The Morning Record, July 01, 1900

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The Morning Record, July 01, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■COM Thma. 100 JArm IrfMt at
' HObokMilMtVirlit.



•O BMft SkcMo •». Braohljm
>•*7 Twtf.

BMd of Water 8ap^ Plant
BxehBDged for Cash.

I—--------------- ------------ »■■_

Itew York. Ju* to — E«v Aaminl
John W. PhOlip. comiBMito of tho
BtoAlyB UT7 yvd. dlod kt tho ykrd
•ktiuo'olo^thk kfunooa of bout
IN. Be wM Ukra UI »i II o’clock
Ttanaey olffhu C^tkla Philip
ukod of the bkttteehlp Tcae M
the tmoM CM fl«ht off 8kntiero.k
AdBirkl Oerren ettwspted to «*
with the SpNleh fleet bom tlmt
BmIm m4 herbor. Admlrkl ^ip wm hon le
Etaderiiook, OolombU coonty. New
. irortb
Yak, A«fl. te. 1840. Be wm •pp^tA to Ue uf«l Mkdemy.kt Asa^Ut,
Is Septamber. Jtfo.
Pi«B fttto HtfMd.

roDDSD n BURinfr ships


fM*work--pPirtW/ aw
or «lx BlUloa dolUn worth &t proporty.

So stated is DUpatoh from


Oertlfleatm of Oapoelt Ayyreff»tlny

Shots Free for Eiery Bohr
Bote This Tetr:


•AS.flB? Paid te B, a CmpbeU
Tmtmday aad the Parwel Treaetar
of the aymern win Sake PteM at 8
O'Qock tkto KoralayThe CampbeU water work* pleat to
low the property of TrameOlty.
ThetreMfsr of the parehamprtoe
aad the deed WM made latheoAoeof
Mayor A. V. Friedrich el 8:10 o’clock
yMterday afienooa. the oBdeto ptmeat hetey MaTOT Frladrtoh. Qty Clark
Blekard. Qty Attorney B- C. Darto, B.
D. CampbeU aad 0. F. OamptwU.
H. D. CampbeU headed ©m a warruty deed of the plaab which wee orwith renaee eteape to the
amoBatotpii. laretarn he reeelred
twocerllflcatmof A_
oaeof tbeeertlflcetmwMfor
8*8,007. imped by the TrereieeCity
Stete Bank and the other for 880.000
imoed by the Flret Katloto Bank.
There WM little foraamy aed it re
qelred bat a few momenU to make tke
The pleat will be
ly thto acralay at 8 o'clock la the prmkuo of the dty oOdato aad H. D.

ladies'S2.D0 Shoes
Sommer etylea—black or
tan—nice fitting aad dnrable
—$160 a pair.

ladies' $1.75 Shoes
Black kid. lace or button,
nice ahapM — $1.86 a pair.

Fonrth Year—No. 985

Fireworks and Flags,
Golf, Base BallBGoods, .
Athletic and
General Sporting Goods
Wheiesilt aid Retail, at

The Old Reliable City Book Store
Big Stock OrepB Paper, 6 and lOo per roll.

HOBABT & BEECHES 00.. Proprietors.

Childreo's Shoes

;«d th» Bobohw wour
Oirea M Booie to tore City oa Jane
Black and tan—bran new
tmt Uk imluto^S. SJ to 11.12 to
19. Bet they Befeaed to Oomply and
h«abek withe fiNtoamberof men
are Bapytod to be There BtUL
*hoer4. The eteemehlp Seele, now
^„-i—I OB the feray flet*. wentdown SMdel U Tfes llorBlBC B«erd.
to etlil
^ rim ea M» wHh;the ire tom epd
ecerdlnff Uiatoter Con­
e fleet of m«e»4Bkln»o*»Mk mnee
Black kid, botton, poU
Ueyoonld end plektnc up weh ee fer, bet e dtopeteh boa ..Admiral
ent tipe, 6 to 8—4Bo.
a__ y themeelm omtord to eeeepe Kempff rlne the mort deflalte newt
Oet ready for the glori6ue*4tb.
reeelred aiem Jane lA Kempff^ oethe *-------la to holA ere meay
Ncwee. TheBreoea. wUk 17 Uriag IdKram to dated at Ohefoe yeaterday rood part of yMterday la looklay orer
Maebeeifl.peaaadlBoe oae tide of
'The mlatotere at Pekla were girta
to hold, by Are eft end forward. ^
I thotraaeter
flroehto them endoaUe otto eUe. •4 hoan la which te Inn oa Ji
^ade. Beeretary WUhala WMt
end porohese your
WM heeehed off WeehewkN nity They refoaed end an etm than The
the dotaUe of the opentloa of the
tagehaaf ereaad her etririaf te pet Pekla relief forom yot half way to Fe- woriaaadmdo nady for thodaltoa
eat the Are end eoel to off with Ua. They wan attacked by Imperial danlrlay upon hla aad hto foUow
haadrede of tew of wetm. Uriaf treoMoaJaaeA CaptainMcOeUewu
of the beet store In the oity.
roar AaertoaH
■« Mlkod with the tot mea throuh
Bothiay deflaiUto bOMd
kUledand tt woudpd. OaptalaMe- apN nyardlay tho opentlay force,
T%e Leadiag Shoe Hoon.
diUa aad Baalfa Taamly wen
bet the pruMt qeoto of ematoyrnwOl
ed. bat aet amtoealy. Then a
lemla theb pceltiaH for e ttam. The
men thaa H.OOOtoope aehen.
wlU at oua look attar
Forty Maylma to China.
BMded npalra aad boa thto time on 18
the Urlaff tMO off eUre.
Letom. Jaae l»-^rcrty
Rre deeboyed ell three of the Worth
toc^to catoMkm that they wOl
Ommea Lloyd idato. e d«* Uchtere.
eidMlal to the traaBter of the wa>'
•to boete. e reel qeaaUty of eo^o maaltlm were eut to Chlaa today.
..d the oterece werehoeee of Oemptol
tmworhe te the city, and acN afterAOS. te the north o( the plar.ead e
warda. the electric Uyht plant hereloTo see onr Roods and prioes before fluking your parchaaee.
fonotaratedhyB. D.OampheU ABom
met boUdlaf fall of eeleeWe mer^-eu. A llet of 100 eeei— •— Belay Bloor Bedtoaa Orowlay Vyly wUl be lormaUy traeaferred to the
strleUybtA Power
aada Ogmpaay of fltete Ttoom Han
Thenfon aflar today the tolnau
tnm the 8eele.hee b#N compiled.
Beu SMt to the Beeaa
at $488. $7.98, $9B8, $11-48Thetaleof theofieere of eoseotthe apwleUe Tbs Mereue a«eoM.
of B. D. CampbeU A Bom m pnmyore
■hlMle la doabb It le Aaowalbet
Choice of tbs best in the store at this Ust ^rice.
of water aad Ityhb wUl beeoau a maV
Bb Peal, toiaa., Jane »o-.Aa aprtoOtotoMertow of the Beelehloet.
lay of betwew TOO ud 1,000 ladlaae
Dlek aad WUlard CampbeU wUl oeaM
Therewerell llffkten aU t<ddetthe
w Balay Bim to ao near a eartalaty
•rcralylmm. Boom of them beraed
eenaeetioB with the pleat today aad
tbetOonraor Llad toniyht
|T trrqent y muIm diflerl im tto
end —near the share. Otbsre with
tor a ttma, aad perhape pwmaam
a eoapaay of etaU troopa to the eoeae.
theywUl eayaye la tho hnelan
totrearvom eUest fleeted down the
A ed meek time, effort aad
Tbeyomaor neelnd the toUowlay
toeem. Itb reemwork to •ybow
drlny bnildlaya for eleetrie Uyhm aad
lakhlm over the mUpb. .
Buy ere deed, bet the loweet teem le dtopeteh tkto aftsnooB which decided
to beoamtly hnrd la every boal
■j;;;j;j«55iJrtotottoworkMto tadd<
' Um to taka prompt actlM:
ofiee where a letter hn been obIM. There b ea ankaowa auto la
teye. Oab-Oo»praor iCiaaoMta. 8b
the bold of the Beale, and a avato.
a^pu^e*do not cznrma themPaol—ThTMteaed aprtalay Oaaadlba
•obably rent. U the hold o( the
Ji dearly in oorrmpoadeaee. bat i
IndtoM aloay bonier Belay Bim."
mma can yeaeipUy make bimadf u
Mato. Ueay mah of the erewe ere
Tay Oapoiaed w Lake 8b dab WUk deratood if yon eu yet within aaeaktreettte^ly hr-«ito mre for the eblpe.
Incdtotuceof him, by meue ol the
Fatal Beenlta.
aad there le no oae te report them mil
apMUl WTM Herein kwori.
foaarel mMtar of th
BattlMhlpOnyaa la a Bad PllyhtPort Boron. Jom 80-By the alaUay
•ewe (e made.
Bemal 8^ WMt te Bor
At mldalrht M bodlM bed been
of the tay Marion Teller Uataiyht la
f.»w« 8b dab. A1 Bolmm, eayinoer.
talma bom the rim. aMetof them
Xfln’Bttae satin enlfbab and oongreM shoas.... eSo
honed beyond
yeha Ebk, oeok. and Oeorye Kotoaer,
Waahlnytea. Jafte 8i
Women’s fine kid laoe and button Bh066............. 98o
Captain John
Oi j«~j raw
ku beaa leaned
m to tke altafter telklef with people la eothorlty, aatlNOf the battloahlp Oreyca and OonwaU aad hla brother. Bay ConWoman’s fine black and tan oxfords..................... 76o
that he thoefftat the lorn woeld be there to maeb apprehaaal
, mved themMivm by ellaylBy to a
Woman’s slippers and buaklns..........................
•mtot olxteM ^Ulloe." BeL he eetl theaafe^of.tbe nmel.
Woman’s wasting top kid lace sboaa........;$!.66, $1.76
the leu oe the bened tom at
The f^wiay
b now in order, and if yon
Boy's satin calf bab, soUd,
............................. $100
OB.OOO.000.which to too mech.
patche to received at the navy de­ Cuton aerOH the lake wba ake beyu
job, done with good
The blowlaff ap of the plere prenet- partment bem Oaptaia WUde ttU to leak badly, aad her pampa retaaed want a
Tooth’s iatln calf bals, solid................................ $1.00
to work. The crew ent off the Uoe —i.-j.r--------me before
ed the flemm bom epreedlaf. Tl^ mor^. dated at Cbefoo, Jane *»:
Ken's canwas bab. leather soles............................ 88c
Nperlnteadant of the MorthOermea
"I aaehored yMterday in a deaae fey and made an effort to beach the vemel. yon let yonr work.
I have firet-class workmen and
Ken’s fins kid bab.^ew styles.......................... $8.00
Uoyd line my» that M line were loet
:nntef8 fathomaef vnter. tarM bat the Arm went oat before the abote
nothing bnt pure lead afd Un­
Ken's tennb bab and oxfords.............. 60,66 and 76c
• bto plme eloee.
milm aeath of Boo Ei UyhV Gnlf of WM reached, aod at laat the tot went
seed oU. Colors to euit you.
PechUl. I ant ent two boate and
Men’s bicycle shoes....................$1 60, $8.00 and $8.60
Boaaded udfoandthc loMt depth of
water fln falhraa. The WMther
Xaearfeat Lem la PhlUpplam wei
New 8tore -848 Front Street.
atraek Plnnaric rock. There ls%mdi
an avenne.
8enre.98Bdtaykttledl07WaaBdvrater la the forward eompartmrab
Shoe Hones of Northern Klehtgan
•d aad 66 Oapured.
The on to pertecUy amooth. I ahaU
amelia t*TM MefelU auorc.
FhU^ and Zimmer; Orth ai
charter a ateaamr U ponlb^e at Chefoo
MaaOa. Jane SO-Tba rMcim -«f the
iMttwo weeka eampairftay are m thnnyb the oHe of the ahlp ebon Uie
lellewa: Bebela. 08 ktUad. 10? eapUr- bottom and alee amaUbolm tbronyh
ad. Benaty tBauieam. iaeladlay the bottom of the ahlp.
•The Irt* to yoae tothaamtotai
oftheOreyoa. '
Fox Pig Tails, but einoe
toraeka aad many atore I
D«Uae; kaaJLdy' ^


Childrens Shoes

BiffI Bang! Boom!


Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
S. BEI5nD.A. Sc OO.

I ss ivisia

>nI ^

itnitii uniisiMS

It’ll Pay You Well

Look at our Special Values in Men’s Suits

I 3NOHci ji3i


ladies’ Taller Made Saits, all iliis saasea's mala, at Half Priei




____ I____ >




I Used

to Pay 10c

^............................... . 8
A diapateh from Admiral Barney to h
“"aJh^aadBiibwl M^ aad
"BoayKoay. Jane»-The Prlace- Warner.
tea hM'arrived- The Brooklyn Uavm
.Mcmeex bueui.
for NayaoakL Tho Zaflro. at Chefoo,
tohaan onttotho aiatoUnecof tho
Orayoa. reported byBoyera tobaona
ud WUmm: Ftohar and BackroU aonth of How Ee U«hb Ae Iria
MBXa nVBBUTnA^EASH toyetaytoheraaetotaBN Bomay."
9 13
■c^la a
Baem at Feadrhkoopato Tatorday
Bmbmry naWetd a ^
J^yamatflay from Ln Avatoa. Oat,
and BaUU; Harvay aad
tut hto iathar, herla Kawmyhkaapato. Jane 80-Tba vaid^
lylagla thebaqdtal thara laeathtoavHdayto won by PmiBat tha polBtaf daathtrom aboan
aylvaaia la 19:44'; Wtoeoaaia aeeanA
I9;4ft; OoraeU, third; Oaaryatoarn. Uab
- tka brain.
aLl B^
Mr. Hawharty left thto eliy abaat alx Tha tradsmu ran WM wea by Wtoyraakaayetor CaUteala. Hetoaot
ia la o;«s, thru laagto ahead of
maUwto ha laaahad Chtoayo. bat
aaylvanla, aeooM; OornaU, third.
•aaayad te go tn Aafoloa. The harye race wn pmtponed utQ
Kdlam and Pow«a: Hoto and 8
Monday oa aeoout of darkoaat.
e pmiod the i
leat IS klUad aad 18 wenaded. Anuay
eholatmtweofltoma The thief dtol^ueMWMo la Mladaaao. Bamar.
Abraaad BaayaoA. Thm laai aamed
«M mfmAr attheked by la-

I bare tried

Pig Tail
I baTS come to tbs conclus­
ion that 5c will buy « firstclasa, delicious snjoke. Try
one and yon wUl nerer psy
lOo tor 6 Pig TaU again.



Always Give Satisfaction
Best of leather, best of workmanship,
anjl ver; latest styles, make them
really What they are called—

I The Best Shoes Made!
Prices, 8I.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. Jf
yon want a good shoe buy an Emenon

Front Blreet


«»»««» SS»«»S<HIKH»MHWMHS!


the morning record, SUNDAY,

acMisiois fMfoiimi

■ of XaformaMos
TbnPor^tara wffl base a Baa dost
U tbe panda OB tha Ponrtb aad aeerT
BMbvM teqaeatsd to Mnotni thalr

JULY 1. 1900


tail W««P»>P
MOtemm PenU 6. A. B..
•i Mm nwrlim of tbe Einedop martial
la Uaa with tta peat
Urn parade.
Maap Mdim ^ tta dtp ara ba
aad peeparinr daolcw kr etamat dtoplapa to appaar
beU In tha earairal pands aad la tta
41apUp OS tta Pomth.
AU wbo ban honoa aad earrlacm
d to tabs pvt la tta panda ties la clno oa tta bflla bainf dm
T«o Ftoa Boate Taken to CBa
aad an arced todsroU their bmtab
and Bsp Tie* Thin Kemtog.
Apartpemtettogof Wrniam FetterIp. B. Sterbaek. Barvp Kpaelka and
be dietrlbated oloe» the line ofnareb Series of Three Oamto Amoag Pow W. L. Dean toft this moratog at 3
to pmsoMWbo wtUteka the propv
dctodi vrith three tonnebm for thq
Taenu, with Pria* for the Wlnnem
north. One, a SO foot Itaneh. will be
can la aottita
Ike niomlaatkm at
toft with George B. Brown of Chvletta right time darU«> the eanltal
A aertm of three gamrn hv been ' Tcdx, for whom It *rns bnltt bp tbe
Bmaa eandlm will be Rppllad to
Belipne Motor nnd Boat eompanp. and
mriooB panona alone tba Uaa of amreh
tta other, a 12 foot tonnCh. will go to
e< tha earnlnl parade and othem who Tbe fov teams that wlU SMtest will Mr. Simme of Bap View. The other
hare tbem^ are arged not to eat oP be the Independeoto. tbe Unions, tha laaneh will be need bp the partp on
eandlee too nav the qaanb chariot w InvlaelhUa and Benda's Twirlen. One their retare.
of tbeprellffllnarpgameswUlbe plapItwUl be trimmed with coneidm
.mmabla materiel |aad It la dmired CO on ToMdap. ancther on Wedneedap
morning, and the deciding game
that all danev of ecorebing it
Wednetdap afternoon.
The prellmlnvp games wUl be beAll wbo take part in tbe eallthnmpi.
aa parade on both dnpa or oolp one are Motw tbe ledepH^^te and the Twirl..
raqaeated to amage at ooee with «re aad tbeUnioev aad Invlnclblei. Tbe
winner* Id tbrM two gamee will i
Oatmaater Baff.
AU-thoaa .who hare not pntaeat in Wednmdap alterfiooo. and a good
thalr naaua tor tha blejele panda an Bonep pr:ts will go to the winners
neged to do |oo at oaee bp eommanl- of the ecriee.


wfU rwt with ika waUr
«crki'eoB>sl«ioB. Tbar* la aaeh M
«oWfat UMpbttt
«M^t*4Md taxF*r« BMtBotazpact too BWb »t OMO.
tMk of
tkoooaaMoB Joraftw mastbi wUl
■PttoM0H7«lud, UwOltooi
«ba« baton mnch hendwijr mi

B to effaet
I of tba t
IBM fattaapaa.
ilUa. BowaTor, tba apataa la sow
wbmtbe el^M& doM aaeaaaltp daaad It la a ralM to eoMlder
,tlag with Ohvlta B. Bala ThM
•tetnattara areia aahapa tbatwUl faatora oMwlh parade# la aare to b«
•daltof the exteoalow wUcb l^ta one of the flamt of tbe demonatntibe
Wm damandad arraral yaara.
nad then wlU ba mnap bMotifallp
Hambar tS.TTB draw tha blerela
Mkb waa offarad to puAaaar
iBaab&Oo.’a Ptrtallelcmn..
Badmoal. ifca faat papv owaad bj
i. r. Daaamora of Uapla aty. baa baan
Mtarad la tba taeaa for tba tUrd,
Itoartb aad f ftb, aad la worUac oat on
Ja*«l larra'ablpaaaj^ «f arater■alouwara raMlred la OiaeUpyaitMday. aad tbap wUl doKMlaaa d
faarbr tbaearload tbetblrd. loortb
Lacaoaaba ataada, bowarlM aad
alanda of all klndi are apriaplac op at
ovarj available point wbera tbe people
arfU be OB the tblrd and toarth.
Srerp member of Companp ll
arced to be praaaat at a maatlac la
MeSamara ball tomorrow areninc.
Mattera of laportaaM wlU be deelded.
AUmambaraof .MePbaraoe Poet O.
A. 0. are raqaeated to meet aa On
hoU tod^ at 1 o'eloek, to attabd tba
lOMralof MitSapder.
WUliam Bloodfood baa aoU hla
bakatr oa tha aoath aide to Hearp
Javan, an axparladaM balmr f
Oblaace- Mr. Jasaan hM takas po
Tba aldaa of tba eariow ostoea win
•eat at B;M tbm Moralnf InC. 8. P. a
ksU to prepare for tba Pbartb. AUara
•read to be prtaaab
AU tha eitp eharebea wlU be eloecd
4Ua arealnf. to permit all eboreh
membara to attend the aaaaa meetior
m the aabjeet el law and order, wi^.
aeriiMl referanM to the liquor Uwi.
Tba Udiaa of tba Ohoreh of Chrlat
win taaea a booth on the aontb aide of
Trost atreet neat to tbe eoner with
Dnlen. In which warm niMla. Innehea
snd IM eream wUl be aerred tbe third
sad Poarth of Jolp.
TrarateaBap BleeNo. ?1 will bold
BO recnlar leriaw thla week.
Two faat trottera. '‘Mlaa Toto" and
“Prank Barnan" arrleed In the dtp
Mat nlffaUand are entered in tbe raoaa
nap are owned bp T&omu Taplor. of
There will b» a repalar rdriew of
Trareras Bap Tent US lomdFrow eveaiBC at 7:13. Dilecaiea from Qtaad
Xapida aad Caarleeoixeonveotlona wUI
make taporia BatrMbmeata will be
aarred. .
B. L. Carter la anBeriaf fromnareoni
proairatlon aad la bsinp eared for at
Mra. Mlnoreb bosplul.
Tba atorea of tba dtp wlU ,be eloeed
St 7 o'doek on Tbandap eraainz at
BSaal. The msrcbaau wtU nai. their
own dUsretloa aa to kaaplnf open op
tbaeraBlncaof Moadap. Tneadap ana
^Vadnaadar. Jalp ioA. 3rd. aad atb

OloriOiM Ne wa
Oomea from Or. D. B. Oanrlle of
Waebita. 1. T. Be wriiea: ‘-Bleetrle
Btttarabaa cared Mra. Brewer of ecrofSlrnwhleb badcaoaed bercreat aarfaainf for peara Terrible eorea w< ‘
btaak oatoober bead and faae. aad
bMt doetora ronM
no help:'
BOW ber health U emlleat " Bleetrir
MtUra la tbe baht blood pnriCar koowr
Its tbe anpreme remedp for ecxima
taaaer. aalt rbeom, nleeia, bdla asd
rvalat aoret. It allmnlatea ll»rr
Udaapa aad biwals, expeU polaorr
balpa dlceation. baltda «p tbe etreei '
Onlp toe. 8dd tajA-Z Walt aad
a. JobneoB.drncclav Onaranteed.

S. S. O&mpM! & Sou
WQl have their
la the barv* W. J. Bobbi hereafter.
—M havtne bnaleria w|a
aMUBpaa them. MS tf

AU amaU bopa wbe ban aant la their
amee to Chalroun Piiedrich of the
imlral oommiuee an noUfled that
tbap are not to appov tor thalr horna
aadmaoka baton, S:M oa the night of
the evnlral.
Bpedal attention In callad again to
tba daevatioa of private rigt tor both
MelUaeame hoenm ahonld not
bronghttoo close to the line of mveh
onMrnIral olgat nnlm thalr ownera
an tan tbep will not be liable to get
Mgbtaaad at the anassal exdtcta

Bmbrt Mote*.
Mr. Archibald Fries of ClnelnnaiX.
iMlatent Genwal Freight Agent of the
B A O. A 8. W. Bp., and partp arrived
pMterdap morning vin tbe G. B. A I.
northtoad flpv. Mr. Fries bM Imeed
tbe Lace Cedv cottage at No-ah-ta.
wants tor th^acasoa. The other* In
tha partp are Benrp L Crane. MlH
Helen Crane, Mias Bdith Crane. Mist
WUa SpiUard. Mlm Ednn SpUlard.
Tbe Northland bad twentp reaorter*
tote Traverne Otp peetardap moralng.
Mr. and Mra John Gale arrived peaterdap to apend tbeenmmvat Neab-.
B. A. treadwnp. wlfcand eon and J.
A. Hvnt. all of Grand Bapids, went to
Ke^nh-to.wanu jeaterdnp tor the enm-


The UtUe Tavern haa been aold to
Imv Brown bp Oeorge B. Winnie,
the formv ownv, the dml being
mated laot evening. Mr. Brown
take bosMealon of tbe bnainem
Mr. Winnie will devote hla time
elnainlp to sign painting In the f otnre.
Bseellent I. O O. T. Program.
The I 0. Q. T. a^ and prognm at
Montagna Ball Uateveaing wm a deddtaeneeam. both from a flnanelal
aad lltanrp ataadpdat.'
Tbe following program wm enjoped
Piano 8olo-Blnnehe BaakaU.
Voeal Duet— Miaev Ferole Minor
and Jean Slmma
Zlthtf Solo-Otto Portaeh.
Oermnn Seng—Bp Mv and Leo WeUer.
BeeitaUon—Bp Mlm Minnie BnbbeU.
•Short AddreoB->UnIp C. Dodge.
lhU(-Bp Mra Mlnorr.

and famllp have arrived
framl6#nto spend a portion ofUie
anmmer nt Bdgewood.
B. C. BfUtnp vrived pesteednp 1
Clnolnnntl to apend the anmmv with
hi* BOth^ at Bdpwood. After hie
vaeaMoo. he wUl go to New TOTk. to
toko etargn of tbe work of
Wernicke Co-npanp to that eiWOld Soldier Sleep*.
MatSnpdv. an old aoldiv of thl*
c»nDtp. died at Klnplep Friday night,
where he bad been vlaiUng hi*
dtnghter. Mr*. Georp Boevea Be
w**eBpMr«old. Tbe funeral wUl be
held bp MePheraon Post, of which be
WM n member, in the nnderUktog
Nome of W. 8. Anderson, thie after*
noon at t o'eloek.

Married Lvt Night.
Lett evening Mr. BpronO Doaneand
MiMBmmtWUtablrewer* nnltod to
marriage bp Bev. J. A. Breadp at hi*
reUdeneeon Webster street. Both are',
retldent* Of the citp and will be warmIp mrratnlated bp a Ivge circle of
BMlgoaUoB of Bev. Banm.
■r J. S. Banm of the Chnreb of friend*. __________________
Cbrtat. bM tendered hii mignatlon ai
Hew Avplum Pcpelelan.
pastor to Ukeeffec; In one week. He
Ur. MlnalC»mp of SaaltSte Marie,
bM oot pet -decided what field be will
enter after Imving here. Be and bis vrill Uke b ‘r position on the ladles
wife have a boat of frieode who will re. medical staff c.f the Mp.lnm^ome time
gret to aee them leave tbe dtp.
Golden weddlega are tsking plaee all I rvkon not tbe rrasoni.
vor the eountrp. The old coaplea
the peart that come and go,
eridenilp took Beekp Moontain Tea in
>‘s ao *1! tronnd eleascre to me
their ponog dap*. 3Sc. Aak poor
retaking R?ckp Mounuin Tea.
»k paur dniggitl.



Kimball Pianos
and Organs
Are used by mor« people aitbund tbe 'world than sny
other goods znadeP WfayP Beoauee they are the pro*
duet of money, brains and 48 yeats experience.
Bold by tk% makers.


W. W. Kimball Co.

Tneai san pat kaaitt,
Taaensan Taarlrapar,
Tn an san paiCnaiaf
aaiM k| bayiat

Jad Obbscob's^ Oataatafi bp Prod
Ttaemno Bay Idae inu Ban Thne
Merthb Bide bp Oalp One ▼ota.
Boamaad wUiba AbU ts Haadla
Imat night rioaed tha eealeat ef tta
Me Omrde Prom Bap Pdat|.
so aidm of Poraatera taaaea to Mltoit
Webb Abb amsfed to ban awmembara Oaptaia Pred Borthb
Maa'mnmw Onuiata « tta bap ^ defeated that of Oaptaia J.
to tta Oalanbla aad
oren bp oalp oaa vote,
sat oa the third aad taarU of ^ totter maaf pat sp n bi
Jalp. Ibe boats rrOl Inn tta nrloM thaali^tMJnip ftth. At that time
bappolats lacood sansoa to cat ts tha apeeial petass will ala> ba awarded
TnnrBsCt^ in time tar aU tbe Uc to tbe todlvldaali who seenod the
avente of both d^ps and ntwalncaftp gfeataat namber of membma on aaeh
vthe carnleal parade aad flraworka.
Aapedat tote of dftp eaata will be
Tite oenteat *welled thp member
made tor those two da^a sad tiakstt of tta order to this dtp to a verp graV
wUl ba cood to reive on the trd, «th Ifptogcxtent.
aad sih. Tbto wiU be the best bap
•VTteeenrpnt oa. Spedal lafoama.

a. X. BtXONQ. Vx)

Bitie Flame
Oil ftove
. No more daneer to operate than a lamp.
Any child can light and use them. I have
a full line from a -j-bumer low stove to a
fine large 3-bumer with oven. Little-at-a
time payments.

Slater's House Furnishing Store
120 FaxbXL'b Starotyb.


And all gentlemen who wish to in
the most strictly upto-date line of fall samples,
pies, mad<
made by the largest factory in
the U. S.. are cordially
ly invited to call at A. S. Fryman’s, the
A Cure for Nervous Hoedaohe. practical shoe man, and jook over the W. L. Douglas Shoes.
Por ctebt mu* I raffrrad from ceostliM Will take orders for at once and fall delivery. Shoes made
Uos and
nrrxHi* tM»dM-b«.lbvbe*d*
erbe woaliv tanise ibrreCeyii at a llm«. to measure a specialty. Come in MONDAY and seethd
most strictly up-to-date line ever shown in this city.
bal Ivft iM bed' an
I lamn
UkluOdeirKinel i___ ____
In beaUb.x-idoin or never bev_________ _
have nlned In Cteh. and feri drvidedlr
well.—Mn. y. K lIuU-b.Tcitiplt.N. II.
Celer}- K lm.-<'Ure«t'on(tliiallonaiidslld>*-

-A.. S, TP-F?.-V^TVT- A -NT
186 Front Street.

FTBOticAl Shoo]


Base Ball
We will have or nothing. That's the way Traverse City al­
ways does things. We have the best or nothing, and we
say the best way to eiyoy a game is to got into it^4^he best
way to get into it is to have the right sporting goods. No
firm in tbe city handles a finer line than we do.

Golf is Great.
Long live Golf I With
.........._____ that
_ the golf enthusiasts created last year
the interest
it will be a prime: favorite this season. Here are all the articles wanted: '
You'll want a Cleek; costs you $1.50, so will the Lofting Mashie.the Niblick.
ic each
he do/.
o . —..................... -------------------_jttom with
studs, ball pock6t and sling to match plaids, sells for $3.00. The Canvas Cad­
dy Bag. leather trimmings with wood bottom, ball pocket and sling to match,
'.sells for Si.oo. Golf Tees, sell at loc each. Other goods not in stock ordered
on “short notke."

Base Ball is King.
And the King has many filing subjects. Like the Pied i^iper of Hamlin ev­
erybody "falls in line” an* follows the ball club.
- .Are you fully equipped with all the accessories^ We're selling e\*erything in
the line of Ball Goods. Want a bat? Have them from 5c to Si.2.5; want to
call your attention to the King of the Field at 50Cand the Louisville Sluggers,
85c. Hase Balls irom 5c to $1.50; haveboth the Spaulding and the Reach
League Balls. The .American League at Si.oo is the best dollar ever sold.
Catcher’s Milts from ioc to S3.30. with one of the best on the market for S2.P5:
Infielder’s gloves from 25c to Si.50 Shoe, Plates, 25c the pair. Be sure to sisk
for Spaulding’s 1900 catalogue arid price list of sporting goods. They are free-

Fishing is a Sport
that is very "catching.’’ The longer you tish the more you want to. We’re
here to help your success. The greatest line of poles in thee city from 20c up to
the finest combination Bristol stee.1 for S5.00. The Bamboo poles are 8c, loc
and I2C.. Bait boxes, big and little, oblong or crescent shaped, sell at 15c and
and 20C. Flies, for either trout or bass fishing. 55c to 95c. the dozen. Lines, a
big assortment from 2c to Si.oo. Fish Baskets, the very best goods from $1.00
to Si.75. Reels, all sizes, all Irinds of patcQj arrangements: from 20c up to $5.
Hooks—plain little ones from 3c the dozen to sc each. Minnow Pails, the pat*
ent floating and sinking styk. sells aL.81.25. . FTy Books, ^llt from 60c to $t,5a
Fly Sppons—a big stock-price, 15c each. Line guides seU at 20c the one.

Tbe Hannah & Lay lereantile Go.





Sjrffi'jss s,

' rUstk* la jaBwaia* uaUlinttoa

«Hh aOlan ef Bam gimalta, aad ia

It wi 1

to aoiapUtod Mara Jal7 4.
AtBattlaCtoak WdU^taa A. Jar-

WkUa SUbar a faaalUa a«a«a

toa gaaoUaa took Ara aad Mr. Jerdaa
«aaateoaiatobyziatadb7 ttonMka.
Thea. Pratt efSaaSald. kaafa pair

tha Am ta-



taff ■ehama y« a*el«ad ta tha kcata
■at atrar to 1
r nrrk aad •
«-bo a»f^«
wunli] oar r'tore a nwincof* P«« or
DtU I rwumed »afMj home

It SMaMrea ta baM

4aatfM 41 Vltoolaa toto'ltal mdar
feoailMaaaM of a Ara at hla noi-


ttodnoM tha Moat tokiMt

a*mcM*adkr«nia| top. ate a< tad


ttoolotUar aad
Of B. Baada A Oa. aad


'Mtoe«HtTmtola.«totoatoM rmataa
•ae lairt, aad la hdcbl l> laat.

Dress Pants


••What arm Bcada do McatrlhM toaomaottphriM ta aaaBtottea with

ob>eetkto ta


* totopati^^aaa.


Ada la the Bkpeto Para^
tons (to witatot ms-

MOfttataiatariudar <oU»Ih1b


KaWUlttira a Sottaa of

4*4 ««atoto ear* 1

that dar to-thiir to exrUlaicd. **l>o poa
imemtor bow yoa aald yon woaM ba
true to im. tboocb (bonaaods of nU«t of
ocnB Diifbt roll bwwmi o»r
“Oh. yw. I t«D«nbpr all that."
“HtT» you for»ot bow you aald at partia«: *Ob. 'Cyrua. It brvoto «r brartl I

almaameat oa tto aloltot Uaato

caaaot k1t» you upr'*
“1 tUak I dU Biato aoaie aucb iw-

Air loot mak. aad wtoa to waat attar

ofthamahaffcmaBt at toe aban. Mr.
Baada bftdor to frtaaWcyriaridara a
•baaea to win a aery daslrmbU pciss oa
tha Fourth.
. find hi* wife marrM to anothrr
I am not rxactiy an Enoch Arden,
I only left home U.t niffat. aud I d«it
autlcipate that my wife 1ia» r«»bed matTbafa where I Hee-oe tto corn« •of tto aOey. Td like -you to walk
and look up at tto Attia* room
tStoowT* Yo*
Yoa wfll pnAa’
bly "ie my
wife. I want too to come ba<A and leO
me wtolher eto la omlUnc or weepinc.
whether A»e looka red Iu tto tt« or ia
pale and aolemn. Yoh underwaadr’
“Tea. Ar."
. “Owioy to your yooth I cant expUIn
mattrni more fully.
tVhateter you re­
port will be luy cue aa to bow to act.
You will know all about IIt after yoo
row up and yet; married.
Buu atony.

*“I^tbiak you dU. Bare you forpo* how
you tpadr tor t»ak of you. iu omp or oa
a pair of hMa tod toaa toap aU da^
'oattotototaof ttoru.
toOdlar a aa«t (a tto faramto la- rmy wrre dyluy thick and fait aioimd
•taad of daotroplar tto poat to
me. and• l« the iboufht that yon were
for mr ttowr me la that dai*
r tlod ap
•ad Utt them hborlac oo tto Um, aad
.-••t think I da recollect **7101 eoeaethiac
riyfat minotcB the lad ^
•Dw thm ora Ac am In tto aaet. aad
o! the kind.”
turned end n-ir.rted that a woman,
“Y'uB think you do! Ifa! And when I
tto pn aptoU of a new famUy ia bird
>ale ont^tod
wk< wouihM you wrote to me to yet well
of (be aide wio'dom bafora many daya.
a. Mvia a. 1 could and yomr toidi to yod! down.
CbarUa Buy*, tto It year old aon
l»o you baTi- a dim reevllecilua of duiaf
“TLat »icuifir« that »be haa repealed,
Mr. and Mra. ObarlM Bay* of Ltketoa
rent* me
foreire her and that I'm dll
“.Now (bat you mcuiioo it. I beiiere I
leht.t replied the maa ns to baodH
town. Mukefoa aooaty, waa ridiap a
r.r tto dime, "nial’a alL my son. ITl
torrn boaa froa> tto dald wtos the aabra^ In by tto front door and surprise
tmal baeama frifbtaaed. Tto boy
miw lior darkly.
thrown Into the ralnt of the bar
**'lie M-ltl.-.l hi* hat on hi* bMd. pro­
aad WM drarped a qoartor of a mllr. ^“Y«u hate ebanyed (uorr than I hate, duced hi* iMchkey and asreaded .(to
Mr. Barker." r„ldly «he' eu.wrred. '"yoa sten*.'while tto l->y waltcl lo aee bow
Ba wae thrown aralaeta atnmp and
rr not the Mime roan."
thinin wMild »hape- The key had senrreWtoa pleked np wae uaeonasiona. He
"You wtiU kD»i»l." he went on. with ek- ly rnler<-d (be l«<k wbr-u Ito door wea
cerdiny lilttemeom. “that 1 rcpiOTe my pulhd
and a w oman ntout .Vl; • *ra
died tto next moreinr.
old, will* her Jnw» hard -d atA injva
Tbeepeed aad toroa otablrdwlwn armr
"I dn."
f|.el of broom handle In brr riyfal band.
Ayiaff ware foreefnily abown on a
■Ko be It
Mukofoa aounQr farm raeently. when
'almly the roony tnau erow. unacrew.
hi* w-noden arm. pl*<wd it at her feet wbaek* tofon- be could leap
tto farmer obaervad a qnall flylnr
raiUnx and moke off. while tto boy (00k
thronifh tto air atrike a wire faoM and and turned to yo.
“I borK-. Mi'a Atberaft." to raid, “yen after blin to eiica|>e n similar InBiethui.
fall to tto rround. Ha waat over to are anlialied.’’
He eauybt np wiih the nan about two
tha apst and foand that the blrd'a bead
But Mi»» Aiiclloe Athcraft had fAot- blocks sway afl<l aald:
"Mr. Ardifi. that naank the pale faced,
bad bean aarorod frmn Ita body by IU cd.-Chlceco Tribune.
tearful lady lirho »al by the window?”
•addaa oolUaloo with tto wire aa

•appor to bda( than la ba toaad that

Ha otei ter tha bnt

haal ta appHT ta tha paiada
bsartac hta





phoBor^ and It tbaerda. puiabMiil


KimbaU Oo.

tbaa ton oatrlH mMt ba

Hot late
made and

Littte Money

the nine naxt beat wfU each taaaira a
pria of oonridmblo aalas.
This plan wffl oHar an opportnmlty
for tha oxhlbltloa of thaakUL otig\atXltyaadlnmultyof the bieycla ridsrt
ot tha

and at the same time


ipltah tod aad daairad-effeaUM ad-

Going through our suit stock
one hundred andfifty
to twohundrad pidrB fine pants
in black Olay'Worsteds
' and Blue Swge Goods, to which

aartislBf ter Banda A Co.

AociaaUoa that BtorA Clcse'oa AflMmoos of Fifth to eta EmployM a
CbanM to Aaa toe Bacas.
It ta rxpaetad that oa




4to toe alores will be rashad with bfitlaasa except pcaaibly darini; 'toe pa­
rade op the Fbnrtb, bat asnally after a

coats and vests
have been sold—These
we wish to close out entire,
and in order to do so
wlU place on our rfont tabloq

holiday toe day followtar ta not a bny

H hH.baen aarrotad and a plan

ta helcf vved.M make tha 5th the dsy
for TrsTerse City

people to aaa

races and lake a rtsv

It ta orfad that

atorea elosa on the afternoon of




and empi

•caa hare a half belidsy aad


tha hone raeea.-wbich wDl ba the biat
e*ar scea here.

Moat of the


wUl be nshed toe ttao days prevlons

and give '
twenty-five per cent dlaconnt
from price of same
Sizes run from 3B to 48
waist measure,
look them over:

aad n canTam wUl be made amont toe
merebanU to aseartata if toe plan aof;^
festad cannot be carried out.

•moothly aa if done by a aharp knife
Dr. MeOallnm of Baldwin, baa tahi
thaoanana nf ianeet aaamlea ofaarclatioa. aad Bade tton are about it
iaatraetlre tribaaof bora and
•ow that tha


farmer aad . gi

•Ml A«bt la ordar to raiaa pro^aeU
Itotyeare ace wan ao tronbla wbav
•ear to grow aaaoeeafnlly.
A Oold water boy wbOa rlaiUa^ la tto
•onatey a«w bia
toe faatbaia from a ehlekea which
to ba a part of the noonday

iintcmtl r
pAzen by Hdlstoats.
HIT bi_...................................
a If I had!
Thp ball which fall at WIlIInmabwF
rotten that I bad a raother-lu-law in the
d I>lroci»
I>lrorlua in b
“Hello. Dioc." (Tied
tbnnty to deal with: TliaO where Enoch tha other nicht was made to aarra a
lerine tones, “foiimlI tbaT“^onest n
had the adraniace of me. but perhsp* 1 naafnl pnrpote In at leMt one Instance,
fiynre it -'Ut sotnebow. That's all
The sate stared up at them.
run do for me now. oouny. and you whara a qnantity of It was sborcied op
TIouesi maur be promWi-d. *Tm not may yo ho
home while I wander.nbont and and nsed to freize lea cream for a so­
lookiny for an honest man. I ore that
plr-ii lo yet eren with the cial parly.
M. gexD.
[. lony ayo."
And he turned o bobble
' Boa a Speedy Borae.
*Tben what are
cried }ouny llertjiu*.
........ .. of (be averace
B. J. Mtopan ratnmed /yeaUrday
Ttiosenes |uui*ed.
Vawar jjiri I* n-aWy eharmlne. U i» re­
‘Tm lu-ikiuu fur a hired KirL" to ymwl- lated of ulu- of-them (hat after watehiuy ftem Soutoern Mleblcan *Uh alybt

lantern hi band, plodded slowly down




“Do yoa take tbAr elotbaa ott


"Onr* left.
riBin iK-aler.

wrtrt ntokt, madataT” ke aakad.

mimiips <f
on dririDF boraea^aof which :■ speedy.
fire rucinu pl.iy for weeml mimiles
■Well, who Mr. Moryan declares that be haa a
renmrke.1. “Wei
!• l^-lic-vcl Hint 1
record of S;i»0. and will ba entered in
tUiic like tlinl eoulil luiM
that data ta the cominy races.
wuitab^* Aud now coin.w a Mory
Ip.auty and Inlellipuce
Itoxero," util] yoiini; Mr*.
wIk). tvbtK- walebiiis a switch euyine run0ami«al| OrcheiUn.
■Why shouldn't they eall 'em tbatr Bill? cloni in « ^ilwny yard, turned to
The biy orchestra that is to fnratab
luired her hn*ba
husband. "They're yot '«icoM and a*krd. "Sny. Fwank, liow
tliey'*4uT :i losxwuolive. anybowT'— the music for toe carniralballTaesdiy
c enlled roimihine."
••Yew, I >ut 'I'ucilistv' i* so mnrh c
l>»we<-r livening
areslBR had axebeartal last niyht. aad
polite a wori than 'toxc
tbat toe mMle for that, occsstoo will
Charley, dear! I'm •
b! fioe ta assnred. The orchestra will
u with so slropl.' n qm »tion. Tl
eotsistof 14 pleeea.
I ealird 'puyiliMs' berinse tbr
to lisht."-Washluylon sniili'ns
nkliliS t'-...............-......
Btandinyof .toe Teams.
••Sny." -IO-..L.- iu ih.. ainootb person who
■as already inikine l>. tto un*.ipbiMiratMrs. Hsnsk».p-Tbat parlor dock sy- ed Ktratim-r. takiuc the intruder to one
yriTalt* me so.
Day U-fore yeaterdoy idde and siw-nkini.- in low but deirruiiued
It was fast, yesterday it wa* slow, 1 ' tone*, •toippose you <-ha«e yonrwelf alony
now I notice it's stopped alloyelber.
and try vour lilll.. pome luimeivbcre else.
Ihuuyfat you were cotiic t» fix it?
I'm workioc (bi* But:"~Obieayo Triimne.
Mr. Unuskeep-So 1 did.
Mrs. Hausk«T~Bul '
Fnnrr S-S I'iaet.
^ane—tl'brn I was a yiri. I used i
ill* works out of It. New it <-ao't fool us
rant to run away from home and be
any mute.-l'biladeipbia I'lew.
lurfalv cuveruess l« a lot of
I and
wild rhildrra. who bad a bandsoD

Mlat Mary Bln of Blarham waa la the
Mty yMtorday.
Mr. C. D. Cora waa in the city yMtar*
MUa« MaUl aad Vara Boh of Wbita
(Bond wUl apaad a waak with


Joha Campbell bf Lake awaaaa U aag hU brother. A. A. OampbaU
tod tamlly of Daeatur. lad.
Mia. W. M.



•ra toe fuMta



bretoiar. Jobn

Opmpball of Lmke amaa.
'Mra HqleBaBrairr bM (OP|^toWaitord to Tialt bar motbar.

MlMAlmaDaapTM apd Mra Oaorya
Mpramratortod ydktortoy fcomMO*^laB'warTaBM>dwlfaal 8t



•tartaUlatMr. todMro. J. M. BlakM-


]M for a month.


*^Martha-ls that not

Mra. J. L. TbomM aad two tollAraa

Haminon Clothing Cn.


Her Bap

We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
Atul none art- poor stock.

Oitosnh 111-, attar arUli sritb tod fsm

liiomas' tatba^.

" D^*tr04«P^I> «* Orwwn


Danla the


pity yaalardhy.
Mlat Gbarloua Halm ratornad yaatar-.
toy from an exlaodad wltit with rala-

B. G. CherrymaP aod wife of
Aan were in tha city yeaiardny.


to Snttona Bay In the afternoon.
Chet Dent of Snttona Bty wa» la the

**Bobnr C^dwall rainrnad to hta

la Charlaroix



to«ndlny a few days in the eit;^
Dr. Frank






1^. B. w. Bmlto srant to Manaeloaa
Miarday to sappir the plsM of toe,
ppMor bt the MelbodUt ebnreb, who Is'
A. Bart of Kalkaska, is ta
TlslUBC tba family of J.
Atata alreai.
Jobs Kropp



tha city,
Smlto of



thmfk the city yMtorday on bis way
to Good Harbor. oaUad there by toe
MripaslltaMSolbta mother.
A. M. BMtoAall bM CM
to-MM. dsbata be srtU te tiaric of toe
botal tar the


POM are a Mfa aod OMkriny- »«»
to tha world for Btomnah. Um. Ktd^atol Bowato Oatats aHtoakS.
■Twatt and Jaa. ^ahaHB'a 4nK


to hta m*><B')rj
Rn^l like thU picture with tto ^an
OTer it niiw* totui than llw otlmrs.'
•Artist iimu-h rraliaid>-ln.h*d:
........ -an »<■«• yourwlt in it sa
otcly.- Jii.!>.





Sow toe boBored line ta eaUeci.


Reyworih waa aearly » years of


Theakyw n- PbllBddpbla dnrtar toe
mveniioB < H dotted with tetybl r«d
kitM, Aud U

ReanlBX Veil of Vewfw.
*rie»o flaea
«e flay* were on Unea
“tVbn'e the
toiwwu a plu- ruBiny beiwees the kllea, aad thrae
liwmi nud uu aristdvrJT?".
“Well, ail arlst.K-nit's jrmuUfat^-r has Usee, at tha hlyht at which the kitM
b*i-D d ad *0 hms that hut few people fir. ooBld not be eeee with the naked
mui-nilsT lo.\.- he laade his illon*7.”— eya The effect, toeretora. waa ot the
Chieayo Uecord.
flay flattertay. erito toe blu aky aa lie

cloved aed ae-

aer. voe inucpvauoui
I, OourlTtaveree, No
Ut. aod
WBUKEk*. Hta membcrablp ta thie
Ir.dye and aciire labors for tbe welfare
of toe order have yreatly endeared falo]
to the memben of Court TYaverae.
therefore be It
Beoolred. That while
mourn oar loea we bow ta enbmiMioo
•o toe maadatea of tbe Sopreme Chief I
Eaoreron hlyb to whom we ail owe
Baeolved. Tbat la tbe
Biolhcr EspeBSOD this lodge haa loai a
, trusty and faithful member, bla family
a kind and dutiful aoo aod toe com
mnolty at large an honorable clllsto
Eetolred. That we. tbe ofitacra and
membere of Oonrt TVavetee. exlcod to
tbe bereaved famllr
frie&da our beartfall eympatoy aad
aaanre toere that sre moeni with them
ta toe hour of their dtatrem; aad ferther
BMolved. Tbatfonr ebarter be drap­
ed ta mouretay for thirty days, that a

DIdB'l lee Him.
.“Be say* lM«''nak riybi in tto social
rwim all M-asnn."
A Ufe and Death F ytat
•^'catlUy be wos.“ answered Miss CayMr. W. A. Htamot Mantomter,
•anc. “but be must hare csnl a a
wriitay of hta almcet miraealon
Hoc boat.“-Washlnitoa
eapa from
death, aaye: ••Bipoeeieatter
D oeetu,
ledoeed —------------ -------—
leb ended
Tto YoolUfr.qaeot I
Bbrht asd day. AU my deeton ea
tbeybeepTMd upoe the mtaatea of
The 8aye—To ha ye t
____ _______ die. Tbea I been to
• hta order aad puUtabed 1b Tn Moxxwtoa you want It.^'biri
_____________ Dr KlDy'aNewDtaoorerywhtahwb^
1X0 BxcoRD aaa traTcrae Bay Bagla
Oco. W. Boon.
W. W. Kdley.


EUREKA Monday, My 2,
<I ha-WA found'it)

That is wliat the peopid esy
when they Bee.i>or nk-e
: line ol-



'One Solid Week

Enyland. in


ye«-v elree. and a monumvnl ta erected


' alto yaaterday on batlnaas.


The taai male deacendant

hare ratornad Iron « rlsit with friends
•ad ralaviTasin KtlsmizM and

aoIIls'SB on AM.'
“Mr. Jiibn 1.. SulliraL nys (hat be will
ml pay fof (in oil portrait of himself toause tile artist makes him hx>k
cither a prUeCcbl'T or an nctor.'’
"Whiil d«-» he want to look llke-a
oaidioc? Tlwy’re done in ..U-"-Clerenain Ttesirr.

hMjMtdledar LineVD.


Mrs. A- L.'B4chantand too Arthar.

B. F. Dansmore wat la from -Maple

Steinberg’s Grand

If eweet youey widowe'-want t^
■keteb" aeme swettoeart ta tbe tODoy ’
tangles, of their yolden curie, they'd;
better take Bockr
Great Modlcice
Sle. Aek ycur

diana|M>lis Jeumal.

The laal deaeesdaut o( John BoDyan

ttomNkao Arbor, where ba\bas Jett
pomplatod Ue medle (1

Rttura Eigagtintit.

. l*til>llri>cr« ID New York and etaewhen- arc tolnp ovomin witii book
uinnuMTline dealinc with the war or
■otuo ithaae of the Transvaal qucatloD.
The BuW mine* and lUainuuil flridt.and
toV Boers au<i'Uocr woiucn ImtUlog
for tliclr hoiniK and Orcridc*. are bw
iiaadiehiilup in every couct-lvableform.

We. the < iceraiynrd.
agree to refi id tbe mooey on a SO-1
, ni botUe efOreeoe'e Warranted St-|
Hi* axraploma.
«myh I
Kir»t IVnilcr-'l reck-m Sam i« gone
or cold. Wealeo yuarautee a S5 cent
<f««T «r V'l rc!iei,»u
KetYipd JVcIicr—\Tli.-it nra dt- (naltab 9. ttie to prove eatiefactory or mopey
Eckwif him?
I'irtl Waiter-Why. hr trent* dem bory. Jaioee G. Jobneon. F. C. Ibompwhfll I ip cII •R-m d.>uii' (ip jr*’ alike.

kirea ud frianda at MaabrlUe. Mlto.

We will give you good val-

JAS. Q. JOHNSON, Orygpsl

ik to me nsain
' she exrin^med. “why
i«T the habit of always
f tbiossT'-ll-

know the standard make*

for .'w, 10c, 26c,.3.%c and -50c per cake.

nfiT-^ yesterday to toalr bomn ia
•H>h, (I
lon't fou
.inj; lU ..
mud Bits.

Soap aa you know is better after

Everybody wlio usee eobp
being aged
when they see the name on the •wrappers.

J. B. OasMrae,


TraMtM aty. Mldk, J«m Mk IMO.

Fresh, Clean and
So Good, and then
So Cheap.


considering with

what to replenish the ravayes
of time upon the ‘innbr tuao'
give our grocery a call
It will improve yonrap: petite




the go^

things we have for the table,

BMuUa Block ^
Phone Itf.

Front 8t.

lip Te-dite Gniwgr.


The Best flepeiioire Compenp
en the Road.
■ and dramu. laterspenod with spceialtlre W firatctaai
racderillc arttau. Ooentay
Monday, July 5. la the great acneatleoal comedy drama.

"The Village Vagabond”
Tuesday Ereniog,

M, or Tree as Stool
Beaerved aratt now oa mta at tbs bex
Popnlar prieea^^Hr-^o and 10 Matt.
_________ Telepboae 112 fb^ aeata

Dont Be^Fooled




/f OHOKT £JO»l£t I


Bryaab Obboat StalBbotT'a
Oiaad. wni to thi groat oUody-

ib aOTUN for •
ibrt r»u». H. o., «B :
Tb«7 wtu isdmlf* in old timt
pwtlnM. ftbmfrUlbobMwMBt.000
wd 1.000 lodffM «M»rad »i o« >r«>e} ■
Vuorri oor^ ow Hn. JoksHw.
Ml. of AlbOOM. KM..r'«Wo hold la
OhoonbofdU wUob liio had pidjod
with har ehUdtoa. It ^ hor raqaooL
A oanll. eotoclo of AMrioaa witmnat Fi
tathoAwriouooeiotfinowB to tho
Cara DM^Oon. haro^a ll MoliBga.
■adoaad^todlM ao« dnooH to
IhopoorehUdnaof rraaktert. Thoy
wiU aloo aoad tear oahtaapttro ehUto a auwatala naort UOo oauor
aa ontlair of foar wooka. .
Whaa WUUaai H. Calffbt. a FlalaMd. M.
lamor, paid a dtdlar for
Bk barrali of iraod aohoa, .at tho oalo
aftbopenoaalaftoeta of Haary Hal.
Hflk. a doeoaaod ater. hlo aatfhhor
tearhod at him. Darlaf kit Ufa Mol­
lis who waa raportod to ha worth
tloo.«w, woald aot pat hit Baaty la
haaka. HU bldlair plaeoa wort variaaa,
aad it la aald ha waa oaea rebhad of
«,SOO that waa blddoi hohlad a'Hoooo
ataaa U tho erilar wall. Kalitht
fBBBd aawof hU athaa a roU of bUU
aBwaatlay to »»oo.

morning RBCORD,


Mowmtot tho ■a^aootlaflatho lac bOL wlU toi proooatod <b Taooday
OttT OpM Bobm.
TtoRBRBDBldoalfay W:
‘■la ^to of tho throataalar wntter
latoeroBlBg a good aadioaoeiftoaBed
OoBBoakB aadra
ban at 10;M a. m.
to tho pronatatloa of -Tho Vttlago
bead" at Sloiaboig'a Oraad by
Btyaa** Oowodlaao Tho pUy waa
raadarbd la a raty ^oaalag Baaaor.
^oaac Poeploa' Soelaty of Chrlot
aad the oetora ware froqaoatiy latorHoorealacoarrleo aeoeooaataf a
raptod by applano. Ttio opoolalttco
laaoHac at
Opera Hoanworow^raeelnd. MUlor aad Bryaa
lang ttBO bolag tho Boot approdatod.
r> AaaWOwT.PonwCharAoaoccpor of math aadWadatho aowa of the death of I
Baaday oorrloo«ao followo:
Joba of OmagorUla. Caaada.
Proaoklac •*
*Baaday oebobl at n:»0.
Thera will be oo Bootlag la tho .
Wo offer oao huadrod dollar* reward
lac eaaoeeeatof tho BOB Boo^.
A dordlal iBTltatloB U ojrtoodod to for aay ease of eStarrh that eaaaot to
eared by HaU'o Catarrh cora
all to attoad thaoo oorrloaa.
r. J.ChOBoy A Oo.. Toledo. O. ..
oaaci (Brtooorai.) cavaca.
We. the ondwalnod. hare kaowp F.
J. Cbeaoy for tholnt IS yoata aad beCoraer tHoblagton atroet aad Bba^BalBCOi traasaetloa* aad
ua aroaaeaWo to earry oat aay obltgi
Belj OommaaioB at ll:to a. ax.
Morol^ oorriM aad oermon at 10:M by their firs.
Woet A Trnax. Wholonto nroggloto.

A Taxaa aoffro owca bla praooat lirbt
to Uborty aad tho paiPDlt of happlaaaa
«aa aojourala
Ho waa apprehaadodoaa eharfo of hoc atoallac
aad eonnlttod to Jail poadlac trial
At tho tlBa of hit arrBt ho waa i
teky, raw boaod apoelBOB. bat darlac
tho poriod of hla
waaad ao fat aad iBprorod. to froatly
ta poraoaal appaaraaoo that wF
tho aad of two Boatha, tho day
tho trial east aroaad aoao of tho witHaaoa woro ablo to awoa
aaa who otdlo tho hoc*rradartek Hylaad. of Woxford. Iroload, who dlad roeoatly at tho afo of
■ yaan, had a raaaarkabU roeord '
Maoaoataoa. Foraixty yoara ho waa
m aadwtakar. aad dariac that Ubo
to bartod Boro thaa 0.000 paopla.
OoMOO f. Banyh Boatlfl. Ji
tooBOOtwldalykaowadaclatho tar
away cold toldaof Alaaka. U.daad.
tofOMrotoUarlconottha aorthara
dtatta pat aa aad to tho oaraor of a
^ whbh had trarolad haadroda of
tolaaororthe pathlaaa loo, aad bad
toaMttoanadaofpeaadaet trotfht
m. Barty fint pal hlB to work oa a
M la ms. whoa tho doc haalod propWom tor tho----- r~
1^* Chllkeot
Tho Oalrorai^ of tho SoaU. at aoro
Haotef hardwood tlBbor aoar that
tpwa aaior tho Baaa«MMat of tho
Hilalaa of loraatry. -Aaofleialof tho
AhrWea WUl aurh aU troaa to bo eat,
d will draw op tho
aa prarlda for tho pcoeomtloa of
yoaag growth. It la iataadod to mako
ttoteroi yield o pormanoat aaaaal
iPiaaao Ip go toward Uo sai^ort Ol
ttoOBllogoOld Bobo week, la Mow Haspahlro,'
will to oillobrotod Aagaat U to 18. and
Baiaraori Botllaa InTitoo all abaoat
■aee* aad daaghtore of tho elate, aad
aU who hare ooboUbo Urod wlthla Ito
•hardan. WaMlotla kiadUagtho Sm
•to etaU p^triotteB.

oaaooB^^theBaaoBootiog at tho

BaUb^Uarrh Cure U ukon lotorto^tio. oxtoadod toalL aally, aetla^^lreetly upon tho blood
and BBOOBs sartaooo of tho system.
free. Prteo 7Se per

Cbareh. Oor. Oak and Fifth otroeta.
__ lool at 6:«.
Sunday echo
Foblle wonhlp 11:00a.b.
c. E. |wa^ me^Ung at S:M lad by
Tbo pobllc are cordially laritod to atNo'onalag od^ oa aoooaat it
^Mie Baa* Bntiag at aty Open
cBuacH or ckbut.
B««.r.0. ta«s.PaM«r.
SwriOM hold la Oraag* hall. _
Hvalac iWBWi t0:M.

Ballb Taatly PlUo are the boot.

EtnU Oflstuj Oodk Book.
A limited amiaber tor nU at ts eoato
neh. Will toBoUad pootag
earoeaiptofthoprtea. Addia
Bmld.%a«arao Oily, MIeh.

A im dtmo&itnUoB'
of Craahod Osfeal Ooffoo Cake wlU to
gtvaa at Baaaah A Lay MereantUo
Qw all tto waak of Jaly i. F. OardatoSatarday, /aly s. t aad'r. »S1 It

OuStlaa BadoaTor«:ls p. &
Aaordial laellatloa oztaadad toaU
to attaad thoa* avrioB.
Hoaorrie** la th* aeaalag. M
M obban aad triaada of tho ehareh
arced to attoad tho aanaotlag la
tho City Opera Bonoo.
Bar. Bar* Kneed/. Pe««r.
Saaday oortioao. Praatolagat I0:I0

oian BBOtiag at 8:41
Saaday aehool at U:».
Janior Loagae at 3 o'tOoek.
Mld-waok piayar Boatlag Tboraday
arealBg 7:to.
All aia larltod to tbaoo I
Bet. W. T. Weodhoon. toolor.
In Ladle*'Library halt

KroU A'oaoa will faraUh metal eaaa
for dopoalUag ashoo aad pay la each
or ooap to thane who WlU oare their
aahao for thorn. Tele
BQBbor ue. Aohoa oel
oSm take garbage. MStt

for oalo by tho W. W. KiabaU On.

Woodbine Cottage
fleasiDt Rooms. ShadifFlawo.
sts State StrecL


'^ttoSSiilag tton will to a patri­
otic aeretoo.
BlUo otady at noon.
to no yoaag paople'a
Tboraday night prayer
7:80 at tto homo of C
OamoU on
Waahlagtoa otreot
MACaiiru—cmiad <er. Cinarc
Tho eharehoi aalto la a auM Bat­ gSWIKC
0»tt>laeUon *uar '
ing la tbo City Opera Hoaoa thU
eroniag. A ehoraa ehtdr
p of Prof, aad Mro. Herat m
BerreUi ttmt.
The pablle are larttad to all thaoo
^^AN77U>-^ rood

aoWoto too baoa:rWlod by baga
BwiTBi dr large wiagad iaaoeta.
rorkmtly dfMribad aa dracoa flioo aad
leawU. ^ BnaMl* pooplo la tho
rriHKBB-CkfanlAkcd r
Broalag aerriea at 7;to. praachlagla A dron-X-'lbtooaeo,
toiaoU hadrto eoyer tholr taeao. aad
■way fled iadaon at tho sight of tbe
toradlag *iranBf. la *eT*ral aqaaros
too story gdei. tbor* was a raritablo
Sgtoto prrotrii'ri totwooa tho la- ThoVaootBif Fire Cracker* on the
CaU or Addm* «S Kortk Codar.
meU and tto hnaan iababltaato.
•troota Doriag tho Fourth U
One doyilaot week John ThornSoUroly Frohibited.
barrow, a fdnaer of No'hisb* ooonly.
It ho* b*oa d«eld*d by Mayor Friedpetfs.oMlB bU pookot. taekod bis
ONCB —Good. otrooK. rseh aad Ohtof of PoUee
_______ jlrl. DosorrplDC. duiiliiror
toagbtor nader bio arm and otartod
rare o< eLlldfro—frond wmoa. Hto. W. K.
flet tto Pari* axpositloa. Forty year* otrooUwUl—.— ------ ------------- - K(llrr.4(iStalcr---------^ Mr. Thornbarrow took ap tho 'log the Fourth of July OoIoWaU
fyow FOK .SALB-Oood Joroo/ oo*. S tnr*
Tbe daogor to Ufa aad lUab aad
nice rlrh «Uk. Prk* IXI B.
dalm oa which be now resideo. and at property makeo this prohibition adrla- O old.
' «tot tin* hip oailro poooeailon* wore
foareaoBtod ia o >!0 bUl. la aotlng * Aii pofooa* who are gnUty of aottiag ^^AKTKO-tiea rirl tor rrMtsS I_____
hudoparuuo. tba Wotmoro Spoctotor off any of than cannon eraekon oa the
roy* bo U aatlly worth Iwp.OOO.. OTory
Atflarofwhleh ho Bade la tarBlag
aad ralalngnattU.
Miss AgBo* 0-Keoto'* abUtty to
•mllow bar owa toagao 1* pauliag
Attrotian McFhotm Peat
a WwbLDrtoo sroct.
tto Bodio* of Theradyfce. Also*., bat
^ dooa. 00 that wboa
opoaa bar
July 4th. at U:S0 p. B. to form la the Mn.AlTord,|ROlMc«tr«el
■ioath ter lupootkin thato io aothiag
panda AU ooldlen aad naers are
to It to to toaa. A weak ago waa tbo eordially Intited to taU la tho nak* l?OK OALB OB XXOBAXUB-Tb* serUi H of
f ooBlta COM QOmnorof ooctioo It. lows B
toatttBOtboglrlfoaad herooUabloto
, mere aad naow ear pladgo to old -----IS ««M. LnUno GOUVparfloTB tto teat, aad the diaeorory glory. Bring year O. A. E. badge aad
toppoBod Ih a poeallar way. She wot
*OB aetB-Uto n ood 7T, Ook Bclffau.
to the act' of taialag bar toagao back
mark toward tho roaf of her Boath
«toa fhdniy It iU^od dowa her
Itoaat hattway. and the oeoarmaeo
^aatly frifhtBwd bar. Wlthdlfiealty
toagotltbaak lata aeraal pooltloa.
toaeo thoB oho hat peaatlood It aad
&.aU«hhwatoof J^f. F. Oard- - tMrwi.
rmi stmt BOAT a K.
w looT* *1 tu* oOe*.



A bM dnunitntlgn


A Vaalthtoboaaty'
1o attaa Uddaa to «B»ghUy PlBplao
tonwii. Tottw. Bcyoipolat Salt Bhsaa V«w DtoMrery for Blood
ale. Broklaa'i Aralea Sain will clar­
ity tto taao by eortac allSkta toapalOM, alro Oeta, Brtooao. Barw, BoUa ’DE. 0. D. WAEKBE‘8 OOMPODMD rmt stton__________________ Whf
Bhieaa, Dleoi* aad went facBo to OF 8BVSK OUEBS, tto Brnat Oaaeor
fOaa. Only SSe a boa. Oara gaaraa- twady. aad for aU dlanaao of the Oku
loaA 6aU by 6. VWaU aad Jaa. 6. ato Mood, from Ooataet aad Soeea

3.oi!SaSs~.^. ’J


If you are in iieed of anything in ready to wear clothing for
man, woman or child, that the Boston Store has, as ever be­
fore, made preparations to furnish you at prices always jnst
a little lower than anyone e'se. We are showing a veiy
swell line of

In staples and novelties, and making soma very special
oflferings for the. Fourth of July trade.

A very extensive assortment of men’s
suits that are first class in ever>- par­
ticular, consisting of qualities former­
ly sold from $ii to $15—ver>* spec­
ial now. for $10.00.
Another line of strictly tailor made suits
in the Herringbone stripes. $io.oo
values at $7-50.
Our prices on summer flannel suits, con­
sisting of coat and pants, are money
savers-—lust the thing for the warm
summer days, in single.^ or double
br^ted coats, and navy blue or the
new greys—regular $10 value, now
for $7.50.
Navy blue Serge Coats, with or without
vests, double or single- breasted, at
. $3.50 to $5. with 25.per cent off.

JisUrriieD-* MW lot of Pearl Hats
Io all the latBst shades.

Ladies’ Tailor Suits,
Skirts, lackets.
If you are interested ,in these departpartments read the following quoUtions.
Silk skirts were $5.50. now $3.48; brilliantine skirts were $4.50. now $2.98:
$8.50 jackets now $5.50; $5.85 jack­
ets now$3.75; $4-00 jackets now $2.50;
$3«) jackets now $2,00.
Misses $6.00 jackets now just
off; $3^0
children’s jackets were $5.50. now
$2.25; the $2-75 ones now $1.75; the
$1.75 ones now 98c, and the $1.25
ones now 75c.
All ladies' $18 and $10 tailor made suits,
now $9.98: $12 qualities now $6.50;
$7.50 qualities now $4.98: the $6j3P
qualities now $3.98.
We are headquarters for th^hite piques
- and crash, ready to wear garments,
and are showing an elegant line of
pique suits at S3.00: white pique skirts
from 75c to $2.75: crash suits from
$2.50 to $4.50, and crash skirts from
45c up.

STRAW HATS-New things in plain
and rough straw, from 50c to $1.50.
latest stripes and plain colors, in
Tecks. Imperials, Four-In-Hands,
Bargains in Shirt Waists
Bows, Bat Wings and String Ties, at
25 and 50c.

Small broken lines of shirt waists worth
up to 50c reduced 10 25c to close.
For a Fourth of July Special we will sell
you a r^ular 25c fancy Hose, in Big bargains in popular lines of waists
that sold up to $uop, in light and
stripes, dots and plain colors at 2
d^rk colors, all In pneTot, at 48c.
pairs for 25c.
A special extra fine percale waist, good
The Monarch brand, king of all Shirts, in
patterns and well cut, $1.00 values at
all the new patterns, both soft and
stiff fronts. Popular‘prices—Si up. White*waists. plain, tucked, or with fancy
lace and embroidery yokes and trim­
We are sole agents
mings, from 75c up.
Taffeta and China Silk, ones, all colors,
foi the Famous Ultra Shoe
tucked, corded or plain, S24S and up.
And it is meeting with unparalelled suc­
cess. Both high and low cuts, in
black and tan, with hand turned sol Women's black and tan vici kid shoes, in
all the latest lasts—a shoe we handle
es or cork cushion insoles—all styles
regularly every season and can guar­
and sizes, at S3 and S3.50.
antee satisfaction—all sUes, at $2.00.
Youth’s and boy's shoes, in all the new Women's black kid shoes, with kid tips,
good on/1 e«Fvirpah1r.
serviceable, in
lasts, black or tan, at qoc.$i.OO, $i.i5»
all sizes, at S1.25 and $1.50.
$1.25. $1.35. 51.50. $i\75 and $2.oa

Ladies’ Shoes

ffliscellaneous Bargains
75c Plaid Silks for 30c. All wool Scotch Mixed Dress Goods. 50c values at 23c.
2,7c ones for 15c. First quality Calico al^c. Yard wide Madras Cloths lor shirt
waists sc per yard. Full sized Bedspreads at 45a Mill ends of Black Sateen, fast
cJlor, worth loc, for 6c. Check Apron Ginghams, all colors, at jc. All Linen Cmsh
forsa Checked Cotton Crash at 2>4c. Cocoanut Tar Soap ic a bar. Curling Irons
aceach. Job of WriUng Paper 5c per box. Choice of a big line of Leather Beits,
25c ones for oc. All our 150 Fancy Piques for''8c, better ones for 10c. 35c Crash
Skirtings for I2)4c. Yaii wide French Batiste, 25c quality for loc. 25c French Ging­
hams for 15c. to per cent, off on all Udies' Black and Fancy Parasols.



reqoeat of that *ame committee, fbr
they eameatly dealred “thoae youn«
centlemen wbo tuually thtoa' aqttiba on
auch occaaloM to dealK from flrtn» In
More thM a hnadrod re
•iapwd «ln<* U»n>. and loday that ««o- the vteliUty of the atace."
The jeneral chararth- of the proeeedrtotia holWar U celebrated not only, by
tte poiterit^ that handful of patrlou. iMi on that day of daya--------------ered from an account pu.
time of the celebration In the year ITS.
which waa with -dlartianea of cannon,
bo ^ver 'kiK
the rinclnc of bella. a pnjceaalon to the
d StJpa or the
ehureh. prayer, an oration, dinner and
natriotirk toaata" In 17M. aaya a paper
of the time.'"the day waa everywbeta

nnmber of foretcn pestle who will cele­
brate this Fourth of July. IMO. There
Srtll be Hawallans. Cubaoa. Pilipinas
and Porto Ricans, who have never be­
fore taken part in tbe Dattonal hollday; but only the Hawallans and Porto
Ricans are realU' entUlod to partici­
pate.- In the island of the Utter the
day will be balled with Joy and Kind­
ness and the occasion made ofw of reneral feallvlly. for the Porto Ricans
net er bad a real Fo^ of July, aldiecked that- aptrit of Induatry f
iboUKh they number almoat half the
which our people are dlatln»nlahe«."
dayi of tbe year as holldaya They
When the laat century ended. It fool
the Clttteno- of the United State* more were freed from the c™»P «rf Spain in
im. but In tbe Utter part of the
or icaa a homoceneout people, but la lu
flrat dnadi- beitan that era of expanalon month, and last year they wwre not
by ahlch a vaat new terrllory waa add­ quite sura whether they- beUnKed to the
ed to Cbe orlsinal 13 aiate* In tbe Loulal- United States or not.
jw, hot
however, there is no loniter any
pur< haae. With that and the acqviallJon of Florida were calaed tbou- doiibt as t their Blatuh. and. S3 years
aanda of fbrelvnera. particulariy Span- ____ than a century after the flrat
larda. whalw numbera a ere added |o by Fourth ever obserc-ed In the TTnlted
the conquest of Meilcan territory' and Sutea. this holiday wlU make
annexation of that region now Included ent in PDrio Rico. ~
AccordlBK to Information received
in Texas. New Mexico, Arlaona and
rom that Island, it will be celebrated
Bj- tl|e lime we had reached tbe Pa- n the cuod old fashioned wsy.


It't iKCominI h's t/cea^l
Though Ok boon arc
Bat it lakes away a second
So 'twill really he the
Tee gai ten paeka of crackers.
And bis taa's
til let my toe stick

ail fbe
hid the school^house keys.^
in' shb/tbe lighmia rod. and gel in bouC^ weli.
Tg itiiy-as lively as you please,
up eyejryhody. and well have dead loads of hm.
usi .atrd bang and sirrk^i it's day,
i{s']^ hr bkeaU^t. why. the racket knt done,
^ial^'jal comi^cethjs you f^bi ray.

iiW iUlS
borsebaek witli\
Heiosi^ig^nd Js Gen'rat Miles
With eperiets and coal aU trimmed i
And Sis is goin to be dressed up in wh
'Cause she's Columbia standitt on her,.
She'll be on rojJ a great, high edUhapd ride\
And that's jest buUy-'a

e who has s
, Am’erlcati'admlral end Blr AnSeW^*
obwrved snd remarked on the UkeBtNI
between Ihe two KBllant »*nl
They both hsvt- thekSame whltl
(ache, the eatm- cast of featureO I
the *«m<- military appearance.
Ilken"s» iM-tween the two meo BULJ p
]ude>d a, comparison of the
<^.inp*n>-lnx pictun- of the EnKlIahmtt
with sny of Ihe rumlllar picture* 09

Rne as e>
ires it, and ^'S^^an^l
ns." jest
He'll tell ibout our
>rks and the bao^
And then'll come the j
■A-hflld Thaaksgivin's mighty
and New'-Year's. c,
- ''Though, somehow, ihdy aii^l quite the besiesi fun
place that's all the lime
But Billy and me b'liere
rolled into one,
Like Christmas and i
the i

VW fudge .






Philippmee scaln. where. owtoK ton
landiriK on the pa
people and (heir v^ry recent chant* *
covemmeut. the proceedinfs may Mt
partahe of the eptbusiasm msnifestsd
In other parts. Bui there will be a
public -function - Ir Manila, where the
American troops ate their official
headquarters, and alsu wherever Ih*
flat U-pUntpd. In which the native* •
will Join, whether they wholly approve

oinme of accUlffl that
Cteetr Jhe national holiday which
rUlms the advent of freedom to hH
of earth.
That flrel celebration of ITTT and tbas*
year 1*00 represent the
peopUOoC .
___extremes and-remlnd
Lt their k
holthe United States that
IoHous hoiIday no lonKer belonKS t them as sa
has ...___
ar last
exclusive pesaesslon. bu'. ___
___ _____
frdm the____
___ ; to
to tbs
tbs P

rifle aand beyond, with HawaU, the PhlU
.„,..iuo Iand Porto Rico as steppUi
stones, almost around the ciobs.



natal day of freedom. But mos*
than a centun' sko Amerli-an -orionMS ‘
assisted BrtlUh troops at the reducilow
of Havana and the breakltiK for awhllK'
of Spain's hold on Cuba.
Injhe far Paclflc one of the "steppU*
Btesws - tn our march to tbe orient l»
il&l Utile Island of Unam. where oas
has to be careful In walklnK -taackwwM
.........................Stef, the land
si^I. There, as In Cuba and
Porto Kico.'the sun -biases away In all
illy of equatorial fer%'or. and
urchins who will let off fltw*
works oo the Fourth will not be ovs^
hloK. if. indeed. tMT

! offered Oenerai WashlitKton eras alive
and well, tor It was but five months
I before he died. ,and tbe_ universal
I w Ifh ihrouKhoul the country was ihrt
his deillnlnt years ml*ht be sweetenm
by the domestli- tranquillity of Mount
I Vernon But neither Washliurtoo nor
any ot those assocUled with him ever
dreamed that before another century
was ended the Fourth would be cele­
brated beyond the bounds of a conti­
nent the vast extent of which nobody
then llvlnK knew or understood.
The very first Fourth of all w-as cele­
brated in ITTT. la years a»o. and. be­
side what occurs at tbe present tims OB
slmUar ot-casMsm. the tssUritlSB may
b.- said to have been rather Ume. Tbe
people had Ibew-otkB. to be sure, but
they were not very line obea, coasUlInf chjeflj of crackers, torpedoes and a
few rockets It was not till about 1»M
that elaberatsusct plecw. such as boml
■hells, vertical wheels, beehives, el
came Into vocue. and were then extensivfly displayed ob Boston common.
They were such a novelty that the com­
mittee in charsie ef the arraiiKen
>eK«»^ the ladles who honored U» ex­
hibition with their presence sot tn tit
Imimklswd. M tbsir ITtss would not

and artillery paraded and fired salutes
In honor o^ the day. The bells of Christ
church raOK at Intervals throuKhoul
Rundsy tthe Fourth) and Monday ton
.ilch U was celebrated), fireworks
were exhibited at the statebouse snd
the front of the theater was eleKsnlly
ornamented with beautiful iransparpalntlnKS. We have heard of no
accident oevurrinx. IhouKh thousands
enjcsKed In the festivities of the dsy.
and Tuesdsy momlnx the cltlxens re­
turned to their several employments
Tbe reUxatlon from bosuMSs has not

ctflc. or. say. tO years afo. the flax had
been carried across the continent sr\eral llmep. and when Fremont, the
Pathfinder, made bis Intrepid marches
over the llockles be took with him the
I crealHd the
r July and
-ril was not the orlclnal Intention. se«
may well bellrve. of our predecessors
to take In all the continent when they
dedari-d »o bravely and boldly their
optiositlon -to Geonre III and hla armies.
But the extension of ..ur power and
consequent acquisition of territory
iboul throuKh unexpected c


Whs! Ihi- British In South Africa
stood very much In need of In pf*r
parlnx f.-r thiii P-nx J-nirncy from tM
toast to Pretoria was a company of jea*
liroiii lio busleis'- from tho "wild
and wisjlly west - [I was not UntO
th-y muiilied Ibier cunnlnB wlthv*'COl»»

l/ -

songs and st>e-c hes fireworks, ptweesl-iii.-. flax lalslngs and riiusU n '
then- la-culiar alwirlxlnal Implement ■
.•plied ih--;-jrulia. - The - ulcal.les - and ,
the -Jefes p..mi.-*i. - now calle.l mayor*
and civil wtsistraies. will -orate-' In [ J;
fluent Simnlsh -m l^- bles.mi
erty, the i«>.,ple will pi. nli- 1
made of palm leaves and salgies will be ,
fired from the |>aiierle* of grim old - .
Mnrra Castle and Ran Cristobal
[ J
The Cubans an- so near to tbe Rlaiet
atMwiluie inde' stvl'also
Vtll doubtless .__________________
iM-ndencc that t
join II. iiie .-. lebrstlon of (he de.v of I
duv. Havana, bvlnji a .-.u.mopollian | nial” border lactic* that any success at
city Is already pr.-parins for the event. | all was obtained by the British cavalry,
i-ni there will b.- a hot time " on the , The "heavy household " Style of
tl enooth on parade.
iVado. w-hetw lb former dajw the Rpac- ' business w ___
I came .to flcbtln* Boers la
lards had
e bush : w-es a different thin* altowas ax much a* onr-s life nits worth
,-v.n to mention the stars nod Btii|>ts.
Snmlaro. to... where for awhile Cer- (shown In the lllustrailon) of the wild
v.-ra's fleet lay so s.-curely hidden, has ■ remounts'' for Lord Robertk- cavalry,
laid in a slock of firecrackers, ro- keti upon which so murti d'jwnded for ths
an.1 bombs, and Ihere will be ^t par- success of ih.ise comprehensive Jlaalt
ties to tbe Uorro. that forties on Ihe moveroenu that kept tbe Bo«r* coi^
inaccessible cliffs . which was never stantly on the qul vivo—one coloiilal m
American trooper was riforth an tW
taken by direct assault.
It Is a strange sirht. tfiW. <>f people so professlonau that could be stood up M«
recently the subjects of Another power twscB Kroonstadt and tbs Capa.

■ !



“LOim tolLUtoO.

aathdy out of the proIdrvToo a UrtJe male aad
a petmato* that you wUI he) a* aotudaa




iB dm Kdtog ppocuii tba Wboie jaixik

and begaraa animated toavar- pcatble imt cd the wheat in c»e or two

iwn hetwi
Ivy trow
I. a betrj
and left

a Us eyas.

a asd leave a large peroesU«e od wiicMHnjs afterward to be

dooad lowbat to ksown aa paloit floor.
Two days toter. as Dr. Evans aat baNowadajrttbe Dombto of redaetiao* ra.
fare hrr own cosy gnu Are rtadiBg the
rtoa toom fear to Wi^tor mo(e. kilim
toomlng paper.
an Bbw aUe to grind with a luagtb of
' Gres
han“*be«i d«dw lust a* yoa t»id j lolla tojeal toldO iMboaper tmit of 100
rgeliag, hanto of floor la 14 boor* and do good
a. doetor."'b* mid. "and t am rgeling,
neb worse, la.tact. I have tterev been work.
' mtocmUe in all my life at 1 have
BtoMBtlytba "plaaeiftog" ha ataptbne last two daya"
ppd Into Dctioa and to naed with a very
Martha'* great blue eyea filled with________
gnM e^Kdty both a a aealper and
Boor bolt The poriflor it greatly
*^r. Gneewo." abe mid. "yoa know r.
DbrsicitD and
have bad Pi«^ varying in atn
b?7ud if TOO, »■ Ito^thbytbminirtdU. totobiafm
win eoowilt wmw one nUer and Wiaer ■*»«.
tbaat^ttontdnK catob^
■t... 1.“
I Many miUa creditable to tbe ingenitity
“Ko; 1 mill not." be replied atoutly. oftbebolldenhave biondevtoed toper1 doo'i o ant any otte else. I am tare farm a ntunbar of opentiima In very
on can help me. That to « by I culled nBali aimoe
30. ootnprieiiig
rolli and aepakto momtag. I want to tdl you that I
d aleo WTorml pain of rolU in
feel tomdUe when I am alone, and I ^ ^ taune.L In tba wltofit cleaning tooen

Tnm Ibr 4*Mr
<4 Uw '
Om fc»® t»
OHMaM-t tsBAt le pi*k ua b


If yon (uanot arrange your work ao at to
drive with me for as boor or ao eveiy
lingr .

great giant

with tbe


Phonograph and 18 Records, in Case.
(Band. OrehflEtns Xatio »ad SoBgB.)

Read Every Word of This Ad.

wboat bettor. Tbe floor at it otmioa
from the roeii la now packed with groat
rapidity and exactneso. and tbe bran in


>e of tbe larger 'inills is oi
into half (bn termer space t^a niacbloe

Th« St0TT «f b Tobm 'Wown b
FbrBieUa *aa » Tou«
Kan Putant.
' ;

l>roud lUr for Martba^Crao
ban) «prk in
Vbni. afirr f«iir >«i
«rtrlireu-<l iiifiti<-al
il -ar
.arbaut. abe.maitrifl
t nalirr ••iij', n-DI<-<t a^ fornUbad
• tinjr I.lbrr on tli« (ualo atrrct
aiffo In tbi- ivindoir and aal
•wait a <-nll from mhik' aOicU'd
Uaitba «a> a 'tlcw Wouao" iu ih»
•wartcat, imUiat and IHim
that moi-b al«iM<(l word. Kbc
tbr «ian«'.
iliolia Hut
II OUllJHfH' Ibl-f Utiat dlifdar
lA orUar to ImiiB ..................................
•Id •Ith tbrir
nr«tnl KUiKrioiitr. ^.a bolr dakire l
fvlirre uiatikiud of a U-v of (be '
,flnb U hrir to" in
*w»tnanl>' rnuiiuiiL
Pr. E'ao* «|>mi
•tnacluc and ratrraodtiRjbt llttl
lata •bii'b >b«' bad aathend Bi)ma
tokraa of li.vr /errirad from frirnda
•dnlirra. and tin- idarr wore ■ diX-Ucdlr
fanilDlor nl'ii-iininn',

' fairiy I
irn.l ntH-lved thia mi
"I’kan- i:ill at onop ut (br rmiib'Dce of
lln. ()rii'ii;''i. Mr. (initisoJK ill."
in her to anxwi-r the call abe alBMI fontol bar luodii-ili* c
Oraengo i-4>id« oeo wna only
* Idork*
dlatanl. biit tbr «bori
abort walk carr Martha
‘ttof to .i.iniHikp
p brr.
brtwlf. and wb.n rid
Sira. Gnwtiuii Brrt*tot.........................................
:reH<-d W Ibr youthful
' pfayaldan wn- a> c,iilpt and dignihod aa if
lUe waa aucild rtury.
• "you rrmitiilicr mr. don't you. my
*arr aah.Hl Mra. Ortrngo, eairndiDg
hrr hand, and .Martha rridied:
"To be anre I do, bM who la Mr.Orreagol I tbonght ytnt weep a wWow."
"I am a a idoa. my dear. Mr. Grerago
to m> netihcn. a eery brilliant young lavarvbat given to meianet *
n oli enoogb vben be r
ng. bat a fev min
d asked me to rail
ill y
cay Into
■Id lady irckihe way
I. where Mr. Gteengo.
____ In dmaing gown and allpfien and
Vllb eyes eloac’d. lay stretched el foil.
toBgth nn a grwt eoneh before the fliT;
'ptan-. “Here la tbr dixtor. rani I
4Mr,** .gnuounced Mrs. Greengo. a
lien ah* aeated bemelf on (he eooc-b



The man on the ranch moved bis head
aUghtly. bnt made ao olhcralgn of hoeing
SCaitha'a quirk wye noted

the giant

lir. Evins amaiu^ b-r big piOeat
wiib merry fonvcrsatioii.-and. be began
at sm«.- to iiicna.
Tbc days auil (be weeks flew
lew by, and
UartfaB's paticoti
in nouber,
bnt nott to imports
Om- ^.Jotog to Jnoe Paul entered-tb*
tmii- oRicc
twinkle in bU
••liiKior.” be tiid. "I wtoh yon' would
.teoilo my besrt tbit moniiiig." r
Marlba loulus] nlsrwed ami immediatearose au'd laid toy ««r agsliwt-tb
jroad cbest from wliidi Paul bad draw,
rfi coat
_ . you
not boar i
len-. doctor?" be n«kcd
•■So. 1 du not. Md Greeugo."
jnnr U-art bcata
wonderfully sitting nod trui"
She moved away, but be drew ber
‘tV>ni<-iliiug Is urong with your ear,
Mnrtba." to': sabl. "for 1 bear it pUlnlyB’iiiiie 'sung to my heart that aiiigsevef,
‘I levi- yon. I love yeif. 1 love you.' ", “Pmil Greengor' cried Martha,
tog lirnH-lf fruiii Ills eiuhracv and I
angrily liilu bin soft eyiw. "lla'

*»« on Uie line,of a
With greater capacity, taking leaa room,
naiog a abewterroad from tbe wheat bin
to tbe flunr sack, and
witii a redocrion
.intbeamunnt of power rajoired tomnke
_____ . ..
a barreli „
of 'floDT.
A _____
mill bnilder
^atee that in a well planned 100 barrel
min a barrel of floor per aP-lOOcf a
l«»»^«wer to fair work, while in a
l.«>0 batrol mill it to at about tho rate
if SC barw.-power per luiit of lOObairelt


■r. FsuUifVs Lsurnx the Beeret of Mr.



“I am eomewhnt cuiTioits by nature,"
aaid Mr. Keaiben. recently, "and somoi
time ago I was ntmek by tbe n-markablo
ibor of new neckiiea worn by young
Ur. Ginks, who aits opposite me at opr
boarding hoote table. I proceeded to
Btudy them, and aftor a week or two I
n<H oaily alwayt amootb and fn«b, but that tbuir
appearance was r^alated nccordiiigto,

I,. I ilwirknea. l-:ortw.,days buwould-wcaf
".Vo. tlHtlfug." he
l^e •
TbCO ,
all thd symiiiems I ’ll! 'rnn -f
and luito fuL? into h btock flowuretlred ground nflairtvonld
iiiiirTilng I raw yun place orwp unt fmiu his boaoui. and tbcu two
____ liMle gillsign to tbe wtoduw. After
of **•«» more oowblnaiions would bo
that vVi-ry tiiue I saw ydli <# heard your worn. At last 1 could rrstntn inysoif
nttm- «r even tliou^t »f yon ray heart no looge;, tuid I asked Ginks tiiexplain
Hij ihrout anil there pal- u, n,o bit necktie eysicm. He looked
1 ..Niiild hsnlly lirvwifae. myrteHons and bKkwied me to a «eDen t.gnc me any iImhv |nIU er pniK-n|s
tlons. dear, lint gliv me juiir own sweet,
p,.Mh»s. • hr. «iA Mnuwtlv
self, anil I will be well and bapjij tbe
^ Mr. Featiwra. ho said eani^ly.
s« Of my days."
, *I feel that I can confide in yon thorI'Bul 1. Manila'* only luiiieui now, and oogbly.
Tbe tcarf* yon bavo so kindly
abe ilei-lBres ito- has all sbe can attend to. odmitod are five in ontnber mud aro all
^’bicsBo .News.
; I Lave. 1 wear one until it gets soiled.



I and then 1 diop it in gaaoliue outside of
• my window. After tbe liquid ba.s t vaporatedItakotheBcarfin.aiidcvCTysign
of dirt haa disappeared.

By doiiig tbU

.i,«,«i.L.h. Hn.
I top «p
k, lb. .!»« «.».».« i^rtk. ... b«.T- “ .ppMnbto U..I 'popia PU.I
log Ils- body wiih the fwt to the t*aih

iu wLiofa'ibi- deceased
lie before burial wiiti tbe fei-t
tbe east. Nowadays llie disposal o
body iu iIm- ruem n'uuld be dcU-rmined alt<«elB.v by the sbaiw and siuroom; exw-jit that couiiiiouly the feet
would Ik- plseed lowstil ilii.' dour.
Tiioiigb (he i-uuimuu way to to plare tb*
body ill tbe rrutor of (be rwiiii. snotbor

than l oouJd afford if I depomlod npon

Feathers iu nmclusion. "and I do not
doubt that many otbon like him know
the value of gasnlitio as a cleaus^og arti^e aud put it to goal use.' 1 hope
they all use it tn tbe open air. however,
s a very v
o expludu if expoeod
liqul land isliai
ere to a gas light or


•Ue .and. laying b< r tiny fing<-r* on liir
wriot. aakod In geolle lours;'
"What U the truubl*. Mf. Greengo?
Where ate you HIT’
Without ojo oing bto eyes be replied
"I am a lawyer, madam, and nut a pbyaician. .H-w .V. 1 know what Is tU- IrouWe? 1 aeul (or yon to find out."
"Tea. sir: I Uiuw." said the iaily
-• lie iwv
Iwc y
Indy. "Irut ; I maat tc ILme

Air you diy:v or faintr The |
..--l, .Jy

omer u( (be room. TUis give* ojiporiiuity ?br a eouvealeui auJ effec-tirh disusIliiiD

A> (-I (be iiiauuer of moviug a body
its .l•u^illl, tliat i> always dune witb t
of (be
(ei-t fureui.isl- ll*Is earned
biiuM- III (hat way. .put into (be bears*
rt anti so is tionie to
grave.-.Vew Vorit SniL

Stvdeuti. «>f .G!.-lls-r1 college.
aboul bis etlNK'ieuee iu liU eliUM-U
ffSKieu. thal of a lanjei^ a.*.-rllng
on Imi ••lie wca-iii.ii bad liv efer tnet
I (he hnuda nf white


. .
__ying hi« land over bi« V .. l>n-;isl. paid: state. .Viritilda.
This bD|>|H-ued iu a
"For a Inn;, long liuu- I bate 1iad
giU'-ral Igig.
. e (he giai.-ral
atrangel} iminK craply feeling Hglii
D.irauiv «t (be iubatoftois wn. ,«n,e .ex'.and a (uiiu not an mbe. I•l■.t4lleb n |uila
. fur tb»ir biH,ri»hui-ss.
•a 1 nae.1 t» Into hi *lKblhoo.l nbes my
Ill tjie eoiirw ..f lii« n-niarks to- .
rotber bad i-nnished me.
I f.-l like
uK.r i^nt
weeping a-uni'liniea. anil lately, op sever­
al orenalon'. l-y bi-an ius'imlidtplisl so au.l dn w a langb from (be siwak.v himwndly ll’Ul It m.nle me tirlut uud
Srif as.s.100 rts he realised the suggestion
inesdMartha's elos ks flnsbed liglili}
to bi> slali-nH-pt.
•1 .’•«( in my i>mfi-s*ii*u witb
....................... lil.V. tl
somewliat pW«>iiiy antleipotliioa." b« said.
was peetiliariy ra|.id.
then of hi* 1..
“« hm I n-ai-bed Alexandria, pbere
HI to riser i*e a.ktsl
•'.Ire you t
there were ..«M1 colored peoplv. 4-verydmidly.
“Why. if it is neeeasary. I antiimse 1 thiug.l-.A.-d dark.
1 a(
stand." he rejdli-d aavngety. rising to
Mrs. C
“I wish to get my ear to-iwwn yon?
ttonoMera. Mr. Greengn."
aatil. quiet-4y eying the mil Hgnre beMre her. "Sb
'f stand on the ebnrii ^ will yon
town? And tdeaae temov> your dressing
*”lle smlksl just the ghost of a smile and
•at down. Ue was an bidpWa it required
tt* aaaistuDoe of both ladies to retbove
JOa diraoing gown.
^ doctor then
hook two strange tooeng iostnunents
(rom her gjip nnd t>rocea^d to gire Mr.
Ctoeengo's bran and lungs • thorough
•umlnatiun. When il was completed,
ah* replaced tb* instnunenls. and. scattU herself \Msid* tbc eooch. ahe aald


Wmtdoa ol---------------------------- —
mm have ovenaacd yonr aereoqa
■ a Unle aad heed some rest and
If you vtU apnsd a Wooth ia
ardM, a^ wU toaw waat aad hooka

k. ; : 1 .

When AThinl street i

tbiit filled the balls with an odor which
could i«am:ly Is, nailed sweet.
"Whew!" bei-rclaimed to biawife.
"Wbat tbe iiiischief to that that sniclto
"Why," responded the wife, wliohaii
gilt used li> it, "it's nolfaing but yonr
Fell 1 Kboas not," be said iudig•’W«
"If I had an iiiiagluatiou (bat
saicllod like that. I'd taka it out nud
have it disinf.'clcd at oiitv."—Detroit
Free Frc«.
Tha NegraV
gomo years ago Frederick Dougiam
|,dilni«e.l a emivciuion of negm.ii Ic

Uu oaid ia (be course
of bis
*»e ‘'I'l "O' *hiuk au amal-

,.5 o.,-.

dtwirable, (he pure negro beiog. In bis
Opinion, tbe U-st of ti,.- race.
apeaking bis eyegtosaes ooiitinucd to
alide from their pL-reli.
"Butt wish,"
Iciaipolatcd the apeakcr. "1 wish w*
0^,1 g,, „p ^oine sort of an nfloy for
^ ^

What Will Benda Do Next ?
A chance for bicycle riders to get a handsome
Phonograph and 18 records, in case, tree^
Trim your bicycle in an appropriate manner
advertising S. Benda & Co, and’

Appear In ihe Parade Jnly 4th
The best “ad.” wins the diutflt, which is a good
one, being purchased Of the 'W. "W. Elimhall Co.
The 9 next best each will receive a present.
No one is barred—All can take part in this
contest, ladies’, men, girls, boys, young and old,
but there piust be no less than ten.

All contestants are requested to line up in front
of our store where the judges will award the
prizes to the winners.

here'are some hints


caBablo of holdfnit Bnectaclta."—Bnf-


LfbbI FlAloa as lu Bable*.

K* -I>t«wlngs" la ^ br.

. Tbr 'English' language should be ao
amend.d u» (u ptiwlnde tbi- legal word
“luhiut" fmui apfilying « fill perMins tinder IM years of ap-. '^tve to something
«. UsWub In (be term that h is bard to
recuueilv it mill the idea of a iwisen _*0
year. 11 iiiimihs and » days of age.
ih:.ugh such tin todiTldual woald nudoubiedl3 l- :iii lufwit to the eyes of n ronrt
Ilf Cluiueevy; Tpis hei-ming toeen*itien<T
was atiKordly deui.instraus^n New York
a Ivw day* ago. when an^iufanU" nM
quite 31 y.-am bU. weighing 1K> poonds
nud slaudiiig C feet 1 loch tali, was rep(TM-Bied in eonrt ly a father Wbd wtni^
his ~.u s marriage annolled.-IUchmoito

Baveyon any Kpecialumneto dcHribe
tbo wrinblea.«or oonvolntiouA tj plaiting. or wbatevt* to thu prtrptr uamo for
iutKiualUe. in the tnu« surface of
A woman artUt, ducum

Benda selle Honest Olothiug. Union Hade Hats. Wilson I
i Bros. Furnishings. Union Made Overalls, 48o.
The only entire new stock in Traverse City,
■ Benda sells the Famous - Zsro” Olsters.


“i® mut»«oulC not
betiuMed "bocause lie haa no drawing*
inhtooar." Sbe meapt thal the inner
aarfaoe of tbo "Abell" of tbe
«jipoth.—Now York 80a.
. -----------------------------------wise.
f-hTillitt Pvt Jove, do won know. 1
ewemated when I'm

Mtoa Figg->Wtay. Mr. lytewayto!
CholUe—Jost fawaoy. now, a feUat
' Wife-Now. John, yon know very well being In tbe grave f<» a year or ao an
that it I don't get that kxuiet I ahaP oty iben dug up again law eome purptwi c
and worry myaelf taio an atuek of oerrDon't Tou aee. bto dotb«
OKS piwtretldn. and Ac doctoFa bill viU
^ ‘
^kh-i h« th.t
be llw tlm» (be prte of tbe boaaet,-'
New York JeanaL


Bike Saits, Caps aal Hasiar;.

Fashionable Outflttera



iMHHHIW *»****•§

• "Bva T)waotvs\ra\\on
CmML.'MUvAf^cnit 'fmU «4
>Uu TMUi. &R1MU StKtaAi Tm-

mfta. tluu. 6mm» mA Ifcuta.
kMMMMHHH* »«••««««
. Tfca fflak roartt at Jaly aalaWi
^tammrn l> mortlHt. MlakIfH
NrfflofaaTMaday, aad tm thM tea
rntmiatoWMlaataralckt (ha wn
ariUba|1*aBCWta)oMa«aad patriMtoehaamuaet Um Uttoa'a birth-

^fthwahaa baaa a Llac tMalUaA
fca. tba wwatiooa th^ arwild (aad
tt0«aTlaitan ta lha aiv a taattar
Um, all that U aaaaaaary k M ateta
tha aaad a«d It wUl ba aaypUad. U k
atfbarwaaof“U^^t ••• what
^waal.aaktariu" •

■flh. the hcoa laera wfQ ba U prayram at lha aaw drlvtay park track.
Tkk.wfU ba thabaatraM meat aver
baM to amthara KkhtfBB. ertth paraM
oftt Already a
of bonaa are to tha atabtoi to lha park.'aad batera tha aatriaa
deaa, pebbly M beraaa wfli ba aalarod for tha taeat. Trotttoy. pactoy.
raaatoy racaa, the farmarktaoa. Tom­
my M. thoOaideleaa Woader.aad oU________
_ proyram.
____ __
feataroe will be on_ tha

SIS SSL.™-*'""


™ JOHW C St£EI*felL
•hr4«7«BollB»aotalU*. *j'bro»herf WV;

Ml tkTM is-tech CUacM
«lflit boiBbilwU*, vblek abo* mrj
k»«wa eolflr tad »U
bmUfsl eoa btutlcs of eoloi*. toiidM fttxMsen.
•bootlAf aurt, ■atooca, eoMtt. dw»t(Mi Btan. MrpeBta. foU and aUrar
rata, trmO atws, wUrlififa. aanehataa,
I maBMtb a^aadara, ate., rta-

Snb trm •

eat <3na> &nr<

TaakEov tbbtrarldbBbnniroraamn.-. 70


Ttat ^la H Tb» D«>d tta trait et p'1....... ...
«U1 W rtvr. a* tt bsth bc«e.
Whr. Uira. cUac enio lUa vbce orrr the Uai

jaaaaa slfkt
fiiwwara cf P—' ‘

tclj- Unuinms aud
sc* OU
bm an
■hr 00 700 tnl roar baods vith t - Mona U>r Bkr Bitb roar plra and pnjrr
ten of yiapea, laaa, aaAlaece. rlayt. '
, (UiBlnranrtt tanrtt oet
aerolk, etc.
8k iMaeh. elyht itdaA and
kj be 1
When ewer • UM r
aad uevrr. a crave
11 laA aad it-laeb yo to a yraat b^ht
rnoa rapnuv.... pcTfeet raptsra.
each amklay three repeat*, or explcwith eivww and lyre, be aoerapod Mafx
Tba cbrtn of Ctanw apon bta fenbaad. tbe
ahooU^ Stars, fiowara, paraehataa. ate- iritbaucbtaiI yoa t^pak. ny bnXfaw. U I be
Tho alyht larynt alu are marveloas
hevrd ts abettevra^m
'sw aad tbe celdaa Ubia tbat
ptoM of fireworh* iBinh*nktn. maknradMdntaaben.
^ six raporta orexplntoa*. «aeh tlm*
yi^toy nt a mun' brllUaat dkpUy I would nac


__ '.i2!iKri.2;s5uS'sr

thalWa, aatfl tha whole knrea* woold robe Ub Is featal raimcet. asd I
are abksa.
would Uaa klB a c*7 coodby.
A woaderfel dlAUy will A asade b* AsAob! Whra onto tat tmxtt the boer—tba
ntraeU tear that cuawa to allthe ak 0-taeb. sto U-laeh. three IB-iaA
three»-laeh aad three w-laeb Hlray- Keerr a cn>nw branch aor bloaa« Aeold
ita tMom
am* Japaaaa* aiyht'bonbaAIle. Thera Ai ttythrow
ruaaral abooU
1* nothiay Hoar of the kind kaowa to .
tcaattnc at fcotal board.

I __



msklnc * moat brillkat di*play of ‘ xaA leUtaot helb ahoeid rock the at-

laofWd Air Fire
ehoirere of pearl*, dlamoiids. rabies,!
nara *m be aa laaaBmUa array
A rattlu
■ , a.,..
acd .
* moat --------amizlay
eombi- Asd
ratuu of dnui.i
dnm.. rod iri
«mi ..f t™
oC^attraetloaalethe way of baaa
Uesd Id a clad Uunk^v’mi.- Marr
lobbard Km
b*U iraaaa. aKaarakpaa oa the Uy. T,. ca.b„.u„ -1. .1- ..
plaaaaat tripe to tha raabrk. ate., bat DlybP of the fourth with a moot elab- i,krye. and very fisr.
8k IH-lneh. estra larye vei
e^y tha jwtBdpal laatarra of tha aak- orate and eoatly dleplar of fire ^
Motblay ever aeeu la thk ooetloa wUl wbeeU. Audeomi and brillkat.
. bcattoaeaabarlraahara. •plaattld OaraKalTBaadayVlKht.On every dompins yronad tvhere the
' Iba aaant of Taaaday, tha third. wUl
dty conirarfora of Brooklyn place their
ba of eoarac,tha aaraival. The dty will
usbes one may see conatantly lulisne
ba daoormtad from awl (0 and, aad the
workinB hard Irvcliug the btapa. as
atraato wbara the parade will paaa
toad nftcr load u dvpoaitcd, and care­
wm be a meat of color. Colored llcbu.
fully plafiog tbo tuBiato cana and other
rod ftra. JaoaBaaa laataraa, a bktele
parade, 00 aad of maile, aad to oap it
jeet if the hctucholdm put old cane
all, gaaao Bdaa la bar rUdad chariot,
among the nsbcN for thU tDrarw a 1
with bar attaedaata of stata. wUl mpke
ful leveling by tbo [laltaoe at
a Maae that may ba viewed bat 1
—:------------- .... ..„ pjpenae to the
la a lifetime
contractor*. Tho revenue from those
Haeapttoa to Oamlval Qaeea.

After the bk caralval paroda, with
lu aamaroa* attraeti aa. aalatho
aaa,aaka walk aad erarythlar
that aaaamaM tha people, will oecor
tha rmral recepUoa la the City Opera
aoBaa. where the favored .wQl have
thaopportaaltyte kiai tbf haad of
BerMaJnty JMoa.
The proffram.for Vedaedky will
All tee day from leap before eoaHae
BBtU after the mooo haa aet. Mo
fMture of aa alaboraU oelabrakaa haa
beta ommllted.
Street Oamea for FrliM.
Tbeaireetrameawtllbe of aaoaaeaal order aad will faralah ao aad of
amaaomaat to tbo erowda. The barrel'
ralliac ooataat. the back to back raea,
the wheelbarrow race with a mao la
tha barrow, tha aU teypad raec, tha
anraoaaad oihara wilt farakhthe;
vkitore with a vut deal of
'Toaac man aad boyi tram thv ooaatry,
ai well aa Uoaa tram the el^, m tavlted to partislpata la tbeae yamaa.
la tha Oaladoalaa yam^e. tboM who
are athlatleally lacliaad wUl had ao
epportaaity to wla ao aad of ylocy, aa
waU at a eomfortaWa w^l’ of ready
eaah. Almoat every avaat oaaallylBaladad la alraiyht athlatioa will ba ylraa, u waUaa aoma of tha old Gaaltc
yamaa. fPbo ataadlay aad raoaloy
bread Jamp. tha ataadl^ aad raaoiBy
hlyfajamp, tha ataadlay and rnoolay
hop.atepaadjtimp. tba abotpnt,ttie
hammer throw, tha pole vault, pitchlay the bar aad other evoate will yive
the lovare of athlotka the 0
teaeceoaMooBtrakof speed, etreayth
and ayillty that will be very fiae.
Bieyele Jtecee tor Oath Prices.
Two bieyele raeee for eaah prUm wUI
bo (Ivea. eoa far boya aad one for men.
Ike former will yo from the eoraer of
Freat and UaUw streeu to DlvUioo
etraet and retnra. aad will be for boya
aador the aye of 1« years with prUw of
yt. ft and tl. The other will ae a (oar
, mile raed raee. the course belay frarn
the ooraer of Praat and Otton atreett
vraat to Elmwood avenae. ooath
FeartooBtb atreet. eaat to Doloa and
Borth to the atartiay point. There will
be four priKM of no. SO. *4 and ».
Koa-e'byWaay Band*.
There will be better maele and mi
Of It than tha eUy ever had beiora. Sta
baade win be here. They wll^ be the
Ckeeeeot aad Boya’ baadf of ihk elty.
Barrinyton'a MUltary Band of CadiUae.
famoae band and
baada fram K loyalty and WUIlamt-


SUver Bro). Bly Shew.
BQver Brea, ahow wUl be la the city
for both daye of the celebratloa. aad
wiU ba aa attracUoa that the people
Kaynlfioent Perade and Trade* Dwpley
The parade will be a aouble feati
of the day. aad will be the floeat ever
eeea la thU elty. whleb U ki
ttt eaUre stale for lla fiae ppradca and
tradai dkplaya. There wltflm a loay
prnoilna of aovaUlee of 4]1 klada.
waU ae the dkplaya of the mast pronaaalvo and ap4a-dato ntarehaala aad
■ of fih* elty.
Darlay tha day. day finworha will
faraira fiae aatartaiamant. Aa

Our a-DCber r.f hope.
Onr lionoce Araerh-an star.


cane that are by the hnndredr
and tboinaiKla U a matter of snrprm' to
most pefsuna A two boreo load brings
from yc to yn. it take* several days of
bard work to get n trig wagon load, but
tbelialianadbii'taeem tomiudtbelatwr
of it. f<ir there is luuucy imtmsliately in
Eight a* the pihta of tin oatu gro'
They watch jealawdy ^elr picking
. groonils and Eouivtimea make special
arrangement* with thi- contractors {<mthe privilege of acraping and raking the
ub boape orrr.
Tbo tin cant are sold to men with
furaaoea, who place them in a big cal­
dron, aijd under a slow fire melt tlio tin
aud eoldif nnd ra%tbat part off for fu­
ture uw and' sale. Almost all the .tin
and EoidLT is saved by this prowsM and
is aalaldo for um.' in waking inuru cans
ff.r prfMTving vi gi table*. TJie lioat 1*
th'-u made intense, lunl the iron iliat reuiuiiis is-uielteal and <-a*t into Ta*li
weigiits^ The demand f.jr th-»c old can*
iafaid to be greater than the supply,
and ono of th» ni'wt vrvhiable of t
spaceuger privilege* thnt Th<- Italian*
largo ciiu-s antuue is that of working
over an oeh dump.
Tbo iL-iliana also collu-t odd bB*
ioatlKT til heap*, (ild *bcM-k of a Ian
dzo arc always a rperial delight <
Uhhi. Awagun load of them i* always
salable foV uaodu Waking lampblack.
There are other aoarccs of prudt in ash
heap*, hot the chief vonres'S of revenue
....................................... pieces are tl
Yoric Sku.


. hree Bingrs. Half Mile Race Track. 1.000 Fea­
tures, 100 Phenomenal Acts. 26 Clowns. 20.
Hurricane nacee. 4 Trains. 1.600 Employes,
e Bands. 60 Cages, a Drove of Camels, 16
Open Dens, a uero of Elephants.


The Purest, Cleanest. Mightiest and
Most Magnificent Amusement In­
stitution of the 19th Centuiy

.:»» -paaQ euBeerv ciaeina witji
One donbledaaeebftbefalrtea.
mayaifleentdkpkyof fireworiu. Th«
pioOT B.c oe1eet«d with 1
A akgulnr diurUI iwvu<e. ,uou a>
wHl be aet off near Marehkfa bla;
•mttb shop, taeiay eonth.
Tbe best
\» [speck! reference tc a fine exhibUrst a 1 Vicuiw. Hi* diairi.* an accooni book of
Dnriiig this period it appears be
aK the fireworks diaplay made on the smokrdC^STlS cigars. Of cbwe 43.039
were gifts. The rest cost him i'^.bUO.
Dortb b uk of Bcardmau rlvei
Beware 63 pair* of trouaen and 74
MurChle'a bkekamttb ahop. Spe
coats and-watatcoata, and bis total
sb'mldali Uke *he sooth bank
tailor's bill tvxs cl<r.>' Qt'^ £1.C00. Hu
I bu.-hf* bill slK.Wfl *iS imin of v,
place of csBDdE.'
.for thirty -JiofiSbPd people and ihen,pentove socks ■-noting abont i:
Six e-poaod willow
*e rockru.lspme tospare
' ling* per pair; L'o*-,j,tit.*aijd "fronts"
tbrawlng oat at a great riytatanimi
---------------- —
; »n<l .tuf. coilnr*. nil uf.which must have’
of brillkot fire taking t
I born cheap i.t A<m. Lnenmotion in o
wit!; llie (rreat'WA)e Grcalest Perforiners in tlie kn,wn worlJ i>

-- J
I iiibuM-* .vinl fnrii'.'nl»orls->i fh.'i In*. I
IfiCf Shows this j-easun. iti'"'
I The drink bill, which exteml* over i:. j_ __ _
* ^
a .
i-aoend parschate roekeu.dueharyiog brillkotaursaasneoded '
•c iliirm-nnat'*! a- ...... .
a-Ar*'' taiportont ermni-no* and ibx m»t oota- ■ bock- He t<>Tipe»l up with JV."*-! nip*
blevporin all the metropolis Few of , of-vari'iu* *'rt*. and all iiiisfi>*t €l.-'w
X ^ pODUt
ibrra *-a>uB‘i
>To pan it 00 a*U-nmer nr orna* it . 02s. p)o*iip^
The h;ir* must have | ]
d. chain r
aina ebanyiai
ayr, at tbo e umcnc^'nicut nf <
Fall .Mall fiazi iiu
‘ at last, agid
floatiny, away ia tbe dk .
tumnal bnliday, tbiukwhat gn-at perare vary baautlfal aud yraoefal-ln Jbe;r
I... I.U.-~

son* have quietly
lOictlv lin
lived there, and ,what
elaeU'c ahewar rack Other*, equally grcaiIt, have wept
ratln'r <0 Great .
mid baavan they term died upem it. Toil,
fopuirao , of hui:i:ui
about III*
an aurora of electric Jtwek of-_____
emeraio Tower
Towi-r Etrcct.
*trcct. came RorhvrTcr
huimui lii<-Is
I If year*,
yiarx and [
aad aappblrn tloia. falNag alowly l*
f • tit
hi* trade a* __
an Italhau
fcirtane ta-lldr; , that *
1 nvi-ragi- pniple ,
U;oN' .AND SiSl.iMi Ml l.K 1. ILBY the earth. Tbeae are
a woud^ai
woodarfai ' vhilo tbe bedixi-iiod
bedizened BnrI
Bnrkingbam often | could live that Im.,: if liny
aekievemeoVih flrewi
walked thither in order to nouznlt a ' right way. Tiny *tirmld cajtivaie
Three-e pound ahv
wbkh asad
ISDO on* macT aiare ar
Fcltonbongbt at tbo cnUer's ' cin-niu*laac«* Mnl should U-ani to like
all eolora. dkebarying in every direc­
abop on tbo raianiit of the bill for a , physical cx<*Kis« lu aNCieutitic way No
cVeu. abilliug the knifu with wbich bo killed nian. lie Kara n».-<l be pariieolorly ah
while tbe dnko's father, may bavo known for ah'iiiiousiu n-yard to niiy anirlc uf fcxxl.
ilyrr- what purpose it Was required.
for tne mitc i of lung lifedol'«>notli*ablva ibemwlm Into a revftvioy ebeet
(Yilliani Potiu wa* bena nn tbU hill tberv A h-ippy di»po*itton, plentv ,j(
of brilliant fire, endlay witha karat of ka house close to London wall. Potty- sl<*'{>. a cnurMTatv zratiCretioc of* ail
, ____
___ I fonr years kn.T—tluH is, In A. D. l«M tbeuatnralappi’?iti-. amUbanglit kind
v-IJrri'-*• potl l»y
choked by a cnMt of piiy*irel . z.rr;*,-*. will tnsurv ionetof^la^^a^y^t^ yoid^^«r*^ «f wfaich ftarvalion bad urged him to d«-I giniy to most proplu.—New Vco-k
Tonr too greedily. In an uppo room of ; Tribune,
tritt?*be» karai^
ill fated
Tkrae S-poaad ckliope rockets. After , tbe
—- Bull
...... was
— tbe
------Nnt • Ctatf r«rv.
an axplxMlOB they fill tbe air with land, i Otway. At tbe tlroewben tbaocnof tbe
A Swansea tradesman. Uiug rronbled
oarooublay wbktiai. wbkb can-be | mnsea lay dead. Bettmou. tbecelebrat.Ug, after
^t,r tbe
Ib, restomb •Yl' '•
baarfi at a great dlatanee.
j ed founder cf tbe stage
Mbk.. ...1 rat .bm
Tkrae 6 ponOd ooraaeopk .raekeu. „tioo,waswTii
bat aol tor tb. bo>i*>d Wh,.. !, ™ uo,, u, i.te.oo.l.t b.
abower ----------------------------dead botattuowTi ficHriora aorraws
---------------->”» month, shut bU eyes
ad by burak of emerald motaora aad . to-TeniwPrreerved.••
gntped .tme doivu
down Be
Be was
was relieved
tcliev< of
fiozatloB atara
wiaon.: 1« wa* in Great Tower street (bat
headache and
on hii way re
Tbroa U-loot firewurim
I Petm tbe Graat oaed to pam bk evenhnier in tbo day be found tbe
whlA aaeand tp a grrat belgbt.
t. all tbe <
»« «"«
*0^ ,,tleu in his pocket When be dk
tlma tbrawlag on* a briUknt aaaart-: ing* drinking bat . ..
half a .sov.-reigr
•«-meat of fireworks of avarydanertotloi. with bis boon oompanion. Lord Car- oovered
............ ....
---------------- ...
............... ipmrtben.
In tbe nalgfabarbood <ff
street, wbieb oan scarcely -Cardiff
anyad by thk eommltUA.
B^tada bombshell aalutot.
Mead eMfaet la the air and

$l0,00j_ Ch3Henge_ Act.

rjThe 7 Sfirks, Bicycle ani Skiing Experts.
Principal Wale ami Female tquestrians. 10



- '."I

The Sisters Vortex, Triple Revolving Trapeze.

ha ylvaa, fof tha rapMtal haaafit of
Aon who naaothahna to (ha fin
voiA la tha avantoy.
Vhr Ana fiaya, lha (


Bk :

hk -‘8i
i Grab street tbo *uppomd Ii
'of many a mnta
rata tnglorii
Inglorion* Mill
mneb back Htereiy work

0to''^l amimfftbatoUnn.-ffKtotItliBe'adertroTtog
jwge. ^haaa open with an Ola Btea-j Mwaaina.

Shoretringf were first worn in 1797.

A* 10 n. m daily, k the finest ever pot on tbe fitreete. A eanbiirat oj
^letdor.^ A THutn^li of^y. Mo-iy nod Ocod_ Taste. witb Lnmh
reateet ProferaiooBl Fectom


A pair of boota. reaobing half way to : ImniMI Ra «i Brery Um r Tfllll.
tba knee, were raid in Pompaii tor »a. ,




*•1 K««f* it irtanr." ■•« Pbrd a»d ex*
Iraded lrii|li>^ AemfcH »book it btett- 4lbloh Vwa ftowUy • Teey IwMsaaa
tSM apeetnaM.
A luiU ibacr toUf the papm wm
I MW poetk josiicv orertake n fat
MAoUra; umcu
inw* up; ■!«» "ienaL «Dd tbe tm> <rf
0 tbe otber aicbi.''
broker In
Vm v*Barv« u *<•
lUeiptua * <turu.n
Aad «MD ■> p»-r fcfi«
wsioa ft
Thil v.-ry aftrf- St tbooe red yowled,
T« Ui« tait g< DiUs* I
yowled. |wp eyed fat men ISSmpSpS^^
koon thf *Wf jiariDpr acratvJ tl» W- who always
T« Ifcr^n- o» rru- i* Wn<*-«.
Hed 8uotii i:ad Vui.
p'ui. nintiK
unlou tbr Crat
■tbeir |«UDct—------—--------- ----------•V a -'.^ M ■ UiWo* *atra
til litiuicy
cakb p«}T»rtH • illi
IWiUcy ■drkprrd \iT comer nmlcr tbrir collar battoos before
M WA <p> t» M>Uk4r M»dr.
ibeitioiuriartDi-i. WtH^ skc «ra»e tolo they becia to dcTtmr ibcir meaU, aad the
n<A m Idf I tan-lM a « bM
the <>«.»• «illi s ca»h}er'.
tor (be way tbe ^ of this particular specimen
TW te4o< l>ir>n*«T M«k«^
Unmnrt IWiaitcl
iwiairr-l Krr.1 l.uL^ «p si
br tai4 «■ ta mii
fonnd Um oat was eery amusinc.
Hr W W laml^tb fajflii.
la rrm'Wfd suiszi-u.'nt.
“1 was sininc orer a Uic supper ia a
“Good frii-r«l> suJ cood •rpdit,” Mid cafe on the other side of Canal stroet
AbtaabrL aaKirrrinc bh bUbco.
when fbe fat gentleman In qm-stlon caioe
Thru Fsrd'wrnt to w<Jk with a rlsor tuddKnc in with a bdy V«i bii_prTB and
tbat be urrrr dmmcl lie pmawssed. Ur took possetsioB ot an adjarcni table. ‘A
mapped sad |■tatlI-d sad bi«I oritr corr- waiter bostled' up to Uke bis order aad
tf to Msitiac tbr Mk ot tbr asw allot' iBcideDiaUy laid a - napkin acroM bia
And bf was weadcrfally sn<* knee: but, owinc to bia girth, be couldn't
rafol. Hb .■nercy Vai fairiy macactlc aee it distinctly, and ia fomhUng aroand
fa it. iCtcbsily. It sremed to draw peo­ with bis hand be gut hold ot tbe eoraer
ple to biu. It was buuni msD|.ellioc.
of tbe table eietb.
-1 didb't Ibiak I bad it in tur.~ be a
wsteblng hliffdut of tbe tail of
with a UoKb to Annabel at tbc riose o
particulsriy tmsy day. “1ml I Uaty
IITI 1------------------------—
bare T.TjeMed tbr secret. fM>- rttrrgj U tbe baad of bis eotlar.
Fur tome ontaMottorartafaTenv
aU dne to ibe fart tbat I am ao lon»er known reason men who are addined to
warfc uc exHaslrHy for myeeif.
I am the Mb babit always mske a point of alWhant. pMb«. (L. .
workiac for yon too. Yon owa an nodi- tarblnc tbeir napklas to tbeir necks as if
OnT*,>(kI.F«Hm. <agw|...........
Tided half Intercat In my bedl efforts, they expected them to remain (here tor
“otb; fwr
- T ba......................
and that's wbat ker^s tar ■-Stdas "
til (Ime. and 'tbls genticmau look par­ ___________.Mr bn..............
AaasbH bent orer ber desk sritb a lit­ ticular pains to see that there was ao
«id Ur. F
-MISB Chsftsfs." Mid
tle biosb.
rhnnoe for a allp.
'toe ta Us lypewriter.
er. “I
- w.—.
•TVeU. and bow do we sUad at tbe
“Then be proeeedtd to order tbe reerlth riM for a laaBeni or two. XUy I
pieaent mtiuu-nt?
ast. Tbe first thing sereed was tnrtlo
isked him.
a uuntion she often ask
l>a^ and the two gaests had Jost comIlly becaose It delicbted bim to menecl to discuss It wbcu la bustled an­
tm SI ab« cisBiTd at bar Isst liae aad
other lady, who erldeatly belonged to tbs
■Escelleotly." be IsDctancly anew.
4boB Ward bark.
party and bad Ishb delayed ea foote.
U joaarw inflarlnff from any form of
i(l» we tHU
<HU be abU to pay As soon as be slipped eyes on ber tbe
“Miss Chartora,'’ said Ford, “foa bars
rhnt^ttam. akin or kidsef dlaaaaa.
.twy you borruwed. and I'm fat grnlleniao uttered s Joytal cbortlo
liMo bore kmc oaoncb to kaow a coo<i
will bare er and scrambled basllly to hli fnd.
obeiitj. or any ehnwie diaeaaa. the brat
abool rfy boslaras.
I'robdUy al- perfectly c«i ifideat Ihi
WMt as BDcfa as I do. Too kaow ibst riTtbinc clei
“As be did so be took the entire elotb trentment yon onn ff«l U tba BatiHot
tbian barra'I broa rotalas my way Ut«rwith him and ueslly deposited two platea Air UMtmenL It ia not a ebaap bath
Ir to aay coask^rable rUoat. Ot ooursr
of hot s.iup. a bowl of sliced tomatoes, a
faka affair, bat the UtMt and moat
••Good.'' she cried: "rery rood indeed: bottle of oil. a
it is wrll paodcb to My tbat lack will
roo see. I wasn't mhtaken In yon. AU of Iwe»d. a CT
aaeeaoafal Inraotlon of modem fbndleal
tarn, bat ibaCs sasall comfort aad ao re...

tar prteaa of yialMdijr t



yisyhaas ■«. KB.


.. .dr you. a._
prompt aad earefnl attentioa.
Only the moat ralmble •
Basra eery low.

TpvX. sr. K. A W. a. Boob. jMSraJ nwnlf aM


re's iLi
)U kooT

o. ^s2fSii:3a.'',ds%.w

Best to be had in
the city is at
See Minplee in window.

WjrU.DB.aO«BrTHAL'TBOHnOH: oftsa
ACL •>* suirs Pr»ak PiiMneh* aew Block.
B«*Ume«.fn WsssOoguia stceM. WMSa**
aad chUdree's dlssasee s spselalty. OfSee
hoaa: iOwlta. w.: tw4sadTlst*.m.
HU'phMi. Motibera -ptoac Me. t.
TVt- fi- K. flDOD. OBo* ta arv TwmeUer

Faieral Diiaciaf.

Where the cceeattic owner' deniandt
Imusdlate down payment of K.«» cash
before be will sica the piperiL It 1 bsd
the money. I eouW make a eery band«ome tbiac oat of Ibe Uad. But. as y<
know. 1 bare written Ibe owner. tellU

“I don't want to bother yea, Miso
nkarterm. with my bard lock atorioa. but
It does me r>od to •
----------Aad now I want _
yon tblak II wonid be better for me to
■but up abop and (o back to a Mliry
"No." Mid Aaaabri Chartera after
brief paaae. “1 wonldn't do that j« y.
9t aaems like raanlas away from tbe fte
to me." Mid Ford, with
^oit htagb. “that tba field ot faattls te


"Whatr tried Forfi. “That flit edged
I'by. we couldn't toneh
tone' H
pole. Don't yon know that
there are 200 aerea of It, with a good halt
mile atraag along tbe arenner
“Good time to open It up. Ian t Hr tq-


"Wclir Mid tbe yonng man InlerTOfatirdy.
....jr echoed thf:young woman.
“Can yon really Uame berr
dTbc young man aurted.
1 ’?Sou are not rery aympalhetle," he
"J aobt am that this Is a ease tbat
rails for sympathy.'' Mid tbe young wosnab. "In fan. I think yon arv t.. be
rcwgratnlftted. I’m perfectly frank sritb
y.iii bare given me to underaiand
nr aerviccs siill be .no longer re/jnired. 1 ran ipenk all (be more freely
„ tbU account. Frdm n«- point of view
Wills yonng woman." and she tapped tbe
letlit siith a forefinger, "bss be,-n
eAruwbark for you right along: Rhe w
. -m I.M1 high a finaui-lal plane for y.
You keid .tonrself poor trying To pin
Her lurnrious tasles. You ntc auffen

S .

v’umk you will do a-great
every ws.t n-.w tbst you a
sung man
V '11 m'ust admit." Mid ti
t deal of
alowly. “ibat llrerc is a
Irutb in whst you say. although fon am
not orergenlle in the way you break IA
to toe. My prid* has bad a denced bard


“INtckct your prid-.
Charter*. 8b* looked M bim •burply.
■"What era yon going to'do nowT
• Blessed If I kuowrp«id Fbrd.
Anaabri looked si Wl»> a little
Tully- Then she suddenly smiled.
“I'm going to mske a father eorlons
proposiiioa to you. Mr Hampton."
aald. “I’m gtdag to suggest that you
muA 1 form s parwndiip In this retl
twisie bunness and give it a fair trial.
Wait a moment.
We will share and
■hare alike. Y<m bare some experience.
1 can scrape together a tittle caplUl. and
*rc will both agree to put oorbest efforts
dale it. Whst ilo.yon MiT"
Ford Hampton staird at hrr in aaiaw


M iB opmtloa at my OSes la the T<«
aeliw block. tl6 ProbteIrMt, Traemwe

gee. Ms. N: raaldeaee. HTTf. Xortter* jta*
T\B. A. J. BOOR-Vetariaarr. anrren. at
U UorgM-e Bare. TraOH ilsMsae of al
dawestle aelmaU by the laMM aad most aoproeed Mibods. Day or eight eaUe iww*uy
anssded. TclephsaeMaL

Talepbsao Ho. W

John R. Santo,
Geniil iKiiner
Warxbort Block

Usa-OBeansst u> Vslt'e Dragatere oeX'atea

Sr*5f7i'1K££S7'5' ■7“as Pere Marquette
jTjsrif.’srfAsrssis -42.-

E. K. Fuwo. M. D.

Ah'! liMflar 1
K. ft H E. ft. B. Oo . Fnly 4th, 1400.
Will sell Mekt
tora limit Joly—.
—-------------wumc LHBOMB. He* Praaei*:*.
round trip betwMB all etntkms ra tUa
Use. also betwew thia Um and ompbaasm
' HI
MCtlou in loww Mlehlffma. Tralal
srUl Icaea Tmeene Olty at »:80 and
a. aa., 1:18 aad 9:10 p. m.. My 4th.
for MaalatM aad Boaer aad 7:80 p. 1
•ri?a I ■
for Oadar City.
Trataa sriU arrt'
at «:80 and I
from Maaietaa aad Bi
m.. from
11:00e. BL, e:ISaad ll:M p. a
Oe^ Olty
yop aU no matter
sriab to eelebrata. t
LM the
wbeia yon sriah





wark elklgkonpaaatbU grads. Vlaoi
Vew OSIee. Wnrkham MoA

It. bat
8 B Wait.


bat Iklag w« rss do It IS dror ow ngigmrst
Ot ooa. I will rKura >var ring by s mrcUl
TiiiTia^ 11‘SP' yss *>» w* t‘d* auiwr tn Um

Boems at 4M Booth Caloa atraai.
OpcB ^ Bight.

treatmant hare

It eostt aothlar to see the ap

paratu and iBTeetifaU lU merits.

OUy. Mleh.



***^letdid‘^Jiplitd Ford. "Bat what
of tbair
“That'a aametbing." langfaed AnnabeL
She pauaed a momenL “%That do yo
"No. I thialc not." replied Annabel. 1 way to baodllng H oa cmBmiasionr'
“<Jreat.''crieil Ford. "But can weT'
nappoae I could find another place. But
“I think an. 1 happen to know that tba
1 don't Ilk* fbe Hea of yoar throwln*
Ur*. Ulppoawaer baa confidence in onr little firtn.”
7oor band np ia tbia way. Stick to It a
or you'll swall
“Tbe owucr licet out of towm,'' at
Uittie lonpr."
fi-'ord loekod at ber. wlA a faint snule.
"Oiir fame U spreading." Mid AnnabeL
“Perbapi yon and I could chance
A srevk later Ford was busy making a'
plaoea with mutual beoefit." he Mid.
plat ot tbe famoua Kummer (rad Ao anbTben be aoddenly added: "Bat. here. I
mlt to Ibt- owner. He worked at it sritb
•inlcht as well ciplsin to you why 1 feel
_'retly fair. When I left, ibe soldier
a wild cntbnsiasm. Here was a t>ie<v of
.yiartlcalarly Uue this afternoon.
TicoDt land that hadn’t Us cqaal In the of tbe legion was dying in Algiers, and
that." And be toosed bn a dainty a
they were ’fixing fur tbe burial of Sir
county. Tbe luu wnnid be mapped i
’tUMIy perfumed and quite np to all
John Moore. tboBI* not a drum wat
like srildfire.
oorial requlrcmeiils.
beard, not even a funeral note, and I
Krrer was there a greater change in
doabt U sre'll bear aoyibiug futfber from
And this was ill
man. Ford had lost his lisllessnesa. He
qairkly dlscoecred:
as some one got up and declared tbat
Mborrd like a Trojan early and iate. and
rfew would not ring tonight."—Atlanta
M; Dw rer*-Tow Mtsr mi so ftothiy agreed with hi
tkst St an ! tbouobi jrs -sr» looiioe. »•«. .
cu in extsleuce just aU
«mm* BS Ikst you sf» ctsbt. Ik mid ILtl you
months, when he come Into the flfflee lata
to te>t low yoor irln Of cosn*
Ho Baras la Trrtag It.
afuruoun. bis taw glowing, bis cyea
MOWy saOfOliM Ihst i B'l leouskl
"Do> you know of any preparatlo
tow Wes c«JiI •mrtrly^^
*00!^ aparkling.
sir wary and li
nake one's hsl
i’apa Barues Jnst now." be cried.
hit hinlM^s 'ssd dticooilorti
d cnrir
me wHb bot^ banda.
rpapa .-a
mlgbt try lUs mixture.
as ts«lly
■ saythiw
saythiag tn IcsA lIarwsTd ti> 1 wumM
nry bair lo tako
I re brin pnltlng U
Mlllag to
j't do ii."-Ohlcatbe kinks out, and it
"Rbe wasn't with him today, bt
go Tribune.
n-u ber ts-reral limes lately."
onsw wsr. sad rrslly I t*»l qoilr sw» tlul tb«
Mlso Charters, if 1 broke up here, wonid

UMenrlnffmany eaM aftar
all othgr methods of


p C^OttMW.AW^r. fifjri^MamitM

Why Go to llio Rot Spriogsl

aimortment of enllery In bis
______ WU*. SI
"I bare longed
and sundry occasions, but neter with
such a poignant yeamlag as 1 longed for
one right then. I wanted to aecufo a
“She did." Uuebed Ford. “8be gaee uaap abut of a large, portly graUefnaa
me one of krr old bewltcbers. I cueas atanding
dnmfonaded. ' horror
papa thinks a little better ot Fordle."
atrickea and tranifixed. sritb a ublodotb
“And yoar inquired AnntbrL
faateaed a round fall acek, a foregroaad of
I care
ber one of
»f my eoartliest
Bovp and a backgronnd nf byaterieal f^
bowa and passed right along.
Tbere'a malm. It would bare taken'first mooey
qnarter bow.'
a In that. q
at any amaieor contest on eartb."-New
Orleans Tlmm-DetDoetat
______________ Ibe abore too dosely." she abmpUy mU. "B'e can begin to
Uk* a few tbaacet. We srant Mlriam'a
a to larroasc his good opiniou regardpapa
Wbat do yon tblak of taking
r tbe Suaimer tract in the Eaat

JohMOB a



You no

PhOM n.

^--ri5£2:::::: ■


fM for prFM«t atriasMicin.


T.F. Halter,

A Gr^st Discovery t>lopoinow

Por Ofrirat alM »

WisrtwoB. OXT..
Dr. C. D. Warner.
osed Tonr Oomponnd of i
the ffTMt cancer eoro and
fler. srlth
ewmllent -inlU
reanlte^ I do not

etluasnu, IN*.

Haniar I ^aunibaait.
Sfifififi SSSHeSfiS 8S


for which
arelna.ebcrt UmcM^ manireattbatU ,

GnidliRUit IilIttiSi.




bgTe bfid my boildiiur

reboiit find pnt in


eb&pe find nm nov ready

tu receive fill old pfitroni.
"Atv you qitlle aurv yon ate proof
Bobbing Price In PIrbs* Panl.
gainst the old faw-ioa '
"Xu. sir. ?2U wouldn't reimburse me
I see Of MIri
••<fuite sure.' The Ui
for for tbe money 1 spent 00 that nntoram tbr mote 1 admire you.
lie Murted It •uol mougmiessiy. ana tuuate fatnilyr
then, as be reslited (be l.luulrngw of tbe
■rk, be lurocd lowsrd her quickly,
Ufive TraveiM City at 6:30 a. m.
eyes were fixed upon the paper be­
LMve Grand Eapida 6.80 p. m.. Mnake ,
fore ber.
Mil 6;trp. m. Bate *2 00
Great at"Y'on look* tired." be gently Hid a* be
Brreir CempUtwIag.
traeUona for Snnday Tlsiton
mored nearer.
Dr. KandiJ-Your euinplalnt-is a rery
Id 27 3S
T am tired," riie attsweird. “I really
erioUB one. nindam.
think." she went on slow^. "Ibat I will
Mrs. Uicbriila.y-Tbcn'! I^knewlt.
up tbe business altugetber.
Dr. -Yes. madam, your eumbare 1
Yoo air sit ted BOW and do nut need me, plalnt Is chronie. without the slightest
wme of going away."
ailmeot 10 eitns. lt.-I*biladrl|>bia Fresa.
and I Ibink----------------“Going Bwayr
be Waukly echoed.
Of Caarar.
"Why. wbat
wbai wtmid'l do witliout .vou?
man I nm. Yoo'tc
“IVr are not Knglisb.
I duti'l think
made ute
ule tbe
I—I •■an'l spare we ought to rontlnne to say 'parlla*
pot new life into
in|» me
t ber with a' dazed
:ary' or 'un|>arUuiurntary.' ”
Hr looked
riiat would you My?'
The boat furnlahgd aad beat
I'by. •congp-sslonar or ‘unconj
"Oil. yeK yon can." she said, with a
. tiost ot a'smile. ' Yon barw^eamed to
il.' "-ebirago Uocord.
walk alone rciy nicely. .Ml you needed
was self confideoa ."
Ho came a little closer.
Walker-'Tbat's a very short slump of
“.Vnuslsd." he said'very softly, ’'l-l a pipe you arc smoLln.
Bbodvii-Y'e*: I like 'em Ibat way.
will not ask yon to stay berr as my part'
You don't bare- ter draw tbe rmoke
nor. but as my wife."
Rbr l«.k.-.l up at him with glUtenlog
.-Pearwta't Wc-kly.
ryes. .Then she faintly stnilcl.
•Tbr revised arrangement 1s in rrery
way lalisfactofy." she demnrety mur­
“Wbai's the sizi- of Morocco's nandinf
“About 23.000."
they were walktug
A bait hoorlatr
“Moor or less, 1 suppose."-CI*TeUDa
anl Annabel's
Aonabel'i boarding plser. sbe
Plain Dealbr.
sndc •uly stopped___
slk slower." sbe m
M. ''I hare
I mnke.
you to know
'. I want
• Willic-Ma; wbat is an "affalrr
________into yonr serrlce full of the
$6.00 photo* for $3.00; $4.00 pbolos for $2.00;
Ma-Tbai depends. Willie. To m* in
Idea of marrying you. It was all wrong
of coune. but wait until yon k-aru the
$3.00 photo* for $1.'*0.
Frrbaps you may hare
heanl yoor mother speak of an eccentric
friend of ber giribood days whose name
Bis Xaraial Coadltloa.
eron. He was very peculiar and
n reckon tbe major's goin to
Idea deeply rooted in his mind
Ice next yearT’
that be had tvmaincd single 01
“Goin to nia? Why. Hkra aDre. s
mother's accoant. He was my onr ..

All Kinds Of Repairinfi.

to. *. I. BolM. OmoBo Dotuuj

The Waukazoo House!


Firs Insurance.


8 «Ti s 8 «e

L L. A. Building.



Bing! Bang! Bing!





II IB*, m irsia tss chair car ta Oraad
lupisc *■» s a srala has buPet Mrier <wr

Trala SIT > nag SI S im s.
V. aa hse sleeper* from
>. LobUtUIc ssd CiB'

elosau: siso dlalsgcsr
Trsla srricisg si I A)

uiBiB in Himumi LI.

For the 3rd, 4th and 5th of July.
And 6 aenoine PlAtUmm PhotoffrAphs for 26 cenU.

I was with him when be dii-d. In almost
tbe Ust seoteoce be spoke he begged me
jerc and do my best
on. as hr called yon.
*d bim 1 iroold try to gratify
He bod done so much for me. 1 hope ne
arcs and knows tbst all Is wclL" Sbe
paused n moment, then she bUthrly add­
ed: “Bat uow that yon know tbr depth of
my onderhanded plot let's cbangi- tbe
Whew are wv gulag on our
>aa can possibly Ibiak of me as a part'
werlding Jourtuyy
-mar. knowing me a» wrB as yon do."
• BoC dearest, dare I go away'T cried
' "I certainly wouldn't think of it If I
Font "ThetT's the'Sommer plat. Wbat
-ftldn't know you." Mid Aansbel. “Be- wUl tbr owotr think if 1 run away In tb*
-«Mes. yen eDderutand. you are to ton midst of my preparatory labon?"
■s>yrr a new Imf. What aboot tba propw
" ob!“ Mid Annabel aofUy.
don’t know yoo." bo mIA
wtartlr me. Y'on nrrer were Hk« thU berore.
How coaid yoo be oo-oo doeU*
«sd quiet all these montfatC
-I was biding my time." she Ungbed.
-Bat doo’l let us drift array from bosi-

j.' L

Fine Wood

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
“n^No; he eridenilj forget bis noUfi
I Nes
Aad Dob’s Piad Eld
When some poor!* I«*c tbeir positions
they look ground'for sympathy Instead
of a new Jutk-Alcfalson Globe.
H'la* Baa Hrrcr *•«• It new.
a wise man tbat knows bis osra
when, it is fixed Op (or an a



BldmolkAombMln lUslsa.


JOHN F. OTT ft 00
Mon t* XnvBTM 01t7 Xiftmbw Oo.



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