The Morning Record, April 19, 1900

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The Morning Record, April 19, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






STILL SmUNDED ?mm oya eshimted NO GAMOF ;BLnFF
Oom&Md W«U
Fortified 1 W«p«B«r.

AWiadiaii arill ba lii^btor iBaa
poatadaad Baa to Bapoatttoahaa
SfoBBOdtan* O^la.

aoMMluTW ■arataa hwart.

Unolo Sam Kaasaj BosIbobi
with BnltBB of Torkoy.

Park, AprU U-1ho petoa ot aAmBilwitb otoa to tha oapealttoa faUtodaytoati Valaaa IBat BtOO.OOO ladamaHy I
laortaaa oaata Tba asplaaatloa B BaU Tory Oakk thM wUl \
aohooto* Omwi of B«Uor m« WorTaaaMa tor.toa -Ottwaia tapirofMOvontotev* <r.kar Vovo trim
«B* »faBt->TBa B1MI»» Cmooo
aay Day—Oaitod Biataa Bon
o-Bmllor^ batoo that Siaia. hoM may sUltoa
mat haa OoMtttad Itaalf too Par
ttekala »iU aot ba aaad.


Lo^, A«rU 1»-Tto I
tt hm* BoWt*' OMM a

iBitUl lUpB Towards OItH
OTBrnarat in Porto Aico
fepao boMiwdlac am tnm tbo
iioipoMn iMtf u> tho OB'
tod^ mO orlMo a notloM
•kiBvMUMwhotkor tte poMka•iMflftBootrielMO B folar to bo
mnind kr iu Icftoal cooelnoloa.
Tfc.y.MorlMtoriot.00. a rMTno OtoaOard. «bo ailaUtortal orraa.
^1.- U so altooaUoa io aado. wbo
«tU fMaatoo that thM waj Mt
W aaoihor Bptoa Zap. Tootordaj's
HMOrthaiOoMoal Warroa had booa
noitTrr hat aot hoae aeaBmad. aad
«ht t^fT----- erf Bailor, whlab maar
*fo aa^oottot. boa aot haoa aaaoaaood.
IU aowo f^arOtac tU altaatioa at
WoMMT haa boos raoriaad fro* Brtt
UhoevMaor aa^thlar ralaUaf to
«ho f«o( of MatoklarA OBoatob Ira* Fratoria, dated
noodo,. ra^ DoWat-o lorao oUtI
■■iluaaillat Dalrat*7'a wiaiad at
WoBOMr.OoMaadaat Orawthor atatoa
that tha Britiah fotittoa B orall fort!'
•ad.aftar«ho Baaaar <rf tha Boara.
vUah. ha oaTt. prom that moat
«Bo dtfoodara aro Ooloeial traopa.
toadoa. April It-Aa oOelal i
MO fnw pard Bahirto aho<n that
di^toto daelartoff tha Boon had
tha aaUro of Wapaaar vara
poMitara. 'itocd Roftarto i
orhBh toft fila baadqaartan
Moa yaotordar. raporta WapoMr aUll
oanoudad. alihoarb ha -raporta tha
Bomaa dfbUat half-baanadly aad
aataelBC amailn— aa to tha ae<^ty

ftha bmlrad
•lhar by BoutrUle. That laa««a
Bawaaehaa«ao(MapetoUa aorOi.
Md Lord Bobvta o«lU to aay whatbar'
a third body B awtafflnf aroaad by
wayofdaaaaa peat aad tea Moddar
A Maaara dlapatoh aaya Oolooal Dal>
•ottyb eaaaaltlM alaoa ha haa baen baUlpad at Wapaaar taara baoa M kUlad
•ad too woaadad. Tba Bear loam ara
to hara baaa
Uariar. Aflor tha Btfbt atuok oo
A,rU It tha daad wm laftoe tba AaU,
oAara thay tUll Ua aabarlad.
ThMUaeoadletofoplaloo amaac
dha iMil— Bma «aat to attaek aad
UhM ratM. DMitory aaaaoa tnag
aad aalpta* oooUaaa. Iba Oaladoa
rfmBrtaiaff. Mlohalarm tha Boara.
wba ara ao» oa bath oidaa o( tha rlrar
aad Blpht ba eat off if tha atraa« m,
to bavata doodad. Pire Boar paM i
balWrad to ba dlaablad.
Arntrleana Saak M AM Boon.
LoodoB. April le-Tha UaUy Mall’a
4«nap>odaiit at Lmbis Hardav.
oay* that b»l( tha ataabm of the amUlMoa oorpa from Chleafo, os raoebtl« PraUrla. aeeeptad Maiiaar rtdaa aad
ntooaadthalr Bad Om todpaa. Ur.
Boy, lha Amrieas ooual. aotitiad tha
Tnaaraal rorerBnaai that ha nut
fpport the elrcBoataaea to tba aBthof
UBa at Waahlarum.
Oasofal Warm KaeaUad.
April i»—tt It raportod that
tdaat Oae Warraa. whoaa work at
^ioaKopwaaaoabarplyoritldoad by
Lord Bobarta. bat baoa raeallad (ron
BMtb Afrloaaadordarad to raUra to
■hfJhtol- _________________

TMoeday - Ba^


BBSDOO (or Broaaa


Vaaal Bom o( BpuUah Aaarlaaa


itpaclal laTk* Marala^BacorO.

WMblartoo. April 10—The drat atof
la aaoBriar oapplaBoat allacBUtioo
(or Porto Bloo to raliara tha dlOeal^
cirll roeanmaat. waa lakau today by
Saeratary Boot, who aabmlttod to
PraaldMt MeKluUy a draft o( tha joial
raabiatloa proTldlaf (or tha ratoatioa
of army cfflalaU la drll aoalUoaa ia
.. . . . ..X-------------

•autottoTba Moraiao Baaert^
-11 l»-T^ dou
I doparVaat i
Afsaaiaa ladasalty matt ba paid
wltoin a Btatod parted or diptesatie
ralaUooa botwaaa too two eoaatrtea
will bo aararod..hai M baoa mnad
into affaat. bat aa Asarteaa aota euy
ha dalirarad alsoat aay day.
It k ad Bitted bfldally that toa rdraramaat haa oosmlttod itaalf too tar
to raoada from iia daaktea to adopt a
radloal eoasa aad .thora k ao ooaooaf
mast of too fast that tba ralauooa hetwasn toa Saltan aad tha United duts
are badly etralaad.
All Paroorh Bay. toa Tarkkh aalakter. k axpactad at the State
dapartmaat losorrow. aad what ha
will laara darter hU rtatt say aw^ to
brlarhkrorerasaDi.tpaaanM of tba
aariooaam with wbieo tha altsaUoB li
rarardad by the Ualtod Stataa.
Thera k a aoapielon asoar the dlplc
saUe oorpt hara that tha Uoltad Sutaa
kplaylara raseofblarf.bat thk k
drorooaly raaaatad by ofluialt In poaltloa to kao* Joat what toarBramman i

Tba molatloa wat ashtolttod
aoarrm today, tofatoar with a
from toa praaldaat. ThB
lacBlatloo it aaeaaaary bmaaa of tha
(aUara e( ooaprm to pm tba Perto
Bkaa bUl aartlar.
Tha ataau eosmittoa oa aaaal a vary abort Use. oaelala mj.
aflalra raportod a tolat raaolattoa
aatoor xlaii tha aaaralary of too aary
to hBTO atraek broeta oiadaU (or dtotrlbatioa ttoOBf eartola oflliari
laeaof toaHwtb AUaotlc asaadraa. To bs Triad by Ooort lUrtisl
npOD Ordsr of Osn. Otis.
batwaoB toa form of Spala aad toe
(letted Stotaa la tba water* of the
Aoeoaod of Ooanialar with Sltlpleo
Waat ladito.
Tea ■aaaora. wbieh
appropriatod Wft.oM, waa ad^Ud.
Ofioiai for Oaptara aad SaanatloB


No Old “Job Lots’

Of sboes is tbesamt aad
pot they ar» bU differeot They all look • (rood deal
rslike, b^t ia moriar qualities thera’sqaite'adifferenc*.

Praak W. HaeheU o( Vew Rtaipabtra
Aopotated Aaalataat tSaeretory
of toe «ary.
PpM-tal to tW KnrtilDC itorent.
WaahtBfMB. April l« — Tae -pm'.daat today aaot to tba aeBtU tba aosl
aatioB of Praak W. Haokatt of New
toa Mary to aaoaa< i Allan. Baekatt
la a lawyer of lhac

NOW fOR Bicrcit PttHS
Board of Pablic ^O'ka Bald a Spaelal
Maatiag Uat V<sht to OoatMer
■ aadt of Waaalaaa.
Tha board of poblle wc^kt bald
'tpaelaliDaatlar Ual nl(ht to eoaeldar
toe fatara riybU aad coaresiaoM of
tba whaalnaa. and to ditem the
lar dra bydraat ralm raportad at toa
laatnaatlBf of toa eoaaeil.
mlttoe waa appolotod to eoafar with
B. D. Campbell racardlaf the pmlble
wheraaboeu of the ralraa.
The mattor of bleyde paths for the
atraeta of the dry waa yiran oonaidarablaattentloD. Tha ordlnaaea whieh
prortdto a eloaad leaiao tor blcycllato.
aofaraa'toe mof tha aldawalkt ara
will ba In affaet on aad aftor
May mb and toa board wilt taka
aetioo towarda aatahliablar anlubla
blayeU palha. aoeordlay to iBatraeUoM
from toa eoBDctl laat aatnaa. Tba
whaalmae will hall with ymt toUa(aetion aay moramaat la tote dlreetloa
aad toa board will sake an effort to
Ispeovatoa atramao that toa probiWtloa af toa aaa of .the walka dnrlar
itha wUl at Imt bo
partially aaspsiwtad for.


Bmt a Bspa to DB Danthtor la Brlam hpwmi WTW MweiB, taeaft
CaUlas Bar to Baa( Koraolt.
Aoera. AprU 11-Tha Britkk rallarlac (area la ^MaeUaf Easaaal. Tba
are datarmlaad to briar
Mtalo. April li—CUra Palmi. U
yw««ld *m ooaTtotod of potty lareo- mattora to a ertale halM toa arriral of
IB Miri^T *Bd aaat to too poatuatla- toa troepa Tba Brtttob maboat MAr(P. hor paraata dlaonlaf bar aad plahaa landed blaa Jaekata at Oape
nfatlaff to pay bar dot Today too Qoaat oaaUa, Odd Ooaat oolaay. It k
Utoor aallod at tha paallaaUary. Ha | *”
W MU ha aoDld aot m hladaochtor *“ at to toa alMatka at I
toUy. M ha left a paekace for bar.
ns Wamtc a diposcb
M^toiaad a pim of rope aad tola aotoJ
Daafhtar:-rAa yon wUl ho of no Wlfa of Baaa BaU Pltehar Saaia
iMtotoMtoanyoBa la tolaworld.l
OharrtoCraal TraataMni.
MtottoyoatoU Topa.
■perUl WTto Hemlaa BwMMMdf- ToarPatoar.”
ladteaapols. AprU t»-Mra. Saaaa

Baste, wife of toa Blr Maw Tark baaa
^ Ladto* BottaadtoaSari^ltok ball pltehar, hmrht salt for dirorca
thk aftMooe. ahairtor bar haabaad
Uav. PorlOeyoa I
with drtekiar aad U1 trwttBS hv.
^dMloA «t»

afMotorloiiamcbol JDaaBaaua.
at.*^ i>Tb* MoraiBC RmwA.
Manila. April It-Oeaaral Otia haa
ordered tba trial by oonrt sartlalof
Ooloaal Jamaa S. PaUlt, Thirty-drat
atear tefeolry. on a charre of *teUtlor the atety-aaooad article of »ar.
PatUt U aeeoMd of sakter ao arranrei with Praaldaat B. MaodaU of
/aboaar for tba eapVsralof tba aotorlOM Joan bmoa. who waa afterward
to be tranaferrad to|MeadaU to be kllli.
Ooloaal PatUt aaptarad Basoa aad
tnraad him over to Maadalt.who kiUad
tha prkoaar witboat trial the i
day. Thaaaaekamyfsportaat

Boy's Veal
sod Satia
Cklf Shot*—

good wearers.

Men’s Satia
CaU Shoes,
coin tote.

Ijittle meoa
shoes, (jenmne
kid npiters,
solid shoea,
Women's new
spring shoes,

Men's sboes


Hoban t Reedier Co., PioprIetDrs
$1, $2. $3.b

e-Br-'-WbU • s|.l*B4ld rirl yea
*r*: Oo you r**lly Iblak il.yrr u
*>Kiibrr p*rwe IB thU verld *a Jolly
*■ you *r*'*‘
Hb*- "Oh I 4m-| kM». t uf
b* * JeUy ladiri4B*l, bat I tbiak
pan^r* JolUor. ' - PhUBO*]|>blB

Bolen Made
48 coots.

This ater* teya tha rary bsaV—bay* for cash—ceto the lowest spot
. Tbsi'a tha way wa sail

vmwowu.— *.


Popnlsr Shoe Honse.

aumr*!* ■ uuasewigm niwaOB toa waa

>ast of two mea, oau known more or Im than tha other. • • • Ooma
—: m U toa oaly way to aatiafy yonraal*. ud if yon lUca oar bast, hay:
and If yen coaUnna to Ilka It we will keep year May-otborwte m
don’i want it—SIS. $18 SO. SIS. tio. to SO. ts. AU toa aaw .ka^^i sad
matarJsla‘ SOo—Mew Meekwesr—Maw Hoalary—SSe."


Gomfort on a'lRainy Day
When j^ou wh to be out of doom, is readily <ibtsined by bsiBg'

Our Mackintosh Stock
Is in good uhspa to meet’your reiiiiiremeats—All slylee. ,FoF •

I'dies $3 00 and up, for misses $2.26 and up, tor msa
$1.76 et&d up. Umbrellas, too.

This is an Age oLHurrifPeop'-


not eoxieoi



Reliable Dry (ioods. Carpet sud Ciotbing House




Everything^new and right np-to-datc. and much
lower;in price than yon pay for “job Iota,” eapccially
when ^ get the pricen of the border and ceiling.
Ydnra —if you want to save money.

MSB'S Light Weight Owsrooau



Drawlac Boom clnb of Iron MoaniaiB
I admitted to mamberahln In toe
auta fadaratioa. Thia brinra the total
anmber of eloha te the federation op

---- ATTHE-----


shoeo, all

aloa-r>-*.‘r metooda of their rraadfalhnre daja
When they want aoytbisr. they
astll at once, and the telephone b
alwaya at band for the meaaare.
It takea but a word, and a moment
of time, to plaee the home nnd nfice.
the resldenea aad atora. in toaeh
one call eaay b* «
toy moatha'
at yonrealL ready to do yoor biddloy.
delay dr mitandarAaaaal OoaTcoUaa State Paderattea
Womaa'e Clnhi will ba Bald lo
Why nclot order * 'phone today ?
Uraad Bapida, April IS—At today-a
mtea of toa board of dtreetora of tba
State Paderattea of Womao'e Claba. it
waa deeldad to bold toa aaaaal eon.
vanUoa te taaater. OeL S}. The soei
ter <riil Uat UirM or (oor d^yt.
At toe seeUor yeatarday aftoraoon
aclattona of reaped to toe memory of


W^all Paper

: Oir SIws Oitwur



Third Year—No. 92l^

The Glory
of Spring

A ClialiBnge tc llie WcrlJ
On UnicR MaJB Clclliine!
Amongjthe oldest and moat rt'Jiable union made pant and
overall nisimfactiirers. the Street, Orr A Co., stands out very
prominent sod in bold relief. Lodst Ix-fore any other manufsclorerUver attempted to make warranted union made overalls
and pHiita. tie Sweet. Orr people Lad gained a reputation for
honest make and gnaranU-^ working men's and me<.-banic8
vlolhiag -alwaya employing union lalwr and paying union
men's wages.
We ottrry s complete line of Sweet. Orr A go's. Union
Made PantsSand Oweralls—i'ant^ from $1.00
to $6.00—OYeralla from 60o to $1.00.
All labeled with the Uoioa brand and roarantoad te every raspaet.
Sweet, Orr A Co'e good* are made rUrht and atyllahly cat. aaiteble for
any man te any rotation.
t>) d' z»o bib and no bib oraralU. ts dozen JackeU of good qaalily,
bweeg Orr A- Co'e- make, per euil...................................................
r-Cnozen meo'e orera^U and jackeu, ptbar makca. each___
. :i5c
Always te tba leed—let oibert follow.


Sooteh Karkat Seaaraly Afiaoted by
Aserlsaa Shnt Dowa.
SpMlal u Tw aonlBc R«ear4
Loadoa. April lo-Tharawtoaaama
alamp te toa Olaarew pir iron sarket
anon the reoaipt of aawa (ros Maw
York of a radnotloa of flra ahlllteca a
ion te tha pnoe of ataal MUata. Sooteh
on fall I ahUUar. ?d a toa.

Itaever complete witbom
the glsdotes that cornea
from the possesaioo of s
new spring bst that is
satisfsetory in fit, style

aotoor XamUiaMt ^ Ar«lmMok
PapM Seat ta Hoaala,
mat te TU» HeemUf heoaed

Waahtertoa. AprU IS-Tha pmldaahtoday iruamltted to toa aaaato a farlaateUmaat of the doeasaato
batenrter te Aralaaldo aad otoar te­

tod price. Ton wOi nlwsys fiad theai right, At

The Temple
of Fashion

Marhat Report.
PpeeW U>Th« Karalac Bmrd

Haw York. April IB - Wheat. Mo. S
rad te dteaator, 77; Northam Dalnth.
7«K: Ha lhard.?s»<.

EsziU Ctttory Cook Book.
A limited ammhar for tola at is aaata
WUl ba malted peater* P^
toaprtoa. Addrm.TlM;


School of Music
BMW IS aaS II Bum* Bm.

. Pito-gRBSk.^q^BtoiwaaT.

New Shoes

We bavc^just received two new styjn in ladies'
finejshoes. They arc made of 'a irery fine kid
stock—entirely new lasts, up-torilate toes-*-have
English back stay. One has a fine kid top, the
other black* vesting top. They cost you $2.50

McNamnra Block



<. babm Sd s.
$. w. M*nm. MHa




SStf ■ ■■ a

____ -«»*•••

tor th«

tba Hotai OodnBMa.k.
pntttof tathabar htoera Pat BardM
tahai tba ......... .....
of tba hotol
May 1. Tba Bata dOaa to batof Mtorr*d,aadthibar wlU ba ynt to to
tba fooB tan»ri, oannptod by tba
IbbMi aoaau
ObarlaaUOonaaret tba F«« Alar4nMlaitopot.aoMtonr tlakaia yaator*
day tar tba Attoatte aoaat aad Me tar
Arabia OrlaU baa addad a tblrd
to bto bnrbar abM tasUlUa*.
Vary Ptoaaaai Affeir Plaaaad far To-

•.e MorrArr.


MnteL B* ww
. Saeb Xatonnt ^aattatwd to tha OcbkMSd «t«r M «ba «lmU «s«rt.
4ltft.«h««lck»MtteoU 4Mtfktir SbcriffUmpMB Htod
of Kr. m4 Mn. /oh* rtiyoo* of
>y tba food roada ooaeanUoa
____tr. 4loi 7«Mr407 MBlaf
toa toallpartooftbe Omnd Traror
--------- tmbto. Hw
wiU ho
dark m-totad
mmlstad tb*
tb* OMam
rw—- and
nad ^
**€*om and adioto}af
hoM troBlbo <UUrMhool hoMtUa ■ ward Oark
■adtab* Bararcty Bandlad-Tar-y
Alrwady Baay promtoant
r B.'IWtohMmo*M fro^Kh**- dktSaaAadtoDaaiyaBaltofmoy terBpnbare alyalAed tbalr totaaUoa
*aoo tethli «tt7. whv* ho «m mUo
to ba prawat and a yrant daal of toMatbria wt' Waaa-M’Baaaa On. at taroit U balBi
talhofatm. BalikalMMf-BaBUua to baay prapariay a proyraB
MHtolyht-Oa* Oiaora* Araatad.
Dn*n.tbonto ymr oU
/art bMem tb* adj MraBMt of apart wklah wlU>» tltod with yort praatlaal
Mm Mark MoBToa, diad at hw
MbjaMa tor "dlieaaatoa Vna tpMkara
laat yrMtoy.
trpB abroad am B*a of ptoBlaana* to
wa?la'niil by awmra Bto np hrtwwn
tof of dlpktbvto. •*%* rmtim •
lb* food road* BOftB eat aad aothtoy
•bariff nmpaM nad Bdwatd Oarb,
lakM to ItanrM (tonlar tar toiarn
bat food aaa menu troB tb* CMvoawho ptoadlyaUty to Wynmy lioaday.
TW totBtor of BtatobBVto *wn <a GUrk waa aaBwowad to aean m ra- ttaa. TW atlMdaana will b; larya and

Borrow SvMtof.
A ear^ plaamat tlBt to aattelpatod
at tba aalon yonay paople’a aoetol.- to
ba ftraa at tba boma of tba Mtoaa*
Aadataoa OB Sematb atraat toBorrow
»" 0<«««iau*. M« tpr tt* trnntof. All tba yonny people’* aoslatt**
toeladad. and banlda*
yatttny batter aaqnatotod, an opporinnlty wUl ba flran tar all to balp tba
Praa^torian*. wbea* ebamb anftwad
by Ar* raoaatty.
A An* llurary aod Bnaleal proyraB
Ite SMTOU Path auotio*.
WlU b* ylma. it to axpootod that aU
Ukoorroiiort «»• »h# ildoti of the paatora of tba city wUl taka part
tb* proyraB. Uyht rafraahB ‘
wlU h* lorblddoD tha
lteri4*walha.**dU>a erdlsaBaa c<>*- wUlbaaarrad.
«*l*r Um waUu la thia r*c*R>
Mforaad. Tbt board of pablie ww-ka to
90W dla«aMlo( bow w r‘*« ^ *boo^
UaelaDanWblpplawaato tba rity
•H thaooBTaBloBoa Uojharaa richt yaatarday.
«0 aadar ihto ordlaaBoa. a«d tba qa«Lonto Biraak a*d bto W14a arriead
Mm of aalUWa bto70lo patba to oo» froB Grand Btplda laat nlfht, a^ ratMaIrtaif otMUo*. it irUl bt raoMB- oalrad tb* aoafratnlaUou of triaad*
harod that laal roar tb* coaocll oath la tbto city.
Miaod tha tao^ of pabllc worka to
Charley Einr left yaatarday tar Loa
Maatraet btoj^a paU« oa oartala Anfa'a*. Oollfornla. wbare be foa* to
.9M*ta.'toa«ooa»odaU the faat lo- join bto nnela. Dr. C B. Elof.
anoalBCOBBbaroi rldan of wboato.
R W Binod Uft U«t Blfbt OB a
Am oaUlaa of a pte* vaa praaaatod bat MlBMt ulp to CbarleOolx. BmI
Wlac to tb* eloalac of th* aaaaao Jordan aod other polou.
•Hthlar •ra* dooa Mo*, bowerar.
Prank Uannatt aad T- W. PautofMMibtBC (BMt ba doB* to pot tba ton ratnmad laat alfbt troB a bnalnaaa
adrooM Uthap* ao that aaocp raia trip to Intarioeban.
- Mora will not naka tbeeB lapatatbla
A.Oibbtol Kaydald waa at Paib
far bteyelaa Tb«o ar* hnodrad* of .aoa yaatarday.
■M. goaaa. firto a»d bar* la tba
E. Btaalay of Uapta Clty.waa a pnaat
altf *bo ride wbMli ooutaallf dartaf at tba Botal Wbltln* yaatarday.
tha Mtlfo aorinf. aaBBOor aod (all and
DtTtddalbarofdBttonaBay, waa in
IhOBajKitjraaa^aBa* a aadaealtj- tbadty yaatarday
It to da* to tbaa* that tbara b* no daJohn Molan of Oadar. la In tb* alty on
1*7 1* Baklnf anIUbla provtoloa and bnalnaaa,
to ooMldarlBf tb* lBpro*r«?*nt ao
U. M. Dams of Nortbport to a^Maat
patot ahonld ba aparod to aMka food at tb* Hotel WblUny.
Mlai Ina Perrin left yaatarday for
TpiUantl wbare aba will taka* oonrae
to tb* tralnlnf departBeot of tha atate
Albf* aad Xfoard Srird Arrootad normal.
Jadf* BtBadall ratnmad yaatarday
Hoar Orawa Teotardap
fbarlff SlBpaoa arraatodAlbpn Dowd troB Grand Btpldt. wbar* ha* baaa oa
Md Bdward Dowd jaatardaj at tbalr baaloaa*.
B D Wood and Olan* Oaoa laft yatboa* In Blair lowaablp. aad bronfbt
«hOB to tb* city, wbare they war* tarday lor the 8»o. wham they will
•rralfMd In Jnatlo* Brewa** oonrt on*a nail tbto aaaaoa on tb* toy SaBpaeo
ifr. Wood, who waa foraarly a&floeer
d by Claranca 0- Tnt
hnry of Grand Btpidi. wboowna land of the Allee If GIU. will net lo a alanaar Orawn. Proot tbto land It to, liar eapaelty. while Mr. Otooe wUl be
that Iba Dowda. loeladlnf ba draman on tb* boat
Mra a Pfeifer ratamed to bar borne
■ Albrn and Ed ward, thalr laibar,
■nalOM) CMorBilo*


Tbaabartflbad to
Bpmad* Uka WtidAra.
When Ihlaya ar* “tba bmi'* tbay beClark atoae, aatof vary Btroay and not aoB* 'tb* beat ealUac.’' AbmbaB
Bar*, a laadlay drayytot. of Ballcrilia.
idaalaradtbat^U woald bM ye .0. wriua: “Klaeiriy Bitter* ar* tba
beat aaUlny bitten I bavr baadlad In
totbeaoartrooB.B^dbadto ba waU toyaara Yon know why? Meat dtoalybdnyyodto tba bnlldtoy by tb* aaambayln Indiaordm of atosaeb,
bnriy abaril, wbo 4pally yot Ub to liver, kidney*. bowvU. blood and
aervea. Bleetric Blttrr* tonat no tb* ,
tb* appar baU
stomaeb, mynlnta* liver, bidnayB and'
Uara oob* aoratreabl*.. Clark aaw bowel*. pnrfAa* tba blood, strenrtben*,
Drpn*y JobaaOB alaadtoy to tb* taaU, the narvaa, benca cnrvt BnlUinda* of
It bnlid* op ina anitra
aad eriad.-Wbatar* yon lo^toy at, Bnladle*.
yoa ------ -----'Tbaa b* Aew at Jobo- ayatrs. Pole new Ufa and viyor into
any weak, aiekly, rnn-down Ban or
eon ifnrk>nGy. ttareataatoy alB aad tba • omno. Pries »0e. .Blld by d S
abertff wltb elolaaee.
Wall aod Jnc O. Jobnaon. cmyytoto.
U* eeldaoGy tboaybt that to
Xfyra an “etbarviM"
*ba4ow of tb* ecnru tb* abarif w
not BB* blB bambly. bat to tbto ba waa
than ••weaibarwtoe." ynn won’t be
Intcraetad In onr Sit to IS SO BackBiauken, for Mr. BlBpaoa rcaortad to
latoebae and SC to Mic ataal r.-d
heroic Baaanraa to briny tb* balUyw
‘■N'ewland’'iiBbrella* 8. Bshda A
eat prtoonar to bto eaoaa*. Clark wm
thrown to the door, aot very yanily,
#T r Test tea* and C. ff *• at tbe Gtand
and bto faee alapped rfyoroaaly by tba
. ai»u Tea a:ore. :is irwttaUcai
Clarka blood atoloed the flss S'Aooryand It d^l not take biB lony to
datiuiixig toffse—Llttls Tsvira
daald* that hekad had enonyb.
Jndya Meyna refnaad Maanlanee the Unto Mrs
prtooner.Xbt aant bla back to tba Jail.
Onybi to be iutareaird 4n tb* ad. of
HaBillon Otothtny Uo. lu tbto ton*.
He WlU reeaiee bto aantenoa Uter,
and It to not at all llnnly that bto aalr
to with tb* tberiff will tend to ataortcn Bu yoor Baklny Powder at tbe Grand
C.1IOO Tea ttore and la a naafal
bto tars of ItDortoonBaat.
When eonrt ooneenad yaatarday
ornlny tba qnaatli n of tha Boilon to Bu^dug CoflM-Littli Tivsn.
tab* tba oaM of Roy Gnlbrla t* WalUHlyBaen Oo. from tba Jury waa np tor
I. L’jtll lu o'clock tba Botlrn
waa nryoad. when It waa overmled and
tbr- caaa nllowad to yo to tb^^ry
Tba argomeni on ttaa facu wae eorUsnad naUl S o'clock, by Boo. W. B.
lor tba plnlauff and J. M. BarrU and E S Pratt for tba defenac.
After the )udfe'a cnarye tba iary ra
tired. They ware brqnybt bjfora tba
irt aavcral tlBea, bnt np to I0;3o
oclocb they had aot ayraed. atandiny
10 to t. and they war* laft by the eouri
f.>r tlie nlytat, wltb Inatraetlona If they
ayread to briny In a aealed verdict.
AtU:lS the
rainrnad a aaalad
verdict, whtsh’will ba asnonnoad Ui
oonrt nl 8:>0 tbl* Bominy.
AaKKHinetbe Jary bad reUrad fcr
ttaeeoDBldarailooof tbto caaa ibe attompalt appeal eaee of WilllaB L
ilriwD V* Mick Krieer waa taken np,
wltb Patebln A Urotaer for tba plain­
tiff nnd Pratt A D*vU for iba dafaad-

B av.t •*.
The B**U«y of tb* W. C. T. 0. wUl
jn bald tbto aftamooD nt lha waat
Obapal Tb* rayalar prpyraB wIU be
U ahary* of Men Mlakanoa. afw
wUsb Mtoe Uannatt bat kindly conMMtad to fnratoh a abort antartalnBant
vUh bar papUa.
TmvsfMCUy rut N>. Stl K. O. T
M-wUlylvass anwrtalBBmi Fridny
•vsalM Irtb ai of ABSsd* Biv*
temtoh b*s*i whloa wlU b* said nt
aaetfon. Tn* pronasda will b* ter tb«
baait- ol ABsada Hlr* L. 0 T. M
Baah lady to mq^ewd to brmy n boa
srith mfmahBMU for twa.
Tbara wUl ba a myalar BnaUay of
tb* R of P. Uto avwiay wiM aU aaaBMaw for tb* Amt raek
^ OhariM Vu Brockl a. wife aad tbra*
, ahudm*. l*n yaatarday tar, TaaeiM.
Waab.. wham fhay wUl mab* tbalr
Bayaa* Pnekard ha* bay** work I
Ito. Matibvri IV rpltoB* Us.
JobaMaDowaUbaabiu arnMadat

plalDUff-e uaUBoay wat all
taken, aad tb* dafaadant'e caaa wUI
ba bayan tbto morniny. The euit to
for Bsaay elalBed to badueon a bona*
belli for Ertoer b/ Brown, at Riar*ii-y. BroWb/claima that f 10 la aUll dne j
biB. Tba caaa will probably ba Aatoned today.
Laatevealoy Jadya Mayne ymntrd
a deeraaof divorce in the salt of Ac*
A Peryneoa va Dnocan Parynaan. I'.
C G.1 ban appeared for ttaa eomplaltKltfOSBOABTBtf PAEtT

M * / W M<illfc«oJ(.iUirialncd Uu e
Snaday School Javaslla*.
Vcitoidey aftarsoun Mr*. J. W. MilliKeD wa* ratpoatib e foraiiliy party
J. W. Millikan west to Oadiltae on crj yrd by forty-eiybt happy little
of her kioderyariaa claae of U e
bnilneB yaatardayH. D. Meaa* of GIm Arbor waa a Conyreyatlonal Souday eebcwl. It wi*
an Bmiy party aod tbe aspoiutatccU
D*. and Mr*. 8eoU are entartalnlay: appropriaia for tbe Bmtartue
Mra. W W. Browarandtwo dtnybtaiB^f-ktlval. Mr*. Mllliken bad preoand
ca a little neeta Bade of colored tieeic
of PIf* Lake.
Blbaaad WUtfrad Allan of Yuba, paprr and in each waa drpoallad »vvr- lati ymtarday f>r Uvlnyetao.MbnUna, a> pretty little caody eyya. Ttiej •
D ok OaBpball ka* ratoraad fros veoilee epcni tba afternoon lojiyo-a
Uporte. lad., ud R«ao*ha.Wto .wham yamaa and ware traaiad to lavtob <1 tanha want to Inapeet tbe oparatloa of ilila* of lee eraan aed oak*.
public baailny plula. wblah to eont.<nplatad in ihto city.


leciad a* oae of 11* dalaynta* at Iary* |
lor tbv V aim 811v*r partr V> tbb aar
Tb* city anparvtoon bald a aaaaica
oaal eoavaailon at Eaaiaa City.
lyrairrdayta tbe ooddcII rooB*. to *r-------------------------■■ :ruy# for nalfotBliy la tbe aur*>•
That Tbrobblny Baadaeh*
for Ue varlou* wardi of tb* al y.
W'ald qo^ckly^wv*
,Tbey wereio aamioa aboa . three bouia
D.- Koy'.NewI
of aufferan have
aakaa. Tnay mak*’ pare blood nod 1 ralaa for tbe cc a'my year,
balld ne yoar baaltb. Only W aeau.
it to ooaoadad that tba total valaaMoaay Wttaot enrad. Sold by '
B Walt aad Jaa.0. Jobnr-

Tor &0M f3 to ▲. 8. rrjrttAftBsalltoa OeUlay 0

To sleep and rest well you must have one of our
springs and mattresses. We have all kinds. .
Our cotton felt is the most comfortable mattress
made—it is ^aranteed not to bunch or lump.
We can please you on a mattress or spring.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
lao S'zoxLt Strreet.

Spring Shoes
Tbe Dewtwt of the new atylM
in footwear you will find here—
Xevar liavo we shown such beaali(q1, attractive and durable ehoea
ns we now offer at our low expi-nae
and carh nyMt-m prices. This U a
biu aavine to yon. Onr asaortineDt
is 80 lark'e yon can get what yon
want. This style, as shown, in
miwies' and children’s aiaee at
Itemenitter tbe place.

PracticAl Shoe Man

136 Front Street.

It Rains

DVwa...i—i.ii j... u»taT u, 1" til' ■‘•pi** •»>w- »n« • *1.11 wiik
Ik. nl.. .1 •loo.uidb.i It m..l|.tta tllr.

OkkrlM Dowd. tb. !»th« ot tb. two
wbo wwo on«.t.d. wbi bO'. bt hoot.
wbMtbaaharif want for hlB. bat b*
wfU ba arraatad later. He to tba
araosntly emvletod of
alaayblar In klUlny bto brother nt
Altoyaa. and U now ant on btU pend,
fay aa appeal to the sapraBvon.l.
Tb* asSBlaatlon of tba allayed traapMBB* baa baaa Asi<d tor April rt. la
/aaila* Brown'* oonrt.

To Fool feU In Int Sleep feU ud Rest YdL

third, wblla otbam ball*** that tbuc
wUl be a aUll ymaiar Uaraaa*. This
will not. bowarer. b**b a yraatar taa
on aa Isdlvldnal lOne* of propany. bat
will deemaaa tbe tas la Buy eaaea.
aapeolally of Mall property owa*rt.
I dww-WMTMP'a

WUta'vnln'ml Tmr____

b*B ooayb remedy on cwtb, came a cold
faoMdiytftakaiBtlac. MaadMcta.

You’ll wish you had them. We’re talking
about Mackintoshes, Umbrellas aud “Rainy
day” goods. "Make your purchases now, its
the wise thing to do. It’s money well in­
vested and it may save a doctor’s bill

What's the use of,borrow
ins wjien 8O0 will msio yoa an
owner of an umbrella? it’s a
natural thing to pay more for a
better article eo we offer better
grades at 6O0, 75c, ^1 00 and
Our great $1.60 line has some
of the ba deomest handles that
you've seen for the money. You
Bhutyour eyes and grab and
you'll get a beauty every time
Still finer goods up to $4

Are most convenient Can
be worn on so many occasions
You can't invest $3 86 to better
adyan'age Have,a fine double
caps for $3.60 The $6 00 grade
have the skirt with an adjusta.
hie band (can be worn as a
rainy day skirt) and a double
cape. Other grades of finer
material sell from $6 to $10

That can be carried for use
on ra'ny days and for an orna­
ment In pleasant weather.
Owning a 6O0 umbrella is bet­
ter than using your friend's. If
you have m ore m on 9y purchate
those at 76o,$l'00. $l 60, $2.00,
$260 $3 00. $4.60. $600 and
$6.00. A most bewildering as­
sortment of fancy handles.

A big assortment to chose
from. Oood meney buys good
goods. $126. $2 00. $S60. $4.
$6. $7 60, $8. $10.

Oil Goats

Got the long style that
sells for $2 and $2 60. and the
Bhort style that coots you one
dollar to own.

Oil Pants
Sell tor an eVen dollar and
oil bats for 25c and 50c. These
are all tbe best *'Union Vade”

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.

NT Wt Nt K
WrvtiV^i^«rwi«rm*i«rif9' KAVlfAnOf SBATi &*.U.BOAD6,^«K
Men or me wono
I an BMtM hf Ito J«aiar
It ttoKT tromet ^

■ Oillatt wUJ Katablbk a Mow
laataaH waUafOartoi'a KOI.

I Union Men are ^
not Bli nd to the
J Fact that they

S SUN AsisiSuaiSiSLJiuiiuaL^

!*!•*? *^“**

U Um

Mt ts OM.OOO pm*da ot awrar tte
fAT. o« v%h>% U*y el»i* a baaaV
T*ayba*a aatfafai aMaaN
Aaal *7 Oaorfa Cataa atU TWaa4 ai« praaarlaj u a^laat lha mm ^ Mwiraa. L»aiat Buh alaa raaB«(...U.UU. T« •••>• rtU r>lu «l.
TBfaafb Wi afarti of aa aatbatlaArborfaoNahaaa
h to aaad a aarlaatf
alCaar to ataralar ladla. Tba aac
pMMoaafaaakaaaanaaant WtoacB
E»a. BhiUoaSadlilaaor Um Vapaka
OaNlal. vktak waa lakaa asWaatfalj
ta &ai Arboa.
''' Tbabroaiiaiatowto ba ataatod ta
IBaparfeat Matoapaa ara aa aabiM<
Uaa ai Hia r>rk- fbay ara pfaaeaaa•1 varki of ark TWr aoak, wtU tba
k <a aboai B»9 «w, aad toaj
ara tba rif»
Okarlai 8 Mklay. Ttof
wOl ba aofiltad
Hatharoa aa
MaaartaJ dap.
Vartotn aboat VMabaiy wUi aaporlatoitaraUlaciobaaeo tkia poor.
Aa aaparlaaoadfTOwor of tba wood boa
iMOtad tbara aad wUl iaatrMt tba
fanawtlatoaaaroaad ooUlvoUoa of
tabaoaa alaata.
A tolaaboaa bai boaa pat la tba roar
ofthapalpnof tba Bpioeoaaf oharoh
atlatUa Oraak and aooaaotod with
Kaiototato, wkara a partp of tba
Ciloadaotthtpaator. Bor- Mr. Qabora,
Uttoaad tj tbaaaraoa. A aboaa waa
alas pot at tba btditda ot Miat 'Faula
Bapaolda. easof tbaaiMbara. wbo kai
boon badrlddan for *0 f atra. dba batrd
tba aaitro tarriM dUUaeUp.
Oaratoi prapar^uoai btra baan ntd 1
bp ralirotdt aad »laa and vtaaal
' pwaaro to kaodla tba c^tolaat aaooBt
of IroB arar ablppad froB tba raapaa
tbaacmlocaaaaoo. Tba aaaaoa of iwo
wtU wltoaaa a pala ot about to par
aoat o*ar tba toul tblosaoU n( law.
Tka ahipaiaou laai paar acrrtcatad
•aar>a,iOo.oootoaaaadtbU poor will
faaab loaa.
AtMaalatto, aboat Bldnlfbt, Tnaadap. whUa Adolpb Boabr aad hta wUa
wara atuodlaf a
k flra and ara tba dm dapartment
aonld toMb’iha aaana tba aatlro bnlldUp wna la fl %mm. Notblnf ot tba aonlaaBwattavad. Mopanoo bad beaa
la tba bobaa for aararal boara batora
tba Bra waa diaeovarad.
KaloBtaao ta tbraata'aad witb a
plaiaaetpropra A flieb anabarlap
■aap iboBtoada bu labra on lu aboda
7 aad la tna
traaa rarronadtap N*<^lraa a«plaa.
aad ibap BwarB erar tba aarroaedtop
aoaatrp ta ooaatlaaa aaBbart la aaarab
Of food, tolaraiap at blrhk lu
ooHp Borntap thair nwia'p can
baord aarmt alea. Tba faraaim la
that «>alalip ba?a klltad haadroda ot
tka blaeb paaw. bol ibalr aambsra
0MB to taeraato laaietd of dacraoaa.
At OalaMi Vineeai Chaop. apod t<i.
aaa kttlad bp aa aoeldaatal tall of
fiooBd at tSa Taaaraok bIm Tbmdop. Thlanakaafoarfatallilaaattbla
mi— wltbla a wock
At Baplaaw Willlas Bopar. aaplop'
Oita tba mU bloeb of tba Brawar
traabar eoopaap, tall fraa a Htpia
bitoa aalt bla wItb a wbaalbarrow
loadofaalk Ha atroek oa tba barb of
boad aad te atUl
Wbalhor ba will raeovar la aaoarUlo.
UlUa wmta Woliara. arad ataa
paan. too of Adolpb Woltan of Aaa
Arbor, fall fn>« tba roof of a
•ad traoiamd bU tkall. baaldao raoota
lipotbaala)artaawbleb ara Itbalp U
•oow bla doktb
Tba aaeaal saatiap of tba Mtehlpaa
Fiooaar aad ntato'laal aoelaty will ba
baM ta Uaalop tba Bnt tTadarodap lo
Paaa. Ki O >aaroor Laea. tha praal
4aot, arpaa apoo Abe poopla of tba
ptata Ua dtotrabtltt^ of a larpo attoaTba at»u I've atoek aaoUarpooBBlaOtoa wlll.atlte oaat saatlap. raaoaMod to <1 >r< roor I'loproa that a proaIbBauoB be kaanM probihitlap tba isportatloa lain MlcblpaB for dairp or

Bthcra Mleblpaa whrm be
langoBtata for aaa Marp oatBt tor
itofaaow brtakBok.
lap boalaaaa. Mr. OUlatt will oatok
IBh baisk parda co &ia laod w«ai
OarterbBlU. The aaahlaaip la oa tha
wap aad ha rspera to bcpuworkot
praaoratloa la a varp abort Ubw Tm
baarpdiBaad for brlak la oortkam
TaaoivoaSalabUototo. l%a Yaqol Mtiblpob Bakoa a ant bar pard U ibla
I baa bow brokoa ap aad Iba tadi taealltp a pood baMoaaa toolara aad
aaa ara folarataf to tbate boaiai Tba Mr. Udlatt baa a twi of laod with a
iraor ta aaadiaf «bo Taqala far Uto Saalitp of «l*p whkk wlU aakafliot
thalatorlorofMastao aa iaal aa bo aaa

UMloaat Clo»»ia<lar WOUas Wi»Bar Baa baaa ardatad tio M
of too imaaa caUar lUablfM oa tba
Bpala'a qaaaa ranat baa taaaad a
daaraa aoaaokiac a BUiaao'imarbaa
Vovatobar anl ii Madrid.

Ij flraa bj MiBal Olbba. who ahaaa,
“B/ Ooanaay ad too Otowa.'* aa a aabJaak CarroUBala took aara at aairaak
‘■OrlciabT^ BlaUae*' wm a
I raattatlea hj Addla Solaa.
--—btafrapklaal oaav oa
Aa aoaroklM plat boa baao dMaonrod
ara> Wojd” waa t>«
OL 80700.
- waa tba aabjaat ot aa at Aooeoa, a 0I9 —* te—ponottmartriaaLatocT »blab waa ataal/ wrluaa Mtl Itolp, oo tba Adrtatie. lU aUaa bp
of Boaaa Thapoaad fflaaa bp Mary B drad.
Uaaalaiad a aaBbv of Uttorafrota
TbalaataawbK waa tba
raiii aad ABarloa aad orraaiad tbo
roMploaB of tboaa Btaalraa.
Tro a«rBtU?a alda of tba 9Matloa
Pope Loo boa deeklad that baraaftar
waatakaa bp Btipb EBooa aad Laep ao OatoolleaoaprataUoooTwSar'wUl
dtapoa aad tba oapatira bp Alfred ba allowed lo taka aap pAn la poUtioa.
Moore and Marp Barba aa- Aftor
tala diaklciB applpiap Wtlealarlp
tba daalaloa
tbaAMBfOoeiato la FroaMaad tba
raadarad la faror of tba aBt.-aaUaa.
PaaltaB la Amarlaa.
Tbaeritlwraprrtwaapiraa bp Moa
Baa. O B Wllaoo waa (atallp alroeb.
Waaka wao bad ebaipe of tba proa tolapboaa
blrBlapbaB; Ala.
b ouNaMmSkStSuOiMUil SLSLir


titcmr* it
im anurrw


‘ AaaBaadtbe
totow iibiim.b
bb.«™™ J":' ris iLT' bb':
aprlealioral appropda- wro».i w*v»

iloa blU bp allowlap lis ooo for a Ule-' Tl.e
of lo»N-h ta hlcUlp deedpboM line beiwM Ulan Baeaa aad eyn-d In ibr uAin wbo haowa Junt wbra
Boatb Maaltoa talaad. la oMar that a
tka Wand bp tha waaibar dapartBaat.

N-kurtap donr «prlB_
irlBp add* ta
WlllMa Odan. a (
•r of Ibr anpip Bail wbo wanii
ooptoV jMt bock froa MaoUa. dec area O klam Ibr dwr.
Apr aap oei br pacrdloak. bol ibrre
. I» no drapinp '1 •• fa' i Ibat 11 Irlta oa
Itoklop PUaa.
I bPib am ami u'cnim.
tOlaaaodaaip caaeoa aaap people to' . Wl**- '» 'I'- ">,»n »h.. artn ai If br
oadora la allaaea tha peeataat atwrp rxprr-lrd lo live a bundrrd Vraru. but
iMlaakla fm® Itohlrp ptiaa. Ooe
lo kliufflr off toaermw.
" ittoo of Dr. A W. Ohuaa'a OU1. '
1‘uwtMp eoar won orrer aarrp bevUl anotha aad aoto tba iwblar. eauw ibrp n-alizr ibat alaoeiI rverp
X will obaplaulr cam tba wont womao loekk Iwiier lo btark ibaa la
___ hllad. I>aua#,biaadlaff or am- aaptblnp Hw.
■^ta namat^to
^Jm^*** tbep wa«r ibrlr lliur la raotlap orer
••iM. AlT dmertatoor Dr. A W Okato trlflea that tbep mold blrt a bop to
SSffwtnwS^ M V FPm oatoplo ^y^to far 6 ■ weak.-^!^



|tto.TEotooaOlaikDM to HorObalr
Mra. IboBM Clarii diod rotp oaddoo
Ip ptotordap Boralap ot tba boma of
Mr. and Mra Jobe Harpravesof Bpraae
atftot. wbtooaba baaraaldad fori
Use. Her baaltb waa rarp poor, owlap
to advaaeed apt. Aboat > o’clock la
tbaBonlap obe waa hoard te pel ap
troo) bar bod aad about aa boor lour
bar Utelaaa bodp wm foaad la bar
Bar baabaad -bM baea daod aboat
tbrMpMTB. Tbo two Btradto tbta
eoonip la IMS aad raaldad forpcoia oa
AtTrlalip. Oocpra
ladlaaapolta tba Mbp of Mr. aad Mta. a far® aaar Kapatooc.
Uiran Miner, ptomuaat tbaco.
Bkaaa Tbarp'and Mtaa ClamC.
Bsortar. both ot Kapatoaa. ware
rlrer Jordan for that pdrpoaa.
r.rd peatardap bp B^t J A Braadp at
Tba Bobo Trlbnea aapa tbaforth- bta rwldeaee oo Wcbalar ■treat.
Milnp BaaUap of Baparor WUltoa
aad BapararFraaeia Joaapb la Barlla
for tba ooea.
patloa of Albaaia. Boropeaa Turbap,
bp Anatro-Banpartan troopa.
•lataBeat bai eaoaad a aanaatloa lo
Next weak Proatdbat and Mra. Me
KUIrpwlU Bpaad tbrtodapa at thair
r Couph, Aathma.
borne la Caatoa, Ukko.

A dalipbtfal aoelal waa aojopad at
tba Ooartapailooal charab parlora laat
•raalnp. Baaldea a bearlp pood Uaa.
to aaaUt Mra.
Baltb, arhoM boBa lo (larfl>ld
bnraad raaaatlp. Tba
wara qolu Ubaral. laeladtop proearlaa,
prortaloaa. fapiltara. clothlap and
Tba rafraahBaota at tba aoelal eoaaUiodof botblaeaito.Bapiaaprop. Bab
aalad aad ooffaa Tba fiwr. ooffaa.
Btpla aprap aad aapklat were panarCoAaumptlon. I
BrooBi ara to ba adraaead nft Mau
oroaalp doaatad bp Wilbalm Darlak par doaaa bp Clnelaaatl Baaalactai
Fraaek raadala plllapad aad flrwl
A ?«rp plaaaant aoelal daoM waa the bUtorie Oatbolle cbnmb of Noue
plvaa laai eraalop at Foraalara ball op Dasedea Vortaa la tba oaUklriaof
tba ' Ropal Halpbbora and Modem Faria.
Woodnaaof ADorlto toaplla ot iba
la Brnaaala the past of -BaplUb
laelaaaat weatbar. a larpe arowd waa aad Boora*' ta a ioTorlia ont-of door
oat. and a Baa Uma waa aoj ipad. A aport with tba ebUdraa, aooordiap to
...J ^EMUKItaiD^
WM aarrod bp Iba tba Loadoo Mall. Tha eoatoaa^ara
etiTlad oa with aaeb aplrit that a Boer
TbaaaBbaraof Rtbabab todpa. 0 badktaapa kneekad oat raoeaUp bp
B. A., parpairatad a dellphtfml anrprlM an Ba«ltabBan witb a aiiek.
Booo Mr. and Mra. SbOBbarparef Baat
Mra. Btallp Vatleaa. aprd le.alber
Front atraat laat araaiap. Mr. and winter koma at Pala Baaeb. Fla . and
Mra. Bbosbarpar will laara fjr Caatral Mra. Carrar M. Abbotk-aped 7t, of
Lake »rai weak, and tba parip waa la Waaiwood.were atrlokan with
tba aatnra of a Nrawall.
paralpata i-i.-* '->e»ma aaddenip bUad.
I havr }iWi-d a tliird c-Imiriii
Aboat 13 eoaplaa wore praaael, aad at the aaa. . ur, wltbla fl'a mlnaiM
my barber aboii iu o tier tt> aorom
alaplap. daaciBp aad aoelal noaratM- of each oIl . r
i'bap arc atatara.
lloa oeoaplad Iba Umr till a *arp Uta
A BBBbar of aolable paraoaa wbo at
(,'ar«*fnl alteni.ion uivvu to all.
toadrd ibe Colunblaa aancaUloa, Ilka
A M OVIATT. Propr.
aarrod Oarlop Ibt arraiar
Frof. Utaiap asd'Frladnch Demberp, ■WlnBl. and n«W
Haforo Irarlar. tha paaota prMaat'd
aiprraa la nawupaptra iba opiaioa ibat
Mr. aad Mra. Bboaberpar witb a valtba Faria capoaUlon to no wtae raaebta
oabla ailrar trait dUb aa a tokaa
j that of Cbicapo. allhar la lixsorlmtbatr aataca -________
Mtaa Uawalop waa plvra a eerp plana- I Jjka White, poatmutar at Az. Ep .
not aarprtaa TnMap rvealapat tba |aud three Ghildrea, a deupblerapcd U.
For thebuBKnrr. I aa toklap ordera
U.. ...Ml, b. to. cl— I.U..
Now and wir d -i rer lee tor> ~h«.L
dlto .I.U. . 1.. bo.n bf
Tbep ware
Ablblawoa praaaaiad in Mb.
when paaaBoala Ml .a It paid la adraoee. or will ..Per >prala1
lapMa tokaa ot tba afl.-etloaof 0» x.a wife aad raBalalap da.pbter an
ladueeDenik lo iboae perebaetop oea
oea tlrkeu.
! Ill with tbewua dtaaaaa aad eaaoot
A dellpblfal aurpriM wm iradarad rentecr.
Both pbooee No. IM. «lo W, 8l
Miw BdaaWilbalm idiadep 1 . *T* ‘ JtB
Ab VHbvitoVB
ontbraak V*
of tba buboale
plapue m
wtoitobtobb v.aawi*
bp u ouBbar of bar frleada aad a JoRp’
ja tba J.eonrood dUirloi near
arealap-M aaaak
ua Turktah froaVler. Bloee ibc dtaOMe
ware raided and a«oa aap?ar waal.„^.^
1 appeared, tbraa ....i
wacke opo. ivs daaibe
M V d bp Mra WitbeJi
bare occurred.
Part of tbe blp Cbleapopratn fleet
Hra I) B. Tliaeenieruionrt fonrtaec
ot brr trirode at tea laat rrrn’ap. A which bM been waltinp for depe-to be-1
Bi«l delipbtfal t'Ba wo* rij-prd bp pin tbe kebeon’e budatee aoecd oa tbe j Complete Line of
eualu Wrdaaadep. Tbe fleet carrlee
, _
IU ooo.ouo buebeta. aoaUp corn
OttlCe 300 f 3nCy
InaplUofAheetorBp weather tbara
waialype atiendknee at the auo'a
In • 'bliin 11 rl>-h ixali 1
■airarbMial pl>sa bp ibe B. V. F. V.
atttaabeoM of E. W. UMtien laat M-nanu ■» lix »atit«. an
BlpbL Tba oecouloa wm eiircBrp ilipoi n« witc«-», wlillf III*- ■‘••iiimon ‘

>«b..bubj>tol lb tb. I.b..bbbllb
Tb. bbibf
faotare woe » baaa bop pume. Thare
Mot and found to be troe fra® tubercawMBorapular aioprua bat tbe latormallipnf the eraat infla It aora
CoBpanp S, Third lafaoirp. M'eMthan utoallr pl»o»tot.
fM Nalinnai Unord, bae Ineoran'a'ad
> o* iba Obaboppaa
Bid*, aad will bnlidaa aractrp toaeat
*1^ tnmhlr uiiii (Ik aviTaLW Mf•».b<» Tb. bbv.1 of bb.
...................... ..
oabaorlbad to.000. Tba eoapanp aaWere it ooi f»»r ibr weatber bu» of
pacta a alia and IroB Iba dtp. rmiili-woiildii'l bovr ati.riblus to klok
Tba araerp U aaaarad.

^mijjare Being Be-



In one way or another when they are offered
BO>ca11ed "Carbartt" oreralls at 44c per pair.

Look for the label of the “car" and
“heart” as shown in above-cut-—None arc
genuine without it. and if genuine, W6 OAn
and will pay you a good profit on each new
pair brought iis today, by. a union mau, that
have he«n bought in town for price quoted


In The Meantime

We have received twenty dozen union made
overalls (Lamed, Carter & Co’s, make) adver­
tised elsewhere at 48c—the whole lot goes at
3Hc (or less) per pair. Before these are gone
we shall have more interesting prices to quote.

We tisie the eiclesin sale of
the geealne HamUtoa. Cathant
Oieralls, Jackals aad Paais la
the Grand Traverse Regiaa.

I Hamilton Clothi

Third Chair.


Irringelfor your STORE


$1.00 a Month


But in a new locatioo. on Union street, op­
posite the Masonic block, where we. will oo
business until our hew building is ready. To
induce our old customurs tp hunt us up. we
shall, for the next few weeks, almost give
away goods.

What do you thiak of ladies’ Pataat laaihoT and Dag Cillar
Belts at 10 cents I
These bells are new and up-to-date in every
way and are worth five to ten limes tbe price
we ask. We have plenty <»t other goods, loo,
that wc are miking big cuts on.


The Savings Bank Baznar.


!SVr-b."^b'r^.r'lb.“r Latest Novels Out
«oD tliHi (hr cniido.Tc of (he rli-b aaa
•an make n>»re ibap triple ibr ord|.
ntrr nape# lu ^■•n>lllHlle».

Biepest VarielT <»f
All Great Authors.

A-Moae Ereat.
Few aewe Ueaa c Old be of otoro ■- p
UrrTttooorreadentbaa a reeord of rrUllS ,
the carca whteb ate brlnp .fli-eted la,
nor mid*’ t>r..dBr nie of Dr A. W. I
^8t Oranges
0 aae'k Kldaep-UeeT FllU Bockkcb<~.<
‘lapacbea. fa<sdkobea, rSauBa<l*B. •
all tba painful roaulik nf dareapad .
leptare dbapnekrlap
akpleallsflaeneeotUr A W Chaar’'a
K dnep Urar Fllla SS eaata. eU drop- {
iieA A.HcOwaaew.
^etkoi Dr. A. W. Cbaw'k Med. Co.L-,
Co . I
^ .
kN V. Fma aeapi** for ktaap. 131 Front Street.





] am prepared to store aiiy wood or coal heaters
at B reasonable price. 1 can come and take them down,
store*them. and in the fall when they are wapted black
them and put them up in their places in good shape.


Shoes For The Baby!
14 diffeteni styles in soft soles, 0 to 4.

See our New Red Line-Lace, Button and
Oxfords-Also a new Red Moccasin
at 35 and 40 cents.
iDfuU Shoe,—1:>, -o, SS end 90o. IsbnU Mocculn,
—2.'* and up lo .5(KChiWa’ Xo Hoel 8hoe«*-:J.». 4a oO. iW and T.V. Oiild’a
Spriiiif Ht-fl siioea -40. :-Q, 60 ami T5c.
Mi»<» Shoto-aOr, »100, $1 a end Sl.oO.
§~7r>c nod
a ■ up to tl.25.

I Shoes,
Wells’ Mestin Sheas, Mayers’ 'School
. J. B. lewis Bci Calf line.

Frank Friedrich
The Old Rdlablt SlKto Mu


Dew Stare, 242 rreit Snail

^ ttwioiAi yaoCTSPait.

tooptetioo bo rofawrod totooooooalv


rao>v MMtterelOU*
«cp«MOme« AvUil
KmUsC «M mUad to «nMr
^w«~«-4UwM Pvkar.


Oook. toito.


»»4 Wrifkt m4 Mkror

loMo<ooldpoWte • tar te

tlaoa Yoor wattoto woold Mf- Cop^. ta te oo» oforoM Id, poyoklo
•it,ar lo II yoora. iiaom to w yroi*.
---------' 7001 tool, by ordlaoMo
Itoodoto^lkoroteod •ik,0M w » yoon (m te data toorool. with tawroM o» IH pw aoat- oor

to* CUy of 1

Oooiioteo:^!. top----------------------

tpy^^Uliteyaor kovortklo ko^



'tSoTiiimiiioo ofo.^_____
oo too oootooldoof Bi^U
ttroet otfjotoot to toit u ote ii. Woto
t. Povy Boooobte ut oteluoo to

«. IMO.

7k A< JimorabU, Ita Mayor aad City
I o/UuCUy t

VmOmmo—1 iwunfiUf Mk p*roaktoo to rofolr »j koM «■ •oatk'owtootMTof^ Mdfuto aloorto
Tkanpoln «riU aoMtot of

9toMd oriU OP*V», HMlo toM i»000
Ate M» root oo kon eo


Xadloo'UhtBPy AA

•^01^ AlOM Aivote te WorU”CkpA Jeokao Btowa.

Tooo. AUortow Porker, MeaUroo,
ooteto. Oook. Salto. Lordlo, Oorrl-


Mtavtai or tool nc«tor momW
ttl mmOat UU Monk tt. IM*.

_________ ItaateMoli oteoktalao

gter^yoatetel to utete te
teoriv o p«7 MMWtota tate tar«MH


tbp to




•TkoOpootof Bakooyo-



WUtoaykky"—I tary

-Hm Otoor Bktlow’-->P.




« 04U-OM am o
•04 bMIcr eoK. I

-A Moak WoaoaT—rroak Barrio.
••gaaneeWoo-—Ua Tototal.-

nooity It lo oooote only to tko pakUe
oekooltyototo Itoortololy towitoote
okoold roeoivo te oopport of oU eor

tl«0 M^too

-Jeoaaf te Sword Boad**-^ >.
Boaolvod, That te ooar-***“

cMk, Uaete* lltrk.
ordtaoBoo be ote k koeaky
r for te
to draft OB ordtaOMO prvvU
’Proa Klaydoa to Ootoay*'—Mary
tofokoaidod i
te t
^.•—— *^0 oo #» pOOiw w. W OeOt*
Tkoo.T. BoMo.
' te
Board of Ubrory Tiootooo. doitetooroof. to.
U. nUe I. of te Chortor. ooe »evm»
Gevorol K. B. Korrrai. ike ooied
BokoertooA ood ovoro to koforaow
te eoae to tola aaavoU oi tu next
'bofedetatr mvalry trader, vro* o bard
ft too HooofoW*. Oi* Mayor ate
Bybtrr wlik
whatever weapoo he
OouorU of te CMy 'J TVorre* CM*.
B»olead farter. That mid ooamU- VotoiyPokUo.
I>w aeo yot tbe
Jitetewotot draft oa ardiaoaee tar te aolob- ekoee for najlvt.
lo ototoltoUoa wtto oar kaollb otoUoktoc of wotor rotot ote te omom- beet of klw allh eword or tooyiia
te ote aoUaeUac te mo. ote aro- Tbey ore etiU teUloy lo .lUbaout of 0
Oto, Dr. B. O.
mte toot oil Pooh wa%w rotco okotl cun retort he gave »e ■ rival oOlcer
llovoUMko tar too pokUo food tool o
koooao o tolo oa toe preaWea wkore who ouv loHotwIod that Korrrot ote
oete. aotU potd, lo oaoardooca
ooM aooitoe.
^••Ilow^U II. yeoertl.* •oeored Ibe oSMorod ky Aldoraoo Salih that too cer. • Ikot y«wr lair W gray bat your
pu>0 OOLS-He* Boom. V On
reeoloUoo be odoptod ood potood.
iHvrd le blaekr
M ueo. ee Ov«cW anoeo.
oqoippod for olooolog roollo, roa«
i>r. iftillkc oMDT peo- mr aUan* le ib* elu. loan
Mote eontod.
' bccot
Yo«o. Aldoraoo Porker. Moatoyoo.
mv beod more thoo Vr abowe. OollaaeAitoratU
corkico, oodordlrooUoa of tot kt
• Vim*. 1 t
Boittoyo, Oook. Baito. Urdlo, UorriSf kooito or OUT toortool, wlto
Kormi'e grim aod
ikod. win. 1 4V toro, ko 0 rrobl
vBOBi Wrlyhu
91 reply.
______ 5Kp*ear a per
teaulr* a> lokarWe Seu* er el kae___ jmA to too olty‘0 kooito
0 r-aooM bo Oorod.
oU^ote wotu pUoto wlUboaato
Boooleod, not too Ora-oltwo oo
OrdlBooeoko rtqolred tooxoatoetoe
tea. M tooy eoopot > Ijrotr
rrdleooee “roloUeo to toe
s^moAtocfB loldlrot&M
g. erf ito* oad'pteo^Sa?*Bw'*Ualto."j^„i,j
•T ote report to tot* aoBoeil ot te oesi I
te reyolor a*ouof •oskokooyoe.
If ooy.l^i^
to oootoor oIooK too Uooo ot
. Ipdieo
le aa
they doea proper for toe bat
ot tooy
later-. ju^ed ooodtUoB of tbe
ooofH Holey '---------------------------------------------------------------------- :—
foro footooteod tool oo ordSatooftoeelty.
.. toe __
Bmioetaioo tob*.
WhM toll' rpo oBirr Ok yoE 04LA-rbm la eerw.
ooodk ko 4rofUdpro*ld‘nff firtooop
M.vedby Aldoraoo Cook toot the —---------- ---------------- ■*It OI
of ooso
Omsk oo onetr.
omoor. to too ood
rooolaUop bo teoptte ood poeood.
*— oooaoltotoot tko olty ottorooy o'tor
wheo it U eotlrely cloood dafoao lelnanu.. Ayyiy w new MrOwry, >44 Ptoot
MmIoo amte
r. drofioo
tloo Wito too kooito
* jloatoilpflaaaatel^‘___________________________________—w*
■Aidaaw Parka. Mooiogue.
>too oooiordiooo'oo. iiktetttefoooto totoe
I, Urdlo.

IV to
For ibetr
ibeir opproroa,
to tu Poraol Modlttoa.
Ill lor
lo too tr%\
Ote proooot to tote ooooaii
bodwtroyed foro'
..------- -------------------«r
T«4l ............ ..............................
Mured by AlderotanSalto that whoa of tee ore aoaed I____________
_____ ___ , _
iml_____ ,
OAUI—Tveety em troUfarm.elieM
- "
we ■"-------- ---------------- “■ notklay bot on leflomod MOdlUa of ,
>e aoeou
aoooe. eorfooeo.
oorfwwo. _
. _
•11 9.
h toot t
We win ylve Ooi____
Ooe Hsodred Dolloio I ’
foroayaaof Dafaoa (a____ .
~Mote arriod.

atorrb) that aooot be cored ky Bollk I gr*»Tro - ^rwua •r.-^^rU T,w
Oo aote of ___
rSw tuYeTSte^terard. Ut V
CklAiTk Core. Sate for etreolorm. froa !
Site teSC
duly arriod. eoaooU odjoarote
P. J.OboooyAOo..Totode,a
wT a wdte
A- W. BMSon.
TrovorooOlty.Hlok., AprUl.lPOA
Bold by darytato. lie.
---------------------------------------------- - -- ------------------*
OUy Olork.
ft U* HononiWr, te May^ ote
BoUk Foally PUIe orp te bi
te CUy of Tmrwee CUy,

j. B. Mevoo.
Kotte by AUmoo LoiAte toot too
te^tovrooiod ote tte


<st3- -



Trvrorao Oti^, MotA t». IMO
'ft OM ifMoroUc. MW ITovor ate CUy
OyymcU of Mm CUy of Tntoorm CUy.
-I koMkr mko oppUao«MMto poor kootektokod* for too
IpHlUaoof - rtooor ottkodv *«tor
• M ik« Moot U oador iko
____________ .j» dip.
B »r« bte MMroi yoMo vsfortoooo to
•O^ioaorlotr. m4 040 flvoffote rofor•OMM M to lor OkUiVi
Boplof to i*oat*o ikt4 ooMtotuat
ifroa foo. i I
TrooocM CHj. Ilorek ». IMO.
tb too HonoroMo. tko Jfuvor ate Oily
VotmeU of tor OMy of Tmoorot ^y.

Mooio* Whito.
BMOMOoAodo* 4 ocnpouat oof
moat kj W. r. (klklM.






• ^2J?



I W'SS'A''B:

^' iiis

B&^.WtedAvnu. Me"....


TroforaaOltp, Monk II, lioe.

ftrlkoa fiUA I- ryylAOA.

t lUrtn
lUrtn Wklto
Tkio ti to ototUr toot
Ate booo to IM oaplOTBoat of too
^>Toi Wood Diok Oe. tar too oMt too
:jooto omi U o ■». 1 ooruoor, ookor
.«>AotoodrtoM oopoblt eftlltairuj
•Mmoo 00 ooflaoor toot to trooud to
Ate ooro.
Ir W. TuoUM. Bopt.

toe Ta otore. Ill Proai otrai_______________________/
BUI of Mn. B. A. Uilteof «tt-U for WIMI _______________ poUUoo of B- 1. Oortor
roloUvo to olfo rtopoettally report toot
Vo kovo
oo lavootlroUoo^ote
rooouoodod by te boauk oAoer.
Aod tooolfo
^ vioUltea of to*
Morodky Aldoimoo MooU«oo toot
too bUl bo oUowcd ood ordered paid Spor yorvHk
Md*Ute te Ji'uUoo'bo^Ute*^
frpco too oooUocoat food.
Vu to« ffoHoruMo. tor Movur ote (.'Uv
Venr BoepeotftUy.
OatmcU of th* Oily of tVofOrM C4tv.
W. J. Pamkko.
Teoo—Aldermeo Porker, nootocor.
W. W. AaiTOHooUoffo. Oook. Bnltk, Uordto, UorrlOomalttoo.
Uootlamo—1. tko oodorolnod, roola ood Wrlykv
d ky Aldonooo Urdlo tel te
roport of too oeamlttoo ko ooeoplod
Bllteof Itoo. W. Boftorof nil 44 ood
teoolM Of aoB* te oororte b; too eltr- ood teopiod.
OoBlel W. Hood of •.<!« IT for oorrtooe
Bovooorrod to'tko oooio ooyodty for
Uotloo torriod.
a. D. Owopkoll A 8do> for Uo Pool
Aldoraoo Porkor. Mootormo, to orbItroUon ot wotor worko float
toorpooio. OoB foroteh rood rotorJ. Oook........................* wore proooatod.
Moved by Aldomoo Salto that toe
■ ooooo
' Boa H^uwAOii
bilte bo oUoved ood ordorod paid from
toe eoDtlaroat fond.
To tor Utmi.TubU, te Noyor ate CUy
Motloo oorriod.
CoumeUof thtl'Uyof Traroru City.
Teat. Atderaioo Porker. Hoatoyoo,
BooiUtyo. Oook. Bailk. Lordte. UorrlDBlttoO OO 000 ood Wriytat.
*Sir—I korob; tooke aPM»eotloa for o ctelowond ooeooDlo.
•TorKiiraKorfctiAOOor pi buc wi>to>
;porail to oroet o J otory
. vlek
-------- boild__ JO too 04I.' 23 41-100 o( Lot No. I at ^ SSte"
Md * te^fiMo!lte**'toDto
• ood
\Blosk Uo
No i. orifioBl plB^ to be
. 1 No
'' rot----------------roeonaeod telr p«^mid
TrovemeCUy. Mich . Morek M. IPOO
K rrs
rroBi Btreol. Tko boUr
1 too toriOM toodo i
«kt luodc
>d or oecoplod o« o itorc.
r«. It te
We do koroby eortify to tko Cooecll
It. by 100
•toko n 41-100loot
loot froot.
of oold city toot toe followlny U oo ot
cxisriMOorr rrM>.
torleo. ond M
caroie oecoool of toe eoet of repair* (o
(roto rrodo. Tko Boiortel
olroeuoodtoe oonetroelioo ibereof,
Ao brlek ood ttooe. Tko toclaotof
toe oraooot of molortel otod ood toe
-vottetell be oflkt lollo(rloc..tblekoopoooe thereof, osd toe tireet or
moto. to wit: FonodotloD wmlte « fool
ploee where eoeh aotertel woo need or
•Aoop ood 10 iDCbet tolek. &rot otory i>
lobor perforated: oteo toe ooabcr of
toekoi tolek, oooood otory if loebte
of lobor porforaed oo ooM etreou,
-toiok. Too volte will bo vtodopeiitwlood toooaoooUdDe toe oeverol per.
-4oat" ThodNteioo wBlte wUl bo of
i <u coal boreiBotter ooaed aoder the beod
-too f Jllowlor iklebBOOB. to wit: Flrat
otory It Ineboe. oooood otory II locbeo
Tko tootooior ooddirteloa volte wUl
•ooMod tainy (toj loekoo obore tot
Tko roof will bo wood covered
wito tor ood frovol. The ooroloo will
Loyi4‘^?wma (imi
todrotrooteediroo. Tko foltor will
uuBT ri-iru-

UViaZ. S3

AfUr olaat tvs yoon

rerShoM getoi-ft.?r7Bto!i.

PvwUliaAHn AM OoteoA'i BoMc

toe otba foUov odaiu toot wo all---------------------“rotoU ot wholotee prfao"—Tbotk TT Tov W:
Ootoloy »ow to oer aooy aaoy
frloado ote polrovo. S. Boteo A Or.

rTUeeaeoeetaorkteOto t*a



'SVtv, VTw.vdtuse s\i(xes5.
MS m\.Vi a \>v^ Vo\
'^ftmMATvis atv^ SwoiVe T>t6ss
”?aUeTTvs as owe \.\vs tssmWs.
ADe STS &ovM^ \o C.\oss \\ve
M)\vo\e Vo\ s.\

■ is


itte koroby ofrood toot If tola op
. plieoUoo tervootod. ood oporalt te
oood. ikot lo tot oooolmatioB of tko
ootldtor, too dlroetloot of toe City
P:ri Wordoo vUl kt folio tod oo to too
oIm ood loeollco of oil eklaoeyo, olieo
«l Boot, toe protaotloD of foroooot,
Aootlat Plpoo ood oil orroofoaoow de•Irte to bo Bood lo beoUoc tuck kbild
toc- or Id erooUof
loUor iM
hoot for
vtoroce of oebm.
The bolldlitf for wbleh tote pormlt
to reqoooted wUl bo coapleiod oboot
■looe toto i»oo
Tko coilmoiod oooi of
A opoctfmlly,
C B-UiUam-oACo
per P. B- Nooro-

il s'

1! -


“u/rcV*. .'
riuon.vo ri'ao.

JeaiMil Joke«M. nrt>’>w
U K 1 LP PUe ...................

Aotloo arriod.
Yooe. Alderaro Porker. Moottyoe.
■Uk Urdlo, Qorriooii


«. L Ilea, erayla
Jove* UanOW I

joba BMaw.aapoun

. . .

J M t^t*iB..wooi ..................................
•rii^a.;^! lartelteiiatir*
nn SirineiJrartel
•'ATKO pvon.

' noyo. oooe.


> g.
AdordlooD« ooUUod •oo ordioaoai
I u roUlIre to thellooBoleyof dogeood re
*“^yulottoy the rOBBloy ot laryo of ood
, tbe olaylorHif doye aod priVidlay for
payfceot of doaoyee for ebap ood

a D.Ca.pbel1* Ma. Operoot reel

UV i« Umbe killed or woooded by doge." ood
repeollay oo ordiaooco cotii
{vdloaoee relative to ibe Hcooaloy of
•®*,deyt ood roynUiloy toe rDoeler at
- large of aed aloylof of doyo. poeeed oo
IH tp Pob isik. 1I»T. aed oaaeoded March
Polbe par tel Car Vank
,lto. lew:. -vaeperoMtaJoodread and
'Jk Ou UonorabU. thr Uoyor .i
AAi-AKiKA rrmiA
i iU poatage moved by AUtoroioa MoouckwaciU of tk« t'Ub of Tnii'tf
Oounaa.por tel tar Uoreb
ordlBOoee woo odoptod ood
• oai I
poaote by yea ond ooy vou oa followt:
Yeoo. Aldoraoo Porker.
E W BomRua.
BoaUoyo. Cook, Salto, Urdlc, UorriOoo. P. OAkOioo*.
ooo ood Wriykt.
«T Ptm t’Md’Wenioyte'otrooU to te
Noyo. Pooa
MlDWoEBOAN to paraaooce of o reooii
Moved by Aldonooo SatUb toot toe
"^^^k Ktay. Wa C BMbol, Myer
report be ^ooMptod ood blalao bo orUooroo. Cka Kroopo. J SekoSeld. W
colllay o opoeUl oloeUoo of too UX'
W B^Loy. Joaa B Uke, J W Biaao,
poyiay oleotoaof tolo elty. te bo held
O JakaoM. N O NoUoa. Mu Unra
to told elty oa Wodoeodey.
. . adey. too tito day
Htoto. H B dpuiee. C L Ovea. epo
________ D-. 1*00. froa
Bootloyo. Opok. B
Brvwa. V B Matoyoe. A B Ball. Jako
ik p a- for too porpoao of voUog
A Joakaoa. B M Beofleld. Moortoo oem ote Wriykite ouatloB of bomwlay Ml.Noyo—Noao
i PteerOM. W B
opr.OO to bo oxpoodod ky told eUy IB
Prte O Cortlo. W
parekooUig te wotar worko pi
JJpkIitona AT Borpor. W Mtedov
H. D. Ooapbalh
iHt.Cori Btela. B W JoBorooo. fobo B
__________ooidoloetioo--------------«id oloetioa woo
-tadTBwt MUtor. B W Borao. 0 M
kald Id doo fora of Uw. ote it
Poffev. C M BolL Joo T ^la, o P
froa doo ooavooo
ooavooo of too
_________________________ Oed ahoot Borfcod
CArar. B Cook, Owoo BekooImft J
aoWONooivte toereot. toot 4ll
•Bikltalt A" for too eotelttoa «rf te or boUota wore yivea In favor of borTraaUy.Jr. J Troakly. Sr. B Tro
Mla.B JOotoao. Ualo Trooaar. W llkcoiy At toe pcooeat ttao. -ate to towlat Mid oooo. ood IM oyolMt korVaatellp, Joka Yaiob. Adoa Oator. •■BkkrkUr' for te Booveiol report. rewtv 0^ ana. ood tool oold qoM- >
Tbe pool year koo beeao loiciafaloao
Poto Bwoiuoa. ■ 1
tom woo eorrlod te A aojoriu of te!
taxpoylog olocton votlny tooreapoa;
ruoa riTMP.
Korod by Alferaoa Oook toot too
tooUUoobe oroDied opoo opororol of Jebewaoela. year ecet. Moreb
te ploM ky^ Hoord of Botldlof
■■uucx mn.



T?ev ZzvX.
*5\vvs m\\ \i6 tW 'BaT^&uv 6ipipor\MTvv,\:^ 0^ \.\ve ssasoM. ^VV
'BtoVstv Srots audi S\vor\ Swiis
VTV e^osT^


booko have ko«> added. That te
Otooa. O Otoca. Potor «ae^ frorM tevaotayeo of too \Vtnrj froa oo ode>
eottoaolototepolot eoold ko yroaUy
Day, BC Palybaa. Froak Wa*. A1
l•l*blo rrooa^ te
odvoaeod ky o aero oa'iablo
oaoBodolorforoddlttoo to bookkoot
initau^aaoto to too dial
4^oa.CWraaoA JJStoBfo. 0 Voo
ittoa Tko
Itote ky AlAoraaa MartocM toot aovoy cueoived ky te


“toSHid, Th.l^of
- jwlng MI.MT 00 tar too po'Pte tJereMid, te ote la kerote dodArod to hot a

Iboolvad tartoor, TUt too aoyw
ote oUrk bo ote ore karate ootoorlaod


•KNT ritU TO


CWMUt « tjO«T.

■ A tom or Tw» am.


-■•«• 7M torgMM. «M(. thM 9M
«M m» tt <A* IM MMM ttet mr
«mM Mt iwipirt urthlaKtamTSmI 1 M ^1 te Tin wkf* 1 «Hk
McA wntr haw te« a
rtwti ia Tin at Wm. !•!«•■•
Mr. B«t k to mtar mow. U I

Ba. wtoMi }m mmmo to O’BMato. Mto»it MriHiw mo nvortod mtrkoariB
«bt 4arai kaai^iMlWA aad tkvdlB
M attMt ——1 i* Gharito'a

mowot^ iTMtoiH wkkto IW
t(to toom mi (W Ontooh tknv tmka.
_ fMn vatoi bos. • vHdag *mk. • 4ri*
tmt UM». a ricwwM rabbar
«»A »»-

vllh *m ngard for
Itoa m^omat (t ttoetM«< thatato
Ctoarlto. pi^U to Mk • MtotoroC
fitioto Taata atoxx waltod w^lm
kto tto to toa ptolwad ttoa UtUa loto
........................boat tolha
ato e« a
•Wtm timo yiiraay «
. ikar kter’ka atolls Uqkiiad.


•I. Mr. Backrr R IM ■
ho at an Larkward. Mrm. B. Walk
rWhi la. ar Ij to. ar Trawl ar «
,f la arc to.*' Tb» aaar


•aj«ci. arhito ftara. tba;

••8m. it VMtot Jtotxd

•Boar tot t»to
auwwmi tba rxto. rbata. dmaar, xaa- ’^.??^’*
^arx yBan ax)'
-totat to tba aaxa mt iiaixei
•rt, Mr. SrataU hActotohtofliHarvlto
yx xparl to X wttk all tbb ----------1 xppxad yx rxiad aor Coax fBimtob-------------------to-|a daU tbito. ’Thraa

ymn, did ym
oA ata btoa yx rr tooBgbt atoog aaoogb
aad bo lotota —
to toato X B bxrdlag boox.I x bo aooU boraa Ibtah
briur tba.
thaa to arm
Mta. 8. kan baiix
^ ..Bar. yoa a ptolx. a ^____ _______
Ahr bryaa taataod too ill tba
mdtaBd a
af ihr drraarr. vbbb «
ttam of a etorar looktqg littto ebap.
I aX dm
“tW wx takta ooxk yaaiB ofA"
tbr waiilrebr rlaart to a
Caed Ur«T. aqaar* oar. aitb a wtmiow xdd Charlia'B aoBt •'Batox • yaaa
aad torlrax"
"And boto oM was ta trbta ba dla^
-Baallr. Anbw, I fortto abeat tba
-T il
«a fxt U* boan aad baara
toato. I a*TTf TTTa amH tolo li."
axitaT" atood Mr. Stoaa.
tortevtotot. 1 a* baaitlto toek a( thto
-Lat am a*r vbai ti to tifcT.’r Aad Mr.
‘•Ba wx oaat IT.” wx tba aaawx.
ximl mad ot wom%, wiik poot hify BAfbrr opcard tba doer, to be Matraatol
Mr. Saraa gamd agata. “Ata tbae
to a wall oaly tao
awy^Tkn b» ta'aaboattljow.”bawarfcta. "Ata
mi altoa am at aU."
im Baikar auapad aad bin tto daat
ba’a tax xltan «tax yxx. ata
ral>7. -Iflfwa _________ ____ —. aagbt ktoi to yx dta'i fcaow wbxa ta to, *ta wa'x
tba alToraa aad ndlar asd lai|>atod bla
to tbnwtto« tbrooHra* eialktoaaly iaio foi tta ideiaio of atayd yxnoldto
arary leaar foU of bto riMbiar. aaalttac todblxwitb. Tba* idetmtook!abxt
&nMaTaa« aCart bar btokar
uxatoUtaCharUaxlda Tba toot
iStoi aairataalaraattoaalitoaal


'l" w'


iT?' tbiBg yoa eta do if yx wtat to Cod
Cbarlto to to adr««lx''^ProndeDx

fto»Noxa> taxrb'


Cba aob> to. XMaan kx
fWvtoa xa. dtonx. Iftaeaxr
I bxd. year rttaXX ward to bXB.
Par word, toal

«lto k.

I bad tooogb of k baCaio I

Mfdtod Wa Back to rtoaptog bar
taWta totodtaara aiooad It. lamibtag
ta dta my
toa bad a good aottoa to
XSa&dL tW »aa diatoodad bto ayoa
Ml mtoJbWB^ bM tba Ttotox ayiapnib, na. WB baaid aad xt bato."

tam£f -If yx BBP x: tort. ^ I

wmrntSbr rrx aaa am to tad a
tawdhtoklaea. 9talto amtod aaea for
Sf^CStoti tar tagH. ato drn
*^^nSa"x^arit ^ totortd 'bka aotbtoc
tatoar tbx goto! oot tbto rary mmfaB
■tab IT rteaoaxyyx:,lbofr’aadoar.-OC eoorof. Pat x year ratoy day
tab* aad toot aB orar tba Hty. bat mlod
m tolaik Ita^xtory w« aot warraat
Mx Ba^ bairtod tbroagb bar ta
taB aad «x X bar daaai aox aftar taa
toft, tar war anaad aritb
______baba bad-eUppad fra*
f papto. aB of whlcb placx


tad '
ftoa a waak tor bapt op aa x
taat aad at toai fxod wbat ata
^ . -m dtaiabla piacT. B>
I tbr fart to bar Itogr
d aO
an tto
tba uet aba
to bar aid
d. Tbaoidaada
____________ 1*1 bxrt ata
taaad. aa a Mt xealtoM diaarr of Ito
laoaito totota wx art hrforr blto. tar
ktoorid atoa to tba pointy of a cbaarftd
mu too aad tba toay cbatr aad aUppan X odjaaeta. aot fot«mtox tba
totoo Bamx that - ----------------‘—*bMTBta bta flax tba <
at Wo aibowa.
•Ata X yx tbtok. Batoa. yx box
•md M A Ho. I bexa tx aa. do yx'
X Iba Oottook.•VotoB tova! Di«B*t 1 aay tbBt I
toiaidal f^doaa W»o aadar aay <dr
*n?toV Btaas bat yx xaat taaxxtaa bn ■l■oxbta It wIB ba ata bo«
I XTT. It wm bo
_fu.“ towxlag bx
lorlBC tax. “ata I
tlua U X to Ibr Utoory aa4
da X uoeb readtog 1 bare x toagtd to
da aad. dear Arabx. wr wU rxd ta-



U tambtod Bta bx oyoUde qolrarad.
mm toBBB. pm dred dear! Tai.


au X aU bax aad yx are a blaowi nddr Ata by way X deawaatrote ba
xra Wr a imtor bxr'e bx- TWa W
gxbad bx bark X tbr tow rxi ata ba­
rite dhmlaWbaardrtaT Txkaex
t bate boxdxa tad beardlag ata tba
Vkato boedxaa. It gtrra ow a aty x tba
«idi X IW ryaiU fxt to toad Ibr tarrr. ■iiwiiW. *Waatod. baaidx^ Did yx

aw tot bam wx toaek toUr


daddi data dbsx I mt to tba ball Tx
C* tot bam bx a
Wa ax W X xBaalti x wa t
Wr are apt abbgtoAa taa with •

^Ww. xy dm. yx »a« nwiwtir 1
1 aaxaxy to riaw. x I arnmmi xly
Xaw. bat tbrae to a WaotUhl foMlag


Utotbeaigbt aodbi
lag wbirb are to te Impttrtrd, tb>« pupil
laxd in a rtaik roox, and into ito
................ 94 WST
ainglr ray of bright Ugbt la
Ata wbru tbto xanUng ata ,
^.T«ttx.ptr to.
riaotod tba child', altxllou. by topMi- tm. m doaaa........................ ..
Hx. a aUda to paoxi tbrxgfa tba beam
OoU poiatooa. It to 14 otata. PtoU
of li^t, with aharply dadoed tcoae raa U to SA
paiqtod or augiaTed upon it—riniple
tonua, too, aneb x tbo aqaara «r tri­
Mdllox «ltea Away,
angle or atar. Tbeo tba iiaaMi <d tbax
i It U xrtaaly gnuiytag to tba nabflgnm are riaarty ata diwiuotly ata re- Ua to know of oaa eoeoara wbleb to
. oot afraid to W raaoroaa. Tbe proawita dm tba object U oxhlbitod.
prthm of Dr. Mlara Haw D)aeo*ary tor
Tbto to an waoiple of tbe naMaeittoa | mmamptlo^
------------ ‘loo. engba
coogba ata ttada. harr
of X axtraxa tax a rwy apathetio t rlora array >aao too arilltoa trli ‘
ata noAbrarrut ri)Ud. danally it will [ batUaa aao bax tba taStofaetloa <
kacrarlng It bx earta tboaaand. •
bogolax eaaaa.
Aatbua, bttmbUI
Tbto nwat ba doM la grippe ata all tbr«at,abxt ata Ion
dlaaaax are xxly
cotad bylt.
by U. •Call «
ixly enrad
S. B. Walt aad Jx O. Jebxoa.
aad I
ttognUr a)u''6i

MM Ail toe tttoMt Ma beta


wMtm ctTT uatTAKira,
- MCTW. a




Good wbeoU (or tale nbeap
oo time or for caab, at

E. Lange's Bicycle Shop
UlBontb Uaioa Strxt

finri EipUi » bdliDt Rj.
relax 4x



j : 1 : ; , : ■ p ■ : :S ; 1 ■ : ■ :l ;



r«tWxc«toA arrynu.


TralliUaw. ic
B«^.. aa4 ricap.


(MuO* te caicrre
bx aWprr Ola
lynlnrrHcleaat l*lp
claaaU lo OrmnO ItopM. a----------«x rmt Oireae to UruX KopMs ai
Tuaia«mrlx»t*Oap. w. axel
WnrxlaUrmXHapMaaea ckalr
BapM. to Wurk^.^ IfVKBAV. At

Good Line of Jewelry

ill Kills of RepBiriit

Sarpacdsf OoSM—Uttld TArtn.

labpssssaggd lasa

1 ::

Snrpuring Ooff>t—lAttU TATcra.

t SvputiBg Cobd-littld Ttrsn.

MkSBSggggBd j isM ;8£SB8


I'o Cm La Bnppaia 24 ioart.

The Fir liniiieUe Riilmd
JumaiT. IMI.
oonro oorn.
LePatrskar . I.t** 1'
TraarerrOr : • ——.
At OrC aapMi. i I «0p wi
t-rOrO txtX- 4 Upxt



ooiMO Monn.

John R. San^o.
Guifil iitiiaiM.


Carload of Horses Here

Tox-be ra* really WUeru brr raa-


Tbo adaxdx of tba imtaeito ia am
raqBiriag mo lutaite atiubrr of ropatltfam of a iniixm wblrb U tba ootxt

Tboiniherili'rbild'.braiotolmproTod .
ia tbr xtur woy aa Ihr biorx inxclx
aroJi>cB« and mm nilxgaA Tbto to
toauta lo
rpealed nrof anall daoiV
weak of art bx jxt bran
dem by tbe repealed
boltouflrat and tbro by tbr grtanal ^ Hew Tork at ao outlay of orrr dlOO.
of bxrita ata mriar ,««•
aa a too
. iboB X< a book X
a bx earlad BaptoiiBxxarlatblB xnauy. alao a good
toot pair ata pitch la for tbrm. How ate
tbaaa gray itwxrra tailor madr
____ _ hafote hla^’' aald a
rah. rilk pniimai.
that all that ran ba done fw aneb a-i go,, xxr, UlnEinaiiad xreru and
toanportx. '*Iba eoaolgbl
Good grarloim. Ili-lre. rat
tram type to to antbrem tbadtoen- ibltaiBgii orrr MO golden lUIra In tbe
» proHfto of ofdaodx ata pro- tbrooart ncrol nrnaa. (t would rrqnira xoroxo blading*: aaarly iM golden
yx bata ap a tonaW dadt Urryfx'beta ‘
... .. padally tba lattea, bat they an etmlilty toiouvnp tbr flm phyairal rxx lo tbe elo A blndlnga. (Mto at
DrTV'a tolata waan't a ritxBwUaea twlty,
. yr god. ata UtUr laho.: to*bat atoo afiord a good bit of aaxeoaxt aftN.‘r>-ona
idioto are
amuo-ib morn algbi: prtM xoalag day and night
;.<n-ooa idiota
wwrr yx iblaklx^Bf wbra yx look aarb X tbo aaaoyaax U orar. Tboy ara ooC
promtaing poplla ud abow rt-markablr X grxt to tbr aala Cbriatlan men and
qolu ao awful now x they oaed to bes. mental imprinentcui In a aboil time woBX Baking tortnora UUbg orderoA fow yaan fo a oompany I wx pilat- Bot tbe phT.itwl wnaea nr« alwaya iB- Bapid croBOtloer. Om ohriailan woim tbnai^ tba weal eamo npx a ratb- proTta) with tbr iDiproTBOiral -'of tbr Bon Bade dlaar 9»oo in fonr arxka
X anmalBita Mwa. bot fate wiltod moral nenra. A fcUilil who hx bxn taking orderu OBong ber cbnrrb mqaalntorerr and friande. Wrixx It
tbatwa taoald glee ox appw
iglit bow tral lo fapx"uiDi:<] yudoeva Bay lata to a perBaoent xylta P«>
— .
iTX’i aay. Ox- Tba hall aro Uiad wx a xtae aSalr.
laticai of cnlra-. iioa to manage xr bxlnm ata look
riaa Tbxo
la rratod. ata wr are wUboot a _____
ata a rblld who hx learnad not to cry atior ow large norranoondeaw, which
rxf loabtoM our brada.**
M boi oOea. mo leaxTid aaaia, ata I wd aerraa on the nligbtrrt pmtoxt wiU
attend to right al yoor bOBO.
Wbra tbr fohUag bad waa tot down bta to otata X tba dox ata eoi^ tba
tar regolaird aanw of Addrxa B A Kneraaa, IS Bxt Fi(Ibat aifbt. Mr. Barirr barked bta ablx
«y. At T:90 Dot*V
1 Waring—New Ycrfc tarntb airrei. batwaon Broadway A
caiaat a roefcrr. ata to tryiag to xore
At 7:46 agnatbigobap
Fifth arronr.
xt of tbr way upart ibr lamp x tba
atalfcing in ata aakod tom If I
atar tabtr. wUeb aplUrd lU raalraU
rrW exbrwdrred Ubir xttt ata ____ W sringx. ‘Wbat'e a ringxF 1
A BorrtbU Gntbrata•ABBBleiiagtbabaa Yen’U
gaany boxxd x to tba koor. Hla wlfa
Norooedyrqoala WaSKEB’H Whitb
aarx gat folka np beta to ax tbia abow
•Of largo aorx m
By little
xaakt ap tbr diet tUag ai band to
iNt OP ■Tak SYKCP for tbto Wrr.' idy to n down town daogbtar'a beta daxlopta Into a eax
aorb tbr oil. ata k piond to bt bcr I
u ata fatal dlaexe. If Ukon the
ahln walat.
II Itbo town ball b^ They an of oMid bead" wrttra: C. D. laMIl of
ata pall
li-hly and m lime. It irlUcure a ca
Dariak tbr algbl a bllariox boarder _._ to It atawx'iooinowltboat. ' tfargantoB. Trnn. “bat Baeklx'a .124 bourn, ata fo* the cough that I
aaag axtebra of a aoag wltb tbr letrale: took tba rlngor X ble word, gaae him AXltaSalTc ooBpUUly xrrd bar.-'lfa
wa La Grippe t*. Levrr (alia to gita
Ob. I kra X. I tow bw! 1 wfli MM ra tax half a doUx. and be dopartod amlliug. a gnaraotrrd core for eeaeina. tatiar ^llof. Prloa. as^ ata fiCte
aallrtrnB. plBplxaorr., aleara ata
Soon the daap olanging of a bail aaox
Tbrtmgb tba toag -wttebiag taora" apoo tbo air. and is im than no CinM ollx Only Meat 8. B tVali and Jx
Xtatoa. “Tn iaa)«mp n Ittnapto _
tbeor wotaa ware wafted tbtxgb tbr
It, bat It will ooBT an aaiUor errry
tbto xriMtoa at lalrrrala ntO Mra. Bar- ttatownpeopleoaiDapaarliMl In. enoogb
tlBa- Oalmax Blxtle Floor Vamtob
8pwlalBaWariaK.AH. B.B B
bxrrd a alcb aad. tbcxrlag ap ber X iban to wakaa fXr ataieoca. la
B a. Wall^_________________
^ walled. *t>b. drat, what ahaV I apito of tba tact Ibat ov attraralx bad
WoBM'a Wbtoi LaagtN of Aaaertea.
bxo aat fxtb tm tbo bUlboaida ata In Detroit April Mtta. Kn'gbta Ttb“Ora ap ata X oet te tbr fixt wla tbo local papara. if tbx boll hadn’t
of MiebtraB. Ana Arbor May IBtb.
dow wd rerrl ta tbr ootlook! Ora op pallod are wxM have played to raoant
anyhow ata fold x tbr brd had era bow boaebx. “^Woahiiwtoo Poet
Are aiandarda of nerllrox. Sold by
Mxie rnUTal.'Ana Arnor May 17tb.
year akirtB baag.**
the Jraerr.^ City MnaleCo. Oppe
' 8bt wx prrt^ oud laeldr by tbia tlxa.
Atblatie Mxt, Ann
Inter «
_ _
Bagla cB
ata ibr km x -rary atiU Mr. Barker
Bpwortb Lx
Bomyoaia aixa. wbila banting to Arbor May t»tb.
AraeBbly. Lndlngtod. July. Ana
(ixbrr dolcot aoola.
PorxtxandtleketaxnatM Ab
“Mra. B. to br tealag ber atfli ata ot a profaorienil toappx. »““P * depot.
— balhUnc bto boxrT 1 only bopr bto wile ta who made nightly vtelti to a apot
wtU teat It aftrr br grtt k btat. Good whx* tbo xttmila of a dox bad bxo
Lord. I abould like to kirk him lata thrtiam. Altboogb wa triad orary axpo■xth Atrkar"
dlMt that iB||Willi Itxlf te OA wo
Tbr orxt xornlng x Mr. Barkrr’ kiaard I ware oxsexadnl, anA wbx aaamd
I have had my buiklinir
bto wlfr geodby br trird bard to"
wy atognlx/^ Xwaya found tbo trap
'rebuilt ood put^ io i^xd
bat alocr br cxld aot br froward.
•hapa *nd am now ready
“Doaxt It a
9p. ▼. J. Bggtx, Optnux Dwtmry
to raceiTF all old patrona.
aaktd x ahr tried to prm xt tba wrta- paw banaatb the Jaw paabad down tba
pan with aafety to blnwaU!, but tboagh DrmabBng.
kto X bto fotrbrad.
••Oh. yra; Xmooi x good X bring xr- tba appx™>^ iifwl to eaoftm it 1
M^ MayKm^UI
rlrd og la a xtro> wagx fnr of ckargo. eoold badly crodii bit akplauation. AnBrira. forgirr aw. bat wbal la tbaadrr otbx yaar. la anotlwr locality of tba
OBloa^’^attaetT^^t^lxk aoath of
are wr brer torT“
xxa ragix. m eld ata oxpxleDoed . WUbclB-a atoro. She wUI ba plexad
"Fx rrot ata rbangr.- abr wamatod. ttopper aaaarad m of ito eorraotom ata
to bax bar sany frirada oOl ata
Bot tW aator wornlag abr toUowrd up
lookororbxatoek. Oil U
M addrex two nltoa farther eat tbaa
.tbrir bom ata arrutod two good alard tlBX xagbttWn. aflartbay bta made
room, ata a priratr bath, it to bat (air two or ibrx aajoaaMal attempta to
to add that ^brx rxrxtratro atoo to- qalBg tbe trap, by tbr aimpto oxpadixt
T* Omww m OAitt IN On* Day.
I a aqxrr
of tatting it npaida down, wbon, of rake Wamr’a B*bitc Wix of Tar St-rn;
oowaa. tW aot of ataxnining ata he bxt coogta mnrdy X earth. ^ ai<
aot the Til*-— ecooeny to tore ear (are.
ata by way of iranladra brr baabata ptwaxtod brr with a irrript for a woatb’a
bxrd la adraurr at tbr Gotiook.—CWto-A Wrmw WHb toiarty ata Krrx.
Ptola Drator.
atm tU death of 8ayffart tbaVlxMOMoagionar. tbe aadbmitix bax x
ottxd eooex of oppltoatloni te bia
plaea, of wtalob Um xoai oariox to that
Cent, aaya W. J. StUlmx la TW At- of a pxtty wooun. who awda bxpbolaetlc. abow bnw rutuidrarb tW Prroto tt«xpb with tbe loUowiag lettor:
*‘l as 18 yaan aM ata pcaaex great
XbUr. X prood o( It. latrtllgxrr of art.
IgBoiad tW beet qaalltto^of it till cot- fhyaieal aso^tb. Myanata above aU
________________ - Txyx tnM m
that for tW tral IX yrare of bto caixr I

W arrx raid a plctarr. bot llrrd by m whom tba wradamad axa dm Ma
patatUag for Barrrr. TW pxrprrity of
MiBrt XBT froai Ibr xtr<mfe
Amckoa roUaetera. tod by tW apprretotix m of ax to xpototxiy bonaty. Boar
lid bate a
of a Bom gatotrr. WUIUb Hxt. I wrO
InloeMratoy to
bto faBoaa “8ea-x“ x
bigbrat Ux to tbr xtoo. me coat le^ bax tba knot adjaxad by Iba Boft batae
Bktod Ibat xly roc who loobad fx a dfawman. wboxbdVlMAlng gtomx
MUira xt Ukaly to aer it. wbllr Brae- woold OMX tolB tolumt tex Intoau. at iW tim I apxk aC wx ^d ataMtbe tRXXof a maxi agoBy worn
ta aecrpt ihr amtWw rowlaalnB ata
aoid Bcralr to ABrrtoaa coDoctort. Nx
to it raWrwtar wtak tW Beoxiax MUiato aad TVoyox of today. TW pabBe
Tm’x haatd
tkm Bangor glrtoT
taato aad tW Waal «TttMtB af a Jauroal•hv ax yeTNbtol MetapborioaUy
rot Bxlattoa
Qaax aty tmx a Umb of bxitb. n

__________________ _ —Jt drittbtfol Ml-

•a bo dM^ «t toi doo waB

1 W

XoG. OarwiaKaloPxa’. Wiklil

aad. detrd
bb aey xL
r are we
ir to get oar riottaa xt of ibrrr U wa
■o got tr ■ ■
* '~O lark 1
4lf U to a labor ta draw a fall braacb aat

MSMlm fiato Iba saatal to tba Upto of
tat bHbctod'a ext aad Urkad a«ay aa
S^air mto of daai. -Yaatarday t
h^M apportaaJty to ml tba booar farMtaad. aad tar BO aafca. Anhar. 1 da
vta poa vaali caaeUrr It (arerBUy.
Vta Biowaa «« gira w «» a BMXb.
mi >Mt tbtok be* far rbat waoU go



. — w—J X ■» wx


thn anmal ritanmtd
WaaSl OMtaln to to Nut Vxoou ata
Obxx ata Batox ama axoUncJW
Iba atoaat aom dm i> •

Which weigh all the way from ISOO to 1700
Iba apiece. Thla ia X nice a lot of hon
hx bean axn In TrayeiM Oity tor a long
Thex horaoB can be aoen in Brodhagen’t
Uvaiy Barn.

. iW. A

:------- »





a. a.|p.n




iia til:


^1 • S ra e.





MO£^ ron BUMMEfL
■m* eft* o**«

^a.1 tiamimr *• wA walk
band ta hud tbMw da^t la the prattr
: euMDSM and alrr trIBn vfclck «1U bt
1 ao sttnuHire wbM the garda* mm
e «I Mom. B« ft dMH hi a mam to aa
iMo}«*d. «(i«r ftU. ftftd goMi taaic <*m do
I woodMft wMh anjr aaMont yoa ma^
I baTc
• ~
rboaeo. can Mom so tarrrty la a
Mt i»hiurt.inhr.
aua>»rv ontbL

Aa iBpoftaat amalsmoa to the be.ato ^ilto Whist dab ^TtoM a
^ u» arw ibia gens is ito vetr
Arnold at daeiaBatt A fonaal Maagattractive varirir at aavrilbbaea to «TM given bf to Hftiailto dob to «T gTftdattai or prW. The eotora are

J.iUeo M U.
**8MI «• ul katmT' is a
vbkb a PhUadaigUft aawsp
itrtaf 1
WUUaa 0 ot tban aeawami Miaarelr
to tba ■
cira, ibm was feaenl
tba oplBica that Maae
Moat MfcM rather gtaal mxiug at
ytech. FraodaBridutaaid. *Tbe6Mb
aatrltiM aad la flavor at gioad at
i^udf tha bovina, and 1 m oo fooi
laaaoa to Utonilet lU ana as hntaaa
tod." W. U Zaill detdaivd that to
woaU eat it la {rWaMoea to port U
to "axm }a^ •») o< tottar flaw than
o< flaah," to aalA a J. 3. Rargar.

HO CASH '•nw foil WOVEN.


pl^ed aa waiurs to avnxaga man ■
m be of to opinion tot nrilm <
tamennt to “*Ipft"»I-|
amMa am «......................................
I to giver BoiUiv and

tonM oMWdM It
mcmorlaMbhligatctyonhlmtogivan —------------ '


n woman pMfanns n aim- ^no. n. cnom. auasmreM eng Opes.
ilnramviee forblm.
NSMtolsaa om«
tmiaa which
mpnble of aoKlafl.
Ttoa tberv are prettr aoft aatJa rib­
Mr. ArMddtoatralintaovH Cladaand toy have always told me that'
tojarioas '
bons Bve lactos wide tor S3 ««au a' Bath
Did infinitely prtffer dimm : ’
^ rv.

, atrlpea. with a while wovea opeewark 1 tor Mbaranlosu. acttaoea^caBis <w tri- HBilea more espeptnlly an toir pay ia
ao small that to pcoMem of maki^
both node meat la for tom a parttenlnrly bard ona
totoaad ia magic as Kdtoraad Bear- »■'«•
**• «»*»
wiiJS •tolSffl.Sd
It may be Mid in detatm of mMcaUne custom in this metier that to oondnot of tbe recipients of these amatory
paatlfy to opin

iT-TrtTvi rvTiTrTf'iiTir'MiT


"Kow. bmw U a good ana." Mid to
■mrtalner. Poimibg to c'harlaa TsrnalitotnntlDiifd;
' "Willyooklndlyaalaot a eard in yoor mind? Do not manMoottauama" ' •
When the aalerf loti was plekad «p a pai^ abofltod it enrelaasly. mod
vall^ uVer to the wall threw Ito
oards at a plc^are. They fall in a sbowar to tba flam.
"Tttni tba back of tba plotwM oat«aril."aald Mr. Arnold. Wtou this
was dime, a oard was seen slioking in a
Mack in tba bade of to toama It was
to Jack pt apadaa "That, air, is to,
MWd yon had in talnd."
Mr. Varnall arknowh.lgnl that It
vaa, and to crowd leas ennmlsed.
Again. » mnmberiif lira company waa
■akad In take a card lu bis mlml Fonr
otora witT asked M taka eanU at ran­
dan trrsn the pack ai^ imuambtr tba
ntmerical valne of to card.' Tba epaolatorwbn drew to flm card, was told
tovrlb' to uonitrar on a sbaM of paper.
Tb» aeooud man wrote tha uninber of
bisoBM In a separate conrar. Tba third
man placed hU uoreber aader lira sec­
ond one and addwi to two together, afflslnktom.nllt<>toflrstnBmber. Tha
fonnh man afflted to nombw of taU
enrd to tha oibea two usmbexa The roanltwasElt.
"Mow." said Mr. Arnold, "will two
gaotlanien accompany ma totolibrary.
Tb^retaniadbrincibcabook. "Tnn
to page 8T4." ordered to aotartalnac.
Tto b(s>k WM opened at to page indientad, ami a card waa ranod UwmUn
Amos of spadm. "That is yoor card,"
Mid Mr Arnold to to gratlMutn to
had asked to make a selaotion.
Tba statemeoi was omrart.
Ito mcs4 remarkable trick cC all was
to Ian. Captain Walton, prasideot of
to American Wbist Mayen' leagoa.
■ asked to draw a eard from to
pack, replaring it and keeping tbe oard
In his mind. Mr. Arnold look an ««g.
aalectltig one at random from a half
Aeaen, sud twoke it Into a tambitr. Ha
abowad first toe oaltbar to abaU nor
to inner skin of tto egg bad bam bro­
ken. Mo oard was ooocmlad np bis
aieeve or nnywbere aboot his pmon.
Wbeu\ba egg was brokm, a oard waa
•sen lu to tumbler, crammed np and
noveand with to yolk nf to egg.
Dnwiiig U dot. Mr. Arnold mkad.
"Wbw card did yon draw. Capmin
‘^bete it ia " The path waa aearehad and tot partioaUr eard foand mim-

dfM last at preaeat twtot 1
black aalla rildaw little more than two
lactos wide aroond the tower edge of
' the edtor band and tie It to a sbect
‘ bow dlractlr la frooi. carrr the ends
down a tew toetoa and tie In aootber
,bon tow. with short, rounded ends
goi.bed wiili a Uce frill.

is that to girl employad in n nnai
rant who doean’t act mme <w lam m
flirt atanda no ehaoee of leuluing her
pooition. A eomplaiut cf a onatomar’a
fnmilitrity instead of Mifflng him to ba
rebuked would more llkelynsnli in Mr T B. WAUmi. farWriaa asS savpMa. omra.
own diamiamL It isn’t nkoe ftr wnlt- a«. n^aTmS«SM!^*Tf.'
ing that she U pnld. She is oxpaeud to
make bmelf "anraotiva ”
MW. ai
Moraas's Bare Trvau dU*w V of al
Tbme ore many men of an t-etmon
MUs aatsals tor lbs laraai aad
sdwMboea. Oar vrvWkl calls
rants where woasn are employed la
largely dae to tbe fact tJtat at end
placsa they uan rafrain from "titgilng'

rVK-4p - -

^ ouuws from animals
BMftt, Which often
wbicb art .prenutnreJy aa wall ns axcomlve^ faitmed. la Europe, where
raw mast is praserltod by pbysieUas. it
U gcoeraily that of to faoraa Tb^
• • His a
dargclng a
axwe nntritions for tba weak and
Alexander Glam amndad a warning
in to
following exp
"In two
I found
instanoca. when lateb
to meat very tender and rather plenaant to to taste. ' At tbe time I conld
not shake off tbe Ihongbt. ’What if tbU
horse had Incipient glandm?' for nmm
of that mmt waa-reiy rara ” Sevaal
yean ago Dr. Hnidckoper of Phtladel
pbla invited some membrrs of tbe Phil
adeiphia elnb aad of to City troop to •
dinner, at to ooDclosica of wbicb be
annonneed to his guests, who were much
plaato with tbe repast, that they ba.1
dined off tbe oaraan yf hU old white
boree Fedora.

IT Lord. ‘As j
***** baud.
tor la toarwi is perfect, to ya' also i **^ *
parfiac*.' Tba Barionr, 1 aan>to did
A lew Ctoshm iMsft fflswsdr.
not opeot any bnaan araaime eoald to
Dr. A. K. k'Isbar of tVasUagion tman
ptcfaci ns to Katber ia besTen. but to Mstdidtide of carbon against ctoUm
mid. -As your FatotAp tonvan is par- molha lie bu a wooden ebast la
W1.M b,«—..™, bu
n Mandard, and to who old mom in..
i.» ha. ■ iscm


lUFrent St.
Cash Capital $200,000
xolieiea. laaariaf aralnat aeetdiwband
aiekDcaa. iraye
pays ineemoivy
Indemalvy rrom
from M ta IM
i ' long
rka. both abort aad
term polleios.ftli
pliaU i________




Fire Insu anc3

Napoleon wm a aunff taker ii^ a mUd
way, smelling of tbe lobacod n
wnr KvTaard.
than annffing it. bat navet learned to
▲. BaUdinsf
Uace oulv, aceordiug to his
These familiar with to "PablM of
JEaup" will ranramber tbe rppfilatica valet. Cottsiaul. he tried a pipa TfaeatWbicb Reynard brats among to rmt of tampl. of which Constant givue a buto animals. It is questionable wb*-thrr
An oasteni enibamedor. Persiai
Tnrkiih. bs<l predated to emp
crally, even in bis onliuary babiis. be with a handsome orieota) pip<v and oos
wasbethlgbast pMlbU gra«a Ptaei
exhibits an amouut of clevarncM which day to fancy cook him to use iL Oonverb a apeekalty.
astcaUlMa oua Bhoold a fax catch a Btani, at his master's reqntet, got «woyVew Offlee. Markham
hedgehog, wliura spluw rffcctnally pro­ tbiug in zaailiDese and applied to Are.
tect him from mewt of bu aneiuim. b< It remaioed, of oonrse. for tbe emperor
doea not waste liiuc, as i fux tcrriei
will du, in endeavoring to worry his
"BaV" adds Cenataut. "at to rale
prey.'. Be merviy rolls him to tbe neartat water, knowing that a drop or two his majeoiy went to wat to thing
Undertakiog Parlors
will cause the aiiimal to relax bia bold. woald never be dona Be eontented slte^lie^teatk Valsasi. la a tea Sara. CU-a
It la a rare tfaiog to catch ooe in g
trap laid at tbe door of bis "earth"
even. If be is ipSide wbeti tbe trap Is
set. bewails tmtll eutne otbi^ animal
wrings it and tben euxvge* to eat tbe
vtotiui and ibe bait. Uoly when driren which to valet did and retnraed the
by to twribla pangs of hunger will be pipe to bis meyeety. Napoleon look one
tempt fate in bis. own person. Must an­ goal puff and wm as awkward this
imals gorge tbemaelves wbvu tlx-y are Ume at bef<ira The smoke got into bU
to oome ecroas n super- wlndpipa and instead of betng expelled
moutb it came out uf to
nsoffood. MotsowitbRrj
hbonld be find a poultry yard well ncstnls Mil «y«a
Constant says at
stocked and ill protened be fllle hU all evenoL
larders first. Nor does he. nmcbe provTbe omptror was nearly strangled,
breath be
e^aayft "put all his eggs in ooe hnskw" Hepoteonu fowl In a hedge, oried:
"Take it away. The hotriMe thingl
bides anottorTn a bosb. pleem a third
in a bole In a tree, rapidly digse cavity It makce me elck. ’’
for a fooitb ^ covers it op again, re­
It was more liian an hour before be
membering ib"iacb caee wb««e bis atarm lecovfjad bis equanimity, and tbat
are <ntK»aled. Aud when bis supplies toei
ore sufficient in his own emimation ha Yont


Aitbongb ao expert oo cards. Mr. Ar
Bold never played a game for a staka in
his Ulft "iooaldmaka afortanaaaa
gambler," aaid to. "fur 1 can daalaj
man'aoy band I efaooae. bat I wouldn’t I
o play oat Is oar was am eoantry, ao Improveaieni in to way of tliraadfar I would
■roald to
I shot Boraasfaw. 1 dmi’t j lug needlea Tbe oeedir U to be bMd,
bow wbftt It
I is that eoablea me to do beiwren tbe third nnd lltilr fingers of
trioka I atadM them all oat
my-' tbv left band lutmd
ntend of by tbe
to tbomb
It my.'
Mit bat 1 can’t explain bqworwhyl nnd
and furvfli
furvflngrr. palm uppermeat. Tba
adraniagv of thia Is tot to (buaib
do tom.PliUftdelphln TimM
' nod firat finger can to naed to grip tto

For Sale

•uvsk. lUod bare ta te—assaM ter saUveu
And a dime mved is fa esets ear
Cabs tsO at Br-dbaevs's ur Sbaev's sale
staldri v»J br psMStlr »----- ' ' ~ ' Manager Nanbweatrro Mteblgfts.’rrfteBat all tbe same a woman who waits vrs
pbcaa oSev III. S rlagr
rlag*; Kertbm pboat
on ft table ia a reetanrant ia ]n« m
erae City, Mleb. Offlee. room >. Ton*
re>ler block
moob tndtled to a "tip" as a mao. aod
to fact tbat abe doan'e get it U <mly
Tlrar. rwa t, TeaashsT Mark, til rrsal
Botb trtspbssM Ha XBI.
other link in tbetdiain of evideooe which
ahows that to BVMBge mno trill always
dtesv aaklw psrtya.
take advantage of awnmaninpeeaniarT
matters if be gets a ehanm—tot it to
any. for doing to aame thing be will
always pay a woman less tban be will a
mate^New York Herald.


a nuifTT aowa.
abeer madrwa silk and c»>noB mouaarllnet and rnibroldrrrd awlss tbera la
simply no liu^lt to lUr puasIbllKies of
llh- cotloa guwn. TIrarv are cotton
fmiUrds ibU season, at least they arr
iiair cutioo and half allk and as gloasy
aa tbe real iblug. A prwtty mode) fur
dimity or India allk Is shown in to
lUiwiratioa Tbe ruffles atv edged with
velrrt ribIsMi. larv iasenlaos omliue
tbe seams, and tbev yoke of tui^ked
whlift uiousseilnv has twu rows of lat^
InM-rttcm. fn»m tbe lower one of * jlcb
falls a lace frill.
DeapKr ftll to pretty matbettc coiora
and die aa^y son of tints seen ererywberv In riblmna flowers and drees
fabriCB. to report voiuea from acrcaa
(be water that 1‘arisian wouien are
w<-aring red lu mber a brilliant staude.
simI tbai red aud a soft silvery blue aia
tbv leading cvlum in i'arUbiu fasbluus.
Tbe neasst tan abade has a a defi.ellowinl
to hr a silgtai leodency
card all to paatel colors wbicb cun to
cl issifled under tbr beads of blue, red
und porple. but all tto drlkwie shades
of dove color, mastic and gray fionriab
for gowns In every kind of msierisl
aiib white irimmlngs at>d mixed em­
broideries of various klftda
Perforated effitta In decorattou art
very moeb to tbr fbiw agi
uuiuDg tbe nee- chMb gowna
Bolero effc^ appear among tbr cot­
ton gowns and are made of narrow
101* Inaeriloo with liny embroidered
beading l<etwe<-o or entirely of beavirr
iaev. Ooe pretty Idea for silk as well
as tbe thinner bodices Is in fine locks
nil atwond tbe lowre p^lon of to
bnly. and tbe Dpper nnn' Is cut la to
foriu of a bolero toped on tbe edge In
wluit mlgbi be called aquare scailopa
ami cioeely sewed on to tbe racking.
Tbear Itrins and lUnatratlou are gtenned from to New York bun's fashiona

Billiard Hall




ioMlcitodabd.MpMdaoad. B.
had MT» aaen them todma UfaaSiiig
«na Awk, to bsM It uot to oas cd lbs
gaatliBini preaaut. urtur "itatoef a
aard (rma this pack and than ratani it
. baling tba oard in yoor mind. I will
• tm my back to yoo as yoo make yoer
aalsotian. Om of to othar gaatlemau
Wilt Into the ssonod park and throw It
on to floor. The only card tliat will
Cali race upward will to to card aaloctod- byr yy«a Iwilloot tgnrfaetttor
wdedcft" Ttocaid waaaalaotad. aad to gentU»aa threw to aenoetd paek on tba flotw.
to' niDs of diamonds bedug to cmly
awd that ftdl face opwaitL "Tbsil’eaotaUnad Mr. Arnold. "It to card* yoa

Cigar Store
Oealei iii tnr aif
SnoiuI Hail lierclet.

Sdpniring '
• BpeoUlty.

Angist PetHdff



g /\lDDLET0WN.O.

Wftses B« to It.
Thft little son of a well known phytielM was aacertaiuing a playmate at
his father's bouse. As cbiiaren will
they ransacked every nonk aud oormr of
to building. Tbeir enriosity led them
to explore tbe TMwsses of a closet, in
which to dootcr keeps bis iustrorntmta
and other peraonal effects, amongwhicb
ia a oonipleie skeletuti Tbe atrauge bor
wm frightened when be fliat beheld to
grinoing remnant of what onoe had been
a human beiog and siartisl to run away.
Tbe ducuv's eon, bowover, had seen tbe
skeletal ao oftsn tot be enirrtalned for
It only that feeling of contempt begottan by familiarity, mid in a linle while
snooaeded in ao allaying tbe feats of bia

The auperstliimi of tbe ill lode of
looking backward or rurarulng is a
very aooieai ona
from Lot's wlfa who- -locikrd back
from behind him" when be was led by
an angel ontaadr to doomed city of to
plain. In Rcb.TU' "Oriental mnatratioBs" it is suied to be "considered exeeedingly nnf<wtnnste in Hindooetan for
men or woown lu look bock when they
leave tbeir boose. Aoccadlngly. if a
man goes out and leawa somettaiug be­
hind him which bis wife knows be will
waaft^j^ dma not call bim to ram or
look topk. but tak«a or sends it after
him.and if eomegrvat emergency obligee
him (o loMc back he will not then pro­ handle tbe thing aad ranle its dry bonea
ceed on to bosinem be was about to' "Where did vonr father get it?" be
Anally naked. "1 don’t know." vraa to
reply, "bat I guesa it was bis dm patienv for he's liad it aa awful long
It is eetimated by Protoaeor Dolbaar Hma
Butio Miner.
tola lamp of coala weighing a pound
m# ■MAIs TiiMt'V issMt.
has in it energy enoogb to lift its weight
1,000 miles high. Be says tbnt this en­
While making eome ahenriana In
ergy is Inbarrat in matter: tot every Middle Ttaple ball for the iaatailatiai
particle of matter is coustotlyexaning of to alsctric Ugbt into tbnt stauly
its form on every other paiticle. aad odiflM the srorkmeD found a box ooiited they will oome to- cealed in a n«M of to wall near to
r bow far apart they roM. It was apened, nnd in it tbey raw
nakaleKmin a perfect state of preeerration. From tbe appearance of the booM
it man here lain biddMthersforaoMaldwable time—pertanpe a eoupte of oennaeommonly stout. 1 have noticed, tha tnrimormcru Whether to skMetonbe
tact faatore. Bow la it?
{ that of a lawyer or a client eannot noa
Bend Onmekaeper~-At ordinary times I ba aaoertalBed. <w It may even be aa oa%y are Imn toough. air. bat wbrn we | aeoM framework wbk-h bee been need
hnee to gentlemen frosn town toy nl- la an aiomirwl demoMtraUai to iUnswayi pod their clothes to prevent to trate bow mneh the law ana lake oat of
shot golnf Ibrongh.—Fliegende Blatter. n aaan. What the ekeleton wee U Ufa
and how it got into to box in Middle
"The Fmst of RecaorilUtton"
Tample hall are mystariM—Ltmfflm
In ITfaa
In n pair of stoek-

. Is^HhHnmiwgliii
WWl lllklfa "hlT

EnamelingBest to be had ia
the dt7 is at

•VPMmpW Id window.

It la a IIUI* rariy Mtalk about kn,
>et we bare a luge anpply pat ng far
We wm-faraVkh famillra. tblaanmner. with ioe washed e’eaa anA pat fa
■•e refrigorm'or, tor «l 00 » month—
od woo^ ask to ba paid la ndvannn.

tolb ’nbrntes ftl.





Fer Fire Insurance
Pro^U a
>e. 'The ■
•raaee ei
niedin my aganej.

Mmansi ?lmrt

Sldnralk Lmnbw In «U ilM.

a Oltw T,«mhdip <Ti>'

I Painting
I and Paper Hanging
StiUilibagiBMnuitbnaldrtaDd. Hoaie nod giga punt•1 bangiDg. decontiBg, calciniaitig. niaxiag. Dataral
ah. etc. Eattmato famiabed. Shop op afaiia. S96
Froot St.. (W.
(' W. _
atofa). Onten
. _
Mt ____
to atorevitt
.S afafifflUoD. BeaideDee VASE
w in___
get proBDl
1045 £.
Fraat• Streei.


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