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The Morning Record, June 01, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Oapital of Tnamal BtUl In
Mini to Vbo Mw«n boaom
VMNtofton. May V-Tbo amto to
day yanod the anndry nluU appropMatlonbMl. Itoairtoo an
od».eodMO for tbo Bt. Lentoonpototton. Tbo pwipwltlne to apyrap
•Md.M» tor tbo PbUodolpbto onn
B*»ort«tnicklaf I
»»»w. to toMM
~Ww OAm Bm iMtoM*
MtoMoTBaOertof Xn«-
Pomonal Bapw. Which tondo Color
to Un dappoalUea-Body ttoiriWd
Awny on a Baft Ctoaaly Owdad—
•ooaraoe al Banpad, laBaaoMal
Mcbal AyllaMr. Oapamd by TwMftb
poclel to TO* Mcrolm nocord.
May tt-MaJ. Payton a
roroM of Fortoirn VationB on
who bM boon p
• to Prawrto, It aaf b«
Wb7 to OhlMMo OapltBl.
Oly .
Ml «rtftlst7 tkM tte
• br tba Brittoh to not AMrioan Ootaebmoat Oenototo «f Soraa OSean aad BUtyBis Kaa^Botriy
pertoa That They WIU Bo Oppeaad
LortBoborti CMdr <
bnrvTbnnteynftoraoMkaO thM to
at tbo aty •atao.
«MT7 roMOe to bnltoTO bt to Mill tknn. OowlalteUc MoTBM Boeood.
Hto brtof 4toynleb nsMUMiax tbo
Tianlbla. May si—A apaelal train
Brittobtooopi hod oaeoptod JobuoM.
atartod for Pakia tbto aftorpoon witb
bv* to tbo OBly M«« of Th«ndny*o
tollewisy foreao; Amorleana. aordsto. efflstol or olbonrtoo. fro* tbo
OB offleom a>> maa: Brittob. tbno offioeono of oponttooo. If ooy port of tbo
aad 7< boo; Itollaao, throe oS
and 8» boo; Breneb tbreo ofBoert and
an: Bnonlan, four offleom and M
boon roportoA.
bos: Japanoae. tbreo offleoro aad 78
Tboro to aoilber oonflrinotton
on. witb Are quick flrlny yust.
donUl of tbo roporto of tbo dtomtoool
It to ruBOred that tbo torelfm troopo
of tbo Boor foreoi tron.tbo Prolorio
will be oppmed at tbo flrot yote of the
ferto, nor tbnt bnreoanotor Do Boom
^Ineoe capital ootalde the wall.
. bM boon nntboritod to roMiro
At tbo Buoolant wore neartsy tbo
Brittob and that tbo Brittoh tereo to at
Taku forte ymtordoy Is beau, the ChiHatboriy; bat tbo flifbt of ^rofor and
opoood fire, and tho^Raoolano retbo etbor alotOMnta ublod Wodaoo
trooted. It now oppoom that tbo Otalday ara rooMortod and are apparently
wero Mly flrlny a yun oalste In
honor of a mandarin on board the CblLondon. May tl—Motblar to known
at tbawarodleoeoneominc thoropori
of tbo eaptare of Proaldont Kracor.
Lenden. May ll—Tbo DaUy MaU baa
rooMtod oablo adrian eenlriolnf fully
tbo otatOMnlo mado yoototday by Ha Oood Mbb OhoBBB ftir Ohalroorroopondonl at Protoria, rcfardlnjc
man ot SulxOomailttBaB.
tbo fliffht of Knfor and a r»oral dtoof«anlcaUon OMoaf tbo Boom.
tendon. Kay ii-Tbo war oOoo bao bMnuUro Oommlttoo Mao rakon Prerooolood the foUewlac dtopntoh troao
Umlaary'Btapa for tboWmadTwe,tpfd Boborto: ■•OonaoMoa. May
■4Mp. m—bpaworlatn dt( of troao
whtob I ooat to Jehaaaaoburf thto
I for the bly twodayo- Poartb of July .
Bomiad tbo oommaadaat easo to
■a and bodtod mo to dofor ootorlac barn bean bornn aad san boro
tbo town t4 beart.no saay armed aoloetod to bond tba varlono eoBmlttoaa.
bnrvboro an oUll tnotde. 1 ofrood. no who are known to be enoryatic workI aa moot anzioaa to avoid tbo poMl- on In poblle eroato.
btUty of aayUlar Uko a dtotorbanoa."
Tbo uonUro eoBBlttoo mot ott
e’oleok yaotorday afternoon In tbo ofBoo of Obalimaa T. T. Batoe to mako
tbo praUmtaory amayoBOBto O. P.
Oarvor wao oloolod aoorotory otlbo
aad Aldarsan S. W. Qaat
by OvofdoM of a VatMt Oamppaad. ooBBltloa
lap traaanrar.
-^_bpd Two Bbyalolbbi Moutaaod
Tba oommlttoo doomed It boot to apOao. Olhaoa, OMployod la tbo toatory plat a ehalrmaa el oaeb aab-oomBltnftbo Mtohifaa Maantaotariaf Oo., too and lot tbo obairmoa Mlaat otbor
wbi Um apolatn poor tbo noldMoa mombora to amtot tbom at tbotr dtoeraal r. I. ubyto aa Woat Toath ttooM. tlea, tram ameay tboM wllUag to taka
topk Bb PTOodiao pf aPtoo patobt aodl- bald of tbo oariOHi faaturoo la pad
olMlMt alffkt abPBt v e'olpoh. Md ■arBMt.
WM nadond awpMOtoao- Bontoaia' Appraplatloai worn mado frpia tba
ad lb thto aapdltlaa aitll attar mM fuado labtonbad, tor tlio rarloui foa•Ifhi. aid Hr. Uarair aid Or. Mlaar tarm. laoludlay muilo, flroworko,
ware aaiaBaaad ta attaad bis. Ha aparto, adytrilalaf, doMrattaai, pbad aat naaoarad aaaaatoataato ap to rada, aaralral aad aihtr olamoato
I a’alaah tbia ■arilif, aid tha fawUy wbloh p to maka ap a proat domea•tratlaa. aamoot tbo aypreprlatleai
araiaaab alaraad.
wwaaMoaaarlly llmitad,
maka tbo affair tbo oatoaao all dtalrt,
about tlOD Bort are aoadod.
■adaaoaabiaa witb Bllia aadOat- •mo of tbo eommittaao am aamod
Oaaaralad Barry la Uraad Baplda
to toll bat OBly obalri
tor othora, tor tbo roooeao aotod. Pellewlir am tbo applatmonto;
Mambal of tbo day - Judp Urln
aroMl W Tbr HoralM a«««rd.
O^d Bapldo. May si-1bo Kant
eennty eoaTaoUea bare today «
Bollcltlny ooBBltUo-C. 8. OorU, B.
warm oac and an aacUlnr
for dal- B. MoOoy.
rtatat took plaoo. btoaraa aacarad 40
Pimworko-E R. HeCoy. C. S. Coria
of tbo 4T dolorotco and by o eomblno and A.-W Walt.
BUao wao plron tbo otbor oovon.
Tradoo dtoplay—Mayor A. V. Fried
ChUdren'a porodo-Prof. E B.Byder.
OecomUono-Bon. 4. W. MUlIken
Mnaie-A. W. Blekerd.
MUilary dlmiloy-J. W. Hannoo.
PoUooBM CraM Who Bbot Hlo
TranaporUUon—B. L bprmyno.
Aaoailaat Tbroucb tbo Uoart.
Flm dopartmeat dtoplay-B. 4. Bnl-
Bt. Unto, May 11—In a i--------------abooUni^ aflrny on Beutb Broadoray al
a lata bonr toalpbi. Albert Konalf, a
antan man. wao kUlod. and Offioor
Caano totally wonndod. Koanlf
pnrndiac tbo otroet below tbo aontbom
power henoo. wbon loot alfbt't obootIa4roo8omd.armodwliba obot fna,
maktar lend throata. Wbon Ornno
a^roaobod. Keooi( pnllod down bio
rna. OnHHoriodeat "DoaH oboot.'
bat EoonW dtoobantod both bamU
late tba eltom body. At Oraao foil
bopallodapt^l aad abet hto aoaallast thranrb tbo btart-
* Ble^e parade nod tonraaBont — 0.
E. Halo. Balpk Baatinp and Ooorp
Baff. 4r.
Stmot famao-Pmd D. Onrtto.
BO Ooerp Raff.
I the CMontato at
Bortb Uaon aad to now at Apnrrt. Ho
roporto ooonlny ap with the oappoood
bodypard of Aynlnalde north of the
OayipB Talley. Dorlny the flybt
which followed It WM ooen that aa laaorynat efflear wao obot from bto borne.
He watToaeaod by bto oeaiadoo, bst
btoboTMand oaddle bayo worn oaptnrod. 1%e oaddle bayo contained
lb poroonal
papero. Tbo
neat day an ontpoot of the Porty-atotb
Tolonleor Infantry (colored) mporiod
that a raft eostointoy a body witb two
ooUlon ynardlny it. bad eMtod down
the Oapyau river, bot that the owUt
enrrent prerented Ita caotBre. It Is
tbouybt peaoible that the effleor* obot
wao Apmaldo, and that it was bio
body which the ooldion were yuordiny
An inonryent lleutonant and eloTen
aimed rebolo onrrendered to the
Twelfth infantry yealorday.
Watoen moo of the Forty-aiybtb Toinntoor Infantry yoaterdaysAlHBEOd the
yornmor of Banpad.
an infloontlal mbal ayluior/ud haobcM
fnylUTe for aome timr.V
Popular Oinfrepmon of Iowa Bavombly Genaldmad tor Bopebllnan
▼Ice PrealdenUal MoBlaatloo.
Biwclsl »o Tb* Monileir Bceord
Waablayton. May 81—The Rapnbliean
ombom to oonfrom take •orioaaly.tbo
boom of RopmoeauUm DoIUtot of
loom for Tleo proaldoav They dtoena
the proopocto of the boom in tbo cloak1. to tbo lobby and to the eommlv
IM roomo. It U tbo Boat popular boom
that baa otmok tbu. bonao aad today
OclllTor bM ntoo-laatba of the RopabItoan Bomboro aad oobo DoBoemU
wllUay to ylTO bla boom a booat.
Altbosyb Bonth African Traubio BmToatad Baylaud fmm Aldlay 4apan AyaiMt laMla.
BfowsI u Tbi Huioloo Roeenl
Laadop. May ll - Tbo Mranto to
(tontb Afrtoa hM poatpoaod If ipt
•Ttidod aaetbor war. Hoarly olt
WMkaaffo ibo orlili botWMa Ruwla
aad 4bpaa wm at a paint wham
M tooTMbto
by thoauiboritlwoftbathMBBtrlM. A
daadlook had bMB rmkad eofr too
JapaaoM iHtaUattoa a( a trader to too
boat looatloBo at Maeampe, whom tbo
KlayorOpmaa poor ap had ylma
lumta too rifbt to oalUo oa' ucadltlea
toat aba did oel fortify the plaor.
Japan mtaaod to wltbdmw her uaoftotal mproMBUtUo aad pmpamd le
dofaad hlB to bla peooooolos. Tbo
JapanoMbad a rlybl to oxpMl tbo
aopport of Bcfland nedar an astotiny
nodomUDdlny In prootodlny to eitmaltloa. bat too JnpanoM yorornmeat receUod nn intlmaUon from
London that Ureal BrlUln would bo
naablo to act while the war io South
Africa eontloued. Tbo note MUToylay
tbto intlBitloD oootained toe adTlco
that4apan oboutd scUle the matter
wlto Ruaoia in the eaoieat
peaoible. Thereupon toe Tokio p?emmenl reluctantly withdrew from
lU attltnde.
War nsually bteeda war, and even in
tola oaae tbom ip^Taaon to mlioTo that
eonflict batweenApan and Bnaola bM
only been pontponod for a brief ooaaon.
far tbo oplrit of 4apaa U more warlike
Ctoniival. nlybt of Third — Prank
ploaloa to a
Tbaao pnlloman will bo oiUA to •toKinodbyDyni
Kobm at Borwt 4Baetiaa. Win..
moM with tba oxoentlro eoBBlttoa oo'
aeon ao poMlblc. that tbo work of
Ynntnrday Menilny.
proportion and arranpmoat of proyram aewisl >«Toa Msmsibu Eicosix
may pmeood witbont dalay.
POTMt 4nnetlon. WU., May 81—Hto
Tbo abom ebalrmap am roqaootod to
traoM worn kUlnd by an axplcalnn of
lako tbotr apetotaMato oa Ualr m- dynamlin to tbo homo of Wm. Broabm
..moUfaaammlHom today If pomlbU thto momlny. Tba dead am Wm.
aad mpart tbo aamaa to Mr. Baton.
Broabm. Mro. Wb. Broabm, tbrM
ebUdmaot Mr. RreobB, B. HtoroM.
bretoarofMraiBroahB. ThoeaaMOf
Teto Will bo Takoa ta tbo Baaao fa- OathtOboa'^M
to t^baot paata laoladtoy Raowald too wplealan U not kaewn. Ho one
aad Wolto mako. a mdaottoa of it ooM toft to tall bow tbo aooktoat ecOoooial i« Tlx Horolof n*oorO.
^MN^arlayUtotala The Boa-
Waahlartca, May
amndtooat to tbo oeaatltatlaa wao BtoaaMod by tbo baaao today aid Malfht.
A vato wiu bo takoa at » a*aloak Brl*
"nM ahug.lh,—,M
I u ilm,.
Madtoaa Modtotoo Oh, uc.
Fonrth Year—No. 9S9
lBBttBH«st Ofioar, TBoo^t to
botholtoodor. Shot
ima&n an
TboBpwortb LaoyiMro of UtoMry
omaimaflay for what wlUnnqMn*
tioanblyboonoof tba moMptoBtabla
mUflOMyathortaya orer oonToni
Ihtofllky- Tboeeoaolan to thoG
TtnTutmdtolrIM BpwortbLonpaoontoroMB. to ba hold bam from Taaodoy
AmootoMdlont propam bml
pmpamd wbteb will U partIMpati
bytbabaMwmtei to tbo ontlmdtotrtet. In addlHbn to tbo many noted
worhamfram tbto part of thootuo.
Btobop W. X. Vindo of Dolrolt. tbo
natlona) pmoldont of tbo oryantoi
will bo to aUondOBM and will ylm an
'oaa Wodoooday oToniny. 4nno
Hot. p. L. Tbompaon of 4aekoon.
of the moat eloqnont apoakom to tbo
otete. wUl aloo be proaont.
, All Sizes and Kinds
Genuine U. S. Bunting Flags
At the Old BeUable
bare ofton adalrod oar owell I3.S0
and 81.00 Men’o shoeo. yon ean rmcb
tbom bettor now at a S5 per cent, dtoeonnt. Tno Booton Store.
Ftr W. L Do«^ Shoa Eo to Frimui
Rainbow Reductions and all sorts of Fllm. Flam Sales find no place at
or the
din.wvui froa rcadloc tbOM of toanj ei
I du sot bare >o lll•eoullt ao> of Broda * el
8ee our advertisement on 3rd page
of this paper-lt'll pay you well.
Our GeleSnted
SSc ml $1 SbHS
for children art
. cmally
good valuva for the money.
Bly lot Of all new and
able pattoru, cut and tailored to
i-r - kai joa need la the we,; of dutblnr. Bau, .
lu deal with a eiralcht bouse.
That will wear a long time.
Tliat are atroDg but Dot clumay. That are prettily ahaped.
That fit the feet nicely. That
givf the little feet all the
room they need witboot be
ing eo large aa to cauae great
wrinklea in the ahoea.
52 $6,00
. tnasiiiueh as
Ladlee* Kid L
Batin Oalf Bale....................
- 990
Bow'a Batin Calf Bale.......... ....... Bl.OO
■. S6o
Ladlei' Black and Tan Oxfords .... .760
Ulsiei Box Oalf Laos....:.............. . 76o
Woman'! Kid Button...................... .. 76o
fierce and Garnet Blinneri............. ■ ■ 95o
Woman's Oil Gb-aln Button Bboee. .. 870
Hen's and Boy'e Working Bboee... .980
Tennis and Canvas Sboes and Oxlorde
at.................................. 60,60 and 76o
- 0et them ofthe Old Reliable,
Popular Hlioa Hoiiw>.
Minute Rates
lapbeming. Iron Mountain
and other
Upper Peninsula
New linee
New Store
Don't Pa; High Prices
We have just received from the factory of Thos.
Emersoo'b Sons, a fine line of Kozi's Fat0&t
Viol Shoes. These sboes are tbe very latest is
every respect. Just what you wast for a fine
dress shoe. See them in our window.
---- FOR----
IK BfwitMBeel
Patent Leather
<H« ««««««•-
2 3VEE33STS«
l«ow Ratee
I ana fit ladtoo. yaattomaa aad abUdma with bMt ibom al lowar prtow ibaa
any etbar atoro to tewa.
Bapatriay Matty aad ^ntokly Aeaa,
242 Front Street
I .McNamara Block
r*a KOBauto bboobd.
FukPUM tlM 8o«i«of Bx.
JoTxbl* BMtiyitT.
CM T. B*t» *■»
tDwithU>adeepanteHHtkn.aad WH
fell o(. Inapiretion to blgb end mUe
BiMtoutoftHeveaUg. “The AlemBh-WMieHoadedto by MUe Mettle
a Ony of the aUn of 'U. who ee
BeaqnM Xnagnlp Attgnded - Xnale. W
Wit. Maanr end BrlBUnt <RKngbt nynUUon of whieb the elnnniere
fEnraotarUad the AhhaI Baeeptkn jMtiy prtwd. She epnke U glowUg
t. W. EAJWn. MilBr m>* IUmc«tnrneoftbeUfleeaoe of tbeTremree
Wty eeboela In the growth ead dnaelooTba Perk Plnee pnrUn bhee been nmt of the olty ead aotnd the Uberelthe eenne of may erente U linen peat. Ity elweye ehowa by the texpeyere In
batMaoMnlaeeeateaU their hUlocy
the enpport of the eehooU. In e wlt^
hee bean more pleeaent IhM the
neaaer ehe renewed the ewreerofthe
eeptlon end heeqeel of the Treaerw nlwHl. her renerke being greeted
aty Blgb Behool Alanal Aiaoeiitkn with freqncnt Unghtnr end eppUnae.
beldUeterenlag- WhlU the ettnad~ theeUta
eaoe «m aot ae Urge w oa none of 1*00 to tha rHkA of tha elnmnl In
tiurlin -t-t'— there wee beltnr opwordA whou eUeority wee felt by elL
portuHy to greet old frieade ud beAnother uJoyebleeelMtlon wuglv
oone aeqoeUted with the new nen- m by the orchaetm, after whieb Mr.
bate, end the eoelel eldn of the reeep- Ollbirt called npu Boharl Weltare.
Uea wM in nnrkad noaimet to the praeldut of tberUn of leeo.terceteaebilnM.
^ond U their behalf. Hd be did u la
Gouty OonTMUUABoon nftar night tha nnnbnn ead e noit plaMlng neuer. With the
UMr gnaetn bngH to errlae. Hd
awdanty beeomUg one of theneweet
weinomd by the meaptlpn eoau
mHibm of the neeoeUUu be ep^ of
ead panad oa Into
the plUMre they felt U the tutthel
whieb pmantnd e daUehlfnl plotnre
they wen Inclnded among the eli
an they tUad with preuy gtrU U deUty Beterrlag to the high etHdlngof the
fffrtt—ead bright faced yonng
neeoeUtlon end the poelUue of honor
mingled with the older gnaeU of the Hd fnat oMopled by lU menbere. he
eeulng. The nnele by Prof. Horefe
pledged the loyel anpport of the cleat,
Jy to the pleeenre
ihiM bbB w»f4»jrm «w cswhoee elm It U to be pure hearted Hd
tt7i««ll » TOtM.>r • •otfy. <M B> of the
wboU hearted men Hd women who
Boon efter nine the benqnet
will make the world better for herlng
HMuneed. end the perty adjonmed to
beu In itthe dining roon. where two long tnhlee
A eeleetloB by the orcheetre conclnd'
epned with delleeelee for their repMt.
program. A brief bnelneea meev
Hd beentlfnlly trlnned wlUi eemellowed preelded o*er by P. C. Ulll^Uo
tloo* Hd long ropM of eH*regna fern.
preeidenl of tbe eaeoeUtion.
At each pUte were dainty nonrenlr
The treeiurer’e report ahowod a
menne U pUk. with the worde
«.r. MorrATT.
gntifyUg eum in the treaeiuy eftor
“Alnmol Benqnet, Perk Place Hotel,
ell bUU were paid.
ArrucA-noa hM bm audo to tbo TreTeree City. Mich.. Mey si", nwo. <»
OMcert were elected ee followe:
the flret pege. The progren Hd nun
•cmrM of No* J«TM7 by the holder of
Preeldent—E. H. Allyo.
being printed on the following page*.
ibothMtm of etoek. deniRBdlac »•«Vloe Preeldent—Fiorenoe Tbompaop.
An elaborate eonne benqnet
Moopting of the »ffelie of the AmerioAB
Secretary—bevl T. Pennington.
eerred. the nun being ae followt;
•Mr Beflolif OoirpRRy,
Treeenrer—Perrio Whitman.
OuBpM d Oa<ler«
fcaowB M the eefor troat. ThU U the
BoeUloe I& Cup*
• ooMoerB towhiehSeutor Josee.
D of the NrUosaI D<
•oaaiUtee. wuUd to refnod «pw»rde Baked niUt* el WhlieCab e te Metuw d Uelel
> SerMeraCUiH
•opble Martin Denie^rStetonut
pi $600,000 of doUee whleh the tnul OeklTerkcr
That She Wet Ateted by Oler•od pRtd on Importa of Porto Blenn
^ ■ ,i
H. ILTbua. OA. BoMser BeheBnIa
Tha Karthern Mlnhlgu TreMporutioa Co. hee Jnet taenad Ita Baminer
folder Hd time echednle. whieb ii till
t abont lie
advaaUgea of the i1m and tha attnr.
thMi of the peinta It ton^aa among
theBorthm Minhigu ranrta. Agood
diaal of apua U davolod to
of tha haBdeema mw ataamer IUIboU
Hd tha City ot Charlavoix. Oonaldar.
abia daiaU U glvH regarding tha
boteia. ratta, ate., and other thinga latercatiag to tammar tonriata.
Plata OUm Window Senaehad.
iBdlH flgmra cigar elgn Is front of tha
atora of tba QavU Cigar Oo. wu Uppad
•ear ead thrown agalnat tha la^
pl^gUMwiadowlaataight. TbaHBt waa caneaj by aoma enatoceara
nanlng agalnat the sign nnUtanUonally. Tha glaac wu veined at abont
laooD Mtbe dabria wu elaar^
aaPRy. a aign wu placed in t^ window
*Oonldn'tgat in tut raongb throngh
tha doer to gat flve aMt Havana pig
talla, M they uau la hare."
Becense yon have sour cream for yonr coffee. Yon
should have a Refrigerator of Ice Box. We h^ve
both and they are tbe kind that is guEranteed to
keep everything nice,and sweet A good refrigera
tor IB a good inveBtment and costs bnt very little.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
lao Faroxxt Stareot.
'Tbo great uo<>d of navana le a mod*
Latest News
OoSiOBAiw'e honk depoe><« ^b?o e
|hR$ donhled In fire j
tnm fB.s:K.7U In itM to $so,o&M77 in
tm- The nwnber of people who k«l
hMBkReoonnla inereneed In the eerae
___I from 18,5»» np to 80.047. ThU
' OH be ereditod Urfely to McKinley
^Mperity. end eoooante In pert for
' the feel tbet thoneende of Ooloredo
Mae who left the BopnbUoen perty In
MP6 era raUminr to it.
Tuneet atep towerd Cohen Independnin will be token by the Cebeni
•teHelTee on Jane 16. when their flret
tltirtirr for Cohen ofSelela Ukee pleee.
Uwiu(be controlled entirely by the
Procrea <«r the SsereUee
ThU Morning.
The promotion eieroleec of the
Wfbtb grede of the Oentrel echool wlil
MOOT thU nomine In the High aehool
■noaebly room, nere U e Urge eleet
iMdy to enter the High eehool. end
• Boet eneelleat pragrnn will be glren
<Eome, ••Weloone"........................Veexle
BneltntlQO. "TbePeslne"—IrelMBogeel aketeh. ‘-MUlet,"—
MnnU Tompkine
Mnelo-atepen gurtet.
Originel Story. -Aronnd Vbe World
In rifty D»yi"-Herry Dbm. reed by
“The Mloni ChUf'e
Oe«rkter,"-CUre CetWr.
«frl'e Ohomi. “aprtng Ineitetlon'
......................................................... Veeele
Eot^BcUon. ■‘Eellnde In the PorefHB'--Kether1ne Ven Vefbeehorg.
aeb BwlngUg—Ohee. Ureon. Krenk
LewU. Benry OwetkUa.
Mnale. Pleno Dmet—Sobert Reboe,
SaMy. “A Trip to the Oolddelde"Arthnr Kellogg.
iMlUtion. “The Union of the Bine
Hd the Urey”-aibyl Olde.
Drill, -aprlng OerUnd*''—Bixteen
OboTM. “Bong of the VlklM"
.......................................Arr. by Kmereoo
n of DiploHe.
Oennty Ooneentton Pnae 19.
ru Eepoblieu eenely eoaeentloe
iMeeUetlonof deUgeueiotbe Biete.
Ariel end BeptnaI wUI be beU U
tetobergb Oread Opnn Bonae Jnee
A S«M CUnr Ernln.
T<rov bant faaUagi. yonr aoclel poai'
a or bnalnaaa oeeaaaa depend Urgelr
the parfiet Mtlon of poor atooneh
- UeiT
Pjg^How^ Ufa MU
uee MeVtlp..
Min Sophie Merlin of Interloebw.
Awoned Ceke
in theeoily yeeterdey. M.Ue Mar
tin U the yonng women ehont whom
The ordbeetre pUyed t1
hnqnel Hd jdUo rendered eererel there wu aueb H excitement lett Set
annbere oa the prognm following, nrdey. There wee e domeetic effelr in
whleh were mneh enjoyed end redeired which It wet alleged that MUi Martin
bed bau ebuied by her adopted brothhearty eppUnec.
At the eoneloeioQ of the banquet or deruee Martin, in tneh a way ea to
Uvite tbe inierferuee of tbe entboriPrealdut UUbert. ee t
noonoed ea the flret number
Mlae Martin eUtad that there wu
prognm e eeloetlon. “Medley OrerMetlen wheterer for InUrterenoe
Mre." by the orcheitre. Following
either by the nelgbbore or the offleera
thU be in hU nanel hippy
for. She eatd aUo tbet her broth
trodnoed the onVor of the evening.
Bit. P. E Wbltnen of Bortbport, e er bad never treated her id anythiog
ther of ihe cleei of 'Ru. the fltei bnt a kindly mnner.
cUm to be graduated from tbe Trmveree
Tbrtnraflji Witaem.
City aehoole.
Intenae aofferlng wee udured by
Mr. WhitmH give an eloqnut addreee.bUenbJeut being "BnMeet.-’ Be wltneae T. L Marlin, of Dixie, Ky . be
tote be
e gave thle -erldenee:
“I eougb^
eeid tbet moat of ne do onr droAmlng
nigbt until my throat wet ntarly
In tne few momenta IntcirulDg bethen tried Dr. Klng'e Mew Disaonndeleep end waking. ThU oovery whleh gave Inetant relief. 1
uied it in iny family for four
U a fair iUuttmtloB of life- Jnet be have
yeara and reoammend It Mtbe greatcai
fore weklng from the elnmbere of’ remedy for eongbt, eolda and all
yonthtothe flret reaUteUoB of real' throat. cbr«-. and Inne trohblM. It wilt
llring onr dreamt of fnture enee>ne ere •top tbe wortt cough, ud not only
but abeolntely ei
bright. «From our dreamt we form provenii
tion. Price SO: and fll. Every bottle
idaeU that ere to be the modoU for onr goaranieed TrUl bottlea lOe at 8. B
fntnrelife work. We plan for eeee. Wait and Jaa. U. Johneon'e drag etoree
Inxnry, bepplneee Hd power, bnt we
1 Cum-WaAlr’n
only eee tbe bright foregronnd of tbe
plelnre. whl^ U all tbe brighter In Whlta Wbio ot Tar Syrup, the
itrul with the ofUn eomber hMk- best cough remedy on earth, curt* • cold
gronad. There Uh way to eneeeae in one day if taken in time. ^endflOcta.
bnt tbe royal highway of honaet toll.
Oar danger Uee not In fervor of eonl
bnt in fever of uptreUon. A oultivated aoni U better tbu a fat p
The qneatlon cbovid be not bow
inch mey I gel. bnt ho*r mneh oh I
give. He only oan claim aueseia who
can aid humenliy by bU life. If he
bee enehrined in hit heart guodneu,
latregrity. bonetty Hd all tbe ebrUl
ien virtuot be mey die nnknown. bnt
aegele will Ineeribe upon ble brow the
word. “Su oe»»."
Mr Wiiltosen'a oration wet lUiesed
14.U W n
adliplay of Llpo Coffee premlumi.
iny floeartle'eaH«hanged for tradeirke cot from Uon Coffee wrapper*.
unloading aale at Tbe Boeton, Mmmenoing Prrday. June 1. Poeltively
evrrytbipg ate-rai and below. Tbe
botloB Store.
We Offer Twent|i-flye Per Cent. Discount for
a Urnited Time Only.
s5!?ture’s cure
No More Rheumatism.
For ynu* oijr wlf.aunVrrU from rbentna.
K._ U.., IfU-A niXii)' mm-dluK, l-uixol lit.
Tbl. grrol
polwiD out «r her irxlrm, anU bu o .
reteaiwd her rmin a IllOof pulu—U. r. LMib.
trie. North Aliincluo, Ua.,k
tVIcry KluKr.in-.t'oiitUiailnn umlnlldl^
nuM-sui(b<‘.'«rr\<.i,Htuiiiat'l., I.l\«rauj K lUn.'V>. Hold by drvxx1*U. 2n.and*0c. «
tle tirneRl.
1. ami
anil <M liitd Mbmil kiv<-d
bopeuf rrlK-f whrii
liriiwetMwni.if u
2U0 pairs u! Oxford Ties «t..........................B6 per cent discount
»r^lSd^«-............................M per «.ot ni^ount
d»y Workina Sho,. at............... ^iV.!!!!!!* 86.
Don’t Wait
Until The Sun Shines
Liquid Glue
I Is fast and can be relied upon to .stick
to anyone it Is put against. Got a 10c
Before you buy your piirasol. Buy bottle, or one for 50c. A good stick of
when the assortment is complete—when miicilrge for 5c. A four ounce bottle,
wide mouth, for 10c.
you can get just what you want. Have
some beauties in white chiffon with diff
erent widths of ruffles from Si.oo to S5.00.
A Woman
In White
A Waste
Will be found a sure catch. We d
like to catch 25c of your money for one
kind—others at 35c. 50c, 75c and up. A
Duck Skirt or a covert linen is a big lino of Indian Baskets from 15c to the
pleasing sight, and it's cool and comfort big hampers for Si.oo.
able. A new line just placed on sale.
Prices from 50c to $2,00.
Something New
All the time being placed on sale,
just now it's the new combination pulley
collar and tic, made in'Swiss Muslin, wjth
collar of different colors—pink, blue,
white, rose and lavender. All sell for the
same money, 50c the one.
Your Face
A Good Pencil
Is Always jn the Push
The kind w^ sell* will stand lots of
pushing. Faber's. l7ixon, Eagle, at 5c.
Have a line line of harder grades of lead
for artists, architects and draughtsmen.
A Drop
of Ink
Will make a million.think. Just think
of "the Company’s"'when you want your
next ink. Black ink only sc a ^bottle:
And enjoy yourself, and wear one of
Paul's fluid ink in patent bottles loc; red.
,our new Walsh Veils, come in single pat
purple and green ink loc; Hectograph
terns and sell at 50c.
ink 25c.
Two Tails
To a Horse.
They are unnecetsary. So is a pair of tin cuffi
on a marble statute. Yet, to far as mere utefulness is
concerned they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods or a car load,
we invariably guarantee*every ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some
thing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step tn
and look us over.
£5SV3S,ri^iriri.5:5 milt IlMk, nun 149
HMTttU^ennt ead bglow. The
advertiiing tbe Tri-on-fa beat t8
Ladlee' aboe on tbe market. A 8S per
innt on tbcm during tbU
e Hoaton Btore
A Child
1$ a Little Woman
Your Letters
And all women want Parasols. Our
"Little U’omen’s" ParanoU are^he haiui'
somest shown. A sateen sells for aje;
plain silk with two ruffles Si.00; figured
silk at $1.50. and the two toned effecU
for Si .75.
And save $ioo. as one man did.
You'll Save more thEii/ that in the course
of a p«Er. Letter' copyitig book, 500
pages. 75c: 700 pages S1.00; copying press,
$5.75. Everything needed in the office
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
n« NortlMPa HotbeI tetool »i iUn
«wU* feM bad tl.OOO doaatod to It
for too oarabaM of art work. Tbc
doaor'a oamo io set riw eat.
foopla wke kaa^ fardoM at
ttU fcava pat monad Ika oenMD lor an
ordiaaaoo problMUac tko taoBlac at
largo afeafekau from May 1 toMi
btoi. danagcHd«‘>aM"
kthaBoFlM okvoh
abdlboagh a groat boto waa wmto
tba mof of tba bnOdlw. aMuto to aay
• of tba oontragaUan waro atradb
Loaadar BaUaad of OatroU. waa talklagtoa frtaad on tba alrUt,wbna
t.tbo boary
- woight towblab it waa attaabadawtag.
IngtroBaidatoBida. AattpaoiodBol*
. land tba atrap awmagarooad Ua aoklaa
thiowlar U» to toa groaad and dragglnr blB aloag. ta two. bloeka bo
waa draggad tbaa ostll tba atrap garo
way aad ralaaoad hla. BU Uotbaa
waroijown toahroda aad bU body bad>
Bowrd of (
•awUl Moet M<m
day. Jaaa il. toOoaMdir ^aral
■attoca of tepartaaoe.
Ooaaty Clark Sawtoa baa iMoad a
oaUloraapaaialaaaaiaaof tba board
ofoaparrlaMto aaot Monday. Jaae
tub BuaUac U eallad at tba rrqaaMof tbaraqalradnaBborot neaabora of tba board.
Haroral aaWata wQl booonatdarodbr
too beard at tUa aaaUiW. tbo^ tbay
iboto. benoror. trlU bo Ibaqaaatiooof
thogiadlagaBdiarraelaf of tba ooort
beaaa gmaada. tba oouiittao not foaliag trililag to go abaad wUb tba pork
aadltopytattbariatraof tba root of
board aa to Jeat bow tba work obaU bo
Aaotbar wattor la that of tba prograaaef tba rarioBa aaporriaora with
loltaaBdartbaaowlaw. Jaat
what wlU ba dona abont It M aot
kaowB. bat aaah aaparrlaor la rrqi
toe matter
ba peUtwa U. B. A* L railroad for a bridge
tba Board
river at Cbaa atroat aad north of
Tba .autoaa of Abrahaw Lto^B FMBt atroat bridge will alao «
Goa. Orast, Oao. SberaaB and Adatltal
IbrragottbatObarlaa Baeklay garo to
tba oity of Mnakagon ware norallod
Tba aebooaer Hlnale Beloaaan and
I day with eUborata
Boolaa. MiU Kaarsoy Poat. G. A. R.. ataam barge Dunbar are at John F. Ott
Uklng on lumber for
had ebarge of 4ha nartdaoa aod Grand
Army roteraoa waro there from alt Cblcago.
Tom Sbane returned from Indiana
ow Michigan. Tbeatatoca are bresra
and the fonr of tbam ooet gsa.ooo.
Wednaaday night with nine boroea.
Pmd Pruttk boTM became frightened
The Adrian p^oe eoofltoatad two
oo«M which were dusiped in the gal yeeterday by toe clanging of toe beUa
tar aad foond two yonog mra locked of one of 8teinberg*a theatre wagona
op in them. They were iBltiatce of a and took a apirited mn. Tbe barneaa
waa damaged, but no one hurt.
Qoldle Gardner, aged'is. iowped
Leo Solomon bat returned from
from the rear plaUorm of a Big Pour lodlana with a number of boraea.
train near Milce. The train waa going
Tko Ladtn- Aid aoelaty of too BaptUt
atabigb rate of apecd, bat tba girl chureb will bare a apeelal meeting tola
waa not Ip jered in the leaat.
afternoon at Mn. B. Tkllb^'s. on Lake
Boy Boleomb and
Traveme City ChapUr. Mo. I« B. A.
oearoaly it Taan of age. are under
ran at Ooldwaiar. cbaiged with itaal M. win Bold a regular eoavoeatlon totag a boTM aad boggy and tryiag to algbt. Work on two eandldatoa In tbe
eroM the Indiana line. Tba abortff Mark Mooter degrw.
J. Q. Blrdaall bu gone to Grand Rapoaagbt them jnt aa they were making
aawUi aaeak^or toe .line that diTidaa ida, called by au order from toe Great
toe two atntaa.
of toe K. O. T. M. to all
to report there and work until
It ii laid that toe eneon at .Maoki;
nae laland will not opan thU year nnlll toe great camp' eneeu In June.
Jaae It. aad reeori baalnciB k enpeet>
Aael Peteraon of Maniatoe and Miaa
ad to be beUer toan ever before. Ofor Mamie Bollenbeck of Summit City
half a mUllon toarlata rlaitod the U- were married yesterday afternoon by
land laet year.
Rev. S. Salabery at tale roaidenea.
A fine Kimball baby grand piano baa
A. V. Angortoe. a wealthy Itontb
Albion farmer, aged «I. waa tonnd dead been pnrehaeed by Miaa Joaepblne VaWadncidaylabiaplgpen. Deathbed der.
The little daughter 01 Cbarlee Plekell
noaltod from a fall.
Tba It year old eon of Jack Bell, of Bute atreet, fell from a poet yeaterday and dialoeated her elbow.
keeper of the
Yeeterday afternoon Baebel Wade
Benton Barber, aceldently fell in tbe
eanai Wednesday erenlDp aod when gave a niee party to if of ber yonng
frirndt. In honor of ber tenth birtodayraaeoed waa UDCODacions Ue wa
mue ooea enjoyed toe
Oaring a game of baaeball at tbe very much and Bsebel received many
drlrlng parlr at MaibrlUe Wedncaday pretty preeeau. Betresbmenla aerved
n Frank Barber waa hit In tbe were lee eream. eake and eandy.
Tbe eeoiut eoumeratore will begin
_ tomple by a ball, and r^
tbeir work today.
nSbMiqr two boon.
B eartoln hcaltb ofieer In Fraaqna
ty'a Baa# Ball Seoroa
late eonniy waa ordered by Uaenperion
to>dlelnfeet a boeae in whkb there bad
been dipbtborla. Bellering in doing
tologa tPoroagbly. be atoffed np all
n^ ebimneya. and leaving a large
Maier'of boi eoaU aad aalpbar on the
Orto and Donglqa: Taylor and Donefl«r. locked tbe door and let toe bouae
and fnmltnre quietly bum up.
Brooklyn St. Leals. wetgroanCa
.... 1 ”
Miaa Loulae Porter of Old MlMtoa
anereiaea and dimmer.
• of the Bigb aehool, ratamlng to her
heme yeatarday.
PetUngm-aed Clark; &bn aad ReMtaa Bhw. toaeher of tba klndargarton to toe Oak Park aebool, left yeeter- boe.
day lor her borne at Joaaavllle.
Mn A. L. Badutot la elaitlag at Chicago...................................
J.-T. Bnoaball ia uMrtaloing
slatar. Mra. B. Boaakigham of Ba|
PatterOM and Buckley: Patten and
A Card.
Mlaa hOna Minor of Old Mlaeioa raWe. toe unaeraigned. do hereby
taraed to ber boma gaatarday. after agree to refund the money on a toattoadtog tbe oommeaocseat mt
eaat bottle of Greene's Wsrrantod 8ymp of Tkr If It fsilt toeure your eongb
Dr. WObur Oowell of Cleveland. O.. r cold. We«lao gnarantoe a zs-oent
te lathe city vKlUng Us pareata. Me
la a graduate of toe aebaol here.
borg. James 0. Johnson. F. C.. IbompMrs. Imata Bliwbaw of Beat Frawt
alraei. boa returoed from a rUlt wttk
Orange Pknlc.
paranla at Ulaad.
I of toe grange are
•ion Last JTi^t
■ot DiaenaalOB Over Annual Bndgm
Mcanltcd la CompromUe of $800 on
Bagioeer Mertbropk BaUiy-^Aldorman Kuntague took a Shot at Mayer
Friodrieb-Tsn this Tear wUI ba
•«8.0Be. about 8 per oeotof VU-
j bed read toe fliat time.
Ita eoaeidwn-
a fotnra meeting
of toeoonaelL
No Saad salary bavliw boon iaeldid
npoB for toe eliy aaglneee Mayer
Frledrieb took Unpon blmsolf toobjeet moat atrenuonsly and
able length to allowing an opportunity
for n "money gvAb ' by leaving toe
eonaell too right to fix toe
ties of this oaeor afio- work wsa demo
by Urn. gnd Insisted that tba Mlaiy ba
fixed by ordlaaaoe. toot tba mayor
by .toe action of
toa aldMmen at toe nreeedlng toeetlag
IS wat aot ploaaod
oftbeeonnell wlto the need ofeomcand roao with toe remark, apekan la a
tolng ot toe kind, Alderman Montagna
way toot eoaveyad lomathingof bla
eaeb mambor of
feeUags. that be doubted very
toeeonneU. ugetber with too mayor.
whether It WUB toe province of
witoaneatUtUe rod volume. '•Points
Friedrich to rake tolags np In tola way
tarParUamentarlana.''. But ba did not
gut too books dtlivered uooo enontb,
replied quickly and srlth foaUag.wbarejodgtng from toe mixw that toe eouanpoB Mr. Montagna isdd .tool be
oil got Into before ten o'eloek. or toe
rick and tired of snub sheer nonaenae.
books did not get Into tbe bands of too
and tost he wooden
right persons.
Tbe principal bnsineas for which the
If they chose to fool %loog tout, they
oouneUmet wat toe oooslderutlon it
toe report of toe annual budget by toe
oommitteeoa ways and meant, and thei
things that they did to tost report
many and varied. They did
hired by toe day for a long time, snd
verytolag but agree upon it.
tost when his work was done be would
Tbe ball
I to, hU bill b k-d ud 1. fObld b. ,1.
tlon of
report and proceed to Ita oootideration
Mayor Friedrich inaUted that
item by item. Mayor Friedrich did
not approve of this psrtlculsr method, past was ‘no eriterloD for the future
aod speot about fifteen mlaoten in try
ing to oouvlDoe Mr. Moore tout there
was u better way. Tbougb be failed
ia toU, Ur. Moore changed bto motion
toa motion for tbe adooUoD of tbe re
port, and then the Items were preaenl:
ed one St s time.
From this point to tbe flosl adopUoo
of toe budget was a long and stormy
lim&' Urst of tbe time things were
fuu'of warmth aod animation, while
alo^er Umee all
everybody seemed to wait in dleguet
for sometolog to tnm np.
The budget was finally
the mayor had never done such a thing
was no reason that toe presco
cumbent wonld not have to exercise
bis right of veto, s thing that be in
sisted upon bring allowed the oppor
tnnity tod'.
rpuseed. fixing the salary of the eity
engineer at $»ao per year. TbU wss
csrried, Alderman Garrison voting no.
Aldsrmsn Moore moved tost tot
Bslarietfond be raised to fit.loo tc
provide for IbU ioereaae- Aldcrmai
Montague moved an amendment, pre
vidlng that toU salary be paid (ron
the^treet fund. Tbeameodment wai
General sewer fund
lost, and
Water fund............
Police fund........................................ S.&OO was taken up The vote on ibU wsi
a tie, Aldermen Moore, Bonghey. Ken
lueldcnUl expense fund..
Interest and sinking fund.......... S.TOO yon aod Bound voting for it anc
Library fund
and GsrrUdn mgaiost it.
Park fund..........................
Printing fond ....................
Light fond........................................ 3.500 that tbe salary wai not snlfiiieol for
the city engineer. Mayor
Ssluries fund
Poor fund.......................................... l.joo
School fund....................................... 33,(r.'5 motion.
The bi
In addition to tbU, u tax of S ': mllU amended,
on toe dollar will be levied for
aldermen wxeept Mr. UsrrUon.
funds of street district No. 1, which U
annual ai
estimated to amount to about S13.000.
en up in aeeordanee with tbc
then taken
ThU win make the taxes for toe city budget, sod adooteo by a nnsnlmons
about i per cent, on tbc toul useessed vole. TbU provid
amount of >C‘.‘ 035
Sneb Is tbe bodgeLyas finally voted,
e eity cl
bnt lu adoption waa not reached until
-m toe I
there bad been a long fight and every
body bad become U-ed. and some had iriei 1-. ..
Tbe bond of B P. Wilhelm for >1.00
become considerably heated.
due t'dsy.
day. u
was ordered refunded fo
Tbe opposition to toe report of tbe
le year at 0 per o
A pelUion from
eommittae on ways and means began
with toe item ccneemlng the appropri Third ward requesting that tbe ordin
ance in regard to saloon limiis be not
ation Ur water. Alderman Sleder epealed,
- • wat referred
• irred to the commade the objection, on tbe gronnds nitieeono ‘
the Bsgle
Bagle P
Press for toe
a bid from
froi tbe
toatwben tbe city owns tbe plant,
iroeerdiogs of tbe
there will be no need to pay byorant printing of the proceed
rd of
tbe board
of education
renul. As there U a slight doubt
30 cents s page was referred to
to jutt when toe city will own the
plant. Mr. Sleder's objeetlou wax'"
nUr aession next Monday eveolng.
with a silent smile.
Alderman Montague then io)k tbe
war path, agaiesl tbe enggeeUon of the
imitteetbat Sl.OOObe added to the
eemetery fund. Part ol this money
waa Intended to be nsad In'toe laying
ofwater mains in the eemetery. If tbe
mains are extended that far. Hr. M ontague objected to tleing np tost
where it could not be reached if the
mains were not Isld. Tbe food was
finally made a conMufeut fund, with
toe idea tost it wonld be nsed only for
eemetery purposes unless it were found
tost the mains would net be laid to
toe cemetery.
The next kick was In regard to toe
light fund, which was plteed at >3,500
AldermoB Montague wanted toU cut to
>3,300, which wonld provide only for
toe light! that are now In use. leaving
Plsylug at popular prleea. Introducing
notblug for toe
eemrdlee -and dramas,
rantav. inlights. As there are slresUy several
tersoersed wlto epeelaltles by fiistpeaUoBs In toe hands of tbe clerk, rcelaas vaadevllle artlite
queeting toe establUhment of new
llghU, It was Viought beet to let the
recommeDdatloB''^of toe committee
Flannel Goats
and Pants
nie IdoRl salt for the hot doy*
in tho now otrlpo flannoli.
Flannel, Serge
or Brilliantine Goats
and Vests
An elaborate display In. grades
from $1.60, $gOO, $2.60 up to $6.00 and
$7.00. You can be fitted both' as to
goods snd price in this deputment.
Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
, U
Of Best makes—last colors—are
up-to-date in evei^ way—Prices, 60c,
76c, $1.00, $1.26, $160.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
A Busy Day
Ladies’ Sait Department
....IX OUR....
About half of tbe Aample suits
Opera House
were disposed of
Tlie Best Repertoire Cempan|[
on the Road.
A Hot Time
in the Old Town.
Steinberg’s Grand
Dont Be Fooledi
Wbwa •▼•ry ^utnt* la wMth«r •&.
•blM DB to brlns forth somfithiag naw
•ad -Just th« thing” to moot domoads.
: s
anUeipatlnr a dangbtful outing today.
A Womank Awfd Feiil.
. wttb a piaic dfonur at the home of A.
•Thera la only one ebanee to save T>. McRae, aonto of tbe cBr.
Mr lUe aad that b ihroagb an operaThan eame tbe Item of salaries, the
Mm" were tbe etariling woeda brard
for >3.300. ThereThe roMiin; ffircfi
by Mra 1. B. Bant of Lima Bldga,Wia.
port of toe oommittae was laid on too
Dombordoetor after be bad vainly
table, takw upagsAa, laid on toe tobte
triad to ewa bar of a frightful eaaa of
again and token np again before tbe
_________ wkad farmed and_______
eonneU floaUy agreed as to whit It
etoatly grew wotae. Tbeu aba b^an
to am Bloetrie Btttora whito wboUy
Wblls It was resUng on toe table
Puns Is not il>e neiEiesi or eoniti
eared ber. ttka woadarfnl atoameb
Uvar aad kUnoy roaaejO. Oarea tal .-lues, hill II Is not especially qi
tbe oalariee
d^^toMa. ta« of appetiu. T17 IkOnl^ T1>e wboRi plaee. escepl In tbe artslolanee was tokeu np. Before there
tratle qnanere. seenis 10 be wide was a ebanea to set apoa It, H. F.
awake and much alite in i-srly morte Kortomp withdraw the
tng: street cnee are <-«pe<-tnny notleee by him toactns toe The brighteti, faniiieat aad best
abie as ibe bswkers ply thrir varlons el^bangln
Tn lUFt M«B
fsrte comedy in repertoiK.
r at asalaiy of >l.»00a
bnsy tradea.
• LadloaOltra Bhoa
all toe magazlaea at $t.M. 80 have
made to Inetease the
we. We ofler u pm cant mdaatfam on
salary of toe cjty dark toVl.tOO a year,
toamdarlag tola aala The Beaton
bnt this waa feand contrary to toe
ehartor, aad the snggeitiOB was wltodraira- The
B«v Sp«oUitiet.
BB glvea at tha p
BMarvedwtoea a*la at tha boxedtoa anglaaar left out.
dag at neat aad batow. Tba
fier. Thtophaae lit.
to Poyalto prlBto 10. to and M eanto.
c Our Resuurcus
are Well Slipwn
160 Laughs
In 160 Kinutes.
There Are Stiii
23 Left...,
Again we say to you—Do not miss
the opportunity of securing one of these
strictly up-to-date
Tailored Suits
At Just
Dome Early.
Reliable Dry Good., Carpet and Clothing Home.
t unofTurtKs
10 0000T 0T00ICI f
atal ton am
W to Ua vto
Vaar naafrattaiaa te tha Oafp. ot to.
(hi haewr^i|yt« fcjgyw tiai ^ «a«a
■ Bdwe) Work Taatardap aa« * ~
ta^toirtoH^ato ta ik
Kona ol tha fradaaot tha Oak Path ■tot feMcio W «tor to Ua «• intoi
-kaU M MtofC «B tk« bo«7 of • Ohln- aehooa havaalraadj bad thafr alaalat la tia aaM of tW ctoaito to tm
auateudbi • OWam matetyria*
^aa,aadtbaworkat tha jraar
■ aaa W to oto tMa alaac.
« iU ttooUa* la Iht itont
had. Tha raat wiU ka«a thair aaWto aaCa tot U rrmj tft
«Ut«attotlkarM>U at tk» Htopay aorian today, aad cood paafraH
to to woodlr raaa W;
■Uam^y |»aka>m that tha OtaaMaa
Oto «aa
ttot to b anttfto M
ot tha baboBla pUcae. '
Vtoa atn afll (Iw to toUtw-t d
aafaUpAaMattaiawaatharor aatit
Tha aaaoodfnda verfc
•wat a aaaa of tte pli«aa, ealtafaa van latahad rntarday. mod a nah
■tot totom anatkn mt tolo
•tokaa treai tha (laada ler tha
vMloca van jfiiiat te attaod the
IWtaUevlac pnb.«hafaeaMi
Wc aar Btra toar a <toa
naa tto aeaa atbaa wm ifotar.
OrWaa of tha the dboatko ot thair taaahor, Mha
■al that biloritotoawaiaar
Whwivn.attha MBlwi
Tto rrtto that towa •■»• ntUa tto toaat
~t Ua. toaiui Uxh. toaiiw tor,
▼aaatlaa aa^, “0. Oona Avay.”
Wto to haac KOM rwk Mat to toa to tto
namd hf a ahaahta* aaMaat. an
cite halac kfUad aad ethan han
-4. a. XtelaCto
Aftaradalapirf a Math. Uafi O.
dMaaan. UaiM
dtatbaOailhd ttatn bp a
pany wmov aeay.
MfilMBt ot iMldt It la aaU tha
Tha Fliat gioAo paacram vfil ba
tfflaal^vaadaatothaaattaa of tha
MlravlUva. vhoan faartal of tha glna today aa (eUewa:
Wind Km •oara ot a a>m aqalppod ea Am'•What Thby Oaaffhr—
ayda Loyealto.
S^ia BgTptbp
Solo, •‘Onr Maby“-ri::era Johnaea.
■ft. Phoaba A. 1
Seag. "Tba Spider and the Fly.”
• traaaora for tha Oainraity of OaU
>"Niaa aad Slx”-VarB
lenUa. At Obankad-Phyam. la Upper
HCTPt. MaaaiB. OraafaU aod But ban
mda tha blnaat flad of Ptolamaie
■papyri raeordad la tba Uatory of
m^ptiaa uploratlos. -Thay hara acat
'te Baylaad ^yht paehtaf eaaaa am-
eert planed among tee datUee. Mr. Bh
Ihoo tnU me thh afternoon that 1 teooU
^^caufoa. He nalAjrtoara^
I told’^TS^ofSTt%«y NuioB tto
eye of every wfaJu man from Bayoo Sara
to New Urteaua would be turned npoa
teit pUnuUon the mament Irtmble unae.
und the darkies who harmed a lonely
behavea tutpHoealy. 1 am prepared to
do that.' Before she doted the kitefaeu
door ahe said, cheerily: 'Good night.
Chloe. Good night. Pdiupey.'
"Tto next morning Aunt Ana atnid In
the kilcfaeo a good deuL The piantatioa
handi were at srortt. and Pompey bad
ridden to Bayou Skra village fw tea
mia Saddenly tAe turned to Chloe;
** ‘Hnveo'C you aoBAhlng to uy to me.
Chleer Chloe dropped Into u chair, her
- de Lord, KlM Anna, ‘to de
toaw OrttxBbia vOI Taka teita
Notobor to Old KMoa Todap.
Tba oMnlnn by tto alaat al iMOad
teaBlrfa Mhoolwanoava thadoteoB
itaamerCalamblafor Old Mb
tela taernlnc at 9:M o’clock. Tke tare
tor tec round trip sriU ba oalp ft <
and a very Baa tima la Maarcd.
A baakat pienle at Old Mlaaton wUl
taaoMOfteafeaturoaottea execnlen
aad a datichtfal day wUl to aponk
Tba boat ahooU to flUad with tea
MtndaofteadntoandaU otearauteo
dariiato^aad a platoant day with a
plaaaani crowd. 11 anrtadh go who dtalia It tea beat vUl (oan te Bk
' |
A laiva aitdloM wHntoaed tea ymdaatieaef"ABanaway WUa” in tea
QUy Oparn Bonaa laat nlpht, by Irriaf
Praaah'a aovpany. Tba ptea waa
wall atacad aad tea eaat dldvaiyclefir
briar Praneh la tbe ater of tea
eotopaay and ha mada a hit with the
Ba haa a pwaliar pwaeaalIty teat la takiat and Ua aemady warit
tivM tatwaon thanetaand
an ■panIpTly Ana taatera waa n aartn
odbaaatIfaldlaotriBCTtoweand fflneItotlfht
"An Iriahmaab TrenUaa” vfU ba tea
W. a T. V. KoMlarThaOwtrml W. C. T. O. at Tnvana
Ofty. iriU baU Ha saxt r^nlar maall^ntteaheaeef Mra.
in SUdabarfb Gmnc
ni^k Tba "PoUea AXagm”
tltoB with tha I
white :
■Won work kaa tea yroBiav In UeaBofteaoompany dniteC thb anttoramaaL SareraX new and good
ware rlvae. Teelrht ' *
la axpaetad. to wklah yea nil nia InBet Tima in the Old Town." white
• aeteahUbera limt aaaaee. vUl
hari«aa. Ibmorrow aftaraeee teata
$100 Bawnrd.tlOO.
wUl be a naUnae tor ladlea and tefid*
Tbe raadaia of tela paper wUl
lauaad to laam that teora laI at leant
OM draad dlaeaaa that aelaaca baa been
It dulla tea aaylha of Father 1
drivaa away wrlaklca of approat
ot life, teat pnU
-------— elixir of
Houle to
hope in tee httman heart—Becky
wia deui.'
MouelalB Tra.
" Tomorrow eight.' repealed Annt AnB. and she wenl up ttalra and told A'icm
Cure la taken Intamally, aeUnf direct-1
" They'd
kill im- when they’re ly upon tee blood and mneoua aurfaeae;
kltliii III,- whites.' said Vlcturine. 'I'm o'f tee eystem, thereby deetroylor the
mibokllajtkodb wants.
' Doiic of them.'
tlon of tba dlaeaaa. and girinr _____________________________________
•"Chloe says they watch u,. so we tee
.. patfoAX
. Uenl strength
------atreDrte by bnUdlnr
can't iufunn iinybMly.’ Miid. Auut Amm. tee
eohtUtutioB aod
ud eetUi
.r"' "SS?'
•If eilbiT of us made a move they wsuld In doiiir lu work. Tfa
sUiKii ns on the s|mii. We haven't a' re- have eo much faith in
'AKTip-4toCycook Sicily 1 Divr 8sll
lialdi- pistol ill (be boun.’ .Auut .Aoiia powers, that they efferOne
ll•ukv<l out of tbe wiiwlnw. *Wbal time 1
does the ninon riM-, Virtoriue?'
lion IX tows O)
uy. John Verty,
F. J, Cheney d* Co..Toledo.O. ] n,.b
"Ten O'<lo,-k last night, mu'niu: XI
Addraaa F.J.
o'i-l>K-k lonicbl.'
8)ld by dnurgiete, TSe.
."■ill start at XU,' said .Aunt Anna,
Uall'e Family FUle
lie are
arc tee beck
,T oar— Bsiweso Vdi
...... ........... brtdss and
■and take tbe loner road to Ellison's.
i_l Wiitavlai Bros ' s
Cliloe will bell, me.' Xbat night Chloe Soon of 700
*---------- ^ Aunt .Aiiuii'a burse.
priced oxr»r.M............
tio. ffis.
•y's <lnmk a»l<-ep wid some
■prinf aalU aod overooaU on onr laat - ITOX tou
whisky be gi. ..
dun' know
apaeial aale. An addlitennl *5
isblcr I'le hereeast redneUoD on tbaM prtoaa dnrlnir ! market prie*. Jobs veriy.
liilebed her burse near the Ellison bouse
Wlieii (lie diK.r was uis-ne,!, Aiini Anna,
standing uii tbi- steps disguised in an old
dress «t (‘bine's and wearing u draggled
aunboutief. luld Mr. Ellison's butler,
wboui she mlslniste,). that Lucinda Cot -.oaod fatal disaaae. If takan teor- terms, xa-jaire st Dti mistors, wa asuib
ton’s sisti-r wanted to sec- him. Lucinda -ughly and in time, it will corn a cm« ) Catom atrvet.
was a well known beggar.
n 84 fionrt, and fo- tea cough teatJol- ] -pop a*LX -so see.
“ ■! don' know yo'. luit we knows Lo- inwaLaOrtppa
tt oarer f^ to five
tceyoosg^u t
Cindy too well. Itc las' time she come •cUaL Priea.2ScaDd 50ahere she was drunk. Yu' kin iiaek. yu’
|<o* trash.' Aunt Amin dropiKil her head lOTlArawtll
and murniiired. ‘I.iieiiidy’s dead.'
b our beaubfol Sto'ncsmaBKP xnova-Toreat. >h>«e acsirs
“•In .1st event I'll notify dc boss.' said
ar. aad tea Monarch
asst #f Park Plsee. MmAlrord »T-M
(be darky, afraid to lake too tiiucb respODtihility. When Mr. Ellison came and
•landii.ao eoinrec anirw, x» P" I top to Lrr-Pr*iisg sod pstiiog ost a»
eent diaeonnt oa theaboraand aw- J-"ords^k, l x.'ubro
raise her head, be suddenly
icbed back and shut tbe lall door.
I'bey stood in tbe dark and Calked in
I would I
" 'Are yon going to kill me. CbloeP
"‘Sot me. Miat Anna, Gawd kne
bat pMDpey'a that net to bring it on.’
" *Ue trito te last night somehow; wiU
to try tonlgfatr Chloe stood agaluA tee.
door and aobbtd in a whisper:
“ They'to goln to come up to de front
do' an ex fo' yo', an If yo' eome oat
they’ll shoot yo'. an it yo' don't, teen
tbey'U act 6re to the hooae. They meant
to tbool ViAorine an HiM Liuie an MIa
Carrie.' Her lipt turned white at aha
■poke the namet ot the cfaildreu.
“•Wheo. tonigbtr
“ Tonwiro’ ulgfat.’
“nviiat are they waiting forT
Three peraoot were Attlni around a
table in a large down (own cafe, two men
Two were New Torkera. Tbe (air man wat a aontbemw.
•■Women as a mle.’Vi
marked. ”aeem to thin)
rlally when they
loDCb counter yesterday
man say. *rhank you very tuocli.’
buliyiDg waiter tibo threw a fbarioite
miae on tbe counter before her. There
waan't a twiogc of aarcasm al»ut her.
She looked grateful after wniiinc lo niinlaaeripUoei. a paekinp esaa o3 rosodUe
utes. TUaRk you very much.' ” miniick.
papyri (Ptolemaic) aod thraa
ed tbe woman.
« papyri. TheooUaetiOB
Tbe Mutbcnicr lauch.-<l. **1 Ihouebt
Soog. "Tbe Olote”—Bdite Harppr.
tbit wasn't an age in wbieh wooieii were
to Uryar than all othar extant eollaetDoable Qaertct, "Oome Down In tba acented of lack of indeiM-uilencr.''
ion of Ptolemaic papyri taken tocaikar,
"Tbey're pretty bad," rejilii-<l tbe'woMamlow.”
vnd mMt of it will eomc to Callfonlm
> decidedly, "but wliat (bey
BedtatloB."Uader the LUaee"-New.
A portloa of tba ambankmant ot tea ton Warren.
•abarmvttaa rirv. lodU. on wblab
Song. "I’m n Bobln.”
cd like holboutc flowers it beyond imagiAhmadakad b altutad. eared in TnaaBcoltatkm, "The Game of Tag”- nation. Even now auiiibern men are full
ot tenllmetil.
HI. nn-u
aren't% they?
«uej i Tliey'll
invf ii wum
day while many woman aod ehUdran Bnrry Weeanweky.
:e dogs to keep a troiuau from earning
^vara waahlnf elotelnt la tba rlrar.
Good-bye Seag.
r living. Wby arc you noxious to
- Thirty Uraa ware leal.
The third, fonrtb aad Sftb gradaa make ui dependent eresturcil"
"Sball 1 tell whnt one of Cbese 'boltet Manila Memorial Day »aa ob- hnrabaaa hnriageoma eloalng i
booae' flowers did In'a ease of life and
Mmdaaaraaaral holiday. MUlury eleee, and yeatarday teay ware la tea dette
and property?" asked the fair man.
abald in tea rarioaa wooda after three o’eloek, where they tmiliug. “She wat tbe wife of my unde.
teaUana and aalntca ware flrad from had a dne tlmo aad annoyed a baakat Ue married her before tbe wat 3U. tint
a bold hothoDse flower. Her
dha farta at Santiaro aad Manila.
hatband died at tbe close of tbe war. and
Pit procaadad te tea MaUta
Tba eloalng exeralaea of tea alxtk tbe ran bit' plantation benelf. Tbit was
where tha praraa of
aad aaraate gradan. tanght by Mlaa ia Loubiana. The plantalion bouse «
Onitad etataa aoldbn wan daaoimtod PUktna will oaear tele memteg and near Bayou Sara creek, in a thinly a
tied part ot tbe countn'. in busy tin
•ad an addraaa waa mada by tee chap- tha program wm be aa followe:
4ala. MMBOrlal axaretoae ware bald
Song 'Sehoel.
! former siaves. Her husband
■•bo la tba thaptrea. at wbieh a anv'
popular witb tbem; be wat an
BaeltalloB — Unip VaaValkanl
eoiy mao. n*bCDcvcr they bad lacked a
hor ot addreaaaa ware daUrared. laterbait holiday or tbeir rations bad l>cen
1 wlte Toeal and I
Solo—Bdite Salter.
curtailed. Tbit it some of Mitt Anna's
doln'a, yo' kin be bound.' was thi^om.AtPariaabOBlMO Amarteana pathwent patteJ. «be oc*cr aongbt tOb a
BccItoUon-Morria Moore.
d at tea Pi
Violin aad piano dnet-Jannia aod popular mbtreto
" 'If .Vou'll get fire men into my honse
"In tbe house witb bcr. slept her two
Day at tba caatoatary <
Odrrta Pnller.
ebildreo and a greal, iiiaiculin<-. Iwauti- secretly. wc'lI meet tbem.' she said. To
Isrgv Un. os
tea rrara of Oaneral Lafayette.
Badtotlon-Glee Morgae.
ful mulatto womau uanied X'iAorine. wbn morrow ni gel I'uuiiH-} out of the way
•a wen daUrarad by Uan. Horaoe Por
had been Aunt Auna't lunid sIiki- her by going lu drive nt noun, and at llle thair dUplay of oramlxma in the
Beritetion—George Klnch.
marriage. She adorv<l Aunt Anna, bin asm,- liuur CM.s- w HI take the dinner for anna Bakery window.
ter. tha Oailad Btataa ambaaaador; Ool.
biimls to the giiiliuus,-. Slip in tbea.
they were both violeiii siurits. and my
dark Oarr. OommlealoBar Oenaral PerBaeiUtioa-Maada DeLong.
A'ieloritie will bide you. Walk;
molber uya sbe ba» bennl tbem fill Ibidlaand W. Pate aad C. Uiayattr.
Beciutlop-Oarrie Pallar.
bouse with tbeir iiuarreling. like two ean'l risk tetlwriug horses sliout.'
"Mr. Kllisuu luoki-,1 at my valiant aunt
It ot tea great patri
Violin aad piano daat—Oraee Laeu fithninogera' wires. My aunt bad grner'Tbe.v may pn-elpitate tbeir plans. Xluw
I -poR KAI.X-lte« Bslleb Hol.tsls SSw. Plre
aled tli^ raiilog of three rice crops
ait. A anmbar of wraatha fram
aad Jaanb Pnller.
‘f yesrsolii. glees W uwerts toUi s day.
TomiJantatian wlien it begun «• iw wbi»|ier<Hl canyon trust ynnrsvlf lo dri'c wHb
' Kind and genlte sad easy siUker. Isuaire Sf
Beeltotkn-Lyle Sbortar,
that tbe Loiiitinoa ex-sinres were just (wy l..dM.m.wr
xtha tomb,
'I.rud me a pistol,' replied Aunt Ob ihoto haantlffll
awakening to tbe indignity of their
Baeitatkw-Lydb Wall,
Anna. He got ber one. and she put it in
Waahiarteo Qardner
mer tlale and wen.-.planning lo rev.
much whlet
so mneh
baU yon admire
iaatramaelal aolo-Jaanto PaUcr.
Al{rod Day. T*X. Front to.
her iHK-ket. Tb.-y won't ehange their
tbemseivet for that lu-riod by killing tl
base rndoead coosidarablv on
planters in Bnyou Sara parish, taking plans. Tbi-y'n- afruid tu fa<-e me In
■ala, we offer a radncUon
non or
of xs
M par j aor-aou n
BMlUtion-OUva Laekay.
int terooffhont i -to sbsu dissi
UrrotaeBrX X.
leir property nud iiittalling light, (itud night.' lleealltslatoad:
eani: tea at
He dellrarad a atirring . Trio. Tiollna and
r SI Ibis eatee
Tha Boa- ttortnsa,'..4or«
tbe soil. Tbit Aunt
onr MilltperyA
________ «»-tf
he door. Ily 1 ..'clo*k Auut Aoaa'a
ton Store.
Boberteoo. Oarrie and Jennie Pnller.
(irse w as in his stall.
‘niggers' whiint (Hitue of her
. agent at
Bsrrw totm
BecltaUoa—Prukle Anderaon.
I advise.1 be
iS. I««. 1 «IU psy you V per sere tor
Mat Portage raporb that toraat dree
Walter drill-Carrta FnUer, 01i?a
elorioe flinebed.
tea raging la tea Batay Birar dbtriete!
•adalreadymUllon of doUara worth'
hold-tbac is. lu-raclt. i'ictorlne and tbe ed a party ft griillenien. who industrious
M assi Xtgkih
children—dreie ten miles to make a call. ly fell l<- wtirk drilling boles in and aboitt
ot Kmbar ban baan dtetroyad. Bfforb; la^ PeP^. Lydia
dark when they started home, and Aunt .Anna's front door. Henry M«
' take* It. Jobs Veriy.
mare made te pnraat tea damaa from
up to wra|> turmd froii? ICossle during the afternoon.
. . the coacbniati. stoodlap’
naehtag the dbtrieta la which mlUlona M Per Cent
blanket nbont bis knees, sayii pouid<K>r. I'uiupey eame uut. Iium<dialriy
Ot lofe were atwad, but ware
redeeiioe oe all dMa.e head gear inboOM- in tbe •luarters uinuied a-sly
"•fcwt go home by de high road 'ctosa
elndlng the oalobratad BoewallaSS.OO
bb-wroleorser '
t bridge. Mlta Anna. Tis sborter tar de d.nr. und figtire, tnuvc-0 In-tweeii tbe liarbat. iha Boeton Store.
skn Verty. IU
Thabalraot Mra BUan C. Lacai.
run- hine of Iuhim-s toward the driveway.
! Frost W
arho died la Umaha laat ttatnrday. hara
*Tbls waa anffieii-nt to make Axui Aa- Tbe plaulaliun boose was ligbtrel as usua
a fortana of 'orer gtr.OOO
alMVe tbe transom. .A faint gl
tmrlad in rarioaa aooka about the old
flonwl from an upiM-v room, wber,- tbe
1 a dark nlgbt.'
Mrm. Laeaa waa an eooanfru.l Isra.situstsd
“ • 'Til powerful bard on de iHiraes,' ebildtvn slept. He»t«d inside. Anal .Anna
rest trim bay
. Biewsry
.ing. '1 sbunidii't numler if tbe
tele widow, who had mada Omaha her
TCDturci I'otiijM'y. .kiint .kuna, deigning
riBssae torn
ray property Jkpply
finds waile,! imlil after mounris'-.'
Vi<H<onby. Wtor ■
toomiAlCA te* lods^lng ot the elty" '.Al (bal instant yuang Kllisuu gnve a
; CnjkT TO XX!»T-At
••Tirli-4 DeeUrvs Dr. Waetzhold la no herself in flu- wiit HiposiK- -Aunt .Anna,
il from tb«- hall. Everybody w,-ut out
■ r...... 5.™
Artlde oo •• Hualc aod
with liltle Oiniliue in her arni»: ejtuJi-mto dnd that tea fortnaa wbieh ha knew
hie Joliy ('ompany in a reperi- bole, a pistol to auotb- And
ed him l<> 'shut up and drive on,’ I'ompey
toaxiat bad dwindled totio.ooo. After
uf the lataet comedy
8tMH.'eaees ^ *g vou want Isssroso #C soy kied Is itoM
;oire of
ly 8D(H.‘eaeeS
turtle,) and gnvi- Vic-ioriu<'’i I'ack Mieb a
. A rlMB .-oBipaBiesur to bays bouw. lot or
• eonfaranee wlte hla two annU the
!*rw call ea a. B Allyii room T sod S
Chloreala, Naoroaia aad Other Ner>
■a. be g.ii live shots and fell l-at k on
■ HeresallUCo btoci. Trowrse City.
«H. tt
tetae began a ayatamatle aeareb of tee
vow DIaorten Prom Which So
others, who twgiui ki y,-II and luii.b down Hi|cb claaa Singing and Dancing.'
After aeiaral hoara trace
Many GlrU Saffer aaM ta
the steps. Henry Men.- was M-iit sprawl
sprawl- SpecialtieB at every performance.'-------------- ^---------------------------------------•ad of a board haring been
bahbe Keaatt of "Ham*
lives, for by this time tbe idantsliun dar ing with a luill in bid leg. Tbe frigliti-iKsl
camored in tbe bedroom, and a tin
guard- darki.-s la-]icr<d they bad been strark by
kies bad iMNemd
loONcm'd the railiiig ibal
woatalniag gold coin was foand be.............
,-idge nud were waiting lo assUt the wrath of heaven and run. leaving
the bridi
In tea BriiUb Medical Jonraal la die. ed
their leaders, nuc dend. ibe other dianmed Dr. Wadxbold’a article oe Pompey to drive the carriage over the hied, on the pore^ Xuuc of tbem ercr Tttoight they wHl present the foui
.......... ........ ....
W. B. Nelfon bto leased Jaa. .Steo•ad tea qnaet wee contlnned nntll an- -Uuic aod Nerraa." ie which ha •dgi',
fleld^ahop, No. 441 to 4lSBeat Front
act comedy entitled
"Half a nijJe awayy from these opera- knew that Aunt Anna had assistanca
street for a terra of yean where a»
•tear box waa nnaartead In a paaaaga riainii teat tee ^
U daa tioni Aunt Anna's carriage- passed at from outside. Ttay regarded her snd
aray running from the cellar andar tee to the "dradly e
about midnigbt. Victerinc otn tbe front Victorine as a lerriWe iisir. Aunt .Anna
laged tbo piautatiuD until she was 39;
scat with Caroline cnricl Up la her
Altogatear tea moaay the keyboard.
aboeinff » speolaUy. Weaolielte trial
1 she begun tu gvi ricb and laxy, and
Whether .w.
or not the canee if dac to and Aunt Anna 00 tbe back witb Elisa
1 topST.OOO. with C3.000 la
from eeery opo.
bircRl au oversto-r."
pUno IcMona may remain a oncation. beth's bead In her lap. talking and quar she
The yopng man took np his glass a
Yohra very reepeeMollr.
bet there it no denying tee ^ that reling as they went. Arrived at the miW at the Urge womnti.-New Yt
yh dire
house. Pompi v't wife screamed when she
ne Panama Ou
there Uen
•or haa tacalrad ofieiat inatraetlona OBI diaeaaea among yoong glrlt at tbe saw the carriage and stood on the kitchen
teem Paria ordering an axtannlon of critical age of tweW te lixteen. when ateps
Evsi J fisav Hus ■ DoukeF.
- 'Bless de Isordr.
they are jnat crotring the threabold of
•toe work on the Cnlabra and Bmpmm" ‘AATiy are you not in bed. CbloeT
Tbrir E
In Ibis whole poverty ktri^eu kingdom
aaetleuand directing teat all piit to a aevete atrain
"Chloe tmnbled and cried.
rain by exeeaaire Andy
of i'urtugal there to nut a iM-assut so des- If accompsnied by sn escort with
" Tae naid up to ace ray old roan.’
•vallabU Uboram ba angagad tor that A echool. pmrtice of mniic and anxiety
perali-ly impoTcrisbed a, lo Ik- wiihoot
"Aunt Anna looked at Cbloe and at his donkey. Every human iK-iiig in tbe one paid 30 cent ticket, if reswred
-•-------— It It dnring teit try.
Pompey. She tetbemhered bit daring district seems to own from one to a seora. before 6 p. m.
Booms at tlOSoaib I'nleaSiroei.
Ireik at Victorine. and she watched Cbloe Even
nirs srho a
Bests on ssle Tnesdsy.
xetopbaM Xo. tt
kiss the aleeplng CacoUne. whom she took cost you for alma at every step on
often raealrapalafalei
ta-ber arms.
highway are monnted. much a, Bonebo
|'i(!ra restorelive for pile,
I'anza may have been. In
end womeo toSering with
church, in rrep- plara or siitutrc end.,
m something 10 eat. Cbloe. open a box boddled
pecalitr to their At, there ia no treathiue<x and sccomplUlied artist. A wonderfnl and
sent to be compatad with Dr. A. W.
dozens of shaggy little donkeys, each c>- An eminently skilled
and OOoo. Core Cbase'i Serve and Blood Pilb, tecgrcal \ciy fond of sardines.
led with a rope around its neck in
tboroogkly tjaalified pbotexyrapher.
ty lie. TrjTt. Sold pritnte preacriptioB of Dr. A. W. Otete,
"Later, when Aunt .Anna went into Abe
halter or l.ridle. and a huge wood
Jaa. O. Johnaon. vbotc portrait and A
aignature la no every iiteben. Pompey was sitting at the kiteb- en saddle u|>dn Its tock. and moat of
Wirit BM
ei: table in Lis driving el-rak. bit shoal- tbem are. nnhappil.v. aernmi«nied
box of tbe genoiae.
ne^klD^of pho^taiAMa^posl^, Hrbttoir. draping and arraaring fab
CbBA't Ncrac aad Blood dert hnnriwd over bit plat--. Cbloe Stood liarcfonted drivers, also mouated, armed
Dr. A. W. ChaA't
Piilt rtAore aad rerltallA tbe waAed B«:-y from' him snUenly. Aunt Anu wltli iron pdsted goads, long as hue Sopw^tos'M^^^noto^aU^a^oppori^tee'Ho^' ColuUa^'Fmt
blood tod nerve cAla. faring back the treat to the sink under prvscst of gettinx bandies. They are called into mintoitioa Btreet aad baa reatodeled Itaadpatltin order (or etrteUj np to date phetocolor to tec cbeekaand the ewtndaeA to X drink of water and. wllb her back turn (or tbe most trifling errands. Tbe aerrant graphy.
tbe form. 90 cesu a boa, A all dealer^ ed to both of them, camarfced;
^ ara ecFdlally torttodtoriaithlsxiadloaad teat Ua abUl^ m la ap to
ot Dr. A. V. CboA Mad. Ca.. BnfielA
N. V.
F knm imrtibMi go te Frymut.
s Oar$ U anpptii 24 Htm.
- —
i tj'v,strs5u";fa^is'{.s' es
FirOBln bMStei»t»:Fr|DUt.
City Opera House|ii
Thursday, May 31
Piano Practice
Causes Disease
g|gg^5J^{j, siiopciumge
“An Irishman’s
Udies Free Timrsdair Night ORijr! L. D. CURTIS
Fuieral Dirtcnr.
.william a. SOPERz___
91000 nwird
T-to^ te^^ to. dpririn. Of toto. S’. Utor^^----
». V- 2. 1
<nnt T.TimnLK CLUB.
a «p tB caodrdaieo aa e
kk oat r«'r pemdb as inec
, mtait. Dere-a
--re'a oher 8.0004100 Mack mas
to to pMte mi Icetbs dar aa
U dta tab hasp topether. ro' cant
Ota Bor keep 'em back. Dem ZfiOO.COO rotca am pwine to br eaat far petectate. bat doaa' re' make no nalatake
^TkK* «M • BlcMl S>tk«t>c *t P***- •feast prtaciple. We saed to thiak dat
tt oaraBt retia on aartia llnaa aa dat
Oawpe Watataptoo. Abeahaia Ltaeela,
' '
of dr L'alted Staiu aad
iMMkt (Mr «trw witk tkrm. It M
taM iMnwrii oa tW taUvtla bMrd aefeorsl other thiapi waa mixed ap wU it.
dwt tk* Ho*. CrsMiw JoM* ot AU- aa we walked up an pal la our rutea aa
if euck aa ebrrr out waa pwiae to m
kM »mU Mlf*r •
de krnirr. But ore'a I'arDed a thtap ar
«H Ike r-^'------VM mir u sir* Wa
Iwn. Wc hera't I'arsed it from eaA otkM ■AkwiiiM ■ cnrtlwBe ap»e
a«a wftk «•* Aon W *»d a bak
BaNia^lMk a Mt like ibe pieti
Oan or Dewatkewa. bat Be ooe waa
BtaaaolBtad oa that aenoant.
He kad
kta ka« whe« a fned Jad«e
of (kafOeCar would have offered oddi et
Ira t» aw tbot be vai bo bticfcrsrd
a (M Ua feat plastad as
political campaipB wld
lead of prlBcipie# to pib awar free prada
aa poBctoau bb apeecbet, bat when de
ballou am conoted ap be laja dews hta
l^dplea to Mck ap Ma otBce.
deriap outburat of «
. 1 We
take a 0/ leaf from de wMu
maa'abook. Wdll athk to prladplea. M
B-1 •
u rip^rcre
ym tu all partiea aa
down pace de rrhidr. (I'nprccedeated tothuibam aad fmotlon. dorlop whlek
three women brpas ainplap camp meet-
de beaer am dlridrd up. (Velb for
hooer.l Keep r«‘> ere tm de powi
aa ro'r bmlaa in yo'r beada. an ro'H «
a rlctorr dat Hunker
HUI cimldn'l
. -...........- _____bold
a (UBdIe
[(ieneral bnaraeoeoa, bnt
prodlfious applauae.J I want a word
mo' befo' I Hoar. Dli am to e a plain,
alneat carapaipn on our part,
pwioe 10 aar uiiirb. but wbal
sar will bit dr liani door like a load of
bnikaboc Doan' fit de idea dat blp
words am pwine
e ii.
in help .r>' •’In wbat
beloapa lo ro'- lWr»' db moetln opem
tonipbt I heard Wardown Heliee oUaar
dat de malipnanl louuendo nf de lorr
the prater apot. nve weaka a«e dar wu of de pnmp<«itx.
lie prohabtr meant
a borale la dia faBwua old ball wbi<4i baa well, an mebbe tx.
‘' oliaerraabun bae hrip•ada talk far HU taillraa fwople. It waa
tied. iMit DM-pe be won't
4a bonia of a oew poUiical partr wboae ed B<
wofda aa deeda an fwiae to fo ramUIa
. .
an down a a rooBd No'tb Aowtlca tiU It will Ik- plain
an milk at home
a will dt up Diebu toekla an plain Kopllabpoddla
when r<>' nm walkia
ap an down wld n iKMwnm hadpr on ro'e
iaboioelD deaoatb- breaat an a Bap of lihenr in yo'r band,
i I rmd ^”de' borola of de Pomat NaSn euaaia
lala quicker nor harder dan to
partff, aa t weat eat oe de doabotep aa eoB a nun a liar, an de lanpaidpe am ao
-----f far MbertT aa aaox de aoos of
Impb dat a child kiib anderatoiMl it. 'I
a Bur BpaaaM Baoaer.rill BOW retam yt>' ifr tbanka, plrd on
aera.) I aaw da aaa riala to UHit da
of Iwttle
wajr of de cull-d maa. au I reallaed dat
T wi
waitin wai to lie rewarded at
ov wearr
Tbe orator ••( down apild applansa
laat. (Stood curdlini wboopa.]
“Mr fr'ea'a, I bad Mo wairiu 80 r'an
far de dawa of fraedoa. I ber Ida waitla 00 r'ara for de Hrtb of de
three women and four men down upon
partr. (Senea of anoUoo.) 1
tbe land idle bekw. Tbe Pomnm partr
r be aald to have pot bold of Ita b
tt of a posfUBi cottked br a Aleer aa
I rail feace. He can't go
ahead Bor draw back. ■ a de loacer be
a bim. (Hzplono Modem ffuthu*.
. _ .. jibaalaBiB.l De fart am be'a
bla w^bllQ dta war an dat war aa bo
walked loBf de toad, bnt be wabbled
baae ke didat bee bo atnlcht line to folWc. He waa depeodla oo d« white maa
te ikow btm de war an «ib bio a fa’r
akow. We'a bla a abeep wbldi baa prown iDQttoD far anw. aa dcr baa uken de wool an dc
it aa left at onlr
Ir de boofi
boofa aa U»ea.
tThaadffodb oatbuiiwc]
___ IK’beorber dar
- kaa bto a fcaat of roaet
roaet torkef.
torker. de White
a aet dowa aa eatea ebetrtblac
paa laCt da Mack man to lick de orea
r bk appetite. (Volcaaie
De r’ari bee (tine on oa
re kept ilcklB de orea doth
aa bMd oar peace an waited aa> hoped.
' All de white taea'a partire wanted onr
da tree to ahako down de coon, bat der
• kaa eatea de meat an told de pelt when
de oooa fell. lApitatioa rerglac oa the
' ker np wken de bad tinea cooe, aboee
' flfkt far bar aa die far ber when b<
am at Make. (Oicantlc and loo«
sad applaaae.] De call'd man
D baa doBa
"a dotr la dIa rcapeet aaI welt at de
hita. (“He kaar] Re'aa Mb booetlB
r ap aa poabia
posbia ber 'ions
'Ions an drla
dj for
■ kar till dc papea of bbtorr ber pibea
klM ckapter alter chapter for fneker
low to read. (Tornado of i '
-ilaim] He'a mlnwd bla aame. hli place
' at Ui ftehta, an be'a pwine to Mkk ripbt
tB.Ui M aa keep doin. Bot a rkaape
am pwlae to take pUce-a ctaanie dat
■>001 pwlaa to rattle de thlnplce on de roof
aa akm dc eat oat from nnder dr bed.
>{8boata of *«lorr. Klorrr] De Mack
-aaaa am pwiae to keep rlpfat oe bcia aa
' B an a patriot an a pood cMaea.
. parlo 'teatboB to poliUca.
^-bar <
. ___ _________ j‘ be baa Ms led op
ta dc poUa to rote blaaelf. (Vodfereoa
and aoM etirriap Mtonti. rella and ^eeta,
-••diac In the whole crowd Binpiap “Hr
HSaoatrrr la aereo different kera and
•«paettlBp the pall of hard dder provided
•Nr tha orator.]
“Preemen of a free Und. pacrioU who
i sr* takln ro'r fact breath of llbrrtr. I'm
It dat amn poaaam which wc her
•d aa oor aacred emblem an arter
I we ber taken oar ni
l»kiialc yella.1 Dor kaa eber
-M arawa^
Hthr between de call'd man nn da
;kMiaw Der her both had Co lar lew aa
4Uadcir time. Der haren-t bad a ahow
*T waa )ost atepptac off tbe stmt
wip tattlBc a Morr. “when
twn Btckar fkas to tacd"“Ton met a whatr
“A twn alcAw. Asd. sa I waa wojtac.abe““Bst wbat ta ike woHd ta a two
“Oh. JOB kBOW what that ta, das’t
demt. Never taet ooe ta nr
“WeB. a two sMsr to a ladr. a wonatatarthtapthatw)
beard the expreNtaa before.
Where doM tt cone fron?"
“Now ron're too bard for
dos't know where It atoned, bot ta tbe
good old tlmM of eaae trpe and band
ptttoti It wax tbe oemBMB expreaalon
saed to deaignato a woman in a printabop. It waan't naed ootoMc of the
coenpoMng romu. I’ll tell ron bow
IbUik It aroae. AU the old band type,
aa ererrttodr knows, ta provided witb
Blcka on tbe aide, ao that tbe typeaettm dos't bare to look at ibe face of
tbe trpe to know bow to throw it ta
tbe *atlck.' Far bark In
dar> tbe trpe bad oslr one nick, bnt
iator two nM» beesme the atjlr. aa.1
so roan ago two nkka waa tbe nmul
tbl^. Bot there came Improrrmeato
ta trpemakliic. and It waa diacovered
that three or four nicka on tbe aide of
tbe trpe made It esaier for tbe printer
to baadle. and so tbe three or fonr
Bleked trpe came tato Mrle and tbe
two nicked trpe went Into dUoae and
bad repote. I'rinter* detplaed the two
nicked type. About that time women
got a foothold 1a tbe printing offices.
They were not regorded with favor by
tbe old Ume printem Tbe women and
the two nicked typo were In aboot tbo
■Aine calegorr In tbe catrem of tbo old
typo, and it was very natural that be
abookl come to expreas both by tbo
asme wordn They both became two
aicken.’ and tbe exprcMlon has be
come traditional in priotsbopa.’’—Memptals Bclmliar.
It M
4 CO
t W
1 M
JehB ImWa Wild Pehemns OnT# tC
>b OiMler of I
la a clrcntar la 1787 “iKmmlng" the setttamMt which tbo New Kngtandera
were aboot to ptaat mi tbe Ohio at tbe
month of tbe Mnaklngnm, declared
that “tbe current down tbe Ohio nnd
Amid tko BsomaoMe tureonadtac*. tbe Mtastasippl." for produce and mta“Do yon aar rodrrille or rawdeTille?“ ebandise of all aorta. wonM one day
“I neeer ear
aar rodeTllle
roderllle onltna I ait In a
“be more crowded than any other
bex.“-ClerelaBd PUIn Dealer.
and proane and r
stnama on eartb.’’ which was » remarimble predlcUon. considering that
The Bot With the tnade.
He eelpbt of ■««« boet hln daem.
tt was made 20 yesta before Fbtton's
tWl Uwloet toy vlU fajiii breeai
tannebed in the Hndaon.
VOwr'i MhUw ftapiy U Uifan:
« first .ateambost In tbe
■ of appUoae. dortap which
itteMmMlorertmbeeded.] Up te db
Te }»r cKawtm. hept or drmA
hodr haa ebar axed dc Mad
P« W cm artec*. mf W cm b
in pormeet for beta a
cm obHiA eUk all Ut ami tree
taMdtar, a Mdaca an aa Meeter. It war
taataariatad dat what wpa left ober
Weary Watklna-Aaytblng tatereMta
toed •naff far Mm. an de wMie man
Bo limm
ktta dees hit Iw—
ta that tbet* paper yon got roand yom^
mlN9 rood kt«t dat
a>d Mom It np-ha p«a u -etoet abw which it waa pwlae to bedder
TW»e;> m^t bert eemt epoa Ut bcfto
HiggtaB-Oh. yen! Mighty!
h CTM an bciabt wtU n wUMd:
laWNMIn to yon an me. On one si^
they ta a bOtaCate for a baaqnet, aa ou
tae ntbsc-^gta a deaeripdon of tbe^
h wMd vUb all Ut^SUSk
hh Miw«lk Mi
I totah
Iw bm b» aar mite at hta-
Timta wQl taava TiavasM aty at A:W
a. m. tslaraiag lanva Otaad Banids
8*. SO. tt.
Por buying a 10 cent
tom OHMi'k.BMtlt
cigar when yon can get
WI,>V ou.«
Fir Kfftirlig SiMi ^ II Frjuix
DeaaiaUoe Day :
stattoss wltbla IM milcn of^etartlag
~ '
on eaU May «« and SO,
oatll May SI ------BabsU Ptaactalfrnya piaaae.
T« Omt* a OoM Ml Qaa Day.
fake Warner's Uliiu- Wine of Tar 6)Tup
'.be besLcoogb leniedy on earth. V> at.
Have You..
@£=3® C
First Freeze
Clear let, from Boardmai late.
$1.00 a Month
At iweidenops—same .aa last year.
Hava large qoaotity on band,
makoasprotalty of ear loU.
J. A Jackson
Botb'Pbooos. No. ?.
Q a. nuoww. A------- ,----------
caturc ii duwpMT^ 'bC tbo
Ml metlioda of criUclam.
sent can oversell tbo mark
It ellcltlDg dot^a
Cqa of works of
art^ver tbla and
kU other eouatrlm.
This braacb of criilctsni nod attack
dates far back, bnt tbe greaieat Impulse it ever felt came from tbe ago
lion. wben. 'In
1718 and 1730, John Iaw wna manlpntatlog things nnanclal In France. Nev
er before had tbe flnancial world been
ao carried off Its feet as It was at that
time. Membcra of Uie nobility were
waiting for a chance to purchase
abacea la Ldw'a acbemes. Dnebeasea
and ladle* of high mown
lost persuasive charms on Iaw In the
attempt to get bold of sbarcA Moo
hired ont tbeir bac^s for writing desks.
BO great was tlic prexs of business in
making coutrsclA and one hunchback
ta reputcd.to have made 100.000 francs
In this way lu IT few weeks. The
French went vcriulily mod
acbemes to become wealthy. Natural
ly the papers of tbo time, especially
tboee of Holland, caricatured tbe sute
of aOolra. There were pictures of all
Boni, caricaturing Iaw. tbe nobility,
and everything connected
rltb them.
■ this I
“Papa, br baa brukeo mr iraMlnp pictorial work that first directed the
heart." moaned tbe old man'i acBii- energies of B’llllain Hogarth, in Lon
I daupbler.
V.-hAt sbaU I do] don. In this direction. Caricaturing
began to be need more and more in tbo
■ball I d..r
-_kr It roand to the qnlA i
political field, and aoon afterword It
■bop," aald Ibe practical old maC
canaed tbe shelving of Robert Iftipole
from tbe Engilsb minlstir- Ever since
then bas caricaturing been one of the
bitterest nnd most elToclual motbods of
cbeckloff public men and tbclr
•tieet wbirb 1* •■ quiet aa a Sabbath
morn all tbe rear roand. No barklnp
Mr. WiUI
dopn. no rbildreo. no auiaaDcc of aor
••Walks and Iklks." tells of a remark
made by nn Irish friend wbicb uigbt
w luckr I b
bs applicable In many nsca:
roa! How manr roomi bai UI
He uaed to be very fond of beorlof
Uw biabop preteb and always wont to
Mr*. Spankci'-Tbat’a Jnat ripfat. We
■ice wben tbatAlgnltary held forth.
pood deal
- - of room. We hare nine
need a pi^
met him on tbe street one Bunday
cUldten. 1 hope ihere'a apace at tbe
back for a dophoaae. We hare Uc
asd asked him why he wosn'
New Vortc Weeklrpew, to wbicb be replied:
A Ttaie of Suopoam.
•^'nrtb. 1 deo't go to hear tbe bisbop
er tell my bor that I won't take ony mwe."
him to Ibe ciirua if he Itn't food," re
“Why. wbat's tbe matter^' I said.
marked Ibe candid man.
haven't 'gone back' on a good
“Whr B0t>'
“1 don't rare to take anr chance*. I'm tan. have yonf
“No," he answered, “but It's tbs
tired of wortrlnp for fear he'll du aometroth
tcUlD you. wben you're beard
Ibaftl keep tbe whole fam^
-WaahinptoB Bur.
tbe bishop a half doxen Uince all after
Aa roBMkMt rnemtader.
He—I aiwaya take palm to dear tha
■Uteuent that Wooten can't throw
Bbe—That ia noMe of pon. mr dear.
He—Tea: 1 hare to remember wil
wbat aeconitr and effretire aim .
threw rooToelf at me.—Chienpo Record.
. jiaw to a IM af kha bafftaf Ml nil-
TelcpkoM Me. HU.
Kr3-s.-Ks:Si.u°£rBrs^' ”•
I haye bad tny building
raboilt and pot in good
abspe aad am now r^y
tu receive all old patrons.
fire Insurance.
L. L. A. BoUdlng.
Good Line of Jewelry enmi lundt > laamt ei
111 Kills If Ripiiriig.
TlToLaad drasnarc nt indos *i Tr
UUMsaffsci Ukxmfe.im.
a/rsn. DR- ROeSMTaaL-TBOMMOM: OBee
JxL upiuin. IS FTsBk rrlrCrlch-ese* Bleek.
Re.ldenr. Ill WosiilBpies stiKKt. W«s»'i
snd cklldras-a dtssoM • spMloltr. OfOea
hmn: 10 to 12 s. Bu: S to I M* T M S p. ~
Boll -okoM. Northrra 'pkooe Ho I-
in Icel
Now 75c a Month
to private famiUos.
Payable montUy in advance.
Obas. W. Merrill
Both 'pbusM No. 114.
410 W. Front St.
. Lsdm UbrarrtauUdtsp. Bell
flee. No M; reoideoec. No Tf. Mor<
-oOee sod resldeoec. Mo. ri.
Iho latooi sod moot sp-
If yon b
barn, or a
ktadiy remember I
to wrlto the
taanraBM for yoa, aad will give yen
y tbe moat reliable atock ii
Bates very low.
bona 71.
rtoa tko
illar te
•trcOL .
Mr* r
WIM BcaoriRLDS drooo stsktap porlers.
A HSaeatkCnloostinet. Hew pbaw >e
ML Gumm,
Johnson Block
" The 4 m p ■>. trsio hw pkrlsr ear i« OroaS
TB*la krrlTlBp uertPp. a. b*ecbslr cor Ml
WsxseloUrs^RkpIdshBd ckslr ear Orasd
RspMsM Psuskrj._______ ^
'o k HCRRAV.Ai
a L loorVooiD.O
T' P.AT.A.. Or
m fere MarqDette BaM
k Ms.w
10 Itoa
* »:«i
Best to be had in
the city is at
LEDERLgB ^8;32^- ISfH
t Maw 1 x>
See Miaplee in window.
John R. Santo,
taiiril linrun.
Warsbarg Block
Travoiv « City
A It
4 I0p.»| k SJ
The Waukazoo House! imsiB us MineiRBi LI.
xroxwtovoxt, scion. .
Tba bwt fomtabad and beat kept
enao oa tbta ptolaaali ta ready for
astaap, OpoB tbo yaar roaad. Good
Batto amdo known
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
; BB ;B3SS8
SldmIkI.imib.lB >11 slM
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
■ t* XnTMM OBJ tomb. Oo.
■.'W- cownmoMaei, dgtot. cmiams CHp
Steven S. all linen
4 cents net.
PER at:h off.
Anderson's Brown
Sheeting at
net: Good yuality
Apron (iingham at
3c het; Standard
i’rints at 3c net.
We have placed all
our Bettep -Grade
Carpets at Prices
which makes them
take the places of
the cheaper grades
All our 50C Novel
ty Dress Goods—
Jamestowns, etc. at
this sale 37 cents.
All ladies’ furnish
ings, Hosiery. Un
derwear and No
tions at 35 per cent
Wash dress goods,
linens, white goods
and bed spreads at
2$ per cent off.
Examine Our Ex
clusive Dress Pat•'4cms and the new
things for evening
—Big Reductions.
'Our entire stock of
up to date Shoes at
25 per cent off.
Magnificent line of
Ladies' All Wool
Plaid Skirtings, 50c
ones, at 33c.
Five rolls of beau
tiful Velvet Carpet
—unloading sale—
price 59 cents.
Our regular i2 and
14c Brocaded and
F'ancj’Dress Goods
at 6’4 cents.
A Good Quality of
glass checked Cot
ton Crash at 2c net
All colors of Silk
Velvets at at 25 per
cent off.
Women’s black vici
kid, coin toe, hand
turned, a r^lar
$3.50 shoe at $1.98.
—FORMERLY #1.76—
THE $1.25 ONE AT 79c.
We deem it wise to grasp this, the mid-season tor our Unloading Sale,
and face the situation before it is to late. Our sold object in
making this sacrifice is the realization of money
on our investments,
to meet o\ir bills and accept this mode of converting our stock into
cash. It is our honest aim and ambition to make this the most bonafide and long remembered sale of any yet inauguerated. We mean to
make the inducements so strong in every department that it will be
to your advantage to replenish your wardrobe now. We have a great
many goods which you will find are still among the leading styles
for fall wear, and there will be no reserve. It is a very frequent occurance for the average mercantile trade to offer you 16 and 25 per cent
discoimts after a season is over and you have only odds and ends to
SALE, and place before you right in the heart of the season and just at
the dawn of our summer weather, a clean, well kept, up to date stock
in every particular.
Ladies’t^'lor made
Suits as follows:—
$18 ooes for $9.98,
13.50 ones forSS.so.
11.50 ones for$7.50,
io.ooones for $6.50.
7.50 ones for $4.98.
5 50 ones for $3.^.
23c and 39c Mixed
and Fancy Dress
Goods— most of
them all wool, at
15 cents.
10 per cent off on
all goods on our '
Basement floor, al
though Staples are
sold almost at cost
now. '
Remnants of Dress
Goods.all styles and
lengths; prices cut
-about Yt in two.
Anything you want
in a Ladies' Fancy
Parasol at 25 per
cent off.
Nicest and most
complete stock of
Linings in the city.
Right through at 25
per cent off.
Ladies' and misses'
Shirt Waists, Mus
lin Underwear and
Fancy Skirts at 25
per cent off.
An, additional 25
per cent discount
on ALL Millinery
/* marked down at
our last sale.
Positively Every Article and Dollar’s Worth of Merchandise in Our House
Will Be Sold at Cost and In a Great Many Gases Far.Below.
All Wool BLACK
SERGE at 27c—
big line of BLACK
We were imable to mark down thousands of items in many of our de
partments on our one day of closing, hence we resolved in- such cases
to give a discount of 26 per cent off our regular low prices, thereby
striking cost and on many articles below.
A new line of Stin
son & Smith's Vel
vet Brussels Carpet
—bought to sell at
$1.00; this sale 79c.
Odd lot ofJapanese
Silks in Persian ef
fects, 75c value, at
39 cents.
iTTTnSTB 1, 1000.
In addition to the big reductions on om* CLOTHING at the sale of last
week, we are offering the special inducement of 25 PER CENT OFF
the former reduced price.
Silk warp
Henrietta, gold me
dal brand— $1.50
value, at 98c.
Ail the latest things
in ready to wear
Skirts, wodi or the
new wash goods, at
25 per cent off.,
Oapital of Tnamal BtUl In
Mini to Vbo Mw«n boaom
VMNtofton. May V-Tbo amto to
day yanod the anndry nluU appropMatlonbMl. Itoairtoo an
od».eodMO for tbo Bt. Lentoonpototton. Tbo pwipwltlne to apyrap
•Md.M» tor tbo PbUodolpbto onn
B*»ort«tnicklaf I
»»»w. to toMM
~Ww OAm Bm iMtoM*
MtoMoTBaOertof Xn«-
Pomonal Bapw. Which tondo Color
to Un dappoalUea-Body ttoiriWd
Awny on a Baft Ctoaaly Owdad—
•ooaraoe al Banpad, laBaaoMal
Mcbal AyllaMr. Oapamd by TwMftb
poclel to TO* Mcrolm nocord.
May tt-MaJ. Payton a
roroM of Fortoirn VationB on
who bM boon p
• to Prawrto, It aaf b«
Wb7 to OhlMMo OapltBl.
Oly .
Ml «rtftlst7 tkM tte
• br tba Brittoh to not AMrioan Ootaebmoat Oenototo «f Soraa OSean aad BUtyBis Kaa^Botriy
pertoa That They WIU Bo Oppeaad
LortBoborti CMdr <
bnrvTbnnteynftoraoMkaO thM to
at tbo aty •atao.
«MT7 roMOe to bnltoTO bt to Mill tknn. OowlalteUc MoTBM Boeood.
Hto brtof 4toynleb nsMUMiax tbo
Tianlbla. May si—A apaelal train
Brittobtooopi hod oaeoptod JobuoM.
atartod for Pakia tbto aftorpoon witb
bv* to tbo OBly M«« of Th«ndny*o
tollewisy foreao; Amorleana. aordsto. efflstol or olbonrtoo. fro* tbo
OB offleom a>> maa: Brittob. tbno offioeono of oponttooo. If ooy port of tbo
aad 7< boo; Itollaao, throe oS
and 8» boo; Breneb tbreo ofBoert and
an: Bnonlan, four offleom and M
boon roportoA.
bos: Japanoae. tbreo offleoro aad 78
Tboro to aoilber oonflrinotton
on. witb Are quick flrlny yust.
donUl of tbo roporto of tbo dtomtoool
It to ruBOred that tbo torelfm troopo
of tbo Boor foreoi tron.tbo Prolorio
will be oppmed at tbo flrot yote of the
ferto, nor tbnt bnreoanotor Do Boom
^Ineoe capital ootalde the wall.
. bM boon nntboritod to roMiro
At tbo Buoolant wore neartsy tbo
Brittob and that tbo Brittoh tereo to at
Taku forte ymtordoy Is beau, the ChiHatboriy; bat tbo flifbt of ^rofor and
opoood fire, and tho^Raoolano retbo etbor alotOMnta ublod Wodaoo
trooted. It now oppoom that tbo Otalday ara rooMortod and are apparently
wero Mly flrlny a yun oalste In
honor of a mandarin on board the CblLondon. May tl—Motblar to known
at tbawarodleoeoneominc thoropori
of tbo eaptare of Proaldont Kracor.
Lenden. May ll—Tbo DaUy MaU baa
rooMtod oablo adrian eenlriolnf fully
tbo otatOMnlo mado yoototday by Ha Oood Mbb OhoBBB ftir Ohalroorroopondonl at Protoria, rcfardlnjc
man ot SulxOomailttBaB.
tbo fliffht of Knfor and a r»oral dtoof«anlcaUon OMoaf tbo Boom.
tendon. Kay ii-Tbo war oOoo bao bMnuUro Oommlttoo Mao rakon Prerooolood the foUewlac dtopntoh troao
Umlaary'Btapa for tboWmadTwe,tpfd Boborto: ■•OonaoMoa. May
■4Mp. m—bpaworlatn dt( of troao
whtob I ooat to Jehaaaaoburf thto
I for the bly twodayo- Poartb of July .
Bomiad tbo oommaadaat easo to
■a and bodtod mo to dofor ootorlac barn bean bornn aad san boro
tbo town t4 beart.no saay armed aoloetod to bond tba varlono eoBmlttoaa.
bnrvboro an oUll tnotde. 1 ofrood. no who are known to be enoryatic workI aa moot anzioaa to avoid tbo poMl- on In poblle eroato.
btUty of aayUlar Uko a dtotorbanoa."
Tbo uonUro eoBBlttoo mot ott
e’oleok yaotorday afternoon In tbo ofBoo of Obalimaa T. T. Batoe to mako
tbo praUmtaory amayoBOBto O. P.
Oarvor wao oloolod aoorotory otlbo
aad Aldarsan S. W. Qaat
by OvofdoM of a VatMt Oamppaad. ooBBltloa
lap traaanrar.
-^_bpd Two Bbyalolbbi Moutaaod
Tba oommlttoo doomed It boot to apOao. Olhaoa, OMployod la tbo toatory plat a ehalrmaa el oaeb aab-oomBltnftbo Mtohifaa Maantaotariaf Oo., too and lot tbo obairmoa Mlaat otbor
wbi Um apolatn poor tbo noldMoa mombora to amtot tbom at tbotr dtoeraal r. I. ubyto aa Woat Toath ttooM. tlea, tram ameay tboM wllUag to taka
topk Bb PTOodiao pf aPtoo patobt aodl- bald of tbo oariOHi faaturoo la pad
olMlMt alffkt abPBt v e'olpoh. Md ■arBMt.
WM nadond awpMOtoao- Bontoaia' Appraplatloai worn mado frpia tba
ad lb thto aapdltlaa aitll attar mM fuado labtonbad, tor tlio rarloui foa•Ifhi. aid Hr. Uarair aid Or. Mlaar tarm. laoludlay muilo, flroworko,
ware aaiaBaaad ta attaad bis. Ha aparto, adytrilalaf, doMrattaai, pbad aat naaoarad aaaaatoataato ap to rada, aaralral aad aihtr olamoato
I a’alaah tbia ■arilif, aid tha fawUy wbloh p to maka ap a proat domea•tratlaa. aamoot tbo aypreprlatleai
araiaaab alaraad.
wwaaMoaaarlly llmitad,
maka tbo affair tbo oatoaao all dtalrt,
about tlOD Bort are aoadod.
■adaaoaabiaa witb Bllia aadOat- •mo of tbo eommittaao am aamod
Oaaaralad Barry la Uraad Baplda
to toll bat OBly obalri
tor othora, tor tbo roooeao aotod. Pellewlir am tbo applatmonto;
Mambal of tbo day - Judp Urln
aroMl W Tbr HoralM a«««rd.
O^d Bapldo. May si-1bo Kant
eennty eoaTaoUea bare today «
Bollcltlny ooBBltUo-C. 8. OorU, B.
warm oac and an aacUlnr
for dal- B. MoOoy.
rtatat took plaoo. btoaraa aacarad 40
Pimworko-E R. HeCoy. C. S. Coria
of tbo 4T dolorotco and by o eomblno and A.-W Walt.
BUao wao plron tbo otbor oovon.
Tradoo dtoplay—Mayor A. V. Fried
ChUdren'a porodo-Prof. E B.Byder.
OecomUono-Bon. 4. W. MUlIken
Mnaie-A. W. Blekerd.
MUilary dlmiloy-J. W. Hannoo.
PoUooBM CraM Who Bbot Hlo
TranaporUUon—B. L bprmyno.
Aaoailaat Tbroucb tbo Uoart.
Flm dopartmeat dtoplay-B. 4. Bnl-
Bt. Unto, May 11—In a i--------------abooUni^ aflrny on Beutb Broadoray al
a lata bonr toalpbi. Albert Konalf, a
antan man. wao kUlod. and Offioor
Caano totally wonndod. Koanlf
pnrndiac tbo otroet below tbo aontbom
power henoo. wbon loot alfbt't obootIa4roo8omd.armodwliba obot fna,
maktar lend throata. Wbon Ornno
a^roaobod. Keooi( pnllod down bio
rna. OnHHoriodeat "DoaH oboot.'
bat EoonW dtoobantod both bamU
late tba eltom body. At Oraao foil
bopallodapt^l aad abet hto aoaallast thranrb tbo btart-
* Ble^e parade nod tonraaBont — 0.
E. Halo. Balpk Baatinp and Ooorp
Baff. 4r.
Stmot famao-Pmd D. Onrtto.
BO Ooerp Raff.
I the CMontato at
Bortb Uaon aad to now at Apnrrt. Ho
roporto ooonlny ap with the oappoood
bodypard of Aynlnalde north of the
OayipB Talley. Dorlny the flybt
which followed It WM ooen that aa laaorynat efflear wao obot from bto borne.
He watToaeaod by bto oeaiadoo, bst
btoboTMand oaddle bayo worn oaptnrod. 1%e oaddle bayo contained
lb poroonal
papero. Tbo
neat day an ontpoot of the Porty-atotb
Tolonleor Infantry (colored) mporiod
that a raft eostointoy a body witb two
ooUlon ynardlny it. bad eMtod down
the Oapyau river, bot that the owUt
enrrent prerented Ita caotBre. It Is
tbouybt peaoible that the effleor* obot
wao Apmaldo, and that it was bio
body which the ooldion were yuordiny
An inonryent lleutonant and eloTen
aimed rebolo onrrendered to the
Twelfth infantry yealorday.
Watoen moo of the Forty-aiybtb Toinntoor Infantry yoaterdaysAlHBEOd the
yornmor of Banpad.
an infloontlal mbal ayluior/ud haobcM
fnylUTe for aome timr.V
Popular Oinfrepmon of Iowa Bavombly Genaldmad tor Bopebllnan
▼Ice PrealdenUal MoBlaatloo.
Biwclsl »o Tb* Monileir Bceord
Waablayton. May 81—The Rapnbliean
ombom to oonfrom take •orioaaly.tbo
boom of RopmoeauUm DoIUtot of
loom for Tleo proaldoav They dtoena
the proopocto of the boom in tbo cloak1. to tbo lobby and to the eommlv
IM roomo. It U tbo Boat popular boom
that baa otmok tbu. bonao aad today
OclllTor bM ntoo-laatba of the RopabItoan Bomboro aad oobo DoBoemU
wllUay to ylTO bla boom a booat.
Altbosyb Bonth African Traubio BmToatad Baylaud fmm Aldlay 4apan AyaiMt laMla.
BfowsI u Tbi Huioloo Roeenl
Laadop. May ll - Tbo Mranto to
(tontb Afrtoa hM poatpoaod If ipt
•Ttidod aaetbor war. Hoarly olt
WMkaaffo ibo orlili botWMa Ruwla
aad 4bpaa wm at a paint wham
M tooTMbto
by thoauiboritlwoftbathMBBtrlM. A
daadlook had bMB rmkad eofr too
JapaaoM iHtaUattoa a( a trader to too
boat looatloBo at Maeampe, whom tbo
KlayorOpmaa poor ap had ylma
lumta too rifbt to oalUo oa' ucadltlea
toat aba did oel fortify the plaor.
Japan mtaaod to wltbdmw her uaoftotal mproMBUtUo aad pmpamd le
dofaad hlB to bla peooooolos. Tbo
JapanoMbad a rlybl to oxpMl tbo
aopport of Bcfland nedar an astotiny
nodomUDdlny In prootodlny to eitmaltloa. bat too JnpanoM yorornmeat receUod nn intlmaUon from
London that Ureal BrlUln would bo
naablo to act while the war io South
Africa eontloued. Tbo note MUToylay
tbto intlBitloD oootained toe adTlco
that4apan oboutd scUle the matter
wlto Ruaoia in the eaoieat
peaoible. Thereupon toe Tokio p?emmenl reluctantly withdrew from
lU attltnde.
War nsually bteeda war, and even in
tola oaae tbom ip^Taaon to mlioTo that
eonflict batweenApan and Bnaola bM
only been pontponod for a brief ooaaon.
far tbo oplrit of 4apaa U more warlike
Ctoniival. nlybt of Third — Prank
ploaloa to a
Tbaao pnlloman will bo oiUA to •toKinodbyDyni
Kobm at Borwt 4Baetiaa. Win..
moM with tba oxoentlro eoBBlttoa oo'
aeon ao poMlblc. that tbo work of
Ynntnrday Menilny.
proportion and arranpmoat of proyram aewisl >«Toa Msmsibu Eicosix
may pmeood witbont dalay.
POTMt 4nnetlon. WU., May 81—Hto
Tbo abom ebalrmap am roqaootod to
traoM worn kUlnd by an axplcalnn of
lako tbotr apetotaMato oa Ualr m- dynamlin to tbo homo of Wm. Broabm
..moUfaaammlHom today If pomlbU thto momlny. Tba dead am Wm.
aad mpart tbo aamaa to Mr. Baton.
Broabm. Mro. Wb. Broabm, tbrM
ebUdmaot Mr. RreobB, B. HtoroM.
bretoarofMraiBroahB. ThoeaaMOf
Teto Will bo Takoa ta tbo Baaao fa- OathtOboa'^M
to t^baot paata laoladtoy Raowald too wplealan U not kaewn. Ho one
aad Wolto mako. a mdaottoa of it ooM toft to tall bow tbo aooktoat ecOoooial i« Tlx Horolof n*oorO.
^MN^arlayUtotala The Boa-
Waahlartca, May
amndtooat to tbo oeaatltatlaa wao BtoaaMod by tbo baaao today aid Malfht.
A vato wiu bo takoa at » a*aloak Brl*
"nM ahug.lh,—,M
I u ilm,.
Madtoaa Modtotoo Oh, uc.
Fonrth Year—No. 9S9
lBBttBH«st Ofioar, TBoo^t to
botholtoodor. Shot
ima&n an
TboBpwortb LaoyiMro of UtoMry
omaimaflay for what wlUnnqMn*
tioanblyboonoof tba moMptoBtabla
mUflOMyathortaya orer oonToni
Ihtofllky- Tboeeoaolan to thoG
TtnTutmdtolrIM BpwortbLonpaoontoroMB. to ba hold bam from Taaodoy
AmootoMdlont propam bml
pmpamd wbteb will U partIMpati
bytbabaMwmtei to tbo ontlmdtotrtet. In addlHbn to tbo many noted
worhamfram tbto part of thootuo.
Btobop W. X. Vindo of Dolrolt. tbo
natlona) pmoldont of tbo oryantoi
will bo to aUondOBM and will ylm an
'oaa Wodoooday oToniny. 4nno
Hot. p. L. Tbompaon of 4aekoon.
of the moat eloqnont apoakom to tbo
otete. wUl aloo be proaont.
, All Sizes and Kinds
Genuine U. S. Bunting Flags
At the Old BeUable
bare ofton adalrod oar owell I3.S0
and 81.00 Men’o shoeo. yon ean rmcb
tbom bettor now at a S5 per cent, dtoeonnt. Tno Booton Store.
Ftr W. L Do«^ Shoa Eo to Frimui
Rainbow Reductions and all sorts of Fllm. Flam Sales find no place at
or the
din.wvui froa rcadloc tbOM of toanj ei
I du sot bare >o lll•eoullt ao> of Broda * el
8ee our advertisement on 3rd page
of this paper-lt'll pay you well.
Our GeleSnted
SSc ml $1 SbHS
for children art
. cmally
good valuva for the money.
Bly lot Of all new and
able pattoru, cut and tailored to
i-r - kai joa need la the we,; of dutblnr. Bau, .
lu deal with a eiralcht bouse.
That will wear a long time.
Tliat are atroDg but Dot clumay. That are prettily ahaped.
That fit the feet nicely. That
givf the little feet all the
room they need witboot be
ing eo large aa to cauae great
wrinklea in the ahoea.
52 $6,00
. tnasiiiueh as
Ladlee* Kid L
Batin Oalf Bale....................
- 990
Bow'a Batin Calf Bale.......... ....... Bl.OO
■. S6o
Ladlei' Black and Tan Oxfords .... .760
Ulsiei Box Oalf Laos....:.............. . 76o
Woman'! Kid Button...................... .. 76o
fierce and Garnet Blinneri............. ■ ■ 95o
Woman's Oil Gb-aln Button Bboee. .. 870
Hen's and Boy'e Working Bboee... .980
Tennis and Canvas Sboes and Oxlorde
at.................................. 60,60 and 76o
- 0et them ofthe Old Reliable,
Popular Hlioa Hoiiw>.
Minute Rates
lapbeming. Iron Mountain
and other
Upper Peninsula
New linee
New Store
Don't Pa; High Prices
We have just received from the factory of Thos.
Emersoo'b Sons, a fine line of Kozi's Fat0&t
Viol Shoes. These sboes are tbe very latest is
every respect. Just what you wast for a fine
dress shoe. See them in our window.
---- FOR----
IK BfwitMBeel
Patent Leather
<H« ««««««•-
2 3VEE33STS«
l«ow Ratee
I ana fit ladtoo. yaattomaa aad abUdma with bMt ibom al lowar prtow ibaa
any etbar atoro to tewa.
Bapatriay Matty aad ^ntokly Aeaa,
242 Front Street
I .McNamara Block
r*a KOBauto bboobd.
FukPUM tlM 8o«i«of Bx.
JoTxbl* BMtiyitT.
CM T. B*t» *■»
tDwithU>adeepanteHHtkn.aad WH
fell o(. Inapiretion to blgb end mUe
BiMtoutoftHeveaUg. “The AlemBh-WMieHoadedto by MUe Mettle
a Ony of the aUn of 'U. who ee
BeaqnM Xnagnlp Attgnded - Xnale. W
Wit. Maanr end BrlBUnt <RKngbt nynUUon of whieb the elnnniere
fEnraotarUad the AhhaI Baeeptkn jMtiy prtwd. She epnke U glowUg
t. W. EAJWn. MilBr m>* IUmc«tnrneoftbeUfleeaoe of tbeTremree
Wty eeboela In the growth ead dnaelooTba Perk Plnee pnrUn bhee been nmt of the olty ead aotnd the Uberelthe eenne of may erente U linen peat. Ity elweye ehowa by the texpeyere In
batMaoMnlaeeeateaU their hUlocy
the enpport of the eehooU. In e wlt^
hee bean more pleeaent IhM the
neaaer ehe renewed the ewreerofthe
eeptlon end heeqeel of the Treaerw nlwHl. her renerke being greeted
aty Blgb Behool Alanal Aiaoeiitkn with freqncnt Unghtnr end eppUnae.
beldUeterenlag- WhlU the ettnad~ theeUta
eaoe «m aot ae Urge w oa none of 1*00 to tha rHkA of tha elnmnl In
tiurlin -t-t'— there wee beltnr opwordA whou eUeority wee felt by elL
portuHy to greet old frieade ud beAnother uJoyebleeelMtlon wuglv
oone aeqoeUted with the new nen- m by the orchaetm, after whieb Mr.
bate, end the eoelel eldn of the reeep- Ollbirt called npu Boharl Weltare.
Uea wM in nnrkad noaimet to the praeldut of tberUn of leeo.terceteaebilnM.
^ond U their behalf. Hd be did u la
Gouty OonTMUUABoon nftar night tha nnnbnn ead e noit plaMlng neuer. With the
UMr gnaetn bngH to errlae. Hd
awdanty beeomUg one of theneweet
weinomd by the meaptlpn eoau
mHibm of the neeoeUUu be ep^ of
ead panad oa Into
the plUMre they felt U the tutthel
whieb pmantnd e daUehlfnl plotnre
they wen Inclnded among the eli
an they tUad with preuy gtrU U deUty Beterrlag to the high etHdlngof the
fffrtt—ead bright faced yonng
neeoeUtlon end the poelUue of honor
mingled with the older gnaeU of the Hd fnat oMopled by lU menbere. he
eeulng. The nnele by Prof. Horefe
pledged the loyel anpport of the cleat,
Jy to the pleeenre
ihiM bbB w»f4»jrm «w cswhoee elm It U to be pure hearted Hd
tt7i««ll » TOtM.>r • •otfy. <M B> of the
wboU hearted men Hd women who
Boon efter nine the benqnet
will make the world better for herlng
HMuneed. end the perty adjonmed to
beu In itthe dining roon. where two long tnhlee
A eeleetloB by the orcheetre conclnd'
epned with delleeelee for their repMt.
program. A brief bnelneea meev
Hd beentlfnlly trlnned wlUi eemellowed preelded o*er by P. C. Ulll^Uo
tloo* Hd long ropM of eH*regna fern.
preeidenl of tbe eaeoeUtion.
At each pUte were dainty nonrenlr
The treeiurer’e report ahowod a
menne U pUk. with the worde
«.r. MorrATT.
gntifyUg eum in the treaeiuy eftor
“Alnmol Benqnet, Perk Place Hotel,
ell bUU were paid.
ArrucA-noa hM bm audo to tbo TreTeree City. Mich.. Mey si", nwo. <»
OMcert were elected ee followe:
the flret pege. The progren Hd nun
•cmrM of No* J«TM7 by the holder of
Preeldent—E. H. Allyo.
being printed on the following page*.
ibothMtm of etoek. deniRBdlac »•«Vloe Preeldent—Fiorenoe Tbompaop.
An elaborate eonne benqnet
Moopting of the »ffelie of the AmerioAB
Secretary—bevl T. Pennington.
eerred. the nun being ae followt;
•Mr Beflolif OoirpRRy,
Treeenrer—Perrio Whitman.
OuBpM d Oa<ler«
fcaowB M the eefor troat. ThU U the
BoeUloe I& Cup*
• ooMoerB towhiehSeutor Josee.
D of the NrUosaI D<
•oaaiUtee. wuUd to refnod «pw»rde Baked niUt* el WhlieCab e te Metuw d Uelel
> SerMeraCUiH
•opble Martin Denie^rStetonut
pi $600,000 of doUee whleh the tnul OeklTerkcr
That She Wet Ateted by Oler•od pRtd on Importa of Porto Blenn
^ ■ ,i
H. ILTbua. OA. BoMser BeheBnIa
Tha Karthern Mlnhlgu TreMporutioa Co. hee Jnet taenad Ita Baminer
folder Hd time echednle. whieb ii till
t abont lie
advaaUgea of the i1m and tha attnr.
thMi of the peinta It ton^aa among
theBorthm Minhigu ranrta. Agood
diaal of apua U davolod to
of tha haBdeema mw ataamer IUIboU
Hd tha City ot Charlavoix. Oonaldar.
abia daiaU U glvH regarding tha
boteia. ratta, ate., and other thinga latercatiag to tammar tonriata.
Plata OUm Window Senaehad.
iBdlH flgmra cigar elgn Is front of tha
atora of tba QavU Cigar Oo. wu Uppad
•ear ead thrown agalnat tha la^
pl^gUMwiadowlaataight. TbaHBt waa caneaj by aoma enatoceara
nanlng agalnat the sign nnUtanUonally. Tha glaac wu veined at abont
laooD Mtbe dabria wu elaar^
aaPRy. a aign wu placed in t^ window
*Oonldn'tgat in tut raongb throngh
tha doer to gat flve aMt Havana pig
talla, M they uau la hare."
Becense yon have sour cream for yonr coffee. Yon
should have a Refrigerator of Ice Box. We h^ve
both and they are tbe kind that is guEranteed to
keep everything nice,and sweet A good refrigera
tor IB a good inveBtment and costs bnt very little.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
lao Faroxxt Stareot.
'Tbo great uo<>d of navana le a mod*
Latest News
OoSiOBAiw'e honk depoe><« ^b?o e
|hR$ donhled In fire j
tnm fB.s:K.7U In itM to $so,o&M77 in
tm- The nwnber of people who k«l
hMBkReoonnla inereneed In the eerae
___I from 18,5»» np to 80.047. ThU
' OH be ereditod Urfely to McKinley
^Mperity. end eoooante In pert for
' the feel tbet thoneende of Ooloredo
Mae who left the BopnbUoen perty In
MP6 era raUminr to it.
Tuneet atep towerd Cohen Independnin will be token by the Cebeni
•teHelTee on Jane 16. when their flret
tltirtirr for Cohen ofSelela Ukee pleee.
Uwiu(be controlled entirely by the
Procrea <«r the SsereUee
ThU Morning.
The promotion eieroleec of the
Wfbtb grede of the Oentrel echool wlil
MOOT thU nomine In the High aehool
■noaebly room, nere U e Urge eleet
iMdy to enter the High eehool. end
• Boet eneelleat pragrnn will be glren
<Eome, ••Weloone"........................Veexle
BneltntlQO. "TbePeslne"—IrelMBogeel aketeh. ‘-MUlet,"—
MnnU Tompkine
Mnelo-atepen gurtet.
Originel Story. -Aronnd Vbe World
In rifty D»yi"-Herry Dbm. reed by
“The Mloni ChUf'e
Oe«rkter,"-CUre CetWr.
«frl'e Ohomi. “aprtng Ineitetlon'
......................................................... Veeele
Eot^BcUon. ■‘Eellnde In the PorefHB'--Kether1ne Ven Vefbeehorg.
aeb BwlngUg—Ohee. Ureon. Krenk
LewU. Benry OwetkUa.
Mnale. Pleno Dmet—Sobert Reboe,
SaMy. “A Trip to the Oolddelde"Arthnr Kellogg.
iMlUtion. “The Union of the Bine
Hd the Urey”-aibyl Olde.
Drill, -aprlng OerUnd*''—Bixteen
OboTM. “Bong of the VlklM"
.......................................Arr. by Kmereoo
n of DiploHe.
Oennty Ooneentton Pnae 19.
ru Eepoblieu eenely eoaeentloe
iMeeUetlonof deUgeueiotbe Biete.
Ariel end BeptnaI wUI be beU U
tetobergb Oread Opnn Bonae Jnee
A S«M CUnr Ernln.
T<rov bant faaUagi. yonr aoclel poai'
a or bnalnaaa oeeaaaa depend Urgelr
the parfiet Mtlon of poor atooneh
- UeiT
Pjg^How^ Ufa MU
uee MeVtlp..
Min Sophie Merlin of Interloebw.
Awoned Ceke
in theeoily yeeterdey. M.Ue Mar
tin U the yonng women ehont whom
The ordbeetre pUyed t1
hnqnel Hd jdUo rendered eererel there wu aueb H excitement lett Set
annbere oa the prognm following, nrdey. There wee e domeetic effelr in
whleh were mneh enjoyed end redeired which It wet alleged that MUi Martin
bed bau ebuied by her adopted brothhearty eppUnec.
At the eoneloeioQ of the banquet or deruee Martin, in tneh a way ea to
Uvite tbe inierferuee of tbe entboriPrealdut UUbert. ee t
noonoed ea the flret number
Mlae Martin eUtad that there wu
prognm e eeloetlon. “Medley OrerMetlen wheterer for InUrterenoe
Mre." by the orcheitre. Following
either by the nelgbbore or the offleera
thU be in hU nanel hippy
for. She eatd aUo tbet her broth
trodnoed the onVor of the evening.
Bit. P. E Wbltnen of Bortbport, e er bad never treated her id anythiog
ther of ihe cleei of 'Ru. the fltei bnt a kindly mnner.
cUm to be graduated from tbe Trmveree
Tbrtnraflji Witaem.
City aehoole.
Intenae aofferlng wee udured by
Mr. WhitmH give an eloqnut addreee.bUenbJeut being "BnMeet.-’ Be wltneae T. L Marlin, of Dixie, Ky . be
tote be
e gave thle -erldenee:
“I eougb^
eeid tbet moat of ne do onr droAmlng
nigbt until my throat wet ntarly
In tne few momenta IntcirulDg bethen tried Dr. Klng'e Mew Disaonndeleep end waking. ThU oovery whleh gave Inetant relief. 1
uied it in iny family for four
U a fair iUuttmtloB of life- Jnet be have
yeara and reoammend It Mtbe greatcai
fore weklng from the elnmbere of’ remedy for eongbt, eolda and all
yonthtothe flret reaUteUoB of real' throat. cbr«-. and Inne trohblM. It wilt
llring onr dreamt of fnture enee>ne ere •top tbe wortt cough, ud not only
but abeolntely ei
bright. «From our dreamt we form provenii
tion. Price SO: and fll. Every bottle
idaeU that ere to be the modoU for onr goaranieed TrUl bottlea lOe at 8. B
fntnrelife work. We plan for eeee. Wait and Jaa. U. Johneon'e drag etoree
Inxnry, bepplneee Hd power, bnt we
1 Cum-WaAlr’n
only eee tbe bright foregronnd of tbe
plelnre. whl^ U all tbe brighter In Whlta Wbio ot Tar Syrup, the
itrul with the ofUn eomber hMk- best cough remedy on earth, curt* • cold
gronad. There Uh way to eneeeae in one day if taken in time. ^endflOcta.
bnt tbe royal highway of honaet toll.
Oar danger Uee not In fervor of eonl
bnt in fever of uptreUon. A oultivated aoni U better tbu a fat p
The qneatlon cbovid be not bow
inch mey I gel. bnt ho*r mneh oh I
give. He only oan claim aueseia who
can aid humenliy by bU life. If he
bee enehrined in hit heart guodneu,
latregrity. bonetty Hd all tbe ebrUl
ien virtuot be mey die nnknown. bnt
aegele will Ineeribe upon ble brow the
word. “Su oe»»."
Mr Wiiltosen'a oration wet lUiesed
14.U W n
adliplay of Llpo Coffee premlumi.
iny floeartle'eaH«hanged for tradeirke cot from Uon Coffee wrapper*.
unloading aale at Tbe Boeton, Mmmenoing Prrday. June 1. Poeltively
evrrytbipg ate-rai and below. Tbe
botloB Store.
We Offer Twent|i-flye Per Cent. Discount for
a Urnited Time Only.
s5!?ture’s cure
No More Rheumatism.
For ynu* oijr wlf.aunVrrU from rbentna.
K._ U.., IfU-A niXii)' mm-dluK, l-uixol lit.
Tbl. grrol
polwiD out «r her irxlrm, anU bu o .
reteaiwd her rmin a IllOof pulu—U. r. LMib.
trie. North Aliincluo, Ua.,k
tVIcry KluKr.in-.t'oiitUiailnn umlnlldl^
nuM-sui(b<‘.'«rr\<.i,Htuiiiat'l., I.l\«rauj K lUn.'V>. Hold by drvxx1*U. 2n.and*0c. «
tle tirneRl.
1. ami
anil <M liitd Mbmil kiv<-d
bopeuf rrlK-f whrii
liriiwetMwni.if u
2U0 pairs u! Oxford Ties «t..........................B6 per cent discount
»r^lSd^«-............................M per «.ot ni^ount
d»y Workina Sho,. at............... ^iV.!!!!!!* 86.
Don’t Wait
Until The Sun Shines
Liquid Glue
I Is fast and can be relied upon to .stick
to anyone it Is put against. Got a 10c
Before you buy your piirasol. Buy bottle, or one for 50c. A good stick of
when the assortment is complete—when miicilrge for 5c. A four ounce bottle,
wide mouth, for 10c.
you can get just what you want. Have
some beauties in white chiffon with diff
erent widths of ruffles from Si.oo to S5.00.
A Woman
In White
A Waste
Will be found a sure catch. We d
like to catch 25c of your money for one
kind—others at 35c. 50c, 75c and up. A
Duck Skirt or a covert linen is a big lino of Indian Baskets from 15c to the
pleasing sight, and it's cool and comfort big hampers for Si.oo.
able. A new line just placed on sale.
Prices from 50c to $2,00.
Something New
All the time being placed on sale,
just now it's the new combination pulley
collar and tic, made in'Swiss Muslin, wjth
collar of different colors—pink, blue,
white, rose and lavender. All sell for the
same money, 50c the one.
Your Face
A Good Pencil
Is Always jn the Push
The kind w^ sell* will stand lots of
pushing. Faber's. l7ixon, Eagle, at 5c.
Have a line line of harder grades of lead
for artists, architects and draughtsmen.
A Drop
of Ink
Will make a million.think. Just think
of "the Company’s"'when you want your
next ink. Black ink only sc a ^bottle:
And enjoy yourself, and wear one of
Paul's fluid ink in patent bottles loc; red.
,our new Walsh Veils, come in single pat
purple and green ink loc; Hectograph
terns and sell at 50c.
ink 25c.
Two Tails
To a Horse.
They are unnecetsary. So is a pair of tin cuffi
on a marble statute. Yet, to far as mere utefulness is
concerned they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any
thing else for that matter.
When we sell a package of goods or a car load,
we invariably guarantee*every ounce.
We buy nothing but the best goods—We never
believed in cheap goods, much less in the grocery line.
The season is now at hand when you want some
thing particularly palatable, and we ask you to step tn
and look us over.
£5SV3S,ri^iriri.5:5 milt IlMk, nun 149
HMTttU^ennt ead bglow. The
advertiiing tbe Tri-on-fa beat t8
Ladlee' aboe on tbe market. A 8S per
innt on tbcm during tbU
e Hoaton Btore
A Child
1$ a Little Woman
Your Letters
And all women want Parasols. Our
"Little U’omen’s" ParanoU are^he haiui'
somest shown. A sateen sells for aje;
plain silk with two ruffles Si.00; figured
silk at $1.50. and the two toned effecU
for Si .75.
And save $ioo. as one man did.
You'll Save more thEii/ that in the course
of a p«Er. Letter' copyitig book, 500
pages. 75c: 700 pages S1.00; copying press,
$5.75. Everything needed in the office
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
n« NortlMPa HotbeI tetool »i iUn
«wU* feM bad tl.OOO doaatod to It
for too oarabaM of art work. Tbc
doaor'a oamo io set riw eat.
foopla wke kaa^ fardoM at
ttU fcava pat monad Ika oenMD lor an
ordiaaaoo problMUac tko taoBlac at
largo afeafekau from May 1 toMi
btoi. danagcHd«‘>aM"
kthaBoFlM okvoh
abdlboagh a groat boto waa wmto
tba mof of tba bnOdlw. aMuto to aay
• of tba oontragaUan waro atradb
Loaadar BaUaad of OatroU. waa talklagtoa frtaad on tba alrUt,wbna
t.tbo boary
- woight towblab it waa attaabadawtag.
IngtroBaidatoBida. AattpaoiodBol*
. land tba atrap awmagarooad Ua aoklaa
thiowlar U» to toa groaad and dragglnr blB aloag. ta two. bloeka bo
waa draggad tbaa ostll tba atrap garo
way aad ralaaoad hla. BU Uotbaa
waroijown toahroda aad bU body bad>
Bowrd of (
•awUl Moet M<m
day. Jaaa il. toOoaMdir ^aral
■attoca of tepartaaoe.
Ooaaty Clark Sawtoa baa iMoad a
oaUloraapaaialaaaaiaaof tba board
ofoaparrlaMto aaot Monday. Jaae
tub BuaUac U eallad at tba rrqaaMof tbaraqalradnaBborot neaabora of tba board.
Haroral aaWata wQl booonatdarodbr
too beard at tUa aaaUiW. tbo^ tbay
iboto. benoror. trlU bo Ibaqaaatiooof
thogiadlagaBdiarraelaf of tba ooort
beaaa gmaada. tba oouiittao not foaliag trililag to go abaad wUb tba pork
aadltopytattbariatraof tba root of
board aa to Jeat bow tba work obaU bo
Aaotbar wattor la that of tba prograaaef tba rarioBa aaporriaora with
loltaaBdartbaaowlaw. Jaat
what wlU ba dona abont It M aot
kaowB. bat aaah aaparrlaor la rrqi
toe matter
ba peUtwa U. B. A* L railroad for a bridge
tba Board
river at Cbaa atroat aad north of
Tba .autoaa of Abrahaw Lto^B FMBt atroat bridge will alao «
Goa. Orast, Oao. SberaaB and Adatltal
IbrragottbatObarlaa Baeklay garo to
tba oity of Mnakagon ware norallod
Tba aebooaer Hlnale Beloaaan and
I day with eUborata
Boolaa. MiU Kaarsoy Poat. G. A. R.. ataam barge Dunbar are at John F. Ott
Uklng on lumber for
had ebarge of 4ha nartdaoa aod Grand
Army roteraoa waro there from alt Cblcago.
Tom Sbane returned from Indiana
ow Michigan. Tbeatatoca are bresra
and the fonr of tbam ooet gsa.ooo.
Wednaaday night with nine boroea.
Pmd Pruttk boTM became frightened
The Adrian p^oe eoofltoatad two
oo«M which were dusiped in the gal yeeterday by toe clanging of toe beUa
tar aad foond two yonog mra locked of one of 8teinberg*a theatre wagona
op in them. They were iBltiatce of a and took a apirited mn. Tbe barneaa
waa damaged, but no one hurt.
Qoldle Gardner, aged'is. iowped
Leo Solomon bat returned from
from the rear plaUorm of a Big Pour lodlana with a number of boraea.
train near Milce. The train waa going
Tko Ladtn- Aid aoelaty of too BaptUt
atabigb rate of apecd, bat tba girl chureb will bare a apeelal meeting tola
waa not Ip jered in the leaat.
afternoon at Mn. B. Tkllb^'s. on Lake
Boy Boleomb and
Traveme City ChapUr. Mo. I« B. A.
oearoaly it Taan of age. are under
ran at Ooldwaiar. cbaiged with itaal M. win Bold a regular eoavoeatlon totag a boTM aad boggy and tryiag to algbt. Work on two eandldatoa In tbe
eroM the Indiana line. Tba abortff Mark Mooter degrw.
J. Q. Blrdaall bu gone to Grand Rapoaagbt them jnt aa they were making
aawUi aaeak^or toe .line that diTidaa ida, called by au order from toe Great
toe two atntaa.
of toe K. O. T. M. to all
to report there and work until
It ii laid that toe eneon at .Maoki;
nae laland will not opan thU year nnlll toe great camp' eneeu In June.
Jaae It. aad reeori baalnciB k enpeet>
Aael Peteraon of Maniatoe and Miaa
ad to be beUer toan ever before. Ofor Mamie Bollenbeck of Summit City
half a mUllon toarlata rlaitod the U- were married yesterday afternoon by
land laet year.
Rev. S. Salabery at tale roaidenea.
A fine Kimball baby grand piano baa
A. V. Angortoe. a wealthy Itontb
Albion farmer, aged «I. waa tonnd dead been pnrehaeed by Miaa Joaepblne VaWadncidaylabiaplgpen. Deathbed der.
The little daughter 01 Cbarlee Plekell
noaltod from a fall.
Tba It year old eon of Jack Bell, of Bute atreet, fell from a poet yeaterday and dialoeated her elbow.
keeper of the
Yeeterday afternoon Baebel Wade
Benton Barber, aceldently fell in tbe
eanai Wednesday erenlDp aod when gave a niee party to if of ber yonng
frirndt. In honor of ber tenth birtodayraaeoed waa UDCODacions Ue wa
mue ooea enjoyed toe
Oaring a game of baaeball at tbe very much and Bsebel received many
drlrlng parlr at MaibrlUe Wedncaday pretty preeeau. Betresbmenla aerved
n Frank Barber waa hit In tbe were lee eream. eake and eandy.
Tbe eeoiut eoumeratore will begin
_ tomple by a ball, and r^
tbeir work today.
nSbMiqr two boon.
B eartoln hcaltb ofieer In Fraaqna
ty'a Baa# Ball Seoroa
late eonniy waa ordered by Uaenperion
to>dlelnfeet a boeae in whkb there bad
been dipbtborla. Bellering in doing
tologa tPoroagbly. be atoffed np all
n^ ebimneya. and leaving a large
Maier'of boi eoaU aad aalpbar on the
Orto and Donglqa: Taylor and Donefl«r. locked tbe door and let toe bouae
and fnmltnre quietly bum up.
Brooklyn St. Leals. wetgroanCa
.... 1 ”
Miaa Loulae Porter of Old MlMtoa
anereiaea and dimmer.
• of the Bigb aehool, ratamlng to her
heme yeatarday.
PetUngm-aed Clark; &bn aad ReMtaa Bhw. toaeher of tba klndargarton to toe Oak Park aebool, left yeeter- boe.
day lor her borne at Joaaavllle.
Mn A. L. Badutot la elaitlag at Chicago...................................
J.-T. Bnoaball ia uMrtaloing
slatar. Mra. B. Boaakigham of Ba|
PatterOM and Buckley: Patten and
A Card.
Mlaa hOna Minor of Old Mlaeioa raWe. toe unaeraigned. do hereby
taraed to ber boma gaatarday. after agree to refund the money on a toattoadtog tbe oommeaocseat mt
eaat bottle of Greene's Wsrrantod 8ymp of Tkr If It fsilt toeure your eongb
Dr. WObur Oowell of Cleveland. O.. r cold. We«lao gnarantoe a zs-oent
te lathe city vKlUng Us pareata. Me
la a graduate of toe aebaol here.
borg. James 0. Johnson. F. C.. IbompMrs. Imata Bliwbaw of Beat Frawt
alraei. boa returoed from a rUlt wttk
Orange Pknlc.
paranla at Ulaad.
I of toe grange are
•ion Last JTi^t
■ot DiaenaalOB Over Annual Bndgm
Mcanltcd la CompromUe of $800 on
Bagioeer Mertbropk BaUiy-^Aldorman Kuntague took a Shot at Mayer
Friodrieb-Tsn this Tear wUI ba
•«8.0Be. about 8 per oeotof VU-
j bed read toe fliat time.
Ita eoaeidwn-
a fotnra meeting
of toeoonaelL
No Saad salary bavliw boon iaeldid
npoB for toe eliy aaglneee Mayer
Frledrieb took Unpon blmsolf toobjeet moat atrenuonsly and
able length to allowing an opportunity
for n "money gvAb ' by leaving toe
eonaell too right to fix toe
ties of this oaeor afio- work wsa demo
by Urn. gnd Insisted that tba Mlaiy ba
fixed by ordlaaaoe. toot tba mayor
by .toe action of
toa aldMmen at toe nreeedlng toeetlag
IS wat aot ploaaod
oftbeeonnell wlto the need ofeomcand roao with toe remark, apekan la a
tolng ot toe kind, Alderman Montagna
way toot eoaveyad lomathingof bla
eaeb mambor of
feeUags. that be doubted very
toeeonneU. ugetber with too mayor.
whether It WUB toe province of
witoaneatUtUe rod volume. '•Points
Friedrich to rake tolags np In tola way
tarParUamentarlana.''. But ba did not
gut too books dtlivered uooo enontb,
replied quickly and srlth foaUag.wbarejodgtng from toe mixw that toe eouanpoB Mr. Montagna isdd .tool be
oil got Into before ten o'eloek. or toe
rick and tired of snub sheer nonaenae.
books did not get Into tbe bands of too
and tost he wooden
right persons.
Tbe principal bnsineas for which the
If they chose to fool %loog tout, they
oouneUmet wat toe oooslderutlon it
toe report of toe annual budget by toe
oommitteeoa ways and meant, and thei
things that they did to tost report
many and varied. They did
hired by toe day for a long time, snd
verytolag but agree upon it.
tost when his work was done be would
Tbe ball
I to, hU bill b k-d ud 1. fObld b. ,1.
tlon of
report and proceed to Ita oootideration
Mayor Friedrich inaUted that
item by item. Mayor Friedrich did
not approve of this psrtlculsr method, past was ‘no eriterloD for the future
aod speot about fifteen mlaoten in try
ing to oouvlDoe Mr. Moore tout there
was u better way. Tbougb be failed
ia toU, Ur. Moore changed bto motion
toa motion for tbe adooUoD of tbe re
port, and then the Items were preaenl:
ed one St s time.
From this point to tbe flosl adopUoo
of toe budget was a long and stormy
lim&' Urst of tbe time things were
fuu'of warmth aod animation, while
alo^er Umee all
everybody seemed to wait in dleguet
for sometolog to tnm np.
The budget was finally
the mayor had never done such a thing
was no reason that toe presco
cumbent wonld not have to exercise
bis right of veto, s thing that be in
sisted upon bring allowed the oppor
tnnity tod'.
rpuseed. fixing the salary of the eity
engineer at $»ao per year. TbU wss
csrried, Alderman Garrison voting no.
Aldsrmsn Moore moved tost tot
Bslarietfond be raised to fit.loo tc
provide for IbU ioereaae- Aldcrmai
Montague moved an amendment, pre
vidlng that toU salary be paid (ron
the^treet fund. Tbeameodment wai
General sewer fund
lost, and
Water fund............
Police fund........................................ S.&OO was taken up The vote on ibU wsi
a tie, Aldermen Moore, Bonghey. Ken
lueldcnUl expense fund..
Interest and sinking fund.......... S.TOO yon aod Bound voting for it anc
Library fund
and GsrrUdn mgaiost it.
Park fund..........................
Printing fond ....................
Light fond........................................ 3.500 that tbe salary wai not snlfiiieol for
the city engineer. Mayor
Ssluries fund
Poor fund.......................................... l.joo
School fund....................................... 33,(r.'5 motion.
The bi
In addition to tbU, u tax of S ': mllU amended,
on toe dollar will be levied for
aldermen wxeept Mr. UsrrUon.
funds of street district No. 1, which U
annual ai
estimated to amount to about S13.000.
en up in aeeordanee with tbc
then taken
ThU win make the taxes for toe city budget, sod adooteo by a nnsnlmons
about i per cent, on tbc toul useessed vole. TbU provid
amount of >C‘.‘ 035
Sneb Is tbe bodgeLyas finally voted,
e eity cl
bnt lu adoption waa not reached until
-m toe I
there bad been a long fight and every
body bad become U-ed. and some had iriei 1-. ..
Tbe bond of B P. Wilhelm for >1.00
become considerably heated.
due t'dsy.
day. u
was ordered refunded fo
Tbe opposition to toe report of tbe
le year at 0 per o
A pelUion from
eommittae on ways and means began
with toe item ccneemlng the appropri Third ward requesting that tbe ordin
ance in regard to saloon limiis be not
ation Ur water. Alderman Sleder epealed,
- • wat referred
• irred to the commade the objection, on tbe gronnds nitieeono ‘
the Bsgle
Bagle P
Press for toe
a bid from
froi tbe
toatwben tbe city owns tbe plant,
iroeerdiogs of tbe
there will be no need to pay byorant printing of the proceed
rd of
tbe board
of education
renul. As there U a slight doubt
30 cents s page was referred to
to jutt when toe city will own the
plant. Mr. Sleder's objeetlou wax'"
nUr aession next Monday eveolng.
with a silent smile.
Alderman Montague then io)k tbe
war path, agaiesl tbe enggeeUon of the
imitteetbat Sl.OOObe added to the
eemetery fund. Part ol this money
waa Intended to be nsad In'toe laying
ofwater mains in the eemetery. If tbe
mains are extended that far. Hr. M ontague objected to tleing np tost
where it could not be reached if the
mains were not Isld. Tbe food was
finally made a conMufeut fund, with
toe idea tost it wonld be nsed only for
eemetery purposes unless it were found
tost the mains would net be laid to
toe cemetery.
The next kick was In regard to toe
light fund, which was plteed at >3,500
AldermoB Montague wanted toU cut to
>3,300, which wonld provide only for
toe light! that are now In use. leaving
Plsylug at popular prleea. Introducing
notblug for toe
eemrdlee -and dramas,
rantav. inlights. As there are slresUy several
tersoersed wlto epeelaltles by fiistpeaUoBs In toe hands of tbe clerk, rcelaas vaadevllle artlite
queeting toe establUhment of new
llghU, It was Viought beet to let the
recommeDdatloB''^of toe committee
Flannel Goats
and Pants
nie IdoRl salt for the hot doy*
in tho now otrlpo flannoli.
Flannel, Serge
or Brilliantine Goats
and Vests
An elaborate display In. grades
from $1.60, $gOO, $2.60 up to $6.00 and
$7.00. You can be fitted both' as to
goods snd price in this deputment.
Pique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
, U
Of Best makes—last colors—are
up-to-date in evei^ way—Prices, 60c,
76c, $1.00, $1.26, $160.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
A Busy Day
Ladies’ Sait Department
....IX OUR....
About half of tbe Aample suits
Opera House
were disposed of
Tlie Best Repertoire Cempan|[
on the Road.
A Hot Time
in the Old Town.
Steinberg’s Grand
Dont Be Fooledi
Wbwa •▼•ry ^utnt* la wMth«r •&.
•blM DB to brlns forth somfithiag naw
•ad -Just th« thing” to moot domoads.
: s
anUeipatlnr a dangbtful outing today.
A Womank Awfd Feiil.
. wttb a piaic dfonur at the home of A.
•Thera la only one ebanee to save T>. McRae, aonto of tbe cBr.
Mr lUe aad that b ihroagb an operaThan eame tbe Item of salaries, the
Mm" were tbe etariling woeda brard
for >3.300. ThereThe roMiin; ffircfi
by Mra 1. B. Bant of Lima Bldga,Wia.
port of toe oommittae was laid on too
Dombordoetor after be bad vainly
table, takw upagsAa, laid on toe tobte
triad to ewa bar of a frightful eaaa of
again and token np again before tbe
_________ wkad farmed and_______
eonneU floaUy agreed as to whit It
etoatly grew wotae. Tbeu aba b^an
to am Bloetrie Btttora whito wboUy
Wblls It was resUng on toe table
Puns Is not il>e neiEiesi or eoniti
eared ber. ttka woadarfnl atoameb
Uvar aad kUnoy roaaejO. Oarea tal .-lues, hill II Is not especially qi
tbe oalariee
d^^toMa. ta« of appetiu. T17 IkOnl^ T1>e wboRi plaee. escepl In tbe artslolanee was tokeu np. Before there
tratle qnanere. seenis 10 be wide was a ebanea to set apoa It, H. F.
awake and much alite in i-srly morte Kortomp withdraw the
tng: street cnee are <-«pe<-tnny notleee by him toactns toe The brighteti, faniiieat aad best
abie as ibe bswkers ply thrir varlons el^bangln
Tn lUFt M«B
fsrte comedy in repertoiK.
r at asalaiy of >l.»00a
bnsy tradea.
• LadloaOltra Bhoa
all toe magazlaea at $t.M. 80 have
made to Inetease the
we. We ofler u pm cant mdaatfam on
salary of toe cjty dark toVl.tOO a year,
toamdarlag tola aala The Beaton
bnt this waa feand contrary to toe
ehartor, aad the snggeitiOB was wltodraira- The
B«v Sp«oUitiet.
BB glvea at tha p
BMarvedwtoea a*la at tha boxedtoa anglaaar left out.
dag at neat aad batow. Tba
fier. Thtophaae lit.
to Poyalto prlBto 10. to and M eanto.
c Our Resuurcus
are Well Slipwn
160 Laughs
In 160 Kinutes.
There Are Stiii
23 Left...,
Again we say to you—Do not miss
the opportunity of securing one of these
strictly up-to-date
Tailored Suits
At Just
Dome Early.
Reliable Dry Good., Carpet and Clothing Home.
t unofTurtKs
10 0000T 0T00ICI f
atal ton am
W to Ua vto
Vaar naafrattaiaa te tha Oafp. ot to.
(hi haewr^i|yt« fcjgyw tiai ^ «a«a
■ Bdwe) Work Taatardap aa« * ~
ta^toirtoH^ato ta ik
Kona ol tha fradaaot tha Oak Path ■tot feMcio W «tor to Ua «• intoi
-kaU M MtofC «B tk« bo«7 of • Ohln- aehooa havaalraadj bad thafr alaalat la tia aaM of tW ctoaito to tm
auateudbi • OWam matetyria*
^aa,aadtbaworkat tha jraar
■ aaa W to oto tMa alaac.
« iU ttooUa* la Iht itont
had. Tha raat wiU ka«a thair aaWto aaCa tot U rrmj tft
«Ut«attotlkarM>U at tk» Htopay aorian today, aad cood paafraH
to to woodlr raaa W;
■Uam^y |»aka>m that tha OtaaMaa
Oto «aa
ttot to b anttfto M
ot tha baboBla pUcae. '
Vtoa atn afll (Iw to toUtw-t d
aafaUpAaMattaiawaatharor aatit
Tha aaaoodfnda verfc
•wat a aaaa of tte pli«aa, ealtafaa van latahad rntarday. mod a nah
■tot totom anatkn mt tolo
•tokaa treai tha (laada ler tha
vMloca van jfiiiat te attaod the
IWtaUevlac pnb.«hafaeaMi
Wc aar Btra toar a <toa
naa tto aeaa atbaa wm ifotar.
OrWaa of tha the dboatko ot thair taaahor, Mha
■al that biloritotoawaiaar
Whwivn.attha MBlwi
Tto rrtto that towa •■»• ntUa tto toaat
~t Ua. toaiui Uxh. toaiiw tor,
▼aaatlaa aa^, “0. Oona Avay.”
Wto to haac KOM rwk Mat to toa to tto
namd hf a ahaahta* aaMaat. an
cite halac kfUad aad ethan han
-4. a. XtelaCto
Aftaradalapirf a Math. Uafi O.
dMaaan. UaiM
dtatbaOailhd ttatn bp a
pany wmov aeay.
MfilMBt ot iMldt It la aaU tha
Tha Fliat gioAo paacram vfil ba
tfflaal^vaadaatothaaattaa of tha
MlravlUva. vhoan faartal of tha glna today aa (eUewa:
Wind Km •oara ot a a>m aqalppod ea Am'•What Thby Oaaffhr—
ayda Loyealto.
S^ia BgTptbp
Solo, •‘Onr Maby“-ri::era Johnaea.
■ft. Phoaba A. 1
Seag. "Tba Spider and the Fly.”
• traaaora for tha Oainraity of OaU
>"Niaa aad Slx”-VarB
lenUa. At Obankad-Phyam. la Upper
HCTPt. MaaaiB. OraafaU aod But ban
mda tha blnaat flad of Ptolamaie
■papyri raeordad la tba Uatory of
m^ptiaa uploratlos. -Thay hara acat
'te Baylaad ^yht paehtaf eaaaa am-
eert planed among tee datUee. Mr. Bh
Ihoo tnU me thh afternoon that 1 teooU
^^caufoa. He nalAjrtoara^
I told’^TS^ofSTt%«y NuioB tto
eye of every wfaJu man from Bayoo Sara
to New Urteaua would be turned npoa
teit pUnuUon the mament Irtmble unae.
und the darkies who harmed a lonely
behavea tutpHoealy. 1 am prepared to
do that.' Before she doted the kitefaeu
door ahe said, cheerily: 'Good night.
Chloe. Good night. Pdiupey.'
"Tto next morning Aunt Ana atnid In
the kilcfaeo a good deuL The piantatioa
handi were at srortt. and Pompey bad
ridden to Bayou Skra village fw tea
mia Saddenly tAe turned to Chloe;
** ‘Hnveo'C you aoBAhlng to uy to me.
Chleer Chloe dropped Into u chair, her
- de Lord, KlM Anna, ‘to de
toaw OrttxBbia vOI Taka teita
Notobor to Old KMoa Todap.
Tba oMnlnn by tto alaat al iMOad
teaBlrfa Mhoolwanoava thadoteoB
itaamerCalamblafor Old Mb
tela taernlnc at 9:M o’clock. Tke tare
tor tec round trip sriU ba oalp ft <
and a very Baa tima la Maarcd.
A baakat pienle at Old Mlaaton wUl
taaoMOfteafeaturoaottea execnlen
aad a datichtfal day wUl to aponk
Tba boat ahooU to flUad with tea
MtndaofteadntoandaU otearauteo
dariiato^aad a platoant day with a
plaaaani crowd. 11 anrtadh go who dtalia It tea beat vUl (oan te Bk
' |
A laiva aitdloM wHntoaed tea ymdaatieaef"ABanaway WUa” in tea
QUy Oparn Bonaa laat nlpht, by Irriaf
Praaah'a aovpany. Tba ptea waa
wall atacad aad tea eaat dldvaiyclefir
briar Praneh la tbe ater of tea
eotopaay and ha mada a hit with the
Ba haa a pwaliar pwaeaalIty teat la takiat and Ua aemady warit
tivM tatwaon thanetaand
an ■panIpTly Ana taatera waa n aartn
odbaaatIfaldlaotriBCTtoweand fflneItotlfht
"An Iriahmaab TrenUaa” vfU ba tea
W. a T. V. KoMlarThaOwtrml W. C. T. O. at Tnvana
Ofty. iriU baU Ha saxt r^nlar maall^ntteaheaeef Mra.
in SUdabarfb Gmnc
ni^k Tba "PoUea AXagm”
tltoB with tha I
white :
■Won work kaa tea yroBiav In UeaBofteaoompany dniteC thb anttoramaaL SareraX new and good
ware rlvae. Teelrht ' *
la axpaetad. to wklah yea nil nia InBet Tima in the Old Town." white
• aeteahUbera limt aaaaee. vUl
hari«aa. Ibmorrow aftaraeee teata
$100 Bawnrd.tlOO.
wUl be a naUnae tor ladlea and tefid*
Tbe raadaia of tela paper wUl
lauaad to laam that teora laI at leant
OM draad dlaeaaa that aelaaca baa been
It dulla tea aaylha of Father 1
drivaa away wrlaklca of approat
ot life, teat pnU
-------— elixir of
Houle to
hope in tee httman heart—Becky
wia deui.'
MouelalB Tra.
" Tomorrow eight.' repealed Annt AnB. and she wenl up ttalra and told A'icm
Cure la taken Intamally, aeUnf direct-1
" They'd
kill im- when they’re ly upon tee blood and mneoua aurfaeae;
kltliii III,- whites.' said Vlcturine. 'I'm o'f tee eystem, thereby deetroylor the
mibokllajtkodb wants.
' Doiic of them.'
tlon of tba dlaeaaa. and girinr _____________________________________
•"Chloe says they watch u,. so we tee
.. patfoAX
. Uenl strength
------atreDrte by bnUdlnr
can't iufunn iinybMly.’ Miid. Auut Amm. tee
eohtUtutioB aod
ud eetUi
.r"' "SS?'
•If eilbiT of us made a move they wsuld In doiiir lu work. Tfa
sUiKii ns on the s|mii. We haven't a' re- have eo much faith in
'AKTip-4toCycook Sicily 1 Divr 8sll
lialdi- pistol ill (be boun.’ .Auut .Aoiia powers, that they efferOne
ll•ukv<l out of tbe wiiwlnw. *Wbal time 1
does the ninon riM-, Virtoriue?'
lion IX tows O)
uy. John Verty,
F. J, Cheney d* Co..Toledo.O. ] n,.b
"Ten O'<lo,-k last night, mu'niu: XI
Addraaa F.J.
o'i-l>K-k lonicbl.'
8)ld by dnurgiete, TSe.
."■ill start at XU,' said .Aunt Anna,
Uall'e Family FUle
lie are
arc tee beck
,T oar— Bsiweso Vdi
...... ........... brtdss and
■and take tbe loner road to Ellison's.
i_l Wiitavlai Bros ' s
Cliloe will bell, me.' Xbat night Chloe Soon of 700
*---------- ^ Aunt .Aiiuii'a burse.
priced oxr»r.M............
tio. ffis.
•y's <lnmk a»l<-ep wid some
■prinf aalU aod overooaU on onr laat - ITOX tou
whisky be gi. ..
dun' know
apaeial aale. An addlitennl *5
isblcr I'le hereeast redneUoD on tbaM prtoaa dnrlnir ! market prie*. Jobs veriy.
liilebed her burse near the Ellison bouse
Wlieii (lie diK.r was uis-ne,!, Aiini Anna,
standing uii tbi- steps disguised in an old
dress «t (‘bine's and wearing u draggled
aunboutief. luld Mr. Ellison's butler,
wboui she mlslniste,). that Lucinda Cot -.oaod fatal disaaae. If takan teor- terms, xa-jaire st Dti mistors, wa asuib
ton’s sisti-r wanted to sec- him. Lucinda -ughly and in time, it will corn a cm« ) Catom atrvet.
was a well known beggar.
n 84 fionrt, and fo- tea cough teatJol- ] -pop a*LX -so see.
“ ■! don' know yo'. luit we knows Lo- inwaLaOrtppa
tt oarer f^ to five
tceyoosg^u t
Cindy too well. Itc las' time she come •cUaL Priea.2ScaDd 50ahere she was drunk. Yu' kin iiaek. yu’
|<o* trash.' Aunt Amin dropiKil her head lOTlArawtll
and murniiired. ‘I.iieiiidy’s dead.'
b our beaubfol Sto'ncsmaBKP xnova-Toreat. >h>«e acsirs
“•In .1st event I'll notify dc boss.' said
ar. aad tea Monarch
asst #f Park Plsee. MmAlrord »T-M
(be darky, afraid to lake too tiiucb respODtihility. When Mr. Ellison came and
•landii.ao eoinrec anirw, x» P" I top to Lrr-Pr*iisg sod pstiiog ost a»
eent diaeonnt oa theaboraand aw- J-"ords^k, l x.'ubro
raise her head, be suddenly
icbed back and shut tbe lall door.
I'bey stood in tbe dark and Calked in
I would I
" 'Are yon going to kill me. CbloeP
"‘Sot me. Miat Anna, Gawd kne
bat pMDpey'a that net to bring it on.’
" *Ue trito te last night somehow; wiU
to try tonlgfatr Chloe stood agaluA tee.
door and aobbtd in a whisper:
“ They'to goln to come up to de front
do' an ex fo' yo', an If yo' eome oat
they’ll shoot yo'. an it yo' don't, teen
tbey'U act 6re to the hooae. They meant
to tbool ViAorine an HiM Liuie an MIa
Carrie.' Her lipt turned white at aha
■poke the namet ot the cfaildreu.
“•Wheo. tonigbtr
“ Tonwiro’ ulgfat.’
“nviiat are they waiting forT
Three peraoot were Attlni around a
table in a large down (own cafe, two men
Two were New Torkera. Tbe (air man wat a aontbemw.
•■Women as a mle.’Vi
marked. ”aeem to thin)
rlally when they
loDCb counter yesterday
man say. *rhank you very tuocli.’
buliyiDg waiter tibo threw a fbarioite
miae on tbe counter before her. There
waan't a twiogc of aarcasm al»ut her.
She looked grateful after wniiinc lo niinlaaeripUoei. a paekinp esaa o3 rosodUe
utes. TUaRk you very much.' ” miniick.
papyri (Ptolemaic) aod thraa
ed tbe woman.
« papyri. TheooUaetiOB
Tbe Mutbcnicr lauch.-<l. **1 Ihouebt
Soog. "Tbe Olote”—Bdite Harppr.
tbit wasn't an age in wbieh wooieii were
to Uryar than all othar extant eollaetDoable Qaertct, "Oome Down In tba acented of lack of indeiM-uilencr.''
ion of Ptolemaic papyri taken tocaikar,
"Tbey're pretty bad," rejilii-<l tbe'woMamlow.”
vnd mMt of it will eomc to Callfonlm
> decidedly, "but wliat (bey
BedtatloB."Uader the LUaee"-New.
A portloa of tba ambankmant ot tea ton Warren.
•abarmvttaa rirv. lodU. on wblab
Song. "I’m n Bobln.”
cd like holboutc flowers it beyond imagiAhmadakad b altutad. eared in TnaaBcoltatkm, "The Game of Tag”- nation. Even now auiiibern men are full
ot tenllmetil.
HI. nn-u
aren't% they?
«uej i Tliey'll
invf ii wum
day while many woman aod ehUdran Bnrry Weeanweky.
:e dogs to keep a troiuau from earning
^vara waahlnf elotelnt la tba rlrar.
Good-bye Seag.
r living. Wby arc you noxious to
- Thirty Uraa ware leal.
The third, fonrtb aad Sftb gradaa make ui dependent eresturcil"
"Sball 1 tell whnt one of Cbese 'boltet Manila Memorial Day »aa ob- hnrabaaa hnriageoma eloalng i
booae' flowers did In'a ease of life and
Mmdaaaraaaral holiday. MUlury eleee, and yeatarday teay ware la tea dette
and property?" asked the fair man.
abald in tea rarioaa wooda after three o’eloek, where they tmiliug. “She wat tbe wife of my unde.
teaUana and aalntca ware flrad from had a dne tlmo aad annoyed a baakat Ue married her before tbe wat 3U. tint
a bold hothoDse flower. Her
dha farta at Santiaro aad Manila.
hatband died at tbe close of tbe war. and
Pit procaadad te tea MaUta
Tba eloalng exeralaea of tea alxtk tbe ran bit' plantation benelf. Tbit was
where tha praraa of
aad aaraate gradan. tanght by Mlaa ia Loubiana. The plantalion bouse «
Onitad etataa aoldbn wan daaoimtod PUktna will oaear tele memteg and near Bayou Sara creek, in a thinly a
tied part ot tbe countn'. in busy tin
•ad an addraaa waa mada by tee chap- tha program wm be aa followe:
4ala. MMBOrlal axaretoae ware bald
Song 'Sehoel.
! former siaves. Her husband
■•bo la tba thaptrea. at wbieh a anv'
popular witb tbem; be wat an
BaeltalloB — Unip VaaValkanl
eoiy mao. n*bCDcvcr they bad lacked a
hor ot addreaaaa ware daUrared. laterbait holiday or tbeir rations bad l>cen
1 wlte Toeal and I
Solo—Bdite Salter.
curtailed. Tbit it some of Mitt Anna's
doln'a, yo' kin be bound.' was thi^om.AtPariaabOBlMO Amarteana pathwent patteJ. «be oc*cr aongbt tOb a
BccItoUon-Morria Moore.
d at tea Pi
Violin aad piano dnet-Jannia aod popular mbtreto
" 'If .Vou'll get fire men into my honse
"In tbe house witb bcr. slept her two
Day at tba caatoatary <
Odrrta Pnller.
ebildreo and a greal, iiiaiculin<-. Iwauti- secretly. wc'lI meet tbem.' she said. To
Isrgv Un. os
tea rrara of Oaneral Lafayette.
Badtotlon-Glee Morgae.
ful mulatto womau uanied X'iAorine. wbn morrow ni gel I'uuiiH-} out of the way
•a wen daUrarad by Uan. Horaoe Por
had been Aunt Auna't lunid sIiki- her by going lu drive nt noun, and at llle thair dUplay of oramlxma in the
Beritetion—George Klnch.
marriage. She adorv<l Aunt Anna, bin asm,- liuur CM.s- w HI take the dinner for anna Bakery window.
ter. tha Oailad Btataa ambaaaador; Ool.
biimls to the giiiliuus,-. Slip in tbea.
they were both violeiii siurits. and my
dark Oarr. OommlealoBar Oenaral PerBaeiUtioa-Maada DeLong.
A'ieloritie will bide you. Walk;
molber uya sbe ba» bennl tbem fill Ibidlaand W. Pate aad C. Uiayattr.
Beciutlop-Oarrie Pallar.
bouse with tbeir iiuarreling. like two ean'l risk tetlwriug horses sliout.'
"Mr. Kllisuu luoki-,1 at my valiant aunt
It ot tea great patri
Violin aad piano daat—Oraee Laeu fithninogera' wires. My aunt bad grner'Tbe.v may pn-elpitate tbeir plans. Xluw
I -poR KAI.X-lte« Bslleb Hol.tsls SSw. Plre
aled tli^ raiilog of three rice crops
ait. A anmbar of wraatha fram
aad Jaanb Pnller.
‘f yesrsolii. glees W uwerts toUi s day.
TomiJantatian wlien it begun «• iw wbi»|ier<Hl canyon trust ynnrsvlf lo dri'c wHb
' Kind and genlte sad easy siUker. Isuaire Sf
Beeltotkn-Lyle Sbortar,
that tbe Loiiitinoa ex-sinres were just (wy l..dM.m.wr
xtha tomb,
'I.rud me a pistol,' replied Aunt Ob ihoto haantlffll
awakening to tbe indignity of their
Baeitatkw-Lydb Wall,
Anna. He got ber one. and she put it in
Waahiarteo Qardner
mer tlale and wen.-.planning lo rev.
much whlet
so mneh
baU yon admire
iaatramaelal aolo-Jaanto PaUcr.
Al{rod Day. T*X. Front to.
her iHK-ket. Tb.-y won't ehange their
tbemseivet for that lu-riod by killing tl
base rndoead coosidarablv on
planters in Bnyou Sara parish, taking plans. Tbi-y'n- afruid tu fa<-e me In
■ala, we offer a radncUon
non or
of xs
M par j aor-aou n
BMlUtion-OUva Laekay.
int terooffhont i -to sbsu dissi
UrrotaeBrX X.
leir property nud iiittalling light, (itud night.' lleealltslatoad:
eani: tea at
He dellrarad a atirring . Trio. Tiollna and
r SI Ibis eatee
Tha Boa- ttortnsa,'..4or«
tbe soil. Tbit Aunt
onr MilltperyA
________ «»-tf
he door. Ily 1 ..'clo*k Auut Aoaa'a
ton Store.
Boberteoo. Oarrie and Jennie Pnller.
(irse w as in his stall.
‘niggers' whiint (Hitue of her
. agent at
Bsrrw totm
BecltaUoa—Prukle Anderaon.
I advise.1 be
iS. I««. 1 «IU psy you V per sere tor
Mat Portage raporb that toraat dree
Walter drill-Carrta FnUer, 01i?a
elorioe flinebed.
tea raging la tea Batay Birar dbtriete!
•adalreadymUllon of doUara worth'
hold-tbac is. lu-raclt. i'ictorlne and tbe ed a party ft griillenien. who industrious
M assi Xtgkih
children—dreie ten miles to make a call. ly fell l<- wtirk drilling boles in and aboitt
ot Kmbar ban baan dtetroyad. Bfforb; la^ PeP^. Lydia
dark when they started home, and Aunt .Anna's front door. Henry M«
' take* It. Jobs Veriy.
mare made te pnraat tea damaa from
up to wra|> turmd froii? ICossle during the afternoon.
. . the coacbniati. stoodlap’
naehtag the dbtrieta la which mlUlona M Per Cent
blanket nbont bis knees, sayii pouid<K>r. I'uiupey eame uut. Iium<dialriy
Ot lofe were atwad, but ware
redeeiioe oe all dMa.e head gear inboOM- in tbe •luarters uinuied a-sly
"•fcwt go home by de high road 'ctosa
elndlng the oalobratad BoewallaSS.OO
bb-wroleorser '
t bridge. Mlta Anna. Tis sborter tar de d.nr. und figtire, tnuvc-0 In-tweeii tbe liarbat. iha Boeton Store.
skn Verty. IU
Thabalraot Mra BUan C. Lacai.
run- hine of Iuhim-s toward the driveway.
! Frost W
arho died la Umaha laat ttatnrday. hara
*Tbls waa anffieii-nt to make Axui Aa- Tbe plaulaliun boose was ligbtrel as usua
a fortana of 'orer gtr.OOO
alMVe tbe transom. .A faint gl
tmrlad in rarioaa aooka about the old
flonwl from an upiM-v room, wber,- tbe
1 a dark nlgbt.'
Mrm. Laeaa waa an eooanfru.l Isra.situstsd
“ • 'Til powerful bard on de iHiraes,' ebildtvn slept. He»t«d inside. Anal .Anna
rest trim bay
. Biewsry
.ing. '1 sbunidii't numler if tbe
tele widow, who had mada Omaha her
TCDturci I'otiijM'y. .kiint .kuna, deigning
riBssae torn
ray property Jkpply
finds waile,! imlil after mounris'-.'
Vi<H<onby. Wtor ■
toomiAlCA te* lods^lng ot the elty" '.Al (bal instant yuang Kllisuu gnve a
; CnjkT TO XX!»T-At
••Tirli-4 DeeUrvs Dr. Waetzhold la no herself in flu- wiit HiposiK- -Aunt .Anna,
il from tb«- hall. Everybody w,-ut out
■ r...... 5.™
Artlde oo •• Hualc aod
with liltle Oiniliue in her arni»: ejtuJi-mto dnd that tea fortnaa wbieh ha knew
hie Joliy ('ompany in a reperi- bole, a pistol to auotb- And
ed him l<> 'shut up and drive on,’ I'ompey
toaxiat bad dwindled totio.ooo. After
uf the lataet comedy
8tMH.'eaees ^ *g vou want Isssroso #C soy kied Is itoM
;oire of
ly 8D(H.‘eaeeS
turtle,) and gnvi- Vic-ioriu<'’i I'ack Mieb a
. A rlMB .-oBipaBiesur to bays bouw. lot or
• eonfaranee wlte hla two annU the
!*rw call ea a. B Allyii room T sod S
Chloreala, Naoroaia aad Other Ner>
■a. be g.ii live shots and fell l-at k on
■ HeresallUCo btoci. Trowrse City.
«H. tt
tetae began a ayatamatle aeareb of tee
vow DIaorten Prom Which So
others, who twgiui ki y,-II and luii.b down Hi|cb claaa Singing and Dancing.'
After aeiaral hoara trace
Many GlrU Saffer aaM ta
the steps. Henry Men.- was M-iit sprawl
sprawl- SpecialtieB at every performance.'-------------- ^---------------------------------------•ad of a board haring been
bahbe Keaatt of "Ham*
lives, for by this time tbe idantsliun dar ing with a luill in bid leg. Tbe frigliti-iKsl
camored in tbe bedroom, and a tin
guard- darki.-s la-]icr<d they bad been strark by
kies bad iMNemd
loONcm'd the railiiig ibal
woatalniag gold coin was foand be.............
,-idge nud were waiting lo assUt the wrath of heaven and run. leaving
the bridi
In tea BriiUb Medical Jonraal la die. ed
their leaders, nuc dend. ibe other dianmed Dr. Wadxbold’a article oe Pompey to drive the carriage over the hied, on the pore^ Xuuc of tbem ercr Tttoight they wHl present the foui
.......... ........ ....
W. B. Nelfon bto leased Jaa. .Steo•ad tea qnaet wee contlnned nntll an- -Uuic aod Nerraa." ie which ha •dgi',
fleld^ahop, No. 441 to 4lSBeat Front
act comedy entitled
"Half a nijJe awayy from these opera- knew that Aunt Anna had assistanca
street for a terra of yean where a»
•tear box waa nnaartead In a paaaaga riainii teat tee ^
U daa tioni Aunt Anna's carriage- passed at from outside. Ttay regarded her snd
aray running from the cellar andar tee to the "dradly e
about midnigbt. Victerinc otn tbe front Victorine as a lerriWe iisir. Aunt .Anna
laged tbo piautatiuD until she was 39;
scat with Caroline cnricl Up la her
Altogatear tea moaay the keyboard.
aboeinff » speolaUy. Weaolielte trial
1 she begun tu gvi ricb and laxy, and
Whether .w.
or not the canee if dac to and Aunt Anna 00 tbe back witb Elisa
1 topST.OOO. with C3.000 la
from eeery opo.
bircRl au oversto-r."
pUno IcMona may remain a oncation. beth's bead In her lap. talking and quar she
The yopng man took np his glass a
Yohra very reepeeMollr.
bet there it no denying tee ^ that reling as they went. Arrived at the miW at the Urge womnti.-New Yt
yh dire
house. Pompi v't wife screamed when she
ne Panama Ou
there Uen
•or haa tacalrad ofieiat inatraetlona OBI diaeaaea among yoong glrlt at tbe saw the carriage and stood on the kitchen
teem Paria ordering an axtannlon of critical age of tweW te lixteen. when ateps
Evsi J fisav Hus ■ DoukeF.
- 'Bless de Isordr.
they are jnat crotring the threabold of
•toe work on the Cnlabra and Bmpmm" ‘AATiy are you not in bed. CbloeT
Tbrir E
In Ibis whole poverty ktri^eu kingdom
aaetleuand directing teat all piit to a aevete atrain
"Chloe tmnbled and cried.
rain by exeeaaire Andy
of i'urtugal there to nut a iM-assut so des- If accompsnied by sn escort with
" Tae naid up to ace ray old roan.’
•vallabU Uboram ba angagad tor that A echool. pmrtice of mniic and anxiety
perali-ly impoTcrisbed a, lo Ik- wiihoot
"Aunt Anna looked at Cbloe and at his donkey. Every human iK-iiig in tbe one paid 30 cent ticket, if reswred
-•-------— It It dnring teit try.
Pompey. She tetbemhered bit daring district seems to own from one to a seora. before 6 p. m.
Booms at tlOSoaib I'nleaSiroei.
Ireik at Victorine. and she watched Cbloe Even
nirs srho a
Bests on ssle Tnesdsy.
xetopbaM Xo. tt
kiss the aleeplng CacoUne. whom she took cost you for alma at every step on
often raealrapalafalei
ta-ber arms.
highway are monnted. much a, Bonebo
|'i(!ra restorelive for pile,
I'anza may have been. In
end womeo toSering with
church, in rrep- plara or siitutrc end.,
m something 10 eat. Cbloe. open a box boddled
pecalitr to their At, there ia no treathiue<x and sccomplUlied artist. A wonderfnl and
sent to be compatad with Dr. A. W.
dozens of shaggy little donkeys, each c>- An eminently skilled
and OOoo. Core Cbase'i Serve and Blood Pilb, tecgrcal \ciy fond of sardines.
led with a rope around its neck in
tboroogkly tjaalified pbotexyrapher.
ty lie. TrjTt. Sold pritnte preacriptioB of Dr. A. W. Otete,
"Later, when Aunt .Anna went into Abe
halter or l.ridle. and a huge wood
Jaa. O. Johnaon. vbotc portrait and A
aignature la no every iiteben. Pompey was sitting at the kiteb- en saddle u|>dn Its tock. and moat of
Wirit BM
ei: table in Lis driving el-rak. bit shoal- tbem are. nnhappil.v. aernmi«nied
box of tbe genoiae.
ne^klD^of pho^taiAMa^posl^, Hrbttoir. draping and arraaring fab
CbBA't Ncrac aad Blood dert hnnriwd over bit plat--. Cbloe Stood liarcfonted drivers, also mouated, armed
Dr. A. W. ChaA't
Piilt rtAore aad rerltallA tbe waAed B«:-y from' him snUenly. Aunt Anu wltli iron pdsted goads, long as hue Sopw^tos'M^^^noto^aU^a^oppori^tee'Ho^' ColuUa^'Fmt
blood tod nerve cAla. faring back the treat to the sink under prvscst of gettinx bandies. They are called into mintoitioa Btreet aad baa reatodeled Itaadpatltin order (or etrteUj np to date phetocolor to tec cbeekaand the ewtndaeA to X drink of water and. wllb her back turn (or tbe most trifling errands. Tbe aerrant graphy.
tbe form. 90 cesu a boa, A all dealer^ ed to both of them, camarfced;
^ ara ecFdlally torttodtoriaithlsxiadloaad teat Ua abUl^ m la ap to
ot Dr. A. V. CboA Mad. Ca.. BnfielA
N. V.
F knm imrtibMi go te Frymut.
s Oar$ U anpptii 24 Htm.
- —
i tj'v,strs5u";fa^is'{.s' es
FirOBln bMStei»t»:Fr|DUt.
City Opera House|ii
Thursday, May 31
Piano Practice
Causes Disease
g|gg^5J^{j, siiopciumge
“An Irishman’s
Udies Free Timrsdair Night ORijr! L. D. CURTIS
Fuieral Dirtcnr.
.william a. SOPERz___
91000 nwird
T-to^ te^^ to. dpririn. Of toto. S’. Utor^^----
». V- 2. 1
<nnt T.TimnLK CLUB.
a «p tB caodrdaieo aa e
kk oat r«'r pemdb as inec
, mtait. Dere-a
--re'a oher 8.0004100 Mack mas
to to pMte mi Icetbs dar aa
U dta tab hasp topether. ro' cant
Ota Bor keep 'em back. Dem ZfiOO.COO rotca am pwine to br eaat far petectate. bat doaa' re' make no nalatake
^TkK* «M • BlcMl S>tk«t>c *t P***- •feast prtaciple. We saed to thiak dat
tt oaraBt retia on aartia llnaa aa dat
Oawpe Watataptoo. Abeahaia Ltaeela,
' '
of dr L'alted Staiu aad
iMMkt (Mr «trw witk tkrm. It M
taM iMnwrii oa tW taUvtla bMrd aefeorsl other thiapi waa mixed ap wU it.
dwt tk* Ho*. CrsMiw JoM* ot AU- aa we walked up an pal la our rutea aa
if euck aa ebrrr out waa pwiae to m
kM »mU Mlf*r •
de krnirr. But ore'a I'arDed a thtap ar
«H Ike r-^'------VM mir u sir* Wa
Iwn. Wc hera't I'arsed it from eaA otkM ■AkwiiiM ■ cnrtlwBe ap»e
a«a wftk «•* Aon W *»d a bak
BaNia^lMk a Mt like ibe pieti
Oan or Dewatkewa. bat Be ooe waa
BtaaaolBtad oa that aenoant.
He kad
kta ka« whe« a fned Jad«e
of (kafOeCar would have offered oddi et
Ira t» aw tbot be vai bo bticfcrsrd
a (M Ua feat plastad as
political campaipB wld
lead of prlBcipie# to pib awar free prada
aa poBctoau bb apeecbet, bat when de
ballou am conoted ap be laja dews hta
l^dplea to Mck ap Ma otBce.
deriap outburat of «
. 1 We
take a 0/ leaf from de wMu
maa'abook. Wdll athk to prladplea. M
B-1 •
u rip^rcre
ym tu all partiea aa
down pace de rrhidr. (I'nprccedeated tothuibam aad fmotlon. dorlop whlek
three women brpas ainplap camp meet-
de beaer am dlridrd up. (Velb for
hooer.l Keep r«‘> ere tm de powi
aa ro'r bmlaa in yo'r beada. an ro'H «
a rlctorr dat Hunker
HUI cimldn'l
. -...........- _____bold
a (UBdIe
[(ieneral bnaraeoeoa, bnt
prodlfious applauae.J I want a word
mo' befo' I Hoar. Dli am to e a plain,
alneat carapaipn on our part,
pwioe 10 aar uiiirb. but wbal
sar will bit dr liani door like a load of
bnikaboc Doan' fit de idea dat blp
words am pwine
e ii.
in help .r>' •’In wbat
beloapa lo ro'- lWr»' db moetln opem
tonipbt I heard Wardown Heliee oUaar
dat de malipnanl louuendo nf de lorr
the prater apot. nve weaka a«e dar wu of de pnmp<«itx.
lie prohabtr meant
a borale la dia faBwua old ball wbi<4i baa well, an mebbe tx.
‘' oliaerraabun bae hrip•ada talk far HU taillraa fwople. It waa
tied. iMit DM-pe be won't
4a bonia of a oew poUiical partr wboae ed B<
wofda aa deeda an fwiae to fo ramUIa
. .
an down a a rooBd No'tb Aowtlca tiU It will Ik- plain
an milk at home
a will dt up Diebu toekla an plain Kopllabpoddla
when r<>' nm walkia
ap an down wld n iKMwnm hadpr on ro'e
iaboioelD deaoatb- breaat an a Bap of lihenr in yo'r band,
i I rmd ^”de' borola of de Pomat NaSn euaaia
lala quicker nor harder dan to
partff, aa t weat eat oe de doabotep aa eoB a nun a liar, an de lanpaidpe am ao
-----f far MbertT aa aaox de aoos of
Impb dat a child kiib anderatoiMl it. 'I
a Bur BpaaaM Baoaer.rill BOW retam yt>' ifr tbanka, plrd on
aera.) I aaw da aaa riala to UHit da
of Iwttle
wajr of de cull-d maa. au I reallaed dat
T wi
waitin wai to lie rewarded at
ov wearr
Tbe orator ••( down apild applansa
laat. (Stood curdlini wboopa.]
“Mr fr'ea'a, I bad Mo wairiu 80 r'an
far de dawa of fraedoa. I ber Ida waitla 00 r'ara for de Hrtb of de
three women and four men down upon
partr. (Senea of anoUoo.) 1
tbe land idle bekw. Tbe Pomnm partr
r be aald to have pot bold of Ita b
tt of a posfUBi cottked br a Aleer aa
I rail feace. He can't go
ahead Bor draw back. ■ a de loacer be
a bim. (Hzplono Modem ffuthu*.
. _ .. jibaalaBiB.l De fart am be'a
bla w^bllQ dta war an dat war aa bo
walked loBf de toad, bnt be wabbled
baae ke didat bee bo atnlcht line to folWc. He waa depeodla oo d« white maa
te ikow btm de war an «ib bio a fa’r
akow. We'a bla a abeep wbldi baa prown iDQttoD far anw. aa dcr baa uken de wool an dc
it aa left at onlr
Ir de boofi
boofa aa U»ea.
tThaadffodb oatbuiiwc]
___ IK’beorber dar
- kaa bto a fcaat of roaet
roaet torkef.
torker. de White
a aet dowa aa eatea ebetrtblac
paa laCt da Mack man to lick de orea
r bk appetite. (Volcaaie
De r’ari bee (tine on oa
re kept ilcklB de orea doth
aa bMd oar peace an waited aa> hoped.
' All de white taea'a partire wanted onr
da tree to ahako down de coon, bat der
• kaa eatea de meat an told de pelt when
de oooa fell. lApitatioa rerglac oa the
' ker np wken de bad tinea cooe, aboee
' flfkt far bar aa die far ber when b<
am at Make. (Oicantlc and loo«
sad applaaae.] De call'd man
D baa doBa
"a dotr la dIa rcapeet aaI welt at de
hita. (“He kaar] Re'aa Mb booetlB
r ap aa poabia
posbia ber 'ions
'Ions an drla
dj for
■ kar till dc papea of bbtorr ber pibea
klM ckapter alter chapter for fneker
low to read. (Tornado of i '
-ilaim] He'a mlnwd bla aame. hli place
' at Ui ftehta, an be'a pwine to Mkk ripbt
tB.Ui M aa keep doin. Bot a rkaape
am pwlae to take pUce-a ctaanie dat
■>001 pwlaa to rattle de thlnplce on de roof
aa akm dc eat oat from nnder dr bed.
>{8boata of *«lorr. Klorrr] De Mack
-aaaa am pwiae to keep rlpfat oe bcia aa
' B an a patriot an a pood cMaea.
. parlo 'teatboB to poliUca.
^-bar <
. ___ _________ j‘ be baa Ms led op
ta dc poUa to rote blaaelf. (Vodfereoa
and aoM etirriap Mtonti. rella and ^eeta,
-••diac In the whole crowd Binpiap “Hr
HSaoatrrr la aereo different kera and
•«paettlBp the pall of hard dder provided
•Nr tha orator.]
“Preemen of a free Und. pacrioU who
i sr* takln ro'r fact breath of llbrrtr. I'm
It dat amn poaaam which wc her
•d aa oor aacred emblem an arter
I we ber taken oar ni
l»kiialc yella.1 Dor kaa eber
-M arawa^
Hthr between de call'd man nn da
;kMiaw Der her both had Co lar lew aa
4Uadcir time. Der haren-t bad a ahow
*T waa )ost atepptac off tbe stmt
wip tattlBc a Morr. “when
twn Btckar fkas to tacd"“Ton met a whatr
“A twn alcAw. Asd. sa I waa wojtac.abe““Bst wbat ta ike woHd ta a two
“Oh. JOB kBOW what that ta, das’t
demt. Never taet ooe ta nr
“WeB. a two sMsr to a ladr. a wonatatarthtapthatw)
beard the expreNtaa before.
Where doM tt cone fron?"
“Now ron're too bard for
dos't know where It atoned, bot ta tbe
good old tlmM of eaae trpe and band
ptttoti It wax tbe oemBMB expreaalon
saed to deaignato a woman in a printabop. It waan't naed ootoMc of the
coenpoMng romu. I’ll tell ron bow
IbUik It aroae. AU the old band type,
aa ererrttodr knows, ta provided witb
Blcka on tbe aide, ao that tbe typeaettm dos't bare to look at ibe face of
tbe trpe to know bow to throw it ta
tbe *atlck.' Far bark In
dar> tbe trpe bad oslr one nick, bnt
iator two nM» beesme the atjlr. aa.1
so roan ago two nkka waa tbe nmul
tbl^. Bot there came Improrrmeato
ta trpemakliic. and It waa diacovered
that three or four nicka on tbe aide of
tbe trpe made It esaier for tbe printer
to baadle. and so tbe three or fonr
Bleked trpe came tato Mrle and tbe
two nicked trpe went Into dUoae and
bad repote. I'rinter* detplaed the two
nicked type. About that time women
got a foothold 1a tbe printing offices.
They were not regorded with favor by
tbe old Ume printem Tbe women and
the two nicked typo were In aboot tbo
■Aine calegorr In tbe catrem of tbo old
typo, and it was very natural that be
abookl come to expreas both by tbo
asme wordn They both became two
aicken.’ and tbe exprcMlon has be
come traditional in priotsbopa.’’—Memptals Bclmliar.
It M
4 CO
t W
1 M
JehB ImWa Wild Pehemns OnT# tC
>b OiMler of I
la a clrcntar la 1787 “iKmmlng" the setttamMt which tbo New Kngtandera
were aboot to ptaat mi tbe Ohio at tbe
month of tbe Mnaklngnm, declared
that “tbe current down tbe Ohio nnd
Amid tko BsomaoMe tureonadtac*. tbe Mtastasippl." for produce and mta“Do yon aar rodrrille or rawdeTille?“ ebandise of all aorta. wonM one day
“I neeer ear
aar rodeTllle
roderllle onltna I ait In a
“be more crowded than any other
bex.“-ClerelaBd PUIn Dealer.
and proane and r
stnama on eartb.’’ which was » remarimble predlcUon. considering that
The Bot With the tnade.
He eelpbt of ■««« boet hln daem.
tt was made 20 yesta before Fbtton's
tWl Uwloet toy vlU fajiii breeai
tannebed in the Hndaon.
VOwr'i MhUw ftapiy U Uifan:
« first .ateambost In tbe
■ of appUoae. dortap which
itteMmMlorertmbeeded.] Up te db
Te }»r cKawtm. hept or drmA
hodr haa ebar axed dc Mad
P« W cm artec*. mf W cm b
in pormeet for beta a
cm obHiA eUk all Ut ami tree
taMdtar, a Mdaca an aa Meeter. It war
taataariatad dat what wpa left ober
Weary Watklna-Aaytblng tatereMta
toed •naff far Mm. an de wMie man
Bo limm
ktta dees hit Iw—
ta that tbet* paper yon got roand yom^
mlN9 rood kt«t dat
a>d Mom It np-ha p«a u -etoet abw which it waa pwlae to bedder
TW»e;> m^t bert eemt epoa Ut bcfto
HiggtaB-Oh. yen! Mighty!
h CTM an bciabt wtU n wUMd:
laWNMIn to yon an me. On one si^
they ta a bOtaCate for a baaqnet, aa ou
tae ntbsc-^gta a deaeripdon of tbe^
h wMd vUb all Ut^SUSk
hh Miw«lk Mi
I totah
Iw bm b» aar mite at hta-
Timta wQl taava TiavasM aty at A:W
a. m. tslaraiag lanva Otaad Banids
8*. SO. tt.
Por buying a 10 cent
tom OHMi'k.BMtlt
cigar when yon can get
WI,>V ou.«
Fir Kfftirlig SiMi ^ II Frjuix
DeaaiaUoe Day :
stattoss wltbla IM milcn of^etartlag
~ '
on eaU May «« and SO,
oatll May SI ------BabsU Ptaactalfrnya piaaae.
T« Omt* a OoM Ml Qaa Day.
fake Warner's Uliiu- Wine of Tar 6)Tup
'.be besLcoogb leniedy on earth. V> at.
Have You..
@£=3® C
First Freeze
Clear let, from Boardmai late.
$1.00 a Month
At iweidenops—same .aa last year.
Hava large qoaotity on band,
makoasprotalty of ear loU.
J. A Jackson
Botb'Pbooos. No. ?.
Q a. nuoww. A------- ,----------
caturc ii duwpMT^ 'bC tbo
Ml metlioda of criUclam.
sent can oversell tbo mark
It ellcltlDg dot^a
Cqa of works of
art^ver tbla and
kU other eouatrlm.
This braacb of criilctsni nod attack
dates far back, bnt tbe greaieat Impulse it ever felt came from tbe ago
lion. wben. 'In
1718 and 1730, John Iaw wna manlpntatlog things nnanclal In France. Nev
er before had tbe flnancial world been
ao carried off Its feet as It was at that
time. Membcra of Uie nobility were
waiting for a chance to purchase
abacea la Ldw'a acbemes. Dnebeasea
and ladle* of high mown
lost persuasive charms on Iaw In the
attempt to get bold of sbarcA Moo
hired ont tbeir bac^s for writing desks.
BO great was tlic prexs of business in
making coutrsclA and one hunchback
ta reputcd.to have made 100.000 francs
In this way lu IT few weeks. The
French went vcriulily mod
acbemes to become wealthy. Natural
ly the papers of tbo time, especially
tboee of Holland, caricatured tbe sute
of aOolra. There were pictures of all
Boni, caricaturing Iaw. tbe nobility,
and everything connected
rltb them.
■ this I
“Papa, br baa brukeo mr iraMlnp pictorial work that first directed the
heart." moaned tbe old man'i acBii- energies of B’llllain Hogarth, in Lon
I daupbler.
V.-hAt sbaU I do] don. In this direction. Caricaturing
began to be need more and more in tbo
■ball I d..r
-_kr It roand to the qnlA i
political field, and aoon afterword It
■bop," aald Ibe practical old maC
canaed tbe shelving of Robert Iftipole
from tbe Engilsb minlstir- Ever since
then bas caricaturing been one of the
bitterest nnd most elToclual motbods of
cbeckloff public men and tbclr
•tieet wbirb 1* •■ quiet aa a Sabbath
morn all tbe rear roand. No barklnp
Mr. WiUI
dopn. no rbildreo. no auiaaDcc of aor
••Walks and Iklks." tells of a remark
made by nn Irish friend wbicb uigbt
w luckr I b
bs applicable In many nsca:
roa! How manr roomi bai UI
He uaed to be very fond of beorlof
Uw biabop preteb and always wont to
Mr*. Spankci'-Tbat’a Jnat ripfat. We
■ice wben tbatAlgnltary held forth.
pood deal
- - of room. We hare nine
need a pi^
met him on tbe street one Bunday
cUldten. 1 hope ihere'a apace at tbe
back for a dophoaae. We hare Uc
asd asked him why he wosn'
New Vortc Weeklrpew, to wbicb be replied:
A Ttaie of Suopoam.
•^'nrtb. 1 deo't go to hear tbe bisbop
er tell my bor that I won't take ony mwe."
him to Ibe ciirua if he Itn't food," re
“Why. wbat's tbe matter^' I said.
marked Ibe candid man.
haven't 'gone back' on a good
“Whr B0t>'
“1 don't rare to take anr chance*. I'm tan. have yonf
“No," he answered, “but It's tbs
tired of wortrlnp for fear he'll du aometroth
tcUlD you. wben you're beard
Ibaftl keep tbe whole fam^
-WaahinptoB Bur.
tbe bishop a half doxen Uince all after
Aa roBMkMt rnemtader.
He—I aiwaya take palm to dear tha
■Uteuent that Wooten can't throw
Bbe—That ia noMe of pon. mr dear.
He—Tea: 1 hare to remember wil
wbat aeconitr and effretire aim .
threw rooToelf at me.—Chienpo Record.
. jiaw to a IM af kha bafftaf Ml nil-
TelcpkoM Me. HU.
Kr3-s.-Ks:Si.u°£rBrs^' ”•
I haye bad tny building
raboilt and pot in good
abspe aad am now r^y
tu receive all old patrons.
fire Insurance.
L. L. A. BoUdlng.
Good Line of Jewelry enmi lundt > laamt ei
111 Kills If Ripiiriig.
TlToLaad drasnarc nt indos *i Tr
UUMsaffsci Ukxmfe.im.
a/rsn. DR- ROeSMTaaL-TBOMMOM: OBee
JxL upiuin. IS FTsBk rrlrCrlch-ese* Bleek.
Re.ldenr. Ill WosiilBpies stiKKt. W«s»'i
snd cklldras-a dtssoM • spMloltr. OfOea
hmn: 10 to 12 s. Bu: S to I M* T M S p. ~
Boll -okoM. Northrra 'pkooe Ho I-
in Icel
Now 75c a Month
to private famiUos.
Payable montUy in advance.
Obas. W. Merrill
Both 'pbusM No. 114.
410 W. Front St.
. Lsdm UbrarrtauUdtsp. Bell
flee. No M; reoideoec. No Tf. Mor<
-oOee sod resldeoec. Mo. ri.
Iho latooi sod moot sp-
If yon b
barn, or a
ktadiy remember I
to wrlto the
taanraBM for yoa, aad will give yen
y tbe moat reliable atock ii
Bates very low.
bona 71.
rtoa tko
illar te
•trcOL .
Mr* r
WIM BcaoriRLDS drooo stsktap porlers.
A HSaeatkCnloostinet. Hew pbaw >e
ML Gumm,
Johnson Block
" The 4 m p ■>. trsio hw pkrlsr ear i« OroaS
TB*la krrlTlBp uertPp. a. b*ecbslr cor Ml
WsxseloUrs^RkpIdshBd ckslr ear Orasd
RspMsM Psuskrj._______ ^
'o k HCRRAV.Ai
a L loorVooiD.O
T' P.AT.A.. Or
m fere MarqDette BaM
k Ms.w
10 Itoa
* »:«i
Best to be had in
the city is at
LEDERLgB ^8;32^- ISfH
t Maw 1 x>
See Miaplee in window.
John R. Santo,
taiiril linrun.
Warsbarg Block
Travoiv « City
A It
4 I0p.»| k SJ
The Waukazoo House! imsiB us MineiRBi LI.
xroxwtovoxt, scion. .
Tba bwt fomtabad and beat kept
enao oa tbta ptolaaali ta ready for
astaap, OpoB tbo yaar roaad. Good
Batto amdo known
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
; BB ;B3SS8
SldmIkI.imib.lB >11 slM
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
■ t* XnTMM OBJ tomb. Oo.
■.'W- cownmoMaei, dgtot. cmiams CHp
Steven S. all linen
4 cents net.
PER at:h off.
Anderson's Brown
Sheeting at
net: Good yuality
Apron (iingham at
3c het; Standard
i’rints at 3c net.
We have placed all
our Bettep -Grade
Carpets at Prices
which makes them
take the places of
the cheaper grades
All our 50C Novel
ty Dress Goods—
Jamestowns, etc. at
this sale 37 cents.
All ladies’ furnish
ings, Hosiery. Un
derwear and No
tions at 35 per cent
Wash dress goods,
linens, white goods
and bed spreads at
2$ per cent off.
Examine Our Ex
clusive Dress Pat•'4cms and the new
things for evening
—Big Reductions.
'Our entire stock of
up to date Shoes at
25 per cent off.
Magnificent line of
Ladies' All Wool
Plaid Skirtings, 50c
ones, at 33c.
Five rolls of beau
tiful Velvet Carpet
—unloading sale—
price 59 cents.
Our regular i2 and
14c Brocaded and
F'ancj’Dress Goods
at 6’4 cents.
A Good Quality of
glass checked Cot
ton Crash at 2c net
All colors of Silk
Velvets at at 25 per
cent off.
Women’s black vici
kid, coin toe, hand
turned, a r^lar
$3.50 shoe at $1.98.
—FORMERLY #1.76—
THE $1.25 ONE AT 79c.
We deem it wise to grasp this, the mid-season tor our Unloading Sale,
and face the situation before it is to late. Our sold object in
making this sacrifice is the realization of money
on our investments,
to meet o\ir bills and accept this mode of converting our stock into
cash. It is our honest aim and ambition to make this the most bonafide and long remembered sale of any yet inauguerated. We mean to
make the inducements so strong in every department that it will be
to your advantage to replenish your wardrobe now. We have a great
many goods which you will find are still among the leading styles
for fall wear, and there will be no reserve. It is a very frequent occurance for the average mercantile trade to offer you 16 and 25 per cent
discoimts after a season is over and you have only odds and ends to
SALE, and place before you right in the heart of the season and just at
the dawn of our summer weather, a clean, well kept, up to date stock
in every particular.
Ladies’t^'lor made
Suits as follows:—
$18 ooes for $9.98,
13.50 ones forSS.so.
11.50 ones for$7.50,
io.ooones for $6.50.
7.50 ones for $4.98.
5 50 ones for $3.^.
23c and 39c Mixed
and Fancy Dress
Goods— most of
them all wool, at
15 cents.
10 per cent off on
all goods on our '
Basement floor, al
though Staples are
sold almost at cost
now. '
Remnants of Dress
Goods.all styles and
lengths; prices cut
-about Yt in two.
Anything you want
in a Ladies' Fancy
Parasol at 25 per
cent off.
Nicest and most
complete stock of
Linings in the city.
Right through at 25
per cent off.
Ladies' and misses'
Shirt Waists, Mus
lin Underwear and
Fancy Skirts at 25
per cent off.
An, additional 25
per cent discount
on ALL Millinery
/* marked down at
our last sale.
Positively Every Article and Dollar’s Worth of Merchandise in Our House
Will Be Sold at Cost and In a Great Many Gases Far.Below.
All Wool BLACK
SERGE at 27c—
big line of BLACK
We were imable to mark down thousands of items in many of our de
partments on our one day of closing, hence we resolved in- such cases
to give a discount of 26 per cent off our regular low prices, thereby
striking cost and on many articles below.
A new line of Stin
son & Smith's Vel
vet Brussels Carpet
—bought to sell at
$1.00; this sale 79c.
Odd lot ofJapanese
Silks in Persian ef
fects, 75c value, at
39 cents.
iTTTnSTB 1, 1000.
In addition to the big reductions on om* CLOTHING at the sale of last
week, we are offering the special inducement of 25 PER CENT OFF
the former reduced price.
Silk warp
Henrietta, gold me
dal brand— $1.50
value, at 98c.
Ail the latest things
in ready to wear
Skirts, wodi or the
new wash goods, at
25 per cent off.,
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