The Morning Record, January 14, 1900

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The Morning Record, January 14, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







AnarfawOhriaMaasan Baia»tXar>

mwm-^’trnt tmOM, AmUttag Wmnkm Htw» Jnm ‘Imtsl
BMrtsn. Oapt Ocicaf. Jam. II •>
Insfs aissMsi la



^amisodk rtaUkm at OTan»i«M
syasettoMMisskof Mm BostsoM'
mamt. 1W Bean nUrad. Bal sataaMaattfsMy a< than aManpladta Adjuuat OosoTBl Obm Kminto tha (
ntnajaliBn.tlnUialaf UaUaaa*
. men they
tsfna Hid Posmon.
I by the VaiudStotaa
WHffnr-i katvaaa tha BrfMah
troopa aad roatad with <
tin-|----------—r na>««
dahad. Tha Amarleaaa wan atroagTnlaadMi wIlB a hrilUaat dash traa- 4faU PacUaaa to VM«a. aad Daly raaistad aad tha Bgbt waa aa ebstl4aa«ad«ha aMaaaf*. tkar D^ad sad ■aada Oaart e( toqalfy -VaMai
wlaadtBepcattloa Bnt aad ftradfol•aard la Vot Dan'nlisad.
lara at Mm asasT. who ratnatadla tha UaslBf. laa. it -Adjalaat Oaaaral A smwtbbon eaaaoa was aaptarad
by the Amafinaa. who aeattarod tba
MtfsaMaselOolaabarrFiliptaoe and dnlnyad tbair ferULeadoa.Jaa It-l^aa**tlhatOaa-,. .. . . . Ua poalMoa with mart
Foar Amwieaaa wen
aralBalkriMd nondkai aaaaad aa I| qoaatad
. 7^ “®
br I *”.
Ho ataads firm oo bla «
daa. wbara tha aaapaaai had laxtou hahadaothtortodowith tha n)a of Faoaral Floree of the toeargeat anay
Manaifh Istelanhla. Main of what tha maitary aapoUas, sad aaat ter mb
a raadra>eoas In Hsova Viaeaya proe-'
ha aaar aeeanpHak la aanoaalr awaU- /
Moa hy a eeart of laqalry. Be
i^haaa. yat set ao aanoaalr aa oa atataa hisaaaa aa Mlewa ia a iattar to iaaa with 100 omb. aad Oaptais Baaaoo
with two troopa of tha Foarth eaealry
ilaaday. «haa Udjamlih'a data tram- Oeraraer Plafraa loday:
waa aaat to dUodfs him. Aftar a
hlad la tha haltaaa Tha lose axpaetWith faaUars of Uirhnt raapeet!
admcTS aaa aaaaotfeUew with ear* toward tha oomnaadar-la-ahlaf. t hara short aofacemaat tha iasariraau wan
talaty ea tha aaap, for Po<cM*a'a Drift fait It aiy daty to avaalf to daeliaa to aeattarod aad all of their hotaaa yen
aiad. No aaaaaltiaa tasaliad
arlatddooa aat adpaareatha badal
WhiU 1 facl that tha raUUeaa tha Amarieaa eoatmaad.
^ar«h hatUUaatflaaamUaa waatof
tha eoaaaadsr-lB-aUaf aad
Oateao aad atcht mllaa aarth of tha adjataat faaacal oafht to be of Taatardaytha Ataarioaa armyei
^rlaftMd aa tha wafae read to Dsw- aaah a aatara, that aadar ordiaary air- plad tha towiadi Ma«aUaan of Oarita
loaa. eaotartar twaaty FUipinoa,
draa aad Udyaaaith. Tha diapaleh
sn tha adjataat raaaralaboaid
■ada aaMIe hy tha war eVn daaa aat raaifa at tha roqaaat of bis abiaf. it laeladlnr a cotaaaL
slata wbathar tha drift waa aaeaplad doaa not aaam to ma that tbay ahoaid
eoatrol ma la thU Inataaaa. For tha
Thalletaf BriMaha
I tharafora, aak that a miinsith laat Batarday. tasaad from tha taryaoartofiaqairybadat^lad to n- Frma aad FaMw of Bagtoad Vnariag
war aVn. la hdUand to ha aaly tha yortapoa tha mattan ataaUaaad is
Bitur Qrttie'tau Agatoat the
. ftWhaiaary IM whlah tha BrlM^ year Iattar ao tar aa thay reflaat oo
annmaa an maa >oaa la tha hahh of
Loadoe, fan. I»~Tba faallanof tba
^dtaf tm.iaadraanaf tha faU r^
aaa haa Ukaa aUoog eanotioas to aa bawar alamaat of BagUab dtJseas.
Hoaawa nma* from Mataki^c « arttala la today's Detroit Pros KraaS. wbieb haa .loar baaa amoaldartag. rrK'aWlay. wd aeaa is axpaatad from Ba smarts that tha aatioaal gaard of preaaad by faaliags of aaraeatpstrtotlam
tha feraHT polat axaapl toy way of tba auta ia aol ia a daaoralised eoodl- an DOW bagiaainr to break out Is the
form of tba moat eaaatle eritleiam of
Moefaadl. oppoalta Mariao. Nalthar tlOB. aadaayi:
aMaotModdar Blear makas a mna,
“Tba mard h aow la baUar eoadi- wbstappeanto ba rron mlsmaai
thoBCh tha aaeal rooa an ataadily tloa than It baa baaa at aay Uma for
ahalliar tha Boar amaiaeamoata, in two yean. Oeaeral ordera wan imaad
by the press. Not by dtsnpatsbie.
whUh saw biy fan bare baaa oat.
Jaly 10. Bodar wbieb tba gaard baa
sUoD-loeliur j-Jarasls. bet by the
Lord Bobarts has ssulcd down ta
thoronghly norgaalsrd aad alecork at Oapa Towa. tioBa haea aln a ly baaa held by thirty. bc»t of papen. wbieb troold bare
Ba daalns to rat matian tberoathly is
paaiaa. tiraat latmat te Mor braadrd eecb ottaraoeea ea Improper
aad impatrlotic a moath ago.
haad baton maklar aoy rstaaslra
eat tha aiata, aa la
1 by tba It to declared to be a well keowa fact
Aboat 4,000 troopa nllad from Bag' raperta baiag raoalead at this ofloa." that Oeaeral Bullar holda Field MarI Lmi Roberta la contempt aad
land today far tha ooaaa of tha
Balaa Om. Lord Eiteheaar Lwd
Tbalrdapartanwi^tha aaaoa at the
Wolaatoy. tha oommaadar-in-ahtof,
wUdaal asthaalan that haa
abana Baltor'a faaliaga aad toeladas
daaad by tha laaelag of aay of tha .
t Plaaaad for the Baaa Lord Lanadowaa, aaentory of atote for
troaaa who have thaa Aar gooa to th%
war wltb whom batoaeareelyoaapaStogtarma.
for tha T«ar.
aatqaa aatartaiamsat la abool to Bo tolaaaa to tba emalty batwaaa the
ba broagat to towa laadar tba aaapten earioae leaden that It to feared that it
wUl aaetniy baadlaap the wom of tba
of tho BIgb 8ab«] Ban Bali Aaaetla- army, aaa tba realgaatioa rof Lard
. Tba Elisaa Meeiar P<etan aad Wolaalay weald aot ba a aorprtoa to
Bmalardam iaa. It—Than waa aa
oartbqaaha ia Palamtaag. a Datab Ooaewt Oompaay wbiah will raadrr a Mae who oadmtaod tha altaaUon.
pioeteaatatka taUadaf Bamatra
mm oondaMag of moetag pletaras. Mathaaa. WblU, Oataan, Clary and
Uteat pppatar aoaga, baadaomdy U- Froaoh alt eoma to for thair ahan of
Jam. » Woartam vtUagn won
laalntad by Bdiaea'a aawait iseoatiae. eaaatle eriUetom, and aothlag bi^a
Woyad aad aiaataaa AaMen wart ki
aoma Asa ■tadaltiaa. Tba aatar- great riotory aooa will qatoi the rtotog
Vaayheoaaawoiadaatrpyod. At I
meat wiU probaUy be ban Wadwoolaa. am tha waat aeaat of Bamattp,
fealtog of dtoeontaat to Baglaodtwo pataew won biUad aad Be Baadayresatog, yaa.14. aad tha proeaada
wiU go to tba sopport of tba
Sigh lahool baaa ball tnm.
HovpLVLD avAVdamvB.
Tba boya totaad glelng a faw aotartatomsBia. a etoU, ate., aad thas aara PaaalUaa Attoobad to B-foaal
Sepwtid that Bight Vaaa Iliad of aoeagb to dafny alt aspaaaaa oftbe
to Oire Bwora Property
Babealo Plaagaa.
team aad do away with paaatog a nbautamoBt.
Wnhlaglea. Jaa. iS-Ualtad Btatn aerlpMea paper ameeg the marebaato la rlaw of tba tax to«t aow to fores
'baatoam maa aahaa baaa done
Bperlal Agaat Bayward at Baaolala.
j Umaa baratofon by earloaa aim- sad tha work toad oot by tha otata tax
U a rapert to tha Btato dapartstaoi,
oomeMmioaars. a bettar kaowledgeof
aaya than haea baaa althi daotha from *^^?5i"Day" laooaof tbeattraot- tha exact rrqalnmaata aiaka by tba
,.^beoU plaagoa at Booolaia alaoa tha iou pUaaad hy. mamben of the aealor atatotaa to. doairad by maay.
Tba pnasadaaboea expaaaaa will
loMtooart. Ba adds that tba dW has eUak
■o toward tha ABaaai. The ball team
Followtog to a vary ImnartaBtaacbaaa pUaad aadar rigtd qaaraatlaa.
hops to dafivMia espaataa aad ao tloBof (be lawntoUagto maadatory
help the aaaldh- Thle Bret aaUrtatoit nqalred
KITCBBVBB TBB BSAL LXADBB maalpramlra toheaa aaoeUaotem
aad aa the naaa la a worthy one, the
Bee. 81, Aet 1«4
pdaaaa Wakantey aesalog will
aapwiBsfo That Boharia la Manly __.oabtadly
ka largo aad tba boya an
‘ of aay Brm. er ofien of any
a yigonbnd
llady tonopaaiaa baoafk
Uon aitoU* wUfally aegtoet er
Haw York. ipa. U -Tba BanU
omakaeataad d^ror a tna
prats tha foUewiag Leniaa dlapa
ath. adaatotoM ^ the eaparr
-It BOW inks oat that LardEttebaam
r other aeaemlag oOaarar meaabm
ia naUy shitf to Soath Atriaa at tha •araaa Paper lladaroi Tewa
f tha Board of atata tax eommtoslonAboot te oepltatota.
bndaftha BriMah tnopa aad that
taharala proridad for or other ofl mra,
Lord Bebsrta la a dgarsbnd " Jast VLmaa, Jaa. it.—Tba Maia Praia r ahaU aaswar falaaly or nfan to
wbsn tha nport edgtoatad la sot Prams today pabUabn a diapateh from aewar qaaatloBi eeaeanlag hto pn>r
or propany aadar hto eeatnl. aa
Inowa. aad too mash rridnai ah
Braaaaia aayiag that aswa haa baaa n- arty
roqalrad to this aat. each-----aatbaptoaadtalu_______
asleadiban from Pralorta that tha be daaand gaUty of a
Bona haea atornad all tbobaigbto aad apoa acarlatkm thwoof ahaU be
MiU WIU Baa Batn Tina.
aroaad Udyamlth aadthatthaaap- peatobad by ImprtraaMat to tha aaa
B^taatog Monday aeantog tha aUl Itatotfeaotthailaaalateariy a^aet- ty jaU aot Ion than thlr» dpys a
mm thaa aix moalha, or by^ n
at daha F. Ott A Oo. wiU bagis ta wnk
lam than oaa baadnd dellaioMrmo..
oattoMna. Tba aUl wlU roa with a *^’JaaIWy this aawa may rafar to the tbas oaa theanad daUan, or to both
fa&lacaa aad tho aain goartar Mma •gbOagtoto Batarday whoa tha Bom aadiJ^^liapfJaenBoat to^dlaaapkw^ tha Brlthh Wnikii throe
wfli ba Warn TidO to P-JO, |aor days'
id It abaU ha the daty of tha aaparweak. Memfmr. T^aaiar. Thandayaad lima, aad ta tha iaat that tha Bom
Friday, thngaiatog aaa men day a



m uw PMnsioiis


I Wad-




Tb.ttiiiie huond .abj«4 ct -“-Tiynii
ud q>mdUi«i'-U KnUI tneUou
,«.t.d prepk...

Vaa Br^t Daath amA Dtoata
tiame Cerda. M.M.JaB.lP-DatoUa
at tha bUnerd wbiah awagtonr aeath
matara Maw Mmttoa TanBay and
Vnat Wadandar todiapinthak Uaraa tha
aannatatarm anraaparimmad laMm

<Mm tiw So^ of • Hud

aeMlad thaatata liyarf it that tha
noartaonaiiMafoeCa entaa^
Droto VUlytooa
ad ammamn tg Amarteam OhriaMan at
IbaalUsyatat Bar^ mbs wUheai
OwaiaMoa Ho aaab mwmama waa
Ihaialiaii. aad Baryaet k ta a faIrSj
laMaaMta Tm lafatta has haaa
as atad h)r tha taliaB that lha CMmttam atBarpoottmaagiam ae aaaaa
feraaNaaasthavvt«< «ha aatharit- Jaaf baaa maaiead Iron Obba taltlBg af
aabarpBcbt that nsamd thVbdaa.
A batwaoa a battalloa at tha Btoaith lataatry aad a atnng dot
It of the tosarcaala. TboFUIplaoa




I-— —— —

amaenUaUate ___ _______
gaSSsnl ia Jastty UahlataaaA
ponalWt W nfort tha aaaa to tha |na-

****** Tl*Ti-nii**r

W. ban tbes U Uoek-«bo. mkbtaMd tanm.ur ud UHnum.
MW, wlA lUM tuba, tfaadari.
Uatod—at ^leoial wl. Hcaala; ahxnoon too.
AaMbu tlmal; arUdla yoa aaad ta

« drtoar of tha WUta Oaka
a. b la Crnnd Umt maay
abaop bardan ban laat tbair Uaaa.
Tbnamal af bead of ataak pwMad.
And UlibaUaaad that tka lamwfUaggragala onr BBQ0.NP Aa old pnapaa
isr feaad Aaad at lha kaad af Oon

m» Gist Of the Leeaons”
“BoilM dowa’—a pookta edltioa of Saadar Sakoal laavaa, ia Raw. taadm. SSa.

Peloubet’e Hotel on Intemstional
a 8. Leeeons, $1.10.
“Comfort Powders," a neat gift, for 86o

haa baaa idaaMfiad aa Jakm Vaaa.


W‘poatan'(uriptaial qaofaiiaa.) helpfal la niu at, diuppajataiaat or Uio "blan"—b.a
‘•Skot-lu.” Drop ia aad wo theiB.

catot AUBan( to. Booth


City of Maxlao. Jaa. It—Then to
^to tha
tha artiola to the boodaa Spaetator.
wbiah prcdlets that aama day Borrpi
WiU attempt the parti tloa of Beath
dmertea, Oanaaay takii« BnitL It la
bald UMlthaUtto-Amv
aboaid joto to a laarae for tha eom
defaaar, aad that if tha Daitad BUtn
Jytoa. maktog a pao-Aaerleaa alliaaea
it Bboald gaaraataa tarrliortol aad po
" ' al todepaodaacaot MtaLatto Ataarieaa ooaatrta^

t9d-tta Front Btreet

Ralph OonaAble Jr., KABBgir.

at Out Katet,
35 and 26c quality eat to.. .19«
65 and 75c quality out to.. .48s
•L25 and81 quality out to. .87«
$1J0 quality cut to........... 8U0
12.00 qoaUty cot to........... $i.4f

tvastyfm Oama
OffraahtoaMtonhaeaf Mt baaameairrd. that wlU ba aold at coat with

Ob Aooout 0f iBTC&tciy

m UiitnMm wirtt ell
$2.00-tito 'ra Iwif

We aHU ba al^ all day Moodar,
Jaa. IS Bxtraordtoary mla on Tamday. Jaa 16
New York Btora.

for 6S Mils.


Astonishing vsloes in suit, <
ter departments. SAT.m ITO-W OIJT

& OO.

$3.50 a Pair


No woman
S $2.50 to $2**,00. Considerably below reg^nlar prices.
T Choice, desirable coats.
ever put
Come in aad see them.
her foot in it
who was
not glad of it.
‘^rooia" ebon art worn
by all fasbioaable womeo iu
Europe and Amerioa.
Huodreda of Traverae
Oi^ ladies wear and praUe
Ten different atylea.

Bxelaalra ageat for Bomto.


Ian Maclaren
The famotu EofUab antbor, writ­
ing in the North American Renew
on "The Energy of the American
PeoplA” iAya:
■•No man writes with bis own
hand, if he can dicUta to a ataao.
grapher; no man dictates, if he can
tele^ph; no man telegraphy if be
can talephtme."
tfyoa are a ^rpioal, energetic
ap>to^te American, yon already
lue ^ Long Distance Telephone.
If not, a word to the wise is saffioient

wcHiGU nuraoK ca

School of Music


Miller'a Store

to the Cigar!

for Slim

BEST |0F ALlr-

Be Pig Tall

1 Back 8now}Drop...
1 sack Silver Leaf...
1 sack Noble..............
1 sack Snow White..
1 sack Belle of Ohio.
1 sack Star________
No. 1 Feed, pei^0031be. .65o

W. W. Billtr'sXasb Sitra
226 Front Street


Two dollars isn't a threat deal of mooey, bat
bring that amount to onr store and we'll
give yon in exchange a pair of good* sty-

lisb» up-to-date sboes.

We have the
best $2.00 shoes in town
Orer' 90 different Btylea—from the light flex­
ible aole, for ladies' Sunday a^ioe, to the
heavy oU.grain for men's every . day wear.



Hloka’AlmAnac for|ie00.86o

rnmt street


<twt mOtMJMa BaOOSD.

cwBt cumiii


Remnant Sale

I to HaPkawa Feat «. A&. BaM St Amrnm'rm-

Jaan^ Turm Wih Oobt
, Tomorrow.

' S

uv SvLiai iatoodsMi IB
If* MMlatin <*U'
(•• tor - I

lea aala toA toaaa
BOB tka aaW of
FraataaiOaBB atraata, trkaa tka tod
rltetoMaPhanaaPtote B.B. war«
aoU. Oaly part to tbs aaia toot
ptoaa thara, m a arowd had tatkarac
at tka tifaaca baU wkara tka
ware loaded «a tka dny. Wytot a
Unra pentea to tka ruis that WM ter
aala balen tkay aeaU ha eearayad to
tkrtoaaa appetatad ter tkaaatlea.
kto wUak t»a
•aeh a aato to war ralUa la aot aa ar.
Btaeto aaaaatro* toa Oatokar tarn
diaary eeearaaea Aboattoyaara a«o
Badasa alkarwlU aetka BrMaatt
U to «ktaa eld paaa were aaat to Me
kaaalnad/ baaa aatUad. Ik
Pkaraoa peat fraa Waakli^toa. eoat
tear aMaBBBdarlaBatatotoat.
lat tka peat to u par fma batodM too
aary pae aaateaae aad toiaaa-y toalada
tertnaapetoattoa. ntay wwaleaaad to
14atoaB,toi^takUan4>waa aaito
tka Baaaak B la far the parpoa to
FeUewlBt la tka aalaadar;
drill aad wkaa tkat ertaa^atttea waa
Paaflaaa FMk HaUlda/. lanaa/
aaatarad late Oe. M saw paat
teea atetv to alckt ttea.
PaopU TtPBBlVaBtftikaol. lanaa/ plaaad.ia tka toataaatto FnakFrladfi«B aiora la Bifkt tlat .
PaeptofaJeka aarr^. atoUttea to rlakb ahea aten wkaa they ware
teaad by a aaaaltlaaaapebitadbyMe.
Pkaraoa peat to look tkaa ap. O^ii
Paepla «a /oka Eokartr. adaltoi/.
toikacmaa wara teaad by tka eoa
Pacpla n BdirBrd OUrk. parjory.
Blttoa.aadUtothaa wara dlapeaed
laacTBa or rACia
to at tka aaettoa ter a dollar a pteao la
Bey Oat^ by Jeka Taatek. aaat vary qatek ordar.

gtoaOrtatoBl Caaaa aoi Storco D
«B*BaMto«B »amto Far Jm•tr ■ctotoa to tka OMt OmH
Ike JaBBBr/ «vm to «ba OInBt
apart ter tola aoBBtf wfll iBBfiBi to
toaeU C.toP. taUtotka Maaeate
Mack ^l■wInw aaefto^ bI to o’etoek.
*Uk.JBdtalbrBaeBtkakaBch. Tka



b lot of caipet TmaoBiits that we will
•eU cbeap. and abont 100 ctr^ eastf^^ia bgrain,
tapestrj, brnaselB and moqoette, from 1 to 2 jarde
Ibng—Tbej will make aioe ruga and will coat yon
bnt pcry little.


Slater’s House Furnishing Store

IM* «ii tmnrnrj.fiaf hw oalj
fMntlratewaUaon vlUlafMM «o
»MMraU«MBUon. Md M
IkM iftil—11/. la Ikiii «w........ IMi
«e Beta .IkM Purtdwt K#.
flalaf. IB nteWB to IbUmbiK— Crtaad. «a tka WaUa-BlfMB Or-, traa.
•laVtoBliaa «tf Mato% fBiolallto. paMoatoalaaBa.
■'■ifTTfl ihM to.
Wa. L. Haatoi^ aa Uo Setewa.
M to aa/or bU to* HMtodewsaUllM wto<r»to Tto Bliia Bebiaaoa aa Wh«toay Otltaa, aa>
Ptoflo •( «>• •MBliy ara aot wenytor BBpsIt vpaaL
lOpaatotoaadBlalattotlaB to aOelra
W. UBrawa ea Viak Krialar. aaOtWaaUactoa.aadMr.Oalaarwlll bs
■ iiBBiainditod tf ba to datoraa.
•amti. aaadtdataa kkea baaa aa
QiMtto lor tka oMaa toOtata Saasrta-

Ha(lan.aow dapaty to tka oSsato
iaaoa B. Haatoead. tka preaaataaaar.
IoWbBibI. Mr. Madara kaaBack to
wwaad Mb wadlteay. akito to
arM* la his aotopataaay aad kla thorp^tetolUtoltywttk tkaaaatetotka
Mkardi to tka atoto. Hlaa
lhaofltoa to tka a
OtUaMaffhaa addad lartalyto ikb
aaaUly. bat tor aaetrij yaara Mr. MaOara kM baaa to eloaa taaak wltk tka
faral aakeela to Miehicaaaa wall aa
arttk atooola to tka aitiaa. Ba kaa
iraaalto eear thaatato afraat daal
imarim to ParMiB' toaOtataa aad
kaa »ada a apaalal atady to tka aakoola

Tkara la om aaaa wblek waa oa tba
airaut apprt eolaador for /aaaory that
kaa been aattlad. . Tba Iroabla
batwaaa Dapaty Oama Warden Ckaw
aad Mr. Barry, who waa ekaryad with
taktoy dab to illayal alas. A aaulc
BBBt waa Boda mtlateetory to both
Oareliao J. Ktoaay ea. Bnam M. kartlaa.
Ktoaoy, dlverw.
Tba adeaaoa aala to aaatt far Ban
dbra M. Woedraff ea. /oka WoodraB
Be^eba to “A Yaeatoa TaatleBaa,"
wUIe^iatlba bos offl« to StotoOay T. /el
Traearaa Bay That Ma IM aad Tr*i
Lorea Sowbarty ea. Laatoda Raw.
ana Bay Blea Re. 71 wlU boldajolat
btrry. dteaeaa.
■ y./aa. U
laabal M. Oatrla ea. Uwraaaa B. ............................ ............
ter KBifkB an axpaotod to brtoy thalr
Oarrla, dlecrea.
aaBban to the Hire aatlttod to
Mary Blaa ea. Oaorfa Blaa, dleeraa
toetoa oaa panes.
/eaapk Btoklay ea. Aaaa Btoklay.
Tboekfldrao of Maryb-Sodoty aad
tba Toaay Udtoa’ Soelaty wUl koto
Wb. Leeartdca ea. Paaala Leear
tkolr aaaoal aloettoa to cOoan to fit.
Oera/.BalUat ea./aha /. BaUlay, Praoda fiehool baU ik« afwraooaat
Whaa Mra. /oka Vwoddto arrlead
Praak Zealak aa /oka ZoaUk,blll far from Maaiatoa ycatorday. aha foaod
that aha had loat bar pookat book eoaaoeoaBOac for aala af raal aatata.
Ada OBBBtoya ea Baare B. Cbb- tatolay 111 to eaahaadadraft os tbe
Pint NaUoaal Baak ter $S.
Blaya. dlecrea.
Ida Woodward ei /oka M. WoodTha loeal loaye of Elba an Baktoy
ward. btU to cat aatda aeaeayaaea.
prapantioae to attood tba ymt roand
Ada A. ParyoaoB ea Deaeaa Parya* ap to tbe fnteralty to Oetr^t Peb. 10.
BOB. dieoraa.
B. A York of Ktoyalcy bae taed L.
la tka mattor to tka patltioe Boaeoe B. fitoeer for HO that be eJalma to.,dDe
D. Dlx. aodlur ycaeral, for tha aala bin oe aa ^id aeeooot. Trial to a laafordallcqaaotUxBof 17e7aad preef dae't eoort at that place yen bla
oaa yaara.
eardtot to lit. Tbe oaae wfll probebly
be appealed to the draolt eeart.

•odaty Laat
thkUaaoU Uiarary aoelatr bald
matr rermlar BaatiaK Uat aeaetot at
tkah- haU ee Ntotk twast. Attar tka
ytftoar baatocB wi
toUawtof proyraB waa aejiyad by
lha BtBtaara:
Dtrlaloo No. 1 to tbe Pipe oryao oomA aaUat raadtof Ulna froB tka book
ntUM held a vary plcoaa&t aaetiny
•Hloraocal ll-Kiacr aad BU Pard" Vtw Bearaair Ooto tkat Ba /aat ycaWrday at tbe booa to Mn. B /.
patiiroo by Moaaa aSbart aad ila
Mnryan. Delldoaa eclea waa Mrrtd
Baaa Baealead by tka Lee..
aim kSBor waa saeb ar Joyad by tka
aad a vary aloe aaa waa raallcad for
HBaOy- k Bkort bat eery aaaalBf
tbe oryaa food Next fiatorday
Tba Pirat Natioaal Baak bat raoalt' DirWloa No- I of tbe Pipe oryaa eoa
eaoitatlea aatltlad -Tba BayU" wae
pat raadarad by Artkar 7. anerBaa ad aasplB of tba paw aoaeaalr oota. Bittee mil bold a oaaUay at the bone
Aa flaaatloa boi
aaat opaaad aad eaUad iba Lafayette dollar, wbleb bn of Mn. L. Roberta at-t o'eloek.
iba follewtoff asbj«ta
dlaeaaiU: baaa atraek off by tba mtou to tba
A raltay oa aail qoMtloai bae been
••WUebdoyea Boat adBlra. PraaoB Ueltod Stotaa. Tka aow aota la eery
nt to ooBBty ebarifft from Wabbtoymuard to Dwtffk'l L Moody, aad pratty. Os one alda are tba kaada to! ton auttoy that ^laeeara mil aot be
vh/r “Why la It that wkaa a woBsa Waabtoytoa aad tha Maiqata aarmod- r qairto to abon tbr ]aU oflean letWra
|l waifbad aha alwaya laarba. wbUa a
written to relaUm aad trienda. Alao
UalUd lutaa to Boaor of Oaa■aa laaarally iectea w laaf teaad aad
mall addreaaed to prlaonanWill oot ba
aral LafayatW. Parla. IMO." Oa tka
opraed by the eberlff baton ylrtoy It
alda la a Ukaant to lha bobs
Aba. Bltoa tbaa vara aa tolaraatlay
lotbes.yeilf tbeaheriff tklaka that
«aay oa '•ObUdraa to Ua Werld.”' Btaai, whlek la to ba eraotad at tka ex- tbe oornapondeaoa abnaid not ba tor*,
Tka aasl oasbar waa a talk oa poalUos to Parit. aad tka worde -Delt- ad onr to them be nlU hold It notii
“loehs" by Wayaa Waurm, whiab aoe- ad SUtoa to ABarlea,
the prteoDtr la ralcaaed from enatod'.
latoad aaearal food tkeairhte. feearal Dollar. ^ Nearly all tbe Boaey for the
DirlaloB No. I of tbe pipe oryaa fnad
atkB BaBbrra tbaa dleebaae4
of ibta asoansaat of Oeaaral
eonwHlee nUl neat mtb Mn. J. W
aab^ Aa iBprcBpta ea tba dlyaity LafayatW at the Parle cxpoaltioa waa
to oaatar to Hkcb aeboel waa well kaad- ooBtrl bated by the aebool ohlldrea Mclowab t. morron cnalny.
No aenion t/f tbe board of snperTia>fd by Moaaa UUbart to bla etual witty throoyboat tbe Uaitad Itatoa.
O'* mil be held thU Boatb. Tbe e«*■aaaaar. PwUatoaaUry drill waa thta
alon mil be bald afwr tbe eoart boner
aaadaatad by tka aembere wblek proeadplaaatoyaad produbla. Afur tka Ren Ofieore loeulled for tba Baao- lac'^BpIeted asd rredy for oeenpaary
artUet raport yteaa by Loala BIrdaaU
A half latrmt to the barber ahop
toy Tear.
Tha followlny oflloara wara toaUllad formerly anted by B. J. Uetmaa baa
Aa aaaetlny
Jaet aeaotoy by becaeoIdtoP. E fiUnn. The abi^p
Boyal Otiala Biaettoa.
Bebakah Lodye No. lat. for tbe baa beaa remod>-l«d aad rtfliud ao that
thatolioviay offlwn wara alaetod
It s BOW np to dale to enry mpoct.
tors aadtoy/oly I. JMO:
lar tka aaaelay year at a raeaat auat
A drlirbtfal cytter copper waaetS. O.—Martha BoUiawr.
toy of Uw Oaoaa Qty Boyal Cirola
Jiyrd by ih« Good Tc mplan aad their
V. O.—Mynaapoa
Paat Worthy Belar—1. B. Broaa.
frlrtda laat • ra all y A ant idb waa
Sae.-Mtokia Laoeaatar.
Worthy Botor-Gkaa. Oaboraa.
for tbe beatflt to tbe oryaniiaPto. Bar.-BBJoa Gtapoiaa.
Wartby A^elaor—Mary B. Aldrtek.
Traaa.—Myra Po*.
Worthy fiaeraUry—Mtoala laaBaOhkpteto-MaryOaalaJA
M»dr Tont y Ayain.
Wardoa-Libbia Tbonrn.
Worthy Traaamrar-Blltt A. BoardaOac of Or. Klay'a Nen Life Pill*
Oeadoetor-Loalaa Daeia.
aacb alybt for two week* baa pnt me
lottea Ooard—Aaala Lomlry.
Worthy Madtoal BaaBtoar—Dr. B.
to my ‘leenk’ atato, ' nrliaa D. B. Tv9.Mlaor.
Bcr of Dempaeytowa. Pa. Tbn' a tba
bni to tbe world for Liver, fit maeb
Worthy Obaptoto—Aaaa etUatu.
B. & to R. 0.-Myrtle Bo^km.
aad Bonala- Pnraly nyata
Worthy Marahall-Myrtio Booker.
L. A to R. O.-Badto Oltebtol. Oaly tSc at Jaa O.
Wortey Oaard-BltotUaa Swltk.
a. A to V. e -Ototu Moarea.
and 6 B- Wait'a dray auree.
Worthy 8oairy-Joha B Cady.
L. A to V. «.-Oora Dowatoy.
rrBk Oatia am 71» ttaek
Worthy Oryaalat-Bli«» Baardtlay.
Uryaalat—Naitia Olaaaoa,
Ail aald at eoat till etoaed ea>.
V Worthy Maaayar ter tkraa yaar*->A.
Aftar thaikBtaUatloBadalMkwbak.
^ Browa.
«aat waa aaread wkleh waa partafcaa
Worthy Maaayar ter two yaara—C to by a tone aoBbtr. Tkaaaeaato
• an OahsmT Bsttt
waa a partlealarly tdaaaaataM.
Aatrtto Oaaaiy Blrt Macribip Bataad.
Maruayk to the BoayMal.
A kerrlMa aaaldaat bappaaad to.
Prof. Maruayk kaa haM nm.__
muhWkaattay. who Ueaa oa a tena (roB bla roeaa to tha AeadcBy to tka
Mar BaUtore, wktok wfll pntaably •aw koapltal to Mra. Mtoorg.
Row la the tlBo to ban year Bloyele!
pnealataL IVa^tUa ylrl, wbo la
hoaaaalad sad oloBBod op na4y for
Wm. /aakloaor. ayad Myaam died apelay.
MlylOyaaiatoaya, owyetoyto bad
partytoffaiaatorawkaaaka wm tripFre«8tor»f«All Winter.
^ apllltoyaoaa to tka aU oa bar lay toto tba aeltor to a aaw raaldw
M/ work oas aot ba beat aad nrioB
Wlfl^tee yosr nleal
toyktyaera. la tka Bnalay aka waa latoteU. Balaaeaaa wldawaada

UFArem eotuB



»-r Ik teokl to fka atoet erkaa
ikdcaciMtoaamktflra, terrfhly kara. f«ah iMdj ast n» Maak
All'aold at aaat lUl akaad oto.

M«tettttteaM.^te aokapatoia

ILL film, Pnpr,




I have a full line of art aqnaresr mgs, carpeta,
matting, oil cloth and door mata.

IM Front Btroot

Dee’t fottwaatto
■b«f A poir^rftocs
that 70U wont:
have to hothcr:
shoot fat Aqy;

andwearwefl??? That's Pfa>.
rice's 'tlocepotete.* W« ansok
Sold By

Frank Friedrich



The Carpenter
Can’t Build

The Correct

L’nless he has the lumber.


h sometimes a matter of great im>

mills can’t manufacture lumber unless


they have the logs.

correct time is just as bad

The camps can’t be

opened and logs cut unless they've the


A clock that doesn’t tell the

no clock at

The trains won't wait for you—the

men, and the men can’t do their work

mills run on time—you've got to have

unless they have the ibols.

breakfast before jou go to work.


Now to the point.

o'clock comes awful early now-a-days,

We have absolutely everything you

and it's dark too.

need in logging.

Cross-cut saws — and

All this means some­

thing has got to tell you when to get up.

they’re good ones, from $2.J5 to $4.50.

I'he alarm clock that we're selling at goc

Must have a good axe—the single bits

does all this, and the alarm just makes

from 70c up: the double bits from $1.00

you get up and stop it. and when you’re


once out of bed might as well stay out—

Cast steel wedges at 6c pound, wood

choppers mauls at 12c the poiincf—they

and then the "deed h did,"

weigh from 5 pounds up. so would cost
from 6oc; axe handles

from 15c;


We have other handsome boudoir
clocks in wrought iron, gold plated and

handles 20 and 25c a pair; saw sets 75c:

china, from $1.40 to 5'4.7.S,

saw tools 75c.

A Lady

Where Are
Those Books?

When buying a tooth brush from

Would never be heard in the home

us recently, that she had seen our adver­


tisements and had decided to tr>’ one, but

some beauties—sell from $74x1 to $274X>.

if it wasn't good she'd bring it back and

if you had one of our bookcases.

They will save the price of the bookcase

never buy any more.

by preserving your books.

what we want—a chance to orove that

Then the

Now that is just

combination bookcases and writing desks

what we advertise is true.

arc so convenient.

will be ba^ here again next time she

If you're writing an

That lady

article you won’t have to move from your

wants a tooth brush, sure.

seat to consult your reference books—

Iktle ones, and big ones, the soft ones and

These are from $14.00 up. You may need

hard ones—sell at

a nice library uble— there’s one style



We have the

ioc, i 2c,

15c, 20c.

The American Beauty at 20c is es­

costs $5.75. or you can choose from the

pecially hne.

better grades'that go to $22.00.

brushes from 10c to 75c. And hair brush­

■ '‘Your money back" is our great
. "backing sutement" if not satis^ctory.

A fine assortment of nail

es until you can't rest (unless you own
one)~-sell from 25c to $1.75.

Tbe HuMh & Lay Mercantile Go.


s<?viaj?;^t»i;'tv =
Srfl^tlUG«tkwii«M«k« Hm» «f


9mn<n«rmwrMww7 «
fM4 M aafiMw ms_ tk« <


Ittkftllk* foftd will'****®

-«-n I. —~

na n)« of ktan ajOt ba aoaUnad m

»rhtaj •w^- »«k«r

Md 14 t»Mn
mtiMwUkfimt pntnmi^




TM**r'«i»M*drsB.«awUA ««•
tt« word*, “Orta «r oa QwAt a
rOvrapetatka* UtO«*


, an. Harrow.wO»ti9ak»^mtr
% flwap tMW. M»if tar «n awat
at Maw Bodta. triad to pmaU aaMda
fertehteC B»ri4 tnm. Bha la to a
arlliMl,iiHdlllw. ta»w^ taAtoal
■ Mwlii II ^ >»>»>» maa km.
0US«toBHiri.«bata6atlad toita^
taaMUtortotaMalaatoel taUdt^
m toa. ptoOai fall«r Mdar m4
Jadfa SiutonatoMad kla to toa ladataial aaM at Uaatov tOI haraato•
Bariwffltou ynn
old Bataidar.
At Bart Ua Uuia aoa of A. J. Ttekaaar
a« a peta «a toa Croanfreasd
At Uaator wtola akatt« oa Oraad
Hwr rridaj aiffct Blarard Mtoor. afad
n. tooka ihreairb Ika laa aad waa
aaaad alUn fata taila arrtoc to taaaaa
Mi aompaaha. Toaac Ktoar*a bady

Uaa kam ptoaad to Iba Baoklay pablia
lltoaiyfvnCikaaffaffkylfra. Bliav
tabBrotraadOarapsa. Thay aeaaitt
at waadaa rasda far waavtof, wklek
haaa baas to bar toaQy far too yaara,
That la Baa ad tbaa haaa. aad Dm
talb «aa aada to Amrloa ao yaara
a«a. ThaolAarataaraad aiato Bm
atoka aad taara broatfht to AaMrtaa la
thaboat wbtah areacht thaoarly'ParItaaa amt. althar tba Aaaa or tba fbrtaaa. Mia. Bro«a Boat aet roMsbar
toMab.batfaaUyifadltlaa aaya th^
BaUawod tha PUcrtM. aealac la
haata(tartba«ayfl>war. Tbtato tba
Bflh «aa«atta at tbair
9ktj wan alwaya baadad dowa to tba
OM to tba aaxt ctaaratioa «bolaaraad
tbatrada. Tbacaiaafaadly toraad e<
how. tha Bint haten tba battU of
BoBBlactoa. to feed oto
Baya. tba WOMB of tba lamUy aat ap
alt alrbt waartoc elotb oa tbaaa raadr.
At fan aa a ytoaa waa BMda It waa eai
aad fBoblaatd tote atotbaa whieb tba
taaa wore tba aaat day. Tha brirtooM ara rary ran aad Mra. Browo
ealy laada tbaw tt tba library, aa tb'y
an . aol to loan tba oweaiabip
of tba family. Mra. Brown la 76 yean
of a«a aad bar bakhaad waa an own
emto of John Brown of tiril war
Baatoa Barbormaldt ban forsad an
aati^lffantla lat^aa aad will boyoott
tba boya wbo amoka tba aaaty tbl^
William A. Smith, aa old ralaran,
waa feaad daad to bla bM to tba Sol
dlanBomaat Oraad Ba»lda.aadUU
baltarad thatdaath waa eaaacd by baart
treabla. Ba waa oe yaan eld aad waa
apparaatly aa wall aa n«aa< onntirtof.

Mia. W. r. WMaot of’UrWaa atoaat,
la aalortotol^ bv paroata. Mr. aad
Mra. P. B. Praoaef Ohartotto.
Aaa Bala, who la a daloffato to tba
MPllag of the Maaewla Oraad Lidffa
aad Oraad Chapiar at DotnU tbk wa*.
toft ymtarday. otoppfK M Oraaarilto
P. Parto to aaaffaad to hto boaaa. IM
itoat iriatbjtoaat. with laaff treabla.
Ota.Boooatbal ofthaBoatoa Sion
ritoraid yaowrday frnm a trtolt'to Datrait.
Baary Boarari of Bnaoala waa to
tba Bity ptaardoy pudhntoff lambarman aappltoa.
J. W. CUffa baa Jaatntonad from
Oraad Eapida, wban ha parabaaad a
BOW aadoomplaultoaefamall maatoal
marabaadita for tha W. W. KlmbaU
Oaerfa B. Pray of WUUamabarf, waa
O. J. Smith of Good Barber, waa a
Tnraraa City vtoltar yaatarday.
. Wmiam Porter at BvUaira, to to tba
altyStato Ubor OommWaloaar Oakmaa
arUl leave tomorrow tor petola Caribcr
J. T.Mala of Aldaa. Aaa to taa olty
A. T. Pray did baitoam to too olty
0 G. Niokanea of Baaaab. araa a
John B. Fooia waattoOraod' Baptda
tola mvatoff to bay bidm tor tba robe
taaaary aad to vtolt taM^ Mra.Ortoeal wbo bM baao ai«k for aoaao Uaav.
A. S Willard of Bapin waa to toe
oily yaatarday.
Mtoa Bma Btoalay tea niaraad to
bar borne In Maple City after a vWt
with friaeda to tba olty.
Boadctaatar y. W. Doyle aad wife
bare roaa to Oraad Bapida to apend
kaatar __________________


Mia. Peyaa Bamaabntd b

Paltrata Caat lole
arr 4«r« la Pet*

A tiajubem of a tuitona votama baa
fafleo Into the handa of n local ptayalctaa which
:bodB.of aarfery of aenral ceDtaiiaa
ago. WbnirbconalderrdtbataiuBa.
tbrtlca were unknown to tboae nacleu
daya. tbe madna opmodl of ibe aorffeon of tbe atxteeaib ceotary moat ap­
pear atartitofty crad to tbe 41gbt of
tbe pmeat day.
Tba work la that of Ambroae Parry,
wbo to 1S7B. being then Jba mocb fameoa “ctOrarfloa’' of bla day. pabtlabad a balky retome.whlcb became sock
an aaubtlabad antbortty nod bald tta

Pkwac* Taatriday.
Tcdey k to* Mrtbday aaalw
Mia Oai. Pay a* cf M Waabtortoo
tmohaadalibtatb toawtodio keep
l^Vttmat a aamtoief b*r trtato
rcmrmbmd H.acdyaetorday
r aeccptrd an k vtutioa to an afterMCB tea. AU wan roynUy aatariato
rd aad aa a tebrn of eatarm aad ncard
towblebtbat beldtbtlr beatowtbey
prmatrd her with every beaaUfni
pnaratwbtek will »vvr ba to bora
plraaiag srmnto of Uo cccaaka.
%b* loaal W<8

waawriura by Mia H. C. Baek tor
tba “lad«alWomap”profnmofa
aat maaUBff or tbe Womaak aab, aad
la worthy of pn\4katioa baeabaa of Ita
maritaadtoa teat that tbaantoorle
one of Travel*# City'a talaatad
AaBmmrfhe bw. Am* aacb mtod dMk
a of (be bSaHa bealtb
aad dtoeaaa and to (ba chanter reUt-**** "•••■••'vtkeaftfcBtmbtoml

........ TO........

We Clothe Them All.


Sowing to tbe body of living breotnreo aeim Hpkwi a
iackwed with blood.’* Proceeding to Tewwm
mnlfold dlrlaToea tf bamora”
be npantn (bem Into foor paria die-. Tb* maw bmeir-a*«k a mrmm ptoaj
ttoct to color, laaie. effecta and quail- 'vMikotoJoartbciaakt aM mto* war ««*r
tm-aarnely. blood, pblegm. cboter and
melancboiy. Exact to blaanbdlvbloM, teaMpMtftbarvatvnabirhwvkhdiaar
be aaya: “All men ongbi to tbink (bat •*m*miribD«MaiiiiMb*erua«»iwlBiiiw
Bocb bnmon are wool to more at act TWb*a»*lu.fc.*i,iwi.kali*.rtmAw.
boon of tbe day aa by • erruto pa- *toiiw«.***w tmwnd.*.«rtdmtcnllar motloo or tlda Tberefora tbe iwomaaiuawtobnr.tairorfWB.
blood Sowa from tbe nlstb boor of tba bad radkai «uk tb* vleer.bMah b**iom;
nigbt lo Ibe third boiir of tbe day; Wwfar* Ubnatimiwitb tb*tr*wchanseboler to (be nlotb of tbe day. Ttaca TW kmUa«a> that *Ub<« how *tarn k*i*;
melaarholy tbe blood Bows from (ba kwto4Ab«adaad*aridnhsr*;b.n

Bqnally enrioua U tbe fottowtog on ^
apirlia wbicb be dirldea Into “anlmail- -Tiiali- and “imturaM:"
“The animal apirii batb ukeo hU a« «odn l. hwckl«for.*L'akw..
aaat to (be brain. It la called aoimal Bw dm*A Tt«i «hkh doth h*ai bmm* Wr
becaoae It la tbe life, bnt tbe chief and Bw ciraeaMtascm: w. «*u« b*r. «• aa.
prime Inatrnmmt ibrreof. Wherefore • Bcww*M*b»»«*w-*ad aot. "Boa ts* bw
It batb a oxwt aukile and aery anb-l
aUDce. ^la animal npirit la made a«*w tanr I* Un aad dwh pw«ad*
and harbored In tbe windtogB and fold- Ueecoaekaab mebact. ktrawlaOto
tbe pure air or aweet vapor drawn to
by Ibe ooae to breathing. Tbe vlul
eplril la next to It to dignity and exceUt-nt-y. which batb It* chief mansion
li tbe left reotrtrie of tbe benn. The
lamtnl epiHL If aueb there be any;
batb Ita nation to tbe liver and veins.’’

*r* (at diwiwAsu |
•» *—*a-‘•‘-•i p*w» wsrt lari
wovsi** w»c*
-0U-f*iiil<io«l"doja**Brr _
t»; («•««• ih*wba«*m
........... ■■ ’

aucb means aa fear. aun>rl*e and evt-n Tb«i«bblab«kwb brbwkoLA>*n
by musk- for spider bite. Ibe music * *«>« I* t-fr** n*«oi. w «si««
ni.»lu: tb. l«tl..t to O.o™ » Iu.tll7
Tka Parpriev Waa rar Ohv Wka ifbo (hat he shakes all (be iwlson out of bit
•ysleoi.” be suma op aoiue of those ,.’Hw)t
Thai aurprliwa do u»i aitvaya aur* heroic remedies tliu*; "I would not
prluv tlium- for wboui <bt> aiv lUU-oUrd cast (be iMtient iM-adlong uiit of a
U uov uf -ibc pii-iii
wlndo^-. but would rather
them a fsllbtui rnetsl. wbo trill Set inMlMr*T.
a*r (riMadtSuii !• • boee use «vll SkSy os re.
prlan. aod tbi«
aodaiuly. and ibliikioc
Not serfret gsite-wn.r
(soli* sUll I
tnted wpv lUy ibl« awk lo au caat nd tblog. Into a greatt cistern filled wltb
boner. Tb.- lady uf ibr boiur iwlvod cold water. « lib tlu-lr beads forvioost. To Usk ^ tritb tsir_____________
word ritiiii a rni-ml tliai nbr nae rum- Neither would 1 take them out until Baiaestk-. cracks*.k.tsbiewedirae.
Inp oui ibe Di-tt ilay fur luui-b. Now. (bey had drunk a pood quantity of
------M baiHx'Dvd ibat ibr o«-ai •lay'naa tbc water, that by iliat sodalD fall and oti brnr-Ksw w<j
day oa wliU-b tbr wr^nui jtlri liad her strong
........... ....
matter causing
rausloc ,he '^••••v'’ib*4.iraortUoewceBtBr».
fear ^he
day off. and ibr lady of liir bounr loade frenxy might be larrteO from »Unb«wbf.iai («B.U-cra»d lora t
brr lulDd tbai eliW would eurpriaa down
downward from the noble par,, to the
frlrod by p-itins up a ulcr lunch Ignoble.
prrpand by brrartt. for ebr bad ibe
.% roedlelne u|»n wuieb be dilate, at Tbetwi «>d trarmti of tky wwwbood
great length I* •-mutumle." referred to Tb*t viiich iLe» Mu«i,t wiib trats. si
as tbe usual remedy for t-omusiona
and be describes It as fullows:
u fieel] ifalw it wilt <*br sod sw;At Bbarmaa Oaarilt Barkat 1a oatofa"UummU- I* a liquor fiowlog from Tb* uiwediss u lesnitaa. SriM>cs,an;
tofoa alatoha waa atrtonaly bnrt *by
(be aroma tick emlalmeos of dead IkxI. Tb*ri«l.t tothlek. le tabor, to sebiwe:
atrlktog bit atOBiab oaaabarp bonk
les.wbk-b twcowes
s dry aand bard" and k'-’*ecnb, p.ww heort!
.. . As-I s>«*llH.w<ir]dil.
aptkaaad toS ettoc a bad woand.
being ground Into> iimedic
;e up a fine lunch. She wreoi borne mlnlsterv-tl either in whole
At Baula Cnak Caarin Ocff waa ar(bona ubolr Bleetios.
ralfaad baton Jaatloa Bid wall aad aaa and lighted tbe flrv and prepared for to sni'l. as have falh-n fmiii blgb
laeaod to tba Datrtot work boaaa for tite cooking. Jnsi iIm-u ste discovered plaeea. the first and last OKHlIrlne of
Tba ehorns choir of tbe Congrvgathat she bad forgotten lo get *oma .'gimoBi all our prarliiiourrs si
PO daya for batof a ooamoa drankard. frnit and told her young .taiigliier to'...............................
tloeal rbhreb met Friday aveolng Ir
to such n c
Bw oaao la a and eaa- O.ff a ndlad for tril her frh-nd when (he totter cni
the baacmetit of tbe cboreb tor prae'loc
lie also I
tha prlntbood, bat waa rntoad by that slie would be bock In a few o
otroat4rtob.aad oamatotbe
ments. Rhe u-.-nt to ihe store anA “mnmmle“ when Ue aays: -ivnaln of which auru < ff with afalrmimhei
.rinmfor tnatmant, batooold not be nerling aome of her friends, staid qolte our Kreneb ai»otUecariea. m.-u won- *'»•?. received acme helpful Inatroeilui)
oand. Ba baa baaa arnatad aeraral awhile, forgerilng Ik>w- iim<- w-at dylDg. drons audnclott* and covcto.i* lo iteal from Mra Horat Tbo-e wtohlng to
In Uh- mewnliuir iIh- frii-nd arrived, by night tbc bodle* of such at w.-re j-’to the choir ar* reqoaated to give
tlmaa alnee ho baa baaa ban, and one
and. being Md her hnsi.-s* wonid
aitltu t^ blmlaio bUewo family eoon lie borne, she Weiil Into the kllcb- banged and emhaliiiing them with salt ttoeir n»t» a to eiih- r ih« prmideot.
and drugs they them In an oven *«re<ar* o^e leader. Mr*. Horau for
aad oodaatorad to ralorm him.
a following (fBcer* were
aa. anA seeing the gomi things there, BO as to sell (bem thus adnlierated inAt Midland friaay aftarwooB D>n atar w«wi to work sml t-iHikeil and pre­
>md .r ,ni.w,wr..u|». «,
Xlw Bu-,,,.
Calnry. acrd 7. bob of Jaa. OaWery, pared the liin.-h When the tody of Ibe are thus comrs-lh-d. IkxIi foolishly and
waa thrown aoder n fraicbt ear on the bouse arrlcetl h«m<-. she was sstnnlsb- cruelly, to devour itx- itmugltsl and
PonMaiQBatto track, while oatcbiat ed to see the talde set aixt a most ap- putrid parik-les of Ibe can-asses or tb*
Tbe barns eouDt eteO wlvb the G A.
oa. Bw foot wa« eat off above tba pettolng luneh oo the loMe. The sur­ Imsesi iwople of Egypt, nr of snob as B. h< le' at Manhtee ha** bM hurt
prise sbe told Intended fur Iht friend an- totngvd. as tbougb ibere were no ad togribor with eight bo-a-a.
vras a snrprise for her. — I'lWsburg other way to help or recover one brnls- [
----------- ---------------- ■
At 8i«tobw,M. Sebma>kl, a Polandar Cbronlcte-Ttq«-gni|>b.
ed with a fall frum a high pUce.
Old Pc«p:* Msd«SToorg
;> bad bh bead partly blown off to the
“I bare not thought It fit in this
j c Sherman, the veterar editor o'
/ Pan Maiqaatta mine ffrlday nlfbk'
vnwM Tb*y OHclaswd.
place." be says, "to omit Ibe Induatry I-be Vermoottllle iMleb.) E-ho. baa
^ Ba bad plaoad a aartrlcf* with a
Team ago'tbe word “Mlor meant of Nh-hotos Fii-art. (lie Uuke of Guise., dtoM-vered tbe remarbabl* »eerat of

tm^ .

to maka a aboot ct Mmpiy a private person a* dlstin- bis snrgeon. wbo. being calk-il to a cer-; beeping old people yoaog. For year*
acal tpr toa aaxt day's work. Bot gnlsbed from a puUlc ontclri.
A tain .-ountn-insn to set fals shoulder. • he ha* avoided
_____ ...._________
- »a. li
was only a fanner.
boaring to* axploaloa be weal bach,
U was the i-nsium to rail i t indostbtoktog to* faa* bad tallad to wtwk.
aad waa baodiagosor tha spot wbaa trlaoa peasant a - "riltoto" and a
“knave” was simply a hoy.' ■•RUlf”
tea nartrldga bant. Bto •rUa’a E at
, meant hlesnetl to oM Gemiau aad the tbe rorrmeailooed manoer.-to a ladder..
aid* digesttoo. *nd gives a aplen
Mibaod sraat down ^th toa Oaaaasae' old Kaiob. rwoni ot.iblng
of the then immedlaiety be tyed a ataffe at did appetite. It ba* worked wondan
avawaa brldga aavaial yaamoffo aao way when they tailed a waa a "clmtl’’ tbe lower end of tbe ligainre. which j for my wife sod me. It's a marvalooa
wan drowned.
........ .................
.. prefix.
prefix, mewnewoo. was faaleoed about tbe patient'* arm ’ '•medy for old peoplek eoa>pUloto.“
ao kfac-iiheraon weaoa “non uT a parTtia Pnortb .kvmioe HaptM tonreb ioo.” and UaudonaM I* the Mwe as alwre hi* elbow. (I>ea pat It ao tyed tm-1S."’.’»« «- B
• at Plttabarg to luaklng war on Santa ; Itonahlsoo.
--------Fairfax means -’^alr of der oPe of tbe step* of tbe ladder aa
low a* be could aud got anrlde there- - .■ .
Ctona. Tbe Sonday sclraol snperinten- , face.”
. ___
tat aaya that “the ordinary Christ- !
m** "bogn*" from 'he md.le Itnl- npoD aod sate tto-reoa wltb bto whole **J^*'*^^
O^Dl" nroTl?^
ftotlml U an avlL both morallr ^ fatallf. the Borgheae. whose awln- weight and at tbe same Iwnant made
bto wife pioeb Ihe vtoto froBi ooiter bto
*'"*» "‘■’•E **•“- *
n., <-hiw.« will b. SXTin'^
feet, wbicb. Ik-lng done. (betwDe peesenily rame toiv Its place.’'.
He diro gravely dtormwe* wiicbaa
I "date” maaos a Anger, from it* reaeaIthAi basm Simaaptrawd
aod wltcberaft. tbe Mitb of monnera

la Mp
la toaOab
latoa. and la-1 btanre to noe. Krum
I^iln word
[■ wosasnvB, tow wwmbor- “polltlna“ we p-i poUtlrw. aad Cap- wltb bores, boof* and wliuca. aaeribtog
____ J Remedy la a eartola pra- tain Pndge. nm.i.iander of an Sngitsb IbHr bMb to (be ouMer of erlL aod
-------- * aad anra lor onmp It has ateamship. was to the habit of relating closrii with a tofiy panegyric upon Biptaema toa aartvanal ramody lor that: kw^ ootrapes stories that bis men pocrnie* aod Galen, (be princes of phydtato. M. V Plabm-SUtotoy. W traw to dwdgnaie a ialsrhood by ax- slctooa.-CtorioRatl Enquirer.
▼a.. Ota rvpnto wbaAaa baoa rnW ctolmtog bto name “Podge."
8ee tbe pew xnUctea of tbe p
A a*«**r Barae.
A £tna Lifecrf Bartford—tbe?
lartford—tbe? A
Mtoa Rammit-Be to one of (be moot
Oae of Gaftfornla's lawyeia waa
are wianeta. Batea tbe inoat i
arguing a case before Judge Boa* at generous men i ever met. iVtiJ:. be taok a satiafartory.
_ _ 'teir tba beat 1
Angrioa. Ue had baaa making Ir- me OBI to inaepeeo yvaterdte ■B<1 let ^
WealaoaeUtbetraoodeak i
■ .
aa^iatody. bat tonkitto a aaaa Miafretrtnnt remarks “Tow boD«r.“ ba aw order It all myaelf.
Him l•aiuade-l «oa*t eatt rbai gaatoraraap- It btewaStaUvaaofaaar aald. “I'm a pretty yoangpractmoaer.
abBawB a aambw «f ttmam* fWa hot-” “• ------------------- “
arnotty. Thaito pare recbleashrm.—,
H. L. A Oo. Btoeb.
-----Beaakiya Ufa.
graalabyS ;B.Waltaa<r.{|«ctad
Jodga'B««. ioBgahlU.
a teVtMa.
to tba arldeBco. air."



I tifm Plieii{
lift lisiriiK

Keep* you warm—k*«p* you
dry—Costa no more than poor
goods, wear Considered.

are the only ulster that's perfeok

The Boston Store

M, & S. Russian Vest
With and Without flleevsB.

Cut Doable Breastel
aol Nieb io the Heel
From heavy woolen fabrics
—Hoed with Caasimere and
iaterlioed both froat aad
bade with Textile Buck­
skin. makiDg it oot only

Wind Proof
but a
Lung Protector
aad tbe warmest and least
cumbersome, yet tbe

Most Practical
Gold VKeather Garment
We respsotmlly sikyon to call and exsmloe the merits of this garment.

The Boston Store,
li'.*-—>• - •




Tra lIOKNiKG REfiC^ SnimAt/Jiaid^iUtTH im^

“ATaaolBB Twllawi" lathatltto
AaO VkM Ba Tkeaobt aa BeBaead of Mr. Baa Btofilito* aow plto *ktok
!>«• tka Piarr «tI hot aaktorad aBpkatta aaaato had
Aa AoMrteae who detaau alcktMa- wklak ta to ba fiaao opaBaacfy
la$ npoo pctoelpta loafed for M* weB*
Sarrloa tod to Ofmava hall.
platoaod alakaiotoatoto koamofau Samaw wttboiR atlrriof la tka 41- ___ ,
•aadap aakeol at 0:90 a. M.
•artoa I0:Ma. at. tkow‘*>nok- leetloo of placaa ooat travaJera would ■■•».»itfc Mr. Jiraaob UUMMalBkaif^
iMto'S. ItoWMM of BmtI
toiTo tboodbt It ertmlto to ocaiL BB
Bow aan
aioaof Bartb a^ Baow.*
Bedaararat CBO p. m.
aoly dmd wu tbe rroaa oocettooli^ oaaator. daa. 17. Mr. Omi
«i«w mjm to ObacUs OoHago to s
Swmoa. at 7M p. A Tkaaa. “Ika of kind frtoods when be px borne. To eieear rTaiainaa of orlfftto
MW AMtol UbontorrOiaetoMa of Okrtat aod Ika Tkaocy to caofaaa tbat be bad daUbeiatriy ctald aadexan«toaal abOHy. Of Ika wy
AoMt«lac to oltrtoo rMit**« kf tho
"T^itgaktot^mlnaa wBl ka ao.
rtw- toon« wTOUao. tko
h W. Basokroy.
«M|riMala90ctal It to TWitonrto daato to
. . .
aodtkaaoM aarriea trU kalaadby acora aad deDnacbiloa upoo bUa. But ____ rcoatoad
with grtotor tow ar
MKtMU*. Baiatt ka ■anladte ~ om wStakaU of looto. Ooidtol oaStoiaot luio tbe day to tbe ctU tbyto- baaa w<B*ad
Maj a^ wUl tkaa aat nil to tka Oaittattoo to iatiailaito aUtoattaod of. aod tbe kiaertcaa retored to tivat
to totolratloa to cm bioi out of rack
tbo SBartoiBlaad Swede w iermi Mato. Ooui tta, oaa o< tka «iapoaoible oerapaa Tbe Srat peraoa ba itayal wltb ooeb atoe dtaartatoaltoa
Mto ol «ka Jafaaaaa aaWaat, aaM
€kitotlaa BMaa aarrlaaa wiU ka Bat after tcarlag BorTeoio waa aa ood ooaMtoaoto ^ Vr. BtodriBbe to
4to MMaaanuat a tor Mft afo.
kaldottU Sekik DatooBtraak
------- ------------------^
aod tba tbto papotor pito. It boo baaa aoaaAtrtoi fito tDwaa alaaf tkaAlla■ooiiF aofolM at lotoo aad
Snt cbiDC abe wanted to
•“ knew
-----------------,BeadedowfwkontorHi origtoallty
«kai7 ftfar lailtMa llam toj ka la a otoTakaat^at 700. AU an
ba bad Htoibad Veooriaa.
I aad iBgntat atf aalgae todlrUoaUty
:«aw 4^ vatx kifkwatoaadactae- dlatly toallai to tkaaa aaratoaa.
“I did." aaU tbe Aaaricaa witbaat'!
aWa '------r to aoM 9t tka lewaa to«
a Sahrer.
btoo high
“Oh. taU Be all abeotoitr cried toa,’bat aOkan toOadto t
tooM. Itoa laa
caafad‘to taa,
voBaa. “Hew iBtaecatJoc it Baat ptoaooflagt
tolaakalMParto.aBd ika watoat,
beta; _____________________________
My koobaad arrer weoU tble abto__________Ia“ATi_____
yoaag aotor.
«ka tora la rafortad to ban laaakad a
Boty OoAtoBokB at b:40 a la.
lMBer>kP.batrdJeattorotebaar;Taatto«M“ ka gtoae aa aa aalinly;
a«i«ao<Mtot. Tka#atolii«evaa<
yoer cxparteae*.“
aaw ooaaapttoa of tka droU. pUaraaMtoTaiMaaaadto tka atoataoltka
TO, A»ncu.,
a»|B, and. d
ktwm. I( tka farva amldaaty btaakt,
t^oie atery taany. many timaa. pioag-------- Bakaadiak«ka RTaat fatoaa of watar wlU awaap
od 10(0 It whb aheb deuiU He da |T.
Berthed tba toeg drtfe frooj Napiea to
broadaaad tba part «
4owa tka aaUn
prekaUr aaaaa,
tbefootoftbeiDoiiataiaandtbe«eap.|»* ’“
"“r arttetto toaebaa. Tka
milffinlli r-"r EltarMaad
Ban of tbe iBciioed nUway aad tba |
Mia tba otory of aa aab
otkam art kalac waroad.
C at 10:90 a. B. aad way tbe wotaeo of tbe party Viaealad yaer Swede, acradoata of tba faaoM
At Paria. Bfottad IkH. tka waU
aad all tbe reat of IL Proto tloa to ‘ Upnia
o baa left hUaakaowa 8i»a« aklof wke haa baaa tkara
tune (be
d wlib ooBt, tea taad to a.ake kU tortoao to AaearAll auBbara of 8. S. an ra^t
askfWtia«. dlad of baart diataat TbaraI m eat at Boratog aartlag.
4ay. Ba araa at yaaneld. SpoMad
toaday aebool at ika doaa of aero«et A*
' Tail waa kaowa aa a “food ladJaa." iaraereloa.
cotcb bim oapploc. At Un. afiar a
Coea' d'Ataoa dlaBprortb Leagaa at 5:49 p. B.
reallatic ai-ccuot of taov. after loieUiK (ktaat BtoB of
For mny jaata ha ww ottaakad to Iba
triai of Idaho. Ba b latrodaacd to the
Montar aabjaet *‘A Paaltoa
tbe inlo be bad plunged bia way
Chapaaaa acaaay. aad did toed aanlaa
foot tbrongb tba bou powdery lara to aadleoea oa board aa oone ataaaaar ao
la praToaiiaC eotkraaka. PMor to tka
Scalar aabjtot. “Tba Bread aad tbe crater’a eery edge, tbe Ai
Foote to Aeaariea togetbar wUb other
tfoatato at Wooodad Kaot a law paan Narrow Wayi.*'
ponaed for breath.
ebaraetan tbat figure aottaolaa >oaiy la
Tbanday-Uaoaral pioyor Boatiag
Ofo. Spotted Tail triad to diaaaada bit
“Aad wbat." acted
ttat exeiUar anaa of the drama lator
warilka kratkraa froA tobtiat, bat 1740 p. at.
“wan your aeoMdooa aa yoo gaicd OB. Than to a atnag bmaoeoua ale' ' wUkoai aoeaooa
down Into (bat fiery pitr
amt la tba play to which, of
“Madam.- Mid tbe American.
Ba*. Waalar Ball, at HiodAaa.KaoU
toOQgbt of tbe fate that awaited all tba 8 eada ftgaraa praaiaaaUy. aad bia
ooaatp. Kj.. la ,raportad to kava abot
ataqy eseeUant qaalitiMto* brought
Uan.“-New York Sun.
aad kUlad Him. Uaaiada laaaaa. a aiaUr
Cbar^ Oar. Oak aad Tltto atraata.
out elaarly aad with ao littic akiU.
Saaday aebool at 9:49.
of bia daad wlfa, aad tkaa to ka*a akot
HaWla worakloilKiOa.a.
kitoalL PbpaielaaaaaFkawiUraoo*Bnoklua’a Araieu Selva
Y. P. S. a X. pcoyar BOitiBg 9:49
ar. Tbe caw waa Mia. laaae*a ntmml
Bn world wide tasn for mtrvulon
Tka Afrtou CwOlW U a twin,
ofbiaoffwflf MRlaco.
■rcu. U amrpaaia aay other oalve,
aileof oua t-oul Poe.
otstBaat or bala for Oata,
“Tba moat daagvrooa foea ve bare
Aa apIdcAlcof iaSaaaaa haa brokaa
aaaday at 7 p. b.
> BWet on tbe Kongo.” aaya Stanley, Oir^ Burna, BoUa, Sotua. Polaaa.
oat la Bcrtia aod aaoraa of daatkaan
The pobUe on oordiaUy totltod to “are tbe crocodile, ibe blppopotamua Cnaara. TaUor, Salt Bbaam. Peeur
•liaad^ reported.
aad tbe bugalp. On my but rtoli to tba
I raarmatoad.
Bast woah aoo aatoaokUa c
Kongo three of my men were killed by Only 9*e a
Mk aada K
kWto roaalar to Bow York at the oall .«eT.4.0.Uaa.PaM.
erocodUaa. one by a taippopeumua aad Wdib dru
Sarrtoaa aoodaetad by O. A. X
•t the pobUa at M aoola a alia or 79
oae by a bufftla There are berda of
atadaetef Aagaataaa lAtkotma
bippoponmoaeo along the Koogo aod
Ita trlbotariea and tbounnda of croco'*&day8eboelatli
AtOUaaco. tooalooar* pro«-------o rataa^ aqoate Warxis'S White
dUea. Tbe totter are tbe worut foea. beiNB OP Tab Sybup for tbto torriwofo baroa Pridap atatoot tkofaaoaa
caon (bey are uo alleot ami ao iwlft.
V and fatal dtoeaaa. If taicao thorVarriaWbaM to aollaat $100,000 paid to
AllaraBoat eordlaUy torltad teat- Yon aae a 'mao bathing in the river.
irhiy and la time. It will cure a can
tka ftota Wbaal Oo. bp tka keldw of toad tba aarttoea
Be to BUndlng near tbe abore. langb' 24 houre. aod fv' tbe cough tbat lol$00 kcoM of tka «alaa of $1,000 oaak.
Ing at you perbapn. tougUlog In tba
vn La Grippe 1‘.
faito to give
keen eojoymem of bli bath Suddealy
aef. Price. 85c aad 50c.
Adaleca frea Vaaeaoaar, B 0..bp the
otaa»ar topraaa of Japaa, aap tbat
A crocodile has approecbe<l unseen.
tbe Britlak ataaeaar Bapali. fooadcrad rurtta atraata.
haa,atrurk bim a blow with Us Ull and
Saaday aarelem ara aa feUowt:
la tka Obtoa aaa oa Bor. M, aad that
aetoed bim lutantly.
Preaebtog at in;90 a m.
the fire stock.
40 MO toft tka chip oa rafd and have
“Or It may'U- ilisi the mao is swtmOlng. Be is tomll.v um-enscious of
Boi kaaa aaao atoea.
Y. P. A. at «KK> p. a
Widaapraad aeaadal haa raaol led from
Mid week prayer aaatiag
In front of the City Opera Hoaaa at
tremor of apprehension, but there in
the diaeorary that, owtof to tba aonah
ay at 7:90 p. tu
7:30. j.;s» before the grand bull Weddeep water, oeder tbe sii.nlow of tbat
oaaea of C.A .toU to tba Barlla clock
oradar, J>n 17. glveo by tb* Boys'
rock or bidden beneath the shelter of
Tba band will altemsto <wl(b
tbe trees youder. to a Luce crocodile.
Belm’a orebeetra in playing two
tabaraaloaa baaf haea baanaBan’ad
It has spottetl Ibe swimmer sod Is
steps snd wsl't's itarirp the even
watching Us opportunity. The swimtbroifk aad aold to a larfa mtoaiaoi
orass buudf for muad
Praaebiac at 10:>0 a. a. aad
iner approach-* lie is wlililn striking
aadtoaawalbicaaaaacaBakara. Aa
dedece in elliea to tbe Utnt thing
dltlance. gieulthlly. slleniJy, unper-, rnt.
oMelat towtigatiao baa baaa ordarad. ''ciM aaailag at B:4S a m.
Sunday oehonl at ll:4S a lu.
Mayor Uarriaoe e/Oblaago. raootead
Tbe mao knows nothing until Ur la j ClOfisd AU
today froB Adaalrmt Dowoy a* toUor
celled by tbe leg aad drnggetl under
is •• .in
. alon to
atottog it WM tba AdBlraCa daain that
ban ban pr^oatlee of Bueb
•toek and mark roods down
htoatolttrSbtoagoba to Maytoatoad rood. Sarrian will eoatieaa aaab two todicate (be plaiv where be baa
Attend tbe eatraordtnerv buI* on
of daptotobar, aa foq—tod by *ka ar» aeaoiur durlac the woak, bagiaator at goae down, and that Is all.”
Tneaday, Jaa- le, at tba New York
nagiBtol iroo'nii of Iho O. A. B.
A oordlal lartuitoa la axus a
dd to
Ooe of BarHseu's Jokes.
tka Adaaltal told ka fawod that data all.
"Benjamin Barrlsoo once played a
kacOBM of other oagagaMta ha bad
mean trick on me at Miami universi­
to tola torrltory aboot tba Ubc cat tor Be. L. Ill.ler. Puaer.
ty.'' nld Wlllloro V. nsbliacL.
9Ma.B., Saaday aebeol.
boarded with a widow in Osford. aod
Joctok Blaod. a f oftocr UrlBf abeat
10:00 a. a. Pr^tof aarriea.
there came to be a dlscootentxamong
SarrtoM wlU ho
today, aad an tbe boys about tbe food not being sufil'UBtlaafroBWoodatoek. Oat..tottoaa
baU arar etbm Saaday.
CicoUy gooerous In supply. A meeUng
of hla fat atoan aboot a Booth ago.
held In Uarriaoo's room toanuoge ^^ASfTEO—toaw
Motioeaof tkaaaiBal ercld batooad
Tba O'Brloe faaiUy Ura atSk Jama,
a formal proie*t. Ix>is were cast aa to
aad Biaad $aea it op tor toat.
Bnear IMaad. Joba aad Oaorga. two
• waat booaa oo tba Biaad torat. brotban, bad a qaarral 19 yean ago
breakfast ubie. Tbe ballot bos was
Tkaiaday aaoigbborof Blaad’aaatoed aadawon that tooy would aorur apuak
atnffcd. end I was elected. I spoke at
MaKaliarhadoartaaloa to aWttbaea- to Utah etbar agala. Ikoy ato at tba tba breakfast table and stated that tba
oaat boaaa aad tooad tba bIm1i« ataar aaaa tabla, nwad wood tog«tbur aad boys objected to paylug ao mueb for so
beel.snnri fo«d W M pw da* aad bn*M. all
to tka aaltor. Ba bad ae lood or wa- naaiaad to tba auaa bean t^otbor. acaat a meno. I expected to be sup­ vieuv'* }.ih L. P Panoa a boa S. l. Uorama.
r rmasur
tof for M daya. Straaga to aay tba hot too eatownaorar brokaa. Oaorga ported by tbe others.
aalBal had aot get vary tbto, tooagh neeot'y nmorad to Ohinfo.
ka aartatoly toobad Aaagiy aad gamat. nya tbat wbUa ba baa ke grndra my dismay, said: ‘We don't know bow
Bftdaatiy ba walked toto thoaMlar antoat bia brotoor. ba den aot yean Ur. Plabback baa been llviog at borne ■pCTTEH DISH BLOCHA-Fo* a sken
—be may have been a pampered aoo of D
vewlUaewrt efCrn f*» beUer dish
tkroa^ aa oatalda door aad tba wtod for bto aoBpaay.
luxury-but. as for the rest of oa. wa blorb te tee toe
loei lam >0 b* d>U**rad In iao.
blow toa deer akat ao him.
»■ Itn per load. Oval
bare do complaJni to make.'
A atcaBOf llaa batwoaa ABartoaa
"And that dtoposItloD of fun and bnKto WUa Sand Bin.
SB^aT.batwvasa; ptaev ot ba*|.
4Bd Tarkiah porta, aad aa ac*taa
“My wlfak gaod adrin.nvad my uor aever left Benjamin aarrlson,"
oxpoalUea aad warahoaa tor Abi
lto.“ wrttoa F. M. Bon ef Wlaftald,
Dr Bn-**A
Wuruitk of B4r4s- Blo*4.
good# at Ooaataatlaeple are aboat to Jm».. “fee I bad auah a bad eougfa 1
SALS- t •welt taars. e»e b* ■
apald hardly kroatba, 1 grew aloSlly
Tbe blood of birds offers some data
ba aatoWtakod.
•Miw OB -lelr**. vi'l iredt for
worn nador doatork traatosaaV but tor Iboogbl not found In tbe blood of
« M Plret IfAUaUAJ 8uk.
WiU bean atUl abooad ia aow parte
any other class of animals Tbe Wood
of Moroaae. oaa baattof aar^bariag
wa nAVl-t ar« ele*; PnioeeU Bmo
8er«cr.hAe bove_eMd ellvir. *111 sell
totolykiUad Otar 100 toooawi
------this to
0—toaoaa. Tbay ara baaiad oa boraoAatboB, Bay F*nr aad aU naiad toa aot tba dlffareocc to which 1 refer.
book with laaaaa. aa aiatUag aad daa- of Cboat, Throat aad luagi ara poa- Birds' blood Is aevrral degraea wmrtoer
itiniy eurad by tbto aarnUon aedl- than that of other atUmato. To ■«*« Ikchla. 'Kv weMt aad •»■** e*
atoa. Me and $1.«. 4vary bottle aaeb a (amparatura of tba blood as voire of 1. IL teens, rwnr wUI.
traTO or Osot *tTr or Toaaoo (
(aaraamd. Trial bewln lOe at Jaa. birds pBiseas would ba a faver. This
looA Coemr.
O. dehaeea'a aad & B. Wattk Amg bigb trapenitnrr eansas motocolar
■ ToanJ. cadiaT aakaa oath that
chaages la tpa Uoaaaa aad brain to taka
placa BMra rapidly, which would eauaa
Xdtarary MoMtba eoeaamptioo of mora food, aod
Good raadhif for too mw year |
baata activity would ba more tataeae.
(kaaaaofOBB BONDL____________ dealaatoa la toa Jaaaaiy Ibm ef“... ae that tor tbe Mma amount of work a
far oaob aadn^ m ef Ck«M Mat OoaapptdlBa.*’ Aasoag tka atotaaa aaiaOer brain wonM mart all tba rawall kaowa writara who kaea eoatribqoJraiDanta.
which at a lower tamparaktod to ia pogn ara A. T. Qalltor
____ sOtn.
tara woaM rcqalra ooa of greater alaa.
FBANK J. OBKNBY, Oank (“Q-'l. wuk a ottortog b<t of Se- -Pbreaolotrtcal ievraaL
gwora to kafota aa aad •akaartbad

I &«neriX'K«Bt
(ii ttve^DoM.



• Cm U apw a It Iwn.

On&d Bsad Conoert

Horses! ^
Good Horses!
About the middle of this week I wiU have
another oarload of

6ood Horses from Indiatia.
The best ohence you have ever had for a good

Boo them at Brodhagen's barn, on State Street

in our Hloak Department
Tomorrow Morning
We place on sale

At $9.75
A lot of Ladies' Fine Jadceis. worth
$13.50'to tlSOO. Cotors are blac^'
brown, castor. Strictly tailor made
garaents. late styles, and very choice
in ereiy way.
Yoa must see them to^ appreciate their
worth. ‘

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and
Clothing Honse.


I have another oar load of Horses
at iny bam,

Tlie Old CutlerBarfl,Union SM



DoiiBaritilM Soe TIese Horses.



Pine Ones for All Purpom!


... Wt35Si“rs

Wbare «Mtas Cemas

laaa Do you tblak it ladlcatse a
Wlai^lW w. c< "TOaTOMrl,.!
degraa^f tataOaetaaltty to be abla
to write poatryT
Oatonk Oara M tohaa toBawiea-Not u aB. dtowat aaybody
can write poetry. It raqtorca bralaa
to gat It pebltobad-BootM Traninipi.



2!.ffar -


A atrare aad aUariy woaaa paand
by wttb ooa of bar klad Wo aaagbt
mtr tola ftagiaaot: “It aa^ t» tot
aaaw girai m bon jaai to get tob
•mnadiv aC OMT kotos at toa Atkfo

I will give you tbe most tavorable
terms and the prioee will be right


Come and See Me.

n« Xnr tokSton


;.n.£. sa


TSX K>>Braro BBOOBD. Sirn>AY. JAVU&BT, 14, 1900.-BABT TWO




tea nte X«M>-

'Amfauta" will r»■t Ultuufom r*a-

«n« «C «M 4M0

lEi xm or tEz iuDioa

•trafrlRr* Uwt will carry tte wMrbt of •M-h work are drllM IMK aad pattelt-1 rtn
tr a( tefBc la Uw diaeretit fona* of ed
airorturw nercaean- for «te caminc' oat piraaaot a ®^ for It ncana more
lac I* Mqmr*c oal/ Aftw
of troop, over a wroam. Tteae bridcrm i often than not workJnc up to ib« m-al»t
o( Vonrw. var>-, wltti tb. aUe nod U>« | to l unolaC vatrr. the ollmMilC of tnudoaiure of (he rtMam to be croaMd. If i dr banka and. kn fart. al0he hardablpa
It If a bide river, (be pontoon bndee la | of war without any «d lu ck>rt«. It
ueually made oae of. For ihla purpoae ! tea alao all the dancer* of active wareach dlvlalon in Sooth Africa earrtaa fare. for. allhoocti Um enc1»r*r oorpa
acroaa the atream, flrdera arc laid from | <
o do their work
one pontoon to the sect and a planldnc | well la advaace of the mala body of
la then laid over (he cirder*. To put their
U • army and........................................
are liable to atucfc at
..Ml... I.
(ocether a bndc* of thi* deacrlptlon
aparatlvely aimple matter. A far
Owlnc (o the nature of the eoontrr
delicate and dlAcult operation la and the character of the eampalcnlnc
to throw a elncle apan over a W foot , In South Africa the corpe wboae forte
atream. and one that
be stroBC! U bridee bulldinc haa very often bees
ROpport aeeeral tena <
called Into i
One of tbe moat
time. Tbe bnJIdlnc materlala ' briltent ezampte of their aUll and

hndse tmIMinc. Dorinc their advance
Into Feraia inflalod abeepakJna. Ii will
' be remetnberad. were the principal
thinew In the bridee* of .(hoee early
OieekR. «nce that time, however, i
actantiac method* and more aatufac-.
lory maurtah have come Into oae. and
- the up to dale ceneraJ alwaya ha* a
apecUlly trained curpe 6f men who are
a^lc to throw a bridfe over any etreara
or m«r or ewamp that may Uc In tbe
line of march In the twlakiiac of an
In tbe Britieh army the earpfe moat
noted for ihla aort of work U the Royal
»nclneef corpa Borne Idea of the mai
welouR work done by ibMc men may I
sained from tbe accompanylnc tllDatn
dona which abow impromptu bridc<




j; >1

C of the Basutoc cun.leu of a dIacarStf
rouser* an old pair of Enell.h Infantfli
biwht*. thI. royal peraonace li
t without a eehM of hi. owTi reeal impair
tance. fte accompanylnc picture show, tbe k
accompanied b> b). royal McreUry. the latter i
tet and a Jackel. somewhat the worse for wear, of *


I under the area (eat dtaadaanucea For inaUnee. at Uodder rivar. early In the South African campalcn. It wa* found noceaaary to threw
a food, aubatantlal bridfe over the
atream durinc tbe creat battle of Nov.
St Thii wae done, and It will be re­
membered that Oeneral Methuen apedaily pralfed Brifadler General PoleCarew and bis men for their (kill and^
dash In aupplylns the needed bride*
«n the •pot when u «•• necewry.
This ofllcer was in command of tbe
Owrda' bricadr at tbe Modder river
flSiit. and bli corpe of enclneer* were
hustled forward and bad their bride*
•aroc* tbe Modder almoet before the
astounded Boers could realise Ihelr intMtiODs. When ‘it I* remembered that
all or most of *urh eonaiructloD work
takas place under Hr*, and that ibe enSlnaet* at work have few or none of tloe and a Ihoroueb study of' Kientifle ' are usually c
•par* and rope. ' eflU lem-;
the Implement, employed by the expert enelneerlne reduced to Us simplest and Thi. doee not seem much
work with.
bridee builder. It Mem. truly marItrtmitlve method.. The dllTerenl
If wonderful what an aln' and who had lone been trained
walona how they can throw loevlher a I
■h corp. .upposeA to be exi>erl at yet .ub.lanllal structure there trained All >U'b rhat.eler at Alderahoi


Rajah, whoee portrait I. berewth
Teproduced, I. one of the i-o.iliiwt
French poodle, r.uw tn exi.tence. ItaJah U the property of an Enell.h wo­
man w ho I. a devoted doc fain ler. and
be be* won many ribbons at dltferem
4oc shows Oh iha other side of the wa-



tito UOKH rHla04tCHB Kll.l. TIHK.
one Ilf ih* fnxiill- smuFHMietil* uf
1. MiHiij lio*r prieonem whn »rr he'd
> Ix'iiril ihi- dlffiTi-nl >liiu*h
li« iilT Jtui'luili le ■« utal'T rlahlllX.
h-... .ti.lid U.M-re
. xr*at di-wl

.vira .r^


Meet ysar he Is to be brouetai to
^marica to compete for prises at dlffer•at fcannel sbow-t Ihroucbout the t.'nii•« SUlea. and as he Is one of the bandsemaat speclmena of bis clam there
la evary reason to believe be will carry
•war many honors.

such bnaia have Just been built and ehip|>ed to the Cape, where they will at
once be pul into service aealnsl thr Boers. These boat* are aubdivtded.Intn
a number of floatable sections arraneed in such ■ way that tbe different sec­
tions can be quickly united while adoat. thus enahlinc the boats lo be put iqeelher both easily and expeditiously Besides thi*. they are capable of very
easy Iranaport. conslderine their lloatlnc eapabimies. Craft nf this charac­
ter have been well tested by tbe Britishers in Kej-pl durlny their dllfereni ad­
vances up the Nile and have proved eminently sailsfarion. w hen armed with
quick Urine kuna, for steamlnc about In shallow water and rouUne out an
ambushed enemy.

One of th* most treasured so^ivenlra
poMM-sM-d by Admiral Dewey. It le said.
Is a Spanish snuffbox picked up by the
admiral while at Manila. This old
•peclmrn of the
Jeweler's art Is
of silver and
heavily chased.
It is supposed
to have been
m a n u factured
several centurie* a«o. at a time when

•if their timr castinf from thr side u
»hlp where they ar* on |«roU- nn
n to fontet their captivity in th
dellghi of httullnc up a good nsh Th
llluetr.iinn is from a snap shut of
raptured Boer officer making U catch.

phllolnirlst of Hungary think* ihsl
I.* iJiM-over-d the original languax*lan He 'rarne that thr grrai gn-up
of language*. Indo-Oermanlr. hemito.
Hamlilc and Altaic, arr all based on
A kind of paper Is made from sea- between *00 and soo ancient Chinrer
weed which is so trans|>arem that It roola some of which havr disappeared
may be used instead of glam for win- ' from tbe Chineee language and ara now
I found only In Japanese.

he pirtureeque coetumr In which the women of Boulogne mako
their prorrwaional pilgrimage each year to thr shrine of 'X>ur Lady of Boa*
logne. ' I'nllkr m<7*l rrllgloue fretlvltles. tfale pilgrimage Is not one of aonter
color*. It Is a celebration attended with great pomp and pageantry, and In tte
pruceaslon first come banners, followed by bluejackets with a model of a ahlp,
next little girls dressed lo typify angris. follownl by flshrrwomen veiled IS
white and carrying crosses, then little boy* In blue carrying anchors, and at
the last the young women In plclures<iue native dress like that shown In tbt
avvompanying IllusiralUm. With their bright crimson |M>i|i<-oais. their cloas
tilling and fanitke muslin rap* and llieir many hu--d silk shawls they present
a vi*ry allmnlve picture a* they wentl Ihelr way slowly along thr ruAd* of lb#
lllllr French town on their way lu th* shrine


itlsh officer I n South Africa tee clveti the world his Idea of how
f th. future will be carrmd on. and In a rathdr humorous Ahetch
shows I me irkriion mounted InUntry In action aealnst a bate of Transvaal
bu^betw W hile tbia oarer's frawine. which Is herewith reproduced, la mors
on the me<-tenical features of modern warfare. It la trua
*“ nation in Souib Africa a ereat number
of iractlori eneines. These enelnes are used merely for the teuUne of tbe
*upp.y wsKoas. however, ate not for charring •alianily over Boer ireochaa.
Om Of Ihe season's novrlllaa In'^the
One of (be Utast fads tn anUqua
•am «( jewalry la a void brooch made furniture to tte BavonaroU chair which
Ri tka ahapa of a violin and rielily la- ha. recMtiy teen Ibtrteuoad lato Amertrusted
lea from Engdiunonda. This
taknt on* of tbe
lualnt old bit
^y MW freak
furniture to
naoaily made
of oak, tearlty
lewelors have
carved, witk
bt«B puttlns on
tte maikat of
Jam. Ike mtesasulM ptocoi
cl of tte Inatniof old brocade
ment la perfaet
to order to peo-,
ate tte workmantelp to vary ulMiKAet.
•oikooed with o otoliv ate wtea tte
back to rtehly earm^ maap to th«

--------- ---- .. ^

Tte Mcompabytos Ulastmtton abow* Loureaford. tte attrueUva Boutb Afrieafi home of Sir Jamas Bivcrt(bt, where • gnat-tiumbtr of wootesd Brittob
aoMtora ar* batog nuraad back to tealtb Joat at tte pnoast Uma. This pictursuque bom* to aaar Cape Town, and the groutes earrobteliig it art k
al ate
* “
“■ *
-baa Bot 0
adtot of tropical
hatided ovar hto bouaa ate asutas for tte um of tte woutetd. but has ate^

It is not gesarally known that tbe long nuioriot
msans of securing a'
an Intercctlr.g one. During on* of the visits of that merry monarch. Ntof
Charles, to Winchester, wblla engrossed with bis plens for building a r^M
raaldence In that historic city. Mlsirees Nell Owynn •
ours*. In a(<i
leteanc*. It t
r for Charles to provide her with a lodnng. as
e merry monarch casually requested that Dr. Ken. then prebendary of Wl»*
cbeoteJ. should receive Miatreos Nall lato hto snug little deanary. This tM
reverend doctor, who had a will of tils own. atouily refused to do. Kite
Charles was too sensible a man to take umbrage at aucb a Just exhlMUos w
Indepeteeace ate reiigioua tatecrlty, and so wtea tte btoteprto of Batft ate
Wells became vacaal this eaprtetoas aoverelcn pretnpUr Inquired for tte good
UtUe man who bad retuasd lo take tte proSIgnU MtotreM Owyaa utear kH
deanery roof, ate aa promptly mad* him the neat bishop. Tte aooocapaaylte
lUuatratloe ehowa this historic oM daaaary at Wlaeteater which was oaca S




pratlM lb
bm. tbtap- I bral arts of migktmmc bndrad alaat*br BOtb tax Irrltd la alar. oBiliv-d. *-An Art b> aatbariat tW
tbw babito
<4tr of (irrnd Uaplda tn tbt coaatr of
rtar shaU bt for tbt
prrlod mdiof inat tbirtr of tbt soe- Ktni. and Malt of blUb'Esn. to bot^’blb i wssabarat fmn nr abow.”
tttdlw rtar. aad tbt tax Wttd la tbt r»w uKi»c>r to bt txptuM la tbt ran*
sajfB a cirrus pro^MHM-. -my uianasrr
anccritdlar Jtar abtD bt approprlattd strnrttoa of a bridjtt arroas Grand Klr>
ODCt tngastd two bo^n wlib brads Ittfar tbt potod atflas Jost tbirtr fo>' tr at Brtdst Ktrrtt bt aaid OXj. ap.
Jnat flftttnth. tlpbittn...............fV
laiw iban ttarair^. Oat of ibm
b/W*asbt BawiMlBd so as
bad a clnbfoot and aumr lltUt rlatn
ProvtitO. ibat Botblns btrtia caw- drtd rtatg-nlDt.
to rrad as foUnwa:
trlatd aboil affm l‘
‘ "
of loicniatoce.' aayi tbt tnilladtlpbla
•trtioo 1.
Tbat IW
r tbt I'nl.rttaltr of
Baiardaj: Evraltic Port.
-Our ptoplt
Hapids la Ibt rouaiy
bad palatrd tbtm to look like tai-ayra.
liiattof MlrblssD Is btrtby Butboriatil
and tbty wart nbibiti-d as tbt -Axtoe
btrtia toou:
cblldnn.* Ont day wbi« Hit Ics-tunr

. A*CiMet>db)rtH« MlehicM Ur

CUM U Wm Cmmtw*04 ttot Mmm ml
Ito nmtmm aub WmmH Mmmmm Lmw^
aMatimt rmm4tmrtlm W<* mm4 l»4i.
•m ■■i<i>w ml «•

Apprortd Dttnnhtr SI. ISRO.
t «f


Co^fnwr I'lafTMr

m im


)Mb 6a/

■naiw awaa Appalalaitat.
CONiTHBEFT RBSOLimoK. Rd■llrt to Ibt Appotatrani of l.twla M.
Mlltor as t^mlariratr ob tbt Barialoo of tbt I'olttd Btaita Statatta.
Wbtrraa. Tbttt la a propoaiiloa
ptndloff btfort tbt Coacrtas of tbt
I Bittd Matra for tbt appolmotot of
a cDBBlaaloB for a rtrlaloo of ibt ctal-,
nita. which, on actouai of ibt ytiwnl,


fktvatwr. \tm. tsBu to *B rad at
•MS w tbt wh dsr flf iuBsrr. tsin.
ft tetitti tuHlfjbt iwraty dtfs (ixtd
br tbt MDMltbflM St tbt Uudi of tint
t<t whlrfa t>«l«totMs can draw pt^ <or
•emrao SI u txtraordlatrT stMtos:
riwra tt aotbliv is tbt eraMJtstkM tt
I tbt kfW

bit tbildftn




-Tltlla. John Grans. 1 know yon.
I worked in U>t bamwi fitid with yoa
many a day.


to anyiliiog

Of tbrat art of ttrjr gratral inportanrt. ulrM It bt tbt cot prorUUag
•a tddtttoaal. food for tbt rtlltf mi
•Mb aad lodbrai a^dltra of tbt ^lasIsb-AattrltsD war.
Noot of tbt tax

;s,s “jt"


I so aorpriat. at It
that Boot of tbes

FoHowfnc are an tbt lawn passed at
tbs special senalon:

•h- Aiion..»

M i.v-.op2



1 don't know tbat dolifaoi.
off. oowr

•“JI 'oOrbtedm-s
of aid Tow nship,

.ship board I
towiisbl|> of Mpringwells. In the
ly of Wayuc. shall have the authority
Bud power ami
an<l Is herehy
hereby autlMirli
and cui|M>wercd lo borrow luoiiry
the faith and credit of aid lowusplp
d issue Is.nds ilierefor li
exceed tweuly lb
the year nlltclecb 1



self sacrltlcc.

Bcsolved, That the Attorney General
ly-lbiW. tigbittn o7 this Mute W and la herehv eninnw.


prolei-l I

for”'"Sl-npon ih-tn...«r-r of ihl. Pt.t. upon

sduded ta this aota. _____ ________
caps, nsiaant. tmotars. iKwkrv.
p’owr. mtsNart. ate

isnrer Is herebv dire, ted to pay
.rram out of any moneys In ihV
•rasnry not otherwise appropriated.
Airprovetl Jsnnarv S. 1W«>.

Mm-Hou 2. If such t>un<1 Issue a loan
s.iall lie anilmrlted
anthiirlxed hy
hy a
i iiiaj.irity ,.f
Hus IBed de.-iors. said U.pds shall
***• '“1":^
rt'‘tmmliifltlons of Bve hnnra.-h. au,l shall Iw iwynhle
• '•tichtiniesanclaimHim-aiaDytiu..,in,m tnemy .v.-«rs from ...........late ..f
He as nxtnJ and ih-iermined liy

' rtgbteen bnndred nlneiyUltie. enlitled "An Act for the relief,
Diubled and needy Ex-«>1
■®‘‘ Marines of (he late
Minulsh AmerIcan Wnr.'

The People of tbe State af HIcbtgaa
MocHm 1. Tbat aectton one nf act
Botaher fov haadred farty,fl*g mi i

afford to ralaa tbto



TNiatafBeila-It's miMt is iroarfieiiits

Sale Now GoinK On.

(>u a single day



KaWfTtaa. Bata.

The iMvpIe who la. ktn] (he mvessary

New BoaUty, Oollara. Oloraa. ata.

tnthiisinsiii or strength of iiilud ur wito
fell that iliey were not wonliy of at-


.-< -tasy of tf-

Mouse VIcuua sasau« weiv lately cuDfronted with a la&zuap- d.tti.-uKy.
Cording to the laOepeada.i'v Ih'lg
yCup^ girl. (inkuutMi. wa> f^u.l i

1S4 rront Btrtet

FaihiosBbU Ontfltton



The do. ton
:i lltal the .voting tv.mtau t
naiTv.- of a


some jiruf.-ssors from

Uie nrl.-iiiHl schuul were cuthsl In. ami
lh.'y \ver3- all Bgrovd that the girl did

(hat she sts'ke a I'eohiu .liiihvl uud

A ihii.i oas i-oD-

rims-,1 iii4i it was a Turkisii (uii.dM.

7»*T>"'f» *«' «'-'Ul

The usual meib-

We ary^Hn^ ^Mi'^nVibe exorra>iq(, •'s,nod like a star at Imt ■■ nTl


• «mnan appraaebra with a pall T
“Moonded like a fog bora whistle"
ahouM alao be dropfied. A fog born la
never beard
Eaaoaa - Atcblaoa
__________________ _

»•» pnaa b to anoiber.
new oyttem


acailerinfl (hem hruad.nai.uu the laud

tbe most imporunt epoeba
laqnlaltlra people ate tbe fuBBela mt
‘“f* blxtory of German JnritpriideDce cooveraiHoo, They do not uke in anyon tbe first day of January, thing for their own oae. but merelf
fnder Utia


Ih.-lr hush

bat aomriliiies fresh blmsl from a
alaughier bonsc la anmilhsl.-cbicago

baa a uolform legal proeed-

they priKs-ed to sow It with tiNs-nea hy

M.-^lflO 1. That-act
anmU-r four
tanndr^ aevent.wn of (he Ian-bI Acta

Into effe.i.

pb'‘en functi. ri8 of the spiual nerve cejit.-nj.
eapx ia
i. He
He Las
ia l»
ly reoQeatreqoest,«d Dr. Snow to publikh m8exi>eri.'ii(.f

- i am glad to eay Ibai D.*. Hoow bka
bka ma-le
a wonderful obangn la my
I 'toaUh. I base been in eery poor faealtb
Itb for
Lbree yenra
My food wmM
' Hgeat aud came awaj Juat aa i bad rate
‘leo iL There »ai belchlag of gaa for
[ lonra at *
a Mme.
lime, my aiomacb aeemed 1;
like a atone, with bad craatipatira. I
raid eat hardly anyiblng. and evcryiblng gave me gbeat dlainae. Hr heart
had i-M-niN-.! freui a prison ami who
bumped aad beat at time* eery feat. My baek waa very Ud and Ibera'waa n
did uut iiiMlerstami ii ..f Persian.
My llmbe would j rk aad twltob. and ibey felt nar *
Ahysa^ntaii or Turkish.-l.umJuu Gluhe, tfo^ deal of pain there.
and DO foeling mneb lo tbrm by apeP“-------------------------•
y bod aad I ooaJd
'Wtaitatilt or sleep-Bad wold not re«
- 'l

®f eigliteen hnndred nluety-nlne.

Approved January. & IPOO.

DR. e. H. SNOW,

Mimv He-ssivaiis W..r.-not ag.vvd the
p-dhi- <l.-.-nusl It u,N->-s0Bry i.. make InCiulries. with the result that the siraugi'r wusjirov.-.! 1,1 In- a lliitigariuii w'ho

>f provhllng the latter Is to drive
bona-s and «-Bllle Into the Inelwarr.

vllle aad Xovl townships and to add
new teiTltory
thereto." be and tbe
same Is hereby n-pealed.
Tbla aetMs ordered to take ImmedI-

''"iIb... t,.rriUe je.1.

that he umlersiood It.
Another probU la c 88 SplXAL 1FRITAT ON. TbA
f.-ssor «:!► of ..........
that It nas au n«art^>U>mach aod towel symptoms Iwifitf r. flex and .aneod b\ Ibe imAhysKiuiau dialect.

............ _______________
1 lie l*eoj»le of the (Hale of Michigan

fra.-iloaal school dlsirhi nnml'-r two
o. Plymouth aud Xovi tuwnshlpa Ip

ADother Happy Patient!

- ..... .

f. .


telBg section two thonaasd two bun-

111,-er at Bridge Street In raid Hty^pproted June flfteenib. eighteen bum
died Btoeiy^ne.-

Jnat BM tbeaa priaaa:
good Knoa Fnnta, rar pr.
battar Enat pnnta, par pr

and dill (h•-lIlselvca lu ihath
\ huge
oven wns iurtli. aud iui» i those who

Ou Mr. Banda ate ted Ik*
ffoadfertnno to fat boM of a
nte let ad nlataw toeda ttet
i^Iy atU at ilo. if 80,18. 1»~
tThlla tboy laat yra raay taktei

ui.-ilusl as a
g.-itlng nu eternal nd<«sc


Here'a a eerker.
Wa knew
tbat TrareiBa Ollj la
Tberctora saeb ralmaa Lu tbau
wUl go Ubc hot rakea.
LotJ.reodaeboolMlu ....9 «
Lot >. aU wool aalta................... 1 K
Lot I. flatly tnUornd................. I 80
Lott.---------- *■*—-------------------

$1,61,1.96,2.Sa,I7S. 3.
Bor's Kan Plata.

Now U tba ttea^ lo bay Enaa
panuforall jrar-boya

WL.-II the last gtvoi sacrincc of the

of interest not exisHsling four
per annum, and snch Iwm!
signisl hy the BU|M<rTlsor
aaid town ''

Bride* Acaras nraad Bir

Local Acta of eighteen hundred ninetynine. entitled. "An Act to autberiie tbe
City of Grand Hapida In tbe Goantr
of Kent and Mtate of Mtcbigan. lob ^
row money t« be expended in tbe c
atracHoa 'of a l»rti's7~xjw..a-"7:.13

■h’s Pasts
^UO naira of ^dU paaU.
Cat rlffbt up t« tba apllvaaeond
In atylan. JIant akipca. platda.
and raixtauaa aa waU aa blnaa
and Usdn
Tbty raffbt u aaU
at troB 91.50 to r oo. bat tbaaa

iy It Is wlf dcstructloti by lira.

UK-ka ctiilBlUing ■.'•.tltU h-echea
All Hint is now mta-ssary Is to

of. or lo Ills discretion Id anefa pmpnrHim as shall be determined by biw to
be just and eqnluhle.
This BC
art Is ordered to take ImroefllI
F effect
Approved Jannary A inn.

Bat's Saits
Brado's Store is iba People s
ITc ooiw vrar dutlori bv

•eci jvns'niade. thi' |bwi(>Ic adopn-d tbt

- ph-nty of. hhiod.


Sl« and 8.M mint


provide for the crop |ih-nty of water

1. and (be laa

So J-

favor of such h

mi.a.-y arising from t!ie saV iheivsd
Mectlon 1. Tbe Audiim- General ia shall lie ap|impriate.l lu euch nsaum-r
bendiy authorloed ami cm|>owered. up- a« srid township Isoard shall d.-tenriU.on the prvscDUtiuu of proof sailsfac. f,ir ih.‘ purisme afon^ald and nm ••ih
torjthe cornsducss aud ernis.-. aitd ibe said lowush
uship lNur.1
■ ■ '•
3 draw war- sh:i1l
I It shall Inrams a|>on i
ih'lv t>
for suttl.-lviit
tnl-l.'-■ pi
pr.i|M-rly «if
ndi^f of sick. d’isahte<l sum or stints as- sliali iw- sufHrleni
•ssly ez-s<dJient. aailors amiI i
ma- pay the amount-nf --n-d imnds and ih.
rin.-s of
the laic Mpanlsb
In'.-kesi (hertHiii as fa«i as rtie same
as ma.t be proiH-riy
jIHTiy audliiHl. al­
shall hi-eome ilue. us
lowed and Bled w ith said Auditor Gen­ slfltiel.
eral on or ttefore the thirty-first .lay
M.-i-'loii .9 •nie role u|H.n such>
of January niuenvn buudred. hy vir­ os!tlon shall la- by tirluie.1 iNitlot and
tue of Bi t miiulter ittie buitdred iblrty- shall he In the rollowlng wortls:
This an la ord^-d to lake Immedlfuur of the latvs of elgbtecu bniidr^
Kor Hie Issue ‘
•te eCeci.
ulm-iy-nliie. entllUsI "An ail fur the
( t
•proved Itetvmlier. 21. IIBW.
I rfll.-r of ah-k. dlaalded and ucetly exTor the Issue of totttownship bomls.
fJoilM aiU stL dUf AppraprtsHraa.
This act Is ordq^l to take lmtne.]late
A.N ACT to amend section two of act
to be (laid uut of any moneya lu tbe efr.-.-t.
•umber one bundred forty-two of tbe
general fund of tbe Mute, not other­
Approve,! January A liaw.
laws ot clghtemi biiudred utne-nlne,
wise approprlaieil;
Provided Tbat
CBIIUed -An act to repeal section eight
■apral «r as Act.
not more than forty thousand dollars
•f act numlier two bundml ali of tbe
AX AIT T.i r.-|N-al act unmber four
e paid out under
laws of clgiiiem hundred elghiystne.
hundnsl aeveuUH-B of llu- L
entitled 'An act to prut Ide for tbe t'nl»r Hlgbt<H-ii hun-lml ninety-.....................
form regulaiUw of ccruin Mute Intlile.l. "An n«-l to i-ha.igi- the name of
nlmueen bun.tred,___
until all v—.....
Mllntloua’ aoiF amendmenu (ben io,
Ite atlowisl hereunder abali have l■•■*''h>nul s,-jiu<d distrh-i numlH-r
belw aectiou two tbunaand two bun-

flmloB 9. TbO-Aodiror Geneval otell
ffwp all aer.>UBta with appropriatloBs
Mle for an. State InsHtntloB or brarJ
te ftaral yrara. and wbenecer pern
toe tben-for la not craulned la tbe i


Yoir Choice----- $6,50

mi,"rn’T''.""'’1f'™li-fl "liflo Un-j. «..|,7 fw ip.'.lV

•Iso Iwlng toanaki- the entire flftcra
tboukond dollars available fur (be purpose elated herein.'
flc-tlon 2. The amount ap|sroprlatod
by the said act numlvr one hundred
•evedty four shall Isc |iald out of the
general fund In the Mute icwsury to
*be treosutvrof the Mh hgat Moldh rs'
Borne at sm-h iiturs and In .......
•mounia as the general qrconntiug
lawa of the sute -prt»<rils- and the
dUburslng ofllcer .hall render bis ac­
counts to (be Auditor Gcm-ral thereun-

f tbe ippropriaitoo does
p^rkte" be ameo.led to rrad at fol-

Trma r M and 915-00 talaaaGoodnaaa. Qulity Md rsablra

91I.S0 and l« talM

form of denih n blch they adopt Is useally burial while alive, bm

fn>m their troubles.

** ^

$6.00 ail $7.60

Yoor Choice----- $9.50

Ury Bcrvhv. aud ur forctwl lo (sar arina
they art llahle^lu cuioilonal embualasm.

four rtiiiilbcs w.-ni uiil from a vll'Uigt

•Ifbtren bundred^olnety-aeven. and to
Biwrlde for a change from tbe ealendar
la tbe floral yeo> for all limited and

^rgrinaT ^

918 and u tala*

alioHiloD of Ibe Uiinwsity for tbt passport. They repihllnie

means of

flection 1. ‘tlut aectloB two of
■amber one buudred forty-two of
|nw« of eighteen hnndred nlneiy-nl
•BtlHed "An act to provide for tbe t

Bmlaa anlandid abaraa lg^
amU MB tn\aiy anita «t pttoa
ot yratb'a aaiia.
Tbaaa al«
■Marara ap to u abaat largn
anoaffblaraBallM*. Ibaywa
aa atyllah aa aay tnt alM Ma^
ebant taller woald tarn rat nt

BUNCH So. 9—

meats for |»rorlng idcntliy and also tbs

stakil og obHw ions and Indeld^^
iherefor: Irutidt



YoKrChoice --.SM.Sr

agluilrius baring always Iteco dlrt«t-


iwrlng Its pn^s.
>^>us!rm-tlng a brlilge over tb'‘'I"**.
•, ®“ ^ort Mtreei lu aid


ihratfraakrater tha box tnm
Otlenffeh brat


' ed inwnrd grraier |M*rsouil lllwriy and
of n...
Ibe cost of construeilng

.pulltlesi power for Indivldul membera

«lw oae of act aumlwr one hundred < Mlrbigan la allegM to have suffered
puMk acts
of elgb-' «»m*wes In a large amount

to ibl* seeilon for any of the pm
guird be InraRIrient to complei
8rork or purchases, any isnrpli
tin ^
•saining aft.-r the complei
•tber work or r
Ibis aertlon may be os«d In the i

tcith'i Seiti

____ r*p»StL____

“Tbt aodlract was grtatly amuaed

tbe^Xatlons^l Guard of
•ectloo 1. That ibe earn of dfiera ' “W
certain frauds have been
Cbeoand dollars appraprlaled by sec- ' fwrprtraied by which Hie Mute of

and conue<.Hnns. rwm tbouW^^d^rs; for'ihe puretaasc of one
•ew engine,
•and dollars, and
......... of one new dynamo, I

Mu't $iitt

- 'May. Hill Brant, maybt you tbl^

.. .h.

sncli legai
leral proretdings
i>r<HaMiinn as
. »ew MUrs si SaUlevs' Bom
BDo brine
onug snci)
AS ACT to Buke srallablt an Ap•roprlatioti to furnlsb new boilers to
hlHart tbeat tww In use at tbt Mlcbfcaa Molditrs* HoB>t. Mof art nnmbei' apoD tbt ale of certain Mlliury Goods
rat bandred aad stremy-faur. Pabik and Mnppllra. and to rtlmbnrst lU
Act of elfbttra buadred Blatty-Blac. ' fMait for damages occasioned by
frand alleged to bare twee perpet~ '
•liprnved Jnat tweniy-tbrat. tigbittn
npou Ibe Mute In ibe ale and
Bradrad njaety-ulnt.
t followlBg
r the
•BfpBana, Tin: Tbt ereetton of a two1. It i
fory Bstlar Unnse: tbt tretnioo of a
if certain mlliury goods and tuppiles of i(be Mtate of Michigan made by
the mllltBr}- board
lard of Ibis .state on or
ibMP^wItb Mm
almut Ibt ihlrtlHb
ikth day of June last.
■equeut pnrebase «>f mll-

SbwI^ "'d.ltarit





matmlr b2a.lM».
dimm and a.lbart of i
b<orts. wbh-b has all •dr bttn paid,
aras S17.4W.28.
.Jditloa to ibb
tbtra will l« tbi
t of piinilDK Ibt
■ Aall7 kvistatlrt
nal and
tbt offlctal pnbIkattoD] of tbt bws
CUs b Mtlmattd at saoo. Tbt tcratral
laws enacted will
.......... ....
tfIctalgaB Btwapaptra, and It U rati•uied tbat this feature will coat 97.-


Thi pMpls know TksB Bssdi ssps hs ssu Ou prloss

said to

blia. and Ibt Iccturtr |iald no aiicotlM
to aayiblny aaM to tbt n

at Ibis, and ibr lecturer saw tbat bt


ia btraby made arallalde for pnrp
mi aamunts as follows: f'or ibc <
boiler bouse
three'tbotMnd doll^; for the


Ob. jwu ran'i fool mer

-Thf ‘Axter rblid' bad Im-n laocbl to
nakt no

had plenty of Uonlilt oo band,
qntaltd lo aat tbdr brat todraron
qntntly be ealltd tbt
Tbt Ptonlt of tbt Ktait Of IUrblcaa
aecurt Ibt appoIntiotnL as a latinbtr
aad lohl bio tliat be was ecnalnly nilsof uld rommlMtra. of l.twls M. MlUtr
taktn as to iht Idtniliy of ibe freak.
i- Tb«l for tbt pnrpoat of
of tbit Huit. wboat abllltr
ability has'
has 'h^ '
d bt
rtdttmln* and rtilrinf thirty ib-.o'Ob. no. I ain't.' replitwl ibr oUlurau
snllatfM .rf
^ «»«>
worth of water t^s of
fellow, aud.-wbai U inore. you and
•d? raiiml4.Itd
o«wtaDdln» and layour whole sbtbang an- frauds and

- ht Dtonit of
*" ***'
^>*bt«-to bundrtd and
huiulmi.*s.’ Tben tbedi'< turer look an
Ibis suit, who BoanliBoi
OtlHT u«-k, I
authorised, aitlnc tbrouxb
tbt work Invaluable and blttertT^ '•
^ cominon council of aaid . and ibonirbt t
rivaled In Its exe^torits. and
so «
not. for Ibt t
rtiy. lo bomiw thirty thousand dollan
o.. .K. .-»-ll.
raend the money ou wblsky and ItU
bis friends of fats discovery; w!;b tbt
PrtaMent McKInlt;
itsnit tlisi Ute business at tbat polid
iRt ofThThm'dlrartlolTilw raid
was ruined."
Ion. Ici annnlnl th.
tbt a.1.1
aaid I..-4.
. Miller to bt o
payprepare Ibfctexi for said rerlmem and time of natortty Is left to
Hoa. btlltrlng as T7t do tbat his ^
1 -fmmirricn
will be as
dlscretloo of tbt coomoo tonncU
^Moua PawatUs Thus Obtain mo>
1^ on aaid
lease Pewas Troahle.
Mbit lo
tbt people of (be mittd

Sutra as they
have proved lo bt to the
'• ordered to Ukt Imtardlbty bate
' Baking tbtmaelrra in huge roaring
of the
tbt Mute
Mutt of kllefaiynD.
ovens Is the climax of tumitonal tn.'.pprortd
R»wolrtd, That copira of tbla re
Ibnslasiu ami self sacriacc of a
Te Psr'U
strauite sn i of Ruralaus. They nrr tbt

br •stl»i7 \atld. bat tt b Bot ttconlcd
Uwt tbt linli was trtr eztttdcd.
Tbt m

•as craliaUjr
•Soe was calltd

Has Btsggsred Oompetition.

It hss opsBtd wllli s QBASD SUSB ssd ths asss
. BDOAB FLOWS oOmd srsbslscBuppsd
sp is qslek ordsr.

was txiNHlailng o| H>tM- rtuarka-

miirtloB. bat Ibt couairyman was
to bt |MR dow n, and uo.« uora bt
Apprartd Jannary A IMM.
umdmmm .wa

dtr of
>ad Dd-

iMf St work as nscb toactr tbss the
faraiy dsjt t» Ibtj mn fit to doottt
fbrtr ttrrkta sod tbtir arts would

•wararaa tworatoded

l«av.t boads tbtrtfor to an ainonnt bot
to txcttd obr bundrtd afiy thotiaand
doUara. wblrb abal] bt txiwadtd tb
MaatrartloD of a bridst aitoaa Grand
Illrtr at Brtdsr atrwt la raid eUy;
i'rorMtd. That a niajorliy of Ibt
ton of aatf Hty votlas on tbt u...
tloa at .._y
nay aptt'li
apttdal or nmlar tltrtlon
>iloa of boodlns
aliall ht sabnltir
lull ao drttnnlot



KuowoiBkeiaspeci,hyofaUchr-mtcdiaea»ca, diaoMm of
Uieeyp, ear. oone and

tbr- al.



e*i>ec ally



trralitnu^ncer, antbcnA and cuiuanptiuii.

Consultatlba Frn.

Tegiii (nricM Fir 2Sc

OHIO, la Hunlllpn a llUllS«ii BIcok. Ou, BtivM Bstr,nM.




Sldnralk Lmnb^ la .01 ,‘zm.

SaooMMn W taTWM Otty Liimbw Oo.



fcOoto Bcn. be to ctocr f»re
aU/ef.fcra 10 toMfe tbe mutt iwne. Md R»>
9I7 ponied Ua apTiN into them to

M «fe> (eia*iX^<^£^taaa* iMr
tM ttmmmd »d imtU m flT UlwrtO

It tow TOto aboBt t-JQ, and the fira
toto fMttOB bone* tbaa prrtfy uaeh
aafxbiof on aaitfa. wilew peibn* H
vaaMr.Ueek. Be toned a]l tbedanp*

mM» ai M t
^Mr «• a I n MMT. lito kaewm
VhM* Ma tb* UMIa. ar vkm tb* n*
na«MdM< <b« b«w4 <a aMsfi
The NdB BW to vbto CIMBt m*
Th> touiilM thmb m4 to* tub b»«« bewm,
Or « tov tout «Mto ■»: toMi

It.'.- -Ur™.....

rtedktoL a*fced peoHe tio anetoer ttto
------- la- a itM «f tbe bapt^ Md ad
Mk«;-nareroaererltod lacjprtMa
J lor (itooertM
tohlle ttoake tbf tBprewloo of ttariog paovfidowi
ptodned ta Tra»
bumu br<i« aDd bad ibai liaprcaaloQ colnride wtUi lU Ume of Ibe
-------- deaib of that pwtooor Tbe a«troa»- gt^r


Wedne^tj, JiD. 17

II 00

Ow «wl to to* a M.



nvadto, Jatoo^"aaldMn.JSa*
tB^tfbUy to hto haabid «m miK^
**if pmeenldgM ronewBdfaacrto.
•Ifbt Tm Mto ITo had to Id ttto
ddTwtfooa hdhoUdan<»T^«r
‘ T» tBBd they toant too diapratly at
the VoBWi’a Aid wd Baticd Imhv, Id
help then toith their hi«b tMfna 4 AO
talAft Ifr»tboii^tjODaoaldBato
ai« fer Tooidir’—
‘aOJ tx7 to eoTTija U. “ oliaamd Mt:
nataredJy. "Idoo'tCawv it
trill jam tataL’’
’111 Id a n«d aaS eoofe H tfaia
donlag. tfaeB." tratt «■ Mta. IM
iheaifnllT, ’’and joa eah hara It cold
fcr dlnec."
'Thank roo,” replied Mr. Meek.
‘'yDB'tl do Botbinc <« the Und. Itaacy
IhaveB'tCDoeoampinf nrettjnoch cr- dtp rear fld Bf Ufa fcrj^ing. laoafeet I eaa manMge a hot dinner aboot aa
. tRdl w BOM toountf”
Mb. Mook bad faerdoQbla. and onlika
Bad trieea. expeeaaed tbeen.
Mr. Meek rietoed hie trife'a tdonbta
«ith eopresne cenleaipt. and ooUka
Thai it OnaUg nanlted that Mia
Meak abandened all idea of preparing
Mr. Meek'e dinner fnr blm. and betook
hettotf to tbe baaaar. So it remind,
tBribemore. that Mr. Meek left hie atfee aboot 4 o’clork that dtertiooii and
praoeedrd to coUect oo bia w»j boate
the neoeaaaij anpplid for a dointj little

OM PflZfcgB

facurilp: the An besan to oooL
didn’t atop
It pet, if anTthinc. a Uttle Im. ANer that it pu very low. Tbea it treat I
OBL Be roebrd for a kindling, and'
ambitlou to repreacoi
aodlp took hie hend off on a dotfad- dtotrict In vvngreoa.
Une. Jnet ae be bad got nlenlr tfeanaph
In 1M2 be recrired the Whig
c^Mrinp faU rieere on clotberiinee in
ptiinal, and tbd eiotbealine in pafttenUK, be toent about ttoloe ae tar totoard -V P.U, u, .b- b—, taking bia bend off on the
line OB hie tov bnek.
Ihe gtaitkM d natam toben rowed tbefr tow oo cbolcr at tbe ivgiUar clo»
oee oftcB tbe mod teerible. Mr. Meek
reey isrible. Ben^
ktedliiB, profanitr and eoSToU to ban

U L. A Oa Bent....


The Big Attraction


Ben Hendricks


r.STu'S'" LU* .rSJ

hanpid and oaiwtA and ebook cUl erea
the oat-«Dd it bad bad itediBBetwwae
dlBdeaaed toitb Ub. and departed to
the oatcr kHobra to ftp tbe opine%
tobi^ toe dllatorp prorer had )oto do
poaited on tbe table toltfaoat tooitinp to
pariep toitb Mr. Meek. He tone a tolae
prater and bad beard CBOogb.
Wfaen, aboot Are Binntea latra, Mr.
Meek diarormd that tbe oat bad fOBSd
Ibe dpetera to ite tom, be becnae erra
hoe oaln. Had the rat U<«n arunnd
(but, iCke tbe grocer, it bad braid
MMopb. and tafcra aa onobtraaiTe de­
partnre) it to bigblp prabable that a
raoaiderable ma>oritp of ita nine Urea
tooald hare ooBte to an atmpt terBina>
At tbto atape. to oonaole tbe nnfertoBate man. tbe Are began to go apala
Onceatarted it didn't atop. In aboot
Are Binniee it bad burned op tobat te­
rnained of prettp Boeh ereiptbtng raoept a Urge pot of green tra and a BBaD
pOTti««r^ Mr. Mtek. The chop that tbe
ral badul -raten towi n^iaUp toril
done. It ooold be quite nafrlp left «
tbe toindoto aill toitb a tobuU legion of
oata arnoiMl it. Mr. Meek, bowerer.
ilBplp bfl It in the coal tu. In paint
of riiber erdrr tr haidncoi il toooJd bare
been diAfenlt to bare found a
ting noting place fee in
Then then ranteorerMr. Meek'e feee
a terrible exprteeion. He farangbt in a
pail (it toaa .the arrabbing pail which
be bad isiatakcii fur (be wrap pail, bot
BO matter) and p(«red Ibe enoprarefnllp
into it. throtoing tbe pan aUnt Are feet
into (be aink; w «t to- imiia-d tbe p«atoeo into tbe aatne poi* and iqrain auotbef
panbJlwedihectirneof liir Atm In
getting to tbe aink; lix-n be ponnd tbe

4 oo


ibr bbnu f.mltj Tb,


b- -bo bu b«b pmboiiuob. o(

iu*bLr” bl££dSSS?.s; eui«—■oub-bii,.

tbe Wbige and bitter toward tbe and- j
PbUaaapbr at a ais-raae-toA
■Mrerp adrocatea.
. j
A few peara toter. after GcBcni Cnleb Cnablng had beeo In the UexiraD
hi"'i .-5P?***
war. he war Dominated bp tbe Demo- taken b
Ibe “moo" at Bronx park.
crate ai tbeir candidate for goreraor
of Uaeaarbiiaetta opoo
which Mr. Bob- tbep reacbed tbe babiuttoo of tbe wolf jOa.,) ai
tbep foaod Ibe beaei Jdm <

. — _____

*!> ^KTif _


Futirad il

trindfaUa. Ktt per

toqaalitg, it-lte.

In hU a«w plfly

“A Yenuine

poem. Ooreraor-Brigg. wee then the
and tndl^nt orer tbe epecta-,
^ gjj,„ B.„iic)gg,
Whig caiHn.tat.- for gorerttotand I-ow^
exctolming: ••Ob. .gd a doctor bad (ailed. It to the beacniel wicked wolf, to eat that dear loimeot 1 hare erer kcown of — 1
ell had two refialna to bia reraea. The -~n ^
lie aparrawl Wbat a mooater poa Dodgra, Alpharetta. Oa. Thcoaa
ATM read;
rare boeo eared of rbeama
Ulae Marlob,^ aged C. b
Incenaed aiaier
r wtib a {
air and aald. -n'faai do poo waot tbe
wolf to do-abooi It and cook It Oratr AbwI
I -New York Tribune.
tbe beat at dtp D niag

A oomrdy drama deptotlag tbe
teerrt tcoaMre |b tbe Oornr D'Al­
ene MlaiBg Dittriek

-BootoD BenilA

CompABff of 90.

gbu4i Cmra-Wfe


WMtB WiM «f Tar Syrii^ >1UUe* lie effrata
best coogb retnedp oo ranb. cores a coid
“Id tobat arapr
a-u. »e and TSe.
Tba Pablle Deataada nralUto
•■B'ben »he lakeo the oecood prtoe at hooedapiftakenintinie. SandfiO
ea dale Hcradap a. m.
la eianr Laretoaklac.
a card panp. abe cao appear ao tickled
.nd ,1—„„
.n, .1
laUa*. yn ns • jrap n It-tnaplt er
toMb1beextrei,.«tcare.“torileal>ank- .^k- th* .•■««*« «f ti,.
nH« It, bat it wilt eomc top *ui<u* oeerp
•ma * Oalmaoa Blaatto noor Varatoh
8 B Walt.
An atlnri^ diepli^ of t
b, Tb.
Un.n. Jonral.
lha ftrto thing to rainb faU ege. and ba
Buat hare OO Impiitolre matiDcr. Tbep
toto jaet on tbe point afnemring one at
DMt look aotnclemlp ferrid. it to a.
*. r-w..te4 a.naet.
Ae Wanier-s tVhile Wine of Tar S.vr “
tbcB. toben. bp good lock. «r acre
eurlouaalght-ihat of twoptopera who
-n,i, „
tJuMilcIgh-* portrait, -le be« cough tetnedy on earth. 1!^ >
pmbablp throogb tbe naforai wgacilr
are to ex|>»aa tbe ardent lore which i. Itr’ aald the raller. "I ahoold hardat tbe Ban. be msilerted thet n rll.
Shakeaprair baa written for hla -Bo- |y u,re re«>gntoe,l it. Tbe chin doeao t
Mtot poo don't, ea a rale, eook obtekeni
meo and Joltol,- but who at rehearaal look at all like hers."
ae tb«7 aic. In Ibe taonienlwp reaction
in motlera elothra aod no accetoorlea of
-^•crbap*." •nggeaied tbe buehand of
that fidton-ed thie feat of nraiorp. he
glamour, practice a kiss ai oieebaolcal- ura. Oaahletgb. “pou bare uerer oeea
boapbt a couple of nattcB obope and
I have acveral 6ne new rige---Ip and unfeellnplp aa though It were, ber dhln in ropoa«..“-chlraBo Tribnoe.
three “■
I( to then, utterlp'derold of aentl-]
both nlDfflfl and two ■egffi
’T'U bareapood, plain, old ftobioned aill a (binl pan g.x i
aink with mem. There must he ho braltaiioii or
The maniifactpre of .(raw to one of
bpUab dinner." tboogfat be. ae be Car­ OnOMIBl t)lpill>IT. Jt caomxto'deAnitclp
Itoiura Is not permuted to ibe m«.i Important Induatrica of tier- utertoto te proaia ip naoM. BfU t»: Kortt'
oQtfite in the city. Trv
ried paet tbe deoeltfttl ehirfceue toitb Mated tobetber ctnU Mr. M4-ek. in do­ decide wh.nh.-r to throw both nraia nmnp. glring thouMOd* m-ana of anp- •ra.Bone.
MBotbitig alBoet akin to tvproacA ing tbl*. waa actuated bp tbe dcairr to arotind hi* awrethean or onlp one or port
iru wiLHgLlirakrMtiaii *b4 ran
Onlep b> ’Phciif No. ?t2.
LJ nradiuiw ot Vitvmtlp at *eeB*TlTt
"KoBe of poor ftnlckp ponltrp dinneie prepare aoror famtaw bniiler'a cUali rel- which, nor wap Juliet l>e *hp or for-,
------ :-------------------tolad in (lx- dear <ild«uujpiiigda.rx gone tooril. pUddlDu or nwlatlng. aa she
A hahp begin* to he a human being
“Bp Jorel" be rarlaiacd a tnotoent
bol emntii il to oo w^Hu rriiil be gH oboonea. Tlie .llrctur wilt ptocc their when It to beiwran three “ it four
later. “I’ll hare an apple podding and
Inniato-a uinlp (lu hi|i t>f Ijie |«4afor them If ilicp do out th.*m- teeth old.-.Neto Vork Preaa
Liveryand resd Sinhiep
name opateraoop to begin on."
I to<«. than Ite pak'lbe
lak'lbe wlM-lr
titiiig and
njgk.- a t>iciureaque esbihll of
* l-vrliln*'
a to. a. Maaa. seeeral metk* al*e
Ho toaa an tk-kkd witb tbto idtw that tnowd il, pail Jtud all into tlie ooicr tendcrniws.
.llm v^. e*r. iM<*|F a^ a*eiu>
' fleoaior l••■rklIl•>. of ilito ainle. ha* a
he pranpUp ruabed Inui a gron-rp abop ' lane.
Aud Ihe kltoi? '8haU II U- dellrercd
and parebaacd half a |w«k <4 itH-ir brat | Taie oecaupUabed, be proceeded to bp the uooHC uo the U]M of (be woo rerp remly wH u ticn he .-b.Kmc* m
give it relit. .1 fca uim-V* ago Biniator
mti^spplee and then hurried Uime make a mral off tlie<<>ld bam and w<me or im the liruw ur chivk} T
«KO. B.CBnaa. AtioraepsadOeasiellnTat
Thai queo.4 n charn. t.T p^
Hecepwleas. oa«e«, Olty Oper»
VltboBl atbought of Iberab he wa« to ^ bread and butter—tba- encAing butur. tiou to .iiiiKldi-nil anil afiilc.!
naiiMtl Ta.ricir.
that Tiiplor'a
order for hi! wife at b:Maltar7i.
W.ll, dot
RpC o’clock tie bad the Are going
Joat a* be waa Sutoblng Mro. Meek
...................... ■■’■I"' "“Jl"-- »“T W t-t
Id .Id.
heaatlfnllp andcmpthlng rradp fnr a' mnrncd. •'Wlip. Jauiea,” Mie critd
•t.oflir* Wt.tnU*o<« IW
I cbpcrfollp. ‘*p«ai iH-ver ai-ut the rab tor Ad .,1.™. ...did
. —I U.. di,
, I,.,
■aaetala WMM*
Bj e oVlock be waa }nat brginningto' »<• ■nd I waiitd warlp an Inair. ’’
. ndd-dr-dl .-..yid .d..n u.—udirj.
enjop the iliiiig: ibe tutuatu* wnr I
“Ko." Bid Iter bo-lauul ralmtp. for tlx- -aitofa. liim of luitnral curl.Nj. ..^ . l-v .-..ul.l ii tailor die of
NrnaaUitOo Black.
• tolng dlvlnelp: tbe potatora rwrai“rrr• been

terriidp bu*p. Mm front l> oil ihui (Hilnt It liiflp lie loM riglit

Wlingtoib.-Jrh.tona’r«BieMt and the' NewV.rk—}u»i g..t bTto.'a liiih while u,vIhari'.i.ll’i'l./th.Tii^
L*rt This
-Phi- *Ito
h —U...1— ....
. ^
logh Bemodp.
Bilk for the pprtiT ouop tfas ainnoRring Ag^v
a «tp> —-1
graal l.u—.___—
ham—a ahiulr
u,. (a.rf.utou*ii.f« of. •j.lap*
r actual
Prompt earafal aad oonrtaens attoar
eontentodlp ou ibr lurk nf the Mura, ovcniunc. ih.iugh.
Kiugh, toti’t ItV
I ktoww."
Mararer Martin (tbe Pieraondri
Uon. The atrosgaat and oldwt An inBtore, inform* ut that
Tbe cpatcn, bp tbe bpe. bad not pH ar- {
"Pi rliapi a ■JjB
■hade l.ra wunldn't
hat '
lat he to harii
•t luw.|
aoe e'>mpanirs In tbe world reprw1*. -Btol
. Where TIaer* fear Bra.
' great run OI I C amh-rlain’* Cough
bort it.I. Lei
Let ntinti- gt'l ptf a pl'^'c off pi.-?"
A .-becrful pludv to SuraiKiiiicr. In In K 0'*dp. Be aril* Are bottle* of that
“Ctoar me." tboogbt tbe amWtiow |
r. ihaiik }->«f No ctildqiic f.eme
-to. Tto- .rnlnfali tiii-re nfieu to as medlotoe tcxio.
iBiienum, “Itovb 1 badtbongbtc4U «-1hu ibi-n-'rr- btil a|qilea in ibex
In time, and I'd hare had nimr .ipaier I'll icU pou abat puo might do. Y.n gn»i In ouc afieniuva In tin- ralnp . P'»h g^rat aa m
’ to Dcthlng like Talsubnaa.Tt
paittoa for a sort nf Anal diiMTi. UcUo, miglii bring ’.in in if poo’rc uM too
............ .. ’•■••• '-dr. -mBemi-dp toakp
wbat'Bthia? Bp thun.lcr. if that rnr- tind.''
j whoh- .tear, aud lim-rM and leu|urda
crcfh. heal op 'b. acre tbrra- and
iMtlngpig beaded wuman Iumu'i left
Mrw Me.^ dcftuncd .m her miinioa. !
”” (•■•-utifiil a* •lo).'* tin- on New
a>rii‘* aad •‘bltdree'^i****** a *bmU)Is Of
Bcaiaxioculd ham nml a OBMoltl piel- In a few aiooxiita «be rt-aiip.iirt'd*. and I York'* i-a«i *lde. . On a.-i-oimi of tbe abi
a<w hnor«: lOualfa k.;I te« aad 7 ui tp.
Bp tbe Unto Hanp, f.irX.-<iJt* I'd throw wiilKioi nnwiiii a mna-K platiM tlx- tr.-iiiendou» dninpui-M ihe ca;ih- liare no all weo trr ii are p'eaaed with Ua BBrU-pboara*
tbotobiiletbtng«ratliilotb.-LtittkyBrd’'' plate.4 baked apple, to-l.ip.- ber Imti'-tu !«• dHrch to Ihe top of the hill.. w> rompl actioc.—Sooth Chicago (Jailp T-kH B. E. n/V>t), 0«cr II sew TaBcrltrr
Tbe nalnral d<ictiiip .if kto uaiatto, «"! iubM.t Tlxy werv abiat the Mae; tbut ihep xhull uoi gvi ili.-ir
too C omH
U Bl'Wk CsU>aB*w*TTd
xirtii Mona-xw
botocrcr. prvvallrd. aud he l<fttb.-ob- of walnut* atid tbe *4 chnny. wci. "ud the tlgi-r. and leo|«rd. climb
K- Wall and-F
and •aiTW,
aoxioa* Tiattd* utiaioleMcd attd prneced- Jn.lging by ilte war tlx-p laiiled cm the «o tb.f.- bisli nItiniU.-s ulsm. Imi-uuiw '
«J Lad>*
itor ~
'• • X—nt
Hr. W«. M: rraktearr. Wo *1 Vortl
cbo|»u o broil “aa in tbe g>H
—eilrr a o.l
Mr Ht.k riK-with an awful l.«A in
mmc iIiom- cstib- rioiii |
Kn. TI
.evij and olber ill* bp-eatluc
daparfpt»?”_ibU prtiic alluMoo to
k. J B'orr Vewr.narT’J.c-c*
d by
“1 in afraid,” ob-crr.d bto wife. Bu<l m itli due .-Djojiiient.
tbe Mple of cnr4mg b-mg<<rca.l> i rd
Mors** a B«rti Trr'W dliw****
-janDOHra Ac.
ibM rb and daawIMIaa M|«Ba of tix’Ui a<t'i<nniully droMnug into “tb.-r're like the bam—Just a abadej A* there are o» forret* .m ihc hills
Br'hn/s Day cr oisiK rail* |w“
* tbe tiger, prowl ulmui all olglit lu Ihe
the Ait. rfb<ii'-<. he w-xcu.d ii wiiligrrat
Fd. Trlapboar Xa t.
lain, we .4 miud liv tie- ^oim aiwiKtaure
If .-r.Tlcatrtilliairai."YemBrked
I ctKHi lliai cal.” Yemiu-ked op
oi.-u. Ivlua .-..u.-.-ah-d durtwi: ihe dap
of Ibcktiwe lift.T ^ «X' of tlie beat Mr. M«. k a< lluii .bck f- liw |mmd
immd In ihe limeMoUc care*, the ■-oal pita
table napkin* Ur ito- tinx-tlie cbo|} past him with a playful fridc .4 it. tnil. and Ix-iw.-eu the crerle.-* of ibe rocks, Arc f^ulckly Quenched and tht
vaa thoB n-cu>d both ii
^ihI itlxIm- table 'TU hr>wk
hrtwk crteybuuc
cnep buoc in It. |ii«(p'‘—
liidp”— ,Tlie r.-.ldeut* .dme uix.u'ihem-In all
Skin Beautifully Healed by
dp wvll .hme—tnaap only be dew-ribed it* l.dr w iih snudiy mauu.T «»f mb] uook* aixl eornei
Votlee to Tssuey- ra.
—________ , ad>r
rciy *inr .
uue\|H-<in1].r ihai Ibe IxtoM* are i
Tbr tas roll* l<w IbrrollmtoB of dial*. Conn
bogimirerlT iiotiing ib. .-mug.-licp rara ./Mra. W<*k. At least xo *h<-stud mwb alarmed a* theui-elre. and
l/a-d «ril<)aral Brbonl ard City Tase* *dC
•«arUlawx«iB*DI <.f ibr *xyrrs) wardaef'ibr
--«OB tbe window ail) In nail and Ibe nap- tolx-n obr .n M-ribcd the .nimv
to ally •camper off to ooe dlmilou. tbclr
bar* brra rlarrd In n'
fneoA- Mrs. MoggUM, next dtoturlH-rw H.mig iu the opiMxctie one.
' kin into tlie fir^—to do tlx-wixT tiling, ber bw«
bradato-rolIrcUm lwtUb*4»F-y eU<-r u>
■real** aaid -azr*. III Prh 1*1 IMH oa rrery
xd. aiMtvMthi4x-cfa.ip dap:—I'ratA
I No one stirs out xl ulubitline wlUinui a
wrrk day (rooi • o- ark
n'rlork a. ■
•rally nadcing on tbe gridinai awl i
I powerful laoi.-rn or lon-b. for. as' a
and fraaa I a'rlor* 'e.o'ckwk (>.■.
<a^me •Tailing ra Ibewnxbiw *ill
“cr aarmto-* rwto rwraa.
rub-, wlhl tx-aM* will nut t-owe
On IXatr
at* anil Caanty
isirr tbrre will b» raw and the itcbiag and butotog rbarsrd
.a (r- of 1 nrrrmt (or oo Irrtloa soiU
•> cunatnict tlx- paxi*' ha- hla
Tbnr to a lasm Is-guming
light, thotieli this rule <lu<-s not hold iDcresae*, Ibr .uArrieg tt *d ioieniic as
' la IBOO. aod OB *Dd afirr JaaBary 10
l^le pudciitig. Hit* priwrd
to alBMt drier the eictim itnaue.
IW ib^
•a wui
wUl br rba^dV
rbarrrd a ■«*♦'of
-fro of V
4 mr
par rraJ
TU. Atm. (hr Bn.! Ota. aarah> Uk*H guod In all •-a>o-a.-.Vrw York Herald.
p*a>l-r of fear pr-rrst wll'
ct'oe • paarl-Totreerar-rrat
1b d«toxer*i>on, <41*** aod oiatmenta forrotWt'oe
4mr after T,ar. n*B bnoal
einating lb-pland a largi-qnuniitr n?
ba rbaread os all drJkaarai rl.y lasca.
•re apphed; anytbng. eeeryil
floor IB a small bnwtocnipti.d a jog .4 Which sn-ms to hare a tmnUar applira- Mralita lOe Kataaartaa at Batatas,
waawaarartra >lo»
r on top .4 il. add'd bouer
tkm to Gtst v.-iwra ju general and tt>
Tbe ^4,ief eraraitol of su.-n-os for a
1 8«.l.
> eivc op II
tatoe, and prrarrd.d to mold it deftly Lott Unran’s in jiamrabui
poung mao to what the raat maiorttp But there la hope. Tbera is
_ _
bi-rbrother---©f poung men think —atxiut •"•
tbe •™»‘least^ r***>ii“
*" , When six- wa*7
- • -pea«.>ld.
—-------------Vifcda 'Hx-floor aixl water pnouptiy J.’hnproixwed writingprstry-•’^ for that Is pxxl liealih ami a aonod coo
k Ihe bi.wM aud Is iwik Ibetnseirra fen' —and she asranted. J.ibn aora atilutloD. That Is lUi-Oral Ihlux: oolh- rejoice oeer Caras diected by tbU great
to bto bands Tton tbe milk f.r tbe
iu|«. hot
oo. Imcy pro- ing- |>r*rml<y It. In tlx- liaiih- for six. remedy. Hen arc a couple of gratefal
d ibe aiKiupt.
HBp began to bnm. jttBt a* ibe potaluea dm*d twn r.-m-s. liM-h ran tbna:
eras ibai should lx- a pouDS man's drat Ictten from cared uoes;
Mtto Msmic Cratwo, 819 Wolf street.
boUoddry. Be rmdxd t«> (to-r>s.-n.-and
••Obt MimnxT day.-’ »*M ntlU- Jsas
tbougbl-mrt bia aldlliles nor hla work,
Syracuse. N. Y., writes: “I lued Dr.
~a> wee.. * alkn-c <><>WB a aaw'.T Mb*
toft the uiayr ptmion tif llx- fauite fair­
but his h.-aitb That Is'ihe Imsto. the -'osse's Oinioient for ecsraa oo bt
ly rritolp dirided brtw.*-n tbe bauolM
of all. Ahlllile* cannot ■ ace. It ralicTcd Ibe terrible iicbieii
*-• Uw red nsta.BUc OwAH lo Ik* *h7
of tbe two aancep^ aud tbe Mure lift­
bring Ix-alih. but- htwlth nuip nod gen- >nd boraiog et tbe first aoplicatioo, sad
B**ii ut tUtwder. buw Uwp nUHl
I. L A BnUdlsr
Wow Offca. Warktiato fflryA
>rallp 'doea derriop ablliip.-Ladlra' wioD cffccid a compl
cure, lesriae
• he akiB Hear aod pen- .y bcalad.”
Home JouroaL

S-Ji’ ‘7

""■7™" 7 ^


T» GwwaUBMlirSw Day.

Enjoy tbe

Good Sleighing

DSSJWKrji jss-ar. s:,;:r _


Geo. Carn.«,


For Fire Insurance


JokKoiBtaL ?k«irk.


Raging Fires
of Eczema

SdflMific Jfiaericai.

itssr;T!,tsa£» vssat

Dr. Chase’s Ointment.

John R. Santo,
,GhniI lisirtiri



Fire Insurance.

• «ao

Brinduto Bill whOe Uteetoqi rathe Are
grew beaotifnily hlack.-'ra tbe'‘dnwn
Mda." aomaDy-4huigsic.TeuotohBraInfaUattfaraamrliini- tliaiMr. MmA
^ ^1 bupe (g trpii« to dtooorar
jBtwhich one wa*bnniingm<tot. “Let

tbeextraBriybtrad mitxW
be Banned nptbeoirnaWith tb* ■tototeweto tmit Hmnto-

&d blB BdtoltoifBtabed town bto


I clatM
..w______ ,
PVIeod—I suppQto- there are a graet bSt boy suflerad for some Hme witfa
e lt> xuj
bat totrtched ccaema aad tot vera an•afp* rrais'k. ■uan^t like it ’’—
people who owe pnn tbHr llroa
ble to find aDptUag to eara or eera r«fraUi’a Uiantmu. L
nurtor-Tlixp *ap tbep do. but tbe •eeebtspato. A fcto applicaiioas of
---------rciatlrea alwap* kick like thunder .to. A. «, CbBto'iOiatBestatoppcd tbe
Tlrto U Itoaaw
toben I aceM.-Diallp eollect a bill of Itcbiag aad healed tbe aotiS^ad a
right oaiaral skio now uk« (heit
“Did yon And tbe bicycto aaM «b that klod.-Ran Franciara-Examtoer.
tbe baitlefleWr'
-------------------------Dr. A. W. Cbaae's OiatBMt has aa
‘’Ve*. indeed. Wrdaabed wp fb tba'
When it Oara.t Tara.
csraiy. andthenwr atactod arm and
•* »««»•»■■ Bilk frock la apao by a teal ee aa 'atxwlbu care for Salt
atork band*—ererp auui ra both Mfea
H cbe wonn trie* to crawl tbrem, Itoneeia aad all itcbiag of tba
kle: 90 cania a >iox. at all daolen. os
TOdr ibe ram* make rf wheel "-Od« tbe
-- .to. A. W CbMS Madlrint Co., Baflelo,
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We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
And Done are pnoratock.
m yr o know is better after
being aged. Evetybodf
* * ' who
Map know tb
the etandAid atkee
when they gee the eeae on thi .
- We wiR give you good
OM few 6c, 10c. £5c, S6c mad 60c per cekA


JAS. G. JOHNSQN, Onggitt: 4

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