The Morning Record, March 30, 1900

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The Morning Record, March 30, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Third Yeai-Ko. 90S


rOB PSBKim «• ncB
PoUmOmou H*M«KsT«cyB«teM

Ho Tlmo Will ha Loot In
Tnaaltriiit WaUr Works.

Tr*m«ttdona Bmterdm»Dt
oa Hoteklaff bj Bom.

Maw Tork, IUt«k t»—)k«rrud imrj
UtUr ntmnti %krm Mleiawt*
OraiMt P»Um QwtftU Aaiaraw J.
I S«9U«i Bnnty- Tkwiicf tb« W«M Tklrttetb aMM ■ O. Ootopball
■<■1101 OMdorioto) M ft ekwfft ol
■ay tba OatoU of SepUuar Slac
ItSUagtompf^immoni tmer^ U
Ucbtttor P>Ml from Wabv W«rM
htopralMk Th«
h« CM* to ftUnaUsf
ft^ Mr toftd to 4*-Vow ItoMttM «ot Tat Salaak
m« Joakwt U Oi—iii «(
Aattwa Swpa Tbkaa to Batobltob Hot

■ l■>lll at to* fcUm tan* at tlw

fOUWimtE tEtPS

a. D. Oatopball * Bom bacao yeator■uytoianMfutar tba aaparattoo at

I ttot » I
•tM^M ia
mi\f ssnlac.' tnm »a
MiT- Th« Bo«n MCM U« »U*ak
*tc«r, tal U WM mM wllk

I 4top»Mh itoiM ttei U«
paMWdWtabftTf, Tbamort e< tha
arUto»> wiaaphtlfta et Lhdrkcmad ka>
MM atttoftllr toadnaad,
Mtobaal Dtrlu. Ua Irtob afttlaaftlto*.
tea ftrHMd la Pratorto aad baa baaa la
,j-»t--innT witb Piaaldaat Krafor.
kprirau Mlama froa Mafaktac
aayeru araryUtar all rlffbt m Marab
TM war
raaaivod tba,tollowla(
4^tab (roto I/Drd Robarta datad at
BtoastootalB yaatorday:
•tosaaM oaeaplad PaaraaiblUi iodaj
vitboat oppoaUloB. Oaa alM poaadar
^•.Martial MaiM wara dlaeorand
tatba proapaeiiac abaft ol a mlaa
vbara a larfa qaaaUty of aviaaaUlea
-ArM art Miaf aarraadarad rrad>
■ally, aad tba lababitaatt ara aatOlac
“Ootoaal Pilebar vlaltad tadybraao
■Uiabja. Oa laaviaribateirabawaa
Mtaekad by a panr of tba aaimy. Oaa
«t bto loraa wta woaaiad aid tra ara
ataalu••Oariaf a akirstab aorlb of tba
ModdarrirarMwebU, fira otaa wara
voudal aad tbraa ara raportad Btoatod- Oaptala dloaaa Stoalay ol tba
■toUaaU Uaaara aad «ra mn of that
Ra«ra from tba aaat of war ramalao
maafar aad aalDtalUribla Tba oauorablp baa baaa ravWad by tba rataro of
Oaaoral Kltebaaar toOaBaral Babaru'
Madqaartart. aad tba eon4«popdaaU
ara aoi allowad to axptaio Jbat Ip^ r>toKOB daeh eaaa aa ara sappllad ^ra
■hlalaadioR aad ara meaat to daoalta
Mtta tba aoamy aortb of tba capital
aad aawapapar BrlMra la Baflaod,
Tba taeliea aiopU.\|b7 tba canaor are
tpoaa wtaleb ware^.,«eeaaafa1 wbra
•Moral Rsbarta' adraaM lofrard KimMrlay waa asdar aaothmplaiioa. Kraa
tha waroftlsadoaa not kaoW wbat U
tolar on- '
Tba period of iBMUoa at Bloamfontola to apparcoUy eamior tp aa and.
Troopa ara amauatly mirtof to tba
fraat. tba traaaporl aad atoraa baloR
aollaatad- Tba mea ara Id fraad aoadiUoa aad tba borpa* are pieklDf op
woodarfolly. lo a apaaeb yaetarday
t«cd Riberu promtoed the ) Uoopi be
would load the aaral brlrade to ibelr
ooaradae lo Pretoria ebortly,
OMoral Bellv** prept'atloai for a
tvthar advaaoalo Natal are Doarlr
•otap^^ Hit troopa are 'aasioM to
fonewtbe ftrhtlar- Tbe Boaru hate
atronfly lortlOad erery paaa over tbe
brakaoaburr. aod Oeaera) Boiler u
aura to find bto work cot oot while
araaklay throarb ihalr dafenaee,
Gcsaral Joobart'a aacaatoor la tbe
ablet w>mmiod win moat pMbably M
Oaaaral L.oto Hoiha,oowaommaodUir
la Natal.

Por ttsyor. Frank Hsmilton
KaaiPuyl«.SU.OJI Pm^ la Daf.
acaa Bay Swardl
Mrar. Botottriaad. Ma^k l»-B/
tbaOMifoa Bay railroad {award aaMdBoadtodty Portaral to
l&.itt.OM fcasea or aboat

It waa pratty wall aattiid that tba
■Ml— wmM ^ bfkfbdt, Portofal
Md tba oaly toNa waa aa toltl
WtbajadgM»V_________ ^
tar Jaattra of the Pewse»^. IT. CwrUe

aaoo».\TttoBs TO H^acKova
WadoMWm ba SuMtaadad by Bair
Sdmlial »ime».
Marab >8 Bear Admiral
Wma.oa board the Brooklyn, haa
-tw Heoykoay..,wbara M to
-^2^lMto tnoafar bto'aommaad to
Boar AdmlralrBamay. Two yuabMto
-4aat weak dlaoovarad a atoamar alyaalhy wllb tba ahora at Oupa Bowaador,
Ulead of Lasoa. They paruaad the
MMmw. wblek exUayntobad iM Uybu
nod iiiiir~^ oaaward La tba darkaaaa.

WM at Out— Oewt
BWftto OlftM Ttmmit


MwA *»-H apwvt tte»
toft ftto<M at IW MPTMI eoM la da*
■UrlacftaiaftooMtfModW l*s law
hi. •• It did la iW
oftMOUliaa'a Saetora baak a«alsat
tba auditor caaaral. to likely to oaaaa
tba depariMBt a lanra amooat at
work aad Beaatooa tba repayaaeat to
boldara of atato la> daadt of a larra
aom of atsDCT- A tax Utla daalar aaya
that tba daatoloa would maka tba bly
bhlaoet la tbe eiaU treatar; look allm
aa tba boldara of tbe deede wbleb are
laralld wUl be aaUtlad to a re taro of
their moDoy.
TbaaaeUooot tba law daalarad void
UMo. HiofaoUtn.oMtPT. The aae.
turn waa doalyoad to act aa a alatuto
aad to
owoara of
propartj from dtopatlaf ia aay way
tbe rctldlty ofa tax Bale, uadar wbiob
tbalr property bad.«baaa oold aalaw
araiNdwItblaaU moatha
aftor aarriea of tba boUm of parabaaa.
Tba aSaet of tba daatoloa wiU M that
wbare aotlaoa have baaa a^ad,
property owaan will bare tba ' aama
rifbt to sada dafaoaa that iMy woold
bare If tba Uw bad aarar baaa ratoad.
Daada wbleb bare baaa bald baak waUloy for tba daataloB wUIaowba ratare*
ad to tba aoditor yaaaral lor aoMUatloo aad ratoadlny

Ototof FamiMlnXadla Xatlmatad al
OplaaUa. Marab *8 - TM Vlaaroy,
Lord OaruM of Kadloatcm,
tM eouauU oa the budyot today, cold
that Boarly S.OOO.OM peiuoM ware ia
lueMpt of rayalar rallaf asd tbftt tM
ooot tor tba oaomlay yav wm oatlmatad at tM laaa at rupaaa (»lt,MO,ooo).
Tba loan M ravaoua tor oaa year bad
OM iti laaa ol rapoaa (
TM yovar«mMt. M told, hopod dur.
lay tba tertbeomiay year to Mead IM
loaaot rapato (•t.Mo.OM) la Irriyatloa,
l»t M aould aaa mo ebaaoa of Nttlay
down tM mUltary oaMmala.
"Ibora are two dattoa at ladlaa
alaUiBiiBiblp."MldtM Vlaarey. -Oo#
U to maka tbooa mfUtoM happy and
tbaotbartotokaepthamnta Kortbe
aakaeftM oaa we maat aoi aaylaet

Uybtlay ayatam. No Mm wlU ba loat
iBtoaklM iba aacaMty ehaaypi to
yieatbaelty paaiMiiea oltM water
While it to ballerad that It wUl reqalra Marly tkiaa mofttha to ramora
tM llyktloy plftftt to aaotbar looaUoa. Fop Hsyor, Frank Hsmfltcn
arary aSort wlU M made to faeUltaU
IM work. Mr. Oampball baa aotaral
Uttlfi TsTfiTB—Idttlfi Tfivfiin,
aliaa ia view but,baa not daeldad Jaat
Or. W. 3. gyflaa (
wbara tbd Uybt TmIiiim will ba louatad. TM loaatloa will M aalaetod lo
Tlaw of tbe hot water baatiay ayatom
which tMy iatond to aalabitob. alibouyb taa latter eatorprlea will. aet
effret tba ramoral of tM ^eat It to
deaiynad to locate aomi where near tbe
bay or river ao aa prodl by facUitiea to
yet waur tor aae la tba baatiay boil-

; Telephone Go.

Tbe elaetrie llyhtiay ayatam w|U be
eompletoly remodeled, an entire new
ontdtof machinery belay) neoeaaary
The eompany wUI eeiabltob.tb^irwi
currant ayatam aad -mM a aptotCty of
anpplylny cuireat for power. In nddi
tkm to power. Incandeaeant arc Uybu
wlit be a epeelalty. The plant will be
an all day and Uybt and fpowar wUl
a available at all timea.
TM bot water baalpeao'wUl prob
W the -YaryaB” ayatom. which to be­
lay oparatod with yreat aaeeaaa
beatioK public buUdlaitn, boalnoou
bloebn aad iwuldeaeto. Dick Oampball
wlllyoto LaPorta. Ind.. the latter
For Mmyor. Frank Hamilton part of next weak to look otottan kp
I wUb the new eaterprtoe
aad from there yo |to Mattooa.
where a plant to in eneoeuaful
operutlM. Before mtklny definite arVaw Tork Md towa Paaa Strlacaat
for tbe new eaterprtoe
t«awa Abaoluatly Froklbltlag


rxys XIL1.XON musybd



How To Save Money
in Buying WallSPaper
Iis*t it a reuonnble way to tgm that t ooneen
that boys woU paper direot froai ^ minnfootarhri^carloddlotieaDbaya grmt dMl cheaiMr
than a boQM to hooM oonTOHai^^ho boyi only a
■moll lot from a jobbing hoiue In OUodgo, nod
ItM it oent by es^Mi, C O. !>.? If ao, call at
tbe (Sty Book Stece. We oao eorely pleiM yon
in qaality and prioe with ow immenee etock.


Miiw Bto*l««>-TlWT .
kappy BxrMkxn »rv r-— '
rouble Wllb
Or* lUyTVCd-Ko Iro.Ue tM
I raeuliwt.vtrepi Ib mtiac kim

Iir Um
fiiB«ri fiRi

Rm Um

IT©“V(7‘ !N"©c3s:-w©aa?
At icaatonca a weak wc ahow new Uea. Ymtorday we unuaekad
a lot of nawaat plalda.eheekr, atripea in all tbe populuii«bapm-.->l t^Uc

Imported Fancy Half Hose

f Four New lone Distance f
Hare been twiuplrted from ^

The lateet out—purple, ox blood, violet la fieur de lie, etripee ail
around, polka dote. 50c to tSe.
Oor Qaato hoalarr la black aad browa %\ 3 pair for tse ara extra
New ablrta. fii

S. Benda & Go.

Rtf UlMl i

Rfit Unfit

Traveree CTity to Qraod Kap. f
ide. Kalamaxoo. Detroit and ^
iiitertnediute •tatiuiie.

Quick Serrice
i'erlect Serwloe




At Five Dollarsr
i ; Ladies’ Spring Suits
' J

In Navy Blue and Castor Shades

the Sport

tbe aebeme here win not ba an experiAlbany. N. ¥.. Marab i»-Tba Lewla meatbota aufaataaUal bnalneoa vea
hill. repeallDf the Bortod law. waa
rlyhljfrom tbe aUrt.
»d by tbr aeaaia yaaiarday by a
roae of to to
Tbe paMeya of tbit For ICsyor, Frank Hamilton
bill kill* profeMloual boxloy 1a tbe
etale of New York after BepLember 1.
Tbe aaeeare of tbe tewto bill waa State Flab Oar Oiatrlbatea 150 000
aeeompitohed by oaa vole. TJatt tbe
to Tarlont Watora of tbto


Parly aiybi aaDaton were preaeot.
tbeaa Z7 were BapabUeana. tl Democrate. Tba two abaantoat mew aenaton Ooff -y aad Hmroai. both Democrate. Tbalr votaa would bare made
-na diCereaea la tba raanlt.
If a bomb bad baaa dropped la the
laate tbara-would bare baaa bo yraatr aeoaatloa.
'Beoator dumrao and other Damcerau bad ratralaed from offerlay
amradmeata to tbe Lswto bill, permitline box>ac uader eariala reatrlcUona.
aocOB&Jsat were they of beatlay the
BporUot meo were aimply daced
wbaa they beard that tbe Dewti bill
bad peatod. They bad been aaanrad
all aloay taat Baoator Salllraa'a
Oaeuae woold defeat It,
Dm Molaea. la.. March Z»-Tbe
ato paaead tba Ltotor antl-prixiflyht
bin today by a vote of «0 to t.
The bil U eweaplay in lu larmi and
will pot an aad to prlx^bUoy In tba
autoIt provldaa: ''Waoevar aayftyaa
ftay boxlny eoataat or apftirloy aublbtloo with or wlthont ylovea for a prlxa.
rawardrmr anylblaf of ralua. at whlob
fta admtoftloa taa to oharyed or raoaltad,
aitbar directly er IndltacUy. aad <
kMwieyly aide, abate, or aaatou
Id any aueh boxloy ooauat or aparrlay
axblblttoa. aad nay owsar or laaai
any yroaod. lot. MUdlay. ball, or
atraetara of aoy klad, kaowlayly parmlulny the aauM to M aaat for each
boxloy eaatoat or aparrlay axklbiUoo.
aaall bt" dead oei axcaadlay SSOO or
rtooMd la tba county Jail not ax-

Many Uvoa Xmtt In Slaklay of Fraoob
Baato Domlayo. Marab M-Tha Qaorye
Ckoteo. a Frooeb aiaamar boaad for OaM
wUb a earyo of eattla. and carrylay 10
paaieayUTi. aunk off tbto part today.
The auamar New York raadarad aa
atotooea to tM alaklay chip, aad'eama
of tba Uvea wara aavad. tbouyb It to
tbooykt that moat et Iba pamiayota

BaMiulMtyoaraamialB raylBtafad
fur Uamlmt Board «f f>«M4e Warha—
TMtfMimMim WardneOM BtratpM W. r. CaOtma. 0. K. Back.

Mil'er's’Cash Store.


\ Going
Out of Business I

Srand .Baplda, March S8—Tbe Obratian Badaavoracu. la yreator numberw
tbaa yaatorday. and with ynaicr
aaraoataaaa. ataei at tbalr aeailoai to­
Oaa of tM beat aaaaloiia tbua tar bald
waatM tobool of matboda aoodaetad
by Bav. W. K- Bpaacer of Alam. Tba
BadMvoratu eatorad baarUly latotM
aptritot tbto maatlay.


OB varioo* aub}aeto raUtlay «
praeOeal workiay of
I •’Ohrmtlaa
ip" by Bav. O- D. Brower of
laraa. aad "Qatahlay Mm
F. Arthur of Orood
AUra*' by Bav.

pTMidMt. Bav. r. P. Arthur. Orood
BopUto: rlca praaidesV Bdword Uodaoy of Boyinaw; aamatary, Mioa Oarrla
FaiuoM at KalOMito; traamxrur. W. A.
Frlaoaof Alpena; Jouer auperlatMdeal. MM Modya Blblay of Detroit;
mtooteoary aaperlatoadaot, Bav. H. B.
Wiaaad of Tbraa Blvara
All of tba ratlrlay ofielala vi^ raalaalcd with tM exeepttoa of IM proaIdaev Jualor auparlatoadeot and mto*
aloaary aupcrinlMdaut. who daallaart
I Wart TIdHta BrroipM

360 Pairs

OP men'a clrae. up-to-date, awell
footwex'- 4Pic«i> u Uh u rtrt rij •hirf* dlth « (AurtKin- exeelleat
wearlnx. perfect fittisy modela
o( tbe :oth eeniurv. Were rffered to ne to takeefl another man'a
hAndatorasaeaount. They were
booyht for tbit aeaaon'a erlllDy
and were intended for the beat
ThU ktoek to made of beat
viel kid. In llybt and dark, and
yeouine kunyuroo, tioodyear welt
-back aiayed, foet colored hooka
and ereleta. different laato and
toe*—poeitivaty tbe beat line of
«boM placed on tbe market at
•1.50 andtt 00.

Fixtures. Wagons }
and Sleighs.
Come and]take|advanta^
of aelllarr-out prices.

I W. W. Miller's Cesh Store
22ti Front Str(*et.

I have bod-my buUdiiu!
rebuilt aod put in good
abupe and am no* ready
to rectfive ail old putroiu-

Good tine of Jeielry
lllKiedsof Repalrlae.
Tod will find a fine line of

aped IdneDB, all sixee of Sofa
love, Down Pillowa. Cnabion
Bottenburg materials of all
kioiii. A
Embroidery leaeona


887 Front Strdst.


School of Music
aenaa 10 aad II BmUM EMfc.

'We price tbem tor quick selUnE at the
exceedingly lew price of $2.06.

The Boston Store
It’S Time
To Buy Shoes
The kind of shocB to bny are those that give
. jon the best service for the amonnt of money
invested. We want yon to see our spring
line of ladies’ shoes — The styles are right
—and our prices are surely as ,low as the

McNamara Block

. |»te«. CLiL Bw^t>Ba.Sarmaay.

1 BODdB.

A Sensation
In Shoe Selling




Extra 'good niils for tbe uumt-y.


Stock of


Taaterday'a Samloo of tba T. F. 8. C.
I. CoBVeatloa Fall of

thoruULhly t;ood fitting.

Fiupr suits at $7. |".50. $10. $I:J. $1-7.

Tbe aute flab cur amved in tbe city
yeutorduy from tbe utate baicbnrlea al
Parto. with 150.000 fiah to be dlktrlbaledtorarioui watera la tbto rlcirlty.
Oftbeae SQ.OOO Uke trout and U.OOO
brook trout will yo to Oarp Lake.17.000
brook trout will yo to Nortbport and
rarioui quuQiUtwjwin beuentto Cedar.
Ulan Haven, Cedar Bun and other
pblnu Tbedevotoeaof the rod aie
detormlned that there eball be fiih left
In the atraama after^l tbe bly catebee
they are ifofny tn make tbto veaaoD.

i TioLM StmitfW

Well made nod trimuied. corivctly fnabloued as to stylf. and


THtt Morning
attittow wttb omDoM Jadft
aawHhUtttoarM aonfaaiaB a*aat-

‘*^T*m«onrT • womoA
turn. *. Bam ij» 3. w. HAsa
t. w. Baj—■

ad IM imiitTabaagw. aadHrltkoat
aad a i
many raapaato. 8apartotaodant Bora
hMdeM good wotk-aiad tba fatua o<
tba leaal aabooli wtU not be to» bright
aadw Ma nparriatoe.

and Mmcw.

■. vMk «UI mM

i**My M.
•> lAT^* w

________ _________.rWulbraelfCMAU



UOM Df Ml«mM l<
_______A1WTU»K DlMftft

Tn Bvl« MAkM A
iMlBt of tba
iMt Ukt not A rod of mw waMt mAlaa.
kowbon Uiddador tbopui tbrM
fMn. wbiU tb« ooaoen hu beos ocMflod Ifi InrMUfAlioc tb« mur
varhs probUm BsdiifkriTlar U>»oe ■
wtj to prorlda A ajAtoo) for the city.
Tba «nor Aboardlty Of tbU propoAitlon
«Ul be toea at oaea when it Ia reinea'
d that the city bpA'aot had oootrol
M tka eriatlsc plaaW Ooe of tba raatorn why 00 aaw tnaiaa baea bMsi laid
to tha aaeorulaty oonfronUiic Mr.
flaspball la tba matlar of a aaw aya«•• aad tba ooaaeU baa not boaa raapowibla for tba lack «f aitaoaloiia
Tba Bagla offan rallaf to the ontaklrta
to tba aleetioa of tba Otti Sana' ttekat.
arhlU tba
Idadgad Itaair to maka tba aeoaa
4■proTaB»ota. la tba ereat of tba porAaaa of <ha plant by the city. Tba
ayaWB baa bMa parabaaed. and -tba
aorritory la aaad doea not base to dapMdapon tba Dasoerata to aeenra
what U naadad. Tb^ cblat aim of the
Idekara ka to gat itnto oBea. And
gkOBld tbay do ao. wbieb la a raaaote
poMlbUlty. It ta a anra thing that tbay
aoald do no awra than tba Bapablleaa
otooa boldara wbon the paopla know
IP ba wOUag aad aa^r to aapply Ua
daataada of tba portiona of tba eity not
BOW aappllad with water faailtUaaTba water, worka qaaatioa baa baan
oelvad. and tba nnaaread diatriela toea
acary aaoSdanoa ia tba BepaUioaa adn to do aa it baa promtaad.

record.trioav, march

hsaatfeaad. Tbraa gwtara o< a mUlioB feat warn taraad oat by tba easap
danag tba wtotor.
Oao. B. Ckoaa. attorMy tor 8toU Ufa
laaarasaa On. of li
appeal tro* tba Jartiaa ooart to tba
atfoalt coart to tbaaaaa of tba eo-apany
«a M B- Samf.
r:*a palaet eU
wara dallrarad to tba WaUa-Hlgna
On yaatarday by WtUtoa JaekKia. the
Banataetnrar. Tan boto ara bato«

Btoatton at Oflean VaDowad by
8Tba aaasal maettog of Traaaroa Qlty
Lodge Ko. m. B. P. O. Blka. waa bald
toat oight aad tba toUowtog aSaan
alaetad for tba oooatog yav.
Baaltod Balar—D. F. OaspbaU.
BM»a»od Uadtog Kaigbt-J. M.
Bataetoed Loyal Ealgbt-B. W. OralItob.
Laewrtog Knight-F. H.
baeratary--Obaa. B Bala.
Traaaiiiiii-*]- T. Bansab.
Bbqalrr—B. Swaara.
Tyler—A. a Deapraa
Chaidnto—B. MeNainan.
tnaw Uaart—Jaa. Manebia.
Trailaa » yania—P. Wanborg.
TriMtaa s yearn—b C. Daeprca.
Trnttaa 1 year —L A. TbosEpaoo.
After tba baaiaaia of tba acMion tba
■amber* aat down to aa eejoyable
apread of good tbtog* to aat.

jAJoa Ou-crr to aaktog a good
•aaTBMtatbaaaMiod waadte aldarman and alrraty tba paopto of that
wart eonaada that be to waU gaallBad
to took afyar tbair tounata on tba
W. A. Dean to,daawlM ptoM for a
Tba MM aay ba asU of •ae raaldaoat to ba bailt aoon toe Joafrtd Boagbay to tba Tblrt ward.
apa Pobl oa Monroe otraatttabtoa lebandla
WilllaB B. Wpolftt aad Loatoa Boa-■------^ tba city to tba ana*
r srbkk aakaa OM ^rata bw- worth. both of Uib city, wara
by Bar J. A. Braady ywlarday attar1000 at 4 o’oloek. at the
W, W. Taut*/ to OM of tba brigbl- John. Btogiar of Soraatta ■treat.
Tba ooaaty taaebafi aeatola
aat yoaag mm of tba elty ,and to a
te tba board of ara to prograto at the aoari j
rtoera to tba Fewtb ward. Bala GaadidaUa for Brat, aaeoad and third
aarM to '—'----- mattenaad will to- gradaearo being aeaalaad.
toodaM 00 tba.aoanty board tba aasa
Tba eaat Iron atap plaice tor tba
ptaeUaal satboda wbieb bava anda Betolla bloeb. the McMKana btoek and
blBaBoatofal tooBeorTiavaraa Oil^ tba new Friedrieb bloeb bare Jaat ban
toUhad by B W . Boaod A bCn.
-< J. W. Traria baa abld bit reaideoce
Than will be a maeUog of divtolon'
■ property on Eaat B<ghib atrael to Mi-1
Ai.DKBMaa Lauta to not yot dafaat- No. 4 of tba
»1 ebaal WaUbfor gl.MW
•ad. alibengh bto oppoarat haaalraady with Mrs. Wbralock on Waabington
daeldad tba elaetlon. Tba. paopla of
Wbst'i Tour Faca Worth.
itSatarday at t o'clock.
the Koortb ward kaow bow to raeogHometimes a tonanr. but aever, if
Cboe A Crotoer bare almoat coaspleted
niMgood work and oooaeiraUoaa af- tbarebaUdingof their saw mill that yoo have a aalto* eompirxion. a lanadtoad look, moth patobe* and blctcbca
forta aad whUa tba rota in that ward
raeaotly bornad wrat of KIngalaytlgnc* of Kver trouble. '
baa tliraya bMo eloaa. tba rataraof| ItUrspaetrd that tbe mUi will atnrt
Life rilto give
Aldennan Lardia todaesnad a aery dr- oparatloB* arst weak.
r Skin.
•y Cbaek*. Rich
tt eem* at Ja. _
alrabla raaalt of tba eomlag aoateat.
The eaaa agalpat Bd Carpaatar. lobnaon and : E. Wall's drag store*
Jamo a. Minna wUl bare a rare charged with ataaling a watch, waa
Llttli T&vpiu—Little Tbvero.
thing tor aldanaaa of tba First wart dlam.ated yaatarday Boraing la Judge
aad J^B Olllto will ba no Im aaeeaaa Robaria'aoari. Oarpeatar paying the
fal to tba ooming olacOon. Dewterato eoita that far laearrad to the
aad Bapabllcana allka agree that no Taadiffisolty batweaa blm and Mr*.
batter nan than tbaaa could bare bars Treat over tba watch waa •atilad oat
a slactad to aarra tba city on tba oobbciI ol oonrt.
, Tboae who ara to havr the main roire
aad board of aaperviaora.
Id tba opera "PaUaaa^toArc raqnaated
We have Jasi put ia a new A <
Trb oppoalUoB to Alderman OarrtoOB to meat at tba borne of Prof, and Mra
line of np-to-data atatioocry — i
In the FItib arart to maraly nomlaal' Hor«t thia craning tor praetiea.
box paper and tableu. etc.
aad it to bat a qaeatloa of tba else tf ' Tbara waa a meeting of thoaa wbo
No old etoek—Pricca reneoahla majority.
j are uukr part to tbe opera ••Patlasoe"
|at tba dcbool of Mule rooaia laat nlgbt
•poaltion to John Kyaa]kafer‘and prallmiaary arrantemeatt wi
>r to tba *nirt ward will be ao mada Foar ladles and two grntlamrn
» araatill wanted for tbe eborura. attar
which there will aol be roam for more.
The praetioa will reqairebut little time
and tboae who give Prof. Bont their
flrat will be tbe oae* to lake tbe
Tba Rnconn baa fined ragnlar cbargM
teroarda of tbaake aad ratolnUosa. plaeaa to' tba cborna.
Daniel Hall, a pioaaar of Oopemleh,
Oarda of tbanka will ba pobliabad for
Ueentaaad rtoolatlooa TSoaato. Pay- died Wedaaaday night of heart tallare,
at tbe age of :t. Brv. & dalebery of
It at tba above rate* aboald
thto city will oSeiata at the foaeral
paay the order for pablleatloa.
who are not now ragtolarad which will ouar at Copamleb today.
aboald aae that their aamei at« enroll- Ha leavaa a wife and foar eblldras.
Ktoi Jnlla Barlow to aarionely ill
ad (tota'rday tf they wUb to vote.
with fever at tba borne of Mr aad Mr*.
Bbartff Oaorga Bpblnaon of SiandUh.
Jobs Krlley of tieveaib atraat.
Areaae enanty. wu to tba elty ycatorThe firm of Millar A Pranta were
day with a pntleatfortbe nsylam. He
apentaavaral hoBfavtoitingbto friand. baay all day yaatarday. palting la
i tbelr new stock of frnlta aad eonJohn A. Loraagar.
for butorr*
on. Hoppa. Of the aaylam ha. Jut I
raealvad a fiacEagUtb actter.for watob I
te paid a bandaime nriee
awntog baa beea torn down from
AUeketwuaoldoatheO B
the Bill. EaUag Houa ca

I Bran' New
; Stationery


OrtoUd mBkfi quite b big loud

That is just what we drew from the freight house
Thursday—50 Eagle Bicycles at one load.
I have sold the Eagle bic>xle for 6 years. They.
give the best of satisfaction.^^
1 have a few second hand wheels that are. bar*

Slater’s House Furnishing Store


Just Received tt!
Several Hundred Pairs
Of new ahoee for children, which
mnde espiM^inlly to my order—that ia
Ube kind w«- ,teU_We know of no Bcb(<ol
ahoea to be ivuiimred with them -They 6t
well, are up to fashion, nut too dear—ind
abould be bou^rht by nil who desire‘to get good Ttlue lor
Iheir money. The prices nJe 4N. Im, 7.‘>, iCle And $1.16.
Eeaoh sensoii the shoe hill of every customer in the cuoimunityis lens liecaupe we ntv here.
You are ns welcome to look as to buy.

A. S. FRYMAN, 136 Front St.

The Stationery

yaJt^t, fTpui^;'' "u L^boigbt
by Mr*. Bartson for bamlf aad child ; ^
Mr*. DrOraw. who aUriad to I All meinbera of Mr*. Kellogg's 8acWaahtogioa yastertay.
|dayaebool elaaa of tbs Flrrt' M. B.

WorkbasbagDaoBlbe big oemaat
«o maat at tba
factory at BIk Rapid*. Ia addition toj^^
Mr*.- B. Bristol. »6 Cast
tbs factory ItMlL aptor 1.400 fast long I

to baiagooaatraeled. Pba c1Um«*
Ua tovrn ara oonfident that Ito popnto^
Ct^Hatiaa Endeavor tociaiy of the
Uon will doable to two year*. Tbe
factory win employ too mea. and will t^lends ebareb this avantog at tb.*
I borne of Cbarlaa Haunaford. will baa
A aUttoa baa baea opened bv. Ua *'^'7 »><‘«MLnt affal'. Bach member of
hiviic oUcr
OTbe BdfU la aoBerlnf frca the after Blchtfos Tbiapboaa company m May-'
no. ^
------------------------------atfacU of the roia OB Ikd water boada; laid.
Md wbOa in iw odUorlal eolaasa it. T^tnlfbameompiaarRl ghla baa ^OT Wuyor, Frank !
tok« oaaapttoa to tba atataiaaui lb tba
Baconn that oppoaeflU to tba admtotoIraUon eoogbt tottakta political iaaae
Mt of the •{arsiioa. ia aaotber eolataa
procaadi to tall of .lbe endeavov* to
aaaka a political matter of It Almost
iP tba same braatb tbe paper declaras
that tbr only way for tbe ontskLru to
gat the rstenaleos - they dealre to to
Ura oat tbe Bepablleana and clact
DamocraU to ofBoe 'ne Bc«'»iu> agree*
that there are arm* vary good eltl/aas
•moag the Oemocnia. bat tbe Bagla
tanot been able tO| explato Just
qaallfiealtou tbay [poaeasa which are
Mparlorto UoM of ibc Bapobllean*
wkoae expartaaee baa ntada Uem maeb
more capable of looking after tbe intaroau of all tbe taxpaver*. both to
Finest soft kid skin uppera,
gplatloo to tbe water work* aad many
.•turn soles, spring
sp '
bibar Ulag* of a public natara. There
tndaome ahoea.
li maeb wtodctn la | Ua eld maxim:
Black and tan. box calf and
“Lat wall aaoogb alpaa." aad It to tot
willow calf tupa. nickel aye» way* aafa to try «zparlmrato. eepee
h-ts. ontaide backstays, .aolid
tally.wbare vlul iatkraau of taxpayers
Vici kid uppers, kid tips, tbe
aulea. sises « to
ara at stake.
new biiroad toea an<l extonaion
solea. spring heels — elegant,
Tax boaid of ed loattoa to iu wtodom
etjrliah and desirable.
hsa ratoad ibe salaT of Sapeileatapd
Ml Bora. WbUa'tbasdvaaeaof ttooa
yaar to a aaatarlal aentldarattoa for
Made of aalamander leather—
Bapartatoadeat gam bin work aiaoe
Jolt longb enough U> wear
tba epaatag of tka MbMl year baa dagood—just heavy enongh to
Our celebrated achool ahotw are
■oMWatad bto ability for tba walUon
keep oat the water—jnst light
now well known as being exAMbabeadof oar aabooto. aad UU
enough to be stylish.
oeptioeally dnntble. More
^ tba board raadUy raaaga'M*. Whaa
12toithan that — the; are uioe
Bppariataodaat Bora amamad ebarga
sbapet ud tit gotid. See tbe
ad «bt aabooli npea tba raalgaaUoa
new ones for apring.
3 to 5—
bAPradamerOcawaba waa aeofrootad
wlU a vary aadaatraWa aoadittoa


I mosrcompletE assonment.
Moderately Piited.

86c. $1.00.


The most convenient book for sales
—use a pencil—all siztS. from 5 to 30c—
all styles of binding.

Every person wants a one. We can
please thcni all—Faber. Eagle. Dixon.

Mems '


Wood at ic. 2c and ;c: black or red
Can’t have loo many - carry in thi/
vest (rocket, side prockel, hi|> pocket—sell swell 5c; rubber, different shaipes and
from 5 to 50c.

Engraved Cards

Pay Envelopes
l-or the mill, factory or slore--sell by
the single pack, a bo.x of 500 or the thmisaml.

Box Paper


.All styles, from loc to the newest
shat>es and colors, at 30c<he box.

Carbon Paper

too cards latest size, and your plate,
for $1.25. If you have your plate. 100
car<ls for .'*1

Typewriter Paper
.\ full stock of paper, sell af qoc the
Ik>x of, 300 sheets.

Rubber Bands'-^

Inks .


A m'ost useful article — Have flat
heads, round heads, at 20c box of ia> to
joc dozen.

Thomas. Diamond. Paul. Arnold, to
black ami tluid. in 5 and toe to the pints
and quarts.

Boy’s Shoes

Letter Piles



'Counter Books

Paper Fasteners


■A.1 ~Px?ecL


Blank Books

Soft paper for the.pencil, hard paper
The first thing to^y when you start
any kind of business—ATiig stock to se­ for ink. for school use. store use. home
lect from—Prices from J5c to S3.50 each. .use—sell Irom 5 to 50c.

Everj- desk ^ould have some—so
many ways to use them. Sell from 20c a
gross to sc each.

$1 00. $140

$1.00. $1 36,

Contains a thousand and one '‘little thingrs" that'are
necessary on every desk in every office, at every home. A pen
saved a man’s life-a letter book saved $100-a sheet of paper
brought a man from China-a pen full of ink willed a man a
million dollars.

For <iuplicating. All bfiices should
have some on hand—Sell at 4c the sheet.

Little Men's

Mg~l •«
koarate tba m
I woald bava baaa a
Bat Mr. Ban gnpplad

30. xw



Tito Leading Shoe Honte.

Copying Books

Keep a copy of every letter—One
Keep your letters where you can re­ man lost $100—now he copies his letters.
fer to them. .These cost you 25c the one. Sell from $1.00 up.

School Books
Ever>*thing used in the
country schools.

city and

Wood at IC to 5c: flexible rubber at
35c to 40c. Have an extra one on hand,

The Hannah ^ Lay Mercantile Co,



Si«uiuit * A Jit ]*u«( J«L Jit
. At Bwr Ufa Jmm OqAj «w mtlo«dr tajarad kj ««rt of» nOI fUliof
«B Mb »bU« fa WM
i» t»ktl« U iovB H« fad two rlfa ud »
l«r btokM.

e(UeCk««tt Oonn.
Tfa anprooM ooort baa raraeaad tfa.
daaWon of tfa elroslt aonit U tfa enae
of tfa paopU ra. & SUyteo ad Uka
Ann.ebarrod with lanav BUptoti
bad taken a bnraa oa a preparty title
nota.froaaaM named Eos bare cd
Inland, lor A. Kahn of Maaktea. Boxbve
that tbe property title
daeac waa Inaertad attar tfa noU waa
rlren. and that aa SUyton had tnkaa
tfa boTM wltbont Boxberfk knowladfa
or eonaaot. tfat fa wm enUty of
laresny. Tfa anaa wna triad three
tiaaea la tfa Bansla aonaty aonrt.
twlaa rcanltlac In a dkafraamant of
tba )ary. and tba tblrd time in oonrlatlon.
Wadaaaday tfa aaprama aonrt, to
wUnb Ifa eaaa bad baea appanlad, r*ranan tfa daekian of tfa lower aanrt,
and SUyton wna raUnaad.

Albwt H. Wlokatt Isatantly
KSLi^i Ymtmrdmj.
Oanvht Briwjan Xnrina and Bafcajta
OoMkand Mk Ufa Graafad On$■nrlna Mio Ow Xim and Mia
Body (Taa Horribly Uaac>rilBornc City, Mareb r»-A terribla aneldentoaearrad aboat half a mila aestb
M fare tbk aflamoen at t o’eloek. that
raanltad U tfa InaUat death of Albert
B. Wlefaa,a paatfacar oondnetoroa
tbe Boyne (kty A
WlAeUk traU waa waltlac tor a lof
tmUtofrioatof tfa wey. that waa
aUek on a jrada naar. tfa town. Bk
asrlsa waa anempUd. and waat for­
ward to helptfa lor tnU ap tbe frada.
Than It waa ran bank to eoapla to tfa
eoaebaa Wkkatt attempted to make
tfa oonpUnc.fattMlad. and wMoanebt
batwaantfa anfUa and tfa barc*d«
aoneb. BkUle waa emabad ont UatanUy. Be taU to tbe croud and
tba ancise paaaad over him. Bit body
waa terribly manclad.
Wiekeuk w.le k a akter of w!^.
Pelrehlld of Trarrma City. J V Fairana L D. PairOily. Mre. WIckatl frrqeeaU;
from tbelr boat at Niacan Falk. S
Y.. to riait her reUtIrea here. Lest
fall Mr. Wlekett waa offered a poalUon
OB tba n Iroad bare, and left bk poalUon ae (mpmah of the book bindery of
tfa Oarter-Oone Co., to aaeept a poaitten whore bk wife ndbld fa with bar
relatlraa more fnesenUy.
Mr. ud Mrs Wlekett had been mar­
ried twelre yea». He laevea two eona
and e htUe daaebter. Mre. WiCkeU U
proetratad by the ebook of bar bsabudk terrible death.
Mr Wlekett wa* a very cxeaplary
lU, and a proamest member of tfa
metbodkt ebsreb herr. Hie father k a
Meihodut mlekiar is Cuada-

|« Allegan WrOnvedn; Mae Uoinb.
M'rm. Fierce. Mr*. Keene. .Mt*. Sxlnner
and Heby tiklnner. Tbe laet named k
n few month* old. Tbe families
lire In Chcabtn township, aboat elgnt
mlUa from Allegan. Tbe crest great
frandmotber k yet bala asd aetive.
allhongb more thu » yepr* old.
Pireoftbe 14 patknte nt the peat
boaae at Uetrolt were dtainkned Thors
Aayud thereat wUl c«VbBl in aCa>
or two No m >re evIducM of the diR
sate are belnc reported and the'
UoUageol Medieloe U rnoalog as us js
with the nxeapt^a i>t tbe black ortoe-i
amp'.y eeat that beloaged le tta i-aa
Toasg. who lost hk life caring for onr
of hk ennam.
■e that year a

oout of Ularing Under Valnatton of Property.
Uoalog, Maiehn*-^loveriior Plagrae
hae signed three ONera ramovlnc from
ohcaJohn Ungnray.anperviaorof tfa
tovnablp of fll. Hclem: HJward NrJ
aoa. vapertlaor of Bovcommoo town
•hip. ud^Blcnard Foote, supervisor of
Me«to« township, all In fiaBoommoo
Complalnte were made to Ooveroor

■mlBm tfa Wsod ud beflldi u yur
faalth. OslyHa at Jaa 0. Joflssos

We fat the yosne mu*s
trade bccaaee ve bave iha
clotbaa that please bit taste,
at prlGca that fitMspockeebook.
There's a amaraaes and
atyia abost onr Hart,
SebaRner A Marx ailaemade clotbct that appeal
to the dreaay yosof men.
Collefe men wear them,
yosBC buaincaa men wear
them, meo of every trade
ud prafcaaion are asking
ter them.

They're the kind iriver-

tiaed in all the leading
macaiioct and worn by good
draaaara cven'wbara.



;EUtB VbiteShIrtt.
'Cittff i CcKMUl ud
: idler's lU GIotc,
Otber PlK Mored Sblrti,
L.iB. Derb; Hits,
Stein, Bled i Co.,
em.StitIlHri.lirk ud
.Ties trom tie Leidlni Reaiur Hmsei,
lolb ASH'S FtMCMililKott" len’s Hell Hose,

Wheeplrv Couch, Asthma,
Bronchltle and li

\ th, (A»ua UMCiY'
* CmaVtwmk

Uon that le tbe fotare importetloe of |,rrn vnni I
rieu pork will fa orpb’b'tad. gl** Rtti MIUL!
isg as a reason tor tbe prohibition that
the meat k k Injcrone to tba pnblle
Mr. Orkeom. tbe United Sutee eberged'af
Iv. demand


Vutia iUckau.


Arrange for your


Hamilton Clothing Co.

$1.00 a Montii

a Uauot be Ourad.
There k only oni
sea^ ud that k


c, »■ “errill,

flamed eosdltloe of the moconi linfnr Botii'phones No. 134

tioW. Fronib

Give Me
“Your Shoes

the r-*»uU. and oeirea tbe Inflammation
eu bv takrn oat and tbia tube realor^d
to lu normal oondltloo. hearing will
be de«troy«d forever. Sine caeca <
of ten ore eanaed bv catarrh, wbieb
nothing baton loflamvd condition of
■'I win »avr you the coat of anew
tbe mneona sarfacen.
pair, and at least a third of wist olbWe will give One Bondred Dollare
era charge for the work Then If ibtfor any rase of Deafneae leansed lallk
Tlflbt. dp'lhe right thing


cT^ui." ~ R..R
, the cobbi eky

Core. Send for elrenla^ frva.
P. J Cheney A Oo . Toledo, O.

Hairs PamllyPllk are the heel.


4is Lolun S.., near



Pompare them with any
shoe sold — You get both,
style and wear in this shoe — You take no cbanceB
when you buy the P. & S shoes—Wc bav< ^ol«l them for
18 years.

The Old Bflliable 8bo« Usd. ^

i Look f’»r the new store -We have m >v,-d one door west ol
the Brosch Block.

itumbtTh VTt ^Uvi Artsb qoo4» tot


M \o chW T|»w AttetvWon \ov

II there k ao law by wbteb men who eo
asdri valne
eroperty: - i
or wilfally naclectdetycaii br br^oght ^
to Joetiee. there ei'.reld be one enacted

Pingyee & Smith.
Composite Shoes
Price $3 OO.

I Frank Friedrich,

|T)vess Soods

a of the three offeedlng
eonrrvkore. ud tbe ettte tea cummiaalener* were rriineeted to 4nv«ni<au.
Tbe inveetigaKoo waa mndactedRby
faereury Fred M. Twke of the Ux
ommlmloa and Attorney Uenemi
Oru. ud tbe findlsga of tfa Inveetlgan Mr m
Uoo resulted >0 e decUlof' from
gatliy le
Oran that the three men
of trandnlant undarvalnetloB of pf»p 1H
eny and eefle:i of dniy.
It appran from tfa rapprt ot tbe in
reetigator* that mneh of the property
4vaa reined at aboat one-tentb ot Its
actaal ua«b valne itevernor Ftngrae

>‘.rr .ScTinul fiwpe>v«re--F. C. OHiicn.,
ii. H»r«.
A Plandkh Attecb.
As ntteck woe Uialy nmAe cs C. P.
OnlUmofCbarekaa, Iowa, that
pwandtateL It«mmcthrengh
fare Hkbackgotao lame hi
set aieop without great pals, orr Mils
a efatr except propped by apfal- SA Me
Wa, Ifa asiwaigsna, do hereby
ramady falpad him nniU fa irteo BUa KTM *0 rnfssd thomoMy es s 1C waiV
Irtc Blttere whtab . ffreted anfa a moa- V -kSM ut Urvaae'a Warreawtt Oyt
Aartal chasca tbai'fa writes fa flteli Tar tf U (alU to core joor congh or
Ubaasawmaa. ThM msmimm m^K coid. Wa aton gsareatM a »cent


Alderman UarrtKis >» pa>silnc J- H..
MarUnek e Jewelry etore.

Tnrkay ^01 Bnlnde Meat Shipped
Prom tfa Belted states
PoBaiantinoi^, b


rUnnast Ikogrnm

Tfa Bcbtk cmda of tfa Ckniral
bnUdinc baU a raralar maeilac ot
tbalr lyaenm. yaaterday after aebool
before a email abdlanaa. A Sna procram wna cimn by tfa aebolara.
Tfa tyaenm waa opened with a vaeatlonaonc by tbe aebool, after wbieb
Blla Smith read an intereaUoc and tcetraeUae akateb of Salt Uke Oay.
Ktbal Jewall ca*e a vary Aae raeltauos and Boy Hoff forakbad exoelleni
maak Ma^ Blcftna care a • aery
plaaalat readme.
Tfa dkenaaloa fallowad and waa ably
bandied by both aldaa. Tbe asbjeet
waa. -Baaolaad. That It le more dealrable to lira m tfa city tbu m tba
Tfa apeakara oa tbe afirmaUae ware
Grace Tbaobold and CneU Gear, and tba
necstlaa. Marion Plana ud Lores
Ooas. Tfa dkesesloo wae daeMUd la
teaer ot tfa afirmsGaa.
Tfa prorrsB cloead with aaonc by
tba aobool, * Tbe Bricbt Boey Mornln».”


■crly s dry c<Mda
lac wet devoted to parlor caeeet ant
troit. Bk former wife
livat at'' eonttclosiJoHItr aooke vjlsmea tor
esjortsest of the event. It w«
Moorarllle. Isd.
Miat Jessie Btlley, U SMi
I very late boar before go ti sicbtt a
the pmtoffl m st NortbriUe. lost s c^‘^ ■tid to tfa antertalsers
alaave bsttoo wbtie mekisc op a mtU.
Mrs J. Oarrow was civsn a very
Three deye later, when a bef of mall pleaautasrprke Wedseaday evenlnc.
wae damped upon the dklrlbatlsc ta- ie honor of bar binbday uslvenary.
Meat toe NertSvIlle postoSlee. tbe a bar borne OB Bast State atrebt. A
mkaiac botioo rolled oov with tbe let­
delicbttnl time waa enjoyed by allters.
Jobe Bloc, a tarmar llrl^ m Manila
Seveisl ot tfa younc men who
lownablp. IB miles from’ Bear Uke. home from eollece cavB s dellcbtfnl
urrowly eeoaped death byacelduUlly aoeUl party last eventnc In Mortescb'e
UUlac os one ot bk eowe. He wae academy. AVmi M oosplee ware pr«e
Inedinc bk eiocb from e plaUOm. ant. ud daneinc waa Indslffed in natil
shore the eatUe when be pliebad down a late honr^_________________
head irsl npoo tbe borne of u ulmal.
t'or-Mamben BimrrtPublic H'orkM —
.ouotwbkb estersd hk cheek nenr
bkmostb. friebtfsHy laamtisc bk W. F». V K BioA.
Water In the St. Joeapb, Fortacs and
Bosky rivals k tba btcbaet at Tbrse
Blvwseleea l«M ao<l toe low laode ere
Ttarae tinpervlaeta in Tronble oo Aoall overflowed. The dam os ibe St

acavarted Into charcoal fm naa in tfa
iroa taroaoM at MarH-ielte'

BMdand Taiy

kprooaaOewtBoramd tfa Diakti

AanM. bh<Ib> <d tfa. WoMa'a
Bom Mfaio*^ t'eloo of (fa CoofrofMlooal efareti of HioUfia. k la a«*'
Moo *t Aaa Arbor.
At rootoo tfa laprorw
•UM dartHod to plaea faa.cxs at tfa
dfaxml of tfa dUjW eocDBlttM o
lodaea oaw iodaaMaa to ioeata thoro.
nafaTBoa on aarluw fair are nwktarpoataatebaa, bat tfa^ are Mao
malfa rroat rtafa. Tfa ^ la atlQ
aoUd, bnt a faar/ wlod fro* tfa aoalh
aaj aaod it oat lato tfa ba)r.
At Port Hvoa a poealiar aaaa la fa>
Ur tried Is tba }saUaa oowi hi wbifa
t'ott ftapnbUdan rnit^Tk
Tojlor. a proalaast btuloeaa
tfa plMsUff. add Dr. Ffad Lot
tfa dafoadast. Tfa Uttar’a oSae ta
*ear Taiior'a atore asd osa slcbt tfa
I,IK§ I.
vatar waa laft rasalaf aod. doodad tfa
alora. danariar a <|oabUt7 of f'lodt.
Tapior anaa for dabiaraa.
The drat part of tbe weak tbe SeaBaakar Almwos Whitabaad of blraUfbaB beard a oat In diatraaa Is tbe of tbe teeeheri Of tbe Blch school ud
roar of iba bask boUdlnc. He went to pat It into effect loat ntcbt with cratltfa rateaa Tfa oat took ta a troa and fytac eaeataa
Mr. Wklteboad tollowod'Wiih tfa in*
Tbe two taaebere who ware oomtaation of wiarlne tba (rlgbtMOd
pallal to asiartam tbe aolsalMd
laal down. Be climbed ap a dUUooo Coaeti ware tfa Mkam Djwnlnc sod
of M feet and had ]oat cot bold of tba Atklo. aod after tba ambarraatmesi
(oltM wbao the limb oa kblch be w
waa oaer and tfaa bad aolleeteo tbelr
auadlnc faoka. proelplUUsc him
tfa rroand. Be waa plokad-sp useoi ; prka os tbe elsoe wblefa they kept is
aokMaaoditombeaereralwoeka b.. dees myetery sstli by plaadloct
(ore be U able to attMd to bk rofslar ud parsaasos they raaealad tba
the aaerat-a ycBBC sun wrjtloc InalAs arcroffala of tt.ouQ aoraa of tbe tetlou Is tba diBlnc room. Tfaae
. roappraked eehool landi lotated In tbe Isaitatlosa ware Istesdad tor the elaae
aossUee ofTnacola. WeaJord. Alcar. asd when tba pseeu departed for tbelr
Glare asd Mtaeaska. will fa offerfa at biBsa they fare kindly ramlsdad tfav
psblle sale datardaT- It It appralied ibay wosld know next time when tbe
at from 7S eentJ to M an acre, and ekeiwaeeomlBC.
BMt brine tbe .BlsnmiB apprakrThe elaae wee royally ontartalsed
Bant. After tomorrow It aan fa par. asd eosld not bare bad a more asj >y.
abaeed at prieaM eala.
aWe tlise It they bad reoelrad tbe isJaa. J. Holland of DatroU olalmt that teoded mritatioaa Twesty-B*e mem
MaelemjanroldBoa C«rl wee Ud- here were preaaat and s delecatUo of
napoed in Weeehac. W. Vn.. Wadnae- Cirla bad to cs after e biahfsl boy.wbo
dap bp Ak diroreed wife, and be k now doea sot atieod easlal fasstiosa. Toe
la fat psroaU of tbe two. Mr.Bolland cleat met at tbe Soa» of Mamie Dm•nd hk eon hare been epewdlnc aeraral pipe oa Bicbth etraeV Ud pro-aaded
aaontba in Wbeeliar Be laje that t> tbe home of Mr. aod Mre 8d. OoarBU bsatlcd bk itos mto s ' tada os Sereath atreat, where the two
alossd earrisfe, drove to jtbe atatlos'estprked osei retlde. The elaei
a ticket for Colsmbna. ;broocbl alone e repeal la tbe akppa

Joaaoh. tba tarenat Is iseolij. nis
dancer, barinc already been afferud
by tbe heavy flow of water ud lea.
•cmaottfa fnetary falldlace are asrTOiaitert by water ud mbs osllais are
flooded, bat as yet DO eerloM damaffe
faae been dose.
The Clevelaod Cliffs Mtee Co. bae
psrehaMd iT.ouu acres of hardwood
mode noritaweet of MaBqoaite. The
I U tbongbt to preaaga the,
baUding of a railroad Mrtbwaaiirom

FRIDAY, MARCH 30. 1900



1st Wc- lake the $1.50 kind—There is
(juite a ranjjr of colorings, and you may
take your pick for just.........-W8c a yard
'nd- ls the S2.00 kind. .A good.Hne of
colors, .■\ll fresh and oew. Yours for
only........................................... $*-48 a yard


S tissue OwdiwVe
^ btAuWVid



sV,\tTtvA\t& m\Vv A AtmatVirr tkY^VAitd


td m\t A voWa do\. *^Ntc ©net ii \%t. Atvd ^«r

tD\W «t\.\ \>ttA \ok a\ \btM
qbods STt
bl Xo bb \ivtVt*b t^it. Ahd

D)AVS\A'atm\V^Ad\\VATdVOtltaAVA\ttVA^W. 5

s.'vo.mfctv I

Mi). TdvVVvVeu m *»aKswH0i{K8aiiiWiiHi jgagaaggi*
- ■■

___ ____ORDER


I have put in a bhop in connection with my hard*
ware, and am prepared to do any kiiid of sheet iroa or
tin job work, driving HMd repairing pumps and any kind
of iron pipe work—also all kinds of repairingjuflually J
done in a shop.
You will find my prices seasouAble.





SldcwmlkLimilwrlii Ririian.

I A» Tr»TT— OUy Irumbw Oo


MoyalflM Prc«M.



l» tNOtT MTOfUCt I
AlCkiMCO. «•
“«*• «*•
linliwi. wiuM Arm* hftv* eo •CT'*'
at man ttaa f4,000.0M.
:an «or«tnc la ttta yard* of tk* Tail
tSMM Oo^ ai TklnytoarUi •«#! and
ir—lUaaaaa*. TbJir ar* #a»a«ad u
IbafdM«MlUbara* aa aridaoe* at
tthaH layaJjy la »k* •<»•»«• oaaa* T»o

Dr. Hfaaa «m U 014 K)aHaa ywtarj4»yoa aaaiaaw
WUmWKbwuB af Maarea Oaatar.
wat U Ua dty yattarday.
J. W. rateUa ha* gaM to Datrolt
ai4 Jaekm ea badBMa.
Mra. rrhak Barwaa aad ahUdraa.
with Mra DaOraw of Maplttoa. teft
yattarday for flaaulc. ^aahtagtoa.
____ lor tha
»bara Mr. Bariaaa haa ban


At th* Baattag of tha loyal OIraia



tha drat
ih to ha*a
pUy of Oao. H. 1
baaa broafht to Trararoa City T**
rary (anay faro*, apekan of aa tb# bMt
of th* BBBy wrlttan by Mr ’ Broad.

Mie Beatto Booker fillowad with a

WHMta MR tte jMnayMB

«aM«a waralMkad oat aftk* yard* at
«b* IMt aosyaay. WAot it baoaaaa
appinil tkat tba iitmamam alfht
wtkaadJaMa«laraa*MalMatki Hr.
rtatt haaM* alarwd aad aaaaalai ta
<XWy na»aa«*4 ta iha aaly mr «
Dr. U a HawarA e< WaAtactos. la
■aiMiwi hate* U* DlfMa Ohi ao«Mra*ral*aa»acafara warslar af
„lM,*aafaalaaaat whlah »U1 oaV

vItM Ih*




••hlwlaf ¥Mr-''aTha bag i*

' aad lahaMl*' yarl* af|M*w
a. Dr. aorrardatata* that It la
C aarthward. It h daaerlhad aa
Mac brightaada
d ^taU of glrlag a Koal farodoai
Mia Tbaatiagaf ihaiaaaatlapolaoe
wMlIk* that af tha aoaaUad "klaalai
bag.Vila Paolatto. tha fMlaago ItaUaa
«alaaok**par who taai tha powar of
agaaah aooa aftar tha aardar of ''
,p*rta«. Mlehaal Oiorlto. aada
•Uaap-a to eoBRlt aaleid* by forolag
tha point of hU erateh down hi* throat
la ooart. Tha ahoek raatorad
Bor. MUloo Sparka, adaaatloaal
agaat of tha aaUoaal Baptlat
Upa. in hn addr*M to h larga maaUog
of oolofod panttat praaehar*. In BalUman. M4.. Wadaaaday alght, argod
tha aBlgratloo of tha aolorad
Wbaa h* got tbroagh tha
.^raaehara paaaad raaolatloai aaklog
4nago«arBB*atlo aneoarag* tha ool«t«d r*o* of oUar ooaatriaa. aaeb aa
«b* Waal ladlaa, Uaba aad tha Congo
Mr** Buia. to aaklgraat to thi* oobd'


tloo;___ __ E. Brnwn. randlng;
Bllaa Baatdaliley and Myra Bbn
all* Oamabell.aolo.
dank Hn.B*1


of th* Par* Marqaatta

■a Toolaa th* Antgaona,
All daetora told Banldi BaBOten of
-0-. after aaMeriag »»j




TrinrsiCitT, - - Wckifii

Be wise
and try one.
Cash Capital $200,000


Marlgatlon Opeoec at Kanlaioe.

"Tn# woaderfol oil diacofciin
Boaibern OallfornU wlU. wllbln aaborl
tlme.drlv# ooal from tbe Pacific eoaat.”
aay* PrU A Barlow of Lo* Aogele*.
"It Ita aplandld foel. aadh*ll«t the
eholden ar* now nalng It for cooklag and beating paf0<»«»Card of Tbaak*.
We wlab to thank tbe Kind
kind Itrinnda
e kledoeea abown
tbe aad low and barlal of onr de»r
non and- brother
who gavenpbi*
• »r B
- lloplnee
nee laat
la fall. Alao
Uf in tba Pbill
... ffferini
_ . ->g*
tar tba man^fl'i
axD Maa- Ueo. Stoi
Mna LcLaxu
Anwaos ^T0Rl(fl.
Cha* tToaw.
LxsA 8to*k».

p atuotkBtotektltlm.




. eke Warner’* Wbilr Wim- «f Tur Pvt
l»c bert cough rerucd>

TbR R. a rU>^D, omcr m sew ToomHct

Be*. Ko to: re»><l*ucr. Ko tl. Norttaere Bb<
-oakv*Bd r«(ideae*, Kb-Tt.
■ orcbti'k n*ra Tre*u dlnea*,* el bl
Ir boiBbte b; tb* UleM eud bom apmrlhud*. t>*r er nlrfal caU* prowaUr

for field ran. Apply
Starch Company.

John R. Santo,
Geoeial lusiraice.

It oenu
IS eenu
NM et
WntzbniT lllnck

LlttldlTfiTda—littld TfiTdnL
WMto Wloo of Tor Byrup, the
l>c»t rough n.-mcly on earth, cure* a ctfld
ledaj-ifukcniuUriir :2.> aixlSOcts


At a mall, ibcy become died aad i
kauited, and ibere on faaekacbca, *V
eebm. beadeebea, aad neiu ia i
aboGlden end llmbt. DlgMloa U d*- 3ni'if'pkka Um* ’
ruged, aad tbe lascnidp cxbanaud feel­
ing* of apnoR canar mUcry to tbe body.
Tbcm U oolr oec mean* of makiag
Ibe tdood pare, and ttal it throogb tbc
kidney* aad liver—tbc filian of tbc
Ay ocuag directly on tbcac
dcliceu Often*. LH. Chaae’a SidneyLivei PiUa parity tbe blood a* no otbai
preperatioD wa* ever known to do.
Mr. Wm. t. Harney. Seottarlllc. N.
V.. write*: •"------------------_j j_
"Liver compMal
aad im. II. B KkBk
pure blood ere tbe bane of my lUe for
face wa* careted with
e^ bicMchB, aad I could gel
nothing to hdn me nntil 1 tried Or. A.
V. Cbaee't Eidney-LiTW nito. My
akin I* now^^r, and 1 cotoider thcae
alnabk aa a remedy far eooatl.
patioa. liver compUlat aad Mpore
iSS. Aa ■ kidney medidae they era
tfkoee. aad 1 abeU rramuaend


Half Soled
Id 30 mlnatAB whild yoB
WBit—Priced 40 A&d 60o.

i S. rrymaii, 135 Ftoiil Sneit

Sited Kipllit IndluiRi.
ivel aad dv*amn of itaIb* a> Tia»ewa
(bir. iBvavel Ovevwbar ITik. IM.

Good wheels for aale cheap.
OD time or for cash, at

E. Lange’s Bicycle Shop


work «l klfben peMihic arAde. ?!»• c*
work A *pwle>lr.
Mew OSo*. Xsrkbaaa Block.


or KAlkAFkA.

ITndcrtakinK Parlors

No <|iin«utb roll's ■!?**■. A*l
i-'rll U«. <
SB *»l.»rlFO«'F
r4 «iU> bin. IlF.psrtl

Fire Insurance.
L. L A. BnUdlng.

Farms for Sale

-rtwII.HAW 4
^*pld*. AOd AlACp
KApId*. ABd *l**plAf
llApid* to CbirAco
TrAlo Arrlinii«rJAt 1-JOp W
) ilr*B«T Ota
• lAAUtoC'rAOd
to (JrAOd BAbld. ADO
rb AOd Alee*
lo* rAr CblFACO
cbk**o-to GrAbd Ba|
•o HArkls**
Ttiela Arrl'lDC Al*m* w hA« rba'.r CAT FV
WA7D*toUrA^KApld*AX>d vbAlr cat UrABd
RApldblo P*ioAk^.^ lirRlt*V.A»*biD. n
n P a T A . OrAod SApIdb

Tbe Fere Marquette Railnid


ooiMO aom.

It will soon lx- spriny and yon will mins a Ko-al barKsin if you
don't buy odp of my farniA
25 acres on LonK Late road, josl back of the Bsylum; all clear­
ed. with a nice orchard, koo.1 frame houeo. nice spring brook runnini;
■full length of the farm; this U.a very desirable placs for gardeninj; or
any om- who wants a bonx' n(«ar tbe lity. Price $1,2UIJ.


UDdU; nobuildini.'R;
acres on


\ PU ■■ AU
1 '
I 7 U


some Umber;
20 Bcroi two miles from town, one.fonrth mile from Kmioch- l*^’
rilic brewery; heavy soil; all clsaredrsnuU bouse; good sprioif of
cold water; prk-e44U0.
80 acres four milss west of the villsKe of Lake Ann, 20 acres
cleared; Amall frame house; staall frame barn; a good farm: plenty ol
timber ik tbe place; price S600.
40 acres two miles north of Uke Ann. 20 acres cleat^; amall
frame houae; log bam; small orchard good sisad trees: cheap, 1200.
40 acrea ooe mile from Lake Ann, 3U acres cleared: good heavy
soil, level; good water: small orchard; frame boose and ham; A No.
one small farm. Price, 950a
80 acre* foor mile* west of Wexford in Graul; small frame


Ultni IB mj (riBBdB,

Manager Nortbwebtern Miehlgan.Travle City. Hicb. Offieoproom S. ToaHer bicek.

SSI Sonib Union Street
ttkk 0«—t»*t IJ< W«ii'» Dnicblor-oo r*IVB
P,>rm. UuodbAroi* rorneeiInD 'or rail
CalU Ifli At Brodb'ff'*’* or PhA,..'.
>tAbl*B.«ill b» irr.iBpi:. kl>FndtKl to. If
re pl*>o».nlBi-*lJl..Jrio*». Surtbera f


We are now ready to norcl
,»y fton II to


wW AB* ebliawB-* elieb»e« e apeelAHr. OfSev aeon: »lo It * w.: t t» 4 aad » w t a
m. Bell *pbob»Bt_______________________________

Spar varorto_______________

Llttld TdTdTtt—Little TfiverB.
To Oore m uom m One Omy

a In -tbe world rapre
anranee« ,
aeniad la my agency.


farrataldtAotn ue Oalaas-a llartlt

The Oontloental AkBaruee Oompeay
of North Amariea Mnca all np to data
polldea. laaaring agalMt aealdeat aad
tlekneM. pay* indamalvy froB SB to IM
week*, both tbort aad long term pollclet. alto Ucketa on all tbe leading boapUal* In tbe UnlMd Slate*. For fall
parlienltr* ece

For Fire Insurance Shoes

esUl> Oe. Book.

eUy yaaterday.
Tbosaa B bbarpe of the Lgke View
Bosae of 81k Bapida, la at tb* Park
Tob bhaa# want aoatb laat sight oa
the Per* Maronetu oo baainana. •
baBoal Wallaoe of B.k ftaslda
ia the eity yaatarday.
J. Jobsiosaod wife of Cedar Baa
wars at tha ColaBbla yaatarday.
O. M Dame of Nortbport wa* la tha
city yaaterday on bnaiaw
la tha oity
Dr. S A. Jobnaon
froB El
»n Caldwell west to Cbarlarola
laat sifhk
MyeJotdan wa* Is the dty tros Button* Bay yralerday
Fred Donner of Cedar wa* a Traroraa
CU/ rUttor yaaterday.
John Ptelflay ha* retarsod froB Big
Rapid* and Eeed City, where be haa
been rlalliog rel atlrea aad frtenda.


lAVKK. O. P. a..
Orae* KapUa

liiQin in Knnunu l i.


and Paper Hanging


StiU in bnainees inttie old stand. Hooae and ai|{n painV
ing, paper banging.' decorating, ealcimining, glazing, natoral
wood finish, etc. Eetimatas famished, hbop np staire, 296
Front St (W. W. UUlem store). Orders (eft in store wUl
get prompt sttentioa. Beodenoe 1045 E. Front Street.
Both’Phones, No. 158.


nUaf. FitMaoandeo*.

Utu* TAT«n-Uttld Tati

detemined ita eoM,
tbe cignr ahonld i*.
tail Kt 10c Atnigbt.


laAM. "Tn m Ajnmp ( tt.ttampia
it, bnt It will oni n* np nillnp every
.d k, k,.B.U BBlBld. l.;Cl.™,B.d W-. ,
time ” Oalmant BlMtlc Floorr Varnlah
o**day by UTlng to drop from a third
Ban***, MlnnreoU. Tei
SB Wa>t.
aiory «indow of ibe Uoaar of the (k>od •ad North aad Honib Dakota, and
Little Tavern—Little TiTem.
bbepberd. but one of Iba ouo* gtatped placed large ordera-wltb neb of them,
berwriauarrtl held her «rmly for tea i p
BinaUennUI a hook and ladder «>«n-' ,^on ar-caerlletl. ^
pany arrlrri and got the girl down by
mean* of a ladder.
“‘ '
A-ratlroad acbool forj candldale* and
Ben in training tor anpolotment in the
“ «Tf*
r^lar permanent eerflcr In the oper­
a. Cowpv
ating deparlmeol of; the Proeela aute j
railroad* l*a* reoenUy | been opened In i
ntn a U.K-n»» w'l'h
Berlin, and ala bonr^' Inatraotion 1*
P li'-* BBmni. BkllMB *'
glren each week for a year In a regular Keep the Kidneyt Aod Uvw TVsIl
- Ih*»(r»lHealthy, AcUva and Vlgorcootae.
-To t>urrhv>p b(n>» wUb *>k.j|
1. In
InnAllt*. WnM Ib- eh«*p
The new aalomnblle iatage* raanlng
oua by UaloE
k. Wll’lao Ibeob. ns K>u,h Cr.t*r
«« Fifth aranat. New York, are bnllt
to aerommodate jolt iblfteen peraoaa Dir. A. Wb CHASE’S
A bag* win* barrel, weighing •atpn*
op looa. baa Jaat been bntU U Man^
*• oe Srvwet'
Yortb* Paria axpoaiUM. Iteeoatwaa
Netnre «eke* ms extra aflort la th*
Mo.anaprtng to rid tbc blood of lu iapnritiea,
end the iUv* of tbe bknd-tbc kidney*
wMral atation at Crab laland. aontk.
nat of Porto lleo._________
^3 rli—kBn,lBB,B«^.

II' 1ui

liifertiClilfUnikH Ci.



Funod in amoking a .

5c Pig Tail
John F. On & Go. Havana Smoker


atNagoaaWL Japan. Tbl* ie iheflnti<
>barbor 1* aiUI aolld aad twenty ioebe*
ship load of American coal c
pon«l into Japan,
j thick, bat .be R O. Patera 8*U and
LoBbor company bare n force ooltlag
Determined to eontrol Aelalle eottoo
a channel to tbalr dock* to enable
yam markeU, the eot^n aplnarn of
t <em to atari their raa*el* at once
Japaa bare organ lead a ootton yarn
IT..1 O. .. I...... .»l.. Tb™,,k; ,, ^
n.>'. b™>
u..i™> „„
Lokdoi.. Snlluia.
»k.l> -m Ikolkl. .. HXku >J«!,„|„n„b.lM»«l.»d.J..dclo«k
^ eentTBO wlih J K t».*«ik oJ thr
.-•wT MBrpbr.'ld Tikjf. old. .ttunpt-l M*i.k.llrDl1rr lodk for p iBrpBC,

Baakw »o«u a Bobber.
J. B.tiiniaoo.oa*blarof the bank of
Thoreellia Oblo. bad bean robbad of
haallk by a eartooa lang tranbl* nntn
M triad Dr. Elng-* New Dteeorery tar
TkBaaanrtlnti Ttaae be wrou: "It la
tM beat Badlelac I o<rar need lor a
oaeor* oold or a bad eaae of Isag
uonhia. 1 alwaya kaan a botU* cm
MM." Don't aaCar with ooagfa*. eold*.
or aiay Ihraai. ahaat or Inag tranbl*
whan yon ena ha anrad ao anaily. Only
Ma aad pl. Trial MUnU 10 eeata.
bIm. O. JobMon aad 8. B. Walfa drag






No renedy equal* WaBKMB.W
.1* terrlWura or TJJi srsrp for ibli
Ue and fatal dlaeaae. _If taken
takai thor­
oughly and In Uiae. ivwllleiir* a oaae


ttipUyaa *a«ag*B**t
Mal*ote.*ad I. M. Wlaal* waat to OraadooThiraday.^^rUlirii* no.«tawa joatarday oa baatawa
Biaatral *•
O^Oark Blekai4 attaadad th* faaoa^.th* road. T.a ....___ _ bnt ha’anraT hlmaalf with
•alafhM lathar-ia-Uw, OaorgaBta, uaidy «o paepltf
Bnaklaa'a Aralaa aniva. th* beat U th*
world. tiraatpaaaaraoaaartA Mea
“piM-. pndtal K •»., Jea. M Oailif*. «ho wa* haalM a bOE.M Jaa. O. JohMon and A. B. Wnlth
ItaM Uk. «-«>« Oo . p.>il lanagar of Marray A Mack whoa *mg#»or*n________________
lhn«A Ik. .IW,
— kk kkr Ihoat wHl kMwn aoBadlaaa playM
Llttld TATva-Z^ Tatob.
k> (k.ti.11.4k
lik kim. U KH
aralaatOatobar, lanowdlraotlnc tha
rarftfhiaown play. •‘ThaAIr 8hlp>cahdb
MM Mia* Coopar. who haa baaa th* . mnalaai tana aoatdy of grant merit
f***tofMi*.aO.T*raar forlhapaai Tha pradaetlon I* asdar oaatral el Th#
wa^rataraad toharhea* at Bann- Mara and Baloh eompany of Saw York.
ala ytarday.
agar Statabarg annonneh* that
Ml« Cote. triBBar for MM Paarl thlt allraelloo wiU b* aaan at hi# playgPw^lvW
Taekabarryh BUUaory parlara. haa
arrirad from har holB* te Datrolt.
QaorgaKlIoaot Good Barhorwat la
AdvertMn Lataec*.
tb* dly yaaterday.
Best to be had
Mn. A. J. DaVrlaa waa la tha oily
the citj is at
troa WltHaaabargyaatarday.
Mr*. Uwranb* haa rataraad froa a
r, a. Meeo. rvaeral prerttev alee
haalnaat trip to 3hVeago aad Olareland anM*pi>rfcv
whaia aba ha* baaa parMaaiag apriag
See paoiplfifi ui window.
ationer a»« OesBwUor ai
slab*. OMee^OltjOper*
Dndlay Wait haa goa* to BpoVaar,
SEE------ -^B
Waak. ,
MM« Lyala aad Nora Prays* of
8b*nsan ar# rlalUng thalr asnl. Mra.
1 eeat dne on <
•p c ou.aR»t.a»wr«rr
Clark of biaU airaal.
2r. te Prvlwu proeUe*.
Joe OUror of battona Bay waa ta tha

laahalU Kaaa. tha It yaar eia girl
-who gaiaad aotortaty baoaaaa ah* had
' foot of *baor«al aia*. that tkay war*
- «)MtaaUy boralBg. dlad . Wodnaaday
BOantooa at Trantoa. M. i. Har daath
ToaaUad bom oonraliloa* aaaaad by
. -tk* psltoa fr>a th* opiata* aka
foroad to taka to alUy th* pain. The
-glM for tke Ian two yaara war trbnb;od wlib a bnrotagaaotatlog of the faeL
ahd wa* foroad to ranalo la a altUng
poalUoafor Boatkt with bar feat In
hot water, bandar aftarnoon aba waa
taken with a eoaraUlon whleh. Ilka
(Other* aba bad etparlenoadU. «a*
oaa of laadanoB

Llttld Ttm-Utti* Tati
Tk Cm U liirpt" >t ■"».

laltlatad aad aarenl aaaaa
haiiolad on. Th* Orel*, thohgh aaw
to TrarerM City. I* ataadUy aad aaraty
■orwalng In alta
■aeb DOBbar on tha prograB tar th*
araolag wa* wall raadnd.
Mlaale Laaeaatar aapeeUUy glrlag *
fwdlag oa th* kraat banedt* darirad
fioBthelodg* lOOB. atlda troB ita



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