The Morning Record, June 20, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 20, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Boryof thia readatika head of
irpalriot. a wU-

Will b« loMrUd is th* B*-

ssfi.S-a: ■Sr.ia; o,

pabUeaa PUtlMm
■ ZaM OB PiMMttoB «ad
OMt OomnMm Wow ia Hmaitm
Ohm« at Vooa JrnmUr ^ «»lur Oltj-BooMvalt Oima a Baaalaf OfaO^a—goqaaatt4<arMi bj
CoaporaiT (Batamaa Walbono! Oal•nda-Biaflat BUnwaiaaatat KakiBlay', BaplatatrattAL

maad the vieterieo of war are

Oonboato Prlnoeton «Bd Ka.
listte to Join KompITo Jdoet.

hlairiiiuiii, kaew hew Creely be baa
apntaadbevi^OBtia'Ua eoeatryV
«he mm eteeraar _______
aad elaaraad patrfettetMmaaluU
him aa ofeld.aad jrlfa aa

Administration vUl Oral Vig.

irWoleeu paid a taader aad
. tribate to tha lata vlea praai*
daat. Oarrlt k. Hobart, aad tellawed
tUa with a rafaMDoa to tte aUMaf
of the paat foar yaara; aad
toaahlaf apoa ^ adadabtratk
Praatdaat OeveUad. laid:

aad Siaff»Ho Vawa troM Him ia a

moBly with aitnatioB.
nataot Aaztoty MaaUaatad fe Vaaklartoa Ratardlac HlaUtar Ooacar

Week-Oharte of dUled Foreea of
Vartaaa oa lUca Forte wae a Splaodld




'•as of


Fourth Year—No. 97S

Odd Fellows.

vator la PbUadalphla Hotel FaU
8a*en Starlca at KidalyhtBaaalta War, Sarioua.
OowleltaUe HntaeSMerd.
Pblladal^ia. Jaaa 19—Tae elevator
of tba Botal Walton faU atvaa atorlaa
at Bldalybt toni^X Five paaaaayan
^ tba elevator boy ware lajared.
two p—nyaci meat etrleoaly
kart are J. O. Prlayey. OklahOM;
Braatoa F. Ball, a daloyata from Baldlay. Mloh. Dr. Barton and WalM
Hantar of Oalowara. MaraallM W«t
Faahlaytoa aad Dr. Oaiadaa ot
aalao amoay tha lajared.
“■**’*" ‘■■ve brokK ’ “
aaad lay

Ifcwa Taaterday.
apwui U Tilt Mareiac Rw«>4
LoodoB, Jaae SO—Amoaf the ataay
A pair of baby’s eboea Free
aUUoBatoita berdaaa. Be
iriff act. baariac tha naa
eolewaa of mattm- pnblUbed ia tha
to every 1900 baby.
_________ ear aad oar prealdaat. t Ittod
r oa tha ChitoBieattbareqalreauBMofOBr ai
DM erlaia, thara ia aearoaly any newt
aary ezpaadlteroa. to fomiab t^laaadthe t
Thera ia Bolhiay read protaetioo lo oer
oar tarmera
laraera aad i
Btaetarera. aad to taaara the i
liablereyardlny tha aitaatloa in I'akln
aad ramnaaratlva employataat of thoae orthepcalUon of Admiral Seymour'*
who labor, laataad of pormltUof
thonyb both are aubjaet to
maonfaetara aod eommerea that repoaa
aod ttabUity of law whieh arc eaaeaUal variant mmora from Sbanybai- A cer­
for worklor oot aeosomlc coadiUoae, tain journal which dally tervaa up tba
heal o_________________ ________
aed froibiaat Sbanybai yooaip pobllabm
radical cbaayea la ravanaa and tari
thla mornlay a report from that city
provUioni. reeommeadationa wbieb hi
that all the forelyaere la I’akin, with
ap- their native ataffa. have baea mata
palKay raaeltof bie polley 1« ellU freeb cred. lathe next column thla newtla tbe memory of mill
Ullon* wboanffarad
from it. Ia foar yeanI tha eoaatry paper aaya the Buatlan ralieTlny party
wltaaaiad aoma > oommarelal fail- with maay yuna aad a cavalry detach­
Black kid, i>atent leath­
area. with llebllitlae ayyreyetloy more ment arrived at Pekin oa Tuetday
than 000 fflilliona of dotlaia. Ooe hao- moralny la the nlek of time. They ater. chocolate kid, red kiddrad and aaveaty-aavea railroada. taokad tbe eity m two tide*. There U
very pretty alyles—cool and
with a mllaaya of U.OOO milea.
or ' twlea
dainty-«.j. 75c, S5c. 11.00.
yloba. aad with aecnritlee amoont- eonSrm aliber at^.
toy to nearly three JbilUoa of dollan.
Wavhlnyton. Jehe lu-Not a word
were unable to mpat tbair letaraat
eharyaaaadpaaae^'lBto tba haada of
Otob-black kid, button
Mora tbaa 170 ifatloaal Pekin, Tien Ikla or Taka today, and
Banka cloaad ibalrdoora.wltb Uabllltlra tba anxiety of tba prealdaat and bit
—patent tips—49c.
raaeblay 70 mllUona: wool aad all advtaon haa baea laeraaaad aecordiayfarm prodneU which tariff* coald
affect, leal uaa of mllllona la value: ly. It la jnit a weak ] tinea t)ie laat
maeaaye from Mlabler Coayar waa re­
farm mortyayea
fi to 11—black and ah—
tbor- -^ ihronyboot tbe yraat waat; ceived. The chief coeeara of tbe yoryrlcnllnral exporu abruuk La
new goods—
t la over tbe aafely of Minla^r
value, the balance of uady waich had
Ooayer, hla family and tbe Auacrican
(ConUauad on fourth payr
leyatloa lUff. No oewa ia not accept­
ed aayooi newa in tbiacaae. for It ia
In mir ceieiiraled shoes
taken tomsan that tbe Cbtneae capital
for chilrlivn—black huiI tan,
la in control of tbo^ who are uafrieadneat, trim eliapi-B. iiuht and
Negotiations Said t
iiiHliuni weiirlitH
•».'«; ami
Tbe navy depart^at has cabled
i\ 00.
Admiral Itemey at Cavite lo have the
yuoboalu Princeton aVd Marietta proBepjrlei that Lord BebsrU Haa bdat pared for aervice e^er -Admiral
Kempff * penomoL Tbe tralnioy ship
Word to Sruyer that if He Will SurBuffalo, now at boatbamtOB.-haa been
render now Be will aot be Sent Out ordered to proceed' with dupateb to
of the Conntiy—nritiah Paw thropyb M anila, ao that ber 40u mao may be
placed at tbe dlapoeal of Admiral
Lalny'a Kek.
London. Janal»~A Sbaaybal dliap«le*UeTli«l(»ralbc ilerord
Prledrleb Braa. Old Stand.
Loraaso Marquee, Jana IS—Tha Ma- pateb to Ualtlara aaya that the yraat
Tbo tmadiayl^bM Bouac
The national eoaraatlaa eoevaaad
lalasa hrldya, whieh eremea tha Hector part of tbaCblnea^yarrlaaaalTaka
at It-M today amid tba (reataat anthawere
iti Poort. baa baaa
ataM. For bewa before tha opaaiaff
daatipyad, Interraptlay railway eoa- bayoaat ebarya of tbo faailoru of tba
tha atraata ware a mm of peep)#.
aaeUoa bottraaa tha Traaaraal aad allied foreaa. Tba thrw forte ware
When tba doort were thrown open thla place.
■mpletaly daetroyad by U* ahlp*.
LMdoa. Joaa )9-Tba London mte*
Loadoo. Jana IS-Tha war ofiaa haa
raealvad tha foUowlaf from Oeaaral aiaaary aoelaky boa received a taloffram
at U:M aad M ha peaaed throaffh the Bailer:
from Bankow wbteh atataa that a mob
aeatv tele he wee fraelod with eoeif"Laiar’a Nak. Jaaa 1», 9:40 a. m.- daotrayad Pre^teaaattTaao Shte, waat
etoMCheete. Bntwheaat It o’elaek Tba fint train poaaed Uireayh Lalaya
hwMt of Baskow. ‘The
OoMBor ^aoeerelt catered the balld- Hak Uanal at s p. m. yeatarday."
rtea caeaped to Hankow.
iaf be waa fflvae a roaainr oratloa and
A dtepateb to tba Central Vawa from
Tba imprcaalaa ia yalnlay yroaad
tbOballdiaffraaffwitb ehaera.
Sbanybai aayutbo tateyraph aUtloa at
that Lard Bobaru ia workloy oat
plan for brinyiny abMt peace tbrouyh Ralyaa bw bean baraed. The ataff
pabUeoB MaUooal Oommlttae, ealled
aacapad to tbe north- LI Baay Oway
tbe eeoeaatlM to order at lt:ts aad
baa been ordered to eopa with tbe criTbaTimMei
aatat Lorsaze
■te and will leave Oantoa today.
aft* a attrriar addrM la which ha Marqnea, aaya;
eeMTiatalateil the ceoTMtloa epon tha
Simla, Jane IB—The Fint Beayal
“Jadya Van Leewea. wbo loft PraBACAiiAba.
be latroLaaoan, Fint Madna Ploneera, Twaa
torte on Wadneaday aadar a permit
lAphoming, Iron Mountain
deeadSaaatdrWoleeU of Colorado, aa
ty aaeoad Bombay iotantry, tarentytram the Britteb military yavoraor. baa
foarth Punjab lefaatry. a tattery of
taB(trary ehainaaa. lbs iddiM of arrived hare.
and other
Benator Woleott waa aloqaant aad
teldarUltary and a company ot Madraa
“I oaderatand be U tba
foreefal and U la tart aa tollowa:
aappan have beta ordered «o ChiM.
B-faat aainraaea to Krnyar from tb«~
■‘dlaee Ue flrat party eoaeantioo ia Britteb an thoritlea that If be anrranTaataraay'a Baaa Ball aan:aa.
thaaa roitad Btataa. ibera waa aerar
one cattaared toffetber aadar aacb bope- den now be will not ba eeat out of tbo ■pwaane The Moralax BMsra
New Lines
Low Sates
Tba eeeaaaya wa« eonvayad
lal aed aupieiom drcasaUr'"
a B
ttoaa wbteh aarroead aa today,
to Secretary Beilzad. prood of tbe ac^
1 7
'People in a paaltion tu eallmata Cbteayo......................................
paat foar yean, onr eoaatry proapareoa Hrayar’* foeliny*, baliave that if uneta PltUbnry ..............................
aad happy,' with notblay to raret aad
Foartaao Inalaca.
aaaffhtio make aa aahamad, with a an offer ia autborillvely yivan be
UrifStb and Nlehola; Waddall aad
racori apoUaaa and dean, tha Bepablllid lo aU protaaMUty accept it. Sec­
can party ataada faelny tha dawn, coo- retary Beilz. like praaldent Stayn. aaddaat that tha ticket it aball praaant
St. Lonlt.....................................
J 15
wlU eomamad pablle approval, aad pean aaxiona for a OMtinaaaoa of tha Clneianatl.................................
7 11
that in tha daelaiation of lu priaelplaa otrayyle. and tbcaa wbo kaow him
Weyhlay andBabteaon; Hahn and
aad 1« parpoaaa, it will voice the aapri >nipaet that ha will withhold tha matPaiit
ratteaa aad hopae of tba vaat majoriiy aayc from Kntyar."
Oeaeral Baden-Powall'a arrival at Brooklya.................................... 10 It
^**Wa aaad “do omen bat oar ooantryte eaw:" yet tbara U alyalfteaDee ia Pratayia te aaaoaaeod by Lord Roberta.
Wlllte and Clemaatt; Kiteon and Methe bet that tba eoavantloa U aMm- Tba flaU marahal 1a baltevad to be Onlra
alad la thte hiatorle aad baaetifnl city.
1 10 l
whMwa&nt aaaamad tarrliortel raNew York.................................
• 10 1
BBOMtbUltlae. whaa oar fathara. a eaaPratt and MeFarlaad; Maraar aad
rotraatiny Cato tha nortbMtara Trane- Warner.
AxmcAx LKaocra.
F6r buying a 10 cent
•Thaftiataadplaaaaatdmty ot thia **^aaral Blldyaid'a arrival at Wak- Obteayo .....................................
s • o
mat Ooavaatkw. aa well aa ita latha Aald marahal a ''Uwaakae..............................
cigar when you can get
atlBoUva Impelaa. U to aaad a maaaaca
FtehMaadSaydna: Baldy aod DlyofaSeeUDBaUffTeaUay to oar Leader aew Hak lo tha eordoa with whieh ba
aadov aonnt^’a prreidant, William te yradually triBylay the whole froa- ylna.
HcElBlay. Ia all that pertalna to Mr ttar of Praaldaat Krayar'a domain, and tadlaaapolia.............................
0 I t
weUMtatlmaa ot paaoa. hl« yaalat tkawoAiaaapaatadto prova oso of Boffalo........ ................................
t t 8
-- --------- ■ Bf^Mowaao eaKaUam
aad Powon: Amote aad
of the ooMomie p«o^ daetetve raMlts.
Volkrnav TMsnvaal. Jaaa 1»—Ak....wlroat nr, a
edMMM tha alo^
watrom aarraaderad to tbe Britteb
t aad ___
aad a aamber of Maaaan aad aavtial
ap to the ^k ^
Jadditah-'aM Ltd Orta
riSoaof Amorteaa
daUd ia. Oaa. HUdyard baa ratawaMtaMl^j^matiotthaUu war ad ban.
^.............. ! i !'
I aad ......... ..
•atiM. and aadar
■adenhlp we
Oraain aad Sbaw. Hart aad Oriabam.
hav- ciucryad t
oor aatteaal Wbo'igotit?
T 1——a out a 8-yaBoB tea cream VastcA___
Milvd. and iba< iqaal devoltoa of evv'v I
bM pot baaa/rataraad.
•ceu-v . of ->j - Cl >amoB oMatry to tb'c I If ibe parly b*v,i,» . wiU
1 will aaad fur It. J.
maUanc'tba i apubite aamaaud fora^eal to Tkc Moniat R«ot«.
FhUadalrbla, Jaaa le-rroate'eJccsk
tkto aftarnooa aaUl aftar midaleht
Mactar Workaiaa ralrbaaksaad a crew
of artiMBB naUadaway vpOB the planka
of the BartUkaa party pUtform.
They did aot atake it. lor it wet made
acCore the aoBToniioo Mt. Bat they
looked it over and liataaed to propmitlooeeatoita ameadarat and ita em­
it wOl be'la iiae with
tha apoeeh today by Temporary OhairmMWoieott. Tbarawin be a daelara^ oa trooto which will follow tha
U«,,U»pbU,lUu.UU».. Tb.„paMloepoUay ot tha admlnUtraUon
aaditeaetlOB wlUi rayard to Porto
Bleo, Caba aad ttCwail will be ratffirmadaad defeadad. The protaeUoa
poU^ will be aphald aad a promUa of
tha repeal of tba moat bnrdenaoaa of
the war taxaa will be ylvea. DeetaraUoBt will ba made la favor of tha bthmlaa eanal aad a plaak favoriaya law
te tha rahabllltatioB of oar oowa marehant marina wU! ba iaaartad. Tha
» of tha Itenteb Waat ladU
talaadawlU be tadanad aad etroap
plaaki OB tba aabjael of tha carraBoy
qaeatioB aad tha alrarfle of the Boen
wOl be laelBdad.
Ooatrary to the doaaral oploloo. tha
advoeataa of a atrony pro Botr raaolatloadidaot appaer before tha c
mlttaaoa raaolntioBa today, bm
daelaratioo In tba platform will
Tiyorou aod clear oo tae polat of the
raadlBOM of the Rapeblican aduiaUtraUoB to iBtarreBa whaa aaked to do
by both partiet to the war and to yo
ao far toward aEprauiny aympathy
with tba ilaora and asicBdlny an offer
of aaaiitance M far a« the reetriciiona
impoaed by lb« Hapie treaty will
allow. Tfie fold ataadard i
reattrmad aad la reapooie to dealraa of
wanara man la the eommitteaa aad in
tha aeavantiOB a word may be aald la


WWIe in TraTerse Oity you are most
oordlally Invited to visit

The Old Reliable City Book Store

the aaUoaal debt; he

Bring your wives and families and
make yourselves at home.

for Children.

Arthur S. Hobart

Ttirice Welcome Odil Fellows

Children's Slippers

That’s the way with Uiia store-always he*rlHy in accord with
tbe enterpnaes and laudable efforts of tbe people. For toriiav
and to-morrow weVe tunwl the harp of trade accordingly.

This is an “ODD” store-aU ie new herethe very best of

Clothing, Hats and Furnishings

Children's Shoes

on earth and wbafa more “otld" slill, we sell at lower pricM
than the other fellows aek for the other kind
Men’B Salts.
l''.(X), l.'i.OO, 12.110,

Children's Shoes



Several Styles



si^.-sl that j-oii iiivc stiuat.' this Kal<- Iwfore puri-liniiiug elaewher*
fifi ^e hiivc in IImk lot jisnts that w.-re belling nt $2.50. $.'l 00, $d.83
dnd uj) to $;t.75. These are facts, and you have only to look
through the lot to be convinci*d. Coyie tomorrow.


Minute Rates

Make BLo Mistake


-------- >»>.-

We have not gone out of business, but
have moved to our new store,
242 Front Street.


Wh*n yoo w»nt UBLIABLE FOOTWEAB gtt it of
US. We have placed on sale

Upper Peninsula

Which we want 70U to see. For a better shoe see our
Composite $3.00 shoe for Isdies, and the Governor $4
shoe for gentlemen.
New stylee>nd goods arrive daily.

A NEW $2.50 LINE


Have You..





The Leading Shoe


House of

Northern Michigan

This cut abows the style 5
of onr






Titan Calf I
These shoos fit the feet perfectly—wear well, and do 5
.Qotaenff upOr piri-l. ^ey are made by Throe. Emeraoii’a 5
0 Bona. For sale only by

52 Froot Street PARKERMcNAMABA
mmmmmm ««««««««


m MOBvijro uoomx).



T. BaiW! »»p J. W. BASm'
r. W. HAon. laiMf aai Maaacw-


QnMriag «o«llttOD ot Valif.
tka B^bli»M «ma»y poanaiioa

*«• «

Istbe fftw
. VMr del­
td.udSaM^'ot the
iemt ore utwd apoo
«Mhof«he oflece to be eewd
§mn» will bOTi a wild delecatica
tonrlnc bli eandidwr *or fsewaor.
•tutor J. W. MlUifceii^ ttaoM ten
tMgiwelniiil bOBore Ulfullr rwoeBlaw aad the del^atiOB BMwd will
•M oraiT rewouble effort to load the
. •onlaaUoD lo Timverw CityIs adfftttpe to tlMH dalaotl08« the aUU
•alafatloD will itaodlwlld tor Daniel
MoOep tor atate trcaanrer and Petr7 F.
rowan tor auditor general. It U tel4on that w maoj deiegatloae, where
•enany eandidatea are to beeotad npon, are w nnited awtbeeeThe eoneentiOB waaja gratltTing eao•we in otbec partlonlare, atUe froa
thoea enamerated. The
peered that the EepabUean party in
Otaad Trererae ooanty la flmly onii•d and that the faU campaign wlU open
with the ntmoit harmony eclating
threagbout the eonnty:r ao that when
«bto eonnty U beard trom tUa tall Ue
(eanila will "bow eby the maJoriUee
piled np that the XBomblioana bare
filed together.____________

8iCDllll6 SPIRITtP




)ttePropcrttlDnteH»re Ingnl Mat ta OUy Charter «a WUrti
einkiaden Onaday.
niimagerrt * Mayv Baae their
The praporttlea tn hare the ntraea
BafMrt^ta Aoeept Bonds.
et the city e^lnUad on Bnnday hae
A latter was nerteed yeaterday by
ont rraeldariWe c
Blekwd tsom the «rm of
Bg many elaaeca. and it U «nia
A Mayer. deBniUly defmly daaaaed. Bepawially aaaag
eltnlngtbe water works hoads. aad
tha laboran it aaata with dlrtarer.
They deelare that then ahonld not be girtagln detail the oplnian of their
the newity for thaa to low their day MBSU.
The groend on which they baw their
et recti that the work ie hard aaeagb,
mfanl to aeeept the bond! to a point
hethai man and naa. dnriag the
mtrtned in the eharter. which gifw
wa^asd that they both need tbe
the city the right to sell or mortgage
reat of Sonday.
Ito property. Thto they claim leaeca
There U an Impreaska that aad ol
tbe elty fr«e la the fntnre to mortgage
tha datln tor etnet crinkling
the water works plant to other parttoa.
trom tbe chorehae, wbow m
aad thaa makn less aaenn to Season.
ol^ttothednatthatleaBada In tha
goodA}Mayer the payment of tha
■a, and eoMeqaaiUy dartre that
beads when they beeoma dee.
tha straeu be aprlnklod. The laborere
Tbe gronad will appear to many aa
do not think Urnt thia to either chari
hardly enfflclcnt to baeap elalm for a
taUa or eerlpleral. and an rory etrong
forlrton that waa not Inelnded in the
in their dealn that their day pt reel ha
preliminary ngrwmeat. bnt tba^ an
not toktt from them.
cry tenaeions on the point. The elty
BtUl has poewaelOB of Ue eheek for
•eoo. and will nolgbe is a harry to


Indcpeodenta wUl Cron Bato with


Benda'e Twlrlaa on Twelfth
Street Oroende^

Arrengemenu hare been made for a Chief of Police Bennie Arrested Teabaw ball game this afternoon between
terday Brant Bsnala who has
Benda’e TwirUre and tha Indepenpento
Tbe fast work that the Twirlera hare
Grant Bernals, who to well known
been doing on the diamond to an aa- to Ue police, though not at an faroranranee that they will not bo easily de­ ably. was arrwted {yrsterday at the
feated. The Independeato are praepoint of a rerolrer bj Chief ot PoUee
tieally the same aa tbe High eehool
Bennie. Ue is charged sriU baring
team whieh played the Twirlera Deoo- stolen a bicycle ^from In front of Ue
ratiOB Day. bnt they hare been greatly bicycle chop of B. E Gibbs last fall.
etnngthened by college players. Kim'
Bsmala to a powerful fellow, and bus
Imll and Brrtgbloo. the crack battery, a bad record. It |ww he who
Will probably be played by the Twirl- charged with aUempUsg to hold
ere. while Somera and Dndka an pnt- W. W. Fslrcblld last fall, after which
ty anre to form the battery for tbe
eecspade be left Ue town. Be bw
dependente. Both teams are In to win eerred a term In the prtoon] at Mar
and It rriU be the beet eabiblUon of qnette. and to otberwtoe known to Ue
baae ball glrcn ao far this aeaaon.
psliee ana man that it does not pay to
Tbe price of admission will be but
trifle wlU.
18 eenU for adnlta. Ladles will be ad­
Chief Bennie had been Informed that
mitted to the grand stand tree and Bamala was aware that the police
ehUdren can eee tbe game for 10 cents. wanted him. and Uet he expected
Tbe playing eommenees at t:M o'clock resist and ehoot Ue otBeer if neoeeebarp.
Tomorrow tbe Tmeeree City Unions
When Mr. Beanie drore to Ue fa
will go against the IndepeadenU. et Bamala, joet west of Ue city, yes­
Both ot these gamea will nndonbtedly terday, he found hto man Uere. Earndraw large crowda.
ala made a dire tor a aide room, and
Bennie, thinking that be might be
after a weapon, drew a rerolrer end
adr^ Bsmala to stop. Tbe appear­
ance of Ue muule of the gnn sras - “
raaasurlng. and he stopped, and
brought to this city.
A young woman who has been his
companion gare Ue t^ormatlon that
led u bis arrest She stated in a let
ter to Mr. Gibbs that Ue bicycle had
bwn stolen by| Bamala. and - Uat Ue
front wheel was being need in Ue bleyele that Bamala waa using- The
FOBBBXEBS KEIIOBXAL BEBYiCI frame she declered had been annk in
Ue lake, and oUer parto of Ue ^eel
To be Bald at the Congregatl
Ohureh Mext Bnnday.
Kew Bead Leeds.
The regular Memorial eerrloe of the
Prof. C. B. Bont bee taken Ue M1. O. F. wUl be held at the Oon•hip
Crescent Band, relleriag
gregaUonal church Sunday morning
All Fereetcre are asked to mwt at tbe George Demliag. who has done such
hall at 9:80. to go to the church in a good rrork wiU Ue boys in Ue paet.
body, attw whieh they wUl go to Ue Mr. Oemllng will remain wiU Ue
oemetery to pay boner to the depart band, aad wUl play Ue clarinet as
usual whenerer the bend appears.


amrsBED obab

Vote ter Ceniiral Oaeen More than Unlqne Biwcle Exhibited by
Tompklsa A Boa.
Doebled Teaterday—Mlae WDD. Tompkins A Son. tbe eonth elde
heltn now in the Uad.
Wcyele dealers, bare a whwl that has
The rotlog eoDteet tor the camlral
caused a good deal of Interest on tha
4aera tor July third went on merrily
streets. The unique tblug about U Is
peeterday and the nnmber ot
lu high gear. It U geared to >00. bar­
the ftnt day waa more than doubled
ing 10 inch wbeeto and 70 iwlh in the
hatorenoon. And at tba Ume tor dot­
front and wren 1^ tha rear eprocket.
ing thp polla the aggngete. waa *10.
JIlM Eoblnaon led np to lak night, Erery nrolnilon ot tbe pedals mores
when Mlai Wilhelm took a treah alart tha wheel forward orer 74‘; fwi.

and tha votea in her taror were more
than dottbled. (teraral new and charm­
ing eandidatea were added and from
gUa time on Ua eontcat will be eplritak. Tke following la the raanlt np to 7
•'alock laat night:
Xlm Kina Wilhelm ....
Mka Metie Boblnaoa ....
Mlae BUa SUlnberg ....
Min Ebeda Battenbnry
Mia Minnie Beitner ...
Mia Eta O'Neal ............
Mia JnU Hebasn ........
Ktaa MyrtU SnnabaU ..
His Borne Waa Burned.
PnnU wilfHake a Float.
Yeaterday afternoon Ore dealreyed
The members of Ue local printers
MlaOora Wheat...
Ue dwelling of AngMt Hiarka, aorU-1 un'oa held a meetlag Ust night and
Mtai Pearl BUar ....
west of tbe city, nmrUe Dunlap place, decided to prepare an elaborato float
Daiay Bkadek.
appropriate for Ue craft tor Uc Fourth
Tbe bnadlag and all iu eontenu
Mia Mary backer .
deatroyed. The owns was a single of July celebration.
and hto loss wilt be near tISO.
Trial Fixed for Tbureday.
A Wealth of Beauty
John Woodrcff was bronght before
leoften hidden by unsightly Plmpls
..esema, Tetter. Eryslpelai. SsHBbenm JnstlM Brown yrsterday,
etc. Bneklen's Arnica SsItc will glor­ with carrying a concealed weapon. Be
Mvemhing Beady tor Ue Great Oath- ify Ue face by curing ell dkin Erupmade a plea of not rntliy. and will be
aridgof Odd Fellows end Bebtkebs
guaran- which he did not furnish. Be was sent
—Crowds Begin to Arrlre.
s. Only 38e
a box. Cure go
to Jail to await trial.
Already Uc adranee guard of Odd teed. Sold by S. E. Watt and Ji
Johnson, druggist.
Fellows has begun to arrlre, and by
C.OOO years have we wailed for t
•non today, probably *.000 Odd Fellows »r. W. ». Cock. lye Specirtiit.
•» "to ' greateet bteealng ever cffeied.
pad Eebekaha will be In the city. The
.Can be consulted dslag Ji
East Ninth street.
elty will be ready to recelre them, and
eanjw made by telephoning to
will gire them a hear^ welcome.
doss. 38e. Ask your druggtoU.
80, Northern phone.
071The parade wUl be tbe great public
Matarc ot Ue day, and it to probable
Uatorer S.OOO will be in line. The
gtpomrton will be heafled by the city
facials ana Ue eounell, aad Ue Are
•apartment will also be in Ue Una.The
yande wUI start at 1 o'clock.
Tbe program at Butnberg's Brand
wni also be a nouble faaUre of Ue
We do not wish to appear vain-glorious
•ay. aad tne Mpeeielly low ratee made
by aU railroad oompsoles makes It
but desife^^nly to remind you again
•artalaUat Ue aUeadaaee will be
vary large iadaed. From Bead City.
that we are still Belling groceries.
Msntotae. Lndlngton. Franklori. Cbarlerelx. Kalkaska aad Petoebey. as well as a large aamber of
mnllir towns, t)w crowds wlU come.
Onad Mester F.' E. Andrews of
isdneto new ideas, correct methods,
Adrlaa. Grand Smtaiy B. H. Whitnew stocks and continual thought of
Bay of Taasing. BepraaaaUtire to
■evanlfa Grand Lodge Bber 6. Andrews
bettement, which enables us to fill yonr
Msa Oara K. Btors of GranrlUe,
days' wants, as you desire them, *‘down
yrmtiliatof Ue Bebekah Assembly,
aad Mm. Ida M. Darto of Laartag.
to date."
•emtaryof Ue Bebakah Assembly,
•rrtrad to the city tost algkt aad took
fpoam to Ua Park Place.






One Minute of
Your Time, Please!
0-UL3? S-o-ooee


Tbs work of Ue Happa Clreto has
baea ctoaad ter Ua aaaaoa. Tbe audy
wfU be aommaneed again to Morember,

New Ehone uo-

Up.To-Date Grocer.

My Would-Be

WUl Probably be Bald a Week from
Next Enaday.
A Beating of the pastors of Ue elty
srashrtdycBUfday. and a Wg mass

a Ue Mh)eet
■ nfertoUtortty. The meeting wlQ
probaUy be held e week from hist
Bnatey. and sriU be panlrtpaicd in by
aU the Protestant ehnrehes la Ue city.
Abte epmkere wUl eddrms Ue gnUerand a large atteadanee is expect*

Arc getting jealous, and 1 am getting the
business. Well I do feel sorry for them,
but good goods and low prices do the
business, and we get all we can do without
nieddling with other people’s business. I
am the only one in Traverse City that has
advertised an iron bed for leu than $4.25
until now—They have taken a little drop
in the market. I received a shipment Sat­
urday and will place on sale Monday morn­
ing a good full size iron bed for $3.00. 70
different styles, right along up to a fine
large, heavy half brass bed for $25.75-'*25
per cent, off brings it $19.32,

Ue wremony Uat nnlisd la marr
Mr. Beary WUkina aad Mist Unra J.
Kiag.both of Sllrw OomruMtoe BUlU
Bsrae of Uls el^ was bridesmaid, aad
Mr. Otto Dohm of BentM Harbor aeted
as beat man.
After Ue eeramony, a dalaiy wed
ding breakfast was eerred at Ue home
of Ue bride'a pareata, Mr. aad Mrs. N.
Many baantlfrt prcaants srere glren
the happy eonple, and Uey bare Ue
eongratalatloDS aad beet srlsbea of a
Urge circle cf frtoads.
Orowth ot ForclxD Trade,
This is poUig.tobf ilic l>auu(T year to
onr export tnu1i-. Ittirlui; nine tnonths
of the cum-nt lixeal iktIocI. up to
March 31. our «‘xp<>rtB cxon-dMl fl.aVt,BOO.OOO. nn Incrt'use of more than >luo..
000.000 orer the (-urresiKindlng period
in the pnwiouK tlw-al .veur biiJ,«30.000.000 more than In 1MC> umlcr tha
WlUou tariff. whU'h was clnluicd to ba
eapeclally oouilurlve to foivlim Irude.
TbSBkv For the R|>txraiiu
TO the pniti-cUciilNt duty and plraenre are one. I’lx-k.
Esa<-tly NO-the duly of guardibi
Auierlcnn labor and lndu*iry OKalnsI
the rulnoUK nviultH of uur.Mrh-t.-d for­
eign ronipctlttan and the pleaKun- of
axperleurlug Ue iqih iidld coiiNcquoneea
attending Uie o|H-nitji>n of that enU
DcnUy wise and level beaded policy.
MilliouH of utTi-s of f.-rtiic land In
lluyil n-iiiai:i uijriililvut<Hl. KiiKnr. l»hai-ou niol iir.iiiK'-’- of ihi- Hvni quality
<-ouhl 1m- |iroJui->Hl tliftH’.

Slater’s House Furnisliing Store
laO S'xoza.t Stx’eet.

Odd Fellow Visitors
We exteod to yoa a welcome. Make this store
your beadijuartera while io the city. Thu store
to truly satisfactory and the ooet economical
boot and shoe etore in Traverse City. Every
pair of shoes we sell is tbe latest and boat pro­
duction of its kind, from the lariat and best
ehoe factory in the land. In men's shoes we
sell W. L. Douglas’ make and many others—in
women's shoes tbe Jenuess Miller and others—
—iu children’s shoes. Fryman's Custom Made, the kind that will wear.
We always hold tbe prices down on -everything iu the foot­
wear line, and thousands know how we give them great basins in
sboee, and there ore others that don’t—These are the ones we cordially
invite as well as our old customer, to visit this store and at least be­
come acquainted with os and our stock.

.A., s.
136 Front Street

Practical Shoe Kan

We Welcome the Odd Fellows
And all their friends. The strangers that have lately “moved to
town” and all our long standing customers to the "Big Busy
Headquarters. We place before you goods that always attract.
Head the lollowing:

Poster Pillow
Best quality of Denim, with beautiful
colored subjects stamped just as hand­
some as a picture; at a distance hard to
tell the^difference. A large variety to
choose from and remarkably cheap at
our price of 50 cents.

Parasols are

Shirt Question
is an importafh(-«a^. Must use care in
selecting them—we did—therefore ours
are right—right in style, right in price—
and if you want to be right in line buy
here. Madras shirt for $1.00 and $1.50
Chambray. Si.50, The Cheviot, $2.00.

The Little
Girl’s Overalls,

We have some beauties in white chif­
Just the cutest thing for little girls from
fon, with any number of ruftles you want
2 to 6 years old. Where they play in the
from one to nine. Prices are from Si.00
dirt they must have something to protect
to $3.00. Children’s parasols fiom 25c to
their clothing. ‘ Sell at 50 cents.

Don’t Overlook
our Shoes

Good Things for
the Table

Olives—the -^ig Manzanillas for 15c.
Nelson’s "Custom I'it," Si-so. Men’s
shoes are a shqe fully guaranteed to be The Queen for 50c. The Deviled for 15c.
Chipped Dried Beef for 15c,
equal to any shoe that's made.
three popular'toes are the Stanford, the Potted Ham. 5c. Columbia River Sal­
Puritan and the Cecil, They're beauties mon Steak. 15c. Cheese Sandwiches, 15c.
every one of them, and $3^0 is the price. Champagne Wafers. J5c. Seeded Rais­
ins, hand sorted, at j2}4c.

The Woman’s'

Good Things

of the year. The shoe that has made
Preserved Ginger at 25c the box; nicest
Gray Bros, famous is their great wbmen'«
fine $3.50 shoe made on a “manoish" last relieh you ever used. Then there’s An­
and made in vici kid, boxed calf and Ve­ chovy Paste at 20c. Anchovy Caviar at^
lour calf. They wear well, look well and 25c. Russian Caviar at 35c, and Tobasco
'^B^ce at 25c. Give them a trial.
make you feel well,

store open Tuesdays and Saturdays until 8 p. m.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.;


Ooustjr OooTMft.
ttoB ftr^tMnw aa4 KflUkni.

W. Dm*. Vfot C B. Dotkmr. U
K. Otbba. P. C OUbm. L If- WunU,
DMprMTA B. Oook; *. U B*WHd Ho. i-C H. ProlL k H. Pop*.
O. W. Lvdit. «. F. fUnhi. C C.
Kaevlloo. P. Urdte.
Word Be. I-L. K. GUralMd. 0«>. P.
UMTtooe. C A. Homo. J. E. BobIIb.
M. Vtettw. ioMlBU ter B. Treuiae.
Wm. H. Smltk. Bd BoB*a. B«t. D.

ttn Aaditgr m« M«Oer tor BtoU
toad tbo OotkoriDC Md Bub Daltro- Bailb.
Blalr-O A Bridhaw, Jaeob Btadaltamer. H C Bart, F M HawUa. Oao.
MeWathy. D Swalaaloa.
iboi Bay-J. B. Mabu. Darld O.
•dhrtk* BopobUMs eoeotj cMr«»'
Obaadler. aebaUtaW tor Walter Fltawr
ttoa U Btolaberr* On^ YMMrdaj
— B-CMU^ea
bfmooB knd tho OBlUd mUo« of tlw
F»te_I*ke-j).^. Oarfc, D. 0. Lea^.
■nacwMbSfUpMtietaetorp ead
tlM OostatM BoproMtotlT* K*b.

■oHit i


Oonfrawlonal—Perry Bannab, T. T.
Batw, W. B. Fwur. D. C. Daaeb. J. ALorantar. ^
Basatorlal-O. P. Oarrar. B. 8. Bnll.
A. Olbbe. Lortn Bobarte. B. E Waller.
—' BogauntaUra—W. W. Bmltb. A. L.
Thnraion, F. P. Graar. Ura VuTaual.
F. M. Bamlln. Lowell Bonre. Georye
Oarrlaon. A. Loanbore. P. F. Lardle.
Upon tbe eonelnelon of tba prooeadiau of tba eonraation Bon. D G
Laacb moved «n adjoarament with
tbrw roatlDd ebaare ter Pratldant MoKtaley. The propoalUon elactrlflad
tba deleyatu and the ebaan were
Tba dalayatw
ware tbu Isvitad toatap over to Frann
Frladrlek'e aboe store ud smoke
rood Blaarni elyais.
While ibera ware a few Bllm sopporters Id tbe oonrenUoa there wu
BO effort to sdeanec uy one antaeor*
able to either Stearu. MUlIken,
Liken, Pow'
are. McCoy or Bastlnd*.
'I'be official precacdlnys ot tba conaution are u followi:
,i.H. Monroe, ehairmu of the eoan^mmmatee, called tbe eoneei
*^w! HuUnye wu eallta to tba
obalr u temporary ebalrmu and E. O.
Ladd u temporary eecretary.
Oa motloa the foUowlny were apBOlBtod U aommlltee on eradwilals:
L. E. Olbba. O. A. Brlyham, F. L
On moUoB, a aommtttaa oa permu­
wt otfMluUon ud order of buiaau.
wu appointed u follows: Fruk HawBton. G 0. Laacb. Georye Stewart.
Thaowraattoe than took a reoaa
tw mlnatea wblU tba oommlt
ware pcaparlay tbalr raporte.
OpoB lanwTWlny tba eommlttaa on
foUowlny m
ladtoalllatba eean


MBFBlt OontiimM to Op«
poM tlio PopoUr SontimoBt,'


An empty purse Is Tpqio&stble for
me uatrimov fsllnres.
Every time s womu losee 68 cents
she worries a dotUr-s wonb.

Utbonyb Hi Mu not yet PabUely
ffiatad that SawfU PealUealyHbt
ln«t a xrater becomn 1

BaeaptTiee PrealdaUnlHomlnaUaw

Tnoraror— VMalBttj Okmeter-

•tooTM tor roTorBor, Perry F. Power*
toTMdtter iwewl ead Denial MeOoj
tor olAM traeeorer, lo tb* eteu eosI, ud tbe eoarwloael dalac»tteBleeuUferttos./. W. BUlIkee.
BoridM the**, • delantleo WM neaeil
rt g. W. BmUbc* tor
Ho eeedidala bMyei eppaered lo UU
, aouty tor the MiaaUoa tor eteU
aMOtor eo that the dala^UoB to that
Tbe eaaraatloa wm prMlded orar b/
Aldaraaa Bastlsy* la hU eharaetarieUe eaey. rraaafal etyleand la bit addraw to tha.ooaaaatioa be Ineplrad tbe
patriodlUB of erciT dalagata by aa
aloqaeot rafaraaM to tbe Bepnblleaa
adwialairatiOB pad the pollelM wbleb
bare baea ao aneaawtnUy oarriad ont
alaea the elaetio* o( PrMideet MeKlalay la IBM. Tbe tnaabon ot tbe
saM of McElBley wu tbe slffnal tor
i wbleb added
amt to the pn
lac* wbleb feUowad.
Tbe eoarentloB wm eoaepleloni fcr
Ita anaalBltj, ea tbare were taw ooetaata tor plaeaa OB tba rarloiii dal^
There wm bo oppoaltloe to the aleeilea of Bon. Oaorye 0. Oorelt m ebalrwu el tba deli«ation to tba eute ooaVMtloa: oa tb* contrary, when T. T.
Batwbtadatheaomlaatlop ItwM reaalvad with uUihImib. tbe clow relatloea of Mr. Oorell with Mr. Htaarna
WM tally raeocBitad Md It WH deemad dtUnf that ba abonld head tba dele
Before the beriaalar ot tbe eeleetioa
of deleffatee to the eoaftweloaal eonrntion Jodga Lorla Boberu Mked
that tbe eoarention allow J. W. MUliken to wlect that delagatlon, oalllnr
tbe atteaUon ot tbe daleiratee to
eaadidaey ot Mr. MlUtkaa tor the eonfrewloaal aommatioa. ud venterlaK
the earrwtloB that Omd/Traretw
oonaty woald atud by Mr. MlUlken
ud It there wu a poaalble cbuee
aeearp the Bomiaatlon for the aaoator
toaaartarery effort la ble behalf.
' IbieMffrcationwMramiTedwitb wUMtaan. ud tba eacrmtloae of Jadye
Boberta ware aooedad to by anulmoea
aeueai. Boa. Perry Baaub wu cboeam to bead tbe deleiraUoB.
Tbe foUOwlar ie the eoovlete Uat ot


Oarfteld-lj. A. Welbera. Oao. W.
Swward, Aaws lioafabora. Byron Fillmore. Fruk Byde. & O. Baeaar, BUay
Loaf Laka-B. T. UoderBU, Joe^ Ctaaaa. Ueler Walla B. D. Bow-

—Wilb Governor of Hew York Ont
of tba Way Dolltver at tewm Weald
Stand a Wood Chance tor Sceond
Flaee. '

' maiTfM womsn uys that dud
m are tboae a wife ytvu her hna
laatiw. namely, Saeretary of tba band to mail
Haey John D. Lony, Bapeesuiatlra J.
P. DoUlear of Iowa. Ex-Senator Wm.
D. Waabbnrne of Xllnaeaota. Ireiny M.
If* a wise mu who bu sent
Soott of Oallfaraia. AU day lony It Doiiyh to stay down town when bJ
bu been apparent tnal Banna yraatly rife is eoptyetl in bow^ clunlny.
dwlred tbe nomination of SAretary
Lony. Tbe Hew York deleyaUon
attar a two bow*' oontamnea tonlybt

Mayteld—L. W. Deell. m' Fla
iDdoraad nnulmonely' tbe candidacy
of Uent. Gov. WoodrniT. Tbis does
_______ _____
.fOBOMlO, ues. o. not, however, take Boouvelt's name
>Oraw. Benry Dobm. F. L. JobaaoD. ont of eouldaratlon. Kanau wUl
.. W. B. Pratt, Benry Lardle.
ilnata him ud tbaxa arc ntora tbu
Paradlae—A. B. SUnaoB. A. B. Pol- 600 votaa ready to be thrown to him.
▼er, A. OIbba.aataiUtnU tor D. Monroe, It Is uld bU nomlnaUn^wUl be made
Wm. BparUnr, Prank Dun. Balph by the west ud that Mew York wUl
Oaaa. John Baff. J. P. TUlotaoB.
J. B. Brown, A. L. Thoraton. PblUp have to fall into line on tbe ballot.
Tbe oODtMt over thevleepruidentlsl
Onion—J. M. Myert, A. L. Boynton. nominaUon bu become a contest bo^
Whitewater—liOwall Bonn. Frank tween the ndmlaisuation ud tbe BeBoara. Jamea S. FoUett. Hell Haaro. A. pnbllcu national eonvuUon. wUb the
J. DaVriw. D. B BoUr, F. A. Vu Biek-.
ebaneu in favor of tbe oonvutlon.
le. aatatltala tor 0. D. Bammoad.
On motion tbe report wu aoeeptcd Buna ie ^termined that Booaevell
aball not be nomlutad. There Is a
Tba eommlttae on permuent or
larye auiion of tbe oODventlon which
UailoD and order ot bulneu repo
Menu like a majority, deto'inlned iba^
reeommradlof tbe following order:
That tbe Umporary orranUttloa be Boouvali abaU be munloated ud that
he nor tbe pruldcnt cu prevut It.
made permuwt.
Report of the eommlttae on creden­
Kansu will vote for Bocsevalt
wbetber he U s eudidaw or not.
Elaetlon of deleyalw to tbe Blarulb
Other statu will follow, amony them
^*ElaSi^^rf7eTeS^tu"to tba euta California, Oclorado. Lonlalana, WisoonTMtloe.
eoailn ud Mlueuta. There wlU ba
Blwtlon ot dalacatw to tbe Twuty- votu for Boosevelt In Obto, Indiana.
aetanth dietriet aeutorlal oonrentioo.
Election of del^tee to the Grand Illinois. Iowa. Hebraaka and nearly
Trareru dbtrlct repreauttlire con- every other stale.
(fovernor Gruvenor ud Conyrent'
On moUon the report of tbe oommllmu Lorlmer believe that with Boosetw wu accepted and adop^d.
On motion tbe chair applied four velt's name kept ont of tbe convention
tellata ae followa: 6. Garland, Pruk Dclllver is ut only tbe sironyut mu,
Trude. Bobl. E. Waltare, Ora VanTai- but tbe only man on whom tbe conven­
tion can unite. Tbey
ver's nomination, bat ^Is not clear
■s were then sworn.
Jnd^Lorao Roberta called tbeat- evu aiat Boouvelt can at this staye
-ftorenllon “
“ ■ caedl- of devAopmentsretuu ina^ominatlon.
to the
tl ooDvenlton
.. J.. W. Mi
ley of HIon.
Milliken for the
Pbiladelpbia. June 1»—"1 cannot
a for
f repraunlM
. In
_} eonyreee from this dietriet and aaked
d that fiybt the administration ud will not."
ibeeonrention permit Mr. MUllkei
Tbis brief statement from OoYerncr
name tbe deleyaUon- Be made a i__ Rooeevelt le tonlybt beiny osed to InUon that Boo. Perry Bannab be made
ebalrmu of tbe delation. ThU mov dlute that be will not allow his
tlon preralled, Tbe enfymtlon ot to be used u a cudldate for vloe prraJndye Roberta wu uoeded to and the Idut. ud will decline tbe nomloatkn
followlDK additional deleystei were even If made by tbe oonvutlon.
selMied: T. T. Bates, W. B. Foster. D
Banna claims he bu prevuted tbe
BOmlnaUon of Boouvelt, but If (he
yovemor U not umlnsted It wUl be
mu of the dcleystioo to tbe state eon- raly becauM be will not permit bis
Fruk Prlsdrleb moved that where name to be nsed. All day tbua bu
tbare wu only one undIdate placed io bun mueta uncertainty about tbs vice
Dominatloo. tbe rnlw ba supended prealducy. There is uly one thiny
ud tbe nomlnu ba eboaan by aeeU urtaln. and that Is.'i
matlon. Tbit ■»»«>«<"»■ prevailed.
Tbe foUoshny nominations ware atUl for Boouvelt. Be eu take himIbw made for the saeond delayate to ulf out of tbe list of pouiblllilM only by
tba Btate oonvutlon: Fruk Friedrich. ' tbe positive declarsUon that he will
M. Winnie, A. J. DeVriw, A. B. Slla not aeupt the nomination. Be bu
lie fliat ballot rmnlted in no ebalee. not made that declaration publicly yet.
He may do ac before moinlny or to­
u follows: Frledrleb. S3; Winnie. It:
Stinson. :S: L K. Gibbs, 1; tout. llC.
morrow. Tbe Mew York men are tryOn moUon of b. C. Laacb tbe eonven
tlon proceeded to vole for tbe two can- lay to prevut him from maklnyitat
dldoim reeelvioy tbe nruteet nurabet alt. Tbey uy it is too late for him to
ud ask his renomlnstLon
of votes. Tbe second ballot ruultcd
lows: Friedrich. OT; Winnie, 4T: for yovernor of Mew York, u it would
IIS Mr. Frledrleb wudecIsVad. be basarduns for tbe party to nominate
on motion, tbe unutmons eboloe of Ibe
him to lead the eUle untU after be bu
convention for another deleyatr.
Under tbe snspension
of ibe rulu allowed thedeleyates totbeeonvenUoD
elected O consider him u s cudldate for
A. B vice pruidut.
Should Boosevelt refuse toaceepl tbe
nomiution Dolltver Utbemostprom'sIny cudldate, tbonyb be Is opposed by
Senstor Buna. Tbe
were elected onder enspenston of the
vnlrs. by axlamatloo: O. P. CBi*rer. H forcOT arc enyayed today In trying to
S. Hull. Archie Gibbs. Lorio Boberu. secure enonyb pledyu to- nominate
In a eutui for tbe lut deli
Secretary Lopy. but have bun unable
Walter* received
votee . .
to find more than ooe third tbe deleCook SC. Mr. Walter* wu declared
yatM who would vote for Lony. WUb
le choice of tbe eeoventloo.
Oo motion tbe oobventlcm proceeded Boouvelt out of tbo way Buna Is un­
to tbe election of nine daleyate* to tbe able to eoul on more tbu *8 of tba 48
BeprauBUiilve oonvutlon.
The follawlny were cboun by aoela- deleyatu from bis own stota. Ohio,
matlon. nnder enspanslon of the rnlec: who abonld ba tranUarred to Lony. la
W. W. Smith. A. L. Tbnraton. F. F. Indiana be oould aecura only four votu
Urdie. F. F. Orear, Ora VuTaauU.
F, H. Hamlin, Lowell Soma, Oeorye ud In Mleblyu four. In Illinois be
oould make lltUs Impru
Uarrteon. A. Lonyahore.
Tbe convutlon tbu adjonraed.
Lony seams to ba
llty tbu aver
A Ute ud PaBtb Flykt
before, for tbe support of tbo adminUMr. W. A. BIbm of MaaobMier. —
him one third ol
wrltlny of bla almoat mlraenlou csThere
bu been n
upefrtmdtath,uya: ‘-Exposora aftei
revival of tbe Ulk of Falrbanka, wltn
meaale* Indnoad —'— ----- *—
which ended In
litUe bettor promlu becauu neither
Falrbuks nor Indiana daalru tbe
niyht ud day. AU m,
ilnatlon. -Bannabu ayaln tried to,
mutaooe die. Tbu i bayu to _
Dr. Binyb Mew DIaeoTtry wbleb wboUy yet tbe Mew Yqtk deleyaUon to taka
eared me. BoUrada have tissd It on ap BUu bnt witMt sueesss. He bu
my adrioe and all uy It nevar falls to
tba nomlaaUon of
earaTnroat. Ohwtand Luy tronblas.''
Bsyalu siw BOe ud tl.M. Trial hot. Qweral Fred D. Orut, u a oandidata
Uu lOe at B. B. W^t ud Ju- O. John but the anyruiloa bu mat with no

TraearM Oitylo. l—Tbea. T. Ba
BalL Maloolm Wlaala. J- A. Lewayar,
L. Bebarts. Edwin Walt. Jawu Maiahta. O. p. Oarrar. 8. Quland, J. W. BuBW. W. B. Ftatw. FiMb HawUWa.
H«w DiB00T«i7 for BloodW. Oawtlatt.
Ward Ha. •—A. B. Brown, B. B.
White. Tboa. B. Sherman, S. G OariJD. a WABHBR'S OOMPOUMD
row. aabatitata for B. W. GraBl^. .. JHTBR0DEB8.
tba «raat Oanear
Fra^ Trade, B. W. Baatlaya, Joe. rasoady. and tor aU dlaaaau
of tbe akin
Kluau. F. F. Qaar, Bwbert doyat and Mood. tremOutaetudArtbw Visaaea.
Ward Ha. i-Parry BaMb. Oao. B.

BalBU'a Zxtortar taar u


An eyotist Imaylnea tbe world thinks
u mneb of him u be thinks pf bliti-

Wa. the nnduaiynad, do hereby
ayru to rutnod the money on a Meut bottia of Oraana'a Warrulcd Byrnp of Tbr It U talla to anra yonr euyb
oreold. Waalao----------‘------ “------boulatop

s step
plslns why w>me ni I l>eet>iiie rk-hiT
ever}- lltne they fall.
Tlie man wbo pcrdlts btmself to be
haffletl by an adverse eurreni will nev­
er make mtirli headway In the voyaye
of life.—flikSKO Dallr Newa
The niinilvT and variety of knives
and forks that now ynus- a well
equipped and formal dinner table may
weH dismay one unu*ed to siielLa vaTlesavrd display of enllery tndVsiver.
There ar«- forks for ihe oysters, for
the flsb and for i1h> roa«. and forks
as well' for anyihlnp else that may be
sen-«-d. Tli. re are also knlviw lo eorn«pond lo till- forks ibat msy he ni-eded. These lmpletni iit*'lhai social i-onvetitlon deere.-s t.. l«- ne«-<-*«iry to .-oovey fivod
d lo ilie
the mouth
niowlh aiv usually l.-Ud
rom'iidnhle row*
rows on ellher
ellber side
out in fotn'ildnhle
the plate.
. ilale. The other evening a sim­
ple wi-stem maiden at her first ea.stea.stem dluer her airpidy of
vine irepl1
knlvtsj and forks with growing
dniion. Her eommoii sense told hot
that they were laid out in the regular
order In wlih-h It wa* Inleiidetl that
they •should he useil. but nothing In
hep e*|M'rien re had taught her which
f the n
was the righ

-• --



» ......................




Patterned Sliirts
Which we are placing on sale are remarkable, not only
for the beauty of the designs and coIoriBgs, but ^Iso for
the many improvements in the >hirt uUoring” and the
changed treatment in the strijWd patterns. Last year,
it will be remembered, the stripes ran across the bosoqi
and around the cuffs. *

This Season the Stripes
Run Straight Up and
Down on Both Bosom
and CufGs
The striped effects this year are also not quite so
startling as they were last year, though in our assort­
ment will be found many daring color combinations
and effects: As sizes are soon broken in ogr stock of
fancy shirt novelties, you should make your selection at
the easliest possible moment.

60, 76c, $1.00, SI .60.
With Beparatn Idnk Ouflk or Cufb Attached.

...-I-.................... ....

■ought hfdp from her next-door nelghftmr. n prominent physlrinn.
IVs'." '■he quesilnne,! nnslotisly. as she
po!hte<l at the off, tiding ohjeets. "do
TOii enl out or InV

Hamilton Clothing Co.

“ Fagged Out,”
and would like to fed aaS lack well, let ui
neommeDd CELEkT EUG >u you.
Hold hr Drutxlsta JMreSac. sodMe. T

Dont B
e Fooledi
Take tbe iiulai.srigtut


^0 S\vo\rpeTS-.
Infact’a Short White Drawers............................. 86, 39,48e
Ladfee’ Right Robes......................
airla’ OvemUe...................
Ladies’ Cotton Hose, per pair.................
Ladies’ Corsets...........................................
Special Une Blsek Taffeta Ribbon.Ro. 88, per yard


,M* tsu. Ask year drug

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House


Monday, June 18,
Big Stock
In eomplete prodnctloni ot

. "1 Inlou Vile."
‘Ddji iNBU'sHeut"
"Tie Ulutlc Furess."
A comedy io three nets,

‘A Jealous Wife.”


lOo, 80o, aoo.

BtaM near en tal* nt tk* B« Ofto*.

Shoes! Shoes!


" ith the extreme low prijes we ha^ placed on our up-to-ilatc
Footwear. Have you slopped to consider the fact that we buy
for cash and eell for cash, couse<{Deiitly are in a position to off­
er you merchandise at a very small profit. Weare quoting
some very special bargains and invite yout inspection.
Ladies’ blkck vici kid, coin toe, hand tumid, and a regu­
lar $i00 ahoe for............................................................................ $1.78
Ladies’ black \ici kid, coin toe, JilcKay newed, a good
wearing shoe—regular $2.00 J^lue for............................. $1.60
Trilby shoe, mostly small sizes—
Ladies’ black or tan kid Oxford^ band tnm^. in the
latest styles, all 6%es................................ ;...............................
Ladies' lace tan shoes, with coin toe and fancy veeting
tops, a regular $3.00 aboe for......................... ........................$8.86
Ladies’ black vici kid slippers, with bow or two straps,
and'a fine one for...................................1....................................
Misses’ and Children's Slippers and Oxfords in tan and
black at.........................................................66, 76, 86c and $1.00
klen’s Satin Calf in lace or congreas, plain or coin toe,
Men's patent calf Oxforda. plain toe, mostly small sizes,
to close at...................................................................................... 60o
Men’s and boy’s ooUng shoes, vrith robber soles.. .60, 66. 66o

The Boston Store

Shoes! Shoes!

•ntty a^ aeedal pnaaota wfll

/f $H9KT mutt ^

bla ed the enot

Tbe f*U« la

pnaatbnatwen woob/ Waa



Martla. a p«arl bandied pnikaUA and
by Harry Walt a nlee jaebalta Dainty
toroBad a

Th« dtj of Bloekuso. COL.

*rUl r^


Mia. Kontagn* waa

Oil** M th* rowih of Jol7 tb* (u*ou awlatad ia aotert^alar by Mn. Banto,
oUroMOMdbrCowDodor* Sieektoo
Mho Clan Bate* aad Mia* Oertrada
It tb* coofun of OitUorsii.
The following wan tba
fu* an now OB Man UUsd aad 8*e-


aatarr Loec U*l wa*k al(ud as ordeC

JoaapUne Dark. Bbaa Martin. Bltsa§m Uoir ttuattf to tb* dty naaad botb Parry. Jaaale Bmmm. Balen Baa•Mar tb* GonodofB.
•ao. Poarl Wilbein, Maigant Bolden,
r mUlaabw aoMlodad ar-

BlonoB OarUMl.



ic4b* nia*




Oertrada Seott

Harold Tltn*.


Londoa, Bweld Weltoa. Barry Wait
Loak BolUday. WiUi* Prarw.

TUa •«■■«% oMoat Iran tb* Kloo-

Moegao. Hanld Otbba, Dooald CkMrf

^ ^

Baa* Ball Bkadiagn.
The gaBBaa pkyad k tbe two great
laagnaa abowad a paeoUar reanlt yeatarday.

There waa

oo. UMa* Pakbla. Tma

oMlMtn an

art Oaa*. Alloa Pelrte.

and* aU tba iraj tnm

Dean. Btew^



doaeph Sanday, aU of tba aonpla* com


I .to ao*an bla baly



plojr^t, ud m*a by tbonaand*. able tba death of two aad Injured II otbeta, '
and wfUi^ to labor, walked tka high- oaa ar two of whom are hart fatally.
land eUmorlag for t


ing from (ftieago aad Milwankae.

•M.OW.OM to»M.000.000.

TWO AXEKtssorc.
tloa aonvanad ooagnm in aitra aamlaa On* a Paalor WIU a

Tb* BrItUb •toawar Bottordaawa*




MargU Patartyl,
Dabn. Anita Ibylor, gaa,
Eaebal Wad*. Bon

SUlw. Bornlea Sean. Baby .Boolcar,

mpik wrwnwwnwwni

k hi* paeeeeslon some of tbe hardtack

Payne.the noted mind re adcr.who will
commuai-ulion to the IUj->iin ;
compoting the last ratlona dealt out to give a aerie* of remarkable cablblilon*
one of the lautidVyglrk of tbe atylum.'ttcleilaw when in the eervlee
^g'aoaJune SS. 16 and
■ r. i,„
over so year* ago. U ii in good *Uta Prof: Payne is aaid to be one of the best who (lull work yetl^rday norniog; ro<iuvste It stated luat tbo employe* ssk- h'" 1"- <'i-. :ef r'e*ervaiu»t. _
Inhli line of bualncM and adv:.i
ed Hr. Wbitneyto withdraw some «f '
I'tn-" |•!.•l>• i-a
time. Nevada, a parachute Jumper, nutlees from reliable aourera afford tbe
ibc raeanily tsUbliseed rules,
white performlBg at the Point pi Pinee. assaracce that the attraction is one of
their request ws* not grenlod. They |
■''■j**' '
aaarBoeton.Bnnday aftemcNsn. broke more taao' paeslagmerit.
Ira A. Adama.ragiatarofdaadaofAn
k MljAc kuii kt Ml kiktJk Ml ktk

EfEUTt t» 99CIETr.
wmmwm-mmmw---------Taatanlay wna tbe aiath birthday ac■tvanary of litUa Carl Blebard*. ton of
Mr. aad Mr*. OUnt Rlebarda o( Staw
atnat. aad la bonw of the ooeaainn a
I given. In wbkh a
larg* nnmbar ef Uttia people helped
Cart aalabnt*. Oamaa of varloaa kind*
d in



•atlar. Mra. Swaan.
Mn. MeDoaald.
tb* flnt prUa




Mn. Baker aad

la lb* paannt game


by Bath


knd aad tba booby by


Margant Me

Tbagnaat* wan Carrie Mil­





WUBie Bakar. Graea Vaaaarvort. Ada
Praahil. Joaapbiaa

Swaan. Margant

McDonald. Wava Waring. Olan Wnring
tel Waring.




•uUer, LUa Paterson. Carl Patanon.
Tnaie Praabll, LaeUa

Bolllday. 0«.

and*; Baaale and Alle* Haoaen, Benry
aad Oarald Hnll. Oeorglaand Margaret
•llbart. Boy Wait,
Bartba HlUer.

C. L. Dayton came over from Letaad
yaaterday to look after hU faaae* for
agalnat a aolid dalegatlon
eonhiy for B- W. Baatinga.



Btba1'Roblnaon. Julia

Lucy Kelly. Butb

The jail k to be heated

Bay Jaekaon of Mayfield. w*a in tb* at* o'clock aham.
ed lo ba pieaant, a* ofBean are to ba

Obaa. W. Paatt want to Grand Rapid*
yaaterday oa bnalnam.


elected for

entnlng term.

Wk. for a moatb*'

tba BaptUt abnreh wiU meat thi* afternooa with Mrs. Bradley,



entb etraak

B MeNaman


ntnrnad from a

The muale for tbe Odd Fallow*

eel*- j

long vialt at bU c4d borne in Cbelna,

bration today will be fnmkbad by Bar- j

and other point* in eoutbera Mlebigaa.

rlagton'e military band at Cadillac, the

Dr. W. J. Blggiaarctnraad yaaterday
brfor* the But* Oanlal AaaociaUoa,

Boy*'baad aad tba Creaaent


fair, aad a


plaaaaat af

larg* aambar partlalpatad

k tb* plaaaon*.

Batraabaknu of aU

blade wan aorvad on tbe grouada. laMndlag lomeaadt.



Mr. and

Mr*. Fred Williamson bar*

gone OB a vklt to Grand Rapid*.
M. B. BaakclI. Barman Koch. A. A.
MaCoy. Arthur


and Pat Duaa

left laat evaalng for the aiau flremea'e
aonveoUoo at K«'.amas».


kaabea. *U.

and 1^ Rena B.
Onif tiimn a tlnn* ttii-rc wax a
.... .............................................
rikiKier oiih an iimnciiKV i.jiinlon
Tbe church aid aoelety of tba Oongre- i of hiiiixi.|r, unit iix li> ii.kmI In till- liaru

Mr. aad Mr*. Gsorge W.

Raff aad




maet ihk Jaftar-] yard lie Mild:



aoD George. Mr. aad Mrs. J. T. BnuabaU

Waablnirton straek

mlttae will bava eb^ga of







Jalln* Baer* apaat yaeierday flabiag





E. F. Ferrk

Graad Rapid*.

tbe after­

U building an addUioo

to bk rctldenee on Washington aueei.




E. Crandall of Grawn

wa* in tb*

city y«*t«rday.
Mr and Mr*. R. 8. Pinab of Skaton.
r Ml
tab i
lalareat of tbe Auttn Wi
i*etarn Road



A Bueer Rnaavay.

Wbll* tb* team wa* being nnblUbed
from Germain* Broa back yaaUrday.
oa* of tbe horaaa baoam* frightened
aay. TbaI otbar boree waa
•onnead. AtpRaoat Iba voW atanda and ran away.
cat from tb* rig, but tbe frigbtaaed
W follow*:
______ , .
ilmal polled it
alone at* goodap^
WUUam A. Hawlon.....................................
foralmcsi two blonk*. flnalfy landing
■argarat Dnmaa
tb* hack agalaai a tree, aad going
ilf with tb* barae**.
Xaklla WeldofI................................................
A Hoaetar DevU Flab
DMtroymg iU victim, k a type of
______ .patlo_
____ ,.
power _
of tbk malady I* felt on organs, aem
nnary of Oarald Montagna, aen aad brain. But I>r. King's New Life
i ore. Beat
adMr. aad Mr*. J. A. Montagna. T
~ b*,
In tb* world for Htomaeb. Liver. Kidyoong paaple enjoyed a joUy

mb birthday


wbleb they use in


Ocaben. Ind..

tbe fracxiog of ice

ertam. .
Annie Brook* of lolerloeben




Giertoni Newa


irtyactorday. and-waa adjudged to
Sana on the


and Dr. Moon


Dr. Martin

Hb* will ba plaoed In

Tbe maeUng of tba Ladle*' Guild of
Orao* ebareb. wbleb srp*


enrrtfd tbk afternoon, baa

bav* oc-

bean past-

tomorrow at '* o'eloek. at

tba bom* of Mr*. C T. Hloak
Emil Bana'ovaky. formerly a mrtr-

Tbemt* and Bryan Duma*......................

gdaytag gamaa aad kdalglng

Jackaon'a lee eraam parlors now ha*
agaeoline engine

bar of tba Qnaaa City Metcantila Co ,
will open bk ■tore aooa oa tba oonier
of Washington and Roaa slraato.
Oareoea Aldrieb bat reeeivad a check
for the inanraoea oo tb* Itfd of
bkfarotbar. Brrbert Aldrich, who

Coma* from Dr. D. B. Oarrtla of
Waahlu. I. T. B* writes; •■Eleetrie,
Blttmhaa cured Mr*. Br;-werof *erofnlal which bad censed her great saffarlng for yaara. Terrible cores would
break ant on herbead and face, and tbe
bast doctors could give no helc: but
health k exceUant " Vl—
Bittara k tb* beat blood purifier knowe
Ita tba snpreme remedy far ecaama.
tetter, aalt rheum, ulcers, hoik and
rnnnlng sore*. It aUmnlatea liver
kidaays and bowak.' expek poiaona
itton. build* up the sireagtb
OnTy bOs. Sold by S. E
Wait and at
I, druggist

O. T. M. of Waxfcrd.

Oajmis’i Blaitk

Tba' money wa*

reeeivad joat a monib after tba death
of bk broiaar.

Andrew -

with a wife and1 of


Friend* Miaaloa lo tbi* city, U mlaalngi
la Mis* Look Balnea.

tS.year* old,

the danghtar of George palnm of Iffi
Boyt avenue^ an rntbnaiaatlc worinr
in tba mlMlODi.
9100 Reward, SIOO.

A mowing machine eontcat was held
yesterday at Tnstin. Mich., by tbe Mc­
Cormick and Champion

Plano, sold

Lay Merc.



and Osborne,






light draft.' 00 neck weight, or tide
dtaft. no noise with ebain power, out
tbe lowest aod smoothest.
Oirk. if yru wii-V --i be a June bride
wi'h red lips, Isoghci'g eyei. a lovely'
.ilexi- U, take Kw'Ky M:.unl.%in Tm
this month. 3!.c. Ask
Caid of Thanki.
i'l. tbe iindf-isigtvd, di-xire lo thank
' uiat.v kind IricDdx and olhcis. who
k’ndly asikted us in urr
mother's *icknes*.ana la our bsnitvrmvnt at her draib. We cspacialiy dnire
to^thanktheRev. HogK Kenneay for
tbe words cf eympalby lo tcndirly
Mr. and Mr*. L«rt*r Welch.
London. 1900
Will hold tba greateat Chrlatlan Baravor oonvantlon that baa aver been
There will be ihonaap'’* that
______n attend. Tbe Chrittlan I_______
0.- World will have the flneat rcpor.a uf
these meetloga that it Will be rossib'.a
Breldu thk is tbe
ipersoatu published. Tnk
paper will ba eeat from data of »abacrinGona being received until 0:t i*t.
for We.
Don't mist thk grenteai of all
SabserinUoat wtll ba raealvad
If M. B. Holley at any time.
Bpeclal Fere Marqaette Train.
Tba apeeial Pare Marquette tenin rctaraing from Cfaarlafcix on tl
tba avantag of the Mod. afU' tbe -t_________
^abrntlon. will leave Charlevoix at
10.M p. m. instead of 7 p. m. aa advar-

nptia over time,' ^nnU tbe
ODsetory of tbe war which changed
tbe map of tbe world, eball ever tniibfnlly say that tbit republic wa* actmated by any bnt tbe nobleetpurposm.
Recorded time taUi of no •neb war, for
it was fought, with bloody aaerifioe. by
p RcrrcAnta
greet and free republic, for tbe free
doffl of another race, while it* own
tlberUes were nnaaeailed. N. V.------- Mr. Esbau Pray.
-A universal demand arose fi
one of the oldest and l»vt
citia of
“• kDowa
’--------- ciikeo*
^a^couDUy ^t we should retain, j
'of Ur. A.
JM aa abro.
tbelrr people tbe protacUon of
our iai
la^ j
(or rbeomstivm and all
lift them ont of tbelr nnfortuaate ci.kidor)-, liver or »tatnaclidi«orden. Hevrites
dltlOD. and fit them, if poeaible. for
• For many years I suffered untold misery
with muscular rbeumatisa la my tack caused
by kidney derei^ment.
1 tried doctors'
pre^ipliocs aod patent medidM* of aU
kinds, wub oo permanent results,”
"One day. fr. H. Rose, druggist here,
aary aad logleal outcome of onr victory
over Spain. There are upwards of a reco^nded Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney.
tboosand klaods sprinkled upon that LivehPills. I tried a sample he gave nw,
aoDibern sea, peopled by more tbaa and was eoeoursged to continue their nss
Of tbe remits. I can trathfully say. they ar*
eighty tnba* of differing race
the best medicine (or kidney and liver treuble.
. 1,1^,
a with each other.
of tbaa* tribes weloomaour coming and* l°rt“V-pf trial, aad better aad chca^ than
aregratafal for onr proMcUon
KiOMV-l.rvxx Piua
Tag*! tribe. boatUe not only to nt but
re iscoouneaded (or kidney and liver alL
to mMt of tbe naUve tribes, are in in. bitgnlar aetkm o( (he bowels and tt
It oar authority. Tbe;
troubles. Tba
have neltbafa go'
foUowieg Ikt of diseases has been cempUad
paoliy to conduct
(ram lestimoalaU received, aod bencs Do,
have actually
would be turned against tba otbar
cured these silmcnn la s
native tribe* U we let them alone."

A Strange Story.

Touebiog npon tbe Porto Rlcaa quea
Uon be aald;
||'*ne rerommabdatloM^^^e pnal

Iney Disease. Baekadie. Bright's Di... Dropsy. Diabetes, kbcumatism. Lnm.

plied sritb; tbe people of tbe kland are
and Bladder Ailmeau. St
content tb* mam of the Amarl«a
Torpid Liver. Diaiuea*. 1
paopla apprpva. aad wa have avoided
X n* whao
Tb* Paric Piaoe botal. baadquarters dome to deal with tba problema that
Avoid Imitaiioos:
Dr. A. W. Ctesb
for tba Ugb oSelalaof tb* Odd Fallows finally await n* In tbe aatoblkbmaat of
Kldney.Liver Pillj are soU under a pSre
and Babakab*. 1* baantUslly decorated onr permaneot relaUona toward* tba
guaraaice to relieve Ibc wont cas%
people of tbe Philippine klaada."
aer of the aalabratlon today.
of Dr. A. W.

n member of Forluy Teat No. SIS, K.


Matter Menkgna was kladly
barod by bk gneak ud kuy

■ Ill- world- I
"1 will mukc
will nilract .-iii.ution."
Wlii-ri-forc he h.•g.■tD In ■r..i\ lustily,
aliln-ngli hi- liiid uoililag uan-h tocrow
Kiiw It lispiK-unl that far akive ibc
hantani n hunk wiix ulioi-liiig In the
. clrcnmiihlcui nlr. Thr hawk hud m-f
lacen the tmntaiH..owing-o the lalu-i'ii
I- iimiiurtloDK.
lull wli.-n
hauinm rnisvi-d tbr hawk heard
In alkiut fiii-ty-ihre.- wx-itodR li*« hli
<-lawii full nii.1 w-ii- o*«ti-nip<lly wingani.
I not II |>rofllnhl<l>rofllnlil<- thiDg
1- u nolae in the world
m:ik(D try 10 «
rlibiiui a r

ets I

Tbe tewing om-

The regular aaasion of

to aaenn tba go-anrt wUI ba an-

A vary bappy party took plan*

insn-ioliiglti hns .IIkimv

Wood of Chloago.

aad family. Mra. E. BoMiagban. Mr*.

Tomorrow evaalng tb* baliokag will

krday Id honor of tbe


Church of Hummll City.
gaUonal ohnreb wHll

aloaa la tba baby eoataat. and tb* in-


'The world baa never witnessed _
triampuanta floanelal socecea a* baa
It l« proluilily the i-barily that lie followed tbe paeeagu of the enrreoey
glOR nt home ilmi •■ovow a multitude law. Throngb tbe policy of tba B«uf kIuh.
gnbllM^party; ud tbe wisdom of a
ImlnktraUon. we bare
When ni:iiTiage brlnCR a woman to
the wiikIiIuIi kUi- hus u right to rail it not only made stable and parmanani
__________ eradlt,
borne aad
a lalmr niiluii.
abroad, ar* ntlUalng i
M'ivty k uibiIp of the eocial
!i np hy the witvoa of rombut we have left tba Popnliatk
uierckl 01
ad laaue
K------- --oeracy a dead
they can never
KUDinior hotel iiruprli-tor
wauu Is
tin- .---ape that can't be them to seek to create new iuue*
aiiKriiruicil Into a l>oanl-blll tw-ape.
iwing out of a war which the
ley were
It It juM riK eaiy to look pleanant
H long fui-r oud1 look
aoquUitloa of tbe
though yon liad cilniwl on . r.

arml that tlio Ih-*i time to rramlnr Iho
Married—at tbe realdaao* of B. F. woiiUerful <-<inKtnii-iluD of n borui-t'
ns..—k .t
nt>. Tn„. I.
k. 1®'**' '*
LornotK have moved
Oburcb at Hammlt Oky. Jnna IR. »>T | out.-Chi.-niro Dailv N.-w.
Bev. A. L. Tburatoa, Mr. Charlta A.

'Mr. and Mra, Cbarlaa Joae* of Fifth Neighbor* will be
from a vialt to hall tbk evening.

Tb* lawn party yaaterday afternoon
H. Balkbury wa* a


from Kalamasoo. whan ba read a paper tbk city.

airoet. have ntnrnad

«nd**anlagattb*nald*se*of Mr*. E.

"Wbenever a Rcpoblioan admlaiatra
lion k in power there it eonaUat talk
of trust*. Tbe
le reasoi
reason kn't far to aeek.
Iggrugaticns and eoi
of capt*i find their only i
enl In
protperoua day* and widening com
party has
Ined that any combina­
tion baving tor ita purpoae Ilie cornerlog of a market or tbe raising or coc- ' he price of the naeceaarieA
unlawful and ebould be
;aator Wolcott deaU With the c

______ "'K

Tka Woman'* mbeionary ooalaty of

Mr. Cbarlaa Omlor bat gone to Na-

Cleveland. June IB — Bav.
six chUdran.


Till li;i«eK-ill pliiyer would In* perfe<-t If tie <-milii only corm-t hk errom;

by ateam from tbe court honte-

eliy yeetarday.

aad having
Boland. Bntb arp Lake.

caiman. Barold Pinch.

aod tbe jail.

There will be a maeUng of the Brolband ran
from tiik erhood of Fainter* and Deeomtor*-of
rlca at Novotny'* hall^bil evening


kft aa momaatoa of tb* aaalvaraary.

The trench k nearly finished for tbe
laying of pipes between thefiourtbonse

yeatarday on baalaeaa.

to tb* delight of aU

Iba guek aad many pntty ^ft*
Mn. Biabaid*

trim eoanty. came over from Bellalre

■pactsl loTh* Menlnc Aecerd.

pleaaed to learn that
one dread disease that science ba* bean
able to enre In ail it* aUge» aod that k
'S Csurrh Cnre k the
only poeltivc <
now known v.___
mediesl fraternity. O
Catarrh being a
onsillullonal disease, irequire* a eonconsmulional
ttiiuUona! ^reaiaieui.
Hall's CaUrrh
Oure.k taken internally, acting directly upon.tbe blood and mucous eurraea*
of tbe system, thereby deatroylcg tbe
foundation of tbe direase. and giving
tbe patient strength by building up
-the eonstilutloo and assisting uainra
Id doing itt work. The proprietor*
much faitb in its curative
Dowera. that they offererDue Hundred
DoUara for any case that it falk to
Send for- Ikt of taatimoniala
__________________ I our broad domain
Addreei P. J. Cbene.v * Co .Toledo.O.
who cannot find work, and the eeale of
Sold by dmggku. TSe.
wagta waa never in our Aktory as high
Ball's Family Pills are tbe beat. *
aa now."
Referring to truiU, be said:
Plano Mower Woa.


bar arm aad waaaarlonsly bnrt by tbe
aollapaa of tbe paraebnie.

tad tbe legiaUtloB maantlal t
oar natloBal nro.perilv. The iadnatrtal blatory ci tbe Unkad Slate* for
tbe pact foar yean i* tbe tribeta to tbe
isdom of bU jadgmeak
"Uuderthe wka provlaioaa of our
tariff lawa aad tbe enoonragemeat af­
forded to capital by a renewal of pub­
lic eonfiaener.
iDuaacc. m
trade commenced to rcviva. Tba loom* i rre no longer alle
and the milk da rted: railway e
and bi
. .. bualne**. labor found employint^^at fair wagea, oar exporu inubine of hope
again lIlumiDcd tbe land,
Tbe figure*
that illostram
of tbe four yea
Ulrailon well
-1-nigh stagger
There isn't an idle mill in tbe country
The mortgage* on WesUrn
farms have bjcn paid- by tbe ten* of
thouRaeda and our farmen are cop
tenud and preaperosa. Oar exports
have reached enormous figures; for tbe
last twelve months oar exports of merebaudiae will exceed our importa by
S^o mlUlona of dollatv. Uur manufactnred articles are finding a market all
tbe world and in consunGy in. ..slog voiumr.
waare rapidly tab
iiig our place as one of the great cred
I of the world. Above and

'' Ihccuiups gn fuur years ago 'was
fr.ughi OD Uiucurreacy qitpstjon. Thu
I'opuiibiiu i».-mocrscv iosisied taat Ibe
I'oiicd ritaux alone sboola embark on
Uc^frec coluage of silver at tbu ratio
(f I'ivo 1. without wat-ing the uoncur;ir.. fur il:;i
renc-c of aoy otnur nation. The
pib ican party Inskted ibat tbe qum‘ ' of
’ blmelalism was international.
and that until It sbonid be settled
Situinif-r clrih mill Iirki-IuiII iilayerK under agreement with tbe leading____
mereial natioat of tbe world, gold
art- niil.v eiii:ii;:>tl for ilie m*.'ikoii.
■bonld continue to be the standara of
rerwm* « lii> di-al ill bl,-y« ii-. jire noi
..................................................... Sutes. Upen
thi- only OI1.-K whii Itatv wbeek.

... .

Wife aad Bis •

CkUdres, tb* Otbar a Olrl of fiS.

wUl ba nanlao* of Co L.. Itrd Mlebl-

and On. B„ SStb Mlebigaa. tbe
Ckleago ...........
two Hoaa of Vaterau oompaair* in tbe MBwaukva...
SpaaUh war.
ank la eoUUloa aaor Bddyttoa* l«bt
Cleveland ....
Helen Wllbalm. aad Haaet Birdaall. A
B. M. Eddy, a prominent grainaad
Kanaaa City..
paannt hnnt waa oB*' of tb* f*at«na of atoek dealer of Horton, bad bk pocket* Bsffalo................
■. BracU aad Fnao* ban Joat aonolad'
tb* BftaraooB. tb* flt*( prise, a na*. picked of KOO while at BUladale Fri­ Detroit................
^ a ■ataUy adraatar*oa* comnareial
balngwoo^by Clan Wnrsbnrg. aod day, watcblog Ringling Brother*' elrRhadrl.UMI erlralUi. I-uuImI.
tb* aaeoad. an aniognnb albun, by au parade.
I abowB Non dlator.
Thf tiumius
III KIi.mI.. iKland
A pile of ciotbing found on Bradley *
r at a aanrloal
at j.n>«cm i- Mrv U;inu-.v .M.-Xallv
mill dock at Bay City Monday led to
wdhil.-i-fol hru.
Mr*. M.-Nnlly'« liV
A fanwell party wa* given last aTeolln^Irlal Is Uerlia. B* bad eat of tb*
the river being dragged.
Tbe body of Uvea on * rarm i':<ui|<iou. 11. l„
yaU*at‘* **eoad to* and **w*d It to lag In booor of tbe lanndry girl* that
Robert HaRli, a 14 year old boy,
and wiiiiin the Uhi ihtris
ttMatwnpof tbemlulnc floeer.
Pri- left tbe aaylom.
RefreabmenU wen
brought up. Be bad been bathing.
- ha* laid UM Ii-M thun "S!.i i-iri:*, au
anry-anlon follow** aad tb* n*w fts- terrad aad a very pleaaant erenlng wae
Baldwin is to become tbe canter of nvrtjgc ..r M'V.ii and uudialf it;);* a
gar ooald be nored by iw owner.
enjoyed at Mrt.Heyi
On k.>uii> day* Uj,. |„.|| lay* only
tba eemeot boaioass aod k to-bavqAbe
A d^teh from Cap* Town *a7» It la Cedarstreet-Alt wenpreaanteneepttbe
ivu|il,- .if
rii.'U. In onkT u>
Urgeat factory in tbe world. tTbacom
ragortod there that Pnaldent Kragar laundry-man, C L. CnrUia. and
kc-i. U|. li.i nvi-iuB.., II will ink.- a
panyeoalrol* more than d.oobacreaof
waa vary mseb ngretied.
auddi« w|iuM uud uiru om u fnll d«*.-ii
b in a feeble oondlllon.
marl land la tb* vicinity
in tw.'uty-r.xir liour-.
OopiontnlBebarerarired tba wao'
lu or«hf tt|ui iiii-r,. oiny Iw no mlsProf. P. DeCou, who ha* bad charge
kg BmapaeU of good enpt In aootbara
of tbe gradnata work In Greek at the tak«* alwui ihc hi-u'a rvi-onl It Ik acliy nlUdavliK. Klgm-d and
nalvanity daring Prof. D'Ooga'a nb- <'»iiii>aid>-.l
to liy all lU.- tm-mi«rK ..r
aanee. ba* bean appointed aacntary of
...Igl.troop*, killing tM in n bottle
tbe Amarlepn Kboolof elacaieal atodlaa
a day
at Athena and will ahonly aatl for
■> wall'll ijiu
1 la Lima.
Tba Uaekall Stock Co. gave a very Graaec. He la a graduaU of tbe De­
Till- bi.'M develii|ini<*nt in ihi- ca>w
Wn. and apaeebaa wtn along tba line good partormauM laat night of -'Tba troit blghtebool and waa the firat
I* til.- lurulns of till- lii-ii ov.T lo the
•f eooaolidaUng tb* friaadahip of tb* Baartoftha Allagbanlat" la
Stain- alumnna of the univanity to hold tba
wloutUtK Ilf till' Hall- •-\]nTiu]i'ntnI
Woakh epwiking people* on two ooo' barf'* Grand Open Bonae. Tba play . Elkha Joneaclaaalal fellowabip.
siailim at K1iib»ioii illll. U. 1. ^Tli.-y
att‘ tv iiiaUi* a cori-fid Miinly of die
well Btagad and tbe eoeolc cHeeU
Cblldran’s day waa to bay* bnn cele­
woiiiti-j-riil iii-ii In orili-r dial iIk-v may
Sight tbon*and,Pim* Indiana on tbe good. The company U eompoaed of brated at tba BaptUt church at Wbtgfind oiii fill''til** lM-iii‘tit of-4rilii*r faniiOUa
reaamUoo*. to
from clever people and tbelr work la eon- ville Sunday evening, and the ebnreb orK ap.l l,.-n r.-ii-iTK tin- k.k ii-i of |ik
Tbe apeelaltin
fkoaala. an deatitiite. aad a like
waa crowded. The minister
jnat aliitlir.
It il-py' lind lint liinr tn maki- oilier
harorPapago* ar* oa tba verge of nlvad very favorably. Tonight
aonoaoeed the first hymn aod the coo
lien*, lav liill' a dor.-ii i-U'--. -i d-ii' on
Jealon* Wife” will be tbe atlnatloa.
freg*tlon bad arisen to aing It when | the nverag- ii i* iw.-i11enM ‘i|iat' die
Sight broBse hosrltsar* have been
tbe floor dropped about a fool, cansiag I next few .v.-afu will >ee .-i boom tu
A departure from tbe oanal nm of *laamall panic and putiingan aad tatbei
laNIna. torn il-k
kolen from tbe CMokamang* National
traeUooa. aud one tbe like of Ovblcb
' '' ''
I'tove alpark, pmomably by metal thieve*.
baa not been teen here In many montbi.
' li’O't a- i-r. -,M-d.- UK a l'j|ie Nome
Cold in:i.e
ABamfordFalI*(tle ). veteran hae Is tbe appearance of
Rath aad

wafb tb barrat It

___ itagaw_________
eantnry. to tba i
gaaaratieo aad to tbelr ebUdne. ____
to tbair ebUdtaa's ehUdrab oblldran.
wancordalaan and nntankk-

■ jdtMudi MtiiudtMt hkMtjiLMudik tbe relattve paalttona in tb* Aaae
baas in oar favor tumad ralnOMly
Mli^«<wlly Slanaa of Paw Paw. k Lsagn*. wbU* every team In tbe Na­ agatnat aa; tb* national treaanry waa
tba only gradnata of Ua atataaebool tional Leagna oeaaide* a diffareat pok- d^kdoflugold
_______lugoldt«*orTa:tegovaratioa BOW from what It bald yeataiilay- ______ bond* ware cold to ayafileaki at
of Ubarty and of oei
for tbe band.
Brooklyn again take* ftnt tMalUoe. tan balow their market vidae baton
Matnan Joaaa of Ci
wnUe PbUadalpkk drapa-^ **<
Pnbla eonnty, Ohio, banted np tbe
were Inantaelenl to
Pltkbnrg aad Beaton aaek drtp a poolr azproaes of eoada. . _
awoetbeart of bk yontb and married
Uoa, while Cbleago goca np two. to
If npltal aloaa
bad Two KUlad and l
B* k T4 aad hi* bride U C7. They
third place. St Look
two anffarad. tb* loaa woald bava bean
parted frO yean ago daring a lorer'*
Jarad la a Railway Wrack la
poinu, to tba loweat ronnd In tbe lad­ great, ^nt not irramadkbl*. CnfortoDqaeml. aadaltboagh a baantlfnl girl
Xentaeky TaaUiday.
der. aad CinelanaU and New York
labor tdr their a
at tba Usa, tb* pnaoat bride parriat
LonkvUla, Ky., Jan* 19 — Train So.
advance a point.
aatlymfuad all offwa of aarrUg*
•Utntiag tbe gnat u
7« on the Cumberland A Ohio Sontben
tba lorar of bar girlhood day* n
can p*^l*. wm ma^'to fa*I baaviwt b^oboftba LoakvlUa g NaabvUia
KSTioxaL Lxaeca.
Utk budiB.^ dkaakr. Nearly one
nilroad went throngb a bridga at
at HI Brooklyn..........
Calvary. Ky.. tbk afternoon, caaatag

PhUvlalikla .
Plttabnrg ....
Boat^.. ..
XdUl* Mb* Bath Oalaaa of >M Heat of tb* MWdgaa dirkloa Boaa of Vatar- Ckelaontl...
WUliaa Oorbaa of Eanall eoaatj.
ana k in aaaslaa at lake Oognaaaaar New York....
SaMObta toeoaora* ofwbaat tU* Mgbtb atnat oelebntad her ■oroatb
St. Look...........
Battle Oraak
Daring tb'a maatlag
yaar vUeb vUl yMd at laaat IM.OOO birthday yaaterday af loreooa by a nry
pnttyparty. Tbo**pre*ant won tba wbleb eoatlaoa* ^1 tba weak, then
H* i*
4lka «tU ba maA loffw tbaa Uat. asd


not a change in

Takea tbk moat)
thayear. Oraatet
Monntaifi Tea. m' ’

‘-Wbauw*^ke in lha past has
■W* yon wall all anffarad chaagoov A--. .V. w -vk kwown. R'-rky
) JS.US.L Maiand nplifu.^ :i







the lie teat


"U It good to tiU • tl*r
te^lkad. tm: MMOtoM, ■
B» ttenr klf k«d taek sad wmti
■t to* tkfMgk kto hUf aoMd udi. will Mt ato kto lm*«
K «u aot naeti bnikn. aad b*
• ipsad atorr toiter. teld Tob7
Hot aaw wm lUKta. ■
fba Urad km la tUt hooM,
U Mk atrwt. ,Tos ko»w tlw ttnto
wtodaw, blii np IMW Uto topT It wm
tbw*. Tka rant la rbaap. rran tba
wMew aM CM aaa BL Paur’a aad tba
toka-tba taka wtaara tka au ahtoaa
kD dap toag. Ilka la a Ug. wlda almr.
Onl7 tttda kUrcta. wba coold aat aaa
It )Mt aat galatlg and draamcd of It
OT UatMid to tkc Nttta Mrda. tka
Mwa. that tr arooDd tka adga of tba
woof, and tba rattta fran tba atfaat
- tka Mtaa froa tka can and wagoaa.
lata at Bigbt bar brotkar Lalgl caaM
ka»a. Bawasaeook.
■ka WM not atwaya bUad. And that
VM good, kba coBid r«frat--lt la battar than bottlag. X>Mt la bw ayaa
did M. tkay got lad and awallad ap.
Tkay baraad and faaterad. and bafora
tba prlaat wm callad tba work wm
Aot» abi WM bUnd.
That WM whan aba wm Id and pntwitb ayaa that wm blae and gray.
Mm tbat wm aoft gray tkat gllttarad.
Aa 1 Mid. aka wm pretty. Har llpa^toalL bar Upa wara tMda to ba klwad.
Har balr wm browa-tkat la. brown
wttb gold. Ah. aba WM pretty! Well,
wbaa aba wm ao-tbat wm a loag Ubm


krobfktTereaa-Tarear, wbo WM draaaad la black. And this la wMt Lalgl
**gtater. eaHalna rnla. tera la Taraaa. Bba U poor and uafortUMte Ilka
tkyaalf. Tbaa nuat ba good fitonda.’
Haw. Marcia could aot aaa tbe black
-tba black of Taraac’i draaa aad tba
Mack of Trraaa-t bat-tba grtn aad
aaaibar btaek. Baaldn, wbaa oaa to
hUad tbara to bot oaa Dlarortan^ and
|bat to tbe graatoat In tba world.
Xkaraloro poor. bUad Marcia caught
bat ooa Idaa la tke jumble of ber toothafa werda.'' Aad tbto to what abr aald
M aba anOad aad held out ber baada
*Tkou aft bllad. Ittonoobad. Itaat
thou Blwaya bn-a bUndr’
la tba moat almple way in tbe world
aha aald it And tbua U bappaaod tbat
Tanaa bacano bUad-Tereoe. wboaa
ayw wara tbe baat in tka world-tor
wbau Luigi. BBlllng. upeoad kto moutk
to apaak aad mw Tmae place ber Aogw to bar llpa aad alga him to atop, ba
Btoppad, M yon ar I would bara done,
ar aay oae atoe. <^or a woman to alwaya right at laaat ao any woman
WIU any. aad aoaeUmM It to ao.) Than
Mnaa draw tka bUnd girl Into bar
araa and ktaMd bar.
**No.Utttaone.”akeaald. nbarenot
atwaya baan bUnd. But Ufce tbae. ai
...Luigi hM told ma, I bare baen unfortn.
Mta. and I think we wlU ba the giMt.
aat trtaoda la tbe wortd.*’
And than aba looked at Lalgl, wboaa
toea WM wblto. and amitad aad a
**Lot» to bUad. fooUak.**
■a that Luifl grow rad nMta wttb
«ba Mood that eaiM trooplM tato bta
dasa and triad to aetoe ber band. Only
Tanae drew It back aad taMbad.
Aad tba poor Itttto blind 0ii. wbo
Bdt tot BtoTtatoat and knrd tba
IboBh. but did aot at aU gmm wk
MM about amitad aadly aad nid la a
way «M could aot exactly ezptala.
I might bare aald la tbe bcglaalag
tbat It couunenead Jaat tbat way.
- T^on came to lire In tbe booee with
Btoceta and Lolgt Only abe didn’t
bare a room with a tmie window from
whl^ one could oee tbe take. And
they wan happy-aO thna. Te
waned. Braty Dornlag lAdg] cMM
bar down tbe malra and to work, ao be
aald. aad arery arenlng a little bey. for
two pauntoa a day, brought her buck,
aoabeaald. Then ate and Marcta aat
at tbe window aad Uateoed tor Lalgt
And tbla coattawd Cor awbllt until
tbla thing bappeaad. that Tknn cune
borne CM erenlng wttb « Bgbtcr atop
abe beat orer Maicta and fctaaad bar.
*Wbat tblnkeet thou, mtje ener
Xke Mind girt grew pale and bwdtpa
tfambtod M Me tatMd bar (bn up"CtaMt anr abawblapaeM.
-Ko. nek ttttla «m: not ikKT Mo
Mid.’Imt I ban amaotblM far Maa.”
Aad aba dioppad a aeMMea mt gnld
aad btM bauda about tba Bttta uuo’a
nam gtad.” Mid tba.Mtod gMMmBly. butu tnr UtatoMd to karnya. aad

’’Ah. Dttle ooa. art glad and yot
WMpr triad Tacaaa. *Ts It tka mM-


Bar uftoi i^tttta Ma. Wh»

tan bUM cand ad
Md 1IM n My.*
Mu dMM Mtdo aaa.* Maid Tto
____ AadMactoM»dtbaldMliBt1M
Mr Mtoa aad tougbpd Mjrto. TM*
Mm aboM tba wumib btr ittm
gala, far Ma bffaa to an wtott «M to
ama. and aba faand tba aad.
Kow. tbla to bow tba pit. baeamu
Mepar: Wbaa Bappa came, m be did
•M rratoM. «ttb Luigi, be teOMba
M iMUdidlu wbirk to to aay.)Marda
aad BtoM ertod: ~BfnraL
- tali'
rtoal .
Wtonat the little Mind glH ,wna deMgbted. M wm Lalgl
wblcb WM aad-«U rery nd. If they
cauld bare known! But bow could
they bare knoam untan they read the
futura, which to what few paa^ caa
auau gnoMT Bo that, not kaowtag.
tkaan thtoga kappanad-tket Bappo
camd agato aad again and far aaay
la tka araalag tkay aat oa tbe atalro
aad talked, or Bappo ptayad bla i
datta wktia Marcia aaag whUe tt
mS dark and atfll. maybe aBtito aotoa
Creta tke otmt. Aad on om of than
algfatB, wbM arm dire algbta, the lit­
tle bitod girl nt altoat. m If nakappy,
-What to It. Uttle oner naked Tcmae.
-Art aadr Aad the little oaa amltod.
-Bay," oka aald; -I am happy."
Bappo tangbad. "Om moot aot algb
when MO to happy." ha aald. "I wm
Tko mooa wm half way la tba-aky.
Tka night wsa oofL Tbe mnalc rone
aoftly and mebrd tke bcairt. "It to a
lore aeug." aald Bappo. Aad be roacked out aad caught Teme'a band. It
inM dark, and tbm wm none to an
alcapt tba Mind girl, aad Tema tongbed aad amltod la Bnpo’a face. "It to
a tore aoag." abe repnted, and Marcia,
too. tangbad. -Ym.” aba aald. tt la a
loro aoag." And abe began to alag.
Aad tbto war tbe pity vf it-tbat tbey
didn’t gone, tbooe two. Beppo aad re­
ran. Kior did tbey an-m likely to And
out. for not alone an thooa blind wbo
cnaoot aaa.
And when It wm all Aalabed-wben
Bappo bad gone boma Marcia and Teme nt allent and held neb otbai'o
"What to It, UlUo birdr naked Teraac.
And Marcto algbed and held down
ber bend aad eaat down ber eyn. m
tbougb tbey feared to meet tbbec of
Term. Term klaaed tbe blind giri.
-Wbat to It. Marctor abe wblapef
"1 am la lore." aald tba blind girt.
Bba bung ber bead on Teran'a aboul
dar. and. tbougb aba bad wblapered. It
annngiil in tbe nra of tbe other like u
tbouaand thunder clapa. Term grew
arbtte. and
eyn grew wlda.
-Ob." abe cried, "yoo are la lorel
Tan are la lorer’
Tkeo abe grew whiter aad held tba
mtla blind gIri off and looked at ber a
kog time atleotly and atraagely.
"yea.'’-nld Marcia almply. "Teraae,
thlnkeat tbou Beppo Ukea mer
Once tbm wm a man wbo aald
-Tea; It wh 1." And another wm
gtad be lied. Once there wm a womaa
wbo aalA: "Nay; 1 tore not." And
otoar thia gtad aba
wait. /
Luigi came, and ba and tbe UtUe
bilDd ooe went Into tbalr room, aad
Tmae went to ben and threw beraatf
upon ber cot and cHed almoat all tba
Bigbt-at leMt duHag tbe time abe
not Uuy parking up—fur on tbe Aoor
of ber room abe told a big. atont riolb,
and on tbla she piled all ber tbinga—
ber Bunday dreaaea and bar trlnketa.
and tbe moat of them wm wet with
bar toara. TlgfaUy abe packed them
and mpt down alalra nt A o'clock and
dtoappeared In Ibe gray of tbe
It WM three daya before they found
bar—Beppo and Luigi—though tbey
tbe whole of each
day. Hbe had tbe moat forlorn expreaatoB In the world and went wttb
tbem quietly and meekly twr answered
a word, walking betwi-ea them with
eyee dowacMt. m tbougb abe wm
dumb. Teun were tu ber eyea tba
whole way. but to erecTtblag abe aald.
"I know nothing."
And tbey all Urd. erery one of them.
But Marcia wm happy. "Mta cmrlaima." abe cried. "I wm ao aftoldl
Tkec aald aot a weed. And tbee
Term taagbed-that la, It aonnded
Uke a taugb. And aba aald:
“Yea. I WM blind. UtUa bird, but
there are eyea la tbe heart aad tbey
bara brought me back to tbee." Ikea
abe klaaed tbe Uttle Idlnd girl aad
bugged ber ag^ aad again aad cried
between tlmea.^
Tkoa It went oD m before. Nar
could any one of tbem hare bdped.
tbougb It wma and. And m tbe end
drew acar tbey all became happier awl
happier. "Tbm wUl be a aerenato
toulgbt at tbe park," said
ereatag. "Va wUl aU go." And ha
taugbed gayty. Car be had
«o hli mind, and ba Intended to apeak.
Tbe aeieMta wm Ilka a feta. Tbm
that —t beMatb tba
owes and Uataued, m did Term and
Hareta. And Beppo sat twtween them.
-It ta gruBd." said Marcto. "Yea." mid
Beppo and Teraae. "It to grand." And
attar tt wm all orer tbey Tlngrrcd. sttbenauth tbe trees far an boor or
mare. uatU the muale of tbe night bad
crept Into tbelr baarta and made tbem
-Tbm to a aoag la tbe night" aaU
Bappo. "and tbm to a aoag within
Biy heart but It to unsung."
-I win atng tt for tbee," suM Mar
eta. and abe amltod.
."Tboo art good." aald Beppa "Ani.
yaa-tbon etaalt stag tor me aad make
ma happy." And, tbouM ba spoke m
Matcta. he tooked at Tarana. aad lorn
MoMtnbtoeyea Awl Terem tookad
at Wju, aad lore abone la ber eyes. But
tace WM wblto neeartbMam and
udMrwBeam dmag tba whole of Mar
cMi aoag. aag wbm B«|h> cIa»«

^BIM HM Bg a»f. I INB»r Will

tautaawlgbaMdBMMlta. WmZ

I HaMMM MSaift-taBAMiywirior



ad hm in,bla heart usd beta up.te
bMB’uMB>a toaked.lato ber eyatoaad
'aAM. -WBt than ba mlnar' Tlm^
thaagb bto toca wm drawA and hag­
gard, aba amllfd. And wbau be pteaw
ad bar ctaM aad asked apUa abe amllad auea amre. tbougb mdl)-. and threw
ber arma around bta neck and anawerad. "Yaa." But sbafbokad. m wttb w
aab la bar tbroat
-Tbou loraat mar aald Bq>po. _
looked at ber drawn face and tbla Itpo
aad rand tbe tare wltblu ber eyea. ao,
tbat for a moment be wm awed. "Tbou
toreat me," be mid. And Term hung
U^wttbla Wa arms and dropped ber
-Yes." abe aald. "1 tore tbee."
Than. Just m poor bUud Marcta’a
aoag came to aa end. tbey ktoaed. Aad
iMy tba sound of It abouM bare baen
BO load 1 do not know. Maybe It
net ao loud, after all. bot tt reached
tba eara of the UtUe blind girl Uke tba
roar of a moontaln torn aaowlcr.
tbougb It WM but tbe tewing apart of
bar own Uttle bean abe beard. The
taat faint <dwrd qulrered uni
ber throat aad ewtad la a cboke. Sba
aat Uke ooe ottatone peering at them
M tbougb Usteolag. but there wm
notbtag moii to bear, for Term’s bmd
WM burled Id Beppo'a UQua. wblto
Bappo careaaed ber balr.
"Marcto," mid Beppo at tost. “Tei
and I""Ko. nor cried Term. Bba threw
brr bead back and preued ber hand
acrom bto mouth. Bot tbe UtUe btlod
girt uoderatood and rose lo her feet
with brr face aU white, and m she
spun round ber.bande were Aung blgb
aboT* ber brad, m tbat tbey feU la
Bapptfs face h be caught her auil told
bar taadrriy ou tbe gtvund.
Term cried a* Beppo turuad to ber
with bto face all puaxled.
"Aba lores tbee." Abe subb<4 and
klaaed tbe poor while face of U>e Udle
ooe. "Bba tores tbee, ami I must g
But Beppo did not uuderatand tbla.
"Lorest tbou mer be aaked.
"Yea. yea." aaewared Term; "tbbo
fcaoweat Uui."
-O-lien." mid Bepfio- beamltod-"tbBt
It aU."
When Marcia opened ber eyes, her
tara WM wrl with tear*, and tbe whole
of the tale wm being sobbed into her
aura Bot abe only atuUed. ami when
abe roae ebe grae|ted the gulillug Angrra of tbe two wltU haude that ebook
DO more than does youm or uiiae. and
wbeu abe walkitl up Ibe etaire to tbe
UtUe room wlib tbe wludOW that overtooke tbe lake ber eUi« wen- at Arm
aa though uothlug had liappeoed at all,
though Term cried all tbe way down
again deeplu tbe ktoM-a and carmea
Of BeMK..
“li It kind to tell a Hey Hked Tony,
•^ell, 1 BdSTkuobv Mnyba *.imtlmea." 'nieti be droppcd'luto hla bro­
ken Kugl^h. "You got another cigar.

Bta mlatatiy in lUti. b. thoagiil it abaohiMy mammiy to bara Cami^ at
the teraign oOoa. alttmugb awma ttel
tba appedateant wouU be oteoxtoM in
Oamge IV. Tba Itab
•ndartook tba napla^t tmk c< eoaLoed UTM^’a dstaciai-

•r iMantty. toaebtog ita trtcUm » 4tat^urd tbe brat taw of MtnraprvaarvuttoB.'
"What to lover ataod tba Maiden,
tnrulng to tba Ckad.'^wblta xrpUed;
“Love to ttat wblcb ImOs my parants to bring me things boma. and
tbe ivfard I have for tbarn on such


K££r-ar>si,-r,5KLrs“ s

eac* more, tbto time of another Msi
.. ba'tenkaont;
U la impoaribto. I said, on nr
a ganUeman, bo abould norar be mm <4
ny mlaimars again. I am anre yon will
agnewlth me that 1 cannot do wba* 1
mid <m my boom m a gen
would BO* do.”
Anotbor man would haTo_______
tauad, bm tba great aoldier, alwaya
—al to an emergency, replied;
Pardon me, air, bnt 1 donta agrea
with yon at aU. Tour majeafyAa not a
Tbe bold amertton atarOed. tbe kli«.
tat tbe dttkeweet on. ’‘Yonrsajattyta
aot a gentleman, tat tbe acweralgB of
Ui dnttai to yonr people far
Mwre any to yoniaelt and them duUm
• it ImperaUTe tbat you aboald
mnploy tba ataUUm of Mr. Canning. ’’
“Well. Artbw, “ mid tbektog, draw­
ing a long breath. ''iflmatt. Imnst’’
Altboogb be did not like being told
be wm not a genUeman. Oegrge IV had
.ODoe, nt least. wbUo ragent forgottan ba
wm ana This waa when be Aung a
glam of wine in Colonel Bmnlyn'a faoe,
with “Baulyn, yon are a bla^wnardl"
Tbe iaanltod oSoer oould not rettuB
tbe oompUment witbonl oommitCing
'out of

a convent. Pooltob maid!
Had she asked me. J would bare
dven ber a few Ideas on the aubjevt.


TtUdag VseMwst
lor into by the W. W. Kimball On.
Sr. W.

OpmaUva Omttstry

Btatall PtaBoa alwaya piauM

»m tf
O. ttOPPxrr. AbMieeto a

Woodbine Cottage
Pleisut Bmbs. Shady Uwi.


US Btata Strmt. .

itasean s aea<
; t u^i sea


Btcbt NorUan 'pbea



Be*. No. U>; raaldascv. Me. Tl. Morthan el
-oarveea rMldporv.N.. Tl.
T oer- Bn>sca*mUkcaa«»ttb eblffM rum«
M aearwhvrv wMt of Cbloa mrt-vt. 8<Htiru
to EtooofU oStoo bbd rwrolTT r»sto.
tK. a doBaaltc snueala hr tor IsU-al a»d neat seTOU gXkl OB TkADX Two aoviPK pwrufT

I to let tbe ii
wm equally Impoealbla
Tbe oolcwel Ailed bla glaas and threw TrsvsfwoOnr, Mirii.
tbeoonteuti iu tbo feoeof bis noigbber,
aso b. work lif tbo. aiMU (ieodtoru iDiooBoaniua for mitosu.
a^g, “Bia majesty’s tomt. pam It TWANTUD-Mmw1*<l
vN fwoobbisllfbrwi loobioduo Eb» toy CslU Irn at BredhsCVB'a or Shesa'a aA

'.‘ssr. SkSt

“Bamlyn." oried the regent, “yon’ra
a o^dtol fellow! Here’s your health.'' QOOK WANTKO - Al too Uhltotb
Aad they were fmt friends from tbat
erenlng.—Kew York Advertiser.
A. Wsbitosttokortowltoaov. mk tUplds
Bool ot wo^ro pslJ.
X |B(T. Daa
UeiM-oodalTWI. toMM*
TTTANrxO AT ONOK-Oood. olrobs. oiThMgbt Tlwr Were Cepeelee end keek the Vv poriobood flrl. DoowoopiBS. dnoltasor
niSNO T('NIN(--J. W. cmrr.-arofaaaies
Deee la the Uerh.
JT VLeae luoar. vlih W4W. Klutoll Cn . 1
Vroel alraal, Trararaa OI17, Uirb.
A good cltlsou In the
aeetian of tbe city bos been throngh on
i. BVAKS. N. D. STSdsato (rosTito
jmtlraldaasrlairulor tlir t'alTVndl^r
exdtittgosparionoii. Boing a dyspeptic,
Huffaki. Vabr;. i*<K. K)x-rls) allvuiloa stoas
the genttomau visited hto physician. A rpo KItNT pti-bobut (urnUbtsl toobi will. u>oa<-r«ll\-- ..ursrr7arHl .liaraan- parallar to
tor aloaisrb OAlrr s»4 rroldrarr SIS Bar
preaoriptiou was written for him which
At Uouir rroasio lua. ■. eod fr—^
tbe druggist Ailed. Tbe ramlt waa a Conor stbio bod Obob
smalt box of oapsnliM. which ho took WANTED-Ubrk poblcro. Aodrew itouo. mf l AU: kUSHOSa Nn. rram-<a U. dmltb.

am trarbrrof a>ei>o end orireti. Trinia m
home and plaood upou the sidebaaril,
'T-.r| WanhInirtoii •trm. New
with {be remembrance of the inatrno■ ■boar-.-.V
tions totaketwo ovoryhimr in the even­
ing after earing nutil bedtima Them
ere obeyed impliolty.
It was dark In the dining room, and
tbe gentleman went for bis medloine UyANTXD-<lood sfrl tor sroorol bou-M- I AM MAKINGtbe Am eveuiug withoot a preoanUon
of alampaudedipiuiHtered to bimaelf Cbroy Hull, ovrwr Slbto sod Wolllnatoo
throe doaus of two capsalui eacli b^ore
retiring. He was awakened some honm TCrIniXM-^ 'bMc'rbVbv'ki* Ik.VTO-tr
afterward b>- a strange sensation. For A touibobu
aogbt tbo man oould toll be aeemod naxPAuu PAUitj roR usuc - rtob
Dlamira Pewen et «h« Ostrleh.
troiortorMb. Prieoa (rooi D ccbto tu II
Tbe digeatire |wtrer« of the tistricb within to beuuiaiuiuoth penncblo board to
B.,ulcroAHeabor.«aaouib t'uluo Ht
bare long ago iiaBa«-d Into a proverli.
HyANTEI>—Oeod sin lor r-aerbi Im.iu-c.
Tbe birda will ar
Call and see me at etaop,
thing tbat they <
Tbo Bootob Stotr.
beaka. They are uinuaiagly git-edy
S28 Boardman Ave., or call
and will gulp down whole urangee iiiora wife to try to eoniiuoe him tbat ho waa AY iocbtioo. tbtvodeorocbi.>uri'brk l>ibcr
BoU ’Phone 323.
rapidly than they ran take them Into droomiug. She saggested the doctor, Mr* Alronl.EKHtblbolnwt
their alomacba. tu that half a duaen and the servant was dispatched la hM YriOR aALU OK BXCWANtllt-TLc Danh >, of
may be Been iwealng "down tbelr loug haste. Defwe hu arrivud the sick man to ooutof«*t .(UBner of ROctlon 13 i.<« n S»
uecka at tbe aatue time, each orange asked for more of tho oapsnles, which
producing a qu<-cr looking protubor- worw brought to bis bodtidu. When the
cover was romorud. thuro were Mexican 1?OR SALU-Lolb re bOd 77. Obk BcIshU.
to ■BHitli.wo*: corwer of
oirooibUd nii)i]
When rltllora stand Dear the f«jOo beans instoad of capsolos, the kernela aruour torse luta. • 111 to oeld b> Ivor tUan
Of one of the inoloaurea. the birtia will bouncing as u.errily as spring lamba mackci price John Veriy.
peck In a moat pentoii-ut nuumer at Tbo box of ca|»alee bad been mispiaoed ptOR UALX-SIbCiT. ebutoc Uod tM-ar rliy.
any bright object, aucli aa tbe bead of hocidontally by (be young son and heir to taoyosbe (rail treva. or vlU trade fur my
ptepeny. J.W. Patcblo.
eSR if
an umbrella or a walking ciuie. a and the beaus put in its plaoa Tbedoowateb cbaln. locket, brooch or buiti>n. tor does nut my what kind of modiclue irOR fULR-< roto. boooc. lartc t.U. oo
^tov^to otfwt. cboap liMiolcr
It dm not aunirlae ua to be told by be AndsosefnI in such nniw
tbe attendant that ludlgeHtlon la the Ington Posk
T oar—Ootd Has oot with lanto bBotbyoiaod
Best to be had in
AJ oBbll aibBond.oti rrobt oUoofTiobr R K.
illy la reeiuntilhle for their death.
NertobB-Botoro. ribdor leave ml ibl. ofHrc
the citj is at
Tbe story of a well known Uabop
It la aald tbat an attempt la aoim-Uuies
which reaohed me tbe other day seams QOUMBSS ATTUNTIOM — If yoo localcd
made to nlleve tbelr ayatema »t au acgood enough for pnbtieatico. Tho bishop
enmntottoo of todlgeatlhle matter by
will pay yoo IS per acre fur
wm one day examining a batch of dea­ JOBcS.I>Cf.l
tolbsccofyour rlblB. Addrwoa (1. A. BrW See Mtnplt I inwii«iow.
admlnlBtering half a gallon of castor
cons for priests' orders. After tbo the- ■libm.OrbWD.or bdvlor Pratt A Darli.Trmvfirw
oil to CM doae.—Good Wurda.
orotical part of tbe examlnarioo, he said OUr.
to them: "Ueotlemeu, yon have passed friOR MALX-<Ieo.l work boCBO. IJOD oolcbt
•Tber flerer Da.
a moat uxogllcut examination in theory. to IbqalroefM Lbcbb, R» Wrooirr
’Tbere la such a thing aa aomnamxror-ttxpoxt, nctoto..
1 sboold now like to see yon do some­ piOB aikU-UouBc sbd lot Denb wwicorDcr
bnltom. of couiaeT' que-ried tbe antthing prartioaL 1 shall go into the next X lEtb aad BoboBla Btrori. Jobs Verir. lit
iona looking young man aa be appear­
room and personate a siuk man. Yon Frobt airwk
ed at tbe lawyer’a oA-e.
will coma in, one by on^ addiaas me m A UABOAIN.lB to loot lolB oo Proel abd bouse on tbto I
"Certaluly,” wm tBHeply.
aiatoauooiatoreaBbaroBaytonBa Alao bnalneaa. Open tbo year round.
a sick parishioner, and say aometbing A
BtorvbBUdiBS focMia. Osll at MS Baat Proal *'
"But do aonmamhullato erar i
a catinecUon witb tbe hoime.
oomforting.'’ When hto lordship bad r«- otrwt.
ide known on anplicaUon.
tirad, tbe oaudidates were in eome oon7«LAT TO nXNT-At M, corner Uoloe aad
• Never beard of It."
fiulou, and nobody oarod to be^in, but
' Screslb attootii IbuBlrc up atalrit. T
"A aomuambDltot wouldn't write A90 at last a mod IrUbmao rolnntered to be
. ahtlBoa.
tore lettera In a year, would he. and the Arsk Be entered tho stndy and ap­
cuch and erei7 one of tbem asking proached the btobop, wbo wm lying
tbe girl to many him and tbreate
with a woebegone air on tbe sofa, and
' dS^if
suicide If be dldn'trthus addrussod him: "Oh, Anthony.
Anthony!.^Tbo drink again) Sfanralt
-Then there's no bi.|i for me. and willbo thodmtbol yo! Turn from yonr
yoo may aee tbe girl and aetUe tbe evil ways before It's too late and bo a
bruch of promtoe suit on tbe beet man!"-Tbto is said to bo tbe lata time
teerna yen can.”-Waablngton Poat
that the bishop held a practical examlaarioa—Loudon Troth.
■e Wma Peeed.
'Lady." aald Meandering Mike, ‘taid
WUst aad Wruers Is Hsavmf
Wursburg Block
Traveir a Cit
yoo remind me dot dm wm aonw
Alger eays that "besreu” is not dia-*
wood in ycr yard ready to be cbop- riuotively a world situated aomewbeta
In immensity, bnt that it it "a state of
"I mid ao."
pore spiritual existence, having nothing
"Lady, didn't you know dere wasn’t to do with any special time or place.” I bare bought the celebrated PerTetbhsbgMt Wrdjk^bj. Jbs. ll.tat,
any exerclae In de world better dan Be fnrtfaer says that “heaven is a state
' cberoD StaUion,
choppto woody
of tbe seal or a state of eooiety nnder
tho rule of jGod'swUl. eitbor in thialife
"Wen. tody, 1 needa de exerqtoe. an I or in a future state cd existence. ’’ Prom
I H L*
knows It 'od do me good. But I'm too tbe above it is dear tbat the great an K. OrpM
proud to come here an nae yer back tbmity therein quoted oonxidaKd tbat
yard fnr a gymnaalnm widoot puytn "bmven” doai not mean a bonnded
" AlsUbXtbX
t cent fnr It."—Waablngton Star. place of abode, tat simply unlimited formerly owned by Peter Warn..'•■■ea Ottr
extotenoe in a state of joy for tbe aoota bnrg, and afterthiudate nid horse
•oHar Vnoa Kethtac.
woDa respeotera of Qod’a tawa—
“tlorie Uabe I.unkinhead of ttm 8k Ixmis Ropublia
wiU be foimd At my bura,
ipreadmgle nelghbothood." wrote the
State gtreet.
editor of Tbe Bumbleton Bngte, "drop­
A Dss to Btotoar.
ped In tart Monday morning und paid
Said horee will be here Thurf w «( a itj
“Boya," said a Maobar in a Bunddy
iH fl on aubacrlptlon. Come acula,'I-’a- aebool. "can any of yon quote a verm
dsys, Fridsyu end Sutnidn^.
cW Oaba."
frau Boriptnre to prove that it iawrong
"P. 8.—The dollar proves to ba a ter a man to have two wivea?" Ba On Moodsye at Sattems fisy, and
coonterfelL We thought it Wba when paued, and after a momeBt or two a
we took It. but m It wm tba Brat oaa bright boy rataad his band. “Wall, cm Tnesdsys and Wedaesdsyn at
Unete Oaba bad paU ns for jevea Tbomaa." aald tba toacbm anoonragiiic- Monroe Center.
yaan wa eaadated ira would nfbar ly. Tbomm stood up and aald. “No moa
tava tbat tb
twomaataca’’ Tba quaatlott,



Wm. H. Petlierick
Enameling- ■m

The Waukazoo House!

Fuaeral Director.


John R. Santo,
Geiertl lisorBiee.


General Custer






THS MOfiNIKO 8SC0SS, WSOKSSDAT, JtiiiS 30, lit 0
wont iiOA bBfar

tt b »eaM fa Tfafaeb mmi b •mfemi
ta Be a faUamaa.
Tba “KatlMr of atMameo’* fafapNF THE SUMMERS NECOSITin
dooed a number of good tfednga tea
ttanUy abdiditil in balgtnm
faattote-oUTalrDU mao; famUattbapaniBhmBtoftbQaaoanl. That euek elty otRaar
ing. atft vetoed erenan; fine boraaa
MdTienplInlqrla^ aoawfal that
• ahaU iWve aeUb
and tbe likA bot that npopalar fad
aona baa yalbaea able to eodneit mera
,>KwV1 originate with bw fa an nllo- fafay iTtetenafa with tbe ouriMt
than tbiaa yearn AaotberomrioaatUng
getberiMwdqmrtnre. Brerytblngmufa
fa that Uttla Batginm until leocntly bad Ulca • Oceat »ea*-A Uattr i
tave a >-g»""t«g however, and wbo
wbila bat one
I to
for bar vaafar neigbber.
A attcb of roahlona form* part xf knownnow that tbo fdry atooe baa found
aiy att^y. tbraa bumlrwl dnUui
tbe taablonabW fumlablng of oeecy Butdt farm iu tbo world of fauhfar
«Mio In T<«M ia nnvnlMraC
tendknndtM doUare.
room in tbe bouac. unleaa it may be the what pmaibiUtiaa aba may develop i
••U. da ParU.
taf df7 gooda booM idttiatitj.
iTMtioo? Tbew queer bita Id pu
this dlrwtioo?
It bM bMB mrrad bejdbdn doobt BdglmH leoaetly <pdoed the retire- IdtebeD. for every room nowadaya bM
on n pemioa ot lUrtmaca of On Ita Jotmglng place « coay corner, and rifled earth are u
that tiw tanale tfalaf cntetMT it not* "snoator
ity of Virginia
high worka" (m ba fa
« Umc U a fnU and freab anpply a aoatbeiu border
^Mdre in Uw nsralling of rimpUfim Hqtbaniooaly tanaad). wbo
uciM-. <Mn hutod ddout off from Heniy, and. oalled, like tbe
than tba noat aacadona alanth in the ttooad at Idaga. Tba
Imperetive Uiau In the aeaaon Joat latter, in boner of tbe
CWatpaUM,.U hudnd doUMdT
aaerct aarncai depardnant
tbedtrof finmaeU atill bolda hit plaea.
dawning npon ua. Some naeM detalli orator. Patrick Henry, lliey aro not i
mtdien Uk» tba Tataran
Tba dotiaa <d pnbUo weeatfamar in about tbe new cu^ona are tberefwe oerafad fee. but lie loose upon tbe m
Joe Kwss, for InataiMa. oaanot plj Belgium are alag^. tmt not ardnooa. reprodoced ten Tba Dealimer.
faoe of tbe anil.-------------------------------eoU. and though reaWd
^ ot t™ d«»ru«.u .n hudnd
tbair Toaatixat with any dc«raa of tno- Tbe ooorta atiU continea to aenteooa
•me puff cnahlon U not, atrtetty to two or three pacta of the oonn^ au
CMifcr aa^kncthof .tinta in a larga .emirfeetotm to death, bot tbe gelUotipa
fat in great numbm and rarlona rtnaa
«, but it If
Md flonriaWngdiy tooda booaa.
ha been replaoed by a aoa&old on wbldi
Upon ea<------------------ -------ta bacanaa of tba taut that tbato idantl- la pooted a copy of tbe amtanoa Mnoh
the orosa U diatlnotiy tboQgb delioatrty
tiaa baoww known to tba dry gooda otnm taobaarred in afflslag tUa
traced, and a legend oonoeming them
lUat ate a ttoa. and it «dtawitboat doonmant A troop of gaodannaa, with
FtaUa that a band of fairtea. dwelling
Htyteg that tba abopU^arwm not begin thfir Impoalng balmatt plumed with
at Jerasalem during tbe life of our 8arSnr. X Ail aalariceebaUbe paid upen
opaaatlaninntltaU danger of diaaorary hmatelr. ia daiwn up abemt tba plaoa
lonr and wimcaaing tbe awful aoeae on
ten that gaatebaapataed away. Tba cl aseoution. whiob they grataly guard
Calraiy. wcregio borrifled by it tbU
Bar. s. Thia ordinance ehoU fake
larfMilnnal abopUte U hi familiar with aabtra drawn, while tbe red robed
- - i
ttala remote region and
they fled
with the flgnraof tboinapeetoraa aba ia
dvea into tbeaa pettbe atapa. naila up
We do hereby eerUfy toot toe fore­
with bar own Ukanaae. For thla acaaon tba deorea ed tba court and after a »ogoing ordlnanee wi
aoMBamlng and nnaophlBUoatad maidrue to iDonnieraDie Bopunuumu, auu eenneil of toe city of
eot takee it down again.
)f TiomneOlw *•
le aiet dey of May. iwo.
ana are pnt on tbaqni Tire to tarrat out
from time immemorial the atooea-have
But the
. W. Biekerd,
A. V. Friedrleb.
wily abopUtea and' bring tbam to
been worn aa amoleta by thoae Uting in
A Gnfit XHfioowery tor Oamoof
recribntian. Tba girla amigned
tbo vicinity in which they are fonnd.
WiKDsoa, Osrr., Jan. 84, IMO. ,
tTpraerata detaotiTo labcw ar« well
Tbo reputation wot loeal. however,
Dr. C. D. Warner. Dear Sir:—1 bava
•«daplad~for tba work mapped oot for ____ v It be will never bear tbe aonad
nntil that era ia Virginla’a hiatory
need your Compound of Berss Oufa.
tbam. Tba nperintandunt or ebief floor of human voioaa nor tea a ilving being.
known aa “tbe boom. *’ Then her euper*
^gTfat cuoereure and blood purlAn ordloasoe to defray the' generml fler. with exeellent reenlfa. 1 do not
walkar Upretty oartatii to aalaot a girl Hfa food U paaaed through a aUdlng
atitiooH and aaeiedtraditionAolaag with
eapenditureis and liabllltiea of toe do bealfale to recommend It tor toe _purwith aaoamplUhmentB beflttiag tbe da- panat in tba doer <d hla oelL
taetlro. If aba U lacking in aentenata
of barter. Bpecnlaticm fixed its oalcnlal- of 'I^veme diy. MicUgu, for toe poeee for wbleb it ie need. Ifa etefa
Kot one of tbaao priaonera baa been
Saeal year beglonlng May ?. Itoo, and areinaebert Umeeo maalfeet that H
and faila to parform bar work aatiafao- able to anrvlte tbii oanflnement more
ing eye npon toe fairy stouA oud it waa •Ddtng May 1. tWl;
Mne« faU to give tote gveataet wtfatartly, anotbariaantatltntadlnbaratcad than three yearn Tba autborttiea bava
taken ten ita itativo bed and expertBe Tt ordained by toe eoaueil of faetioB.
Jaa. CvtuoMA
and tba banlgbtad one U gl*w a pod- atrivan in vain to prolong their Uvea by
montod with in order that it might be Traverse City;
Ooo In tbo autro.
rendered morkotabla It wes soon dlsvarying their food aa mnoh aa poaaiblo,
8ar-n«n« 1. Tbat to defray toe g«
Not data the oompatant dataotiro da- but tboae who are modorutely or lightly
covtel that no tedious proooBSwaa uoo- erel expenditure* and llabillUm of to
pand onttrvly npon bar wita in deter­
eaaaiy fur lu development. A aboip in- City of Trsverse City. Mteblgan, fer to
mining who ia a aboplite and who la „„„ „„„
,_____Oily fed go mad
atrument paaaed alung too outline fiscal year bt^nnlng Miy 7, teoo, as
A ruTT cuanto.N.
not Bba ia gattwally a reader of ehar- and die raring manla«.-New York
stamped upon its sorfoco oemverted tbe ending Mey 1. IMl. there be raiaed t
aotar and ia very apt to aaoertain by a World.
jagged stone Into a symmotrioal eroaa taxation upon toe real and peroMial
atndy of a faoa wbetbar ita owner ia n
toy, tbo outer row of i*afTa ia made of and a little |>olUhing and a plunge into property wltoin eaid city, the earn of
dcdgnlng peroanoroot. Tbo aboplite
deep ccriae china allk. tbe next row a bath of boiling oil gave the requisite elxty-two thousand.-twenty-five dollars
(•68.OS5.OOJ and toattoeaame be levied
oftsbultat tbe anapidoo of tba apottoward tbe center of a little lighter
Id eonformlty with toe
law and for toe
Train will leave Travetee CHty at 7:U
tar tba mament libo antort tba atom
eeriac. the next of doc]> pink and the
sew in the atone of oommuroo.
objects and
and pnrpotea
a. B. Leave Charlevoix refamlng at
Tbaro are oortnln nlrt of onaailnmi in
center of quite liglit pink, ‘nila makea tip of gold at too four extremitica and a eratedand _
In poiDt Of fact, tbe early medieval
7 p.m. Batefil. Tickets wlU afao U
b« daportmont that eatch tba praotbe coablon, when completed, look like ring to whieba chain might be attoobod amounts aa followai
•old atone fare ruteon Jnnefiethend
tlead eye of tbe yonng alentb at cbmo. _ian and woman looked aa mnrti alike aa a great rose. The outer nilUc la made gavo toefinisbing touch to iA and when
Contingent fund, one thousand dol­ 8lsA good to return the »tud.
Women wbo Inrade dry gooda booaea the fln de ai(«le wheelman and bit M- of a deep ccrisc allk. .Narruw qertae thna simply monntod fairy atonea told lars.
for tbe pnrpoae of laroony bare not tba cycle girl. Take tbo king and qnoen in velvet ribbon la carried Itetweon each
fallmt oonfldenoe in tboir deitority to a pack of oarda. They are early medi»puffs, concealing lUc Joining of
Tbe traditions eonoemii ..
Notioetbo am^iaing aimllarity
Generml eewer fund,
porloin an article from tbe ooontar
the other. KieU puff Is made der working power aro as inexhaustible
XAdlaa. "T» eos Jwp ea tt tnfaple fa
wltbont Mciting anaplclon. Tbo "pro- in tbe:
cly on a equarc of tbin nioallD M too beds from which they aro taken dollare.
Waterland, eeventhoufand dollare. it. but it will oome' up amUlng evaeT
faational'' nerar attnnpta a theft witb- •ad angular folda the aame etaiaod
cbccacclotli. The mode of maklog and would fnrui&h endleos themM to
Police fund, two tbonaand five bun- Uma."Oolmaa'a ElasticFlofaYor^
glamstiSneea Norioeaat oarda idb.t be
oot flrat feeling oortaln that aba ia not
- small
mall detail.
the puff# Is aliown in tlie
writers of fairy tales and folklore stories. dTMl dollare.
watabed. yet it froqoently
bw»* »>••»
A tiny plait la in^ iiT
lu tbfxcntcr of. They aro supposed to ward off evil and
lulereet and Sinking fund, two
when abe ia ooaviDOed that tbwe ia no at l(Mt nntil they hare learned to look
alu turning in tlie same bring good luck to tbeir poasiviiorA but tbouMud eeven huudred dollarm.
danger of «leteotion tbo eyea of tbo fe- for tbe kiug'e beard.
Utaxury fund,
five hundred

- dollars
sflarc held by lacking in order to do ibis must bowom around
Witb the wane of tbe ago of oblralry
mala apotter aro npon her, and abe U
Perk fond, five huudred dollare.
person.—Fblltbereoamea aingular exaggerution in
Printing fund, five hundred dollars.
trapped hi tbe act
on the wusllu wiuareTXbe edges of both ndelphia TimcA
Light fund, three toouaand five bun£ju Fannie Loabey and Mlaa Klttie tbe toilet of men. Th.*y deliberately being ncotly turned lu end a iviw of
dred doUars.
Sm • KaU, t»onrt lick tt Cp.
MeHamee are tbe yonng doteotivea wbo Imitated tbe women. They allowed maebluo BtUebing bolding.l>oth togoUiSalqriee fund, four thousand one
ate ampi^ud to k^ a vigilant lookont tbeir balr to grow long, onltivatodoorla er. Afterward ibo amall squares are
Mr. William Uarrott made recently
fer erildoera at a big conoorn in Pem­ by the bot irooi and ointmenU U«d no- basted on n square tbe Bixe of tbe too statomeut that wire noils aro now
berton aqnare. and very watcbfbl and
cushion top and the velvet riblMB run sold BO cheaply that if a carpeoter drops
oanaoientiona doteetivea they are. ai their
a noil it is cbunp<.T to let Tt Uu than to
eaWent awvioea dlatincUy ahow. Him and color of tbeir gmrmento they ahowed
Tbo rnmo that fiulsbes tbe edge 1> stoop and pick it op, and it is claimed
MoNamoe ia a modeat little girl of IT tbe aame effeminacy, for thi-y began to made of tbe cbiiia silk deubletl. Tbo that one keg out of five is never used,
1-. 3. There shall also be raiaed.
affect brilliant reda and blnea and r
d and collected according to law, a
ymn. with ]et black hair and
but goes to waste. A sfatiKtician figur­
and jewelry.
like a blnah roan, and if oeoaidwod tbe
the slxe tbe ciisblen Is te 1>C. For a ing this ont, and assumtug toat it tokoe fax of three end one-half mills on the
- aigbing.
This, too, waa the agoof- Ui«
dollar of all the real estate and pereon
If you have a dwelling, atoek. otera.
mart prapoaaMBlng girl in tbo bgainaaB.
eoahlon 18 lacbca square, not includ­
___ ...____ _ a* t.Ia II I I I ■ II
Her partner. Him Leabey. ia ankttract- walling lovw. fainting at bia mlstnaa' ing ruffle, tbe puff squares abould be noil, and thatbis time is worth SO oenta al property subject to taxation it bare, or any other property inewaMa,
.street district number one In said eitr kindly remember I want to write toe
• jbtt
iTo blond, with a natty flgnra. Bachbu
2>4 Inches a<jiiare when Uulsbod. Cut an hour, remarks that the recurery of as beretotore created and cefabliabM Inenranee fer yoa. and will flvayen
Inatrol an
bei own dlatriot to patrol daily, bot
tbe pieces to be puCol about
Incb- tbo nail bo has dropped wonldooet .08S byreeoloitoBof the council, toe tanu
rompt and careful attenUou.
affaire. At every
. guth..
uometimm both can be aeenlndeep oou- boaraed hla love affa:
Only tbe meet reliable etoek Inaureblld- ca, tbo extra quarter IncU allowing for oenta. Tbe money volno of toe nail is to be paid Into tbe said etreet dietrict
vetuation in tbo Hnloomooan tba Pem­ eriug of tbo liability tbetv waa a obi!
.007- oeute—that Ia it would not pay (oad for toe purpose of defraying the
tbe fullness. ,
berton aqnare alda. Tba moat oentioni tsh prattle of loro, cloying and mtaoloto pick np ten nails if it took ton eeo- expcnaeeof working upon, improving
|)llaboplite would fail to dohxrt in tbo uouB for veiy awoetueaa. Tbe aoxea low la one made of ginglmm. plaldcd onds of time worth SO cents an hour. repairing and elfauing the etreete of
aouned to have obangwt plaoea. It wfa
demeanor of tbo twain tbo nattire of
Ordinary men who are not very quick toeaald dUtriot and for toe payment of
tbo lover wbo waa a thy wallflowar. rod and wbite or blue ond white goods
.1 etreet expensea wbleb the counell litme 71.
JDtaMoa BloA
their ealling, and thna it la they
can. however, pick up n nail cm a mod­
wbo blnabod and went about wootul being aelcctcar The cushion may l>e
lall ebarge upon tbe etreet dlatriet for
AbletoexpoM) more wrmigdoing in
made of ouc large square of the glng- erately cloon floor in five aeocnidA Aale said fiscal year.
aton than any of tbe Inapootora at potiiun or eevcml amall aquarea Jolaed earning tiiat this is alwtter average than
8KC. a TtaU ordinaoee shall take
mlnUoe beadquartero.
together. Tbe cut sliewa almost with­ too ten seoendA and that wu ore poying Immediate effect.
When a aboplite iaOBUgfat dead to neeliigerA tboae barda of loT^ tbo lady out llie need of descripUon Just how too corpoiter only 85 couU on bour. it
We do hereby etttify that toe .lore
...yigbta. ahela faked if abe will not “pay
each little square is workc.1. The con- Wlllstili cost to nwover the nail .0St7 going ordinance was peeacd by “
for tbe artloloa" atolen. ThU interroga- ___________ ____________to tbe goni
tn* Is the only portion that is at all oentA which is nearly flvo times the oonnell of toe city of Traverse City
tory la merely made in order to ollolt men'a gentle advanoea. While be ano- complicated. To work thia carry tlic value of on individual uaiL Tbero is the list day of May.
iy. iMw.
A. V. Friedrleb.
an admimion of guUt from the tblet oumba to nervous .exbauaUon she gooa threads from one shlc across to the oth­ thcreforo a oonsldorablo factor of safety A. W. Bltkerd.
City Clerk.
She ia ibrii taken to the olBou to await about ber buainofa purfoctly boalthy, er, making a darning stltcb where in the original oalaulatlon. and wo
tor ornully oonadona of
the turtval of an Inapoelor from poUoo believe that it wiU not pay to
farndquartora. If abe faaatbo appearanoe ber power.—W. O. MeCraokon in Lippioknpnoils. SnobaoaloalaUou brings
of a woman of moano, abe can eartly
out clearly tbe marvuloni redootiou In
Ad ordinance fixing toe salary of
iproenra bait and thna eaoape tbe pain
prioos dne to iuvnntivo grmius. The
faopte Wbo Taalsh.
city engineer for toe fiscal year ending
and dejection of a night in priaon.
lurking fallacy is that while it may
Among Use periodio wavoe wUob
I have hnd mj baildintf
In apeakisg of bor oKporianen. Mlaa strike our great etmUn there ia ncun so
pay to stoop fur each nail it still may May 1, JMI.
Be it ordained by tbe oonneil of
bo worth while fur an ccouumioal man
roboilt and put in i,wd
atraugo aa that of myatorlons dlfappearTraverse City:
of ofaqilites are women of g^ fam- anoca. 8ocU a wave eeloota ita vlcttma
at toe cud uf bis work to stoop down
fibape and am uow ’ready ‘
toe city
, engineer
Uifa and oomparativoly welt off In from ell clamea, ague. Mon, women and
oneo and sweep np in a single handful shall reoelve an snnnal
to recoin all old patrona.
inal aolory
salary of eight
worldly goods.
too noils be bos been dropping all day. hundred dollarm.
“Wa have to watob pretty oawfnlly
—St. Louis Ulobo-Uemocrat
8i:cnux 3. Said ealary shall be paid
to oatdi tbo profmaicnal aboplite. ’' abe oondition unable to tell of their wherenpos approval of tbe oonneil.
began. “Von aoQ, they aro np to all etamto. Others pieaent e myatmy dark­
Set-noxS. Thlaordinaoeeehalltela
Blank ox unrhymed is that form of Immediate effect
amfa of obioanery and can easily hood­ er atlU, for they never retnm and are
We do hereby certify that the forehoroio vorae which is commonly cmwink tbo saloaglrl, wbo may bo bogy
more beard of. Foul play, a etmxet
aing ordlnanee wee passed by the
with half a doaen onatomers at tbe aame
pluyod in Engtisb dramatic and epic
■er for wandertug, ptraoditated
poocy. It was introdnoed by tba Earl counell of the city of Treveree City on
lime. You would never belioro, to aee fUgfat, ai« oalled to acoount as oanaea.
tbe Slet day of .May. 1900.
uf Sumiy. wbo died in 1547. is bis * W. Biekerd,
IfaOM women on tbe street in all tbeir bot etnnoof tbesomyatartee have neither
A. V. Friedrieb,
translstiuD of tbo cocond and fourth
ffntry, that they would ateaL &mia of apparent cause nor end. It is a queer
Ity Clerk.
books of “.Enoid." Itwas first umtba ab'opUtee are bon thiorea. They and weird feature cd our modem Ufa
Ui)QuanxTon cixunAU cvshiox.
haunt tbe dry gooda hobaee end steal ev- that tbeee mysterimu dis^ipuannoeooaii
ployud in too drama in Sackville and
Poc«y time th^ get a obanoa You may so easily take place and tbeir aubjeefa
H«nld Ce&tv7 Cook Book.
not believe it. but 1 can toll at first be neither traoed not reeovered in aplto kiOg-sUtcbcs arc taken with toe Uucad rex,” which was printed in 15ft5, but
A limited number for sale at 85 cenU
I not tilt Marlowe adopted it In
^aace the women wbo ooum boe to of our crowded dTlllaaOon. But pareach. Will be mailed postage paid
. ay of “Tombnrlaino too Great”
toeal deUberately.
on receipfiof tbe price. Addrcee.The
bape it is bocanse of ib—Bi
flmly at toe end. Wa«b allk or heavy toat it became toe form rt^nlarly emIi. £.. A. BvlldlBC.
; “Her eyes are aaure index to her American.
Herald. Tnverae City, Mich.
cotton la used for the working. If tbe
Ibooghts, and when yon see a woman
onfa which it
^ Tiaikid to fata •( IMg.
squares are joined together, toe join­
' ngly aboot her yon
A woman novelUt told a funny atccy ing, is concealed by fcatocraUtcblng.
hat abe n
meaua to at
TolaJ ramainod. After Hilton’s use of
tevd^qwn it thfa
tbe other day abont tbe nnmetona letPlain blue or red linen Is used for it in “Paradue Lost’’ it was widely ex­
t«ta abe received from ambitious
Jie male tbat edges tbe cushion. This tended to many other elaases of compoffoBOtaetlntbUway."
writoTA faking her to put tbeir
cover con be laundered without Injur- aition.—Brooklyn Eagle.
There eie three deteotivee in
ig n in toe least if core is taken to
More, and still tbe pilferiug of tbo
n* faerat Told.
Iwoyp iron it on the wrong aide, so os
film’s pcoparty goes on ten day to give ber a peroentege of Ibo sale if toe
His often a diffloult taakummovs
d«r. There ia tiia woman wbo oarrlea only would." Among such letters waa to zmlsc too darned work.
soft solder from gold jewelry requiring'
- off urticlea in a oloaed umbrella, and one ten a yoeng lady wbo bod choaan
. 'C-Fto be repaired. Scraping and anhaethere it tbe woman wbo managee to a highly dramatic plot for her etoty. in
elcqdng which tbe good young beiooonrey pnqwrty to a neatly arranged reMix one cupful of pea pulp with two qnottt treatment with acid are commonly
oeptaole in ber underdrete lining. TO ino is carried off by the wiokod viUain. beaten eggs, a few drops of onion juice, used, bnt are often dangerous to sot ~~
They are pursued by the good yonng two titolfapoonfuls of butter, two- tides A hitherto secret method of
Sidewfilk Lnmbfir In mil Biaafi.
be on to tbeee trida tbe f<
[k Tbe good yonng heroine had a pfa ttfirda tenspoonful of fait, onbrigbtti
on the alert and nip t
; that foUowwi ber and snapped at tfaspoosfnl of pepper and a few graina .in Lcodon is as follows: To 8 ounoea of
ay. There ore a tbouaoi
toW cn tbe fly.
vilioui'a heels. Tbe villain beeue of cayenne. Turn Into buttered molds mniiatio add odd an onnoe od croons
and OM devioea performed
■aorfi t* TmTATM Oitiy Lamb«r Co.
well To on ounce cl this
eta, but not one is nnknown to tbe (An- enraged and abot tbe faithful brute. and bake In a pan of bot water until and
Bing apotter. Then, tgaln. tbe female PragmentBof tbe Itttlaanimalarefound firm. Serve wlto one cupful of wtilto mixture add 4 ounces of bot water.
in mn —dith meH keep
defaotive offleiatee fa a eort of fcwwosaon scattered all along tbe road by too good ttnee. to wbleb U added one-tblrd «opover the cmployeea. Th«yM»«**^»y yonng man. wbo by tbe asaorted hits of ful of pees drained tram tbeir Uqoor
ing too soft Boldeted article it
looked upon m anpericre by tbe girtA dog by toe wayaide runs down tba Til- and tboroQghly rinsed.
An emmently akilled aad aocompliahed artist A weoderfol and
yet it U not known that tbsor ever re­
tbe eolnttcn tbe teraltUaaid tebeaD
tliorougkly qndified phot<«raphM.
ported any InatteBtion on toe pert c(
mnplayefa to ousumerA It baa bean olA new way to disinfect a room U>te
“How does Midgely gel tbe npnfa- ne a amaU dteiiifecting pan wlto a
________ 1870 and 1890 over 7*000
tioc of being snob on ungel?”
leoeroir tbat contains the disinfecting patenu W«n granted in Bnrope and
“Ob. be inat looks unb^ and liquid. Tbia U to be bested and cos- America for voriema derfafa uunnenfad aubjeefa far
toadr claim to not si
aneoka of bis wife always is snob Ugh vertefi into a gas by a flame beoeato with electric lighting.
faf that all tbe otoer women ore wUl- tbe reservoir. The gas Is directed
tffan.Mafa, Wfa named iNfajffM. '’“'iu n, «»daur MUIM AU U. .Udli. wd M U. .HU^ a.
at H
fafi to aweer toe's a tattox."—Hew thfaiiEh A muM to nz fifat'mC the





- «rr- ~




tS Vy3^'



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M Line of Jefeli?

Ill Kinds of Repalriie.


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Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purgoscs

Hunwnon cuppings HEMincK stoie wonn


^wii i I AM A. SOPER


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