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The Morning Record, April 08, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Third Yw—No. 913
HAiumm? OUT
«»pMrod Mom M»ao m Bold '
•■rtsfsIwnMya# 1
•t ■WtuSmn 10 Mspa tnm
MMMk rMiOs. Th* nwOt
I stottd
tkt Mttr# tows toat St
. sad wstSMlUtoiT
ftot srt pottod si to# ttTMt aorstn
sad to s)l ptbtk plsets.
. g
Am sswMitrmd rsport trato Osr-
n# ksd ooBBplad Ktahsrt.
sM totir Iwf to tost
1 by Brlikh
IrksAtklp to ttssd to tot
wsy of party tototM.
a PsyM of MUwsaktt wtu bt
totprtsIdMtotelaettoD far oksIrMSS
of tkt ssUoul aonnUto# if Mr.
Pays#’# btslto will ptrailt
see#ptI of tot plso# ssd tot srdnaat work
wkleh wUI fall apoe to# eksirassb
EngUah CputklDK HsffroM
A ttltrisBi fni« Efwktrlty k ^tswAtta<A»d by the Mob.
toirsotsdet eoantst ssd tpteslstka ktrt. Tkt dkpstoh tsyi- "Otoo#
mnktis Oonmlt Btretsl Aett of Tio
totdttsrtort of tot fltsto body «(
iMMVpanMtB Who Soso Takes
tneva. Utaussnt Oolostt Cbsnltr
mmsIA It eoBMsad ol to# gsrrkos
Tbair flaota- folloa Do Votktoy
Tbtdtpsrtsra of say •
body of troops bat k
ntloatd to tot atBiortd asblta- Lord
«IsM rttortod St Klmbtr
toy MB day* tco. ssd tot aappotlUoo k
MMtk#ks# adtssttd wito hk Mato
dma from Kiabarlty sad yos# to todraUtfofMsf#kl&f. .
Th# war dopartMtai ba# ju#t rtoeir.
•d tot foUowtoir froM Lord Bobtrla:
-Bloaai loo tots. April e-Oarta#aaltl«#
St Etddtraba't wart: Oflom. kllltd.
Osptsla Oatata sad l^laat Barelay,
koto of tot SortbBMbwtosd#: woasdSd. two; etptorad, titkl) doo-oombM#siostdofloeriSBd »#d kiltod. tlybt;
wpBBdtd. 11 Tkt rati of to# fort#
waa taplured. Oar atraartb ws# t«T
aoBBUd tofaauy sad 04 tofaatry.Tbr
OMMy w«rr ta<d to bt l.koo atroDy
Vary Util# eta bt addtd to UtDoral
Bobtrt-idUpaich## raptfrtltay ratpoet
iraly dkaator sad #acttM oo April ft.
t'ow JfortaU post tUM#
tost to# »ritl#b troop# eapMrto at
Btddmbiqr ware batwed to by boom
IbosMsd# of BMrt,trbe are bMItred
to belony u CommasdaBt Ollritrk
toMMSodo. bat Sbare I# sototoy fartow toBMrslay to# affair. There are
two or tore# raporu leyardlay OsBeral
Motbsaa'i eBOOMafal kittle aetloB
Sbost atot Mllaa Boatoeatt of Uoabof.
to wkleh toe volaBtoar moaatod troop#
Tbare k Mseh doabv fell here a# u>
wbatker the oflen^ kUled Tbaraday
wBt reaUy the Boor ekiof of auft.
It k remarked a# beioy elrany# tbal
SBottetrof liasersl de Marcelk po#*Mm ekoald hSTt beea eesdectlBy, what
WMsppareBUya raooBBOitoriay rxpedtUoB with OBly ##vtaty mes. Tb#
am#lto#«# of the fore# sod tb# work it
wae doioy creak a ^Bbt wtaeiber tb#
oftoar billed Vra# really the Preacb
strataykt. Villebjk de Mareail, toe
ptore to a# Ueatral Metouao do«a net
apoeify that It •## be
Tb# aeUrlcy of toe Boen to tarlone
dlreetloBi to tb# nelyhborhood of
BtosmfoBUla k eriaenily yolay to
euec toe Britkb a yreat deal of troabl#«Btller BBlaa# UeDaral Boborl# k
sbtoMdaliver aowa MlUoy blow. A
oooeldorablt forao of Boer# wa# report
«d Tbareday at to<”lBy toatoward
toroayb'fbaba Mebo. Brofaably they
wsta lb# rietora at Boddarabary.
A MlayisM wkleh toft Maeera. Uaaetotosd. Borto of Wopeser. at Bildnlybi.
dsatritaot iba Boats as batoy "toyreat
toraa." bat at sirsid to omka a troatal
sttotk. It k addsd. bowavor. tbgn they
-sad Troopa act OaUtd ObI to Bs
foret Xmw.
Baa Jnas, Porto Bioo. April 7—At 4
o'ttoto Priday tetBisy tot aaUvet
Mtda a eoBta^^Md moreMaBt at.
Porto Titra. D Btrtat atba. to all
Sboot i.ooo mao, atmebed tba forelya
eolorad mto. Aey BnyUab aptsktoy
sayro wta tabjact to atisek. partiealarly toots from Bt- Tboma# atd UiKltm. Oae Porto BkSB waa kllltd,ost
wta atrtoaaJy tojarod, tad thrataayretafremat. Kift
>Bdtd Tbt tfftlr was totOBiooma
of toa plar atrike. aod tba rtsaoo of tot
allaek, tppartaUy. waa that tba Bayktosdera ware aaarplay Perto
a labor' TbaklaBdaraaBUdpatod
tronbla aad acme of tbam were armed
with rerolrera
Toe mob aatcred the hoaaa of a bt.
Kllto maa. Bk body waa atoabad with
a paobaM. Aaotoer Bt Kltta maa
aioBad. OMmpad to the roof, aod
forcad to Jump to toa yroaod. Be
followed to the elreet sod etoned
BBtlt eahaiuMd. wbaa bk 'head wae
hammer#d into a Jelly.
A eompaay of tofasuy asAtr Oaptoto
Alexasdar aad Uaateaaato Asatll aod
Parker waa eallad obI. aad aaarUal law
detlarod. Boldlara sow patrol the
atraela aod tot romabopt art cIomA.
tbaeiowds ThtrtwartaodtmoBttratloDt after lb# arrival of toe troops.
The ooBdiUoB of afftira Dtoeatltatet
ibepreaaBM of troope todedaiwly to
order to prtvaat more Iroable. The
maaleipal pallee are atterly toadrquau
to preaerve order or ba&dle say crowd.
They ewod by dBriay the riot, aa epeeUtora. aad made oo attempt to tourfare.
Powers Tkraatea b
—beltered that toe Baperor WUI
be Beeurad to Astoirlty.
UanoB. April 7-A apodal dkpateh
baa Jett beea received from Shaaybai
aaaouaetoy that tb# Askartcao, Preach
Britkb aad-U#rmB0 mInkUra have addieaaad a J >lat eommeoleaUos to toe
foraiyoofi## of China demtadinytoa
total aBpprMBloB of toa eoekty of
-boxen'* witoto two mootoa. aaaoonetoy that otoorwka tba powaia maattosad win toad troops aad mareb tote the
lattrior of to# aertbara prevlaeaa.
AbaaTnac»asdObl UtoordarMaacar# to# a^ty of tocslyBara
to tors toe Britkb Aeoordlay w tba aamatfkpsteb toa
^aromtoy tot BataMfrom- Amarioaa. Italtoaaad ProsabtoyatlOBa
a road akirusy totOsltdM Bra BOW provided wUh saval ysard#
frosto# tory# ystoortoyof wartblpa
Tkt BotM ara to fore# at Wapaoar. at Tain.
•vto of liMltoAald, to tot Oraayt
JW Lla Kas Ylb. vtomoy of Uasy Ktosy
torasttaftay (toamsl bat bad tore# aadksam wttotkadowBfsbsBtk eeloolal dlvkioa. tb# msia >**r ••apna# celaUvetoto# amparsr.
body of Wbtob. with arUllery. k st i
b^tovtd that b# laipriai
kor wlto to# advkabttlty of rBatortoy
kkmaJa#tylo power.
Ayoodwk##! at JbUm Ckmpballk
lor BIO. Wa atao Sav# ebato wb##k
|erBU.»<0.A»».>4t aad AM. D.s*t
laQ to a#t toa Mooareb sad Orlrat
«ll kosto Oaloa ttnet.
-------- WOtamUy Mi ChtnAbr
Isiteare «spoolaUT Isftftsd to saD
•I Mil. W. «■ LawTBSttk ssd MB too
of BiUtowT iBoto.
Whn on tht SoBth BU#
QsU to ssd a#a Tsuass. Tob'tb alwav# wal#nmi.
Mra. Hay Mmtcy will ons ttUUaary
ssd dtannsUsy partara . at »»7
ObIm swoBt. Aret Week mto of
WOkelmkaMfs. 8k# wUl b#ptoaaad
ba ksea her maay trlasAa edlaS
task «*sr ksr tftoak- tit U
WosUBsa M PMsawsdn TkfcnMa# tourttowad PramlsMt Dme-
shoe comfort sod shoe aerrioa ISjOO will buy
onto kst Baa Vat BlaitoA Msek sf a
Bksl Bswsy, ss4 It k
■aUofsA tkay WU
Until You
Bsppatt Xk
Maw yack. Asril 7-Asetkar ptaMAaatial Mpkaat kaa fomt larward fa
toapacBoaof Qaamal Mikaa A. MUaa.
Tka World mya:
“Ommnl NckM A. Mika k wUltoy
to ka toa DimttraUt aomtot# far
prmlAaat B# kaa ao ttatod to friaaA
asd tM days ayo ka vkiWd WUliama
Wkltaty to talk to kim akeat ika poaef kk katoy aemtoaud. Wklb
say told to# yasaral tost all to# Uodtoy yold Deaworak wen at maeh
oppoaad to tb# aomtoaOM of Bryan
BOW aa wbao ba era# aamad tosr yi
ayo. bat ba did sot oommlt blmaelf to
aappert Oetural MUea.
■ "The Pbtladelpbla tornapoadeat of
to* Timas wires that Bobert Van Wyek.
mayor of New Yark, tapreaealiBy Taa-
Pormer UalUd Autta Coaaalar Ayeat
Xdward Ootifned Aaka for Bedrest
A Urye Une of new and veir deBirable food# ju#t received for bur
Xreat 5 and 10c baeaar. The bert
place in the city for noveltiea
Tlio famoos « 00 shoa tor
woneo. No aboea ao good,
ooal BO little.
Roturt I Bmher Co., Proprietori
The Styles
for Spring
HorU k«T|« up aiib
are truly lisDdaome, and (be;
are oaxy tbe Aral day.
25c Suspenders 25c
inter abooi 3tft
id beat of bockat 40 aad
bat U ^v# yon a etaasoe to own a pair of rood iaanandara for ovary
w*#r« ip^ir
The Leadetf to Fiae Kootwear.
Telephone Co.
'horooxtlr drturabU la
'“**00 blxhwar -ittibrBrw
I New Silk Waists
New Satin Waists
Four Hew Ung Distance
(1 front if
Ttnverse (Hty to Grsail Rail
ids, Kslauiszuo. EVlroit and (
intermediate Btations.
^Just Opened Up
\’ery s. lect styles—$3.0o to $8.50.
'Our line ol Shirt Waists for spring will all be
jo about Tut-sday—Will show a superb stock.
Quick Sarvice
A'arteot Servloa
Low Rates
Miller’S'Cash Store.
I Closing Up
TbU Uonth
i Soap
A New Feaiure
of Considerable Imporiance
In our Muslin Underwear department is-our lint
of dainty muslin and Swiss baby slips, long and short
dresses, misses and children’s lawn and percalcNiresses
nfade up good, beautifully trimmed with tucks, embroid
eries. laces and insertions. Prices most reasonable—
cheaper than you could buy the goods and mase them
The most elaborate line ever displayed in the
wty—Laiest effects in Muslins. Chiffons. Silks jnd Sat
ins, beautiful Roaslings, new style silk plaited Chemis'•ettes, new style Stock collars, silk'and muslin Boas, and
others too numcrows to mention.
If you are in need of an up-to-date article, we
have it.
5 W. W. Mnier’s'CcsIi Store
SS6 Pnmt 8tr»L
Waa toe Debtu aa the Ouesttoa ol
Traam Pram Dsinealty of KiaBBMta Bamly.
• caW
Ohloaya. April 7-MlekiSas k debat
toy akamploB af tka Oaatcal Datottoy
Laayae. kartoy won to tka Anal dsbatt
betwasB tba UalveraiUaa of Mkkiyaa
aad Mtoaeaoia. The jadyaaraaderiny
toadaekioa Bnaatowaaly to tavorof
toe Wolvertoe aMU. The Mleklyaa
'toe aMrmatlve
alia of tka <iaattioa: "An tka Bmomlt Advaatoym of Ttaala SafllatoBt to
J9$Ufy TWr BxktoMa Cadar toa
Law." was oomposadofOi
. Ckrmodyaad A. M.
and Ohitayo
werealiminaUd to thep
Yop wiU fipd • e.. till, ol
Stamped Linens, all aitua of Sofa
Pillowa, Down Pillowa, Cushion
Oonls. Battenburg matorislft of all
kinds. A fall Une Balding Bma.
Embnudary Icaaona given tree.
of good taste — who
BS7 Front StrwAt.
want a fine shoe for
Are made for ladies
Sunday wear.
School of Music
' B#bwi0#toiiB##amai#to.
Travaiaa fXlf Mask Co. OppoMte
better thae vr de vllti (aahICB.
rip^ rrcry #«y •Uu
WaablnyUM. April 7—Bdward Oott
fried of Wllkeeberr#. P#, formerly
Colted Suite oontnlar »yaBt
Trnxilla. Pern, bat attorneya here
prcstiny a claim ayainit toe Peravian
yovcrament for oompaaaatloa
GrcH-eries and tinware
loriarta asd extortion# uf toe Pernviao
uierktHl down until all
ryeata in toe snmmer of
J sold 0.1. • ,
Gntfried aeaerU that be' wae eelxod by
the toenryenu aad aobtected to hor
rible toriaree belay atrany ap by the
tonmba oaUl he had faiaud away aod
was oompelled lo ylve them ft.ooo molt
ibetween $3.iOO aad A4.000) aad a nai*
tor ol rifles, all of which they demaadA raaolcUoa calltay on the i
I BfOO-M........... ..............IS... *.C
dcpartmaet for doeumcaU la the
°rr,S“?S, .. b.i. pS
has baea offered by Senator Penrose of t ■
>• huiar at a dn-rri liar uf qUrhl. urT
■JMboi.but I ihin wa. »aliiB tfryo« 'i yo
Alfred V.
tiveo of Tammasy.came to HhUsdeIpbk
yesterday to eoafor with Admiral
D#w*y reyerdtoy too latter’a an
nonaoemeat that ha would aeeept toe
BomlpaUea for tb# praaidaaey. The
•cDtMwaa# toawd •eneal koora. It k
beared that Tammapy will baek
BItbard Orokm k qaotad aa aaytoy,
It rayard to Daw#y*a eaadtdacy for tba
"Daway U aot aariooa as a polltlelaa.
Ba b a flni olaaa naval oommaadar.bat
baa a# aeon eapaelty to aat#r politics
thaa I bav# to Uka command of tba
Oympta. H> made a bty mUtaka. Ba
eauot baalarud. Bryaa will yet'toa
Oomoeratk aoaitoaUoo aad will but
McKtolay. Bryaa triU wto
wbotber Dewey k ap or not."
ral 0#w#y
fwB aoBOBeeas that
bawUl yJva oat a pablle aUUmaat
witoto a weak. la^i
baa promkad lo d^a bte attitade is
rayard to toe saw paaaasaloaa, and It It
aailBlpaliad tbit be will make declare,
tlooa which will meet the view# of the
maleontcnu io relatloa to the Bepobll
eaa party'# Peru Bleae policy and ofpSMloB pollry yesefally.
la reply to a qaeeiioa aa to hU bellef
poIlUeallr. D.-w#y#aid;
"Cerulnly I am a Democrat.
eoaiBO I as a Democrat. 1 have never
been anj^lny bat a Ocmoeral. No. I
bav# never voted In my Ufa. bat 1 came
very doe# to U when Mr. Cleveland
raaoloy for the oroaideacy. 1 tfld
want to east ray'vot# for him."
Will Never
bt Prosidoat.
tts BspaMtMi MtteM)
vOl BM b0 «MmM ^kta to Us Mst
baiUh m4 olte
MgivM tor Ui nUiSMiV
wlbM Mm ppiMiH k0B toll
to*i Mr. Bmm wm m tototor to a
VcMIIm «o i»«ak mwmlUkmtm tar to#
N 0( kk folittoM
tot m k# mmU «f kk
I to tkf rtkti ktoittlt M
•iMttok ttottaa 0f toacnto
ktCMtot MMtor kto MM«#d to#
I at OMIM aCMn to toftoto> Mm to wklak ktSUt U dtanrau to
> kia M tot kttd •! tot
I. m4 tot imwtrt
«mMm, Is wktto t« Botrt to#«t goai
toMriiwpi Ost totoMtr »M tktl to
0«n. VklMB A. MOm Would
will please yon. .
McNamara Block
Ommtrr (M ^i«f»rlM <«
OovM a«b
XW OrtBBBTT »b. wrart^Bg «« H.
D. OiwybBll. A. W. 3ibtmm, 0. P. Cbr««r. Wm HoMi u4 AUn*. •raftt
0te*l«k«inu^ th*ateb
K. Pwtar, tb*
wabv •< tb«
•l«b,lBlB CklMMM.
Tb* panp «M
fep a«r>
■M enAMtMt A B. Pum. «io »i> bBW UtMM MOVP Lb1».w4
mlMtlaa ante itopm* Uot«
Ab4 WCU«lMtCiABiil1>cmT«7
Ba4t7 TMMrdarLtStIa WUlte Bftrt. «• «< Mr. u4
Mra, r. O. Bari of WMUafMB M
___ -rrffs.t.5:
wMtba *Utt^o<aMl MSldwt twiMdBT. WBUaMkTWwlUaMM
an- “T Clab Hom^ b« faU
Mi«AoUtowhtabb«bM4tsUa bud
bMkg Mttlw bl* rt«Bt bud. Tba
aruiy o( bk Uula daff«r w«a Mvarsd
ud U alMtad WlUto •» »»eb that ba
«aa baidlj aWa W gai bcMDr. Bolli
Bar waa anwrarl and auaadad tbi
■j KWMMvM«r .
•M *V4«UI f
fcg iiow*Tr, ^
riaaalair Vaatara at ataiabvr* •(•ad
la fro*»ofBB’arf(dOrtaat*aU
Oaa of tba aMat plaaalair (aataraa of
»be plaj II StalBbarra Umod Prldar
maak faralabad br
^ orebaatra of taa pkoea, lad br
I. a B. Borak Tba aiaa of Iba or.
t. m. MOMBog
) luplaoaa. aad »b^ worti
(Malabenra Oraad atUl
Morpu Palp* wOl not for tkaBlk
Ofio* of Miob. TbL Oo. Brobta
lato T«Bt«rdB7 Xornlaff.
Ska Mala Barola. Vlpbt OparaUr.
Maaatrad a •navr^Vn~=TV«ald-ba
Bobber Bu Awa^- tntrador Brababipbtandad te’Sob tba Bate la
Wbkb Wm OuaUUraWa Soup.
Mka Bala Marrln. alpbt opamtor at
Iba Mkbkru T^apboaa as^aapa.
u upartaaea aboat 9 e'eloak paatardap
meral^ that eSretaaUp kept bar
awake for tba ramalader of tba bam
tUl Ua wu rellarad bj tba dap opera*
. Bbawu la tba oMea wbaaaba
WU nartlad bp a arub wbiab aaamad
be ba tba rlbM la Iba door laadb^ Into
tba ball Bba wu triffhbuad. and
para a aaraam that alarmed tba alpht
aadar. aad ba ran down tbaaialn
to tba Bidawalk. Bba erald baarblm
laalap rapidlp aut a Treat atrat
Wbu aba wat to tba baU door Ua
fenad that tba plam ted bau atettai
ad. aed aha did aotfaal alaepp tba leant
bit from that U»a tm dapUpbk
aaama prebabla that ite attempt
to uur Ua oOu wu for Ua parpou
ot bBiplarp. u tbara waa a larpaaam
oaep ia Ua ufa. fVoteblp Ue
woald ba robber did not kuw that
tbara wu upou la laa ofim dariap
Ue alpbt.
A aaw and maeb atraper door pro
vid'd wiU a atroBp bolt au bau pat
Id la plaoa ot Ua oaa from wbieh tba
plauwubrteu. Aod now MIm Mar*
via bu a revolver for a eoaitut oom*
panlon onrlap Ua alpbt. aa^^p aald.
alpbt maraadar'wilt dad it rarp
rutlap If be atumpu to uUr Ue
ofBaa la Ue fotnro-
Morpu Palpo bu raalpaad bk pOMUm wlU Ue Maruatfla Oompup and
aanplif akoBarfrom tba Blk Baptda
Iru Oampuy- Tor Ua paat alaa
pm Mr. Palpa bu dHvu Iba Maraaa*
tlk Oompaapk daliparp wapu om tba
Baataldaatebu madamup trtamda
wbo will mka him u kit rata. Tba
pitted ba bu aauptad k that of
teavaUap aalaamu for iba Iran Oompupkfloar mtlL Ba wUlaovar Ua
tarritarp'batwau Maaktaaad Suit
Bta. Marta Mr. Paipaamamaa bkuw
daUn Moadap mentnp ud Ua ooll
wlUu of bkjamarui triaada will po
rmak BaU wUltakaUa plam left
raaut hf Mr. Palpa
Tba Blaa Bepa Apala.
Tba BIm Bopi aad Ua Beat Side
team eroaaed bak apala pwtatdap
aflaraom at Twalftb atreai bau ball
partr ud Ua Bim Bop* aeorad autber
vlewrp. The aeora wu 6 to ».
$10.00 Reward
I flare iPoDLioe of Bicycles
From AfBllyftt
1 have Bomethiog good id 8econd>h&
bnt if yon want a perfecUy reliable, atrictly np-to-.
date bicycle, get an Eagle Quad Stay -They ate the
latent, and will carry any rider over any road.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B'xoxi.'t Stoopt<.
I wQl pap tu dollar* renard for poe*
lUveavldeBoeotUa partp wbo dube
mp wiitdoe* niphto wiU lobaeuf^t
aad qold*.^^________B. L Ckitar.
nMAlipUpef miUlMp '
pood* Wadaeadap aod Tbaredav
Mra W. O. LawreaeBb apriap opu-
*1" W. L. Douglas
riM SrammaklBr
alKta UoloD atrut.
i $UbOO whMl to A
19 1-9 lb. XacIo QbaB Stmy.
$3.00 ahd $3.50 sboes-Uajoi
made~.|lso bigh grade shoes
at $5, $d,$250 Md $2.25.
Mka Seofleldb
$ Bran’ New
; Stationery
It will p.,, you tu-tt-r to buy .ud
arti' le of ktiowQ oalue than to expfiiiuent with olberwof unkootm <iDalitj. 'Hje
roua of VV. L. DOlU'Laa shoes have always fuaod
them U> be as reprpdented.
We ktvp a full line in calf, Russia calf, rici kid,
patei.1 calf, etc . to fit any fsrot. aad pve you atyle,
comfort aod aervipc.
We have }ut put la a new a
* line of ap-U>-date etationerp — i
I bptbalUeUfu
Oaa/oat 1
Babatutlal laoraaM ia Samba
J box paper and tablet*, etc.
No old atoek-Priren raaaoa- f
Made ImatSipbk
M P. Baatar rataraad Salar# abla
dap aftaraooo from Obtobffa wbara be
Tba Pederal Labor Uakw. Mo. •»£.
paipbaMd a taaaral ear and aader- ladaa aabatutial paia la man
t^am wapoa for tba MUblpu Bortal lut Bipbi. nt^a namea were added
t. w. Mam.
Exclusive a^t for Traverse City.
13T> Froot
Oompup.from tba Caanlapbam BaarM to the lkt,maklap Ue praaai i
Cimpaap The earka luoae. aoat> bamklp let.
XBOLAat) aappUaa aUU aaolber. fraa
lap tl.tsa Tba baama alao k a rarp
In additlM lo Ue reception of
ttadanak Tbla Udm It ia iba Uoltad
■embam u arMirattoo oommittae
•Mm» Oatm AaaodaOoo. Uoiliar. floaoBc.
ihoau to uttle dlPareneu with beard
(feakbaabaaaorcu'tad witba aapltil
Tbafaaaral of Iba laU Muaaaea of poUlc worka. aUU board! aad oUer
of $l.oae,«00 and u iaau of flnt
oplDp orpulaaUua
■ertnta dabaaiara aloak of dsoo.ooo. Biranap wm bald paatardap moraiap
from tb>«atboU« obareb at Maplploa.
It k aatd to ba tba larpaat faaarat la SrA rusm
dra atandarda of eneallraa Bold tp
tba hktorp of tba pulnanla. Taa.prcliBiflaad. .
tba Travarre Cltp JfuieOo. OppoI of aarrlapm wu aaarip a mile
alia Baple offlm.
Ito «la Plata ladaavr of tbk aoaatrp long. Ponriau of ibrm wara from ua
«M wlabllabad o*ar tba rabai
oUppiufli of tba DaaMoratk partr- That
Mra. W. G. Uwruu. wbo raeutl/ Vtw Bordlng Eohm
a baa foacht everr rataraad from tba auUra markete
Mm. Lai^ter ud Mlm MkUoU wkb
lo unoance that Ihelr new boardln,;
wbara aba wu porabulap pooda for
boau. lit 0am atreat, will be open'd
mud br tba Ba
Two most important requisites for a successsul store.' l''irst,
tlUlaarp atora. bu bau qolu U1
totbe pnblle Tbar«dar noon, April
dor a; Iba put week and naab a to atIf Mral* lerved at rapnlar bourn
TO HA\'H the goods that are strictly "Dow* to l)ate”,^and
Taa eolr effaeUva arfoawat
forSooenta. Mealtls'
’ ' '
land to baalaam. Bar apriap opulap
BaaMcraw eu aaa oa tba Bcmtb Dakou bai baa dalapad uraral dapa on Ibk
second, TO HOLD the trade after you once get it. The
reaaiBaklDp parlom at Ue mm'
aadaaa la to point oat tba adranlaffa
Idreaa. Tboae wtebiop puod meal*
fipt is being thoroughly demonstrated by the new goods that
baaaaarad br barlof btm abaaat from
Tbara will ba a ttpalar mutiap of
Ith cboi'e borer eooklop abonld an
IbaaMta wbUa ooarraaa U In om
fall to call at l» Cam*]
aatrari: U
are unpacked daily and we prove the second by our con*
Trararu Clip lodpe. No. m. B. d A.
M. tomorrow alpbt.
stantly increasing trade. We hold our trade by a four*fold
Pa aooal.
Uarrp Porrla tau rmamad bit pml- Temple ef TmMos
pMd Baatb ud Barbart MeODnnlok.
8prlop opeoinp of IMO eomrerriea
tkw lo tbe.Urooarp Dapaitmut of tba
tareOadmaa bapa »bo bata baan rultPrtdap morrtnp April 6
We will
opb atora.
MV bara the put weak, rataraad to
abow pou one of th* Bnaat lli>ra of
Tba reaarvad amt plat tor Prof. W.
oatleraaevaranowB iuTraveraeOnp,
iMr booftw raatardarM. r*rrk‘ leetara meat Tharadap oveaandianaibe teen to ba apreaciated
Mapor Bamaum will laara tbla waak
Jnat rreaivad aswell line of Street
lap la Ue Cltp Opam Beau will po oa
lar Oblaaco 00 butlnam. BawUlprob
llau and tb* verv 1at«at oeveltiu of
at Ua Olip Maw* Biaad Taaadap mora•Up alao Tlait Saplnao ud Bap Clip In
tbe aeaenn. Give «u a eatl ud let w
abow pnn Uronpb rnr parlor* aod
atelaibraauoftbe food roada moao'
mbptarlu ebarab aarviom will be
vna w.II are wbbt we ran do for pou
Yoaiwlll Bnd our prices rlpbtud no
eondaetad uaaaalla Moaupaa hall.
J. W. Patcbia Vanaaatod baalaam
tfoable to show pon poeda
a We eaRav. Wrlpbt tea rataraad aad will
at dammit Cltp paaUrdap. Ba ratara
lead to pan all a web
J W 4
H B. Mm*.
•. *»»
iW Pmnt
Pm »irvetad laat Bl(hv.
Work will oommai
Have struck the popular fancy be
Mlaa Nattta nikloa baa
No season like -this'^ason fora
move iha atora bnildlap oeeaplad bp
from a waak*a vMt at Praakfort.
cause they are very stylish and are just
Ua Baviapa Buk Baaaar to the wui
a nobby Top Coat, lltcre are makes and
Mm. WblU ud Mlaa Gardner of
as represented.
aide of Uaioa dtrut near the eoraer of
rua Lake waa lo iba eitp paatardap on
Proatatreat. Tba bglldlap hualraadp
One plorrou, rlpbt oolp.
50c. Black skfrts with different makes, some are made tu look good,
baalnaat ud made tba Bnoomo offiia a
been ral>«d.
plaamnt oall.
widths of ruffles are good wearers.
i others are made to wear. Our goods we
The Lincoln Llwrarpaoeietp bald a
Banrp Oortla who baa ^ laid op abort bulntm aemloa lut oipht. bnt
Black Skirt with fancy stripe I guarantee to wear. We are selling a
for aome Uma «ltb p rarp aora arm. la
owlaptoUe Hipb nebool lectern Uruffles
tmprorlBc rabldip.
Jmraad ong> Wednaadap eraalap.
I beauty at 5*7.50. The Herring Bone
moo* Miarirel Orpanitation
Mm. Okarlaa npe of Muroa Oantri
M. L Oariar tm* Improved bit nader$1.35 Fancy striped skirts are the
waa la tba ettp paaUrdap.
Stripe in cither tan or gray is a most pop
taklair room* with Sae Uaolenm
handsomest on the market.
B. T UUlahaapoBatoBayMnialo and office furailo*<e. A new awaIba baka daparlor rmrioB for an ax$1.75 Buys the new Spun glass] ular coat, gives the'best of satisfaction.
lap hu aleo been heap over hU Uoa
twdad vtel<
Skirts, these are in black and plain colors. | The Oxford Cheviot at^^i3.oo can't be
D » D« a of SattOM Bap, U la tba el p
Tte Brat mpnlar mutiap of Ue
Our black si,lk skirts from $(>,oo to $9.1
J) apoadduodap.
Loapabornmena' Aaaoelalloa will br
beaten, we carry a full line of sizes from
D K Prarea wf Ulud. wu a
are the ■•finest in the land"
be:d Pridap eraalap. April ISU. In C.
Trarome Clip rlaltor praterdap.
35 to 4-: in each grade.
8. P. 8. ball, at 7:10o'clock. AU mam
Mr. Ous Ban
W B Btooeitof Blacbam. waa la temara rrqnMted to be prauBl.
Tbe Napoleon or Mlastrelap.
Iba blip paatardap
W. B^OaiapbeU. editor of Ue Bmptra
Mta. B'oaotrotofWaablartooatraat.
Hraiy J. Tork67
ladt paatardap for Datralt, eallad tbara Leader, au bua eboam to rapremat
own comediu ud
bp the aertoaa Ulaem of bar au-la-law, UattauUlap town 4a Ue pood roUa
aoavmtloa to ba bald la ink dtp la Ua
Dr. Bobart Sowrll.
John Ljrnoh
Mlat Tmp Worabaror aama op from Bear fatara.
Blph wire and tend baluelap
Those that are using Sewing Silk
Tbam will ba a aoaacU muUBp to*
Brand Rapid* iMtalptaV
will appreciate a batgain like this, a spool
Bo«. W. K Wriabtbaa rataraad from BMTVow avmlap at Ua eonnell room*,
XatI X'ambert
Oklaaro. wbara be want lo bara bk aad the railroad maeUap aallad for that
To Have and
To Hold
Style, Quantity, Quality and Price
Steinberg's Grand Open flense
Thursday, April 12th.
The Gus Sun
Rising Minstrels
Sewing Silk
«poa traaud He ako eUlud la ladla. M Br wlU ooeopp bkpmlpU todap.
> 0 B MeMuaa baa rataraad from
Obkafo. wbara ba paiehaaad pooda tor
Barldct Buk Ba«aar.
avmlap at Ua aama plaaa. wfl] ba poatpoBod tor a few dapa, aaUl aoDm k
Tba Biaamar miaob wu daa to leave
CUeapn Prtdap. ud It wu expeoted
ttetabe would mebe Uta port ob bar
^ trarana CUp Bwk Ot.
•m trip. Bat owimr u ua baur tea
MOk ararpthlar in tbr IIm of MoalO'
la Ua bap It k qalia protebta Uat
at Merobaadka. Opooalu Btfia of- aUll
Ue ataamu *UI ratarn to ObMapo
wiUoat tcaebiap bare. IVVtt ea tkd toBtb &1«
Oaptalo Wrbb of Ue atmmrr OolamMa. iDtaadi to make bk drat trip a
waak from lamor^w. If Ua wmUu
emUauu favorable for tba openinp of
HraSARTb* TbUor
Ba expaeta to loach at
Wut* to am poa.
aaarlp all of tba bap porta Tbadoak
k belac bmvnp atukad.
WhnoB ihd Bonth
W, J. J
TtePamala Bnrtraqnar.
Ton T. BhA*
Brook* A C*xr
Soap ud I)«Du Aniala.
Ja* B*nne**7
Aukta^^ayr*. DaaamJ|Uaol««.
MU, romprial^
35 liostnil Artists 35
Priam tl. U. 60e; box amta 7ta
•Miami aaie atUa box offiac amt
•teikiar au »moat .
•maaaatrauoa txiuk Marteal am-:
am* ad aaralval la Ue mmlm m!
of ao yards of good sewing silk in either
black or colors forpnc cent.
for 50c
One of the biggest bargains you'll
run across in many a day,' A fine line of
sizes, some with cottars attached, some
From 35c to $1.35 these are just as
popular as ever.
with collars detached; They are all good
wearable shirts -and nothing like t^em
everplaced on »1«.
colored shirts in stripes and checks, in all
The Haonah & Lay Hercaotile Co.
mmn inpiwuiwiiyuiiiii iiii i m i iii i
fbdtoaa Baaa Killed dome Vblud aad
XEutuPa^pixiPixcPiiliXixiX , ara Witag Para«ad bp Kae^
. tha iwini of 4»«M Bw^. aen
‘taMad froM OkaateraU aew^ Jforra*
Arit.. AprUa-1
kar, UMl, to Jaakra te Ula. aa a aoaaraatlp. areoa tba war path.
of aaralrp (loaa fort Braal
to ta panalt. aad a poaar raacbJawa Baarr. » terMr aaar Plais- woataatolaadiara bodp of oowbeya.
wall, baa baaa slaatac aUaa Tbanday- Oaa wbita maa bat alraadp baaa abot
■a vast tc KaUM « « aad aoU afaaai. bp t^ ladlaat. aad Ibtta to aa aaooalar wbiafe ba raaatvad
rt that otbon baaa baaa
ly. aad U la faarad W «ai wllk blUad. Tba Mwa waa bret«bt to WIU'
M lAvh «• TMra aid aa4 haa •oa totop bp aHaaaarar.
Tba kaowB rteUm af tha ladlaaa to
Mn. AaulU tot at 'Oaldvatar, a«ad J. a MaMb a mlatac maa. who
M. «raa faaad daad ba bar raoa. 8bf abot
aiebi la Plaarp Oaaop. to tha
Jaat eatalda tha
aad »aa ia bar waal h«llk. FhyallaD tor
aiaaa Biala U ma a aaaa at baartfaU- dead aad bto aamp waa i
Maek dtacr*d blamalt to tba raaab at
SarrrBalpb, ta rmn aid. IMair Mtoa Roda Rina, foar mUaa awap.
airbt mUm mt of OaraaaOUy. ab whara ha aaU tba ladlaarwara dnmat
• teaytad la aboet iaiaa laak at wM farwarfhra. Tbara wara oalp thraa
gaaaa tbaraday auranr- Tba laa. tod^ba to tba partp thaVattaakad him,
vbiah »aa aa
aaa. barat aad blaw Btotbora wara aaar. baaapa.
Mtoa Rlcra moaaiad a daat boraa aad
bit tafi foraana oil. Aa^iaUae abora
roda at ooaa to fort Oraat, wbara aba
«ba alhaw «raa ~ r
i j
aotiflad tha ofiaara of tba Nlatb eatal
Tha laa b ffaltUff vary aoft at BV If
aaaa. Tba Lrorala L. aada a trip to TJ. A dot^maat of traopa waa aant
Iba Waod TriAof wltb lltUa diOanli/. at aaaa to tha aaaaa of tba abdoltor,
raldad bp tba rMl- «ho roda with tba
Tba laa la ibaatralU la braaklaf ap.
aoldlotaaa far aa bar raaeh. Thfra
tba aoataat bataaaa tba baalapM
aha orraalMd a band of Mwbepa and
aaa aad tba clerk'a aaiaa at Maataua
bararlfaaaamlBf aommaad, tha paxtp
la irataac qalia warm. Tba aaloo aoatook Ua trail.
' aaadad la nvUar « o'clock elcclu
Tba troopera waat to Uddhto oamp
all tba avoTM dariac Ua wUtac. azecpt
aad thera eaarbt tba Vail of Ua fadi
two alfhta par weak. Now aoac of
am and foUawad It Into Ua Qalllara
‘ tba baalooM maa wiab to opce crerp
aaaaicr dciiaf tba aawawr. aad tba
clarba arc waftaf a Uvalp caaipaita
roaodiat tba ratirfailea are arw
aad Uara It aooalderablc asalteo eat at
Thte atorp coauc from Llodca aad to WlUeox. wbari Ue aawa wm raaetred
Idd^aaaa abcolata faai; Oa Wrdocc
Uto OMWalar..
dap Mra Ban Wlaa weal to P. R. MM
diawertb'c atorc la that rlUaya aad bad
BOW rabbara.dttod nrar a pair of abort
It oruT buru «hr value of loM lo
aba hat wora 'for tbirtaaa paara, aad tall II niili.i lut-nC
thap art rood aboet pat.
I'enaltp ibe harder a man workt (he
nofr be
e eaiVE
for ntben.
baa alaatad Joha T. Ttok prealdaat aad
r. B. Daparaaeretarp. aad appolatad ao<l keopa oihetw finm drink
a aommlttaa to laaat too aorat oa aa<di
When a liahy <Tlea ll never aliadi
aUa of WoodwaRl araaaa for tba aaa
The awrape man ha* inniv inunep
of tba
havk »r him (luin be l an »e<- altead of
Mtoa Lipdlt Btratar, aaa of tba moat him.
promlaaat takebaia la Delta
It'* ulna}* 4im< 111! for waa baled Trldap ^ tba aaeldeatal iliHlenlaiiil whp u Koiiah dueMi't like
dtoabarfa of a rarelrar la the baada of him. It DoiwilnirM r>«|>|*-M* iliat ■ linmelr
aatadaat at bar aabool ta laabaUa.a
nuuieir iluiiU* (heI- uivutne)'
of U|lramall ataUoa oa tba Soo ' llaa, abont l»
milaa fro* Baeadaba.
Cupid'* plenin-* n-M-inlwl him almut
I of tha Btp a* uiiH'h as c-ourialiip rrM iiitikw marOttlac bare plaoaad !% aarlaa of aai^na r.are.
The wnri<l nis) •!«'«■ a iiiaii a llvlns.
aad praaUaal aerr^
blit he ha* Jo eollet-i n on (be ln*(al|.
Apm a. dpaelal tb^aa baaa boaa aa- mem plan
loatod for tlmeltanroat dlaeamloo bp
A maVs itm-irp iiiap wio a woman,
all of iba aattora on aaodaaaira ttoadapa hui I'm'E an et.^piHwi If hr Is able to
lualnialh her on li.
bad Wadnmdapa
wildler'* ni*( •■nu;|ee»ieiii i* of IIIAt Aaa Arbor tbe enfe to Ue oBee
iC* ilie luiule* after
ofUe anlraraitpbmpiul w*. blown!.--inarrlnae ihei
opoaaad looud of lu aontMM,abaat
.\u* iGnoinnt ....... «h«uM el«nvs re•tM to oaeh, Tbaradap airbt.
malsi >lletii. hut if i«- kooH* . nonru
John DeltearoUdled Tbaradap alfbt Id do an lie iMi'l iiiiiornui.
Souie liH-ii triiiilil rnlloT eal mi a
at bU boeae waat of JaekiM. ftor
leainiiraoi ' iIu«m at Imiiie liei-aune
paara ba bad baaa a earloaltp to medU tto-lr onliT- .tie u»l *ii|.|ire-««eil.
aal maa. baelar a tumor abora ibci left
•t man urver i<aliu<* wliai nn aw
blp torrar than a half buehal maaaara. fill liar In t. imiTllt* wife U-cii
Laulp It laaraatad anormoaelp Id alae. ii-niliKl hup •>{ ifie pi'oiniM-* he i
l^ll*ll.p -Cli.ellGO
’Tharndap aftaraooa Pipf. Belaaa.of New*
Ofaaavilie, waa biitaa oo Ua left band
r Ua keaekla. bp
-I dIdnT lell jou. .lilt I. Mil.lred.*
ibako. Ua taar* alaklaf deep into Ua aald Mr. (tovil lu hi* wife. -|hai 1 *aw
dmb. Ha waa pattlar Ua raptIU. pour slater Jane ilowit-lown ilm il:t)
trbtab ba raaaiead from tba aouto eoma wet-kT"
•No. poa ilhlii't. «-Uartc-«. .tiirusiii.
Umaaca, totoa C4«a. wbanUatfoof
Cavil" rr|i1hHl Mrs. cavIL
ahat'ooaamailporuoDof Ue ropule'*
•| >i.uy
bftl Wbaa deloM araln opEWad Ue
i'eil. y..u Ml- daor to allow tbe enaketopall to hie
"Vr*. 1 •IV. You niri ihi’ only als.
tall.lt awa'Ek him on Uaband. Bo ler I haie iii Ihe w.irl.l, mid .ii-t. Jil of
wall know Ue daairar of a moeow
eoaein' eOlulliS »irMii:<il IInjiin'>' Iand lelliui: I
eolltd have
dociora Utok bto raeoeaep doal
kiH'p (he mallei'
if juu hiive
Many mtoara are raaahlar Ue Lake and Iheii a«k . :ii.
in- ntlnuitl Ihe fn. I thnl ynu
Superior eoppar and Iron dtolriau from
UeTrantveal. Tbtoa maa averara r«
aapitonally hlrh, baytor boanemploj-t
"IWi liui in.-, Charti'. AubiisIU
paaad aterl.nr par. dap to Ue (fold
mtoae of JobeuneeiBire The aaw i iimr pun h.ife fnixeiien wliai ii an
aamin from douifa Afnoa ara aaarlp al*Mii. Tell iu> if iln* l-n'i the ease.'
bopefol ofM early eetUameol of tra! cbarW .tupiuio* C....I, l ki...w ,l
troablaaow ariuttot tbe Tranaeual. e<-il> how li «a*.
You simid} didu'i
ThaBBiatwrof U«ae miner* teaebtor'
wlirther 1 kii.-w iliai
bad T
--en eUiit Jane
tbe Mtablran mlntor bride m u. p*,.;
d uot hair walii*l .t wboir
daw weeba
wren. exoaedt
*nr«d* lou
.11 me
m.' ion
,011 had
had wfB iH-r."
ISul t dl.lir<
• • •
I '«Bw lH-r.".Mr.
A Oraad Bapid* A ladtoea freipbi
aad paBaearar eollidad at Mil mo June-!iOa«it*ald
. . - ■ ...
1 -Thin r.l Ilk. to klnm whal yiwj
itoa. ^roaktot boU aartacaaad aerl- .p.,
riiari.-. .tiiKii.i.i* c.i.il "
waalp injuri&r Bmkemaa Jonea Kirm ; ••I
"I asbrd
aUrd yni.
ym. if
-f II lol.l
lol.l von
von Ithat I
iar aad e porur. neus not Uernad. .»f, ••*»
--------- —.
bl'r.'" r»|dninr,l
Mr. CaUI.
jfj ^
••tV.'lL why dhln'l you
y.Mi irll n.i-r
j "The
dn'l Irll yon
tbabopaor Pinakaep ara eolleettor! be^-an
t ill.lu'i •‘xr her. Thai'* all."
Cavil ra*iMtl and was *iirerb•Id paaura atamp*bad bave.M
latolaatad wltta tba era« aa to trp Ue ' ”
laakbanaat Ua poeijam aad whenf
Mr*, uprsyi* a#o4r wr
ahapdsd oaa aaloekad Ueyopoall' Tin-wife
a.tndral uf ihr narp
aad taarot tba atamp. from Ibe mail ** "i"''
•« i>N«riee.
—.t— Arraeteare
Aretotawpe itoriy
ilkfi# to
t« foUow.
fAiio*. At ih.- Iimr ..f h.r iTffaKruM-Dt lo Ihe
A Morribie Oatbrawk
. »«’.»rd at ihe i-nlilullj plven W bor
m sorrinie oetmraab
, e.ei, lumemmi. ,od u r, -rnKlilye of
..•« torfu eorac aa
UtUe ' i-riiieUm. .tu r,lii„r irf oueofili.’tVa*hdbtarbtor'a bead devatopad Into .a eaee larton paisTH .-alM lo her
•daoaldbatol-^ltae: C. D. I.bill of I t^to|d...™..ur .u, ti.
IBortraiaa. Taaa , --bot Baeb'M'a'ioriai>h that ha.< i*-en urni
. BrafeSblvaormptotilp cured bar,-If. j ua.- In o ihw. r.|...ve nrllrlr,
• P5?***^
*** vaaema. tattar< "II it w>
.-xjdalnetl tbe editor.
saltiMam* pimplca, a-w«e. ulaam aad: who wa* an -dd'irh-nd of Mm. lirwaOai Oalp nTat <. B Welt
' laadiaa.
ey'a “that 1 ihsllhe u. uae U. Are yon
«. iohaaem. draegiam.
I tpgw whli-h one 1 refer to?"
••Ob'yea." «ald Mr*. Ikrirap. "-That'c
all rishi.”
•^Hui dou'i you wear Juatku doae
rrpilH) Mra. lK-»«p. *■{ oaly
OaUtoaad aaa Tbimam
Taa're al‘
w. O. Ba«MS MpTbOor.
Bi#h School leMiMiro Oootm
» OroBt tfnoMBB.
•aersa R. WaadUac Clmad iha Oeaiaa
VUb Kto •laat Laolsta "IDrabaBa
aad tba fflb mtaotattoa»~Bata>prlaa Will G(«a a RrrRt at Otrr
•SOO for UaRebooL
dome of tba faatntaa to ba aecn wiib
Om Ban-a MtoemU at dwtoherr’*
Uraad next Tbaradap aiebt. April u.
are Barfcaa. Riaa aad Bama. Ue
wollp car W; Jobe l^b. blpb «lrv:
ttae Sane, Jantoeand batoaeni Hearp
J. Torkap, aomadlam. tooaoiofuUt aeto
aampeaet; Bar! Lrmbart. doabir-rotoed
voaaltol! Ue Barmoala qaartet; Tbm
T. Shea, aomadiaa aad daaeer; Jnmea
acmadtaa aad atofur; Iva
aab Bmak, moUml mokaej beatdae Ue
atoreta aad daaeaft.
Tba Aaaat aoaraa of laetaiaa aad toatoUto
attp WM broapbt to a dutac aloaa laat
araator bp tba fraat laatara. "Mirabaaa bad Ua Traaeb RarelaUoa." bp
tbaprtoaa of Ua .
Tba laatara to baflvea to Ua Oty
Oaoeya R. Waadltor. Tba aeama baa
Opary Boaea next Tbaradap aveairc
oaa that aap cUp mlchtwallbe
bp ITaf. W. N. ratrto of Blf Rapid .
pread of. aad baa baaa aa aacaaUdad
I-------- ^ ^ totmeaUar and
will proUblp attraet a larfe boaee.
Bora, who baa bad tba a
Bto aabjaet will be “Tbe baUdtop of a
aaatramalp tolialtDoato
maa, or Ue problem of Ufa." O: Pro',
rerrto' laatara Ua Katomaxoo Sata.Wbaa tba tlma aamafor tbaopm
dapTatoermpb aapi; “Bto talk wi*
of Ua laatara
ira Ua atp fippCbBsaabwaa
repjata wiu wluy aaptoc*. bome.y
BUad to tbaI doom,
aa At baa baaa at
illealratlont and eaca. advlaa Uat
ottoeoo Ua boaeae. Before
eaemad to meat the approval of Ua
the toatart opaaad Piot Bpra rare aa
Urfc aadlaaea. He waa boariUp apIdea of tba Aaaaalal lateem of Ua
Blandadaa ha clotad.’Tba date bam li
aatarprlaa aad Uaakad Uapablla fir
Touiadap, April n.
tbalr lltoatml pavoDBCa- BadUaeoarta
bciaa aobdaetad tor Ua parpwa of
“Tbe Devtlb Aaetlon" to booked for I
maktor mooap maab more would bare an early ^prodaclkm at the City Opera
heaa raalind la Ua wap of orodM. boi
Talc to one of tba 'preau
It bare a rerp diffaraat epeotoenlar pre^nettona M Ue roed
Idaa from almple moaap mablar, eo and ie meetloK wlU freateoeeeea ir
that bleb prloea bara bean paid fm- at be metropoliian clUea. Theatre fov"'
VaaiioBa aad tba price of Ua tldbaW <111 arpreriaie Manaper Wllbr’m'cc'
have heaa kept alula Ua maab of fort to brinptop It lo UU cily.
Tha leetorc bp Mr. Waadltor ««• •
maaiarip otatorlaal eVort. Tbe lara<
aadtoaea cat epaJl boand. too atVnure
area to applaud. 'TM marie cf Ue
epiakar'e norda plaeed tbem to Ue
mIdetofUe Ur^Uac aoaoea Uat be
daplcUd.Md UaeraaUof Ua Fraaeh
Rmlatioa aaamadto be rotor oa to
Uelr immadtoV prcaaoea: Tbeepaakarb eh qneaee capurod aod bald aoo
UrUled bto andleaoe. aad Ucre waa
Bot a momeat -wbea Ue totormi dtr
Tba followto|r atalcmeat Uowe Ur
ra*B>t of Ue oonme flaaaetol’p. Wbau
all Ua aolleetloae ara to. Ua amoaal
oa htiM* will fa
.frobablpto SISO.
Total reccipukkftkatm.
Opera Bnoi
Pilnilnp. ri
OommUalontoatndenu «n »
b mt Ml xtotouto am jto Mi tot tot U UiA'
Emm m soetErr.
ktot mi mt w tot tot i«MW toftoctot to K
Mr. end Mt*. R. A. Cale, who Uvr
Jaat noitfa of Ue TravrrM Beach rtaurt.ieeteitalctd a nnmber of youn,prople Pridap-yvebtop. Warm maple
enpar waa aeread.
- waa planned e
BerUa Kallep laat evcninp by
mnlber. In hoeor of ber birthday whieb
oc'or* Monday. Fifteen of
and flrl frirnda ae -epted Ue Invltailou
nnd Gathered at 'he bi me of Dr. (I. A
Jarvis to which M w Brriba waa aen*.
ft la netdlrs* 10 *ay that a very e'jp-|
able iveninp era* b*d, ibe t me tetop'
•nrnt In playionpamrs. RefrmhmeLx
of lee rream *nii<-!ike ;were served
Several nre*ent» ware rao-lvrd.
In fancy soft textured fabrics and
worsteds ia tmts of irreproach
able cut, fit and finish bearing the
label of the leading clothing mannfactnrers.
tailors would charge
nearly double.
Everything You
Gould Wish For in a Top Coat
May be found on our tables—
$B.OO to $20.00.
Balaaea oa band .
TiaearM lUp B.rall.-..71 Will Pout
•morrow Rebnlrf.
T^era wul be no reralar review oi
Travaraa Bap Blve. No *71.
aeanlrr. bot Inatiad Uere will bt
banquet eervod
Uo loelnp eWe in
^* ^*'*^- There will be a abort prormm coneirtlar of toaete. reeitatloe*
aad mnale. The peoriam eommnnee*
o'eloek. followed by Ue banqaet
Beary member of Ibe hire to invited,
alee all vtoitom tbat baee token nart In
Ua aoataaC Plaam do aot briar Ue
Ktm BcaflaU't
Ci.icn uteri.
OramtoAk ap Parlqn
aot (tout! L’s!oostr«eL
i2!f5TUBE’S CURga
A Curs for Nervous Hosdiehe.
I^or elEht yrar* I siinmd from mawip*.
Uoo andsovamifr***!. ItrodarWe. I Hr bewl*>-he u*ush> liUi.inE ibrro ds>a al s Uiiw.
Hntfla>-bqiuu<tf-ni nll.'.njuu-iciiinuratlly.
Iwl Wfl da* Isul surtTrrU
I l-maa
taklnECVlerrKlnE I hs.rmwtl) impro.rd
InbswIth.sHilnxi nr never h«>e broUwlM.
.Celervl.'.i er,ir.«<',>nB)lrwlt»D■M*lldtw
ewuxof.lie Se-\r«.xu>marb. IJ vers lid KiA
nsvs. bujd :>v OnuKUla. Bc.aiuliec. 4
ITof.J. W Cbaprona. optiei,u.
eenilv loiwtad m Uto city. wUl be .
bU office at tbe Ito.rl Co.uinb'i. tb«
firai week nf esrh mooU. He baa tbe
brat ot refereneea. DU price* are
Monday’s Special Sale!
1 luring the three days of our grand openinc tve have
had the pleasure to impress you with the magnliude of
. our stocks in the various departments, aad the newness
and freshness -u( all our merchandise. We are now
going Vo prove to you that we arc Icidcrs of low prices.
For Monday Only We Offer
300 yards 40 inch Crepons. different patterns, all
new designs, some in stripes and bow krots.
An honest value at $1.50 per yard™ for this
special only...........................
36 inch black no\-eliy Crepons. worth 50c—our
49 inch all wool Cheviot Serges, market value
75c. our special.......................................
On Our Basement Floor
We shall commence moving our store. Mon
day. to our temporary location on Union St.,
near corner of Front St., and will be closed
for a day or two. We expect, however, to
resume business the latt^ part of the week
and will be pleased to meet onr old custom
ers at onr new location:
The Savings Bank Bazaar.
For Monday s Special we offer:
. 25CX) yards first quality unbleached sheeting, presspecial....... x'...............
ent value 7c. this special.........
8c. thiss spe<rcial....................
1000 yards of Pripi. while it lasts, at .
2000 yards cotton shaker fiannel. worth <xr, for
this special
. .
Yard wide percale, mill ends, worth, loc. special .
A few mill ends of dress ginghams.'worth loc, to
close at...............................'.................. V...
Bed sheets, extra special Mohawk \'allcy.
^ wonh today7Sc. this special.........................
50 odd pairs of corsets. 75c to $1.25 values, this
Art Denims. Silkoiines and Curtain Muslins in
polka dot and figures have been removed to
this floor.
50b yards polka dot and figured curtain muslins,
mill ends, worth 15c per yard, this special • • -
Our Wrapper Oepartnient
I am prepared to store any wood or coal heaters
at a reasonable price. I can come and uke them down, •
store them, and in tbe fall when they are wanted black f
them and put them up in their places in good shape.
bn basement floor, contains a very elaborate
line o( well made and neatly trimmed^gpwas.
Many are of best French percales..^ V\‘e price
them from.......................................■;---- 48c
48c to
to $2.35
Our special is number 1336. of extra quality pei
cale, 3K->toftls sweep, fitted lining, braided
and tucked front, double plaited back, our
price only .
^IcCall's are the best Fattems. Just two prices—loc
and 15c. None higher.
' ig
fg iMOgr grggiit
> taCMu tolllut;
Mtf tetk o< B«-
- teywtel h4 PHmw K*}r MUo !•
MAfsrlf^*. TtoRMaoR^wniWln
fte«M RM !■ tb« teivUl VRlM
•rite Rf« ktftelaf to p*7 toMtotea. li»OMr«lMteteR
rvyte to SMMteMi o( te
■ a<te Mte
«te tom te I I IcMtoc to te
MtoEatekrikto f
ipl*." AaO ju.1
ad tor ptofrMor aMto.
A uni* laicr h. wa. . _ _________
PriifiBW lYboo bad rrrj Uadlf cxtrad■ r dorol*
OdrMT WaakiBrUM ■toteAHA BohAal rr<t
au arwaai.
B> mUto otot I wmM u>. ^ 1
“l> tto Oriaooi."
Koraiaf aMvteakRd Mnaewat ItoM
trrtaa tbuix-b aortore tto twxt Satarday.
Vtot b hi V ihM«ia W tol aaaaaiY tUm araotoc. o-kmat tom- vat toon/ sp- ' M.r OpBBWtIOR ai »H0 a. B.
■aa ra> UM.
Boda/ Bobool at 1* B.
(to Ttoakultnn aad Jar rtotord
Prmtt ad aw «4 t«HB towi mt
BvwlBg atrriteud mrmm al 7.
boax- and Jim brfora tto/ wponud for
•ad Wr atoM
AU ara aorteU/. Urllad to teM
Tm ■«» «fWt« »f* •» Upb Mr. ah. Ob
tto Bi/bi. Mabri wnm) la Joa aad nld:
“PaiOoo aw. Mr. Brittaa. bo( I'm muo
an t^ju^ w wr w hw a
ttoYT Boat to •amrtoiac latmotlaff
■bna( that war ao poor forrbrad. Bow Bar. Parte Aaaaa. poraae.
did rm> sw Ilf"
fwT awtor trob krr h«4 a Wm* «aa <
GhPte, Cor. Oak apd ftfib atowto.
*’>'reB a cat." rttdlrd Jiw with a total
•tk Mari
Bnda/ aehool pt toU.
oa aW to fto kMM (hr Otor
W mmv alb-. "Oood alebi."
Malwl (Hi far a oitoimt aa It ato bad
Cto h^ WM*
-to. hwnaa tot B wr bara ntoatr rrbaBrd TWa ato aBBrd.
"Hr BOW barp /uaawd tbal Prafrainr
PHuiB (old aw u ark him." ato sarlarrd (a hiioflf^
Tto Batatda/ craalaf of tto iaetarr
c Pt i«;M A B. pad
Jar aatowd aanaeallr <|BiM aad proarroBird, aad ta MabaTa eraot aatprlw a-bto
be Jolaad ttom la (to ball prepaiod ta
■Ian tor tto toank to wa» la oraalif
laar ,
^ ,
•towi ataA U Kro Ywt !>«.
Mfmpmm.h «m« MMa tei
At Iteto. H.. Ate teMi*. Ry—f
labH. y^im aagbt ta tafl
...___ Aar aadIraL. Tto caftart of
Adair war (ally rrpprarotrd. aad AAalr
war a iBwa o( Btaaual literary acqaira*
Mata. At Jan K a'cluck Jadpr OrmboB
atrppad aa tto platfarm. Hr baa aUrw.
"Too wUI all drrply eeftrt to bior." br
aall. ~(ba( I'rofioaor PHtan .-anau addrtar aa UU rrcDla/. Hr war calM
away .lair, (blr anrnwue by a tadefrapb
Jaba TrrabHaw loakrd ap >addraly Beatofr lafarBlac him of (to arHaar UlfrvB faU btrakfaat piatr.
bia tomlly. Il war
Tr. a .Bpriae fur yoe.*' to miM. "Too ^ ^
m'l EIWB wbo la COBIIK la aakr Or a.^^^
, aobatitoir. Ji%pi*ata
*^1that (be yauBCct lurtiihrr
(bat OrlaoMatbrr aad dao/birr «.-Laafad * ca raprditlu
an. At
fcwortk Iwtot Pt StU p. m.
Ptopliwtejte. ‘Tba Mpb «d «a. or
^Tba^y—tewpl Prpjw Mtetif
tepwtei CtoppAM Baliw Kada
te BmUAlaf ap4 Paraopaca.
arabaiPf Bad# la tba Brete Matbodm abareb tbta waak. whl^ «U1 proriMtba bcldjpr ofaarrloaa tbmto4*j. Tba aadiurlaa of tba «bv * Ir
baltoraolaqradaothat It will a«t balf
M Baap afaia aa la tba paaL A laetara rooB la boiac added aad tba lowar
will ba Botabad. la addiUooa faroact
wUlbapotla aad tba ebanb wUlbe
tboRMBbl/ (.rarbMled aad irmUj
^r-ufKtSICkTh’S !££
T OOT-eTCaTMaT •l•rroaa-._protolvy an
1j Pmaia«i>M.eaiHYHa« Ptot>r pter
mpaALB-InrtaeeMaftato: poto BoA
T^WI P*LP(7PRA*-OMdMMoaaaa< t4c>r te OaUa>Tto«paoa-a4rmcwm
rpo un OP rOR aai-E - raeo mb aerca.
^ Aopiy ta o«M IWOarep.
forthmmmAtnm thaab«nhppd aa
■Adltlao boflttorpMUbia.
ttefalaMUliPtoyffoednPlain. W. ^^rawpto.—— ..p---------- -»yw
a UwnteB.
Kite to Itotorf*.
WcanotwlPf fornto pototo Coed.
■ aplteU fte for eatUa amd bcfte
It^ prcporcdla a dry etPM or
piteod; tio dry food la Ua pto bapAnd aod tbe prtecd Uc por boadrod
at 7:M p. a.
A tedlpl IPTltMkB 10 tba pobUa to
attaodpU thmaBwlte-
Atetor vmu wk« »«t toto* Mrm
■ of treat
T* Am a OoM ta Om Bay.
toto•»Wr«RrMte bome<» frlmA
., Ratjte
_____ ■ a
aaifaCrake Waner'a White Wuk of Tto S}-ni|tow« Ml-MMteH. u4 bOfMT
CMHatiao Bol—tw aarrte wUl ba he bed COOgb fCfDcdy uo earth. Mian
Mtortolte tor te slUmto rMmtrBaadaj
WadtetoUlteMR tMi««r to te» Wt
aaada/ erMiac Pt 7:»& All on mor-tauBlra ap aatora. ‘
to tet Rwte hf (r««Mat tektoff.
diallp larltad to tbaaa aarriaaa
Storouf wMUBte ftottoUf torcavbco op mar.
AMtoahowto t^lt.M4 ftllkiMCk te
------- PIpBtk
ter. J.a aoBB. raauv.
' MUtto to rMocaUito* tMMOfte
Banrlew bold la Oraafo ball.
tri—to. ah* «auM ramaitiar toair
Semoo IC:W a B-TbOBO. "Erpanaaea.*'
mmm TkaattMAtof ^totoatara
aald Join. “a( a crrtala Auni «iloiiwi«»^ »f ‘bat 111 fated yoeat. I take anoouadap acbool at It b.
aba la aaCariaf tnm bjatortoal aai
wbo war rrry /uad to (altor abeo to'“*' idea.t.rr In lomHarlnc .me wbo
C E at e 0. B.
deetnoe 7:0u a. a. Ai
rbaae, “Saaklaf
waa a
Tberr w>. aabudy quite lUw
AUB< B«fa>BW. U-ed
sad who
waa- the Klnrdaa."
UeU. It.1.
(bla u
1. h...
her .....ke.
(wptow. •***•'
p^,erx>r. ..«n
All are Boat oordlally torltod to atSatoaacM toUato »UI aot ba aoU to tto aao of a morb yauorw Hrter. Aunt
p,rtlen|,r>m. uf Ihe wbule alTdlr. Uod tba arrrleca
te Oalud Autaa.
Baluroe died rwrully w.meabeir la Cali- bet nr lolrodurOl'- .......I’b BrlttoB."
roaeiicoAnosAlA BAKUAIN -ta M fool lata o Prooi ami
AA H>«lr.tr*rU(..reaMoreMi lena* ('.all
Aarrarar Oaaaral Dtowa at AUaka fenila, aod Jur la eoBilsf tore lu aetllr| Thru Joe artiw frum bride Mabel aad ■«*. D OaraUa. aoMr.
kaM Pruat airr
het litUr ntale. Tbr ol.i (arm vrar
forward (u ihe {ilatfonn. Hr waa
Aaa aaaaA Ua OMat l■porUBt B»aa'
OoBiaaDioe aerricr and rreopUoa of
rlixHIle aa> war ben., aad rbe left a pair bel arlf tuiaM-rae.l. tod he l<H>kid rrQKPBi^IAPINO -I
aato praka l/lag kaek of Bkac^«7 mA
l-k boore la Iowa, Ml of il rwa to Barkably well In bU eeeiiiiix rWlhoa. At
Tbe. ffarie« at
a tbia tlaa will W for
lean that war Uabrl'r io«ar>l eiimawpl.
atoaf Ika aaca wUeh aarka tka ia- Jw."
MIebi"b be a ndlege*
ndlege araa?" Inquired Mabrt. Baoebow her bran auddeul) narmed la
aarmaUete boaadrp to boaor of dla
LLir.lL“"V IS''
b.r eotd little leMmi at ibe (bnuabi tbal raa. Tbe Bote
■trpplDC » 1 ifaiu to
~ ttocatokad Ma. Uaa Raak la eailad
"I uude
>1 be sraduatrd froB -tbU lall yoonc fHI»
rar Ibeir yoeal— ■twada tiiraa dollara la the Oraad Ttar
Mawt Oawaf.
M.l»rralti«," Mid ber they eouW even Halm dUtaiil irlatlea- «raeT<
Notice of Sale of Wai Work! Roodl.
TkaW. a T. U.ltakaaAootoffItoofaea’ed bMt will b* r*e»lr*d t
Baoday Bebool at boob.
"Ib.ut.- Ullle red artMwlb.mer ii|i tto
Joe toyau by «a)iug that be War laborad (»/Cterk of th* (»iy of Tra*i*ra*
C. .,.
AaM to toa TasaU, bhiaaco. aad bo*- fairb. I Ba|.t-iw." rumiueaied MabH.
Janlor Cbrlatlaa Esdraror aoelalj at
--------llebte-------------------------------------------d< tfa* oBm
of ib* OK/y Clark of _____
tw oader a double baadifa(>. the prvfeau. ...IP .
p, , .
b« to Braaawau lU.. wbara haadqaarHer father toiked al tor rbarply. tbro aor'r rr.|uect. Aird bow Ihe Judaea aordi
>eha** of MatT of *lralcto
at/ofChiiatiPaBD- CtolacoraCareat III Weal TM'b aiteet tit*(
edtolbaCil/ofTraTaear CIW
tan will to aauWtakad to Kaal OoHaca.
of tto water oerfct plaai at£
Mto WUIarA-a bom- . If Iba raat aat~
oJiBOdlw.fit>.wiihrtroot aototltule at tto Iwet. Tbeo be told i 1- f. 8- C b at 5:ttp- Byouuy (uauof
Haid toea. lo hear lat*e*oi a> ia« rate of >(t
tof poliep proTB a faUara. tba *o«aa efa.-rk ‘btrr •b«i> aad brl/bl almide. aiailei
. a aqaai
(w.praBlr aaaralljr aad to
ofebolr rrqaMtod ITAPKa FOB aat-C-am-rea M Loaa tok* ___________ T.q7.r-"*“'
vUI ratora to tba Taapla.
lobu Trrii iliue bnmebi him about the f.^i
a: roM.Jaai back at aarlnw; all cleared
r,umafu-r dat* of lp»ae
l< ••■(uen u« at tbr oatrenily
eiik a ukw orebanl, gooi (raw* hoaae, nir*
• l^4»x-9lrrae.af *r daleef tmo*
taaUton U apiitoBto at Ro«a.
------- : brook ruaBi-afullleorii. o( the (arO;
had made
___ an ri._ the arieDll&c- I
tbrf bo|»«j to prore. o’clock.
• Ikte-pi roar. aUe- daw of l..a*.
a rerr detlraU* pine* tor rarileelaa ur
•aaanl AaaartoaM aia U1 fran tba
kOPU of aald hunil. UP to rr^xruu McrnoDiaT c-ucacH.
...................UB tbe bead of (to (am- Hr fold of ihe royayr tomi Kaa f'rao_o* vim WMUa home rear iS* cltj Price
(art abl.-b ar»awd no addillooal Han>.-.>( Ib.- landlay, of the nan for Ito Brr. Bufc’li KeaarUr, PaMor.
ll.an. Piarra* no reuBijr Ua*. on* •-••• —■
Interior. ‘I'lion i-atue tbe >lory of tboir
There/ will be no aerrioM tod*/ otelii llalia: BolmlldiBc*: a nle*
PraaktoBt mmUiv uuntM u frelioy of ren-ntioeal la UahH'r midI.
"I'lo dUapie.luted lo him." aahl Mabel banl>Lt>« au.l Ibitr >ufferiiiE>. The aua on aecnuni of the reoaln which ore lemr
... ..
Jtoaar at tbaI Wblu Boaaa tba w~m- to ber tDoiber after dioiM-r.
bonied lbeq». the freer •n-iu berl them, belaff Bade oa tbe bo^Idlpf.
Up**: aend Mill price IMD «J
_ . . ..
. .Ippirhaarooo Rea York.
fraaito. D. oip*.(OBrik Bill* (n>_
. tora of tba aoelcraua of tba MaUmUai
•'Hr ae.-mr eery quirt and uaiaruia- tbe tialiter bararM-.! ifaerii al i v.-rr iiim,
UKMHAx i.rriiEKaa.
But they iM-rx-rered. Iliyher aiul bi
■plaoopal ebareb aa4 tba Matbodlat lay.'" ««-titMre.l her ou.iber.
, r,rtP I- wj», ur U4
rcbool■ptiootol Cliarob Baath. ao«r to aaaalco
They raw lllllr of Auut Kalolne'a oepb- !•« their imiinae war a>-eoo.|.li.h.-d. and
K.:U0a m preachiuy rrrrjce
a tfooil Utm. klrtpij ril llaiter o
at WaablaftoD.
rw d
durliiy Ihe ueii two <•< three dayr. they atan.rl
■rl oil
on till
tio reiuri. j-.iiniey.
Rrme will be held1 today, and are teWItoJ Waer*. leo iBilr. I,
, told hi
Abo; Op ■
■ Jayuai 1^1 leaie-l u|«iu Pro- bold rrery other HoniiarPraaiarptMeKtotojr'aari tba UaiuA Johu Treubulow limk blui away i
lu* Ip.ra
■•lO HBHA>’a II "a- l>-au-n off.
AlaUa baadtoft at tba Parto axpoaiTbatThrolbior Haadadbe
Uaa will ba kapt eloaad m Baadap.
Would qulek'r leara you. If you oaod
-.■li-d |>ai......... .. .......... _ ___________
r. K by'a New Life I’ilU. Tboua
e badii'i been leM alone wtlh ll»
, from ilu iiaiio-*' arr««>. and n-e..«>r tbr
P rleamd. IrM ;
e On..
Oiml .......
wn k of the
thalr mateli.urin. »all ..rp'bara poup] eaur; «l
I y..iiiiy.ter fin a >luyle tiHuiieul. What Craft. Ho Inl.l ..T the
uiv lof aulfcrr'a
. : hare •prored
- .
Ariu ral.ialMiB
;>raa inrrH (or nek and
a&d oer*i
nerrooa hradWaatto Qraad JUplda oa a tooto- war aiTM-. tin- w..t. m yn„uyiiier »bow- b«a' In tbt- rm.ij. and b.i« thi-.r atniy- | >»M »rm for .icu
ed on di-Hie f.ir her <ti|u|uiBy.
*ird a-lniee. He lulil nf ihr di-«lb of tobea. Thry inaka pure blood aad
braith. Ooly :y oeoUBoUre BaeoatlpCue olyht be |.niiu;tit l...me'ultb him a Bn.co ami of bla loimly Imtiid in Ihr 1®,““°®f y;
larve. wiqarv oi|>ri-*i imekapr. wb.n h. to- twilishi in a litllr rh nriim in the mid.f ■one) hael
A eat which U kept aa a pal »t the ' iC oproM. dto-lna-d a to^uliful taccy Of (bat trni>li-al
lroi.l.n.1 ti-rdiin-.
.erdiin-, lIi1I-- (i.M
(oi.l nof tbr :® Walliand Jaa,
Para Mattiaatia roasd boaaa. took m
(In of tirfo >lar ami
and eiquiaitr
erquiritr mariior^
mariiocr. bulldinc
bulldlny «f
of ibe ran aud nf
of ib<
ibr lony drift |
llPtMt fltUtu is smiscrj pedi
pmient f,.r Mt» Tmiliotmr
, In* Joiirin ) •l-xn llie .in-aru.
•aadaal rida roAotlp'. Whlla a Iralfbt
..rroee'a. I^f
"ir* .julie
I..»elj for'a rua," aald
H<' toM b.-w then- ua* hill iHn- tnan i ri
at Uer
Mra U'
W i:
(I II.awreacc'a
trala wai balof prtparad for tba n a
hat dellybled lady. "What it ilV
left io (be .trirkiii little l.ai.d with rutffcall and«ce them
rto Oraod AapIdcabaeilBbad to.a pla<a
“A ia*aar." replle.1 Jiie.
, Hi-Ot atreOKlh lo Mii-r tto cafi olcar of
--------------------------. aa aba loeoaioUra aad wbaa tba anclaa
"Hat there' arr oo Ja*uar« la CaUfar- abatruethm.. and n> inluiti. r i.. d.e wanu Conwmption Curo - WaPtoBT’O
alartad aba kept bar aaal. She rood
la." Mid Matol,
.cod cheer the failiac .|.lili« .,f hU ferer j
WIm Of TmT ftmtO. tbr i
, aUar tbroafh to Uraad Baptot. aad
^waa haoTbt taoek bp tba trato Bae 1..
libawayaar. _____________
And that wai all he Mid al.mt It.
^ And a..meh»v. Ih-nicli be mIiI oaueht
Tbit rrrnina' tbi-y were piMui; orer IC *f hin.M-lf. the aii.tlem-i Memed lo know
Loeal AabdrSBlaoto ipoktoc forward Joilin-tlrahani'a In an infiinail mi ptioD that J»- wa» the iiiau «te> f.-uebt thr
tetbatrotit taaaoa.Ahiek epao* tb^rat la buuor of I'lofcawir I'rliim. a ili.llii- Ja/uar. aud ah- •anm tbr nc.-r, and ^ Clei* Tour £ydt to ftulity
rilibid hduialor from the /real iiuliend- wbo alerml the rafl f.. final tafi iy
dap of Map. with dalUrhifel .aatiUaauelclp|>priBs <ii« JpH- l-epkcd
tbe -imiiU m-i.i ppf hp nm- doard thr world la full of cbMp tbloff*
ttotoaadara faltlBf tbair taaicle 1a rer) ai It. h>. aflmBom - l-lhe.. aud
*•' 'br ranw -f ~-.p-me that bai ' , Wheo yon nre In orrd of ■ aolV o*rrai eaae
far a. hi> ouloidr broo told .p many time.. ai.O >et wb.-ii h* ' eoct Rr tronarra wr hare the ateveb
klaUl (
■|plH«rau>e Wat eipiiremed. If lie rmly flnl*b»d bit n-'-tlal tbp-■lllll•'>ll-e wa* rery i pleaae you
Beu(n*n My Toll
wato'l u' dnU aad tiinild. II. .lidn'l l.«k allll f..r ■ mp.m.e.1 ..r ta.. Thm er.-ry t nr
It br Ourod.
at h*r aa ah.p eamr duao tbr Mato, aud h>«l> e.enp il d.-tetnpi;..-.! lu
— —
afar dalirred herw-lf il.al h-r lishi r an and «Uiie band* aiili the y-niiK fril.pw. If YpQIntend
___ b the dlaaaaad pontoa of tl
There ta ooly one way to care daof- and nra bin ai-re Iwlfa rrry |pei-uuiua. tt'ln-n J.- aa> dunlly |H':ii.lite.l to ra- ' '^udo^aoj ^intlB* do ^ (alltot/7
OCB, and ibat U byeoMiUuUoaai rca- Hr a*. eeiUinly a rei) tiuiml juun* caia. be found Matol wu.iiue fp>r blm at
thr diK>r. Her (-.»** were yr.* hrlifht and
cdloi Drofaraa la eaoaed by an lo- Oi'an
Uie*cbeap«°'' ■^^MunTw Wail VnJ.pe aalkrd wKh Juba Trei.b-dmr and abloitik'- aup| abe *re<-tiil him aitb a
Baard eokdiUoa of tba anootu Ualn/
bfa and you will aar no other Jnof tLr Eurtaeblan lube- When ibU Matol aud her iiipither iialJnl I- himl. 'ilir rharuiiuc »tullr.
llaa Cpmp'hell. South Bide bardw^r
wi-re rihl.-nily ••nj-.yine .UP h utber'a
*Tapa ami mamma bare mme oa
tobr yeU it lamrd yoB bare a ramb
pH) tn a bictp deptrr. The) lalk(.-il al-pad.” epbe ei|>lalmal. "aud 1 aald I '
UajraoBBdor tmparfeet baarinff. aad
lauehed in a Hay ynal wa. bicl.ly vx- WtmilJ aaii (.pt
wbac it la cntirrly eloaad daofoaaa la
(<-p),*«-d of you." Mid Jar. |
tba r -aalt, aud bd.pm the tbflauiBiaticii atj«-raljn* |pi Malel: Why dipln'l ibe »}uCOB be takra oat and tbit tube raatored phi feU-w tl) l'i eiite'lain tor A> be a at with a toulitiiied ool.ir.
• .
. . ,
Mah.p| t.e.l bia arm. and ibi-y walked
to lU normal condiUoB. heorlsti will
bypuo- an la aUmre.
brdr'tnyrd (u*e«er. Nine eaaaa oat
*'l want to aay." niurmuKul Matol
of Mb arr cauted In catarrh, which la Uti l.
When they eiilen-d Che Md rvee|dl..B Vite-ully. "Ihil 1—1 think 1 liaie inlaoolblny bat an ii.a*ined eoodliiao of
pari ir at Ihe Jiidee't. what wa* MaU-l'a Bader»li»id j-ii. aiel—ami I'm ...rry,"
tboBMOua aorfae^
"I dvn'l ibiak I qnlle undetMaad."
Wo vlU ffirr Une Hnodrod Bollan aaii-riee to >ee a tall, orto-larly appeariiif
tor'aoyeaMof Dealoaaa (eatwed by Bull dart foraaid and artae J-* by bqjb aald h-mr^i J.<r
“l'n> plad If yon don't." mM MabH.
•Ptorrb) that cannot oceorad by Hall'a •..........................Bi latip a .-..ruer.
IC»d« of gecoin* wlci Kid in
e beard bio cry. "la "Anyway. 1 fcr-l totter aoa 1're told
Qatprrb Our*. Baod for eircBlarn. troe.
/on." And tbro with dellcblful femlnior
F. J. CbMcy A Oo.. ‘Toledo. O.
laoe and bnUon, mada to order.
. lai'a I'rofe. »r PHtou." wblaprrod locouaequm-e ahr added. "B.-kHle*. you
Bold by Amfrtata. "
John T^.-dme IP bla Hifr and da«*h- know you hareo'i treated or io a rrcll/
Evary baby bom this year may
nUa arc tba b«i.
BaUbPaBily mU
rr. “Ue orte. l.. know ..ur J.w."
frteodly aay."
have a pair.
"Our Joe." bad a depHdedly fnapy ; Joe Uu/b-d la pieaMM (aahlun.
aeund Matol laiiifbed.
' “1 Waa only cnrTTla* oat my Jeer otd
For iDformaUoa oaU at our
Of BtUlaory fooda i
eoorrJ.w” didn't apply 'a fbe-tOBty’* oft repealed ad«l<».'‘be aaid.
LtwroBoa'a Wadsate
/ouu« weateruer that rTeullU Tbr Treii"And whai aarthat?"
new store. We hare mored to
day. A UtOa lator . . ______
hwlmra *a>u*ed eery illUr of hla rfUirrr ' *Te rraolulely Inm away (IVID trmpUdiaplay laur aiylaa. Tba rory lataat aaliontto profeador would but- te." quoth Uaater Jue.
942 Front atreet, west of Broach
Maw Verb potMroa to...................
taohte blm. tbeu (to Jmle.' LHd him Ib
*Thafa err/ oirr of yon." add Matol
thto dlaptay- Uooda
llrely eunre.HatioB. Thra to wa« paaowl aa/lly.
alone to UuB Mlnrrra (Irabam. tto
tt aertBod like u eotlrrly lnvier(^t rrWe don't a^^on to make a
Jndce'i laleaied daucbler. One wuold mark, and /rt Joe appeared to uadrehare
porohaee in order to eeeore the
tto erenlat.
< And tbr/ walked atlll Mower.-ClrT*Wc ■toby
MahH reoented this In her prrrerae lit- Mod Plain telrr.
WbwdMllBff with U
baby ehoea. Ihey are free
*»—arc Me h. an. What richi had itooe people
Ibe wlabM of aarctal
-------------------------r. o. t* moBopollae tor (alber'a fueotT The/ |
“toa famish the baby, we fhr0>« maowote
■Iwm/a jaat a little boii
■koBao Modern Tailor.
mnal to dolBf it thruoch abrer a/mpatb/. I A |e*(l«B*o of the old actoad aald ae«a
Dish the aboee. We want yoar inepeotion of oar HEW SPBIHti AVI) 8U1C1IBR
What epoid they aar U aarh a atopM /■«» ato: "Wbeu I waa yontia. two tenfeOowt
Onrd of Thoaka
FOOTWEAR. Oar speoialtlae are the Pingree A Smith make in dreaa sboee;
"To* bare a mc« drfithtfal rlaHap. hat* la eerb other. A few year* Uirr.
Wc wlah *0 tbanb tbe (rlaoda ood Mb* Treotodoi*." taU a voire at her H- BPd tbe bow had eoaaed. Thra came a
Bindge'e ooetom made working ahoea, J. B. Lewie’ Wear Besisters, Beams' Ventllptebbora for tbe kindly lyapotby bow. Bto toukrd np. It war ProfeMor Umr wbeo they laerHy tooetod tto brim*
•bown «■ Ip onr Um aorrow. Alao fo- PHtom
of IhHr hata. and ouw a Jerk of Ib* chin
sted Shoes, F.jKsyer School Shoes and the oelebrated an'd only np-to-date men’s
thc aaay bcpntlfcl floral offatinc*"Oh. yod BMwa Mr. Brinoo." hM Ma- aad a Knle *runt. ‘fl'm'. b'm.' b conaldMra Pnllar ood foBllyshoes msde by Nettlston.
toi complareolly. "Tea. to’* quite aa arrd aaSeieBt aadutaiina brturee two
Ideal evert. Hr <• ae quin that mamma men of qvaliir and faahhm."
tBiyBBtog OoffH-lAttU TtyBra. aod I acwrcfty fcaow to’i te tto bouae." t The bthll of remalnlii* aaeeretrd to
"Perhap* be
to oeeda a HtUr
lltUr drawtaf tto preatrxr of ladle* died hard, but it b
cot" «*ld tto omlllar prote*w>r. "Jew te
■ Whn B& tilt 8oqU 8idt
aa aalertalotat a* a book whta poe pH P. waa comoI
The Old BeliabU Shoe Ksn
We hsTS remored'to S4S Front St.
,' OaU IB Md te Tubpp. Too’ro pI- him aUftrd. Basa't to toM yoo choto alwayt mte
Weed torrtoodrd te tbe erte
tto Bfht with tto JactM/I Ko7 WHU aoom of (to opora.-Oor»hm Mafoala^
M'7'SSi5ST7:_rs-- 'Tars’
KK, sii 'S'A'.r.iss I
te K'»S",.7ks; K.-.te.'.s.'.'ssr™'',::
»W AMIM ttlWa « tbal 8a> h«* «r>drd hb Him kr- to valbrr kuRb^M »o«ro to rapfrir X.
Wwalrillr'* tioK work, wbiob
I* kb ovn|t» -- ------------------1 i do
aad kl«»*etf
UnboK for Obtt
tkott otibi^atibao. I rrpn
ta 'Ibo cenanoar porfnnnad a( ,
l«)nnBK - ■ «Hoi)l pictuKd id lyi
Kib.T.'' ahlih
ippliigbatn (buirb on (ho union • {
tbor (lamiod ••ataoi'ilm* and a-lOrb re< mtnroM Haatrko and Prlnro Hmo> iif!
... papoia.
In tialmtng during (be
drab oiUi ''Tbt tbooBil FUht Uotof*
aamo jrar ‘T'lio 1^(0." a plrturo ropro- •
tmry ka> iib|«i
r drstaaUi
■•D to ' Kandakor ' to «htrk lh>- Mai t> -aotxtuj
•ontlng Ibo rr-tum tnarvb <if Uriiornl
MkUM aiMl
> (bM ; HlKblaiuton aod Ibcofid (iurkba*. kbhloaan from Moiannofa. tbr artiot ro- tnibl'drr Uotii^l Hai.-pttor*i>D. bun* Ibomvortod tn a mintarr opbodo In tbr Bn|.(orh«d frow.lb» b«ad ot liM
dan rampalgn
guron Vicion* an
Imooir for ho aboa> tb* bkl
groatl) admired tbo painting tbal abo
drolred tn paciiaa a icfillca of It. but,
Bu ptrtur* of the HottlbMfrtraB campaint an
»CB bavo boot! (bo bcat pl> lurro dool>
g with Ow BlnMnl' hoiooon Ihr boot
Md Snilabor llwt have boon aMtt back
(bo from. HU draa iBdii hare appcarad ta manr KsgUah and AAortran
and. «ra» a apvt (bat w.i. watrheO «
bdbUraUoax aatf-prrbapa m> prwll ha*
Sir Uodfro' Langdvn. tbr rvaldmi ciunmlaaionrr. had cos
doao MKirc thaa bb u. aboa tbo outaldc
dlStraUr In roalralolog tbo Baautoa from grlUng at tbr Uovro. aad o
voiid )«ail aiial mat b al'ahart rangt.
moan* for li
. .. . iprlaoa aM
1 a
ItoBUtin. kbrw tbal BngllA
aad again tbb HHtbh battb .
mtir army of dWrodrrs >ad
baa aboaa. foal aa did hta Frarirb rival.
r lalotor of Ibo
Botalllr. tbal bo b a* Umir aUvr to
M'«R «B04U
Brltbhnc hnvr doi-ldcd that End*
yaro Klplliir 0 iiarm- ha* li-rn aucb S
ablold and buckler l» ibctn la (bWP
time of fund rabing fur war rrilof tl|dS
ihry have deiiii-«t n, ci.iomrmurBle tbd
kmleal all iif iho iluio'tBn capital hr
Imlod a* a liilld ib<- nar aplitt
tib y»ulb nur opi'til In Geimun]
there. Inu. Ill Ihr «ludlu
KaaiphauaM’h. tbr is-urt |wl
^Ic Willi
at UuoooM.irf for
»ul uuni UK that bd«h
At the •■uihr-ak
Huoolan Mar the y
off I., the front
Tbr r.illuMiiig yoar Calon \V<xd»Hli-,
erhon butII yoara ofng". bnAe into ihr
Boyal ai^domy wllb hl» remarkable
Wclurr of ’-pVodrrK'h the tirval on Ihr
Bra uf Urulhon." "l.ru(heii" var hung
an tho line, an honw very larol) arOurdod. to a now man
It rei-r^niHl
yrcdrricb and hb ataff riding inia I
ramp, trbora bis rrgmionu wrro ail'
«alh.-r«d out ^ Ihoir rwruniimrct* prrparole nurrb out and d.. tuiilto ua ibo
■ ma^w, Tbo rtllliw d^ldod li »aa lb.'
?*** “f*.
Pl'turr ..r tho seat, ami
that dato TVuidvnier f |•ulall•<n
Ho ibon dl|-i>o.l into
mallam and llluilrating. and .
n iirilMte rap- heiwe-i
.................. pmduPUnn The ‘TH H Ke
III Si.uth .Ml
Ibir" palnleilji) W.KidvlIlr wa» a rt.yal
k iHeii alMsyo
IcODimand lel-graphi^ to bim through
[ L«rd UufforiM tmi^ s«at of war. Quown the fnmi. and II In. more than IlkHi
' Victoria being
■eing Mlroua
of poaoevslDg a few new military ma»t«Tiaepei> eiii
■ iilpiure
• the Duke of Connaudhi In
d id II.r guards. A cognate *ubaolvro an gallantly.
lilt ural year
ar’a Jeer «
alee portrait ..f (•■•m.. .domy pi. iurr wa» Ibr fameua -Ra
mg Ihe tiuua at Mainland." which wat on Iholr alUn-k on Tol' ol KebJr by tbr
bought h> Ibr cnrporwilon of Uvorpool. olar*11 M. « auhacribed for
by tho
A lirokMi anklo prrvoiilrd Woodvlllo Uritbh
admirally and b now In ih.
from wiinwing all tho rvonl* uf tho gnilrir
«f < iwOMlch hurplial.
yinptlan wai ..I IWi but hr was able .Hang of wedding bell* I* the prevailing
.1 llilllsb i-H.liei
a givat <n.|inuni.'i H U-er. i
livid he .
....................................... _
■ he |U|>.0? ............. .mini.) ' 1'..|IIH|\ .ttk tin g<ne {..r bl* li.'iuid rvfiesbr
ui.l-. n m-ii oil.. l.dloM a eaiiil' u*uall> mak. mnd in. ney at i
Heie I* u picture of the ...ily nubile h"U*e. a* Tommy <-alb h
in. When the lliitiab *.iI<Ii.t» were miwniped bete. tbere a
riioh ..r l>imlue*i- iten- In Ihl* little puhik- h
A •aWTI.BKIKLn AbbI L4M'«:.
K eonirivancr that haa beeri a boon lu
boaplial Corps of tbe BrltUh In
h Afrha I* tbr two wheeled amt.uTbla two wheeled ambu-
Tbe accumpanytng plrlura. abowlng ii
reaull* of a Uoer buutlng eapcdl>
leb b a very etnouent deinunrliwlloi
inunrliwlloo of why tbe Transvaaler la sBOOd
- . The ---------------------1 burgher tpenda so much time In buallng and
'iKnitliig and hb brd.. depend, ao largely on hb preweea for It* auppUet that
le voey early ^rdUlre* a maikamansblp that I. ptnhahly unetiualtd la any Otber civlllsnl iwtw. Hb f,
faMirflr arm b the Mauwr rifle, and wllh Ibit be can
bring dump a buck si a
a b ainiply a rircteher fastened by
nga on two rubber tired wheels,
stretcher part lift* oS the carriage
* handled with
utmost esse ar
ot danger. Ti
beal beevrr and iNviigo iheni down a
' derp
e side .
gulch. Wbta they
cainr acroae an
.. atd HvcT bod. Abovw tbeni was HO feet
V«f sbnckni invn. and tbe i«mniltbbic
of tha wbntr tblbg b that tbe
klfi^ mllal be over lO.Mg year* oM.
'* bare Use been feuad tn tbr saae j
Tb< Ktigliab
e Uware pridad tbMbaetree on being n v
y Calm and re- |
lale.1 and eddeal way* of celebraUng>Bu1ler'B long delayed vlct..o- bat been tbs
manufaciure of a aouvwnir knife, with a handle made of, a rtflr tnrmdgc and
liranribod "Oallant LAdyomltb.’ A LdtidMi cutlery manufactorer ha* been tornlag these• —1 by the tbouannd. 1# per rent U tbr proceed* WlRg handed orw
U the city of
bring Ulusiraiiun shows wbnt thu i
Th.' viay In which tbe prlmUirc Bo<-i live* at ih> re-r* lv very diff-ieiit froin the wav in whh-h th- luxurious BrIU
1 ar.- Inalatird. The latter are encamp.-d In w-il rr.ade .Mma* tenu and a» U aell knuwr. are looked after as (g
r commtsaaNal drpartment by tbe »<»t corapeteol
<c the world. Kicid Uarabal Hubert* bos alMays tanAS
point that Tommy Alklne ebould bv sell takes care ot and writ fad. The ftnutb Atrteap camiAlgn baa been M
ex.-epiloii to ihU rule. Tbe in^nner in wblch the fighting Boer, on tbe othsr baud, oheo oat an existence b endreir
dllTerent. and tbr
perhaps show more clearly than word* Just where tbb dlOerencc M,
Ttke &er scene
ig fur the Bight on tbe veldt. These deeuut war*
riora art engage
rnlug aeretci of pnali
iim aiarns -and Bible raadlag. The meagentcM «( the^r enan auppile* and the hum
:belr qnartera are la nmbgr «
> the wUI erdared and udek mad wns.CBUp of thd
EngUab aboa-n tn
soaUer pletvc.
marm vnts meat
b&t hI
tm> TO COS%Kf- oo«.
Wa Stc ia aa aca vhao onar aad
> iba tarasUaM. bat
mm a« ao aUDptaaad 7pra»oainplaia
m tba taaitad olia talapbaaa arataa
<«oaa x»
flatoo and lujcalla. I&d'..'a dlataaaa ar »
wme*. aafa tba -tMxroll Nnra. tadlaMa. a Uula vtIU«a. la the bcana
•MB wbow ffBUia baa uMk<W }t>MUblc
gat a fooranailoe to be tnbauiitta<l
0tat ord)aai7 InrbM wire
* li
taTaator. builder aad aoir ow ow.'Ca*
«taa AUf) . I«» «U aabw-rtbm «t STiO
• /car. Tba tla>a t* a»t tar tfaiast
Wbon thaia artU ba tpofuld aMO'
iB tb* wmy «r «irti Eaner U Cba b*
•OKIBK • tBloifttm «OiUaa ac cbfMBiu. Plewm aad boolwes la tnaottM Mdm rn»*a*Bt
ni«« pofNdar
< prcMta. aad rtly teMs aad roafM-
I la Olatataa Allha br tB>
aad Daaaa. Pan
(tala caatoa of I
Tba aaw pnrtAaai nMUtowk...a aa
, nowlne tbta*. ftooi a pot of hjaeiatha potk-y. Gaii<t\ u-rrR^ <i^b a'k tt
U, ^ haad*»e
Woomlaa abrah. aaar U- *1»«i aad ae- i:nitm Riatao baa blt^rto annaxad r
a. ao approrB
. u to.ho. tak..™, b.w«-. 1...
A rtothiBf «on>|ian7
arttb tnorb atom at IVndfr
aba Waiuar (llaaa vorfcc. «atl
Aadarm and factor? at lanlia.' are
■alar tba a/atcDi Id boalaaaa affam amateairal/. Tbey oaa tba Ihia ft«(|na«>
I7. aod la Iwlb raara tt atnouDti to <
liriTBte wire They hare prlrary-by
phin ■o amaiiad ibat «be« «ba b
mdaff tba lloa ba ran act ota tbaOtb«fB axaapt la Hr. ADar'e rrcMaiKa.
arbleb la aaatl aa a aaotral atath^
It to no ataeramtlon to
<be barhod wlra talapliona arnan la
TBJtraonM arna wris mi'a
fm oaed wlib no apectal airanftb of '
Rattary. and tbar* to very littia troultla ,
Wltil'tba Uoea.
' la dnoatnirUni tba top ctrand of tb*
tartMd wire tba Bli l-'oor railroad
d 0
ontll tba aorporatlo9 Urntforo to need
ailty of
I wax tlia prvblrui »r tlx- |>asi. It U over.
Tba dto).pUy/of (basbopa tobaiafldrf
uak to lUTi-.' It wlU t«r foUovad
—«ahaa« of Ilka rbarartar. Porto
baaxluf ibam. W *^ ,,,^^0^1-”^
^ItB miaatablaW
Intartor to
eaOn. ao
llU'.bitoaloo aa a
as a vurfcl
candy buliler to Otar. ,
Ecn of nuiQM <■•10^ aovarad wllb
■lUn and as^aJalirly ftbaod patntad.
rareaJ .pwcaia.toaitafti Satne
' •>»<' ■ l*o|'iiIai»«« trom tba cuta* n>
•“ ’•
tUalr l«0|.
*“•' *• aaalloll«l.-d to tlKm.
aiaouB lUom. Tba praaent
1 U uot n«dj’ tor a abatr In
Ua luliiltal liebta and priniaBia.
Binm ba tralBad and <l<*ralo|>ad. It to
lomt befora It rrRI he. It* lllllcrary
a»t»i ut ,m
..no., btnj
ki.u» bo» I
I* ''' ■
Boys, They Are Great~The
w~w™> '«“« 1-
bonnlara* bare -on tba t looely Otiln*
eorrf. littia *aanae front fanii Ufa. Uto
bem and bar profany batlnv jirontlnani
place Id racb.
How.-r trliuin9<l tanry •■•kau
In all
... r.»rli. Ei..u.r reol.Hl«.
op.™ I.|™ .M m>rkl.n>™ .Pd l.i»0
B^pad boxac dacorainl with Bowera
typical of tba artuoD are all iu tbe
ai.*nliutt la tlito parted. Thare
«:'• rtUr'
of bilair. of pn^Oc-ttei..
of Indiniry. of war<-«. <>f Imblia ami
tU>- Bi-tiaral ■lalidanU of life aad of
tia wtouly aud tara."
''-n I'j .i.p-'Tb.!«.,
>**l- "I"
■ •^1 '•"«
" I- •'■iPlJP’l ......P.. p,uu koT lp
l«* bai»d» rtir *anK-eiuin-•••latrol wbIcU i
l«rtl«u*rttt tvuitu ovt-r tba dep, ndrn. j
Jewcloro- muM aara* aonia Iu for a
larva amount of attaDikm, and ooSonJy
piayar Inn*., ctomm. rxmrlaa. ata.. for
tba davont, but ailTar. irttlro. •ucii ae
vteva booL*. aovatepa oi«iara pin
Itay. tomtotumaroa purma. aljpiraita
aaaaa ate., for tba noro a-orldly arc
> Ibe fIfU
Tbow irbo i
«»‘l* '• tbr «-*t
TIm* rtok «b1 .lnti*« In tbi.
»'«.«• l«-o at^Prapld
of lu.ililcai rl«hu. Mala*
>'n*f N-cm a.Imm.xl l«*fort tboy wara
'’“•Ir- The Slowntia o-tutiorial Invnu
tlvailon to a
Tba c-ountry at toik^.
Innp- bu*
li.iK dptek
too tuan.v IpMirani
vnt. If tbr wjirk Wrr>- to U- donr ot ar
avaiu, BU nlui-alikMiaT ■iiialltIvatloD
wuiik] umlouMk-dl.v to- tn>i>utH-d. I.aaa
liupir could to- kUowu iij ailltiB Iba
uut n-ad> for *Ultliikxl
and In Itrinviiiv to ilir iHilla vuirrc
ribhouk. baodkercblara viovea, ate.;
uiiaMr to read and wrlir. a* arc nine
and watot bav» and oibar paraona)
Tbr |>any. Iba |ui|u-n> and ibi- pubikfcHckhnarka
One of tba many axqatolialy bond turn o|>|*wr«t to our urw ar<|Utoitl»IU
Uttia book* frblciipnbltobars briny oat niid tbr anurxaii<ui uf dapandroidn
for tba cracoti to n vracrful rift |>ro- bavr wlard on tin- Iterto Itkau tariff to
vhled ona undarntaudi im*!I tba taita* try, to Irad tbr bum*- into pn-mainra
iii<x>i-|*>niilon. Tbry hair falW, Thr
■ :irtff wa* only a pr<-irxi. Tba orada
of I'urio Itiro wm- a man- Klintn. Tba
»t aprina
upiHinuiilty n-bicb ItoTba Um IkmIIcc abown. la btenae
prt-tm-ul iiulU'y uf i-X|HiD*lou naiv
form, to maila of riaaa allk. wltb capeIc diwnilll lUlt polk'} li} Iradlug
tot and nroro of tba *nie daborajaly •
and ai-tloD whk-b
Cuiibl lui-ur]MiRitc ISirlu llxxi In tbe
l ulou to-futv rllbrr tlip trrrllory or tbe
pulailun iras rrady for ibto nap.
pa|* r wlil -li <k|>|»niHl axpan-t
rlou ba* to^R) urgrd frrr iiada. Tlia <
|iU|*-rK llkr Tto- txilgrr. nbirb wrtv a ^
yi-kir ti:« proii-ktiUK ajmlunt aonrxailon. .
luiv- iMC- Imi-u luudly urgliig Uiat as-1'
nrxaihui tbould to- cui-n-atk-d by Incur- i
IMfnllou. Tailing tu prerrnt npurxa- '
tloij, liny MnP-d lm*>r|M<raUnu in order
to diM-mIti tiH- rarlirr ntrj. c bk-b they
liad o|>pnM*l. Un-ry ■upporirr of ex|u>ii»lon tun. nuppurUHl tbr lS>nu tlirau
uriff. Tbaiv iK-vcr »a» a rhwriT attriiipl of. tbr rbrmir* iif a gli>-» t>olky
Iu rulu it* c-xn-utlun by *u|>ponliig au
uuivloe oobrar rmalu tu aitd In dl«aa-
pboaa witv to oVd to coODart wltb iba I
•AcM la thto rliy. In man.v iniianraa. I
wbera tba poet* bara rotiad. h;u arc- I
•MBfT to paint Iba wire and pooTtrltb
nUiar paint. to Inanlaia tba wire,
Mick I. r.lrl7 aUtfuioiT .pel pm.
tba llw lb *bapa to ba ttaed a* .well Is
mat wacthor ai at any other time.
Inventor •'rpaal* to put in a new- I
ly tevaotad
of slaaa totulator I
erMch to very ebaap and tba only ona i
orbicb ba* aver l>aan found Otai can
Re a»rd on a fanro wire line.
Ob tba line wayoo road* are (Toaaad
RT tiaias and ratirnad* *li tlinca.~ .M ,
tbwe aroaslDir* tba tloa to ritbar tar- i
rlad Ibronyh a ga* pipe conduit, wltb i
(Mulaiad wire, or by biiltdlby brldf^
WRIefa to dona by luarely naillnv a !
flwe of tlmbar IK fart tenv to Iba Ian .
SiRtl|aj*t and atlnidinz parpmdlni- {
laily bleb ruouyl) to allow rtoataace
fartraOr. In tb
•y It tbe liMulator «hu l> u nimtlonad
•bora naefnt. It to «iniply pni up and
^ttarbad. baring no errac plan and ;
Rai;lBC parfert. Imutotlun. A graak
_ .
r of bnlkUnics arr alto ewaand
m tRc Rar. aad In racb tnntanra wb«ee
iBmIttIrn I* nrertnary tba Daw gtoM
>RiBl»tor I* nand.
TRc wbola line of 15 mllaa watRaDt
ai a coat not to rxctN'il (100. and tbr
«atSi for
tetiarT call ata ao.i* not orar «ia *«trt»ad and rellcrad by a ahamiaalte
and rollar of inilpurr. Tlir dacood
*^I^^L^ wlro ui to ron^^^^
of ZL.fi arronged la
“Ixa. XTaoioxL Tlxei?« is S-trexLgyfcli."
All Kinds Woi'kiDg CloYes and Shop Caps
$12.00 to $20.00
Union Madv” Corduroy Pants.. .$3.00
Rnion Made*' Corduroy Suits.. -$9.00
A. TarfRiy of
Tbi* atlaihirt ban fnlk-d. Tlia boiua
bu* artad nu a* to main iu ivugrrw
full t-outrul of ilu- fuiurr Eorrruuirm
aud ailDilbictratUiu of drpmdmrlet.
Siarioc as ilia iti-iitililh-an luujoniy la.
Iwld. Tbr U>-pulillrau opiwalthill luxmml small.. A t-keir iihijoril.v of
' till- toillM- hn* drtrrtiiiiiril Ibiil a luiv
, tariff shnil mark thr dlii*k>n lirtciH-u
“'••• «>■•' 'I*'’ I’uli.-d Kiatea.
TUU luaiutain* thr prlurt|ilr at *U«ka.
Thr rov.-nur goiw aluvnl.i-r tu furto
20.00.18 00,16.00 16 CO
6 00. 7.00. 8.60. 10 00. 18.00.
it i* H well known fact tint our
Jill- uf Pant* is ni<«t ecnipl-h-.
No umlter wimt iwltern wTihI sizi*.
what eolor. here you fimkjoel -what
you want at prit-ee that are ritht.
Fin. PantaP........................ 3 00. 4 00. 6.00. 6 00
Thm-to no dnuerr ,.f ovrr-
‘ d. Iii.i. Till- rt.k in .............
Very nice Panta................. 1.60.800.8.60 8 76
W to*l. against the fanca and circular o«-ar the rolluclng:
Uvn of t.*. ti.ii.-li lia.ir In tba ndi.ito
_____ _
hr .M.
WHtniii.iilto of n»..rnloi->* for mlla- si.,n to jiollil.al rictit* and prlvili-tf.w.
A a1rpb..m rornmnnlatllw
twt Jj..,
locking supportMC ybr it-al b-n- tlia housr .h*4.la.l yas^plr niri:..*l
jjv ,-nb ^,d mounting. v»«har |dain or t.-nl-iy cn* ...n ...u-of ma.>. tnriff n,a
and will ba
a-ab uf
..r avrry
av..rr aonuuimliy
tto- prinrlpl^- nod
to d itrrai astmt. 1 artpar. who do
•M bava Wlpa. Iradloe to tiialr realRaOM are ..ippll.,1 wUb a -mall tak-
tUMttolm- adfvipg a. a batUiat tl.i- naw an.;. xa.r,«pura-1
mn yuroa uf .-bamut* {bm, au,n
iw..-l«ito,l cith )*d'iiaal
^i.^. .uiniu..^ wlilah .even a rttliu nn.1 i*ix\-rr* In thr fnl.m unill
^to ’iVtto
•' r* rxiadyfortlirm.-n.lladrlplito
lacbMata vary «iratl n-l. This llrila nnaliopd by tba addliluu of gem*. Into
coatHvaoca I* *o arronr-l that It ran
.ttrortlva bracelet are introdtioad
Tba, a.t.rcily i>t-waae.
^aftarto-1 m tto- main liorl*>.^ wire at
p.«rU. .
(Tirisilao Hmn-hr-an-iin.-i-Mlng milat. and
aay Point.
................... . * '
t^laa' watrbec aacm about offoally- dar pr».tratk.n. J*rbt* an- to lns lifted.
•MUad to ^•uir In aontari ti'ltb hi* dlvkk-l batwarn tbr Important aad «mw rJiuTelia. metrd. |- « r.-ni« In' cRy nrighiior wltb a greatar . con- aon*plitiou* cliaiaialBa and tbe-tiny vnw-rd and Plata offerlug- nr>' itiurr.
eaaltace.Uian ha hat aver known be- tlmaptorr atUrbad lo a long chain.
-Itel rn ot-rtaln frra trn*- |«ier* anEore. •
l'Du«ual ctmiBgc. •nrb a* ovala. aatimll> darlarlng that Chri-ttotilty
heart -bapac. ate., occur In tba cortUeai llourtohro luoKt In liard ilina- and that
'blta aiw
and yniuw
yailuw ai
dlatnonda Iba inoaat- tto- rellghai at Jc-ns tatt.-n- »o inlaery
r. Bint. Ill il.a I tout.,-ha Aartia-Erl- wnna
f.nil prlvalteo. flowerar. a* tba old
tang: »ay* tlu-ir an- thiv., kind* of pal- IX ^-i*bC inrlalblr.
DM-Elacw tody ienr*rk*>l wIh-o *1*- foiiml that
•on In tol^'fi. •mo‘.o--l!j.'«tlna. that
llouml cat opal* i
\wbk-l, toobtalncl br-iba-'^low
a.h fortbr fasbk.irof
.r-iba*slow a*h
' tbr corol and an Rt- fRtrt wa* a«lr« her faith. “Itonl
■»atlfn:prrl.lltir.atc..aodrmrbonh-€iE. bav W.hH.
«« d 1 aliior- lid dl-o-m-. and fr>e
r farrtn-*\^i TamwHte a« trod.-rv OBt.imlly disngm- wl'b po»
t'arbunk- ox'da 1. alcaya aaally • •“
0|»'I» aa favarite
favorite dealgn.
parity.-Crairol KaU* m. I.i Jonroal
o hr pra«-et m todam. *u>oka.
drpi-ndlng npou the volram to ■
Mapta aoaar BO« «--------------Wat^---------------------------CrepM.
•kr aa-. varir* liaiweaa
•na pf the «m-l
Bolt wliboni aUiTIns uurVx>Dtl of
an« T.ft. Tba variailoni
A ai
or l.n,k«.
aa tba rapidity of tba a*h
•nd tbe quaniity oT attncpbcrtc air »««>
*•"»'« watar naOl ^
Brawalnorlbrlnttf alrWowBuiR. A the-aoft toi«-cuga it teaebad-l. a.
that to exactly what woald bapakrw•etae «b tdlgbi ari.ir |.il»ouiug fron *"•» »*«■
flariltmon and r.rcrr otbar
Mrbnric oxida of loiutoro -moka la. dt " Piongad Into cold watar. tba
; manufactnrine I•■WB, lit
Bar ordinary conditions. *rortely to be
fom a -oft !
Bryan's imllrlr* ha
ipXl. tVbrttoftlra dally taking la
•firriad oonu
out tu tlii- ndnitatotroHou «f tbr
M Um «mU
rntmi. ,km.«k
m ™rko.k. ..kH r™"""„„k,n.l m,,-™,..-...
r-.™ ot m»k-
BBBBOI aat op a ebrooto tnjotr la t
Mn to be aettled.
n» mmv In. I-T*-l..|kl.T
Boaton Oooklng Bf^
„ ,„m^„,j._Trewoo tJaaett
Arc ttetticif the i.-BrciD leader,
ship filK’UKer than ever b>*f>>r<
tbisM-naoo. Sach eirifBUtsuito for
nipb al
B8 onra arc not tu be Cuand uutahk- this xtotv—
well, perbapa at some lu-r.-LHni lailora. but tli •>•
ebarve you more tliau ilouhl,-.
Other Knit* «t
'yrwalrr r*.a»oa*,
not poBsible <*l«ewbere. and all is new at this atoM
— We bava so old stcck to work off'
E"T'=.,!r.irr =i«;,=vHS ;~£;S
W m\rl^L^^ frncr7rd ' *”
•‘Union Made" Barber Coats JOC lO (.25
"Union Madf” Bartender Coat? 75C, i.25
Men’s and Boy’s Summer Suits
«ropt for a fac toll IX ebrn a r-iH ,
Working Pants, double lined seat,
nsat patterns at....................... $l 00
Working Pants, very best kind, at $i.60
Overalls at.............. ............... 48c and 60o
Jackets at............ .................
“Union Made"Hats.all kinds. .$1, gi, $3
“Union Made" Working Shirts...........60c
"Union Msde' Carpenters Aprons___26c
"Union Made” Bar Aprons, also......... 26c
Splendid hue of well maileJiuxiiieM Pants
Rnwn* fluids Handa»me lwo.piceeuita(orbi'V*. <>to n>. double brea«t^ cnaU. kn. e
3 50 4 00. 4 60. 6.otf 800, 700. Boya'
Tjonc Pant Soita. aizes 14 to Ih, all stylish patterns, most of them have dooble hreacted ves k,
6 00 to 18 60.
Pants Kmn Pauto
50c -S fi
r- - -
At title we are eellinj; all wool
Knee pants «ith ta]*-4l ttraios
aud double aeato - very prett;
|xiU ma.' LoovrButa.pnlrivht
and 8<-«ieil
fruni 1.00 to
3 60
.All kiiida'uf good work,
inu PaiiU at 60c. 66c 76c, 1.00.
It Itfijs Piys to Tnie it Bn&u.
ThRBR oom* with
rnaej flak
“'Enpliab, German. Bohemian
and Polish spoken bare."
W tb FMcy Silk
m Frait St.
A V.Frieilricb BU.
THB MORSIKG incohro. SPKDAY. APRH, 8, 1-mo
«»e CMlb Weotee te Reallae the Pet
it •( Wee* TtaCe.
Tbe Ne* York TUnei lo aa ed:tArtal
pkbOebrd a ebvn Uan- oinre aekt per-
It wn only wbtc writioc waa atada
Sprca4el.k< VUdtre.
Wb« thisrn are "ibe bMl" (bay brcono "tbe beet aeilbic.- Abrmhaa
Bare, a laadler dragf Ut. of BeUrrtUe
O. wrttre: ‘-Blecirtc BtUcra ore tbe
tart siller biti«r> 1 hare bosclcd iaoyicr* Tonknowwbyy Mict dltoec- a brris in dasd. n of etnmar
llTcr. kanry*. h.vrlo. Wood an
IS- B.eeude aiiton too#, as IP
oacb, terolsu
■tB* ii-w,, BioaeT.
kidaeyt H
bo»<el«. pBrlfl.»t]
tbr blood, oumetbci
the nrreea.
berra caret saltiiodce ■
maiadl.-a It balAa mp tha aoU>
eyai..to. Pou new life and vigor Int
ary -eak, aldUy,- raa de«a men o
Price »0e. Sold by d B
Wai aT-d is G. Jobrenc, crairriaia.
a Cessrat h> Ket . 1. U
•"*^ e™
la Uwre any luirUiindit tucaufartarer. —
-------- ■ . ~ ria.'U.•
recry „4
“W e~-,
nrrabaoi. lalbnwl menaser «r uan of
*® “»«» •»><*
from Ula kAs day't trard. aiu ttowo
7« ba cao dluretr la tbr pree-.
to rtwt apon tbe curb of tbr blaUuic
of tbe MtTatiiir tVno-1
wcU of Jacob. A poor, deended. elsTim pliable wrtttcaebeMtMy be eltber
‘TnvtflBS W(Tlam1 fnan BmaU B«-' CTSin any prntnlne wbaieier of. ln-wu( I rollrd at foidid. each oivino tIm t^ a
w water. Tboujrti beloncImi totei IajIb Olii<o<^'‘aud •loarict tonbreoiHliT',
» dfOpisd by.Hw own proTb«: •■ddorial rh«e« with:
IvMitlj vrccrtixl Irum MstlifTit C«Urniered Into cooverealleo
-ovx )u«ni9A*(arw liOiOUTo*
I* never to have braid
and ao dtn-ctrd It that Be
««l7naftA Of ttM tuiatlfnUaDd BBd a party ib
vster armny aIobc tt>* rooie
oar (bat It ha<:
to fass. any amWiioM jto ,acrrinra«a(nvstoall tbaccat. Thi«
rvo^xatsrwpartiralarlrimform of bindiiiK in no denbt tbe t
ynMdBK Oi»«itoflbi»*w«tJTf«ir
Ins tb# •ominft of tb* euMt mooBtelM. wtcti l^tA BtKhmn. If nils,
hs*, dw4«a4 CD tb« Mf aid ricM of
MaIb «t««. dw WAoda boftnA wd th« bl-M Psifle.
■‘TlM MiooDdwM lb«riT«T Umtwa
l<vded khorUf bef«e AfffvbiK •* !<(■
OUra. U ww •
WMSKS tB C^JlfORiiA. tHU> • VMo,
dsy bad, jKrfrctij Atj. axr«pt vber* »
dNT imJ»Mna» Tiffitt ittvor Aluni
•k marram cbMWl Umncb sod sid
^•nl. wlBdliw md edi^uf muHl bon
«ad boirldan. A su idgbt l«^>o«os
H is nuTplMS. and tbayrsw did not
BMriy lo Un wb«el baba m Um
miMf rolltal (brooffc It
"At Lon OllTW. vhich ara nocM M
I o'clock p. a., oue td tbe dUbs aarrod
at oor tawUeot aapps «m tixMst.
eaofbt. W we leaned, fa tbo pretty,
clear Btnaun we bad cnsod. ThatdcCrrBisedw *n atay nrer a da^ at tba antSca to try tba flahltui. We got oat mr
tackle and bad a day of Rnwt apart. To
tmab Uw woicrwe hod to Hot down the
OlMp river buka and follow (be Arj U^d
tbroogb wbkb Uie llule atreMO aiwurad
to pitdE i|a w^. Tbe troot we caa^bt
pewaL Snails ooeawe pollncdc In the
;8iuiUMlar0eBbp-Xittk TsTsm.
papere. hod beton to rwteb a cflnunerin« of eeoBonile llcbt end at laei to ae*
thai tbe pulley of Ktvlns iircrtHCtlon lo i
.Vniitirau <ndnetrW<.ln the t«ylifr poll-
Wt rkofart t-ae Jaat been Utaed In
Mew To b ai aa oet^ay rf over $100.^ 000. fdr «t:ic.* tbe pabHthera dealra a
masort r In tfak s.aat>y. alao a good
I ibe right party
o- r„r lb. ™.b,iT, 1-bfbm.n.i.lr .hi.
___ p-par, illnminaied corera and
mnr be. .the oueetioo anked by
tvk^ bowew t—HU lUtber. From all eternity h woa Wad -r<: over too golden llUee In ib.
Tlmen In rooelodlti* IW .-ditoflalU one (arimtired to heaven that Cbri« ahooM sort coo bindiDgv; aetrly 100 golden
h... I~. .rtibl '*?
h. >h. —M u. ol.. Ulmo.. ,o roes Id U« ctoib blsdlcga. dclU at
fur ream. Tbere In no reawm la tbithe wboU worid tbrourh IIU life and •igb ; p-eM*« ranninr day end night
aonth arolnyaoUdlyfsfree tiaae. It
draib. The tme mlsloiiary or aottl aor<atUl -eiale. CbrU gt sen and
....-inf fortane. taking sdera
laontBo^lmnlnessns. .VndUwlli
otoner at nome
borne or
..r auraeo
abmad neeti.
need. lo
oot p. nui fotvver.
^ fi-el hlraoWf niU-d of God. Uovt-for '
^ . roswom. One ebrUOan w^
forever. Alrrody there are
w. h,-..,. a«.
b«aB to paw the sTooud and bellow onphssatly osd fullowcd tbeau duiKn•*r«ttaB»ap liy rtia^iiip open oor paity.
( op rfsn By fiabltiR at thta
A I MW (bat it wka Ibe red plaid
■bawl of OM of tbe ladls that bod ei.
olted tfao astmal'a buetility CalliuK to
bar to throw down the ebawi and tar
(ben all to ran. 1 threw aions at tbr
ball to dirart faU altruliao. while tbe
otber gwUetixti of tbe party helped
tben sp tbe Meep bank, wbore tbe boll
eoold not follow. ‘Tlie Imll etnpped at
tbo ahawl, tuMk-d it abuci iu an nuly
nntxir. and then, inniinK bin anoulKm
aanying my rad, wlib tbe Hih<
laadcr flyluK bnh«»d. bat jnet a* t at
tbe (op of (be benk I felt a awtdua joik
at (be rod’a tip and taming aaw tbal
CM of icy fly bouki bad iwuicbt tbe boll
d I literally pUyud that boll wUb a
ea yoa probably know, la to:r|nt«ltely
Ire lo
pain, and with my atrsic,
■ OapIbcSnc
atfntr Icsis at (be rod «rf a
kosdrrdtert .if hrai<b<d atik 1 menaced
to ho
inwae whenever ba Irird to
bnak away, cud toltKTeaeetb" niyntvy
thne won all tlw lime daovliiif end
cwileblac bnfree bin eyie abia. bri|(bt
tad boMflytbnt 1 bad Mt ou my Isdet
m sn erpprtiaent in mmt flnhinc. H«
VOoldMriko cl itwlitobU Ihcim. and
biarapeat nndinit Ite ooBidn’t bit It,
■Bd that it rsnio bm K aifaliii ererr liiiie.
■ vac conical to wHBCS—ftm^a plaou of
aefety, of ooarac.
"Prom time to Mom tbe bell wonid
ebarce npiai tbe ahawl and Ua<n tbat
Cboet, and tlrm 1 bad to « sk (be rwl
ud tip f<ir all Iber wetk> Wurth to aare
all my sekir from ipmbi: by tbe inetd.
■ At law, turuN of tlirae farionnrbartet,
ae belirhd tji.>*)u>wl to hla tewnn I fell
coostbiiiii Kirr aeay. and M Itae oaine
nanmt il». nhawl went np into tbe air.
Tbe buA lied
from libitradril.
•Dd two of lb hookn .*1 the kwder
wse fad IU the nhaaL 1 druppm the
tod and pclh-d llm- w.d nh.,»| lo. band
» hamL lik- a fsi*- t'lid ________
' kaalingprdbwL Th. Ut.l tti.iu'itaiBlile
to (bo Bitosinai aniti I hwi gut tba
^wl Bearly It tbe liaak. amt
coBw lur It. hot It WAS t< o I11U-. i wblppad tb# sbawl np O.i
wn wna
Moding Just ns hh bi-ad buriawl tbe
.. It cb-WB a sboW'T «# MTlb.
*^7m> shawl rarried a g-.d divkl cf
aonlaMl badmawebuto* tolL*bnt ttan
waa t» dispw-itiuu to ruuiplAUi ua tb*
yoft of it. (iwiMW. \Vi- ibunglil w.- bad
coongb flsbing for <nu- day. ;u-d Inavltig
' aar«0ianydi>wii to tb-r’v;-r Ind pawing
ii.g III.
•wwoffrat Ibauktnllylfur uit> buteL'*~Maw Teak 81B.
Jobs WUbalffi. Msnsger.
Sew York Edinoe ExtaibittOB nd
lypec^ljr Cx&panj. '
AprU 8 Bttd'ia
Doal fall to bear tba e
stlea «t the Mih eantarr.
EfisM Graiil CoKtrt hlpilitiN
' kind ofa
b, .h. «»,».
, ".7i^.
^ Chri.tian.
" .
Oome and *oe tb^Mt
..... .
js; H'T^TS:'L,'::,zzz:ri
...m™,.... s,r,r:‘r';s.ss:h^«^
Mowing Pictures,
indadiDg the great
Boll Fight, and a trip t»
tbe Ktondibis.
r' ^
lead to a permaaeot |
wort “volonia " oniglnally a thing that
have grown to too great proporilone Air ia rolled or woond op-^L a, a roll—U The beatben world In It* alamineaa j
Ibe nuutb in Bm-rlllfv tbem^tu n [Arty now applied indiKTimiaatcIy to lu aab- and degradtwlon I* not lovable. Man jaltai f^tir large corrspowlcas, which
ar*enti to right a'- y. or hose
tniilliitai. Tbe i|hy .a lHti n poll^ of -■Mtola. tbe book of folded abeeto.
.. ,
L-k of our elfon* mimt be the Inept- I Add’i-w. B A Kbermar. 1$ Beat F.'
out and out free tsde ean rwiry •
TbefoWed'nbeel. or eection, aa it U
h eir.et. beiwean Braad»ay A
.tl.,1 i. Whnn,t h> .Irani* Mwino rw (■■'<
Popular''Piices of idmissioi.
Moealra charge (or raeerved sat*
all to i
Tbe day mar uo, tw far dlwan, ,rhen ™
^' be
( ill to go to tbv
fnivlgn OoM. >»"
bat aD to bnvc cotae part
wr nlmll aualn have a "-olhl w>.;tb,
.^-h of tho« to ''wlF"
IsllM. -VeBaaBj6ffipenlt.tnapUtt
I In the w«>rk of suding ibe guepel to
»nit ll will bi'B wxitli •Wi.ll.r fortlieproI—._ji.----------— —.iiirg uvery
terOon ^ .Vn.ert-en luierew. ibrongfc
* otherwlw,
.»r VoraUh
> pnK.itlre urig Uw.
2. riirtS. a* a ml«nl»Mrr. bad tbr
faeteoed thiy may yet bo free lo open
ind to ahnt kt pleortre at tbe froot or
’•fore edga.”
at Hm-well. In ililrniiuK for waTbe invenllon of fbefoldedebertthtu
Tbe eonl of
II In Well tm Keen la tflaC Ike ,
u,.ln.a.U«. ol „o4.n.
In lobglng for
rem«^ equals \VaBSI:b'« WUITE
blndlns. .hl.h, in il. —Kin U th. •«•«>“ .i» "“.'J »'
God. Men are ei-yii'g «>ut for ibe Uving
r Ibmton tbink* mlo. .1 ini Unk 5Mb. (olH«i
.n OP
.. '^AB
ovKi P lor tbi* Wrri'i«l1 fatal dlM-aKC.
one. If tekea thoi^
.If iliu. to ulk at MU} b-tiibb „hidi totp-tht. oonMitol. lb. lutdnl
‘b tl.. .ir..rt.
_l_... I._..t...__
/ iJr and in Umo. iiit w ill cure a oao<'
tbe'laIwwIiik down «■> Hie ereaiiirr
_ -- .
«I.A 4-ra.af.i
- U k- OL'ugh that lol114 buuro, aad (oll tbe workt
• ••* to give
(bsi everj-Unly U liuny uiskliig mom-y —Fortnightly Heview.
nian«hlp ef tbelr nwii
lagbeand uw.
at evi-ryiblug. Time* mnibl iioi U- bet-------------------------‘ 't nei-d tHirl.n to <ju<*n<-b |hU tlilnd; tbej
(Vnaliily lbi> have ui-ver been
I m-ed C'brint to «bow them wbai and Lnsch eiothi
beiiif iu my
A bcantifnl new line of Inecb cloth*
- InaMsege WoreksM and lUoi: they lieeil Christ lo give them tbe
and aofa plUowa at tbe Temple
Prrbapn Htiien euuld u»l In' tn-Her.
»U8 *f
41 In im.lu0l4inlly liue Hinl Hiey never
Cortoas r
aal«T of rtemul life. Tbin nia*t lie
bkvi- Innii tieiter. Hot tbej wrtaiuly ' "I go* my fnruilare ni of storaga <>ur tnemwce i« a *tn i iiribed and dying
Kew Yorker. worM. fbllo-opliy. plillatnhrapy. bubare Invu a griai-iirfll w«me. ami they •!"> «»«»
........... m wli.v It In nut
1 tbonght we would manlur
(.an U again.
IA inik aimui
nwpm’h tbe cbiua
cbiii* and brio-a-brao our- ipj- „f beatbenduui
a wnnie of time ia
Unsluen* nwpm’k
and the pr..«vi. pr.mp.T.m> eondiibma. ••I’f-N “rtead of payiug 60 cenu an do lu
We tii-eif It. talk dlnuit Hh-mi t-iiiiUBli ii*" *•»*’ ■*<»»«• »vu to do IkTbe
s. CbriNt. as a mlmlnnary. wt* eno End if They arc Olaccacd Use the
ki-ep Ht-mvl) hi ..iir mlndn ami lu Hw
parkwl in five barrel^
i-onsfiil. He 'had usuy dlfflt ulHee to
World's Qrestest Kidocy Cure
oillMl-»f nil Hu- rtKl Ilf Hu- Iieikide Hi.- wbk*. we nottoert; Was iigbter than weri-time. Tbi-r« were laW-dllBrnlHe*.
fB'-U whleli liavi- 'b-il up Ki Hk-presrut
rellgiiui»pr.-Joille»aaod*o<Halob*talndu*trljil*lti«H.ui Mill Hi.-lauoe from
'Wben web.«aii to unpack that coe. eU-, .uch as will In- found to every
Wlil<-li iwesetit pi-.M.|N-rity ban n-nnlUHl. Wo euuclndud that It munt oaitaiu oor minnlon Held. Hm CbriM overratne
In IMfj Ibe |«-u|iJe of Hh- .-ountry
■rtirle. of vertn. for we ,j,eni all will, ihe simi.b- g.-'pcl "t
were e*. .•n(rra*««l In tbi-lr |ir.'m|«TltT flr"t came aotsia layer of qioelsiur and nii„.a.|fantheM.-nslabtndihewal.v
thai ibi-j f.wipn ... tvim-mimr Him iltn'l ep« paper a foot in thlckn^c. Below pfur,.. Tbttab>pta.veraods..lf.leuyacys. You seed net eoovalt a doctor,
ty hail mil dnipjkml ULe nsnna thU ws auoibcr layer, equally thick, lug -effort all dimruUle* In mlnab.n by asking yuurscif itarcr qaeattoni yon
fnftii U4WV.-H. Hsi ii ba.l not In-en nwhen w.- iirt half uupacked the *„rL t.nJa.v moj Iv oi ereome and tbe
' •
- -yow
crivml from an •mdUv-rtiliig l*t..vu
and found nothing but aioebdor world won lo iTirlst.
kidney*_______ ____
deor-i-wiibom Hti-pmilng forth of any
Wf*" «»«'»»« what to
vita raavrB wofnao.
Pirat: "Haveyoe backache or weak,
lomt bock' "
effort or the etitvlsi' of any intelll
Swond; *•1)0 you have dificalty Id
gi-uiv on ihi- iwn Ilf ilu- iNiiiik- them
or a too fnqnent dniic to
■elr.-e. and
Ibej vole.1 for I'ievi-land
irse .-onrlnd.-d that onr
,,u,H-rs on
ami fre.- inule. niid tlii-> gut t*li-vi-taiu< liig. Werf
Third: "Ai* ibei* depnaiu lihe brtch
and frer trade an.l with Hieiii blb nii— tblngsbad been atolfui and
Ghrlsfs i.adlug ihara.-u-rtsilia a* a dust ll ibe urine atlcr it bat auiod lor
and wani and ■■■M-rtv. Wi- aluii'i wart
I tweoty-1 Drrtioartl'
to n-i-al Ibnl riitsiake. and oo p<-rba|w
In lU early *iBitca hidney di*e«*« io
,1 by a lew buaet ol l)r.
ll I* Just ns Melt i.i talk a.tllHe alsiiit
e> -Lurt
piiIIa a prrparapreMtii ImsIiM-sa enudilliilis and trtv*>-at
Id to b1» Chow’
auBir-w. tamtak.
iiaa Blade Dr,. Chase Utnoat
pruaisTlty. ,n-uM-Bil»tluc always , tiie
• i. d ; ver IC" for
t When the or*-. ‘■‘•“•'P***
"Aawo uilaied tKdhingw
tbrougliout tbe wnrbl for bio wonderfai
aonree fr.ui? wbk-h our pnuqM-iilr
IMA: IlLAltlRUk.
cuica vl di-ut-w of Ihe kidney*.
pr harruU bod b
rauii-st. Tlien Wli<« eieetton day c
II. jl-ll‘;
T; Xab. I. 1
Mr. l*ai*b Uoslgold, painter, WaterrodKuled
aruniid wv will n-inemln-r to vut
Mvill. 1K-2U: lAike gv. . town, N. V., wriiet: "I have bod a
t.ey. amfluallyrerntMiheitdihatwlien
lb.* jiroti-i-Hv.- |s>lti-v. “fivrtn w1
rat .B. up
n„ bunai
*—ra * ' ' *miU 111. I lb: »vl. s-lu: Hom. s. ' very bad ca*e ol kidney *fl-cuoo lor .
we gave
keapiug. I,
eomeih our Ih'I|> ~
H. 16: 1 P.-«.
•JI-S6: I John II. L
' Hide Hue. ind d.Ktorvd in v.ita until i »on tiekeU
ag>y Ihice was a l<it of rsoohl.r icftot'cr
Ur. A. ». Cb*w-i Kidcev-Uver Filb I
Ilev. xgtL 17.
were brougni ic my notice, and they 1-p>,o„„ n
It la GwwC *A •* WtBWIrriArC.
nia Is (WmBaB.
I hate romplvielr cored me. 1 cenLut **)
Here la a 1.11 of fudgi- fraip Hu- .\l- flt of econneny abe poked it all ia a nTim Egamim r say* tliat tbeiv I* «0'7i(h ‘b P««**
Utrir WBodwInl |
bany .knnis: ‘Tbe inunaii-r mind iluii twrUnuns tiorT<^;.prblabwas da’y bmltid
■-(dmsl U-lii-.i.b-nt asslAmaiiiUi' triiri np and carted lo tbe bow! wbvn we iu«-h of ■ilggi-sllvcueas lii Ibis story
its idklll In pbmM- making agalu lu tbr- apent Ibe winter. It was stured iti tbe tbut^.Y. Ktslker of .ansg,.w r.^Hy
gBTwt wUb.101 h-iug wipaokArt. and In
iH-w tIHe Ilf till- Poric mean tariff bllL
Hewassis-Bkltig..riilaeartycx- ^,bj,,.rtert confldeuea l^l wb*t bat
tbaiqirtDgwasaent (u Gie atarage wara- p.-rti-ui'vs as B
Hot 'n Mil tu pl.ivlib- leuiisirarj n-vtitosivr:
I proved an shAoloic cnr* io ae tnaay
"In lUiiborli." iH-'lsId.
wllb tboukattd* of esses will not 1*11 von.
lio'lxld. "I staid with
oil wot*
wot* at
at tlrbvsi paMible (T»4c Fts* red
nue fur Pilrtii Klr-u' will sir n»
■w. »n.(lll,«ly h...
..1 bjIj „ „,j
So long ■« tbe re: Is of Ibe kblBCy* arc I
oo I'orlii Kli-ii's empty sivuiai-li aud Iw
' a-prrtsliy
for tbe
:«l1 swa*.
*«a». a* Id tbe I
th. . ™u.B.p,ik,u. INa.. I,..a
nil iiKiiv aaHsfa<-ii>r.v‘tn Hi<- .\iiierl<-ao
"..ssMi: irf I
F'* Office ttarkhans Rinck
.U-r Ills iiaim-. but It
. ol bngbl t ■diic*»el
tM-uae of Jnsiic’ Hian il w.Nibl Ih- were
dlffinwnt occB.ioaa—fratn tbe bonae to bas .-siajuHl m.-. I rvui.-uils r p.Tf«l1y
-Liver Pills will giv*
il.e Hill- truly -iBlisl. us a bill to Hlug Ibe hotel, from tbii hotel.to Hie etoraga
bis ap,a grand old l.lsliton'f'
h-Tlk iiarl of Hu- «i-rrti..iy ..r Hh- l iiitg.heaUliy
*ad active. One
warrhonse and from Hm'warabooau to i-r. reall;
cl Stairs." .\imiiisi ilil« silly i-haltrr
lly a n-ii.:irkiiMs
itirkiiMs lo-.klrg
lo-klrg tuuu.
-nmn. .ttinat:
, doae'; *5?
»sr s• hni. at all dealer.,
wto-rawe bow live!”—New York Son.
I Hiitik- 1 still Iiav.-n |iM-t..Krai,u which <. W. CnsaeMedictneCo.. Bi;flala, N V
we iia«.' iM- (ml Hun >ma>ey luu-i be
be gave liK- of iiliinw-ir iltai lay. I wna
•ibtiiliiisl III -Millie way fur (M.Ung ibv
pnwt-blDg (if sin. n:id mi ibe wa.v borne
.-Ma-.iiiu-s uf so.'.-nilii: iiDd Impraviog
tb- old1 funui-i
was tau:; ll all over
IVirt.i nira and ihe fnniisr fat-i tlui*
nudoiii tmiis.- diiibsi f’lmisli Hh- en*l.-si takfl* place ns iu (b- ruil-d Hlabn. EaI will asvr you tbe cost
ami li-asi .ippravshe lAi'liiiHl of mis.ua pw-taliv la tb
pair, and ai least a I’-ird • f '
n-ven»e. SHlI fnrtlier. J'utin l(lis< i* Winrd F.<Uh
It is said, luaile bis find
eri, V
v-rk. fbi-nifthe
lu gnwt
rn-Bi Im-k if sbisb<- Is tl.
ti< Il»- l.mgl-yl>mgl<-.v.
f’”b.-a-;«- 111. word ba*
m. ANDREW 8. I
J;*i lai.'i r,gbl. dn the right ihiug.
li.HlTlH-nili.s!t»tiH.-.ba.l-.-nl)iiig. "
^ ^ 1 ! .1’. x? j
„ bissime «. .Munuon H.at Hh- H.lug no r-.;;,,, *f B^rau. „* nra,,
. <w> I
.-bring tbra, buck
»p,I.Hb«. rnsissS 1 •
V-ylBsl an-l lui. Hi.-rvt.y iw.-u ma^
of H
pb-mw m.r
notr i-i-i-raus Ilian ev.-r ls-r..rv-.in,., .i.i,*
do ynu km.tv, ttoil Mii-k tu
It Im*
ill—hi-st-r m-iiiis-n ami r'hrani.-li-.
Bnip&edag CeffN-Uttl* T&Ttn.
} Cm U Srippfl in 24 Hem.
loBcbaon. and thry armnpanlwl n> in
tbe aftmooo'a floblng. Toward ui^t,
wbec wa bad worked well ap toward
Gin DPfiRi HOliSB
..... ..........” S' ?5i*T 5!5«
©nn® (
Oa d/f^sccssAKY.
KffP fOI'U
ss:=sis r~-2“
trrange for yoor
Give Me
Your Shoes
.1.o«.M,B,wi,i*v«.hB I,'„'rI'”’,
n Us SDOural MWrlns is
SMfVSrtcinr. &* CM I. rai>r.liT naSiHl {
Wberr (as Will ff'lBg Mlos.
-«n4.»H.-s lg |s-r —III
TWs ioi-n-ase-w III aiT«-t Hh- im.Biiily
pay r.r rt.iWMora at aiioi-and or r..tA*‘
-.... _____ _ .mn tu tw pot f« vrurtt
rni tb- m-w ....ke (tnrk* Iielttg cooslrtim..I ill l B>.iii-.-.miii*. I*a.
ihHed to
Hti-h (ii-u. n> tills Is iviii-iilaleil
r;lv- tfai- iw'iniiilty
aiuldsbl|«.1mi yiai w fUrilud titln
ly grlDtog Ills (n-tli <ai Ho- sdrm-i-eart
tier, with Ms luiuds In Ids |un-ki-Uk
walling for smiteHilne in fnni np wblt"
Hh- n»4i wJhi bareMsn*^'-.<t
ilirnitgli Hieir.. uiflirwry in wrurfug •
eoBipHenry. fn-tHiHi Gnsetto. '
«k* CrtoMsa ritto.
Oba of (be must ctwspietmo* iatifl■Btfca. or, Tatlii«, auuwiMrks, in tba
Wbotoof tbearelir ngfmisU tbe tad
L by (bptoln Jcbii Ktsa 18 tba
ywr thlK. rarqifla* andmilsstbatiills
Tbr greiJl |cnra|MTlty ot the n*at^
■a aufwwl with soow that is as rud M
I* relb—tid
id Ip tts. clfl* ta e
rvlialiias amt
inaHuHbia* to
Tbesr dnii^rieaa lo the Cnibd
tl tab fatooH anilo expodi
to m*.7(WJCd as rnsw
ieoptoally anwlnad dtaa
l«Hla M« npwto tba aoloc ,«^.l vriti. a tmnl f..r ima. mr rrurfft
•00. mfflAIlM to HOT and abam dw
-IU.- dgittv- to lW#.-inaiad.djibis
atowHnqnancr Ilf nn im-b away aimther
^rt-l«-. and ihi^ be ounn.-rtc-d
■ u-’»uis(-siH»ov
b-db vrttb tbe cnm-nL Tb"couwqnetw*
»■* »"■*
rna- h m
*1!* *S
** s
. ... .®‘"
one pole tor pleor trf foil} aud
Tfce •(**« MfcHv Ptowa,
,y |
ib the most
Hk-ly plaiv for llie
ilie Und lo
to rowt
meet with
• “‘'"“U (m-fiv lb- tKiUse of pray- ___ ______
•f“ »•*
P<'W‘ iilnB (hat the word
i,„, „u, ,
iE “r
.hould e.,nj.llv^.lnrtre H- rmillug
(be tk-rtp.mv-rfer I toW.r ,-u-e .
,ra.k«*.s.-,..sHH-),raH i^.,*>
---- •»<*
A CUvk ta a '
pool nf Retl—Nla, I at
Tbelfr I* now being athlUtcd
In tb* H* pdivbea. ami wbo
wtodaw of tba ab<ff>
ib<ff> cf Mr. Kapo. tb*
iU stir the pod of tbr wonl.
angd' «iU
watebmakar, a eluek Ibe works ctf wbirb
while I He betpbasly by tbr sU>-cf 1L
•r.-in tbe Indde nf ou carUnary clear
glass wine bdtl-. tbe dial plate being
IdrwsUig. -Hpurgen
»e works ware Uiirodsoed into tba
N«lr U tba Hfftonry a» flrw gtoaor.
Pveo wbm it U awwrtal- *
P*«* *» ’'dder ttuui
hcMIv. tbe wcodw tbenI orvow
CPi ow to H»
toUtff aa to bow tba p^ .rf aneb da I
oateutocbtowywewUMtalBpnitogBtbar«-Pwu*r**» Aqooy.
>«> *«'^**-
»„ do hi. duty witboat liriu aHbw
apnrwd or abamid by tb. iwcoto.AnwrttwB Friuod.
Wevrillfami*hfawllle*.ibb*n*<OvuaBdpaf•fOgerator. for'11 00 a mootbHOPKINS BBOfi.
birr bad my bbiUlne
;pnt Iio goew
ffhniit and ;pqt
____ „
•bapr aad"l am DO
now nwdjr
lo receiw •11
" old
• • patroDi.
- »•„ (PA. ova,,..
who tiao*|wtanify
trausiwtentlv and
aud ivinsiautly
ivmsianilr trkw
- .-or.y uj talk *( »t W,
large aapply pn. an for '
CSSvyissa CE—Ul.wstiw _ _
Good Line of Jewelry
XTbracaaOnr SUiMT.
SW had hM* iuohrd ap>« tirvflrrj aa bv |
Hr had
ilw aaa hi* •feiu
loac a* bt paid ao altni(l.,B
tlar Mn wa> n
dar.atwaaldwSMttd. Otaar Park pw bbl. MW....
IM Mb ^SLort Oat
"Aai I a<<t a c>od rrraluTo
baypi)' iovrr "ataiiubi"
•kart Oat Pork per *...........
rioar.fi L.ACo.B*t..
hatbVok the spnmo
AD ikM an « wr-ia tW w»r
t>ya.b tW
auitcr vUii
!bn MM
Or bnrl> ani Unb an baM.
•• Vtai m^trn tm Pr.—
MA-Marb Di.«ia«»4 TbUm (
«•«* t* IW ray iPaV SwA
taaa Wl«b Hl«wf Mmi.m.
Orwo« cltMidx mspleW tod taur
aem undLT ira; arv dyiliird fur Rb«ut
ar iba aprUir atajf la tha aoatli.
«,.* lb< </»»• InJ
WtU aaa*. nmv
Ttiat drtm *:l utw
Ts dlaaai n^Hv*
A») tetao I- •r' a-mnwM UHa
’ NUbi *■ »«• >4 n«tk aaaia .
Ibdn Wtm .-uf iM tnr M>r M
tba *r«ai (nAhiar vou>f* Ulr llika jraa/
tbrtr Ja |ILH; to U- a brltM- onwraaltr ibaa aaval for tfaa diapiar of
•adUiu- iHaniptHi. U ihai •cklo cad«Ma Af*n win iMtt Iir1iil«a la ooe of
hrr «nilU>K uoada opoti tbo all IcaporWat oMAcloa.
'Geoffrey's Ward
iMfrlM, win be morr rlahoral# tbaa
Tho “df»-r Ulk>r Md*
Adaalaa Woo
IS,- nii«li(<he^i,a»7ed?^
- A* to hay
It h<- had /i.fc.^1 A*
♦TTuil -hot pdd." .hV»hl.ia-r*d to km
•rtf. '^hr
Tl*r oral daj hi in. i'*^r-w
**t ha%r aoii.nbia« I.. tril f
vhisiwinl. **whtrh 1 «..ald uo( for Iht
World. Milr II ha* mad*, laewi unraar.”
-Yy>u hhrr iMlirr.1 that
*1 On ukn iuoc
walkt F\.-q MKiniiufl
«>U. I dartrd
raand aootbor waj tu *FF «'
wmi. ami. »UI you hri» »r oir. I %aw her
> ■•^ill|r wUb OD uid womaa^ber arah.
' I oui , I
The DFZi (Itar CmSn-j
aba ruafidad hor .fttvI to hiai. hot br na
if ahnicred bn abouhlnn.
“I wirti M-y Ooffnr AH-n-w.1
Th* wfU tnion) w-rtaoi rtpnwod aa
.orprtw ai tb* miur-L iboacb be ear.
taialf did wouder abac aarb a faraln
tnidkel « aaled of hU maaier. ’
-A iodf «o an- >lr. Altenon. ’ he aa-
aoobeed a. be np|K-d at the drawiag
?*.’." a “
w.fb «..-..ffrej
.purvoM-* Itr liie aFUTciit ..f Borolns
wear, for nil i.tl.ei .«xa,loo«. Iiwp|>inc*
• ad fri|i|»-ries .are to tli.- f..n-. Two
UUor Bade kuli* are Ib.-n-torv aliDOM
tldUlM-nanbh- rur.MylUh >ln-M.
tI..^ ..I.jert of her mirth |mi.l m. heed to
io-au> ..t ibe eUn.-r. |»»«ine 1»K. -r-n the Indies. I.qi wa* Mvoiinely lail'.io wamrlnir fa..rs.-lf. oatil klr. 4,e>.f-
lUaRraiirr of iuo>le» li.ai may
eii>o<ia<a1 10 lihiwgii fully Imu
•t Ka»ierilde i»a rtry ilabt sny Kown
with rh-ii aleaa.ratlniis of la<v ami flu-
fap-rly 1
j,,. Ale-rn.* |,w,k it.
la ih.-
.hi i*..4liowii
S •au.iua-r wllf. ..f S|miii*b In.a- ■wllb
Uiliy rlldsui rii--b.-s. tv U- woru over
• enlnr.«l iltk .skirt.
Tti.- *.-.-nti.l out
rrtgv -uis a
ctwo-fiil ur.anaeiia.-ui
whh-l. .mu Is- .•arrkvd a>ui 1u la.v ami
Silk or uuj ..f the i„„iis«.-li...-. ami
tlr,.d v. her sial by t»»e fir. ■i,.| waijbed
h.-rra.l lli.-i-.iuii.iiis.ihr.-i.i.'l..'
“Au.l y.iti are aim t»., r.isr he kaid.
Uklna h. r hand in hi*. -"Weliarti..-my
• ►I’**" f«l«brnll.r futflll y.«ir fa“"T;’ ‘f"**
rou bap-
but will, a M>u|ina> of llila,
I onu sb.M.k
a pIldUK ..f flUit.RU ai.J.llrBli.Ki of EJi-‘ hapd, with Oia in a i.-iy . ■hilly fa.hl.,t..
Mker, tbe wh..h' dawlnra-a H-.-U vf ^be and Hi** IViirvM- t. Ih.w.d tb-' .-tample.
'•m am) mom dbitlaiculalfed onh-r.
lit wa* evident tbe* h.ih .v.t,*M. r.d ber
1 Jbe yery llybl a-hdl. alreeww. ibe |>tle aul^ntrrt..iwr, nn.1 flenBrey’s l.n.w aUrk-
determined ite met,
the eigkr ebonld te>
tbd et lOo stni^t
Po»tDaa.Bar m
MilliOBa •i*aa Away.
Ai.t *.... ....IS..V"
/ ,, ,.
ti'ti*. aod fr-t a free
K iro'arsu-SOeatid 91
•ry hJiile
t arrlred.
O.. .„d
The Ti-.nlfie :•
O. '
wa* t"'l
au a- Im !«•
Sh - eaki••r..reive
M> *i.kn.~* wi.* ^all
all feuu
feuind. . ^Vf>]
..l.l.- In .viiib >«u.
a >hib-k.
iH.-r >br . ri.d
1 lloae* BWk
(i.ariHsI In
dnii't have...... ....
I..r hrmo’.ii.* i* l.s. c-ed
be m..,r..d.
-T..mn.i..w ........ i'ili« >mi
l.flv. li.'ie. at'Ihe earlirai liin.i le-aaiMr.
■ry atHlCout **11.1*,
OWi**. I•lly<>ue1
'..mtra.* 10.
walilnB' 1
,, r
Oj^LSaiir.AM .fnry- Hjiecial slleai
..■..•lied fnr.
Mis. De- i
married. ^
«M la BataUtot
s »to II a. DU. I
. ... D".U 'SS’.l
HfUd Kipldi « iHdUll Bj.
Amewlaad aersr- .r- .>< irata* aa Tra
Itiy. IB efler, Iseeewbrt ITvfe. IM.
Traverwa City
a Speciklty.
lugust Petander
Next to Entflt) Office.
TtaeU:lka.aa. trail. hM pwrlor raru
iB|Ma.aB«ala*p«r Qraad KapMa vo
- e«»p. m. tralotaB partar car te OraM
BapIdB. aad BleepiBC ear aad eeaefe Oraad
alB arriTiBa a< I WI p ■ bae BleBaer Ota
aU to Oraad RapMBaBOcaaeb aad alae||
lui^earChleacote Qraad Baptde aad chair OBr
- siB arrlTtacaa*W9w ■ haecha'.r carPb
.._ji«loGraaS R.pidsaod ehelr ear Oraad
Bapidalo Peieakey
C, t. UXiXWOOD. O P. « T.A. Oraad BaRdJ
Fire Insurance. The Pert larqnette Railmd
I* L A. Btilldl&g
of KAlKaaliw. wlU opes
Undtirtahing Parlors
10 No
!> aiOReuvb
aiORMVb VUMBBI. IBB few days. Clara
a wmii
mi.oi*, an eiperlen.^ emhalBer 1* uaw
R with biB BeepeettBUy
'"•S;rvS:'{ Painting
mB.I wn. .tehwn.l, ...luni.s nvido an
‘b*^ •'
'bi* h u- r «nd d..l - h.v .uvR-atind
‘b.i ilu_ wi.i.-r ..I ll *lun. d Bs.i.rae the
r,-s|..nJ .n.i> ..f the dr.ir., l..,pr,.veB.-nf
Ih-"-"**.* «hb.*Ht n.k.uc .l..ua.p.ut fr.w.
‘ire pul.M.-.
‘“av -• fi^"‘ *>>-olil t«- reared, a* any aurk im- $
^’'-aiwi.t w..ul<l ii-i .v.niiH.n with iba i
ehara-l.T <>f Ibe i.laia. nnirti-l.-iiiioui wo- (\
{ and Paper Hanging
...d th*
Still in bosineBs intb* old ptBuii.
iiig, papei
‘•■'•eii t'- ibe .vuiiitry tbe if
sign pBiut-
hanjneg. dt-corating, raU-iiuiiiiug, gW.iDK, nalnral
finish, etc.
get prompt attention,
m.-lra. i«q.ru,em..a, *»
Shop' up stain.
Orders left
lleeiilenoe 1045 R. F'roDt Street.
Both 'PboDcs. No. 15b.
m-_deunder h. .lh,,M.;n .own
«M BCBifi. OP llHwa- liatb .talk* ami
aia>- 0,^.1.
nUntell'a .DBwrr.
Have* win |.b) ibe Imporinni |«rl.
.Iway* rat'.' Iwr n.yal blfkarss
••I. sbuold
have been ouupelM iiwbare
.. pk-aBure
ll. ni-,-1 Mr. hlaraell. Rbe
A rntetlMl PdIbi rwe^B riaalei.. ' loaad
cdawrrrd Uka ftwal
lii.|wciali<ui aisl bad tb.
rbe oral
&ral amt umwi
UMwt iiu
thing Prorwe. **1 ab.>ul.l have br*-it able ts
avibias but ihun and geralrat .V.nfidm.-e in bi* /ndsmeiil. isd
> hate (hr bate tbiwicbt r
/ lor tbe plaolai to alo la
One's life weald Mt •I"' fell that wbal.-vi-i tbe ieaue befors
^.^•aic IS gonaJ abaiie fur iBniiug. Il«
atfe a mimirtit"
'‘t'e country mlfhl »«■ llw h..o<-r of Enf
teeald turn itp tin- lower corner, so
Thr giv«l
~w I- —^1.
1 w»A
ah n't espr*ta yamr fear, to l»n4
•»*» k»n.l*
c*a Iw
awwUy ^*|.^.
and m„ IWrao.
flfoUrey iwturard.-m bar 1 •Uir*n,.n *1*.. liked thr rixmM atoo br etrvful to lawk all q,oth„ rs* a lodlaapttiwew ”
IpHne.— Mary, hut w
«» - ■ ■■ ll.A, ---------------------_
iw.lilie.1 |>e.
peuhleti.. wbM It
tknmsb lb. Biuak la err ih.i raiiasru
Tbe iwu Udir* Ibraw up tbrlr b.afi. to . ber gratv of p»1iiie.l
•re fMgu* fetk'W rarb otbrr and that horror.
jeamr to dierl.w-lna e«MuH
MM of tbr kuvea la hwt.
Many a
M tin«k ba* bei-n made lay an ae ,
Dcalei in New anf
Second Hand Blcfcles.
MefraoiiVO*. B!oe».
y.-nr. hen•n>|>Uaov« f\
l,. r-. ttisBe*
•Be. ... .......... »he ia
-Amt abe i* balf ladl.s!
what w1i wrd..r
Good bMV*
bot la. hr i-hanue.l into makins admUalun* «r
iir i.
tale, r..ii
out of Bcb.-d.
IIims tale.
-Oae rtenias at dlnm-r durliir a ertato
nmpAM‘M vx.miDS to a )utspiRg *f |
la forrlrti affairs I'rbieea* Mary, wbo
ptore la tbe moMc. whero mp‘ S I"' !!^r^
wa* 1-uulaHl at tlir ... ....................I tbe for*
» or t*gr 11 l« MXt to
rraiiM-iit. lumed tu bliii and eaU. 'WklU
Btwb tjfiwkf are alwaya dtoeoscertwe wailiity fva. Mr. Ivlsraelir
waod did
a to rarr aaarb for
wwMy thaa that of her naldUs,
"Tbe prime wlnlater paaaeal
_e aiidiwc*. whleb la always alow ts and tbra
be UnA brr 00 k»f dr^ and Mi '
•It In bla atadto, tb*
sstcb «• Is Wbtt tba troublr mlly to.-; ailowod her rm
iMUtoe*. iM-am.-"-‘'Memorial of tba
vbetonovisrriae . •dmlltad.
............ _
DsrbtoS of Trek."
Mtoa Praiuot gronad ber teeth la
k&ibM!uiB#.!2mB,iiL;^ .>• kcha
Fvr toll
' tbe'letter laform* m<. and ber ktnrliek I"**" *“*'•'
the Iclidii'p bO*-
John R. Santo.
mauve aad Idue .bd
Uni*vva >»(•».
particalar* aee
II V e.dder ba^.aw
-It will
bad.aw it i*
|. warmer. ' »<• tb- .*l.inr ,p.up
... .1.,.
will u..| let y..u null.- fre-*e."
*.-ripil-Ti e
th.- pgrjin-e
UBikitu- >h
H..Lu.ve,i, h.d i-wa ...
•afjiX- in lb.
tlatiairet S<»r.b«n.v-i Uirhlfaa.Trwy
erae <?l>y. Mich. Ufise. room s. Toaoeller bloek.
I have a koaI oivan for Bale,
wiH traile fur a borne
o»e» a** Tdoeelle. btoct. SW rreoa
msariiuinsarilic 1
ive. Id-nt vnd
, v, ,.J. p-y* a. le-nniiv from W to l«
|a:ia« also 'ickete on
lut.i Ibe
••a»h, Jir- aie.drn-4
wife' " Ora M-Ued.
om--■ Pan.es.^U IM:
“My l~-l|..lh.sl wife! tVh.. mid amr
-s hi. K*s»Ii.cf-. B-.ISki. Nr* h
“Slw- .lid." wa* Ibe rtup..
• You
Ih said, alnw.
m.M sl.4kin* ber.
la.t ids-lil. hilt
Jilt wa........... sure________ “J
thnl It was
Mis* I‘eiir.u>I Wn-ahurif 'ittock
-n,,ea^>a.ia a
dniik tbi- wnl.-r ml., viliirli III.- |i..\Vi
fit y -'h Ollier! •
! wes>. 'n.Di s(.t>’-i a-d lory leriu poll-
Organ For Sale
run e ai-Siav
Casli Capital $200,000
2 swat hr.rrey willi .■
j *
*«■>• top-H
f-viml)- OHriimo:' •
Mm Bpd ^wo twini (Iw .ROR Rrairtat
Stl SoD'ti t'nlrvB Street
two top butndehamltwo goisl ..{ten
Snxpaadse Coffee -Little IbTern
. .’’ii.ir;;;.:;.; '.'r.7i'!.’'E..rS'
E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop
Alwi'two t^xl plia.'iim lnii:.:i.**s
-Man win ■*.„ you t.. y-nir r,*.m.. Ml»a
ncvii-," .b< said, “aod Bil-nd t.. yvo."
A* *.*.e a. ah.- ilvor H.-ied behiad Ora.
0.v.fln-y lanwvl l» bi. Bi.ler.
Iw very kind la. that
fur my take." be aaU.
uwe Oiy life
>r bli
Qood wbeielfi for wle cheap
on time or for cash, irt
Ou tbi-Burrow Mi«* r.lir.»e left with
rbildrea'* OlMaer* a aueelaUr. Of j
.otit h.-r d«-are«l frieli.l. I.ii.-ieiia. tiiddi
Bd T «>.»►■
heard of , W. Bell ■pheceM________
denrtwUow wa>rti«d lu allk ■rtHiual a |«t
y. «Bi^ IB new TeBBrller
Aera »r boh-*, like i.M fam.ioneal Ma- •
-bid you
.I.Bt-r h.- aiueried.
I ^
thiat her Ballci.m. d.-wnw U
u rreard w'e^' NonBera-phse
S(a> jwk. will he tbP 1-o.t of tbe rm I
“Nn; I eaoi.- olib f.,.i,i„ Bripl.t and ’
i T R WAtTIN, PtayB.rlaa ard «wee*<oi. OBee.
:W, wife.
T1..-V ............................ ...................... .ta>l.e..tfr,-.. Alteraoa.
Hi- ii a hai h.-iur yet. tbouKl. laat year
ear wl> t^n« Ubrmry BuOdLw. Hell waoM-Otoetr bat* air of thal ^ kere. bat a
ra- Bee.No M; reaMeBce. Mo T| Msetbeeo pbeoe
.-^BeeanJrewideocw. No. ri..
h lb.' fr..iii aud
^..d*^.T^UuJfI"wllh'b^Tu.^-ad.w*a dyiuc.
I l-'ld bin.
4«wa at Uir Iwadi oil th.- Uir. trimmed
Cb|i-ae» Tiim-s lli-rald.
.A 1 *tX7IT Velerlaary »o-|
rvold And yuii luyaelf.
Kni lb.- rapiaia
MBryBB'* Bara TiwaiaaisMw,
With Mwrfe of uoft aaila uf IWQ
of the veaiet pm i.;.- ia ah. train, told
Mir aaiwialB by the laiewi aad ■
The Ctrwve a*f LlDa-wla'B Hwlbrr.
*d seUKiaB Dwy or Blytai ewllB y
the miarit where tu leave me. and I waa
idert. TelepboeeNe. t.
Tn aln (.1. iVi.r K. rU...l.-1-ker ha*•rill up here ia a earriaca-."
i-erdil »f id«’'io>-’ tb'- marldr
“Aad anw y.oi arv hen- we wtll hwk
of Nil
after tou.“ aal.l <Seoffr>-> .-lieetily, “La- »“I‘ '
11 ww.
amuoai it. -Ura oOli* aeia
wWalt-arreala. .«• lhat Mary ha* a r.s.BJ prw coin* «■»»'■ ••••I the »fot.
bw*B IB___
|.*r>«-l'b printed
— I.
pared ....
for ________________
ber. with a fife
for I ,
ten aa Broaba«ei...
are oar little frleud l.el«n** In Ihv troi*ira >b •
B. w,|w|»f sIbIiuc that .ml* BWllI be prowpUy
.t rlBOi Northers phoae
•ad hvw tl.e bent."
l.imwdu . i.»...her-*.rave.utheUulee«B
Wagons and Baggies
For Sale
and try one.
2^i^DR^ROaMTCkL^UMraON^O^ ,
- '
ADd taartful dUvcr bull.iiiA elaborale t
It la e^ieisly rntilylos to tbe pabUc to know of osa eoDcarri whleb la
P«* afraid to he re®*to«a. Tbe per- 1
p-.'uo^ if Dr. ElDff'a New Oaeorerr for;
eoMBaptlOD. eoDfba and cold*, bavej
i tera away over ton bIIIIod
bottle* and hare tbe aatUfactloo of'
k'Oninir II baa cared tbouaaod* of
bopelaak caaea.
AsibB*, tiruDchltii. I
1* trrionn and all thri>at.e>ie«l aod I nor
1 IiBV** seveml Mcond hand wide
di* as-a are aure'-T cored hr it 0»’I on
•nnaoD. iiriir- tiled waifona for sale.
s K Wa tandJ«. U
sbe full n-I.s |>. Ibs.ffrvy »
n-j.ie anal..'. S-oii. .•Hly erept
iiii>. Ill* tM.m rivohidly.
ha.I na •
.'rimwUi shawl »ii.-h in. a
wi.n- and .-buf>.Il-lj «T.-p» l.< tin tld.l.. alHi l~-<ired a I
BUSISES9 C^RtiSpu«'l.-r in.N ills ui.tliHn.' cls»» lie untde (the Ual and •■auzbl
ber .
I.V_^.UW I.
.. tu- I C>*
aped : attrrtloe U,
I »—eearwAOflBi tlimatUv
saaied Id By aweaey.
Be wise
It to i« eanta, rtald!
lii. <;..r>
. rrrz.tt.Jr ' :;,*!;’'"''’-"t.Tii'.T'sr;:'
perfocl J.|.-tl;..ra
" *he ei
Sima tlie abort ooni* .imt I«|.t.w oI cl*ir,«i. -.j il»»iclit ie. ..«•• would erer
upriap. U lah,-* <|iiiie a werlasii* nmly |..Ye i.w aeaiii.**
tai know ja*t wl.iTe iKi- »Ti<- In-alu*
*Ytii* i> itt.i alMer.-Mi** Alcrnoo. and
•mi ll.e adhi-r a-mU. Save fair tb.- |» r- ber (u. ...l, M.** IVui .*.-." h- aontinued
fead tuaalinilatiam ..f ev. rjtl.lu* lu llw
. uiloirra.-d mi,,.. -J.urtw*1. .s„
,,ra Ih.-rn-. a'«l»iiel Ib-vTila'
«rw gown*, um- iiilphi
-* ihlnc ..I .cn.». .w ............ ...
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker For Fire Insurance
Aa neio O* LucTrtla heard it alte limVed
at Mlaa
ahil.- 1
t >'niae tail/
Mi.1. l.iKi
fci-ul Itf tuuie. llaeeo. ruilm.ldeplea.
a,.,. ,;.,.|,rey ftlvm-a. ■
frtBifW. « te.. ami tbe lilalD . oven tuAl; fFutien
tcrotienui.. wl... s.aiiely areued to tmtier
aod akin ada|.t(vl di-.m vi'nili'nieD'aI.the
. the ,«
<.f the opiseiie » x aara
Ale- who U
Slou' uuwlee
uuwJae <li<iuch
.liouch to <* wbm
when |M.jjr. o.-s* i«iiiir.al liiui li. d > so.
iinttipl Uie fRtb of v-omijrximl*.- wai '
• alk-r b«d heeo vl.ler
iuevluWj Dtrive In ra*i.H.ii‘» lauk- frrei.i i-1--.rf tbe f.-n.inine s|«vte,. *be
TIm- V.-T, pUlo tAllor made U
‘-7^ *r^ will. y.»l.«iey.
See MDplee in window.
Whaat. old, par M...
Wbaah pwbh.(BMr)
u-i* '£!*
\t bea be rata,
be arreaiid,"
“.To; Cniffrey AlaenroB.’' oa. tbe rail-. *’
iiiinM-<lial<-iy sbr
■ pin.id i<-*|M>n*r a, elie Walked over ' ^
I here ahricbl fin wa* hurtiliia Id tbe ***".',
<- ai.l1 la-.ra« I.. «ae». Wra.-lr in niilta
a eoui|>.n.e>l. l..iliielii.r Uta
here. Ja»y.“
•o.-aoMi... «,
r*e<40iV)- feels- 1 oil :
aaid the Houan. |.>.klne
orot berympanl in. a youn* lady of rallier >liu«y a|>- •
th..i«bt vf
Thill liletil ill.— >'
: |i> .keep nijiwf .or.;- foi yu
all i-:..ht ,
ci-al.” at
alTe-ii-'.i.al.- "s-.-l ii
Best U) be had is
■ the city is at
Foosd in amqkioif s
I rbeA..IL L. A Oo. Beat.
_______ ,
' l*rd par
”'■ ^ mW,<'>■>1 rnoH not U
wa* rery i.iw aad
Tbe r..uo* lady fijhraed blai aad Rep- ,
0^ iiulde
•’.‘T ■M»*r«rT la ib<. hmktaat
. H'.-'d word ihai b.- wa. Ul aud
.• Phn-lrlM aroi for.
— a^r:
----- ir 7
Bidrrmlk Lumbar is uU siMU
JOHN P. OTT & 00
■ !• Tttm— Otty Lumbar Oo.
fccr.vaii-wrj:. -
Third Yw—No. 913
HAiumm? OUT
«»pMrod Mom M»ao m Bold '
•■rtsfsIwnMya# 1
•t ■WtuSmn 10 Mspa tnm
MMMk rMiOs. Th* nwOt
I stottd
tkt Mttr# tows toat St
. sad wstSMlUtoiT
ftot srt pottod si to# ttTMt aorstn
sad to s)l ptbtk plsets.
. g
Am sswMitrmd rsport trato Osr-
n# ksd ooBBplad Ktahsrt.
sM totir Iwf to tost
1 by Brlikh
IrksAtklp to ttssd to tot
wsy of party tototM.
a PsyM of MUwsaktt wtu bt
totprtsIdMtotelaettoD far oksIrMSS
of tkt ssUoul aonnUto# if Mr.
Pays#’# btslto will ptrailt
see#ptI of tot plso# ssd tot srdnaat work
wkleh wUI fall apoe to# eksirassb
EngUah CputklDK HsffroM
A ttltrisBi fni« Efwktrlty k ^tswAtta<A»d by the Mob.
toirsotsdet eoantst ssd tpteslstka ktrt. Tkt dkpstoh tsyi- "Otoo#
mnktis Oonmlt Btretsl Aett of Tio
totdttsrtort of tot fltsto body «(
iMMVpanMtB Who Soso Takes
tneva. Utaussnt Oolostt Cbsnltr
mmsIA It eoBMsad ol to# gsrrkos
Tbair flaota- folloa Do Votktoy
Tbtdtpsrtsra of say •
body of troops bat k
ntloatd to tot atBiortd asblta- Lord
«IsM rttortod St Klmbtr
toy MB day* tco. ssd tot aappotlUoo k
MMtk#ks# adtssttd wito hk Mato
dma from Kiabarlty sad yos# to todraUtfofMsf#kl&f. .
Th# war dopartMtai ba# ju#t rtoeir.
•d tot foUowtoir froM Lord Bobtrla:
-Bloaai loo tots. April e-Oarta#aaltl«#
St Etddtraba't wart: Oflom. kllltd.
Osptsla Oatata sad l^laat Barelay,
koto of tot SortbBMbwtosd#: woasdSd. two; etptorad, titkl) doo-oombM#siostdofloeriSBd »#d kiltod. tlybt;
wpBBdtd. 11 Tkt rati of to# fort#
waa taplured. Oar atraartb ws# t«T
aoBBUd tofaauy sad 04 tofaatry.Tbr
OMMy w«rr ta<d to bt l.koo atroDy
Vary Util# eta bt addtd to UtDoral
Bobtrt-idUpaich## raptfrtltay ratpoet
iraly dkaator sad #acttM oo April ft.
t'ow JfortaU post tUM#
tost to# »ritl#b troop# eapMrto at
Btddmbiqr ware batwed to by boom
IbosMsd# of BMrt,trbe are bMItred
to belony u CommasdaBt Ollritrk
toMMSodo. bat Sbare I# sototoy fartow toBMrslay to# affair. There are
two or tore# raporu leyardlay OsBeral
Motbsaa'i eBOOMafal kittle aetloB
Sbost atot Mllaa Boatoeatt of Uoabof.
to wkleh toe volaBtoar moaatod troop#
Tbare k Mseh doabv fell here a# u>
wbatker the oflen^ kUled Tbaraday
wBt reaUy the Boor ekiof of auft.
It k remarked a# beioy elrany# tbal
SBottetrof liasersl de Marcelk po#*Mm ekoald hSTt beea eesdectlBy, what
WMsppareBUya raooBBOitoriay rxpedtUoB with OBly ##vtaty mes. Tb#
am#lto#«# of the fore# sod tb# work it
wae doioy creak a ^Bbt wtaeiber tb#
oftoar billed Vra# really the Preacb
strataykt. Villebjk de Mareail, toe
ptore to a# Ueatral Metouao do«a net
apoeify that It •## be
Tb# aeUrlcy of toe Boen to tarlone
dlreetloBi to tb# nelyhborhood of
BtosmfoBUla k eriaenily yolay to
euec toe Britkb a yreat deal of troabl#«Btller BBlaa# UeDaral Boborl# k
sbtoMdaliver aowa MlUoy blow. A
oooeldorablt forao of Boer# wa# report
«d Tbareday at to<”lBy toatoward
toroayb'fbaba Mebo. Brofaably they
wsta lb# rietora at Boddarabary.
A MlayisM wkleh toft Maeera. Uaaetotosd. Borto of Wopeser. at Bildnlybi.
dsatritaot iba Boats as batoy "toyreat
toraa." bat at sirsid to omka a troatal
sttotk. It k addsd. bowavor. tbgn they
-sad Troopa act OaUtd ObI to Bs
foret Xmw.
Baa Jnas, Porto Bioo. April 7—At 4
o'ttoto Priday tetBisy tot aaUvet
Mtda a eoBta^^Md moreMaBt at.
Porto Titra. D Btrtat atba. to all
Sboot i.ooo mao, atmebed tba forelya
eolorad mto. Aey BnyUab aptsktoy
sayro wta tabjact to atisek. partiealarly toots from Bt- Tboma# atd UiKltm. Oae Porto BkSB waa kllltd,ost
wta atrtoaaJy tojarod, tad thrataayretafremat. Kift
>Bdtd Tbt tfftlr was totOBiooma
of toa plar atrike. aod tba rtsaoo of tot
allaek, tppartaUy. waa that tba Bayktosdera ware aaarplay Perto
a labor' TbaklaBdaraaBUdpatod
tronbla aad acme of tbam were armed
with rerolrera
Toe mob aatcred the hoaaa of a bt.
Kllto maa. Bk body waa atoabad with
a paobaM. Aaotoer Bt Kltta maa
aioBad. OMmpad to the roof, aod
forcad to Jump to toa yroaod. Be
followed to the elreet sod etoned
BBtlt eahaiuMd. wbaa bk 'head wae
hammer#d into a Jelly.
A eompaay of tofasuy asAtr Oaptoto
Alexasdar aad Uaateaaato Asatll aod
Parker waa eallad obI. aad aaarUal law
detlarod. Boldlara sow patrol the
atraela aod tot romabopt art cIomA.
tbaeiowds ThtrtwartaodtmoBttratloDt after lb# arrival of toe troops.
The ooBdiUoB of afftira Dtoeatltatet
ibepreaaBM of troope todedaiwly to
order to prtvaat more Iroable. The
maaleipal pallee are atterly toadrquau
to preaerve order or ba&dle say crowd.
They ewod by dBriay the riot, aa epeeUtora. aad made oo attempt to tourfare.
Powers Tkraatea b
—beltered that toe Baperor WUI
be Beeurad to Astoirlty.
UanoB. April 7-A apodal dkpateh
baa Jett beea received from Shaaybai
aaaouaetoy that tb# Askartcao, Preach
Britkb aad-U#rmB0 mInkUra have addieaaad a J >lat eommeoleaUos to toe
foraiyoofi## of China demtadinytoa
total aBpprMBloB of toa eoekty of
-boxen'* witoto two mootoa. aaaoonetoy that otoorwka tba powaia maattosad win toad troops aad mareb tote the
lattrior of to# aertbara prevlaeaa.
AbaaTnac»asdObl UtoordarMaacar# to# a^ty of tocslyBara
to tors toe Britkb Aeoordlay w tba aamatfkpsteb toa
^aromtoy tot BataMfrom- Amarioaa. Italtoaaad ProsabtoyatlOBa
a road akirusy totOsltdM Bra BOW provided wUh saval ysard#
frosto# tory# ystoortoyof wartblpa
Tkt BotM ara to fore# at Wapaoar. at Tain.
•vto of liMltoAald, to tot Oraayt
JW Lla Kas Ylb. vtomoy of Uasy Ktosy
torasttaftay (toamsl bat bad tore# aadksam wttotkadowBfsbsBtk eeloolal dlvkioa. tb# msia >**r ••apna# celaUvetoto# amparsr.
body of Wbtob. with arUllery. k st i
b^tovtd that b# laipriai
kor wlto to# advkabttlty of rBatortoy
kkmaJa#tylo power.
Ayoodwk##! at JbUm Ckmpballk
lor BIO. Wa atao Sav# ebato wb##k
|erBU.»<0.A»».>4t aad AM. D.s*t
laQ to a#t toa Mooareb sad Orlrat
«ll kosto Oaloa ttnet.
-------- WOtamUy Mi ChtnAbr
Isiteare «spoolaUT Isftftsd to saD
•I Mil. W. «■ LawTBSttk ssd MB too
of BiUtowT iBoto.
Whn on tht SoBth BU#
QsU to ssd a#a Tsuass. Tob'tb alwav# wal#nmi.
Mra. Hay Mmtcy will ons ttUUaary
ssd dtannsUsy partara . at »»7
ObIm swoBt. Aret Week mto of
WOkelmkaMfs. 8k# wUl b#ptoaaad
ba ksea her maay trlasAa edlaS
task «*sr ksr tftoak- tit U
WosUBsa M PMsawsdn TkfcnMa# tourttowad PramlsMt Dme-
shoe comfort sod shoe aerrioa ISjOO will buy
onto kst Baa Vat BlaitoA Msek sf a
Bksl Bswsy, ss4 It k
■aUofsA tkay WU
Until You
Bsppatt Xk
Maw yack. Asril 7-Asetkar ptaMAaatial Mpkaat kaa fomt larward fa
toapacBoaof Qaamal Mikaa A. MUaa.
Tka World mya:
“Ommnl NckM A. Mika k wUltoy
to ka toa DimttraUt aomtot# far
prmlAaat B# kaa ao ttatod to friaaA
asd tM days ayo ka vkiWd WUliama
Wkltaty to talk to kim akeat ika poaef kk katoy aemtoaud. Wklb
say told to# yasaral tost all to# Uodtoy yold Deaworak wen at maeh
oppoaad to tb# aomtoaOM of Bryan
BOW aa wbao ba era# aamad tosr yi
ayo. bat ba did sot oommlt blmaelf to
aappert Oetural MUea.
■ "The Pbtladelpbla tornapoadeat of
to* Timas wires that Bobert Van Wyek.
mayor of New Yark, tapreaealiBy Taa-
Pormer UalUd Autta Coaaalar Ayeat
Xdward Ootifned Aaka for Bedrest
A Urye Une of new and veir deBirable food# ju#t received for bur
Xreat 5 and 10c baeaar. The bert
place in the city for noveltiea
Tlio famoos « 00 shoa tor
woneo. No aboea ao good,
ooal BO little.
Roturt I Bmher Co., Proprietori
The Styles
for Spring
HorU k«T|« up aiib
are truly lisDdaome, and (be;
are oaxy tbe Aral day.
25c Suspenders 25c
inter abooi 3tft
id beat of bockat 40 aad
bat U ^v# yon a etaasoe to own a pair of rood iaanandara for ovary
w*#r« ip^ir
The Leadetf to Fiae Kootwear.
Telephone Co.
'horooxtlr drturabU la
'“**00 blxhwar -ittibrBrw
I New Silk Waists
New Satin Waists
Four Hew Ung Distance
(1 front if
Ttnverse (Hty to Grsail Rail
ids, Kslauiszuo. EVlroit and (
intermediate Btations.
^Just Opened Up
\’ery s. lect styles—$3.0o to $8.50.
'Our line ol Shirt Waists for spring will all be
jo about Tut-sday—Will show a superb stock.
Quick Sarvice
A'arteot Servloa
Low Rates
Miller’S'Cash Store.
I Closing Up
TbU Uonth
i Soap
A New Feaiure
of Considerable Imporiance
In our Muslin Underwear department is-our lint
of dainty muslin and Swiss baby slips, long and short
dresses, misses and children’s lawn and percalcNiresses
nfade up good, beautifully trimmed with tucks, embroid
eries. laces and insertions. Prices most reasonable—
cheaper than you could buy the goods and mase them
The most elaborate line ever displayed in the
wty—Laiest effects in Muslins. Chiffons. Silks jnd Sat
ins, beautiful Roaslings, new style silk plaited Chemis'•ettes, new style Stock collars, silk'and muslin Boas, and
others too numcrows to mention.
If you are in need of an up-to-date article, we
have it.
5 W. W. Mnier’s'CcsIi Store
SS6 Pnmt 8tr»L
Waa toe Debtu aa the Ouesttoa ol
Traam Pram Dsinealty of KiaBBMta Bamly.
• caW
Ohloaya. April 7-MlekiSas k debat
toy akamploB af tka Oaatcal Datottoy
Laayae. kartoy won to tka Anal dsbatt
betwasB tba UalveraiUaa of Mkkiyaa
aad Mtoaeaoia. The jadyaaraaderiny
toadaekioa Bnaatowaaly to tavorof
toe Wolvertoe aMU. The Mleklyaa
'toe aMrmatlve
alia of tka <iaattioa: "An tka Bmomlt Advaatoym of Ttaala SafllatoBt to
J9$Ufy TWr BxktoMa Cadar toa
Law." was oomposadofOi
. Ckrmodyaad A. M.
and Ohitayo
werealiminaUd to thep
Yop wiU fipd • e.. till, ol
Stamped Linens, all aitua of Sofa
Pillowa, Down Pillowa, Cushion
Oonls. Battenburg matorislft of all
kinds. A fall Une Balding Bma.
Embnudary Icaaona given tree.
of good taste — who
BS7 Front StrwAt.
want a fine shoe for
Are made for ladies
Sunday wear.
School of Music
' B#bwi0#toiiB##amai#to.
Travaiaa fXlf Mask Co. OppoMte
better thae vr de vllti (aahICB.
rip^ rrcry #«y •Uu
WaablnyUM. April 7—Bdward Oott
fried of Wllkeeberr#. P#, formerly
Colted Suite oontnlar »yaBt
Trnxilla. Pern, bat attorneya here
prcstiny a claim ayainit toe Peravian
yovcrament for oompaaaatloa
GrcH-eries and tinware
loriarta asd extortion# uf toe Pernviao
uierktHl down until all
ryeata in toe snmmer of
J sold 0.1. • ,
Gntfried aeaerU that be' wae eelxod by
the toenryenu aad aobtected to hor
rible toriaree belay atrany ap by the
tonmba oaUl he had faiaud away aod
was oompelled lo ylve them ft.ooo molt
ibetween $3.iOO aad A4.000) aad a nai*
tor ol rifles, all of which they demaadA raaolcUoa calltay on the i
I BfOO-M........... ..............IS... *.C
dcpartmaet for doeumcaU la the
°rr,S“?S, .. b.i. pS
has baea offered by Senator Penrose of t ■
>• huiar at a dn-rri liar uf qUrhl. urT
■JMboi.but I ihin wa. »aliiB tfryo« 'i yo
Alfred V.
tiveo of Tammasy.came to HhUsdeIpbk
yesterday to eoafor with Admiral
D#w*y reyerdtoy too latter’a an
nonaoemeat that ha would aeeept toe
BomlpaUea for tb# praaidaaey. The
•cDtMwaa# toawd •eneal koora. It k
beared that Tammapy will baek
BItbard Orokm k qaotad aa aaytoy,
It rayard to Daw#y*a eaadtdacy for tba
"Daway U aot aariooa as a polltlelaa.
Ba b a flni olaaa naval oommaadar.bat
baa a# aeon eapaelty to aat#r politics
thaa I bav# to Uka command of tba
Oympta. H> made a bty mUtaka. Ba
eauot baalarud. Bryaa will yet'toa
Oomoeratk aoaitoaUoo aad will but
McKtolay. Bryaa triU wto
wbotber Dewey k ap or not."
ral 0#w#y
fwB aoBOBeeas that
bawUl yJva oat a pablle aUUmaat
witoto a weak. la^i
baa promkad lo d^a bte attitade is
rayard to toe saw paaaasaloaa, and It It
aailBlpaliad tbit be will make declare,
tlooa which will meet the view# of the
maleontcnu io relatloa to the Bepobll
eaa party'# Peru Bleae policy and ofpSMloB pollry yesefally.
la reply to a qaeeiioa aa to hU bellef
poIlUeallr. D.-w#y#aid;
"Cerulnly I am a Democrat.
eoaiBO I as a Democrat. 1 have never
been anj^lny bat a Ocmoeral. No. I
bav# never voted In my Ufa. bat 1 came
very doe# to U when Mr. Cleveland
raaoloy for the oroaideacy. 1 tfld
want to east ray'vot# for him."
Will Never
bt Prosidoat.
tts BspaMtMi MtteM)
vOl BM b0 «MmM ^kta to Us Mst
baiUh m4 olte
MgivM tor Ui nUiSMiV
wlbM Mm ppiMiH k0B toll
to*i Mr. Bmm wm m tototor to a
VcMIIm «o i»«ak mwmlUkmtm tar to#
N 0( kk folittoM
tot m k# mmU «f kk
I to tkf rtkti ktoittlt M
•iMttok ttottaa 0f toacnto
ktCMtot MMtor kto MM«#d to#
I at OMIM aCMn to toftoto> Mm to wklak ktSUt U dtanrau to
> kia M tot kttd •! tot
I. m4 tot imwtrt
«mMm, Is wktto t« Botrt to#«t goai
toMriiwpi Ost totoMtr »M tktl to
0«n. VklMB A. MOm Would
will please yon. .
McNamara Block
Ommtrr (M ^i«f»rlM <«
OovM a«b
XW OrtBBBTT »b. wrart^Bg «« H.
D. OiwybBll. A. W. 3ibtmm, 0. P. Cbr««r. Wm HoMi u4 AUn*. •raftt
0te*l«k«inu^ th*ateb
K. Pwtar, tb*
wabv •< tb«
•l«b,lBlB CklMMM.
Tb* panp «M
fep a«r>
■M enAMtMt A B. Pum. «io »i> bBW UtMM MOVP Lb1».w4
mlMtlaa ante itopm* Uot«
Ab4 WCU«lMtCiABiil1>cmT«7
Ba4t7 TMMrdarLtStIa WUlte Bftrt. «• «< Mr. u4
Mra, r. O. Bari of WMUafMB M
___ -rrffs.t.5:
wMtba *Utt^o<aMl MSldwt twiMdBT. WBUaMkTWwlUaMM
an- “T Clab Hom^ b« faU
Mi«AoUtowhtabb«bM4tsUa bud
bMkg Mttlw bl* rt«Bt bud. Tba
aruiy o( bk Uula daff«r w«a Mvarsd
ud U alMtad WlUto •» »»eb that ba
«aa baidlj aWa W gai bcMDr. Bolli
Bar waa anwrarl and auaadad tbi
■j KWMMvM«r .
•M *V4«UI f
fcg iiow*Tr, ^
riaaalair Vaatara at ataiabvr* •(•ad
la fro*»ofBB’arf(dOrtaat*aU
Oaa of tba aMat plaaalair (aataraa of
»be plaj II StalBbarra Umod Prldar
maak faralabad br
^ orebaatra of taa pkoea, lad br
I. a B. Borak Tba aiaa of Iba or.
t. m. MOMBog
) luplaoaa. aad »b^ worti
(Malabenra Oraad atUl
Morpu Palp* wOl not for tkaBlk
Ofio* of Miob. TbL Oo. Brobta
lato T«Bt«rdB7 Xornlaff.
Ska Mala Barola. Vlpbt OparaUr.
Maaatrad a •navr^Vn~=TV«ald-ba
Bobber Bu Awa^- tntrador Brababipbtandad te’Sob tba Bate la
Wbkb Wm OuaUUraWa Soup.
Mka Bala Marrln. alpbt opamtor at
Iba Mkbkru T^apboaa as^aapa.
u upartaaea aboat 9 e'eloak paatardap
meral^ that eSretaaUp kept bar
awake for tba ramalader of tba bam
tUl Ua wu rellarad bj tba dap opera*
. Bbawu la tba oMea wbaaaba
WU nartlad bp a arub wbiab aaamad
be ba tba rlbM la Iba door laadb^ Into
tba ball Bba wu triffhbuad. and
para a aaraam that alarmed tba alpht
aadar. aad ba ran down tbaaialn
to tba Bidawalk. Bba erald baarblm
laalap rapidlp aut a Treat atrat
Wbu aba wat to tba baU door Ua
fenad that tba plam ted bau atettai
ad. aed aha did aotfaal alaepp tba leant
bit from that U»a tm dapUpbk
aaama prebabla that ite attempt
to uur Ua oOu wu for Ua parpou
ot bBiplarp. u tbara waa a larpaaam
oaep ia Ua ufa. fVoteblp Ue
woald ba robber did not kuw that
tbara wu upou la laa ofim dariap
Ue alpbt.
A aaw and maeb atraper door pro
vid'd wiU a atroBp bolt au bau pat
Id la plaoa ot Ua oaa from wbieh tba
plauwubrteu. Aod now MIm Mar*
via bu a revolver for a eoaitut oom*
panlon onrlap Ua alpbt. aa^^p aald.
alpbt maraadar'wilt dad it rarp
rutlap If be atumpu to uUr Ue
ofBaa la Ue fotnro-
Morpu Palpo bu raalpaad bk pOMUm wlU Ue Maruatfla Oompup and
aanplif akoBarfrom tba Blk Baptda
Iru Oampuy- Tor Ua paat alaa
pm Mr. Palpa bu dHvu Iba Maraaa*
tlk Oompaapk daliparp wapu om tba
Baataldaatebu madamup trtamda
wbo will mka him u kit rata. Tba
pitted ba bu aauptad k that of
teavaUap aalaamu for iba Iran Oompupkfloar mtlL Ba wUlaovar Ua
tarritarp'batwau Maaktaaad Suit
Bta. Marta Mr. Paipaamamaa bkuw
daUn Moadap mentnp ud Ua ooll
wlUu of bkjamarui triaada will po
rmak BaU wUltakaUa plam left
raaut hf Mr. Palpa
Tba Blaa Bepa Apala.
Tba BIm Bopi aad Ua Beat Side
team eroaaed bak apala pwtatdap
aflaraom at Twalftb atreai bau ball
partr ud Ua Bim Bop* aeorad autber
vlewrp. The aeora wu 6 to ».
$10.00 Reward
I flare iPoDLioe of Bicycles
From AfBllyftt
1 have Bomethiog good id 8econd>h&
bnt if yon want a perfecUy reliable, atrictly np-to-.
date bicycle, get an Eagle Quad Stay -They ate the
latent, and will carry any rider over any road.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B'xoxi.'t Stoopt<.
I wQl pap tu dollar* renard for poe*
lUveavldeBoeotUa partp wbo dube
mp wiitdoe* niphto wiU lobaeuf^t
aad qold*.^^________B. L Ckitar.
nMAlipUpef miUlMp '
pood* Wadaeadap aod Tbaredav
Mra W. O. LawreaeBb apriap opu-
*1" W. L. Douglas
riM SrammaklBr
alKta UoloD atrut.
i $UbOO whMl to A
19 1-9 lb. XacIo QbaB Stmy.
$3.00 ahd $3.50 sboes-Uajoi
made~.|lso bigh grade shoes
at $5, $d,$250 Md $2.25.
Mka Seofleldb
$ Bran’ New
; Stationery
It will p.,, you tu-tt-r to buy .ud
arti' le of ktiowQ oalue than to expfiiiuent with olberwof unkootm <iDalitj. 'Hje
roua of VV. L. DOlU'Laa shoes have always fuaod
them U> be as reprpdented.
We ktvp a full line in calf, Russia calf, rici kid,
patei.1 calf, etc . to fit any fsrot. aad pve you atyle,
comfort aod aervipc.
We have }ut put la a new a
* line of ap-U>-date etationerp — i
I bptbalUeUfu
Oaa/oat 1
Babatutlal laoraaM ia Samba
J box paper and tablet*, etc.
No old atoek-Priren raaaoa- f
Made ImatSipbk
M P. Baatar rataraad Salar# abla
dap aftaraooo from Obtobffa wbara be
Tba Pederal Labor Uakw. Mo. •»£.
paipbaMd a taaaral ear and aader- ladaa aabatutial paia la man
t^am wapoa for tba MUblpu Bortal lut Bipbi. nt^a namea were added
t. w. Mam.
Exclusive a^t for Traverse City.
13T> Froot
Oompup.from tba Caanlapbam BaarM to the lkt,maklap Ue praaai i
Cimpaap The earka luoae. aoat> bamklp let.
XBOLAat) aappUaa aUU aaolber. fraa
lap tl.tsa Tba baama alao k a rarp
In additlM lo Ue reception of
ttadanak Tbla Udm It ia iba Uoltad
■embam u arMirattoo oommittae
•Mm» Oatm AaaodaOoo. Uoiliar. floaoBc.
ihoau to uttle dlPareneu with beard
(feakbaabaaaorcu'tad witba aapltil
Tbafaaaral of Iba laU Muaaaea of poUlc worka. aUU board! aad oUer
of $l.oae,«00 and u iaau of flnt
oplDp orpulaaUua
■ertnta dabaaiara aloak of dsoo.ooo. Biranap wm bald paatardap moraiap
from tb>«atboU« obareb at Maplploa.
It k aatd to ba tba larpaat faaarat la SrA rusm
dra atandarda of eneallraa Bold tp
tba hktorp of tba pulnanla. Taa.prcliBiflaad. .
tba Travarre Cltp JfuieOo. OppoI of aarrlapm wu aaarip a mile
alia Baple offlm.
Ito «la Plata ladaavr of tbk aoaatrp long. Ponriau of ibrm wara from ua
«M wlabllabad o*ar tba rabai
oUppiufli of tba DaaMoratk partr- That
Mra. W. G. Uwruu. wbo raeutl/ Vtw Bordlng Eohm
a baa foacht everr rataraad from tba auUra markete
Mm. Lai^ter ud Mlm MkUoU wkb
lo unoance that Ihelr new boardln,;
wbara aba wu porabulap pooda for
boau. lit 0am atreat, will be open'd
mud br tba Ba
Two most important requisites for a successsul store.' l''irst,
tlUlaarp atora. bu bau qolu U1
totbe pnblle Tbar«dar noon, April
dor a; Iba put week and naab a to atIf Mral* lerved at rapnlar bourn
TO HA\'H the goods that are strictly "Dow* to l)ate”,^and
Taa eolr effaeUva arfoawat
forSooenta. Mealtls'
’ ' '
land to baalaam. Bar apriap opulap
BaaMcraw eu aaa oa tba Bcmtb Dakou bai baa dalapad uraral dapa on Ibk
second, TO HOLD the trade after you once get it. The
reaaiBaklDp parlom at Ue mm'
aadaaa la to point oat tba adranlaffa
Idreaa. Tboae wtebiop puod meal*
fipt is being thoroughly demonstrated by the new goods that
baaaaarad br barlof btm abaaat from
Tbara will ba a ttpalar mutiap of
Ith cboi'e borer eooklop abonld an
IbaaMta wbUa ooarraaa U In om
fall to call at l» Cam*]
aatrari: U
are unpacked daily and we prove the second by our con*
Trararu Clip lodpe. No. m. B. d A.
M. tomorrow alpbt.
stantly increasing trade. We hold our trade by a four*fold
Pa aooal.
Uarrp Porrla tau rmamad bit pml- Temple ef TmMos
pMd Baatb ud Barbart MeODnnlok.
8prlop opeoinp of IMO eomrerriea
tkw lo tbe.Urooarp Dapaitmut of tba
tareOadmaa bapa »bo bata baan rultPrtdap morrtnp April 6
We will
opb atora.
MV bara the put weak, rataraad to
abow pou one of th* Bnaat lli>ra of
Tba reaarvad amt plat tor Prof. W.
oatleraaevaranowB iuTraveraeOnp,
iMr booftw raatardarM. r*rrk‘ leetara meat Tharadap oveaandianaibe teen to ba apreaciated
Mapor Bamaum will laara tbla waak
Jnat rreaivad aswell line of Street
lap la Ue Cltp Opam Beau will po oa
lar Oblaaco 00 butlnam. BawUlprob
llau and tb* verv 1at«at oeveltiu of
at Ua Olip Maw* Biaad Taaadap mora•Up alao Tlait Saplnao ud Bap Clip In
tbe aeaenn. Give «u a eatl ud let w
abow pnn Uronpb rnr parlor* aod
atelaibraauoftbe food roada moao'
mbptarlu ebarab aarviom will be
vna w.II are wbbt we ran do for pou
Yoaiwlll Bnd our prices rlpbtud no
eondaetad uaaaalla Moaupaa hall.
J. W. Patcbia Vanaaatod baalaam
tfoable to show pon poeda
a We eaRav. Wrlpbt tea rataraad aad will
at dammit Cltp paaUrdap. Ba ratara
lead to pan all a web
J W 4
H B. Mm*.
•. *»»
iW Pmnt
Pm »irvetad laat Bl(hv.
Work will oommai
Have struck the popular fancy be
Mlaa Nattta nikloa baa
No season like -this'^ason fora
move iha atora bnildlap oeeaplad bp
from a waak*a vMt at Praakfort.
cause they are very stylish and are just
Ua Baviapa Buk Baaaar to the wui
a nobby Top Coat, lltcre are makes and
Mm. WblU ud Mlaa Gardner of
as represented.
aide of Uaioa dtrut near the eoraer of
rua Lake waa lo iba eitp paatardap on
Proatatreat. Tba bglldlap hualraadp
One plorrou, rlpbt oolp.
50c. Black skfrts with different makes, some are made tu look good,
baalnaat ud made tba Bnoomo offiia a
been ral>«d.
plaamnt oall.
widths of ruffles are good wearers.
i others are made to wear. Our goods we
The Lincoln Llwrarpaoeietp bald a
Banrp Oortla who baa ^ laid op abort bulntm aemloa lut oipht. bnt
Black Skirt with fancy stripe I guarantee to wear. We are selling a
for aome Uma «ltb p rarp aora arm. la
owlaptoUe Hipb nebool lectern Uruffles
tmprorlBc rabldip.
Jmraad ong> Wednaadap eraalap.
I beauty at 5*7.50. The Herring Bone
moo* Miarirel Orpanitation
Mm. Okarlaa npe of Muroa Oantri
M. L Oariar tm* Improved bit nader$1.35 Fancy striped skirts are the
waa la tba ettp paaUrdap.
Stripe in cither tan or gray is a most pop
taklair room* with Sae Uaolenm
handsomest on the market.
B. T UUlahaapoBatoBayMnialo and office furailo*<e. A new awaIba baka daparlor rmrioB for an ax$1.75 Buys the new Spun glass] ular coat, gives the'best of satisfaction.
lap hu aleo been heap over hU Uoa
twdad vtel<
Skirts, these are in black and plain colors. | The Oxford Cheviot at^^i3.oo can't be
D » D« a of SattOM Bap, U la tba el p
Tte Brat mpnlar mutiap of Ue
Our black si,lk skirts from $(>,oo to $9.1
J) apoadduodap.
Loapabornmena' Aaaoelalloa will br
beaten, we carry a full line of sizes from
D K Prarea wf Ulud. wu a
are the ■•finest in the land"
be:d Pridap eraalap. April ISU. In C.
Trarome Clip rlaltor praterdap.
35 to 4-: in each grade.
8. P. 8. ball, at 7:10o'clock. AU mam
Mr. Ous Ban
W B Btooeitof Blacbam. waa la temara rrqnMted to be prauBl.
Tbe Napoleon or Mlastrelap.
Iba blip paatardap
W. B^OaiapbeU. editor of Ue Bmptra
Mta. B'oaotrotofWaablartooatraat.
Hraiy J. Tork67
ladt paatardap for Datralt, eallad tbara Leader, au bua eboam to rapremat
own comediu ud
bp the aertoaa Ulaem of bar au-la-law, UattauUlap town 4a Ue pood roUa
aoavmtloa to ba bald la ink dtp la Ua
Dr. Bobart Sowrll.
John Ljrnoh
Mlat Tmp Worabaror aama op from Bear fatara.
Blph wire and tend baluelap
Those that are using Sewing Silk
Tbam will ba a aoaacU muUBp to*
Brand Rapid* iMtalptaV
will appreciate a batgain like this, a spool
Bo«. W. K Wriabtbaa rataraad from BMTVow avmlap at Ua eonnell room*,
XatI X'ambert
Oklaaro. wbara be want lo bara bk aad the railroad maeUap aallad for that
To Have and
To Hold
Style, Quantity, Quality and Price
Steinberg's Grand Open flense
Thursday, April 12th.
The Gus Sun
Rising Minstrels
Sewing Silk
«poa traaud He ako eUlud la ladla. M Br wlU ooeopp bkpmlpU todap.
> 0 B MeMuaa baa rataraad from
Obkafo. wbara ba paiehaaad pooda tor
Barldct Buk Ba«aar.
avmlap at Ua aama plaaa. wfl] ba poatpoBod tor a few dapa, aaUl aoDm k
Tba Biaamar miaob wu daa to leave
CUeapn Prtdap. ud It wu expeoted
ttetabe would mebe Uta port ob bar
^ trarana CUp Bwk Ot.
•m trip. Bat owimr u ua baur tea
MOk ararpthlar in tbr IIm of MoalO'
la Ua bap It k qalia protebta Uat
at Merobaadka. Opooalu Btfia of- aUll
Ue ataamu *UI ratarn to ObMapo
wiUoat tcaebiap bare. IVVtt ea tkd toBtb &1«
Oaptalo Wrbb of Ue atmmrr OolamMa. iDtaadi to make bk drat trip a
waak from lamor^w. If Ua wmUu
emUauu favorable for tba openinp of
HraSARTb* TbUor
Ba expaeta to loach at
Wut* to am poa.
aaarlp all of tba bap porta Tbadoak
k belac bmvnp atukad.
WhnoB ihd Bonth
W, J. J
TtePamala Bnrtraqnar.
Ton T. BhA*
Brook* A C*xr
Soap ud I)«Du Aniala.
Ja* B*nne**7
Aukta^^ayr*. DaaamJ|Uaol««.
MU, romprial^
35 liostnil Artists 35
Priam tl. U. 60e; box amta 7ta
•Miami aaie atUa box offiac amt
•teikiar au »moat .
•maaaatrauoa txiuk Marteal am-:
am* ad aaralval la Ue mmlm m!
of ao yards of good sewing silk in either
black or colors forpnc cent.
for 50c
One of the biggest bargains you'll
run across in many a day,' A fine line of
sizes, some with cottars attached, some
From 35c to $1.35 these are just as
popular as ever.
with collars detached; They are all good
wearable shirts -and nothing like t^em
everplaced on »1«.
colored shirts in stripes and checks, in all
The Haonah & Lay Hercaotile Co.
mmn inpiwuiwiiyuiiiii iiii i m i iii i
fbdtoaa Baaa Killed dome Vblud aad
XEutuPa^pixiPixcPiiliXixiX , ara Witag Para«ad bp Kae^
. tha iwini of 4»«M Bw^. aen
‘taMad froM OkaateraU aew^ Jforra*
Arit.. AprUa-1
kar, UMl, to Jaakra te Ula. aa a aoaaraatlp. areoa tba war path.
of aaralrp (loaa fort Braal
to ta panalt. aad a poaar raacbJawa Baarr. » terMr aaar Plais- woataatolaadiara bodp of oowbeya.
wall, baa baaa slaatac aUaa Tbanday- Oaa wbita maa bat alraadp baaa abot
■a vast tc KaUM « « aad aoU afaaai. bp t^ ladlaat. aad Ibtta to aa aaooalar wbiafe ba raaatvad
rt that otbon baaa baaa
ly. aad U la faarad W «ai wllk blUad. Tba Mwa waa bret«bt to WIU'
M lAvh «• TMra aid aa4 haa •oa totop bp aHaaaarar.
Tba kaowB rteUm af tha ladlaaa to
Mn. AaulU tot at 'Oaldvatar, a«ad J. a MaMb a mlatac maa. who
M. «raa faaad daad ba bar raoa. 8bf abot
aiebi la Plaarp Oaaop. to tha
Jaat eatalda tha
aad »aa ia bar waal h«llk. FhyallaD tor
aiaaa Biala U ma a aaaa at baartfaU- dead aad bto aamp waa i
Maek dtacr*d blamalt to tba raaab at
SarrrBalpb, ta rmn aid. IMair Mtoa Roda Rina, foar mUaa awap.
airbt mUm mt of OaraaaOUy. ab whara ha aaU tba ladlaarwara dnmat
• teaytad la aboet iaiaa laak at wM farwarfhra. Tbara wara oalp thraa
gaaaa tbaraday auranr- Tba laa. tod^ba to tba partp thaVattaakad him,
vbiah »aa aa
aaa. barat aad blaw Btotbora wara aaar. baaapa.
Mtoa Rlcra moaaiad a daat boraa aad
bit tafi foraana oil. Aa^iaUae abora
roda at ooaa to fort Oraat, wbara aba
«ba alhaw «raa ~ r
i j
aotiflad tha ofiaara of tba Nlatb eatal
Tha laa b ffaltUff vary aoft at BV If
aaaa. Tba Lrorala L. aada a trip to TJ. A dot^maat of traopa waa aant
Iba Waod TriAof wltb lltUa diOanli/. at aaaa to tha aaaaa of tba abdoltor,
raldad bp tba rMl- «ho roda with tba
Tba laa la ibaatralU la braaklaf ap.
aoldlotaaa far aa bar raaeh. Thfra
tba aoataat bataaaa tba baalapM
aha orraalMd a band of Mwbepa and
aaa aad tba clerk'a aaiaa at Maataua
bararlfaaaamlBf aommaad, tha paxtp
la irataac qalia warm. Tba aaloo aoatook Ua trail.
' aaadad la nvUar « o'clock elcclu
Tba troopera waat to Uddhto oamp
all tba avoTM dariac Ua wUtac. azecpt
aad thera eaarbt tba Vail of Ua fadi
two alfhta par weak. Now aoac of
am and foUawad It Into Ua Qalllara
‘ tba baalooM maa wiab to opce crerp
aaaaicr dciiaf tba aawawr. aad tba
clarba arc waftaf a Uvalp caaipaita
roaodiat tba ratirfailea are arw
aad Uara It aooalderablc asalteo eat at
Thte atorp coauc from Llodca aad to WlUeox. wbari Ue aawa wm raaetred
Idd^aaaa abcolata faai; Oa Wrdocc
Uto OMWalar..
dap Mra Ban Wlaa weal to P. R. MM
diawertb'c atorc la that rlUaya aad bad
BOW rabbara.dttod nrar a pair of abort
It oruT buru «hr value of loM lo
aba hat wora 'for tbirtaaa paara, aad tall II niili.i lut-nC
thap art rood aboet pat.
I'enaltp ibe harder a man workt (he
nofr be
e eaiVE
for ntben.
baa alaatad Joha T. Ttok prealdaat aad
r. B. Daparaaeretarp. aad appolatad ao<l keopa oihetw finm drink
a aommlttaa to laaat too aorat oa aa<di
When a liahy <Tlea ll never aliadi
aUa of WoodwaRl araaaa for tba aaa
The awrape man ha* inniv inunep
of tba
havk »r him (luin be l an »e<- altead of
Mtoa Lipdlt Btratar, aaa of tba moat him.
promlaaat takebaia la Delta
It'* ulna}* 4im< 111! for waa baled Trldap ^ tba aaeldeatal iliHlenlaiiil whp u Koiiah dueMi't like
dtoabarfa of a rarelrar la the baada of him. It DoiwilnirM r>«|>|*-M* iliat ■ linmelr
aatadaat at bar aabool ta laabaUa.a
nuuieir iluiiU* (heI- uivutne)'
of U|lramall ataUoa oa tba Soo ' llaa, abont l»
milaa fro* Baeadaba.
Cupid'* plenin-* n-M-inlwl him almut
I of tha Btp a* uiiH'h as c-ourialiip rrM iiitikw marOttlac bare plaoaad !% aarlaa of aai^na r.are.
The wnri<l nis) •!«'«■ a iiiaii a llvlns.
aad praaUaal aerr^
blit he ha* Jo eollet-i n on (be ln*(al|.
Apm a. dpaelal tb^aa baaa boaa aa- mem plan
loatod for tlmeltanroat dlaeamloo bp
A maVs itm-irp iiiap wio a woman,
all of iba aattora on aaodaaaira ttoadapa hui I'm'E an et.^piHwi If hr Is able to
lualnialh her on li.
bad Wadnmdapa
wildler'* ni*( •■nu;|ee»ieiii i* of IIIAt Aaa Arbor tbe enfe to Ue oBee
iC* ilie luiule* after
ofUe anlraraitpbmpiul w*. blown!.--inarrlnae ihei
opoaaad looud of lu aontMM,abaat
.\u* iGnoinnt ....... «h«uM el«nvs re•tM to oaeh, Tbaradap airbt.
malsi >lletii. hut if i«- kooH* . nonru
John DeltearoUdled Tbaradap alfbt Id do an lie iMi'l iiiiiornui.
Souie liH-ii triiiilil rnlloT eal mi a
at bU boeae waat of JaekiM. ftor
leainiiraoi ' iIu«m at Imiiie liei-aune
paara ba bad baaa a earloaltp to medU tto-lr onliT- .tie u»l *ii|.|ire-««eil.
aal maa. baelar a tumor abora ibci left
•t man urver i<aliu<* wliai nn aw
blp torrar than a half buehal maaaara. fill liar In t. imiTllt* wife U-cii
Laulp It laaraatad anormoaelp Id alae. ii-niliKl hup •>{ ifie pi'oiniM-* he i
l^ll*ll.p -Cli.ellGO
’Tharndap aftaraooa Pipf. Belaaa.of New*
Ofaaavilie, waa biitaa oo Ua left band
r Ua keaekla. bp
-I dIdnT lell jou. .lilt I. Mil.lred.*
ibako. Ua taar* alaklaf deep into Ua aald Mr. (tovil lu hi* wife. -|hai 1 *aw
dmb. Ha waa pattlar Ua raptIU. pour slater Jane ilowit-lown ilm il:t)
trbtab ba raaaiead from tba aouto eoma wet-kT"
•No. poa ilhlii't. «-Uartc-«. .tiirusiii.
Umaaca, totoa C4«a. wbanUatfoof
Cavil" rr|i1hHl Mrs. cavIL
ahat'ooaamailporuoDof Ue ropule'*
•| >i.uy
bftl Wbaa deloM araln opEWad Ue
i'eil. y..u Ml- daor to allow tbe enaketopall to hie
"Vr*. 1 •IV. You niri ihi’ only als.
tall.lt awa'Ek him on Uaband. Bo ler I haie iii Ihe w.irl.l, mid .ii-t. Jil of
wall know Ue daairar of a moeow
eoaein' eOlulliS »irMii:<il IInjiin'>' Iand lelliui: I
eolltd have
dociora Utok bto raeoeaep doal
kiH'p (he mallei'
if juu hiive
Many mtoara are raaahlar Ue Lake and Iheii a«k . :ii.
in- ntlnuitl Ihe fn. I thnl ynu
Superior eoppar and Iron dtolriau from
UeTrantveal. Tbtoa maa averara r«
aapitonally hlrh, baytor boanemploj-t
"IWi liui in.-, Charti'. AubiisIU
paaad aterl.nr par. dap to Ue (fold
mtoae of JobeuneeiBire The aaw i iimr pun h.ife fnixeiien wliai ii an
aamin from douifa Afnoa ara aaarlp al*Mii. Tell iu> if iln* l-n'i the ease.'
bopefol ofM early eetUameol of tra! cbarW .tupiuio* C....I, l ki...w ,l
troablaaow ariuttot tbe Tranaeual. e<-il> how li «a*.
You simid} didu'i
ThaBBiatwrof U«ae miner* teaebtor'
wlirther 1 kii.-w iliai
bad T
--en eUiit Jane
tbe Mtablran mlntor bride m u. p*,.;
d uot hair walii*l .t wboir
daw weeba
wren. exoaedt
*nr«d* lou
.11 me
m.' ion
,011 had
had wfB iH-r."
ISul t dl.lir<
• • •
I '«Bw lH-r.".Mr.
A Oraad Bapid* A ladtoea freipbi
aad paBaearar eollidad at Mil mo June-!iOa«it*ald
. . - ■ ...
1 -Thin r.l Ilk. to klnm whal yiwj
itoa. ^roaktot boU aartacaaad aerl- .p.,
riiari.-. .tiiKii.i.i* c.i.il "
waalp injuri&r Bmkemaa Jonea Kirm ; ••I
"I asbrd
aUrd yni.
ym. if
-f II lol.l
lol.l von
von Ithat I
iar aad e porur. neus not Uernad. .»f, ••*»
--------- —.
bl'r.'" r»|dninr,l
Mr. CaUI.
jfj ^
••tV.'lL why dhln'l you
y.Mi irll n.i-r
j "The
dn'l Irll yon
tbabopaor Pinakaep ara eolleettor! be^-an
t ill.lu'i •‘xr her. Thai'* all."
Cavil ra*iMtl and was *iirerb•Id paaura atamp*bad bave.M
latolaatad wltta tba era« aa to trp Ue ' ”
laakbanaat Ua poeijam aad whenf
Mr*, uprsyi* a#o4r wr
ahapdsd oaa aaloekad Ueyopoall' Tin-wife
a.tndral uf ihr narp
aad taarot tba atamp. from Ibe mail ** "i"''
•« i>N«riee.
—.t— Arraeteare
Aretotawpe itoriy
ilkfi# to
t« foUow.
fAiio*. At ih.- Iimr ..f h.r iTffaKruM-Dt lo Ihe
A Morribie Oatbrawk
. »«’.»rd at ihe i-nlilullj plven W bor
m sorrinie oetmraab
, e.ei, lumemmi. ,od u r, -rnKlilye of
..•« torfu eorac aa
UtUe ' i-riiieUm. .tu r,lii„r irf oueofili.’tVa*hdbtarbtor'a bead devatopad Into .a eaee larton paisTH .-alM lo her
•daoaldbatol-^ltae: C. D. I.bill of I t^to|d...™..ur .u, ti.
IBortraiaa. Taaa , --bot Baeb'M'a'ioriai>h that ha.< i*-en urni
. BrafeSblvaormptotilp cured bar,-If. j ua.- In o ihw. r.|...ve nrllrlr,
• P5?***^
*** vaaema. tattar< "II it w>
.-xjdalnetl tbe editor.
saltiMam* pimplca, a-w«e. ulaam aad: who wa* an -dd'irh-nd of Mm. lirwaOai Oalp nTat <. B Welt
' laadiaa.
ey'a “that 1 ihsllhe u. uae U. Are yon
«. iohaaem. draegiam.
I tpgw whli-h one 1 refer to?"
••Ob'yea." «ald Mr*. Ikrirap. "-That'c
all rishi.”
•^Hui dou'i you wear Juatku doae
rrpilH) Mra. lK-»«p. *■{ oaly
OaUtoaad aaa Tbimam
Taa're al‘
w. O. Ba«MS MpTbOor.
Bi#h School leMiMiro Oootm
» OroBt tfnoMBB.
•aersa R. WaadUac Clmad iha Oeaiaa
VUb Kto •laat Laolsta "IDrabaBa
aad tba fflb mtaotattoa»~Bata>prlaa Will G(«a a RrrRt at Otrr
•SOO for UaRebooL
dome of tba faatntaa to ba aecn wiib
Om Ban-a MtoemU at dwtoherr’*
Uraad next Tbaradap aiebt. April u.
are Barfcaa. Riaa aad Bama. Ue
wollp car W; Jobe l^b. blpb «lrv:
ttae Sane, Jantoeand batoaeni Hearp
J. Torkap, aomadlam. tooaoiofuUt aeto
aampeaet; Bar! Lrmbart. doabir-rotoed
voaaltol! Ue Barmoala qaartet; Tbm
T. Shea, aomadiaa aad daaeer; Jnmea
acmadtaa aad atofur; Iva
aab Bmak, moUml mokaej beatdae Ue
atoreta aad daaeaft.
Tba Aaaat aoaraa of laetaiaa aad toatoUto
attp WM broapbt to a dutac aloaa laat
araator bp tba fraat laatara. "Mirabaaa bad Ua Traaeb RarelaUoa." bp
tbaprtoaa of Ua .
Tba laatara to baflvea to Ua Oty
Oaoeya R. Waadltor. Tba aeama baa
Opary Boaea next Tbaradap aveairc
oaa that aap cUp mlchtwallbe
bp ITaf. W. N. ratrto of Blf Rapid .
pread of. aad baa baaa aa aacaaUdad
I-------- ^ ^ totmeaUar and
will proUblp attraet a larfe boaee.
Bora, who baa bad tba a
Bto aabjaet will be “Tbe baUdtop of a
aaatramalp tolialtDoato
maa, or Ue problem of Ufa." O: Pro',
rerrto' laatara Ua Katomaxoo Sata.Wbaa tba tlma aamafor tbaopm
dapTatoermpb aapi; “Bto talk wi*
of Ua laatara
ira Ua atp fippCbBsaabwaa
repjata wiu wluy aaptoc*. bome.y
BUad to tbaI doom,
aa At baa baaa at
illealratlont and eaca. advlaa Uat
ottoeoo Ua boaeae. Before
eaemad to meat the approval of Ua
the toatart opaaad Piot Bpra rare aa
Urfc aadlaaea. He waa boariUp apIdea of tba Aaaaalal lateem of Ua
Blandadaa ha clotad.’Tba date bam li
aatarprlaa aad Uaakad Uapablla fir
Touiadap, April n.
tbalr lltoatml pavoDBCa- BadUaeoarta
bciaa aobdaetad tor Ua parpwa of
“Tbe Devtlb Aaetlon" to booked for I
maktor mooap maab more would bare an early ^prodaclkm at the City Opera
heaa raalind la Ua wap of orodM. boi
Talc to one of tba 'preau
It bare a rerp diffaraat epeotoenlar pre^nettona M Ue roed
Idaa from almple moaap mablar, eo and ie meetloK wlU freateoeeeea ir
that bleb prloea bara bean paid fm- at be metropoliian clUea. Theatre fov"'
VaaiioBa aad tba price of Ua tldbaW <111 arpreriaie Manaper Wllbr’m'cc'
have heaa kept alula Ua maab of fort to brinptop It lo UU cily.
Tha leetorc bp Mr. Waadltor ««• •
maaiarip otatorlaal eVort. Tbe lara<
aadtoaea cat epaJl boand. too atVnure
area to applaud. 'TM marie cf Ue
epiakar'e norda plaeed tbem to Ue
mIdetofUe Ur^Uac aoaoea Uat be
daplcUd.Md UaeraaUof Ua Fraaeh
Rmlatioa aaamadto be rotor oa to
Uelr immadtoV prcaaoea: Tbeepaakarb eh qneaee capurod aod bald aoo
UrUled bto andleaoe. aad Ucre waa
Bot a momeat -wbea Ue totormi dtr
Tba followto|r atalcmeat Uowe Ur
ra*B>t of Ue oonme flaaaetol’p. Wbau
all Ua aolleetloae ara to. Ua amoaal
oa htiM* will fa
.frobablpto SISO.
Total reccipukkftkatm.
Opera Bnoi
Pilnilnp. ri
OommUalontoatndenu «n »
b mt Ml xtotouto am jto Mi tot tot U UiA'
Emm m soetErr.
ktot mi mt w tot tot i«MW toftoctot to K
Mr. end Mt*. R. A. Cale, who Uvr
Jaat noitfa of Ue TravrrM Beach rtaurt.ieeteitalctd a nnmber of youn,prople Pridap-yvebtop. Warm maple
enpar waa aeread.
- waa planned e
BerUa Kallep laat evcninp by
mnlber. In hoeor of ber birthday whieb
oc'or* Monday. Fifteen of
and flrl frirnda ae -epted Ue Invltailou
nnd Gathered at 'he bi me of Dr. (I. A
Jarvis to which M w Brriba waa aen*.
ft la netdlrs* 10 *ay that a very e'jp-|
able iveninp era* b*d, ibe t me tetop'
•nrnt In playionpamrs. RefrmhmeLx
of lee rream *nii<-!ike ;were served
Several nre*ent» ware rao-lvrd.
In fancy soft textured fabrics and
worsteds ia tmts of irreproach
able cut, fit and finish bearing the
label of the leading clothing mannfactnrers.
tailors would charge
nearly double.
Everything You
Gould Wish For in a Top Coat
May be found on our tables—
$B.OO to $20.00.
Balaaea oa band .
TiaearM lUp B.rall.-..71 Will Pout
•morrow Rebnlrf.
T^era wul be no reralar review oi
Travaraa Bap Blve. No *71.
aeanlrr. bot Inatiad Uere will bt
banquet eervod
Uo loelnp eWe in
^* ^*'*^- There will be a abort prormm coneirtlar of toaete. reeitatloe*
aad mnale. The peoriam eommnnee*
o'eloek. followed by Ue banqaet
Beary member of Ibe hire to invited,
alee all vtoitom tbat baee token nart In
Ua aoataaC Plaam do aot briar Ue
Ktm BcaflaU't
Ci.icn uteri.
OramtoAk ap Parlqn
aot (tout! L’s!oostr«eL
i2!f5TUBE’S CURga
A Curs for Nervous Hosdiehe.
I^or elEht yrar* I siinmd from mawip*.
Uoo andsovamifr***!. ItrodarWe. I Hr bewl*>-he u*ush> liUi.inE ibrro ds>a al s Uiiw.
Hntfla>-bqiuu<tf-ni nll.'.njuu-iciiinuratlly.
Iwl Wfl da* Isul surtTrrU
I l-maa
taklnECVlerrKlnE I hs.rmwtl) impro.rd
InbswIth.sHilnxi nr never h«>e broUwlM.
.Celervl.'.i er,ir.«<',>nB)lrwlt»D■M*lldtw
ewuxof.lie Se-\r«.xu>marb. IJ vers lid KiA
nsvs. bujd :>v OnuKUla. Bc.aiuliec. 4
ITof.J. W Cbaprona. optiei,u.
eenilv loiwtad m Uto city. wUl be .
bU office at tbe Ito.rl Co.uinb'i. tb«
firai week nf esrh mooU. He baa tbe
brat ot refereneea. DU price* are
Monday’s Special Sale!
1 luring the three days of our grand openinc tve have
had the pleasure to impress you with the magnliude of
. our stocks in the various departments, aad the newness
and freshness -u( all our merchandise. We are now
going Vo prove to you that we arc Icidcrs of low prices.
For Monday Only We Offer
300 yards 40 inch Crepons. different patterns, all
new designs, some in stripes and bow krots.
An honest value at $1.50 per yard™ for this
special only...........................
36 inch black no\-eliy Crepons. worth 50c—our
49 inch all wool Cheviot Serges, market value
75c. our special.......................................
On Our Basement Floor
We shall commence moving our store. Mon
day. to our temporary location on Union St.,
near corner of Front St., and will be closed
for a day or two. We expect, however, to
resume business the latt^ part of the week
and will be pleased to meet onr old custom
ers at onr new location:
The Savings Bank Bazaar.
For Monday s Special we offer:
. 25CX) yards first quality unbleached sheeting, presspecial....... x'...............
ent value 7c. this special.........
8c. thiss spe<rcial....................
1000 yards of Pripi. while it lasts, at .
2000 yards cotton shaker fiannel. worth <xr, for
this special
. .
Yard wide percale, mill ends, worth, loc. special .
A few mill ends of dress ginghams.'worth loc, to
close at...............................'.................. V...
Bed sheets, extra special Mohawk \'allcy.
^ wonh today7Sc. this special.........................
50 odd pairs of corsets. 75c to $1.25 values, this
Art Denims. Silkoiines and Curtain Muslins in
polka dot and figures have been removed to
this floor.
50b yards polka dot and figured curtain muslins,
mill ends, worth 15c per yard, this special • • -
Our Wrapper Oepartnient
I am prepared to store any wood or coal heaters
at a reasonable price. I can come and uke them down, •
store them, and in tbe fall when they are wanted black f
them and put them up in their places in good shape.
bn basement floor, contains a very elaborate
line o( well made and neatly trimmed^gpwas.
Many are of best French percales..^ V\‘e price
them from.......................................■;---- 48c
48c to
to $2.35
Our special is number 1336. of extra quality pei
cale, 3K->toftls sweep, fitted lining, braided
and tucked front, double plaited back, our
price only .
^IcCall's are the best Fattems. Just two prices—loc
and 15c. None higher.
' ig
fg iMOgr grggiit
> taCMu tolllut;
Mtf tetk o< B«-
- teywtel h4 PHmw K*}r MUo !•
MAfsrlf^*. TtoRMaoR^wniWln
fte«M RM !■ tb« teivUl VRlM
•rite Rf« ktftelaf to p*7 toMtotea. li»OMr«lMteteR
rvyte to SMMteMi o( te
■ a<te Mte
«te tom te I I IcMtoc to te
MtoEatekrikto f
ipl*." AaO ju.1
ad tor ptofrMor aMto.
A uni* laicr h. wa. . _ _________
PriifiBW lYboo bad rrrj Uadlf cxtrad■ r dorol*
OdrMT WaakiBrUM ■toteAHA BohAal rr<t
au arwaai.
B> mUto otot I wmM u>. ^ 1
“l> tto Oriaooi."
Koraiaf aMvteakRd Mnaewat ItoM
trrtaa tbuix-b aortore tto twxt Satarday.
Vtot b hi V ihM«ia W tol aaaaaiY tUm araotoc. o-kmat tom- vat toon/ sp- ' M.r OpBBWtIOR ai »H0 a. B.
■aa ra> UM.
Boda/ Bobool at 1* B.
(to Ttoakultnn aad Jar rtotord
Prmtt ad aw «4 t«HB towi mt
BvwlBg atrriteud mrmm al 7.
boax- and Jim brfora tto/ wponud for
•ad Wr atoM
AU ara aorteU/. Urllad to teM
Tm ■«» «fWt« »f* •» Upb Mr. ah. Ob
tto Bi/bi. Mabri wnm) la Joa aad nld:
“PaiOoo aw. Mr. Brittaa. bo( I'm muo
an t^ju^ w wr w hw a
ttoYT Boat to •amrtoiac latmotlaff
■bna( that war ao poor forrbrad. Bow Bar. Parte Aaaaa. poraae.
did rm> sw Ilf"
fwT awtor trob krr h«4 a Wm* «aa <
GhPte, Cor. Oak apd ftfib atowto.
*’>'reB a cat." rttdlrd Jiw with a total
•tk Mari
Bnda/ aehool pt toU.
oa aW to fto kMM (hr Otor
W mmv alb-. "Oood alebi."
Malwl (Hi far a oitoimt aa It ato bad
Cto h^ WM*
-to. hwnaa tot B wr bara ntoatr rrbaBrd TWa ato aBBrd.
"Hr BOW barp /uaawd tbal Prafrainr
PHuiB (old aw u ark him." ato sarlarrd (a hiioflf^
Tto Batatda/ craalaf of tto iaetarr
c Pt i«;M A B. pad
Jar aatowd aanaeallr <|BiM aad proarroBird, aad ta MabaTa eraot aatprlw a-bto
be Jolaad ttom la (to ball prepaiod ta
■Ian tor tto toank to wa» la oraalif
laar ,
^ ,
•towi ataA U Kro Ywt !>«.
Mfmpmm.h «m« MMa tei
At Iteto. H.. Ate teMi*. Ry—f
labH. y^im aagbt ta tafl
...___ Aar aadIraL. Tto caftart of
Adair war (ally rrpprarotrd. aad AAalr
war a iBwa o( Btaaual literary acqaira*
Mata. At Jan K a'cluck Jadpr OrmboB
atrppad aa tto platfarm. Hr baa aUrw.
"Too wUI all drrply eeftrt to bior." br
aall. ~(ba( I'rofioaor PHtan .-anau addrtar aa UU rrcDla/. Hr war calM
away .lair, (blr anrnwue by a tadefrapb
Jaba TrrabHaw loakrd ap >addraly Beatofr lafarBlac him of (to arHaar UlfrvB faU btrakfaat piatr.
bia tomlly. Il war
Tr. a .Bpriae fur yoe.*' to miM. "Too ^ ^
m'l EIWB wbo la COBIIK la aakr Or a.^^^
, aobatitoir. Ji%pi*ata
*^1that (be yauBCct lurtiihrr
(bat OrlaoMatbrr aad dao/birr «.-Laafad * ca raprditlu
an. At
fcwortk Iwtot Pt StU p. m.
Ptopliwtejte. ‘Tba Mpb «d «a. or
^Tba^y—tewpl Prpjw Mtetif
tepwtei CtoppAM Baliw Kada
te BmUAlaf ap4 Paraopaca.
arabaiPf Bad# la tba Brete Matbodm abareb tbta waak. whl^ «U1 proriMtba bcldjpr ofaarrloaa tbmto4*j. Tba aadiurlaa of tba «bv * Ir
baltoraolaqradaothat It will a«t balf
M Baap afaia aa la tba paaL A laetara rooB la boiac added aad tba lowar
will ba Botabad. la addiUooa faroact
wUlbapotla aad tba ebanb wUlbe
tboRMBbl/ (.rarbMled aad irmUj
^r-ufKtSICkTh’S !££
T OOT-eTCaTMaT •l•rroaa-._protolvy an
1j Pmaia«i>M.eaiHYHa« Ptot>r pter
mpaALB-InrtaeeMaftato: poto BoA
T^WI P*LP(7PRA*-OMdMMoaaaa< t4c>r te OaUa>Tto«paoa-a4rmcwm
rpo un OP rOR aai-E - raeo mb aerca.
^ Aopiy ta o«M IWOarep.
forthmmmAtnm thaab«nhppd aa
■Adltlao boflttorpMUbia.
ttefalaMUliPtoyffoednPlain. W. ^^rawpto.—— ..p---------- -»yw
a UwnteB.
Kite to Itotorf*.
WcanotwlPf fornto pototo Coed.
■ aplteU fte for eatUa amd bcfte
It^ prcporcdla a dry etPM or
piteod; tio dry food la Ua pto bapAnd aod tbe prtecd Uc por boadrod
at 7:M p. a.
A tedlpl IPTltMkB 10 tba pobUa to
attaodpU thmaBwlte-
Atetor vmu wk« »«t toto* Mrm
■ of treat
T* Am a OoM ta Om Bay.
toto•»Wr«RrMte bome<» frlmA
., Ratjte
_____ ■ a
aaifaCrake Waner'a White Wuk of Tto S}-ni|tow« Ml-MMteH. u4 bOfMT
CMHatiao Bol—tw aarrte wUl ba he bed COOgb fCfDcdy uo earth. Mian
Mtortolte tor te slUmto rMmtrBaadaj
WadtetoUlteMR tMi««r to te» Wt
aaada/ erMiac Pt 7:»& All on mor-tauBlra ap aatora. ‘
to tet Rwte hf (r««Mat tektoff.
diallp larltad to tbaaa aarriaaa
Storouf wMUBte ftottoUf torcavbco op mar.
AMtoahowto t^lt.M4 ftllkiMCk te
------- PIpBtk
ter. J.a aoBB. raauv.
' MUtto to rMocaUito* tMMOfte
Banrlew bold la Oraafo ball.
tri—to. ah* «auM ramaitiar toair
Semoo IC:W a B-TbOBO. "Erpanaaea.*'
mmm TkaattMAtof ^totoatara
aald Join. “a( a crrtala Auni «iloiiwi«»^ »f ‘bat 111 fated yoeat. I take anoouadap acbool at It b.
aba la aaCariaf tnm bjatortoal aai
wbo war rrry /uad to (altor abeo to'“*' idea.t.rr In lomHarlnc .me wbo
C E at e 0. B.
deetnoe 7:0u a. a. Ai
rbaae, “Saaklaf
waa a
Tberr w>. aabudy quite lUw
AUB< B«fa>BW. U-ed
sad who
waa- the Klnrdaa."
UeU. It.1.
(bla u
1. h...
her .....ke.
(wptow. •***•'
p^,erx>r. ..«n
All are Boat oordlally torltod to atSatoaacM toUato »UI aot ba aoU to tto aao of a morb yauorw Hrter. Aunt
p,rtlen|,r>m. uf Ihe wbule alTdlr. Uod tba arrrleca
te Oalud Autaa.
Baluroe died rwrully w.meabeir la Cali- bet nr lolrodurOl'- .......I’b BrlttoB."
roaeiicoAnosAlA BAKUAIN -ta M fool lata o Prooi ami
AA H>«lr.tr*rU(..reaMoreMi lena* ('.all
Aarrarar Oaaaral Dtowa at AUaka fenila, aod Jur la eoBilsf tore lu aetllr| Thru Joe artiw frum bride Mabel aad ■«*. D OaraUa. aoMr.
kaM Pruat airr
het litUr ntale. Tbr ol.i (arm vrar
forward (u ihe {ilatfonn. Hr waa
Aaa aaaaA Ua OMat l■porUBt B»aa'
OoBiaaDioe aerricr and rreopUoa of
rlixHIle aa> war ben., aad rbe left a pair bel arlf tuiaM-rae.l. tod he l<H>kid rrQKPBi^IAPINO -I
aato praka l/lag kaek of Bkac^«7 mA
l-k boore la Iowa, Ml of il rwa to Barkably well In bU eeeiiiiix rWlhoa. At
Tbe. ffarie« at
a tbia tlaa will W for
lean that war Uabrl'r io«ar>l eiimawpl.
atoaf Ika aaca wUeh aarka tka ia- Jw."
MIebi"b be a ndlege*
ndlege araa?" Inquired Mabrt. Baoebow her bran auddeul) narmed la
aarmaUete boaadrp to boaor of dla
LLir.lL“"V IS''
b.r eotd little leMmi at ibe (bnuabi tbal raa. Tbe Bote
■trpplDC » 1 ifaiu to
~ ttocatokad Ma. Uaa Raak la eailad
"I uude
>1 be sraduatrd froB -tbU lall yoonc fHI»
rar Ibeir yoeal— ■twada tiiraa dollara la the Oraad Ttar
Mawt Oawaf.
M.l»rralti«," Mid ber they eouW even Halm dUtaiil irlatlea- «raeT<
Notice of Sale of Wai Work! Roodl.
TkaW. a T. U.ltakaaAootoffItoofaea’ed bMt will b* r*e»lr*d t
Baoday Bebool at boob.
"Ib.ut.- Ullle red artMwlb.mer ii|i tto
Joe toyau by «a)iug that be War laborad (»/Cterk of th* (»iy of Tra*i*ra*
C. .,.
AaM to toa TasaU, bhiaaco. aad bo*- fairb. I Ba|.t-iw." rumiueaied MabH.
Janlor Cbrlatlaa Esdraror aoelalj at
--------llebte-------------------------------------------d< tfa* oBm
of ib* OK/y Clark of _____
tw oader a double baadifa(>. the prvfeau. ...IP .
p, , .
b« to Braaawau lU.. wbara haadqaarHer father toiked al tor rbarply. tbro aor'r rr.|uect. Aird bow Ihe Judaea aordi
>eha** of MatT of *lralcto
at/ofChiiatiPaBD- CtolacoraCareat III Weal TM'b aiteet tit*(
edtolbaCil/ofTraTaear CIW
tan will to aauWtakad to Kaal OoHaca.
of tto water oerfct plaai at£
Mto WUIarA-a bom- . If Iba raat aat~
oJiBOdlw.fit>.wiihrtroot aototltule at tto Iwet. Tbeo be told i 1- f. 8- C b at 5:ttp- Byouuy (uauof
Haid toea. lo hear lat*e*oi a> ia« rate of >(t
tof poliep proTB a faUara. tba *o«aa efa.-rk ‘btrr •b«i> aad brl/bl almide. aiailei
. a aqaai
(w.praBlr aaaralljr aad to
ofebolr rrqaMtod ITAPKa FOB aat-C-am-rea M Loaa tok* ___________ T.q7.r-"*“'
vUI ratora to tba Taapla.
lobu Trrii iliue bnmebi him about the f.^i
a: roM.Jaai back at aarlnw; all cleared
r,umafu-r dat* of lp»ae
l< ••■(uen u« at tbr oatrenily
eiik a ukw orebanl, gooi (raw* hoaae, nir*
• l^4»x-9lrrae.af *r daleef tmo*
taaUton U apiitoBto at Ro«a.
------- : brook ruaBi-afullleorii. o( the (arO;
had made
___ an ri._ the arieDll&c- I
tbrf bo|»«j to prore. o’clock.
• Ikte-pi roar. aUe- daw of l..a*.
a rerr detlraU* pine* tor rarileelaa ur
•aaanl AaaartoaM aia U1 fran tba
kOPU of aald hunil. UP to rr^xruu McrnoDiaT c-ucacH.
...................UB tbe bead of (to (am- Hr fold of ihe royayr tomi Kaa f'rao_o* vim WMUa home rear iS* cltj Price
(art abl.-b ar»awd no addillooal Han>.-.>( Ib.- landlay, of the nan for Ito Brr. Bufc’li KeaarUr, PaMor.
ll.an. Piarra* no reuBijr Ua*. on* •-••• —■
Interior. ‘I'lion i-atue tbe >lory of tboir
There/ will be no aerrioM tod*/ otelii llalia: BolmlldiBc*: a nle*
PraaktoBt mmUiv uuntM u frelioy of ren-ntioeal la UahH'r midI.
"I'lo dUapie.luted lo him." aahl Mabel banl>Lt>« au.l Ibitr >ufferiiiE>. The aua on aecnuni of the reoaln which ore lemr
... ..
Jtoaar at tbaI Wblu Boaaa tba w~m- to ber tDoiber after dioiM-r.
bonied lbeq». the freer •n-iu berl them, belaff Bade oa tbe bo^Idlpf.
Up**: aend Mill price IMD «J
_ . . ..
. .Ippirhaarooo Rea York.
fraaito. D. oip*.(OBrik Bill* (n>_
. tora of tba aoelcraua of tba MaUmUai
•'Hr ae.-mr eery quirt and uaiaruia- tbe tialiter bararM-.! ifaerii al i v.-rr iiim,
UKMHAx i.rriiEKaa.
But they iM-rx-rered. Iliyher aiul bi
■plaoopal ebareb aa4 tba Matbodlat lay.'" ««-titMre.l her ou.iber.
, r,rtP I- wj», ur U4
rcbool■ptiootol Cliarob Baath. ao«r to aaaalco
They raw lllllr of Auut Kalolne'a oepb- !•« their imiinae war a>-eoo.|.li.h.-d. and
K.:U0a m preachiuy rrrrjce
a tfooil Utm. klrtpij ril llaiter o
at WaablaftoD.
rw d
durliiy Ihe ueii two <•< three dayr. they atan.rl
■rl oil
on till
tio reiuri. j-.iiniey.
Rrme will be held1 today, and are teWItoJ Waer*. leo iBilr. I,
, told hi
Abo; Op ■
■ Jayuai 1^1 leaie-l u|«iu Pro- bold rrery other HoniiarPraaiarptMeKtotojr'aari tba UaiuA Johu Treubulow limk blui away i
lu* Ip.ra
■•lO HBHA>’a II "a- l>-au-n off.
AlaUa baadtoft at tba Parto axpoaiTbatThrolbior Haadadbe
Uaa will ba kapt eloaad m Baadap.
Would qulek'r leara you. If you oaod
-.■li-d |>ai......... .. .......... _ ___________
r. K by'a New Life I’ilU. Tboua
e badii'i been leM alone wtlh ll»
, from ilu iiaiio-*' arr««>. and n-e..«>r tbr
P rleamd. IrM ;
e On..
Oiml .......
wn k of the
thalr mateli.urin. »all ..rp'bara poup] eaur; «l
I y..iiiiy.ter fin a >luyle tiHuiieul. What Craft. Ho Inl.l ..T the
uiv lof aulfcrr'a
. : hare •prored
- .
Ariu ral.ialMiB
;>raa inrrH (or nek and
a&d oer*i
nerrooa hradWaatto Qraad JUplda oa a tooto- war aiTM-. tin- w..t. m yn„uyiiier »bow- b«a' In tbt- rm.ij. and b.i« thi-.r atniy- | >»M »rm for .icu
ed on di-Hie f.ir her <ti|u|uiBy.
*ird a-lniee. He lulil nf ihr di-«lb of tobea. Thry inaka pure blood aad
braith. Ooly :y oeoUBoUre BaeoatlpCue olyht be |.niiu;tit l...me'ultb him a Bn.co ami of bla loimly Imtiid in Ihr 1®,““°®f y;
larve. wiqarv oi|>ri-*i imekapr. wb.n h. to- twilishi in a litllr rh nriim in the mid.f ■one) hael
A eat which U kept aa a pal »t the ' iC oproM. dto-lna-d a to^uliful taccy Of (bat trni>li-al
lroi.l.n.1 ti-rdiin-.
.erdiin-, lIi1I-- (i.M
(oi.l nof tbr :® Walliand Jaa,
Para Mattiaatia roasd boaaa. took m
(In of tirfo >lar ami
and eiquiaitr
erquiritr mariior^
mariiocr. bulldinc
bulldlny «f
of ibe ran aud nf
of ib<
ibr lony drift |
llPtMt fltUtu is smiscrj pedi
pmient f,.r Mt» Tmiliotmr
, In* Joiirin ) •l-xn llie .in-aru.
•aadaal rida roAotlp'. Whlla a Iralfbt
..rroee'a. I^f
"ir* .julie
I..»elj for'a rua," aald
H<' toM b.-w then- ua* hill iHn- tnan i ri
at Uer
Mra U'
W i:
(I II.awreacc'a
trala wai balof prtparad for tba n a
hat dellybled lady. "What it ilV
left io (be .trirkiii little l.ai.d with rutffcall and«ce them
rto Oraod AapIdcabaeilBbad to.a pla<a
“A ia*aar." replle.1 Jiie.
, Hi-Ot atreOKlh lo Mii-r tto cafi olcar of
--------------------------. aa aba loeoaioUra aad wbaa tba anclaa
"Hat there' arr oo Ja*uar« la CaUfar- abatruethm.. and n> inluiti. r i.. d.e wanu Conwmption Curo - WaPtoBT’O
alartad aba kept bar aaal. She rood
la." Mid Matol,
.cod cheer the failiac .|.lili« .,f hU ferer j
WIm Of TmT ftmtO. tbr i
, aUar tbroafh to Uraad Baptot. aad
^waa haoTbt taoek bp tba trato Bae 1..
libawayaar. _____________
And that wai all he Mid al.mt It.
^ And a..meh»v. Ih-nicli be mIiI oaueht
Tbit rrrnina' tbi-y were piMui; orer IC *f hin.M-lf. the aii.tlem-i Memed lo know
Loeal AabdrSBlaoto ipoktoc forward Joilin-tlrahani'a In an infiinail mi ptioD that J»- wa» the iiiau «te> f.-uebt thr
tetbatrotit taaaoa.Ahiek epao* tb^rat la buuor of I'lofcawir I'rliim. a ili.llii- Ja/uar. aud ah- •anm tbr nc.-r, and ^ Clei* Tour £ydt to ftulity
rilibid hduialor from the /real iiuliend- wbo alerml the rafl f.. final tafi iy
dap of Map. with dalUrhifel .aatiUaauelclp|>priBs <ii« JpH- l-epkcd
tbe -imiiU m-i.i ppf hp nm- doard thr world la full of cbMp tbloff*
ttotoaadara faltlBf tbair taaicle 1a rer) ai It. h>. aflmBom - l-lhe.. aud
*•' 'br ranw -f ~-.p-me that bai ' , Wheo yon nre In orrd of ■ aolV o*rrai eaae
far a. hi> ouloidr broo told .p many time.. ai.O >et wb.-ii h* ' eoct Rr tronarra wr hare the ateveb
klaUl (
■|plH«rau>e Wat eipiiremed. If lie rmly flnl*b»d bit n-'-tlal tbp-■lllll•'>ll-e wa* rery i pleaae you
Beu(n*n My Toll
wato'l u' dnU aad tiinild. II. .lidn'l l.«k allll f..r ■ mp.m.e.1 ..r ta.. Thm er.-ry t nr
It br Ourod.
at h*r aa ah.p eamr duao tbr Mato, aud h>«l> e.enp il d.-tetnpi;..-.! lu
— —
afar dalirred herw-lf il.al h-r lishi r an and «Uiie band* aiili the y-niiK fril.pw. If YpQIntend
___ b the dlaaaaad pontoa of tl
There ta ooly one way to care daof- and nra bin ai-re Iwlfa rrry |pei-uuiua. tt'ln-n J.- aa> dunlly |H':ii.lite.l to ra- ' '^udo^aoj ^intlB* do ^ (alltot/7
OCB, and ibat U byeoMiUuUoaai rca- Hr a*. eeiUinly a rei) tiuiml juun* caia. be found Matol wu.iiue fp>r blm at
thr diK>r. Her (-.»** were yr.* hrlifht and
cdloi Drofaraa la eaoaed by an lo- Oi'an
Uie*cbeap«°'' ■^^MunTw Wail VnJ.pe aalkrd wKh Juba Trei.b-dmr and abloitik'- aup| abe *re<-tiil him aitb a
Baard eokdiUoa of tba anootu Ualn/
bfa and you will aar no other Jnof tLr Eurtaeblan lube- When ibU Matol aud her iiipither iialJnl I- himl. 'ilir rharuiiuc »tullr.
llaa Cpmp'hell. South Bide bardw^r
wi-re rihl.-nily ••nj-.yine .UP h utber'a
*Tapa ami mamma bare mme oa
tobr yeU it lamrd yoB bare a ramb
pH) tn a bictp deptrr. The) lalk(.-il al-pad.” epbe ei|>lalmal. "aud 1 aald I '
UajraoBBdor tmparfeet baarinff. aad
lauehed in a Hay ynal wa. bicl.ly vx- WtmilJ aaii (.pt
wbac it la cntirrly eloaad daofoaaa la
(<-p),*«-d of you." Mid Jar. |
tba r -aalt, aud bd.pm the tbflauiBiaticii atj«-raljn* |pi Malel: Why dipln'l ibe »}uCOB be takra oat and tbit tube raatored phi feU-w tl) l'i eiite'lain tor A> be a at with a toulitiiied ool.ir.
• .
. . ,
Mah.p| t.e.l bia arm. and ibi-y walked
to lU normal condiUoB. heorlsti will
bypuo- an la aUmre.
brdr'tnyrd (u*e«er. Nine eaaaa oat
*'l want to aay." niurmuKul Matol
of Mb arr cauted In catarrh, which la Uti l.
When they eiilen-d Che Md rvee|dl..B Vite-ully. "Ihil 1—1 think 1 liaie inlaoolblny bat an ii.a*ined eoodliiao of
pari ir at Ihe Jiidee't. what wa* MaU-l'a Bader»li»id j-ii. aiel—ami I'm ...rry,"
tboBMOua aorfae^
"I dvn'l ibiak I qnlle undetMaad."
Wo vlU ffirr Une Hnodrod Bollan aaii-riee to >ee a tall, orto-larly appeariiif
tor'aoyeaMof Dealoaaa (eatwed by Bull dart foraaid and artae J-* by bqjb aald h-mr^i J.<r
“l'n> plad If yon don't." mM MabH.
•Ptorrb) that cannot oceorad by Hall'a •..........................Bi latip a .-..ruer.
IC»d« of gecoin* wlci Kid in
e beard bio cry. "la "Anyway. 1 fcr-l totter aoa 1're told
Qatprrb Our*. Baod for eircBlarn. troe.
/on." And tbro with dellcblful femlnior
F. J. CbMcy A Oo.. ‘Toledo. O.
laoe and bnUon, mada to order.
. lai'a I'rofe. »r PHtou." wblaprrod locouaequm-e ahr added. "B.-kHle*. you
Bold by Amfrtata. "
John T^.-dme IP bla Hifr and da«*h- know you hareo'i treated or io a rrcll/
Evary baby bom this year may
nUa arc tba b«i.
BaUbPaBily mU
rr. “Ue orte. l.. know ..ur J.w."
frteodly aay."
have a pair.
"Our Joe." bad a depHdedly fnapy ; Joe Uu/b-d la pieaMM (aahlun.
aeund Matol laiiifbed.
' “1 Waa only cnrTTla* oat my Jeer otd
For iDformaUoa oaU at our
Of BtUlaory fooda i
eoorrJ.w” didn't apply 'a fbe-tOBty’* oft repealed ad«l<».'‘be aaid.
LtwroBoa'a Wadsate
/ouu« weateruer that rTeullU Tbr Treii"And whai aarthat?"
new store. We hare mored to
day. A UtOa lator . . ______
hwlmra *a>u*ed eery illUr of hla rfUirrr ' *Te rraolulely Inm away (IVID trmpUdiaplay laur aiylaa. Tba rory lataat aaliontto profeador would but- te." quoth Uaater Jue.
942 Front atreet, west of Broach
Maw Verb potMroa to...................
taohte blm. tbeu (to Jmle.' LHd him Ib
*Thafa err/ oirr of yon." add Matol
thto dlaptay- Uooda
llrely eunre.HatioB. Thra to wa« paaowl aa/lly.
alone to UuB Mlnrrra (Irabam. tto
tt aertBod like u eotlrrly lnvier(^t rrWe don't a^^on to make a
Jndce'i laleaied daucbler. One wuold mark, and /rt Joe appeared to uadrehare
porohaee in order to eeeore the
tto erenlat.
< And tbr/ walked atlll Mower.-ClrT*Wc ■toby
MahH reoented this In her prrrerae lit- Mod Plain telrr.
WbwdMllBff with U
baby ehoea. Ihey are free
*»—arc Me h. an. What richi had itooe people
Ibe wlabM of aarctal
-------------------------r. o. t* moBopollae tor (alber'a fueotT The/ |
“toa famish the baby, we fhr0>« maowote
■Iwm/a jaat a little boii
■koBao Modern Tailor.
mnal to dolBf it thruoch abrer a/mpatb/. I A |e*(l«B*o of the old actoad aald ae«a
Dish the aboee. We want yoar inepeotion of oar HEW SPBIHti AVI) 8U1C1IBR
What epoid they aar U aarh a atopM /■«» ato: "Wbeu I waa yontia. two tenfeOowt
Onrd of Thoaka
FOOTWEAR. Oar speoialtlae are the Pingree A Smith make in dreaa sboee;
"To* bare a mc« drfithtfal rlaHap. hat* la eerb other. A few year* Uirr.
Wc wlah *0 tbanb tbe (rlaoda ood Mb* Treotodoi*." taU a voire at her H- BPd tbe bow had eoaaed. Thra came a
Bindge'e ooetom made working ahoea, J. B. Lewie’ Wear Besisters, Beams' Ventllptebbora for tbe kindly lyapotby bow. Bto toukrd np. It war ProfeMor Umr wbeo they laerHy tooetod tto brim*
•bown «■ Ip onr Um aorrow. Alao fo- PHtom
of IhHr hata. and ouw a Jerk of Ib* chin
sted Shoes, F.jKsyer School Shoes and the oelebrated an'd only np-to-date men’s
thc aaay bcpntlfcl floral offatinc*"Oh. yod BMwa Mr. Brinoo." hM Ma- aad a Knle *runt. ‘fl'm'. b'm.' b conaldMra Pnllar ood foBllyshoes msde by Nettlston.
toi complareolly. "Tea. to’* quite aa arrd aaSeieBt aadutaiina brturee two
Ideal evert. Hr <• ae quin that mamma men of qvaliir and faahhm."
tBiyBBtog OoffH-lAttU TtyBra. aod I acwrcfty fcaow to’i te tto bouae." t The bthll of remalnlii* aaeeretrd to
"Perhap* be
to oeeda a HtUr
lltUr drawtaf tto preatrxr of ladle* died hard, but it b
cot" «*ld tto omlllar prote*w>r. "Jew te
■ Whn B& tilt 8oqU 8idt
aa aalertalotat a* a book whta poe pH P. waa comoI
The Old BeliabU Shoe Ksn
We hsTS remored'to S4S Front St.
,' OaU IB Md te Tubpp. Too’ro pI- him aUftrd. Basa't to toM yoo choto alwayt mte
Weed torrtoodrd te tbe erte
tto Bfht with tto JactM/I Ko7 WHU aoom of (to opora.-Oor»hm Mafoala^
M'7'SSi5ST7:_rs-- 'Tars’
KK, sii 'S'A'.r.iss I
te K'»S",.7ks; K.-.te.'.s.'.'ssr™'',::
»W AMIM ttlWa « tbal 8a> h«* «r>drd hb Him kr- to valbrr kuRb^M »o«ro to rapfrir X.
Wwalrillr'* tioK work, wbiob
I* kb ovn|t» -- ------------------1 i do
aad kl«»*etf
UnboK for Obtt
tkott otibi^atibao. I rrpn
ta 'Ibo cenanoar porfnnnad a( ,
l«)nnBK - ■ «Hoi)l pictuKd id lyi
Kib.T.'' ahlih
ippliigbatn (buirb on (ho union • {
tbor (lamiod ••ataoi'ilm* and a-lOrb re< mtnroM Haatrko and Prlnro Hmo> iif!
... papoia.
In tialmtng during (be
drab oiUi ''Tbt tbooBil FUht Uotof*
aamo jrar ‘T'lio 1^(0." a plrturo ropro- •
tmry ka> iib|«i
r drstaaUi
■•D to ' Kandakor ' to «htrk lh>- Mai t> -aotxtuj
•ontlng Ibo rr-tum tnarvb <if Uriiornl
MkUM aiMl
> (bM ; HlKblaiuton aod Ibcofid (iurkba*. kbhloaan from Moiannofa. tbr artiot ro- tnibl'drr Uotii^l Hai.-pttor*i>D. bun* Ibomvortod tn a mintarr opbodo In tbr Bn|.(orh«d frow.lb» b«ad ot liM
dan rampalgn
guron Vicion* an
Imooir for ho aboa> tb* bkl
groatl) admired tbo painting tbal abo
drolred tn paciiaa a icfillca of It. but,
Bu ptrtur* of the HottlbMfrtraB campaint an
»CB bavo boot! (bo bcat pl> lurro dool>
g with Ow BlnMnl' hoiooon Ihr boot
Md Snilabor llwt have boon aMtt back
(bo from. HU draa iBdii hare appcarad ta manr KsgUah and AAortran
and. «ra» a apvt (bat w.i. watrheO «
bdbUraUoax aatf-prrbapa m> prwll ha*
Sir Uodfro' Langdvn. tbr rvaldmi ciunmlaaionrr. had cos
doao MKirc thaa bb u. aboa tbo outaldc
dlStraUr In roalralolog tbo Baautoa from grlUng at tbr Uovro. aad o
voiid )«ail aiial mat b al'ahart rangt.
moan* for li
. .. . iprlaoa aM
1 a
ItoBUtin. kbrw tbal BngllA
aad again tbb HHtbh battb .
mtir army of dWrodrrs >ad
baa aboaa. foal aa did hta Frarirb rival.
r lalotor of Ibo
Botalllr. tbal bo b a* Umir aUvr to
M'«R «B04U
Brltbhnc hnvr doi-ldcd that End*
yaro Klplliir 0 iiarm- ha* li-rn aucb S
ablold and buckler l» ibctn la (bWP
time of fund rabing fur war rrilof tl|dS
ihry have deiiii-«t n, ci.iomrmurBle tbd
kmleal all iif iho iluio'tBn capital hr
Imlod a* a liilld ib<- nar aplitt
tib y»ulb nur opi'til In Geimun]
there. Inu. Ill Ihr «ludlu
KaaiphauaM’h. tbr is-urt |wl
^Ic Willi
at UuoooM.irf for
»ul uuni UK that bd«h
At the •■uihr-ak
Huoolan Mar the y
off I., the front
Tbr r.illuMiiig yoar Calon \V<xd»Hli-,
erhon butII yoara ofng". bnAe into ihr
Boyal ai^domy wllb hl» remarkable
Wclurr of ’-pVodrrK'h the tirval on Ihr
Bra uf Urulhon." "l.ru(heii" var hung
an tho line, an honw very larol) arOurdod. to a now man
It rei-r^niHl
yrcdrricb and hb ataff riding inia I
ramp, trbora bis rrgmionu wrro ail'
«alh.-r«d out ^ Ihoir rwruniimrct* prrparole nurrb out and d.. tuiilto ua ibo
■ ma^w, Tbo rtllliw d^ldod li »aa lb.'
?*** “f*.
Pl'turr ..r tho seat, ami
that dato TVuidvnier f |•ulall•<n
Ho ibon dl|-i>o.l into
mallam and llluilrating. and .
n iirilMte rap- heiwe-i
.................. pmduPUnn The ‘TH H Ke
III Si.uth .Ml
Ibir" palnleilji) W.KidvlIlr wa» a rt.yal
k iHeii alMsyo
IcODimand lel-graphi^ to bim through
[ L«rd UufforiM tmi^ s«at of war. Quown the fnmi. and II In. more than IlkHi
' Victoria being
■eing Mlroua
of poaoevslDg a few new military ma»t«Tiaepei> eiii
■ iilpiure
• the Duke of Connaudhi In
d id II.r guards. A cognate *ubaolvro an gallantly.
lilt ural year
ar’a Jeer «
alee portrait ..f (•■•m.. .domy pi. iurr wa» Ibr fameua -Ra
mg Ihe tiuua at Mainland." which wat on Iholr alUn-k on Tol' ol KebJr by tbr
bought h> Ibr cnrporwilon of Uvorpool. olar*11 M. « auhacribed for
by tho
A lirokMi anklo prrvoiilrd Woodvlllo Uritbh
admirally and b now In ih.
from wiinwing all tho rvonl* uf tho gnilrir
«f < iwOMlch hurplial.
yinptlan wai ..I IWi but hr was able .Hang of wedding bell* I* the prevailing
.1 llilllsb i-H.liei
a givat <n.|inuni.'i H U-er. i
livid he .
....................................... _
■ he |U|>.0? ............. .mini.) ' 1'..|IIH|\ .ttk tin g<ne {..r bl* li.'iuid rvfiesbr
ui.l-. n m-ii oil.. l.dloM a eaiiil' u*uall> mak. mnd in. ney at i
Heie I* u picture of the ...ily nubile h"U*e. a* Tommy <-alb h
in. When the lliitiab *.iI<Ii.t» were miwniped bete. tbere a
riioh ..r l>imlue*i- iten- In Ihl* little puhik- h
A •aWTI.BKIKLn AbbI L4M'«:.
K eonirivancr that haa beeri a boon lu
boaplial Corps of tbe BrltUh In
h Afrha I* tbr two wheeled amt.uTbla two wheeled ambu-
Tbe accumpanytng plrlura. abowlng ii
reaull* of a Uoer buutlng eapcdl>
leb b a very etnouent deinunrliwlloi
inunrliwlloo of why tbe Transvaaler la sBOOd
- . The ---------------------1 burgher tpenda so much time In buallng and
'iKnitliig and hb brd.. depend, ao largely on hb preweea for It* auppUet that
le voey early ^rdUlre* a maikamansblp that I. ptnhahly unetiualtd la any Otber civlllsnl iwtw. Hb f,
faMirflr arm b the Mauwr rifle, and wllh Ibit be can
bring dump a buck si a
a b ainiply a rircteher fastened by
nga on two rubber tired wheels,
stretcher part lift* oS the carriage
* handled with
utmost esse ar
ot danger. Ti
beal beevrr and iNviigo iheni down a
' derp
e side .
gulch. Wbta they
cainr acroae an
.. atd HvcT bod. Abovw tbeni was HO feet
V«f sbnckni invn. and tbe i«mniltbbic
of tha wbntr tblbg b that tbe
klfi^ mllal be over lO.Mg year* oM.
'* bare Use been feuad tn tbr saae j
Tb< Ktigliab
e Uware pridad tbMbaetree on being n v
y Calm and re- |
lale.1 and eddeal way* of celebraUng>Bu1ler'B long delayed vlct..o- bat been tbs
manufaciure of a aouvwnir knife, with a handle made of, a rtflr tnrmdgc and
liranribod "Oallant LAdyomltb.’ A LdtidMi cutlery manufactorer ha* been tornlag these• —1 by the tbouannd. 1# per rent U tbr proceed* WlRg handed orw
U the city of
bring Ulusiraiiun shows wbnt thu i
Th.' viay In which tbe prlmUirc Bo<-i live* at ih> re-r* lv very diff-ieiit froin the wav in whh-h th- luxurious BrIU
1 ar.- Inalatird. The latter are encamp.-d In w-il rr.ade .Mma* tenu and a» U aell knuwr. are looked after as (g
r commtsaaNal drpartment by tbe »<»t corapeteol
<c the world. Kicid Uarabal Hubert* bos alMays tanAS
point that Tommy Alklne ebould bv sell takes care ot and writ fad. The ftnutb Atrteap camiAlgn baa been M
ex.-epiloii to ihU rule. Tbe in^nner in wblch the fighting Boer, on tbe othsr baud, oheo oat an existence b endreir
dllTerent. and tbr
perhaps show more clearly than word* Just where tbb dlOerencc M,
Ttke &er scene
ig fur the Bight on tbe veldt. These deeuut war*
riora art engage
rnlug aeretci of pnali
iim aiarns -and Bible raadlag. The meagentcM «( the^r enan auppile* and the hum
:belr qnartera are la nmbgr «
> the wUI erdared and udek mad wns.CBUp of thd
EngUab aboa-n tn
soaUer pletvc.
marm vnts meat
b&t hI
tm> TO COS%Kf- oo«.
Wa Stc ia aa aca vhao onar aad
> iba tarasUaM. bat
mm a« ao aUDptaaad 7pra»oainplaia
m tba taaitad olia talapbaaa arataa
<«oaa x»
flatoo and lujcalla. I&d'..'a dlataaaa ar »
wme*. aafa tba -tMxroll Nnra. tadlaMa. a Uula vtIU«a. la the bcana
•MB wbow ffBUia baa uMk<W }t>MUblc
gat a fooranailoe to be tnbauiitta<l
0tat ord)aai7 InrbM wire
* li
taTaator. builder aad aoir ow ow.'Ca*
«taa AUf) . I«» «U aabw-rtbm «t STiO
• /car. Tba tla>a t* a»t tar tfaiast
Wbon thaia artU ba tpofuld aMO'
iB tb* wmy «r «irti Eaner U Cba b*
•OKIBK • tBloifttm «OiUaa ac cbfMBiu. Plewm aad boolwes la tnaottM Mdm rn»*a*Bt
ni«« pofNdar
< prcMta. aad rtly teMs aad roafM-
I la Olatataa Allha br tB>
aad Daaaa. Pan
(tala caatoa of I
Tba aaw pnrtAaai nMUtowk...a aa
, nowlne tbta*. ftooi a pot of hjaeiatha potk-y. Gaii<t\ u-rrR^ <i^b a'k tt
U, ^ haad*»e
Woomlaa abrah. aaar U- *1»«i aad ae- i:nitm Riatao baa blt^rto annaxad r
a. ao approrB
. u to.ho. tak..™, b.w«-. 1...
A rtothiBf «on>|ian7
arttb tnorb atom at IVndfr
aba Waiuar (llaaa vorfcc. «atl
Aadarm and factor? at lanlia.' are
■alar tba a/atcDi Id boalaaaa affam amateairal/. Tbey oaa tba Ihia ft«(|na«>
I7. aod la Iwlb raara tt atnouDti to <
liriTBte wire They hare prlrary-by
phin ■o amaiiad ibat «be« «ba b
mdaff tba lloa ba ran act ota tbaOtb«fB axaapt la Hr. ADar'e rrcMaiKa.
arbleb la aaatl aa a aaotral atath^
It to no ataeramtlon to
<be barhod wlra talapliona arnan la
TBJtraonM arna wris mi'a
fm oaed wlib no apectal airanftb of '
Rattary. and tbar* to very littia troultla ,
Wltil'tba Uoea.
' la dnoatnirUni tba top ctrand of tb*
tartMd wire tba Bli l-'oor railroad
d 0
ontll tba aorporatlo9 Urntforo to need
ailty of
I wax tlia prvblrui »r tlx- |>asi. It U over.
Tba dto).pUy/of (basbopa tobaiafldrf
uak to lUTi-.' It wlU t«r foUovad
—«ahaa« of Ilka rbarartar. Porto
baaxluf ibam. W *^ ,,,^^0^1-”^
^ItB miaatablaW
Intartor to
eaOn. ao
llU'.bitoaloo aa a
as a vurfcl
candy buliler to Otar. ,
Ecn of nuiQM <■•10^ aovarad wllb
■lUn and as^aJalirly ftbaod patntad.
rareaJ .pwcaia.toaitafti Satne
' •>»<' ■ l*o|'iiIai»«« trom tba cuta* n>
•“ ’•
tUalr l«0|.
*“•' *• aaalloll«l.-d to tlKm.
aiaouB lUom. Tba praaent
1 U uot n«dj’ tor a abatr In
Ua luliiltal liebta and priniaBia.
Binm ba tralBad and <l<*ralo|>ad. It to
lomt befora It rrRI he. It* lllllcrary
a»t»i ut ,m
..no., btnj
ki.u» bo» I
I* ''' ■
Boys, They Are Great~The
w~w™> '«“« 1-
bonnlara* bare -on tba t looely Otiln*
eorrf. littia *aanae front fanii Ufa. Uto
bem and bar profany batlnv jirontlnani
place Id racb.
How.-r trliuin9<l tanry •■•kau
In all
... r.»rli. Ei..u.r reol.Hl«.
op.™ I.|™ .M m>rkl.n>™ .Pd l.i»0
B^pad boxac dacorainl with Bowera
typical of tba artuoD are all iu tbe
ai.*nliutt la tlito parted. Thare
«:'• rtUr'
of bilair. of pn^Oc-ttei..
of Indiniry. of war<-«. <>f Imblia ami
tU>- Bi-tiaral ■lalidanU of life aad of
tia wtouly aud tara."
''-n I'j .i.p-'Tb.!«.,
>**l- "I"
■ •^1 '•"«
" I- •'■iPlJP’l ......P.. p,uu koT lp
l«* bai»d» rtir *anK-eiuin-•••latrol wbIcU i
l«rtl«u*rttt tvuitu ovt-r tba dep, ndrn. j
Jewcloro- muM aara* aonia Iu for a
larva amount of attaDikm, and ooSonJy
piayar Inn*., ctomm. rxmrlaa. ata.. for
tba davont, but ailTar. irttlro. •ucii ae
vteva booL*. aovatepa oi«iara pin
Itay. tomtotumaroa purma. aljpiraita
aaaaa ate., for tba noro a-orldly arc
> Ibe fIfU
Tbow irbo i
«»‘l* '• tbr «-*t
TIm* rtok «b1 .lnti*« In tbi.
»'«.«• l«-o at^Prapld
of lu.ililcai rl«hu. Mala*
>'n*f N-cm a.Imm.xl l«*fort tboy wara
'’“•Ir- The Slowntia o-tutiorial Invnu
tlvailon to a
Tba c-ountry at toik^.
Innp- bu*
li.iK dptek
too tuan.v IpMirani
vnt. If tbr wjirk Wrr>- to U- donr ot ar
avaiu, BU nlui-alikMiaT ■iiialltIvatloD
wuiik] umlouMk-dl.v to- tn>i>utH-d. I.aaa
liupir could to- kUowu iij ailltiB Iba
uut n-ad> for *Ultliikxl
and In Itrinviiiv to ilir iHilla vuirrc
ribhouk. baodkercblara viovea, ate.;
uiiaMr to read and wrlir. a* arc nine
and watot bav» and oibar paraona)
Tbr |>any. Iba |ui|u-n> and ibi- pubikfcHckhnarka
One of tba many axqatolialy bond turn o|>|*wr«t to our urw ar<|Utoitl»IU
Uttia book* frblciipnbltobars briny oat niid tbr anurxaii<ui uf dapandroidn
for tba cracoti to n vracrful rift |>ro- bavr wlard on tin- Iterto Itkau tariff to
vhled ona undarntaudi im*!I tba taita* try, to Irad tbr bum*- into pn-mainra
iii<x>i-|*>niilon. Tbry hair falW, Thr
■ :irtff wa* only a pr<-irxi. Tba orada
of I'urio Itiro wm- a man- Klintn. Tba
»t aprina
upiHinuiilty n-bicb ItoTba Um IkmIIcc abown. la btenae
prt-tm-ul iiulU'y uf i-X|HiD*lou naiv
form, to maila of riaaa allk. wltb capeIc diwnilll lUlt polk'} li} Iradlug
tot and nroro of tba *nie daborajaly •
and ai-tloD whk-b
Cuiibl lui-ur]MiRitc ISirlu llxxi In tbe
l ulou to-futv rllbrr tlip trrrllory or tbe
pulailun iras rrady for ibto nap.
pa|* r wlil -li <k|>|»niHl axpan-t
rlou ba* to^R) urgrd frrr iiada. Tlia <
|iU|*-rK llkr Tto- txilgrr. nbirb wrtv a ^
yi-kir ti:« proii-ktiUK ajmlunt aonrxailon. .
luiv- iMC- Imi-u luudly urgliig Uiat as-1'
nrxaihui tbould to- cui-n-atk-d by Incur- i
IMfnllou. Tailing tu prerrnt npurxa- '
tloij, liny MnP-d lm*>r|M<raUnu in order
to diM-mIti tiH- rarlirr ntrj. c bk-b they
liad o|>pnM*l. Un-ry ■upporirr of ex|u>ii»lon tun. nuppurUHl tbr lS>nu tlirau
uriff. Tbaiv iK-vcr »a» a rhwriT attriiipl of. tbr rbrmir* iif a gli>-» t>olky
Iu rulu it* c-xn-utlun by *u|>ponliig au
uuivloe oobrar rmalu tu aitd In dl«aa-
pboaa witv to oVd to coODart wltb iba I
•AcM la thto rliy. In man.v iniianraa. I
wbera tba poet* bara rotiad. h;u arc- I
•MBfT to paint Iba wire and pooTtrltb
nUiar paint. to Inanlaia tba wire,
Mick I. r.lrl7 aUtfuioiT .pel pm.
tba llw lb *bapa to ba ttaed a* .well Is
mat wacthor ai at any other time.
Inventor •'rpaal* to put in a new- I
ly tevaotad
of slaaa totulator I
erMch to very ebaap and tba only ona i
orbicb ba* aver l>aan found Otai can
Re a»rd on a fanro wire line.
Ob tba line wayoo road* are (Toaaad
RT tiaias and ratirnad* *li tlinca.~ .M ,
tbwe aroaslDir* tba tloa to ritbar tar- i
rlad Ibronyh a ga* pipe conduit, wltb i
(Mulaiad wire, or by biiltdlby brldf^
WRIefa to dona by luarely naillnv a !
flwe of tlmbar IK fart tenv to Iba Ian .
SiRtl|aj*t and atlnidinz parpmdlni- {
laily bleb ruouyl) to allow rtoataace
fartraOr. In tb
•y It tbe liMulator «hu l> u nimtlonad
•bora naefnt. It to «iniply pni up and
^ttarbad. baring no errac plan and ;
Rai;lBC parfert. Imutotlun. A graak
_ .
r of bnlkUnics arr alto ewaand
m tRc Rar. aad In racb tnntanra wb«ee
iBmIttIrn I* nrertnary tba Daw gtoM
>RiBl»tor I* nand.
TRc wbola line of 15 mllaa watRaDt
ai a coat not to rxctN'il (100. and tbr
«atSi for
tetiarT call ata ao.i* not orar «ia *«trt»ad and rellcrad by a ahamiaalte
and rollar of inilpurr. Tlir dacood
*^I^^L^ wlro ui to ron^^^^
of ZL.fi arronged la
“Ixa. XTaoioxL Tlxei?« is S-trexLgyfcli."
All Kinds Woi'kiDg CloYes and Shop Caps
$12.00 to $20.00
Union Madv” Corduroy Pants.. .$3.00
Rnion Made*' Corduroy Suits.. -$9.00
A. TarfRiy of
Tbi* atlaihirt ban fnlk-d. Tlia boiua
bu* artad nu a* to main iu ivugrrw
full t-outrul of ilu- fuiurr Eorrruuirm
aud ailDilbictratUiu of drpmdmrlet.
Siarioc as ilia iti-iitililh-an luujoniy la.
Iwld. Tbr U>-pulillrau opiwalthill luxmml small.. A t-keir iihijoril.v of
' till- toillM- hn* drtrrtiiiiiril Ibiil a luiv
, tariff shnil mark thr dlii*k>n lirtciH-u
“'••• «>■•' 'I*'’ I’uli.-d Kiatea.
TUU luaiutain* thr prlurt|ilr at *U«ka.
Thr rov.-nur goiw aluvnl.i-r tu furto
20.00.18 00,16.00 16 CO
6 00. 7.00. 8.60. 10 00. 18.00.
it i* H well known fact tint our
Jill- uf Pant* is ni<«t ecnipl-h-.
No umlter wimt iwltern wTihI sizi*.
what eolor. here you fimkjoel -what
you want at prit-ee that are ritht.
Fin. PantaP........................ 3 00. 4 00. 6.00. 6 00
Thm-to no dnuerr ,.f ovrr-
‘ d. Iii.i. Till- rt.k in .............
Very nice Panta................. 1.60.800.8.60 8 76
W to*l. against the fanca and circular o«-ar the rolluclng:
Uvn of t.*. ti.ii.-li lia.ir In tba ndi.ito
_____ _
hr .M.
WHtniii.iilto of n»..rnloi->* for mlla- si.,n to jiollil.al rictit* and prlvili-tf.w.
A a1rpb..m rornmnnlatllw
twt Jj..,
locking supportMC ybr it-al b-n- tlia housr .h*4.la.l yas^plr niri:..*l
jjv ,-nb ^,d mounting. v»«har |dain or t.-nl-iy cn* ...n ...u-of ma.>. tnriff n,a
and will ba
a-ab uf
..r avrry
av..rr aonuuimliy
tto- prinrlpl^- nod
to d itrrai astmt. 1 artpar. who do
•M bava Wlpa. Iradloe to tiialr realRaOM are ..ippll.,1 wUb a -mall tak-
tUMttolm- adfvipg a. a batUiat tl.i- naw an.;. xa.r,«pura-1
mn yuroa uf .-bamut* {bm, au,n
iw..-l«ito,l cith )*d'iiaal
^i.^. .uiniu..^ wlilah .even a rttliu nn.1 i*ix\-rr* In thr fnl.m unill
^to ’iVtto
•' r* rxiadyfortlirm.-n.lladrlplito
lacbMata vary «iratl n-l. This llrila nnaliopd by tba addliluu of gem*. Into
coatHvaoca I* *o arronr-l that It ran
.ttrortlva bracelet are introdtioad
Tba, a.t.rcily i>t-waae.
^aftarto-1 m tto- main liorl*>.^ wire at
p.«rU. .
(Tirisilao Hmn-hr-an-iin.-i-Mlng milat. and
aay Point.
................... . * '
t^laa' watrbec aacm about offoally- dar pr».tratk.n. J*rbt* an- to lns lifted.
•MUad to ^•uir In aontari ti'ltb hi* dlvkk-l batwarn tbr Important aad «mw rJiuTelia. metrd. |- « r.-ni« In' cRy nrighiior wltb a greatar . con- aon*plitiou* cliaiaialBa and tbe-tiny vnw-rd and Plata offerlug- nr>' itiurr.
eaaltace.Uian ha hat aver known be- tlmaptorr atUrbad lo a long chain.
-Itel rn ot-rtaln frra trn*- |«ier* anEore. •
l'Du«ual ctmiBgc. •nrb a* ovala. aatimll> darlarlng that Chri-ttotilty
heart -bapac. ate., occur In tba cortUeai llourtohro luoKt In liard ilina- and that
'blta aiw
and yniuw
yailuw ai
dlatnonda Iba inoaat- tto- rellghai at Jc-ns tatt.-n- »o inlaery
r. Bint. Ill il.a I tout.,-ha Aartia-Erl- wnna
f.nil prlvalteo. flowerar. a* tba old
tang: »ay* tlu-ir an- thiv., kind* of pal- IX ^-i*bC inrlalblr.
DM-Elacw tody ienr*rk*>l wIh-o *1*- foiiml that
•on In tol^'fi. •mo‘.o--l!j.'«tlna. that
llouml cat opal* i
\wbk-l, toobtalncl br-iba-'^low
a.h fortbr fasbk.irof
.r-iba*slow a*h
' tbr corol and an Rt- fRtrt wa* a«lr« her faith. “Itonl
■»atlfn:prrl.lltir.atc..aodrmrbonh-€iE. bav W.hH.
«« d 1 aliior- lid dl-o-m-. and fr>e
r farrtn-*\^i TamwHte a« trod.-rv OBt.imlly disngm- wl'b po»
t'arbunk- ox'da 1. alcaya aaally • •“
0|»'I» aa favarite
favorite dealgn.
parity.-Crairol KaU* m. I.i Jonroal
o hr pra«-et m todam. *u>oka.
drpi-ndlng npou the volram to ■
Mapta aoaar BO« «--------------Wat^---------------------------CrepM.
•kr aa-. varir* liaiweaa
•na pf the «m-l
Bolt wliboni aUiTIns uurVx>Dtl of
an« T.ft. Tba variailoni
A ai
or l.n,k«.
aa tba rapidity of tba a*h
•nd tbe quaniity oT attncpbcrtc air »««>
*•"»'« watar naOl ^
Brawalnorlbrlnttf alrWowBuiR. A the-aoft toi«-cuga it teaebad-l. a.
that to exactly what woald bapakrw•etae «b tdlgbi ari.ir |.il»ouiug fron *"•» »*«■
flariltmon and r.rcrr otbar
Mrbnric oxida of loiutoro -moka la. dt " Piongad Into cold watar. tba
; manufactnrine I•■WB, lit
Bar ordinary conditions. *rortely to be
fom a -oft !
Bryan's imllrlr* ha
ipXl. tVbrttoftlra dally taking la
•firriad oonu
out tu tlii- ndnitatotroHou «f tbr
M Um «mU
rntmi. ,km.«k
m ™rko.k. ..kH r™"""„„k,n.l m,,-™,..-...
r-.™ ot m»k-
BBBBOI aat op a ebrooto tnjotr la t
Mn to be aettled.
n» mmv In. I-T*-l..|kl.T
Boaton Oooklng Bf^
„ ,„m^„,j._Trewoo tJaaett
Arc ttetticif the i.-BrciD leader,
ship filK’UKer than ever b>*f>>r<
tbisM-naoo. Sach eirifBUtsuito for
nipb al
B8 onra arc not tu be Cuand uutahk- this xtotv—
well, perbapa at some lu-r.-LHni lailora. but tli •>•
ebarve you more tliau ilouhl,-.
Other Knit* «t
'yrwalrr r*.a»oa*,
not poBsible <*l«ewbere. and all is new at this atoM
— We bava so old stcck to work off'
E"T'=.,!r.irr =i«;,=vHS ;~£;S
W m\rl^L^^ frncr7rd ' *”
•‘Union Made" Barber Coats JOC lO (.25
"Union Madf” Bartender Coat? 75C, i.25
Men’s and Boy’s Summer Suits
«ropt for a fac toll IX ebrn a r-iH ,
Working Pants, double lined seat,
nsat patterns at....................... $l 00
Working Pants, very best kind, at $i.60
Overalls at.............. ............... 48c and 60o
Jackets at............ .................
“Union Made"Hats.all kinds. .$1, gi, $3
“Union Made" Working Shirts...........60c
"Union Msde' Carpenters Aprons___26c
"Union Made” Bar Aprons, also......... 26c
Splendid hue of well maileJiuxiiieM Pants
Rnwn* fluids Handa»me lwo.piceeuita(orbi'V*. <>to n>. double brea«t^ cnaU. kn. e
3 50 4 00. 4 60. 6.otf 800, 700. Boya'
Tjonc Pant Soita. aizes 14 to Ih, all stylish patterns, most of them have dooble hreacted ves k,
6 00 to 18 60.
Pants Kmn Pauto
50c -S fi
r- - -
At title we are eellinj; all wool
Knee pants «ith ta]*-4l ttraios
aud double aeato - very prett;
|xiU ma.' LoovrButa.pnlrivht
and 8<-«ieil
fruni 1.00 to
3 60
.All kiiida'uf good work,
inu PaiiU at 60c. 66c 76c, 1.00.
It Itfijs Piys to Tnie it Bn&u.
ThRBR oom* with
rnaej flak
“'Enpliab, German. Bohemian
and Polish spoken bare."
W tb FMcy Silk
m Frait St.
A V.Frieilricb BU.
THB MORSIKG incohro. SPKDAY. APRH, 8, 1-mo
«»e CMlb Weotee te Reallae the Pet
it •( Wee* TtaCe.
Tbe Ne* York TUnei lo aa ed:tArtal
pkbOebrd a ebvn Uan- oinre aekt per-
It wn only wbtc writioc waa atada
Sprca4el.k< VUdtre.
Wb« thisrn are "ibe bMl" (bay brcono "tbe beet aeilbic.- Abrmhaa
Bare, a laadler dragf Ut. of BeUrrtUe
O. wrttre: ‘-Blecirtc BtUcra ore tbe
tart siller biti«r> 1 hare bosclcd iaoyicr* Tonknowwbyy Mict dltoec- a brris in dasd. n of etnmar
llTcr. kanry*. h.vrlo. Wood an
IS- B.eeude aiiton too#, as IP
oacb, terolsu
■tB* ii-w,, BioaeT.
kidaeyt H
bo»<el«. pBrlfl.»t]
tbr blood, oumetbci
the nrreea.
berra caret saltiiodce ■
maiadl.-a It balAa mp tha aoU>
eyai..to. Pou new life and vigor Int
ary -eak, aldUy,- raa de«a men o
Price »0e. Sold by d B
Wai aT-d is G. Jobrenc, crairriaia.
a Cessrat h> Ket . 1. U
•"*^ e™
la Uwre any luirUiindit tucaufartarer. —
-------- ■ . ~ ria.'U.•
recry „4
“W e~-,
nrrabaoi. lalbnwl menaser «r uan of
*® “»«» •»><*
from Ula kAs day't trard. aiu ttowo
7« ba cao dluretr la tbr pree-.
to rtwt apon tbe curb of tbr blaUuic
of tbe MtTatiiir tVno-1
wcU of Jacob. A poor, deended. elsTim pliable wrtttcaebeMtMy be eltber
‘TnvtflBS W(Tlam1 fnan BmaU B«-' CTSin any prntnlne wbaieier of. ln-wu( I rollrd at foidid. each oivino tIm t^ a
w water. Tboujrti beloncImi totei IajIb Olii<o<^'‘aud •loarict tonbreoiHliT',
» dfOpisd by.Hw own proTb«: •■ddorial rh«e« with:
IvMitlj vrccrtixl Irum MstlifTit C«Urniered Into cooverealleo
-ovx )u«ni9A*(arw liOiOUTo*
I* never to have braid
and ao dtn-ctrd It that Be
««l7naftA Of ttM tuiatlfnUaDd BBd a party ib
vster armny aIobc tt>* rooie
oar (bat It ha<:
to fass. any amWiioM jto ,acrrinra«a(nvstoall tbaccat. Thi«
rvo^xatsrwpartiralarlrimform of bindiiiK in no denbt tbe t
ynMdBK Oi»«itoflbi»*w«tJTf«ir
Ins tb# •ominft of tb* euMt mooBtelM. wtcti l^tA BtKhmn. If nils,
hs*, dw4«a4 CD tb« Mf aid ricM of
MaIb «t««. dw WAoda boftnA wd th« bl-M Psifle.
■‘TlM MiooDdwM lb«riT«T Umtwa
l<vded khorUf bef«e AfffvbiK •* !<(■
OUra. U ww •
WMSKS tB C^JlfORiiA. tHU> • VMo,
dsy bad, jKrfrctij Atj. axr«pt vber* »
dNT imJ»Mna» Tiffitt ittvor Aluni
•k marram cbMWl Umncb sod sid
^•nl. wlBdliw md edi^uf muHl bon
«ad boirldan. A su idgbt l«^>o«os
H is nuTplMS. and tbayrsw did not
BMriy lo Un wb«el baba m Um
miMf rolltal (brooffc It
"At Lon OllTW. vhich ara nocM M
I o'clock p. a., oue td tbe dUbs aarrod
at oor tawUeot aapps «m tixMst.
eaofbt. W we leaned, fa tbo pretty,
clear Btnaun we bad cnsod. ThatdcCrrBisedw *n atay nrer a da^ at tba antSca to try tba flahltui. We got oat mr
tackle and bad a day of Rnwt apart. To
tmab Uw woicrwe hod to Hot down the
OlMp river buka and follow (be Arj U^d
tbroogb wbkb Uie llule atreMO aiwurad
to pitdE i|a w^. Tbe troot we caa^bt
pewaL Snails ooeawe pollncdc In the
;8iuiUMlar0eBbp-Xittk TsTsm.
papere. hod beton to rwteb a cflnunerin« of eeoBonile llcbt end at laei to ae*
thai tbe pulley of Ktvlns iircrtHCtlon lo i
.Vniitirau <ndnetrW<.ln the t«ylifr poll-
Wt rkofart t-ae Jaat been Utaed In
Mew To b ai aa oet^ay rf over $100.^ 000. fdr «t:ic.* tbe pabHthera dealra a
masort r In tfak s.aat>y. alao a good
I ibe right party
o- r„r lb. ™.b,iT, 1-bfbm.n.i.lr .hi.
___ p-par, illnminaied corera and
mnr be. .the oueetioo anked by
tvk^ bowew t—HU lUtber. From all eternity h woa Wad -r<: over too golden llUee In ib.
Tlmen In rooelodlti* IW .-ditoflalU one (arimtired to heaven that Cbri« ahooM sort coo bindiDgv; aetrly 100 golden
h... I~. .rtibl '*?
h. >h. —M u. ol.. Ulmo.. ,o roes Id U« ctoib blsdlcga. dclU at
fur ream. Tbere In no reawm la tbithe wboU worid tbrourh IIU life and •igb ; p-eM*« ranninr day end night
aonth arolnyaoUdlyfsfree tiaae. It
draib. The tme mlsloiiary or aottl aor<atUl -eiale. CbrU gt sen and
....-inf fortane. taking sdera
laontBo^lmnlnessns. .VndUwlli
otoner at nome
borne or
..r auraeo
abmad neeti.
need. lo
oot p. nui fotvver.
^ fi-el hlraoWf niU-d of God. Uovt-for '
^ . roswom. One ebrUOan w^
forever. Alrrody there are
w. h,-..,. a«.
b«aB to paw the sTooud and bellow onphssatly osd fullowcd tbeau duiKn•*r«ttaB»ap liy rtia^iiip open oor paity.
( op rfsn By fiabltiR at thta
A I MW (bat it wka Ibe red plaid
■bawl of OM of tbe ladls that bod ei.
olted tfao astmal'a buetility CalliuK to
bar to throw down the ebawi and tar
(ben all to ran. 1 threw aions at tbr
ball to dirart faU altruliao. while tbe
otber gwUetixti of tbe party helped
tben sp tbe Meep bank, wbore tbe boll
eoold not follow. ‘Tlie Imll etnpped at
tbo ahawl, tuMk-d it abuci iu an nuly
nntxir. and then, inniinK bin anoulKm
aanying my rad, wlib tbe Hih<
laadcr flyluK bnh«»d. bat jnet a* t at
tbe (op of (be benk I felt a awtdua joik
at (be rod’a tip and taming aaw tbal
CM of icy fly bouki bad iwuicbt tbe boll
d I literally pUyud that boll wUb a
ea yoa probably know, la to:r|nt«ltely
Ire lo
pain, and with my atrsic,
■ OapIbcSnc
atfntr Icsis at (be rod «rf a
kosdrrdtert .if hrai<b<d atik 1 menaced
to ho
inwae whenever ba Irird to
bnak away, cud toltKTeaeetb" niyntvy
thne won all tlw lime daovliiif end
cwileblac bnfree bin eyie abia. bri|(bt
tad boMflytbnt 1 bad Mt ou my Isdet
m sn erpprtiaent in mmt flnhinc. H«
VOoldMriko cl itwlitobU Ihcim. and
biarapeat nndinit Ite ooBidn’t bit It,
■Bd that it rsnio bm K aifaliii ererr liiiie.
■ vac conical to wHBCS—ftm^a plaou of
aefety, of ooarac.
"Prom time to Mom tbe bell wonid
ebarce npiai tbe ahawl and Ua<n tbat
Cboet, and tlrm 1 bad to « sk (be rwl
ud tip f<ir all Iber wetk> Wurth to aare
all my sekir from ipmbi: by tbe inetd.
■ At law, turuN of tlirae farionnrbartet,
ae belirhd tji.>*)u>wl to hla tewnn I fell
coostbiiiii Kirr aeay. and M Itae oaine
nanmt il». nhawl went np into tbe air.
Tbe buA lied
from libitradril.
•Dd two of lb hookn .*1 the kwder
wse fad IU the nhaaL 1 druppm the
tod and pclh-d llm- w.d nh.,»| lo. band
» hamL lik- a fsi*- t'lid ________
' kaalingprdbwL Th. Ut.l tti.iu'itaiBlile
to (bo Bitosinai aniti I hwi gut tba
^wl Bearly It tbe liaak. amt
coBw lur It. hot It WAS t< o I11U-. i wblppad tb# sbawl np O.i
wn wna
Moding Just ns hh bi-ad buriawl tbe
.. It cb-WB a sboW'T «# MTlb.
*^7m> shawl rarried a g-.d divkl cf
aonlaMl badmawebuto* tolL*bnt ttan
waa t» dispw-itiuu to ruuiplAUi ua tb*
yoft of it. (iwiMW. \Vi- ibunglil w.- bad
coongb flsbing for <nu- day. ;u-d Inavltig
' aar«0ianydi>wii to tb-r’v;-r Ind pawing
ii.g III.
•wwoffrat Ibauktnllylfur uit> buteL'*~Maw Teak 81B.
Jobs WUbalffi. Msnsger.
Sew York Edinoe ExtaibittOB nd
lypec^ljr Cx&panj. '
AprU 8 Bttd'ia
Doal fall to bear tba e
stlea «t the Mih eantarr.
EfisM Graiil CoKtrt hlpilitiN
' kind ofa
b, .h. «»,».
, ".7i^.
^ Chri.tian.
" .
Oome and *oe tb^Mt
..... .
js; H'T^TS:'L,'::,zzz:ri
...m™,.... s,r,r:‘r';s.ss:h^«^
Mowing Pictures,
indadiDg the great
Boll Fight, and a trip t»
tbe Ktondibis.
r' ^
lead to a permaaeot |
wort “volonia " oniglnally a thing that
have grown to too great proporilone Air ia rolled or woond op-^L a, a roll—U The beatben world In It* alamineaa j
Ibe nuutb in Bm-rlllfv tbem^tu n [Arty now applied indiKTimiaatcIy to lu aab- and degradtwlon I* not lovable. Man jaltai f^tir large corrspowlcas, which
ar*enti to right a'- y. or hose
tniilliitai. Tbe i|hy .a lHti n poll^ of -■Mtola. tbe book of folded abeeto.
.. ,
L-k of our elfon* mimt be the Inept- I Add’i-w. B A Kbermar. 1$ Beat F.'
out and out free tsde ean rwiry •
TbefoWed'nbeel. or eection, aa it U
h eir.et. beiwean Braad»ay A
.tl.,1 i. Whnn,t h> .Irani* Mwino rw (■■'<
Popular''Piices of idmissioi.
Moealra charge (or raeerved sat*
all to i
Tbe day mar uo, tw far dlwan, ,rhen ™
^' be
( ill to go to tbv
fnivlgn OoM. >»"
bat aD to bnvc cotae part
wr nlmll aualn have a "-olhl w>.;tb,
.^-h of tho« to ''wlF"
IsllM. -VeBaaBj6ffipenlt.tnapUtt
I In the w«>rk of suding ibe guepel to
»nit ll will bi'B wxitli •Wi.ll.r fortlieproI—._ji.----------— —.iiirg uvery
terOon ^ .Vn.ert-en luierew. ibrongfc
* otherwlw,
.»r VoraUh
> pnK.itlre urig Uw.
2. riirtS. a* a ml«nl»Mrr. bad tbr
faeteoed thiy may yet bo free lo open
ind to ahnt kt pleortre at tbe froot or
’•fore edga.”
at Hm-well. In ililrniiuK for waTbe invenllon of fbefoldedebertthtu
Tbe eonl of
II In Well tm Keen la tflaC Ike ,
u,.ln.a.U«. ol „o4.n.
In lobglng for
rem«^ equals \VaBSI:b'« WUITE
blndlns. .hl.h, in il. —Kin U th. •«•«>“ .i» "“.'J »'
God. Men are ei-yii'g «>ut for ibe Uving
r Ibmton tbink* mlo. .1 ini Unk 5Mb. (olH«i
.n OP
.. '^AB
ovKi P lor tbi* Wrri'i«l1 fatal dlM-aKC.
one. If tekea thoi^
.If iliu. to ulk at MU} b-tiibb „hidi totp-tht. oonMitol. lb. lutdnl
‘b tl.. .ir..rt.
_l_... I._..t...__
/ iJr and in Umo. iiit w ill cure a oao<'
tbe'laIwwIiik down «■> Hie ereaiiirr
_ -- .
«I.A 4-ra.af.i
- U k- OL'ugh that lol114 buuro, aad (oll tbe workt
• ••* to give
(bsi everj-Unly U liuny uiskliig mom-y —Fortnightly Heview.
nian«hlp ef tbelr nwii
lagbeand uw.
at evi-ryiblug. Time* mnibl iioi U- bet-------------------------‘ 't nei-d tHirl.n to <ju<*n<-b |hU tlilnd; tbej
(Vnaliily lbi> have ui-ver been
I m-ed C'brint to «bow them wbai and Lnsch eiothi
beiiif iu my
A bcantifnl new line of Inecb cloth*
- InaMsege WoreksM and lUoi: they lieeil Christ lo give them tbe
and aofa plUowa at tbe Temple
Prrbapn Htiien euuld u»l In' tn-Her.
»U8 *f
41 In im.lu0l4inlly liue Hinl Hiey never
Cortoas r
aal«T of rtemul life. Tbin nia*t lie
bkvi- Innii tieiter. Hot tbej wrtaiuly ' "I go* my fnruilare ni of storaga <>ur tnemwce i« a *tn i iiribed and dying
Kew Yorker. worM. fbllo-opliy. plillatnhrapy. bubare Invu a griai-iirfll w«me. ami they •!"> «»«»
........... m wli.v It In nut
1 tbonght we would manlur
(.an U again.
IA inik aimui
nwpm’h tbe cbiua
cbiii* and brio-a-brao our- ipj- „f beatbenduui
a wnnie of time ia
Unsluen* nwpm’k
and the pr..«vi. pr.mp.T.m> eondiibma. ••I’f-N “rtead of payiug 60 cenu an do lu
We tii-eif It. talk dlnuit Hh-mi t-iiiiUBli ii*" *•»*’ ■*<»»«• »vu to do IkTbe
s. CbriNt. as a mlmlnnary. wt* eno End if They arc Olaccacd Use the
ki-ep Ht-mvl) hi ..iir mlndn ami lu Hw
parkwl in five barrel^
i-onsfiil. He 'had usuy dlfflt ulHee to
World's Qrestest Kidocy Cure
oillMl-»f nil Hu- rtKl Ilf Hu- Iieikide Hi.- wbk*. we nottoert; Was iigbter than weri-time. Tbi-r« were laW-dllBrnlHe*.
fB'-U whleli liavi- 'b-il up Ki Hk-presrut
rellgiiui»pr.-Joille»aaod*o<Halob*talndu*trljil*lti«H.ui Mill Hi.-lauoe from
'Wben web.«aii to unpack that coe. eU-, .uch as will In- found to every
Wlil<-li iwesetit pi-.M.|N-rity ban n-nnlUHl. Wo euuclndud that It munt oaitaiu oor minnlon Held. Hm CbriM overratne
In IMfj Ibe |«-u|iJe of Hh- .-ountry
■rtirle. of vertn. for we ,j,eni all will, ihe simi.b- g.-'pcl "t
were e*. .•n(rra*««l In tbi-lr |ir.'m|«TltT flr"t came aotsia layer of qioelsiur and nii„.a.|fantheM.-nslabtndihewal.v
thai ibi-j f.wipn ... tvim-mimr Him iltn'l ep« paper a foot in thlckn^c. Below pfur,.. Tbttab>pta.veraods..lf.leuyacys. You seed net eoovalt a doctor,
ty hail mil dnipjkml ULe nsnna thU ws auoibcr layer, equally thick, lug -effort all dimruUle* In mlnab.n by asking yuurscif itarcr qaeattoni yon
fnftii U4WV.-H. Hsi ii ba.l not In-en nwhen w.- iirt half uupacked the *„rL t.nJa.v moj Iv oi ereome and tbe
' •
- -yow
crivml from an •mdUv-rtiliig l*t..vu
and found nothing but aioebdor world won lo iTirlst.
kidney*_______ ____
deor-i-wiibom Hti-pmilng forth of any
Wf*" «»«'»»« what to
vita raavrB wofnao.
Pirat: "Haveyoe backache or weak,
lomt bock' "
effort or the etitvlsi' of any intelll
Swond; *•1)0 you have dificalty Id
gi-uiv on ihi- iwn Ilf ilu- iNiiiik- them
or a too fnqnent dniic to
■elr.-e. and
Ibej vole.1 for I'ievi-land
irse .-onrlnd.-d that onr
,,u,H-rs on
ami fre.- inule. niid tlii-> gut t*li-vi-taiu< liig. Werf
Third: "Ai* ibei* depnaiu lihe brtch
and frer trade an.l with Hieiii blb nii— tblngsbad been atolfui and
Ghrlsfs i.adlug ihara.-u-rtsilia a* a dust ll ibe urine atlcr it bat auiod lor
and wani and ■■■M-rtv. Wi- aluii'i wart
I tweoty-1 Drrtioartl'
to n-i-al Ibnl riitsiake. and oo p<-rba|w
In lU early *iBitca hidney di*e«*« io
,1 by a lew buaet ol l)r.
ll I* Just ns Melt i.i talk a.tllHe alsiiit
e> -Lurt
piiIIa a prrparapreMtii ImsIiM-sa enudilliilis and trtv*>-at
Id to b1» Chow’
auBir-w. tamtak.
iiaa Blade Dr,. Chase Utnoat
pruaisTlty. ,n-uM-Bil»tluc always , tiie
• i. d ; ver IC" for
t When the or*-. ‘■‘•“•'P***
"Aawo uilaied tKdhingw
tbrougliout tbe wnrbl for bio wonderfai
aonree fr.ui? wbk-h our pnuqM-iilr
IMA: IlLAltlRUk.
cuica vl di-ut-w of Ihe kidney*.
pr harruU bod b
rauii-st. Tlien Wli<« eieetton day c
II. jl-ll‘;
T; Xab. I. 1
Mr. l*ai*b Uoslgold, painter, WaterrodKuled
aruniid wv will n-inemln-r to vut
Mvill. 1K-2U: lAike gv. . town, N. V., wriiet: "I have bod a
t.ey. amfluallyrerntMiheitdihatwlien
lb.* jiroti-i-Hv.- |s>lti-v. “fivrtn w1
rat .B. up
n„ bunai
*—ra * ' ' *miU 111. I lb: »vl. s-lu: Hom. s. ' very bad ca*e ol kidney *fl-cuoo lor .
we gave
keapiug. I,
eomeih our Ih'I|> ~
H. 16: 1 P.-«.
•JI-S6: I John II. L
' Hide Hue. ind d.Ktorvd in v.ita until i »on tiekeU
ag>y Ihice was a l<it of rsoohl.r icftot'cr
Ur. A. ». Cb*w-i Kidcev-Uver Filb I
Ilev. xgtL 17.
were brougni ic my notice, and they 1-p>,o„„ n
It la GwwC *A •* WtBWIrriArC.
nia Is (WmBaB.
I hate romplvielr cored me. 1 cenLut **)
Here la a 1.11 of fudgi- fraip Hu- .\l- flt of econneny abe poked it all ia a nTim Egamim r say* tliat tbeiv I* «0'7i(h ‘b P««**
Utrir WBodwInl |
bany .knnis: ‘Tbe inunaii-r mind iluii twrUnuns tiorT<^;.prblabwas da’y bmltid
■-(dmsl U-lii-.i.b-nt asslAmaiiiUi' triiri np and carted lo tbe bow! wbvn we iu«-h of ■ilggi-sllvcueas lii Ibis story
its idklll In pbmM- making agalu lu tbr- apent Ibe winter. It was stured iti tbe tbut^.Y. Ktslker of .ansg,.w r.^Hy
gBTwt wUb.101 h-iug wipaokArt. and In
iH-w tIHe Ilf till- Poric mean tariff bllL
Hewassis-Bkltig..riilaeartycx- ^,bj,,.rtert confldeuea l^l wb*t bat
tbaiqirtDgwasaent (u Gie atarage wara- p.-rti-ui'vs as B
Hot 'n Mil tu pl.ivlib- leuiisirarj n-vtitosivr:
I proved an shAoloic cnr* io ae tnaay
"In lUiiborli." iH-'lsId.
wllb tboukattd* of esses will not 1*11 von.
lio'lxld. "I staid with
oil wot*
wot* at
at tlrbvsi paMible (T»4c Fts* red
nue fur Pilrtii Klr-u' will sir n»
■w. »n.(lll,«ly h...
..1 bjIj „ „,j
So long ■« tbe re: Is of Ibe kblBCy* arc I
oo I'orlii Kli-ii's empty sivuiai-li aud Iw
' a-prrtsliy
for tbe
:«l1 swa*.
*«a». a* Id tbe I
th. . ™u.B.p,ik,u. INa.. I,..a
nil iiKiiv aaHsfa<-ii>r.v‘tn Hi<- .\iiierl<-ao
"..ssMi: irf I
F'* Office ttarkhans Rinck
.U-r Ills iiaim-. but It
. ol bngbl t ■diic*»el
tM-uae of Jnsiic’ Hian il w.Nibl Ih- were
dlffinwnt occB.ioaa—fratn tbe bonae to bas .-siajuHl m.-. I rvui.-uils r p.Tf«l1y
-Liver Pills will giv*
il.e Hill- truly -iBlisl. us a bill to Hlug Ibe hotel, from tbii hotel.to Hie etoraga
bis ap,a grand old l.lsliton'f'
h-Tlk iiarl of Hu- «i-rrti..iy ..r Hh- l iiitg.heaUliy
*ad active. One
warrhonse and from Hm'warabooau to i-r. reall;
cl Stairs." .\imiiisi ilil« silly i-haltrr
lly a n-ii.:irkiiMs
itirkiiMs lo-.klrg
lo-klrg tuuu.
-nmn. .ttinat:
, doae'; *5?
»sr s• hni. at all dealer.,
wto-rawe bow live!”—New York Son.
I Hiitik- 1 still Iiav.-n |iM-t..Krai,u which <. W. CnsaeMedictneCo.. Bi;flala, N V
we iia«.' iM- (ml Hun >ma>ey luu-i be
be gave liK- of iiliinw-ir iltai lay. I wna
•ibtiiliiisl III -Millie way fur (M.Ung ibv
pnwt-blDg (if sin. n:id mi ibe wa.v borne
.-Ma-.iiiu-s uf so.'.-nilii: iiDd Impraviog
tb- old1 funui-i
was tau:; ll all over
IVirt.i nira and ihe fnniisr fat-i tlui*
nudoiii tmiis.- diiibsi f’lmisli Hh- en*l.-si takfl* place ns iu (b- ruil-d Hlabn. EaI will asvr you tbe cost
ami li-asi .ippravshe lAi'liiiHl of mis.ua pw-taliv la tb
pair, and ai least a I’-ird • f '
n-ven»e. SHlI fnrtlier. J'utin l(lis< i* Winrd F.<Uh
It is said, luaile bis find
eri, V
v-rk. fbi-nifthe
lu gnwt
rn-Bi Im-k if sbisb<- Is tl.
ti< Il»- l.mgl-yl>mgl<-.v.
f’”b.-a-;«- 111. word ba*
m. ANDREW 8. I
J;*i lai.'i r,gbl. dn the right ihiug.
li.HlTlH-nili.s!t»tiH.-.ba.l-.-nl)iiig. "
^ ^ 1 ! .1’. x? j
„ bissime «. .Munuon H.at Hh- H.lug no r-.;;,,, *f B^rau. „* nra,,
. <w> I
.-bring tbra, buck
»p,I.Hb«. rnsissS 1 •
V-ylBsl an-l lui. Hi.-rvt.y iw.-u ma^
of H
pb-mw m.r
notr i-i-i-raus Ilian ev.-r ls-r..rv-.in,., .i.i,*
do ynu km.tv, ttoil Mii-k tu
It Im*
ill—hi-st-r m-iiiis-n ami r'hrani.-li-.
Bnip&edag CeffN-Uttl* T&Ttn.
} Cm U Srippfl in 24 Hem.
loBcbaon. and thry armnpanlwl n> in
tbe aftmooo'a floblng. Toward ui^t,
wbec wa bad worked well ap toward
Gin DPfiRi HOliSB
..... ..........” S' ?5i*T 5!5«
©nn® (
Oa d/f^sccssAKY.
KffP fOI'U
ss:=sis r~-2“
trrange for yoor
Give Me
Your Shoes
.1.o«.M,B,wi,i*v«.hB I,'„'rI'”’,
n Us SDOural MWrlns is
SMfVSrtcinr. &* CM I. rai>r.liT naSiHl {
Wberr (as Will ff'lBg Mlos.
-«n4.»H.-s lg |s-r —III
TWs ioi-n-ase-w III aiT«-t Hh- im.Biiily
pay r.r rt.iWMora at aiioi-and or r..tA*‘
-.... _____ _ .mn tu tw pot f« vrurtt
rni tb- m-w ....ke (tnrk* Iielttg cooslrtim..I ill l B>.iii-.-.miii*. I*a.
ihHed to
Hti-h (ii-u. n> tills Is iviii-iilaleil
r;lv- tfai- iw'iniiilty
aiuldsbl|«.1mi yiai w fUrilud titln
ly grlDtog Ills (n-tli <ai Ho- sdrm-i-eart
tier, with Ms luiuds In Ids |un-ki-Uk
walling for smiteHilne in fnni np wblt"
Hh- n»4i wJhi bareMsn*^'-.<t
ilirnitgli Hieir.. uiflirwry in wrurfug •
eoBipHenry. fn-tHiHi Gnsetto. '
«k* CrtoMsa ritto.
Oba of (be must ctwspietmo* iatifl■Btfca. or, Tatlii«, auuwiMrks, in tba
Wbotoof tbearelir ngfmisU tbe tad
L by (bptoln Jcbii Ktsa 18 tba
ywr thlK. rarqifla* andmilsstbatiills
Tbr greiJl |cnra|MTlty ot the n*at^
■a aufwwl with soow that is as rud M
I* relb—tid
id Ip tts. clfl* ta e
rvlialiias amt
inaHuHbia* to
Tbesr dnii^rieaa lo the Cnibd
tl tab fatooH anilo expodi
to m*.7(WJCd as rnsw
ieoptoally anwlnad dtaa
l«Hla M« npwto tba aoloc ,«^.l vriti. a tmnl f..r ima. mr rrurfft
•00. mfflAIlM to HOT and abam dw
-IU.- dgittv- to lW#.-inaiad.djibis
atowHnqnancr Ilf nn im-b away aimther
^rt-l«-. and ihi^ be ounn.-rtc-d
■ u-’»uis(-siH»ov
b-db vrttb tbe cnm-nL Tb"couwqnetw*
»■* »"■*
rna- h m
*1!* *S
** s
. ... .®‘"
one pole tor pleor trf foil} aud
Tfce •(**« MfcHv Ptowa,
,y |
ib the most
Hk-ly plaiv for llie
ilie Und lo
to rowt
meet with
• “‘'"“U (m-fiv lb- tKiUse of pray- ___ ______
•f“ »•*
P<'W‘ iilnB (hat the word
i,„, „u, ,
iE “r
.hould e.,nj.llv^.lnrtre H- rmillug
(be tk-rtp.mv-rfer I toW.r ,-u-e .
,ra.k«*.s.-,..sHH-),raH i^.,*>
---- •»<*
A CUvk ta a '
pool nf Retl—Nla, I at
Tbelfr I* now being athlUtcd
In tb* H* pdivbea. ami wbo
wtodaw of tba ab<ff>
ib<ff> cf Mr. Kapo. tb*
iU stir the pod of tbr wonl.
angd' «iU
watebmakar, a eluek Ibe works ctf wbirb
while I He betpbasly by tbr sU>-cf 1L
•r.-in tbe Indde nf ou carUnary clear
glass wine bdtl-. tbe dial plate being
IdrwsUig. -Hpurgen
»e works ware Uiirodsoed into tba
N«lr U tba Hfftonry a» flrw gtoaor.
Pveo wbm it U awwrtal- *
P*«* *» ’'dder ttuui
hcMIv. tbe wcodw tbenI orvow
CPi ow to H»
toUtff aa to bow tba p^ .rf aneb da I
oateutocbtowywewUMtalBpnitogBtbar«-Pwu*r**» Aqooy.
>«> *«'^**-
»„ do hi. duty witboat liriu aHbw
apnrwd or abamid by tb. iwcoto.AnwrttwB Friuod.
Wevrillfami*hfawllle*.ibb*n*<OvuaBdpaf•fOgerator. for'11 00 a mootbHOPKINS BBOfi.
birr bad my bbiUlne
;pnt Iio goew
ffhniit and ;pqt
____ „
•bapr aad"l am DO
now nwdjr
lo receiw •11
" old
• • patroDi.
- »•„ (PA. ova,,..
who tiao*|wtanify
trausiwtentlv and
aud ivinsiautly
ivmsianilr trkw
- .-or.y uj talk *( »t W,
large aapply pn. an for '
CSSvyissa CE—Ul.wstiw _ _
Good Line of Jewelry
XTbracaaOnr SUiMT.
SW had hM* iuohrd ap>« tirvflrrj aa bv |
Hr had
ilw aaa hi* •feiu
loac a* bt paid ao altni(l.,B
tlar Mn wa> n
dar.atwaaldwSMttd. Otaar Park pw bbl. MW....
IM Mb ^SLort Oat
"Aai I a<<t a c>od rrraluTo
baypi)' iovrr "ataiiubi"
•kart Oat Pork per *...........
rioar.fi L.ACo.B*t..
hatbVok the spnmo
AD ikM an « wr-ia tW w»r
t>ya.b tW
auitcr vUii
!bn MM
Or bnrl> ani Unb an baM.
•• Vtai m^trn tm Pr.—
MA-Marb Di.«ia«»4 TbUm (
«•«* t* IW ray iPaV SwA
taaa Wl«b Hl«wf Mmi.m.
Orwo« cltMidx mspleW tod taur
aem undLT ira; arv dyiliird fur Rb«ut
ar iba aprUir atajf la tha aoatli.
«,.* lb< </»»• InJ
WtU aaa*. nmv
Ttiat drtm *:l utw
Ts dlaaai n^Hv*
A») tetao I- •r' a-mnwM UHa
’ NUbi *■ »«• >4 n«tk aaaia .
Ibdn Wtm .-uf iM tnr M>r M
tba *r«ai (nAhiar vou>f* Ulr llika jraa/
tbrtr Ja |ILH; to U- a brltM- onwraaltr ibaa aaval for tfaa diapiar of
•adUiu- iHaniptHi. U ihai •cklo cad«Ma Af*n win iMtt Iir1iil«a la ooe of
hrr «nilU>K uoada opoti tbo all IcaporWat oMAcloa.
'Geoffrey's Ward
iMfrlM, win be morr rlahoral# tbaa
Tho “df»-r Ulk>r Md*
Adaalaa Woo
IS,- nii«li(<he^i,a»7ed?^
- A* to hay
It h<- had /i.fc.^1 A*
♦TTuil -hot pdd." .hV»hl.ia-r*d to km
•rtf. '^hr
Tl*r oral daj hi in. i'*^r-w
**t ha%r aoii.nbia« I.. tril f
vhisiwinl. **whtrh 1 «..ald uo( for Iht
World. Milr II ha* mad*, laewi unraar.”
-Yy>u hhrr iMlirr.1 that
*1 On ukn iuoc
walkt F\.-q MKiniiufl
«>U. I dartrd
raand aootbor waj tu *FF «'
wmi. ami. »UI you hri» »r oir. I %aw her
> ■•^ill|r wUb OD uid womaa^ber arah.
' I oui , I
The DFZi (Itar CmSn-j
aba ruafidad hor .fttvI to hiai. hot br na
if ahnicred bn abouhlnn.
“I wirti M-y Ooffnr AH-n-w.1
Th* wfU tnion) w-rtaoi rtpnwod aa
.orprtw ai tb* miur-L iboacb be ear.
taialf did wouder abac aarb a faraln
tnidkel « aaled of hU maaier. ’
-A iodf «o an- >lr. Altenon. ’ he aa-
aoobeed a. be np|K-d at the drawiag
?*.’." a “
w.fb «..-..ffrej
.purvoM-* Itr liie aFUTciit ..f Borolns
wear, for nil i.tl.ei .«xa,loo«. Iiwp|>inc*
• ad fri|i|»-ries .are to tli.- f..n-. Two
UUor Bade kuli* are Ib.-n-torv aliDOM
tldUlM-nanbh- rur.MylUh >ln-M.
tI..^ ..I.jert of her mirth |mi.l m. heed to
io-au> ..t ibe eUn.-r. |»»«ine 1»K. -r-n the Indies. I.qi wa* Mvoiinely lail'.io wamrlnir fa..rs.-lf. oatil klr. 4,e>.f-
lUaRraiirr of iuo>le» li.ai may
eii>o<ia<a1 10 lihiwgii fully Imu
•t Ka»ierilde i»a rtry ilabt sny Kown
with rh-ii aleaa.ratlniis of la<v ami flu-
fap-rly 1
j,,. Ale-rn.* |,w,k it.
la ih.-
.hi i*..4liowii
S •au.iua-r wllf. ..f S|miii*b In.a- ■wllb
Uiliy rlldsui rii--b.-s. tv U- woru over
• enlnr.«l iltk .skirt.
Tti.- *.-.-nti.l out
rrtgv -uis a
ctwo-fiil ur.anaeiia.-ui
whh-l. .mu Is- .•arrkvd a>ui 1u la.v ami
Silk or uuj ..f the i„„iis«.-li...-. ami
tlr,.d v. her sial by t»»e fir. ■i,.| waijbed
h.-rra.l lli.-i-.iuii.iiis.ihr.-i.i.'l..'
“Au.l y.iti are aim t»., r.isr he kaid.
Uklna h. r hand in hi*. -"Weliarti..-my
• ►I’**" f«l«brnll.r futflll y.«ir fa“"T;’ ‘f"**
rou bap-
but will, a M>u|ina> of llila,
I onu sb.M.k
a pIldUK ..f flUit.RU ai.J.llrBli.Ki of EJi-‘ hapd, with Oia in a i.-iy . ■hilly fa.hl.,t..
Mker, tbe wh..h' dawlnra-a H-.-U vf ^be and Hi** IViirvM- t. Ih.w.d tb-' .-tample.
'•m am) mom dbitlaiculalfed onh-r.
lit wa* evident tbe* h.ih .v.t,*M. r.d ber
1 Jbe yery llybl a-hdl. alreeww. ibe |>tle aul^ntrrt..iwr, nn.1 flenBrey’s l.n.w aUrk-
determined ite met,
the eigkr ebonld te>
tbd et lOo stni^t
Po»tDaa.Bar m
MilliOBa •i*aa Away.
Ai.t *.... ....IS..V"
/ ,, ,.
ti'ti*. aod fr-t a free
K iro'arsu-SOeatid 91
•ry hJiile
t arrlred.
O.. .„d
The Ti-.nlfie :•
O. '
wa* t"'l
au a- Im !«•
Sh - eaki••r..reive
M> *i.kn.~* wi.* ^all
all feuu
feuind. . ^Vf>]
..l.l.- In .viiib >«u.
a >hib-k.
iH.-r >br . ri.d
1 lloae* BWk
(i.ariHsI In
dnii't have...... ....
I..r hrmo’.ii.* i* l.s. c-ed
be m..,r..d.
-T..mn.i..w ........ i'ili« >mi
l.flv. li.'ie. at'Ihe earlirai liin.i le-aaiMr.
■ry atHlCout **11.1*,
OWi**. I•lly<>ue1
'..mtra.* 10.
walilnB' 1
,, r
Oj^LSaiir.AM .fnry- Hjiecial slleai
..■..•lied fnr.
Mis. De- i
married. ^
«M la BataUtot
s »to II a. DU. I
. ... D".U 'SS’.l
HfUd Kipldi « iHdUll Bj.
Amewlaad aersr- .r- .>< irata* aa Tra
Itiy. IB efler, Iseeewbrt ITvfe. IM.
Traverwa City
a Speciklty.
lugust Petander
Next to Entflt) Office.
TtaeU:lka.aa. trail. hM pwrlor raru
iB|Ma.aB«ala*p«r Qraad KapMa vo
- e«»p. m. tralotaB partar car te OraM
BapIdB. aad BleepiBC ear aad eeaefe Oraad
alB arriTiBa a< I WI p ■ bae BleBaer Ota
aU to Oraad RapMBaBOcaaeb aad alae||
lui^earChleacote Qraad Baptde aad chair OBr
- siB arrlTtacaa*W9w ■ haecha'.r carPb
.._ji«loGraaS R.pidsaod ehelr ear Oraad
Bapidalo Peieakey
C, t. UXiXWOOD. O P. « T.A. Oraad BaRdJ
Fire Insurance. The Pert larqnette Railmd
I* L A. Btilldl&g
of KAlKaaliw. wlU opes
Undtirtahing Parlors
10 No
!> aiOReuvb
aiORMVb VUMBBI. IBB few days. Clara
a wmii
mi.oi*, an eiperlen.^ emhalBer 1* uaw
R with biB BeepeettBUy
'"•S;rvS:'{ Painting
mB.I wn. .tehwn.l, ...luni.s nvido an
‘b*^ •'
'bi* h u- r «nd d..l - h.v .uvR-atind
‘b.i ilu_ wi.i.-r ..I ll *lun. d Bs.i.rae the
r,-s|..nJ .n.i> ..f the dr.ir., l..,pr,.veB.-nf
Ih-"-"**.* «hb.*Ht n.k.uc .l..ua.p.ut fr.w.
‘ire pul.M.-.
‘“av -• fi^"‘ *>>-olil t«- reared, a* any aurk im- $
^’'-aiwi.t w..ul<l ii-i .v.niiH.n with iba i
ehara-l.T <>f Ibe i.laia. nnirti-l.-iiiioui wo- (\
{ and Paper Hanging
...d th*
Still in bosineBs intb* old ptBuii.
iiig, papei
‘•■'•eii t'- ibe .vuiiitry tbe if
sign pBiut-
hanjneg. dt-corating, raU-iiuiiiiug, gW.iDK, nalnral
finish, etc.
get prompt attention,
m.-lra. i«q.ru,em..a, *»
Shop' up stain.
Orders left
lleeiilenoe 1045 R. F'roDt Street.
Both 'PboDcs. No. 15b.
m-_deunder h. .lh,,M.;n .own
«M BCBifi. OP llHwa- liatb .talk* ami
aia>- 0,^.1.
nUntell'a .DBwrr.
Have* win |.b) ibe Imporinni |«rl.
.Iway* rat'.' Iwr n.yal blfkarss
••I. sbuold
have been ouupelM iiwbare
.. pk-aBure
ll. ni-,-1 Mr. hlaraell. Rbe
A rntetlMl PdIbi rwe^B riaalei.. ' loaad
cdawrrrd Uka ftwal
lii.|wciali<ui aisl bad tb.
rbe oral
&ral amt umwi
UMwt iiu
thing Prorwe. **1 ab.>ul.l have br*-it able ts
avibias but ihun and geralrat .V.nfidm.-e in bi* /ndsmeiil. isd
> hate (hr bate tbiwicbt r
/ lor tbe plaolai to alo la
One's life weald Mt •I"' fell that wbal.-vi-i tbe ieaue befors
^.^•aic IS gonaJ abaiie fur iBniiug. Il«
atfe a mimirtit"
'‘t'e country mlfhl »«■ llw h..o<-r of Enf
teeald turn itp tin- lower corner, so
Thr giv«l
~w I- —^1.
1 w»A
ah n't espr*ta yamr fear, to l»n4
•»*» k»n.l*
c*a Iw
awwUy ^*|.^.
and m„ IWrao.
flfoUrey iwturard.-m bar 1 •Uir*n,.n *1*.. liked thr rixmM atoo br etrvful to lawk all q,oth„ rs* a lodlaapttiwew ”
IpHne.— Mary, hut w
«» - ■ ■■ ll.A, ---------------------_
iw.lilie.1 |>e.
peuhleti.. wbM It
tknmsb lb. Biuak la err ih.i raiiasru
Tbe iwu Udir* Ibraw up tbrlr b.afi. to . ber gratv of p»1iiie.l
•re fMgu* fetk'W rarb otbrr and that horror.
jeamr to dierl.w-lna e«MuH
MM of tbr kuvea la hwt.
Many a
M tin«k ba* bei-n made lay an ae ,
Dcalei in New anf
Second Hand Blcfcles.
MefraoiiVO*. B!oe».
y.-nr. hen•n>|>Uaov« f\
l,. r-. ttisBe*
•Be. ... .......... »he ia
-Amt abe i* balf ladl.s!
what w1i wrd..r
Good bMV*
bot la. hr i-hanue.l into makins admUalun* «r
iir i.
tale, r..ii
out of Bcb.-d.
IIims tale.
-Oae rtenias at dlnm-r durliir a ertato
nmpAM‘M vx.miDS to a )utspiRg *f |
la forrlrti affairs I'rbieea* Mary, wbo
ptore la tbe moMc. whero mp‘ S I"' !!^r^
wa* 1-uulaHl at tlir ... ....................I tbe for*
» or t*gr 11 l« MXt to
rraiiM-iit. lumed tu bliii and eaU. 'WklU
Btwb tjfiwkf are alwaya dtoeoscertwe wailiity fva. Mr. Ivlsraelir
waod did
a to rarr aaarb for
wwMy thaa that of her naldUs,
"Tbe prime wlnlater paaaeal
_e aiidiwc*. whleb la always alow ts and tbra
be UnA brr 00 k»f dr^ and Mi '
•It In bla atadto, tb*
sstcb «• Is Wbtt tba troublr mlly to.-; ailowod her rm
iMUtoe*. iM-am.-"-‘'Memorial of tba
vbetonovisrriae . •dmlltad.
............ _
DsrbtoS of Trek."
Mtoa Praiuot gronad ber teeth la
k&ibM!uiB#.!2mB,iiL;^ .>• kcha
Fvr toll
' tbe'letter laform* m<. and ber ktnrliek I"**" *“*'•'
the Iclidii'p bO*-
John R. Santo.
mauve aad Idue .bd
Uni*vva >»(•».
particalar* aee
II V e.dder ba^.aw
-It will
bad.aw it i*
|. warmer. ' »<• tb- .*l.inr ,p.up
... .1.,.
will u..| let y..u null.- fre-*e."
*.-ripil-Ti e
th.- pgrjin-e
UBikitu- >h
H..Lu.ve,i, h.d i-wa ...
•afjiX- in lb.
tlatiairet S<»r.b«n.v-i Uirhlfaa.Trwy
erae <?l>y. Mich. Ufise. room s. Toaoeller bloek.
I have a koaI oivan for Bale,
wiH traile fur a borne
o»e» a** Tdoeelle. btoct. SW rreoa
msariiuinsarilic 1
ive. Id-nt vnd
, v, ,.J. p-y* a. le-nniiv from W to l«
|a:ia« also 'ickete on
lut.i Ibe
••a»h, Jir- aie.drn-4
wife' " Ora M-Ued.
om--■ Pan.es.^U IM:
“My l~-l|..lh.sl wife! tVh.. mid amr
-s hi. K*s»Ii.cf-. B-.ISki. Nr* h
“Slw- .lid." wa* Ibe rtup..
• You
Ih said, alnw.
m.M sl.4kin* ber.
la.t ids-lil. hilt
Jilt wa........... sure________ “J
thnl It was
Mis* I‘eiir.u>I Wn-ahurif 'ittock
-n,,ea^>a.ia a
dniik tbi- wnl.-r ml., viliirli III.- |i..\Vi
fit y -'h Ollier! •
! wes>. 'n.Di s(.t>’-i a-d lory leriu poll-
Organ For Sale
run e ai-Siav
Casli Capital $200,000
2 swat hr.rrey willi .■
j *
*«■>• top-H
f-viml)- OHriimo:' •
Mm Bpd ^wo twini (Iw .ROR Rrairtat
Stl SoD'ti t'nlrvB Street
two top butndehamltwo goisl ..{ten
Snxpaadse Coffee -Little IbTern
. .’’ii.ir;;;.:;.; '.'r.7i'!.’'E..rS'
E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop
Alwi'two t^xl plia.'iim lnii:.:i.**s
-Man win ■*.„ you t.. y-nir r,*.m.. Ml»a
ncvii-," .b< said, “aod Bil-nd t.. yvo."
A* *.*.e a. ah.- ilvor H.-ied behiad Ora.
0.v.fln-y lanwvl l» bi. Bi.ler.
Iw very kind la. that
fur my take." be aaU.
uwe Oiy life
>r bli
Qood wbeielfi for wle cheap
on time or for cash, irt
Ou tbi-Burrow Mi«* r.lir.»e left with
rbildrea'* OlMaer* a aueelaUr. Of j
.otit h.-r d«-are«l frieli.l. I.ii.-ieiia. tiiddi
Bd T «>.»►■
heard of , W. Bell ■pheceM________
denrtwUow wa>rti«d lu allk ■rtHiual a |«t
y. «Bi^ IB new TeBBrller
Aera »r boh-*, like i.M fam.ioneal Ma- •
-bid you
.I.Bt-r h.- aiueried.
I ^
thiat her Ballci.m. d.-wnw U
u rreard w'e^' NonBera-phse
S(a> jwk. will he tbP 1-o.t of tbe rm I
“Nn; I eaoi.- olib f.,.i,i„ Bripl.t and ’
i T R WAtTIN, PtayB.rlaa ard «wee*<oi. OBee.
:W, wife.
T1..-V ............................ ...................... .ta>l.e..tfr,-.. Alteraoa.
Hi- ii a hai h.-iur yet. tbouKl. laat year
ear wl> t^n« Ubrmry BuOdLw. Hell waoM-Otoetr bat* air of thal ^ kere. bat a
ra- Bee.No M; reaMeBce. Mo T| Msetbeeo pbeoe
.-^BeeanJrewideocw. No. ri..
h lb.' fr..iii aud
^..d*^.T^UuJfI"wllh'b^Tu.^-ad.w*a dyiuc.
I l-'ld bin.
4«wa at Uir Iwadi oil th.- Uir. trimmed
Cb|i-ae» Tiim-s lli-rald.
.A 1 *tX7IT Velerlaary »o-|
rvold And yuii luyaelf.
Kni lb.- rapiaia
MBryBB'* Bara TiwaiaaisMw,
With Mwrfe of uoft aaila uf IWQ
of the veaiet pm i.;.- ia ah. train, told
Mir aaiwialB by the laiewi aad ■
The Ctrwve a*f LlDa-wla'B Hwlbrr.
*d seUKiaB Dwy or Blytai ewllB y
the miarit where tu leave me. and I waa
idert. TelepboeeNe. t.
Tn aln (.1. iVi.r K. rU...l.-1-ker ha*•rill up here ia a earriaca-."
i-erdil »f id«’'io>-’ tb'- marldr
“Aad anw y.oi arv hen- we wtll hwk
of Nil
after tou.“ aal.l <Seoffr>-> .-lieetily, “La- »“I‘ '
11 ww.
amuoai it. -Ura oOli* aeia
wWalt-arreala. .«• lhat Mary ha* a r.s.BJ prw coin* «■»»'■ ••••I the »fot.
bw*B IB___
|.*r>«-l'b printed
— I.
pared ....
for ________________
ber. with a fife
for I ,
ten aa Broaba«ei...
are oar little frleud l.el«n** In Ihv troi*ira >b •
B. w,|w|»f sIbIiuc that .ml* BWllI be prowpUy
.t rlBOi Northers phoae
•ad hvw tl.e bent."
l.imwdu . i.»...her-*.rave.utheUulee«B
Wagons and Baggies
For Sale
and try one.
2^i^DR^ROaMTCkL^UMraON^O^ ,
- '
ADd taartful dUvcr bull.iiiA elaborale t
It la e^ieisly rntilylos to tbe pabUc to know of osa eoDcarri whleb la
P«* afraid to he re®*to«a. Tbe per- 1
p-.'uo^ if Dr. ElDff'a New Oaeorerr for;
eoMBaptlOD. eoDfba and cold*, bavej
i tera away over ton bIIIIod
bottle* and hare tbe aatUfactloo of'
k'Oninir II baa cared tbouaaod* of
bopelaak caaea.
AsibB*, tiruDchltii. I
1* trrionn and all thri>at.e>ie«l aod I nor
1 IiBV** seveml Mcond hand wide
di* as-a are aure'-T cored hr it 0»’I on
•nnaoD. iiriir- tiled waifona for sale.
s K Wa tandJ«. U
sbe full n-I.s |>. Ibs.ffrvy »
n-j.ie anal..'. S-oii. .•Hly erept
iiii>. Ill* tM.m rivohidly.
ha.I na •
.'rimwUi shawl »ii.-h in. a
wi.n- and .-buf>.Il-lj «T.-p» l.< tin tld.l.. alHi l~-<ired a I
BUSISES9 C^RtiSpu«'l.-r in.N ills ui.tliHn.' cls»» lie untde (the Ual and •■auzbl
ber .
I.V_^.UW I.
.. tu- I C>*
aped : attrrtloe U,
I »—eearwAOflBi tlimatUv
saaied Id By aweaey.
Be wise
It to i« eanta, rtald!
lii. <;..r>
. rrrz.tt.Jr ' :;,*!;’'"''’-"t.Tii'.T'sr;:'
perfocl J.|.-tl;..ra
" *he ei
Sima tlie abort ooni* .imt I«|.t.w oI cl*ir,«i. -.j il»»iclit ie. ..«•• would erer
upriap. U lah,-* <|iiiie a werlasii* nmly |..Ye i.w aeaiii.**
tai know ja*t wl.iTe iKi- »Ti<- In-alu*
*Ytii* i> itt.i alMer.-Mi** Alcrnoo. and
•mi ll.e adhi-r a-mU. Save fair tb.- |» r- ber (u. ...l, M.** IVui .*.-." h- aontinued
fead tuaalinilatiam ..f ev. rjtl.lu* lu llw
. uiloirra.-d mi,,.. -J.urtw*1. .s„
,,ra Ih.-rn-. a'«l»iiel Ib-vTila'
«rw gown*, um- iiilphi
-* ihlnc ..I .cn.». .w ............ ...
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker For Fire Insurance
Aa neio O* LucTrtla heard it alte limVed
at Mlaa
ahil.- 1
t >'niae tail/
Mi.1. l.iKi
fci-ul Itf tuuie. llaeeo. ruilm.ldeplea.
a,.,. ,;.,.|,rey ftlvm-a. ■
frtBifW. « te.. ami tbe lilalD . oven tuAl; fFutien
tcrotienui.. wl... s.aiiely areued to tmtier
aod akin ada|.t(vl di-.m vi'nili'nieD'aI.the
. the ,«
<.f the opiseiie » x aara
Ale- who U
Slou' uuwlee
uuwJae <li<iuch
.liouch to <* wbm
when |M.jjr. o.-s* i«iiiir.al liiui li. d > so.
iinttipl Uie fRtb of v-omijrximl*.- wai '
• alk-r b«d heeo vl.ler
iuevluWj Dtrive In ra*i.H.ii‘» lauk- frrei.i i-1--.rf tbe f.-n.inine s|«vte,. *be
TIm- V.-T, pUlo tAllor made U
‘-7^ *r^ will. y.»l.«iey.
See MDplee in window.
Whaat. old, par M...
Wbaah pwbh.(BMr)
u-i* '£!*
\t bea be rata,
be arreaiid,"
“.To; Cniffrey AlaenroB.’' oa. tbe rail-. *’
iiiinM-<lial<-iy sbr
■ pin.id i<-*|M>n*r a, elie Walked over ' ^
I here ahricbl fin wa* hurtiliia Id tbe ***".',
<- ai.l1 la-.ra« I.. «ae». Wra.-lr in niilta
a eoui|>.n.e>l. l..iliielii.r Uta
here. Ja»y.“
•o.-aoMi... «,
r*e<40iV)- feels- 1 oil :
aaid the Houan. |.>.klne
orot berympanl in. a youn* lady of rallier >liu«y a|>- •
th..i«bt vf
Thill liletil ill.— >'
: |i> .keep nijiwf .or.;- foi yu
all i-:..ht ,
ci-al.” at
alTe-ii-'.i.al.- "s-.-l ii
Best U) be had is
■ the city is at
Foosd in amqkioif s
I rbeA..IL L. A Oo. Beat.
_______ ,
' l*rd par
”'■ ^ mW,<'>■>1 rnoH not U
wa* rery i.iw aad
Tbe r..uo* lady fijhraed blai aad Rep- ,
0^ iiulde
•’.‘T ■M»*r«rT la ib<. hmktaat
. H'.-'d word ihai b.- wa. Ul aud
.• Phn-lrlM aroi for.
— a^r:
----- ir 7
Bidrrmlk Lumbar is uU siMU
JOHN P. OTT & 00
■ !• Tttm— Otty Lumbar Oo.
fccr.vaii-wrj:. -
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