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The Morning Record, May 08, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
o< tka I
BmTinanIntwf faTttriwy
aH|p^ fM*drieh
Maj b» Pat with <HriB»By
S»aMuwq.a»dtta>tha ■—*u aw
Work fbr OouBoa
iiiriillli 111 rllaaaiifimht Uhlli-
SM«d te
Bam «M »■
waiar tai i* daa. TUa pUa wlU «e
amwllhtta aaaaaatr aad aaaar*
aaeaofartlaetlul—bemte he—
BitMwlir—4ttawrkot th«
aadwUlhaaHTtefetaxpa—to tha
WE, tafw
M7 ■■■in—IT allT. Iraao—^thataawaadadaAovM. Bvv MiMak aalcid tte jaaata watar a^helald eaoll atraata
ef tto wiaMpal
aaaU are nade theraaa.
■rtthftCMdfrtpaad la hi
his taaacoral ladrlee that eoato dednlte ■«—
meat be eatored iato with B. O. Oaapwnfu------aaaj Ihi^ whtob wIU
an to the tlaa when the water
•aln Tia*«m Oltr wMPrthtat Uh« a ball
worka plaat ahall ha taracd orw to t
fUU\»B wlwB hi* «i«t«UeB« haw elty. eo tbat-oo unne—117 Intereet
a—«afriad«BL Tfaaauror eo?,»ad need be paid on the bewda {Maad-ior
a VMd deal ol freaad ia his add—, the pnreUae of the plant, and alao
that tha euperrlaore nay know wheth
ateviBCtha abMieoBiafscrfUie ratlr- er
to aeacM the water plant or tha
ia( admlntatratlMi aad aapmaiaa
money paid tor aana.
Unleat aome
anch action U token it U a qneatlon
daterialaaUon u> ha ’
toae thla
BoirtTc'r. maoj eioalleat and prae-< whether tde elty miebt not leas
, ar Ita
aonaaU aeeomptiahM half the imprare-:
seat aeked for TiaTejae CHy wUl be
thankfal tor tfee oomln* year. The
tollowlnr U the add— In toll, wbleh
waa read before the routine boatneea of
-tba,BMUB« waa token up:
"ifayer Medrieha Addreaa
Te the Boaorable, the Olty OonneU of
TraTertoCUy. OenUeaiea—Ittaadoty
aaweU aea '------- ‘-----------------------
a body -to how weean
'-'ira of
^'ot thla
?t U
wa abMld aetla
hS^^^daaOet aaA other la bearSTST bwdaa of revoaalblUty atiSktA to our aa—1 cAoto I hope
h* uitad and pacalaUBt work, that
S^. ia the paat T^ U tha most
aiwaat aaoaaelty tor aeoaomy in the
nnUlc OBtiay. No condition ia more
and faetorlea. than a low rata of touIt Uoor doty therefore lobe
WiiHliiw Shades
VaiiadMataa CtrealtOaart .
Xto Miri OoBtelBEd BM7 Om«
c»nr>fp»m» bmbi* fMaiaMafchaaaUaalaa hr ^ at__
Ba^pataM ~ Ssa.
0. Dftvto
I^nrth Teic^No. 938
. Maw Yarh, Kay 7-^ad«a
dreait eonrt, te
ad the Daltod Stotoa dreall
la tha amlt
aMa BOOM wltt the I
rt at Matantoe.
Itovad that there would baaOmt of ffUiay ]
widow of Uffaol
Advaatocala aabr BavlatOarla- Oaha,
iwalaat tha Mataal B—ri Faad LUa
la o^arttataaTlattoBteroeoear *10,000 with laoa n poUqy taoaod by tha as—attoa. la bto epiaioa Jadya La—ha
Mya; ‘Ttm* to aothlay la all tha
trwty which Isada color tothepropoWaahloctoa. Kay T.-AaMrteap la- altlea thot the plaUtlfl to act a foralyn
tMBta iB Turkey ^ be tanad orar oIUhb. Thto sararaBaat haa found
to the eara of the Oarmaa fecaronaaal
If It to net IptprohaMa that a hraak In
the raUtloa batwaan thla aoantry aad
tha porle oeeara.
Tha atata depart>t haa not made a daetoloa oa tha
anhjoet, bat H waa leamod today that
eoaeidaratioB had been rl— to the
qoeatlon of the probable effect on htaerlean mtoelonary latareeto in the eulton'epooMeeloBiofthe withdrawal of
onr diplomatic repraaentoUon at Oonalantinopls. The yorammeot to mnkiny erery preparation to meet the
oonUnyeuey whieh w be tbe next
tlep of the Udited Siatee in neyoUmtHreet Improrements.
tlone and to that end it baa oontnlted
Trarerao City hat reached a eiie men of promUtonce familiar with the
where lu needi and intereaU demand eoadlUouB in Baropean anci''A«iatlc
more petmanent syatem of aireet
The choice of a -repreasntatire of
meata ahoni
We are
are atm
atilt bni
bnlld^n( American tntoreata Uea between Qreot
pa—neney. We
road! on the old plan befon hare
Britan and Oarmany, with tbachaama
ty or more year* aeo.weicerialnly hare
^e no piwr— in tble dlreetlon. decidedly inclined toward the eeleetion
of Osmany. There are eereral raaaone
yaara tinea onr elty »»• been 1
why tbe eeleoUon of Germany would
rated, toere fane bean expaedat.»
atraata awrly tor^flea thoaaaad dol- ha of adrantaye. It wonld not only
Ura, it ia hanillatlaf to think hew aw*e to bdny the two coTammonto
mtia partoenaBt werk wa taaa to into friendlier relationa and perl—
abow tor «ar mraap expanded. We jmtaatopto tbe talk of friction
^S. toSr of in, twoaothem, but oa'aooonnt of Qerla oar wtlre
influenee in Tarkey affaire,
city, aad 1 proieat adalast tha farther
eoatlnnanee of thla qyatoai of atiaot woaid ylre atremrth and poaalble protooUon to mhaloearlea. Oarmany
I do not MaUee tUo tost la aay exoaedlaylyatrony at Coaatontlnople.
aplrlt of eriUdam of peat adto'-'-^
- Lt Britain.
eo It to eald, than Great
tlona, for tto BO deabt hod o
The aaltan. either toronyb fear
whw. a—l^oraadrwd naablna friendahlp. to more than wllUny
obliye Germany. With Amerlean Intoraete in Ovman handa, any Indlynlty
omlcal ayatem. Bather look herenftv to them would be offeneire to Germany
to quality than to quanUty. Nearly aad tha porto would .hare to reckon
two yean hare elapaad alnee the ooun- with the Berlin yoremmenka thiny he
to anxlona to avoid.
that too otone erueber be r^farded aa a
raluable and Uznely pnrchaac. and yet,
np to Ihto Ume. not a wheel baa been
tamed on thU valuable and timely
pnrebaae. It ahould be pul<o work and
Oapture of Wlnburg Confinn.
Wide on 8iiods
For stores and bay windowa to match.
Lowest prices in this part
rit Diin ■KtstwHttraui'L
Old Reliable City Book Store
ABTHDB 8. HOBABT, Beaident Partnar
Stares at Big Btpids and Traverse City.
Knee Pants, Double Seat, Unioo Made Working Shirts,
dark at light, SOc.
Taped Seams, SOc.
. UMlit .mrlt liltattB
Cat Is die bnsiaru."- Puck.
'Soung Men’s
New Spring Suits
Stylish Id make and tiDiah—and ae*
lected for tbe best trade—auits 4bat
will please tbe most careful dressers '
-sixes 14 to 20-95.00, 9»V50, 97.00.
99.00, 910.00, 912.00.
Men’s Shoes
S. BENDA A 00.
have pat
sale at
s pair
you will
set' tbe
in town
for eo
i\ pri«-.
Boe tbum.
KtvCkps.eK tollhu
Sizes 32 to 44—that we show, in all the new
est Styles, latest patterns, etc., we can also
Uiaaea’ WaUts.for {firla 12.14 and‘l6 yeara.................... 60c
Ladiea’ extra aiae Waiato, sizes 44, 46.48 and 60....; .$1.00
Special Tilings in Dress Skirts, Suits, Wrappers, etc.
at STEinSTBEma-’S
•Upa to dlBlnlah and Itobtaa the ptoI rooommend^hat at leant two blocka
pleV harden whararar t^ may be poev of macadamized road be built aaeoon ed In Dlapatok from Roberts
albla wlthoot detriment to the clty'i
poMlbte aa a beylnnlny. The elty
beat Intereauw haa all toe
■ maeUnery and'mator*
tola work and
an<’ I* am
la) neeemary for thto
IW credit of oar elty at thto Ume to anre
that whan once a atart to made
on too Field—Mogltob Xaklny 0
miy ^ttolactory aa wee ahown by toe
il yo oa. eo
ao toat
toi In a
the yood' work will
TCcaat bead eale when onr water worka
a onr city,
r, with lu
lU beai
Stroey Doah and Taking Prlionera—
beada drawlsy three and one-balf per _______ eoRoandlnya.
TUt Lrailvr IB Ploc rooi*rkr.
adlnya. rrtll
rrUl heheI tranaoaat latoraet eold at a prcmlumi we formed Into one of the
Zand Miver Bri^a beatroyed.
tha moet
moat <daliyhttol
let toil fact lead
ahoald. howorer.
Special le Ttae Herelax Beeord.
t appropnatloaa. al- cltiae In aU M^lyan. Imly ‘
nlod that a pay dey of toe Korto*
London, May 7—'»a war rdBco reoeived tonight the followlny dtopatoh
Water Worka
from Lord Boberie;
It is a pleasure to select your child's suit where
The watw worht qumtlao haa ayi- of eurprma, eapeeially to etranyara
•‘Smaldeel, May 7—General Bsntsr,
the variety
is almost -----------------inexhaustable.
anety it-------tatod toe mlnda of the Me tor eei- Iny to our city, that we hare mede so after dafoetiny tbe enemy May 4. join
vtry style
, is
is a satisfaction to know that everv’
permanent Improri
In kaeplny with our atandlny ed with Paget near WaTentoa. Tbe
make, and above all. the asof
on tola aubjaet. all tnally eulmlnatiny amony the antarprtolny eitlea of our
smyleft 13 kUled and wonnded on
: prices are much lower than you
in the porehaer of too praaent plant. etatc. Oaly laat acaaon Front atreet toe yrouod.
We captured eeveml
Jiave been in the habit of paying.
Thto fact, howavar, doet not aettle thto waa Improved by the old method and
Onr loeaet were alight.
matter nor will It be esttled nnUl erery today. In wet weather. U to la
Our claims are indisputable facts.
nart of onr dty ehall be tomtobed with better oondltton Than before. The plan BunUr speaks in high tormt of the
Over a thousand juvenile and children's suits,
haa been to haul yravel on one eeaaon yallanlry of tbe yeomanry under Colo
ayaii aanother
and baal it off asain
to i; years old, from 75c to So.oo.
Now that we are in a poaltlon to lay
bonaoholdotB to nae toe tame.
A complete selection of Wash Suits made of
on —thto from in front of Thaha Nchu and the
----------------Before the water worka queathm wai new and laryer water
percales and linen crashes, elaborately trimmed, from
aubmlUod to a rote of the taxpayera, BUoet 1 recommend that top Board of exceedingly atrony poaitiou they held
toe ontyeiny connoU adopted a reaomt Pnbllc Worka be directes to furatob to
- d by Bnnaie'e
E ............................
5pc up to $1.48.
a there
ion dw»V*<ay that the membere
toereof the eouneil an mtlmate of the probable
An immense selection of boy’s Blouse Waists,
London. Mayy‘7-It
7--It to reported that
_____,___________ _ bare l
coetaodexpenaeof paviny Froot atreet
juvenile Dress Colored Shirts and Shirt bronls.
ayatom extended to toe outlylny d- from Union atreet to Park atreet with the /and river bridyr baa been deeUoyt^te, oa enon aa practioabte, abonld Buck metorial at they may deem bmt ed. Boere loat 40 killed In yeaterday'a
Your money savers.
;— .
or toe conneU eaay delermlae, and after aybllny on the Biittoh wmt flank
alow-yclcy metboda of their granddue eonaideration II
The capture of Wlnburg by tbe fatheru daya.
wboTadopted tola rMolutlon the people will take aome aetlon — ------------WhM
adtoe .beoda
aecaaiary to purchaae tbe permanent Improveat of Front
TOtod- to------etrtot and alao aueh other atreeta M in ranee to Pretoria oontinuea with that want It al once, and
toe_preaeat plank
' e maaiagi
your jndymont are moat Sn need of it maebine-llke pxaetol.on and rapidity
WtaletotocouBoU to not
a moment
any naolnCloa paaaad by a prw^l
Board of Public Works
whiefa baa ebaracterized Lord Boberta'
toeaa clr___________
in toue
-----------------feel that wo an la dnty
Tiie Board of Poblle Works haa charye
bound to ear*7 out the aplrlt of the of all pnbUc ImprovemenU of every tion of Wlnburg General HamUton putt
dmeriptlan except water worka and '
reaolctlon referred to.
nearly parallel with Boberta
Bondredi. and evan tbonaanda. are
-fhlle It to an
^^meatly recommend tL_. _________
of Water Comstoalononhadlreeetod to tadwandent body raoeivln
toonneU, It to while be haa toe additional advantage without vexaliona delay or mitnodercubmltu the oonneUat toe earUaat
Say poaiible. aa etUmato of tbe ooat of vnrr aHeatial. however, toat tneae two otb^oonneoton with Ua eUef by
Why not order e •phone today V
theuld work wyetoer In harmo- meanact raOtoad from dmaldeel to
aad I believe maeh yoodvronld
sew withonl &re protocUon: atooaaea- .wult tf they would occaaionally meet Wlnbnry.
Lord Bobmto to now nine milea north
Uamto of coal of maina on Froat Bk. Intermally to oanault with each other
' bulwton Onion and Park atracu, aad inraferonee to matton pertnlntnyto of toe Vet end dxty-three milea nortiv
ided or ptnpiwail Improvemanto.
anch ether atreata aa may be Improved
of BloamlMtoin. General Banter to
Bnahltohlng BnOdiag Una.
paahlny atoadUy forward aided by tbe
of 0«Becal BartM and
Is the “MONOGRAM" SHOE—a light
Oeaeral PeyoPa brlyadm.
bentoodby the iaaaaaec of beada U
dressy shoe designed to please women of
M t« ptWQrihcd by toe
charter, it to net jni or. right that
tha ctot of thn rrtaimiqw of toa pr«- of the dty dtartar. Thto to eapaelaUy Voted Author will Stody Blr d Idto
the most fastidious taste. New kid tips,
S vstar werkt ahoald be pato tor out needad on oar main haalaan atraeU.
In thto ▼Idnlty.
"thcaanlanoftbeplaat ThiayaaMia. (BiTeTbomaMlUerofBrooklyn.
Paris vamps, Englisji kid back stay and
mteaho^aot-bemadato pay toe
city to tttU wltoont a park. New York, the well knows mayuilne
axaaaae of water worka when
light turn sole—bla(^ and tan. $3.50. We
writer end enthor. to toe ynaet o< Mre.
It aeey
M. E. C. BetM. Mre, MlUer hM e
are exclnsive agents in this eity for ‘‘Mon*
ee toe meat obMmlngofwrl;«r on Wrda and bird life,
ogram" shoes.
herbooka, “UttleBrolberaof the Air,!'
tooaaand tto.OOOi
-Bird Waya.*i"U Neatlny Time” and
otbem being toe moat faaelnatiny of
to prlTsta fhmlliaa.
eouneit to
monthly Inmtvm.-.
____________________ cOBaWerallon.
1 recommead that toe nnnaed pert of
I- '
This is an lge;of:Hutn(~
The Boston Sto1*e,
»»»««» WWWWWWW4F4HK »**»*«*»*»
A StylishjShoe
^ rrjlBtaraeetioa <ff Seventh etreet, inateed: amnewhero along toe heywetor workal . (Ooattoaed ea tbMpeya)
Chas. W. Merrill
in leel
Now 75c a Month
for Women
'BothItoOBaeBait*. tloW.FhontSt.
McNamara Block
•**' V' -'-’V
wed Alnmnl AaaomaOoa Mat
Hob. J. 8. Stterns Paid This
City a FI7IBC Visit
Lost Sl^t
b maating of aU tba <
giatbaoOaaof P. C.
at of that
tea T.^tm *m,3. W. flAsrait. W. HAxm, Uhor tni Utmgw.
k naanl-
tnfawedhatding tbaban<inat
in tba Park Plaea betal.
wfil ba
and basqnat Uakata wUl ba obtaisaUo
for tba next two waala, It M
Umttbatteataba pnrehaaad m
aapeailUa. Tbaprtea of tba tiekte
wlUbaeaa dollar
Hina Jante Smith In Ua ebaim
d the iaeltaMnaa oomaittae, aad any
wOl ba fvniabsd
Ma^ yalnaMa Timber Dantreyad
dreesd Barker Oroak aad WUllams.
Tw noeltt <rott tbs wttoe tsetory
teak b eflaMlTS to tba Seatban pollba«, Also OaaaUtlaa of Wood
The rain last bight. ai< 1 oegh aUghi,
gars a set baek to tba ratageaef forest
fires nontb aad nnat of the city. Yeaterday this city was enveloped In a pall of
daaaa amoks wbMi beaama vary diaagreeable, aad flytag elndara and bunt
loavca gave arldaBee of eloaa proxlml^
of foreat Area. In the morning It waa
that fire waa areaplng
gradaally towards tba eemetary
Fire Chief Bennie, aeeompanled by
dldarman Smith waMoat to look Into
Itela AbWa Oolatebof Bib Bapida mattera. Thayfoand that fire was
gaining headway la that locality and
9ncr*^ by a Baoavay Bona
later a large fores from the eUy weni
aa4 BerX«f BrofccB.
to work to head it off. By back-firing
Pfiilil u, The Mof U
if Bwort,
they sneeoeded in eUylng the prograea
Bk Bapida, May 7.—Abbla. tbatao:. of tba fire In that tommy, beyond the
faar-oUBaarbtar of Jamaa Colaman, atala nad, aad tbP
F rain
last Yilgbt
wbo UvM Bsar Elk Bapida, mat irltb a
«aty aatioaa aaeidbnt thla afunoon,
Orar toward Barker Oroek and
that aaata vary oaar eaulbf bar death. WUllamabnrg Udnga were aerlona.
«ba waa riding a horaa In from tba field Along the Pare Marqnotto railway In
and wasaartylng a dinner pall In
that direction a longatratoh of rolaable
hand, wban tba nolM made br the rat- timber was ablate and
tba pall agalnat the bamau,
irlfhtasad the horn aad be atartad to
were oat In gangs making effort!
rna, Tba girl waa thrown off, and bar tostty the progress of tbe flamce, bnt,
lootaaagbtlnibe bamaaa.' She was their effmla ooald not prevent aerlona'
graggad for a long dlatanee, and waa eooacqaepeaa.
tory badly ■injnrad when aba was nniy a elmllar
Sontb of WiUL
laaaad. it was found that aba bad altsatton prevaUe I and oonalderable
1 traetnra of the
d and everybody
loft lag. aad that bar body was badly wae out fighting fire. Bnasell Brown
kralaad. 8be 1a In a prasarlona ooa- loet M oords of wood and a good deal
dldon, bnt Dr. Thompaob. who at- of valnable hardwood Umber wm bnmbMdad her. aaya that tba ehanoaa are
«0Ute iodaatoy obA proaparitj.
TnaoBaUiaraautbotoppeaad tba
MeKtPlaj toriS oppoaa tba peodlof
pUppiBC biU; bbd tba aoma Istaraata
"-tbdaoaotadtba^•Aaoaota tba poMoga o( ib» aMpplpc
flootga BaS, St, XMdad a Baanty. 86
Xaabaa Long and Weighing 8
Pennda,Af tar a Sard Straggle
TbOeorga Baff. Jr., old flabarmea.
and youc ones. too. moat ylel<
palm, for 0«>rge baa gained the medlt
of landlng.altrr a half boar's fight, tba
largaat treat erer ean^t from the
r, and Indeed the largest
yat raportad la aortbem Mioblgaa.
Ha aaearad hla trophy jest below tbe
skate of tba dam of tba
Blew Elaetrle Light A Power Co Sen
day avaalng. It was a rainbow, tbe
iaaat of Its apaelea dad a catch any ex
pert angler would dalltfht la taUl
It far tba mt of bis Ufa.
Oow'ge waat flabiag up tbe river aad
waa about to ratum home, when hit
- nompanlnne L. M. Bennett and H. 1.
. that' they try it a
vkUa below tbe dam. They triad it,
MfSb going In different dUaettona. Af
ter a while Ksapp and Beonatt beard
eaerga abontlng, bnt thought be had
haaoma tired of fishing and wanted to
go home, ao they paid no attention to
him. They beard him at frrqpvnt IntnrvaU for several mlnutaa afterwards
hat paid no heed. Finally resebing
aa open place near tbe bridge Knapp
. looked toward xbt dam and discovered
Oeorge atraggllng deaparetely with
something. Tbey hastened to his aa» aad attar an exciting struggle
finally leaded Mlaiar Fish safely 00 tbe
kaak. Ha tried to keep it alive by
plaalag it in a spring near by.
Word of the big eatab aooa
tewB aad Fred Bechtel waa notified to
oeota up and bring tbe Ash down for
kk aquarium, as there waa hope that
ttaould ba kept alive. Mr. Baehtel
naaorad a taamAsd hurried to tbe dam
aad brought tba fish down, bnt unfort■aatalyitdld not live.
The £ab maaaurod M inebas la laagib
d Upped Uie aealaaat
poaada. Thla fish was two
laager and weighed two poandamora
than the big trout which died in BaebM’a aquarium a few days aga
Thafiahwaa photographed and Mr.
Baabtal eant it away toba mbuatad.
Thk with tba other wUl make a pair of
tka fiamt apaelmeiM of rainbow trout
•ear taken from the 1
Baff, father of the suenmfal fiaharman, la aomatbiag of a
land la justly proud
r. J________
J. H.Mntorof
a of tba Omad Travaraa Ooa*
gregaUoaal Aaaoeiatlon is B;ow
iU first namloa last avealog, aad tbe
wlU eoBUhue aUday today.
different Con
eburcbes la the district
ware preaent. and a very profiUbb
meattng waa held last evening.
Tbe sermon of tbe evening waa
by Kav. E. J. Bargees af
Honor. His snbjeet waa -The Human
Uy and Divinity of Chriat." Tbe ser
mon waa an Inspiring onA Tbe 00mmnnton^anrloawas coodnetad by Dr
W. H. Varren and Bav. A. A. Wall.
Tba report of tbe various eburebos
in tbe dlstriet vrill be the firet thing at
tbe semlon tbU momlng. Two ImporMaking of a Sermon” by
J F. Crane, and -UifBeull Problems of
tbe Ministry” by £»v. A. M. Brodie.
D. D.
Tbe business masting of tba Woman's
oma Mlaaionary Society wUl be bdd
atS:30 Vcloek. to be followed byan
address. "Not-TbeoriM butOonditions”
relating to the ebureb bnildiag eoeiety
by Bev. O. Codilio.
The Sunday aehool eonfaranae at this
aaaslott wiil ba prealdad ovar by Bev.
WlUiam Bwin. Tan minnta talka by
Bev. W. A. Brockavan. John White
and Prof. C. H. Ham will ba foUowad
by a general <
n on -CsndiUcn
and Naeda of Oor BebooU.”
An addreaa on Home Himtons in
Michigan by Bav. W. H. Warren, D. D .
will be the principal feature o# the
evening teislon.
Teaterday's Base Ball Seoeaa.
aiwviml u> TM Kertuac Baeev«.
Laever ana Simmer: Oarvla
ability and father o
railroad enterprUe. Mr. Steama ttlkad
frefly about the railroad and deelared
that his eampalgn la pr
Well aa be eonld hope and that the altnatlon la vary gratifying.
Bern. Perry Hannah eaUed aV 'tbe
hotel and greeted Mr. Stcarsa very
warmly. To him the latter addreaaad
himaatf particularly about tba propotC(1 railroad, and aaaored Mr. Hannah
that without a doubt the line would be
bu'lt. He asked
and poacibllltlea ^ Lselanan county
and waa aaanred toat tbs oonnty
one of the most piW*tog in tbU
of Micfalgao.rieb in eoU.and productire
of many eommodltlca to nmke boaincaa
for a railroad in time. Tba yalne of
railroad Una to the beantlfdl reaoru of
mentioned particu
larly by Mr. Uaonata and Mr. Steam
waa greatly pleased at tbe eaoonragemaat whleh that gentlemen gave to
tbe project. Before dropping.the subj !ct Mr. Stearns aUted that be already
bad conaiderable money invested
tbe enternrise and that it would be no
object to him to bold out any induce*
menu aoUA be intended to push tbe
atatad that tba decline in tbe price
of iron acd. steel would affect tbe
prrjecl s lUtla.'as the delay of a abort
time would be worth more in the sav
ing of money on tooee predueU than
the line oonld earfi in montha How
ever, be atoted that aa aoon as tbe msh
of tbe eampalgn was over be leteaded
t> come up here and take some definite
■teps towardt the cooetruetion of the
line. He expeeted that bo would be
able to go over the right of way in
about eixty daya.
After a short time at tba hotel Ifr.
Steamc wet driven about the city ac
companied by Mr. Hannah
leading tutiness men. He bad oe'cr
Utedtthe cUj before and was surpris
ed and pleased at tbe cDiorprlse and
metropoHisn atmosphere of tbe place.
Wbile Mr. Steams' visit waa short it
served to give more confidence in tbe
Iway project and fpr toe bntiness
n of tbe city to get acquainted with
! prime mover in tbe project He
Dr. Bofifinthfil-Thom],
has returned from 'CsUfomis
lUfor__ _and is
ready to _______her
Frank FrI*
efflras in tbe new _____
. Icdflc
blo-k will not be ready uni Bbou
tbe IStb and nnUl that time she
be <wBl
be at Pa^k Plaee. Telephone a.
<J, b
Hawley aad
Opera House
^ May 9th
of tbe orlgtoal
anil MACK
tbe men tvhu iavcnied fun,
preaentlng that joyous
Tbe oame old Cavorites and several
new ouea in a cMtof irreproachable meriU
MFdI ailDk! inlluia!
Mlaaeapolla-Mllwamfcaa. so game
- sand 0^1 Mad
Fresh Air
and Sunshine
Are better that^ mcdicioe
for the baby and the price
of two trips for a'xloctor
will pay for a Go-C^rtys^
have a large tine at $5.75,
$4.00, S4.75. $5*25. $7.25.
$7.SO,-$8.2s, $8.75, $15.25 and up to a beauty
for $17.50. I have 18 different styles of baby
carriages from $4.00 up to $29.75. A small
payment down and the balance a little at a
time wilt supply the baby’s wants, and you
will never miss it.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Tbe first exenralons. of the latsoa
earns Into tbe elty Snnday, from Elk
Bapida, Charlevoix. Pctoskey.and Msi>*
iatee. There were over 400 from tbe
north oa the Pere Hsrqoelti-.
120 Fgom.-b S'tx'eet:.
a Sensation
Oner ODf Jeongss Millei
, WhoopFn* Cough, Aathmsi.
v-wncumpiion, ••
Have you span themi’—If not,
Ther fit tbe fee^ n*lure intended. For style, worl
W and dnrablUty. They srv xcldcm equaled, bnt never excelled. la
eertieeetton with jrnod fitilog qoslltics oor shoes are of uniform good
stock and eher- making—arc ^msue over
ver well
wei' fltU^ iaata. Pnee (be
Never tbe same show twice.
Always different.
Toi Uieheil Itfore-.Tu Will Tell This Time.
rrios-ee, eo,
ID Cl«v!
SI—Now on aale
* atI 1box office.
bt-as.c »2.S0. n.OO. Sl..W-to
\ 'The ffWN HEMEOY'
A. S FBYDIAN, 136 Front Street
Fine Furniture Furnishings
There’s an art value in fine furniture, an elevating influence
like that of good pictures. This is tho ‘’hub” around which oth
ers revolve. Every branch of the furniture trade carefully look
ed after—Every want anticipated.
Iron Beds
Tables ^
•\o larger line shown in the city—
Xew styles unpacked all the time—Can't
keep the goods long enough to even set
them up—people buy so fast. Prices are
S4-25. 6.00, 7.75, S.50 up to 20.00. Have a
fine line of brass beds up to $58.00.,
I-'or the ,hall—the dining room, the
parlor, every room in the house. Little
square solid oak tables at $2.00,2.75, 3.75.
Center tables—round, square, oval—pol
ished like a' mirror Sell from $2.50 to
16.00. Librafy tables from S.75 to 16.00.
Steinberg’s Grand Gouches
t FiimigaD's Rail
‘Ikepraseatattoaol tbe opera ‘'Pa
tience" !
lima In the taU. Mora aractlce U
needed by the caat, tba mambars of
BnUtead ,yeae PraeUotUr a Sara the eberoa oannot now devote te
TbliV^ Voald be Fated Altar seeded Uma to drill, aad Prof.aad Mn.
Horst an hotlretoaaly pressed ter Unu.
tba Qempalgo Both.
Tba opera will ba prweatad ooma Uma
Seeratary of Bute Steams waa In laSaptamber.
TraTerae City yaatciday aflamoon on
City aerk Blekerd aad Dr. ,0. A I
,bla way from Lndlogtea to Oiand
Htdllday will ga to Laaaing tbia morn.'
B^da. He anDonnaed when ha aUghV
tag to rapraaent Travaraa City Lodge,
ad from the balatad 0. B. A I. train at
Mo. 7S, K. of P. in the gratd lodge
S:M that ba waa not bare on polltiaal
wbleh ineam there tnmmrnw aad
bnalnam. bnt to take a gUnea at Tme^ i^uruAay.
mo aty aad to aaaars at that tba
TraeeTMOItyA Laalaaan Ballrbad Co. . Tba etaamer nitacda broag^t from
Obiaago Sunday a fine laaatal oar for
Bot a myth, bat an ananrad faab
tba Michigan Bnrial Oo.. of this elty.
Tba oar is a v^ expesrive one. aad
Bon. O. O. OoreU. Senator J. W.
kan, C. B. Marray, Hon. Praak Hamll- oncof tbefineatin'tbeatato. the only
A casket wagon
ten, J. A. Loranger and T.T. Bataa aad ose.latbiaaaeUon.
at OBca aaaortad to Park Plaoa wbara a waealvo received recently, and both
aamberof TrararaaClly people aalaad will be need la tbe work of the oom-1
tba opportneity to shake hands with pany at SIR Treat atrecL
ScLouSs-OiaaiBaaUaaUadataBd oTi
third laalag. rala.
Maw York........................
Diaaea asd CSatk;
“FbUcaae'’ wUl aot b» Preaeatad Oa*
tU Some TTbm in September.
Bedroom Suits
Seen that three'-piece suite we re sell
Something that pleases the most ex
acting. Many people have many minds. ing for $17.00. Mr. I'innigan would say:
We have many couches at many prices— “Byes, it’s a good wan,” and he would be
$5-75- 7-50- 9-00 up to 25.00. Just unpack all right. There are other grades at 18.75,
ed ^me beauties. No trouble to show, 21.00: 52.00, up to 45.00.
our goods.
Dining rooih Chairs
Great slock unpacked last week—
Sold them soon as received. .More com
ing this week. Want some? Our great
unequaled seller is a set bf^six chairs at
$6.75—other prices at $7'7s. 8-50. 9-45.
II.50, 12.00. 16.00. 18.00. 20.00.
Morris Chairs
Sideboards, Buffets, etc.
Beautiful sideboards,- elegantly carv
ed. from $16.75 up- A most extensive
line of Buffets from 9.00 up. Bookcases,
combination of plain, from 7x30 up.
Writing Desks, all manner of makes,
beautiful fumiturcyfrom 12.00.
Little rockers and big rockers, for
little people and big people. Rockers tor
A reclining chair built on hygienic $1.25 that are ease producing. The cane'
principles, conforming to the body. One seat with braced arms for'^.50; the Bos
of the most restful kinds known. One ton rocker, bife and easy at $2.10 and 2.50
kind costs $8.00—anothpr 9.50, others at —Bigger rockers at 5.00. 4-50. 6.00, up to
icLoo and i2.oa
12XO. ,
Store Op TlieRdii's utl Satiir^R mitti 8 p. ol
le HaoDah & Lay Hercantile Co.'
. .. ,. .
Cb* CtuA bpidi tebeaU. «hu «
«l(Ma on ^ewMtof tba udiI^ mv«
«« op«Md UamAMT mniDC by pnwlMtonaf Bwlth Officer Lctos, who
lUaka the dteaMe U ««&ar eeeh eoaIro) tbu there to ao lUsirer irfopMiiBff
Tba «oadltk>D ofwbau IbGcocmc
eouty to «mw then for mesy ywn.
VarMpe ,tn» dUtei«Bt pertt of the
«eu^ ney there trlU net be heU e
•rap, ead meeh. to h»iay plowed eader
toraekeraeB for epriBr eropfc while
mnhi eetiarate of the wheat crop Is
OsMisd eonty chow it be the r
taOve ia yearn;
yield wUl aot be
•ear M par eeat of aa avence erop.
Aa Importaat dtoeorery baa been
■sdawHblBoee aUle of Battle Greek,
ssd thattoan immaiiae bed of laiaval
pslBk It to 10 feet thittc and coven
aeeeeal aerea. It haa been teetad aad
tead tobeef dret elaat qnality.
•gnpany wUl be oifantoed to develop
For the put three years Bridret
Btesey. aged 40. haa been an lavatid at
her home. £76 Bnrattl etreet, Detroit.
Ihe to aaable totmove abost and haa
'eonflaed to her bed daring nU thto
Her only oompaalon to her aix>
daogfatef, who day and eight
adetlatotera to the waata of her mother
'■ -M^rtoh a devotion aad iatelUgeace ram
Mantotse had a very divaatrooa fire
iday morning, beraing two barns
and contento, eonstoUng of three horarl
and two oewe, (wo faoraee and eow be>
longing to Patrick Nond and a famee
aad eow baloagiag to Lotito Wellman.
Loae tt.OOO and no Insnrance.
The latest Bcvelty ia aeieaUfle farmlag to a device for paetarlag sheep by
tfeetri^^, whUb the inventor, A. U.
MeN^r. will teat on the sgriea)t«rsl
eoUage farm durlag tbeanmaicr. He
srfll attempt to atfltos to the best ad
vantage a long. Barrow sulp of eand
laserae a. forage plaat that grows
vary tapldlv. and Uocder to do this ha
has saeiosed a ewe aad two lambe ia a
pea abeat eight feet wide ud to feet
f Coottseed frost diet pefe.
of briar seed se e dswpisr rroend for
old IsBiber eta. be aero ^for peck
pe-pe«ee end that tiie boerd of pabUe
werte be dtreeted t? et o:es improve
................ _ ___ plot
of rrosnil
lonil by
rrndlv, eeediag e«d pluUnr of chede
tcera. I em eetiefied that if thto to dnr
it will not only be esjvyed by oar owe
people bet will be a great oonveniaaee
for excereioatote
aadaplaoeof rect
city, wbo w.ll take
dor toonr
>tare of it while walUnr for
tcalaa. Thto improveinent oaa
ao that thto etreet may aUlI be
the futare if oeeeatoa damasde u.
|to the charter prorldaa ^t the
-anaal apprc^riatlon bUl ahall he
paracd by the ooaeeil la the naath of
new and _____
nadertahea thto year.
OeaUemaa, I Retire a rata. ______
aad eeoaomkal admlntotnUoa aad do
1 aseore yoa that to all your afforta
tor tbe advaaeement and prosperity of
our elty, yon can eomound m; oarnest
BospeetfuUy submitted.
Alfred V. Friedrich.
On moUon of Alderman Sleder tbe
address was ordered printed with the
oOlelal proceedings.
Aider uen Sleder and Bound wero tbe
only new members present, Aldermen
Moore and Bonghey being Xiat of tbe
eity. Both tbe new aldermen present
Jumped fight into tbe hsrneM and
took selivorparto in the promediogv.
This wss aot strange in tbe csa
Mr. Eennd aa be haa been in public
life several Tyran, but the energy and
interest displayed by Alderman Sleder
lislly oommenriable in a
Tbe first rontloo work was
granting of petitiqns foroement walks
to J. W. Bobertsob. O. C and Kmma R
MoSaii, Nicholas Heullmantcl and P.
H. Bare.
PeUtlons to build new resldencro
wero granted to A. P. Heullmastei on
Ninth atreel, to cost $1400; and h
L. Smith, on Fifteenth streev
A petition tor graveling and for a
now walkooCyprem street was referrod to the nommlttee od streets sad
Tbe report of the waterworks «mmission, suting that that bedy bad
elected oMeers. wss received and tbe
lowing appoiaimeeti:
aiy Aticrnry—B. C. Dsvto.
aty Bfttfiufv—if. F. Nortorap.
C;-.y MirthsU—John Rennie.
CbUt ofF.reOcpsn.-Jcfaa BeaBie,
Asst. Fwe Chief—E. J. Fatgham.
Diieeio' of ib« Poor—Joha Wilhelm.
Health cflIrer-JIaUui M. WUbelm.
Member of Board of Library Trnstaea
three y>ars—£. L. Sptagoe
Member of B mrd of Ltorary Trusieea
to flii vseanry—Cbaa A. Bsgbee.
Memb-r of Bmrd of BnUdlng Xaapeetors fer three -caia—Bdw. BoiMr.
ler—Wm. J. Moody.
Stsodlng Oimmlttece.
Ways aad Means-Keayoa. <
.button of Empathy to Boers
social tv-iae HetBlss BC eto.
vsblngtoo,.Msy«^Tbto was^pemion day nadsr tba rulss in the
bouts, and advantage was tsken of the
faeillty offered to pass tha grand army
psnalao bill. Tbs bill reqslres tbe,
ioB eommtssioaer to aggregate the
diesbUiUm of elaimaBta fixing raUag
aad reqairea tbe eommtosloner to grant
Will receive
a warm welcome
at our
child’s department
sU«^ Who may have aa taeome not cxoaedlnggisoa year. By a rallag of
the harm*, widows havtog an Iseoms
of $tM a year are dentod pensioaa.
Tba bUl appropciatteg $1,000,000 to
lags, Smith.
the national gnaid of aeveral sUtes
Claims and Aeeoaatt—Baattogi. Gar.
'as also passed.
risen. Sleder.
Sb1e«{ (bem.. N. Y.) tried In vain to
Pollee^Mostagne. Sladar. Kenyon.
get reoognlUon to pam a roeolutloa of
Fire and Water-Smith, Garrtooa,
eympathy wiU» the Boeta. hut tbe
speaker plainly told him he would not
Pounds-Wright. Bought, Moore.
recognise him for that purpose.
Sewers—Moore, Bound. Bougbey.
Ordlnsnoes — Moa'egne. Eenyon,
Bev. J. & Beam of the Ohnreh of
PebUe Lighting—GantoOD. Kenyor, Chrtot exchanged pulplto Sunday with
Bev. E C. Tremaine of Kalkaska,
home Just in time to officiate
Bridrcs-Hastlngi. Smith. Wright.
Lieensrs—Bougbey,Moatagae.Roand at the funeral of the Ute Herbert Aid_________ •
Prlntlag-Sleder. Montague. Wright •Hch.
9omoUon of Alderman Smith, the
A Faat Bleyele Rider
eito engineer was instroeted to prepsro
WiUoftea receive painful cnU.spraloa
a sei of plsu of tbe entire water works or bruises from accidents. Bneklen>
sysum of tbe city, for tbe nae of tbe Arnica Salve, will kill the pain and
heal the iBjery.U'a tbe cyeltoVa friend.
couoeU and tbe water oammiselei
Cures channe. chapped bands, sore
Ponnant to a motion /f Alderman lips, bnrna Ulcers and , jdles. Cure
Slrder, Mayor Friedriefa appoioled a gusrranued. Only S5c. Try it. Sold
park committee of five ns^mbers. . _. by 8. B. Wail and Jae. G. Johnson,
from each ward, aa followerAldermen druggists.
Sleder, Smith. Kenyen. Montague,
B .und acd Garrison,wboa*eto look up
Bsstern speeisUst, arrived yesterday
sites for a eity park aud be ready to re
morolog st tbe HoUl Wtaitiog.
port at tbe next meelingof tbe connell.
Treats all forms of nervous
The water cbmmlsaiouer's bonds of
J. R. Usmiln with C. J. Kooeland as
surety, £. J. Fnlgbum with John T.
Beadle as surety and C L. Ureiliek
with Victor Petertyl as surety were ap
Tbe next meeting of tbe eonneil will
be held Monday evening.
At tbla
meeting, tbe matter of permanent improvemenU to the cl\j atreeU will
m up and diseuased, the qneatlon
being whstfaer all tbe expense of
improvements be paidont of the city
street fund, or whether a special as
sent be made against tbe owner*
The first cootroveny on tbe new of properly abnttiog ou tbe streeU to
eoanell and one whieh abowa wbieb be paved or otherwise improved.
way tbe wfstd may blow to the future,
occurred when lb< reeommendaUocs of
E H. Allvn baa sold to John aad
tbe^rdof public worlre for tbe cm. Anton Straub of ibe eaady factory a
pioyment of John Kelly as street forr deeliable piece of property oo West Third and b«el edition of .that
man and A. F. Brodbagen as sexton of Eighth etreet for reeldenees. Tbe I
rapid, roaring and rollicking
the cemetery were prescsled. There frontage to 17.'. feet and two floe dwellno objections to the' employment iogt will be • r.-cted.________
of Mr. Brodbsgan st a salary of $575 a
Tonn.-ed s Witoeee.
year, hut when Mr. Kelly was reeom
Intenee •ufferlng wm cndnr-A^.^
mended at wages of $1 M a day from
Say to November and $2 per day from
November to May. there was a protest.
: then trl»d
Alderman Bound seriously.objected
eovery which gave iostant relief,
to Mr. Kedly. declaring that he was oe- have n>«d It in my family for four
Introdocing those comic
bind tbe times and that the eity bad years and recommend it astbe greatest
remedy for conebs. colds- tod sit,
got bryond bliu.
hiring of aman who know more about lliroat. cbeet and long troubles. It will!
In the way ot
Fancy Colored Vests,
handsome Vesiee Saits with
Fancy Vests,
Fancy Shirts for ages 6 to 10.
! a little boy should wear'
In our child's department.
Friday, May 11
the pen wUl be attached, Uler. aa deearte motor. whtA will be no regulated
as to more the psa forward each day
ever Jest eedagh
aattofy the three absep. Wbsa the pM
Ibean moved the length of the In[ , eerorplQt. It wUl be reiarned to the
place of starting, where, it the aeasoi
be not too dry. a new growth will be
-to readiaem for tbe aheap.
Aa aa object leseon la praetleal for.
estry tbe agricu teral esUege farm
j.parlment In 1687 eat foor aerea
white pine, and they are now five
•Ight feet high, and.growlng ibrilcUy.
: The treee are eight feet apart each
way. tbe eolUi gravel aad candy loam.
The steamer Imao Colwood, bnilt
for tbe American Steel and Wi
was lanaehed from the yards of the
West Bay &\y SbipbaUdlog Company
Batnrday. The Biwood to about 500
.faat over all, fifty-two beam and thirty* etreet work.
fact moidsd depth, has
s called attention
gtoss spd to equipped with aU modern to tbe fact that it was the intention of gasrantoed. Trlsl bottles lOe st S.'E
tbe board of public works to employ Wait afid Jas. U. Johnson's drug storee
and that Dr. Sosentlial-Thompseii
At ^iroit Harry Bossaaskt.a lad of IS
yaars, was playing with a taek. wblA when permanent atreet
has reiarned from OsllforoU snd Is
resdy to resume her proetiee. Hor
ha bad ptooed-.ln his moath. Tbs hoy were inaugurated aa expert oould be
offices in tbe new Frank Friedrich
was snddenly seixed with a fit of langh. employed. He called attentlos to tbe
block will not be resdy until aooot
tog and swallowed tbe sharp Instra- excellent'work of Mr. Kelley during
tbe IStb and nuiil (but time sbe wil
msdl. He u now soflsrlng from aeots’
be at Pa-k Hlaee. Tslephone 9. both
broaehltia and the doctor says the boy aestimenu were eeboed by Alderman
lloniagae. who, while be beliofed tbie
to to e serums ooodltloo.
city required 'More attention to etreet Sorpisiiag Coffee—Little T$vera.i
At Ann Arbor tbe top spinning meiq
work and tbe
K.C Banm
to growing Instead cf abating, and it is
ieneed man. believed that as
for npholstering and picture framing
ao esaggeratioa to state that 1,000 stn>et>oed by the board Mr. Kelly was
—New stock moldings aud mste.
dante. co-eda, and profesaetaeaivy tops,
the best mvo to be had. There was
about fn their Docket end praeUm dileoDSldersbla warm dcseufaioe in wbieb
igaatly every epare momaat. When
Alderman Kenyon and Alderman Sled
the snpply of lope In the local market
er favored tbe motioe of Alderman
Beautiful* Costumes.
gave oat somd of the stadeate did a
Herald Ceattuy Cook Book.
Bound to act only ou that portion of
led number tor tale a: 75 e*ntt
the report wbieb related to Mr. BrodWill be mailed postage paid j
Price8-35. 5a T.k: box Beats,
Eeeeot raiu dispeUed .the
bageo. while Aldermen Garrison and
on receipt
o tbe price. Address,Tbs
eipt of
$1.00. Seals on sale at box offiOe
smoke that baa bseo baaring oi
Herald. Trs
Smith agreed with Mr. Battiuga and
Miehlgan sbore of Lake Haroa for tbe Mr. Montague. Mr. Mqpiagne moved
pest fortnight, bst tbe fires baA of to amend, that tbe reeommen
tbe abore dietcieu are atill ragiag. aad of tbe board as presented be adopted
the steamer Pilgrim, down from Bog* and tbe amendment prevailed, tbe vote
era City aad way porU, brings word being: Yeas— Aldermen Moctagur.
TueeSar. lur -is
thattbesmeke to gatheriagagain had
., Smith. Wrigbl and Oarris'-n
as ever.
Phe firae iUnmiaate
Nays —Aldernum Bound, Sleder an:l
ahoree at night for miles.
Keayou. Tfap vote upon tbe motion
Itoxtfsll a oew commercial ea
wU! be insliteud st Uicbigan anivcrA petition 10 gravel Boae etreet fo
aity. litttrnctkm will be given wtalch two blocks south of Hannah avenue
will train stadeaU for diplomstle and waagreoted and nuder the name pellof B largo sample line of Ladfee’
eoasaUr dnUes, for newspepee work, tloa a sidewalk was ordered built oo
and Missaa’
for higher commercial puianita,
tbe same street witbin GO days
paatoral and philsaltaropu: work, such
The committee on wsysaodmesui
. and foe public reported tbst they hsd found tbe book«
There wUI slso be and aeoouau of the city clerk aed
weial geography aad treasurer io first elses shape and aeen
rate la every detail.
All new and etyUsh shapei—In
City Treunrer Werxburg reported e
good oonditiOD.
A Womaato Avfnl Peril.
balance of $1,00S.IB In the treasury
**nere to only one ehaneo to save tbe first of May.
your life and that ia Ihroogb aa opersAlderman Ee-yon Introdoeed a rsso*
ttea*' ware tbe startling words beard Iniioulasttnair;' the board of water
• W BbA 1. R- Hunt ef Idme Bidge.iFu.
nimionrni to vseertato at it* earliifeamher doctor after be bad bainly
.•ttodtoaaraharofatrfgbtfai case ef
euavesience and aubmit to the
•lamaeh ttoaUe and yallow jsnndiee. oonatil eatimatss of the cost of ex
had formed and sbe eontending
waver matoa Into Oak Park
Oome early—It’ll pay yon,
•taatly grow worm. Then sbe began
-hoasaBlaetrte Biu< •e which wboUy andFerawood.and to the waet pan of
Bind her. Itka -w
tba eity. alao tbe spprpximau expenee
of the aiBiisary repsirs to tbe gyatea
harad of Mr. OampbelL
Work Of Oongrees Teetarday Vnder
SBipeaaton of the Snlca—Vo Bes-
The Great White Czat
of all Foe Shews....
Clothing Co.
j Commencing Thorsd’y, May 10
The Famous Kline’s
25 High Class Artists 25 {
An Etcellent Coitipany
ud ^
Hopkin's Theatre, Chicago; Wonilerlanil Theatre, Detroit.
FEATUBisS-Boer-Britisb War, Spanish-A.merl>
can War; Fitz Jeffries. Jeffries-Sharkey iilghts: Pariiian Plays; Sapho Beproductlon from original Olga
Nethereole productions.
Pripes -10,20, 80 cents.
Ladies admitted free at opening performance when accom
panied by otic i>aid 3U cent admission.
Seats on sa'e XOdnetday uioniing.
Do not confound this company with tbe cheap and trashy
picture shows that bare exhibited here to empty houses.
Kid Shoes
Sailor and Walking Hats
49c tor hats worth TS cts. d T9c for Hats worth $1.25.
59c for hats warth 90c to 1 99c for hats worth $1.50
$1.00. *
V to $2,00.
WaUaadJsa.a Jekaaeaa. dt^M
Ar f. L Bngta SkM M to Fijmd
Ury Ooodt, Oaxpet and Olothing Hooee.
Mayor Madrieh than mafia tha fal-
$1.26,$1.60.r$1.76. $8 00,
$860, $3.00, $3.60, and
Kid Shoes
$160. $1.76, tS,do. $8.60,
$SOO|:$3.60. $4.00 and
Boy's Kid Shoes..................$1.86. $1.60,'$1.76 and $2.00
Missss' Kid Shoes..............l.OO‘jl.86,1.40, 1.60 and 1.76
Children’s Kid Shoes....................90o, 1,00,1.86 and.1.40
Infant's Kid Shoes......................36, 60.60,76o and $1.00
Old Iiadiea’'Wide Last Shoes... .$1B6, $1.60 and $1.76
Old Men’s Yard Wide Bboei............8.50 and $3.00
Frank Friedrich
Hew store
242 Front Street
■ i
laft yaeteeday to Fraahtot v^ara hr
wQl attend mlnialarto ensteasea.
[in Hattie Pfi^ oC Bk Baplda,
arririd la the nlty* ynterday. She inMsdi to remaU here threayhept the
Mra-A. W. Faek went to Maatnn
yarierday to a two weekto vtolt.
a Oeaa^ Maa Wanted raayed to tha qnariariy
fg sMOwr troMi£s I
d %at
_ _Mt«evTO<tba8HJeM. <0k1.)
■«erdrt»» • tarta Memt of tte
mmwmimmairnrertkm, ot th«M(wr
ofi.M. Watts who eae tine attnetad
a good deal <d attaatkn la thie vtetalty.
ThTaewwhpw aeeeaat Wile ot tha
Mddaa dbipfnnaee of Wattefn*
thatpleec.wh«eha wwtatanetadM
adeteetiveia a 1
Bay and
be brid
’ May
A118saday«^ori werinnnraU-
Joha OsTio, It yean of aye. of Cliffwood. N. J- darlaff a
Friday, came iu
coat: -Well. I'm yUd that etormcaa't
follow me iBelde"
Hardly «
•wordeontol hU nenth when a boltof Opera Honae next Thnraday
HelWlnyer, while atleep
Bowen' beathonae. Harrison, H. J-. os
she second floor, sras aroneed by hU
My Hesrfonsdtand
bed and
the reviews
30th. aist.
Vol. Inft., Inelndlny poBpauy M-
the soldier f boys
doy leaplny on the the andlenee In tonra and tom, show
hla taee. The iny every soldier from this eity. life-
bniidlny was on fire and Helalayer had else so that all of them are, readily rcbarely tine to leap to the srindow and ooyalted.
He triad to briny
the day with bint, bnt he feU back
.At Oardora. Mexleo,
m wealthy
Oerdon Cook,
plaster, sraa attaokad and
%Uled by Menlcan bandits.
•yatam OB April SA
Tha raralar naataf ri the
Bo. 147.ot the Otdn at
Star wlU be held tUearaaiBy at
rly od thin city,
laprapariayto«pm»BWWb>tiMa at
Cbdar aboat tha flnt ot Jnaa.
dan No- 7 of tha Flnt M- B- Ohnreb
srill five a
ehnreh parlon May ri-
bnried ia
poettloa in the efliea of the Miehiyaa
Starch Co.
whom warn
PhUipplaee, yat they «w then ae .in
to the ini.l.- of M.C worid.
j mampiug my Khoouer and drowning
•*Thlrd.-To bring tub' exl*tence at ado of niy mt«. The wave receded as
the cnrllest iiniuilble limn a greni Amcr-1 fi^ iL« it had rarlicd in. nnd the laka
icon fleet of inercluun vesscK built In | iu ]c«i than ten minute-, was as imiootta
The prooeeds wDl be
applied on the ehnreh Improvements.
A teleyram wae raoeived Sunday an
Uthrop of
JChe sneen's birUday, May 14. tn ad
belay narked
psblie rejolelay. will be nade the oc
caabmforayreat national basaar for
'the army eoeietlee,
' rpstanlaad by ail the nenban ot
myaa tanily.
Is. addition
taodioe nt Seofleli Bnnday. 10 rieUnt of
Gbe dianater were bnried at Oydes, six
The total
wnbacriptlon to the relief fend ie sow
It la eaUautad that Uare are
aiaarly l.ooo wldoPe and
vrorided tor.
Fifty riore bodtea are
9et to be bnriad.
At Newport Newa the Britlahataam«r Sane la
more popnlar attraction bat ever
vlaltad Traverse City than the well
knosm team of oomedlans. Mniray aad
. eith yreat rejoielays.
dition be
belay loaded
tons ot eteel raila tor the yreat Siberian
Mack, aad their company, and no fun
nier pUy has ever been seen here than
improved npon
this aprtny wUl
occur nt
vlalt. and wbleb'
Tte nalform rank K. of P. will meet
it.one oflthoee
faree eomedies when oonalatasey ie n
lerlons treatnent.
for Unybley
plcaeeewlth ite
It u
pnipoeee only,
haa no
Una » Inclination to wonder what it
ie all about eo rupidly do elimuxee und
eltnatloas follow one anotherohoms conaleta of n eoore
ylrle and the claim la aarionaly mada
for thsm thet they can all alny.
burned Sunday
pelled the panenyers to Jnmp off while
Wlth'the larye eofpe of fun makers and
aha train was in rapid notion.
pretty yirls. they betpeek an evcnlsy
Advleea fron Moaeow state
that the of fun and enjoyment.
Mre. Aldrich arrived from
present at the fnneral.
biaaafety. aayiny: "I have oone to aee
W. A Dean is preparing plans for a
ihe people, not the police of Mneow.
tbe City Opera
ae last night, nnei yndglng from the
ent an eaeort, and wlthont the aireela
Half a dozen dUtInct tomadoei oc
enrred in central Kanaaa Sunday afterTwo
Dr. Evans reeaivad a call to Medina,
one of the good
speeteeniar prodnetloss of the season
to make it complete in detaU and arlto-
tenown to have been killed
the Icaeee of
He will leave to-
Mr. ;
ed the funeral ot
WUson at
Kortbport yeaterday.
Mrs. E. H. Eilbonrn and Mrs. Tony
Mia. Kllbonrne will join her hushsod
at Everett, and Mre.
Bactae gdes
SeatUe. where her hniband has hian
for some time.
tle merit.
In these raepsots the piece
Mias Helen Moore hna retnred from
Tbe company Is earetnlan extended virit in eon them Michigan.
ly aalscted and conttota of a tranpe ot She beard PadarawricI daring
pratty girls and claw aeten. both in ahaanea.
oltbaprineloal taatoraa
J. W. PatehlaasdW. F. Oroteer went
fron tiri an of tbs highaat •aarii in the
> Grand Baplds yesterday fBorolng on
reoolvad baada of artists of axoaptlooal talaaL legal bwlnem.
were while the alngiag and daaetng ara QABnaanthal ot Patoricay waa tha
reaeaed. and that 30 paaoeayara and IS worthy of apadaUy taverabla eonm
gnratof JuUnt Steinbaif and famUy
of tbs erew went down with the veaeel. Lows ot tba bnUat toad maeh to yesterday.
Blaaaa and almeat Innammble np to
Tbe wreek area eanaad by the ataaner
B. Banuu and aoo Floyd ara
date faatvrea aoabfasad to amka this
British etaaner Gleneiy. bound
Sunday, show
that thres
wpriaytny a plato dnriny a atom.
BarpMtlTig Oflilp—UttU XsTinL
^nrtUadegi sw (hlnaa'i BmUb
Sr. SeMftt^Thoaps»
bna rotarsed fron California and la
randy to mane her pracUea. Her
<£«1b the new Frank Frtedrteh
Worit wU! aot be iwady aatU about
the nth and anUl that tine aha wiU
beat Parh Place. Tele^oae 9. both
yphenaa. ______________ MT Ct
Din ikoc n u rriBU'i.
one of the beat attraetiona
of theaea-
r Ufa FUto
rialUng la KaUnaka.
Mrs. W.F.BewaatoririttagatJaak-
T« OOP« • OoM in One Day.
rake Warner's White Wioe of Tar Syrup,
the best cough ramedyjm earth.
Sr. BoMnthAl-Thompton
t nadto
baa relnreed from OalifonL--------ready to resume her practice. H>g
leee In the new Fran
Frank Priedr'flh
Mnek «ni Kotbe rradr notil ahcri
the 12th and oaUl that time she wUl
b-e PsraFlace. Toicpho*-u. both
m'ou Jump en it trample es
lAdlM. "Tra'of
It, hut It will come
eoi__ -, np entiling every
,n'a Elastic Floor Varatoh
time.” Celman'a
S E Wait.______________ ■
SnrpMriag Coffee—Uttl»':?A7em
fuct high.
than a pr.w. rllK>.t amount In the for-1
elpi tra.le. 1... matter wl.ni the nature ,
of the trade may U-. .t.l.litiomtl tarn- j
I* im.vklcd ....
f..r .-4....
ea. l. 100
“W o»
Superior, betw^ Copper
harbor aud Eagle nver. That was iu
August. 1845. This ^ash was m.
than 20 feet higlh
and.- like ....
all of
mile* sailed t.» Moan. vo*sel* aeeoiHiug
m olassIHcl rnnimg.-.-m.l *|«h1. Any
sprang suddenly from the Iskant
duad calm.
It was a quarter of a mils
iliMaut from Dr. Foster's boat, which,
wiifutho (liMurbanee begau, wa* diwcl,
- ,
fori'lgli built vi.*Mel HaliiiitliMl to .tinerlenn n-glMO' iimler the bill rhnll re-
.............. . nud If"■iuorc| oue rear exi-jK'.!
Mra Aathoay HammaU of Maeldnac
laUnd, totbagoMtot her etoter. Mra
ms old boaod. dark tareve.
rsaenDvek. riiMorlrare at
St ssd rsevive rriKard. nUt*
neolkar of
take* U
Jons Wrly.
Mra A Booto loft yeaterday to Iswill raaaala
afawdayavtoiUag her brathw. Fred
Bav. J. Maakaatnd of Sattoss Bay.
work fcorse. 1
ub feet, the water iK!-
.|„,IL u. ' scarcely raflk'il by the
iiifiuence of the
rnshing tide.
"Tho warn WU.H only half a milo from
_ _
bat iio'tvrithsl.VKliiig it* great
Ab Oblrot t
11 I.
1I..1 Mr. .Inmc j. I .l..ni.avd«ily it um . ...rhrf tl
Tho s.inia nivi-terioDitcaprico that ennsed
of the «;reai Northern .
it- eoarso and pas* harm
railway nud n jK-worfiil-tiuiii in the Jt to cJiaiige
ve**cl Bccmod to seizo it
uorthw.>rt. who wii* at first ..pitowM tOj
und it sank rapidly from it*
the Frve ahippliig bill, now favors jf.1 once
:at height a* it apprcactiwi tho »bon.
Hill'* grievaiiei' wa* iltat the h<ll
lek tho beach withuo moreforcu
give :in> Mib*ldy 4o Kieamers
orrifoof water than might hovo
Ih-I»w 14 knot* nud ihereCoie dlwrkulfrom tho wash of a passing vessel.
natn] ogoluKi the *lil|>* u*>M In tbe
T teroomber a notable swash on Lake
long voyages of tbe IMtllie. But (bo
Michigan at tbe month of the Menomllimit has been redmxil from 14 kpota
uea Thai one appeared iu April. I85S.
to 12. and the great frelghleni which
and raxbcd into the river with xneh
Mr. UlU coniemjdaie* bulidJng will be
tremundous torcu ami volume that it npeligible for subkidy. These vc-kkoIi. It
set the ferryboat oti'the Menominee.
1* undentroo)]. will iiuw be l>ulK In the
Tho recurrent
oscillation* of these
Unitetl Slates, not In Eurojw.
swaxbes are usually of dccroasiug size
(act of lt*eir I* au object leasou of tha
and force,but tbi« one on Uie Mctmmiuoe
vrisdom and efUcne.v of the proposed
wasn’t that kind. The ebb eff this tide
lcglslaUoti.-Boston Journal.
wa* juit as suddou os itt flow, bnt in a
few mluutes it was. followed by another
The gowrnmeut of Ontario. <tonada.
mnih larger then the flrtt one,
propuM'K 10 make ji survey of a large and the ebb of tho second swash was
porllou of the laud lying between the
fony-svTenlh luiralicl and llndsoubuy.
The tra«'i to lie Ktirvoyerl C4iin|iri*i.i(
followed by a ware utill larger than the
about 14U.0UU Miuare mite*, and whl..It conialBK idix'Ij valuable tludK-r. It
ha* lieeo but little exidored.
tbe lake at Menominee that day. and.
Foandar of I. O. F.
'*^Halaoa Covey went to
tarloohaa. whan aha
9s. W. J. Bglai. Oparattra 0nttri>7
SupMdB^ Oofi^UtUk Tflm.
. ftr PtptlriBl SbWB 80 to Frysat.
osHtiry iindiH' ihl* .■laii*.' that the vi^ssel
ahnll carry
)m*iH3iser*; It 1* sluipiy ...«■•» O'. '"‘JO.
make tri|». with carg...-* of n.»t less j I>r. Foster and his party of voyagers
A Mann Oaar Brain.
Vonr best fealiaga. yonr aoeial poaltlan or bwln«n anenaas dapaad laigete
thaperfletaatlea of yo
■ d Uvar. Df. Klagb Has.____________
give Iseraaaad atraagth, a kaan> olaar
br^ Ugh aahltloa. A 1« o«t box
wlU make ypa leal Uka a new belsg.
Bold by&B. Wait aad Jas. O. John-
Ills a'e the beaL
from OWey Creek, and tumbled ull sOHs
of lake craft a*hera
"I guess tho greatest tidal wave over
,l<„. f„r
day.Mr. a^ Mrs.
and three
WIm are down in the afleet- apaeialtiea and pantomime. Tbasoaaie
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wiakalinan and son.
•4 dUUlcU. makiny It inpaeihle to affaeta ara aipsclaUy flna aad anpply aad Beniamin Ensriv of Maatotee.
to tha galaxy of
accnrataly cstinate the danaye that brilliant aatUagi
tgnwuof tbe family ol Jnllns
BuntifnI eoatamas form daa Steinberg Sunday.
It I* not nee-
anrgleal operation.
miles i.n longer loyap-*.
Khali la> earm-.l ,,ndcr
li.r. I.m In am- .me veir the .KmiiKOisa- I nt arllMaiu'o of
Is a triumph.
aeon. followlny a day ot exo
This to
and the manarement has taken prins
belny cleared for hla pateaye.
a great btL
internally ia dstes from lo drops to a
It aria dlTecily cn the
blood and mucjusaorfaces of tbe syatcm. They offer one hundred dollars
for any ease it falls to cure. Send tor
circulars and testimonials
Addrem. _
•F.J. CHENEY i-CO., Toledo, O. ,
it and the
The .Kmi|» n*;nloi.
fired jntiioroas if It had been ~
a oMklosbell,
.nil I* iiseu
It cxe<KHllng' and across that stretch of beach into tbe
woods, wbero it was left among tbe
10 in any I2 .■en*«'ntive iii..atlis.
ci-Dls |KT gruas i«n fer «'m li (ixi'milo*.
"In tenmiuutea the lake was as calm
not cxeeetlinc Iu the agen-gate 1.500
miles ntitwnnl nnd liotiiewiinl bound, ns ever, but an hour later a similar
and additional <-ompeuMilh>n of 1 cent wave appeared ntKrttlo Creek. SO miles
Ohio, yetterday. to perform a dlOcult
Baelae left yesterday for Washington,.
Uuriey hla aUy In Moscow the cur haa
cone about in an open cairiaye.
„oedies. Md by coutantly
i |gUirg to cure with local treatmant
j prcncucoed U IncnrsWa ticlenee haa
j proven catarrh to be a ooestllullonal
' otoess*. rat therefore Kqulrcst
lasery. Frost slrret.
Dararmler and W. M. Moolton attend
The Devil’s Anction was presented to
a large audlsoce
g,„,,-K. ilw wrviis- to Ik? nr- it was not inoro than
f>er gr>>*s ion f.*r «ieli a.I.lithinal 100
Smith to hoUdlag
dwelling on Eighth atreet to eoet ahont
police to
-rear all extraordinary precantioaa for
Field ran, H to lA
There to more eaUarh ia thla aacAlM
of the eonatry than all aihot ikmom
put together, and naUl tAelaitfaw
years was eappoeed to be Ineniahla.
doeloraoroyesrs doelora pro
j tractH.ndJiM.Ki tle.or.Ilng to thl< ag.- ot - cuongb, though, to sweep the sebooticr
oonaalon by a q
AUleOviatL Mtot Datoy Blrong. Win
totaUy nboaUt in the laryeet newspapers la
ths eonatry. and will introduce meeb
new Batter, ncre are vsrloue speelal-
Mialc wna foratobod for tbe | u,e ve*«el.
MteUyaa Starch On.. eaU potariH to
k-nn vessel*. lt)ih iwiil triid steam au^ ’ As that Bwtu-li came rushing npon nt it
witlioiii regim! to S|»*il or tonnage.' scemetl to iin-a* if tho leaping Gwro of
i'til with regnnl to <nrgo. If registered ]^ils wliito cn-st was higher than the
eiipig.-l In the fon-ipi trade of >hooucr's maM*. bnt I know uotv that
d of Mias
11 MM
My failior had a 8.'i ton schooner
lying off the ^horc half n milo or more,
the bill ln''luile-<t>uiiK-ii->iilou to .\oicr-' aud 1 were with father ou his icbouuer.
•4,000 reildeoee for Frank Hamilton,
Bobben looted a train Sunday niybt ties and a bndyet of catchy aonyt in
the eanedy and are rlyht up to date.
near North Yak'.ms, Wsab.. and
oar baa ordered the chief of
stretch of tK-ndi lalwcoii
'probably 1
niilesont. audsweptslwreBrlclly MDieit, tin- iimln prurislous of word wilb it* uilgbty his*. My mother
lost la
catlmated at S:00,000.
the honor .vud liiiere*is of our countryon the si«K. however *uddeiily the oc
•Ti fill, -The Mll.think, will. IMhe,The water was a 'dead calm, when,
proiwscd <-um|M-ii«iiil<m I* large enough, without warning of any kind, n wave
ac-^-oiupIlKh Untie great and Important, lifted itself from tho liosom of the lake,
Ovare dozen nnaleal. daaelny and to be erected on his property, corner of
are dietribnted Washington and Franklin atreeU. He
Knailan yoversnent. The ralH eome opataUe
from Blrmlnyhan, Ala. and frill be thronyhont the comedy_«f oompllea- bus plana under *way also for a »3000
carried throoyh the Sue* canal'ic.ooo >iona. "Wboia Who," which will be residence for John TtoUnan on Eighth
eeen at Stelnbert's Grand next Friday
fsiles to Vladleostok, Klberis. ^e rs«t
street, nnd another for. C. E. Hale c
eveslny, May n.
This oryanl/.sUon
«m termlnoa of the road.
Sixth street;
baait^a column of praise written
The snianer villa of William
Wells, at Newport, B. 1-.
ada shore, off Otter Creek. There was a
pieoo of wochI* there then, with a long
casion may liapiwn.
rraUway. now under eonetmetion by the
Tenth etreet yeelerday afternoon. E»v. J com|jllshe.l iiu.h r 10 nti.l Si v.uir ecu-, Tho wave wa.* high cunngh and strong
J. B. Baum of Vbe Chnreh nAChrtol cfB
Itdoee not call
Hcafarlng work and who will iliu* have
the skin aud Is- iM-ticr aide to defend
enrred from the reeidenee nt 3*l west (
erenlny. May ti-
eeennd oonsidecatlon.
prohabllliy of which I*. iiDhapplly, not
"Almoft tin- first thing I remember.
sniall ovoii now.
■ old at tho
•’Fourth.-To iDeb-aiN* Ibc uiiiiiIkt of time. V
our cllixcii* who will !*■ <><lu<«tnl In apprarrd early in the spring on Uio Can
Harley B. Smith of Ballalre and Ar
marry yntaiHay.
this week, instead of
Us . t^if^nve U..«VP.\U
atrarked ns
m:- at ,
.... ........vj.
national safely iu rlnira of lui.Tua- force and volooie. until tho last was
tioual war or other dlMrurbauce*. the’scarcely more Ihwi a ripple,
thale Bone of thb d^. were lieeoaed to
for the disixeoil of
rtol ami by oiir own labor, a* a roost
"Wuliiti tho next hoar thero were
nnv.ssBrvof na'thmnl aid and fonr imwi.- twoshc*, e.irh cme of less
Name Lathrop, a yranddanybter of Mr.
Mrs. Gaorya B.
our own couotr.v. with otir own mate- *s a mirror.
nouaeioy the dnth at Jaekona ot Min
lu every
ilx own lln-4 and with iH ."s u is-Mfll ’ and tli- -afr *<-.arc-.>5y
<-.-iri-»5y porci-pi'lde.
faeiliih-s nud It* own oimiiiereial i»-j
■•Snrii wasr the
tbe eoudition when
whei that
A "novelty" eoclal will be yiven by
to the porp^ of drill on
augry luasii. eight fi-< t high,
school. Friday eveniny. May ts, in the
Tbeadvanee tale of aeaU to very
heavy tor the return enyayai
Mnnay and Mack at Stelnbery's Grand
tomorrow niybt.
Charles E. Lannln of Old Mission,
and MtosMina Laeker ot Ypailasti.
ware llcenaed to marry yesterday.
Tbe fnneral
foneru! of
of Herbert
Herbert Aldrieh
Aianra oeoc-
This to a
Class No-T of the First M. E- Sunday
nnminlly 1 rtnwg wind#.
trn.l.- th.nt iti.- nail.m Ih*ki prcinircl to • other rccordcl occurroiice ot tlicso mrseiif.'jigc Iu will uoe.-.‘K!n1l.v gel the great-j terioas frcul;.-< of tho lake waitr^he Mir
er picimrtien of iiy li.t own.ship* mnler facu of Uio lake has
will open St the boV ofliee this mom-
day May 10. oontlnniaff to thm evaa-
oially In the vaMnvi..ns of .'nstoni ‘ that wave leaped out of tho Ipko andjtolica»’ treat-neLV,Halls C
.Win. fvidcml.v very
«ixncd; camo hnrlingnpoa tUbsborr. awildnnd
maaofsc ured ay K. J. Wit
The sdvaacesJ^seeto^r '‘Wbto
Their enyaffemant oomneaees. Tbore-
nitoot-aapansed Prinoees
Is Who," which it to be. preeonUd nt
uk. pUa. HV. 10.
rine animal coming from tbe depths to
tberarfaoe. Weoonid see it rnshiny to
Sleinbery’s Grsn&.Frldsy of this week,
triad and eeaUneed to twelre yean'
'--.^nyhter of Prisee Knjo. whid la
that we have any reecrd of.
“1 have eeen many of tbew swasbea
ae we call them on tbe isbr*. tbe lari
one cbont ten years ayo. when my
eebocner was swept high sad dry at
Port Stenlcy by n wave that seemed to
rise on the lake like some monster ma
which now Bocsto incrt-aw tbe wiwlili j
“That ono lu<tanco wiu at Toledo. In
of other unllous.
t December,
when th« wind, which
••t4.-cond.-To greatly increase the ck- bnd b"ou Wowing Miff ordiorc, siiddonIwrtoUon aud
of all kinds of our ]y whirled Into a howling uor'ea-iter,
KurK-rahuudiim prodiictl.itis and c»pc-! *nd as fiuick as tin-cbmiga iu the wind
Ihe excevaUos was beynn yesterdsy
“ •
Tbeee views ahonld appeal to:alL
iJQte weddiny of Crown Prisee Yoehl
Bemns, makiny
oone of
Bockport, and deatrayed Colonel Bradetreet's fleet, in October. 176A That
was tbe flm tidal wave on tbe lakee
That is a peculiar thing abonttbo
Uke tidal wavea Tliey do :not come
bringing, to .ibc greatest extent possi witii a ronr, liko tho orean surf, bnt
ble. our owu fon-lgu trsilc Imi-k Into < ith a loud, hinring Koiu)d, and there is
our own tuuidx aud thus wiving to our only
one instance on reoonl wlim they
country cenalul.v more timii FUm.OOO.-' urecimcr
ate cither uccompaniru
accompanird «r
or followed
lommi-u ^
Min Mlasia Baltser has seeaptad a
than they did.ri tbe time tho ymt
wave rose soddenly on Imke Erie, off
way—and no donbt, nnder exlstlny
conditions. IIh> only possible way—In
e we don't know any man about it
s foUows:
Tha proecadi
aia to aariat la paFloff
for more
than 100 years tried to study out their
ward ns a mile away.
It came with a
boiling front ten feet high, bistiny like
"Flrat—To aid la a real practical load escaping steaui as it swept
eaptnred, has bees
bandits, who was
Dnrlay their eafferemant at f 'etrolt
in tatbenaad OMthan
ahaflanes saddled.
samhnef IM,77f MihBerihKa of tkla
chnrch parlors.
Intherovlewa they
drop to the yronnd.
naktaff a
which is belny rcpo^al^-
Uphtslny leaped the dlnl^ rMtn and
burled hint to the~^»ora’corpse.
iporw a Sri sals ol
for tne basement of the Beptlsteburcb,
One of the aeenei reprodneed by the
toyrapbe Co., that should pack the City
damaye wastdoie to the honae.
toar in nlL
oat of the wet. rt-
narlciay. aa he threw off hie drloplsy
•hose Syrian, whieh tsolsdee
old Lake Erie skipper. "aifS aitbonyh
The cardinal porpoees of the amend.
ed riippiny bill which was on March
SI reperied to the boose by Mr. Grosveoor, chalrtnsn of the boose commit
tee on merchant marine and flsheriei.
are wep and eohvlnctn^y stated la the
report recommetidlny the pasaaye of
.the bill The reaaons cited la aiqqiMt
of the meesare are such as to appeal
atronyly alike to toe patrioilc Imptdaeo
aad to the hnalheM oeaee of the people
of Ihto coontr;-. The reaolts eotight
be eecnred tbrouyb the enactmeoi into
law of this bill for the reetoratlon of
American shlpplny to lie liyhtful ptoc«
amony Ibc fiouilsblny industries and
enterprises of tbe repoblic are stnt^
The Brie Trio-
is April,
Per Oer SIrreheat HaHee.
The Mlekhtaa Tal^hooe On. reports
btrber ahop of O. B
-Anotbar ehrir haa been added^ the
pciW TW Wt Wf W W< W Wt Wt Wf ji
while the iMaiaBoo eoeld oely hsTo
•It w
Dish On.Hi
BstffalBimat sshawibacsis April
WM bctweea tiOOfiOO sad •l.OOO.OM.
Mocay arrived
inadlayat tha Oval Wood
srfharaos April to.
hw laterlerad natarklly with Wa
Maeefthepaenle aad It la dealared
ttot Watts it badly wasted to pwjaiy*
w. aMTtteMtk oftMItafaAUn
Aleltotmn the wiH kaewadalae*
rtw. CHr^gi. M Mor
>0* ttee, W. A. Piaharion. atatas that
«kMiatbak«A of tha roboJfc Ooioa Wato had a had rasoeddaUaffhaak
^ mM. iltfctwcfc • M>*e»
flftaaayaaia aad ww narkadoaiha
haeki o( tha ataaey as a raaaaL
■ IflO tto tOWB of Want nanriad aa aattaaabU wnma
pori>*ttaB«< »ua efUaadn^ flevBhad ta Laalaaaa
aaaatyaaaapia o* yaan. flaallyaklpTtMtaONMO bM taM dMtotbo do* piBff eaWlMriar hla wUa aad a daplatBMd te Iftbor MHlad by tbo
adhaakaaeoBBt. Ha paabsd tha U*
ttaof • rtotf MlU,* red mU Md
laad raaort to a whOa asUl Ha fatsra
hriebt. than hla miadelnys eat
I, the eeeMid alalaff tews ot
beak tha davalopmst of tha plaea and
ttsyertSBoe is the Sleess dMtiet. B. a
malted la kle dapartar. with a Trav
faee bees eeapUtel| deetrayed by dn,
am City yirl to OaUforala. whera ha
ssd sasrly eU Its 1400 people era
hue arldenUy aaas hU fleleb.
hontfm eed raised. The total loaa
' belowtoaUMotlhetnFtifftoflriil
t ag prinee of yesterday to irneectop,
MUnffstoWisambsref M.SW asb*
aadhlBsaUaa ilMipwi
OoL A. B. Caldwail. tbe fonndar of
.ae Indapaad:_________________
take one of Or. Cbaaa'a Kldnay-Uvar
PUto at nl^t and tbs rwalt to wonder
' ' la pronselng calm rapaaa. and axaallent digaatioo- I regard them
t^ d'emiantaiaa aad nom**'Mera of o.
iatto fmn.n- 4. •. cbaae<s K
nvLtecr FOto, tha only gnarastaed
cu' . >1 kl
> a I
- A cood efipet loow.
forflMf takes soOB. J.
L WAKfBD->:«r
Miun<er.i>kelTiBr.ta>4**. <*»lrs, sU
rat Bordes-
Jehs Vsfir.
mk. isqulre at taV«ri*» Houssor St *
J*0» nAl^Twesu st^InJj^lJL
That eecmed to satisfy the mood of
with tho receding of the third wave,
calmness even unwootcfl prevailed on
Its bosom. Tho lime between ^ oomingof the first wave aud the recoding of
tbe third was less than 20 minntot.
"The carious thing about tbeee lake
tidal waves is that they an entirely !oeal in their infloeuce .A ‘Wash, even
of the grealiM force aud iuught. mat
no- -affi'ci more than a miie of iuk:
fto'iT. the water at either vud .->f ihva>
bi'big nn<tiKtarb(d beyondtiiai distance
TI' V always come lu fram tbv'open wa
Mad'eJ.. B ffaio. K
Jobs Varly
'-New York :snu
no— ;
Tnynt oo,.
u. ,
Fgisril Sirector.
1m( wtfm ^
•»*hf» »«• Sais 4h«
T« tkt Pli^i* wmM A>«M«n <4 Wl Inatt,
Wbs r<» *•
^ **<«Wv i«n
Lm t^matm'fnm IW
M4 (k> nxl«« M
PMn, Mk «MarU ropltaa
ftai. m >«c Hnr, pcv nMn it
r« U- Pte liU »t f>la> -ontt porfct m.
mtiiM pp4 iPMt oin» ^fkp0 ■»<«*. «nat Mkv, Pm4< tp G«4‘« PPI
n^tM PM |H« M tta Up* fn
-ItalM hiMM E«pp is UwlpipW^
b thi aftfr pan of tha reMtl. which waa
the oaly part then was any hope ot kaapbg aSoat, area for a ^oR tine.
Is the Beaatiw the aatlors irere workiag fiercely genjag out the boata, bat
with tneoger results. Two euners and
» gig were swung oat aod lowered, bot
e darlts of the Mber boata were found
be rostad foM la tbalr ^cei. ao that
r boats cooU not be otlrred froa their
pa^tloBA Ttwse three boats then war*
the ooly hope of MfHy for loore tbaa ODD
aools, bet lfam-‘ was uo betilatkn ai to
who Aocld take adraouge of that hope.
The asoond colter, totaiuaeiled by UeoIMUBt Itlcbanla. was brought aloogaUe.
and the worueu and rfaildtro were placod
] board. fMooel Shoo, with bis drawn
toroe bis way lolo ibr boat, but thera
js no need of this precaution, for th«
■urn alood steady and i|alet at their poaU.
tbongfa the writhing of ibe deck under
' eir fcH told ihcoi ibat the reaMi wma
her death (bttws.
llordly bad the cutter cleared tbe gugway whb her prectoos freight when the
Klrhcohcad bmVe aqoarelr In two lost
: ItPTTf
Phlp pp UmCmM pT AfrtM.
forward of'.ibe ea^Dea, and the forward
(•art. sliding off the rock, plonged like a
shot into the dcfitha of the ocean.
waa sera tbal there wat no tiase to faring
more Ixiats alongside, and tbe order
giren fur all who coold cnaaTe thenselrcs. Keen then, wheu all discipliiie
thrown aside, the habits of years of
fppBi t'frk iti |MTr«rt trim and id ttkaiT*
rigkl training ruled all ibe aHloas of tbe
of PB aUf and faUant eomuikixipr witk soldiers. TlM-re was no unmanly rash for
CE{| •^•uU Kii Uiard. T«» loositlii latrr Ibe two r
ilinw- who
, biT piiBliiTPd liulk lay ai Uw butloa ot ty.ill/l S'
i aldt-d their i-onirados to planes
stiup wmekage,
tlw ofrto iiff III- .\rri<pii nmat nnd of bar In then
id on bits of Boating
boinan fn-isbt only 1»3 rauaim^ alite,
WbHc Ibf Oioastfr Pbli'Ii Interrrurd wai I-)iut of safety and pulled away frqps the:
oat ot iba liKBt irrrlbla of tba mail)'.
dralb by tbe ghninl.t light of tbe blue
Wtrtdi fia at iht door of o]d o«aaa. It U
lljthts and rockMs wbirh had liei-n showMiaof uliii'U EagUabB>«> ran aarar tbiak
ward since tlie ship tin>t struck.
allbout {iridi-. for tboM> paard iBcludad
Ii was iM.t long In (suulng ft>r moat
all ibc B'oman and <ddldraD on bxanl, aad of the 1-ir felkiws. I'ive minutes
foi-nnnl pari of the T.-«sel heel gone
' in Ibi- rliirr of Iba Ioh of (far Hirkaubaad
tba borror of ihc^dlaairtar is otaritrcd by d'lWti she liruke again jn<
The aflei part luehsl
admirsflon for the lai-a who abeartoKy
ud a mnmeui lati-i the
yirtdad Ibidr lino lo «btc lhi*a of tha
vessel kliil froui the nn-k and
wrab r nni-a and alii-ii all b»t« was goae
l>liiiit:--l lo-m-aih the waves, ('olmiel 8efaard dratli sli-adfastly and wUboal Ion MBudiug valmly.hy the gangway and
flinrtiitiir or fnlii-rinc.
gnli,' down with it to It hra'
-. In a little laore.lhan :»
It was a rlrar. bright mocnlDg la Uta
the timi- tbe vessel siruek the niek
IV-auil-f. Jb&l. «b<n Ibi; Birttc-nboad
ali-bturd out.of^bi- I'ova of fork and raj>- then- rt uminisl of her no v«-stigiUljr iln.p|Ki I tbi- Irisb <iu»t Ubiiid bor. Bnaliug wreckage, whhh n.vertHl
Hit r»rs<i
>n>ls1>il of Inioiis drsIlnM to lei, and the main lopuiasl, whieh pro*
rrlicvr il|ip :i' al llial (iiarifii tbr .^friroli K-. tt-tl ats.ee the aorface. On this many
Ibr d<dacfatm-nt la-ing mudr up of iIm- t'leii t«ik refnee. while pib.-ra-aupof 4leUlU rroin lUiTi.Biy-.-lglitli blah: |-..n.sl Ib.-inrelees an |.leees <ff wrci'kege
r ..n lif.- pn-serrl-rs. with which they,
laoiar* and lh«
qd prerlously provided tbeniselees, anil
r.jTly-iliint Ki-vi-iitylliinl aii<l Ninofynrtetl for ihe shorn, wbirh was aorae
. first of till Knr. romiNsiidiil l>)
■ Bbi t^dojirl Sptnii of tlif l*m"nly-oigbth
It was loo far ftir most of tb<e poor f
' blgblatiili'iii.
TJio kuMirrs' uorr poariy
oU diTliuis] for kiuc li-mi* of sittIit Id l.-n s. ami of nearly JWO who sitartcd j
lbs lolonlra. and inaD) of ibrin had tlirir the kli-rn- iiiiMt gnee it lip aud sank I«>
f.-r.- i-om|.h'iiiie Ihe diitaiie.-. But there
fanitirs olih ibom. Hu n- l-•infc• ooi
wuK iim.ih.-r th-Mh whieh hirked in tb«
Wueiou and rbiMrou on llir kliln.
lfii> ItlrUrnboail a-as a Manrb and well
eqnippid u-pM'I. and I’nptaiii Kalmoad. <l-ath smhlen and liorrilde and whieh left
,bt-r loiniiiand'-r. a llioniiii:U waman. but tbe survivors with sliaken nerves and
fsiliiig t-onroge.
The M-a was iufetted
fruiii 111'- l:ri>l them wen- fombodiugs o:
hy sharks, and nearly nil who had strlpdlsan.s oiii.mc lior rmw. for ►hr wai
ih.-lr e1c.th.-s were eiteu by
wbnt Is kiom n as an ualui ky »lilp. one of
Maio' a |wor fell-.w, swluunlnf
tbuHi anCortimatc vessrls oilli wbtcll
brafaiuc M—nw to g<> rlgbl, and hod suffitvsl A keri's of anmil mlsbaps almutt d.-n rush and n try and found
from III.'
of ber laiiiirb. Ki«nu'ii bI- with only a hltxaly e.hiy Is-side h
that be
*sv» l.vr o kU»|> of tbU kind. aiol. klagu.
lafly enm-l,. their fear ii'ins to Ik- /«s!l- migbl Is- tbe nett lu meH sii.-li o fat
.Viiil I'tei. with Ibe shore safely
iH'il tu
■i-tlnin i-xteiiU for of the great
.\ heavy sWt-ll oD.I strong
___ laeali di--j»|frs o huge (•r»|M>rllon sei'iDa not gained.
I t>TTinW;;miK'ii<-d to iIii-m- iiuliirky abips. im.l.-ii..iv anil n r.K-ky aud .Ufll.-ull cast
Kvi-ii 1.1 the ritrly |oin of ibi- voyage ti.n- hill u part of the ilaiigers with
flic Hiri. nhead a|>|H-an lo^Bve juslHied wliirb they had |ti cniend. ]-'nr a long
her ropoiiitiim. g.«- rnttu the lioio of her u sy ..III from the sbon- Hu- sea was filled
with great maiai-s of Heaw-eetl, which
palling iiiitil Bby bad rruasod tin- l>ay <
winplHsI aU.ut thi'lr lliiilis ns they swaoi
IHs'-ay rli. was InirTelis] by sui-h a au
and s1i|.jN-d miib-r their ft-el ns they
n-ip.ii>n 111 gjiles u> was almost mi|irer
►trtiggk-d li.ward tbe shots-, nml maay
di'tilnd for tlial tiiiii- of Ibo yi-sr vveu
who had nitiimit Oeat-hed the laud
ktiirip} uud l■oi■lt<'r■>u•
up, disUearteiM-d. nuU niH their death la
aianngi-d to gel through wiibuul imtliug tl..- flinging wve.1.
llradiinUy, <mi- after iionther. tlu-y draghi for n-i<tiirs. I.aler khe ran into IK-Ilnr
•Wenlher. and ffum that lime on Iisd a g.'d tlx-nisi-Iti-s innn tin- water and gathaamolh and iflcasaht v.iyug.- lu 8L 81- rn-.! iiig.-ihi-r on tbe firm land, ami when
uonV lisi. t.'ape of flood Hope, her first It U-rntiiecrraln that tliere w^
1.. Clue there w ert- in that fTrly hut C8
|sin Pf eiiil, where sh
a IVi*.
: down.
.M this |ioial'('<doBel hH-i.rti f..und inHot liltle ciiid In- done f..r th.-m
Plrmiioijs rp>m Mir Henry Smith. ...
goicriior of lhe fapt- of (iorsl Hoin-. re- lisliiiig staiivn at 1‘nint Dauger, and they
ganlhig the diMrihiilion of tbe Inpips on nets- .ddige.1 to tramp for more than
UiavO. .snd waiiiuc only one day to take luih's (brougli a rougii and l.mken coi ..
try Id III.- b.iBse of Captain KmaIdH, foron rich i.n>visious oiri water, the .Bir
keohi-ad sianrsl for Alcoa Bay. the lint lu. riy of Ibi- Hereatb Draguoo guards.
plseo at whi'-h she wns to las,I a dHseb- Hi-re thoy wcr.- well eared fur and i
were taken off by 11. M.
it wji.
U-niillful erraiug on which idclsmarithus. aeut from Bt. Bitai
I The Sinking of
I ■' 'Tfejii’l^enhead
the sli-aia |...it.dS.,»iimmVB4y. The
night was rh-arniid still, and Ibe surface
of the trai't wit* iinniftled. aUbougb. «
always im ilml isikst. there was u hear
awell r......................................
u from Ibe'p owan).
• idab .
Ibrei- iiilhp. Ibe Ugbts and.beaeons iN-im; in full lirw. On ImarO thi
aliip all wns .-ului and tranquillity. Onl^
the wal.'h i.-nmnu-d awuke, and the big
vessel slid on over tbe soiuotb water alliiust wilhiHil ►iiuiid i-cccpt for tbe rbytbick-at la-at of her eogiues and paddles.
How (lu- disaster happennl no one will
ever know,
it 1« certain that t'aptain
Balni^d wns a full mile farllier iitsbom
tbaoTrO^aiouhl have Wn. hut bow the
tnlsuike was mad'
kui'WB eurrnit
-aleuIatiuB, bo
ir-ri-r etl-laiiieil l» a huniau
lUl. 0„ «neb B night then- wonld seem
to ls« no ettuM' f»w sot* an em>r. y« it
was mmh. and nU.ut J o'ehieL' in the
BMruluK -r Iiir IMih ilie Birkenhead
drove, M iilu.iit w iimitig, upon one of thiBanr ►uhiiK-rc'sl rt-eks ranniBg out from
1‘idnt Dancer.
irnforlunalt-l.e f.ir ‘all pa board, the
k a CWM tsaO. aid IsaPsceiKs gnai.
b be itste M VoMe-Wboo.
Buk^ SMotit Ksle-I tsrol iMsb
A fMd yoBsg BWS Is Ms iriiHk ns
CW Iks Iwech M Ueorw-ntwo.
Aad ks awl a laald Is s pretty gUdS.
But Or iMgw td Wear-s-tthso
B« ««aM BM wKwk. » l« tuokad bM cbttk.
Be* s pmrWv gaed (oars uard fw toad)
Had tsirwd la Ves-s-W'heo,
Aad thr wsld ladced Ud bses la^t ta nad;
Ibe dMsd « poctrylon.
fk aba bid to tbe yeuth: "Kew ay ta truth
•Tby caae yos u WAur-a-n'bast
d nwoa M w BiiBi Utp <uar to tbe
VhU* I was hut dmiHiw M you.
a poets nrv. •mb dsaght« bslr.
Wbo would rcwir to s UoOc*.«-bee
Murb ht«( I rotd. Uit I wsal Isutsud
Ta tat upjtjMrt or (trot"
fre Ihe youth o»de (■arks with hw UiUe ax
The aiBldm ol Woor-s-wiiM.
(AssAt sasg foe bias • isquis9i)
Ud rkstf Urn amte la tore.
Tbew kbe sadly (Tied as Us Inlos Ut fritd
(Ot U. bran she prriwrwJ s slew),
*T rsb Brnr lelsU tbb porCt lltr
la Ihr Ikgro^ cd WoMo-Whoo!”
I waa told this tsle l.y some un who vials
hear tbr (oast ol-VWo.-nhou.
As4 Wkllr thin adrcl lo u.r it srearTsd
I s bust <4 puU I knew.
ak he Ibrir bo.Uiw uab.
Is so suibor or itkDl
-Uto kVsBMsro EteUag Pmt.
A» bUafi *t g«l»hi
PntablT the stnogest booM ever
ebOMA by baiuAa belnga It a Uttie lalAiid jnst off tbe CMtt of New Zcwlaiid
koowD at White Ulaad. Is tbli roeky
taid^s. wbere It U
from the fomw ot pn
iltteot oiBpbarlc cni(ttlo&A 100
New ZoAlAodm recently made tbelr
home. Tbe one deligbt of this spot U.
It If said. A troaderfnlly beMtlfal poBorsffllc view embrsclsg tbe bay ot
emit during boib day aod olgbt daogerously Itot rapore Aod salpbnroui
, rraaeh ITrln* liMSIne.
Tbe-LoodoD Globe aays an tsteKitIng feature of the Paris exhibition wlU
be the ".kvloo” flying maclilDe ot M.
Ader. which was tried at Camp Satory.
It has an acroplaue In tbe form of
wings, aod tlieli- spread can be alters]
at will.
Two four bladeO propellers
are driven by ttvo 40 borsepower steam
CDgltu-s bested by akobol from
reperroirs. between wbleh tbe avlaiur
sits in n cbalr. with guards to keep
man abould sliar|>ci
alon(* wlieu there
. .
trb.ioe /'lime
IK.u'1 gel too
world will
III move ou
u just Hie same afi
er you
Washington Kinr.
lie eredli
pnsMewliig giKKi Judgment.
I yon wen- asked lo read
wn hvorks, wen> you not?”
: that was oil right, but. bang
pl*m PodfilBK.
-'How full of sni>n<>ni(-n> on
U." said tbe first patron
of the- quick
loneb rouDter. "I-’or Instaiiee. that which
is esll.d |.lum pudilliig uctvr Lni a ]>lum
ctmsiilt the dieiiouary.
iter d.-8nck a pluiulvas 'a lliiU- mass or
welglit of h-ad.' '■-rtliiad. lpliia Pres..
Other Klail Prrfrri^.
-Tour systi-ni is generally
ran down."
said I>r. Kaiiard, tin Hiiinent hpeelnlist.
••hut I ibink I .-an j
short lime if
Wonhl you pn-f.
JA think not."
.IK.Il.l.'d Ml M(K-ker,
tfvolauiarily lowig his vulre.
•Il'sId. that
•UMlnUiia eoutry.
SeATiy 100 fall MraAOKrATiaffa.tAmptama paper. llIunlAAtod oorm
Madiaga; over too ffolden Uliu in tbe
£y tbe
hr a St
1 fully supported
a only when she was uiidemn
u undt-r lier j
>r kimlliiig wood
break It Jn two.
and! rquld kiaad
_______ ItheS. -iraheaU
iustantly h-gau tu fill and seitlK
It ii.x-th<tl no seaman to tell V
•teody aettllng of Ibe rrsiel Ibat \
^nol many miuiili-s to rmiaia bIwtv wa
ter. The white. m-I fares of the ship's
oObers as they niortKl ebuul ilireetlcg the
•rthog oul of th<- Utals aud the desptvate energy w ith whh-h ibelr orders were
carried out showed that there was hope
^MfHy hut for a few. yet mee aud oB(•parade, nicei.. _ _________________
tiua of (ht- otfieers, and the eoMk-n aad
mrtnes wete ct poc pat to wort throw.Jag orerhuaid the bt^arc and cup ta-
paHiacuu airf nualM the tead gaaic
. ii.-.
^mode elenr *500 in four weeke
tAktot order* amour h« ebnr^b oequalnuceea and frludt. Write on It
uy lead to a permanent payln* pooiUon to VAaore oar buinem And look
Afur ov lATfe cotraapondenoe.' which
yon wn Attend to right At yoAr booM.
a. A. Sherman. IS bat flfetreeu beiweu Broadway A
. hly ar.d m ticu-. it will cure a cuse
:'4 huuiA, A2)d foe the uoucb that lol•,s L«Grlppc i'- ^ever foila to giv-c
Price. 25c and fiOo.
TrlrpheeaKwTO ''
• *
Enquirt tl
114 Front St.
D. general praeiii
-, ueer onj aecll
oarydlwMca. Jla-pi ve.WiNe*. 1U7
tec 0|»/» UooM Bloel
Crumb of the Mine amcklng.
Mooey to lose. OScee. OUy Opera
©a® (
nee IM.
ao. oAee II
™°* Strrol.
Nothing oD.enrth e
pUrity of iLo ymiDi
a bluff ut livatiiic h
••yes,''..l... rv.-il Uliiks. us he sirolleil
Along Bo.vlsiiiu kifs-t, in Ibe liss] A|irll
Ih>s-i<m Is piiteing gay.
1 linve mei
as ' uuiny us leti pr«-uv
yoiing girls (Ills aftenuMiu. niid every
olu- cT 'em SI.‘Hied amii-asl jind Jolly,
lu funner lliiii-s wuuieii here {Olekert-d
lip ilielr lirows ill frowns and w.»nsn.-h a svli.Kil nm'utii meiiili a vliap
was (ifnilil to look III tiieul- .Vow. how
ever, Hie welglit of Ihe nnlluii lUUSt
have Isvu mi.sl, for f.iivheads are tint
Ihsi In a Ikoiisuud knots and the Bos
ton girl sleps off like tl l.trk--------” "Like
whaC; " -uh, well,” .s.iiilniied Biuks.
Iindisma.v.st ,|iy Hie Inierrilption,-^'slie
walkk IIS ihiuigh her «lio(-s .thln'i plm-li
lier- Bill it's true they are serernl
ki».-s larger tliiiti her aolH-r pr.sliH-«-ssor's. Ami liiiw do you ueeoiini
thal'i" 'itelter liealili. niv Ikiv, ould'K.r ............................ 1 nil ili.-il sort irf tiling
The gew li.e-i.in girl.Is IniHt on differ
ent pi.ielples
from the oue .voti
tea or iw.-my y.t»rs ago."-
for Sale
3 Sera U artpiu in 24 N«in.
Wlicii joii see au advenlM-menl for
n jilalu cuok It's a safe lu-t Ilial some
man's wife inserted it.
WIh-w the
Ihi- average
uveruge mnu attempts
ilnml (III his digtiliy
tliid that his fvs-t atrpedi-sisl.
Billiard Hall
H. A N . B B. R.
Trtveroe City to Maoiotoe on tbe followlDir detce unleos otberwiae noUfied:
MaylSaodST. June ioondsi. July 8
and 88. Augnst r, and 19. September 8,
16 ana 3ii and October If.
Traloa leave I'rarerae City at 9:J0 aB.-. arrlreAtllADUteella. m. Leave
Monietee at S;t0. arrive Traverae City
8 10 p.m. Tickeu*! roead trln. No
bwr»re allowed on tbeee traini.
Trains from Manistee oa alternate
■Saedays May 0 to October T.
F. A. Mm-uw.1.,
a.W. CL-.v!tixr.8ati
O P. A.
p C^aiLlttn.Attomy.^^alaiieaUM
First Freeze
X. A UUlikMi U(Mk. UootB. 8 to 11 a. m.. I
.m. ’fialn£ras.TL
aea'ii scO eblldree'e •llkesae* a apeclallr. Oface hour*: lu to U •. m.: ;-io « aod T to 8 PB. BeU-pbeoeSO
Clear Ice, fioiu Boardmae Lake.
$1.00 a-Month
1 Menbero'pbeoe.S!: Dell.
resMeoce. Ne ^ri. N'unbrrs rtooe
Al residences—same as last year.
Have large qimnti.'y on basd.
make a vpeclalty of ear lota.
J. A. Jackabn
ar~Mls^ Thos* l.ett.^t>.
Kilitors liave llirlr troabb>s. (ttie of
these men wlte pn-sldes over Hie tlestlnh-s of a wesiern paif-r Is niourulug Hie loss of two siiliscrllH-rs, One
wrote askjug how lo raluo ills twins
safely, while
other, wani.sl to
know liiiw he might rid tils on-hard
Rath 'PhODM. No- 7.
letbodi. Usycrnlj
. TelephooeNo.il.
ile«..omeesrit to Walt's Drag kiorr on Cbloi.
kireel. OooUbarb inSeoaseelloo 'or latleuiii
of grasshoppitw. The uuswur wont
forward by wall, hiirhy aeeideui tbo
editor put them liHoThe, wrong onvelopes, so that tile man with the iwiaa
ro(V'l\x-d thi’ answer:
lairefully with straw
and set litv to il. mill
fid ihwi
then the Hitle
IK-kts, nfit-r JnmidUg hi Hw .. ....... .
for : Jf“
ene niter
a ,i^^
II f<-w iiiinulcs. wlM Ih- NiHN-dily set-> workguonateed. leBeeoedkireei. KK-aii
i.oi the wnyk, bad
Hay. as they w i re nil so brarily
wrsieel.ni.nera >T-ia "ptaNO Ti'NIS<i-J. W. Cllllr. xroleMlOBBl
huid.sl as to make Ibe nttempl to laud it
I" "giv
r a dog makes hhu stop ever)'
Ibe bi-avy snrf inshore one of great dat>*
Asilsunt—Yes. you We, he used to be
They rowed^all lughi nad at dawa'
oaklng jwrlora,
B euihaslaMic wheelman.-l'hiladelphU
pi.-l.-d up l.y tbe seltoum-r l.ioneKS.
».-w pb(«e le;.
Oonitanavaa lotervlewer. '
t:a|.iam kamsdeii. wh.i after taking them
or .all ib<- imliiii-lniis «f this gcociA•m tN.aisI at ..iic started for Urn st»Dc of
tlou lu'ue 1ms a larger reputaihm for
Ihr- wrtn-k
Oil arriving tlii-re. early la
s. Nowhride-Yon know. John............
the .Ifi.'
reAcrvi- iliaii funner Remilnr .trihui
proiniKsI to let me hare all the pin money
Bouae and Jot on WaablogUD ctreet.
f.inad to
Senator Con
ai'pli.'s to
I iiecdcl.
will cell on eaay montbly payntenU.
rule of tlie
. N'.-wb^P-Tf«. dear, and you shall publU- affairs the fumo
tben-wns no sign of any olhiT
have it.
(In.- hiimlnsl uud twcotv-five were lakn ar luieiidi-d
(ioruiun laaf-1
Mr*. Newliridi-^Jb. )ou kweel tl
n Iq^ the Hioneas from tbv boats ami
Well. I raw n^ todaj' with diamonds r.tbilliy lifudf to till ..leWspillHTBonce and
from the mast. 8iily-<-ight Succeeded li
that crowd tironud him
111 for lufol
pearlsj^K^aod I do want It
' tenmec.cUy water, newer, furna
is-aefaiag the kbore. Of the others ot tbe
Uon. bui it is II stiindlng Jok-. ........
oug' large barn. Tbli ia a bargain,
Birl.enbca.l's great empauy all perishthi-iu that he does nil tin- iuim'lewlug:
'lug ;
Bonne and
nn^ lol
lot on Bate* ttn
-J: hill, to tbe oredit ut BiilUb enrage
there was •
Bvvry laiiimnT Senator (•onuiiii gov* ■
1 or ebiUl.
Saraiogii for st-vvnd wH'ks, Due
Houoe and lot on corner Eoit Bigbtb
ih.. liulp.- f;i-ui,i
"Why twoT'
scene i
“He get! I'usioess advice from one
mnrl,..!: ".-.i-nnli.r <
then be cnsults tbe other nhout bow I tare
.-...Unp i„ ,i.i. iK,t,l now.
eo.M ul lol on Eut Biililb .Irat,
•k. Maay .-a
mneh be ongfat to pay of tbe first «bo'
ei uimilKT sleep In mimarketl hut
bills."-Chicago IliKMid.
eaay paymesi.
hon..rea Kraves.-«h..rt Hcorii-k
cboiee lou in ail paru of
know, and you
rnilaJaw the Wasto.
Sratnlityln Knoata.
Till-sepalor smihKi nml Ml dill thoK'l
j' G
never havu lo hu) any kindliog
~ T rd*
alkoiit him. for Hn-v .'ippi-H-hiied iliat
. Vil.inoirs of a BeclullooUt.” wood."
I'rinee Kropotkio, the apthor, after
telling Ilf tbiltgs be bllBteif saw In bis
“Beesnsi- my wife aud onr two daugbchil.lb.K>d. ksys:
ers insist upon ohariH-nlug tbelr o«
’‘It. boueit-r. I were to relate what
•sd prarils."—t'levidaml Main Dealer.
I of Ip tb.«e yeat*. U would be
tiest cough remedy on earth, cores a cold
Tr*lr flarpTlala*.
and womra turn from their fata-lA»k." said liltle Reuafi-. who bad ktoMdaylfukeolatime. SfiaadfiOcU. | Wartburr Block
ill-, and their villages and sold or lost In
ever lirfon seen a mule iia^ for any
cami'lbig or est-bnuged for a eonplc of thing blit hanling.
lim.iiiig dogs aad then transported to
"What U it, d.arr
ss.m. r.-noie |wrt of Ituasia for the sake
“A man riding horsebaek on a male.-—
of t-ronliiig a Dew estate; of i-hlldreo tak- riftabnrg ChronlHt^-Telegnipli.
frtiDi iliolr patents and sold to crorl
or sli.s-.l.:te matters: of flogging 1p the
sial>W.‘ wiileh occurred every day with
•Tbe ejowii pritic of Germany rennlieaTfi vf .-rueliy: of a girl who found erives a aalary of *375.000 a year from
b.-r raiy salrntioD in drowning herarff: the siate.of an old lar.n who bad grown gray head
‘•What forred in his master's aerrlee aad at last
-For hring bb father's
hanged bimsrlf uadrr his tnaatrr's win
dow. and Ilf rewolti of arrfe srfaiefa were
Poor SUeka.
flying to death each iratb or fifth man
D^hy—Pbiui. we girls have a IW
taken out of ihr rsnls. and l.y lA)lng
tme for those men «1io call oa
waste the Tillage w-buoe inhabitants, afl- aever take us ont anywhere.
er a nOUnry eseention. wrat*t«ging tor
I%pa—What is it, daughter?
sums wlib bbrn-"
oil and rub ihcir:
. •
Coawmptioti Cupe-Wi
WfeM* Wine ef Tar Syre^ the
John R. Santo.
Genial lasoratee.
Sidewalk Lumbar is all atM.
tiMD <flreMf conpi
ST 1,;’,“ ,l-.r'• .1;;“'.>«'•"' ” ~r
and with deep wm. r all artMind It. The
-iip svrat on with si.rh fotve that site
laiMcd urariy half ot.-x il. tearing opra
arr boUaia as she diil *-\ aud finally
brought op baogiagtim tbe ck-L at a ptdnl
Cigar Store
aIao a^
sulphur that
known by acme m Sulphur IsUnd.
the center of the rock Is n great crater,
whose cavity Is lo a consuot state of
lo Addition tbe eoUre
face of (be Isbiad It dotted With from
BOO to 400 miniature craters, wblcb
blui from faltiug.off. (yver bis bead Is
deam roudui
and left arc baodles for alleriog
S tbe
e •< VUd.
surfaces of the aeroplanes, or wloga
"A wotuaii can't sharpen n lead pearil The sjteed of the screws can l«c varied
or’ throw a stone,- read Mr. M'
leckton at will. The total weight of
ebloe nod tbe aeronant blmself is SSd
adied hi. wife, rstherr^
-Don't lulslakc me. nrariclla.’' x —
tbe quirit rt-}uintler. "I am not gioaliag. j
ouch of SI
I faa iust reflecting on ibe wisdom of.
Ihe will'idc world
nature. There Is in
“Ro you <i:
ing.” they SI
’ replied I'.-i.n BcTihhler. -I did
work of AM hu Jam bran IwMd la
Saw York At An oaUm of over *100..
000. for whteh the p^tebeirAe^rk
JOHN F. OTT & 00
SnaaMaora ta TraTaraa Otty Lumbar Oo:
' Sold
and Repaired
SatisfactioD Guaragteed
-io (.‘very respect.
August Petaudai
Next to Eacle Offi(»
U U a Utile early to talk about lea. -<
bnt we have a large anpoly pat ap for
onr enatom.er*
We will fuTBiib famitiea. thlaeim>
mer. with lee woobed c e»n and pat la
the rafrigarator. for II oo a mosth—
and won't ask tb be paid in adranee.
Best to be had ia
umplea is window.
Uas nfm ti pmiit Ikr BMbr M
T® tk. wtt^ munU Ctatkun tt ha tat.
>1ta m >«t WTr. Br» nam
n U» ta. lii® (k® *ta '•
Fir «lRr «MlM «M amt «i
0 «»«(. r^( Mb.. M
■ IW.«RU«®t
I Jtie Sinkiim of
Tfie Birkenfiead
tlw Xta •r • BrItWi Tr«
In Uie rlwila* deya of the |enr 1851
the Enri)®)' iroopahip Birkenhead tailed
from 0<rk in
trim und in ebarte
D aUe and i
1 board. Two tuotilhi Uter
brr Kiiattrml hulk la)' oi Ibr button of
lb<- (Mvan off (b~ Afrlcau c«aa( and of ber
biinan fn-l^it only lldi miiaibed alire.
Wliili- Itir disaster tvhirh Inlorrrord waa
oue of the uoat trrribia of tbr matir
•rfalrb lie at the dohr of vid oecan, It ia
one of whi<* Enffltaliinei. . an net-er think
• ilhout |>rU«'. for Lhiw aarrd included
all the Women an.l <-hlldreu on board, and
in the atorr of the ton of the KirkmivaJ
the bomir. of the diaaKler ia olwcured by
admiration for the men wbo ebcorfnlly
yirid.d liielr Urea to aaer tboae of the
weaki r ones aitd wluoi sll bope wai gone
faeci dentil aleadfaitly
tiiiiebiiiit or faUerina.
It wai a dear, bright ntoraiac ia Ute
l>e.-euil® r. -l««l. wbro the Birkenhead
atmmed oOt of tlie cure of Cork and raj>Uiy drupi^i Ih.- Iriaii euaKt behind her.
Her .•arK'i .imriHi.l of trieipa dentliieil to
Tt-ihive tli.e«. at that r
ctnliijlia. lb.' delaeliui
of detail® from the
. lauilers. llie Tu-elftb iaiicet-s and tbr
J'ort^ tliiii!, Sei-eiity-lhinl and Ninetytest of the line. roininatid.>.l by Liculcnatil 1\ih.iiel Keton Of the hcretilyndebth
Tlie Hd.licrs uere nearly
nil Oostini'd f.ir long term® of eerriee in
tbe eolutiiiw. and many ot them bad
fatnllic® with them. Ilierc iH-ing eum
womou and ehlidrvn on the ship.
' t The Jlirkeuliead was a slaoeli and
'equlpjied vesari. and <‘a|Haio Salre
Jier comuiander. a tbon.ngii seaman,
.from tiic lirsi there wen- forebodlu]
' diuner niuung Inr rmv. for she
. omty pan there «aa any bo^ ot kc^
lag a8oat eeca for a dwrt tli
In the naeairUne the aaOora
.............. ...
lag tteredy gvtUag oat the boati. .b«t
with tneager nwaita. Two catten mad
Ig wete awov oat and lowered, bat
______iriu of the other boata were found
to be rarted faat la tbelr pUeea. lo that
the boat* eoald not be stirred frotn tbelr
podtiotm. Tbeae three boata then were
the only hope of safety for bwre than 400
atmla, bat then' wat uo bedtatimi as to
who abonld take adraniagc of that hope.
The second etitter. rommaoded by lieotenaal Itkhanls. wat brought aloagtide.
ami the women and eblldrrn were placad
on board, t'olood Ketoti, with bis dtasra
award la hand, stood in the gangway and
threaU-oed lo eat down any man iryin*
the boat, hot there
.. ..
. precaotJon, for the
men stood ktesdy and quiet at their petti,
thongb the writhing ot ibe deck nader
Lbeir fret loM them that tbe Tcaael
.in fai-r death throes.
llordly bad tbe caller cleared ibe gang
way whb ber precious tielgfat when tbe
Kirkenbead hmkr aqnarriy In tiro iost
forward of tbe eogiDa^ and tbe forwaid
part, slldlag off tbe rock, idunged iU
shot Into tbe depths of the ocean,
wth aeeu tbit tbere was no tlioa to bring
y more Imat® alengtide. and the oQler
la gircii for ail who cvold to sare themaelres.
Erni then, when all discipline
was thrown aside, tbe habits of y«
righl training rtilcd ail the actiont
There wa» no uumaQly msli for
remaining Imals. and UioIm- who
im aided lbeir .oniradea In plan-s
In them and on bit® of floating wreckage.
I'h.- boot® were .fuicfcly Ailed beyond Ibe
|M>iut of safely ami pulitd away from tbe
ressel. leariug ihnw on bard faring
d.«lb by the gbaitly light nf the bine
Hgfals and rocket® wbirb had been ahn
tfiil npward aince Ibe ship tint eiruek.
Ih-atb w»» imi long ia .oioing for lut
r felkiWi^ File miuntes aft
She fonvi d |.ort of t»M- vm-c-t had gone
down slic broke again Juki aft <>f the
Thiafiri part
iBd saak. aod a iiinnHUl later J^e main
body of the vessel slid fnioi the nick
plnprc.! Isuoalh the wav.-s. I'utoiiel
loo Hiandiog call ily l<y tl
I it Vi
glare. In a Iluie mure than IM ini
from the time the vi-s»el simek the tvefl
there rmaine.1 of her liu vestige but the
floating a-riH-kage. whleli eoverevl tin
ter. and the main topmast, wliirii pn>>< r-l.-d olsive the anrface. On this many
of the men took rtfuge. while others suie
|s>n.-.I iliemselvrs' on pieces of wreckagg
or on life ptvM-rrer®. with which they
ba.l previously provided tbemaelres, and
ainncil for the shore, whicli was
<1 null's .iisloi
of tbr poor
itarted for
tlM' shun- most i
il sat...
sank bef.. -C cn.li
the diaiaucc. But there
death whii'h lurked in tbe
wuters In'iwren the rori. and the shore—
d-iith siiddcB and horrible and which left
stirrimes with shaken nerves a
i-nuragr.. The sea was iofesl
ts. and tieaHy all who had striptheir eiollii's w-ere rate
Many a jioor f.-lhiw, swiu
aloiigshle with a ronirade. heard a sod
den rush ami a ery and found biomelf
with lUdy a blouity eiidy lieside him
yping dn-ad at bis hv-art tin
Ik- tbr nest to meet sm-h n fai
even with tbe shore safety
■ inod.
A heavy swelt and strong
holhicg -.-•au t<i*go right, ami liad anffen-d a Kern'S ..f sDiali mislinps oliuost
>y^t ber launch. Si amcu alship of ibi® kind. uni. ainguliriustlhe great
pro|K.rti..n Kcemi
Pl-iK-d to lb.-®.- tmlm-ky ships.
ere I'lit I
Kt-en in the early jiart of the royage
a long
the Itirk. nbead apia-ar. to have juttiBed oiiii-h they had lo eunlcnd.
ber rcpiiiiiiiouv for fniiu ihe-tiiue of ber wiiy oiil/Tmm the shore the sea vraa filli-d
Bailing until she had .-nosed tbe ligt- of
iweevl, wbiril
ippiil ahnul their limlis as they swam
Bi.Kcay rin- wa® buffeled liy sucli a sueers»ii<n -it gale* a® was almost unproee- vud »Ii|i|M-d under tlirlr f«vt as they
■trugcled toward tbe shore, and many
dctn<-d fur that lime of the y«-ar oven In
that stonily and l®>lsleron> region. She a-ho lad hlmosi reiehed the land gare
tp. disheartened, anl} met their death in
siiffgn-d i.vcrni ininur ui.-jOenlK bnl
naBUge.! t.i get through without putting liie ellngiiig
r. they drag■ in for is-iaIrH. loler. she ran into l«-ttcr
er and gatbWeather, nniT f*om that time oc liad n
il together on tbe Arm land, and when
amunih and pleasant t«yoin- (u 8L 8iuion's Buy. Cape of (Jood Hope, her flrst It Isv-ameeertnio that there were uo more
luit (W
gwl »>f^i-all, wliere she urrired on Fell.
It of nil who bad stood on the deck of
o itirkenhead when she went down.
-\t this P«nt C.Jonel hb-iun found io'It
at the
«ru.tioii» from Kir ll.nry. Smith, the
-Iiiiig statbiu at I'olut lUnger. and they
govemor of the fa|M- ot Owed Hpi>e. re
i-tv olilicnl lo tramt' for more than SO
gnntiug the dislriliiillon of the Imups
lioartl. nn.1 wailing only one day to.take miles through a nmgh an-l bmkrn eounon fri-ali provisious and water, the Bir Itj- to tin- house of Captain Bmalds. forkenhead ktaited fur Algol Bay, the Brst BieiHy of the Beveuth Dragoon goards.
.^piacc at whl.h
was to laud a dolaeh- n.-.-e they uer.- well cared for and two
days UUT were taken off by II. M. 8.
It was a li-Malltal i-reuing oii which Itlinilumanthna. aent from Kt. BimoD'B;
she .leaimid out of St. Simon’* Bay. The
night vtns etc-ar nnd sti'll. ninj the sntfice
he wot<r wns iinmlQed,. aUhoUgh,
vays on
v'ast..tbiin‘ was a lieary
tdi mat
from tile uenw-ard. The
The fate <if the other aorviron was
bread Ml thi M%Umta nrovte£^
Prvtebly tbe tttwsceat borne erer
ebOMD by boaiaa beluga la a little >•land Joat oS tbe ccMt of Kew ZeoUnd
known a* tkltite idand. lo tbU rocky
li a dfssB tiad. laM tsnrtwapis g»^
la tl» rmlm ct Wassw-Bta.
Sark (b® faaul suu-l M.rilsis
W Os
aad aakb tta ma.
a gusd yosng lasa Is Us tratels op
tab et Wtert-Whao,
aw • maw ia s ,*vrty (IsOs.
. ^BaptM. tksa. *»»« ita twe?
taotaUob, wbete It la impooalble to eaCflpe frotn tbe fwoMO of pnictlcnUjr nnInteraltteot nlpbortc crapUoae. 100
tCew Zeotonderi rovenUy »wa«i» tbelr
borne. Tbe one delight of tbie
It U paid, b wonderfnUy beonttfnl panomatlc view etabtwdng tbe bay of
Plenty. Bat ao great U tbe prepoaderanee ot enipbnr tbat tbe lalaod It
B® taM IslB esmsB hb hsiwfams,
PM U( ts^ur iM Vecsu-aiiDe , Be tad not walk. s. fat taknl Ine tab.
As it ta «m tasipfa i® da
8sw a iwsfatr goad (esuw ta far tsad)
BM taiTisd is Vosr-s.Whos.
And tbs Msld tadsrd bad btva tamfat tsrmd;
As dta aa patuy ISA.
M nmde elror «soo in fear weeka
wboac cavity la In a consuni atate'of (nk^C ordera among ber ebareb aeebuUIUoB. Id addlUob tbe eaUre ear- quaistacoM and trienda. Write na It
tay lead to a permanent paying poelface of tbe Island la dotted witb from
don to manage onr baalaaea ^
900 to 400 mloUlore crater*, wbicb
afuronr large eorreapondenoo. which
emit daring both day aod nlgbt daogbroaaly
tn tfat yont B>dt ttta, atih hat ttttlt sa
Til® asidm ot Wosra-tVbs®
(As tbs MS« 1w USB a rtacw)
md elsmvr biai sides ia too.
TWu sbr mtily relnl as Ms tmiss gis Mad
hot vapors aod
____________ ■ .
' . Peeneh aeirlwg Vaeblaa.
Tbe LoDdon Globe eays an Intereatlag featnre of tbe Paris csbtblUoD wlQ
be tbe “.Avion'' flying-machine ot U.
Ader. which was tried m Camp Satory.
It has an acroplaoe in tbe form of
siioga. nod ibeii- spread can be altered
Two four UladeO propetlcra
are driven by two 40 b
'f Bteam
la tbs Itgeada of WAVa-VbMil*'
I tias loU this tsis by asaw un aha
.ta tbs ta of
Awl ot.lI. Ibus
M'lssis I laru-.
a as esirris, fd supidy
Of tt..
'» etili.s
erilin ..t W.or«
With pv-ii riah Pr ibrir boiling uak,
rnglDt.>!i heated by atoobul from two
reaervolro. betweeu which the aviator
^halr. witb guards to keep
hint from falllug off. Over his head is
the strau coudeuser. and to the right
Itsartsc® Kvtag rsat.
Hb Pi
•r i(Ib4.
“A woman e
^ariM-n a lead penetl
ee' li
thruw- a «i
read Mr. Ueeknen
'Don't mistabe me.
I goli-b ivjuiDiler. “1 im net boating,
cat just reflecting ui tbo wiadom ,of
nature. There Is no
ahotihl shanH-B
:-h anyli
and left arc haudles for aUcriog tbe
aurfacca of tbe aeroplanes, or wings.
The apeed of the screns can lie varied
®at will. The total weight of the utat hit
riOlIU I nu PAHAURM*n8.
One touch of an ley sidewalk mabot
tb<- wliolc world kiu.
Troveiae City to Manistee on Ue fol
lowing date. oBies, otberwlae noUftad:
Mm ij aod 27, Jane 10 and U. Jaly 8
and *2. Aogun .1 and 10, September 2.
10 ana 20 and October II. i
-Traina leave TtaveTM CUy at 8;M am..^reatManUt««^. m. Leave
MMiaieeatSitO. arTlTe^rroverae City
• lOr. B. Ticheu II ronnd ttin. , No
‘*5^ allowed on ifaeae trains.
Troina from Manlatee on all
mOciob.. .
H.W, CvxKixt
O. P. A.
i Serf U anppt in 24 Sours.
Noreme^-equals Waknuk's Witn ;
ISK OP Tah Svhup for UiU U-rri- and fatal dlscu®
if takeni itborhly and in tUa.'.
will euro
.4 hourw, mad fo>} wugh U
ver f2la t
1 acto.*
m Just the usine aft•r you nn-
who agri'f's wUh yon in nil
nt k**st be erv>d]te<1 with
possessing gwid judgm««t.
tVlieii >011 si-e an udvi-rtlscHieni for
Why He ut
biodinnfTw M0i^^llSSr7n ^
known by aome at Snlpbur Uland. In
tbe cester of the rock is a great crater,
A® sbs mM I® Uw youlfc: "Xsw sty la tnitk
Wkj..saMt yvw t® W«ora.«faa®'
A rtta taw nun bsvr cua. t® ta
Widls I nas but dnaBl^st yaw
4X laets raw. vitfa dtmluw faslr.
b-fa® vreald eucBS I® a Wasro-Wfass
Hvli hsis 1 rssd. Uil I uwst iasitsd
Ts su ups ysM «r (wor
stSeeevaraoel&s. tUProriBi
'“-"-I '■
oiJvis.z .wsf, ssi;.!;
' f“rtUc ID'
weight of h-adV '’-IT^odelphii fwr
Seme Other Kiad Preferred.
our system is gi'uer.vlly run dowi
said Dr. Kanani, the eiiiincnl speoiallsf
“hut I think I >-an prniiiisc a
yon follou
“1 thii
res|Hiii.icd Mr Meeker,
laniy lowirinc his voiev. “It'sbonie ireatiiu-ut. I mu aCrnhl, that
fUiiago Tribune.
oiu- of '■•lU m-i'incd uun«'<l iitnl Jolly,
lu foriin-r tliin-s women in-rc pm-ktm)
up their brow-s in frotvns nnU wontnu-li a ivIimA iim'aiii mouth a chap
was afiiilil i%> l.atk m tln'iu. Notv. how
ever. III.' weight of the aniluu must
have Us-ii llfiiHl. for ruivlieads are uoi
ilrti In a iLoiisuiid knots und the Bos
ton girl steps .iff like n lark-------’ -Like
wliai';’ ’-Wh. well," ismtimieil Biok.s
uodlsma.veil liy the lulemiplloii
walks ns though her slUH-s
sluH-s ilhiu'lt pinch
her. But it's ini
hires lurger limn lier snlwr pn'di'iiwsor’s.
,\ud Imw
do you i
tier health, u
id .allllMl Hitrl of thing
u girl Is hnili «»n differ>1
leuiy years uSo."
He Mixed -n>oso i.etle^>.
Etlllors lintv their trouidt-s. One of
thesn men wht> presiiles over the desilnies <if a tvcfiern pawr is luoarnIng Oie less of two siilMcrilters. Otto
tt-roie'askliig hotv- to ralai' his ttvlna
Yardmastcr-tYhat’s the matter with'
lat new- ensmi-iT? Is ho craiy?
Ytnlniastcr-- I’ve nuiicod that if a n
ever gets in liis way be kcejis right
and never rings his Jwll. wlUlc a cliickon
or a dog makes him stop every lime.
'AasiMaDI—Ves. you see, he used lo . .
an eiilhttslaslic whcelraau.-UhiladelphU
■But you were asked to read from Aud iliai hli
your own works, were you not'f
b. yes: that was all right, hut. baug
Nothing on ennh t^n equal the du, I had to listen to a lut of other fel pllelty of Us.' yuuug man who luakes
lows read from their works toor'-i-Cifica- a Iiluff ut in>aliiig ills'Iwat girl’s small
go Post.
brother as if he were his best frteod.—
Chicago Daily News.
PlWBs Peddia*.
im Opera UouMi Block.
"Ilnw full of niUaoiner* our language
Growth of the Mine Bloeklng.
said the flrst icitron of the quick
.ao.B.CBOM. Auoreeraada
••Yi-s.-'olisi-rvcd Bink-s. ns ho sirolletl
inch couDter. “I-\ir instaiire, that «4iicb
Mooey U. Man. OHees. City Opera
is caUotl plum pud.liqg uovor has a plum alone llo.tl.ti.m sins-t. In tbcRpo.) .Vprll
Miusliiiic. "Vcs. Boston Is gultelug gay.
. BOLLIDAY. gradusv
Ih!" replied Ibe other"If yon will I hntf nicl as
many ns ten prwty
inlMhe diclionary, yon will find Weh- youns girls this aftcrumiu. natl every aa.oBle« iUkra
Simon’s Bay. as they were a
whl.-li could be
distaun: I'uiltsl as to make the aitrmi
>t great danof otsiut ibm- mh<-a. the light and bra- the heavy snrf tasbore
iiid at davrn
Cons IwiBg in toll view. On
oard the- «er. They rowed all n
ship nil was .-alia nnd tmnqi
tQuinily.''Onlv 'W'-re |•il■k1■^l up by the
r.v|.iaiii Itamsdon.
tilt- wat^n-mniuod awoke.
ud tbe
Te»sel iWt>u over the Kuoolh water al- on Isia
A Good BeslanlBs.
lno»t «*hoiit si.uiul exeepl for the rliyth........................ main topmost was
lt>i.-al iM'al of her cngiDes aod paddles.
hr Mill standing, with 45 men
Tluw tile dbaster happened no one will round
re taken off. but
ever know.
It Is ceriain that I'aptain eliueine p Mr. Newhride—Vt^dear. and yoo shall
Balmond- w as a full mile farther inshore fbi-re wns
have it.
than he should bare linen, but bow tbe
Mr*. Newhride-Ob. jou sweet thing:
mistake wn» made, through what unTTcH.
I raw a pin today with diamonds
n the mas
knew n cwrrmit or error in ealciilaUon. he
and iM-aris in il. and 1 do want it ao.—
i-bing tbe sbore. Of tbe others of the
».-vei- eiflnincd tITiiledelphia Ureas.
. .. - night there would lecm Birkenhead's great company all perish.. I>m. t" Ibe credit of British couiaga
lo lie nil eveii»e for such an error, yet it
Well awarded.
was tuadi'. Bud als>m “ u'rioek ia tbo I* il said, there wa® in this number nrt
“Jonas Junius employs two lasrycre
woman « <*iU.
moniiBg .it the 21ih the Birkenhead
drove. vviili,.tu warning, vipon one of tbe
“TVTty twor
anany sut.im rgcd recks mnning out from
“He gets booloeBs advice from oae.
Point Dauiici.
then be consults the other about bow
•n.v cs
, _ .
Clilortunatcly fur ’all bn board, the
mnefa be ought to pay of tbe first i
reck was one of the forthen out trem er nuuitwr sleep in untnarkeO but not un- blltfL''-Chlcago Bccv.rd.
land, detichi-d frotn tin- rest of the reefs
aad with deep wtler ull around it. The
-,vUip went on with ...eh fore.- Hut she)
Bratallty In KwMtm
•assod nearly half irvci ii. t.-ariug open
e “Metnoirs of a llcvolut’ioidat.''
ucr boltam as she did wi. and finally by Drinre Kropotkin, the'autbor, aflcf
“Why notr
brought up banging un the roek at a point K'llinc Ilf things be himscif saw In Ui
“Because tu.v wife and our two dauckJust forward of the padille boxes and
diiMbood. says:
ten insist upon shari>cnitu: thdr own
with her bow and ateni fulJy nipporled
“If. however. I, were to reUl* what I lead pCBriU.“-<.’l{veland I'lain Dealer.
by th" sea only when she was uuOerrui
by a swott .\s each aca ran under lie
ohe was raised almost dear of the rm-k.
____ their
and women torn
“Look." said little Btao. who had
lift it passed on. dropped on It again. 1 il,-.-. and their -vUl^ and Bold’
tevee before seem a mule used for agy'.>pods a stick of kindling wood * gciiihllng or rxrhsnced for a conple of
hing but hanlUg.
jcs knee to break It in two. No' hiii,tii,B docs and then franaported to
“IVhat is it. disrr
ship t fil vritii human bands could stand i s....... r.
e jiart of Ruaxia for the aakc
“A man riding horseback on a mnla.”aueh trearmeut long, and the Birkenhead ' ' iig a new estate; of chUdren Uk- Pinobotg Cliroaiele-Tclecraph.
lustantiy b-gan to fill and settle.
iheir parents aad sold to erori
It ncedisl no seaman lo icll from the
Boar W’wak. Cta nor.
ateady aettlbig of tbr vetici that she had
Tbe crv)w-n priure of OctmaBy re®
JBot many miuulec lo remain above warivet a retary of *S75,tW0 a year from
fcr.v ^The
drowning berarif:
: dii -ting tbe
ow OI tne boats and lUc deapec“For bring hta father'a ao«.’'-Chleafe
•^•qr-rgy with whii-h their otvlela Wore hanged himself ueder hit master's win
-APTried out aluiwcd that there was hope dow. »Bd of revolti ot oerfs which stmo
«taaf<iy hut foe a few. yet men and olB- auppremed by N’ichoUs I's generaJs ^
*«•» were as calm and Meady as though flogging to death each tenth or fifth man
:*a parade. ITterv' was a rapid 'coasulu- takcB oot of the ranks, and bv laying
line for them men whu call o
th>B ot Ibe officera, and the saMirra and
■ever Uke os oot snywhere.
aulines w ere at oare put to work tbrewPapa-What Is it.
Jig ovetboatd tbe liormu and cminp Im•Vh cdB t
mta and manning tk» hand g
paiiMr- ---------------------- ^
AM tataPfl «f Mpkwr.
auUle Uo. BJiwk.
BDCo'aaSdckUarcB'saiscaaesaapeelally. Of
First Freeze
Clear Ice, (rom Boariimai late.
$1.00 a Month
At reeideseeH—same as Ust jedr.
Have largeqoanU:y on hand,
make a ipeclalty of ear lota.
•^Sce BUj rrsiJcBoe, No. tl.
.A J. OCOTT-VcrerlBare Bu rgece. at
HorcBa's Bars Treats Ulsea
••tie aslaaU by lbs Uirsi and
J. A. Jackson
Bath ’Phouoa, No 7.
pBFEgD TILT, VcirnOBrj nurgcoo aud
Buiavry aud DoniBl a-ork.SBrclaI
anfi'ly. while
ihioilier wanteil to
Mt to »-ai|-sI>rwcbiorc cat-aim
kuotr how he might rid his on-hard
i taro in Jeoooecllco 'or {atb-nis.
lu!®* left si'_______ ,____
Shan®'® «Ble
of graaKhoppi>re. Tin- uuKwcr went
.laUnviU be prooplly all______
is*) to. Kortbforward by mail. Inft l>y aeeidetii tbo j^s«.^o«C2>.r|{a„iN„r,b,
editor |iiii them iuto the wrong i-orclDites. so that the man with the twins
reoelv.-.! the nusw<-r:
. Both telcpbooe® Xo. *1.
them earefiilly witli
a few minute'
Jli-s. will Im- iqMMHllI.v set-1 work guaracleeJ.
lu! Saeoud slrert.
SllVj.W. Clirte,
r. trim W. W. Klml
BTcri^ City. Mieb.
And Ihi- mat! with grasshoppers waa
toki to “giv.v'casior oil'ami rob their : Frout stre®
Stuns with t«omOonuan a® aa latervlawer..
to«p.n>. 'Pa>apboos.n.
S«'tuitor Coromu applies* toi ,“®’
puldie affairs the fnmous niU' of tlw *‘i‘‘
and Repaired
Saiisfanioi Gaaraateeil
to t‘vei7 reapect.
Of .all the |>0liiIclnns of this genets-1---------flou none hae n larger reimlatlon for;
ri'serve than former Senator Arthur P.'
lueusl Peiaaiiar
1 Waahlngtcn
thlngtci atreet.
on eaay monthly
y paysenU.
pay m
and lot on Ball Road avanoe.
gPM, amall payment down, fadliihly.
Webater atreet.
great soldier who saht ituit the art of I
faliilfiy liM-ir
tiuit erowd nreum) bli
thin, but il is It Ki
them that he tinoN
hiiDMeir. /
joaay monthly
Every Btiuiim-r Senate
^■^ raro birgaio.
Next to Ea«|p Office.
—««isM sss w«®uru u.eso anc
the rofrigdratoi-. for II.00 a a
aod won’t aak to be paid in adra
The •euaior snilled and ®t> did ihwoi
alKtni him. for iljey api.m-u.ted that
the Judge had given a eaplial .tcMeH.s!
nnnpttoii Cure-W«nMP'»
WhR* WhM of Tar Srrop, the
best cough rctnrdy on earth, cares a cold
■--7 day if taken in tine.
ciiv ftara Hou^W/w-b
John R. Santo.
Gtnral lisBriin.
Warsburg Bloek
. aid®wslkl,timbartai sUsIsas
taoeisssis t® Ttmnm Ottj tombar 0®.
EnamelingBest to be had ia '
the dtj is at
iflmpIeB in window.
C«T>tog dth. ITm waUe BbiTfirt. —t
•m£ ^ OF MCMEL.
■''liMhcrr.cfM CuMtm. *Tm an
■“Vm; ibe U bMicr,' I rcf^M. *Owtotte. don't TOO »*er
Tb» sM to(A ber 4nd aMber's hud.
• look o( borror doetwnbv in ber cyn. .
- •Ah.' she oxeUloted. 'Ac to‘“ Tortotta. don’t yoo bw>wT
“ -Tos.’ «be nnsirt-rtd. taUbc upon brr
ksm and bniTint ber face U tbe bnddothn; -1 know-I inow-ahe ia deadyoo bare'—
“I bent orcr tbe fiti b«t sbe repniMd
■e coldly, sayiaforiy :'
Kkr ttoMIr;
••-'J ki
I IkM WM tM «• •*
l« •!«•:
L>« M «■. IMtk.
I tt«-,1 fiB wUft r«
£?r:r'l"ivrr;\r‘ ,
A »«an rtonn tn nbd u BsUMttan
•f ■annnnna.
I va nil •> M r«fu or •> •«».
Ta« BMt IM
-IMttu VoMortb B«ni ta Up|tew<tX
-Sot inarried yet nor Koinx to beT'
“tVby, FrtBk. I ihonfht inrely by this
The doctor looted noettlly lo hU chali
•od turned so that tbe electric light otei
bb desk did not sbine foil oo bU fare
As for me, I paused abmptly, feelioi
that I bad hedged oa painfully delicate
Biaiti. ............ly. Jack, but eomaboir hate neter
.the inooll. I te gone throngh a tough
perieuce since I satP you last.*'
I,ooklng at bis haggard face, J c«
J, »»vm. ” ovu I cTusm lo <s>nuon lasi
,1., -1-,. I
F**'"- * •“<* • Chicago o>ao for a chum.
Ko doubt be was an all nronod good feiaenc down word ..____
to apeak
hU B.XUl
aixtb -Jt
or m.-ULh
aeventh trip.
^ vlabed
_________ .
■_______ OVl 11 ^ut it was OSS
to'me. 1
dlamvcd When abe came
he'd got posted as to wbeo and bow
into the room, the ghost of bCT former
bU meanneaa. I f..uDd him in
aelf. All tbe energy and
gone out of ber face; eveb ber hair looked dull and Ufelesi.
Ufeleai. I appmached
ber ,ev'words must be uttered for deceoTV
srith outstretefaed bands.
“‘At Isit, Chirlotu:' I aaM, but sbe
^ 'Name's Jonea.' says 1 aa 1 chucked
drew bark, whb a abodder.
way my ateamer trank.
■I felt I mnat eee yon,’ abe aaU. Ho
” 'Name's Brawn,’ aays bo ns he bangright any Ungering imprMm. enn
bit bat.
migfat have that them
era eonW be anjrtl^ ,
didn't apeak again for four dn-ra.
more between
Tbto U tbe last time
got a heavy gale aud a big sea.
ve shall meet.
V T '
I »•» 'f*"* »"
** “«*•
■tVhat do
gasped in bevildcnuCTit.
“•oot ur
*• 'rve turned things over and over
“‘No; bare your
my mind tUI my brain acbea. and I ei
*■ 'No. Hop^ you badr
not eioDcrate ,yon1 frai^from goIlL'
“ 'Ditto''
Ob, come, Cariotti!
^■An hour Ipcfore we landcl 1 banded
M nnji rt-4D0« cruel!' I
him a jvper
paper oi
ou whi.-h I had vi
down my feelings (xmceniiug .blni.
;• 'You will say inily that it van at i
auggeaiion you beatcaed my motber'a i^,
death, bnt I vaa mad—madvitb grief at
the time.'
■“1 tiare aaM notbing,' I Uterposed.
‘B-bat I did was done in aU Jastlce-nU
humaniiy—to a poor, tortured creature
for whom life waa full of ibe tormenta of
you n.y
hen and to wbom death, battened by a
i«imwi «ci.-u'l alike
day or twoat the furtheit, wat gratcfnl.
j „„ j,j,„ p, i-yHa tit weeks
Your mother vat saniBe.l. (.od knows!
„,he.l in p+et each other
'• •! cannot tell. Slie might hare prefriends and '- ■
ferred lo lire and anger ber life —* ((^alked
about like two bn.lbers and r
she bad Iw^n tn a condition lo cbooac,’'^Vid, wh«. the MrliDg rame. ' That
alic replied, lifting her hands, will! a wea.
her I
r gektnr
“i ahoi
t hot tor Imont^l-iit rniVmking ir> proiMses of
in overwheiming sense of
yi-I.Ml.e. n,v iwmimste
n my benn nt ibe tbougl
untt lie sagering. I tomiged beyond
rotnfort her and said a few wild thing! ',
that I nilghi just ai well hare left un- i
as I did wl
-r little c
-. brought t
iiolioas. such as
f<>r I
small |dai.
I hbTe had m; boildiBK
iebailt and pat re good
shape «nd sm nov read;
toreceiTesU oUpstrens.
•aAMaasasBas Bltaa Thevagh Bto
a mortal iojvy. If be'a seatick. you ba
a eoatguipt for him; it be b aot. yon a
a bit envioua. I've cToaaed the Atlant
tlmea Bad alsays shared i
, and I waa never mori* l
. apeakiag terms sriih iny roonunati
“J can be all right toward c
aboask but be'a
a your
enemy. Tbe e
«W Meag eg the Wme
nld tbe traeclar. *'aad ____
occaa Hner and towud tbe
nbUced tu oceopy tbv saioe ataieroMn
ndtb him. You arc med tn beyto nilb
tkat you bare to hook In «Uh armiebody.
chap.- saW I. *forflre
me for rplildtig yon on a sore aptit
hadn't tbe aSigbteat idea’’—
“How abonid you? Yon are tbe only
person to whom 1 aball etcy mention tba
subject, but if yon care lo Iwar"—
•Tell me.” I said.
■•Do you remeuilwr. Just before yon
vent vest, my spesklng i« yon of a Mrs.
Sehria. whom I bad been <nlled to at
tend. and of ber daughter t’arloUar
••Quite u-ell. You raved about the (riri'a my bapiiincss for s mere it
Iwauty and fine n'lalities and hlial affec- abe replied with a shudder:
“Did I understand you i- ssy that yon
•• 'You may call il what
will, but wished to marry my daiigblvr'/" liiiinlrvU
lUitc her." iDtemiptbet-n your tbe fierce old man oh hv reached around
ed the doctor. »ltb a Bush. "Mrs. 8cl
I and Into the corner fur a thi. k viim .
win was aufferiag from a ivinpUcalioa of
poor mi.lher!' Here perfaapa “Y-yca.v sfiamnu-red
tb<- yi-iifli.
diseaw-s that reached a dimaa. or rather my face revealed suim-thing of what 1 “Well," saiS'T
Jibe old luiin ns he n-cighl.lag. iu the alarmiug atUck
: softened,
iii hts baud nml then half
I c]uile gently: *I am sorry
from liU chaiir. •you an- ju»t
f Carlotti
1 polled bo- tfarongfa-lb>
to cause you |vin, but ibere is no other
wish. Xauu-lt."
sad 1 polled ber ibeougii.
way. ttowlby!' And sbe left me."
y.niiii di-siMiiriiigly.
sbe was dcstini-d to bare more of tbei
The doctor paused and sat with his
: oot of this room
' -sMsum amt vonld eventually die in oni
face ahaded by bis band.
ibougb Ibe end tabcht be staid og fc
'•Where is sbe Dowr I asked.
. “
suae time. Tbc Selwins were southen
‘To Baltimore with ber aunt. I're
en sod bad bred in a little out of
seen her once. But ber face it not Ibe
way place Ui VirginU. 1 never knew
fare of the Carlotta I used to know."
■•Wht <• Book.
Belly why Ibey eauie uurth. Tbe c
“Things can never be straightened out
•TVhat'a the matter wiili that yonng
relative tbry bad was a sister of ‘
between youT'
>keil tbc kiug.
Belwin's. wbo bred iu Bsilimorv.
You mean lu the extent of renewing
Tunr majesty.' rciiUcd tbc prime luiu*
Ibey bad made no friends. THiey were
• old relations? No. and 1 vonld not i.,..
bier, "tbU Is ilic irnge wbo l>cbnves s-i
wdl og and amply aUe tn, agonl every
luxury aand rumrort that might bel|. to
••Aba! We'll make him-te" to kiep
-klrs. Belwki's illness more bcaramake. Mi
wowwer’s Sease mt Romor.
place iu tbc fiiti
However, when 1 suggested Ibe fern
When Waguer's energy was no
■jty- I w:m goiiig t.
dllty of a trained atiendaot to reUevc
-n him .lo« ii."-l*Uila
■coded in bis art work. It fonnd vent angfiost that y<
caring for ber mother tbc girlI begged n mauy humorous sallies. Unce be Mood delpbla I’r.-'s.
>u bi. head for I'raegcr.
That waal •
—earaestly to be aUowed to wail inwii
phytb-al bumor. But he was also fond of i
«■« st teereer.
patient bcrself. and tbe mother, who
some ubl faibloocd nollous aUxil traiued juktog. He once quoted his teaeber's^ ‘TYhy wi
remark that be wiauld never learn to srent hadi
ses and fauspiiala
play the piano.
••Bnl.” he added. “I married bv a'woman pr.-iii-lHT’r"
00 It followtsl that 1
play a great deal belter than Berlioz.” I Tbe bride who»r .-iBiidestlnc luarriaile
t'arlolta in tbe sirkrooiri and out o
••I am not given lo eutbuslasms, but no The waggislmeas of this remark lias in'had Jost beeu nnuouiKvd lm<kcl surtbe
could not play at prised.
man could
could isec and know Carlotta Belwia
le InBuencc of
*Tbwe*a one |>ta<« abun all otben
An rx fw* » M ttai y« MM hvf
HIgk Baah.
Tbe pboootueital l.nahieaa rcc«rd
made by Jiis^ K ritearna of Ludlttg-^
too during toe |e*-« than serepteeu
years that 1m- bas Ihvo it fat-tor in tbe
comiuen-lul t-lrx-les of Mlchlgao la a
nbaoiuti- guaraodf ibai tbe affatrs u
tbe vtatf will In- MUtt-eMifuIIy admlnti
tvred slionlil be realize bta '
)v Ibe
tbe next govsronh.v anMllOD lo Iv
d raiddly graving
ernor of this gn
lau ibat Mtcblgan
eutumoDvealtli. .
has proilutwd iu years bas sbosrn
greater <v|ui<dt) for iIm- snrfeKaful
bantlliog of large imteriirlsea. or deni.onstralcd tlie jwwteasiou of greater ex-
One day aa tbe Sage tm atrettng
abent tbe ceamtir be met a I'cnanM vbo
esaplaiaed that bis Aas vat AeaA
Tlwft yon via no hmgec bare to fMB
Good Line of Jofolr;
“If that Is tbe case, tbea ^ vOI net
veer out her abM eo baL”
“And but tvo nights age « Mef atala
baU my eara.“Tbat la also a bleaalog. a> y«a vBl
bare leaa te carry eai your back to mar>
“Rear me. O Baga.“ said tbe Peaaaot
aa be viped avay bla tears, ‘Hrbea I
.M^tbat a Wolf baa carried e* my oaly
T bear yoo.” replied tbe vise and rcooable maa, *Hmd I vonder that yea
quln-d a n-iwtai
Uy when tbelr talents avtually vers
oooAned b> an ablliiy to pb-k oot rapable nieu to routlDti tbelr boainees for
tb<-|ii. but throogbum Mr. Kiearna' boaiaess tvreer be bus persuually rarrie^
ou the euieriirises whb wbh-b be baa
beeu ronoeeti-d. vbelher lu the More,
tbe wuoil*. Ibe lullt dr tbc detiartiiietii
will every
e. ami lu eimnecllnu wllb
The Waukazoo House!
xres«bx>ora. ncioi>_
na b«t faretabed aud beat kofft
ooaa .OB ibb poatoMU U ready for
twlMa. OgM tha y«»r rauai. Good
Uracy la eosaeetlea with tbe hoaia,
BBtoa Bbde knows on n^lat .on
Fire Insurance.
ibese ii
. . . lotv tbau iveuty years- Mr.
ftteorna bas l>e«o a resldeut of l.udinginu. Mu»«ii i-ouuly. .iml bas rarried
on vast ImniM-ring o|vraliubs tbraugh*
lies- He
It IllHt II
i- kuowii to tbe iieople of
tbai si^-iluu 'of ibe ____ _____ _____
geile. sirnlgbiforward. boiiuralde and
aini-essfiil iHisliiess tunn. ami ibis reputiilioli bus fidli-wed liiiii tbrnugbnill the
Is.ls. A- BoUdlsg
Sir. Steams was bora in romfreu
Cluiutiuioua ititmiy. X- Y April 10.
1N4:>. lie was islui-aied In s- district
•elnsd. as he reiiuiliie.1 iiniil Id yearn
of «ige on Till- fitnii of bis father, who
“1 observed that, bdt your wln-al never
vus II .rnniier aud In
looked so well. As a matter «f fact-my
il............................ ....
dear man, yon hare nnthiag wbalever to
for ten years the complaio • of. On the ent
•ugng.sl in luuilMtrlug From should rejoice thst things are
KrU: lH.th M.'iit to • Teleilo. M.. in 1871.
Die Sage waa aboni to pa
nud ongxgnl lo ilu • liimiM-r liiislnetii
liTArack bla foot against i Mone end
itenoTing ^11 beamy to earth.
the Uiiter i>la«-e iii nil IsTik
to I.iidiogtou. Jiisiius B. serve.! as .-lerk
fJtlas." he <-ried. "hut I have met wilh
In the fnihi-rim- U
a grievous fall!
til IWCd. w-hcli h.- t rinip'd III
‘Tt tvas a fall certainly," said the
iifuciiiri' of IjiiiiIm ' ..I. Ills.
['eaaant. “Init you ndght bare been
you know.”
eoiinl In II siimll ■
n up on a aleamhoai.
lie bus
T think I have aprained my ankle.”
sliip, loikv .-oimi.v
■Bnt yon might have hn^en your neck
(■niilinuod in l)ii<
till..- lo I m<- iiutll lostrarl."
I- luilb at l.ud“Had yiHi but warac. me of the atone
I and I eunid have pasaeiMt lo the left."
I I-a.- dll
Tn which case yon would have tum.............. ................... Hr IS f»n.-.sl.-.l
Hi.- largest iimnnfiK-imvr of luuils-r re» ble«1 into the ohi well an<l »M-en drownaldiiis In Ml--l>isiiii
liirg.-sl .•inpI..v.Ts ..f
lnU.r, linvluR
mon- -Umii. l.K».iKai.tmi>
fi-et ■'! luniln-r ih
Si-limd dlrts-i...
tin- .Mnib
coiigr<-ssi<m.i1 •Ilsn-l.-i In IMV.'
njllv eliH-liv.- ..Itii-es In- held
if his el.s-lloii .is S4s-r.'t!iri
lionol dme#
For the last
hi- t.-.n-lvmi tSk's.'.Tii
x-ltoy K.
leM-kw.NMl. tl
ITiUin for Is-ltoy
ih.<-aBriiii.1le oT
the l»«-tiioc-nttl.|
Ih-tiMM-nttl. I*eoid
minu silver party: Mill
B-iroiigh. .-nndidale of '
' ■ u.w.r
• l-'rb-sinu. .Ir. .-i.mlidal.- of the
has ;
.amis of I
Kt.ainR has never had
■US or Ids
iroubli- with lalR.rprtiiiiilzatiotP
employe*, aud no
of men an
n:t.n- einhiislaslle in «iip|>..rt of Ids
eaurtld:l. y for governor .as ihose who
have U-eu in Id* employ aud iierw.unlIv know of
Ids liouorulile Imsluesa
rneihiMla *.u nil .H-.asloiis and under
all elri-uinsiums-s.
Xolwlilistaudlnu Ih.- gr.-ai amount
of l.uslii.-s« >lr. .tlearns bus attended
■luring til.- pii'i .'"‘■■'"•y
....--utlvi- iibilliv
li.-is .-nai)
“Dear me!" she ex.-laiiuM, - Wasn't it
p' .,n i„ the tx-si
a rehearsal of tbe “llienxi" an elopement, and .lidn't »;• »---.i.t .w 1^,,,,^ ,
.n, .........he wa.
overture in’ Dresden tbe tramboues were wedding to be a sc-ret? —t-biCas.. 1 ost.
«lui|>.- M lake lip oHU-i
loud. Instead of rebnking them an
-----------------------------------ImiKTrianl w..rk iliuii now. Wl.atevei
grily, be said with a laugh, "Uenllemcu.
mak CrilleUm.
„,„l..nak.-* isC giv.-n
is-rsmial1 atgiven his
in Dresden, not matebiug aramid
........ ami lids w ill Inills of Jericho."
After ‘Tann
apiwnrctl in t
■ aildiii.inal work Ids f.-lbiw
■anser" was brouglit out n ticrraan com Mags •
< imiv MS- lit lo nsk lilin to |s'rf<
iBSsrsBCe for yon, aad will i
proBpl and earefni attentltw
Osly tbe moat reliable atock iuarSBM eompaeica repreeented.
Kstea vocy low.
JiOM 7?.
O Peasant." gruanr<l tbe Sage. ”b«-ai
when I aay that I am so badly abakI may u»t get i.iit of my hut f.>i
•T bear you." sahl ihe I'casant,
“and I wonder that you Uninn. ■Hie
yon get oiitdoors tbe fruer corn
you will h.nvc on your l•Kt■. Taken till in
all. you have nothing lo complain of and
much to rejoice over.”
Moral.—I'bilosopby . is m good thing
only when applied to tlie otber^frilnw.
Johnaos llloeir
Third Chair.
.third clinir in
I bare placed
' barber ebop i order lo aoeomoZitemy patrona.
areful alteDliou inven 1
M. O^ IATT. Pfopr.
Wlnalsaad Klsl.cr emplon*
but Riplils« sadiM- Rj
aRRB«S5fi££5« ; :8i; ;8S£«g
DiveealoBB of (be Aweleats.
•‘Acantha. my pet.” said Apollo, pa
lag bis band lovingly through ber ireoa
“why d.»» the cUariol ..t iIm- aim me
so swiftly whea I am willi tiiccr
lot good at conundrums. <) Apolmph. "tM.
r is of I
For which llgfal an.l fiip|.aul reply
pMlo Imtuediatciy changi-d her Into aa
lerb.—Chicago Tribune.
The Tsiek ThiU Dtaat Fall.
Now they (lausol iM-forv a shop.
••What a lovely bat!" exclaimed*
woman in rapture.
U.U.VM tIU.- UWU. ,l«*4 ,.«.04M.MU.
"Not On your lifer' |.n>terted she.
•My life!" be whUiM-rcd and gi
ndly into her great gray eyes.
they passed on. he triumphal
.tic in a dreara.-Detroit Jiwni
arMtr car ieOnUi
( an p. B. train bas parlor ear -le Ora<
Bapids. asd alceptng car and coacr. Ural
iB^owChteage to Oraod Kapida and cbalrea
“Do J ,
'TnalnarrlTlB* attS0p.B basrka'.r eat Ft
Bclwln, whomI she regaf
Wayuaio Grand Baptds aad chair ear Oran
wBat iKxlerity thinks . .f >-oil
nketiy—Yea; I u-uicnl ll.euishort of an ni_
angel, but il
»« matters
_.\..., air," isw-cml SeiiBlor K..rglmm.
Mr. Stearns In the Kaer.
c Kvening Star
tbc girl was liberal ami wide mioded
rcniuogloii—-\nd what did you thi
bin,, I'm
r. . iu-an-<I a L. LOCKWOOD. t» F. * T.A . Grand RapM
“I never uid auy such thing.
of them?
Tbcgiils-ri ,t..rlal Ihtoui of lloa. Jua- bait to death
an unusual degree. Well, to make a lung
my groat-graud< |i.is-^.-ni Mvn-inr.v .uf
Inkeriy-AVell, to In? .-aiidiJ. I thought ' tus S. Slcaril'.
Mory short. 1 feU des|K-ralely in love
look up idtyingly at my por
•n will It
iil.-uiloo from ebildit-n
the am awfully simple and the M-raud sU^U'. 1* r.f.-K’lug
with her, and two mouths iratu ibi
a.rtlon* ..f the Slate, aud la trait and say, 'Vos, old FImeoii ttorgfaum
simply awful.-Cbicago Neus.
| vJri.ut' |s>rtloii«
?d. T wa
we mrt we were engaged,
«s*nsci«iof Lis favorite diversions lo aeat
____________ ____
I aK-mmins i.-Trp-<1z*-d . proisirilous not was one of thc-ae Intellectual.
prameiy bappy. and so Cat
arlotia seemed
Nsry. ICUO.
ivc ai
to be, tbe only cloud ut>on
r horizon himself at tbe inano a. id sing the "Song WbyThwaHIWoWIFIIAceWeeplww '■ ouly ‘U hi- l'nu»‘
—Wnshitigloi Bta.
for bitsi
Kvening Hlar” a la C'hrllard.OOIMG OOrTH.
"Adriaide has a shirt waist will. Von- : purls of Ibis .-..imu..uw.mlliiNo
beiitg Un. Helwla's health,
I, whieb
I could
Kobbe in For
see waa foiUag fast.
dcrboolfa tailor's Wg «*o il. and it cost ; .-amli.luit1^11.™'
Veer nnley.
‘Hlne erealag Cariotti lod I bad gone
Ida-Wbeu the hero saw ber plight, hc
! -d i»si
(til- lioimr than Mr.
Borne Propertlea mt Silk.
deiH-rviug ■'
for a abort walk and
vure rvlurniug
••What c
till.- of Mlchlgnu's very rilnibed tu tbe edge of Iht- rock and clove
The sllkwanii uas originaUy found in “Oh.^
tUculTis. Hiwhen we w ere m« by
c of tbe loaidi
etting her moi
Chino, and fabrics of this material were
who had hurried out in search of ns
Iwsi • -itizens, U-iiig pul.lic splrlled, aud
:-My fellow has a
made in lliat country at«ut 2700 B. C.
wbo told us that Mrs. Hclwia had
always v .rkiiig r..i Ihe v.-ry^
“Reotbg il to c.ther girls .
of doing il.
Sill.conte desperately IB. We Iiastened lo ber About bOU yards of silk ere produced by ■rnoon."—Dvircrit Free I’res
Ida-Doing what, dear?
..nice of si-vn-ur.v of
single worm, and there ore nearly 13
sad fuuud her sngering agony that no
U-iicy of t
May-Why. when he warn » to eloTi.llstillKUlsli.-U llllll».'lf «>B
effort of her slrang will could conceal. pouu'iU of waste silk, dcaignatetl. aa
Perfect AeMrd.
the octa.ons nu.l Ik- has ttJW the tbe air be goes out belwci-n
s> aittiug
■ ■ g e
erect in ber bed, prop- •Thrown silk," for erery pound of good
'My wife and I igrec jK-rfectly ilwot
His iiualUIca*
1 position i I wbieh
Thrown silk, altbongfa knosni aa
leckion, ; ottl-vs with Rr«-iil cr.-UU
P by lullosn
things,” n-ii Trke.1 Mr. Me
ims for the high ..m.-i- n* wi.U-li he
it Wl
waste aUk. U not by any means uselesa,. with a gcntl.
Two of « Klo4.
during ber |•araxysmf.
From all tbe for detirate and intricnic modem ma-plrt-s
artmitu.v. ami » Imiihl Mr.
•Thar'a Johimle slraddle o' the fence
lx- r<.rtuu:iK-<-u(.iiKh n. iM-coiu#
-ry now couverts it into a fit material I “Yes.
symptoms I Judged that tbc end wa
ibe manufaetnrer's use. Tbe chief take It
• Ibv ii..mlmt- of ibv U.-pnl.ll.;ati
far off. though abe might Ust some day*.
itv lliv iM-o)>le
n-..ni.l >
Carlotta. wiiL Iwr usual deftness and wane in silk culture arises from defect- and HenrieP
1 his >d<N-ii
man's t«en In the aa
ilwnvs liav- meat. '1 e olc-.T.-.il.^,
presence of mind, briped me lo do
ire eocoonn, and tbc material secured Waataiagi'
. . and giving fix ever i
from them is real “watte silk."
Ibat there was to be dune to relieve
pur«- Hiluihiia. laau Cob
Tbe^elaMicily of silk U r
uolber. and before morning sbe was
tf-mt„i,',_^lli.s itepuhll'iii10. JnD.-r>.itm;
^e great diver sily lu tbc diameter of
somewhat easier. With alrict Injuni "
Tbe Nalorwl Orator.
The Fere liniDette Riilnit
.fe:r ; js-’*”
fiad ber again
_ .
plieoualy to be put out of ber misery.
•The three days that followed wi
fiw Carkuia. I harried to ber at once. Hie
girl bad ber attas about her mother, wbo.
in a. wild paroxysm of |>ain. waa MraggUng to draw tbe pHlowi from bidiiad
her. Daring a motneBtary lull in ber
altering Carlotta slipped to *ay side and
“'How ItmgwiU this laair
" 'It may last for daya,’ 1 replied.
“ ‘For God's sake. It you bare any
haasaalty. end It! It is (rroag-all wrong,
that abe aboold oaCer an. End it. 1 beg
tbla Bomeat there waa another
fearful paroxyaaL and tbe ^ri rRnraed
qnleUy to ber poM.
“ ‘Carlotta,' I aald. 'sUod aaide a momeat.' 8ba obeyed. 1 am not ante that
abe knew what I BHaat to do. bnt if she
did aha effarod no icsistanee. 1 drew
T from Mrs. Bel1 ber down. ¥\>t
oMklw OBMtsb. IWa thm t
eat prodneed l.y tbe silkworm ia
c of much
• dis
ing unlfonnity iu the dii naiooa of Uia
reeled silk. If. for instaai the operative
Btarts off with six Btranda from as many
cocoons, the iModuct from each wlU -dlminiah more or i<?st in diameter. Cenaequently in order to preaerve the sUadacd
regularity It becomes necessary lo add or
lake away tbe prodnex of one or two
more -worms, which c^ratiou eaUt tor
cousideral>lc skill and SodgmenL-Maanfacturer.
FK Man fitrO
UuU. Justus Suillli Kh-iirns. Mh-lilgap's pn-M-ut gi-iilal iiinl ■■jnnuMpot
Nocri-tnn of siai.', has iiuilioriztHl lli»
I ann.mii.s m.-ui of Ills canOidacy for
governor. Mr. SU-anis imsscsses inaiij
^quallBcailons whi.li purtl.-iilarty tit
; him for this high olli.s-. He Is a matt
,of rtu<iu.-sth)u.-.l luu-grliy. wlilr ac
I <|uniuuucr. iiufalierlng ItepuliliraB*
■ istu. vourtpou*. illgiinrtl. «-leau and on*
who has pt-vor Ihn-u mixnl up with
nnv faction. «-ll«iue or Ism. He Is pat*
Gculariy foriniiai.- in iM-lng hwatbd in
tb>- uoribwesKTii imn of the Igrwee
Fenlusula vhl-h has pn-uliar claims
oa the goveroorshlp.
Kbouid Mr.
Stimnis l»c Iht- immlnee. In- would be
es|M-clSlly strong among tbe laboring
classes from wboM- ranks be eonios
nod who know and love him.—Gratiot
Counly Heralil.
erea under adverse rircumMaacca, aad
It generally poya. A passeoger In a
aleepiag car. who waa tired and Mespy
And Wanted lo go to bed. called oat to a
man who bad Jnat entered the eoaeh and
waa barrylng through It:
“Say. lan't it alsrut time te have thaot
berthagaade upT’
"B'bai do you take me forT* aaCfOj
tbe llei
retdied the other, atopplag aad eomlng
i- him f<v 1)1* manly
back. “Do I look Uka. a sleeping
linpUelt-------------“No." rejolaod
tired paM
Iniesrlty.^e wo^
looking up at him wearily. Ton da
ad beta comiag ba make a model goveraor.Bbw-He Bthl you bad
I beg yoar paidMt. My
eondaetor U alwiya • ?*,**»■*
gagBmB.^>-Te«Rh'a OempanMa.
“Why are tbc peoidc leaving tbc hall’
•o rapidlyr
“The programme eommittee hat jnst
prang one of those ‘natural orator^ on
them.”—aevelaiid PUin Dealer.
Ra»»r Boeape.
Bobba-lUgger and Chewer got Into i
Mg airumeat Iblt moraiag.
Dobha—Wbo got the better of It?
Bobbs-Idid. I left as a<
.iUMgrted.—Baltimore American.
Entitled to It.
“Mrs. Brlmbenoa always hat aaefa a
Mile look."
“I wonder if It’s becaaae ber bnshand
la la tbe wholesale egg boalneaar-Cbleago Times-HerahL
' my hat.|]
•w'eoirai."-^Clevetand PUIa Dealer.
JaOM What makes '
Braw»-Oh, be'a Jwt tralMagt«ba«t
o< tka I
BmTinanIntwf faTttriwy
aH|p^ fM*drieh
Maj b» Pat with <HriB»By
S»aMuwq.a»dtta>tha ■—*u aw
Work fbr OouBoa
iiiriillli 111 rllaaaiifimht Uhlli-
SM«d te
Bam «M »■
waiar tai i* daa. TUa pUa wlU «e
amwllhtta aaaaaatr aad aaaar*
aaeaofartlaetlul—bemte he—
BitMwlir—4ttawrkot th«
aadwUlhaaHTtefetaxpa—to tha
WE, tafw
M7 ■■■in—IT allT. Iraao—^thataawaadadaAovM. Bvv MiMak aalcid tte jaaata watar a^helald eaoll atraata
ef tto wiaMpal
aaaU are nade theraaa.
■rtthftCMdfrtpaad la hi
his taaacoral ladrlee that eoato dednlte ■«—
meat be eatored iato with B. O. Oaapwnfu------aaaj Ihi^ whtob wIU
an to the tlaa when the water
•aln Tia*«m Oltr wMPrthtat Uh« a ball
worka plaat ahall ha taracd orw to t
fUU\»B wlwB hi* «i«t«UeB« haw elty. eo tbat-oo unne—117 Intereet
a—«afriad«BL Tfaaauror eo?,»ad need be paid on the bewda {Maad-ior
a VMd deal ol freaad ia his add—, the pnreUae of the plant, and alao
that tha euperrlaore nay know wheth
ateviBCtha abMieoBiafscrfUie ratlr- er
to aeacM the water plant or tha
ia( admlntatratlMi aad aapmaiaa
money paid tor aana.
Unleat aome
anch action U token it U a qneatlon
daterialaaUon u> ha ’
toae thla
BoirtTc'r. maoj eioalleat and prae-< whether tde elty miebt not leas
, ar Ita
aonaaU aeeomptiahM half the imprare-:
seat aeked for TiaTejae CHy wUl be
thankfal tor tfee oomln* year. The
tollowlnr U the add— In toll, wbleh
waa read before the routine boatneea of
-tba,BMUB« waa token up:
"ifayer Medrieha Addreaa
Te the Boaorable, the Olty OonneU of
TraTertoCUy. OenUeaiea—Ittaadoty
aaweU aea '------- ‘-----------------------
a body -to how weean
'-'ira of
^'ot thla
?t U
wa abMld aetla
hS^^^daaOet aaA other la bearSTST bwdaa of revoaalblUty atiSktA to our aa—1 cAoto I hope
h* uitad and pacalaUBt work, that
S^. ia the paat T^ U tha most
aiwaat aaoaaelty tor aeoaomy in the
nnUlc OBtiay. No condition ia more
and faetorlea. than a low rata of touIt Uoor doty therefore lobe
WiiHliiw Shades
VaiiadMataa CtrealtOaart .
Xto Miri OoBtelBEd BM7 Om«
c»nr>fp»m» bmbi* fMaiaMafchaaaUaalaa hr ^ at__
Ba^pataM ~ Ssa.
0. Dftvto
I^nrth Teic^No. 938
. Maw Yarh, Kay 7-^ad«a
dreait eonrt, te
ad the Daltod Stotoa dreall
la tha amlt
aMa BOOM wltt the I
rt at Matantoe.
Itovad that there would baaOmt of ffUiay ]
widow of Uffaol
Advaatocala aabr BavlatOarla- Oaha,
iwalaat tha Mataal B—ri Faad LUa
la o^arttataaTlattoBteroeoear *10,000 with laoa n poUqy taoaod by tha as—attoa. la bto epiaioa Jadya La—ha
Mya; ‘Ttm* to aothlay la all tha
trwty which Isada color tothepropoWaahloctoa. Kay T.-AaMrteap la- altlea thot the plaUtlfl to act a foralyn
tMBta iB Turkey ^ be tanad orar oIUhb. Thto sararaBaat haa found
to the eara of the Oarmaa fecaronaaal
If It to net IptprohaMa that a hraak In
the raUtloa batwaan thla aoantry aad
tha porle oeeara.
Tha atata depart>t haa not made a daetoloa oa tha
anhjoet, bat H waa leamod today that
eoaeidaratioB had been rl— to the
qoeatlon of the probable effect on htaerlean mtoelonary latareeto in the eulton'epooMeeloBiofthe withdrawal of
onr diplomatic repraaentoUon at Oonalantinopls. The yorammeot to mnkiny erery preparation to meet the
oonUnyeuey whieh w be tbe next
tlep of the Udited Siatee in neyoUmtHreet Improrements.
tlone and to that end it baa oontnlted
Trarerao City hat reached a eiie men of promUtonce familiar with the
where lu needi and intereaU demand eoadlUouB in Baropean anci''A«iatlc
more petmanent syatem of aireet
The choice of a -repreasntatire of
meata ahoni
We are
are atm
atilt bni
bnlld^n( American tntoreata Uea between Qreot
pa—neney. We
road! on the old plan befon hare
Britan and Oarmany, with tbachaama
ty or more year* aeo.weicerialnly hare
^e no piwr— in tble dlreetlon. decidedly inclined toward the eeleetion
of Osmany. There are eereral raaaone
yaara tinea onr elty »»• been 1
why tbe eeleoUon of Germany would
rated, toere fane bean expaedat.»
atraata awrly tor^flea thoaaaad dol- ha of adrantaye. It wonld not only
Ura, it ia hanillatlaf to think hew aw*e to bdny the two coTammonto
mtia partoenaBt werk wa taaa to into friendlier relationa and perl—
abow tor «ar mraap expanded. We jmtaatopto tbe talk of friction
^S. toSr of in, twoaothem, but oa'aooonnt of Qerla oar wtlre
influenee in Tarkey affaire,
city, aad 1 proieat adalast tha farther
eoatlnnanee of thla qyatoai of atiaot woaid ylre atremrth and poaalble protooUon to mhaloearlea. Oarmany
I do not MaUee tUo tost la aay exoaedlaylyatrony at Coaatontlnople.
aplrlt of eriUdam of peat adto'-'-^
- Lt Britain.
eo It to eald, than Great
tlona, for tto BO deabt hod o
The aaltan. either toronyb fear
whw. a—l^oraadrwd naablna friendahlp. to more than wllUny
obliye Germany. With Amerlean Intoraete in Ovman handa, any Indlynlty
omlcal ayatem. Bather look herenftv to them would be offeneire to Germany
to quality than to quanUty. Nearly aad tha porto would .hare to reckon
two yean hare elapaad alnee the ooun- with the Berlin yoremmenka thiny he
to anxlona to avoid.
that too otone erueber be r^farded aa a
raluable and Uznely pnrchaac. and yet,
np to Ihto Ume. not a wheel baa been
tamed on thU valuable and timely
pnrebaae. It ahould be pul<o work and
Oapture of Wlnburg Confinn.
Wide on 8iiods
For stores and bay windowa to match.
Lowest prices in this part
rit Diin ■KtstwHttraui'L
Old Reliable City Book Store
ABTHDB 8. HOBABT, Beaident Partnar
Stares at Big Btpids and Traverse City.
Knee Pants, Double Seat, Unioo Made Working Shirts,
dark at light, SOc.
Taped Seams, SOc.
. UMlit .mrlt liltattB
Cat Is die bnsiaru."- Puck.
'Soung Men’s
New Spring Suits
Stylish Id make and tiDiah—and ae*
lected for tbe best trade—auits 4bat
will please tbe most careful dressers '
-sixes 14 to 20-95.00, 9»V50, 97.00.
99.00, 910.00, 912.00.
Men’s Shoes
S. BENDA A 00.
have pat
sale at
s pair
you will
set' tbe
in town
for eo
i\ pri«-.
Boe tbum.
KtvCkps.eK tollhu
Sizes 32 to 44—that we show, in all the new
est Styles, latest patterns, etc., we can also
Uiaaea’ WaUts.for {firla 12.14 and‘l6 yeara.................... 60c
Ladiea’ extra aiae Waiato, sizes 44, 46.48 and 60....; .$1.00
Special Tilings in Dress Skirts, Suits, Wrappers, etc.
at STEinSTBEma-’S
•Upa to dlBlnlah and Itobtaa the ptoI rooommend^hat at leant two blocka
pleV harden whararar t^ may be poev of macadamized road be built aaeoon ed In Dlapatok from Roberts
albla wlthoot detriment to the clty'i
poMlbte aa a beylnnlny. The elty
beat Intereauw haa all toe
■ maeUnery and'mator*
tola work and
an<’ I* am
la) neeemary for thto
IW credit of oar elty at thto Ume to anre
that whan once a atart to made
on too Field—Mogltob Xaklny 0
miy ^ttolactory aa wee ahown by toe
il yo oa. eo
ao toat
toi In a
the yood' work will
TCcaat bead eale when onr water worka
a onr city,
r, with lu
lU beai
Stroey Doah and Taking Prlionera—
beada drawlsy three and one-balf per _______ eoRoandlnya.
TUt Lrailvr IB Ploc rooi*rkr.
adlnya. rrtll
rrUl heheI tranaoaat latoraet eold at a prcmlumi we formed Into one of the
Zand Miver Bri^a beatroyed.
tha moet
moat <daliyhttol
let toil fact lead
ahoald. howorer.
Special le Ttae Herelax Beeord.
t appropnatloaa. al- cltiae In aU M^lyan. Imly ‘
nlod that a pay dey of toe Korto*
London, May 7—'»a war rdBco reoeived tonight the followlny dtopatoh
Water Worka
from Lord Boberie;
It is a pleasure to select your child's suit where
The watw worht qumtlao haa ayi- of eurprma, eapeeially to etranyara
•‘Smaldeel, May 7—General Bsntsr,
the variety
is almost -----------------inexhaustable.
anety it-------tatod toe mlnda of the Me tor eei- Iny to our city, that we hare mede so after dafoetiny tbe enemy May 4. join
vtry style
, is
is a satisfaction to know that everv’
permanent Improri
In kaeplny with our atandlny ed with Paget near WaTentoa. Tbe
make, and above all. the asof
on tola aubjaet. all tnally eulmlnatiny amony the antarprtolny eitlea of our
smyleft 13 kUled and wonnded on
: prices are much lower than you
in the porehaer of too praaent plant. etatc. Oaly laat acaaon Front atreet toe yrouod.
We captured eeveml
Jiave been in the habit of paying.
Thto fact, howavar, doet not aettle thto waa Improved by the old method and
Onr loeaet were alight.
matter nor will It be esttled nnUl erery today. In wet weather. U to la
Our claims are indisputable facts.
nart of onr dty ehall be tomtobed with better oondltton Than before. The plan BunUr speaks in high tormt of the
Over a thousand juvenile and children's suits,
haa been to haul yravel on one eeaaon yallanlry of tbe yeomanry under Colo
ayaii aanother
and baal it off asain
to i; years old, from 75c to So.oo.
Now that we are in a poaltlon to lay
bonaoholdotB to nae toe tame.
A complete selection of Wash Suits made of
on —thto from in front of Thaha Nchu and the
----------------Before the water worka queathm wai new and laryer water
percales and linen crashes, elaborately trimmed, from
aubmlUod to a rote of the taxpayera, BUoet 1 recommend that top Board of exceedingly atrony poaitiou they held
toe ontyeiny connoU adopted a reaomt Pnbllc Worka be directes to furatob to
- d by Bnnaie'e
E ............................
5pc up to $1.48.
a there
ion dw»V*<ay that the membere
toereof the eouneil an mtlmate of the probable
An immense selection of boy’s Blouse Waists,
London. Mayy‘7-It
7--It to reported that
_____,___________ _ bare l
coetaodexpenaeof paviny Froot atreet
juvenile Dress Colored Shirts and Shirt bronls.
ayatom extended to toe outlylny d- from Union atreet to Park atreet with the /and river bridyr baa been deeUoyt^te, oa enon aa practioabte, abonld Buck metorial at they may deem bmt ed. Boere loat 40 killed In yeaterday'a
Your money savers.
;— .
or toe conneU eaay delermlae, and after aybllny on the Biittoh wmt flank
alow-yclcy metboda of their granddue eonaideration II
The capture of Wlnburg by tbe fatheru daya.
wboTadopted tola rMolutlon the people will take aome aetlon — ------------WhM
adtoe .beoda
aecaaiary to purchaae tbe permanent Improveat of Front
TOtod- to------etrtot and alao aueh other atreeta M in ranee to Pretoria oontinuea with that want It al once, and
toe_preaeat plank
' e maaiagi
your jndymont are moat Sn need of it maebine-llke pxaetol.on and rapidity
WtaletotocouBoU to not
a moment
any naolnCloa paaaad by a prw^l
Board of Public Works
whiefa baa ebaracterized Lord Boberta'
toeaa clr___________
in toue
-----------------feel that wo an la dnty
Tiie Board of Poblle Works haa charye
bound to ear*7 out the aplrlt of the of all pnbUc ImprovemenU of every tion of Wlnburg General HamUton putt
dmeriptlan except water worka and '
reaolctlon referred to.
nearly parallel with Boberta
Bondredi. and evan tbonaanda. are
-fhlle It to an
^^meatly recommend tL_. _________
of Water Comstoalononhadlreeetod to tadwandent body raoeivln
toonneU, It to while be haa toe additional advantage without vexaliona delay or mitnodercubmltu the oonneUat toe earUaat
Say poaiible. aa etUmato of tbe ooat of vnrr aHeatial. however, toat tneae two otb^oonneoton with Ua eUef by
Why not order e •phone today V
theuld work wyetoer In harmo- meanact raOtoad from dmaldeel to
aad I believe maeh yoodvronld
sew withonl &re protocUon: atooaaea- .wult tf they would occaaionally meet Wlnbnry.
Lord Bobmto to now nine milea north
Uamto of coal of maina on Froat Bk. Intermally to oanault with each other
' bulwton Onion and Park atracu, aad inraferonee to matton pertnlntnyto of toe Vet end dxty-three milea nortiv
ided or ptnpiwail Improvemanto.
anch ether atreata aa may be Improved
of BloamlMtoin. General Banter to
Bnahltohlng BnOdiag Una.
paahlny atoadUy forward aided by tbe
of 0«Becal BartM and
Is the “MONOGRAM" SHOE—a light
Oeaeral PeyoPa brlyadm.
bentoodby the iaaaaaec of beada U
dressy shoe designed to please women of
M t« ptWQrihcd by toe
charter, it to net jni or. right that
tha ctot of thn rrtaimiqw of toa pr«- of the dty dtartar. Thto to eapaelaUy Voted Author will Stody Blr d Idto
the most fastidious taste. New kid tips,
S vstar werkt ahoald be pato tor out needad on oar main haalaan atraeU.
In thto ▼Idnlty.
"thcaanlanoftbeplaat ThiayaaMia. (BiTeTbomaMlUerofBrooklyn.
Paris vamps, Englisji kid back stay and
mteaho^aot-bemadato pay toe
city to tttU wltoont a park. New York, the well knows mayuilne
axaaaae of water worka when
light turn sole—bla(^ and tan. $3.50. We
writer end enthor. to toe ynaet o< Mre.
It aeey
M. E. C. BetM. Mre, MlUer hM e
are exclnsive agents in this eity for ‘‘Mon*
ee toe meat obMmlngofwrl;«r on Wrda and bird life,
ogram" shoes.
herbooka, “UttleBrolberaof the Air,!'
tooaaand tto.OOOi
-Bird Waya.*i"U Neatlny Time” and
otbem being toe moat faaelnatiny of
to prlTsta fhmlliaa.
eouneit to
monthly Inmtvm.-.
____________________ cOBaWerallon.
1 recommead that toe nnnaed pert of
I- '
This is an lge;of:Hutn(~
The Boston Sto1*e,
»»»««» WWWWWWW4F4HK »**»*«*»*»
A StylishjShoe
^ rrjlBtaraeetioa <ff Seventh etreet, inateed: amnewhero along toe heywetor workal . (Ooattoaed ea tbMpeya)
Chas. W. Merrill
in leel
Now 75c a Month
for Women
'BothItoOBaeBait*. tloW.FhontSt.
McNamara Block
•**' V' -'-’V
wed Alnmnl AaaomaOoa Mat
Hob. J. 8. Stterns Paid This
City a FI7IBC Visit
Lost Sl^t
b maating of aU tba <
giatbaoOaaof P. C.
at of that
tea T.^tm *m,3. W. flAsrait. W. HAxm, Uhor tni Utmgw.
k naanl-
tnfawedhatding tbaban<inat
in tba Park Plaea betal.
wfil ba
and basqnat Uakata wUl ba obtaisaUo
for tba next two waala, It M
Umttbatteataba pnrehaaad m
aapeailUa. Tbaprtea of tba tiekte
wlUbaeaa dollar
Hina Jante Smith In Ua ebaim
d the iaeltaMnaa oomaittae, aad any
wOl ba fvniabsd
Ma^ yalnaMa Timber Dantreyad
dreesd Barker Oroak aad WUllams.
Tw noeltt <rott tbs wttoe tsetory
teak b eflaMlTS to tba Seatban pollba«, Also OaaaUtlaa of Wood
The rain last bight. ai< 1 oegh aUghi,
gars a set baek to tba ratageaef forest
fires nontb aad nnat of the city. Yeaterday this city was enveloped In a pall of
daaaa amoks wbMi beaama vary diaagreeable, aad flytag elndara and bunt
loavca gave arldaBee of eloaa proxlml^
of foreat Area. In the morning It waa
that fire waa areaplng
gradaally towards tba eemetary
Fire Chief Bennie, aeeompanled by
dldarman Smith waMoat to look Into
Itela AbWa Oolatebof Bib Bapida mattera. Thayfoand that fire was
gaining headway la that locality and
9ncr*^ by a Baoavay Bona
later a large fores from the eUy weni
aa4 BerX«f BrofccB.
to work to head it off. By back-firing
Pfiilil u, The Mof U
if Bwort,
they sneeoeded in eUylng the prograea
Bk Bapida, May 7.—Abbla. tbatao:. of tba fire In that tommy, beyond the
faar-oUBaarbtar of Jamaa Colaman, atala nad, aad tbP
F rain
last Yilgbt
wbo UvM Bsar Elk Bapida, mat irltb a
«aty aatioaa aaeidbnt thla afunoon,
Orar toward Barker Oroek and
that aaata vary oaar eaulbf bar death. WUllamabnrg Udnga were aerlona.
«ba waa riding a horaa In from tba field Along the Pare Marqnotto railway In
and wasaartylng a dinner pall In
that direction a longatratoh of rolaable
hand, wban tba nolM made br the rat- timber was ablate and
tba pall agalnat the bamau,
irlfhtasad the horn aad be atartad to
were oat In gangs making effort!
rna, Tba girl waa thrown off, and bar tostty the progress of tbe flamce, bnt,
lootaaagbtlnibe bamaaa.' She was their effmla ooald not prevent aerlona'
graggad for a long dlatanee, and waa eooacqaepeaa.
tory badly ■injnrad when aba was nniy a elmllar
Sontb of WiUL
laaaad. it was found that aba bad altsatton prevaUe I and oonalderable
1 traetnra of the
d and everybody
loft lag. aad that bar body was badly wae out fighting fire. Bnasell Brown
kralaad. 8be 1a In a prasarlona ooa- loet M oords of wood and a good deal
dldon, bnt Dr. Thompaob. who at- of valnable hardwood Umber wm bnmbMdad her. aaya that tba ehanoaa are
«0Ute iodaatoy obA proaparitj.
TnaoBaUiaraautbotoppeaad tba
MeKtPlaj toriS oppoaa tba peodlof
pUppiBC biU; bbd tba aoma Istaraata
"-tbdaoaotadtba^•Aaoaota tba poMoga o( ib» aMpplpc
flootga BaS, St, XMdad a Baanty. 86
Xaabaa Long and Weighing 8
Pennda,Af tar a Sard Straggle
TbOeorga Baff. Jr., old flabarmea.
and youc ones. too. moat ylel<
palm, for 0«>rge baa gained the medlt
of landlng.altrr a half boar's fight, tba
largaat treat erer ean^t from the
r, and Indeed the largest
yat raportad la aortbem Mioblgaa.
Ha aaearad hla trophy jest below tbe
skate of tba dam of tba
Blew Elaetrle Light A Power Co Sen
day avaalng. It was a rainbow, tbe
iaaat of Its apaelea dad a catch any ex
pert angler would dalltfht la taUl
It far tba mt of bis Ufa.
Oow'ge waat flabiag up tbe river aad
waa about to ratum home, when hit
- nompanlnne L. M. Bennett and H. 1.
. that' they try it a
vkUa below tbe dam. They triad it,
MfSb going In different dUaettona. Af
ter a while Ksapp and Beonatt beard
eaerga abontlng, bnt thought be had
haaoma tired of fishing and wanted to
go home, ao they paid no attention to
him. They beard him at frrqpvnt IntnrvaU for several mlnutaa afterwards
hat paid no heed. Finally resebing
aa open place near tbe bridge Knapp
. looked toward xbt dam and discovered
Oeorge atraggllng deaparetely with
something. Tbey hastened to his aa» aad attar an exciting struggle
finally leaded Mlaiar Fish safely 00 tbe
kaak. Ha tried to keep it alive by
plaalag it in a spring near by.
Word of the big eatab aooa
tewB aad Fred Bechtel waa notified to
oeota up and bring tbe Ash down for
kk aquarium, as there waa hope that
ttaould ba kept alive. Mr. Baehtel
naaorad a taamAsd hurried to tbe dam
aad brought tba fish down, bnt unfort■aatalyitdld not live.
The £ab maaaurod M inebas la laagib
d Upped Uie aealaaat
poaada. Thla fish was two
laager and weighed two poandamora
than the big trout which died in BaebM’a aquarium a few days aga
Thafiahwaa photographed and Mr.
Baabtal eant it away toba mbuatad.
Thk with tba other wUl make a pair of
tka fiamt apaelmeiM of rainbow trout
•ear taken from the 1
Baff, father of the suenmfal fiaharman, la aomatbiag of a
land la justly proud
r. J________
J. H.Mntorof
a of tba Omad Travaraa Ooa*
gregaUoaal Aaaoeiatlon is B;ow
iU first namloa last avealog, aad tbe
wlU eoBUhue aUday today.
different Con
eburcbes la the district
ware preaent. and a very profiUbb
meattng waa held last evening.
Tbe sermon of tbe evening waa
by Kav. E. J. Bargees af
Honor. His snbjeet waa -The Human
Uy and Divinity of Chriat." Tbe ser
mon waa an Inspiring onA Tbe 00mmnnton^anrloawas coodnetad by Dr
W. H. Varren and Bav. A. A. Wall.
Tba report of tbe various eburebos
in tbe dlstriet vrill be the firet thing at
tbe semlon tbU momlng. Two ImporMaking of a Sermon” by
J F. Crane, and -UifBeull Problems of
tbe Ministry” by £»v. A. M. Brodie.
D. D.
Tbe business masting of tba Woman's
oma Mlaaionary Society wUl be bdd
atS:30 Vcloek. to be followed byan
address. "Not-TbeoriM butOonditions”
relating to the ebureb bnildiag eoeiety
by Bev. O. Codilio.
The Sunday aehool eonfaranae at this
aaaslott wiil ba prealdad ovar by Bev.
WlUiam Bwin. Tan minnta talka by
Bev. W. A. Brockavan. John White
and Prof. C. H. Ham will ba foUowad
by a general <
n on -CsndiUcn
and Naeda of Oor BebooU.”
An addreaa on Home Himtons in
Michigan by Bav. W. H. Warren, D. D .
will be the principal feature o# the
evening teislon.
Teaterday's Base Ball Seoeaa.
aiwviml u> TM Kertuac Baeev«.
Laever ana Simmer: Oarvla
ability and father o
railroad enterprUe. Mr. Steama ttlkad
frefly about the railroad and deelared
that his eampalgn la pr
Well aa be eonld hope and that the altnatlon la vary gratifying.
Bern. Perry Hannah eaUed aV 'tbe
hotel and greeted Mr. Stcarsa very
warmly. To him the latter addreaaad
himaatf particularly about tba propotC(1 railroad, and aaaored Mr. Hannah
that without a doubt the line would be
bu'lt. He asked
and poacibllltlea ^ Lselanan county
and waa aaanred toat tbs oonnty
one of the most piW*tog in tbU
of Micfalgao.rieb in eoU.and productire
of many eommodltlca to nmke boaincaa
for a railroad in time. Tba yalne of
railroad Una to the beantlfdl reaoru of
mentioned particu
larly by Mr. Uaonata and Mr. Steam
waa greatly pleased at tbe eaoonragemaat whleh that gentlemen gave to
tbe project. Before dropping.the subj !ct Mr. Stearns aUted that be already
bad conaiderable money invested
tbe enternrise and that it would be no
object to him to bold out any induce*
menu aoUA be intended to push tbe
atatad that tba decline in tbe price
of iron acd. steel would affect tbe
prrjecl s lUtla.'as the delay of a abort
time would be worth more in the sav
ing of money on tooee predueU than
the line oonld earfi in montha How
ever, be atoted that aa aoon as tbe msh
of tbe eampalgn was over be leteaded
t> come up here and take some definite
■teps towardt the cooetruetion of the
line. He expeeted that bo would be
able to go over the right of way in
about eixty daya.
After a short time at tba hotel Ifr.
Steamc wet driven about the city ac
companied by Mr. Hannah
leading tutiness men. He bad oe'cr
Utedtthe cUj before and was surpris
ed and pleased at tbe cDiorprlse and
metropoHisn atmosphere of tbe place.
Wbile Mr. Steams' visit waa short it
served to give more confidence in tbe
Iway project and fpr toe bntiness
n of tbe city to get acquainted with
! prime mover in tbe project He
Dr. Bofifinthfil-Thom],
has returned from 'CsUfomis
lUfor__ _and is
ready to _______her
Frank FrI*
efflras in tbe new _____
. Icdflc
blo-k will not be ready uni Bbou
tbe IStb and nnUl that time she
be <wBl
be at Pa^k Plaee. Telephone a.
<J, b
Hawley aad
Opera House
^ May 9th
of tbe orlgtoal
anil MACK
tbe men tvhu iavcnied fun,
preaentlng that joyous
Tbe oame old Cavorites and several
new ouea in a cMtof irreproachable meriU
MFdI ailDk! inlluia!
Mlaaeapolla-Mllwamfcaa. so game
- sand 0^1 Mad
Fresh Air
and Sunshine
Are better that^ mcdicioe
for the baby and the price
of two trips for a'xloctor
will pay for a Go-C^rtys^
have a large tine at $5.75,
$4.00, S4.75. $5*25. $7.25.
$7.SO,-$8.2s, $8.75, $15.25 and up to a beauty
for $17.50. I have 18 different styles of baby
carriages from $4.00 up to $29.75. A small
payment down and the balance a little at a
time wilt supply the baby’s wants, and you
will never miss it.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Tbe first exenralons. of the latsoa
earns Into tbe elty Snnday, from Elk
Bapida, Charlevoix. Pctoskey.and Msi>*
iatee. There were over 400 from tbe
north oa the Pere Hsrqoelti-.
120 Fgom.-b S'tx'eet:.
a Sensation
Oner ODf Jeongss Millei
, WhoopFn* Cough, Aathmsi.
v-wncumpiion, ••
Have you span themi’—If not,
Ther fit tbe fee^ n*lure intended. For style, worl
W and dnrablUty. They srv xcldcm equaled, bnt never excelled. la
eertieeetton with jrnod fitilog qoslltics oor shoes are of uniform good
stock and eher- making—arc ^msue over
ver well
wei' fltU^ iaata. Pnee (be
Never tbe same show twice.
Always different.
Toi Uieheil Itfore-.Tu Will Tell This Time.
rrios-ee, eo,
ID Cl«v!
SI—Now on aale
* atI 1box office.
bt-as.c »2.S0. n.OO. Sl..W-to
\ 'The ffWN HEMEOY'
A. S FBYDIAN, 136 Front Street
Fine Furniture Furnishings
There’s an art value in fine furniture, an elevating influence
like that of good pictures. This is tho ‘’hub” around which oth
ers revolve. Every branch of the furniture trade carefully look
ed after—Every want anticipated.
Iron Beds
Tables ^
•\o larger line shown in the city—
Xew styles unpacked all the time—Can't
keep the goods long enough to even set
them up—people buy so fast. Prices are
S4-25. 6.00, 7.75, S.50 up to 20.00. Have a
fine line of brass beds up to $58.00.,
I-'or the ,hall—the dining room, the
parlor, every room in the house. Little
square solid oak tables at $2.00,2.75, 3.75.
Center tables—round, square, oval—pol
ished like a' mirror Sell from $2.50 to
16.00. Librafy tables from S.75 to 16.00.
Steinberg’s Grand Gouches
t FiimigaD's Rail
‘Ikepraseatattoaol tbe opera ‘'Pa
tience" !
lima In the taU. Mora aractlce U
needed by the caat, tba mambars of
BnUtead ,yeae PraeUotUr a Sara the eberoa oannot now devote te
TbliV^ Voald be Fated Altar seeded Uma to drill, aad Prof.aad Mn.
Horst an hotlretoaaly pressed ter Unu.
tba Qempalgo Both.
Tba opera will ba prweatad ooma Uma
Seeratary of Bute Steams waa In laSaptamber.
TraTerae City yaatciday aflamoon on
City aerk Blekerd aad Dr. ,0. A I
,bla way from Lndlogtea to Oiand
Htdllday will ga to Laaaing tbia morn.'
B^da. He anDonnaed when ha aUghV
tag to rapraaent Travaraa City Lodge,
ad from the balatad 0. B. A I. train at
Mo. 7S, K. of P. in the gratd lodge
S:M that ba waa not bare on polltiaal
wbleh ineam there tnmmrnw aad
bnalnam. bnt to take a gUnea at Tme^ i^uruAay.
mo aty aad to aaaars at that tba
TraeeTMOItyA Laalaaan Ballrbad Co. . Tba etaamer nitacda broag^t from
Obiaago Sunday a fine laaatal oar for
Bot a myth, bat an ananrad faab
tba Michigan Bnrial Oo.. of this elty.
Tba oar is a v^ expesrive one. aad
Bon. O. O. OoreU. Senator J. W.
kan, C. B. Marray, Hon. Praak Hamll- oncof tbefineatin'tbeatato. the only
A casket wagon
ten, J. A. Loranger and T.T. Bataa aad ose.latbiaaaeUon.
at OBca aaaortad to Park Plaoa wbara a waealvo received recently, and both
aamberof TrararaaClly people aalaad will be need la tbe work of the oom-1
tba opportneity to shake hands with pany at SIR Treat atrecL
ScLouSs-OiaaiBaaUaaUadataBd oTi
third laalag. rala.
Maw York........................
Diaaea asd CSatk;
“FbUcaae'’ wUl aot b» Preaeatad Oa*
tU Some TTbm in September.
Bedroom Suits
Seen that three'-piece suite we re sell
Something that pleases the most ex
acting. Many people have many minds. ing for $17.00. Mr. I'innigan would say:
We have many couches at many prices— “Byes, it’s a good wan,” and he would be
$5-75- 7-50- 9-00 up to 25.00. Just unpack all right. There are other grades at 18.75,
ed ^me beauties. No trouble to show, 21.00: 52.00, up to 45.00.
our goods.
Dining rooih Chairs
Great slock unpacked last week—
Sold them soon as received. .More com
ing this week. Want some? Our great
unequaled seller is a set bf^six chairs at
$6.75—other prices at $7'7s. 8-50. 9-45.
II.50, 12.00. 16.00. 18.00. 20.00.
Morris Chairs
Sideboards, Buffets, etc.
Beautiful sideboards,- elegantly carv
ed. from $16.75 up- A most extensive
line of Buffets from 9.00 up. Bookcases,
combination of plain, from 7x30 up.
Writing Desks, all manner of makes,
beautiful fumiturcyfrom 12.00.
Little rockers and big rockers, for
little people and big people. Rockers tor
A reclining chair built on hygienic $1.25 that are ease producing. The cane'
principles, conforming to the body. One seat with braced arms for'^.50; the Bos
of the most restful kinds known. One ton rocker, bife and easy at $2.10 and 2.50
kind costs $8.00—anothpr 9.50, others at —Bigger rockers at 5.00. 4-50. 6.00, up to
icLoo and i2.oa
12XO. ,
Store Op TlieRdii's utl Satiir^R mitti 8 p. ol
le HaoDah & Lay Hercantile Co.'
. .. ,. .
Cb* CtuA bpidi tebeaU. «hu «
«l(Ma on ^ewMtof tba udiI^ mv«
«« op«Md UamAMT mniDC by pnwlMtonaf Bwlth Officer Lctos, who
lUaka the dteaMe U ««&ar eeeh eoaIro) tbu there to ao lUsirer irfopMiiBff
Tba «oadltk>D ofwbau IbGcocmc
eouty to «mw then for mesy ywn.
VarMpe ,tn» dUtei«Bt pertt of the
«eu^ ney there trlU net be heU e
•rap, ead meeh. to h»iay plowed eader
toraekeraeB for epriBr eropfc while
mnhi eetiarate of the wheat crop Is
OsMisd eonty chow it be the r
taOve ia yearn;
yield wUl aot be
•ear M par eeat of aa avence erop.
Aa Importaat dtoeorery baa been
■sdawHblBoee aUle of Battle Greek,
ssd thattoan immaiiae bed of laiaval
pslBk It to 10 feet thittc and coven
aeeeeal aerea. It haa been teetad aad
tead tobeef dret elaat qnality.
•gnpany wUl be oifantoed to develop
For the put three years Bridret
Btesey. aged 40. haa been an lavatid at
her home. £76 Bnrattl etreet, Detroit.
Ihe to aaable totmove abost and haa
'eonflaed to her bed daring nU thto
Her only oompaalon to her aix>
daogfatef, who day and eight
adetlatotera to the waata of her mother
'■ -M^rtoh a devotion aad iatelUgeace ram
Mantotse had a very divaatrooa fire
iday morning, beraing two barns
and contento, eonstoUng of three horarl
and two oewe, (wo faoraee and eow be>
longing to Patrick Nond and a famee
aad eow baloagiag to Lotito Wellman.
Loae tt.OOO and no Insnrance.
The latest Bcvelty ia aeieaUfle farmlag to a device for paetarlag sheep by
tfeetri^^, whUb the inventor, A. U.
MeN^r. will teat on the sgriea)t«rsl
eoUage farm durlag tbeanmaicr. He
srfll attempt to atfltos to the best ad
vantage a long. Barrow sulp of eand
laserae a. forage plaat that grows
vary tapldlv. and Uocder to do this ha
has saeiosed a ewe aad two lambe ia a
pea abeat eight feet wide ud to feet
f Coottseed frost diet pefe.
of briar seed se e dswpisr rroend for
old IsBiber eta. be aero ^for peck
pe-pe«ee end that tiie boerd of pabUe
werte be dtreeted t? et o:es improve
................ _ ___ plot
of rrosnil
lonil by
rrndlv, eeediag e«d pluUnr of chede
tcera. I em eetiefied that if thto to dnr
it will not only be esjvyed by oar owe
people bet will be a great oonveniaaee
for excereioatote
aadaplaoeof rect
city, wbo w.ll take
dor toonr
>tare of it while walUnr for
tcalaa. Thto improveinent oaa
ao that thto etreet may aUlI be
the futare if oeeeatoa damasde u.
|to the charter prorldaa ^t the
-anaal apprc^riatlon bUl ahall he
paracd by the ooaeeil la the naath of
new and _____
nadertahea thto year.
OeaUemaa, I Retire a rata. ______
aad eeoaomkal admlntotnUoa aad do
1 aseore yoa that to all your afforta
tor tbe advaaeement and prosperity of
our elty, yon can eomound m; oarnest
BospeetfuUy submitted.
Alfred V. Friedrich.
On moUon of Alderman Sleder tbe
address was ordered printed with the
oOlelal proceedings.
Aider uen Sleder and Bound wero tbe
only new members present, Aldermen
Moore and Bonghey being Xiat of tbe
eity. Both tbe new aldermen present
Jumped fight into tbe hsrneM and
took selivorparto in the promediogv.
This wss aot strange in tbe csa
Mr. Eennd aa be haa been in public
life several Tyran, but the energy and
interest displayed by Alderman Sleder
lislly oommenriable in a
Tbe first rontloo work was
granting of petitiqns foroement walks
to J. W. Bobertsob. O. C and Kmma R
MoSaii, Nicholas Heullmantcl and P.
H. Bare.
PeUtlons to build new resldencro
wero granted to A. P. Heullmastei on
Ninth atreel, to cost $1400; and h
L. Smith, on Fifteenth streev
A petition tor graveling and for a
now walkooCyprem street was referrod to the nommlttee od streets sad
Tbe report of the waterworks «mmission, suting that that bedy bad
elected oMeers. wss received and tbe
lowing appoiaimeeti:
aiy Aticrnry—B. C. Dsvto.
aty Bfttfiufv—if. F. Nortorap.
C;-.y MirthsU—John Rennie.
CbUt ofF.reOcpsn.-Jcfaa BeaBie,
Asst. Fwe Chief—E. J. Fatgham.
Diieeio' of ib« Poor—Joha Wilhelm.
Health cflIrer-JIaUui M. WUbelm.
Member of Board of Library Trnstaea
three y>ars—£. L. Sptagoe
Member of B mrd of Ltorary Trusieea
to flii vseanry—Cbaa A. Bsgbee.
Memb-r of Bmrd of BnUdlng Xaapeetors fer three -caia—Bdw. BoiMr.
ler—Wm. J. Moody.
Stsodlng Oimmlttece.
Ways aad Means-Keayoa. <
.button of Empathy to Boers
social tv-iae HetBlss BC eto.
vsblngtoo,.Msy«^Tbto was^pemion day nadsr tba rulss in the
bouts, and advantage was tsken of the
faeillty offered to pass tha grand army
psnalao bill. Tbs bill reqslres tbe,
ioB eommtssioaer to aggregate the
diesbUiUm of elaimaBta fixing raUag
aad reqairea tbe eommtosloner to grant
Will receive
a warm welcome
at our
child’s department
sU«^ Who may have aa taeome not cxoaedlnggisoa year. By a rallag of
the harm*, widows havtog an Iseoms
of $tM a year are dentod pensioaa.
Tba bUl appropciatteg $1,000,000 to
lags, Smith.
the national gnaid of aeveral sUtes
Claims and Aeeoaatt—Baattogi. Gar.
'as also passed.
risen. Sleder.
Sb1e«{ (bem.. N. Y.) tried In vain to
Pollee^Mostagne. Sladar. Kenyon.
get reoognlUon to pam a roeolutloa of
Fire and Water-Smith, Garrtooa,
eympathy wiU» the Boeta. hut tbe
speaker plainly told him he would not
Pounds-Wright. Bought, Moore.
recognise him for that purpose.
Sewers—Moore, Bound. Bougbey.
Ordlnsnoes — Moa'egne. Eenyon,
Bev. J. & Beam of the Ohnreh of
PebUe Lighting—GantoOD. Kenyor, Chrtot exchanged pulplto Sunday with
Bev. E C. Tremaine of Kalkaska,
home Just in time to officiate
Bridrcs-Hastlngi. Smith. Wright.
Lieensrs—Bougbey,Moatagae.Roand at the funeral of the Ute Herbert Aid_________ •
Prlntlag-Sleder. Montague. Wright •Hch.
9omoUon of Alderman Smith, the
A Faat Bleyele Rider
eito engineer was instroeted to prepsro
WiUoftea receive painful cnU.spraloa
a sei of plsu of tbe entire water works or bruises from accidents. Bneklen>
sysum of tbe city, for tbe nae of tbe Arnica Salve, will kill the pain and
heal the iBjery.U'a tbe cyeltoVa friend.
couoeU and tbe water oammiselei
Cures channe. chapped bands, sore
Ponnant to a motion /f Alderman lips, bnrna Ulcers and , jdles. Cure
Slrder, Mayor Friedriefa appoioled a gusrranued. Only S5c. Try it. Sold
park committee of five ns^mbers. . _. by 8. B. Wail and Jae. G. Johnson,
from each ward, aa followerAldermen druggists.
Sleder, Smith. Kenyen. Montague,
B .und acd Garrison,wboa*eto look up
Bsstern speeisUst, arrived yesterday
sites for a eity park aud be ready to re
morolog st tbe HoUl Wtaitiog.
port at tbe next meelingof tbe connell.
Treats all forms of nervous
The water cbmmlsaiouer's bonds of
J. R. Usmiln with C. J. Kooeland as
surety, £. J. Fnlgbum with John T.
Beadle as surety and C L. Ureiliek
with Victor Petertyl as surety were ap
Tbe next meeting of tbe eonneil will
be held Monday evening.
At tbla
meeting, tbe matter of permanent improvemenU to the cl\j atreeU will
m up and diseuased, the qneatlon
being whstfaer all tbe expense of
improvements be paidont of the city
street fund, or whether a special as
sent be made against tbe owner*
The first cootroveny on tbe new of properly abnttiog ou tbe streeU to
eoanell and one whieh abowa wbieb be paved or otherwise improved.
way tbe wfstd may blow to the future,
occurred when lb< reeommendaUocs of
E H. Allvn baa sold to John aad
tbe^rdof public worlre for tbe cm. Anton Straub of ibe eaady factory a
pioyment of John Kelly as street forr deeliable piece of property oo West Third and b«el edition of .that
man and A. F. Brodbagen as sexton of Eighth etreet for reeldenees. Tbe I
rapid, roaring and rollicking
the cemetery were prescsled. There frontage to 17.'. feet and two floe dwellno objections to the' employment iogt will be • r.-cted.________
of Mr. Brodbsgan st a salary of $575 a
Tonn.-ed s Witoeee.
year, hut when Mr. Kelly was reeom
Intenee •ufferlng wm cndnr-A^.^
mended at wages of $1 M a day from
Say to November and $2 per day from
November to May. there was a protest.
: then trl»d
Alderman Bound seriously.objected
eovery which gave iostant relief,
to Mr. Kedly. declaring that he was oe- have n>«d It in my family for four
Introdocing those comic
bind tbe times and that the eity bad years and recommend it astbe greatest
remedy for conebs. colds- tod sit,
got bryond bliu.
hiring of aman who know more about lliroat. cbeet and long troubles. It will!
In the way ot
Fancy Colored Vests,
handsome Vesiee Saits with
Fancy Vests,
Fancy Shirts for ages 6 to 10.
! a little boy should wear'
In our child's department.
Friday, May 11
the pen wUl be attached, Uler. aa deearte motor. whtA will be no regulated
as to more the psa forward each day
ever Jest eedagh
aattofy the three absep. Wbsa the pM
Ibean moved the length of the In[ , eerorplQt. It wUl be reiarned to the
place of starting, where, it the aeasoi
be not too dry. a new growth will be
-to readiaem for tbe aheap.
Aa aa object leseon la praetleal for.
estry tbe agricu teral esUege farm
j.parlment In 1687 eat foor aerea
white pine, and they are now five
•Ight feet high, and.growlng ibrilcUy.
: The treee are eight feet apart each
way. tbe eolUi gravel aad candy loam.
The steamer Imao Colwood, bnilt
for tbe American Steel and Wi
was lanaehed from the yards of the
West Bay &\y SbipbaUdlog Company
Batnrday. The Biwood to about 500
.faat over all, fifty-two beam and thirty* etreet work.
fact moidsd depth, has
s called attention
gtoss spd to equipped with aU modern to tbe fact that it was the intention of gasrantoed. Trlsl bottles lOe st S.'E
tbe board of public works to employ Wait afid Jas. U. Johnson's drug storee
and that Dr. Sosentlial-Thompseii
At ^iroit Harry Bossaaskt.a lad of IS
yaars, was playing with a taek. wblA when permanent atreet
has reiarned from OsllforoU snd Is
resdy to resume her proetiee. Hor
ha bad ptooed-.ln his moath. Tbs hoy were inaugurated aa expert oould be
offices in tbe new Frank Friedrich
was snddenly seixed with a fit of langh. employed. He called attentlos to tbe
block will not be resdy until aooot
tog and swallowed tbe sharp Instra- excellent'work of Mr. Kelley during
tbe IStb and nuiil (but time sbe wil
msdl. He u now soflsrlng from aeots’
be at Pa-k Hlaee. Tslephone 9. both
broaehltia and the doctor says the boy aestimenu were eeboed by Alderman
lloniagae. who, while be beliofed tbie
to to e serums ooodltloo.
city required 'More attention to etreet Sorpisiiag Coffee—Little T$vera.i
At Ann Arbor tbe top spinning meiq
work and tbe
K.C Banm
to growing Instead cf abating, and it is
ieneed man. believed that as
for npholstering and picture framing
ao esaggeratioa to state that 1,000 stn>et>oed by the board Mr. Kelly was
—New stock moldings aud mste.
dante. co-eda, and profesaetaeaivy tops,
the best mvo to be had. There was
about fn their Docket end praeUm dileoDSldersbla warm dcseufaioe in wbieb
igaatly every epare momaat. When
Alderman Kenyon and Alderman Sled
the snpply of lope In the local market
er favored tbe motioe of Alderman
Beautiful* Costumes.
gave oat somd of the stadeate did a
Herald Ceattuy Cook Book.
Bound to act only ou that portion of
led number tor tale a: 75 e*ntt
the report wbieb related to Mr. BrodWill be mailed postage paid j
Price8-35. 5a T.k: box Beats,
Eeeeot raiu dispeUed .the
bageo. while Aldermen Garrison and
on receipt
o tbe price. Address,Tbs
eipt of
$1.00. Seals on sale at box offiOe
smoke that baa bseo baaring oi
Herald. Trs
Smith agreed with Mr. Battiuga and
Miehlgan sbore of Lake Haroa for tbe Mr. Montague. Mr. Mqpiagne moved
pest fortnight, bst tbe fires baA of to amend, that tbe reeommen
tbe abore dietcieu are atill ragiag. aad of tbe board as presented be adopted
the steamer Pilgrim, down from Bog* and tbe amendment prevailed, tbe vote
era City aad way porU, brings word being: Yeas— Aldermen Moctagur.
TueeSar. lur -is
thattbesmeke to gatheriagagain had
., Smith. Wrigbl and Oarris'-n
as ever.
Phe firae iUnmiaate
Nays —Aldernum Bound, Sleder an:l
ahoree at night for miles.
Keayou. Tfap vote upon tbe motion
Itoxtfsll a oew commercial ea
wU! be insliteud st Uicbigan anivcrA petition 10 gravel Boae etreet fo
aity. litttrnctkm will be given wtalch two blocks south of Hannah avenue
will train stadeaU for diplomstle and waagreoted and nuder the name pellof B largo sample line of Ladfee’
eoasaUr dnUes, for newspepee work, tloa a sidewalk was ordered built oo
and Missaa’
for higher commercial puianita,
tbe same street witbin GO days
paatoral and philsaltaropu: work, such
The committee on wsysaodmesui
. and foe public reported tbst they hsd found tbe book«
There wUI slso be and aeoouau of the city clerk aed
weial geography aad treasurer io first elses shape and aeen
rate la every detail.
All new and etyUsh shapei—In
City Treunrer Werxburg reported e
good oonditiOD.
A Womaato Avfnl Peril.
balance of $1,00S.IB In the treasury
**nere to only one ehaneo to save tbe first of May.
your life and that ia Ihroogb aa opersAlderman Ee-yon Introdoeed a rsso*
ttea*' ware tbe startling words beard Iniioulasttnair;' the board of water
• W BbA 1. R- Hunt ef Idme Bidge.iFu.
nimionrni to vseertato at it* earliifeamher doctor after be bad bainly
.•ttodtoaaraharofatrfgbtfai case ef
euavesience and aubmit to the
•lamaeh ttoaUe and yallow jsnndiee. oonatil eatimatss of the cost of ex
had formed and sbe eontending
waver matoa Into Oak Park
Oome early—It’ll pay yon,
•taatly grow worm. Then sbe began
-hoasaBlaetrte Biu< •e which wboUy andFerawood.and to the waet pan of
Bind her. Itka -w
tba eity. alao tbe spprpximau expenee
of the aiBiisary repsirs to tbe gyatea
harad of Mr. OampbelL
Work Of Oongrees Teetarday Vnder
SBipeaaton of the Snlca—Vo Bes-
The Great White Czat
of all Foe Shews....
Clothing Co.
j Commencing Thorsd’y, May 10
The Famous Kline’s
25 High Class Artists 25 {
An Etcellent Coitipany
ud ^
Hopkin's Theatre, Chicago; Wonilerlanil Theatre, Detroit.
FEATUBisS-Boer-Britisb War, Spanish-A.merl>
can War; Fitz Jeffries. Jeffries-Sharkey iilghts: Pariiian Plays; Sapho Beproductlon from original Olga
Nethereole productions.
Pripes -10,20, 80 cents.
Ladies admitted free at opening performance when accom
panied by otic i>aid 3U cent admission.
Seats on sa'e XOdnetday uioniing.
Do not confound this company with tbe cheap and trashy
picture shows that bare exhibited here to empty houses.
Kid Shoes
Sailor and Walking Hats
49c tor hats worth TS cts. d T9c for Hats worth $1.25.
59c for hats warth 90c to 1 99c for hats worth $1.50
$1.00. *
V to $2,00.
WaUaadJsa.a Jekaaeaa. dt^M
Ar f. L Bngta SkM M to Fijmd
Ury Ooodt, Oaxpet and Olothing Hooee.
Mayor Madrieh than mafia tha fal-
$1.26,$1.60.r$1.76. $8 00,
$860, $3.00, $3.60, and
Kid Shoes
$160. $1.76, tS,do. $8.60,
$SOO|:$3.60. $4.00 and
Boy's Kid Shoes..................$1.86. $1.60,'$1.76 and $2.00
Missss' Kid Shoes..............l.OO‘jl.86,1.40, 1.60 and 1.76
Children’s Kid Shoes....................90o, 1,00,1.86 and.1.40
Infant's Kid Shoes......................36, 60.60,76o and $1.00
Old Iiadiea’'Wide Last Shoes... .$1B6, $1.60 and $1.76
Old Men’s Yard Wide Bboei............8.50 and $3.00
Frank Friedrich
Hew store
242 Front Street
■ i
laft yaeteeday to Fraahtot v^ara hr
wQl attend mlnialarto ensteasea.
[in Hattie Pfi^ oC Bk Baplda,
arririd la the nlty* ynterday. She inMsdi to remaU here threayhept the
Mra-A. W. Faek went to Maatnn
yarierday to a two weekto vtolt.
a Oeaa^ Maa Wanted raayed to tha qnariariy
fg sMOwr troMi£s I
d %at
_ _Mt«evTO<tba8HJeM. <0k1.)
■«erdrt»» • tarta Memt of tte
mmwmimmairnrertkm, ot th«M(wr
ofi.M. Watts who eae tine attnetad
a good deal <d attaatkn la thie vtetalty.
ThTaewwhpw aeeeaat Wile ot tha
Mddaa dbipfnnaee of Wattefn*
thatpleec.wh«eha wwtatanetadM
adeteetiveia a 1
Bay and
be brid
’ May
A118saday«^ori werinnnraU-
Joha OsTio, It yean of aye. of Cliffwood. N. J- darlaff a
Friday, came iu
coat: -Well. I'm yUd that etormcaa't
follow me iBelde"
Hardly «
•wordeontol hU nenth when a boltof Opera Honae next Thnraday
HelWlnyer, while atleep
Bowen' beathonae. Harrison, H. J-. os
she second floor, sras aroneed by hU
My Hesrfonsdtand
bed and
the reviews
30th. aist.
Vol. Inft., Inelndlny poBpauy M-
the soldier f boys
doy leaplny on the the andlenee In tonra and tom, show
hla taee. The iny every soldier from this eity. life-
bniidlny was on fire and Helalayer had else so that all of them are, readily rcbarely tine to leap to the srindow and ooyalted.
He triad to briny
the day with bint, bnt he feU back
.At Oardora. Mexleo,
m wealthy
Oerdon Cook,
plaster, sraa attaokad and
%Uled by Menlcan bandits.
•yatam OB April SA
Tha raralar naataf ri the
Bo. 147.ot the Otdn at
Star wlU be held tUearaaiBy at
rly od thin city,
laprapariayto«pm»BWWb>tiMa at
Cbdar aboat tha flnt ot Jnaa.
dan No- 7 of tha Flnt M- B- Ohnreb
srill five a
ehnreh parlon May ri-
bnried ia
poettloa in the efliea of the Miehiyaa
Starch Co.
whom warn
PhUipplaee, yat they «w then ae .in
to the ini.l.- of M.C worid.
j mampiug my Khoouer and drowning
•*Thlrd.-To bring tub' exl*tence at ado of niy mt«. The wave receded as
the cnrllest iiniuilble limn a greni Amcr-1 fi^ iL« it had rarlicd in. nnd the laka
icon fleet of inercluun vesscK built In | iu ]c«i than ten minute-, was as imiootta
The prooeeds wDl be
applied on the ehnreh Improvements.
A teleyram wae raoeived Sunday an
Uthrop of
JChe sneen's birUday, May 14. tn ad
belay narked
psblie rejolelay. will be nade the oc
caabmforayreat national basaar for
'the army eoeietlee,
' rpstanlaad by ail the nenban ot
myaa tanily.
Is. addition
taodioe nt Seofleli Bnnday. 10 rieUnt of
Gbe dianater were bnried at Oydes, six
The total
wnbacriptlon to the relief fend ie sow
It la eaUautad that Uare are
aiaarly l.ooo wldoPe and
vrorided tor.
Fifty riore bodtea are
9et to be bnriad.
At Newport Newa the Britlahataam«r Sane la
more popnlar attraction bat ever
vlaltad Traverse City than the well
knosm team of oomedlans. Mniray aad
. eith yreat rejoielays.
dition be
belay loaded
tons ot eteel raila tor the yreat Siberian
Mack, aad their company, and no fun
nier pUy has ever been seen here than
improved npon
this aprtny wUl
occur nt
vlalt. and wbleb'
Tte nalform rank K. of P. will meet
it.one oflthoee
faree eomedies when oonalatasey ie n
lerlons treatnent.
for Unybley
plcaeeewlth ite
It u
pnipoeee only,
haa no
Una » Inclination to wonder what it
ie all about eo rupidly do elimuxee und
eltnatloas follow one anotherohoms conaleta of n eoore
ylrle and the claim la aarionaly mada
for thsm thet they can all alny.
burned Sunday
pelled the panenyers to Jnmp off while
Wlth'the larye eofpe of fun makers and
aha train was in rapid notion.
pretty yirls. they betpeek an evcnlsy
Advleea fron Moaeow state
that the of fun and enjoyment.
Mre. Aldrich arrived from
present at the fnneral.
biaaafety. aayiny: "I have oone to aee
W. A Dean is preparing plans for a
ihe people, not the police of Mneow.
tbe City Opera
ae last night, nnei yndglng from the
ent an eaeort, and wlthont the aireela
Half a dozen dUtInct tomadoei oc
enrred in central Kanaaa Sunday afterTwo
Dr. Evans reeaivad a call to Medina,
one of the good
speeteeniar prodnetloss of the season
to make it complete in detaU and arlto-
tenown to have been killed
the Icaeee of
He will leave to-
Mr. ;
ed the funeral ot
WUson at
Kortbport yeaterday.
Mrs. E. H. Eilbonrn and Mrs. Tony
Mia. Kllbonrne will join her hushsod
at Everett, and Mre.
Bactae gdes
SeatUe. where her hniband has hian
for some time.
tle merit.
In these raepsots the piece
Mias Helen Moore hna retnred from
Tbe company Is earetnlan extended virit in eon them Michigan.
ly aalscted and conttota of a tranpe ot She beard PadarawricI daring
pratty girls and claw aeten. both in ahaanea.
oltbaprineloal taatoraa
J. W. PatehlaasdW. F. Oroteer went
fron tiri an of tbs highaat •aarii in the
> Grand Baplds yesterday fBorolng on
reoolvad baada of artists of axoaptlooal talaaL legal bwlnem.
were while the alngiag and daaetng ara QABnaanthal ot Patoricay waa tha
reaeaed. and that 30 paaoeayara and IS worthy of apadaUy taverabla eonm
gnratof JuUnt Steinbaif and famUy
of tbs erew went down with the veaeel. Lows ot tba bnUat toad maeh to yesterday.
Blaaaa and almeat Innammble np to
Tbe wreek area eanaad by the ataaner
B. Banuu and aoo Floyd ara
date faatvrea aoabfasad to amka this
British etaaner Gleneiy. bound
Sunday, show
that thres
wpriaytny a plato dnriny a atom.
BarpMtlTig Oflilp—UttU XsTinL
^nrtUadegi sw (hlnaa'i BmUb
Sr. SeMftt^Thoaps»
bna rotarsed fron California and la
randy to mane her pracUea. Her
<£«1b the new Frank Frtedrteh
Worit wU! aot be iwady aatU about
the nth and anUl that tine aha wiU
beat Parh Place. Tele^oae 9. both
yphenaa. ______________ MT Ct
Din ikoc n u rriBU'i.
one of the beat attraetiona
of theaea-
r Ufa FUto
rialUng la KaUnaka.
Mrs. W.F.BewaatoririttagatJaak-
T« OOP« • OoM in One Day.
rake Warner's White Wioe of Tar Syrup,
the best cough ramedyjm earth.
Sr. BoMnthAl-Thompton
t nadto
baa relnreed from OalifonL--------ready to resume her practice. H>g
leee In the new Fran
Frank Priedr'flh
Mnek «ni Kotbe rradr notil ahcri
the 12th and oaUl that time she wUl
b-e PsraFlace. Toicpho*-u. both
m'ou Jump en it trample es
lAdlM. "Tra'of
It, hut It will come
eoi__ -, np entiling every
,n'a Elastic Floor Varatoh
time.” Celman'a
S E Wait.______________ ■
SnrpMriag Coffee—Uttl»':?A7em
fuct high.
than a pr.w. rllK>.t amount In the for-1
elpi tra.le. 1... matter wl.ni the nature ,
of the trade may U-. .t.l.litiomtl tarn- j
I* im.vklcd ....
f..r .-4....
ea. l. 100
“W o»
Superior, betw^ Copper
harbor aud Eagle nver. That was iu
August. 1845. This ^ash was m.
than 20 feet higlh
and.- like ....
all of
mile* sailed t.» Moan. vo*sel* aeeoiHiug
m olassIHcl rnnimg.-.-m.l *|«h1. Any
sprang suddenly from the Iskant
duad calm.
It was a quarter of a mils
iliMaut from Dr. Foster's boat, which,
wiifutho (liMurbanee begau, wa* diwcl,
- ,
fori'lgli built vi.*Mel HaliiiitliMl to .tinerlenn n-glMO' iimler the bill rhnll re-
.............. . nud If"■iuorc| oue rear exi-jK'.!
Mra Aathoay HammaU of Maeldnac
laUnd, totbagoMtot her etoter. Mra
ms old boaod. dark tareve.
rsaenDvek. riiMorlrare at
St ssd rsevive rriKard. nUt*
neolkar of
take* U
Jons Wrly.
Mra A Booto loft yeaterday to Iswill raaaala
afawdayavtoiUag her brathw. Fred
Bav. J. Maakaatnd of Sattoss Bay.
work fcorse. 1
ub feet, the water iK!-
.|„,IL u. ' scarcely raflk'il by the
iiifiuence of the
rnshing tide.
"Tho warn WU.H only half a milo from
_ _
bat iio'tvrithsl.VKliiig it* great
Ab Oblrot t
11 I.
1I..1 Mr. .Inmc j. I .l..ni.avd«ily it um . ...rhrf tl
Tho s.inia nivi-terioDitcaprico that ennsed
of the «;reai Northern .
it- eoarso and pas* harm
railway nud n jK-worfiil-tiuiii in the Jt to cJiaiige
ve**cl Bccmod to seizo it
uorthw.>rt. who wii* at first ..pitowM tOj
und it sank rapidly from it*
the Frve ahippliig bill, now favors jf.1 once
:at height a* it apprcactiwi tho »bon.
Hill'* grievaiiei' wa* iltat the h<ll
lek tho beach withuo moreforcu
give :in> Mib*ldy 4o Kieamers
orrifoof water than might hovo
Ih-I»w 14 knot* nud ihereCoie dlwrkulfrom tho wash of a passing vessel.
natn] ogoluKi the *lil|>* u*>M In tbe
T teroomber a notable swash on Lake
long voyages of tbe IMtllie. But (bo
Michigan at tbe month of the Menomllimit has been redmxil from 14 kpota
uea Thai one appeared iu April. I85S.
to 12. and the great frelghleni which
and raxbcd into the river with xneh
Mr. UlU coniemjdaie* bulidJng will be
tremundous torcu ami volume that it npeligible for subkidy. These vc-kkoIi. It
set the ferryboat oti'the Menominee.
1* undentroo)]. will iiuw be l>ulK In the
Tho recurrent
oscillation* of these
Unitetl Slates, not In Eurojw.
swaxbes are usually of dccroasiug size
(act of lt*eir I* au object leasou of tha
and force,but tbi« one on Uie Mctmmiuoe
vrisdom and efUcne.v of the proposed
wasn’t that kind. The ebb eff this tide
lcglslaUoti.-Boston Journal.
wa* juit as suddou os itt flow, bnt in a
few mluutes it was. followed by another
The gowrnmeut of Ontario. <tonada.
mnih larger then the flrtt one,
propuM'K 10 make ji survey of a large and the ebb of tho second swash was
porllou of the laud lying between the
fony-svTenlh luiralicl and llndsoubuy.
The tra«'i to lie Ktirvoyerl C4iin|iri*i.i(
followed by a ware utill larger than the
about 14U.0UU Miuare mite*, and whl..It conialBK idix'Ij valuable tludK-r. It
ha* lieeo but little exidored.
tbe lake at Menominee that day. and.
Foandar of I. O. F.
'*^Halaoa Covey went to
tarloohaa. whan aha
9s. W. J. Bglai. Oparattra 0nttri>7
SupMdB^ Oofi^UtUk Tflm.
. ftr PtptlriBl SbWB 80 to Frysat.
osHtiry iindiH' ihl* .■laii*.' that the vi^ssel
ahnll carry
)m*iH3iser*; It 1* sluipiy ...«■•» O'. '"‘JO.
make tri|». with carg...-* of n.»t less j I>r. Foster and his party of voyagers
A Mann Oaar Brain.
Vonr best fealiaga. yonr aoeial poaltlan or bwln«n anenaas dapaad laigete
thaperfletaatlea of yo
■ d Uvar. Df. Klagb Has.____________
give Iseraaaad atraagth, a kaan> olaar
br^ Ugh aahltloa. A 1« o«t box
wlU make ypa leal Uka a new belsg.
Bold by&B. Wait aad Jas. O. John-
Ills a'e the beaL
from OWey Creek, and tumbled ull sOHs
of lake craft a*hera
"I guess tho greatest tidal wave over
,l<„. f„r
day.Mr. a^ Mrs.
and three
WIm are down in the afleet- apaeialtiea and pantomime. Tbasoaaie
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wiakalinan and son.
•4 dUUlcU. makiny It inpaeihle to affaeta ara aipsclaUy flna aad anpply aad Beniamin Ensriv of Maatotee.
to tha galaxy of
accnrataly cstinate the danaye that brilliant aatUagi
tgnwuof tbe family ol Jnllns
BuntifnI eoatamas form daa Steinberg Sunday.
It I* not nee-
anrgleal operation.
miles i.n longer loyap-*.
Khali la> earm-.l ,,ndcr
li.r. I.m In am- .me veir the .KmiiKOisa- I nt arllMaiu'o of
Is a triumph.
aeon. followlny a day ot exo
This to
and the manarement has taken prins
belny cleared for hla pateaye.
a great btL
internally ia dstes from lo drops to a
It aria dlTecily cn the
blood and mucjusaorfaces of tbe syatcm. They offer one hundred dollars
for any ease it falls to cure. Send tor
circulars and testimonials
Addrem. _
•F.J. CHENEY i-CO., Toledo, O. ,
it and the
The .Kmi|» n*;nloi.
fired jntiioroas if It had been ~
a oMklosbell,
.nil I* iiseu
It cxe<KHllng' and across that stretch of beach into tbe
woods, wbero it was left among tbe
10 in any I2 .■en*«'ntive iii..atlis.
ci-Dls |KT gruas i«n fer «'m li (ixi'milo*.
"In tenmiuutea the lake was as calm
not cxeeetlinc Iu the agen-gate 1.500
miles ntitwnnl nnd liotiiewiinl bound, ns ever, but an hour later a similar
and additional <-ompeuMilh>n of 1 cent wave appeared ntKrttlo Creek. SO miles
Ohio, yetterday. to perform a dlOcult
Baelae left yesterday for Washington,.
Uuriey hla aUy In Moscow the cur haa
cone about in an open cairiaye.
„oedies. Md by coutantly
i |gUirg to cure with local treatmant
j prcncucoed U IncnrsWa ticlenee haa
j proven catarrh to be a ooestllullonal
' otoess*. rat therefore Kqulrcst
lasery. Frost slrret.
Dararmler and W. M. Moolton attend
The Devil’s Anction was presented to
a large audlsoce
g,„,,-K. ilw wrviis- to Ik? nr- it was not inoro than
f>er gr>>*s ion f.*r «ieli a.I.lithinal 100
Smith to hoUdlag
dwelling on Eighth atreet to eoet ahont
police to
-rear all extraordinary precantioaa for
Field ran, H to lA
There to more eaUarh ia thla aacAlM
of the eonatry than all aihot ikmom
put together, and naUl tAelaitfaw
years was eappoeed to be Ineniahla.
doeloraoroyesrs doelora pro
j tractH.ndJiM.Ki tle.or.Ilng to thl< ag.- ot - cuongb, though, to sweep the sebooticr
oonaalon by a q
AUleOviatL Mtot Datoy Blrong. Win
totaUy nboaUt in the laryeet newspapers la
ths eonatry. and will introduce meeb
new Batter, ncre are vsrloue speelal-
Mialc wna foratobod for tbe | u,e ve*«el.
MteUyaa Starch On.. eaU potariH to
k-nn vessel*. lt)ih iwiil triid steam au^ ’ As that Bwtu-li came rushing npon nt it
witlioiii regim! to S|»*il or tonnage.' scemetl to iin-a* if tho leaping Gwro of
i'til with regnnl to <nrgo. If registered ]^ils wliito cn-st was higher than the
eiipig.-l In the fon-ipi trade of >hooucr's maM*. bnt I know uotv that
d of Mias
11 MM
My failior had a 8.'i ton schooner
lying off the ^horc half n milo or more,
the bill ln''luile-<t>uiiK-ii->iilou to .\oicr-' aud 1 were with father ou his icbouuer.
•4,000 reildeoee for Frank Hamilton,
Bobben looted a train Sunday niybt ties and a bndyet of catchy aonyt in
the eanedy and are rlyht up to date.
near North Yak'.ms, Wsab.. and
oar baa ordered the chief of
stretch of tK-ndi lalwcoii
'probably 1
niilesont. audsweptslwreBrlclly MDieit, tin- iimln prurislous of word wilb it* uilgbty his*. My mother
lost la
catlmated at S:00,000.
the honor .vud liiiere*is of our countryon the si«K. however *uddeiily the oc
•Ti fill, -The Mll.think, will. IMhe,The water was a 'dead calm, when,
proiwscd <-um|M-ii«iiil<m I* large enough, without warning of any kind, n wave
ac-^-oiupIlKh Untie great and Important, lifted itself from tho liosom of the lake,
Ovare dozen nnaleal. daaelny and to be erected on his property, corner of
are dietribnted Washington and Franklin atreeU. He
Knailan yoversnent. The ralH eome opataUe
from Blrmlnyhan, Ala. and frill be thronyhont the comedy_«f oompllea- bus plana under *way also for a »3000
carried throoyh the Sue* canal'ic.ooo >iona. "Wboia Who," which will be residence for John TtoUnan on Eighth
eeen at Stelnbert's Grand next Friday
fsiles to Vladleostok, Klberis. ^e rs«t
street, nnd another for. C. E. Hale c
eveslny, May n.
This oryanl/.sUon
«m termlnoa of the road.
Sixth street;
baait^a column of praise written
The snianer villa of William
Wells, at Newport, B. 1-.
ada shore, off Otter Creek. There was a
pieoo of wochI* there then, with a long
casion may liapiwn.
rraUway. now under eonetmetion by the
Tenth etreet yeelerday afternoon. E»v. J com|jllshe.l iiu.h r 10 nti.l Si v.uir ecu-, Tho wave wa.* high cunngh and strong
J. B. Baum of Vbe Chnreh nAChrtol cfB
Itdoee not call
Hcafarlng work and who will iliu* have
the skin aud Is- iM-ticr aide to defend
enrred from the reeidenee nt 3*l west (
erenlny. May ti-
eeennd oonsidecatlon.
prohabllliy of which I*. iiDhapplly, not
"Almoft tin- first thing I remember.
sniall ovoii now.
■ old at tho
•’Fourth.-To iDeb-aiN* Ibc uiiiiiIkt of time. V
our cllixcii* who will !*■ <><lu<«tnl In apprarrd early in the spring on Uio Can
Harley B. Smith of Ballalre and Ar
marry yntaiHay.
this week, instead of
Us . t^if^nve U..«VP.\U
atrarked ns
m:- at ,
.... ........vj.
national safely iu rlnira of lui.Tua- force and volooie. until tho last was
tioual war or other dlMrurbauce*. the’scarcely more Ihwi a ripple,
thale Bone of thb d^. were lieeoaed to
for the disixeoil of
rtol ami by oiir own labor, a* a roost
"Wuliiti tho next hoar thero were
nnv.ssBrvof na'thmnl aid and fonr imwi.- twoshc*, e.irh cme of less
Name Lathrop, a yranddanybter of Mr.
Mrs. Gaorya B.
our own couotr.v. with otir own mate- *s a mirror.
nouaeioy the dnth at Jaekona ot Min
lu every
ilx own lln-4 and with iH ."s u is-Mfll ’ and tli- -afr *<-.arc-.>5y
<-.-iri-»5y porci-pi'lde.
faeiliih-s nud It* own oimiiiereial i»-j
■•Snrii wasr the
tbe eoudition when
whei that
A "novelty" eoclal will be yiven by
to the porp^ of drill on
augry luasii. eight fi-< t high,
school. Friday eveniny. May ts, in the
Tbeadvanee tale of aeaU to very
heavy tor the return enyayai
Mnnay and Mack at Stelnbery's Grand
tomorrow niybt.
Charles E. Lannln of Old Mission,
and MtosMina Laeker ot Ypailasti.
ware llcenaed to marry yesterday.
Tbe fnneral
foneru! of
of Herbert
Herbert Aldrieh
Aianra oeoc-
This to a
Class No-T of the First M. E- Sunday
nnminlly 1 rtnwg wind#.
trn.l.- th.nt iti.- nail.m Ih*ki prcinircl to • other rccordcl occurroiice ot tlicso mrseiif.'jigc Iu will uoe.-.‘K!n1l.v gel the great-j terioas frcul;.-< of tho lake waitr^he Mir
er picimrtien of iiy li.t own.ship* mnler facu of Uio lake has
will open St the boV ofliee this mom-
day May 10. oontlnniaff to thm evaa-
oially In the vaMnvi..ns of .'nstoni ‘ that wave leaped out of tho Ipko andjtolica»’ treat-neLV,Halls C
.Win. fvidcml.v very
«ixncd; camo hnrlingnpoa tUbsborr. awildnnd
maaofsc ured ay K. J. Wit
The sdvaacesJ^seeto^r '‘Wbto
Their enyaffemant oomneaees. Tbore-
nitoot-aapansed Prinoees
Is Who," which it to be. preeonUd nt
uk. pUa. HV. 10.
rine animal coming from tbe depths to
tberarfaoe. Weoonid see it rnshiny to
Sleinbery’s Grsn&.Frldsy of this week,
triad and eeaUneed to twelre yean'
'--.^nyhter of Prisee Knjo. whid la
that we have any reecrd of.
“1 have eeen many of tbew swasbea
ae we call them on tbe isbr*. tbe lari
one cbont ten years ayo. when my
eebocner was swept high sad dry at
Port Stenlcy by n wave that seemed to
rise on the lake like some monster ma
which now Bocsto incrt-aw tbe wiwlili j
“That ono lu<tanco wiu at Toledo. In
of other unllous.
t December,
when th« wind, which
••t4.-cond.-To greatly increase the ck- bnd b"ou Wowing Miff ordiorc, siiddonIwrtoUon aud
of all kinds of our ]y whirled Into a howling uor'ea-iter,
KurK-rahuudiim prodiictl.itis and c»pc-! *nd as fiuick as tin-cbmiga iu the wind
Ihe excevaUos was beynn yesterdsy
“ •
Tbeee views ahonld appeal to:alL
iJQte weddiny of Crown Prisee Yoehl
Bemns, makiny
oone of
Bockport, and deatrayed Colonel Bradetreet's fleet, in October. 176A That
was tbe flm tidal wave on tbe lakee
That is a peculiar thing abonttbo
Uke tidal wavea Tliey do :not come
bringing, to .ibc greatest extent possi witii a ronr, liko tho orean surf, bnt
ble. our owu fon-lgu trsilc Imi-k Into < ith a loud, hinring Koiu)d, and there is
our own tuuidx aud thus wiving to our only
one instance on reoonl wlim they
country cenalul.v more timii FUm.OOO.-' urecimcr
ate cither uccompaniru
accompanird «r
or followed
lommi-u ^
Min Mlasia Baltser has seeaptad a
than they did.ri tbe time tho ymt
wave rose soddenly on Imke Erie, off
way—and no donbt, nnder exlstlny
conditions. IIh> only possible way—In
e we don't know any man about it
s foUows:
Tha proecadi
aia to aariat la paFloff
for more
than 100 years tried to study out their
ward ns a mile away.
It came with a
boiling front ten feet high, bistiny like
"Flrat—To aid la a real practical load escaping steaui as it swept
eaptnred, has bees
bandits, who was
Dnrlay their eafferemant at f 'etrolt
in tatbenaad OMthan
ahaflanes saddled.
samhnef IM,77f MihBerihKa of tkla
chnrch parlors.
Intherovlewa they
drop to the yronnd.
naktaff a
which is belny rcpo^al^-
Uphtslny leaped the dlnl^ rMtn and
burled hint to the~^»ora’corpse.
iporw a Sri sals ol
for tne basement of the Beptlsteburcb,
One of the aeenei reprodneed by the
toyrapbe Co., that should pack the City
damaye wastdoie to the honae.
toar in nlL
oat of the wet. rt-
narlciay. aa he threw off hie drloplsy
•hose Syrian, whieh tsolsdee
old Lake Erie skipper. "aifS aitbonyh
The cardinal porpoees of the amend.
ed riippiny bill which was on March
SI reperied to the boose by Mr. Grosveoor, chalrtnsn of the boose commit
tee on merchant marine and flsheriei.
are wep and eohvlnctn^y stated la the
report recommetidlny the pasaaye of
.the bill The reaaons cited la aiqqiMt
of the meesare are such as to appeal
atronyly alike to toe patrioilc Imptdaeo
aad to the hnalheM oeaee of the people
of Ihto coontr;-. The reaolts eotight
be eecnred tbrouyb the enactmeoi into
law of this bill for the reetoratlon of
American shlpplny to lie liyhtful ptoc«
amony Ibc fiouilsblny industries and
enterprises of tbe repoblic are stnt^
The Brie Trio-
is April,
Per Oer SIrreheat HaHee.
The Mlekhtaa Tal^hooe On. reports
btrber ahop of O. B
-Anotbar ehrir haa been added^ the
pciW TW Wt Wf W W< W Wt Wt Wf ji
while the iMaiaBoo eoeld oely hsTo
•It w
Dish On.Hi
BstffalBimat sshawibacsis April
WM bctweea tiOOfiOO sad •l.OOO.OM.
Mocay arrived
inadlayat tha Oval Wood
srfharaos April to.
hw laterlerad natarklly with Wa
Maeefthepaenle aad It la dealared
ttot Watts it badly wasted to pwjaiy*
w. aMTtteMtk oftMItafaAUn
Aleltotmn the wiH kaewadalae*
rtw. CHr^gi. M Mor
>0* ttee, W. A. Piaharion. atatas that
«kMiatbak«A of tha roboJfc Ooioa Wato had a had rasoeddaUaffhaak
^ mM. iltfctwcfc • M>*e»
flftaaayaaia aad ww narkadoaiha
haeki o( tha ataaey as a raaaaL
■ IflO tto tOWB of Want nanriad aa aattaaabU wnma
pori>*ttaB«< »ua efUaadn^ flevBhad ta Laalaaaa
aaaatyaaaapia o* yaan. flaallyaklpTtMtaONMO bM taM dMtotbo do* piBff eaWlMriar hla wUa aad a daplatBMd te Iftbor MHlad by tbo
adhaakaaeoBBt. Ha paabsd tha U*
ttaof • rtotf MlU,* red mU Md
laad raaort to a whOa asUl Ha fatsra
hriebt. than hla miadelnys eat
I, the eeeMid alalaff tews ot
beak tha davalopmst of tha plaea and
ttsyertSBoe is the Sleess dMtiet. B. a
malted la kle dapartar. with a Trav
faee bees eeapUtel| deetrayed by dn,
am City yirl to OaUforala. whera ha
ssd sasrly eU Its 1400 people era
hue arldenUy aaas hU fleleb.
hontfm eed raised. The total loaa
' belowtoaUMotlhetnFtifftoflriil
t ag prinee of yesterday to irneectop,
MUnffstoWisambsref M.SW asb*
aadhlBsaUaa ilMipwi
OoL A. B. Caldwail. tbe fonndar of
.ae Indapaad:_________________
take one of Or. Cbaaa'a Kldnay-Uvar
PUto at nl^t and tbs rwalt to wonder
' ' la pronselng calm rapaaa. and axaallent digaatioo- I regard them
t^ d'emiantaiaa aad nom**'Mera of o.
iatto fmn.n- 4. •. cbaae<s K
nvLtecr FOto, tha only gnarastaed
cu' . >1 kl
> a I
- A cood efipet loow.
forflMf takes soOB. J.
L WAKfBD->:«r
Miun<er.i>kelTiBr.ta>4**. <*»lrs, sU
rat Bordes-
Jehs Vsfir.
mk. isqulre at taV«ri*» Houssor St *
J*0» nAl^Twesu st^InJj^lJL
That eecmed to satisfy the mood of
with tho receding of the third wave,
calmness even unwootcfl prevailed on
Its bosom. Tho lime between ^ oomingof the first wave aud the recoding of
tbe third was less than 20 minntot.
"The carious thing about tbeee lake
tidal waves is that they an entirely !oeal in their infloeuce .A ‘Wash, even
of the grealiM force aud iuught. mat
no- -affi'ci more than a miie of iuk:
fto'iT. the water at either vud .->f ihva>
bi'big nn<tiKtarb(d beyondtiiai distance
TI' V always come lu fram tbv'open wa
Mad'eJ.. B ffaio. K
Jobs Varly
'-New York :snu
no— ;
Tnynt oo,.
u. ,
Fgisril Sirector.
1m( wtfm ^
•»*hf» »«• Sais 4h«
T« tkt Pli^i* wmM A>«M«n <4 Wl Inatt,
Wbs r<» *•
^ **<«Wv i«n
Lm t^matm'fnm IW
M4 (k> nxl«« M
PMn, Mk «MarU ropltaa
ftai. m >«c Hnr, pcv nMn it
r« U- Pte liU »t f>la> -ontt porfct m.
mtiiM pp4 iPMt oin» ^fkp0 ■»<«*. «nat Mkv, Pm4< tp G«4‘« PPI
n^tM PM |H« M tta Up* fn
-ItalM hiMM E«pp is UwlpipW^
b thi aftfr pan of tha reMtl. which waa
the oaly part then was any hope ot kaapbg aSoat, area for a ^oR tine.
Is the Beaatiw the aatlors irere workiag fiercely genjag out the boata, bat
with tneoger results. Two euners and
» gig were swung oat aod lowered, bot
e darlts of the Mber boata were found
be rostad foM la tbalr ^cei. ao that
r boats cooU not be otlrred froa their
pa^tloBA Ttwse three boats then war*
the ooly hope of MfHy for loore tbaa ODD
aools, bet lfam-‘ was uo betilatkn ai to
who Aocld take adraouge of that hope.
The asoond colter, totaiuaeiled by UeoIMUBt Itlcbanla. was brought aloogaUe.
and the worueu and rfaildtro were placod
] board. fMooel Shoo, with bis drawn
toroe bis way lolo ibr boat, but thera
js no need of this precaution, for th«
■urn alood steady and i|alet at their poaU.
tbongfa the writhing of ibe deck under
' eir fcH told ihcoi ibat the reaMi wma
her death (bttws.
llordly bad the cutter cleared tbe gugway whb her prectoos freight when the
Klrhcohcad bmVe aqoarelr In two lost
: ItPTTf
Phlp pp UmCmM pT AfrtM.
forward of'.ibe ea^Dea, and the forward
(•art. sliding off the rock, plonged like a
shot into the dcfitha of the ocean.
waa sera tbal there wat no tiase to faring
more Ixiats alongside, and tbe order
giren fur all who coold cnaaTe thenselrcs. Keen then, wheu all discipliiie
thrown aside, the habits of years of
fppBi t'frk iti |MTr«rt trim and id ttkaiT*
rigkl training ruled all ibe aHloas of tbe
of PB aUf and faUant eomuikixipr witk soldiers. TlM-re was no unmanly rash for
CE{| •^•uU Kii Uiard. T«» loositlii latrr Ibe two r
ilinw- who
, biT piiBliiTPd liulk lay ai Uw butloa ot ty.ill/l S'
i aldt-d their i-onirados to planes
stiup wmekage,
tlw ofrto iiff III- .\rri<pii nmat nnd of bar In then
id on bits of Boating
boinan fn-isbt only 1»3 rauaim^ alite,
WbHc Ibf Oioastfr Pbli'Ii Interrrurd wai I-)iut of safety and pulled away frqps the:
oat ot iba liKBt irrrlbla of tba mail)'.
dralb by tbe ghninl.t light of tbe blue
Wtrtdi fia at iht door of o]d o«aaa. It U
lljthts and rockMs wbirh had liei-n showMiaof uliii'U EagUabB>«> ran aarar tbiak
ward since tlie ship tin>t struck.
allbout {iridi-. for tboM> paard iBcludad
Ii was iM.t long In (suulng ft>r moat
all ibc B'oman and <ddldraD on bxanl, aad of the 1-ir felkiws. I'ive minutes
foi-nnnl pari of the T.-«sel heel gone
' in Ibi- rliirr of Iba Ioh of (far Hirkaubaad
tba borror of ihc^dlaairtar is otaritrcd by d'lWti she liruke again jn<
The aflei part luehsl
admirsflon for the lai-a who abeartoKy
ud a mnmeui lati-i the
yirtdad Ibidr lino lo «btc lhi*a of tha
vessel kliil froui the nn-k and
wrab r nni-a and alii-ii all b»t« was goae
l>liiiit:--l lo-m-aih the waves, ('olmiel 8efaard dratli sli-adfastly and wUboal Ion MBudiug valmly.hy the gangway and
flinrtiitiir or fnlii-rinc.
gnli,' down with it to It hra'
-. In a little laore.lhan :»
It was a rlrar. bright mocnlDg la Uta
the timi- tbe vessel siruek the niek
IV-auil-f. Jb&l. «b<n Ibi; Birttc-nboad
ali-bturd out.of^bi- I'ova of fork and raj>- then- rt uminisl of her no v«-stigiUljr iln.p|Ki I tbi- Irisb <iu»t Ubiiid bor. Bnaliug wreckage, whhh n.vertHl
Hit r»rs<i
>n>ls1>il of Inioiis drsIlnM to lei, and the main lopuiasl, whieh pro*
rrlicvr il|ip :i' al llial (iiarifii tbr .^friroli K-. tt-tl ats.ee the aorface. On this many
Ibr d<dacfatm-nt la-ing mudr up of iIm- t'leii t«ik refnee. while pib.-ra-aupof 4leUlU rroin lUiTi.Biy-.-lglitli blah: |-..n.sl Ib.-inrelees an |.leees <ff wrci'kege
r ..n lif.- pn-serrl-rs. with which they,
laoiar* and lh«
qd prerlously provided tbeniselees, anil
r.jTly-iliint Ki-vi-iitylliinl aii<l Ninofynrtetl for ihe shorn, wbirh was aorae
. first of till Knr. romiNsiidiil l>)
■ Bbi t^dojirl Sptnii of tlif l*m"nly-oigbth
It was loo far ftir most of tb<e poor f
' blgblatiili'iii.
TJio kuMirrs' uorr poariy
oU diTliuis] for kiuc li-mi* of sittIit Id l.-n s. ami of nearly JWO who sitartcd j
lbs lolonlra. and inaD) of ibrin had tlirir the kli-rn- iiiiMt gnee it lip aud sank I«>
f.-r.- i-om|.h'iiiie Ihe diitaiie.-. But there
fanitirs olih ibom. Hu n- l-•infc• ooi
wuK iim.ih.-r th-Mh whieh hirked in tb«
Wueiou and rbiMrou on llir kliln.
lfii> ItlrUrnboail a-as a Manrb and well
eqnippid u-pM'I. and I’nptaiii Kalmoad. <l-ath smhlen and liorrilde and whieh left
,bt-r loiniiiand'-r. a llioniiii:U waman. but tbe survivors with sliaken nerves and
fsiliiig t-onroge.
The M-a was iufetted
fruiii 111'- l:ri>l them wen- fombodiugs o:
hy sharks, and nearly nil who had strlpdlsan.s oiii.mc lior rmw. for ►hr wai
ih.-lr e1c.th.-s were eiteu by
wbnt Is kiom n as an ualui ky »lilp. one of
Maio' a |wor fell-.w, swluunlnf
tbuHi anCortimatc vessrls oilli wbtcll
brafaiuc M—nw to g<> rlgbl, and hod suffitvsl A keri's of anmil mlsbaps almutt d.-n rush and n try and found
from III.'
of ber laiiiirb. Ki«nu'ii bI- with only a hltxaly e.hiy Is-side h
that be
*sv» l.vr o kU»|> of tbU kind. aiol. klagu.
lafly enm-l,. their fear ii'ins to Ik- /«s!l- migbl Is- tbe nett lu meH sii.-li o fat
.Viiil I'tei. with Ibe shore safely
iH'il tu
■i-tlnin i-xteiiU for of the great
.\ heavy sWt-ll oD.I strong
___ laeali di--j»|frs o huge (•r»|M>rllon sei'iDa not gained.
I t>TTinW;;miK'ii<-d to iIii-m- iiuliirky abips. im.l.-ii..iv anil n r.K-ky aud .Ufll.-ull cast
Kvi-ii 1.1 the ritrly |oin of ibi- voyage ti.n- hill u part of the ilaiigers with
flic Hiri. nhead a|>|H-an lo^Bve juslHied wliirb they had |ti cniend. ]-'nr a long
her ropoiiitiim. g.«- rnttu the lioio of her u sy ..III from the sbon- Hu- sea was filled
with great maiai-s of Heaw-eetl, which
palling iiiitil Bby bad rruasod tin- l>ay <
winplHsI aU.ut thi'lr lliiilis ns they swaoi
IHs'-ay rli. was InirTelis] by sui-h a au
and s1i|.jN-d miib-r their ft-el ns they
n-ip.ii>n 111 gjiles u> was almost mi|irer
►trtiggk-d li.ward tbe shots-, nml maay
di'tilnd for tlial tiiiii- of Ibo yi-sr vveu
who had nitiimit Oeat-hed the laud
ktiirip} uud l■oi■lt<'r■>u•
up, disUearteiM-d. nuU niH their death la
aianngi-d to gel through wiibuul imtliug tl..- flinging wve.1.
llradiinUy, <mi- after iionther. tlu-y draghi for n-i<tiirs. I.aler khe ran into IK-Ilnr
•Wenlher. and ffum that lime on Iisd a g.'d tlx-nisi-Iti-s innn tin- water and gathaamolh and iflcasaht v.iyug.- lu 8L 81- rn-.! iiig.-ihi-r on tbe firm land, ami when
uonV lisi. t.'ape of flood Hope, her first It U-rntiiecrraln that tliere w^
1.. Clue there w ert- in that fTrly hut C8
|sin Pf eiiil, where sh
a IVi*.
: down.
.M this |ioial'('<doBel hH-i.rti f..und inHot liltle ciiid In- done f..r th.-m
Plrmiioijs rp>m Mir Henry Smith. ...
goicriior of lhe fapt- of (iorsl Hoin-. re- lisliiiig staiivn at 1‘nint Dauger, and they
ganlhig the diMrihiilion of tbe Inpips on nets- .ddige.1 to tramp for more than
UiavO. .snd waiiiuc only one day to take luih's (brougli a rougii and l.mken coi ..
try Id III.- b.iBse of Captain KmaIdH, foron rich i.n>visious oiri water, the .Bir
keohi-ad sianrsl for Alcoa Bay. the lint lu. riy of Ibi- Hereatb Draguoo guards.
plseo at whi'-h she wns to las,I a dHseb- Hi-re thoy wcr.- well eared fur and i
were taken off by 11. M.
it wji.
U-niillful erraiug on which idclsmarithus. aeut from Bt. Bitai
I The Sinking of
I ■' 'Tfejii’l^enhead
the sli-aia |...it.dS.,»iimmVB4y. The
night was rh-arniid still, and Ibe surface
of the trai't wit* iinniftled. aUbougb. «
always im ilml isikst. there was u hear
awell r......................................
u from Ibe'p owan).
• idab .
Ibrei- iiilhp. Ibe Ugbts and.beaeons iN-im; in full lirw. On ImarO thi
aliip all wns .-ului and tranquillity. Onl^
the wal.'h i.-nmnu-d awuke, and the big
vessel slid on over tbe soiuotb water alliiust wilhiHil ►iiuiid i-cccpt for tbe rbytbick-at la-at of her eogiues and paddles.
How (lu- disaster happennl no one will
ever know,
it 1« certain that t'aptain
Balni^d wns a full mile farllier iitsbom
tbaoTrO^aiouhl have Wn. hut bow the
tnlsuike was mad'
kui'WB eurrnit
-aleuIatiuB, bo
ir-ri-r etl-laiiieil l» a huniau
lUl. 0„ «neb B night then- wonld seem
to ls« no ettuM' f»w sot* an em>r. y« it
was mmh. and nU.ut J o'ehieL' in the
BMruluK -r Iiir IMih ilie Birkenhead
drove, M iilu.iit w iimitig, upon one of thiBanr ►uhiiK-rc'sl rt-eks ranniBg out from
1‘idnt Dancer.
irnforlunalt-l.e f.ir ‘all pa board, the
k a CWM tsaO. aid IsaPsceiKs gnai.
b be itste M VoMe-Wboo.
Buk^ SMotit Ksle-I tsrol iMsb
A fMd yoBsg BWS Is Ms iriiHk ns
CW Iks Iwech M Ueorw-ntwo.
Aad ks awl a laald Is s pretty gUdS.
But Or iMgw td Wear-s-tthso
B« ««aM BM wKwk. » l« tuokad bM cbttk.
Be* s pmrWv gaed (oars uard fw toad)
Had tsirwd la Ves-s-W'heo,
Aad thr wsld ladced Ud bses la^t ta nad;
Ibe dMsd « poctrylon.
fk aba bid to tbe yeuth: "Kew ay ta truth
•Tby caae yos u WAur-a-n'bast
d nwoa M w BiiBi Utp <uar to tbe
VhU* I was hut dmiHiw M you.
a poets nrv. •mb dsaght« bslr.
Wbo would rcwir to s UoOc*.«-bee
Murb ht«( I rotd. Uit I wsal Isutsud
Ta tat upjtjMrt or (trot"
fre Ihe youth o»de (■arks with hw UiUe ax
The aiBldm ol Woor-s-wiiM.
(AssAt sasg foe bias • isquis9i)
Ud rkstf Urn amte la tore.
Tbew kbe sadly (Tied as Us Inlos Ut fritd
(Ot U. bran she prriwrwJ s slew),
*T rsb Brnr lelsU tbb porCt lltr
la Ihr Ikgro^ cd WoMo-Whoo!”
I waa told this tsle l.y some un who vials
hear tbr (oast ol-VWo.-nhou.
As4 Wkllr thin adrcl lo u.r it srearTsd
I s bust <4 puU I knew.
ak he Ibrir bo.Uiw uab.
Is so suibor or itkDl
-Uto kVsBMsro EteUag Pmt.
A» bUafi *t g«l»hi
PntablT the stnogest booM ever
ebOMA by baiuAa belnga It a Uttie lalAiid jnst off tbe CMtt of New Zcwlaiid
koowD at White Ulaad. Is tbli roeky
taid^s. wbere It U
from the fomw ot pn
iltteot oiBpbarlc cni(ttlo&A 100
New ZoAlAodm recently made tbelr
home. Tbe one deligbt of this spot U.
It If said. A troaderfnlly beMtlfal poBorsffllc view embrsclsg tbe bay ot
emit during boib day aod olgbt daogerously Itot rapore Aod salpbnroui
, rraaeh ITrln* liMSIne.
Tbe-LoodoD Globe aays an tsteKitIng feature of the Paris exhibition wlU
be the ".kvloo” flying maclilDe ot M.
Ader. which was tried at Camp Satory.
It has an acroplaue In tbe form of
wings, aod tlieli- spread can be alters]
at will.
Two four bladeO propellers
are driven by ttvo 40 borsepower steam
CDgltu-s bested by akobol from
reperroirs. between wbleh tbe avlaiur
sits in n cbalr. with guards to keep
man abould sliar|>ci
alon(* wlieu there
. .
trb.ioe /'lime
IK.u'1 gel too
world will
III move ou
u just Hie same afi
er you
Washington Kinr.
lie eredli
pnsMewliig giKKi Judgment.
I yon wen- asked lo read
wn hvorks, wen> you not?”
: that was oil right, but. bang
pl*m PodfilBK.
-'How full of sni>n<>ni(-n> on
U." said tbe first patron
of the- quick
loneb rouDter. "I-’or Instaiiee. that which
is esll.d |.lum pudilliig uctvr Lni a ]>lum
ctmsiilt the dieiiouary.
iter d.-8nck a pluiulvas 'a lliiU- mass or
welglit of h-ad.' '■-rtliiad. lpliia Pres..
Other Klail Prrfrri^.
-Tour systi-ni is generally
ran down."
said I>r. Kaiiard, tin Hiiinent hpeelnlist.
••hut I ibink I .-an j
short lime if
Wonhl you pn-f.
JA think not."
.IK.Il.l.'d Ml M(K-ker,
tfvolauiarily lowig his vulre.
•Il'sId. that
•UMlnUiia eoutry.
SeATiy 100 fall MraAOKrATiaffa.tAmptama paper. llIunlAAtod oorm
Madiaga; over too ffolden Uliu in tbe
£y tbe
hr a St
1 fully supported
a only when she was uiidemn
u undt-r lier j
>r kimlliiig wood
break It Jn two.
and! rquld kiaad
_______ ItheS. -iraheaU
iustantly h-gau tu fill and seitlK
It ii.x-th<tl no seaman to tell V
•teody aettllng of Ibe rrsiel Ibat \
^nol many miuiili-s to rmiaia bIwtv wa
ter. The white. m-I fares of the ship's
oObers as they niortKl ebuul ilireetlcg the
•rthog oul of th<- Utals aud the desptvate energy w ith whh-h ibelr orders were
carried out showed that there was hope
^MfHy hut for a few. yet mee aud oB(•parade, nicei.. _ _________________
tiua of (ht- otfieers, and the eoMk-n aad
mrtnes wete ct poc pat to wort throw.Jag orerhuaid the bt^arc and cup ta-
paHiacuu airf nualM the tead gaaic
. ii.-.
^mode elenr *500 in four weeke
tAktot order* amour h« ebnr^b oequalnuceea and frludt. Write on It
uy lead to a permanent payln* pooiUon to VAaore oar buinem And look
Afur ov lATfe cotraapondenoe.' which
yon wn Attend to right At yoAr booM.
a. A. Sherman. IS bat flfetreeu beiweu Broadway A
. hly ar.d m ticu-. it will cure a cuse
:'4 huuiA, A2)d foe the uoucb that lol•,s L«Grlppc i'- ^ever foila to giv-c
Price. 25c and fiOo.
TrlrpheeaKwTO ''
• *
Enquirt tl
114 Front St.
D. general praeiii
-, ueer onj aecll
oarydlwMca. Jla-pi ve.WiNe*. 1U7
tec 0|»/» UooM Bloel
Crumb of the Mine amcklng.
Mooey to lose. OScee. OUy Opera
©a® (
nee IM.
ao. oAee II
™°* Strrol.
Nothing oD.enrth e
pUrity of iLo ymiDi
a bluff ut livatiiic h
••yes,''..l... rv.-il Uliiks. us he sirolleil
Along Bo.vlsiiiu kifs-t, in Ibe liss] A|irll
Ih>s-i<m Is piiteing gay.
1 linve mei
as ' uuiny us leti pr«-uv
yoiing girls (Ills aftenuMiu. niid every
olu- cT 'em SI.‘Hied amii-asl jind Jolly,
lu funner lliiii-s wuuieii here {Olekert-d
lip ilielr lirows ill frowns and w.»nsn.-h a svli.Kil nm'utii meiiili a vliap
was (ifnilil to look III tiieul- .Vow. how
ever, Hie welglit of Ihe nnlluii lUUSt
have Isvu mi.sl, for f.iivheads are tint
Ihsi In a Ikoiisuud knots and the Bos
ton girl sleps off like tl l.trk--------” "Like
whaC; " -uh, well,” .s.iiilniied Biuks.
Iindisma.v.st ,|iy Hie Inierrilption,-^'slie
walkk IIS ihiuigh her «lio(-s .thln'i plm-li
lier- Bill it's true they are serernl
ki».-s larger tliiiti her aolH-r pr.sliH-«-ssor's. Ami liiiw do you ueeoiini
thal'i" 'itelter liealili. niv Ikiv, ould'K.r ............................ 1 nil ili.-il sort irf tiling
The gew li.e-i.in girl.Is IniHt on differ
ent pi.ielples
from the oue .voti
tea or iw.-my y.t»rs ago."-
for Sale
3 Sera U artpiu in 24 N«in.
Wlicii joii see au advenlM-menl for
n jilalu cuok It's a safe lu-t Ilial some
man's wife inserted it.
WIh-w the
Ihi- average
uveruge mnu attempts
ilnml (III his digtiliy
tliid that his fvs-t atrpedi-sisl.
Billiard Hall
H. A N . B B. R.
Trtveroe City to Maoiotoe on tbe followlDir detce unleos otberwiae noUfied:
MaylSaodST. June ioondsi. July 8
and 88. Augnst r, and 19. September 8,
16 ana 3ii and October If.
Traloa leave I'rarerae City at 9:J0 aB.-. arrlreAtllADUteella. m. Leave
Monietee at S;t0. arrive Traverae City
8 10 p.m. Tickeu*! roead trln. No
bwr»re allowed on tbeee traini.
Trains from Manistee oa alternate
■Saedays May 0 to October T.
F. A. Mm-uw.1.,
a.W. CL-.v!tixr.8ati
O P. A.
p C^aiLlttn.Attomy.^^alaiieaUM
First Freeze
X. A UUlikMi U(Mk. UootB. 8 to 11 a. m.. I
.m. ’fialn£ras.TL
aea'ii scO eblldree'e •llkesae* a apeclallr. Oface hour*: lu to U •. m.: ;-io « aod T to 8 PB. BeU-pbeoeSO
Clear Ice, fioiu Boardmae Lake.
$1.00 a-Month
1 Menbero'pbeoe.S!: Dell.
resMeoce. Ne ^ri. N'unbrrs rtooe
Al residences—same as last year.
Have large qimnti.'y on basd.
make a vpeclalty of ear lota.
J. A. Jackabn
ar~Mls^ Thos* l.ett.^t>.
Kilitors liave llirlr troabb>s. (ttie of
these men wlte pn-sldes over Hie tlestlnh-s of a wesiern paif-r Is niourulug Hie loss of two siiliscrllH-rs, One
wrote askjug how lo raluo ills twins
safely, while
other, wani.sl to
know liiiw he might rid tils on-hard
Rath 'PhODM. No- 7.
letbodi. Usycrnlj
. TelephooeNo.il.
ile«..omeesrit to Walt's Drag kiorr on Cbloi.
kireel. OooUbarb inSeoaseelloo 'or latleuiii
of grasshoppitw. The uuswur wont
forward by wall, hiirhy aeeideui tbo
editor put them liHoThe, wrong onvelopes, so that tile man with the iwiaa
ro(V'l\x-d thi’ answer:
lairefully with straw
and set litv to il. mill
fid ihwi
then the Hitle
IK-kts, nfit-r JnmidUg hi Hw .. ....... .
for : Jf“
ene niter
a ,i^^
II f<-w iiiinulcs. wlM Ih- NiHN-dily set-> workguonateed. leBeeoedkireei. KK-aii
i.oi the wnyk, bad
Hay. as they w i re nil so brarily
wrsieel.ni.nera >T-ia "ptaNO Ti'NIS<i-J. W. Cllllr. xroleMlOBBl
huid.sl as to make Ibe nttempl to laud it
I" "giv
r a dog makes hhu stop ever)'
Ibe bi-avy snrf inshore one of great dat>*
Asilsunt—Yes. you We, he used to be
They rowed^all lughi nad at dawa'
oaklng jwrlora,
B euihaslaMic wheelman.-l'hiladelphU
pi.-l.-d up l.y tbe seltoum-r l.ioneKS.
».-w pb(«e le;.
Oonitanavaa lotervlewer. '
t:a|.iam kamsdeii. wh.i after taking them
or .all ib<- imliiii-lniis «f this gcociA•m tN.aisI at ..iic started for Urn st»Dc of
tlou lu'ue 1ms a larger reputaihm for
Ihr- wrtn-k
Oil arriving tlii-re. early la
s. Nowhride-Yon know. John............
the .Ifi.'
reAcrvi- iliaii funner Remilnr .trihui
proiniKsI to let me hare all the pin money
Bouae and Jot on WaablogUD ctreet.
f.inad to
Senator Con
ai'pli.'s to
I iiecdcl.
will cell on eaay montbly payntenU.
rule of tlie
. N'.-wb^P-Tf«. dear, and you shall publU- affairs the fumo
tben-wns no sign of any olhiT
have it.
(In.- hiimlnsl uud twcotv-five were lakn ar luieiidi-d
(ioruiun laaf-1
Mr*. Newliridi-^Jb. )ou kweel tl
n Iq^ the Hioneas from tbv boats ami
Well. I raw n^ todaj' with diamonds r.tbilliy lifudf to till ..leWspillHTBonce and
from the mast. 8iily-<-ight Succeeded li
that crowd tironud him
111 for lufol
pearlsj^K^aod I do want It
' tenmec.cUy water, newer, furna
is-aefaiag the kbore. Of the others ot tbe
Uon. bui it is II stiindlng Jok-. ........
oug' large barn. Tbli ia a bargain,
Birl.enbca.l's great empauy all perishthi-iu that he does nil tin- iuim'lewlug:
'lug ;
Bonne and
nn^ lol
lot on Bate* ttn
-J: hill, to tbe oredit ut BiilUb enrage
there was •
Bvvry laiiimnT Senator (•onuiiii gov* ■
1 or ebiUl.
Saraiogii for st-vvnd wH'ks, Due
Houoe and lot on corner Eoit Bigbtb
ih.. liulp.- f;i-ui,i
"Why twoT'
scene i
“He get! I'usioess advice from one
mnrl,..!: ".-.i-nnli.r <
then be cnsults tbe other nhout bow I tare
.-...Unp i„ ,i.i. iK,t,l now.
eo.M ul lol on Eut Biililb .Irat,
•k. Maay .-a
mneh be ongfat to pay of tbe first «bo'
ei uimilKT sleep In mimarketl hut
bills."-Chicago IliKMid.
eaay paymesi.
hon..rea Kraves.-«h..rt Hcorii-k
cboiee lou in ail paru of
know, and you
rnilaJaw the Wasto.
Sratnlityln Knoata.
Till-sepalor smihKi nml Ml dill thoK'l
j' G
never havu lo hu) any kindliog
~ T rd*
alkoiit him. for Hn-v .'ippi-H-hiied iliat
. Vil.inoirs of a BeclullooUt.” wood."
I'rinee Kropotkio, the apthor, after
telling Ilf tbiltgs be bllBteif saw In bis
“Beesnsi- my wife aud onr two daugbchil.lb.K>d. ksys:
ers insist upon ohariH-nlug tbelr o«
’‘It. boueit-r. I were to relate what
•sd prarils."—t'levidaml Main Dealer.
I of Ip tb.«e yeat*. U would be
tiest cough remedy on earth, cores a cold
Tr*lr flarpTlala*.
and womra turn from their fata-lA»k." said liltle Reuafi-. who bad ktoMdaylfukeolatime. SfiaadfiOcU. | Wartburr Block
ill-, and their villages and sold or lost In
ever lirfon seen a mule iia^ for any
cami'lbig or est-bnuged for a eonplc of thing blit hanling.
lim.iiiig dogs aad then transported to
"What U it, d.arr
ss.m. r.-noie |wrt of Ituasia for the sake
“A man riding horsebaek on a male.-—
of t-ronliiig a Dew estate; of i-hlldreo tak- riftabnrg ChronlHt^-Telegnipli.
frtiDi iliolr patents and sold to crorl
or sli.s-.l.:te matters: of flogging 1p the
sial>W.‘ wiileh occurred every day with
•Tbe ejowii pritic of Germany rennlieaTfi vf .-rueliy: of a girl who found erives a aalary of *375.000 a year from
b.-r raiy salrntioD in drowning herarff: the siate.of an old lar.n who bad grown gray head
‘•What forred in his master's aerrlee aad at last
-For hring bb father's
hanged bimsrlf uadrr his tnaatrr's win
dow. and Ilf rewolti of arrfe srfaiefa were
Poor SUeka.
flying to death each iratb or fifth man
D^hy—Pbiui. we girls have a IW
taken out of ihr rsnls. and l.y lA)lng
tme for those men «1io call oa
waste the Tillage w-buoe inhabitants, afl- aever take us ont anywhere.
er a nOUnry eseention. wrat*t«ging tor
I%pa—What is it, daughter?
sums wlib bbrn-"
oil and rub ihcir:
. •
Coawmptioti Cupe-Wi
WfeM* Wine ef Tar Syre^ the
John R. Santo.
Genial lasoratee.
Sidewalk Lumbar is all atM.
tiMD <flreMf conpi
ST 1,;’,“ ,l-.r'• .1;;“'.>«'•"' ” ~r
and with deep wm. r all artMind It. The
-iip svrat on with si.rh fotve that site
laiMcd urariy half ot.-x il. tearing opra
arr boUaia as she diil *-\ aud finally
brought op baogiagtim tbe ck-L at a ptdnl
Cigar Store
aIao a^
sulphur that
known by acme m Sulphur IsUnd.
the center of the rock Is n great crater,
whose cavity Is lo a consuot state of
lo Addition tbe eoUre
face of (be Isbiad It dotted With from
BOO to 400 miniature craters, wblcb
blui from faltiug.off. (yver bis bead Is
deam roudui
and left arc baodles for alleriog
S tbe
e •< VUd.
surfaces of the aeroplanes, or wloga
"A wotuaii can't sharpen n lead pearil The sjteed of the screws can l«c varied
or’ throw a stone,- read Mr. M'
leckton at will. The total weight of
ebloe nod tbe aeronant blmself is SSd
adied hi. wife, rstherr^
-Don't lulslakc me. nrariclla.’' x —
tbe quirit rt-}uintler. "I am not gioaliag. j
ouch of SI
I faa iust reflecting on ibe wisdom of.
Ihe will'idc world
nature. There Is in
“Ro you <i:
ing.” they SI
’ replied I'.-i.n BcTihhler. -I did
work of AM hu Jam bran IwMd la
Saw York At An oaUm of over *100..
000. for whteh the p^tebeirAe^rk
JOHN F. OTT & 00
SnaaMaora ta TraTaraa Otty Lumbar Oo:
' Sold
and Repaired
SatisfactioD Guaragteed
-io (.‘very respect.
August Petaudai
Next to Eacle Offi(»
U U a Utile early to talk about lea. -<
bnt we have a large anpoly pat ap for
onr enatom.er*
We will fuTBiib famitiea. thlaeim>
mer. with lee woobed c e»n and pat la
the rafrigarator. for II oo a mosth—
and won't ask tb be paid in adranee.
Best to be had ia
umplea is window.
Uas nfm ti pmiit Ikr BMbr M
T® tk. wtt^ munU Ctatkun tt ha tat.
>1ta m >«t WTr. Br» nam
n U» ta. lii® (k® *ta '•
Fir «lRr «MlM «M amt «i
0 «»«(. r^( Mb.. M
■ IW.«RU«®t
I Jtie Sinkiim of
Tfie Birkenfiead
tlw Xta •r • BrItWi Tr«
In Uie rlwila* deya of the |enr 1851
the Enri)®)' iroopahip Birkenhead tailed
from 0<rk in
trim und in ebarte
D aUe and i
1 board. Two tuotilhi Uter
brr Kiiattrml hulk la)' oi Ibr button of
lb<- (Mvan off (b~ Afrlcau c«aa( and of ber
biinan fn-l^it only lldi miiaibed alire.
Wliili- Itir disaster tvhirh Inlorrrord waa
oue of the uoat trrribia of tbr matir
•rfalrb lie at the dohr of vid oecan, It ia
one of whi<* Enffltaliinei. . an net-er think
• ilhout |>rU«'. for Lhiw aarrd included
all the Women an.l <-hlldreu on board, and
in the atorr of the ton of the KirkmivaJ
the bomir. of the diaaKler ia olwcured by
admiration for the men wbo ebcorfnlly
yirid.d liielr Urea to aaer tboae of the
weaki r ones aitd wluoi sll bope wai gone
faeci dentil aleadfaitly
tiiiiebiiiit or faUerina.
It wai a dear, bright ntoraiac ia Ute
l>e.-euil® r. -l««l. wbro the Birkenhead
atmmed oOt of tlie cure of Cork and raj>Uiy drupi^i Ih.- Iriaii euaKt behind her.
Her .•arK'i .imriHi.l of trieipa dentliieil to
Tt-ihive tli.e«. at that r
ctnliijlia. lb.' delaeliui
of detail® from the
. lauilers. llie Tu-elftb iaiicet-s and tbr
J'ort^ tliiii!, Sei-eiity-lhinl and Ninetytest of the line. roininatid.>.l by Liculcnatil 1\ih.iiel Keton Of the hcretilyndebth
Tlie Hd.licrs uere nearly
nil Oostini'd f.ir long term® of eerriee in
tbe eolutiiiw. and many ot them bad
fatnllic® with them. Ilierc iH-ing eum
womou and ehlidrvn on the ship.
' t The Jlirkeuliead was a slaoeli and
'equlpjied vesari. and <‘a|Haio Salre
Jier comuiander. a tbon.ngii seaman,
.from tiic lirsi there wen- forebodlu]
' diuner niuung Inr rmv. for she
. omty pan there «aa any bo^ ot kc^
lag a8oat eeca for a dwrt tli
In the naeairUne the aaOora
.............. ...
lag tteredy gvtUag oat the boati. .b«t
with tneager nwaita. Two catten mad
Ig wete awov oat and lowered, bat
______iriu of the other boata were found
to be rarted faat la tbelr pUeea. lo that
the boat* eoald not be stirred frotn tbelr
podtiotm. Tbeae three boata then were
the only hope of safety for bwre than 400
atmla, bat then' wat uo bedtatimi as to
who abonld take adraniagc of that hope.
The second etitter. rommaoded by lieotenaal Itkhanls. wat brought aloagtide.
ami the women and eblldrrn were placad
on board, t'olood Ketoti, with bis dtasra
award la hand, stood in the gangway and
threaU-oed lo eat down any man iryin*
the boat, hot there
.. ..
. precaotJon, for the
men stood ktesdy and quiet at their petti,
thongb the writhing ot ibe deck nader
Lbeir fret loM them that tbe Tcaael
.in fai-r death throes.
llordly bad tbe caller cleared ibe gang
way whb ber precious tielgfat when tbe
Kirkenbead hmkr aqnarriy In tiro iost
forward of tbe eogiDa^ and tbe forwaid
part, slldlag off tbe rock, idunged iU
shot Into tbe depths of the ocean,
wth aeeu tbit tbere was no tlioa to bring
y more Imat® alengtide. and the oQler
la gircii for ail who cvold to sare themaelres.
Erni then, when all discipline
was thrown aside, tbe habits of y«
righl training rtilcd ail the actiont
There wa» no uumaQly msli for
remaining Imals. and UioIm- who
im aided lbeir .oniradea In plan-s
In them and on bit® of floating wreckage.
I'h.- boot® were .fuicfcly Ailed beyond Ibe
|M>iut of safely ami pulitd away from tbe
ressel. leariug ihnw on bard faring
d.«lb by the gbaitly light nf the bine
Hgfals and rocket® wbirb had been ahn
tfiil npward aince Ibe ship tint eiruek.
Ih-atb w»» imi long ia .oioing for lut
r felkiWi^ File miuntes aft
She fonvi d |.ort of t»M- vm-c-t had gone
down slic broke again Juki aft <>f the
Thiafiri part
iBd saak. aod a iiinnHUl later J^e main
body of the vessel slid fnioi the nick
plnprc.! Isuoalh the wav.-s. I'utoiiel
loo Hiandiog call ily l<y tl
I it Vi
glare. In a Iluie mure than IM ini
from the time the vi-s»el simek the tvefl
there rmaine.1 of her liu vestige but the
floating a-riH-kage. whleli eoverevl tin
ter. and the main topmast, wliirii pn>>< r-l.-d olsive the anrface. On this many
of the men took rtfuge. while others suie
|s>n.-.I iliemselvrs' on pieces of wreckagg
or on life ptvM-rrer®. with which they
ba.l previously provided tbemaelres, and
ainncil for the shore, whicli was
<1 null's .iisloi
of tbr poor
itarted for
tlM' shun- most i
il sat...
sank bef.. -C cn.li
the diaiaucc. But there
death whii'h lurked in tbe
wuters In'iwren the rori. and the shore—
d-iith siiddcB and horrible and which left
stirrimes with shaken nerves a
i-nuragr.. The sea was iofesl
ts. and tieaHy all who had striptheir eiollii's w-ere rate
Many a jioor f.-lhiw, swiu
aloiigshle with a ronirade. heard a sod
den rush ami a ery and found biomelf
with lUdy a blouity eiidy lieside him
yping dn-ad at bis hv-art tin
Ik- tbr nest to meet sm-h n fai
even with tbe shore safety
■ inod.
A heavy swelt and strong
holhicg -.-•au t<i*go right, ami liad anffen-d a Kern'S ..f sDiali mislinps oliuost
>y^t ber launch. Si amcu alship of ibi® kind. uni. ainguliriustlhe great
pro|K.rti..n Kcemi
Pl-iK-d to lb.-®.- tmlm-ky ships.
ere I'lit I
Kt-en in the early jiart of the royage
a long
the Itirk. nbead apia-ar. to have juttiBed oiiii-h they had lo eunlcnd.
ber rcpiiiiiiiouv for fniiu ihe-tiiue of ber wiiy oiil/Tmm the shore the sea vraa filli-d
Bailing until she had .-nosed tbe ligt- of
iweevl, wbiril
ippiil ahnul their limlis as they swam
Bi.Kcay rin- wa® buffeled liy sucli a sueers»ii<n -it gale* a® was almost unproee- vud »Ii|i|M-d under tlirlr f«vt as they
■trugcled toward tbe shore, and many
dctn<-d fur that lime of the y«-ar oven In
that stonily and l®>lsleron> region. She a-ho lad hlmosi reiehed the land gare
tp. disheartened, anl} met their death in
siiffgn-d i.vcrni ininur ui.-jOenlK bnl
naBUge.! t.i get through without putting liie ellngiiig
r. they drag■ in for is-iaIrH. loler. she ran into l«-ttcr
er and gatbWeather, nniT f*om that time oc liad n
il together on tbe Arm land, and when
amunih and pleasant t«yoin- (u 8L 8iuion's Buy. Cape of (Jood Hope, her flrst It Isv-ameeertnio that there were uo more
luit (W
gwl »>f^i-all, wliere she urrired on Fell.
It of nil who bad stood on the deck of
o itirkenhead when she went down.
-\t this P«nt C.Jonel hb-iun found io'It
at the
«ru.tioii» from Kir ll.nry. Smith, the
-Iiiiig statbiu at I'olut lUnger. and they
govemor of the fa|M- ot Owed Hpi>e. re
i-tv olilicnl lo tramt' for more than SO
gnntiug the dislriliiillon of the Imups
lioartl. nn.1 wailing only one day to.take miles through a nmgh an-l bmkrn eounon fri-ali provisious and water, the Bir Itj- to tin- house of Captain Bmalds. forkenhead ktaited fur Algol Bay, the Brst BieiHy of the Beveuth Dragoon goards.
.^piacc at whl.h
was to laud a dolaeh- n.-.-e they uer.- well cared for and two
days UUT were taken off by II. M. 8.
It was a li-Malltal i-reuing oii which Itlinilumanthna. aent from Kt. BimoD'B;
she .leaimid out of St. Simon’* Bay. The
night vtns etc-ar nnd sti'll. ninj the sntfice
he wot<r wns iinmlQed,. aUhoUgh,
vays on
v'ast..tbiin‘ was a lieary
tdi mat
from tile uenw-ard. The
The fate <if the other aorviron was
bread Ml thi M%Umta nrovte£^
Prvtebly tbe tttwsceat borne erer
ebOMD by boaiaa beluga la a little >•land Joat oS tbe ccMt of Kew ZeoUnd
known a* tkltite idand. lo tbU rocky
li a dfssB tiad. laM tsnrtwapis g»^
la tl» rmlm ct Wassw-Bta.
Sark (b® faaul suu-l M.rilsis
W Os
aad aakb tta ma.
a gusd yosng lasa Is Us tratels op
tab et Wtert-Whao,
aw • maw ia s ,*vrty (IsOs.
. ^BaptM. tksa. *»»« ita twe?
taotaUob, wbete It la impooalble to eaCflpe frotn tbe fwoMO of pnictlcnUjr nnInteraltteot nlpbortc crapUoae. 100
tCew Zeotonderi rovenUy »wa«i» tbelr
borne. Tbe one delight of tbie
It U paid, b wonderfnUy beonttfnl panomatlc view etabtwdng tbe bay of
Plenty. Bat ao great U tbe prepoaderanee ot enipbnr tbat tbe lalaod It
B® taM IslB esmsB hb hsiwfams,
PM U( ts^ur iM Vecsu-aiiDe , Be tad not walk. s. fat taknl Ine tab.
As it ta «m tasipfa i® da
8sw a iwsfatr goad (esuw ta far tsad)
BM taiTisd is Vosr-s.Whos.
And tbs Msld tadsrd bad btva tamfat tsrmd;
As dta aa patuy ISA.
M nmde elror «soo in fear weeka
wboac cavity la In a consuni atate'of (nk^C ordera among ber ebareb aeebuUIUoB. Id addlUob tbe eaUre ear- quaistacoM and trienda. Write na It
tay lead to a permanent paying poelface of tbe Island la dotted witb from
don to manage onr baalaaea ^
900 to 400 mloUlore crater*, wbicb
afuronr large eorreapondenoo. which
emit daring both day aod nlgbt daogbroaaly
tn tfat yont B>dt ttta, atih hat ttttlt sa
Til® asidm ot Wosra-tVbs®
(As tbs MS« 1w USB a rtacw)
md elsmvr biai sides ia too.
TWu sbr mtily relnl as Ms tmiss gis Mad
hot vapors aod
____________ ■ .
' . Peeneh aeirlwg Vaeblaa.
Tbe LoDdon Globe eays an Intereatlag featnre of tbe Paris csbtblUoD wlQ
be tbe “.Avion'' flying-machine ot U.
Ader. which was tried m Camp Satory.
It has an acroplaoe in tbe form of
siioga. nod ibeii- spread can be altered
Two four UladeO propetlcra
are driven by two 40 b
'f Bteam
la tbs Itgeada of WAVa-VbMil*'
I tias loU this tsis by asaw un aha
.ta tbs ta of
Awl ot.lI. Ibus
M'lssis I laru-.
a as esirris, fd supidy
Of tt..
'» etili.s
erilin ..t W.or«
With pv-ii riah Pr ibrir boiling uak,
rnglDt.>!i heated by atoobul from two
reaervolro. betweeu which the aviator
^halr. witb guards to keep
hint from falllug off. Over his head is
the strau coudeuser. and to the right
Itsartsc® Kvtag rsat.
Hb Pi
•r i(Ib4.
“A woman e
^ariM-n a lead penetl
ee' li
thruw- a «i
read Mr. Ueeknen
'Don't mistabe me.
I goli-b ivjuiDiler. “1 im net boating,
cat just reflecting ui tbo wiadom ,of
nature. There Is no
ahotihl shanH-B
:-h anyli
and left arc haudles for aUcriog tbe
aurfacca of tbe aeroplanes, or wings.
The apeed of the screns can lie varied
®at will. The total weight of the utat hit
riOlIU I nu PAHAURM*n8.
One touch of an ley sidewalk mabot
tb<- wliolc world kiu.
Troveiae City to Manistee on Ue fol
lowing date. oBies, otberwlae noUftad:
Mm ij aod 27, Jane 10 and U. Jaly 8
and *2. Aogun .1 and 10, September 2.
10 ana 20 and October II. i
-Traina leave TtaveTM CUy at 8;M am..^reatManUt««^. m. Leave
MMiaieeatSitO. arTlTe^rroverae City
• lOr. B. Ticheu II ronnd ttin. , No
‘*5^ allowed on ifaeae trains.
Troina from Manlatee on all
mOciob.. .
H.W, CvxKixt
O. P. A.
i Serf U anppt in 24 Sours.
Noreme^-equals Waknuk's Witn ;
ISK OP Tah Svhup for UiU U-rri- and fatal dlscu®
if takeni itborhly and in tUa.'.
will euro
.4 hourw, mad fo>} wugh U
ver f2la t
1 acto.*
m Just the usine aft•r you nn-
who agri'f's wUh yon in nil
nt k**st be erv>d]te<1 with
possessing gwid judgm««t.
tVlieii >011 si-e an udvi-rtlscHieni for
Why He ut
biodinnfTw M0i^^llSSr7n ^
known by aome at Snlpbur Uland. In
tbe cester of the rock is a great crater,
A® sbs mM I® Uw youlfc: "Xsw sty la tnitk
Wkj..saMt yvw t® W«ora.«faa®'
A rtta taw nun bsvr cua. t® ta
Widls I nas but dnaBl^st yaw
4X laets raw. vitfa dtmluw faslr.
b-fa® vreald eucBS I® a Wasro-Wfass
Hvli hsis 1 rssd. Uil I uwst iasitsd
Ts su ups ysM «r (wor
stSeeevaraoel&s. tUProriBi
'“-"-I '■
oiJvis.z .wsf, ssi;.!;
' f“rtUc ID'
weight of h-adV '’-IT^odelphii fwr
Seme Other Kiad Preferred.
our system is gi'uer.vlly run dowi
said Dr. Kanani, the eiiiincnl speoiallsf
“hut I think I >-an prniiiisc a
yon follou
“1 thii
res|Hiii.icd Mr Meeker,
laniy lowirinc his voiev. “It'sbonie ireatiiu-ut. I mu aCrnhl, that
fUiiago Tribune.
oiu- of '■•lU m-i'incd uun«'<l iitnl Jolly,
lu foriin-r tliin-s women in-rc pm-ktm)
up their brow-s in frotvns nnU wontnu-li a ivIimA iim'aiii mouth a chap
was afiiilil i%> l.atk m tln'iu. Notv. how
ever. III.' weight of the aniluu must
have Us-ii llfiiHl. for ruivlieads are uoi
ilrti In a iLoiisuiid knots und the Bos
ton girl steps .iff like n lark-------’ -Like
wliai';’ ’-Wh. well," ismtimieil Biok.s
uodlsma.veil liy the lulemiplloii
walks ns though her slUH-s
sluH-s ilhiu'lt pinch
her. But it's ini
hires lurger limn lier snlwr pn'di'iiwsor’s.
,\ud Imw
do you i
tier health, u
id .allllMl Hitrl of thing
u girl Is hnili «»n differ>1
leuiy years uSo."
He Mixed -n>oso i.etle^>.
Etlllors lintv their trouidt-s. One of
thesn men wht> presiiles over the desilnies <if a tvcfiern pawr is luoarnIng Oie less of two siilMcrilters. Otto
tt-roie'askliig hotv- to ralai' his ttvlna
Yardmastcr-tYhat’s the matter with'
lat new- ensmi-iT? Is ho craiy?
Ytnlniastcr-- I’ve nuiicod that if a n
ever gets in liis way be kcejis right
and never rings his Jwll. wlUlc a cliickon
or a dog makes him stop every lime.
'AasiMaDI—Ves. you see, he used lo . .
an eiilhttslaslic whcelraau.-UhiladelphU
■But you were asked to read from Aud iliai hli
your own works, were you not'f
b. yes: that was all right, hut. baug
Nothing on ennh t^n equal the du, I had to listen to a lut of other fel pllelty of Us.' yuuug man who luakes
lows read from their works toor'-i-Cifica- a Iiluff ut in>aliiig ills'Iwat girl’s small
go Post.
brother as if he were his best frteod.—
Chicago Daily News.
PlWBs Peddia*.
im Opera UouMi Block.
"Ilnw full of niUaoiner* our language
Growth of the Mine Bloeklng.
said the flrst icitron of the quick
.ao.B.CBOM. Auoreeraada
••Yi-s.-'olisi-rvcd Bink-s. ns ho sirolletl
inch couDter. “I-\ir instaiire, that «4iicb
Mooey U. Man. OHees. City Opera
is caUotl plum pud.liqg uovor has a plum alone llo.tl.ti.m sins-t. In tbcRpo.) .Vprll
Miusliiiic. "Vcs. Boston Is gultelug gay.
. BOLLIDAY. gradusv
Ih!" replied Ibe other"If yon will I hntf nicl as
many ns ten prwty
inlMhe diclionary, yon will find Weh- youns girls this aftcrumiu. natl every aa.oBle« iUkra
Simon’s Bay. as they were a
whl.-li could be
distaun: I'uiltsl as to make the aitrmi
>t great danof otsiut ibm- mh<-a. the light and bra- the heavy snrf tasbore
iiid at davrn
Cons IwiBg in toll view. On
oard the- «er. They rowed all n
ship nil was .-alia nnd tmnqi
tQuinily.''Onlv 'W'-re |•il■k1■^l up by the
r.v|.iaiii Itamsdon.
tilt- wat^n-mniuod awoke.
ud tbe
Te»sel iWt>u over the Kuoolh water al- on Isia
A Good BeslanlBs.
lno»t «*hoiit si.uiul exeepl for the rliyth........................ main topmost was
lt>i.-al iM'al of her cngiDes aod paddles.
hr Mill standing, with 45 men
Tluw tile dbaster happened no one will round
re taken off. but
ever know.
It Is ceriain that I'aptain eliueine p Mr. Newhride—Vt^dear. and yoo shall
Balmond- w as a full mile farther inshore fbi-re wns
have it.
than he should bare linen, but bow tbe
Mr*. Newhride-Ob. jou sweet thing:
mistake wn» made, through what unTTcH.
I raw a pin today with diamonds
n the mas
knew n cwrrmit or error in ealciilaUon. he
and iM-aris in il. and 1 do want it ao.—
i-bing tbe sbore. Of tbe others of the
».-vei- eiflnincd tITiiledelphia Ureas.
. .. - night there would lecm Birkenhead's great company all perish.. I>m. t" Ibe credit of British couiaga
lo lie nil eveii»e for such an error, yet it
Well awarded.
was tuadi'. Bud als>m “ u'rioek ia tbo I* il said, there wa® in this number nrt
“Jonas Junius employs two lasrycre
woman « <*iU.
moniiBg .it the 21ih the Birkenhead
drove. vviili,.tu warning, vipon one of tbe
“TVTty twor
anany sut.im rgcd recks mnning out from
“He gets booloeBs advice from oae.
Point Dauiici.
then be consults the other about bow
•n.v cs
, _ .
Clilortunatcly fur ’all bn board, the
mnefa be ought to pay of tbe first i
reck was one of the forthen out trem er nuuitwr sleep in untnarkeO but not un- blltfL''-Chlcago Bccv.rd.
land, detichi-d frotn tin- rest of the reefs
aad with deep wtler ull around it. The
-,vUip went on with ...eh fore.- Hut she)
Bratallty In KwMtm
•assod nearly half irvci ii. t.-ariug open
e “Metnoirs of a llcvolut’ioidat.''
ucr boltam as she did wi. and finally by Drinre Kropotkin, the'autbor, aflcf
“Why notr
brought up banging un the roek at a point K'llinc Ilf things be himscif saw In Ui
“Because tu.v wife and our two dauckJust forward of the padille boxes and
diiMbood. says:
ten insist upon shari>cnitu: thdr own
with her bow and ateni fulJy nipporled
“If. however. I, were to reUl* what I lead pCBriU.“-<.’l{veland I'lain Dealer.
by th" sea only when she was uuOerrui
by a swott .\s each aca ran under lie
ohe was raised almost dear of the rm-k.
____ their
and women torn
“Look." said little Btao. who had
lift it passed on. dropped on It again. 1 il,-.-. and their -vUl^ and Bold’
tevee before seem a mule used for agy'.>pods a stick of kindling wood * gciiihllng or rxrhsnced for a conple of
hing but hanlUg.
jcs knee to break It in two. No' hiii,tii,B docs and then franaported to
“IVhat is it. disrr
ship t fil vritii human bands could stand i s....... r.
e jiart of Ruaxia for the aakc
“A man riding horseback on a mnla.”aueh trearmeut long, and the Birkenhead ' ' iig a new estate; of chUdren Uk- Pinobotg Cliroaiele-Tclecraph.
lustantiy b-gan to fill and settle.
iheir parents aad sold to erori
It ncedisl no seaman lo icll from the
Boar W’wak. Cta nor.
ateady aettlbig of tbr vetici that she had
Tbe crv)w-n priure of OctmaBy re®
JBot many miuulec lo remain above warivet a retary of *S75,tW0 a year from
fcr.v ^The
drowning berarif:
: dii -ting tbe
ow OI tne boats and lUc deapec“For bring hta father'a ao«.’'-Chleafe
•^•qr-rgy with whii-h their otvlela Wore hanged himself ueder hit master's win
-APTried out aluiwcd that there was hope dow. »Bd of revolti ot oerfs which stmo
«taaf<iy hut foe a few. yet men and olB- auppremed by N’ichoUs I's generaJs ^
*«•» were as calm and Meady as though flogging to death each tenth or fifth man
:*a parade. ITterv' was a rapid 'coasulu- takcB oot of the ranks, and bv laying
line for them men whu call o
th>B ot Ibe officera, and the saMirra and
■ever Uke os oot snywhere.
aulines w ere at oare put to work tbrewPapa-What Is it.
Jig ovetboatd tbe liormu and cminp Im•Vh cdB t
mta and manning tk» hand g
paiiMr- ---------------------- ^
AM tataPfl «f Mpkwr.
auUle Uo. BJiwk.
BDCo'aaSdckUarcB'saiscaaesaapeelally. Of
First Freeze
Clear Ice, (rom Boariimai late.
$1.00 a Month
At reeideseeH—same as Ust jedr.
Have largeqoanU:y on hand,
make a ipeclalty of ear lota.
•^Sce BUj rrsiJcBoe, No. tl.
.A J. OCOTT-VcrerlBare Bu rgece. at
HorcBa's Bars Treats Ulsea
••tie aslaaU by lbs Uirsi and
J. A. Jackson
Bath ’Phouoa, No 7.
pBFEgD TILT, VcirnOBrj nurgcoo aud
Buiavry aud DoniBl a-ork.SBrclaI
anfi'ly. while
ihioilier wanteil to
Mt to »-ai|-sI>rwcbiorc cat-aim
kuotr how he might rid his on-hard
i taro in Jeoooecllco 'or {atb-nis.
lu!®* left si'_______ ,____
Shan®'® «Ble
of graaKhoppi>re. Tin- uuKwcr went
.laUnviU be prooplly all______
is*) to. Kortbforward by mail. Inft l>y aeeidetii tbo j^s«.^o«C2>.r|{a„iN„r,b,
editor |iiii them iuto the wrong i-orclDites. so that the man with the twins
reoelv.-.! the nusw<-r:
. Both telcpbooe® Xo. *1.
them earefiilly witli
a few minute'
Jli-s. will Im- iqMMHllI.v set-1 work guaracleeJ.
lu! Saeoud slrert.
SllVj.W. Clirte,
r. trim W. W. Klml
BTcri^ City. Mieb.
And Ihi- mat! with grasshoppers waa
toki to “giv.v'casior oil'ami rob their : Frout stre®
Stuns with t«omOonuan a® aa latervlawer..
to«p.n>. 'Pa>apboos.n.
S«'tuitor Coromu applies* toi ,“®’
puldie affairs the fnmous niU' of tlw *‘i‘‘
and Repaired
Saiisfanioi Gaaraateeil
to t‘vei7 reapect.
Of .all the |>0liiIclnns of this genets-1---------flou none hae n larger reimlatlon for;
ri'serve than former Senator Arthur P.'
lueusl Peiaaiiar
1 Waahlngtcn
thlngtci atreet.
on eaay monthly
y paysenU.
pay m
and lot on Ball Road avanoe.
gPM, amall payment down, fadliihly.
Webater atreet.
great soldier who saht ituit the art of I
faliilfiy liM-ir
tiuit erowd nreum) bli
thin, but il is It Ki
them that he tinoN
hiiDMeir. /
joaay monthly
Every Btiuiim-r Senate
^■^ raro birgaio.
Next to Ea«|p Office.
—««isM sss w«®uru u.eso anc
the rofrigdratoi-. for II.00 a a
aod won’t aak to be paid in adra
The •euaior snilled and ®t> did ihwoi
alKtni him. for iljey api.m-u.ted that
the Judge had given a eaplial .tcMeH.s!
nnnpttoii Cure-W«nMP'»
WhR* WhM of Tar Srrop, the
best cough rctnrdy on earth, cares a cold
■--7 day if taken in tine.
ciiv ftara Hou^W/w-b
John R. Santo.
Gtnral lisBriin.
Warsburg Bloek
. aid®wslkl,timbartai sUsIsas
taoeisssis t® Ttmnm Ottj tombar 0®.
EnamelingBest to be had ia '
the dtj is at
iflmpIeB in window.
C«T>tog dth. ITm waUe BbiTfirt. —t
•m£ ^ OF MCMEL.
■''liMhcrr.cfM CuMtm. *Tm an
■“Vm; ibe U bMicr,' I rcf^M. *Owtotte. don't TOO »*er
Tb» sM to(A ber 4nd aMber's hud.
• look o( borror doetwnbv in ber cyn. .
- •Ah.' she oxeUloted. 'Ac to‘“ Tortotta. don’t yoo bw>wT
“ -Tos.’ «be nnsirt-rtd. taUbc upon brr
ksm and bniTint ber face U tbe bnddothn; -1 know-I inow-ahe ia deadyoo bare'—
“I bent orcr tbe fiti b«t sbe repniMd
■e coldly, sayiaforiy :'
Kkr ttoMIr;
••-'J ki
I IkM WM tM «• •*
l« •!«•:
L>« M «■. IMtk.
I tt«-,1 fiB wUft r«
£?r:r'l"ivrr;\r‘ ,
A »«an rtonn tn nbd u BsUMttan
•f ■annnnna.
I va nil •> M r«fu or •> •«».
Ta« BMt IM
-IMttu VoMortb B«ni ta Up|tew<tX
-Sot inarried yet nor Koinx to beT'
“tVby, FrtBk. I ihonfht inrely by this
The doctor looted noettlly lo hU chali
•od turned so that tbe electric light otei
bb desk did not sbine foil oo bU fare
As for me, I paused abmptly, feelioi
that I bad hedged oa painfully delicate
Biaiti. ............ly. Jack, but eomaboir hate neter
.the inooll. I te gone throngh a tough
perieuce since I satP you last.*'
I,ooklng at bis haggard face, J c«
J, »»vm. ” ovu I cTusm lo <s>nuon lasi
,1., -1-,. I
F**'"- * •“<* • Chicago o>ao for a chum.
Ko doubt be was an all nronod good feiaenc down word ..____
to apeak
hU B.XUl
aixtb -Jt
or m.-ULh
aeventh trip.
^ vlabed
_________ .
■_______ OVl 11 ^ut it was OSS
to'me. 1
dlamvcd When abe came
he'd got posted as to wbeo and bow
into the room, the ghost of bCT former
bU meanneaa. I f..uDd him in
aelf. All tbe energy and
gone out of ber face; eveb ber hair looked dull and Ufelesi.
Ufeleai. I appmached
ber ,ev'words must be uttered for deceoTV
srith outstretefaed bands.
“‘At Isit, Chirlotu:' I aaM, but sbe
^ 'Name's Jonea.' says 1 aa 1 chucked
drew bark, whb a abodder.
way my ateamer trank.
■I felt I mnat eee yon,’ abe aaU. Ho
” 'Name's Brawn,’ aays bo ns he bangright any Ungering imprMm. enn
bit bat.
migfat have that them
era eonW be anjrtl^ ,
didn't apeak again for four dn-ra.
more between
Tbto U tbe last time
got a heavy gale aud a big sea.
ve shall meet.
V T '
I »•» 'f*"* »"
** “«*•
■tVhat do
gasped in bevildcnuCTit.
“•oot ur
*• 'rve turned things over and over
“‘No; bare your
my mind tUI my brain acbea. and I ei
*■ 'No. Hop^ you badr
not eioDcrate ,yon1 frai^from goIlL'
“ 'Ditto''
Ob, come, Cariotti!
^■An hour Ipcfore we landcl 1 banded
M nnji rt-4D0« cruel!' I
him a jvper
paper oi
ou whi.-h I had vi
down my feelings (xmceniiug .blni.
;• 'You will say inily that it van at i
auggeaiion you beatcaed my motber'a i^,
death, bnt I vaa mad—madvitb grief at
the time.'
■“1 tiare aaM notbing,' I Uterposed.
‘B-bat I did was done in aU Jastlce-nU
humaniiy—to a poor, tortured creature
for whom life waa full of ibe tormenta of
you n.y
hen and to wbom death, battened by a
i«imwi «ci.-u'l alike
day or twoat the furtheit, wat gratcfnl.
j „„ j,j,„ p, i-yHa tit weeks
Your mother vat saniBe.l. (.od knows!
„,he.l in p+et each other
'• •! cannot tell. Slie might hare prefriends and '- ■
ferred lo lire and anger ber life —* ((^alked
about like two bn.lbers and r
she bad Iw^n tn a condition lo cbooac,’'^Vid, wh«. the MrliDg rame. ' That
alic replied, lifting her hands, will! a wea.
her I
r gektnr
“i ahoi
t hot tor Imont^l-iit rniVmking ir> proiMses of
in overwheiming sense of
yi-I.Ml.e. n,v iwmimste
n my benn nt ibe tbougl
untt lie sagering. I tomiged beyond
rotnfort her and said a few wild thing! ',
that I nilghi just ai well hare left un- i
as I did wl
-r little c
-. brought t
iiolioas. such as
f<>r I
small |dai.
I hbTe had m; boildiBK
iebailt and pat re good
shape «nd sm nov read;
toreceiTesU oUpstrens.
•aAMaasasBas Bltaa Thevagh Bto
a mortal iojvy. If be'a seatick. you ba
a eoatguipt for him; it be b aot. yon a
a bit envioua. I've cToaaed the Atlant
tlmea Bad alsays shared i
, and I waa never mori* l
. apeakiag terms sriih iny roonunati
“J can be all right toward c
aboask but be'a
a your
enemy. Tbe e
«W Meag eg the Wme
nld tbe traeclar. *'aad ____
occaa Hner and towud tbe
nbUced tu oceopy tbv saioe ataieroMn
ndtb him. You arc med tn beyto nilb
tkat you bare to hook In «Uh armiebody.
chap.- saW I. *forflre
me for rplildtig yon on a sore aptit
hadn't tbe aSigbteat idea’’—
“How abonid you? Yon are tbe only
person to whom 1 aball etcy mention tba
subject, but if yon care lo Iwar"—
•Tell me.” I said.
■•Do you remeuilwr. Just before yon
vent vest, my spesklng i« yon of a Mrs.
Sehria. whom I bad been <nlled to at
tend. and of ber daughter t’arloUar
••Quite u-ell. You raved about the (riri'a my bapiiincss for s mere it
Iwauty and fine n'lalities and hlial affec- abe replied with a shudder:
“Did I understand you i- ssy that yon
•• 'You may call il what
will, but wished to marry my daiigblvr'/" liiiinlrvU
lUitc her." iDtemiptbet-n your tbe fierce old man oh hv reached around
ed the doctor. »ltb a Bush. "Mrs. 8cl
I and Into the corner fur a thi. k viim .
win was aufferiag from a ivinpUcalioa of
poor mi.lher!' Here perfaapa “Y-yca.v sfiamnu-red
tb<- yi-iifli.
diseaw-s that reached a dimaa. or rather my face revealed suim-thing of what 1 “Well," saiS'T
Jibe old luiin ns he n-cighl.lag. iu the alarmiug atUck
: softened,
iii hts baud nml then half
I c]uile gently: *I am sorry
from liU chaiir. •you an- ju»t
f Carlotti
1 polled bo- tfarongfa-lb>
to cause you |vin, but ibere is no other
wish. Xauu-lt."
sad 1 polled ber ibeougii.
way. ttowlby!' And sbe left me."
y.niiii di-siMiiriiigly.
sbe was dcstini-d to bare more of tbei
The doctor paused and sat with his
: oot of this room
' -sMsum amt vonld eventually die in oni
face ahaded by bis band.
ibougb Ibe end tabcht be staid og fc
'•Where is sbe Dowr I asked.
. “
suae time. Tbc Selwins were southen
‘To Baltimore with ber aunt. I're
en sod bad bred in a little out of
seen her once. But ber face it not Ibe
way place Ui VirginU. 1 never knew
fare of the Carlotta I used to know."
■•Wht <• Book.
Belly why Ibey eauie uurth. Tbe c
“Things can never be straightened out
•TVhat'a the matter wiili that yonng
relative tbry bad was a sister of ‘
between youT'
>keil tbc kiug.
Belwin's. wbo bred iu Bsilimorv.
You mean lu the extent of renewing
Tunr majesty.' rciiUcd tbc prime luiu*
Ibey bad made no friends. THiey were
• old relations? No. and 1 vonld not i.,..
bier, "tbU Is ilic irnge wbo l>cbnves s-i
wdl og and amply aUe tn, agonl every
luxury aand rumrort that might bel|. to
••Aba! We'll make him-te" to kiep
-klrs. Belwki's illness more bcaramake. Mi
wowwer’s Sease mt Romor.
place iu tbc fiiti
However, when 1 suggested Ibe fern
When Waguer's energy was no
■jty- I w:m goiiig t.
dllty of a trained atiendaot to reUevc
-n him .lo« ii."-l*Uila
■coded in bis art work. It fonnd vent angfiost that y<
caring for ber mother tbc girlI begged n mauy humorous sallies. Unce be Mood delpbla I’r.-'s.
>u bi. head for I'raegcr.
That waal •
—earaestly to be aUowed to wail inwii
phytb-al bumor. But he was also fond of i
«■« st teereer.
patient bcrself. and tbe mother, who
some ubl faibloocd nollous aUxil traiued juktog. He once quoted his teaeber's^ ‘TYhy wi
remark that be wiauld never learn to srent hadi
ses and fauspiiala
play the piano.
••Bnl.” he added. “I married bv a'woman pr.-iii-lHT’r"
00 It followtsl that 1
play a great deal belter than Berlioz.” I Tbe bride who»r .-iBiidestlnc luarriaile
t'arlolta in tbe sirkrooiri and out o
••I am not given lo eutbuslasms, but no The waggislmeas of this remark lias in'had Jost beeu nnuouiKvd lm<kcl surtbe
could not play at prised.
man could
could isec and know Carlotta Belwia
le InBuencc of
*Tbwe*a one |>ta<« abun all otben
An rx fw* » M ttai y« MM hvf
HIgk Baah.
Tbe pboootueital l.nahieaa rcc«rd
made by Jiis^ K ritearna of Ludlttg-^
too during toe |e*-« than serepteeu
years that 1m- bas Ihvo it fat-tor in tbe
comiuen-lul t-lrx-les of Mlchlgao la a
nbaoiuti- guaraodf ibai tbe affatrs u
tbe vtatf will In- MUtt-eMifuIIy admlnti
tvred slionlil be realize bta '
)v Ibe
tbe next govsronh.v anMllOD lo Iv
d raiddly graving
ernor of this gn
lau ibat Mtcblgan
eutumoDvealtli. .
has proilutwd iu years bas sbosrn
greater <v|ui<dt) for iIm- snrfeKaful
bantlliog of large imteriirlsea. or deni.onstralcd tlie jwwteasiou of greater ex-
One day aa tbe Sage tm atrettng
abent tbe ceamtir be met a I'cnanM vbo
esaplaiaed that bis Aas vat AeaA
Tlwft yon via no hmgec bare to fMB
Good Line of Jofolr;
“If that Is tbe case, tbea ^ vOI net
veer out her abM eo baL”
“And but tvo nights age « Mef atala
baU my eara.“Tbat la also a bleaalog. a> y«a vBl
bare leaa te carry eai your back to mar>
“Rear me. O Baga.“ said tbe Peaaaot
aa be viped avay bla tears, ‘Hrbea I
.M^tbat a Wolf baa carried e* my oaly
T bear yoo.” replied tbe vise and rcooable maa, *Hmd I vonder that yea
quln-d a n-iwtai
Uy when tbelr talents avtually vers
oooAned b> an ablliiy to pb-k oot rapable nieu to routlDti tbelr boainees for
tb<-|ii. but throogbum Mr. Kiearna' boaiaess tvreer be bus persuually rarrie^
ou the euieriirises whb wbh-b be baa
beeu ronoeeti-d. vbelher lu the More,
tbe wuoil*. Ibe lullt dr tbc detiartiiietii
will every
e. ami lu eimnecllnu wllb
The Waukazoo House!
xres«bx>ora. ncioi>_
na b«t faretabed aud beat kofft
ooaa .OB ibb poatoMU U ready for
twlMa. OgM tha y«»r rauai. Good
Uracy la eosaeetlea with tbe hoaia,
BBtoa Bbde knows on n^lat .on
Fire Insurance.
ibese ii
. . . lotv tbau iveuty years- Mr.
ftteorna bas l>e«o a resldeut of l.udinginu. Mu»«ii i-ouuly. .iml bas rarried
on vast ImniM-ring o|vraliubs tbraugh*
lies- He
It IllHt II
i- kuowii to tbe iieople of
tbai si^-iluu 'of ibe ____ _____ _____
geile. sirnlgbiforward. boiiuralde and
aini-essfiil iHisliiess tunn. ami ibis reputiilioli bus fidli-wed liiiii tbrnugbnill the
Is.ls. A- BoUdlsg
Sir. Steams was bora in romfreu
Cluiutiuioua ititmiy. X- Y April 10.
1N4:>. lie was islui-aied In s- district
•elnsd. as he reiiuiliie.1 iiniil Id yearn
of «ige on Till- fitnii of bis father, who
“1 observed that, bdt your wln-al never
vus II .rnniier aud In
looked so well. As a matter «f fact-my
il............................ ....
dear man, yon hare nnthiag wbalever to
for ten years the complaio • of. On the ent
•ugng.sl in luuilMtrlug From should rejoice thst things are
KrU: lH.th M.'iit to • Teleilo. M.. in 1871.
Die Sage waa aboni to pa
nud ongxgnl lo ilu • liimiM-r liiislnetii
liTArack bla foot against i Mone end
itenoTing ^11 beamy to earth.
the Uiiter i>la«-e iii nil IsTik
to I.iidiogtou. Jiisiius B. serve.! as .-lerk
fJtlas." he <-ried. "hut I have met wilh
In the fnihi-rim- U
a grievous fall!
til IWCd. w-hcli h.- t rinip'd III
‘Tt tvas a fall certainly," said the
iifuciiiri' of IjiiiiIm ' ..I. Ills.
['eaaant. “Init you ndght bare been
you know.”
eoiinl In II siimll ■
n up on a aleamhoai.
lie bus
T think I have aprained my ankle.”
sliip, loikv .-oimi.v
■Bnt yon might have hn^en your neck
(■niilinuod in l)ii<
till..- lo I m<- iiutll lostrarl."
I- luilb at l.ud“Had yiHi but warac. me of the atone
I and I eunid have pasaeiMt lo the left."
I I-a.- dll
Tn which case yon would have tum.............. ................... Hr IS f»n.-.sl.-.l
Hi.- largest iimnnfiK-imvr of luuils-r re» ble«1 into the ohi well an<l »M-en drownaldiiis In Ml--l>isiiii
liirg.-sl .•inpI..v.Ts ..f
lnU.r, linvluR
mon- -Umii. l.K».iKai.tmi>
fi-et ■'! luniln-r ih
Si-limd dlrts-i...
tin- .Mnib
coiigr<-ssi<m.i1 •Ilsn-l.-i In IMV.'
njllv eliH-liv.- ..Itii-es In- held
if his el.s-lloii .is S4s-r.'t!iri
lionol dme#
For the last
hi- t.-.n-lvmi tSk's.'.Tii
x-ltoy K.
leM-kw.NMl. tl
ITiUin for Is-ltoy
ih.<-aBriiii.1le oT
the l»«-tiioc-nttl.|
Ih-tiMM-nttl. I*eoid
minu silver party: Mill
B-iroiigh. .-nndidale of '
' ■ u.w.r
• l-'rb-sinu. .Ir. .-i.mlidal.- of the
has ;
.amis of I
Kt.ainR has never had
■US or Ids
iroubli- with lalR.rprtiiiiilzatiotP
employe*, aud no
of men an
n:t.n- einhiislaslle in «iip|>..rt of Ids
eaurtld:l. y for governor .as ihose who
have U-eu in Id* employ aud iierw.unlIv know of
Ids liouorulile Imsluesa
rneihiMla *.u nil .H-.asloiis and under
all elri-uinsiums-s.
Xolwlilistaudlnu Ih.- gr.-ai amount
of l.uslii.-s« >lr. .tlearns bus attended
■luring til.- pii'i .'"‘■■'"•y
....--utlvi- iibilliv
li.-is .-nai)
“Dear me!" she ex.-laiiuM, - Wasn't it
p' .,n i„ the tx-si
a rehearsal of tbe “llienxi" an elopement, and .lidn't »;• »---.i.t .w 1^,,,,^ ,
.n, .........he wa.
overture in’ Dresden tbe tramboues were wedding to be a sc-ret? —t-biCas.. 1 ost.
«lui|>.- M lake lip oHU-i
loud. Instead of rebnking them an
-----------------------------------ImiKTrianl w..rk iliuii now. Wl.atevei
grily, be said with a laugh, "Uenllemcu.
mak CrilleUm.
„,„l..nak.-* isC giv.-n
is-rsmial1 atgiven his
in Dresden, not matebiug aramid
........ ami lids w ill Inills of Jericho."
After ‘Tann
apiwnrctl in t
■ aildiii.inal work Ids f.-lbiw
■anser" was brouglit out n ticrraan com Mags •
< imiv MS- lit lo nsk lilin to |s'rf<
iBSsrsBCe for yon, aad will i
proBpl and earefni attentltw
Osly tbe moat reliable atock iuarSBM eompaeica repreeented.
Kstea vocy low.
JiOM 7?.
O Peasant." gruanr<l tbe Sage. ”b«-ai
when I aay that I am so badly abakI may u»t get i.iit of my hut f.>i
•T bear you." sahl ihe I'casant,
“and I wonder that you Uninn. ■Hie
yon get oiitdoors tbe fruer corn
you will h.nvc on your l•Kt■. Taken till in
all. you have nothing lo complain of and
much to rejoice over.”
Moral.—I'bilosopby . is m good thing
only when applied to tlie otber^frilnw.
Johnaos llloeir
Third Chair.
.third clinir in
I bare placed
' barber ebop i order lo aoeomoZitemy patrona.
areful alteDliou inven 1
M. O^ IATT. Pfopr.
Wlnalsaad Klsl.cr emplon*
but Riplils« sadiM- Rj
aRRB«S5fi££5« ; :8i; ;8S£«g
DiveealoBB of (be Aweleats.
•‘Acantha. my pet.” said Apollo, pa
lag bis band lovingly through ber ireoa
“why d.»» the cUariol ..t iIm- aim me
so swiftly whea I am willi tiiccr
lot good at conundrums. <) Apolmph. "tM.
r is of I
For which llgfal an.l fiip|.aul reply
pMlo Imtuediatciy changi-d her Into aa
lerb.—Chicago Tribune.
The Tsiek ThiU Dtaat Fall.
Now they (lausol iM-forv a shop.
••What a lovely bat!" exclaimed*
woman in rapture.
U.U.VM tIU.- UWU. ,l«*4 ,.«.04M.MU.
"Not On your lifer' |.n>terted she.
•My life!" be whUiM-rcd and gi
ndly into her great gray eyes.
they passed on. he triumphal
.tic in a dreara.-Detroit Jiwni
arMtr car ieOnUi
( an p. B. train bas parlor ear -le Ora<
Bapids. asd alceptng car and coacr. Ural
iB^owChteage to Oraod Kapida and cbalrea
“Do J ,
'TnalnarrlTlB* attS0p.B basrka'.r eat Ft
Bclwln, whomI she regaf
Wayuaio Grand Baptds aad chair ear Oran
wBat iKxlerity thinks . .f >-oil
nketiy—Yea; I u-uicnl ll.euishort of an ni_
angel, but il
»« matters
_.\..., air," isw-cml SeiiBlor K..rglmm.
Mr. Stearns In the Kaer.
c Kvening Star
tbc girl was liberal ami wide mioded
rcniuogloii—-\nd what did you thi
bin,, I'm
r. . iu-an-<I a L. LOCKWOOD. t» F. * T.A . Grand RapM
“I never uid auy such thing.
of them?
Tbcgiils-ri ,t..rlal Ihtoui of lloa. Jua- bait to death
an unusual degree. Well, to make a lung
my groat-graud< |i.is-^.-ni Mvn-inr.v .uf
Inkeriy-AVell, to In? .-aiidiJ. I thought ' tus S. Slcaril'.
Mory short. 1 feU des|K-ralely in love
look up idtyingly at my por
•n will It
iil.-uiloo from ebildit-n
the am awfully simple and the M-raud sU^U'. 1* r.f.-K’lug
with her, and two mouths iratu ibi
a.rtlon* ..f the Slate, aud la trait and say, 'Vos, old FImeoii ttorgfaum
simply awful.-Cbicago Neus.
| vJri.ut' |s>rtloii«
?d. T wa
we mrt we were engaged,
«s*nsci«iof Lis favorite diversions lo aeat
____________ ____
I aK-mmins i.-Trp-<1z*-d . proisirilous not was one of thc-ae Intellectual.
prameiy bappy. and so Cat
arlotia seemed
Nsry. ICUO.
ivc ai
to be, tbe only cloud ut>on
r horizon himself at tbe inano a. id sing the "Song WbyThwaHIWoWIFIIAceWeeplww '■ ouly ‘U hi- l'nu»‘
—Wnshitigloi Bta.
for bitsi
Kvening Hlar” a la C'hrllard.OOIMG OOrTH.
"Adriaide has a shirt waist will. Von- : purls of Ibis .-..imu..uw.mlliiNo
beiitg Un. Helwla's health,
I, whieb
I could
Kobbe in For
see waa foiUag fast.
dcrboolfa tailor's Wg «*o il. and it cost ; .-amli.luit1^11.™'
Veer nnley.
‘Hlne erealag Cariotti lod I bad gone
Ida-Wbeu the hero saw ber plight, hc
! -d i»si
(til- lioimr than Mr.
Borne Propertlea mt Silk.
deiH-rviug ■'
for a abort walk and
vure rvlurniug
••What c
till.- of Mlchlgnu's very rilnibed tu tbe edge of Iht- rock and clove
The sllkwanii uas originaUy found in “Oh.^
tUculTis. Hiwhen we w ere m« by
c of tbe loaidi
etting her moi
Chino, and fabrics of this material were
who had hurried out in search of ns
Iwsi • -itizens, U-iiig pul.lic splrlled, aud
:-My fellow has a
made in lliat country at«ut 2700 B. C.
wbo told us that Mrs. Hclwia had
always v .rkiiig r..i Ihe v.-ry^
“Reotbg il to c.ther girls .
of doing il.
Sill.conte desperately IB. We Iiastened lo ber About bOU yards of silk ere produced by ■rnoon."—Dvircrit Free I’res
Ida-Doing what, dear?
..nice of si-vn-ur.v of
single worm, and there ore nearly 13
sad fuuud her sngering agony that no
U-iicy of t
May-Why. when he warn » to eloTi.llstillKUlsli.-U llllll».'lf «>B
effort of her slrang will could conceal. pouu'iU of waste silk, dcaignatetl. aa
Perfect AeMrd.
the octa.ons nu.l Ik- has ttJW the tbe air be goes out belwci-n
s> aittiug
■ ■ g e
erect in ber bed, prop- •Thrown silk," for erery pound of good
'My wife and I igrec jK-rfectly ilwot
His iiualUIca*
1 position i I wbieh
Thrown silk, altbongfa knosni aa
leckion, ; ottl-vs with Rr«-iil cr.-UU
P by lullosn
things,” n-ii Trke.1 Mr. Me
ims for the high ..m.-i- n* wi.U-li he
it Wl
waste aUk. U not by any means uselesa,. with a gcntl.
Two of « Klo4.
during ber |•araxysmf.
From all tbe for detirate and intricnic modem ma-plrt-s
artmitu.v. ami » Imiihl Mr.
•Thar'a Johimle slraddle o' the fence
lx- r<.rtuu:iK-<-u(.iiKh n. iM-coiu#
-ry now couverts it into a fit material I “Yes.
symptoms I Judged that tbc end wa
ibe manufaetnrer's use. Tbe chief take It
• Ibv ii..mlmt- of ibv U.-pnl.ll.;ati
far off. though abe might Ust some day*.
itv lliv iM-o)>le
n-..ni.l >
Carlotta. wiiL Iwr usual deftness and wane in silk culture arises from defect- and HenrieP
1 his >d<N-ii
man's t«en In the aa
ilwnvs liav- meat. '1 e olc-.T.-.il.^,
presence of mind, briped me lo do
ire eocoonn, and tbc material secured Waataiagi'
. . and giving fix ever i
from them is real “watte silk."
Ibat there was to be dune to relieve
pur«- Hiluihiia. laau Cob
Tbe^elaMicily of silk U r
uolber. and before morning sbe was
tf-mt„i,',_^lli.s itepuhll'iii10. JnD.-r>.itm;
^e great diver sily lu tbc diameter of
somewhat easier. With alrict Injuni "
Tbe Nalorwl Orator.
The Fere liniDette Riilnit
.fe:r ; js-’*”
fiad ber again
_ .
plieoualy to be put out of ber misery.
•The three days that followed wi
fiw Carkuia. I harried to ber at once. Hie
girl bad ber attas about her mother, wbo.
in a. wild paroxysm of |>ain. waa MraggUng to draw tbe pHlowi from bidiiad
her. Daring a motneBtary lull in ber
altering Carlotta slipped to *ay side and
“'How ItmgwiU this laair
" 'It may last for daya,’ 1 replied.
“ ‘For God's sake. It you bare any
haasaalty. end It! It is (rroag-all wrong,
that abe aboold oaCer an. End it. 1 beg
tbla Bomeat there waa another
fearful paroxyaaL and tbe ^ri rRnraed
qnleUy to ber poM.
“ ‘Carlotta,' I aald. 'sUod aaide a momeat.' 8ba obeyed. 1 am not ante that
abe knew what I BHaat to do. bnt if she
did aha effarod no icsistanee. 1 drew
T from Mrs. Bel1 ber down. ¥\>t
oMklw OBMtsb. IWa thm t
eat prodneed l.y tbe silkworm ia
c of much
• dis
ing unlfonnity iu the dii naiooa of Uia
reeled silk. If. for instaai the operative
Btarts off with six Btranda from as many
cocoons, the iModuct from each wlU -dlminiah more or i<?st in diameter. Cenaequently in order to preaerve the sUadacd
regularity It becomes necessary lo add or
lake away tbe prodnex of one or two
more -worms, which c^ratiou eaUt tor
cousideral>lc skill and SodgmenL-Maanfacturer.
FK Man fitrO
UuU. Justus Suillli Kh-iirns. Mh-lilgap's pn-M-ut gi-iilal iiinl ■■jnnuMpot
Nocri-tnn of siai.', has iiuilioriztHl lli»
I ann.mii.s m.-ui of Ills canOidacy for
governor. Mr. SU-anis imsscsses inaiij
^quallBcailons whi.li purtl.-iilarty tit
; him for this high olli.s-. He Is a matt
,of rtu<iu.-sth)u.-.l luu-grliy. wlilr ac
I <|uniuuucr. iiufalierlng ItepuliliraB*
■ istu. vourtpou*. illgiinrtl. «-leau and on*
who has pt-vor Ihn-u mixnl up with
nnv faction. «-ll«iue or Ism. He Is pat*
Gculariy foriniiai.- in iM-lng hwatbd in
tb>- uoribwesKTii imn of the Igrwee
Fenlusula vhl-h has pn-uliar claims
oa the goveroorshlp.
Kbouid Mr.
Stimnis l»c Iht- immlnee. In- would be
es|M-clSlly strong among tbe laboring
classes from wboM- ranks be eonios
nod who know and love him.—Gratiot
Counly Heralil.
erea under adverse rircumMaacca, aad
It generally poya. A passeoger In a
aleepiag car. who waa tired and Mespy
And Wanted lo go to bed. called oat to a
man who bad Jnat entered the eoaeh and
waa barrylng through It:
“Say. lan't it alsrut time te have thaot
berthagaade upT’
"B'bai do you take me forT* aaCfOj
tbe llei
retdied the other, atopplag aad eomlng
i- him f<v 1)1* manly
back. “Do I look Uka. a sleeping
linpUelt-------------“No." rejolaod
tired paM
Iniesrlty.^e wo^
looking up at him wearily. Ton da
ad beta comiag ba make a model goveraor.Bbw-He Bthl you bad
I beg yoar paidMt. My
eondaetor U alwiya • ?*,**»■*
gagBmB.^>-Te«Rh'a OempanMa.
“Why are tbc peoidc leaving tbc hall’
•o rapidlyr
“The programme eommittee hat jnst
prang one of those ‘natural orator^ on
them.”—aevelaiid PUin Dealer.
Ra»»r Boeape.
Bobba-lUgger and Chewer got Into i
Mg airumeat Iblt moraiag.
Dobha—Wbo got the better of It?
Bobbs-Idid. I left as a<
.iUMgrted.—Baltimore American.
Entitled to It.
“Mrs. Brlmbenoa always hat aaefa a
Mile look."
“I wonder if It’s becaaae ber bnshand
la la tbe wholesale egg boalneaar-Cbleago Times-HerahL
' my hat.|]
•w'eoirai."-^Clevetand PUIa Dealer.
JaOM What makes '
Braw»-Oh, be'a Jwt tralMagt«ba«t
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