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The Morning Record, September 16, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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■ '?r
7i7a 0«UMi S«WT Mantlf^
Propoaittemof MJnara lanorvd
.by Operators
ner War Bmt ri«a
a*wM l> «W Swaiiw awwd.
Kew Tort. 8epL »—Winiaw J.
Lowry tma faettoa aa aetkai' in the
naa ooart oT Brook lye for aa ah» dleataa ftota UoaKiaaa Ltrwiy,
aoat Uaw wm KtVM More Uw i*maatm of the Kriko onter, (lie (ol. lowta* retaiit WB* Imod (oaay
‘-la riowaf the Uaitnla« impree- (eadaat deaioa the aUeftatita- tOw
Boa (hat aMW to asM ta the pabUc U a (aoeher la a Chlaeae ta
eohool ta Biaoklya. tUweayaaa
MiiHl'Uiai we are Oyia* to for
•he oaae la eoalaol with eat
eaal «n|iMtaa' to maefri
Ualied Mtw «-attan o( Awnwim, we C^lnamiai aad etaiud 81a( Lee the
Oaelre to aale tfaai |«ior to the offer
ae M ihe rUlied othw aeabcr
€t arUnall«rmade by
»d More
(heerikeorderwaaiMo4, we aa4e
Ihe^oUawlBK protawlUoe to the eal
eoatiSBlea, throairti the ■rrrice of an
lowtaed^ who rolnatarily offered
loaot U that apartty: 'That ibr Boar Envoys Issue a Reply to
«l a eoBBllb* o(
ProcianAiUon of Roberts
o la OMw Iowa and
at MW dale, the pUee aad dale to be
watoaUy atmaiJ aiao.
'ffMnul-TlBrt. (aiUiiit to aerepl
liowdna. HepA 16-AfUis la Soath
Bl Loala. Sqx. 16-The rimaipM
Afriea at preMi aaiely look like the low nan. aemdins to hit wU.-'t
oaehiatr end of anythiait
petlciaa.(ar a dlvoree. It Oeone Meeir, who, hit wife otya. tcaw
bat (08 mu a day to ru their boow
aad then aeratod her of atealiair hit
• rndatly hove 'been bsvfar
7. The (aeiUy mritwd
(haa In aay pnriou period.
Mor.hti wife and (wo riitldm
Kobortt- aanooneewoni that he of twelve aad fooitece y«*re.' Mrt.
holdi 14.000 pritaam.wat not n*llaad
iWRcr myt the woald have sottoa
here, and it taflkdeat lo aeeoant (or aleait welt bat fer the (act rial the
dithmntwed (eeltae which U re lain- of food otaffi rote oo npldly
ported to irevall in liu- Boer rnaka
Uowaaar off tO eeau porrl
IloaUlcw a few Irreoanallahlea. aach low of the aroeaitioa of • Ufr each
at Dowel, will hold ool. bat wilh
edJoKday. Memauwr bat $XD
the dlmlnotloB off nppUea. aamablttoa and om. even anch entaatandert
at he will not be able to rraaln l«i«
Laidna. Sept. 16-The - war tjgpe
hat the followiiiit from Lord Boberta
’resident will not Murry to Or
larhadoderp. Hepc 14—Preach
der Withdrawal from Pekin
rial Barberton yMKday havinr
fd the Bumatain with alijihl
t^tpadtlan. The pletely aorprlted. Pim-h rrleaard
WhhIaTwelw Ilaanri
. .
Ilk 8ipi.i.
We have received fro;p the eest a '
ladies’ hoarite shats
imst arriatd.
splendid line of Books for yourv
™: ieu«i. lUh..
foiks-^Historical stories and books
in that line. Call and see them.
What Will Benda-Do Next?
later ibaa Mept IQ. that oa aad aftor
(let I the taereaer o( wiqrea arted for
Aasiordam. 8epi. 14-Tbe RoaHi fn- horoea A qaaMlty of
Ceti|pE»'t BdTioea. reeelriid- raatordAT.
will be lltaated aad other erlli oqb»^ Afrlean auvoyt bow have laraad * Ion. 40 wntroaa, larfe Qnaatltlet nf aw eoealdered tolBFieal (or ihit povplataedafn
' ' '
^ tmlaaAtlcB to the .people of Banpr aitie and aheap Troa the aerroand
0|>aa Jwtal fnaeat
la reply to that inard by Lewd Bob- IJW eoontry.
-amtiBie, aa offer wae taiule by W
Pmorh alao
ta. They (nil BtMitia
lion to the fact
Pekin. At loop at de
ejapiciyn. oMhe ooal ooBpaBlea ^d
that anoexa- Toyt which‘diowi that Barhen
lay It not wdrklnp injary to thit povtoot oat frooi Habdicat.
7. add lloo wat not the aim of Owai Briilan otml at a ilelnl nf nppBM
the laetldmt. it
(ollowiatt (hat the oCKoer*
when the wm to war with the Hoslli Bra-re lo the aoothtewL The I
it Bid. feelt
it woold be inexpeUaltod MbwWoitere. flo brtialf ot I Iw AfrlcMi repablloa.Kaclaad. they ny. Preueh't force waa » rallet behhxl dlral and InadvlKble to be hatty. Tl
eaideyee. nl a ietefraia to each
laeaklmr laU^atloaal h«r> 'loulned by the anal dllBniliy in It pTBllfyInp to oflielalt it.t from
ralirnail nnapaiiy
aad aetlatc ooaOBry to the raalom* of
wa«.w. over the |iaB* Ifwllnx Iheiweaeal oallook Pektu wtll very
Ihtaolle MUtra oSerUtit h Mtaull.tbe
The proclanautcai deelaree the 1 loto the valley In which llarhertou
anno be within twelve honn nf Waaliwhole Qaeelicai UiarlHlrat
yi'lwhile* will never lalontt and ella^teil-"
loptoo by cable, when the ]*mt<h-ul
"The ileffTaau wen-M«i (roo the nrgee Karape in the name of Jottlce
Lonilun. dept. 14—A ditpatch from con be l^ormoil of evaty new movethwial Telaeiaph oA«- at tocUaaap- aad hBBaaiiy to aaatri the Booet Kaapachehoop «tyt that thli pbuv lent in CThlna withnol delay.
olUai «:ib-p ■D..VedoeMUy. and D« Afrireui ttaiee and pfwvent the aniil- liat lieen occupied by Pole Oarew.
Tien Ttlu. Seja. 14—Tlie ]ionttlvr
saewer lau brea recvirecL while the hiUsIloii of their IndejieoilaDce.
dteya with all the Boer artlllerr ofby Uoucral
. otiW to Mnke <biM a»l take ■•fferi
l«-n mint retired to ll<Tlarapnitt.
Diirwanl. hat occoided Ti Li withunl
aatli Moadsy. itirias an aiu|>le ilnw'
<lope Town, de|a. 14—The Oajw
(lotilirw. The city aarmulend to
Dnich and otben here who amyiatoaooejH aey deofualilon -lo arid
oflicer anrl rlffhl taen of the Bmjal
thitc with the Bn<-rv have aplmreatlv
loera Dnrward ordi-ml the lowo
al«a<lnatMl l•o)>r of pnwiiblllty of the
Will bs No Strike of Amalffs- fadnrtiiTt ItoldiiiK oat nacli looffiT. looted aod boned. The villotree
throSKb which (lie alliei paardtnadr
iriatod Iron and Tin Workers Tliey an- now nhowinr a illapoeltiflO peace offerinyt and a loakaity of them
Bat VeMboe Doe. mat thUo Ctaea*
toaaaiti inirrial antlHWiliet in Vt- Were not diatnrU'd. The Boxen have
reew IJMeotatriethweeiell.
(Uas the cronble.
appomotly ditbanded and the oooniry
taMtlwTV M-naarheoird.
U qalel.
Btaoiart.. N. !».. ttept, 14—Oorcr- eaa Tie ftae Wtw
'soi.^Kaoaerelt addn-wid a autmiflceel
aailleaoe to the oiima lioaae loolefat.
tlWvWI lolhr M-mac
arwradayot aiweehwaklns tn ditNew York, depc 14—Tlw oonferattri talilr aicmaa Hanv aad eWl fell
M mfat Hare l‘wMrh».
lore imiUR on la IhU city between
all day. toil crowd* yalheml at Ch<
alatlea* alatiy the male tinnh. never lhi> offlem of the Amwinui THn Plate
Loretixn MoRiaea. Sept. I$l-Tlie
Mim Bmam M. Bathe.- died yetlerOa and ro)at«enUltve. of the Tib
re««>ivr>d In day afteranao at 4 ;S0 o'clock of hr*n
Workera Inb-ntBllonal 4‘rotdc- , ___
, tromneriaa
. ,
IMpbla. la<{..
(ailow. followlnt; a wiRc of typliold
.1.. A—lUln,
O... w
<>"■ I™'
IhtW enthaoiaatlr
larlal fever. She hat been im|rov- '
lA«v .l.hw.
ttwi .
a B...11
a«Teea»«l. There will be
le no atrikr.
atrtkr. lu way of Kraper. who hat ilerided tap and the (evar waa onder caotrol.
however, for 4000 awa In the inter- lo have Portsgaew lerrilory next bol her Iteart pave oot and the died
KttVAN IK «T. tatrto
Week nud to aaUfnr Karope.
Bddm.v yralerday. Her deceate
who fora
eoeie* at a terrible-blow to her pardltllDrl of the Aiaaleataatnl
AitttEHTF.ii mil Mi’nitmt
<mu aad friradt. had faepon to h<^
Ataorialion tmn Steel and Tin Workhare abnuly
itwebed aa AHeavSte llaveKlllea aMmtVhoAM** UmI the wat oot of daaiter aad woold
be apared R> then.
atpnri'.rtir la Fawllr OaarwL
the eoai|ialiy. IVeaiHi. Lnoh. Kept. 16—WUItaai Jen dent Powell of the Intenatiaoal atto- Hwelal te TW Rinitar Ibennl.
Mitt Boahw wat the yoanperi
alnin Brian arrival all ;«D lo dellTer ctatloD I^yt hew wtll far anMlier nonToledo. Sept. 1.4—Shwiff Pnekett of daophtcr of Rev. and-Mra. A. W.
hit morli l«-nil<h-daihlnwi tai tnitta at frrmer.
Di-lawaiv. liid . ililt eveoinp aneried Bo>h.>e of Seventh BtfoeL She bad
ander the
Charlea aad Joneph Kealinx of Man Ihre.- tittera. all of whom wen- aow-,
MeKIN'I.kv t4'IIIM<«i«Klt
the (Vanmerelal Traveler!
cie. Iml.. OB a thantr of narder.- ried. aad it wat her amMHon to. live |
don. Ih-f.m- ernwiiia the bri<hre hr
Charlea Kcatilic It alk-ped lo hare aad to help her parnoia )
• addreaae.1 ;ak> ■•PTwait tn Kaal Bl. OwiaalofhrtltiBl Wrakaeat tie Bawl tt*
Xa VWtan Vealw*a».
Loata At ; M llrynn tpd.e In C-oniwn. p-hen the
•ordla i»rk. It wa« n;xi o'rloek nnMI M The Kmlaa'rnwed.
latter tried lo acr aa )
when he <Dt4-n<d t)«- roliwain ami
.1 achool at Y’ptilantl.
CMIob. Ohla dept. 16-The pmi- iwc-r-o Kraitac and hit wife dorinir a
rreelvnl a *nhl ovallaa The liatlil- dent iMB (aand that the eoettant
where her work wat aoch at tb irive
her very atronp reooBuacaidatiao for
-haape In drlak' and food, trareliatr r
ltlA>-^ tIAMi; MALL (lA MR a inalttca in the beat aehoolt. She
from place to place, and a derided
iMff •IWrll.* «rf t.«B
beeo well alnce her winm
lower teatiaxatare la Ckatoo. cotw
from Yiallaatt. hot <ibe unpht (or
IBwd with that nf Waahlajrtoa, hat
aBMATltU IIA4%.4> MIN >rKli
her tlatn Urnee after her wtom. and
lihrttcally weakeoed hUo and It wat
had aooepced the poaitlaa of MMober
today to uke m foot.
VOraitvWih- AtitCeanto towpel III.
tn the arceod pradr of the Eiiawaod
rm it fell -bv bio or hit frlendt
tolVavMe Mlllty-bllaerw.
fhjt eondliloa thooph they did : Dinerti. SolllTaa; Mowfee. Kllnp. aveoae acheoL
Mim Bnahee wat pwetiy lovtd by
decide that It U boat fer hlo to have
*tay «< tiolet. AJlcaHen were de
I e * iQltitade of frienda. who will mitt
CkTrland. HejH 16-Dan R Ranoa.
Bower aaa: PhlUIppl. brr aidly. She waa a aumber of the
M off thwalor Itanna. wat nod to led andienre bv the {wraldent. to
whool clam of ViU Vloant
day for pt.m hr Mra May Harritv- maai of hit indiipetitlco aad he
Pint ITTin the Pirn Methodlti ofawtdt. and
uai Hanna, hit wife and laothef «( ««slBed iadoon darlap the day aad
break In the circle will oanoe
6' 10 I
hit three rhtidron. Mrv Hanna dc4 0 0 much pewnlne prlef on the- p^ of
rlartia her fonn<« hoakand atrieed
i KitacB. PhiTcll: > oeap. Robiaaon. the ether menbera of (he '
tamnrt. edaoaw and debay the Uv
I SeonadiOBM^
One of the moot bowtlfnl tralu of
e>|<aawi of the ohildroa. lal haa aot
raiallatd Bnsoklyn .
h II 4 her rhaiacter'waa her oweot. lovablr
done to. Iieiieei the nil. The rhild|Bt. LooU
4 0 S
lUe. She wat tnly a camdort
ten am Mark A. Hanna. a«ed twelve
laiw; Hapbey.
hm iMrenta. wbeoe Uvea have bm
ynriiUarlA. Hanla^ aiRd lea ]
made tuier by W thoa^tfalneat
woo the loate hoe today | Tim nair
aad Daniel R Hanna. Jr.
0 and beliffaln^ abool |hr boma. Hor
apatoaithe Old Mlarioa ball mm. - Phaedeiphia ¥ yiMiM K
oiftma aim feel her lorn moat kmoily.
la a ekiw. hard (oopfat mMat.
for her SBlformly lovely diataeter
Pw ffeldiap W the Me f«» Old
*^*^*'^- v®*?ui—<_ .. .w- ....
' FhrlaaJ. Haha. hei
made hm a (averlte arii
hat eee hit ^ off the delivery of the;
M<tal •> tw Meraar Betttd.
the box for BIX lUplda. *a<l waa hit
Berlia. Hope I6-A lariale aitnddatpa off Rev. A. J. EldnaL who ^
«d noettni: off the Anwwtgaa ewtevy hard la tbt Am imh off iht maa. the
bm ioaomoaed by (olepram from
Old MlaMoa playwt aeonriw ihraa
wat held today la farimlf of the 0*1.BatttoOrook, wfam he b otmndlmi
rtatoe aaffMeia. Jaeknn. the oiwqre. faUt off him la a oiaple bBlv. Jfaar
4'sflhlra. la a ^awoh
Becipm. Smith: MlUl«ai. Beydon.
FBBB^JTBTMBS. PattoiBCBi'a aamt
» HW> *■ ai I I .I^I euAiaijy lo
AH BartU
emu wlrf
market, Soath Caloa otreet, hot
' '
' off tnah oyttha ■arrtverttdUw hantnaa A «h- BKHDA Imta -«-------Owe. MoMaMii GMla. Btewaeriptioe Hat wat opmed for tte repbm~ tailin'~hy
It la a tow day*
UHoffth. dlatmaaed «td a. ^pnl
'fhm-tOU -tf.
-^iBBffilMeod to
' ii^MdrWtan.
m-w. -
vkar-ko. io4»
reew na
wiawteat^ TwMafa CM
Iniilna. Sept U-The war o«oe
ti PTMtch Had Uttla OpOlBMrow. Sepc 1«-A I 'nil i eaiMMoaethat denetuaeaia off o«fdoytd at a ward elaaaar te a hoapital
ewe awl aaa (row the coloolal oorpr
bat bM atrktei with the baboaie
DOW la Hoath AMea, wtU «na be
piaeae off a wild typo. There ore now
awil bcwe by way ct
^ where
they will be---- ------* ----------- - —
aeeffaU aad be the
varateof the
The tnt ooo
ttajpwt faae eWrtnl far
alioady Ah. Btttatn Mete TM eSS BrtUtb
U ocaataay with BrltUh trhopa
t aMlew-Ortata «lmi rmMBIti
WarfcOT> <•( Amrrim Ufl (or 1
*aate Mii«W to aamee mcac
pprrUlcB of tl^ atrikr
I JtlfKd U.
Triediicb |
magnificent lot of magnificent
« $u£^p Coats «
Are now Reedy for Your Inspection.
Men’s Sults-$S to W) Men’s Top Coats-»5 to t»
Boys’ Suits—knee pant« ll.SO to f7.
Boys'Suits—long pentii $4 lo $15.
Children's Coats-rTop coats, aixee 4-'J, Bl.60 op.
' Boys’Reefers—with velvet oo»i*r.$.j.
Underwear-endloM variety, iSr to $10.
Never buy until you've corteulted
S. Borida & Co.
Soaie pnod polola lo remetulier,
One of ilie many pond polnu of a
Telephone It tliat a tmtiw cannol
thll to rtacli Itt Itrtin-r rotmclly.
Aoolhrr Rood ).inl it lliat it rc*ehra alt imiett. and liial everrlindy in
tb<- city or roootry worth dulup iiotInett with hat a 1>-li'|4tnue.
Anothw Rood iinltit It tite ecoaomy
of time and luotii-y
Another point—(ian yoa affoid lo
bf wilhoot one at home or offlee*
About go yards of Ingrain Can>et goes on sale 1 Q/e
tomorrow—rqpilar aSc kind, at only.......... *
Boy’s Hats—new ones, just received, splendid OKn
shapes, good quality, at only............ ........
About 300 pair Boy's Knee Pants just unpacked. and they are fine patterns............ ...
Children's Jackets—2 lots to be closed out—
Some arc slj^htly soiled, worth up to
Ladi«‘ Underwear—\Vc have secured a splen
did iine of ribbed tlecce lined, good-weight OR/k
■ for now. nicely finished, worth 35c. at........
Men's Stiff Hats—just a few left, and all
good shapes, not Out of date, but they
are no two alike, and we want to clean d»i /%A
them up. worth up to S3XX).................... 9
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing Hooae.
At Stilikirt'i BtnL
ffu a familp
That dependt cm yoa fer their
'dally i«ead?
pntect tbtm
At well at ycmn>-ir.~wlth an
Accident and Sinkneu policy
in the old reliable
Onittd States
Beaeoekat Sedetp
We have Just placed on sale our new
line of ladies' footwear, made on new
lasts and new toes—$2.50. $3.00 and
$3.50. We want your inspection.
Trank Trkdricb,
The Old Reliable ^boernan.
It tie doe^ thi, is the place to bring
him to be properiy abml.
tu. Sto to pao pm moeth:
Aeeidriit drath indeausity.
•100.00 to pt.ooa
All cMlauaetUad promptly hr
myaeU la a oatltlactory mbart. Kowd ta|>^-Bo aStevIta. Oallal my oAee aad pet
J. n. Bfaktskt
36 pairs ot boy's button shoes srbicb Ibrmerly
sold for $200, $2.25, price now...................... $100
A tew pair ol bo,.' $1.75 u;oe, to dose at.......$1.50
We sell the Jay B. Reynold, dHX». in boy's md
youth's sixes, at.............................. Si.35 and $1.50
- 4
(M« «r A. BM«n 8«r om
iUw <Rk«. Mi Utm lAtel
•----------AiMT A* H
bcaaru ate imeste to M tbr
liop smburiUra (or tbrtr anaTs dten. ,
aaelpnwln. tber* Is tbr dcalrtd rbaafl*. t
A Atlasta. foe Wsorr.
m9-M%. M.
Htniar arrte Bad m
SMiBy «Bte»l «t 1.
Vmm Mrrk* M iAB.
All M cMdiElly Ariad
tMM loiisKd rer a M
M 1
I# Mwd trt pf 0tir mattrtss**
• Dowp aftdr you hir* bad a
9m. BarEtay Jom. ^lor.
V. K.~A^ Awto.
V. P.>-AlArt OwA.
A M.-AM«Uci«r-
CteMT of PifA End Ute EOMU.
8MiEy«ebeol»4S*. m.
■ S»M
«at SAtp. ».
d ky A K CtepMME. Tte
' dwiU teaddraHodby
JltSB PrancM A- Vsn a
tally was sdulnte to tte kar at tke fi
Ited la tbr Ttain] g
TW pabUr tm taritod lo aU orf
AJtaoy thnch onoratry ate ba« had
*doratk>aa{ tTalolnsm the Albaay
atadruy and tbr Klatr Konite cwUcar.
aiw crteaatKl from tbr AUaay Uiw
Oterefa M eoiwc erf lA ate Wads- arbool .Joor »>.
For tbr past tanr
yrara abr baa lN«n rwiptnyid ta tbr of
Baaday snrrloM ai* as follows:
ttrr Of Mr. lion, wbo paUiabn ta AlPfMfhlar at losioa. m.
bony Ar Srw Tort alstr ir|«jft« of tb*
aapmar ate ai^rllatr esarta.
teadayaAoolat ll JUa. ta.
Am* »*TTtOM-
Kwfc»r Hom\if MeOomIl
Bm. & SalAny. Pastor.
O^AU-PraMH TMOk)«.
Oq^lW BiH» OmImA.
Pig tail
own cdsAM -flSbt 0A--W0.
PaWteWcntepiia. aa.
C. A n«y«r Mnftnit lad i>y Anter
We Always have -a full and complete
line, ttartioK at $175. $3-oa.$T-50. $5A>
and so on up to the felted cptton at $8.50
and $9.50. Guaranteed not to lump or
Anythinc you want in a spring from
$t-75 and up.
; Andyoti viUbeaoMMliappjr
i aadcot
n-AWR ABP ruTpnut
PnaeshlHlat TAOp m.
"Bart Md Bwod. ” Wrltef Wbita----------itayeT bmiAr
"irian yuu a«bii) na- it> manr yni.’
A'e MW ptey. i* • EprlfbUr atTAp B.
abr aaUI n-cr. tfuHy. “yoo OjSdr an
MM.arwU Am Aiy> erf A«
AU.atr wsloeate.
. Mi Ar mAct te*
-In obat wayT- br doataodte.
*7385 T A» • Urfdr Am7 Md E tete Md Km. D. e^lia.
Pastor. .
Ilia. Paaler.
-w*tl. n»n Uihl oa- bow niw-li yoo ;
•1 teDdUMC oT.old
oT.old Mi
Mi 1UbUlOflO a. im. will br tbr > lowd n..'. buf )..u ursbrtnl t.. «i>
If TWO have a dwrllinx, •mek.ttor*.
tetnaolnit rrfa
I dbHil rolhb- that 1 «a« ta'baTr
|vnp^ taaarawA olAr A Uw aasr flethw Am fMileaof PWIA
A* aoctn erf A* fimml mt-A*
a krarty |a*t. tkir t« '^■’Now. If iterr
anyibtar ukthm t wrier iIh-tnooraaa' fiw .too. ate wUt
; thill n MTrapIlr w.misur' ' br aik.TJ | rirr yoa |wo0|« Md Mirfal atetaMWiMaoTE
for m sokitovti yearn.
! HiiMwir a* br itanrd fur bU nr.
ttaaAy aeteol at ooan.
, l«!
-h o. 1 Utelytteantt n-ltablr ataeA toaarMi A«« wUUag turmtitr to A« *«<■
Jaaiew C. B. aorirty will 1
iiA.iao wteofUT 1
Fire Insurance Step in and see the----
_ - ..... _.. ----- -
rater ay*-
ariMEly Md r
lotmotetatrC. 1
irate «r a AIrd poraop
Y. P. K. O. E at <1:15.
U AU eaa* Aa yoaac Btao U VIr
KniMtay rTMitiit ■'i-rby- « I
tor. PrloM erf Hatafaaalt. a irity ttabtei.
ab)*cl. "'Horn* Tliaacbta
prloe* erf a |a4ty ktaetdeaa tarolrte Oalrratoo Horror."
la patty qaairaU Tbr irtrl U dylvla.
ThrrrwlU hr ai
erf lb* loyAlad prtoolpdity aMrniigt and orontax t« onotribotr u>
of Htatahamaeai. ate bar bolroAal
fond. Ilrlorf M
tte lalBor of tb* aid«hhorlnir kta«- miw offrrtUK■ loaCordtb* oalr jmmiiBAPrUlT ORITRCII.
erf aroleHai a war whieb Rot. W. T. Wendhnoar. Paator.
weeld *Mal> tb* rwla of oar or boA
Borrle** hrid ta Ubnry H*IL
ate probably Ar
Hnmlair w^lc!r lOAO bnh}*ot.
"Lorrate Blmloa."
Ibb attiBCrftei vnt ba m*o i
Mte Poidr of Bailb- Urrok will
Biolabont-* Urate itaaemw alfht
alM a aolo al tte MbmlMir •'rrir.-.
Handay school al It.
TniTftM City baa airT«r bad aa opa. V. P. U. at 0:1a.
portaalty erf iMnlag A* IbeIA
Kvratair irrriM' :tm. t«Bh>n-t.
eUtlM*of Blbrrlakte palltlcal <
KAitwl Christ.''
■ ta Rated, bat oa'tte
Prayrr pirrttajr ’nmtada.r «>T<'aiOK
Cb|A a Ablortl, oDeraa oBtaor ta
O. J. Uamcti'*. tt^ Waahlnirtun
tb* Rasabta aray. arU) loctarr hoir-
r UAmHlMI.UUrMd*
w. mwjuuj.
.******S«.liiiin<'. mwrATT--
—“o'SKSWWSSr .
aad*r (h* aaaidon of Trarm* Oily
Lode*. Ko. ttt. P. * A. M. Gantaio
Albartl oaar to AU ooiutry 1
yaari a«o. bol rrlarnod to look aftrr
aoaw haalDMB Mattora, wbrn b* ara*
arroatte ate aNitateod to illborta a*
All itf* rordtall.T IbvIimI.
Wtel will
Bonita do noxll A nriirtM' in ibir.'
f<w all—wr'Il Irt yoa know ta a frw
M. A N. K............
A. K. H.. lltnniRli
oMbU bln ta fflTO rirl
Aain fnn Tiex i
ut 1.1
til Tol<sU>.U
KWiptloM of what U bewor by rxlh-* Ttakrl* itnod fiir »> tliiT*, Wi tlU It. T«.
anil n-tnni. i«m- fan- >••^<1111 to
ate itetr mat0ral by Ite Ratalao tadnaii.l
o o
0) lilt- fnllnwuiBdlix-*:
will br polnli In Ohio
hcteilgt Vmlh v.
plrrw ta Maaeaiic tell to
U K.. C. K. A n.. and D. A U V.
Itetr faallta* ate M*aA Taoaday Itaira. PUrr jr»>nr nn^ rorlr for
"Vo traai that Mr. ntpM..xlll 7*1 sTMtaf. Tte |«ta* of adtalMloa tirfct-la Cbll al M. A N. K K K.
itajiol 0 WTilr for infiinuatii*) ta II.
iMBaktesolfta Itao wiA tte aa- wiU b* at o*«U.
OMBinAibaai. AAcrnt. Trartw
aapIfaitaiH for orpMsIaa
Oily. Mieb.'
Tte tlaw ha* 0000. aa it 000** al
T Ah- |1lunrf.t*.aan*l
■ l-E.
Aterols to rrory Tlxoroai aatli
ymn. will te tte offorioxat
t\>M0 U ba* ooiD* to oan oa arraraJ .f«irRlotalimt*. Omad aoBi Pnday orm POUND OP RFVBK ITRE>: ll
mm ewcariwi* wbm tte old boaaiarOieal tVuin-r Rriih-dr.
.. .
and f» t
Hopi. tl.
dte«0* of Ite
IH- lAta
lAI audj.h»). ftii
dtette polritMt tall.
To ibeor wbo mioj ecaaedy L
>lf* vtAta Um0. Md
wblA Ar faa ta of tte sjatataafioa
teataterf tte body iteltta ib«MA kite ate ta obtateiM te teritlMt
Aalib Tte poptlar taatlart oi>*, "My Prtate Proat Jadla'
k a
K. I>. (XWK, B.T.- tApnctallM.
<•'.’IV Kail Ninth irfrm Eye*
ntniil frrr fnr mi- eis-k U-inn-
iteM p»riod-
I erf a aattaa
0a3rlalTtewfd A ElEtooB taenAa.
^ aew Aa a iemIwi of «Ep*dl*ocy te
____ troAi of htaloryBryw laay Atak b* U otews
|lte paople. Md ttel hU silly talk
_ioat -imparlallM' 0OTM Aim.
faal te will Moa Ste oat itet
TW Tiarora* fltty DrirtaB
•Mteatioe ha* M0pWlod tte mIcwI.
attaa erf ih* ftaMCM of tte r«e»ol
rao* Btfoi. ao.1 Ate that tte mumm
faat. (ala laMtpta Md oA«r rpcolpta
MET Marly corrr all tte
lbs Msot. If tbol* I* Mr doArlt. tte
Mli WtakAor erf VMtaaaAy BMty te
* f« It. Tb*
■a M that Ay w •* Tory too
tel A* Howd.
•vAtloAo oitr«0* cold ate tte
iiMAai tteinohwoali aoe b
•oailMoa. wa* Tory mU. Tte
mIAc. oa A* wbolo. wa* a
tmJm mA that te U MtarmrtMMi As tm of P. J.OteMy
O. pA. GtorvMr
She wants
7« **Btart
At SieinlHTu's (irand tomurruw ni^ht. Monday.
Sepl. 17.
la tte taaka-ap erf
My Prtate Proea Iteta"
Turn it Yourself and the
M tte encanlmtlsa that will preMt
tte roDsrdy hM with il Mias Hay
VcAm tte orijrUial Tilly.- which *hr
eeiwtad ate plared fv orer two
baterad alrffata ta Mrw York City.
Wh^d of Tortune
Will turn Your way.
tewta Prim. Rlda*y Bra. MIttari
wtm. Vm. T. Oaant, Prank
Hall. RO0 E Taptay. Watt Tmplr.
m Ctett-. An taoeratlaa will
b> Uh- tatrodartlM. of a na»h*r ol
bi|b rta0 raadrTlIta »Mibm
Tb* ntaht 1
_ tb* ntatenor of J. U Iteiiai of
Biata ttm-t bloo0od aaata >tt *Tf«iIv. thnr loTwly Bowi** anwartarfTbr Record U Iteablte f« two of
tbo0. which w««* tnly baaUirnL
harr mate yoor Ompoote «f Sttm
Ooiw. Ite fT*M ettta** onrr ate
blood poritew. with esealtaai rroolta.
I do not baaitata 101*000
BttBUrot that II a
We will lend you our Aid with These Bereeins.
A few cotton
lines which we
offer at 15c per
60 feet.
iron tubs in two
sizes at 65 and
75 cents.
Pure cider.
Strictly pure
The laws of Michigan do not
permit the sale at less than 40
We guarantee the ■
strength quoted. Per gal. 20c.
16c per lb.
Buckipbcat .
satisfaction is
guaranteed, per
pkg. 1 p cts.
Buy your goc^s right and the Wheel will
be easy for you to turn.
/'• ofltSSu a”
A. m. P-RYMAN.
138 Front Btreid.
Tile Up-To-Date Photographer
Dr. Otoun^la
Opposite Hotel Columbia.
I tb^ Bunnab & La^
Wercantik Company.
Itaary. ^whlloj Ar altaaMea* ar* dretdtely orlffliiai.
iADAMB ALVomm toawoteMd
We bar* esoBfidcDoe that they will earety |4eMe your cbiM
aa well aa your pocketbtek. We know
00 oohool ahoea to be con.
pored wiA them Thky fit well, ore np to foobioti. not loo dMr. osd
Aey obonid be bon^bt by oil wbo deoiie to t(el Kno<l ndoe fur tbeir
Otabey. 'rhepriotaore*i03.«i.lt'>, t^^^$1.6U.Bl(iO. Tone
n COB bay
Aeffl of no only.
Fire Insurance
will te ta Ite amar- ye«A erf
late. TteaBthor ha* paaord Itao*
.u. —of A*
ybyAatooiod tm
to. W. A. HMlIteInc.
-j'edn*^' Ort. M. VJSia. t
■ A* Mow York
•• Javml''ate
ChtaaM "Aasri
mk." ta IM of tte fiMtoal of Ataortaaa sEiMtetalata Bo aaTC Mr.
BiyM a fav ward* ofterte ta tte
■m Praaetaeo KaaBilBor ‘April tl.
|ial lOlLriMii. ate OTory Rcaata*
Trsveiwo CSty
Mr. W. A BavEt. H «
Toiophonr 7S
IBOUKD H^DoMUto k0i^«
*014 bt tW
•imt. ims-BIt
k. i. i wim. mm mm
Wi Hm Hum «p thne 8<t|ilu to AuM Vm.
Bays’ Suits Ctll
Cbm Boods arc
Popular 3ust Dow
Oiir remarkable offer of Boys'
Suits has lowered our stobk amazingly,
still there arc some remaining. These
won't last lon^ when you can buy a
Boys’ two-piece knee pant suit forSzoo
ihatAold for S.S-00. There's another
bargain for $3.90 that was $7.50: those
$<)..SO suits are now $axx3: one of our
regular S.Vfo b<^' suits can be had for
S1.Z5: one -lot of suits for S1.35 that
were S?.50'( one big bargain is the S6.50
suit for $1.50. Wc must have the room.
Imitntiiin French Flannel, the
newest goods for House Jacket and
Morning Gotms. Made in stripes ami
polka dots and sells at 15c the yard.
Soft Flolali S«.,c, ono ol tho
newest novelties for Waists, made in all
the light solid colors, pink. blue, cream
and lavender. This stylish novelty selb '
at 75c the yard.
New Vnl. Lacen. splendid stock
ol new 'dcsigns and widths, sells frtvn
3c to zoc the yard.
Vou 0)111 be deUgbted md wrprlscd o)b*n you mc
tb* bcauttiul flood* that arc bcinfl placed on sale
Hn roads lead to tb* “(Company’s'', wber* arc
flood floods at HMc prices, and lust on tb* cdflc
ot “nccd-tlmc".
11 If s east
Vou Olant
I’ossess'younelf of a Morris
chair. No one has ever shown such a
line. All the newest designs in Persian
Velours and Leather. Haw a splendid
one ibot (or the money) at $9.35; that
one at $13.75 « a beauty. Those in
leather are the durable kind, sell foV a
little more but they’ll wear longer.
Pricea are $3300 and $2500 Seen
those with rockers? They'-re beSutiei
- at $13.50 and $18.25.
Itfaiit a
Puts the finishing touch to the
dining room. Those we're selling at
$15-00 pibase every purchaser: the $16,.
75 Myle has a larger mirror; that at
$21.75 has extra hand carvings, fioett
bevel plate mmor and plush lined
drawerforsiiyier. Other styles at S23.25.
$2500. $3000 and $32xa just a little
at a time and you own handsome fur
the fyamab & Lap
01. £. Raney.
IB* Homnxe saocno, i%it*sb* cm, mcs, n;iniik.¥, HtmaiBn la, lace.
>M bj til*
ud van
m imam ala la lift b
Urtaw Mavafta piadMow w
tany. bm tm
tfWh I* vtuiaa !• wall.
Tfc* a«w KtTM a mm tb* akahr.
M ft luM to npmt tb* dew
Partac IBUiaw tUbapmtycaad
■r craatar
>tar lb» dt&wliy Ibr i
r ib*n> b
interest YOU?
Moniiay,Sept.i7 j
B NevFallSiits
>infmn HOSM.
A auB wbo b
•r Ima BBi db
tbai it b bd.
mu cma BloWm !
A plaj Brtdi aafaD-atar raM aiU aai-,
♦r n>^ ntll Mw.gnitin Umwu;
• pawed an art tlolublas tbr baaloc of Mitct bbor u> rodt»ctar»—a prarilr* tbM ibr etai* bm
and Sword!
thi- Im oflkv.
.TrU-,d,.u,r NoTV boor* ef a bamaa briiw wUl
bmr tbrrr tlmm a* cnai pn-uurr ai
Batanerd on a narrow U4m m the iMk and Drariy a* morb aa wtuiicht
third Bom of a raaidmer at Tliirty- Iron tWhemt tmlny trmbad.
Mlnth ainmi ami Mlofatnan avmiar.
ba. Ibr Uta .1 bmplial !r. i
Chi«BK<k and aimed with a tm|<dwr Kamiir. with
T.UV brda. Tlrtv err
knife and pakrr, Chtbrnlar Ctmkoo. nlnrty-alx phyaiciana and ,8nii nnnr.: ]
.nmriy two ICJUI palk-BU arr carrd tor'annaall.v. ■
boar* Prida> afiamoim <drBr.l feotb
pollcraM-o aad Sremm Ui dlglodiie
Klnaally ihroairli a raae two
KiL'HEh for uh- in all inn. of tV
Brrmeo elimbrd to a .lanKrmai peal,
II prtrr«.
tkm ami ai tbr Tiak of ibrlr llroai
FARMS - A bma li« of ,
aawe-<l brr with ropra and dmotod
farnu. and nth.-r land.
brrlo a |ila<r of mtrty on the roof.
FRl'IT LANDS ... IV Pmliiala.
Imiaovrd and uniniimnAL
hry rarorrdod to dota« tbU
tbr ytrl had twokra errry Window oa
'lURG.UKS-WrVvr tb.a.
tbi- third Boor.
uf tau uf rbliia o iini|Mifis wfairta an*
___ _
Th<- old Idhlr bmup at Foartb' airt
. I '' '-r-Sb.n.tl I-A.IUi>m.«>t
— b Ibr u.al liaw or Ibr aUM rorrra
|| b
nnrand Moth' .trrrt. New York—
• Ibwp ibai moBi or ikr ti
I 1 Nrw Phran- »
H. ft M. Bl«»k
whlrb wrei to tbr rrllrf of tbr kcitlooa la Prhotar of the American Bible aoolrf
feint am- laadrd. Aiuu>. howriit. u ■ puiot vl
"*«» la Amoy, abd arr an-r»^ Warb
ISIS Framt St. Trirphemr am
tbr aocirly iwobafaly will br mirn ap
and Ihr blbW fwintnl by rooiract.
a fawB. A &nr of ftOO b tbr penally Thia rtrp liaa farrn madp om<imuT
attarbrd. Aayetir imylbtaftwB U by tbr eamprlllloo of tbr Oxford
IbbIr aador the atatr bw
and latmalleoal Blblr comiMir. in
Tbr aoldlnn and nailon of
Bnitland. latbriaU m yean the
drelior in Ibr mtmna. of tbr AmortTh* mrotiat of chr Hbtr l^idna foni and lUamakoe conaUea
belli a n-anton at 1
Bible eoclrly from iu prinitajt
Ibanr W<mM«'«aabo'will Ur hoM
farm SO pM
in lAiKiat (tatolPt n.
irnu boir boro oM-atrd from Ibr fwopeny. which
«»rw.irk. Tbr orwiaQ.-will W
hold atatr
“■ "•'O
atatr to accomiiMidair a lantr crowd.
•a n-imimbUiir hall la tbr
Prafraor M. Uoldawn of Umad KapIt 1« PXiirolrd nr^y feOO olab
ida baa brea atwarrd to make a- Isl- of tbr
of lb.- .tale wilt b- la attrada_..
an.1 jmracbalr drop. Jnn<- S4. lUS. Within tfar lau -Hi
W. W. Wordrii. of VpailaDli
dlaali Im^.
Uk- year, of iu rxL
dlnomrtrd tboi h- inwawa a d
Tlir rk«aat rrwin cottam- ieeatrd Amraimn Bible- mclet; hu luai-d
brjr fail of hnory brr>». Por aiimil
cmuldr tbr city ST.aMt.ail! cofifawof Ihr lK>ly WTi|V
ymra .mr of tb- rhlmnry. of hi.
limit, wral of K-to^ry, and U-looit.
With all
.... ____ inrmwiT.u. in tt. i
*'«" W«.«tr. ImL.
Brand Craverse
Cand go.
Chinchilla, Astrachan. Tfieze. Mel, ton. Beaver or Fur. You »n*t men* tion a desirable color or style but sre
* show you. $;.5o has alwa>-s been a
popular price with us for a Rood
■*, cheap otxrcoaL Those at ^iio. $ia.
* S15. $i8up to $25 are the . products
of expert tailors, and are perfect m
' ever)' respect.
I Grant TraTeise Land Co.
j-n. myunf.D?“
"“Tbr family ha.1 rloanl tbr eoitairr in lion than tin- .lab- lia* rti>r brm iu
a (wn of bl. wall 111 imirr
at tl» at. onlrw Ir- isii laitn- ihrm tb.;iD«*lnjt and bad jtut left for hrfon-. Wliilr orrtala of Ibr river
tbrlr liamr In Indiana. Konir An- bail vallry. liavr brra loniia by flood tin
Snin a n«alar bli.rTltirtil'
rich QplamU. laniculariy tbem- of
At itaillrOr.»k Brtt 1* OilllMdr.
Ilr0rr.-k John Mnndiy wa. North Tru*. tbr oirhard. and mrwa. I livtnKWIrd ^oo' Jarkaan .Irrrt
tda.viait bllUanb in Larktu'. mlooa dm land, of Ka.1 T\-xa., aad of ibc
>Vid y afu-nuam. and
Thro tlMT-body WBi bwnrd In l^lday fernmoon. Wlini lir had madr coa«l manty. and tV amall'iRBlji and
hU .hot far mi down la a .chair. imitarr land, itf tbr wrat. havr
tbr imwNirr td lli.- rmwd. Tlir
(TOja, and
oidani wa. wlnowb-d by ilw ftlfr ,.f HI. remimaloi. ilirn nunlr a diot.
tbr-Birllm. who fatoird away. H. aad looklny around mw tliat Mar .■■-akloc irmmllT. tbr t.«)dr ary ta
|fiy wn. dmil.
a jbKMl way
waaal wort pBltiai; la a rriw trrt
m«Kirr nrw taw* of yellow frrrr
Wfara la wiei' nuHturr Ibr nira.-nt wai
■luvi rlrrullrd, and S.SMI tollkfti^i rrlary of tbr tfirbliBUi Hnjtar Work w.-n- rrjartrd ‘niar.day la Havana
• nnlun. wa. nu Itartmiw buy BMinow andrrimiwrTUioa.
IhrmiKl. 111. Imdy
Olllr.iiir had
law Torwday and obthtDir ha.
Motiry rr»N-lTi>d.by ihr mayor Kri
Mlap|.-.l blinwlf tn tbr |«lr Iw
; aafMy i.-lt aa.l bona tbm- auill farm b.dl<,fiwu him .iuo>-. HI. witr .lay brinit. ihr tocnl of Cbloapo'. con
by bl. eoalinar.1 tTihqil.m. n|. to*;5.0W. Pi»n of ibi.
, ta|u« down Iw fln-mm and liar
abwnc- and think. I»- wa. raairbt In ha. alnwdy l«-ru Mil Mialh.
Ui*U5..m»iwl.mrr PWli .« RVi- tlir ta« mmiD that olftlii.
ITliin Tan Snu. of Han Piwnrtiro. I.
, day kucirknl down tlnmaaniU of acn-..
Mini Oran- Btwitir. a bwchrr at aUd to I.- tbi. of atatr tBB<U IH-Wly a|ir«Bir'd. lu- the aob^l fM tbr dtwf la Pllnl, lia.
in thi. mumy, whiih.w hr i^r
WlrdU Alcooa.Alir-na. An-nar.OMlt.
nnlgu- and lalaablr family hrir
fwwa. tlladwlti. iJiia.'Idr. low. I*, faxmi In thi- dia^- of a di«nrrT>t,ly|ir of
OWIU M-vrral a
farlla. Jarkaim, lUcAlnar. Midland.
Ihuilrl Wrlnirr. which wa. |av*-ulr<l
tlwmUina. IHa<«n. HtMcmmiutui and
by Mr. Wrh.t.-r In 1K.W i« bi-r inaiidHrho.drtafl
lira. Tbr bldillua
nd a rml .-.uir oOci-.
coHtiairtir of tbr famon. AnirriManiloba c-x)e-clrocrd Ibr flrst front
iilur dorinit llu- ttooib of
stramati. nraltw aod iwholar (n of IV eraMin Wrdnrwtay nlfcht.
Aafn>.i <n Ibr year IMNU. jaat iw.wit
the I’nllrd Htatr. witalr. Tim di^<rIn n. Hankry ha. bn-n making a
yrar. as.. llavU WondwaH and wif.rixdypccamr Imo lim hand, of ihr tcTiral toor of Irlnnd, and nwii«icma
of ininum. Id rmaiauiy with frlumla
pnmmi owner ihrvigth brr molbrr, in hU himor liavr farm frrgat-at
ta a .J.-rlal rat, w.-w.lo Ohltwro U>
Mra O, O, tlray of Llttlr Rock. Ark. thrmurtionl iVMidan.L
loiii the .-.-u-hiv. .d Kniftbta Trtajdar
Irrioft Oniam
An luoominK frriKbt train on tV
la that ritt. and nil tbrlr homrwaol
Rnrllmnnn Kcib.1 wa. Vlayrd at
Joarary to,.,,
■im- fTMa n r .lady.
Hlnedalr. III., by a alnirelar lnl*lla^ |
Mra Wo.alwar.1 iU«*,\,-nMl mi tbrlr
In mmr way a nrafa- mnialninii chick-1
acrir.l at Adrtai, tliat .hr ha<l I0.I
All Bey. tfar eroond aon of ArabI
rn. wa. Iwokm and ^V fowl, pot
horvaliu, 1
, rU- I >Vha. U i
In Kandy. awa.T.thr min wa. elopiwd while tbr I
ibnm mlard. ai $an »ad , Ibr <laii»btcr of thr lair Jacob Hamv
innm-d the fralVrrd fnitilivre.
many oiVr valoabl,-. imaKi,,,. |Hw|Pfaalm.a wrlt-rdaeab«l woman wiw
Uw obaar Vin« mUvronl by i
dimppnliiliurnt thru Imi brr .nriwin- Biwaki ElqiUBh flamtly. Thr houevfrom tbr Fifty-flnt Iowa mrimmt
Mat Halnnby wb.-n tlw loo.- Imt :<noaa ii to br epml in Earopr.
which waa ta a car atduVd
vaJlar wilb caal.nuarnif.d ufr and
tV train. The tnnr wUcMd wa.
Wanta Mab t'bickm. Mab HhanicVI ChU-ken." Int it only imilrd to
«cmipnalo.l fay a l.-u.-r .utloc that Madim MnUclm- Oo. kSc. ' A
fanhrr friithlru thr eaokliigi birda.
they had n«vntl.v rlranrd boaw. aiul Tonr OiBortat.
Tbr n>ld>er« tVu joiaivl iu iV chaw
In rlrariaff out tb.-ir «tr«v
anon IV fowl, wnr captanvl.
, f«mmw*rd tb,- rrlir and a|imi Ibt.i
Htraanr to aay. thrtr wear foaml
liBMioii had firaiid Mm. W.'. « I
(lIrtrUud. Oh^i^Baffalo. N. Y..
IlMtdr. which W in IU idraliflnil:
will far ..n-r tv Ukr Bborr ft Michynnhouthrm Ry.. Tamday. Uotofau flew tbr cnop. ami thew ibe low*
»Tmuwch Hrnld.
bay. coaSnoted a* cantrabai
tkm with iV^iwbUr eebnoU td Ad
wlitmel rlmncr. Tmo to Ol<ov^d
a coBuftnablnc body of acw voicn. maV op oLlmUan. wheae triVl
rclatiea. have bom ' brafem np ami
omta A errtiflimtr of drpoali f* Itoh, Mtrb., R. w Lono* C P
who Vve Vcomc fall eltiama of tV
Imard ami IV laiirriBhmdrBI of thr | **.*'^ bl.. Urami Ha|H
' ~'
United Bmtca. wiU VIp aomcwhi
MftoaU drpnaita IV OKmev la a loea! ,
aar tV nnemaiaty of Uic
mrlajuVal Whm
“ am affyw ■ - •
•CU to Grand Ranld
’.all. It will be foB^ wVe
miMktti Uwin. to draw laH-reai.
etauaa U oomplcMd. that iV
TV .yeiem wa. tnanrarai.-d fox (h«
aambwof mxnbic Indiam Ima
I rwa:
------^ ♦ll.k.V R^lara
cnaacd by raaaoB «f the bnakiair ep
fS- For farther putioBlan
wc rcaorrariafaa and iV cufmeed
Rid Rapid, ha. a vw ladBaUy
thru plemr
. .imdracc of ramin trifaca Umt
tVftwiB- Ilf aUukri factory. liU ****W. U. li. «. ts. .B. have born tV ward* of' IV ttoraancxpeeiMl Uiai II wiU drvrlofi into a>
mcBi fm- yfwra. ftnd U IV policy
bvlhuwDUBCTOR.. manoafe- ,tbai U baiiut jmftiad now U aairtcd
Hmallpox ba. farro rrportrd al Baa- FVKKRAL
--------- 'amkom H. U qJS?, «.
•oak. Hoiwhfam and Tmtft Loka.';
uioy will V enfmaBx-SberiS Ed Wallacr, of BaUm. j
iaametor in_______ _ . wlU
a two wtirclrd rw that Ocn.
TV pqatatVc departmmi 1
Cam aacd to rfafa- Im He reemlly
!*>OkiBfrfaraa oBciMil amil atrriee
rode lam li ow to Maurhrairr, i»ov fv a limited mriod. M _
tlW that it b atiU arrrtcnwblr.
br plmmd to eoBfer with all for tV army tn Chim. Ito t«i«oaa«>*ivc. Mr. RoUbsoo. anired at Iftka
Omac Ward* Horae U tfira anow
paapln wbo ham brm catohiv ftwm jma with imalftTmaU evartv •'^day. ftioaBda dix|mtA wm
Wd aeUii« iVm. ~
lairs dluiacaly mate that ao
mram Mmll mptaiv w kill aay dm BENDA
----------- --------- nr pHYBicALoutarmB-
ftIhmvaM—A. «r cswr »U
---- ^ ^
$18. Three of the hrea« m„.
ufacnirers of hire clothiiig in Uih
country ure repreMnud here
cadusivdy by os. Oor guarss.
tee. and theiis with evety suit or
Pnew, 35. 50, 75c ud SI |
B seits $1.50.
Cheviots. Wociteds, Cm*m.
Meltons; na^ or double
brewed. Fric«from$isupor
down, to meet -youi needs —
New Fall Hats-
T. F. Hnnier
Our IJerby at'$30x1 still holds liist place as the
best three dollar hat made, ECeiy one guaranteed.
As cooifoitable as a soft hat. Our tine Fodoras in
■ Aliiine." -Golf." and "Tonrist" shapes are extrem.
ely handsome products in brown, uo, peaif, dark
Rrcy and i>lack colors.
• Rummers" well known soft hats end crushers
sold by us.
We'fi mil Ml "lb" m. iitt m lati.
mtciJis, ills. up>. iKlnir. matn, w
dimar aH all tall Imlallip.
SogB't. f7<tK
Between 8 and 9 o'clock, we will pay 25c for
Black Cats, and the boy who brings the larg
est one will get $ I .OO.
The time has arrived when you will be obliged to
discard that old straw hat which has done you
so much good service during the warm weatiul
er—consequently you will ha% c to buy a new
Fedora or Stiff Hat.
If )*ou want a hat that will give you the most ser
vice for fail and winter, buy a ROSWlXLt.
At this time we will begin a School Sale of
Black Cat Triple Knee
If you want the newest and most up-to-datff shape,
If you want a hat that is warranted by the manu
facturer. buy a ROSWELLH.
If you want the best hat cvet sold fdr Svob. buy a
Fpr boy's and girls.
The Best Slockinss in ftc Worlil for 25 ertts
If you srant the highest grade hat made for the '
money at wlucb it U sold, buy a CHALLENGE
the Boston Store.
We also Offer Some Specials
; SU«,15nfa.Ho«,il............. ; ..........
« MI—15.»dl8c-IX.Hre.'«...............
I-fi» 83cta«,Ho».l......... .............
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
.... .
t< IftdiM'aDdOcBWSpeQiaiBIftekCWlfMo
Hardwood Slabs; Hemlock Edgings..
Hardwood Clippings, Hemlock Stove Wood.
Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock Kindling.
tftCnnne Oily LambwOa.
^ Union streat
South Sld.^
Ws wnditM UtaMA rt^ttan tan, idcb, »csnAT,
» MfMli i» • MtaV
«ru4;CAKitv M-pruck raKK
>■ CM.
t«, IM
Him. P. L'VUqm ud dngkter
TUt to Bmv
) kM kMto M(4T«d «l
WM» streo M a raaeai articir.
w. aaya tta writer, wbtta
AB ta Ita ctoelric toatara aw tialtey •ayaTtaJkAtoMlD .
rara la Atoerlra ate ta tta ftMrt cw
(Hi E-to D«an,
typi. «ya (be Nrw lock
, fra- abopa. bowerer. -totly bcea «s- koaa o
catrcat Ptotora bg<
T. awi
to diirr toacawnr-wo tbto
\mtm taw wbtob
Ik. IP«P«*ty 111 with trfhflid f*T«r.
S^alkto baa tod to a good deal ta tttt
d tta tia. la 'aa
iTL^rfi Mn^
• abaot apfdJiw: tta aawe w«»«»«®
mCms bi tlto (>lf
which ocratted Ik Mvroay. Vrasee.
• willkeeoTMdfivpkT
•Btostarf ar. t.n-lbr
wiUi.itoJiPP.t-of Ot-dBMd* i»
t^rapora ta a tata coatalntoc SO salTtmna City lldi.
Ptoiy. vrtni^ tWr » maigo^^
A«M gaaetlDe cwafbt Brc to tta Uae*
ta tnUry cata. I
TtoTBli^ —tkwfapa cwto»ltto<f.i
I ta a toondry. Tta roam waa toan
effected. When tta |iown for a road gtaatly a mam ta flamca. bat a mUpo
W. 3. Hobh. i-uitod y-to
and a hatr ta ammocia water thiwda
Cu Tt» mj
to Beoeraird at a t—aIderahto
MMal G«Mr of thia oily aod Mta. ftan a ftoaliKto trip In DpMit. wbpm Ma> tta uae. to to the can in Baffala. tarto' R comptrtriy aad almoat immr, --‘ «W»> irMk t» at rwr |R< a>a '
■earBUa—1 write eon nmiomilHt
to tfcr »Mk lh« Mimh Hail ef La^iarta, Ital.. wenwbon an]i|dy to drawn fn* Masara. dtotely exUngabdrcd tta Orr. Tta a»mloaaucdeaL 1 llnd llfane IR
Mto«r4 UbT
WmU r««r -Ptor rf
la was to a kMb demUota la aa
■arried hut aTa.iat by Bet. O. for bto
it to nwotoary ta eoaptoy an alteraal.
■half ymn la tta Giaad Ttaer-ae
wrti M fM to ■ PMl •( fm* antn
Omhct E. Pray and famHy ta ViU lac eorrral fur trasaaitoal
apotbecary'p abop aeS door to tta ntd^ I m iira_a^^m.htat miW
OotaUa at dw ttatoirtioe ta Mr. aad
itoafaenr hate remorori to tbit cltT. and Ibeo at Ow e«or ta aeUca rowcert laatary aad wa* tbruam lata tta loom
Mn-U M. TtBpUaa.
by tta dnictoi aa aa rxperisoit. Ta
Tta Uttto Otoata dtaaatad tta Bata rbtov they will Mke ttadt taae It tta eormit late
He bto own wanto to tefiorttoe tta ctr^
tta fame. Mn. Pr.y'» btottar O, Terriua. how/>e
mntmrt «T raw rtrUttoltoa-r>to ^ atdtaB>itatadar fon««ta by a a»»r F. Kitlea ta New Yorktalll Join Ibeu ta eerrcy and <«lto t
cWaataarr: *T>e effcet waa laataiiia- 1 the Ktxait of Mackinaw.
ta Id to A aad la tta afunaooB brat
~ '
Ictove It bcHHc 1 did not
CtoSa. TtoT-toH-t iW —
Ttarr wooM be aroH. Ttaraita ta black amoke ndkd like
I taHoae ta a fiarUK-ml
Mif to htoatoto* «taa » «n*p
Ita Ihtath Sldwa bjr a aocwa ta 1* to I. taoapward la |dacr ta daiaea. aad to a moa
alIt will be aeVRi ycon
A |«ny ta tta~Aeaeben troto tta
tor tt»r
itim ■■■*
QbIbb la ta tail at BrUattr.
I eeecy trace of On awa soar. Sa next*mcmih otacc wc lefL
tetwallUK rnrreut eeuld be led rlfbt latotatoaU. toiPk*' «n *iWW
a M taya- aaateBer for obtaia- elty aebooto drore to Old Mtotaon to tta ear moUT.
1 have aoine laojwrW ta
- *B««to *0 nMa «r Katoto- «h« *
yeetorday attd ro>o..''c4 a deigtbtfal
Ibtod to'eou-r IndloM that we want to taeaii.
iritbcmt entog Into tta tectolraUttoa ___ ___
9<to •< CMitoj.” I totol.^ w •<>'f>" iacaaer J^biaat-tatatota. Or dar'i ootinx. The |«rty conatoted of
of tta iaBtl.-r, It may ta maarted that tta rcHB alBMiat immediately, wbm Bat I hare nme lota in Kokomo. 1
•tf to kar rapU 4U«Hato.
- wtofrdnrala «i0 bill off oa
tta Mtotow Lomb. Wiloox. ttoutacta ontli Teato Inreoied whaf la kaewa aa they fiwad tta Inm.taak of caaoUM to woald to- glad to ttadn oa pcrqitaty la
fW Kajupp—
•« '<
altapla »ia4»d Korwa^ aad tta
thr rk^l—
N*. I k«TP toi ra.-ltoK •
tta -polndian" tnoter II waa bard ta tact." '
taxy btaeee wtMB tta oaar waa tnoJ u>d Ca^. aad Mra. Jtaywai.
Led me farther uy that my family
-• for power
K. J. McDoBald retaraed yeatarday
iilKI toK rkl.1* (bat WM rifffal'
la tare la Ronma It ia a good eaoaporpM-i
tieie la a little hiral atory (hat Rlv t»7 in which to make niooey. Bat
Tta poprry ta tta TraTerae Oty ft tnt a baaiiMaB trip to CbioMfo.
W. N. Kelley waa to Elk Ba|wto
traiea tby ealm ae»fuiTl«fariloo wUb I have tried it nearly Oiivw yman aad
taehuto. taiboad baa nactad a |o
tta hot wMth>-r harm me. I wtmU
« «to th^ -r «i~.hr-h*
like to go tack to Dcwibmi Miebigan
work atil Cn abopu electrlciana bare which the femlatae
SrttoVtTai**!* ttoppy." A-d ata ta* vitbia thn* tail*-rf SatMoa Bay.
for my taolih. li agre<« with xae
Tta rrcator exearatoe to Maaialro
•M tar bawl
( - « a tfta that
Balled Impaticciily In ac* It tried on aviwrtorliy:
■ KvrsrTa IX "oc irri
l.ory and Oaarge gre cbBdM of marii better than one tdaoe 1 ever
will kare oa tta M. ft K. E. niiraad
ralln-ay ran. Sorb a ceatweta* 1**
A RMirfal aaiiripr waa giro 1? a to-en mata la KwItanUnd.laadllf It to Sbai Bud parrDU. Lacy la T and Urod. Bzcaae me for la^ lime to
8ta hu attemM tta pri- •ell aU tbU I woolri like a- borne'
few inardiate frietuto ta the Mlaatw not Ita rery ant our ..f tta kind li to Uoorge to
WUtalo Btoa. will have lota ta
ity departmeat ta a private acbool
a M to adrpt^ I uta I
Traverae Olty if 1 coa get it. 1
tat-tbeir booie oo'Wnil Fwol ertUliilyd
jnat four BMOtba. Here la an^etalack ^ lotoorrop. They hare
Odor Koa
t. A Trry plrotoiat erenins wa*
toard eoaverulloa belwara tbe Iwi.:
to d> oar rtobto ata i-^'bp prayrr aad offend U eeato raeh rer tta aainala.
ulletweM Umx and Maple i'ily. I
a gTHtly palnad expreu- would take a place-near Erankf.wt. t
apeoi in idayiBK gamoa Aa ecroUam
faattoc aad ardltaltoa
I raaaal tot
brotV-----------------------------that Ctatattoa rtoaa aw fr«i
omaotooverv portlrotar otaot the
maeical laoffiaiB wa. rendotcd. after
eba«. ta the <aU la ta.cooao
only i
Ttolal (baa Ibaat of aar paupl
alae laat ao it ia worth whol 1 glee
wbirhadaiaty -lactod waa pMiak.*.
I.. *.r"iba(
1 tiH- rallrr of tlelaa. al Ita ead ta fcDiM: the •■*
With aa adrertUligt actaoH- fat Black
•Ml dto'i r-a totoa |W
and I eon get it ao 1 ran |a.v fo. It.
«f by the K°e«to-.
Mtof tot iii-p-- tto toiiptoito -r Ihp Ita taridag la l-aeh «llb Ita
wbeat.Howerer. 1 would laefer a idan- of
tta .wat.nj l*yrencea. Hr aaya;
""Tr____ _lv. .k.. K.A .1.
Oat tlockiwn.
(laorge. wbo balfo to acknowledge fi«n 10 to to tatu. Imaat have
drtltoalhMir' I aafcad.
Tbrre exUta In tbia diatrlet a aomn•I taby Kiri. arelKblBK hlalnreriomy:-ldo.too.
•Matt I ^aolr Wba to Ita rMalac
good noil and water cm U. Alan a
tooaka* la taol Wtan boak to (bm Hta pooaiU. cBiae to noide with Mr.
eaglety of fruit witli hooie and lam.
Urey, taking pit
IM bnak at Oafar Aad tat aaopl brr Mri. Pauik Btotay ta tllale atrret
1 doo’l rsn-HI marh almat feur<-a.or A
liitauta and aa a matter of fact an fleorgp. you know ------------- ana r—ad brr. '•Aad If mr a»
gictol omoont b.-ing cleoml. I lUm’i - .,
more than four feel to belKbt. don’t know. Liatea to me aad re- want il moontalnenn. boi do not uk
5* toarr M ato-to- to tta >«toto fto ap la ta taara aad -Ma« tbal w«I ta
b.-i«Ut for tar -forope home in
drUtoaltoa twito tar toa.''
all V level, i pfelri
Nebraaku Mlm Rabiixm'a
many bamto au<l bi t ainalL abooldera and to rant, and wheal grow, la a wheat tbdtitahnll
FoTwtan' Hall Taeaday eTnoin*
rood liaihUuga. I hate lotwj ondCM... -^ Xt ""rtT aadp ibiaa I wtoar der Ita namKtawpt ta 3. H.v 1«
field and cun grow, la a eura field. o E. K. ft 11. addition to Kokomo.^--’ri^S
friendawill refffri tbal ata la to
Bal I raratWri an of AtaaBMaa >
And doe’: yoo Mer forgrt Itr
nd. Tl>ey ore
are each
rvK-h fll
fil feet front. IM
leare (hr riiT and Ihiaie tavaeat laal
tolr-f tbtok atom.
aad AtaataTfA ‘
nbrht ammKly rmidmatud that tad.
Tta i-aato -a> tatdlp awata wtaa I
Make* wnmen gtaPefol and wllaad Ibaa I atobe aiafi ta ar «wa to It
(beer 1» DM uiUtaklng them among «|lb- loWT, Keep, one from being heavy xllev Miin.1 and oHer cm aorth aide
path Ital aUflrd tta Dart
[tf lot 1. Tin-r BIT aix blocks from
AII have red hair. Thr fare la u and clnmav. Thnt'h arhat Rocky court
Prr--B0y» a
n*** pa"«*
booae. which la In the |iaUir
S^aT tto.r.lrrip a. a falal •-* v
btCtod aa hms. with h'.:h ebeek
Mountoin Tu dou. Ur. Aik yoar square with Inulneu blocks all
fv a half hnor'a drill on in-w m-w>.
f«rtatottaptoadtototo«t. A wM to«r
atmncly <h-v>-l-iiird jowu Biiil flat noaca. •Iraggiat.
onianiL Kakoiuo ia M miloa nurtb ta
BBder tta dlnetloo ta Mr*. t\ K. lUat enmliiK-at the home ta tleonp- Tin- lyeaAn- rint biirIziHiInl. Iiut aoiD€i>
a tp« hLadiPd ratta
nlla;' Il hu three Ultra ta
where tta
whenthr foUnwii
foUnwing |*oWhat «(i]l<|ce. like llx-w of Tartar* and
_____ . . haf’ eloefrie atlv»-t tors and
Tta laM tlcepera for Chleago. Tulr gtao wa» tvndi-ml:
miBeae. A few irtraggilng. wrak baiiv MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. all mndeni im|imr.-mnita. A rita
Voa aball an a «aa todrrd. w *to>
rbaming IWtU |<e«ple. Hu free ntoll
are fonwl la place of lieonl. Tta akla
atoM. A altobna. wlib bU atoM toofctof Mn ata to track tta. tton af»d tad doandtlt: Lnoia cai the Pen- Mardelivery.
Ilia in n rich faming
Rioditig. "A Reply
to pah- aikl flabby. Meo nod women
byna. aiaiB f<dtoaTd aad larabprrd BtoM- wbo erea heala na whet ta ■!*• *«qaetto will lean- ben 8epi- »“»'•
r, JE^ViSuSt>Sr3
cooDtrv. Imnd in that roonty aclli
Cliaa. Rennie. '
are au laaeb alike that ibr oex can onD
toaalp aa aj. TW torn (to- Ibktto -f IS^ata taltod atoad. “Aha. Kali Da-. .boot S !>. Bb
tta TrraL atol tbrp irm-, aaJafaUy. hnrlie told fnxn ttaclirthlng.
R.-citati(«—''Agoeo. I Lore Thee,
lytato 1“ 'Wr rtoPrt. Irt-rr (ta tatotoa *^Tta anaad of tta wmdmaa'a at ceai
-Though llic niimtb I* Dirge, tta llpa
taiat. Uirdoall.
MioM- leu tlioo that in mdi. but
Tent IH. Will meet
«d. aad pre-eatb we heard «o
do ni-t «|uil.- cover III.- large, projerlion't car.-lo lint them for any leu
Soug-"Th-Ltal KImon Earth.
•«jr tototov —• Iftaia praarhiu Ihruacb tta Itaato.
lodar al 1 SB) to attend the fanrral ta
ing liM-la--;-*. Tto- X|uax. who are IV
a ira.I.'. .\* then- ore nmny IndlM a blarfc paHi^- Twer* brtlrr that hr almoM kanw O. 6. MUlar'a moth.-r CarrUgr* Henry Trip and E. R. fhapomn.
him -f the ottar Inbat-llaota. lire enau |«Mi|.lr np itan- 1 tiiought y«m
5r to^ ' a ..( Ita iBBrir. ->VA.taJ IbPrt Imb toe Ibat yne aad 1 bad had aperek
might find Mim.' one tliat wonted to
ttnl.v hy ih--ma.-lve« In ilrhu They
H..a .tatonlp aBd allbWtaX l^lbrr that Ibai br ato-oM Wara k wilt V inTl.led.
Ml hnrk ilul wonld gi.i- turn trad*.
Inieniiarr. nmong (iM-nuu-h-eo. ao Hint
tame on to eridenilr making p col-'
yiirraato aad pav.-^ (bto Mai Ita TrraL for aar tora ar* t«t
Thrc- i* a big Wnwk.-r rlioreh .in Ko
tarriUr wbea they are ayrtoghl apoe by lerlioa ta Harriacm IJhimr bienle,
Ibrlr |>c<-aUnritkw coatlBoe to be vpn>■H Trral aatototor. tta
komo and many giwk.-r
Qiwk.-r churrhee
< .
-r Ita i—nilBc'
Mtowly.- Tbea. afir* a
. ..ou'l know wiial yoor.
HAIwV/An2 6M0?* TALK.
^1 oa; •Ibto'l apeak I- lar to Bar
ata Ptotod aa a
-Eiilln-ly w ItboBt edaratloa and wltband on Front gtn-.i. twoof Ihoa.__________ iv Imi if you Made my
M to bit pnarwa. lie wao'l Bke h."
loU at BWO I will tmv you S |*T cerit.
IrAmataxgi. oat mi> elmucp of Improving tbelr conMe tw aad half eeitod b--r face with Vila wen- atolcm within Irau than
dlllun. Ito-y lend tta life of parlaba.
Theri' i* no lucaambranc- <m lh.-ia.
m WMW Var
«»a iiainllttrtr <bpf««rirr Ita Jaacto her riiiMUer a* a wditodU yoaac Padbaa talf an hoar ta <«eh mhi-r. between
Tln-y kt..-« tto^ owo nam.-*. Imt r
Taxi-* all iwirt. I’lmr nVtnet. 1
vaa atoatoc bi aunp ntoad toalla. ato i^rtag aa ha.ea.e toad ta .eta ertered
ning. '
- and k o'eloek.
shall 4-xpec-t the Htnn- on wbat limy or
tta totot -aatabto ■..ar" "( -btot. bto ttaftode. Hr threw
node fri. I am willing to BMiDe a '
The unaaraeyed land between TiaT- laal arrsml at li e uS‘Ce Ui> iuiuqim U>
d BM and. «
tta rhalbaw' at IIh' i4Mto nnrb. Wbn to
fdre Ita arrival if Uk- Imwitli llM
debt uu a plsn- if v.% raa I^ivr IH
_ aarlagly inward ene Print and NeMh-tn-wanta hu kfp-. tta tinsi wen- uciii-sug ttaun-lvra Idea of ciDlnU-n.a aallTP •>( (ta Trral aa<l wbaar rbp»
lime to mak.r Apnila. wkb tV Ven platled aad added (o the fonaer
•to Tatar to ato raaaaaa ailli tta rirtIM
w*iSSu w-uT **• " * 'ii'ir' meiit*.nahlc
n L.uiijh-tirt^r exv>fwuctowld> eanau
1 mnnul give raoHi caJi no’
a Utter to
iaiTfai alaritoto at tta Tltor riUatto
reorit. taTWal ftne aammer eoHag.-.
Ifirsi lavnii-iil.' I luivi-. r.mr mi. in
What d« .von think of the Idea that
Htoiid ’rrovriBr H.-rilil of S.-pt: «
Vab^ an VrOL Kali will V erec-ted to'xl yur in (iii|e, ‘^'iVliAi ti.” aakrd the Toni Man. iDvali.to tm-} gain alreogth ID oUencer
*Abd tbni. la tta arrakratoe «rf Ita forIf yna hav.- sum.-lliiag
that h.imnnyFniploB« •iwLaod'-wiUi
wL tbrrr rpmr—lla.Uaa apm? A «< I riaaa.- brgaa tV wamaa. -and V Vth for (ta mart apaaoo.
I ixdlcv.' In It riui.balically. aaya a
1 Mmli- me I will have
!-■—* to*rml>r rotor aUttood tta )oatto gtrea me IbHoga ta bto daalb... The Ladlea' Aid HorietT of (M- M. eurk.-a-n-wu and arn.-w»lrivt»k?”
wriler III HeaJtb. If I wen- a pbyal«>mr fn.-ii.l nf mim- then- ln>4 of It '
•WVtnfhr Hewaabeip-iulL
taata br a bdUlaally rarT-totl rtartoaflc
-Nunre uf tta UaiL” aaggoaicd tta
K. church will bold a apoeini meeHng
for me aixl ni4 hi* Indgni.-nl. P .
tcato. a* tbnil^ Ita ato«rr *rrr
Hie (vmv vk-onl* to Imbl fiBBrulc
in tta ebareb twrlon Monday after“WIiatevcT ttarauati." ertuiaaodtbe exeitalih- or nerruaKl} exbauaied.
tat. It
till airing .«<- ran arnnui- that.
-Marry oae wbo wu Iwtor a widow? noonal SdO. A foil allendaMe' la
T^ Man. "1 Iu.to kImotwI Ok- ulnuat | att .» Ih- In a pcrfecil.v roay'pullkia.
■ Ihria
'i mv Inlenti.an to com.Nau IMd forbM! I kaato adawata
anlvrml c tofi. 3i« ta a ariv-wdriv«r with the iiiuaeh-a all n-laxcd. tbe ryco
*xl *|»iiig at fnrii<-rr*l
Wbrowc mora to oar hm. • Cwu ’
amare ebe dlroT to
otturLet roe bear from yna.
Feartu tbal oayhari^ lateicta to tV
rk>-*-d nud tta mlDd fixed on tV tuoat
.rf i£r nibMab kte..aw. and
nih-ot and retnolc |dan--tbal can be Im
Tlir ulxive U one nf many lelten
V( V? pnalViarat. t larud and ruame her dreaamiHng wort; the a LiU> orka f.g a ciwk-rvw fnd a man 'agltHil- K3.V iIm- lop of a lofty monntaaae of ball a nlaatr my oool
we leceiv.-. which goes to show ttal •
air of Heribnrea'a ha- Vwa tv Vagle path. >
for s Hfi-.utrivcT uml tlwai Itoft at yoo tain iirerluoklag rail.-* of i>(nr femt,
Jato before toarlag IV Made I Inokid
. IMeb.- aoag to Abe
t lirae nH-v |■■»y storiea about olber
' ,
wliere fU- ery of a bird wooUl Ij- atar
John B. Kelley, formerly of tliia bOBCtJffiHti."
oiT^TV womaa bad aae -koee u tV
larta of the ooontry are not ao lrig<;t
••Orwleu they wain a‘litl lifter.”' fling-o.r to pjetorelnrani-yltalmolidraoad. aad wHh ootaireirVd arma aV rity. hu - Bold hia hotel and uloon
ami blnoming wb«-n yna get ilov^ in '
Itu plain* or to Itilnk ta tbe cool quiet
aru Vtoactog tV toad of wend IVI Kail ba^inua at Eul Jordan and hw nItontto..**! kawotoiHaMbn
facta M they ate decuibed to b.-. Il ■
ta uiounlalli caw-* to fix tbe mind for
T> «to «H toH laA UoH IMe;
« Dua wap ponlag u Vc bead.-Speakar. tamed to ihia city with hia family.
-I>.J y- 0 rxvt iPtHv,” rnuartitl tta a
uiwKi anything iliat luggeaw
all gne« to irnre wtarVe claim llinl
W. X Dean bw foroiahcil (.tana dur Cmhiy MiJ-. "b-or unuai -c a woman laflniic iwwcr and unbroken atlUavu
there la not another «|iot <ui tta
Ou at tV BKiat pompa« mao abut ing tta |«M y««r f.g o. w taihllug.
Is to ahaoit- noBicthing ta natare'a
caortnenl wliere yna ran find a* few
tv belri waa at CV minr time a pccmoi tnclodlng mnny ftni- b-aid.-W*. «■
atn-iigth and calm aod make a geoalBC
dnwhaeka u yoa will right in ihia
of whom aou of IV Mber garata knew grfRatlng In coot A1A.W••Whafwio a mum-nnywayr'
and |M-ni:aD<-at galo in tbe rffort
aoylblag. Not erea tV cterk catad tril
Onnd Tnverw- Regi»>. W.- ate tta ;
roisid the T.-d Man- ••IVw.Biuu.who ncini-r bniilh.
wbat IV great mw did tor a lirtok t»
gnk.al f.T ■f'.i.vr' lari!)- gi* wlrat towre of iKipalatioa nf a bTritogy
Tbi-rv-1* bnnlly an Inralld wbo weoU
arVi apectol wartaot tVte wu for kto
Mlm Elixa OoWe Vft yerieittay fnr wxali-l r.-«|ni<-kl.Tm>IIi»nBhuVhBdaMt- act h-allxe l-eneOt from the practice of
ezeending eiglil hundred mlldk.
SOI and Mpertor baartag. Bel V
___________ edf<r'til.lK-.l'tu-ka. siurhie-innCagiTO going Into alhticr at rvgojar perloda
a eiall
with fiirnda_____
in Haion
'dIatnrHer and a pn]mtoti>m exceeding '
Ata tal’i
Mn. Klttie Ooodaja.-d liM tattm>o.t i i>iq»atiinlur«- f-w ni.titAl gynuuWKW, mch day. But (lie tlmagbla moat not
fifteen million ]e«p|.‘. with a anil and
air^^JIrwata.wlll V Uld r.r
to tar home VOtnnd Rapids after ^
111"'to; br allowed to diifi nod meander belpelimau|«y>nltorlv artoiacl to fiait
V great tnao at dtoaec aad broogbl
iculy about. That la n .moat cxbauatUld vcK.-tabW nf dll kind*. Rhlp•ek wHb him to tV fold to tV kbby ta a Tiali with bet m«her. Mr. lUcku.'
log prorena. Tbe *0011-1'la to keep tta ^VHTURd T<WNtT
3. D. KiaapT.caaloin offleer of Port
ping foeilllii-* wremd to none. ThiH
Wiltoan titpaieolly .ihyrring th-to- miDil Kt.-adily. if mdIv f-r a abort lime,
TV leader rharai of IV aweel aid V betel oB IV tofotwalVi they aeHanm.
Icrrnpticai ihel'nlhirr Man ixaitiiiued: tgiun III.' »ui- KUl-iecl—that of iBfialle
trunk lin.- railwara four riaomtapt
aaag. nm ■iieiir n.wlo'trd (nr aewr Vx•Re'a preod o( IW way bt eaV wu itlng hia atm. and frienda. for a f<-w
aaa alterean-> aid ahbb naly Ib-rib-rra
”Tta tCt.Tihiy tolailycam.' nmtlitig Millne** and repom-. You iblak that |a
Hnca. (inrat harbor oB toe lokaa
aaou Vtr wriilcw. wa. tboeMighly ap
into tip- M-w. piht-wu laiot'
No mUrto, hay fever or eoatogiow
easy, .-Bough I ^\{;m wlU perne-Why. wbat to tbeie abaot IsT*
pteetotta V tV aiagn.
iim-: Iw..-I.ng l.tll-- w-.uti.n.
ta Detroit.
-WelL air. that aaa to aUr to fo
In Ita piartlcc n^lt becomea
iliaraoea: healthloet climate OB rorth.
B'toUag to are ber wHboal avaeU b»
(bal It wUl be time
titay at home. Johnnie, don't go.
tog dto..-i.eta ae.1 boplM to bear ber brwHb a fear eurar dtoiHe wilbml
atog agato. I -alalkta" ber. aad. beboti. taUag etIbcT rlbow Mm tV (able. Hr
We've got a tettri coantry than any
aV waaa radVai; I c«ldi.-< V ata aeta them Oraiy ea «V rteth. each near
ta them. If-you don't think on. rw
Hull at cnee i4i)Bn*.t<d
takmu Car ta waa alaglua Oarid'a "O oar Mde rw tV ether «( bto plate, aad ^ ,
(am, Ml) M g K. AUya. n>M S.and a
i-rwitwr.L' tVtan « nun wanta an nrMtoVUtlb-a..Uurk.TT»wc--a>y
4lnr If you do think ao. or it you wpnt to ^
ma malliTw- a. I waicbrd bet from V feedi hlmaetr with eaul faemty with H- the city.
htod IV bub- of a great haldoo tm.
buy or toll a farm, hoiiae and lot.
A Sllb- l-oj aiMt a year, .if an played gH iVt right band «n.-a ta a dtob. brad
a wfie at Ita Colambia ^rtaeirln.T. ..
Hx- Kwl: fi.vii nncavA<p.'n»dtaaIVI AKB
otoofc tBriuhoadlto. borrenr money.,
beaMr brr. aad ta Ml no a fallra Irer (V knife wKb food olel toarcry It to bi>
H. L. Outri hu petuHti-d from a, oe.«lv logiv.-on •id.w-’"
lead moBcy, go into baalDom or oQl
iraak aad i-«4 pail la IV aialto of IV mouth witbul moeiog tV Hbow to a trip <m tta Prie Uoaqaette u far
-A taly gav-o me 01. id«i. ’again rw frotit.i orcipItaL^and. fuarth. thr ternIt to a wmdae. Rr la tV meal
ta boxlaea: eome ap and an- u: al-.
Tacai Tbrrr wa. a ooWr bmdth V- adrarir.
taaaa' brr ryra that ermladcd oae ta tV reouskaUe eulorttoatot I eerr MW. Na north u Boyne Cite. He took a bugr inark.vl tbe Wove Man. ".m noUtng M pDiai. Th.- riinlacicr of tta pain la
wayaABtta haiUr; alwava gto.1 to
wiadae V to proud.-><bd(Br> Peat.
"__ u.. ..f —r——f«m. hi. riovro. While nbowing them to tar aita........ ............................
IU.Hy in Ik- dull
and br«ry than
■atlor Ua.b»aa aad aa air of n
, you: make more aalea, hare
iVit ber Ocare wbM waa act off to
taetfWV in this cltT
aekrd ai«nv«in"Rl‘“‘‘.which IcjtaretovJ ,
irul.-. Tin- ezeKlng cuoaea are
iam^Utot than all tta reat |oK tog!l7.-.i ta.iMue e.h.1
To my
uld: , ^k* which rcviaire tbe He ta tta aeMn. Thoa King and chlldTO.Eital
may aetid me Ihia ome. l:^Hnm«Uil«i and poowentcBce. read
... . _ . wlibnot dubt. CVarielU tV
o--------w-i. .0...
.......... ' ^
Padbaal pe-tegre ta iV l-Tabeta. wheat IMvrary mu aaU la
ta Oteenwitrfi.
Onto NIkHW
Ing. wrillne. drawing, palnriog. type
■Igbl rita Vr baaVod. IV Bar. John ecta: -I lire apu
are Ita gueata ta Mn. J. M. RobUna
writing. ecwlng. mnale. emtl (daytog.
Timtii. VmedtoiHy after brr retara to to a ta-k.
*•■(.. and my
nj reiriag uli to aa oo- ta Foarventh alteta.
bUltonl*. *lioi>plng. rMiQg In Qutoa and
tv Taeoi bad Veo IV aeMtbm of tV My I WTote
for T .
•Met ear*, (-tr.’ Long aigtaled people
3. Harry Uceffoo. baslneu manger
ttotoaa al hatal Tal a few ycaia age.
tu my toat pwwu b to a'— Here V
•affir iiwre from bradtebe than tbe
■aapplu a dry twig wKh ov toM M paaaed ; -r a war.1. wWch ritaeoaor UeU fv Porter J. White's elabriate |itdamael her aliratiuo. I attppaddata tV eria oayddtod. -A lliiill I aappoi
ab>.n sighted. Inaomoia. dyapepato
Myron B. Rice's
dnclioo of ”Paual.” whirtt ia to ap
opM aad apprueVd Vr. lice tiat Imaad peivie
Comedy Company
pear aooa. arrived to (ta city laat
TtoWtou It Mar OuBn. ^TV Hty cnaaril
yriae wu ta Bee. km aV qaiekly tagaV.
iar ImdarV. TV a
at her compmarr aad awaktd am. ouadalgfai
. bat od- Pieoriittow tta faaalaM ta aU tareea
Aak your dragglat.
brig (vgaolliiK Ita
tout nal^ meetiag mtoe wt
Tbli to tta totoot ImproTo- gagrtmeat ia this city.
wTaor atogtag attoattad mt.- 1 bogabla tiaaalt aarrice. aad tta Cnica
BM»Tr«aator letamed yuierday
taMM ta my VI to bee.
•Year riw rtpUrd. eridtotlr ari al aB TracUoe campaay ta thto city to
tran Newaygo, whree tala maator'
Cempiex turtbods tare been tallow
laitoii to mmr to my laOM la (V awk experimeatlnc with tta toew am
meet, which uiagtoia Iff-M »«
ed In liuula. bat a almtdc teVrattoo
ward ritaUu I bad toubt.
•It wu eery beaeilmrtton ta tto» beoriv arin. To uw the mritOo. Tta eetMat idant which;
(here la l-ecomlag popotar-oaBrely. to
tbit eotopony to puttlBg "P will coeet
•AaM^ b Batobel- dw Stonaplad. eoatriraoce R to aat ami dir to
waab Ita wood with aoluUoa ta am-'
TVte wu a aligbt tuae of uaMm)ltto
tonetoUy bolli w. h R can ta ap- three aerta ta (fiotmd. and tta fooatoaaJam •olphaie. followed by tmtaib
hoe voice at aV Ibu gave me to nartrr pBed to any
tatiema for Ita baldlaga
•Diatkm. thus forming anliibate ta pot
riaad that my pr»0HK< woa aaweleome.
Tta Idm to atm la Ra VTaacy. and. TtaeatiiT plant will baron by elec-!
ato and
Bat u a aladrat at paycbolur | wu net
CHICAOO fffi.00
H In tbe porn ta tta waod.-Popatox
tricHy. Mr. Traaaln wUltaiarato)
uaatay V V omred Mm my drriga e< altboogh tta Tnwttoa cmnimay
making eompanitee eaUmaiea by tta
Yavgtotoattof tV uae- btaon^ me.
•YW Roe. Jaha Traata to gaad.** t au of ttoc.uk
■reecal ta tta oM daa. v data are u
paaota awbito V am bon rit waoU to fM prepaaed. Tboar-wV hace
word from bto biitol^br. W. E.' good T0*K^»
•Yoofe awe yrw are not ficktof
affiotod. Tbam U aV care u dga of tta boO baoriag oar M Hottoa
MeoD. etottog that bto aoa. wbeu
atoed tnxloaaly.
IT r - I w«U m: -He Vaged blmoatr
Ulaau called him to Andotaa. Iowa, • ;® A m., airirlBg at Ohlcago ataat
-Klekle.- V cried. 1 bardty kaav
AVw dayvtaterTU kfvbim.• «p. m.. DetrtatfldOp m.. Trrieto mari> bettor. Dr. Mwm writoa d«l do, 10:10 & to.. laOaaae, SdDp m. tbe ineanlag ta (ta word. Ne aan
-My Otar aV rxetolmrd. pmtiag bar
be wu aaarty drowHd while rwoiriag Xiekrs Will ta acid to Datrcdt, Ann
band U bar oldr aad aratlu bnuH u
«V Coftm tree.
Arbri. Tpoitoati ft Jaektou i4a tta la bU lova.TrovwMOto. Mtotaw
to a
TV child. wV bad bau cUagtog m
Miriiigan Oenttal B. B. and to De-Ata ta coaiH you vtbeaHita
hb •oiVr'a drom aad ngatabto me artib
torit. Ttaeda
mod. WWB «ju. Vgaa m cry wb^
A fteelce kH ban Vveated by •
via tote PWe _
”-ntHlntilyta UW bto MtbaPa laddu emattoa. Me weatara paefctog Voto be plcklag THMriicy (■ hto way to bto tame la Vvade--------------- —— “
•Ybrik.” «ta told, aad ate had becft HOTS-D*ii*g tb. aeb» U O.
i (agbMmaptoVrarmaaadHdMbto chlckeH TVro M a tarwptaek- to Qtaad Bopidt aftor apeadtog a
graduBy trading ap to tbto. -bow V
flOBedj • nukbar «i bigk^lna
I bMdkabubaaato.aaytogtattaPto^ wbkb tta towl to pMead artae Vtog
La^ and Mtoth ta Htatoad to tot off joa taudoli tta fact that yoa deelaiad
ftnya at H*rib-to-watoA
Mtoifiltfafi will be iatradBOod by
I pai^ ^Mu mitbaa mu mtobul
yoto Vto to tVH Mtodi ta tolM Of
kOlad. and iBto tbtoato «to»ed aPTBca'
Looto Webter arrivad yato
tbfl rfURjifiy.
KatiBgaauna Ptor Odi ■
^ Me oBhu thm oaaotd aftm Mo
ram Potoftey. Vheae te
8a ta weal Ua wv d
VMeofi-$ljaaile.C)e«^ Me.’
oMd tad bau qaWtad tVev emu tta
Atoliff O. P. A- gB Roama are iritoy.
MtoUagfalavaealkto. He wlU rialt
!„^^f tarata ta a w»tmM> OA agd
■ ■^-- W^ right »M »>«J ^ l^PH'
HMtf itacfeW •• <■* wka na alMv
Titowt. Bhh Urian.
w .»rur
Grand Opera House
Friday, Sept 21st
/UL .
Vilatqaiii vita
k to alfito rtotoa fl %
sirtrjfsEasfSd —
4 ;; /
Wade Bros.
' 3'
U^btpips: Express of the See,
Tbe Torpedo Boet Destroyer.
or vfuics
Tbe atrattf of tba graad prtor to Cbbada for bfV (onatzr eafelMl at Ibe Parid czpotoUoa «aa bat anexpaetod. n,*
an Ottawa ttiwtobiiJudtai of tbe Mnr
Tort Sbb. Thr caUHt to • «BortiTe
e*e frq|B tbr whale Dootakab bbd K
oecbidco little mece tbaa LOOO
■. Mir two of vklek. tko I
• riTBItEP Ml kr Ik* —'IB— •*! Brtlirt admlmll,. «
Mni —tela—T> *>w4 ts tom U- i
4 tr
OMI iWk tvalurr Mvy
rcetofapBee. U to made ■» *f a very
roapMe rvprraaDUIto* of the Cabddtoa woudA with tbe prlBetpal att^
exporitd tM CAhbda la a iwanJaa
cai-Mr ot dcnbllaB th*tr
and damns Uba Uchtalas ■
tfloM* In ikal »«-Wfni
>«•> >
narai aHaln. ttowsh (hr atsMas at
«Mtn>r*r *k*
»•«- »>«• tlHiniml* lo malilmalii ti—■ wirVfH pr»o- ...... .-lat'M rralnm aad torrado fc
jhlihrno kiMm..lhc mlrtWial (
0*» hpantoh d*otro,rf* br
t«i-•• Bl»l»rt rtl|-r«nf OeWtrtnljtla. n> --Mirr
aar of rapid ftr* puna did
tilt, ah* na* Ik* rmnrtuibt*
«t i
aa «nliM apiDioB of that
« I.U- no k—•. Tk*. .pml to btortiof
8(111. at ih* cad of tbr <rar am
kr «r* « toi kBM* Iku that a«ain.4
bad 11 lorpado beato aad dcatrorm la
—mvtrr. aad! to iVtobcr. lO*. after
VIpor aa ih* Inst—1 tml aflnar The
letuftta, dtocaitoflaa la ccas—. oedyfa
.mmrrM wttm-h lo U was b, a stotor •
were plaeod lb Jkmeetran ahJpratda for
MMd. ihr TarMna. br th. mmr do- <
the coastran I—I-of It torpedo beau
and It dentrarrn. ailh a paanuiuad
speed oftojiaou (ordbe fonarr aad »
rare oeewroev. No atbtr eedatry to
ao tleh In fotvata. aad It to not owprlainc that tbe Canadian aathorttlM
brtai all tb4dr cAerstsa la nuktac thto
exblbK coaptole la ordrv to deatoaatratc to tbe worW ibto ptloclpa)
•ooTt* of Canada'a woiHb.
Mnrh attroUoe waa flVHi to Ibe «•savor to Uaprwaa tlm I
ABUfactawr with tbe li
1 the rrstrlrtlon of hto freedo*
him phyateally. Ami. b<«dra. he has the ezesilebt
If hto devoted belianm. hul of CbapUlB and Mr*. Al-
NapoleoB w
iKt.l midlve
prand seen>
mery and many a
na. it would aerm that c wor— fair ntlpht
have befallr
alien Cronje than l*nlshi
■meat lu a w.litaTy Island In Ibe midst
Atlanilr. eapvvially la view of wf '
Ired Ia fiontb Afrit* a
f.w i-iwr maoufi
are the larpArt In tbr wurtd. rotaparmll.t-ly easy of areena and pnaaoB abOBdant wairr power. Tbr aapply to Canaila to vlrtaally onUinlted. and tb*
area of crowlh may be re^rdtid aa slmoat rooiermlnna with tbe cvofiapblcat buimdarlm of tbe Itoslnkia. P»0€B
the Ijilirador peninsula o* tbe eoat aad
T tbai treat Otoafla
•ns of the rblneae (> the immduc
r iranMt to that It will thru* init of
• niidoymml Ihountinds and even mlllPiciB of enatlae who have no other mrwBB
••r eaminc s substotenre than by —rrlns virtually as beasts of pamlen.
Tbt; rvads tn ceofml are sn ]>sw tbrousbnul fhlna.lhal nKWt of the Uav«l
Is i.Tformed IB iwlsnoulns Isamr on |<otea by Ihe eonlwa. «ho twrry tbHr b*r>
^n. rh.erlully over. Ow worst .rf hlshways and trails where It would be Imprawti.le for B * heeled vehIHe to pa—
A cruUP of these human luiraes U
•abown In the lllustratl"*. .me set havlns .to rliar*.- a imieier's palanquin aad
*Doth*r his lussaae. hailed by the niartalde fur the nemndn) rest.
a rokTONTKn VRorrrtBtAC.
slsm-d. two year* ack Knslaad's
Viper, a-hirh
las oal, ito feel In toasth. '
bteadthof J1 tret aad an estre—e dspih
a( It feet » laebca. 8be has the rusliunar, cun and t«rr<*- - nets of her kind and rarrtea tao di.tito't net. of rturlnr* nn ear* aide. .11reelly muided to the arr^ ahntia
^abkh are t«>ur In number. i
proi—Hers .m ee. »i ehAfl. or elsbl In all.
Mare the Vl|.-r ae> aenl out aaolher
marr eastned vem.-)-ihe tN>bra—has
he*a tounthril and acerpled br the
ilir .-’bent and stmacral In
world." T*(> abort years |clai*r. and
of the advon.e made by John mrnnahilc tbe "mtary" encln.-. sub(luJI in e>MyirtnK tbns' .40 mile de- stliuird for tbr ''rertprwatins.*' proves
"yen ae naval auillUHes. ll.mlshl
aell In stan.e hiielty
tiiielty at what <nir AiiM-rlcao destroyers at* left latntarda
nntior has done to coulp llsrtf In tbe rarer
Hal. wblle la a measure outclassed.
l.als of fbeir rharaeter, If
e ronstru.-lton i
sieed. There l« _Bo dnabl ahat- Ihr Taakec boau at'' at lr«st equal to
humlrrds of olbera In JCutope. aad It
■r In
(lie tnlada orlaval
•mnaln to lie realla>-d'Nn «
nniMlBr of oiodera aea ae.....................
-'•‘-h'lt to diuibilrae her Inlentlcti i
■t Ibe novlsahli- walria of tb
•rtnr toJ., any
44 kmus—about U mUea-an hour.'
1 dtoruuDt '
AdlaetoM* to Aar Waalbae.
Tbe taatnctose eoat to streat ear companlec of firoTldlDk —Tarale ear* for
siimiuer ami winter tme has led a cou
ple of Indiana meo to dsMpa aa all}Qvtalile car. Bays tbe nttabary Dtoliaicfa The ear la efx nbape. and tto
Htis at tbe ablea and eada are tootled
OB Htber aide to provlda vaawaya te
of auband Inrpedu
fitrilv ahead aad aurrrsafully eompete weri' not kqnwn to tie
witb Ita Btoler powers la (hr race for mlshl
Ihoutbl that 1
beneiit uf human asslstat
Hiayeani rone hnd l>ut three tnrp4do naval auiwermicy.
T n>M rHK.HoBaKS Ik rHiSh.
This lllusiralHin sbme bo* hay for
(orsea of tbe Indian conllBcvet In
Oilna *aa iransinned ami nerved out.
in the anlmata. I( *aa carrlrd In nets
sniffed solidly tail, and thr rhM boalneas nf (be atlendsnie *as to see Ibat
h l•rast
hto share.
There Is an .thimdaii.e of fodder and
m f.wst in thf nmnsrr. If only they
r one
1 acrepl atnoBt
I The laller's non. Alfred, died la UM,
and on the death of bis father, la July
'of Ibis year, the sumasltoi dcrotvaA
Ihrouxb an art of renunelalbm upo*
the only son of the laic Prinre Lenpedd.
who was already thike of Albany. Rart
of Clarence and Bama Arfclow In Gv>
land n* 1s la bis alxieentb year aad
Is 10 be under tbe tuardtaashlp af hto
couain by marttate. I*rtnee HoheslabeIs lA whr
Ion of hto
aovereltai. aad pritaiv eatauu worth
' ItoOton a year.
pouted master
of the roll! aad
to Ihe
peeraev. Hewas
of oOoe Lord
like a WBera-
It has B4TVT bean ctolawd for tbr Cbinrar that Ibey haw made treat procrsM eltbcr la the aru or actoaeea Plelarcn wlibdat pvTapectlvo*. seoiptarv
crude aad out of prapertla^ prtadttw taveeilaaa ascmlaatr arrtstad wbrat
half caaeetrad. eaasUtate tbv aum aad nuhaUBce of tbetr aiuUuBcnu meat
of tbe thtac praat calu
to be of tBore BBClSht or
any form « wonhlp aev
the very otdrai pvupba «
c itow the a
T Bridniahi aarrlfk-m brta at tbs time af tbv spniic
id Urvd ta toll tbv
Ito lasptolal _
vtMB «BMt af tie Ttotion to Vaklac havr dcaiied
fto ttoO Wa baaa obllcnd M bribe mse to let Ibcva down ftoa Ibv top of tbv
BBiiihapkfwhM by
- .
sumpllv. heir'Vo
eould not nthlfully BUceeed to thS
dukedom of 8a*e-Coburt. and a*
waived all his nchu rrmdttleuaBy to
■MR kRW wasm op rpK MOixfi.
One of the numerous -vmmeru ftea^
of London reremly "anaimed-* ao l—B
It MlB* ta'lionor of IW aoptamr d^.
«r heave* Tbe ptetarr vras abtatoed by alealth. aa tbe toeKwaiv wtthla tbr
Cbtoear Oly af Ttoktoc. trbare staad tbe temple of baave* «*a tctolc «< a*>
ftcollare. to braa aioacd 4o faretonera for tnasy y*«i*
.r iMttob ; "“’“a
the question
tVhether Ihe
for dayllsbt and
then chanted lu
courae ihruush
outalde Influ
ence. such, for
Insumv. ms a
waadertnt mole.
tbaa hB, of thsBk aad ladsad
l< puslied forward. Tbe LtoOftoa fir.
altbootb iiartakJnc more of Uw Mtora .
of lalsain than sprare. It a pDod p^
«is>d. tad Ibn tr—a. fowerlnc 390 fWt
III the air end mraantlot fMm SD to 80
c aanhlia atll 'boat dmrnjm II
eomprt all the t-aei
| re«l—■ ihHr naval I
as. for II la BM p
r potp
iqimee. and It stretebsa a
trd almud to where tbe Hbekratoe fiver
nows Into Ibe Arettr ocean. On tba
l*aHflc mast, alone tbe mocanalaaaa
hnys of Hrittoh Ctdambto. tbe aprwr* to
Til* mg' ■ ni KR UP aais
A red radish that lle.1 liself Into a
knot U one of tbr laliwl freaks In Ibe
vecnablo world. Just how It did It has
m>l l>"T deleiwtln.d to Ihi- aatlsfartlon
of tba bUa.Ur' Alluny. u—en Vl.-Kwla's :
wlM> discovered
mn >'
to ao new as net oBly to be of to»K}al
totercM to aneb vWtors at tbr Ptmc*
capKal. but tti vaat pa
this roatlT aiw as yet
lu lie appredaud by CanadlaaA CarefoUy preparrd stattotlea aad tofomalion upon this sabjart baer brv* eollatrd and iwtntrd by tbe fommrat
tor dtotribwioB fnaa . tbe Oiitbdlaa
oeetien at the .espeaiUon.
Tbe nomtohm cmam af UU «r«
toeatloaa palp allto. bat It was merely
tbe brstontoc of tbe Oanadtob palp aod
8lsT todostiy. Tbcee ate bow 89 Isp,,rtmnt pulp and fiber bUa aoBto of
U.e totrot eMabllabed betoc oa a (Ictbtie acaie. tbe lancat bavto* a capbrtty
of ao loaa of pulp a day. Tbe total
output of tbsac Bills to bow aboot 1400
tons per day. and tbr cwpttsl Ineatoad
to tbe ladostry to betwra* n&aOQ.eOO '■
and fao.oaufxm. a eeesidmble prapoellon of wblrta to froca tbe Ualtod BtaUB.
This derekipiaeDt ha* been doe to a
apertaUy fsrerable rombtoattoB of rtr. Not only to Oaaadlaa palp
Rs wits- anda
their idlks haw loac been eclebrated.
Tbrtr wood aad Ivorr earvtota aw Bhlqae aad
torn, while ihete to oae BOUwartby ciuBP of Ibetr acolp
fros the (totne af laek ef ortttaamr. TtaU to the
rasato Bad rl4phktH» vbkfli leads to tbv tootbs of thr Hla( dynaatr.
ysmatr. amtbmm
waifi frea* IvidBS Cotamal fipanA Kaadl^ aad i
Wtotowar- ,
* «9P( ad Ibe OMto
beae official
frtwerles be appeara u be a bus to
tbe prime of
He was bmu Ip Oft'
aad has oae Of the larfvat peaettoes Id
far hto (Vtot abUMiea
prayer' of
s tram wc: b« fifreiotol
. aafi-ito tobist wfll be art
Cblto« « fibB -
tbe curved aecttocm of wand or kHtto
wbirb etoae tbe cor. Tbe raof of tbe
car to of doable tblefcaeoA witb poekau
la Una wUb the rtba fortotac azteaakBsaf tbe carved atoru. Intbecaatai
uf tbe roof to otTabaed a aevtoa of pallepa wUb eablea ottocted to tte opper
edrea of tbe aildtec aecthau. So oppu
alia eada of tbe rupaa betof orotoHl a* a
ahatl. tbaa eoabltoc tbe tsadactor to
opea Bod etoae the cor by toralac a
erank oa tbe abaft. When tba <«Ueo
arcstowooBd. tbe todaa wtD Blldr dowD
wort ef tbtor owa accord auU coobsc
tlaa..lt made with the fioor. tbe corra
tore of tbe todea oDowlnt tbe paaaro
fen to totetoaetettoeodeoftbetoata
wtUmot toicrfeetof witb tba watt at
It baa bma ftcaenllr suptunil that
Ibe evil ttato of tefUtod wawr to doe
to tb* ahmaii of dtoatorMI »saA «-*
are loM bow ttol tbr revef** to tbe
aad that tbe tvaaim to tb* pnaatflL
I to.«*a
nitrattoa tbrovh •
A aovel ptoe of adomtha bas b*M
afiapted at Cotwolwfistt. nt««att. Ms
baoka are aaed. bat tb* hoy, arr toMtlRtod arafiy. wbea at tbe «•* tl^
they Ptoteto
n«M toaaoal worn.
7KB HotfrtirG HTCOBUt TBATrasB ciTT, mctt, gryPAT» BBwaimKBfi*. »*a*
iSir wwam uio mils MimmGs at buffwji
rx duM tar
-TtV. I «rfd r- «» t* *-t; ttet »
tane ai k vu itavy CntaW at Ita
«>d .rf tte ca. rd «tar_
----- r - *---- -
I ap U. kka. “d. G «a»t*al akaat
lUanp tkra. tiU SM. i aai-
^^^^pportrd W. J. *iT*»
It ta'l^ eerttabW ^
It elaada to-day aa
-------------------- --------- - a Iktir
ta Ik tirtd.'
th.roira on|br«alre1
a elralth!
ir riiwd tafkrir. tmnliljiuc. ami rlaieb’
rd her '"taa" anew. Th.. aext
,a Baa roihrd kct» rirw la thr^lllas
I. InaLnl
II t« rbarer f-wTraid whro;
«ir <Tt
r tdh >tlr a k>n>. I
at her
tae ta
Phi- h.<l pronaiMk limoalit
to IwoD bin end .■*.-•3 ■trtate.d f>
aitb loklian
wTon. trulhtam. fcrrplDs her tdadae
m areilUy aiai Ibr maa'a (ace.
•Don't klaoirt. ma-kiD.- IV fellow aaM
- -| heard Ihr
«bM on
^ tdatH ...
i*i.rd hy e«*r
IM • ^ BklW W. I»^
mltlrd aalri>ta. aad I am. t
W dairn.
a M-- bme xrj Irx. tk
a.4 tk. m ••• . •n •»
, f^aut „ a> t~wbk«c'
Tt,, «», > ,11-, rjri
an An^Hcan
to do ■/ owo tbiaklec aad to coat «y
hallo) for thr ri/kt aa 1 conerier It to
br. I aa net la aaeard wllh thr rr-'
tatia of l« 10 I. daoiaadlar alao ta thr
ptalforta nkai tbr ataodard Mien dab
br akaoM far a fall Wal (aodrr. r
wllh «aM. for all drtka. poUta aad
3as. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
eS'aad wW »hr vret aB^ay.'‘
•Trk: we fijrd brr ap as ahr a .
tn haer atar-new rlntbre Bade far
yeark."-Chka*o Ermrd.
lUl J.<*
The naai
ta«aa yoDow. otedlw
•ilmMto|sr>wi|«ii iMtaenuHK.fli« IB;
Krw » taMbmObtl sai: Ni-w Ik
£"‘;hr~7 .'S'.TSSi
browB. Uete a Mock oaUlae woaM
OBtartally faMp ......et.
tbe effact. OU—wt1
Olber artl
I.PPT Mlijm. for rf
CBaeiwlBB aCrraoard Oaefata we Pe*. feeUer work ta buU eaiieatlotial
olctiB are rorera for tbe idano atool aad
d ftr tbe for tbr maalc portfolta.
• perntdeat oataldr of
Mew York, a poUtleal herray they had
•et dared to br ffoUty of bat twtae la
-I raaoM aapport Bryaa aad Bie-,
oaoMO ihla year for earkraa rrai
oaaa of vhtah are:
~l. *rvy BUad for a tl-ceat 1
dollar. By porpoarly taariaf 01
Ibita allrer fdaak at Xaaaaa Ol;
li«%l Irador eliaae tbeir Bo^all
- aar dollar Bbtiaka to lu bDllleo
“t. Mr. Bryaa aald.^acorptl^^
Sattto pop^Uta^beUeer ta aa Irre•
wbtle tbe dro*.
owaU briirrt Id a ffrecabark redeem
abb b tuda.' Toa-Merrtl. of Ralrm.
aayt: ‘la Mli« tor popaltau yoa
otod BO
o bait, laitead. Ibrow iq 1thr
Baked heek; tbey will bite et aay«Ubt.' Bryaa aad Tool aiteadcd the'
win do thr moat rood
1 mhrill^ I
fcFie aopport Ibr porl.e of eBaaetpo-,
tioB aad procrena.
-Who dare aay that Ihr inhabltanla j
of Hawaii and thr IrtTitcwy redrd by ,
tin* Hr had t.Kr..ltiw bi. hirbkry
n.ii*i boy bfan a rbaia and
^0*. The liiilr w.aaaa (tided doara
miTi alippera and naa about
lion. Bod rera r*ow rajoyinc a
of frrrdOB than they
thr d<
drramrd of while aadw thr
All ibl. ,pa>.fd
qnirki-r than Ita- trlllnc
Bni In Ibal aeniod of Jrm-dulb-o I
■•crt. i. ta. did not taVr Ulrtly I" Ursc
Cnor and abr waaaloor.
tibe cm !'• Ibr dour
loor aa abr cwuhl tve
rbaldo yuti ti-atiir'
aa a BouMtirs allrner. Then:
yer otwu Ita- d.».t, I'll iitl yer.^
I't BKao ae ham. mlaaia.taC who ki
that brr fisiice'rvold ***) AT*
. brincinc
d..«o on tb
frllon aneri
’ '
— i™.. ~i.
reek need and allee fresb BoatMT
inaabra; learr id cold water tea tala- l4->KAA.tJ.Tri»(ni.Alk«ta-> al law. Ham
[ \>! . Unm * KlUikm U.«a. TBi.-rw lUy.
tea. rm late aalted bolllac water
ad cook ao talantea. Haab la a c
waya hi nhiHi tbe aklU of the eiB- aadar. ptraalBc out tbe water,
witb MIL pepper aad botier.
Uie Dtoiwa of Iblosn. n llnklns tecrtber
ofithi- sroile ana wUlc* ran Iieeer l>e
There la a rarMy of
I. m.
T-V|>taar St
Keaaior Tb-maii II. I'aner uf Moi-{ kCifft im itiwKNmAi.THOMHmia:ii
?BDa anil Itaiiat.ir IlrverWer of ItaUaM
are pruhalil) t
I a^^^W . flUw^a ^tab)
aceaia In tbe wurtd. htarb tnao ,
at upi-BOL'i- hi Ilia earir life aubl Imoka !'
fur a lltlus A.ii.i..r I'arier matayed |
Ita- eallniin) Itapnblif-ao mnipalxu ialo^qt. »i,aybT« taaoH-.w.HJi. W
IMC. and waa a pramlBaol fletm.
tbe ma-nt Vbita<tel|dila i-oan-ntloii.
bmblrlt:.’. tr
la- iitndr |n do booi
aioatrtaa. . Ever ale
wle>-ly nvicutaiw] that tbe
rtcUl imaillon (nr a rultase |dai>o ta
tall lu la- yiOidied l«i-k asaluwl <hr
walk liDi lu BUad well oul liitu tta
mnm. tbr qm-atkiti of buw la tar
puurwliat unruiuiiRKqtaltkS etpatn
Iwrk to diRKirailrr areoODI baa been
r <-at<-ful c
lUoo ta pradartlrr of ex-
tbi- n-.MtaUon uf Max ulae «r tbi- bent
alury P-llorw In i-<iiixr>-an. |tla aaeO- , a-ag.wuraiiio.al. I.. Ilo Ui-,1-oaal BM Ol'
duH-a are true m life and ei-n.-rnlly refiT ti> aiinn. liirkb-iii Ibal lua i-umr
witbln blB.^wii otmerratbia.
lu np fhU. niBI'ni.T. V.4. r,o.r. nurexm aori
Ly Ikeiui Mrv>e, Ml laouro.rWinta'-lal
pi-araiii-e Iliie •N'Uator link* amie aud ■Oo.
iwta. n--ll I-tkoli • llrur-Vn .mVolioi
I'lii-b' Pain liruiiclii np to wr-c CHaallion. lao«n--ta-n l-e mUiwla
• ■. (ae.-. • Ml. l>Ci .1 Mr-alMr-n . -r HOaM--. 01b- WoU.-. ■
uji...ii. iiiw and pMiiiir.1 iwani would
du for au arltat a iwidi'l.
| la
loni-n wbu iwil beard^oi-b bIkmH !
Ketiainr Carter nald lu an etuidoyr uf .wrwi
H.«bia..w-X.. au
**“1 tafwri'l Carter tell hla fajniBa bold I P'T^^lu2y^T=‘ifc a%r‘cfwiIIr'i^tlSl
1 rr-mimrMi.Tear,-ru til}.Nkti
up' aiory at niy tarti-1 tam Blplit
.didn't ihlnk aiarb uf it :„
-Are you aure II wna C-giter?~ aoked ,4ta. u
:7iic:.~IV'iai' ut.'Wi-ai ^pnw
tbe eaiplnye aunH-wliot .luldoualj.
lie l.wikwl aa If be bad
•|i].-d MUt of a |•^lltl<■al enctfuii ^
V«a I At taow IMOII a«- »g a « and Inon ^ I
ubiii'l uilataki- blm. and 1 know ^
atory b* brart"
••Wlial dM tbr crowd dor
[bineThere waaa'I er
latr amn.
-M.v frlrad.- aaM Ibe
relvwl by
pltylncly. -Ti.B've tacn
mitne -I uloir Inipoatnr. Wbeu Turn Carlee tella bu 'boid^up' atory Ita- croa-il
baa cut t” taBcli.'
“A Trip Through
Russia and Siberia”
....... “
• i
H(..-tal Buwtaoi
K-rww * and M
in-Birty |di-aiilac reaolta. aoiaetlm
Tiwy miKl; It... leremr.
IM m*hr.l fiimai.l.
Whi'ii li arrvi-» Ibr yiarpnw- of
irtnjr the
l.-t pi. With
anert*. imwkltii: U|i tlu-'fi
Sta- IHad jtrt
r rbnlra and anfaa and rrrB treaty. Thra br took Ibr plaer qneetloa the deBoerary of Thomai farr litood araa op now. -Uurr
b C'-ith
I yihanani lllllr akwre.or BreOf wat aarar. harlair Ibe rhIM dreaard S. Bentoa. for Iff yearn neoalor frOB . bre."
r. no iitaibud 1a laorr aailaat Kaaaa* City, afterwanfa^rrird ‘
Mlaaonri. aad often apoken of In
enuefat Ibr annod nbrn- ■I'oillne l•••|■« preltj
(ariory t
iBdlaaapQlta aad boldiaf; tbr poll
awl (Hi Ibal ahi
effia-llfr yioDel of embmMrry.
wrakUat ap beforr tbr icHeof
tlni il«-rr
Sih-L a i^-me la auamed la Ibe
aaditare. br atlrmpu to JuilTjr
rtaiiw. 4o.l
aketrb. ibr Mra of Ibr dralRner brloit
-I lie BOI think IlNeeeoaary
a Btalakeo. cir etar there ;
tbal tlii-.timllewnrfc abooM barmualae
alat lealitaoqy:
deac^ aad expatiate apoa thr 1
. hrarr of tbem. Jor a awnoly
ci had Jack
tn ehamili-r irllh tbe piefty flowered
“■I brHrrr that We are 1
lu and Bdraalacea of a (told eai '■wy. ! wbtedlluc cidce uid: -Mbwla. I ain't ao pinr to tbr KlrHidfkr?
By a recent raltac of tbe cawta on
a baee beoa too
bolter roodllloB to wojte a
I'd Jrel banciT an ••nly wapt
. Sta- < tai-p-d Coiblutt Into lirr rorktne Btal la-rlldaiiiial rblulaea wlitrb now AbM-rtcaa clrl wbo marHeo « forelctae
Ht o' wRmtbin lo eau Con't yna
Ilia piiil. irea pnilrudiiie CruD hia tend tbrir i-iinrm-t» innay a dtawlac
lietviuea a clttarm of fbal couulry to
p.m-'n( bread? I'll C"_d.
Ihi- pirtar of anrtbine hnt a
taa woold baee beoa bad the treaty
For Ita- loirkcniDed la advieed a Re .Which ber hoabond owea altadaoee
g* Infant rooqur
boao rejected.'
___ -nr 0-- "
fallhfol -coii."
man wallb. motre rrluura or poplin,
'Br. Dol likt fit PbdI. wnald do rril waa me p««rj •• .or 1—»-•
, ipo.i.
U-ofT tibito or warm rti-am in t
tbal irond to bta party nil
to dtaparace.lbat BcUl.yaad aa tbr
p,, ,1,,
Ail'eirhaiice of oncry worda be
. .. _
___ to ufk. and tStoftan'i a
Tbe ribUiti wtrennii-ra and fcwl.
'HU arlloB* la arylBB llir nrnbrn
bakery.- ntortrd Dot. -Ifyno d-in'i p>
tweea an atiomey nod bta cUent a
I can
liiienlly readered aad quickly
of bta party In thr aenalr to <nlr for
P~- I at eoce I-U Are. Ihuaeb I
fthr "rhnrW (be pia'* and Inxui-..
cambicr. In tta corrMur of tbr Oean-ortird In tta- aoD llnlid Fteacb
tbr rnltArallon of ihil treaty and hie pie. baa I____..
.owl- wake^iny boa'
falatwl in Jark'a anna. Cnthta-n •iaaii
lullce atalluD at CleTeUad. O. ki
(Titid tbifair caluaa uaed for iTnail rihluD nabrold. w*U wo
Uafaace Id JuitIBrallon mnvlple
rdae of a r>>d earreecy. I will brief
e^y. laid down wlCi no ouUlar of flue
auppn-BBd by a lii.iy yowl, tn wbirh jack, who
Dot Ita.BEhl abr bear
beyead daabi, to av thr Iraki, of du- ly eaaBHratr lu leadlar aad proBlThmir
>oM at tbli -tdiKT.' loUl
".•wed Iway iri'ITinc Dol'a farr wllh rutacne. Japonrm- pdd tbmid. A cbartnlac efpUrily. That treaty protldnt far thr
M yon let lay caor c*> neer to ttan
lowly IwM-ntae biejmvn
aniiyanuliic brr. paM
Marat ol |»>ynaM0 to Rpoin for tbr
totriaale ealae whirh ‘
_______ pall- errakrd
a« Mtrattr
OopL ti. Alberti. liaTiBc lately eowbalrri'r. Hr waa n-.t a
IHerwiI colora-aay :
PhUIpplarn. the tlallrd BUIra a|treeaodibly. M If tw bnnm- man had no aerrm.
bad creql ceetalroer tn
nine qiid rilnV or pair ctTfO and white. |
caqnM from (iihraia cbnoti^ friendly
lac to email* atipatalloBa. Ibr (irrtaf.-! h-ln
dhcalie hla emaluca aud ■•dnea.
bin w>a.
IlmbrnWlcr the flowrm ta Ibeir ailoral;
l-aaldtta “‘Maaoe. it able la clrc ear of Uie
fonaaaor of whieh rrt|olrea irn yrora
at recard lo Uwa or otreaBaUncea.
nollrrrd. I«t eoniml with brt drtmt
Thr muttirr'a rara wrte prrrbanrr
fraw tba data of tbr raiiitaatloB of tbr ... II
Buai llirilliac aad iatcreoriac exi*-r..__
baa__a aalforatlly
. ol mine, whieh a a berHnr. abr aunrd
aulin apala twata-n-.l l-j that lu'-Ilnw a-allina. willi rfdorlnc In (Ho Boo. allk. wllh luoebet \
-^Tbe^deace yoB coaklat! Wbaffd
Btakaa II tbr aafetl ataadard of tbr A altcbi wuod rami- lu brr from abor* lia i-itMirr I'xiHi. it-d'a ryr>. with Ibr of chcnlllr in the nema. toltace aad.
In w.wMnc tbe acroil bceder i qi,, yoo for abd why did I die ap ibe _q,
tba Aatrrkaa aoMlera and thr nilpl- raliir of nrofwrty wbtak the wiadeai that made ta-r bran fluiicr wildly.
f.tr nil uni. n^rord- and aa abr n-mcntanl eemcn.
aaa two daya before Ibr treat*
ta^rer art Manorered
«be temi-mtaml Ihr .b.nl trrill. Jack Jack', dear fan-, wbirh bad nrerr arrm- take rare IhM It la weKnborrtlBatnl, dooebt Hoa't you know." exi-UKued * \ '
In enlor lo Ibe malD dralRD. It may | iIh- man of tta- cn-en ekxb In rtufftay
“ U tnMmflad to cmane llw mie of
ratlded; and that treaty ronlnlaa
Uekala to Maanaamod thelr-famlllra
he a onfi yellow, alitinat buff, aeeeo-1 looro. "tbal lUlry oeuda the g
foOowiBC arellon: 'The el»tl riebu
aad pollUeal atatai of thr naliee la4. Ita
I ban. Ja*r abr 1
'. **• I her mum bad beoa rawed abo« ao loci:
kaWUata et the terrilere hrrria erdrd
The prior of adffliaakm haa t
,q, ,yf
Oothbert (oud. wrekly.
with (
UYxB Daubed, tbe panel |.
to tbr I'oltrd fitaira akall br drlerU tbHr hoBora. I. Itt tabereal pu.
«ri«y Her 2-year-old had brra Irrerltb all day.
“Nn« a hit And Cathhert'a laaciBs
Ihr (vrailrecioD of tbal bnt tetfrailnc Ukr a Idaat faraare. Txo'ri lettrr Umre
mahea It the bardrM OMacy to M
-All of ihb Mr. Bryaa ktew. yet hr trrfrit aad thr raataM lo br detrcl- amp aad the pariry of Ibr other Ban J op. nod. wrtl tidy ap Ibr ptarr a Ml. ef B ratlirr dark color. repeoUac ootat
atadi- turd Id tbr work -and hanaaal*cd. aad. therefore, tbe aofaat moary taalwd actvB brr Bbd. What If thr Dual eat ita- barslen. Did aay eacniw?
B. H- Pttl'K.
•hoT had oealrd Ibt uHiU aad wu kid- Or 1a Ihr (ret oa Ibr floor tbr wbolr coi- lac with the prrriilllDS liBea of tba
for tbr people to baadit. A Ita aaH. O. JoVNT.
anrToonitiacn. Uaco worked witb flax
aapiac Cntbbert?
prrtorily oter all atbar aMMiry c*»*»
Sbr flew op tlw atalra. boldine her
“I think tbm-'a anntbrr in Ibr hart thtend nr lino Up>'e<f7 «wal mlcbt b«
I loU oB Bom otfoM.
*t. Tbe Eaaaaa City piauora ebar- to Ha poaaraaor tbe Aeter and roacna ficblly. hot not darine
m pm brr yart "' ralii*rT-.I |im in an aveoirark tea lOaballUiled with exorllrot effect for
1 lot oe Barlow rifoet.
tariac In
BOtaetara thr I>billpplae war aa 'a e
taaod of all other mmof. t. lu
_ the triner.
Phr knew i:
'HL li-r.
nrat. I-Uw 1 tbe mati-rinit aboee draerfbed.
I lot cm State rireet.
floarr on
..................................................r. Bryi
ia.er orer exrbaacra. |
cwbehln^ and obc mlshi poll ii lonai
i hcBoe aad lot oa Staia ■
ITheo a piano la romuntly left
ilac apoa tbal pUliu._._______
Sbr dariicd Ihraach the aiiilns 10
40 a
Uaee at ladtaaapnita; 'll elected
tola Ihr bedraoB where Cethhert '
Ihr rqnaHaalioa <
' ■ at, my Aral
. Jnot ia a i_..................
tbr alrep of the
ilaiac yacht ilajclh
keeplac down the rale Of exchoace Marfdac
111 be toeoai
bnway hand, 1 rnoalned
-----aarear eoocreaa ia ex.. feet, diaacbt > feet
loweat aad moot, nalform
ttaoadlaory arorioa aad cive to tbe
M baaUly rrMoted qnibhrft la ; ebarminc aeedlrwork dacoratkm. Sop- ; boa II hocm power
flaaoluae eagiaa
potot. K lu power otee thr paper
mplBee B Btebla aad iadepeadrat
monry: gaSd brii« tha attnral en
ao tlma to dolly er Bfoante ' hr (are a (rntefnl olcb aad nloBbered.
CoeoramMt.' If Mr. Bryan ta atrtcad
emy of that ayalem aad. with fair iCiH—on any dcUenIr arata. Dot . hia piuk banda a> Inocw aafrioalrrly
«o the Amarieoa aoldler. oa well oa
Mirflrtoad M Ibr nupiaoo. bow
tooald be I
Aar rfbUa work aad a
aim —* Miwd away. Tbert ' nab.
atari It aat U tbe iodonemrni of that* It ta a coaatliatieMal Vammey ood
acrod with __ ________
____________ _____ rUraUHua of mtaatad pain
“He'a afl ririrt. Dm. I fblok.- m« ,
Me of hia ptoUorm. kaowiac. oa br tbr people >are a debt
Dir. VOxataa
oa ■------Bi thr
n^ iiinfitiitT aad tor hraid aamr aar Jack ofirr hU raandaatiaw of Ibe bar- Son
R>n Yolera
tOxatm la tbe Heara that 11 eoa hare ae other etrel for thrir enrrrary. u
7! ^ don^ tto bark yard aad Ibra Otar. -|ir'. made a btb af yoor rnr.ary.- ontUard
la coU or rilrer thread.
thaa the eaeaoracoaeat of the Utter peeoeat coaMltnllaa b p»rmHtcd to S-STlo
andldoa-lknowwbatwrarrtodowiihlTbetw abooM br a Uol
Uolac or Udaly
extat.to ic^l oa tin oflar KorcBber «T
“^orml .1 Cotbhrrt. Throatarbbn. ItontoaietoacoWM'
qallted allk. piak oc^crerm which ceoM
-Be atoy be abU to ree-adl* It with
bad awnkrard ttol booor to babydom. ; yaaoacbl In hr to brd.br drilcately perfumed wtth rielK.
t'otuo ButB flaaolar. *——r1 at
M aapoeabaadaat kwe for baaBaity.
^ a wtdr apto pair of ry» likr brr I *tVr miebt pot Mat in Ibr apa<
^ _
^ W.B
at her a. tor xlaad [ liO nHwatot" .aU Dot bHpirolywgiitotly the iemiMTatIc portiaa at
n t'.undIKT. AIM T
r. ta p».d»lr pmn
eoaorti'e are dtatlivlly In arrMd with
At tbal innmnit brr brort (acr a
|„ |,j. q,
had ali|.|.d
aiiai(Li n|i K. ibr inasiter.
.Mba Ihb lx>.y (
r' bi. i-rird cmaaly.
■ Oaah tlir Ban l>-ni aad had
■ rtn>. Iioldins him as that ibr
Ilk brad aud
Bl(fal hair Im -l™!*. Tbr bad cram- : ur 'ta-'r.^^aln^r Sith Mr*aSr**nrT!i
(Ion of BpanUh rule and thhi-of Qarea .
y^t ooor. llrr dark ««uU arter nulinn. 'Whw.. .1 ...er there, away fm«
bare Bade JhnI all^
yer. gol.d.r
-PrealdrnI MrlOoley'a adtalBtalra-|
Wlibout a word ahr Oed npouir* lota ' Bhr dgnd ix.t fin-. Ur aarrly enrnld
tion haa reeeirrd no word ei eoBara-! j,py-,
crabbed fbr aia abmilrr 001
k»' Ibr iw-. If Jir idieyrd him
tUltaa frwm the demomlle party for;
,y^. top |«reno drawer and nn down
I* fully rouaed.
ar erlt-'
corLInc il rii .......... ---■
I-ert a ahow nt
iral enaipllcalion with China. Tat ibat. yau^c hmrif u
Ibr life of tat
-".—.O'. “r~ '
decnraUoc of liar latabefol^r aad Ita ae-
eookWrr that qoratlcm aetlled o
.rvara,'. .-neraerr
? tnJ nam,i.-d .« maUiir a m»h «a larr. I.gi
-It therefore beeotaet air. aa an I o e-Q'O 0-O««-o
0-0 O O O » 0-e>-«-e : w~a. ntueal. tan ata mai <>11 the loDh..g|
Aaaeriran ntlaea. to pal By
fotej i, .^paanJ alBoat t... an.« f.it Jaek to unen.riinti} for tbr ali*tiieai iirice^-nl
where I think, all thinr. ronaidrred. It'
Ure. Itamnre ta-anl
ESSSlKSii!!''—''“ "
ootnariBBrparunAnxuaa '
aot ~nf ptarr.
Atao to CtM 0«~tl,.
s. “liT't.'.iis'-.-iiatt;
aataWBerynanuT. aiOuaiMa.
-e-M? niiuiisiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuigiui s
oar only an»al tain the pm jo
. oBaBtTtrfnlgelHlpo>pidtprie»fTOB>5cto!<SeiMro---W.b.,U.q«.titi»,«id».l. U».pri<ifri,*t. Aatk.
goodd in thia line arc tnas weO knpwn maketa. *
-Oo«; Rl-nr be doat bcUeee^han'a
tart ia'm rnT*
-Ur Dorfai la if I eeoU nt nOffiO
takaiaoor ns an oU hara aad a m flaow eolared allk. tbe .:.w«a belac
erom I'd b*rre ia '#■ laa“-Cfcka*o wwkrd la tape aUk. 1 ta-poiBta of the
larse rwora roald br etnhmldrfed la a
Inc tbal
il“* otaer prop**
ttea. la tbtakinc
,k, ^
^e 1^,
h..i,. rr.
I n..t.Wi. c ban n tail.*.
are oilatahra I baer on all qoratlcaa: }C lalantMiiXi
.iw I. oeidxl w
xn «.
nia'am.' All T wani-l lO *»?l
Iboiacht that I. toe. brine bunaa. nak
im la.
le'O eea
Wablr to err.
____________ '
‘aiKT. mvi i-'iiii iior c
that -----------,
- • o-p.po-o-o^^.0
of aonr/ eehlrh ahoald be roiaad sad
»-©.« o.o.©««.« 0
0 0-0
O< 0
O 0-0-0-0.0-®
o-o-0«.0-« eiirttr..
nUrtit f .dl,
•<H. at.
an yti-d
j.-o'd br
o nraocn el.-'lI hiad laochin
Bard h/ the pr«plr of thr folird,®
O him ...............
.. , «t‘:ninaa«-V."
" ••mpty
klaln ta aprriflrd la thr 'bill of P
. .
-Colorado Spriafa Caaelta.
a the pathway of proerraa.
Bear ia aiad tbe Cut that «« eaa fit 70a oat with the
aaaaratoac aiaa »mW oo« far <>«.r1>iae
It of iu eeerUallac h
tb* pnaedeattal nad;daU of tba
^ I fn making Vaur Sektthns
hr CeiM Soaps
far brU ta Haffafa> (roiu Ma; 1
Ifa far thr l-*arratty aad UktrasnU <ia (far bottIj l>r ifa>' Urapfalr Ana
n U cdkArrlMl It an-aiW. r<«wlw a xtulritvatar nMH. ta vbldi
baOteaa «aek UO tM aqi- . ...............
«1D hr aloot -J«| fnt I'Mt- Tbr Gnpfafe ■
wIB waad tk» “Koanuia ef ibr Btaaoaa." Tka
ir BO<1 at/lr. faa^tw (oor contrr tevAnaaad raMtrr aad
tmlMlnc wtti irprrOrat CVm. caaan. Twa eoland nmp^ttaM abor^far nuaan^^nw^
non aad l*rtanar<-ra.
fairtfa. I* oot ao»*“‘
Mr. Kalkrrtord haa baaa a popoUst
«m aloar that pan/ waa foroMd aod
baa qolu a foUawtnr ia bta aUlt, oa
ba ta orll aad taapra>l/ koowa
Ma ol kick latrrrlt/. Wbaa flTlac
bU maotia for-BOl totiac for Br/aa
ibta /ear. a. b« dM ia im. Mr. Rotb.
wfeni nU; '
vmroR j. afjuu « oo«
T^kJd? oI.'jU.- -iaX 1,
H» w«.
8Mdte«^«o|7FMtC. Aiinm,
«ds'i.~ nwd Om mmOt \
. aOrd ifc* taaa at
*«r. 'la •
ran. Jactr bf aaU. *T«a. k*> mr.'
Wbnaepoa t k»nr li vma'l aad ardmd 1
kiaiDDOTaaa. Do »aa aaa wkal a aar^
la int;
■ Mt ikmcii u rM<iT»i|^aai/ Krfic>.wllkd«<ta|A«
Mridta • (UU «r Aa 1
r eo tkr qor
■ J2a of •aaaer.eatlaf lor Prtar Coopar
rntm. JmrmBm
-» PaaiT* % Batkrrfard. aaa of tfaa
■iTa------- m-tht popnilMX
putr >•
tbv «<« ■»
«w r aaiM» liMt tad
A>d *• io<M M h« taiM ««b
For Sale.
JUl kiadt af
^ iw. -
Bicpcit Htpairlng
Frank Friedrich
«««, ..Ki'™.
John R. Santo
Wanbors Blk.
•t. oa the thimy that U pau him aad
Nowhere hi r
rader tbr drmacratlr doctriar
It. an in a totmr poallioa to wape
ifaik it will In
(hr roBMiinlioa toUawa Ihr floe, thr ' *n£^*tht*toby”lar"m^^ • •» '
cm tbr fnmi
loio- laemmacoi mi w iowM. defiaat flenre , hrtlrr lodcpoolc---------eontly
...............................h** hlFeady
thaa If II waa boMb the ptot^™^
Cf«lp>rt «>R«^f<^hll*®SUlH:lhryate wtth thr riatriia Ita head woo bta mam- atrpa and tat nainte look adrr blm tUl
ic party boa tbr hold j nndrp tbr ronaUlattaa. hbd tbrir oro- mi brredla aaaertad ttautf la a atnlta we ran do awnrthto* morr.“
•MroMiry to talk abont tbr ceaaeot’pir art ciliarna of thr Called Slalra. .that abawed «ll wWtr trrtb aad al- : Jark aboalde^ tbr wnaykaa maa
.. u. 0..W ».».u..i... p~pi, .1 Ai-^-..ssJTtus.*J5i
Of Ihr coward.' wbea tbey ore Ibr j with tbr aamr peMleatoaadricblaaa
• hellmd ia tha dlriae riebt
of oar maa to awn aaaUor.
-Mad it aot boaa ter tha traaotaaiea
tbr •rot attp
rd. propoM• oa
atep after
« oa oath tadalrad thr roaoUtntioa. to aa—OB laactiaa
to traitor.
aaaly break dowa
doWB aad dratruy
dcatroy the
tbe CDO•tltatioa to amialicfhltartaf tbeaa-
tto^ Inman, oad to taaa aw tha
mmt nrriaUrd a dimtoatlee a^
mtf Ihr laxary of breaklac ^wn_l^
tolpfri taan oxer brr |
B« aba eoaMnl. Bhr
'i ^
tn Jack
Jock tetoroed.
retaroed. aad
oad ahr bepi
bar-COB-debt to bar baad.
-Oa ta alaap. baby. Mamma 1a bam."
ala ^A wtto aa «wt at ptoytntaaaa.
| wonMtto wito ahm to oo la
>r iaHp (or dtaperioc of him otbre
1I Dot aoaemrd
aoncmed that Cbry pet a oota
i eaahka ondw bta brad. wrU eoroied
j. with a koc TarUto baU towri. whtab
Jato tcaMaaunatly dM. -Tbe aest —w
^^nml ^XtoT-~ a—adait Oath- |
hettrr adToauce tfaoB adaptod sa a
I nm or coarrettr to throw oeer tho amd
■ C~»d Ptoi-. A reflaod Bad rimple
, (.q, at tbr oame ttm
tartlre dralen la ttet
a to (he a
•n» etdoHne moat of caane. be aattad
to tbr room fur whlcb It la Intrmhil
b«t BB ocreeaMr aefaemc wooM be to
arork thr coaea la white flax thread to
Itoea. craofard atrawbrni
to„l«r. the bath~te«ri god tta or arttoUc abode. UaM
Tiarnw Oitj.
Bicpelt Sundries
Jy. Jl. Cedtrie,
AOdBaatFrentSt. ‘
--esrsaRr- ~
Oettes acanin?
i iiiiiii|iiinii|nw
•ms VOBSnro • BBOOBO, TEikTXBSB CRT, nett, StfTOAV, llBPTBniBB l« ,
TW tve nt* pOla«« bm Aon
•rimed <U MMBBt «r iMr i
te The UdK^ I
tatbrd'to tow Lem', laliartoai were to
MewMe. ah. storb s tatto hto of tbe CMe.
......................... TBUWy. ete drtned aa.
"ClUlOff Fcm UOMT.**
aww^ to Ito taiBw to tks hm( s'Ml
t tbe etoo. aad M
tbe -Mtae paaC. tha Mtaa at
■ ud ffteta* Bin aaa««bM itf-
•a tto tow s’ to sM to mam. pM
Tte M Biwteatii err Jwt mow totoceated to tte tatotetettap a( tte tapfl«h.aayttlBB«Miaiote.
, ReeemUy tha OMM dtataa flab rate
■sM^ toto^M da m BeM it I
M «r HmA ttHcta ttoad vtdl
pink. The hack at the pCtow to at
pink taffeta. 1%h ydlhiw to aa wrnmm-
M that they ace i
ftaa to to to eato te liataB sa fSdB to B
''"’te’iM as».~
tto toto ehto M tototoi toateo p
toa’tto ate rtoto tel ktoto te
•cut. to made of red and white talfMa riUm tn atlemate rows. The
back M the pillow U of the Itoen.’
Two otluT antuctlTe deacrip
'(Ml the same source are;
2 tas taads tess ks'Two^Matijya *
sr tAOK Lowoam.
In dark red. silk. The edee
Tbs boo D|eo. la his b
to onisbed wiib a crlnuoo cord. The
IS pUca'two
w dental. This a
BMds wKUa two fairly bMotlful bodtos
sww a irnBsjiisuiB piwow.
to ewBW tbsto to toes each ether
-iM-xpi-nsIre sofa pillow made from
■ Usama Mavf *• ■
dsemed II dtohuri luui-lltis MbroMi'ivd p-ltb wash
CTrikioaiy to (rvatr them steer sad sis
n« tbiTT. ni* piirfcri* rairir Inilsttit silks In wblle. pink. Ilebt rreen. Hffbt ter. ibst this tSsettoa talcbt bkwa rteb
am* dark yellow and'lilaek. Tbe ruf and fuU nor fsll a prey to the dcDdly
with «nwt
fle to of brirhi red silk. Tbe tmefc of cerms oeditorily sown la tbs coarse of
•ad the leb-i
lUr are Beat tu the imUrawTl tbe pUlDW to of the towenofl."
feodnlae axtotamp. OsTtaf Aooe tbtor
Iblnss. it to rrUeat hr rated trees hi,
with the nnl poiL
eoitoi.r—-'- wowT worn.
■skiww nektesL.
tobon. learinx i
It la iriaim with em? Bart of
In reabiiir plefcles only the beet Hdri tbe wUrl of Cbai
irtitb that «-x41oiwDor Pinne aaw tbeae
Cbaacc befaaved eanety tor ^ leas
eeklenm of earpuralkm faeiw aoJ -rinrrar sbuuld be DW-d. If a rreeo while;
' . bsviac
prrminrd ibsa te
Mkid the iHiiMnlilr -Buck'' to pnnm- cobir to wuilid In aour rticuraher
.Dbond Id
' '
pk-kles. It enn be ulitalnrd by puttlllC
It Boac ibcB' apart
thnn toto enkl rlnecar In a paccclaUi
,lbe cirtb at • weol
Hard kettle and lettlnr tbem bent alow- tbem IS dweU la erparate pUees. oar in
(lw<u Be. rwt Ufiw-1
I noH wooM fall as low a, to accept a ty over a alow Die until they are fpeeo.
|>rito by
' the o
eeaboanl aad
Only ennite or porr^la IlDsd' OD. fa I
I Tslley wbe.
It tarat onl be supfnwd that tha J |auai rmto a cwpiiralkiii. wbec Mr.
s pebblee li
il cMuuIttn- ii
'Se'nL Ch
“What P Try luer
li«! ti>
without fuBda la this prittlcal
Tbc other atory U the oUL rid one puttlar aaMnniums or ptoei s of bneae
Ii> fart. It la ttMindanllj’ la
radish rrml Into the plekh- Jars, which
.I pe^V. bwineto la
' twida at prcwnl. and aU alcna ledkate ahont Mayor JMtea or Tidedo. He waa sbmild alwaya aund to a dry aad dark
auefa a KonI roan, aad doublirto la atilt
that H will mntltiac to be
aocii a Booil luaD. that he itoe, dm he- place.
ttowboul That hi alreadr erldeM Here In irnrennucDt by Ui)IUictlnn. B«
ic city by
when aoiueliaity with an Inrentlon rl
TallnK hla own famnua anrker pal faitmtot leiii-al of tbe toter- tbe era. aud tboocbi be tbooebt moefaof
to do lioalneiDi la i^e eaiinr rxne of lawn tenato. a sport bee. Anrr they hs-i coor to kaow esra
aad (urtlwriDure li la dm bonl to Icuax
other well Late, wbam sa Isbeelle aa•nrlatlat.
bw iw liuVrd te flat! oat aaarilr where |
severe for either eetoor bad cUteM a* LaelU aad who
hatorniw aONMinta of .the -doacb- ate “»?«■ or ToVnIo ptomptlr nppbfd
heaUh or ptoararc. to.tie of tbe eoo- Deed la tbe rsUry. « irne no a ritot to
■“ "UtnwIl.WI areoadltut to the SRIBI
nnt only very rhsrtnlti* to bee steer BraetoiiK- And tbe BOB.
hot elve a rimd idea o( out
The New York World, .to- bw-Itona-,,
amr to fcm-w her tikewto.
of door p.wns in eeneral for late si
e. baa alaled i-«l-)
niosirwted to a
Uvriy III so many w..rOa that WUllam^ -n,.. new-imj.-ni liere
A.^larfeof Unnuna. wbutnit ralU-i-z-in^l wbeti t'hal
•onaliir.- aa It to- bad lawn la the nn- Ijupon llie «pM tn ask him all almnMbe
. Btkl irimmed wlih mtled (kwn col- Bonllloos and nrutnlscs
atr. rave bU din k Jii»l' U-forr be aall- ‘ luertean r.iUcm company. Tliey
.mM '■
-Nos. ,-___
Eros.EUery a
ml-be bad
know If that 1
ad for l^nroiir to Cbalnuan Jours for
rocsiiiT of I
tIiDjsin. fwomlslar to do inon- atnl to-tI .popular
amonr i
plantation owner,
Tberr-s ao mtotaUaC
Lots-s a foe ria
ter later «a If It abnuM -tie
''r- 'of
.1 i-laewben-. Mr. Joae,
of tiMtlw annth
aonth bb
8br to bricbl. ptod tooklnc. With
and of (Vninw It will In* neernaary.
made rnon- or hw* rraslct- ri-plieiL
Tim and eo sbnol her and s ekyioB*
The B'uHd aUo ipiriiw -ek-to-oator
The moot pointed qiieajlnm were not
. Bel her bricfainess I. of s <ftffeecat ueder fioei yoars. as are bet kooks.
Clarlt'a frl'twle a* iln-larinr tliat tto- anim-n-d. jierhapa lireoim- uolnly
her cwmplexion. Yoo e
I IlHIier tbniBht to ask tlieiD. The Amerlran
dentsad. Sbe's a pr«ty
little witeb and
idrBllirrsl«v*a»t«*'tluiDaeelhej«Yitli«i company to .
all tbei. kwt-Here be threw lU
- o( bis own atato caat for I
N<> o»e to fmdiiib moueh i
expreesina into bis eyee aad
• ' ! pp^end ttaltha I .
a bto
rloeoloe^jte t
to d.«^.j6 r^iito-tuM - much I
- ;‘:..T;',rw.id-
: “But sbe neve
like ber.
I«l la a dlffm-Bl way from you. I ad
mire ber. bat DM es I admire yoc. I
eaa resjs,
rr*|wet ber. and I laicbt have icTcd
«- bad yon and 1 oever met. As II Is'
both fell
fretlve aad r«
BMH7 I-Mikl to- apriit for ,Orh a pur-1
Ini.clnalkm could
paw b> »> rouilwtnIlvHy small a at«r. i
yet ItoM- Mini an- liert |»*l.'.l about ' 8.-cm hundred thousand d-dhtrs. |.-rBDcb tastliTs consider II entln-ly potol- } baiw «TiMS». would fully n-pnw.-nt tto-. actual |m>|sTty of lb<- r»
ble la \b-» Id trbal Mr. cnark b
;>. : It fM : not llk<4> lliat tlie p<-niWithoWl Baylor Hiat t'lark; kn«~hto I Jua"* hlron-IC <iti the ikmoeratle side
MoaUiia drieratkin a T not adDiltli-d of the aeuste and slsu In (be Onanee
IIP- Id .
n wItboBI
(a the KBUaas niy o
• teeest or'*7o Inten-sl
l:b< arreelnr to do m
|r7<m Inlereat
lir Mun>. and ttUrk has erldemly I
„„ p,,.. t*. been made on!
Bade • bertnalnr. tbourh prrbai* a 1
n,.^. pms-sslona. Itlnce be bas alniatl ODe. In dulnc ibot liaodiuBie | «,ys lieen a |s,>r man. and bas
tblnr) toi-n known ns a prumvler of U'nanelal
The World, by the way. pHats a (ae. (or tDatiuraitiirinr enii-rprtses. ils- eonatoilb- of ibe t'lark cheek for »1(»
I ciDshw to IrresIstlUi- that the Atm-rfao ibal Its i-sMrDec would bcfu
raa Cotlon ninipnnv was a r”oil Iblnr
hau-ds'cfl real
for Mr. Jones, ntlirr la-eatus- of HU |loBamiMhite
Keaator niandirr af
of bto
:rr s..mc time Cbaacc. with Ue a<med arcb manlpolatloe of ^s hadkc. tuucd a maa wUb a miae
s Lsoea EUetr's pstb. And areurdias to tbe affialty wbieb exists between
toco potocteac estntwl capital and mea
pnasraslnx iteaelrlal capit
co-operative ezpMUtloa ate mol
of tbe deal Loren EUety. aM desiriax to
mulrled by tbe westetu xeelile. bl
and now II to ■
fai-t la N.-W ilai
-lhal t'bltk it I real to-ad of lb.- K
■»bic to P'tuni
« by ) oM frli-nds. TtH-j I
t many ■
apelulliir Do end id uinm-y. ail Ibal i; firm'
i-n Ibe port- fh-kl id trust h-rtsUl'
oilrbt Is- n-quIh-iL to driest Mr. fhati- 1 th>n at tto- iiallnnal rnpllal Wliaf sc
dirr for re-rUniloti. It to doublfnl If natural as that Mr. IWb-s shouldlp«
will m> tn .New
Ibi- way of
es|s-rtolly If It lireomea
srell known lhal flsHi Is
out of
to sum trborr did be ret
Tbis to the
Meat to Illustrate. b-'Wen r. ibst Olark | aiocniil qm-attoti' Ibal the New
hatall kinds .d tinio.-.x to s|s-nd. .
t lUipers fnr^d to ,ask
rj jj
,. jo
^i-s.. rHe bas
E writ kiu'wn. ami
inot patimled a tt.miMno lormtioo.
tar to s|s-ml II. and he to Dot tnueh i n,, |« not a rreat money raiser for
ta«e iwnirutor al-om the h-wllij' „,..,rlsl ptuvomw He naqueattoualily
When- hto lee Is pulled than he to alum
onantltlea of tto- Mock,
the mrthoil by wl.lcti the art to dom! „..,,y
.,f toano. of the AmcrTbe th-morrctiu a. I. well known. - u,„ cJxor. cm.jmhy
•re la control Id ali^ an Id tto-torce
nt-ri- I. amrtbrr erldi-nce that It
rillra. and as m> J.s-.li«,y for civil m-rv, dlffiTence whose oi to «orvdr lefami i-ooerms Hhip wbeti they
frt to It follows that isttrly all of tlie
m and Clirtaw.
- • ••-» In tto- larcr cUles ate
ebauU^r^Ta rale of Ufa to fM
a. Ko suaefa an aaUexpatuioa poo can or to rlvc sO yon am?. That
a nillUun tk'Usro wjll Is- rata , Well, bow mnrb'ra
1 - flrat gets?
mUoo. bumaaliy or rrilgtao bar^
vr wane IQ tto-N- lorallil.’s akwr It to.geoeraUy teeb,ancctastul as eapesias
Kb ta-lkulkeo ilmt len l.mea as BpA of tteustty. prlaeea at eommeree or
BOPry rauhl prohildy te raised In Mb- Iraden of torge boatoeta ep^ipitata.
er Ib-ntocrail- clilrs. all ukru logrtb- roaelbty »i— tbeir chief bepefaetJop
rr. rsperlally s1dcc_ Mr. Hryau bos bus rosislsted 1« ctmlleg-piuauble «Bpolot.duul that (iK-nrymrilecampolea ' ptoyiprul-wbicb to a kite of glrtagto eery f-irtmuiie la tevlng (WDUul o( : eqmctolly If they have breo Just
ate 1
^ .
Otely Otal ongfat to take ««uri ntak.-
- O.S - -r-H,
ate peel
ly good opea
Opea. ore
are always
alwaya re-'
re- f,
tte -duteier of e
d here wbra We hear so Baby of j
ms mrti
ro h*“'***■ •
rtergyian of
aoPMibctaibrite wm Barry
leadlag Detno- Ii
»..s- - - - '
w "dtat (mepflL"
I OnnpUtote are brard ta OerBaay
Opr atary rriatw to tte lion. “Bpck* j .tat some of tte flarwt arapw te tte
A year ago Uet Jaly tte I pMoatataa kpawn aa tte
1 Urge arc hatagrataed by al
Tte brat to ao girat la Masrat that
tteta ura bekoagtog ta tte Brittok
■uk«r-ww Oaotata diad Craa kM(
ij^ tte paakaat l»y tteae.
xia iBjtxte O0WV.
aad wia^
•te eajitad tteta to Waotfa noO. Plta
fll^aBiMBriaf tbs tM ttar va
. toerulnx tbe ways at the’
aad U. baWul aad addlv Is ble
htakry tbr osawwetotare ef tbe
Th«^H ap to M* «d««ena ta
mlM aad the idkan W tbr ftatetoe. Aad the BOTtte obttaathBa at hoMaaa aad
he bte btototo- eaite wsMsea kltoiltt. paeau to the aortal riirin whlek hai
Ato'l yoa know, sad ositc piwad at hto u taflDteoe tasto oU ctaaaes at aoriety.
•te It to vlae far a iiitoBtr vtoito:
city sad btoask hte- wbe to DM taHtalte to audiiaUBil
eetf to s emais ntodmir sad seal ap
Us card. Ur had asked for EiaiMlaa
but laodeBtslIy It so hsi-pr«s4 that
Ltole akied her stees la iseriviat bba.
Coavressttoa picUi Its siaaMto thread
tfamOEb tbr BiKtuoa. aolbiaas Bad peHtr iasUtics of la>prt»tosl smaB talk,
fawry eoairiviw ia. bto eabtJe way to
nairey to each that bto iaiereai had sac
dwindled, aad all weat weU.
flowed essOy. eaiarally. wttbaw Jar or
-Ah. what a
toey B
faicly •
.lac dtoeotd
kiac yawac
a IriL csxi
with took or aw«w as ttey may p
te' loMt tbc coBtata (ta • to
ta tetr (ta fftaMa at oattada rotorita
This has made tac
taUciMed. D« bad Bceeml «r tte M
prepoied to diCcmil atytoawte taTittd
tWlevs ate edcpma to ptafl
•PSD tbem. They kO p
rtrj pteatatdc ate were ampetote St
ma can afford w be
tbr awlf c
r Urn. -Aad aay I tooteitabta. so tte duet for Kwaata •» •
“My eoBsU fiisece." Etaeatlae laferB- •talBDOMpMlItaBteWbObDMMB
Tte flab wriffh from S to SB poud^
«l biro: “Ibe one la tbe aaey I tbiak I
ate Ibeir meal to bard ami flm.
Tbm- to mocb pood c
' loM ysB ahnoi.“
Oor of Ibe deakera la S|M«kta( at ft*
“And to be DM a baadeeaar taapr be
Tte Hnatohobt (or tbctc 1 little pi
-Indtod he la." aatbewHeaBd. B
tboar who ptoeed o tbe market arid tbri rxtam
- la a pnsi- •lire
C— M
“ Ota
' ttoi CFf cdtMr flrii to St prem
Ooe wbieb dmuds a tone exprtaU- cal tte poMkr wfll fftodly wricoate anr“Bat not b~k< bto teotbee nsTBSt
tpt* of time. atMffth ate meary. atej tfetaff iww. tie brilrrcd that tte tikeImte eblnsd la.
tor BOM youBf peofde atantag «■! la flsfa If It cvmld be lottudwerd wimM ba
.“An ettreraeiy
extreraeiy alee yaaac -------Biw. I
etosmri at tamrj tab ate utarid aril
eooUnwd. “wtib a eton aad *0 tUa It woold te •• lapoaribUtty.
j aad maeltarto"
for li Mto per powad. Tte greDl dtf■bn.it bla. a
.“ Eltory pat la ato
-Yee. I d
flcBlty to tbr dtoUPte tbr |
- tbr vane UBlUariTbb BDsn ttaveitag or ewrty •«• would bare la go to coKb tbam.
ty nf tbr pbrsers.
toroa ffoWB Is lllpatraled by To«ur ate
I'aptaln J. W. CoUlno. wbe boa wtH-Aad yet «< diffeecM freB bto biMb- •bows to-rerri of fssbhm's peweat tro .an Inlrreattag htotory of tte tltoer.- came bark ftea Lale'e eUy of tbe tfrito. It to of ipedlOB any btllltop.
tlah. tars dtat It baa ewer pewwflarttkaa
of Its ..WD aad rn-o la tbe cBausi ob
Isii'l It faimrr'f
Tbe tain to cut ta gorvw wUfa liirert- server pn-aepto fefltwres which diffta
: tbe klad of a
ed box ptoltt 01 tbe bottom. Tte step easenllsHy frota t^ paoanaia bff
ns4n. yet"—
I o-aU-mH loro faha ae I wosid Uew te sups are of tbe aottriaL MmiDod •ny Mber aperiew. II boa a gaeerri IPLute IptcrpoUted. taUaf ap Ur
arniUancs- to tbr dolphta. tbe body bto
; ,wrii.« of tbe airasarr.
lag weO fonaed. quite
| -n..w straacer Kllery wae bewiaalas
like tbe satipaD. opd Ibe
to tsll Tictlm to decidedly deflUle ate
flab iDdkeal^ tl
Id and aetlee awlmm
porso.- aud rsptorc Ito ^ood or to gp- ,
-But act s. I roBld hb
-WIm I r>mld adipire-—
“ll.it me s. IlrttasirElk-r) kiu-s they w
erilUnc «B
sad smllrd .s.-m-uidy.
-tVlMmi 1 .-SB nw|wr|-—
“And mi
inlchl bare k-Ved"I e-l lart
-HU bndUrllermsB”-And ,b.-e-why. Ur LSlevy.'
liar l-r-Lr
a. laiss-eutlv as sbr did
Bbn<|<ll). “J-ni ere aol coiac? And to
1- the sucbal r It or adi
pose Ikwaal Ob JttotHn fMt of the igd-.
DoDsd-rari otelfaepecwltorMtarVbkh
(te pecwltorestarV
It rxlilhtta. lirtag an profuaely Mttsd
with |iau-bes nf greentob yellow that U
rreel.-e.| tbe name of ~le«pud flabftim. tte ItolH-rtneo wb« were tbe ftnt
“U.wt ebenalnc time. I Bi------- ------Efli-ry bad ctonr.-d el hlv walrb and
lilies are.folly as s.-tlre ss rad ta-tbrir
tauveiiM-ul,. niM-D raufllit as tiswt
.. limy at Uhl to egblHt
lata fl
!bt^kv I.Br*BisteclBC
h.-e.>uir .-xUnrl la HOC.
Tb>- a.-lbm n
aradinx Ibe fUh bere to warmly COtaBumd.-.! by the drakta. Boatoo to cop-'
ald.-rr.i tte nmai troiunant flab BSikat
In lb.' .'rttulry. and .It was pratably op
tbU sc-ocat that the Ash wrrtv MBt
ber.-fi>rexamlnatloo and trtoL
metlNklirally deiax m tbr door
eb.-,|.ok.-- -Had ao Idea It was
lime flew an. but I moet mcM a
-Ibi. mlolnx. yoo
man wilb a piT.sp.'e.O'
,. .
kaow. U'sn drueedly diatrscllns '
.“Then sn-*dk>. Mr. KUrry."
tlse'. Isrynt sa* drfH-sIrly vllriat wt
dlMpp.iBlinenl a> .to- Aaatly extend,
her hand. “You mato mme sxsla"sre .mr m.»in Htowce-“And bto bo.lb.-r IlmuBO--
"Ilr's just s« hr to la bU |UetOie. ate
I know y-R nill likr him-s
-But dlir.-ient from the way y*o wtP
like hto hnrtbcr Ilerm"But tsiiv-n rilety, feeriax an attari
fled ineoatlaeatlr
York Pnaa.
down-lbe sUits.-New Y
A mio. of Klawa.
Tbere nnm r-nisin nrij .in.- ptepk- aai
e equator
no.' little vsllry wmlt
a rtolBed
Sbisir sovert ictity bas
ley nf Uei
r.f UsIuL lu tk.utb Africa. Aad tbc only
reaMP shy tbr Marolsr. stoi isbaUl
■ dixiiiiy of ertf rvsprcl. ..........
later Is d.«r by sieves wbo bave bcea
ropruivd from nrightertox tribrs-Ctorloosti EouuTrrr.
-Wril. mt .leer.- Mid Mf..I»ertry t
lis wife, “dkl yoa aped Ite eRcfaan
cading. ss yoa toirteedr'
-N... krre.-Why orir
' ' .-r
. Tte lllrasb were flnt dtorincfpd
ato>ul Iteu. but were aappoard to haea
bold biins.-lf in bend, “fk- tilre lr> see
cirto aesln. d»a1 .yoe know, but I
f be moTiuc
tm-Tiue oo."
o«u■ QSt
-Itut won't y..o stay Inst a
SB.1 have «<mc leer' Erueatlae made s
a minlnx expert and went to larcMlxate
tbe pretenskos of tbr bole la tbe
I gruoad.
lae' toy among i> el B rIaDdstUl.
It ao bappeoed that tbe rolae'
tbe owtlsttiax spats of tbe
it rosy not br wuey
wUrb triaxvd tU rim ofr the TtUey Uaroiuwbi-n ibr lime e
wbarr Late llredwte tmived.
NaturmUy. soeirty brine limited and
tala. In meat
•J arc very
iroteev-rarr. sbr ate CUny met. and
tulScd. Ev
they MW much of eaebarsfak- did br flad her 00 . .
denied day by day aad irasthoaed tbr arUlarTUry .-f tbr .-rnrirc. la to. ^e
dele ef bb rrturu. Aad ss be look llb- evt-ry nr U klnx. tU-rr Is ao brad rate.
enle, wilb tlom. so dkl bU tongue with TIh- terr far) tbel b.- Is a Marwtee In
him liU be Mkd to imte things vrbleta sures tbc reei>,t of Ibr sal
•burid OM bavv said aad wbieb br
Mid before.
ity'nsasllj Imidsnt. In tbr*CD^
tte bodice. Pete of aliccr bottopa. • srid'Mw^u^hey^dr^A ii3*u« ra
Moe velvet belt aad high raltor to ber kwg. shaded plstu aad thus strars
white lace furatota the garritore. to adapt ttemselree more comtortafalr
Tbe LmiU JCVI iuii la llaae gulpan to i to tbrir torrid ravtroomenL -It's
I iortd"rt ll ■ M's IW looks' aad brnlth
sad ril that sort of
rashtaa'a Kcbaaa.
Ybr-s Just- tbr
Kewvut taffeta allk petUeoata hare ^.“r^a
klad of a girt to carry moat
taoM fellowe
double Spaotob flounces, acpwrilcty sway.
taO la love wilb bev Oo Ibe Jump.
raiB.vL ete a very dainty caraMnatioP
la afaln waist eoloringi
. efferdvr b.
-BM ate aever could be to mr what
BiparruUi. porphyry, earurllab. arallag
are. She Is dever. but not as yoa
ate opeUlae are tbr «ew wtaKte Is pretty, but ae are yoo sad
oo kdoe. greefl. porpte. red ate
to a dUfrrrat way. Sbr may appral to
tab napectlrelj.
moM BVB. bot BM to mr n you can. la
TruktranBt tara sad net yokes ate abort, i Ukr your eUter. bat tberu to ao
tdeevta oiw la tbe farigbt of toablocu
aimUarity tetwMB
tetwraa that ate my affec. m. i raa admin her ate teNm every womno can hapdke o taee
her. ate ll mi^ bare baes I
bat It to DOW tte opbavr fend ber ted I bM met yaw
pauved foreign fad to try
ie-tell me. Ltaa. dear, tsfl Bs yoa
Narrow black vrtvrt jewriod Pt
tte olBpIc little vriret bow so Bueh , As'thU rapetUioa of Mataotypad riotsard Id quoptRIra. nnrt or stripes of ' ties to as tsfiimlty (cub wbkb mfl-aa*tben t"A Mock velvet nnpptacs with ' ruUoes soffrv to greater m Ibm
lidratte vriveta of gtpduattd '
U>*.Braaara gives ptoa^
__. - —
I, AMiSMjimb ' to an remtatoee. u ran te cepakdeeaa ao
cTMl rrtt aad tell thtoge we«M .pM
------------------------------------rearited (tub It bod pM the boa
BPdr Ltae'a o very roafldtoc aoaad Ctepee arat ber doers oa apTtoafa a rcttalokd coUe
Mhcr Tiett to tte Mahaaid rily.
wrartqg. toa't nr
' tW aspaltaw Btey was yieteated
....J (baagtog tte tread of emu hr
“Areol yoa afraWr
rabblag tte Blatog fever aad gulag off
-Afraid of whair
tbs outisnlBC taPVs w expkwe mosu
kra la the ti liBod
tecc of this Bfe. that teiewafDte. ate
may »M feri tetaelf acctoctte.
It to (leqaeBtly tbr cDoe that bath
boM ate boatoto occeiit iBTltathma tee
aociol eeeaiasa amoex ibrir frtemda.
riurauBk oowx orun:
with Meet bwtsao. Tbc skin to at
gray silk; polka dMted with mi. Tte
tmkqoe liuie Jacket bos touctea of Ate
Bilk as a iHiBBlog. Hot of suft gray
frit. trtBincd with o scarf of tte
pollta dotted aOk aad a wblle fewtber
ed l7 IbdinwtfaM eif
by ao anrd Ue. as
Ibe Imdy ate PM
uauaDy be auurnome kbkd. eltber
wbra teefld pOla
by tbr ridoftapta
.artety nf n
kd agalitot tbe chaprtpp. as she dors ao anlrie It
PM CDOsld.-r ber preaepce a pcceulty (lalirkl iTrvoat adv.iralea xrtet be
or a eomplharDt to terarif ate ber ; calls ite rduratkm of tte will, ao that
I oaeb |s-r*on an tralfled Bfly hare powOpe of tbe Maotia giveo by tbe auro- | er wllbln himself to exert oo bto pwp
»er girt for dtopeteing with tbe tlmo ] body the loBaeBre of bto nrtPd. ao fat
bonorad etworo to that nbe ao longer I as it may be exerted at alt This
Iteulgra la tbe aame daagrroae pas- I w.iul.l arem to te a nwdtflda (Mm at
tJBra as did ber alatera of year, gone | riirtoHan Brlepee. divested at wbri tte
For loataoee. abe dors pM accept o|>p.>n.ple of that cult rail Ita bl
tatlona to Mil to tte moonllsbl up- : tire ap.1 aflomrilra. M. lYwimt, howof a party
f - - •
- docs DM prapope any ayatow at
_ .
married ate upumyrted tmopto to atoip- , ,111 tralntoc. ate ao Iboee penop* wte
daoec. Nor dora ete waterr sloog tbe I bave tvwdy made syaiMPfl bo Botl«
brachaftcradapci.-toiliefarilR»m.to^,b»w objcctlopabke to tte arientlfla
caum- Us- dampoesa to liable to0 rain
rail ' mite, wOl d
ber goero ate give ^ a m-cere cold.
» bold tte fleU Jp what pay.
kongrr deprires ber nwtbre or
ter mufber's friends of ber aocletr ate
to aa rraquratly seen to tbrir company
as with tte maacullnc ckement. flb.nerer attetes a bop at a Dclghbortng
botri-atoor. beraPta If ber famll
imlly ane (>aa ate e
If hy chann- tbe
c BanuB, natata (na
r girt to at a bMeL abc aridom prolooced expomre of tte wbolo body
her peeterwier fur atber botria
pttog toritutops for daacea at
t. aad Ita m effects »
0 (be aettao of tte ■
TYila years aummer girt to pM opc bit
, iPBirad of briv
•ffeette. Bte does Dot seek to colkeet
tier natural pride
rerrits agriuM tbr Idea of aUowl
lUlug ow-tte erari
only to tte trepkra. aad tte lawwlty
Idaefcs-bLexptataid by tte tari tbM
for yean or of gletag him a right to at dark
tain or othta dark «-hM.sM
assoBM a ramlllar attttedr toward ber
A good sfioy Is gnitra off oo Ite le aad to caD ter br her flret aaae. SoA
to tte New Ycalt Herald's caUmato of
gal prof.-ssl..n ns follow,:
Ip a crtalB c'-iumiinlty a laW}- tte 1900 pumawr gtrL
died wbo wa. a -nost is.l.nlsr ai.1
wurthy man. apd aui.mg oilier vinars
top-r|)tal u(>it> hU lMmlMt.>iir wae tbit.
“A Uwy.-r simI an
Ikitur yenr, aflrrward a Fanarr*'
Alltoner .•.RivenU-m i
1. eislted tte -Wl \ at tte ram aad bsaae and atx thorn
of a ae
; when bMh are tataler. Add a IMlr
deirt eit
! aOk aad let the eporatnsh traato ra
Uon: -A lawyer ate aa bopan ataa.
t|.- was lust to Iboaghl. and wto-o Jon befora aer
per. salt aad I
rroB time to lime temeta come of
tarange aalmato betse asra at-aaa. aad
wbllr tteae irports bave ceewtUly beua
•rooted as Mllora' yanm reerta taVestlgatkoos shew tbri they may te trap.
Tbefr are wall patbrartraied rasas
srberr a-tauatwre kpown aa tte mA
riisrti baa ten Been, a areB^ ara
aerpeat «D feet kopg or as. AaMhar
well kpoww b« rale gBripe tappaur to
tte rtbboa flab, of abnl tte astaia
baaMM MTBttae with rift
foaad the crave of a dear frirad «
rrlafIVB. asM; -No. bat I aa woade
tog why they raae to Imiy Ihota t*
faitaws to tte aaaw grarc.'
Tte ftoBtsp Kwvated Kaltway eoaapaay baa dtotrihated ahrai tOOOOO
-Atat you the orpeiy vflflaO^*
Ree UrteiB. tbnmgh rharcbes
Hid ltaa aharp-faf«> woama. lafttaff
atblBtoote ri-riy. “thaiBflfl. •
that aelteru atod ebUdrra aadstok aad
nark oo tte gate post wte* ^
raw oat
opt of tbr
Ibr yard
yarf aft
too poamls .10 boor in simply lUitag
tte rarriacr si tte Bscblpe. la a d^, fegaaopttag.
«*0«tiirti i tatal o' rlctiuto iMt y
te worid ntar Are tote, or fiiMlilm
me Pumep UR tte Me of tbeir beta
“WTgr DPtr
tag tte dtotaace which tte tarrlace to
to eealdraor. fte tte tex of Pendor
last uiy
“BeeiUta If ll wofv Igulttd to m tbe raatcpu theiuof are Ubety te ty a
talnd aad lowered, over two mm
way tte a>r wooU br faU of tte aaril
Aaridad tte Mtatamiy of tte tflta oOiad
fOtateec lacoeB each day.
toai Unit panicle. Law bapi
fte -Mta at Italy.- wMeb to briag orat banilpc rahboe -_______
tab*.- B^eruBto^ n^bgv
Dartag Ite flscal year OtaJed Jbbb •■■M aa tte raaa itata fl* (te looff
patad tbri EraBrtta
tatetaff n» teU ta Coftaad. u wW
cariata kmak BiriBisa — —
her ter taaUta asetuts. .
taps of whtoky. as taeraa* aew ft*
Ska dpftfff iM|riMC«n!B mt
I iold^oro Bxco&D, TKAl-nsE crrr,
kzc&, stkiiat.
Tbm to «• l«Mtv CT>4«^ aboat a
Cabaa vomb. aar» tb* Boalaa TraaacflpL that abm Itaalf «m la tba
ka« pnwlant af bowa i6» ttoa. Bcrl
ehNblae to Blaara <Ulnl7 aad to fiv- [
qacatlr abeniad vltb tba aadWetk >
" r otoo Oasna. Bar con mar ba
paopto Hral tbea Is rtraaltoam. la
maar nra thr Caban wamaB te todar
|ir talm macb for tbr fatar*. bat tbeca
Mraedr maratd tUaltanaaa.
arrrr befora tboocbt
iboot Ahratear niltttn-. aad tbom
«rbe arr tilmatJ «itb crar balr
■ndr mntadrd of tba Amarteaa
woowa of rora. mtfa vboa H aras tba
tblBc to falni. a»d a valst ttat!
rad orar IB iDCba* vai a sort of i
saj axMtJficatbRi. That to. )ost |
oboot whet* tbma direUn of tbs (teples at* BOV la tbe arolr of fibn*CBl pcrTbelr i
op of tbr AmavlcBB Ctrl to Bswrtof.
Tbrr do Bot aUDd ftnricbt It to B0«
poariUr vboa Ibrr
tb«7 do asd <
v»or soeb this aboc« la fart, tbrr do *
aot vtar abom aaanila. botasoRor
a unto bowo sUp^ that to oolr toWedrd for ToitMb roc vrar.
M- of tbr fln
CAN’T fool Germans.
; a tanceai and macalded a
lalo a BonBlain. Jliirh »a»
^ ^T5lar T^ly p«aytB* fc» o
Btrot of (hr aoel-besded On
I donaltT to olid*
ib« food
•li^ lto>_______
«bn ttood fast for Oraat.
dmjWto toroada i^tbo
iorideoi aii.rd oat after!
,,rlut.oB. It proted heaped Vp *H^
of tba ac4a BBd aartaancod ceafktoDcs
to (bRr bHoc tba uettoot tblofa that
tbrr rvrr aav. bat dors of aralklac Ctrl Scfam Baa Bad a Prerioaa!
am am •
rbancrd all this, aad tb* Cabaa %-Bi(
Attadc tf Byateria.
rbo ba»‘t a pair of thick soto^!
shoes vlU bare them before aba c«*a {
It la BO veodOr that Cabana ai«,aa
frail at tbrr at*, for no vomae vails
Bpon brrar)f If sbe caa bHp IL Rreo.
War •( tnra-ri-d
tb* teacber vltb tba aaaltosi aalarr
baa aooie ooe vbo R«« to mariH for
ber aod does ereertblBC that can be
doBo. Oeoerathma of belas valird ap
ll to alBcular viib vbat penUteoer
tbr demoerati try to ipipiior on Oer-
• nonber
lumber of tbiec>
Mta AMMOr TfcWi*. ttr 'Hrrw ItflU •«»»— wbo «M tM
H f*
«•* r—*M L«dr nalM* IB "Tbr Unir MIbWk.*- ha* >c.t^
K MadCP Chtartbom U “Tbr OnatMt Thlo* 1« Ibe #o»Jd-
Qoaaa Itarcbartta. Onto
attadr*. waerrtd aad taritare ratber
thaa effoalT*. brr qoallttoi at* ratoo.; latad to appeal tolber te tbr rtodmoutttJWTA or fTALV IB A I
m-klChlandert Ufce berarif-tbaB UM BTCMOTHRIFT.
tbe popotottoa of tbe n«t of Itslri There to DO doobt that tbe dlaappotot«>*a. Baiaa ’IM ropvUa-Wovv- - am
aad oaktoddr etptoooed bj
avd tW Toto toacp T—a« w—oa Uteoevapat ..
tbe pealntBla to
of Pibi I baa**re Tabto *■*■«■ i gaidlnc ber fallw* to ftodU Bstkmal
OOB Itoibtova
eaparUtloos In tb* pioaeBtattoo to tbe
to tto
« iBtaritlnf wctoao la Ualr. i
^ effect of ratotoc a sort of barno a— IMB VI ft* BiaDT Taota. Rbc!
antacoBlsBi betvree beraelf abd
... tbe peopto ofbtc adopted colWtrr
The atoaaatoaUoB of tbe
Mr fW tbs la«
awl maksa ber
and all
cerataf bw of
t of tbe drnasllc
bppp which they bad baaed upon t
“ ™
‘ marrlwr.-.
Qnera Harfberita'e popolarlcr vma a
r of tbe tfoeCB
vmne of atreactb to brr buabaBd at a
ruler. Rren at tbe iDoiseBt vbeo. ov-.
d br tt-o^ vbo kBov »»..♦ :
ea IB ibew
tnlBtolera. he wae most on-
la wo |
^ ^^ara mnalocd an ob-
.: Ject of v> iDDCb affectloo no tbe part of
> tbr people of ernr abade of polltkul
,: oDinloo that tbr Srid dalar was rboaea
' !o ber liooor as tbr emblem of a ooaiJkffCaMat aad brOUant mlsd.
baa ; ;
■rinn^thM ' be^®^ pollltoal aoetottoa. aome of Ibem.
“in.perialtoai.” Ip riew of the p
One of tbe totcat eoblrlranres for tbe euereu ibrj hair had in aiaUar
-Snforr. Expertoner oocbl
Brvlr arrirrd balir It a "naraerr' la- temple berrS
loM that the Germaiu. iDstrad of
bto.” a nxiM Incitikiiit loreotlon. ilolD 1
rqalpiBrot arr RT BmctoABtartloc vltb .
viiltr niane l taM- ivn feet
feet aqitare.
Vltb alaa* Cop of tbe Came dltnentiOBa.
This lahto baa a driver, a foldtnc toaf
nti tbe toft, a aUdlnc ira.r nml (i lov
aliHf on tiv riebt. on vbleb sland« a
portntito while
fndinc ootflt to unique ive
four ounci- Olat (taas erllMlIcal
bottira asd all liottles of (b<- naisr
(I dupe
dupe or
or mUiead
j It mar
: lorj.
illdate I
...... ^ '•
- iSSlwaiiu".."
etoarir. bot tolhal
toum ay
eyes to
oltrr foMr o' HjIbc le
eooked-op cLarcr* aad nin|Bi|rD cr«-. —-------- .—
dratllut. of irolb
Af«» tbto I Vaa OBabd to ^ Wto
If Mieh Biet. at Sotnorr and Sehor*.: and mdltoc* dipped to tte rilato ct.
a bmlibB a larpe puttitm Map
•tlj- misled.
In IsTS^hal caa ' PT Pto tm^uA aad fniit toJ
ntotosd the tV
of ^liiarlna la with forotoa alM ntolre
i> errey day raiM *as la).
WOO"’"torn'nho «mw'wSiinVt^
1, e«.I and ..r.sened under .neb .;
,o<j doeeptiie eharire as :
that of the «1e of nrm. in Franee are
be duped whh the err of “Im-1
Ii aerjr*
aertrs lime for tbr de-;
how hard I
1 to team oner mi
fooi ibr x:. nrans. and now. ea j
TociebiDp ibto pytnl. i
> n-rle«( a liUlr bU-1
ui.i«t br »TB1
dayrsoMHoBdariBuatbfal I idwald ct«b aloud, tbnjod
«*• faaohed. Ibal aabappy BMabeeaa
at t»» asd vaa brooebt to. a olov; at
1 P- m.
To tboan vbo a;^awtote tfaapliawlL
M latinjt, lot tae mxaniBimd a royal
Kmmm dinner. Kopm can dovribo tbe
tMamuis lo TisiKw «*if si la V s. a. Thw
agioKo 1 radBmd aa I vaa eamod famno Wiu-Xlrr yw s |l BVal rUr iS M vlbs « Ihr
in my grmi snUa ciuur. For daya <
1-lr ab- a neiuthtol. and to ihto day
] tbe sight of a puppy pig to UBbenblo.
I —Yuatb'a<XKU|uuii<m.
rseBi-Vivs frsa Tlas— (Tly
made ID play M |,
s-nii rlrsaK* nssnUaa In TIBIVBI Uta.at
Ibr OermsD Totrrs. but wllh iiiplotbe'
. rlou> reaulla. Carl befaurz
psrtMs r/^jgyr^yBtc to «as tar* iar'
| leader in It. and. If It be fraekl} i-on! n JWIJ sf MMh oM ea aavtMs tetery; eednl fhal he teat hnneai ano aloeerr.
“J'rr mi agmU srbr«oc.’'midao laTtorr lakalllKirinubiiha: Mrxice
letMin eimpir to that. iiadl> In rr7 'la psvipc tbr waj i<. afopt tbr gold ' giaiouaUraup'nBiityuuiL ‘•Tbifv'ane
alomlnlnm wit* trar lor biddlns liof- ' tor nod the rlctlm of
' '* idini’ar.! a< Wxin aa ii aball Iw
tbr pstcDt (V il I'ltliiT. It to jnV B cal aad
inimlier of 111. TI.err to a <b r. iM>t all hto pevera of penui
Inlrrr.i. of ihe r/ |M.li.Ir. aad li> Iracl- deg tonarr. ami it touls anything 1 ever
ei.Bldr bim lo imls
aatel fdam bovL In vbleh two nipples
.rr. Purflrio IKy*. to do so. For aomr saw fee- the lansBD-.. I «<* mudd laiirt
ar* ready for
A class .seoop to lakr on (hr (kTman-.Amri
wicjco Horni.
yrar» il her bn n ihr iirrrti.-r of ill- uof and Uid It (B the gmund near the
muld drludr Umarlf. I.ul i
imek d<»#. Tlazi I lait ii wosteu borii.t
t oUk. aucar and a
P li.Ato
3t milk iB 111.- ai»c. In ill.- kih-biB I'rr
augur. Two white iu" at* marked
••nDCUX” and *T»l-<'ar. Koda.“ A quart
Srbur* wi« ibrn io tbr ariiate. and uhai ailvrr will do. lt> ro ctolrcthr NI■1
boUlc to marked - IJoirwater and as-, in anliripatioii *rf ihr prraidrntial eonadr.Kutr. hai. blin.'r.; lbrm»h.-a V. IhM'Vin-u nuMcudto tbe nine
other -Alcohol.t funnc-l and a loog.
• In that l»>dr a
thr f«i-i that li is ngt alirrr. bnt plate, ami cIb-iiUbt tmumatealBBinect
mm I u 11 e». a A
1 It m' 4 mu
M tm-ul in tU-milk. Yon jnsl.Bghi le
: i«M*: r u'u V
me lliD effect. Ac»t«aixsahaig.faianU< lar.’hKwr. tails B> t W sas
a the I
tbe milk and css for
' turinc |>rou
' whirh hato/
...._____________ .. .. .............. .
................. - .................. a prr rap.ia rirrola- luikr CBxakxLvlsxi tb.- slight, luigbag
'Dunsen Imnier. an asl.-slua root ami a ! aid •r-oralional speech, sriting forth tioriof a iriflr oirrinnedonars. arroni-1 ahisk to f.-lL TUmidi.- n-lona to ’
-arrd ID Ik-.I.Mtiagine farts. p.r..l wiih fi»-in Ihc-fl'nitol Siairs- | attack and tom-boH to-r baiRm- li.
Inx of aabty mat.-ls-i Insim- Kiif.ly-! •»“-t oppr.
am! that nine
•V'llarr intowrateulUra. sorfan- if Ihi- liiilk. li-rbalrmsw tlsu,
ir •V>:iarr
and speed In prei'artag Ibc Ibtam'a'
food iilshl or day. (toe .loten ao.l one tlon. S.n.i„r Sumo. r. who bud grown
Thr M.slrmi
rmi lirra
llrrald. in .li.vursing . and sbB y.n.1 <f rage <* lain a*
te tqvingHBnayfr<«D tbr |ail and IhiB
OlM0e*.irr In a Isit iienr al han.l. a„d
'•*' ‘P<l^ •«
**Thi' Nlirr qin-.-ioB will not down in | tomato bsik Ijwk at it. 1 bare Msai Ihe
•B.ar,-twolUnn. r.xv|e.. nidniaiMa|“®"i'*,-‘«**’" statm.-ntw
Mr fol<-au pi.Ijlips. IS-opIr wbo harr - nne- cut taki- two rb<gln wilfain as
Uw one. to .-ov.-r lvl.> 'h to.lllr whlU
ttorr , many niinnl.-s uid llsuari as if she
feeding, that it mar m.l U- chUled. A i
Vr"lf"mnn ^0^.71 T‘"'
! pro-i
•I«ril.\ '
wanuxl to try it again. Imt dMa't dsi*
casr of ateriUto-l exmoc. six wash
lire! dow
I..J hirtcilba. aeren'Hern dUb low<-to. a class '*
nsicral .’r.irr for. indte it to dtffmxiL tbs
soap dish and a |iaU of waru- wal.f
lirrr II. Mrsk-o wr know
e for tbe n
L movr.
1 iir
I.nciatrd .iollar mrsi»
■oroTiTL-'or miiv «n,V1i .,o.r* ,,u^^
•"**-* •
N.ilbrr Ihal cr.at rtaicMnae ll’rol- ; aanserKmlt. He wants
Pere Marquette
»n*d«U. brtof
1 tbe throne
It and to
. I bostUe alike to
fiaeeff for a qaaiter of a century. Aad
• bwbwabaavioabw:^k'»«
rirbliii MtraracaBce. tbe effect of:
Vblcb vaa oalr offaM hi tbe eyw of''
tba ItoltoB public br tbe boorceoto, Hrtb and of 4l
cellber tbe toe
tbr latMt four of vtalch abe bit! Uetoti bot yet th. ........... ...................................
baw guilty vaa called forth by ber de-. Heies of Aosta, vbo as vlfe of tba
Mr* to onialat* asd ecccl tbe Ute Bib- . beir apparent of tbe crovn mar
prBOi BUaahelta In the boUdtoC of u tnally sueered brr as qtwea. to erer
aammar palace. RUsabrtb aelectrd a 'Akelr to cite tbr aame amount of potltOcaak tole as ber Meal of locattoa. tort, teal aupiMirt to ber hoahaod a* Qoecn
Matgbirtta cboor tbe ebamrtoc Alptoe , UaixbcrtU vaa ablr to fonUb to tbe'
oorarty table for the wrlfaro
. ------- of OrMBOocy. vbet* aba baa Ute King IlumberL Nor to U pruhahle
, ibat abe wUI erer sbarr to tbr aasr de- faats.
. gree as ber moCUrr-lB-Uv tbr distics of
. rjoat,
ber boaband sa
nambert vaa
irM-. tr
- tlM. btit tacking his U
I bp. stn-aks .mt <f te yuid as qwrkly
tr?. ar well ar rtsrwberr. ano Ihr ex-.«„„n„ nu.k.- any idol of
j as isswibb- If y.
rlirmeni of tbr slrugglr had not -had
ehA am! |
time to cool. It aeerord little short of »hrn il.:,: .-nd i. srhir.rd MraiewiK mlmam.-kr-rydj.di.'
darlanllv to tbr Crrmans If Ihr I’nli.
3 sism'si.
Milk to tdxvp up »«r way.
_j o.-.-, hgj hren seemly supplying irri-ri. nI'l rhapr kl'-sieo insy
yia bnor, and I l-si tb.. Bnt tbUg that
the French duriBg tbe wsr. . nisli.. witl. the ril.rr -lan.'ard; ]
a-handy.- —New Vi*k Sub.
he assertion msdr to Ihrm
til. gnl<: hss.s What wr
len as Sebun abd Humi^f,
log exlitliilcd three. Tin- gowns were
lal Nestro
for tis- most part designs entirriy loo
Wilk were at first .auk as VR*'atoo
r. vbtrb abe iBdbced blm to }ola.
B«lt-4Iarea itrlen Is compieMy domlnaird br ber
.eXlm.agantf..rlhenworib. average
<1 tbciu- avi-rag.- t
cratJc to. accept aar
•s oY tl.nu-AeiMnl-
a «k* Tate •*«*.
tod ‘A Flea For p
m Bevae" Uda Call
rvgardiac veoen'a to-
"Ton will Hod lapeaklBC here of
KcBtockyl tbe baat aaats at rrerr po
litical apeafclv uiuaptoB tV tbe dever
ladrB vomm. vbo
tbe BorM eloqaeace pt a vuold be
a^Uir or goreroor; you vlll Bud voooe of tbe B»eat meu altttog up tote te bMr tbe rccntua
rrtreata. to be from tbe Tarious prectoeto. gotttog up
I early Best. eprty. to paaarua tbeqwlre* of tbe
moraine oevapaper and artuaUy looyaar. and tbto at tbr b
tog Bleep to the afttr mMalgfaC boom.
beeaBsr of tbrir aaztoty urer poUtlea.
It to rtev I
Tte? No. a fbuMud limea boI
« ItaltoD
tmtlsB ii N«w
New *»»«
voajd ibey de M«b a.
at tb* aoddn pewty of tbe
Ftapto aad tbelr Btruggle for extotaDc* uaaettog. navetBaBly tbtogl
ZtfgrlBdtogaBdMlialBcaeclaleou.: "yhai vouM be tbaugbt M
*“* a few vbo de Bot Ure to that; who peofesaed
t ftuui OM yaar-a cud to aBOtbrr j ;««tleal «
Margbertta can lay x.is. ao leager I ^
to tbe beamy that eace diattogntobed i
fawtie cuadMate. vbo eat up
and col w> mwatogi to hto
am aad abouM be lt"bre
'‘"■u tbe Baal bMr it tbe battle
te baeoa* coatne to fcatuna and to a nmto- skulked buck to Mi tMt aad rewavd vooM raadOy pmb u a paamaL i
*<> rote! Imagtor a
teteatvayiaaJoyodtbedtotiBetkm tofltob ■»««• ‘
at bM^ toe —nirklim ftaanclally ^ toucta Utereated la palHMa. but H's deto > ending iod nnaexb* ai
, mm
: rut*. mM 1 vou t da If ___________ _
kl attlie. y«t U to a tact
1 bat' "Wbea a vosma to MtetMtad to
wMto. BoeaadyabitosaldttbaeebbitbrnlTBpouaBaot atoiently .bdaa «
totetatfawtaehMryto nrlmia meettoga a
a to to« yoatotal tow. it to 1 abe it allowed to da to. ‘ tTheu she to
iMatod ta ttto »—tbak tartog- loiertmed to club voA’afae JoIbs
ptetebMCnnoatbeiMiyaettotoeif’bth. aad abe eutaa toam wfaeae*
kte ba itoM ^naatiy by bael&g there to an otBrer «a be alectod or a
teWBlBaa to ber trma Faria a box of j qaeatlea to be dtMBad.
Iftoetotofte1wirtaadma«Ma«Mtrubto't;”»^ft "1 i^i^ahatea
aluftoMtovtain. Tbtoeuaitatorre-.tbe Wobm^ (ter
Tbi teto ^ k BMiWM Urer. aad. al- abe to a Ktogb Iteff
h te Uad toUbfMly to tmltats tor of tbe AmtrleM
atiuBoe about tba bteto at uuCcu
tte tbruM upoB te. Mav.tftoeprv
fBaacu to be totmid to pMHtoa. tbe
ualy raltoaul tbiog tet to toft tor te
to de to te
to te A iteBp Mwcteia
«d WM M tetoff te MB to te
"N1'“ ■ ‘-e
a,lin]nl..niHon repabllr-
.... -..N.-;;.™--.
. were dn»-d and bardly knew srfast
wholi• nir Grn. l>is»
I tbr t>i1niiiiistniti»ii 1
the -, ndmiDlsiiaii.in ■*
Itocls. aud w.*e <Bly Bwaally
f..nun.ir tof Me* ;
ttowe b.«diml ;
tbaibto N-ob s dmm.B U Oh- w.ald to
s, Ihi- s.ag.
I .Id
r-MbywilL Tbe..ldMtkis.mli j
h, ulHmatHv be na.le for him.
i .hoi bra-, han.s. an.'
_ .
snriwist. ...r rronhlleaB ■ sot nu.i.rg ths wso.,;. \. .x.ii.l-Iddd. TilU an-tb.ve<f k:gypC B.«b tnUaiKl
I UTillen willauut uifnxjueutly oartaiaisl
' »b-inn. i..f
--------------------------------------------------1 ialmratiiBs ns tbuae wbo sb>«ld ««» ;
nalldiaa aai fteawoertty.! lert tem.
(..ri <i.sR. .Kt.l
Tberaritost VTintB will InasiiUeeea‘
away of Amerh-an wuntea from tbe
U that of teBnateril.. wfairii was f.tcad .
Faria atyka. Tbeae Utter arr roodlllcd , aulhnrili- of tbe name* of Srhora and ’oci.irmn.- w.
lueb by tbe AcuericBn ditxvmakeri
■ ■irspitr oil the force of lb*;'•'----- luur IiK-r
longer te uhsI.^s of femlQM’ afybm
It to Iroposalble for It ti. be luillated ;
rtiruply tmlriis in tawdry stoff that
will tsot wear sreU and Ibat li 1™ ob-
r.tTT. Ibr iarersi number I rtyal wills. TUrmaialy nJate to bnda.
y sensitise ei.ndllion'.
This U noticed \.y erery WO-.
,hrir Bilods In'rrsnert to thr Fran- ,s-r ki...
P"*«al oruammu.
man wbo baa been abroad twcmlly. ] ^p„^mn slnirglrrihr (irnnan. as
■ >^un:i .t.’.k-s not inriudr ; gold aadailter cuts, a^ paymruu te
Tb* American atylea an- dlffem.t U r .
withbr^urfgm.nt an. c.llrd te«..x.iiv. • hul.t b, ^hr r.ilm.c co- 1 ma-» te an- gmmaiy a. scMie_ai
many emeotlal detalla. and cblelJy U-,nr , ,bn„uph exaii.ir.si.on iaio the
'ThUisjbrj-------------- -----------_
mapecta that commeitd lberos.-ivea as ' pr,-<.;sr facts and pmiirr. ol the «d- ,f
eutamoo aenae.
WbUe In riaborate „Ui.tratinn
A few here and there
1.1. «
----“ ".".’■.T,'.!"
may dtne to Parisian MeaU. la walk- hot as.
tog or Vreet dresara the ntdlotia of tbe stood 1Jn^s^vito .■nd“r."lM'‘ for'’the
majority of Ameticaii womra at* f«»l-;
sf:nn.rEi ibsi the raiiroi..r. ;
pr<»|--^g a. iht, ;
i" S- ' to H»,
apretarbw. and lli.w who doe'l
<‘f te
TB realtor uu te fa
--------- -------------------Wr KsrewMww.
srrinrd. an apiarrnily fatal, deist,
nn prt.hll.it Inn tells aa exNobody seemed prepared to meet the -r.rl.-n.s- he lu
listi In Nonh I'arollna.
issue oa the rrpsbl.raD aide. Some
,pr r.-ltg:
-ltg!..i]s tens ifaa: are<dbwondcrtni:.! ab’e apeerhrw were made
r.iiiD- r.-D.-. , rrwise rlgl.l A., ix.i -s.lode ibe tree
in the senate
ht .Cak
.CoOkiling, (arpeater.
rate ht
,, n...nnralci whl-Vr, He dellrered
ntherr. hot
ni> Ui bis snhj.xx, (lerton-l
V uw
»bot tbe flermsn,
.il.-d llw itriuklng nt alcowrn- not nuebed oniil
bol. Imnmlb
Immcllsirly a king. Uak toMf
rrabU- time rjwni ia digging fnr ibem..
It was shown eonelus.trly that Ge®.
-TU-r. atoV no sorb Iblng
('.rant knew notbmg personally of Ibe |ght,.- t^- said
-il.-ad it froir
sale* of arms, bnt that -aey were
f„.„, aiv.iktv.-r u.
to Wear.
... ....
burran of
O1-4 old] ooe nmn who
sr ated te rater, te br aoly
the old
iDied a alagl.- drap. sikI whafa
te d«i war. laey were
re ' dv-kire.! tbe m.HiBUlc tbembar
sou speeUlly to Fnac*. bot Indtoperurattou. 'be dUa'i git to heUT.
criminatrls lo anyoae wbo saw flt to<
buy. Germany, or the agniU'of Oer■»- A J. Ltpptoeott (Oruea GiaM-|
many. ee«ld_______
hat had all Ibey wia1wd|
prior, bot 11 appeared Bitbaa left Maablagtoo te vlD to
at the
marefc didgsot vaat them. Hr said b«; fatal* reside vltb ber Baaghter. tin.
• r banks;
,ka i Bechert Hall Wtealow.
Wteatew. at Kev
rpuld pick ap better cm
leftI by. ebelV-. N. Y.
For many yuan Hta.
of 1^ Loire, wbrr* they
Preoeh. The Omnaa airthorilica.......................................................
eeriB-MCcMury 'm'^aa,
but j
arkeubtol atlM grew be bOfllB te- ’
iBUtaetuied bis ovu nttro-,
banMi t.iaies.
inert sraa aotbinf
arate** «»atcal obUgathsaa la aa opem [
aale free 1* both partlaa *r teirageala jtoreerer, the charge of coc
ward aimpUclly la walkl
due to tbr dndr* to avokl attneting*at-:
tMtkm that makes te arenge womaa ;
to a iiteaauir act tbe style for ber more
fBahtonabi* Maters. Tbe tendcacy la ^
‘ te It may tv
that tbe time will come when Aincricaa atylea wDi be followed alwtad. It
aouDda do more uarr-aionablc that ^a-'
tope abouM get faabloiia from Arocrtc* Urns It «K* did that te new wortd ;
•booM futulah capital te larcMmeets
la the oM.-aile*go Tribune:
“tt la aa odd buMBcm te a wuraas i
toheto.“aald-Mi». Bytuo Alfort. Tut j
I know BO tvuaoD why • vomaa who.
uadentanda it cuBBOt rasBage It na^
vaUMStaaB.- Hta. Alfocd baa bUM
•tudytog exploalvts atoee UA. vbaa
her bttobaod. ihiuogb the rereracu of a
fouud bim- ‘
self a taaktuiK vltb only oor aaaet a I
Btem taemaU te maklug dyuamita. 1
. ryegbussw te nos .* tbe .gbv. "aHttog
' sr reading." are tbr glrrirma ctrcptlM.
prrmleut to this mitoarttmt^or it
I ^n U- r.:br^lKKh^n^7■^^ ~
' 1,03] ^mnni to wiy that ereo te »wy
baUn. Mioukl be txru to apeetelea.
Whetec'tl totecfftctrfteKevEte
1 Uod climate M te .wic umre or^
! pUto limdity on nos kuova
tian extou. as crery roc to awaie. aiM
ia apito </ all fmr«atj.mt liwTiuiii. la
Ao (tium te nav^apvl-wOManBo
Bute taitoiii to aupport a wtta • mto-
Ho <ariuuMy>-1 teuld thtok H
' Ftma.
A uatlra «f te Bmsrald laU'-VM
| Iru^tag by roll te te fim dme to
1 bit tUe.
The trato)siopfird at a otaOm. otol
te-guarff. ^lag te dmr of te
eoJTtoge ta vblcb rat vaa aaau4.
'An duaga bmr
Htoa Ireut Aabby. BOcUUal. uC
'AB ebuem- berer erVd Pat aghast
doa is atadylng te alaaa of Cbl _
*«m*. ibM. mUtor. Oi'rr «Bly vaa
pur It toarlBg AmerUa to b-~vt ae- abflllBg te two tety coppers to te
X srx's I sr.rxx'T'is 2JS
BMUtH I iioramatan A A
7i7a 0«UMi S«WT Mantlf^
Propoaittemof MJnara lanorvd
.by Operators
ner War Bmt ri«a
a*wM l> «W Swaiiw awwd.
Kew Tort. 8epL »—Winiaw J.
Lowry tma faettoa aa aetkai' in the
naa ooart oT Brook lye for aa ah» dleataa ftota UoaKiaaa Ltrwiy,
aoat Uaw wm KtVM More Uw i*maatm of the Kriko onter, (lie (ol. lowta* retaiit WB* Imod (oaay
‘-la riowaf the Uaitnla« impree- (eadaat deaioa the aUeftatita- tOw
Boa (hat aMW to asM ta the pabUc U a (aoeher la a Chlaeae ta
eohool ta Biaoklya. tUweayaaa
MiiHl'Uiai we are Oyia* to for
•he oaae la eoalaol with eat
eaal «n|iMtaa' to maefri
Ualied Mtw «-attan o( Awnwim, we C^lnamiai aad etaiud 81a( Lee the
Oaelre to aale tfaai |«ior to the offer
ae M ihe rUlied othw aeabcr
€t arUnall«rmade by
»d More
(heerikeorderwaaiMo4, we aa4e
Ihe^oUawlBK protawlUoe to the eal
eoatiSBlea, throairti the ■rrrice of an
lowtaed^ who rolnatarily offered
loaot U that apartty: 'That ibr Boar Envoys Issue a Reply to
«l a eoBBllb* o(
ProcianAiUon of Roberts
o la OMw Iowa and
at MW dale, the pUee aad dale to be
watoaUy atmaiJ aiao.
'ffMnul-TlBrt. (aiUiiit to aerepl
liowdna. HepA 16-AfUis la Soath
Bl Loala. Sqx. 16-The rimaipM
Afriea at preMi aaiely look like the low nan. aemdins to hit wU.-'t
oaehiatr end of anythiait
petlciaa.(ar a dlvoree. It Oeone Meeir, who, hit wife otya. tcaw
bat (08 mu a day to ru their boow
aad then aeratod her of atealiair hit
• rndatly hove 'been bsvfar
7. The (aeiUy mritwd
(haa In aay pnriou period.
Mor.hti wife and (wo riitldm
Kobortt- aanooneewoni that he of twelve aad fooitece y«*re.' Mrt.
holdi 14.000 pritaam.wat not n*llaad
iWRcr myt the woald have sottoa
here, and it taflkdeat lo aeeoant (or aleait welt bat fer the (act rial the
dithmntwed (eeltae which U re lain- of food otaffi rote oo npldly
ported to irevall in liu- Boer rnaka
Uowaaar off tO eeau porrl
IloaUlcw a few Irreoanallahlea. aach low of the aroeaitioa of • Ufr each
at Dowel, will hold ool. bat wilh
edJoKday. Memauwr bat $XD
the dlmlnotloB off nppUea. aamablttoa and om. even anch entaatandert
at he will not be able to rraaln l«i«
Laidna. Sept. 16-The - war tjgpe
hat the followiiiit from Lord Boberta
’resident will not Murry to Or
larhadoderp. Hepc 14—Preach
der Withdrawal from Pekin
rial Barberton yMKday havinr
fd the Bumatain with alijihl
t^tpadtlan. The pletely aorprlted. Pim-h rrleaard
WhhIaTwelw Ilaanri
. .
Ilk 8ipi.i.
We have received fro;p the eest a '
ladies’ hoarite shats
imst arriatd.
splendid line of Books for yourv
™: ieu«i. lUh..
foiks-^Historical stories and books
in that line. Call and see them.
What Will Benda-Do Next?
later ibaa Mept IQ. that oa aad aftor
(let I the taereaer o( wiqrea arted for
Aasiordam. 8epi. 14-Tbe RoaHi fn- horoea A qaaMlty of
Ceti|pE»'t BdTioea. reeelriid- raatordAT.
will be lltaated aad other erlli oqb»^ Afrlean auvoyt bow have laraad * Ion. 40 wntroaa, larfe Qnaatltlet nf aw eoealdered tolBFieal (or ihit povplataedafn
' ' '
^ tmlaaAtlcB to the .people of Banpr aitie and aheap Troa the aerroand
0|>aa Jwtal fnaeat
la reply to that inard by Lewd Bob- IJW eoontry.
-amtiBie, aa offer wae taiule by W
Pmorh alao
ta. They (nil BtMitia
lion to the fact
Pekin. At loop at de
ejapiciyn. oMhe ooal ooBpaBlea ^d
that anoexa- Toyt which‘diowi that Barhen
lay It not wdrklnp injary to thit povtoot oat frooi Habdicat.
7. add lloo wat not the aim of Owai Briilan otml at a ilelnl nf nppBM
the laetldmt. it
(ollowiatt (hat the oCKoer*
when the wm to war with the Hoslli Bra-re lo the aoothtewL The I
it Bid. feelt
it woold be inexpeUaltod MbwWoitere. flo brtialf ot I Iw AfrlcMi repablloa.Kaclaad. they ny. Preueh't force waa » rallet behhxl dlral and InadvlKble to be hatty. Tl
eaideyee. nl a ietefraia to each
laeaklmr laU^atloaal h«r> 'loulned by the anal dllBniliy in It pTBllfyInp to oflielalt it.t from
ralirnail nnapaiiy
aad aetlatc ooaOBry to the raalom* of
wa«.w. over the |iaB* Ifwllnx Iheiweaeal oallook Pektu wtll very
Ihtaolle MUtra oSerUtit h Mtaull.tbe
The proclanautcai deelaree the 1 loto the valley In which llarhertou
anno be within twelve honn nf Waaliwhole Qaeelicai UiarlHlrat
yi'lwhile* will never lalontt and ella^teil-"
loptoo by cable, when the ]*mt<h-ul
"The ileffTaau wen-M«i (roo the nrgee Karape in the name of Jottlce
Lonilun. dept. 14—A ditpatch from con be l^ormoil of evaty new movethwial Telaeiaph oA«- at tocUaaap- aad hBBaaiiy to aaatri the Booet Kaapachehoop «tyt that thli pbuv lent in CThlna withnol delay.
olUai «:ib-p ■D..VedoeMUy. and D« Afrireui ttaiee and pfwvent the aniil- liat lieen occupied by Pole Oarew.
Tien Ttlu. Seja. 14—Tlie ]ionttlvr
saewer lau brea recvirecL while the hiUsIloii of their IndejieoilaDce.
dteya with all the Boer artlllerr ofby Uoucral
. otiW to Mnke <biM a»l take ■•fferi
l«-n mint retired to ll<Tlarapnitt.
Diirwanl. hat occoided Ti Li withunl
aatli Moadsy. itirias an aiu|>le ilnw'
<lope Town, de|a. 14—The Oajw
(lotilirw. The city aarmulend to
Dnich and otben here who amyiatoaooejH aey deofualilon -lo arid
oflicer anrl rlffhl taen of the Bmjal
thitc with the Bn<-rv have aplmreatlv
loera Dnrward ordi-ml the lowo
al«a<lnatMl l•o)>r of pnwiiblllty of the
Will bs No Strike of Amalffs- fadnrtiiTt ItoldiiiK oat nacli looffiT. looted aod boned. The villotree
throSKb which (lie alliei paardtnadr
iriatod Iron and Tin Workers Tliey an- now nhowinr a illapoeltiflO peace offerinyt and a loakaity of them
Bat VeMboe Doe. mat thUo Ctaea*
toaaaiti inirrial antlHWiliet in Vt- Were not diatnrU'd. The Boxen have
reew IJMeotatriethweeiell.
(Uas the cronble.
appomotly ditbanded and the oooniry
taMtlwTV M-naarheoird.
U qalel.
Btaoiart.. N. !».. ttept, 14—Oorcr- eaa Tie ftae Wtw
'soi.^Kaoaerelt addn-wid a autmiflceel
aailleaoe to the oiima lioaae loolefat.
tlWvWI lolhr M-mac
arwradayot aiweehwaklns tn ditNew York, depc 14—Tlw oonferattri talilr aicmaa Hanv aad eWl fell
M mfat Hare l‘wMrh».
lore imiUR on la IhU city between
all day. toil crowd* yalheml at Ch<
alatlea* alatiy the male tinnh. never lhi> offlem of the Amwinui THn Plate
Loretixn MoRiaea. Sept. I$l-Tlie
Mim Bmam M. Bathe.- died yetlerOa and ro)at«enUltve. of the Tib
re««>ivr>d In day afteranao at 4 ;S0 o'clock of hr*n
Workera Inb-ntBllonal 4‘rotdc- , ___
, tromneriaa
. ,
IMpbla. la<{..
(ailow. followlnt; a wiRc of typliold
.1.. A—lUln,
O... w
<>"■ I™'
IhtW enthaoiaatlr
larlal fever. She hat been im|rov- '
lA«v .l.hw.
ttwi .
a B...11
a«Teea»«l. There will be
le no atrikr.
atrtkr. lu way of Kraper. who hat ilerided tap and the (evar waa onder caotrol.
however, for 4000 awa In the inter- lo have Portsgaew lerrilory next bol her Iteart pave oot and the died
KttVAN IK «T. tatrto
Week nud to aaUfnr Karope.
Bddm.v yralerday. Her deceate
who fora
eoeie* at a terrible-blow to her pardltllDrl of the Aiaaleataatnl
AitttEHTF.ii mil Mi’nitmt
<mu aad friradt. had faepon to h<^
Ataorialion tmn Steel and Tin Workhare abnuly
itwebed aa AHeavSte llaveKlllea aMmtVhoAM** UmI the wat oot of daaiter aad woold
be apared R> then.
atpnri'.rtir la Fawllr OaarwL
the eoai|ialiy. IVeaiHi. Lnoh. Kept. 16—WUItaai Jen dent Powell of the Intenatiaoal atto- Hwelal te TW Rinitar Ibennl.
Mitt Boahw wat the yoanperi
alnin Brian arrival all ;«D lo dellTer ctatloD I^yt hew wtll far anMlier nonToledo. Sept. 1.4—Shwiff Pnekett of daophtcr of Rev. and-Mra. A. W.
hit morli l«-nil<h-daihlnwi tai tnitta at frrmer.
Di-lawaiv. liid . ililt eveoinp aneried Bo>h.>e of Seventh BtfoeL She bad
ander the
Charlea aad Joneph Kealinx of Man Ihre.- tittera. all of whom wen- aow-,
MeKIN'I.kv t4'IIIM<«i«Klt
the (Vanmerelal Traveler!
cie. Iml.. OB a thantr of narder.- ried. aad it wat her amMHon to. live |
don. Ih-f.m- ernwiiia the bri<hre hr
Charlea Kcatilic It alk-ped lo hare aad to help her parnoia )
• addreaae.1 ;ak> ■•PTwait tn Kaal Bl. OwiaalofhrtltiBl Wrakaeat tie Bawl tt*
Xa VWtan Vealw*a».
Loata At ; M llrynn tpd.e In C-oniwn. p-hen the
•ordla i»rk. It wa« n;xi o'rloek nnMI M The Kmlaa'rnwed.
latter tried lo acr aa )
when he <Dt4-n<d t)«- roliwain ami
.1 achool at Y’ptilantl.
CMIob. Ohla dept. 16-The pmi- iwc-r-o Kraitac and hit wife dorinir a
rreelvnl a *nhl ovallaa The liatlil- dent iMB (aand that the eoettant
where her work wat aoch at tb irive
her very atronp reooBuacaidatiao for
-haape In drlak' and food, trareliatr r
ltlA>-^ tIAMi; MALL (lA MR a inalttca in the beat aehoolt. She
from place to place, and a derided
iMff •IWrll.* «rf t.«B
beeo well alnce her winm
lower teatiaxatare la Ckatoo. cotw
from Yiallaatt. hot <ibe unpht (or
IBwd with that nf Waahlajrtoa, hat
aBMATltU IIA4%.4> MIN >rKli
her tlatn Urnee after her wtom. and
lihrttcally weakeoed hUo and It wat
had aooepced the poaitlaa of MMober
today to uke m foot.
VOraitvWih- AtitCeanto towpel III.
tn the arceod pradr of the Eiiawaod
rm it fell -bv bio or hit frlendt
tolVavMe Mlllty-bllaerw.
fhjt eondliloa thooph they did : Dinerti. SolllTaa; Mowfee. Kllnp. aveoae acheoL
Mim Bnahee wat pwetiy lovtd by
decide that It U boat fer hlo to have
*tay «< tiolet. AJlcaHen were de
I e * iQltitade of frienda. who will mitt
CkTrland. HejH 16-Dan R Ranoa.
Bower aaa: PhlUIppl. brr aidly. She waa a aumber of the
M off thwalor Itanna. wat nod to led andienre bv the {wraldent. to
whool clam of ViU Vloant
day for pt.m hr Mra May Harritv- maai of hit indiipetitlco aad he
Pint ITTin the Pirn Methodlti ofawtdt. and
uai Hanna, hit wife and laothef «( ««slBed iadoon darlap the day aad
break In the circle will oanoe
6' 10 I
hit three rhtidron. Mrv Hanna dc4 0 0 much pewnlne prlef on the- p^ of
rlartia her fonn<« hoakand atrieed
i KitacB. PhiTcll: > oeap. Robiaaon. the ether menbera of (he '
tamnrt. edaoaw and debay the Uv
I SeonadiOBM^
One of the moot bowtlfnl tralu of
e>|<aawi of the ohildroa. lal haa aot
raiallatd Bnsoklyn .
h II 4 her rhaiacter'waa her oweot. lovablr
done to. Iieiieei the nil. The rhild|Bt. LooU
4 0 S
lUe. She wat tnly a camdort
ten am Mark A. Hanna. a«ed twelve
laiw; Hapbey.
hm iMrenta. wbeoe Uvea have bm
ynriiUarlA. Hanla^ aiRd lea ]
made tuier by W thoa^tfalneat
woo the loate hoe today | Tim nair
aad Daniel R Hanna. Jr.
0 and beliffaln^ abool |hr boma. Hor
apatoaithe Old Mlarioa ball mm. - Phaedeiphia ¥ yiMiM K
oiftma aim feel her lorn moat kmoily.
la a ekiw. hard (oopfat mMat.
for her SBlformly lovely diataeter
Pw ffeldiap W the Me f«» Old
*^*^*'^- v®*?ui—<_ .. .w- ....
' FhrlaaJ. Haha. hei
made hm a (averlte arii
hat eee hit ^ off the delivery of the;
M<tal •> tw Meraar Betttd.
the box for BIX lUplda. *a<l waa hit
Berlia. Hope I6-A lariale aitnddatpa off Rev. A. J. EldnaL who ^
«d noettni: off the Anwwtgaa ewtevy hard la tbt Am imh off iht maa. the
bm ioaomoaed by (olepram from
Old MlaMoa playwt aeonriw ihraa
wat held today la farimlf of the 0*1.BatttoOrook, wfam he b otmndlmi
rtatoe aaffMeia. Jaeknn. the oiwqre. faUt off him la a oiaple bBlv. Jfaar
4'sflhlra. la a ^awoh
Becipm. Smith: MlUl«ai. Beydon.
FBBB^JTBTMBS. PattoiBCBi'a aamt
» HW> *■ ai I I .I^I euAiaijy lo
AH BartU
emu wlrf
market, Soath Caloa otreet, hot
' '
' off tnah oyttha ■arrtverttdUw hantnaa A «h- BKHDA Imta -«-------Owe. MoMaMii GMla. Btewaeriptioe Hat wat opmed for tte repbm~ tailin'~hy
It la a tow day*
UHoffth. dlatmaaed «td a. ^pnl
'fhm-tOU -tf.
-^iBBffilMeod to
' ii^MdrWtan.
m-w. -
vkar-ko. io4»
reew na
wiawteat^ TwMafa CM
Iniilna. Sept U-The war o«oe
ti PTMtch Had Uttla OpOlBMrow. Sepc 1«-A I 'nil i eaiMMoaethat denetuaeaia off o«fdoytd at a ward elaaaar te a hoapital
ewe awl aaa (row the coloolal oorpr
bat bM atrktei with the baboaie
DOW la Hoath AMea, wtU «na be
piaeae off a wild typo. There ore now
awil bcwe by way ct
^ where
they will be---- ------* ----------- - —
aeeffaU aad be the
varateof the
The tnt ooo
ttajpwt faae eWrtnl far
alioady Ah. Btttatn Mete TM eSS BrtUtb
U ocaataay with BrltUh trhopa
t aMlew-Ortata «lmi rmMBIti
WarfcOT> <•( Amrrim Ufl (or 1
*aate Mii«W to aamee mcac
pprrUlcB of tl^ atrikr
I JtlfKd U.
Triediicb |
magnificent lot of magnificent
« $u£^p Coats «
Are now Reedy for Your Inspection.
Men’s Sults-$S to W) Men’s Top Coats-»5 to t»
Boys’ Suits—knee pant« ll.SO to f7.
Boys'Suits—long pentii $4 lo $15.
Children's Coats-rTop coats, aixee 4-'J, Bl.60 op.
' Boys’Reefers—with velvet oo»i*r.$.j.
Underwear-endloM variety, iSr to $10.
Never buy until you've corteulted
S. Borida & Co.
Soaie pnod polola lo remetulier,
One of ilie many pond polnu of a
Telephone It tliat a tmtiw cannol
thll to rtacli Itt Itrtin-r rotmclly.
Aoolhrr Rood ).inl it lliat it rc*ehra alt imiett. and liial everrlindy in
tb<- city or roootry worth dulup iiotInett with hat a 1>-li'|4tnue.
Anothw Rood iinltit It tite ecoaomy
of time and luotii-y
Another point—(ian yoa affoid lo
bf wilhoot one at home or offlee*
About go yards of Ingrain Can>et goes on sale 1 Q/e
tomorrow—rqpilar aSc kind, at only.......... *
Boy’s Hats—new ones, just received, splendid OKn
shapes, good quality, at only............ ........
About 300 pair Boy's Knee Pants just unpacked. and they are fine patterns............ ...
Children's Jackets—2 lots to be closed out—
Some arc slj^htly soiled, worth up to
Ladi«‘ Underwear—\Vc have secured a splen
did iine of ribbed tlecce lined, good-weight OR/k
■ for now. nicely finished, worth 35c. at........
Men's Stiff Hats—just a few left, and all
good shapes, not Out of date, but they
are no two alike, and we want to clean d»i /%A
them up. worth up to S3XX).................... 9
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing Hooae.
At Stilikirt'i BtnL
ffu a familp
That dependt cm yoa fer their
'dally i«ead?
pntect tbtm
At well at ycmn>-ir.~wlth an
Accident and Sinkneu policy
in the old reliable
Onittd States
Beaeoekat Sedetp
We have Just placed on sale our new
line of ladies' footwear, made on new
lasts and new toes—$2.50. $3.00 and
$3.50. We want your inspection.
Trank Trkdricb,
The Old Reliable ^boernan.
It tie doe^ thi, is the place to bring
him to be properiy abml.
tu. Sto to pao pm moeth:
Aeeidriit drath indeausity.
•100.00 to pt.ooa
All cMlauaetUad promptly hr
myaeU la a oatltlactory mbart. Kowd ta|>^-Bo aStevIta. Oallal my oAee aad pet
J. n. Bfaktskt
36 pairs ot boy's button shoes srbicb Ibrmerly
sold for $200, $2.25, price now...................... $100
A tew pair ol bo,.' $1.75 u;oe, to dose at.......$1.50
We sell the Jay B. Reynold, dHX». in boy's md
youth's sixes, at.............................. Si.35 and $1.50
- 4
(M« «r A. BM«n 8«r om
iUw <Rk«. Mi Utm lAtel
•----------AiMT A* H
bcaaru ate imeste to M tbr
liop smburiUra (or tbrtr anaTs dten. ,
aaelpnwln. tber* Is tbr dcalrtd rbaafl*. t
A Atlasta. foe Wsorr.
m9-M%. M.
Htniar arrte Bad m
SMiBy «Bte»l «t 1.
Vmm Mrrk* M iAB.
All M cMdiElly Ariad
tMM loiisKd rer a M
M 1
I# Mwd trt pf 0tir mattrtss**
• Dowp aftdr you hir* bad a
9m. BarEtay Jom. ^lor.
V. K.~A^ Awto.
V. P.>-AlArt OwA.
A M.-AM«Uci«r-
CteMT of PifA End Ute EOMU.
8MiEy«ebeol»4S*. m.
■ S»M
«at SAtp. ».
d ky A K CtepMME. Tte
' dwiU teaddraHodby
JltSB PrancM A- Vsn a
tally was sdulnte to tte kar at tke fi
Ited la tbr Ttain] g
TW pabUr tm taritod lo aU orf
AJtaoy thnch onoratry ate ba« had
*doratk>aa{ tTalolnsm the Albaay
atadruy and tbr Klatr Konite cwUcar.
aiw crteaatKl from tbr AUaay Uiw
Oterefa M eoiwc erf lA ate Wads- arbool .Joor »>.
For tbr past tanr
yrara abr baa lN«n rwiptnyid ta tbr of
Baaday snrrloM ai* as follows:
ttrr Of Mr. lion, wbo paUiabn ta AlPfMfhlar at losioa. m.
bony Ar Srw Tort alstr ir|«jft« of tb*
aapmar ate ai^rllatr esarta.
teadayaAoolat ll JUa. ta.
Am* »*TTtOM-
Kwfc»r Hom\if MeOomIl
Bm. & SalAny. Pastor.
O^AU-PraMH TMOk)«.
Oq^lW BiH» OmImA.
Pig tail
own cdsAM -flSbt 0A--W0.
PaWteWcntepiia. aa.
C. A n«y«r Mnftnit lad i>y Anter
We Always have -a full and complete
line, ttartioK at $175. $3-oa.$T-50. $5A>
and so on up to the felted cptton at $8.50
and $9.50. Guaranteed not to lump or
Anythinc you want in a spring from
$t-75 and up.
; Andyoti viUbeaoMMliappjr
i aadcot
n-AWR ABP ruTpnut
PnaeshlHlat TAOp m.
"Bart Md Bwod. ” Wrltef Wbita----------itayeT bmiAr
"irian yuu a«bii) na- it> manr yni.’
A'e MW ptey. i* • EprlfbUr atTAp B.
abr aaUI n-cr. tfuHy. “yoo OjSdr an
MM.arwU Am Aiy> erf A«
AU.atr wsloeate.
. Mi Ar mAct te*
-In obat wayT- br doataodte.
*7385 T A» • Urfdr Am7 Md E tete Md Km. D. e^lia.
Pastor. .
Ilia. Paaler.
-w*tl. n»n Uihl oa- bow niw-li yoo ;
•1 teDdUMC oT.old
oT.old Mi
Mi 1UbUlOflO a. im. will br tbr > lowd n..'. buf )..u ursbrtnl t.. «i>
If TWO have a dwrllinx, •mek.ttor*.
tetnaolnit rrfa
I dbHil rolhb- that 1 «a« ta'baTr
|vnp^ taaarawA olAr A Uw aasr flethw Am fMileaof PWIA
A* aoctn erf A* fimml mt-A*
a krarty |a*t. tkir t« '^■’Now. If iterr
anyibtar ukthm t wrier iIh-tnooraaa' fiw .too. ate wUt
; thill n MTrapIlr w.misur' ' br aik.TJ | rirr yoa |wo0|« Md Mirfal atetaMWiMaoTE
for m sokitovti yearn.
! HiiMwir a* br itanrd fur bU nr.
ttaaAy aeteol at ooan.
, l«!
-h o. 1 Utelytteantt n-ltablr ataeA toaarMi A«« wUUag turmtitr to A« *«<■
Jaaiew C. B. aorirty will 1
iiA.iao wteofUT 1
Fire Insurance Step in and see the----
_ - ..... _.. ----- -
rater ay*-
ariMEly Md r
lotmotetatrC. 1
irate «r a AIrd poraop
Y. P. K. O. E at <1:15.
U AU eaa* Aa yoaac Btao U VIr
KniMtay rTMitiit ■'i-rby- « I
tor. PrloM erf Hatafaaalt. a irity ttabtei.
ab)*cl. "'Horn* Tliaacbta
prloe* erf a |a4ty ktaetdeaa tarolrte Oalrratoo Horror."
la patty qaairaU Tbr irtrl U dylvla.
ThrrrwlU hr ai
erf lb* loyAlad prtoolpdity aMrniigt and orontax t« onotribotr u>
of Htatahamaeai. ate bar bolroAal
fond. Ilrlorf M
tte lalBor of tb* aid«hhorlnir kta«- miw offrrtUK■ loaCordtb* oalr jmmiiBAPrUlT ORITRCII.
erf aroleHai a war whieb Rot. W. T. Wendhnoar. Paator.
weeld *Mal> tb* rwla of oar or boA
Borrle** hrid ta Ubnry H*IL
ate probably Ar
Hnmlair w^lc!r lOAO bnh}*ot.
"Lorrate Blmloa."
Ibb attiBCrftei vnt ba m*o i
Mte Poidr of Bailb- Urrok will
Biolabont-* Urate itaaemw alfht
alM a aolo al tte MbmlMir •'rrir.-.
Handay school al It.
TniTftM City baa airT«r bad aa opa. V. P. U. at 0:1a.
portaalty erf iMnlag A* IbeIA
Kvratair irrriM' :tm. t«Bh>n-t.
eUtlM*of Blbrrlakte palltlcal <
KAitwl Christ.''
■ ta Rated, bat oa'tte
Prayrr pirrttajr ’nmtada.r «>T<'aiOK
Cb|A a Ablortl, oDeraa oBtaor ta
O. J. Uamcti'*. tt^ Waahlnirtun
tb* Rasabta aray. arU) loctarr hoir-
r UAmHlMI.UUrMd*
w. mwjuuj.
.******S«.liiiin<'. mwrATT--
—“o'SKSWWSSr .
aad*r (h* aaaidon of Trarm* Oily
Lode*. Ko. ttt. P. * A. M. Gantaio
Albartl oaar to AU ooiutry 1
yaari a«o. bol rrlarnod to look aftrr
aoaw haalDMB Mattora, wbrn b* ara*
arroatte ate aNitateod to illborta a*
All itf* rordtall.T IbvIimI.
Wtel will
Bonita do noxll A nriirtM' in ibir.'
f<w all—wr'Il Irt yoa know ta a frw
M. A N. K............
A. K. H.. lltnniRli
oMbU bln ta fflTO rirl
Aain fnn Tiex i
ut 1.1
til Tol<sU>.U
KWiptloM of what U bewor by rxlh-* Ttakrl* itnod fiir »> tliiT*, Wi tlU It. T«.
anil n-tnni. i«m- fan- >••^<1111 to
ate itetr mat0ral by Ite Ratalao tadnaii.l
o o
0) lilt- fnllnwuiBdlix-*:
will br polnli In Ohio
hcteilgt Vmlh v.
plrrw ta Maaeaiic tell to
U K.. C. K. A n.. and D. A U V.
Itetr faallta* ate M*aA Taoaday Itaira. PUrr jr»>nr nn^ rorlr for
"Vo traai that Mr. ntpM..xlll 7*1 sTMtaf. Tte |«ta* of adtalMloa tirfct-la Cbll al M. A N. K K K.
itajiol 0 WTilr for infiinuatii*) ta II.
iMBaktesolfta Itao wiA tte aa- wiU b* at o*«U.
OMBinAibaai. AAcrnt. Trartw
aapIfaitaiH for orpMsIaa
Oily. Mieb.'
Tte tlaw ha* 0000. aa it 000** al
T Ah- |1lunrf.t*.aan*l
■ l-E.
Aterols to rrory Tlxoroai aatli
ymn. will te tte offorioxat
t\>M0 U ba* ooiD* to oan oa arraraJ .f«irRlotalimt*. Omad aoBi Pnday orm POUND OP RFVBK ITRE>: ll
mm ewcariwi* wbm tte old boaaiarOieal tVuin-r Rriih-dr.
.. .
and f» t
Hopi. tl.
dte«0* of Ite
IH- lAta
lAI audj.h»). ftii
dtette polritMt tall.
To ibeor wbo mioj ecaaedy L
>lf* vtAta Um0. Md
wblA Ar faa ta of tte sjatataafioa
teataterf tte body iteltta ib«MA kite ate ta obtateiM te teritlMt
Aalib Tte poptlar taatlart oi>*, "My Prtate Proat Jadla'
k a
K. I>. (XWK, B.T.- tApnctallM.
<•'.’IV Kail Ninth irfrm Eye*
ntniil frrr fnr mi- eis-k U-inn-
iteM p»riod-
I erf a aattaa
0a3rlalTtewfd A ElEtooB taenAa.
^ aew Aa a iemIwi of «Ep*dl*ocy te
____ troAi of htaloryBryw laay Atak b* U otews
|lte paople. Md ttel hU silly talk
_ioat -imparlallM' 0OTM Aim.
faal te will Moa Ste oat itet
TW Tiarora* fltty DrirtaB
•Mteatioe ha* M0pWlod tte mIcwI.
attaa erf ih* ftaMCM of tte r«e»ol
rao* Btfoi. ao.1 Ate that tte mumm
faat. (ala laMtpta Md oA«r rpcolpta
MET Marly corrr all tte
lbs Msot. If tbol* I* Mr doArlt. tte
Mli WtakAor erf VMtaaaAy BMty te
* f« It. Tb*
■a M that Ay w •* Tory too
tel A* Howd.
•vAtloAo oitr«0* cold ate tte
iiMAai tteinohwoali aoe b
•oailMoa. wa* Tory mU. Tte
mIAc. oa A* wbolo. wa* a
tmJm mA that te U MtarmrtMMi As tm of P. J.OteMy
O. pA. GtorvMr
She wants
7« **Btart
At SieinlHTu's (irand tomurruw ni^ht. Monday.
Sepl. 17.
la tte taaka-ap erf
My Prtate Proea Iteta"
Turn it Yourself and the
M tte encanlmtlsa that will preMt
tte roDsrdy hM with il Mias Hay
VcAm tte orijrUial Tilly.- which *hr
eeiwtad ate plared fv orer two
baterad alrffata ta Mrw York City.
Wh^d of Tortune
Will turn Your way.
tewta Prim. Rlda*y Bra. MIttari
wtm. Vm. T. Oaant, Prank
Hall. RO0 E Taptay. Watt Tmplr.
m Ctett-. An taoeratlaa will
b> Uh- tatrodartlM. of a na»h*r ol
bi|b rta0 raadrTlIta »Mibm
Tb* ntaht 1
_ tb* ntatenor of J. U Iteiiai of
Biata ttm-t bloo0od aaata >tt *Tf«iIv. thnr loTwly Bowi** anwartarfTbr Record U Iteablte f« two of
tbo0. which w««* tnly baaUirnL
harr mate yoor Ompoote «f Sttm
Ooiw. Ite fT*M ettta** onrr ate
blood poritew. with esealtaai rroolta.
I do not baaitata 101*000
BttBUrot that II a
We will lend you our Aid with These Bereeins.
A few cotton
lines which we
offer at 15c per
60 feet.
iron tubs in two
sizes at 65 and
75 cents.
Pure cider.
Strictly pure
The laws of Michigan do not
permit the sale at less than 40
We guarantee the ■
strength quoted. Per gal. 20c.
16c per lb.
Buckipbcat .
satisfaction is
guaranteed, per
pkg. 1 p cts.
Buy your goc^s right and the Wheel will
be easy for you to turn.
/'• ofltSSu a”
A. m. P-RYMAN.
138 Front Btreid.
Tile Up-To-Date Photographer
Dr. Otoun^la
Opposite Hotel Columbia.
I tb^ Bunnab & La^
Wercantik Company.
Itaary. ^whlloj Ar altaaMea* ar* dretdtely orlffliiai.
iADAMB ALVomm toawoteMd
We bar* esoBfidcDoe that they will earety |4eMe your cbiM
aa well aa your pocketbtek. We know
00 oohool ahoea to be con.
pored wiA them Thky fit well, ore np to foobioti. not loo dMr. osd
Aey obonid be bon^bt by oil wbo deoiie to t(el Kno<l ndoe fur tbeir
Otabey. 'rhepriotaore*i03.«i.lt'>, t^^^$1.6U.Bl(iO. Tone
n COB bay
Aeffl of no only.
Fire Insurance
will te ta Ite amar- ye«A erf
late. TteaBthor ha* paaord Itao*
.u. —of A*
ybyAatooiod tm
to. W. A. HMlIteInc.
-j'edn*^' Ort. M. VJSia. t
■ A* Mow York
•• Javml''ate
ChtaaM "Aasri
mk." ta IM of tte fiMtoal of Ataortaaa sEiMtetalata Bo aaTC Mr.
BiyM a fav ward* ofterte ta tte
■m Praaetaeo KaaBilBor ‘April tl.
|ial lOlLriMii. ate OTory Rcaata*
Trsveiwo CSty
Mr. W. A BavEt. H «
Toiophonr 7S
IBOUKD H^DoMUto k0i^«
*014 bt tW
•imt. ims-BIt
k. i. i wim. mm mm
Wi Hm Hum «p thne 8<t|ilu to AuM Vm.
Bays’ Suits Ctll
Cbm Boods arc
Popular 3ust Dow
Oiir remarkable offer of Boys'
Suits has lowered our stobk amazingly,
still there arc some remaining. These
won't last lon^ when you can buy a
Boys’ two-piece knee pant suit forSzoo
ihatAold for S.S-00. There's another
bargain for $3.90 that was $7.50: those
$<)..SO suits are now $axx3: one of our
regular S.Vfo b<^' suits can be had for
S1.Z5: one -lot of suits for S1.35 that
were S?.50'( one big bargain is the S6.50
suit for $1.50. Wc must have the room.
Imitntiiin French Flannel, the
newest goods for House Jacket and
Morning Gotms. Made in stripes ami
polka dots and sells at 15c the yard.
Soft Flolali S«.,c, ono ol tho
newest novelties for Waists, made in all
the light solid colors, pink. blue, cream
and lavender. This stylish novelty selb '
at 75c the yard.
New Vnl. Lacen. splendid stock
ol new 'dcsigns and widths, sells frtvn
3c to zoc the yard.
Vou 0)111 be deUgbted md wrprlscd o)b*n you mc
tb* bcauttiul flood* that arc bcinfl placed on sale
Hn roads lead to tb* “(Company’s'', wber* arc
flood floods at HMc prices, and lust on tb* cdflc
ot “nccd-tlmc".
11 If s east
Vou Olant
I’ossess'younelf of a Morris
chair. No one has ever shown such a
line. All the newest designs in Persian
Velours and Leather. Haw a splendid
one ibot (or the money) at $9.35; that
one at $13.75 « a beauty. Those in
leather are the durable kind, sell foV a
little more but they’ll wear longer.
Pricea are $3300 and $2500 Seen
those with rockers? They'-re beSutiei
- at $13.50 and $18.25.
Itfaiit a
Puts the finishing touch to the
dining room. Those we're selling at
$15-00 pibase every purchaser: the $16,.
75 Myle has a larger mirror; that at
$21.75 has extra hand carvings, fioett
bevel plate mmor and plush lined
drawerforsiiyier. Other styles at S23.25.
$2500. $3000 and $32xa just a little
at a time and you own handsome fur
the fyamab & Lap
01. £. Raney.
IB* Homnxe saocno, i%it*sb* cm, mcs, n;iniik.¥, HtmaiBn la, lace.
>M bj til*
ud van
m imam ala la lift b
Urtaw Mavafta piadMow w
tany. bm tm
tfWh I* vtuiaa !• wall.
Tfc* a«w KtTM a mm tb* akahr.
M ft luM to npmt tb* dew
Partac IBUiaw tUbapmtycaad
■r craatar
>tar lb» dt&wliy Ibr i
r ib*n> b
interest YOU?
Moniiay,Sept.i7 j
B NevFallSiits
>infmn HOSM.
A auB wbo b
•r Ima BBi db
tbai it b bd.
mu cma BloWm !
A plaj Brtdi aafaD-atar raM aiU aai-,
♦r n>^ ntll Mw.gnitin Umwu;
• pawed an art tlolublas tbr baaloc of Mitct bbor u> rodt»ctar»—a prarilr* tbM ibr etai* bm
and Sword!
thi- Im oflkv.
.TrU-,d,.u,r NoTV boor* ef a bamaa briiw wUl
bmr tbrrr tlmm a* cnai pn-uurr ai
Batanerd on a narrow U4m m the iMk and Drariy a* morb aa wtuiicht
third Bom of a raaidmer at Tliirty- Iron tWhemt tmlny trmbad.
Mlnth ainmi ami Mlofatnan avmiar.
ba. Ibr Uta .1 bmplial !r. i
Chi«BK<k and aimed with a tm|<dwr Kamiir. with
T.UV brda. Tlrtv err
knife and pakrr, Chtbrnlar Ctmkoo. nlnrty-alx phyaiciana and ,8nii nnnr.: ]
.nmriy two ICJUI palk-BU arr carrd tor'annaall.v. ■
boar* Prida> afiamoim <drBr.l feotb
pollcraM-o aad Sremm Ui dlglodiie
Klnaally ihroairli a raae two
KiL'HEh for uh- in all inn. of tV
Brrmeo elimbrd to a .lanKrmai peal,
II prtrr«.
tkm ami ai tbr Tiak of ibrlr llroai
FARMS - A bma li« of ,
aawe-<l brr with ropra and dmotod
farnu. and nth.-r land.
brrlo a |ila<r of mtrty on the roof.
FRl'IT LANDS ... IV Pmliiala.
Imiaovrd and uniniimnAL
hry rarorrdod to dota« tbU
tbr ytrl had twokra errry Window oa
'lURG.UKS-WrVvr tb.a.
tbi- third Boor.
uf tau uf rbliia o iini|Mifis wfairta an*
___ _
Th<- old Idhlr bmup at Foartb' airt
. I '' '-r-Sb.n.tl I-A.IUi>m.«>t
— b Ibr u.al liaw or Ibr aUM rorrra
|| b
nnrand Moth' .trrrt. New York—
• Ibwp ibai moBi or ikr ti
I 1 Nrw Phran- »
H. ft M. Bl«»k
whlrb wrei to tbr rrllrf of tbr kcitlooa la Prhotar of the American Bible aoolrf
feint am- laadrd. Aiuu>. howriit. u ■ puiot vl
"*«» la Amoy, abd arr an-r»^ Warb
ISIS Framt St. Trirphemr am
tbr aocirly iwobafaly will br mirn ap
and Ihr blbW fwintnl by rooiract.
a fawB. A &nr of ftOO b tbr penally Thia rtrp liaa farrn madp om<imuT
attarbrd. Aayetir imylbtaftwB U by tbr eamprlllloo of tbr Oxford
IbbIr aador the atatr bw
and latmalleoal Blblr comiMir. in
Tbr aoldlnn and nailon of
Bnitland. latbriaU m yean the
drelior in Ibr mtmna. of tbr AmortTh* mrotiat of chr Hbtr l^idna foni and lUamakoe conaUea
belli a n-anton at 1
Bible eoclrly from iu prinitajt
Ibanr W<mM«'«aabo'will Ur hoM
farm SO pM
in lAiKiat (tatolPt n.
irnu boir boro oM-atrd from Ibr fwopeny. which
«»rw.irk. Tbr orwiaQ.-will W
hold atatr
“■ "•'O
atatr to accomiiMidair a lantr crowd.
•a n-imimbUiir hall la tbr
Prafraor M. Uoldawn of Umad KapIt 1« PXiirolrd nr^y feOO olab
ida baa brea atwarrd to make a- Isl- of tbr
of lb.- .tale wilt b- la attrada_..
an.1 jmracbalr drop. Jnn<- S4. lUS. Within tfar lau -Hi
W. W. Wordrii. of VpailaDli
dlaali Im^.
Uk- year, of iu rxL
dlnomrtrd tboi h- inwawa a d
Tlir rk«aat rrwin cottam- ieeatrd Amraimn Bible- mclet; hu luai-d
brjr fail of hnory brr>». Por aiimil
cmuldr tbr city ST.aMt.ail! cofifawof Ihr lK>ly WTi|V
ymra .mr of tb- rhlmnry. of hi.
limit, wral of K-to^ry, and U-looit.
With all
.... ____ inrmwiT.u. in tt. i
*'«" W«.«tr. ImL.
Brand Craverse
Cand go.
Chinchilla, Astrachan. Tfieze. Mel, ton. Beaver or Fur. You »n*t men* tion a desirable color or style but sre
* show you. $;.5o has alwa>-s been a
popular price with us for a Rood
■*, cheap otxrcoaL Those at ^iio. $ia.
* S15. $i8up to $25 are the . products
of expert tailors, and are perfect m
' ever)' respect.
I Grant TraTeise Land Co.
j-n. myunf.D?“
"“Tbr family ha.1 rloanl tbr eoitairr in lion than tin- .lab- lia* rti>r brm iu
a (wn of bl. wall 111 imirr
at tl» at. onlrw Ir- isii laitn- ihrm tb.;iD«*lnjt and bad jtut left for hrfon-. Wliilr orrtala of Ibr river
tbrlr liamr In Indiana. Konir An- bail vallry. liavr brra loniia by flood tin
Snin a n«alar bli.rTltirtil'
rich QplamU. laniculariy tbem- of
At itaillrOr.»k Brtt 1* OilllMdr.
Ilr0rr.-k John Mnndiy wa. North Tru*. tbr oirhard. and mrwa. I livtnKWIrd ^oo' Jarkaan .Irrrt
tda.viait bllUanb in Larktu'. mlooa dm land, of Ka.1 T\-xa., aad of ibc
>Vid y afu-nuam. and
Thro tlMT-body WBi bwnrd In l^lday fernmoon. Wlini lir had madr coa«l manty. and tV amall'iRBlji and
hU .hot far mi down la a .chair. imitarr land, itf tbr wrat. havr
tbr imwNirr td lli.- rmwd. Tlir
(TOja, and
oidani wa. wlnowb-d by ilw ftlfr ,.f HI. remimaloi. ilirn nunlr a diot.
tbr-Birllm. who fatoird away. H. aad looklny around mw tliat Mar .■■-akloc irmmllT. tbr t.«)dr ary ta
|fiy wn. dmil.
a jbKMl way
waaal wort pBltiai; la a rriw trrt
m«Kirr nrw taw* of yellow frrrr
Wfara la wiei' nuHturr Ibr nira.-nt wai
■luvi rlrrullrd, and S.SMI tollkfti^i rrlary of tbr tfirbliBUi Hnjtar Work w.-n- rrjartrd ‘niar.day la Havana
• nnlun. wa. nu Itartmiw buy BMinow andrrimiwrTUioa.
IhrmiKl. 111. Imdy
Olllr.iiir had
law Torwday and obthtDir ha.
Motiry rr»N-lTi>d.by ihr mayor Kri
Mlap|.-.l blinwlf tn tbr |«lr Iw
; aafMy i.-lt aa.l bona tbm- auill farm b.dl<,fiwu him .iuo>-. HI. witr .lay brinit. ihr tocnl of Cbloapo'. con
by bl. eoalinar.1 tTihqil.m. n|. to*;5.0W. Pi»n of ibi.
, ta|u« down Iw fln-mm and liar
abwnc- and think. I»- wa. raairbt In ha. alnwdy l«-ru Mil Mialh.
Ui*U5..m»iwl.mrr PWli .« RVi- tlir ta« mmiD that olftlii.
ITliin Tan Snu. of Han Piwnrtiro. I.
, day kucirknl down tlnmaaniU of acn-..
Mini Oran- Btwitir. a bwchrr at aUd to I.- tbi. of atatr tBB<U IH-Wly a|ir«Bir'd. lu- the aob^l fM tbr dtwf la Pllnl, lia.
in thi. mumy, whiih.w hr i^r
WlrdU Alcooa.Alir-na. An-nar.OMlt.
nnlgu- and lalaablr family hrir
fwwa. tlladwlti. iJiia.'Idr. low. I*, faxmi In thi- dia^- of a di«nrrT>t,ly|ir of
OWIU M-vrral a
farlla. Jarkaim, lUcAlnar. Midland.
Ihuilrl Wrlnirr. which wa. |av*-ulr<l
tlwmUina. IHa<«n. HtMcmmiutui and
by Mr. Wrh.t.-r In 1K.W i« bi-r inaiidHrho.drtafl
lira. Tbr bldillua
nd a rml .-.uir oOci-.
coHtiairtir of tbr famon. AnirriManiloba c-x)e-clrocrd Ibr flrst front
iilur dorinit llu- ttooib of
stramati. nraltw aod iwholar (n of IV eraMin Wrdnrwtay nlfcht.
Aafn>.i <n Ibr year IMNU. jaat iw.wit
the I’nllrd Htatr. witalr. Tim di^<rIn n. Hankry ha. bn-n making a
yrar. as.. llavU WondwaH and wif.rixdypccamr Imo lim hand, of ihr tcTiral toor of Irlnnd, and nwii«icma
of ininum. Id rmaiauiy with frlumla
pnmmi owner ihrvigth brr molbrr, in hU himor liavr farm frrgat-at
ta a .J.-rlal rat, w.-w.lo Ohltwro U>
Mra O, O, tlray of Llttlr Rock. Ark. thrmurtionl iVMidan.L
loiii the .-.-u-hiv. .d Kniftbta Trtajdar
Irrioft Oniam
An luoominK frriKbt train on tV
la that ritt. and nil tbrlr homrwaol
Rnrllmnnn Kcib.1 wa. Vlayrd at
Joarary to,.,,
■im- fTMa n r .lady.
Hlnedalr. III., by a alnirelar lnl*lla^ |
Mra Wo.alwar.1 iU«*,\,-nMl mi tbrlr
In mmr way a nrafa- mnialninii chick-1
acrir.l at Adrtai, tliat .hr ha<l I0.I
All Bey. tfar eroond aon of ArabI
rn. wa. Iwokm and ^V fowl, pot
horvaliu, 1
, rU- I >Vha. U i
In Kandy. awa.T.thr min wa. elopiwd while tbr I
ibnm mlard. ai $an »ad , Ibr <laii»btcr of thr lair Jacob Hamv
innm-d the fralVrrd fnitilivre.
many oiVr valoabl,-. imaKi,,,. |Hw|Pfaalm.a wrlt-rdaeab«l woman wiw
Uw obaar Vin« mUvronl by i
dimppnliiliurnt thru Imi brr .nriwin- Biwaki ElqiUBh flamtly. Thr houevfrom tbr Fifty-flnt Iowa mrimmt
Mat Halnnby wb.-n tlw loo.- Imt :<noaa ii to br epml in Earopr.
which waa ta a car atduVd
vaJlar wilb caal.nuarnif.d ufr and
tV train. The tnnr wUcMd wa.
Wanta Mab t'bickm. Mab HhanicVI ChU-ken." Int it only imilrd to
«cmipnalo.l fay a l.-u.-r .utloc that Madim MnUclm- Oo. kSc. ' A
fanhrr friithlru thr eaokliigi birda.
they had n«vntl.v rlranrd boaw. aiul Tonr OiBortat.
Tbr n>ld>er« tVu joiaivl iu iV chaw
In rlrariaff out tb.-ir «tr«v
anon IV fowl, wnr captanvl.
, f«mmw*rd tb,- rrlir and a|imi Ibt.i
Htraanr to aay. thrtr wear foaml
liBMioii had firaiid Mm. W.'. « I
(lIrtrUud. Oh^i^Baffalo. N. Y..
IlMtdr. which W in IU idraliflnil:
will far ..n-r tv Ukr Bborr ft Michynnhouthrm Ry.. Tamday. Uotofau flew tbr cnop. ami thew ibe low*
»Tmuwch Hrnld.
bay. coaSnoted a* cantrabai
tkm with iV^iwbUr eebnoU td Ad
wlitmel rlmncr. Tmo to Ol<ov^d
a coBuftnablnc body of acw voicn. maV op oLlmUan. wheae triVl
rclatiea. have bom ' brafem np ami
omta A errtiflimtr of drpoali f* Itoh, Mtrb., R. w Lono* C P
who Vve Vcomc fall eltiama of tV
Imard ami IV laiirriBhmdrBI of thr | **.*'^ bl.. Urami Ha|H
' ~'
United Bmtca. wiU VIp aomcwhi
MftoaU drpnaita IV OKmev la a loea! ,
aar tV nnemaiaty of Uic
mrlajuVal Whm
“ am affyw ■ - •
•CU to Grand Ranld
’.all. It will be foB^ wVe
miMktti Uwin. to draw laH-reai.
etauaa U oomplcMd. that iV
TV .yeiem wa. tnanrarai.-d fox (h«
aambwof mxnbic Indiam Ima
I rwa:
------^ ♦ll.k.V R^lara
cnaacd by raaaoB «f the bnakiair ep
fS- For farther putioBlan
wc rcaorrariafaa and iV cufmeed
Rid Rapid, ha. a vw ladBaUy
thru plemr
. .imdracc of ramin trifaca Umt
tVftwiB- Ilf aUukri factory. liU ****W. U. li. «. ts. .B. have born tV ward* of' IV ttoraancxpeeiMl Uiai II wiU drvrlofi into a>
mcBi fm- yfwra. ftnd U IV policy
bvlhuwDUBCTOR.. manoafe- ,tbai U baiiut jmftiad now U aairtcd
Hmallpox ba. farro rrportrd al Baa- FVKKRAL
--------- 'amkom H. U qJS?, «.
•oak. Hoiwhfam and Tmtft Loka.';
uioy will V enfmaBx-SberiS Ed Wallacr, of BaUm. j
iaametor in_______ _ . wlU
a two wtirclrd rw that Ocn.
TV pqatatVc departmmi 1
Cam aacd to rfafa- Im He reemlly
!*>OkiBfrfaraa oBciMil amil atrriee
rode lam li ow to Maurhrairr, i»ov fv a limited mriod. M _
tlW that it b atiU arrrtcnwblr.
br plmmd to eoBfer with all for tV army tn Chim. Ito t«i«oaa«>*ivc. Mr. RoUbsoo. anired at Iftka
Omac Ward* Horae U tfira anow
paapln wbo ham brm catohiv ftwm jma with imalftTmaU evartv •'^day. ftioaBda dix|mtA wm
Wd aeUii« iVm. ~
lairs dluiacaly mate that ao
mram Mmll mptaiv w kill aay dm BENDA
----------- --------- nr pHYBicALoutarmB-
ftIhmvaM—A. «r cswr »U
---- ^ ^
$18. Three of the hrea« m„.
ufacnirers of hire clothiiig in Uih
country ure repreMnud here
cadusivdy by os. Oor guarss.
tee. and theiis with evety suit or
Pnew, 35. 50, 75c ud SI |
B seits $1.50.
Cheviots. Wociteds, Cm*m.
Meltons; na^ or double
brewed. Fric«from$isupor
down, to meet -youi needs —
New Fall Hats-
T. F. Hnnier
Our IJerby at'$30x1 still holds liist place as the
best three dollar hat made, ECeiy one guaranteed.
As cooifoitable as a soft hat. Our tine Fodoras in
■ Aliiine." -Golf." and "Tonrist" shapes are extrem.
ely handsome products in brown, uo, peaif, dark
Rrcy and i>lack colors.
• Rummers" well known soft hats end crushers
sold by us.
We'fi mil Ml "lb" m. iitt m lati.
mtciJis, ills. up>. iKlnir. matn, w
dimar aH all tall Imlallip.
SogB't. f7<tK
Between 8 and 9 o'clock, we will pay 25c for
Black Cats, and the boy who brings the larg
est one will get $ I .OO.
The time has arrived when you will be obliged to
discard that old straw hat which has done you
so much good service during the warm weatiul
er—consequently you will ha% c to buy a new
Fedora or Stiff Hat.
If )*ou want a hat that will give you the most ser
vice for fail and winter, buy a ROSWlXLt.
At this time we will begin a School Sale of
Black Cat Triple Knee
If you want the newest and most up-to-datff shape,
If you want a hat that is warranted by the manu
facturer. buy a ROSWELLH.
If you want the best hat cvet sold fdr Svob. buy a
Fpr boy's and girls.
The Best Slockinss in ftc Worlil for 25 ertts
If you srant the highest grade hat made for the '
money at wlucb it U sold, buy a CHALLENGE
the Boston Store.
We also Offer Some Specials
; SU«,15nfa.Ho«,il............. ; ..........
« MI—15.»dl8c-IX.Hre.'«...............
I-fi» 83cta«,Ho».l......... .............
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
.... .
t< IftdiM'aDdOcBWSpeQiaiBIftekCWlfMo
Hardwood Slabs; Hemlock Edgings..
Hardwood Clippings, Hemlock Stove Wood.
Hemlock Slabs. Hemlock Kindling.
tftCnnne Oily LambwOa.
^ Union streat
South Sld.^
Ws wnditM UtaMA rt^ttan tan, idcb, »csnAT,
» MfMli i» • MtaV
«ru4;CAKitv M-pruck raKK
>■ CM.
t«, IM
Him. P. L'VUqm ud dngkter
TUt to Bmv
) kM kMto M(4T«d «l
WM» streo M a raaeai articir.
w. aaya tta writer, wbtta
AB ta Ita ctoelric toatara aw tialtey •ayaTtaJkAtoMlD .
rara la Atoerlra ate ta tta ftMrt cw
(Hi E-to D«an,
typi. «ya (be Nrw lock
, fra- abopa. bowerer. -totly bcea «s- koaa o
catrcat Ptotora bg<
T. awi
to diirr toacawnr-wo tbto
\mtm taw wbtob
Ik. IP«P«*ty 111 with trfhflid f*T«r.
S^alkto baa tod to a good deal ta tttt
d tta tia. la 'aa
iTL^rfi Mn^
• abaot apfdJiw: tta aawe w«»«»«®
mCms bi tlto (>lf
which ocratted Ik Mvroay. Vrasee.
• willkeeoTMdfivpkT
•Btostarf ar. t.n-lbr
wiUi.itoJiPP.t-of Ot-dBMd* i»
t^rapora ta a tata coatalntoc SO salTtmna City lldi.
Ptoiy. vrtni^ tWr » maigo^^
A«M gaaetlDe cwafbt Brc to tta Uae*
ta tnUry cata. I
TtoTBli^ —tkwfapa cwto»ltto<f.i
I ta a toondry. Tta roam waa toan
effected. When tta |iown for a road gtaatly a mam ta flamca. bat a mUpo
W. 3. Hobh. i-uitod y-to
and a hatr ta ammocia water thiwda
Cu Tt» mj
to Beoeraird at a t—aIderahto
MMal G«Mr of thia oily aod Mta. ftan a ftoaliKto trip In DpMit. wbpm Ma> tta uae. to to the can in Baffala. tarto' R comptrtriy aad almoat immr, --‘ «W»> irMk t» at rwr |R< a>a '
■earBUa—1 write eon nmiomilHt
to tfcr »Mk lh« Mimh Hail ef La^iarta, Ital.. wenwbon an]i|dy to drawn fn* Masara. dtotely exUngabdrcd tta Orr. Tta a»mloaaucdeaL 1 llnd llfane IR
Mto«r4 UbT
WmU r««r -Ptor rf
la was to a kMb demUota la aa
■arried hut aTa.iat by Bet. O. for bto
it to nwotoary ta eoaptoy an alteraal.
■half ymn la tta Giaad Ttaer-ae
wrti M fM to ■ PMl •( fm* antn
Omhct E. Pray and famHy ta ViU lac eorrral fur trasaaitoal
apotbecary'p abop aeS door to tta ntd^ I m iira_a^^m.htat miW
OotaUa at dw ttatoirtioe ta Mr. aad
itoafaenr hate remorori to tbit cltT. and Ibeo at Ow e«or ta aeUca rowcert laatary aad wa* tbruam lata tta loom
Mn-U M. TtBpUaa.
by tta dnictoi aa aa rxperisoit. Ta
Tta Uttto Otoata dtaaatad tta Bata rbtov they will Mke ttadt taae It tta eormit late
He bto own wanto to tefiorttoe tta ctr^
tta fame. Mn. Pr.y'» btottar O, Terriua. how/>e
mntmrt «T raw rtrUttoltoa-r>to ^ atdtaB>itatadar fon««ta by a a»»r F. Kitlea ta New Yorktalll Join Ibeu ta eerrcy and <«lto t
cWaataarr: *T>e effcet waa laataiiia- 1 the Ktxait of Mackinaw.
ta Id to A aad la tta afunaooB brat
~ '
Ictove It bcHHc 1 did not
CtoSa. TtoT-toH-t iW —
Ttarr wooM be aroH. Ttaraita ta black amoke ndkd like
I taHoae ta a fiarUK-ml
Mif to htoatoto* «taa » «n*p
Ita Ihtath Sldwa bjr a aocwa ta 1* to I. taoapward la |dacr ta daiaea. aad to a moa
alIt will be aeVRi ycon
A |«ny ta tta~Aeaeben troto tta
tor tt»r
itim ■■■*
QbIbb la ta tail at BrUattr.
I eeecy trace of On awa soar. Sa next*mcmih otacc wc lefL
tetwallUK rnrreut eeuld be led rlfbt latotatoaU. toiPk*' «n *iWW
a M taya- aaateBer for obtaia- elty aebooto drore to Old Mtotaon to tta ear moUT.
1 have aoine laojwrW ta
- *B««to *0 nMa «r Katoto- «h« *
yeetorday attd ro>o..''c4 a deigtbtfal
Ibtod to'eou-r IndloM that we want to taeaii.
iritbcmt entog Into tta tectolraUttoa ___ ___
9<to •< CMitoj.” I totol.^ w •<>'f>" iacaaer J^biaat-tatatota. Or dar'i ootinx. The |«rty conatoted of
of tta iaBtl.-r, It may ta maarted that tta rcHB alBMiat immediately, wbm Bat I hare nme lota in Kokomo. 1
•tf to kar rapU 4U«Hato.
- wtofrdnrala «i0 bill off oa
tta Mtotow Lomb. Wiloox. ttoutacta ontli Teato Inreoied whaf la kaewa aa they fiwad tta Inm.taak of caaoUM to woald to- glad to ttadn oa pcrqitaty la
fW Kajupp—
•« '<
altapla »ia4»d Korwa^ aad tta
thr rk^l—
N*. I k«TP toi ra.-ltoK •
tta -polndian" tnoter II waa bard ta tact." '
taxy btaeee wtMB tta oaar waa tnoJ u>d Ca^. aad Mra. Jtaywai.
Led me farther uy that my family
-• for power
K. J. McDoBald retaraed yeatarday
iilKI toK rkl.1* (bat WM rifffal'
la tare la Ronma It ia a good eaoaporpM-i
tieie la a little hiral atory (hat Rlv t»7 in which to make niooey. Bat
Tta poprry ta tta TraTerae Oty ft tnt a baaiiMaB trip to CbioMfo.
W. N. Kelley waa to Elk Ba|wto
traiea tby ealm ae»fuiTl«fariloo wUb I have tried it nearly Oiivw yman aad
taehuto. taiboad baa nactad a |o
tta hot wMth>-r harm me. I wtmU
« «to th^ -r «i~.hr-h*
like to go tack to Dcwibmi Miebigan
work atil Cn abopu electrlciana bare which the femlatae
SrttoVtTai**!* ttoppy." A-d ata ta* vitbia thn* tail*-rf SatMoa Bay.
for my taolih. li agre<« with xae
Tta rrcator exearatoe to Maaialro
•M tar bawl
( - « a tfta that
Balled Impaticciily In ac* It tried on aviwrtorliy:
■ KvrsrTa IX "oc irri
l.ory and Oaarge gre cbBdM of marii better than one tdaoe 1 ever
will kare oa tta M. ft K. E. niiraad
ralln-ay ran. Sorb a ceatweta* 1**
A RMirfal aaiiripr waa giro 1? a to-en mata la KwItanUnd.laadllf It to Sbai Bud parrDU. Lacy la T and Urod. Bzcaae me for la^ lime to
8ta hu attemM tta pri- •ell aU tbU I woolri like a- borne'
few inardiate frietuto ta the Mlaatw not Ita rery ant our ..f tta kind li to Uoorge to
WUtalo Btoa. will have lota ta
ity departmeat ta a private acbool
a M to adrpt^ I uta I
Traverae Olty if 1 coa get it. 1
tat-tbeir booie oo'Wnil Fwol ertUliilyd
jnat four BMOtba. Here la an^etalack ^ lotoorrop. They hare
Odor Koa
t. A Trry plrotoiat erenins wa*
toard eoaverulloa belwara tbe Iwi.:
to d> oar rtobto ata i-^'bp prayrr aad offend U eeato raeh rer tta aainala.
ulletweM Umx and Maple i'ily. I
a gTHtly palnad expreu- would take a place-near Erankf.wt. t
apeoi in idayiBK gamoa Aa ecroUam
faattoc aad ardltaltoa
I raaaal tot
brotV-----------------------------that Ctatattoa rtoaa aw fr«i
omaotooverv portlrotar otaot the
maeical laoffiaiB wa. rendotcd. after
eba«. ta the <aU la ta.cooao
only i
Ttolal (baa Ibaat of aar paupl
alae laat ao it ia worth whol 1 glee
wbirhadaiaty -lactod waa pMiak.*.
I.. *.r"iba(
1 tiH- rallrr of tlelaa. al Ita ead ta fcDiM: the •■*
With aa adrertUligt actaoH- fat Black
•Ml dto'i r-a totoa |W
and I eon get it ao 1 ran |a.v fo. It.
«f by the K°e«to-.
Mtof tot iii-p-- tto toiiptoito -r Ihp Ita taridag la l-aeh «llb Ita
wbeat.Howerer. 1 would laefer a idan- of
tta .wat.nj l*yrencea. Hr aaya;
""Tr____ _lv. .k.. K.A .1.
Oat tlockiwn.
(laorge. wbo balfo to acknowledge fi«n 10 to to tatu. Imaat have
drtltoalhMir' I aafcad.
Tbrre exUta In tbia diatrlet a aomn•I taby Kiri. arelKblBK hlalnreriomy:-ldo.too.
•Matt I ^aolr Wba to Ita rMalac
good noil and water cm U. Alan a
tooaka* la taol Wtan boak to (bm Hta pooaiU. cBiae to noide with Mr.
eaglety of fruit witli hooie and lam.
Urey, taking pit
IM bnak at Oafar Aad tat aaopl brr Mri. Pauik Btotay ta tllale atrret
1 doo’l rsn-HI marh almat feur<-a.or A
liitauta and aa a matter of fact an fleorgp. you know ------------- ana r—ad brr. '•Aad If mr a»
gictol omoont b.-ing cleoml. I lUm’i - .,
more than four feel to belKbt. don’t know. Liatea to me aad re- want il moontalnenn. boi do not uk
5* toarr M ato-to- to tta >«toto fto ap la ta taara aad -Ma« tbal w«I ta
b.-i«Ut for tar -forope home in
drUtoaltoa twito tar toa.''
all V level, i pfelri
Nebraaku Mlm Rabiixm'a
many bamto au<l bi t ainalL abooldera and to rant, and wheal grow, la a wheat tbdtitahnll
FoTwtan' Hall Taeaday eTnoin*
rood liaihUuga. I hate lotwj ondCM... -^ Xt ""rtT aadp ibiaa I wtoar der Ita namKtawpt ta 3. H.v 1«
field and cun grow, la a eura field. o E. K. ft 11. addition to Kokomo.^--’ri^S
friendawill refffri tbal ata la to
Bal I raratWri an of AtaaBMaa >
And doe’: yoo Mer forgrt Itr
nd. Tl>ey ore
are each
rvK-h fll
fil feet front. IM
leare (hr riiT and Ihiaie tavaeat laal
tolr-f tbtok atom.
aad AtaataTfA ‘
nbrht ammKly rmidmatud that tad.
Tta i-aato -a> tatdlp awata wtaa I
Make* wnmen gtaPefol and wllaad Ibaa I atobe aiafi ta ar «wa to It
(beer 1» DM uiUtaklng them among «|lb- loWT, Keep, one from being heavy xllev Miin.1 and oHer cm aorth aide
path Ital aUflrd tta Dart
[tf lot 1. Tin-r BIT aix blocks from
AII have red hair. Thr fare la u and clnmav. Thnt'h arhat Rocky court
Prr--B0y» a
n*** pa"«*
booae. which la In the |iaUir
S^aT tto.r.lrrip a. a falal •-* v
btCtod aa hms. with h'.:h ebeek
Mountoin Tu dou. Ur. Aik yoar square with Inulneu blocks all
fv a half hnor'a drill on in-w m-w>.
f«rtatottaptoadtototo«t. A wM to«r
atmncly <h-v>-l-iiird jowu Biiil flat noaca. •Iraggiat.
onianiL Kakoiuo ia M miloa nurtb ta
BBder tta dlnetloo ta Mr*. t\ K. lUat enmliiK-at the home ta tleonp- Tin- lyeaAn- rint biirIziHiInl. Iiut aoiD€i>
a tp« hLadiPd ratta
nlla;' Il hu three Ultra ta
where tta
whenthr foUnwii
foUnwing |*oWhat «(i]l<|ce. like llx-w of Tartar* and
_____ . . haf’ eloefrie atlv»-t tors and
Tta laM tlcepera for Chleago. Tulr gtao wa» tvndi-ml:
miBeae. A few irtraggilng. wrak baiiv MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. all mndeni im|imr.-mnita. A rita
Voa aball an a «aa todrrd. w *to>
rbaming IWtU |<e«ple. Hu free ntoll
are fonwl la place of lieonl. Tta akla
atoM. A altobna. wlib bU atoM toofctof Mn ata to track tta. tton af»d tad doandtlt: Lnoia cai the Pen- Mardelivery.
Ilia in n rich faming
Rioditig. "A Reply
to pah- aikl flabby. Meo nod women
byna. aiaiB f<dtoaTd aad larabprrd BtoM- wbo erea heala na whet ta ■!*• *«qaetto will lean- ben 8epi- »“»'•
r, JE^ViSuSt>Sr3
cooDtrv. Imnd in that roonty aclli
Cliaa. Rennie. '
are au laaeb alike that ibr oex can onD
toaalp aa aj. TW torn (to- Ibktto -f IS^ata taltod atoad. “Aha. Kali Da-. .boot S !>. Bb
tta TrraL atol tbrp irm-, aaJafaUy. hnrlie told fnxn ttaclirthlng.
R.-citati(«—''Agoeo. I Lore Thee,
lytato 1“ 'Wr rtoPrt. Irt-rr (ta tatotoa *^Tta anaad of tta wmdmaa'a at ceai
-Though llic niimtb I* Dirge, tta llpa
taiat. Uirdoall.
MioM- leu tlioo that in mdi. but
Tent IH. Will meet
«d. aad pre-eatb we heard «o
do ni-t «|uil.- cover III.- large, projerlion't car.-lo lint them for any leu
Soug-"Th-Ltal KImon Earth.
•«jr tototov —• Iftaia praarhiu Ihruacb tta Itaato.
lodar al 1 SB) to attend the fanrral ta
ing liM-la--;-*. Tto- X|uax. who are IV
a ira.I.'. .\* then- ore nmny IndlM a blarfc paHi^- Twer* brtlrr that hr almoM kanw O. 6. MUlar'a moth.-r CarrUgr* Henry Trip and E. R. fhapomn.
him -f the ottar Inbat-llaota. lire enau |«Mi|.lr np itan- 1 tiiought y«m
5r to^ ' a ..( Ita iBBrir. ->VA.taJ IbPrt Imb toe Ibat yne aad 1 bad had aperek
might find Mim.' one tliat wonted to
ttnl.v hy ih--ma.-lve« In ilrhu They
H..a .tatonlp aBd allbWtaX l^lbrr that Ibai br ato-oM Wara k wilt V inTl.led.
Ml hnrk ilul wonld gi.i- turn trad*.
Inieniiarr. nmong (iM-nuu-h-eo. ao Hint
tame on to eridenilr making p col-'
yiirraato aad pav.-^ (bto Mai Ita TrraL for aar tora ar* t«t
Thrc- i* a big Wnwk.-r rlioreh .in Ko
tarriUr wbea they are ayrtoghl apoe by lerlioa ta Harriacm IJhimr bienle,
Ibrlr |>c<-aUnritkw coatlBoe to be vpn>■H Trral aatototor. tta
komo and many giwk.-r
Qiwk.-r churrhee
< .
-r Ita i—nilBc'
Mtowly.- Tbea. afir* a
. ..ou'l know wiial yoor.
HAIwV/An2 6M0?* TALK.
^1 oa; •Ibto'l apeak I- lar to Bar
ata Ptotod aa a
-Eiilln-ly w ItboBt edaratloa and wltband on Front gtn-.i. twoof Ihoa.__________ iv Imi if you Made my
M to bit pnarwa. lie wao'l Bke h."
loU at BWO I will tmv you S |*T cerit.
IrAmataxgi. oat mi> elmucp of Improving tbelr conMe tw aad half eeitod b--r face with Vila wen- atolcm within Irau than
dlllun. Ito-y lend tta life of parlaba.
Theri' i* no lucaambranc- <m lh.-ia.
m WMW Var
«»a iiainllttrtr <bpf««rirr Ita Jaacto her riiiMUer a* a wditodU yoaac Padbaa talf an hoar ta <«eh mhi-r. between
Tln-y kt..-« tto^ owo nam.-*. Imt r
Taxi-* all iwirt. I’lmr nVtnet. 1
vaa atoatoc bi aunp ntoad toalla. ato i^rtag aa ha.ea.e toad ta .eta ertered
ning. '
- and k o'eloek.
shall 4-xpec-t the Htnn- on wbat limy or
tta totot -aatabto ■..ar" "( -btot. bto ttaftode. Hr threw
node fri. I am willing to BMiDe a '
The unaaraeyed land between TiaT- laal arrsml at li e uS‘Ce Ui> iuiuqim U>
d BM and. «
tta rhalbaw' at IIh' i4Mto nnrb. Wbn to
fdre Ita arrival if Uk- Imwitli llM
debt uu a plsn- if v.% raa I^ivr IH
_ aarlagly inward ene Print and NeMh-tn-wanta hu kfp-. tta tinsi wen- uciii-sug ttaun-lvra Idea of ciDlnU-n.a aallTP •>( (ta Trral aa<l wbaar rbp»
lime to mak.r Apnila. wkb tV Ven platled aad added (o the fonaer
•to Tatar to ato raaaaaa ailli tta rirtIM
w*iSSu w-uT **• " * 'ii'ir' meiit*.nahlc
n L.uiijh-tirt^r exv>fwuctowld> eanau
1 mnnul give raoHi caJi no’
a Utter to
iaiTfai alaritoto at tta Tltor riUatto
reorit. taTWal ftne aammer eoHag.-.
Ifirsi lavnii-iil.' I luivi-. r.mr mi. in
What d« .von think of the Idea that
Htoiid ’rrovriBr H.-rilil of S.-pt: «
Vab^ an VrOL Kali will V erec-ted to'xl yur in (iii|e, ‘^'iVliAi ti.” aakrd the Toni Man. iDvali.to tm-} gain alreogth ID oUencer
*Abd tbni. la tta arrakratoe «rf Ita forIf yna hav.- sum.-lliiag
that h.imnnyFniploB« •iwLaod'-wiUi
wL tbrrr rpmr—lla.Uaa apm? A «< I riaaa.- brgaa tV wamaa. -and V Vth for (ta mart apaaoo.
I ixdlcv.' In It riui.balically. aaya a
1 Mmli- me I will have
!-■—* to*rml>r rotor aUttood tta )oatto gtrea me IbHoga ta bto daalb... The Ladlea' Aid HorietT of (M- M. eurk.-a-n-wu and arn.-w»lrivt»k?”
wriler III HeaJtb. If I wen- a pbyal«>mr fn.-ii.l nf mim- then- ln>4 of It '
•WVtnfhr Hewaabeip-iulL
taata br a bdUlaally rarT-totl rtartoaflc
-Nunre uf tta UaiL” aaggoaicd tta
K. church will bold a apoeini meeHng
for me aixl ni4 hi* Indgni.-nl. P .
tcato. a* tbnil^ Ita ato«rr *rrr
Hie (vmv vk-onl* to Imbl fiBBrulc
in tta ebareb twrlon Monday after“WIiatevcT ttarauati." ertuiaaodtbe exeitalih- or nerruaKl} exbauaied.
tat. It
till airing .«<- ran arnnui- that.
-Marry oae wbo wu Iwtor a widow? noonal SdO. A foil allendaMe' la
T^ Man. "1 Iu.to kImotwI Ok- ulnuat | att .» Ih- In a pcrfecil.v roay'pullkia.
■ Ihria
'i mv Inlenti.an to com.Nau IMd forbM! I kaato adawata
anlvrml c tofi. 3i« ta a ariv-wdriv«r with the iiiuaeh-a all n-laxcd. tbe ryco
*xl *|»iiig at fnrii<-rr*l
Wbrowc mora to oar hm. • Cwu ’
amare ebe dlroT to
otturLet roe bear from yna.
Feartu tbal oayhari^ lateicta to tV
rk>-*-d nud tta mlDd fixed on tV tuoat
.rf i£r nibMab kte..aw. and
nih-ot and retnolc |dan--tbal can be Im
Tlir ulxive U one nf many lelten
V( V? pnalViarat. t larud and ruame her dreaamiHng wort; the a LiU> orka f.g a ciwk-rvw fnd a man 'agltHil- K3.V iIm- lop of a lofty monntaaae of ball a nlaatr my oool
we leceiv.-. which goes to show ttal •
air of Heribnrea'a ha- Vwa tv Vagle path. >
for s Hfi-.utrivcT uml tlwai Itoft at yoo tain iirerluoklag rail.-* of i>(nr femt,
Jato before toarlag IV Made I Inokid
. IMeb.- aoag to Abe
t lirae nH-v |■■»y storiea about olber
' ,
wliere fU- ery of a bird wooUl Ij- atar
John B. Kelley, formerly of tliia bOBCtJffiHti."
oiT^TV womaa bad aae -koee u tV
larta of the ooontry are not ao lrig<;t
••Orwleu they wain a‘litl lifter.”' fling-o.r to pjetorelnrani-yltalmolidraoad. aad wHh ootaireirVd arma aV rity. hu - Bold hia hotel and uloon
ami blnoming wb«-n yna get ilov^ in '
Itu plain* or to Itilnk ta tbe cool quiet
aru Vtoactog tV toad of wend IVI Kail ba^inua at Eul Jordan and hw nItontto..**! kawotoiHaMbn
facta M they ate decuibed to b.-. Il ■
ta uiounlalli caw-* to fix tbe mind for
T> «to «H toH laA UoH IMe;
« Dua wap ponlag u Vc bead.-Speakar. tamed to ihia city with hia family.
-I>.J y- 0 rxvt iPtHv,” rnuartitl tta a
uiwKi anything iliat luggeaw
all gne« to irnre wtarVe claim llinl
W. X Dean bw foroiahcil (.tana dur Cmhiy MiJ-. "b-or unuai -c a woman laflniic iwwcr and unbroken atlUavu
there la not another «|iot <ui tta
Ou at tV BKiat pompa« mao abut ing tta |«M y««r f.g o. w taihllug.
Is to ahaoit- noBicthing ta natare'a
caortnenl wliere yna ran find a* few
tv belri waa at CV minr time a pccmoi tnclodlng mnny ftni- b-aid.-W*. «■
atn-iigth and calm aod make a geoalBC
dnwhaeka u yoa will right in ihia
of whom aou of IV Mber garata knew grfRatlng In coot A1A.W••Whafwio a mum-nnywayr'
and |M-ni:aD<-at galo in tbe rffort
aoylblag. Not erea tV cterk catad tril
Onnd Tnverw- Regi»>. W.- ate tta ;
roisid the T.-d Man- ••IVw.Biuu.who ncini-r bniilh.
wbat IV great mw did tor a lirtok t»
gnk.al f.T ■f'.i.vr' lari!)- gi* wlrat towre of iKipalatioa nf a bTritogy
Tbi-rv-1* bnnlly an Inralld wbo weoU
arVi apectol wartaot tVte wu for kto
Mlm Elixa OoWe Vft yerieittay fnr wxali-l r.-«|ni<-kl.Tm>IIi»nBhuVhBdaMt- act h-allxe l-eneOt from the practice of
ezeending eiglil hundred mlldk.
SOI and Mpertor baartag. Bel V
___________ edf<r'til.lK-.l'tu-ka. siurhie-innCagiTO going Into alhticr at rvgojar perloda
a eiall
with fiirnda_____
in Haion
'dIatnrHer and a pn]mtoti>m exceeding '
Ata tal’i
Mn. Klttie Ooodaja.-d liM tattm>o.t i i>iq»atiinlur«- f-w ni.titAl gynuuWKW, mch day. But (lie tlmagbla moat not
fifteen million ]e«p|.‘. with a anil and
air^^JIrwata.wlll V Uld r.r
to tar home VOtnnd Rapids after ^
111"'to; br allowed to diifi nod meander belpelimau|«y>nltorlv artoiacl to fiait
V great tnao at dtoaec aad broogbl
iculy about. That la n .moat cxbauatUld vcK.-tabW nf dll kind*. Rhlp•ek wHb him to tV fold to tV kbby ta a Tiali with bet m«her. Mr. lUcku.'
log prorena. Tbe *0011-1'la to keep tta ^VHTURd T<WNtT
3. D. KiaapT.caaloin offleer of Port
ping foeilllii-* wremd to none. ThiH
Wiltoan titpaieolly .ihyrring th-to- miDil Kt.-adily. if mdIv f-r a abort lime,
TV leader rharai of IV aweel aid V betel oB IV tofotwalVi they aeHanm.
Icrrnpticai ihel'nlhirr Man ixaitiiiued: tgiun III.' »ui- KUl-iecl—that of iBfialle
trunk lin.- railwara four riaomtapt
aaag. nm ■iieiir n.wlo'trd (nr aewr Vx•Re'a preod o( IW way bt eaV wu itlng hia atm. and frienda. for a f<-w
aaa alterean-> aid ahbb naly Ib-rib-rra
”Tta tCt.Tihiy tolailycam.' nmtlitig Millne** and repom-. You iblak that |a
Hnca. (inrat harbor oB toe lokaa
aaou Vtr wriilcw. wa. tboeMighly ap
into tip- M-w. piht-wu laiot'
No mUrto, hay fever or eoatogiow
easy, .-Bough I ^\{;m wlU perne-Why. wbat to tbeie abaot IsT*
pteetotta V tV aiagn.
iim-: Iw..-I.ng l.tll-- w-.uti.n.
ta Detroit.
-WelL air. that aaa to aUr to fo
In Ita piartlcc n^lt becomea
iliaraoea: healthloet climate OB rorth.
B'toUag to are ber wHboal avaeU b»
(bal It wUl be time
titay at home. Johnnie, don't go.
tog dto..-i.eta ae.1 boplM to bear ber brwHb a fear eurar dtoiHe wilbml
atog agato. I -alalkta" ber. aad. beboti. taUag etIbcT rlbow Mm tV (able. Hr
We've got a tettri coantry than any
aV waaa radVai; I c«ldi.-< V ata aeta them Oraiy ea «V rteth. each near
ta them. If-you don't think on. rw
Hull at cnee i4i)Bn*.t<d
takmu Car ta waa alaglua Oarid'a "O oar Mde rw tV ether «( bto plate, aad ^ ,
(am, Ml) M g K. AUya. n>M S.and a
i-rwitwr.L' tVtan « nun wanta an nrMtoVUtlb-a..Uurk.TT»wc--a>y
4lnr If you do think ao. or it you wpnt to ^
ma malliTw- a. I waicbrd bet from V feedi hlmaetr with eaul faemty with H- the city.
htod IV bub- of a great haldoo tm.
buy or toll a farm, hoiiae and lot.
A Sllb- l-oj aiMt a year, .if an played gH iVt right band «n.-a ta a dtob. brad
a wfie at Ita Colambia ^rtaeirln.T. ..
Hx- Kwl: fi.vii nncavA<p.'n»dtaaIVI AKB
otoofc tBriuhoadlto. borrenr money.,
beaMr brr. aad ta Ml no a fallra Irer (V knife wKb food olel toarcry It to bi>
H. L. Outri hu petuHti-d from a, oe.«lv logiv.-on •id.w-’"
lead moBcy, go into baalDom or oQl
iraak aad i-«4 pail la IV aialto of IV mouth witbul moeiog tV Hbow to a trip <m tta Prie Uoaqaette u far
-A taly gav-o me 01. id«i. ’again rw frotit.i orcipItaL^and. fuarth. thr ternIt to a wmdae. Rr la tV meal
ta boxlaea: eome ap and an- u: al-.
Tacai Tbrrr wa. a ooWr bmdth V- adrarir.
taaaa' brr ryra that ermladcd oae ta tV reouskaUe eulorttoatot I eerr MW. Na north u Boyne Cite. He took a bugr inark.vl tbe Wove Man. ".m noUtng M pDiai. Th.- riinlacicr of tta pain la
wayaABtta haiUr; alwava gto.1 to
wiadae V to proud.-><bd(Br> Peat.
"__ u.. ..f —r——f«m. hi. riovro. While nbowing them to tar aita........ ............................
IU.Hy in Ik- dull
and br«ry than
■atlor Ua.b»aa aad aa air of n
, you: make more aalea, hare
iVit ber Ocare wbM waa act off to
taetfWV in this cltT
aekrd ai«nv«in"Rl‘“‘‘.which IcjtaretovJ ,
irul.-. Tin- ezeKlng cuoaea are
iam^Utot than all tta reat |oK tog!l7.-.i ta.iMue e.h.1
To my
uld: , ^k* which rcviaire tbe He ta tta aeMn. Thoa King and chlldTO.Eital
may aetid me Ihia ome. l:^Hnm«Uil«i and poowentcBce. read
... . _ . wlibnot dubt. CVarielU tV
o--------w-i. .0...
.......... ' ^
Padbaal pe-tegre ta iV l-Tabeta. wheat IMvrary mu aaU la
ta Oteenwitrfi.
Onto NIkHW
Ing. wrillne. drawing, palnriog. type
■Igbl rita Vr baaVod. IV Bar. John ecta: -I lire apu
are Ita gueata ta Mn. J. M. RobUna
writing. ecwlng. mnale. emtl (daytog.
Timtii. VmedtoiHy after brr retara to to a ta-k.
*•■(.. and my
nj reiriag uli to aa oo- ta Foarventh alteta.
bUltonl*. *lioi>plng. rMiQg In Qutoa and
tv Taeoi bad Veo IV aeMtbm of tV My I WTote
for T .
•Met ear*, (-tr.’ Long aigtaled people
3. Harry Uceffoo. baslneu manger
ttotoaa al hatal Tal a few ycaia age.
tu my toat pwwu b to a'— Here V
•affir iiwre from bradtebe than tbe
■aapplu a dry twig wKh ov toM M paaaed ; -r a war.1. wWch ritaeoaor UeU fv Porter J. White's elabriate |itdamael her aliratiuo. I attppaddata tV eria oayddtod. -A lliiill I aappoi
ab>.n sighted. Inaomoia. dyapepato
Myron B. Rice's
dnclioo of ”Paual.” whirtt ia to ap
opM aad apprueVd Vr. lice tiat Imaad peivie
Comedy Company
pear aooa. arrived to (ta city laat
TtoWtou It Mar OuBn. ^TV Hty cnaaril
yriae wu ta Bee. km aV qaiekly tagaV.
iar ImdarV. TV a
at her compmarr aad awaktd am. ouadalgfai
. bat od- Pieoriittow tta faaalaM ta aU tareea
Aak your dragglat.
brig (vgaolliiK Ita
tout nal^ meetiag mtoe wt
Tbli to tta totoot ImproTo- gagrtmeat ia this city.
wTaor atogtag attoattad mt.- 1 bogabla tiaaalt aarrice. aad tta Cnica
BM»Tr«aator letamed yuierday
taMM ta my VI to bee.
•Year riw rtpUrd. eridtotlr ari al aB TracUoe campaay ta thto city to
tran Newaygo, whree tala maator'
Cempiex turtbods tare been tallow
laitoii to mmr to my laOM la (V awk experimeatlnc with tta toew am
meet, which uiagtoia Iff-M »«
ed In liuula. bat a almtdc teVrattoo
ward ritaUu I bad toubt.
•It wu eery beaeilmrtton ta tto» beoriv arin. To uw the mritOo. Tta eetMat idant which;
(here la l-ecomlag popotar-oaBrely. to
tbit eotopony to puttlBg "P will coeet
•AaM^ b Batobel- dw Stonaplad. eoatriraoce R to aat ami dir to
waab Ita wood with aoluUoa ta am-'
TVte wu a aligbt tuae of uaMm)ltto
tonetoUy bolli w. h R can ta ap- three aerta ta (fiotmd. and tta fooatoaaJam •olphaie. followed by tmtaib
hoe voice at aV Ibu gave me to nartrr pBed to any
tatiema for Ita baldlaga
•Diatkm. thus forming anliibate ta pot
riaad that my pr»0HK< woa aaweleome.
Tta Idm to atm la Ra VTaacy. and. TtaeatiiT plant will baron by elec-!
ato and
Bat u a aladrat at paycbolur | wu net
CHICAOO fffi.00
H In tbe porn ta tta waod.-Popatox
tricHy. Mr. Traaaln wUltaiarato)
uaatay V V omred Mm my drriga e< altboogh tta Tnwttoa cmnimay
making eompanitee eaUmaiea by tta
Yavgtotoattof tV uae- btaon^ me.
•YW Roe. Jaha Traata to gaad.** t au of ttoc.uk
■reecal ta tta oM daa. v data are u
paaota awbito V am bon rit waoU to fM prepaaed. Tboar-wV hace
word from bto biitol^br. W. E.' good T0*K^»
•Yoofe awe yrw are not ficktof
affiotod. Tbam U aV care u dga of tta boO baoriag oar M Hottoa
MeoD. etottog that bto aoa. wbeu
atoed tnxloaaly.
IT r - I w«U m: -He Vaged blmoatr
Ulaau called him to Andotaa. Iowa, • ;® A m., airirlBg at Ohlcago ataat
-Klekle.- V cried. 1 bardty kaav
AVw dayvtaterTU kfvbim.• «p. m.. DetrtatfldOp m.. Trrieto mari> bettor. Dr. Mwm writoa d«l do, 10:10 & to.. laOaaae, SdDp m. tbe ineanlag ta (ta word. Ne aan
-My Otar aV rxetolmrd. pmtiag bar
be wu aaarty drowHd while rwoiriag Xiekrs Will ta acid to Datrcdt, Ann
band U bar oldr aad aratlu bnuH u
«V Coftm tree.
Arbri. Tpoitoati ft Jaektou i4a tta la bU lova.TrovwMOto. Mtotaw
to a
TV child. wV bad bau cUagtog m
Miriiigan Oenttal B. B. and to De-Ata ta coaiH you vtbeaHita
hb •oiVr'a drom aad ngatabto me artib
torit. Ttaeda
mod. WWB «ju. Vgaa m cry wb^
A fteelce kH ban Vveated by •
via tote PWe _
”-ntHlntilyta UW bto MtbaPa laddu emattoa. Me weatara paefctog Voto be plcklag THMriicy (■ hto way to bto tame la Vvade--------------- —— “
•Ybrik.” «ta told, aad ate had becft HOTS-D*ii*g tb. aeb» U O.
i (agbMmaptoVrarmaaadHdMbto chlckeH TVro M a tarwptaek- to Qtaad Bopidt aftor apeadtog a
graduBy trading ap to tbto. -bow V
flOBedj • nukbar «i bigk^lna
I bMdkabubaaato.aaytogtattaPto^ wbkb tta towl to pMead artae Vtog
La^ and Mtoth ta Htatoad to tot off joa taudoli tta fact that yoa deelaiad
ftnya at H*rib-to-watoA
Mtoifiltfafi will be iatradBOod by
I pai^ ^Mu mitbaa mu mtobul
yoto Vto to tVH Mtodi ta tolM Of
kOlad. and iBto tbtoato «to»ed aPTBca'
Looto Webter arrivad yato
tbfl rfURjifiy.
KatiBgaauna Ptor Odi ■
^ Me oBhu thm oaaotd aftm Mo
ram Potoftey. Vheae te
8a ta weal Ua wv d
VMeofi-$ljaaile.C)e«^ Me.’
oMd tad bau qaWtad tVev emu tta
Atoliff O. P. A- gB Roama are iritoy.
MtoUagfalavaealkto. He wlU rialt
!„^^f tarata ta a w»tmM> OA agd
■ ■^-- W^ right »M »>«J ^ l^PH'
HMtf itacfeW •• <■* wka na alMv
Titowt. Bhh Urian.
w .»rur
Grand Opera House
Friday, Sept 21st
/UL .
Vilatqaiii vita
k to alfito rtotoa fl %
sirtrjfsEasfSd —
4 ;; /
Wade Bros.
' 3'
U^btpips: Express of the See,
Tbe Torpedo Boet Destroyer.
or vfuics
Tbe atrattf of tba graad prtor to Cbbada for bfV (onatzr eafelMl at Ibe Parid czpotoUoa «aa bat anexpaetod. n,*
an Ottawa ttiwtobiiJudtai of tbe Mnr
Tort Sbb. Thr caUHt to • «BortiTe
e*e frq|B tbr whale Dootakab bbd K
oecbidco little mece tbaa LOOO
■. Mir two of vklek. tko I
• riTBItEP Ml kr Ik* —'IB— •*! Brtlirt admlmll,. «
Mni —tela—T> *>w4 ts tom U- i
4 tr
OMI iWk tvalurr Mvy
rcetofapBee. U to made ■» *f a very
roapMe rvprraaDUIto* of the Cabddtoa woudA with tbe prlBetpal att^
exporitd tM CAhbda la a iwanJaa
cai-Mr ot dcnbllaB th*tr
and damns Uba Uchtalas ■
tfloM* In ikal »«-Wfni
>«•> >
narai aHaln. ttowsh (hr atsMas at
«Mtn>r*r *k*
»•«- »>«• tlHiniml* lo malilmalii ti—■ wirVfH pr»o- ...... .-lat'M rralnm aad torrado fc
jhlihrno kiMm..lhc mlrtWial (
0*» hpantoh d*otro,rf* br
t«i-•• Bl»l»rt rtl|-r«nf OeWtrtnljtla. n> --Mirr
aar of rapid ftr* puna did
tilt, ah* na* Ik* rmnrtuibt*
«t i
aa «nliM apiDioB of that
« I.U- no k—•. Tk*. .pml to btortiof
8(111. at ih* cad of tbr <rar am
kr «r* « toi kBM* Iku that a«ain.4
bad 11 lorpado beato aad dcatrorm la
—mvtrr. aad! to iVtobcr. lO*. after
VIpor aa ih* Inst—1 tml aflnar The
letuftta, dtocaitoflaa la ccas—. oedyfa
.mmrrM wttm-h lo U was b, a stotor •
were plaeod lb Jkmeetran ahJpratda for
MMd. ihr TarMna. br th. mmr do- <
the coastran I—I-of It torpedo beau
and It dentrarrn. ailh a paanuiuad
speed oftojiaou (ordbe fonarr aad »
rare oeewroev. No atbtr eedatry to
ao tleh In fotvata. aad It to not owprlainc that tbe Canadian aathorttlM
brtai all tb4dr cAerstsa la nuktac thto
exblbK coaptole la ordrv to deatoaatratc to tbe worW ibto ptloclpa)
•ooTt* of Canada'a woiHb.
Mnrh attroUoe waa flVHi to Ibe «•savor to Uaprwaa tlm I
ABUfactawr with tbe li
1 the rrstrlrtlon of hto freedo*
him phyateally. Ami. b<«dra. he has the ezesilebt
If hto devoted belianm. hul of CbapUlB and Mr*. Al-
NapoleoB w
iKt.l midlve
prand seen>
mery and many a
na. it would aerm that c wor— fair ntlpht
have befallr
alien Cronje than l*nlshi
■meat lu a w.litaTy Island In Ibe midst
Atlanilr. eapvvially la view of wf '
Ired Ia fiontb Afrit* a
f.w i-iwr maoufi
are the larpArt In tbr wurtd. rotaparmll.t-ly easy of areena and pnaaoB abOBdant wairr power. Tbr aapply to Canaila to vlrtaally onUinlted. and tb*
area of crowlh may be re^rdtid aa slmoat rooiermlnna with tbe cvofiapblcat buimdarlm of tbe Itoslnkia. P»0€B
the Ijilirador peninsula o* tbe eoat aad
T tbai treat Otoafla
•ns of the rblneae (> the immduc
r iranMt to that It will thru* init of
• niidoymml Ihountinds and even mlllPiciB of enatlae who have no other mrwBB
••r eaminc s substotenre than by —rrlns virtually as beasts of pamlen.
Tbt; rvads tn ceofml are sn ]>sw tbrousbnul fhlna.lhal nKWt of the Uav«l
Is i.Tformed IB iwlsnoulns Isamr on |<otea by Ihe eonlwa. «ho twrry tbHr b*r>
^n. rh.erlully over. Ow worst .rf hlshways and trails where It would be Imprawti.le for B * heeled vehIHe to pa—
A cruUP of these human luiraes U
•abown In the lllustratl"*. .me set havlns .to rliar*.- a imieier's palanquin aad
*Doth*r his lussaae. hailed by the niartalde fur the nemndn) rest.
a rokTONTKn VRorrrtBtAC.
slsm-d. two year* ack Knslaad's
Viper, a-hirh
las oal, ito feel In toasth. '
bteadthof J1 tret aad an estre—e dspih
a( It feet » laebca. 8be has the rusliunar, cun and t«rr<*- - nets of her kind and rarrtea tao di.tito't net. of rturlnr* nn ear* aide. .11reelly muided to the arr^ ahntia
^abkh are t«>ur In number. i
proi—Hers .m ee. »i ehAfl. or elsbl In all.
Mare the Vl|.-r ae> aenl out aaolher
marr eastned vem.-)-ihe tN>bra—has
he*a tounthril and acerpled br the
ilir .-’bent and stmacral In
world." T*(> abort years |clai*r. and
of the advon.e made by John mrnnahilc tbe "mtary" encln.-. sub(luJI in e>MyirtnK tbns' .40 mile de- stliuird for tbr ''rertprwatins.*' proves
"yen ae naval auillUHes. ll.mlshl
aell In stan.e hiielty
tiiielty at what <nir AiiM-rlcao destroyers at* left latntarda
nntior has done to coulp llsrtf In tbe rarer
Hal. wblle la a measure outclassed.
l.als of fbeir rharaeter, If
e ronstru.-lton i
sieed. There l« _Bo dnabl ahat- Ihr Taakec boau at'' at lr«st equal to
humlrrds of olbera In JCutope. aad It
■r In
(lie tnlada orlaval
•mnaln to lie realla>-d'Nn «
nniMlBr of oiodera aea ae.....................
-'•‘-h'lt to diuibilrae her Inlentlcti i
■t Ibe novlsahli- walria of tb
•rtnr toJ., any
44 kmus—about U mUea-an hour.'
1 dtoruuDt '
AdlaetoM* to Aar Waalbae.
Tbe taatnctose eoat to streat ear companlec of firoTldlDk —Tarale ear* for
siimiuer ami winter tme has led a cou
ple of Indiana meo to dsMpa aa all}Qvtalile car. Bays tbe nttabary Dtoliaicfa The ear la efx nbape. and tto
Htis at tbe ablea and eada are tootled
OB Htber aide to provlda vaawaya te
of auband Inrpedu
fitrilv ahead aad aurrrsafully eompete weri' not kqnwn to tie
witb Ita Btoler powers la (hr race for mlshl
Ihoutbl that 1
beneiit uf human asslstat
Hiayeani rone hnd l>ut three tnrp4do naval auiwermicy.
T n>M rHK.HoBaKS Ik rHiSh.
This lllusiralHin sbme bo* hay for
(orsea of tbe Indian conllBcvet In
Oilna *aa iransinned ami nerved out.
in the anlmata. I( *aa carrlrd In nets
sniffed solidly tail, and thr rhM boalneas nf (be atlendsnie *as to see Ibat
h l•rast
hto share.
There Is an .thimdaii.e of fodder and
m f.wst in thf nmnsrr. If only they
r one
1 acrepl atnoBt
I The laller's non. Alfred, died la UM,
and on the death of bis father, la July
'of Ibis year, the sumasltoi dcrotvaA
Ihrouxb an art of renunelalbm upo*
the only son of the laic Prinre Lenpedd.
who was already thike of Albany. Rart
of Clarence and Bama Arfclow In Gv>
land n* 1s la bis alxieentb year aad
Is 10 be under tbe tuardtaashlp af hto
couain by marttate. I*rtnee HoheslabeIs lA whr
Ion of hto
aovereltai. aad pritaiv eatauu worth
' ItoOton a year.
pouted master
of the roll! aad
to Ihe
peeraev. Hewas
of oOoe Lord
like a WBera-
It has B4TVT bean ctolawd for tbr Cbinrar that Ibey haw made treat procrsM eltbcr la the aru or actoaeea Plelarcn wlibdat pvTapectlvo*. seoiptarv
crude aad out of prapertla^ prtadttw taveeilaaa ascmlaatr arrtstad wbrat
half caaeetrad. eaasUtate tbv aum aad nuhaUBce of tbetr aiuUuBcnu meat
of tbe thtac praat calu
to be of tBore BBClSht or
any form « wonhlp aev
the very otdrai pvupba «
c itow the a
T Bridniahi aarrlfk-m brta at tbs time af tbv spniic
id Urvd ta toll tbv
Ito lasptolal _
vtMB «BMt af tie Ttotion to Vaklac havr dcaiied
fto ttoO Wa baaa obllcnd M bribe mse to let Ibcva down ftoa Ibv top of tbv
BBiiihapkfwhM by
- .
sumpllv. heir'Vo
eould not nthlfully BUceeed to thS
dukedom of 8a*e-Coburt. and a*
waived all his nchu rrmdttleuaBy to
■MR kRW wasm op rpK MOixfi.
One of the numerous -vmmeru ftea^
of London reremly "anaimed-* ao l—B
It MlB* ta'lionor of IW aoptamr d^.
«r heave* Tbe ptetarr vras abtatoed by alealth. aa tbe toeKwaiv wtthla tbr
Cbtoear Oly af Ttoktoc. trbare staad tbe temple of baave* «*a tctolc «< a*>
ftcollare. to braa aioacd 4o faretonera for tnasy y*«i*
.r iMttob ; "“’“a
the question
tVhether Ihe
for dayllsbt and
then chanted lu
courae ihruush
outalde Influ
ence. such, for
Insumv. ms a
waadertnt mole.
tbaa hB, of thsBk aad ladsad
l< puslied forward. Tbe LtoOftoa fir.
altbootb iiartakJnc more of Uw Mtora .
of lalsain than sprare. It a pDod p^
«is>d. tad Ibn tr—a. fowerlnc 390 fWt
III the air end mraantlot fMm SD to 80
c aanhlia atll 'boat dmrnjm II
eomprt all the t-aei
| re«l—■ ihHr naval I
as. for II la BM p
r potp
iqimee. and It stretebsa a
trd almud to where tbe Hbekratoe fiver
nows Into Ibe Arettr ocean. On tba
l*aHflc mast, alone tbe mocanalaaaa
hnys of Hrittoh Ctdambto. tbe aprwr* to
Til* mg' ■ ni KR UP aais
A red radish that lle.1 liself Into a
knot U one of tbr laliwl freaks In Ibe
vecnablo world. Just how It did It has
m>l l>"T deleiwtln.d to Ihi- aatlsfartlon
of tba bUa.Ur' Alluny. u—en Vl.-Kwla's :
wlM> discovered
mn >'
to ao new as net oBly to be of to»K}al
totercM to aneb vWtors at tbr Ptmc*
capKal. but tti vaat pa
this roatlT aiw as yet
lu lie appredaud by CanadlaaA CarefoUy preparrd stattotlea aad tofomalion upon this sabjart baer brv* eollatrd and iwtntrd by tbe fommrat
tor dtotribwioB fnaa . tbe Oiitbdlaa
oeetien at the .espeaiUon.
Tbe nomtohm cmam af UU «r«
toeatloaa palp allto. bat It was merely
tbe brstontoc of tbe Oanadtob palp aod
8lsT todostiy. Tbcee ate bow 89 Isp,,rtmnt pulp and fiber bUa aoBto of
U.e totrot eMabllabed betoc oa a (Ictbtie acaie. tbe lancat bavto* a capbrtty
of ao loaa of pulp a day. Tbe total
output of tbsac Bills to bow aboot 1400
tons per day. and tbr cwpttsl Ineatoad
to tbe ladostry to betwra* n&aOQ.eOO '■
and fao.oaufxm. a eeesidmble prapoellon of wblrta to froca tbe Ualtod BtaUB.
This derekipiaeDt ha* been doe to a
apertaUy fsrerable rombtoattoB of rtr. Not only to Oaaadlaa palp
Rs wits- anda
their idlks haw loac been eclebrated.
Tbrtr wood aad Ivorr earvtota aw Bhlqae aad
torn, while ihete to oae BOUwartby ciuBP of Ibetr acolp
fros the (totne af laek ef ortttaamr. TtaU to the
rasato Bad rl4phktH» vbkfli leads to tbv tootbs of thr Hla( dynaatr.
ysmatr. amtbmm
waifi frea* IvidBS Cotamal fipanA Kaadl^ aad i
Wtotowar- ,
* «9P( ad Ibe OMto
beae official
frtwerles be appeara u be a bus to
tbe prime of
He was bmu Ip Oft'
aad has oae Of the larfvat peaettoes Id
far hto (Vtot abUMiea
prayer' of
s tram wc: b« fifreiotol
. aafi-ito tobist wfll be art
Cblto« « fibB -
tbe curved aecttocm of wand or kHtto
wbirb etoae tbe cor. Tbe raof of tbe
car to of doable tblefcaeoA witb poekau
la Una wUb the rtba fortotac azteaakBsaf tbe carved atoru. Intbecaatai
uf tbe roof to otTabaed a aevtoa of pallepa wUb eablea ottocted to tte opper
edrea of tbe aildtec aecthau. So oppu
alia eada of tbe rupaa betof orotoHl a* a
ahatl. tbaa eoabltoc tbe tsadactor to
opea Bod etoae the cor by toralac a
erank oa tbe abaft. When tba <«Ueo
arcstowooBd. tbe todaa wtD Blldr dowD
wort ef tbtor owa accord auU coobsc
tlaa..lt made with the fioor. tbe corra
tore of tbe todea oDowlnt tbe paaaro
fen to totetoaetettoeodeoftbetoata
wtUmot toicrfeetof witb tba watt at
It baa bma ftcaenllr suptunil that
Ibe evil ttato of tefUtod wawr to doe
to tb* ahmaii of dtoatorMI »saA «-*
are loM bow ttol tbr revef** to tbe
aad that tbe tvaaim to tb* pnaatflL
I to.«*a
nitrattoa tbrovh •
A aovel ptoe of adomtha bas b*M
afiapted at Cotwolwfistt. nt««att. Ms
baoka are aaed. bat tb* hoy, arr toMtlRtod arafiy. wbea at tbe «•* tl^
they Ptoteto
n«M toaaoal worn.
7KB HotfrtirG HTCOBUt TBATrasB ciTT, mctt, gryPAT» BBwaimKBfi*. »*a*
iSir wwam uio mils MimmGs at buffwji
rx duM tar
-TtV. I «rfd r- «» t* *-t; ttet »
tane ai k vu itavy CntaW at Ita
«>d .rf tte ca. rd «tar_
----- r - *---- -
I ap U. kka. “d. G «a»t*al akaat
lUanp tkra. tiU SM. i aai-
^^^^pportrd W. J. *iT*»
It ta'l^ eerttabW ^
It elaada to-day aa
-------------------- --------- - a Iktir
ta Ik tirtd.'
th.roira on|br«alre1
a elralth!
ir riiwd tafkrir. tmnliljiuc. ami rlaieb’
rd her '"taa" anew. Th.. aext
,a Baa roihrd kct» rirw la thr^lllas
I. InaLnl
II t« rbarer f-wTraid whro;
«ir <Tt
r tdh >tlr a k>n>. I
at her
tae ta
Phi- h.<l pronaiMk limoalit
to IwoD bin end .■*.-•3 ■trtate.d f>
aitb loklian
wTon. trulhtam. fcrrplDs her tdadae
m areilUy aiai Ibr maa'a (ace.
•Don't klaoirt. ma-kiD.- IV fellow aaM
- -| heard Ihr
«bM on
^ tdatH ...
i*i.rd hy e«*r
IM • ^ BklW W. I»^
mltlrd aalri>ta. aad I am. t
W dairn.
a M-- bme xrj Irx. tk
a.4 tk. m ••• . •n •»
, f^aut „ a> t~wbk«c'
Tt,, «», > ,11-, rjri
an An^Hcan
to do ■/ owo tbiaklec aad to coat «y
hallo) for thr ri/kt aa 1 conerier It to
br. I aa net la aaeard wllh thr rr-'
tatia of l« 10 I. daoiaadlar alao ta thr
ptalforta nkai tbr ataodard Mien dab
br akaoM far a fall Wal (aodrr. r
wllh «aM. for all drtka. poUta aad
3as. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
eS'aad wW »hr vret aB^ay.'‘
•Trk: we fijrd brr ap as ahr a .
tn haer atar-new rlntbre Bade far
yeark."-Chka*o Ermrd.
lUl J.<*
The naai
ta«aa yoDow. otedlw
•ilmMto|sr>wi|«ii iMtaenuHK.fli« IB;
Krw » taMbmObtl sai: Ni-w Ik
£"‘;hr~7 .'S'.TSSi
browB. Uete a Mock oaUlae woaM
OBtartally faMp ......et.
tbe effact. OU—wt1
Olber artl
I.PPT Mlijm. for rf
CBaeiwlBB aCrraoard Oaefata we Pe*. feeUer work ta buU eaiieatlotial
olctiB are rorera for tbe idano atool aad
d ftr tbe for tbr maalc portfolta.
• perntdeat oataldr of
Mew York, a poUtleal herray they had
•et dared to br ffoUty of bat twtae la
-I raaoM aapport Bryaa aad Bie-,
oaoMO ihla year for earkraa rrai
oaaa of vhtah are:
~l. *rvy BUad for a tl-ceat 1
dollar. By porpoarly taariaf 01
Ibita allrer fdaak at Xaaaaa Ol;
li«%l Irador eliaae tbeir Bo^all
- aar dollar Bbtiaka to lu bDllleo
“t. Mr. Bryaa aald.^acorptl^^
Sattto pop^Uta^beUeer ta aa Irre•
wbtle tbe dro*.
owaU briirrt Id a ffrecabark redeem
abb b tuda.' Toa-Merrtl. of Ralrm.
aayt: ‘la Mli« tor popaltau yoa
otod BO
o bait, laitead. Ibrow iq 1thr
Baked heek; tbey will bite et aay«Ubt.' Bryaa aad Tool aiteadcd the'
win do thr moat rood
1 mhrill^ I
fcFie aopport Ibr porl.e of eBaaetpo-,
tioB aad procrena.
-Who dare aay that Ihr inhabltanla j
of Hawaii and thr IrtTitcwy redrd by ,
tin* Hr had t.Kr..ltiw bi. hirbkry
n.ii*i boy bfan a rbaia and
^0*. The liiilr w.aaaa (tided doara
miTi alippera and naa about
lion. Bod rera r*ow rajoyinc a
of frrrdOB than they
thr d<
drramrd of while aadw thr
All ibl. ,pa>.fd
qnirki-r than Ita- trlllnc
Bni In Ibal aeniod of Jrm-dulb-o I
■•crt. i. ta. did not taVr Ulrtly I" Ursc
Cnor and abr waaaloor.
tibe cm !'• Ibr dour
loor aa abr cwuhl tve
rbaldo yuti ti-atiir'
aa a BouMtirs allrner. Then:
yer otwu Ita- d.».t, I'll iitl yer.^
I't BKao ae ham. mlaaia.taC who ki
that brr fisiice'rvold ***) AT*
. brincinc
d..«o on tb
frllon aneri
’ '
— i™.. ~i.
reek need and allee fresb BoatMT
inaabra; learr id cold water tea tala- l4->KAA.tJ.Tri»(ni.Alk«ta-> al law. Ham
[ \>! . Unm * KlUikm U.«a. TBi.-rw lUy.
tea. rm late aalted bolllac water
ad cook ao talantea. Haab la a c
waya hi nhiHi tbe aklU of the eiB- aadar. ptraalBc out tbe water,
witb MIL pepper aad botier.
Uie Dtoiwa of Iblosn. n llnklns tecrtber
ofithi- sroile ana wUlc* ran Iieeer l>e
There la a rarMy of
I. m.
T-V|>taar St
Keaaior Tb-maii II. I'aner uf Moi-{ kCifft im itiwKNmAi.THOMHmia:ii
?BDa anil Itaiiat.ir IlrverWer of ItaUaM
are pruhalil) t
I a^^^W . flUw^a ^tab)
aceaia In tbe wurtd. htarb tnao ,
at upi-BOL'i- hi Ilia earir life aubl Imoka !'
fur a lltlus A.ii.i..r I'arier matayed |
Ita- eallniin) Itapnblif-ao mnipalxu ialo^qt. »i,aybT« taaoH-.w.HJi. W
IMC. and waa a pramlBaol fletm.
tbe ma-nt Vbita<tel|dila i-oan-ntloii.
bmblrlt:.’. tr
la- iitndr |n do booi
aioatrtaa. . Ever ale
wle>-ly nvicutaiw] that tbe
rtcUl imaillon (nr a rultase |dai>o ta
tall lu la- yiOidied l«i-k asaluwl <hr
walk liDi lu BUad well oul liitu tta
mnm. tbr qm-atkiti of buw la tar
puurwliat unruiuiiRKqtaltkS etpatn
Iwrk to diRKirailrr areoODI baa been
r <-at<-ful c
lUoo ta pradartlrr of ex-
tbi- n-.MtaUon uf Max ulae «r tbi- bent
alury P-llorw In i-<iiixr>-an. |tla aaeO- , a-ag.wuraiiio.al. I.. Ilo Ui-,1-oaal BM Ol'
duH-a are true m life and ei-n.-rnlly refiT ti> aiinn. liirkb-iii Ibal lua i-umr
witbln blB.^wii otmerratbia.
lu np fhU. niBI'ni.T. V.4. r,o.r. nurexm aori
Ly Ikeiui Mrv>e, Ml laouro.rWinta'-lal
pi-araiii-e Iliie •N'Uator link* amie aud ■Oo.
iwta. n--ll I-tkoli • llrur-Vn .mVolioi
I'lii-b' Pain liruiiclii np to wr-c CHaallion. lao«n--ta-n l-e mUiwla
• ■. (ae.-. • Ml. l>Ci .1 Mr-alMr-n . -r HOaM--. 01b- WoU.-. ■
uji...ii. iiiw and pMiiiir.1 iwani would
du for au arltat a iwidi'l.
| la
loni-n wbu iwil beard^oi-b bIkmH !
Ketiainr Carter nald lu an etuidoyr uf .wrwi
H.«bia..w-X.. au
**“1 tafwri'l Carter tell hla fajniBa bold I P'T^^lu2y^T=‘ifc a%r‘cfwiIIr'i^tlSl
1 rr-mimrMi.Tear,-ru til}.Nkti
up' aiory at niy tarti-1 tam Blplit
.didn't ihlnk aiarb uf it :„
-Are you aure II wna C-giter?~ aoked ,4ta. u
:7iic:.~IV'iai' ut.'Wi-ai ^pnw
tbe eaiplnye aunH-wliot .luldoualj.
lie l.wikwl aa If be bad
•|i].-d MUt of a |•^lltl<■al enctfuii ^
V«a I At taow IMOII a«- »g a « and Inon ^ I
ubiii'l uilataki- blm. and 1 know ^
atory b* brart"
••Wlial dM tbr crowd dor
[bineThere waaa'I er
latr amn.
-M.v frlrad.- aaM Ibe
relvwl by
pltylncly. -Ti.B've tacn
mitne -I uloir Inipoatnr. Wbeu Turn Carlee tella bu 'boid^up' atory Ita- croa-il
baa cut t” taBcli.'
“A Trip Through
Russia and Siberia”
....... “
• i
H(..-tal Buwtaoi
K-rww * and M
in-Birty |di-aiilac reaolta. aoiaetlm
Tiwy miKl; It... leremr.
IM m*hr.l fiimai.l.
Whi'ii li arrvi-» Ibr yiarpnw- of
irtnjr the
l.-t pi. With
anert*. imwkltii: U|i tlu-'fi
Sta- IHad jtrt
r rbnlra and anfaa and rrrB treaty. Thra br took Ibr plaer qneetloa the deBoerary of Thomai farr litood araa op now. -Uurr
b C'-ith
I yihanani lllllr akwre.or BreOf wat aarar. harlair Ibe rhIM dreaard S. Bentoa. for Iff yearn neoalor frOB . bre."
r. no iitaibud 1a laorr aailaat Kaaaa* City, afterwanfa^rrird ‘
Mlaaonri. aad often apoken of In
enuefat Ibr annod nbrn- ■I'oillne l•••|■« preltj
(ariory t
iBdlaaapQlta aad boldiaf; tbr poll
awl (Hi Ibal ahi
effia-llfr yioDel of embmMrry.
wrakUat ap beforr tbr icHeof
tlni il«-rr
Sih-L a i^-me la auamed la Ibe
aaditare. br atlrmpu to JuilTjr
rtaiiw. 4o.l
aketrb. ibr Mra of Ibr dralRner brloit
-I lie BOI think IlNeeeoaary
a Btalakeo. cir etar there ;
tbal tlii-.timllewnrfc abooM barmualae
alat lealitaoqy:
deac^ aad expatiate apoa thr 1
. hrarr of tbem. Jor a awnoly
ci had Jack
tn ehamili-r irllh tbe piefty flowered
“■I brHrrr that We are 1
lu and Bdraalacea of a (told eai '■wy. ! wbtedlluc cidce uid: -Mbwla. I ain't ao pinr to tbr KlrHidfkr?
By a recent raltac of tbe cawta on
a baee beoa too
bolter roodllloB to wojte a
I'd Jrel banciT an ••nly wapt
. Sta- < tai-p-d Coiblutt Into lirr rorktne Btal la-rlldaiiiial rblulaea wlitrb now AbM-rtcaa clrl wbo marHeo « forelctae
Ht o' wRmtbin lo eau Con't yna
Ilia piiil. irea pnilrudiiie CruD hia tend tbrir i-iinrm-t» innay a dtawlac
lietviuea a clttarm of fbal couulry to
p.m-'n( bread? I'll C"_d.
Ihi- pirtar of anrtbine hnt a
taa woold baee beoa bad the treaty
For Ita- loirkcniDed la advieed a Re .Which ber hoabond owea altadaoee
g* Infant rooqur
boao rejected.'
___ -nr 0-- "
fallhfol -coii."
man wallb. motre rrluura or poplin,
'Br. Dol likt fit PbdI. wnald do rril waa me p««rj •• .or 1—»-•
, ipo.i.
U-ofT tibito or warm rti-am in t
tbal irond to bta party nil
to dtaparace.lbat BcUl.yaad aa tbr
p,, ,1,,
Ail'eirhaiice of oncry worda be
. .. _
___ to ufk. and tStoftan'i a
Tbe ribUiti wtrennii-ra and fcwl.
'HU arlloB* la arylBB llir nrnbrn
bakery.- ntortrd Dot. -Ifyno d-in'i p>
tweea an atiomey nod bta cUent a
I can
liiienlly readered aad quickly
of bta party In thr aenalr to <nlr for
P~- I at eoce I-U Are. Ihuaeb I
fthr "rhnrW (be pia'* and Inxui-..
cambicr. In tta corrMur of tbr Oean-ortird In tta- aoD llnlid Fteacb
tbr rnltArallon of ihil treaty and hie pie. baa I____..
.owl- wake^iny boa'
falatwl in Jark'a anna. Cnthta-n •iaaii
lullce atalluD at CleTeUad. O. ki
(Titid tbifair caluaa uaed for iTnail rihluD nabrold. w*U wo
Uafaace Id JuitIBrallon mnvlple
rdae of a r>>d earreecy. I will brief
e^y. laid down wlCi no ouUlar of flue
auppn-BBd by a lii.iy yowl, tn wbirh jack, who
Dot Ita.BEhl abr bear
beyead daabi, to av thr Iraki, of du- ly eaaBHratr lu leadlar aad proBlThmir
>oM at tbli -tdiKT.' loUl
".•wed Iway iri'ITinc Dol'a farr wllh rutacne. Japonrm- pdd tbmid. A cbartnlac efpUrily. That treaty protldnt far thr
M yon let lay caor c*> neer to ttan
lowly IwM-ntae biejmvn
aniiyanuliic brr. paM
Marat ol |»>ynaM0 to Rpoin for tbr
totriaale ealae whirh ‘
_______ pall- errakrd
a« Mtrattr
OopL ti. Alberti. liaTiBc lately eowbalrri'r. Hr waa n-.t a
IHerwiI colora-aay :
PhUIpplarn. the tlallrd BUIra a|treeaodibly. M If tw bnnm- man had no aerrm.
bad creql ceetalroer tn
nine qiid rilnV or pair ctTfO and white. |
caqnM from (iihraia cbnoti^ friendly
lac to email* atipatalloBa. Ibr (irrtaf.-! h-ln
dhcalie hla emaluca aud ■•dnea.
bin w>a.
IlmbrnWlcr the flowrm ta Ibeir ailoral;
l-aaldtta “‘Maaoe. it able la clrc ear of Uie
fonaaaor of whieh rrt|olrea irn yrora
at recard lo Uwa or otreaBaUncea.
nollrrrd. I«t eoniml with brt drtmt
Thr muttirr'a rara wrte prrrbanrr
fraw tba data of tbr raiiitaatloB of tbr ... II
Buai llirilliac aad iatcreoriac exi*-r..__
baa__a aalforatlly
. ol mine, whieh a a berHnr. abr aunrd
aulin apala twata-n-.l l-j that lu'-Ilnw a-allina. willi rfdorlnc In (Ho Boo. allk. wllh luoebet \
-^Tbe^deace yoB coaklat! Wbaffd
Btakaa II tbr aafetl ataadard of tbr A altcbi wuod rami- lu brr from abor* lia i-itMirr I'xiHi. it-d'a ryr>. with Ibr of chcnlllr in the nema. toltace aad.
In w.wMnc tbe acroil bceder i qi,, yoo for abd why did I die ap ibe _q,
tba Aatrrkaa aoMlera and thr nilpl- raliir of nrofwrty wbtak the wiadeai that made ta-r bran fluiicr wildly.
f.tr nil uni. n^rord- and aa abr n-mcntanl eemcn.
aaa two daya before Ibr treat*
ta^rer art Manorered
«be temi-mtaml Ihr .b.nl trrill. Jack Jack', dear fan-, wbirh bad nrerr arrm- take rare IhM It la weKnborrtlBatnl, dooebt Hoa't you know." exi-UKued * \ '
In enlor lo Ibe malD dralRD. It may | iIh- man of tta- cn-en ekxb In rtufftay
“ U tnMmflad to cmane llw mie of
ratlded; and that treaty ronlnlaa
Uekala to Maanaamod thelr-famlllra
he a onfi yellow, alitinat buff, aeeeo-1 looro. "tbal lUlry oeuda the g
foOowiBC arellon: 'The el»tl riebu
aad pollUeal atatai of thr naliee la4. Ita
I ban. Ja*r abr 1
'. **• I her mum bad beoa rawed abo« ao loci:
kaWUata et the terrilere hrrria erdrd
The prior of adffliaakm haa t
,q, ,yf
Oothbert (oud. wrekly.
with (
UYxB Daubed, tbe panel |.
to tbr I'oltrd fitaira akall br drlerU tbHr hoBora. I. Itt tabereal pu.
«ri«y Her 2-year-old had brra Irrerltb all day.
“Nn« a hit And Cathhert'a laaciBs
Ihr (vrailrecioD of tbal bnt tetfrailnc Ukr a Idaat faraare. Txo'ri lettrr Umre
mahea It the bardrM OMacy to M
-All of ihb Mr. Bryaa ktew. yet hr trrfrit aad thr raataM lo br detrcl- amp aad the pariry of Ibr other Ban J op. nod. wrtl tidy ap Ibr ptarr a Ml. ef B ratlirr dark color. repeoUac ootat
atadi- turd Id tbr work -and hanaaal*cd. aad. therefore, tbe aofaat moary taalwd actvB brr Bbd. What If thr Dual eat ita- barslen. Did aay eacniw?
B. H- Pttl'K.
•hoT had oealrd Ibt uHiU aad wu kid- Or 1a Ihr (ret oa Ibr floor tbr wbolr coi- lac with the prrriilllDS liBea of tba
for tbr people to baadit. A Ita aaH. O. JoVNT.
anrToonitiacn. Uaco worked witb flax
aapiac Cntbbert?
prrtorily oter all atbar aMMiry c*»*»
Sbr flew op tlw atalra. boldine her
“I think tbm-'a anntbrr in Ibr hart thtend nr lino Up>'e<f7 «wal mlcbt b«
I loU oB Bom otfoM.
*t. Tbe Eaaaaa City piauora ebar- to Ha poaaraaor tbe Aeter and roacna ficblly. hot not darine
m pm brr yart "' ralii*rT-.I |im in an aveoirark tea lOaballUiled with exorllrot effect for
1 lot oe Barlow rifoet.
tariac In
BOtaetara thr I>billpplae war aa 'a e
taaod of all other mmof. t. lu
_ the triner.
Phr knew i:
'HL li-r.
nrat. I-Uw 1 tbe mati-rinit aboee draerfbed.
I lot cm State rireet.
floarr on
..................................................r. Bryi
ia.er orer exrbaacra. |
cwbehln^ and obc mlshi poll ii lonai
i hcBoe aad lot oa Staia ■
ITheo a piano la romuntly left
ilac apoa tbal pUliu._._______
Sbr dariicd Ihraach the aiiilns 10
40 a
Uaee at ladtaaapnita; 'll elected
tola Ihr bedraoB where Cethhert '
Ihr rqnaHaalioa <
' ■ at, my Aral
. Jnot ia a i_..................
tbr alrep of the
ilaiac yacht ilajclh
keeplac down the rale Of exchoace Marfdac
111 be toeoai
bnway hand, 1 rnoalned
-----aarear eoocreaa ia ex.. feet, diaacbt > feet
loweat aad moot, nalform
ttaoadlaory arorioa aad cive to tbe
M baaUly rrMoted qnibhrft la ; ebarminc aeedlrwork dacoratkm. Sop- ; boa II hocm power
flaaoluae eagiaa
potot. K lu power otee thr paper
mplBee B Btebla aad iadepeadrat
monry: gaSd brii« tha attnral en
ao tlma to dolly er Bfoante ' hr (are a (rntefnl olcb aad nloBbered.
CoeoramMt.' If Mr. Bryan ta atrtcad
emy of that ayalem aad. with fair iCiH—on any dcUenIr arata. Dot . hia piuk banda a> Inocw aafrioalrrly
«o the Amarieoa aoldler. oa well oa
Mirflrtoad M Ibr nupiaoo. bow
tooald be I
Aar rfbUa work aad a
aim —* Miwd away. Tbert ' nab.
atari It aat U tbe iodonemrni of that* It ta a coaatliatieMal Vammey ood
acrod with __ ________
____________ _____ rUraUHua of mtaatad pain
“He'a afl ririrt. Dm. I fblok.- m« ,
Me of hia ptoUorm. kaowiac. oa br tbr people >are a debt
Dir. VOxataa
oa ■------Bi thr
n^ iiinfitiitT aad tor hraid aamr aar Jack ofirr hU raandaatiaw of Ibe bar- Son
R>n Yolera
tOxatm la tbe Heara that 11 eoa hare ae other etrel for thrir enrrrary. u
7! ^ don^ tto bark yard aad Ibra Otar. -|ir'. made a btb af yoor rnr.ary.- ontUard
la coU or rilrer thread.
thaa the eaeaoracoaeat of the Utter peeoeat coaMltnllaa b p»rmHtcd to S-STlo
andldoa-lknowwbatwrarrtodowiihlTbetw abooM br a Uol
Uolac or Udaly
extat.to ic^l oa tin oflar KorcBber «T
“^orml .1 Cotbhrrt. Throatarbbn. ItontoaietoacoWM'
qallted allk. piak oc^crerm which ceoM
-Be atoy be abU to ree-adl* It with
bad awnkrard ttol booor to babydom. ; yaaoacbl In hr to brd.br drilcately perfumed wtth rielK.
t'otuo ButB flaaolar. *——r1 at
M aapoeabaadaat kwe for baaBaity.
^ a wtdr apto pair of ry» likr brr I *tVr miebt pot Mat in Ibr apa<
^ _
^ W.B
at her a. tor xlaad [ liO nHwatot" .aU Dot bHpirolywgiitotly the iemiMTatIc portiaa at
n t'.undIKT. AIM T
r. ta p».d»lr pmn
eoaorti'e are dtatlivlly In arrMd with
At tbal innmnit brr brort (acr a
|„ |,j. q,
had ali|.|.d
aiiai(Li n|i K. ibr inasiter.
.Mba Ihb lx>.y (
r' bi. i-rird cmaaly.
■ Oaah tlir Ban l>-ni aad had
■ rtn>. Iioldins him as that ibr
Ilk brad aud
Bl(fal hair Im -l™!*. Tbr bad cram- : ur 'ta-'r.^^aln^r Sith Mr*aSr**nrT!i
(Ion of BpanUh rule and thhi-of Qarea .
y^t ooor. llrr dark ««uU arter nulinn. 'Whw.. .1 ...er there, away fm«
bare Bade JhnI all^
yer. gol.d.r
-PrealdrnI MrlOoley'a adtalBtalra-|
Wlibout a word ahr Oed npouir* lota ' Bhr dgnd ix.t fin-. Ur aarrly enrnld
tion haa reeeirrd no word ei eoBara-! j,py-,
crabbed fbr aia abmilrr 001
k»' Ibr iw-. If Jir idieyrd him
tUltaa frwm the demomlle party for;
,y^. top |«reno drawer and nn down
I* fully rouaed.
ar erlt-'
corLInc il rii .......... ---■
I-ert a ahow nt
iral enaipllcalion with China. Tat ibat. yau^c hmrif u
Ibr life of tat
-".—.O'. “r~ '
decnraUoc of liar latabefol^r aad Ita ae-
eookWrr that qoratlcm aetlled o
.rvara,'. .-neraerr
? tnJ nam,i.-d .« maUiir a m»h «a larr. I.gi
-It therefore beeotaet air. aa an I o e-Q'O 0-O««-o
0-0 O O O » 0-e>-«-e : w~a. ntueal. tan ata mai <>11 the loDh..g|
Aaaeriran ntlaea. to pal By
fotej i, .^paanJ alBoat t... an.« f.it Jaek to unen.riinti} for tbr ali*tiieai iirice^-nl
where I think, all thinr. ronaidrred. It'
Ure. Itamnre ta-anl
ESSSlKSii!!''—''“ "
ootnariBBrparunAnxuaa '
aot ~nf ptarr.
Atao to CtM 0«~tl,.
s. “liT't.'.iis'-.-iiatt;
aataWBerynanuT. aiOuaiMa.
-e-M? niiuiisiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuigiui s
oar only an»al tain the pm jo
. oBaBtTtrfnlgelHlpo>pidtprie»fTOB>5cto!<SeiMro---W.b.,U.q«.titi»,«id».l. U».pri<ifri,*t. Aatk.
goodd in thia line arc tnas weO knpwn maketa. *
-Oo«; Rl-nr be doat bcUeee^han'a
tart ia'm rnT*
-Ur Dorfai la if I eeoU nt nOffiO
takaiaoor ns an oU hara aad a m flaow eolared allk. tbe .:.w«a belac
erom I'd b*rre ia '#■ laa“-Cfcka*o wwkrd la tape aUk. 1 ta-poiBta of the
larse rwora roald br etnhmldrfed la a
Inc tbal
il“* otaer prop**
ttea. la tbtakinc
,k, ^
^e 1^,
h..i,. rr.
I n..t.Wi. c ban n tail.*.
are oilatahra I baer on all qoratlcaa: }C lalantMiiXi
.iw I. oeidxl w
xn «.
nia'am.' All T wani-l lO *»?l
Iboiacht that I. toe. brine bunaa. nak
im la.
le'O eea
Wablr to err.
____________ '
‘aiKT. mvi i-'iiii iior c
that -----------,
- • o-p.po-o-o^^.0
of aonr/ eehlrh ahoald be roiaad sad
»-©.« o.o.©««.« 0
0 0-0
O< 0
O 0-0-0-0.0-®
o-o-0«.0-« eiirttr..
nUrtit f .dl,
•<H. at.
an yti-d
j.-o'd br
o nraocn el.-'lI hiad laochin
Bard h/ the pr«plr of thr folird,®
O him ...............
.. , «t‘:ninaa«-V."
" ••mpty
klaln ta aprriflrd la thr 'bill of P
. .
-Colorado Spriafa Caaelta.
a the pathway of proerraa.
Bear ia aiad tbe Cut that «« eaa fit 70a oat with the
aaaaratoac aiaa »mW oo« far <>«.r1>iae
It of iu eeerUallac h
tb* pnaedeattal nad;daU of tba
^ I fn making Vaur Sektthns
hr CeiM Soaps
far brU ta Haffafa> (roiu Ma; 1
Ifa far thr l-*arratty aad UktrasnU <ia (far bottIj l>r ifa>' Urapfalr Ana
n U cdkArrlMl It an-aiW. r<«wlw a xtulritvatar nMH. ta vbldi
baOteaa «aek UO tM aqi- . ...............
«1D hr aloot -J«| fnt I'Mt- Tbr Gnpfafe ■
wIB waad tk» “Koanuia ef ibr Btaaoaa." Tka
ir BO<1 at/lr. faa^tw (oor contrr tevAnaaad raMtrr aad
tmlMlnc wtti irprrOrat CVm. caaan. Twa eoland nmp^ttaM abor^far nuaan^^nw^
non aad l*rtanar<-ra.
fairtfa. I* oot ao»*“‘
Mr. Kalkrrtord haa baaa a popoUst
«m aloar that pan/ waa foroMd aod
baa qolu a foUawtnr ia bta aUlt, oa
ba ta orll aad taapra>l/ koowa
Ma ol kick latrrrlt/. Wbaa flTlac
bU maotia for-BOl totiac for Br/aa
ibta /ear. a. b« dM ia im. Mr. Rotb.
wfeni nU; '
vmroR j. afjuu « oo«
T^kJd? oI.'jU.- -iaX 1,
H» w«.
8Mdte«^«o|7FMtC. Aiinm,
«ds'i.~ nwd Om mmOt \
. aOrd ifc* taaa at
*«r. 'la •
ran. Jactr bf aaU. *T«a. k*> mr.'
Wbnaepoa t k»nr li vma'l aad ardmd 1
kiaiDDOTaaa. Do »aa aaa wkal a aar^
la int;
■ Mt ikmcii u rM<iT»i|^aai/ Krfic>.wllkd«<ta|A«
Mridta • (UU «r Aa 1
r eo tkr qor
■ J2a of •aaaer.eatlaf lor Prtar Coopar
rntm. JmrmBm
-» PaaiT* % Batkrrfard. aaa of tfaa
■iTa------- m-tht popnilMX
putr >•
tbv «<« ■»
«w r aaiM» liMt tad
A>d *• io<M M h« taiM ««b
For Sale.
JUl kiadt af
^ iw. -
Bicpcit Htpairlng
Frank Friedrich
«««, ..Ki'™.
John R. Santo
Wanbors Blk.
•t. oa the thimy that U pau him aad
Nowhere hi r
rader tbr drmacratlr doctriar
It. an in a totmr poallioa to wape
ifaik it will In
(hr roBMiinlioa toUawa Ihr floe, thr ' *n£^*tht*toby”lar"m^^ • •» '
cm tbr fnmi
loio- laemmacoi mi w iowM. defiaat flenre , hrtlrr lodcpoolc---------eontly
...............................h** hlFeady
thaa If II waa boMb the ptot^™^
Cf«lp>rt «>R«^f<^hll*®SUlH:lhryate wtth thr riatriia Ita head woo bta mam- atrpa and tat nainte look adrr blm tUl
ic party boa tbr hold j nndrp tbr ronaUlattaa. hbd tbrir oro- mi brredla aaaertad ttautf la a atnlta we ran do awnrthto* morr.“
•MroMiry to talk abont tbr ceaaeot’pir art ciliarna of thr Called Slalra. .that abawed «ll wWtr trrtb aad al- : Jark aboalde^ tbr wnaykaa maa
.. u. 0..W ».».u..i... p~pi, .1 Ai-^-..ssJTtus.*J5i
Of Ihr coward.' wbea tbey ore Ibr j with tbr aamr peMleatoaadricblaaa
• hellmd ia tha dlriae riebt
of oar maa to awn aaaUor.
-Mad it aot boaa ter tha traaotaaiea
tbr •rot attp
rd. propoM• oa
atep after
« oa oath tadalrad thr roaoUtntioa. to aa—OB laactiaa
to traitor.
aaaly break dowa
doWB aad dratruy
dcatroy the
tbe CDO•tltatioa to amialicfhltartaf tbeaa-
tto^ Inman, oad to taaa aw tha
mmt nrriaUrd a dimtoatlee a^
mtf Ihr laxary of breaklac ^wn_l^
tolpfri taan oxer brr |
B« aba eoaMnl. Bhr
'i ^
tn Jack
Jock tetoroed.
retaroed. aad
oad ahr bepi
bar-COB-debt to bar baad.
-Oa ta alaap. baby. Mamma 1a bam."
ala ^A wtto aa «wt at ptoytntaaaa.
| wonMtto wito ahm to oo la
>r iaHp (or dtaperioc of him otbre
1I Dot aoaemrd
aoncmed that Cbry pet a oota
i eaahka ondw bta brad. wrU eoroied
j. with a koc TarUto baU towri. whtab
Jato tcaMaaunatly dM. -Tbe aest —w
^^nml ^XtoT-~ a—adait Oath- |
hettrr adToauce tfaoB adaptod sa a
I nm or coarrettr to throw oeer tho amd
■ C~»d Ptoi-. A reflaod Bad rimple
, (.q, at tbr oame ttm
tartlre dralen la ttet
a to (he a
•n» etdoHne moat of caane. be aattad
to tbr room fur whlcb It la Intrmhil
b«t BB ocreeaMr aefaemc wooM be to
arork thr coaea la white flax thread to
Itoea. craofard atrawbrni
to„l«r. the bath~te«ri god tta or arttoUc abode. UaM
Tiarnw Oitj.
Bicpelt Sundries
Jy. Jl. Cedtrie,
AOdBaatFrentSt. ‘
--esrsaRr- ~
Oettes acanin?
i iiiiiii|iiinii|nw
•ms VOBSnro • BBOOBO, TEikTXBSB CRT, nett, StfTOAV, llBPTBniBB l« ,
TW tve nt* pOla«« bm Aon
•rimed <U MMBBt «r iMr i
te The UdK^ I
tatbrd'to tow Lem', laliartoai were to
MewMe. ah. storb s tatto hto of tbe CMe.
......................... TBUWy. ete drtned aa.
"ClUlOff Fcm UOMT.**
aww^ to Ito taiBw to tks hm( s'Ml
t tbe etoo. aad M
tbe -Mtae paaC. tha Mtaa at
■ ud ffteta* Bin aaa««bM itf-
•a tto tow s’ to sM to mam. pM
Tte M Biwteatii err Jwt mow totoceated to tte tatotetettap a( tte tapfl«h.aayttlBB«Miaiote.
, ReeemUy tha OMM dtataa flab rate
■sM^ toto^M da m BeM it I
M «r HmA ttHcta ttoad vtdl
pink. The hack at the pCtow to at
pink taffeta. 1%h ydlhiw to aa wrnmm-
M that they ace i
ftaa to to to eato te liataB sa fSdB to B
''"’te’iM as».~
tto toto ehto M tototoi toateo p
toa’tto ate rtoto tel ktoto te
•cut. to made of red and white talfMa riUm tn atlemate rows. The
back M the pillow U of the Itoen.’
Two otluT antuctlTe deacrip
'(Ml the same source are;
2 tas taads tess ks'Two^Matijya *
sr tAOK Lowoam.
In dark red. silk. The edee
Tbs boo D|eo. la his b
to onisbed wiib a crlnuoo cord. The
IS pUca'two
w dental. This a
BMds wKUa two fairly bMotlful bodtos
sww a irnBsjiisuiB piwow.
to ewBW tbsto to toes each ether
-iM-xpi-nsIre sofa pillow made from
■ Usama Mavf *• ■
dsemed II dtohuri luui-lltis MbroMi'ivd p-ltb wash
CTrikioaiy to (rvatr them steer sad sis
n« tbiTT. ni* piirfcri* rairir Inilsttit silks In wblle. pink. Ilebt rreen. Hffbt ter. ibst this tSsettoa talcbt bkwa rteb
am* dark yellow and'lilaek. Tbe ruf and fuU nor fsll a prey to the dcDdly
with «nwt
fle to of brirhi red silk. Tbe tmefc of cerms oeditorily sown la tbs coarse of
•ad the leb-i
lUr are Beat tu the imUrawTl tbe pUlDW to of the towenofl."
feodnlae axtotamp. OsTtaf Aooe tbtor
Iblnss. it to rrUeat hr rated trees hi,
with the nnl poiL
eoitoi.r—-'- wowT worn.
■skiww nektesL.
tobon. learinx i
It la iriaim with em? Bart of
In reabiiir plefcles only the beet Hdri tbe wUrl of Cbai
irtitb that «-x41oiwDor Pinne aaw tbeae
Cbaacc befaaved eanety tor ^ leas
eeklenm of earpuralkm faeiw aoJ -rinrrar sbuuld be DW-d. If a rreeo while;
' . bsviac
prrminrd ibsa te
Mkid the iHiiMnlilr -Buck'' to pnnm- cobir to wuilid In aour rticuraher
.Dbond Id
' '
pk-kles. It enn be ulitalnrd by puttlllC
It Boac ibcB' apart
thnn toto enkl rlnecar In a paccclaUi
,lbe cirtb at • weol
Hard kettle and lettlnr tbem bent alow- tbem IS dweU la erparate pUees. oar in
(lw<u Be. rwt Ufiw-1
I noH wooM fall as low a, to accept a ty over a alow Die until they are fpeeo.
|>rito by
' the o
eeaboanl aad
Only ennite or porr^la IlDsd' OD. fa I
I Tslley wbe.
It tarat onl be supfnwd that tha J |auai rmto a cwpiiralkiii. wbec Mr.
s pebblee li
il cMuuIttn- ii
'Se'nL Ch
“What P Try luer
li«! ti>
without fuBda la this prittlcal
Tbc other atory U the oUL rid one puttlar aaMnniums or ptoei s of bneae
Ii> fart. It la ttMindanllj’ la
radish rrml Into the plekh- Jars, which
.I pe^V. bwineto la
' twida at prcwnl. and aU alcna ledkate ahont Mayor JMtea or Tidedo. He waa sbmild alwaya aund to a dry aad dark
auefa a KonI roan, aad doublirto la atilt
that H will mntltiac to be
aocii a Booil luaD. that he itoe, dm he- place.
ttowboul That hi alreadr erldeM Here In irnrennucDt by Ui)IUictlnn. B«
ic city by
when aoiueliaity with an Inrentlon rl
TallnK hla own famnua anrker pal faitmtot leiii-al of tbe toter- tbe era. aud tboocbi be tbooebt moefaof
to do lioalneiDi la i^e eaiinr rxne of lawn tenato. a sport bee. Anrr they hs-i coor to kaow esra
aad (urtlwriDure li la dm bonl to Icuax
other well Late, wbam sa Isbeelle aa•nrlatlat.
bw iw liuVrd te flat! oat aaarilr where |
severe for either eetoor bad cUteM a* LaelU aad who
hatorniw aONMinta of .the -doacb- ate “»?«■ or ToVnIo ptomptlr nppbfd
heaUh or ptoararc. to.tie of tbe eoo- Deed la tbe rsUry. « irne no a ritot to
■“ "UtnwIl.WI areoadltut to the SRIBI
nnt only very rhsrtnlti* to bee steer BraetoiiK- And tbe BOB.
hot elve a rimd idea o( out
The New York World, .to- bw-Itona-,,
amr to fcm-w her tikewto.
of door p.wns in eeneral for late si
e. baa alaled i-«l-)
niosirwted to a
Uvriy III so many w..rOa that WUllam^ -n,.. new-imj.-ni liere
A.^larfeof Unnuna. wbutnit ralU-i-z-in^l wbeti t'hal
•onaliir.- aa It to- bad lawn la the nn- Ijupon llie «pM tn ask him all almnMbe
. Btkl irimmed wlih mtled (kwn col- Bonllloos and nrutnlscs
atr. rave bU din k Jii»l' U-forr be aall- ‘ luertean r.iUcm company. Tliey
.mM '■
-Nos. ,-___
Eros.EUery a
ml-be bad
know If that 1
ad for l^nroiir to Cbalnuan Jours for
rocsiiiT of I
tIiDjsin. fwomlslar to do inon- atnl to-tI .popular
amonr i
plantation owner,
Tberr-s ao mtotaUaC
Lots-s a foe ria
ter later «a If It abnuM -tie
''r- 'of
.1 i-laewben-. Mr. Joae,
of tiMtlw annth
aonth bb
8br to bricbl. ptod tooklnc. With
and of (Vninw It will In* neernaary.
made rnon- or hw* rraslct- ri-plieiL
Tim and eo sbnol her and s ekyioB*
The B'uHd aUo ipiriiw -ek-to-oator
The moot pointed qiieajlnm were not
. Bel her bricfainess I. of s <ftffeecat ueder fioei yoars. as are bet kooks.
Clarlt'a frl'twle a* iln-larinr tliat tto- anim-n-d. jierhapa lireoim- uolnly
her cwmplexion. Yoo e
I IlHIier tbniBht to ask tlieiD. The Amerlran
dentsad. Sbe's a pr«ty
little witeb and
idrBllirrsl«v*a»t«*'tluiDaeelhej«Yitli«i company to .
all tbei. kwt-Here be threw lU
- o( bis own atato caat for I
N<> o»e to fmdiiib moueh i
expreesina into bis eyee aad
• ' ! pp^end ttaltha I .
a bto
rloeoloe^jte t
to d.«^.j6 r^iito-tuM - much I
- ;‘:..T;',rw.id-
: “But sbe neve
like ber.
I«l la a dlffm-Bl way from you. I ad
mire ber. bat DM es I admire yoc. I
eaa resjs,
rr*|wet ber. and I laicbt have icTcd
«- bad yon and 1 oever met. As II Is'
both fell
fretlve aad r«
BMH7 I-Mikl to- apriit for ,Orh a pur-1
Ini.clnalkm could
paw b> »> rouilwtnIlvHy small a at«r. i
yet ItoM- Mini an- liert |»*l.'.l about ' 8.-cm hundred thousand d-dhtrs. |.-rBDcb tastliTs consider II entln-ly potol- } baiw «TiMS». would fully n-pnw.-nt tto-. actual |m>|sTty of lb<- r»
ble la \b-» Id trbal Mr. cnark b
;>. : It fM : not llk<4> lliat tlie p<-niWithoWl Baylor Hiat t'lark; kn«~hto I Jua"* hlron-IC <iti the ikmoeratle side
MoaUiia drieratkin a T not adDiltli-d of the aeuste and slsu In (be Onanee
IIP- Id .
n wItboBI
(a the KBUaas niy o
• teeest or'*7o Inten-sl
l:b< arreelnr to do m
|r7<m Inlereat
lir Mun>. and ttUrk has erldemly I
„„ p,,.. t*. been made on!
Bade • bertnalnr. tbourh prrbai* a 1
n,.^. pms-sslona. Itlnce be bas alniatl ODe. In dulnc ibot liaodiuBie | «,ys lieen a |s,>r man. and bas
tblnr) toi-n known ns a prumvler of U'nanelal
The World, by the way. pHats a (ae. (or tDatiuraitiirinr enii-rprtses. ils- eonatoilb- of ibe t'lark cheek for »1(»
I ciDshw to IrresIstlUi- that the Atm-rfao ibal Its i-sMrDec would bcfu
raa Cotlon ninipnnv was a r”oil Iblnr
hau-ds'cfl real
for Mr. Jones, ntlirr la-eatus- of HU |loBamiMhite
Keaator niandirr af
of bto
:rr s..mc time Cbaacc. with Ue a<med arcb manlpolatloe of ^s hadkc. tuucd a maa wUb a miae
s Lsoea EUetr's pstb. And areurdias to tbe affialty wbieb exists between
toco potocteac estntwl capital and mea
pnasraslnx iteaelrlal capit
co-operative ezpMUtloa ate mol
of tbe deal Loren EUety. aM desiriax to
mulrled by tbe westetu xeelile. bl
and now II to ■
fai-t la N.-W ilai
-lhal t'bltk it I real to-ad of lb.- K
■»bic to P'tuni
« by ) oM frli-nds. TtH-j I
t many ■
apelulliir Do end id uinm-y. ail Ibal i; firm'
i-n Ibe port- fh-kl id trust h-rtsUl'
oilrbt Is- n-quIh-iL to driest Mr. fhati- 1 th>n at tto- iiallnnal rnpllal Wliaf sc
dirr for re-rUniloti. It to doublfnl If natural as that Mr. IWb-s shouldlp«
will m> tn .New
Ibi- way of
es|s-rtolly If It lireomea
srell known lhal flsHi Is
out of
to sum trborr did be ret
Tbis to the
Meat to Illustrate. b-'Wen r. ibst Olark | aiocniil qm-attoti' Ibal the New
hatall kinds .d tinio.-.x to s|s-nd. .
t lUipers fnr^d to ,ask
rj jj
,. jo
^i-s.. rHe bas
E writ kiu'wn. ami
inot patimled a tt.miMno lormtioo.
tar to s|s-ml II. and he to Dot tnueh i n,, |« not a rreat money raiser for
ta«e iwnirutor al-om the h-wllij' „,..,rlsl ptuvomw He naqueattoualily
When- hto lee Is pulled than he to alum
onantltlea of tto- Mock,
the mrthoil by wl.lcti the art to dom! „..,,y
.,f toano. of the AmcrTbe th-morrctiu a. I. well known. - u,„ cJxor. cm.jmhy
•re la control Id ali^ an Id tto-torce
nt-ri- I. amrtbrr erldi-nce that It
rillra. and as m> J.s-.li«,y for civil m-rv, dlffiTence whose oi to «orvdr lefami i-ooerms Hhip wbeti they
frt to It follows that isttrly all of tlie
m and Clirtaw.
- • ••-» In tto- larcr cUles ate
ebauU^r^Ta rale of Ufa to fM
a. Ko suaefa an aaUexpatuioa poo can or to rlvc sO yon am?. That
a nillUun tk'Usro wjll Is- rata , Well, bow mnrb'ra
1 - flrat gets?
mUoo. bumaaliy or rrilgtao bar^
vr wane IQ tto-N- lorallil.’s akwr It to.geoeraUy teeb,ancctastul as eapesias
Kb ta-lkulkeo ilmt len l.mea as BpA of tteustty. prlaeea at eommeree or
BOPry rauhl prohildy te raised In Mb- Iraden of torge boatoeta ep^ipitata.
er Ib-ntocrail- clilrs. all ukru logrtb- roaelbty »i— tbeir chief bepefaetJop
rr. rsperlally s1dcc_ Mr. Hryau bos bus rosislsted 1« ctmlleg-piuauble «Bpolot.duul that (iK-nrymrilecampolea ' ptoyiprul-wbicb to a kite of glrtagto eery f-irtmuiie la tevlng (WDUul o( : eqmctolly If they have breo Just
ate 1
^ .
Otely Otal ongfat to take ««uri ntak.-
- O.S - -r-H,
ate peel
ly good opea
Opea. ore
are always
alwaya re-'
re- f,
tte -duteier of e
d here wbra We hear so Baby of j
ms mrti
ro h*“'***■ •
rtergyian of
aoPMibctaibrite wm Barry
leadlag Detno- Ii
»..s- - - - '
w "dtat (mepflL"
I OnnpUtote are brard ta OerBaay
Opr atary rriatw to tte lion. “Bpck* j .tat some of tte flarwt arapw te tte
A year ago Uet Jaly tte I pMoatataa kpawn aa tte
1 Urge arc hatagrataed by al
Tte brat to ao girat la Masrat that
tteta ura bekoagtog ta tte Brittok
■uk«r-ww Oaotata diad Craa kM(
ij^ tte paakaat l»y tteae.
xia iBjtxte O0WV.
aad wia^
•te eajitad tteta to Waotfa noO. Plta
fll^aBiMBriaf tbs tM ttar va
. toerulnx tbe ways at the’
aad U. baWul aad addlv Is ble
htakry tbr osawwetotare ef tbe
Th«^H ap to M* «d««ena ta
mlM aad the idkan W tbr ftatetoe. Aad the BOTtte obttaathBa at hoMaaa aad
he bte btototo- eaite wsMsea kltoiltt. paeau to the aortal riirin whlek hai
Ato'l yoa know, sad ositc piwad at hto u taflDteoe tasto oU ctaaaes at aoriety.
•te It to vlae far a iiitoBtr vtoito:
city sad btoask hte- wbe to DM taHtalte to audiiaUBil
eetf to s emais ntodmir sad seal ap
Us card. Ur had asked for EiaiMlaa
but laodeBtslIy It so hsi-pr«s4 that
Ltole akied her stees la iseriviat bba.
Coavressttoa picUi Its siaaMto thread
tfamOEb tbr BiKtuoa. aolbiaas Bad peHtr iasUtics of la>prt»tosl smaB talk,
fawry eoairiviw ia. bto eabtJe way to
nairey to each that bto iaiereai had sac
dwindled, aad all weat weU.
flowed essOy. eaiarally. wttbaw Jar or
-Ah. what a
toey B
faicly •
.lac dtoeotd
kiac yawac
a IriL csxi
with took or aw«w as ttey may p
te' loMt tbc coBtata (ta • to
ta tetr (ta fftaMa at oattada rotorita
This has made tac
taUciMed. D« bad Bceeml «r tte M
prepoied to diCcmil atytoawte taTittd
tWlevs ate edcpma to ptafl
•PSD tbem. They kO p
rtrj pteatatdc ate were ampetote St
ma can afford w be
tbr awlf c
r Urn. -Aad aay I tooteitabta. so tte duet for Kwaata •» •
“My eoBsU fiisece." Etaeatlae laferB- •talBDOMpMlItaBteWbObDMMB
Tte flab wriffh from S to SB poud^
«l biro: “Ibe one la tbe aaey I tbiak I
ate Ibeir meal to bard ami flm.
Tbm- to mocb pood c
' loM ysB ahnoi.“
Oor of Ibe deakera la S|M«kta( at ft*
“And to be DM a baadeeaar taapr be
Tte Hnatohobt (or tbctc 1 little pi
-Indtod he la." aatbewHeaBd. B
tboar who ptoeed o tbe market arid tbri rxtam
- la a pnsi- •lire
C— M
“ Ota
' ttoi CFf cdtMr flrii to St prem
Ooe wbieb dmuds a tone exprtaU- cal tte poMkr wfll fftodly wricoate anr“Bat not b~k< bto teotbee nsTBSt
tpt* of time. atMffth ate meary. atej tfetaff iww. tie brilrrcd that tte tikeImte eblnsd la.
tor BOM youBf peofde atantag «■! la flsfa If It cvmld be lottudwerd wimM ba
.“An ettreraeiy
extreraeiy alee yaaac -------Biw. I
etosmri at tamrj tab ate utarid aril
eooUnwd. “wtib a eton aad *0 tUa It woold te •• lapoaribUtty.
j aad maeltarto"
for li Mto per powad. Tte greDl dtf■bn.it bla. a
.“ Eltory pat la ato
-Yee. I d
flcBlty to tbr dtoUPte tbr |
- tbr vane UBlUariTbb BDsn ttaveitag or ewrty •«• would bare la go to coKb tbam.
ty nf tbr pbrsers.
toroa ffoWB Is lllpatraled by To«ur ate
I'aptaln J. W. CoUlno. wbe boa wtH-Aad yet «< diffeecM freB bto biMb- •bows to-rerri of fssbhm's peweat tro .an Inlrreattag htotory of tte tltoer.- came bark ftea Lale'e eUy of tbe tfrito. It to of ipedlOB any btllltop.
tlah. tars dtat It baa ewer pewwflarttkaa
of Its ..WD aad rn-o la tbe cBausi ob
Isii'l It faimrr'f
Tbe tain to cut ta gorvw wUfa liirert- server pn-aepto fefltwres which diffta
: tbe klad of a
ed box ptoltt 01 tbe bottom. Tte step easenllsHy frota t^ paoanaia bff
ns4n. yet"—
I o-aU-mH loro faha ae I wosid Uew te sups are of tbe aottriaL MmiDod •ny Mber aperiew. II boa a gaeerri IPLute IptcrpoUted. taUaf ap Ur
arniUancs- to tbr dolphta. tbe body bto
; ,wrii.« of tbe airasarr.
lag weO fonaed. quite
| -n..w straacer Kllery wae bewiaalas
like tbe satipaD. opd Ibe
to tsll Tictlm to decidedly deflUle ate
flab iDdkeal^ tl
Id and aetlee awlmm
porso.- aud rsptorc Ito ^ood or to gp- ,
-But act s. I roBld hb
-WIm I r>mld adipire-—
“ll.it me s. IlrttasirElk-r) kiu-s they w
erilUnc «B
sad smllrd .s.-m-uidy.
-tVlMmi 1 .-SB nw|wr|-—
“And mi
inlchl bare k-Ved"I e-l lart
-HU bndUrllermsB”-And ,b.-e-why. Ur LSlevy.'
liar l-r-Lr
a. laiss-eutlv as sbr did
Bbn<|<ll). “J-ni ere aol coiac? And to
1- the sucbal r It or adi
pose Ikwaal Ob JttotHn fMt of the igd-.
DoDsd-rari otelfaepecwltorMtarVbkh
(te pecwltorestarV
It rxlilhtta. lirtag an profuaely Mttsd
with |iau-bes nf greentob yellow that U
rreel.-e.| tbe name of ~le«pud flabftim. tte ItolH-rtneo wb« were tbe ftnt
“U.wt ebenalnc time. I Bi------- ------Efli-ry bad ctonr.-d el hlv walrb and
lilies are.folly as s.-tlre ss rad ta-tbrir
tauveiiM-ul,. niM-D raufllit as tiswt
.. limy at Uhl to egblHt
lata fl
!bt^kv I.Br*BisteclBC
h.-e.>uir .-xUnrl la HOC.
Tb>- a.-lbm n
aradinx Ibe fUh bere to warmly COtaBumd.-.! by the drakta. Boatoo to cop-'
ald.-rr.i tte nmai troiunant flab BSikat
In lb.' .'rttulry. and .It was pratably op
tbU sc-ocat that the Ash wrrtv MBt
ber.-fi>rexamlnatloo and trtoL
metlNklirally deiax m tbr door
eb.-,|.ok.-- -Had ao Idea It was
lime flew an. but I moet mcM a
-Ibi. mlolnx. yoo
man wilb a piT.sp.'e.O'
,. .
kaow. U'sn drueedly diatrscllns '
.“Then sn-*dk>. Mr. KUrry."
tlse'. Isrynt sa* drfH-sIrly vllriat wt
dlMpp.iBlinenl a> .to- Aaatly extend,
her hand. “You mato mme sxsla"sre .mr m.»in Htowce-“And bto bo.lb.-r IlmuBO--
"Ilr's just s« hr to la bU |UetOie. ate
I know y-R nill likr him-s
-But dlir.-ient from the way y*o wtP
like hto hnrtbcr Ilerm"But tsiiv-n rilety, feeriax an attari
fled ineoatlaeatlr
York Pnaa.
down-lbe sUits.-New Y
A mio. of Klawa.
Tbere nnm r-nisin nrij .in.- ptepk- aai
e equator
no.' little vsllry wmlt
a rtolBed
Sbisir sovert ictity bas
ley nf Uei
r.f UsIuL lu tk.utb Africa. Aad tbc only
reaMP shy tbr Marolsr. stoi isbaUl
■ dixiiiiy of ertf rvsprcl. ..........
later Is d.«r by sieves wbo bave bcea
ropruivd from nrightertox tribrs-Ctorloosti EouuTrrr.
-Wril. mt .leer.- Mid Mf..I»ertry t
lis wife, “dkl yoa aped Ite eRcfaan
cading. ss yoa toirteedr'
-N... krre.-Why orir
' ' .-r
. Tte lllrasb were flnt dtorincfpd
ato>ul Iteu. but were aappoard to haea
bold biins.-lf in bend, “fk- tilre lr> see
cirto aesln. d»a1 .yoe know, but I
f be moTiuc
tm-Tiue oo."
o«u■ QSt
-Itut won't y..o stay Inst a
SB.1 have «<mc leer' Erueatlae made s
a minlnx expert and went to larcMlxate
tbe pretenskos of tbr bole la tbe
I gruoad.
lae' toy among i> el B rIaDdstUl.
It ao bappeoed that tbe rolae'
tbe owtlsttiax spats of tbe
it rosy not br wuey
wUrb triaxvd tU rim ofr the TtUey Uaroiuwbi-n ibr lime e
wbarr Late llredwte tmived.
NaturmUy. soeirty brine limited and
tala. In meat
•J arc very
iroteev-rarr. sbr ate CUny met. and
tulScd. Ev
they MW much of eaebarsfak- did br flad her 00 . .
denied day by day aad irasthoaed tbr arUlarTUry .-f tbr .-rnrirc. la to. ^e
dele ef bb rrturu. Aad ss be look llb- evt-ry nr U klnx. tU-rr Is ao brad rate.
enle, wilb tlom. so dkl bU tongue with TIh- terr far) tbel b.- Is a Marwtee In
him liU be Mkd to imte things vrbleta sures tbc reei>,t of Ibr sal
•burid OM bavv said aad wbieb br
Mid before.
ity'nsasllj Imidsnt. In tbr*CD^
tte bodice. Pete of aliccr bottopa. • srid'Mw^u^hey^dr^A ii3*u« ra
Moe velvet belt aad high raltor to ber kwg. shaded plstu aad thus strars
white lace furatota the garritore. to adapt ttemselree more comtortafalr
Tbe LmiU JCVI iuii la llaae gulpan to i to tbrir torrid ravtroomenL -It's
I iortd"rt ll ■ M's IW looks' aad brnlth
sad ril that sort of
rashtaa'a Kcbaaa.
Ybr-s Just- tbr
Kewvut taffeta allk petUeoata hare ^.“r^a
klad of a girt to carry moat
taoM fellowe
double Spaotob flounces, acpwrilcty sway.
taO la love wilb bev Oo Ibe Jump.
raiB.vL ete a very dainty caraMnatioP
la afaln waist eoloringi
. efferdvr b.
-BM ate aever could be to mr what
BiparruUi. porphyry, earurllab. arallag
are. She Is dever. but not as yoa
ate opeUlae are tbr «ew wtaKte Is pretty, but ae are yoo sad
oo kdoe. greefl. porpte. red ate
to a dUfrrrat way. Sbr may appral to
tab napectlrelj.
moM BVB. bot BM to mr n you can. la
TruktranBt tara sad net yokes ate abort, i Ukr your eUter. bat tberu to ao
tdeevta oiw la tbe farigbt of toablocu
aimUarity tetwMB
tetwraa that ate my affec. m. i raa admin her ate teNm every womno can hapdke o taee
her. ate ll mi^ bare baes I
bat It to DOW tte opbavr fend ber ted I bM met yaw
pauved foreign fad to try
ie-tell me. Ltaa. dear, tsfl Bs yoa
Narrow black vrtvrt jewriod Pt
tte olBpIc little vriret bow so Bueh , As'thU rapetUioa of Mataotypad riotsard Id quoptRIra. nnrt or stripes of ' ties to as tsfiimlty (cub wbkb mfl-aa*tben t"A Mock velvet nnpptacs with ' ruUoes soffrv to greater m Ibm
lidratte vriveta of gtpduattd '
U>*.Braaara gives ptoa^
__. - —
I, AMiSMjimb ' to an remtatoee. u ran te cepakdeeaa ao
cTMl rrtt aad tell thtoge we«M .pM
------------------------------------rearited (tub It bod pM the boa
BPdr Ltae'a o very roafldtoc aoaad Ctepee arat ber doers oa apTtoafa a rcttalokd coUe
Mhcr Tiett to tte Mahaaid rily.
wrartqg. toa't nr
' tW aspaltaw Btey was yieteated
....J (baagtog tte tread of emu hr
“Areol yoa afraWr
rabblag tte Blatog fever aad gulag off
-Afraid of whair
tbs outisnlBC taPVs w expkwe mosu
kra la the ti liBod
tecc of this Bfe. that teiewafDte. ate
may »M feri tetaelf acctoctte.
It to (leqaeBtly tbr cDoe that bath
boM ate boatoto occeiit iBTltathma tee
aociol eeeaiasa amoex ibrir frtemda.
riurauBk oowx orun:
with Meet bwtsao. Tbc skin to at
gray silk; polka dMted with mi. Tte
tmkqoe liuie Jacket bos touctea of Ate
Bilk as a iHiBBlog. Hot of suft gray
frit. trtBincd with o scarf of tte
pollta dotted aOk aad a wblle fewtber
ed l7 IbdinwtfaM eif
by ao anrd Ue. as
Ibe Imdy ate PM
uauaDy be auurnome kbkd. eltber
wbra teefld pOla
by tbr ridoftapta
.artety nf n
kd agalitot tbe chaprtpp. as she dors ao anlrie It
PM CDOsld.-r ber preaepce a pcceulty (lalirkl iTrvoat adv.iralea xrtet be
or a eomplharDt to terarif ate ber ; calls ite rduratkm of tte will, ao that
I oaeb |s-r*on an tralfled Bfly hare powOpe of tbe Maotia giveo by tbe auro- | er wllbln himself to exert oo bto pwp
»er girt for dtopeteing with tbe tlmo ] body the loBaeBre of bto nrtPd. ao fat
bonorad etworo to that nbe ao longer I as it may be exerted at alt This
Iteulgra la tbe aame daagrroae pas- I w.iul.l arem to te a nwdtflda (Mm at
tJBra as did ber alatera of year, gone | riirtoHan Brlepee. divested at wbri tte
For loataoee. abe dors pM accept o|>p.>n.ple of that cult rail Ita bl
tatlona to Mil to tte moonllsbl up- : tire ap.1 aflomrilra. M. lYwimt, howof a party
f - - •
- docs DM prapope any ayatow at
_ .
married ate upumyrted tmopto to atoip- , ,111 tralntoc. ate ao Iboee penop* wte
daoec. Nor dora ete waterr sloog tbe I bave tvwdy made syaiMPfl bo Botl«
brachaftcradapci.-toiliefarilR»m.to^,b»w objcctlopabke to tte arientlfla
caum- Us- dampoesa to liable to0 rain
rail ' mite, wOl d
ber goero ate give ^ a m-cere cold.
» bold tte fleU Jp what pay.
kongrr deprires ber nwtbre or
ter mufber's friends of ber aocletr ate
to aa rraquratly seen to tbrir company
as with tte maacullnc ckement. flb.nerer attetes a bop at a Dclghbortng
botri-atoor. beraPta If ber famll
imlly ane (>aa ate e
If hy chann- tbe
c BanuB, natata (na
r girt to at a bMeL abc aridom prolooced expomre of tte wbolo body
her peeterwier fur atber botria
pttog toritutops for daacea at
t. aad Ita m effects »
0 (be aettao of tte ■
TYila years aummer girt to pM opc bit
, iPBirad of briv
•ffeette. Bte does Dot seek to colkeet
tier natural pride
rerrits agriuM tbr Idea of aUowl
lUlug ow-tte erari
only to tte trepkra. aad tte lawwlty
Idaefcs-bLexptataid by tte tari tbM
for yean or of gletag him a right to at dark
tain or othta dark «-hM.sM
assoBM a ramlllar attttedr toward ber
A good sfioy Is gnitra off oo Ite le aad to caD ter br her flret aaae. SoA
to tte New Ycalt Herald's caUmato of
gal prof.-ssl..n ns follow,:
Ip a crtalB c'-iumiinlty a laW}- tte 1900 pumawr gtrL
died wbo wa. a -nost is.l.nlsr ai.1
wurthy man. apd aui.mg oilier vinars
top-r|)tal u(>it> hU lMmlMt.>iir wae tbit.
“A Uwy.-r simI an
Ikitur yenr, aflrrward a Fanarr*'
Alltoner .•.RivenU-m i
1. eislted tte -Wl \ at tte ram aad bsaae and atx thorn
of a ae
; when bMh are tataler. Add a IMlr
deirt eit
! aOk aad let the eporatnsh traato ra
Uon: -A lawyer ate aa bopan ataa.
t|.- was lust to Iboaghl. and wto-o Jon befora aer
per. salt aad I
rroB time to lime temeta come of
tarange aalmato betse asra at-aaa. aad
wbllr tteae irports bave ceewtUly beua
•rooted as Mllora' yanm reerta taVestlgatkoos shew tbri they may te trap.
Tbefr are wall patbrartraied rasas
srberr a-tauatwre kpown aa tte mA
riisrti baa ten Been, a areB^ ara
aerpeat «D feet kopg or as. AaMhar
well kpoww b« rale gBripe tappaur to
tte rtbboa flab, of abnl tte astaia
baaMM MTBttae with rift
foaad the crave of a dear frirad «
rrlafIVB. asM; -No. bat I aa woade
tog why they raae to Imiy Ihota t*
faitaws to tte aaaw grarc.'
Tte ftoBtsp Kwvated Kaltway eoaapaay baa dtotrihated ahrai tOOOOO
-Atat you the orpeiy vflflaO^*
Ree UrteiB. tbnmgh rharcbes
Hid ltaa aharp-faf«> woama. lafttaff
atblBtoote ri-riy. “thaiBflfl. •
that aelteru atod ebUdrra aadstok aad
nark oo tte gate post wte* ^
raw oat
opt of tbr
Ibr yard
yarf aft
too poamls .10 boor in simply lUitag
tte rarriacr si tte Bscblpe. la a d^, fegaaopttag.
«*0«tiirti i tatal o' rlctiuto iMt y
te worid ntar Are tote, or fiiMlilm
me Pumep UR tte Me of tbeir beta
“WTgr DPtr
tag tte dtotaace which tte tarrlace to
to eealdraor. fte tte tex of Pendor
last uiy
“BeeiUta If ll wofv Igulttd to m tbe raatcpu theiuof are Ubety te ty a
talnd aad lowered, over two mm
way tte a>r wooU br faU of tte aaril
Aaridad tte Mtatamiy of tte tflta oOiad
fOtateec lacoeB each day.
toai Unit panicle. Law bapi
fte -Mta at Italy.- wMeb to briag orat banilpc rahboe -_______
tab*.- B^eruBto^ n^bgv
Dartag Ite flscal year OtaJed Jbbb •■■M aa tte raaa itata fl* (te looff
patad tbri EraBrtta
tatetaff n» teU ta Coftaad. u wW
cariata kmak BiriBisa — —
her ter taaUta asetuts. .
taps of whtoky. as taeraa* aew ft*
Ska dpftfff iM|riMC«n!B mt
I iold^oro Bxco&D, TKAl-nsE crrr,
kzc&, stkiiat.
Tbm to «• l«Mtv CT>4«^ aboat a
Cabaa vomb. aar» tb* Boalaa TraaacflpL that abm Itaalf «m la tba
ka« pnwlant af bowa i6» ttoa. Bcrl
ehNblae to Blaara <Ulnl7 aad to fiv- [
qacatlr abeniad vltb tba aadWetk >
" r otoo Oasna. Bar con mar ba
paopto Hral tbea Is rtraaltoam. la
maar nra thr Caban wamaB te todar
|ir talm macb for tbr fatar*. bat tbeca
Mraedr maratd tUaltanaaa.
arrrr befora tboocbt
iboot Ahratear niltttn-. aad tbom
«rbe arr tilmatJ «itb crar balr
■ndr mntadrd of tba Amarteaa
woowa of rora. mtfa vboa H aras tba
tblBc to falni. a»d a valst ttat!
rad orar IB iDCba* vai a sort of i
saj axMtJficatbRi. That to. )ost |
oboot whet* tbma direUn of tbs (teples at* BOV la tbe arolr of fibn*CBl pcrTbelr i
op of tbr AmavlcBB Ctrl to Bswrtof.
Tbrr do Bot aUDd ftnricbt It to B0«
poariUr vboa Ibrr
tb«7 do asd <
v»or soeb this aboc« la fart, tbrr do *
aot vtar abom aaanila. botasoRor
a unto bowo sUp^ that to oolr toWedrd for ToitMb roc vrar.
M- of tbr fln
CAN’T fool Germans.
; a tanceai and macalded a
lalo a BonBlain. Jliirh »a»
^ ^T5lar T^ly p«aytB* fc» o
Btrot of (hr aoel-besded On
I donaltT to olid*
ib« food
•li^ lto>_______
«bn ttood fast for Oraat.
dmjWto toroada i^tbo
iorideoi aii.rd oat after!
,,rlut.oB. It proted heaped Vp *H^
of tba ac4a BBd aartaancod ceafktoDcs
to (bRr bHoc tba uettoot tblofa that
tbrr rvrr aav. bat dors of aralklac Ctrl Scfam Baa Bad a Prerioaa!
am am •
rbancrd all this, aad tb* Cabaa %-Bi(
Attadc tf Byateria.
rbo ba»‘t a pair of thick soto^!
shoes vlU bare them before aba c«*a {
It la BO veodOr that Cabana ai«,aa
frail at tbrr at*, for no vomae vails
Bpon brrar)f If sbe caa bHp IL Rreo.
War •( tnra-ri-d
tb* teacber vltb tba aaaltosi aalarr
baa aooie ooe vbo R«« to mariH for
ber aod does ereertblBC that can be
doBo. Oeoerathma of belas valird ap
ll to alBcular viib vbat penUteoer
tbr demoerati try to ipipiior on Oer-
• nonber
lumber of tbiec>
Mta AMMOr TfcWi*. ttr 'Hrrw ItflU •«»»— wbo «M tM
H f*
«•* r—*M L«dr nalM* IB "Tbr Unir MIbWk.*- ha* >c.t^
K MadCP Chtartbom U “Tbr OnatMt Thlo* 1« Ibe #o»Jd-
Qoaaa Itarcbartta. Onto
attadr*. waerrtd aad taritare ratber
thaa effoalT*. brr qoallttoi at* ratoo.; latad to appeal tolber te tbr rtodmoutttJWTA or fTALV IB A I
m-klChlandert Ufce berarif-tbaB UM BTCMOTHRIFT.
tbe popotottoa of tbe n«t of Itslri There to DO doobt that tbe dlaappotot«>*a. Baiaa ’IM ropvUa-Wovv- - am
aad oaktoddr etptoooed bj
avd tW Toto toacp T—a« w—oa Uteoevapat ..
tbe pealntBla to
of Pibi I baa**re Tabto *■*■«■ i gaidlnc ber fallw* to ftodU Bstkmal
OOB Itoibtova
eaparUtloos In tb* pioaeBtattoo to tbe
to tto
« iBtaritlnf wctoao la Ualr. i
^ effect of ratotoc a sort of barno a— IMB VI ft* BiaDT Taota. Rbc!
antacoBlsBi betvree beraelf abd
... tbe peopto ofbtc adopted colWtrr
The atoaaatoaUoB of tbe
Mr fW tbs la«
awl maksa ber
and all
cerataf bw of
t of tbe drnasllc
bppp which they bad baaed upon t
“ ™
‘ marrlwr.-.
Qnera Harfberita'e popolarlcr vma a
r of tbe tfoeCB
vmne of atreactb to brr buabaBd at a
ruler. Rren at tbe iDoiseBt vbeo. ov-.
d br tt-o^ vbo kBov »»..♦ :
ea IB ibew
tnlBtolera. he wae most on-
la wo |
^ ^^ara mnalocd an ob-
.: Ject of v> iDDCb affectloo no tbe part of
> tbr people of ernr abade of polltkul
,: oDinloo that tbr Srid dalar was rboaea
' !o ber liooor as tbr emblem of a ooaiJkffCaMat aad brOUant mlsd.
baa ; ;
■rinn^thM ' be^®^ pollltoal aoetottoa. aome of Ibem.
“in.perialtoai.” Ip riew of the p
One of tbe totcat eoblrlranres for tbe euereu ibrj hair had in aiaUar
-Snforr. Expertoner oocbl
Brvlr arrirrd balir It a "naraerr' la- temple berrS
loM that the Germaiu. iDstrad of
bto.” a nxiM Incitikiiit loreotlon. ilolD 1
rqalpiBrot arr RT BmctoABtartloc vltb .
viiltr niane l taM- ivn feet
feet aqitare.
Vltb alaa* Cop of tbe Came dltnentiOBa.
This lahto baa a driver, a foldtnc toaf
nti tbe toft, a aUdlnc ira.r nml (i lov
aliHf on tiv riebt. on vbleb sland« a
portntito while
fndinc ootflt to unique ive
four ounci- Olat (taas erllMlIcal
bottira asd all liottles of (b<- naisr
(I dupe
dupe or
or mUiead
j It mar
: lorj.
illdate I
...... ^ '•
- iSSlwaiiu".."
etoarir. bot tolhal
toum ay
eyes to
oltrr foMr o' HjIbc le
eooked-op cLarcr* aad nin|Bi|rD cr«-. —-------- .—
dratllut. of irolb
Af«» tbto I Vaa OBabd to ^ Wto
If Mieh Biet. at Sotnorr and Sehor*.: and mdltoc* dipped to tte rilato ct.
a bmlibB a larpe puttitm Map
•tlj- misled.
In IsTS^hal caa ' PT Pto tm^uA aad fniit toJ
ntotosd the tV
of ^liiarlna la with forotoa alM ntolre
i> errey day raiM *as la).
WOO"’"torn'nho «mw'wSiinVt^
1, e«.I and ..r.sened under .neb .;
,o<j doeeptiie eharire as :
that of the «1e of nrm. in Franee are
be duped whh the err of “Im-1
Ii aerjr*
aertrs lime for tbr de-;
how hard I
1 to team oner mi
fooi ibr x:. nrans. and now. ea j
TociebiDp ibto pytnl. i
> n-rle«( a liUlr bU-1
ui.i«t br »TB1
dayrsoMHoBdariBuatbfal I idwald ct«b aloud, tbnjod
«*• faaohed. Ibal aabappy BMabeeaa
at t»» asd vaa brooebt to. a olov; at
1 P- m.
To tboan vbo a;^awtote tfaapliawlL
M latinjt, lot tae mxaniBimd a royal
Kmmm dinner. Kopm can dovribo tbe
tMamuis lo TisiKw «*if si la V s. a. Thw
agioKo 1 radBmd aa I vaa eamod famno Wiu-Xlrr yw s |l BVal rUr iS M vlbs « Ihr
in my grmi snUa ciuur. For daya <
1-lr ab- a neiuthtol. and to ihto day
] tbe sight of a puppy pig to UBbenblo.
I —Yuatb'a<XKU|uuii<m.
rseBi-Vivs frsa Tlas— (Tly
made ID play M |,
s-nii rlrsaK* nssnUaa In TIBIVBI Uta.at
Ibr OermsD Totrrs. but wllh iiiplotbe'
. rlou> reaulla. Carl befaurz
psrtMs r/^jgyr^yBtc to «as tar* iar'
| leader in It. and. If It be fraekl} i-on! n JWIJ sf MMh oM ea aavtMs tetery; eednl fhal he teat hnneai ano aloeerr.
“J'rr mi agmU srbr«oc.’'midao laTtorr lakalllKirinubiiha: Mrxice
letMin eimpir to that. iiadl> In rr7 'la psvipc tbr waj i<. afopt tbr gold ' giaiouaUraup'nBiityuuiL ‘•Tbifv'ane
alomlnlnm wit* trar lor biddlns liof- ' tor nod the rlctlm of
' '* idini’ar.! a< Wxin aa ii aball Iw
tbr pstcDt (V il I'ltliiT. It to jnV B cal aad
inimlier of 111. TI.err to a <b r. iM>t all hto pevera of penui
Inlrrr.i. of ihe r/ |M.li.Ir. aad li> Iracl- deg tonarr. ami it touls anything 1 ever
ei.Bldr bim lo imls
aatel fdam bovL In vbleh two nipples
.rr. Purflrio IKy*. to do so. For aomr saw fee- the lansBD-.. I «<* mudd laiirt
ar* ready for
A class .seoop to lakr on (hr (kTman-.Amri
wicjco Horni.
yrar» il her bn n ihr iirrrti.-r of ill- uof and Uid It (B the gmund near the
muld drludr Umarlf. I.ul i
imek d<»#. Tlazi I lait ii wosteu borii.t
t oUk. aucar and a
P li.Ato
3t milk iB 111.- ai»c. In ill.- kih-biB I'rr
augur. Two white iu" at* marked
••nDCUX” and *T»l-<'ar. Koda.“ A quart
Srbur* wi« ibrn io tbr ariiate. and uhai ailvrr will do. lt> ro ctolrcthr NI■1
boUlc to marked - IJoirwater and as-, in anliripatioii *rf ihr prraidrntial eonadr.Kutr. hai. blin.'r.; lbrm»h.-a V. IhM'Vin-u nuMcudto tbe nine
other -Alcohol.t funnc-l and a loog.
• In that l»>dr a
thr f«i-i that li is ngt alirrr. bnt plate, ami cIb-iiUbt tmumatealBBinect
mm I u 11 e». a A
1 It m' 4 mu
M tm-ul in tU-milk. Yon jnsl.Bghi le
: i«M*: r u'u V
me lliD effect. Ac»t«aixsahaig.faianU< lar.’hKwr. tails B> t W sas
a the I
tbe milk and css for
' turinc |>rou
' whirh hato/
...._____________ .. .. .............. .
................. - .................. a prr rap.ia rirrola- luikr CBxakxLvlsxi tb.- slight, luigbag
'Dunsen Imnier. an asl.-slua root ami a ! aid •r-oralional speech, sriting forth tioriof a iriflr oirrinnedonars. arroni-1 ahisk to f.-lL TUmidi.- n-lona to ’
-arrd ID Ik-.I.Mtiagine farts. p.r..l wiih fi»-in Ihc-fl'nitol Siairs- | attack and tom-boH to-r baiRm- li.
Inx of aabty mat.-ls-i Insim- Kiif.ly-! •»“-t oppr.
am! that nine
•V'llarr intowrateulUra. sorfan- if Ihi- liiilk. li-rbalrmsw tlsu,
ir •V>:iarr
and speed In prei'artag Ibc Ibtam'a'
food iilshl or day. (toe .loten ao.l one tlon. S.n.i„r Sumo. r. who bud grown
Thr M.slrmi
rmi lirra
llrrald. in .li.vursing . and sbB y.n.1 <f rage <* lain a*
te tqvingHBnayfr<«D tbr |ail and IhiB
OlM0e*.irr In a Isit iienr al han.l. a„d
'•*' ‘P<l^ •«
**Thi' Nlirr qin-.-ioB will not down in | tomato bsik Ijwk at it. 1 bare Msai Ihe
•B.ar,-twolUnn. r.xv|e.. nidniaiMa|“®"i'*,-‘«**’" statm.-ntw
Mr fol<-au pi.Ijlips. IS-opIr wbo harr - nne- cut taki- two rb<gln wilfain as
Uw one. to .-ov.-r lvl.> 'h to.lllr whlU
ttorr , many niinnl.-s uid llsuari as if she
feeding, that it mar m.l U- chUled. A i
Vr"lf"mnn ^0^.71 T‘"'
! pro-i
•I«ril.\ '
wanuxl to try it again. Imt dMa't dsi*
casr of ateriUto-l exmoc. six wash
lire! dow
I..J hirtcilba. aeren'Hern dUb low<-to. a class '*
nsicral .’r.irr for. indte it to dtffmxiL tbs
soap dish and a |iaU of waru- wal.f
lirrr II. Mrsk-o wr know
e for tbe n
L movr.
1 iir
I.nciatrd .iollar mrsi»
■oroTiTL-'or miiv «n,V1i .,o.r* ,,u^^
•"**-* •
N.ilbrr Ihal cr.at rtaicMnae ll’rol- ; aanserKmlt. He wants
Pere Marquette
»n*d«U. brtof
1 tbe throne
It and to
. I bostUe alike to
fiaeeff for a qaaiter of a century. Aad
• bwbwabaavioabw:^k'»«
rirbliii MtraracaBce. tbe effect of:
Vblcb vaa oalr offaM hi tbe eyw of''
tba ItoltoB public br tbe boorceoto, Hrtb and of 4l
cellber tbe toe
tbr latMt four of vtalch abe bit! Uetoti bot yet th. ........... ...................................
baw guilty vaa called forth by ber de-. Heies of Aosta, vbo as vlfe of tba
Mr* to onialat* asd ecccl tbe Ute Bib- . beir apparent of tbe crovn mar
prBOi BUaahelta In the boUdtoC of u tnally sueered brr as qtwea. to erer
aammar palace. RUsabrtb aelectrd a 'Akelr to cite tbr aame amount of potltOcaak tole as ber Meal of locattoa. tort, teal aupiMirt to ber hoahaod a* Qoecn
Matgbirtta cboor tbe ebamrtoc Alptoe , UaixbcrtU vaa ablr to fonUb to tbe'
oorarty table for the wrlfaro
. ------- of OrMBOocy. vbet* aba baa Ute King IlumberL Nor to U pruhahle
, ibat abe wUI erer sbarr to tbr aasr de- faats.
. gree as ber moCUrr-lB-Uv tbr distics of
. rjoat,
ber boaband sa
nambert vaa
irM-. tr
- tlM. btit tacking his U
I bp. stn-aks .mt <f te yuid as qwrkly
tr?. ar well ar rtsrwberr. ano Ihr ex-.«„„n„ nu.k.- any idol of
j as isswibb- If y.
rlirmeni of tbr slrugglr had not -had
ehA am! |
time to cool. It aeerord little short of »hrn il.:,: .-nd i. srhir.rd MraiewiK mlmam.-kr-rydj.di.'
darlanllv to tbr Crrmans If Ihr I’nli.
3 sism'si.
Milk to tdxvp up »«r way.
_j o.-.-, hgj hren seemly supplying irri-ri. nI'l rhapr kl'-sieo insy
yia bnor, and I l-si tb.. Bnt tbUg that
the French duriBg tbe wsr. . nisli.. witl. the ril.rr -lan.'ard; ]
a-handy.- —New Vi*k Sub.
he assertion msdr to Ihrm
til. gnl<: hss.s What wr
len as Sebun abd Humi^f,
log exlitliilcd three. Tin- gowns were
lal Nestro
for tis- most part designs entirriy loo
Wilk were at first .auk as VR*'atoo
r. vbtrb abe iBdbced blm to }ola.
B«lt-4Iarea itrlen Is compieMy domlnaird br ber
.eXlm.agantf..rlhenworib. average
<1 tbciu- avi-rag.- t
cratJc to. accept aar
•s oY tl.nu-AeiMnl-
a «k* Tate •*«*.
tod ‘A Flea For p
m Bevae" Uda Call
rvgardiac veoen'a to-
"Ton will Hod lapeaklBC here of
KcBtockyl tbe baat aaats at rrerr po
litical apeafclv uiuaptoB tV tbe dever
ladrB vomm. vbo
tbe BorM eloqaeace pt a vuold be
a^Uir or goreroor; you vlll Bud voooe of tbe B»eat meu altttog up tote te bMr tbe rccntua
rrtreata. to be from tbe Tarious prectoeto. gotttog up
I early Best. eprty. to paaarua tbeqwlre* of tbe
moraine oevapaper and artuaUy looyaar. and tbto at tbr b
tog Bleep to the afttr mMalgfaC boom.
beeaBsr of tbrir aaztoty urer poUtlea.
It to rtev I
Tte? No. a fbuMud limea boI
« ItaltoD
tmtlsB ii N«w
New *»»«
voajd ibey de M«b a.
at tb* aoddn pewty of tbe
Ftapto aad tbelr Btruggle for extotaDc* uaaettog. navetBaBly tbtogl
ZtfgrlBdtogaBdMlialBcaeclaleou.: "yhai vouM be tbaugbt M
*“* a few vbo de Bot Ure to that; who peofesaed
t ftuui OM yaar-a cud to aBOtbrr j ;««tleal «
Margbertta can lay x.is. ao leager I ^
to tbe beamy that eace diattogntobed i
fawtie cuadMate. vbo eat up
and col w> mwatogi to hto
am aad abouM be lt"bre
'‘"■u tbe Baal bMr it tbe battle
te baeoa* coatne to fcatuna and to a nmto- skulked buck to Mi tMt aad rewavd vooM raadOy pmb u a paamaL i
*<> rote! Imagtor a
teteatvayiaaJoyodtbedtotiBetkm tofltob ■»««• ‘
at bM^ toe —nirklim ftaanclally ^ toucta Utereated la palHMa. but H's deto > ending iod nnaexb* ai
, mm
: rut*. mM 1 vou t da If ___________ _
kl attlie. y«t U to a tact
1 bat' "Wbea a vosma to MtetMtad to
wMto. BoeaadyabitosaldttbaeebbitbrnlTBpouaBaot atoiently .bdaa «
totetatfawtaehMryto nrlmia meettoga a
a to to« yoatotal tow. it to 1 abe it allowed to da to. ‘ tTheu she to
iMatod ta ttto »—tbak tartog- loiertmed to club voA’afae JoIbs
ptetebMCnnoatbeiMiyaettotoeif’bth. aad abe eutaa toam wfaeae*
kte ba itoM ^naatiy by bael&g there to an otBrer «a be alectod or a
teWBlBaa to ber trma Faria a box of j qaeatlea to be dtMBad.
Iftoetotofte1wirtaadma«Ma«Mtrubto't;”»^ft "1 i^i^ahatea
aluftoMtovtain. Tbtoeuaitatorre-.tbe Wobm^ (ter
Tbi teto ^ k BMiWM Urer. aad. al- abe to a Ktogb Iteff
h te Uad toUbfMly to tmltats tor of tbe AmtrleM
atiuBoe about tba bteto at uuCcu
tte tbruM upoB te. Mav.tftoeprv
fBaacu to be totmid to pMHtoa. tbe
ualy raltoaul tbiog tet to toft tor te
to de to te
to te A iteBp Mwcteia
«d WM M tetoff te MB to te
"N1'“ ■ ‘-e
a,lin]nl..niHon repabllr-
.... -..N.-;;.™--.
. were dn»-d and bardly knew srfast
wholi• nir Grn. l>is»
I tbr t>i1niiiiistniti»ii 1
the -, ndmiDlsiiaii.in ■*
Itocls. aud w.*e <Bly Bwaally
f..nun.ir tof Me* ;
ttowe b.«diml ;
tbaibto N-ob s dmm.B U Oh- w.ald to
s, Ihi- s.ag.
I .Id
r-MbywilL Tbe..ldMtkis.mli j
h, ulHmatHv be na.le for him.
i .hoi bra-, han.s. an.'
_ .
snriwist. ...r rronhlleaB ■ sot nu.i.rg ths wso.,;. \. .x.ii.l-Iddd. TilU an-tb.ve<f k:gypC B.«b tnUaiKl
I UTillen willauut uifnxjueutly oartaiaisl
' »b-inn. i..f
--------------------------------------------------1 ialmratiiBs ns tbuae wbo sb>«ld ««» ;
nalldiaa aai fteawoertty.! lert tem.
(..ri <i.sR. .Kt.l
Tberaritost VTintB will InasiiUeeea‘
away of Amerh-an wuntea from tbe
U that of teBnateril.. wfairii was f.tcad .
Faria atyka. Tbeae Utter arr roodlllcd , aulhnrili- of tbe name* of Srhora and ’oci.irmn.- w.
lueb by tbe AcuericBn ditxvmakeri
■ ■irspitr oil the force of lb*;'•'----- luur IiK-r
longer te uhsI.^s of femlQM’ afybm
It to Iroposalble for It ti. be luillated ;
rtiruply tmlriis in tawdry stoff that
will tsot wear sreU and Ibat li 1™ ob-
r.tTT. Ibr iarersi number I rtyal wills. TUrmaialy nJate to bnda.
y sensitise ei.ndllion'.
This U noticed \.y erery WO-.
,hrir Bilods In'rrsnert to thr Fran- ,s-r ki...
P"*«al oruammu.
man wbo baa been abroad twcmlly. ] ^p„^mn slnirglrrihr (irnnan. as
■ >^un:i .t.’.k-s not inriudr ; gold aadailter cuts, a^ paymruu te
Tb* American atylea an- dlffem.t U r .
withbr^urfgm.nt an. c.llrd te«..x.iiv. • hul.t b, ^hr r.ilm.c co- 1 ma-» te an- gmmaiy a. scMie_ai
many emeotlal detalla. and cblelJy U-,nr , ,bn„uph exaii.ir.si.on iaio the
'ThUisjbrj-------------- -----------_
mapecta that commeitd lberos.-ivea as ' pr,-<.;sr facts and pmiirr. ol the «d- ,f
eutamoo aenae.
WbUe In riaborate „Ui.tratinn
A few here and there
1.1. «
----“ ".".’■.T,'.!"
may dtne to Parisian MeaU. la walk- hot as.
tog or Vreet dresara the ntdlotia of tbe stood 1Jn^s^vito .■nd“r."lM'‘ for'’the
majority of Ameticaii womra at* f«»l-;
sf:nn.rEi ibsi the raiiroi..r. ;
pr<»|--^g a. iht, ;
i" S- ' to H»,
apretarbw. and lli.w who doe'l
<‘f te
TB realtor uu te fa
--------- -------------------Wr KsrewMww.
srrinrd. an apiarrnily fatal, deist,
nn prt.hll.it Inn tells aa exNobody seemed prepared to meet the -r.rl.-n.s- he lu
listi In Nonh I'arollna.
issue oa the rrpsbl.raD aide. Some
,pr r.-ltg:
-ltg!..i]s tens ifaa: are<dbwondcrtni:.! ab’e apeerhrw were made
r.iiiD- r.-D.-. , rrwise rlgl.l A., ix.i -s.lode ibe tree
in the senate
ht .Cak
.CoOkiling, (arpeater.
rate ht
,, n...nnralci whl-Vr, He dellrered
ntherr. hot
ni> Ui bis snhj.xx, (lerton-l
V uw
»bot tbe flermsn,
.il.-d llw itriuklng nt alcowrn- not nuebed oniil
bol. Imnmlb
Immcllsirly a king. Uak toMf
rrabU- time rjwni ia digging fnr ibem..
It was shown eonelus.trly that Ge®.
-TU-r. atoV no sorb Iblng
('.rant knew notbmg personally of Ibe |ght,.- t^- said
-il.-ad it froir
sale* of arms, bnt that -aey were
f„.„, aiv.iktv.-r u.
to Wear.
... ....
burran of
O1-4 old] ooe nmn who
sr ated te rater, te br aoly
the old
iDied a alagl.- drap. sikI whafa
te d«i war. laey were
re ' dv-kire.! tbe m.HiBUlc tbembar
sou speeUlly to Fnac*. bot Indtoperurattou. 'be dUa'i git to heUT.
criminatrls lo anyoae wbo saw flt to<
buy. Germany, or the agniU'of Oer■»- A J. Ltpptoeott (Oruea GiaM-|
many. ee«ld_______
hat had all Ibey wia1wd|
prior, bot 11 appeared Bitbaa left Maablagtoo te vlD to
at the
marefc didgsot vaat them. Hr said b«; fatal* reside vltb ber Baaghter. tin.
• r banks;
,ka i Bechert Hall Wtealow.
Wteatew. at Kev
rpuld pick ap better cm
leftI by. ebelV-. N. Y.
For many yuan Hta.
of 1^ Loire, wbrr* they
Preoeh. The Omnaa airthorilica.......................................................
eeriB-MCcMury 'm'^aa,
but j
arkeubtol atlM grew be bOfllB te- ’
iBUtaetuied bis ovu nttro-,
banMi t.iaies.
inert sraa aotbinf
arate** «»atcal obUgathsaa la aa opem [
aale free 1* both partlaa *r teirageala jtoreerer, the charge of coc
ward aimpUclly la walkl
due to tbr dndr* to avokl attneting*at-:
tMtkm that makes te arenge womaa ;
to a iiteaauir act tbe style for ber more
fBahtonabi* Maters. Tbe tendcacy la ^
‘ te It may tv
that tbe time will come when Aincricaa atylea wDi be followed alwtad. It
aouDda do more uarr-aionablc that ^a-'
tope abouM get faabloiia from Arocrtc* Urns It «K* did that te new wortd ;
•booM futulah capital te larcMmeets
la the oM.-aile*go Tribune:
“tt la aa odd buMBcm te a wuraas i
toheto.“aald-Mi». Bytuo Alfort. Tut j
I know BO tvuaoD why • vomaa who.
uadentanda it cuBBOt rasBage It na^
vaUMStaaB.- Hta. Alfocd baa bUM
•tudytog exploalvts atoee UA. vbaa
her bttobaod. ihiuogb the rereracu of a
fouud bim- ‘
self a taaktuiK vltb only oor aaaet a I
Btem taemaU te maklug dyuamita. 1
. ryegbussw te nos .* tbe .gbv. "aHttog
' sr reading." are tbr glrrirma ctrcptlM.
prrmleut to this mitoarttmt^or it
I ^n U- r.:br^lKKh^n^7■^^ ~
' 1,03] ^mnni to wiy that ereo te »wy
baUn. Mioukl be txru to apeetelea.
Whetec'tl totecfftctrfteKevEte
1 Uod climate M te .wic umre or^
! pUto limdity on nos kuova
tian extou. as crery roc to awaie. aiM
ia apito </ all fmr«atj.mt liwTiuiii. la
Ao (tium te nav^apvl-wOManBo
Bute taitoiii to aupport a wtta • mto-
Ho <ariuuMy>-1 teuld thtok H
' Ftma.
A uatlra «f te Bmsrald laU'-VM
| Iru^tag by roll te te fim dme to
1 bit tUe.
The trato)siopfird at a otaOm. otol
te-guarff. ^lag te dmr of te
eoJTtoge ta vblcb rat vaa aaau4.
'An duaga bmr
Htoa Ireut Aabby. BOcUUal. uC
'AB ebuem- berer erVd Pat aghast
doa is atadylng te alaaa of Cbl _
*«m*. ibM. mUtor. Oi'rr «Bly vaa
pur It toarlBg AmerUa to b-~vt ae- abflllBg te two tety coppers to te
X srx's I sr.rxx'T'is 2JS
BMUtH I iioramatan A A
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