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The Morning Record, May 29, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TnrmoO Ovar Oitj angfnaw
VorChrap^ Baltfp.
Waja aai :
» W Parfl.«»»(*aataa
n- Itnar^"—t*
hr niaailp
•^^Oaai*li«« IbrtM*
mA «t»Ud (hat aaj Mtto that
tha Tirtaal waf
Mda wltti Mr. Sarthrap at Oa toraar
aaattacofthaaoaaea ba ak^ an-
ttaaoaaaQ hadraaUy htiad Mr. Barth*
rapattha f
- t Mr. Karthra^aaaM
BomaMoUlngPoaltieHatEap Bivar
aataarBthaaalaiT. aad slataA that
Driwan Oat in Oanfraien Franah
arm. M waU M tha beard ad pahUa
aaffSntfton Molly Mamed Trt(B. ware ready to wm hto aarrtoaa
tm«ny-Weik of fftrasgthanlng
Solar Bol^ In the aoMh Taataaday
ns a Wondarfnl Thlag far
Atlanta. May M-Tha total aalar
aMtpaaof INOtoww htotoay.MMA
I (hat ha
aa« the
had not haaa abto to tad a
With TremaedwM Bpaed.
d a( pehito werha who wMlh
aU tha aallw* rtnU
Loadoa.May »s-L«d Xbherto an
(hawaatharwaa parMotand rwaltoof
■ ,«rt at r~* all at tha dty
war ofiaa: ••KUp Bivar. May M.
^B^toafawarklBCwtthoat fa#. At
ri to. alabacata on tha
iHMt that to tha war It
arraar. atatad that aararal i mbara of the
now anraumi I asllaa i
toawthataet that tha arrrarriatloaa heard of watveomml earn had a»
Auabnig. Tha aaawy bad praparlirtoBt ftar ara «*haaatad.aad tha
•poaarataaadlaat alfM to
ad to oppose ns, bat i
ra was not (ha allghaat qam
artlaaaaa rt««Uiia( for tha aalariaa of
«haaaatotofer(haaaaalatroar. Aad to hto nUUty to lay aaweta aad watm ana after tha other as wa naaradtham. FermwOoreaa Oaoiaia Feread to BaWa pnrsnad tbns so hard that they
ttwaaaUaboatB. F. Horthrma. tha iins.(o pave and maaadamtot
Tsal Bamaa of Msrdaram of
to baud made aad to do any other only jnat had time to get their tve
aaaaa is 1806.
guns into a train nnd leave thto etatton
AtthaaaaHacof tha ooaadl two wart that ooald ha raqmlnd of tha el^
■pvclal wTbe HmIm »«wra.
waahaace. thawaja aad taaani aom- aaglnaar. Ha deolarad that hm only apeomeottba'
Tokohama, May 88—Former Oorean
Mittaa wara adrtaad that it waa tha obiaetion to Mr. Northrap waa that infantry daehed Into it. FreBehtoand
officials bava diviilgad, nader tortara.
Ha^tonto fc
aMaaofthaooaaaU that thoj laelada Mr. Northmp to aa aamaat ndi
Mgngwivith the enemy abont tan names of parsons who mnrderad tha
ia thair ^(oarlattoaa for tha ymi. B. tha Bast Bay system of water warka
and wonld do all that ha aonid ta ae- miles on the left, aa firing has been Qaaanin '9S. Several are arreetad and It
r Borthrap aa cUr aa»laaor. i
to probable thet aU wUl be exeented.
aaJaiy«f«i.*00ar«ar. Thto thay did. enre it lor the city. In oonclation, Mr. beard staea nm.
■■Farmers near the Una of advanoe
aad whaa tha sattar aame op in the Bastings stated that to go back on tha
are anrrandering wltb their arms and
eoaneil. it raaaltad in the Urallaat fi<ht action of tha oonneU would not ha boshorsM.
that that difolfled body hai Indulged
Mayor Friadrleb gave the gentleman
••Enodla oeenplad Sanekal May *4
la tor many a long day. and one that
Irbm the Second ward a small aall No report of what occnrred has reaohwaa worth an admiaaion tee to witneae.
down for hto amphetle aUtamant
ad me yet."
tboogb there wae ooaeidarable -boaV
the point of honor, and snggeeted that
Pfotoria, May 84—^y
tag the air" and eome Ulk that
personal rtflecUona 'be omitted from Lorenso Marqnea, M^ S9—Owing to
did aotarriee area in tha Tteinlty of
the debate.
mmors of aa intended. maUay the
tha point at iaene.
Alderman Wright eUlmed to be as Brlttth prtooams at Watarval spaelal
hononbie as any man in Travefaa City,
taken by promlbnt did not approve of paying thto eal
ary. He had no qneetlon at to Mr.
Pretoria. May »s-Br
M—The work of
Bet It’s joj
In rag^ to the atatement of Atdar- addingtoand etrengthealng the dcand wearer of
lan Hastings that none of the mam- fense of the capital are proceeding
ben of the board of pnbUe worka op- with tremendous speed. Bnadreds of
poaad Mr. Nortkmp openly. Alderman
captnred daring Tm*Bonghay atatad that It the membcre of daytohatUe oloaa to Lindlcy, arrived
rnglnaw of Fire Dapartaeant
that board had eald what Mr. Haet- bare dnrlng the night. Sehalk.a bni '
For Ladies’
Crieen of Fire Taame, each.
Ings elalmed. they had told a regnlar ar. In aa addreae to Free Stats Boars
Told ns Setnrdey. Bbeaeld; *'1
Tha qaaation being on tha edition
nsed to pay 61.00 for my sboee.
•f thto report, the tght began. Aldar- bi»».k lie. and he wonld like to meet on the Bailbron road yaatarday, aaid
of yoor 61 M sboee
(Oontlnned on third page.)
all who wtohad to awrander eonld do
M8 MoaUgae opened it with the
and thonght I would try a pair.
Of 6,000 man-present only twelve
atataaaat that ha muat, to do hia daty.
Now I wear them altogether, and
signified a detln to et^ figbUag.
really they give me better satlilay aaida any paraoaal faaUnga and
OoerlUa warfare on a large eeale to
faction than shoes I paid 63 Oo
note aa be felt eallad npon to do by tha
imminent In the Free State- Startling
wtohae of hto ooaatitaaata. Be aaid Nearly a Whole Family Shot
They’ll please yon. too.
>U are looked for dally- Yonr earthat be apiwoTed of aU tne
jpt that (elating to tha City Down by Unknown P<
deeLnietlon of property on the Bend
Thto ha eonld net vote for
has been decided npon In the fighting
^ eronld eaat hto rota agidnat the aalade Game Into Bonaa While Fam
area that approaebee that part of the
tire report nnlaae It
Uy waa Sitting at Table aad
Be atatad that the board of poblle
Fenr WiU S>ie.
worka to a man
propoaition to employ Mr. Northmp. SpeetalteTbc HorBlnc BscorcL
Anoka. Minn.. May 18—Foot bnmaa
Alderman- Sladar apoke in the aame
e^. atatlng tkat the people did dtaira beings are dead or dying, and a famUy
He Was Imposed Upon
-ly wiped out of aristanee on a
lhateneha salary ahonld be paid to
farm Ian mllea north of this elty aa the
Neeley in Onba.
Alderman Moore began an aamaat resBll of the moat oowardly and mytapaaeh with the remark that the eonn- larloM orima aver eornsUmd la thto Bnt VhUa Not Baspoaaible for That
aU were oanfnmtlag a eery naetnal aaelion of the aUta. Tha horrible
n’s MladolBgs to Bitterly
atauefaffeiie. They hadadrtoad aa mnrdar oerarrad vritUa the mambars ef
aad Bis Saerifiea to Prt^woprlatton tor the paymant of a tha tamUy of William Wtoa ware smI-
All Sizes and Kinds
Genuine U. S. Bunting Flags
At the Old Reliable
Are You Going To Graduate?
If eo, remomber Bencln for your outfit. While we hare no time
to Bend you a yard of reading matter and pat yon a bit on the
shoulder, you will find ns on the square joat the name. We
cannot save you enpugb money on your outfit to eecure a first*
class education, but
Alfred V. Friedrich
We positlnlif promise to sell lou a first-class
Sradaetloe oetflt cheaper than tti man that
e»er waltnil la shoe leather.
\ ^ow, young man, if yon are amart enough to giadoalo, yoo
are smart enough to know “from whence the wind blowetb.”
8. BENDA & CO.
$1.98 Shoes
Mlaty of ditoo to Mr. Northmp. on tha
Mcengthof wktoh ha hadrefaaad an
offer of a poaltion at a salary of $1M0
pm- yanr. Mr. Moore aUUd that tha
•nlnry was not too mneh tor a eompatant
and that no senae of honor
ooeld prompt any member who mtad
• for tha reoommandatlon at tha prerlw
asatlng to vote differeoUy now.
sUtad that pareonally ha wonld rather
pay gioo oBt of hto own pocket than to
hare tha eonneU go hack on what was
In honor a eontraot. thoegh not a legal
one. In r^ard to the ataiament that
bad bean made, that the board of pnblic works to a man ware nnfe»orahle
to the employment of Mr. Northmp. he
aeked what kind of a board it might be
that wonld ell qnleUy by while the
propoetlon for the employment of a
nan wae made, and make no enggeeiton. thoegh they were oppoeed to It.
and atiarward object, when the man
had loet a good poaltion on theetreagth
of the action of the oonncll.
Alderman koead aUted that ha had
voted for the ealary epoken of onder
the Imprcesion that the board of pabUo works approved of the eeleetion of
Mr. Nmthmp. aad that there wae plen
ty of work for him to do. Be wae
terry that the vote had been taken,
hat he weald no more go heck on the
vlrtaal eontraet than he wonld if it had
been made by blm pareonally.
Alderman Bongbey etotad that the
aalary waa emaB enongb U Mr. Nmthnp were oompetent to bnlld maaadamtaad roada, pave atreeta and do tha
other tblng^that wonld ha raqnirad.
He was sorry that he had not nadarstood tha attitada of the board of pnbItoworksontheeabjeetat thettmeof
ad at a Ubie ia tbalr farm
Witbont warning aboto ware fired from
withont, and bnekahot crashed (hrangh
tha windows, oarrylag with it death.
Martna Wtoa. age l>. and Elisa Wtoa,
age 11, ware the only mambeie of the
tamQy who eeeaped injury. The
wae Chet where he mt, SO tone
etrtkmg him in the back. Wm. Wtoe.
Jr., was bit by a ballet from a wineheeter, Jonh, aged 11. was strnek by
and a winebcater ballet
and M». Wtoe wes abot la tha hack.
Every one injured WiU die. The whole
oommuqity to aroused aad atrivtng
to clear np the mystery. Not the
eligbtaei doe has thus far been obtain-
SaaaU BUI Proeldeo for 6nrrandar of
Fngittva Criminals to Anthoritlea
of the Island.
apcelal (oTbr Mcrslnf BecorC,
WaebingtOB. May 88-Tbe blU
bring abont the extradition of Neeley,
the Cohan postal clerk charged with
embeztiemeat, was today reported to
the eenate by the committee on judi
ciary as a snhatltate for the bUl passed
by the bone. It provide! for (be
render of any fogitive from jutiee
charged vHtb nay offaaae (not poUtlenpoommltted la Onba. after a bearing
before a judge of a United SUtae drcult or district eonrt. The bUl also
names offaaaas for which axtradlUon
wlU be granted and limits tha Ufa of
the act to n period withla which Onba
ahaU be goveraad by tha United State*.
The report aeeompanying the bUl
stataa that tha Paris traaty made It
mbanlnpoa tha United 8laMa «e
pcetaet Ufa and propvty in Onba dnrlag their ooatrol of the island, and to
(tetand every aU ta making effective
tha admlstoltatioB of jnatioe therein
rnnst be given.
apeetcl to Tht MorolBs Btcmi.
WaaUngton. May t8-Tbara ara no
aw davelopmente in (ha peatofflea
aeaadal today, bnt there have been
peretotant rnmoie from Indiana that
Perry 6. Heath, first aaetotani poet
master general, wonld realgn aad for a
time retire from politic*. Bcelb baa
been vary enecemfol in bnslneaa
itnrai ia the laat three or four years
aad to now known as oaa of the moat
ia the oonstry.
with Intaresto In banks la New York.
Ohio. lodiana and other states and In
Heath's friends aay thto good fortnna
or good management In his private
bnslneaa affelrq, and hto effort to Uke
care of friends of hto own nnd other
party workers, have bronght npon him
np jost eens^ In connection with the
Caban postal eesndsl. They admit
Heath to reepoaslble for Neeley's ap
pointment, bnt say there to nothing In
the whole record to involve Heath In
the scandal which surrounds Neeley
becanm he wae Imposed npon by that
gentleman. They are afraid, however,
eallc for a ■eerifloe here in
Waahlngton and (hat Heath wUI be the
Bang of Tan Men Mare to String a
OabU on Union Street Aeroae Uvar
J.O. Hilbert, fmeman for the eonetinetkm gang of the Weetara Union
Telscraph Oo.. to in the elty with a
crew often man to tnkajdown tha nolaa
and wlrm ranning aronnd the bead of
the river aad to pnt np In their itead
a eable aerrae the bridge on Onlea
■treet, eoaMoting the P
our window,
goods are.
The Boston Store
Wa ara oompallad to act. Undoabtadly
aoma wary sUtrtling avants and great anrprisaa will reach yoor ears in tba next
few days, and it yon ara In need of any
thing in tha way of marchandiae as rep
resented by our many depArtmenU, it
will pay you to watch and wait.
Minute Rates
laphemlng. Iron Mountain
and other
Tapper PenixiBuIa
Monogram Shoes
Are just the shoes for ladies who wish
a strictly up-to-date shoe at a moderate
As handsome a shoe as you'd care to
see. New style vamp and foxing, welt
and tnm sole’and opera heel A shoe
that will always satisfy ffie wearer—
The price, $3.50. For sale only by
Don’t Pay High Prices
The qaastisB halag on tha report of
Uaeemminae, H ww last. AWarman
Moeaa. fiaatiasA Eoaad nnd Garrison
voting yea; Alderman MoaMgna. Sled«, Bonghay. Kenyon and Wright vot
B andehlUafitladi
ing no.
ren with beat aboaa at lower prioee than
r Eea Dead.
Awful Btovaceaof Bnbonie Flagme at
«than moved that
aay otbar atora ia town.
the raport ha adopted.’ strOting ent SMclal to Tas Heansc Eaooas.
MlaMopoUa. May ts-Jndga P. Ban. miT— to ns Hsmac BM«id.
IhatpnrtofUraUtiagtotha elty -no^
giaaar. lie motion was aaeoadad by temar oommaniiar in ahlaf ef lha G.
A. B,, died today, i«ed 60 yanra. Oir
614 Front Straat
took thaflooc heals of arlariat WH tha eansa ef danth.
This spaoa—It halongs to
Pjpolar Shoe House.
For choice of lot of Men's Suits, all clean
up to date, this year's goods, in maoy
good colors. Come in and see if these
are not worth $9. tlO and $12. Sack, D*
B., square cut and cutaway styles. See
It'll show you what special values these
It‘s not SO much the price, but it’s what you get for the
Tonrth Ye»r—No. 956
hawtldml^ WrtnMa It will ramnin
graan in the mamactoa ef aalronemam
wba vtoitad Oaorgia and tha layman
witnaaaad tha gwwMB dtoplay of
e< Fratnrto Being Frahad
WorthaatthaBtaia Wmto
isiDtri m
rvixm 1
-IT— irwT>onis->»>rt
■adaOdlWonwlthBop Wlea wWeh
*»4V«E»B omr" IHCBI04JI
raoB TBS
Bop Wla* had a enOWea peetordap
with Uttia JnUn* Bam*, aataahed the
WepeU of tha lattor aad threwlac him
T. BAt» AXP J.'-W. BAKKn* wlthanabfccwan to hurt Ua hand
eerardp and bralea hie faa*. JnUta'
S. W. Hajom. »amr
liuKV- father took tha mattar in head and reported it a* aa net of aarUMaae
Chief of Paila* Bennla.
rf M tk* >IIII«M. M
lhawlteaad>iae*ot Alberts. Vex
of Tenth abeet wen taken dolanUp
tU Batardap ai^t after a ^eal of breed
•wmoik. Itappeared that thephad
tpdacaadbp tprotodaaa. Tbiela
eatp eoe of a nnmber of eeaae that
■ to aae tf Sneh PUa Oan
C.ba Oarrled Ont for Big Od
Tba Trarema atp Dririag Park AtaoaUtkm bald a maatlng Uet night to
dUoM* tbe matter of glrUg a aertoo of
•reat* Co tbe ird. 4tb and ilb of -Jnlp.
Tbe qnmtion wee tborangblp gone
ernr aad tbe oommlttom appointed to
look np tbe matter of elemm and
pnmec and to make cneb ott^ enggeationa •• dmmntaaeee will permit.
g* pragram
to b* arrasged bp tbe cxeentlre
mltteeofthe ceUbratlon to be bdd
hen ca the third and Ponrth. WhlU
It to not pdfnllp decided to gire the
raemtheptantofarcred bp tha
eUtbrnaadint can be orroagi
that a thraa daps' maetlag can b<
cwfaUp enrrtofi ont definite aetloa
wQI be taken at a meeting to be held
In the near tatom.
prattp church WM crowded to the door*.
Then wore abont fltip of tba dd ret• at tbe eerrlce aad a good tarn
oat of Oompaap M aad tbe BalUf Oorpn.
Dr. A. B. BoUldep bad a SmioM OelItokm with a Chaiae.
Oo Bandap morffiag wbUa riding bto
wbed at tbe ooraar of PnmtandWdUngtoa atroeu. Dr. A. H. HolUdap <
U eoBtoet with a dog and svm thrown
rlolanUp tram bto wbad. striking with
groat tone agdast tke poet of toe blepde The eboek wm Mrera and tbe
doctor eMtnlned eerere internal iajortm wbieb will keep him oonfleod to
bto borne for a time, atthongb be bopm
n Birer Oe. Kns Porehaead coon to be able to attend to bto pa_______________
Electric Llghtiag8petomofB.D.Ctomp- ttonta.
hdl A Soae,to Take Sffeet Palp 1.
The Eighth grade will bold gradesLaet erenUg an important tranaae- tion exerctoe* la the High eebool m•omblp room Pridap morning.
km took place, bp which H. D. dampbdl A Son* add to tbe Boardman T
Electric Light A Power Co. their en
tire deeiric lighting *petom aad good
will, oxcln»lre of tha engUm and dpnteoB In tbe power boose. Tbe Boardman Rlrer Co. ttacrebp baeomee tba
owner of an electric lighting bull
ofebontl.SOO incandewmnt UgbU end
Jlnrelightt. in addition to tbe 6.M0
ping Cougti, Aei
nchltle and Inolpl
ligbu the companp bad In opemtlon,
Coneumptlon. la
besides a large nomber of ere Ugbta in
■!oru and the etreet lampe. Tbe sale
UdndM the Umpe. wtrlog, pole* and
appnrteneneee attached to tbe epsiem
and uken aliogetbv tbe new epatem
will be one of great exwnt for a dtp
of tbi* elu. Tbe ded.neatol^pl*UB
poesemion bp tbe pnrefa^ on tbe first
dap of Jalp. when 111* probable the
\ Th* (tolUN WMED?^
dtp win •eenre eonttol of tbe water
works. The Campbell 'Companp will
dispose elsewhere kof tbe maeblnerp
ued Id opemting the lighting pUot.
The Boardman Rlrer companp bare
been preparing tor aereml month* to
greatip extend tbelr present pleni. bnt
tbi* parehateoecesslute* an alteration
of their plant and a more exteulfeimprorement. The* compenp now bu a
Urge dpoamo which bu not been In
le. This will now be ntilized under
tbe new arrangement and manp other
■oremenu will be f Ifecied at once.
Inelnding a new tail race at tbe power
boose and tbe mislng of the dam sboat
two feet to give a 'greater head and a
greater ctpaeltp. A large qaantltrof
additional eqaipment ha* alreadp been
ordered and more-will be eecnred u
fMt M it can beiplaced. Tbe companp
will inrest a large amonnt of addltioeal eapiul and a big torce will toon
be at work making tbe improTemenl.
All Odd Fnllowe are rtqnaotad to
atthalr hall ;tomorrow mornlnfatt
o'clock, to partidpeta in tha parade
nd memorial acrrlem of tha 0. A. R.
Oaorfo B.IMeCtoUan. aeeompnaladbp
a pvtp of hia tnaada. wtll po to Inland
eesMtl U pUMd is •
ftr-'"-- al^kUoB. At • mMtlar » .todap on a flaUac expeoitlon.
•hart tlM Bce tltf eoMtWM on wnyi
A rarp prattp eoU b* oofiaf to Oaror*--------------- nathoristd to prorlda m»iaa Bren., died peeterdnp. Tbara la
laUannMlbndrotforth* mlvj of talk of barinf tha animal monatad.
Wlttwor Worthnip. thr
Bora.to Mr. and Mit-lW. Beck of ta?
•1.M0. forth* nrrmt yw, th*r*hr Bottth Union i*treet. a lOK ponnd
^netienUr ^mltUat thMOMln* to dangbtar. peaterdap moralnf.
•hoMftaloTaaatof Mr- Nerthnip »t
Mm Stoat eatartnina the Udlae’
•hM*niw7. Thl* nelion WM da* to *n
Onild of Qraoe ehnr^ tUe afternoon.
•^portnaltj for Ur. Nerthmp to fo to
Todap marb<tba dose of tba aehool
•ho nppor ponlMiOn »t * libwnl ooUty.
«W* wM n eoBiDOsdobl* d«*b* to rc- work in tbe Hlfh eebool. This after
•nto hta ■oTTiaa*, bat in tbi* wOob, noon the lent exemlnaUon wUl be
Jtk* othor tMtOBoa* la p**t locol flreo.
Tbe Cre*eent|B*ad will fire n eonUatorj. th* eoouU took octUPS too
foiak! nad U*t nlfbt BotrlBoor North- eart in front of tbe ball at the Bradab
ffnp nl*o f oaad blmaoU 'in * pocnlinr Twirlare’iecdaUdanectoslfht. Helmb
B*Tlnfrir*anpn food Job fall orebaatn -plapi,
Tne atarehtfaetoip itarted np pcater•t tl.MO n poor to Moopt from thU dtp
» **10(7 of 11,100 b* eon not now t«ll dap altar a week'* ebnt down for repair*. The companp baa,a cellar foil
wh*th*r b* bn* » job or not.
In JwUm to Mr. Morthrop and for of poutom .which will be mannfaetnrIh* honor of the oonaoU, the netloo ad nn end when tben* are dUpceed of
tbe faetorp will btfin on corn etnreb.
l^lotulp token ohonld otond,
•hon«b thar* U » r«ro diflerano* of
Jebo Tealab will fo to Ellaworth to.
•plnlm whether the time bn* nrri?*d dap to BUrt a saloon. He baa bonfbi
lar thi* dtp to emnlop » dtp eofinaw Ueflstnre*ot{Odle McOarrp'a ealoon
•teobifb nanlnrp. And *om* of tbe in thle dtp aad tba Utter baa bongbtw
•iderman hnr* decided tb»t the netioa complete new ontflt.
•nkan wm not wieo Barnrdleee of the
The Oreaoeat Band will pUp for tbe
■orll* of the eaa* the ooundl ie In n O. A. B. Wedneedap morning on
yeeiUon where U will be eenenred tpr march to the.c*meterp and will lead
•Etnmrnne* if Mr. Morthrap UreUln- the line of eebool children la tSe
• ^»f •*‘"i1T*‘T Bomed. end thep will paracc la tbe afternoon.
H eenenred for uklog n eonre* which
Mm.Aona Kiebols. wboea eon
lad him to bellere that he we* amplop' firemen on a boat rnnnlag between
•d bp the dtp. onlp to tom him down Elk Rapid* aad Eaoanabn, acd died la
after be ho* loet a cbenoe for * better March, i* reqaeated to call at the Rxefedtion Men the dtp eonld offer him. onn office, or writ* C. J. Brown, editor
Tbereeeen* to bore been n »U- Pi^reea. Elk Repld*.
andarMondinr ee to tbe ntUtad* of tbe
A drunken XadUo fell off the train
heard of public work* in tbe eame met
Satnrdap erenUg between Barker
•or, bat in enp ee*e on nation of thI*
Ckeek and BelUlre. He cet up anen a
fmporlanee ebonld be flnn more time
bowl that tbe paeeeagers were fright
Jat eonaideretlon, if for no otbar renioo
ened and tbe traU was brongbt to a
Ihnn that it it a departure from tbe
•top. Wbenhe was reached bp tbe
•elnbltihed method in thi* branch of
imen he was fonnd nabnrk
•ha dtp'* pdremmeni.
Tbe steam barge noma* B. Scott
Tha report of laet nlpht'* meaUnpon
^ aaetbir pace, will *how tbe eentlment id coneort gtp of Toledo left pwtarcJ'tha Aldermen, ladirldnallp. upon dap with a cargo of Inmbcr for Clare,
land from the OU dock. Tbe former
Tmterdap'e Baee^Ball Soome.
carried IM,0M feet and the Utter 310,npeeial toTb* MeruafltMem.
000 feet.
The M. A E. B. exenreUa wee well
itonded Snadap, Its takingadraatage
7 11
/eaepb Oroeaear of Eeewiek Mad* Dtt- of It, TO went to MenUtee and «l to Chleago ..................................
BrooKlpn................................. 1* 14
Berate Attempt to Take Ble O wn I.ife Poneb'a PUhlngon Cbrp Uke wn*
OarrU and Chance: Kennedp and Mctha attraeUon at Fonch and eerreral
bp Baarp Soaeof Foieon tetnrdnp.
•eeeral taeepoonfnU of pari* crMn- goodentebmof pteknrel were report- PitUburg...............................
14 II 1
New York...............................
3 1
•akaawithaalddai intent bp Joeepb i.
Jnetloe Verip naitad In marriage
Cbebro and Zimmer; gOobenp and
Oraaeeer of Keewlek Satnrdap moraine
Mr. WUlUm A. Roaal of tbto dtp, aad
Maiip eaneed a Uacedp.
paaOraoeaer hp* ebown eetdaneoe of in..........................,11 18 1
naitp for eom* time and the itmcet tardap at tba home of OdU MeOanp.
Pewd aad BneUow; PUtt and DoogAUx Oarroll and Dalip Jobnaon of
rtlUanaa haabeen obaerrad bp the
Bambar* of bi* famllp to preraat him Mapleton; Prank Smith and Olirc Xet- Um.
ClBeinnatl-Bmton. rain.
tom taklnc bia own life dorlnc tbe toa of Snmmit dtp bare been gianted
faat aaearal week*. Setnrdep mom- marriage Uceaea*.
far aarlp, howeeer, Oraaaaer alnded
Cbteago-Eanau Clip, game put
tha aotiea of hU wntchar* and crept np
atafin where he fonnd e peckefe of
Milwaukee.............. ............
3 11
Mrie freon and took aerrral liberal id* peaterdap attar apeoding Snndap la
Reltger and Dl^iu; Hutings and
dean, (toon after be *bowed alfn* of the dtp.
Oao^ Miller wae to Clare onbnal-. Plsber.
poMoninc aed bl* lamUp eommoned
6 I
Pr Vanderwalkar of bnttooa Bap. Tbe eae peetordep.
2 10 4
Dr. W. O. Cameron left peaterdap on aereland................................
phpaidaa prampUp applied tbe atomCarup and Sebreekengoet; Wllaon
aah pnmp but the man bad ttken aneb bU return to SUplm. Mina , afta-a
a baarp doe* that bi* eitnailon we* rItU with hiaaietar. Mrs. O. C. MoSatt.. and Spies.
ladlansDolU-Detrolt, mla.
preeaHooa Dr. Oaraerwaeenmmonad who is eoaralaedag from a rerp crlUctom tU* dtp to *** tbe patient Ban- al llUesA
A. 8. Hnntsr Uft peaterdap to pat np
dap a^ ha toned him In rerp bad
a fine rmort eottage at Omana. for An Auracilre Lot of Lion Ooffee Premloba B. Santo. .
Inme to Prank Bler'e WUdow.
E. 8. Jobuoa left peaterdap on a
We frrqnentip hear tbe e1aim.'*aomcaaeadoas. One time he aonfht to end rlalt to bis old home at Mb MorrU.
thlnggiren for'nothing," bnt do not
Mm. W. P. Vogalaong (aft Uet ersnMi Ufa bp tbrowinf blmedt down In
often eee an aetnal demonstration of
•rant of n teem of bonee. end nt an- lag for Aldan, called there bp the Ultbe principle. Ilk* th* dtopUp of Lion
M of her mother. Mm. Tonng.
athnr tlma, it 1* alleced, ha tried to
Onffee premtnm* now on exhibition U
W. C. Jobaaoa mtnrned peetordep
diowB oaa of bin poaec children. The
Prank H. Eller'* window, tbe Vienna
■stortnnau mtn i* t? peen of ace aad from Chicago, where be went to look Bakerp.
Here are menp raloable artielm. all
a tomUp of ehUdren. Stepa will after tbe intereeu of tbeTrsreme Clip,
girsD fro* for the lion heads, cot from
Old Mledon A PealseaU BaUwap Co.
betekeatohara him plaoad In
E r. Manx, rapresentlag tha Haeht Lion Coffee wrapper*. These ere not
aar1»~ U haramrar* from tUe atcbenp articles, bat oomprUe eloeko. amA
Mmpt at aalf daalnetlon.
brelUi, watebe*. gold rings and jewon bneUem ana rlaitlag W. C. Jobn- elrp. beeldee maop things ntetol and
Twcntp-flre Ycete of •nffwtof.
oroamantnl in tbe boosebold. or will
Mr. and Mm.-M. W. Newkirk of Oea- beeDjopedbTtheefalldran. Lion Ooffeefnilp des^ee tbe popaUritp whUb
tral Uka arc la tba dtp aad gnmU at
ud flam
IMUac^^*aftar~IS peara’ of enSartaf ParkPUaa.
• • doctor*'tr*a«
* - - dvtac ^ieh Urn* 1IttrM
ant end etaar kinda of oteMmeV
Tke regular examiuttoa of dtp
Mr. bbnn Prap of (
•rtihent reaelt.*' Dr. Ohaae'e Ointment
waaraatendto ew« pUna. leiii end taaetoenwUl ta bald in tbeOentral ...writ
SUakintronbleB to eenu all drafrlat* aebod bnOdUg Satwdnp mnniagat wltlt-m
or Dr. A- W. Ohaa* Mad. On. BeSalo, lo'doek. ________ _________
OTorp known remadr. I found relief
JI.T. Bampla box free for stamp.
in Dr. Cheae'a Etdnep-Urer PflU.”
Onaraatoed to remora tbe eanse aed
We, the 1
agrra to refund tbe mcnep no n n- can rbanmatiem ts eeola
T. A. CbanU. oonndlor tor Udine aeat bottU of Ormndh Wairantod 8pMMeemtiTMlortfedaOarmaata. wiU rap of Thr If It falto to e«re pour mmgb
MaaMnieoDnat on nap featlaMb WCOU. WeaUn neruBtoe'a iT^t
Sger orateeet from now natC tba beWeto
g»t af Jnlp. That will mnha mp _________ E B. Wtitl^wbee A^^
White Wtee ef Tar Synv* ^
btog. demee O. Johamm. P. C. 1-bcmp- beet cough mnedp on esrtb, cams • coW
It-MS* era.
ktoaedi^ifUkcsintiBic. VeadfiOcU
Uilnud Celts Tiiloriig.
LarEnTnraOntofVetomas. W. B. C.
and Oompaap M at the Serrleea.
Ber. 8. Selebmp prea^d a rarp
Aching aad fitUag nermon to the
ibem of MePbenon Pceb O. A. B .
Oompaap M and tba Woman'* Bdtd
Oorpa Snndap mcrnlag. Tba mnmcrUl
The first six people that comes into the store Mon
day will get a fine $1.75 ladies' rocker for $1.05, or a*
fine $3.75 large arm rocker for $1.95. CbQice of three
ladies' rockers with high back, brace arms, nice shaped
wood seat, very wide.'back slat nicely embossed—they
are bargains at $1.75—three styles to select from. My
$2.75 arm rockers are large high back, shaped seat—a
fine rocker for- the money.
Over 300 different styles of rockers.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 E^coia.'t 8-tZ'ee‘b.
I^TiNCBrellialCaFM j
To those shoe buyers who take advan
tage of the various shoe snaps we offer
from time .to time in these advertise
We Now Place On Sale
Handsome Miases’ SfaoM at.............................. ............... $1.48, $1.19, 880
Good Wearing Boy a Sboee at........................................... $1.48, $1.19,88e
Children’s Shoes, extra^jood wearers, in red tan and black 76, 66,48o
You will recognize shoo bargains when yon see our custom made
cliildren’a sboee.
A., s.
186 Front Street
Practical Shoe Man
You Want
The Good Things
And we are here to supply you with them. We
are the Universal Providers of this north region.
Our grocery department is always in the lead.
A Good
Enough for a whole fam
Great big bottle Manzsnla a box of Cneeda Biecnit ily for a dime—chicksn, bouil illaa far l5c—the Queen’s sell
at 5c, and a box of corned bam lon, nock turtle.
for 30c — the Litlle Deviled
at 10c, or Vienna eanaage with
Olivffi. a splendid relish for 15c.
aauer krant at 10c.
Tomato catsup 25c, a bottle
Baked Beans
of best chopped pickles 2.5c,
All the work done for yon
except tbe sening—One iraond
can sogar loaf baked beans for
6c; VanCampa pork and beans
at 10 cents.
Just unpacke<« the biggest
chow chow from 10c to GOc, and freshest sell today for 25c.
Durkee Salad Dressing 30c to Big baiianal at 20c dozen, new
lemons 25c. oranges 30c.
6c Cigars
For Supper
For an after dinner smoke.
Something that's good —
Everylbing. fresh daily at
tbe candy counter — Creams The Traverse Belle, Jonah, Canned chipped dried beef 15c,
from 15c np — cbocolatea, 30
Chico, Dew Drop, Tnma, Oom potted or deviled ham 5c, Col
kinds, from 15 to 50c—mixed
umbia salmon steak 15c.
Paul, Joe’s Leader.
candy from 5c up.
A10 cent
To serve with Cocoa or
Drives away that bad feel
Absolutely tbe finest that’s
made — UcMonagb & Rogers' ing — Tbe Banner, ClauseD'a coffee ~ Cheese nndwiches at
lemon from lUc to $1.50—ranPig Tail, LaBelle Creole. Gen. Wafers at 25c.
ilia from 15c to 12.00.
Arthur, Our Governor.
Cream of Wheat 15 cents—
Foold’s Wheat Germ MesJ 16c
Hand sorted and put np in
Quaker Rolled OaU 15 eenta—
one poo»d packaow for 12^0—
Shredded Wheat Biacolt 15c
BibbeB brand dMMd esf
—Pettijohn'a BreakAut Food
rania lOc.
Soc a box. Onoe in the
house never without—So with
Aoobovjr Paste at 20c, AschoTj
Caviar at aSc, Baraiaa Caviar
at 55c, or Tobasoo Sauce at 25c.
store Open Tueeday’e and Saturday’! Until 8 p. m.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
■ antp«f»)
tbMB pofBoaolt/.aaditot aa oapUaa
ttooKOTor Prlodrtob eallod dowa tbo
Md madortUo tko oitoor tbo bow
treatbo AM ward, ia ao
Mml bBiUtar wUoh U to bo onetod
Bl MfOWiBOO Xt io BOW fMTBd ttkBt vorpatUd torso, doelorior that retbo tOBBdBtiOB wUi Bboorb tbo ftoBtor Swtloeooa tbo {board of paUk worka
omo ootfrolr oat of ardor.
part of tbo BpproprUUoo.
IboqoooUoebalBCoo tbo propoottloo
Ab blbloB po^ iBft tboi Uio
t3 adopt all tbooanreatteao of tbo
rBOM, wblob kooo boecMM ootio roro
BlUoa oaeopt that raUtiaf to tbo dtj
of loU poBfo, or* boiar oaoa U aar. tbo aaso waa aarriod bp a
U tbo eoaawr tblo
i^aail' BBwbon
reia d t to 4. Aldaraoo Keora, Haol
lon< Boaad aad Oarrlaoa eotlac ao.
Wboa tbo ordlaaaoa cam ap,ap^ tbo 8eo tUa aa»a« that tlodlflealt
f tha Bowap for tba varlona
to aaeara a sarbaalr atfraj prioa, all oalarloa. tba atajorilp report oslttad
• of tbos bariar wort laid oat for tbool^ aatlaoor troa tbo Uab Tbo
« tbaaiaalrao to baop boop aU
rotod dowa, bldarman
^ Saar Baldwla. a Urn aMoat of
Ur. Kmfoc aad Wrirbt
load baa booa ao«Bi»A ^
* ' OfUrU of Dotrolb baUdlan are boUf ian. Boa^ap. Boaad aad OarrUoe
), aad tbo Pare Marqaatula UtIbi
.TbaBlaorltp lepert waatbaa prtaapar to tbo tbko.^Tbaaa aicaa praa- aaotod b) AldarBaa Moera. It waa
loot bp a rote of 4 to s.
Bladar, Boopbap, Kenpon
Jaatoa Load of FlUt, woo kUlod bp
UrbiBlBC at^Bfea Baadap
and WHpht rotlnp no.
A BoOonto r
a aeapU of barat on tba farm of Mra.
Jaaoo WllkatpoB In Barton ware bora- report waa Bada bp A
and aarriod. Tbo ordlnanoo ai at drat
ad bp tko
tba dtp enploaer
Arthar wood, and I paara. otood on
tba aar traek. naar bU boma U Detroit, from tba lUl. waa toot, with dra eotoa
aboat 0 o'clock p. m. Batnrdap.Jcot ao to iu favor and four anUat
' n npon bis. Mile nqniraa a twc-'ilrdo vou to paoo aa
two sort dMd hwM* hkd boos dn«*
rod o«t lato tho Piftb word ud lott to
rob CU«( of PoUm BooeU wm dito forrot oot «bo perp
tbooatran- aparloc no exponaa tor
la aoeoaollatBent of the parpoar.
Sararal patitioaa for water Balaa
are racolToil and ratarrod to the «
Binoa on flraand water. It baUp
thoarbtaapcdlMttowalttUltha dtp
ac^olrao tba plant bafora maklnir anp
praat pcoficao U tba Batlw of order-
Bo Baadp for tbo Ooaoea Tabor,
c Our Resources
o are Well Shown
rba eocana eanswalora wUI bepU
work Frldap. Becrpbodp U arnd to
baraadp to answer proBpUp tha leta aQcatUna Tbep are ranrdUf
poarnaBa. loaatUn, pUea of birth.
poraonal dMerlptloa,
oesapatloa. trade,
ownerablp of bocM.
A Foot Btepdo {Udor
WlUolton reodvo palnfal eaia.tpralBS
OTbraiora from aeddonu. BaekUbb
Balva, vrtU kill tba paU aad
boal tbo UJarp.U'a tbo epelUt'a Mead.
eboaar. ebappod band*, sore
Pranehod Sandap Seaalaf bp Bar. V. Carta
llpa, barao. Olcera and pOea. Cnre
poarraatoed. Oalp »»c. 1^ It. Bold
T. Woodboaao attbaCStp
^8. B. Wait and Jaa- Q. Jobaaon,
Opera Boaae.
tor tba
eUBOdlMOof tbo aifhacbool oaaar- Oaooratlon Dap :
tha O. S. A Irad at tbo atp Opera Bonaa Saadap
Ona aad'oac-tblrd fare between
avenlnp. Tha aarBon bp Eer. W. T.
eUUono within ISO bUm of etartlnp
WoodhogaewaaaBaatarfalcBort. faU polni. Tlekau on tala Map M and so,
aad a lora pood- for
' ratnra
Map II »ss-st
for Ood and baBanltp.
9S4 tf
Tbo Cbrlit Idoa, aa BaampU of Traa riiVsil ruacs alwapa plcaae.
Oraatneao." Tbo aersoa was a noble
pUa for all that U pood and pare, and
I heart and in the
false, tbe bid I
world aroond.
preatlp bnpreased ibroopbont tbe a
Tbe Basical nambers were all mneh
CDjaped, tbe solo bp Mrs. Dspton,
Fear Ye Sot. O Israel," bdap espoeiallperjoped.
Bev. W. K. Wripht a«Uted Bed.
Woodbonsc in tbe cerviee.
Tha Ideal salt for the hot days
comin^made by the nobbiest taUors
In the new stripe flannels.
Flannel, Serge
or Brilliantine Coats
and Vests
Opera House
on the Road.
New Specialties
Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
The Village
An .laborat. dliplay in gradaa
from $1.60, $$ 00. $2.60 np to $e:00 and
$7.00. Yon can bo fitted both ao to
gooda and price in thia department.
Flannel Goats
and ?ants
r» *, LDMflin a»B mu trjmi'i Steinberg’s Grand * D
>. tbo eblld'o anot, waa
Aa tba matter aUnda at preaent,
; paaoinc wUb two frUada and. ranrd'
therefore, «ie dtp offleUU are worklap
Bedoeed rotes vU U. B. A 1.
Uaa of.tbalr protocu. tba pooac Udp.
.......... _tlonta,
Ann Arbor.
Atloni Us . Bsp View,
ratbad aeraao Into tba atroat and witboat oaUrp.
Another matter of
MIeb.. Cbleapo. HI- Cindnnati. O.,
1 tba mUa ono froai certain
Inee. Iila.. Detroit, MIeb., Uraad
was prwented to tbe eoandl bp the
dtp derk. Tbe drm of Soaaon, Good
RoUmszM. MIeb.. LonsInr.Mlch.. New'
Batnrdap airbt LadUrtoa waa rUlt- A Major, to whom the
urieons. U.. Oberlio. O . Ptailvdelphla.
od bp tbo Boot fenide tknadaratonnln bonds were awarded ao the lowest bid Pa., within the near fotare. Call and
Tbo< baoTp rainfall
C. B. Mnrrap.
ders. have written that tbep dcollne to
. Lockwood
BUd :> bp tba Boat briUUnt aonept the bonds nnUss a mortpape U
TTpd T. A.
alaetrieal dkpUpararacontbara. The piven on tbe waUr works plant. This
Upbtolap etrask tha obaarvatlon tow< mllcd op a bit of llvelp dlsenMlon. but
HfiTald Ofintnry Cool^^ooir
tereneraed with tpeeisUiee b; firei
at the Ilfo rarlop oUtion. tearinp nearalBoot aU ono wap. and tbe
A limited namber tor tale at ts eenta
elate vaadeviile ertitU
Ip all tbe eUlhee from aorfman ^bln- elerk waa direeted to srire tbe Bra that
each. WUI
aon, who was on watch. Tba lifaravar
on receipt of
bo piveo.and
Herald. TraverM Clip. MIeb.
• rtadorad nnoonaeloaa tor aavaral Uat if tbep deetred the bonde thep
konra,>nd te now la a precariou oc«- Boet accept at oooa. Clerk Bickerd
was aleo piven the aalhoritj to wUe
Ottears and traotaeaof tboMarqaoJto the firm of Hepee A Oa.theeeeond
The great comedy-drama;
MooBBont amoeUtion bad their first hipbeei bidden, and meke tbe saleM
Baetlap at Chleapo last week. Tbe them nnlcee the matter were elDeed et
objaet to to bnlld a fittinp naUonal onee with Beeeoo, Oood A Major.
maaortol to Fr. Marqaetto. Tbe IiIt to tbe Imprsoeion that the firm to
tead of Macklaae has been oeioetod as eeekinp to pet ont of aeoeptlop the
tba moat approprUto place, aad tbe bonda, as rates of interest have ad •
park eoBBtoolon of Mlehlpan baa ded- vanoed ainoe tbe bid was made. There
looted o Bspnlfleenl site for tbe monu- will be no dlffieoUp In meklop tbe sale
Bent, to eoet fiiS.ooo.
of tbe bonds, bowevar. as tbep can be Ul wsrk Of histeoi eoMlblv sred*. PIst <«l.
wart s •pseisUr.
Mrs. Clara Dopbnlf of Bsrrien eoontp pieced la this eUj with esse, provided
prices— in. JO and to cento.
died in the eouetp asjlttm, and tiotar- some provtolon to made for tberelievVow OncM. Xorkhoa Bloek.
dap an eaaminaUon of her cSeeu inp of tbe pnrabaeera from tbe brovp
broopbt to llpbt Ineoraoco polleloe us.
A peUtion from Toaneller Bros- and
bBoanUnK to ts.ooo earrlod bp tbe
Boa, and^poble to o son who bee Philip Shenaer for the repeal of the
boee Blaainp for seme time. Tbe pep. ordlnenoe fislnp the saloon limits and
tbe west tide of
aonU bad been kept np bp Mra. Dap
Soetb Union street, wee referred to the
>—-.-bfiff in eoBo ooknown manner.
liitee on orduani
The jurp In tbe ease of Waehbara va.
U U. Fnller was prantod permtooloa
tba F. A P. M., at Port Heron, retarnad
to erect a two storp" brick bnlldlnp on
a vardict of fiU.OOO for the pUinUfi.
Ue lot now oecepled bp hU esloon on
Waebbora. wblU drivinp a milk wap
Front street.
on, was ran down bp an enpine and
Tbeeonncll eooepted tbo UrlUtlon
of MePaereon Poet to panleipato U tbe
Frau land In Berrien oonntp to sell- Memorial Day obeervanoe. and
Up at blpb fiparas. A IS acra term
iBcll and eitp ofBriala will Jain wlU
near Benton Harbor sold Batnrdap f>r tbeU. A. R U a body.
BSOOper aerc, and It'to tbonpbltbe
Tbe Westorn Uelon Telepraph Co.
paneb erop this pear will pep one third
to ran e
were pn
of tbe pnreheee prUe. as the farm to from tbe Pare Marquette depot to Uelr
aapeeUllp adapted aad sot to peaehaa. offlee U tbe Mesonle bloek. to do away
For some time emt ao old pold miner vriU Ue lonp circuit arouod by Bap
rasidlnp In BMixiala has been prospect- street.
Up U tbe bills aroond Uere and atonp
A pellUon for itreetsprinkllnp from
the blnff* Borroondlnp OrpsUi Lake. tbe rraldenu of Etot Front street was
prantod. Alderman Oarrtooa makUp a
eirenp plea for it in oUar parts of Ue
different localities. Uto tbe bands of Fifth word.
lAe cbeBtotrp professor at Benunlo
A petition for the pradUp and
enllepe. who npon analpele. found tbe pravellop af Webster' street waa r«•and was eomposed almost entlralp of ferred to Ue ooamiltoe of streets eed
We will put on sale a number of
iron In e tree eUto. I'bo depoolta os- walke. Ttato to Ue Ulrd Ume tbst
Mad over a larpe amoont of territorp Ue petition bee been presented. It
aad farther Uveotipatlooa are on foot. has been prantod twioe.
The cfisUl printinp of the dtp was
n to U trooblo boeante
bo tartoi blmself and swore that when awarded tp the Momniie Bbc»iu> and
tbo atoowor earns aronad that be pee- ' Ue Dallv Baple. at It eento per folio
a rated no proporip wbaUver. The ai- for Ue first Usortloa and lO cento per
aeraor fonod emt that tbe man bad folio for eeob ■nbaeqaeat Insertion.
A telephone wee ordered pieced io
abortip before pone oo a liquor bond as
aaretp U tbe earn of fiS.OOO. ewearUp tbe residence of AlderBU Wripht ter
that be owoad propertp of that valae. Ue nee of dttoena U Ue pivUp of fire
at ju,t
end oUcr public needs, Ue
aad no* be propoera to have bia proadtp to pap half of Ue rental.
a—ted for psrjorp.
Tbe board of puWle worke was di
rected to BOVS Ue Union ctreot enpine
nb Bepidt Accideat.
bones from lie present loeation to Ue
Joba Beep of Elk Baptda was tbe oorner of Lake avmue and Cbae etroet.
The paraheee of WO feet of boss and
fUtlm of a aariono raaawap aoddani
Ue two spray noszlea Uat hove been
yMUrdap.at Uat plaee.
tbraw blB oat. fareaklop bto lop U two toe tod here, was anUoriced.
Qrt Wt\» Ul mtU.
A Bomber of other p
Tbe bndpat of Ue board of odneaUon
had aarrow eneapoB at Uefripl
viba raterred to Ue eoBBlttoe oo wapa
\st aW M comt tATV^. 'RamtmbtT
UBB daabad down tbe street.
■nM^Bant of Pl.ooaw Utorrat
ConatUp on Boopbap BUL
bonds wee entborieed. and a bond of
■eiraal bops bnve made It a praetiee B. P. Wilhelm V t Rtnadod at» per
Utelp of ooaaUnp wiU tbalr Mcpelae
AldarBan Kanpoa oallad the attentewa lha walk on Boopbap bUL Batw^afiraaaatUe propertp of J. B ttoBOftbaaoMdlto Ue fact that the
tMMiMrt was daaapad and tbann- araerarasat U Ue Fifth vrard had
U tba ways aad
• fihnrittoo wUl taka aUpiU |
mram ooBBiuee, and Uat Uepeofild
tba off M
BOtaotnatUUtowaadoae. Baperrtoer
A Xoaa Oaar BraU.
aaralaad was requested to foot ap Ue
ToarbeatfaaUapa.pow awdri yoM- Hot and plvu tba foottapto Ua eommlttoe as ioon ae poralbUTba liquor boob of Enoch aad John
Kratootaival wiU W. F. Banka aad E.
AldwBan Oarrtooa eallod tbe attooUoaof Ua eoandl to Uafaot Uat
When every ohange in weather es.
aUee na'to bring forth aomething new
and “Joat the things to meet demands.
Of Beat makes—last colors—are
up-to-date in every way—Prices, 60o,
76c. $1.00, $1.26, «1.60.
: Ramiltoii Clothing Co.
. ,T. a.\ ”Wl\.WvWws
■Ntordnq, Klnq
Vad senen.
Ladles’ Kid Lace Shoes......................'■ 98c
Hen's Satin Calf Bale.......................... 99c
Boy’s Satin Calf Bale........................$100
Ladles’ Black and Tan Oxfords.......... 76o
Hisses Box Calf Lace................ ..........76o
Woman’s Kid Button............
Serge and Carpet Slippers................... 86c
Woman’s Oil Grain Button Shoes....... 97c
Hen’s and Boy’s Working Shoes.......... 98c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Oxfords
at................................... 60,60 and 76o
Get them of the Old Fellable,
New Store
242 Front Street
Advertise Your Wants in the Record
VtVcw 5U.00 to sas.50.
&. m. Klain iS.
i. AD. mvvW;
Two Tails
To a Horse.
They are unnecessary. So is a pair of tin cuffs
on a marble statute.. Yet. so far as mere usefulness is
concerned they may as well be tin as fine linen, or aoV*
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods or a car load,
we invariably guarantee'every ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some
thing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step in
and look us over.
leidli lloct, PhoM 149
* #m OF r/l£ WOMLO
High Bchori ToaaaviUpiay Benda*a
The tet tee hall gaaa of the oaaioa wfU he played hiBuiieir aftoneoa
PriSMWUlteof Bvx !• 6mi 1b
at TwaUtb ateeot boae hnU parit he.JMtUb.
twoH the High aaboel tons and BoaItagtaBwtmi th« boHi erf I
da'aTwlriBe. BMhof the theae toaM
B»w »Mh, • yoBBC tknMT ttrtac
have hoM bard at pcaeUee aad are la
HailB7.0.,BBdMel« hta mttn w»d* good eoadltiaa for DeeefnUaa Xtoy.
«ar—>•« —ibcMm bBt.
»u— Ttay«e ahOBt evenly aatehed and
BtBthBhBdlBidMiBebBlrBt tk« tart
TtawaMi^, wk
ward to with mmA tstaneb Lari
pear the Dwifatlea
game wa
■ hy thaTwbrlanhya aaeea of 8
QtBBti to riMM BIV sUiirad to h»TB to I. aad thto year the etaduti an
brtBwdo br Iho iBto ciMi vltar teWBtaad tP take the hoBBt. How«itho«t tho kaowloifo or aeamt e< M.ltwmhaa rioM eahlhtolu al
tMOBltoaof Koroeno.
haU aad tovoco of tUartwOlbeto
■MOtto«fnlaro<tboBoM rwh.
•7 mb hBM toCl BMtUo for tbo Mrth. __ gaBtwmha aaltod at u hew
with the
Oi>T/if wlHoii IMo of
to 7.tu.
it OMotT trotiit J
>.ta»BtlWlll talBltar. hM bWB
or« rot tofo to ibo lalttBl TMb.
. ton. K J. Mo* throw h« oUU off
0 nUrooa troek to boat of b roohuf
trato Bt Oblooco. b«t wot hillod
KtoMtor Oeofor to PoUb bao boM
iMtnetod to toferm tbo Obto«o go?orotoMt that otofs aoK at oaoa bo
ttbaotootor "begnra," aad aBtl-fOroigB, aafl-alMtotiT ootrof
•totopoattbo toaraoroao aodttr. II
U boUovod at Waobtortoo that tbo
1 nioraaoBt will book ap tbo rcqoaot,
itiiiBOMiTj. with waroblirtaadtroopa.
PhlladalphlaBO to a aoaob
atootacBokodtootoBjoraarf eblof of
0*1100 to etoor tboaotlroo of blaekaaU
«lortoo bj Joba Waaaamakor or vocitotbolrjoboat oaob.
Vrititb aad rroaeb rootdento of 8t.
Xtilort, lalaad of Joroej. have booa
rtoitocovor the Boor qaooUoB. Tblrlp
arreolo have boea mado.
OoU bM booa dlMovorod to 8alpbw
l«>ek eroek. aoar BlaviUo, Keataeky.
AMoytola of Doavor aad other eltieo
h (VO proaoBBood It coaatoo. Hie drot
• tdoftba aietalwat to qaaatlttoo of
•1 M to tbo toa, bat later tovootigauoooohow'tboatobemaeb moro eal■atbU.
4t WbooUag. W.
Jodgo G.
3 Con. Jadgoof tbo ataaloipal oe
a id temorly Boyor. woo taud 'dead
la hit tow offiM Sataoday. Ho had
bm BlMod for more thaa a week, aad
aooareb rovoalod bia doootoootoil rosalMtoateoBtotbo roar of bto of-
f I
st It ropertad that thzoo Barepeaa
• c fiewo wore kJlIod aadOapt. ApUaaad
100 BaoMco were woaaded to a roeoat
effort by the Ugoe Haaaon to break
eho tovetttog Itoeo of trlbotatea at
HeBatai. The AahaaU loe* la reported
«* have beea great oe tbo Haoaora had
Ahroo Maatoit eagagod. altboagh tkOB
edvea greatly oatoambered. Three
headiod'Aebaatla are eald to have boea
b'llod to prevlou aetioa. Tbe rittog
Boatoa a birthday reeeptkn wae
t'adond to Mtv. Jolla Ward Howe at
tbe VeadoBO ffnaday to boaor of her
aietblrtoday. Mtv. Howe eajoyed tbo
effalr vary Baeb. aad did aot i
l-e tatlgaUot tbeeloeeof the exi
BM woe riebly gowaed aad looked oe
If Obo had dealt very ktodly with her.
A Ohleato protcoeor predlete that to
1 sOOytoB ObleacowUl be toaadated
T take Mleblgaa- Tbe elty la etoklag
a the rate of 9 faebeo every 100 yi
HotooBdar, tbo loader to ladto of
a to eBitarlaB'
• hieh It eoBt
ita, vrUI vWt tUe eaaatry obortly and
w'U attend the aaitarlaa anDlveraary
ai BoeioaAt Cbloago. wbUe retaratog hose
ir.*ma eaadyetore aenday darlaga
eiorm, L«^ Boldea. U year* of agr.
wao toatoaUy killed by Ugbtatog, and
her eietor Ireae. 10 yaart old. barned
»-wet tbe right tide aad tboDlder, fell
by the tide of tbe dead girl to aa
c BteloBa coadlUoD. bet will recover.
1 be elothee of both girl* were alsoat
V-iraod fit» tbetr bodln HaU to the
d ptk of three iaebea fell to tbe northV «et eaberbe. Tbe etorm wae
taaledby a terrific electrical'
Angaat Croft, aged 86 ] cart, aad Um
Kau Potmaa. aged 88, ware married
a- Booth Bloomfield. Ohio. Monda
• featog. The wedding yar^ wae a
la go oae. bat no one wboae a^ ta leaa
iLaa alxty threc yeara baa been invitV I. At the age of is aad 17 they
d--vetcd loven botdid not beeoBaforBV ;y engaged oatU laat Jaanary.
H ithertbe bride oor groom baa tvai
Uea Barried.
The Utoeea of Mtm. Oladatoae la now
reported to be sore eeriooe. Her
*>reagu la gradoally f|dltog aad the
m mbeie of tbo fasUy have beea
m >ned to Hawarden^
Tbo Mexican mtotog exhibit at tbe
Puie expotfUon proalaaa to be the
S .Bt exhibit Mexico haa
V lUM T. L- Martin, of Dixie. Ky- belo-e be gave thla eTtdanoe: "I ooogbed
( vary wnleb gave toataai rellel 1
t.renaedlt to my family for four
v-tre and reeoBBead It aatbe greateet
r nedy for eoogha. oelda aad all
11,^ cheat aad long troablea. It will
»i.i>tbe wont ooert. and not only
p - 'voata bat abeo otely eo-ee conanmpt
Prioeftocani 81. Mvery oof'*'
•raatoed. Trial botUn lOc at i B.
Writ aad Jaa U. J^aaonb dreg etarca
«/W8/teW teWWte-trfi'Wte'WWM
Toata Baepto Mtode Haa and Wife
A vBy ptatty wedding toric place a|
lay night to whiA
two very pepatargoongrpeopleof
and wife. Tbo
ptooewareMna^ aw
MU Millie ten
^ Mr. A. B. Boedehex. TU 'e
ay wee eolemalxed at tbe hose of the
brlde'B perwB by Bev. F. B. Whitmaa
to the preeeaoa of only near relaUvna.
MU Carrie Daloag attended the bride
end ChpBto Qeecge Jehamm wae bBt
OfthaPlnaaeBofthe City of Ti**.raixTtxe fTxn.
ene Oty Ftob Hay 4. IBM.
CaakBkaB Mar 4. BOO.......
to Mag 8.1900.
Anneal amtoment of tU rrn
Bd axpaaditnrB of the elty of TravBoe Oity. Mtohlgan. ter the pmr
beginning Mey 4.1M9 aad eadtog May
Beoldee j>tbn good thtoge. tbe Jaae
aaBbor of 8eeeeB will eoataio aa artlole which wUl attraet widaepread attoatiOB aad excite Bore than ordinary
totareet. Saoecae will eontato a ^
iaportaat article by Mlcboa DeVart,
tog two aeneatiimal toordor eaoB are
made, aad wUeh may rnealt to a new
trial for Boland B. MoUnunx. rotaatly oonvietad of the gearder of Mra
Katharlaa J. Adama, to Now York.
TU vleUB of the erime met denUi by
taking a doee of bromo ealtxer which
coatatood deadly poieen. MoUneanx
■ieted of the erlse mainly
ontheeridaneeoftha addrBoed
on the bottle, the haadwrittog ol
rBOBried the etyle of MoUn
The botUo wae eent to Harry
& ComUh. a ratoUve of iba deeiaied.
from whom the bromo wm aeenred by
a danghter of tbe mnidered woman.
It developed to the trial that Moltobad had perHDri dlff'
AaotbB Border, back to 1891. le arid
to have oeearred under rimltor etrenm.
■tanoB. a bottle of whleky havtog
beeneen'lto oae Mie. Joeephtoe A.
Bemeby. tbroogb tbe maU. A drink
of tbe wbieky wae token ae a Bodieiae
and Mra Barnaby died to oonvolrione
eoon after. Dr. Tboe. Tbeteher Oravee,
wbo controlled tbe Btate of
Mra. Barnaby, wae convicted of the
BlBe aad afterward eoBMlttad anielde
to hh eell. Hie eonvietlon waadaa
aleo to tbe evldenee of the addreB on
The writer of the artiele to SoeceB
lekB thiedednetloa: He elriaa
tbe labeli on
both bottlB wwe changed efur
dleeovery of tbe crimB and that the
e totrodneed at Ue trlala differed
from tboee pnbUehed to the newapapare at tbe Ubb tbe crimB were
imitted. He bellevB that both the
rdered peraone were tbe tIcUbi of
ijcriminalaad that the developmeat
of the ctrennietaBeea. U 'ever aceomp
Uahed. wUlebowapreooaeeivedeebemi
of a mBter of erime. tbe poniriicwnt
ter wbl«^ baa fallen apoa lanooent
AU Of wblek to r
5Siil^J«2yMirtte-.:: *5S
?!£.Z haa*Mar4. lU
andWatforh J
Laet oventog a large andienB greet
ed Bryaa’a Oomedian* to Steinberg's
Grand aad thoronghly enjoyed e elever
■‘Grit, or Trae na
StaeL” Bryna'a eggregnuoa bne vto
ited thto city several Ubb and each
tlaa the eospeoy baeoBB more popnLBt night's performance wae
well eUgsd aad tha varioni parte very
weU portrayed- Tbemembera ol tbe
weU aeleeled end eaeh to
given n pert BpeeiaUy adapted to kto
or bar eepebUlUet- Several of the
eoateAF have been aeen bare to prevIona engagemente end they find many
old frianda Between the aete a aerie*
of very eatertatotog and new spwialUb ere given. Tonight "The Village
Vagabond" will be the attraction, and
if the firnl performance to any ladle a
tlon excellent entertainment to aBnred
for tha balance of U>e week.
mine Ao tern_____________
8r. V. t. BttUA eptetm SatMT
Fri eoteu.
Dumaor axwKX rexn no 8
Oaafeeakaad Mar4. me ................
t» «1
VooMwrit M era4H el au«a> dlaIPOB BALX—Mrw Bllrb Baletala raw. PVre
utettaadMo.1 ..............................
lU H
la 6J
L. LucMtcr .
i« lU
<1 8U ___U*a* .......................
S OU CatkrrlBr RwobD**....
«M fl
BTBXXT Ditnucr rvxp xo. 1.
Ca>t^^d Mar C
tax DxrxvniexT rt-xs.
CCS }l
mt 00
wo If
tw tf
Sinat diatrlet tax eaUactad
nidairal* >as callaetad ...
Lataiol aewr tax oeUretad
Main a«»«r tax raUaeted.
DB llrraw eaUaeWd ...
t'awr tor spnexIlBC................................
lest of Beaik Calea atreet kn«ce
aadappreacbasexelaslreof lercis
aad soperlBleBdeDce...........................
tttartor ^ to te aeri
C Bereatl
Q. BbUeoD.
■vr YOU *
A riaasec
ar« eidi oi
II 40
II s
400 OU
R 00
Thursday, May 31
41 U
41* »l
in »e
kidai satctu
CSOU 00..................
» M BalabcescaaboD hand Mar*. 1*00...
High class Singing and Dancing.
for each piny
M? R
Tboraday night they will present
the fonr act comedy entitled
4S4 to
2K »
And bie Jolly Company ins reper
toire of the latest comedy socceases
at ever>- performance.
S5 SpMinl(it>6
Rich coatames and a^ial ecenery
40dI?fa^^M ....8«0(«)
ipgiTeialcaabeekacd .
If accompanied by an escort with
one triid 30 cent ticket, if reeeired
before 6 p. m.
Seato on sale Tneeday.
*** _jBlr.UIM.
Jair UKH. at
t perccat.............
Tin I
4000 0
"A Runaway Wife”
Prices........... 10, 20 and 30 cento
II ladies Free Tiiarsdar Higlit uly
Boadjases dated Jaae 1. USD. doe
« 7*
Jaae 1.1*00, at* pereeat......................
w Boadlssae dated Oec. I. IMI. dee
OB haadMarkUO*...
City Opera House
or 01
’i* !i karor ntet xauoHa eaac, ai
»ua sexwa’sdweUiDC
r Ualoa aad
9 •»»»?* 7
ear at aarklod la OrM
a bf>7 ahaose. lot or
_m room 7 aad *
4000 00
14000 00
■treet for a term of year* when i
win eoodnet a fliat eloB bloekxmitl
5aabMb^^^MV4. im........
by Mr------- --------------------------------------- taiadaUtm of the dtoeoae. aad giving
from her doctor after be bad vainly
tried to core her of a frigbtfnt eaee of
Ubm aaee aad aale eatal
doiag Its work.
etomaeb tronble aad yellow }aandlee.
Gall etooB had formed ead ehe —
atontly grew wane, nea ah
to nee Bleetric Bitten wUeh
Paid H. O L. MxreaaiUe Oo. tar baeka
cared her. Ife a woederfol1 atomiiU
OIIJ Book sure Ic* book* ............
AddrvM F. J. Cbesey AO0..T0M0.O.
liver aad Udney remedy. OnrB
' tlillac Bros. * Xeerard foe re-rtota, 7*0.
Waitaad Jee. O. Johaeoao. drnggtoti
Fir tauM UBffY ihM g» to Prrain. JSKi
Hdetralk* tmlli ebarcabla acalaxt
•100 Bevrard.nOO.
The readera of thto paper will be
laaaed to learn that tbnn to at least
oMSread discaB U»t aetooce has bean
able to core in all its etagB and that to
Oetarrh. Ball's Catarrh Core to tbe
only positive con now known to tbe
medical fraiernity. Catarrh baiag a
tl dtoeaee. reqnlrB a eoaA Women'* Awfnl fferil.
roatment. Eall'e Catarrh
takes toternaUy. acting direettotaken
one chaaee to . .
tbe blood and mneoae sorfaeca
.t to throngh an opera-
pO^SAUa-^ouMMd lot at^-weMTMM
laa stroet sewer .. .
street lateral aewt
teisoce.'esek OQ haod^art, im ”
goLDIKRS ATTXXnOX - If roe lecMod
O beoiastead of Ires ibaa l«i aerte before
Juaett. KOI. f wUI pap ran CT per acre fur
balaaeeofraur clala. Ad*reee O. A Brie.
bam. Orawa, or adrlar Pratt * DaTla.Trar«re*
se i<
el« M
*6 US
«t »
im OU
Bap^noc aidewaUs..
kaplaokitic bridcea ........................
— .walk labor aad laatetial ..
• a A. Laoeironljr tat e«TTt«,
(..r errTlee* ..............
‘ A. a. 8«Dorii (ur errtlcM___
- a. A.SailikforevrTtcv*..........
■ WB.ArirrBes foremleae ..
ppUca. loelodlac Ifuel
^AWTKtr~Maa eltk la«
T OST-Oald nac
with lar*r aaoibretaad
AJ aaalldLaBoad.aa ProataUBtaear a K.
Northaai's store. Ploder leare at tble ete.
BARGAIK-Io, U tool late OB Proat aad
IS for eaabtweaar terms Alia
srma OallatUB Kaal Ptm*
"OUB HZOBT our-'
- AUvaOreren ealMT..............
Proak Bartlrj ealarr..............
■ d. X. Mvlm eaUrr......................
r"VOOK WAKTXD-lad/mok *
traces (talk At I
J|*3B e*IJt-^|^Ptj aw fi^t^sm. trtax^
BetiateoB rsBrot«
PuraUi.ed fruat roots at St* Praet
TpOB 8ALK->ioed tbree r*ar old a
c baroeee and baezr. Terns n
- -|red,tMr. TW X. PruDt W.
o-ieirecIM. Lueaa. U t
B*bal» OB aeooBBI s<
street roller....................
On* ball eoel of Beard
er rceelsedlroDC
1 eleaalsK. sswiBcor work br tbe dar Of
irtted br eompeleot l.v>d. rail oe or adeesMie. Bra WIksoa, 1,010 Barlow St. Cup.
*6 71
W 14
drees Box l(».Cedar, MIrb.
ipo BW-
fs a
X* the Name of tha New Bicycle 0<ub
Clewing Xxerciaee.
St. Franeto erfaool will bold tfaelr cloc
ng axrrctoB to the City Open Boom
Xnaaday evening. Jnne 6th. Theee exeretoea. alwaye very inooeeafnl, will be
Bum than nsnally so this year. Tbe
jiogram will be annonneed later.
SS MTSgJgaTSSJtsr" "8g-
The Irving French Or. will open n
hree nighu engagement at City Opera
Thntaday. Tbe
at proBleet thto to be one of
tbe bBt popnlar i
Tbnmday nigbt they will
, Bnnawey Wlfe^" The
ioneube not
comedy Itorn and i
been spend to thto prodnetioa. and the
8<ilese*oefaMdll*T».lHe ......
character* an ably enetatoed by Bpaw*n:x roxu.
ble arUeto. headed by Irrtog Fnneb.
oe h»o*M*T4.
atorrod froa coi
tbe fnnnlBt of all Irish eomediaar.
and he to -ably antoted by Mtoe BatUe
cxmnm-aa* HayDB aad a strong enpporUng com
Paid for bjd-aat mial...............
poucx ri-XD. ' '
Last eveatog the 0. N. O. bieyeU
elnb took another ran. They have
Inst aaleeted their nemo, which 1*
"Onr N ght Oat." Ue monogram for
which will eonstot of the letter* O. N.
Tbe colon of the cinb are black,
orange and blnr.
After a ran about the elty. tbe slab
went to the ice cream parlon of 4. W.
Onrd of Thaaha
__ ____ lirSS JT
J. Stent nnd A H. ■oBiw lor thrir u-
Trip on the Bay to OU KUlon aad
Blk Baplde Triday.
Tbe Senior clam of tbe Elgb aehool
axeanton and plonie to Old Mlvrion
Friday of thli week. A large crowd ie
expected and if it to ae large aa anUdpatea Blk Baplde vriU be vtoited.
The boat wtlllBve thto elW At »:Sa
Tbe attraeUon at Old Mtoatoe wm be a
ball game aad a baaket rieato, aad
later to the afternoon it to thetotentton to mn over to Blk B^ide
UfflO to aae the of nw of iron ead
retnra to the ei^ to tke evening. Tbe
ronnd trip will ooat only ss eeate.
___ ..............:
s of the rity eharwr, we heremto ■tetemuB of reeriato
■FBof elty Boateler
The happy eoule aaae-to thtority
tg May 4th. 1888. aad
yMtacdey Bormtog aad
left tar BeSalo m their waAdlag ter
fisOowed by UarWteSTAiAtAttemend
bBt wtohB of berii of Meade who nam said te guatal taaaairi eoadlttea
have long eetoeBedthoB both. AtUr eftUritv:
theirturthaywlU mrica tkrirboBe
to Bnffeto ta e while,
tha grooB te bte appetotid be
IttedfehlefoHaer of teri
J.Jewettef the Datoa8
llaa. raaaiag between Beffele aadOhlidtotwWBteker
Trrity Wadding ffolBiiltid to 8U
Traaeto Chanh TBtartay.
Avery pretty wedding took riaoe
yeatarday at 8t. ffrauto ekarab. wblek
naitedFnakBabaland Aaaa Namto.
both of tha WBt 8lda. Tbe eeremoay
irred lathe pneenee of e large
iber of Invited gnBte, Bev. Fr.
Bener oflieiatong.
After tbe oeramony wae performed,
the wedding party repaired to the
home of the bride on Second etreet.
where, after a rMOpUon, an elaborate
wedding dinner wae eerved. After the
er, a verv pleaeant wedding driioe
todnlged to at the C. B R. P. 8.
ti»ti Theyonngeonpleare very popnlar and have the oongratnlaUont of a
largo circle of frieade.
Ttavane CiW. Mkb.. May 8. 1980.
f Fonui KHinuis I !S'
Worthily wen. the gaadj trapptoge
dwarhoueearwentoatriae henr)a.
la vaaerdtog tha grant eervtoB to onr
eeuwy of u risoat fergetua Bavolatioaory hentoa. awritar hee hroeght
to light ooae remarUhto roBaaoB.
TUberalae.tall. eritnred. high-born,
lotoad the OoattoeataUray to the nalform of a man a
ravery. Berberolta
brooght her preforBoat aad toto eoatoot with the beat people of tbe Ooloalet, aad at all the balU aad ether ooetol
gatherlBn ebe wat tbe Uon (or Uoaeae]
Tbe glrla adored the brave aoldler. eoafeaeed tbetr love, aad ahowered her
with preeeata. "The Girl Who Feagbt
to the Bevolntloa" wUl be a faatore of
tbe Jaly Ladlee' Homo JoaraaL It la
a record of faeto far etraager thaa fteUon;
year 1899 end 1900.
Warraau |e*Bd ler the ealleeUoa at
Wceoltetta tolri
tromovery ono.
nn very rtapeetfoUr.
An emineDtly skilled and nccomplinhed artist A wonderfol and
tboroogkly qaalified photogrspbef.
iSu Soper boo osenred tbe Fhotobnildtog oppoeltotbe Eetri Colombia u Trut
and u-----------has rcmodclu
it and
pat ettefor etrietlyaptodsto pbete------------s
u«ee.4SUrla-it.d1orisrUa.tndioud tnt bs .bDttr w >a
The ablp bod «Uemd tb* 1mm A»A cbaracierirtlc »tofy I* goli^T tb*
roonds at tbe expeuM of one of C,'blla- tllte*.
The CapuiB. wbo vw a ettefcter Am
--------r mi BM bM OteA.
deIpbU'e muet pnwpMona pawnl>n>•‘Wbm 1 WM* bop, badon tb* wac.*'
In illsAtatlaB of tbe impertant dl-1 Tb« entrance ball te not a place for ker>. In conimen with a grvat many
aU.nKUk V>
•■U»liri<««l matte eSecta of an aemoapbere, I naoA tbe dteplay of coau and batt and a of ble fHlow lownunen be bad been
on opattf atev In a good ordinary rea- do little more than cite tbe ewe of tbe beterageneoDs maM of booU and aboea. roffeiing frum tbe grip, awl Unt .wtwk
"Bat don’t yea tfalak, laBta.”
iMBMtwMlSXeMia. Tbaprtoehaa motm. OnraatemMtepracttcaUyatte’nfflbreUaB and wulklog AlckL Alaa, be felt very badly indeed. He t-eme tn, pleaded tbe yoang man, "yon oonU
hi* place of iKlKlD'
enmedistBiKeltom tbeton nttbeearth, ; evoi In (beae days of progreaa and ar- compteinitiK that
team to love owT’
"Not (ill right treuana have geM
1 ^Irit.
alUa. BchcrriuJter be wooM fly to MiaiBUi, an ordinary saw mta M BndinilBMaaateointenialbeatbaino ttetlc tnlnlng there are many wblcb body acbed. and d« .
ftmmt affect a
<m the tempetania of ite ’ xetnlnd one of nothing ao much aa an Tw afraid ii'e all up wUb m-.'
Ik* k*M. tmA biM Kind. «M palnfBUy oM. In^atdmtnannttfaMewM freaent
tfa* anWtk t>M tbteolotfa, tnpoteal
poettema It
flelal poctHoa
» would tbarefee* aU doltaea abop directly one enteca the
«*d«t*Bb*»Mi*teitt«U*tk* n^Afa
yoa faappaoa) to And It wbeo It ____ that, ao far aa con boat teoonoeniman: "yo
front door.
L Tbcir vild lUe erldestlj had
ycL" "I'm not
J for many ye*
In order to luMre a* mneb light aa
ralaUROrad had jaAbeaapotan. wnt aptto b* ftM- ad, tbe moon mn*t be in maeh tbeaame
urv of tbai." said
*a llir pawnbroker.
■T know be’s not."
«h*foh- •aed with eoffea ataiua That* war* etmditlee aa tbe earth. Bnt if wetbeooe jmeslble bare tbe paint work Ivory “It ten’i
■!.«, I’m
I’m afraid u. die. bnt {be
"What makes yon ao BareT’ *
ItWM* aAcfaBpand*ia*c*raad«>«D. annoaf dedooed tbe infexmioe tbai tbe tempera-' white. SbouW there be plenty of wla- idea of being put In a bote In the
"lie's been devoting faimestt to •
tea patev* in bottlM in a oaetor. tnre ooaditUm* prerailiog on oar catel- dowa dark oi olive green might be em ground baa a horror for me. Now. II
giri with no money."—ChhSaio Poet
« Uto bear any reaemblaucc to tbe tern- ployed.
traa> bi^taninc'fala wbM %haj gnw Mte* *fa*««ltBr can yon
I could Iw wnipisd up and laid on a
"How dl<l Joda happen to marry
aaa Tfaa light WM not raiy farigbt pcraaxre ocodiciem prevailing on tbe
SbDOld you vrtah to Increaae tb«
Bbeir with a tag ou me It wouldn't be Mis* Itrown? Be need to be In lov*
BO bad."___________________ ,
WM Rim to faU edw Tbe waiter Imgtat tbe atewinanoyn- enrttwe abonld make a great mixtaka. parent else of tbe eotraoce balL
with that pretty MIm Smith."
Obaarration* of tba moon'* beat ibow on be effected by a JodMoua arrange
ticai. bat at Urt «e diaaorerod tkol fa* tar plate, and m te hot Imtfa waob*d
"Mis* Brown Uvtil in tbe next block,
and it eiwt Jones two street-ar tare*
ocnsld mwat a word or pbnM «< a«ao- aboni a little In tbe plate a* lie canted that ite Rrfaoe te rxpoeed to a tremen ment of cnrtalsa. wme reding tbe
____ ----------- fha
from, tbe
rangadfUmpoBtitre. extending to ■ atalrmse.
In Austria coarse eloib of good qual- to get ent to Mira Smltti’a"—Cfaloco
Toraatioa bs bad
tvard. Be ooald it and ate it down yoo wo* altald It
eo often to
y and cheap i«p«‘r is made frwn Record.
Uogb Uke a homaD bailiff and imitat* night bom fate tfaamb Bat te ayatec* buadrede of degree* It baa been dem- ____
the cackling of a boL "Stop!” ■‘Bel wotegood. l^nMpaaaetoieBBtettfaat onatrated that tbe temperanire of tb* be found in preeent day botmee and for peat lllwr.
moon tinder tbe foil glare of tbe atm wbkfa we aboald be becomingly gnteThe {>e*t bogs in' Swclen.' many of
lo!” "BoJd od!" werelavorile ezprc*T1>e minister Is ■ palrer and tbe po>
them eight to ten yard* d«i>. ivver
riaee toe point in exoeasof that of boil fuL
AoMof bla and teoetallj bU bw <d
Ilceman te a peeler.
an an« of al«ui 8.tas.nwi aenw.
■'Today te table, witent a doth ing water, while it teeqoally certain that
When tbeoe nr*. onaplenon. by i
tbwuwaiinielliffmt. Uo iikfd to perch
Geneva. Pwltaertend. Ibe old watehCD top df tbe barn and ehont oat
when the annbcauni are withdrawn the
When two men argue each nsnally
thinks the other te a fooL
< of tbe moon dnks to a point
"Stop! " at the fannen that went br In poltebad. For a cloth there to qnad
uuiufacture of Ingoolnns toy*.
_ light and artistic In
tbeirwagona If tbep reined to their before yon anapkin of ample diman. far below that with which any
The man wbo nevir made a falhua
JaiHcose florist* Imvo *u<vv<e«l«i It) fs unable to appreciate sneasa.
tbit tbe uansformatlon effected
bont!^ tbinktogltwaiaomepunon that aioaaandtsigbtnndCrmb. Tbaplokla plorer ba* made n* aoqnaintei!
bad called than, tbe aoooea of bit lit te chopped op aelery nod vary good. then, te a globe fed )ost as we arc, with nothing abort of warvelouii. From thte enitivaiing a rvm- wbl.-h b«*k* tvd In
If you would find out bow poor •
ODiil be tu*|»ended. serge or chenille (be .-milight and wbiie In (b<- sliade.
tle Joke would caoM JUn to borat Into Yon get two kinde of crackert, and nmbeanu, and yet undergoing tremen- -------.
an I* try to Iwrrow money of ntm.
The Yellowstone jiark wa* vi*lt««d
plenty of tbem, and a generooa porUon dons viciaeitndee of climaic. enrpaming curtains wblcb accord hartnunloualy
ImtnodenM laogbtcr.
Women are not of a warlike natoie,
with tbe waU paper. There must be u text summer by al-oiii
V Uo actnally enjured being anowball- of Fnmob bread. Tbe batter coma Is any cfaangcs endured by the eurtb.
they frequeotly storm pteno.fonca,
:UK«i iiion* llicii in any pm-edlng
little CCD& Tbo Uhle ftinii
Tbeelimaticdiffermcebetwecntbeaa' pretty white wood Ublc. while In pref\*d. lie woatd ataod npoo an old tree I clgbtly litil
A German pbUosopbsr aaya tfaa
ii _
all i _
®y* two nolghhorlng globe* te certainly con-1 nvnee to chair* I would auggest a dl- year.
itninp and look taodly at lb* bojra, at □r« _
.\nHHig the Slobamme.1au* of Cal- beauty of a hot *au*age te more tfaan
raneb at to any: "Cooie. now, bere'a a thing. Tbe Awaadbofore you to agree noeud with tbe fact (bat tbe moon baa , van. wblcb may tie merely a rabln- enttn the l.jfant iiiorlalliy tvaeli.-s the akin deep.
If It be not trunk, tbe lid covered with a large enormous figure of irit.’i |*t l.taw
good abotl Wbpduu’C pon bit ner* able to tbo aye. and tbe whole eoene te
If a man ba* money be can gK lata
a al wapa too qnick for tbem. teimently lighted with tbe modem In- completely deatitute tbereot Our at-; cushion and the who
aoeiety: if be ba* Itrains he can keep
moepbiAO acta a* a climatic regulator. It bright cretonne. <bie o
lid bit him. Be woald
Tb>- death rate tn‘ New Zealand in out of it.
fodnoot the degree in which tbe Intenee ensbloiM must rest ogal
>dg« lilike lightning, loogta eg boataely
nii-sse<l i* tbe man wbo Urea for
Ifliai wa* am i*-r I.IVI Inlmbltant*. as
fervor of the ann affecU tbo earth, and As a receptacle for the u
a* tbe ball flew barmleMly
dy pant
or broke
ruiutmn-d with m.7 In I'ligluml uud the purpose of making life leas a bnr>
den to ollii-r*.—Chlc-aco Daltv.Newa
In trieooa ou the other aide of tbeatatnp well ae I do oot of a plate, bnt yon it mitigates the rigor of the cold to]
Wall-*. ____________________
Tbrn Dp be woold bdp again, with an know at leatt there te no danger burn which tbo earth would be expoaed when
tfaa BUDbeama are withdrawn. Soeb an I
other cfaill«age.raady for tbo next ancpw- ing tbo waiter'* tbomb. Tbeoyetexa
go^; tbe whole armngemeDt teaway amelioratiJig agent i* aheent frotn tbe
'O remc^ equals Wasnek’9 WiiiTt;
HewaenotatnUdof agna Bo woald beyond tbe utew of before tbe war. It moon, and besioe arise ihoee vlQent
2Vot?tri.x>o*rt. nciete..
INK OF 'TaR Syrup for this terriof ita climatic rondition.
atand olan by while ooewaabeiiig lot ' OMUmore, bat are we not better able t«
•and fatal disease. If taken thorpay for It? For geneid• g_ opandgat
We tbn* see wbat potent factors tbe
ad, and it might ba fitad off a nnml
.glily and m time. It will euro a ca*
The bat fnraittaad nod beat kopt
•xteteooe and tbe extent of an atmoe*
of tiixlBBwUboat baring any peroepUbla
a boun, and fo- the oough that to
boat* on tbia psnlnatiU te ready fer
phere become in determining tbe nsn La Grippe i'. -.ever (alla-ao giv bu'nste. Open tbe year round. Good
effect cm him. Bat be waa kaealy allr*
-;i«f Price, SSr »nd Sfle
to fte danger, and tbe very moment tbe Tbe modem oyater atew te one of many tni« of tbe climate that a planet te to
Livery to connaUan with the faeaeo.
Bata made known <« anpUeaUeo.
mnaale waa pointed at him be tote BO thing* that wo do an areriasting tight bava We do not hnswTOmgb regard
For UaiN ltde Sho« li to Fttbui
battte than wa did.Naw York Son. ing tbe atmoephe^ of Mars, Venae
tine in getting oat of tbe way.
and Mercury lobe ^ble to draw any cer
Jim waa a
tain oonclnsiona v^lb regard to tbeir
ted. WbonUta % tbe baby,«
thtewejmay at leaet af
Ing to wtek, be woald eeiu bar alyly Thm f 1—• Oab AwarAMl Fils«e te ‘rUtee climatea. Bntt this'we
firm, that it BeemsqaitcpOA&iblo for tbo
by tbe druia and raate ber to fall Be
Bbart BtariWi
woald peck at tbatoee of tbe b
After bia narrow eacape Seb Vaughan different inflneucee we have named to
obildnm that came for water and laogb of Fanadcna fell oo bi* knees and go a long way tbward ni-ntraiizlng tbe
that tbe climates of these
them dtemayed thanked beavon fer a miracolont dertlly aa
1 be drove
Ths CsisbrsisA RpsclsIlst.Fonasrlr of Raw York.
m ibf
ibi- yard. Suinotimos be would livcranoe from certain death. So ^onld globes wonld olberwise present in coniDxa von KXTUaxcx bau.
.of tbe
different supplies
of sun-.
Bteal Biuiutiood down into the collar. any cne else who bad beea gma^ in —n—..........
, of eaUers there might U-a^ china stand.
Tbe bloaa be ooold give with fail beak tbe Iron clniob of a 1.400 poond grtealy beams that tbcr^^lTO at their
not be a iirominent f**'bad tbe force of of a email Itammer,
wbilu ten milee from a gon or a cabitt. Bolar dteuncu. So far at mere climate ^
tmx BX AT
that It waa a very eaay matter for him Zob uoTcr lost bi* prwnoe of mind and —
. j I A xtaudard or hanging lamp, a palm
to tom tlio apigot of a barrcL One waa began tickling tbe bear'* ear with a that appropriate atmospheros wd land ]
5o-tk»X "WlritiXLg, Tjra-v-oi’ao
further adornpretty apt to diaebrer after aoeb a riait feather he bad picked up ah*entmind- distribution* might bo adjust^ on tbe
po«ravltig* In
that alt Ibu vioi^ar bad ntn oat on tbe ediy. and tbe bear began Unghingeo earth and Mara Mercury aud \ onus In ^
floor.—Ualoolm Douglae in St. Nicbo- hard that bo oonid ueitber cleoe bte such a manner that oortain orgroio
fraima. a white fraim-d mimir
might 1» common to all the four i uu,i , buu,u Uaiiging booksU-U In
orma to aqueeae nor bte month to bite.
Oflle: Boar* from 0 a. m. to 8 p. B. One day only oaofa montfa.
Zeb oontinaod tickling until tbe boar
wood to contain time Ublcs, e
Inogtaod ao bard that be bant a btood Beview.
Should dark oak be chmo-n for tbe
woodwork, old oak funiliure woald
■>w n#
nimavir ! Alt Waa votee! and tell down, dying.
A ooapleof Montana toriteyarecently
liU 0«B iwage.
Uke the place of the white.
It U in the rear of the hall that we
Tbo la(>> Dr. Romance, in bi* "Ani killed bad titeen into tbeir artetocratio ■* Woe the Vtnst Arbiter
neve Mateb.
lUst dieeover some place for the bemal Iul<illigencc, ” givo twoctoriesof craw* to aastet is deglutition 18 valoablo
cata,^ wbicli,
tbe inastor of lltc bouse eonslUtion III n looking glaaa, convinoedtbamI an illn- is now fashionable among Hontana that wbou his affections bccamo attach.; er it u.H^v^sary to bis Impplncs* to keep
aolroBtbnt tbe reflccUon
ponltiy to have Jowaled interior*, and ed to an nmitli-d woman he fell bonnd bis onidoor guriuents down stairs,
lu tbuemo of a roiy
If tbere Im- uo mv-ss of an aevommoIt, I tlthink, a atep it is eatimated that tbe emnlous fowls to ask the olilgcntleman'seousunL Tbe
~'watof uiiiie. be
beyond tliiM—namely,
,. bo aaliaded
him- of the new state have within 11 moatbs dnke enswered that personally bo bad dating nature, doubtless o euruer may
that it waa in eonie way bia own of 18H4 eciatcbud np and swallowed no ob)ectiou to Uic motch, but in view be fouiul v. I.Icb ran U- fitted with a trleoir tfai
$11,CS;,6I4.0& worth of gems and pre- of the fact that his eldest sou bad o«- angular i>i«v of buanl and tK-reened by
;icD liwnuiK,
ima^. Even if my dvdocticD
rions Rivtate.
ponned a daughter of the queen be a »erge t unalti, behind wbl<-li tbe coals
i* procoocliug* *
A girl In
tbongbt Itrigbt to tugnire her majesty's and bats may bang lirTn-acx-.
wo in Dr. Kan
' ' ' with KlI
pleasnro ou tbo subjtv:t before express-1 Clew- by must stand u cumblDed aat
i that it soems a* though it
ing his formal approval.
j and boot l-u|iU»nrd. This may lie v«slly
were a nnifomi law of cat uatnro to act into an 18 inch
Her maji-str. tbn* appeaUd to, ob- made by a eaivuter or roughly Uuproin tfai* way. and eefor iimay not be alThus
terved that since the deathof thepriua vised from an empty case.
tORotber oiiluterastiDg.
oon»orl*hohadbi*on iu tbehflBi* of con-]
-------------------------I pnt tbe oat oo a table in front of a
nlting Ibe DdIco of Saxe-Cobur; on all'
amall toilut mirror. Afierlooklugatbii coutracUng fiber brought the
_ ^ affaixa
refloerton for a abort while bu went bo- im-ut down to 9% loabaa In delight family
|I It 1* said, writes M. Preseotl in Good
Tbs matter wo* therefore referred to Boma-ki-eplngbiod tbo glaaa Tbon bo retnmed to bis shx gasped: ■■Ob. haven’t 1 got—a Jnrt
Dnke Eruert. wbo replied (hat since tbe ! Thai a g<-m-roiu lump of waslUug
•eat In front and again watched it at- lovely figure now? And ife—-*o li
Ivcty. After a few moment* fae rap- and oomforttbla’’—Now Verk Advor* ouificatlon of Germany bu bod made it aodu and a quart of waicr. if put into
a rule to ask tbo emperor's opinion on twU and puu* Iu whlih fish, cabbage,
idly, dashid behind it Uuagaln rrtnm- tiM-r.
all importaut qac*tloiX Thu cam now , onlou* and other "loud " Kiu<-lling foods
. . to
o fate
hi* Kit in front of tbo
f gia«,
while relululug bis seat and keeping
"It te surprlsltig." says a oommer- oame before tbe kaiser, wbo decided. bare Ln-un coukud. wHl tUorouglily
bte eyes Cu-d on tbo imago bo stmek dal traveler, "bow general IbetM* of that, at a constttntioiial *ovort'ign, fae cleanse and make them smell sweet
abont bubind tbe glan with fate paw in poutooi as poubolders te bcoomlng in was bonnd to aacertaiu tbo view* of bi* and i-b-nn.
\ That a teasimonful of vim-gar boll.
dlffiTcut dircctioua
boiela 1 bavo eoen them in lua in groat prime minister.
Hte nuxt action wv, I fancy, snggeet- bostelries of tbe east, whose owners
Happily for tbo now aiixions pair of Ing on the stove wlli counteract tbe
tvera, the "Iron Chauct-llor," who .amell of strofiff food.
ed by »wdng tbo imago apparently strike wouldn't bwiute for a moment to loven,
wish to conTbai a lca*i>oouful of gniuud riovoa
- with ite paw atsa Kuepiug bis seat and •pond $10 for a desk ornament to bold wa* then in offico, bad
o,nr. on a f..w bol coaU wUI jirodi
retaining bia eye fixed on tbe image, be peus osed by tbe guests ia registering snlt anybody and decided that tbs mar
. prooooded to (if I may n»o the word) Tbe mixture of stareb, gloooee and wa riage might take place.-Kate Field's same result
That a few drop* of oil of sandal
Atnro in front of tbe glaaa Uoraiaod ter in tbo pototo aeem* well adapted to Waabington.
wood dropped on a hot sbova la also
hte 1paw* altenately, licked them. take np tbe iraparicieB of ink and to
I Daotfc Ttfley.
an cxeollenl dcodori»-r,_
kiM'p tbo pen point clear and bright,
That a stale crust Vt bread bolted
Many, many year* ago Montesqniei
while tbo alkaloid of the potato, known
with abbage will absorb the strong
and as far as puniblo avoid drawing
tbegratFivnchpblloeopbcr.o .
Tb* Kcsi SoeoMMiu aad Bdonttflo Traatm*at of All Pte e**M and %
tlw inflnana of climate npou human odor. ■
That a large lump of charcoal In a
of Mankind Poattbl* to ObtoiiL
nature. Tbe effect of nature iteclf upon
refrigerator will preventa musty smclL
animal life ha*
That a pound of copjieras dissolved
Be« np on (be comer of a bonae, at tba Cbemioally speaking, starch
te tbe first
In boiling water. If poured Into drain
jonentre of two stroett at tbe old north base of a potato, and sugar
or glucoae
jnrt returned from a perilons trip pipe*, will dissolve the grease ami artsid of Bortem. te a bast of .£aoul^aa te iu eocond basa Thu* te the humble
X>'”‘!SvTt^fli- A ia **•««> •opvr'wte dtsnwlni s^ WeMtaf. fMsMs aJ
For many, many years it bai been tb* potato Ending aaocber way in which to (tarougtatbe "Dath valley" in Nevada ry away all linpurlth-s.
That a disagreeable "onion braath’’
rteiUe aign that then te a dmg atora serve tbo usm of mankind. "—New Hi« report pictnia this weird, unfinish
ed spot of.^«arion as a region of borYorkTribuna______________
deMh cverr 7«*r **•
rora Even tbe fanna are nnonuy and mouthful of vluegar
Some ttme ago two visitor* to tb*
I iB tk« hBjia* o' c(pcru.
A UmiaTrnA.
in almat diabolical accord with the In cup of hot water In which a pinch of
tety went prowling about this ancient
"My husband played ndi a me
ferno netnre of this vast realm of sand baking soda has been dissolved.
and historic ground onoe mt artetoentto
That a foul bmtb may be sweetened
and salt
and now nsqoalid. and tb^ came npoa trirk cn me," aaid one woman to i
by a luoutb wash of |>ermangBO*te of
tbe time wen bast, for tbe prteenoe of other on tbe stnet oar tba other day.
___omuji operSMB STUMSSteUr sM
-Bowr' aiteed tb* friend eympatfaet- tbe Gila monster, flonrishc*
potash In a tacup of water.
wblcb they were not prepared. BtlU it
That the frequent nsc of lye in the
retreat Uaard*, rattlauake*. bngo
teanind to tbem notewortby, and they tally.
elMBre e> (ssr Oan sad sU ettw ar* epera"Wtay, 1 found fa* waa amokinr
tda,-*!! kitchen sink wlH pn-vent a borrible
Bcorpiona and tarantulas aud toads,
weal Into a shop to Mk aboat it
SvFt IM finppfl 11 24 ftotrs.
The Waukazoo House!
CoDsultatioo and Eiaimaation Free and Suictlr Confidaaiial.
Thursday and Friday, - June 7 and 8, 1900.
Tb* clerk wa* m«t cfaligii« and q$v smti* worth of cigar* a d*y. and 1 got
him to agree to ^ve me a* much
"Ob.thatr’be*aid. ■'Tbat’e old X)e. moneya week a* smoking cot him.
Qal^na 1 den't rightly know who b* stock to II 006 week."
■■Andafawi what?”
was. bat I've *n bka be n*ed to pnn"Be boo^l a day pip* and a poond
tte* down fateer—Yoatta'sCompaniaa.
of 10 cMt totwcoo and cot my pin mon
ey liown to J ceotoa week. ’’—todianga.
A triiA of Canadian girl* t« keep tb*
warm In eeves* weather te worth
Two friend*, a waver aad a taUor,
acting They bcM a nnubet of sUvr
doUan and slip tbem into a netted beams U time enemlea to moeb ao
t, carrying tbe latter in tbeir mnffa that tbe tailor spoke much evU of Che
behind bte bock, tboogfa tb*
Tb* coina treated in this way. leii'
weaver always spoke well of tbe-taUoc.
tb* bMl for aerteal boon and oan
Upa a lady okiag tb* waver why be
-Is it right In My
"ooisider.” Mtes Arreasf
Fa Instona. I deem yon a nta yuMtfl '
MM^^Ogg^Jitetyon MIL
ahncnnally reaomona writhe and bop odor.
That a few tnoothfula of tlmewater ‘^A^miASrAJIO POUTITB ^KS
aemis tbe hated waste, bnt they are
nothing in comparison to kangarooUke or a few drop* of rinetarc of royirfa In (srliasvtBleflSBUiefesrivTlBC ssd ihs bbtumbler of- water will sweeten
’ '
rate and mla that feed on ooorpiona a
One of tbaa eorioa mice te known a* i breath, and a small piece of orria root
tbe groabopper mooe. from bisenriou j if chewed, will gives violet odor to tbe
jtaU ...MU, M h
and bte chief deliacy te a' bratb.
eentipod. Tbe women might
snri) kind of niira iuferted the b<
ter In one-third Ueb alicea. Pare. Uy
bolds of tb* land.—Fbiladelphia Bern out on a platter and sprinkle writ pow
ctd. • _________________
dered sugar, lemon juice and apice.
Drain, dip ach slice in fritter batter
«bs DtHim UHM.
and fry a few at a time in bot deep fat
"Wbot’s tbte?” demamted tbe gMrt, Drain and serve with powdered ragar
{Muting to one of tbe side dtebe* tb* «r lemon ance.-Kltcben Magaalne.
waiter bad bcoagbL
"SaatetfOA air." antweted t|>e waiter.
"I didn’t order any. ”
Melt a piece of bnttcr tbe else of Ao
"Itboogbt yotf'dld. air.'’
slice Into It a medlnm steed onion
"I ordetwl Muoa Can’t yon teU tb* aad fry a debate brawn. Add three
dlffMona between ana andanaaga?” gttls of milk and one of cream. 'Scam
"¥m sir,” aaid tbo waiter, gatbertyoa doing a roaring bnelneed’' iiM np tb* rejected dteb with nnraffled te taste with p^tper and cetery aalt
flpUt thm or foor Boston crackers
a 1 am."a
digi^. "Between nna and nnsagts fot ia a tnr*ei
ten te Boaly a dlffarenaol agM. tehMaOk.
Wtefa «Msa texr-GUeaco Tlifam..
wg ecasai
hemstitchinq unens.'s
ADAPTING fashions:
Mmt to »IM o( ttta tovtoff nn^l'
WbOe bemathoblBK U rerr pnOj
•ad eaer vurt. rri it U vort which »■
Oatm care and acenrarT la order to be
parfact ear* Mrt. U Bartoa WOaes to
TIaHlac «MW*-Whes rsshtMs
The Art toim-baoce. This u npaetolAre Oenmllr Aa*^e«. Leadaea
to troe la preiwilait tbe Uoco aad torto
Atawra €%■>■■ Them.
tWtbebeiB. If there la aarti drfartni
It to la tbe adaptation ot toablon to
la tbe Uaeo-wbirb. bp tbe wap. ahoald
peraonal aepert that conatota tba
net be tbe catae-lt to VeU to dip K to
boUlBf water. After It li prraaed cot tne eoqoetrp of wonten. And pet bow
tbe fow edeea atraigbt to a drawn few or tboB put to practice thi* apbortbresd. Tbra draw out two threade all tom. aapa tbe finropean edition of the
rotwd two. fear or ais Inrbea froia tbe New Tort Herald.
cdiee. acrordlna to tbe reqaind width
The atpltoh draaa for a amall dinner
of tbe beta, .t uae or two Inch bem to partp abown berewitb to enUrrip of
prettp on a z; larb rraterplere. a S>i •trine colored fulmpe made np orer a
or a 3 larb beat on a SO larb ceater- trooDd of Opbella colored faille wllb a
piece or teaclotb.
transpareoep of moiuaellne de aole to
Two extra thread* aboold be drawn match tbe alUt between tbe two mateoot <>r tbe line* of the corner aqdara* plato. Tbe form of tbe dreu to tba
formed bp tlie rroa* side Uom of prtoeeaa cnt. with a tnnlc falUns orar
dnwa tbreade. The Ilaen to now readp
for tbe inrnlna of tbe beta, aod this to
tbe must careful operalloa of tbe wort.
Torn tbe aelrare or warp aide drat aa
tbeae wID Dot atreleh like tboae of tba
Turn tbe
Patlnr.par to....
of an Inch, bolding tbe Uoeo tant be
tween tbe thumb and foredager of
Mlcbl- - “
each band orer the knee. Now tarn
again, toping tbe doubled edge perfect
ly against tbe llnf of tbe drawn
threads. Haste with running atltcbea
half ao inrb king op to tbe point of InlAdlaa. "Tn eas jsap n U ti
it oat U will com* ap amUtog ararp
taraecUon at the corner. .Next turn
iB>a.’'OalmaD'a ElaaUe Floor Varntok
6 E Walt_________________
Th«*«c oornera are
T» OMto to COM tn Onto Dtop.
toe next rare. He *ure tbi-p are toreed
fake Waraer’i White Wine of Tar S>-rui
porfecUp to a thread, tben wllb abaQi
lie best cough remedy on eanb. 26
■claaora cnt awap tlic tuminl over ob
long to within an elglilti of an Inch of
the drawn thread*. Cm awap the
turned orer purilon «f all fi>ur corners
In tbi* wap and then turn and ba*U
the remaining two •Ide*. u*ilp he
enre tbe corner* which the cutting
awap lip* left Kinglc like tbe rest of the
bem are perfrcHp turned, then ba*te
tliem. Wa*tc bif* of lllo *ilk are very
Trato will laaf* Traraa* Clip at 8 na. Retnrnlng leave Bartow 6:00 p.
picnraot banting tbn-ad* to work with.
a. Bat*. 81.00. Blepela* earrlad fra*.
Have You..
ttiiM iiwrty taiot ot«tb«*i«wd-
nUmdinc • Uf«
Km^ Md ^Muki tiT tte evd.
•‘If « triiRMta «OBld
■KBM9 to oWrato dMir tr*jk» la dtUi
■Dd •» «ro«iii»t to NV w*k*«W
______ t MV (Otoe OO. 1. f<V CM,
mdtot OmI va «M Buka M ■TcnM«
M nUto aa tow batwan Hw Tort
MdCbiMM I tay tola with iW AlUCtMnmoutoiM almot atarlag me U
tbatac*. Wamtcbtloaatiaaaccdacap
that Fao«a. ***•«*«»«»••*'**^ **^
to COM and w«lda’t tbaj slide down
dda with a nadbad miaaa
•arTMaadgradeerwaiacil Intbamtotorof eod la'toakiaf
faw pe^ are awata at the axpaom atteehad tomato. In round nambma on
road *hlaw' in fnllj 16.000.000 la tbe
latter part of Irtl and tba bectontog of
IME That wai before tba Onanelal da-
&s=jKS)t—8 4 »
; ”“s aoioeuenaif/arMiucvm
ioog. and tbe wort pent nsfnllpfOOO.
OOa Other road* bare been dotog like
wise. and with tbe retm of a proqnrow pmlod we will snrprtoe tba world,
and aapacUlIp tba BnglUb. with tba armag* weed onr tntoa wlU attain,
"llaap ^l* will be aniprtoad to
p. and not tbto oom07 or bglBDd fwntoba* tba faMeat train
In to* world. n» United State* oom
■aooad aad Bagtond third. TbeOeman
trato ma from BerUa to Bambnrg. a
dtotoBM of 178 mltoa, la 804 mtanM
aa srarwa oobdda tfmd-tb$X to, not
noatlacftoiM. of ormdS mli« aabona
Tba Empire State axpeea* on toe Hew
Tork OwOnl road fnna from New Tork are rerp dear
to Bsffalo, a dtotoaoa of 440 mite*, in l«t* and tiallK. bl* Rghlog tackle, bt*
•80 aHantaa, and Ito oatoida spaed arar- trunl* rarkei. bl* tojM and morbl
age to Marlp tl milM an bon. Tba bl»-well, who can name all tile poafMtaat Bagltob Oain. that oomea third
iliat are dear to a bop'* beartl
OB toe lilt, to called toe‘weat ooaat flier’
When ihc Imp bo* no place In particand rant from London to Edlnbnrrt. »
lar In which to iMwtow bl* '
dtotoneaof 400 mlbn, at an araragaostptsxKB naaaa.
aap* a writer In The ladle*
ald* ipaad of 60 mtloi an boor.
to apt to pre-onipt cpiartcra wbererer • aklrt trimmed with narrow flnffp
•Tba farther we go went to* ali
floiincea of mouaselluc de stile orertoF
ptog and bordered ruuod the bottom
with guipure like the botip of the dreat.
mltoa of
Now give tbe bop a chance to be or On the Bide of the chest I* a roselle of
HtoB«ijlingiOB road’a beet main arar-'< dcrip and see If be won't lire up to bit Ophelia colored tulle wllb end* falling
at se mltoa an how. That on
opportoniUc*. It will be niucb better orer the dress'** far a* tbe knees. ^
tba llmitad. ran
Anotber akelcb •how* a *tp11*h dresa
only rmob on ararage of 84 mllm an
for paying rUH* or for the race*, a* It
how. Tb*ItoBTmlimited.ontbe Northdrew for
waatan road, bae to tanitla to nor* an
I* or to go to tai
araragg gait of 8B tollw an bow.
lor made eontunie*. The tjuestlou to
“VacT faw of tbrtaat limltod tnlna
accepted a* a matter of personal taste
to toll oowitrp pap for toe expeua of
or regulated bp the weather aud the
nnntog town, and it to aa open aeorca
importance of the race meeting. The
''-that to* llmitad betwan this oitp and
dreat In queatloo I* of maure and
New Tork. . toe limltod between New
white allk atrlpe. The corsapo. which
Tort and Chtengo and tba Empire Stole
to almost entirely com|>o«ed-«f yellow
agpram botwaan Naw Tort and Boffato
[pure. 1* trimmed with brace* of
and to* Ohioago limltod on tba New
Iped ribbons to match tbe dress.
Tort Oantnl road ooat their reapeotlT*
They also encircle the corsage and
road* a good deal mora than ibop faring
form an atgn-t bow on the left side of
la. knt toap are great adTcrttoara t
tbe cben. The slecre* are of guipnre.
rsapaotlTa road*.
with turn bnek cuff* "en lareuae.”
^ "Tba adTantaga* of fast trato aarrlo*
Orer tbe aklrt I* a tunic pwlir cover
ing It. and there 1* a toco flounce
ai* not oonflnad to toe ounring of pea■round tbe tnitum ending In a abort
aaigan swlftlpfton one point tonnothtrato.
Tbepan faltall tbroogb toa operntIn tbe days when fashion* In dreas
■or'* UKKxa.
be totentlod for tbe
I Important dtodpltoary InBnenoa. Tba for'tbe habit* be to forming and coo- aapedal purpose of displaying a bcantp
maing of each extraonUnarp fait train* •Iderablp belter for tbv one wbo to tip- or concealing a defert. aapa tlie New
I to* Oongtamiasm] limltod aad to* tog to ket-p her houFc orderip.
York San. it wa* lald that ugly women
lake tbe bop a looker,
locker, where be cu Introduced them, and pretty women
Empire BUto exprea* ha* bad ■ wonderfnl aflaet to lacreaMng toa rlgllanoa and keep all hi* i>o*seiwlon*. and ioeate It were foolish enough to follow them
aOetosiep of aU toa tralnbanda. Tba In the toutuirp. the iMick hall
to the exicDl of disguising every
trWpi— on wbiofa snob train* ara ran roue other pto<-e ao tliat he won't bare
». But Id these
to tear through the Ixiuae ererp time
d tiMpeooaeqnenUp keep toa n
he want* one or anolher of bl* plop* leads to the fsaliloo iraktiig. with
along IIM line'travel rawtontlp o
lerctol adranngc at hi* guiding prin
toa alert Baefa man to made to feel fa
The shape shown In the Illustration ciple. and all women follow him, not
fall abara of tbabntdan ofra^msIbUltp. map l« suggestire onlp, for the looker blindly perhaps. l>vit rerp diligently,
abould be arrangetl to bold tbe par looking upon his creation* as toexoraticular articles which the jiartlcular
tows which In cenain dlrcollon* at
nnm peraonal inoltoadons to be alack bop ha* In hU pobscshIoii, and onlp tbe lenat ranst be obaerred without protest
uf tbe Imp In qwwtion cab While be murt keep pace wllb tb*
V nagtootfuL Tba tetoip^ opanM
bat* a aaspMHio 1 of 80 daps atartog pwalhl^ know wbat tbeae map I
them to tba tnea for toe aUghtaet dalap
Raw «a raid Year tkirt.
to to* Itodtad. nod all....................
Fold a drvaa skirt In borlsontal rather
"Bwldaa tola attonnlna to dntp tba than In longlUMllnal line* If poo would
(■at train* aorta a* ao tooenUta to tbe bare It reialu It* frvshm*** to the BtMBtostriraforproaotloB. Oondnot- moat.
Tbe skirt In wearing alwaps acqnlrea
ora. aMtMaraflrscaan and otoer hand*
on toa UaMad gal mora pap toan do tba Icngthwlae crease*. Tlierefore pnt It
BMn aaanloTad on toa train* of anbordi- awap SO that tbeae erldcncca map be
That tbe‘flier,‘to
fllw.’l luga- counteracted.
gto- Stretch the garment out full width,
flnmioa to nOlrondtog to etideaead bp then double It downward from tbe belt
of tbe place In
tba rmutkabla omm* bf toa Coogtaableb poo mean to lap IL If drawer
MoBBl. to* Bopal Bln* and tbe Empln
trunk I* 100 abort to
Stola expraa Tbaaa are tba to*t«t
train* to tbto eonnlrp and bate been the entire outspread width ot aklrt
nantog aatwal panra bnek, and. with which to llkclp. tben let tlte Anal fold
be the onlp one
wito no mtobap.
Tbaaa train* paw bmdth. Tbto method tend* to amootb
totoagbpaar aftor pear witboot a aln- out tbe line* aad “muBBlne**’' of
pr^leable In packing.
A»d 1 ImilaT* it to all fitn
n dtoafpitoe p«t open tba ampl<
to* (Ml aartloa. Tba
to lb* fMt tralH. ‘‘^Wasbtogtoo
For wheat muAn* lake one cup of
milk, one ublespoonfnl of melted bat
ter. one well beaten egg. a tittle aalt
of auger, two teaUbleapooi
Among to* Arab*
powder and tw«
apoonfuto of baking
IM W nlnatog tba mUk to lesAbar aktoa rnp* of flour, Bake thene In a gnlrt
wUrtwwaabakanor beaten until the oren. In gem |iaB*. for 30 mloBteo.
Pere Marquette
Trato will lesTe TraTerae'citp at 0:80
a m- RetnrnlBg leave Grand Banlds
at 0:00 p. m , Ma*kegon at 0:15. Rata
to eitber polm*. 83 oo. ttt. so, It.
blmaeif able to do. He llkea to be
tnwted to the perf<wm*nce of aome
dntp and wtll pnt forth bto hen effort*
to prora tnwtwortbp.
MaaA—Tbap ongbl not to nUov mar
lin batvam eoadaa
Mimto-Wtap aot?
crowing tendesep toward tba srtlatle
nd besutlful to draaa change to bto
regetables keep tbe notto. aad stoare* and akin* expand
Mipll ffimT-T If pan nunp P«v etalka in water nntU rendp to cook. bad contract without rhyme or reaaea,
BonSpowown oblldrsn ara aenraalp Bn* map.be kept bp burping thnn to •a tbe mattar c( Bw«« map And It eota
mil and enrrau and toralpe bp bnrptof
to laran to • bag otanaL
ipimre to iha sseoM oC bto tirtiw
I Dave bad my baildinc
rebuilt And pnt in good
shape Slid am now ready
to receive all old patrons.
Good Line of Jewelry
$1.00 a Month
At 'reeidenceH—same as last year.
Have large qvonUip on band,
make a apecioltp of ear loU.
J. A. Jackeon
BoUi'PhoQM. No. t.
in Icel Fire InsuraDca.
L. li. A. BnUdin^.
Now 75c a Month
Chas. W. Merrill
Both 'pbsWH No. 114.
Q s. BiAOWH, Aiwrw
Of Lsv apaeisi mm
•«* MorarAseiBc. tur
First Freeze
Clear Ice, from Boarilmtn lake.
to prlTtotto famlllM.
r«nttoA*Aowiui Qalmn'i Haiti*
spar 'Ffcmlsb
______________________ PtoTtoble monthly in ndvAnoe.
Grud hpldi 4 ipaiHi Rj
Ivol ood ddporiuro ol trolnn ot Troran
CIIF. I* «floct DrecaWr rtth. I1«.
410 W. FroDl St.
sssas rssseflsfleeASS*
rwK.4. M. WILHtLM.vkrsletsB
Otacw'»«T^OB»h*i‘um' tIl'Koet ■
Tclephear Ko *00
lAv. OBocMOItr OpmSMaaS
si'CS' B
oost Block.
lire Insurance.
kindly ramambar I want > write thr
iBdaraaee tor poa, and will give pen
land eareful attantlon.
the moat raltabla atock Inaurance '
bira vary tow.
bona 78.
JohHM Block
sesasessBsasesL-a ;s£ss«
The It :U o ■ trolo too porlor cor lo Ora*
UptdD, osd Direpir ClrosJ Kapid* to Olaao-
Best to be had in
tbe city is at
lotp.B. TaiophcB*.n.
Rraldfoce *11 WsinlDrxw ktoori.
Bril 'pkoa*. Kortbrrn 'pboor tto.h_________
T\B- B. S. rUMD, Ottoe In M* Tn
U Block Gallo oeowarod pro^F *
eirkt Wortaore'pkOBO.a*: Soil. Ml,
See aamplea in window.
Tbe Fere NarqDeUe Riilmd
«a SoM Bicbtk airwc.
John R. Santo,
ttMiil liMriin.
Wersborff Bloek
oireot. Hoodt>onilD}eo*MetioB for peiloau
ColU Ion ot Bro4horOD'» u BkoDo'* sole
olotflcD »iU a* proapUr ouoodod u>. KortaMertbcra paeoo
“*Si?rlBgol»«^ M. bite choir rot r»
to Urood Rapid* ood choir cor UrohC
Heullmantel Hotel
____________t>F the Idiom od4 ioom op
w yht eoll* arMpUy
"Tb»4»p ■ trolo hte porlor cor to Orood
Rapid*, ood Morplug oor oud rtMcb Urohd
^^lel^rloVot I80P M. hoo *Wprr Ol*
CisooU tonrooO Bhpidf ODd roDcb ooJ •>««>
lugror Chicago to Urood U*p:d«ood choir co>'
81 00 par dap; apaoial rataa bp
oiiio '^’U*d'
4 Up II OD,
L* Ohkeog*........ i:^
Ar ratb^f''!
Boom 01 <W Sooth CdIoo OiroM.
Opoa oU Bight.
..1“ 1 Kl tV
t 19
' !SKKr,S’'
aad Bqnaltoatlen.
la« r^olor ooBOol aooUu of thv Boord of
ita CMMUjtoM
■ gaa MeodoF. mof —
taemoM Cwfeor
,jf o'elork
o'clock to
noftoto. PVb IT. tort. Bpoelol ouooUoc gfran
doFto opcrotlTc ■umcr ood diocooo* poeoUor lo 4 o'elMk 1* thd ofthrMoe at owh
--■o-OF'----------Uo Dtowoefe OAcc ood TcUd**eo m Boj
•iroM. Ai borne Iron N to Ido. w. ood frea >
IF *o.
niOMO Tt'MINn-J. W. Gune. •orot—loool
ir ptoDOtuecr. wUh W..W. Kliauai Go. IS
rrool otroct. TroToo* Cllj. Hlek.
o a Milk.
. Toim* to
niabrirt gaUop. aad attar aronad<
Mtat n^a^irtmtogw
For baying a 10 cent
cigar when yon can get
Lt BURoptdo..
Ar TtotutmOf
uiRB UD iHinuniii 1.1
toWddaeeioF.Jao. II
llttoa-aleta am.
SFOOtbUUthOtwlF tlioc t
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
aidnnlkI.umbtTlB >nflatD
JOHN P. OTT & 00.
Men M Xnmnf OitF hotter Oof
- -Lob*
TnrmoO Ovar Oitj angfnaw
VorChrap^ Baltfp.
Waja aai :
» W Parfl.«»»(*aataa
n- Itnar^"—t*
hr niaailp
•^^Oaai*li«« IbrtM*
mA «t»Ud (hat aaj Mtto that
tha Tirtaal waf
Mda wltti Mr. Sarthrap at Oa toraar
aaattacofthaaoaaea ba ak^ an-
ttaaoaaaQ hadraaUy htiad Mr. Barth*
rapattha f
- t Mr. Karthra^aaaM
BomaMoUlngPoaltieHatEap Bivar
aataarBthaaalaiT. aad slataA that
Driwan Oat in Oanfraien Franah
arm. M waU M tha beard ad pahUa
aaffSntfton Molly Mamed Trt(B. ware ready to wm hto aarrtoaa
tm«ny-Weik of fftrasgthanlng
Solar Bol^ In the aoMh Taataaday
ns a Wondarfnl Thlag far
Atlanta. May M-Tha total aalar
aMtpaaof INOtoww htotoay.MMA
I (hat ha
aa« the
had not haaa abto to tad a
With TremaedwM Bpaed.
d a( pehito werha who wMlh
aU tha aallw* rtnU
Loadoa.May »s-L«d Xbherto an
(hawaatharwaa parMotand rwaltoof
■ ,«rt at r~* all at tha dty
war ofiaa: ••KUp Bivar. May M.
^B^toafawarklBCwtthoat fa#. At
ri to. alabacata on tha
iHMt that to tha war It
arraar. atatad that aararal i mbara of the
now anraumi I asllaa i
toawthataet that tha arrrarriatloaa heard of watveomml earn had a»
Auabnig. Tha aaawy bad praparlirtoBt ftar ara «*haaatad.aad tha
•poaarataaadlaat alfM to
ad to oppose ns, bat i
ra was not (ha allghaat qam
artlaaaaa rt««Uiia( for tha aalariaa of
«haaaatotofer(haaaaalatroar. Aad to hto nUUty to lay aaweta aad watm ana after tha other as wa naaradtham. FermwOoreaa Oaoiaia Feread to BaWa pnrsnad tbns so hard that they
ttwaaaUaboatB. F. Horthrma. tha iins.(o pave and maaadamtot
Tsal Bamaa of Msrdaram of
to baud made aad to do any other only jnat had time to get their tve
aaaaa is 1806.
guns into a train nnd leave thto etatton
AtthaaaaHacof tha ooaadl two wart that ooald ha raqmlnd of tha el^
■pvclal wTbe HmIm »«wra.
waahaace. thawaja aad taaani aom- aaglnaar. Ha deolarad that hm only apeomeottba'
Tokohama, May 88—Former Oorean
Mittaa wara adrtaad that it waa tha obiaetion to Mr. Northrap waa that infantry daehed Into it. FreBehtoand
officials bava diviilgad, nader tortara.
Ha^tonto fc
aMaaofthaooaaaU that thoj laelada Mr. Northmp to aa aamaat ndi
Mgngwivith the enemy abont tan names of parsons who mnrderad tha
ia thair ^(oarlattoaa for tha ymi. B. tha Bast Bay system of water warka
and wonld do all that ha aonid ta ae- miles on the left, aa firing has been Qaaanin '9S. Several are arreetad and It
r Borthrap aa cUr aa»laaor. i
to probable thet aU wUl be exeented.
aaJaiy«f«i.*00ar«ar. Thto thay did. enre it lor the city. In oonclation, Mr. beard staea nm.
■■Farmers near the Una of advanoe
aad whaa tha sattar aame op in the Bastings stated that to go back on tha
are anrrandering wltb their arms and
eoaneil. it raaaltad in the Urallaat fi<ht action of tha oonneU would not ha boshorsM.
that that difolfled body hai Indulged
Mayor Friadrleb gave the gentleman
••Enodla oeenplad Sanekal May *4
la tor many a long day. and one that
Irbm the Second ward a small aall No report of what occnrred has reaohwaa worth an admiaaion tee to witneae.
down for hto amphetle aUtamant
ad me yet."
tboogb there wae ooaeidarable -boaV
the point of honor, and snggeeted that
Pfotoria, May 84—^y
tag the air" and eome Ulk that
personal rtflecUona 'be omitted from Lorenso Marqnea, M^ S9—Owing to
did aotarriee area in tha Tteinlty of
the debate.
mmors of aa intended. maUay the
tha point at iaene.
Alderman Wright eUlmed to be as Brlttth prtooams at Watarval spaelal
hononbie as any man in Travefaa City,
taken by promlbnt did not approve of paying thto eal
ary. He had no qneetlon at to Mr.
Pretoria. May »s-Br
M—The work of
Bet It’s joj
In rag^ to the atatement of Atdar- addingtoand etrengthealng the dcand wearer of
lan Hastings that none of the mam- fense of the capital are proceeding
ben of the board of pnbUe worka op- with tremendous speed. Bnadreds of
poaad Mr. Nortkmp openly. Alderman
captnred daring Tm*Bonghay atatad that It the membcre of daytohatUe oloaa to Lindlcy, arrived
rnglnaw of Fire Dapartaeant
that board had eald what Mr. Haet- bare dnrlng the night. Sehalk.a bni '
For Ladies’
Crieen of Fire Taame, each.
Ings elalmed. they had told a regnlar ar. In aa addreae to Free Stats Boars
Told ns Setnrdey. Bbeaeld; *'1
Tha qaaation being on tha edition
nsed to pay 61.00 for my sboee.
•f thto report, the tght began. Aldar- bi»».k lie. and he wonld like to meet on the Bailbron road yaatarday, aaid
of yoor 61 M sboee
(Oontlnned on third page.)
all who wtohad to awrander eonld do
M8 MoaUgae opened it with the
and thonght I would try a pair.
Of 6,000 man-present only twelve
atataaaat that ha muat, to do hia daty.
Now I wear them altogether, and
signified a detln to et^ figbUag.
really they give me better satlilay aaida any paraoaal faaUnga and
OoerlUa warfare on a large eeale to
faction than shoes I paid 63 Oo
note aa be felt eallad npon to do by tha
imminent In the Free State- Startling
wtohae of hto ooaatitaaata. Be aaid Nearly a Whole Family Shot
They’ll please yon. too.
>U are looked for dally- Yonr earthat be apiwoTed of aU tne
jpt that (elating to tha City Down by Unknown P<
deeLnietlon of property on the Bend
Thto ha eonld net vote for
has been decided npon In the fighting
^ eronld eaat hto rota agidnat the aalade Game Into Bonaa While Fam
area that approaebee that part of the
tire report nnlaae It
Uy waa Sitting at Table aad
Be atatad that the board of poblle
Fenr WiU S>ie.
worka to a man
propoaition to employ Mr. Northmp. SpeetalteTbc HorBlnc BscorcL
Anoka. Minn.. May 18—Foot bnmaa
Alderman- Sladar apoke in the aame
e^. atatlng tkat the people did dtaira beings are dead or dying, and a famUy
He Was Imposed Upon
-ly wiped out of aristanee on a
lhateneha salary ahonld be paid to
farm Ian mllea north of this elty aa the
Neeley in Onba.
Alderman Moore began an aamaat resBll of the moat oowardly and mytapaaeh with the remark that the eonn- larloM orima aver eornsUmd la thto Bnt VhUa Not Baspoaaible for That
aU were oanfnmtlag a eery naetnal aaelion of the aUta. Tha horrible
n’s MladolBgs to Bitterly
atauefaffeiie. They hadadrtoad aa mnrdar oerarrad vritUa the mambars ef
aad Bis Saerifiea to Prt^woprlatton tor the paymant of a tha tamUy of William Wtoa ware smI-
All Sizes and Kinds
Genuine U. S. Bunting Flags
At the Old Reliable
Are You Going To Graduate?
If eo, remomber Bencln for your outfit. While we hare no time
to Bend you a yard of reading matter and pat yon a bit on the
shoulder, you will find ns on the square joat the name. We
cannot save you enpugb money on your outfit to eecure a first*
class education, but
Alfred V. Friedrich
We positlnlif promise to sell lou a first-class
Sradaetloe oetflt cheaper than tti man that
e»er waltnil la shoe leather.
\ ^ow, young man, if yon are amart enough to giadoalo, yoo
are smart enough to know “from whence the wind blowetb.”
8. BENDA & CO.
$1.98 Shoes
Mlaty of ditoo to Mr. Northmp. on tha
Mcengthof wktoh ha hadrefaaad an
offer of a poaltion at a salary of $1M0
pm- yanr. Mr. Moore aUUd that tha
•nlnry was not too mneh tor a eompatant
and that no senae of honor
ooeld prompt any member who mtad
• for tha reoommandatlon at tha prerlw
asatlng to vote differeoUy now.
sUtad that pareonally ha wonld rather
pay gioo oBt of hto own pocket than to
hare tha eonneU go hack on what was
In honor a eontraot. thoegh not a legal
one. In r^ard to the ataiament that
bad bean made, that the board of pnblic works to a man ware nnfe»orahle
to the employment of Mr. Northmp. he
aeked what kind of a board it might be
that wonld ell qnleUy by while the
propoetlon for the employment of a
nan wae made, and make no enggeeiton. thoegh they were oppoeed to It.
and atiarward object, when the man
had loet a good poaltion on theetreagth
of the action of the oonncll.
Alderman koead aUted that ha had
voted for the ealary epoken of onder
the Imprcesion that the board of pabUo works approved of the eeleetion of
Mr. Nmthmp. aad that there wae plen
ty of work for him to do. Be wae
terry that the vote had been taken,
hat he weald no more go heck on the
vlrtaal eontraet than he wonld if it had
been made by blm pareonally.
Alderman Bongbey etotad that the
aalary waa emaB enongb U Mr. Nmthnp were oompetent to bnlld maaadamtaad roada, pave atreeta and do tha
other tblng^that wonld ha raqnirad.
He was sorry that he had not nadarstood tha attitada of the board of pnbItoworksontheeabjeetat thettmeof
ad at a Ubie ia tbalr farm
Witbont warning aboto ware fired from
withont, and bnekahot crashed (hrangh
tha windows, oarrylag with it death.
Martna Wtoa. age l>. and Elisa Wtoa,
age 11, ware the only mambeie of the
tamQy who eeeaped injury. The
wae Chet where he mt, SO tone
etrtkmg him in the back. Wm. Wtoe.
Jr., was bit by a ballet from a wineheeter, Jonh, aged 11. was strnek by
and a winebcater ballet
and M». Wtoe wes abot la tha hack.
Every one injured WiU die. The whole
oommuqity to aroused aad atrivtng
to clear np the mystery. Not the
eligbtaei doe has thus far been obtain-
SaaaU BUI Proeldeo for 6nrrandar of
Fngittva Criminals to Anthoritlea
of the Island.
apcelal (oTbr Mcrslnf BecorC,
WaebingtOB. May 88-Tbe blU
bring abont the extradition of Neeley,
the Cohan postal clerk charged with
embeztiemeat, was today reported to
the eenate by the committee on judi
ciary as a snhatltate for the bUl passed
by the bone. It provide! for (be
render of any fogitive from jutiee
charged vHtb nay offaaae (not poUtlenpoommltted la Onba. after a bearing
before a judge of a United SUtae drcult or district eonrt. The bUl also
names offaaaas for which axtradlUon
wlU be granted and limits tha Ufa of
the act to n period withla which Onba
ahaU be goveraad by tha United State*.
The report aeeompanying the bUl
stataa that tha Paris traaty made It
mbanlnpoa tha United 8laMa «e
pcetaet Ufa and propvty in Onba dnrlag their ooatrol of the island, and to
(tetand every aU ta making effective
tha admlstoltatioB of jnatioe therein
rnnst be given.
apeetcl to Tht MorolBs Btcmi.
WaaUngton. May t8-Tbara ara no
aw davelopmente in (ha peatofflea
aeaadal today, bnt there have been
peretotant rnmoie from Indiana that
Perry 6. Heath, first aaetotani poet
master general, wonld realgn aad for a
time retire from politic*. Bcelb baa
been vary enecemfol in bnslneaa
itnrai ia the laat three or four years
aad to now known as oaa of the moat
ia the oonstry.
with Intaresto In banks la New York.
Ohio. lodiana and other states and In
Heath's friends aay thto good fortnna
or good management In his private
bnslneaa affelrq, and hto effort to Uke
care of friends of hto own nnd other
party workers, have bronght npon him
np jost eens^ In connection with the
Caban postal eesndsl. They admit
Heath to reepoaslble for Neeley's ap
pointment, bnt say there to nothing In
the whole record to involve Heath In
the scandal which surrounds Neeley
becanm he wae Imposed npon by that
gentleman. They are afraid, however,
eallc for a ■eerifloe here in
Waahlngton and (hat Heath wUI be the
Bang of Tan Men Mare to String a
OabU on Union Street Aeroae Uvar
J.O. Hilbert, fmeman for the eonetinetkm gang of the Weetara Union
Telscraph Oo.. to in the elty with a
crew often man to tnkajdown tha nolaa
and wlrm ranning aronnd the bead of
the river aad to pnt np In their itead
a eable aerrae the bridge on Onlea
■treet, eoaMoting the P
our window,
goods are.
The Boston Store
Wa ara oompallad to act. Undoabtadly
aoma wary sUtrtling avants and great anrprisaa will reach yoor ears in tba next
few days, and it yon ara In need of any
thing in tha way of marchandiae as rep
resented by our many depArtmenU, it
will pay you to watch and wait.
Minute Rates
laphemlng. Iron Mountain
and other
Tapper PenixiBuIa
Monogram Shoes
Are just the shoes for ladies who wish
a strictly up-to-date shoe at a moderate
As handsome a shoe as you'd care to
see. New style vamp and foxing, welt
and tnm sole’and opera heel A shoe
that will always satisfy ffie wearer—
The price, $3.50. For sale only by
Don’t Pay High Prices
The qaastisB halag on tha report of
Uaeemminae, H ww last. AWarman
Moeaa. fiaatiasA Eoaad nnd Garrison
voting yea; Alderman MoaMgna. Sled«, Bonghay. Kenyon and Wright vot
B andehlUafitladi
ing no.
ren with beat aboaa at lower prioee than
r Eea Dead.
Awful Btovaceaof Bnbonie Flagme at
«than moved that
aay otbar atora ia town.
the raport ha adopted.’ strOting ent SMclal to Tas Heansc Eaooas.
MlaMopoUa. May ts-Jndga P. Ban. miT— to ns Hsmac BM«id.
IhatpnrtofUraUtiagtotha elty -no^
giaaar. lie motion was aaeoadad by temar oommaniiar in ahlaf ef lha G.
A. B,, died today, i«ed 60 yanra. Oir
614 Front Straat
took thaflooc heals of arlariat WH tha eansa ef danth.
This spaoa—It halongs to
Pjpolar Shoe House.
For choice of lot of Men's Suits, all clean
up to date, this year's goods, in maoy
good colors. Come in and see if these
are not worth $9. tlO and $12. Sack, D*
B., square cut and cutaway styles. See
It'll show you what special values these
It‘s not SO much the price, but it’s what you get for the
Tonrth Ye»r—No. 956
hawtldml^ WrtnMa It will ramnin
graan in the mamactoa ef aalronemam
wba vtoitad Oaorgia and tha layman
witnaaaad tha gwwMB dtoplay of
e< Fratnrto Being Frahad
WorthaatthaBtaia Wmto
isiDtri m
rvixm 1
-IT— irwT>onis->»>rt
■adaOdlWonwlthBop Wlea wWeh
*»4V«E»B omr" IHCBI04JI
raoB TBS
Bop Wla* had a enOWea peetordap
with Uttia JnUn* Bam*, aataahed the
WepeU of tha lattor aad threwlac him
T. BAt» AXP J.'-W. BAKKn* wlthanabfccwan to hurt Ua hand
eerardp and bralea hie faa*. JnUta'
S. W. Hajom. »amr
liuKV- father took tha mattar in head and reported it a* aa net of aarUMaae
Chief of Paila* Bennla.
rf M tk* >IIII«M. M
lhawlteaad>iae*ot Alberts. Vex
of Tenth abeet wen taken dolanUp
tU Batardap ai^t after a ^eal of breed
•wmoik. Itappeared that thephad
tpdacaadbp tprotodaaa. Tbiela
eatp eoe of a nnmber of eeaae that
■ to aae tf Sneh PUa Oan
C.ba Oarrled Ont for Big Od
Tba Trarema atp Dririag Park AtaoaUtkm bald a maatlng Uet night to
dUoM* tbe matter of glrUg a aertoo of
•reat* Co tbe ird. 4tb and ilb of -Jnlp.
Tbe qnmtion wee tborangblp gone
ernr aad tbe oommlttom appointed to
look np tbe matter of elemm and
pnmec and to make cneb ott^ enggeationa •• dmmntaaeee will permit.
g* pragram
to b* arrasged bp tbe cxeentlre
mltteeofthe ceUbratlon to be bdd
hen ca the third and Ponrth. WhlU
It to not pdfnllp decided to gire the
raemtheptantofarcred bp tha
eUtbrnaadint can be orroagi
that a thraa daps' maetlag can b<
cwfaUp enrrtofi ont definite aetloa
wQI be taken at a meeting to be held
In the near tatom.
prattp church WM crowded to the door*.
Then wore abont fltip of tba dd ret• at tbe eerrlce aad a good tarn
oat of Oompaap M aad tbe BalUf Oorpn.
Dr. A. B. BoUldep bad a SmioM OelItokm with a Chaiae.
Oo Bandap morffiag wbUa riding bto
wbed at tbe ooraar of PnmtandWdUngtoa atroeu. Dr. A. H. HolUdap <
U eoBtoet with a dog and svm thrown
rlolanUp tram bto wbad. striking with
groat tone agdast tke poet of toe blepde The eboek wm Mrera and tbe
doctor eMtnlned eerere internal iajortm wbieb will keep him oonfleod to
bto borne for a time, atthongb be bopm
n Birer Oe. Kns Porehaead coon to be able to attend to bto pa_______________
Electric Llghtiag8petomofB.D.Ctomp- ttonta.
hdl A Soae,to Take Sffeet Palp 1.
The Eighth grade will bold gradesLaet erenUg an important tranaae- tion exerctoe* la the High eebool m•omblp room Pridap morning.
km took place, bp which H. D. dampbdl A Son* add to tbe Boardman T
Electric Light A Power Co. their en
tire deeiric lighting *petom aad good
will, oxcln»lre of tha engUm and dpnteoB In tbe power boose. Tbe Boardman Rlrer Co. ttacrebp baeomee tba
owner of an electric lighting bull
ofebontl.SOO incandewmnt UgbU end
Jlnrelightt. in addition to tbe 6.M0
ping Cougti, Aei
nchltle and Inolpl
ligbu the companp bad In opemtlon,
Coneumptlon. la
besides a large nomber of ere Ugbta in
■!oru and the etreet lampe. Tbe sale
UdndM the Umpe. wtrlog, pole* and
appnrteneneee attached to tbe epsiem
and uken aliogetbv tbe new epatem
will be one of great exwnt for a dtp
of tbi* elu. Tbe ded.neatol^pl*UB
poesemion bp tbe pnrefa^ on tbe first
dap of Jalp. when 111* probable the
\ Th* (tolUN WMED?^
dtp win •eenre eonttol of tbe water
works. The Campbell 'Companp will
dispose elsewhere kof tbe maeblnerp
ued Id opemting the lighting pUot.
The Boardman Rlrer companp bare
been preparing tor aereml month* to
greatip extend tbelr present pleni. bnt
tbi* parehateoecesslute* an alteration
of their plant and a more exteulfeimprorement. The* compenp now bu a
Urge dpoamo which bu not been In
le. This will now be ntilized under
tbe new arrangement and manp other
■oremenu will be f Ifecied at once.
Inelnding a new tail race at tbe power
boose and tbe mislng of the dam sboat
two feet to give a 'greater head and a
greater ctpaeltp. A large qaantltrof
additional eqaipment ha* alreadp been
ordered and more-will be eecnred u
fMt M it can beiplaced. Tbe companp
will inrest a large amonnt of addltioeal eapiul and a big torce will toon
be at work making tbe improTemenl.
All Odd Fnllowe are rtqnaotad to
atthalr hall ;tomorrow mornlnfatt
o'clock, to partidpeta in tha parade
nd memorial acrrlem of tha 0. A. R.
Oaorfo B.IMeCtoUan. aeeompnaladbp
a pvtp of hia tnaada. wtll po to Inland
eesMtl U pUMd is •
ftr-'"-- al^kUoB. At • mMtlar » .todap on a flaUac expeoitlon.
•hart tlM Bce tltf eoMtWM on wnyi
A rarp prattp eoU b* oofiaf to Oaror*--------------- nathoristd to prorlda m»iaa Bren., died peeterdnp. Tbara la
laUannMlbndrotforth* mlvj of talk of barinf tha animal monatad.
Wlttwor Worthnip. thr
Bora.to Mr. and Mit-lW. Beck of ta?
•1.M0. forth* nrrmt yw, th*r*hr Bottth Union i*treet. a lOK ponnd
^netienUr ^mltUat thMOMln* to dangbtar. peaterdap moralnf.
•hoMftaloTaaatof Mr- Nerthnip »t
Mm Stoat eatartnina the Udlae’
•hM*niw7. Thl* nelion WM da* to *n
Onild of Qraoe ehnr^ tUe afternoon.
•^portnaltj for Ur. Nerthmp to fo to
Todap marb<tba dose of tba aehool
•ho nppor ponlMiOn »t * libwnl ooUty.
«W* wM n eoBiDOsdobl* d«*b* to rc- work in tbe Hlfh eebool. This after
•nto hta ■oTTiaa*, bat in tbi* wOob, noon the lent exemlnaUon wUl be
Jtk* othor tMtOBoa* la p**t locol flreo.
Tbe Cre*eent|B*ad will fire n eonUatorj. th* eoouU took octUPS too
foiak! nad U*t nlfbt BotrlBoor North- eart in front of tbe ball at the Bradab
ffnp nl*o f oaad blmaoU 'in * pocnlinr Twirlare’iecdaUdanectoslfht. Helmb
B*Tlnfrir*anpn food Job fall orebaatn -plapi,
Tne atarehtfaetoip itarted np pcater•t tl.MO n poor to Moopt from thU dtp
» **10(7 of 11,100 b* eon not now t«ll dap altar a week'* ebnt down for repair*. The companp baa,a cellar foil
wh*th*r b* bn* » job or not.
In JwUm to Mr. Morthrop and for of poutom .which will be mannfaetnrIh* honor of the oonaoU, the netloo ad nn end when tben* are dUpceed of
tbe faetorp will btfin on corn etnreb.
l^lotulp token ohonld otond,
•hon«b thar* U » r«ro diflerano* of
Jebo Tealab will fo to Ellaworth to.
•plnlm whether the time bn* nrri?*d dap to BUrt a saloon. He baa bonfbi
lar thi* dtp to emnlop » dtp eofinaw Ueflstnre*ot{Odle McOarrp'a ealoon
•teobifb nanlnrp. And *om* of tbe in thle dtp aad tba Utter baa bongbtw
•iderman hnr* decided tb»t the netioa complete new ontflt.
•nkan wm not wieo Barnrdleee of the
The Oreaoeat Band will pUp for tbe
■orll* of the eaa* the ooundl ie In n O. A. B. Wedneedap morning on
yeeiUon where U will be eenenred tpr march to the.c*meterp and will lead
•Etnmrnne* if Mr. Morthrap UreUln- the line of eebool children la tSe
• ^»f •*‘"i1T*‘T Bomed. end thep will paracc la tbe afternoon.
H eenenred for uklog n eonre* which
Mm.Aona Kiebols. wboea eon
lad him to bellere that he we* amplop' firemen on a boat rnnnlag between
•d bp the dtp. onlp to tom him down Elk Rapid* aad Eaoanabn, acd died la
after be ho* loet a cbenoe for * better March, i* reqaeated to call at the Rxefedtion Men the dtp eonld offer him. onn office, or writ* C. J. Brown, editor
Tbereeeen* to bore been n »U- Pi^reea. Elk Repld*.
andarMondinr ee to tbe ntUtad* of tbe
A drunken XadUo fell off the train
heard of public work* in tbe eame met
Satnrdap erenUg between Barker
•or, bat in enp ee*e on nation of thI*
Ckeek and BelUlre. He cet up anen a
fmporlanee ebonld be flnn more time
bowl that tbe paeeeagers were fright
Jat eonaideretlon, if for no otbar renioo
ened and tbe traU was brongbt to a
Ihnn that it it a departure from tbe
•top. Wbenhe was reached bp tbe
•elnbltihed method in thi* branch of
imen he was fonnd nabnrk
•ha dtp'* pdremmeni.
Tbe steam barge noma* B. Scott
Tha report of laet nlpht'* meaUnpon
^ aaetbir pace, will *how tbe eentlment id coneort gtp of Toledo left pwtarcJ'tha Aldermen, ladirldnallp. upon dap with a cargo of Inmbcr for Clare,
land from the OU dock. Tbe former
Tmterdap'e Baee^Ball Soome.
carried IM,0M feet and the Utter 310,npeeial toTb* MeruafltMem.
000 feet.
The M. A E. B. exenreUa wee well
itonded Snadap, Its takingadraatage
7 11
/eaepb Oroeaear of Eeewiek Mad* Dtt- of It, TO went to MenUtee and «l to Chleago ..................................
BrooKlpn................................. 1* 14
Berate Attempt to Take Ble O wn I.ife Poneb'a PUhlngon Cbrp Uke wn*
OarrU and Chance: Kennedp and Mctha attraeUon at Fonch and eerreral
bp Baarp Soaeof Foieon tetnrdnp.
•eeeral taeepoonfnU of pari* crMn- goodentebmof pteknrel were report- PitUburg...............................
14 II 1
New York...............................
3 1
•akaawithaalddai intent bp Joeepb i.
Jnetloe Verip naitad In marriage
Cbebro and Zimmer; gOobenp and
Oraaeeer of Keewlek Satnrdap moraine
Mr. WUlUm A. Roaal of tbto dtp, aad
Maiip eaneed a Uacedp.
paaOraoeaer hp* ebown eetdaneoe of in..........................,11 18 1
naitp for eom* time and the itmcet tardap at tba home of OdU MeOanp.
Pewd aad BneUow; PUtt and DoogAUx Oarroll and Dalip Jobnaon of
rtlUanaa haabeen obaerrad bp the
Bambar* of bi* famllp to preraat him Mapleton; Prank Smith and Olirc Xet- Um.
ClBeinnatl-Bmton. rain.
tom taklnc bia own life dorlnc tbe toa of Snmmit dtp bare been gianted
faat aaearal week*. Setnrdep mom- marriage Uceaea*.
far aarlp, howeeer, Oraaaaer alnded
Cbteago-Eanau Clip, game put
tha aotiea of hU wntchar* and crept np
atafin where he fonnd e peckefe of
Milwaukee.............. ............
3 11
Mrie freon and took aerrral liberal id* peaterdap attar apeoding Snndap la
Reltger and Dl^iu; Hutings and
dean, (toon after be *bowed alfn* of the dtp.
Oao^ Miller wae to Clare onbnal-. Plsber.
poMoninc aed bl* lamUp eommoned
6 I
Pr Vanderwalkar of bnttooa Bap. Tbe eae peetordep.
2 10 4
Dr. W. O. Cameron left peaterdap on aereland................................
phpaidaa prampUp applied tbe atomCarup and Sebreekengoet; Wllaon
aah pnmp but the man bad ttken aneb bU return to SUplm. Mina , afta-a
a baarp doe* that bi* eitnailon we* rItU with hiaaietar. Mrs. O. C. MoSatt.. and Spies.
ladlansDolU-Detrolt, mla.
preeaHooa Dr. Oaraerwaeenmmonad who is eoaralaedag from a rerp crlUctom tU* dtp to *** tbe patient Ban- al llUesA
A. 8. Hnntsr Uft peaterdap to pat np
dap a^ ha toned him In rerp bad
a fine rmort eottage at Omana. for An Auracilre Lot of Lion Ooffee Premloba B. Santo. .
Inme to Prank Bler'e WUdow.
E. 8. Jobuoa left peaterdap on a
We frrqnentip hear tbe e1aim.'*aomcaaeadoas. One time he aonfht to end rlalt to bis old home at Mb MorrU.
thlnggiren for'nothing," bnt do not
Mm. W. P. Vogalaong (aft Uet ersnMi Ufa bp tbrowinf blmedt down In
often eee an aetnal demonstration of
•rant of n teem of bonee. end nt an- lag for Aldan, called there bp the Ultbe principle. Ilk* th* dtopUp of Lion
M of her mother. Mm. Tonng.
athnr tlma, it 1* alleced, ha tried to
Onffee premtnm* now on exhibition U
W. C. Jobaaoa mtnrned peetordep
diowB oaa of bin poaec children. The
Prank H. Eller'* window, tbe Vienna
■stortnnau mtn i* t? peen of ace aad from Chicago, where be went to look Bakerp.
Here are menp raloable artielm. all
a tomUp of ehUdren. Stepa will after tbe intereeu of tbeTrsreme Clip,
girsD fro* for the lion heads, cot from
Old Mledon A PealseaU BaUwap Co.
betekeatohara him plaoad In
E r. Manx, rapresentlag tha Haeht Lion Coffee wrapper*. These ere not
aar1»~ U haramrar* from tUe atcbenp articles, bat oomprUe eloeko. amA
Mmpt at aalf daalnetlon.
brelUi, watebe*. gold rings and jewon bneUem ana rlaitlag W. C. Jobn- elrp. beeldee maop things ntetol and
Twcntp-flre Ycete of •nffwtof.
oroamantnl in tbe boosebold. or will
Mr. and Mm.-M. W. Newkirk of Oea- beeDjopedbTtheefalldran. Lion Ooffeefnilp des^ee tbe popaUritp whUb
tral Uka arc la tba dtp aad gnmU at
ud flam
IMUac^^*aftar~IS peara’ of enSartaf ParkPUaa.
• • doctor*'tr*a«
* - - dvtac ^ieh Urn* 1IttrM
ant end etaar kinda of oteMmeV
Tke regular examiuttoa of dtp
Mr. bbnn Prap of (
•rtihent reaelt.*' Dr. Ohaae'e Ointment
waaraatendto ew« pUna. leiii end taaetoenwUl ta bald in tbeOentral ...writ
SUakintronbleB to eenu all drafrlat* aebod bnOdUg Satwdnp mnniagat wltlt-m
or Dr. A- W. Ohaa* Mad. On. BeSalo, lo'doek. ________ _________
OTorp known remadr. I found relief
JI.T. Bampla box free for stamp.
in Dr. Cheae'a Etdnep-Urer PflU.”
Onaraatoed to remora tbe eanse aed
We, the 1
agrra to refund tbe mcnep no n n- can rbanmatiem ts eeola
T. A. CbanU. oonndlor tor Udine aeat bottU of Ormndh Wairantod 8pMMeemtiTMlortfedaOarmaata. wiU rap of Thr If It falto to e«re pour mmgb
MaaMnieoDnat on nap featlaMb WCOU. WeaUn neruBtoe'a iT^t
Sger orateeet from now natC tba beWeto
g»t af Jnlp. That will mnha mp _________ E B. Wtitl^wbee A^^
White Wtee ef Tar Synv* ^
btog. demee O. Johamm. P. C. 1-bcmp- beet cough mnedp on esrtb, cams • coW
It-MS* era.
ktoaedi^ifUkcsintiBic. VeadfiOcU
Uilnud Celts Tiiloriig.
LarEnTnraOntofVetomas. W. B. C.
and Oompaap M at the Serrleea.
Ber. 8. Selebmp prea^d a rarp
Aching aad fitUag nermon to the
ibem of MePbenon Pceb O. A. B .
Oompaap M and tba Woman'* Bdtd
Oorpa Snndap mcrnlag. Tba mnmcrUl
The first six people that comes into the store Mon
day will get a fine $1.75 ladies' rocker for $1.05, or a*
fine $3.75 large arm rocker for $1.95. CbQice of three
ladies' rockers with high back, brace arms, nice shaped
wood seat, very wide.'back slat nicely embossed—they
are bargains at $1.75—three styles to select from. My
$2.75 arm rockers are large high back, shaped seat—a
fine rocker for- the money.
Over 300 different styles of rockers.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 E^coia.'t 8-tZ'ee‘b.
I^TiNCBrellialCaFM j
To those shoe buyers who take advan
tage of the various shoe snaps we offer
from time .to time in these advertise
We Now Place On Sale
Handsome Miases’ SfaoM at.............................. ............... $1.48, $1.19, 880
Good Wearing Boy a Sboee at........................................... $1.48, $1.19,88e
Children’s Shoes, extra^jood wearers, in red tan and black 76, 66,48o
You will recognize shoo bargains when yon see our custom made
cliildren’a sboee.
A., s.
186 Front Street
Practical Shoe Man
You Want
The Good Things
And we are here to supply you with them. We
are the Universal Providers of this north region.
Our grocery department is always in the lead.
A Good
Enough for a whole fam
Great big bottle Manzsnla a box of Cneeda Biecnit ily for a dime—chicksn, bouil illaa far l5c—the Queen’s sell
at 5c, and a box of corned bam lon, nock turtle.
for 30c — the Litlle Deviled
at 10c, or Vienna eanaage with
Olivffi. a splendid relish for 15c.
aauer krant at 10c.
Tomato catsup 25c, a bottle
Baked Beans
of best chopped pickles 2.5c,
All the work done for yon
except tbe sening—One iraond
can sogar loaf baked beans for
6c; VanCampa pork and beans
at 10 cents.
Just unpacke<« the biggest
chow chow from 10c to GOc, and freshest sell today for 25c.
Durkee Salad Dressing 30c to Big baiianal at 20c dozen, new
lemons 25c. oranges 30c.
6c Cigars
For Supper
For an after dinner smoke.
Something that's good —
Everylbing. fresh daily at
tbe candy counter — Creams The Traverse Belle, Jonah, Canned chipped dried beef 15c,
from 15c np — cbocolatea, 30
Chico, Dew Drop, Tnma, Oom potted or deviled ham 5c, Col
kinds, from 15 to 50c—mixed
umbia salmon steak 15c.
Paul, Joe’s Leader.
candy from 5c up.
A10 cent
To serve with Cocoa or
Drives away that bad feel
Absolutely tbe finest that’s
made — UcMonagb & Rogers' ing — Tbe Banner, ClauseD'a coffee ~ Cheese nndwiches at
lemon from lUc to $1.50—ranPig Tail, LaBelle Creole. Gen. Wafers at 25c.
ilia from 15c to 12.00.
Arthur, Our Governor.
Cream of Wheat 15 cents—
Foold’s Wheat Germ MesJ 16c
Hand sorted and put np in
Quaker Rolled OaU 15 eenta—
one poo»d packaow for 12^0—
Shredded Wheat Biacolt 15c
BibbeB brand dMMd esf
—Pettijohn'a BreakAut Food
rania lOc.
Soc a box. Onoe in the
house never without—So with
Aoobovjr Paste at 20c, AschoTj
Caviar at aSc, Baraiaa Caviar
at 55c, or Tobasoo Sauce at 25c.
store Open Tueeday’e and Saturday’! Until 8 p. m.
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.
■ antp«f»)
tbMB pofBoaolt/.aaditot aa oapUaa
ttooKOTor Prlodrtob eallod dowa tbo
Md madortUo tko oitoor tbo bow
treatbo AM ward, ia ao
Mml bBiUtar wUoh U to bo onetod
Bl MfOWiBOO Xt io BOW fMTBd ttkBt vorpatUd torso, doelorior that retbo tOBBdBtiOB wUi Bboorb tbo ftoBtor Swtloeooa tbo {board of paUk worka
omo ootfrolr oat of ardor.
part of tbo BpproprUUoo.
IboqoooUoebalBCoo tbo propoottloo
Ab blbloB po^ iBft tboi Uio
t3 adopt all tbooanreatteao of tbo
rBOM, wblob kooo boecMM ootio roro
BlUoa oaeopt that raUtiaf to tbo dtj
of loU poBfo, or* boiar oaoa U aar. tbo aaso waa aarriod bp a
U tbo eoaawr tblo
i^aail' BBwbon
reia d t to 4. Aldaraoo Keora, Haol
lon< Boaad aad Oarrlaoa eotlac ao.
Wboa tbo ordlaaaoa cam ap,ap^ tbo 8eo tUa aa»a« that tlodlflealt
f tha Bowap for tba varlona
to aaeara a sarbaalr atfraj prioa, all oalarloa. tba atajorilp report oslttad
• of tbos bariar wort laid oat for tbool^ aatlaoor troa tbo Uab Tbo
« tbaaiaalrao to baop boop aU
rotod dowa, bldarman
^ Saar Baldwla. a Urn aMoat of
Ur. Kmfoc aad Wrirbt
load baa booa ao«Bi»A ^
* ' OfUrU of Dotrolb baUdlan are boUf ian. Boa^ap. Boaad aad OarrUoe
), aad tbo Pare Marqaatula UtIbi
.TbaBlaorltp lepert waatbaa prtaapar to tbo tbko.^Tbaaa aicaa praa- aaotod b) AldarBaa Moera. It waa
loot bp a rote of 4 to s.
Bladar, Boopbap, Kenpon
Jaatoa Load of FlUt, woo kUlod bp
UrbiBlBC at^Bfea Baadap
and WHpht rotlnp no.
A BoOonto r
a aeapU of barat on tba farm of Mra.
Jaaoo WllkatpoB In Barton ware bora- report waa Bada bp A
and aarriod. Tbo ordlnanoo ai at drat
ad bp tko
tba dtp enploaer
Arthar wood, and I paara. otood on
tba aar traek. naar bU boma U Detroit, from tba lUl. waa toot, with dra eotoa
aboat 0 o'clock p. m. Batnrdap.Jcot ao to iu favor and four anUat
' n npon bis. Mile nqniraa a twc-'ilrdo vou to paoo aa
two sort dMd hwM* hkd boos dn«*
rod o«t lato tho Piftb word ud lott to
rob CU«( of PoUm BooeU wm dito forrot oot «bo perp
tbooatran- aparloc no exponaa tor
la aoeoaollatBent of the parpoar.
Sararal patitioaa for water Balaa
are racolToil and ratarrod to the «
Binoa on flraand water. It baUp
thoarbtaapcdlMttowalttUltha dtp
ac^olrao tba plant bafora maklnir anp
praat pcoficao U tba Batlw of order-
Bo Baadp for tbo Ooaoea Tabor,
c Our Resources
o are Well Shown
rba eocana eanswalora wUI bepU
work Frldap. Becrpbodp U arnd to
baraadp to answer proBpUp tha leta aQcatUna Tbep are ranrdUf
poarnaBa. loaatUn, pUea of birth.
poraonal dMerlptloa,
oesapatloa. trade,
ownerablp of bocM.
A Foot Btepdo {Udor
WlUolton reodvo palnfal eaia.tpralBS
OTbraiora from aeddonu. BaekUbb
Balva, vrtU kill tba paU aad
boal tbo UJarp.U'a tbo epelUt'a Mead.
eboaar. ebappod band*, sore
Pranehod Sandap Seaalaf bp Bar. V. Carta
llpa, barao. Olcera and pOea. Cnre
poarraatoed. Oalp »»c. 1^ It. Bold
T. Woodboaao attbaCStp
^8. B. Wait and Jaa- Q. Jobaaon,
Opera Boaae.
tor tba
eUBOdlMOof tbo aifhacbool oaaar- Oaooratlon Dap :
tha O. S. A Irad at tbo atp Opera Bonaa Saadap
Ona aad'oac-tblrd fare between
avenlnp. Tha aarBon bp Eer. W. T.
eUUono within ISO bUm of etartlnp
WoodhogaewaaaBaatarfalcBort. faU polni. Tlekau on tala Map M and so,
aad a lora pood- for
' ratnra
Map II »ss-st
for Ood and baBanltp.
9S4 tf
Tbo Cbrlit Idoa, aa BaampU of Traa riiVsil ruacs alwapa plcaae.
Oraatneao." Tbo aersoa was a noble
pUa for all that U pood and pare, and
I heart and in the
false, tbe bid I
world aroond.
preatlp bnpreased ibroopbont tbe a
Tbe Basical nambers were all mneh
CDjaped, tbe solo bp Mrs. Dspton,
Fear Ye Sot. O Israel," bdap espoeiallperjoped.
Bev. W. K. Wripht a«Uted Bed.
Woodbonsc in tbe cerviee.
Tha Ideal salt for the hot days
comin^made by the nobbiest taUors
In the new stripe flannels.
Flannel, Serge
or Brilliantine Coats
and Vests
Opera House
on the Road.
New Specialties
Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
The Village
An .laborat. dliplay in gradaa
from $1.60, $$ 00. $2.60 np to $e:00 and
$7.00. Yon can bo fitted both ao to
gooda and price in thia department.
Flannel Goats
and ?ants
r» *, LDMflin a»B mu trjmi'i Steinberg’s Grand * D
>. tbo eblld'o anot, waa
Aa tba matter aUnda at preaent,
; paaoinc wUb two frUada and. ranrd'
therefore, «ie dtp offleUU are worklap
Bedoeed rotes vU U. B. A 1.
Uaa of.tbalr protocu. tba pooac Udp.
.......... _tlonta,
Ann Arbor.
Atloni Us . Bsp View,
ratbad aeraao Into tba atroat and witboat oaUrp.
Another matter of
MIeb.. Cbleapo. HI- Cindnnati. O.,
1 tba mUa ono froai certain
Inee. Iila.. Detroit, MIeb., Uraad
was prwented to tbe eoandl bp the
dtp derk. Tbe drm of Soaaon, Good
RoUmszM. MIeb.. LonsInr.Mlch.. New'
Batnrdap airbt LadUrtoa waa rUlt- A Major, to whom the
urieons. U.. Oberlio. O . Ptailvdelphla.
od bp tbo Boot fenide tknadaratonnln bonds were awarded ao the lowest bid Pa., within the near fotare. Call and
Tbo< baoTp rainfall
C. B. Mnrrap.
ders. have written that tbep dcollne to
. Lockwood
BUd :> bp tba Boat briUUnt aonept the bonds nnUss a mortpape U
TTpd T. A.
alaetrieal dkpUpararacontbara. The piven on tbe waUr works plant. This
Upbtolap etrask tha obaarvatlon tow< mllcd op a bit of llvelp dlsenMlon. but
HfiTald Ofintnry Cool^^ooir
tereneraed with tpeeisUiee b; firei
at the Ilfo rarlop oUtion. tearinp nearalBoot aU ono wap. and tbe
A limited namber tor tale at ts eenta
elate vaadeviile ertitU
Ip all tbe eUlhee from aorfman ^bln- elerk waa direeted to srire tbe Bra that
each. WUI
aon, who was on watch. Tba lifaravar
on receipt of
bo piveo.and
Herald. TraverM Clip. MIeb.
• rtadorad nnoonaeloaa tor aavaral Uat if tbep deetred the bonde thep
konra,>nd te now la a precariou oc«- Boet accept at oooa. Clerk Bickerd
was aleo piven the aalhoritj to wUe
Ottears and traotaeaof tboMarqaoJto the firm of Hepee A Oa.theeeeond
The great comedy-drama;
MooBBont amoeUtion bad their first hipbeei bidden, and meke tbe saleM
Baetlap at Chleapo last week. Tbe them nnlcee the matter were elDeed et
objaet to to bnlld a fittinp naUonal onee with Beeeoo, Oood A Major.
maaortol to Fr. Marqaetto. Tbe IiIt to tbe Imprsoeion that the firm to
tead of Macklaae has been oeioetod as eeekinp to pet ont of aeoeptlop the
tba moat approprUto place, aad tbe bonda, as rates of interest have ad •
park eoBBtoolon of Mlehlpan baa ded- vanoed ainoe tbe bid was made. There
looted o Bspnlfleenl site for tbe monu- will be no dlffieoUp In meklop tbe sale
Bent, to eoet fiiS.ooo.
of tbe bonds, bowevar. as tbep can be Ul wsrk Of histeoi eoMlblv sred*. PIst <«l.
wart s •pseisUr.
Mrs. Clara Dopbnlf of Bsrrien eoontp pieced la this eUj with esse, provided
prices— in. JO and to cento.
died in the eouetp asjlttm, and tiotar- some provtolon to made for tberelievVow OncM. Xorkhoa Bloek.
dap an eaaminaUon of her cSeeu inp of tbe pnrabaeera from tbe brovp
broopbt to llpbt Ineoraoco polleloe us.
A peUtion from Toaneller Bros- and
bBoanUnK to ts.ooo earrlod bp tbe
Boa, and^poble to o son who bee Philip Shenaer for the repeal of the
boee Blaainp for seme time. Tbe pep. ordlnenoe fislnp the saloon limits and
tbe west tide of
aonU bad been kept np bp Mra. Dap
Soetb Union street, wee referred to the
>—-.-bfiff in eoBo ooknown manner.
liitee on orduani
The jurp In tbe ease of Waehbara va.
U U. Fnller was prantod permtooloa
tba F. A P. M., at Port Heron, retarnad
to erect a two storp" brick bnlldlnp on
a vardict of fiU.OOO for the pUinUfi.
Ue lot now oecepled bp hU esloon on
Waebbora. wblU drivinp a milk wap
Front street.
on, was ran down bp an enpine and
Tbeeonncll eooepted tbo UrlUtlon
of MePaereon Poet to panleipato U tbe
Frau land In Berrien oonntp to sell- Memorial Day obeervanoe. and
Up at blpb fiparas. A IS acra term
iBcll and eitp ofBriala will Jain wlU
near Benton Harbor sold Batnrdap f>r tbeU. A. R U a body.
BSOOper aerc, and It'to tbonpbltbe
Tbe Westorn Uelon Telepraph Co.
paneb erop this pear will pep one third
to ran e
were pn
of tbe pnreheee prUe. as the farm to from tbe Pare Marquette depot to Uelr
aapeeUllp adapted aad sot to peaehaa. offlee U tbe Mesonle bloek. to do away
For some time emt ao old pold miner vriU Ue lonp circuit arouod by Bap
rasidlnp In BMixiala has been prospect- street.
Up U tbe bills aroond Uere and atonp
A pellUon for itreetsprinkllnp from
the blnff* Borroondlnp OrpsUi Lake. tbe rraldenu of Etot Front street was
prantod. Alderman Oarrtooa makUp a
eirenp plea for it in oUar parts of Ue
different localities. Uto tbe bands of Fifth word.
lAe cbeBtotrp professor at Benunlo
A petition for the pradUp and
enllepe. who npon analpele. found tbe pravellop af Webster' street waa r«•and was eomposed almost entlralp of ferred to Ue ooamiltoe of streets eed
We will put on sale a number of
iron In e tree eUto. I'bo depoolta os- walke. Ttato to Ue Ulrd Ume tbst
Mad over a larpe amoont of territorp Ue petition bee been presented. It
aad farther Uveotipatlooa are on foot. has been prantod twioe.
The cfisUl printinp of the dtp was
n to U trooblo boeante
bo tartoi blmself and swore that when awarded tp the Momniie Bbc»iu> and
tbo atoowor earns aronad that be pee- ' Ue Dallv Baple. at It eento per folio
a rated no proporip wbaUver. The ai- for Ue first Usortloa and lO cento per
aeraor fonod emt that tbe man bad folio for eeob ■nbaeqaeat Insertion.
A telephone wee ordered pieced io
abortip before pone oo a liquor bond as
aaretp U tbe earn of fiS.OOO. ewearUp tbe residence of AlderBU Wripht ter
that be owoad propertp of that valae. Ue nee of dttoena U Ue pivUp of fire
at ju,t
end oUcr public needs, Ue
aad no* be propoera to have bia proadtp to pap half of Ue rental.
a—ted for psrjorp.
Tbe board of puWle worke was di
rected to BOVS Ue Union ctreot enpine
nb Bepidt Accideat.
bones from lie present loeation to Ue
Joba Beep of Elk Baptda was tbe oorner of Lake avmue and Cbae etroet.
The paraheee of WO feet of boss and
fUtlm of a aariono raaawap aoddani
Ue two spray noszlea Uat hove been
yMUrdap.at Uat plaee.
tbraw blB oat. fareaklop bto lop U two toe tod here, was anUoriced.
Qrt Wt\» Ul mtU.
A Bomber of other p
Tbe bndpat of Ue board of odneaUon
had aarrow eneapoB at Uefripl
viba raterred to Ue eoBBlttoe oo wapa
\st aW M comt tATV^. 'RamtmbtT
UBB daabad down tbe street.
■nM^Bant of Pl.ooaw Utorrat
ConatUp on Boopbap BUL
bonds wee entborieed. and a bond of
■eiraal bops bnve made It a praetiee B. P. Wilhelm V t Rtnadod at» per
Utelp of ooaaUnp wiU tbalr Mcpelae
AldarBan Kanpoa oallad the attentewa lha walk on Boopbap bUL Batw^afiraaaatUe propertp of J. B ttoBOftbaaoMdlto Ue fact that the
tMMiMrt was daaapad and tbann- araerarasat U Ue Fifth vrard had
U tba ways aad
• fihnrittoo wUl taka aUpiU |
mram ooBBiuee, and Uat Uepeofild
tba off M
BOtaotnatUUtowaadoae. Baperrtoer
A Xoaa Oaar BraU.
aaralaad was requested to foot ap Ue
ToarbeatfaaUapa.pow awdri yoM- Hot and plvu tba foottapto Ua eommlttoe as ioon ae poralbUTba liquor boob of Enoch aad John
Kratootaival wiU W. F. Banka aad E.
AldwBan Oarrtooa eallod tbe attooUoaof Ua eoandl to Uafaot Uat
When every ohange in weather es.
aUee na'to bring forth aomething new
and “Joat the things to meet demands.
Of Beat makes—last colors—are
up-to-date in every way—Prices, 60o,
76c. $1.00, $1.26, «1.60.
: Ramiltoii Clothing Co.
. ,T. a.\ ”Wl\.WvWws
■Ntordnq, Klnq
Vad senen.
Ladles’ Kid Lace Shoes......................'■ 98c
Hen's Satin Calf Bale.......................... 99c
Boy’s Satin Calf Bale........................$100
Ladles’ Black and Tan Oxfords.......... 76o
Hisses Box Calf Lace................ ..........76o
Woman’s Kid Button............
Serge and Carpet Slippers................... 86c
Woman’s Oil Grain Button Shoes....... 97c
Hen’s and Boy’s Working Shoes.......... 98c
Tennis and Canvas Shoes and Oxfords
at................................... 60,60 and 76o
Get them of the Old Fellable,
New Store
242 Front Street
Advertise Your Wants in the Record
VtVcw 5U.00 to sas.50.
&. m. Klain iS.
i. AD. mvvW;
Two Tails
To a Horse.
They are unnecessary. So is a pair of tin cuffs
on a marble statute.. Yet. so far as mere usefulness is
concerned they may as well be tin as fine linen, or aoV*
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods or a car load,
we invariably guarantee'every ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some
thing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step in
and look us over.
leidli lloct, PhoM 149
* #m OF r/l£ WOMLO
High Bchori ToaaaviUpiay Benda*a
The tet tee hall gaaa of the oaaioa wfU he played hiBuiieir aftoneoa
PriSMWUlteof Bvx !• 6mi 1b
at TwaUtb ateeot boae hnU parit he.JMtUb.
twoH the High aaboel tons and BoaItagtaBwtmi th« boHi erf I
da'aTwlriBe. BMhof the theae toaM
B»w »Mh, • yoBBC tknMT ttrtac
have hoM bard at pcaeUee aad are la
HailB7.0.,BBdMel« hta mttn w»d* good eoadltiaa for DeeefnUaa Xtoy.
«ar—>•« —ibcMm bBt.
»u— Ttay«e ahOBt evenly aatehed and
BtBthBhBdlBidMiBebBlrBt tk« tart
TtawaMi^, wk
ward to with mmA tstaneb Lari
pear the Dwifatlea
game wa
■ hy thaTwbrlanhya aaeea of 8
QtBBti to riMM BIV sUiirad to h»TB to I. aad thto year the etaduti an
brtBwdo br Iho iBto ciMi vltar teWBtaad tP take the hoBBt. How«itho«t tho kaowloifo or aeamt e< M.ltwmhaa rioM eahlhtolu al
tMOBltoaof Koroeno.
haU aad tovoco of tUartwOlbeto
■MOtto«fnlaro<tboBoM rwh.
•7 mb hBM toCl BMtUo for tbo Mrth. __ gaBtwmha aaltod at u hew
with the
Oi>T/if wlHoii IMo of
to 7.tu.
it OMotT trotiit J
>.ta»BtlWlll talBltar. hM bWB
or« rot tofo to ibo lalttBl TMb.
. ton. K J. Mo* throw h« oUU off
0 nUrooa troek to boat of b roohuf
trato Bt Oblooco. b«t wot hillod
KtoMtor Oeofor to PoUb bao boM
iMtnetod to toferm tbo Obto«o go?orotoMt that otofs aoK at oaoa bo
ttbaotootor "begnra," aad aBtl-fOroigB, aafl-alMtotiT ootrof
•totopoattbo toaraoroao aodttr. II
U boUovod at Waobtortoo that tbo
1 nioraaoBt will book ap tbo rcqoaot,
itiiiBOMiTj. with waroblirtaadtroopa.
PhlladalphlaBO to a aoaob
atootacBokodtootoBjoraarf eblof of
0*1100 to etoor tboaotlroo of blaekaaU
«lortoo bj Joba Waaaamakor or vocitotbolrjoboat oaob.
Vrititb aad rroaeb rootdento of 8t.
Xtilort, lalaad of Joroej. have booa
rtoitocovor the Boor qaooUoB. Tblrlp
arreolo have boea mado.
OoU bM booa dlMovorod to 8alpbw
l«>ek eroek. aoar BlaviUo, Keataeky.
AMoytola of Doavor aad other eltieo
h (VO proaoBBood It coaatoo. Hie drot
• tdoftba aietalwat to qaaatlttoo of
•1 M to tbo toa, bat later tovootigauoooohow'tboatobemaeb moro eal■atbU.
4t WbooUag. W.
Jodgo G.
3 Con. Jadgoof tbo ataaloipal oe
a id temorly Boyor. woo taud 'dead
la hit tow offiM Sataoday. Ho had
bm BlMod for more thaa a week, aad
aooareb rovoalod bia doootoootoil rosalMtoateoBtotbo roar of bto of-
f I
st It ropertad that thzoo Barepeaa
• c fiewo wore kJlIod aadOapt. ApUaaad
100 BaoMco were woaaded to a roeoat
effort by the Ugoe Haaaon to break
eho tovetttog Itoeo of trlbotatea at
HeBatai. The AahaaU loe* la reported
«* have beea great oe tbo Haoaora had
Ahroo Maatoit eagagod. altboagh tkOB
edvea greatly oatoambered. Three
headiod'Aebaatla are eald to have boea
b'llod to prevlou aetioa. Tbe rittog
Boatoa a birthday reeeptkn wae
t'adond to Mtv. Jolla Ward Howe at
tbe VeadoBO ffnaday to boaor of her
aietblrtoday. Mtv. Howe eajoyed tbo
effalr vary Baeb. aad did aot i
l-e tatlgaUot tbeeloeeof the exi
BM woe riebly gowaed aad looked oe
If Obo had dealt very ktodly with her.
A Ohleato protcoeor predlete that to
1 sOOytoB ObleacowUl be toaadated
T take Mleblgaa- Tbe elty la etoklag
a the rate of 9 faebeo every 100 yi
HotooBdar, tbo loader to ladto of
a to eBitarlaB'
• hieh It eoBt
ita, vrUI vWt tUe eaaatry obortly and
w'U attend the aaitarlaa anDlveraary
ai BoeioaAt Cbloago. wbUe retaratog hose
ir.*ma eaadyetore aenday darlaga
eiorm, L«^ Boldea. U year* of agr.
wao toatoaUy killed by Ugbtatog, and
her eietor Ireae. 10 yaart old. barned
»-wet tbe right tide aad tboDlder, fell
by the tide of tbe dead girl to aa
c BteloBa coadlUoD. bet will recover.
1 be elothee of both girl* were alsoat
V-iraod fit» tbetr bodln HaU to the
d ptk of three iaebea fell to tbe northV «et eaberbe. Tbe etorm wae
taaledby a terrific electrical'
Angaat Croft, aged 86 ] cart, aad Um
Kau Potmaa. aged 88, ware married
a- Booth Bloomfield. Ohio. Monda
• featog. The wedding yar^ wae a
la go oae. bat no one wboae a^ ta leaa
iLaa alxty threc yeara baa been invitV I. At the age of is aad 17 they
d--vetcd loven botdid not beeoBaforBV ;y engaged oatU laat Jaanary.
H ithertbe bride oor groom baa tvai
Uea Barried.
The Utoeea of Mtm. Oladatoae la now
reported to be sore eeriooe. Her
*>reagu la gradoally f|dltog aad the
m mbeie of tbo fasUy have beea
m >ned to Hawarden^
Tbo Mexican mtotog exhibit at tbe
Puie expotfUon proalaaa to be the
S .Bt exhibit Mexico haa
V lUM T. L- Martin, of Dixie. Ky- belo-e be gave thla eTtdanoe: "I ooogbed
( vary wnleb gave toataai rellel 1
t.renaedlt to my family for four
v-tre and reeoBBead It aatbe greateet
r nedy for eoogha. oelda aad all
11,^ cheat aad long troablea. It will
»i.i>tbe wont ooert. and not only
p - 'voata bat abeo otely eo-ee conanmpt
Prioeftocani 81. Mvery oof'*'
•raatoed. Trial botUn lOc at i B.
Writ aad Jaa U. J^aaonb dreg etarca
«/W8/teW teWWte-trfi'Wte'WWM
Toata Baepto Mtode Haa and Wife
A vBy ptatty wedding toric place a|
lay night to whiA
two very pepatargoongrpeopleof
and wife. Tbo
ptooewareMna^ aw
MU Millie ten
^ Mr. A. B. Boedehex. TU 'e
ay wee eolemalxed at tbe hose of the
brlde'B perwB by Bev. F. B. Whitmaa
to the preeeaoa of only near relaUvna.
MU Carrie Daloag attended the bride
end ChpBto Qeecge Jehamm wae bBt
OfthaPlnaaeBofthe City of Ti**.raixTtxe fTxn.
ene Oty Ftob Hay 4. IBM.
CaakBkaB Mar 4. BOO.......
to Mag 8.1900.
Anneal amtoment of tU rrn
Bd axpaaditnrB of the elty of TravBoe Oity. Mtohlgan. ter the pmr
beginning Mey 4.1M9 aad eadtog May
Beoldee j>tbn good thtoge. tbe Jaae
aaBbor of 8eeeeB will eoataio aa artlole which wUl attraet widaepread attoatiOB aad excite Bore than ordinary
totareet. Saoecae will eontato a ^
iaportaat article by Mlcboa DeVart,
tog two aeneatiimal toordor eaoB are
made, aad wUeh may rnealt to a new
trial for Boland B. MoUnunx. rotaatly oonvietad of the gearder of Mra
Katharlaa J. Adama, to Now York.
TU vleUB of the erime met denUi by
taking a doee of bromo ealtxer which
coatatood deadly poieen. MoUneanx
■ieted of the erlse mainly
ontheeridaneeoftha addrBoed
on the bottle, the haadwrittog ol
rBOBried the etyle of MoUn
The botUo wae eent to Harry
& ComUh. a ratoUve of iba deeiaied.
from whom the bromo wm aeenred by
a danghter of tbe mnidered woman.
It developed to the trial that Moltobad had perHDri dlff'
AaotbB Border, back to 1891. le arid
to have oeearred under rimltor etrenm.
■tanoB. a bottle of whleky havtog
beeneen'lto oae Mie. Joeephtoe A.
Bemeby. tbroogb tbe maU. A drink
of tbe wbieky wae token ae a Bodieiae
and Mra Barnaby died to oonvolrione
eoon after. Dr. Tboe. Tbeteher Oravee,
wbo controlled tbe Btate of
Mra. Barnaby, wae convicted of the
BlBe aad afterward eoBMlttad anielde
to hh eell. Hie eonvietlon waadaa
aleo to tbe evldenee of the addreB on
The writer of the artiele to SoeceB
lekB thiedednetloa: He elriaa
tbe labeli on
both bottlB wwe changed efur
dleeovery of tbe crimB and that the
e totrodneed at Ue trlala differed
from tboee pnbUehed to the newapapare at tbe Ubb tbe crimB were
imitted. He bellevB that both the
rdered peraone were tbe tIcUbi of
ijcriminalaad that the developmeat
of the ctrennietaBeea. U 'ever aceomp
Uahed. wUlebowapreooaeeivedeebemi
of a mBter of erime. tbe poniriicwnt
ter wbl«^ baa fallen apoa lanooent
AU Of wblek to r
5Siil^J«2yMirtte-.:: *5S
?!£.Z haa*Mar4. lU
andWatforh J
Laet oventog a large andienB greet
ed Bryaa’a Oomedian* to Steinberg's
Grand aad thoronghly enjoyed e elever
■‘Grit, or Trae na
StaeL” Bryna'a eggregnuoa bne vto
ited thto city several Ubb and each
tlaa the eospeoy baeoBB more popnLBt night's performance wae
well eUgsd aad tha varioni parte very
weU portrayed- Tbemembera ol tbe
weU aeleeled end eaeh to
given n pert BpeeiaUy adapted to kto
or bar eepebUlUet- Several of the
eoateAF have been aeen bare to prevIona engagemente end they find many
old frianda Between the aete a aerie*
of very eatertatotog and new spwialUb ere given. Tonight "The Village
Vagabond" will be the attraction, and
if the firnl performance to any ladle a
tlon excellent entertainment to aBnred
for tha balance of U>e week.
mine Ao tern_____________
8r. V. t. BttUA eptetm SatMT
Fri eoteu.
Dumaor axwKX rexn no 8
Oaafeeakaad Mar4. me ................
t» «1
VooMwrit M era4H el au«a> dlaIPOB BALX—Mrw Bllrb Baletala raw. PVre
utettaadMo.1 ..............................
lU H
la 6J
L. LucMtcr .
i« lU
<1 8U ___U*a* .......................
S OU CatkrrlBr RwobD**....
«M fl
BTBXXT Ditnucr rvxp xo. 1.
Ca>t^^d Mar C
tax DxrxvniexT rt-xs.
CCS }l
mt 00
wo If
tw tf
Sinat diatrlet tax eaUactad
nidairal* >as callaetad ...
Lataiol aewr tax oeUretad
Main a«»«r tax raUaeted.
DB llrraw eaUaeWd ...
t'awr tor spnexIlBC................................
lest of Beaik Calea atreet kn«ce
aadappreacbasexelaslreof lercis
aad soperlBleBdeDce...........................
tttartor ^ to te aeri
C Bereatl
Q. BbUeoD.
■vr YOU *
A riaasec
ar« eidi oi
II 40
II s
400 OU
R 00
Thursday, May 31
41 U
41* »l
in »e
kidai satctu
CSOU 00..................
» M BalabcescaaboD hand Mar*. 1*00...
High class Singing and Dancing.
for each piny
M? R
Tboraday night they will present
the fonr act comedy entitled
4S4 to
2K »
And bie Jolly Company ins reper
toire of the latest comedy socceases
at ever>- performance.
S5 SpMinl(it>6
Rich coatames and a^ial ecenery
40dI?fa^^M ....8«0(«)
ipgiTeialcaabeekacd .
If accompanied by an escort with
one triid 30 cent ticket, if reeeired
before 6 p. m.
Seato on sale Tneeday.
*** _jBlr.UIM.
Jair UKH. at
t perccat.............
Tin I
4000 0
"A Runaway Wife”
Prices........... 10, 20 and 30 cento
II ladies Free Tiiarsdar Higlit uly
Boadjases dated Jaae 1. USD. doe
« 7*
Jaae 1.1*00, at* pereeat......................
w Boadlssae dated Oec. I. IMI. dee
OB haadMarkUO*...
City Opera House
or 01
’i* !i karor ntet xauoHa eaac, ai
»ua sexwa’sdweUiDC
r Ualoa aad
9 •»»»?* 7
ear at aarklod la OrM
a bf>7 ahaose. lot or
_m room 7 aad *
4000 00
14000 00
■treet for a term of year* when i
win eoodnet a fliat eloB bloekxmitl
5aabMb^^^MV4. im........
by Mr------- --------------------------------------- taiadaUtm of the dtoeoae. aad giving
from her doctor after be bad vainly
tried to core her of a frigbtfnt eaee of
Ubm aaee aad aale eatal
doiag Its work.
etomaeb tronble aad yellow }aandlee.
Gall etooB had formed ead ehe —
atontly grew wane, nea ah
to nee Bleetric Bitten wUeh
Paid H. O L. MxreaaiUe Oo. tar baeka
cared her. Ife a woederfol1 atomiiU
OIIJ Book sure Ic* book* ............
AddrvM F. J. Cbesey AO0..T0M0.O.
liver aad Udney remedy. OnrB
' tlillac Bros. * Xeerard foe re-rtota, 7*0.
Waitaad Jee. O. Johaeoao. drnggtoti
Fir tauM UBffY ihM g» to Prrain. JSKi
Hdetralk* tmlli ebarcabla acalaxt
•100 Bevrard.nOO.
The readera of thto paper will be
laaaed to learn that tbnn to at least
oMSread discaB U»t aetooce has bean
able to core in all its etagB and that to
Oetarrh. Ball's Catarrh Core to tbe
only positive con now known to tbe
medical fraiernity. Catarrh baiag a
tl dtoeaee. reqnlrB a eoaA Women'* Awfnl fferil.
roatment. Eall'e Catarrh
takes toternaUy. acting direettotaken
one chaaee to . .
tbe blood and mneoae sorfaeca
.t to throngh an opera-
pO^SAUa-^ouMMd lot at^-weMTMM
laa stroet sewer .. .
street lateral aewt
teisoce.'esek OQ haod^art, im ”
goLDIKRS ATTXXnOX - If roe lecMod
O beoiastead of Ires ibaa l«i aerte before
Juaett. KOI. f wUI pap ran CT per acre fur
balaaeeofraur clala. Ad*reee O. A Brie.
bam. Orawa, or adrlar Pratt * DaTla.Trar«re*
se i<
el« M
*6 US
«t »
im OU
Bap^noc aidewaUs..
kaplaokitic bridcea ........................
— .walk labor aad laatetial ..
• a A. Laoeironljr tat e«TTt«,
(..r errTlee* ..............
‘ A. a. 8«Dorii (ur errtlcM___
- a. A.SailikforevrTtcv*..........
■ WB.ArirrBes foremleae ..
ppUca. loelodlac Ifuel
^AWTKtr~Maa eltk la«
T OST-Oald nac
with lar*r aaoibretaad
AJ aaalldLaBoad.aa ProataUBtaear a K.
Northaai's store. Ploder leare at tble ete.
BARGAIK-Io, U tool late OB Proat aad
IS for eaabtweaar terms Alia
srma OallatUB Kaal Ptm*
"OUB HZOBT our-'
- AUvaOreren ealMT..............
Proak Bartlrj ealarr..............
■ d. X. Mvlm eaUrr......................
r"VOOK WAKTXD-lad/mok *
traces (talk At I
J|*3B e*IJt-^|^Ptj aw fi^t^sm. trtax^
BetiateoB rsBrot«
PuraUi.ed fruat roots at St* Praet
TpOB 8ALK->ioed tbree r*ar old a
c baroeee and baezr. Terns n
- -|red,tMr. TW X. PruDt W.
o-ieirecIM. Lueaa. U t
B*bal» OB aeooBBI s<
street roller....................
On* ball eoel of Beard
er rceelsedlroDC
1 eleaalsK. sswiBcor work br tbe dar Of
irtted br eompeleot l.v>d. rail oe or adeesMie. Bra WIksoa, 1,010 Barlow St. Cup.
*6 71
W 14
drees Box l(».Cedar, MIrb.
ipo BW-
fs a
X* the Name of tha New Bicycle 0<ub
Clewing Xxerciaee.
St. Franeto erfaool will bold tfaelr cloc
ng axrrctoB to the City Open Boom
Xnaaday evening. Jnne 6th. Theee exeretoea. alwaye very inooeeafnl, will be
Bum than nsnally so this year. Tbe
jiogram will be annonneed later.
SS MTSgJgaTSSJtsr" "8g-
The Irving French Or. will open n
hree nighu engagement at City Opera
Thntaday. Tbe
at proBleet thto to be one of
tbe bBt popnlar i
Tbnmday nigbt they will
, Bnnawey Wlfe^" The
ioneube not
comedy Itorn and i
been spend to thto prodnetioa. and the
8<ilese*oefaMdll*T».lHe ......
character* an ably enetatoed by Bpaw*n:x roxu.
ble arUeto. headed by Irrtog Fnneb.
oe h»o*M*T4.
atorrod froa coi
tbe fnnnlBt of all Irish eomediaar.
and he to -ably antoted by Mtoe BatUe
cxmnm-aa* HayDB aad a strong enpporUng com
Paid for bjd-aat mial...............
poucx ri-XD. ' '
Last eveatog the 0. N. O. bieyeU
elnb took another ran. They have
Inst aaleeted their nemo, which 1*
"Onr N ght Oat." Ue monogram for
which will eonstot of the letter* O. N.
Tbe colon of the cinb are black,
orange and blnr.
After a ran about the elty. tbe slab
went to the ice cream parlon of 4. W.
Onrd of Thaaha
__ ____ lirSS JT
J. Stent nnd A H. ■oBiw lor thrir u-
Trip on the Bay to OU KUlon aad
Blk Baplde Triday.
Tbe Senior clam of tbe Elgb aehool
axeanton and plonie to Old Mlvrion
Friday of thli week. A large crowd ie
expected and if it to ae large aa anUdpatea Blk Baplde vriU be vtoited.
The boat wtlllBve thto elW At »:Sa
Tbe attraeUon at Old Mtoatoe wm be a
ball game aad a baaket rieato, aad
later to the afternoon it to thetotentton to mn over to Blk B^ide
UfflO to aae the of nw of iron ead
retnra to the ei^ to tke evening. Tbe
ronnd trip will ooat only ss eeate.
___ ..............:
s of the rity eharwr, we heremto ■tetemuB of reeriato
■FBof elty Boateler
The happy eoule aaae-to thtority
tg May 4th. 1888. aad
yMtacdey Bormtog aad
left tar BeSalo m their waAdlag ter
fisOowed by UarWteSTAiAtAttemend
bBt wtohB of berii of Meade who nam said te guatal taaaairi eoadlttea
have long eetoeBedthoB both. AtUr eftUritv:
theirturthaywlU mrica tkrirboBe
to Bnffeto ta e while,
tha grooB te bte appetotid be
IttedfehlefoHaer of teri
J.Jewettef the Datoa8
llaa. raaaiag between Beffele aadOhlidtotwWBteker
Trrity Wadding ffolBiiltid to 8U
Traaeto Chanh TBtartay.
Avery pretty wedding took riaoe
yeatarday at 8t. ffrauto ekarab. wblek
naitedFnakBabaland Aaaa Namto.
both of tha WBt 8lda. Tbe eeremoay
irred lathe pneenee of e large
iber of Invited gnBte, Bev. Fr.
Bener oflieiatong.
After tbe oeramony wae performed,
the wedding party repaired to the
home of the bride on Second etreet.
where, after a rMOpUon, an elaborate
wedding dinner wae eerved. After the
er, a verv pleaeant wedding driioe
todnlged to at the C. B R. P. 8.
ti»ti Theyonngeonpleare very popnlar and have the oongratnlaUont of a
largo circle of frieade.
Ttavane CiW. Mkb.. May 8. 1980.
f Fonui KHinuis I !S'
Worthily wen. the gaadj trapptoge
dwarhoueearwentoatriae henr)a.
la vaaerdtog tha grant eervtoB to onr
eeuwy of u risoat fergetua Bavolatioaory hentoa. awritar hee hroeght
to light ooae remarUhto roBaaoB.
TUberalae.tall. eritnred. high-born,
lotoad the OoattoeataUray to the nalform of a man a
ravery. Berberolta
brooght her preforBoat aad toto eoatoot with the beat people of tbe Ooloalet, aad at all the balU aad ether ooetol
gatherlBn ebe wat tbe Uon (or Uoaeae]
Tbe glrla adored the brave aoldler. eoafeaeed tbetr love, aad ahowered her
with preeeata. "The Girl Who Feagbt
to the Bevolntloa" wUl be a faatore of
tbe Jaly Ladlee' Homo JoaraaL It la
a record of faeto far etraager thaa fteUon;
year 1899 end 1900.
Warraau |e*Bd ler the ealleeUoa at
Wceoltetta tolri
tromovery ono.
nn very rtapeetfoUr.
An emineDtly skilled and nccomplinhed artist A wonderfol and
tboroogkly qaalified photogrspbef.
iSu Soper boo osenred tbe Fhotobnildtog oppoeltotbe Eetri Colombia u Trut
and u-----------has rcmodclu
it and
pat ettefor etrietlyaptodsto pbete------------s
u«ee.4SUrla-it.d1orisrUa.tndioud tnt bs .bDttr w >a
The ablp bod «Uemd tb* 1mm A»A cbaracierirtlc »tofy I* goli^T tb*
roonds at tbe expeuM of one of C,'blla- tllte*.
The CapuiB. wbo vw a ettefcter Am
--------r mi BM bM OteA.
deIpbU'e muet pnwpMona pawnl>n>•‘Wbm 1 WM* bop, badon tb* wac.*'
In illsAtatlaB of tbe impertant dl-1 Tb« entrance ball te not a place for ker>. In conimen with a grvat many
aU.nKUk V>
•■U»liri<««l matte eSecta of an aemoapbere, I naoA tbe dteplay of coau and batt and a of ble fHlow lownunen be bad been
on opattf atev In a good ordinary rea- do little more than cite tbe ewe of tbe beterageneoDs maM of booU and aboea. roffeiing frum tbe grip, awl Unt .wtwk
"Bat don’t yea tfalak, laBta.”
iMBMtwMlSXeMia. Tbaprtoehaa motm. OnraatemMtepracttcaUyatte’nfflbreUaB and wulklog AlckL Alaa, be felt very badly indeed. He t-eme tn, pleaded tbe yoang man, "yon oonU
hi* place of iKlKlD'
enmedistBiKeltom tbeton nttbeearth, ; evoi In (beae days of progreaa and ar- compteinitiK that
team to love owT’
"Not (ill right treuana have geM
1 ^Irit.
alUa. BchcrriuJter be wooM fly to MiaiBUi, an ordinary saw mta M BndinilBMaaateointenialbeatbaino ttetlc tnlnlng there are many wblcb body acbed. and d« .
ftmmt affect a
<m the tempetania of ite ’ xetnlnd one of nothing ao much aa an Tw afraid ii'e all up wUb m-.'
Ik* k*M. tmA biM Kind. «M palnfBUy oM. In^atdmtnannttfaMewM freaent
tfa* anWtk t>M tbteolotfa, tnpoteal
poettema It
flelal poctHoa
» would tbarefee* aU doltaea abop directly one enteca the
«*d«t*Bb*»Mi*teitt«U*tk* n^Afa
yoa faappaoa) to And It wbeo It ____ that, ao far aa con boat teoonoeniman: "yo
front door.
L Tbcir vild lUe erldestlj had
ycL" "I'm not
J for many ye*
In order to luMre a* mneb light aa
ralaUROrad had jaAbeaapotan. wnt aptto b* ftM- ad, tbe moon mn*t be in maeh tbeaame
urv of tbai." said
*a llir pawnbroker.
■T know be’s not."
«h*foh- •aed with eoffea ataiua That* war* etmditlee aa tbe earth. Bnt if wetbeooe jmeslble bare tbe paint work Ivory “It ten’i
■!.«, I’m
I’m afraid u. die. bnt {be
"What makes yon ao BareT’ *
ItWM* aAcfaBpand*ia*c*raad«>«D. annoaf dedooed tbe infexmioe tbai tbe tempera-' white. SbouW there be plenty of wla- idea of being put In a bote In the
"lie's been devoting faimestt to •
tea patev* in bottlM in a oaetor. tnre ooaditUm* prerailiog on oar catel- dowa dark oi olive green might be em ground baa a horror for me. Now. II
giri with no money."—ChhSaio Poet
« Uto bear any reaemblaucc to tbe tern- ployed.
traa> bi^taninc'fala wbM %haj gnw Mte* *fa*««ltBr can yon
I could Iw wnipisd up and laid on a
"How dl<l Joda happen to marry
aaa Tfaa light WM not raiy farigbt pcraaxre ocodiciem prevailing on tbe
SbDOld you vrtah to Increaae tb«
Bbeir with a tag ou me It wouldn't be Mis* Itrown? Be need to be In lov*
BO bad."___________________ ,
WM Rim to faU edw Tbe waiter Imgtat tbe atewinanoyn- enrttwe abonld make a great mixtaka. parent else of tbe eotraoce balL
with that pretty MIm Smith."
Obaarration* of tba moon'* beat ibow on be effected by a JodMoua arrange
ticai. bat at Urt «e diaaorerod tkol fa* tar plate, and m te hot Imtfa waob*d
"Mis* Brown Uvtil in tbe next block,
and it eiwt Jones two street-ar tare*
ocnsld mwat a word or pbnM «< a«ao- aboni a little In tbe plate a* lie canted that ite Rrfaoe te rxpoeed to a tremen ment of cnrtalsa. wme reding tbe
____ ----------- fha
from, tbe
rangadfUmpoBtitre. extending to ■ atalrmse.
In Austria coarse eloib of good qual- to get ent to Mira Smltti’a"—Cfaloco
Toraatioa bs bad
tvard. Be ooald it and ate it down yoo wo* altald It
eo often to
y and cheap i«p«‘r is made frwn Record.
Uogb Uke a homaD bailiff and imitat* night bom fate tfaamb Bat te ayatec* buadrede of degree* It baa been dem- ____
the cackling of a boL "Stop!” ■‘Bel wotegood. l^nMpaaaetoieBBtettfaat onatrated that tbe temperanire of tb* be found in preeent day botmee and for peat lllwr.
moon tinder tbe foil glare of tbe atm wbkfa we aboald be becomingly gnteThe {>e*t bogs in' Swclen.' many of
lo!” "BoJd od!" werelavorile ezprc*T1>e minister Is ■ palrer and tbe po>
them eight to ten yard* d«i>. ivver
riaee toe point in exoeasof that of boil fuL
AoMof bla and teoetallj bU bw <d
Ilceman te a peeler.
an an« of al«ui 8.tas.nwi aenw.
■'Today te table, witent a doth ing water, while it teeqoally certain that
When tbeoe nr*. onaplenon. by i
tbwuwaiinielliffmt. Uo iikfd to perch
Geneva. Pwltaertend. Ibe old watehCD top df tbe barn and ehont oat
when the annbcauni are withdrawn the
When two men argue each nsnally
thinks the other te a fooL
< of tbe moon dnks to a point
"Stop! " at the fannen that went br In poltebad. For a cloth there to qnad
uuiufacture of Ingoolnns toy*.
_ light and artistic In
tbeirwagona If tbep reined to their before yon anapkin of ample diman. far below that with which any
The man wbo nevir made a falhua
JaiHcose florist* Imvo *u<vv<e«l«i It) fs unable to appreciate sneasa.
tbit tbe uansformatlon effected
bont!^ tbinktogltwaiaomepunon that aioaaandtsigbtnndCrmb. Tbaplokla plorer ba* made n* aoqnaintei!
bad called than, tbe aoooea of bit lit te chopped op aelery nod vary good. then, te a globe fed )ost as we arc, with nothing abort of warvelouii. From thte enitivaiing a rvm- wbl.-h b«*k* tvd In
If you would find out bow poor •
ODiil be tu*|»ended. serge or chenille (be .-milight and wbiie In (b<- sliade.
tle Joke would caoM JUn to borat Into Yon get two kinde of crackert, and nmbeanu, and yet undergoing tremen- -------.
an I* try to Iwrrow money of ntm.
The Yellowstone jiark wa* vi*lt««d
plenty of tbem, and a generooa porUon dons viciaeitndee of climaic. enrpaming curtains wblcb accord hartnunloualy
ImtnodenM laogbtcr.
Women are not of a warlike natoie,
with tbe waU paper. There must be u text summer by al-oiii
V Uo actnally enjured being anowball- of Fnmob bread. Tbe batter coma Is any cfaangcs endured by the eurtb.
they frequeotly storm pteno.fonca,
:UK«i iiion* llicii in any pm-edlng
little CCD& Tbo Uhle ftinii
Tbeelimaticdiffermcebetwecntbeaa' pretty white wood Ublc. while In pref\*d. lie woatd ataod npoo an old tree I clgbtly litil
A German pbUosopbsr aaya tfaa
ii _
all i _
®y* two nolghhorlng globe* te certainly con-1 nvnee to chair* I would auggest a dl- year.
itninp and look taodly at lb* bojra, at □r« _
.\nHHig the Slobamme.1au* of Cal- beauty of a hot *au*age te more tfaan
raneb at to any: "Cooie. now, bere'a a thing. Tbe Awaadbofore you to agree noeud with tbe fact (bat tbe moon baa , van. wblcb may tie merely a rabln- enttn the l.jfant iiiorlalliy tvaeli.-s the akin deep.
If It be not trunk, tbe lid covered with a large enormous figure of irit.’i |*t l.taw
good abotl Wbpduu’C pon bit ner* able to tbo aye. and tbe whole eoene te
If a man ba* money be can gK lata
a al wapa too qnick for tbem. teimently lighted with tbe modem In- completely deatitute tbereot Our at-; cushion and the who
aoeiety: if be ba* Itrains he can keep
moepbiAO acta a* a climatic regulator. It bright cretonne. <bie o
lid bit him. Be woald
Tb>- death rate tn‘ New Zealand in out of it.
fodnoot the degree in which tbe Intenee ensbloiM must rest ogal
>dg« lilike lightning, loogta eg boataely
nii-sse<l i* tbe man wbo Urea for
Ifliai wa* am i*-r I.IVI Inlmbltant*. as
fervor of the ann affecU tbo earth, and As a receptacle for the u
a* tbe ball flew barmleMly
dy pant
or broke
ruiutmn-d with m.7 In I'ligluml uud the purpose of making life leas a bnr>
den to ollii-r*.—Chlc-aco Daltv.Newa
In trieooa ou the other aide of tbeatatnp well ae I do oot of a plate, bnt yon it mitigates the rigor of the cold to]
Wall-*. ____________________
Tbrn Dp be woold bdp again, with an know at leatt there te no danger burn which tbo earth would be expoaed when
tfaa BUDbeama are withdrawn. Soeb an I
other cfaill«age.raady for tbo next ancpw- ing tbo waiter'* tbomb. Tbeoyetexa
go^; tbe whole armngemeDt teaway amelioratiJig agent i* aheent frotn tbe
'O remc^ equals Wasnek’9 WiiiTt;
HewaenotatnUdof agna Bo woald beyond tbe utew of before tbe war. It moon, and besioe arise ihoee vlQent
2Vot?tri.x>o*rt. nciete..
INK OF 'TaR Syrup for this terriof ita climatic rondition.
atand olan by while ooewaabeiiig lot ' OMUmore, bat are we not better able t«
•and fatal disease. If taken thorpay for It? For geneid• g_ opandgat
We tbn* see wbat potent factors tbe
ad, and it might ba fitad off a nnml
.glily and m time. It will euro a ca*
The bat fnraittaad nod beat kopt
•xteteooe and tbe extent of an atmoe*
of tiixlBBwUboat baring any peroepUbla
a boun, and fo- the oough that to
boat* on tbia psnlnatiU te ready fer
phere become in determining tbe nsn La Grippe i'. -.ever (alla-ao giv bu'nste. Open tbe year round. Good
effect cm him. Bat be waa kaealy allr*
-;i«f Price, SSr »nd Sfle
to fte danger, and tbe very moment tbe Tbe modem oyater atew te one of many tni« of tbe climate that a planet te to
Livery to connaUan with the faeaeo.
Bata made known <« anpUeaUeo.
mnaale waa pointed at him be tote BO thing* that wo do an areriasting tight bava We do not hnswTOmgb regard
For UaiN ltde Sho« li to Fttbui
battte than wa did.Naw York Son. ing tbe atmoephe^ of Mars, Venae
tine in getting oat of tbe way.
and Mercury lobe ^ble to draw any cer
Jim waa a
tain oonclnsiona v^lb regard to tbeir
ted. WbonUta % tbe baby,«
thtewejmay at leaet af
Ing to wtek, be woald eeiu bar alyly Thm f 1—• Oab AwarAMl Fils«e te ‘rUtee climatea. Bntt this'we
firm, that it BeemsqaitcpOA&iblo for tbo
by tbe druia and raate ber to fall Be
Bbart BtariWi
woald peck at tbatoee of tbe b
After bia narrow eacape Seb Vaughan different inflneucee we have named to
obildnm that came for water and laogb of Fanadcna fell oo bi* knees and go a long way tbward ni-ntraiizlng tbe
that tbe climates of these
them dtemayed thanked beavon fer a miracolont dertlly aa
1 be drove
Ths CsisbrsisA RpsclsIlst.Fonasrlr of Raw York.
m ibf
ibi- yard. Suinotimos be would livcranoe from certain death. So ^onld globes wonld olberwise present in coniDxa von KXTUaxcx bau.
.of tbe
different supplies
of sun-.
Bteal Biuiutiood down into the collar. any cne else who bad beea gma^ in —n—..........
, of eaUers there might U-a^ china stand.
Tbe bloaa be ooold give with fail beak tbe Iron clniob of a 1.400 poond grtealy beams that tbcr^^lTO at their
not be a iirominent f**'bad tbe force of of a email Itammer,
wbilu ten milee from a gon or a cabitt. Bolar dteuncu. So far at mere climate ^
tmx BX AT
that It waa a very eaay matter for him Zob uoTcr lost bi* prwnoe of mind and —
. j I A xtaudard or hanging lamp, a palm
to tom tlio apigot of a barrcL One waa began tickling tbe bear'* ear with a that appropriate atmospheros wd land ]
5o-tk»X "WlritiXLg, Tjra-v-oi’ao
further adornpretty apt to diaebrer after aoeb a riait feather he bad picked up ah*entmind- distribution* might bo adjust^ on tbe
po«ravltig* In
that alt Ibu vioi^ar bad ntn oat on tbe ediy. and tbe bear began Unghingeo earth and Mara Mercury aud \ onus In ^
floor.—Ualoolm Douglae in St. Nicbo- hard that bo oonid ueitber cleoe bte such a manner that oortain orgroio
fraima. a white fraim-d mimir
might 1» common to all the four i uu,i , buu,u Uaiiging booksU-U In
orma to aqueeae nor bte month to bite.
Oflle: Boar* from 0 a. m. to 8 p. B. One day only oaofa montfa.
Zeb oontinaod tickling until tbe boar
wood to contain time Ublcs, e
Inogtaod ao bard that be bant a btood Beview.
Should dark oak be chmo-n for tbe
woodwork, old oak funiliure woald
■>w n#
nimavir ! Alt Waa votee! and tell down, dying.
A ooapleof Montana toriteyarecently
liU 0«B iwage.
Uke the place of the white.
It U in the rear of the hall that we
Tbo la(>> Dr. Romance, in bi* "Ani killed bad titeen into tbeir artetocratio ■* Woe the Vtnst Arbiter
neve Mateb.
lUst dieeover some place for the bemal Iul<illigencc, ” givo twoctoriesof craw* to aastet is deglutition 18 valoablo
cata,^ wbicli,
tbe inastor of lltc bouse eonslUtion III n looking glaaa, convinoedtbamI an illn- is now fashionable among Hontana that wbou his affections bccamo attach.; er it u.H^v^sary to bis Impplncs* to keep
aolroBtbnt tbe reflccUon
ponltiy to have Jowaled interior*, and ed to an nmitli-d woman he fell bonnd bis onidoor guriuents down stairs,
lu tbuemo of a roiy
If tbere Im- uo mv-ss of an aevommoIt, I tlthink, a atep it is eatimated that tbe emnlous fowls to ask the olilgcntleman'seousunL Tbe
~'watof uiiiie. be
beyond tliiM—namely,
,. bo aaliaded
him- of the new state have within 11 moatbs dnke enswered that personally bo bad dating nature, doubtless o euruer may
that it waa in eonie way bia own of 18H4 eciatcbud np and swallowed no ob)ectiou to Uic motch, but in view be fouiul v. I.Icb ran U- fitted with a trleoir tfai
$11,CS;,6I4.0& worth of gems and pre- of the fact that his eldest sou bad o«- angular i>i«v of buanl and tK-reened by
;icD liwnuiK,
ima^. Even if my dvdocticD
rions Rivtate.
ponned a daughter of the queen be a »erge t unalti, behind wbl<-li tbe coals
i* procoocliug* *
A girl In
tbongbt Itrigbt to tugnire her majesty's and bats may bang lirTn-acx-.
wo in Dr. Kan
' ' ' with KlI
pleasnro ou tbo subjtv:t before express-1 Clew- by must stand u cumblDed aat
i that it soems a* though it
ing his formal approval.
j and boot l-u|iU»nrd. This may lie v«slly
were a nnifomi law of cat uatnro to act into an 18 inch
Her maji-str. tbn* appeaUd to, ob- made by a eaivuter or roughly Uuproin tfai* way. and eefor iimay not be alThus
terved that since the deathof thepriua vised from an empty case.
tORotber oiiluterastiDg.
oon»orl*hohadbi*on iu tbehflBi* of con-]
-------------------------I pnt tbe oat oo a table in front of a
nlting Ibe DdIco of Saxe-Cobur; on all'
amall toilut mirror. Afierlooklugatbii coutracUng fiber brought the
_ ^ affaixa
refloerton for a abort while bu went bo- im-ut down to 9% loabaa In delight family
|I It 1* said, writes M. Preseotl in Good
Tbs matter wo* therefore referred to Boma-ki-eplngbiod tbo glaaa Tbon bo retnmed to bis shx gasped: ■■Ob. haven’t 1 got—a Jnrt
Dnke Eruert. wbo replied (hat since tbe ! Thai a g<-m-roiu lump of waslUug
•eat In front and again watched it at- lovely figure now? And ife—-*o li
Ivcty. After a few moment* fae rap- and oomforttbla’’—Now Verk Advor* ouificatlon of Germany bu bod made it aodu and a quart of waicr. if put into
a rule to ask tbo emperor's opinion on twU and puu* Iu whlih fish, cabbage,
idly, dashid behind it Uuagaln rrtnm- tiM-r.
all importaut qac*tloiX Thu cam now , onlou* and other "loud " Kiu<-lling foods
. . to
o fate
hi* Kit in front of tbo
f gia«,
while relululug bis seat and keeping
"It te surprlsltig." says a oommer- oame before tbe kaiser, wbo decided. bare Ln-un coukud. wHl tUorouglily
bte eyes Cu-d on tbo imago bo stmek dal traveler, "bow general IbetM* of that, at a constttntioiial *ovort'ign, fae cleanse and make them smell sweet
abont bubind tbe glan with fate paw in poutooi as poubolders te bcoomlng in was bonnd to aacertaiu tbo view* of bi* and i-b-nn.
\ That a teasimonful of vim-gar boll.
dlffiTcut dircctioua
boiela 1 bavo eoen them in lua in groat prime minister.
Hte nuxt action wv, I fancy, snggeet- bostelries of tbe east, whose owners
Happily for tbo now aiixions pair of Ing on the stove wlli counteract tbe
tvera, the "Iron Chauct-llor," who .amell of strofiff food.
ed by »wdng tbo imago apparently strike wouldn't bwiute for a moment to loven,
wish to conTbai a lca*i>oouful of gniuud riovoa
- with ite paw atsa Kuepiug bis seat and •pond $10 for a desk ornament to bold wa* then in offico, bad
o,nr. on a f..w bol coaU wUI jirodi
retaining bia eye fixed on tbe image, be peus osed by tbe guests ia registering snlt anybody and decided that tbs mar
. prooooded to (if I may n»o the word) Tbe mixture of stareb, gloooee and wa riage might take place.-Kate Field's same result
That a few drop* of oil of sandal
Atnro in front of tbe glaaa Uoraiaod ter in tbo pototo aeem* well adapted to Waabington.
wood dropped on a hot sbova la also
hte 1paw* altenately, licked them. take np tbe iraparicieB of ink and to
I Daotfc Ttfley.
an cxeollenl dcodori»-r,_
kiM'p tbo pen point clear and bright,
That a stale crust Vt bread bolted
Many, many year* ago Montesqniei
while tbo alkaloid of the potato, known
with abbage will absorb the strong
and as far as puniblo avoid drawing
tbegratFivnchpblloeopbcr.o .
Tb* Kcsi SoeoMMiu aad Bdonttflo Traatm*at of All Pte e**M and %
tlw inflnana of climate npou human odor. ■
That a large lump of charcoal In a
of Mankind Poattbl* to ObtoiiL
nature. Tbe effect of nature iteclf upon
refrigerator will preventa musty smclL
animal life ha*
That a pound of copjieras dissolved
Be« np on (be comer of a bonae, at tba Cbemioally speaking, starch
te tbe first
In boiling water. If poured Into drain
jonentre of two stroett at tbe old north base of a potato, and sugar
or glucoae
jnrt returned from a perilons trip pipe*, will dissolve the grease ami artsid of Bortem. te a bast of .£aoul^aa te iu eocond basa Thu* te the humble
X>'”‘!SvTt^fli- A ia **•««> •opvr'wte dtsnwlni s^ WeMtaf. fMsMs aJ
For many, many years it bai been tb* potato Ending aaocber way in which to (tarougtatbe "Dath valley" in Nevada ry away all linpurlth-s.
That a disagreeable "onion braath’’
rteiUe aign that then te a dmg atora serve tbo usm of mankind. "—New Hi« report pictnia this weird, unfinish
ed spot of.^«arion as a region of borYorkTribuna______________
deMh cverr 7«*r **•
rora Even tbe fanna are nnonuy and mouthful of vluegar
Some ttme ago two visitor* to tb*
I iB tk« hBjia* o' c(pcru.
A UmiaTrnA.
in almat diabolical accord with the In cup of hot water In which a pinch of
tety went prowling about this ancient
"My husband played ndi a me
ferno netnre of this vast realm of sand baking soda has been dissolved.
and historic ground onoe mt artetoentto
That a foul bmtb may be sweetened
and salt
and now nsqoalid. and tb^ came npoa trirk cn me," aaid one woman to i
by a luoutb wash of |>ermangBO*te of
tbe time wen bast, for tbe prteenoe of other on tbe stnet oar tba other day.
___omuji operSMB STUMSSteUr sM
-Bowr' aiteed tb* friend eympatfaet- tbe Gila monster, flonrishc*
potash In a tacup of water.
wblcb they were not prepared. BtlU it
That the frequent nsc of lye in the
retreat Uaard*, rattlauake*. bngo
teanind to tbem notewortby, and they tally.
elMBre e> (ssr Oan sad sU ettw ar* epera"Wtay, 1 found fa* waa amokinr
tda,-*!! kitchen sink wlH pn-vent a borrible
Bcorpiona and tarantulas aud toads,
weal Into a shop to Mk aboat it
SvFt IM finppfl 11 24 ftotrs.
The Waukazoo House!
CoDsultatioo and Eiaimaation Free and Suictlr Confidaaiial.
Thursday and Friday, - June 7 and 8, 1900.
Tb* clerk wa* m«t cfaligii« and q$v smti* worth of cigar* a d*y. and 1 got
him to agree to ^ve me a* much
"Ob.thatr’be*aid. ■'Tbat’e old X)e. moneya week a* smoking cot him.
Qal^na 1 den't rightly know who b* stock to II 006 week."
■■Andafawi what?”
was. bat I've *n bka be n*ed to pnn"Be boo^l a day pip* and a poond
tte* down fateer—Yoatta'sCompaniaa.
of 10 cMt totwcoo and cot my pin mon
ey liown to J ceotoa week. ’’—todianga.
A triiA of Canadian girl* t« keep tb*
warm In eeves* weather te worth
Two friend*, a waver aad a taUor,
acting They bcM a nnubet of sUvr
doUan and slip tbem into a netted beams U time enemlea to moeb ao
t, carrying tbe latter in tbeir mnffa that tbe tailor spoke much evU of Che
behind bte bock, tboogfa tb*
Tb* coina treated in this way. leii'
weaver always spoke well of tbe-taUoc.
tb* bMl for aerteal boon and oan
Upa a lady okiag tb* waver why be
-Is it right In My
"ooisider.” Mtes Arreasf
Fa Instona. I deem yon a nta yuMtfl '
MM^^Ogg^Jitetyon MIL
ahncnnally reaomona writhe and bop odor.
That a few tnoothfula of tlmewater ‘^A^miASrAJIO POUTITB ^KS
aemis tbe hated waste, bnt they are
nothing in comparison to kangarooUke or a few drop* of rinetarc of royirfa In (srliasvtBleflSBUiefesrivTlBC ssd ihs bbtumbler of- water will sweeten
’ '
rate and mla that feed on ooorpiona a
One of tbaa eorioa mice te known a* i breath, and a small piece of orria root
tbe groabopper mooe. from bisenriou j if chewed, will gives violet odor to tbe
jtaU ...MU, M h
and bte chief deliacy te a' bratb.
eentipod. Tbe women might
snri) kind of niira iuferted the b<
ter In one-third Ueb alicea. Pare. Uy
bolds of tb* land.—Fbiladelphia Bern out on a platter and sprinkle writ pow
ctd. • _________________
dered sugar, lemon juice and apice.
Drain, dip ach slice in fritter batter
«bs DtHim UHM.
and fry a few at a time in bot deep fat
"Wbot’s tbte?” demamted tbe gMrt, Drain and serve with powdered ragar
{Muting to one of tbe side dtebe* tb* «r lemon ance.-Kltcben Magaalne.
waiter bad bcoagbL
"SaatetfOA air." antweted t|>e waiter.
"I didn’t order any. ”
Melt a piece of bnttcr tbe else of Ao
"Itboogbt yotf'dld. air.'’
slice Into It a medlnm steed onion
"I ordetwl Muoa Can’t yon teU tb* aad fry a debate brawn. Add three
dlffMona between ana andanaaga?” gttls of milk and one of cream. 'Scam
"¥m sir,” aaid tbo waiter, gatbertyoa doing a roaring bnelneed’' iiM np tb* rejected dteb with nnraffled te taste with p^tper and cetery aalt
flpUt thm or foor Boston crackers
a 1 am."a
digi^. "Between nna and nnsagts fot ia a tnr*ei
ten te Boaly a dlffarenaol agM. tehMaOk.
Wtefa «Msa texr-GUeaco Tlifam..
wg ecasai
hemstitchinq unens.'s
ADAPTING fashions:
Mmt to »IM o( ttta tovtoff nn^l'
WbOe bemathoblBK U rerr pnOj
•ad eaer vurt. rri it U vort which »■
Oatm care and acenrarT la order to be
parfact ear* Mrt. U Bartoa WOaes to
TIaHlac «MW*-Whes rsshtMs
The Art toim-baoce. This u npaetolAre Oenmllr Aa*^e«. Leadaea
to troe la preiwilait tbe Uoco aad torto
Atawra €%■>■■ Them.
tWtbebeiB. If there la aarti drfartni
It to la tbe adaptation ot toablon to
la tbe Uaeo-wbirb. bp tbe wap. ahoald
peraonal aepert that conatota tba
net be tbe catae-lt to VeU to dip K to
boUlBf water. After It li prraaed cot tne eoqoetrp of wonten. And pet bow
tbe fow edeea atraigbt to a drawn few or tboB put to practice thi* apbortbresd. Tbra draw out two threade all tom. aapa tbe finropean edition of the
rotwd two. fear or ais Inrbea froia tbe New Tort Herald.
cdiee. acrordlna to tbe reqaind width
The atpltoh draaa for a amall dinner
of tbe beta, .t uae or two Inch bem to partp abown berewitb to enUrrip of
prettp on a z; larb rraterplere. a S>i •trine colored fulmpe made np orer a
or a 3 larb beat on a SO larb ceater- trooDd of Opbella colored faille wllb a
piece or teaclotb.
transpareoep of moiuaellne de aole to
Two extra thread* aboold be drawn match tbe alUt between tbe two mateoot <>r tbe line* of the corner aqdara* plato. Tbe form of tbe dreu to tba
formed bp tlie rroa* side Uom of prtoeeaa cnt. with a tnnlc falUns orar
dnwa tbreade. The Ilaen to now readp
for tbe inrnlna of tbe beta, aod this to
tbe must careful operalloa of tbe wort.
Torn tbe aelrare or warp aide drat aa
tbeae wID Dot atreleh like tboae of tba
Turn tbe
Patlnr.par to....
of an Inch, bolding tbe Uoeo tant be
tween tbe thumb and foredager of
Mlcbl- - “
each band orer the knee. Now tarn
again, toping tbe doubled edge perfect
ly against tbe llnf of tbe drawn
threads. Haste with running atltcbea
half ao inrb king op to tbe point of InlAdlaa. "Tn eas jsap n U ti
it oat U will com* ap amUtog ararp
taraecUon at the corner. .Next turn
iB>a.’'OalmaD'a ElaaUe Floor Varntok
6 E Walt_________________
Th«*«c oornera are
T» OMto to COM tn Onto Dtop.
toe next rare. He *ure tbi-p are toreed
fake Waraer’i White Wine of Tar S>-rui
porfecUp to a thread, tben wllb abaQi
lie best cough remedy on eanb. 26
■claaora cnt awap tlic tuminl over ob
long to within an elglilti of an Inch of
the drawn thread*. Cm awap the
turned orer purilon «f all fi>ur corners
In tbi* wap and then turn and ba*U
the remaining two •Ide*. u*ilp he
enre tbe corner* which the cutting
awap lip* left Kinglc like tbe rest of the
bem are perfrcHp turned, then ba*te
tliem. Wa*tc bif* of lllo *ilk are very
Trato will laaf* Traraa* Clip at 8 na. Retnrnlng leave Bartow 6:00 p.
picnraot banting tbn-ad* to work with.
a. Bat*. 81.00. Blepela* earrlad fra*.
Have You..
ttiiM iiwrty taiot ot«tb«*i«wd-
nUmdinc • Uf«
Km^ Md ^Muki tiT tte evd.
•‘If « triiRMta «OBld
■KBM9 to oWrato dMir tr*jk» la dtUi
■Dd •» «ro«iii»t to NV w*k*«W
______ t MV (Otoe OO. 1. f<V CM,
mdtot OmI va «M Buka M ■TcnM«
M nUto aa tow batwan Hw Tort
MdCbiMM I tay tola with iW AlUCtMnmoutoiM almot atarlag me U
tbatac*. Wamtcbtloaatiaaaccdacap
that Fao«a. ***•«*«»«»••*'**^ **^
to COM and w«lda’t tbaj slide down
dda with a nadbad miaaa
•arTMaadgradeerwaiacil Intbamtotorof eod la'toakiaf
faw pe^ are awata at the axpaom atteehad tomato. In round nambma on
road *hlaw' in fnllj 16.000.000 la tbe
latter part of Irtl and tba bectontog of
IME That wai before tba Onanelal da-
&s=jKS)t—8 4 »
; ”“s aoioeuenaif/arMiucvm
ioog. and tbe wort pent nsfnllpfOOO.
OOa Other road* bare been dotog like
wise. and with tbe retm of a proqnrow pmlod we will snrprtoe tba world,
and aapacUlIp tba BnglUb. with tba armag* weed onr tntoa wlU attain,
"llaap ^l* will be aniprtoad to
p. and not tbto oom07 or bglBDd fwntoba* tba faMeat train
In to* world. n» United State* oom
■aooad aad Bagtond third. TbeOeman
trato ma from BerUa to Bambnrg. a
dtotoBM of 178 mltoa, la 804 mtanM
aa srarwa oobdda tfmd-tb$X to, not
noatlacftoiM. of ormdS mli« aabona
Tba Empire State axpeea* on toe Hew
Tork OwOnl road fnna from New Tork are rerp dear
to Bsffalo, a dtotoaoa of 440 mite*, in l«t* and tiallK. bl* Rghlog tackle, bt*
•80 aHantaa, and Ito oatoida spaed arar- trunl* rarkei. bl* tojM and morbl
age to Marlp tl milM an bon. Tba bl»-well, who can name all tile poafMtaat Bagltob Oain. that oomea third
iliat are dear to a bop'* beartl
OB toe lilt, to called toe‘weat ooaat flier’
When ihc Imp bo* no place In particand rant from London to Edlnbnrrt. »
lar In which to iMwtow bl* '
dtotoneaof 400 mlbn, at an araragaostptsxKB naaaa.
aap* a writer In The ladle*
ald* ipaad of 60 mtloi an boor.
to apt to pre-onipt cpiartcra wbererer • aklrt trimmed with narrow flnffp
•Tba farther we go went to* ali
floiincea of mouaselluc de stile orertoF
ptog and bordered ruuod the bottom
with guipure like the botip of the dreat.
mltoa of
Now give tbe bop a chance to be or On the Bide of the chest I* a roselle of
HtoB«ijlingiOB road’a beet main arar-'< dcrip and see If be won't lire up to bit Ophelia colored tulle wllb end* falling
at se mltoa an how. That on
opportoniUc*. It will be niucb better orer the dress'** far a* tbe knees. ^
tba llmitad. ran
Anotber akelcb •how* a *tp11*h dresa
only rmob on ararage of 84 mllm an
for paying rUH* or for the race*, a* It
how. Tb*ItoBTmlimited.ontbe Northdrew for
waatan road, bae to tanitla to nor* an
I* or to go to tai
araragg gait of 8B tollw an bow.
lor made eontunie*. The tjuestlou to
“VacT faw of tbrtaat limltod tnlna
accepted a* a matter of personal taste
to toll oowitrp pap for toe expeua of
or regulated bp the weather aud the
nnntog town, and it to aa open aeorca
importance of the race meeting. The
''-that to* llmitad betwan this oitp and
dreat In queatloo I* of maure and
New Tork. . toe limltod between New
white allk atrlpe. The corsapo. which
Tort and Chtengo and tba Empire Stole
to almost entirely com|>o«ed-«f yellow
agpram botwaan Naw Tort and Boffato
[pure. 1* trimmed with brace* of
and to* Ohioago limltod on tba New
Iped ribbons to match tbe dress.
Tort Oantnl road ooat their reapeotlT*
They also encircle the corsage and
road* a good deal mora than ibop faring
form an atgn-t bow on the left side of
la. knt toap are great adTcrttoara t
tbe cben. The slecre* are of guipnre.
rsapaotlTa road*.
with turn bnek cuff* "en lareuae.”
^ "Tba adTantaga* of fast trato aarrlo*
Orer tbe aklrt I* a tunic pwlir cover
ing It. and there 1* a toco flounce
ai* not oonflnad to toe ounring of pea■round tbe tnitum ending In a abort
aaigan swlftlpfton one point tonnothtrato.
Tbepan faltall tbroogb toa operntIn tbe days when fashion* In dreas
■or'* UKKxa.
be totentlod for tbe
I Important dtodpltoary InBnenoa. Tba for'tbe habit* be to forming and coo- aapedal purpose of displaying a bcantp
maing of each extraonUnarp fait train* •Iderablp belter for tbv one wbo to tip- or concealing a defert. aapa tlie New
I to* Oongtamiasm] limltod aad to* tog to ket-p her houFc orderip.
York San. it wa* lald that ugly women
lake tbe bop a looker,
locker, where be cu Introduced them, and pretty women
Empire BUto exprea* ha* bad ■ wonderfnl aflaet to lacreaMng toa rlgllanoa and keep all hi* i>o*seiwlon*. and ioeate It were foolish enough to follow them
aOetosiep of aU toa tralnbanda. Tba In the toutuirp. the iMick hall
to the exicDl of disguising every
trWpi— on wbiofa snob train* ara ran roue other pto<-e ao tliat he won't bare
». But Id these
to tear through the Ixiuae ererp time
d tiMpeooaeqnenUp keep toa n
he want* one or anolher of bl* plop* leads to the fsaliloo iraktiig. with
along IIM line'travel rawtontlp o
lerctol adranngc at hi* guiding prin
toa alert Baefa man to made to feel fa
The shape shown In the Illustration ciple. and all women follow him, not
fall abara of tbabntdan ofra^msIbUltp. map l« suggestire onlp, for the looker blindly perhaps. l>vit rerp diligently,
abould be arrangetl to bold tbe par looking upon his creation* as toexoraticular articles which the jiartlcular
tows which In cenain dlrcollon* at
nnm peraonal inoltoadons to be alack bop ha* In hU pobscshIoii, and onlp tbe lenat ranst be obaerred without protest
uf tbe Imp In qwwtion cab While be murt keep pace wllb tb*
V nagtootfuL Tba tetoip^ opanM
bat* a aaspMHio 1 of 80 daps atartog pwalhl^ know wbat tbeae map I
them to tba tnea for toe aUghtaet dalap
Raw «a raid Year tkirt.
to to* Itodtad. nod all....................
Fold a drvaa skirt In borlsontal rather
"Bwldaa tola attonnlna to dntp tba than In longlUMllnal line* If poo would
(■at train* aorta a* ao tooenUta to tbe bare It reialu It* frvshm*** to the BtMBtostriraforproaotloB. Oondnot- moat.
Tbe skirt In wearing alwaps acqnlrea
ora. aMtMaraflrscaan and otoer hand*
on toa UaMad gal mora pap toan do tba Icngthwlae crease*. Tlierefore pnt It
BMn aaanloTad on toa train* of anbordi- awap SO that tbeae erldcncca map be
That tbe‘flier,‘to
fllw.’l luga- counteracted.
gto- Stretch the garment out full width,
flnmioa to nOlrondtog to etideaead bp then double It downward from tbe belt
of tbe place In
tba rmutkabla omm* bf toa Coogtaableb poo mean to lap IL If drawer
MoBBl. to* Bopal Bln* and tbe Empln
trunk I* 100 abort to
Stola expraa Tbaaa are tba to*t«t
train* to tbto eonnlrp and bate been the entire outspread width ot aklrt
nantog aatwal panra bnek, and. with which to llkclp. tben let tlte Anal fold
be the onlp one
wito no mtobap.
Tbaaa train* paw bmdth. Tbto method tend* to amootb
totoagbpaar aftor pear witboot a aln- out tbe line* aad “muBBlne**’' of
pr^leable In packing.
A»d 1 ImilaT* it to all fitn
n dtoafpitoe p«t open tba ampl<
to* (Ml aartloa. Tba
to lb* fMt tralH. ‘‘^Wasbtogtoo
For wheat muAn* lake one cup of
milk, one ublespoonfnl of melted bat
ter. one well beaten egg. a tittle aalt
of auger, two teaUbleapooi
Among to* Arab*
powder and tw«
apoonfuto of baking
IM W nlnatog tba mUk to lesAbar aktoa rnp* of flour, Bake thene In a gnlrt
wUrtwwaabakanor beaten until the oren. In gem |iaB*. for 30 mloBteo.
Pere Marquette
Trato will lesTe TraTerae'citp at 0:80
a m- RetnrnlBg leave Grand Banlds
at 0:00 p. m , Ma*kegon at 0:15. Rata
to eitber polm*. 83 oo. ttt. so, It.
blmaeif able to do. He llkea to be
tnwted to the perf<wm*nce of aome
dntp and wtll pnt forth bto hen effort*
to prora tnwtwortbp.
MaaA—Tbap ongbl not to nUov mar
lin batvam eoadaa
Mimto-Wtap aot?
crowing tendesep toward tba srtlatle
nd besutlful to draaa change to bto
regetables keep tbe notto. aad stoare* and akin* expand
Mipll ffimT-T If pan nunp P«v etalka in water nntU rendp to cook. bad contract without rhyme or reaaea,
BonSpowown oblldrsn ara aenraalp Bn* map.be kept bp burping thnn to •a tbe mattar c( Bw«« map And It eota
mil and enrrau and toralpe bp bnrptof
to laran to • bag otanaL
ipimre to iha sseoM oC bto tirtiw
I Dave bad my baildinc
rebuilt And pnt in good
shape Slid am now ready
to receive all old patrons.
Good Line of Jewelry
$1.00 a Month
At 'reeidenceH—same as last year.
Have large qvonUip on band,
make a apecioltp of ear loU.
J. A. Jackeon
BoUi'PhoQM. No. t.
in Icel Fire InsuraDca.
L. li. A. BnUdin^.
Now 75c a Month
Chas. W. Merrill
Both 'pbsWH No. 114.
Q s. BiAOWH, Aiwrw
Of Lsv apaeisi mm
•«* MorarAseiBc. tur
First Freeze
Clear Ice, from Boarilmtn lake.
to prlTtotto famlllM.
r«nttoA*Aowiui Qalmn'i Haiti*
spar 'Ffcmlsb
______________________ PtoTtoble monthly in ndvAnoe.
Grud hpldi 4 ipaiHi Rj
Ivol ood ddporiuro ol trolnn ot Troran
CIIF. I* «floct DrecaWr rtth. I1«.
410 W. FroDl St.
sssas rssseflsfleeASS*
rwK.4. M. WILHtLM.vkrsletsB
Otacw'»«T^OB»h*i‘um' tIl'Koet ■
Tclephear Ko *00
lAv. OBocMOItr OpmSMaaS
si'CS' B
oost Block.
lire Insurance.
kindly ramambar I want > write thr
iBdaraaee tor poa, and will give pen
land eareful attantlon.
the moat raltabla atock Inaurance '
bira vary tow.
bona 78.
JohHM Block
sesasessBsasesL-a ;s£ss«
The It :U o ■ trolo too porlor cor lo Ora*
UptdD, osd Direpir ClrosJ Kapid* to Olaao-
Best to be had in
tbe city is at
lotp.B. TaiophcB*.n.
Rraldfoce *11 WsinlDrxw ktoori.
Bril 'pkoa*. Kortbrrn 'pboor tto.h_________
T\B- B. S. rUMD, Ottoe In M* Tn
U Block Gallo oeowarod pro^F *
eirkt Wortaore'pkOBO.a*: Soil. Ml,
See aamplea in window.
Tbe Fere NarqDeUe Riilmd
«a SoM Bicbtk airwc.
John R. Santo,
ttMiil liMriin.
Wersborff Bloek
oireot. Hoodt>onilD}eo*MetioB for peiloau
ColU Ion ot Bro4horOD'» u BkoDo'* sole
olotflcD »iU a* proapUr ouoodod u>. KortaMertbcra paeoo
“*Si?rlBgol»«^ M. bite choir rot r»
to Urood Rapid* ood choir cor UrohC
Heullmantel Hotel
____________t>F the Idiom od4 ioom op
w yht eoll* arMpUy
"Tb»4»p ■ trolo hte porlor cor to Orood
Rapid*, ood Morplug oor oud rtMcb Urohd
^^lel^rloVot I80P M. hoo *Wprr Ol*
CisooU tonrooO Bhpidf ODd roDcb ooJ •>««>
lugror Chicago to Urood U*p:d«ood choir co>'
81 00 par dap; apaoial rataa bp
oiiio '^’U*d'
4 Up II OD,
L* Ohkeog*........ i:^
Ar ratb^f''!
Boom 01 <W Sooth CdIoo OiroM.
Opoa oU Bight.
..1“ 1 Kl tV
t 19
' !SKKr,S’'
aad Bqnaltoatlen.
la« r^olor ooBOol aooUu of thv Boord of
ita CMMUjtoM
■ gaa MeodoF. mof —
taemoM Cwfeor
,jf o'elork
o'clock to
noftoto. PVb IT. tort. Bpoelol ouooUoc gfran
doFto opcrotlTc ■umcr ood diocooo* poeoUor lo 4 o'elMk 1* thd ofthrMoe at owh
--■o-OF'----------Uo Dtowoefe OAcc ood TcUd**eo m Boj
•iroM. Ai borne Iron N to Ido. w. ood frea >
IF *o.
niOMO Tt'MINn-J. W. Gune. •orot—loool
ir ptoDOtuecr. wUh W..W. Kliauai Go. IS
rrool otroct. TroToo* Cllj. Hlek.
o a Milk.
. Toim* to
niabrirt gaUop. aad attar aronad<
Mtat n^a^irtmtogw
For baying a 10 cent
cigar when yon can get
Lt BURoptdo..
Ar TtotutmOf
uiRB UD iHinuniii 1.1
toWddaeeioF.Jao. II
llttoa-aleta am.
SFOOtbUUthOtwlF tlioc t
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
aidnnlkI.umbtTlB >nflatD
JOHN P. OTT & 00.
Men M Xnmnf OitF hotter Oof
- -Lob*
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