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The Morning Record, July 17, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
•noftn am
I auMOoa^r oftho
ortho Qfimeof
Satorw of OMcMm ia
aUy OoMtat la-AU VoniSB
pertad Stala-Tbrfito. BattU a* Tka
TaU to 'VUeh .&ay ’ Amvkaaa
. ran—OlUod
raraaa OadTr Oavanlj
-Coloaal Lipeas ICmad.
bM tohw. GmcsI rniwFak
8^ tod loB Ova ottSMS ud wttf
tBUf MM aad (cand to appiaaeb toe
DMT tto UffEttou. KwMtodtottot
ttotevtfBCUtOatod aide • nifto
attMkM ttolr
klUinf o*i
MO Of Oeaeral To^ Pnh Btoaff*a
A a«ad dl^ateb tb&t waa
Inter OB Prldap raportod tto arrival of
IroB Pckia. Ha
atatad that BaUaoat aoldlan and Bu
wattaad* a eomblsad attack on the
BrUlah lacatloa, bat after a lot« flrht
were beid 4a cheek. They then broofht
caanaa, rafaalar to obey the imperial
orders. The roremor of bhantnnf
added that he feared that the lefaUoac
aedrovenmant were Inrolved la a
& third dUpatch raeelved Batardap
reported the arrival of another maaaeaCer with.Pekla adrlcaa ap to Jalp 6.
These were to the effect that e breach
had been made la the leration walla
bp the Eoaen aad Tonf Pah Siang’a
The. lecatlon wae aaeaulted
aad carried wlW beavp loee. The aminnlUan of the forelfncri wae exbanatcd. A ataeeecre followed, aad
not a toniffnar waa laft alive.
u TIh MoniAc Bmm.!WaaUartOB. Ju\j
vaport of
«to toUU toi<ra<« tto alllad Ipreca
aad caiMM troop* at Ttoa Trta jtotardap.avdtkaroaerTM sadtrad bp the
with Mvare loMaeaf Amerlcaaf.
toa. like the cxploaka of the Meiae,
•mead the adaUUitratloatoa rMtiu^
;■ war la China. It la
i the
itaoocsaalohforafwmal deelarati^
r or for a apccial aeeilon
eoafTw. The prealdaat hac ample
power to nee the arap and nav; tor
the proleeUM of Amertecn clt!/»a In
or tor exaetlad Jastlee aad
ladamaltjr from Chlaa wltboat a
deelarallea of war.. Tula, however, ie Prealdaat McXtolep Leavea Caataa to
limited bj the namber of troopc at hk
DiacBM Chloeaa Anaattoa with
dkpoML Bahaa aa armp of loo.ooo
Oablaet ia Waabihftoaman. Of tbaaa M.ooo are in the
. epcclAl uTai Moasnia tocoao
PhUlpplaaa and li.ooo from the
OaaloB, O, Jelj 16—Preaideal MePkUipplaaa. Oaba, Porto ftieo aad the
Rinlep left toalffht for Waehlafftoa to
Uallad 6Utae are now nadar ordera to
meet the membere of thh cabinet, to
prbeaedto(%iaa. Tbit wUI gitt the
Ualtad Stataa more than the cetlmato diecow tbe Chlaeee qeeetloa and to
tome deSalte po^iep-to protect
praeaatad to tbU irorerameat at Ita
American rabjieto la China and ecahare of foreaa aeeeaaarr to roach
focee the demaade of tbe Oaited StoUe
Pehla. The oaUmaU proaaatad bj
reprmnntellTTi nf aU the pewara In effalnet tbe a
.China la N.DOO mea, aa a aaoeaaatp
teeatoreneh the Obtoeae eapital.
wUl be OMB that the United Statee hae
nirandp praeaated aearlp one aeveath Throe Ihoaeaad Ohlaeoe who PeUUonod for Pratoetioa of Portoffaora,
atitot towe ae Hi qaota. Whatever
tto Mhm powem have done or map do.
Ortfered to be Killed.
thto ffovarameat hae eo far more than OpseW Wlte nsrslBc AmoM.
lUtod all laqatottoM made apoa it for
Waahlafton. Jalp
rapbrt bee coma to the attoaUoa of the
atoee tto totUa of Ttoa Tela aad tbe Cblame offlaUla here to the effect that
haavp lomee of aUlee with the demoae- t,ow Chlaeee ottelaU atPekta peUtioatoatlenttol tto Ohiaaee troope ara ed Prlaoe Tnaato protoet fore^aere.
weUarmod aad waU eOeerto, thie
> Prlaoe Tana eiderto aU
^toble Mtimato for tbe ferae who aaltod in the peUtloa to be kUlad.
niitoirp to paah throoffb to the
e^Ml win to lacffelp laereaeed.
Wtohlairton. Jalp 16 —Tto tovp dtpartmeat hae reeolved oAeial eoa&rm- lAhottor Battalloa Bator MobQiied
attoo tram Bear Admiral Beeaep, of
for the Par Baal,
ttorovenee of alUod ter|to of Ttoa apsdsl w Tbs Ksnlac kaeord
ThlB oa Jalp 11. ae toltowi;
Waahlarloa, Jalp 16—Oeaeral Bep‘•Obofa.Jalpl6-«le raportod that
of martoe oorpe.
piiue {onea attooksd tto aaUva eltp la arraartor fer tto i
aa ttomoralaff of Jalp III ttoBMtoaaa
I far tha
aa tto ilffht with Ittoth lataatrp,
Miaei oa the left. TtolMMaot tto
■Utod forito weretotwa. Thelamlaai
l«t eae haadrad. toeladtoff hrtUtorp
. _
Tto Amertoaae loet M the
Brittah over «o. Japan 66 laeladlat a
Bhoald be ia Bstra Bemtoa to Oeaaldcr
eotoaal. tto rceaeh is. Ooloael LlMam.
TTiUnt Oamtlea.
of tto Kiath lafantoP. wM hUled; aleo
CaptoU D»v!a. of the marina eorpe ■tselsl to Tbs MMStse Baeerd.
Clevetoad. Jalp te-Spraklar todap
Ototoia bemp. aad UaWtoaaato
of tha altaattoa la Chlaa, Boaator BaaBatter aad Leonard wee
evealnjt the allied attaek apoe tto aaaald ha did not baliove eaarreci
Ith treat ahoald hold aa extra aamtoa.
aaUveeltp wae rcpalead
tom. ■Rerataraeawpel li
OmUa not pet ooatrmad."
Waahlarton. Jnlp ic—A diepateb
tramTleaThla. Jnlp is. vie Ohcfa,
aapa at l o’eloeh thU attereoon T.OOO
of the allied traope attempted to etoti
the wall of the eltp. Tbe attace wae
baffaa at dapUffat- Ik eoeceae U a
matter of doebt- The Chiarae npen
tha walla are aatimatod eoaaarvativclp
at so,000. Tbep are ponrlaff e, torrlfle
hail of arttllerp. rids aad machlna toe
tre npoB the attack^ foreea. Tha
Amerioana. Japaaeaa, BrliUb aad
Preach troopa eitaekad from the weal:
'Abe Bnaslaoi from tbe aaal.
New Vork. Jalp 16—A Joaraal diepeUbtrem Tien Tala of Jnlp 6 aapa
that iDsSeciaal attempU have been
made to coaeaal the horri ole tact that
Admiral Scpmonr waa eompellad to
ohoot hie own woandad dnrlar tha raearn dlmclroaa retreat of the Pekin re
lief expedltoa. At their own plead1 rather
than have them anbjeetod to the
bto torurce of the Chlaeee. ' AU the
WBMdod and pHsoaen wh« tell late
tto haada of the Chlacaa were tricbv
fallp toftaied.
tm-**- Jalp 16—11 tbe laformatloa
ttutmlttod bp Ike covaraor of 8haataafftodlreetor at raUwape aad telefra^ Shear aad eommaaleated bp
him to tto toretfa coatnU la Shaaf• hal be toea. all doabi racardiaf the
fate of the fomraan to Pakla baa heea
dtolpatod, aad tto i
whtoh hH ao toaf haar erar tto
maatffivaptooeto a.raalixattoaed tto
kldcoaa trtoddp that hae heea wmn
aalBoariMapaadtetaidior ffMaftor
formattea m to tto altaattoa to tha
MpUaL ttoflntdlatotoh.whlto
That U Wh4t le Bctor Orred for BopabUeiB Bettoaal LeeraeBpsclsl to Th* HsraiBa ftreard.
at. Peo>. Jalp 16—Tto
that beaator Itaac MUIar BamlUon-af
miaola. wiU ba elected praeidaat of the
Bepnblleaa Nattoaal Learae. which
meets here toBMrrow, Tbe eharpeet
flrht over ofBoera will come on the eec0. B. Sttne of Reatackp.
the present eecretarp. ia a caadldau
for reeleetton. I. W. Mott of New*
Tork. U aleo a caadidau. Another
propoeltlon whlcL will cauM mach-flueoMion U a propoaed ehaape to tbe
learae oonetUattoa. eo aa to permit the
learae to be an arrreaeive orraalratiOB laitead of betor elmplp anxlliarp
totha EeanbU~~~
—’------ae at praeaat.
B«BiSllAtiOB WiUtdrAWB tip.
OB CrgoBt Boqawta
Deelined Advenes to Balarp—B. O.
Jopwt Appotatod Chief Bariaeer of
dtp Water Worke Kembere Fire
Depertaeat and Police Force Bach
to Bave a WeekB TaesUoa—Water
Works Xmprovementt Dleomcd.
At the mceUer of tbe eoanetl lect
(veator. Aldermaa M mtarae reported
for tbe committee on police tost Chief
Bennie bsd eoaseated to recoaelder
aad withdraw bis resirniUon from bis'
poalilon ae chief of police aad fire dcparuneat. Mr. Moaurae atated that
at tbe earaeai eolidlation of the
attseneaad proportp bold
art that tto withdrawal was made, aad
not from anp motive of caplditp. A eonalderable ralae in aalarp bad been enr*
retted to Mr. Bennie, bat he woald not
for amoaect enurtsln tbepropoiitlon.
etoUar that it wai not for tto lack of
moaep that he bad reeirhcd.
The board of water
had several tbia^ to report. Amour
tbim waa the appointment of 8. O.
Jopntat chief enrineer of the dtp
water worke plant. Tbe appointment
amlitaata. the former
more than ll.OM. and tbe letter act
thaa flow each. The:
atloa was adopted.
The board reported that there' are
eirht SOfotloA betweeetbe water
worke ptoat and tha aUreh laetorp,
and that one or mora lota eaa be pnrehaeed at »i0 a front toot.
at the
pamittar etottoa, laolndlar the reeetttorof tha boUeri. aaaw amoke etook
Md a new laiake pipe, ware ordered at
of tha toard.
It waa voted to rive aaeh of tha mem
bere of the polioc form ud tbe Are demeet a vacaUoa of one weak ihia
(Ooattoaad op third pare.)
Barry Btraek bp Blr Foar Trtoa
whUe Brivtor Aenw Track at
Praaeott, tad.
Spvelsl u 1b« Heraloc accord
ShelbpvUla. lad.. Jnlp Ic-Joala
Zoble. 16 peare old. Ratlc Behat, lo,
aad Marp Wtoitor, 16. warn toataaVP
klltodat rrmnott atatloa. tve mUas
eaatof torabpa Sir Toar trato todap.
Tha rttU ware drlvtor tael to a harry
•adeaverlar to
followtor, bat did aotaoa thetrala.
which atraek tbalr barry- The rirle
warn danrhton of woalthp«farm«a.
We HiTe too Many
Prepare to Lesvs Leapae Xelaad
Vavp Yard When Heeded
Seeclsl u IV Moraiof BceeM.
- Pblladelphta, Jalp i>i—Toe fleet of
war vemeli at tbe Learae lal and nevp
pard are readp for war whenever need
ed bp the raverameaL
Tcaterdap'a Baae BaU Oamn.
aanoaxL uaeua.
I WiU Oaaia Aretoat AtChid
iearo .................................
3 9 I
taeka Aratoai Chlearo Chinamen.
lltoborr............................... 7 13 i
CaaaUurham aad Doaahae. TanaehUl
Chieero. Jalp 16-The Chlaeee realdtor to Chlearo are to be pratoeted bp
i lo *
poUoe aratoat aap poaalble oatbraak
due to aaeltomaat and todlraaUoa r^ara^ and Warner. EUtooa and
over the Pakto atraelttae. Peartor
that dUxcaa mirht let their faellara
ret tto better of them aad the Ohtoeee
Doaokaa aad Doartoa NiehoU aad
be attiekad to aa^tof
Bapor Harrlaea todap toned ordera to
ttochlef of peltoe to gm adeqaaw
poUea protontiea to aU Chlaeea real
daata. Tto chief toUowad ap the
orimwlth Impanttva
to pap av
Sarwto aad Sharp.
ChrM and
taattoa to tto chlnamen and to eae
6 11
that there wae no oatbraak aratoat
«SSUi.::::;-v::r:: 1 ", i
prto* of Bdekp UoaBtaln Tea, tbe
Cfoto Pakla tod afrivnd at Chlaaa Pa verld over.
Nom veaniac, anlrae Open ToMdap *&& SatoidiT
aaJalpli. Ra repertod.thattwoto- amda hp tbe Hadiaoa Madletoe On. Aak * enlnp rilneml at 6.e'eloek other
Hamtlioa Cto. Oc.
'•attOMatoltoCtotolm wthtoriltod
Fourth Tear—No. 99T
Two Big
Bargain Days
The City Book Store
Saturday and Monday,
July 14 and 16.
Worth fi-om 26c to $1.00 each.
All at 10c each, to close.
Two ^inee werv late iiiarrivioy. owing to factory*a in
ability to fill ordera soon
Tbey are etylieb aammer
abapea and ehadea, n-pular
SS..M) and $:i.00 eboee.
AU sixes and widths, to
close tUeiu out. yoor choice,'
S2.50 a pair
A WoDdcrfol Opportunity-^Embrace It.
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
For Every Kind of Weather..
Special cut prices on bike soito and paota.
For new, stylish, up to-snaff goods yoaVe got to goto
The Leading Shoe Hoaae.
S. BENDA & 00.
Btrsw Hats, .5c to 11.50.
Union Made Overalls, 48o
Long Distance NOW IS THE TIME
To buy that fine Japanese Stj'aw Mattieg. that fine kind with cotton warp,
in many pretty colors—Erery store
gets from 25 to 28c per yard for same.
We are going to let a few rolls slide at
| MM
Calamet, Sevit Ste. Htrie,
Sickiiic Isitad, tu.
Good Suilce.
Populii Minute Rates.
< 96 pair womsn'f tan shoes, styUsh made.......... $1.48
\ 84 pair women's $3.00 and $2.60 shoes at........... 1.00
Maerra Beport of 1
I aoBd
bant to Texaa.
apsetcl lo la< Msrslsf BceerC.
OalvMton. Jalp I6-A eloadbant
oeearrad at Coleman. Tea.. thU morntor. and Uie reporu iadioate that a
dosea Uvee bave been loet in tbe flood.
Oolemaa. Tex.. Jalp le—Flftoea llvce
ware loat to a -eloadbant here todap.
Tea bodice have beaa reooveoed bat
oalp two were ideattfled. Theee are
tboae of Joaeph Bpath, a laadinr ecerchant of tbe vUlare. and John Fnleltetine. It U feared that manp more 11*m
were lost to tbe vsUep below Coleman
where the flood is the wont
KJTOin am
I do not oiwira to be
..The CheapL..
But will do your
work jnrt aa cheap
ee good work eao
be done for.
The Palntetianil Paper Hanger.
Bell Phoue. No. 323.
I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Taila, but since
I bare tried
Pig Tail
-I bare come to tbe ooncloaion that .5c will bay a firstclaaa, deliciooa smoke. Try
oee. and yon will never pay
10c tor a Pig Tail again.
lOB pair womeo’i Oxfords, worth $1.86 and
$160. now..............................................................
44 paira miaaee'tan aboee reduced to.....................
34 pair meu’e $4.00 and $6 00 ehoea, amall alsea,
60 pair youth's black and tan. now................. ....
72 pair men's canvas bala. leather trim.................
260 pair infanta-eboea........................... 16,26,36 and
240 pair women's new up-to-date Oxfords..........
93 pair ladiee’ stock No. 666, a $2 60 aboe, now..
41 pair ladies’ kid shoes to close out at..................
108 pair misses' kid shoes to close out at..............
New Store—242 Front Street.
The Leading Shoe House of Northern Michigan
«»««« *»***»«»»* K« «»««»«»««
They need the neatest of care.
Ever had a pair of MINOR’S
“EAST" SHOES for womenf
They are the eaaiest of aU easy
shoes. Lace or button—$8.60.
S FrontlStreet
1 aoBauro nooxo.
- MuMiau
>. W. Uammo, au« lal lliin«».
•Mk VMM* So. a.
I _Muotf «M7*sUM> re r u
^*«n« «rUltolMU to ••*»-
^-------- .
I Xio',
Siscs the 4tb of Mveb. li^ST.-eoagnm bM ontborlMd the eoutroeUm
«f 4« thipa. with 0
ct <«&.4M toai. Tbit (baladci eifht
tetttMblpi of tbe fint cIui;«lzor.
Morod eralMT* of Uio fint cIom: fou
SMSlton oad also protected cmiecrt
there here beeo completed end placed
f^eoniiiiuloa. In the lame time, a toof SI Teaecle, »itb an a^rrregate
It of Sl.Ciri tone. This lea
reaofd tbe RepabUcan admlsUtratlon
«M point to wttb rrea^ eatlataeUoe
KksnniuT moiTHi
qWuebaaia.aa oM ptaaaarof tbe
dted aatatffay at hte bcM rnd BaAtal haa rwsaread in Rna
aaarKlBff^ ai tteaffo e<M yaaia.
OaM tht T«ao Hff Bainhow *ro«k
ae «ai Mil toewB aaMBff the old neHa Oaald Mb KMp,AU*a.
UaadB ol the diffaad eeM. haeiaff
T«t«day sftaiMM ffred Beebtal
raadvadtroB Chicago tba two larga
■a baa baaa a «aadoM ed
iByya^oiraedaffna lam near rainbow tnet ba pant tbara tn ba
CBoastad. lhay are tba big mt
tewhtw. thi
enagbt tUaaprlag by Oaerga Baff, Jt.
and that can^t two yean ago by Mr.
Be^taL That eaagbt by Baff
tba laigaaterar oaogbt la Mi^igna.
It was
poeadc la waigbt and a
and 8« iaebci ta lagtb wbOa tba
Ihe airod a BMetfag toon, taetad in otbarwfa about two pouada Ugbtar
difteaet plaoea and at difftrat Ubm abd H taabca ta taagU. They ban
. atagaatiy aouatad ta gtaa w
dariag tbe progreai cd tbe naMlnc.
—* naabeta od
aixwrdiag to a ooDtemporary’i corro■pondsnt at Vienna,«a marked by an aocsptable bufflorons audacity Hera fc»
fawtaaoe. Is CM that tun Jw •
days: "Wanted.-»A riob lady, ao mat
ter bow old, who will finaaoe a atm
dent of medicine ratU suBb time as be
obtains bis degrea when be engages to
many bit beoefactresae"
And anotber U qnoted wbenta a
young prinoe seeks abandsomaglrl with
a dowry of not less than £350. (KKL
When tbe dotixed mate U obtained,
all one’s needs are apparently satisfied.
Judging from this adTertisement for a
purchaser for' a well trained monkey,
a talkatire patrol and a beaatifnl lympatbetio cat, ” which belongs to a lady,
wb<L owing to her approaching
rlage, has no fortber nso for them..
leing of tbo advertisemporary U.
bowesrer, that <.
very Irish pitn„i for "taea of inlect, pbilasophcnt, Fcholars and pollUoiaDt, whose scvirro monlal labor in
tbe cause of humanity bu filled tUbir
brains with geuisl idvaa, while depriv-
far more comfortable to nte an oil atore th&i a wood atove
tiiia hot weather. I have a full line, from a amall 2 bomer
^patore op to a nice Urge 3 burner and oven. Bine Flame
ymek Meal. Thej are perfectly safe—not aa moch daneer to
operate aa a lamp.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
The Practical Houaa Pumliher.
place. Taking her >cat in the chair
again, sbe submitted to tbe eperation of
extracting tbe tooth witboot a mormnr
was ao sligbL7.Me|r k
An ADM-rteAit wrlier. coiuik-irailvefy ouknawn in tbls eonntry. nroie re
ly '
ouor here—mokl
' *“l * illuit pa|M>rK ...
while, but
pr«-ti.v soon I'll w-nil ov.r for Katie
and Ui.' ehlldrt-n. Tlioy tbfuV I'm a
lion, and I'm roartnu ns loud as ivosslIdo^ou .-very occasion. Great country.
Best to be had.in
City 18 Bt
t mt-n-nn-r
I bare bad my baiiding
rebuilt and pot in good
shape and am now ready
to receive all old patron*.
Good Line of Jeweliy
III Klmlsof Repaifiog.
if^FIn Insum
• Ask j-ver drasgtsL
L. L. A. Bunding.
and Every Night This Week
King of Fun Makers,
Jhe Sr„«e.
■on Fn Thu 1 Clrcos.
Io Tio Pvfonnueos Ulte.
See Transmission by Telepathy
Aa an Extra Attraction the
management have engaged
the popular and-well known
Jas. B. Mackie
White Hsu Turned Yellow
Great eoneterostiOD was felt by tk
friends of M. A Bogarty of Lexingtei
Ky . when they.saw be was turning
The Original “QrimBey Me
yellow. Bltukln »!owly changed color
also bis
and be
he suffered terribly,
Boy.” in Hoyt’s "A Bunch
>ls eyes, end
e yeilow jsutjdlee.
ialedy was
of Keys” and "Grimes Cel
was treated byr tbe best
doctore, bnl
lar Door”
wUhoul heuefiL Then be was adv-sea
lo-iry Electric Bluere. the woederfoi Also. Miss Louise Sanford, in
stomach and lieer remedy, and
I. FtKiTU.
------ taking two bottles
s Wholly cured." A trial prore. .
itchlcas merit for all stomach. 1
and kidney troubles. Oaly*t‘S^'
St'etw WilUam Judd and J. B. Wheeler Ja by 8. E. Wait and Jas. U. Joheson. j shI" «t llid Im offit-e
'Telephone 112.
Jalj at Gaylord and May be Wuted Here Later.
William Judd aqd J. B. Wheeler,
both of whom are known and have rtaldedin this city, are In jtll aiOsylord,
charged with a burglary committed at
Almira. The men have never been
under arrest before so far as known,
but they were closely watched by the
police before they left here.
l%are arc some thiugs in connection
with Ibe arrest of these two men that
^ taeltaes to tbe belief that they may be
wastad here to abswer to the charge
«f bicy^e thieving after tbe antboriJlWbi Gaylord are done with ibea.
St is said that Judd bad in bU possessIM a Clsvatand wheel that answered
to tbe deeerlption of the bleyu'.e tbmt
wet stolon from Jnllns Banuab recent|p. Wbootar, also bad a wheel, it li
BAid. that may pravotoba the World
Bieyelostotaa from Feed Brigge recant
Ip. Both men bed dkpeaed of Ue
wheals, and bad pan tickets for them
wbae they were erreotad. Tbtyrafuae
to tall where tbe-wbeels areJadd-s wife, who M a daugbtar of
' Lake fera^. died reeenUyWhaeleriB wife neearod a di'
•Im ace. AAd ie aow marrlad to a
BtaA aaaeed Oea, Mar Bk BapidA *
Sbariff ttmpacm wlU goto GAylotd
sot taken Into consideration when tbe
Grand Baplds desk was selected.
tbe desks that are
re tbe most economical
for use In our schools.
Memberi of eommltloe on bnilfilngs
and groonds.
Opera House.
Tbe desk submitted by Hr. Moataffua's company waa a stock dtsk with
Mt any name on it, and was not cox
aldored equal to any desk submiued.
Steinberg’s Grand
it into bm month for tbe pi
aminlog tbo molar which was to bo extractod.
Tlie glass bod no sooner loucbeS-the
tooth tta an Rbontti-rcdnfrigbtfnl scream,
and. bouueiiig ont of tbe chair, rosbed
out into Iho wniting room, crying (that
her jaw was liTokea Tho nnltod « ffc...
Tbk tout rroM aamibga of rallroada of bsr taosbaud and the dvuiiet were for
mre tm,000.000 larger laat year than some tiino nnablo to porsuado her that
tbo tootb was not extracted and that
fa im.
sbe oonld not possibly bavo bc-on bnrt
After uxaminiug her month 5vilh tbs.
We noM« by tbe Bally Bsgle of Jely
l«lb that a local bidder eons'ders «o
hare diecrimiaated against him In
fiavor of aa outsida firm is purebaatag
aebool furniture. Such wis not tbe
eaas. tbe desk anbmittad by'
eraad Rapids School Furniture Works
wae enpertar to all ojher daeka aabmlt«ed la polDt of material, fialsb and
tbe f!
water aolom. ta oaeb naa. T
tban tbe alrneartbeceilinf.
atad ipariBana are tba dacat enr
pla tbe air eoeae fonr feet froim tbe
tbowa ta mebigaa of tba ntabow
■paetai and they wUl bo a ptaaalng at
net only to reaortore and deb400,000, while near tbe oeUinc tbe
aoMoat at tbe befinainc oC tbeaaettBf
m from abroad, bat to our own
eraa 8.000.000, and at tbe cod od the paapla
aeettBff tbie bad been Ineree
Air qear a baming Jet «d ga« ahowed
tba latien flgnret of all Tfaa_ lu the Un Bteek Crte
h^ire Sunday
A blaze touibweat of -the city at
488.000,000 per cebio ioeb. In Mr. Aitkla'i tracted a good deal of attenUon Sanawnwordi: "It does aeem Rrange tbet day evenlug. It was found that tba
alangbter house of 1. L Sleeper A Co.
inch of eir of e room at night was burned wiuT lire stock, ss well ss
rbess tbe gaa U burning at tbere are eoferal eereases of beef and porn. - Tbe
ta in Ureat Britain, and that
in three cubic Incbea of gaeoe from a total loM Is about >!00. The cause of
bnoacD flame tbere are ai many parti- tbe fire U unknown.
dee at tbere are InbaUtanta of tb«
Curtain lilies for fenglsud.
The Ufebigan Mannfseturieg Co. has flnubedwigs, 'thoadvoitiscrooniimiee,
Id rereal etill greater num- received an order for a carload of cur "while extremely nsofni and highly «ben. Mr. AUkenbaanot yet teetedsueb tain poles to be abipped to Lircrpool. namental to tbo wearer, are guaranteed ,
air. but be found that a cigarette
abeolatoly invisible to tho spectator. I
■moker Bcndt 4.000,000,000 partolea, England. This la tbe first shlpmont of
more or leu, into tbo air with ertrj eurtain poU e ever made to Europe from
pnff bo makea.—Gentloman'a tUgaripA this eection of tbe country. Tbe stock
••• be sent on iU journey Wednta lay'
It fisvcNi OH Leg.
/ P. A. DmI
dnffereo fprs
iB • IWBlM-a Chair.
ful running aore leg. bn writes that
Dentiiti iiaro a apUndid opportnaiQr
BDckleo'sAmlea Salve wl lly cured It
of atudying tbojiower of imaginatian.
aleers,' 'nods, piles,
An up town practitioner by way of ilIn the
orid. Cure
luatration told a reporter about one of
Sold by 8.
Jobnsen. dmggUu
bii women padenta She entered, aooompaniod by her bnabaud, and i«iating to Lenawolluq fare asked tbe den
tist to extract tbe offending tooth. He
placed bar in cbo ebair, and taking the
tfSPEBtbe operation of tbe WUaoa
free trade tariff for rerenne only, there
waa a deficit of liol.ooo.ooo io 35
Boatba. Under tbe Dinclay Uriff for
fretectlon tbere wet a aorplu of file 000,000 in 31 Bon^a
Declare They did not :
s Co. in School
Oak Contract.
a B(» pruimr
Established I8S7.
Kimball Pianos
and Organs
A Bright
Renders jt this way—".A
thing of beauty is a boy for
ever." .Now if that “boy ’ or
young man had been thro' our
clothing department and had
purchased from our strictly
down-lo-date goods the bright
girl would have indeed been
right. He would have select
ed one of dur S7.50 unmatchablc suits—Perhaps he d paid
Siooo for that next grade.
Then there arc Straw Hats,
all. the w.iy from 5c .to Si.50.
Those for 25c are splendid
1 hat's the high band fold
with inside facing to match
the shirt—sells at ^oc. We
have 25 different styles at 15c.
Neckwear is important—
The silk and linen Imperials
and Tecks sell at 25c each.
Negligee Shirts start at
50c; the double silk front sells
75c: other .'grades at Si.oo.
S1.25 and $1.50.
Talk C
A Tablet , has becoiime in-’
dispensible to the business
the professional man,
and the man. woman and
child in the home. We sup
ply all demands.
The business'man-wants
a little tablet to rigure his dis
counts or add up his sales.
The soil paper tablets sell at
ic, 2C. ,5c: the'Tlafd paper for
ink—the small Hinsdill tablet
are the best—4c, \c, Sc. Cse
them on your desk .at all
times. The professionrd man
takes notes for future ref'*rence. write a brief, build a
house, make out a prescrip
tion, figure up in--uraiice. The
paper must be good. Three
sizes of tablets—note, packet
and letter n., 1 ^ ::c.
Woman in the home
wants to write a note or a let
ter to a friend Cobweb Lin
en. Inruled Featherweight,
Crejam Wedding — all note
siz.e>. sell at 23c: the letter
size at 37c.
Royal National Bond in
pound packages at 25c.
Envelopes to match, loc
the pack.
Hteve been well tried and found to be
what you want. Xore than 1.000 of these
Instruments owned by Grand Traverse
people. Absolutely first class in every
Sold by the makera
Easy terms.
W. W. Kimball Co.
todAj to aee U ha eu loeata eltbw et
H. Z. STBOIVa; Kuugn-
The Hannah & La; Hereantiie Co.
hisjaw wlU hit Hghh_______ ^
ovar WiU his right and ha Jafea hit iafi
falltolbRyb ftea. Medovara amaahOhusploB
Ais««tiva«ubimpat* Tbm
covwiiw him WlU Mead,
da Bma U Ua fiaor.wtth
•ft. Mow tauros «fU bo UlKZBoekAdOnt
aright awing.' Bma takas Ua taU
■■Auoigbt.______________ _
eoaat. TUny raahad Briia toBoorwiU
ho WacaaqomahU XdtTa Fl^ur 9a- Mb BM^tnriaa hat McGovae*
nst TO pnxnvTiABT
Is than arUh vieloas right wUeh aaada
wwMw. WM«liHy Amm, OtedwU.
OM«« mi thPM teTtaf food famteg ChtafoBsahor OsosicloC ormodB. fwtad ViaakBrat iaaTamflcBat- UoBaUloboy to Ua finer. Baagaln
lrtaotoriaa.hat la bontandewn. AnUa iMt Blght-Tha BaHale FagUiat eUar
iMt Trooaoetioaa.
knoU-dowa by Tany aad Brat's
. Oaa OalkM*. wke Mwtty ueand •
iieendi throw up Uaaacmgs. ,
Law Oat la Third Hoaad.
•MlMt for toUoc m\ m.M.MO fMl
of plMfortlMOiloM * BMlo MUCootiBl Trost Sorlags
At the Moontaln Ash Eisteddfod. M
imrnmmmr. too mmttr uupuuf • ■Mk. «hkk UOod Msreb i, USS. «os
at Mertbyrtydvii oo Easter MonAy,
upfag lood 40 MikoUf. pHPMaUry foood gouty toalght of frssdolsot aWa Uttla flgbttf bom Braoklya. Tar*
a total
lanoa MeOovara.. tonight laid away of TOO performer*, comblnad to
Ao tagtauUc work oa UroMtnol.
AookUgsadaootaoeodtaUs pcaHooA wmiM lUUg 00 Bmw Uoad tUry. PsolsoB Is Us oUU Cbieogo Frank Bma. Ue lightweight ehaa “Tbe Abseat-MlBded Beggar."
U *aid to be Ue largest nnaber of ini»a>aStda«» e»» 4wU« » roMot fcoobmrssatto Us ooBlMsUory os Us plan of Ue world, in the Uird reand.
It was a terrific hattia from Ue up of stroments cvw broogbt
storm wWb UfkttUr otrwk Us bo- roooltof Uo MOie of
the gang antU Ue sponge troa Brae's gle leader.
ftMMtfkOlodhV. Tbs «OM OS'
sant up into Ue air. in
It stands aloss. it towara ahova.
‘Sara's no otbar, itb aatare'a sroadcr.
AsSMMSUMstorUClUtoo eooB'
From Ue vary.start of tbs fight Me- a warming ponlUea U Ua haart of
tatfee OoasBlUe ABtrUaa FadarM soress s -UmOj wbsroU tbs
mankind. Sack la Boeky .Mo
TeaSSe. Ask yoar drag^b
atloo U tfsaalos U Deneer.
•stera U sU coMseo
allowed Erne to have a moBaat in
- anrs, Us Mrtbdsr SBBlTsmrUs oftbs SpmislieTM HemlBc
which to show his well known clever
«Ug wl^ 0 syoet i
wbols sU eosUf
Dcnrar. Colo.,Jnly ifi-Tbe exeeaaedadenee. batbewason top of
't*o woekt.
tlTS eoBBlttes of Us Assrican FederblB, and after him every etage of Ue
tUoD of Labor. BSt hsrs today, and
1. Kyssio of ago. of £
game, raining blows Uat we^^lBply
d u eoAait tolUds hj wUl'cestUaeln session for a sreek.
arvelOBS ia Uelr powerBoMooUar had re- Several qosstloni will be dUeasaedibat
Followlng is Ue deutl cf the fight
fated boryermlMloato^goie Btaatoo It Is not probable that action on any
by ronndt:
- with sporty of frleadsasd anger over sahjeei will be uken before next
Boand4—MeGovere went at bis man
the rofoMl b Uoogbt to bare Usplred Thursday.
iBffiedlately. Erne was canlious. They
exchanged rights at caster sad MeOtto Manser, of if (..Joseph, shipped
Oovem got in a left hook to Eme'a
the diet load of Bosketelons of Ue
neck aad followed on tbe law. Erne
ssssoo. to MUwsokte.
ThU U Ue
landed a left to Ue point of McGovern's I
aaloot that ba«e beso of public works, Ue following ordi- jaw. McGovern wentddwn and took !
haretsUl U the hbtory of the sute.
MeGovem swung left to neck j
Hiss Heled Ooold passed Jhoogh the
1 by Ue eoandl of and pooDded wind'll] a dlncb. It was >
o^per eoostry looeg- aad visited Uo ravaree City:
a fast fight. Efne's ooae nassuned:'
fisenox 1. The base or datum plane McGovern tried to forceithcfighung.
vor^s polott of UterMt,- iseladlag
to which shall be referred all grades
Ue Pb>i-aU bUs. There she set Ue landjevels in Ue city of Traverse City, It wdTgive and Uke. McGovem was
The moet i»pular
le-yeor-old aos of Copk dlBon Jaeksoa absll be aad Ue tame is hereby fixed forcing Batten at Ue bell.
e level
rei of tbe water la Orand
who Bade a great Impression opoa her.
Bonnd 3—Terry sent hU right to
ublo beverage of the uineIn fact, ehs UTlied bis to go to Mew Traverse Bay’ on JJuly Ue UU. I'JOO; body. They clinch. Erne jtba jew
teoiith century. *>4 enpe
aald dalBi
alnm plane being thirteen and
Tork and Uke a floe ^ob. and perhaps seven-'-tenUa feet below Ue top of wlU left and whips over right. Again
of^the most nourishing cea trip abroad. 8he banded him her
corher etone in Ue water Erne pot left fair to Terry's fees aad
r^l preparation for 20c.
cord aad address and be wrote'^ocept- Uble of Ue aouUwest comer of Ue Uey clinch. Bmejsba FlU hU left,
ing her InviUUon. Be reeelred back a Hannah A Uy7 MereanUle Compai
but Terry ducks. Frank swings right
building in said
Id city at
Bt Ue northeast
-obeek tor ISO.
comer of Ue lateraecUon of Front aad to jsw and after a ellneb pat left fall
U Ue JSW. Terry bored in again wiU
Bobert MeCarUy, a llneBan in the Union elreeis.
bU rlgbl-but Bros jabs Terry repeated
asployof the Marqoette Oonaty Tele
ly wiU bis left. It was Eme'a roond.
phone Oo.. was iBstanUy kiUed by a
Bound s^^eUovera poshed. Brae
carrentof elsetrleity, which he raeel*A refreshimr cup,
ed from a Una he woe stringing over aa said Btroats wltheach oUer or at Ue eprinted and awang hit right Brae
to truly cheer, must be of
polnu at which. If Uey were extended, jabbed WiU bU left and Terry got u
aleelrle light wire.
sneh etreete would intersect, or at
the b«t quality properly
Mary Uashey. aged »T. was loud other points in Ue eenur line of said
cured aud dried. Our -unstrneu oUerwlse definitely located:
dead U a field on Ue farm of
and ail grades between eaUblia)
colored -fapan at 4o eta. a
DiBoat. near Aabara village neer grade points ebatl be straight Ui
pound. Try it; you'll liktBay City. Saturday.
drawn from one fixed point to i
I oofVDCMwo finrs
fuMbeCKsya. .
g ao^ by Miss Loaks BmM, who
aawtad aaetca} gaatf- Mgs. Iho
If It’S New
We Have It!
Bteln-Bloch's Amraal
of New Styles Ken'S Suits,
and Ulsters for FaU
and Winter, 1900,
at our etore,
Konday and Tuesday
July 16th and 17th.
From samples
for future delivery.
We especially Invite those
who have
never worn a suit of this
celebrated make
to call and see the line.
It is
always a pleasure
posseselng Such merit.
eball at Ue oater edge thereof be not
lem Uan sU inehes above Ue grade Of
Id lidewa'
ewalks sh_..
slope toward the ctreet at aa inelioe of
one Ineh In every four feet
GE(-no!f 4. Tbe eaubliahment of
any grade by Ue city eonnell shall fix
and determine the permanent grade
J for that for which it Is designated, bat
saeh eatabiisbment of aueb grade
AND PLATFORM ] not be conatrued to authorlae any peralter Ue
aon or company to change or t.............
auuu.uuatUtjuutjB.ut u u
existing grade or conditionJ of any
street or sidewalk, or• any part thereof
There h
until ordered altered by tbe city coon
in Uia city dsring Ue past few years. ell and Uen only and
aad.aH of Uaa have givan mysterious of Ue city engineer.
Sxenoxs. This ordlaance shall Uke
pufonaanees aad dlflfealt Iceu. which
aelaaee alone can aapUla. bat the ea- Immodlau effect
The board of pnblle svorke also saked
blbtUaapreaeated last Bight at Stein
the paaeage of o
berg's Orand by BevangaU dlseonnted
any pravioos pertorBunee yet wit- for Ue eons traction of all csBeat side
aeaeed here. The preliminary tesu walks py Ue city. If the eity rebau U
ware of maeh Ue same ^racier as to be given, and also aa ordinance proSOBS given hero hsro before. Bot th's' ■idli^ for Ue etublishment of tbe
transBlislon of tslspaUy Istrodueed widU of Up varioae etreeU
a. B. Flaeh was employod, on Ue
by Seveogal was Ue aost remarksble
of Ue board of public
aad myetifylng that It has been Ue
ptsassre of Trevereo City people w works, to attend W street , work, re
It M a day for aetnal work
^IBSM bare. Theae tesu display a
Bysieriont mind power which was
The report of Ue eewer committee,
'strongly demonstrated as to leave
doubt as to the inflaenee of meatal- meommenditig Ue exuaeion of tbe
Washington street eewer to
foree and Ue power of one mind
the Freabyterian and Baptist
' anoUer.
Sevaogaia was assisted in Uese tesU ehnrehee, was adopted.
The ordinance on drains and plumb
by bit two ^aaistaaUi whoa be bed
prevloasly pat late a oonnd bypootie ing wem presented and referred to tbe
sleep. Afie^ operating upon Uesnb- committee on ordlnaners
Tbe former report of the water
]eou be went through Ue asdleaes
board caused < msiderable
sod bad oameroat persoos, unknown works
to others, suggest tests of a misoelis- trouble. It was taken from Ue table,
neoBs character. For instsucs. one then as no one seemed to know wbst to
asked Uat one of Ue eabjects play the do wiU It. a motion was made aad sap"SUrt and l$u-ipet Forever" on Ue pia ported to lay it on tbe table again
no. aLCOlher that a hat hruken from a City Attorney UavU fioally patched tbe
tbe report referred
Ban ie Ue audience and placed opon matter np and
baek to Ue water board.
the head Of l>r Knee'.aud; another that
Tbe city eni^neer was asUorierd
a watch abooid be uken from Ue pock
dock line of the
et of the ow-ier and Ue time lodlcated;
aootber Uat a young man la the front river from Park street to JFeUlngton
row ahould be ahaved and ahampeood: B boU aides of Ue river.
A large nnmber of cement walks
aneUer that one of the young men
Bbeald do a cake walk. Ue other turn ere ordered bn ill. aad permits were
a haadsprlng; and numerous,other per- iesaedtorUe balldlat of henaet ag
in valae about Ilf.OOO, ter
8eveugal4i raoelved abo
IwSA^Df these rt<ja«U aad after- SheHff Simpson. Mr*. E C. Barnes.
watda'wlUottlaword to hiaeabiseu. Wood SUtere. Stranb Brae., and, E.
‘ oUar Uan the meuUon of their namea Begadora.
The Batten of the eaaltary m sys
by Ue force of bia sHU power to do Ue tem proposed by Ssmnel Midgily,
things asked from Ue aodieooe. While refenrd to tbe committee on sewer*,
' ^pertormingUe tesUboUeabjeeU were and later In Ue esMlon it was reported
■ooaa aalaep. bat Uey moved from Ue
ih street svaa ordered gr*
ataga and Uroagh Ue isles aad among from Bay atraet U Dlvieion. as was
Ue aaau wiU Uo greatest tresdom. Wood mere avenns from Center to Beltsriy ordered
sHUoatoaes bacoalBgoontnaed. Af V strael. The < aik formerly
ter Ua parfomsaaos aoM whoaamsd
Ua IMS could say Uat Uey had act
haaa smiied oat aa suggatUd.
> EighU was T<
Oartag Us first part of^^ avaalag farrtd.
Bavaagala had mbs dlSeoliy in getThe Appatite of a Goat
UsgwmiagsBbjacta tr«B| Us andJla envied by all whose
Bsa alomaebaad
aa8s,aeUatUatportlnotUs satar- liver are ont of order.
_____ BataaahahoaU
UtABsatwasaoBawhat bstHtioappad. kaow Uat Or.. King's
Bing's MawLUs
faseMaatal to Us hypoeUe ealsnata- give a mleadld aopstita. sound digsaaaataauBbar of vUy aatertalaiag tlon and a ragnlar bodily habit that inaorea oarfaet hcalU and graat aaargy.
•pMWttss wara glvaa by Ua elavar Oaly xse at S. B. Watt aad Jas. 6.
Jaa B. Maekte, ferBsriy of Hoyt's Johnson's drag store.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Mia. CarolUe CUrk. aged S4. went to
eall on a friend, and not flndtag aoyooe at home walked anceonslosely into
to Ue cellar. Her skull was era
and her advanced age make* recovery
A Voung Girl's Eifurienee.
Mv dsucbtrr’i nr>:v ei were (rml'lr out of
order.' sbe wu lUo uod weuK: ibc ifwrt
ooloe surtled ber. usd siie ««• vaktSul ui
elfOt. HaVore sIjo bod tskes one larkjice
ot celery Kins the rhsnse In ber wm ao
sreat (bat ab,- could hardly lie takes lor tbe
aetue sir). M>e la rapidly sruwi ns w< ii and
alroes. ber inmplexlOB le perfi-el. and abe
Celery Klne'i ’irral'oticiltialloitiuid nlldlfc
eoaeaof tbr Nrrwmrsoiiiarii.l.n-erand KldD«ya >hM<I by drusswa. !£>'- and We. 4
218 Front St..
Telephone 804
T. f. Hunlei,
Clieap Koape area
costly inv'efctment Cheap
laundry soap ruins clothiug; cheap toilet eoap poi
sons the skin.
We sejl
gockl eoapa tor all purpo'see. Some 10 bars, others
7 barA for 2oc.
I have purchaaed the fine hred Coach BtalUon Honere,
Imported from France by M. VT Dunham of Wayne, lUe.,
the largeat Importer in America.
The fact that the horse was imported by If. W. Dun
ham is a guarantee that Yie is a good onA, Said horse ia a
fine Individual, bright bay, .16 hands high, weight 1,360,
fine carriage, a great roadster.
Honere cornea from one of the best families of coach, hor«» era importej I h»vs hie pedferee with the seal ol
‘France attached, wlilch will take too much space to pub
Hunter t Bauiubeueli.
wwstwwsn* wswmvKKsnuririt
Honei e will be at my barn for the balance of the sea;soo. and for the purpose of iutroducing him terms this seai son will be $12 00. Will be here after July 20th.
|AJD\uU Yvoivie
'SowdVv 6^^
Tilts pricf has luovrd out a big lot uf tbvsc
goods in the last three days—There is stilt
n good assortment.
Better make your kelectiouk liefore the
best pattern^ are all
The Up-To-Date Photographer
i‘5o\)iVa.T4 SV\k
'Sou.tWv 6^^
oOc hind liow 3>c—7.5c kind now aCc—'■•‘.'c
kind now -52c—‘.•'n: kind now T4c. Better
take advantage of this offer—You do not
get a chance every day to buy tbe most
popular goods on the market right in the
heart of the season at this price. These
goods are sold for spot cash only
;jt fine line oi fhotograiih Bunons. Enlafging of ill Kinils.
Sj&ckds, 6bc
If yoo can't keep cool, get one of oar light '
weight 'house jsekets. They're fine and it
only costs you iw to gwn one.
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Sidewalk Lomber in all sites,
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
t te Traveree Olty Dunbar Oo.
T. W.Bta
Stotahw rarabhiag Goods.
J. W.fiUtorbboaMfambhtog baMI to gMhaa I
that be baa not room ammgh to hb
Caviar^ fimra to show aMptoa at
the fine large Dae ha earriat a» bf haa
bean obUgad to rant the
cum and baaemaat wbara ba wfll show
hb Una of atovee. atoal
think thb a Ceebte platfona. It U not.
O. Bad«^ M«ld Som* Slav
It haa tramendoea atrenfth.-Mr. Bryto Vc» Tgrk. to* wrUtM tbe^aocurr an'a enat^ orsaindto Nbw TOik Joi
of tto trmtmrw at KtoUagtoi that
toaraatataraoradaMHat* pe<vU at
Indeed ft haa. Mr.' FreerSll^te.
■cm thaa laccaanUf haawB.
Tm» naew before weiw oo rijftrt ia yoor
life. It ha* tn'mendona etienmU. beOo). Albait O.«
It pan before the Amerkao rotdMottbae. h. 8.. wtaoii In Ohtcaro
<m bflaaa BaeaactaJ «rtth-tha aaaaal an the pbin. Oat |>ropo*llioo of u-Leth■wawt te to Md thaia 8a(mt cr they ebalt chooee an fconoiulc ixdlcy
'wblcli baa put every nan and every
*i to Sqrtastor 1. taja that froco
baaidrs the Warxbarg bammaat
Vorta to had raaaiTad to toliated that dollar of cap.Iial In ibe I'sltetl i^tee to ba srlU i fit np lor a show room,
(ally 1.000^ vlalwia'wm go to CbJ- work or a wildcat poller Pf tons and make* by far the laigcat bmia ^
nore north of Grand Bnplda,
proepera^ dnriaf the cncanpiDeDL TkU
me eao gel anything they w
f«ar^ aoeaapnant. to aaid. peoshae Itr of tie lart three year*; •whether fernUh their honm trithoat ebi
to to the Ui^at erer bald I? the O. a national revenue that ivrm ail the ■alesBW. * *
CoveroBM-ul'M ejpenditurea esul redurtw
lu rtflu or a <!.-fl<lt that l)r.»d» IniiolW«en LonJaThtUftoan at PaMaie. vaocy and l>a«ikni{ittT: wbether oiJcn
Mrt. Colby of the
H. J.. aarrledacaiaat the erktoa of tnlllr. full Work ana byrti wapt-s or
ton tanUj.
open cilnta. Ottllnlnp Induwtnv* and 8/B
to them wlCb aeleiBn caranonr. and Imporrriahcd bone*i whetbi-r Amort- wbUe to tba elty by bar friend. Miu
waat into atonnilad for hUa- tha can ptenty and richee or American OoraTruTla.
Mr. aud Mr*. L. W. Bodmao. Bdward
tonara] rltaa wrra in aeeordaaca with want and nlacry.
It lia« tremendbus Ktmiytb hetause and Luther Bodnms. Mr. and Mrs
thaebaroh to which the tasllj beIt patH to the votrrK tlw (jm-ctlou of na- George MilU Bogara and Mrt. L A
ttonal growth to «.>vra prater tblnga Heims went to Mr. Hodman's tog cabin
6arara aarthqaakn In the Kart
than ever bme Ix-oa uceaioplUtivd or at Forest Lodge yesterday.
K^nnaa dUUlcto of tha Cana
nstkma] d>.<cliM' to Uk- dire condi
J. A PeentogtoB was to the. city
« moltad-6> the
tion* of five ywH ago. of lncrcai>«d
. of five eUlaffca, ^aral eharebM
tcrrltor?'. luen-axed market* nt boma over Sunday.
Milo Jones and Abe Bajtoy of Leslie,
' abroSd. Inerraaefl wealth and Inaao; boaaea. Sl^ ptnoot ware kUtad
ai^ aereral lojarto. Additional ebcekt creUMxl rielitt and pouer* Ik-fore tba are the gueaU of Mr. uhJ'IrH. Fred L.
nailot;* of til.' v'-rld or a *lir1nkose Jopcs of 11'« Weat'Scvenlb street. They
mra'aUn balev rap^*^and collapM' to nicnn proportions In all. made the entire trip from Leslie on
Sloea Jaly 4 a flam fire haa bean rmpc-ctitilint mengaro national pro*|>ertheir wheels.
netnc In Bftonntalne aoath of Pmro Ity and Mi-wilug*. iMvaun- it put* the
The. .Misaat Alice and Evelyn Will
rieer\nd np to the preaent tim t^ Qoestion of )irncres*ion <w retrugrc«i
iams of Manlttoe are the guests of
to the amonnt of M e^nare mllaa elon. of
It ba* treuu-ndou* •‘tDuph lx'cauae ' ilrauBL Mru J.'Campbell of Lake
Itto bean tnmed'oeer. The fire wat
They were aeeompanled by
•tortad at the Colton Plata on tba It pledge* iHil tUiigs to U- done, but
tbelr father who ratamad to Manistee
Cana ttold road by a firacrackar aet the prenervatUiii from deca}’ and the
develoimient to tlx-lr inevltubli' tliilab yesterday.
off by a Utile g\rl
G. M Dame of Mortbpart was la the
of iLlriga already done. —New Tork
Tha Goaraatioabl method of "ehrU- rn?M.
elty yeatordv.
tonlnc” a new boat by breakloy a bot
La^dlccdThomas £. Sharp of the
tle of ebampacne orar the prow waa
Uke View Boose at Elk Baplds I* to
wnperaadad .at tha laanehlnf. of tha
toe city.
•taamee Coroall in Soalh Chlea«ro' by
LobU Webber left last night for Pca more plct«rato°*'
* newer
“Mr. .Wakcnian left bli curd to tto toskey to speod the aammar irlth bb
mnrtoa. Inalaad of dolar It In the old form of a big yeUow poaler. wbich be
aunt, Mru Patoraoa.
tony Uto Btta OnnnaU of Buffalo affixed to the wall of lUTuldlcao beadithal Thompson left yaatarWldln barhandaac^den oafa from quaneta," aay* ibe New York Mull
dny for Tbrah Uka on protam
arbieh aba llbaratod four d«m at tha and Expree*. “It Is of Intweat -a* be
baatoau■toameratartod down tba 1^. It I* ing the iint of the usacrtlve and trlF.
retarnad yeatorday
- mnutom borrowed from tha Japaaear, wnphant auiemento pf fact to wblds
from Backport, lad., wbara ba has
Md haa bean followed la aattinc afl:at the Bt^nbllrau party can appeal dur
C aavaral weeks looking
ing the coning nonlbs of preside
. «a the boala of Camariab Pituburf
battle aa the nananl of history for Ua
manta to Us botol to that
•toamabip do., to which tba OomeU right to project Into tbo fntore a conplace.
. Mtofi.
ttooance of Its record to the past Mr.
Eobe^Priee and wife have gone to
The foraat fira that ia dfatroyln( tba Wakeman'a table of statistic* Is
Detroit on a plaaanre trip.
iMfo la the oooatry north and aaat of forth with Tlrld typographical art
BUey Swaan will leave thb moraisg
“It ia entitled ‘t’nclc Sam'a lUisw
■Qllaca, Momtaaa. it oaaumlnc alarmlac proporUoat. Baaah
bnUdiaca Bhe«t‘ and it covera the years as to
hara bean burned and iomt atosk hat relative exports and Imports from 18S0
to 18K. It U classified In pertoda.
parlahad. Mounted
oowboya bare
bended reapactlvely: ‘Elemocrutk Ad
InanoantoutU erowt from BilUnfu ministration—Free Trade,’ ‘War of tha
Mfi a ayatomatie eSort U balaf made BebeUloo.’ 'Period of Bepnblicun Pro
mohaapitofira from apraadlag.
tection to Anertcnn Labor and Indts- Saturday araaing waa Cbarloa Ffaaaea
try.' ‘Democratic Admlnlstratloa. 1883
Vra. Taraaa M. Bolaa. a oolorad
to 1880.' and 'Protection and ITosperito 1880.' rt .acU forth graph%anrd of haalU to oonduet bnilnaaa na ty.
tog of Ktogalay. wa
knlly the Increaae to exports from
«n nndartohar In Cbmbrldffe. Mwa.
y bf Jaatloa Brown,
fiSyi-SltklOS to 1800 to $1.8Q3.813,2B>
Oar hnabABd la In kto anma buitnam to to 1888. together with other fignrea
maa haa been grantad
that prove the liurometer of prosperity
always to have been depressed dr
Wabh, both of Klngilay.
periods of OemomUc control and al
Lawb BaatUa and L«viaa Srackaa
ways to have rlaeb when the Republicparty has held the admlnlstratloiL
•nm mmmm-mwmwmwmn aa
night by Jnattea Brown.
Mr. Wakeman received many compli
Imstavantorntonrmtoc pre-nuptU- ments upon this Initial eontrtbatlos to
Tbatndae ooaacU sriU moot U
toaehaon wm r>*u W «ba MUwa the Uteratnre of the campalgn.“
•vanlag for tho olccMoa of offlean.
«nmh and JuUatto PmU to honor
«l Mtoa Uartrtoa HlRlu whoae
■m*«m «t WmIUu
The peo|>U- of the I'nlfed States are
•nnirlica U an avant of tha near future.
Tha rnaita wan Aambara of tha O. B. paying Sl.ono.ooo a day for tropical
productsused to American inanufacO. elub aaaoeiataa of tha honorad one.
torca or for food and drink. Most of Fife Uke Monitor.
OM baauUfuUy daeo
the articles can be produced In a more
B. Aagaatino Smith roadored a v
tatod to pink and -UM. Tha table or leas degree to (he islands which
hire recently come Into closer relation fine tenor wlo at the Congragatio
ana a eloator of ptol
ship with the fnlt«1 Stole*. Throe charcb Sunday morning.
•aaiaat aervad warn pink and white articles comprise sugar. coOpe. silk,
Tha Invinelble* dateotod a to 1
mWiathe nnme.eard*. heart thapad. mbber.'flbcrs. fruits and nuts, totiacco,
were tied with pink rtbbona Baah tea. cotton, gums, ctwua. sploos. tjee.
sard eontalaed an toaaripUon rapee.. cabinet aud dye woods.'llguoricv root.
l_Mttoctha particular fad of tbaltdy!
_ II lo de
tar whom It was totondrd. After the velop uiiJi-r .tmcrican administration the Sabin toam at that place Sasday,
InnehaoB there was a tto shower for we shall prooun- more of such artlclro theaeore beingc to 4. Tbe^ttery foi
•he brtda-to-be- Thb wat one of the from those .sourcy*. nn.1 In n-lurn for the Volantoaie was Lao Howard, Will
^ttleat social fancUoos of the season.
Benrys and Frank B. Smith.
In spite of the rain, nearly one hnnSecord Want Ada. Pay.
- A. few day* ago Mbs Jonas of De
axcanlon w Omens Snnday. la
troit. who is vUlUng the family of
... Tbv lUaho SIlBlita Treable*.
The uiujority rv|x>rt of tlu- luilltory
. rraok Hmltb. loata poekatbook conOermaiae of the Boys baafi. astUtod
tntolng pearly US. An advertbamenl affalik cuumiitiei.- Into tin- Cipur
the baud as tabs pbyer. At the
waa put to the Bkcord and tha pocket- d'Alene mlnUig troubles shows that
the governor of Idaho Is to K’ com- sort the band boys were entortalneJ
book and money have bean recovered.
mended for bis courage and fearlros- with a fine dianar at the Inn
Mra. George Boon was the finder and DCS*, that the conduct of the nill'-inry
lord Pnllrcy.
•ba dbeoverad the owner tbroagh Uia It a mutter of earnest eongretiilatlun
.Bneonn want dopartmanL Mias Joae« to the country and that the pn-iildcat
■ora New Booka.
- .'«M ttotarmUy pleased to raeover her wat jDstldi-d Id sending troop* to 8hoTha following new booka have been
lens and Mr*. Boon ^ equally glad to shone couiity in ri‘B|>ouac t»Hhe appUIdad to the Ladica' Ub.-ary
cation of the goremor. The military
find tba osraar.
sroagb a mbtaka have not baea
fonx-s under the command of General
Merriam were used strictly to aid of
Tbe-Alabaatar Box->-WBltar Baaant.
- Wa, tba andarUgnad. do berahy the civil 'autborltlro. and iioth rrcsl•grM to rafaafi the monay on a so- dent McKinley and the war depart
Unlaavaaad Brand-Bobart Grant.
•ant bottle of Ofoaaa'a Warrantod Sy ment exercised evety pfeoaetton to act
Debts of Bonor-Mnrem JokaL
rup of Tar if it falb toicara yoar eoogh aolely wlibto the constltottoo.
The World'e Man7'-MaxsreU Gray.
or sold. Wa also gnarantoa a ts cent
OardinaU Mnakaisar~M. Flnl^
bottio to proes aaUataetocy or money
ratandad 8. E. Waft, Bacbae A Jh»
It it were not tot the good times, tf it Ibylor.
. bntg. Jamae O. Jehnacm. F. C. ThempMy Lady and Allan Oarko
were pot for the Chicago tdatform. If It
were not for tbelr luist record. If It Donnally Gibaon,.
were not that McKlntov bat been edeb
Van ItaMiroeUf
_. ______ a promise keeper. If It were hot that
“Tba Marvatons enn of Mra. Bena J.
to arrange the American people know a good
thing when they have It and If It were Stoat of conanmptloa haa craatod Intanto
In Oammaok. Ud.,”
not for a few more Ifa it wonid be eafa
to bet money on Democratic encccna
thb fall.-Merrbburg Telegraph.
oopoandawbaa hsrdawkurin forktown aaid aha maataoim^ Tbanabe
t their “Orit
loaM^aad^w aab WHl go la
tbeChaHawotx TowMaatmt Today. prcTbaono oma fam pgafiMto la Tfav
Afwod trap abootiog toarBamcat
n you have a dwelling. atoA aieea,
and eoataat for tba Ghnrtovatx chalbarn, or any other property toaarabio.
kindly remember 1 wank to wtlu tka
laaga cap wQl taka plaea la Charlttnsnranee for yoa. and will gtvoyoa
vMx today, and a nambarof rnambon^
Wwnoi aad aaretal attantton. ^
of the Tiawae.Ct^ Bod and Gan Qab
f^ly the moat reliable ettek iaw^
trill attend and eaas|to^
b^ eompsnlea vapraaented.
Bate* eery low.
Aarlaroix onid Traveraa City,_ _ _ _ _ .. .
fl.b. of P.toA.7, K»> jorta »a
BeUnlra will be repreaintod.
Hiane ti.
Johnaon Bleek
If wive* hare any
. baabands;
be aorrows of-----loastnltt'Tea. Twfll
la the
Smu7 ^sk'^oar dniggbt.
r» Bctdli doart ua (blmis'i ButU
Spar VaraUh.
a asnsorn
A. Oraat DUeorery torOtaou.
Wurnsoa. Onr.. Jam. S4, 1»00.
Dr- C. D. Warner. Dear Sir:—I have
aaed voar Compoand of Seven Cares,
ihegremt cenoer cure and'blood porlfier. with rxcellent rewilto I do not
-rcomoend It for the parieb it b used. lu effeeb
are to a short tii •o manifret that It
_____t tall to gl I the greste
J*» Crt:«i
Wheat, old. per na......................
Wheat, per ba. (sew)..
Oats, Bo. 1. per ba. (new)........
Oom. per ba...............................
Petatoaa.nerbn.......... .................
Bye. per ba...............................
Fatter, per ft.............................
Bgga. par doten............................
F SEVEN CUBES, tbr Great Cancer
remedy, and fo- all d'.saasrs of the
and blood, from Contact aad Seeon
Hereredliary Caxew.
- -
■. ft M. E. B &■ Special Bates
Aecooat G. A. B. meoUng at Fkankfort and Arcadia. Mleb. Oae fare the
iDd trly
trly- SelHog daye to Frankfort.
July leib.>nd SOth. return limit July
ToAreadb Joly tsth and
rn limit July »7lh.l«».
H. W. Canntogbsm,
' Ess-ssafeiss
KdU^ DapXTba *'-----Om. Pablbhm. ti Dubm a
C rrCIt. ewiMropsTCTMlatr.
K tadlw H hnoc, Bm.
X sdwti7'« h«« tncai...
R c* ssd •!»»,» t rrMwitsslM.
1. »i»t» «pon». bMiiM tndr talues
e .iwBtul tr tw noarrr^ «tUu*.
Travewe OHy
WUl have tbelr office In tha hnrd• wsraatoreof W. J. Hobba bereaftor.
wbera aU tboae having bnstoMs with
tba firm can esU upon them. »M tf
Kotjeeto Barben.
The Miebtgau board^enmlmra of
New Discorery for Blood
John R. Santo.
Gtnral lisiragce.
Bow's Thb?
We offer one hundred doiisra reward
for any csss of eatarrb that cannot be
eared by Ball's Cktarrb cure.
F. J. Cbeoey A Co.. Toledo. O.
We. the uodetbl^ed. have known \
J. Cheney for the last it years, aod be
lieve him perfectly honorable to all
bustona uaosaciions aod flnaneblly
able to carry out may obligations made
by tbelr firm.
West A Truss. Wholesale DraggbM.
Toledo. O.
Walding. Kinnan A Marvin. WSolesale Drnggisu. Toledo. O.
Ball'e Caiarrh Cure le taken ii
nally, peting directly upon the blood
sad mneoss enrtoees of tbc eystom.
Teetlmonlale sent free. Price 7Sc
hotUr. Sold by all drnggbts
Ball'e Family Pilb are Ih- beet.
hrtriTraveitoWtyVMWhigamon July
ISto. 1900. for the parpooe of exsmlp- TaTWeg Maahftiaa
l*« all peraoa* who praamit theasaelyae
for aale by the W. W. Elmboll Oo.
tooehlng tbelr qaallfieottoas to receive
a eerticate to praetlca the profaailoa of Or.'W. J. SgglBA fiparaUn fioMitry
barber to tba auta of Mlehlgaa. as reaalrad bv Aet 111 FabUeAetsof 1S99
Cbarlrn Blegar, Secretary.
By order cf
Detroit. Mloh..
F. M. VanUoro. Pfesldaal,
“American” .
Clothes Cleaning and
Pressing Esiabllshimnt
enil KiMiidt & liiUui El.
xxaxm om.BX>
uneal aed depaRsr* oI trals* at trav.
t Ctirstattoc. IB eMet ibl, IM, INS.
ACShfi SSfiH’.’SfiS S8
J RasgS£SfiSA66S88
l£ 8
» 8 S geSSfi
TUspkoas Re. Ha.
HeolB. RssbeaesTtouno: Newia.
Sit Btota Street.
enm it tocierr.
was eomplatoly cared.“ It hga oarod
thoumndsof h^alasi eaaao. aad b poalUvely gnarantaad to eara aU throat,
cheat aito lung dbaaam Maaadtl-M.
Trial bottIcaiOeatA B. WMt and Jaa.
O. Johnaoab drag atora.
i M°K;K.'SK.77L.rS‘“ 'TK'?'
T rll»* peUila.
A tswC dDClHan sad Itewlm
Woodbine Cottage
, Pleasant Rooins. -Skadi liwa.'
»B axpariaacad aam^pir writer, bat
•haymmthaaa a la^emanila persoa
•sbo will sot ab«M tba privaagaa.
-OriUCaOrvdaattol Oh5“ au^ the
, carraapandent to aaa^ playi that
P-l-SSE'^ BSfrsw
11 »a. ■ trale has chair car ts Otaad
Baplds. 4 » a ■B.aralabasboRst wise car
^ Morrsrr. Amtiaets
^ SSSn^^a. r A T. A. (»raa« aaM4*
a A MCaaaT.Agsst.Trseevs* CUy.
aisier's Hscee furolsbUif atsre
ResUeses til Wssslsstss stMSt.. •
*1)4 ekllSm'e dlsssses • ■pesUlty. wi
bsars: lOtslt*. w.i I IS < aet
a*4 T M I p.
I ‘passe Ro. 1.
----- - r,si
-- .
WTT*srTXD-ThT*e l»rsl»B»d roowt. ISO bM
W eooB.*B4**iltlB«r»>« A4dtw-;oReeordcBec.
X.OAT9 Pon BALt — T*o plnuur*
Pere Marquette
oono noora.
X. FLOOD. OSes la m*w Taaacller
meat Roi
Bee. Ro H; resldeae*. Kb n.tMsrtaera pbsac
- as4 t«u4eaee, Ro. Tl.:
_ IB
WAXTXU — Al eosk le hsiel.
30TP-Vei*risary aaryecB. al
■ Sani. Tr^tiSlMSSM si al
aU bj Ibe lateai as4 woei ap•^^rsra^lkb.tall. pta-pifr
iS SSiiM
p*i>K SALt—A *00.1 •ecsodheod orsAB^^
X nST—l*«t ciebt. belnes Wl.-ilsr lioiel
J_j *od iheeirrueCTsUBde. pofkei
____ lefi L - ________
stable* irtU be prompUr
^boss.oBce IJl. tell
D^rrmrsed 10 Ibl. *are et (tsmalBe^jo*.
Ar Psto*
pi-BNls9XD-Ffoot rssmloreBi
TTf.STUNO VOfifi. MAK-Oao saroiaiper
XX moDiiisnd esp.s«n PersBBeoi i«*l- niAKOTt'XIXU-J.W. ClIRe.'ersreselOBsJ
pisas tueer. •rlu W4R- KlmtoU C«.. IS
IlSB. Ksprriesee anarees^srr- Wr»e .lOWb r
|2 «3
lori-snieLUr*. rurkiCo™ 4tb and Loevkl rroat etreel. Traeme Clljr, Mleb.
•i* . pttlU , P».
wl-Cw 2 B KVSKa. M. D.. ersdualv (roa tbe
Beat ol Ibe I'aleereltr of
U ARTXD -At Pere •Unsettr
rabfTMt??"Spselal silecUas (leva
and 41**aw* peesliar u>
f slreelsBdXloiweod ATSBU*. Tens* >1400. bAlIdswB. ywlasee ca*r tarm*. Addresi
tiara I. Bmith. HapIeisa.mB
CIBWIKO KAcaiKEs-CaUed (or. ekaaed
r» a. aattb.
AddrM* bos%. Cllj
Petal II
L« Tree*
Ar nitn,
L« KlkBi
M'TSA'.i'asv.sr s.f.tsiir-
TSyAKTED—A cood elrl (or (eaerAJ bouse- .
~ vork. Re ceabtav. 0«ad «*>'•. 4K .
TOARTBO-Day-i work or a«r«la( b, Cbrtct-
JX. Waatsd al tokerw* Bsasc, Xlk Basida
B«t o( VACes paid.
. »?lti
Parted AT ORci-ossd. *u«ay. **■
^ .rsssa^’:sr,^;.
Kelley, til Oiaisstvsct.
Feaeial Oiiwloi.
Basw* atdlO Bsiua.t’atsB
Rsnhers Pbsac Ko. IM. RcU Pbea* SK.
won nALK-a aoc* i»ek« (aim Bear city.
“Ineeda llesf
Whydoyoanottokalt? UyonsriU
«me to Ulnnd yon wlU find that
"UiiMdA BMt” Oottag*
RsnAAB'eaiorc. flader lean ai ible wnaa
^ 1 FUl moat the reqalramanta of a dt-------------- ^----------------------------------*£2£_ llghtfnl vaentlon. BaouUfnlly loeattd.
; rS^
•noftn am
I auMOoa^r oftho
ortho Qfimeof
Satorw of OMcMm ia
aUy OoMtat la-AU VoniSB
pertad Stala-Tbrfito. BattU a* Tka
TaU to 'VUeh .&ay ’ Amvkaaa
. ran—OlUod
raraaa OadTr Oavanlj
-Coloaal Lipeas ICmad.
bM tohw. GmcsI rniwFak
8^ tod loB Ova ottSMS ud wttf
tBUf MM aad (cand to appiaaeb toe
DMT tto UffEttou. KwMtodtottot
ttotevtfBCUtOatod aide • nifto
attMkM ttolr
klUinf o*i
MO Of Oeaeral To^ Pnh Btoaff*a
A a«ad dl^ateb tb&t waa
Inter OB Prldap raportod tto arrival of
IroB Pckia. Ha
atatad that BaUaoat aoldlan and Bu
wattaad* a eomblsad attack on the
BrUlah lacatloa, bat after a lot« flrht
were beid 4a cheek. They then broofht
caanaa, rafaalar to obey the imperial
orders. The roremor of bhantnnf
added that he feared that the lefaUoac
aedrovenmant were Inrolved la a
& third dUpatch raeelved Batardap
reported the arrival of another maaaeaCer with.Pekla adrlcaa ap to Jalp 6.
These were to the effect that e breach
had been made la the leration walla
bp the Eoaen aad Tonf Pah Siang’a
The. lecatlon wae aaeaulted
aad carried wlW beavp loee. The aminnlUan of the forelfncri wae exbanatcd. A ataeeecre followed, aad
not a toniffnar waa laft alive.
u TIh MoniAc Bmm.!WaaUartOB. Ju\j
vaport of
«to toUU toi<ra<« tto alllad Ipreca
aad caiMM troop* at Ttoa Trta jtotardap.avdtkaroaerTM sadtrad bp the
with Mvare loMaeaf Amerlcaaf.
toa. like the cxploaka of the Meiae,
•mead the adaUUitratloatoa rMtiu^
;■ war la China. It la
i the
itaoocsaalohforafwmal deelarati^
r or for a apccial aeeilon
eoafTw. The prealdaat hac ample
power to nee the arap and nav; tor
the proleeUM of Amertecn clt!/»a In
or tor exaetlad Jastlee aad
ladamaltjr from Chlaa wltboat a
deelarallea of war.. Tula, however, ie Prealdaat McXtolep Leavea Caataa to
limited bj the namber of troopc at hk
DiacBM Chloeaa Anaattoa with
dkpoML Bahaa aa armp of loo.ooo
Oablaet ia Waabihftoaman. Of tbaaa M.ooo are in the
. epcclAl uTai Moasnia tocoao
PhUlpplaaa and li.ooo from the
OaaloB, O, Jelj 16—Preaideal MePkUipplaaa. Oaba, Porto ftieo aad the
Rinlep left toalffht for Waehlafftoa to
Uallad 6Utae are now nadar ordera to
meet the membere of thh cabinet, to
prbeaedto(%iaa. Tbit wUI gitt the
Ualtad Stataa more than the cetlmato diecow tbe Chlaeee qeeetloa and to
tome deSalte po^iep-to protect
praeaatad to tbU irorerameat at Ita
American rabjieto la China and ecahare of foreaa aeeeaaarr to roach
focee the demaade of tbe Oaited StoUe
Pehla. The oaUmaU proaaatad bj
reprmnntellTTi nf aU the pewara In effalnet tbe a
.China la N.DOO mea, aa a aaoeaaatp
teeatoreneh the Obtoeae eapital.
wUl be OMB that the United Statee hae
nirandp praeaated aearlp one aeveath Throe Ihoaeaad Ohlaeoe who PeUUonod for Pratoetioa of Portoffaora,
atitot towe ae Hi qaota. Whatever
tto Mhm powem have done or map do.
Ortfered to be Killed.
thto ffovarameat hae eo far more than OpseW Wlte nsrslBc AmoM.
lUtod all laqatottoM made apoa it for
Waahlafton. Jalp
rapbrt bee coma to the attoaUoa of the
atoee tto totUa of Ttoa Tela aad tbe Cblame offlaUla here to the effect that
haavp lomee of aUlee with the demoae- t,ow Chlaeee ottelaU atPekta peUtioatoatlenttol tto Ohiaaee troope ara ed Prlaoe Tnaato protoet fore^aere.
weUarmod aad waU eOeerto, thie
> Prlaoe Tana eiderto aU
^toble Mtimato for tbe ferae who aaltod in the peUtloa to be kUlad.
niitoirp to paah throoffb to the
e^Ml win to lacffelp laereaeed.
Wtohlairton. Jalp 16 —Tto tovp dtpartmeat hae reeolved oAeial eoa&rm- lAhottor Battalloa Bator MobQiied
attoo tram Bear Admiral Beeaep, of
for the Par Baal,
ttorovenee of alUod ter|to of Ttoa apsdsl w Tbs Ksnlac kaeord
ThlB oa Jalp 11. ae toltowi;
Waahlarloa, Jalp 16—Oeaeral Bep‘•Obofa.Jalpl6-«le raportod that
of martoe oorpe.
piiue {onea attooksd tto aaUva eltp la arraartor fer tto i
aa ttomoralaff of Jalp III ttoBMtoaaa
I far tha
aa tto ilffht with Ittoth lataatrp,
Miaei oa the left. TtolMMaot tto
■Utod forito weretotwa. Thelamlaai
l«t eae haadrad. toeladtoff hrtUtorp
. _
Tto Amertoaae loet M the
Brittah over «o. Japan 66 laeladlat a
Bhoald be ia Bstra Bemtoa to Oeaaldcr
eotoaal. tto rceaeh is. Ooloael LlMam.
TTiUnt Oamtlea.
of tto Kiath lafantoP. wM hUled; aleo
CaptoU D»v!a. of the marina eorpe ■tselsl to Tbs MMStse Baeerd.
Clevetoad. Jalp te-Spraklar todap
Ototoia bemp. aad UaWtoaaato
of tha altaattoa la Chlaa, Boaator BaaBatter aad Leonard wee
evealnjt the allied attaek apoe tto aaaald ha did not baliove eaarreci
Ith treat ahoald hold aa extra aamtoa.
aaUveeltp wae rcpalead
tom. ■Rerataraeawpel li
OmUa not pet ooatrmad."
Waahlarton. Jnlp ic—A diepateb
tramTleaThla. Jnlp is. vie Ohcfa,
aapa at l o’eloeh thU attereoon T.OOO
of the allied traope attempted to etoti
the wall of the eltp. Tbe attace wae
baffaa at dapUffat- Ik eoeceae U a
matter of doebt- The Chiarae npen
tha walla are aatimatod eoaaarvativclp
at so,000. Tbep are ponrlaff e, torrlfle
hail of arttllerp. rids aad machlna toe
tre npoB the attack^ foreea. Tha
Amerioana. Japaaeaa, BrliUb aad
Preach troopa eitaekad from the weal:
'Abe Bnaslaoi from tbe aaal.
New Vork. Jalp 16—A Joaraal diepeUbtrem Tien Tala of Jnlp 6 aapa
that iDsSeciaal attempU have been
made to coaeaal the horri ole tact that
Admiral Scpmonr waa eompellad to
ohoot hie own woandad dnrlar tha raearn dlmclroaa retreat of the Pekin re
lief expedltoa. At their own plead1 rather
than have them anbjeetod to the
bto torurce of the Chlaeee. ' AU the
WBMdod and pHsoaen wh« tell late
tto haada of the Chlacaa were tricbv
fallp toftaied.
tm-**- Jalp 16—11 tbe laformatloa
ttutmlttod bp Ike covaraor of 8haataafftodlreetor at raUwape aad telefra^ Shear aad eommaaleated bp
him to tto toretfa coatnU la Shaaf• hal be toea. all doabi racardiaf the
fate of the fomraan to Pakla baa heea
dtolpatod, aad tto i
whtoh hH ao toaf haar erar tto
maatffivaptooeto a.raalixattoaed tto
kldcoaa trtoddp that hae heea wmn
aalBoariMapaadtetaidior ffMaftor
formattea m to tto altaattoa to tha
MpUaL ttoflntdlatotoh.whlto
That U Wh4t le Bctor Orred for BopabUeiB Bettoaal LeeraeBpsclsl to Th* HsraiBa ftreard.
at. Peo>. Jalp 16—Tto
that beaator Itaac MUIar BamlUon-af
miaola. wiU ba elected praeidaat of the
Bepnblleaa Nattoaal Learae. which
meets here toBMrrow, Tbe eharpeet
flrht over ofBoera will come on the eec0. B. Sttne of Reatackp.
the present eecretarp. ia a caadldau
for reeleetton. I. W. Mott of New*
Tork. U aleo a caadidau. Another
propoeltlon whlcL will cauM mach-flueoMion U a propoaed ehaape to tbe
learae oonetUattoa. eo aa to permit the
learae to be an arrreaeive orraalratiOB laitead of betor elmplp anxlliarp
totha EeanbU~~~
—’------ae at praeaat.
B«BiSllAtiOB WiUtdrAWB tip.
OB CrgoBt Boqawta
Deelined Advenes to Balarp—B. O.
Jopwt Appotatod Chief Bariaeer of
dtp Water Worke Kembere Fire
Depertaeat and Police Force Bach
to Bave a WeekB TaesUoa—Water
Works Xmprovementt Dleomcd.
At the mceUer of tbe eoanetl lect
(veator. Aldermaa M mtarae reported
for tbe committee on police tost Chief
Bennie bsd eoaseated to recoaelder
aad withdraw bis resirniUon from bis'
poalilon ae chief of police aad fire dcparuneat. Mr. Moaurae atated that
at tbe earaeai eolidlation of the
attseneaad proportp bold
art that tto withdrawal was made, aad
not from anp motive of caplditp. A eonalderable ralae in aalarp bad been enr*
retted to Mr. Bennie, bat he woald not
for amoaect enurtsln tbepropoiitlon.
etoUar that it wai not for tto lack of
moaep that he bad reeirhcd.
The board of water
had several tbia^ to report. Amour
tbim waa the appointment of 8. O.
Jopntat chief enrineer of the dtp
water worke plant. Tbe appointment
amlitaata. the former
more than ll.OM. and tbe letter act
thaa flow each. The:
atloa was adopted.
The board reported that there' are
eirht SOfotloA betweeetbe water
worke ptoat and tha aUreh laetorp,
and that one or mora lota eaa be pnrehaeed at »i0 a front toot.
at the
pamittar etottoa, laolndlar the reeetttorof tha boUeri. aaaw amoke etook
Md a new laiake pipe, ware ordered at
of tha toard.
It waa voted to rive aaeh of tha mem
bere of the polioc form ud tbe Are demeet a vacaUoa of one weak ihia
(Ooattoaad op third pare.)
Barry Btraek bp Blr Foar Trtoa
whUe Brivtor Aenw Track at
Praaeott, tad.
Spvelsl u 1b« Heraloc accord
ShelbpvUla. lad.. Jnlp Ic-Joala
Zoble. 16 peare old. Ratlc Behat, lo,
aad Marp Wtoitor, 16. warn toataaVP
klltodat rrmnott atatloa. tve mUas
eaatof torabpa Sir Toar trato todap.
Tha rttU ware drlvtor tael to a harry
•adeaverlar to
followtor, bat did aotaoa thetrala.
which atraek tbalr barry- The rirle
warn danrhton of woalthp«farm«a.
We HiTe too Many
Prepare to Lesvs Leapae Xelaad
Vavp Yard When Heeded
Seeclsl u IV Moraiof BceeM.
- Pblladelphta, Jalp i>i—Toe fleet of
war vemeli at tbe Learae lal and nevp
pard are readp for war whenever need
ed bp the raverameaL
Tcaterdap'a Baae BaU Oamn.
aanoaxL uaeua.
I WiU Oaaia Aretoat AtChid
iearo .................................
3 9 I
taeka Aratoai Chlearo Chinamen.
lltoborr............................... 7 13 i
CaaaUurham aad Doaahae. TanaehUl
Chieero. Jalp 16-The Chlaeee realdtor to Chlearo are to be pratoeted bp
i lo *
poUoe aratoat aap poaalble oatbraak
due to aaeltomaat and todlraaUoa r^ara^ and Warner. EUtooa and
over the Pakto atraelttae. Peartor
that dUxcaa mirht let their faellara
ret tto better of them aad the Ohtoeee
Doaokaa aad Doartoa NiehoU aad
be attiekad to aa^tof
Bapor Harrlaea todap toned ordera to
ttochlef of peltoe to gm adeqaaw
poUea protontiea to aU Chlaeea real
daata. Tto chief toUowad ap the
orimwlth Impanttva
to pap av
Sarwto aad Sharp.
ChrM and
taattoa to tto chlnamen and to eae
6 11
that there wae no oatbraak aratoat
«SSUi.::::;-v::r:: 1 ", i
prto* of Bdekp UoaBtaln Tea, tbe
Cfoto Pakla tod afrivnd at Chlaaa Pa verld over.
Nom veaniac, anlrae Open ToMdap *&& SatoidiT
aaJalpli. Ra repertod.thattwoto- amda hp tbe Hadiaoa Madletoe On. Aak * enlnp rilneml at 6.e'eloek other
Hamtlioa Cto. Oc.
'•attOMatoltoCtotolm wthtoriltod
Fourth Tear—No. 99T
Two Big
Bargain Days
The City Book Store
Saturday and Monday,
July 14 and 16.
Worth fi-om 26c to $1.00 each.
All at 10c each, to close.
Two ^inee werv late iiiarrivioy. owing to factory*a in
ability to fill ordera soon
Tbey are etylieb aammer
abapea and ehadea, n-pular
SS..M) and $:i.00 eboee.
AU sixes and widths, to
close tUeiu out. yoor choice,'
S2.50 a pair
A WoDdcrfol Opportunity-^Embrace It.
Clothing, Hats, Furnishings
For Every Kind of Weather..
Special cut prices on bike soito and paota.
For new, stylish, up to-snaff goods yoaVe got to goto
The Leading Shoe Hoaae.
S. BENDA & 00.
Btrsw Hats, .5c to 11.50.
Union Made Overalls, 48o
Long Distance NOW IS THE TIME
To buy that fine Japanese Stj'aw Mattieg. that fine kind with cotton warp,
in many pretty colors—Erery store
gets from 25 to 28c per yard for same.
We are going to let a few rolls slide at
| MM
Calamet, Sevit Ste. Htrie,
Sickiiic Isitad, tu.
Good Suilce.
Populii Minute Rates.
< 96 pair womsn'f tan shoes, styUsh made.......... $1.48
\ 84 pair women's $3.00 and $2.60 shoes at........... 1.00
Maerra Beport of 1
I aoBd
bant to Texaa.
apsetcl lo la< Msrslsf BceerC.
OalvMton. Jalp I6-A eloadbant
oeearrad at Coleman. Tea.. thU morntor. and Uie reporu iadioate that a
dosea Uvee bave been loet in tbe flood.
Oolemaa. Tex.. Jalp le—Flftoea llvce
ware loat to a -eloadbant here todap.
Tea bodice have beaa reooveoed bat
oalp two were ideattfled. Theee are
tboae of Joaeph Bpath, a laadinr ecerchant of tbe vUlare. and John Fnleltetine. It U feared that manp more 11*m
were lost to tbe vsUep below Coleman
where the flood is the wont
KJTOin am
I do not oiwira to be
..The CheapL..
But will do your
work jnrt aa cheap
ee good work eao
be done for.
The Palntetianil Paper Hanger.
Bell Phoue. No. 323.
I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Taila, but since
I bare tried
Pig Tail
-I bare come to tbe ooncloaion that .5c will bay a firstclaaa, deliciooa smoke. Try
oee. and yon will never pay
10c tor a Pig Tail again.
lOB pair womeo’i Oxfords, worth $1.86 and
$160. now..............................................................
44 paira miaaee'tan aboee reduced to.....................
34 pair meu’e $4.00 and $6 00 ehoea, amall alsea,
60 pair youth's black and tan. now................. ....
72 pair men's canvas bala. leather trim.................
260 pair infanta-eboea........................... 16,26,36 and
240 pair women's new up-to-date Oxfords..........
93 pair ladiee’ stock No. 666, a $2 60 aboe, now..
41 pair ladies’ kid shoes to close out at..................
108 pair misses' kid shoes to close out at..............
New Store—242 Front Street.
The Leading Shoe House of Northern Michigan
«»««« *»***»«»»* K« «»««»«»««
They need the neatest of care.
Ever had a pair of MINOR’S
“EAST" SHOES for womenf
They are the eaaiest of aU easy
shoes. Lace or button—$8.60.
S FrontlStreet
1 aoBauro nooxo.
- MuMiau
>. W. Uammo, au« lal lliin«».
•Mk VMM* So. a.
I _Muotf «M7*sUM> re r u
^*«n« «rUltolMU to ••*»-
^-------- .
I Xio',
Siscs the 4tb of Mveb. li^ST.-eoagnm bM ontborlMd the eoutroeUm
«f 4« thipa. with 0
ct <«&.4M toai. Tbit (baladci eifht
tetttMblpi of tbe fint cIui;«lzor.
Morod eralMT* of Uio fint cIom: fou
SMSlton oad also protected cmiecrt
there here beeo completed end placed
f^eoniiiiuloa. In the lame time, a toof SI Teaecle, »itb an a^rrregate
It of Sl.Ciri tone. This lea
reaofd tbe RepabUcan admlsUtratlon
«M point to wttb rrea^ eatlataeUoe
KksnniuT moiTHi
qWuebaaia.aa oM ptaaaarof tbe
dted aatatffay at hte bcM rnd BaAtal haa rwsaread in Rna
aaarKlBff^ ai tteaffo e<M yaaia.
OaM tht T«ao Hff Bainhow *ro«k
ae «ai Mil toewB aaMBff the old neHa Oaald Mb KMp,AU*a.
UaadB ol the diffaad eeM. haeiaff
T«t«day sftaiMM ffred Beebtal
raadvadtroB Chicago tba two larga
■a baa baaa a «aadoM ed
iByya^oiraedaffna lam near rainbow tnet ba pant tbara tn ba
CBoastad. lhay are tba big mt
tewhtw. thi
enagbt tUaaprlag by Oaerga Baff, Jt.
and that can^t two yean ago by Mr.
Be^taL That eaagbt by Baff
tba laigaaterar oaogbt la Mi^igna.
It was
poeadc la waigbt and a
and 8« iaebci ta lagtb wbOa tba
Ihe airod a BMetfag toon, taetad in otbarwfa about two pouada Ugbtar
difteaet plaoea and at difftrat Ubm abd H taabca ta taagU. They ban
. atagaatiy aouatad ta gtaa w
dariag tbe progreai cd tbe naMlnc.
—* naabeta od
aixwrdiag to a ooDtemporary’i corro■pondsnt at Vienna,«a marked by an aocsptable bufflorons audacity Hera fc»
fawtaaoe. Is CM that tun Jw •
days: "Wanted.-»A riob lady, ao mat
ter bow old, who will finaaoe a atm
dent of medicine ratU suBb time as be
obtains bis degrea when be engages to
many bit beoefactresae"
And anotber U qnoted wbenta a
young prinoe seeks abandsomaglrl with
a dowry of not less than £350. (KKL
When tbe dotixed mate U obtained,
all one’s needs are apparently satisfied.
Judging from this adTertisement for a
purchaser for' a well trained monkey,
a talkatire patrol and a beaatifnl lympatbetio cat, ” which belongs to a lady,
wb<L owing to her approaching
rlage, has no fortber nso for them..
leing of tbo advertisemporary U.
bowesrer, that <.
very Irish pitn„i for "taea of inlect, pbilasophcnt, Fcholars and pollUoiaDt, whose scvirro monlal labor in
tbe cause of humanity bu filled tUbir
brains with geuisl idvaa, while depriv-
far more comfortable to nte an oil atore th&i a wood atove
tiiia hot weather. I have a full line, from a amall 2 bomer
^patore op to a nice Urge 3 burner and oven. Bine Flame
ymek Meal. Thej are perfectly safe—not aa moch daneer to
operate aa a lamp.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
The Practical Houaa Pumliher.
place. Taking her >cat in the chair
again, sbe submitted to tbe eperation of
extracting tbe tooth witboot a mormnr
was ao sligbL7.Me|r k
An ADM-rteAit wrlier. coiuik-irailvefy ouknawn in tbls eonntry. nroie re
ly '
ouor here—mokl
' *“l * illuit pa|M>rK ...
while, but
pr«-ti.v soon I'll w-nil ov.r for Katie
and Ui.' ehlldrt-n. Tlioy tbfuV I'm a
lion, and I'm roartnu ns loud as ivosslIdo^ou .-very occasion. Great country.
Best to be had.in
City 18 Bt
t mt-n-nn-r
I bare bad my baiiding
rebuilt and pot in good
shape and am now ready
to receive all old patron*.
Good Line of Jeweliy
III Klmlsof Repaifiog.
if^FIn Insum
• Ask j-ver drasgtsL
L. L. A. Bunding.
and Every Night This Week
King of Fun Makers,
Jhe Sr„«e.
■on Fn Thu 1 Clrcos.
Io Tio Pvfonnueos Ulte.
See Transmission by Telepathy
Aa an Extra Attraction the
management have engaged
the popular and-well known
Jas. B. Mackie
White Hsu Turned Yellow
Great eoneterostiOD was felt by tk
friends of M. A Bogarty of Lexingtei
Ky . when they.saw be was turning
The Original “QrimBey Me
yellow. Bltukln »!owly changed color
also bis
and be
he suffered terribly,
Boy.” in Hoyt’s "A Bunch
>ls eyes, end
e yeilow jsutjdlee.
ialedy was
of Keys” and "Grimes Cel
was treated byr tbe best
doctore, bnl
lar Door”
wUhoul heuefiL Then be was adv-sea
lo-iry Electric Bluere. the woederfoi Also. Miss Louise Sanford, in
stomach and lieer remedy, and
I. FtKiTU.
------ taking two bottles
s Wholly cured." A trial prore. .
itchlcas merit for all stomach. 1
and kidney troubles. Oaly*t‘S^'
St'etw WilUam Judd and J. B. Wheeler Ja by 8. E. Wait and Jas. U. Joheson. j shI" «t llid Im offit-e
'Telephone 112.
Jalj at Gaylord and May be Wuted Here Later.
William Judd aqd J. B. Wheeler,
both of whom are known and have rtaldedin this city, are In jtll aiOsylord,
charged with a burglary committed at
Almira. The men have never been
under arrest before so far as known,
but they were closely watched by the
police before they left here.
l%are arc some thiugs in connection
with Ibe arrest of these two men that
^ taeltaes to tbe belief that they may be
wastad here to abswer to the charge
«f bicy^e thieving after tbe antboriJlWbi Gaylord are done with ibea.
St is said that Judd bad in bU possessIM a Clsvatand wheel that answered
to tbe deeerlption of the bleyu'.e tbmt
wet stolon from Jnllns Banuab recent|p. Wbootar, also bad a wheel, it li
BAid. that may pravotoba the World
Bieyelostotaa from Feed Brigge recant
Ip. Both men bed dkpeaed of Ue
wheals, and bad pan tickets for them
wbae they were erreotad. Tbtyrafuae
to tall where tbe-wbeels areJadd-s wife, who M a daugbtar of
' Lake fera^. died reeenUyWhaeleriB wife neearod a di'
•Im ace. AAd ie aow marrlad to a
BtaA aaaeed Oea, Mar Bk BapidA *
Sbariff ttmpacm wlU goto GAylotd
sot taken Into consideration when tbe
Grand Baplds desk was selected.
tbe desks that are
re tbe most economical
for use In our schools.
Memberi of eommltloe on bnilfilngs
and groonds.
Opera House.
Tbe desk submitted by Hr. Moataffua's company waa a stock dtsk with
Mt any name on it, and was not cox
aldored equal to any desk submiued.
Steinberg’s Grand
it into bm month for tbe pi
aminlog tbo molar which was to bo extractod.
Tlie glass bod no sooner loucbeS-the
tooth tta an Rbontti-rcdnfrigbtfnl scream,
and. bouueiiig ont of tbe chair, rosbed
out into Iho wniting room, crying (that
her jaw was liTokea Tho nnltod « ffc...
Tbk tout rroM aamibga of rallroada of bsr taosbaud and the dvuiiet were for
mre tm,000.000 larger laat year than some tiino nnablo to porsuado her that
tbo tootb was not extracted and that
fa im.
sbe oonld not possibly bavo bc-on bnrt
After uxaminiug her month 5vilh tbs.
We noM« by tbe Bally Bsgle of Jely
l«lb that a local bidder eons'ders «o
hare diecrimiaated against him In
fiavor of aa outsida firm is purebaatag
aebool furniture. Such wis not tbe
eaas. tbe desk anbmittad by'
eraad Rapids School Furniture Works
wae enpertar to all ojher daeka aabmlt«ed la polDt of material, fialsb and
tbe f!
water aolom. ta oaeb naa. T
tban tbe alrneartbeceilinf.
atad ipariBana are tba dacat enr
pla tbe air eoeae fonr feet froim tbe
tbowa ta mebigaa of tba ntabow
■paetai and they wUl bo a ptaaalng at
net only to reaortore and deb400,000, while near tbe oeUinc tbe
aoMoat at tbe befinainc oC tbeaaettBf
m from abroad, bat to our own
eraa 8.000.000, and at tbe cod od the paapla
aeettBff tbie bad been Ineree
Air qear a baming Jet «d ga« ahowed
tba latien flgnret of all Tfaa_ lu the Un Bteek Crte
h^ire Sunday
A blaze touibweat of -the city at
488.000,000 per cebio ioeb. In Mr. Aitkla'i tracted a good deal of attenUon Sanawnwordi: "It does aeem Rrange tbet day evenlug. It was found that tba
alangbter house of 1. L Sleeper A Co.
inch of eir of e room at night was burned wiuT lire stock, ss well ss
rbess tbe gaa U burning at tbere are eoferal eereases of beef and porn. - Tbe
ta in Ureat Britain, and that
in three cubic Incbea of gaeoe from a total loM Is about >!00. The cause of
bnoacD flame tbere are ai many parti- tbe fire U unknown.
dee at tbere are InbaUtanta of tb«
Curtain lilies for fenglsud.
The Ufebigan Mannfseturieg Co. has flnubedwigs, 'thoadvoitiscrooniimiee,
Id rereal etill greater num- received an order for a carload of cur "while extremely nsofni and highly «ben. Mr. AUkenbaanot yet teetedsueb tain poles to be abipped to Lircrpool. namental to tbo wearer, are guaranteed ,
air. but be found that a cigarette
abeolatoly invisible to tho spectator. I
■moker Bcndt 4.000,000,000 partolea, England. This la tbe first shlpmont of
more or leu, into tbo air with ertrj eurtain poU e ever made to Europe from
pnff bo makea.—Gentloman'a tUgaripA this eection of tbe country. Tbe stock
••• be sent on iU journey Wednta lay'
It fisvcNi OH Leg.
/ P. A. DmI
dnffereo fprs
iB • IWBlM-a Chair.
ful running aore leg. bn writes that
Dentiiti iiaro a apUndid opportnaiQr
BDckleo'sAmlea Salve wl lly cured It
of atudying tbojiower of imaginatian.
aleers,' 'nods, piles,
An up town practitioner by way of ilIn the
orid. Cure
luatration told a reporter about one of
Sold by 8.
Jobnsen. dmggUu
bii women padenta She entered, aooompaniod by her bnabaud, and i«iating to Lenawolluq fare asked tbe den
tist to extract tbe offending tooth. He
placed bar in cbo ebair, and taking the
tfSPEBtbe operation of tbe WUaoa
free trade tariff for rerenne only, there
waa a deficit of liol.ooo.ooo io 35
Boatba. Under tbe Dinclay Uriff for
fretectlon tbere wet a aorplu of file 000,000 in 31 Bon^a
Declare They did not :
s Co. in School
Oak Contract.
a B(» pruimr
Established I8S7.
Kimball Pianos
and Organs
A Bright
Renders jt this way—".A
thing of beauty is a boy for
ever." .Now if that “boy ’ or
young man had been thro' our
clothing department and had
purchased from our strictly
down-lo-date goods the bright
girl would have indeed been
right. He would have select
ed one of dur S7.50 unmatchablc suits—Perhaps he d paid
Siooo for that next grade.
Then there arc Straw Hats,
all. the w.iy from 5c .to Si.50.
Those for 25c are splendid
1 hat's the high band fold
with inside facing to match
the shirt—sells at ^oc. We
have 25 different styles at 15c.
Neckwear is important—
The silk and linen Imperials
and Tecks sell at 25c each.
Negligee Shirts start at
50c; the double silk front sells
75c: other .'grades at Si.oo.
S1.25 and $1.50.
Talk C
A Tablet , has becoiime in-’
dispensible to the business
the professional man,
and the man. woman and
child in the home. We sup
ply all demands.
The business'man-wants
a little tablet to rigure his dis
counts or add up his sales.
The soil paper tablets sell at
ic, 2C. ,5c: the'Tlafd paper for
ink—the small Hinsdill tablet
are the best—4c, \c, Sc. Cse
them on your desk .at all
times. The professionrd man
takes notes for future ref'*rence. write a brief, build a
house, make out a prescrip
tion, figure up in--uraiice. The
paper must be good. Three
sizes of tablets—note, packet
and letter n., 1 ^ ::c.
Woman in the home
wants to write a note or a let
ter to a friend Cobweb Lin
en. Inruled Featherweight,
Crejam Wedding — all note
siz.e>. sell at 23c: the letter
size at 37c.
Royal National Bond in
pound packages at 25c.
Envelopes to match, loc
the pack.
Hteve been well tried and found to be
what you want. Xore than 1.000 of these
Instruments owned by Grand Traverse
people. Absolutely first class in every
Sold by the makera
Easy terms.
W. W. Kimball Co.
todAj to aee U ha eu loeata eltbw et
H. Z. STBOIVa; Kuugn-
The Hannah & La; Hereantiie Co.
hisjaw wlU hit Hghh_______ ^
ovar WiU his right and ha Jafea hit iafi
falltolbRyb ftea. Medovara amaahOhusploB
Ais««tiva«ubimpat* Tbm
covwiiw him WlU Mead,
da Bma U Ua fiaor.wtth
•ft. Mow tauros «fU bo UlKZBoekAdOnt
aright awing.' Bma takas Ua taU
■■Auoigbt.______________ _
eoaat. TUny raahad Briia toBoorwiU
ho WacaaqomahU XdtTa Fl^ur 9a- Mb BM^tnriaa hat McGovae*
nst TO pnxnvTiABT
Is than arUh vieloas right wUeh aaada
wwMw. WM«liHy Amm, OtedwU.
OM«« mi thPM teTtaf food famteg ChtafoBsahor OsosicloC ormodB. fwtad ViaakBrat iaaTamflcBat- UoBaUloboy to Ua finer. Baagaln
lrtaotoriaa.hat la bontandewn. AnUa iMt Blght-Tha BaHale FagUiat eUar
iMt Trooaoetioaa.
knoU-dowa by Tany aad Brat's
. Oaa OalkM*. wke Mwtty ueand •
iieendi throw up Uaaacmgs. ,
Law Oat la Third Hoaad.
•MlMt for toUoc m\ m.M.MO fMl
of plMfortlMOiloM * BMlo MUCootiBl Trost Sorlags
At the Moontaln Ash Eisteddfod. M
imrnmmmr. too mmttr uupuuf • ■Mk. «hkk UOod Msreb i, USS. «os
at Mertbyrtydvii oo Easter MonAy,
upfag lood 40 MikoUf. pHPMaUry foood gouty toalght of frssdolsot aWa Uttla flgbttf bom Braoklya. Tar*
a total
lanoa MeOovara.. tonight laid away of TOO performer*, comblnad to
Ao tagtauUc work oa UroMtnol.
AookUgsadaootaoeodtaUs pcaHooA wmiM lUUg 00 Bmw Uoad tUry. PsolsoB Is Us oUU Cbieogo Frank Bma. Ue lightweight ehaa “Tbe Abseat-MlBded Beggar."
U *aid to be Ue largest nnaber of ini»a>aStda«» e»» 4wU« » roMot fcoobmrssatto Us ooBlMsUory os Us plan of Ue world, in the Uird reand.
It was a terrific hattia from Ue up of stroments cvw broogbt
storm wWb UfkttUr otrwk Us bo- roooltof Uo MOie of
the gang antU Ue sponge troa Brae's gle leader.
ftMMtfkOlodhV. Tbs «OM OS'
sant up into Ue air. in
It stands aloss. it towara ahova.
‘Sara's no otbar, itb aatare'a sroadcr.
AsSMMSUMstorUClUtoo eooB'
From Ue vary.start of tbs fight Me- a warming ponlUea U Ua haart of
tatfee OoasBlUe ABtrUaa FadarM soress s -UmOj wbsroU tbs
mankind. Sack la Boeky .Mo
TeaSSe. Ask yoar drag^b
atloo U tfsaalos U Deneer.
•stera U sU coMseo
allowed Erne to have a moBaat in
- anrs, Us Mrtbdsr SBBlTsmrUs oftbs SpmislieTM HemlBc
which to show his well known clever
«Ug wl^ 0 syoet i
wbols sU eosUf
Dcnrar. Colo.,Jnly ifi-Tbe exeeaaedadenee. batbewason top of
't*o woekt.
tlTS eoBBlttes of Us Assrican FederblB, and after him every etage of Ue
tUoD of Labor. BSt hsrs today, and
1. Kyssio of ago. of £
game, raining blows Uat we^^lBply
d u eoAait tolUds hj wUl'cestUaeln session for a sreek.
arvelOBS ia Uelr powerBoMooUar had re- Several qosstloni will be dUeasaedibat
Followlng is Ue deutl cf the fight
fated boryermlMloato^goie Btaatoo It Is not probable that action on any
by ronndt:
- with sporty of frleadsasd anger over sahjeei will be uken before next
Boand4—MeGovere went at bis man
the rofoMl b Uoogbt to bare Usplred Thursday.
iBffiedlately. Erne was canlious. They
exchanged rights at caster sad MeOtto Manser, of if (..Joseph, shipped
Oovem got in a left hook to Eme'a
the diet load of Bosketelons of Ue
neck aad followed on tbe law. Erne
ssssoo. to MUwsokte.
ThU U Ue
landed a left to Ue point of McGovern's I
aaloot that ba«e beso of public works, Ue following ordi- jaw. McGovern wentddwn and took !
haretsUl U the hbtory of the sute.
MeGovem swung left to neck j
Hiss Heled Ooold passed Jhoogh the
1 by Ue eoandl of and pooDded wind'll] a dlncb. It was >
o^per eoostry looeg- aad visited Uo ravaree City:
a fast fight. Efne's ooae nassuned:'
fisenox 1. The base or datum plane McGovern tried to forceithcfighung.
vor^s polott of UterMt,- iseladlag
to which shall be referred all grades
Ue Pb>i-aU bUs. There she set Ue landjevels in Ue city of Traverse City, It wdTgive and Uke. McGovem was
The moet i»pular
le-yeor-old aos of Copk dlBon Jaeksoa absll be aad Ue tame is hereby fixed forcing Batten at Ue bell.
e level
rei of tbe water la Orand
who Bade a great Impression opoa her.
Bonnd 3—Terry sent hU right to
ublo beverage of the uineIn fact, ehs UTlied bis to go to Mew Traverse Bay’ on JJuly Ue UU. I'JOO; body. They clinch. Erne jtba jew
teoiith century. *>4 enpe
aald dalBi
alnm plane being thirteen and
Tork and Uke a floe ^ob. and perhaps seven-'-tenUa feet below Ue top of wlU left and whips over right. Again
of^the most nourishing cea trip abroad. 8he banded him her
corher etone in Ue water Erne pot left fair to Terry's fees aad
r^l preparation for 20c.
cord aad address and be wrote'^ocept- Uble of Ue aouUwest comer of Ue Uey clinch. Bmejsba FlU hU left,
ing her InviUUon. Be reeelred back a Hannah A Uy7 MereanUle Compai
but Terry ducks. Frank swings right
building in said
Id city at
Bt Ue northeast
-obeek tor ISO.
comer of Ue lateraecUon of Front aad to jsw and after a ellneb pat left fall
U Ue JSW. Terry bored in again wiU
Bobert MeCarUy, a llneBan in the Union elreeis.
bU rlgbl-but Bros jabs Terry repeated
asployof the Marqoette Oonaty Tele
ly wiU bis left. It was Eme'a roond.
phone Oo.. was iBstanUy kiUed by a
Bound s^^eUovera poshed. Brae
carrentof elsetrleity, which he raeel*A refreshimr cup,
ed from a Una he woe stringing over aa said Btroats wltheach oUer or at Ue eprinted and awang hit right Brae
to truly cheer, must be of
polnu at which. If Uey were extended, jabbed WiU bU left and Terry got u
aleelrle light wire.
sneh etreete would intersect, or at
the b«t quality properly
Mary Uashey. aged »T. was loud other points in Ue eenur line of said
cured aud dried. Our -unstrneu oUerwlse definitely located:
dead U a field on Ue farm of
and ail grades between eaUblia)
colored -fapan at 4o eta. a
DiBoat. near Aabara village neer grade points ebatl be straight Ui
pound. Try it; you'll liktBay City. Saturday.
drawn from one fixed point to i
I oofVDCMwo finrs
fuMbeCKsya. .
g ao^ by Miss Loaks BmM, who
aawtad aaetca} gaatf- Mgs. Iho
If It’S New
We Have It!
Bteln-Bloch's Amraal
of New Styles Ken'S Suits,
and Ulsters for FaU
and Winter, 1900,
at our etore,
Konday and Tuesday
July 16th and 17th.
From samples
for future delivery.
We especially Invite those
who have
never worn a suit of this
celebrated make
to call and see the line.
It is
always a pleasure
posseselng Such merit.
eball at Ue oater edge thereof be not
lem Uan sU inehes above Ue grade Of
Id lidewa'
ewalks sh_..
slope toward the ctreet at aa inelioe of
one Ineh In every four feet
GE(-no!f 4. Tbe eaubliahment of
any grade by Ue city eonnell shall fix
and determine the permanent grade
J for that for which it Is designated, bat
saeh eatabiisbment of aueb grade
AND PLATFORM ] not be conatrued to authorlae any peralter Ue
aon or company to change or t.............
auuu.uuatUtjuutjB.ut u u
existing grade or conditionJ of any
street or sidewalk, or• any part thereof
There h
until ordered altered by tbe city coon
in Uia city dsring Ue past few years. ell and Uen only and
aad.aH of Uaa have givan mysterious of Ue city engineer.
Sxenoxs. This ordlaance shall Uke
pufonaanees aad dlflfealt Iceu. which
aelaaee alone can aapUla. bat the ea- Immodlau effect
The board of pnblle svorke also saked
blbtUaapreaeated last Bight at Stein
the paaeage of o
berg's Orand by BevangaU dlseonnted
any pravioos pertorBunee yet wit- for Ue eons traction of all csBeat side
aeaeed here. The preliminary tesu walks py Ue city. If the eity rebau U
ware of maeh Ue same ^racier as to be given, and also aa ordinance proSOBS given hero hsro before. Bot th's' ■idli^ for Ue etublishment of tbe
transBlislon of tslspaUy Istrodueed widU of Up varioae etreeU
a. B. Flaeh was employod, on Ue
by Seveogal was Ue aost remarksble
of Ue board of public
aad myetifylng that It has been Ue
ptsassre of Trevereo City people w works, to attend W street , work, re
It M a day for aetnal work
^IBSM bare. Theae tesu display a
Bysieriont mind power which was
The report of Ue eewer committee,
'strongly demonstrated as to leave
doubt as to the inflaenee of meatal- meommenditig Ue exuaeion of tbe
Washington street eewer to
foree and Ue power of one mind
the Freabyterian and Baptist
' anoUer.
Sevaogaia was assisted in Uese tesU ehnrehee, was adopted.
The ordinance on drains and plumb
by bit two ^aaistaaUi whoa be bed
prevloasly pat late a oonnd bypootie ing wem presented and referred to tbe
sleep. Afie^ operating upon Uesnb- committee on ordlnaners
Tbe former report of the water
]eou be went through Ue asdleaes
board caused < msiderable
sod bad oameroat persoos, unknown works
to others, suggest tests of a misoelis- trouble. It was taken from Ue table,
neoBs character. For instsucs. one then as no one seemed to know wbst to
asked Uat one of Ue eabjects play the do wiU It. a motion was made aad sap"SUrt and l$u-ipet Forever" on Ue pia ported to lay it on tbe table again
no. aLCOlher that a hat hruken from a City Attorney UavU fioally patched tbe
tbe report referred
Ban ie Ue audience and placed opon matter np and
baek to Ue water board.
the head Of l>r Knee'.aud; another that
Tbe city eni^neer was asUorierd
a watch abooid be uken from Ue pock
dock line of the
et of the ow-ier and Ue time lodlcated;
aootber Uat a young man la the front river from Park street to JFeUlngton
row ahould be ahaved and ahampeood: B boU aides of Ue river.
A large nnmber of cement walks
aneUer that one of the young men
Bbeald do a cake walk. Ue other turn ere ordered bn ill. aad permits were
a haadsprlng; and numerous,other per- iesaedtorUe balldlat of henaet ag
in valae about Ilf.OOO, ter
8eveugal4i raoelved abo
IwSA^Df these rt<ja«U aad after- SheHff Simpson. Mr*. E C. Barnes.
watda'wlUottlaword to hiaeabiseu. Wood SUtere. Stranb Brae., and, E.
‘ oUar Uan the meuUon of their namea Begadora.
The Batten of the eaaltary m sys
by Ue force of bia sHU power to do Ue tem proposed by Ssmnel Midgily,
things asked from Ue aodieooe. While refenrd to tbe committee on sewer*,
' ^pertormingUe tesUboUeabjeeU were and later In Ue esMlon it was reported
■ooaa aalaep. bat Uey moved from Ue
ih street svaa ordered gr*
ataga and Uroagh Ue isles aad among from Bay atraet U Dlvieion. as was
Ue aaau wiU Uo greatest tresdom. Wood mere avenns from Center to Beltsriy ordered
sHUoatoaes bacoalBgoontnaed. Af V strael. The < aik formerly
ter Ua parfomsaaos aoM whoaamsd
Ua IMS could say Uat Uey had act
haaa smiied oat aa suggatUd.
> EighU was T<
Oartag Us first part of^^ avaalag farrtd.
Bavaagala had mbs dlSeoliy in getThe Appatite of a Goat
UsgwmiagsBbjacta tr«B| Us andJla envied by all whose
Bsa alomaebaad
aa8s,aeUatUatportlnotUs satar- liver are ont of order.
_____ BataaahahoaU
UtABsatwasaoBawhat bstHtioappad. kaow Uat Or.. King's
Bing's MawLUs
faseMaatal to Us hypoeUe ealsnata- give a mleadld aopstita. sound digsaaaataauBbar of vUy aatertalaiag tlon and a ragnlar bodily habit that inaorea oarfaet hcalU and graat aaargy.
•pMWttss wara glvaa by Ua elavar Oaly xse at S. B. Watt aad Jas. 6.
Jaa B. Maekte, ferBsriy of Hoyt's Johnson's drag store.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Mia. CarolUe CUrk. aged S4. went to
eall on a friend, and not flndtag aoyooe at home walked anceonslosely into
to Ue cellar. Her skull was era
and her advanced age make* recovery
A Voung Girl's Eifurienee.
Mv dsucbtrr’i nr>:v ei were (rml'lr out of
order.' sbe wu lUo uod weuK: ibc ifwrt
ooloe surtled ber. usd siie ««• vaktSul ui
elfOt. HaVore sIjo bod tskes one larkjice
ot celery Kins the rhsnse In ber wm ao
sreat (bat ab,- could hardly lie takes lor tbe
aetue sir). M>e la rapidly sruwi ns w< ii and
alroes. ber inmplexlOB le perfi-el. and abe
Celery Klne'i ’irral'oticiltialloitiuid nlldlfc
eoaeaof tbr Nrrwmrsoiiiarii.l.n-erand KldD«ya >hM<I by drusswa. !£>'- and We. 4
218 Front St..
Telephone 804
T. f. Hunlei,
Clieap Koape area
costly inv'efctment Cheap
laundry soap ruins clothiug; cheap toilet eoap poi
sons the skin.
We sejl
gockl eoapa tor all purpo'see. Some 10 bars, others
7 barA for 2oc.
I have purchaaed the fine hred Coach BtalUon Honere,
Imported from France by M. VT Dunham of Wayne, lUe.,
the largeat Importer in America.
The fact that the horse was imported by If. W. Dun
ham is a guarantee that Yie is a good onA, Said horse ia a
fine Individual, bright bay, .16 hands high, weight 1,360,
fine carriage, a great roadster.
Honere cornea from one of the best families of coach, hor«» era importej I h»vs hie pedferee with the seal ol
‘France attached, wlilch will take too much space to pub
Hunter t Bauiubeueli.
wwstwwsn* wswmvKKsnuririt
Honei e will be at my barn for the balance of the sea;soo. and for the purpose of iutroducing him terms this seai son will be $12 00. Will be here after July 20th.
|AJD\uU Yvoivie
'SowdVv 6^^
Tilts pricf has luovrd out a big lot uf tbvsc
goods in the last three days—There is stilt
n good assortment.
Better make your kelectiouk liefore the
best pattern^ are all
The Up-To-Date Photographer
i‘5o\)iVa.T4 SV\k
'Sou.tWv 6^^
oOc hind liow 3>c—7.5c kind now aCc—'■•‘.'c
kind now -52c—‘.•'n: kind now T4c. Better
take advantage of this offer—You do not
get a chance every day to buy tbe most
popular goods on the market right in the
heart of the season at this price. These
goods are sold for spot cash only
;jt fine line oi fhotograiih Bunons. Enlafging of ill Kinils.
Sj&ckds, 6bc
If yoo can't keep cool, get one of oar light '
weight 'house jsekets. They're fine and it
only costs you iw to gwn one.
Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
Sidewalk Lomber in all sites,
JOHN F. OTT & 00.
t te Traveree Olty Dunbar Oo.
T. W.Bta
Stotahw rarabhiag Goods.
J. W.fiUtorbboaMfambhtog baMI to gMhaa I
that be baa not room ammgh to hb
Caviar^ fimra to show aMptoa at
the fine large Dae ha earriat a» bf haa
bean obUgad to rant the
cum and baaemaat wbara ba wfll show
hb Una of atovee. atoal
think thb a Ceebte platfona. It U not.
O. Bad«^ M«ld Som* Slav
It haa tramendoea atrenfth.-Mr. Bryto Vc» Tgrk. to* wrUtM tbe^aocurr an'a enat^ orsaindto Nbw TOik Joi
of tto trmtmrw at KtoUagtoi that
toaraatataraoradaMHat* pe<vU at
Indeed ft haa. Mr.' FreerSll^te.
■cm thaa laccaanUf haawB.
Tm» naew before weiw oo rijftrt ia yoor
life. It ha* tn'mendona etienmU. beOo). Albait O.«
It pan before the Amerkao rotdMottbae. h. 8.. wtaoii In Ohtcaro
<m bflaaa BaeaactaJ «rtth-tha aaaaal an the pbin. Oat |>ropo*llioo of u-Leth■wawt te to Md thaia 8a(mt cr they ebalt chooee an fconoiulc ixdlcy
'wblcli baa put every nan and every
*i to Sqrtastor 1. taja that froco
baaidrs the Warxbarg bammaat
Vorta to had raaaiTad to toliated that dollar of cap.Iial In ibe I'sltetl i^tee to ba srlU i fit np lor a show room,
(ally 1.000^ vlalwia'wm go to CbJ- work or a wildcat poller Pf tons and make* by far the laigcat bmia ^
nore north of Grand Bnplda,
proepera^ dnriaf the cncanpiDeDL TkU
me eao gel anything they w
f«ar^ aoeaapnant. to aaid. peoshae Itr of tie lart three year*; •whether fernUh their honm trithoat ebi
to to the Ui^at erer bald I? the O. a national revenue that ivrm ail the ■alesBW. * *
CoveroBM-ul'M ejpenditurea esul redurtw
lu rtflu or a <!.-fl<lt that l)r.»d» IniiolW«en LonJaThtUftoan at PaMaie. vaocy and l>a«ikni{ittT: wbether oiJcn
Mrt. Colby of the
H. J.. aarrledacaiaat the erktoa of tnlllr. full Work ana byrti wapt-s or
ton tanUj.
open cilnta. Ottllnlnp Induwtnv* and 8/B
to them wlCb aeleiBn caranonr. and Imporrriahcd bone*i whetbi-r Amort- wbUe to tba elty by bar friend. Miu
waat into atonnilad for hUa- tha can ptenty and richee or American OoraTruTla.
Mr. aud Mr*. L. W. Bodmao. Bdward
tonara] rltaa wrra in aeeordaaca with want and nlacry.
It lia« tremendbus Ktmiytb hetause and Luther Bodnms. Mr. and Mrs
thaebaroh to which the tasllj beIt patH to the votrrK tlw (jm-ctlou of na- George MilU Bogara and Mrt. L A
ttonal growth to «.>vra prater tblnga Heims went to Mr. Hodman's tog cabin
6arara aarthqaakn In the Kart
than ever bme Ix-oa uceaioplUtivd or at Forest Lodge yesterday.
K^nnaa dUUlcto of tha Cana
nstkma] d>.<cliM' to Uk- dire condi
J. A PeentogtoB was to the. city
« moltad-6> the
tion* of five ywH ago. of lncrcai>«d
. of five eUlaffca, ^aral eharebM
tcrrltor?'. luen-axed market* nt boma over Sunday.
Milo Jones and Abe Bajtoy of Leslie,
' abroSd. Inerraaefl wealth and Inaao; boaaea. Sl^ ptnoot ware kUtad
ai^ aereral lojarto. Additional ebcekt creUMxl rielitt and pouer* Ik-fore tba are the gueaU of Mr. uhJ'IrH. Fred L.
nailot;* of til.' v'-rld or a *lir1nkose Jopcs of 11'« Weat'Scvenlb street. They
mra'aUn balev rap^*^and collapM' to nicnn proportions In all. made the entire trip from Leslie on
Sloea Jaly 4 a flam fire haa bean rmpc-ctitilint mengaro national pro*|>ertheir wheels.
netnc In Bftonntalne aoath of Pmro Ity and Mi-wilug*. iMvaun- it put* the
The. .Misaat Alice and Evelyn Will
rieer\nd np to the preaent tim t^ Qoestion of )irncres*ion <w retrugrc«i
iams of Manlttoe are the guests of
to the amonnt of M e^nare mllaa elon. of
It ba* treuu-ndou* •‘tDuph lx'cauae ' ilrauBL Mru J.'Campbell of Lake
Itto bean tnmed'oeer. The fire wat
They were aeeompanled by
•tortad at the Colton Plata on tba It pledge* iHil tUiigs to U- done, but
tbelr father who ratamad to Manistee
Cana ttold road by a firacrackar aet the prenervatUiii from deca}’ and the
develoimient to tlx-lr inevltubli' tliilab yesterday.
off by a Utile g\rl
G. M Dame of Mortbpart was la the
of iLlriga already done. —New Tork
Tha Goaraatioabl method of "ehrU- rn?M.
elty yeatordv.
tonlnc” a new boat by breakloy a bot
La^dlccdThomas £. Sharp of the
tle of ebampacne orar the prow waa
Uke View Boose at Elk Baplds I* to
wnperaadad .at tha laanehlnf. of tha
toe city.
•taamee Coroall in Soalh Chlea«ro' by
LobU Webber left last night for Pca more plct«rato°*'
* newer
“Mr. .Wakcnian left bli curd to tto toskey to speod the aammar irlth bb
mnrtoa. Inalaad of dolar It In the old form of a big yeUow poaler. wbich be
aunt, Mru Patoraoa.
tony Uto Btta OnnnaU of Buffalo affixed to the wall of lUTuldlcao beadithal Thompson left yaatarWldln barhandaac^den oafa from quaneta," aay* ibe New York Mull
dny for Tbrah Uka on protam
arbieh aba llbaratod four d«m at tha and Expree*. “It Is of Intweat -a* be
baatoau■toameratartod down tba 1^. It I* ing the iint of the usacrtlve and trlF.
retarnad yeatorday
- mnutom borrowed from tha Japaaear, wnphant auiemento pf fact to wblds
from Backport, lad., wbara ba has
Md haa bean followed la aattinc afl:at the Bt^nbllrau party can appeal dur
C aavaral weeks looking
ing the coning nonlbs of preside
. «a the boala of Camariab Pituburf
battle aa the nananl of history for Ua
manta to Us botol to that
•toamabip do., to which tba OomeU right to project Into tbo fntore a conplace.
. Mtofi.
ttooance of Its record to the past Mr.
Eobe^Priee and wife have gone to
The foraat fira that ia dfatroyln( tba Wakeman'a table of statistic* Is
Detroit on a plaaanre trip.
iMfo la the oooatry north and aaat of forth with Tlrld typographical art
BUey Swaan will leave thb moraisg
“It ia entitled ‘t’nclc Sam'a lUisw
■Qllaca, Momtaaa. it oaaumlnc alarmlac proporUoat. Baaah
bnUdiaca Bhe«t‘ and it covera the years as to
hara bean burned and iomt atosk hat relative exports and Imports from 18S0
to 18K. It U classified In pertoda.
parlahad. Mounted
oowboya bare
bended reapactlvely: ‘Elemocrutk Ad
InanoantoutU erowt from BilUnfu ministration—Free Trade,’ ‘War of tha
Mfi a ayatomatie eSort U balaf made BebeUloo.’ 'Period of Bepnblicun Pro
mohaapitofira from apraadlag.
tection to Anertcnn Labor and Indts- Saturday araaing waa Cbarloa Ffaaaea
try.' ‘Democratic Admlnlstratloa. 1883
Vra. Taraaa M. Bolaa. a oolorad
to 1880.' and 'Protection and ITosperito 1880.' rt .acU forth graph%anrd of haalU to oonduet bnilnaaa na ty.
tog of Ktogalay. wa
knlly the Increaae to exports from
«n nndartohar In Cbmbrldffe. Mwa.
y bf Jaatloa Brown,
fiSyi-SltklOS to 1800 to $1.8Q3.813,2B>
Oar hnabABd la In kto anma buitnam to to 1888. together with other fignrea
maa haa been grantad
that prove the liurometer of prosperity
always to have been depressed dr
Wabh, both of Klngilay.
periods of OemomUc control and al
Lawb BaatUa and L«viaa Srackaa
ways to have rlaeb when the Republicparty has held the admlnlstratloiL
•nm mmmm-mwmwmwmn aa
night by Jnattea Brown.
Mr. Wakeman received many compli
Imstavantorntonrmtoc pre-nuptU- ments upon this Initial eontrtbatlos to
Tbatndae ooaacU sriU moot U
toaehaon wm r>*u W «ba MUwa the Uteratnre of the campalgn.“
•vanlag for tho olccMoa of offlean.
«nmh and JuUatto PmU to honor
«l Mtoa Uartrtoa HlRlu whoae
■m*«m «t WmIUu
The peo|>U- of the I'nlfed States are
•nnirlica U an avant of tha near future.
Tha rnaita wan Aambara of tha O. B. paying Sl.ono.ooo a day for tropical
productsused to American inanufacO. elub aaaoeiataa of tha honorad one.
torca or for food and drink. Most of Fife Uke Monitor.
OM baauUfuUy daeo
the articles can be produced In a more
B. Aagaatino Smith roadored a v
tatod to pink and -UM. Tha table or leas degree to (he islands which
hire recently come Into closer relation fine tenor wlo at the Congragatio
ana a eloator of ptol
ship with the fnlt«1 Stole*. Throe charcb Sunday morning.
•aaiaat aervad warn pink and white articles comprise sugar. coOpe. silk,
Tha Invinelble* dateotod a to 1
mWiathe nnme.eard*. heart thapad. mbber.'flbcrs. fruits and nuts, totiacco,
were tied with pink rtbbona Baah tea. cotton, gums, ctwua. sploos. tjee.
sard eontalaed an toaaripUon rapee.. cabinet aud dye woods.'llguoricv root.
l_Mttoctha particular fad of tbaltdy!
_ II lo de
tar whom It was totondrd. After the velop uiiJi-r .tmcrican administration the Sabin toam at that place Sasday,
InnehaoB there was a tto shower for we shall prooun- more of such artlclro theaeore beingc to 4. Tbe^ttery foi
•he brtda-to-be- Thb wat one of the from those .sourcy*. nn.1 In n-lurn for the Volantoaie was Lao Howard, Will
^ttleat social fancUoos of the season.
Benrys and Frank B. Smith.
In spite of the rain, nearly one hnnSecord Want Ada. Pay.
- A. few day* ago Mbs Jonas of De
axcanlon w Omens Snnday. la
troit. who is vUlUng the family of
... Tbv lUaho SIlBlita Treable*.
The uiujority rv|x>rt of tlu- luilltory
. rraok Hmltb. loata poekatbook conOermaiae of the Boys baafi. astUtod
tntolng pearly US. An advertbamenl affalik cuumiitiei.- Into tin- Cipur
the baud as tabs pbyer. At the
waa put to the Bkcord and tha pocket- d'Alene mlnUig troubles shows that
the governor of Idaho Is to K’ com- sort the band boys were entortalneJ
book and money have bean recovered.
mended for bis courage and fearlros- with a fine dianar at the Inn
Mra. George Boon was the finder and DCS*, that the conduct of the nill'-inry
lord Pnllrcy.
•ba dbeoverad the owner tbroagh Uia It a mutter of earnest eongretiilatlun
.Bneonn want dopartmanL Mias Joae« to the country and that the pn-iildcat
■ora New Booka.
- .'«M ttotarmUy pleased to raeover her wat jDstldi-d Id sending troop* to 8hoTha following new booka have been
lens and Mr*. Boon ^ equally glad to shone couiity in ri‘B|>ouac t»Hhe appUIdad to the Ladica' Ub.-ary
cation of the goremor. The military
find tba osraar.
sroagb a mbtaka have not baea
fonx-s under the command of General
Merriam were used strictly to aid of
Tbe-Alabaatar Box->-WBltar Baaant.
- Wa, tba andarUgnad. do berahy the civil 'autborltlro. and iioth rrcsl•grM to rafaafi the monay on a so- dent McKinley and the war depart
Unlaavaaad Brand-Bobart Grant.
•ant bottle of Ofoaaa'a Warrantod Sy ment exercised evety pfeoaetton to act
Debts of Bonor-Mnrem JokaL
rup of Tar if it falb toicara yoar eoogh aolely wlibto the constltottoo.
The World'e Man7'-MaxsreU Gray.
or sold. Wa also gnarantoa a ts cent
OardinaU Mnakaisar~M. Flnl^
bottio to proes aaUataetocy or money
ratandad 8. E. Waft, Bacbae A Jh»
It it were not tot the good times, tf it Ibylor.
. bntg. Jamae O. Jehnacm. F. C. ThempMy Lady and Allan Oarko
were pot for the Chicago tdatform. If It
were not for tbelr luist record. If It Donnally Gibaon,.
were not that McKlntov bat been edeb
Van ItaMiroeUf
_. ______ a promise keeper. If It were hot that
“Tba Marvatons enn of Mra. Bena J.
to arrange the American people know a good
thing when they have It and If It were Stoat of conanmptloa haa craatod Intanto
In Oammaok. Ud.,”
not for a few more Ifa it wonid be eafa
to bet money on Democratic encccna
thb fall.-Merrbburg Telegraph.
oopoandawbaa hsrdawkurin forktown aaid aha maataoim^ Tbanabe
t their “Orit
loaM^aad^w aab WHl go la
tbeChaHawotx TowMaatmt Today. prcTbaono oma fam pgafiMto la Tfav
Afwod trap abootiog toarBamcat
n you have a dwelling. atoA aieea,
and eoataat for tba Ghnrtovatx chalbarn, or any other property toaarabio.
kindly remember 1 wank to wtlu tka
laaga cap wQl taka plaea la Charlttnsnranee for yoa. and will gtvoyoa
vMx today, and a nambarof rnambon^
Wwnoi aad aaretal attantton. ^
of the Tiawae.Ct^ Bod and Gan Qab
f^ly the moat reliable ettek iaw^
trill attend and eaas|to^
b^ eompsnlea vapraaented.
Bate* eery low.
Aarlaroix onid Traveraa City,_ _ _ _ _ .. .
fl.b. of P.toA.7, K»> jorta »a
BeUnlra will be repreaintod.
Hiane ti.
Johnaon Bleek
If wive* hare any
. baabands;
be aorrows of-----loastnltt'Tea. Twfll
la the
Smu7 ^sk'^oar dniggbt.
r» Bctdli doart ua (blmis'i ButU
Spar VaraUh.
a asnsorn
A. Oraat DUeorery torOtaou.
Wurnsoa. Onr.. Jam. S4, 1»00.
Dr- C. D. Warner. Dear Sir:—I have
aaed voar Compoand of Seven Cares,
ihegremt cenoer cure and'blood porlfier. with rxcellent rewilto I do not
-rcomoend It for the parieb it b used. lu effeeb
are to a short tii •o manifret that It
_____t tall to gl I the greste
J*» Crt:«i
Wheat, old. per na......................
Wheat, per ba. (sew)..
Oats, Bo. 1. per ba. (new)........
Oom. per ba...............................
Petatoaa.nerbn.......... .................
Bye. per ba...............................
Fatter, per ft.............................
Bgga. par doten............................
F SEVEN CUBES, tbr Great Cancer
remedy, and fo- all d'.saasrs of the
and blood, from Contact aad Seeon
Hereredliary Caxew.
- -
■. ft M. E. B &■ Special Bates
Aecooat G. A. B. meoUng at Fkankfort and Arcadia. Mleb. Oae fare the
iDd trly
trly- SelHog daye to Frankfort.
July leib.>nd SOth. return limit July
ToAreadb Joly tsth and
rn limit July »7lh.l«».
H. W. Canntogbsm,
' Ess-ssafeiss
KdU^ DapXTba *'-----Om. Pablbhm. ti Dubm a
C rrCIt. ewiMropsTCTMlatr.
K tadlw H hnoc, Bm.
X sdwti7'« h«« tncai...
R c* ssd •!»»,» t rrMwitsslM.
1. »i»t» «pon». bMiiM tndr talues
e .iwBtul tr tw noarrr^ «tUu*.
Travewe OHy
WUl have tbelr office In tha hnrd• wsraatoreof W. J. Hobba bereaftor.
wbera aU tboae having bnstoMs with
tba firm can esU upon them. »M tf
Kotjeeto Barben.
The Miebtgau board^enmlmra of
New Discorery for Blood
John R. Santo.
Gtnral lisiragce.
Bow's Thb?
We offer one hundred doiisra reward
for any csss of eatarrb that cannot be
eared by Ball's Cktarrb cure.
F. J. Cbeoey A Co.. Toledo. O.
We. the uodetbl^ed. have known \
J. Cheney for the last it years, aod be
lieve him perfectly honorable to all
bustona uaosaciions aod flnaneblly
able to carry out may obligations made
by tbelr firm.
West A Truss. Wholesale DraggbM.
Toledo. O.
Walding. Kinnan A Marvin. WSolesale Drnggisu. Toledo. O.
Ball'e Caiarrh Cure le taken ii
nally, peting directly upon the blood
sad mneoss enrtoees of tbc eystom.
Teetlmonlale sent free. Price 7Sc
hotUr. Sold by all drnggbts
Ball'e Family Pilb are Ih- beet.
hrtriTraveitoWtyVMWhigamon July
ISto. 1900. for the parpooe of exsmlp- TaTWeg Maahftiaa
l*« all peraoa* who praamit theasaelyae
for aale by the W. W. Elmboll Oo.
tooehlng tbelr qaallfieottoas to receive
a eerticate to praetlca the profaailoa of Or.'W. J. SgglBA fiparaUn fioMitry
barber to tba auta of Mlehlgaa. as reaalrad bv Aet 111 FabUeAetsof 1S99
Cbarlrn Blegar, Secretary.
By order cf
Detroit. Mloh..
F. M. VanUoro. Pfesldaal,
“American” .
Clothes Cleaning and
Pressing Esiabllshimnt
enil KiMiidt & liiUui El.
xxaxm om.BX>
uneal aed depaRsr* oI trals* at trav.
t Ctirstattoc. IB eMet ibl, IM, INS.
ACShfi SSfiH’.’SfiS S8
J RasgS£SfiSA66S88
l£ 8
» 8 S geSSfi
TUspkoas Re. Ha.
HeolB. RssbeaesTtouno: Newia.
Sit Btota Street.
enm it tocierr.
was eomplatoly cared.“ It hga oarod
thoumndsof h^alasi eaaao. aad b poalUvely gnarantaad to eara aU throat,
cheat aito lung dbaaam Maaadtl-M.
Trial bottIcaiOeatA B. WMt and Jaa.
O. Johnaoab drag atora.
i M°K;K.'SK.77L.rS‘“ 'TK'?'
T rll»* peUila.
A tswC dDClHan sad Itewlm
Woodbine Cottage
, Pleasant Rooins. -Skadi liwa.'
»B axpariaacad aam^pir writer, bat
•haymmthaaa a la^emanila persoa
•sbo will sot ab«M tba privaagaa.
-OriUCaOrvdaattol Oh5“ au^ the
, carraapandent to aaa^ playi that
P-l-SSE'^ BSfrsw
11 »a. ■ trale has chair car ts Otaad
Baplds. 4 » a ■B.aralabasboRst wise car
^ Morrsrr. Amtiaets
^ SSSn^^a. r A T. A. (»raa« aaM4*
a A MCaaaT.Agsst.Trseevs* CUy.
aisier's Hscee furolsbUif atsre
ResUeses til Wssslsstss stMSt.. •
*1)4 ekllSm'e dlsssses • ■pesUlty. wi
bsars: lOtslt*. w.i I IS < aet
a*4 T M I p.
I ‘passe Ro. 1.
----- - r,si
-- .
WTT*srTXD-ThT*e l»rsl»B»d roowt. ISO bM
W eooB.*B4**iltlB«r»>« A4dtw-;oReeordcBec.
X.OAT9 Pon BALt — T*o plnuur*
Pere Marquette
oono noora.
X. FLOOD. OSes la m*w Taaacller
meat Roi
Bee. Ro H; resldeae*. Kb n.tMsrtaera pbsac
- as4 t«u4eaee, Ro. Tl.:
_ IB
WAXTXU — Al eosk le hsiel.
30TP-Vei*risary aaryecB. al
■ Sani. Tr^tiSlMSSM si al
aU bj Ibe lateai as4 woei ap•^^rsra^lkb.tall. pta-pifr
iS SSiiM
p*i>K SALt—A *00.1 •ecsodheod orsAB^^
X nST—l*«t ciebt. belnes Wl.-ilsr lioiel
J_j *od iheeirrueCTsUBde. pofkei
____ lefi L - ________
stable* irtU be prompUr
^boss.oBce IJl. tell
D^rrmrsed 10 Ibl. *are et (tsmalBe^jo*.
Ar Psto*
pi-BNls9XD-Ffoot rssmloreBi
TTf.STUNO VOfifi. MAK-Oao saroiaiper
XX moDiiisnd esp.s«n PersBBeoi i«*l- niAKOTt'XIXU-J.W. ClIRe.'ersreselOBsJ
pisas tueer. •rlu W4R- KlmtoU C«.. IS
IlSB. Ksprriesee anarees^srr- Wr»e .lOWb r
|2 «3
lori-snieLUr*. rurkiCo™ 4tb and Loevkl rroat etreel. Traeme Clljr, Mleb.
•i* . pttlU , P».
wl-Cw 2 B KVSKa. M. D.. ersdualv (roa tbe
Beat ol Ibe I'aleereltr of
U ARTXD -At Pere •Unsettr
rabfTMt??"Spselal silecUas (leva
and 41**aw* peesliar u>
f slreelsBdXloiweod ATSBU*. Tens* >1400. bAlIdswB. ywlasee ca*r tarm*. Addresi
tiara I. Bmith. HapIeisa.mB
CIBWIKO KAcaiKEs-CaUed (or. ekaaed
r» a. aattb.
AddrM* bos%. Cllj
Petal II
L« Tree*
Ar nitn,
L« KlkBi
M'TSA'.i'asv.sr s.f.tsiir-
TSyAKTED—A cood elrl (or (eaerAJ bouse- .
~ vork. Re ceabtav. 0«ad «*>'•. 4K .
TOARTBO-Day-i work or a«r«la( b, Cbrtct-
JX. Waatsd al tokerw* Bsasc, Xlk Basida
B«t o( VACes paid.
. »?lti
Parted AT ORci-ossd. *u«ay. **■
^ .rsssa^’:sr,^;.
Kelley, til Oiaisstvsct.
Feaeial Oiiwloi.
Basw* atdlO Bsiua.t’atsB
Rsnhers Pbsac Ko. IM. RcU Pbea* SK.
won nALK-a aoc* i»ek« (aim Bear city.
“Ineeda llesf
Whydoyoanottokalt? UyonsriU
«me to Ulnnd yon wlU find that
"UiiMdA BMt” Oottag*
RsnAAB'eaiorc. flader lean ai ible wnaa
^ 1 FUl moat the reqalramanta of a dt-------------- ^----------------------------------*£2£_ llghtfnl vaentlon. BaouUfnlly loeattd.
; rS^
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