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The Morning Record, November 18, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Anothbr High OffkHBl of Chinn
Co>p»d Up In th« Hills ftm
VryiMM by Bobrs
a aonlte, stad tb»
MaloabU Iron Go
roinem TKA»<-2ra 1109
V V*r« «wi »pmM 1
•w^nw U» T« a 0«*Mk KMry M«nMa».
to bo Condsmnsd to Dssth
for «».«D
A paoahaHty of the aait
ntlt U tmaadtipes tba opmloy-1110,000
Br Haagarlana by tba oi
Thi ptelsPff all^w
lAl^los. Not. It—lAanL Ooload Raaa^ B. Barftem. inapeotor
geo awl of tba
Bks, ha.
Aepartminl of Porto
t a peotaal to the
Mot. U.
R«oonstruotk>n Board
i■■ f»■
Owlmfwf U»c kr the
BsUday trade Mtr ready.
Rsv b UK tlMe ta lare
srden Iv friBiac.
Oolosal BwilaoB hat aaked
bo remlYiwI in
«f ahow ]B« like tbraa.
ikM tb* kui |
Osoaral KitehMMr will Ospop- dU BM udwfWDd SMUah sad did Cbnton
soi obvT wdin os tbst sooosaL .
ulsu-v>r«l ToyW
n», ~ U.. tt. N.I.I1I mnrb. . “
isd nre aetanlly the
boat abeet I orer were.
T^'a wWt n csalBuer i
•BtU be Ime Anlebod nj> tba work oos-
On Gm.
withUtoBan. Ibaiwdwtar
blf diaidmige wu iaongd wlibeot
Ootosal Harxiaos
Mtsl 10 ozitloda, ^Mreylsg
. O. iu.Ml •f nMW tm BMSUwr
or tW plsUittri 0yos
U the en et eg-PreBdtst BaitiaDn.
New Tmk. Not. It-lbe Boald'e
■ TbW t-htatae TToaoa
msob torjaiee la iKpiimiid by Mesdt
of LieeL OoL Bemell B. HairlaoB at
OArail t VAHArn.
by (be
fttwMritttail. ITol. n-Tbo Brit- But Non# of Thom WItnssssd
lA ho** Toesolod Vryfaold Md iskos
Easoutlon of Nsgro Murdorer
>p footltesi im Um odlMtst bilU.
wbw» d»7 or* tneUsUy
oU aostlu’
Tbc Bocn hoTo wanod then
Lcsdiw. Kerr. IT-Urd B«baru hsi
esblod dw war oAot rirlaff tba de-
UnMO, Oolo.. Not. IT-No tnqaaat
taiia of Oklnalthis In whloh ihraa wllJ ba bald orar tba reiaalat of
SMS wara kitUd and rU
Praatoo Portar, Jr., tba aelf-owfaaaad
tU niao raporta Wat a BwJOr and M
inrdarer of Louie Proal, who wat
BMS dlod of woonda raerlrad
bomad at the ataka by a mob at Lake
BoUw*Ula..KoT. B.
Blatlon laat nlgbl. In tael the ear-
fiden. The di^steh eddt that on
odlot U
aspaewd noademnlng Ta
oral tewBj la th» TranaTaal owing
to Uh dinealtr of K»«ant.ff
whare the mordar
arengad and reoawad the dra
wfao ar» hampering Uta dTiliaa pepo- again and again util arery Taatlga
Urn vmlanteer army.
Batas to death.
Pekin, Mot. IS—Oosnt Tcm Valte-
lOu. V
.. V.all karri,. Lny ervM...r.a na'
Men’s and Boys’ aotUng:,
Hats, Caps and Furnishings. |:
o« teertTod Prtnoe Ohlng and U Hang
Otmng. the Ohinaoe peace
tra. today at the Imperial palace,
leraee dataasded tlmt the Chlnoae
ooer eas find no remnini npoo whieb'
to hold an liiqneaL A few man la-, troopa bh wltbdiawn from tba vicin
matoed lav laat night at the apot ity of the territory ooenpied by the
Dartas. Mot. 17—Tb« Kertiiiry' ps
llatits a nport t^t OaaeiaJ Kilo
wlwadaeldod to
did net expect to retire .from tbe
andar aneat at Migbala. ptorlaee of
army ao aeoa. It to reported Ihet
Bhnai that Oortnor Ya Haloa bu
when the qneetian of the ueignmenl
bau aneoled et Plnan. nur Siam Pa.
of an Yn^iaetor to Porto Bloc wu
nod dmt Sbaog. direetor of
teVr eoealdfentios. Brlgndler Ougr^dit and mtloada. hat
otnl DaTli anggeetod another nmn
tead the thnu
RssMsncsofWsll Known KsnUicky Lntrysr Bombnrdsd
*nj Utirh- t>anw u„ - n-ada LaM " wU aVay. riw Ikr Trey Va a stWartiia
5. tm i (0.
g t^ tf tbit <
donelbedltpateiiof mlltinry expodiUooen
the alBao woiibl bo dlteewW t. TV IbeMar
ooo tinned.
of the negro waa goiie.
I. Ky..Nor. IT—Tbe qaanllrr
IT—The Amwieon
Bloamfontaio, 5ot. IT—The Boon
It It Miimated that Tie people withfSTilf aliaofcad tlw railroad el Bdln- netaetl
the rireatloe. No wotneo eesMl hev hat bees notieSd that of brokao ginaa at the realdoic*- of
hoarg. Not., ib Ii U reported ibal witoetaedthe etemMlos. b«l. many the beard of recaettnetUn bae been Atloncy 8am Kaah at Mancbealer
pay AlO.OCD at a Sret In- and nndiy ballet bolee In the bnUdweal to the eoane brfov tlie Are wat
lighted and ^aained lltare while the tuUmont in the teUlemont of Amrri- ingtuiify to the feeling ezUtlng
betwean that well known
negro wna led from carriage to oarAll the eoBanla are laiullig for In-1 lawyer and certain of hia
HawWI «a IV M*maa Hmnt
an I
deaerted hit wife
negro wlio oonfeeaed that be wu tlie i U tlie only metbCNd
IT - Bob
mantorer of bet child
wgk whom ha unralad all
to be me led on 1 and
followed hr hit
today atsianoed to loir year* In the
fm tbe
etollon relemeil yuvrday
jggr'ken of thl. city wu clmara
If IfaU oily
Judge ETeruii Of Clay
M.titnil RLAV PLRAn (il'ILTY
and Impor-'
rtTta* INw.
Allegan. Nor.
pre- ■amal to TV Mmia* lbe>ire
Chlmgo. Nor. IT-Tbe
land uH^T of ilw Teleiibooe in tin
fool bnll team by the IVtoakeT teem ' home
*■ -me by Bering
ordenag one todaT of tJie
will be acceiited at once and a game
At Cbimgo-Wln
CaiiCNwo for a new trial and will
' himaeir of It if one i* granted.
At Phllaitolidito
fV.ii.U g
here (or
While the Peloakey team 1* a strong
ooe and hare made their
they are willing
eral day* He U able to eay tisl Bes- Daitmoath S.
At LaFWyetto-Pndne 38,
aior Uan*‘ lyminam* ebow aa
IwoTamenl in hit
polar U *tonger. hi* brnln clear and
In jwoonring
reat-1 joe A*U.r Out t'luMU aa« Kawva
o« la aou-BuU b, Jak 1U«.
Mich .
thue ienor* o“d
.b, pob,. dif h. (.-' Add,. Art.
mnnol etand the expeaae of aaother
toy wu outrlamed and ac
nial. the toet one haring cost him
Root. Re wu kneoked out in the
sbOOl H&.OOO. and the cooru he hu
Aral round, but the aadlenoe Inalutud.
toclded upon to the only ooe left
that Root abould be uey with him.
and tbe Agbt lataed one round and
Tha Lincoln Utranry Society'a tegn
D #i.ko* rt rumuosg
le*T i lar meeting occaiTTri laat night ud
tbe boy* enjoyed theamelTee mote
and mirying
. »wooandidate* were
with aeiiplie.
twenty-eeoesd Infantry,
“** «k»ol*allon-
teallned to act u a garrtoon at Baler.
The Hanawt Punarlruito hu baee;
acsi 10 the Indtou'* aaatotaac
It to Ibongbt the remel can te mre
made membete
• »«"
tV Volted
today J. C.
do. wu found gnilty of outUng am
ber cm coTammwit tond without pur-
him not
by getting In the
WaUoeA. bet (ought gamely.
ImiranptB. "ITie Senor Lyceom."
Harry Trip .
Negro Speech.-
meoe oourt.
the oonita two yunr* and hu eeri Tel
ler thouuade of doltonr
Mot. 17-ln
K Wlloax end B. K 8amto horrifying. Joeeph Oorry, the Afiou
_____ together ia na amcasntai
year old etm cdOmswl Perry,
To* ma‘l nffmd to itoA/oui lUe by
DeWUtH UM* kriy Btee ue tha
Wt haot them
now ««%««««««%•
Hew Stock...
Ldttst nootHits
BRUSH apo COMB 8E7^.
fttakt Your « «
Stltftions Dow
Cm ni Ink thM ffir.
UtBMil tofMrSNti CkmL
Foot Warmers!
are Showinf Several New Slyles
kni Wit Cil, Bin« Tap. FiU Sails.
kin'i Fuii. Bum Tip. Sill* Siln.
Hn'i Fm Tp, Latin Sain
Lidln' Lip, Bittn nd Ciarnt.
Lidln- Bun: aid FiH Slipnt.
Httn- ud CUIdm'i Rnm.
OAcrgaitcn; ar.d Leggings — ail kinds anil priceA
Women's Storm .-Alaskas—1st quality SJc.
*rKm ftomw
TVtHd K-lmU. >ll«» R»»
18 COMPLETE:.::;:::::
Barnum & Sari,
Foopt 8t,
Fire Insurance
1b lota from t6 to 91.000 on good
cbsttal becuritj, jrwrfrt, forwilorr,
pUatta. boiM or noy kind of rioddt.
_ MHl 1. HsmilU*
A MiUiksa Block.
** » JOHN B. KELLY, Agwi
lteA»Oe«ghaam~WiU rota «to«
dX.yh'gT.iSSFft. 1^
fyoUda^ tb
ub msj.
piKD or rrMorROBtA
Tbr cue bu «bueR la
Ifa. walk ta Boot M Johaaeo'* drag of hydrophobto tadtoy
The boy
Not. 17—Tba lalbego.
. BeeolTed. That Trar am M Right A mutoal IB tualiag h^blttuRbya dog aome
tod to n etoab. bat the men were
mtoneual eatnititoeltm i* bnitrlag erne Otty elioald hare pRbUe parka’
4 before nay gnot damage
ntoM the iwepniaUim of n {uUmia- AfSrmaUre. Almu Bnllcx md Boy
aty •maamut of Its enintaar Inqairiu BobeOelA
Into tba oeoal inweHrUIttrT of the
NagaUra Oeerge Deitt and t-e-y
Itwu mid today that a BifdokU.
report would ba ready f«r mbmtogiu ’ Oritie'e Bopart, Itoteiy Tripp
M aengtUB tba Alto dny of lb» oea-
duriag the «Uy on the
of our garments.
You M-iti
also notice that our
prices are
tower than you
We like to show goods.
Cime to think
about «
Mimnoa Bloo*-
mll und inod SlWa TuUur will anpul the uae to the United Stalu en-
P*»U»«o«tary DrUL
Bpelllng Conteel. Soelely.
Daitomarioo. "A
LoaU BlMmlL
nephew of Senator Teller of
i. the rrogram U
fnmou setor plegu blow on
Aahley did not jowre In be op to tbe
The diieatetoe
'»• rieiory (or the. aMrma-
aohon on the rock* on the eut aide
fifUUde Polilio. Tbe aoldien are I
him. kaoefclng him down teiaatedly
nntil the Mxmd round, when Root
I Ihaa Bsut. beeaoae of the (act that
IT-The armr
MieHieu mEmE co. y
Come Tomorrow.
W'e receive many
tonto Of thu Tillage sign a petitlim ;
ng dmi W dealt wHh tontoni.
then- to lot* (erer. Now be Vltere*
the eruior will encoTer.
[ilaeu In the *mv and hu had
IT-Dr. 8t(«e mid aou 0.
At Ranorer—N.
nmighi that for the drat time in
Manila. Not
S S3.00. S3.50. S3.75. S5.00.
'th*t Tit
to go again.! any
Kl^ *ehool tmm In the .mte, the
TruTerae City High echool team will
Bm Bsek
if peu tpish it
^ taut aa a man'a
Tbe challenge *eet the Rlgli
lumben pf
expremu a dmlr*
be materially atreilgthened by tbe
He, too. U prepared to plead guilty addlllea of arreral eld Ume foot ball
In iKe eTonl of a new trial
eaawy deeleioo from the eommlttae.
playera. who will be enrolled in the
IT. graavd. which muy good
The caoTenllon woald txlng here
High aehool Vtcrr that Uma. Tbe
OonaU 4.
. liqem (xotsble, and to threw kimaeU,
not lee* than SOO delcgaim am
rtadania are now tmly hoping (or mlt •
At *«■» Arbw—Mieblgnn T. Notre apao the merer of the ooon or of the able weather
and that Petoakry
Dame. 0.
wool back out. A meeting will br
At Anupolto-Celambla II. Cadet
called afvr ael
acaATOR DAvia RriTRM
■ known that daring the put
1 and make Anal arrangemanl.
ri.j few week* Oeuial Marehibu been
for IV g
aecanng lelteiu
•ill i
It citints* of thii
fanre the oanrcDlloa next ymr there
will be BO Opablr in gelUng tbe nee-
Michigan | the foot that Oeoeral Mareh hu aptbe *ai>em« court
foot bail . loam defeated iwaled hi* 0
afldesi tl
the coecatlTe odoimlltee are (aror- ^otre Dame at Ann Arbor today in a and iirofe-ww to
V gvuM
a new trial.
ahle to holding the nett oosTeotloo hotly eemteated game.
Following will
I poeitirelT kaoTTu dial lie hu
in Tiareroe City and be VUerea that
re aeoeuof other
Mr. Betu ataled that
a Ing wu badly wTMkeil.
Jaokcoti depot
euiTeallcio of (he imv Bonday Bohool':
Aaeortoltoo Vld In Owtuo. In the I
etoetloa of aftoert Hon. J. W.
wuiAlwBys in Demand
ffg ' Not oniT I. “
It n-qniml
»hol and badly wounded In an affrnyl
In the oflire
of the huellag tuBii ot
boraa a few mllee from Manobmler today.
mailer what. Certaiuly he did not It injared. O. Bnffkln. a
lit dnila it* ajdien-of a
goffer wliat Lontoe did and abe wu trainer of Daltoa. Texaa, and another
.home, when- » DIM
trainer whoae ume ia onknown, wu
Innooenl while he wu gnilir. "
killed oalrighl. Bereral other, were
Otaad TnTerar Handay School
pain we tsffeeed.
Whaterer wu
dose with that bmie wu right, no
A hudrwl thou were ftmt
retired to another |mn of tlie
ing and eacajicd injury. The
tliooght wu to mTeJothora tire' wreck today near the
on the QuiB A Oreercal railroad.
Bod Hoheos, the engineer, wu (ami
of oourt Kaah'* reuiduaee
remored from the face of the
GHdm's Jicktls.
'f Urie Slock,
tbe oeea wu hang up by the Jury.
A few houre aftor the adjounmeat
roomt nwfeed with perjery
death of my taUiy. hot 1 did not hare
and be inlendad lu pol a tlop to It at the featlng of terenge ^hloh ais many
tar at In hit |iowar.
peojde mid enght to pomaaa me. My
Wkvi pi Till Ell test lalHt-nn Till Ii let
% Misses' JKktts,
ridding Gan-1 with the White* and Uowarda.
of court
l.did not
Jowalry. i
Buy That Jacket!
orer ti<r know wUt fate awnlted him." abe
■ed. "1 did not core. Jut ao
"Of,conrae 1 i too of foreign gonbaale.
Jted aa to
for Joale
toreolB will raffer from llmt bmv'i for eaofa dtotrlot to uUmaV tba tem-1 fended Willard Philpot. member uf
'the Pbllpot.Baker
bctlun. who ii
Crimea." were the worda of
lira. ' age done.
_ ..
e.*H,. I charged with killing Depaty siherlff:
Proal today wbem aaked tor an
ei- ,i
Chloete are
of fhe'ing that Iheectllement of the elalnu
ItoTiiieon. who wu
{reealon «o the
a Haa Wha leA III. M ile for
NigbtOewna. I
SmokingJaoketa. !
Mrytn U>1 IW tlMD
fellow i
rlage for Ituperlloo. The womea'a
domnlty for deetroyed miaelou.
A ; l«m» [of Ctoj ooaaty. Kaah
rote waa a anil for bomlng.
Deorer. Nor IT—"Well, no other •iwetol deisty baa been appointed Jodga Tlaaley of Barbearrille.
You KnovAC
I'bat we are selliag the snappiest. :
serviceable, best htting
S2.00 Shoe
for I_sIcIIas’
That were ever soW in this dty? If yon
don’t know this by experience, we’d be
glad to have yon find it ouL The pur
chase of one pair will tellII the stoiy.
il- --
I cBT.iooB. fimaAr, aormum u, iim
Ul.hM MaMtev.
■■ «H a
MI...H will l.e. «.l l-»ei J—
n. ftr k*
pw^ m- ika M)a(» H a vary
TCKHCHmov or ncnASK.
1haA«WMMki tba B«Mrd waa
toaoortolffvtaf ttepaioaMfe of
r*~.^ TT"''*'** *•
tartar the laat taa yoaia. Tba Beeaad lc«m U tha mm way psaier
Eav Toth. Obleaco. or aay ether
«ltr IfWM IH
«r iWMOi
MHOlar *•
of all saw
MtHHfy MMsad to Me city iropar.
nte oAelal oi—i fatsnu ^*e TtarmaOtty, U IMO. a pofaUatKai <d
4AM. TUe ywlt fflres a pepaUtloai'
of LMT, vbHh U a cais of 114 pm
Word waa noelred here yaati
fay Sbortff 8lspaoo etatlac tisi rnok
MoSatl, wbo foraarly Itred here, war
klUad es tba isllroad at S«My.
woe tbeoffbl that the oaforti
■Ob fad relatiTM is thie city w
Ba waa daaorlbed aa belmt a
afaat flee feet, les Ibehaa is belcbt.
of dark eonplaxloB >ad apfsrently
1 to Josaa,” U d
srlbadaea "bllailooe caSelfney.
Iftharetanob a thlac haewa
. laattslili aa saselet of rialbtllty
wbai fappana to the aadleoeea wfaeo
tfay aae Jooaa U oertalnly a oiials
apoa tfas. ThU IfMt aoooes
tfa bast ertdaaMe that -JoiMa”
aaeaaaa. li tba Met that Me crowdi
fo to ne It in eroiy elty It it played
la.—la atrapily a aptrtted,* fa^bily
WiUlaii. well oosatrarted hit of
asBaa, preaeoted by a at^blr oompasy of playora AI) that liappeot
Jooaa la doe to Uie dealre of the tv
llae to lay hasda n|As aa oSeader la
the iMideau of a llrely erealtm.
Be Aada rafale to the hone of a iwapaokad eollr«e profeoaor. who liar
bUok aye to aoennat for to tbe bead
of tfa boaar ; the taritlre X
qaaaodaa aa hU boat'* brother, aa
AaoMallati blahop. aad bar abaadaat
dtanoe to prove bit ability aa
Obasfal Uar
Tbe t<«l biahnp ^
riraa, aad u paraeoalad aa aa eac^pad
lasatle aad aa Imposlar.
ftrU. a credolooa sotber and a
an a«Bt are mlsad
atrl^ of eataB«
wblah the Hsseles XoM ilea oheerfalty asd with toui dlst«atd for the
boafert of tbe aoSema. Aad at laat
all a«di with the pnipnr etplaaBlinai
a tar vtrtiwor
Tao Merh Hlfatlr
Uot arenlno Jts Eel
lyino brarad avtlaal
one ^ of tbe Perr BarqDrtte depot
IB aa saeoDifctoiui ooDdtticOL
oorriad bis laio the depot aod made
aa attaapl to teeire hlafdsi wlihoat
Ur. Keboe tbbuffhi
abowad aittu of lllseae aad
naked by Keboe If be had beeo drink,
lac be allowed that be had. i
Re deelaied wtth a abadder that be
bad takea aboard aboal twenty-flee
eooklalU and aa many atialcht whUk
tea. which led Eeboe'lo bellere that
the yaaBC nma had been ep acalnat It
■rood aad plenty Chief of Police
Broale waa ootlfled of the oondltioa
of the yoanc man and be wae takna
tp the oooler to ret well He U
tatnly cralttyitic to^e iml
w of one ooaoera
ooncerti whkcfi
MM etty
asonoof Htttac Ufa Al^sln ty
■IH—Mna sBl fa hHd_iB_Ofaaaca.
_ r5=
A. a M«»aw arrHH
s Of aay 01
. to doTlM
■Hrw fare boon dloecmrmrn.bUad.mtm>mM^AOdih,M*
patladtf C«tM»J*Jac< Hi body. •**“““*‘^*V Dr. 3. X. VIMa
W a^wHo
-aas l^wiUa. is Vsnek eaaaMand tfa wilfaol ondMust
*«d hi. Ufa Tha old mao-a jamUa BpmdaMaa of ifa ora
A tfay
' - 1— - * .« K
116 ps toa. M.00 ps toa
a HIielartDlkpbow<d paaa.
TV. Dr. Vlldo fao a (am of alxty
•lUkB liHiind Ifaa Lrd Ow
ba »^w •bool Ok 6imtb «d VllUan a«m aad tfa estiie (ana ia nld U
01 Ba bad bm a «eU made ana. ba rich la m. Re wlU at oaeo vncte above (far middle bolltbL Al W ..
ha bad a arrwe fit <d iUDaaa, asd tba a i claiiB. Is the
bwbbaduf hair came, and aair aaUa Caarded fay aad alcbt
eo tM daiten aod (oea A eOBtraRits
that look place io the flnr<*« of «Meh aoMac tfa losfaer caapa In aocthen
head al thi* UuCaot nasalxMd ahraya Wtaeoaaia that Che atate beard of
h'utbinc U aaid afaoat arw laetb
to Ua cmae. aed ba mnat acm baalth haa leooameaded list looriac
_ . oormad avbi aad ^aecA. arhteh arawa everywhere ahonld be vaeol.
mMortsae fad drpnaad bUBO.w
^Advioeo bvoochl b, _
a nu arbo died atUMaaacd Eaiynaa'^'Ohln^irlve ~ dafaila of
M, ^ wbus be ahraya railed
Creal flooda la Cklratta. eaawd by
Tansy.” Tbit boy <d futirpcxn looked heavy talaa. Tbe SawW la tfa aa««)7 Bocii ulcfa (baa bU falber, aed tba
tm* led to auaae csrioea sutakoa cd the ctve qaarter fare tae«B nadar foar
part of a»an*si who mt ibes tofalb- fee* of araler. and ew la tfa Barott. 4taa. »be« they was waMluff la pna qnartar oomsaatnatton «a<
Holbocn. tbe aoa auold tnateely ksp ponible only by bent Laria fat
psw with tbe (atiirr—in fsv. with au hava bran caaebt In (he ChloaRa
(Mt dlflnUy and dieinaa did be do « atnwta Plve haadred aad alaery
that Im attaadn) the aumlUs «f a irm- boaMv rollapaed. iweaiy-three peoUesas. sbu araii op to uld
pie were killed, aad alxty-eevei
'■ bim oo hie a
Alialdoiy la out akdli
Pmlrte cMokeaa ai« sid to fa
aUetwher The eld bmb told him tf
Uaolaiaka. bot ifia sraacer reftsed to ttbadaal In'weMan Kaam that
flea the lean mdil to hi. naavtlcm na- yearm. aad (he tanarra ahow a dtepotil Toowborty pafanc at tfa time, who idtiae to ctve tfa htrdi a al
kanv the faoefan well, ceetifad U. the maltlply by kaeptac a rheok
porfeM tmth <f the ativy.
AU fonr loranl laochen Ibee; H
>. Wia. for a
sir arparatiin all Uolbcsn bwaed
wtth aniib*. md erew quite radiant fc» past efforta
a^ frihu!
MllMr Ml MIMI^ *mm
sigbt yMntaoaadbas bm haw fa
- - aeoMa aiaee. Os wwt »a Ba1 wliva be WM«d ta baa
aad U DOW ban Ki rieit Us hM
a fa fas aa« aaea Haae ba <
away. He ww aata tMAwi of faM
elty. bat of Oeaeeaa eoasty.
baftaafaMl tfa Mata fa m
nrlp tnw Oiud "f*-*- lo this city.
Mkfac tfa wtba AlMaaoa «llh a
y «wm. Be wae mxpiimA mpoa
naebUc Tlarnne City fa tod that'
it had beaesM a (htivlat oily aad (fa
eeatnrof tfa baijaeat of aori
CUT ft,MO,000 FEET
Aad yoa wiU tod thai all —
Coal Sioets.
wfa fare kad olalmi wUli
$2.M. $2.75. $3.75 up tO
mak a irood word for aa
Then It always two Aides to a
ssorv—Bear ean before ]
baUnq tfa other fallow.
Do Not Delay
DiK. Bapt.
IH laifaet eat
tiaee tfa befflBsiaf of opatatlaas la
lan.’^TtM mlU fas of eeam la lhai
time been waoratad and
^ Ur.^OhsrUa added new isproveseeu last voar.'so it Is now one ol
tCBSat slIU'l^this'vtolBltyT Ahoat
fl8.000.000 fset of lofs woe eat ibU
season. Mr. 01
sosM aew Imyaovcwwu this tall aad
will be la posUioe toatekaa'iUifer
cal next
tv ITU A
Tmwvw ITtr Tcpi ko. an Pliaai
■Jebevaw Masss aaS l*i
Al the yevisw of Travers
Teat. No. B71 PriiMy afatat yae
tiou wen be«aa tor (he aasaal fees
of the teat aad tfa date was Axed for
l«t Bandi in rMt Sinii Clui.
Let Bende be your Sente Claus.
eau kaata aai lai(a M aa 81k
Stnal; daai la amaXT. boa It
Itlirrii/ir,fine WOOD
miry MtWttflltS, hiIv if fntt'
111 niMltll trm.
Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Hardwood Slabs. Hemlock EdKintpi.
Hardwood Clippiruis. ^icmlock Stove Wood.
Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock Kindling
H at w; la» artci. PrtaatlOSD.
& CO.
lo Travers Oily Laiafar Oo.
I The Hannah & Lay |
^ Mercantile Co. g
A Great General
Will always hold men In reserve sufficieot lo take tbe places of
those who may be killed or captured In battle. Tbe same rule
applies to wise merchandising. Knowing the nferit and cheap
ness of our new Shirts we sent in duplicate orders so as to have
fresh, new, stylish Shirts ready to take tbe place of those wc knew
would be captured aod carried away soon as they were seen.
ftll’SOIT out
a" all
SI.50 ...
SI.50 I
i 1 SI.00
rfar. .go ^d U extend^
to sev«al part, of that .mie
dry mason is so long that tbe Idea of
ebtaialag dniMem mads is aataimUy
I attractive W Oxltfomlans and the
SBcorm Ihsi has attended the use of
..il r,.
Sirsasss.rjfnsr Irt BeUi bs »o«r Sssti Cltss
w inii m u
oi (i iti T onf-tim unt
Nothing like it shown. The 'Lion Brand” is
famous the world over, and we show four dis
tinct lioes, all selling at one dollar each. The
"Secretary". “Booth". 'Lakeside''and "Illinois ', all equally good, just a
trifle difference in the making. AH sizes from u to ir-
Wc. tfa. a
---------.. ■„ ^
* OO know — .
FlrW-obMi iBsaraww Oompaalsa
store, a faU Uae of
... . --——.dBy-:Most- diseases famia iadisotdenof Boomfl. RaatUMB A MiUlkamBlatk.
If it '
. CMMmm taaey west, iaeladiag npof Tar
- ,-;•-_?****
FtmrjSmd). lleer.
kldaeye, bowels.
w^..^eold. We also nanates a Soodud nsrrea BMotrio Bitm
flfl-eeat byl* fa |w*r mUstaetory — lu?^ up ilu mlmitrti iwgulaies liver.
Cash or a little-at-a-time
a I.Xohaseai Block. Travers City
buff and ffaaldoqr.
Try Us
be a Mead to y«a. aad befen
^riac may be able lo prove it.
Let Benda be your Sente Cleue.
-ti ,
Of Ul kind*.
Bex SISMS. Hlr ClflW Siovta
flottsfl* Stevea
Round Osk StsM*.
u..‘ mipauiruwiiiiirtisisoii
aad Btekaas <
. .u M at am la laailu dli. alfan
Klv'i New DtaoorerT captsble to (fa
mind by the m
m. Ooartia aad Oclda. asUDOF of a raU.i wvU xmi in Ok
trial teCtlM tad have tfa tatltafclioo Bsfaew.—Nem YMk tint
Of knowing it has onr«d ihonamds of
A Bsemtav T«fa.
hiiipoltss oases. Asthma. Braaohitia
••BWd if 1 ain't ireg-alarTnlby.”
Im Orlppe aad all Throat. Cfawi
lirrr—• are snrelv edred aiBtleved tfa man ■n tfa miwd after beby li ^1 on Jas. O. Xohason sad lacsmppadoahaH adoMtlM. “Ev
0 wyfm^Dostow
isKT.tii're sl:'
An kati« klUed toUy. aad
J. M. Blakeslee
OBS day last week. wfau_lhe c
^m%T(Thaa)(di;Bd the tronbU dlaoorered. la otte of the laixe pklv*
Thi* will be a Oenaan affair. Tbe
a live owl waa foaad. which ia
mean will fa of Germaa dlihs aad
in the poawaaiaa of the orcanlM oae taU Ifa {st«ism to fa flirea will
Now that otw mytlerr ia riaaied op fa tvadrrwd la Oemaa. tfa olhs
tfa ivoblem of expUlainc bow ' falf la Ualsd Stales. The affair will
HOW TO ft£kieMft£«
owl cot into the onran U yet i
fa ebberas aad the aovetly of it
will fa refreshtnc
, Uiw J L MeCUIIam. adoiKed
"1 witb yon wuold leoeh BM bow to dancbler of tfa Ute John Shennaa.
otamlt to nienevy tfa aoac> I want to
(Usaia^Ued the tmntlfal ShevlBC.''iuid an amaleor muaician to a natn rasicleece ia Vnahinctoo. which,
rkaA "1 bave aever brvvi able torcmi- with aometblnK like CTOO.OOO. ehe
fU'p rviday and u a resali WUUam
r maau- to nHanvy^al kiait have
d from Uie Uhlo i
HiQlas of Uorfma’i livery bam ii
lint 1 think It wuald be
Bhe aad her bnabaad have miled for anraitMt s broken ««■ and two other
aw* lu tne if 1 roeld. ”
Karot.' and It ia mid Mr. MctUllnm
''Tfa|me.w 1. IKM a dlRbiilt
of hie left foot
waa tfa reply
I faer alwaye fcmrid It axpecta lo sil all the hcnivdiald
II fa laid ep for a
lu m. liy I effecta. Illood relatlou. to Mr 8her: adapted a Bsa an- tadicuaal at the |wo|<oaed
TfatiMlh IlmwW.
km«(ln>eaK<i Take any pops Ur KSg. aetlon and will make aa effort
klra. Lortnda Fish died yeaSrdsy
'Tfa fan R.ee nf Summer.' f<v exam larcbav tbe funillare a. soovenlrs
ple. It u a pud plan (o read it orer and
momuiR nf Bright'! dtacas at her
CM tfa eeatimmt <f tin- rena-. whlcb of the creal Olihxui
home. IIU Frauklln atzeet. afSr aa
The Aral oatioBal coaveodoa of tUie
eomprehimde the Idua of luoelioeH*. tfa
four moDtlia Bhe waa
(adluc away nf bcaotifal Ihioc* and the sjaaiah'l'hn.tlAn Endeavor aooleiy t the wife of H. L Fish, engineer on
lacdi of <Tin|>.-uby in udinw. The niw i> baa taken pUo-al SaracoMt. Thlrrv tlie <i K A I hi'IWeen hetvaad WalblcnnilDK alcmr. It. omnpannai. are aeveu Mwieile* wen- rvim-wuieil by
faded juid iptn-. No flower <v kiiiclad IlfIT delecalee. Thr
IVoiwsed was bon in New York
la ui«b lo aliaie lU plninree or uuwer antlinrllie* di-mande<l liuit (be coverto lt» alsln- Thi. i* tie- Kroundwurli— nor alioold aopi«eu ifa me<-tinc of Slate and lias been a rvaideBl of thia
tfa akelieiid, M> lu apeak—of (fa\ema
oitr for eleven years Besides her
Imptiw »hi« ftrnily on the miud and (hi- convention, bol the delecalea bnabsad ihe leaves a faially of child
ily acknowledced the rweipl
famillarlcc tfa Uinncht with the eeutiren all of a'hotn lisve reaclieit mamrai tinacuie (he cardcai «ith tfa cne of has order aind amrrird wut
ruae and fiupd h-avew all amanA Oaor day*’ iwoirtam a> thuv bad |>liuine<l.
The funeral will take place from
Ihia la tiled lu tbe iuem>vr it la rom
A rvulcient of Plymooth. Mas.. Ifa reaideoce tomorrow awinleg at v
parat:lively IW.T to lUI tn (hr rrmainder »r 1-Mc U Wooil. hue a coopU- of
Ki tfawmia Thi> IxVH-c.f theeimpkwt ap|>h« fonn an orchaard ai Kaniloopa. o'clnek and Uh- rwmaiaa will ba- taken
aad ssnwl way nf cmumiuiuil tlie wie<U
to Grand Rapida for bnrial.
! BniWh ('olnmbia. bol (lie ordinary
at a aviB 111 na.-niivT
Tlie lafani child of Frank DeOroce
"With Ba*-t piwple nieu..irtxinx tbe ifn»‘ of Ibal tejrioo
flfieon sad thm-fiMirtlit died vesl^Hy afternoon. Tlie (nuair uf tfa tna« l> niocb mukv. aaid tbti
U d-sae by bamnilnit nfliln and aaraio. laches In ctlmmfrrence aaid weipjia eral si'rvirea will he beld al the
awfemmt lo tbe mslc wbearvcr tberv is twenty-three ooaos. aad tbe other hoasr. ooroer Ray aod Randol|di
any qacMKat It It Impirtaiil to k*m Is nrvirlr s lanre. Dr Wo~l sw at etTvet, at ;! p. m. today.
the afrieaUnnl (air at Kamolops an
We Offer One Handled Dollars Re
apiiie which welfllied twwnty-aine ward for aav ease of Oatarrh that
oaoces. A sin«le aiqile is enoafli lo (Bonot fa cBird by Halls' Ottairb
nai^e a pie of Uie nsnal honsi-bold Oore
P J. Oheavv A Co.. Profw. To
ledo. O
Erank Leroy, ui avroaael. and
We. the nnderaigard, liave known
leavtait '
Mrs. ElU WhitijklKv were matnrd at F J Cheney (or tfa last 15 yrarx.
blm prrfsctlv
perfectly hoou
man left
Parts. Texas, Pmdsy. Leroy was snd;falirve
Fur lurkf N>a at all. hot broaiu.' it lay t-mployeil ilnruis the ■free! fair and IB>11 boBlBsss traametioas ami
aaclsllv able to imirr oat aay obliga
<n iIm- rail ahesA and
tions made br their Arm.
West * Tmax, Wholesale Dm*
gisu. Toledo. O. Welding, SlnoMi
and Rave i: a dm« Uiat it (ell altm.t '
'>'««“ ^
A Marvin. Wholemlr Dreggisis. To.
all1«e fsM .d thrr.. ladifs. im.-.rf Wli.«n ,Mrw WhilledRc’s lion»- and wa. in lf«dD. O
ws aNuit 'o I'lek ii Bp. when a pncti ' fured. fUie dreeaaetl liu woauils and
Core IS taken iaterllv opon the blood
eal member >i( Uie trio Uld "D>si't nul ' nnrsed him The acquatntAO.-v lhu>
ra^ofifa system
yi*r (6 Tea. and new aiuid if U««t' are I bena cnlminsted m lie- wedding
Priev :sc rm bottle. Bold W all
Uuwnub. In it It wa. md y.diwfa' TImK.-v Henry Mlddleiou.
tolml It. iiat iteBiXiinuBij. aud fa lias the vslerau minivien of the Ohio
Ball's Family Pills are tfa best.
Im-k-aad sll ”
Methodist Eplsco]«! cnnferraee. drop
cltisu. .
ped dead at Ooodbope TboraiUT
Uav. aiel BO
Frodcvick Swinhan. a wealthy
foBiid. \iTiy; BrasBsr s Bracua strvet
waal s good dish of oysteia.
cilixeo of Newton. Iowa, lias coo. IF*0YOC
gtrl's mvrt captniwi it and earned
to Xacksoa'a lioa-lt.
•iff ou hi! cans.—Baiun Post
clmie.1 to duborae hU wralUi among
his relauves while he u livuig. Uis
method is to give to each oae Uie
M id tfa
amonat be think! Is Ihrtr d^ for SPECIAL SALK of extraordinary infur
liwyi pared
tneel to all this week. Sec onr
an's Bible''by that very acouxapHsfad whloh he takes s revwipl which he aamiBoaraiaoL The Bostoa Bcoia.
Aiaevkau wobmo sud Biblical student. tarns [over to his lawyer, who will
Mrs. KlualiMh fady Stanl.-n TfaT are administer to bis affairs when he is
a gtrat deal awe satisfscwcy Ihnn ! d(*d. So far seventy-flve
nmny of tfa, cvumeois npixi tfa maw
pot ia a claim
tells that we have read in other^
^bi iwactioe.of oiling roads lo keep
m.ve preienn.ms cMamenianiw Mm ; rt»e'dnst down ww began in Oalifor-
One leal* aiaoval at (hi* fumy atotalin,
who eliowed roch ivorailmec antkety
and (iCk'iutuuiwi l« dinrt »tfai« in tiie
path <f Tlrtne. aatlla*.
aatlltqc. ae tbe mote, pa
ir faam —Niiuii aad Qae-
Prtwfif^MBta SSfa Xaa*G
Xohaami aadB^Wati Auggim*.
UtBMillMyMrSMU Clw. UtMibirwrSMb CIm. weMdabtyMrSMU Ctm. flMrt ewnteet HtkfecMty.
vun wwi viii-ui 11 uiii
are the most attractive you trill see and they absolutely sell on sight. A ^
full line of sizes.
Just as complete a line as the men s sizes and ^ f
made equally as well. Made with one sunding - eolUr aod one lay dowp. and a pair of cuffa
Thefle flcH at $1X0 tbe sh'irt
D0I5' » M5
fn tfoiratt.'BMm «uv«>«k cmr, nttm^ nnnurx W9
wHAt A eeobjom com.
mm. im •mmt « ».• >
I ■'■■
M> w«l
>|iii hitlilli ttiha.
The HwlWraMsrM the towwttw
Hie BUM wrw OUnr Erwe. Hew
baata Delavaiw ia I7M aad
b»tbe iJLiirfwii ct
tte IcM
ta,-'atd • tadte «spst Cita Mdad
. OM ooar «( » Mi^oee
•uncr <jt mtltrj tarwur. Wh«c mo
Amehima tMmlir in U» mat cbamtmacrn win b» eoeuat with the crdta*-
aoutiatm faw «d kac ae laiwliNimw
tdM. «w frawwlfwMl th^ Mt be BM
bfe twfet<liM >
i^Msed to briar hiai ottMa* bwt
BMWW porertT. Be «« the oririaal iaRSHr <r the tu«k fa—wt o«iD* weed
bt hxflouUfM. the cbIt hiad thil cooU
twotare fathiifoTB
----- -------
Hta anOMatkB d the Dotion to both
wcrld wools retnais «maDy la amr.
Dd and wnoc power waa aonewhat
bwiU be adiBlned.ees by the BoM adrel
Sraaiard will baveoatUac
cndiog cd the ae eallad woBan'a nshU
la 1M4 the BrealciiwUtyrd PbihMel.
Meel with \1nw7 haiWIIaa.
that. In eonfcnitT to btr
atSlhaadonr. The artrarebaMaeaa
1. the teMaa apsida mmaOj aboal SS for a toar pceallar phj
male <d the faaaaa
Eraw pni In a bid knetr than any d
biased katfe. U ha ksea ■ knife crflea.
dally cnwtcd to perfoB a epaclBeaeak
MataB7«aido.faaeoDwa down to ft,
la tlw diimwie cgoMay. Thu la.
diubaild a
IbaatoSI. HuS e>i>n>aive kalnaaiw
childRBaad todu the weak.
boarbl (cr pmeata.
Pw doUan
Ibeboma Oa the other hand,
Be fitted oat a araw with a ateaa esaa eittlhait aifL Laat aeaecn maor
naalfoaly latemM that the fine, boildiiqt both the rngim and the
knir» wm. »1T« for priaea at eachw
rw» aboald cheriA aiziw to hia own wtrtibupL
Snrh knirr* were waall? the ' male
“* d the
the aentei
When the boat waa ready lobe lamrcbiw. with half a 6ama bladei « i “1,**?','?
<«l. Erana dMrrmintd h> bit* the peoata. That his t loch knife 1 phyaical Ub«x which maat be:
and thIekUBc ber (rota erary daatar
I'hiladelphia an (d>yn lemou la
that Burht threaten the health, hapid. vtnOtanins ao fa* pat the Uat on wbecta,
iwm and prrpetaarioe cd the tfmdm. Ia 1 dttrd ap a pah wfaeel Iwhlad. art bto
to tte A^^dacha^ wbm be learea
foida We bare the oririnal plan ooe dnty waa not re- j i«ir.De tu wirt and |■rop<.Ueri the boat
tlw aorwu t<> tbe ritrr la Ibe
d thorn
other. Ktcare had dmply dirided the ! midrf of aa opn nemthed lhr«w. not a
omrlr 160 d ' bordm .< eOrtgiee. amirniar toope the ; fr» .tf whom bad a dim Idea that ha
Tbta bmry ^ bi*w
jrwidixi* food and abet. oBffUl to be amwted for wttcfatTwfl.
^ .T?7^^Har,aadtolheotlwrtbera«atmpmtaiB!
UT.*,, tbe b-ai remhed tbe t»k <d
kri.tr. Ii^nwafi- ih.. kwv.*^riJrtfiw
paW Ib the rep«°«»t*cti0P trf
^ the nver, tbe wbeela and aaka wire tak-
iJm emadlac to the anlDI of TMW
' Ummy that they, Ibe acCnalrarmra cf : latini. bnt wbmouUan and reetacataa
mil maned them mbablr awre
waallh. owe linle to wtaaim who mere- , op ter otanlJenitiuo be wai a men
.•mil manyd
*7ehlkbrm and prmide ernr the
, child. «al even allowed h.mmlf to be
tlBD any other cne kind,
ly bay pretty food knit
^d^A ' t»io-
aml*n» batmaily end hocaa | bm with bur uew fatickrd
S>r^»«titoSS5. Wed-rntmll
Are only three good
bargains from our three depart
ments. The latest of styles are
here shown you. We think our
Men's. Boys’ and Children's de. partments are more complete
now than at any previous sea*
,.a„ .a. H—- ammmm.
: '^‘Toogb hiP wott and b« r~oomy.
Emtaet K Wladle la rUiliaf
Tbe upinlim U expremed by a writer
jhe Inciraaliiit lore of Inxniy aatORt i
hU weddia*
IB Tbe Mwhauical Newt that tbe tme I
the eomferi which clab
clnb Uf* v^— ';
Haren. and it U ihonhat The eonater- trl|i The bride waa Uiaa Dorm E
i and fnroece of tbe fatare will otmalatd
with emiBrani
felten who are maklnr them hare PhllUlau Kb* j»omiaed
to marry
a lead IlirrtI rUm <r i.oraelalD ram. or ' pifnilated iwnu-r* to remote field* d laIheir hee-lqBarten la tlie rlclnily. - him ImmedUlety if McXlcley wa. eapula. fillrd with cold acidibed water. ia<rj. Iu'<' t.dertd the nambor of
The Y(wllanti Hlith achool will cel T*.eleeu«l and aa aoon aa the retnma
^ i
a of U>» f*w to
ebnie by nitable eraftiaea the eloae: were annooncwd the c-remoBy wna
tenderrd eomplece t
i pair d toss* ; wavpl tb* rt..p*nd*i»oe of lb* naiat* de«f the oineleenth
centnrr Pridar' twrformedI aorilirtl abrn-r. liaa al-1 laTRely tarTraaed
aflenoon. December *1. The HlitU
The board of manaiten of U.e Ne- With inaalaled handka attacbed I
nnmb*f d
womr* who ;
aoboolaoT the alale we Inrlled to lional Pedermtloo of Women a Clube Sexiblr n*|tati*e exmdootor. Accxadtnc |
to thl. plan, the amith eci*-w the piece > .ju.m |... .» are l.med to. pn-mde f« :
aiTBBC* for eterrlae* of lhi» natnr* at In anaaloo at iiran.l Rapid* drdd*.l to
<d iron which U toll* manipnUted with
Whelbr-r llwy Iwl.aig to <«ie
th* dal** for tb* blpiuiial mnalcal
re Inanlatad Kama and pInnRra It It
ela*»<tTlbe otl-jr. it remain* u.«e Uie
111* firal —of tmall pox wa* dia- fettiral of th* federaltmi in Clerr- the *unr water, wbu-h l.*Rm*
1**. eenaln that wliat.-^-r incm.* they '
oorer*d at lahfwBUn* Friday morainR land on April so and May 1. * and 8 and babble the In.taul it ronm 10 cmi
an- to hav* il.-y nint My]0ire hr Ibeir
Tile iwotrrani lia* been twit with the Iran, tbe latter.' la a r»- own effort* Tb-r h*T* no other altmTb* Tlctlm it a Korw*|rtaa woman i of n*xt
kahly abort «iwre of tim.', tomlii* natiT*. iml.-eil...yar*wtlliMto^-^
.. red and then to a white beat, irmly th*rti*ta-iefnlehanly of we.ltby^«d»
rt be flnlahe.1 in iletail
f th* Pity. Oeneral -""aaeclna- |
for the w<rk of Uie amllb. Ko rapidly
ad phyali
Cdt JIbovt
peoj.le «f
: Chat city are twalltiar that the
tlw entire eoaiBiaBity.
Bocat half dotlara
Buys a heavy blue Chinchilla
t child's or boy’s Reefer, braid
I trimming. heavT lining.
sr:.-. ,
OF MicfflGAN :^riHuTi:^er^«:':rw £ ss“
I lar leatrth
Bu)’s a gray or black extra
heavy Irish Frieie Men's Ulster,
splendidly made, extra good
h<5i bm. m Toe me. other attach•» Pl«>»lr; «■« »»«h xher «hr.la and made to 6u
atato^, aarwdrtTm.
Bm in thia. aa la aU tfalan elae. the , Ua, work
.ItvaBOtB lb. harix*.
am eem-km .wL almlat and a wme <d ’ majorily of BMB hare aabrervd the
ci,, far a> the lumiUtai of merbanleal
Buys s heavy grsy Oxford men’s
overcoat, heavy plaid wool lining
sadn shoulder and sleeve lining.
Raglan cuffs, a coat no one need
be ashamed of.
R«d. UT by til lutiiBtuuu woman, who
*^uttd.u^ ^ tad coCBo for k-salad-uh m . btuitawUik* mauuet de^
e a S3 iiole a. a
tauiw fw After pa-krtinR U»* moot?
law prlilt'ly Miamlrtl her
to peoid with h-r •ui.-iuiiiu Ubataid
ibe «m r-ainuully afflirted with a
ben are ia etrcalatloD arooad Olmad home DMtr Btooklya on
Cotbing Ca.
th.. “.1*,^
Uiomp'iia-at the piaua and lh«
u,an> of the tiral nndonU
Ibo other
„j„ ,j„,
clm-Lni*, wbioli
ok., her .arlr 10 the ni.nniliK>» Uiuir
i,„ OunuR the
1 creaalnit In MiohWan. Th* October
LaaiSaxardaynlRhtJame* Hike, of! mortality report allow* a death rate
Pllat. ttepped into 00* 0/ the aew.- i of IA8 per I.OUn, with 1 total of
that tb* water and lb* portlcm << tl»
iu,tt,nhlr end. •-1 tbe priaoe.
} lali pumim bn dom. orRan
Inn not iBUDMaed la tbe water are ba^ Uai>
*. puter’* fleU
IT. m...
aud l.-l.lks
kti m.
allRbtly wanned. The principle inrolr- I
.Ln.l .y.-t,a«ait.
«>'l a*alB, and rilU ■
addiri to bK-muery
ed in thlafaotH la of aaimpieBOdwcD
lolemu exh-maricai. aic aoended '
raU,u^ ,,
Uio Wanted
ka<m-n ebar
lapera offices la that city to pay lil* , Sl'__ ___________
to know win. wiK*. Urn mtul take iL
lag tbe Uj^t aad
being fcaad , Seai.ntng-tie
im^^ph^ ' „jer to U-1 .*de fi« of rochnoiaaiirtw.
that cmormaQi beat eaa be prudamd by |
-Id tJa.'te
Tin- lawyer re(J«<ed a fi-w iieimtiule
I mch a method, maeb gcmtiT. In fwS. ;
.III. c-.iui|ir<Md U..JW. and then eaid.
few only one we. k In adraaoe
At he
than la aecmaary to extract Iron from '
W,*„.n ibein«.|v.*. woak. fool^
y..u an. d«-kledly nuf.wtn.
mlRht die l«for* the end of th* arren
I the an-l rrfraewry oroa Ilia remarked ; ph and iu.ihml.-iiMl.-*tfl*hlT aatuSed
I y.m li lliat yoa
' Rrr. C. T. Ktoot. rector.
that tbe vainc cd *ticb a prow—wlU be wiili ilirir lom «eelo*i.ai, who the Mmaar«al *.iaiu am it and engagt. him
At Omllllae Priilar afternoon. wlU. I
Corner Boardmau Ave. and WaJi ; mpociallj exhibited la the mora com- i j*,
rtn.! ormmand.
______ .
I plrle aod rapid handling of beaxy Ina !
p,, „ j. ,^,,^1. „ |H-artlema* tberag001 pomp or
tb* conrer atone I Imrion Ki.
dwelhug In I
.ubiirU. uf »uun. .•uon^audatevl platm and bar* mjatnng to
nf th* pcuiipered Ptr-mh qneca try villuR,., w
of the City hall wa* place<l In poai-,
Holy oommunion at 1 lU -Xp' be hamromad tad welded—m.« rahta- »h.** «nbj*.l.. .larTing for Inrad. were I* a i|nanrr.if aiiiiK.away, urKniiRtii
tion. WHhlB the coraeratonr wa.
Momlii* mrriew ami
ble «UU fm u—rnting porToara. m the
"to imi a rln.-kM. 11. Ibe pot. '•
i-r> unknown, irolt.-yiwn nuiuuird uf,
placed a box cxmUlolBg -coia.. tee
Bnnday achool at 12.
uictmary heat for tbe laimeraad pmtiaa
Tbu wife .if afoni.ia* L'lit.ai geaeral and wli.-rr hiu'kater* and )ip<l<li.-ia do
ord. aad a cp* of Ui* (ladlllar Kew^' EvenlnR aerrlc.. at :
can be K> qalrUy obtained, while tte utn* time ap- d*|il.>rrd th* et.jdn* >4
aadExiWM*. It'wa* 111* Intention
AU are cordially lavilcl lotluwe remaining porUoa hold* cmttparmUTcly woman fr-m ibehumeiut.. lra*inrm and ii.H...,iu.. ' K.-iihriiik: that rii.‘wu.*tS
uoi. tiH- woman n.pllrtl. "Pll do a* yuu
th* beanl nf (ahlic work*
th.. iirof.T*Hio|L In all I1.T hfe lb* had «uy ami in. lode atiuaiR tlx-.aln-r. lint
pany the Uyiag of tin- oomerrtnciV
kii'0>.|i «^i ir li>* lack .if a tbmg n.. luw'ii.r* iiJU>t eii*t in UiBaaiueo.nawith
fieremnnl** iierBluw to xocli. Rev. I* SaUhefy. paxt.ir.
, ah* dwunxi Afl. r th* diwlb d her b
PhiUil..||diia R«*c^
A hnnVrmao attached
fneod* nii.l llie Rmi'nituenl. m
*v«a^ ■•ei tb* *add*u aad iuirx|irnl.. Chnrrh on mnrr of bth aad Wad*- Crane-a camp, up tryuod the KaUbdiB
*d b^innlng of winter )ir*TMil*d tb* .worth *tT**i*.
u that alieiuiRhl
A N'W ibl.ntu* man named May
falllllmriii ..f ih*** plaua
KnniUy ■errir*. ar* a* follow, r
...Id me that hi* .ruarly gindiu. frusi hi*
Jem* 11. Matthew* atrlTed In Grand
Pmarhiog al lOiSOa. m.
wa* the
f.puio.uu w.-te S-'Sn.ilUO One liuiTlie lomWrtnaB had no rifle, ao ba
from* KoniU.T •rhool at 11:80.
perwmal effnri. and q..,, a U-lroiiej. wfeo uw u. an »6.000
yelUd and waicd hi. arm*, expecting •”■’1'
fnlOB Otl» to *nt*f th* »oldl*r'.
Prearhiag at T p m,
.-oontty abe f.au.:am. iIk- tlmal diepliirid at the
Uiat tbe brood antlerwl ball would daah '
Homa. H* went dliwcl to that ln»tlWedaeaday *T*Blng licayer meeting
UoTl.l • t
> nulling tiuaiunw,
fear rtricken down th. mountain. Bnt
which f.mw* other wim«*n l<
latloa. H* wa* old aad frail aad al 7 p m
IM, wuo. .. lUlL.
pom-ly clad
when b* ewH'n-d
elert '.
hla andiratioo
AU ar* weiomiir
poaching at to JO a m. and 7 p
The buU boHcd th* tree wiUi lu ant
ler* until It awayed to and fro. and itmt
>eal*d hlmw-lf .
Morning •slijeet
walkrtl away a few yard* and itwieA
fit and era* ,
The fourth of the iTlwlnmberraaa yelled*.
Tell BO
be «S bla Wit.
BO haigrr.
Th* aargedn my*
‘ Jo*t above him »a* a dtwd
tb<' r-wuli may be. the ex.idtw will.
Tb-**. w-nueu wb-i ha** bneed
th* w -rld haretndid (broogfa experuoce
tberwertxd ladeprodeore and tb* muafacsiou which oimajtuaa ftoic l•.tngm
aide to
H* had Joai
when he fell o
lb* nett miwmtig
hi* death I* dor to
' Kx.-ning
' Tli*
aoch a* ai.vtl.iag *1*..
Builder* of the Koul '
C. B. Ptw**r of l^.rl iluran. m*i
C|a*a meeilng at t>:4.i n
with a iiecnliar and arnoua accidral
PuHlwy arlinni at II 1.^ a m
one day la*i week, whieli laid him up
Kpwnrih Uwga* at <'..13 p
forflv* daya It appm that Mr
Praaer diacoeenwi that Iheie were are.
etulimUIn liU
. Thurrfay-PrayeT tneeliag
jv m.
Hr (-omen'd
A Cordial inrilalion
oae big fellow aad act out to nptuTe
The rat iwawwl
Burnt i i.mb He broko it .rtf, aad a. tb. hull
; Idrmwrtl again h* -t .he wood Mlrc
! droTprtl
.too tbe bull', hm-k. With a
bellow ti
half frox,
cuaip—Kew York Wtgld.
A cinnen of Tampa. PI* - i* the c
I exieaded
^11 tlieae arTTieva.
him and Mr.
ttaiwKi "
hit the aide ot the hoo** with a fonv
PrewchiBR at
that aeeriT broke 1„. 1,-g
M..mmg aubject.
Pour iaehm from tbe
wberv it tnam-tiw frtan fb* m
T’''li’‘‘’r™'^*'[^7b«r%r«h*^lrly m*^ - a
•* flat, and It t* la tin* exo—nce
IVjg* *nll ovntiiio.. u> kill aheep In •'•’ I'MI'
th- rieimtT
N.-w B.wi..n
I'nnday achool at none.
that IbB W'Oder liaa Tbe bulb U in the
form of----------of aboand’* bead, platoly xhowEllia bad wveral more kil1.-.l Thar.
^-ang People . meeting at i :*S.
rye*. Me. It
, tag ear*, moalb. «T«*.
day. which m^k- flfir •U-*i> klll*<l
^ ta
"Llaieaing for tbe «
the down,
la Uaruu l<>wu*hi|i during tli* in*i
wi** it
it U
U imAoealb------imjcmlble that It twald
be a
rbar.oi W1,*ela •
. !! wt»e
At* atglita.
Al Beoton Harl<or the weather
-rtWd for Noremb-r arm broken Pndar
when th* mrwcurr dropixd to eight,
dagrare abore goto.
' *’
AU eordtally mrlted to Ih*
roewnt fall'
of aaow lAiTrd a groat |wotectioa
aahamwred croja.
At bait Bee. Marl*. It U
View Urtbodlw. '
Rontag senie* lb
ed that Sl.oao.ono worth of rml (wtate *“ Blf»d»**a "
liaa Mtaaged hand* ilunag th* |■r^**B1
Buaday achool. i: ta.
Epworth Lrogae al 6 i46 p m.
’ Kcme
atriwti of Bay City;
wouconitMMNf by
tanner'* wa«wu'
E»wilBg eerrie* at 7.
Friday all OB aoewoat of tb*
off of the October dellTerr of beet* i
Mom vim. Ttgor.' mental and
ical power, fill* your bodr with
U MRlU^Ufri
wbaX waa coming to tbem. aad a ma-' Rooky
iorlty of the*- wei* paid off al tbe ‘
w B..iiij.j^jiu chui.'
cbkwy aaii* laid out tor Oetabar
ter lakm la twtarim aad »tb* giwvMfilliMaaMR^-telBbarla a Mml'
B they --ver got b
|r t> u-iw grtung t-> be w-ll niidet' *i..d that many plaiiu that it w*.
th -ngbi cukl caily b-gr-om ciMrr gUuw
do remarkably well lu ntp''limauiou
' ttir -umincr abad.L
The b-g-.m* 1
r w-ck.
pecially *nu«>d t
Tlte wrii.T .*ai* acr.*** a lull* gnov of
rvctwirt courtruned uudir th* ebade
nearly eierj uiRhl. wal.i
rt.—Mmban'* M-aiUily.
(d la*t uiRtat at the d
hare (alkij if I hadn'l
failed." wrime Editor a-" -----riiv
aad-all akin
aeama OalyMeatJaa
Mr. aad Mra Owm* Teriaa'doali*
W axgaemI tbe
hr ite eymi
aad & S. ralt-a
■Moaat da* to b* paid'Friday wa*
aaarly «St6,00a U U *atimated that
ma d nod. men tbaa aereaty mm
. j..^
Beaide* hnndrodi <d bell* wrtghlag .
A Kew ■**■■*<»*.
tnm 10.000 tuU.UOO pound*. Naakin.
Elbe! olightly bwlon)—Tm: b* tc
la tbe oSce of tb* Oea Moinm Ragl*- Ubisa. ba* ti>a.-beU»wluob wMgb 60.000 me that be d been aufleriug fnas I
ter 1* tbe bmt batomMer in
the ftata. It poaiMs wh. ’nwyarurnwrly It &iglids 1 eflem* itf tbe enp—Bcritmer'a
rep* attaebed to ‘
u> bd^u and ar* ahacot tS I
an oriinary
01 ■ ------------ox betwten tbe fiiHaad f—i lodiametm. tbetaetaltntbmeiaae-'
1 bUmI ham kaowa Uf* otberwla* la
‘ I tbe carrier bm
making It pwly ^ MM HenanragM abontfiS Ibebeain tbieh- I *p^ long aiac* fled, fur lo my roin*
MW tarougboat, faMag about h Inc
I Inag. Thl* rop* I* wimderfaUy
Orient blood ia ml. and Ihrougb i
'loebaagm ie tb
14 boar* Mot* the a*«nt*
it b*- g, . ,Alm» of mrua Mb, each of wUeffi
ruw to tigbtea by U>* abemptioa ef w^lgta lM.00e poBoda—6t Loab Batbe Sahara U eo adtaed from tbe Armoiatcra la pxadMlfcme nearly-----------
totb*mtgarf«^ort«. PBllys «>««•aad tanaer* came lo the city lo draw
orer Ita eouatm awly AtOO.OaO ta
flr* aad oBe-war beara Tb* total
L'uiuxl State, lou.uoo f-.uuuun* 1
urem. h*lp!
k«-nrw-t*>«l and b»rdj
tctlygruilg'-d—liaTeburrMdmanywwoman to her cmvi-« hoae old age. bad ab*
bm alih- I" tieuefit hy ib* new coodltkawof today, would hare bemmraa
and BDclnuded.
Tl>rre !• no fear that wenna wilt
to aid ia foODdi«
buuie*. hot I ' iktlled *
*ntnrr will
____ d that equality ia matter* of d.iojeatic autb-niy and fluance which bw Igerdated not *ak. h.
th* l.mnal.<au..rf b« «-x. i«gniratedby
her ign.iraoce. A n-w ,n ha* dawned.
Seilhrriirejtidio-. n-r OBi*erTati*m. n<w
. tb* oooibiiirtl h'Wiihlyuf ehuroh aod
iwder tb* a
-Mary B- Kroat to
lm«l. ha* gwaaed
rrlo... I-bba
t* ^'<e lanfmaa. tmalor.
day I he y«ur t..oud.
lu Buffalo Stud
dard Ur.a. (iupl->y Su girl* t» liandla
IC* cnwuj K>ia. and it takiw 8.UUU glam
■a 1-. •x-oumi.«late tlteir trade. They
•■•1] It at ;> .vul> a glaM, wid Uiore u a
Di-i iniitll -if yn*l llKi pero
la Re
.. the gnulot e«l*
Uagli Kennedy, iwator
hi* mPTr*•»A«nl»'*rf w>'»r be:
la ahoxm into the dlaing room for
................ .
d tyMMB. ie aiea faaad al
• aadyffiPM,
Cloak Sale
Tuesday Morning,
Nov. 20.
Every 6arment fhi* Seaton's make*
XBOX MW—«ffM«e U aay e^le;
8 opportunity you should
not miss. °
Cadits' Jackets.
That have been selling at $u.
>12.50. Srj 50- Sm and S15.
Ladies'Bplf and
Flush Capes
Worth Si 1-50. Sii.oo, >12.50
and S14-OO.
^'our pick of any of these gar
ments during the week, ten dollars.
ivtii MiiBi IS sBon niif i
Cadies’ Tashionable
Worth Sp. So-SO- Sio .5». in all
the new shades, every garment a (
big bargain.
Speeial in IWssts' Sachets
13 to 18 years, all colors,
worth $6.sa at
CWs Sachets
Big stock to choose from.
Bring in tbe girls.
ntTDA.% MO¥iittldl t% iam.
Tto Bar Ytow Badtac Obria win
(rid. «Md tor tlwqMmri >■>—.
• aMBtrycftbrHriarpaiBak. him
dartaaa •!«((.
iMIrtaa Mdird usd tepoMd «p« oantoT
Irlb. Ukf. m> EucUd>
(toarriwtftlM-nitUBctf J>ifaa(«. H>1(
' ~
b olbd «br -emtamt Kafm." «r ajnpiw* UngUMgr- «■» i* ^ to»awa
bt tte ulirw and all otban who an
• lu icribrrin* (to pmdart ol (to
«r UwaaMk
aat wift XtB. r- idata atfri. Kaatar
• :aOo-rio(k. TtoUaaaa (a iIm «M
Dad for (to tUrt waak te Ho
Dapair <Ja«a Warta Mark (^w
iatatuad laat ri^
a (Mak%
mar to ito riatotor «<
ss'tri** i Sd r*"*
kAtas d (toir dnri. ta iacnan aad (a
torn nr { MdiriD*. atol (to ran briofn mack
ora tkan tto oaoitBou caaiptor.
TtolUbjau and o(tor JabaanaplaOH rridcat- ^ tiro brlirrJ iba( aark ^x-ba at (n*
aaM oal.
. ,pim .r dlrinitj'lbat pwridoa ; u,,
p, b<^
Barit 1
Batotod oeiacal^ orer lia allain Ito •>T>tril <if tto tain-.
aboat Bo'ctock In ttorrcDing. JbK
■ Cf/Oiwtotr
(n« |> ktortro br ito nau.B uf Bi- m bn bcamal waa oo tor brari aad tor
to aan-bcarmllr -a vtonan- Herrfa(ln*'h»doolbedoQrlo<bpa«.kla>a.Klrk'«« ptov b omr th- - - —'
atnari; b1|A( a pn-nltar
IdwaU to. Brbvtwaa llcfaiiMt to ! vuoda. rtonnbliUE ll>a< of arwnda. Ito ^
oablka taapeetorwUb bb la«anBa '
4 tolii-O'd
to iuiiipdk. and :
aa lowtorewr
tnvbarawr «BipUwiwtll
cuipUwtwin wn-lj
ann-U to f-ond
f aiiid la
11 (be- ns,;. Kirttto;idar. -VviirmtamU--------- ^oMtknwaa
tod ■!«( (to nictat baron.
Boi tto-p.m.J tto-cain |
,00 go You BBatB'v go bona with
“BMW atarit. I irpltml
. nfaur (Ttr-tor'"^
WbrnaiJ tto prr 1
a looking fan aa Ual.' ’
“Xenari joar Itaiilnitrl Yea aSrfd ' doo. gu^ and rauit br |inipilia»at. and | Katbonttcrad aoncthing, andtaklng
Obt. Ykf dta*! rm aar ao! Bara joe (f .ba knawa that bmim arc in nnnd > gg
boauM tnnad to tto aink aa if
fed MT noD^r'
. of It a>M> will m<l<«r-r i<> inn. Itoir j
tto inirotvinenta nig“Atopfonr. rif.”
i(tr|saaldr. Hi>uu nonwatr toapnk 1 _u^ ]l
(bat iut aa KaUa
“Haod ft in." In It went Ibrii 1 | ta «tnagiia whirb ato d.o» o-t ulKto-i
.kw u> deiwn'unML Kixktod te (all nr trade, which waa that d , ftatid. F<r ibb panae ito “ramphn ! bolder waa amaard to Adii faw eoonle■ aaOer. and natarallrito m( qnaaUai , ubgnago” baa ton inicoi.d. li con- J
„„ tai** tnmeariona in grean
(MM to wh^l Wbi biyid.
(bu.if att.iiMire..f JaLnni^ MUy : jb» beftan
ky. air, if I e 1 trm get ; anmb. bat itow an ennnoaiy altered :
'Vbat on earth b tho matter witb
j beUeee that Ibe dieinitenf the
“Vhy dia't
| („, |.r.mi|iliivl> cnufnmL Tlw Jakona
I ,rbo bnni (be nniiph<r an. <«.■ .if tto
ij,.p „ml
yoa '
away that
bunibill in piTf.tjt l.anmaT ooder moe- | ^
, „j at d.ctor, and wbat
I ,blc I.vf >iicllcr> Iniilt cm poloa in Ito | bare Itoe to do wl'
wouda.—IVel.iu Tmviller
..(Vbj de night .«.'.c..k. done
yo‘,'■ replied Katb in a bornaed wbiapar. "an dey lakea yo' an binda yo'
Tbe inTineililc armada waa a fanx
__ Deeddey
Dry rutebea yo'.
' oavei
aaval expdili.ai tm'iit
cent br
t.1 .U...W
Philip ««
II M. pnu a plaatab
t .. . onr yu' munf an yo' can't
Spun agalnii
lingUndIn ISKk It f«
: aqnall, an top a }oaik-i. o9 nai'im an
, uA.d of IBO Temaib, I
4.iJ5 quintal, nf piwclrr. nearly *0.000
my mool. .
«>Wler«. ah
ab.vc H.ooO
..iw and
^ ^ plaatab won't alick. an ef day
Olio aall.i
, than 2.001) mini wra h a:
In ^ I _____^
, wildcat, an
Eogllhli riunnel
: feated (be next
.aidnl by Drake. Baw- ^
ard. who
kma and lY.J.idicr. Evrlit Are ri»p
hariug been ntil into (be hpi.^ub
( of toweb and iblrta
they bn- .dl insmildb-.irdei ProAting
B wa had pea eonp and bnad. I en oytbe lauiu-. tin- Kii*liJ.f.-ll ipm them
joyed It. but Bybnnr did not Thepxir and inplniol «r iWimj
fbUmr waa feeling iadly. Be had bad their Rlii)>>. aud Admiral
ta acrab nearly >0 crib, and tto bcod- lainud a niunlug Agl.t fnati Jn^ tl
A little girl lately aidied her mndia
h eff«n that tbe Sp
tDf onr IzKiikBl to aneb a feat had ■ ' • howto pniDOonoa Ca-aor'. famota*laSaarly bntoo hia back. At dinner ha
cnic ntteranoB. "I really d.m't know
Mid plalatirely. '•Flynt. I want to go reeolTcd t'l retnni l>.4or. audaaeecap what to tell yon," wax the anewri.
boBW.” "80 do 1. " 1 rcplt'^.
"tot I tbnawb the Engliah cbanuel waa prercpl*'^. "toi
'When I nudled tetiu. we aaid 'Vcni.
(aney weVa Wanted Bent till tonKarow | reiiind by nnirary winda be undertook Tldl. Tid.' raactly aa It 1. apelled. A
■ ------- ,_______________
te mil around tto Urkneya. bol tbe rea few yeare later UK-y begun to nae wbat
' " ThbiaoTed
pond lob.............
bM to frit better in tbe afietnoaD and ] arb which nlll t-maiued l<> bin. were waa called tbe cmtiui-nlai proonneia.
diK)>-rwil l.y lOurui. >r abtp« n<-ked tiuu and aald, V.xi..., v..de. teeka.'
Mnne d tb<- rrlU
ixig tlM. r>p'ka and atollowa on differ Kow 1 lanrTyonroull.tnati-iiirterwonld
isirtx of (he Scuttiahand Iriah ciawt. toll ua that it waa W.xair. wento.
to tto gcoarri pie.
and opward of &.000 men wert driTwn- wei-l-e. " Tho collegian waa ippeul.d to
ed. killed or takcd pboBtre Of (be accordingly and anii.ionced : "Hi>; there
(to mlddb of tto afternona the atlead- wh.ilc armada iS xblp only returned to la a luU-rwayatiU We «y.'WaUHV,
■it (rbo waa with tm- at tbe furnace flpaiu, Slid tli'we li.Bwretrbed rcnitl- wewlee, wwli.-e.'f.r the very Utect "
Mid: "Yon tnigtat aaw.U recL Jbc( Uon. Tbe Gngluh hxn bnl
ship.— I Am Lowell .-..tuplalned in hia old age. ’
keep you eye m tto Am. tbat't alk^ Btioklyu kAgK
who ran preUsd to keq. up with the
It waa kind bt hlic. and
gibberish into which tbe riamica are he- '
toMaarned mypra wap ud
log inrn.xl by modern toacbera of ibamt
ioder to W
1 ocRirob
top arblcb to bad had to take
H U MWafraUag WpIU.
bom me tto night befoe. Daring tto
til. are ap t.i nxjiamtoate
_ , ma
, an-veral qawtices eldo. Jf. Hairy, aclix'k inanofacti
day to had asked
1 disr
Mid. “It's
•boat it. andlMid.
"Il'i a very decent [ LcagoWn.Frann-. basreratlyd.
Franck luu Itnaght uu<l<-r ibe notice d
oaltolikr. yoa kniTW."
Jan exixTini.nt <if tto kind which
sort cf ppe—coalinllta-.
be 1 ^ |.olyt.ehoic sir.cty d' Bfrlto
lin ia miona
Twain ahrap iBiake ^ made
on'l Mark
« waxp wa. im- , ^ diatofecimg wcU.. which
■ hicb to cvmploys
sm plpeal" mid be.
; prlDsici] amlcr a gUm. and koowing )
xocrivx It ciuixi.i. m xasi•peudibg
■Blest if I know.”said L "bot loop that braunc ax]ihvxiat.e
L to tto mouth of tbnwcllauraitbcDware
to pper naknl
txv.de tin cap I
uing 3
____ ___________________ ____
.. . .•- Tlx- «a*]. I«- ,ic uwvanfiirtable,
at 15 grams) of bromine.
. ^ . . B____________
to ported, "an I'm a thtokto o' gelUo I then angrily sttack.
M O' Uwm ptprn. )sst
Jsst out of nspeci
nspoci fur I[ mg all its eff.i
c that Alla (be well and 1
atworlied by Ito water, thus dwiafecting
"WeU.".mld 1. "permit no to (he abd.mxai ]>toDtcd iu simg tone* mt- to It TV water, it la true. Iiaa aaUghl
MOW of yoor te»i>crt t« pesrai yoo bidy. M. Breuy wa. cnriiaa to ctm- tCateuf bromine (or a time, bet iawbuleWithmyplp Bcaidcayanvegutltany- Ann Ibe fart (hat. 10 spile d his bo- aome enoogb. —Lunduu Ulobu.
bew." Bs tiutokixl me pretnacly. and maue feiUiigx, to nixaited the expenRew It Wm.
paentoedto ktvpitfat-vrr. totvtotto tncail tu thtie wasp with Ibe tike reday to reportwl it tn be josi as I bad foli.—Lond-w (il‘>bt-.
"And wbere'a Sappeigb^" inquired
tbe returned cinbmu. who was posuns
Mid. "acet o'eooUn like. " Andtowas
a good Mead to me all the rnit of my
faimrelf "UhestiUcoaningibaibrigbi
aresirni giil? "
alRy to tbe NolUng BiU SUBNIthi.4^1
Oo Wednesday m«nlng wc were tarn
"Oh. no. " replied his fncad. "Sbe
Bd °
Jollied him fur ux meutoa or m<
ad kraas witb oar taro to'pmnlca We be ueaiticwil that M tSa
arm* both so happr (hat we decided to whe wa. lali-ly elre-n-d life
fooled him at laxL "
the ArewlemT. .(ily
rereivi.l piwti
#«00 annoIrrereieivl
Ab." with aa.ympatbetie
got off Uw road Uiat Terr day.
sigh, "six
U... ('..llcg.-de France. ,*w.tcd him did she?"
We had beea tramp for three weelok ally »
■Xo.moch Sbe mameU him. "—De
aad tod walked most
of tlilx utne____
foll.r_ In hi. DC* prat: c*ibeiicitilledlo$l.-l
*T hioked
np my ; »«"• likable tb 1 sum paid him sa bead Bolt Free Piraa
)B miles a dsT. So wt
BUod at tto Temple, and a few bones j "’f the gi
-rera which tonex Roiati ratod The!
tOe KmIM axswr.
■ tolbecasnal imiuorml.. uTOrrling to tto fcaDdali.m . A
n Eagliib aoldier cumtog’oK doty
lonyfrieiMl rele*..ar.-supp.a»ri tobc pid ASOOvear
w beard to aay to his ooxnrade. "Well.
I had told him tbe dav Ip. to aildlluiu hi ttoir fees fv attend- [ . Jim.
j,n,_ what's
what's tto
toe erdtrs at this past’
briore that I expected to gotoeWtogs" mg m-vtingx As a mmllernf fart. Vra- I Jim replied, "Why. toe .rdeis u TOO're
ilxy uily nxvm- gSOO anM^Dy- oeror W lotee 11 till too re kilted, and
of the sum ftrtn. a xink I u
re* any oiba man leseing
-----------------------ing food, tal of whicl.cight aged arad | you're to kiU him. "—"BreoltecUtaia of
TW Ma-re war1 emleiaiis gel allowancea. tf their private ^ Hiliiarr LifA " General Sir John
Naw Pareon—Which do eta like best, ! annual Incnme filD aV«t of Al.tOO — : Adge.
WUlia, yov day sebool cr your Sunday j paria Lrtf—
;--------- -----------I In akilted Ulx*. anch as toai uf the
WIIHt Hr <»"—«T itoaoL
ralrat Pat*.
; blacksmilh. waged maker, .hixmiaier
Haw Parsoo—I am gtod 10 bM (tot I "Barr la an.ithcr on* <d them plntis." ; uud toe like, toe imponioii »( fceeign
— ~ 'ly school tto I Mid Mr Diuual Uawsim, "in the paper to nslie* labtr in the United States is
[ IBU iBVa to uenr was so bMW M wbeo : not so largo as to onsklUed bbor.
I —
K. .k. X..TX. T
-----------------------TTIIHi Dsnansn H Is
Wrat, , Tto wints d Ihit and lbl8
wosk.>B(daklyii Eagte
»u~ ra.crew
I of tto toost aetTS* aver known to Bos•WrU. yia aay": W'y. 11 b Jbt tbla i aia. a fart whldi pantolly explains tto
Cudrnm* ■niifsayrcdieriB.rii: Bar b a feller Uial Terilv litaa Wirk | tsrraa of lb* irtzMt from Mcmow.
routs tu uMri, tDcoey than he kin oaont.
dhirob HTs. to FVxtoa.
Pmnrnm^-Too onaHI Tea gaea U j and here
e (nan (bat of, an Indtoc
to MS to ctoMS this mmotof.
| arooM do s.snc good 1 guem yoo know
Oadaoteto-WaU. yea see. I'm mora , vVre wc pre at wltVai no fords
5™' i S.
-Ts.u.„ .r..jr'i;"uTJsr..ssU“.,sx
.mit fmad.
Hotip.t '
^ irtU not deelee Ton^io •—•
:ii^:dd t«Ti'..m tk.'...
rtoal b tfanwt, and makes sleep poMUe. It
*-•«»» b good. Try it. F« mST^ F. C.
mn and nU *to dlMstorF-O-Thanp-
Let Bwde be yoer Swti Ctous.
1st BmSi ht ytiir Swti Clin.'
That oon arith bs face eompa^
ICE CREAM and soda (to yosr r
atJocMcti'a UOA-IL
Ask yoor drogglat.
ThanlugiTtocIlBy. Korsabs
ter Beedi be yoer Seett Clees.
1st taStbytir tots Clan, LstBssA bererSasta Claaa. ofi-
8(TT ywmt nyrisn at toekaen'A
aftm allied ririarioB of tto |
MtoncMoo. uawmrsB
Had. -Tare Traapa la Ear
>»toafy. Ha apd kb n«- j rtcaintaal J Jcuji. ito laXlTra totora
a nUain saj rainpkar. Aad aov aaw. a bakrr>tov tn
Or Mtar-« baaen or U» madtac gnm
or a «tri^ niaat. aad vM bad aaawd Ito
pkv tn». Drytd.U»nia r*an>ton. growt
or dovan ww Uosd U r>«w
abOPdaatlT in mtaiii put* (tf (to patoarw IbM farato oatoritot fralM (SU.
elMala. bet ijoIt (rraxitoaliT ««D(alai rraa
Aad BOV Bd ttoa fn>i oat (to dNtotoJ d«ir
capiptor cTr.toU Tto ounlibcr b aca
An am or tow vao tlftod fton Ito raat.
Ito «UM M (Lat nbtaiPMl frran ttoean- Aa ttleaulto b ^bam to IBidtoa
aad aaoa aom oadartar bM
ptar toarrl of ForiDoaa aad Japan,
wfckk b (to Murati (toardiaarraun-
“Tm. tbithat'amr toMrtlcai.'’ Bnt
to (to Ufa of ma I eonld ik« me bow I
WMletaarii America that way- I waa
wo btgfalmwd that I (roald hare told
him wytbing to wanted.
be waa tbnaffb with na. aWnd
Wtaadaot texA na in liand. gaea
grarl and ln*d. a talh, cl«M
Sightrillru. and Ibeaaoell apieor
wbleb wa abpt T*7 well
At (ban wen caly four lomatre that
^ . .
M •—
t<r tto
« .--"I
tor (9. and aoaacaped clone ■breaking.
Whldh 1 dreaded eioerdingly. and were
fU at rarlaaa
loaa ligbt oocopai
- i Bybcrg
waa tto rimtn of
hb rinngtb Onr trakfaat ocawuled of
ttoMDadtoaaonrnipperRf ttonlghl
' briota. 1 waa eotn taniy aa gcaml Are-
»M» w^yy*^r***i***^
Hlfh Mheo) hsntMMadaBhi
IMaotah mri haraaftm wUl 1
(^atolr s> Omsm (ba
Ua works Tha Btri Mai '
old iMl etmtol at Ito torn
■ iwi.
Uar trip
While OB Ua bird
I irid hi*
(to HoUaad. Bd-«
genUer aax oaiy. Tto rinb starts onl
BagUab MCtar dot to
tto anlmri. Twasty-Are doBam wat artlb bright poepeeta and many preabk aa aratl aa plMMat oeantoga
tto priae paid.
-W ^lt..^a.dre^
At Ito MsiBg MTTiea to toa Oon- aatlriraMd by Ito ytmwg ladlaa.
i^ariOMd rimirit. Mm. AUea OoopMaSlIiairXi FtresDcw.
r trlU atog a mIo. Mm. Ooopat to
MiM Mtonle Britoer NcelTed
(mm Bay City.
Anecsey Oeorf* B. OieM laeriTad tocmrlari U^t from bar brad
Frita. wbo to hnnttog deer to tto
letter from tto faasitoc mmp d T.
rletolty d Sldaaw. app* paUaMla.
I Demnaod. R Brtotol aad P. C.
to wU^ to aaaoancec that to haa
Gilbert, ywinrdey afwsoxm. to
wUrii it waa (Mtad toat aac^ of (tom tooaght dowB Us ftrtt iom. It to 1 aiTnvrewUir..
larga oae and wiU to toippad boMs.
ton tiro dear (o (tolr oedlb
WUUam Baitoer. J. L. Bmlth aad
Tto ftm tttU rriiaartU for Tto
Second band Marine OaMUas Baotbara are to tto mme camp and
leariah will to held Wedaeeday
eiU of tton haea aocorod ptoaa. but
anatog at t o'cloA. TboM who
One l-bonse power. ffUO.
are more JahUant tbaa Frits.
are not poaaBtat tbto ratoarml wtU
tine 6.bone power. flTA
aot be ooaued to (to eberaa.
Une ll-bone power ITOa
nm PwvsS.o'^i!^
Mr. A. PalBtmdon aad Mtoa Bo*
. .
Four new Ufr Preaerrm. «A.«>.
UurMX alsu j
loBeU (ran, aUled to
Wa know of BO arey H> wUeh wa per Bxwlii^into*2
One U> Ib Folding Anohor AT.OO.
can be of more aerrioe
St. Mary-a ebareh at Pi
I set Oanras for sloop rig, laelad10iteU
teU (tom
of aometbldg that
(be Err. Pr. Bnecman. cm Mimday. ttoa
wiU be of real good to them. For
Tbeir many frieatto aril! Joto aa in tbto rMsoo are aranl to aoqaatol tbem
artobtog (tom a ptooMSt royage arith what are oaealder eoa of tto
----- beam II ft: dmaght W U
aery best remedies 00 tto market for
throoglt l>fe.-Leetoaaa Bnterrria
ooagto. oolda. and that alarming
C. 6. WlUiama. who to buittog
enmptoint. em^ We refer to Chamthe Ba&Ulee rirer. killed two :
berUln'a Congb Remedy. We have
oaU It with tneta good resnlts in onr
deer daring tto last week.
—AolDr snid raxtxjf
becone a
& GiUeUe. who recently re- fami^ to long tha^ it Jma
Oig. rnaiXirere.
DMasitr By It.
mored beie from MayArld. to bUldm'C ana doabt I
Ing a reaidaeee on.Weel Pnmt etteet
wfM i.i redre.
•ItreV KMtf
which he will i4nt when eompleied. enap. This leelimony is
WAKW rat
MiaaEh-aL. Ptonoo and Eogeoe onr earn experienee. and
itollT those who OU SI H.wcr. TVxsp-BTllb or Vuiu.
oar readers, especial
Terry were married Friday etentog that
hare aoiall ohlldren. alaraya keep it
by Re«. Wm. toofmao.
In ttoir homes aa a a-------------- -------denoe on Webster atreet. They will eroa^ For sale by F. C. Tbompaon. UlilM TO BKXT-Sie Wrei e.-rmiib vrrev.
aoc«py Uw mldeaee at 8S3 Vaahing
I ROUSES for Mle In aU parts of (be
At Boyne Falla. George VaUance
Ml street.
JnJloa Bteinbcrg neeired a dla- shot at J. E. Mitchell and npposlng
(Btch last Digbt applalng him of be tod killed him. VaUance Immedi
FRUIT LARDS on tto Paetosala—
tbe arrirul of a gnndica at St.
ately gave himself up to (he snthorud.nnimpo '
naoe. Tbe young mac will make bis Itlrs. Tbe ball, however, took
UiUAlNS^W. h»TB ilwm; '
lM«d.(Danrra at Jacob Beinberg'a mach leas dangeroos ooorse iJ
Valtonoe aappoaed. only wonnd
store in Si. Ignaee.
Manly C. Dodge will leaee
Mitetoll in the hand,
___________________“-“C - i
row for an extended crip In aeareb of
beads. but he eonld
s told to 118003 b
U. * X. Bk»k
better health. Be will Ant go
not fnmtobed snrelles. 1 t was taken
Denrer and later on make a t
to JalL Tbe quarrel aras of long
ihrongb tlie aonth and probably f
staadtog. and over 1
tiler weal.
The blowing of the whlctla of the
. ___________________
M1K8 JENNIE Wolfe.
Chamberlain's Stomaeb aad Liver
John F. Oti'MW millet 8AO yeater
Tablets care bilinnanem. eonstipation F^5^Smi?"r‘'i3rii5?tn«•*' LuiveMty Hosjiiml,
afleniooo annoonoed Ute catting aart'
- •
d breutoobe.
They a I easy -to take duIpjTxtrere.
luaif < Ann Arbor, ta opn for enpuremitiU
of the last log of this aeaaon'a ontpoL
For Mle by pun BAlA-ttrere*l h.«xr.lB diff.v.vii I*m j • wIh-iv Tniincd Nun
Mr and Mra. D. C. Leach, who
r .4tar.i-itr, UP imua
BuwMvi tniiW
have bren visiting in the city, have
l^rxriJKO vomi MAN-la^rarii » j gone to Sonih Bcardman where they
e ooleoi
will visit friends a few days They
will reinn here and apnd a short
time with fnendx before going
Miseonri to spend (he winter
Mrs. B. Famuli will toaVe tom
row (or Hartwiek. where she will
visit her (wrenta.
..For Sale.,
Frank Friedrich
Grand Traverse
^== ...= ... „
Graad Tnrase Land Co.
* sluiri. r !i ni
mxLT^I.uil .
.1 ll•.^l;IHy 11 »,,iiiaii .-.-imcrierl
I rreni uiidcn.iLiag*
1. m-ining 11. w.TcN unleM
I- iTi-l.-rly strmiK u-grther.
HI by ib
P uf a t
Many people >
eliev* thee have heart diseas*.
> that their hearts 1
right, bot their slomacbs are unable j
to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia <
r digests what yoo eat and pre^
u the formation of gas which
:*s toe Momaeh jvesx sj^nst the
heart. It will core every form of Indigeetloo- F. C.
It la xr esav mnner for a wealthy
yonug w.minn le )m.l>and tor ureaes.
ro'erti fium!-li-« pride It’s Impo*xllde fur s al.ori inju |o rtrry bb
li.-sd bixh
Tto msfi la a fn-l who Imsglnea he
ean .urn the .-urr.-iii of a woman's
will by furre
It'a X poor Welsh rarebit that
dncB'i mato.nti regret havlugforiDod
Its acqnilntance
Til* race lx not siwsya to the awin.
It ofloti deirenda on tor charar Icr of
the man In Ib* Judx»' stand
InsTrnd nf Ibe Lind allotte.! M bim. It
apt i<i •ii.lil:-' any kind »f amrk
Uan la a .lare Is IV alu.lgl.I)
ryttiing la
br. blit wi'iiian If-doinc .-veryttiin
tor |.i«iT 10 rvaenc hlui frum
ID ainrery.
A pliiairtan aluniU D-vrr allrad j
tbe fiin.Tal of an cv iiallenl. d looka !
Work l>•nur --I'lii'-.si* I'mlr S*wi
eenaeUld to Ito
If yoo hsee e
gony of
rivop .--can imllse bow
gratefol motbegi are for One Mtonte
Cteub Onre which givaa relief aa
as admtototared. It qotokly
pox throogboot tne
lelB tbb Tictolty a
rioo and re-aooetoattoai b ta
Mwe arbo are '
xe tto jgoMatWm <
riwald take
togtroD th
W MMoafal or not. Proriritm will
to made arithin a few days moridtog
(roe Taoetoarioo for ttooe wbo deriro
to sTril (bemselraa of tto of^iortaUJoUna K WtUwlm, M. D..
Baolth OAtoer. TraeoiM Oily.
Hot. 14. WCCL___________ ll««t.
latBsMla be loor Santa Claaa
CUmoriM Jn^r^SpM to th»
At Tk Boston Store
Will be In Force all The Week. Six Days of Solid Barsains.
On Monday morning we start one of our celebrated sales,
which has made this store so popular for miles around. It will
be a week of advantageous shopping to many who appreciate
our efforts. When we announce a special it always brings a
crowd. We have a large force to wait upon the rush, and they
will be exceedingly courteous to purchasers and prospectors.
Read the items quoted below, bring the list with you to
verify the merits of our advertising.
During this week we will present purchasers of $ 10.00 or ;
more, with a choice of several items, viz: A Persian Rug. a tine
Silk Umbrella, a fine Silk Lined Hat or Cap. fine imported Kid
Gloves, fine Silk Mufflers, or any other item of equal value.
Udies' Fleeced Ribbed fnderwear.
extra heavy—extra sires includSunard Print, per yard............................ 03
Light and dari Outing....................... -04
Children s Fleeced Underwear, for
Extra quality fine Sheeting..............
girls and boys— in vests, pants
Good quality 3-4 Sheeting..................-OiVi
and drawers—all sizes....................
8c quality Guinea Hen Outing.......... -06 Ladies' extra quality, seamless, fleece
8c quality fast color Percale.....................os
lined hose, worth 15c......................
8-4 Turkey Red Table Covere. each.. .50
22X40 Bath Towels, each —................-oq
72 inch bleached Linen Damask..........48 Gents’ Fleece Lined Underwear...........44
25 pieces colored Near Silk Lining.
Gents' extra, quality Wool Fleece Un
25c value.............................................. '5
derwear. 75c value for ---- — - - .50
25 pieces all wool Dress Flannel, in
Men’s heavy Jersey Shirts..................... -35
checks, stripes and small effects,
Men s heavy All Wool Socks.................. 19
50c values for...................................... jq
35 pieces of 75c values insame styles- .3q
75 pieces fancy Silks, up to $1.25 val
We continue the special offer of
ues, for..................................................65
men's fine suits and overcoats, up
Crepons of fine Wools and Half Silks
to $14. for .....................................Sq-qS
—values up to $24X>, for.............. 95
AU woo! faocy.French Flannels- - .7a. 48c
Plain ail Wool French Flannels, best
Wc offer our entire lot of Street
Hats, worth up to S2.50. for 4ac, 790
V^*Tv•'-*' . ^-‘.™
w- c
Kmc and Umd a "bMl maD" (ria ta
, rahiTaia ataBC<iui« vbkb bo tslsafab
'ttvhtmxK. Ubc <if tboiadpratmaaf loT>
! It; wd to betmt tbf cattia nof* t<
OTW7 fall
dta DudsaCitjattbo
Et-M7 tltao ho
irn ba k-ft aotua frocrf (rf a
tat»<itai» tnib.1, end aaa n»rrancar;ran- fl*
c< ba
b*' itw Uiknl
by ercrr idle mao and
. DOB cd tbe ti
vbo miuitiM^
' itbra Uie raab wm <mt
Eck Tuner, tbotgib
DudcrOtynlllbrat maomber him b;
the title "D.aibk- L Eok. ’
B kntb I oppuor tho Bdrmbn-
IWT* diracM
«o (b* boa..
UBdrr to voni.
Irriutd m «oo# «f lb«r
«B lb* anBlM Ibat
iMr warm. Itl*
wpll kjurva Ibat -UitU BoB* ‘ ibuusb
bora lo IiKlU. b»4 >■> Irt»b foJbrt. but Duor
niimt ta fart. Tuner oiiKht bare lava
lurrmaa if be- Lad cared f-r th>- puatthot.
(nr be unld ndr crelt aud ibor- were
few motw riiart wiih tbr rtifa- and prob
ably B-ea- wlei nnld l*«r fatimw aad
taaidelnp m-ar patlnotly than lav
BqI I Ik- inaibk-wae hrwaiiiid
d mtjnn
pruer f.r iIm- doll Ufe uf a c»« l«iy. lie
didn 't ran f-roanry Aay wraim Kutoc
arrrpUble tobiiB. Bel wbru tha
oatlk- fpa ronaded epaad tbm-wai half
a day '* .orape frtm tbr bdiBlu <if labr
EclTnnx^waatnlblaeiiUf. And healweyi went talc town aj
ttaliMPL UeanataUybyUiaberdaUllio
j llixH-. pnaarxw a clear bead and Am
ptve la Ua-aaddia He U tbe ntwtaentatiee cf the <-wneew(ho cnaudiao at
'■T>ct bl
at pr<T^ whuae apd bita and aia>« )uid
Bcu enooftli fo> tlata t rx|Bwiai hla ■>«linienu. He pamralaily dialik.-d Wdea
l-y .<■ the truL It wra la a
emtbiiy cuabtry, bihI cuadaiya (ralk^rd,
wbi-Uiir or o^* iIk-t wm In a bury.
And if Ibe ndet' bad a baUt of "naiBft" in the etirniin. aa ixBmitiniial
Rucim uftco do. Erk Tuner baled hia
Tiukttlly. b.1 that wIk-o be canie d«WB
Main atrerc «iv day and. aaw a rather
well drtivd tna?i a'J.by iruMinir and
“rutuK " with the- ei'ans id bia btawo
Erk railed enxral artratioo tolbe opaetaclei
HmUylbclnaier waannt aneyennd
M I.ewiblr. aa K-k ubyliKld nnder hltu"cr-
betwn-n bim and ibe raddle aad never
hjtN'b a feather."
Hi- had bn-c dnnkiair (n ao deocanoo
a luanu.-r ra to be daiiiimau. and an no
e interfered. The ndnr waa haU 0
bl»-k away W'hra Eik fired, and Iba '
bnlk-i amai'haveipiuetrnii, fur the rider
pua-d uo tm-uoaciuiw. wbik- aaim dlapnially aeruai the aim« waa ahaUSwd
*iT the ahiX.
, foonoately—uiiraeol.ioaly—uw .
inflimijD uf lujarr
Ddew Citv talked
|abonf 'D<«bla-LEck''ai>dbiaiiew >.>k»
r. and in the anlamn be aenr
in uid tried it anln.
Tie flrvt alK« Ik- made be bit a man
ID the li«aiidwaii titt iadimaat beaowi they wnoM ii<i( ifirw bita another
liaan-. aonirinff the entailed rlctia it «
ru an acridiut, ami titxin« bita «h
rtuanuiiK iiw i.iiwt thn-e •hmeontuf
fire (■-iw.-.u him and the raddle<w boy
tbe drinU for the ennrd
ry ebont tbe
IT. and
ballurmaiiia fiTi-w oti him till be ipo
into trucbla. When tbe ware of “Tiaaa
flier ’ ewept over Keueea la IbiMI. kfUiiu; off Ml many uf the Kaaaet cotUe. •
Led Uiea the life id w ratern Konene. and
Erk Turner Lwl bu iCTupaliab. He west
fartber weel and »ailh and Inivl (oabout
the top off a mali'iploit bat InCoIndo
llriialn. . bpniwra heaniw be Uieuaxl the (rafaliB
Lnciieb I
aterter than the inaa
' •“ '•ewnutt
I La Vila be l'«k etrejKion to tbe
almlieriuK --3
re 11 klnc of Totuta.
.rllir .ent M Nukualofa, the
ilrtirlnre of more than or-Jlnarr irThlieeturwl mertl. the ihroBebelnc 'ir-erlaMy pralerd hr kII
had IbT prti-llere of aerlac it.
bere reprodueed froen ■
ram tbta ptetmr of tb*
r'tbe flrwt time oa ibU aide of the watrr.
K of the rnembrn of tbe rraup hat-r alnre trowB
« at the lafl, the tltlh rhap w
ad him U the Oraad Du. heaa U .
t PrtlKC Oeorct a
• k Qw late Atonaader II
1-latt M Oramaco
OfMt Doha Paal o
lie rap 1, l_,-----------------------------------................
the aei^
e prlBcr—,.............
B i le Che Iktaicera Fredcrtck of ■ehaamhaT* Uppe. No 4
o later raved the prraeat raai'a Ufa la Jam):
Tbe Prcaah. la ordu prababty to enhance the v
allloat la tbe oca of foratcaera. partiniiirir the Enrllih t
..K-UVV o. ibrlr
.MM rspoktloa te
W tbe worbi o'
M. . .
___-O A:0m. OochlB Chlaa Bad other coloBlea. One of the hranlirul an hh
tectorhl woM. CBOed tha moot ptoturaeque and eorhaatiac of tbe aatiuoai hi■rtrtrd at tha expoeUloa. ti tha rxnnUr aiatrwar aad apiwoach
imlaew. ahown In rhii lllunratloa
li !■ a nMiiiunenlal atalr« each aide ^ eoCa of taataatir .Iraaoni le the Chineae faabtoo. Tbu cTBBd wppeoaA Irade to a tirrare, on ehi< h ataada the royal pajoda. which la h aptandid cdtfiea. aerraaantad by a creel "pDom.- oc tower, la
C«-bBlL Qb tba thtraboHof tba pacoda naea aa Imraara
ft tfm <B» HRM* tbtoh li 4 radcaUMBt rtow at Parto.
klnc. when arrared In l>
purple ana ermine of hli iciiloa an
decorated with hla fordra orderw, U a
ftrure Tbe ehlefi o'
a repreaeni their peopfit. but (he ktac baa
1. which mar
will of tba
nfl tiK- end id Erk'a ttaoinb. allegtag Bl
a avRIriiul reaa>« the (w-t that BO man
with iwu trial Ibimiba cuold be a imlIt W maa " Eck rrphed ia kind, aad
there were no appluanti fir the portB^
the manbal'i damlae left racaat SBtil It
waa fcnmni that Eck bad left UratneioB
and |!<Ba to Anacxia.
At Port Wtnjnu' be
tb* tniafir.
twr lo eboot tulo an isibDlaDeB drlreo
; by a rray mild aaaxwRd jwinu eulIdler,
dier. wbo
polled up e eiDcbratra end
EiU (ur life. deetmyiiHt the oaetohieiB of both abuolden and Inctdraivl'
It puttins oct ha rtirhi rya
After ibal Eck Turner went to PU|f■taS and dervlofwd a rcmark>blt habt
of wtnnin* at fam and takiat catw id
bii B>B>ey
Re niifeoied to a.reecrd <d
fiew “***
men **^
ilaln. bat be wmi rir«n credit
j •”
<d hie
tir twirc aa
well known uudiwty. and w nbeftnally opeaKtl a haudioK buora TO raotoCB
in tka Prauriaro he pennlltad oU lb*
tnibotait batnu td bu onwfaoy Ufa b-.dnft eway to fdrgetfttlnrat —Kara Yctt
JinkWa—1 want my wffa to hi •
ntoiaa wbo ibinkf b^ora aba ayrakli
Phieked—U-by dmi't yoD ray ytto «■
, ouBfirBiad bdcbebcf-Detraft VMft
.for thouranda of rrar« Is all Peru of tbe (ioha.
kvaca tribra ara it to tbh
af reUctewa Htaa.
I OTT, moB, etrarnAT,
■ V'lii mu/B
•vns:s:r:ur' .
■ssrrrsvaif i
■ "
I «■ <M)W
«ta an K k>
stoVskber is,
floa layer •« .eathie thd BfliS
KNhM poBdar. TUa to Blfsad lata
tartr rabtaeti tWB
a ,
//ot made
by a
//ot made
by a
!. .
To tuakr a prrtty arartpip roU. Um
Bltb *nk and on bIiL b rottoe Bnd-.
dine and blad tbr rdfr «H1> ■ «Bk 1
eoRl Two tnrbca frocn tfor akk faatm ,
•r tbr tlolQC a trii Mi bolt on Inrb ta1
Btotb. a* abowm I
-T«iir.- nU iW «M iMAr.
h» to Uk* ctt m eomMUiA tat tmC
tata Hn an M7 Ufr >*
Baku, aa
I 4Ba* feaakar aitar aa alo waaa aaa aa
tkr ainm- I •••>« kaovid b« «b*
dir •tB*'ahc n'M (rr at* MIm
Bmm. OIIm B«u> Ub b 4*1 ak ;>u«*
r«a Ua •>* B»v (niaSr tr«M. FIt» year
Ua I anml trr wnl at 4*1 bow. My
*rt vm pHsHpMy ooldoon. hot I
1*0’ 4U *» teaHy *a aaiiprfd ia 4at
bow. tVfo
• pool b*U «U »Uad
vMon aa wa.olaadto ■>««* Bad* vot
at boa arbai *n'a4 yoo la 4e 4aak. aa
•no v«a Me dw bonu aa ataSad < '
Bala aa bU4 pietan «bai look'd :
dry eoaht tar br acnibbrd. Uba Ilaoaa
oUi ‘oB ok matirra. bat wbat day otu I
bob** Bade ool. Hn boabaa vaa a pral
bwtar. aa dry aay dna baoa't* all arsaa
ha doM- kIM. Aa dno «w liro Idc
Brttd booa-t obat ooa bla. bot ao lire
Bl aor dflc. aa til dm ciata ryta oiad
pw at yoa la dr dark. Il ooi all U«
aa looioiiBr as rmt>y.
Bat I dido'
fcao« abnyl'Mc Ull w niebi Sara oo*
drtodrol akt. »» rmaa oat oo call w-Tor’ fnabaa.
aay. bao'1 yoo
iMht aa trait oo
la ttf aot>pn li-nMhi
iT I raa'i ‘ ‘ay bf«ri Bf> an loo.
pr. Aa
la don'
pay an *iastieo tar aayt'lac
' aw'oaa.
oa. |{l|-t
■a all H(bi.
■ • •
“I lik'd
UlB ilanaa.
bad. I both up a pnod flrr la dc ball,
'w bit trn lata fall an a drlslla roia
oalaldr aa dr ariad W' hatrlla. Dru Uiat
Raaa* coll tar trr brlac *obf *nr
taabv wbar I'd orbrr broa.
*’Wrll. tab. rf bit TO cold aa dark
do«B Mtir* dr room Mlaa llaataa trui la
brat iMiyt’lad- t>*rr win two Me Uaipa
bormla. a rrd cairwt ue dr do', a bHebi
lac ftrr. Ik nibialar waa whHr Ian
abor arorirl. dr wall* wot tall at lubly
oir taaaerra. bet rrri p4ni
T IIT rocklo rbalnu doD 1
Hra. bobbybararo. fairy booka. an Uet
k»nwi what. .la two ruram"wtu I
orhltr rrfba wif akrrtrr ban drawa.
la dr iniddir wot a li'I iwaa tablr wU
rlrae Howf aa two IIT l>ln» plain. wIf
111' bairn aa (obk* aa apoona.
"Min lUaaa wtu aailie aa waab a
b«« Mor pwo wif wfallr larr dowa dr
float. Sbr Imkrd'llkr a youac wamBaa.
■I’D takr ay tra up bno. rar’ Joobna.'
abr aay. ‘aa doo' frrcli dr rfaUloa'a aap^'•kl-bat dau on aair I aak.
“ -Ob. natiaral trr two aa broad an but
tr m til inrkrra.'
.1' bleb rhalh up trr dr
tablr aa c« Iwu UT ohilr Mbt
"Wrn. I wrnt do* a riairt a
tapper aa ro'yrd ii up »lr UU* liaant
u alDI amlllB. aa abr bad a doll in hrr
■ patlla
a aa 6ar
w.«d no dr 6rr
*u dtp all ilr aopiwr la d'-m IIT plain.
lairr I km up ac’ia
do- WBt mhrl. hul I
lUlrood. tab: yn.
b-rr tTO .
py bit mlcbt harr
wo* tayB:
-■fc tnadrrrlU pul on dr liT data
MIpprr. aa all dr Iromprta kb w. Dm dr
priarr tak brr by d< ban an k»a brr. ■
dry had a Uc weddla. ta dr fairy c»
Botlwr km. an I'iadrtrUt wuab too
‘rrtal tUrrr dron dal dr falrlr* madr t
dr flaw tUpia-r*. Now. darlin.fon n
irnilrbt. Ilii'r brdliiBf'.
Knrrl duw
bufr of yoa. by aoddrr ’
"lira hit woi oalrt a UT. aa\l both
Haaat’* rnbr low. low an llbr dr wiad
*1 biebt la dr plar tmo.
M -il1
ii 3:'-
HI, Xmu Hr tlwon
: (. Iill.-Ult.i « l.o
I In nmordtinr
Thursday, Nov. 22.
Beginning at 9 a. m.
In* ht'1 tlrr.-i«1> tiitl.:|..Bl■'•l
Having a large surplus of
We have concluded to reduce our stock and sell
the above to the HIGHEST BIDDERS.
will also sell
1 m w®. m min m dr. m
Itching Scalp.
ilrd , ■•■ri:.-> .ikl —I.. ii..r c-n. rtl
r* i*r
dr rblllous an abr trraird
ihi- -r. t.•..umi.*,
. Ilr.>.kr. Uki* a dnc. ilka Krookra
h m.ly rk.'r*. nn walli>.l an alw«ya
a l.uu.li. Ilf I'lUf. Hill brr what abr
■I drillwa s.inrwbrrr.
ill.. Hanna look k-ry had. dir-.liill.rti iiM-trl; mv..l,«nt .1 ..iiu*
hrr ,»<<r,. Il, ilir n. n |,nriinm.rii. h 1. ..tl,....
wi*rrr. wilb tbr III •■4c.-l»r f.*.^
u* down an look
n'lnc to Mr- If lill't Hrnn Hit w , of S...IIand. TIo-y b*4d ib. Ir •
■ only
■iBC day an warm. Ik Aiftm woa dorinc ibr llti*timr
........................ ......... ry.iii-Llr. tn .w»rt olirra bur i.. hr
, _ „
an maciiol; ft puia; rat*, lint nlr UIb Mhm. Tbr rlrrtbie takra pla.-r In !l"lyllanna
oprn dr wiudrro. 'IjouC rorid palan* In l^int.urclt.
• rtniit II*.*n Ula. Ilrookr. krai Uu aa. : OnUHh* Ir.i.<b.n ua-l Ui.Mb*w*x Ibr rw
thnird. .Iir wilt wbllr an inlarrblr aa : turnllic ollki*i. mrlrr IbHr writ. It
nmW lith.lly walk wif t bbf bondlr tbe p<»i. awl a ni*urd of tbr limn of p,»twn» .-n'jMi
Kh.* krm In an act by Mint in*. r.*>vlpl and r.-lura I- pmurrcl h) un
ilaipia In d.* hic ball an Irll brr uuBfia.- rltl«.tal.* ay.|riii ..f .iEii<*d arku-ok*Ji
aiimhn hrr hiial.tn door. I lelirlw-what 'nn-uis pin* mil. air r,*iiimthl.*
makr hrr auui niad.lcr'n rl«*r I an toy oo day. of lli.*ir Intic. itiol rb** r.‘loniin(
I mil ...mill lo wif aome wuod odirrr. arc llnhli* .-itIIIt n*jd p.*nallj to
wbm I t.,. rr.| ..wws no I door wsit not- ibr houar ..f
for tbr pn.p-r rraldr dr do' till dr U.hra ftnub dacslatia. Iiinia Ir.ii.ion Mull
Ok UlM Hat
-•I W1..1 ht
frr you'always hul
yon alaar.
•in inr will.
-|li.t Thai h-r.
I a t.y your'
, I
-Wi-ll. br I..M iw’al! tbr li. r..*'.
of iric-k. aflrr bi- bad aold Ibr I. aat 1*
riB • Obi.'uEo ll(>.>rd
n.'lr.l .'hillun.. )
by Or. Chaua'a Olntmont.
aanpktc cure.
Sooreaaodthtiua' ■
and* ol men aad
weacn aund ready to rouch lor tbe taeilta
of Di. Chjw'. Uiotnynii. It haa bruoebt
tbosi a.me of the mow marrelou. nrea rver
In )u»lice lo toortfIf aad ftnily.
you cannot do wfttaoul ii m.)uot hoac.
fair, hiw ta.'ii 1 tianui
Bliujfr In hi* j'jauK .irrbanl
mBfUTDjt.'hauir of ihr Sania Fi* rv>li*m
lu molh 111 riilif.u-iiia ai -S..U lb niaidi
Ub»-r. Olid
ven an alrady
am. a. alwaja.
"Bot il .. Hrook.*a wot w.M.ln, an .hr ROME
I MircaHi. I ,
Of TmE
L etiNO favOFIEO.
II I mu In > h
I ao KHif .tied
I WUI wif
dal Ua' lllebt.
I- lidif twl' my
Mr Idraa That May Cr Knatly and
Uairrlalii. 4 ~ aemr Arrrplablr Ullla.
At Ibia MaaoB of tbr i .'nr ri. n l*v|y
la Inlay niiL t'lirl.lni.d- jir.*|uiraih.u*.
ninl Uu* lailb** an* war. bius .-i.-rj
' iiinl r;o 1) in-.-, unit ur
, .;iii,r.-..l.
! whi*n*la'f' ri- bo lia.lu |ak* <*- l *r.*l fruit.
Tli-'nwl I* mr.ioijlii oul
]|yr.. .*11 l.-li WT1-* will n-iuiT. :.."IHI
I po-juilr of tiling., whi.'h i*.»i. d) ja-r luo
hard i «f iwoyi
: iuIojuIih)
i Uiia a|.i.Iirali.-.i iJ I
>, >npi,-,l,* uli ,.i
nn*. but
I ■W.l.T l.i
aimiih I-* ailli|pirm.-i
r .itaQSi
tbr KT""
Pto lUMla.
bn. ir.rc
ao rot. ,.w .-.r-i.uE on my M
wu II .It liinr. Ibul I moldd Cfi BO rrtt ovbt
ol oinliMBU and
could (r; no relief. Mr.
»i of j:t> :
. Chta.'.
Baby Eczema.
• (All baby t»« kuRered for waor
With Ihti werichru rewm*. tod ow wrn
abk IT. nod tnythinj to core « creo re
hit pair
.1 lew t|>iilictlioot of I>r A
Chtw . O-Ilisriii cl ipped the ilcbias
feakd tbe wrec .ml . bnshi. lulural
ao* lake* Ibcii pk.-c. '
Pt. Chaw'. Oinimca: doe. not ctotr
when .ppl.rd, tml lorthe* Ihf vote oi
fijswd wiilt.-r. to cent, it tJl dealm. re
A. w. CUBB Medicine Co.. BufUro, N
nrl.-r Urr-1
rit. but yob iuilur. dill ' Iku 1 ru'd b.*ab
Ulr. Hanna di nr h.-r f.vl. ao abrr-all.sl
-Jnabna' In arrl. a r..l.-r I bchrr fa..*r>l
rpph.ti. mt iii^pcd the Hcbiac aad I hm
Irii BMhiuE user.''
The above will go to the highest bidders. You
can buy Single .Drivers. l.)oublc Teams and
Work Horses at your own price.
Ten 5 and 4 inch tire Lumber wagons, mostly
new; 15 sets bobs, consisting of, two and three
seat Sleighs and Logging Sleighs. 20 new Cut*
ters will also be sold at this sale.
Terms of saie-^ months time will be given,
without interest, on approved bankable or chat
tel security.
No side bidding will be allowed. Come and sc*
cure a bargain.
Dyspepsia Cure
, Dioegts what yoo eat
““•-T AO-i miaiAl
Germaine Bros.
Onr fe« retnnted if bc ful. Any one •eoding sketeli add dnertptM* of
.my iavention will |ir"in|itly ri*c-i*ivo our opiniun fm) coBoereingUte pwenv
nl'iliiy of name. '■H./h h. -.hiain a |>it<*tit ^ ac-Pl npOB roqncsL P*te«U
..Ti-uroil Uiroagb ua n.lt i-rt:- ! i .r aalc al uiir rxpentc.
Patenia uicn otit Oir.-.:.*li r. rwriir ipectoi R0/t», wiUtmit c-bArgr.iD
Tiib pAtEATUsninii, bn ili .-ir.iuitl vij widely virtuUledJouniAi, coiMik«d
hy Klknnfartarcr* and Invchtnr*.
Send for BAinpIr ropy FREE. Adilrpta,
{Patent Attorneys,)
£lr«iM Butidlagr
In Wakinq Your Sehetions
for toilet Soaps
Bear in mind llic tael tliat wx* coo fit yoa uat with Ui« bwl
’; i)ualjty of arlecU-d aoaps Ml pricrc from .V' txx
|iur cakn.
tVx* buy io'tiusniitieB, and make the priiN* riglif. All the
igtxidix ia Ibi* Hot' atv from widl ksown makt*n.
Jas. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
JW kinds et
♦ * T'
Victor Sum, the Noted Running Horse.
Aowns amall cbiMrre. tetid betd tad
amiltr iichiac akin dncaici arc aeci jwur*.
*“ <llaiu«or
I’lik ■‘‘■"'il'l "iwayb >"• ‘»- rt-l It* Ut' kei and ihc won) Italoic it that ihtac ailbrll nitli tlwir b.*ada l.iviinl lb.* mid- , Bcota. which atr .ppamilly Inrial al bnl.
dk. I'li.-rr tbr.v an* ...vrti.l with tbr ; abaoMin.MitWyckTtaTpintoehroaic cenau
au[i. I llial >vbriL.<*l.a<.l up Itiry will
Tl^ la but oof IcralBcal tbal pbyaieiaaa
not f
(niilcr aafriy
lias for tcald
U* tlacd. hul It l. Hot niayroflop.
I- Mioir iblnc will M*r«e lo
kw*p a Inrty'a atlckplua if It la not mwd.
ad aa a ctn fnr a p-iiilriuaii
y..ii 'inw.-d 111), «
II .|U1,-I.
Alsolhc last trollen.. SWIFT and CKESCHNT
—known as the Promoter Johnson team.
Seald Hto* and <!»• Sle«< Vlelont
Perma of Ecfeme and Sail Shoum
Promptly and Tbereustily OuiBd
an* faMrai-.l nt Olio <*11.1 to tlo Uio
rl<uu*tbo roll llkr a t»ok. roil l(
gj, ,n,|
n trtidbr rfl'inm. It tbouM
I'bu railruu rtn
.Ill funikii .«*• t.iii I-1 lUi.r U(
rrully iwr u Erra: d.*nl of Eriiuiiii* .all*
fai’iloii aoit |i!i*a.un* lu ib.- .'XrliaDcc
*u,<l.I.viut; ill.* (h'UiliiiL—Fivof (Ifia III oB*'. unii huii.llmil'k a
ttaa'in atralcfat. hrr b.-n.l I'rvwn hark ae Mil-t of iMi.- .l.•llclll i~.-iiliar 10 tbr
'll..* nrerace miman
brr r,rt iik.* nmla ,.f Im*. an ilia* fi-iululii.* f.ini-y
rwMwl* lo Ui-t acrsll.' ami ..... .
-'yoahna.' MW iliai Ilanaa. an b«*r Bilk fur ('h|-l*timia faor.v work; miiu>. nwl id liv III); al Iir.
inkr mu l..a. Mil llkr a IwlI Ttbow dw piwfiw lo pnlui ur akrub. olM-ra rt.->i. eapltal* l.'i.li. ;i. Hiwuaiman ..iii. Urn aaddlr d.* Hart mar*
taatiy <1u rwiilalir tbiiia imIiiiIhe am) IHK la-k At Vi. uuj
an ri.lr fa.’ aa you kio fi-r my lawyer.
I mn' k'uXt oTVI? uTuar.
artii-ha "1 l'..i iUi* li
Uiat' Riaillry. Trll him Irr ruBr dia Dot a fro luru out auu..* xcal isoiiit In
lil(bt. I with trr makr a urw trill an croi*lii*l w ork
For Ibi* .-Iiihnil.lify w«rk<*r tbrn* arr
- <OoBrd blm IIT Marry an IIT Rdif karr rbrry erni to our unirrrsify.' Ikn
toau* Iin*ll.v ii.*» ililoEa fllouE <h. hur
aa Babr ‘m cood >-b!lluiiv aa llnurd ahr walk U|. tltln llkr a qBrre. oa p..'
of licaM.r w.uk iliaa trn* foahiunal.k
biraa oamma aa rherybody. frA Jmo*'
Ual M-u*un
Elu'r ao-1 linndkrr*
takr. Amre.'
-Min' IlnoUry hrr In. Bilk uS
ebit-f i-awni. urcklh* fuhirra. Ml-., arr a Itutur? .
-Itra I brab Uia. Ilanaa .-roar dr tk.‘
UK .-lu-..'
tnkio. alow, llkr abr . a'yla aanitjn braby. when I brin lark ’IwooTatr rrraln.
inailr of pi.in.* rmlyrnlil.-rwl la i-odt.-d
yard amrlkd awr«*1. an ck II'
.. Fan. 1. a bull
«>m* of lb...*, 11 trll
Irlllii carb .rirr f...! Iilrtt. Rualaa trut 1100.11 ih-lk*ii.
iimpin an .nblari.l mf fniIB. But I -w-*, i.-.-. o.iy ........ .*.• I. *..
nbly 'tj.'Oiurr. ''—Wrptuuialrr k*.
tall b.-r d-.wn ai
n,.o <aal hl'H* halt '>"• R"!' W"'
rr lat. Atom tlir .-.Ic- wMIi a |iU;ii. ii..iiv
an >»hunyralr
(wd •upprr.''rid aud a laiy:.* iii..ii.>jiiiiii ii
The Itrladra.
- _IIk-a*'in. Ik T.T
rallu Ml. aa rriw* *(lii-li «*»rki*.l iii llu*
If bird ao rtwrytloc rlr*B
Tb'-n tinHik...-i.*rt llw Plrladna hoTr
ar >■“•_»« louk llkr „
^ toodk. n
lil. if .-nai*
.*i». ot pi.|ur ;
robUloa wot pulird rraidr. an d..
th.-«tox-. fr-ni Um
Ilcbl ramr Itu Ik bnh wut mad
II, n M.nl.*r ................ .....
pTi-rto Mr t'W Fi-» k.*..
rraiaa atrolcbi. an Ub> llaana ati by dr
iiiionalM-mll worw IdnenliitiK llic fm* .'■T.*ni.tii.*..rf th.*l*sp~*. I«.. Wrrk. Iwf..'
I l.k' hrr h-W
•to arwle rr Hlllr pink oU whilr dins
•' «l"' " '>'•
llm cmrcT in Ihfve j ebfc Uniitaa of Turxujnu, «ra lluii, liavtil larr ae raSn. Abr bad na aajiblrt i.lr ill., llaana. an ahr .ay, -|.oM.- m a*
i.f IdOe.
I inc l«.*n ixrxwc-ut lUi ivr-«tirli'.n»»iiiu» ID
prrtty (own aa amiW aub-r as'ln, liul rniioi M*n.T MIm nr~4.r. kf.’ An I mf. larinoiil.iii. .lu
A Mnii.l.* xiuy
iinkr a rnu ball lac. mpa
hr f.iuiid tUal tbr .'mir
wSro abr mmr down Itirr trr arr h <w •Ml.i' llradky moiiq riMiol K o'rl.wk.'
Itaiidy •xUiiii.-l. lo
tioK. iiuidi, bv the luclianr n* lo the
•an wut abr woob hrr Mack dnwa aaatt nil mil .Irei iK-tr ‘ An flan ibak. hrr on.* of tl*.*.*- x
^*a. hot wh. 0 I finl^ riw
f/oai- IB ,h.. dn-..i„e 1;,
at rbrr an bmkrd aa mi an (I'Nioiy.
I. t.. x-ut frxxui liiii*n tS(h„f Nxn-rinlwr u thxrr iwo ymn
“Boi I n«l.r dat da; two 111' piom
I-. I'.tic, niuixilKl at . VM maiemfioaut. Il wa. thr x-nimmabaurla In d. baU. Iky wu* two tudi
-O.IIIE for Ihr tic® of Urx* I’U'indxw which told tbx* la
DI1..I, not Jr*' up. llkr aOrpr **"’ '■‘Sl-’h'
fal rfaineaa. laifr amlliu au bnkln llkr
Abxxvi* thla
(h,. pr,^.T timr f.w tb- b-vuinuiK
ta dr aly wut ptk yallrr. but lado’ 'iwui BaOi-rliiB .wiiil or rIbM.ii
tacris to wbm Kara wot up I eat hrr
lifhl Fontieb II
I'nio dr rtillad Win- allfw lliniw* Im-bnx for
flilia. which of tbrir ril«.—N'i*w Yx.rk Tim.-.
wbo dry out
Pbr aay 'Ulto Ranna'i
drrr nf d- Me hall
flan aay. -V'c«r up will fail
liT rbllluns llirry au Edlf.
Iky d-M
attlra an Irll UU> II
Mkt' Hndlrr (xthiT
II. Il Ibi- two p'l.*.*ire mci'lli.T
sn yrat apn dr aanir day uf yallrr
ta wr Exit In dr etaln X1D
..n til.*
tl... Uioi-liini* fr.-iii thx*. taMay arnund
OrerroCioE u E>.i>rrnll.r c-aideunrd Ob
Marry ot:
n i-ilir t
mlu down wff HT. I,V in ILi* xWalliE. ellx'W liiE fi iiuftfli x.r nor tbe grxynwl tliai hr .tnflimi tlm diifxtrtJre
IIT Edlf
IIO.L aa whru dry k.*ni lu.*h all an.unx] tli.* nxlcr
Iku I trll
Ik, not atllrh
n brrra. ta
aur m ou.i an a*t -I aeowt bow trr oulra dr .lark wr arr 'Iwoi twn U’T rhil. thx* pkxww loerUk-r aU'vc (In* x-a«lnc.
laai In whitr
baU ay
an you lirlirr U-arn. too.
Ttoei rml.rolxli*r a ixl.-iln *x-allcij> alt profirrirnonnthiticlumBbotaker
"Wr rw.lt' arr drir ftrra. tat 4ry wu*
or you com. in ibw yoli J.d..’ Ik„ |
U pwcblr. huwTTrr, ..............
that our....
' aaf
trel.lUn r|..*n.kaD in ban. an drir haid- oniuml fbi* manrlnxil x.Iex-. lixilxUnc
ett^d K. 1 d.inr Vr,.' in, m,o,f ,hn.
fa* from Uai BDoh tratnniMIl aa wrU ai
“Oorrt .w loiiwt I went up Malta itirr abonr lilr En('..aB wbro xiry krB elrwr Iwo Idncrw lxicrlb«*r. hot alwrr tlir
dry amilrd at Oa. tt^Wr rod arr drir in'
from loo link, eren Bboo a i* fwopHlr
dat te MM. Ilanaa out alw.;
farro. like trr wfallr BaEDoUra. Aa dry
___________ _
rooOL wif i..y. an (l..nna trooi
wo* alway. drwwd n; an amilin an fwta not dr ftaot dn' ao wwi (aor ta-fo'
tmla irr olora. Hatartimn at alsbt I wr (ni our brrf. BlU fltn abe kinder
•a*.-. 1* ear: -Mart' Harry; UIb Edifr
could brab brr iron dr wladrr
Prn .hr 1'rx.w hrr apere nbrr brr bald.
■Un- Hn Prop- ..r By Raby B
But It a minute arr walk «p rtwiro.
IdT KHtrus'
Or do wna opni-dr do' Uba Banal
-Sol Ulat llaaM TO dtlia Iblaarr
0* **lirf. Ran would mk nkr liT ^r krrp lock- all day-aa oo dr An'
Ptaa bot abr woubja't Irrb'm. Duwt TO all dr loya aa odrrTB**. Bat at
BMio abr arbrr amik. FoDii km
OB boT aowflawo-cicb (Mbt la Aar 1__
rldcaa-oa I bad te (b cat beolot at oM
bBo tar 'OB. a* flats blwsyt hid ts»
Bte oa baa. Dal
or coed cook aa pow'ful aaiart. hot I aoM kad rlwBb amoB bit. ae oar w.»L.
tbr worker'* fahry
roa adon tbe t>u. I IttmadlDy4ig«ti tbatoed Mil •t<1i
:f roB
or had oa w for rtty fono. bdtbrr yatrlbboo. MBUld taatch j ____
tao aaoa. San door many ar tael pararh- in dr IWTB aa to dr aky da to, wS and of euui
la nioriiiE.
I RracUnc
j an nk Hita Uaaot'a ao^M* 1^1^=
Pnaarr acarf* of abrer malrrtal and I gSS* lb11
'■ wff 'r« natro ilr final do' toW daTO^.
niflkd abovi ihr rder arr aliray* ap- 'Anbl^t
I Urfa. tn dr eBril uf dr
brr Boat, flan tty abr wnmny oorrt
tweetatrd ihlajn to rwelre. bnt Ibere to
ttki Bayed anaae po’ whlu
■ tow* nrBTT Idea Ihat U Irmtettbly
KIb Baaaa dida' llkr hit. Her baabth
kTur and delirnte motle or
TO^ertopkd ap. aa dr akee bad
lary Mrp la tbe pawra,
^ oecwidk to iBed 8«J a ton of Blip
uf parBaDeai ia Uae b
dike a pOtoWBlItA made of aoltobte
y write h
4n aa mlcbt. day IrU sw. UIb aaaat
al^ Bltb both rotei left opes asd fli"
■Ib brr a link ebery BW' *■ pretalie
bB a tot Bb*« tbr dto. bot aba TO sad
oa dita’ rate It Mb* Braokn. d* otorr.
4U ter* He
tebd. »r F«d otbec
Carriages, Buggies, Traps, Concords, one Hack,
one Wagonette, one Dray and to head of Horses.
Bicycle Bipairinq
rrrol Ineallllr*
........... . Alan inonrT
ratalr arcorlty.
No ux dittse inserted In mongige.
Biefele Sundries
ooicr la HamllKn A Uillikm Block.
Prices Wgbt.
ty. Jt. Cederle,
IK Union St.
I A TUxiMIl-iN. M II iXBrxin
1. a MllUtta IJ-W H-ui>. Mx. i:
s S';r?.‘,ysi'.'!?r'.2-,'S*
'Opp iBElnr BoxMr
:i-i- BROS.,
• nd
Hired Olotod*.
OBI-1..0 Arad OAI-1- 0KL.1..0.
Tx-llllhxMr So I
rva ru*u TTLT. Vrt^laary Wotywo ^
L> muat flnre-7 aad Dvial wewk. BMaal
lua xlflkr artx lu flair. l>ta«fl«oex'<irl.’ahM
MKATIMO ^AOO...........
Ir%edfredddd«n* kaereredd l-d d. p-
o. dr. dll Hhd9*» itoired odlor*.
intartor talephonM for for houna. factory or store. W*
can wtra anything from a call boll to a whola city.
f<»9 Xrona oa.
TSATxHift tirr. nca, soWnAT,
m MOBimre
AM Lm ka ■■* • MMM. MW <• MV
i ji iiiiiuiim |ji i i 'zr.
l*£^^ at bb
Ha MM Ml farieaa UraAa U tka
Tbr CbrlatBMs a
Orw BtaDT dalir u
mar br laadr ao r«
peotik arr roollpc
______ tocTotfibir thi
tka battarr. with Cn<
I rardac amaa tka nee of flr* la tka
<«tiaa of CarbaCM'* boUow.
bk paMXaa
<br iMlBMrt thr caaatal
watcM (brs Alasamt. c»Un>brr aaA
P> lata actloe; tbas hr tanwA bU kersa'a
baaA Bbd wrai bark to tkr ca^p.
HraawUlr a traMr
aA tka Ufca of wkiob wai arrar baara or
brforr la IM hamwlac blatorr «r aoArm warfara. Tka aworot Crawfcatfi
Mit 13 hkbma aiknt
Ibat rWU AMddUaariaa. O—fJ Oaodtl.
■mmM la birr aabcst B UtU*.
A vKb Brand U«t.
(ka cMtral pair. iBBUaB t
«. Ua vsi nUtiBC B Mlrrtt
B kow CbibbU CravTorA. oaa of
abnat. kad npnvad".“b^ M
aaHlrr iB tte Aar.
Ii B>ir hart km (kt fact tkal Ik*
SaaA kad baas oBa or ascsvMoul Aaitac.
or ivflups baraoar Ika aAcrr la ABM(ksa n> lork a BBlraraal fsaertta. or.
mnrr prolM^ atUL a eiabiaatlaa ^ot
tbalr braaaa axtatka.
r rtidaaatlca
at Ckk wai tbiu tbr r
baiat ibonat.
briar Ibr wboir
tka Bom wm al
of thHr soai lixo
xo pkr.
TW karor wai
frartaL V'lilua a ourtar of ta boar ararr korar brloactad lo
Ko. 10 battarr wai attbrr daad or drlac. aaA.tka caaa wera baioc d>arc*A
aaA n»/bp br baed. lo (hat rortat of
trr aaA blood all oedar was forsonaa.
TW iBBtrantoBa wara lo load aad Bra.
and (bar did that wafL mar drlac lo
Iba Aoiac—oUpplBc down bj tbr Ina
ikod wbaak to ba maaeWA aad amakrA
babaatb tbaa aa (Iw coo wa» ratarsad
for dlacAarcaIt wai krkaolQc. appalBoc. aad for flra aortal boon It wii
kapt BP BBtil frato tbr Boar Ultarr
tbara eama ao aaiwaalac iboL Tbrlr
aakaloe waa folBUrd; tba coai of tba
nrmj wara kkei.
Bot wbat a taarfnJ prlra bad baaa
paid! Tbr tlalB lar Htarallr la baapa.
ctirIrA ap Id poatataa rortooAr crvlaoqor.
abowlac bow. t>r tba iBtarpaaltloD of Iba
■Tati hand.' tbalr wrilbloci bad baaa
■I bk rrcord. taaar
I keow-a wriro of mid
It all.
'I'rrbap.; bat I lilttrr mrartf.l I
t'apialo CrawfoiA betur tbio atir
Onr pptbi bire lila toertbrf
fn rears. le fan. wr wm lo tbr aaarr
rUre la arbooL~
Hr did aot add (bat • Utter raarilr
bad riktrd bnwrra tbrta atarr that
llBir. Ibr urlc^of wkirb bad bean (be
(brariiiDC of WH by Crewf.wd o«
a lUilll Irny. Nor did tu iprol of (be
■tinialn. tbit trwI.Br katl r-M-lvr-l ioe«
yrore Ul« abro frawfurd bid laprre.ri
rA bin la Ibr iSmIne. xf a eonili
h<iucb tar II
At tbr ofdrr ~Cr«rr flrincr tooriderabir Irm tbaa a •core of meti-all that
WTTT Irfl of (br boadroA odd wbo had
. .. id th* fun'a .
(heir woarr Ua>bi aerom tbr r«Mt la
dtrrrtloa of tbr BacUab renp.
HranwUlr thr grBrraL irrompae
br MTi-ral Birwibm of bli »tig. audr
IwUri Ml lij many lo br liir worid r cnwtr.i llrla* afr
Kl.-onuta .
<-«» Klniw Ibr aa> lu Auirrira Ix-r bair bar l.-m rapidly lurtilne Cray
tuwii lu ibto pWure She niakn. no aitruipl f. bblr lb.- fart.
bMb horribly
I^.l of all. rildug boddled
boddIcA uup In
witb bl. face lowird Ibe
Hind forward tben-y
■Ibe general. “Who are yoa?
The waa leppeA out and MlatcA. Sweat
and powder bad cffeMuclly .-on.-.-tkA bk
■Yoof lofi-riuailxa k nrrrrt.- i
idratlly. Hi. rtotbre bung •l•■ut biia la
Nm4 Iwtwo-n bli trrtb. ~Captala <'rew> tlttrrv and from aa ngly gaota ttaorr bit
fuwT. tnilu iBtrrreti ary now on tbr rid«> Hgbl ryr tbr blood wa. rtn-anung dewa.
af Ibr rtwmy. Thk beioc w%. I .booU Be lailH-aied tbr two gha.tly M-rpis
iBkaclar it wooM br ai wHI to keep
with a grimy band.
“(ieneril," be (akt. “mj »lfr and
ir poillac a malrb to powArt. rbltd
I am Oaptala Crawfonir—Exrbaagr.
••tlao* II
“Tbk k too ararb: rre
algai la taarttarsa Knaala.
mlad"Frem (be gable often bang, mbic
trhil br w»oU barr aaU <
at tbe orrapatlou of the owner, and
wnnld bare traeipInA lo coOHje
of tbr curioai algo, aretn
with rbr trade* they |
lali-rruptioo rabo-.
ipllttlBC roar. full.>WMl by a trrrifir
- alr^ wbicb an
wrrrkrA Ibr . (rat. Idrotraapt
rlippml bl. haod to bk ear. will
fol prlBi.-r.
.t fraciarwl of M'
Ir grouad.
■ t orcic..............................
ler her. .1
punrtof dpiWB
ar. \uln- IwlleWtri a» onh-r. and the a
tbe offi.
rarixA tns ibr tst iwItnieU.
a Udder
rt^ I
"Nrel. Iboor drrU. will bao ,|o 1
try n/uld !■- otitaiued. Tbc griKial aUpp^ hi. rMing bnwt^ with (hr saShai Ur earned ia bi> baud.
“If Wr Cppold oali get a Iwttcrr Inle
>lert-aggr'. liolUiw." be ulA .lowly. “I
r..lno.-l Nm-I r.Mri roond .Imiptly. la
hb ere. there gt.-amed a .tartWA luok of
••Tertaagge . hollow T'he ectioed. “Wby.
Il wnold tie .lm|d; mardir' They would
art h.e ... anl.ielwr, tmxb ni.ire rilen-e
tbat gut."
Hr looke.1 in I. i,flnh*i.rd n. where .
group oT r.nip l.nlldiBgi nwe aberr ..at
of tbr luxi.o .-Ii»uw p.f tridi
Krca a.
br AM Ml a |.nff er wtalte iBiukr roar from
h. Th-inlty. followed after ■ few w^adi'
lurrral h, , b.wrr bortn.
-The Lesire hire go. tbr range
i. ' ■ famed lUe geueraL "Sotnrtblag wtll
bare to be done Will y<m lead a battery
te y.erbogge*» bollow, CeduncI Nf-elf*
That officer', face fleabed > dall red 11
Ibe ImplwA taeaL
-What a aDctloe to tafe
4w If Denwury
By the way. iboi
k aJdrd. -ibk ongbl ta be a good oppgenaliy for yoar bsr, Ckptaln CssrThe groeral trowte and pUed
■toes witb rran mare rapUtty and Cars
(baa blibmo.
■d tar
**Wr’U srttk tbat qsstlsn oos Bad
g.“ ha fatont ct a
The ardrrty rode ap aad a
-Tdl Otptsia Crawford t
auraly altoau walUag. 1b ks tbaa As
Stoats Caputa Cswtacd sda ap aad
aalated hto romsante.
‘’Chpula Crawford.’ sid te fractal
atowly. ~raa wiO take ^10
te agalM
ttoe Rats te hateSTte? te b^ X
Amdiia.—A coat of gram clotb. CBtroidmd witb a gold amotbaa flat
yayd of ibr aanir three Iprbra wide
^tgload.—A coat of dark blnr. r'"*
and a «-ooJ«i embrolArry iwop aboot nabrolderad with an acaatbai palm of
rlebl Incbee In diameter.
I'ot tba gold.
rkdh In a eqnarr 9n by W lorbea ^ Italy.—A eoalcrf royal bine, embrakdara Into a tone bac with dnoblr aranit. I sad with golden Imrra.
Tb.-D brm Ike npcKw opening of tbaj
Spain.—A onat of btea. ambolUabed
bag orrr on ttw boop. not too tight eo { wttb gold learae and tnamenta
that tbr rtutb will «ilp raally, ai U>«|
Pneragal—A roataf bine wltbgcdden
esUn- fuUnra. ti lewrA oeer tbr boop.' learea
Then take tiw narrow ribbon and erw ,
Ii aboald br tememberad that the rank
on (lie uolride of tkr boup f>w iimiro- ; of a d^kieial u abowti by thr emliMidalun. ai IndleateA In l*lg. 1. lYbra this i arise Atojalm bu onlfinu. Tbr bighIc d.me. Iiang llir bag up and drape by { er aioinbg bo hai Ibr graairr tbr
gatiiiTiag (be from in larp- plalta. , amoont uf gold that i» npm bii imraon.
D lb..bottnm of U
tbr bag.......................................
and fartrelng 'be wboir lari brtow (br tiary have Ox ir olUri and
ftiiu’ «f ibe booji. Tack os Artnly a treani and U>r ra.-mga id tlutlr puckrU
buw'niade uf tbr wide ribbon, and tbeo art .« with gfUeo Ibroad. Tkr aroretanre <f cnibar.uw and the rariua
tbr M.lUr Irtg U e..uipletr.
A pn-U) gift fxr a girl Ii a dainty ■nl grewral. hire JtM
dewier to lud.l bandkrrrtik-fa. torra.
rwjin an ..yrnilmagr td gold
rlbboiu. rte. iKir 3.i Tbli n-qnlrca
balf - yard of al.ri .lit. oDr yard of atbB- cktnmr k M-ncbed is tbr
ticauil eeralng c)»itMw uf ibe AmerkaB
r. wbu a]ipraia a anlc-tnn and
In iSUtbe Anal aodit <g (ba aoeoanto
of tbr Dniird Stats hank wai oanpletad. aad on lirhaU at tbr gtmnunmt
Jaws A. Bayard of Dolaware. Jeta
H. Moww. and a Keolucky grattonua
namrA Dnks
foRBality. I tho ItuBClerbadbsaistttod
John Ypoung Bated M
ouatum bunaie-ai II o'ekicL A bottto
(M Inndy aad ala cM Uadels wsw <w
(far (abln and after a al
uf rapm tbo wiue wai opened, and by
o'ebrk wap drank. Tbo day ws
uiu. and a Uml of biebup
erdernl. and tbU wa. tuaik> by Ui
wUb the faraiuly and a Aaaka
IngeraullBhunt !•'
bringing u fnoud. A disai HaterB
wer« Bl hand. bdA ainuking. drlAklDg
Bad wblat wfva tn urte nstll It. wbsi
tbe iMt baUe WM drank, and Itos
PnsKT. tbe o»k. bctBgbt tn ooM date
and a mighty lubBter slad.
A ■bUcb
iDwI uf knuidy iniich wm mada M ocadtere (u digstloL A tnmbler at (bit
AniabMl tbe clerk, arbo waul to alaep
BBdwMBrKMidatilaytMk todjinka
rap tJ onffre. and tbeo all wait down
tbs Btepi and walked away in Iba fish
socnlng air. mue tbe wne la ancarMB fram the night’s lasatltata
It la appusit that In a life like tbto
*TM tbe aurrlral of tba AttaM. Iba
atisly utts oarriad at tba bcBCSa. bat
gtjcl. graral and drap^ pWyad haroo
witb Ibe utian. and (bse eomplaiMa
wm charged to not and Madeira fay Ibe
dorbxm. and » tbe habit at drinking
claret and light winracatne Inla faibioa.
Uambling «s almuit i
masyfurtom-auf <iU »>il
Bppsrad in tbU way.-rPU>adel{dita
IWm (ta* By. tst
‘b'Wff- •'“*
'Iwal’f "> l>urtii-nlar
Brubaldy ryt-ry pla.eg'.i iii tiiieag"
lapiw. Jilin. Thi- ml.-.d'’hnnl uriiyr’'
■ - >..............t,,;n«uv He
mute like a
liief of a feM-pti-«i ininmii
hiwt itr tl>y ubul
n hi-ad tudicn wlm
dbiudi. aiidabiul
"Kind —......................... ...
Tlwrr are utlwT bind tt»b<T-i wbu tell
y.iB b> harry ap ur rtep hvel.r. Tbi-y
giyy luad Warning Hint all MiB|xaii tUBPt
Tbe Anaurlal apeHih uf tbe ez-BHM
Mintoter JL Lnnbei. In tba aoiBU, la to
be piaied. by urtbir <rf tbat boaaa. all
orrr Frann.. Thiwe are aume ttatrtnssM
In It worthy uf MSialderaUon. Thoi. tba
uatiuoal debt
U aet down at fl.MO.OOO.00(1 Ilabatappsntbaltbedimeallyttf
making both esda meet baa giratly Mervavd alnce IL Mellue Rcnnd tba triniupb uf bleayMem. Thereiarl uf aodlti
bMdiaeurmd kll irreguUritJ.a In tba
iMt budgetary aocunnt of maiey paid.
By trrrgiiUntls it ioi«na esnbeuletniaiu. let down nnte tbe bnad uf "aire-
panirtiUr" ia plain tmungi: If jiruptTly
It I. U.tuia.i bia wind ww
boiy with oibcr tiineii and acenrv
Kacc*. Iiita uf wayaub- nwery,
a. ariiippy .rduug man g«a
I uflli-c Iff u cmgap-duaD
'■■••'ki-cinl heo<t I
N'lttmiccr h-'" rupidh
1-*' *"•
ruuicti p
p' icl'iipiiii.e
„;.'i ____
ll.-lrt..,l ..VOi
tb(' imhlip-nliUi »f Ktjui'. faiuutk
"Oji-U Li'tter t-i Edwnrd Bnmlip k." ui
which h- ti.-nlo
eriii. ipim nr«»i
p.nu' iutiM<-4l work uf ............ .
He di.rt.'iiaab-'ai or grab
■Uiiull cliil.ln-ii me b-'t air.iid llii nxet n-murkalile ihiiig
Jui»m..w Bmhnn
''■rho'"„!M-r -t
(» ih.u h.-k:i..
will. .%brtn Iwfell lul.p nnivcreatvraark-»l
Tbrfclhsliar. l.-n f.rind em-h .
debgbiful _
amt wL.lcd lU- l.inua fanny «>.««
ulk. which did uot
Uiiltii r.ni
„.-“™ T.
Uwhf I aft
woald ran oat. and a wall kaowa
broker ua tbr eoamlmw ktiiiiiI hto
aarpnae, ai tba mpaor had not arwagrd Mura tbaa tbiaa bottl. afdaea.
Tbir woaM be iboagbt a veep laiga allowanoe tt etroog Kadaln ta Umm
-Tbe tinntllrtj skiri iiitbr bradlios
may loand uld to y-iu if yon hare ttorer
taken tbe (ninble l<> glrr tbe laLJtrt
icri.m. Ihunglu. bat I Triitnra tbe Uuad
ataleuieul lluil yuo arr nut able to anawiT tbe guiMi'KJ'‘■•fTbaud." It li ap
atlmittnl fart. I mtud euufsi, that tbe
ryr ta Iba "organ <if ylaiiai. " yrt tbor
la bot llttk tbmbl. wren in lbs mlnda <g
tijAtrioii. BiHl idiTMPil.virik. that tbe
uf wwlng" la chiefly
ul—in idlkT wurda. thni it U Ibe mind
and nut (be eye tbnf wwa " Buw often
bare yuo aerti a frirocl wbu srmlngly
waa Bogaged in bukiug fnleotly
some ub>i(-i un tbr table, nl tbe oppmtta
ride of (he ruoro la-at aomeplctun. wbo
IB being arotufri from bla day dream
arould rtafs. that hr W
looking Bl
UKiet may .
tlir rayttar mull knowe .if
xorr (ban a nde in a haSKy.
car nmdart.r
grt a
T*’*' ’
lie rail take a leiigwalkday Ilf
n-iuarkid.h- nw tliiiu any.d
tbw I. Iliat <d the licj.l nelew at Uie
"iml iiure.- Ihe
to aapalr tbeo.
(M Omotiwea ta the oU (Itaea «mm
after a toUd dtaav. and Ihraa <r ftw
boan Wtaa epeat la rMi aad caaatriA)Itr- b«t tbr amoBBt diaak arae eovDtoaa. Vha tbo rrHuinga waa ooak*
pletrd. in IHSI. a^iaker waa glra
olitg ch*
yenliiatal atyle. bat tbrlr while ablrt
ftuoti are braken giajirouily by the
bnad THl baild uf tiir Lngiiai
and tho great lUr of that ate.—Kew
Ycrk WtrU.
d (br bartender ii a total ab-
''Will the hull-. the ."tuimiiy andu gi.ri
1..1.1 i.f Robert
, ^ , . wni.T
d qtolr all
r bouodarii-i of llu' c-«
A twi.led roll of bread. rnUril -»
deeoii-. tbi- Skrr, bat he i. iml.>
place* mure worthy of the name of town
than of rUUge. for in lU- latter erery
good wife htki-. her owe war ry- bread.
town, bare- ihra*
bagi- pirional imltaiioo. ■>( bats. 11
-- piano*, luarsa..
* _
ta eiltra aad Sgaml la Ulat
”• »"»*oS
.Hi the familv
-t «.jL ili’e
And wbo
b -
akns ars nBctoot tofaralMatciUtoBt
mam ct ookr and alaborata ^i^daf.
DuerffarA to detail aad atavdlac W
Ibtor aatidcu. (her are tbtaa:
rraiici..~Aroa( at dark Maa. nbrotdered witb goU cnamanta and
t tbr practhw of
erhlcb fwiyads the aiiii«.pb«r td tbo **"
Inicrtur. and literally paiiib. walk, rtxd
and (nruilnri' a nmfuruj cuiur. Tbe fueDiturr U nautfa uiid ab<i maty, a f<-w
at-mmg lit Ibo wT-aiional cumpk-K' plai-uee (4 ebairt.
dinner. ,
Tbc uind floor Cl
cllloa. Thr placw wai a pretret
aad wai baralac la oiaer idim. wbllr
irooDd aad brurath tbr dkmaDtled cdm
hr bodir* wrrr {>il«A Op is brapa literallr brrait bleb.
owly Ibr link baad wroded
war IB aad om amoac tbr brep. of dead
■i dylo.
djlns. paiMlnc
bate fieo arttea to ill
admlDktrr water or a plua vf
.Kilrr.«i,;uiiy wubin «be '
B ill who rliBioiTA lot tbr»- Ihlpca
Tbr lolrfior of tbr maio bolldlas
lag prw
. u-alk uf ibi. mm
MMc.es .uiuM-n. In Ibr
i.tilim. inridr r! nil llte.t
111 the
in u famllt
la I
j ,i„
caUi.sfl>- •*
itnuliy oe
r ivpii
broTlb. Itr- f;Uhi-r u;
uf Uni {nrtu
ll wa. grtilag A
n.n-tari(riiiii Uh> I
^ **llgl
pruiebed t
Budlnwihcili -siiii
baralac Ibrrr. Tbr i
ngbt i)ni!t;nii««U '
■d laulaiblT a '
lambrr wa. tVdooel
sdonkcT, have .hciriwA ipucvV;
Tbr right (bat mrt tbrlr gair wi. oor
eport.raly, and
te-nt wiy «: '
wbirfa Ib.t ofirrr'. raosrtrncr oryrr alotxndimi
wtA blai te forget.
Aiiiuiiririug *• It may apicar. ihm
Tbr light (bry bad otarrreA emanalrd
o« a dirty pirre of tallow yaadlc plac ara Uairilv any diaagnvuMe oduta. Tl»!;
ed la tbr nrck of a Urttle. bat it w
imply »B«rt«nt to rrrral the Interior
ill II. elTid cbailUnrs. Tbr
eeldnjlly hrra uwA a. i .to
for cull, tut a lump of (bit >
"?h1. . lug tithe fun tbut lle-wh..le eumlnu
lay In imr yora.-r. (Iter part of tin. a
inilnUiilite l..:niieiiy, niid
white .beet bid been .prewl. wbet^_^lsy
Tkl-<arir at tbc loiber orotbpirew
"tlb. by Ibr way." brokr Ip youa.
gold Maid «t
taa anar <«*n ana tao atqaUUa. MkMdrttatedtdltotaaBd elafaarata eotftana <t tba FraaebttoDMa. tbvaaMtba
DM raalt) la manr buctaacM at aa
lnaxp>a>ilrr uutlar, trot a dalBtT raaalt
U alwaji Aaalrwd.
A awfal aad omamaDial lac lo bokl
boIImI mlUra aul roSi rrqairrt oor
rarO of Boma aoTt. paattr BcnraA rloih
(00 tbr orArr of rbraaarioUii aboot 30
Tk. aaerlAkw «sa CatoBal Kad.
•food apat *ltb CoUrA atm and a
M bk Barrow coaBtaBaara (hat. Is aar
wai Areidadr aaptoaiBiiaarw of bk HiborAIaatr'e allrarr wai i
Ijni ered (rorral.
a lib • dktIoM frowi
. __
________a rattlac tODo.
-that (bm borkb Birtbodi of abowln*
imt ipprrittatlao ut t caUaat acUoa are
-0 rooT"
Mrer. Up. rarird. ii>A tkr radi of hli
wiifA taoitirbr took a downward tmd.
'*><a It all.~ br laid. "Bot lo av
ailt>d Ibr Ddl Oblr did bk rimpk detr.
Aar oor of BI woald barr doDa tba
war. clrro a Util* rbabc*."
~Yna do not d-iobt bk rooraerr*
-Tre: in oor irDrr I TOTtalnlr do. rta
ao partlraur adtolretlaa for ibk Aaah la
1C ™::;‘
at (ba paMdact tba
Aakox AnMckAM ap to tbU tM m»
. «Ma tba mwMmI At
$»i abaae at stroag driak wata ateoM
Vnaea Haaa. to aa aslaetdlMfUr MU‘ bat It cMtalalr affaetad tbalr
t wWu «a (ba n»a. _
Kaal bafesA ttralAkt kata Ha
, kpMWfa* aboMota
AT irr or mv.
MV « ■■
kotbiwu m, ism
exierWf I
It arparnle
ell >|.le of lUr
i»ip Tluiigh-w maklii
lUeu. Jual oneelrliili Of at) iDi-ii .m i.-r aruunpl <«eh
waier 1-ulor laiio-r. aa
iMKl for Ilk holng of
be repUfri: "tlje brta
D-ai't yoo »b-p lu.i.le to
'riTm^rgfra -".?;h.’;f;na7::kMT,„e.e.n.. In
Ughlfal afu-ra.im. AlW me «" ff>« - ,i„.
l.,-a m thU puyo^niy ranl_________^ _ __________ _
„,,.rt.rtuanre. "
The itramhT ■'caird hipiiir gnittSrd "‘V?'oJ^‘u!“\T,!,T^i'.hlo
and irfTeniJ Frmnx b» i-anl lu ntnriL '
' j
Each U.JcMl at lb* bit «rf |.uiiol»«rd
|.uUol.«rd be *’*“ “ *
cago E.noni
in BUUkB-mi’iiL Tbe Ftran(wtnri "idr at narimg lha
m-finlcM critic. ■ Dr. Rub-
behalf at a ncuiats fer ’ .
and COM a nmOi fur little "deJranen" at V.uriu’a. where a mlntiler uf Jeottce .-utenaincd bla friend*
Tb<- "rtmtutiu" at the biane ufBra. as
art dutru at COM. tboa- <rf the war ilteat Cl.SSO. tbiwrirf tbe cukatial uOee
<-yt» Ikflitlymtl tl«. plytbe bra
,^1- „( „.-nlliug faes BUd f.cm.
imc UK In n am. by tbr .-ye for
And. again, if j-iB want lu know
i-betUt yuar e..rui».ni.m Inutori c
WM war ' mitibitCT. (be "rironenta" of
bie d<-|wrlurat asutiuhd U> about CO.000 a y.wr. Hr, m mluiaUT uf pablio
work, and wu. ownlkd (bo natliaul
bitn the th:....... . lUiy afirr be imU tica
pi.-keL—Sk Umia Be• limopio
.Iiip—ltil. nud the ah
gill.- ih.-px- .Ilk ■■••'er
ri-«l--. .!'•• phi.-, oil
i n..i»y .ppiwppv;
Ibe fppv.rbed
iim. "Wrll i:
eye"—<r tnetital riaUai-wm ragaged
lu eagerly K-uiitilng pirtnts uf itupnwiBi marie Ihi-ma miaitba. ysrs la
onw erf year* U-liiro
Anidte lert .rf
mind viaicai ibniry la to afaat
RM TklrM Wa. T
home y«.n- ug.. wli
1 Kaiiaai C.lv ... Si. L
. front prf isr war lovt
abbi luaaa were an exp«tlrtil of M. da
Prrycinrt tu give rn|>luynMet Ao tbe
pnbUo woka
uked bkaa
wbulo o-ial-d. genial fell.s. after tell
ing hi* omiiiouipai all alimt bu weateni
ranch .ml oliput tJie troamaM which calledhlm t..niip-Bgu, rrachrel d.iwu m hia
, grip and drewfpatb a Uatle rrf
)f a lani of rvd eov- ' propatiunn
"l*ardUT." .aid be. "iher.-i
•mnll .liter umlm-lla
-r>.l eb.ii
llqoir w<»t Ilf Kaniui- ( ity Thttrw
ip,w ll
I..1I-. -the card
cUi.p Tail- -hi .line
' b-.ikcr
■ml give iw y.iut uptnImard umhI uppI U- 'er}
nil-, are lo I.- kept
Du you know that you snaotarfa
away yuur liily: that a elans In year
will gmng yuur budyaftardeaib to any
pmo ■« Imaitnttun to not legally bindlug? Yuur cxre-nUgs canoul be fsced to
Th- ■li.lt.Tl.i. Ui
of re.1 tallela .III
coIi.cmI llgun-d •
■ UI IO .P i.lii-i-a ■! I.y 13 111 lira and two
iivpr.- VI. hj ns iB.-hiw
I'u'.-r 1PQ1- aide of <-aeh pier.- al
very thin Ujer ..f rtiiiuii aiel ipri
iM) pJlctlct |iu»iler Tll.-n
iargrt plMi-^g llh n-d allk. lirlnc -
TbeyliTuwl U.ikiug man, tbuugb tar-
uomImI to dertaiugrtwl eatala Inatesl uf
ing^^^ ^
' lap p>i> II
! fTI I'ranr. ' "'■ll- Frmir humwlf waa aMsb SaUre. Take
, mniiHy a.tiBudi-d at rem'iug uU the <ard
tadretry la a lire
Triut ibc affiaUcr piece* lu ibv wme
Rowdy F*» (ta. Ctaolrea.
' t«i abe suuK make b.-r will ao (bat te
i-crtain ruicB
la hia baud. "Jutuuux'a Brahma."
Afrira there exii
manner wtffa Ibe light colun-i .ilk.
■ Sum«saf*ag..lbeTr*ra.aroaH«ak!"H*»‘^-‘"’'“““**“’'‘^*“’^
Tbm- »«• uu Ume fur malmil expla- ter uf the crab ginn.
manly known Aboat an loch from each eu.l of Ibe
, Frsnci-. uel inrtmrtloof I —><ew ' lak Him.
^ ^ ^
<rf ebuje
' naii.iuri but each of Ibe mmiciani liad • m ,i,o great inw cm'
Utter rtrelrti acrmi. Ite narrow eUalli'
»d tip tbc nixTiw uf a carbaa an
tnck at nml fa.ien firmly ■- The l•al'k
I j,^^rtered
amu'eieii that,
la.i. brererw iheir idcaa .tenfhdi
aociiuxo n
Cl lake all on-eoaary tseraarii'nimt tn**-. luting faaira <iu the l.lngcw wtalcb are ma.k' Dttgbl differ from a miixtcal iiandp^t,
Bto are terrible Aghtora They has
they Wrtv at |p-aM ailminiM.' irerrllag , ^ ,hc m.
:» and ih.-n cr- piiig by cunliig Ibe rll.l».n ini- four .-.lual
alb-mao'. Macaxluc.
oooiiauiiuu. ui-’d bad funiul marti to en- diiwn again Icukward
pli**-a. i rua* Ibe*.-aii.l glue tu Ib.p r»d
Aillr«uQfwurtbTmag.rirai.dldDot,<rf U>v.r budire, and lbrrrf.« thair
' ).iym«och.iU>cr—yotitb'i t\im|Boiao.
The tUt.WT u that IbaUiU* an- .hat- i-nr|ireil i-anll>iaril<
S.*- Clg :i
km.wwbat Up lit AftrtBBbile b.s-i ««**'"'“ *T l"’mg They wlU bit* tme
tend liT ib« fall, and Uu- gn-at trw crab glue ll.r llglii c..i,-r,,l pi,H-.-< „..-r Ibc
u ree. . fellow I aer.
wm nly to .
hold .a. with •
Max O'Roll m a -rttagger.*
to iJ'app enabled tu euyy a Ixparty msL
me ■ liar, ami I uid
Pwetve tbe Pta-wl Vtoitiw. rj.ri in.,airy ,
)•».. ev^ after all ibelr togi
.1 .lit.-. 'Vlll ll
tala* O'Bell tell* iniuiy curli'. aUm’l Nmr. thc.natis* wlci luhabU regliu* fulJed ••
It I wooU lick blmbeing mad.-, ii wa. d-aiwurrel that by ! *“»•' I"* »»“*®
•dber anta
' otbtT pMl'to. H«e toiaic (bat m U<ail- IDferiMl be tbl« ill ciodUlpAlMi Sal. are
bribes . rafll-i. ut uamber if gravs !
Bumrttxnre «x «
^ »•
rrai be tubl ab.mi bimit-lf. tVbco kc- well awarr that tlic l.m-crpatipm <rf tbc . .Id
hMl U«i dag ill tbe ta-Bl cemrtrtT to ' vliiMOtag with a dstb bold ta
B* tnriug m mi Au.iTralian haab ttren. be crab', anaiuniv t. wrft and ■*»itts. and ly
apsxtee, aocs
the auiis |iartoh if r
UB.-tndlaBap.plui Prst.
traxid ■'] ijurtit on (be athletic fsB trf they bp-lH-Ti- (hat the'"bivalve " war' m*
: with a b« g>SM> and nne with balf tbe
. BntiAi..
' AfUTa'Acli luacrttiu rtunc a Ibmi Msisirocnil in order tbal-be might tch
I t»dy giAie. <kne atngalar fart to that tba
deep toned IC. a lie' from a drankuo know wlicti be bad reiached tbe gnsmd. n«*
gnp at an ant'a )aw u retained esn
Tbe uiUTraptum. bro.-itae on- and wbiv. cvaM-qwntly, be uiigbi with
k co'cr Uke a Ip.itg
"Mn. Darix-r ua
‘ aftrt Iba body hM bm bitten off aad
. brarablc
’liiTc me a riup p-f five mui- sfety tvliwjie bl. gra»p uf the irauk.
inaUang faul tbe bead mnaUM.—EzS> wlir.l they dll ID iwder tu Hop bu eac
sxid Mata l-' bl. audireuvSbeaturmaatbermAid y
How tares ore lasrt rioag tta* m
depredatioo*. wbu-b <rficn rum tbe co- !-at
WrtM bto coat. .1.'
Or kuw I uy b eoioh tair ey*
« as) in a Riunu-nt be liad collared Ibe euaiint crapa. i. thi. ; V.-bi)e tbe crab u a||
•mind wHIi rlMadi, tbread
naeds a mrdiete aad to
liraad ; Oat "^Jhx-ago Inter Oosn.
■ and Imndlrd him nut. 'If I engaged m Bipr>“C
corvmrats ' ell.' n ihrougb ii-iitunlKPieit ril<
afatodafuras intuzlralttig bewaaga In
n by with wind
tbrr climb half way up
ap the
U***> and
nnO eiDlinild.-r a fi'u w..nl» on
Sgypt M rarly h AOttO U C. Ttaa pM
,'tad'tou t TUB meant to d.' that.' ridd i tbev
I'd have cbaiKCd double there drtee a row of tang nmU right me of the pockets, .oi li a. ''My llre.k.
n Iwrast that bowmt btgb WR
no Ibe Egyptian ■
laics. • •• And be cap)d easily has got aronnd the tree, allnwing an inch cr *• 'Uy Fr1end.~ etc
C..rers uf tbi* kind
of the nsito 1*1 proiert.
are ti.ooi useful when n delicately
Tbe crab barn.. taio*rlcdge-<rf disaa- , umn.l hook to going the rouM uf a
tbr Atncre of things. A. hr boo.wboM and orttna-tlkely to loae Its
dwrirodaU e wmmus ,tort erf bto hod, |
rap*-, ran* WeDcl}S tbc nailX Thinking ba <
; My hoon to takn tale low.
Pope deemed tbc "Eto«y on Man’
A Hluourl werkly'la a rereal.taaM [
myrew-. S«U Owp Pwwa..
And I <aa sty to*g red Ugta
tel readied the ground, he uturslly
____ _____
■SSR polultod prodcrticm,
bad till, paracrapii
"We ezperted to |
yte rffTaking rap faafaloDed freto A
"ujeaT tbat tbailrtag.. Icatantly be falla bas-kwardand .
rre* Pres.
•ulrll.b I pBiDio skull v-lilc-b wax te long turd
------ ------------------ teU ct. tbe grooiMl.-,
The telsre.n .holding «p a
I printed copy i-cmtained alsxwt
tbU wsk- hot a viotoot
by tlw poet U}roD ba> been (Miad
(oand britrfU
, gieel Dutop for ci crr Ite- U bw
mted tbe wedding and the dnrtor'lie- MBth tbe fioor of te riiapcl at .VewIRISH MUD CASMA
--------------; bad town folly (tamed Otot. te aanond !
I tollO.
lag tick blmarlf. te pattant rmr- waad AblM-}
A< te story goes, wtdla
■aw (to* Macr tewUiag PIbbs AsCbm ,
would bBshad ao many ehangS
I Tor (tet rrrd. and we as accordingly cbeaud living at New.taad L-ord Byres foimd
Mra No
■s.ii.d aad nt.iiiK,
Tb Oreirwy Ceewre.
I ImpSB upcB BT tn that Wi,. Why. a
a bttinaB •' '
' *'
TbemmieRbls ta Irelando
Tbe cfly .vpiiiuli of IK-nvs to conald- ' minsta ago you oBati ns a book twtaa
_______ paruliar wblltBeaa. CoarlRdThe disefer erf (be n
TWO roosa aad psaibly a amall aanite [
isg that II iwlongM toiete^yily old
bill for tbe deflirttrtlou of . tba Bis fs
CkateiodBR. Bear Partx. Is a
e wbicb to naad s a SUBS-;
recent eoamBalcaUae U a Frraeb
Ti« U Wio a drt'nktog raaaal. AetaiB’JJTte'tbor^ i
Km. (iaimrt. Nrw EnglaiMi- .
ISttfRaL stats ibsi te fatgtet tain- togly be arm It to Lowdas and ksd
tenk utote walla or thaicb
had sfa) ni7 to bto gtele aiifrial.
anlfte wrote. " Tis tons That Mate tba
pantRi* errr recorded to te rlclalty
idy moRDted.
Mtrow (iumney. wbicb aebhxp if ew
. 'To:__1
* 1 arbat snw«.-p(ayl”
aWplng rata paaaing ibnmgb Umrer.
; World (biBoBud." to ited. but tba toeu
at PAfla waa nstrd as July >7. of tbto ts KewatMd Byrag toROtsMu g gew
■liwis tta perpoBo. the domay tans
has fateu rajsaad soCia."it to tbongtit that tbto wfll toUM tfagl^f
•• ■«**«
te tet Md stoiu tbs teoAB'Vte UtaUalicbl iMzats iBBdB teoRMbte
,Rfte « te gfafagy..
niwiii fate
Anothbr High OffkHBl of Chinn
Co>p»d Up In th« Hills ftm
VryiMM by Bobrs
a aonlte, stad tb»
MaloabU Iron Go
roinem TKA»<-2ra 1109
V V*r« «wi »pmM 1
•w^nw U» T« a 0«*Mk KMry M«nMa».
to bo Condsmnsd to Dssth
for «».«D
A paoahaHty of the aait
ntlt U tmaadtipes tba opmloy-1110,000
Br Haagarlana by tba oi
Thi ptelsPff all^w
lAl^los. Not. It—lAanL Ooload Raaa^ B. Barftem. inapeotor
geo awl of tba
Bks, ha.
Aepartminl of Porto
t a peotaal to the
Mot. U.
R«oonstruotk>n Board
i■■ f»■
Owlmfwf U»c kr the
BsUday trade Mtr ready.
Rsv b UK tlMe ta lare
srden Iv friBiac.
Oolosal BwilaoB hat aaked
bo remlYiwI in
«f ahow ]B« like tbraa.
ikM tb* kui |
Osoaral KitehMMr will Ospop- dU BM udwfWDd SMUah sad did Cbnton
soi obvT wdin os tbst sooosaL .
ulsu-v>r«l ToyW
n», ~ U.. tt. N.I.I1I mnrb. . “
isd nre aetanlly the
boat abeet I orer were.
T^'a wWt n csalBuer i
•BtU be Ime Anlebod nj> tba work oos-
On Gm.
withUtoBan. Ibaiwdwtar
blf diaidmige wu iaongd wlibeot
Ootosal Harxiaos
Mtsl 10 ozitloda, ^Mreylsg
. O. iu.Ml •f nMW tm BMSUwr
or tW plsUittri 0yos
U the en et eg-PreBdtst BaitiaDn.
New Tmk. Not. It-lbe Boald'e
■ TbW t-htatae TToaoa
msob torjaiee la iKpiimiid by Mesdt
of LieeL OoL Bemell B. HairlaoB at
OArail t VAHArn.
by (be
fttwMritttail. ITol. n-Tbo Brit- But Non# of Thom WItnssssd
lA ho** Toesolod Vryfaold Md iskos
Easoutlon of Nsgro Murdorer
>p footltesi im Um odlMtst bilU.
wbw» d»7 or* tneUsUy
oU aostlu’
Tbc Bocn hoTo wanod then
Lcsdiw. Kerr. IT-Urd B«baru hsi
esblod dw war oAot rirlaff tba de-
UnMO, Oolo.. Not. IT-No tnqaaat
taiia of Oklnalthis In whloh ihraa wllJ ba bald orar tba reiaalat of
SMS wara kitUd and rU
Praatoo Portar, Jr., tba aelf-owfaaaad
tU niao raporta Wat a BwJOr and M
inrdarer of Louie Proal, who wat
BMS dlod of woonda raerlrad
bomad at the ataka by a mob at Lake
BoUw*Ula..KoT. B.
Blatlon laat nlgbl. In tael the ear-
fiden. The di^steh eddt that on
odlot U
aspaewd noademnlng Ta
oral tewBj la th» TranaTaal owing
to Uh dinealtr of K»«ant.ff
whare the mordar
arengad and reoawad the dra
wfao ar» hampering Uta dTiliaa pepo- again and again util arery Taatlga
Urn vmlanteer army.
Batas to death.
Pekin, Mot. IS—Oosnt Tcm Valte-
lOu. V
.. V.all karri,. Lny ervM...r.a na'
Men’s and Boys’ aotUng:,
Hats, Caps and Furnishings. |:
o« teertTod Prtnoe Ohlng and U Hang
Otmng. the Ohinaoe peace
tra. today at the Imperial palace,
leraee dataasded tlmt the Chlnoae
ooer eas find no remnini npoo whieb'
to hold an liiqneaL A few man la-, troopa bh wltbdiawn from tba vicin
matoed lav laat night at the apot ity of the territory ooenpied by the
Dartas. Mot. 17—Tb« Kertiiiry' ps
llatits a nport t^t OaaeiaJ Kilo
wlwadaeldod to
did net expect to retire .from tbe
andar aneat at Migbala. ptorlaee of
army ao aeoa. It to reported Ihet
Bhnai that Oortnor Ya Haloa bu
when the qneetian of the ueignmenl
bau aneoled et Plnan. nur Siam Pa.
of an Yn^iaetor to Porto Bloc wu
nod dmt Sbaog. direetor of
teVr eoealdfentios. Brlgndler Ougr^dit and mtloada. hat
otnl DaTli anggeetod another nmn
tead the thnu
RssMsncsofWsll Known KsnUicky Lntrysr Bombnrdsd
*nj Utirh- t>anw u„ - n-ada LaM " wU aVay. riw Ikr Trey Va a stWartiia
5. tm i (0.
g t^ tf tbit <
donelbedltpateiiof mlltinry expodiUooen
the alBao woiibl bo dlteewW t. TV IbeMar
ooo tinned.
of the negro waa goiie.
I. Ky..Nor. IT—Tbe qaanllrr
IT—The Amwieon
Bloamfontaio, 5ot. IT—The Boon
It It Miimated that Tie people withfSTilf aliaofcad tlw railroad el Bdln- netaetl
the rireatloe. No wotneo eesMl hev hat bees notieSd that of brokao ginaa at the realdoic*- of
hoarg. Not., ib Ii U reported ibal witoetaedthe etemMlos. b«l. many the beard of recaettnetUn bae been Atloncy 8am Kaah at Mancbealer
pay AlO.OCD at a Sret In- and nndiy ballet bolee In the bnUdweal to the eoane brfov tlie Are wat
lighted and ^aained lltare while the tuUmont in the teUlemont of Amrri- ingtuiify to the feeling ezUtlng
betwean that well known
negro wna led from carriage to oarAll the eoBanla are laiullig for In-1 lawyer and certain of hia
HawWI «a IV M*maa Hmnt
an I
deaerted hit wife
negro wlio oonfeeaed that be wu tlie i U tlie only metbCNd
IT - Bob
mantorer of bet child
wgk whom ha unralad all
to be me led on 1 and
followed hr hit
today atsianoed to loir year* In the
fm tbe
etollon relemeil yuvrday
jggr'ken of thl. city wu clmara
If IfaU oily
Judge ETeruii Of Clay
M.titnil RLAV PLRAn (il'ILTY
and Impor-'
rtTta* INw.
Allegan. Nor.
pre- ■amal to TV Mmia* lbe>ire
Chlmgo. Nor. IT-Tbe
land uH^T of ilw Teleiibooe in tin
fool bnll team by the IVtoakeT teem ' home
*■ -me by Bering
ordenag one todaT of tJie
will be acceiited at once and a game
At Cbimgo-Wln
CaiiCNwo for a new trial and will
' himaeir of It if one i* granted.
At Phllaitolidito
fV.ii.U g
here (or
While the Peloakey team 1* a strong
ooe and hare made their
they are willing
eral day* He U able to eay tisl Bes- Daitmoath S.
At LaFWyetto-Pndne 38,
aior Uan*‘ lyminam* ebow aa
IwoTamenl in hit
polar U *tonger. hi* brnln clear and
In jwoonring
reat-1 joe A*U.r Out t'luMU aa« Kawva
o« la aou-BuU b, Jak 1U«.
Mich .
thue ienor* o“d
.b, pob,. dif h. (.-' Add,. Art.
mnnol etand the expeaae of aaother
toy wu outrlamed and ac
nial. the toet one haring cost him
Root. Re wu kneoked out in the
sbOOl H&.OOO. and the cooru he hu
Aral round, but the aadlenoe Inalutud.
toclded upon to the only ooe left
that Root abould be uey with him.
and tbe Agbt lataed one round and
Tha Lincoln Utranry Society'a tegn
D #i.ko* rt rumuosg
le*T i lar meeting occaiTTri laat night ud
tbe boy* enjoyed theamelTee mote
and mirying
. »wooandidate* were
with aeiiplie.
twenty-eeoesd Infantry,
“** «k»ol*allon-
teallned to act u a garrtoon at Baler.
The Hanawt Punarlruito hu baee;
acsi 10 the Indtou'* aaatotaac
It to Ibongbt the remel can te mre
made membete
• »«"
tV Volted
today J. C.
do. wu found gnilty of outUng am
ber cm coTammwit tond without pur-
him not
by getting In the
WaUoeA. bet (ought gamely.
ImiranptB. "ITie Senor Lyceom."
Harry Trip .
Negro Speech.-
meoe oourt.
the oonita two yunr* and hu eeri Tel
ler thouuade of doltonr
Mot. 17-ln
K Wlloax end B. K 8amto horrifying. Joeeph Oorry, the Afiou
_____ together ia na amcasntai
year old etm cdOmswl Perry,
To* ma‘l nffmd to itoA/oui lUe by
DeWUtH UM* kriy Btee ue tha
Wt haot them
now ««%««««««%•
Hew Stock...
Ldttst nootHits
BRUSH apo COMB 8E7^.
fttakt Your « «
Stltftions Dow
Cm ni Ink thM ffir.
UtBMil tofMrSNti CkmL
Foot Warmers!
are Showinf Several New Slyles
kni Wit Cil, Bin« Tap. FiU Sails.
kin'i Fuii. Bum Tip. Sill* Siln.
Hn'i Fm Tp, Latin Sain
Lidln' Lip, Bittn nd Ciarnt.
Lidln- Bun: aid FiH Slipnt.
Httn- ud CUIdm'i Rnm.
OAcrgaitcn; ar.d Leggings — ail kinds anil priceA
Women's Storm .-Alaskas—1st quality SJc.
*rKm ftomw
TVtHd K-lmU. >ll«» R»»
18 COMPLETE:.::;:::::
Barnum & Sari,
Foopt 8t,
Fire Insurance
1b lota from t6 to 91.000 on good
cbsttal becuritj, jrwrfrt, forwilorr,
pUatta. boiM or noy kind of rioddt.
_ MHl 1. HsmilU*
A MiUiksa Block.
** » JOHN B. KELLY, Agwi
lteA»Oe«ghaam~WiU rota «to«
dX.yh'gT.iSSFft. 1^
fyoUda^ tb
ub msj.
piKD or rrMorROBtA
Tbr cue bu «bueR la
Ifa. walk ta Boot M Johaaeo'* drag of hydrophobto tadtoy
The boy
Not. 17—Tba lalbego.
. BeeolTed. That Trar am M Right A mutoal IB tualiag h^blttuRbya dog aome
tod to n etoab. bat the men were
mtoneual eatnititoeltm i* bnitrlag erne Otty elioald hare pRbUe parka’
4 before nay gnot damage
ntoM the iwepniaUim of n {uUmia- AfSrmaUre. Almu Bnllcx md Boy
aty •maamut of Its enintaar Inqairiu BobeOelA
Into tba oeoal inweHrUIttrT of the
NagaUra Oeerge Deitt and t-e-y
Itwu mid today that a BifdokU.
report would ba ready f«r mbmtogiu ’ Oritie'e Bopart, Itoteiy Tripp
M aengtUB tba Alto dny of lb» oea-
duriag the «Uy on the
of our garments.
You M-iti
also notice that our
prices are
tower than you
We like to show goods.
Cime to think
about «
Mimnoa Bloo*-
mll und inod SlWa TuUur will anpul the uae to the United Stalu en-
P*»U»«o«tary DrUL
Bpelllng Conteel. Soelely.
Daitomarioo. "A
LoaU BlMmlL
nephew of Senator Teller of
i. the rrogram U
fnmou setor plegu blow on
Aahley did not jowre In be op to tbe
The diieatetoe
'»• rieiory (or the. aMrma-
aohon on the rock* on the eut aide
fifUUde Polilio. Tbe aoldien are I
him. kaoefclng him down teiaatedly
nntil the Mxmd round, when Root
I Ihaa Bsut. beeaoae of the (act that
IT-The armr
MieHieu mEmE co. y
Come Tomorrow.
W'e receive many
tonto Of thu Tillage sign a petitlim ;
ng dmi W dealt wHh tontoni.
then- to lot* (erer. Now be Vltere*
the eruior will encoTer.
[ilaeu In the *mv and hu had
IT-Dr. 8t(«e mid aou 0.
At Ranorer—N.
nmighi that for the drat time in
Manila. Not
S S3.00. S3.50. S3.75. S5.00.
'th*t Tit
to go again.! any
Kl^ *ehool tmm In the .mte, the
TruTerae City High echool team will
Bm Bsek
if peu tpish it
^ taut aa a man'a
Tbe challenge *eet the Rlgli
lumben pf
expremu a dmlr*
be materially atreilgthened by tbe
He, too. U prepared to plead guilty addlllea of arreral eld Ume foot ball
In iKe eTonl of a new trial
eaawy deeleioo from the eommlttae.
playera. who will be enrolled in the
IT. graavd. which muy good
The caoTenllon woald txlng here
High aehool Vtcrr that Uma. Tbe
OonaU 4.
. liqem (xotsble, and to threw kimaeU,
not lee* than SOO delcgaim am
rtadania are now tmly hoping (or mlt •
At *«■» Arbw—Mieblgnn T. Notre apao the merer of the ooon or of the able weather
and that Petoakry
Dame. 0.
wool back out. A meeting will br
At Anupolto-Celambla II. Cadet
called afvr ael
acaATOR DAvia RriTRM
■ known that daring the put
1 and make Anal arrangemanl.
ri.j few week* Oeuial Marehibu been
for IV g
aecanng lelteiu
•ill i
It citints* of thii
fanre the oanrcDlloa next ymr there
will be BO Opablr in gelUng tbe nee-
Michigan | the foot that Oeoeral Mareh hu aptbe *ai>em« court
foot bail . loam defeated iwaled hi* 0
afldesi tl
the coecatlTe odoimlltee are (aror- ^otre Dame at Ann Arbor today in a and iirofe-ww to
V gvuM
a new trial.
ahle to holding the nett oosTeotloo hotly eemteated game.
Following will
I poeitirelT kaoTTu dial lie hu
in Tiareroe City and be VUerea that
re aeoeuof other
Mr. Betu ataled that
a Ing wu badly wTMkeil.
Jaokcoti depot
euiTeallcio of (he imv Bonday Bohool':
Aaeortoltoo Vld In Owtuo. In the I
etoetloa of aftoert Hon. J. W.
wuiAlwBys in Demand
ffg ' Not oniT I. “
It n-qniml
»hol and badly wounded In an affrnyl
In the oflire
of the huellag tuBii ot
boraa a few mllee from Manobmler today.
mailer what. Certaiuly he did not It injared. O. Bnffkln. a
lit dnila it* ajdien-of a
goffer wliat Lontoe did and abe wu trainer of Daltoa. Texaa, and another
.home, when- » DIM
trainer whoae ume ia onknown, wu
Innooenl while he wu gnilir. "
killed oalrighl. Bereral other, were
Otaad TnTerar Handay School
pain we tsffeeed.
Whaterer wu
dose with that bmie wu right, no
A hudrwl thou were ftmt
retired to another |mn of tlie
ing and eacajicd injury. The
tliooght wu to mTeJothora tire' wreck today near the
on the QuiB A Oreercal railroad.
Bod Hoheos, the engineer, wu (ami
of oourt Kaah'* reuiduaee
remored from the face of the
GHdm's Jicktls.
'f Urie Slock,
tbe oeea wu hang up by the Jury.
A few houre aftor the adjounmeat
roomt nwfeed with perjery
death of my taUiy. hot 1 did not hare
and be inlendad lu pol a tlop to It at the featlng of terenge ^hloh ais many
tar at In hit |iowar.
peojde mid enght to pomaaa me. My
Wkvi pi Till Ell test lalHt-nn Till Ii let
% Misses' JKktts,
ridding Gan-1 with the White* and Uowarda.
of court
l.did not
Jowalry. i
Buy That Jacket!
orer ti<r know wUt fate awnlted him." abe
■ed. "1 did not core. Jut ao
"Of,conrae 1 i too of foreign gonbaale.
Jted aa to
for Joale
toreolB will raffer from llmt bmv'i for eaofa dtotrlot to uUmaV tba tem-1 fended Willard Philpot. member uf
'the Pbllpot.Baker
bctlun. who ii
Crimea." were the worda of
lira. ' age done.
_ ..
e.*H,. I charged with killing Depaty siherlff:
Proal today wbem aaked tor an
ei- ,i
Chloete are
of fhe'ing that Iheectllement of the elalnu
ItoTiiieon. who wu
{reealon «o the
a Haa Wha leA III. M ile for
NigbtOewna. I
SmokingJaoketa. !
Mrytn U>1 IW tlMD
fellow i
rlage for Ituperlloo. The womea'a
domnlty for deetroyed miaelou.
A ; l«m» [of Ctoj ooaaty. Kaah
rote waa a anil for bomlng.
Deorer. Nor IT—"Well, no other •iwetol deisty baa been appointed Jodga Tlaaley of Barbearrille.
You KnovAC
I'bat we are selliag the snappiest. :
serviceable, best htting
S2.00 Shoe
for I_sIcIIas’
That were ever soW in this dty? If yon
don’t know this by experience, we’d be
glad to have yon find it ouL The pur
chase of one pair will tellII the stoiy.
il- --
I cBT.iooB. fimaAr, aormum u, iim
Ul.hM MaMtev.
■■ «H a
MI...H will l.e. «.l l-»ei J—
n. ftr k*
pw^ m- ika M)a(» H a vary
TCKHCHmov or ncnASK.
1haA«WMMki tba B«Mrd waa
toaoortolffvtaf ttepaioaMfe of
r*~.^ TT"''*'** *•
tartar the laat taa yoaia. Tba Beeaad lc«m U tha mm way psaier
Eav Toth. Obleaco. or aay ether
«ltr IfWM IH
«r iWMOi
MHOlar *•
of all saw
MtHHfy MMsad to Me city iropar.
nte oAelal oi—i fatsnu ^*e TtarmaOtty, U IMO. a pofaUatKai <d
4AM. TUe ywlt fflres a pepaUtloai'
of LMT, vbHh U a cais of 114 pm
Word waa noelred here yaati
fay Sbortff 8lspaoo etatlac tisi rnok
MoSatl, wbo foraarly Itred here, war
klUad es tba isllroad at S«My.
woe tbeoffbl that the oaforti
■Ob fad relatiTM is thie city w
Ba waa daaorlbed aa belmt a
afaat flee feet, les Ibehaa is belcbt.
of dark eonplaxloB >ad apfsrently
1 to Josaa,” U d
srlbadaea "bllailooe caSelfney.
Iftharetanob a thlac haewa
. laattslili aa saselet of rialbtllty
wbai fappana to the aadleoeea wfaeo
tfay aae Jooaa U oertalnly a oiials
apoa tfas. ThU IfMt aoooes
tfa bast ertdaaMe that -JoiMa”
aaeaaaa. li tba Met that Me crowdi
fo to ne It in eroiy elty It it played
la.—la atrapily a aptrtted,* fa^bily
WiUlaii. well oosatrarted hit of
asBaa, preaeoted by a at^blr oompasy of playora AI) that liappeot
Jooaa la doe to Uie dealre of the tv
llae to lay hasda n|As aa oSeader la
the iMideau of a llrely erealtm.
Be Aada rafale to the hone of a iwapaokad eollr«e profeoaor. who liar
bUok aye to aoennat for to tbe bead
of tfa boaar ; the taritlre X
qaaaodaa aa hU boat'* brother, aa
AaoMallati blahop. aad bar abaadaat
dtanoe to prove bit ability aa
Obasfal Uar
Tbe t<«l biahnp ^
riraa, aad u paraeoalad aa aa eac^pad
lasatle aad aa Imposlar.
ftrU. a credolooa sotber and a
an a«Bt are mlsad
atrl^ of eataB«
wblah the Hsseles XoM ilea oheerfalty asd with toui dlst«atd for the
boafert of tbe aoSema. Aad at laat
all a«di with the pnipnr etplaaBlinai
a tar vtrtiwor
Tao Merh Hlfatlr
Uot arenlno Jts Eel
lyino brarad avtlaal
one ^ of tbe Perr BarqDrtte depot
IB aa saeoDifctoiui ooDdtticOL
oorriad bis laio the depot aod made
aa attaapl to teeire hlafdsi wlihoat
Ur. Keboe tbbuffhi
abowad aittu of lllseae aad
naked by Keboe If be had beeo drink,
lac be allowed that be had. i
Re deelaied wtth a abadder that be
bad takea aboard aboal twenty-flee
eooklalU and aa many atialcht whUk
tea. which led Eeboe'lo bellere that
the yaaBC nma had been ep acalnat It
■rood aad plenty Chief of Police
Broale waa ootlfled of the oondltioa
of the yoanc man and be wae takna
tp the oooler to ret well He U
tatnly cralttyitic to^e iml
w of one ooaoera
ooncerti whkcfi
MM etty
asonoof Htttac Ufa Al^sln ty
■IH—Mna sBl fa hHd_iB_Ofaaaca.
_ r5=
A. a M«»aw arrHH
s Of aay 01
. to doTlM
■Hrw fare boon dloecmrmrn.bUad.mtm>mM^AOdih,M*
patladtf C«tM»J*Jac< Hi body. •**“““*‘^*V Dr. 3. X. VIMa
W a^wHo
-aas l^wiUa. is Vsnek eaaaMand tfa wilfaol ondMust
*«d hi. Ufa Tha old mao-a jamUa BpmdaMaa of ifa ora
A tfay
' - 1— - * .« K
116 ps toa. M.00 ps toa
a HIielartDlkpbow<d paaa.
TV. Dr. Vlldo fao a (am of alxty
•lUkB liHiind Ifaa Lrd Ow
ba »^w •bool Ok 6imtb «d VllUan a«m aad tfa estiie (ana ia nld U
01 Ba bad bm a «eU made ana. ba rich la m. Re wlU at oaeo vncte above (far middle bolltbL Al W ..
ha bad a arrwe fit <d iUDaaa, asd tba a i claiiB. Is the
bwbbaduf hair came, and aair aaUa Caarded fay aad alcbt
eo tM daiten aod (oea A eOBtraRits
that look place io the flnr<*« of «Meh aoMac tfa losfaer caapa In aocthen
head al thi* UuCaot nasalxMd ahraya Wtaeoaaia that Che atate beard of
h'utbinc U aaid afaoat arw laetb
to Ua cmae. aed ba mnat acm baalth haa leooameaded list looriac
_ . oormad avbi aad ^aecA. arhteh arawa everywhere ahonld be vaeol.
mMortsae fad drpnaad bUBO.w
^Advioeo bvoochl b, _
a nu arbo died atUMaaacd Eaiynaa'^'Ohln^irlve ~ dafaila of
M, ^ wbus be ahraya railed
Creal flooda la Cklratta. eaawd by
Tansy.” Tbit boy <d futirpcxn looked heavy talaa. Tbe SawW la tfa aa««)7 Bocii ulcfa (baa bU falber, aed tba
tm* led to auaae csrioea sutakoa cd the ctve qaarter fare tae«B nadar foar
part of a»an*si who mt ibes tofalb- fee* of araler. and ew la tfa Barott. 4taa. »be« they was waMluff la pna qnartar oomsaatnatton «a<
Holbocn. tbe aoa auold tnateely ksp ponible only by bent Laria fat
psw with tbe (atiirr—in fsv. with au hava bran caaebt In (he ChloaRa
(Mt dlflnUy and dieinaa did be do « atnwta Plve haadred aad alaery
that Im attaadn) the aumlUs «f a irm- boaMv rollapaed. iweaiy-three peoUesas. sbu araii op to uld
pie were killed, aad alxty-eevei
'■ bim oo hie a
Alialdoiy la out akdli
Pmlrte cMokeaa ai« sid to fa
aUetwher The eld bmb told him tf
Uaolaiaka. bot ifia sraacer reftsed to ttbadaal In'weMan Kaam that
flea the lean mdil to hi. naavtlcm na- yearm. aad (he tanarra ahow a dtepotil Toowborty pafanc at tfa time, who idtiae to ctve tfa htrdi a al
kanv the faoefan well, ceetifad U. the maltlply by kaeptac a rheok
porfeM tmth <f the ativy.
AU fonr loranl laochen Ibee; H
>. Wia. for a
sir arparatiin all Uolbcsn bwaed
wtth aniib*. md erew quite radiant fc» past efforta
a^ frihu!
MllMr Ml MIMI^ *mm
sigbt yMntaoaadbas bm haw fa
- - aeoMa aiaee. Os wwt »a Ba1 wliva be WM«d ta baa
aad U DOW ban Ki rieit Us hM
a fa fas aa« aaea Haae ba <
away. He ww aata tMAwi of faM
elty. bat of Oeaeeaa eoasty.
baftaafaMl tfa Mata fa m
nrlp tnw Oiud "f*-*- lo this city.
Mkfac tfa wtba AlMaaoa «llh a
y «wm. Be wae mxpiimA mpoa
naebUc Tlarnne City fa tod that'
it had beaesM a (htivlat oily aad (fa
eeatnrof tfa baijaeat of aori
CUT ft,MO,000 FEET
Aad yoa wiU tod thai all —
Coal Sioets.
wfa fare kad olalmi wUli
$2.M. $2.75. $3.75 up tO
mak a irood word for aa
Then It always two Aides to a
ssorv—Bear ean before ]
baUnq tfa other fallow.
Do Not Delay
DiK. Bapt.
IH laifaet eat
tiaee tfa befflBsiaf of opatatlaas la
lan.’^TtM mlU fas of eeam la lhai
time been waoratad and
^ Ur.^OhsrUa added new isproveseeu last voar.'so it Is now one ol
tCBSat slIU'l^this'vtolBltyT Ahoat
fl8.000.000 fset of lofs woe eat ibU
season. Mr. 01
sosM aew Imyaovcwwu this tall aad
will be la posUioe toatekaa'iUifer
cal next
tv ITU A
Tmwvw ITtr Tcpi ko. an Pliaai
■Jebevaw Masss aaS l*i
Al the yevisw of Travers
Teat. No. B71 PriiMy afatat yae
tiou wen be«aa tor (he aasaal fees
of the teat aad tfa date was Axed for
l«t Bandi in rMt Sinii Clui.
Let Bende be your Sente Claus.
eau kaata aai lai(a M aa 81k
Stnal; daai la amaXT. boa It
Itlirrii/ir,fine WOOD
miry MtWttflltS, hiIv if fntt'
111 niMltll trm.
Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Hardwood Slabs. Hemlock EdKintpi.
Hardwood Clippiruis. ^icmlock Stove Wood.
Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock Kindling
H at w; la» artci. PrtaatlOSD.
& CO.
lo Travers Oily Laiafar Oo.
I The Hannah & Lay |
^ Mercantile Co. g
A Great General
Will always hold men In reserve sufficieot lo take tbe places of
those who may be killed or captured In battle. Tbe same rule
applies to wise merchandising. Knowing the nferit and cheap
ness of our new Shirts we sent in duplicate orders so as to have
fresh, new, stylish Shirts ready to take tbe place of those wc knew
would be captured aod carried away soon as they were seen.
ftll’SOIT out
a" all
SI.50 ...
SI.50 I
i 1 SI.00
rfar. .go ^d U extend^
to sev«al part, of that .mie
dry mason is so long that tbe Idea of
ebtaialag dniMem mads is aataimUy
I attractive W Oxltfomlans and the
SBcorm Ihsi has attended the use of
..il r,.
Sirsasss.rjfnsr Irt BeUi bs »o«r Sssti Cltss
w inii m u
oi (i iti T onf-tim unt
Nothing like it shown. The 'Lion Brand” is
famous the world over, and we show four dis
tinct lioes, all selling at one dollar each. The
"Secretary". “Booth". 'Lakeside''and "Illinois ', all equally good, just a
trifle difference in the making. AH sizes from u to ir-
Wc. tfa. a
---------.. ■„ ^
* OO know — .
FlrW-obMi iBsaraww Oompaalsa
store, a faU Uae of
... . --——.dBy-:Most- diseases famia iadisotdenof Boomfl. RaatUMB A MiUlkamBlatk.
If it '
. CMMmm taaey west, iaeladiag npof Tar
- ,-;•-_?****
FtmrjSmd). lleer.
kldaeye, bowels.
w^..^eold. We also nanates a Soodud nsrrea BMotrio Bitm
flfl-eeat byl* fa |w*r mUstaetory — lu?^ up ilu mlmitrti iwgulaies liver.
Cash or a little-at-a-time
a I.Xohaseai Block. Travers City
buff and ffaaldoqr.
Try Us
be a Mead to y«a. aad befen
^riac may be able lo prove it.
Let Benda be your Sente Cleue.
-ti ,
Of Ul kind*.
Bex SISMS. Hlr ClflW Siovta
flottsfl* Stevea
Round Osk StsM*.
u..‘ mipauiruwiiiiirtisisoii
aad Btekaas <
. .u M at am la laailu dli. alfan
Klv'i New DtaoorerT captsble to (fa
mind by the m
m. Ooartia aad Oclda. asUDOF of a raU.i wvU xmi in Ok
trial teCtlM tad have tfa tatltafclioo Bsfaew.—Nem YMk tint
Of knowing it has onr«d ihonamds of
A Bsemtav T«fa.
hiiipoltss oases. Asthma. Braaohitia
••BWd if 1 ain't ireg-alarTnlby.”
Im Orlppe aad all Throat. Cfawi
lirrr—• are snrelv edred aiBtleved tfa man ■n tfa miwd after beby li ^1 on Jas. O. Xohason sad lacsmppadoahaH adoMtlM. “Ev
0 wyfm^Dostow
isKT.tii're sl:'
An kati« klUed toUy. aad
J. M. Blakeslee
OBS day last week. wfau_lhe c
^m%T(Thaa)(di;Bd the tronbU dlaoorered. la otte of the laixe pklv*
Thi* will be a Oenaan affair. Tbe
a live owl waa foaad. which ia
mean will fa of Germaa dlihs aad
in the poawaaiaa of the orcanlM oae taU Ifa {st«ism to fa flirea will
Now that otw mytlerr ia riaaied op fa tvadrrwd la Oemaa. tfa olhs
tfa ivoblem of expUlainc bow ' falf la Ualsd Stales. The affair will
HOW TO ft£kieMft£«
owl cot into the onran U yet i
fa ebberas aad the aovetly of it
will fa refreshtnc
, Uiw J L MeCUIIam. adoiKed
"1 witb yon wuold leoeh BM bow to dancbler of tfa Ute John Shennaa.
otamlt to nienevy tfa aoac> I want to
(Usaia^Ued the tmntlfal ShevlBC.''iuid an amaleor muaician to a natn rasicleece ia Vnahinctoo. which,
rkaA "1 bave aever brvvi able torcmi- with aometblnK like CTOO.OOO. ehe
fU'p rviday and u a resali WUUam
r maau- to nHanvy^al kiait have
d from Uie Uhlo i
HiQlas of Uorfma’i livery bam ii
lint 1 think It wuald be
Bhe aad her bnabaad have miled for anraitMt s broken ««■ and two other
aw* lu tne if 1 roeld. ”
Karot.' and It ia mid Mr. MctUllnm
''Tfa|me.w 1. IKM a dlRbiilt
of hie left foot
waa tfa reply
I faer alwaye fcmrid It axpecta lo sil all the hcnivdiald
II fa laid ep for a
lu m. liy I effecta. Illood relatlou. to Mr 8her: adapted a Bsa an- tadicuaal at the |wo|<oaed
TfatiMlh IlmwW.
km«(ln>eaK<i Take any pops Ur KSg. aetlon and will make aa effort
klra. Lortnda Fish died yeaSrdsy
'Tfa fan R.ee nf Summer.' f<v exam larcbav tbe funillare a. soovenlrs
ple. It u a pud plan (o read it orer and
momuiR nf Bright'! dtacas at her
CM tfa eeatimmt <f tin- rena-. whlcb of the creal Olihxui
home. IIU Frauklln atzeet. afSr aa
The Aral oatioBal coaveodoa of tUie
eomprehimde the Idua of luoelioeH*. tfa
four moDtlia Bhe waa
(adluc away nf bcaotifal Ihioc* and the sjaaiah'l'hn.tlAn Endeavor aooleiy t the wife of H. L Fish, engineer on
lacdi of <Tin|>.-uby in udinw. The niw i> baa taken pUo-al SaracoMt. Thlrrv tlie <i K A I hi'IWeen hetvaad WalblcnnilDK alcmr. It. omnpannai. are aeveu Mwieile* wen- rvim-wuieil by
faded juid iptn-. No flower <v kiiiclad IlfIT delecalee. Thr
IVoiwsed was bon in New York
la ui«b lo aliaie lU plninree or uuwer antlinrllie* di-mande<l liuit (be coverto lt» alsln- Thi. i* tie- Kroundwurli— nor alioold aopi«eu ifa me<-tinc of Slate and lias been a rvaideBl of thia
tfa akelieiid, M> lu apeak—of (fa\ema
oitr for eleven years Besides her
Imptiw »hi« ftrnily on the miud and (hi- convention, bol the delecalea bnabsad ihe leaves a faially of child
ily acknowledced the rweipl
famillarlcc tfa Uinncht with the eeutiren all of a'hotn lisve reaclieit mamrai tinacuie (he cardcai «ith tfa cne of has order aind amrrird wut
ruae and fiupd h-avew all amanA Oaor day*’ iwoirtam a> thuv bad |>liuine<l.
The funeral will take place from
Ihia la tiled lu tbe iuem>vr it la rom
A rvulcient of Plymooth. Mas.. Ifa reaideoce tomorrow awinleg at v
parat:lively IW.T to lUI tn (hr rrmainder »r 1-Mc U Wooil. hue a coopU- of
Ki tfawmia Thi> IxVH-c.f theeimpkwt ap|>h« fonn an orchaard ai Kaniloopa. o'clnek and Uh- rwmaiaa will ba- taken
aad ssnwl way nf cmumiuiuil tlie wie<U
to Grand Rapida for bnrial.
! BniWh ('olnmbia. bol (lie ordinary
at a aviB 111 na.-niivT
Tlie lafani child of Frank DeOroce
"With Ba*-t piwple nieu..irtxinx tbe ifn»‘ of Ibal tejrioo
flfieon sad thm-fiMirtlit died vesl^Hy afternoon. Tlie (nuair uf tfa tna« l> niocb mukv. aaid tbti
U d-sae by bamnilnit nfliln and aaraio. laches In ctlmmfrrence aaid weipjia eral si'rvirea will he beld al the
awfemmt lo tbe mslc wbearvcr tberv is twenty-three ooaos. aad tbe other hoasr. ooroer Ray aod Randol|di
any qacMKat It It Impirtaiil to k*m Is nrvirlr s lanre. Dr Wo~l sw at etTvet, at ;! p. m. today.
the afrieaUnnl (air at Kamolops an
We Offer One Handled Dollars Re
apiiie which welfllied twwnty-aine ward for aav ease of Oatarrh that
oaoces. A sin«le aiqile is enoafli lo (Bonot fa cBird by Halls' Ottairb
nai^e a pie of Uie nsnal honsi-bold Oore
P J. Oheavv A Co.. Profw. To
ledo. O
Erank Leroy, ui avroaael. and
We. the nnderaigard, liave known
leavtait '
Mrs. ElU WhitijklKv were matnrd at F J Cheney (or tfa last 15 yrarx.
blm prrfsctlv
perfectly hoou
man left
Parts. Texas, Pmdsy. Leroy was snd;falirve
Fur lurkf N>a at all. hot broaiu.' it lay t-mployeil ilnruis the ■free! fair and IB>11 boBlBsss traametioas ami
aaclsllv able to imirr oat aay obliga
<n iIm- rail ahesA and
tions made br their Arm.
West * Tmax, Wholesale Dm*
gisu. Toledo. O. Welding, SlnoMi
and Rave i: a dm« Uiat it (ell altm.t '
'>'««“ ^
A Marvin. Wholemlr Dreggisis. To.
all1«e fsM .d thrr.. ladifs. im.-.rf Wli.«n ,Mrw WhilledRc’s lion»- and wa. in lf«dD. O
ws aNuit 'o I'lek ii Bp. when a pncti ' fured. fUie dreeaaetl liu woauils and
Core IS taken iaterllv opon the blood
eal member >i( Uie trio Uld "D>si't nul ' nnrsed him The acquatntAO.-v lhu>
ra^ofifa system
yi*r (6 Tea. and new aiuid if U««t' are I bena cnlminsted m lie- wedding
Priev :sc rm bottle. Bold W all
Uuwnub. In it It wa. md y.diwfa' TImK.-v Henry Mlddleiou.
tolml It. iiat iteBiXiinuBij. aud fa lias the vslerau minivien of the Ohio
Ball's Family Pills are tfa best.
Im-k-aad sll ”
Methodist Eplsco]«! cnnferraee. drop
cltisu. .
ped dead at Ooodbope TboraiUT
Uav. aiel BO
Frodcvick Swinhan. a wealthy
foBiid. \iTiy; BrasBsr s Bracua strvet
waal s good dish of oysteia.
cilixeo of Newton. Iowa, lias coo. IF*0YOC
gtrl's mvrt captniwi it and earned
to Xacksoa'a lioa-lt.
•iff ou hi! cans.—Baiun Post
clmie.1 to duborae hU wralUi among
his relauves while he u livuig. Uis
method is to give to each oae Uie
M id tfa
amonat be think! Is Ihrtr d^ for SPECIAL SALK of extraordinary infur
liwyi pared
tneel to all this week. Sec onr
an's Bible''by that very acouxapHsfad whloh he takes s revwipl which he aamiBoaraiaoL The Bostoa Bcoia.
Aiaevkau wobmo sud Biblical student. tarns [over to his lawyer, who will
Mrs. KlualiMh fady Stanl.-n TfaT are administer to bis affairs when he is
a gtrat deal awe satisfscwcy Ihnn ! d(*d. So far seventy-flve
nmny of tfa, cvumeois npixi tfa maw
pot ia a claim
tells that we have read in other^
^bi iwactioe.of oiling roads lo keep
m.ve preienn.ms cMamenianiw Mm ; rt»e'dnst down ww began in Oalifor-
One leal* aiaoval at (hi* fumy atotalin,
who eliowed roch ivorailmec antkety
and (iCk'iutuuiwi l« dinrt »tfai« in tiie
path <f Tlrtne. aatlla*.
aatlltqc. ae tbe mote, pa
ir faam —Niiuii aad Qae-
Prtwfif^MBta SSfa Xaa*G
Xohaami aadB^Wati Auggim*.
UtBMillMyMrSMU Clw. UtMibirwrSMb CIm. weMdabtyMrSMU Ctm. flMrt ewnteet HtkfecMty.
vun wwi viii-ui 11 uiii
are the most attractive you trill see and they absolutely sell on sight. A ^
full line of sizes.
Just as complete a line as the men s sizes and ^ f
made equally as well. Made with one sunding - eolUr aod one lay dowp. and a pair of cuffa
Thefle flcH at $1X0 tbe sh'irt
D0I5' » M5
fn tfoiratt.'BMm «uv«>«k cmr, nttm^ nnnurx W9
wHAt A eeobjom com.
mm. im •mmt « ».• >
I ■'■■
M> w«l
>|iii hitlilli ttiha.
The HwlWraMsrM the towwttw
Hie BUM wrw OUnr Erwe. Hew
baata Delavaiw ia I7M aad
b»tbe iJLiirfwii ct
tte IcM
ta,-'atd • tadte «spst Cita Mdad
. OM ooar «( » Mi^oee
•uncr <jt mtltrj tarwur. Wh«c mo
Amehima tMmlir in U» mat cbamtmacrn win b» eoeuat with the crdta*-
aoutiatm faw «d kac ae laiwliNimw
tdM. «w frawwlfwMl th^ Mt be BM
bfe twfet<liM >
i^Msed to briar hiai ottMa* bwt
BMWW porertT. Be «« the oririaal iaRSHr <r the tu«k fa—wt o«iD* weed
bt hxflouUfM. the cbIt hiad thil cooU
twotare fathiifoTB
----- -------
Hta anOMatkB d the Dotion to both
wcrld wools retnais «maDy la amr.
Dd and wnoc power waa aonewhat
bwiU be adiBlned.ees by the BoM adrel
Sraaiard will baveoatUac
cndiog cd the ae eallad woBan'a nshU
la 1M4 the BrealciiwUtyrd PbihMel.
Meel with \1nw7 haiWIIaa.
that. In eonfcnitT to btr
atSlhaadonr. The artrarebaMaeaa
1. the teMaa apsida mmaOj aboal SS for a toar pceallar phj
male <d the faaaaa
Eraw pni In a bid knetr than any d
biased katfe. U ha ksea ■ knife crflea.
dally cnwtcd to perfoB a epaclBeaeak
MataB7«aido.faaeoDwa down to ft,
la tlw diimwie cgoMay. Thu la.
diubaild a
IbaatoSI. HuS e>i>n>aive kalnaaiw
childRBaad todu the weak.
boarbl (cr pmeata.
Pw doUan
Ibeboma Oa the other hand,
Be fitted oat a araw with a ateaa esaa eittlhait aifL Laat aeaecn maor
naalfoaly latemM that the fine, boildiiqt both the rngim and the
knir» wm. »1T« for priaea at eachw
rw» aboald cheriA aiziw to hia own wtrtibupL
Snrh knirr* were waall? the ' male
“* d the
the aentei
When the boat waa ready lobe lamrcbiw. with half a 6ama bladei « i “1,**?','?
<«l. Erana dMrrmintd h> bit* the peoata. That his t loch knife 1 phyaical Ub«x which maat be:
and thIekUBc ber (rota erary daatar
I'hiladelphia an (d>yn lemou la
that Burht threaten the health, hapid. vtnOtanins ao fa* pat the Uat on wbecta,
iwm and prrpetaarioe cd the tfmdm. Ia 1 dttrd ap a pah wfaeel Iwhlad. art bto
to tte A^^dacha^ wbm be learea
foida We bare the oririnal plan ooe dnty waa not re- j i«ir.De tu wirt and |■rop<.Ueri the boat
tlw aorwu t<> tbe ritrr la Ibe
d thorn
other. Ktcare had dmply dirided the ! midrf of aa opn nemthed lhr«w. not a
omrlr 160 d ' bordm .< eOrtgiee. amirniar toope the ; fr» .tf whom bad a dim Idea that ha
Tbta bmry ^ bi*w
jrwidixi* food and abet. oBffUl to be amwted for wttcfatTwfl.
^ .T?7^^Har,aadtolheotlwrtbera«atmpmtaiB!
UT.*,, tbe b-ai remhed tbe t»k <d
kri.tr. Ii^nwafi- ih.. kwv.*^riJrtfiw
paW Ib the rep«°«»t*cti0P trf
^ the nver, tbe wbeela and aaka wire tak-
iJm emadlac to the anlDI of TMW
' Ummy that they, Ibe acCnalrarmra cf : latini. bnt wbmouUan and reetacataa
mil maned them mbablr awre
waallh. owe linle to wtaaim who mere- , op ter otanlJenitiuo be wai a men
.•mil manyd
*7ehlkbrm and prmide ernr the
, child. «al even allowed h.mmlf to be
tlBD any other cne kind,
ly bay pretty food knit
^d^A ' t»io-
aml*n» batmaily end hocaa | bm with bur uew fatickrd
S>r^»«titoSS5. Wed-rntmll
Are only three good
bargains from our three depart
ments. The latest of styles are
here shown you. We think our
Men's. Boys’ and Children's de. partments are more complete
now than at any previous sea*
,.a„ .a. H—- ammmm.
: '^‘Toogb hiP wott and b« r~oomy.
Emtaet K Wladle la rUiliaf
Tbe upinlim U expremed by a writer
jhe Inciraaliiit lore of Inxniy aatORt i
hU weddia*
IB Tbe Mwhauical Newt that tbe tme I
the eomferi which clab
clnb Uf* v^— ';
Haren. and it U ihonhat The eonater- trl|i The bride waa Uiaa Dorm E
i and fnroece of tbe fatare will otmalatd
with emiBrani
felten who are maklnr them hare PhllUlau Kb* j»omiaed
to marry
a lead IlirrtI rUm <r i.oraelalD ram. or ' pifnilated iwnu-r* to remote field* d laIheir hee-lqBarten la tlie rlclnily. - him ImmedUlety if McXlcley wa. eapula. fillrd with cold acidibed water. ia<rj. Iu'<' t.dertd the nambor of
The Y(wllanti Hlith achool will cel T*.eleeu«l and aa aoon aa the retnma
^ i
a of U>» f*w to
ebnie by nitable eraftiaea the eloae: were annooncwd the c-remoBy wna
tenderrd eomplece t
i pair d toss* ; wavpl tb* rt..p*nd*i»oe of lb* naiat* de«f the oineleenth
centnrr Pridar' twrformedI aorilirtl abrn-r. liaa al-1 laTRely tarTraaed
aflenoon. December *1. The HlitU
The board of manaiten of U.e Ne- With inaalaled handka attacbed I
nnmb*f d
womr* who ;
aoboolaoT the alale we Inrlled to lional Pedermtloo of Women a Clube Sexiblr n*|tati*e exmdootor. Accxadtnc |
to thl. plan, the amith eci*-w the piece > .ju.m |... .» are l.med to. pn-mde f« :
aiTBBC* for eterrlae* of lhi» natnr* at In anaaloo at iiran.l Rapid* drdd*.l to
<d iron which U toll* manipnUted with
Whelbr-r llwy Iwl.aig to <«ie
th* dal** for tb* blpiuiial mnalcal
re Inanlatad Kama and pInnRra It It
ela*»<tTlbe otl-jr. it remain* u.«e Uie
111* firal —of tmall pox wa* dia- fettiral of th* federaltmi in Clerr- the *unr water, wbu-h l.*Rm*
1**. eenaln that wliat.-^-r incm.* they '
oorer*d at lahfwBUn* Friday morainR land on April so and May 1. * and 8 and babble the In.taul it ronm 10 cmi
an- to hav* il.-y nint My]0ire hr Ibeir
Tile iwotrrani lia* been twit with the Iran, tbe latter.' la a r»- own effort* Tb-r h*T* no other altmTb* Tlctlm it a Korw*|rtaa woman i of n*xt
kahly abort «iwre of tim.', tomlii* natiT*. iml.-eil...yar*wtlliMto^-^
.. red and then to a white beat, irmly th*rti*ta-iefnlehanly of we.ltby^«d»
rt be flnlahe.1 in iletail
f th* Pity. Oeneral -""aaeclna- |
for the w<rk of Uie amllb. Ko rapidly
ad phyali
Cdt JIbovt
peoj.le «f
: Chat city are twalltiar that the
tlw entire eoaiBiaBity.
Bocat half dotlara
Buys a heavy blue Chinchilla
t child's or boy’s Reefer, braid
I trimming. heavT lining.
sr:.-. ,
OF MicfflGAN :^riHuTi:^er^«:':rw £ ss“
I lar leatrth
Bu)’s a gray or black extra
heavy Irish Frieie Men's Ulster,
splendidly made, extra good
h<5i bm. m Toe me. other attach•» Pl«>»lr; «■« »»«h xher «hr.la and made to 6u
atato^, aarwdrtTm.
Bm in thia. aa la aU tfalan elae. the , Ua, work
.ItvaBOtB lb. harix*.
am eem-km .wL almlat and a wme <d ’ majorily of BMB hare aabrervd the
ci,, far a> the lumiUtai of merbanleal
Buys s heavy grsy Oxford men’s
overcoat, heavy plaid wool lining
sadn shoulder and sleeve lining.
Raglan cuffs, a coat no one need
be ashamed of.
R«d. UT by til lutiiBtuuu woman, who
*^uttd.u^ ^ tad coCBo for k-salad-uh m . btuitawUik* mauuet de^
e a S3 iiole a. a
tauiw fw After pa-krtinR U»* moot?
law prlilt'ly Miamlrtl her
to peoid with h-r •ui.-iuiiiu Ubataid
ibe «m r-ainuully afflirted with a
ben are ia etrcalatloD arooad Olmad home DMtr Btooklya on
Cotbing Ca.
th.. “.1*,^
Uiomp'iia-at the piaua and lh«
u,an> of the tiral nndonU
Ibo other
„j„ ,j„,
clm-Lni*, wbioli
ok., her .arlr 10 the ni.nniliK>» Uiuir
i,„ OunuR the
1 creaalnit In MiohWan. Th* October
LaaiSaxardaynlRhtJame* Hike, of! mortality report allow* a death rate
Pllat. ttepped into 00* 0/ the aew.- i of IA8 per I.OUn, with 1 total of
that tb* water and lb* portlcm << tl»
iu,tt,nhlr end. •-1 tbe priaoe.
} lali pumim bn dom. orRan
Inn not iBUDMaed la tbe water are ba^ Uai>
*. puter’* fleU
IT. m...
aud l.-l.lks
kti m.
allRbtly wanned. The principle inrolr- I
.Ln.l .y.-t,a«ait.
«>'l a*alB, and rilU ■
addiri to bK-muery
ed in thlafaotH la of aaimpieBOdwcD
lolemu exh-maricai. aic aoended '
raU,u^ ,,
Uio Wanted
ka<m-n ebar
lapera offices la that city to pay lil* , Sl'__ ___________
to know win. wiK*. Urn mtul take iL
lag tbe Uj^t aad
being fcaad , Seai.ntng-tie
im^^ph^ ' „jer to U-1 .*de fi« of rochnoiaaiirtw.
that cmormaQi beat eaa be prudamd by |
-Id tJa.'te
Tin- lawyer re(J«<ed a fi-w iieimtiule
I mch a method, maeb gcmtiT. In fwS. ;
.III. c-.iui|ir<Md U..JW. and then eaid.
few only one we. k In adraaoe
At he
than la aecmaary to extract Iron from '
W,*„.n ibein«.|v.*. woak. fool^
y..u an. d«-kledly nuf.wtn.
mlRht die l«for* the end of th* arren
I the an-l rrfraewry oroa Ilia remarked ; ph and iu.ihml.-iiMl.-*tfl*hlT aatuSed
I y.m li lliat yoa
' Rrr. C. T. Ktoot. rector.
that tbe vainc cd *ticb a prow—wlU be wiili ilirir lom «eelo*i.ai, who the Mmaar«al *.iaiu am it and engagt. him
At Omllllae Priilar afternoon. wlU. I
Corner Boardmau Ave. and WaJi ; mpociallj exhibited la the mora com- i j*,
rtn.! ormmand.
______ .
I plrle aod rapid handling of beaxy Ina !
p,, „ j. ,^,,^1. „ |H-artlema* tberag001 pomp or
tb* conrer atone I Imrion Ki.
dwelhug In I
.ubiirU. uf »uun. .•uon^audatevl platm and bar* mjatnng to
nf th* pcuiipered Ptr-mh qneca try villuR,., w
of the City hall wa* place<l In poai-,
Holy oommunion at 1 lU -Xp' be hamromad tad welded—m.« rahta- »h.** «nbj*.l.. .larTing for Inrad. were I* a i|nanrr.if aiiiiK.away, urKniiRtii
tion. WHhlB the coraeratonr wa.
Momlii* mrriew ami
ble «UU fm u—rnting porToara. m the
"to imi a rln.-kM. 11. Ibe pot. '•
i-r> unknown, irolt.-yiwn nuiuuird uf,
placed a box cxmUlolBg -coia.. tee
Bnnday achool at 12.
uictmary heat for tbe laimeraad pmtiaa
Tbu wife .if afoni.ia* L'lit.ai geaeral and wli.-rr hiu'kater* and )ip<l<li.-ia do
ord. aad a cp* of Ui* (ladlllar Kew^' EvenlnR aerrlc.. at :
can be K> qalrUy obtained, while tte utn* time ap- d*|il.>rrd th* et.jdn* >4
aadExiWM*. It'wa* 111* Intention
AU are cordially lavilcl lotluwe remaining porUoa hold* cmttparmUTcly woman fr-m ibehumeiut.. lra*inrm and ii.H...,iu.. ' K.-iihriiik: that rii.‘wu.*tS
uoi. tiH- woman n.pllrtl. "Pll do a* yuu
th* beanl nf (ahlic work*
th.. iirof.T*Hio|L In all I1.T hfe lb* had «uy ami in. lode atiuaiR tlx-.aln-r. lint
pany the Uyiag of tin- oomerrtnciV
kii'0>.|i «^i ir li>* lack .if a tbmg n.. luw'ii.r* iiJU>t eii*t in UiBaaiueo.nawith
fieremnnl** iierBluw to xocli. Rev. I* SaUhefy. paxt.ir.
, ah* dwunxi Afl. r th* diwlb d her b
PhiUil..||diia R«*c^
A hnnVrmao attached
fneod* nii.l llie Rmi'nituenl. m
*v«a^ ■•ei tb* *add*u aad iuirx|irnl.. Chnrrh on mnrr of bth aad Wad*- Crane-a camp, up tryuod the KaUbdiB
*d b^innlng of winter )ir*TMil*d tb* .worth *tT**i*.
u that alieiuiRhl
A N'W ibl.ntu* man named May
falllllmriii ..f ih*** plaua
KnniUy ■errir*. ar* a* follow, r
...Id me that hi* .ruarly gindiu. frusi hi*
Jem* 11. Matthew* atrlTed In Grand
Pmarhiog al lOiSOa. m.
wa* the
f.puio.uu w.-te S-'Sn.ilUO One liuiTlie lomWrtnaB had no rifle, ao ba
from* KoniU.T •rhool at 11:80.
perwmal effnri. and q..,, a U-lroiiej. wfeo uw u. an »6.000
yelUd and waicd hi. arm*, expecting •”■’1'
fnlOB Otl» to *nt*f th* »oldl*r'.
Prearhiag at T p m,
.-oontty abe f.au.:am. iIk- tlmal diepliirid at the
Uiat tbe brood antlerwl ball would daah '
Homa. H* went dliwcl to that ln»tlWedaeaday *T*Blng licayer meeting
UoTl.l • t
> nulling tiuaiunw,
fear rtricken down th. mountain. Bnt
which f.mw* other wim«*n l<
latloa. H* wa* old aad frail aad al 7 p m
IM, wuo. .. lUlL.
pom-ly clad
when b* ewH'n-d
elert '.
hla andiratioo
AU ar* weiomiir
poaching at to JO a m. and 7 p
The buU boHcd th* tree wiUi lu ant
ler* until It awayed to and fro. and itmt
>eal*d hlmw-lf .
Morning •slijeet
walkrtl away a few yard* and itwieA
fit and era* ,
The fourth of the iTlwlnmberraaa yelled*.
Tell BO
be «S bla Wit.
BO haigrr.
Th* aargedn my*
‘ Jo*t above him »a* a dtwd
tb<' r-wuli may be. the ex.idtw will.
Tb-**. w-nueu wb-i ha** bneed
th* w -rld haretndid (broogfa experuoce
tberwertxd ladeprodeore and tb* muafacsiou which oimajtuaa ftoic l•.tngm
aide to
H* had Joai
when he fell o
lb* nett miwmtig
hi* death I* dor to
' Kx.-ning
' Tli*
aoch a* ai.vtl.iag *1*..
Builder* of the Koul '
C. B. Ptw**r of l^.rl iluran. m*i
C|a*a meeilng at t>:4.i n
with a iiecnliar and arnoua accidral
PuHlwy arlinni at II 1.^ a m
one day la*i week, whieli laid him up
Kpwnrih Uwga* at <'..13 p
forflv* daya It appm that Mr
Praaer diacoeenwi that Iheie were are.
etulimUIn liU
. Thurrfay-PrayeT tneeliag
jv m.
Hr (-omen'd
A Cordial inrilalion
oae big fellow aad act out to nptuTe
The rat iwawwl
Burnt i i.mb He broko it .rtf, aad a. tb. hull
; Idrmwrtl again h* -t .he wood Mlrc
! droTprtl
.too tbe bull', hm-k. With a
bellow ti
half frox,
cuaip—Kew York Wtgld.
A cinnen of Tampa. PI* - i* the c
I exieaded
^11 tlieae arTTieva.
him and Mr.
ttaiwKi "
hit the aide ot the hoo** with a fonv
PrewchiBR at
that aeeriT broke 1„. 1,-g
M..mmg aubject.
Pour iaehm from tbe
wberv it tnam-tiw frtan fb* m
T’''li’‘‘’r™'^*'[^7b«r%r«h*^lrly m*^ - a
•* flat, and It t* la tin* exo—nce
IVjg* *nll ovntiiio.. u> kill aheep In •'•’ I'MI'
th- rieimtT
N.-w B.wi..n
I'nnday achool at none.
that IbB W'Oder liaa Tbe bulb U in the
form of----------of aboand’* bead, platoly xhowEllia bad wveral more kil1.-.l Thar.
^-ang People . meeting at i :*S.
rye*. Me. It
, tag ear*, moalb. «T«*.
day. which m^k- flfir •U-*i> klll*<l
^ ta
"Llaieaing for tbe «
the down,
la Uaruu l<>wu*hi|i during tli* in*i
wi** it
it U
U imAoealb------imjcmlble that It twald
be a
rbar.oi W1,*ela •
. !! wt»e
At* atglita.
Al Beoton Harl<or the weather
-rtWd for Noremb-r arm broken Pndar
when th* mrwcurr dropixd to eight,
dagrare abore goto.
' *’
AU eordtally mrlted to Ih*
roewnt fall'
of aaow lAiTrd a groat |wotectioa
aahamwred croja.
At bait Bee. Marl*. It U
View Urtbodlw. '
Rontag senie* lb
ed that Sl.oao.ono worth of rml (wtate *“ Blf»d»**a "
liaa Mtaaged hand* ilunag th* |■r^**B1
Buaday achool. i: ta.
Epworth Lrogae al 6 i46 p m.
’ Kcme
atriwti of Bay City;
wouconitMMNf by
tanner'* wa«wu'
E»wilBg eerrie* at 7.
Friday all OB aoewoat of tb*
off of the October dellTerr of beet* i
Mom vim. Ttgor.' mental and
ical power, fill* your bodr with
U MRlU^Ufri
wbaX waa coming to tbem. aad a ma-' Rooky
iorlty of the*- wei* paid off al tbe ‘
w B..iiij.j^jiu chui.'
cbkwy aaii* laid out tor Oetabar
ter lakm la twtarim aad »tb* giwvMfilliMaaMR^-telBbarla a Mml'
B they --ver got b
|r t> u-iw grtung t-> be w-ll niidet' *i..d that many plaiiu that it w*.
th -ngbi cukl caily b-gr-om ciMrr gUuw
do remarkably well lu ntp''limauiou
' ttir -umincr abad.L
The b-g-.m* 1
r w-ck.
pecially *nu«>d t
Tlte wrii.T .*ai* acr.*** a lull* gnov of
rvctwirt courtruned uudir th* ebade
nearly eierj uiRhl. wal.i
rt.—Mmban'* M-aiUily.
(d la*t uiRtat at the d
hare (alkij if I hadn'l
failed." wrime Editor a-" -----riiv
aad-all akin
aeama OalyMeatJaa
Mr. aad Mra Owm* Teriaa'doali*
W axgaemI tbe
hr ite eymi
aad & S. ralt-a
■Moaat da* to b* paid'Friday wa*
aaarly «St6,00a U U *atimated that
ma d nod. men tbaa aereaty mm
. j..^
Beaide* hnndrodi <d bell* wrtghlag .
A Kew ■**■■*<»*.
tnm 10.000 tuU.UOO pound*. Naakin.
Elbe! olightly bwlon)—Tm: b* tc
la tbe oSce of tb* Oea Moinm Ragl*- Ubisa. ba* ti>a.-beU»wluob wMgb 60.000 me that be d been aufleriug fnas I
ter 1* tbe bmt batomMer in
the ftata. It poaiMs wh. ’nwyarurnwrly It &iglids 1 eflem* itf tbe enp—Bcritmer'a
rep* attaebed to ‘
u> bd^u and ar* ahacot tS I
an oriinary
01 ■ ------------ox betwten tbe fiiHaad f—i lodiametm. tbetaetaltntbmeiaae-'
1 bUmI ham kaowa Uf* otberwla* la
‘ I tbe carrier bm
making It pwly ^ MM HenanragM abontfiS Ibebeain tbieh- I *p^ long aiac* fled, fur lo my roin*
MW tarougboat, faMag about h Inc
I Inag. Thl* rop* I* wimderfaUy
Orient blood ia ml. and Ihrougb i
'loebaagm ie tb
14 boar* Mot* the a*«nt*
it b*- g, . ,Alm» of mrua Mb, each of wUeffi
ruw to tigbtea by U>* abemptioa ef w^lgta lM.00e poBoda—6t Loab Batbe Sahara U eo adtaed from tbe Armoiatcra la pxadMlfcme nearly-----------
totb*mtgarf«^ort«. PBllys «>««•aad tanaer* came lo the city lo draw
orer Ita eouatm awly AtOO.OaO ta
flr* aad oBe-war beara Tb* total
L'uiuxl State, lou.uoo f-.uuuun* 1
urem. h*lp!
k«-nrw-t*>«l and b»rdj
tctlygruilg'-d—liaTeburrMdmanywwoman to her cmvi-« hoae old age. bad ab*
bm alih- I" tieuefit hy ib* new coodltkawof today, would hare bemmraa
and BDclnuded.
Tl>rre !• no fear that wenna wilt
to aid ia foODdi«
buuie*. hot I ' iktlled *
*ntnrr will
____ d that equality ia matter* of d.iojeatic autb-niy and fluance which bw Igerdated not *ak. h.
th* l.mnal.<au..rf b« «-x. i«gniratedby
her ign.iraoce. A n-w ,n ha* dawned.
Seilhrriirejtidio-. n-r OBi*erTati*m. n<w
. tb* oooibiiirtl h'Wiihlyuf ehuroh aod
iwder tb* a
-Mary B- Kroat to
lm«l. ha* gwaaed
rrlo... I-bba
t* ^'<e lanfmaa. tmalor.
day I he y«ur t..oud.
lu Buffalo Stud
dard Ur.a. (iupl->y Su girl* t» liandla
IC* cnwuj K>ia. and it takiw 8.UUU glam
■a 1-. •x-oumi.«late tlteir trade. They
•■•1] It at ;> .vul> a glaM, wid Uiore u a
Di-i iniitll -if yn*l llKi pero
la Re
.. the gnulot e«l*
Uagli Kennedy, iwator
hi* mPTr*•»A«nl»'*rf w>'»r be:
la ahoxm into the dlaing room for
................ .
d tyMMB. ie aiea faaad al
• aadyffiPM,
Cloak Sale
Tuesday Morning,
Nov. 20.
Every 6arment fhi* Seaton's make*
XBOX MW—«ffM«e U aay e^le;
8 opportunity you should
not miss. °
Cadits' Jackets.
That have been selling at $u.
>12.50. Srj 50- Sm and S15.
Ladies'Bplf and
Flush Capes
Worth Si 1-50. Sii.oo, >12.50
and S14-OO.
^'our pick of any of these gar
ments during the week, ten dollars.
ivtii MiiBi IS sBon niif i
Cadies’ Tashionable
Worth Sp. So-SO- Sio .5». in all
the new shades, every garment a (
big bargain.
Speeial in IWssts' Sachets
13 to 18 years, all colors,
worth $6.sa at
CWs Sachets
Big stock to choose from.
Bring in tbe girls.
ntTDA.% MO¥iittldl t% iam.
Tto Bar Ytow Badtac Obria win
(rid. «Md tor tlwqMmri >■>—.
• aMBtrycftbrHriarpaiBak. him
dartaaa •!«((.
iMIrtaa Mdird usd tepoMd «p« oantoT
Irlb. Ukf. m> EucUd>
(toarriwtftlM-nitUBctf J>ifaa(«. H>1(
' ~
b olbd «br -emtamt Kafm." «r ajnpiw* UngUMgr- «■» i* ^ to»awa
bt tte ulirw and all otban who an
• lu icribrrin* (to pmdart ol (to
«r UwaaMk
aat wift XtB. r- idata atfri. Kaatar
• :aOo-rio(k. TtoUaaaa (a iIm «M
Dad for (to tUrt waak te Ho
Dapair <Ja«a Warta Mark (^w
iatatuad laat ri^
a (Mak%
mar to ito riatotor «<
ss'tri** i Sd r*"*
kAtas d (toir dnri. ta iacnan aad (a
torn nr { MdiriD*. atol (to ran briofn mack
ora tkan tto oaoitBou caaiptor.
TtolUbjau and o(tor JabaanaplaOH rridcat- ^ tiro brlirrJ iba( aark ^x-ba at (n*
aaM oal.
. ,pim .r dlrinitj'lbat pwridoa ; u,,
p, b<^
Barit 1
Batotod oeiacal^ orer lia allain Ito •>T>tril <if tto tain-.
aboat Bo'ctock In ttorrcDing. JbK
■ Cf/Oiwtotr
(n« |> ktortro br ito nau.B uf Bi- m bn bcamal waa oo tor brari aad tor
to aan-bcarmllr -a vtonan- Herrfa(ln*'h»doolbedoQrlo<bpa«.kla>a.Klrk'«« ptov b omr th- - - —'
atnari; b1|A( a pn-nltar
IdwaU to. Brbvtwaa llcfaiiMt to ! vuoda. rtonnbliUE ll>a< of arwnda. Ito ^
oablka taapeetorwUb bb la«anBa '
4 tolii-O'd
to iuiiipdk. and :
aa lowtorewr
tnvbarawr «BipUwiwtll
cuipUwtwin wn-lj
ann-U to f-ond
f aiiid la
11 (be- ns,;. Kirttto;idar. -VviirmtamU--------- ^oMtknwaa
tod ■!«( (to nictat baron.
Boi tto-p.m.J tto-cain |
,00 go You BBatB'v go bona with
“BMW atarit. I irpltml
. nfaur (Ttr-tor'"^
WbrnaiJ tto prr 1
a looking fan aa Ual.' ’
“Xenari joar Itaiilnitrl Yea aSrfd ' doo. gu^ and rauit br |inipilia»at. and | Katbonttcrad aoncthing, andtaklng
Obt. Ykf dta*! rm aar ao! Bara joe (f .ba knawa that bmim arc in nnnd > gg
boauM tnnad to tto aink aa if
fed MT noD^r'
. of It a>M> will m<l<«r-r i<> inn. Itoir j
tto inirotvinenta nig“Atopfonr. rif.”
i(tr|saaldr. Hi>uu nonwatr toapnk 1 _u^ ]l
(bat iut aa KaUa
“Haod ft in." In It went Ibrii 1 | ta «tnagiia whirb ato d.o» o-t ulKto-i
.kw u> deiwn'unML Kixktod te (all nr trade, which waa that d , ftatid. F<r ibb panae ito “ramphn ! bolder waa amaard to Adii faw eoonle■ aaOer. and natarallrito m( qnaaUai , ubgnago” baa ton inicoi.d. li con- J
„„ tai** tnmeariona in grean
(MM to wh^l Wbi biyid.
(bu.if att.iiMire..f JaLnni^ MUy : jb» beftan
ky. air, if I e 1 trm get ; anmb. bat itow an ennnoaiy altered :
'Vbat on earth b tho matter witb
j beUeee that Ibe dieinitenf the
“Vhy dia't
| („, |.r.mi|iliivl> cnufnmL Tlw Jakona
I ,rbo bnni (be nniiph<r an. <«.■ .if tto
ij,.p „ml
yoa '
away that
bunibill in piTf.tjt l.anmaT ooder moe- | ^
, „j at d.ctor, and wbat
I ,blc I.vf >iicllcr> Iniilt cm poloa in Ito | bare Itoe to do wl'
wouda.—IVel.iu Tmviller
..(Vbj de night .«.'.c..k. done
yo‘,'■ replied Katb in a bornaed wbiapar. "an dey lakea yo' an binda yo'
Tbe inTineililc armada waa a fanx
__ Deeddey
Dry rutebea yo'.
' oavei
aaval expdili.ai tm'iit
cent br
t.1 .U...W
Philip ««
II M. pnu a plaatab
t .. . onr yu' munf an yo' can't
Spun agalnii
lingUndIn ISKk It f«
: aqnall, an top a }oaik-i. o9 nai'im an
, uA.d of IBO Temaib, I
4.iJ5 quintal, nf piwclrr. nearly *0.000
my mool. .
«>Wler«. ah
ab.vc H.ooO
..iw and
^ ^ plaatab won't alick. an ef day
Olio aall.i
, than 2.001) mini wra h a:
In ^ I _____^
, wildcat, an
Eogllhli riunnel
: feated (be next
.aidnl by Drake. Baw- ^
ard. who
kma and lY.J.idicr. Evrlit Are ri»p
hariug been ntil into (be hpi.^ub
( of toweb and iblrta
they bn- .dl insmildb-.irdei ProAting
B wa had pea eonp and bnad. I en oytbe lauiu-. tin- Kii*liJ.f.-ll ipm them
joyed It. but Bybnnr did not Thepxir and inplniol «r iWimj
fbUmr waa feeling iadly. Be had bad their Rlii)>>. aud Admiral
ta acrab nearly >0 crib, and tto bcod- lainud a niunlug Agl.t fnati Jn^ tl
A little girl lately aidied her mndia
h eff«n that tbe Sp
tDf onr IzKiikBl to aneb a feat had ■ ' • howto pniDOonoa Ca-aor'. famota*laSaarly bntoo hia back. At dinner ha
cnic ntteranoB. "I really d.m't know
Mid plalatirely. '•Flynt. I want to go reeolTcd t'l retnni l>.4or. audaaeecap what to tell yon," wax the anewri.
boBW.” "80 do 1. " 1 rcplt'^.
"tot I tbnawb the Engliah cbanuel waa prercpl*'^. "toi
'When I nudled tetiu. we aaid 'Vcni.
(aney weVa Wanted Bent till tonKarow | reiiind by nnirary winda be undertook Tldl. Tid.' raactly aa It 1. apelled. A
■ ------- ,_______________
te mil around tto Urkneya. bol tbe rea few yeare later UK-y begun to nae wbat
' " ThbiaoTed
pond lob.............
bM to frit better in tbe afietnoaD and ] arb which nlll t-maiued l<> bin. were waa called tbe cmtiui-nlai proonneia.
diK)>-rwil l.y lOurui. >r abtp« n<-ked tiuu and aald, V.xi..., v..de. teeka.'
Mnne d tb<- rrlU
ixig tlM. r>p'ka and atollowa on differ Kow 1 lanrTyonroull.tnati-iiirterwonld
isirtx of (he Scuttiahand Iriah ciawt. toll ua that it waa W.xair. wento.
to tto gcoarri pie.
and opward of &.000 men wert driTwn- wei-l-e. " Tho collegian waa ippeul.d to
ed. killed or takcd pboBtre Of (be accordingly and anii.ionced : "Hi>; there
(to mlddb of tto afternona the atlead- wh.ilc armada iS xblp only returned to la a luU-rwayatiU We «y.'WaUHV,
■it (rbo waa with tm- at tbe furnace flpaiu, Slid tli'we li.Bwretrbed rcnitl- wewlee, wwli.-e.'f.r the very Utect "
Mid: "Yon tnigtat aaw.U recL Jbc( Uon. Tbe Gngluh hxn bnl
ship.— I Am Lowell .-..tuplalned in hia old age. ’
keep you eye m tto Am. tbat't alk^ Btioklyu kAgK
who ran preUsd to keq. up with the
It waa kind bt hlic. and
gibberish into which tbe riamica are he- '
toMaarned mypra wap ud
log inrn.xl by modern toacbera of ibamt
ioder to W
1 ocRirob
top arblcb to bad had to take
H U MWafraUag WpIU.
bom me tto night befoe. Daring tto
til. are ap t.i nxjiamtoate
_ , ma
, an-veral qawtices eldo. Jf. Hairy, aclix'k inanofacti
day to had asked
1 disr
Mid. “It's
•boat it. andlMid.
"Il'i a very decent [ LcagoWn.Frann-. basreratlyd.
Franck luu Itnaght uu<l<-r ibe notice d
oaltolikr. yoa kniTW."
Jan exixTini.nt <if tto kind which
sort cf ppe—coalinllta-.
be 1 ^ |.olyt.ehoic sir.cty d' Bfrlto
lin ia miona
Twain ahrap iBiake ^ made
on'l Mark
« waxp wa. im- , ^ diatofecimg wcU.. which
■ hicb to cvmploys
sm plpeal" mid be.
; prlDsici] amlcr a gUm. and koowing )
xocrivx It ciuixi.i. m xasi•peudibg
■Blest if I know.”said L "bot loop that braunc ax]ihvxiat.e
L to tto mouth of tbnwcllauraitbcDware
to pper naknl
txv.de tin cap I
uing 3
____ ___________________ ____
.. . .•- Tlx- «a*]. I«- ,ic uwvanfiirtable,
at 15 grams) of bromine.
. ^ . . B____________
to ported, "an I'm a thtokto o' gelUo I then angrily sttack.
M O' Uwm ptprn. )sst
Jsst out of nspeci
nspoci fur I[ mg all its eff.i
c that Alla (be well and 1
atworlied by Ito water, thus dwiafecting
"WeU.".mld 1. "permit no to (he abd.mxai ]>toDtcd iu simg tone* mt- to It TV water, it la true. Iiaa aaUghl
MOW of yoor te»i>crt t« pesrai yoo bidy. M. Breuy wa. cnriiaa to ctm- tCateuf bromine (or a time, bet iawbuleWithmyplp Bcaidcayanvegutltany- Ann Ibe fart (hat. 10 spile d his bo- aome enoogb. —Lunduu Ulobu.
bew." Bs tiutokixl me pretnacly. and maue feiUiigx, to nixaited the expenRew It Wm.
paentoedto ktvpitfat-vrr. totvtotto tncail tu thtie wasp with Ibe tike reday to reportwl it tn be josi as I bad foli.—Lond-w (il‘>bt-.
"And wbere'a Sappeigb^" inquired
tbe returned cinbmu. who was posuns
Mid. "acet o'eooUn like. " Andtowas
a good Mead to me all the rnit of my
faimrelf "UhestiUcoaningibaibrigbi
aresirni giil? "
alRy to tbe NolUng BiU SUBNIthi.4^1
Oo Wednesday m«nlng wc were tarn
"Oh. no. " replied his fncad. "Sbe
Bd °
Jollied him fur ux meutoa or m<
ad kraas witb oar taro to'pmnlca We be ueaiticwil that M tSa
arm* both so happr (hat we decided to whe wa. lali-ly elre-n-d life
fooled him at laxL "
the ArewlemT. .(ily
rereivi.l piwti
#«00 annoIrrereieivl
Ab." with aa.ympatbetie
got off Uw road Uiat Terr day.
sigh, "six
U... ('..llcg.-de France. ,*w.tcd him did she?"
We had beea tramp for three weelok ally »
■Xo.moch Sbe mameU him. "—De
aad tod walked most
of tlilx utne____
foll.r_ In hi. DC* prat: c*ibeiicitilledlo$l.-l
*T hioked
np my ; »«"• likable tb 1 sum paid him sa bead Bolt Free Piraa
)B miles a dsT. So wt
BUod at tto Temple, and a few bones j "’f the gi
-rera which tonex Roiati ratod The!
tOe KmIM axswr.
■ tolbecasnal imiuorml.. uTOrrling to tto fcaDdali.m . A
n Eagliib aoldier cumtog’oK doty
lonyfrieiMl rele*..ar.-supp.a»ri tobc pid ASOOvear
w beard to aay to his ooxnrade. "Well.
I had told him tbe dav Ip. to aildlluiu hi ttoir fees fv attend- [ . Jim.
j,n,_ what's
what's tto
toe erdtrs at this past’
briore that I expected to gotoeWtogs" mg m-vtingx As a mmllernf fart. Vra- I Jim replied, "Why. toe .rdeis u TOO're
ilxy uily nxvm- gSOO anM^Dy- oeror W lotee 11 till too re kilted, and
of the sum ftrtn. a xink I u
re* any oiba man leseing
-----------------------ing food, tal of whicl.cight aged arad | you're to kiU him. "—"BreoltecUtaia of
TW Ma-re war1 emleiaiis gel allowancea. tf their private ^ Hiliiarr LifA " General Sir John
Naw Pareon—Which do eta like best, ! annual Incnme filD aV«t of Al.tOO — : Adge.
WUlia, yov day sebool cr your Sunday j paria Lrtf—
;--------- -----------I In akilted Ulx*. anch as toai uf the
WIIHt Hr <»"—«T itoaoL
ralrat Pat*.
; blacksmilh. waged maker, .hixmiaier
Haw Parsoo—I am gtod 10 bM (tot I "Barr la an.ithcr on* <d them plntis." ; uud toe like, toe imponioii »( fceeign
— ~ 'ly school tto I Mid Mr Diuual Uawsim, "in the paper to nslie* labtr in the United States is
[ IBU iBVa to uenr was so bMW M wbeo : not so largo as to onsklUed bbor.
I —
K. .k. X..TX. T
-----------------------TTIIHi Dsnansn H Is
Wrat, , Tto wints d Ihit and lbl8
wosk.>B(daklyii Eagte
»u~ ra.crew
I of tto toost aetTS* aver known to Bos•WrU. yia aay": W'y. 11 b Jbt tbla i aia. a fart whldi pantolly explains tto
Cudrnm* ■niifsayrcdieriB.rii: Bar b a feller Uial Terilv litaa Wirk | tsrraa of lb* irtzMt from Mcmow.
routs tu uMri, tDcoey than he kin oaont.
dhirob HTs. to FVxtoa.
Pmnrnm^-Too onaHI Tea gaea U j and here
e (nan (bat of, an Indtoc
to MS to ctoMS this mmotof.
| arooM do s.snc good 1 guem yoo know
Oadaoteto-WaU. yea see. I'm mora , vVre wc pre at wltVai no fords
5™' i S.
-Ts.u.„ .r..jr'i;"uTJsr..ssU“.,sx
.mit fmad.
Hotip.t '
^ irtU not deelee Ton^io •—•
:ii^:dd t«Ti'..m tk.'...
rtoal b tfanwt, and makes sleep poMUe. It
*-•«»» b good. Try it. F« mST^ F. C.
mn and nU *to dlMstorF-O-Thanp-
Let Bwde be yoer Swti Ctous.
1st BmSi ht ytiir Swti Clin.'
That oon arith bs face eompa^
ICE CREAM and soda (to yosr r
atJocMcti'a UOA-IL
Ask yoor drogglat.
ThanlugiTtocIlBy. Korsabs
ter Beedi be yoer Seett Clees.
1st taStbytir tots Clan, LstBssA bererSasta Claaa. ofi-
8(TT ywmt nyrisn at toekaen'A
aftm allied ririarioB of tto |
MtoncMoo. uawmrsB
Had. -Tare Traapa la Ear
>»toafy. Ha apd kb n«- j rtcaintaal J Jcuji. ito laXlTra totora
a nUain saj rainpkar. Aad aov aaw. a bakrr>tov tn
Or Mtar-« baaen or U» madtac gnm
or a «tri^ niaat. aad vM bad aaawd Ito
pkv tn». Drytd.U»nia r*an>ton. growt
or dovan ww Uosd U r>«w
abOPdaatlT in mtaiii put* (tf (to patoarw IbM farato oatoritot fralM (SU.
elMala. bet ijoIt (rraxitoaliT ««D(alai rraa
Aad BOV Bd ttoa fn>i oat (to dNtotoJ d«ir
capiptor cTr.toU Tto ounlibcr b aca
An am or tow vao tlftod fton Ito raat.
Ito «UM M (Lat nbtaiPMl frran ttoean- Aa ttleaulto b ^bam to IBidtoa
aad aaoa aom oadartar bM
ptar toarrl of ForiDoaa aad Japan,
wfckk b (to Murati (toardiaarraun-
“Tm. tbithat'amr toMrtlcai.'’ Bnt
to (to Ufa of ma I eonld ik« me bow I
WMletaarii America that way- I waa
wo btgfalmwd that I (roald hare told
him wytbing to wanted.
be waa tbnaffb with na. aWnd
Wtaadaot texA na in liand. gaea
grarl and ln*d. a talh, cl«M
Sightrillru. and Ibeaaoell apieor
wbleb wa abpt T*7 well
At (ban wen caly four lomatre that
^ . .
M •—
t<r tto
« .--"I
tor (9. and aoaacaped clone ■breaking.
Whldh 1 dreaded eioerdingly. and were
fU at rarlaaa
loaa ligbt oocopai
- i Bybcrg
waa tto rimtn of
hb rinngtb Onr trakfaat ocawuled of
ttoMDadtoaaonrnipperRf ttonlghl
' briota. 1 waa eotn taniy aa gcaml Are-
»M» w^yy*^r***i***^
Hlfh Mheo) hsntMMadaBhi
IMaotah mri haraaftm wUl 1
(^atolr s> Omsm (ba
Ua works Tha Btri Mai '
old iMl etmtol at Ito torn
■ iwi.
Uar trip
While OB Ua bird
I irid hi*
(to HoUaad. Bd-«
genUer aax oaiy. Tto rinb starts onl
BagUab MCtar dot to
tto anlmri. Twasty-Are doBam wat artlb bright poepeeta and many preabk aa aratl aa plMMat oeantoga
tto priae paid.
-W ^lt..^a.dre^
At Ito MsiBg MTTiea to toa Oon- aatlriraMd by Ito ytmwg ladlaa.
i^ariOMd rimirit. Mm. AUea OoopMaSlIiairXi FtresDcw.
r trlU atog a mIo. Mm. Ooopat to
MiM Mtonle Britoer NcelTed
(mm Bay City.
Anecsey Oeorf* B. OieM laeriTad tocmrlari U^t from bar brad
Frita. wbo to hnnttog deer to tto
letter from tto faasitoc mmp d T.
rletolty d Sldaaw. app* paUaMla.
I Demnaod. R Brtotol aad P. C.
to wU^ to aaaoancec that to haa
Gilbert, ywinrdey afwsoxm. to
wUrii it waa (Mtad toat aac^ of (tom tooaght dowB Us ftrtt iom. It to 1 aiTnvrewUir..
larga oae and wiU to toippad boMs.
ton tiro dear (o (tolr oedlb
WUUam Baitoer. J. L. Bmlth aad
Tto ftm tttU rriiaartU for Tto
Second band Marine OaMUas Baotbara are to tto mme camp and
leariah will to held Wedaeeday
eiU of tton haea aocorod ptoaa. but
anatog at t o'cloA. TboM who
One l-bonse power. ffUO.
are more JahUant tbaa Frits.
are not poaaBtat tbto ratoarml wtU
tine 6.bone power. flTA
aot be ooaued to (to eberaa.
Une ll-bone power ITOa
nm PwvsS.o'^i!^
Mr. A. PalBtmdon aad Mtoa Bo*
. .
Four new Ufr Preaerrm. «A.«>.
UurMX alsu j
loBeU (ran, aUled to
Wa know of BO arey H> wUeh wa per Bxwlii^into*2
One U> Ib Folding Anohor AT.OO.
can be of more aerrioe
St. Mary-a ebareh at Pi
I set Oanras for sloop rig, laelad10iteU
teU (tom
of aometbldg that
(be Err. Pr. Bnecman. cm Mimday. ttoa
wiU be of real good to them. For
Tbeir many frieatto aril! Joto aa in tbto rMsoo are aranl to aoqaatol tbem
artobtog (tom a ptooMSt royage arith what are oaealder eoa of tto
----- beam II ft: dmaght W U
aery best remedies 00 tto market for
throoglt l>fe.-Leetoaaa Bnterrria
ooagto. oolda. and that alarming
C. 6. WlUiama. who to buittog
enmptoint. em^ We refer to Chamthe Ba&Ulee rirer. killed two :
berUln'a Congb Remedy. We have
oaU It with tneta good resnlts in onr
deer daring tto last week.
—AolDr snid raxtxjf
becone a
& GiUeUe. who recently re- fami^ to long tha^ it Jma
Oig. rnaiXirere.
DMasitr By It.
mored beie from MayArld. to bUldm'C ana doabt I
Ing a reaidaeee on.Weel Pnmt etteet
wfM i.i redre.
•ItreV KMtf
which he will i4nt when eompleied. enap. This leelimony is
WAKW rat
MiaaEh-aL. Ptonoo and Eogeoe onr earn experienee. and
itollT those who OU SI H.wcr. TVxsp-BTllb or Vuiu.
oar readers, especial
Terry were married Friday etentog that
hare aoiall ohlldren. alaraya keep it
by Re«. Wm. toofmao.
In ttoir homes aa a a-------------- -------denoe on Webster atreet. They will eroa^ For sale by F. C. Tbompaon. UlilM TO BKXT-Sie Wrei e.-rmiib vrrev.
aoc«py Uw mldeaee at 8S3 Vaahing
I ROUSES for Mle In aU parts of (be
At Boyne Falla. George VaUance
Ml street.
JnJloa Bteinbcrg neeired a dla- shot at J. E. Mitchell and npposlng
(Btch last Digbt applalng him of be tod killed him. VaUance Immedi
FRUIT LARDS on tto Paetosala—
tbe arrirul of a gnndica at St.
ately gave himself up to (he snthorud.nnimpo '
naoe. Tbe young mac will make bis Itlrs. Tbe ball, however, took
UiUAlNS^W. h»TB ilwm; '
lM«d.(Danrra at Jacob Beinberg'a mach leas dangeroos ooorse iJ
Valtonoe aappoaed. only wonnd
store in Si. Ignaee.
Manly C. Dodge will leaee
Mitetoll in the hand,
___________________“-“C - i
row for an extended crip In aeareb of
beads. but he eonld
s told to 118003 b
U. * X. Bk»k
better health. Be will Ant go
not fnmtobed snrelles. 1 t was taken
Denrer and later on make a t
to JalL Tbe quarrel aras of long
ihrongb tlie aonth and probably f
staadtog. and over 1
tiler weal.
The blowing of the whlctla of the
. ___________________
M1K8 JENNIE Wolfe.
Chamberlain's Stomaeb aad Liver
John F. Oti'MW millet 8AO yeater
Tablets care bilinnanem. eonstipation F^5^Smi?"r‘'i3rii5?tn«•*' LuiveMty Hosjiiml,
afleniooo annoonoed Ute catting aart'
- •
d breutoobe.
They a I easy -to take duIpjTxtrere.
luaif < Ann Arbor, ta opn for enpuremitiU
of the last log of this aeaaon'a ontpoL
For Mle by pun BAlA-ttrere*l h.«xr.lB diff.v.vii I*m j • wIh-iv Tniincd Nun
Mr and Mra. D. C. Leach, who
r .4tar.i-itr, UP imua
BuwMvi tniiW
have bren visiting in the city, have
l^rxriJKO vomi MAN-la^rarii » j gone to Sonih Bcardman where they
e ooleoi
will visit friends a few days They
will reinn here and apnd a short
time with fnendx before going
Miseonri to spend (he winter
Mrs. B. Famuli will toaVe tom
row (or Hartwiek. where she will
visit her (wrenta.
..For Sale.,
Frank Friedrich
Grand Traverse
^== ...= ... „
Graad Tnrase Land Co.
* sluiri. r !i ni
mxLT^I.uil .
.1 ll•.^l;IHy 11 »,,iiiaii .-.-imcrierl
I rreni uiidcn.iLiag*
1. m-ining 11. w.TcN unleM
I- iTi-l.-rly strmiK u-grther.
HI by ib
P uf a t
Many people >
eliev* thee have heart diseas*.
> that their hearts 1
right, bot their slomacbs are unable j
to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia <
r digests what yoo eat and pre^
u the formation of gas which
:*s toe Momaeh jvesx sj^nst the
heart. It will core every form of Indigeetloo- F. C.
It la xr esav mnner for a wealthy
yonug w.minn le )m.l>and tor ureaes.
ro'erti fium!-li-« pride It’s Impo*xllde fur s al.ori inju |o rtrry bb
li.-sd bixh
Tto msfi la a fn-l who Imsglnea he
ean .urn the .-urr.-iii of a woman's
will by furre
It'a X poor Welsh rarebit that
dncB'i mato.nti regret havlugforiDod
Its acqnilntance
Til* race lx not siwsya to the awin.
It ofloti deirenda on tor charar Icr of
the man In Ib* Judx»' stand
InsTrnd nf Ibe Lind allotte.! M bim. It
apt i<i •ii.lil:-' any kind »f amrk
Uan la a .lare Is IV alu.lgl.I)
ryttiing la
br. blit wi'iiian If-doinc .-veryttiin
tor |.i«iT 10 rvaenc hlui frum
ID ainrery.
A pliiairtan aluniU D-vrr allrad j
tbe fiin.Tal of an cv iiallenl. d looka !
Work l>•nur --I'lii'-.si* I'mlr S*wi
eenaeUld to Ito
If yoo hsee e
gony of
rivop .--can imllse bow
gratefol motbegi are for One Mtonte
Cteub Onre which givaa relief aa
as admtototared. It qotokly
pox throogboot tne
lelB tbb Tictolty a
rioo and re-aooetoattoai b ta
Mwe arbo are '
xe tto jgoMatWm <
riwald take
togtroD th
W MMoafal or not. Proriritm will
to made arithin a few days moridtog
(roe Taoetoarioo for ttooe wbo deriro
to sTril (bemselraa of tto of^iortaUJoUna K WtUwlm, M. D..
Baolth OAtoer. TraeoiM Oily.
Hot. 14. WCCL___________ ll««t.
latBsMla be loor Santa Claaa
CUmoriM Jn^r^SpM to th»
At Tk Boston Store
Will be In Force all The Week. Six Days of Solid Barsains.
On Monday morning we start one of our celebrated sales,
which has made this store so popular for miles around. It will
be a week of advantageous shopping to many who appreciate
our efforts. When we announce a special it always brings a
crowd. We have a large force to wait upon the rush, and they
will be exceedingly courteous to purchasers and prospectors.
Read the items quoted below, bring the list with you to
verify the merits of our advertising.
During this week we will present purchasers of $ 10.00 or ;
more, with a choice of several items, viz: A Persian Rug. a tine
Silk Umbrella, a fine Silk Lined Hat or Cap. fine imported Kid
Gloves, fine Silk Mufflers, or any other item of equal value.
Udies' Fleeced Ribbed fnderwear.
extra heavy—extra sires includSunard Print, per yard............................ 03
Light and dari Outing....................... -04
Children s Fleeced Underwear, for
Extra quality fine Sheeting..............
girls and boys— in vests, pants
Good quality 3-4 Sheeting..................-OiVi
and drawers—all sizes....................
8c quality Guinea Hen Outing.......... -06 Ladies' extra quality, seamless, fleece
8c quality fast color Percale.....................os
lined hose, worth 15c......................
8-4 Turkey Red Table Covere. each.. .50
22X40 Bath Towels, each —................-oq
72 inch bleached Linen Damask..........48 Gents’ Fleece Lined Underwear...........44
25 pieces colored Near Silk Lining.
Gents' extra, quality Wool Fleece Un
25c value.............................................. '5
derwear. 75c value for ---- — - - .50
25 pieces all wool Dress Flannel, in
Men’s heavy Jersey Shirts..................... -35
checks, stripes and small effects,
Men s heavy All Wool Socks.................. 19
50c values for...................................... jq
35 pieces of 75c values insame styles- .3q
75 pieces fancy Silks, up to $1.25 val
We continue the special offer of
ues, for..................................................65
men's fine suits and overcoats, up
Crepons of fine Wools and Half Silks
to $14. for .....................................Sq-qS
—values up to $24X>, for.............. 95
AU woo! faocy.French Flannels- - .7a. 48c
Plain ail Wool French Flannels, best
Wc offer our entire lot of Street
Hats, worth up to S2.50. for 4ac, 790
V^*Tv•'-*' . ^-‘.™
w- c
Kmc and Umd a "bMl maD" (ria ta
, rahiTaia ataBC<iui« vbkb bo tslsafab
'ttvhtmxK. Ubc <if tboiadpratmaaf loT>
! It; wd to betmt tbf cattia nof* t<
OTW7 fall
dta DudsaCitjattbo
Et-M7 tltao ho
irn ba k-ft aotua frocrf (rf a
tat»<itai» tnib.1, end aaa n»rrancar;ran- fl*
c< ba
b*' itw Uiknl
by ercrr idle mao and
. DOB cd tbe ti
vbo miuitiM^
' itbra Uie raab wm <mt
Eck Tuner, tbotgib
DudcrOtynlllbrat maomber him b;
the title "D.aibk- L Eok. ’
B kntb I oppuor tho Bdrmbn-
IWT* diracM
«o (b* boa..
UBdrr to voni.
Irriutd m «oo# «f lb«r
«B lb* anBlM Ibat
iMr warm. Itl*
wpll kjurva Ibat -UitU BoB* ‘ ibuusb
bora lo IiKlU. b»4 >■> Irt»b foJbrt. but Duor
niimt ta fart. Tuner oiiKht bare lava
lurrmaa if be- Lad cared f-r th>- puatthot.
(nr be unld ndr crelt aud ibor- were
few motw riiart wiih tbr rtifa- and prob
ably B-ea- wlei nnld l*«r fatimw aad
taaidelnp m-ar patlnotly than lav
BqI I Ik- inaibk-wae hrwaiiiid
d mtjnn
pruer f.r iIm- doll Ufe uf a c»« l«iy. lie
didn 't ran f-roanry Aay wraim Kutoc
arrrpUble tobiiB. Bel wbru tha
oatlk- fpa ronaded epaad tbm-wai half
a day '* .orape frtm tbr bdiBlu <if labr
EclTnnx^waatnlblaeiiUf. And healweyi went talc town aj
ttaliMPL UeanataUybyUiaberdaUllio
j llixH-. pnaarxw a clear bead and Am
ptve la Ua-aaddia He U tbe ntwtaentatiee cf the <-wneew(ho cnaudiao at
'■T>ct bl
at pr<T^ whuae apd bita and aia>« )uid
Bcu enooftli fo> tlata t rx|Bwiai hla ■>«linienu. He pamralaily dialik.-d Wdea
l-y .<■ the truL It wra la a
emtbiiy cuabtry, bihI cuadaiya (ralk^rd,
wbi-Uiir or o^* iIk-t wm In a bury.
And if Ibe ndet' bad a baUt of "naiBft" in the etirniin. aa ixBmitiniial
Rucim uftco do. Erk Tuner baled hia
Tiukttlly. b.1 that wIk-o be canie d«WB
Main atrerc «iv day and. aaw a rather
well drtivd tna?i a'J.by iruMinir and
“rutuK " with the- ei'ans id bia btawo
Erk railed enxral artratioo tolbe opaetaclei
HmUylbclnaier waannt aneyennd
M I.ewiblr. aa K-k ubyliKld nnder hltu"cr-
betwn-n bim and ibe raddle aad never
hjtN'b a feather."
Hi- had bn-c dnnkiair (n ao deocanoo
a luanu.-r ra to be daiiiimau. and an no
e interfered. The ndnr waa haU 0
bl»-k away W'hra Eik fired, and Iba '
bnlk-i amai'haveipiuetrnii, fur the rider
pua-d uo tm-uoaciuiw. wbik- aaim dlapnially aeruai the aim« waa ahaUSwd
*iT the ahiX.
, foonoately—uiiraeol.ioaly—uw .
inflimijD uf lujarr
Ddew Citv talked
|abonf 'D<«bla-LEck''ai>dbiaiiew >.>k»
r. and in the anlamn be aenr
in uid tried it anln.
Tie flrvt alK« Ik- made be bit a man
ID the li«aiidwaii titt iadimaat beaowi they wnoM ii<i( ifirw bita another
liaan-. aonirinff the entailed rlctia it «
ru an acridiut, ami titxin« bita «h
rtuanuiiK iiw i.iiwt thn-e •hmeontuf
fire (■-iw.-.u him and the raddle<w boy
tbe drinU for the ennrd
ry ebont tbe
IT. and
ballurmaiiia fiTi-w oti him till be ipo
into trucbla. When tbe ware of “Tiaaa
flier ’ ewept over Keueea la IbiMI. kfUiiu; off Ml many uf the Kaaaet cotUe. •
Led Uiea the life id w ratern Konene. and
Erk Turner Lwl bu iCTupaliab. He west
fartber weel and »ailh and Inivl (oabout
the top off a mali'iploit bat InCoIndo
llriialn. . bpniwra heaniw be Uieuaxl the (rafaliB
Lnciieb I
aterter than the inaa
' •“ '•ewnutt
I La Vila be l'«k etrejKion to tbe
almlieriuK --3
re 11 klnc of Totuta.
.rllir .ent M Nukualofa, the
ilrtirlnre of more than or-Jlnarr irThlieeturwl mertl. the ihroBebelnc 'ir-erlaMy pralerd hr kII
had IbT prti-llere of aerlac it.
bere reprodueed froen ■
ram tbta ptetmr of tb*
r'tbe flrwt time oa ibU aide of the watrr.
K of the rnembrn of tbe rraup hat-r alnre trowB
« at the lafl, the tltlh rhap w
ad him U the Oraad Du. heaa U .
t PrtlKC Oeorct a
• k Qw late Atonaader II
1-latt M Oramaco
OfMt Doha Paal o
lie rap 1, l_,-----------------------------------................
the aei^
e prlBcr—,.............
B i le Che Iktaicera Fredcrtck of ■ehaamhaT* Uppe. No 4
o later raved the prraeat raai'a Ufa la Jam):
Tbe Prcaah. la ordu prababty to enhance the v
allloat la tbe oca of foratcaera. partiniiirir the Enrllih t
..K-UVV o. ibrlr
.MM rspoktloa te
W tbe worbi o'
M. . .
___-O A:0m. OochlB Chlaa Bad other coloBlea. One of the hranlirul an hh
tectorhl woM. CBOed tha moot ptoturaeque and eorhaatiac of tbe aatiuoai hi■rtrtrd at tha expoeUloa. ti tha rxnnUr aiatrwar aad apiwoach
imlaew. ahown In rhii lllunratloa
li !■ a nMiiiunenlal atalr« each aide ^ eoCa of taataatir .Iraaoni le the Chineae faabtoo. Tbu cTBBd wppeoaA Irade to a tirrare, on ehi< h ataada the royal pajoda. which la h aptandid cdtfiea. aerraaantad by a creel "pDom.- oc tower, la
C«-bBlL Qb tba thtraboHof tba pacoda naea aa Imraara
ft tfm <B» HRM* tbtoh li 4 radcaUMBt rtow at Parto.
klnc. when arrared In l>
purple ana ermine of hli iciiloa an
decorated with hla fordra orderw, U a
ftrure Tbe ehlefi o'
a repreaeni their peopfit. but (he ktac baa
1. which mar
will of tba
nfl tiK- end id Erk'a ttaoinb. allegtag Bl
a avRIriiul reaa>« the (w-t that BO man
with iwu trial Ibimiba cuold be a imlIt W maa " Eck rrphed ia kind, aad
there were no appluanti fir the portB^
the manbal'i damlae left racaat SBtil It
waa fcnmni that Eck bad left UratneioB
and |!<Ba to Anacxia.
At Port Wtnjnu' be
tb* tniafir.
twr lo eboot tulo an isibDlaDeB drlreo
; by a rray mild aaaxwRd jwinu eulIdler,
dier. wbo
polled up e eiDcbratra end
EiU (ur life. deetmyiiHt the oaetohieiB of both abuolden and Inctdraivl'
It puttins oct ha rtirhi rya
After ibal Eck Turner went to PU|f■taS and dervlofwd a rcmark>blt habt
of wtnnin* at fam and takiat catw id
bii B>B>ey
Re niifeoied to a.reecrd <d
fiew “***
men **^
ilaln. bat be wmi rir«n credit
j •”
<d hie
tir twirc aa
well known uudiwty. and w nbeftnally opeaKtl a haudioK buora TO raotoCB
in tka Prauriaro he pennlltad oU lb*
tnibotait batnu td bu onwfaoy Ufa b-.dnft eway to fdrgetfttlnrat —Kara Yctt
JinkWa—1 want my wffa to hi •
ntoiaa wbo ibinkf b^ora aba ayrakli
Phieked—U-by dmi't yoD ray ytto «■
, ouBfirBiad bdcbebcf-Detraft VMft
.for thouranda of rrar« Is all Peru of tbe (ioha.
kvaca tribra ara it to tbh
af reUctewa Htaa.
I OTT, moB, etrarnAT,
■ V'lii mu/B
•vns:s:r:ur' .
■ssrrrsvaif i
■ "
I «■ <M)W
«ta an K k>
stoVskber is,
floa layer •« .eathie thd BfliS
KNhM poBdar. TUa to Blfsad lata
tartr rabtaeti tWB
a ,
//ot made
by a
//ot made
by a
!. .
To tuakr a prrtty arartpip roU. Um
Bltb *nk and on bIiL b rottoe Bnd-.
dine and blad tbr rdfr «H1> ■ «Bk 1
eoRl Two tnrbca frocn tfor akk faatm ,
•r tbr tlolQC a trii Mi bolt on Inrb ta1
Btotb. a* abowm I
-T«iir.- nU iW «M iMAr.
h» to Uk* ctt m eomMUiA tat tmC
tata Hn an M7 Ufr >*
Baku, aa
I 4Ba* feaakar aitar aa alo waaa aaa aa
tkr ainm- I •••>« kaovid b« «b*
dir •tB*'ahc n'M (rr at* MIm
Bmm. OIIm B«u> Ub b 4*1 ak ;>u«*
r«a Ua •>* B»v (niaSr tr«M. FIt» year
Ua I anml trr wnl at 4*1 bow. My
*rt vm pHsHpMy ooldoon. hot I
1*0’ 4U *» teaHy *a aaiiprfd ia 4at
bow. tVfo
• pool b*U «U »Uad
vMon aa wa.olaadto ■>««* Bad* vot
at boa arbai *n'a4 yoo la 4e 4aak. aa
•no v«a Me dw bonu aa ataSad < '
Bala aa bU4 pietan «bai look'd :
dry eoaht tar br acnibbrd. Uba Ilaoaa
oUi ‘oB ok matirra. bat wbat day otu I
bob** Bade ool. Hn boabaa vaa a pral
bwtar. aa dry aay dna baoa't* all arsaa
ha doM- kIM. Aa dno «w liro Idc
Brttd booa-t obat ooa bla. bot ao lire
Bl aor dflc. aa til dm ciata ryta oiad
pw at yoa la dr dark. Il ooi all U«
aa looioiiBr as rmt>y.
Bat I dido'
fcao« abnyl'Mc Ull w niebi Sara oo*
drtodrol akt. »» rmaa oat oo call w-Tor’ fnabaa.
aay. bao'1 yoo
iMht aa trait oo
la ttf aot>pn li-nMhi
iT I raa'i ‘ ‘ay bf«ri Bf> an loo.
pr. Aa
la don'
pay an *iastieo tar aayt'lac
' aw'oaa.
oa. |{l|-t
■a all H(bi.
■ • •
“I lik'd
UlB ilanaa.
bad. I both up a pnod flrr la dc ball,
'w bit trn lata fall an a drlslla roia
oalaldr aa dr ariad W' hatrlla. Dru Uiat
Raaa* coll tar trr brlac *obf *nr
taabv wbar I'd orbrr broa.
*’Wrll. tab. rf bit TO cold aa dark
do«B Mtir* dr room Mlaa llaataa trui la
brat iMiyt’lad- t>*rr win two Me Uaipa
bormla. a rrd cairwt ue dr do', a bHebi
lac ftrr. Ik nibialar waa whHr Ian
abor arorirl. dr wall* wot tall at lubly
oir taaaerra. bet rrri p4ni
T IIT rocklo rbalnu doD 1
Hra. bobbybararo. fairy booka. an Uet
k»nwi what. .la two ruram"wtu I
orhltr rrfba wif akrrtrr ban drawa.
la dr iniddir wot a li'I iwaa tablr wU
rlrae Howf aa two IIT l>ln» plain. wIf
111' bairn aa (obk* aa apoona.
"Min lUaaa wtu aailie aa waab a
b«« Mor pwo wif wfallr larr dowa dr
float. Sbr Imkrd'llkr a youac wamBaa.
■I’D takr ay tra up bno. rar’ Joobna.'
abr aay. ‘aa doo' frrcli dr rfaUloa'a aap^'•kl-bat dau on aair I aak.
“ -Ob. natiaral trr two aa broad an but
tr m til inrkrra.'
.1' bleb rhalh up trr dr
tablr aa c« Iwu UT ohilr Mbt
"Wrn. I wrnt do* a riairt a
tapper aa ro'yrd ii up »lr UU* liaant
u alDI amlllB. aa abr bad a doll in hrr
■ patlla
a aa 6ar
w.«d no dr 6rr
*u dtp all ilr aopiwr la d'-m IIT plain.
lairr I km up ac’ia
do- WBt mhrl. hul I
lUlrood. tab: yn.
b-rr tTO .
py bit mlcbt harr
wo* tayB:
-■fc tnadrrrlU pul on dr liT data
MIpprr. aa all dr Iromprta kb w. Dm dr
priarr tak brr by d< ban an k»a brr. ■
dry had a Uc weddla. ta dr fairy c»
Botlwr km. an I'iadrtrUt wuab too
‘rrtal tUrrr dron dal dr falrlr* madr t
dr flaw tUpia-r*. Now. darlin.fon n
irnilrbt. Ilii'r brdliiBf'.
Knrrl duw
bufr of yoa. by aoddrr ’
"lira hit woi oalrt a UT. aa\l both
Haaat’* rnbr low. low an llbr dr wiad
*1 biebt la dr plar tmo.
M -il1
ii 3:'-
HI, Xmu Hr tlwon
: (. Iill.-Ult.i « l.o
I In nmordtinr
Thursday, Nov. 22.
Beginning at 9 a. m.
In* ht'1 tlrr.-i«1> tiitl.:|..Bl■'•l
Having a large surplus of
We have concluded to reduce our stock and sell
the above to the HIGHEST BIDDERS.
will also sell
1 m w®. m min m dr. m
Itching Scalp.
ilrd , ■•■ri:.-> .ikl —I.. ii..r c-n. rtl
r* i*r
dr rblllous an abr trraird
ihi- -r. t.•..umi.*,
. Ilr.>.kr. Uki* a dnc. ilka Krookra
h m.ly rk.'r*. nn walli>.l an alw«ya
a l.uu.li. Ilf I'lUf. Hill brr what abr
■I drillwa s.inrwbrrr.
ill.. Hanna look k-ry had. dir-.liill.rti iiM-trl; mv..l,«nt .1 ..iiu*
hrr ,»<<r,. Il, ilir n. n |,nriinm.rii. h 1. ..tl,....
wi*rrr. wilb tbr III •■4c.-l»r f.*.^
u* down an look
n'lnc to Mr- If lill't Hrnn Hit w , of S...IIand. TIo-y b*4d ib. Ir •
■ only
■iBC day an warm. Ik Aiftm woa dorinc ibr llti*timr
........................ ......... ry.iii-Llr. tn .w»rt olirra bur i.. hr
, _ „
an maciiol; ft puia; rat*, lint nlr UIb Mhm. Tbr rlrrtbie takra pla.-r In !l"lyllanna
oprn dr wiudrro. 'IjouC rorid palan* In l^int.urclt.
• rtniit II*.*n Ula. Ilrookr. krai Uu aa. : OnUHh* Ir.i.<b.n ua-l Ui.Mb*w*x Ibr rw
thnird. .Iir wilt wbllr an inlarrblr aa : turnllic ollki*i. mrlrr IbHr writ. It
nmW lith.lly walk wif t bbf bondlr tbe p<»i. awl a ni*urd of tbr limn of p,»twn» .-n'jMi
Kh.* krm In an act by Mint in*. r.*>vlpl and r.-lura I- pmurrcl h) un
ilaipia In d.* hic ball an Irll brr uuBfia.- rltl«.tal.* ay.|riii ..f .iEii<*d arku-ok*Ji
aiimhn hrr hiial.tn door. I lelirlw-what 'nn-uis pin* mil. air r,*iiimthl.*
makr hrr auui niad.lcr'n rl«*r I an toy oo day. of lli.*ir Intic. itiol rb** r.‘loniin(
I mil ...mill lo wif aome wuod odirrr. arc llnhli* .-itIIIt n*jd p.*nallj to
wbm I t.,. rr.| ..wws no I door wsit not- ibr houar ..f
for tbr pn.p-r rraldr dr do' till dr U.hra ftnub dacslatia. Iiinia Ir.ii.ion Mull
Ok UlM Hat
-•I W1..1 ht
frr you'always hul
yon alaar.
•in inr will.
-|li.t Thai h-r.
I a t.y your'
, I
-Wi-ll. br I..M iw’al! tbr li. r..*'.
of iric-k. aflrr bi- bad aold Ibr I. aat 1*
riB • Obi.'uEo ll(>.>rd
n.'lr.l .'hillun.. )
by Or. Chaua'a Olntmont.
aanpktc cure.
Sooreaaodthtiua' ■
and* ol men aad
weacn aund ready to rouch lor tbe taeilta
of Di. Chjw'. Uiotnynii. It haa bruoebt
tbosi a.me of the mow marrelou. nrea rver
In )u»lice lo toortfIf aad ftnily.
you cannot do wfttaoul ii m.)uot hoac.
fair, hiw ta.'ii 1 tianui
Bliujfr In hi* j'jauK .irrbanl
mBfUTDjt.'hauir of ihr Sania Fi* rv>li*m
lu molh 111 riilif.u-iiia ai -S..U lb niaidi
Ub»-r. Olid
ven an alrady
am. a. alwaja.
"Bot il .. Hrook.*a wot w.M.ln, an .hr ROME
I MircaHi. I ,
Of TmE
L etiNO favOFIEO.
II I mu In > h
I ao KHif .tied
I WUI wif
dal Ua' lllebt.
I- lidif twl' my
Mr Idraa That May Cr Knatly and
Uairrlalii. 4 ~ aemr Arrrplablr Ullla.
At Ibia MaaoB of tbr i .'nr ri. n l*v|y
la Inlay niiL t'lirl.lni.d- jir.*|uiraih.u*.
ninl Uu* lailb** an* war. bius .-i.-rj
' iiinl r;o 1) in-.-, unit ur
, .;iii,r.-..l.
! whi*n*la'f' ri- bo lia.lu |ak* <*- l *r.*l fruit.
Tli-'nwl I* mr.ioijlii oul
]|yr.. .*11 l.-li WT1-* will n-iuiT. :.."IHI
I po-juilr of tiling., whi.'h i*.»i. d) ja-r luo
hard i «f iwoyi
: iuIojuIih)
i Uiia a|.i.Iirali.-.i iJ I
>, >npi,-,l,* uli ,.i
nn*. but
I ■W.l.T l.i
aimiih I-* ailli|pirm.-i
r .itaQSi
tbr KT""
Pto lUMla.
bn. ir.rc
ao rot. ,.w .-.r-i.uE on my M
wu II .It liinr. Ibul I moldd Cfi BO rrtt ovbt
ol oinliMBU and
could (r; no relief. Mr.
»i of j:t> :
. Chta.'.
Baby Eczema.
• (All baby t»« kuRered for waor
With Ihti werichru rewm*. tod ow wrn
abk IT. nod tnythinj to core « creo re
hit pair
.1 lew t|>iilictlioot of I>r A
Chtw . O-Ilisriii cl ipped the ilcbias
feakd tbe wrec .ml . bnshi. lulural
ao* lake* Ibcii pk.-c. '
Pt. Chaw'. Oinimca: doe. not ctotr
when .ppl.rd, tml lorthe* Ihf vote oi
fijswd wiilt.-r. to cent, it tJl dealm. re
A. w. CUBB Medicine Co.. BufUro, N
nrl.-r Urr-1
rit. but yob iuilur. dill ' Iku 1 ru'd b.*ab
Ulr. Hanna di nr h.-r f.vl. ao abrr-all.sl
-Jnabna' In arrl. a r..l.-r I bchrr fa..*r>l
rpph.ti. mt iii^pcd the Hcbiac aad I hm
Irii BMhiuE user.''
The above will go to the highest bidders. You
can buy Single .Drivers. l.)oublc Teams and
Work Horses at your own price.
Ten 5 and 4 inch tire Lumber wagons, mostly
new; 15 sets bobs, consisting of, two and three
seat Sleighs and Logging Sleighs. 20 new Cut*
ters will also be sold at this sale.
Terms of saie-^ months time will be given,
without interest, on approved bankable or chat
tel security.
No side bidding will be allowed. Come and sc*
cure a bargain.
Dyspepsia Cure
, Dioegts what yoo eat
““•-T AO-i miaiAl
Germaine Bros.
Onr fe« retnnted if bc ful. Any one •eoding sketeli add dnertptM* of
.my iavention will |ir"in|itly ri*c-i*ivo our opiniun fm) coBoereingUte pwenv
nl'iliiy of name. '■H./h h. -.hiain a |>it<*tit ^ ac-Pl npOB roqncsL P*te«U
..Ti-uroil Uiroagb ua n.lt i-rt:- ! i .r aalc al uiir rxpentc.
Patenia uicn otit Oir.-.:.*li r. rwriir ipectoi R0/t», wiUtmit c-bArgr.iD
Tiib pAtEATUsninii, bn ili .-ir.iuitl vij widely virtuUledJouniAi, coiMik«d
hy Klknnfartarcr* and Invchtnr*.
Send for BAinpIr ropy FREE. Adilrpta,
{Patent Attorneys,)
£lr«iM Butidlagr
In Wakinq Your Sehetions
for toilet Soaps
Bear in mind llic tael tliat wx* coo fit yoa uat with Ui« bwl
’; i)ualjty of arlecU-d aoaps Ml pricrc from .V' txx
|iur cakn.
tVx* buy io'tiusniitieB, and make the priiN* riglif. All the
igtxidix ia Ibi* Hot' atv from widl ksown makt*n.
Jas. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
JW kinds et
♦ * T'
Victor Sum, the Noted Running Horse.
Aowns amall cbiMrre. tetid betd tad
amiltr iichiac akin dncaici arc aeci jwur*.
*“ <llaiu«or
I’lik ■‘‘■"'il'l "iwayb >"• ‘»- rt-l It* Ut' kei and ihc won) Italoic it that ihtac ailbrll nitli tlwir b.*ada l.iviinl lb.* mid- , Bcota. which atr .ppamilly Inrial al bnl.
dk. I'li.-rr tbr.v an* ...vrti.l with tbr ; abaoMin.MitWyckTtaTpintoehroaic cenau
au[i. I llial >vbriL.<*l.a<.l up Itiry will
Tl^ la but oof IcralBcal tbal pbyaieiaaa
not f
(niilcr aafriy
lias for tcald
U* tlacd. hul It l. Hot niayroflop.
I- Mioir iblnc will M*r«e lo
kw*p a Inrty'a atlckplua if It la not mwd.
ad aa a ctn fnr a p-iiilriuaii
y..ii 'inw.-d 111), «
II .|U1,-I.
Alsolhc last trollen.. SWIFT and CKESCHNT
—known as the Promoter Johnson team.
Seald Hto* and <!»• Sle«< Vlelont
Perma of Ecfeme and Sail Shoum
Promptly and Tbereustily OuiBd
an* faMrai-.l nt Olio <*11.1 to tlo Uio
rl<uu*tbo roll llkr a t»ok. roil l(
gj, ,n,|
n trtidbr rfl'inm. It tbouM
I'bu railruu rtn
.Ill funikii .«*• t.iii I-1 lUi.r U(
rrully iwr u Erra: d.*nl of Eriiuiiii* .all*
fai’iloii aoit |i!i*a.un* lu ib.- .'XrliaDcc
*u,<l.I.viut; ill.* (h'UiliiiL—Fivof (Ifia III oB*'. unii huii.llmil'k a
ttaa'in atralcfat. hrr b.-n.l I'rvwn hark ae Mil-t of iMi.- .l.•llclll i~.-iiliar 10 tbr
'll..* nrerace miman
brr r,rt iik.* nmla ,.f Im*. an ilia* fi-iululii.* f.ini-y
rwMwl* lo Ui-t acrsll.' ami ..... .
-'yoahna.' MW iliai Ilanaa. an b«*r Bilk fur ('h|-l*timia faor.v work; miiu>. nwl id liv III); al Iir.
inkr mu l..a. Mil llkr a IwlI Ttbow dw piwfiw lo pnlui ur akrub. olM-ra rt.->i. eapltal* l.'i.li. ;i. Hiwuaiman ..iii. Urn aaddlr d.* Hart mar*
taatiy <1u rwiilalir tbiiia imIiiiIhe am) IHK la-k At Vi. uuj
an ri.lr fa.’ aa you kio fi-r my lawyer.
I mn' k'uXt oTVI? uTuar.
artii-ha "1 l'..i iUi* li
Uiat' Riaillry. Trll him Irr ruBr dia Dot a fro luru out auu..* xcal isoiiit In
lil(bt. I with trr makr a urw trill an croi*lii*l w ork
For Ibi* .-Iiihnil.lify w«rk<*r tbrn* arr
- <OoBrd blm IIT Marry an IIT Rdif karr rbrry erni to our unirrrsify.' Ikn
toau* Iin*ll.v ii.*» ililoEa fllouE <h. hur
aa Babr ‘m cood >-b!lluiiv aa llnurd ahr walk U|. tltln llkr a qBrre. oa p..'
of licaM.r w.uk iliaa trn* foahiunal.k
biraa oamma aa rherybody. frA Jmo*'
Ual M-u*un
Elu'r ao-1 linndkrr*
takr. Amre.'
-Min' IlnoUry hrr In. Bilk uS
ebit-f i-awni. urcklh* fuhirra. Ml-., arr a Itutur? .
-Itra I brab Uia. Ilanaa .-roar dr tk.‘
UK .-lu-..'
tnkio. alow, llkr abr . a'yla aanitjn braby. when I brin lark ’IwooTatr rrraln.
inailr of pi.in.* rmlyrnlil.-rwl la i-odt.-d
yard amrlkd awr«*1. an ck II'
.. Fan. 1. a bull
«>m* of lb...*, 11 trll
Irlllii carb .rirr f...! Iilrtt. Rualaa trut 1100.11 ih-lk*ii.
iimpin an .nblari.l mf fniIB. But I -w-*, i.-.-. o.iy ........ .*.• I. *..
nbly 'tj.'Oiurr. ''—Wrptuuialrr k*.
tall b.-r d-.wn ai
n,.o <aal hl'H* halt '>"• R"!' W"'
rr lat. Atom tlir .-.Ic- wMIi a |iU;ii. ii..iiv
an >»hunyralr
(wd •upprr.''rid aud a laiy:.* iii..ii.>jiiiiii ii
The Itrladra.
- _IIk-a*'in. Ik T.T
rallu Ml. aa rriw* *(lii-li «*»rki*.l iii llu*
If bird ao rtwrytloc rlr*B
Tb'-n tinHik...-i.*rt llw Plrladna hoTr
ar >■“•_»« louk llkr „
^ toodk. n
lil. if .-nai*
.*i». ot pi.|ur ;
robUloa wot pulird rraidr. an d..
th.-«tox-. fr-ni Um
Ilcbl ramr Itu Ik bnh wut mad
II, n M.nl.*r ................ .....
pTi-rto Mr t'W Fi-» k.*..
rraiaa atrolcbi. an Ub> llaana ati by dr
iiiionalM-mll worw IdnenliitiK llic fm* .'■T.*ni.tii.*..rf th.*l*sp~*. I«.. Wrrk. Iwf..'
I l.k' hrr h-W
•to arwle rr Hlllr pink oU whilr dins
•' «l"' " '>'•
llm cmrcT in Ihfve j ebfc Uniitaa of Turxujnu, «ra lluii, liavtil larr ae raSn. Abr bad na aajiblrt i.lr ill., llaana. an ahr .ay, -|.oM.- m a*
i.f IdOe.
I inc l«.*n ixrxwc-ut lUi ivr-«tirli'.n»»iiiu» ID
prrtty (own aa amiW aub-r as'ln, liul rniioi M*n.T MIm nr~4.r. kf.’ An I mf. larinoiil.iii. .lu
A Mnii.l.* xiuy
iinkr a rnu ball lac. mpa
hr f.iuiid tUal tbr .'mir
wSro abr mmr down Itirr trr arr h <w •Ml.i' llradky moiiq riMiol K o'rl.wk.'
Itaiidy •xUiiii.-l. lo
tioK. iiuidi, bv the luclianr n* lo the
•an wut abr woob hrr Mack dnwa aaatt nil mil .Irei iK-tr ‘ An flan ibak. hrr on.* of tl*.*.*- x
^*a. hot wh. 0 I finl^ riw
f/oai- IB ,h.. dn-..i„e 1;,
at rbrr an bmkrd aa mi an (I'Nioiy.
I. t.. x-ut frxxui liiii*n tS(h„f Nxn-rinlwr u thxrr iwo ymn
“Boi I n«l.r dat da; two 111' piom
I-. I'.tic, niuixilKl at . VM maiemfioaut. Il wa. thr x-nimmabaurla In d. baU. Iky wu* two tudi
-O.IIIE for Ihr tic® of Urx* I’U'indxw which told tbx* la
DI1..I, not Jr*' up. llkr aOrpr **"’ '■‘Sl-’h'
fal rfaineaa. laifr amlliu au bnkln llkr
Abxxvi* thla
(h,. pr,^.T timr f.w tb- b-vuinuiK
ta dr aly wut ptk yallrr. but lado’ 'iwui BaOi-rliiB .wiiil or rIbM.ii
tacris to wbm Kara wot up I eat hrr
lifhl Fontieb II
I'nio dr rtillad Win- allfw lliniw* Im-bnx for
flilia. which of tbrir ril«.—N'i*w Yx.rk Tim.-.
wbo dry out
Pbr aay 'Ulto Ranna'i
drrr nf d- Me hall
flan aay. -V'c«r up will fail
liT rbllluns llirry au Edlf.
Iky d-M
attlra an Irll UU> II
Mkt' Hndlrr (xthiT
II. Il Ibi- two p'l.*.*ire mci'lli.T
sn yrat apn dr aanir day uf yallrr
ta wr Exit In dr etaln X1D
..n til.*
tl... Uioi-liini* fr.-iii thx*. taMay arnund
OrerroCioE u E>.i>rrnll.r c-aideunrd Ob
Marry ot:
n i-ilir t
mlu down wff HT. I,V in ILi* xWalliE. ellx'W liiE fi iiuftfli x.r nor tbe grxynwl tliai hr .tnflimi tlm diifxtrtJre
IIT Edlf
IIO.L aa whru dry k.*ni lu.*h all an.unx] tli.* nxlcr
Iku I trll
Ik, not atllrh
n brrra. ta
aur m ou.i an a*t -I aeowt bow trr oulra dr .lark wr arr 'Iwoi twn U’T rhil. thx* pkxww loerUk-r aU'vc (In* x-a«lnc.
laai In whitr
baU ay
an you lirlirr U-arn. too.
Ttoei rml.rolxli*r a ixl.-iln *x-allcij> alt profirrirnonnthiticlumBbotaker
"Wr rw.lt' arr drir ftrra. tat 4ry wu*
or you com. in ibw yoli J.d..’ Ik„ |
U pwcblr. huwTTrr, ..............
that our....
' aaf
trel.lUn r|..*n.kaD in ban. an drir haid- oniuml fbi* manrlnxil x.Iex-. lixilxUnc
ett^d K. 1 d.inr Vr,.' in, m,o,f ,hn.
fa* from Uai BDoh tratnniMIl aa wrU ai
“Oorrt .w loiiwt I went up Malta itirr abonr lilr En('..aB wbro xiry krB elrwr Iwo Idncrw lxicrlb«*r. hot alwrr tlir
dry amilrd at Oa. tt^Wr rod arr drir in'
from loo link, eren Bboo a i* fwopHlr
dat te MM. Ilanaa out alw.;
farro. like trr wfallr BaEDoUra. Aa dry
___________ _
rooOL wif i..y. an (l..nna trooi
wo* alway. drwwd n; an amilin an fwta not dr ftaot dn' ao wwi (aor ta-fo'
tmla irr olora. Hatartimn at alsbt I wr (ni our brrf. BlU fltn abe kinder
•a*.-. 1* ear: -Mart' Harry; UIb Edifr
could brab brr iron dr wladrr
Prn .hr 1'rx.w hrr apere nbrr brr bald.
■Un- Hn Prop- ..r By Raby B
But It a minute arr walk «p rtwiro.
IdT KHtrus'
Or do wna opni-dr do' Uba Banal
-Sol Ulat llaaM TO dtlia Iblaarr
0* **lirf. Ran would mk nkr liT ^r krrp lock- all day-aa oo dr An'
Ptaa bot abr woubja't Irrb'm. Duwt TO all dr loya aa odrrTB**. Bat at
BMio abr arbrr amik. FoDii km
OB boT aowflawo-cicb (Mbt la Aar 1__
rldcaa-oa I bad te (b cat beolot at oM
bBo tar 'OB. a* flats blwsyt hid ts»
Bte oa baa. Dal
or coed cook aa pow'ful aaiart. hot I aoM kad rlwBb amoB bit. ae oar w.»L.
tbr worker'* fahry
roa adon tbe t>u. I IttmadlDy4ig«ti tbatoed Mil •t<1i
:f roB
or had oa w for rtty fono. bdtbrr yatrlbboo. MBUld taatch j ____
tao aaoa. San door many ar tael pararh- in dr IWTB aa to dr aky da to, wS and of euui
la nioriiiE.
I RracUnc
j an nk Hita Uaaot'a ao^M* 1^1^=
Pnaarr acarf* of abrer malrrtal and I gSS* lb11
'■ wff 'r« natro ilr final do' toW daTO^.
niflkd abovi ihr rder arr aliray* ap- 'Anbl^t
I Urfa. tn dr eBril uf dr
brr Boat, flan tty abr wnmny oorrt
tweetatrd ihlajn to rwelre. bnt Ibere to
ttki Bayed anaae po’ whlu
■ tow* nrBTT Idea Ihat U Irmtettbly
KIb Baaaa dida' llkr hit. Her baabth
kTur and delirnte motle or
TO^ertopkd ap. aa dr akee bad
lary Mrp la tbe pawra,
^ oecwidk to iBed 8«J a ton of Blip
uf parBaDeai ia Uae b
dike a pOtoWBlItA made of aoltobte
y write h
4n aa mlcbt. day IrU sw. UIb aaaat
al^ Bltb both rotei left opes asd fli"
■Ib brr a link ebery BW' *■ pretalie
bB a tot Bb*« tbr dto. bot aba TO sad
oa dita’ rate It Mb* Braokn. d* otorr.
4U ter* He
tebd. »r F«d otbec
Carriages, Buggies, Traps, Concords, one Hack,
one Wagonette, one Dray and to head of Horses.
Bicycle Bipairinq
rrrol Ineallllr*
........... . Alan inonrT
ratalr arcorlty.
No ux dittse inserted In mongige.
Biefele Sundries
ooicr la HamllKn A Uillikm Block.
Prices Wgbt.
ty. Jt. Cederle,
IK Union St.
I A TUxiMIl-iN. M II iXBrxin
1. a MllUtta IJ-W H-ui>. Mx. i:
s S';r?.‘,ysi'.'!?r'.2-,'S*
'Opp iBElnr BoxMr
:i-i- BROS.,
• nd
Hired Olotod*.
OBI-1..0 Arad OAI-1- 0KL.1..0.
Tx-llllhxMr So I
rva ru*u TTLT. Vrt^laary Wotywo ^
L> muat flnre-7 aad Dvial wewk. BMaal
lua xlflkr artx lu flair. l>ta«fl«oex'<irl.’ahM
MKATIMO ^AOO...........
Ir%edfredddd«n* kaereredd l-d d. p-
o. dr. dll Hhd9*» itoired odlor*.
intartor talephonM for for houna. factory or store. W*
can wtra anything from a call boll to a whola city.
f<»9 Xrona oa.
TSATxHift tirr. nca, soWnAT,
m MOBimre
AM Lm ka ■■* • MMM. MW <• MV
i ji iiiiiuiim |ji i i 'zr.
l*£^^ at bb
Ha MM Ml farieaa UraAa U tka
Tbr CbrlatBMs a
Orw BtaDT dalir u
mar br laadr ao r«
peotik arr roollpc
______ tocTotfibir thi
tka battarr. with Cn<
I rardac amaa tka nee of flr* la tka
<«tiaa of CarbaCM'* boUow.
bk paMXaa
<br iMlBMrt thr caaatal
watcM (brs Alasamt. c»Un>brr aaA
P> lata actloe; tbas hr tanwA bU kersa'a
baaA Bbd wrai bark to tkr ca^p.
HraawUlr a traMr
aA tka Ufca of wkiob wai arrar baara or
brforr la IM hamwlac blatorr «r aoArm warfara. Tka aworot Crawfcatfi
Mit 13 hkbma aiknt
Ibat rWU AMddUaariaa. O—fJ Oaodtl.
■mmM la birr aabcst B UtU*.
A vKb Brand U«t.
(ka cMtral pair. iBBUaB t
«. Ua vsi nUtiBC B Mlrrtt
B kow CbibbU CravTorA. oaa of
abnat. kad npnvad".“b^ M
aaHlrr iB tte Aar.
Ii B>ir hart km (kt fact tkal Ik*
SaaA kad baas oBa or ascsvMoul Aaitac.
or ivflups baraoar Ika aAcrr la ABM(ksa n> lork a BBlraraal fsaertta. or.
mnrr prolM^ atUL a eiabiaatlaa ^ot
tbalr braaaa axtatka.
r rtidaaatlca
at Ckk wai tbiu tbr r
baiat ibonat.
briar Ibr wboir
tka Bom wm al
of thHr soai lixo
xo pkr.
TW karor wai
frartaL V'lilua a ourtar of ta boar ararr korar brloactad lo
Ko. 10 battarr wai attbrr daad or drlac. aaA.tka caaa wera baioc d>arc*A
aaA n»/bp br baed. lo (hat rortat of
trr aaA blood all oedar was forsonaa.
TW iBBtrantoBa wara lo load aad Bra.
and (bar did that wafL mar drlac lo
Iba Aoiac—oUpplBc down bj tbr Ina
ikod wbaak to ba maaeWA aad amakrA
babaatb tbaa aa (Iw coo wa» ratarsad
for dlacAarcaIt wai krkaolQc. appalBoc. aad for flra aortal boon It wii
kapt BP BBtil frato tbr Boar Ultarr
tbara eama ao aaiwaalac iboL Tbrlr
aakaloe waa folBUrd; tba coai of tba
nrmj wara kkei.
Bot wbat a taarfnJ prlra bad baaa
paid! Tbr tlalB lar Htarallr la baapa.
ctirIrA ap Id poatataa rortooAr crvlaoqor.
abowlac bow. t>r tba iBtarpaaltloD of Iba
■Tati hand.' tbalr wrilbloci bad baaa
■I bk rrcord. taaar
I keow-a wriro of mid
It all.
'I'rrbap.; bat I lilttrr mrartf.l I
t'apialo CrawfoiA betur tbio atir
Onr pptbi bire lila toertbrf
fn rears. le fan. wr wm lo tbr aaarr
rUre la arbooL~
Hr did aot add (bat • Utter raarilr
bad riktrd bnwrra tbrta atarr that
llBir. Ibr urlc^of wkirb bad bean (be
(brariiiDC of WH by Crewf.wd o«
a lUilll Irny. Nor did tu iprol of (be
■tinialn. tbit trwI.Br katl r-M-lvr-l ioe«
yrore Ul« abro frawfurd bid laprre.ri
rA bin la Ibr iSmIne. xf a eonili
h<iucb tar II
At tbr ofdrr ~Cr«rr flrincr tooriderabir Irm tbaa a •core of meti-all that
WTTT Irfl of (br boadroA odd wbo had
. .. id th* fun'a .
(heir woarr Ua>bi aerom tbr r«Mt la
dtrrrtloa of tbr BacUab renp.
HranwUlr thr grBrraL irrompae
br MTi-ral Birwibm of bli »tig. audr
IwUri Ml lij many lo br liir worid r cnwtr.i llrla* afr
Kl.-onuta .
<-«» Klniw Ibr aa> lu Auirrira Ix-r bair bar l.-m rapidly lurtilne Cray
tuwii lu ibto pWure She niakn. no aitruipl f. bblr lb.- fart.
bMb horribly
I^.l of all. rildug boddled
boddIcA uup In
witb bl. face lowird Ibe
Hind forward tben-y
■Ibe general. “Who are yoa?
The waa leppeA out and MlatcA. Sweat
and powder bad cffeMuclly .-on.-.-tkA bk
■Yoof lofi-riuailxa k nrrrrt.- i
idratlly. Hi. rtotbre bung •l•■ut biia la
Nm4 Iwtwo-n bli trrtb. ~Captala <'rew> tlttrrv and from aa ngly gaota ttaorr bit
fuwT. tnilu iBtrrreti ary now on tbr rid«> Hgbl ryr tbr blood wa. rtn-anung dewa.
af Ibr rtwmy. Thk beioc w%. I .booU Be lailH-aied tbr two gha.tly M-rpis
iBkaclar it wooM br ai wHI to keep
with a grimy band.
“(ieneril," be (akt. “mj »lfr and
ir poillac a malrb to powArt. rbltd
I am Oaptala Crawfonir—Exrbaagr.
••tlao* II
“Tbk k too ararb: rre
algai la taarttarsa Knaala.
mlad"Frem (be gable often bang, mbic
trhil br w»oU barr aaU <
at tbe orrapatlou of the owner, and
wnnld bare traeipInA lo coOHje
of tbr curioai algo, aretn
with rbr trade* they |
lali-rruptioo rabo-.
ipllttlBC roar. full.>WMl by a trrrifir
- alr^ wbicb an
wrrrkrA Ibr . (rat. Idrotraapt
rlippml bl. haod to bk ear. will
fol prlBi.-r.
.t fraciarwl of M'
Ir grouad.
■ t orcic..............................
ler her. .1
punrtof dpiWB
ar. \uln- IwlleWtri a» onh-r. and the a
tbe offi.
rarixA tns ibr tst iwItnieU.
a Udder
rt^ I
"Nrel. Iboor drrU. will bao ,|o 1
try n/uld !■- otitaiued. Tbc griKial aUpp^ hi. rMing bnwt^ with (hr saShai Ur earned ia bi> baud.
“If Wr Cppold oali get a Iwttcrr Inle
>lert-aggr'. liolUiw." be ulA .lowly. “I
r..lno.-l Nm-I r.Mri roond .Imiptly. la
hb ere. there gt.-amed a .tartWA luok of
••Tertaagge . hollow T'he ectioed. “Wby.
Il wnold tie .lm|d; mardir' They would
art h.e ... anl.ielwr, tmxb ni.ire rilen-e
tbat gut."
Hr looke.1 in I. i,flnh*i.rd n. where .
group oT r.nip l.nlldiBgi nwe aberr ..at
of tbr luxi.o .-Ii»uw p.f tridi
Krca a.
br AM Ml a |.nff er wtalte iBiukr roar from
h. Th-inlty. followed after ■ few w^adi'
lurrral h, , b.wrr bortn.
-The Lesire hire go. tbr range
i. ' ■ famed lUe geueraL "Sotnrtblag wtll
bare to be done Will y<m lead a battery
te y.erbogge*» bollow, CeduncI Nf-elf*
That officer', face fleabed > dall red 11
Ibe ImplwA taeaL
-What a aDctloe to tafe
4w If Denwury
By the way. iboi
k aJdrd. -ibk ongbl ta be a good oppgenaliy for yoar bsr, Ckptaln CssrThe groeral trowte and pUed
■toes witb rran mare rapUtty and Cars
(baa blibmo.
■d tar
**Wr’U srttk tbat qsstlsn oos Bad
g.“ ha fatont ct a
The ardrrty rode ap aad a
-Tdl Otptsia Crawford t
auraly altoau walUag. 1b ks tbaa As
Stoats Caputa Cswtacd sda ap aad
aalated hto romsante.
‘’Chpula Crawford.’ sid te fractal
atowly. ~raa wiO take ^10
te agalM
ttoe Rats te hateSTte? te b^ X
Amdiia.—A coat of gram clotb. CBtroidmd witb a gold amotbaa flat
yayd of ibr aanir three Iprbra wide
^tgload.—A coat of dark blnr. r'"*
and a «-ooJ«i embrolArry iwop aboot nabrolderad with an acaatbai palm of
rlebl Incbee In diameter.
I'ot tba gold.
rkdh In a eqnarr 9n by W lorbea ^ Italy.—A eoalcrf royal bine, embrakdara Into a tone bac with dnoblr aranit. I sad with golden Imrra.
Tb.-D brm Ike npcKw opening of tbaj
Spain.—A onat of btea. ambolUabed
bag orrr on ttw boop. not too tight eo { wttb gold learae and tnamenta
that tbr rtutb will «ilp raally, ai U>«|
Pneragal—A roataf bine wltbgcdden
esUn- fuUnra. ti lewrA oeer tbr boop.' learea
Then take tiw narrow ribbon and erw ,
Ii aboald br tememberad that the rank
on (lie uolride of tkr boup f>w iimiro- ; of a d^kieial u abowti by thr emliMidalun. ai IndleateA In l*lg. 1. lYbra this i arise Atojalm bu onlfinu. Tbr bighIc d.me. Iiang llir bag up and drape by { er aioinbg bo hai Ibr graairr tbr
gatiiiTiag (be from in larp- plalta. , amoont uf gold that i» npm bii imraon.
D lb..bottnm of U
tbr bag.......................................
and fartrelng 'be wboir lari brtow (br tiary have Ox ir olUri and
ftiiu’ «f ibe booji. Tack os Artnly a treani and U>r ra.-mga id tlutlr puckrU
buw'niade uf tbr wide ribbon, and tbeo art .« with gfUeo Ibroad. Tkr aroretanre <f cnibar.uw and the rariua
tbr M.lUr Irtg U e..uipletr.
A pn-U) gift fxr a girl Ii a dainty ■nl grewral. hire JtM
dewier to lud.l bandkrrrtik-fa. torra.
rwjin an ..yrnilmagr td gold
rlbboiu. rte. iKir 3.i Tbli n-qnlrca
balf - yard of al.ri .lit. oDr yard of atbB- cktnmr k M-ncbed is tbr
ticauil eeralng c)»itMw uf ibe AmerkaB
r. wbu a]ipraia a anlc-tnn and
In iSUtbe Anal aodit <g (ba aoeoanto
of tbr Dniird Stats hank wai oanpletad. aad on lirhaU at tbr gtmnunmt
Jaws A. Bayard of Dolaware. Jeta
H. Moww. and a Keolucky grattonua
namrA Dnks
foRBality. I tho ItuBClerbadbsaistttod
John Ypoung Bated M
ouatum bunaie-ai II o'ekicL A bottto
(M Inndy aad ala cM Uadels wsw <w
(far (abln and after a al
uf rapm tbo wiue wai opened, and by
o'ebrk wap drank. Tbo day ws
uiu. and a Uml of biebup
erdernl. and tbU wa. tuaik> by Ui
wUb the faraiuly and a Aaaka
IngeraullBhunt !•'
bringing u fnoud. A disai HaterB
wer« Bl hand. bdA ainuking. drlAklDg
Bad wblat wfva tn urte nstll It. wbsi
tbe iMt baUe WM drank, and Itos
PnsKT. tbe o»k. bctBgbt tn ooM date
and a mighty lubBter slad.
A ■bUcb
iDwI uf knuidy iniich wm mada M ocadtere (u digstloL A tnmbler at (bit
AniabMl tbe clerk, arbo waul to alaep
BBdwMBrKMidatilaytMk todjinka
rap tJ onffre. and tbeo all wait down
tbs Btepi and walked away in Iba fish
socnlng air. mue tbe wne la ancarMB fram the night’s lasatltata
It la appusit that In a life like tbto
*TM tbe aurrlral of tba AttaM. Iba
atisly utts oarriad at tba bcBCSa. bat
gtjcl. graral and drap^ pWyad haroo
witb Ibe utian. and (bse eomplaiMa
wm charged to not and Madeira fay Ibe
dorbxm. and » tbe habit at drinking
claret and light winracatne Inla faibioa.
Uambling «s almuit i
masyfurtom-auf <iU »>il
Bppsrad in tbU way.-rPU>adel{dita
IWm (ta* By. tst
‘b'Wff- •'“*
'Iwal’f "> l>urtii-nlar
Brubaldy ryt-ry pla.eg'.i iii tiiieag"
lapiw. Jilin. Thi- ml.-.d'’hnnl uriiyr’'
■ - >..............t,,;n«uv He
mute like a
liief of a feM-pti-«i ininmii
hiwt itr tl>y ubul
n hi-ad tudicn wlm
dbiudi. aiidabiul
"Kind —......................... ...
Tlwrr are utlwT bind tt»b<T-i wbu tell
y.iB b> harry ap ur rtep hvel.r. Tbi-y
giyy luad Warning Hint all MiB|xaii tUBPt
Tbe Anaurlal apeHih uf tbe ez-BHM
Mintoter JL Lnnbei. In tba aoiBU, la to
be piaied. by urtbir <rf tbat boaaa. all
orrr Frann.. Thiwe are aume ttatrtnssM
In It worthy uf MSialderaUon. Thoi. tba
uatiuoal debt
U aet down at fl.MO.OOO.00(1 Ilabatappsntbaltbedimeallyttf
making both esda meet baa giratly Mervavd alnce IL Mellue Rcnnd tba triniupb uf bleayMem. Thereiarl uf aodlti
bMdiaeurmd kll irreguUritJ.a In tba
iMt budgetary aocunnt of maiey paid.
By trrrgiiUntls it ioi«na esnbeuletniaiu. let down nnte tbe bnad uf "aire-
panirtiUr" ia plain tmungi: If jiruptTly
It I. U.tuia.i bia wind ww
boiy with oibcr tiineii and acenrv
Kacc*. Iiita uf wayaub- nwery,
a. ariiippy .rduug man g«a
I uflli-c Iff u cmgap-duaD
'■■••'ki-cinl heo<t I
N'lttmiccr h-'" rupidh
1-*' *"•
ruuicti p
p' icl'iipiiii.e
„;.'i ____
ll.-lrt..,l ..VOi
tb(' imhlip-nliUi »f Ktjui'. faiuutk
"Oji-U Li'tter t-i Edwnrd Bnmlip k." ui
which h- ti.-nlo
eriii. ipim nr«»i
p.nu' iutiM<-4l work uf ............ .
He di.rt.'iiaab-'ai or grab
■Uiiull cliil.ln-ii me b-'t air.iid llii nxet n-murkalile ihiiig
Jui»m..w Bmhnn
''■rho'"„!M-r -t
(» ih.u h.-k:i..
will. .%brtn Iwfell lul.p nnivcreatvraark-»l
Tbrfclhsliar. l.-n f.rind em-h .
debgbiful _
amt wL.lcd lU- l.inua fanny «>.««
ulk. which did uot
Uiiltii r.ni
„.-“™ T.
Uwhf I aft
woald ran oat. and a wall kaowa
broker ua tbr eoamlmw ktiiiiiI hto
aarpnae, ai tba mpaor had not arwagrd Mura tbaa tbiaa bottl. afdaea.
Tbir woaM be iboagbt a veep laiga allowanoe tt etroog Kadaln ta Umm
-Tbe tinntllrtj skiri iiitbr bradlios
may loand uld to y-iu if yon hare ttorer
taken tbe (ninble l<> glrr tbe laLJtrt
icri.m. Ihunglu. bat I Triitnra tbe Uuad
ataleuieul lluil yuo arr nut able to anawiT tbe guiMi'KJ'‘■•fTbaud." It li ap
atlmittnl fart. I mtud euufsi, that tbe
ryr ta Iba "organ <if ylaiiai. " yrt tbor
la bot llttk tbmbl. wren in lbs mlnda <g
tijAtrioii. BiHl idiTMPil.virik. that tbe
uf wwlng" la chiefly
ul—in idlkT wurda. thni it U Ibe mind
and nut (be eye tbnf wwa " Buw often
bare yuo aerti a frirocl wbu srmlngly
waa Bogaged in bukiug fnleotly
some ub>i(-i un tbr table, nl tbe oppmtta
ride of (he ruoro la-at aomeplctun. wbo
IB being arotufri from bla day dream
arould rtafs. that hr W
looking Bl
UKiet may .
tlir rayttar mull knowe .if
xorr (ban a nde in a haSKy.
car nmdart.r
grt a
T*’*' ’
lie rail take a leiigwalkday Ilf
n-iuarkid.h- nw tliiiu any.d
tbw I. Iliat <d the licj.l nelew at Uie
"iml iiure.- Ihe
to aapalr tbeo.
(M Omotiwea ta the oU (Itaea «mm
after a toUd dtaav. and Ihraa <r ftw
boan Wtaa epeat la rMi aad caaatriA)Itr- b«t tbr amoBBt diaak arae eovDtoaa. Vha tbo rrHuinga waa ooak*
pletrd. in IHSI. a^iaker waa glra
olitg ch*
yenliiatal atyle. bat tbrlr while ablrt
ftuoti are braken giajirouily by the
bnad THl baild uf tiir Lngiiai
and tho great lUr of that ate.—Kew
Ycrk WtrU.
d (br bartender ii a total ab-
''Will the hull-. the ."tuimiiy andu gi.ri
1..1.1 i.f Robert
, ^ , . wni.T
d qtolr all
r bouodarii-i of llu' c-«
A twi.led roll of bread. rnUril -»
deeoii-. tbi- Skrr, bat he i. iml.>
place* mure worthy of the name of town
than of rUUge. for in lU- latter erery
good wife htki-. her owe war ry- bread.
town, bare- ihra*
bagi- pirional imltaiioo. ■>( bats. 11
-- piano*, luarsa..
* _
ta eiltra aad Sgaml la Ulat
”• »"»*oS
.Hi the familv
-t «.jL ili’e
And wbo
b -
akns ars nBctoot tofaralMatciUtoBt
mam ct ookr and alaborata ^i^daf.
DuerffarA to detail aad atavdlac W
Ibtor aatidcu. (her are tbtaa:
rraiici..~Aroa( at dark Maa. nbrotdered witb goU cnamanta and
t tbr practhw of
erhlcb fwiyads the aiiii«.pb«r td tbo **"
Inicrtur. and literally paiiib. walk, rtxd
and (nruilnri' a nmfuruj cuiur. Tbe fueDiturr U nautfa uiid ab<i maty, a f<-w
at-mmg lit Ibo wT-aiional cumpk-K' plai-uee (4 ebairt.
dinner. ,
Tbc uind floor Cl
cllloa. Thr placw wai a pretret
aad wai baralac la oiaer idim. wbllr
irooDd aad brurath tbr dkmaDtled cdm
hr bodir* wrrr {>il«A Op is brapa literallr brrait bleb.
owly Ibr link baad wroded
war IB aad om amoac tbr brep. of dead
■i dylo.
djlns. paiMlnc
bate fieo arttea to ill
admlDktrr water or a plua vf
.Kilrr.«i,;uiiy wubin «be '
B ill who rliBioiTA lot tbr»- Ihlpca
Tbr lolrfior of tbr maio bolldlas
lag prw
. u-alk uf ibi. mm
MMc.es .uiuM-n. In Ibr
i.tilim. inridr r! nil llte.t
111 the
in u famllt
la I
j ,i„
caUi.sfl>- •*
itnuliy oe
r ivpii
broTlb. Itr- f;Uhi-r u;
uf Uni {nrtu
ll wa. grtilag A
n.n-tari(riiiii Uh> I
^ **llgl
pruiebed t
Budlnwihcili -siiii
baralac Ibrrr. Tbr i
ngbt i)ni!t;nii««U '
■d laulaiblT a '
lambrr wa. tVdooel
sdonkcT, have .hciriwA ipucvV;
Tbr right (bat mrt tbrlr gair wi. oor
eport.raly, and
te-nt wiy «: '
wbirfa Ib.t ofirrr'. raosrtrncr oryrr alotxndimi
wtA blai te forget.
Aiiiuiiririug *• It may apicar. ihm
Tbr light (bry bad otarrreA emanalrd
o« a dirty pirre of tallow yaadlc plac ara Uairilv any diaagnvuMe oduta. Tl»!;
ed la tbr nrck of a Urttle. bat it w
imply »B«rt«nt to rrrral the Interior
ill II. elTid cbailUnrs. Tbr
eeldnjlly hrra uwA a. i .to
for cull, tut a lump of (bit >
"?h1. . lug tithe fun tbut lle-wh..le eumlnu
lay In imr yora.-r. (Iter part of tin. a
inilnUiilite l..:niieiiy, niid
white .beet bid been .prewl. wbet^_^lsy
Tkl-<arir at tbc loiber orotbpirew
"tlb. by Ibr way." brokr Ip youa.
gold Maid «t
taa anar <«*n ana tao atqaUUa. MkMdrttatedtdltotaaBd elafaarata eotftana <t tba FraaebttoDMa. tbvaaMtba
DM raalt) la manr buctaacM at aa
lnaxp>a>ilrr uutlar, trot a dalBtT raaalt
U alwaji Aaalrwd.
A awfal aad omamaDial lac lo bokl
boIImI mlUra aul roSi rrqairrt oor
rarO of Boma aoTt. paattr BcnraA rloih
(00 tbr orArr of rbraaarioUii aboot 30
Tk. aaerlAkw «sa CatoBal Kad.
•food apat *ltb CoUrA atm and a
M bk Barrow coaBtaBaara (hat. Is aar
wai Areidadr aaptoaiBiiaarw of bk HiborAIaatr'e allrarr wai i
Ijni ered (rorral.
a lib • dktIoM frowi
. __
________a rattlac tODo.
-that (bm borkb Birtbodi of abowln*
imt ipprrittatlao ut t caUaat acUoa are
-0 rooT"
Mrer. Up. rarird. ii>A tkr radi of hli
wiifA taoitirbr took a downward tmd.
'*><a It all.~ br laid. "Bot lo av
ailt>d Ibr Ddl Oblr did bk rimpk detr.
Aar oor of BI woald barr doDa tba
war. clrro a Util* rbabc*."
~Yna do not d-iobt bk rooraerr*
-Tre: in oor irDrr I TOTtalnlr do. rta
ao partlraur adtolretlaa for ibk Aaah la
1C ™::;‘
at (ba paMdact tba
Aakox AnMckAM ap to tbU tM m»
. «Ma tba mwMmI At
$»i abaae at stroag driak wata ateoM
Vnaea Haaa. to aa aslaetdlMfUr MU‘ bat It cMtalalr affaetad tbalr
t wWu «a (ba n»a. _
Kaal bafesA ttralAkt kata Ha
, kpMWfa* aboMota
AT irr or mv.
MV « ■■
kotbiwu m, ism
exierWf I
It arparnle
ell >|.le of lUr
i»ip Tluiigh-w maklii
lUeu. Jual oneelrliili Of at) iDi-ii .m i.-r aruunpl <«eh
waier 1-ulor laiio-r. aa
iMKl for Ilk holng of
be repUfri: "tlje brta
D-ai't yoo »b-p lu.i.le to
'riTm^rgfra -".?;h.’;f;na7::kMT,„e.e.n.. In
Ughlfal afu-ra.im. AlW me «" ff>« - ,i„.
l.,-a m thU puyo^niy ranl_________^ _ __________ _
„,,.rt.rtuanre. "
The itramhT ■'caird hipiiir gnittSrd "‘V?'oJ^‘u!“\T,!,T^i'.hlo
and irfTeniJ Frmnx b» i-anl lu ntnriL '
' j
Each U.JcMl at lb* bit «rf |.uiiol»«rd
|.uUol.«rd be *’*“ “ *
cago E.noni
in BUUkB-mi’iiL Tbe Ftran(wtnri "idr at narimg lha
m-finlcM critic. ■ Dr. Rub-
behalf at a ncuiats fer ’ .
and COM a nmOi fur little "deJranen" at V.uriu’a. where a mlntiler uf Jeottce .-utenaincd bla friend*
Tb<- "rtmtutiu" at the biane ufBra. as
art dutru at COM. tboa- <rf the war ilteat Cl.SSO. tbiwrirf tbe cukatial uOee
<-yt» Ikflitlymtl tl«. plytbe bra
,^1- „( „.-nlliug faes BUd f.cm.
imc UK In n am. by tbr .-ye for
And. again, if j-iB want lu know
i-betUt yuar e..rui».ni.m Inutori c
WM war ' mitibitCT. (be "rironenta" of
bie d<-|wrlurat asutiuhd U> about CO.000 a y.wr. Hr, m mluiaUT uf pablio
work, and wu. ownlkd (bo natliaul
bitn the th:....... . lUiy afirr be imU tica
pi.-keL—Sk Umia Be• limopio
.Iiip—ltil. nud the ah
gill.- ih.-px- .Ilk ■■••'er
ri-«l--. .!'•• phi.-, oil
i n..i»y .ppiwppv;
Ibe fppv.rbed
iim. "Wrll i:
eye"—<r tnetital riaUai-wm ragaged
lu eagerly K-uiitilng pirtnts uf itupnwiBi marie Ihi-ma miaitba. ysrs la
onw erf year* U-liiro
Anidte lert .rf
mind viaicai ibniry la to afaat
RM TklrM Wa. T
home y«.n- ug.. wli
1 Kaiiaai C.lv ... Si. L
. front prf isr war lovt
abbi luaaa were an exp«tlrtil of M. da
Prrycinrt tu give rn|>luynMet Ao tbe
pnbUo woka
uked bkaa
wbulo o-ial-d. genial fell.s. after tell
ing hi* omiiiouipai all alimt bu weateni
ranch .ml oliput tJie troamaM which calledhlm t..niip-Bgu, rrachrel d.iwu m hia
, grip and drewfpatb a Uatle rrf
)f a lani of rvd eov- ' propatiunn
"l*ardUT." .aid be. "iher.-i
•mnll .liter umlm-lla
-r>.l eb.ii
llqoir w<»t Ilf Kaniui- ( ity Thttrw
ip,w ll
I..1I-. -the card
cUi.p Tail- -hi .line
' b-.ikcr
■ml give iw y.iut uptnImard umhI uppI U- 'er}
nil-, are lo I.- kept
Du you know that you snaotarfa
away yuur liily: that a elans In year
will gmng yuur budyaftardeaib to any
pmo ■« Imaitnttun to not legally bindlug? Yuur cxre-nUgs canoul be fsced to
Th- ■li.lt.Tl.i. Ui
of re.1 tallela .III
coIi.cmI llgun-d •
■ UI IO .P i.lii-i-a ■! I.y 13 111 lira and two
iivpr.- VI. hj ns iB.-hiw
I'u'.-r 1PQ1- aide of <-aeh pier.- al
very thin Ujer ..f rtiiiuii aiel ipri
iM) pJlctlct |iu»iler Tll.-n
iargrt plMi-^g llh n-d allk. lirlnc -
TbeyliTuwl U.ikiug man, tbuugb tar-
uomImI to dertaiugrtwl eatala Inatesl uf
ing^^^ ^
' lap p>i> II
! fTI I'ranr. ' "'■ll- Frmir humwlf waa aMsb SaUre. Take
, mniiHy a.tiBudi-d at rem'iug uU the <ard
tadretry la a lire
Triut ibc affiaUcr piece* lu ibv wme
Rowdy F*» (ta. Ctaolrea.
' t«i abe suuK make b.-r will ao (bat te
i-crtain ruicB
la hia baud. "Jutuuux'a Brahma."
Afrira there exii
manner wtffa Ibe light colun-i .ilk.
■ Sum«saf*ag..lbeTr*ra.aroaH«ak!"H*»‘^-‘"’'“““**“’'‘^*“’^
Tbm- »«• uu Ume fur malmil expla- ter uf the crab ginn.
manly known Aboat an loch from each eu.l of Ibe
, Frsnci-. uel inrtmrtloof I —><ew ' lak Him.
^ ^ ^
<rf ebuje
' naii.iuri but each of Ibe mmiciani liad • m ,i,o great inw cm'
Utter rtrelrti acrmi. Ite narrow eUalli'
»d tip tbc nixTiw uf a carbaa an
tnck at nml fa.ien firmly ■- The l•al'k
I j,^^rtered
amu'eieii that,
la.i. brererw iheir idcaa .tenfhdi
aociiuxo n
Cl lake all on-eoaary tseraarii'nimt tn**-. luting faaira <iu the l.lngcw wtalcb are ma.k' Dttgbl differ from a miixtcal iiandp^t,
Bto are terrible Aghtora They has
they Wrtv at |p-aM ailminiM.' irerrllag , ^ ,hc m.
:» and ih.-n cr- piiig by cunliig Ibe rll.l».n ini- four .-.lual
alb-mao'. Macaxluc.
oooiiauiiuu. ui-’d bad funiul marti to en- diiwn again Icukward
pli**-a. i rua* Ibe*.-aii.l glue tu Ib.p r»d
Aillr«uQfwurtbTmag.rirai.dldDot,<rf U>v.r budire, and lbrrrf.« thair
' ).iym«och.iU>cr—yotitb'i t\im|Boiao.
The tUt.WT u that IbaUiU* an- .hat- i-nr|ireil i-anll>iaril<
S.*- Clg :i
km.wwbat Up lit AftrtBBbile b.s-i ««**'"'“ *T l"’mg They wlU bit* tme
tend liT ib« fall, and Uu- gn-at trw crab glue ll.r llglii c..i,-r,,l pi,H-.-< „..-r Ibc
u ree. . fellow I aer.
wm nly to .
hold .a. with •
Max O'Roll m a -rttagger.*
to iJ'app enabled tu euyy a Ixparty msL
me ■ liar, ami I uid
Pwetve tbe Pta-wl Vtoitiw. rj.ri in.,airy ,
)•».. ev^ after all ibelr togi
.1 .lit.-. 'Vlll ll
tala* O'Bell tell* iniuiy curli'. aUm’l Nmr. thc.natis* wlci luhabU regliu* fulJed ••
It I wooU lick blmbeing mad.-, ii wa. d-aiwurrel that by ! *“»•' I"* »»“*®
•dber anta
' otbtT pMl'to. H«e toiaic (bat m U<ail- IDferiMl be tbl« ill ciodUlpAlMi Sal. are
bribes . rafll-i. ut uamber if gravs !
Bumrttxnre «x «
^ »•
rrai be tubl ab.mi bimit-lf. tVbco kc- well awarr that tlic l.m-crpatipm <rf tbc . .Id
hMl U«i dag ill tbe ta-Bl cemrtrtT to ' vliiMOtag with a dstb bold ta
B* tnriug m mi Au.iTralian haab ttren. be crab', anaiuniv t. wrft and ■*»itts. and ly
apsxtee, aocs
the auiis |iartoh if r
UB.-tndlaBap.plui Prst.
traxid ■'] ijurtit on (be athletic fsB trf they bp-lH-Ti- (hat the'"bivalve " war' m*
: with a b« g>SM> and nne with balf tbe
. BntiAi..
' AfUTa'Acli luacrttiu rtunc a Ibmi Msisirocnil in order tbal-be might tch
I t»dy giAie. <kne atngalar fart to that tba
deep toned IC. a lie' from a drankuo know wlicti be bad reiached tbe gnsmd. n«*
gnp at an ant'a )aw u retained esn
Tbe uiUTraptum. bro.-itae on- and wbiv. cvaM-qwntly, be uiigbi with
k co'cr Uke a Ip.itg
"Mn. Darix-r ua
‘ aftrt Iba body hM bm bitten off aad
. brarablc
’liiTc me a riup p-f five mui- sfety tvliwjie bl. gra»p uf the irauk.
inaUang faul tbe bead mnaUM.—EzS> wlir.l they dll ID iwder tu Hop bu eac
sxid Mata l-' bl. audireuvSbeaturmaatbermAid y
How tares ore lasrt rioag tta* m
depredatioo*. wbu-b <rficn rum tbe co- !-at
WrtM bto coat. .1.'
Or kuw I uy b eoioh tair ey*
« as) in a Riunu-nt be liad collared Ibe euaiint crapa. i. thi. ; V.-bi)e tbe crab u a||
•mind wHIi rlMadi, tbread
naeds a mrdiete aad to
liraad ; Oat "^Jhx-ago Inter Oosn.
■ and Imndlrd him nut. 'If I engaged m Bipr>“C
corvmrats ' ell.' n ihrougb ii-iitunlKPieit ril<
afatodafuras intuzlralttig bewaaga In
n by with wind
tbrr climb half way up
ap the
U***> and
nnO eiDlinild.-r a fi'u w..nl» on
Sgypt M rarly h AOttO U C. Ttaa pM
,'tad'tou t TUB meant to d.' that.' ridd i tbev
I'd have cbaiKCd double there drtee a row of tang nmU right me of the pockets, .oi li a. ''My llre.k.
n Iwrast that bowmt btgb WR
no Ibe Egyptian ■
laics. • •• And be cap)d easily has got aronnd the tree, allnwing an inch cr *• 'Uy Fr1end.~ etc
C..rers uf tbi* kind
of the nsito 1*1 proiert.
are ti.ooi useful when n delicately
Tbe crab barn.. taio*rlcdge-<rf disaa- , umn.l hook to going the rouM uf a
tbr Atncre of things. A. hr boo.wboM and orttna-tlkely to loae Its
dwrirodaU e wmmus ,tort erf bto hod, |
rap*-, ran* WeDcl}S tbc nailX Thinking ba <
; My hoon to takn tale low.
Pope deemed tbc "Eto«y on Man’
A Hluourl werkly'la a rereal.taaM [
myrew-. S«U Owp Pwwa..
And I <aa sty to*g red Ugta
tel readied the ground, he uturslly
____ _____
■SSR polultod prodcrticm,
bad till, paracrapii
"We ezperted to |
yte rffTaking rap faafaloDed freto A
"ujeaT tbat tbailrtag.. Icatantly be falla bas-kwardand .
rre* Pres.
•ulrll.b I pBiDio skull v-lilc-b wax te long turd
------ ------------------ teU ct. tbe grooiMl.-,
The telsre.n .holding «p a
I printed copy i-cmtained alsxwt
tbU wsk- hot a viotoot
by tlw poet U}roD ba> been (Miad
(oand britrfU
, gieel Dutop for ci crr Ite- U bw
mted tbe wedding and the dnrtor'lie- MBth tbe fioor of te riiapcl at .VewIRISH MUD CASMA
--------------; bad town folly (tamed Otot. te aanond !
I tollO.
lag tick blmarlf. te pattant rmr- waad AblM-}
A< te story goes, wtdla
■aw (to* Macr tewUiag PIbbs AsCbm ,
would bBshad ao many ehangS
I Tor (tet rrrd. and we as accordingly cbeaud living at New.taad L-ord Byres foimd
Mra No
■s.ii.d aad nt.iiiK,
Tb Oreirwy Ceewre.
I ImpSB upcB BT tn that Wi,. Why. a
a bttinaB •' '
' *'
TbemmieRbls ta Irelando
Tbe cfly .vpiiiuli of IK-nvs to conald- ' minsta ago you oBati ns a book twtaa
_______ paruliar wblltBeaa. CoarlRdThe disefer erf (be n
TWO roosa aad psaibly a amall aanite [
isg that II iwlongM toiete^yily old
bill for tbe deflirttrtlou of . tba Bis fs
CkateiodBR. Bear Partx. Is a
e wbicb to naad s a SUBS-;
recent eoamBalcaUae U a Frraeb
Ti« U Wio a drt'nktog raaaal. AetaiB’JJTte'tbor^ i
Km. (iaimrt. Nrw EnglaiMi- .
ISttfRaL stats ibsi te fatgtet tain- togly be arm It to Lowdas and ksd
tenk utote walla or thaicb
had sfa) ni7 to bto gtele aiifrial.
anlfte wrote. " Tis tons That Mate tba
pantRi* errr recorded to te rlclalty
idy moRDted.
Mtrow (iumney. wbicb aebhxp if ew
. 'To:__1
* 1 arbat snw«.-p(ayl”
aWplng rata paaaing ibnmgb Umrer.
; World (biBoBud." to ited. but tba toeu
at PAfla waa nstrd as July >7. of tbto ts KewatMd Byrag toROtsMu g gew
■liwis tta perpoBo. the domay tans
has fateu rajsaad soCia."it to tbongtit that tbto wfll toUM tfagl^f
•• ■«**«
te tet Md stoiu tbs teoAB'Vte UtaUalicbl iMzats iBBdB teoRMbte
,Rfte « te gfafagy..
niwiii fate
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