoryo Laaaataa. Albert
May t»—Tha war ettea has aarlons aharyaa of blaokmall ayalaat Waekwiu. Wm. Oraaaaman, Dolly
aakad Lord Bobarta If ha aaa land 100,aad thoaa aaeodat- MltohaU. JoM MeCMUay. Joba Daek000 of hto troopa In Bayland baton tha ad with him la hto
ar. Frank Yanyar. J. P. Btoa and Mar
Tba dopartmaat do« aot feel warraat- tin Bnrka
ad la maklny pnblte tha aamaa of
eempUlaaats at the praaaat time aer
tha aharyaa. bnt U to adarittad that
Q^varnmont will Bnlld Ona If Arsor they an aariona aaooyh to eaU tor laFradHX.ne
Oanaot ba Boasbt ata Baaaoavoatlyatlon.
d Bia Ova LUa
able PrkM.
Briefly atotod. the
Tmurdny Afternoon,
■piBiiluTU Monied aerert
Pjpaler Shoe Hooee.
that tha Amarieaa dapartMnt at tha
Waahlaytoa, May SO—By a veto of asposltloe toaUotlayapaeo to thahiyh- navelal le The Heraiax awiBnl.
lOTf to ISt tha hooaa nfasod to eoaanr sathlddara and anapplylay tha it- Grand Raplda. May s»-Oraad Bapida
It to tha aaval eolpla to thair paraonal
aa ahoakad this afuraooa by a tiayaa bill dlraatlay tha a
dy whtoh addad another to tha nlnady
lamyllat of
taryoltho aavy to balld aa armor
yiyto taatery If bo cannot hay armor
elttosim, Fnd B. Lnaa. oseratair and
tar Bioo a tea or lass. Uataad It Doclsloo of Mafaroo ao Dtoplaaalny to ■aaaynr of tha Luap Fnraltnn Co.,
has voted to eeaanr with the amaad- Chloayo Bporu that Ha wsa Mcarly took hto own Ufa by ahootlny blmaalf.
Ho And a revolver bnlUt Into hto head
Boat ylvlay tha ooerotary aitberity to
Mobbed, but iavad by Poliee.
boy armor at a raaaooabla pries and If
thronyh the month. lU health hai afapKlal u> Tb« Maraiac Uvronl.
dtotod the daoeaaad for aoma Uma and
than ha to to hnlld a factory tor whleh Ohlonyo. May IV-Eld MeOoy was to thto to dnt hto rank aot. Be wai
ylvaa tba daetoloa la the aU ronnd
«4.000.000 an aopnprlatod.
yaaraof ayr.
toot with Tommy Byan at Tattoraall'a
□•LAVUMTBBZO BT •‘■OXtBS.*’ toniyhl. 'fhe daelalaa to nnpop<
Bpoetatocs nnmband naarly SD,000.
Bafaraa Boyaa was aaariy mobbad.bat XIavid Ward, XalUmUIlonaira. Fai
bared and Vaaqnlabad.
Away at Orchard Xrnka TaatorSycelel tc tot Hmlaa BnarddayMprnlay.
iBpbBml&Xt Ii'on Moant^n
Lwdoa, May SO-A dkipateh from
Bseholta la tha fourth rd^. Bar.
Datrolt. May S»-Darid Ward, tba
and other
Bhnayhalaayv: ‘-The livorlal troopa Alaxto Jeffrlaa. fathar of tte paylltot. luabar kiny of this auto aad probably
aaat to dtoparoa the •‘haem" ■
the riahmt man in Miehlyna. died at
hopaloaaly ontanmbarad aad aavoral
boM.at Orchard Imka thto
haadnd kUlod. Thoaa aot kUlad or
■oralny. Be wae TR year* oU. and
imiaii^ j^aad tha “heaara" la a
lenvm aa miata mUmatad at AM.OOO.
Vbw Lineo
I<ov KtoteB
Ward was a vary paanlfar man. Ha
Taatatdoy-a Baaa Ball Beeroa
Bald Jk TBo TaUay Olty—S- Phad aoma up troa poverty, aad ha
aavar loat hto aaeoath apsaaraaaa aad
AMOKican Loaoua.
laaoaan for hto potaomal appearBa wae vary eloaa la hto d«l
Oraad Bapida. Mtoh , May SS-At tha
■satiny of tba Bapnbltoaa Stoto Oaa iaya,. and aavar let a
BewaethamMtaxtaaaivaewaar af
tral Oommlttoa held ban today It wm
BatoL Bnahlay; Patloa. Wllnoa.
daddad to bold tha B^hltoan atoto ■band laada la tha atoW, both of
boavaatlea In Grand fiapids on the STth piaa aad hardwood. Ba waa waU
Bt;Bart.8ptoM of Jana. D. P. Markay of Port Bmroa known ta navoeal la thto city Md
was aalaatad ■ act aa towpnrary chair- when a yoany man waa a aomipi nl» a<
Pmiy Hanaah of thto elVDatidt
handnanoasL utascra.
qnartara far the oMto eaatral eoaHIOBT BXDB FAHALYBBO.
Ptttabnry-Ohioayo rtia.
Me ether anttooal laayaa yamet ■IttaaaadtbatoUowlayoBoars wan
I aaa At ladtoa, yentlaMa aad ehUdmr
DeThe aatt Uqreto man hat made hto
u with beat ahooaat lower prteaa than,
wot^. Daaato B. Alward; OpMtol to !%■ Moentoe Saeavd.
appoataaea at Pateakay aad whaalsaaa
Bay athsr ato.*a ta town.
Cbastm. Bnylaad, May S»—Mra. Bapalriay aaatly. aad qatokly dona.
an kept hiV maadlay paaatarnd Mna. B.aOmiyarofGraadBapl^.
Qladnleaa. widow of WOUaa Ewart
Tha oM mathed of pntttoy hrekaa
QlnAataai, tola a ortttoal anmiltInB,
fiMB la ths path of tha nawsary whaaP
tront wtodew?
tu Fnat BtreM
------ FOR------
All Sizes and Kinds
Genuine U. S. Bunting Flags
At the Old BeUable
Seen the New Ties?-25c, 50c, |
jleaee tb<‘ boye-.-they usually know what's what iu the tray
lothiiig—have ideas of their own.
Beede Cee Pleese Them Every Time.
The qaality, style, finiib of our boy’s clothing plesses all
ooocemeo—“parent, boy, puree.” Our prioea are never higher,
morcLoften lover than the other
;her fellows.
Ttro.pieoe suite......................$1.50. $2.00, $2.50 to $(>.00
Three-pieoe enite.................. r2.50, $3.00, $3.50 to $7.50
Knee Ante, with donble seat........ ............. 50c to $1.50
All the latest patterns end “reel wool"—if vessy sa
"Union Made Clothing.”
‘‘Uniou Made HaIa**
!■)[ of These Styles
We have bought the entire sample line of a leading
manufacturer at 50c on the dollar and beginning to*
morrow morning we will offer jou a $7.50 'Suit for
$3.75; a $10 suit for $5; a $15 suit for $7.50, etc.
Ladles' Kid Lace Shoes:........................98o
Men’s Batin Calf Bale............................ B8c
Boy's Satin Calf Bals......................... $100
Ladies’ Blach and Tan Oxfords.......... 76o
Misses Box Calf Lace.......... ................76o
Woman’s Kid Button, ......'...............76o
Serge and Oarpet Slippers.................. 860
Woman’s OU Qraln Button Shoes...... 970
Men’s and Boy’s Working Shoes.........98c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Oxfords
at.................................. .60,60 and 76o
Get them of the Old BeUable,
Minute Rates
New Store
' Upper Peninsula
»««aRH6a aaaaaaHKaaanAtoaaHMHMi
In fuUj utiafled with tfah vaar, atyla and m
fit of our
Don’t Pay High Prices i
J* *5
842 Front Street
$a.OO Shoes j
We hare a handaome aaK>rtioent of both ladiea* aad
gents sboea for yon to aelect from. > Orer 90 dilfereat styUa
that sell at this prioe.
W« have the black, the tan, laoe aad battoa, light
flexible eoles—heavy soles for street wear, roaad toes and
pUin toes—in fact almost any style you’d And in a $S riioe;
# McNamara Block
iasHSMtHiHaa «a«««a«a«« »«aa««
fB0»00BA>B or aouns
Mra. C. W. Aabtea Second a Tory It
iUrfU. bUciuriUi •!«»•
Ed. Watt and Samal Otbtn Bnrt
Mr >111
•!<»•< XXU'
Slanrle ebocka la tha KMwi.
Mn.C. W. Aabtoatoeka Votocrapb
nAvnn art - micbiqab
BUwk Taatacday.
Hnday dariartba aallna that la oar.
Bba waa la tba
tl» l«o> Ito* •* »0;^
In tba WaaMl. block ter con. tine by yard watch Inf tba aeUpaa wbaa it waa
OIUID T»4V»1«* limiUl.
rtMtrirtty. which baa nada Itaalt fait n(T«tadtbatab. takoa photo(npb
tertnawaya than on. and baa bean of IV Bba aoaordia«ly fot bar haa^ T.
»■ «i»™'
nrtla(Ua;a«7 aboeklnf *aa^. tha baadb oasara aad made tba axpoanra.
8ba aappoaad that tba plate bad haaa.
Mat aaran ahoek bain» noalnd by
X W. HITO »M» "* »»«€«•
waatod. bat apoa dawto^ar It teaod
Bd Walt yaataiday aftaraeoa.
la aoBM way tea alactAe H(ht wlna tbataBaapbotefnph bad «aaa takoa
tooMlw »t Ua k04ttl»» »«rt» o! A. U
tbi aeUpn. abowlac tha eloada with
«nsa la eoatact with oaa of tba watar
firm la tba old KaWbtaofPytblaa
Ttara wUl b* I
Ow ot tba atranca^ thlnca abont tha
ball, and tbna the mrraat waaeatriad
to aU yarta of tba balldiaf. Bnry pbotcynph to the fact that the ana,
BecanBc you hare soar xream for your coffee. You
....................... totara a taneator wtMk appaara la. tha ahapa of tba
tnkaadrlnrwa^la dancer id iaaai« eMoantnooa.to antlnlyblaek. Mnshould hsTC a Refrigerator of Ice Box. We have
^ Thoaa now bata bail nnltemwiUba
Aahton to tha anTlad of aU tha local
inf a abodt.
both and they are the kind that is guaranteed to
lnap«*b» lbl. Vt.r~
tor bar aaeeen in oV
Monday a)(ht Fraak Paine. wkUe
dnwinc a paU.o^^wta^ tmn a hydnat
keep everything nice and sweet A good refrigera
nM«lUb.aBaattaffo( tb. U*K
U» M~ll 1. iO~ ww «a »»
tor IS a good investment and costs bnt very little.
tern Bank KnJ«bta ot PytWaa tUa kaoakod ^boat Un toot away, the
Mtot wminr (after the propoa«w—
e^ln,tordrm. AU *«nb.»anrt- pan of waterlifollowad bln aad r*w
Bnt are yon qnlte ann yon beUew In
Ua a thoronrhlbapaan lltUe abort of
aartOdto.be ?««“»•
•acood loreT
Mia B. Jlakllnf. tba laaabrt of pen- iananloa.
Mr. tVoodby (a widower!—Certainly,
A talaphwia man took hold cf a tan- ny dear. Sow anpjwae a man buya a
.Sipitn ua rtty atbooto. tn. U..
ThaTnTWM av o«d»k u* ■•»
oat to hie laorrow. and waa «lytoo pound of iorar: it is aweet. Isn’t it?
Mlaa tVUlIn*—Yes, of courae. But-------■ wHh lha atuu4a ot Hmk». dbb. whleb waa irinn to ^ by tba (Udtoletl-l^lwltboat walUn(fora
120 Faroan-b Sbaree’b.
Mr. Woodby—And wlion thal’a (ono
Oood A Karar. whoaa prapoalUon to BopUaoftba Blmwoodannaa aebooL printed Inaltetion. Sennl olbera betai7 ew watw- •orka b«da wa ^ MteJiskllBC wry »««k appnrtataa oana eonrinead that then waa too he natnrally wants anuihor jionud—I
and the a-cond iwond la Just as sweet.
«»ptad.aThia faallafto DOt coataad
tba (1ftlailMOitj offldala. eithar. ai maa;
nr.WUl Lockhart baaUnndanlto The aoda fonnteln waa tell of 11 and
pcoaxlaaai atUeu uka aa naoh prida
paopla bnapad np acainat Itinall aoru
of rooaa In rnnk rri«lrteb'. new
U Ua elt7'a eradU at 1b ttalr own; asd wblab ba wlU tt ap aa dantnJ p^lora. of Blaoea and It waa aboekinf.
lAay Batarallj raaant Iba aticftatioo
Yeaterday afternoon Ed Wait made
J. W. MUllkenbatwa wlU be eJond
Bitta bond bayara to taka a n»rt*a*a
tbanttteke(ofcloalnr tba elmltby
M Um watar trarka pUnt. Trarataa all day todayhold of a fanoav Ma wanted to
The Pen Marqaetta train d.a b« let go. and tried IV bnt the tebeet
aty doaa not bara to (iaa mortfacaa
To those shoe buyers who take advan
«■ anyumr aka ewna and bar boada at 10:16 laat nl(bt arrlTOd at t:10 thia atnek woraa than a porona plaater and
tage of the various shoe snaps we offer
BlB(. «
It waa
waa delayed by-wbooia.
an eraditad In tha Ananelal markala mornlBC.
-------• be toand that he needed h«lp to nleaae
from time to time in these advertisehit bold.
Snaoa. Good A Mayer made a da
In —
I, HWl ha
uv Anally aneoaeded
----r-jff- ments.
pntt of ItUwith their bid. aa an aylhu hand away be fell to the floor. . 4aM0 of rood faith. And 11 la qnlta MdtopaaathawaahOBta.*
^TURE’S coR^
Us iray ha atroek hie back haaally
AlUhaJawolryatonawlU cloaa to acainat a bu aad racUmd no aewa a
Ukaly that they wlU ataad a rood
abaaea of loainc tha awmnv
day, aona of tha other atone alao. teniae that it ennaad
nnnnd him
rmnl Inconbln----Sho« at........... ....................................f 14*. *1-1*. **«
A Curs for Nsnrou$ Hsstfachs. H.nJaom.
Oi^ aork Btekord anrela tha-brokara while othna will rtna iron 9 to » and
Good Weariog Boy’s Shoe* at............................................. $1.48, $1.18, 88c
VMiaaoa'dnriBC the rt»t
ypatatday. caUlar their attaatlen to atlll otbwa tnm 1 to Ii all thYtronbln was at
Theeaw. ofaU
Children’s Shoes, extr* good wearers, in red tsn sod bleck 76, 66,48o
tbatwmaof tha traaaaetlea. aad ia
a and
tba matter waa
AU nanben of Oonpaay M. an ra- last dtoooTvnd
You win recognise shoe bnixuliis when yon see our enstom made
fete ewanaiaaUoa ba toU than ia qnaatad to neat at Onafo ball thia
ramadied at onoa.
children’s shoep.
__ , _ . __
•lalaBafltthf that tUa dty axpaata
MralB( at 8:» o'clodr. » atart on the
tbaa to keep thrtr partof the eoatncV MTcb wltb tba 0. A. B. pnnply at 9
lattMatliur in no nacarUla tarata that
that dapoalt la atlll in poaeaealea of
The Eababnh lo^ga will (in an in lotal Aeaaaamant of the aty aa Olraa
tWerttyandwUl prohaWyatay ban if
Ibay break faith with thia nnalolpal. eraanaoeUIattba Odd Fallowa baUto tha Board ot Baview Is
1^. Tbb la tha firrt Ume that tha tonortow ni(ht. Tickata will »S8.716.818.
bMda of tbtt dty haw awr haaa qaoa- drawn f» n qnlU and aona laea,
The board of reaiew baa adjaumad
ttenad aad Ua ofiolala ahoold not haai- rood pro(nn will ba (Ina.
nnUl after tba Memorial Dsyracrctoea.
CaplB, of tha Tnnraanian will be
tnta to iBproaa the* Atm ia qneatlon
They will meat acato Friday, aod
with tba fact that thia natter U a bna ban today, and dtBtrlbntkw to tboaa
» «haerilnd ter than wUl ba- eantinoa their work.
The aesasamaot. rolls as sent to
rinatonaa altar ana
them (ire a tout raluation in the ci<y
SncEBTany Bat qnlrkly ««« .. .xnctoaa- No oopy wUl ba allowed to of $3,:i6.»16. of which 86.699.790 i* rahl
•laar to tha Boar noroys that tha adaad 81,815.417 U peruonal property.
telalstntloa oonld not do morn than li tba copy to taken.
The flfurr* hoT* bean aompleted by
»lMdy has dona to brine abont paaoa
Treseraa Bay TwV Ko. «6. E- O. T. Saparvlsor CIcTclpud for tha flflb
USonlh Africa. Tha United Btetes M. bad an nnoanally pleasant Una teat
ward, and are a* foHews; Real eilste,
gownmaot acted ptenpUy whan ai rraalnf. the oeeaalon ba n( an lUtla8*04,096; peruonal property $6,6S.6;
opportunity eflarad.throach tha appea tlon and aoelal aeaalon. Tba oecaaion
total. $770.0*6.
nada to tha rapmantatlraa of the rai was (icaUy oujoyad by all praaanVand
lorn naUona at Pretoria, and waa the after the evamonln of initiaiion. a
itadrii-r.>»rii-> niue.
OBly-BaUon which did aev At Its oSar
An Inii-rcrtlue littb- IhoU it ihiof nad toUoB waa than courteously d«AU the barber ahop* in the city will arni|ili ou "R<...miuc." wrltifu by Colby Eogland no further oppor- elote ihU afternoon at 1 o’elock.
oofl BadMi-l’i-wall of Mar.-kliij: fame.
tuity to now oCarad.
Dealhii; wlili qiilokni-toi «if**-y*-. niiU rpPater Oalkatt was badly ahahan up
markluK lUat vudiiuuu arUM- ami a lit
and quite aacarely irjered Mondaybya tle reit«-tlou will oft»‘o
lUmjt's cnatons raoaipta laat
runaway aecldant. UU team run usray. iiKist likely iMlute to look for
March amounted to S616.675 aa oonparund ba was thrown out of the wu(od my..........>loDel
........ -liadeu-l‘o
rtl with $646,168 in Mareh, 1699. Under
asd badly brutoad. thou(h it to thou(bt followltiR story:
'-Ouit- 1 was liariuK a match with a
Spontoh mla the larceat March raealpU that tba injury will not raanll aariow
ehlkari lii t'ariiuierv iia to wblclito*-4i*
TO* $699,416. in 189T; SO that their
t-ould *»•»■ furtliesi. . Ilf p.iluted om a
rMotfl haa been beaten by S210.0M ter *^Mra. J. M. Leonard, mother of Mra hlllKldf Mome diciancv off. and asked
tbntnoatb under American adin'nlaGreet big bottle ManxanIf 1 i-ouUlI ...Tav* ......
how M.......
Dieuy <-attle
Enongh for a whole fam
O. P. Oarw Of thto city, who died at
there were> mxluc on U. 1 cai'isHi
bar home U SnmmltCity Satnrday.wa* by• nsKJiiR
ily for a dime—ckick-D, bonll- illss far 15c—the Qneen’s tell
Id ftiarirt of thp faille. Now. I could
Bawauan inporu from tha United
' - kuoniiif:
— the LitUe Deviled
Ctntealaat February ware $i.4e7.95l.an yearaedd.
(Toe, and a box of corned ham ion, mock turtle.
f Id fbarK
of $460,000 orar the aarraiaTlOcTof'Vienna sausage with
Olives, s splendid relish for 15c.
pMdlac leoath In 1690. Fron all other
tiai.i a. .u,... .........
aauer kraot at 10c.
peutriaatba imparls amoauMd only
oittif. but tbf cowherd war Itcyond
to $666,676. balnc $600,000 Ian than Id Twanty-Ilftb AnalTanMy of Mteh- him. »o Ilf Bare It uj. aud t-oufcsaid
Tomato catsup 25c, s bottle
ican W. C. T. D.
blmN-U defeaU’d.”
Just unpacked the bi^jest
of best chopped pickles 2-5c.
; Tha Twaaty-fifih Anneal ConaenUon
Xn aaareiiy of iaaaaa for Damecratle
Cksf-rter U ■H.ndwrtllDa.
AU the work done for you
or •■Silaar Annlaurcary" of tha Womchow chow from 10c to GOc, and freshes* sell today for 25c.
AC to abowD In the
-Do you iH-llcvf there 1* au.vthlDB in
except the serving—One iwnnd
an’a Chrlatiaa Tumparane* Union of
ot the landara of that party to lo( the cUliu that iwn> cliaraeier* are
can angar loaf baked beans for Durkee.Sslad Dressing 30c to Big bananas at 20c dozen, new
tha Stela ot Mlchlpan will be held in alruwu In their haudwritlugV’
the Boath African war and otkv forPetcekey Jon* 6-6. 1900,
6c;VanCampe pork and beans
-Yert M Hi:iD who always writes hb
lemons 25c. oranges 30c.
A aery flu* lime U aaanrad. a* an name so limt it can be read at a clauw
at 10 cents.
exaaUant pro(iam baa been arranrad has not yet arriv.-d at the point wl.ere
taon BotscAMiao, a fomar Fillbe thinks the worid can better afford
to American
ptBO imnur,
will be prua^hV and a Imre* nUandanoa to waste lime working orer puule*
Something that’s good —
eoawatrnty. haa appealed to Acninaldo
than that br should put forth an extra
For sn after dinner smoke
Everything freeb daily al
to nrrendar and end hoaUllUaa.
effort, no liiaticr bow email it would
Canned chipped dried beef 15c,
the candy counter — Creamt The Traverse Belle, Jonah
potted or deviled bam 5c, Col
from 15c np — chocolates, 30 Chico, Dew Drop, Yoma, Oom
ombia salmon steak 15c.
Xa tka Xaqaaat Oaer tba Death of Mrs.
kinds, from 15 to oOc—mixed
Paul, Joe’s Leader.
Otto Dewitt.
candy fromioc np.
In wanaetion wlih the tteclc death
«l Mra. Ott Dewitt near Mabel it ia
Uaraed that the followlnc chare* waa
jteaatetheJarybyJnaUoeA.S. Pray,
To serve with Cocoa or
who bad ehaira of tha Isquaet:
Drives away that bad feel
Absolutely the finest that’s
coffee — Cheese sandwiches at
••eaoUaman of tha Jury—You must
mads — HcMonagh & Rogers’ ing — The Banner, Clausen's 15c the box, or Champagne
Bad In your fladlnca bow Mra. Otto DrWirt Mass to her doath-Oanaa, whan
lemon from lOe to $1.50—van- Pig TaU, LaBelle Creole. Gen.
They are unnecessary. So is a pair of tin cuffs
Wafers at 26c.
aad whara—from tba facta in tha eaa*
iUa from 15c to $2.00.
on a marble statute. Yet, so far as mere usefulness is
Arthur, Our Governor.
“Bon can Sad whethm her da*ib
mMda*tothaaacli(Moaef any perconcernfd they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any
■ec or pareoM. or whatbw purely
Mrtdntal without teult of anyen*."
thing else for that matter. .
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
We Now Place On Sale
.A., s.
You Want ,
The Good Things
And we axe here to supply you with them. We
are the Universal Providers of this northlregion.
Our grocery department is always in the’lead.
A Good
Baked Beans
5c Cigars
For Supper
hr Y. L D$mui Sk$M g« U ?riBU1
Two Tails
To a Horse.
A WMsanV Awful lariL
••Ibar. to only one dsante to ear*
jov Ufa and ttat to throu(h •» op«»
Som hm dorter after b* bad rauuy
AUrtonrthnd termed and ah. «o>
Wh«n we sell a package of goeds-oi-*-car load,
we invariably guarantee'evtry ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some
thing particularly palauble, and we ask you to step in
and look us over.
BAsT ewantend.
y»M—d1 Av a. lohnocM dincftoto
Xh. UM CoCrt knrtlws ha*.
^teliriildV. «ploItt.c
m that ohMrt. hnt drta
A 10 cent
!5c • box. Once in U»
Cream of Whsat 15 oeuta— •Rftinina
Fonld's Whsat Germ Meal 15c
Hand sorted and put np in bow new »itbOTt-8o wilk
Qoaksr Boiled Oats 15 esnta— Q^s pound i»cka®«farl*i©- iMko-r Prt «
Bbrsddsd Wheat DKseuit 15c Red Ribbon brand dssnsd enr- Cniiir .t SSb, SwUsCaTUT
—Psttiiohn’s Breakfart Food
la Sic, or TobMOO SuiM «t SSt
ranta 10c.
Store Open Tuesday's and Saturday’s Until 8 p. m.
The Hannah & Lay Mwiflle Co.
XHB morning RBOQ^RD. WEDNESDAY. MAY 30.1900
t xomvuia «soobo>
Mrs. C. W. Asbtan Second a Very Ttoa
Mlaotrlc Shocbo la tbo Mniuin
Mn.a w. AabVmtaok
Bloek Tutordap.
Monday dast«tba aeUputbatleaarMattan ban bau kept from doUaau tatolp mp nniqna. tta wu to tba
to tka Maaoola block toraomtimbp yard wnt^toff tha aoUpu wba It wu
olaatrWtp. wkl^ ku mada Itaalf fait e^taetod that aha takaa '
tomonwapa tbaa oaa aad bu bau
uttor In aemp
mafar. tba bandkaamara
,t tha Plata had baa
mat aamo aboek bator nealnd bp
rutad. bnt npoo danlopiar It foand
■d Watt putardap aftamcoa.
la aoma wap the alui& Ucbt wlm thata tea photornpb bad aaa taka
.Am to eatoet with oaa of tba wator ottfeadipaa. abowtot tha denda with
plpu la tba cdd KalrbtoefPptbtoB
Tbara wUl
hall, aad tbu tba eamal wueantod
OMof tha
la tba teat that tba raa,
lor tbatblid to aU parta of tba balldtor- Bwp
' to tarn a tanut or wblebappaatB to . tba abapa of tha
Because too have sonrxream for your coffee;. You
itlnlpblaek. Mra.
tbaa na«» baa bail nallc» wtU tabs a drtok ww to daaror of nodrshonld have a Refrigerator of Ice Box. We have
Athtoa h the urlad of aU tba local
lmMK> ud. rfwT—. toraahoek.
tor b« aneamto ob.
Monday airbt Frank Pntoo. wbUo
both aed they are the kiod that U guaranteed to
tolar tbla Ana ^etnn.
dnwtoc a paU,pQFatartrom a bydrat
keep everything nice and sweet. A good refrigera
n«,«UlbaaaMaUatof tha UaU doaod tha dralt to aom way and
tom Bank Kalrbta of Pptbtoa tbla kneabad rahont tan feat away. The
tor ta a good investment and costs bnt very little.
enalnflordrm. AU omabaraanTt- paU of walarSltollowad him aad ran
MlM wmiDK (after the proposi
,Mtad to.ba prcaeat
him a tboroarb^ptkm llttU abort of tot are poo qalta aura poo beUer
aeeocd loraT
Mta B. JitkUar. tba taaebar of pra- Ismanioa.
hit. tVoodbp (s wIdowarV-CartolBlp.
AMblp Up tba eltp acbeola. wm tba
_ tsIspliiMta mu todt bold cf a tea- lay dear. Now wiiH>c»a a mu buys a
...Iptanlol .™r, b».lU.l»«.l— ut to bis loerrow, sad wu mly too pound of ruumr: « l* awaei. Isat UT
n™i •"
Miss WUiiQS—Ya«. of num. Butiao B'roaa.’b Staxxyt.
Mr. tVoodby—Anti wli.-n thsfs pot
printed toeltatioa. Semal otbara be_pU>oIlh, *1
HboJidcUar wp «aeb appm
s eoBTleoad that than wu tw ha naiursUy wants anothi-r {Mwod—
moeb alutridty rnaator aroud lodaa ad tha socend iwnnd Is Just as sweat,
Isot UT________________ ^_________
Dr. WUl Lockhart baa laaaed a aalto Tba soda foutala wu taU of It ad
of room la Prak Priadriekb new bloek pupla bamped op acainat it toall aorta
whlohbawUlAlapu datal parlora.
1 plaoea ad itwu sboeklar.
Yuterdap aftarnooa BdWalt
J. W. MUllkabatorewUl ba akwad
tbamtsiake(of eloalor tba drealtbp
oU dap tedap.
Tba Para Marqutta trala dae ban taktorbddofafaoeet. Sa waled to
Ut ro, ud tried It. bat tba faUeat
at 10:45 lut Blrht arrlrad at *:10 this
To those shoe buyers who take advan
B«nlar. Itwudalapadbpwaahoata. etaek woru tba a porou pUster ad
tage of the various shoe snaps we offer
be toaod that be Beaded help to nlaau
one iutamtb of Sparta ad aaotbi
kla bolA
from time to time in these advertise
aorta of Grand Baplda- Both tba G.
Wba ba Anally soeeaadad intokinr
B. A I. ad T. 8. A M. tracks ware
hia bad away be feU to tba Aoor.
naad to pau tba waabata. ’
hla way ba atroek bia beak kurlly
All the Jawalrp atom wUl olou to- araiutabos aad roedndaowmaa
dap. UBS of the olbot atomatoo. tonlu that it ceased him rmt Imoa
A Curo for Nonrous Hoadaehe. Handoome Miaade’ Shou at.................................$1.48, $1.10, OOo
whUa otbara will elcu from 0 to I and
TsoUoos'dttriar the rrsfdftbad^
P«r elfhl year* I ■atn-r«d from connJpa. Good Wearing Boy'a Shoe* at..............................$1.48. $1.19,98o
atm otbara from I to a.
Thaeaua of all
UoD ADrwTerv oenroa. bea»<'iM.U>elM»d.
OrtM Duua.y teMiD* three <U)i> al a lime. Children’a Shoea, extra (^ood wearers, in red tan aod black 7C, 68,48c
All maaban of Oompnap M. an n- lut diaoonrad ad
qaatad to mat at Onafa baU tbla nmadlad at ooca.
Tou will recogniae ahoe bargaina- when yon aee our cnatom mode
bat Ml too bad an eOhei. Htnre 1 Ue«an
taklaiCMerT KlDV I bavt cnaU}'Improved cbildren’a shoep.
aoralBC at 5:ao o'eloek. loatart ra the
la tNBtb.Midom or oerer have bradaebe.
taaea falord iii deab, and M d<w4d«dly
with tba O. A. B. pamplp at ^
Well.~MnK K llalrb,Temple,N. H.
felerv- KliiKrureeCoiwtlriatlunaodalldla.
eaeoi uftbe Nerv ea, Htomarb. Urer aod KlO- 135
Practical Shoo Man
Tba Babibab lodra wUl rlra u lea Total Aascasmat of the aty u Gina pcra. HoldbrdnmMo. mc.aodMe. 5
•eaB aoelal at tba Odd Pallowa ballto the Beard of Bertaw U
>aorrow airbt. Tlckala wUl
dnwn for a qnllt ad aom laei
Tba beard of nnew ku adjmaed
rood prorna will be r*»n»Oopin of the Tnnmala wlU ba antil attor tba Memorial Dsy excrclacs.
bantodap. Md dMrtbathw to thou They will meat araio Friday, and
their work.
who ban sabaeribad tor tbaa wiU baTha assaMmeat. rolls u scot
riaatasu after tba eoaaoaeenM
them rl*e a toul nlnatloa la the ei'p
uoreteaa. Ro eopp will ba allowed
ro wltboataaaaah bainirpald la wba of $5,715,815. of which to.Sto.TW U tcbl
ad 81,515.417 U petoona) property.
tba WPP la tnku.
Tba Arum bsTc baao eompUtad bp
Tnram Bap Tut. Ko. Ue. E. O. T.
Sapartlsor ClCTelnd for the dftb
M. had a ooaauallp pleuat Uaa Uat
ward, aad are u follows: Bwl eslsta.
areolnr. tba oeaaalon ba nr aa lalUs
$864,095; pemaal property $5.2SS
tton and aoelal realm. Iba occwIob
total. $870,085.
rmUp Mjoped bp all preaat,ad
attar tba eannonlM of toltlatloa.
Ad Inii-raiillnB Utth- Uok Is ibi- moB
AU the barber abopa la the dtp will ocn>|i)i **u “R.-.IUI10C," writt<-u by folclou thU afiarnooa at 1 tWoek,
MM-1 Hsdeii-ruwelj of MafrkinK fauio.
iH-alliiK wIili ■iiilrkiii'KK ofOfjv. aud rp
i^tar Oalkeu wu badly abakao
ad qalta uearelp Irjarad Mooday by a msrklui: that conirnuu seoM- sikI a littie icfltK'iltiu will uficn sUBib-'^t the
rcaawap aeeldal. Hia team ra away, uwmt likely |»>iuis to look fur ilie ene
ud be wu thrown cot of the
my. <\ilunet iiadeu-l'tiwcU tells the
ud badly bniud. tboorb U Is tboapht followinB story:
•tJu.v 1 wji* hatiiii; s match with a
that tha laJa^P *^111 ^ot malt sarioiu. shikari
In ('sshuieri' v to whiohm us
could see furtliest. He puluted out a
Mrs. J. M. Leonard, mother of Mn hillside miuie dlKtamv ulf. aod asked
If I could see how nieDv cattle
O. P. Oarm Of tbla dtp, who died at
Enough for a whole fam
Great big bottle Manzan*
irrstlm: od 1L I eo|i|N<d him
bar boms to SommltCltp Satarday.
by nskJiiB blni if lie could see the lunc
bwlad Mmdap. Daceaud wu tm
Id chance of the <.-anle. Now. I could
la a box of Uneeda Biacnit ily for a dime—chicken, bouil illas far 1.5c-tbe Queen’s wdl
paan old.
Bd. WaltnaiSamaa Olhsra BaooleW
ttot ttaatV ku
•nolbar Ant ala« foot baU plapar la tba
,Ma oftbabootWaakatJ.O.Uar
eijju) nAvxsn bseaux. ^HS^ParOr-np. Haba baa^
U. nna bafan and aaaala at tba pool—ar—
T. B*«» *» J- W. Haot- ttOBrfVanrtarandaad, Halaaaaloa
* «. Baj—■
—* llMifwOaofaV. JararaaataadaaararaM
OB tba wriat jraataadap wbfla ttUnf
bottlaaattbabotttlic»wkt of A. L.
T«7 »rop«l» ■■WtWl
TkaTnwM CUty eOfllAla m
yTl------■ wHh Um AUltvde of Mimw.
Good A lUyw. wkoie pr^ialUoB »
k«7 ow w»t«r wwta teedi wm •«■
«»pua.aThU tMlImt* not eeniMd
M Ika «ltjr cffidnU, •>Umt. w babj
pvOBlMat eltUMi Mka M maoh prid*
la tk« dtj'a endil u la iMr owp; and
th«T antwnUx mat tha ncftntkw
fld tb« bond b«T«* to taka a mortcac«
«a tka watar worka plant. Trav
atp doat not ha*a to r>««' martC'.
«■ anythlac aba ewaa and bar bonds
ara andltad la tba Aaaaetal markaU
wltk balnc flnt elaaa aaenrltlat.
eaaara. Good A Mapar mada a dappait of IBM wiik tbrlr bid, aa an erldwaa of rood faltb. And It ta ^nlta
Ukaly that thap wUl ataad a rood
ikuaa at loalar tba asoaV
atp Clark Blakard wiota thakaokars
ppataadap. eaUlnr tbalr attwtia to
lhataraaof tba traaaaetloa, and la
Maaounptatla ba toU than la
flaUBaflkktthat tbla alty aapaU
thaa to koap tb^ part of the oatraet.
lattBatlat ia m aaoortab tanaa that
tkat dapoalt la atUl la poaiiaala of
tbla eitp and will probablp au; bora tf
Uar braak faltb with tbla asnalolpalMr- Wa Is tba drat tlaia that tba
baada of tbla alty baaa am baa ^aaatleaad and tba efielala ahoald not bealtata to Impma tba« Am la qaaatira
with tba foot that tbla rnttar ta a bu
BacarrAar Bat qalrkl/ aaad
4aar to tba Boa aropa that tba ad•lalatraUa cald not do mora tha it
alraady bu draa to briar aboat peaoe
UBoath Afrioa. Tha Uoltad Sutaa
fOmnmat aetad prompOp wbee
ppportoGlty aaorod.tbroarb tha appul
■ada to tba rapratattUrea of tba rat
Iona natioH at Pretoria, and was tbi
'"'Mdlp^tion whiebdidaet. As its offer
of nMdisUon was tba ooortaonslp dc
•liaad bp Borlad no farther oppor
tanitp is now offered.
uUuna reoalpta lut
Manh amooatad to ISIS.ITS h oompar
ad with St45.4«8 la Manb. 18U. Uader
Apalah rale tba tarfut March reaelpU
wan tm.tst. ia ISST; ao that their
roaord bM bera butoo bp toio.ooo for
that math ander Anerlea adm'als«»““■ -............................. ,
BAWAUAPiespom from the United
fflatulMt Fabrnarp wan PI.eaT.OSt.aa
iaaran of »I50,000 om tba eatroi'
pOBdlarntonthlBltW. Prota all other
peutrlMtbo laiporta anoanted oalp
toStU.tTS. balnr KOO.MO len than Id
tm* oeareUp of isasa for Damoe
eauialipilBr l* obown ta tba enr«
oftbafcndaraof tbatpartp to lor ta
tha Soath Atrka war and other for-
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
^WuRE's CORfe^
You Want,
The Good Things
And we are here to supply you with them. We
are the Universal Providers of this northlregion.
Our grocery department is always in the'lead.
aad whom-from tba faata la tba
••Eoaeu And whatbar bar duUi
•Mdutotbanarllrnauef nap parUB or paraoni. or whatbar panlp
•■Mdatal witbaat taolt of aapoao."
A WauM’a Asrtol ParlL
toWteoanbaretafrlfbtfai oou of
W»tebadJto.O. Jnbiiua dnffrli
thalimOeCu buHara ban uau
tp toera. aad an upioUlar for aad
oam that aboou. bat dou
A Ck>od
toatp-Tlftb Analmurp of Klebira W. C. T. O.
hlmN-lf def<-At
Tba Twaatp-Afib Aanaal Coa
M’B CbrlaUaa Tar
tba State of MlchUfa will ba bald to
Patukep Jona 5-8. ISOO.
A rarp Aaa time Is amorcd, as u
bu bau arranrad
Sana BcaacAuuio, a former PIUfor tka araot. Map noted apukara
plao leader, naoocUad to Amai
oomalrBtp. bu appealed to Aralaaldo will ba pcmht, ad a Isrra atiaadam
to awradar and and bwUlftiaa
S- :FR"2TVC-A.3Sr
ta tba Xaqaut Om the OuU of Kn.
Otto DcwlU.
Ia omaoetloo with the Mri« Autb
-«f Mra. Ott Dewitt aur Mabel
laamad that tbs foUowi&r eharra waa
ffra to the jorp bp Jostloa A. 8. Pnp.
srtw bad ebarra of tba Icqaat:
"Gatlamu of tha Jarp—Yoa mwt
We Now Place On Sale
hf W. LDi^iuiShNi litiTfjnu'i
“Do you tM-lieve there Is auythlas In
the claim that men's cliarscicrs are
slfown lu their handwriting
-Yes. A unu wbo always writes hU
Dsme so tliAi U taa be read ut a gtauce
has no! jet arrlvi-d at the polDt where
be thinks the wo|dd COD iH-tier afford
to waste lime aorklng over pu^ea
than that hr should put forth an extra
effort. DO matter bow small It would
Two Tails
To a Horse.
Th*y are unnecessary. So is a pair of tin cuffs
on a marble statute. Yet, so far as mere usefulness is
concernfd they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods opw car load,
we invariably guarantee*every ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less an the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some^ thing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step in
^ and look us ov«r.
iHib lltO, nioN 143
JiTSc, and a box of come4i ham lon, mock turtle.
at 10c, or Vienna auuge with
uoer kraot at 10c.
Baked Beane
Tomato catonp 25c, a bottle
for 96c — the Litlle DevUed
Olives, a splendid relish for loc.
Just oDpacked the biggest
of best chopped pickles 25c.
AH the work done for yon
except the serving—One ponnd chow chow from 10c to GOc, and freabesk sell today for 25c.
can angar loaf baked beana for Durkee,Salad Dreaing 30c to Big bananu at 20c dozen, new
6c; YanCampe pork and beans
lemons 25r. oranges 30c.
at 10 cents.
6o Cigars
A10 cent
For Supper
Something that’a good —
For am after dinner smoke.
Everything fresh daily at
the candy counter — Creams The Traverse Belle, Jonah, Canoed chipped dried beef 15c,
from 15c op — chocolates, 30 Chico, Dew Drop, Yuma, Oom potted or deviled ham 5c, Col
umbia salmon steak 15c.
kinds, from 15 to 50c—mixed
Papl, Joe's Leader.
bandy from^oc np.
To serve with Cocoa or
Drive, .way that b«t teelAbeolntely the finest that's
coffee — Cheese sasdwieba at
made — McMonagb & Rogers’ tog — The Burner, CliniKn'.
15c the box, or Champagne
lemon from 10c to $1.50—van- Pig Tail, UBelle Ciaole, Gen,
Wafeia at 25c.
ilUfrom 15c to 13.00.
Arthur. Onr Governor.
Cream of Wbut 15 cento—
Foold’s What Germ Mul 15e
Hand sorted and pnt np in
Qoaker Boiled Uato 15 eentooie pound i»LkM«n lor ISJe—
Shredded Wheat GBwmit 15e
Bed Ribbcm brand elaaand cor—Pettijohn'a Brenktut Food
ranto 10c.
25c a box. Onoe in the
bouse never without—80 with
Aaaho^ FBsto at 20e, Aaebovy
Oiviar st 25e, BasrianGsviar
at 35c, or Tobasoo Saace at 25c.
store Open Tuesday’s and Saturday’s Until 8 p. m.
The Hannah & Lay Hmtile Go.
bM r«iMd n.ow Md ft bol
Mom to too sow tows «ai tok* ptoM
Wfttov Baopftr e( BftUwta »■• Wttoft
l^brfttttoftaftlMrftowUp. FfOMpvmtIIBliM, bowftw., prftTftftMd ftftp tvU
t%« OMinJ aifb ftobool bftiidtoir ftt
iMkvMfttoftehbrUfhtfttocftftd thft
Ml ton ft Me beto to t|M ftopoto.
Tbneb tbft tofttom ftftd FftpO* mn
to ttft bftUdtof. as on »M h«rv
wUftbwftitoUMbftbttol fftftwtoc ftt
»«V7tbtar,to roftab, b«t Mm ftstoul
htfft UUto aportnn Utolp vbM
knftffootftftltpoftfftd it of Mm p
Mn. WbUofttritot thft ftftlBftl Wftft
MftAWftrftP Mlfft, tbora bfttof oe
Utohtor«eftl]bftadp4ft>d of oom
•toftod to MW too wlrft. ft ibftppt
IkMftftftliotrieUcht win had toUn
•into toft tip tolfft. ftftd of oofttoft tb«
tolftUp ftft ftooB ftft it tottftbftd rthft win
U wftft ksoekod dowa bj thft ftboek.ftBd
Msftft thftft ift Tftfp. cftatleoft ftboot bittof ftt ftnptoto* ftsoftpt iu food.
ClUatoa Brewp, ft HpaoroU boy.
Wftft dfownfd to tbft riw ftt Oladwto
•ftftdftp. Hlft>elothftft<w«nt
toftrlnrbftftk.ffTbftrinr* • drftmd
ftftd bU body p
Tbft fttftU lln fttoefetoftltory___
skahftftbM^ftoUBftdtorco to HHUdfttoftnd*
^ftftdan. Thft
toft tfMbU etoftden beyond doobu
Thft borato effftctftd were on city dcllwy.
Afttofd J. fltolth, tbft yoftoc mo
wboftft Byfttorlouj
kto botoft to Detroit erftfttftd ftoafttbtor
of ft ftMUftUon toftt: wcftk. hu writUn
Uft atvtber from Mew York elty. wytoc
hft ift down tb«rft.bftTlBC • rood Ubm
•■4 wUI be bftck booMin n few dnyt
Hft k wftU ftoppllftd oltb Boney. -i
dU Bot Mil yon;i Wftft eomtor far fanr
ynwonld Mt^ftt BM eoBft,*’ writae
thft yoftftc mas wbo doM.not eftem to
roftUH tbft ftaxlftty- be bne ennaod bta
Bfttoftr ftM friftndft.
Mra. B. Ooodrteb. wbo baa been
apeadtof ibowtoterlnOMlftoftift with
b Oftpturn Hade at Imk* daa
bar dftftcktor. Me*, a B. Atwood, k
expected beam tbe tost of the week.
Tftfttorday by Konaft Patca and
A. J. Doyle bftft r«M to OMeafo to
■rftbftoefoodi far J. W. MUltkeB.
Moryu I'aic* and Cba
bftft rOtsTBOd
tram ftft eiUBdftd rkit to tn Aafftlaa, mod* ft ftfttoh of ft My flab to Uk» Ana
to the abadftpreBfts Diaro asd Bftato Barbeim, GaUfacBto.'-to Baft Lftbft City. Utftb.ftftd vioftft effort* of ]
aty. Hft. no bad ft dftUrhV-
fftl trip.
& W. WbftftlfttownttoBfttMftCkftftk
ywtardfty ea bftftlBftto.
Mift. a 8. Tnvk k ntortolktor atm.
A. D. IfaCftbft of Pfttotofty. wite of
Oftptoto MoCkbft wbo kaow to toe
Mre. Mary A. KMlofr woat to Mfta.
ton yaaterdftj oo ft rlfttv
B. B. Whtto wftBt to MftBOftion yftfttordfty.
Bftr. and Mfft. i. B. Baam ban yon
OB a rkit to tbft old homo of Mr. Baam
ftt BolUftd,
Barry Ocaa toft yMtorday fara raeattoft to Iftdianft.
B. MaHamarft toft yftfttorday faran
•ztoodftd Malt at Cbakaa.]
Mn Percy M. Holdawortb ha* yone
to Jola hto bfteband at Fl«woaftc, a &
d tory* nambor of bar frtoBdft ware at
tbft depot to ftoft bar off.
him Grftftft Obftttordon baa foae to
Bftftd City to rkit bar eOBalna, tb*
Mlftftto Uwk.
MltoJaanto Barrfty. wbo baaepent
Ibft winter in Doe Anfatoft, Oaliiornia,
arrlrad ytoUrday ftftftrnooB for a rkit
with ber ektar. Mn
Benmann of
Wtot Blyhlb fttmt.
Prof. CT. OrawB of Mt. Ptoaaast.
formerly enperintaodent of tbe pablie
•ebook of tbk elty. will arrlr* on tbe
M. A N. B. ibk moraine to dalirer the
Mn Wftftbtoyton Pound baa ratorn•d from an axtoDded rkit to trioBda is
Oraad Bapida aad AUecaa.
Bobftrt Paaltoft of Bay City, k io tba
elty OB bBfttoftftft. Be will make bk
borne here to tbft snr fntnra.
O. F. Oamr rotoraed tbk morotoy
from a rkit to AbkoU, led.
Waltor of SnttoBt Bay. k to tb#
a 4&2 poplk from tbe public fteboole of CbU-apo''
V«pbBftttlft..of BftUlft Orftftk. wna receoUy on account of more or lese
coBtftfloaa dlfteaan
robbftdof ftl.ooobyft <
A man onUUir blmaelf
A Card.
> of BatUft Iftftt DcWft, the enderalrned. do bereby.
•fttobftr. Oft Tbnmdfty Boftekftire atked
BfttUfttodrlrft«.blm to tba oonntry.
whiftb b« did. Aft they Bftftred town ap of Tar If It talk toenre your eonyb
fftatofttoft • ts-eent
they were etoppod by a man, who wa* r oold. We atoo .tUfaetery
or money
token to Battlft>a borne. Atririne refunded. 8. B. Walt. Burbee A B-atbfti*. bft arranead to pay tu par »e«k bery, Janm* Q. dohneon, P. C. I'hompfar board, elaimine that he wa* rirh
ftftd bad ftM.ooo with bim. Be opened
ft Mb box and ahowed fold oolna and
ftlfto ftftokft tbonebt to oontain mnsb
anopy. Be tald be wat afraid to pot
toe money to :ibe back, becaoM be
ftoftton't draw it out when be wUbed
Bftttto, to aboo bU fiaitbr bow ftaay It
wu to draw money, went to tbe bank
*ad broftyb hoaie ftl.ooa The eUftafer
ton ftftld be woBld pat bin many in
toe bask and alee take BatUe’e back.
Bft eot tbe tbdnftftsd and dleappeai
Kow it cbaoced that Pro Booo P«M
Uep, while taking a ttroU. fell to wiib
Vo» populL
“It alwaya make* me tired." be aald,
"to eee your name to print Ton an
each an Infental bnmhnit: You never
tpeok for anybody bat yonrtMf. and
yon know ur
“You mkerftlde fraudr* hotly re•ponded Vox Popull. "You never ad
toft fttoclft neeniloB of tb*
toot” vocated a public mufttois' to yottr life
Btb captured by TWm Wrleb. Paly« aad that wat for anylHxly't good bot your
©wn. and every man of aenae fcuowe
•ftbtoy OB LakftABB
durtoy the few boun that they bad to
.tt-thk Juncture they were about to
wftlt between trfttoa. Tb«y bad eanyht clinch, when Verliat happened along,
•ftnrftl ftiBBU pike, when they booked and they both fell upon Mm uiM yave
him a aavetft tbrs»h|pg for betos tba
■y. They ftftecftadftd to toftdtoy it, Btofett Liar m Earth.
hewftffti. ftftd foftftd Mmt It wb* » m«ftCat* are greatly reneraied to Per
kftlonya fast maaftared 4S toabto to sia. Tbe feline frleadt of tbe abah
Iftftytb ftsd waifbad UK poued*.
nnmber fifiy. each having Ita own atTba boy* regretud that they could teBdant and b apecUl room for meala.
BOt brtoy tbe fla heme with tbam. but
they bad to yo on to tbe aeutb. They
eoldtho monator to A. E. JaekKmsf
Mllwftukac. wbo waa on bk way bou'
and wanted to abow .the people tber*.
one of tba wonder* of nortbarB HlebtoftB.
Mra. Cbarlea dMftder*. ii mUaa waat
of Alma, wftt atnwk by llgbutoyMosday mornlBg aad iaatontiy kiUad. 8ba
.waetoklBgia tba watblny from the
ttor. flhawftttoyaaiaold andae old
mtowtoftba eottBly.
Oeart.ooomaftftraidUowiag to tba
Bra wbtob^ud to tba Haw Beak
; toftttoftbaCklametAUaelftattoaSua.
day Bigbt. Tba manacamaBt ftaaided
to alaaa down all empt tba aoatb
Bftftto and tba Amydatoid abafta,awtog
fa toa gfta from tba flr*. which baa
fasa fa ftU park of Ua CAlamal
toBBbbas* part ef tba Haelft. UacaBM ba told bow locy tba flro wU! laat
or baw laog toa man will ba told off.
Tba flra may apeoftd fa other parte of
Oftt to tba family ad Matthew Taaoa«ar. aad ibay hBaa baas ^aanmito• ssaa tsaar rntm.
btofafagbrnaadyoBaanh,------ ---- ,
faSMdvtfttoHtottea. »«MI0sto'
Whsn every chugs In wtsthsr an.
shlM ua to bring forth something new
end -Joat the thing*' to meet demende.
Flannel Goats
and Pants
Opera House
Steinberg’s Grand
Arretted by Obkf Baula Tatowday,
Two fakir* anyayed to tbe cmle of
•paetaetoa bare pottos tbemeelTet Into
;troubto. They are to euatody eharyad
with atWmpUng to etoal tba waieb of
Dr. Aadema. They mat him on Sttta
•traet, be aay*. and while one aoaybt
to Intoraat bim to tba apeeuelaa, be
elatota Mmt tba other aoaybt to awal
thftwftteb. The poUoa war* sotifled
and tbft pair ftrrcaied.
Flannel, Serge
or Brilliai],tine Goats
and Ve$ls
The Best Repertoire Compeep
on the Read.
uc-‘iC-iate eom^ica and dramaa. tbUrtnaraad with apeelallles by fltfttclaaa vaudeville artitu. '
Ttha •( the Ttrrihto Turk.
The Pulun of TDrkvy rltct at d and
nfirr drroitns ibe wliolo tnorniny to
work wltb Lit •vcn-Urkft.'drrrKkf^U
at noon. After tbk he Aket a drive
or a row on tbe lake to{bk vatt park.
At 8 be dlnea, and a^uset blmtclf
The ideal aoit for the hot deye
coming—made by the nobhieet teilora
in the pew etrlpe flannels.
Obarfad with Attempt to Staa'.
An eleborete dfepley in grades.
from $l.dO, $2 00, $2.60 up to $6 00 end
$7.00. You oen be fitted both ee to
goods end price in this department.
Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
I Brand Triple Bill:
on sreat occaitnnu. b* rlrblj- embroUImfl and
blnzlnc with deenratlont. There are
over 4on ra.k* and tcullloni employed
In tite liuiMTlal imlace.
Durlni tba third Qoarter Of IFm tSe
rainfall In Kneknd wat 2.0 tnebea l>eItjw the aveniBe for the
elBbty-four year*, and the trm|>era, which wat cxitittive tlurlny all
111.- three tnontlit of the iiuarter. wat
;i.3 decree K. nliove tbe averusc for
the iirevlmii 12s yeara.
“The Girl
From the Bowery”
Olio of speciftltiea. and the
comic oper*;
“Sweet Sixteen.”
Beaerved iMta on tale at the box offier. Telephone US.
Popolar prieee— 10, SO and 10 eenti.
i&veaX Sviccess
At Pitot, John Kltoltogar dlad at the
•oftaty boaaa on ikiurday, ayed ?s
TMto- He wae the youByaet of three
Mwtom. all of whom were tomatee of
toft ftoanty beaea.
Tba iftMdasM of W. B. Page of
Howard OUy. wftaatrnek by llybtntoy
ftod barsari Monday. Tba oaeuw
Bftrrewly aaeaplny with tbalr live*.
Arthur Jeffary aad dansle Jeffary
ware uattod to mairkya by a Grand
Btoae JnaUea OB flatarday night. They
war* Biarrlad aoma yaara ayo and
divofcad. butbftvaaaaelnded to try U
Tba Ontftd Bftvftn Trlbasa aaya ili
araaocoodtharathat tba awaara of
toa aiaamm- a S. Parka war* obUyad
to go fa Maakegon raeantly for man
faufttoadtbe lambar cargo of that
■Up. Tba S3 men aaenrad far tba
work raeaivad 8< a day.
Our Resoontos
are M SInwR
: M
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Becanse we are up with the times and get the latest and best improve
ments in shapes and stTles.
One of the best ever offered for fl.OO is
3\v^ ''CT^SC0'
—The corset that cannot break at the waist line. We have the exclusive sale
on this corset, and we have tbe first one jet to be returned to us broken at tbe
waist Itne-and this is our second year.
For 50 cents we can give you some very fine and shapely garments,
and our 25 and 17c articles have not been excelled for tbe money.
The great demand now is for the
C.00V SimmeT C-oTsd
And we will take pleasure in showing our line at 25, 35 and 50c. '
<•0 Do not hes.itate to ask to see goods in any department o^ our store—We
are delighted to show them.
Are in great demand, and we carry a lull line in two grades besides the satin
: back.
*■' “
.\T Jl'ST
1 /
/ 0 Raenlaf
S»\U\s *5\vvtv^s
Bnt not trifles, aad great care is taken to have the best always at the lowest
I prices.
New goods coming in every day in all departments.
Onr dress goods buyer, Mr. iDoyle, is in Chicago this week, looking op ;
goods for bis department.
CoMiy in early and get the choice things. It will pay yon to keep your
I eyes on ns from now until the 4th of July for bargains.'
Sale Baglas
May 31.
We consider ourselves very fortunate in securing
from one of the foremost manufacturers in this coun
try, their entire sample line of Ladies' Tailored Suits
consisting of all the newest shades and styles. A
sample line means one of a kind and many kinds. We
want every lady in Traverse Ci tv to pay our cloak
room a visit during this sale, especially so if you are
in need of a suit.
■\De “SaW *50 'iJoni IVWV SVwes
: Quite often, and we have g^ reason to. There is not a gibve stock in the city
: so complete and reliable. If yon are not acquainted with'onr line it is not a bit
; too soon to find out We will give you the best of service and fit them.
Of Best mekes—lest colors-^are
up-to-dete in every weyj-Prices, 60c,
76c, $1,00. $1.26, $1.60.
tlN EDIT FOB B.00.
tlN son FOE ETH^
1I.H son EWi»»,
lEN son FOI P.00,
1, > ran opportsnlOr—do not mlu It.
Rtllalrit Dnr Boots, Carpet t GleiMigEaiM
'.r'mi j: ^ i#&!
UmPhLoidihg sue
Tbe Ikte of a cold, backward saaaon baa left os with a mammoth stock on our hands, and EV^BT DOLLAB'S WOBTH ^
HTT8T BE SAOBIFIOS). Our doors will be Closed on Thursday, Kay 81st, to enable us to prepare for this grand offering. We
deem it wise to grasp this, the mid-season for our unloading sale and face the situation hefore it is too late.
This store will be open again Friday morning, and positively every article and dollar's worth of merchandise in the ^
-X lit i«nir KCip i«r ivri«ti«ri«r
m tM0K\
tMOKT STomet
'''ifMBheppBfi are pUpinir tovec
it tb* eoitOB STOP la lb* HlnlMlppI
«^ t*.
'Alfa perUoak of tba provloM of Po*
< -UoadehOB-Taoc oraja a alaM
e ' (• bMMr tboB ateotdM Morohp OBd
ouardor U B^rMAIac U tiw prarUN of
naBtraatlOB bp tra of iBBbar baa
fc -SB iBBaBdlHiy aoHona is WaablBf%<tBtBlB. Ob lbs BBMmpUoB tbBi Iba
• «BBb tlmbor IB tbB natonabBd por«fB.«0,0Bb.000.000fBBtbboa bSBB dBBtropodBiBBa iBBbariBg hBCBB. Tbls
•moBM wobM BBpplp oil tba aasunUU
of tbs Ooiiod •iBtBB tor two paart, aad
a avmlBBofOfllpTteaBlaB tboBaand,
« BBS a daod loBB to tba aUta of gso.*• 0.M0.
for tba erst Uma OB raoord, tbactar
tsHlad tba atamban of tba Kritiab ambsaBptedlBBBroatbo omaslonot tba
s •BOB’S birtbdap laat wasli. Tbla In«.'»tBttBa la ragardad aa of grMt politi
Ab aatomoblla oimad bp a mlaatral
wn-upaop, wbtla balag ran abont
K !laa.WlA, bnmad Snndap on aa« .at of tbs gaaoUna aatobing drc.
V or aaambars of tba eompaap were
bHraadstaaralp. Laaa,»l,0O0.
I'walao BriUab snbjaels bars baan
H-Ai^riKtoad U Paaaaaa, OalBmbla.«riibtrial.
ttBroBi*B.tbs famoBS Apaeba Indlae.
moMBpaaltd tba aoldlaia from Port
'itoOklakaaa. aad l
Pi ittiaUabBab. Tbls Bsoatp ba baa
a >iaUp aaoB a« pokar. Meat of it
• .aafrorntbaaeldianaad aoma from
a. tadlaa tradsra, who laberod aadar
• l■prMaieB tbattbapaoaM baal tba
o eorradakla. U waa apoa tbs adalaa
« ispialB etaBah Uai Oaroalme mads
tn.dBpoilt. Baaapaba wUI naa Us
an >aap is adnaatlBg Indiaa ablldrai
- - gams Tooaatlp Oaroatme won ovar
•i a
Ut. Baa. Jobs Heoto, tba aged
y* . top Of tba Boosbb Oatbolio dioaaaa
I. AagnsUns. Fla. was strieksn
«B I in Ua pulpit of bt Karp's ebureh
« Mlagbenp, Snadap.
' aa paaaangam on tba slaaplng oar
.r ralaNa 1 ofUa Mlmonri Paelde.
EaaaM dtp Mobdap alpbt.
Wd up aaA robbed between tberd
Slalla. bp a lonabaodik Be got
a «p witbont much plnndar.
f-iorida. OaorgU, booth Carolina and
V glnla have mads Jeffaraon’a 'tdrUJnlp 3. a legal bolldap.
• . A. Orapbaal, a farmer living near
F a.UL.tallaaslntarastingbagstotp.
rs .ue eight months age a epelOBaeec. rad OB bis farm wbieb, among otbir
eie-eaga dona, blew over a straw ataok.
ae.i at Ua aama Ume two bogs aipatart-iAlp dtaappaarad. Ba aaarebad U
W4>« tar bis porkam and fiaaUp ooct'n ’ed that Us fnrlena winds badaarrt -I them swap. A tew dap« ago ba
•> • mevtag tba straw ataob, and to Ut
e-vwlabmant foand nndamaaU it Ua
«w> mlaalBg bog*. onaUlva and Ua
«H erdapd. Tba live beg was said to
be ia a frlgUfal eonditioa when reb-»«ed from lla
I nt, bat WM able to walk and la i
d igwall.
Prnaata’a mlalatrp ordara atrfoteranP- vMoBottaloeasteabaek dmn
bililp of fBllarB. Tbo rrolB U from It
to i( iBohBB to bBiffhti thtrB btb bo in■aeUlB tbB flaUilbBr# bta bean no
wlBtar kmiBg, and tba ground U aa
full of molatnra as it can bold. Twen
tp -two boabala par acre is tba Kansas
raoord, altbongb manp baliere tnLs figbaa been cxeeadadand if<
bold aa tbap ara now Kansas map
maka a na» ofBdal raoord for tba BBraaga plaid of tba atata.
Mrs. B- D. D. King doad i& Mawport.
K I.agadM. waaadaaotndantofUrd
SiarllBg, Iba rarolnttoBarp baro.
Wt W< K
Manager Wilhelm bM eertalalp book
ad a winning attraction In the popular
Irving Preaob ooropanp, which will ap
pear in tbe Cltp Opera Bonsa for a three
nights' engagement commencing torow night. Ula being Ue fifibanceesetnl seaaon of Ula eompaap. Mana
ger Kjpoeh of Ua eompanp promlaaa
Uaatrs gears a treat in tbo line of
Tba digBltp of tba Ualtad Stataa San- adp. Spatial care bu baaauksala
Bta was aorp mnab raffiad tba otbar Ua aalaetloa of Ua arUsu In Ua aom
pang- Partlenlar pU^'bavTbaaa tak
dap, bp tba mpitartona appaaranosef
en In Ua spaelaUlal avargUlBg balog
a buttarSp wlUlat^a ebambar.
BOW BBd aevBl BBdlatrlaUg up w dau.
Patt Work Pro
aad Banda's Twlrlam.
Providing raiadoaa 'aet apoil tba
grenade tbia aftarnoon Baada'a Ttrlrlart and tba Bigb aeboel baaa ball team
wUl emaa bala at Ua TwalfU atraat
park. Tba oontast promiaes to ba of
than nanal InUreat aa Ua taaass
are abont avaalp matebed and boU
re vary stroag.
Tba Twlrlara are aapeelaUp strong
in Ualr atiek arork aad azpaet to do a
fawUiegBwiU Ua ball la that Una.
ELmball, who toaaas tbe ball for Uam
la no amaUnr, having formarig drawn
a aalarp for bit talent in that line.
‘Tba atodaata don't elaim manp atroag
potota bat Uep aspaet to ba on Ua
gronnda whan tbe game bagina aad
tbap ara oonddast that a few of Ua
plapart aapwap will ba
near at tba dnlab. Tba Una np of Ua
arm be:
Banda's Twlrlara.
I...................... e .....................Brawn
n.................. p ....................KlmbaU
Wllhalm. oBpt .
.. Davaaderf
Moveug ..........
.......... Uaaa
Babbsll ............
.......... Brlggi
... Bapaalda
Agora .................
. Blaekbam
BaaBoo ..............
... Bvaratti
MevBk ............... . rf............... MoUUlte
MIlIlkBBBBdMBrrBg will olao plag
with Ua BIfh tcbeol.
To defrag axpaasaa a tmall admlaaloa
will ba ebargad at Ua gate, to oaoia
for all atndaBtt aad it eaau for adallt.
Ladlet are aepeelallg Invltad and b«U
wUl be reearvad for Uem In the grand
stand tree of ebarga. Tboaa who attund
wUI see a good, clean skblblUon of
feat baU.
Tba game will be called at 3 o'clock,
Earlp ArrivaU at Cdgewood.
loog Ue earlg aammer arrivals at
Bdgewood will be Mra. C. W. Beldea,
Mim Bel^en and Miss Lund of Chicago,
who are expected Fridag. to oeenpj
UeFIlsgerald oottage. Mrs- "W. W.
WUUamson wUl site arrive Uls week,
and Mr. and Mra. B. Cnbmaa wUl
oeenpg one of Mine Lewie' oolugeA
•too Bewaid.tlOO.
Tbe rMdera of this paper wm be
leased to Imtb that Uare Is at least
as dread dlaaaaa that aeianea haa bean
bla to care In all lU atagae and Uni ta
.atarrb. Ball's Catarrh Cue Is Ua
onlp positive care now known to Ua
sedlcU frataraltg. Catarrh baug a
reqnlrea a SonBall's catarrh
Onro is taken Intacaallg. aellag directIg npoa Ue blood and mneoM aartSMa
U uTapatam, Uarebp daatioging Ua
IS dlmeae, a^ giving
mgU bg balldlag np
UaooaatitnUoe and aattattag aatsre
have ao maeb falU la Its euatlva
newera, that Ueg offer One Bondred
SeUm fur-------------'*
Compasp M will tnm out in full force
todsp and jolo McPherson Post In Us
memorial exercises. The graves of the
eoldlen of Ooupsnp M who died In the
eerrlee of tbelr counlrp In tbe late war
win not be alighted and tbe mounds
under which Uep rest will be covered
with floral emblemt. Tbe gmves have
baan msrxad wlU Ua latter M eo that
aUl map daaignata Uam from olbara
Memorial Dap now haa a dsapar algBiflOBBoa than ever batora for Ua
genagar aoldlara and Usp will aator
Uto Ua aplrlt of Ua oaeaslaa wlU U
for maap paara ba
aatmatad Ua eld eomradas who foagh
IB aptu of Ua UroBtoBlBf waaUrr
so maap gears ago aad who now fora
Inat avaalBg a good BBdlaaaa lUtoaad
tba grtai O. A. B.
toUa praaBBUtioB of "Tha Village
Vogaboad" at StalBbarg’t Uraad bp
Brgaa'a eamadlaoa Tba plag waa
roadared la a varg plaaalng maanar,
and Ua aetora ware treqnoatlg iatar- Bxarelaes In Benor of NaUon’s Dead
rnpted bg applansa. The
Todsg—Tribate of tbs Living
wall reoalvad, MUlar aad Brgan
Heroes to Uom who are Uoae.
la rag time being Ut most appreciated.
Tbs king cf pbologrmphrrs in poslog, lighting, draping sod arranging his
subjects for Ue pmeti>‘>Dg of his truly wonderfol srt, pbotegrsphp. Mr.
Soper hss secured ibe Photo building ofposltethe Hotel Columbia on Front
street and has remodeled it and pot It in order tor suletlp up to datd photo■dlallp Invited to visit hie stndlo and teat his abllltp aa an np to
date photographer.
Out store iuWt he c\oss& a\V Aaii
to-4aij to ohseme
Tbe exerdaeela honor of Ue nation'i
eom!e opera aad vandevlUe wUl be baroic dead will ooenr Ue enUre dap
todsp. beglnnlDg wiU Ue decoration
of Ue graves at B o'doek, aad eontlnn
lag Urongbout Ue entire dap.
At« o'clock tbe procemlon will b.
formed at Orange hall. Beaded bp Ue
wmwmwwS Crescent band, under eeoort of Com
if and with Ue dtp eonneil >nd
The taacbsrs of Us ‘3ak Park school
-are vary pleaaanUy entarulned yar- Ueladiea ofUe Relief Corps In ear
Urdag aftemooa at Ue home of Mr. rlagea, tbe old veterans will march to
iterp where tbe services of Ue
and Mra Henaa of Boee ttreat. A daQ. A. B. ritual wlU Uke plaea.
Ufhtfnl time waa aajogad bg
At 1:30 la Ue afternoon, Ue parade
Dalatg rafreahmaats ware served.
will fvm at Ue O. A. B. beadqaarterc
Oaa of Us pratUasl aad most bappg at Oraage ball, and headed bp tbe
aoelal avaaia of tbs aaasoa took plaea speakar, Ua ebaplala aao the Bopt
last avaaiag la Mnrtangh'a daaalag band, wUl march la Ue following
aaadamg. Tba faaeUeB was arranged ardet:
bp tba Blghflabeol daaelag a nb la
Oompaap M. MsPhenon Poet. Wo.
^aer of David Jlskllag aad iBfl Mlsaas maa'a Belial Corps, oUar erdara parLaU and Mprtfa Millar, daughiara of tldpatlag. aad Ua eohool oblldrea
Oaarts Millar. It waa a farawall partg frea Ue various baUdlaga. TbsOres'
oaat band will land Us ohlldraa.
ffivaafer Ua parpoaa of Imprat
Tbs Uae of marsh will bs from Us
apoa the boaorad ponag parpla tba
IB la wbioh Uag ara bald bp Ualr oorasr of fltau and Cau streeta, watt
faUow atndaau la tba High aabool. OB flute to Ualoa, north oa Daloa to
laspliiag mnite and a large eompaap Front, east oe Front to Park, south on
of Jollp ponag paopte who have baea Park to fluu, asst oa flUto to Boardavoans. aad aoaU from Uere to
tinted MgaUar manp m>otba la
eloaa oompanioBshl? formed Ue right Us eonotp grounds on Waabtogton
eemWaaUoB for ae cxtramalp pleassnt stTMt, In front of Us soldiers and tail
BeeasloQ. The Mlssea Miller will soon ors' monument where Ue memorial
leave for Cbsrievolx where thep will addrem will be given by Bev. W. T.
remain daring the summer season, and Woodbooce.
In ease the dsp Is cold or stormy, Ue
Mr. JlekUng will go to Flint. All three
are verp popniar la tbe Central bulla- parade will be omitted, aad tbe aerIngand among their large circle of vioes win be bdd In Ue (Sty Opera
bonae. Mrs. Dspton will have charge
friends In Ue dtp.
of Ue music both morning and afterThe Blue BIbbon Club of Ue Fifth
grade of the Oeatml eehool, which U
All are invited to partidpate in U«
tonghtbpMiee Lulu Bushee. held a exercises of the dap in honor of Uoae
delightfnl meeting laat avenlng at Ue who gave Ueir Uvea for tbelr eonntry.
home of Mr. and Mra. Peter Wursbnrg
on Front atreetlo hmior of WUUrd
old Usi-ltelor saps that unlp tbe
Warsbntir, ooeot their number. Thep
badamoet^lghiful time. Mr. and married soidk-rs are acgualuied with
war Id all lu horror*. ^
Mis. Wnrxbai* and Willard proving
If tbe arerage man ever thinks of his
moat axeallent boats. Qamea aarved wife as an angel it is because tier
paas Ua Ussa verp plaaaaatlp natU feathers come so blgb.
a o'clock, wken Ue party eat down to
Lore St llfst sight 1* all rlgliL but
deUctous refrmbmeata, i^ided bp wbst a girl waoU Is a tuaa wbu will
Mm. Wnrsburg. After eapper a very lore her every time he sees her.
Sometimes there Is morevne gvnetpleealng ptogram was glvan. Abont
iltp in a kind word than there Is In
S5 Of Ua elnb mambam were preeei
Irlng a dollar to a public ebartty.
HAd Washlnffton been a poker playthe suck of chips he accumuUted
A westrm Colorado poatmaatar
wrote to tVeshlngioo clti': -n«aaa with bis llnle hatchet would barec<»ns
except tup rralgnaUon of p m of tbe Id handr.—Chicago Dallr Kewa.
gorenient at this town I baf been
TerUred a Witaesa.
elected ) of tbe peace A ecboot come Buffering waa eadared bp
nlsaloDer, said duties preventing me
from Wtln off more than 1 chaw hp witneas T.-L. Manln, of OixU, Kp.. beforabegaveUtseridenee:
“1 eon^ed
trpln to kiU Ur« birds with 1
Addreaa F. i. Obaaeg A0a..Tolcdo,0.
"bats ara bow fortp pearl button
f> mctaa la loara, werkiag np aballa
ua best.
I ontad from Ua river bada Moarlp
C«BtU7 Cook Book.
1. •> paopU ara amplopad U Ua faetorA limited nambar tor tala at ts erato
4 .lone.
ooBb. WUl bemaUad postaca n^
t M prasaat wbaat enp ad Kaaaaa
V' -wa will ftad aaarlp OBa-tblrd of Ua
V ted Plata*, aad at praasBi Uara U
eeihlagla aigbt to anggaat tM iomI- fit. V. h Offlai. OporattTB DutUttr
Their Onves to be SUewn wlU Flow 'An eaiinenlly skilled and accompliabed artist. A wonderful and
thurouKblg <]ualitied phototrraplier.
ers Todsp.
•A Fsat Btcyda Bldar
mUoftoa receive palnfnl en«.apr.
orbrntaea from aeddeata Bncklen'a
Arnica Salve, wfil kill tba pain and
baal Ue Ir jorp.It'a Ue tyellat’a iriead.
Ooraa ebaflar, Uapped bands, sore
lips, bums. Dlomn and dloa Caro
gwrantaed. Oalg tie.
WaU^.Jas. 6L JAaadw.
PostolBoe Houre Today.
The ooatoffioe will be open today
Decoration Dap) from 7 nnlll 9 o’clock
a. m., and from 4 nctll s o'clock p.
There will ba a morning dellverp made
by Ue earrieia.
br pb»M tadsy. No. ilo.
io Sire U trtw« (a
-!•- ana laiai aiseose. u lecoD uior■ughlp and In time, it will cure a cane
0 24 hours, and fo> Ue cough that t<4>ws La Grippe it never falls to glva
•oUeL Price. 2So and son.
Udies aid Gents Tiiloriig.
T. A. Cbnala, eounellor for Ladlet
and Oento Tailor Ms4a Oarmants, wUl
glvs fls dlaoonat on any gaatlcmsa'a
aalt or orereoat from bow nnUl tbe
flrst of Jalp. That will make asp
prleet meet nap aompetlUea. 4N
SnU OaioB street
U «bs MM
^DOWBTO amriY^naeuts vsieasi^fL
ewix S4LI-S
r aevvBlb 4trt
rrcsi street.
City Opera House
r OHT-Oo rmb etreet bettrMO HevK
U WoSevonb. 4 llfSt bsod rtos. dto
•euie*. aevsrd for eciore to thli <
DOB H*LX-Nev mili-h Bol»leln rom. rtre
C r«o-«uk{. sivee t« -tu4r» milk s d4y
ille sod eMf Bilker, le.iolre of
nOK SALX-Oee (mod
Thursday, May 31
And bis Jolly Company ins reper
toire of tbe latret comedy ancceaaco
'iwfcedSr^Slrh** *
8AIX-Q<«4 tbr«« year old wore, new
High ciaas Singing and Dancing.
Specialtiea at \every performance.
Rich coatamea and a^ial scenery
for each play.
a Bowvr IO crrv
. Mra. moor. S9
Tbnraday night they will presmt
the fonr aet oomMy entitled
XonSea'i non. rtodor lean at iM> rfflre.
“A Runaway Wife"
Prices..........-10, 20 and 30 cenU
ban. Urava. or adrlac Frau k Daris.Trar«raa
a aALX-aean awl h
K borva. Ijm ntcbi.
wy which gave InaUat
Jf. I I jkOB ett^Twwrafty^y^
e aaed it U mp.........................
family tor foer
It as the greatest
eeagba, eolds aad
ebest aad
rnvMih suasla. laqalrs sy smlr^
stop Us woe
woevt eoagh, and
O ObUboa
prevanu bat
rr YOC WAirr laaaraaea ef aor kla4 U
-l«a lOea___ __ a rliki rrsiiiailTi nr In boy a aoeac, a
Wait aad Jaa. U. John n't drag storts
accompanied tjr an escort with
ona paid 30 cent ticket, if reaerred
before 6 p. m.
Sea^ on sale Tneoday.
W. B. Nelson bee laaeed Jaa. SebaBeUfsabop. Nc. 441 to 4is «Mt Frant
street for a term of yaare whara ba
WlU eoedect e flm cImb hUriciU.
BB and repair hailnf |1aafeaae
. JflgaapasiaUy. WeaoUolts WW
flrnasavsry one- ,
ciwwTuwmM row thi otaom ; 4' SiVSlSirJrr-1
Of mtftmof TASTt.
m to a—to a— •« to *T*:
Btoo Lrto <—t pa«toe —
■Mir— mm*
TIWButclaf-------------------iVtcw— f—ton,* lUt to AtMt th*
«m tIUM »t aoU- DIM MtOTtBC. «a«
■ tawbScbA
mn AMMt that MPpUta tbe ptoM.
Btm It to Dol alwv* poialWe *•> •a’*
■ autd IB »T«7 room of tbe boo—
* Btor tan—■ Ttor »n—.
▼a; h«*b. nrr taitoi
Mtoa Ulr am U «nto.
't M w n •<*—kb (tok.
Mr Ian «f*l M u4 to—.
M W* MMIar-t MB wia anas.
Mstoa M u ««to. to. toto;
Ian *H rto u M
-*1a m. Ow V«fU.O ChaMU P. aMto—.
' » Why tM giaacb
tWerr Pa—pporta* to B
> Vr—-P—otoaa War.
M«v people bare v—dared, aad ootwithout rraMc. wbr Napoleou III plunced Ftware toto s war wltb Genaanpi
ha wa> bf aor of tbe
Crtat powara. Yet at iba dtot tbe e«pefpr'a tuna waa oaa bC proud e—fldeaee:
tt wai oalr too lata ha dlaaormd that
be bad bran orarraaafaad br tba aiaa who
tba baua of bis aaistauce. hit arch
But Xainleoo III was uaUbar ao bllud
Mr at
ae raab aa ie aeaarallr —ppoard. Ha
•or tba refolar mantel iiMwna a cblm*
M7 ai well, and It to oalr tbe anperior
rtoaa of modern booaea wbkb are npplied wttb op— llrepUc— to ererr
loom. It to ab added eipenae which
»»-ny feal tb(f muat do wllboat ereo
wbaa boUdlng a new bouae, or then
m*j Dot be a cbimneT conreoleBt asd
aa axtn eblmner m—na extra mooer.
and tbto perbapa la tbe reaaoo why
BUtd daalera keep on hand a food
Mock of ornamenUI abelrea wltb mlrlon and cablneta for decoratinjt wallk
91m old faobloBad mantri waa of
martde, either bUrk or wbKe. pUlo or
> a plain
r In Tba
Bon—bold. In manj- caaet tber wert
BOt onmmHited. and toda^ they an
•onaliy painted tbe color of tbe wood
work. wblctrtlr— them tbe oeraUaoca
•r tbe wooden mantel now aeon.
It to frequently dealrabje to coorert
tba ptoto abelf Into a cabinet. This to
by DO means dltBcnlt If tbe baae to of
style and tbe abelf ample and
brand. Tbe akrtrh here shown aiU
fire an Idea of what may be done In
tbto way. Tbe aimpter the dralfn tba
better UaU wlU be shown, and as far
at possible oae sbould be choaon that
wiu coofonn to tbe lines of tbe baae
and ma^e a onifonn whole which wlO
ba ptoaalnf, and often tbe r—nit la rery
Tba daalcn here abown to a almpla
one. which may be worked out In any
wood to match tbe baae, tbe princlp^
axpaoM belnc tbe berried mirror, for
which plain wood panels may be tublUtntcd If desired.
One can often make a chance in an
old mantel by means of a cabinet
wbkb wUI be fnlly at dralnble and
le— expense than to tear out tbe old
maolel and replace wltb a new one entlra. If there to no rablnet maker at
band. It may be ordered from any man
tel ■MDSfactorer. and In ancb a
pbotocnpb and fnll deeciipUoo tboold
•eeompuy tbe order.
h» MU h a lev tokc. •<fW aotUar.
ft* wtt I—be ctoraed aqato to sneh Im
T»bIb srtll Mbm*^Tii1fi
- haatmed aete— a' week aco to______
But y—r she added, raltoaf her b—utifnl eyes to ba (ace afaln. “I have not
_ . MMharra rt dUA 4*2to atobw solBtB, M-M. M. M, »t.
ttoM.” CtolM'a Ktoatto Ftoor Vbi^
!v crowded, but they
tent In w(lvb two
a srere already seated, both deep
cigar when you can get
totom.BW bu.....
On the lonrney down aa extraordiatTr
and somewhat lodleraoi lacid—t occur
red. Tbe two xeDlleiaen--furelfDera evid—tly—were ^acvaaluf tbe boraluf
qnratioo of tbe Sour—tbe prospect of bostlUties between Frsuee and (iemany.
aan: apread with a paste of aoft aotp
and powdered chalk aod ann it; aeak
la bottamUk and ran.
atua.-U frrab. uae akobol and
(la—, or ■— iaveUe water and i
Palat—TurpenUne for coarse foods,
biaalii or aapbtba for floe.
Onaan-Mototeo wltb atronc amMia vat— lay UotUof paper over
ABd iraa dry; If tUk. nae chlorotonn to
(—tore color or cover wltb powdered
rraneh chalk aod lroc.-Oood Uouae-
blffaly probable the two excHed**'pJiti- eeata. Ftold run. H to Ifi.
ctoaa would come to blows Wbartoo
Means forward to separate tbeaa. It waa
tome llllle lime, bowever. before be suc
ceeded In pacifyinc ibea.
Tbto tocUest. Joised to tbe scene at the
SUtha, waa evUently too much for Uae.
neccutloa Day Xx—r^oaBBten on
Vlaeeat’a uerves. Upon reacblas Dover
tbo O. X. A Xshe decUred that abe felt too a-eak and
OMUid onr-tbM faro botvoea all
tloed to fall blm. Had mailers lurued
atatloBS srtihln 150 mlton <M alBrtlOT
out sa he expected tbe kwor of the strutsafely point. TIekoH oo anio May M and *0.
fie mlfbt Usve been vastly different.
for rataru unUI Mnytl. nu-St
in tbe mMoiM." whispered Whar
ton US be Uaceied by her aide. “It U
Tbe prltne mlulaier of Burlaad drove
ItabsU PUB 1 alwaya pioane.
*54 tf
> baste to tbe fon-ltn oBi-.- late in tbe
afternoon, for tbe uialler whieb eucafed ,tire ttot 1 abonld rearb I’arto early la
hla attention at tbe uionieni was oar uC the tDornlnx: otherwise"—
T* Owr* • MM Ml Om Dap.
preasint and vital importatiee. He bad
“Go." ahe muruiand falally. “Yon .•ake Wmmer'a White Wine of Tar S)-nijn« returned from oo oAHal visit to bave been most kind aod alleative. As the best cough remedy on earth. 25
WlndBor. where ;
for me. a rood nlxbt'a rest drill restore
bone tbe fate of
rccetved tbe aanclIoD and slcnalure of
-When abaU I see you againr
her majeaty. '
>C. In
in P.
Paris. Oh,
aehlDc tbe foreltn office be —• tboM wretched men: They
rhey bave
quite cs u. BitOWN. ausrasy nns Ctoeassllm •tbe secretary on the stairs, and Bpaet me. Now. do not
ot mist your
yoor boat
tucelber to tbe private my aceoiini.
SM eeavsTOSBlag. tUPrsalM.
aceoiinl. (Uoodby till ti
aoiD of the laltei
the treaty
Tacking hto>-totiTinrb..bag unde
li tbe table, the
am. Whartowstepped onboard tbe
-la tbe mesaeOL
bto Bind agisted by conflirting emc
TOcpbroc Mo-KD.
-lie U waltiaf here. When must be
Tbe follotnag morning tbe secretary
for foreign affairs reached bu oBlte ratbtbeei
earlier than uioal.
uioal, for tbe
the papers had
be declared at an.* i
d to him that war bad already
-It baa received her maiesty'a sanc been declared. Tbe French emperor, retion. tbenr
lytof apoci tbe tdesrapUc rummonlca-It baa. It wIU rnme as a awpttoe
tloo wh^ had reacbed Um tbe cveoiof
lenoaay, oo duobt. wbew It U ma
known, bat we are bound by motivea of
Boose Bisia
Interest and policy alike to anpport tbe
Frencb in this atraftk. Sacked up by
Baflatid. France can acarvrly fall to be
•TV .vet far d
■mss Bloek.
virtorloas. and tbeu we can dictate terms
D minister s
0 Eorope.
T\u- A ■• BOLLEDAX. graSsMs *^ts
U CsIvorsUj. uaeelsIiSMMBMg. ’PbM-Bat BlamariA-doea be snspectr
tbe hi
ss. oBm IOS. rssSdssM 10S
Tbe premier paused before replytnc.
premier blmaelf.
was tbe one point upon wtk-h be did n
-We have teen either tricked or lie*
feel qolte secure.
trayedf" said the premier excitedly.
-No." be said at leoftb; “tboofh be to Bead tbto.' It bat last reaebed me from
rer OB tbe alert, on tbe wateb. I tblok ■ emperor of Franee.”
we bare effectually blioded bim oo this
le laid a telegram on tbe table. Tbe
move. But this mrmrufrr, ran we rely
imuBlcatinn was in cipber. but ibv
npoa kimr
eroderiag of it was writteu underaeatb.
think I can aoawra for Mr. Wbaritaiord the atartlius announcement,
toB. a man of uct aod rw
“Very well. I will write a dtopBtrb i
CoosteraatioD tvlgovd in tbe foreign uf-. MeanwhUe------------------------’
le we B ..
Bey that morning. Mi-ssap-s were flash aosp.M Tsisoboos.n.
with the emperor by wire. Infonninc blm ed to Dover, to Calais, making anxioat
that car mesaenfer leaves for Tarii to- inqalrlra for tbe missing an-sseuger. It
nlffat with tbe treaty. He will then feel waa found that be liad rt-acbed tbe latb-r
bis poailiuD aervre and ran art aerord- port in safely, but tbm- all trace of him
Br)l -phone. Nerthcra phoBC Mo. 1.
was lost.
It was too late, however, to remedy tbe
An bourUater Mr. Spencer Wbartoo evil, war having actually been d<vlarcd.
England was forced to withdraw fp>m
the position whi<-b tbe proiKW-d to take
> him the arcret treaty.
With regard to France. She was com
-1 need scarcely impress upoo yon, Mr. pelled to remain ncutruL wlik-b was preWbtrtotk,'' ba said, “that rbia la a mattn etorly what Prince BUman-k detored.
leqnlvlnc the atmoat aeerrey and dispateb." TbU document mast be placed la
kerward was It
tbe emperor's baods tomorrow morning
r what proved MtboSs. Omj or nlf SI esUs premptlj
-a may be fatal."
ftancea tbe ueaaenger bad dlaappeared.
seen tbe treaty safriy aealed Then, strangely enough, news came of
up In tbe measeager's dtopalrh hag. tbe him from America.
pretoler went home, not a little telleved
It appears that he bad U-en lirlaf DCS -OMcs SMI te Wstl-s twng «ei« M Csles
at baviog p>I this weighty matter off bit there under an assumed name and upon
ttiod. Added to thia there waa tbe (deas- bto deathbed told bto story to a friend.
Ting overreacbed Briefly it waa tOt:
eonaetousBraa oof bavii
ore pbcM.oBce Ul. Vrisgs:Mortbora phono
t'pon reaching t'glato it bad oeearred rcsiSsoro. 111.
•trenoona efforts to aeeure tb<- aeuttall
to blm to examine bis bag in order to as
of England.
certain if the treaty was safe. He open
Meanwhile Mr. Spencer Wharton lin ed h and. to bto botror. found-blank !«•
gered at tbe foreign oSre. never truatlag
' precioas dispatch bag out of sight.
swking at tbe bag more earefnily. be MKXU HOBaX. hsiC Sslob hsC hmiso p^t
'bit bsaty journey to raria waa not alr that it was not really bli.^but one
togcifarr without its altraetions for him.
In fact, be waa impatieat to be off. to get half lore labels ubicb covered it Tbco
this state mtoaloa ever, ae that be migbt
him. rronts>reet.TrmvsrMC1ty-Blcb.
bare a day or two la tbe Frencb capiul.
________purlc .
which be iatcaded to devote to purely train to Dover and another subatitated
penonal affsiia.
In its pUee.
And Mme. Vincent—ahe wbo bad won
Jnat as he alighted from bU cab at the bto affeeiloaa. wbo bad repelled or en- .iiMU Al home from NIC IDs. m^C from 1
station bis atieotlon was attracted to a cooragrd blm. to auil her puriHoeT Too
froap of loungers and one or two gria- tote be saw that she was one of Bli WfBIC LtaOS-a Mrs PrascU u mmi^
nlng porters. In tbe center stood a lady
t’s secret emtoaaries. It flatbed,
wbo was being lobjected to tbe abase of acrooa him that the acene at tbe aution.
a drunken cabman. Just Ibeo Mr. 8|
tbe qaarrel In the train, were all prear- phOBcSS.
............s attenlion was en WIM aCBOPlKLDU dtSM Baklac psrtors,
gaged with tbe two foteigners Mme. Vin- ML MB Bonis Vnloe SUSCl. Nrw^oMlSt.
rat bad rtlected tbe rtiange of bags.
Tbe srretetaed mcaranger. knowing the
-Mine. Tiacentr be erted In amam
eoacqoencea that would ensue, was
-You in EagUad'. 1 tboagbt"ifitb to ttoapalr. He vowed never to
.atm to England. Dtoratoing blmaelf.
be made bto way te Havre, whence be
eBbarkcd for tbe United 8iatea.-Penny
OPP Esrtsv Boss*.
wlth a slightly Pictorial Magaalne.
fWeign accent, -what it is to behold a
An B«rpUaa aterw WUcMer.
frtendl This man is grossly Iniol—L Ha
baa lest one of my boxes and decUreo
An Egyptian atm wheeler to buUt to
never received it. What ami to dor
' aboals
' ' abd rapid! of tbe
float over tba
-Leave me to deal with him," repll
Nile. There is DO gol _
Wbartoo. tritk rlsinf Indignation. pevy Iron laddera to her engine room, f
jM go Inside. I wtU jedn yon in a me- •M baa no brtd. everything being cartfed
U were at kigaampaiatbto grade, naag
work a aiirialty.
He renndir berated tbe cabman for bto giDca. Indeed the steam cylinders be
iBdrilltv. but cooM get Dttic oat of htoa. axpooed. OM oo either aide and a little
Vow CMBm, Markham MloML
TBe mao dedared be bad nevev area tbe forward of tbe very primitive looking
•tan paddle wheel, srfairb looks more as
box. and Wbartoi
U It betoaged to some agricuhnral imptoVltb taking the i
Bent than a MeamMiip. Tbe reasoa for
tened to rejoia Mi
“Ab. bow gratefnl I am to yon. mj tbto to that. aUboagb nearly a hundred
Wendr abe said, raising her eyes to bee fWt long, ibe only draws about 1 foot r
companioB'a face with a look that tbrfU- Inebea of water, eonneqaeatly abe baa »
raboilt and put in
•bape and am now ready
tu receive all old patrons.
First Freeze
Cleir Ice, fm Boardman lake.
S-:r“j;is;."=S'K=rr^ ,.DODI6BDSIXESSA6IOI.
1 have hkd my baildiiij;
$1.00 a Month
At wwideDceB—samo aa Inat year.
Haro laireqaantliyon band,
make a iqwetaUy of car lota.
J. A. Jackson
BMk’Phoees. No.
Fin InsuraDCG.
Ia L. a. BoUding.
Line of Jeweli; Grui HipKh d miiM Rj
5,;r'““w-,Sii;.'S:;s.;TS“ si GoodIlIXiDdsof
c-vj’iisissusrszMi.’o. i£s'jts.ssz''si^.v;
Now 75c a Month
T MMI Brt tMt y«
«( •? iVA*
to prlTBte famUiM.
PBjBblB monthly in advanoe.
Chas. W. Merrill
l^b 'pbonaa No. IS4.
410 W. Front St.
..Fire Insurance..
1 !!
IWrSAp m. uwlnkM p*ri»f csrse OratS
If yon hara a dwaUing, aloek. atwa.
STB. or any other property Inaarable. KspMs. nix) ■Ireplar «sr ss4 rosch UrsaC
kindly remember I wank to write the
for you. and will give you ClBBSUIenraDS Ksp>d>siii)n>«-k soU ■Iset
iBgrorCMcscoloOrsnd asptus nnil <-ss1rcs>
d careful
To^s srriviox s> ■ A o m. hss eSslz car Ft
rnyMteOr^Kspi-lssnl rhsir rnr GrroS
Balet vary low.
c L. meuyoop. u p a t.a, ums4 anatos
looa n.
Johoaxa Block
Best to be had in
the city is at
See sampiea in window.
John R. Santo.
Isiitil lisiriies.
Wnrahaig Block
The Waukazoo House!
Iho bMt turutobda and bcM kapt
boMB OB tbto paulMaU to ready for
boMaaaa. Opn tba year ronni. Good
Usery la MBBaetloB srith the be
BalM aside kaowu on appUeatlau.
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
SUmralkldualMriB aUslaM.
JOHN F. OTT ft 00
asin ts Zravana Ottr IiawSir Oo.
The Fere lirqsette Riilmd
aomo eooTB.
ttS3eS£::f““- ““l 1
I S ■ I PM I Psr. ; a ■
bvcwoncu......UOOwlltO I PM I r B
ar o^tepids' I sr^j s soau
LvOtC asptSs I siup! T !A
Lv trsvsrwOy.
ar BUBspIds..
Lv BkBapIda..
ar TrsvsrasOr.
Fine Wood
iBkatalBS can ba removed from
«Bto pooda by ruMdBt with tbe yolk PBttor
«( BB SOT bale— waablac- Scorch caa
"uow lonnnate: i am muruisg uara ISO degrtra. What wonder they at net
be nowTud fram mnaUn or linen by
•NlrtOT Iho jBtoe oftwo onloaa. <mn •yaeif. I eoarrsa that I draaded Ibe ttonre fatot away and are brmigkt op and
toaiBry. but Mw 1 aball travel with an
teVoMes cC white Map. two obbcm MW
afmi. far 1 kraw there to a (rtosd at
•r •iBac'a earth and coe-balt plat «t
arrival saS Ccronsrc of iiwins si Trsrom
CUr. Is sBs.-i Us> rru. pia.
■ ia2
SSSB3 issBsasflflSsrs
of tbe great llaera whieb
ply te tbe far east wouM be only toe
■lad If when going tkraagh tbe Bed eea
ara te It on my reenrn from raria.'
are gelng.M they eoald brtag tbrtr eoglM
■teOTir. an hatosd lustkv and caaM
warm; blfh words arose. I'tually one of
tbe dispotaaia aeemet] to lose complete
e—tral of bhuselr. Spriafinc to bU Tree
' ' labed Us newspapra Into tbe.elhrr'a
toMoirtnc Btataa.
Coffee-Lay tbe atalned portion of
tbe doth orer a bowl aod pour boUlas
water tbrooffa It
Fitilt—BolUoc water at above; If In•ffaetnal, rub wltb a aointloa of oxalic
add and rln— In warm water.
lak.-Dlp la boUtne water, rub udtb
■alta of aoerel aod rtnae wdL
BltoxL-B—k In cold water. For tick
lac and tbM yoodi make a thick paate
of atatefa and water. Leave till dry aod
bniab off.
Boorcb.—Dip la aoapanda and lay Ja
ana. It dbera are not mneb Injored.
dip repMtedly In -ttuated aoli
of borax aod rtnae.
For baying a 10 cent
te yon I
I. aa I hoped It would aSui
pottery with aa old faablooed t—pot
Ibera are no “cm and dried" ralw for
the— fORilabtaca except that there be
Dot too many of them.
Have You..
Bat bow
It that yon are
_ sdT
.. 1. theufbt
yon bad eettled
down la Pntia and loidced forward to tbe
■Imrari of trr|m 7— when I had traas.
acted tba bnOTiii which takat ate acroaa
waxTti cancotr.
peoalbto. A candleetlck or candelabra.
• choice bit In pottery, a picture and
perbapa a raae, or for tbe dlnloc room
MAY 3n ’'»"n
LaestssO. p. a
imsm UD KmusTm L L
THE MORt)tK& RSCORD. WBPKgsDAY, >tAT 30,1900
Oriels «f thsMteth.
dawatothe peaea»t ttan BoMteyhai
Httar hi Elcnlnc Bae««-1 bat oaly axiatad by
ioava to pesMst Is pea tba foUewiag Uwo. aad ama alwaya stood* apoa the
Rrt»«a*. tossAliff poa wUl daam U dead bodiaa of miUiem of Chrtettea Ata UmmUj Dm to Smw Dto
wortbpofrimia tba oolaaM s( pour martyn. It haa ao vltaUty to Uva ef
ntngtMfirt al tha
pap». that a qaasttea whteh maap itoolf or give to its proteeton and
brlaOp la a pahUa wqp. That ia aa to
thatarlffinofSaMlap. Howit baeom band the Oodot Baavan has gk____ WtotoCaatoHiwimiidfcy toaUtoto
ohaOTvadaaabolpdap.aadapoa what hla paopto a day, a Sabbath, aa a aeal
*«datloa it alaada. 1 ahaU at thla of hla eraaUve power that will eadnro
tlMt vsfp brieflp psaaant tor aoBaldar- to all eternity, tor the Lord so dcolaras
atlaa Jaat a few teats oat of imam of
apoo tbo sab- la tha hrieleat manner. I have pnaenud thcae teota tor tbe hoamt eoaiaet BOW In qiMatloa.
It U nsnallv the fct
kidaqpa aUeh Aral
Firat, In oedor that pon map fallp •idavatioadt -all wbo may rrad thorn, get out of or^, -and
Bdarstaad Joat how the Lord r^aided tnoatlng yon will pot away prejadiee hewlactacs and nrtoa
ariaoty iinabTia
Ban wovahlp, from whtoh tbe Sondap tor I have not declared my worda bnt filters of the blood the kUaeve week
pr^ly origiaalod. Pleara ao« Bs^ thoao of too Lord, in whom y« profeoa
S:tS, IB. Ton will tbore leans that of to beliovn. with a tew biatorleal facta.
do get tired and casae poto to lha
aU the abomlnatioaa of Pagan wor- Now in oaao any lack wisdom to know back,
St, aad nalem alteaded to wiQ l«ta
ahipa this waa the moatoffanaiva ia tbs tbe troth as It U ia Christ Jeans.
aigbt of Qad, hoooming moat promi- 1st him ask of tbs Lofd. he will give to
naat aaaong aU haaUtan and Idclalnma all snob liberally and npbraldeth not
Dr.-Chsra'a El:idaee.«Jv0 FUto Mrike
aatloas B. C. HBl. fianday Is atUl the
at tbe root ol
.J tfoaUe by maklag Ike
D B. Wright.
kidoeys stroeg.
■II. kcafthy aad Hforana
wild aolar holiday of all pagan ilmo*.
They cute “ '
Soa any atandard Bngliah dlotloaary.
diabetes and rindullm of thalH^
IIU Kiprr4<t»-r.
Israel's flrat idolatop was the lloenUont
as well M (towto
I'Tau ninp-toriin-ii-r. tli* wif«- of
wjfahlp of tbe Egyptian sen god. Se«
Herr lliug*ttTui<-i<-r. tin- boa i.-uni-r,
Exjdnt SM le. A. D 58 on* of tbe »a* uliarmay t«- n-niKsl—lu put It
erase they make it posalbiTror Uw ta
In the DilMly—a vlruK-i. .iii<l lu-IJ HIuukut- enjoy in old age tbe comfort aad veto
ebsreh at OaUtU. Ual. 4:8. ». The un-ii-r <u aoNuluu- *iiliJivikMi.
they hare so wdl earned.
tesUval of dnnday, like all other tmtlTill- lluu Uiim-r n-lunii-<l to tin- fam
Mf- J- D. Brightman. Ledyatd, N. T.,
yala, was only a human ordinanee. The ily I'liriit.in »1M- I'veiili^ lu u
« to its
drat early tether, who wlthont donbt
•mill iH-uvr )><>»i|M>ui- ail liiii-rvu-M- At tim i'could not Ntralgfatra'ni^S
applied the term Lord's day to Snaday, witli 111* lK-ti<-r Imir
II III* <-uunilUiii
free tn
«ras Tertnlllaa. A. U. 200. They then
terrible paina Mr. Atol
Tbomai revommended Dr.
W. C
!>r. A. T________
n *i*-u<i lIu- n
obesrved dnnday, or the first day of the
Kidaey-Livrr Pills •<•o bigbly that I tried
week, with offerings for the dead and
> eoUtely free from
Tb.- n.-xi morning III* «ir.- .-alkMl tbem. rad i
eroBsing tbe forehead at a token of re
barfcscbc sail kidney d
iijiijui-miiil. ami I
Dr. A. W. Cbase'.Vid^Llver
CbsK-i Ei
mombranoe of the cram of Cnrisl. Do ill-^•l^'1-ii huiltiu a II
ae pill a do*e.
do . as
. cenU a boa, et all
Oorana, C. H. ttecl J. A. D. 221. The aiiil^lkl not uIkIi lu dktlirb Ikt idnui
daUrrx. or Dr. A. W. Cbam
Cbaae Hedtoias
liii 111* ri-iiirn.
Ant Law tor the observande of Sunday ■••-rK
-tVli<-iv ilkl you (•■•'•■iir' xIk- <!«'- Company. Buflaio. N. Y.
ON a day of rest aod wjnhip is b/ C >o ■ m.-mik-'t.
etantloe. at that tins heathea emperor
• in 111.- .-nci- wlib til.- lions," be rrof Borne and ana worshiper, dee Juam’ I.1I.-.I iiovkl.v.
"fowiinlt" lil«».vl Mr*. llUigNtcr.
matory, two Republlea, page 248. dylniclrr. u lili n look a* uui rubbvtl of bi-r
vester. bishop of Rome.
tuRt ■lue*
bestowed npoo Sanday the UUe of
R.wmiai lioaeutb VuImi atrwi.
Uwd'a day is A. D. 32D. Boolesiaatteal
Hiatery. chapter lu. pp. 738, 740. The
apostasy in the ebristian ebnrcb made
such rapid progreos that by A. D. 338
the Sunday and tbe Sabbath were cai:ed sitters and both days observed by
many as holy days, tbe one ibe7Ui
day Sabbatb ordained and oomnamied
The Ceiefcraipd MPMlall*i. Formerly of New York.
to be kept holy by the Lord of Ueaveu;
tbe other, the Saoday of pagan origin
and commanded by man to bs kept
trilX 8K AT
Wbieb will yon obey, liod or
man as a means of aalvaUoc? See
Sotul 'W'laj.'blaa.g,
Beley’s history of the Sabbaih. chapter
2, page 2. aeea s, ». alto ebap. 3. see.
4 aod 3. Then as we enter upon tbe
Ofltoe Bonn teem 0 a. m. to • p. a. One day Miy aaeb moath.
dark age*, from A. D. :.3S on down, tbe
annala of Roman history alow bow fast
the chnreh look the reiaa of the aUlr
aod caotml Ibe pat^e of many de
creoa and laws tor the entororinent of
the acccptaoce land obeervanoe of the
Snnday at a holy day for rest and wor•hip.
About A. D f.io strong perarcotlon
eommenecd againat all diawiDtera to
the Catholic faith and capeeially tor
tbe not- brarvance of Sunday. Then
came tbe wbippieg. tbe fines, imprkonment. paoUbmebi and deato in
every c Derivable manner of torture
By the laqnlation It wes decided
whether tbe dlmeoter ehonld receive
death by the bt-beadiog knife or be
torn ia pieces npou the alretcher. or
rest upon the rack, or conautne away
to red hot keiUee. or by burning out
the eyes with hot iron* aod palliog out
tbo tongue with, rod hot tonga. All
these fiere suffered by many tbcuiand
penons, from tbe gray haired father
and mo'Jter lo tbe yonug man and
malder. Snob are facta and the moat
aoenrate blatory abowa that not less
than sixty milllona of eonlastnk Into
mai;^yra' gravea or tbelr ashes scatter
ed to the wtode aod mingled with the
dnat—all tor wbal'i’ That Sunday |
should be accepted aaa holy day to
oppoeitioD to tbe Sabbatb of Jebevab.
all tbe outcome of leglalatloa tor laws
to compel tbe obeerrance of Sooday as
a day tor reel and wonbip. Thla ia all
the glory there U to the record of Sun
day laws.
Tbna we flod in co brief a sketch of
historical facta that the Saoday which
U today ao extenalvcly obaerved by the trvai all CHanmc. KXRVorH, bbIN ee4 BLOOD Diwmm apes tSv tewev eeleeUli pHaetoo-called ebriaUan world aa a holy day. pir*. *ad mitlt* hlB to ibr ruil eoaSScoev o' Ibv »aici4d crerywacre.
Dr. ChMetKIdwy-Uw Plllt
^Wk^toyto aSJnSS JS
OpprrW. l*ft bMl- PMI
ExiM^agB CW.
KMDdlBii •( tlM> fn-at Kbvnrlc Tvwrt «d4 lonUoiC oonli. the visitor to the I'afi-AiDoHcsD ExiwiRltSon. to be bdd
lo BnlTslo from Msr 1 t« >'ov. 1. llKil. wlU bare before bin Ibe PUxa. or sqaare. & bcaQilfal o|m-d sjace 330
0 by SOO
fw-t. on t»M- o|»iiosIte. or nnnik, side of the I*Uss will be the Pn>pj1*«. or uoaonKtitaL eiitrsncos. oonnr ted by a
ciined rsdonnado 2Hi» f«-t toag. A Ur*.' btUldlnc at the left. Ml feet long and 52 feet whle. with lower lU fe^'
biicb. will be OM-d for rtataurant pOTtmw*. Thi* fonua also tbe raatera entnum- to tbe 3lhlwaj-. or plvnan e ground.
wlH-re the rlalior may Bud a o.illeetlon of oorel enterlaluaieats that will a>lonUh the moat eo.n«.-Jb.r
IHm ily arhm* llie I'lsaa from the nemaurant liallillng l» a rAmianlOD Mrtieture. funning the entrance
tbe Su*
dlurn. or athletlr fleld. where sr..ti(1 peoj.le mg' be seated to enjoy the high ilniw aibletle apona.
e wall O|i|>0Nlt0 tbe e
Tbe window aide V'TKThwu wa*
mado lo withattmd tu fnry and to pro- therefore usually '-t—.................
id <£uiMile talik-a QUod
AH UNMERCIFUL NOR5E OOO THAT too* moro geMwoaty tbe dumb animals row mirrum aud
Aiu«lV«'a, while simple
. wbo tnfftt easily with tbelr mMtera between tbe wlmftiwi,
Tbe signal aerrloe it raudertag aid In ilraiierhw iind chrve'daluty wl
ai«iN completiHl that end of tbe opart»-aad What TeirlUe
ment. M'Indow aeuta were euDNOiiiH‘Dl>
Tbiai. T%e, Ar. c«n B. a- a—
wrtanec- In tboeo
e aud hlR dainty
Ooe-witk All Mae** cwn, ibag Are ukewithtatob
, om gave eanful deslgtu for
and proride more intelllgontly for tbeir
In tbelr pubI time of need, wbioh U rare to come.
The blUaard. ai the plain n
BoL with all
' the bilnard temainannoononered. It ii i window seats an- ntber aduilnsi for
at43m. U onorly
1 tbe
<•— Bake
of their unusualneiw tbau for
oue wbo faai uot (ixperienoed it QenNorse
from wboae kingdom It any n-al iiuTit they may iHinu-xs
swtod in the great storm breeding renscfnl arth-Ie« of furnllure.
lolly a
•wept on arctio blaata along tbe vast
Items From Toaie Talk.
its forafront Is apprebonlorel nncbea that atreteh eastward from
The housewife is suppUitl with maoy
tbe Kocky moeutalua. with no foreat to
bcautifni aud InlKir saving retiulsltca
deeolatlon and SDfferlng,
break Its farce, it bocomea a domon of
in tbuHe days.^ i'a|H-r dulllvs Iiavc
death.—Detroll Free Pnm
the air, seoond only to tbe cyclone or
reached high ari in texture and beauty
banadoindcatracUreneaa. Thomolitnre
of design. Am instauii'. the latest are
Ugronodai between mlllatoaieA batt
exact UuliatluSiH of linen with bomDuring a Mvere haibtonn in tbe slllohed edges'nud Isirders, the latter
ed with bnllotltke <!nergrorer hundreds
of miles of level plain, aud finally, Himalayas our native gardener broagbt perfsrt cotilee of klexlean drawn work.
tranaforfbod into yeasty aloQt by Uio sof- out a batebet and plaoed iL edge up Tbe coDvculeuco of ibU laco iwiK-r
''tenlng effects of lower latitudes, falls in ward. iu the garden, to“cnttbestarm.'' napery can scarcely be cNtlmalid. In
bleak ahowca on the ranges of Tesw as he aaiiL Catlln, iu his “Nurtb Amor- all sixes—round. s>iuar\- anil oral—they
loan liidiauA” dcncriboe a ooremoDy of suit every imrpiisc and dish fur table
~ --...pad No Man's Uud.
tbo Maudan InBians, in which batoboU servh-c. Vuder salads. Ice* anil csikiD
iBck of cheat
aud edged tools are sacrifiood to the
the breriiy of tbe winter aci
they arc quite as im-tty and scarcely
: prairiiw oontrlbnUs to make Ibe settler's ' 'Rplrit of tbe waten" to avert a roenr- dUtlngulshablc from art llueii. without
oabio a poor refnge. Wbim tbe blitaard renoe of tbe great delogo, of wbiob tbo the trouble of lauud<Tlug afterward.
oomos, ovi-ry resonreo of fuel is fans- tribe has tbe tiadlUmi.—Nofaa and The |ia|H-r dollies. «-Xqui*lle os they
banded, and it in faced with a grtm de- Querlea.
are, nay be obtuinol at a prkv which
turmioatiott to see It tbrongh.
warrants once using and throwing
Bnt tiot all are prepared even ao well
away, which U a great ailvantagc.
as tbe settlor. Occasionally a belated ffhelr
A clever hostess not long slue<- outraen Pramere «t Clewalaa.
emigrant, eu rente clliicr to a cboaon
Id her rc|>utailun for oiiiAriity by
.comclaim i the froniler < toward tbe
plulnts of tbe ixiur wi-orlag qualities of serving terrapin In Individual chafing
a tiny sjilrlt lamp bansins un
bopoi lo find old fricmli and bcipen, is lace curtain* us rompared with tbone der each one.
caught by tbe blast Ho may bare a that ''lasted for y«ars In the times of
Al ladk-s' luucln-ons little loskets of
tiny stove iniido tbe canvas loptMd prai
Idtvh l«rk at •■ach cover hold
rie aohodner, but iU beat can do little ten luslst that tbe qualliy has deterio candled cherrk-s or ctj-aiu dlpp^sl Alagainst tbo power of tbe storm. Sbel- rated and that there are no such gootla
merla grajics. tlnvirii-avcs arc In
torod by tbe low bluff of some ravine or made aa those beorlng date of 40 yean geniously foldid In honi of plenty
wator course be may weather tbe drag- ago. many of wbh li are cre-u yet In a sliap<'s and placeil on tiny fiat plnira
giug boon of soffering. bnt tbe obanoes more prescDUble condlllon than oor
ut glass to hold unhnllcil siraware that team aud driver will be found own. that have pasa«>d tbrougb purbapa
I many
a ghastly monnment to tbostorm king's two or three cleaniuga Id
■ I'nkolstered Farsliarv.
Tbe resMD for this Is more tbsn any
The farmer who has bnrried 10 or IS
le artkies and in-nt the dust
milee to tbo uoaroat vinage to eeonre other oue thing Ibe difference In tbe out first witli a thin t-aiie. then mb the
rappHoa for tbo Impeoding vislUticai prdciws of cleaning, says a leading
Qg nil over with dry bran and
is often overtaken before tearhing his critic. In suburlian localities, where a flaum-l. This is a tn-nirocnt iltat
waiting family and perishes on the road, tbe moilent profesMlonal curtain clean ahould not in’ denhsl upliolst<-n-d fur
for DO uiatter bow wt-11 i>e knows tbe er Is unknown. It Is altogether probable
ig Cl(
path whuu the bticaard rages bis way that tlie ourtalns IsKt a* long as ever.
is as that of Uio mariner WlUiont a com- They are can-fully washed under the
|sTBoual,su|M>rTlslna of the huu*ekcepChocolate In matiufactuttsl from tbe.
er or by tier own liands. are put upon
At tbe tnirle ■
tbo eutllere' children ar« gatberad from the gnrn to bleach and when sufBclcDt- finer kinds of cacno sci-ds, with the nd-.
a territory oovering many miles in ev ly clear nre rlns>><] and .sinrebed. not ditlon of arroaroot. sugar and t anllla
ery direction, the bliasaril brings terror loo SUIT, for that might cause them ta fiavuring. It Is rolled luto n paste oni
to the pnpils as well as to ttn-ir pareota l<reak. bnt Jmn enough to make tbi'm hot i>Iates nnd <asl In molds In tb«
Kcacno In impiasiblo mitil tbo Inll look new. Tliey are tlitvi ni-ntly and sliaiM- of sticks or cake*.
oomca. and awful pomibllitloa lurk in r>-gnlarl.r plnm-d down ii|m<u the parlor
Ibe boeam of tbo storm. A Dakota eann-t en<l left lo dry with locked
acboolmlstrcM failed to dismiss ber doors to kM'ii out Intruders and open a-tUi r
t rlbbou, are c
•ohulars in time for them to reach windows to let In the air. When taken
borne and found faenelf and them pris- up. they are almost If not oltogetbcr
cners from a blUzard's approach. A as good Imiking as now and have suf
Happy 1* the youth aho.se crop of
night aud a day at least wuie before fered Huh- If any injury during tbe wild oNts Isn't Wurth hurvcsilug.
ber, during which ber little chargee priM-i-sN. Tri«li-d In this way tam
Some women fancy they Iwle flat
must be protected. Deliberately $bo' boured laeo curtaiUN will lost until the tery wheti all they bale U the awkapportioned tbe food remalniog in tbe owners am wearied with seeing them wanlnes* of tbe flatten-r.
dinner paila divided tbe larger bays around and get new ones for vartoly.
Nothing worries a girl mon- than tb
into squads to keep tbe Are bamlng
Tlie modern process is very different. din-nrer that the man after her
Jly, and when da'rknoss came put The curtain 1* put Into a large cal heart Isn't after It at all.
. onnger pupils to sleep on tbe bench- dron, with s<-areely water enough to
All the world'* a rcallstk- stage and
• ea Then
tbrongh tbe bltta night she cover it. and Is boiled in 'the atrongest many of the actors are c»iu|H-lk'd to
■aug, declaimed, told stories, invented blearhing cbemlenls. ' It li slightly step aside lo let the trains go by.
When a m.-iu Is too proud to beg and
..games and kept tbo frigbtonod ehildroo rinsed and stlOly starebitl. If it Is torn
amttaed and ebeured as beat she could. or tbe thn-ads are. broken, a seeUon of too iium-st to steal he go«-s out and
Tbe following day pamed much the uet lace Is dippi-d In thick sUrcb or bunts some other man who Is wilting
trust him.
sama but still no abatement of tbe ]>astc and laid over tbe broken spot,
It is not tbe height to wlii.-h a
•term noranyreacuA Tbe aocond night n biefa has been inrtly riosed by being
was dreary indeed. The children cried drawn logetlier with vi-ry fine thread. Is advanced that make* bhu giddy—
it's looking down with i-nutenipl un
tbemselvui to sleep, hungry and oold. Tbe m-t is then pressed upon tbe enr- iboHc abo b<’l|>rtl biu up.—Chicago
With her own bands tbe teacher bndee lain with such force as to unite them Dally Newa
up desks and blackboard to feed tbe ro- like one fabric. Tbe curtains are than
tarions stovA With morning oame a tlried, foldnl and aeot borne to be put
A man has to find time In order to
about at tbe door as tbe MtUen tbovellost IL
«d away tbe now, and then tbe plu^
Tbe les-* some people know tbe mot«
girl to whom tbe obildixm owed tbeir
they try to show off.
Tbe windows to the drawing roona
lives showed ber womanllntas—and
A child can a*k a qitestloD in ten
In the days nf Chippendale and Sbera- thousand dlffvn-Dl ways.
Tbe loos amestg stock on tbo plains bff lon were tall and narron-. They were
The man who holds four a»«es carries
eaedi blloard is appalling. There is leas act between tbe deep revcala wbieb things with a high hand.
expoonre of herds and Books now
iKib't get into the habit of reUUng
your troubh-s to your relations.
in aorllor tlmeo, yet every soaaon oanaes
tbe dmtraetlon of tbonoauds of bond of
A man must be very much alira In
oMie and sbeep on tbe range* and in
order lo be a successful dead l>caL
tbe snsheltord oerraU hercral yean
Even pbutograplier* are unalile to Indn<e tbe |H>ssimln to look pleasant
agadaring tbe beigbc of tbe Texas cat
tle trade, a bliisard in wrotera Kansas
early in Oeoember deftroyod more than
bait of 300,000 oaUU that were being
fasrded on tbe open prairie. AtooeraUeach of bl* inisiakes ne<
ever coupleles
way station, after tbe erkrta, 86,000
bis eJuiyilon.—Chlcagu Dally Newa
bideawere eblpped. at another 10,000.
Oae ranchmaa found bnt IS' beadalive
When Ibe Boera mobilised tbelr
OBt of T,600 that had beru grailng'beforces it la tsld thst they only called
fot« tbe catMtrepbe. aevtral bnndiad
aanda s a nf betdets also per- coDtalaed tbe folded abnttera. ray* out tbe first levy, of men between
PuraltuK and Dacorator. Tbeae win- aigtatOMi and thirty-four, some 23.OU0
dowa"gcoemUy gave spoa amall troa in alL The second k-vy would con
sist of those between thlrty-Sro and
bakonlea, and tbe ortbodax
«daaa drawing room «< tboaa days aaaanapabteafbeartafs
*a(na* MMiMnl.iaU|« te- ttlaad ttew aach atMMbM «««tw
' P« U^loriiile SUMS ^Fryoui
Fuieial Dirteitr.
ConsDltation and EiamiDatioa Free and Suictir Ceifideilial.
Nov President ortbeOttniiii ledicalInstitute Go., lnRoNiui,lck.
Thursday and Friday, - June 7 and 8, 1900.
for rest and worabip. In oppoaltion to
tbe 7to day Sabbatb. has no divine
origin, bnt U an toslitntloa of tbe
Catholic ebureb, and which they claim
aa the mark of tbelr power, and inprophecy a power ia repreaenled by a
beast, aa the empires of Babylon,
Medopeeala, Greece and Ba-nc; then
the forma of chnreh powers aa pagan
and papal Rome, and many otbera: so
the Roman ebanto la eaUed tbe beast-see Rev. I3:ie. 17. in. The istb verae
aaya. "Here ia wisdom. Lst him that
I nndentandtog eount the hnmbar
of the beaet, for U ia the oomber of a
man. and bit nnmber le alx handred
three score and elx." or 60C. This
nunber epeUed to Roeun eharaeten
gives the title given to the Pope, vis.,
vloervgent or vUsor of Christ. Next
read Bto. JOtoand nth varera of-J4th
ehapur of Rmalaltoaa. that yon may
aadersiaod the threatentoge of Ood to
^m that iweeive tbe mark of tee
beaat or the badge of hb power, which
to the Sanday Sabbath oommanded by
the Roman OatboUc ehnrob pnd ae
eepted by tbe Protestant ehurehee. In
rt oppoeiUon to tboeommaadmaa-a
ofOod,aadtothaobaervaaeaaf it yon
rimply declare the Pope aad the aathority of the Roma ehnnh to ba
Oalerrh, UU-MU or tbe Krv.Ber. Nosv.Tbroei aod Lubr*. D/ipepSi
brtav, Xldory, U'rr, BUddrr.Obroblr Fraal* bod Sriobl OIMaese i
WMViSbUibvorvf-r fbllvd In ibovvbud. of CMM iSbl bed bees w_____
Mboy pvoplv aivi dvbib vrvrr yver wbo wKki bare been teeieroS le penmi asona aaa may
pibOM Ihvir rumlb Ibv hbodv of rxpvna.
IKPOBTAJrr TO X,ADUCS-DB.OTniAJf. bOvT ywet.iiperteam.has Mmemeil
DMCtUSauiO BABd earns la every erne
t SMl bU O
“A’^MJ^Allf’AJrD poamr*
P08IT. _ ovu
tor the bwtulcSoeu at early vie* bad■ lUe BB■eeroov cvtUUibl
ASrBBCCRSter an eremeW ..................
OBBa nbrboiebd enied wltSeei peia er Oe.~i bU delicbte dlbocCrfb |iirn11ir W;
bbz. pealUvbLy rorbd. be well be tBSeI dlbWAe** Ubt reeBlt frow ycBlhral M„ .! iSe bzebee of WblBrr yvbrb.
Caiwar. rfli^d pymiee ef
eed perwbMwUy cores by thi
aipericr taO«A...d Iram'Ua tetaaay Prinl^SPX Iftt
to'ipveB. Peteem raieed le bee
IS Aer wtk.glvtagi '
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